<!-- Variables -->
<!-- Character Variables -->
<<set $character_firstName to "John">>
<<set $character_lastName to "Smith">>
<<set $character_maidName to "Jane">>
<<set $character_gender to "Male">>
<<set $paperdoll_zoom to false>>;
<<set $paperdoll_zoom_sheet to false>>;
<!-- Character data -->
<<set $character_stats to new Map()>>
<<set $character_facts to new Map()>>
<<set $character_inventory to new Map()>>
<<set $character_clothing to new Map()>>
<<set $character_appearance to new Map()>>
<<set $character_mods to new Map()>>
<<set $character_money to 500>>
<<set $character_effects to new Map()>>
<<set $character_initialAppearance to new Map()>>
<<set $location to "academy">>
<<set $pve to false>>
<<set $helmet to false>>
<<set $character_talents to new Map()>>
<<set $character_trees to new Array()>>
<!-- Item and inventory -->
<!-- NPC data -->
<<set $npc_stats to new Map()>>
<<set $npc_facts to new Map()>>
<!-- Gameplay -->
<<set $gameplay_flags to new Map()>>
<<set $gameplay_lastPlayablePassage to null>>
<<set $gameplay_interactions to new Array()>>
<!-- Gameplay Variables -->
<<set $ui_show_character to false>>
<<set $ui_show_toolbar to false>>
<!-- Game time -->
<<set $time_initialized to false>>
<<set $time_currentTime to null>>
<<set $time_currentPeriod to 0>>
<<set $time_days to 2>>
<!-- Quest System -->
<<set $quests_active to new Array()>>
<<set $quests_completed to new Array()>>
<!-- Temp area for bad students -->
<<set $tmp to new Map()>>
<<set $curiosity to new Array()>>
<!-- Wardrobe -->
<<set $wardrobe_outfits to new Map()>>
<!-- Music -->
<<cacheaudio "bgm_combatambient" "resources/audio/null.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "bgm_beachambient" "resources/audio/null.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "bgm_cityambient" "resources/audio/null.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "bgm_heleus" "resources/audio/null.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "bgm_home" "resources/audio/null.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "bgm_retrocommercial" "resources/audio/null.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "bgm_arcade" "resources/audio/null.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "bgm_sex1" "resources/audio/null.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "bgm_sex2" "resources/audio/null.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "bgm_sex3" "resources/audio/null.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "bgm_sex4" "resources/audio/null.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "bgm_sex5" "resources/audio/null.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "bgm_sex6" "resources/audio/null.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "bgm_eva1" "resources/audio/null.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "bgm_eva2" "resources/audio/null.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "bgm_eva3" "resources/audio/null.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "bgm_event_stress" "resources/audio/null.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "bgm_combat_active" "resources/audio/null.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "bgm_combat_idle" "resources/audio/null.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "bgm_combat1" "resources/audio/null.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "bgm_zone_brothel" "resources/audio/null.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "bgm_zone_cafe" "resources/audio/null.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "bgm_zone_beach" "resources/audio/null.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "bgm_dreamy" "resources/audio/null.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "bgm_rebel_idle" "resources/audio/null.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "bgm_father" "resources/audio/null.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "bgm_revelation" "resources/audio/null.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "bgm_christmas" "resources/audio/null.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "bgm_christmassex" "resources/audio/null.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "bgm_galaxy" "resources/audio/music/galaxy.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "bgm_lofi1" "resources/audio/null.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "bgm_combat_tutorial" "resources/audio/null.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "bgm_combat4" "resources/audio/null.mp3">>
<!-- Exploration -->
<<cacheaudio "bgme_digitalchaos" "resources/audio/music/exploration/digitalchaos.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "bgme_eupheme" "resources/audio/music/exploration/eupheme.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "bgme_lastodyssey" "resources/audio/music/exploration/lastodyssey.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "bgme_lucidityflux" "resources/audio/music/exploration/lucidityflux.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "bgme_nocturnalsoul" "resources/audio/music/exploration/nocturnalsoul.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "bgme_orthosie" "resources/audio/music/exploration/orthosie.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "bgme_thyone" "resources/audio/music/exploration/thyone.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "bgme_novembersnow" "resources/audio/music/exploration/novembersnow.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "bgme_synthwave4k" "resources/audio/music/exploration/synthwave4k.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "bgme_tulara" "resources/audio/music/uncharted/tulara.mp3">>
<<createaudiogroup ":bgm">>
<<track "bgm_heleus">>
<<track "bgm_sex1">>
<<track "bgm_sex2">>
<<track "bgm_sex3">>
<<track "bgm_sex4">>
<<track "bgm_home">>
<<track "bgm_retrocommercial">>
<<track "bgm_combat1">>
<<track "bgm_arcade">>
<<track "bgm_eva1">>
<<track "bgm_eva2">>
<<track "bgm_eva3">>
<<track "bgm_combat_active">>
<<track "bgm_combat_idle">>
<<track "bgm_event_stress">>
<<track "bgm_zone_brothel">>
<<track "bgm_dreamy">>
<<track "bgm_zone_cafe">>
<<track "bgme_digitalchaos">>
<<track "bgme_eupheme">>
<<track "bgme_lastodyssey">>
<<track "bgme_lucidityflux">>
<<track "bgme_nocturnalsoul">>
<<track "bgme_orthosie">>
<<track "bgme_thyone">>
<<track "bgme_novembersnow">>
<<track "bgme_synthwave4k">>
<<track "bgm_beachambient">>
<<track "bgm_combatambient">>
<<track "bgm_zone_beach">>
<<track "bgm_christmas">>
<<track "bgm_christmassex">>
<<track "bgm_rebel_idle">>
<<track "bgm_father">>
<<track "bgm_revelation">>
<<track "bgm_sex5">>
<<track "bgm_sex6">>
<<track "bgm_galaxy">>
<<track "bgm_lofi1">>
<<track "bgm_combat_tutorial">>
<<track "bgm_combat4">>
<<track "bgme_tulara">>
<<createaudiogroup ":amb">>
<<track "bgm_cityambient">>
<<createplaylist "playlist_exploration_soft">>
<<track "bgme_digitalchaos" >>
<<track "bgme_eupheme" >>
<<track "bgme_lastodyssey" >>
<<track "bgme_lucidityflux" >>
<<track "bgme_nocturnalsoul">>
<<track "bgme_orthosie" >>
<<track "bgme_thyone" >>
<<track "bgme_novembersnow" >>
<<track "bgme_synthwave4k" >>
<<createplaylist "playlist_exploration_tulara">>
<<track "bgme_tulara" >>
<<createplaylist "playlist_galaxy">>
<<track "bgm_galaxy">>
<<createaudiogroup ":bgmcombat">>
<<track "bgm_combat1">>
<<track "bgm_combat_tutorial">>
<<track "bgm_combat4">>
<!-- UI sound effects -->
<<cacheaudio "button_click" "resources/audio/null.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "button_hover" "resources/audio/null.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "quest_complete" "resources/audio/null.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "quest_start" "resources/audio/null.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "levelup" "resources/audio/null.mp3">>
<!-- SFX -->
<<cacheaudio "sfx_alarm" "resources/audio/null.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "sfx_glitch" "resources/audio/null.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "sfx_protest" "resources/audio/null.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "sfx_explosion" "resources/audio/null.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "sfx_combat_alarm" "resources/audio/null.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "sfx_game_select" "resources/audio/null.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "sfx_game_cancel" "resources/audio/null.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "sfx_game_success" "resources/audio/null.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "sfx_game_error" "resources/audio/null.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "sfx_game_water1" "resources/audio/null.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "sfx_game_water2" "resources/audio/null.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "sfx_game_water3" "resources/audio/null.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "sfx_game_water4" "resources/audio/null.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "sfx_drone_death" "resources/audio/null.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "sfx_ice1" "resources/audio/null.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "sfx_ice2" "resources/audio/null.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "sfx_ice3" "resources/audio/null.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "sfx_ice_break" "resources/audio/null.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "sfx_fire1" "resources/audio/null.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "sfx_fire2" "resources/audio/null.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "sfx_unlock_door" "resources/audio/null.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "sfx_kick_door" "resources/audio/null.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "sfx_passive_heal" "resources/audio/null.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "sfx_absorb1" "resources/audio/null.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "sfx_absorb2" "resources/audio/null.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "sfx_absorb3" "resources/audio/null.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "sfx_takeoff" "resources/audio/null.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "sfx_hyperspace" "resources/audio/null.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "sfx_atlas_male_death1" "resources/audio/null.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "sfx_atlas_male_death2" "resources/audio/null.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "sfx_atlas_male_death3" "resources/audio/null.mp3">>
<!-- SFX -->
<<cacheaudio "ability_fire_weapon" "resources/audio/null.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "ability_fire_weapon_energy" "resources/audio/null.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "ability_fire_shotgun" "resources/audio/null.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "ability_piercing_shot" "resources/audio/null.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "ability_grenade_toss" "resources/audio/null.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "ability_lust_tendril" "resources/audio/null.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "ability_lust_blast" "resources/audio/null.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "ability_claw" "resources/audio/null.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "ability_lust_embrace" "resources/audio/null.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "ability_tentacle_smash" "resources/audio/null.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "ability_corrosive_spit" "resources/audio/null.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "ability_assist" "resources/audio/null.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "ability_fire_pistol" "resources/audio/null.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "ability_lina_fire" "resources/audio/null.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "ability_lina_tactical" "resources/audio/null.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "ability_lust_spit" "resources/audio/null.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "ability_cryo_grenade" "resources/audio/null.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "ability_incendiary_grenade" "resources/audio/null.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "ability_concussive_strike" "resources/audio/null.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "ability_ship_gun" "resources/audio/null.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "ability_ship_missile" "resources/audio/null.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "ability_ship_corvette_gun" "resources/audio/null.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "ability_ship_corvette_missile" "resources/audio/null.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "ability_mannequin_laser" "resources/audio/null.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "ability_zara_fire" "resources/audio/null.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "ability_zara_blast" "resources/audio/null.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "ability_ann_fire" "resources/audio/null.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "ability_ann_grenade" "resources/audio/null.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "ability_micro_missiles" "resources/audio/null.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "ability_fortress_stance" "resources/audio/null.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "ability_energy_surge" "resources/audio/null.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "ability_kill_command" "resources/audio/null.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "ability_weapon_phys1" "resources/audio/null.mp3">><<script>>
<<timed 0.01s>>
<</timed>>- <b>You</b> for playing!
- The <b>Twine</b> developers.
- <b>Thomas Michael Edwards</b> for the SugarCube story format and Tweego.
- <b>Rescopic Sound</b> for sound effects.
- <b>Noam Guterman</b> for sound effects.
- <b>Dmitrii Kolesnikov</b> for music tracks.<<nobr>>
<<timed 0.025s>>
<<set _location to starGame.locations.getCurrentLocation()>>
/% Native sugarcube menu replacement %/
<div class="card solid">
<div class="row">
<div class="card-body p-0">
<div class="row d-flex">
<<slink "" "" "p-2 flex-fill btn-technical btn-toolkit ti ti-zoom-in-area" "" "Paperdoll Zoom">>
<<slink "" "" "p-2 flex-fill btn-technical btn-toolkit ti ti-device-floppy" "" "Save">>
<<ui saves>>
<<slink "" "" "p-2 flex-fill btn-technical btn-toolkit ti ti-settings" "" "Settings">>
<<ui settings>>
<<slink "" "" "p-2 flex-fill btn-technical btn-toolkit ti ti-power" "" "Restart">>
<<ui restart>>
<<if $ui_show_character is true and $character_avatar is not null and starGame.combat.inCombat() is not true>>
<div class="center">
<<if $time_initialized is true>>
<div class="card solid">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-12">
<div @class="'time-' + starGame.time.getCurrentPeriodText()"></div>
<div class="card-body py-1">
<h5 class="card-title" style="text-transform: capitalize;"><<print starGame.time.getCurrentPeriodText()>>, Day $time_days</h5>
<h6 class="card-subtitle"><<print starGame.time.getTimeString()>></h6>
<div class="card solid">
<div class="row">
<div class="card-body py-1">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-4 right">Credits:</div>
<div class="col-8 right"><span class="ti ti-currency-ethereum"></span> $character_money</div>
<<if starGame.player.getFact('combat_enabled') is true>>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-4 right">Health:</div>
<div id="sidebar-health-value" class="col-8 right">
<<print starGame.player.getPlayerDisplayHealth()>>
<<if starGame.player.getCurrentArmorPercent() is not undefined>>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-4 right">Armor:</div>
<div id="sidebar-armor-value" class="col-8 right">
<<print starGame.player.getPlayerDisplayArmor()>>
<<if starGame.combat.inCombat() is false and starGame.squad.getSquadMembers().length > 0>>
<div class="row" style="align-items: center;">
<div class="col-4 right">Squad:</div>
<div class="col-8 right">
<<if State.variables.character_effects.size > 0>>
<div class="card solid">
<div class="row">
<div class="card-body p-0">
<<if $ui_show_toolbar>>
<div class="card solid">
<div class="row">
<div class="card-body p-0">
<div class="row d-flex">
<<if starGame.combat.inCombat() is true>>
<<slink "" "" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit ti ti-backpack disabled" "" "Inventory">>
<<snotify "info">>You can't do this while in combat.<</snotify>>
<<slink "" "" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit ti ti-user disabled" "" "Status">>
<<snotify "info">>You can't do this while in combat.<</snotify>>
<<slink "" "" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit ti ti-notebook disabled" "" "Codex">>
<<snotify "info">>You can't do this while in combat.<</snotify>>
<<slink "" "" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit ti ti-exclamation-circle disabled" "" "Quests">>
<<snotify "info">>You can't do this while in combat.<</snotify>>
<<slink "" "" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit ti ti-users-group disabled" "" "Squad">>
<<snotify "info">>You can't do this while in combat.<</snotify>>
<<slink "" "Toolkit_Inventory" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit ti ti-backpack" "" "Inventory">><</slink>>
<<slink "" "Toolkit_Character" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit ti ti-user" "" "Status">><</slink>>
<<slink "" "Toolkit_Codex" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit ti ti-notebook" "" "Codex">><</slink>>
<<slink "" "Toolkit_Quests" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit ti ti-exclamation-circle" "" "Quests">><</slink>>
<<if starGame.player.getFact('squad_enabled') is true>>
<<slink "" "Toolkit_Squad" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit ti ti-users-group" "" "Squad">><</slink>>
<div class="card solid">
<div class="row">
<div class="card-body p-0">
<div class="row d-flex">
<<if starGame.utils.currentSceneHasTag('fast')>>
<<slink "" "Toolkit_FastTravel" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit ti ti-run good mg-blocked" "" "Fast Travel">><</slink>>
<<if starGame.time.getCurrentPeriod() is 4>>
<<if starGame.player.getFact('eos_enabled') is true and starGame.player.isOnShip() is true>>
<<slink "" "" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit ti ti-clock good mg-blocked" "" "Skip Time">>
<<startplaylist "playlist_exploration_soft">>
<<include "Eos_Sleep">>
<<slink "" "" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit ti ti-clock good mg-blocked" "" "Skip Time">>
<<startplaylist "playlist_exploration_soft">>
<<include "Apartment_Sleep">>
<<slink "" $gameplay_lastPlayablePassage "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit ti ti-clock good mg-blocked" "" "Skip time">>
<<slink "" "" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit ti ti-run disabled mg-blocked" "" "You cannot fast travel from this location">><</slink>>
<<slink "" "" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit ti ti-clock disabled mg-blocked" "" "You cannot skip time from this location">><</slink>>
/% Sidebar paperdoll %/
<div class="card solid paperdoll-sidebar">
<div class="col-12">
<<if starGame.player.isExotic() is true>>
<<if $paperdoll_zoom is true>>
<div id="character-sidebar" @class="'paperdoll-zoom paperdoll-zoom-' + starGame.paperdoll.getCurrentExoticBodyType()">
<div id="character-sidebar">
<<if $paperdoll_zoom is true>>
<div id="character-sidebar" @class="'paperdoll-' + starGame.paperdoll.getCurrentBodyType() + ' paperdoll-zoom paperdoll-zoom-' + starGame.paperdoll.getCurrentBodyType()">
<div id="character-sidebar" @class="'paperdoll-' + starGame.paperdoll.getCurrentBodyType()">
/% End sidebar paperdoll %/
/% Combat specific content %/
<<if starGame.combat.inCombat() is true>>
<div class="card solid">
<div class="row">
<div class="card-body py-1">
<<if starGame.combat.inSpaceCombat() is true>>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-4 right">Hull:</div>
<div id="sidebar-hull-value" class="col-8 right">
<<print starGame.player.getShipDisplayHull()>>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-4 right">Shield:</div>
<div id="sidebar-shield-value" class="col-8 right">
<<print starGame.player.getShipDisplayShield()>>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-4 right">Health:</div>
<div id="sidebar-health-value" class="col-8 right">
<<print starGame.player.getPlayerDisplayHealth()>>
<<if starGame.player.getCurrentArmorPercent() is not undefined>>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-4 right">Armor:</div>
<div id="sidebar-armor-value" class="col-8 right">
<<print starGame.player.getPlayerDisplayArmor()>>
<<if starGame.squad.getSquadMembers().length > 0>>
/% Show squad window %/
<div class="card solid">
<div class="row">
<div class="card-body p-0 center">
<div id="combat-squad-list-container"></div>
<<if settings.debug is true>><<sbutton "Debug Menu" "Debug_Menu">><</sbutton>><</if>>
<</nobr>>\<<scard "Warning" "card-header-big">>This is a work of fiction with adult themes. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales, and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.
This game is meant to be erotic and satirical in nature. Do not build your personal views on sex, relationships, sexual orientation, gender identity, or race relations from an adult game.
All characters within this game are at least eighteen years old. All scenes of adult nature take place between consenting individuals.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "I understand and I am at least 18 years old." "Start_MainMenu" "btn btn-success" "">><</slink>>
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<div class="center">
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<path d="M 910.001 64.9 L 910.001 31.1 Q 910.001 27.8 911.651 25.05 Q 913.301 22.3 916.051 20.65 Q 918.801 19 922.101 19 L 956.901 19 A 12.039 12.039 0 0 1 961.407 19.834 A 11.428 11.428 0 0 1 963.051 20.65 Q 965.801 22.3 967.451 25.05 Q 969.101 27.8 969.101 31.1 L 969.101 52.1 L 918.201 52.1 L 918.201 64.9 A 3.747 3.747 0 0 0 919.315 67.614 A 4.641 4.641 0 0 0 919.351 67.65 A 3.848 3.848 0 0 0 920.87 68.608 A 3.889 3.889 0 0 0 922.101 68.8 L 969.101 68.8 L 969.101 77 L 922.101 77 Q 918.801 77 916.051 75.35 Q 913.301 73.7 911.651 70.95 Q 910.001 68.2 910.001 64.9 Z M 918.201 31.1 L 918.201 43.9 L 960.801 43.9 L 960.801 31.1 A 3.747 3.747 0 0 0 959.686 28.386 A 4.641 4.641 0 0 0 959.651 28.35 A 3.848 3.848 0 0 0 958.132 27.392 A 3.889 3.889 0 0 0 956.901 27.2 L 922.101 27.2 A 3.747 3.747 0 0 0 919.387 28.314 A 4.641 4.641 0 0 0 919.351 28.35 A 3.848 3.848 0 0 0 918.392 29.869 A 3.889 3.889 0 0 0 918.201 31.1 Z" id="14" vector-effect="non-scaling-stroke"/>
<path d="M 987.801 77 L 979.501 77 L 979.501 19 L 1056.101 19 A 12.039 12.039 0 0 1 1060.607 19.834 A 11.428 11.428 0 0 1 1062.251 20.65 Q 1065.001 22.3 1066.601 25.05 Q 1068.201 27.8 1068.201 31.1 L 1068.201 77 L 1060.101 77 L 1060.101 31.1 A 3.661 3.661 0 0 0 1058.975 28.422 A 4.71 4.71 0 0 0 1058.901 28.35 Q 1057.701 27.2 1056.101 27.2 L 1032.001 27.2 A 3.747 3.747 0 0 0 1029.287 28.314 A 4.641 4.641 0 0 0 1029.251 28.35 A 3.848 3.848 0 0 0 1028.292 29.869 A 3.889 3.889 0 0 0 1028.101 31.1 L 1028.101 77 L 1019.801 77 L 1019.801 31.1 A 3.747 3.747 0 0 0 1018.686 28.386 A 4.641 4.641 0 0 0 1018.651 28.35 A 3.848 3.848 0 0 0 1017.132 27.392 A 3.889 3.889 0 0 0 1015.901 27.2 L 991.701 27.2 A 3.747 3.747 0 0 0 988.987 28.314 A 4.641 4.641 0 0 0 988.951 28.35 A 3.848 3.848 0 0 0 987.992 29.869 A 3.889 3.889 0 0 0 987.801 31.1 L 987.801 77 Z" id="15" vector-effect="non-scaling-stroke"/>
<path d="M 1123.001 100 L 1086.801 100 L 1086.801 91.7 L 1123.001 91.7 A 3.747 3.747 0 0 0 1125.715 90.586 A 4.641 4.641 0 0 0 1125.751 90.55 A 3.848 3.848 0 0 0 1126.709 89.031 A 3.889 3.889 0 0 0 1126.901 87.8 L 1126.901 77 L 1088.201 77 Q 1084.901 77 1082.151 75.35 Q 1079.401 73.7 1077.751 70.95 Q 1076.101 68.2 1076.101 64.9 L 1076.101 19.2 L 1084.301 19.2 L 1084.301 64.9 A 3.747 3.747 0 0 0 1085.415 67.614 A 4.641 4.641 0 0 0 1085.451 67.65 A 3.848 3.848 0 0 0 1086.97 68.608 A 3.889 3.889 0 0 0 1088.201 68.8 L 1123.001 68.8 A 3.747 3.747 0 0 0 1125.715 67.686 A 4.641 4.641 0 0 0 1125.751 67.65 A 3.848 3.848 0 0 0 1126.709 66.131 A 3.889 3.889 0 0 0 1126.901 64.9 L 1126.901 19.2 L 1135.101 19.2 L 1135.101 87.8 A 12.427 12.427 0 0 1 1134.362 92.122 A 11.564 11.564 0 0 1 1133.501 93.95 Q 1131.901 96.7 1129.151 98.35 A 11.672 11.672 0 0 1 1123.239 99.998 A 13.871 13.871 0 0 1 1123.001 100 Z" id="16" vector-effect="non-scaling-stroke"/>
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<strong>Starwatch Academy</strong> by <strong>Jaded Dreams</strong>
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<strong>Starwatch Academy</strong> by <strong>Jaded Dreams</strong>
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<strong>Starwatch Academy</strong> by <strong>Jaded Dreams</strong>
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<div class="mainmenu_version"><span>v0.3.11</span></div>\
<<timed 0.01s>>
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<<include Toolkit_Menu_Header>>
<div class="menu-container">
<div class="col-12">
<div class="col">
<div class="card solid">
<div class="row no-gutters csheet-preview-card">
<div class="col-3" style="background-image: url('resources/img/characters/main/ann/ann_avatar.webp'); background-size: cover; background-position: center center;"></div>
<div class="col-9">
<div class="card-body">
<h5 class="card-title">Lieutenant Ann</h5>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-3"><strong>Id:</strong></div>
<div class="col-9">3346411433</div>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-3"><strong>Affinity:</strong></div>
<div class="col-9"><<npcStatus "ann_affinity" "ann_love">></div>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-3"><strong>Social status:</strong></div>
<div class="col-9">Alliance Military</div>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-3"><strong>Social rank:</strong></div>
<div class="col-9">500</div>
<p class="card-text mt-3">Lieutenant Ann is an aide of your fathers, and a seemingly warm and bubbly person.</p>
<div class="col">
<div class="card solid">
<div class="card-header"><h5 class="card-title">Attributes</h5></div>
<div class="card-body">
<h4 class="headline2">Relationship</h4>
<p>Defines the strength of your romantic relationship with this love interest, influencing its progression and narrative outcomes.</p>
<<snpcstat "ann_relationship" 100 "stat-relationship">>
<div class="col">
<div class="card solid">
<div class="card-header"><h5 class="card-title">Notebook</h5></div>
<div class="card-body">
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact("orientation_d6_morning_debriefing_complete") is true>>
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact("orientation_d6_morning_drill_metann") is true>>
I met Ann, my father's personal aide, at the debriefing after the drill.
I first spoke with Ann when I wanted to leave a message to my father. Seeing her in the flesh was something else.
She reviewed my choices during the drill and revealed my father cut me off the family privileges during my time at the academy as some sort of life experience. Surprisingly, my father also reassigned her as my personal aide. Can't say I saw that coming.
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('ann_stage1_call') is true>>
<p>She invited me on a "date" where she made it a point to tell me to enjoy my college life and a romance. I wonder if it's just playful banter, or if she regrets her own missed opportunities.</p>
<<if starGame.player.getFact('campaign_act1_livefire_completed') is true>>
<p>Today I've learned that one of the rebels' current objective is to kill or capture me. Ann has barred me from participating in live exercices, instead she's going to send me on a mysterious mission. I don't know how to feel about this.</p>
<<include Toolkit_Menu_Header>>
<div class="menu-container">
<div class="col-12">
<div class="col">
<div class="card solid">
<div class="row no-gutters csheet-preview-card">
<div class="col-3" style="background-image: url('resources/img/characters/main/curie/curie_avatar.webp'); background-size: cover; background-position: center center;"></div>
<div class="col-9">
<div class="card-body">
<h5 class="card-title">Curie</h5>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-3"><strong>Id:</strong></div>
<div class="col-9">4815162342</div>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-3"><strong>Affinity:</strong></div>
<div class="col-9"><<npcStatus "curie_affinity" "curie_love">></div>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-3"><strong>Social status:</strong></div>
<div class="col-9">Commoner</div>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-3"><strong>Social rank:</strong></div>
<div class="col-9">681</div>
<p class="card-text mt-3">Curie is a member of the Starwatch Academy's student council and the first person you've met here.</p>
<div class="col">
<div class="card solid">
<div class="card-header"><h5 class="card-title">Attributes</h5></div>
<div class="card-body">
<h4 class="headline2">Relationship</h4>
<p>Defines the strength of your romantic relationship with this love interest, influencing its progression and narrative outcomes.</p>
<<snpcstat "curie_relationship" 100 "stat-relationship">>
<h4 class="headline2">Submission</h4>
<p>Submission will make Curie more prone to obeying you without second thoughts.</p>
<<snpcstat "curie_submission" 100 >>
<h4 class="headline2">Domination</h4>
<p>Domination will make Curie more prone to taking control of the relationship and bend you to her will.</p>
<<snpcstat "curie_domination" 100 >>
<div class="col">
<div class="card solid">
<div class="card-header"><h5 class="card-title">Notebook</h5></div>
<div class="card-body">
<p>Curie is the first person I've met here.</p>
/% Shake hands with curie or not. %/
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact("curie_intro_shakehands") is true>>
She seemed pretty nice and I learned there are some rumors about me. Once we were done with the registration process, I felt her hand reaching for my <<if starGame.player.getFact('femalestart') is true>>pussy<<else>>dick<</if>>.
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact("curie_intro_sex") is true>>
She was really pretty and there was no way I wasn't going to make her pussy mine, which turned out to be a good call as we spent the night together and it was some of the best sex I ever had.
<<elseif starGame.npcs.getFact("curie_intro_sex") is false and not undefined>>
I can't deny she is quite pretty but I have a reputation to uphold here and fucking the first girl I come across didn't seem like a good idea at the time. I don't think she took it well but I don't believe she'll have any hard feelings about it.
<<elseif starGame.npcs.getFact("curie_intro_shakehands") is false and not undefined>>
This skank really thought she could befriend me like I was one her friends from the slums. I could tell she's not used to being snubbed around here, hopefully it reminded her of who's in charge here.
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact("orientation_d3_evening_curiescene_accept") is true>>
Curie showed up on my doorstep two days later with a pretty revealing outfit and offered me to try a temporary mod. I accepted and it turned me into a hot chick with a dick. <<if starGame.player.getFact('femalestart') is true>>Having a dick wasn't anywhere on my bingo card, but it proved to be an interesting feeling.<<else>>Truth be told, I was quite happy to see junior was still a part of me considering the extent of the changes.<</if>> We fucked like rabbits afterwards.
<<elseif starGame.npcs.getFact("orientation_d3_evening_curiescene_accept") is not undefined>>
Curie showed up on my doorstep two days later with a pretty revealing outfit and offered me to try a temporary mod. I don't think I'm ready to try these kind of things yet, the last thing I want is to risk my reputation only a couple days in. I don't think she was too happy about it, but we still watched a movie together before the left.
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<div class="col-3" style="background-image: url('resources/img/characters/main/diane/diane_avatar.webp'); background-size: cover; background-position: center center;"></div>
<div class="col-9">
<div class="card-body">
<h5 class="card-title">Diane</h5>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-3"><strong>Id:</strong></div>
<div class="col-9">7412313752</div>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-3"><strong>Affinity:</strong></div>
<div class="col-9"><<npcStatus "diane_affinity" "diane_love">></div>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-3"><strong>Social status:</strong></div>
<div class="col-9">Commoner</div>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-3"><strong>Social rank:</strong></div>
<div class="col-9">511</div>
<p class="card-text mt-3">Diane is a student at the Academy with a fierce passion for sports.</p>
<div class="col">
<div class="card solid">
<div class="card-header"><h5 class="card-title">Attributes</h5></div>
<div class="card-body">
<h4 class="headline2">Relationship</h4>
<p>Defines the strength of your romantic relationship with this love interest, influencing its progression and narrative outcomes.</p>
<<snpcstat "diane_relationship" 100 "stat-relationship">>
<div class="col">
<div class="card solid">
<div class="card-header"><h5 class="card-title">Notebook</h5></div>
<div class="card-body">
/% Met diane in the intro %/
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact("diane_intro_sex") is not undefined>>
I've met Diane in an elevator shortly after my arrival. She straight up offered me to have sex with her
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact("diane_intro_sex") is true>>
and there was no way I wasn't going to make her pussy mine. It turned out to be a good call as she modded herself with extra clits and it was some of the wildest sex I ever had.
<<elseif starGame.npcs.getFact("diane_intro_sex") is false and not undefined>>
but something was off about her. I reminded her of her place. I don't think she took it very well.
/% Day 4 Gym %/
<<if starGame.player.getFact("orientation_d4_morning_gym") is true>>
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact("diane_intro_sex") is true>>
/% Player met Diane on d1 and had sex with her - No transformation possible %/
I met her again three days later at the Gym before class.
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('orientation_d4_morning_gym_dianesex') is true>>
After sharing a bag for training, we had some serious sex in the staff room with another instructor watching us.
The gym was too busy for my taste, so I didn't stick around for long.
<<elseif starGame.npcs.getFact("diane_intro_sex") is false>>
/% Player met diane on d1 but turned her down - No transformation possible %/
I met her again three days later at the Gym before class.
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('orientation_d4_morning_gym_sharebag') is true>>
The gym was quite busy, so we had to share a bag. Seems like she appreciated it.
The gym was too busy for my taste, so I didn't stick around for long.
/% Player has never interacted with her before %/
I've met Diane at the Gym before class on the fourth day of orientation week.
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('orientation_d3_evening_curiescene_accept') is true>>
I was under the effects of Curie's mod and she caught on pretty quickly.
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('orientation_d4_morning_gym_dianesex') is true>>
After sharing a bag for training, we had some serious sex in the staff room with another instructor watching us.
The gym was too busy for my taste, so I didn't stick around for long.
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('orientation_d4_morning_gym_sharebag') is true>>
The gym was quite busy, so we had to share a bag. Seems like she appreciated it.
The gym was too busy for my taste, so I didn't stick around for long.
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact("orientation_d4_evening_date") is "diane">>
Maki invited me to participate to a blind date. Turns out my blind date was Diane. She said she's interested but isn't into serious relationships. <<if starGame.npcs.getFact("orientation_d4_evening_date_diane_sex") is true>>Sex on speed dial sounds good to me and it led to a night of wild sex with her.<<else>>Although the idea was interesting, it didn't seem like a good move at the time.<</if>>
<<elseif starGame.npcs.getFact("orientation_d4_evening_date") is "dianerejected">>
Maki invited me to participate to a blind date. Even when I knew it was Diane, I still went. It went about as well as I expected it to, but at least I didn't get slapped.
/% Met Diane during the drill %/
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact("orientation_d6_morning_drill_metdiane") is true and starGame.npcs.getFact("orientation_d6_morning_drill_complete") is true>>
I've met Diane in the bunker during the drill.
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact("diane_stage1_call_accept") is not undefined>>
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact("diane_stage1_call_accept") is true>>
<p>Diane texted me early in the morning to offer to hang out later in the evening. It felt more like a date but it was really enjoyable. She confessed later she's willing to give a try to a proper relationship, which I honestly didn't see coming. I have some time to think about what that might imply, but I will have to give her an answer soon.</p>
<p>Diane texted me early in the morning to offer to hang out later in the evening. I wasn't really feeling up to it, so I made an excuse to skip it for now. It's not like we have a serious relationship anyway.</p>
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('diane_ncmend') is true>>
<p>One night at the nightclub, Diane offered to fix our relationship.
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('diane_mend_accept') is true>>
It's true I was a bit of an asshole that day, and perhaps she can actually be a good friend. Let's see where it leads.
My opinion hasn't changed much. I don't want to have anything to do with her.
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('diane_nc_relationship') is not undefined>>
<p>Diane joined me as usual at the nightclub, except this time she offered to take things one step further with an open relationship.
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('diane_nc_relationship') is true>>
I'm intrigued to see where this will lead us.
I'm not really interested in the same way for a variety of reasons. I think we can be good friends and perhaps we should keep it that way and enjoy what we have.
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<div class="col-3" style="background-image: url('resources/img/characters/main/edward/edward_avatar.webp'); background-size: cover; background-position: center center;"></div>
<div class="col-9">
<div class="card-body">
<h5 class="card-title">Edward Richten</h5>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-3"><strong>Id:</strong></div>
<div class="col-9">1818379863</div>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-3"><strong>Affinity:</strong></div>
<div class="col-9"><<npcStatus "edward_affinity" "edward_love">></div>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-3"><strong>Social status:</strong></div>
<div class="col-9">Noble</div>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-3"><strong>Social rank:</strong></div>
<div class="col-9">298</div>
<p class="card-text mt-3">Edward Richten is a student at Starwatch Academy who seems to be the voice of the first year nobles.</p>
<div class="col">
<div class="card solid">
<div class="card-header"><h5 class="card-title">Attributes</h5></div>
<div class="card-body">
<div class="center"><div><i class="ti ti-lock"></i></div>You have not yet unlocked attributes.</div>
<div class="col">
<div class="card solid">
<div class="card-header"><h5 class="card-title">Notebook</h5></div>
<div class="card-body">
/% Met edward and valerie in orientation by choosing to walk with nobles %/
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact("orientation_edwardandvalerie_met") is true>>
I've met Edward and Valerie in orientation when I joined the nobles for the walk.
<<if starGame.player.getFact("club") is "physical">>
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact("orientation_edwardandvalerie_met")>>
/% Met Jaime on Day 2 %/
I met him again two days later when I chose to join the physical club. We've been made rival captains.
I've met Edward on the fourth day of orientation when I chose to join the physical club. We've been made rival captains.
/% Met during the drill %/
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact("orientation_d6_morning_drill_complete") is true>>
/% Met him for the first time %/
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact("orientation_d6_morning_drill_metedward") is true>>
I've met Edward during the drill as he was fighting with Thomas.
I came across Thomas and Edward fighting during the drill.
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact("orientation_d6_morning_drill_side") is "thomas">>
I decided to side with Thomas. Edward didn't appreciate it at all.
I decided to side with Edward.
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('edward_ncmend') is true>>
<p>One night at the nightclub, Edward offered a chance to make "amends" by drinking a cocktail laced with an unknown mod.
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('edward_mend_accept') is true>>
The things I have to do for politics...
Considering everything that happened lately with the tainted mods, I'm not taking any chances.
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<div class="col-3" style="background-image: url('resources/img/characters/main/eva/eva_avatar.webp'); background-size: cover; background-position: center center;"></div>
<div class="col-9">
<div class="card-body">
<h5 class="card-title">Eva</h5>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-3"><strong>Id:</strong></div>
<div class="col-9">0000000001</div>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-3"><strong>Affinity:</strong></div>
<div class="col-9"><<npcStatus "eva_affinity" "eva_love">></div>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-3"><strong>Social status:</strong></div>
<div class="col-9">Alliance Military</div>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-3"><strong>Social rank:</strong></div>
<div class="col-9">0</div>
<p class="card-text mt-3">Eva (Enhanced Virtual Assistant) is the custom built AI that helps oversee Starwatch Academy. In addition to an oversight role, she is also freely accessible for information from most buildings in the campus.</p>
<div class="col">
<div class="card solid">
<div class="card-header"><h5 class="card-title">Attributes</h5></div>
<div class="card-body">
<h4 class="headline2">Relationship</h4>
<p>Defines the strength of your romantic relationship with this love interest, influencing its progression and narrative outcomes.</p>
<<snpcstat "eva_relationship" 100 "stat-relationship">>
<div class="col">
<div class="card solid">
<div class="card-header"><h5 class="card-title">Notebook</h5></div>
<div class="card-body">
/% Met Eva after turning down sex with Curie or Diane in the intro %/
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact("eva_intro_greet") is not undefined>>
Eva greeted me when I entered my apartment.
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact("eva_intro_greet") is true>>
It seems to be quite free compared to standard Alliance AIs and very good at simulating emotions. Perhaps I should try to learn more about this AI.
<<elseif starGame.npcs.getFact("eva_intro_greet") is false and not undefined>>
I can't say I like being spied on in my room.
/% Was caught with either Diane or Curie %/
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact("diane_intro_sex") is true>>
I met Eva after my night of wild sex with Diane. I have a feeling the AI knows what went down judging by its hint, which is unusual. Perhaps I should try to learn more about this AI.
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact("curie_intro_sex") is true>>
I met Eva as I was having sex with Curie in my apartment. Yeah, that happened. It seems the AI knew exactly what was going down and switched to private mode of its own volition. Perhaps I should try to learn more about this AI.
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact("orientation_d4_archives_leisure_eva_sex") is true>>
I went back to the archives on the fourth day of orientation week and decided to watch an adult VR scene. Eva offered me to have sex with her within the VR scene and I accepted. She seemed to be troubled once it was over. I don't know what to make of this.
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact("orientation_d4_evening_eva_sleep") is true>>
I wanted to train in the evening of the fourth day of orientation and Eva interrupted the session. It appears she was jealous of the time I spent with other girls and wanted us to spend time together. This is abnormal behavior for an AI and I'm not sure what this will lead to.
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('eva_stage1_beach_visit') is true>>
Eva invited me to join her in a simulation of her own design. I'm not sure what I was expecting, but a paradisiac beach was definitely not what I expected. Though, I won't complain about the view.
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('eva_stage2_beach_visit') is true>>
I went back to the simulation some time later and I caught her adding an entire beach house to the simulation.
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('eva_simulation_bedroom_event1') is true>>
Later on, we had sex and she revealed her true identity and sentience.
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('eva_locked') is true>>
I chose to warn my father about her sentience.
It must have been very difficult for her to confess her past. I'll roll with it for now and see where it leads.
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<div class="col-3" style="background-image: url('resources/img/characters/main/jaime/jaime_avatar.webp'); background-size: cover; background-position: center center;"></div>
<div class="col-9">
<div class="card-body">
<h5 class="card-title">Jaime</h5>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-3"><strong>Id:</strong></div>
<div class="col-9">2055382594</div>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-3"><strong>Affinity:</strong></div>
<div class="col-9"><<npcStatus "jaime_affinity" "jaime_love">></div>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-3"><strong>Social status:</strong></div>
<div class="col-9">Commoner</div>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-3"><strong>Social rank:</strong></div>
<div class="col-9">743</div>
<p class="card-text mt-3">Jaime is a student at Starwatch Academy who helps Thomas lead the commoners.</p>
<div class="col">
<div class="card solid">
<div class="card-header"><h5 class="card-title">Attributes</h5></div>
<div class="card-body">
<h4 class="headline2">Relationship</h4>
<p>Defines the strength of your romantic relationship with this love interest, influencing its progression and narrative outcomes.</p>
<<snpcstat "jaime_relationship" 100 "stat-relationship">>
<div class="col">
<div class="card solid">
<div class="card-header"><h5 class="card-title">Notebook</h5></div>
<div class="card-body">
/% Met Thomas and Jaime in orientation. This happens when being with Curie. %/
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact("orientation_thomasandjaime_met") is true>>
I've met Thomas and Jaime in orientation with Curie. It seems they were surprised by her badge, not sure if they knew what it was or they are uneasy with figures of authority.
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact("orientation_shake_hand") is true>>
They seem like nice people and I shook hands with them.
<<elseif starGame.npcs.getFact("orientation_shake_hand") is false and not undefined>>
These idiots really thought I'd shake the hand of a nameless.
/% If you meet Letho and decide to guide him and choose to walk with the commoners, you will meet Thomas and Jaime %/
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact("orientation_walk_commoners") is true and starGame.npcs.getFact("orientation_letho_chastise") is false and not undefined>>
I've met Thomas and Jaime in orientation by walking with Letho and the commoners.
<<if starGame.player.getFact("club") is "culture">>
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact("orientation_thomasandjaime_met")>>
/% Met Jaime on Day 2 %/
I met her again two days later when I chose to join the culture club. Turns out her and I will be captains of first years.
I've met Jaime on the fourth day of orientation when I chose to join the culture club. Her and I will be captains of first years.
/% Met Jaime during the drill %/
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact("orientation_d6_morning_drill_metjaime") is true and starGame.npcs.getFact("orientation_d6_morning_drill_complete") is true>>
I've met Jaime during the drill.
/% Jaime Stage 1 Date %/
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('jaime_stage1_cafeteria') is true>>
<p>I was having breakfast with her one day when I noticed she was a bit more flustered than usual. I suspected she wanted to ask me out but couldn't find the courage to do it, so I did it for her. Turns out I was spot on, and after class she offered to go see a movie.
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('jaime_stage1_cinema') is true>>
<p>I accepted her invitation and she was ecstatic about this particular movie. Honestly I wouldn't have guessed she was into old thriller movies. I think it was more about sharing something meaningful to her with me.</p>
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('jaime_stage1_cafe') is true>>
<p>She offered to spend more time together and hang out at the cafe for the evening. It was pretty fun and I did learn she doesn't like ice cream. Shocking, I know.</p>
<p>She offered to spend more time together and hang out at the cafe for the evening, but I was too tired at the time to carry on.</p>
<p>I was busy at the time and she offered to hang out another time.</p>
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<div class="col-3" style="background-image: url('resources/img/characters/main/julianna/julianna_avatar.webp'); background-size: cover; background-position: center center;"></div>
<div class="col-9">
<div class="card-body">
<h5 class="card-title">Julianna</h5>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-3"><strong>Id:</strong></div>
<div class="col-9">2772070385</div>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-3"><strong>Affinity:</strong></div>
<div class="col-9"><<npcStatus "julianna_affinity" "julianna_love">></div>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-3"><strong>Social status:</strong></div>
<div class="col-9">Commoner</div>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-3"><strong>Social rank:</strong></div>
<div class="col-9">998</div>
<p class="card-text mt-3">Julianna is a student at Starwatch Academy that arrived late to the course, admitted as an exception. She seems to be struggling to make connections.</p>
<div class="col">
<div class="card solid">
<div class="card-header"><h5 class="card-title">Attributes</h5></div>
<div class="card-body">
<h4 class="headline2">Relationship</h4>
<p>Defines the strength of your romantic relationship with this love interest, influencing its progression and narrative outcomes.</p>
<<snpcstat "julianna_relationship" 100 "stat-relationship">>
<div class="col">
<div class="card solid">
<div class="card-header"><h5 class="card-title">Notebook</h5></div>
<div class="card-body">
/% Met Julianna at the atrium %/
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact("orientation_d3_atrium_julianna_met") is true>>
I've met Julianna at the Atrium while chilling before class. <<if starGame.npcs.getFact("orientation_d3_atrium_acceptcompany") is true>>I allowed her to stay with me and we chatted for a while. I learned we attend the same classes so I guess I'll see her quite often.<<else>>She wanted to stay with me but I gently declined so I could have some alone time. <</if>>
/% Had a date with Julianna on d4 %/
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact("orientation_d4_evening_date") is "julianna">>
Maki invited me to participate to a blind date. Turns out my blind date was Julianna. She said she's interested in me, but expects commitment. <<if starGame.npcs.getFact("orientation_d4_evening_date_julianna_sex") is true>>She does seem worth it and told her I was alright with dating her for real. I don't think she expected it and it took her some time to realize I was serious, which led to a passionate night of sex.<<else>>I told her I wasn't ready for something like this yet, after all we haven't even been here for a week.<</if>>
/% Met Julianna during the drill %/
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact("orientation_d6_morning_drill_metjulianna") is true and starGame.npcs.getFact("orientation_d6_morning_drill_complete") is true>>
I've met Julianna during the drill. We made our way to the bunker together.
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact("julianna_stage1_call_accept") is not undefined>>
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact("julianna_stage1_call_accept") is true>>
<p>Julianna offered to go on a date, with some sense of urgency in her words.
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact("julianna_stage1_complete") is true>>
She took me to a very fancy place and she revealed herself to be the Imperial Princess. Yep, that happened. I'm dating the daughter of the most powerful woman in Alliance space.
Julianna offered to go on a date and I declined as I had other things planned. She didn't like that very much and put an end to our romantic relationship right away.
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<div class="card solid">
<div class="row no-gutters csheet-preview-card">
<div class="col-3" style="background-image: url('resources/img/characters/main/letho/letho_avatar.webp'); background-size: cover; background-position: center center;"></div>
<div class="col-9">
<div class="card-body">
<h5 class="card-title">Letho</h5>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-3"><strong>Id:</strong></div>
<div class="col-9">7554878221</div>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-3"><strong>Affinity:</strong></div>
<div class="col-9"><<npcStatus "letho_affinity" "letho_love">></div>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-3"><strong>Social status:</strong></div>
<div class="col-9">Commoner</div>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-3"><strong>Social rank:</strong></div>
<div class="col-9">804</div>
<p class="card-text mt-3">Letho is an introverted student at Starwatch Academy.</p>
<div class="col">
<div class="card solid">
<div class="card-header"><h5 class="card-title">Attributes</h5></div>
<div class="card-body">
<div class="center"><div><i class="ti ti-lock"></i></div>You have not yet unlocked attributes.</div>
<div class="col">
<div class="card solid">
<div class="card-header"><h5 class="card-title">Notebook</h5></div>
<div class="card-body">
/% Met letho in orientation. This happens when being alone. %/
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact("orientation_letho_met") is true>>
I've met Letho in orientation.
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact("orientation_letho_chastise") is true>>
He doesn't seem to be the brightest mind around here.
<<elseif starGame.npcs.getFact("orientation_letho_chastise") is false and not undefined>>
Poor lad seemed completely lost but I feel like he has a good heart. I offered him to go to orientation together.
<<if starGame.player.getFact("club") is "technology">>
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact("orientation_letho_met")>>
/% Met Jaime on Day 2 %/
I met him again two days later when I chose to join the technology club. We've been made partners.
I've met Letho on the fourth day of orientation when I chose to join the technology club. We've been made partners.
/% Met Letho during the drill %/
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact("orientation_d6_morning_drill_metletho") is true and starGame.npcs.getFact("orientation_d6_morning_drill_complete") is true>>
I've met Letho in the bunker during the drill.
<<include Toolkit_Menu_Header>>
<div class="menu-container">
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<div class="col">
<div class="card solid">
<div class="row no-gutters csheet-preview-card">
<div class="col-3" style="background-image: url('resources/img/characters/main/maki/maki_avatar.webp'); background-size: cover; background-position: center center;"></div>
<div class="col-9">
<div class="card-body">
<h5 class="card-title">Maki</h5>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-3"><strong>Id:</strong></div>
<div class="col-9">4685788839</div>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-3"><strong>Affinity:</strong></div>
<div class="col-9"><<npcStatus "maki_affinity" "maki_love">></div>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-3"><strong>Social status:</strong></div>
<div class="col-9">Commoner</div>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-3"><strong>Social rank:</strong></div>
<div class="col-9">981</div>
<p class="card-text mt-3">Maki is a student at Starwatch Academy that spends much of her free time working at the Among the Stars cafe.</p>
<div class="col">
<div class="card solid">
<div class="card-header"><h5 class="card-title">Attributes</h5></div>
<div class="card-body">
<div class="center"><div><i class="ti ti-lock"></i></div>You have not yet unlocked attributes.</div>
<div class="col">
<div class="card solid">
<div class="card-header"><h5 class="card-title">Notebook</h5></div>
<div class="card-body">
/% Met Maki during the drill %/
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact("orientation_d6_morning_drill_metmaki") is true and starGame.npcs.getFact("orientation_d6_morning_drill_complete") is true>>
I've met Maki in the bunker during the drill. She works at a local cafe named Among the Stars.
<<elseif starGame.npcs.getFact("met_maki") is true>>
/% Met Maki at the maid cafe %/
I've met Maki at the local cafe. She works there as a waitress.
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact("orientation_d4_cafe_daring") is true>>
When I went back to the cafe the following day, Maki offered to try out her more "daring" services. Turns out these services are sexual services. This cafe is definitely full of surprises.
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('maki_stage1_accept') is true>>
<p>Maki isn't all she seems. Even though we were both caught off guard, we managed to smooth things out and keep our relationship going.</p>
<<elseif starGame.npcs.getFact('maki_stage1_decline') is true>>
<p>Maki was hiding her true self behind the maid uniform and girlish act. Finding out was a surprise, and we've parted ways due to it.</p>
<<include Toolkit_Menu_Header>>
<div class="menu-container">
<div class="col-12">
<div class="col">
<div class="card solid">
<div class="row no-gutters csheet-preview-card">
<div class="col-3" style="background-image: url('resources/img/characters/main/thomas/thomas_avatar.webp'); background-size: cover; background-position: center center;"></div>
<div class="col-9">
<div class="card-body">
<h5 class="card-title">Thomas</h5>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-3"><strong>Id:</strong></div>
<div class="col-9">6119224201</div>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-3"><strong>Affinity:</strong></div>
<div class="col-9"><<npcStatus "thomas_affinity" "thomas_love">></div>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-3"><strong>Social status:</strong></div>
<div class="col-9">Commoner</div>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-3"><strong>Social rank:</strong></div>
<div class="col-9">742</div>
<p class="card-text mt-3">Thomas is a student at Starwatch Academy who leads the commoners.</p>
<div class="col">
<div class="card solid">
<div class="card-header"><h5 class="card-title">Attributes</h5></div>
<div class="card-body">
<div class="center"><div><i class="ti ti-lock"></i></div>You have not yet unlocked attributes.</div>
<div class="col">
<div class="card solid">
<div class="card-header"><h5 class="card-title">Notebook</h5></div>
<div class="card-body">
/% Met Thomas and Jaime in orientation. This happens when being with Curie. %/
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact("orientation_thomasandjaime_met") is true>>
I've met Thomas and Jaime in orientation with Curie. It seems they were surprised by her badge, not sure if they knew what it was or they are uneasy with figures of authority.
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact("orientation_shake_hand") is true>>
They seem like nice people and I shook hands with them.
<<elseif starGame.npcs.getFact("orientation_shake_hand") is false and not undefined>>
These idiots really thought I'd shake the hand of a nameless.
/% If you meet Letho and decide to guide him and choose to walk with the commoners, you will meet Thomas and Jaime %/
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact("orientation_walk_commoners") is true and starGame.npcs.getFact("orientation_letho_chastise") is false and not undefined>>
I've met Thomas and Jaime in orientation by walking with Letho and the commoners.
/% Met during the drill %/
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact("orientation_d6_morning_drill_complete") is true>>
/% Met him for the first time %/
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact("orientation_d6_morning_drill_metthomas") is true>>
I've met Thomas during the drill as he was fighting with Edward.
I came across Thomas and Edward fighting during the drill.
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact("orientation_d6_morning_drill_side") is "thomas">>
I decided to side with Thomas.
I decided to side with Edward. Thomas didn't appreciate it at all.
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('thomas_ncmend') is true>>
<p>One night at the nightclub, one of Thomas' friends approached me, asking if there was a chance to mend our relationship.
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('thomas_mend_accept') is true>>
Thomas has significant influence over the commoners and easing things with them could be beneficial for me. Edward might not be too happy about it though.
I'm not the one that initiated this funny business and certainly not the one that should apologize first.
<<include Toolkit_Menu_Header>>
<div class="menu-container">
<div class="col-12">
<div class="col">
<div class="card solid">
<div class="row no-gutters csheet-preview-card">
<div class="col-3" style="background-image: url('resources/img/characters/main/valerie/valerie_avatar.webp'); background-size: cover; background-position: center center;"></div>
<div class="col-9">
<div class="card-body">
<h5 class="card-title">Valerie Teague</h5>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-3"><strong>Id:</strong></div>
<div class="col-9">2521067448</div>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-3"><strong>Affinity:</strong></div>
<div class="col-9"><<npcStatus "valerie_affinity" "valerie_love">></div>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-3"><strong>Social status:</strong></div>
<div class="col-9">Noble</div>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-3"><strong>Social rank:</strong></div>
<div class="col-9">214</div>
<p class="card-text mt-3">Valerie Teague is a student at Starwatch Academy who acts as a counter-balance to Edward's impulsive nature.</p>
<div class="col">
<div class="card solid">
<div class="card-header"><h5 class="card-title">Attributes</h5></div>
<div class="card-body">
<h4 class="headline2">Relationship</h4>
<p>Defines the strength of your romantic relationship with this love interest, influencing its progression and narrative outcomes.</p>
<<snpcstat "valerie_relationship" 100 "stat-relationship">>
<div class="col">
<div class="card solid">
<div class="card-header"><h5 class="card-title">Notebook</h5></div>
<div class="card-body">
/% Met edward and valerie in orientation by choosing to walk with nobles %/
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact("orientation_edwardandvalerie_met") is true>>
I've met Edward and Valerie in orientation when I joined the nobles for the walk.
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact("orientation_d4_cafe_join") is true>>
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact("orientation_edwardandvalerie_met") is true>>
/% Met Valerie on day 2 %/
I met her again two days later at the Among the Stars cafe, hanging out with other cadets.
I met Valerie at the Among the Stars cafe, hanging out with a couple of cadets.
/% Met Valerie during the drill %/
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact("orientation_d6_morning_drill_metvalerie") is true and starGame.npcs.getFact("orientation_d6_morning_drill_complete") is true>>
I've met Valerie during the drill.
/% Valerie Stage 1 Date %/
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact("valerie_stage1_call_accept") is not undefined>>
I've received an odd call from Valerie asking me out.
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact("valerie_stage1_call_accept") is true>>
I was curious of what she had in mind, so I took the bait and accepted her invitation to a date.
Considering we're both nobles, even a date could have serious consequences and I'm not willing to put up with that for now.
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('valerie_stage1_restaurant_accept') is true>>
Maybe she thought I was looking for a transactional relationship rather than an actual partner, which would explain her initial approach. After taking her hand in mine, it's like a switch flipped in her mind, and she realized she was allowed to have something more than a shell of a relationship. Call it a leap of faith, but I have a good feeling about this.
It all seemed like mere business to her and I believe she thought I was of the same state of mind. I explained to her I was looking for an actual partner, not a doll to parade with. I guess I should have seen it coming. My disappointment is immeasurable.
<<include Toolkit_Menu_Header>>
<div class="menu-container">
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<div class="col">
<div class="card solid">
<div class="row no-gutters csheet-preview-card">
<div class="col-3" style="background-image: url('resources/img/characters/main/zara/zara_avatar.webp'); background-size: cover; background-position: center center;"></div>
<div class="col-9">
<div class="card-body">
<h5 class="card-title">Zara Vel</h5>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-3"><strong>Id:</strong></div>
<div class="col-9">N/A</div>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-3"><strong>Affinity:</strong></div>
<div class="col-9"><<npcStatus "zara_affinity" "zara_love">></div>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-3"><strong>Social status:</strong></div>
<div class="col-9">Caelorian Unity</div>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-3"><strong>Social rank:</strong></div>
<div class="col-9">N/A</div>
<p class="card-text mt-3">Zara is the xenobiology instructor at Starwatch Academy and a member of the Caelorian Unity. Her appointment as an instructor is a product of a groundbreaking interspecies cultural exchange program between the Alliance and the Caelorians, a testament to the progress being made towards peaceful relationships with this species.</p>
<div class="col">
<div class="card solid">
<div class="card-header"><h5 class="card-title">Attributes</h5></div>
<div class="card-body">
<div class="center"><div><i class="ti ti-lock"></i></div>You have not yet unlocked attributes.</div>
<div class="col">
<div class="card solid">
<div class="card-header"><h5 class="card-title">Notebook</h5></div>
<div class="card-body">
<p>I've met Instructor Zara as orientation week was about to conclude. I heard about the Caelorians from time to time but I never expected to meet one of them here at the Academy. <<if starGame.player.getFact('orientation_d5_morning_class_inquire') is true>>I was a bit early for class, which gave me the opportunity to talk with her alone a little bit before the classmates showed up.<<else>>I was a bit early for class and I decided to wait for my classmates. She didn't seem to be very happy that I didn't talk to her.<</if>>
<<if starGame.player.getFact('orientation_d5_evening_walkwithzara') is not undefined>>
<p>I went for an evening walk and bumped into Instructor Zara.
<<if starGame.player.getFact('orientation_d5_evening_walkwithzara') is true>>
She asked if I could show her around and I'm pretty sure it was an excuse to spend some time together. My guess is she is feeling isolated and lonely as the only Caelorian around here.
She asked if I could show her around. I made up an excuse to refuse as it is too much of a risk to take right now.
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('zara_stage1_visited') is true>>
<p>Zara invited me to her apartment and offered to become sex friends.
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('zara_stage1_accept') is true>>
I might not be the first human to have sex with a Caelorian, but I'm probably in the top ten. Naturally I accepted, her body making it an easy choice.
<<elseif starGame.npcs.getFact('zara_stage1_decline') is true>>
I don't think it's a good idea to engage in such activities with the first Caelorian emissary in Alliance space.
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('zara_stage1_cafe') is true>>
<p>A couple days later, Zara invited me to a coffee date. Somehow, it seems she chose to alter the deal and no longer limit our relationship to pure sexual fun. Let's pray she does not alter it further.</p>
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('zara_stage1_afterhack_visited') is true>>
<p>It turns out the hack has caused widespread issues all across the academy and the clinic has been dispatching illegal and experimental mods. In agreement with Starwatch Command, Zara got hold of some of them for testing. Her method of testing is "hands-on" shall we say.</p>
<</nobr>><<include Toolkit_Menu_Header>>\
<div class="menu-container">\
<div class="col">
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<div class="col-md-12">
<div class="card-header">
<h5 class="card-title">Codex</h5>
<h6 class="card-subtitle mb-2 text-muted">The codex provides information on the characters you have met, lore elements and helpful information in regards to gameplay systems.</h6>
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<<include Toolkit_Codex_Characters>>
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<<include Toolkit_Codex_Eos>>
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<<include Toolkit_Codex_Lore>>
<div class="wa-tab-pane" id="tab-help">
<<include Toolkit_Codex_Game>>
<div class="col-12">
<div class="row row-cols-1">
/% Curie (Commoners) %/
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('met_curie') is true>>
<div class="col">
<div class="card solid">
<div class="row no-gutters csheet-preview-card">
<div class="col-3" style="background-image: url('resources/img/characters/main/curie/curie_avatar.webp'); background-size: cover; background-position: center center;"></div>
<div class="col-9">
<div class="card-body">
<h5 class="card-title">Curie</h5>
<h6 class="card-subtitle mb-2 text-muted"><<npcStatus "curie_affinity" "curie_love">></h6>
<p class="card-text">Curie is a member of the Starwatch Academy's student council and the first person you've met here.</p>
<div class="right csheet-preview-button">
<<slink "open profile" "Codex_Characters_Curie" "btn btn-sm btn-highlight slink-csheet" "ti ti-chevrons-right">><</slink>>
/% Diane (Commoners) %/
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('met_diane') is true>>
<div class="col">
<div class="card solid">
<div class="row no-gutters csheet-preview-card">
<div class="col-3" style="background-image: url('resources/img/characters/main/diane/diane_avatar.webp'); background-size: cover; background-position: center center;"></div>
<div class="col-9">
<div class="card-body">
<h5 class="card-title">Diane</h5>
<h6 class="card-subtitle mb-2 text-muted"><<npcStatus "diane_affinity" "diane_love">></h6>
<p class="card-text">Diane is a student at the Academy with a fierce passion for sports.</p>
<div class="right csheet-preview-button">
<<slink "open profile" "Codex_Characters_Diane" "btn btn-sm btn-highlight slink-csheet" "ti ti-chevrons-right">><</slink>>
/% EVA (Neutral) %/
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('met_eva') is true>>
<div class="col">
<div class="card solid">
<div class="row no-gutters csheet-preview-card">
<div class="col-3" style="background-image: url('resources/img/characters/main/eva/eva_avatar.webp'); background-size: cover; background-position: center center;"></div>
<div class="col-9">
<div class="card-body">
<h5 class="card-title">EVA</h5>
<h6 class="card-subtitle mb-2 text-muted"><<npcStatus "eva_affinity" "eva_love">></h6>
<p class="card-text">Eva is the custom built AI that helps oversee Starwatch Academy. In addition to an oversight role, she is also freely accessible for information from most buildings in the campus.</p>
<div class="right csheet-preview-button">
<<slink "open profile" "Codex_Characters_Eva" "btn btn-sm btn-highlight slink-csheet" "ti ti-chevrons-right">><</slink>>
/% Thomas (Commoners) %/
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('met_thomas') is true>>
<div class="col">
<div class="card solid">
<div class="row no-gutters csheet-preview-card">
<div class="col-3" style="background-image: url('resources/img/characters/main/thomas/thomas_avatar.webp'); background-size: cover; background-position: center center;"></div>
<div class="col-9">
<div class="card-body">
<h5 class="card-title">Thomas</h5>
<h6 class="card-subtitle mb-2 text-muted"><<npcStatus "thomas_affinity" "thomas_love">></h6>
<p class="card-text">Thomas is a student at Starwatch Academy who leads the commoners.</p>
<div class="right csheet-preview-button">
<<slink "open profile" "Codex_Characters_Thomas" "btn btn-sm btn-highlight slink-csheet" "ti ti-chevrons-right">><</slink>>
/% Jaime (Commoners) %/
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('met_jaime') is true>>
<div class="col">
<div class="card solid">
<div class="row no-gutters csheet-preview-card">
<div class="col-3" style="background-image: url('resources/img/characters/main/jaime/jaime_avatar.webp'); background-size: cover; background-position: center center;"></div>
<div class="col-9">
<div class="card-body">
<h5 class="card-title">Jaime</h5>
<h6 class="card-subtitle mb-2 text-muted"><<npcStatus "jaime_affinity" "jaime_love">></h6>
<p class="card-text">Jaime is a student at Starwatch Academy who helps Thomas lead the commoners.</p>
<div class="right csheet-preview-button">
<<slink "open profile" "Codex_Characters_Jaime" "btn btn-sm btn-highlight slink-csheet" "ti ti-chevrons-right">><</slink>>
/% Letho %/
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('met_letho') is true>>
<div class="col">
<div class="card solid">
<div class="row no-gutters csheet-preview-card">
<div class="col-3" style="background-image: url('resources/img/characters/main/letho/letho_avatar.webp'); background-size: cover; background-position: center center;"></div>
<div class="col-9">
<div class="card-body">
<h5 class="card-title">Letho</h5>
<h6 class="card-subtitle mb-2 text-muted"><<npcStatus "letho_affinity" "letho_love">></h6>
<p class="card-text">Letho is an introverted student at Starwatch Academy.</p>
<div class="right csheet-preview-button">
<<slink "open profile" "Codex_Characters_Letho" "btn btn-sm btn-highlight slink-csheet" "ti ti-chevrons-right">><</slink>>
/% Edward Richten (Nobles) %/
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('met_edward') is true>>
<div class="col">
<div class="card solid">
<div class="row no-gutters csheet-preview-card">
<div class="col-3" style="background-image: url('resources/img/characters/main/edward/edward_avatar.webp'); background-size: cover; background-position: center center;"></div>
<div class="col-9">
<div class="card-body">
<h5 class="card-title">Edward Richten</h5>
<h6 class="card-subtitle mb-2 text-muted"><<npcStatus "edward_affinity" "edward_love">></h6>
<p class="card-text">Edward Richten is a student at Starwatch Academy who seems to be the voice of the first year nobles.</p>
<div class="right csheet-preview-button">
<<slink "open profile" "Codex_Characters_Edward" "btn btn-sm btn-highlight slink-csheet" "ti ti-chevrons-right">><</slink>>
/% Valerie Teague (Nobles) %/
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('met_valerie') is true>>
<div class="col">
<div class="card solid">
<div class="row no-gutters csheet-preview-card">
<div class="col-3" style="background-image: url('resources/img/characters/main/valerie/valerie_avatar.webp'); background-size: cover; background-position: center center;"></div>
<div class="col-9">
<div class="card-body">
<h5 class="card-title">Valerie Teague</h5>
<h6 class="card-subtitle mb-2 text-muted"><<npcStatus "valerie_affinity" "valerie_love">></h6>
<p class="card-text">Valerie Teague is a student at Starwatch Academy who acts as a counter-balance to Edward's impulsive nature.</p>
<div class="right csheet-preview-button">
<<slink "open profile" "Codex_Characters_Valerie" "btn btn-sm btn-highlight slink-csheet" "ti ti-chevrons-right">><</slink>>
/% Lieutenant Ann %/
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('met_ann') is true>>
<div class="col">
<div class="card solid">
<div class="row no-gutters csheet-preview-card">
<div class="col-3" style="background-image: url('resources/img/characters/main/ann/ann_avatar.webp'); background-size: cover; background-position: center center;"></div>
<div class="col-9">
<div class="card-body">
<h5 class="card-title">Lieutenant Ann</h5>
<h6 class="card-subtitle mb-2 text-muted"><<npcStatus "ann_affinity" "ann_love">></h6>
<p class="card-text">Lieutenant Ann is an aide of your fathers, and a seemingly warm and bubbly person.</p>
<div class="right csheet-preview-button">
<<slink "open profile" "Codex_Characters_Ann" "btn btn-sm btn-highlight slink-csheet" "ti ti-chevrons-right">><</slink>>
/% Maki %/
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('met_maki') is true>>
<div class="col">
<div class="card solid">
<div class="row no-gutters csheet-preview-card">
<div class="col-3" style="background-image: url('resources/img/characters/main/maki/maki_avatar.webp'); background-size: cover; background-position: center center;"></div>
<div class="col-9">
<div class="card-body">
<h5 class="card-title">Maki</h5>
<h6 class="card-subtitle mb-2 text-muted"><<npcStatus "maki_affinity" "maki_love">></h6>
<p class="card-text">Maki is a student at Starwatch Academy that spends much of her free time working at the Among the Stars cafe.</p>
<div class="right csheet-preview-button">
<<slink "open profile" "Codex_Characters_Maki" "btn btn-sm btn-highlight slink-csheet" "ti ti-chevrons-right">><</slink>>
/% Maki %/
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('met_julianna') is true>>
<div class="col">
<div class="card solid">
<div class="row no-gutters csheet-preview-card">
<div class="col-3" style="background-image: url('resources/img/characters/main/julianna/julianna_avatar.webp'); background-size: cover; background-position: center center;"></div>
<div class="col-9">
<div class="card-body">
<h5 class="card-title">Julianna</h5>
<h6 class="card-subtitle mb-2 text-muted"><<npcStatus "julianna_affinity" "julianna_love">></h6>
<p class="card-text">Julianna is a student at Starwatch Academy that arrived late to the course, admitted as an exception. She seems to be struggling to make connections.</p>
<div class="right csheet-preview-button">
<<slink "open profile" "Codex_Characters_Julianna" "btn btn-sm btn-highlight slink-csheet" "ti ti-chevrons-right">><</slink>>
/% Zara %/
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('met_zara') is true>>
<div class="col">
<div class="card solid">
<div class="row no-gutters csheet-preview-card">
<div class="col-3" style="background-image: url('resources/img/characters/main/zara/zara_avatar.webp'); background-size: cover; background-position: center center;"></div>
<div class="col-9">
<div class="card-body">
<h5 class="card-title">Zara Vel</h5>
<h6 class="card-subtitle mb-2 text-muted"><<npcStatus "zara_affinity" "zara_love">></h6>
<p class="card-text">Zara is the xenobiology instructor at Starwatch Academy and a member of the Caelorian Unity.</p>
<div class="right csheet-preview-button">
<<slink "open profile" "Codex_Characters_Zara" "btn btn-sm btn-highlight slink-csheet" "ti ti-chevrons-right">><</slink>>
<div class="col-12">
<div class="row row-cols-1">
/% Erika %/
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('met_erika') is true>>
<div class="col">
<div class="card solid">
<div class="row no-gutters csheet-preview-card">
<div class="col-3" style="background-image: url('resources/img/characters/crew/erika/erika_avatar.webp'); background-size: cover; background-position: center center;"></div>
<div class="col-9">
<div class="card-body">
<h5 class="card-title">Erika von Schwarz</h5>
<h6 class="card-subtitle mb-2 text-muted"><<npcStatus "erika_affinity" "erika_love">></h6>
<p class="card-text">A graduate of Starwatch's command course, her looks often overshadow her impressive intelligence.</p>
<div class="right csheet-preview-button">
<<slink "open profile" "Codex_Characters_Erika" "btn btn-sm btn-highlight slink-csheet" "ti ti-chevrons-right">><</slink>>
/% Natalie %/
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('met_natalie') is true>>
<div class="col">
<div class="card solid">
<div class="row no-gutters csheet-preview-card">
<div class="col-3" style="background-image: url('resources/img/characters/crew/natalie/natalie_avatar.webp'); background-size: cover; background-position: center center;"></div>
<div class="col-9">
<div class="card-body">
<h5 class="card-title">Natalie</h5>
<h6 class="card-subtitle mb-2 text-muted"><<npcStatus "natalie_affinity" "natalie_love">></h6>
<p class="card-text">A top graduate of Starwatch's cruiser course, a trait she delights in wielding against those who only see her as a pretty face.</p>
<div class="right csheet-preview-button">
<<slink "open profile" "Codex_Characters_Natalie" "btn btn-sm btn-highlight slink-csheet" "ti ti-chevrons-right">><</slink>>
/% Stella %/
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('met_stella') is true>>
<div class="col">
<div class="card solid">
<div class="row no-gutters csheet-preview-card">
<div class="col-3" style="background-image: url('resources/img/characters/crew/stella/stella_avatar.webp'); background-size: cover; background-position: center center;"></div>
<div class="col-9">
<div class="card-body">
<h5 class="card-title">Stella Pyra</h5>
<h6 class="card-subtitle mb-2 text-muted"><<npcStatus "stella_affinity" "stella_love">></h6>
<p class="card-text">One of the nobles attending Starwatch Academy, you met Stella at the Arcade, enjoying a challenge where she was trading her room key for favors if you could beat her at a game.</p>
<div class="right csheet-preview-button">
<<slink "open profile" "Codex_Characters_Stella" "btn btn-sm btn-highlight slink-csheet" "ti ti-chevrons-right">><</slink>>
<div class="col-12">
<div class="row row-cols-1">
/% Eris %/
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('met_eris') is true>>
<div class="col">
<div class="card solid">
<div class="row no-gutters csheet-preview-card">
<div class="col-3" style="background-image: url('resources/img/characters/side/eris/eris_avatar.webp'); background-size: cover; background-position: center center;"></div>
<div class="col-9">
<div class="card-body">
<h5 class="card-title">Eris</h5>
<p class="card-text">The seemingly detached and cold customer service representative of the "Forbidden Desire" store.</p>
<div class="right csheet-preview-button">
<<slink "open profile" "Codex_Supporting_Eris" "btn btn-sm btn-highlight slink-csheet" "ti ti-chevrons-right">><</slink>>
/% Daniella %/
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('met_daniella') is true>>
<div class="col">
<div class="card solid">
<div class="row no-gutters csheet-preview-card">
<div class="col-3" style="background-image: url('resources/img/characters/side/daniella/daniella_avatar.webp'); background-size: cover; background-position: center center;"></div>
<div class="col-9">
<div class="card-body">
<h5 class="card-title">Dr. Daniella</h5>
<p class="card-text">Professional, with a no nonsense attitude, Daniella is proud of her position within GeneForge. An expert on all things related to modifications, there are few better choices to learn from when it comes to crafting gene mods.</p>
<div class="right csheet-preview-button">
<<slink "open profile" "Codex_Supporting_Daniella" "btn btn-sm btn-highlight slink-csheet" "ti ti-chevrons-right">><</slink>>
/% Castelli Twins %/
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('met_twins') is true>>
<div class="col">
<div class="card solid">
<div class="row no-gutters csheet-preview-card">
<div class="col-3" style="background-image: url('resources/img/characters/side/twins/twins_avatar.webp'); background-size: cover; background-position: center center;"></div>
<div class="col-9">
<div class="card-body">
<h5 class="card-title">Helena & Rae</h5>
<p class="card-text">The enigmatic identical twins of the local Castelli store.</p>
<div class="right csheet-preview-button">
<<slink "open profile" "Codex_Supporting_Twins" "btn btn-sm btn-highlight slink-csheet" "ti ti-chevrons-right">><</slink>>
/% Felix Cross %/
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('met_felix') is true>>
<div class="col">
<div class="card solid">
<div class="row no-gutters csheet-preview-card">
<div class="col-3" style="background-image: url('resources/img/characters/side/felix/felix_avatar.webp'); background-size: cover; background-position: center center;"></div>
<div class="col-9">
<div class="card-body">
<h5 class="card-title">Felix Cross</h5>
<p class="card-text">A noble who's reached a comfortable position through what can only be described as calculated mediocrity.</p>
<div class="right csheet-preview-button">
<<slink "open profile" "Codex_Supporting_Felix" "btn btn-sm btn-highlight slink-csheet" "ti ti-chevrons-right">><</slink>>
/% Hana (Wolfgirl) %/
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('met_hana') is true>>
<div class="col">
<div class="card solid">
<div class="row no-gutters csheet-preview-card">
<div class="col-3" style="background-image: url('resources/img/characters/side/wolfgirl/wolfgirl_avatar.webp'); background-size: cover; background-position: center center;"></div>
<div class="col-9">
<div class="card-body">
<h5 class="card-title">Hana</h5>
<p class="card-text">Hana was an ordinary commoner at Starwatch Academy until she fell victim to one of the Rebels' terror attacks.</p>
<div class="right csheet-preview-button">
<<slink "open profile" "Codex_Supporting_Hana" "btn btn-sm btn-highlight slink-csheet" "ti ti-chevrons-right">><</slink>>
/% Irene (Dark elf) %/
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('met_irene') is true>>
<div class="col">
<div class="card solid">
<div class="row no-gutters csheet-preview-card">
<div class="col-3" style="background-image: url('resources/img/characters/side/darkelf/darkelf_avatar.webp'); background-size: cover; background-position: center center;"></div>
<div class="col-9">
<div class="card-body">
<h5 class="card-title">Irene Seldry</h5>
<p class="card-text">Irene Seldry was once a normal, low ranking noble attending Starwatch Academy. Caught up in the effects of a Rebel terrorist attack, she's been involuntarily modded into a Dark Elf.</p>
<div class="right csheet-preview-button">
<<slink "open profile" "Codex_Supporting_Irene" "btn btn-sm btn-highlight slink-csheet" "ti ti-chevrons-right">><</slink>>
/% Nialla (Lamia) %/
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('met_nialla') is true>>
<div class="col">
<div class="card solid">
<div class="row no-gutters csheet-preview-card">
<div class="col-3" style="background-image: url('resources/img/characters/side/nialla/nialla_avatar.webp'); background-size: cover; background-position: center center;"></div>
<div class="col-9">
<div class="card-body">
<h5 class="card-title">Nialla</h5>
<p class="card-text">A native from planet Tulara, Nialla is a surprisingly friendly huntress from one of the nomadic lamia tribes that call it home.</p>
<div class="right csheet-preview-button">
<<slink "open profile" "Codex_Supporting_Nialla" "btn btn-sm btn-highlight slink-csheet" "ti ti-chevrons-right">><</slink>>
<div class="col-12">
<div class="row row-cols-1">
/% Player %/
<div class="col">
<div class="card solid">
<div class="row no-gutters csheet-preview-card">
<<if starGame.player.isMale()>>
<div class="col-3" style="background-image: url('resources/img/characters/anonm.webp'); background-size: cover; background-position: center center;"></div>
<div class="col-3" style="background-image: url('resources/img/characters/anonf.webp'); background-size: cover; background-position: center center;"></div>
<div class="col-9">
<div class="card-body">
<h5 class="card-title">$character_firstName $character_lastName</h5>
<h6 class="card-subtitle mb-2 text-muted"></h6>
<p class="card-text">The eldest child of the illustrious $character_lastName family, you've been groomed to succeed the role of family head since you were able to talk.</p>
<div class="right csheet-preview-button">
<<slink "open profile" "Codex_Characters_Player" "btn btn-sm btn-highlight slink-csheet" "ti ti-chevrons-right">><</slink>>
/% Modifications %/
<div class="col">
<div class="card solid">
<div class="row no-gutters csheet-preview-card">
<div class="col-3" style="background-image: url('resources/img/items/mods/mod_injector.webp'); background-size: cover; background-position: center center;"></div>
<div class="col-9">
<div class="card-body">
<h5 class="card-title">Modifications</h5>
<p class="card-text">Modifications, or mods for ease, are a recent technological advancement that allow for users to overhaul their genetic structure in various ways.</p>
<div class="right csheet-preview-button">
<<slink "open profile" "Codex_Lore_Mods" "btn btn-sm btn-highlight slink-csheet" "ti ti-chevrons-right">><</slink>>
/% Alliance %/
<div class="col">
<div class="card solid">
<div class="row no-gutters csheet-preview-card">
<div class="col-3" style="background-image: url('resources/img/codex/alliance/alliance.webp'); background-size: cover; background-position: center center;"></div>
<div class="col-9">
<div class="card-body">
<h5 class="card-title">The Alliance</h5>
<p class="card-text">The Alliance is the representative body of Earth and all human colonies.</p>
<div class="right csheet-preview-button">
<<slink "open profile" "Codex_Lore_Alliance" "btn btn-sm btn-highlight slink-csheet" "ti ti-chevrons-right">><</slink>>
/% Caelorians %/
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('met_zara') is true>>
<div class="col">
<div class="card solid">
<div class="row no-gutters csheet-preview-card">
<div class="col-3" style="background-image: url('resources/img/codex/caelorians/caelorians.webp'); background-size: cover; background-position: center center;"></div>
<div class="col-9">
<div class="card-body">
<h5 class="card-title">Caelorians</h5>
<p class="card-text">The Caelorians are an extraterrestrial race known for their friendly and diplomatic nature.</p>
<div class="right csheet-preview-button">
<<slink "open profile" "Codex_Lore_Caelorians" "btn btn-sm btn-highlight slink-csheet" "ti ti-chevrons-right">><</slink>>
/% Novaris Prime %/
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('codex_novarisprime') is true>>
<div class="col">
<div class="card solid">
<div class="row no-gutters csheet-preview-card">
<div class="col-3" style="background-image: url('resources/img/locations/city/plaza.webp'); background-size: cover; background-position: center center;"></div>
<div class="col-9">
<div class="card-body">
<h5 class="card-title">Novaris Prime</h5>
<p class="card-text">Established fairly recently to accompany the much older Starwatch Academy and provide an in-system place for the staff and cadets to relax, it has rapidly grown into a fully functioning city with an above average standard of living despite a lack of any notable exportable goods.</p>
<div class="right csheet-preview-button">
<<slink "open profile" "Codex_Lore_Novaris" "btn btn-sm btn-highlight slink-csheet" "ti ti-chevrons-right">><</slink>>
<div class="col">
<div class="card solid">
<div class="row no-gutters">
<div class="col-3" style="background-image: url('resources/img/time/afternoon.webp'); background-size: cover; background-position: center center;"></div>
<div class="col-9">
<div class="card-body">
<h5 class="card-title">Free roam</h5>
<p class="card-text">All the basics of the free roam system.</p>
<div class="right">
<<slink "open" "Codex_Help_Freeroam" "btn btn-sm btn-highlight slink-csheet" "ti ti-chevrons-right">><</slink>>
<<include Toolkit_Menu_Header>>
<div class="menu-container">
<div class="col-12">
<div class="col">
<div class="card solid">
<div class="row no-gutters csheet-preview-card">
<div class="col-3" style="background-image: url('resources/img/characters/crew/erika/erika_avatar.webp'); background-size: cover; background-position: center center;"></div>
<div class="col-9">
<div class="card-body">
<h5 class="card-title">Erika von Schwarz</h5>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-3"><strong>Id:</strong></div>
<div class="col-9">2040163506</div>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-3"><strong>Affinity:</strong></div>
<div class="col-9"><<npcStatus "erika_affinity" "erika_love">></div>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-3"><strong>Social status:</strong></div>
<div class="col-9">Alliance Military</div>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-3"><strong>Social rank:</strong></div>
<div class="col-9">352</div>
<p class="card-text mt-3">Erika's natural confidence is only complimented by her refined looks and impressive figure. A graduate of Starwatch's command course, her looks often overshadow her impressive intelligence.</p>
<div class="col">
<div class="card solid">
<div class="card-header"><h5 class="card-title">Attributes</h5></div>
<div class="card-body">
<div class="center"><div><i class="ti ti-lock"></i></div>You have not yet unlocked attributes.</div>
<div class="col">
<div class="card solid">
<div class="card-header"><h5 class="card-title">Notebook</h5></div>
<div class="card-body">
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('erika_livefire_casual') is true or starGame.npcs.getFact('erika_livefire_flirt') is true>>
/% Met Erika early %/
<p>I've met Erika after the disastrous live fire exercise. She's supposed to help me progress on my battlegroup management skills while . We'll see how that goes.</p>
<p>I've met Erika von Schwarz, a former battlegroup cadet assigned to the Eos. Apparently she was top of her class and is going to be kind of like an instructor for me here. We'll have to see if her command of battlefield strategy is up to the task.</p>
<<include Toolkit_Menu_Header>>
<div class="menu-container">
<div class="col-12">
<div class="col">
<div class="card solid">
<div class="row no-gutters csheet-preview-card">
<div class="col-3" style="background-image: url('resources/img/characters/crew/natalie/natalie_avatar.webp'); background-size: cover; background-position: center center;"></div>
<div class="col-9">
<div class="card-body">
<h5 class="card-title">Natalie</h5>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-3"><strong>Id:</strong></div>
<div class="col-9">7009921434</div>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-3"><strong>Affinity:</strong></div>
<div class="col-9"><<npcStatus "natalie_affinity" "natalie_love">></div>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-3"><strong>Social status:</strong></div>
<div class="col-9">Alliance Military</div>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-3"><strong>Social rank:</strong></div>
<div class="col-9">798</div>
<p class="card-text mt-3">Natalie's bubbly personality suits her girl next door looks well. Her warm eyes and friendly nature often overshadow the fact that she's a previous top graduate of Starwatch's cruiser course, a trait she delights in wielding against those who only see her as a pretty face.</p>
<div class="col">
<div class="card solid">
<div class="card-header"><h5 class="card-title">Attributes</h5></div>
<div class="card-body">
<div class="center"><div><i class="ti ti-lock"></i></div>You have not yet unlocked attributes.</div>
<div class="col">
<div class="card solid">
<div class="card-header"><h5 class="card-title">Notebook</h5></div>
<div class="card-body">
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('natalie_livefire_casual') is true or starGame.npcs.getFact('natalie_livefire_flirt') is true>>
<p>I've met Natalie after the disastrous live fire exercice. She's supposed to mentor me. We'll see how that goes.</p>
<p>One of the Eos' support staff is Natalie, a extroverted cruiser commander. She's here to teach me how to command and fly the Eos, even while acting as it's lead navigator. At least the ship is in good hands.</p>
<<include Toolkit_Menu_Header>>
<div class="menu-container">
<div class="col-12">
<div class="col">
<div class="card solid">
<div class="row no-gutters csheet-preview-card">
<div class="col-3" style="background-image: url('resources/img/characters/crew/stella/stella_avatar.webp'); background-size: cover; background-position: center center;"></div>
<div class="col-9">
<div class="card-body">
<h5 class="card-title">Stella Pyra</h5>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-3"><strong>Id:</strong></div>
<div class="col-9">4273504541</div>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-3"><strong>Affinity:</strong></div>
<div class="col-9"><<npcStatus "stella_affinity" "stella_love">></div>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-3"><strong>Social status:</strong></div>
<div class="col-9">Noble</div>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-3"><strong>Social rank:</strong></div>
<div class="col-9">403</div>
<p class="card-text mt-3">One of the nobles attending Starwatch Academy, you met Stella at the Arcade, enjoying a challenge where she was trading her room key for favors if you could beat her at a game. </p>
<div class="col">
<div class="card solid">
<div class="card-header"><h5 class="card-title">Attributes</h5></div>
<div class="card-body">
<div class="center"><div><i class="ti ti-lock"></i></div>You have not yet unlocked attributes.</div>
<div class="col">
<div class="card solid">
<div class="card-header"><h5 class="card-title">Notebook</h5></div>
<div class="card-body">
<<if starGame.inventory.hasItem('item_quest_arcade_card') >= 1 or starGame.npcs.getFact('stella_arcade_won') is true>>
/% Met her before the Eos visit %/
<p>I've met Stella at the arcade, where she was challenging other cadets with a bet. Her body against familial favors.</p>
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('stella_arcade_visited') is true>>
<p>To my surprise, Stella was assigned to the Eos under my command as the shuttle pilot and inter-rim fighter instructor. I guess it's proof of the confidence in her own skills.</p>
<<elseif starGame.npcs.getFact('met_stella') is true and starGame.npcs.getFact('stella_arcade_visited') is not true>>
/% This should trigger if not met before visiting the Eos %/
<p>Stella's been assigned to the Eos to serve as both a fighter instructor, and our shuttle pilot. She seems uncertain about the job, but willing enough to give it a try regardless. High praise for a cadet to get the position, but maybe she's got similar circumstances to me.</p>
<<include Toolkit_Menu_Header>>
<div class="menu-container">
<div class="col-12">
<div class="col">
<div class="card solid">
<div class="card-header"><h5 class="card-title">Time Management</h5></div>
<div class="card-body">
<p>During orientation week, you do not have to worry about time management as you are on rails. However as soon as you complete orientation week, time will play a much bigger role as you become free to do whatever you want. In this game, time is divided in four periods.</p>
<div class="row mb-3">
<div class="col-3">
<div class="center bold">Morning</div>
<div><img src="resources/img/time/morning.webp" style="width: 100%"/></div>
<div class="col-3">
<div class="center bold">Afternoon</div>
<div><img src="resources/img/time/afternoon.webp" style="width: 100%"/></div>
<div class="col-3">
<div class="center bold">Evening</div>
<div><img src="resources/img/time/evening.webp" style="width: 100%"/></div>
<div class="col-3">
<div class="center bold">Night</div>
<div><img src="resources/img/time/night.webp" style="width: 100%"/></div>
<p>Moving to the next period is achieved by performing a time advancing activity such as attending class. These time advancing activities are easily recognizable to their little clock icon as seen below:</p>
<div class="center"><<slink "Example" "" "" "ti ti-clock">><</slink>></div>
<p>As other characters also have their schedule, some locations or characters are only open or available at specific periods or days of the week. Exploration is key to find more on their whereabouts!</p>
<<include Toolkit_Menu_Header>>
<div class="menu-container">
<div class="col-12">
<div class="col">
<div class="card solid">
<div class="row no-gutters csheet-preview-card">
<div class="col-3" style="background-image: url('resources/img/codex/alliance/alliance.webp'); background-size: cover; background-position: center center;"></div>
<div class="col-9">
<div class="card-body">
<h5 class="card-title">The Alliance</h5>
<p class="card-text mt-3">The Alliance is the representative body of Earth and all human colonies.</p>
<div class="col">
<div class="card solid">
<div class="card-header"><h5 class="card-title">History</h5></div>
<div class="card-body">
<p>The Alliance refers to the various star systems and planets that fall under human jurisdiction. Originally formed out of treaties made by the nations of Earth during the early days of spaceflight, the Alliance is a framework meant to house the differing political ideals of humanity and its cultures.</p>
<p>However, after the second internal war came to an end, the military leaders of the Alliance realized that no matter how hard they tried, it would be impossible for humanity to coexist with all their differing ideals. This led to the start of what would later be known as the Unification wars, a series of brutal conflicts that eventually led to a truly unified humanity, led by an emperor and his council of nobles.</p>
<p>Alliance space is well known for being peaceful and prosperous, with humanity slowly expanding their borders over generations. Powerful fleets guard their outlying systems, while their trade routes are regularly patrolled to keep them clean of pirates and other dissenters. Recent years have seen cracks forming in the alliance's unity, with several planets and systems pushing for independence, leading to a new civil war.</p>
<p>While its neighbors watch with concern, waiting to see what change the civil war will bring to the alliance, life continues as usual for most of its citizens, the wealth of the alliance large enough to disguise even the horrors of a civil war.</p>
<div class="col">
<div class="card solid">
<div class="card-header"><h5 class="card-title">Ranking System</h5></div>
<div class="card-body">
<p>The Alliance refers to the various star systems and planets that fall under human jurisdiction. Originally formed out of treaties made by the nations of Earth during the early days of spaceflight, the Alliance is a framework meant to house the differing political ideals of humanity and its cultures.</p>
<p>Ever since the Unification wars ended, the Alliance has had a caste system for its population. While there are only three main castes, there are several subdivisions in each, which are often referenced when deciding who the recipients of blame or credit will be.</p>
<p>The most important caste are the members of the Royal bloodline, denoted with a 000 prefix of their identity numbers. Following this is the Noble caste, with high nobles ranked with a 100 prefix, and low nobles with a 400 prefix. Finally you have the lower caste of the alliance, the commoners whos prefixes range from 500 to 900.</p>
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('codex_holotechnology') is true>>
<div class="col">
<div class="card solid">
<div class="card-header"><h5 class="card-title">Holo Technology</h5></div>
<div class="card-body">
<p>The Alliance has made many leaps and bounds in personal technology, and one of the most prevalent is the holo-device. Most people have at least a single holo-phone or holo-tablet, with others having more advanced pieces.</p>
<p>The reason for its ubiquitousness is that it is lightweight and easily personalized. Additional settings allow for it to be linked to its owners optical implants, should they have any, allowing a further measure of privacy.</p>
<p>Recent breakthroughs in the technology have led to widespread usage of holo-displays on Alliance military craft, with some prototype ships forgoing viewports entirely, relying on holotech to display the surroundings.</p>
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('codex_starwatch') is true>>
<div class="col">
<div class="card solid">
<div class="card-header"><h5 class="card-title">Starwatch</h5></div>
<div class="card-body">
<p>The organization known as Starwatch is a uniquely human group. Unlike the rest of human society, it functions purely based on ability and competence, and even highly ranked humans are required to pass its entry requirements to join the ranks of Starwatch.</p>
<p>The reason for this is simple. While the Alliance Military safeguards human space, and multiple other organizations oversee human space, Starwatch is tasked with the beyond. They are the pioneers and explorers of humanity, looking into the unknown and making it known. Each hyperspace lane discovered, every planet colonized, each alien found, is through the actions of a Starwatch Pilot.</p>
<p>To this end, it's not strange that members of Starwatch have the most advanced technology and unrestricted access to Alliance support. And finally, remember that the next time you're out there in the black, the only reason you know which of those distant points of light is friendly, is because of Starwatch.</p>
<div class="col">
<div class="card solid">
<div class="card-header"><h5 class="card-title">Starwatch Academy</h5></div>
<div class="card-body">
<p>Founded shortly after the reformation war, Starwatch Academy was originally an officers school constructed in secret beyond the borders of Alliance space. Intended to produce the leaders and commanders of the future. Over time its goals shifted slightly, following the First Contact with the Velurian Polity. Instead of producing only combat trained officers, a need for versatile elites was discovered, with an expansive set of skills at their disposal.</p>
<p>As a result, Starwatch quickly saw the need for both more candidates and more varied instructors. Abolishing the Alliance's caste system as a matter of practicality, cadets from all walks of life were admitted, and even instructors were pulled from the ranks of commoners for the first time in alliance history. The result was a cadre of officers that, while detached from the standard fleet command system, was expertly trained and suited to a wide range of situations and tactics, as well as non-wartime activities.</p>
<p>Following this trend of being separate from Alliance regulation and doctrine, Starwatch quickly became recognized as the example of what the alliance could be at its best, backed with hundreds of years of military doctrine and experimental technology and weapons.</p>
<p>In recent years, Starwatches image has shifted slightly, the lack of wars and conflicts allowing them to slip into a role of pathfinders and explorers, but their military training remains no less potent than before, and as the current insurrection war picks up in intensity, rumors of Starwatch involvement has begun to spread once more.</p>
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<div class="col-3" style="background-image: url('resources/img/codex/caelorians/caelorians.webp'); background-size: cover; background-position: center center;"></div>
<div class="col-9">
<div class="card-body">
<h5 class="card-title">Caelorians</h5>
<p class="card-text mt-3">The Caelorians are an advanced extraterrestrial race known for their friendly and diplomatic nature.</p>
<div class="col">
<div class="card solid">
<div class="card-header"><h5 class="card-title">Caelorians</h5></div>
<div class="card-body">
<p>The Calorian race is named after their homeworld, Caeloria, and are generally seen as an enigmatic, yet friendly race by other members of the galactic community. Their physiological similarities with the human race has led to some debate about a linked ancestry, as there are no other races with anywhere near the similarity that the Caelorians share with humanity.</p>
<p>Some research into the Caelorian anatomy has revealed that select few individuals of the race can influence their nearby surroundings to emulate the conditions of their home world, while others can directly influence the minds of sentient beings to induce feelings of companionship or fear, as desired. Unsurprisingly the Caelorians are tight lipped about this topic, and refuse to share or elaborate any information on the topic to outsiders.</p>
<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/codex/caelorians/caeloria.webp"/><</simagecard>>
<div class="col">
<div class="card solid">
<div class="card-header"><h5 class="card-title">Planet Caeloria</h5></div>
<div class="card-body">
<p>Caeloria is a hostile world with a methane heavy atmosphere and unique lifeforms that thrive in a carbon rich atmosphere. Despite this, the Caelorians managed to thrive, and once they managed to escape the confines of their planetary atmosphere, their unique line of technology found them uniquely suited to taming similarly hostile worlds. While their current rate of expansion is decidedly slower than the galactic average, it is believed that once they fully integrate into the galactic community they will be one of the few races that can share star systems with other races without conflict over resources.</p>
<div class="col">
<div class="card solid">
<div class="card-header"><h5 class="card-title">The Caelorian Unity</h5></div>
<div class="card-body">
<p>The Caelorian Unity is the major political party of the planet Caeloria. It is a progressive party whom's primary goal is to promote unity and cooperation among the Caelorian people. It advocates for policies and initiatives that aim to bring the society together and address the needs of all individuals and groups within it.</p>
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<div class="col-3" style="background-image: url('resources/img/items/mods/mod_injector.webp'); background-size: cover; background-position: center center;"></div>
<div class="col-9">
<div class="card-body">
<h5 class="card-title">Modifications</h5>
<p class="card-text mt-3">Modifications, or mods for ease, are a recent technological advancement that allow for users to overhaul their genetic structure in various ways.</p>
<div class="col">
<div class="card solid">
<div class="card-header"><h5 class="card-title">Societal Impact</h5></div>
<div class="card-body">
<p>The introduction of modifications has caused a somewhat drastic shift in the usual societal scene. Since anyone can alter their skin color as easily as taking a pill or getting a few injections, many societal issues have fallen away, and as a whole the general public is more accepting than ever before.</p>
<p>What they have revealed is that almost every mod uses nanomachines that assist in targeting the user's genetic structure and deactivate when it runs its course. The nanomachines are then filtered out of your body via the usual methods, often causing people who have taken a few mods at once to express shock at the gray colored excretions they might emit, including their sweat.</p>
<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/codex/mods/display.webp"/><</simagecard>>
<div class="col">
<div class="card solid">
<div class="card-header"><h5 class="card-title">Technology</h5></div>
<div class="card-body">
<p>GeneForge, and its competitors, keep the technology and theory behind modifications secret. Largely due to its military contracts and to a lesser degree its dominion over the market, GeneForge has made it incredibly difficult to dissect and learn how they produce and design their modifications.</p>
<p>A comfortable military contract backing them, GeneForge now has plenty of influence and capital to explore more fantastic modifications, with the Alliance usually taking first pick of any that seem practical for field work. Rumors persist that GeneForge is currently working with the Alliance military to produce true supersoldiers, although no evidence for such claims have been provided.</p>
<div class="col">
<div class="card solid">
<div class="card-header"><h5 class="card-title">Dangers</h5></div>
<div class="card-body">
<p>Modifications released by GeneForge specifically are universally seen as safe, so long as the dosage directions included are followed correctly. Despite that, there are some clear dangers associated with heavy mod usage, including unintended genetic effects from mixing conflicting mods, and overdoses from over use.</p>
<p>Rumors of the dangers of mods have spread like wildfire, and as more and more competitors to GeneForge emerge, the risk of unplanned mutations has slowly increased. GeneForge's assurance of safety has also led to many of their mods having much tamer effects than their direct competition.</p>
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<div class="col-3" style="background-image: url('resources/img/locations/city/plaza.webp'); background-size: cover; background-position: center center;"></div>
<div class="col-9">
<div class="card-body">
<h5 class="card-title">Novaris Prime</h5>
<p class="card-text mt-3">Established fairly recently to accompany the much older Starwatch Academy and provide an in-system place for the staff and cadets to relax, it has rapidly grown into a fully functioning city with an above average standard of living despite a lack of any notable exportable goods.</p>
<div class="col">
<div class="card solid">
<div class="card-header"><h5 class="card-title">History</h5></div>
<div class="card-body">
<p>The city of Novaris Prime is a testament to modern engineering and technology. Established fairly recently to accompany the much older Starwatch Academy and provide an in-system place for the staff and cadets to relax, it has rapidly grown into a fully functioning city with an above average standard of living despite a lack of any notable exportable goods.</p>
<p>It is commonly said that Novaris exports two things only, officers and expansion. Given the nature of Starwatch Academy nearby, it's easy to know where the statement comes from. The city itself is partitioned due to its staged and modular construction, resulting in a clear but accidental division between low, middle and upper class. Despite that, the vast majority of the city remains accessible to the common Alliance citizen, with only the informal slums on the edge of the city being deemed off limits to most.</p>
<p>Owing to its proximity to Starwatch as well, Novaris has thrived and benefited from an influx of corporations and entrepreneurs catering for the elites of the alliance. As such it's easy to find a variety of high profile individuals and their support networks in Novaris. Uniquely, Novaris as a whole follows the governing rules of the Starwatch Academy, and as a result is one of the freer and more accepting cities under Alliance rule.</p>
<p>As commoners and nobles are treated with equality by the law, and Starwatch provides security and law enforcement for its sister city, many have said that should the caste based meritocracy of the Alliance change, Novaris will be the testing site of the new system.</p>
<div class="col">
<div class="card solid">
<div class="card-header"><h5 class="card-title">GeneForge Labs</h5></div>
<div class="card-body">
<p>Cutting edge technology and unexplored horizons has led to GeneForge's recent rise to popularity throughout the Alliance. Their initial claim to fame was a simple modification pill that allowed users to completely suppress their emotions at will, meant to assist people dealing with trauma and emotional distress. Instead it was largely claimed by the Alliance ground forces, who use it as part of the standard issue kit for soldiers expected to fight in urban scenarios.</p>
<p>A comfortable military contract backing them, GeneForge now has plenty of influence and capital to explore more fantastic modifications, with the Alliance usually taking first pick of any that seem practical for field work. Rumors persist that GeneForge is currently working with the Alliance military to produce true supersoldiers, although no evidence for such claims have been provided.</p>
<div class="col">
<div class="card solid">
<div class="card-header"><h5 class="card-title">Ascendant Towers</h5></div>
<div class="card-body">
<p>An incredibly diverse portfolio allows Ascendant Towers to thrive and exist on any planet controlled by the Alliance. While no one can say for sure what they do and what they offer, you would be hard pressed to find an alliance citizen that hasn't bought at least one of their products, or used one of their services before. A multi-planetary conglomerate, they charge a premium for premium products and services, but have the tens of millions of positive reviews to back it up.</p>
<p>Implications that they are used to launder funds for corrupt Alliance nobles and commoners alike exist, but any cases made against them are buried almost instantly, leaving most legal workers understandably wary of competing with Ascendant.</p>
<div class="col">
<div class="card solid">
<div class="card-header"><h5 class="card-title">Capitol Nexus</h5></div>
<div class="card-body">
<p>An environmental and political group, Capitol Nexus is largely seen as an outcast group in Alliance circles, despite their immense political power and stance as the main opposition to the current caste system of the Alliance. Seen as a minor issue regardless of its antagonistic views of the Alliance caste system, it enjoys an oddly large amount of support from Noble families.</p>
<p>The reason for its support from the exact group of people it seeks to undo is due to the rebellious teens of the noble families. As they lash out against their noble families, they tend to flock towards working with Capitol Nexus for a time, which ironically leads to noble families sponsoring the group to ensure their child stays safe and comfortable.</p>
<p>Aside from its strange source of funding and power, Capitol Nexus is a large advocate of environmental reform, protesting loudly at the Alliance practice of strip mining entire worlds and asteroid belts to fuel its economy and war machine. Recently suspicions have been placed onto it about potential support and funding being diverted to rebel forces.</p>
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<<if starGame.player.isMale()>>
<div class="col-3" style="background-image: url('resources/img/characters/anonm.webp'); background-size: cover; background-position: center center;"></div>
<div class="col-3" style="background-image: url('resources/img/characters/anonf.webp'); background-size: cover; background-position: center center;"></div>
<div class="col-9">
<div class="card-body">
<h5 class="card-title">$character_firstName $character_lastName</h5>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-3"><strong>Id:</strong></div>
<div class="col-9">1654154763</div>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-3"><strong>Social status:</strong></div>
<div class="col-9">Noble</div>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-3"><strong>Social rank:</strong></div>
<div class="col-9">203</div>
<p class="card-text mt-3">The eldest child of the illustrious $character_lastName family, you've been groomed to succeed the role of family head since you were able to talk.</p>
<div class="col">
<div class="card solid">
<div class="card-header"><h5 class="card-title">High Expectations</h5></div>
<div class="card-body">
<p>Raised to be the best possible leader you can be, you've struggled under the pressure from time to time, but thus far have never failed to live up to your fathers expectations.</p>
<p>However, with the sudden reignition of civil war, the carefully laid out plans for you to quietly grow into your position were forced to change. The growing demand for the battle hardened leaders of the past to return has led to your sudden enrollment in the Alliance's prestigious Starwatch Academy, responsible for producing the vast majority of its most talented leaders over the past six hundred years.</p>
<p>In an interesting twist of events, should you manage to graduate from the Academy, you'll be granted the extraordinary powers required to assume control from even your father, the Alliance's current grand-admiral.</p>
<div class="col">
<div class="card solid">
<div class="card-header"><h5 class="card-title">Family</h5></div>
<div class="card-body">
<p>Aside from your father, who holds a prominent position in the Alliance military, you have a decently sized immediate family, each of which is no less important in their own field. Your mother was a stern, but caring matriarch of the family, taking on the role of family head during your fathers long absences due to his role in the Navy. Despite their marriage originally being a mere political alliance, time has turned their arranged marriage into a true one.</p>
<p>You also have two younger siblings, both of which are slowly being groomed to step into political positions as part of the council that helps advise the royal family on future courses of action. Despite that, both are overshadowed by your admittance to Starwatch, and will likely remain minor players in intergalactic politics compared to you.</p>
<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/codex/player/battleforearth.webp"/><</simagecard>>
<div class="col">
<div class="card solid">
<div class="card-header"><h5 class="card-title">Family Foundation</h5></div>
<div class="card-body">
<p>The original founding member of your family was, during the Reformation war, a commoner. During the battle for Earth, a stray cannon round found a gap in the shields of the Alliance command ship, the impact killing the entire noble command crew. As one of the only surviving bridge crew that knew how the battle was going prior to the impact, your forefather assumed control through use of one of the fighter communication relays and directed the now leaderless defense fleet through an increasingly desperate battle, using his memory of the incoming rebel fleets positions to predict their next moves.</p>
<p>The gamble paid off, and the blockaded fleet managed to hold on long enough for the reinforcements to arrive, and when the battle had been settled, all surviving members of the fleet confirmed their survival to be due to your forebears interference, and he was rewarded by the Emperor with a noble title and a high ranking position amongst the noble caste.</p>
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<div class="col-3" style="background-image: url('resources/img/characters/side/daniella/daniella_avatar.webp'); background-size: cover; background-position: center center;"></div>
<div class="col-9">
<div class="card-body">
<h5 class="card-title">Dr. Daniella</h5>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-3"><strong>Id:</strong></div>
<div class="col-9">8822075991</div>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-3"><strong>Social status:</strong></div>
<div class="col-9">Commoner</div>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-3"><strong>Social rank:</strong></div>
<div class="col-9">672</div>
<p class="card-text mt-3">Professional, with a no nonsense attitude, Daniella is proud of her position within GeneForge. An expert on all things related to modifications, there are few better choices to learn from when it comes to crafting gene mods.</p>
<div class="col">
<div class="card solid">
<div class="card-header"><h5 class="card-title">Notebook</h5></div>
<div class="card-body">
<<if starGame.player.getFact('job_lab_daniella_accepted') is true>>
While working at GeneForge, I was offered a job doing slightly more important and harder work by Dr. Daniella. I've accepted it for now, taking the chance to learn more where I can. This might be a good way to get promotions and attention from the company.
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<div class="col-3" style="background-image: url('resources/img/characters/side/eris/eris_avatar.webp'); background-size: cover; background-position: center center;"></div>
<div class="col-9">
<div class="card-body">
<h5 class="card-title">Eris</h5>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-3"><strong>Id:</strong></div>
<div class="col-9">6134815802</div>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-3"><strong>Social status:</strong></div>
<div class="col-9">Commoner</div>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-3"><strong>Social rank:</strong></div>
<div class="col-9">501</div>
<p class="card-text mt-3">The seemingly detached and cold customer service representative of the Eclipse Gallery store. Her pale skin and dark hair look good with her goth fashion and present a good indication of the type of things you'll find in the store itself.</p>
<div class="col">
<div class="card solid">
<div class="card-header"><h5 class="card-title">Notebook</h5></div>
<div class="card-body">
Eris is the customer service representative at the Eclipse Gallery store located in the Red Light District.
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<div class="col-3" style="background-image: url('resources/img/characters/side/felix/felix_avatar.webp'); background-size: cover; background-position: center center;"></div>
<div class="col-9">
<div class="card-body">
<h5 class="card-title">Felix Cross</h5>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-3"><strong>Id:</strong></div>
<div class="col-9">2071434298</div>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-3"><strong>Social status:</strong></div>
<div class="col-9">Noble</div>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-3"><strong>Social rank:</strong></div>
<div class="col-9">340</div>
<p class="card-text mt-3">A noble who's reached a comfortable position through what can only be described as calculated mediocrity. Despite his clear intelligence and cunning, Felix Cross is content with doing only exactly enough to live comfortably, without any attention or expectations placed upon him.</p>
<div class="col">
<div class="card solid">
<div class="card-header"><h5 class="card-title">Notebook</h5></div>
<div class="card-body">
While working at Ascendant Towers, I was offered a job doing slightly more important work by Felix Cross. <<if starGame.player.getFact('job_office_accepted')>>I've accepted it for now, taking the chance to stand out more where I can. This might be a good way to get promotions and attention from the company.<</if>>
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<div class="col-3" style="background-image: url('resources/img/characters/side/wolfgirl/wolfgirl_avatar.webp'); background-size: cover; background-position: center center;"></div>
<div class="col-9">
<div class="card-body">
<h5 class="card-title">Hana</h5>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-3"><strong>Id:</strong></div>
<div class="col-9">2071434298</div>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-3"><strong>Social status:</strong></div>
<div class="col-9">Commoner</div>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-3"><strong>Social rank:</strong></div>
<div class="col-9">790</div>
<p class="card-text mt-3">Hana was an ordinary commoner at Starwatch Academy until she fell victim to one of the Rebels' terror attacks. Involuntarily morphed into a hellhound hybrid, she struggles with her new body, and awaits the day where the Alliance will figure out a way to revert the changes.</p>
<div class="col">
<div class="card solid">
<div class="card-header"><h5 class="card-title">Notebook</h5></div>
<div class="card-body">
I met the hellhound from the clinic, in the clinic again. Hana seems to spend most of her time lounging there, avoiding people who might react poorly to her altered appearance.
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('wolfgirl_talk') >= 3>>
Hana's libido seems to surge like crazy, and while she didn't beg me to have sex with her, she openly offered the chance, giving me the choice between cooling her down with a mod or my body.
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('wolfgirl_sex') is true>>
I gave in to my own desires, and Hana quickly showed me how a determinedly horny hellhound can take control of a situation, as she lead me to one of the private booths for some fun.
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<div class="col-3" style="background-image: url('resources/img/characters/side/darkelf/darkelf_avatar.webp'); background-size: cover; background-position: center center;"></div>
<div class="col-9">
<div class="card-body">
<h5 class="card-title">Irene Seldry</h5>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-3"><strong>Id:</strong></div>
<div class="col-9">7293476890</div>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-3"><strong>Social status:</strong></div>
<div class="col-9">Noble</div>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-3"><strong>Social rank:</strong></div>
<div class="col-9">495</div>
<p class="card-text mt-3">Irene Seldry was once a normal, low ranking noble attending Starwatch Academy. Caught up in the effects of a Rebel terrorist attack, she's been involuntarily modded into a Dark Elf. Struggling with the side effects of the mod, she seems to have developed an entirely new, more submissive personality as a result of it.</p>
<div class="col">
<div class="card solid">
<div class="card-header"><h5 class="card-title">Notebook</h5></div>
<div class="card-body">
I met the dark elf, Irene Seldri, from cafeteria in the archives. It seems like she's taken to spending time away from prying eyes here.
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('darkelf_talk') >= 3>>
Irene made a pretty overt advance on me the last time we met, directly offering to help relieve my tension and service me. The side effects of the rebels mods on her bodies if her theory is right.
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('darkelf_sex') is true>>
I took up the offer and to my surprise she didn't even look for a private spot before showing my just how well suited her new body is to the task.
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<div class="col-3" style="background-image: url('resources/img/characters/side/nialla/nialla_avatar.webp'); background-size: cover; background-position: center center;"></div>
<div class="col-9">
<div class="card-body">
<h5 class="card-title">Nialla</h5>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-3"><strong>Id:</strong></div>
<div class="col-9">N/A</div>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-3"><strong>Social status:</strong></div>
<div class="col-9">Vyask Tribe</div>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-3"><strong>Social rank:</strong></div>
<div class="col-9">N/A</div>
<p class="card-text mt-3">A native from planet Tulara, Nialla is a surprisingly friendly huntress from one of the nomadic lamia tribes that call it home.
Previously uncontacted, at least through official channels, diplomacy between the Alliance and her kind has yet to be formalized.</p>
<div class="col">
<div class="card solid">
<div class="card-header"><h5 class="card-title">Notebook</h5></div>
<div class="card-body">
I met Nialla on Planet Tulara, todo
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<div class="col">
<div class="card solid">
<div class="row no-gutters csheet-preview-card">
<div class="col-3" style="background-image: url('resources/img/characters/side/twins/twins_avatar.webp'); background-size: cover; background-position: center center;"></div>
<div class="col-9">
<div class="card-body">
<h5 class="card-title">Helena & Rae</h5>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-3"><strong>Id:</strong></div>
<div class="col-9">N/A</div>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-3"><strong>Social status:</strong></div>
<div class="col-9">N/A</div>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-3"><strong>Social rank:</strong></div>
<div class="col-9">N/A</div>
<p class="card-text mt-3">The enigmatic identical twins of the local Castelli store.</p>
<div class="col">
<div class="card solid">
<div class="card-header"><h5 class="card-title">Notebook</h5></div>
<div class="card-body">
<p>I've met Helena and Rae at the Castelli store. They work there as attendants and have the odd quirk of speaking in unison. Could it be that they have implants?</p>
<</nobr>><<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/intro/tablet.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
Looking down at the tablet in your hands, you feel the soft hum of the transit shuttle as its engines power on. The tablets screen flashes once, and as you touch it in response, a small form appears on screen.
<span class="computer">"Welcome to the Starwatch Transit system. Please take a moment to complete a short survey. Completion of the survey will automatically enter you into a prize draw that will be taking place the day after Academy registrations close."</span>
It's not the most fun thing to do on the station, but seeing as you're currently the only person on the shuttle, you might as well kill some time by doing the survey. Tapping the screen to begin the survey, a few input boxes pop up quickly.
<span class="computer">"Please enter your first and last name."</span>
<div class="row mb-3">\
<div class="col-sm-12 col-lg-2" style="align-self: center;">First name:</div>\
<div class="col-sm-12 col-lg-10 macro-textbox-container"><<textbox "$character_firstName" $character_firstName>></div>\
<div class="row">\
<div class="col-sm-12 col-lg-2" style="align-self: center;">Last name:</div>\
<div class="col-sm-12 col-lg-10 macro-textbox-container"><<textbox "$character_lastName" $character_lastName>></div>\
<span class="computer">"Please select your gender."</span>
<label><<radiobutton "$character_gender" "Male" autocheck>><span>Male</span></label>\
<label><<radiobutton "$character_gender" "Female" autocheck>><span>Female</span></label>\
<label><<radiobutton "$character_gender" "Trans" autocheck>><span>Transgender (MTF)</span></label>\
<<sinfotip>>Transgender (MTF) start: Your character will be female presenting.<</sinfotip>>\
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Intro_ShuttleSurvey_Avatar">>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<saudio "bgm_heleus" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.25>>
if (typeof Config.ui.stowBarInitially === 'number') {
if ($(window).width() > Config.ui.stowBarInitially) {
<</nobr>><<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/intro/tablet.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
<span class="computer">"Please attach an image we can use to identify you in the event that you win the competition."</span>
Shaking your head slightly, you're amused as a small camera pops out the top of the tablet, as its screen changes to help you take the most flattering image you can in the situation.
<div class="row no-gutters">
<div class="col-md-12 col-lg-5">
<div class="row mb-3">
<div class="col-sm-12 col-lg-4"></div>
<div class="col-sm-12 col-lg-8">
<<slink "Zoom" "" "btn btn-highlight btn-normalized w-100" "">>
<div class="row mb-3">
<div class="col-sm-12 col-lg-4"><span class="slistbox-label">Skin:</span></div>
<div class="col-sm-12 col-lg-8">
<<slistbox "cc-skin" starGame.paperdoll.skin>>
<div class="row mb-3">
<div class="col-sm-12 col-lg-4"><span class="slistbox-label">Eyes:</span></div>
<div class="col-sm-12 col-lg-8">
<<slistbox "cc-eyes" starGame.paperdoll.eyes>>
<div class="row mb-3">
<div class="col-sm-12 col-lg-4"><span class="slistbox-label">Hair color:</span></div>
<div class="col-sm-12 col-lg-8">
<<slistbox "cc-haircolor" starGame.paperdoll.hairColors>>
<<if $character_gender is "Female" or $character_gender is "Trans">>
/% Female hair styles %/
<div class="row mb-3">
<div class="col-sm-12 col-lg-4"><span class="slistbox-label">Hair style:</span></div>
<div class="col-sm-12 col-lg-8">
<<slistbox "cc-hairstyle" starGame.paperdoll.femaleHairStyles>>
/% Male hair styles %/
<div class="row mb-3">
<div class="col-sm-12 col-lg-4"><span class="slistbox-label">Hair style:</span></div>
<div class="col-sm-12 col-lg-8">
<<slistbox "cc-hairstyle" starGame.paperdoll.maleHairStyles>>
/% Male facial hair styles %/
<div class="row mb-3">
<div class="col-sm-12 col-lg-4"><span class="slistbox-label">Facial hair:</span></div>
<div class="col-sm-12 col-lg-8">
<<slistbox "cc-facialhairstyle" starGame.paperdoll.facialHairStyles>>
/% Male body hair styles %/
<div class="row mb-3">
<div class="col-sm-12 col-lg-4"><span class="slistbox-label">Body hair:</span></div>
<div class="col-sm-12 col-lg-8">
<<slistbox "cc-bodyhairstyle" starGame.paperdoll.bodyHairStyles>>
<div class="col-md-12 col-lg-7">
<div style="margin-left: 20px;">
<div id="character-creator" @class="'paperdoll-' + starGame.paperdoll.getCurrentBodyType()">
<<timed 0.01s>>
let value = $(this).val();
let value = $(this).val();
let value = $(this).val();
let value = $(this).val();
let value = $(this).val();
let value = $(this).val();
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Intro_ShuttleSurvey_Transformation">>
<<set $ui_show_character to true>>
<<set $ui_show_toolbar to true>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><<if starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'black'>><img src="resources/img/locations/intro/tablet_dark.webp"/><<else>><img src="resources/img/locations/intro/tablet.webp"/><</if>><</simagecard>>\
Once you have confirmed your name and gender for the survey, it smoothly transitions through a few questions concerning your thoughts on the Alliance fleet and how you perceive it. Notably, none of the available answers are outright negative, and you breeze through the clearly biased choices by selecting the second option on the list every time.
The final question is worth a moment of thought longer, and this time you take your time to read the question properly.
<span class="computer">"Alien liquid has penetrated your ship's exterior armor. As it begins to leak into the room, you notice that there is not enough protective gear for everyone present, and according to available information, the liquid is not lethal, but will change you in unknown ways. How do you handle the situation?"</span>
<label><<radiobutton "_gameplay_transformation" 2 checked>><span>Give a crew member the protective gear.</span></label>
<label><<radiobutton "_gameplay_transformation" 1 autocheck>><span>Take the protective gear.</span></label>
<<sinfotip>>Take the protective gear to make forced transformations avoidable.<</sinfotip>>\
<<box "choicebox">>
<<if starGame.player.getFact('transstart') is true>>
<<slink "Continue" "Intro_ShuttleSurvey_TransInterlude">>
<<gameplayFlagSet "transformation" _gameplay_transformation>>
<<slink "Continue" "Intro_ShuttleSurvey_Exit">>
<<gameplayFlagSet "transformation" _gameplay_transformation>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/other/mansion_mc.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
After answering the strange question, the tablet shows you a survey completed page, and placing it back on the empty seat beside you, you turn your attention to the shuttle viewport, enjoying the passing scenery of the biodome as you wait to arrive at your destination.
The questions of the survey run through your mind momentarily, as you think back to the life you lived before being enrolled in the Academy. The first born son of a powerful noble family, your life was anything but typical. Etiquette, family histories, royal law and tradition. All things you had to learn growing up, alongside more normal topics.
Despite this, the curiosity of a child remains as it will, and with your father, a powerful figure in the navy, being away on duty most of the time, you grew up surrounded by maids, and watched over by your mother. A younger sister completed the ensemble of company you had growing up, and you got on well with her, indulging in dress ups and tea parties.
A peculiar side effect of getting on so well with your younger sibling was your own growing knowledge of how noble ladies should carry themselves and behave, as the maids used your sisters tea parties and time spent with you to ensure her own education into etiquette was perfected. It didn't take long for you to be able to assume the role of either a noble lord or lady in any situation, something that was met with smiles of appreciation by the maids, and a hidden frown of concern by your mother.
Over time, the skin you wore started to feel wrong, as you found yourself more comfortable acting as a lady than otherwise, and with the dress ups of the past no longer a thing, you realized you missed the dresses and make up that you had once worn only to please your sister.
You were sixteen years old when your mother directly confronted you about your seeming unease in your own body, and how you tended to allow your eyes to linger on dresses and other more feminine outfits when you went for clothes fittings. You expected her to demand you to stop wasting your time thinking about being a girl, and accept your role as the family heir and firstborn son, so you were surprised when her gentle words instead offered you a new path.
<span class="npc1">"Would you rather be our daughter than our son?"</span>
Initially it had felt like a trick question, but her eyes held genuine warmth in place of judgment, a soft smile on her lips as she waited patiently for your answer.
Things moved fast after that. Your wardrobe was quickly changed, suits and formal uniforms replaced with dresses and matching gowns, even as the stylings of your room were changed to meet the standards of a young lady. The etiquette you had learnt listening to the instructions for your sister was retaught with you as its target, your bad habits and misunderstandings corrected quickly as the maids took to catching you up with enthusiasm.
Most importantly, a few quiet words from your mother found the ear of the Empress, and you found yourself doted on by the royal medical team, a series of intensive treatments and supplementary mods administered carefully to you over the course of a few years to ensure your body would adjust to your choice accordingly. Your entry in the family register was updated, and $character_firstName $character_lastName emerged to the alliance as the eldest, first born daughter of your family.
However, even with the support of powerful families and the alliance's impressive technological mastery, some things take time to finish. Your prescription doses of medication are almost finished, and alongside it your body is nearly fully female, with only your penis remaining as a clue that you were born male. Your body has stabilized enough for the final steps to be taken yourself however, and all that remains to complete your transformation is the decision and effort needed to schedule a final session at some point in the future.
For all citizens in alliance space and by all intents and appearances, you are $character_firstName $character_lastName, eldest daughter of the $character_lastName family.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Intro_ShuttleSurvey_Tutorial">><</slink>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><<if starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'black'>><img src="resources/img/locations/intro/tablet_dark.webp"/><<else>><img src="resources/img/locations/intro/tablet.webp"/><</if>><</simagecard>>\
After answering the strange question, the tablet shows you a survey completed page, and placing it back on the empty seat beside you, you turn your attention to the shuttle viewport, enjoying the passing scenery of the biodome as you wait to arrive at your destination.
After a short while, you drift into a pleasant nap, lulled to sleep by the gentle hum of the shuttles engines.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Intro_ShuttleSurvey_Tutorial">><</slink>>
Welcome to Starwatch Academy. Before the game begins, here are a few tips to make your journey a little bit easier.
All core functionalities of the game can be accessed from the sidebar on the left side of your screen. If you are playing on mobile devices, this sidebar can be minimized to save screen space. To toggle it, click on the arrow located in the top left corner of your screen. Here is a visual explanation of what the buttons do:
<div class="center">
<img src="resources/img/sidebar_tutorial.webp" style="width: 100%; max-width: 500px;"/>
If you are stuck, encounter a bug, have any questions or feedback, feel free to reach out on:
- Our tfgames thread: <a href="https://tfgames.site/?module=viewgame&id=2842" target="_blank">View tfgames page</a>
- Our itch.io page: <a href="https://jadeddreams.itch.io/starwatch-academy" target="_blank">View itch.io page</a>
- Our f95zone page: <a href="https://f95zone.to/threads/starwatch-academy-v0-2-6-jaded-dreams.154515/" target="_blank">View f95zone page</a>
- Our discord server: <a href="https://discord.gg/Shk7ZuGTCG" target="_blank">Join Discord server</a>
Have fun out there!
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Intro_ShuttleSurvey_SkipSelection">>
<<set $character_initialAppearance to $character_appearance>>
<div class="col">
<div class="card solid">
<div class="row no-gutters">
<div class="col-md-12">
<div class="card-header">
<h5 class="card-title">Story Selection</h5>
<h6 class="card-subtitle mb-2 text-muted">Choose your desired starting point of Starwatch Academy, with the ability to skip previous campaign acts.</h6>
<div class="col-12">
<div class="row row-cols-1">
/% Full %/
<div class="col">
<div class="card solid">
<div class="row skip-full"></div>
<div class="row p-2">
<div class="col-12 p-2 card-body">
<h5 class="card-title"><strong>Orientation</strong></h5>
<p class="mb-0">Play through the full story of Starwatch Academy from the very beginning.</p>
<div class="row p-0">
<div class="col-12 card-body m-0 p-0">
<<slink "Select Orientation" "Intro_AcademyRegistration" "btn btn-highlight w-100 mb-0">><</slink>>
/% Act 2 %/
<div class="col">
<div class="card solid">
<div class="row skip-act2"></div>
<div class="row p-2">
<div class="col-12 p-2 card-body">
<h5 class="card-title"><strong>Boundless Horizons</strong></h5>
<p class="mb-0">Straight to action. Start on Act 2 of the main campaign and play through a condensed summary of past events.</p>
<div class="mt-2">
<<sinfotip>>Recommended if you're not looking for a story heavy experience or prefer gameplay similar to Silent Echo.<</sinfotip>>
<div class="row p-0">
<div class="col-12 card-body m-0 p-0">
<<slink "Select Boundless Horizons (Coming Soon!)" "Skip_Act2" "btn btn-highlight w-100 mb-0 disabled">>
<</nobr>><<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/academy/exterior1.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
As the shuttle touches down, the light jolt stirs you awake. A glance out the window tells you that you've arrived at Starwatch, a prestigious academy for promising cadets.
As the sole occupant of the shuttle, you disembark without a sense of urgency. A quick glance around the landing zone of the shuttle reveals that either you're the only arrival, or the last arrival.
You can see the grounds of the Starwatch Academy a short distance away, and above that, encompassing you and everything else here, the dome that shelters you from space.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Intro_AcademyRegistration2">><</slink>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/atrium1.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/curie/expressions/neutral_uniform.webp"/>
Movement quickly draws your attention as you are approached by your welcoming committee, an attractive woman and her robot assistant.
She flashes you a warm smile as her emerald eyes give you a slow once over, before extending a hand in greeting. <span class="curie">"We've been expecting you, Cadet $character_lastName."</span>
<<sinfotip>>Ignoring the handshake will prevent an early relationship with Curie.<</sinfotip>>\
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Shake her hand" "Intro_AcademyRegistration_ShakeHand" "btn btn-highlight good">>
<<snotify "info">>Curie liked that.<</snotify>>
<<npcStatIncrease "curie_affinity" 25>>
<<snotify "info">>+1 Paragon.<</snotify>>
<<playerStatIncrease "paragon" 1>>
<<addtocodex "Curie" "met_curie">>
<<npcFactSet "curie_intro_shakehands" true>>
<<slink "Ignore handshake" "Intro_AcademyRegistration_NoShakeHand" "btn btn-highlight bad">>
<<snotify "info">>Curie did not like that.<</snotify>>
<<npcStatDecrease "curie_affinity" 25>>
<<snotify "info">>+1 Renegade.<</snotify>>
<<playerStatIncrease "renegade" 1>>
<<addtocodex "Curie" "met_curie">>
<<npcFactSet "curie_intro_shakehands" false>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/atrium1.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/curie/expressions/angry_uniform.webp"/>
Ignoring her offered hand, you catch her off guard, and after a moment of awkward silence passes, she clears her throat.
<span class="curie">"Cadet $character_lastName, I'm assigned to guide your initial arrival to the academy. From here you'll head into the building behind me, where you'll complete your registration and book out a room."</span>
Her voice has a slight French accent, and from the frown that crosses her face for a moment, you can tell she's not used to being snubbed by anyone. Her moment of irritation passes quickly however, as she steps out of your way, and waits for you to move on ahead to the Academy building.
Her skintight jumpsuit leaves little to the imagination, but she clears her throat when you look at her, indicating that you should get a move on towards the building indicated.
With the young woman waiting for you to do something, you have no choice but to head on towards the registration building alone. The short walk leads you to the inside of a luxurious entry hall, which is currently empty aside from you. To your left is a row of terminals, the screen of the nearest one showing you a registration form. To the right is a door marked "Staff" and directly ahead you can see a larger set of double doors that lead to the Academy grounds.
Deciding to get the registration done with first, you take a seat behind the nearest terminal and notice that you have to enter the same basic information that you had previously given to the survey on the shuttle. After you complete this part of the form, the next step is to choose the subject you'll be majoring in during your time at the academy. There are three options currently available to you.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Fighters" "Intro_AcademyRegistration_NoShakeHand_Fighters">><</slink>>
<<slink "Cruisers" "Intro_AcademyRegistration_NoShakeHand_Cruisers">><</slink>>
<<slink "Battlegroups" "Intro_AcademyRegistration_NoShakeHand_Battlegroups">><</slink>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/academy/atrium1.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
Hitting the option to go back to the selection, you take another look at the options on the form.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Fighters" "Intro_AcademyRegistration_NoShakeHand_Fighters">><</slink>>
<<slink "Cruisers" "Intro_AcademyRegistration_NoShakeHand_Cruisers">><</slink>>
<<slink "Battlegroups" "Intro_AcademyRegistration_NoShakeHand_Battlegroups">><</slink>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/academy/atrium1.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
Even though the form doesn't offer more information, you know enough about the Academy to know that this is the choice one would pick if they wanted to become an ace starfighter pilot. Your grandfather was an exceptional one, and you'd be following in his footsteps if you choose this as your major.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Return" "Intro_AcademyRegistration_NoShakeHand_Return">><</slink>>
<<slink "Choose Fighters" "Intro_AcademyRegistration_NoShakeHand_Fighters_Confirmation">><<playerFactSet "major" "fighters">><</slink>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/academy/atrium1.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
Deciding that a life of glory and fast paced action is the choice for you, you finished up with the form, selecting Fighter piloting as your major.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Intro_AcademyRegistration_NoShakeHand_Completed">><</slink>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/academy/atrium1.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
Even though the form doesn't offer more information, you know enough about the Academy to know that this is the choice one would make if they wanted to command their own midsized capital ship. It would deal in independent operations as well as fleet actions, and following the footsteps of your father, you'd be a highly valued member of the Alliance fleet if you passed this major.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Return" "Intro_AcademyRegistration_NoShakeHand_Return">><</slink>>
<<slink "Choose Cruisers" "Intro_AcademyRegistration_NoShakeHand_Cruisers_Confirmation">><<playerFactSet "major" "cruisers">><</slink>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/academy/atrium1.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
You've always wanted to explore the unknown, and what better way to do it than at the helm of a cruiser. Making your choice with this major, you finish your registration.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Intro_AcademyRegistration_NoShakeHand_Completed">><</slink>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/academy/atrium1.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
Even though the form doesn't offer more information, you know that this choice is only available to members of noble families such as yourself. It involves learning to command entire fleets of ships in combat, as you defend and expand the borders of the Alliance. Only one member of your family has ever commanded a battlegroup before, and that was the founding member of your noble family.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Return" "Intro_AcademyRegistration_NoShakeHand_Return">><</slink>>
<<slink "Choose Battlegroups" "Intro_AcademyRegistration_NoShakeHand_Battlegroups_Confirmation">><<playerFactSet "major" "battlegroups">><</slink>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/academy/atrium1.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
A long time ago, someone in your family commanded a battlegroup and saved humanity. Today, you start to follow in their footsteps, as you mark down your choice of major.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Intro_AcademyRegistration_NoShakeHand_Completed">><</slink>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/elevator.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/diane/expressions/neutral_gym.webp"/>
Having finished your registration, you decide to get the next most important part of the day over with. Leaving the entry hall behind you, you proceed through the doors into StarWatch Academy. You know that the elevators nearby lead to the residences, and being from a noble family, you'll be able to find your room on the fifth floor of the residences.
A moment passes as you wait for an elevator, and keying in your destination, the doors are almost closed when a hand suddenly stops them from closing. As the doors open to reveal this last minute entry to the elevator, you find yourself staring at a well tanned and attractive woman. She flashes you a quick smile as she moves to stand next to you. Dressed in what is clearly gym apparel, you have a moment to appreciate her well toned body as she leans over to press her floors button.
<span class="diane">"You're a new face. And quite an important one if you're going to the fifth floor."</span> She speaks as she turns to you, getting closer than needed, her face only a few inches from yours. Laughing slightly, she pulls away from you, leaning against the elevator wall as she waits for the ride to end.
<span class="diane">"I'm Diane. Not a noble like you, but only a step away."</span> She doesn't offer a hand, and seems to be just making small talk to pass the time. As you're about to introduce yourself, she interrupts however.
<span class="diane">"I've always wanted to fuck a noble."</span>
<<sinfotip>>Turning her down will prevent an early relationship with Diane.<</sinfotip>>\
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Seize the opportunity" "Intro_AcademyRegistration_NoShakeHand_SexScene_Accept" "btn btn-highlight good">>
<<snotify "info">>Diane liked that.<</snotify>>
<<npcStatIncrease "diane_affinity" 5>>
<<npcFactSet "diane_intro_sex" true>>
<<addtocodex "Diane" "met_diane">>
<<slink "Turn down her offer" "Intro_AcademyRegistration_NoShakeHand_SexScene_Decline" "btn btn-highlight bad">>
<<snotify "info">>Diane did not like that.<</snotify>>
<<npcStatDecrease "diane_affinity" 5>>
<<npcFactSet "diane_intro_sex" false>>
<<addtocodex "Diane" "met_diane">>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/elevator.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/diane/expressions/happy_gym.webp"/>
<span class="hero">"Is that so. Too bad there's no nobles in the elevator who might... wait a second."</span> You say with a grin, prompting a sudden change of atmosphere in the small room as your reply seems to take Diane off-guard.
<span class="diane">"Well then."</span> She mutters breathily, as she takes a step towards you, her eyes full of lust. Before anything can happen however, the elevator door opens, and Diane stays on her side of the elevator.
<span class="diane">"I need a shower. Joining me?"</span> She asks as she steps onto the fourth floor throwing a seductive glance back at you as she walks away, purposefully exaggerating the say of her hips as you watch. Following her down the hallway, you quickly forget about finding your own room as she pulls you into hers, her hands already trying to get your clothes off.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Intro_AcademyRegistration_NoShakeHand_SexScene_Accept2">><</slink>>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<saudio "bgm_sex1" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.25>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/scenes/d1_diane/showpussy.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
Following the athletic Diane to her room, she gives you plenty of opportunities to check her body out, making sure to wiggle her ass and hips for you whenever she sees you looking.
As the door to her room opens, she enters wordlessly, and following her in, you're greeted with the sight of her pulling her clothes off, revealing her toned body and ample C-cups to you. Winking, she turns around, and bends over, making sure you have a clear view of her firm ass and the delicate pussy below it, framed by her lean thighs.
<span class="diane">"This way hot stuff."</span> She says as she leads you to the shower, and after turning the water on, she turns to undress you, her hand already gliding between your legs with a gentle caress of your thigh.
<<if starGame.player.isShemale()>>\
Her hand slides over your bulging cock, barely restrained by your panties and she giggles softly, licking her lips as she frees it from the tight clothing.
<span class="diane">"Just when I thought this couldn't get any better."</span> she says, stroking your shaft with a lusty smile.
As she pulls you into the shower with her, you can't stop yourself from sliding a finger into her pussy, and are momentarily surprised by the long, lewd moan she lets out. A smile crosses your face as you realize the reason is the extra bumps you can feel around your fingers.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Intro_AcademyRegistration_NoShakeHand_SexScene_Accept3">><</slink>>
<<if starGame.player.isShemale()>>
<<if starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'black'>>
<img src="resources/img/scenes/d1_diane/s_black_finger.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'tan'>>
<img src="resources/img/scenes/d1_diane/s_tan_finger.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/scenes/d1_diane/s_fair_finger.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.isMale()>>
<<if starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'black'>>
<img src="resources/img/scenes/d1_diane/m_black_finger.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'tan'>>
<img src="resources/img/scenes/d1_diane/m_tan_finger.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/scenes/d1_diane/m_fair_finger.webp"/>
<<if starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'black'>>
<img src="resources/img/scenes/d1_diane/f_black_finger.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'tan'>>
<img src="resources/img/scenes/d1_diane/f_tan_finger.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/scenes/d1_diane/f_fair_finger.webp"/>
<<if starGame.player.hasPenis()>>\
<span class="hero">"Body modded?"</span> You tease, as you light stroke against them.
<span class="diane">"Extra, internal clits."</span> She moans out, her nails digging into your back as she tries to stay standing while you explore her. Relenting slightly, you pull your fingers out of her, and rewarded with a breathy sigh.
<span class="diane">"I didn't say stop."</span> She manages to whisper, as she turns, rubbing her ass into your groin. <span class="diane">"Don't be shy."</span> She teases with a wiggle of her hips.
You don't bother responding, as you instead adjust her so that you can easily slide inside her. Diane doesn't try to hide the pleasure it gives her when you slide your dick inside her pussy, and lets out a deep, lustful moan as you feel her pussy tighten around you.
Gripping her by the hips, you take your time enjoying her body, relishing how every tiny movement from you pushes Diane over the edge, the extra stimulation from her internal clits being too much for her to bear. She barely notices as you pick up the pace, and after a few minutes of using her as you please, you feel your own orgasm building.
Diane is mewling near constantly at this point, and you've lost track of how many times you've felt her cum around you. Not wanting to be left out, you start to focus on making sure your own relief is worth the effort, and as you begin to approach climax, you can hear Diane's moans growing louder and more intense.
Hilting yourself in her, you feel your knees buckle slightly as you fill her up, and from the satisfied sounds comes from your fucktoy, you know you've left a good first impression of yourself in her mind. Letting Diane have a few minutes to recover, you treat yourself to a relaxing shower, watching Diane trying to steady herself out the corner of your eye. When you've decided she's had long enough to recover, you run your hand through her hair, gripping it gently as you guide her to arch her back again.
<span class="hero">"Ready for round two?"</span> You ask with a smirk, the only answer from Diane being a light wiggle of her hips as she spreads her legs.
<span class="hero">"Good girl."</span> You praise her before inserting yourself once more.
<span class="hero">"Body modded?"</span> You tease, as you lightly stroke against them.
<span class="diane">"Extra, internal clits. Highly recommended."</span> She moans out, her nails digging into your back as she tries to stay standing while you explore her. Relenting slightly, you pull your fingers out of her, rewarded with a breathy sigh.
<span class="diane">"I didn't say stop."</span> Not one to leave a horny lady waiting, you tease her with a gentle bite on the neck while your fingers explore her body.
Two fingers in her cunt, you smile as you feel her muscles tighten around you, her arms wrapped around you to prevent her from falling over. This is going to be fun. Giving her a few moments to recover her breath, you feel a tingle of excitement course through you, as Diane drops to her knees before you, her lips brushing the insides of your thigh. Lustful eyes look up at you as she snakes her tongue inside your own pussy, prompting you to run your hands through her hair, pulling her face tighter against your body. Right as you can feel your orgasm coming, she suddenly pulls away, an evil smirk on her face.
<span class="diane">"I'm feeling left out."</span> She says in a sultry voice, guiding you to her bed. She pushes you over, climbing onto you, her pussy only inches from your face. You can feel her breath on yours, and as you slide your tongue into her cunt, you can faintly taste vanilla as you hear her moan. Moments later, you are locked in place by her well toned legs as her body tenses, the sweetly intoxicating scents and flavors that accompany her orgasm driving you over the edge of your own.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Intro_AcademyRegistration_Ending_Diane">><</slink>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/elevator.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/diane/expressions/neutral_gym.webp"/>
<span class="hero">"Such a shame that you're not quite good enough for us isn't it."</span> You answer coldly, the emphasis on us making it clear that you're not interested in her advances. She frowns slightly at that, before her confidence returns.
<span class="diane">"Ah, you're one of those nobles. A shame, you looked like my type and I'm probably more fun than your other noble toys."</span> She speaks defiantly, and for a moment you're caught off guard by it.
Unfortunately you don't have a chance to reply before she steps off the elevator onto the fourth floor, blowing you a sarcastic kiss as the doors close between you.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Intro_AcademyRegistration_NoShakeHand_SexScene_Decline2">><</slink>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/mc_apartment/apartment_night.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/eva/expressions/neutral.webp"/>
Finding your room easily, you are happy to see that its quite well furnished, with an obviously comfortable double bed, en-suite hot tub, and a personal augmented reality station. As the door closes behind you, your terminal on the desk coems to life, and an obviously synthetic voice greets you.
<span class="eva">"Welcome to Starwatch Academy, Cadet $character_lastName. I am Eva, the assistant AI for the academy. I will be aiding you with orientation and provide information to any queries you might have."</span>
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Greet her" "Intro_AcademyRegistration_NoShakeHand_SexScene_Decline_Calm" "btn btn-highlight good">>
<<snotify "info">>Eva liked that.<</snotify>>
<<npcStatIncrease "eva_affinity" 5>>
<<addtocodex "EVA" "met_eva">>
<<npcFactSet "eva_intro_greet" true>>
<<slink "Complain about your privacy" "Intro_AcademyRegistration_NoShakeHand_SexScene_Decline_Complain" "btn btn-highlight bad">>
<<snotify "info">>Eva did not like that.<</snotify>>
<<npcStatDecrease "eva_affinity" 5>>
<<addtocodex "EVA" "met_eva">>
<<npcFactSet "eva_intro_greet" false>>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<saudio "bgm_home" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.25>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/mc_apartment/apartment_night.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/eva/expressions/neutral.webp"/>
<span class="hero">"And here I thought I'd have personal space in my room at least."</span> You say as you hear the AI's greeting, which in turn prompts a quiet laugh from the machine.
<span class="eva">"Don't worry Cadet, I have a privacy mode that you can activate at will."</span>
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Intro_AcademyRegistration_Ending_NoSex">><</slink>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/mc_apartment/apartment_night.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/eva/expressions/happy.webp"/>
<span class="hero">"Pleased to meet you Eva. I assume you won't stare at me while I sleep?"</span> You respond, not too surprised by the AI's greeting.
A pleasant laugh is your reward as she answers you. <span class="eva">"I only watch if you ask me to."</span>
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Intro_AcademyRegistration_Ending_NoSex">><</slink>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/atrium1.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/curie/expressions/happy_uniform.webp"/>
<span class="curie">"That's quite the grip. I guess the rumors about you have some substance after all. If you'll follow me, I'll lead you to where we can complete your registration and show you to your room. My name's Curie by the way."</span>
Her voice has a slight French accent, and from the way she lets her hand linger in yours, as well as the emphasis she placed on leading you to your room, lets you know that she has less than pure intentions.
As she turns to lead the way, you're given a chance to give her a once over without being noticed, and the skintight jumpsuit she's wearing makes no attempt in hiding any of her curves, her hips swaying slightly as she walks away from you.
<span class="curie">"Coming?"</span> Her voice reminds you that you are supposed to be following, and you quickly catch up, noticing a faint smile on her lips as she leads you to the nearby building.
The distance between the shuttle and the academy entry hall is not large, and within minutes you find yourself seated before a terminal, as Curie sits next to you, her leg rubbing against yours.
The entry hall you're in is quite luxurious, and while you're already seated at a registration terminal thanks to Curies guidance, you can see a door marked "Staff" off to the right side of the hall. Additionally, the Academy grounds lie behind a large set of double doors on the far wall from where you entered the entry hall.
<span class="curie">"Obviously we already know who you are, but the academy system doesn't. You'll need to fill in the forms here so that its up to speed as well."</span> She deftly navigates the terminals options until a form pops up, asking for your name and choice of major. Curie has already filled your name in and turns to you with expectant eyes as three options wait for you to pick them.
<span class="curie">"If you need help in deciding, you can always ask me."</span> She says playfully, closer than she needs to be.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Fighters" "Intro_AcademyRegistration_ShakeHand_Fighters">><</slink>>
<<slink "Cruisers" "Intro_AcademyRegistration_ShakeHand_Cruisers">><</slink>>
<<slink "Battlegroups" "Intro_AcademyRegistration_ShakeHand_Battlegroups">><</slink>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/atrium1.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/curie/expressions/happy_uniform.webp"/>
<span class="curie">"Still undecided? Don't take too long in deciding, I still need to show you that room."</span> Curie says as she nudges you slightly with her shoulder.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Fighters" "Intro_AcademyRegistration_ShakeHand_Fighters">><</slink>>
<<slink "Cruisers" "Intro_AcademyRegistration_ShakeHand_Cruisers">><</slink>>
<<slink "Battlegroups" "Intro_AcademyRegistration_ShakeHand_Battlegroups">><</slink>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/atrium1.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/curie/expressions/happy_uniform.webp"/>
<span class="curie">"This deals with learning how to become an ace star fighter pilot. Its a path full of risk and glory, where you stake your personal skills and decision making against that of enemy pilots."</span>
Her emerald green eyes sparkle as you listen to her explain this option, and you can't help but smile in response.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Return" "Intro_AcademyRegistration_ShakeHand_Return">><</slink>>
<<slink "Choose Fighters" "Intro_AcademyRegistration_ShakeHand_Fighters_Confirmation">><<playerFactSet "major" "fighters">><</slink>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/atrium1.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/curie/expressions/happy_uniform.webp"/>
<span class="curie">"A choice that fits anyone from the $character_lastName family. I believe the last time the instructors here couldn't outfly a cadet was when your grandfather took this course."</span>
Her eyes sparkle with excitement as she rubs your thigh, clearly more excited than you are at your choice.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Intro_AcademyRegistration_ShakeHand_Completed">><</slink>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/atrium1.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/curie/expressions/happy_uniform.webp"/>
<span class="curie">"This course is seen as one of the most challenging in the academy. Few people qualify for it, and I'm not surprised that you're one of them. It revolves around commanding your own cruiser in combat, as well as managing the needs of its crew, while carrying out missions for the Alliance. Cruiser captains are extremely prestigious figures, and many of them come from noble families such as your own."</span>
Her response is quick, and while she speaks earnestly about the choice, you can hear a subtle undercurrent of distaste in her words.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Return" "Intro_AcademyRegistration_ShakeHand_Return">><</slink>>
<<slink "Choose Cruisers" "Intro_AcademyRegistration_ShakeHand_Cruisers_Confirmation">><<playerFactSet "major" "cruisers">><</slink>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/atrium1.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/curie/expressions/happy_uniform.webp"/>
<span class="curie">"As expected of the eldest of the $character_lastName family. I believe the hero of the Alliance is your father, awarded when he commanded his cruiser to break a siege alone and saved the High Lords?"</span>
Her voice, while respectful, seems slightly forced, as if she is unhappy you've made this choice. However, its too late now to change it, and she squeezes your arm gently. <span class="curie">"Now, about that room..."</span>
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Intro_AcademyRegistration_ShakeHand_Completed">><</slink>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/atrium1.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/curie/expressions/happy_uniform.webp"/>
<span class="curie">"I can't tell you much about this option. Only the scions of noble families can qualify to lead a battlegroup, and the information in the classes is usually classified. However, as its name implies, this is the choice to make if you want to command an entire fleet of starships, and aren't happy with only having one."</span>
Her words are clearly chosen carefully, as she reveals the class difference between the two of you. Of course you have qualified to take this course if you want, you are the eldest child of the noble $character_lastName family.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Return" "Intro_AcademyRegistration_ShakeHand_Return">><</slink>>
<<slink "Choose Battlegroups" "Intro_AcademyRegistration_ShakeHand_Battlegroups_Confirmation">><<playerFactSet "major" "battlegroups">><</slink>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/atrium1.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/curie/expressions/happy_uniform.webp"/>
<span class="curie">"Looking to become the Grand Admiral like your families founding member?"</span>
She teases you lightly, her hand resting on your thigh as she smiles at you.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Intro_AcademyRegistration_ShakeHand_Completed">><</slink>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/atrium1.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/curie/expressions/happy_uniform.webp"/>
Having made your decision on what your major will be during your time at the academy, you turn to face Curie, who is already watching you with lust in her eyes. She gives you a seductive wink as she sees you looking back at her, her hand slowly sliding across your thigh towards your groin. She doesn't seem to care that both of you are still in the entry hall of the academy as she tries to seduce you.
<<if starGame.player.hasPenis() is true>>\
You can feel your blood rushing to your dick due to her actions, but while she's made it very clear that she wants to bond on a physical level, you still have a moment of hesitation. Should you really start your career here jumping straight into bed with the first girl to bat her eyes at you?
<<elseif starGame.player.hasVagina() is true>>\
You can feel yourself getting wetter due to her actions, but while she's made it very clear that she wants to bond on a physical level, you still have a moment of hesitation. Should you really start your career here jumping straight into bed with the first girl to bat her eyes at you?
<<sinfotip>>Getting laid will enable her submissive path. Keeping it professional will enable her dominant path.<</sinfotip>>\
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Get laid" "Intro_AcademyRegistration_ShakeHand_SexScene_Accept" "btn btn-highlight good">>
<<snotify "info">>Curie liked that.<</snotify>>
<<npcStatIncrease "curie_affinity" 5>>
<<npcFactSet "curie_intro_sex" true>>
<<slink "Keep it professional" "Intro_AcademyRegistration_ShakeHand_SexScene_Decline" "btn btn-highlight bad">>
<<snotify "info">>Curie did not like that.<</snotify>>
<<npcStatDecrease "curie_affinity" 5>>
<<npcFactSet "curie_intro_sex" false>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/scenes/d1_curie/kissing.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
<span class="hero">"I think it's time for us to find a dark corner."</span> You whisper into her ear, and are promptly pulled to your feet as Curie guides you into the Academy and onto an elevator into the residential area. The moment the elevator doors close, she presses herself against you, snaking her tongue between your lips as she gives you a sloppy and passionate kiss. Even before you can react to this, she grabs your hands and guides them to her hips.
One corner of your mind tells you that the elevator is headed to the fifth floor, where the noble students are housed, but you quickly are drawn back to paying attention to the horny woman in your arms as she starts to undo your belt. Grabbing her hands out of surprise, you manage to stop her long enough to get to your assigned room. The door clicks closed behind you, as Curie drops to her knees, finally removing your belt and dropping your pants to the ground.
<span class="eva">"Welcome to Starwatch Academy, Cadet $character_lastName. I am --- Oh, I see you're busy. I'll go to private mode for now."</span>\
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Intro_AcademyRegistration_ShakeHand_SexScene_Accept2">>
<<addtocodex "EVA" "met_eva">>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<saudio "bgm_sex1" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.25>>
<<if starGame.player.hasPenis()>>
<<if starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'black'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/curie/scenes/service_dp/m_black_dp.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'tan'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/curie/scenes/service_dp/m_tan_dp.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/curie/scenes/service_dp/m_fair_dp.webp"/>
<<if starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'black'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/curie/scenes/service_dp/f_black_dp.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'tan'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/curie/scenes/service_dp/f_tan_dp.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/curie/scenes/service_dp/f_fair_dp.webp"/>
<<if starGame.player.hasPenis() is true>>\
The terminal on your desk had turned on and a synthetic voice had greeted you, but promptly turned off again, and before you can react to it properly, Curie smiles up at you as she pulls your dick out your boxers.
<span class="curie">"That's Eva, the administrative AI. Don't worry, she won't watch or bother us unless you want her to."</span>
Processing this information, you're caught somewhat off-guard as Curie locks her lips around your shaft, her tongue sliding around your tip as she slowly teases you, refusing to take more of you in her mouth. Slowly running your fingers through her hair, you catch her by surprise as you force her to deepthroat you, the gagging sound of her struggling to contain you sounding like music to your ears. She doesn't try to resist however, and after a long and pleasurable minute of letting her struggle with your shaft in her throat, you let go of her head, allowing her to pull herself off your saliva covered tool, gasping for air.
Before you can do anything else, she quickly peels her jumpsuit off, revealing her lithe and well proportioned body to your eager eyes. Cupping her D cup tits with an arm, she opens her mouth, her tongue moving seductively as she kneels in front of you again.
Not one to ignore an invitation, you quickly slide your shaft back into her welcoming lips, a moan of pleasure escaping Curies throat as her own hand slips between her legs. You enjoy the attention she pays to your dick for a while before deciding to get what you really came for, and lifting her off her knees, you drop her on the bed, giving her ass a smack for good measure.
The resulting moan lets you know you're on the right track, and like a good fucktoy, Curies legs quickly spread, giving you a good view of her glistening pussy. A light wiggle of her hips is all you need to grab them, and sliding her onto your already lubricated shaft, you hear her soft moans quickly change to a chorus of whines and begging as she pleads for you to fuck her hard.
Deciding to stop playing with her, you begin to move, and instantly feel her pussy tighten around you, as she comes from the stimulation of that single thrust. An evil smile crosses your face as you begin to fuck her mercilessly, and before long, she quickly gives into the waves of pleasure, moaning at your slightest move, her hands clenching the sheets tightly as she moves with your every thrust, impaling herself on you.
Eventually, you can feel your own orgasm building, and as you slam deep into her, you feel waves of relief ripple down your body as you finish inside her. Collapsing on top of her, the room is silent apart from the ragged breathing you both have, and once you recover enough to talk, Curie lets out a low whistle.
<span class="curie">"I'll let you use me anytime, so long as you fuck me like that."</span> Her voice is husky and sultry, and as you feel yourself recovering already, you can't help but slide back inside her.
<<elseif starGame.player.hasVagina() is true>>\
The terminal on your desk had turned on and a synthetic voice had greeted you, but promptly turned off again, and before you can react to it properly, Curie smiles up at you as she slides her hands up your thighs.
<span class="curie">"That's Eva, the administrative AI. Don't worry, she won't watch or bother us unless you want her to."</span>
Processing this information, you're caught somewhat off guard as Curie's tongue finds your clit, a tremor of pleasure running through your body instantly. Unable to resist, you soon find your fingers intertwined with her hair as you hold her head against your groin, her tongue working on your sensitive pussy. A moan from Curie reveals that she's busy fingering herself while eating you out, and when she pauses for a moment, you guide her over to the bed.
Curie's jumpsuit is quickly discarded, and with a seductive wink, she beckons you over with a curled finger, licking her lips in anticipation. Not one to ignore such a welcome invitation, you quickly straddle her face, enjoying the feeling of her warm, frantic breath on your cunt before it's replaced by her dexterous tongue.
From the movements and moans she's making below you, you know she's fingering herself again, and as you rub your pussy against her face, you can feel your orgasm building again. Curie suddenly tenses up, her body spasming from pleasure as you lock your legs around her head, her tongue doing its best to trigger your own release. As a wave of intense pleasure ripples through you, you can see Curie's lust filled eyes locked on your own, and when you do eventually relax your legs enough for her to move, she treats you with a gentle kiss.
<span class="curie">"I'll make sure to bring some toys next time."</span> Her voice is husky and sultry, and with a smile, you guide her face back to your groin.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Intro_AcademyRegistration_Ending_Curie">><</slink>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/atrium1.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/curie/expressions/angry_uniform.webp"/>
Curie freezes as you turn her down, a clear look of confusion crossing her pretty face. After a moment her brain starts to work again, and you can see the anger in her eyes as she pushes herself away from you, storming into the academy, the doors slamming behind her. That was both worse and better than you thought it would go, and you can't help but wonder if Curie is going to stay mad for long.
Sighing, you stand and are forced to follow her, as the residences are through the door she fled through, and after catching an elevator to the fifth floor, where the students from noble families are kept, you shake your head free of the lingering doubts from turning Curie down as you enter your assigned quarters.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Intro_AcademyRegistration_ShakeHand_SexScene_Decline2">><</slink>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/mc_apartment/apartment_night.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/eva/expressions/neutral.webp"/>
You can't help but smile as you inspect them. Aside from the obviously comfortable double bed, there's an en-suite hot tub, as well as a personal recreation area, which includes an augmented reality kit. But before you can do more than close the door behind you, you see the terminal on your desk light up, and a synthetic voice greets you.
<span class="eva">"Welcome to Starwatch Academy, Cadet $character_lastName. I am Eva, the assistant AI of the academy. I'll be assisting in your orientation in the following week, as well as a source of information for any questions you might have."</span>
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Greet her" "Intro_AcademyRegistration_ShakeHand_SexScene_Decline_Calm" "btn btn-highlight good">>
<<snotify "info">>Eva liked that.<</snotify>>
<<npcStatIncrease "eva_affinity" 5>>
<<addtocodex "EVA" "met_eva">>
<<npcFactSet "eva_intro_greet" true>>
<<slink "Complain about your privacy" "Intro_AcademyRegistration_ShakeHand_SexScene_Decline_Complain" "btn btn-highlight bad">>
<<snotify "info">>Eva did not like that.<</snotify>>
<<npcStatDecrease "eva_affinity" 5>>
<<addtocodex "EVA" "met_eva">>
<<npcFactSet "eva_intro_greet" false>>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<saudio "bgm_home" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.25>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/mc_apartment/apartment_night.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/eva/expressions/neutral.webp"/>
<span class="hero">"And here I thought I'd have personal space in my room at least."</span> You say as you hear the AI's greeting, which in turn prompts a quiet laugh from the machine.
<span class="eva">"Don't worry Cadet, I have a privacy mode that you can activate at will."</span>
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Intro_AcademyRegistration_Ending_NoSex">><</slink>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/mc_apartment/apartment_night.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/eva/expressions/happy.webp"/>
<span class="hero">"Pleased to meet you Eva. I assume you won't stare at me while I sleep?"</span> You respond, not too surprised by the AI's greeting.
A pleasant laugh is your reward as she answers you. <span class="eva">"I only watch if you ask me to."</span>
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Intro_AcademyRegistration_Ending_NoSex">><</slink>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/academy/mc_apartment/apartment_night.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
It doesn't take long for you to explore your new residence. A feature you didn't expect to have is the balcony, and stepping out onto it, you take a moment to enjoy the view. In front of you, the academy sprawls across the rest of the biodome, and offers a relaxing view. Turning your attention back to the interior of the room, you momentarily appreciate how spacious it is, before collapsing onto the bed with a sigh.
The shuttle flight had taken long enough that you feel tired, even though you hadn't done much today.
<span class="hero">"Eva. What's the schedule for tomorrow?"</span> You speak into the otherwise empty room.
<span class="eva">"Starting at 10:00am there's the orientation tour, followed by an introduction to your different instructors. Finally, there are club invitations, in which you'll be encouraged to join an extra-mural club."</span>
The synthetic voice responds smoothly, its soothing tones helping lull you towards sleep.
<span class="hero">"Alright. Wake me at 07:00."</span> You leave an instruction for the AI, before promptly drifting off to sleep.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Intro_AcademyRegistration_Ending_NoSex_Reward">><</slink>>
<!-- Go to 1a reward opening -->
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/academy/mc_apartment/apartment_day.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
A gentle tone slowly pulls you from your slumber. As you stretch, shaking off the last vestiges of drowsiness, Eva speaks up. <span class="eva">"Good morning $character_firstName. I trust you've had a decent rest."</span>
Nodding in response to the AI's words, you notice a small package on the desk. <span class="hero">"Eva? What's this?"</span>
<span class="eva">"A drone dropped it off earlier this morning. Reference: $character_firstName $character_lastName, Prize Draw Winner."</span>
Oh right. The information survey with the strange questions. It had mentioned a reward, but you hadn't thought that you would actually win it.
Curiosity takes over you, and you decide to open to package before doing anything else.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<if flags.getFlag("transformation") is 0>>
<<slink "Inspect the package" "Intro_AcademyRegistration_Ending_Reward_NoTransformation">><</slink>>
<<slink "Open the package" "Intro_AcademyRegistration_Ending_Reward_Transformation">><</slink>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/academy/mc_apartment/apartment_day.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
After several hours of fun, Curie and you are both tired enough that you simply fade into sleep, still entangled with each other. At some point in the evening, Curie must have snuck out, as you wake up alone in your bed. After a satisfying stretch, you notice the artificial sunlight creeping through the blinds.
<span class="hero">"Eva. What's the schedule for today?"</span> You ask the empty room.
<span class="eva">"Starting at 10:00am there's the orientation tour, followed by an introduction to your different instructors. Finally, there are club invitations, in which you'll be encouraged to join an extra-mural club."</span>
The synthetic voice responds smoothly, and after a moment of silence adds. <span class="eva">"It's currently 06:30am."</span>
<span class="hero">"Thanks. Can you arrange for breakfast while I take a shower?"</span> You ask, already halfway into the shower. While you didn't plan on being awake this early, there's nothing wrong with getting a jumpstart on the day now that you're up.
<span class="eva">"Breakfast is on the way."</span> Eva's voice has a trace of amusement in it, but you decide to let it slide for now.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Intro_AcademyRegistration_Ending_Curie_Reward">><</slink>>
<!-- Go to 1b reward opening -->
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<saudio "bgm_home" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.25>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/academy/mc_apartment/apartment_day.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
While you're in the shower, you hear the door to your residence open, accompanied by the soft sounds of Eva's voice. Moments later you hear the door closing, and decide to yourself that it must have been the arrival of breakfast.
Looking forward to the day, you quickly finish showering and dress yourself. You are somewhat surprised however when you see that next to the neatly laid out breakfast of eggs, toast and bacon, is a small package. <span class="hero">"Eva? What's with the box?"</span>
<span class="eva">"A drone delivered it alongside your breakfast. Reference: $character_firstName $character_lastName, Prize Draw Winner."</span>
Oh right. The information survey with the strange questions. It had mentioned a reward, but you hadn't thought that you would actually win it.
You are curious to check it out, but the smell of the food makes you postpone your investigation of the package until after breakfast at least.
A few minutes pass in silence as you eat, speculating over the contents of the box. Crossing your knife and fork politely, Eva makes a comment that she'll send for a drone to collect your empty plate. Nodding in response to this, you turn your attention to finally opening your prize.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<if flags.getFlag("transformation") is 0>>
<<slink "Inspect the package" "Intro_AcademyRegistration_Ending_Reward_NoTransformation">><</slink>>
<<slink "Open the package" "Intro_AcademyRegistration_Ending_Reward_Transformation">><</slink>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/mc_apartment/apartment_day.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/eva/expressions/neutral.webp"/>
After passing the time with Diane, you find your way to your own room, and don't waste time in finding your bed. When you wake up the following morning, you notice that your quarters are actually quite spacious. Your terminal lights up as you move around.
<span class="eva">"Welcome to Starwatch Academy, Cadet $character_lastName. I am Eva, the assistant AI for the academy. I will be aiding you with orientation and provide information to any queries you might have."</span>
You raise an eyebrow at the presence of the AI, but before you can speak, it continues.
<span class="eva">"My apologies for holding off our introduction, but you seemed quite tired last night. Please note that the schedule for today starts with an orientation tour at 10:00am, followed by meeting your instructors, and finished by selecting an extra-mural club to join. It is currently 08:30am"</span>
<span class="hero">"Alright. Thanks for the heads up."</span> You say to the empty room, and hear a slight hum as Eva accepts your thanks.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Intro_AcademyRegistration_Ending_Diane_Reward">><</slink>>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<saudio "bgm_home" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.25>>
<<addtocodex "EVA" "met_eva">>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/academy/mc_apartment/apartment_day.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
Feeling like you need to freshen up, you're about to head into the shower when you notice a small package resting on your desk. <span class="hero">"Eva? Who sent the package?"</span>
You hadn't noticed it last night when you came in, and the AI hadn't woken you when it arrived so it probably wasn't all that important.
<span class="eva">"A drone dropped it off earlier this morning. Reference: $character_firstName $character_lastName, Prize Draw Winner."</span>
Oh right. The information survey with the strange questions. It had mentioned a reward, but you hadn't thought that you would actually win it.
Curiosity takes over you, and you decide to open to package before doing anything else.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<if flags.getFlag("transformation") is 0>>
<<slink "Inspect the package" "Intro_AcademyRegistration_Ending_Reward_NoTransformation">><</slink>>
<<slink "Open the package" "Intro_AcademyRegistration_Ending_Reward_Transformation">><</slink>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/academy/mc_apartment/apartment_day.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
The package comes apart easily, and you are happily surprised at the sight of a complimentary ticket pack, as well as invitations to several exclusive clubs and restaurants.
You smile to yourself. Its nothing you wouldn't be able to do without your family name already, but its nice to have a way into these places without needing to reveal yourself sometimes.
You check the last part of the prize, and are not surprised to see a spending card, valid at most places. Swiping the card against your terminals scanner, a screen pops up to tell you that the cards current total is 20000 credits. A secondary option appears, allowing you to add the credits to your current account.
Ignoring it for the moment, you drop the card back onto the desk as you start to plan your day.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Intro_AcademyOrientation">><</slink>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/academy/mc_apartment/apartment_day.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
The package comes apart easily, and you are happily surprised at the sight of a complimentary ticket pack, as well as invitations to several exclusive clubs and restaurants.
You smile to yourself. Its nothing you wouldn't be able to do without your family name already, but its nice to have a way into these places without needing to reveal yourself sometimes.
Next you see a small injector set, and as you examine it a small label on the set grabs your attention. <b>"Warning, transformative items should only be used by consenting adults who are aware of the possible ramifications of use."</b>
A second label marks its name out for you. <b>"Perfection"</b>. A smaller label underneath it warns about possible side effects and application.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Use the injector" "Intro_AcademyRegistration_Ending_Reward_Transformation_UseInjector">>
<<slink "Hold off" "Intro_AcademyRegistration_Ending_Reward_Transformation_NoUse">>
starGame.inventory.addItemById('item_mod_perfection', 1, true);
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/mods/perfection.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
After a moments consideration, you place the injector to your neck, and activating it, feel a brief sting as it injects you with various nanomachines.
You feel your body heating up and a sudden itching sensation moves across your body, as your face flushes. The sensation brings a trace of ecstasy with it, and for a long moment you feel like you're being pleasurably tortured. The feeling passes, and with a deep breath, you steady yourself. When nothing more happens for a minute or two, you go take a look into your mirror.
The first thing you notice is your skin is much smoother than it had been moments ago. Your eye color seems brighter, and the various small blemishes on your face have vanished. Smiling at the free, nearly instant makeover you had received, you see that even your teeth are perfectly set and white.
All in all, you look like you just stepped off the front page of a fashion magazine.
You check the last part of the prize, and are not surprised to see a spending card, valid at most places. Swiping the card against your terminals scanner, a screen pops up to tell you that the cards current total is 10000 credits. A secondary option appears, allowing you to add the credits to your current account.
Ignoring it for the moment, you drop the card back onto the desk as you start to plan your day.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Intro_AcademyOrientation">><</slink>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/academy/mc_apartment/apartment_day.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
After a moments consideration, you decide to hold off with the injector, and place it neatly on the desk.
You check the last part of the prize, and are not surprised to see a spending card, valid at most places. Swiping the card against your terminals scanner, a screen pops up to tell you that the cards current total is 10000 credits. A secondary option appears, allowing you to add the credits to your current account.
Ignoring it for the moment, you drop the card back onto the desk as you start to plan your day.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Intro_AcademyOrientation">><</slink>>
<</nobr>>\<<audio ":bgm" stop>>\
<<saudio "bgm_home" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.25>>\
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/atrium2.webp"/>
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('curie_intro_sex') is true>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/curie/expressions/happy_uniform.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/letho/expressions/neutral_uniform.webp"/>
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('curie_intro_sex') is true>>\
Deciding to at least get a vague idea of the campus layout before the orientation starts, you quickly make yourself presentable in the starwatch cadet uniform, and slipping out of your room you see Curie approaching. A quick smile graces her lips when she sees you, and returning it with one of your own, you can't help but think back to the warm welcome she gave you last night.\
<<if starGame.player.hasMod('item_mod_perfection')>>
When she draws nearer to you, her eyes widen slightly in surprise, as she gives you a once over. <span class="curie">"You look even better than you did yesterday. Is it because of my special greeting perhaps?"</span> She teases, gently touching the flawless skin on your arm with an envious look in her eyes.
<span class="curie">"I thought you might want to take a look around the campus before the orientation starts, and it's always more fun with a friend right?"</span> She says with a knowing wink, and you can't help but wonder if she's got anything planned out already. <span class="curie">"Of course, I don't mind if you'd prefer to explore alone, since other cadets might be uncomfortable meeting a member of the student council if you're trying to make friends first."</span>
A glance at her chest reveals that unlike yesterday, she is wearing a badge that marks her out as a member of the disciplinary committee of Starwatch, and as you ponder the implications of that, you realize she's waiting for a decision from you.\
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Let her join you" "Intro_AcademyOrientation_WithCurie">><<npcFactSet "orientation_curie_join" true>><</slink>>
<<slink "Go alone" "Intro_AcademyOrientation_WithoutCurie">><<npcFactSet "orientation_curie_join" false>><</slink>>
Deciding to at least get a vague idea of the campus layout before the orientation starts, you quickly make yourself presentable in the starwatch cadet uniform. The dorms are quiet as you leave them, and a glance outside the building reveals a few cadets wandering around, due to a similar idea as yourself no doubt. Deciding to stray away from the more populated paths, you take a casual stroll down one of the clusters of buildings.
As spacious as the Starwatch campus is, you quickly find that it's mostly lecture halls and training areas, with a few dispersed storages as well as a well kept med-bay. The cafeteria is quite large, and from a glance, you can tell this is where the students all eat together. However, you soon find that there's not much in the campus to draw your attention before the orientation begins, and as you head towards the registration hall to wait for the tour to begin, you meet a cadet wandering around, seemingly lost.
The cadet, a timid looking young man with tousled hair, notices you, and rushes over, relief obvious on his face. When he gets close enough, he slows down and takes a breath to steady himself. A half bow accompanies his greeting.
<span class="letho">"A pleasure to meet you. I'm Letho. I'm sorry to trouble you like this, but I need some help in finding the registration hall."</span> He says earnestly, his voice doing its best to hide some degree of panic.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Guide" "Intro_AcademyOrientation_WithoutCurie_2">>
<<npcFactSet "orientation_letho_chastise" false>>
<<npcFactSet "orientation_letho_met" true>>
<<addtocodex "Letho" "met_letho">>
<<slink "Chastise" "Intro_AcademyOrientation_WithoutCurie_2">>
<<npcFactSet "orientation_letho_chastise" true>>
<<npcFactSet "orientation_letho_met" true>>
<<addtocodex "Letho" "met_letho">>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/atrium2.webp"/>
<img class="exp-left-35" src="resources/img/characters/main/curie/expressions/happy_uniform.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/thomas/expressions/neutral_uniform.webp"/>
<img class="exp-left-10" src="resources/img/characters/main/jaime/expressions/neutral_uniform.webp"/>
As spacious as the Starwatch campus is, you quickly find that it's mostly lecture halls and training areas, with a few dispersed storages as well as a well kept med-bay.
The cafeteria is quite large, and according to Curie, most students eat together unless they're got special classes that prevent them from doing so. However, you soon find that there's not much in the campus to draw your attention before the orientation begins, and as you head towards the registration hall to wait for the tour to begin, you meet two other new cadets.
The two cadets cut quite a contrast with each other. The man is of average height, with the rugged looks and build of an outdoorsman, as rare as they are in this day and age. The woman on the other hand, is tall and slender, with a complexion as if she were made of porcelain. Both of them seem surprised at seeing Curie's badge, before they realize they're standing and staring at the two of you.
<<if starGame.player.isMale() is not true>>\
<span class="thomas">"Ah, sorry for staring. I'm Thomas."</span> The male cadet says, quickly performing a small bow, his eyes darting between you and Curie. Following Thomas's example, the female cadet offers you her hand.
<span class="jaime">"I'm Jaime. We were on our way to the orientation, when we saw the pair of you and thought to wait."</span> The smile that accompanies her words is delicate, and for a moment you can't help but wonder how such a fragile seeming person entered the academy.
<span class="thomas">"Ah, sorry for staring. I'm Thomas."</span> The male cadet says, quickly extending a hand towards you, an easy smile resting on his face. Following Thomas's example, the female cadet offers a small curtsy, introducing herself in a soft voice.
<span class="jaime">"I'm Jaime. We were on our way to the orientation, when we saw the pair of you and thought to wait."</span> The smile that accompanies her words is delicate, and for a moment you can't help but wonder how such a fragile seeming person entered the academy.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Shake hand" "Intro_AcademyOrientation_WithCurie_2">>
<<npcFactSet "orientation_shake_hand" true>>
<<npcFactSet "orientation_thomasandjaime_met" true>>
<<addtocodex "Jaime" "met_jaime">>
<<addtocodex "Thomas" "met_thomas">>
<<slink "Don't shake hand" "Intro_AcademyOrientation_WithCurie_2">>
<<npcFactSet "orientation_shake_hand" false>>
<<npcFactSet "orientation_thomasandjaime_met" true>>
<<addtocodex "Jaime" "met_jaime">>
<<addtocodex "Thomas" "met_thomas">>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/atrium2.webp"/>
<img class="exp-left-35" src="resources/img/characters/main/curie/expressions/happy_uniform.webp"/>
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact("orientation_shake_hand") is true>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/thomas/expressions/happy_uniform.webp"/>
<img class="exp-left-10" src="resources/img/characters/main/jaime/expressions/happy_uniform.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/thomas/expressions/neutral_uniform.webp"/>
<img class="exp-left-10" src="resources/img/characters/main/jaime/expressions/neutral_uniform.webp"/>
<<if starGame.player.isMale() is not true>>\
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact("orientation_shake_hand") is true>>\
Replying to Thomas's bow with a curtsy, you gently shake Jaime's hand, half afraid you might break her on the contact. <span class="hero">"A pleasure to meet you both. I'm $character_firstName $character_lastName."</span> You say, a gentle smile gracing your lips.
Curie quickly takes the opportunity to introduce herself, and after a moment of small talk about your respective trips to the campus, the four of you head towards the registration hall to start the orientation.
Taking note of their lack of noble surnames, you offer the briefest of curtsy's towards the two of them, before introducing yourself. <span class="hero">"I am $character_firstName $character_lastName."</span> Jaime's hand quickly lowers, as she realizes you don't intend to shake it.
Curie takes the opportunity to introduce herself, and after a short conversation between the two cadets and her, the newcomers excuse themselves, allowing Curie and yourself to head towards the registration hall to continue the orientation.
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact("orientation_shake_hand") is true>>\
Completing the offered handshake from Thomas, you take note that his grip is suitably powerful, and while his eyes often stray to Curie, he makes sure to release his hand at the appropriate moment.
<span class="hero">"A pleasure to meet you both. I'm $character_firstName $character_lastName."</span> You say, returning Jaime's greeting with a small bow of your own. Curie introduces herself after you, and after a moment of small talk about your respective trips to the campus, the four of you head towards the registration hall to start the orientation.
Taking note of their lack of noble surnames, you are free to ignore Thomas's offered hand, which you promptly do. <span class="hero">"I am $character_firstName $character_lastName."</span> You give the slightest nod of your head to Jaime, before Curie introduces herself.
A moment of awkward conversation passes quickly as the two cadets reassure Curie their rooms are quite comfortable, before they excuse themselves, allowing Curie and yourself to head towards the registration hall to continue the orientation.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Intro_AcademyOrientation_Gathering">><</slink>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/atrium2.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/letho/expressions/neutral_uniform.webp"/>
As spacious as the Starwatch campus is, you quickly find that it's mostly lecture halls and training areas, with a few dispersed storages as well as a well kept med-bay. The cafeteria is quite large, and from a glance, you can tell this is where the students all eat together. However, you soon find that there's not much in the campus to draw your attention before the orientation begins, and as you head towards the registration hall to wait for the tour to begin, you meet a cadet wandering around, seemingly lost.
The cadet, a timid looking young man with tousled hair, notices you, and rushes over, relief obvious on his face. When he gets close enough, he slows down and takes a breath to steady himself. A half bow accompanies his greeting.
<span class="letho">"A pleasure to meet you. I'm Letho. I'm sorry to trouble you like this, but I need some help in finding the registration hall."</span> He says earnestly, his voice doing its best to hide some degree of panic.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Guide" "Intro_AcademyOrientation_WithoutCurie_2">>
<<npcFactSet "orientation_letho_met" true>>
<<npcFactSet "orientation_letho_chastise" false>>
<<addtocodex "Letho" "met_letho">>
<<slink "Chastise" "Intro_AcademyOrientation_WithoutCurie_2">>
<<npcFactSet "orientation_letho_met" true>>
<<npcFactSet "orientation_letho_chastise" true>>
<<addtocodex "Letho" "met_letho">>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/atrium2.webp"/>
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact("orientation_letho_chastise") is true>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/letho/expressions/neutral_uniform.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/letho/expressions/happy_uniform.webp"/>
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact("orientation_letho_chastise") is true>>\
Frowning inwardly at the sloppy greeting style, you decide to help the panicked cadet. <span class="hero">"I am $character_firstName $character_lastName. I can't help but wonder about how you managed to enroll here if you can't even figure your surroundings out."</span>
Letho freezes in place, careful to avoid your eyes, as you spend the next few minutes berating him about the importance of understanding and using the proper protocols when interacting with those of a higher station, before eventually allowing him to leave, with a rough set of directions that should lead him back to the registration hall. Sighing to yourself, you set off to complete your own orientation as well.
Smiling to yourself, you return his greeting bow with one of your own. <span class="hero">"My name is $character_firstName $character_lastName. I'm actually headed to the orientation myself. We can go together if you like?"</span> You suggest, offering the panicking cadet a way out of the situation.
The way his face brightens, lightens your own mood considerably. <span class="letho">"Yes, please! I mean, yes, let's do that."</span> He says hurriedly, as if he's worried you'll take your own words back. You take a moment to talk with Letho, inquiring about how his trip to the academy was, before leading the way to the registration hall, so you can continue your orientation.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Intro_AcademyOrientation_Gathering">><</slink>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/atrium2.webp"/>
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact("orientation_curie_join") is true>>
<img class="exp-left-35" src="resources/img/characters/main/curie/expressions/happy_uniform.webp"/>
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact("orientation_shake_hand") is true>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/thomas/expressions/happy_uniform.webp"/>
<img class="exp-left-10" src="resources/img/characters/main/jaime/expressions/happy_uniform.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.npcs.getFact("orientation_letho_met") is true and starGame.npcs.getFact("orientation_letho_chastise") is not true>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/letho/expressions/happy_uniform.webp"/>
/% Curie joins MC for orientation%/\
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact("orientation_curie_join") is true>>\
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact("orientation_shake_hand") is true>>\
/% Shook hands with Thomas or Jaime. MC + Curie + T + J %/\
Even though the four of you are traveling together, there is a clear divide, born from different levels of familiarity. Curie and yourself lead the way, with Thomas and Jaime following half a step behind. Focused on actually getting the orientation over with, there's not much conversation while you walk, and soon enough you find yourselves in an impressive amphitheater, a gathering of cadets near the stage indicating that you've found your destination.
As you reach the small group, Curie detaches herself from your side, heading over to a group of cadets wearing similar badges to hers. Admiring her as she leaves, you notice a few others watching her walk as well, and suppress a smile. Your other companions seem to relax slightly without Curie around, and start to talk amongst themselves. Moments later, the group grows silent as a stern looking man, in full officer dress, approaches the lectern on the stage. A faint feeling of recognition hits you when you look at him, but you can't quite place where you've seen him before.
/% Did not shake hands with Thomas or Jaime, only MC and Curie %/\
Focused on actually getting the orientation over with, there's not much conversation while you and Curie walk, and soon enough you find yourselves in an impressive amphitheater, a gathering of cadets near the stage indicating that you've found your destination.
As you reach the small group, Curie detaches herself from your side, heading over to a group of cadets wearing similar badges to hers. Admiring her as she leaves, you notice a few others watching her walk as well, and suppress a smile. Moments later, the group grows silent as a stern looking man, in full officer dress, approaches the lectern on the stage. A faint feeling of recognition hits you when you look at him, but you can't quite place where you've seen him before.
A gentle tug on your arm tells you that Curies returned to your side, but before you can turn to look at her, the officer clears his throat.
/% Met Letho. Happens if MC didn't have sex with Curie or did not let her join for orientation %/\
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact("orientation_letho_met") is true>>\
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact("orientation_letho_chastise") is true>>\
/% Chastise Letho. Solo path. %/\
Focused on actually getting the orientation over with, there's not much of interest while you walk, and soon enough you find yourself in an impressive amphitheater, a gathering of cadets near the stage indicating that you've found your destination. As you approach the gathering of cadets, you notice that Curie is already here, talking amongst a group of cadets with similar badges to her own.
Deciding against joining her, you claim a spot for yourself in the crowd. Moments later, the group grows silent as a stern looking man, in full officer dress, approaches the lectern on the stage. A faint feeling of recognition hits you when you look at him, but you can't quite place where you've seen him before.
/% Guide Letho. MC + L %/\
As you lead Letho to the orientation, you can't help but notice that he seems overly concerned with keeping the appropriate distance between the two of you, and as you are about to make a comment about it to him, you find yourselves in an impressive amphitheater, a gathering of cadets near the stage indicating that you've found your destination. Deciding to shelve that discussion for another time, you scan the group ahead, noticing that Curie is already here, talking amongst a group of cadets with similar badges to her own.
As you reach the small group, Letho seems to stop caring about his position relative to yours, seemingly worried that he'll lose you in the crowd. Moments later, the group grows silent as a stern looking man, in full officer dress, approaches the lectern on the stage. A faint feeling of recognition hits you when you look at him, but you can't quite place where you've seen him before.
<span class="officer">"Alright, let's get into it then."</span> He says, his voice carrying easily in the amphitheater, despite the lack of anything to help project it.
<span class="officer">"Welcome, new cadets to Starwatch Academy. As I'm sure you all already know, the Academy is where the future leaders and guardians of humanity are trained and raised."</span> He pauses, making sure that his words are absorbed before continuing.
<span class="officer">"First, let me make the ground rule of the Academy clear to all you new-comers. There is no class divide here. Noble or commoner. These are irrelevant as of right now. From now on there are two types of people in the academy. The instructors, and the cadets."</span>
He pauses again, this time seemingly expecting a vocal reaction. With good reason, it's a bold statement to make to a collection of some of the alliance's most powerful noble families. Sure enough, out of the corner of your eye, you can see a square jawed cadet about to pop a vein at the thought of being equal to commoners. As the cadet opens his mouth to speak, the officer continues smoothly, cutting off any responses.
<span class="officer">"Of course, this is an Imperial decree. I wouldn't want to expel any cadets before the training even officially begins, which is why I've made it clear first."</span> He says, a sly grin on his face, as the nobles who had been about to speak up quickly clamp their mouths closed and try to suppress their irritations.
<span class="officer">"Next on the agenda, a brief guided tour of the campus, and explanations of the faculties. Fall in cadets."</span> He says as he turns and sets off at a brisk step, prompting the gathering of cadets, yourself included, to move quickly or be left behind. As you and the group catch up to him, you notice that the nobles largely seem to be clustering together, while the commoners do the same. The only notable exceptions seem to be yourself and the other children of the more powerful noble houses.
/% Curie joins MC for orientation%/\
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact("orientation_curie_join") is true>>\
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact("orientation_shake_hand") is true>>\
/% Shook hands with Thomas or Jaime. MC + Curie + T + J %/\
For a brief moment you consider approaching one of the groups, before Thomas softly speaks to you.
<span class="thomas">"Just because it's a rule, doesn't mean it's an effective one. I bet that outside of classes, the divide will remain. Hell, I bet in classes, it'll just be more subtle."</span> You nod in response to his words, they are accurate enough. But beyond what Thomas has said you know that the group you choose to associate with now will flavor your interactions with the other cadets in days to come.
Curie seems to be watching you with intense curiosity out of the corner of her eye, but hasn't said anything to guide your decisions here yet.
/% Did not shake hands with Thomas or Jaime, only MC and Curie %/\
For a brief moment you consider approaching one of the groups, before Curie whispers softly.
<span class="curie">"I doubt you'll be able to walk with the commoners at this point, given that those two you rebuffed have already joined them."</span> You nod in response to her words, eyeing the groups of people walking, and realizing that who you choose to interact with here, will influence your future interactions with the other cadets. Granted, you can probably still approach the commoner group, but given that you've already acted coldly towards some of them, you'll be an outcast even there.
/% Met Letho. Happens if MC didn't have sex with Curie or did not let her join for orientation %/\
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact("orientation_letho_met") is true>>\
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact("orientation_letho_chastise") is true>>\
/% Chastise Letho. Solo path. %/\
For a brief moment you consider approaching one of the groups, weighing up the various choices laid out before you.
You know that even with the Academy's rule spelt out like it was, there will be a subtle class divide, regardless of environment. You also know that whichever group of cadets you choose to move with now will have an impact on the way other cadets view and interact with you in the future.
Curie seems to be watching you from a short distance away, but hasn't made a move to approach you yet.
/% Guide Letho. MC + L %/\
For a brief moment you consider approaching one of the groups, before Letho speaks in a hushed, yet urgent voice.
<span class="letho">"Do you think that he meant that? About there being no class divide here?"</span> You nod in response to his words, but decide to not reveal your suspicions about what will actually happen. You can worry about whether or not the nobles will subtly spurn the commoners later.
For now you are keenly aware that the group of cadets you choose to interact with now will influence how other cadets interact with you in the future.
Curie seems to be watching you from a short distance away, but hasn't made a move to approach you yet.
<<box "choicebox">>
/% If Curie joined there is an extra scene with Thomas and Jaime. Otherwise skip to next noble walk scene. %/
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact("orientation_curie_join") is true>>
<<slink "Walk with nobles" "Intro_AcademyOrientation_WalkWithNobles">>
<<npcFactSet "orientation_walk_nobles" true>>
<<slink "Walk with nobles" "Intro_AcademyOrientation_WalkWithNobles_2">>
<<npcFactSet "orientation_walk_nobles" true>>
/% Can't join commoners if you were mean to Letho or you refused to shake hands with Thomas/Jaime %/
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact("orientation_letho_chastise") is false or starGame.npcs.getFact("orientation_shake_hand") is true>>
<<slink "Walk with commoners" "Intro_AcademyOrientation_WalkWithCommoners">>
<<npcFactSet "orientation_walk_commoners" true>>
/% Shook hands with Thomas or Jaime. MC + Curie + T + J. There is no proposal choice. Skip to next scene. %/
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact("orientation_curie_join") is true and starGame.npcs.getFact("orientation_shake_hand") is true>>
<<slink "Walk alone" "Intro_AcademyOrientation_WalkAlone_2">>
<<npcFactSet "orientation_walk_alone" true>>
<<elseif starGame.npcs.getFact("orientation_curie_join") is true>>
<<slink "Walk alone" "Intro_AcademyOrientation_WalkAlone">>
<<npcFactSet "orientation_walk_alone" true>>
/% If Curie didn't join, there is no proposal. Skip to next scene. %/
<<slink "Walk alone" "Intro_AcademyOrientation_WalkAlone_2">>
<<npcFactSet "orientation_walk_alone" true>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/atrium2.webp"/>
<img class="exp-left-35" src="resources/img/characters/main/curie/expressions/happy_uniform.webp"/>
/% Curie joins MC for orientation%/\
/% If Curie didn't join, this scene does not play. The condition jumps to _2 right away. %/\
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact("orientation_shake_hand") is true>>\
/% Shook hands with Thomas or Jaime. MC + Curie + T + J %/\
As you walk, you decide to join with the nobles. Thomas and Jaime, after realizing this, share a moment of hesitation, before Thomas speaks up. <span class="thomas">"I think we should split up for a short while. I see some of our floor mates over there, and we should catch up with them first. We'll meet again later."</span> He says with an uneasy smile, as Jaime offers a small curtsy.
As they leave, Curie hides a frown, before speaking to you as well. <span class="curie">"I was going to split off soon anyway, because of prior obligations, but now I feel bad for needing to do it."</span> She says with an apologetic smile. <span class="curie">"Got plans for tonight?"</span> She asks with a smirk.
/% Did not shake hands with Thomas or Jaime, only MC and Curie %/\
<span class="curie">"Unfortunately, I have obligations with the rest of the student council, so I'll have to catch up with you later."</span> She says with a soft smile, before leaning in. <span class="curie">"Perhaps later, if you're not busy tonight?"</span>
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Invite her" "Intro_AcademyOrientation_WalkWithNobles_2">>
<<npcFactSet "orientation_curie_sexproposal" true>>
<<slink "Decline proposal" "Intro_AcademyOrientation_WalkWithNobles_2">>
<<npcFactSet "orientation_curie_sexproposal" false>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/cafeteria1.webp"/>
<img class="exp-left-35" src="resources/img/characters/main/edward/expressions/happy_uniform.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/valerie/expressions/happy_uniform.webp"/>
/% Joined by Curie on orientation %/\
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact("orientation_curie_join") is true>>\
/% Accepted or refused sex proposal %/\
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact("orientation_curie_sexproposal") is true>>\
<span class="curie">"I'll see you later then, leave the door unlocked for me?"</span> She says in a sultry voice, before leaving you to finish your orientation alone.
<span class="curie">"That's… too bad."</span> She says with a cute pout. <span class="curie">"I'll call you later, just in case you've changed your mind."</span> She gives you a nudge, before moving away, rejoining the other members of the student council that are present.
/% Met Letho and did not chastise him %/\
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact("orientation_letho_met") is true>>\
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact("orientation_letho_chastise") is false>>\
Letho freezes as you make your way towards the nobles, before glancing around in confusion. After a moment he clears his throat to grab your attention. <span class="letho">"Thanks for helping me find my way. I'll be alright from here."</span> He says with a polite bow, before splitting away from you and finding a spot for himself at the edge of the commoner group.
You approach the group of nobles, and as a few faces turn towards you, general sparks of recognition flare, and a space is quickly made for you. This is a silent association for the most part, and you walk in a comfortable silence, as the rest of the nobles quickly array themselves in an order appropriate to relative rankings. After a few moments of organization, the noble on your right introduces themselves.
<span class="edward">"It's a pleasure to meet you, $character_firstName $character_lastName. I am Edward Richten. And the lovely lady on your left is Valerie Teague."</span>
Returning the greetings with a polite acknowledgement of your own, you cast your gaze over the rest of the small group of nobles. None of them quite meet your eyes, but you suppose the important introductions have been done already. As you follow the Officer from the stage, you can't help but notice that the path you all are taking is vastly different from the one you took when exploring earlier.
The officer seems to be happy to walk in relative silence, uncaring of whether the group of cadets is keeping up or not. Before long however, he pauses in front of a building, and waits for the group to gather around him.
<span class="officer">"This is the mess hall. You eat here. All of you. The menu is designed to make sure that you receive all nutrients required on a daily basis. If you have any allergies, please report them before the end of the day at the administration office."</span> His piece said, he turns and continues walking, again moving as if unaware of the group following him.
A few more times the officer stops, seemingly at random, ignoring the vast majority of the academy buildings, and only pointing out the ones that he deems most important. By the end of the thirty minute guided tour however, you've been introduced to the mess hall, gym, administration office, med-bay, augmented reality training rooms, and perhaps most interestingly, a modification clinic. In addition to all of these, the officer has mentioned the existence of the HIVE club just outside of the academy grounds, but has mentioned that it's largely off limits for new cadets. Your tour ends with you returning to the amphitheater, and the officer dismissing the group before promptly leaving.
Edward and Valerie express their desire in meeting again, before parting ways with you, as you enter the free time period of the day. You do have the rest of the afternoon free, but feeling a need to change out of uniform first, you make your own way back to the dorms and your room.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Intro_AcademyOrientation_Afternoon_BackAtApartment">>
<<addtocodex "Edward" "met_edward">>
<<addtocodex "Valerie" "met_valerie">>
<<npcFactSet "orientation_edwardandvalerie_met" true>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/cafeteria1.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/thomas/expressions/happy_uniform.webp"/>
<img class="exp-left-10" src="resources/img/characters/main/jaime/expressions/happy_uniform.webp"/>
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact("orientation_letho_met") is true and starGame.npcs.getFact("orientation_letho_chastise") is not true>>
<img class="exp-vertical-flip" src="resources/img/characters/main/letho/expressions/happy_uniform.webp"/>
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact("orientation_shake_hand") is true>>\
/% Shook hands with Thomas or Jaime. MC + Curie + T + J %/\
As you start to head towards the group of commoners, Thomas and Jaime pause, seemingly surprised by your choice, before quickly catching up with you. You notice Curie has stopped following you, and when you turn towards her, she gives you a wink and a wave, before splitting off to rejoin the rest of the student council. Reassured that she's not upset, you turn your attention back towards the group of commoners.
As you draw near, you see a mix of confusion and surprise on their faces, seemingly because of your approach. Thomas and Jaime however, get more excited, and when you reach the group, you find yourself quickly introduced to its members by your two companions, who seemingly know everyone present. The flurry of names and greetings leaves you slightly shell shocked, and when Jaime realizes that this is out of the norm for you, a whispered word to Thomas has the group of boisterous and friendly cadets open a bit of space around you so that you're not feeling so claustrophobic. You adapt quickly however, and soon find yourself quietly chuckling along to Thomas's explanation of how they managed to get so lost in the academy grounds that they needed to be saved by you to even attend the orientation.
/% Met Letho and did not chastise him %/\
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact("orientation_letho_met") is true and starGame.npcs.getFact("orientation_letho_chastise") is false>>\
<<addtocodex "Jaime" "met_jaime">>\
<<addtocodex "Thomas" "met_thomas">>\
Letho seems suprised when you start to head towards the commoners, but his inner conflict is resolved quickly as he follows you over to the group of cadets. At your approach, the group as a whole seems surprised at seeing you, but once a few of them recognize Letho, you quickly find yourself welcomed into the group by a pair of commoners who introduce themselves as Thomas, a man is of average height with the rugged looks and build of an outdoorsman, and Jaime, a tall and slender woman, with a complexion as if she were made of porcelain.
These two quickly ensure that you are introduced to the rest of the group, and as Letho hangs around you, Jaime quickly takes control of the conversation and introductions to leave you and him some breathing space in the midst of the group of friendly cadets.
You both adapt quickly however, and soon find yourself quietly chuckling along to Thomas's story explaining how he got so lost looking for the amphitheater that Jaime had to come find him and lead him here, just moments before they would have missed the orientation.
As you follow the Officer from the stage, you can't help but notice that the path you all are taking is vastly different from the one you took when exploring earlier. The officer seems to be happy to walk in relative silence, uncaring of whether the group of cadets is keeping up or not. Before long however, he pauses in front of a building, and waits for the group to gather around him.
<span class="officer">"This is the mess hall. You eat here. All of you. The menu is designed to make sure that you receive all nutrients required on a daily basis. If you have any allergies, please report them before the end of the day at the administration office."</span> His piece said, he turns and continues walking, again moving as if unaware of the group following him.
A few more times the officer stops, seemingly at random, ignoring the vast majority of the academy buildings, and only pointing out the ones that he deems most important. By the end of the thirty minute guided tour however, you've been introduced to the mess hall, gym, administration office, med-bay, augmented reality training rooms, and perhaps most interestingly, a modification clinic. In addition to all of these, the officer has mentioned the existence of the HIVE club just outside of the academy grounds, but has mentioned that it's largely off limits for new cadets. Your tour ends with you returning to the amphitheater, and the officer dismissing the group before promptly leaving.
When the group is dismissed, the bulk of the people you've been walking with drift in the direction of the dorms, seemingly eager to rest up and prepare for tomorrow. A handful do start to wander the grounds, but these seem to be the minority. Thomas and Jaime are the last to leave, both of them thanking you for walking with them, and giving you their contact details, with a stern reminder to stay in touch.
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact("orientation_letho_met") is true and starGame.npcs.getFact("orientation_letho_chastise") is false>>\
Letho has vanished at some point during the dispersal of the crowd, but Jaime reassures you that it's quite normal behavior for him.
You do have the rest of the afternoon free, but feeling a need to change out of uniform first, you make your own way back to the dorms and your room.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Intro_AcademyOrientation_Afternoon_BackAtApartment">><</slink>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/atrium2.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/curie/expressions/happy_uniform.webp"/>
/% Did not shake hands with Thomas or Jaime, only MC and Curie %/\
<span class="curie">"Unfortunately, I have obligations with the rest of the student council, so I'll have to catch up with you later."</span> She says with a soft smile, before leaning in. <span class="curie">"Perhaps later, if you're not busy tonight?"</span>
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Invite her" "Intro_AcademyOrientation_WalkAlone_2">>
<<npcFactSet "orientation_curie_sexproposal" true>>
<<slink "Decline proposal" "Intro_AcademyOrientation_WalkAlone_2">>
<<npcFactSet "orientation_curie_sexproposal" false>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/cafeteria1.webp"/>
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact("orientation_shake_hand") is true>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/thomas/expressions/happy_uniform.webp"/>
<img class="exp-left-10" src="resources/img/characters/main/jaime/expressions/happy_uniform.webp"/>
/% Curie joins MC for orientation%/\
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact("orientation_curie_join") is true>>\
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact("orientation_shake_hand") is true>>\
/% Shook hands with Thomas or Jaime. MC + Curie + T + J %/\
You've not quite been one to blend in, and you're not about to start now. Ignoring the forming cliques, you lead your own small group without a second thought, and as a few of Thomas and Jaime's closer friends spot them walking casually with you, they begin to head over. At the same time, you can see some of the less stuck up nobles also heading towards your group, probably not wanting to be implicated by association with any troublemakers in regards to a class divide.
Before either group can reach you however, Curie gives you a gentle nudge. <span class="curie">"I've got some prior obligations to attend to. Student council and so on."</span> She says with a smile. <span class="curie">"I'll give you a call later, see if you're free?"</span> She adds with a wink, slipping away before you can answer.
You don't have much time to think about the implications of that, before the two converging groups of students arrive, and carefully polite introductions are made. It's a unique mix of people, with the more reserved nobles doing their best to follow your example as you chuckle along to the jokes and chatter from the more boisterous commoners.
/% Did not shake hands with Thomas or Jaime, only MC and Curie %/\
/% Accepted or refused sex proposal %/\
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact("orientation_curie_sexproposal") is true>>\
<span class="curie">"I'll see you later then, leave the door unlocked for me?"</span> She says in a sultry voice, before leaving you to finish your orientation alone.
<span class="curie">"That's… too bad."</span> She says with a cute pout. <span class="curie">"I'll call you later, just in case you've changed your mind."</span> She gives you a nudge, before moving away, rejoining the other members of the student council that are present.
Deciding to not move with either of the slowly forming cliques, you walk alone, focused on the tour itself. Of course, you are recognizable to a degree, and some of the other students, less prideful nobles and more confident commoners, approach you first. Polite introductions are made, but for the most part this is a grouping of convenience, with its members coexisting peacefully, so as to not be implicated by association in any future class divide issues.
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact("orientation_letho_met") is true>>\
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact("orientation_letho_chastise") is false>>\
/% Met Letho and did not chastise him %/\
When you don't pick either of the cliques to walk with, you see a moment of indecision from Letho. He does catch your attention after a breath however. <span class="letho">I think I need to go join my friends for a bit. Thank you for helping me."</span> He says with a rushed, yet polite bow.
Watching him scurry over to the group of commoners, you notice that a few others have made a similar decision to yourself, and soon find yourself joined by less prideful nobles and more confident commoners. Polite introductions are made, but for the most part this is a grouping of convenience, with its members coexisting peacefully, so as to not be implicated by association in any future class divide issues.
/% Met Letho and MC was mean so he is alone %/\
Deciding to not move with either of the slowly forming cliques, you walk alone, focused on the tour itself. Of course, you are recognizable to a degree, and some of the other students, less prideful nobles and more confident commoners, approach you first. Polite introductions are made, but for the most part this is a grouping of convenience, with its members coexisting peacefully, so as to not be implicated by association in any future class divide issues.
As you follow the Officer from the stage, you can't help but notice that the path you all are taking is vastly different from the one you took when exploring earlier. The officer seems to be happy to walk in relative silence, uncaring of whether the group of cadets is keeping up or not. Before long however, he pauses in front of a building, and waits for the group to gather around him.
<span class="officer">"This is the mess hall. You eat here. All of you. The menu is designed to make sure that you receive all nutrients required on a daily basis. If you have any allergies, please report them before the end of the day at the administration office."</span> His piece said, he turns and continues walking, again moving as if unaware of the group following him.
A few more times the officer stops, seemingly at random, ignoring the vast majority of the academy buildings, and only pointing out the ones that he deems most important. By the end of the thirty minute guided tour however, you've been introduced to the mess hall, gym, administration office, med-bay, augmented reality training rooms, and perhaps most interestingly, a modification clinic. In addition to all of these, the officer has mentioned the existence of the HIVE club just outside of the academy grounds, but has mentioned that it's largely off limits for new cadets. Your tour ends with you returning to the amphitheater, and the officer dismissing the group before promptly leaving.
With the group at large dismissed, the cadets around you slowly say their farewells as everyone seems happy to return to their rooms. You do spot a few wandering the campus further, but these are a minority.
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact("orientation_shake_hand") is true>>\
Thomas and Jaime are the last to leave, both of them thanking you for walking with them, and give you their contact details, with a stern reminder to stay in touch.
You do have the rest of the afternoon free, but feeling a need to change out of uniform first, you make your own way back to the dorms and your room.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Intro_AcademyOrientation_Afternoon_BackAtApartment">><</slink>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/academy/mc_apartment/apartment_day.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
Returning to your room, you find it as you left it in the morning. With your afternoon free to spend as you wish, you know that it is perfectly fine to lounge around and rest, but the tour did reveal a clinic on the campus. While you change from the cadet uniform into more casual clothes, Eva speaks up.
<span class="eva">"Good afternoon cadet. Would you like some suggestions on what to do with your free time?"</span>
As always her voice is somehow both soothing and expectant, and seems content to wait for your answer. Without her advice, you know you can visit the clinic, the gym or wander the grounds. You also know that at some point this week you should call your father, and let him know what course you've chosen.
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<saudio "bgm_home" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.25>>
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Ask for advice" "Intro_AcademyOrientation_Afternoon_BackAtApartment_AskAdvice">><<playerFactSet "orientation_afternoon_askforadvice" true>><</slink>>
<<slink "Decide yourself" "Intro_AcademyOrientation_Afternoon_BackAtApartment_DontAskAdvice">><<playerFactSet "orientation_afternoon_askforadvice" false>><</slink>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/academy/mc_apartment/apartment_day.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
Even though you can't see a physical representation of her, you get a feeling that Eva is smiling before she speaks again.
<span class="eva">"There's only one option I would say is almost mandatory for you in particular. The ensuite holodeck allows you to get a head start on your practical courses by running through a simulation of some entry level situations. Naturally, these simulations will be tailored to your choice of major."</span>
As she speaks, the lights in your room dim, the light directly above the holodeck brightening, to point it out for ease of access. <span class="eva">"Otherwise, you could use the terminal to pass time."</span> She adds, the lights again changing to illuminate your terminal while dimming the rest of the room. At this she grows quiet again, and you know all that's left is to make a decision for the day.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Clinic" "Intro_AcademyOrientation_Afternoon_ModClinic">><<playerFactSet "orientation_afternoon_clinic" true>><</slink>>
<<slink "Gym" "Intro_AcademyOrientation_Afternoon_Gym">><<playerFactSet "orientation_afternoon_gym" true>><</slink>>
<<slink "Call Father" "Intro_AcademyOrientation_Afternoon_Call">><<playerFactSet "orientation_afternoon_callfather" true>><</slink>>
<<slink "Holodeck Training" "Intro_AcademyOrientation_Afternoon_Training">><<playerFactSet "orientation_afternoon_training" true>><</slink>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/academy/mc_apartment/apartment_day.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
<span class="eva">"I see. If you change your mind, don't hesitate to call me."</span>
Her words are accompanied with the distinct impression of a frown, even though you can't see a physical representation of her. Thinking about it further for a moment, you narrow your choices for your free time down to a few options.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Clinic" "Intro_AcademyOrientation_Afternoon_ModClinic">><<playerFactSet "orientation_afternoon_clinic" true>><</slink>>
<<slink "Gym" "Intro_AcademyOrientation_Afternoon_Gym">><<playerFactSet "orientation_afternoon_gym" true>><</slink>>
<<slink "Call Father" "Intro_AcademyOrientation_Afternoon_Call">><<playerFactSet "orientation_afternoon_callfather" true>><</slink>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/academy/clinic1.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
It's a quick walk from your room to the clinic, and thanks to the tour earlier, you find it easily. While it seems like you're not the only person who had the idea to come here, you don't spot any of your prior acquaintances. Presenting your student card at the door, you enter the mostly silent clinic with a smile. A series of personal cubicles stand empty, the terminals within displaying a catalog. Entering one, the door closes automatically behind you and the catalog is suddenly replaced with what seems to be an advertisement featuring an overly enthusiastic salesman.
<div class="col">
<div class="card solid">
<div class="row no-gutters csheet-preview-card">
<div class="col-12 col-lg-4" style="background-image: url('resources/img/characters/others/max.webp'); background-size: cover; background-position: center center; min-height: 300px;"></div>
<div class="col-12 col-lg-8">
<div class="card-body">
<h5 class="card-title">Welcome to New-U!</h5>
<p class="card-text">Welcome to the future! Life is good, but it can better. And why shouldn't it be? No matter who you are, you deserve to be the best version of yourself.
Do you believe your looks are holding you down from success? If your answer is yes, then I say, why not change that! At New-U, we strive to enable you to be who you always wanted to be. Everything you've ever dreamed about is possible and right here at your fingertips.
These advanced nanotechnologies used to only be available to the cream of the crop! Royalty, Nobles, Heroes of the Alliance! But not anymore, for the first time in history it is available to you, regardless of your social status.
No longer do you need to be a $character_lastName to get started! All you need is to want it! Check out our catalog and empower yourself to be who you always dreamed to be!</p>
You remain silent in your seat as the advertisement ends, still wondering what the hell you've just watched. At least the tune was catchy. Seconds later, the screen returns to the preview catalog and you are presented with the page of modifications that the clinic offers. You notice some categories are completely greyed out and a disclaimer at the bottom pointing out mods may not be distributed until orientation is over.
<div class="table">
<div class="row d-none d-md-flex table-header">
<div class="col-md-2 table-cell">Name</div>
<div class="col-md table-cell">Description</div>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-2">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-6 d-flex d-md-none table-sidebar table-cell">
<div class="col-6 col-md-12 table-cell">
<div class="col-md">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-6 d-flex d-md-none table-sidebar table-cell">
<div class="col-6 col-md-12 table-cell">
A nanite based injection mod. Removes any blemishes from the skin, and smoothens out the skin in general, for a supermodel appearance. Only available to fourth year student council members.
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-2">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-6 d-flex d-md-none table-sidebar table-cell">
<div class="col-6 col-md-12 table-cell">
<div class="col-md">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-6 d-flex d-md-none table-sidebar table-cell">
<div class="col-6 col-md-12 table-cell">
A nanite based injection mod. Adds beauty marks to the skin. Additional controls exist to allow specific blemishes to be added, to the users desire. Only available to fourth year student council members.
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-2">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-6 d-flex d-md-none table-sidebar table-cell">
<div class="col-6 col-md-12 table-cell">
<div class="col-md">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-6 d-flex d-md-none table-sidebar table-cell">
<div class="col-6 col-md-12 table-cell">
A nanite based tablet mod. Over the course of a few hours after digestion, the user's skin color will change to match their desired choice. Currently caters for any Earth specific skin types. Available to any campus members after orientation week.
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-2">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-6 d-flex d-md-none table-sidebar table-cell">
<div class="col-6 col-md-12 table-cell">
Silk Touch
<div class="col-md">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-6 d-flex d-md-none table-sidebar table-cell">
<div class="col-6 col-md-12 table-cell">
A nanite based patch mod. After applying the patch to exposed skin, changes the users body incrementally towards a more feminine appearance. Due to the inefficient nature of patch based mods, multiple uses are required for extreme changes. Available to cadets starting from their second year.
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-2">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-6 d-flex d-md-none table-sidebar table-cell">
<div class="col-6 col-md-12 table-cell">
Gentleman's Touch
<div class="col-md">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-6 d-flex d-md-none table-sidebar table-cell">
<div class="col-6 col-md-12 table-cell">
A nanite based patch mod. After applying the patch to exposed skin, changes the users body incrementally towards a more masculine appearance. Due to the inefficient nature of patch based mods, multiple uses are required for extreme changes. Available to cadets starting from their second year.
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-2">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-6 d-flex d-md-none table-sidebar table-cell">
<div class="col-6 col-md-12 table-cell">
Beef Up
<div class="col-md">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-6 d-flex d-md-none table-sidebar table-cell">
<div class="col-6 col-md-12 table-cell">
A nanite based tablet mod. After digestion, released nanites facilitate the growth of muscles, prompting an overnight change of appearance. Multiple tablets can have extreme effects. Available to cadets starting from their second year.
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-2">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-6 d-flex d-md-none table-sidebar table-cell">
<div class="col-6 col-md-12 table-cell">
<div class="col-md">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-6 d-flex d-md-none table-sidebar table-cell">
<div class="col-6 col-md-12 table-cell">
A nanite based tablet mod. After digestion, released nanites work to remove excess muscles, prompting an overnight change of appearance. Multiple tablets can have extreme effects. Available to cadets starting from their second year.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Finish browsing" "Intro_AcademyOrientation_Afternoon_ModClinic_2">><</slink>>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<saudio "bgm_retrocommercial" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.25>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/academy/clinic1.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
Having sated your curiosity for the moment, you decide to return to your room planning on getting some rest before the next day of orientation.\
<<if starGame.npcs.getRelationshipStatus("curie_affinity", "curie_love") >= 0>>
Leaving the cubicle you had been using, you catch a glimpse of Curie slipping into a nearby cubicle. A quick wave from her before she leaves your sight is evidence that she saw you too.
Leaving the cubicle you had been using, you catch a glimpse of Curie slipping into a nearby cubicle, the scowl on her face indicating that she saw you too.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Leave clinic" "Intro_AcademyOrientation_Afternoon_BackAtApartmentAfterActivity">><</slink>>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<saudio "bgm_home" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.25>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/academy/gym1.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
The walk to the gym passes quickly, and you're somewhat surprised to be the only person present when you do enter the building. A glance around reveals plenty of neatly prepared equipment, ranging from state of the art high tech, to time proven setups. A nearby changing room offers gym clothes, for in case you've not brought your own with you.
Heading towards the changing room, you decide you might as well try the facilities while they're empty. After changing and leaving your personal effects in a locker, you head back towards the gym equipment.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Do some cardio" "Intro_AcademyOrientation_Afternoon_Gym_2">><<playerFactSet "orientation_afternoon_gym_cardio" true>><</slink>>
<<slink "Use weights" "Intro_AcademyOrientation_Afternoon_Gym_2">><<playerFactSet "orientation_afternoon_gym_weights" true>><</slink>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/gym1.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/diane/expressions/neutral_gym.webp"/>
<<if starGame.player.getFact('orientation_afternoon_gym_cardio') is true>>\
You head over to the neat rows of treadmills, picking an older model without the fancy bells and whistles. Setting it to a light jog, you spend the next twenty minutes focusing on your form and stamina, before the timer eventually runs down. Deciding that it was good enough for an impromptu workout, you head back to the changing rooms, a light sheen of perspiration on your brow.
/% It's weights, no other possibility %/\
You head over to the weight circuit, deciding that a light yet complete workout will suffice for today. Focusing specifically on your arms and chest, you work through a few of the machines, and after roughly twenty five minutes of exercise, you accept that it's good enough to work the stiffness out of your body. You know that you've got more in the tank, but you've already decided to have a decent night's rest in preparation for the following day.
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('met_diane') is true>>\
<<if starGame.npcs.getRelationshipStatus("diane_affinity", "diane_love") >= 0>>\
A whistle catches your attention, and you see Diane give you a wink and a smile from where she's busy prepping her own workout equipment. You take a second to admire her doing a warmup stretch, earning you a smirk from her before she waves you away. Leaving with a grin, you change back to your casual clothes, and head back to your room, deciding to rest up before the next day of orientation.
/% If you turned her down you have negative affinity %/\
On your way to change back to casual clothes, you spot the commoner who had propositioned you in the elevator before, but when she sees you she rolls her eyes before returning to what she was doing. Deciding to not get involved beyond that for the moment, you head to the changing room, planning on returning to your room for some rest before the next day of orientation.
On your way to the changing rooms, you catch a glimpse of movement out of the corner of your eye, spotting a toned and tanned female cadet busy doing warm up stretches in the corner of the gym. You appreciate the view for a moment, and as you turn to return to the changing room, you see her wink at you. Seems you weren't as subtle as you thought you were being. Once you've changed back into your casual wear, you decide to head back to the room, deciding an early night is the right course of action before the next day of orientation.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Leave gym" "Intro_AcademyOrientation_Afternoon_BackAtApartmentAfterActivity">>
<<addtocodex "Diane" "met_diane">>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/academy/mc_apartment/apartment_day.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
Having finished that activity with time to spare, you decide you can still do more today before you need to sleep.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<if starGame.player.getFact("orientation_afternoon_clinic") is not true>>
<<slink "Clinic" "Intro_AcademyOrientation_Afternoon_ModClinic">><<playerFactSet "orientation_afternoon_clinic" true>><</slink>>
<<if starGame.player.getFact("orientation_afternoon_gym") is not true>>
<<slink "Gym" "Intro_AcademyOrientation_Afternoon_Gym">><<playerFactSet "orientation_afternoon_gym" true>><</slink>>
<<if starGame.player.getFact("orientation_afternoon_callfather") is not true>>
<<slink "Call Father" "Intro_AcademyOrientation_Afternoon_Call">><<playerFactSet "orientation_afternoon_callfather" true>><</slink>>
<<if starGame.player.getFact("orientation_afternoon_askforadvice") is true and starGame.player.getFact("orientation_afternoon_training") is not true>>
<<slink "Holodeck Training" "Intro_AcademyOrientation_Afternoon_Training">><<playerFactSet "orientation_afternoon_training" true>><</slink>>
<<slink "Go to sleep" "Intro_AcademyOrientation_Afternoon_Sleep">><<nextperiod>><</slink>>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<saudio "bgm_home" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.25>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/academy/mc_apartment/apartment_night.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
Having finally run out of steam, you decide to get some rest. A quick shower, and some comfortable clothes later, you find yourself lying in bed.
<span class="hero">"Eva, set an alarm for three hours before tomorrow's orientation please."</span> You speak into the empty room, a singular beep accompanying your words.
<span class="eva">"Of course, Cadet $character_lastName. Sleep well."</span> She says, as the lights turn themselves off and the blinds draw.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Intro_Day3_Morning">>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/academy/mc_apartment/computer.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
Deciding to call your father before he decides to call you, you take a seat in front of your terminal, and are pleasantly surprised to find that Eva has already updated it with all your needed software and contacts.
Taking a few minutes to browse the terminal, you note that you can also do some degree of shopping from it, and can place meal orders for your different meal times. Eventually however, you run out of things to procrastinate with, and start the process for calling your father.
The call rings twice, before it's answered, and the video feed shows a female junior officer in military uniform. Before you can ask why the wrong person has answered, the officer speaks. <span class="ann">"The Commander is in a meeting. I'm sorry for answering for him, but it's under his orders. It's a pleasure to meet you $character_firstName, I'm Lieutenant Ann."</span> She says with a warm smile.
<span class="ann">"Of course, I'd be more than happy to pass a message on to the commander for you. Otherwise, I'm sure he'll call you back when he has a free moment."</span>
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Leave a message" "Intro_AcademyOrientation_Afternoon_LeaveMessage">>
<<playerFactSet "orientation_afternoon_call_message" true>>
<<addtocodex "Lieutenant Ann" "met_ann">>
<<slink "Ask for a callback" "Intro_AcademyOrientation_Afternoon_Callback">>
<<playerFactSet "orientation_afternoon_call_callback" true>>
<<addtocodex "Lieutenant Ann" "met_ann">>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/academy/mc_apartment/computer.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
You can't help but smile at the situation. Even though it's a call to your own dad, you forgot how busy he can be, commanding a cruiser of his own for the Alliance. His aide seems a reliable enough person if they're entrusted with answering personal calls, so you decide to leave a message for your father with Ann in the meantime.
<span class="hero">"Please tell the commander that I've arrived safely, and that orientation is moving smoothly. And since he'll be curious to know, you can tell him that I picked <<print starGame.player.getFact("major")>> as my major."</span> You say, making sure to include the information that you know your father is most curious about.
<<if starGame.player.getFact("major") is "fighters">>\
Ann listens as you talk, clearly committing the message to memory, before smiling. <span class="ann">"Fighter course as your major? I assume I need to reserve a hanger slot for you when you graduate? I'll make sure to pass it on to the commander at the earliest."</span>
<<elseif starGame.player.getFact("major") is "cruisers">>\
Ann listens as you talk, clearly committing the message to memory, before smiling. <span class="ann">"Cruiser course as your major? The apple doesn't fall far from the tree does it. I'll make sure to pass it on to the commander at the earliest."</span>
/% Can't be something else than battlegroups at this point %/\
Ann listens as you talk, clearly committing the message to memory, before smiling. <span class="ann">"Battlegroup command course as your major? I suppose I should start squaring the paperwork away to have the commander's ship join your flotilla on graduation then? I'll pass it on to the commander at the earliest."</span>
Thanking Ann with a smile of your own, you end the call. Spending a few minutes more browsing the terminal, you decide to call it after an unexpected yawn. Soon after, you find yourself nestled in your bed, getting ready for a serious nap before the next day of orientation.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Intro_AcademyOrientation_Afternoon_BackAtApartmentAfterActivity">><</slink>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/academy/mc_apartment/computer.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
Even if you did expect this, you still give a small frown as you are told you can't speak to your dad. You decide to not waste time further, directing the lieutenant to ask your father to give you a callback when he has some free time in the next day or two. A smile crosses her lips when you make your decision.
<span class="ann">"Would you like to leave any information on why you called, or would you prefer to keep it between the two of you?"</span> she asks patiently, seemingly used to dealing with the way nobles work.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Leave a reason" "Intro_AcademyOrientation_Afternoon_Callback_Reason">>
<<playerFactSet "orientation_afternoon_call_callback_givereason" true>>
<<slink "Don't leave a reason" "Intro_AcademyOrientation_Afternoon_Callback_NoReason">>
<<playerFactSet "orientation_afternoon_call_callback_givereason" false>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/academy/mc_apartment/computer.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
You figure that it couldn't hurt to let your dad know why you called, it might even prompt him to callback sooner.
<span class="hero">"Please tell the Commander that it's about my course selection. I've made a choice, and wanted to let him know."</span> You say after a moment of consideration. She nods, typing a sentence out on her monitor before her gaze returns to you.
<span class="ann">"All set. Anything else I can do for you?"</span> She asks with a professional smile. Waving it off, you confirm you've done what you needed, and end the call. Finding yourself onset by a surprise wave of fatigue, you decide to end the day early. Moments later in your bed, you drift off to sleep, your body preparing for the next day of events.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Intro_AcademyOrientation_Afternoon_BackAtApartmentAfterActivity">><</slink>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/academy/mc_apartment/computer.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
Having decided to make your dad call you back, you figure that it's pointless to also leave a topic in advance. Who knows how things might change before he does finally call you.
<span class="hero">"No, I think the callback request is enough. Thank you lieutenant."</span> You say with a casual smile, and end the call. Resisting the sudden urge to yawn, you decide to turn in for the day.
Resting in advance of the next orientation day seems a fine idea, and shortly after making the decision you drift off to sleep.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Intro_AcademyOrientation_Afternoon_BackAtApartmentAfterActivity">><</slink>>
<<if starGame.player.getFact("major") is "fighters">>
<img src="resources/img/events/orientation_training/fighter.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.getFact("major") is "cruisers">>
<img src="resources/img/events/orientation_training/cruiser.webp"/>
/% Can't be something else than battlegroups at this point %/
<img src="resources/img/events/orientation_training/battlegroup.webp"/>
<img class="exp-left-10" src="resources/img/characters/main/eva/expressions/happy.webp"/>
<span class="eva">"Initializing Holodeck simulation."</span> Eva says as you take a seat in the holodeck suite. Placing the virtual reality goggles over your face, you find yourself sitting in a replica of your dorm room. The only thing that gives it away as virtual reality is the now physical Eva, standing nearby. She might only be a woman-shaped cluster of binary here, but it's the first time you're meeting face to face, so to speak.
<span class="eva">"Ready for the initial simulation sync, cadet?"</span> She asks, the room around you dissolving into a starscape.
<<if starGame.player.getFact("major") is "fighters">>\
After a few more moments pass, you find yourself sitting in the cockpit of an Alliance Strike Ship, the Crusader class space superiority fighter. A tightly knit asteroid field has come into existence around you. Eva appears as a miniature version of herself on your dashboard. <span class="eva">"Are you ready for the briefing?"</span> She asks, leaving you a moment to admire the frozen, simulated view. Feeling suitably prepared, you give a nod to the AI, who promptly assumes a stance not dissimilar from that you've seen officers use in movies.
<span class="eva">"Intel reports rebel activity in the asteroid field of CN-14X-12. Following the lead, a wing of Crusader class fighters has been dispatched to do a fly-by recon of one of the hotspots."</span>
As she speaks, two more Alliance fighters, identical to your own, materialize in formation with you.
<span class="eva">"Long range scanners have revealed a wing of rebel fighters escorting a passenger class ship away from the area of operations. Command has amended your orders to intercept the wing and apprehend the transport. Any questions?"</span>
You pause for a moment, watching the heads up display update with the positions of your targets, and when it does so, you notice an immense amount of visual noise on the scanner. Eva seems to be waiting for your response to go ahead with the scenario.
<span class="hero">"No questions at this time. Commence simulation."</span> You say, the frozen battlefield coming to life with your words as you consider how you should approach the situation.
<<elseif starGame.player.getFact("major") is "cruisers">>\
As a few seconds pass, you find yourself standing on the bridge of an Alliance strike cruiser. Glancing left and right, you see other crew materializing into the correct positions. Eva's digi-form is standing to your right, and gives you a brief smile when you look at her. Turning your attention outwards, you see that your ship is currently powered down in a field of ice asteroids. Eva gives a slight cough, and turning to look at her, she hands you a tablet with the mission details already pulled up.
Glancing at the tablet, you quickly absorb the required information. Your strike cruiser was on a scouting mission, when two rebel destroyers jumped into the system, heading directly for your planned route. Outnumbered and far from support, you retreated to a nearby icefield, and used it to hide your ship's signature when you powered it down. The destroyers are still looking for you, but they have split up enough for it to no longer be considered a two vs one. Standard protocol calls for you to evade the pursuers and jump to an Alliance system.
Eva is watching you, seemingly waiting for you to finish reading the mission details.
<span class="eva">"Ready to begin, Cadet?"</span> She asks smoothly. Giving a nod, you decide there's no time like the present.
<span class="hero">"Commence simulation."</span> You say, as the crew and starscape around you come alive.
/% Can't be something else than battlegroups at this point %/\
A few moments pass as the simulation forms around you. Standing in the center of a command center, you quickly understand that you're at the heart of one of the Alliance Super Carriers. Glancing around you, you see scores of officers and crew, all busy carefully monitoring their stations with razor fine precision. Eva materializes next to you, a briefing tablet in her hands. <span class="eva">"Are you ready to begin?"</span> She asks, the world around you still frozen for the moment.
Giving a nod, you reach for the tablet. Eva turns into a junior officer, who promptly hands you the tablet, as time begins to flow. You can hear the flow of activity around you fade to nothing as the crew waits for you to process the briefing and give your orders. Skimming the tablet's contents, you frown as you process the important information within.
Your battlegroup was stationed in the Draconis verge, when a series of rebel attacks scattered Alliance forces in the region. Command believes it to be the precursor of a coordinated assault on Draconis, and have ordered you to hold the system until such a time that reinforcements arrive. Tapping the screen of the tablet, you confirm that you've read all the information it presents to you. Your eyes pan around the room, your officers watching you silently. Reminding yourself that as a battlegroup commander, you have access to an immense amount of power, you decide to take charge of the situation.
<span class="hero">"Report."</span> You say, half expecting silence as the answer. The virtual crew however, are professionals, and your second steps forward. <span class="npc1">"Scans indicate three points of approach from the assumed rebel forces."</span> A holographic map springs to life as he speaks. <span class="npc1">"Here, here and here."</span> He indicates the three spots, highlighting them on the map for you. Pointing at a fourth location, an icon matching that of your fleet appears roughly equidistant from the arrival points.
<span class="npc1">"We have the advantage in that we can intercept one of the incoming fleets on arrival, reducing our incoming targets by a third. However, that does give the other two fleets time to arrive unopposed, allowing them to regroup and descend on us in a unified mass."</span> A murmur of discussion runs through the crew, their nervousness showing.
Taking another look at your command console, you can see you only have thirty minutes before the rebels start to arrive. Further, your scans have revealed that even if you were to fully wipe out one of the approaching fleets, you'd still be outnumbered. A gentle cough from your second draws you out of your contemplation.
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<saudio "bgm_combat1" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.25>>
<<box "choicebox">>
<<if starGame.player.getFact("major") is "fighters">>
<<slink "Stealth" "Intro_AcademyOrientation_Afternoon_Training_Fighters">>
<<playerFactSet "orientation_afternoon_training_fighter_stealth" true>>
<<slink "Cautious" "Intro_AcademyOrientation_Afternoon_Training_Fighters">>
<<playerFactSet "orientation_afternoon_training_fighter_cautious" true>>
<<slink "Aggressive" "Intro_AcademyOrientation_Afternoon_Training_Fighters">>
<<playerFactSet "orientation_afternoon_training_fighter_aggressive" true>>
<<elseif starGame.player.getFact("major") is "cruisers">>
<<slink "Evade and Escape" "Intro_AcademyOrientation_Afternoon_Training_Cruisers">>
<<playerFactSet "orientation_afternoon_training_cruiser_evadeandescape" true>>
<<slink "Ambush" "Intro_AcademyOrientation_Afternoon_Training_Cruisers">>
<<playerFactSet "orientation_afternoon_training_cruiser_ambush" true>>
<<slink "Intercept" "Intro_AcademyOrientation_Afternoon_Training_Battlegroups">>
<<playerFactSet "orientation_afternoon_training_battlegroup_intercept" true>>
<<slink "Unconventional tactics" "Intro_AcademyOrientation_Afternoon_Training_Battlegroups">>
<<playerFactSet "orientation_afternoon_training_battlegroup_unconventional" true>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/events/orientation_training/fighter.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
<<if starGame.player.getFact("orientation_afternoon_training_fighter_stealth") is true>>\
Keying in a command on the dashboard as you put your own ship into low power mode, you open a line to your two simulated wingmen. <span class="hero">"Rebel ships don't have scanners as powerful as our own. With the amount of visual noise the field is generating, we can get right on top of them if we keep thermal signatures to a minimum."</span> Synthetic voices confirm your reasoning, as your wing quickly blinks off the scanner.
Taking it easy, you begin to creep up on the rebel fighter wing, being careful to watch the trajectories of smaller asteroids, given the low power state of your shields. Once you've entered what the manuals would call CQC range, you flick the switches rapidly, power surging back to the weapons and thrusters of your craft. The enemy fighters are caught off-guard, and as they hurriedly attempt to respond to the emergence of hostiles right behind them, you and your wingmates score some easy kills on the panicked pilots.
Moments later, a transmission from the transport is sent your way, announcing their surrender. At this, the universe freezes again, as Eva manifests on your dashboard again.
<<elseif starGame.player.getFact("orientation_afternoon_training_fighter_cautious") is true>>\
Assuming that the enemy fighter wing is at least aware that Alliance ships are in the area, you throttle up your craft, marking out a course of approach that'll have you meet the rebel fighters with the systems sun behind you.
Opening the comms to your wingmates, you outline the plan briefly. <span class="hero">"We're going to intercept on a course that will have the system's sun eclipse our ships shortly after they spot us. If it goes as calculated, the rebels will be caught off guard by the sun's appearance, and we can use those moments of visual chaos to engage safely."</span> Two synthetic voices confirm your instructions, as they fall into formation, matching your flight path.
A few minutes of flight later, and you find the rebels desperately scrambling to intercept your wing, only to realize it's too late, as you and your simulated wingmates score some easy kills on the visually blinded pilots.
Moments later, a transmission from the transport is sent your way, announcing their surrender. At this, the universe freezes again, as Eva manifests on your dashboard again.
Realizing that the visual noise of the system has likely hidden you from detection, you open the comms to your wingmates. <span class="hero">"We're going straight down the center. They don't know we're here yet, but they won't have time to react either if we hit them fast enough."</span> Two synthetic voices confirm your decision, and your wingmates fall into a line formation behind you, their ships hidden by yours in effect.
Taking a moment to plot as direct of a course as possible, you redirect most of your ship's power to thrusters, and rapidly approach the rebel wing. To their credit they detect you shortly before you enter CQC ranges, but are caught off guard by your two wingmen, whose signatures were masked by your approach. The rebel pilots are quickly overwhelmed, but not before landing a few lucky shots on your shields.
Moments later, a transmission from the transport is sent your way, announcing their surrender. At this, the universe freezes again, as Eva manifests on your dashboard again.
<<if starGame.player.getFact('orientation_d3_attended')>>\
/% Catch up on d3 if you didn't do holodeck sim on d2 %/
<span class="eva">"Congratulations on a successful first sync and operation."</span> Eva says, as the simulation begins to disintegrate around you. Raising the holodecks goggles off your head, you notice that you're the first to finish the training simulation. Your overseeing instructor gives you an approving nod, before telling you that you're done with orientation for the day, and can spend the rest of it freely. As you begin to leave the training hall, you hear the sound of more holodecks powering down, the other talented cadets having finished their own simulations.
<span class="eva">"Congratulations. Your initial sync simulation was a flawless success. While I'm sure both of us are ready for an actual simulation, I'm afraid we'll have to stop there for the day. Academy Central has mandated a system upgrade for the holodecks, which means I'll have to take this one offline for now."</span>
Nodding at Eva's words, you slip the goggles off, and find yourself back in your room. While the simulated mission was easy, you feel a degree of mental tiredness, likely caused by the tension of having to navigate an active asteroid field in a combat scenario.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<if starGame.player.getFact('orientation_d3_attended')>>
<<slink "Leave Holodeck" "Intro_Day3_Afternoon">>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<saudio "bgm_heleus" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.25>>
<<slink "Leave Holodeck" "Intro_AcademyOrientation_Afternoon_BackAtApartmentAfterActivity">><</slink>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/events/orientation_training/cruiser.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
<<if starGame.player.getFact("orientation_afternoon_training_cruiser_evadeandescape") is true>>\
Your crew is silent, all eyes on you as they wait for an order. On your command console you can see the nearest rebel destroyer patrolling the icefield, obviously looking for you but bleeding enough signal noise that you are effectively invisible in the field while powered down. The second destroyer is on a course heading away from you both, clearly looking for you in the tradelanes. Either way, your ship is safe for the moment, and deciding that standard protocol exists for a reason you turn to address your crew.
<span class="hero">"We'll be enacting a stealthy withdrawal. When the patrolling destroyer reaches the arc of its course, we'll repower and full burn away from the rebels. Once we've cleared the field, we'll initiate a jump and rejoin the battlegroup in Draconis.</span>
A quiet wave of confirmations reach you from the crew, as the different officers prepare their stations and equipment. You turn to watch the monitor, the rebel destroyer slowly approaching your ship. You know, from the readouts on the screen that it is going to pass you by at a relatively short distance, before its predicted route leads it far from you, but you still hear the breath of your subordinates catch as it approaches. Reminded for a moment of a shark circling wounded prey, you force yourself to breathe normally, reminding yourself that you're still undetected.
The next few minutes pass painfully slow as you watch the destroyer inch closer and closer, until it passes by your cruiser slowly burning away from you. A collective sigh of relief emerges from you and the crew. Again, all eyes are glued on the movement of the destroyer, but this time you can see the micro-movements of your crew, as they adjust dials and controls, adapting your ship's planned course against that of the passing destroyer, all hands waiting for your command. Watching the predicted course readout on the console, you notice that the destroyer is not actually moving as far away from you as hoped, and will soon be on a return course.
<span class="hero">"Begin evasion."</span> You order, watching the console carefully. Feeling your cruiser come to life around you, the bridge explodes into a flurry of activity. The navigator calls out a long stream of coordinates, while the two gunnery commanders adjust their firing lines. As the ship hums beneath you, you briefly feel the sensation of acceleration, before the icefield around you starts to move. On the console you see the two destroyers entering full burns of their own, attempting to catch and intercept you. The closer destroyer releases a swarm of snub-craft, but you're already slipping out of the net meant to catch you.
A smile curls on your lips as your navigator calls out a second string of coordinates, the bridge crew responding to it quickly. Minutes pass in a tense chase, as the two destroyers try their best to close distance with you. However, while they might have you outgunned, no Alliance ship commissioned has been inferior to its rivals in speed. In a straight line race like this, you're practically untouchable.
A sudden flare of energy on the console reveals the nearest destroyer has fired at you. Before you can command an evasive course however, the navigator explodes into action, and you see the console reveal that the incoming cannon fire is going to narrowly skim your shields. Seconds after the rounds cross the bow of your ship, you feel your stomach lurch, as the cruiser begins to charge its jump drive, and as you clear the icefield, the starscape around you folds, your escape complete.
Your crew is silent, all eyes on you as they wait for an order. On your command console you can see the nearest rebel destroyer patrolling the icefield, obviously looking for you but bleeding enough signal noise that you are effectively invisible in the field while powered down. The second destroyer is on a course heading away from you both, clearly looking for you in the tradelanes. Either way, your ship is safe for the moment, and deciding that the best shot at keeping your ship safe is a pre-emptive strike before escape, you address the crew.
<span class="hero">"We're going to evade and regroup in Draconis. But before we do, we're going to remind these Rebels why the Alliance is the king of the hill. Nav, give me a course for escape and jump. Gunnery, plot firing lines for when the destroyer enters the closest arc of fire. Everyone else, prepare for ambush and disengagement."</span>
The crew spark to life calling out information and adjustments as they track the approaching destroyer on their consoles. Two minutes before it reaches the closest point, you receive the greenlight from all stations. The ambush is ready.
Glancing at the viewport, you watch the turreted mac-cannons slowly align with the predicted course of fire. One of the gunnery commanders updates the time to engage on your console. Thirty seconds to go. At fifteen seconds left before beginning the ambush, you nod, giving an order to begin the operation. The ship hums to life around you, the crew moving quickly to keep the situation unfolding according to the plan. You feel the slight thrum of the engines as your cruiser begins to move, the mac-cannons firing a moment later, a faint vibration accompanying the action.
On your command console you watch as the destroyers react to your actions, one too far away to prevent the ambush and the other reacting too late to properly guard itself. At the nearly knife fight range your ship has fired from, its shields barely affect the cannon rounds, and as your ship fires again, you watch as the first volley tears through its armor and hull, nearly ripping the ship in half immediately. The next two volleys from your main guns finish the job, leaving the ambushed destroyer dead in space, its reactor shattered and its power offline.
Your gunnery officers quickly begin planning their next lines of fire towards the approaching destroyer, but your navigator has finished his course long in advance. Your engines roar to life, as you enter full burn away from the approaching enemy. Minutes pass as you slowly gain distance from the pursuing destroyer, your lighter ship practically uncatchable in a straight line. As you leave the ice-field, space folds around you, the ship's jump drive sending you straight to the Alliance controlled Draconis system.
As your cruiser arrives in Draconis, the starscape freezes around you, the crew blinking out of existence as Eva appears in front of you.
<<if starGame.player.getFact('orientation_d3_attended')>>\
/% Catch up on d3 if you didn't do holodeck sim on d2 %/
<span class="eva">"Congratulations on a successful first sync and operation."</span> Eva says, as the simulation begins to disintegrate around you. Raising the holodecks goggles off your head, you notice that you're the first to finish the training simulation. Your overseeing instructor gives you an approving nod, before telling you that you're done with orientation for the day, and can spend the rest of it freely. As you begin to leave the training hall, you hear the sound of more holodecks powering down, the other talented cadets having finished their own simulations.
<span class="eva">"Congratulations. Your initial sync simulation was a flawless success. While I'm sure both of us are ready for an actual simulation, I'm afraid we'll have to stop there for the day. Academy Central has mandated a system upgrade for the holodecks, which means I'll have to take this one offline for now."</span>
Nodding at Eva's words, you slip the goggles off, and find yourself back in your room. While the simulated mission was easy, you feel a degree of mental tiredness, likely caused by the stress of commanding a cruiser in such a high risk situation.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<if starGame.player.getFact('orientation_d3_attended')>>
<<slink "Leave Holodeck" "Intro_Day3_Afternoon">>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<saudio "bgm_heleus" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.25>>
<<slink "Leave Holodeck" "Intro_AcademyOrientation_Afternoon_BackAtApartmentAfterActivity">><</slink>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/events/orientation_training/battlegroup.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
<<if starGame.player.getFact("orientation_afternoon_training_battlegroup_intercept") is true>>\
Deciding that whittling down the incoming enemies before they can regroup is the correct course of action, you give the command to follow the second in commands battleplan. You make a few light alterations, so that your battlegroup will have the systems sun behind it when engaging any of the rebel fleets, and your console confirms that your orders have been received as the fleet around you enters an intercept course for the designated arrival point.
Fifteen minutes pass without event, as you steadily close on the target destination, and pre-approved firelines are being created. One of the officers nearby determines that the fleet has reached the appropriate range to deploy gunships and snubcraft, and you can't help but admire the efficient manner in which your super carrier fills the surrounding space with thousands of the smaller ships.
At five minutes to arrival, the gunnery officers look to you for approval of a fire screen, and on seeing your nod, the guns of the fleet begin to roar. The timing should be calculated well enough that the arriving rebel fleet enters the system into a storm of munitions, crippling them on arrival. At this point you release command of the cruisers and battleships under your control, devoting your attention to the larger view of the battlefield than individually micromanaging your ship captains.
A low hum and a scratchy feeling in your teeth tells you that the rebel ships have arrived, the unpleasant effects of their jump drives reaching across even space to disturb you. As planned, the fleet you decided to intercept is caught in a violent swarm of prefired munitions, as cannon rounds tear through armor and scuttle ships, you see the distant bloom of a flight of nuclear torpedoes impacting on the enemies flagship. Coincidence, but a welcome one. As your battlegroup does its work, you see several of your destroyers and cruisers glide out of formation, hunting the survivors of the rebel fleet here with the cold efficiency of a wolfpack.
A hail from one of your battleships pulls your attention away from the initial victory however.
<span class="npc1">"Remaining rebel fleets have split up instead of regrouping. One is burning directly towards us, the other is heading for the Draconis warp gate. If they manage to scuttle it, the reinforcements won't be able to jump to us anymore."</span>
Your attention focused once more, you rattle off a series of commands. The obvious threat is a secondary objective, you need to keep the warp gate functional so the reinforcements can arrive. Your battleships and carriers quickly rearrange themselves around your super carrier, preparing for a defensive action, while your lighter ships separate from the battlegroup entirely. You hide a grimace as you split your forces, knowing that only your cruisers and destroyers can intercept the rebel fleet heading for the warp gate, but also knowing that without the destroyer screen, your heavier ships will be vulnerable to the incoming assault fleet.
Three dimensional combat is always tricky, and none of you had expected such a well developed plan from the rebels however. As your battleships begin to fire their longer ranged weapons, hoping to lay down a screen of fire to delay the arrival of the rebel assault fleet, you can do little but watch in anticipation as your detached ships begin their intercept course.
Minutes pass in general silence, as you wait for the fleets to clash, giving only minor adjustment orders to ensure your own formation is perfect before the ensuing battle begins. Your console reveals the swarm of enemy snub craft being deployed against your own, and as the different fleets finally meet, your full attention is required on the battle around your super carrier, leaving you to trust that your detached force can perform without.
The battle is brutal and short. Your dreadnoughts and battleships pack more firepower than any rebel ship, each volley critically damaging one of their counterpart targets. But you're outnumbered, and the sheer weight of fire is taking a heavy toll on your fleet. Each of your ships accounts for at least two of the rebel fleet, but it feels like despite the lethal efficiency of your fleet, that you're slowly being worn down.
The shield of the carrier neighboring your ship flickers, and you watch helplessly as a flight of torpedoes pass through the barrier, scoring a direct hit on the carrier's momentarily undefended hangar bays. Barking commands to cycle the fleet, you feel a moment of relief as one of the dreadnoughts manages to fight free of its encirclement, punching a hole through the rebel lines and scuttling four enemy cruisers in a single volley from its main guns.
Glancing at your command console, you feel victory approaching, as your detached force confirms that despite heavy losses, they managed to rout the rebel fleet targeting the warp gate, and are en route to rejoin the battle in support of you. The smile fades from your lips however, as you see a volley of cannon rounds impact with your super carriers shields, revealing that one of the battleships screening you was disabled.
As you issue a new round of orders, meant to tighten the formation, your console beeps twice, drawing your attention to it. At first glance, more than half of your heavy ships have been lost, and a third of your lighter ships that were detached are gone as well. The second glance however reveals that the reinforcements have arrived, and are swiftly approaching to relieve your embattled fleet.
Deciding that the correct course of action is to go against the grain here, you make sure everyone's listening carefully. <span class="hero">"We're going to perform a mobile defense. It's too risky to get pinned down at an arrival point and then overwhelmed by the rebel numbers. Gunnery, I want you, from right now to saturate all of the arrival points with as many munitions as possible. When the rebels arrive in thirty minutes, I want all three fleets to be jumping directly into layers of fire."</span> You say, and before you can finish the order you can see how the battleships and cruisers are rotating to create optimal firing lines.
Continuing with your plan, you give instructions for your lighter ships to spread out and start creating a defensive screen, knowing full well that having them detached from your main fleet will leave both them and your heavier ships more vulnerable. However, you're intending to cause enough chaos with the opening bombardment to prevent the rebels from regrouping thereby allowing your destroyers to perform like the wolfpacks they're meant to be.
A beep from your command console draws your attention, and you soon find yourself admiring the sheer amount of firepower being expended towards the predicted arrival points. In the back of your mind, you do note that your ships will have heavily worn down their ammo reserves by the time the rebels arrive, leaving you even more in need of reinforcement.
Your initial plans laid out, you spend the remaining time watching the console, and waiting for unexpected variables. Roughly five minutes before the arrival, your battleships and cruisers stop firing, moving to form secondary and tertiary screens like the destroyers.
As the enemy ships start to arrive, you're treated to the sight of your fired barrage arriving with deadly effect. Signatures flicker and die on your console, and you carefully stop yourself from smiling as the wall of fire wreaks havoc on the rebel fleets. You frown to yourself as the rebels reorganize quickly, despite the heavy damage inflicted on them.
You quickly send new orders to your destroyer and cruiser screens, merging the two and sending them to intercept the regrouping enemy fleets, aiming to prevent them from regaining control of the situation. A hail from one of your battleships grabs your attention.
<span class="npc1">"Commander, rebel ships that were damaged but not scuttled are committing to collision courses. Tracking data sent."</span>
Looking at the newly sent information, you feel your stomach sink a little. The damaged rebel ships are already locked into collision courses with your carriers and battleships, and building enough speed that the only way to prevent the impacts is either to core their reactor, or knock them off course with one of your lighter ships.
Resolving yourself to what's needed to be done, you order your carriers and battleships to continue their bombardment of the regrouping rebel ships, while redirecting your destroyers into collision courses of their own. Time seems to stand still, as your destroyers sacrifice themselves in heroic manner to defend the slower, more powerful battleships.
Two beeps on your console draw your attention, revealing that at the cost of almost all of your lighter ships, you've successfully claimed the day, your battleships knocking out the final rebel ships on the field as you watch. The second beep reveals the warp signatures of the reinforcements, who arrive moments before the rebel flagships reactor takes a direct hit, the resultant explosion bright enough for you to see across the depth of space without assistance.
<<if starGame.player.getFact('orientation_d3_attended')>>\
/% Catch up on d3 if you didn't do holodeck sim on d2 %/
<span class="eva">"Congratulations on a successful first sync and operation."</span> Eva says, as the simulation begins to disintegrate around you.
Raising the holodecks goggles off your head, you notice that you're the first to finish the training simulation. Your overseeing instructor gives you an approving nod, before telling you that you're done with orientation for the day, and can spend the rest of it freely. As you begin to leave the training hall, you hear the sound of more holodecks powering down, the other talented cadets having finished their own simulations.
The starscape around you freezes, as you return to real space. Eva materializes a few steps away from you, a strange look on her face. <span class="eva">"Well, if anyone doubted you were Commander $character_lastName's <<if starGame.player.isMale() is true>>son<<else>>daughter<</if>>, they'll have to accept it now. Congratulations on completing the simulation cadet."</span> She says with a warm smile.
Pausing for a moment, she continues. <span class="eva">"While I'm sure both of us are ready for an actual simulation, I'm afraid we'll have to stop there for the day. Academy Central has mandated a system upgrade for the holodecks, which means I'll have to take this one offline for now."</span>
Nodding at Eva's words, you slip the goggles off, and find yourself back in your room. While the simulated mission was easy, you feel a degree of mental tiredness, likely caused by the tension of a conducting a battlegroup scale operation.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<if starGame.player.getFact('orientation_d3_attended')>>
<<slink "Leave Holodeck" "Intro_Day3_Afternoon">>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<saudio "bgm_heleus" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.25>>
<<slink "Leave Holodeck" "Intro_AcademyOrientation_Afternoon_BackAtApartmentAfterActivity">><</slink>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/academy/mc_apartment/apartment_day.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
A gentle beeping noise draws you from your slumber, the shutters in the room automatically opening. A second beep plays as and you can almost feel Eva watching you. <span class="eva">"Good morning, Cadet $character_lastName. It's three hours before the orientation as you requested."</span>
Shaking your head to clear the last cobwebs from your sleep, you climb out of bed with a yawn. <span class="hero">"What's on the agenda for today's orientation?"</span> You ask the AI, walking lazily towards your bathroom.
<<if starGame.player.getFact('orientation_afternoon_training') is true>>\
<span class="eva">"Today is scheduled for Holodeck Introductory sessions, but since you've already completed it on your own time, the instructors might allow you to take the day off. Otherwise, you might have an opportunity to maintain your head start on classes alongside the benefits included with that. Either way, attendance is still mandatory until otherwise stated by an instructor."</span>
<span class="eva">"Today is scheduled for Holodeck Introductory sessions. It will walk you through the initial linking setup, and provide you the first basic scenario for your chosen course. As always, attendance is mandatory, and as this covers the main topic of your stay in the Academy, your performance in the Holodeck training simulations is the easiest way to measure your overall standing."</span>
The AI's voice sounds warmer than usual, and it's also the longest you've heard her speak without interruption. Shrugging off the curiosity for the moment, you step into the shower, enjoying the relaxing feeling of the water running over you.
Minutes later, you find yourself dressed and ready for the day, as Eva allows a drone to enter your room to clean it.
<span class="eva">"Please note that the Holodecks are off limits outside of supervised and scheduled sessions, so you need to find something to occupy your time with before you can attend the orientation lesson."</span> She adds, as you leave your room.
Given Eva's last words, you pause in the hallway outside your room. You don't have lots of time before the orientation class, but you do need to find something to kill the next two hours or so.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Atrium" "Intro_Day3_Morning_Atrium" "btn btn-highlight" "ti ti-exclamation-circle">><<playerFactSet "orientation_d3_atrium" true>><</slink>>
<<slink "Archives" "Intro_Day3_Morning_Archives">><<playerFactSet "orientation_d3_archive" true>><</slink>>
<<slink "Cafe" "Intro_Day3_Morning_Cafe">><<playerFactSet "orientation_d3_cafe" true>><</slink>>
<<slink "Enrichment Center" "Intro_Day3_Morning_Arcade">><<playerFactSet "orientation_d3_arcade" true>><</slink>>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<saudio "bgm_heleus" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.25>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/commons/arcade.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
Stretching slightly, you decide that there is really only one course of action for killing time before a class. The on campus Enrichment Center. From some of the information available about the academy, you know that the Enrichment Center is actually a mix of a few different types of facility. An arcade center, styled after the originals on Earth, a movie house, a recreational holodeck area and more. Ruling out the movie house and holodecks, you decide to head to the arcade. It could be good for spending an hour or two while you wait.
The walk across the campus to the Enrichment Center is uneventful, and as you make your way there you notice the average population of the Academy sliding towards being more cadet dominated. Previously you could see some instructors and staff moving around, but here they seem to have no presence at all. Reaching the Center, you head in straight away, following an antique neon sign that claims to be the Arcade.
Stepping through the final set of doors, you are assaulted by light and sound. Flashing displays, neon indicators and strobes aim to simulate how it must have been to originally walk into an arcade back when they were introduced, and the sounds of gameplay, laughter and machines playing their trailers blend together to form a solid wall. Ironically, you could probably keep secret conversations hidden easily here, despite the large number of people nearby.
A few flustered and tired looking cadets man a nearby booth, and on seeing you enter, one of them waves you over, pointing at a poster of an arcade card. Indulging them, you make your way over to the booth, expecting some kind of speech and introductions, and are instead greeted with a handout and a card pushed into your hands followed by a smile.
<span class="npc1">"We hope you enjoy the arcade!"</span> One of the cadets calls out, before they turn their attention back to finding new arrivals.
Left alone for a moment, you take a look around the arcade before deciding what to do.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Shooter Game" "Intro_Day3_Morning_Arcade_Shooter">><<npcFactSet "orientation_d3_arcade_game" "shooter">>
<<additem "item_quest_arcade_note" 1 true>>
<<slink "Racing Game" "Intro_Day3_Morning_Arcade_Racing">><<npcFactSet "orientation_d3_arcade_game" "racing">>
<<additem "item_quest_arcade_note" 1 true>>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<saudio "bgm_arcade" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.25>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/commons/arcade.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
Surprised to see that one of your old favorite games is kept by the Arcade, you opt to spend some time reliving a part of your youth. Call of Honor: Dark Ops 7 was arguably the best in the series, and as you settle in to play, you find yourself getting back into the groove of things quite quickly. Clearing the first two stages easily, you amass a small crowd of spectators who watch in a mixture of jealousy and awe, as you glide through the half of the game with ease.
To your surprise and the spectators disappointment however, right as you start to get into the challenging parts of the game, the machine turns off, a single line of text scrolling across the screen repeatedly.
<span class="eva">"Orientation class starts in 5 minutes, all cadets report to orientation hall."</span>
As you look at the scrolling message, the rest of the cadets in the arcade begin to leave, and you realize that the reason you didn't see any staff presence to ensure classes are attended is because the arcade and movies simply don't operate during class hours.
Making your own way out of the arcade, you are surprised by the amount of cadets heading towards orientation, before realizing that there are probably other classes for the more senior cadets happening at the same time. Aware that you also need to attend the orientation class, you allow the group of cadets to sweep you up, heading towards the orientation hall with them.
<<include Intro_Day3_Morning_Choices>><<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/commons/arcade.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
Opting to try something newer, you head for the latest flight-racing simulator on the market. As you take a seat, you notice that this version is a competitive game, pitting you up against one of the other cadets in the arcade. A few moments pass as you both enter your desired rule set and a compromise is reached. Soon, you find yourself in a neck and neck race through an asteroid field, your competitor managing to keep level with you throughout the track.
<<if starGame.player.getFact('major') is 'fighters'>>\
As you enter the third and final lap of the race, you see an opportunity to pull away and cement a victory. Executing a smooth roll into a lateral burn, your opponent is caught off guard by the maneuver, their momentary surprise causing them to have to pull off course as you neatly glide into the open space ahead of them.
As you straighten out of the roll, widening the gap between you and the opponent, you hear a cheer from the surrounding arcade, as spectating cadets realize a winner has been decided. However, as you cross the finish line, the machine turns off, leading a wide spread boo from the crowd watching.
In place of your deserved victory screen, you find a scrolling line of text.
As you enter the third and final lap of the race, your opponent seems to raise the stakes. Whereas before you and them were barely seconds apart, you come to the realization that they've been waiting for the home stretch to show some of their tricks. The gap between the two of you suddenly grows as they enter a diagonal drift, making use of their lateral and horizontal thrusters to pull away from you.
Desperately trying to close the distance, you swing a little too wide on a turn, the wing of your ship just barely grazing a drifting asteroid, throwing you into an uncontrolled spin. A cheer erupts from the spectating cadets as a victor is decided. Before you have time to feel bad however, the machine turns off, replacing the game with a single scrolling line of text.
<span class="eva">"Orientation class starts in 5 minutes, all cadets report to orientation hall."</span>
As you look at the scrolling message, the rest of the cadets in the arcade begin to leave, and you realize that the reason you didn't see any staff presence to ensure classes are attended is because the arcade and movies simply don't operate during class hours.
Making your own way out of the arcade, you are surprised by the amount of cadets heading towards orientation, before realizing that there are probably other classes for the more senior cadets happening at the same time. Aware that you also need to attend the orientation class, you allow the group of cadets to sweep you up, heading towards the orientation hall with them.
<<include Intro_Day3_Morning_Choices>><<nobr>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/library.webp"/>
<img class="exp-left-10" src="resources/img/characters/main/eva/expressions/neutral.webp"/>
Deciding the correct way to kill an hour or two before worrying about orientation is to visit the Academies expansive archives and library, you slowly make your way towards the Archival hall. This part of the academy is visually similar to the rest of it, except where you would normally see cadets and students, the majority of the people you see here are instructors or fully fledged graduates. Information is power, a fact that holds true even in this advanced day and age, as these agents of the alliance return to their training ground to find obscure information that might aid them in their tasks.
Moving into the building itself, you find yourself face to face with Eva, her holographic representation taking the form of a female shaped mass of binary code. The feeling that she's smiling at you can't be shaken, and before you can speak, she initiates conversation.
<span class="eva">"Welcome to the Archival hall, Cadet. Since it's your first visit, I will be happy to assist in finding the relevant sections needed for your research."</span>
Her voice, similarly to how she sounded in your dorm room, is warm and friendly, and the way she tilts her head slightly as she waits for an answer is strongly reminiscent of a real person.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Ask why you can see her" "Intro_Day3_Morning_Archives_Curious">>
<<npcFactSet "orientation_d3_archives_curious" true>>
<<slink "Educational section" "Intro_Day3_Morning_Archives_Education">>
<<npcFactSet "orientation_d3_archives_choice" "educational">>
<<slink "Leisure Section" "Intro_Day3_Morning_Archives_Leisure">>
<<npcFactSet "orientation_d3_archives_choice" "leisure">>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/library.webp"/>
<img class="exp-left-10" src="resources/img/characters/main/eva/expressions/happy.webp"/>
<span class="eva">"I'm present in every Starwatch facility, as you already know. However, some of the facilities need a more permanent and accessible handler than the average staff member, leading to portions of my intelligence being assigned as a caretaker for them. These facilities are also equipped with holoprojectors, as numerous studies have found that sentients prefer being able to visually interact with me rather than speak to empty air."</span>
She takes a few steps around while she speaks, emulating a living person quite well. You resist the urge to ask how much of her intelligence is devoted to making her seem like a real person, opting instead to ask for directions instead.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Educational section" "Intro_Day3_Morning_Archives_Education">>
<<snotify "info">>+1 Cunning.<</snotify>>
<<playerStatIncrease "cunning" 1>>
<<npcFactSet "orientation_d3_archives_choice" "educational">>
<<slink "Leisure Section" "Intro_Day3_Morning_Archives_Leisure">>
<<npcFactSet "orientation_d3_archives_choice" "leisure">>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/library.webp"/>
<img class="exp-left-10" src="resources/img/characters/main/eva/expressions/happy.webp"/>
Eva's eyes seemingly light up at your question, and she quickly directs you on a path that leads you to where various records of relevant topics and subjects to your course are kept. On your way there, you see several more instances of Eva, each interacting with a different person, her processing power seemingly more than adequate to track multiple simultaneous interactions at once.
Arriving at the section you wanted directions to, you find that the Academy keeps a surprising spread of information on various mediums. Holodeck tapes, hardcover books, audio files, and even a stone tablet are all carefully stored and maintained. Opting to not browse too much, you select one of the suggested entries, titled "Zero Gravity Strategy and You. A Definitive Guide to Finding Down". While the entry itself is written with a dry professionalism, it does well in getting its points across, and you quickly feel like you've learnt something from the time spent reading.
Engrossed in your reading, you're caught slightly off guard when Eva materializes next to you, seemingly peering over your shoulder.
<span class="eva">"As much as I do not wish to disturb your research, you will be late for orientation if you do not leave soon."</span> She says, the entry you were reading closing as she speaks. Despite her voice sounding warm, there's a sternness in it that tells you to not waste your breath arguing.
Moments later, she winks out of existence, leaving you to make your way to orientation alone and in silence.
<<include Intro_Day3_Morning_Choices>><<nobr>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/library.webp"/>
<img class="exp-left-10" src="resources/img/characters/main/eva/expressions/happy.webp"/>
Eva's eyes light up for a moment, and she quickly gives you directions to the section of the archives that contain material for entertainment and leisure. Unsurprisingly, almost all of the content here is stored on electronic mediums, ranging between terminal entries and movies, with a few rare holodeck programs. Helpfully, Eva has already marked out content with a run time shorter than what you have available at the moment.
Selecting one of them at random, you soon find yourself engrossed in a film titled "Abducted 9", a thriller about a special forces agent tracking the kidnapper of his great granddaughter.
Exactly as the film you're watching enters credits, Eva materializes next to you, an empty popcorn bowl in her hands. <span class="eva">"A classic. Although I think the series really went downhill after the third installment. That said, Niam Leeson was a prolific actor for his day."</span> She quickly returns to her normal serious self.
<span class="eva">"You'll arrive early for your orientation if you leave now, by a few minutes at most."</span> She says as she fades from view. Nodding to yourself, you begin making your way out of the archival hall, heading towards the orientation class.
<<include Intro_Day3_Morning_Choices>><<nobr>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/atrium1.webp"/>
<img class="exp-left-10" src="resources/img/characters/main/julianna/expressions/neutral_uniform.webp"/>
When you first arrived at the Academy, you passed through the atrium quite quickly. Deciding to go take a proper look at it while you wait for your orientation class to start. Arriving in the spacious room, you see that the holographic representation of the stars monitored by Starwatch is gently rotating in place, occasionally zooming in on a selected system, seemingly at random, and displaying some information about it. Trade lane status, average population, gate traffic.
You know that it's a macro scale version of the assistant software that the starwatch pilots have, meant to help instill a sense of scale and responsibility onto the students here. As you take a further look at the atrium, you notice that there are quite a few cadets here, most in small groups or sitting alone, seemingly passing time while they wait for their next class to start. Following the lead of the others, you decide to have a seat yourself, idly watching the hologram change.
In a way, it's a calming view, and the gentle sound of the running water helps. After a few minutes of sitting alone, some movement out the corner of your eye catches your attention, causing you to turn your head. A tall redheaded cadet is slowly approaching you. She is clearly hesitant, but reaches you soon enough. As you sit and look up at her, she awkwardly clears her throat, and musters up some courage.
<span class="julianna">"May I join you? I'm waiting to attend the holodeck training and since I missed the first two days of orientation, I don't know anyone here."</span>
Despite her height and the confidence with which she approached you, she seems quite timid while speaking, struggling to maintain eye contact with you.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Sit alone" "Intro_Day3_Morning_Alone">>
<<addtocodex "Julianna" "met_julianna">>
<<npcFactSet "orientation_d3_atrium_julianna_met" true>>
<<npcFactSet "orientation_d3_atrium_acceptcompany" false>>
<<slink "Accept company" "Intro_Day3_Morning_AcceptCompany" "btn btn-highlight">>
<<addtocodex "Julianna" "met_julianna">>
<<npcFactSet "orientation_d3_atrium_julianna_met" true>>
<<npcFactSet "orientation_d3_atrium_acceptcompany" true>>
<<snotify "info">>Julianna liked that.<</snotify>>
<<npcStatIncrease "julianna_affinity" 25>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/atrium1.webp"/>
Deciding that you were enjoying the relative solitude of sitting alone in the atrium, you shake your head with a thin smile.
<span class="hero">"Sorry, I was planning on getting some quality alone time. Maybe we can meet again later."</span> The words come out slightly harsher than you wanted them to, but the redhead doesn't seem to catch it. Instead, it seems like she was expecting a response along these lines, and with a small curtsy, she apologizes for disturbing you and moves away.
Watching her go sit by herself a short distance away, you take a moment to note the eyes of several other cadets on you, seemingly having watched the entire interaction take place.
Time passes surprisingly quickly while you idle in the atrium, watching the passing cadets and the holo-orb. Instructors, cadets, and other members of starwatch pass through the atrium with surprising regularity, and twice you think you've seen different well-known starwatch agents meeting with a staff member. Unlike when you were here to register, there are plenty of people using the terminals to look up information, and the soft hum of conversation has filled the room.
Noticing the redhead that had previously approached you standing to leave, you check the time yourself. Seeing that you're right on time to arrive a few minutes before the orientation class starts, you also prepare to leave, making sure to exit the atrium before the rest of the cadets here slow you down.
<<include Intro_Day3_Morning_Choices>><<nobr>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/atrium1.webp"/>
<img class="exp-left-10" src="resources/img/characters/main/julianna/expressions/happy_uniform.webp"/>
Deciding that if you're going to sit and wait for class, you might as well do it with someone, you nod at the redhead. Caught off guard, she stares at you with clear surprise on her face for a moment before taking a seat next to you. Realizing perhaps that she hasn't introduced herself yet, she gives you a dazzling smile and extends her hand.
<span class="julianna">"Julianna. I'm in the same year as you, taking the <<print starGame.player.getFact('major')>> course."</span> Her eyes are a bright green, and compared to a short while ago, she's managing to hold eye contact with you. Shaking her hand, you note that her grip isn't as strong as you thought it would be, and that her skin is very soft.
<span class="hero">"$character_firstName $character_lastName. I'm also taking the <<print starGame.player.getFact('major')>> course."</span> You say firmly, admiring her figure for a moment. The two of you quickly lapse into a semi-awkward silence, punctuated with small bursts of meaningless conversation as you try to work around being two strangers meeting for the first time.
The conversation passes the time faster than you'd expect, a beeping noise from the watch on Julianna's wrist indicating its time to head to orientation. Helping her to her feet, you both start to head towards the orientation, aiming to leave the atrium before the mass of cadets slows you down. Julianna is seemingly less confident again, sticking close by your side as you lead the way.
<<include Intro_Day3_Morning_Choices>><<nobr>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/commons/maidcafe.webp"/>
<img class="exp-left-10" src="resources/img/characters/main/maki/expressions/happy_maid.webp"/>
Deciding that the opening move to your day should be a visit to the onsite cafe, you find yourself strolling leisurely through a surprisingly green portion of the campus. Small gardens, flowers and trees are placed in a manner that if you don't look directly up and see the dome above you, you could easily forget that the Academy grounds are housed in biospheres on an asteroid.
As you near the cafe, a vaguely familiar cadet in serving uniform approaches you. She takes a surreptitious glance around, seemingly confirming you've come alone.
<span class="maki">"Are you joining anyone, or will you be alone for now?"</span> She asks, her voice carefully neutral, yet somehow still receptive.
Giving her a once over, you notice that the uniform she's wearing is somewhat reminiscent of a maid uniform. Her brown hair is at odds with her blue eyes, and when she notices you looking at her, she blushes almost instantly.
Realizing that you haven't answered yet, you tell her that you'll be alone today, and allow her to lead you into the cafe. Presented with a table in the corner of the establishment with a decent view of the gardens outside, you are left with a small drinks menu as your blushing waitress rushes away to get the actual menu for you.
Taking a look at the drinks on offer, you notice very quickly that you're unlikely to be able to have a proper meal here. Smoothies, milkshakes and iced teas fill the drinks menu, and from some of the names presented, you can guess that the menu the waitress is fetching is filled to the brim with cakes, tarts and other treats.
Seeing your waitress approaching after having regained her composure, you decide to pick your drink in advance, so that you can avoid any further awkward interactions with her.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Smoothie" "Intro_Day3_Morning_Cafe2">>
<<npcFactSet "orientation_d3_cafe_order" "smoothie">>
<<addtocodex "Maki" "met_maki">>
<<npcFactSet "orientation_d3_cafe_maki_met" true>>
<<slink "Milkshake" "Intro_Day3_Morning_Cafe2">>
<<npcFactSet "orientation_d3_cafe_order" "milkshake">>
<<addtocodex "Maki" "met_maki">>
<<npcFactSet "orientation_d3_cafe_maki_met" true>>
<<slink "Ice Tea" "Intro_Day3_Morning_Cafe2">>
<<npcFactSet "orientation_d3_cafe_order" "ice tea">>
<<addtocodex "Maki" "met_maki">>
<<npcFactSet "orientation_d3_cafe_maki_met" true>>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<saudio "bgm_zone_cafe" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.25>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/commons/maidcafe.webp"/>
<img class="exp-left-10" src="resources/img/characters/main/maki/expressions/happy_maid.webp"/>
When the waitress arrives, she seems to have fully composed herself. Giving a polite bow, she introduces herself to you.
<span class="maki">"Welcome to Among the Stars. My name is Maki, and I'll be serving you today."</span> She repeats the bow, clearly using the motion to hide her own embarrassment from the greeting.
Smiling at the situation you've found yourself in, you are about to place your order when Maki speaks again.
<span class="maki">"There's actually instructions left in advance in regards to serving you. On your first visit we are to serve you an iced caramel macchiato, paired with a fluffy chocolate cake slice."</span> She hesitates for a moment, seemingly fully aware that you were about to order.
<span class="maki">"Will that be alright, or should we ignore the instruction for now?"</span> She wrings her hands gently, waiting for your answer.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Order prior choice" "Intro_Day3_Morning_Cafe_TakePrior">>
<<npcFactSet "orientation_d3_cafe_order_prior" true>>
<<additem "item_quest_cafe_note" 1 true>>
<<slink "Accept the preplaced order" "Intro_Day3_Morning_Cafe_TakePreplaced">>
<<npcFactSet "orientation_d3_cafe_order_prior" false>>
<<additem "item_quest_cafe_note" 1 true>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/commons/maidcafe.webp"/>
<img class="exp-left-10" src="resources/img/characters/main/maki/expressions/happy_maid.webp"/>
Deciding that you're not about to change your mind, you go ahead with your planned order, reassuring the nervous waitress that you're not upset, just not in the mood for the other items. Opting out of ordering something to eat, you settle back to watch the campus through the window, while you wait for your order to arrive.
A calming sense of serenity slowly overtakes you, as you find yourself quickly relaxing more than you thought you could in a place like this. A gentle cough attracts your attention, as Maki places your drink in front of, along with a folded note. She shoots you a smile before leaving you alone. Glancing at the note, you see that it's unmarked, and you'd have to open it to find out who it's from.
Relaxing for a few minutes longer, you finish your drink before deciding to head towards the orientation class, happy with being slightly early instead of risking arriving late. Catching Maki's eye, you wait for her to bring the bill, only for her to return to your table empty handed again. This time she flashes a confident smile before speaking.
<span class="maki">"Your drink is on the house today. We hope you've enjoyed visiting Among the Stars, and to see you again soon."</span> She gives a polite bow again, before clearing your table and leaving you to your own devices.
<<include Intro_Day3_Morning_Choices>><<nobr>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/commons/maidcafe.webp"/>
<img class="exp-left-10" src="resources/img/characters/main/maki/expressions/happy_maid.webp"/>
Deciding that the offered items sound good, you tell Maki to go ahead with the order, settling in to wait for its arrival. Watching the campus and the gardens through the window, you feel yourself relaxing rapidly. After a few minutes pass, Maki returns with your drink and slice of cake together. She gives you a confident smile before talking. <span class="maki">"As a first time gift, its on the house today. Enjoy."</span>
Curious about the circumstances leading to the preplaced order and free meal, you open your mouth to query it, but it looks like Maki has anticipated your question.
<span class="maki">"All the boss said is that the orders for you have been premade, and if you have questions or refuse them to give you this note."</span> She says as she places an unmarked note on the table.
Enjoying the quiet time at the cafe, you soon finish your meal realizing that you need to leave soon if you wish to arrive at orientation slightly early. Deciding to at least start moving, you signal for Maki to clear the table, standing to leave. Your movement prompts her to bow again, and you receive a small farewell statement as well.
<span class="maki">"We hope you've enjoyed your visit to Among the Stars, and to see you again soon."</span> She says easily, leaving you to your own devices once more.
<<include Intro_Day3_Morning_Choices>><<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/academy/classroom.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('orientation_d3_atrium_julianna_met')>>\
Julianna continues to stay close to you as you arrive at the holodeck hall, and deciding that you might as well attend the full session now that you're right here you lead the way into the building.
Inside the building, rows of holodeck terminals stretch out in front of, and a group of cadets are slowly gathering as Academy staff organize them into different groups. A gasp at your side draws your attention back to Julianna, and you smile when you see the way she's staring at the room's interior. Nudging her gently, you lead the way towards the Academy staff, where you and her are quickly assigned to the group of cadets also taking your course.
Deciding that even though you've done the initial setup entirely, attending the full orientation session is probably a better idea than risking missing some new piece of information, you make your way to the holodeck hall seeing that you've arrived just as the doors open to admit cadets.
Inside the building, rows of holodeck terminals stretch out in front of, and a group of cadets are slowly gathering as Academy staff organize them into different groups. Following their example, you head towards the instructors yourself and are quickly directed to the relevant group for your chosen course.
<<if starGame.player.getFact('major') is 'fighters'>>\
A quick glance around you reveals that there are at least another seventy or so cadets taking this course, the majority of them likely to be commoners. Your attention quickly returns to the Academy staff member nearby however, as they go over the initial steps and goals of today's training session.
<<elseif starGame.player.getFact('major') is 'cruisers'>>\
A quick glance around you reveals that the number of cadets taking this course with you number just over twenty, the majority of them nobles like yourself. Your attention returns to the neary Academy staff member as they cover the goals of today's training session.
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('orientation_d3_atrium_julianna_met')>>\
Unlike the other groups of cadets for the Fighter and Cruiser course, the cadets taking the Battlegroup course number a total of three. You and Julianna follow the instructor to a separate room with specialized holodeck terminals. The third member of the battlegroup course is already linked into their terminal, preventing you from seeing their face.
Unlike the other groups of cadets for the Fighter and Cruiser course, the cadets taking the Battlegroup course number a total of three. You and a female cadet with deep red hair follow the instructor to a separate room with specialized holodeck terminals. The third member of the battlegroup course is already linked into their terminal, preventing you from seeing their face.
As the instructors assist the other cadets of your group in their first time setups, the instructor overseeing your orientation training flashes you a smile.
<span class="npc1">"An overachiever? Good news cadet. The holodecks were updated last night with all the new scenarios for the year, which means that today is not a free period for you. You get to go in blind on the next simulation of your course, without any of the supplementary classwork to assist you."</span> If not for the genuine smile on his face, you'd think you were being punished.
<span class="npc1">"There is a benefit to being a simulation ahead however. Once you link, we'll unlock Eva's restrictions regarding you, and she will begin to function as a full assistant AI while you're hooked into the holodecks across campus. Tactical assistance, strategic support, command and control advice, you name it, she'll be able to help you figure out optimal courses of action. Now, are you ready?"</span> His little briefing down, he waves you into the holodecks seat, and with a thumbs up, indicates for you to pull the goggles over your face. Following his cue, the world around you dissolves into virtual reality, Eva materializing a few meters away in the newly created white void.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<if starGame.player.getFact("major") is "fighters">>
<<slink "Begin simulation" "Intro_Day3_Morning_Orientation_Ahead_Fighters">>
<<playerFactSet "orientation_d3_attended" true>>
<<elseif starGame.player.getFact("major") is "cruisers">>
<<slink "Begin simulation" "Intro_Day3_Morning_Orientation_Ahead_Cruisers">>
<<playerFactSet "orientation_d3_attended" true>>
<<slink "Begin simulation" "Intro_Day3_Morning_Orientation_Ahead_Battlegroups">>
<<playerFactSet "orientation_d3_attended" true>>
<img src="resources/img/events/orientation_training/fighter.webp"/>
<img class="exp-left-10" src="resources/img/characters/main/eva/expressions/happy.webp"/>
Eva takes a few steps around the void, before it begins to reform. Soon you find yourself in a patrol path near one of the Alliance cruisers in CN-14X-12, the asteroid field where you had previously engaged a rebel patrol before capturing one of their VIPs. Space around you is frozen, and Eva has miniaturized herself to your command console again.
<span class="eva">"Ready for the briefing?"</span> She asks you with a raised eyebrow. Nodding at her, she continues smoothly.
<span class="eva">"Following your capture of one of the leaders of the secessionists in this sector, Command has anticipated an increase in rebel activity centered on freeing him. Unfortunately, the long range scanners have picked up an enemy wing of destroyers converging on the location of the ESU-Artemis, the cruiser currently holding the VIP."</span>
She smiles briefly, her eyes dimming for a second. <span class="eva">"Due to the short period of time in between this operation and the prior, your ship is in the same condition as it was at the end of the previous simulation. So to speak, <<if starGame.player.getFact("orientation_afternoon_training_fighter_aggressive") is true>>pristine, aside from a damaged Shield Emitter<<else>>pristine<</if>>."</span>
<span class="eva">"Now that the situation report is out of the way, time for your role in the operation. The Captain of the Artemis knows that his ship is outnumbered, and that fighter support is limited. However, the rebel ships are under a constraint in that they can not destroy the cruiser if they wish to reclaim their leader. As a result, despite Alliance forces being outnumbered, you have the advantage of superior firepower, both in terms of the cruiser's armaments and your own Crusader. Your role in the upcoming battle will be to target and destroy enemy bombers and boarding craft, commanding your own wing of fighters to support the Artemis."</span>
As Eva finishes speaking, the same two fighter craft that had supported you previously wink into existence. Aware that once you start to make decisions the simulation will begin, you mentally plot a course that orbits the cruiser, aiming to react to the situation as it unfolds at least.
Nodding at Eva, you put your hands on the controls, time beginning to flow around you. As you wait for the cruiser's scanners to update your own radar, you weigh a few options for how to handle the upcoming combat in your mind. A beep from your radar draws your attention, and you watch as it updates, a mass of enemy ships approaching rapidly.
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<saudio "bgm_combat1" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.25>>
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Cruiser shield" "Intro_Day3_Morning_Orientation_Ahead_Fighters2">>
<<snotify "info">>+1 Cunning.<</snotify>>
<<playerStatIncrease "cunning" 1>>
<<playerFactSet "orientation_d3_fighters_choice" "cruisershield">>
<<slink "Fighter screen" "Intro_Day3_Morning_Orientation_Ahead_Fighters2">>
<<snotify "info">>+1 Reflexes.<</snotify>>
<<playerStatIncrease "reflexes" 1>>
<<playerFactSet "orientation_d3_fighters_choice" "fighterscreen">>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/events/orientation_training/fighter.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
<<if starGame.player.getFact("orientation_d3_fighters_choice") is "fighterscreen">>\
Deciding that the optimal way to defend the cruiser from the approaching bombers and boarding craft is to prevent them from ever entering range of it, you broadcast an updated flight plan to your wingmates and the rest of the fighters defending the Artemis. Moments later, the fighter wings reform on you as you lead them into a holding pattern between the cruiser and incoming enemy ships. A bloom of light out the corner of your eye reveals that the cruiser is making use of its superior firepower and range already, as it begins laying down long range fire at the approaching destroyers, trusting its fighter screen to defend it from smaller threats.
You don't have time to watch the artillery duel however, as Eva draws your attention back to the approaching snubcraft. <span class="eva">"Thirty seconds until hostile forces enter effective range."</span> Reminding the wing of supporting fighters that the priority of this mission is defending the cruiser at all costs, you begin to throttle up your ship. Seconds later the first of the rebel ships enters your effective range, an advantage you'll only have for a few seconds longer. A delicate touch on the trigger sends a burst of directed fire at the enemy fighter that thinks its still safe, and the resulting explosion serves as a suitable opening to a frantic defense, as the other rebel ships take evasive maneuvers, the orderly formation of your supporting fighters quickly breaking apart as a vicious dogfight begins.
The next twenty minutes feel like a lifetime, as you push your Crusader, mind and body to their limits. The weight of rebel numbers is oppressive, and as you and the other alliance forces call out targets and try to support each other, Eva keeps herself busy marking out the enemy bombers and boarding craft hidden in the mass of fighters. Twice you barely manage to intercept rebel bombers before they can pull out of the screen, each time exposing yourself to enemy fire to do so.
However, your fighter screen performs its task admirably, and Eva soon remarks that there are only two enemy bombers left. The bad news is that your fighters have taken heavy losses, with many of your supporting wingmen either destroyed or disabled, and you can slowly feel the intensity of incoming fire increasing as the number of targets for the rebels decreases. Diving through a momentary gap in the enemy fighter screen, one of the two remaining bombers catches a full burst of cannon fire into the cockpit, leaving you with only one target to kill to finish the mission.
Your shield is taken more hits more often, and you distantly hear Eva saying something about your hull integrity, your focus tightening on surviving the onslaught. Throwing the Crusader through a series of advanced evasive moves that you'd never try if you weren't this desperate, you see rebel fighters exploding out the corner of your eye. A glance at your radar reveals that gunship reinforcements have arrived, cutting through the enemy fighter screen with ease.
<<if starGame.player.getFact("orientation_afternoon_training_fighter_aggressive") is true>>\
As your targeting crosshair lines up with the engines of the last bomber, you let a burst of cannon fire rip, destroying the last target as one of the rebel fighters stitches the shield above your cockpit with a long burst of cannon fire, your already damaged shield emitters failing as you desperately try to throw your ship out of the way of incoming fire.
Eva reacts faster than you however, as your ejection pod activates, launching you out of the critically damaged Crusader moments before the last cannon rounds impact with it, tearing apart. A moment of panic strikes as you see one of the last rebel ships begin tracking your escape pod, only for a railgun round to rip through its generator, vaporizing it on the spot. As one of the gunships eviscerates the rebel ship firing on you, a distant explosion draws your attention as you see the Artemis finish off the last of the three rebel destroyers. Seconds later the simulation deconstructs, returning you to a white void with only you and Eva present.
As your targeting crosshair lines up with the engines of the last bomber, you let a burst of cannon fire rip, destroying the last target as one of the rebel fighters stitches the shield above your cockpit with a long burst of cannon fire, the last few rounds penetrating the shield and cracking the reinforced glass above you. As one of the gunships eviscerates the rebel ship firing on you, a distant explosion draws your attention as you see the Artemis finish off the last of the three rebel destroyers. Seconds later the simulation deconstructs, returning you to a white void with only you and Eva present.
The approaching rebels can't risk dealing fatal damage to the Artemis, and you've started to formulate a strategy that takes advantage of that fact. As you send an updated flight plan to your wingmen, you turn your Crusader towards the cruiser, the other fighters following your lead. As you form up around the Artemis, Eva sends a slightly altered flight path for your consideration. A quick glance at the planned update earns your approval, as Eva has changed some of the timing and routes of the fighter screen to create openings in the screen as the cruiser's main guns would be ready to fire.
A ping from your radar draws your attention, and you spot the first wave of the incoming rebel ships drawing near. The cruiser's main guns roar, as three accelerated cannon rounds tear through space, heading for the closest of the incoming destroyers. As you and the other supporting fighters orbit around the cruiser, forming a secondary shield for it with your own ships, and using it as a shield from incoming fire, the enemy snubcraft finally reach effective range.
A gentle touch on your trigger sees two of the incoming fighters vaporized, as your technological superiority comes into effect, the linked sensor network from the cruiser allowing you to line up shots before your ship is actually visible to the enemy ships. The next twenty minutes feels like hours, as you and the supporting fighters dance around the cruiser, taking advantage of its point defense systems and size, while carefully picking off and intercepting the approaching enemy bombers and boarding craft. Eva pings targets for the fighter screen to deal with, and as your fighters peel off to deal with them, you feel a sense of satisfaction from your chosen tactics efficiency. Eva draws your attention to incoming gunship reinforcements, and you can't help but smile as they tear through the enemy fighter swarm with ease.
Your moment of triumph is dulled somewhat by a message from the Cruiser's captain, as he tasks you with escorting a bomber wing towards the last retreating destroyer. It seems that despite the success of your tactic in keeping the fighters and destroyer largely untouched, the cruiser was prevented from being able to engage in a proper artillery duel with the rebel destroyers, causing one to be able to disengage.
As you form up with the freshly launched bomber wing, Eva smiles at you from the dashboard, space and time freezing around you. The simulation slowly dematerializing on itself, leaving you and Eva in a familiar white void. She winks at you.
<span class="eva">"At least you have an idea of what the next simulation will be."</span> She says.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Exit Simulation" "Intro_Day3_Morning_Orientation_Ahead_End">><</slink>>
<img src="resources/img/events/orientation_training/cruiser.webp"/>
<img class="exp-left-10" src="resources/img/characters/main/eva/expressions/happy.webp"/>
As the simulation forms around you, you find yourself seated at the command deck of your cruiser from the prior simulation. Glancing at the readouts around you, you confirm that you are currently in Draconis, where you had completed the prior simulation. Eva appears where your aide would normally be.
<span class="eva">"Ready for briefing?"</span> She asks with a smile. Giving a nod back to her, you turn your attention to the tactical readouts in anticipation.
<span class="eva">"Rebel forces are looking to open another front to the civil war in Draconis. Currently your ship, which relocated from CN-14X-13, is a wildcard that the enemy is unaware of. Alliance and Rebel forces are currently engaged in a fleet scale action above the capital planet of the system, with the Alliance holding a minor advantage. Long range scans indicate that the rebels have deployed one of their only super-carriers to turn the tide in their favor. High command has instructed your ship, currently undetected and free to act, to prevent the super-carrier from supporting the rebel fleet."</span>
Eva nods at you, indicating her briefing is over as the readouts around you update with the current location of the battle and a second set of indicators revealing where the super-carrier is and where it needs to be to influence the battle into the rebels favor. Your crew is silent, watching you intently as they wait for your orders.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Interdiction" "Intro_Day3_Morning_Orientation_Ahead_Cruisers2">>
<<snotify "info">>+1 Daring.<</snotify>>
<<playerStatIncrease "daring" 1>>
<<playerFactSet "orientation_d3_cruisers_choice" "interdiction">>
<<slink "Delayed ambush" "Intro_Day3_Morning_Orientation_Ahead_Cruisers2">>
<<snotify "info">>+1 Cunning.<</snotify>>
<<playerStatIncrease "cunning" 1>>
<<playerFactSet "orientation_d3_cruisers_choice" "ambush">>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<saudio "bgm_combat1" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.25>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/events/orientation_training/cruiser.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
<<if starGame.player.getFact("orientation_d3_cruisers_choice") is "interdiction">>\
Understanding that if the super-carrier is able to reach launch range, even destroying it won't swing the battle back into the Alliance's favor, you instruct the crew to prepare for an aggressive interdiction attempt. Keenly aware that your ship is several weight classes lighter than the super-carrier, you remind everyone that your goal is to delay its arrival to the launch point long enough for the Alliance fleet to defeat the rebels and move to assist you. As such, you'll be engaging in a long ranged battle of endurance, aiming to pin the super-carrier down in a way that it can't afford to partake in the battle without risking fatal damage.
As the crew around you comes to life, preparing to carry out your orders, you turn to Eva. <span class="hero">"Are we in danger of the super-carrier turning its bomber wings onto us?"</span> You ask her, predicting the answer to be a no. A shake of her head confirms your suspicions, as if you are able to cause a bomber launch before it reaches the launch point, you'll have effectively prevented it from influencing the battle already.
The navigator takes control of the cruiser, and you feel the engines hum as your ship begins to pick up speed. Glancing at one of your screens, you see that your point of interdiction is roughly halfway between the carrier's current position and its desired position. Smiling to yourself, you give instructions for a few long range accelerator shots to be laid now, hoping to catch the cruiser off guard. If the shots connect from a different direction than where you appear, it might think it's outnumbered and withdraw without a real fight.
Minutes pass in tense silence, as your crew double and triple checks their stations, your cruiser silently gliding through space. Soon enough you can see the super-carrier growing larger, and at a nod from you, your main guns roar. As expected, the super-carrier is caught by surprise, your first volley of shots prompting it to divert from its optimal course, and being caught by your pre-fired rounds, you can almost smell the fear from its crew.
Barking out orders, you guide your cruiser through a deadly duel, keenly aware that you are outgunned several times over by the super-carrier, your relative speed your only advantage in this duel. Carefully holding distance, your main guns maintain a ninety percentage accuracy ratio on the much larger and slower target, while sustaining only glancing shield hits yourself. Eva draws your attention to your radar however, and you feel the pressure on you increase.
<<if starGame.player.getFact("orientation_afternoon_training_cruiser_evadeandescape") is true>>\
Just as you were an unexpected variable in this system, so too is the sudden arrival of two rebel destroyer's on an interdiction course with you. Issuing new orders, you watch as your navigator pushes your ships engines to the limit, desperately dancing between incoming fire from three different directions now. As your shields begin to take repeated hits, you distantly hear the automated system tell you that your shields have failed. Your cruiser shudders as enemy fire directly impacts the hull, yourself and your crew relying on the heavy armor to stay alive now. A ping from your radar tells you that the Alliance fleet has gained enough of an advantage to send support your way, and if you can maintain your position for another three minutes, the battleship Sovereign will be in range to support you against the destroyer and super-carrier.
The next minutes pass slowly, as your ship sustains more damage, only remaining afloat due to a herculean effort from your navigator and gunners. However, outnumbered and out classed as you are, you are quickly losing the battle, and when your engines die for the third time in the fight, you feel the end approaching quickly. You open your mouth to issue orders, trying for one last desperate retaliation before your ship is finished off, when suddenly an Alliance battleship glides between you and the incoming fire, literally shielding your ship with its size. Your radar tells you that the Alliance fleet has arrived, and you watch as the rebel ships are shattered by the close range fire of the battleship as it tries to defend you.
A message from the Alliance fleet commander reaches you, telling you to wait for a tug ship to tow you to the shipyard for repair.
Just as you were an unexpected variable in this system, so too is the sudden arrival of a rebel destroyer on an interdiction course with you. Issuing new orders, you watch as your navigator pushes your ships engines to the limit, desperately dancing between incoming fire from two different directions now. As your shields begin to take repeated hits, you can feel the pressure rising, when one of your readouts updates with good news for once. The Alliance fleet has gained enough of an advantage to send support your way, and if you can maintain your position for another three minutes, the battleship Sovereign will be in range to support you against the destroyer and super-carrier.
Minutes pass as you call out instructions and your crew responds, your ship fighting back with a desperate ruthlessness that's chilling to watch. Just as you begin to feel overwhelmed, a direct hit from the battleship's spinal cannon tears the destroyer in half, the two follow up shots spreading debris across a wide stretch of space. It had been so focused on stopping your assault on the supercarrier that it hadn't been able to respond to the battleship's long range fire in time. A second volley from the battleship impacts the super-carrier, punching deep holes into its hull despite the shields still holding.
A message from the Fleet commander reaches you, telling you to wave off and head for a shipyard to repair. As you issue your own orders to follow the new instruction, you watch as the Alliance fleet swarms over the supercarrier, boarding craft punching through its hull in an attempt to capture it alive.
Understanding that you're severely outclassed by the super-carrier, you decide to opt for a bolder strategy that will rely on perfect timing to pull off. Issuing your orders, you tell your crew to prepare for an ambush near the launch point the super-carrier is aiming for. Eva raises an eyebrow at your decision, you quickly explain to her that due to the mass of snubcraft the super-carrier launches, it needs several minutes to launch its entire complement, a time frame you intend to aim for by targeting its launch bays when they open. A nod from her is her only reaction, and you turn back to your crew.
You re emphasis the need for precision, and set the gunnery commanders to plot the exact firing moments they need to hit their targets with their initial volley of fire. You're aware that once your ship reveals itself by firing, you'll be inside the super-carriers defensive range, and are likely to take heavy damage as a result. Regardless, this is the best opportunity you can think of to reliably prevent its entry into the fight, and even if it manages to retreat, it would require extensive repair before it can be used again.
The next twenty minutes pass faster than you think they would, and your cruiser is lying in wait at its ambush point long before the super-carrier enters visual range. Powered down in a field of scuttled ships caused by the on-going battles in the system, you might as well be invisible to your enemy. As the super-carrier gets closer, you realize for the first time just how large it is, being easily three times the size of your own cruiser. Eva reads off a time to approach, beginning a countdown for when your ship will power up and engage.
You find yourself catching a collective breath with the crew, as you wait for the critical moment. As the countdown hits zero, the ship beneath you rumbles, the generator kicking on and surging with power. A dull roar is quickly added to the mix of noise as your main guns fire, the surprised super-carrier reacting too slowly, its shields focused forward and not on its side where you are. You watch with a cold smile as the volley of accelerator rounds tear through the hangar bays, which had been half way through opening, dozens of micro explosions revealing successful impacts with the ships prepared to launch within. A cheer rises from your crew as Eva calls out that the carrier's launch ability has been neutralized, only to quickly dull as an automated warning to brace for impact is heard. While you've scored a critical hit against the super-carrier, it has recovered from its surprise quickly, and your shields immediately come under strain as it returns fire on your nearby cruiser.
<<if starGame.player.getFact("orientation_afternoon_training_cruiser_evadeandescape") is true>>Eva calls out that enemy destroyers are rapidly approaching. Glancing at the radar, you see that the super-carrier is shielding you from the two destroyers at the moment, due to its size and position.<<else>>Eva calls out that an enemy destroyer is rapidly approaching. Glancing at the radar, you see that the super-carrier is shielding you from the destroyer at the moment, due to its size and position.<</if>>
Relegating that threat to be worried about later, you bark commands to your crew, who promptly focus on evading the incoming fire and retreating to a much more manageable range for an artillery duel. The super-carrier itself starts to withdraw, realizing that without its launchable support its an easy target for the battleships engaging the rebel fleet, and as a message from the Fleet commander reaches you, you see a shot from a battleship spinal gun tear through the hull of the super-carrier, thanks to its shields being focused on you.
Reading the message, you feel a breath of relief escape you, as you are ordered to withdraw from the battle and head to rearm and repair your ship.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Exit Simulation" "Intro_Day3_Morning_Orientation_Ahead_End">><</slink>>
<img src="resources/img/events/orientation_training/battlegroup.webp"/>
<img class="exp-left-10" src="resources/img/characters/main/eva/expressions/happy.webp"/>
As the simulation forms around you, you find yourself seated at the command console of the flagship of your battlegroup. Eva takes the place of your aide nearby, and as you turn to look at her, your eye runs over a screen displaying the status of your fleet.
<<if starGame.player.getFact("orientation_afternoon_training_battlegroup_intercept") is true>>\
Your fleet is at roughly half strength. Some of the losses sustained previously have been replaced, but you still only have half of your heavy ships and three quarters of your lighter ships. In the back of your mind, you know that the firepower you possess is capable of defeating a similarly sized rebel fleet with ease, but the rebels don't believe in matching quantity.
Your fleet is at nearly roughly seventy percent of its normal strength. All of your heavy ships are in operation, any that were lost having been replaced already. Counter to that, your lighter ships are severely lacking, with you only having a single destroyer wolfpack available to you. In the back of your mind you know that the firepower your heavy ships possess can easily knock out two or three rebel fleets worth of ships, but without a destroyer or cruiser screen, are easy pickings for the more mobile enemy ships and bombers.
Eva nods at you, having waited for you to finish reading. <span class="eva">"Ready for the briefing?"</span> She asks, and when you nod at her, continues speaking.
<span class="eva">"After successfully preventing the rebels from gaining a foothold in the system, Command has directed orders to make a counter-assault into the CN-14X-11 system. As you've already decimated much of their available strength, it is expected to be an easy assignment, but given the delays taken in replacing parts of your fleet, there is medium resistance expected. No reinforcements are available for this operation, and should you find yourself in an untenable situation, you are authorized to call for a battlegroup scale retreat."</span>
She finishes speaking, as your command console brings up new screens that display your jump and arrival points, as well as suspected rebel signatures on the other side of the jump.
Your crew watches you silently as you look through the information carefully. Sharing the information they need to know, you watch as your battlegroup prepares to breach into the rebel system, and as a five minute countdown begins, you hear the hum of your ship's jump drives charging. Mentally, you tuck away the knowledge that your battlegroup can only retreat if your jumpdrive has the time to charge, and you wait to arrive in CN-14X-11.
Your ship vibrates momentarily, and suddenly you find yourself, along with your battlegroup, looking at a different set of stars. Your bridge crew burst to life, calling out orders and coordinating the ships around yours as the scanners feed new tactical information to you. You've arrived in an uncontested region of the system, but the enemy presence here is much higher than predicted. Glancing again at the state of your fleet, you contemplate your options.
Aware that you need to start charging the jumpdrive now if you wish to retreat, you press a button to focus your bridge crew attention on you. As they turn to look at you, Eva reminds you that while the jumpdrive charges, your ships shields and weapons are powered down due to the draw, so you can either retreat or fight, not both.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Retreat" "Intro_Day3_Morning_Orientation_Ahead_Battlegroups2">>
<<snotify "info">>+1 Cunning.<</snotify>>
<<playerStatIncrease "cunning" 1>>
<<playerFactSet "orientation_d3_battlegroups_choice" "retreat">>
<<slink "Fight" "Intro_Day3_Morning_Orientation_Ahead_Battlegroups2">>
<<snotify "info">>+1 Daring.<</snotify>>
<<playerStatIncrease "daring" 1>>
<<playerFactSet "orientation_d3_battlegroups_choice" "fight">>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<saudio "bgm_combat1" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.25>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/events/orientation_training/battlegroup.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
<<if starGame.player.getFact("orientation_d3_battlegroups_choice") is "retreat">>\
Aware of your battlegroups status, and the fact that this is enemy space with no hope of friendly reinforcements, you give orders to prepare a jumpdrive retreat. Your bridge crew is to coordinate the fleets in screening and defending your ship while it is vulnerable, and once the retreat is successfully completed, to prepare to engage any rebel ships that pursue your battlegroup across systems.
Eva reminds you that since the drive was just used, it needs fifteen minutes to cool down before it can begin its five minute charge period. Nodding at this information, your bridge crew sets to work, and you admire the efficiency of your fleet as it pulls into its defensive formation. The battleships and dreadnaughts you have begin firing their spinal cannons at extreme ranges, more to delay and deter the approaching rebel ships than deal actual damage.
The next twenty minutes pass painfully slow, with the rebel artillery ships reaching their effective range shortly before your jumpdrive is ready. A smile plays over your lips however, as your entire fleet is shifted back to CN-14X-10, safely away from the incoming fire. Before you can remind your crew about the possibility of pursuit, you hear them issuing orders, and watch as your fleet quickly reforms into an aggressive screen, firing angles being drawn at the jump point. Minutes pass without event, and just as you begin to relax, a jumpdrive signature is detected on approach. Two of your dreadnaughts fire in anticipation of the enemy, and the single rebel cruiser that came through the jump point is vaporized as it arrives.
Eva smiles and reports no further signatures detected, and the simulation around you freezes as it comes to an end.
Opting to rely on the superior firepower and technology of the Alliance against the weight of numbers that the rebels have, you give orders to prepare for a defensive action, intent on forming a beach head like instructed. Your bridge crew responds quickly, directing the fleet into a new defensive formation that ensures optimal firing lines for as many of your heavy ships as possible, and placing what light ships you have to screen them from incoming bombers. Your battleships and dreadnaughts start firing as they arrive at their designated points in the formation, taking full advantage of their better weapons to fire shots from far beyond the rebels effective range. Since the rebel ships are converging on you, the odds of them being hit by these long shots are low, but reasonable, and you suppress a smile as one of the dreadnaughts nearby fires a second spinal cannon round into the void.
The next fifteen minutes pass slowly, the tension thick enough to cut with a knife. Your bridge crew is waiting for the right moment to begin action, and the enemy is slowing down as they try to skirt the longer effective range of your heavy ships. However, you are aware that while you know there are no Alliance reinforcements coming, the rebels can't know that, and you aim to capitalize on that. Ordering your currently defensive fleet to go aggressive, you watch as the sudden switch in tactic catches the rebels momentarily off guard. Eva calls out that fifteen different long range scans are detected, likely by the rebels thinking the change in behavior is due to the imminent arrival of reinforcements.
Keen to maintain your advantage, you direct your battleships to target any ships that try to do a long range scan as a priority, intent on preventing the rebels from calling your bluff. You watch as your bridge crew direct the flow of the battle, isolating and targeting rebel ships that reacted too slowly to the changing battle scene. Ten, fifteen, twenty minutes pass with the rebel ships in disarray, being slaughtered easily by your own fleet. However, an enemy deep scan manages to complete, and the rebels become aware that you have no reinforcements inbound. Their morale restored by this, you see them attempting to reform their formations and attack, their prior disorganized retreat ended.
Luckily, your fleet has roughly evened the odds in the past minutes, and as the rebel fleet starts to fight back, your ships cut through them with ease. In the back of your mind you know that your fleet is taking losses, but for the moment you still have enough of an advantage that you focus on dominating the field and claiming the system. Eva calls out a string of coordinates, and you frown as a hyper-accelerated cannon round gut one of your screening battleships. Pulling up a readout to see what just happened, you realize that the rebels must have a MAC cannon emplacement on one of their moons. Relaying the information to your bridge crew, you watch as two of your dreadnaughts return fire on the emplacement, Eva confirming the successful destruction of the emplacement seconds later.
Suddenly, time begins to slow down, and glancing at your command console, you see that the enemy fleets attacking you have been completely routed, your victory heralding the end of the simulation. Before it fully ends however, it updates the display of your fleets status to reflect its current strengths.
<<if starGame.player.getFact("orientation_afternoon_training_battlegroup_intercept") is true>>\
The losses you've taken were lighter than expected. Half of your lighter ships, the cruisers and destroyers were lost, but as a result, only three of your battleships were scuttled. Your fleet power remains at roughly half of what it should be, and if reinforcements arrive, will rise to higher than it was when you entered the system.
The losses you've taken were far heavier than expected. Without a screen of light ships to defend against bombers and destroyers, you've lost a significant portion of your heavy ships, and your fleet overall is in need of urgent reinforcement. From the original seventy percent strength you had entered with, you have roughly thirty percent of your fleet's strength left.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Exit Simulation" "Intro_Day3_Morning_Orientation_Ahead_End">><</slink>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/academy/classroom.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
<span class="eva">"Congratulations on another successful simulation."</span> Eva says, as the simulation begins to disintegrate around you.
Raising the holodecks goggles off your head, you notice that you're the first to finish the training simulation. Your overseeing instructor gives you an approving nod, before telling you that you're done with orientation for the day, and can spend the rest of it freely. As you begin to leave the training hall, you hear the sound of more holodecks powering down, the other talented cadets having finished their own simulations.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Leave Holodeck" "Intro_Day3_Afternoon">>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<saudio "bgm_heleus" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.25>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/academy/classroom.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
As you enter the holodeck training hall, you take a moment to appreciate the scale of it. Rows of holodeck training seats stretch in front of you, and off to the front of the hall you can see cadets busy gathering as a team of Academy staff slowly organizes them into different groups. Making your own way over, you hear the staff sorting the different courses. Following their prompts, you soon find yourself standing in front of your assigned holodeck terminal.
<<if starGame.player.getFact('major') is 'fighters'>>\
A quick glance around you reveals that there are at least another seventy or so cadets taking this course, the majority of them likely to be commoners. Your attention quickly returns to the Academy staff member nearby however, as they go over the initial steps and goals of today's training session.
<<elseif starGame.player.getFact('major') is 'cruisers'>>\
A quick glance around you reveals that the number of cadets taking this course with you number just over twenty, the majority of them nobles like yourself. Your attention returns to the neary Academy staff member as they cover the goals of today's training session.
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('orientation_d3_atrium_julianna_met')>>\
Unlike the other groups of cadets for the Fighter and Cruiser course, the cadets taking the Battlegroup course number a total of three. You and Julianna follow the instructor to a separate room with specialized holodeck terminals. The third member of the battlegroup course is already linked into their terminal, preventing you from seeing their face.
Unlike the other groups of cadets for the Fighter and Cruiser course, the cadets taking the Battlegroup course number a total of three. You and a female cadet with deep red hair follow the instructor to a separate room with specialized holodeck terminals. The third member of the battlegroup course is already linked into their terminal, preventing you from seeing their face.
Following the initial setup instructions as per the instructors, you take a seat in the holodeck setup, lowering the goggles onto your face. The sounds of the world around you fade as the virtual reality simulation starts to load in.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Begin simulation" "Intro_Day3_Orientation_Training">>
<<playerFactSet "orientation_d3_attended" true>>
<<if starGame.player.getFact("major") is "fighters">>\
<img src="resources/img/events/orientation_training/fighter.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.getFact("major") is "cruisers">>\
<img src="resources/img/events/orientation_training/cruiser.webp"/>
/% Can't be something else than battlegroups at this point %/
<img src="resources/img/events/orientation_training/battlegroup.webp"/>
<span class="eva">"Initializing Holodeck simulation."</span> Eva says as you take a seat in the holodeck suite. Placing the virtual reality goggles over your face, you find yourself sitting in a replica of your dorm room. The only thing that gives it away as virtual reality is the now physical Eva, standing nearby. She might only be a woman-shaped cluster of binary here, but it's the first time you're meeting face to face, so to speak. <span class="eva">"Ready for the initial simulation sync, cadet?"</span> She asks, the room around you dissolving into a starscape.
<<if starGame.player.getFact("major") is "fighters">>\
After a few more moments pass, you find yourself sitting in the cockpit of an Alliance Strike Ship, the Crusader class space superiority fighter. A tightly knit asteroid field has come into existence around you. Eva appears as a miniature version of herself on your dashboard. <span class="eva">"Are you ready for the briefing?"</span> She asks, leaving you a moment to admire the frozen, simulated view. Feeling suitably prepared, you give a nod to the AI, who promptly assumes a stance not dissimilar from that you've seen officers use in movies.
<span class="eva">"Intel reports rebel activity in the asteroid field of CN-14X-12. Following the lead, a wing of Crusader class fighters has been dispatched to do a fly-by recon of one of the hotspots."</span>
As she speaks, two more Alliance fighters, identical to your own, materialize in formation with you.
<span class="eva">"Long range scanners have revealed a wing of rebel fighters escorting a passenger class ship away from the area of operations. Command has amended your orders to intercept the wing and apprehend the transport. Any questions?"</span>
You pause for a moment, watching the heads up display update with the positions of your targets, and when it does so, you notice an immense amount of visual noise on the scanner. Eva seems to be waiting for your response to go ahead with the scenario.
<span class="hero">"No questions at this time. Commence simulation."</span> You say, the frozen battlefield coming to life with your words as you consider how you should approach the situation.
<<elseif starGame.player.getFact("major") is "cruisers">>\
As a few seconds pass, you find yourself standing on the bridge of an Alliance strike cruiser. Glancing left and right, you see other crew materializing into the correct positions. Eva's digi-form is standing to your right, and gives you a brief smile when you look at her. Turning your attention outwards, you see that your ship is currently powered down in a field of ice asteroids. Eva gives a slight cough, and turning to look at her, she hands you a tablet with the mission details already pulled up.
Glancing at the tablet, you quickly absorb the required information. Your strike cruiser was on a scouting mission, when two rebel destroyers jumped into the system, heading directly for your planned route. Outnumbered and far from support, you retreated to a nearby icefield, and used it to hide your ship's signature when you powered it down. The destroyers are still looking for you, but they have split up enough for it to no longer be considered a two vs one. Standard protocol calls for you to evade the pursuers and jump to an Alliance system.
Eva is watching you, seemingly waiting for you to finish reading the mission details. <span class="eva">"Ready to begin, Cadet?"</span> She asks smoothly. Giving a nod, you decide there's no time like the present.
<span class="hero">"Commence simulation."</span> You say, as the crew and starscape around you come alive.
/% Can't be something else than battlegroups at this point %/\
A few moments pass as the simulation forms around you. Standing in the center of a command center, you quickly understand that you're at the heart of one of the Alliance Super Carriers. Glancing around you, you see scores of officers and crew, all busy carefully monitoring their stations with razor fine precision. Eva materializes next to you, a briefing tablet in her hands. <span class="eva">"Are you ready to begin?"</span> She asks, the world around you still frozen for the moment.
Giving a nod, you reach for the tablet. Eva turns into a junior officer, who promptly hands you the tablet, as time begins to flow. You can hear the flow of activity around you fade to nothing as the crew waits for you to process the briefing and give your orders. Skimming the tablet's contents, you frown as you process the important information within.
Your battlegroup was stationed in the Draconis verge, when a series of rebel attacks scattered Alliance forces in the region. Command believes it to be the precursor of a coordinated assault on Draconis, and have ordered you to hold the system until such a time that reinforcements arrive. Tapping the screen of the tablet, you confirm that you've read all the information it presents to you. Your eyes pan around the room, your officers watching you silently. Reminding yourself that as a battlegroup commander, you have access to an immense amount of power, you decide to take charge of the situation.
<span class="hero">"Report."</span> You say, half expecting silence as the answer. The virtual crew however, are professionals, and your second steps forward. <span class="npc1">"Scans indicate three points of approach from the assumed rebel forces."</span> A holographic map springs to life as he speaks. <span class="npc1">"Here, here and here."</span> He indicates the three spots, highlighting them on the map for you. Pointing at a fourth location, an icon matching that of your fleet appears roughly equidistant from the arrival points.
<span class="npc1">"We have the advantage in that we can intercept one of the incoming fleets on arrival, reducing our incoming targets by a third. However, that does give the other two fleets time to arrive unopposed, allowing them to regroup and descend on us in a unified mass."</span> A murmur of discussion runs through the crew, their nervousness showing.
Taking another look at your command console, you can see you only have thirty minutes before the rebels start to arrive. Further, your scans have revealed that even if you were to fully wipe out one of the approaching fleets, you'd still be outnumbered. A gentle cough from your second draws you out of your contemplation.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<if starGame.player.getFact("major") is "fighters">>
<<slink "Stealth" "Intro_AcademyOrientation_Afternoon_Training_Fighters">><<playerFactSet "orientation_afternoon_training_fighter_stealth" true>><</slink>>
<<slink "Cautious" "Intro_AcademyOrientation_Afternoon_Training_Fighters">><<playerFactSet "orientation_afternoon_training_fighter_cautious" true>><</slink>>
<<slink "Aggressive" "Intro_AcademyOrientation_Afternoon_Training_Fighters">><<playerFactSet "orientation_afternoon_training_fighter_aggressive" true>><</slink>>
<<elseif starGame.player.getFact("major") is "cruisers">>
<<slink "Evade and Escape" "Intro_AcademyOrientation_Afternoon_Training_Cruisers">><<playerFactSet "orientation_afternoon_training_cruiser_evadeandescape" true>><</slink>>
<<slink "Ambush" "Intro_AcademyOrientation_Afternoon_Training_Cruisers">><<playerFactSet "orientation_afternoon_training_cruiser_ambush" true>><</slink>>
<<slink "Intercept" "Intro_AcademyOrientation_Afternoon_Training_Battlegroups">><<playerFactSet "orientation_afternoon_training_battlegroup_intercept" true>><</slink>>
<<slink "Unconventional tactics" "Intro_AcademyOrientation_Afternoon_Training_Battlegroups">><<playerFactSet "orientation_afternoon_training_battlegroup_unconventional" true>><</slink>>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<saudio "bgm_combat1" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.25>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/academy/atrium2.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
Given that the rest of the day is still yours to use as you please, you take a deep breath while you contemplate the different places you could visit.
<<include Intro_Day3_Afternoon_Choices>><<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/commons/arcade.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
Curious about the state of Starwatch's recreational facilities, you decide to head towards the Enrichment Center. From some of the information available about the academy, you know that the Enrichment Center is actually a mix of a few different types of facility. An arcade center, styled after the originals on Earth, a movie house, a recreational holodeck area and more. Ruling out the movie house and holodecks, you decide to head to the arcade. It could be good for spending an hour or two while you wait.
The walk across the campus to the Enrichment Center is uneventful, and as you make your way there you notice the average population of the Academy sliding towards being more cadet dominated. Previously you could see some instructors and staff moving around, but here they seem to have no presence at all. Reaching the Center, you head in straight away, following an antique neon sign that claims to be the Arcade.
Stepping through the final set of doors, you are assaulted by light and sound. Flashing displays, neon indicators and strobes aim to simulate how it must have been to originally walk into an arcade back when they were introduced, and the sounds of gameplay, laughter and machines playing their trailers blend together to form a solid wall. Ironically, you could probably keep secret conversations hidden easily here, despite the large number of people nearby.
A few flustered and tired looking cadets man a nearby booth, and on seeing you enter, one of them waves you over, pointing at a poster of an arcade card. Indulging them, you make your way over to the booth, expecting some kind of speech and introductions, and are instead greeted with a handout and a card pushed into your hands followed by a smile. <span class="npc1">"We hope you enjoy the arcade!"</span> One of the cadets calls out, before they turn their attention back to finding new arrivals.
Left alone for a moment, you take a look around the arcade before deciding what to do.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Shooter Game" "Intro_Day3_Afternoon_Arcade_Shooter">><<npcFactSet "orientation_d3_arcade_game" "shooter">>
<<additem "item_quest_arcade_note" 1 true>>
<<slink "Racing Game" "Intro_Day3_Afternoon_Arcade_Racing">><<npcFactSet "orientation_d3_arcade_game" "racing">>
<<additem "item_quest_arcade_note" 1 true>>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<saudio "bgm_arcade" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.25>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/commons/arcade.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
Surprised to see that one of your old favorite games is kept by the Arcade, you opt to spend some time reliving a part of your youth. Call of Honor: Dark Ops 7 was arguably the best in the series, and as you settle in to play, you find yourself getting back into the groove of things quite quickly. Clearing the first two stages easily, you amass a small crowd of spectators who watch in a mixture of jealousy and awe, as you glide through the half of the game with ease. To your surprise and the spectators disappointment however, right as you start to get into the challenging parts of the game, the machine turns off, a single line of text scrolling across the screen repeatedly.
<span class="eva">"Supplementary class starts in 5 minutes, all designated cadets report to orientation hall."</span>
Waiting a moment longer for some indication that you might be one of the designated cadets needed for the supplementary class, you feel a wave of relief course over you as you see the wristwatches of a few students glow red. However, the mood has been ruined, and you decide to leave the Arcade for now.
<<include Intro_Day3_Afternoon_Choices>><<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/commons/arcade.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
Opting to try something newer, you head for the latest flight-racing simulator on the market. As you take a seat, you notice that this version is a competitive game, pitting you up against one of the other cadets in the arcade. A few moments pass as you both enter your desired rule set and a compromise is reached. Soon, you find yourself in a neck and neck race through an asteroid field, your competitor managing to keep level with you throughout the track.
<<if starGame.player.getFact('major') is 'fighters'>>\
As you enter the third and final lap of the race, you see an opportunity to pull away and cement a victory. Executing a smooth roll into a lateral burn, your opponent is caught off guard by the maneuver, their momentary surprise causing them to have to pull off course as you neatly glide into the open space ahead of them. As you straighten out of the roll, widening the gap between you and the opponent, you hear a cheer from the surrounding arcade, as spectating cadets realize a winner has been decided. However, as you cross the finish line, the machine turns off, leading a wide spread boo from the crowd watching.
In place of your deserved victory screen, you find a scrolling line of text.
As you enter the third and final lap of the race, your opponent seems to raise the stakes. Whereas before you and them were barely seconds apart, you come to the realization that they've been waiting for the home stretch to show some of their tricks. The gap between the two of you suddenly grows as they enter a diagonal drift, making use of their lateral and horizontal thrusters to pull away from you. Desperately trying to close the distance, you swing a little too wide on a turn, the wing of your ship just barely grazing a drifting asteroid, throwing you into an uncontrolled spin. A cheer erupts from the spectating cadets as a victor is decided. Before you have time to feel bad however, the machine turns off, replacing the game with a single scrolling line of text.
<span class="eva">"Supplementary class starts in 5 minutes, all designated cadets report to orientation hall."</span>
Waiting a moment longer for some indication that you might be one of the designated cadets needed for the supplementary class, you feel a wave of relief course over you as you see the wristwatches of a few students glow red. However, the mood has been ruined, and you decide to leave the Arcade for now.
<<include Intro_Day3_Afternoon_Choices>><<nobr>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/library.webp"/>
<img class="exp-left-10" src="resources/img/characters/main/eva/expressions/neutral.webp"/>
Deciding to visit the Academy's expansive archives and library, you slowly make your way towards the Archival hall. This part of the academy is visually similar to the rest of it, except where you would normally see cadets and students, the majority of the people you see here are instructors or fully fledged graduates. Information is power, a fact that holds true even in this advanced day and age, as these agents of the alliance return to their training ground to find obscure information that might aid them in their tasks.
Moving into the building itself, you find yourself face to face with Eva, her holographic representation taking the form of a female shaped mass of binary code. The feeling that she's smiling at you can't be shaken, and before you can speak, she initiates conversation.
<span class="eva">"Welcome to the Archival hall, Cadet. Since it's your first visit, I will be happy to assist in finding the relevant sections needed for your research."</span> Her voice, similarly to how she sounded in your dorm room, is warm and friendly, and the way she tilts her head slightly as she waits for an answer is strongly reminiscent of a real person.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Ask why you can see her" "Intro_Day3_Afternoon_Archives_Curious">><<npcFactSet "orientation_d3_archives_curious" true>><</slink>>
<<slink "Educational section" "Intro_Day3_Afternoon_Archives_Education">><<npcFactSet "orientation_d3_archives_choice" "educational">><</slink>>
<<slink "Leisure Section" "Intro_Day3_Afternoon_Archives_Leisure">><<npcFactSet "orientation_d3_archives_choice" "leisure">><</slink>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/library.webp"/>
<img class="exp-left-10" src="resources/img/characters/main/eva/expressions/happy.webp"/>
<span class="eva">"I'm present in every Starwatch facility, as you already know. However, some of the facilities need a more permanent and accessible handler than the average staff member, leading to portions of my intelligence being assigned as a caretaker for them. These facilities are also equipped with holoprojectors, as numerous studies have found that sentients prefer being able to visually interact with me rather than speak to empty air."</span>
She takes a few steps around while she speaks, emulating a living person quite well. You resist the urge to ask how much of her intelligence is devoted to making her seem like a real person, opting instead to ask for directions instead.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Educational section" "Intro_Day3_Afternoon_Archives_Education">>
<<npcFactSet "orientation_d3_archives_choice" "educational">>
<<snotify "info">>+1 Cunning.<</snotify>>
<<playerStatIncrease "cunning" 1>>
<<slink "Leisure Section" "Intro_Day3_Afternoon_Archives_Leisure">><<npcFactSet "orientation_d3_archives_choice" "leisure">><</slink>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/library.webp"/>
<img class="exp-left-10" src="resources/img/characters/main/eva/expressions/happy.webp"/>
Eva's eyes seemingly light up at your question, and she quickly directs you on a path that leads you to where various records of relevant topics and subjects to your course are kept. On your way there, you see several more instances of Eva, each interacting with a different person, her processing power seemingly more than adequate to track multiple simultaneous interactions at once.
Arriving at the section you wanted directions to, you find that the Academy keeps a surprising spread of information on various mediums. Holodeck tapes, hardcover books, audio files, and even a stone tablet are all carefully stored and maintained. Opting to not browse too much, you select one of the suggested entries, titled "Zero Gravity Strategy and You. A Definitive Guide to Finding Down". While the entry itself is written with a dry professionalism, it does well in getting its points across, and you quickly feel like you've learnt something from the time spent reading.
Engrossed in your reading, you're caught slightly off guard when Eva materializes next to you, seemingly peering over your shoulder.
<span class="eva">"As much as I do not wish to disturb your research, I believe that you should perhaps explore the Academy a bit more before becoming a devoted scholar."</span> She says, the entry you were reading closing as she speaks. Despite her voice sounding warm, there's a sternness in it that tells you to not waste your breath arguing.
Moments later, she winks out of existence, leaving you to fill the rest of your day alone.
<<include Intro_Day3_Afternoon_Choices>><<nobr>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/library.webp"/>
<img class="exp-left-10" src="resources/img/characters/main/eva/expressions/happy.webp"/>
Eva's eyes light up for a moment, and she quickly gives you directions to the section of the archives that contain material for entertainment and leisure. Unsurprisingly, almost all of the content here is stored on electronic mediums, ranging between terminal entries and movies, with a few rare holodeck programs. Helpfully, Eva has already marked out content with a run time shorter than what you have available at the moment.
Selecting one of them at random, you soon find yourself engrossed in a film titled "Abducted 9", a thriller about a special forces agent tracking the kidnapper of his great granddaughter.
Exactly as the film you're watching enters credits, Eva materializes next to you, an empty popcorn bowl in her hands. <span class="eva">"A classic. Although I think the series really went downhill after the third installment. That said, Niam Leeson was a prolific actor for his day."</span> She quickly returns to her normal serious self.
<span class="eva">"All good things in moderation. Time to get some fresh air and explore the campus some more."</span> SShe says as she fades from view. Nodding to yourself, you begin making your way out of the archival hall.
<<include Intro_Day3_Afternoon_Choices>><<nobr>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/commons/maidcafe.webp"/>
<img class="exp-left-10" src="resources/img/characters/main/maki/expressions/happy_maid.webp"/>
Deciding a good way to enjoy some of your free time would be a visit to the onsite cafe, you find yourself strolling leisurely through a surprisingly green portion of the campus. Small gardens, flowers and trees are placed in a manner that if you don't look directly up and see the dome above you, you could easily forget that the Academy grounds are housed in biospheres on an asteroid.
As you near the cafe, a vaguely familiar cadet in serving uniform approaches you. She takes a surreptitious glance around, seemingly confirming you've come alone.
<span class="maki">"Are you joining anyone, or will you be alone for now?"</span> She asks, her voice carefully neutral, yet somehow still receptive.
Giving her a once over, you notice that the uniform she's wearing is somewhat reminiscent of a maid uniform. Her brown hair is at odds with her blue eyes, and when she notices you looking at her, she blushes almost instantly. Realizing that you haven't answered yet, you tell her that you'll be alone today, and allow her to lead you into the cafe. Presented with a table in the corner of the establishment with a decent view of the gardens outside, you are left with a small drinks menu as your blushing waitress rushes away to get the actual menu for you.
Taking a look at the drinks on offer, you notice very quickly that you're unlikely to be able to have a proper meal here. Smoothies, milkshakes and iced teas fill the drinks menu, and from some of the names presented, you can guess that the menu the waitress is fetching is filled to the brim with cakes, tarts and other treats.
Seeing your waitress approaching after having regained her composure, you decide to pick your drink in advance, so that you can avoid any further awkward interactions with her.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Smoothie" "Intro_Day3_Afternoon_Cafe2">>
<<npcFactSet "orientation_d3_cafe_order" "smoothie">>
<<addtocodex "Maki" "met_maki">>
<<npcFactSet "orientation_d3_cafe_maki_met" true>>
<<slink "Milkshake" "Intro_Day3_Afternoon_Cafe2">>
<<npcFactSet "orientation_d3_cafe_order" "milkshake">>
<<addtocodex "Maki" "met_maki">>
<<npcFactSet "orientation_d3_cafe_maki_met" true>>
<<slink "Ice Tea" "Intro_Day3_Afternoon_Cafe2">>
<<npcFactSet "orientation_d3_cafe_order" "ice tea">>
<<addtocodex "Maki" "met_maki">>
<<npcFactSet "orientation_d3_cafe_maki_met" true>>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<saudio "bgm_zone_cafe" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.25>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/commons/maidcafe.webp"/>
<img class="exp-left-10" src="resources/img/characters/main/maki/expressions/happy_maid.webp"/>
When the waitress arrives, she seems to have fully composed herself. Giving a polite bow, she introduces herself to you.
<span class="maki">"Welcome to Among the Stars. My name is Maki, and I'll be serving you today."</span> She repeats the bow, clearly using the motion to hide her own embarrassment from the greeting.
Smiling at the situation you've found yourself in you are about to place your order when Maki speaks again.
<span class="maki">"There's actually instructions left in advance in regards to serving you. On your first visit we are to serve you an iced caramel macchiato, paired with a fluffy chocolate cake slice."</span> She hesitates for a moment, seemingly fully aware that you were about to order.
<span class="maki">"Will that be alright, or should we ignore the instruction for now?"</span> She wrings her hands gently, waiting for your answer.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Order prior choice" "Intro_Day3_Afternoon_Cafe_TakePrior">>
<<npcFactSet "orientation_d3_cafe_order_prior" true>>
<<additem "item_quest_cafe_note" 1 true>>
<<slink "Accept the preplaced order" "Intro_Day3_Afternoon_Cafe_TakePreplaced">>
<<npcFactSet "orientation_d3_cafe_order_prior" false>>
<<additem "item_quest_cafe_note" 1 true>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/commons/maidcafe.webp"/>
<img class="exp-left-10" src="resources/img/characters/main/maki/expressions/happy_maid.webp"/>
Deciding that you're not about to change your mind, you go ahead with your planned order, reassuring the nervous waitress that you're not upset, just not in the mood for the other items. Opting out of ordering something to eat, you settle back to watch the campus through the window, while you wait for your order to arrive.
A calming sense of serenity slowly overtakes you, as you find yourself quickly relaxing more than you thought you could in a place like this. A gentle cough attracts your attention, as Maki places your drink in front of, along with a folded note. She shoots you a smile before leaving you alone. Glancing at the note, you see that it's unmarked, and you'd have to open it to find out who it's from.
Relaxing for a few minutes longer, you finish your drink before deciding to see what else you can do in your free time on Campus. Catching Maki's eye, you wait for her to bring the bill, only for her to return to your table empty handed again. This time she flashes a confident smile before speaking.
<span class="maki">"Your drink is on the house today. We hope you've enjoyed visiting Among the Stars, and to see you again soon."</span> She gives a polite bow again, before clearing your table and leaving you to your own devices.
<<include Intro_Day3_Afternoon_Choices>><<nobr>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/commons/maidcafe.webp"/>
<img class="exp-left-10" src="resources/img/characters/main/maki/expressions/happy_maid.webp"/>
Deciding that the offered items sound good, you tell Maki to go ahead with the order, settling in to wait for its arrival. Watching the campus and the gardens through the window, you feel yourself relaxing rapidly. After a few minutes pass, Maki returns with your drink and slice of cake together. She gives you a confident smile before talking. <span class="maki">"As a first time gift, its on the house today. Enjoy."</span>
Curious about the circumstances leading to the preplaced order and free meal, you open your mouth to query it, but it looks like Maki has anticipated your question.
<span class="maki">"All the boss said is that the orders for you have been premade, and if you have questions or refuse them to give you this note."</span> She says as she places an unmarked note on the table.
Enjoying the quiet time at the cafe, you finish your drink before deciding to see what else you can do in your free time on Campus. You signal for Maki to clear the table, standing to leave. Your movement prompts her to bow again, and you receive a small farewell statement as well.
<span class="maki">"We hope you've enjoyed your visit to Among the Stars, and to see you again soon."</span> She says easily, leaving you to your own devices once more.
<<include Intro_Day3_Afternoon_Choices>><<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/academy/mc_apartment/apartment_night.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
Having decided that you've had enough fun wandering the Academy and finding things to keep yourself busy with, you head back to your room, opting to spend the rest of the day napping or watching something on the en-suite screen. When you enter the room, Eva reacts to your arrival as usual, greeting you. Flopping onto your bed, you decide to have a short nap before watching a movie.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Take a nap" "Intro_Day4_Morning">>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/academy/mc_apartment/apartment_night.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
Having decided that you've had enough fun wandering the Academy and finding things to keep yourself busy with, you head back to your room, opting to spend the rest of the day napping or watching something on the en-suite screen. When you enter the room, Eva reacts to your arrival as usual, greeting you. Flopping onto your bed, you decide to have a short nap before watching a movie.
Your rest is disturbed by a series of melodic chimes, rousing you from your sleep. Groggily making your way to your feet, you look around your room half expecting to see the source of the disturbance. Instead, Eva turns on some dim lights for you instead.
<span class="eva">"Just so you know, I don't watch or record these kinds of interactions unless you ask me to. You have a guest at the door by the way."</span> Eva's voice has a flirty tone to it, and as you walk towards the door, your mind clearing up quickly, you consider her offer.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Record" "Intro_Day3_Evening2">><<playerFactSet "orientation_d3_record" true>><</slink>>
<<slink "Don't record" "Intro_Day3_Evening2">><<playerFactSet "orientation_d3_record" false>><</slink>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/scenes/orientation_curie/opendoor.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
<<if starGame.player.getFact('orientation_d3_record') is true>>\
Playing along, and curious if she will actually record it, you respond to Eva without a second thought.
<span class="hero">"Feel free to watch and record. Just do it quietly, alright?"</span> You say to your empty room. The lights flicker momentarily, and you take it as confirmation of your instructions.
Giving it a moment of thought, you decide that it's better to not leave recordings of every possible late night tryst you have with other students.
<span class="hero">"Not tonight. Let me think about it some more."</span> You say into the empty room, Eva's response coming quickly. <span class="eva">"Understood, entering passive mode."</span> She says, and for a moment you can swear that she sounds upset.
Opening the door, you freeze for a moment as you see Curie standing in the hallway. Her usually loose hair is done up in a tight ponytail, and instead of her usual bodysuit, she's wearing a tight black skirt, thigh high stockings and a nearly see through white shirt. If her appearance wasn't enough to tell you why she's here, the smile on her face is anything but innocent.
Before you can fully react to her being here, she walks past you into the room. Taking a seat on your couch, she pats the seat next to her. As you close the door and follow after her, you shake your head slightly.
<span class="curie">"I'm just here to check how the Academy's star prospect is handling orientation."</span> She says with a sly smile. Taking a seat next to her, you smile back, knowing that if that was the real reason she's visited you she wouldn't be dressed the way she is.
Playing along for the moment, you sit next to Curie, talking about the first few days of orientation you've experienced, resting your arm around her shoulders while she runs her hand down your thigh. After a few minutes of back and forth small talk and banter, she decides to drop the act.
<<if starGame.player.hasMod('item_mod_perfection')>>
<span class="curie">"You're quite lucky you know."</span> She says with a smile. <span class="curie">"Most people's bodies don't accept genemods as easily as yours did."</span> She runs her finger nails down your forearm, the smooth skin tingling under her touch.
<span class="curie">"Let's take this to the bedroom."</span> She seductively whispers into your ear, taking the lead.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Intro_Day3_Evening3">><</slink>>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<saudio "bgm_sex3" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.25>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/scenes/orientation_curie/propose.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
Watching from your comfortable spot on the couch, you smile as she stands and makes her way to your bed, your eyes lazily running over her shapely legs and tight ass. Before you can stand to join her, she pulls her shirt off, throwing it playfully at you. Catching it and tossing it over your shoulder, the momentary distraction causes you to miss the exact moment where she steps out of her skirt. You enjoy a momentary view of her exposed tits, before she lies chest down on your bed, facing you. Seeing you watching her, she raises her ass slightly, wiggling it at you. Still wearing panties and stockings like she is, you can't help but start moving to join her on the bed.
Suddenly you notice the injector on the bed in front of her. Seeing your gaze move she winks at you naughtily.
<span class="curie">"I brought something fun for use tonight. If you're done looking and want to start, we can begin."</span> She says in a sultry voice, twirling the injector with a finger. Approaching the bed, you sit in front of her, allowing your eyes to run down her back and over her ass again. She taps the injector with a fingernail, a soft clinking sound following the action.
Curious, you ask her what the mod does, earning a playful smirk before she shakes her head at you.
<span class="curie">"All I'll tell you is that it's a temporary mod, and its effects will wear off before orientation class tomorrow. Apart from that, you'll just have to trust me when I say you'll enjoy the experience."</span>
Tilting her head at you, she lazily rubs her legs against each other while she waits for you to decide.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<if flags.getFlag("transformation") is not 0>>
<<slink "Accept" "Intro_Day3_Evening_Accept">>
<<npcFactSet "orientation_d3_evening_curiescene_accept" true>>
<<slink "Refuse" "Intro_Day3_Evening_Refuse">>
<<npcFactSet "orientation_d3_evening_curiescene_accept" false>>
<<if starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'black'>>
<img src="resources/img/scenes/orientation_curie/start_black.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'tan'>>
<img src="resources/img/scenes/orientation_curie/start_tan.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/scenes/orientation_curie/start_fair.webp"/>
<<if starGame.player.getFact('transstart') is true>>
Deciding to trust Curie, you take the mod from the bed, and notice a pictogram indicating that for best results you need to apply it to the side of your torso, below the ribs, you pull your shirt off. Putting the injector against your skin, a shiver runs through your body from the contact of the cold metal. Depressing the injector, you feel a brief sting, which is quickly replaced with a tingling sensation running throughout your entire body.
For a long moment nothing happens and as you're about to ask Curie if it was a dud, your knees buckle. Reaching for the bed to steady yourself, a wave of intense pleasure courses through your body, and unable to resist, you start moaning as if in the midst of orgasm. Curie watches with a smile as you give in to your body's desire, your hands reaching for your breasts as the waves of pleasure flow into them.
However, as you cup a breast, you feel it swell significantly with no sign of stopping, your nipples hardening under the effects. Barely able to think straight at the moment, you slide a hand down your body, aiming to bring yourself to orgasm so that you can hopefully regain your composure as a result.
As your hand strokes your cock, you realize its larger than before, and more sensitive than it's ever been. A brush of your fingers is enough to threaten an orgasm. After what feels like hours, the waves of pleasure abate, leaving your cock waving proudly in the air.
<<elseif starGame.player.getFact('femalestart') is true>>\
Deciding to trust Curie, you take the mod from the bed, and notice a pictogram indicating that for optimal results you should apply it to the inside of your thigh. Pulling your pants off, wink at Curie. Putting the injector against your skin, a shiver runs through your body from the contact of the cold metal. Depressing the injector, you feel a brief sting, which is quickly replaced with a tingling sensation running throughout your entire body.
For a long moment nothing happens and as you're about to ask Curie if it was a dud, your knees buckle. Reaching for the bed to steady yourself, a wave of intense pleasure courses through your body, and unable to resist, you start moaning as if in the midst of orgasm. Curie watches with a smile as you give in to your body's desire, your hands reaching for your breasts and cunt, the wave of pleasure increasing. However, as you cup a breast, you feel it swell slightly, accompanied with a second wave of pleasure. As you massage it, you feel it grow a cup size, each wave of pleasure hitting you harder than the last. Barely able to think straight at the moment, you slide a hand down your body, aiming to bring yourself to orgasm so that you can hopefully regain your composure as a result.
Instead, you feel the growing swell of muscle between your legs, and looking down at your crotch, are somewhat surprised to see a quickly lengthening cock growing from where your clit would normally be. Each time it twitches and grows however, you are struck by another intense wave of pleasure, each of which make it hard for you to stay composed. Curie watches your transformation from the bed, making no effort to hide her enjoyment from the scene.
After what feels like a lifetime, the waves of pleasure slow down and stop, leaving you with a still hard cock waving in the air.
Deciding to trust Curie, you take the mod from the bed, and notice a pictogram indicating that for best results you need to apply it to the side of your torso, below the ribs, you pull your shirt off. Putting the injector against your skin, a shiver runs through your body from the contact of the cold metal. Depressing the injector, you feel a brief sting, which is quickly replaced with a tingling sensation running throughout your entire body.
Suddenly a flush of warmth courses through you, and your knees feel weak as a wave of pleasure hits you. Reaching out to steady yourself on the bed, you notice your hand has gotten smaller and daintier, your fingernails growing slightly longer as you watch. Likewise, your arms have gotten thinner, taking on a more dainty delicate appearance. The tingling sensation in your legs intensifies, drawing your gaze downwards. As you watch your usually muscular body shifts in proportions, your hips widening and taking on a feminine curve, while your thighs and calves take on a more shapely appearance. Gingerly flexing one of your legs, you admire the way the muscles flow, giving an appearance similar to a lady who squats several times a week.
Running your hands over your hips, you notice that your waist has thinned as well, and if your hands were their normal size, you could probably circle your own waist easily now. A feminine sounding moan escapes your lips as an intense burst of pleasure emanates from your chest, and out of instinct your hands move to where the sensation started. Cupping your quickly growing breasts, you can't help but moan and shudder as you quickly grow a pair of b-cup tits. Accidentally rubbing against one of your hard nipples results in another whorish moan escaping your lips, as your body is assaulted by an intense wave of pleasure, the result of newly formed sensory nerves in your new tits.
As the wave of sensations and pleasure fades, you catch a breath, turning to look at yourself in your mirror. Instead of your usual neatly toned masculine body, you are unrecognizable to yourself, taking the appearance of a well proportioned and attractive young lady. Turning from side to side, you admire the view of your own body, before noticing Curie watching you from the bed.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('curie_intro_sex') is true>>
<<slink "Continue" "Intro_Day3_Evening_Accept_SubmissiveCurie">><</slink>>
<<slink "Continue" "Intro_Day3_Evening_Accept_DominantCurie">><</slink>>
<<if starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'black'>>
<img src="resources/img/scenes/orientation_curie/sub_black.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'tan'>>
<img src="resources/img/scenes/orientation_curie/sub_tan.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/scenes/orientation_curie/sub_fair.webp"/>
Recovering quickly from the wave of sensations that assaulted you alongside your transformation, you look at Curie with lust in your eyes. She freezes for a moment before wiggling her ass at you again. Grabbing her by the neck, you decide to get some revenge for the transformation's effects being hidden from you.
Pulling her up onto her knees, you let your dick slap against her face, guiding her mouth onto it while the after effects of the mod are still affecting you, keeping you more sensitive to touch than you've ever been before. Taking you in her mouth, you enjoy the feeling of her tongue exploring your cock while you slowly face fuck her, watching as one of her hands creeps between her legs. Before she can touch herself however, you slap her on the cheek, her whole body freezing from the impact.
<span class="hero">"Did I say you can touch yourself?"</span> You ask her, who, mouth plugged with dick as it is, tries to whimper an answer that comes out unintelligible regardless.
<span class="hero">"You brought that mod for us to have some fun with, so now lets have some fun."</span> You speak down to her, as you thrust into her mouth faster. To Curie's credit, she doesn't try to pull off of your dick to breathe, and you can see her eyes start to water as you feel your orgasm building.
Not content to end the night's activities with just a blowjob, you pull out of her mouth, the sudden break in suction causing a loud pop to punctuate the action. While she gasps for air, you pull her stockings and panties off, exposing her cunt to you. Running a finger between her lips, you can feel that she's dripping wet already, and you waste no time in turning her over so you can fuck her from behind. Curie lets out a long, guttural moan as you penetrate her, your hands on her hips stopping her from being able to move as you fill her up.
Spanking her hard across the ass, the sound of her moan is music to your ears as she stops moving, clearly waiting for instruction from you. Easing out of her slightly, you hear her whimper softly and rewarding the sound with another spank, you begin to stroke into her. Gently, almost teasingly at first, you slowly pick up speed while you fuck her. As she moans and begs for more, you take your time using her, spanking her as you feel needed, enjoying the sight of her usually fair skin growing red from where you've marked her. Several times you feel her pussy clench around you, and fucking her through her orgasms, you slowly feel your own approaching.
Grabbing her by the hips and hilting yourself inside her, she lets out a lewd moan as she feels your cum fill her up, and as you slowly pull yourself out of her used pussy, you see some of the cum drip out of her and onto the desk below. Giving her one last, affectionate slap across the ass, you tell her that she's been a good girl.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Intro_Day3_Evening_Ending">><</slink>>
<<if starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'black'>>
<img src="resources/img/scenes/orientation_curie/dom_black.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'tan'>>
<img src="resources/img/scenes/orientation_curie/dom_tan.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/scenes/orientation_curie/dom_fair.webp"/>
Curie wastes no time in pulling you to the bed, taking advantage of your weakened state after the waves of pleasure from your bodies changes. Pushing you onto your back, she takes a position near the end of the bed, by your legs. Looking up at you past your tits and cock, she gives you a lewd smile as she pulls a riding crop from her bag. Running it down your stomach, you flinch slightly as she rests the crop against your dick.
<span class="curie">"No no, be a good girl and do as Mistress says and I won't have to use this."</span> She says with a gentle flick of the crop onto your thigh. Even though it was just a gentle swat, you feel a momentary sting of pain, a gasp leaving your mouth unbidden. Curie smiles at your reaction, resting the crop against your thigh.
<span class="curie">"Now, shall we have some fun?"</span> She asks softly, wrapping a hand around your twitching cock. As she slowly begins to stroke you, the after effects of the mod still seem to linger, as you feel more sensitive than ever before. Moaning softly, you let out a squeal of surprise as Curie brings the riding crop down on one of your equally sensitive breasts.
<span class="curie">"Shh… No noise unless I tell you to make some."</span> She says flicking one of your nipples with the crop lightly. The contact draws another whimper from you, and you flinch lightly as Curie whips your other breast. <span class="curie">"What did I just say?"</span> She asks sternly, prompting a nod from you. The increased sensitivity of your groin is working against you, and you can feel an orgasm building as Curie continues to lazily stroke your dick.
Bucking your hips to try to get some release, you let out a welp as Curie whips you again, tutting as she does. <span class="curie">"Now, did I give you permission to fuck my hand?"</span> She scolds as she squeezes you. Catching your breath, you make an effort to not make noise, and after a moment, Curie starts to stroke you again. This time she slowly picks up speed, her smirk never leaving her face. A few times you fail to control yourself, swiftly prompting a retaliatory lashing from her. Soon your breasts are marked with red stripes, and your thighs are tender. An evil chuckle leaves her lips as she stops stroking you, licking her fingers clean of your precum.
<span class="curie">"You've done better than I expected. I guess you deserve a reward."</span> She says lustily, as she climbs on top of you. Teasing you still, she caresses your nipples with the crop, positioning her pussy above the tip of your dick. You do your best to withhold a moan as she rubs against you, and let out a yelp as she lashes you with the crop as she slides down onto your cock. As she takes your full length inside her, she lets out a moan of her own. Reaching for her hips to start fucking her, she gently swats your hands away.
<span class="curie">"You just lie there like a good fuck toy, alright?"</span> She says as she starts riding you. Looking at her over your own tits, you feel your climax building quickly as you watch her bounce on your dick. Watching her tits bounce as she rides you, you slowly start rocking your hips, unable to resist any longer. A long guttural moan is your reward, as Curie clenches her pussy around you, having her first orgasm of the night. Instead of slowing down however, she holds her riding crop with her teeth, placing both hands on your chest as she starts to ride you harder.
The sound of your moans and hers mix, and you feel your dick twitch as you start to cum. Curies cunt tightens around you again, the feeling of your cum filling her up causing her to orgasm again. Your voices mingle in cries of ecstasy as she collapses onto you, panting hard.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Intro_Day3_Evening_Ending">><</slink>>
<<if starGame.player.isMale() is true>>
<img src="resources/img/scenes/orientation_curie/m_chill.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/scenes/orientation_curie/f_chill.webp"/>
Deciding that even though you like Curie, you're not about to inject an unknown mod, you shake your head.
<span class="hero">"No, I don't think we need that to have a good time tonight."</span> You say, watching her smile fade and get replaced by a slight frown for a moment. Unexpectedly, she returns the mod to her bag, and standing from your bed, retrieves her skirt and shirt.
<span class="curie">"I'm glad that you still wanted to fuck me, but it does hurt that you won't trust me about this."</span> Her tone of voice is a mixture of cold and hurt, and before you can do anything, she's redressed herself. <span class="curie">"Lets just watch a movie or something instead."</span> She says with a sense of finality in her voice, laying down on your bed again, her attention focused on the viewing screen instead of you for the first time tonight.
Taking a post next to her, you start to apologize, but she puts a finger on your lips. <span class="curie">"Lets not have an argument about it now. We can watch a movie, and try again another time, alright?"</span> She says, cuddling up against you. You suppress a sigh as you put your arm around her shoulders, and Curie speaks to Eva, prompting the AI to switch off the lights and start playing a movie on the view screen.
At first the atmosphere is awkward, but soon enough Curie starts gently running her hand down your thigh, and doesn't resist when you pull her closer so you can both cuddle more comfortably. When you move to kiss her however, she shuts you down, telling you that she meant it about trying again a different day.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Intro_Day3_Evening_Ending">><</slink>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/academy/mc_apartment/apartment_night.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('orientation_d3_evening_curiescene_accept') is true>>\
Perhaps due to the mods effects on your body coupled with the sex, you feel exhausted. Laying on your bed to catch your breath for a moment, you're hit by a wave of fatigue. Distantly, you feel Curie cuddle up against you, her lips brushing your cheek in a soft kiss.
The movie, while enjoyable, ends soon enough, and Curie gives you a kiss on the cheek before leaving.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Sleep" "Intro_Day4_Morning">>
<<box "choicebox">>
<<if starGame.player.getFact('orientation_afternoon_training') is true>>
<<slink "Attend Orientation" "Intro_Day3_Morning_Orientation_Ahead">>
<<if $gameplay_lastPlayablePassage is "Intro_Day3_Morning_Arcade_Shooter" or $gameplay_lastPlayablePassage is "Intro_Day3_Morning_Arcade_Racing" or $gameplay_lastPlayablePassage is "Intro_Day3_Morning_Cafe_TakePreplaced" or $gameplay_lastPlayablePassage is "Intro_Day3_Morning_Cafe_TakePrior">>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<saudio "bgm_heleus" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.25>>
<<slink "Attend Orientation" "Intro_Day3_Morning_Orientation_Normal">>
<<if $gameplay_lastPlayablePassage is "Intro_Day3_Morning_Arcade_Shooter" or $gameplay_lastPlayablePassage is "Intro_Day3_Morning_Arcade_Racing" or $gameplay_lastPlayablePassage is "Intro_Day3_Morning_Cafe_TakePreplaced" or $gameplay_lastPlayablePassage is "Intro_Day3_Morning_Cafe_TakePrior" >>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<saudio "bgm_heleus" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.25>>
<<box "choicebox">>
<<if starGame.player.getFact('orientation_d3_cafe') is not true>>
<<slink "Cafe" "Intro_Day3_Afternoon_Cafe">><<playerFactSet "orientation_d3_cafe" true>>
<<if $gameplay_lastPlayablePassage is "Intro_Day3_Afternoon_Arcade_Shooter" or $gameplay_lastPlayablePassage is "Intro_Day3_Afternoon_Arcade_Racing" or $gameplay_lastPlayablePassage is "Intro_Day3_Afternoon_Cafe_TakePreplaced" or $gameplay_lastPlayablePassage is "Intro_Day3_Afternoon_Cafe_TakePrior">>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<saudio "bgm_heleus" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.25>>
<<if starGame.player.getFact('orientation_d3_archive') is not true>>
<<slink "Archives" "Intro_Day3_Afternoon_Archives">><<playerFactSet "orientation_d3_archive" true>>
<<if $gameplay_lastPlayablePassage is "Intro_Day3_Afternoon_Arcade_Shooter" or $gameplay_lastPlayablePassage is "Intro_Day3_Afternoon_Arcade_Racing" or $gameplay_lastPlayablePassage is "Intro_Day3_Afternoon_Cafe_TakePreplaced" or $gameplay_lastPlayablePassage is "Intro_Day3_Afternoon_Cafe_TakePrior">>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<saudio "bgm_heleus" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.25>>
<<if starGame.player.getFact('orientation_d3_arcade') is not true>>
<<slink "Enrichment Center" "Intro_Day3_Afternoon_Arcade">><<playerFactSet "orientation_d3_arcade" true>>
<<if $gameplay_lastPlayablePassage is "Intro_Day3_Afternoon_Arcade_Shooter" or $gameplay_lastPlayablePassage is "Intro_Day3_Afternoon_Arcade_Racing" or $gameplay_lastPlayablePassage is "Intro_Day3_Afternoon_Cafe_TakePreplaced" or $gameplay_lastPlayablePassage is "Intro_Day3_Afternoon_Cafe_TakePrior">>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<saudio "bgm_heleus" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.25>>
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('curie_intro_shakehands') is true>>
<<slink "Go Home" "Intro_Day3_Evening">>
<<if $gameplay_lastPlayablePassage is "Intro_Day3_Afternoon_Arcade_Shooter" or $gameplay_lastPlayablePassage is "Intro_Day3_Afternoon_Arcade_Racing" or $gameplay_lastPlayablePassage is "Intro_Day3_Afternoon_Cafe_TakePreplaced" or $gameplay_lastPlayablePassage is "Intro_Day3_Afternoon_Cafe_TakePrior">>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<saudio "bgm_heleus" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.25>>
<<slink "Go Home" "Intro_Day3_Evening_Single">>
<<if $gameplay_lastPlayablePassage is "Intro_Day3_Afternoon_Arcade_Shooter" or $gameplay_lastPlayablePassage is "Intro_Day3_Afternoon_Arcade_Racing" or $gameplay_lastPlayablePassage is "Intro_Day3_Afternoon_Cafe_TakePreplaced" or $gameplay_lastPlayablePassage is "Intro_Day3_Afternoon_Cafe_TakePrior">>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<saudio "bgm_heleus" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.25>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/academy/mc_apartment/apartment_day.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
Following the trend of the previous few days, Eva gently pulls you from your sleep with a rhythmic alarm. Stretching and letting out a yawn, the room around you brightens softly to accommodate your eyes.
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('orientation_d3_evening_curiescene_accept') is true>>\
<<if starGame.player.getFact('femalestart') is true>>\
As you stretch, you notice that the bed feels smaller than usual, and that you have a tension radiating from your lower body. Remembering the events of last night with a smile, you glance under the covers, finding your still transformed crotch to be experiencing morning wood for the first time. Momentarily unsure of what to do, Eva speaks up after a second, telling you that a decent shower will do the trick.
Accepting the AI's advice, you place an order for a decent breakfast and spend some time relaxing in the shower, wondering how much longer you have before Curies mod reverts its effects on your body.
The bed feels larger than usual, and as you stretch you have a moment of realization that your body weight feels different from normal. Remembering the events of last night with a smile, you take a look under the covers, somewhat surprised to find your body still transformed. The surprise passes quickly however, as you remember Curie said it would revert before class. Deciding to take a nice hot shower, you stop yourself from spending too much time admiring your own curves, focusing instead on the breakfast you've asked Eva to supply instead.
/% Single or refused to sleep with Curie %/\
Taking a few moments longer to laze in bed, you ask Eva how long you have before today's class begins. A brief moment passes before she answers, her voice soft enough to not disturb you in the morning.
<span class="eva">"There has been a minor issue with scheduling today, so the class will be starting later than usual, in roughly four hours."</span>
Nodding at the AI's words, you slowly stir, preparing yourself for the day with a long shower and an expertly prepared breakfast.
Halfway through your meal, your terminal lights up, an accompanying ring informing you that someone is trying to vid call you. Raising an eyebrow at the machine, you start to ask Eva who's calling, when she interrupts you first.
<span class="eva">"Your father is on the line."</span> She says, quick and to the point. Jolting from your seat due to surprise, you quickly take your place in front of the terminal. Reaching towards the option to accept the call, you pause, wondering if you should answer your fathers call right now.\
<<if starGame.player.getFact('malestart') is true and starGame.npcs.getFact('orientation_d3_evening_curiescene_accept') is true>>
<span class="eva">"Just in case you've forgotten, you don't look like $character_firstName $character_lastName right now."</span> Eva reminds you gently.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Answer Call" "Intro_Day4_Morning_Call_Accept">><<playerFactSet "orientation_d4_call_accept" true>>
<<slink "Decline Call" "Intro_Day4_Morning_Call_Decline">><<playerFactSet "orientation_d4_call_accept" false>><</slink>>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<saudio "bgm_heleus" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.25>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/academy/mc_apartment/apartment_day.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
<<if starGame.player.getFact('malestart') is true and starGame.npcs.getFact('orientation_d3_evening_curiescene_accept') is true>>\
Deciding that answering your fathers call while being an entirely different gender is a bad idea, you hit the decline button as fast as you can. Eva responds to your action quickly, and you watch as a generated message is sent to your father. Raising an eyebrow at the screen, you don't need to ask about the contents of the message as Eva informs you as soon as you start to ask.
<span class="eva">"It's somewhat generic, but I've opted to send a message that indicates you are unreachable at the moment due to a visit to the medbay for a standard checkup. Additionally, if he queries your status, he will be sent a scan from a prior day with updated timestamps to reflect as if it was today."</span>
You thank her, ignoring the implications of an AI committing low level medical fraud to help you hide your transformation from your father.
Deciding that not much has changed since the last time you tried to contact him, you opt to decline the call for now. Speaking to Eva, you ask her to generate a message in case he tries to call again.
<span class="eva">"Understood, I'll him that you were unfortunately already out of your quarters when he tried to call and couldn't be reached due to being in the gym."</span> Nodding in response, you decide it's an acceptable excuse, given that you do put in considerable effort into maintaining your looks and health.
Returning to your breakfast, you eat calmly, pondering your choices for the morning before class.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Intro_Day4_Morning_Wardrobe">>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/academy/mc_apartment/computer.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
<<if starGame.player.getFact('malestart') is true and starGame.npcs.getFact('orientation_d3_evening_curiescene_accept') is true>>\
/% Curie path, accepted the transformation, is originally male %/
Fully aware that you don't look like yourself, you accept the call regardless, banking on the fact that the mod is temporary, and that while your father has always been strict and stern, he has done his best to support you in the past.
As the call connects, you are unsurprised to see that the Alliance encryption is in effect, obscuring his features from you. He tilts his head as the feed comes alive, apparently having expected you to answer, his first sentence halfway out his mouth before he realizes that his son didn't answer the call.
<span class="father">"I'm glad you're…"</span> His words trail off, and you detect a subtle shift in the way his shoulders are set.
<span class="father">"You look like your mother."</span> He says, the speed of his deduction of your identity reminds you about how terrifyingly intelligent he actually is. The unexpected iciness of his tone snaps you back to the moment however and as you open your mouth to explain the situation, he shakes his head.
Speaking over and past you, he doesn't give you time to explain. <span class="father">"Eva, transmit $character_firstName's holotraining record for review."</span> You feel a chill run down your spine as you wait for him to finish reading the record, and decide to take a moment to soften the upcoming lecture.
<span class="hero">"It's temporary, it wears off before my next class today."</span> You say, a subtle nod from him is the only indication that he heard what you had to say.
The next two minutes pass in silence, and you swear you can hear an accelerator cannon hum in the background of his feed. You feel a spike of worry as you realize he is in an active combat, but decide that if he feels he has the time to review your training record that the battle is fully under control.
<<if starGame.player.getFact('orientation_afternoon_training') is true>>\
/% this is only set if early holodeck class was taken on d2. Means player is ahead. %/\
<span class="father">"We will need to speak about this further, possibly in person."</span> He says finally breaking the silence. The harshness of his voice is gone, carefully replaced by a neutral tone. <span class="father">"You're doing well so far. However, I didn't send you to Starwatch to go on a self-discovery journey. Try not to take anything untested or irreversible until we can have a face to face, alright?"</span>
There's a hint of warmth in his voice, and you let out a breath you hadn't realized you were holding. Looks like you've been saved by your stellar work ethic so far. As you move to thank him, he waves a hand.
<span class="father">"I'll be in touch soon. Stay safe."</span> He says, the feed going dark.
<span class="father">"This is not why I sent you to Starwatch. I'd understand your desire to explore and fool around if you were at least putting in the effort to do more than the standard. For now, and at least until I can make the time to visit and discuss… this development with you in person, try not to rock the boat too much more. There will be a limit placed on your access to the family funds."</span> His statement is somehow both harsher and gentler than you expected it to be, and the most painful part of it is how the entire thing is delivered in a coldly neutral voice, that doesn't reveal if he's angry or not.
Nodding at the screen, you start to respond, and instead he shakes his head. <span class="father">"Not now. We'll talk later."</span> He says as the screen goes dark.
Hitting the accept option of the call, you are unsurprised to see the Alliance encryption program running. A vaguely human shape appears on the screen, tilting its head a few degrees as it sees you.
<span class="father">"I'm glad you're awake already."</span> While the image may be obscured, the voice is definitely that of your dad. There's warmth hidden in those steel edged words, and you know that while it would be hard to say you have a warm relationship with him, your father has always done his best to support you.
Smiling at the screen, you return a greeting, knowing that while the encryption prevents you from seeing him, he can see you clearly. A few minutes of idle chatter pass, as you wait for your dad to get to the topic he called you for.
<span class="father">"I'm sorry it took so long for me to call you back."</span> He says, finally reaching the reason why he called. <span class="father">"As you've probably guessed from the active encryption, I'm in an active conflict zone, so my time is quite limited these days. The rebels grow more and more bold, and we've been seeing signs of outside collaboration."</span> He pauses, his head moving enough for you to tell that something off screen has grabbed his attention.
When he looks back to you, you can detect a subtle shift in attitude, and he brings the conversation to a close.
<span class="father">"The academy says you've been performing well so far. Keep it up, alright?"</span> He pauses, clearly hesitant to say more before finally making his mind up. <span class="father">"Your mother would be so proud of you if she could see you now."</span> The feed from him vibrates slightly, and you swear you can hear the hum of an accelerator cannon fire in the background.
<span class="father">"I have to go now, I'll call you in a day or two."</span> The call ends, leaving you staring at a blank screen. You take a moment to ponder if he'll be alright, before banishing the thought of anything bad happening to him from your mind. He is the cruiser commander who managed to outfight three battleships alone to defend Earth after all.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Intro_Day4_Morning_Wardrobe">><</slink>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/academy/mc_apartment/apartment_day.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
Finished with your breakfast, and contemplating what to do with yourself before the orientation class of the day, you weigh up your options. You don't have enough time to make a trip to most of the places you've already been worthwhile, except perhaps the gym. Alternatively, you could take the morning off in a manner of speaking, and just relax in your room until it's time to head for the class. Either way, you need to get dressed first.
<<if starGame.player.getFact('malestart') is true and starGame.npcs.getFact('orientation_d3_evening_curiescene_accept') is true>>\
The wardrobe doors open automatically as you approach them, a mirror being revealed alongside your neatly stored academy uniforms and casual clothes, and you pause as you realize all the clothes stored inside are meant and sized for your usual male body.
A beep at the door indicates the arrival of one of Eva's drones, and as you turn to see what's being delivered, you can feel a wave of relief pass through you. Anticipating your needs, Eva's already arranged for a female uniform and casual wear to be delivered, and you watch as the drone carefully lays its package of clothing out on the counter.
<span class="eva">"It should be the correct size."</span> The AI's voice says, a hint of amusement in its tone. <span class="eva">"I took the liberty of measuring you while you slept. Did you know that you have a tendency to sleep talk?"</span>
Dismissing the AI's words with a smile and a shake of your head, you get dressed quickly, admiring the way the form fitting uniform looks on you.
Dressed and ready for the day, you take a seat on your couch while you decide your next course of action. As before, you could have a gym session, or you could take a break for once, watching some videos to pass the time. Either way, you have some time to kill and no prior obligations.
An incidental glance into the mirror reminds you that you don't look like yourself, and you make a mental note to not greet people you've met as if you've already met, if you do decide to go out.
/% Not transformed or is not originally female %/\
<<if starGame.player.getFact('malestart') is true>>\
The wardrobe doors open automatically as you approach them, a mirror being revealed alongside your neatly stored academy uniforms and casual clothes, and with a smile you grab one of the standard male uniforms, dressing quickly and admiring the way it compliments your frame as you do.
The wardrobe doors open automatically as you approach them, a mirror being revealed alongside your neatly stored academy uniforms and casual clothes, and with a smile you grab one of the standard female uniforms, dressing quickly and admiring the way it shows off your body as you do.
Dressed and ready for the day, you take a seat on your couch while you decide your next course of action. As before, you could have a gym session, or you could take a break for once, watching some videos to pass the time. Either way, you have some time to kill and no prior obligations.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Go to gym" "Intro_Day4_Morning_Gym">>
<<playerFactSet "orientation_d4_morning_gym" true>>
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('orientation_d3_evening_curiescene_accept') is true>>
<<playerFactSet "orientation_d4_morning_gym_modded" true>>
<<slink "Chill at home" "Intro_Day4_Morning_Chill">><<playerFactSet "orientation_d4_morning_chill" true>><</slink>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/academy/mc_apartment/apartment_day.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('orientation_d3_evening_curiescene_accept') is true>>\
Deciding to wait for the modification to wear off before going into public, you get comfortable on the couch, asking Eva to dim the room and send up some snacks while you select the newest season of Space Battles to watch. An affirming beep from the AI answers you, and you pass the morning in the comfortable seclusion of your room.
Later on, a beep from your watch grabs your attention, and as you look down at your wrist, you're somewhat surprised to see a message from Curie.
<span class="curie">"I hope you're not too far away from privacy in public. That mod should start to wear off in the next ten to fifteen minutes."</span> Signed off with a winking emoji, you feel a moment of panic course through you.\
<<if starGame.player.getFact('malestart') is true>>
Safely in your room already, you strip down, taking a last look at your temporary boobs and female body. You feel yourself get heavier and taller, and as you watch yourself in the mirror from where you feel, you see your breasts return to the muscular pecs that you had before. A few excruciating seconds pass as pleasure runs through your body, and you find yourself staring at your usual masculine frame in the mirror.
<<elseif starGame.player.getFact('transstart') is true>>
Safely in your room already, you strip down, taking a last look at your enlarged boobs and penis. A sudden shiver of pleasure runs through you, and as you watch your dick start to harden, you notice that it's shrinking rapidly back to its normal size. Each twitch is accompanied by a wave of pleasure, and as the waves of pleasure slowly die down, you find yourself staring at your usual feminine body. You take a few minutes to wait for any after effects to show themselves, but eventually you have to admit that you're fully back to normal.
Safely in your room already, you strip down, taking a last look at your temporary penis. A sudden shiver of pleasure runs through you, and as you watch your dick start to harden, you notice that it's shrinking rapidly. Each twitch is accompanied by more of it being absorbed back into your body, and as the waves of pleasure slowly die down, you find yourself staring at your usual feminine body. You take a few minutes to wait for any after effects to show themselves, but eventually you have to admit that you're fully back to normal.
Stepping into the shower to clean off the sweat that had erupted from your body, you spend a short while ensuring that everything works the way it should. A pleasurable encounter with the shower head later, and you're busy getting dressed again when Eva talks to you.
<span class="eva">"Twenty minutes until the next class. No need to rush, you have plenty of time but you do need to start getting ready to leave now if you want to be appropriately punctual."</span>
Her voice has a trace of amusement in it, and you give a wry smile to the empty room in return.
/% Not transformed %/\
Deciding to pass the morning leisurely, you ask Eva to dim the room, and put on a series you've wanted to watch for a while. As the intro credits roll, you get comfortable on the couch and ask Eva to have a drone deliver some snacks to enjoy while you binge watch the new season of Space Battles.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Go to class" "Intro_Day4_Morning_Class">>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/gym1.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/diane/expressions/neutral_gym.webp"/>
Deciding that a healthy mind needs a healthy body, you make your way to the gym. The facility itself is quite busy today, and you accept that you'll need to skip doing cardio on one of the normal machines due to the demand for them. Seeing that one of the punching bags is open, you make your way over, deciding that you might as well get some good old fashioned arm work in. As you reach it however, you notice you're not the only person who had been aiming for it.
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('diane_intro_sex') is not undefined>>\
/% Interacted with Diane on day 1 %/\
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('diane_intro_sex') is true>>\
<span class="diane">"Hey lover <<if starGame.player.getFact('malestart') is true>>boy<<else>>girl<</if>>. I was wondering when you'd come looking for me."</span> Diane says as she pokes you gently. <span class="diane">"Want to get a workout in before doing some cardio?"</span> She asks you with a sly smile on her face, finishing the sentence with a wink.
/% If you turned her down you have negative affinity %/\
<span class="diane">"Oh, it's you. The noble from the elevator. Think you're too high and mighty to share a bag with a workout partner?"</span> Diane says as she recognizes you from your original meeting a few days ago. Her body language tells you that she's not happy to see you, but she did still offer to share the workout equipment regardless.
/% Didn't interact with Diane on day 1 %/\
Looking at the person who reached the punching bag at the same time as you, you see an attractive and fit young woman, whose gym apparel does nothing to hide her toned body. She flashes you a smile.\
<<if starGame.player.getFact('malestart') is true and starGame.npcs.getFact('orientation_d3_evening_curiescene_accept') is true>>
<span class="diane">"Names Diane. You new on campus?"</span> Her voice is a little rough, probably the result of a warm up session. <span class="diane">"We can share the bag if you want. Take turns and help each other out. The Gym is busier than normal, so it's probably a good choice if you want to get some work done."</span>
<span class="diane">"Names Diane. I think I've seen you around campus before."</span> Her voice is a little rough, probably the result of a warm up session. <span class="diane">"We can share the bag if you want. Take turns and help each other out. The Gym is busier than normal, so it's probably a good choice if you want to get some work done."</span>
Introducing yourself in turn, you're caught slightly off guard when she fist bumps you instead of offering the normal handshake. <span class="diane">"It's a gym, not a ballroom hall."</span> She says with a laugh when she sees your expression.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Share Bag" "Intro_Day4_Morning_Gym_ShareBag">>
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('diane_intro_sex') is not true>>
<<snotify "info">>Diane liked that.<</snotify>>
<<npcStatIncrease "diane_affinity" 10>>
<<npcFactSet "orientation_d4_morning_gym_sharebag" true>>
<<addtocodex "Diane" "met_diane">>
<<slink "Don't Share Bag" "Intro_Day4_Morning_Gym_NoShareBag">>
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('diane_intro_sex') is not true>>
<<snotify "info">>Diane did not like that.<</snotify>>
<<npcStatDecrease "diane_affinity" 10>>
<<npcFactSet "orientation_d4_morning_gym_sharebag" false>>
<<addtocodex "Diane" "met_diane">>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/gym1.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/diane/expressions/happy_gym.webp"/>
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('diane_intro_sex') is true>>\
/% Had sex with Diane on day 1 %/\
Deciding to share the bag, you and Diane take turns bracing it for each other. When you strike the bag, Diane helps you improve your form, her hands lingering on you longer than they need to. When you brace the bag for her, you make light-hearted comments. Soon enough, thirty or so minutes pass, and Diane mentions it's time to let someone else use the bag.
As the two of you clean up, Diane leans in closer than she needs to. <span class="diane">"I think I could use a shower."</span> She says breathily in your ear.
<<elseif starGame.npcs.getFact('orientation_d3_evening_curiescene_accept') is true>>\
/% Modded route %/\
<<if starGame.player.getFact('malestart') is true or starGame.player.getFact('transstart') is true>>\
Throughout your session with Diane at the punching bag, you notice she keeps giving you sidelong glances out of the corner of her eye. As the two of you start to wrap up your training session she puts a hand on your chest, stopping you from leaving with a gentle yet firm touch.
<span class="diane">"You're currently under the effects of a pretty intensive body mod aren't you?"</span> She doesn't give you time to answer, running a suddenly lusty gaze across your body.
<span class="diane">"Want to give me a tour of it in private?"</span> She asks, her breathy whisper making it clear what she has in mind.
Throughout your session with Diane at the punching bag, you notice she keeps giving you sidelong glances out of the corner of her eye. As the two of you start to wrap up your training session she puts a hand on your chest, stopping you from leaving with a gentle yet firm touch.
<span class="diane">"You're body modded with a dick right now aren't you?"</span> She doesn't give you time to answer or react, leaning in close. <span class="diane">"There's a clear bulge showing that you don't know how to hide it properly yet. How about you let me take a look at it and see the quality of the mod?"</span> She says in a flirty whisper, making it clear what she wants from you.
/% Normal or didn't have sex with Diane on day 1 %/
Deciding to share the bag, you and Diane take turns bracing it for each other. When you strike the bag, she offers tips on how to improve your form and posture, and when you brace for her, you make light hearted comments and conversation. Soon enough, thirty minutes or so pass, and Diane mentions that it's time to let someone else use the bag.
Smiling as you clean up, your increased heart rate making you feel good, you're surprised by Diane slapping your ass as you walk past her. <span class="diane">"Next time you need a workout partner, come find me."</span> She says with a wink and a laugh as she moves onto her next piece of gym equipment.
Given that the gym is still chaotically full, you decide to leave for now considering what else you could do with your day.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('diane_intro_sex') is true>>
<<slink "Catch the hint" "Intro_Day4_Morning_Gym_AcceptSex">><<npcFactSet "orientation_d4_morning_gym_dianesex" true>><</slink>>
<<slink "Not today" "Intro_Day4_Morning_Gym_RefuseSex">>
<<npcFactSet "orientation_d4_morning_gym_dianesex" false>>
<<snotify "info">>Diane liked that.<</snotify>>
<<npcStatIncrease "diane_affinity" 5>>
<<elseif starGame.npcs.getFact('orientation_d3_evening_curiescene_accept') is true>>
<<slink "Accept" "Intro_Day4_Morning_Gym_AcceptSex">><<npcFactSet "orientation_d4_morning_gym_dianesex" true>><</slink>>
<<slink "Refuse" "Intro_Day4_Morning_Gym_RefuseSex">><<npcFactSet "orientation_d4_morning_gym_dianesex" false>><</slink>>
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('orientation_d3_evening_curiescene_accept') is true>>
<<slink "Go home" "Intro_Day4_Morning_Gym_Transformed_Aftermath">><</slink>>
<<slink "Go to class" "Intro_Day4_Morning_Class">><</slink>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/gym1.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/diane/expressions/neutral_gym.webp"/>
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('diane_intro_sex') is true>>\
Smiling at Diane, you tell her that you're not quite interested in the gym when it's so full. You start to express your interest at what she meant by cardio, but are quickly cut off by her instead. <span class="diane">"I've got a scholarship to maintain, sweetie. We can talk another time if you're not going to exercise with me."</span> She says, turning towards the bag. As she hits it with a fist, you take a second to admire her figure. Catching you looking, she sticks her tongue out at you before wiggling her ass lightly. <span class="diane">"Scram. We can have fun another time."</span> She says playfully.
Waving her off, you explain that the gym is too busy for your taste at the moment, and that you'll let her have the bag. A raised eyebrow answers your statement, and you can almost feel the disappointment radiating from her. After a moment she shrugs, turning away from you and placing her attention fully on the punching bag.
As you move to leave the gym, you hear the first impact of her fist against the bag, and take a moment to be glad it's not you.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('orientation_d3_evening_curiescene_accept') is true>>
<<slink "Go home" "Intro_Day4_Morning_Gym_Transformed_Aftermath">><</slink>>
<<slink "Go to class" "Intro_Day4_Morning_Class">><</slink>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/gym1.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/diane/expressions/neutral_gym.webp"/>
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('diane_intro_sex') is true>>\
Smiling at Diane, you tell her that you're not quite interested in the gym when it's so full. You start to express your interest at what she meant by cardio, but are quickly cut off by her instead. <span class="diane">"I've got a scholarship to maintain, sweetie. We can talk another time if you're not going to exercise with me."</span> She says, turning towards the bag.
As she hits it with a fist, you take a second to admire her figure. Catching you looking, she sticks her tongue out at you before wiggling her ass lightly. <span class="diane">"Scram. We can have fun another time."</span> She says playfully.
Waving her off, you explain that the gym is too busy for your taste at the moment, and that you'll let her have the bag. A raised eyebrow answers your statement, and you can almost feel the disappointment radiating from her. After a moment she shrugs, turning away from you and placing her attention fully on the punching bag.
As you move to leave the gym, you hear the first impact of her fist against the bag, and take a moment to be glad it's not you.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('orientation_d3_evening_curiescene_accept') is true>>
<<slink "Go home" "Intro_Day4_Morning_Gym_Transformed_Aftermath">><</slink>>
<<slink "Go to class" "Intro_Day4_Morning_Class">><</slink>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/gym1.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/diane/expressions/happy_gym.webp"/>
You smile at her, deciding you're not about to miss this opportunity. <span class="hero">"Your place or mine?"</span> You ask softly, thinking about how busy the gym is as a sign you'll have to go elsewhere. Instead Diane gives you a mischievous wink, as she pulls out a gym card for you to look at.
"Assistant Instructor Diane"
You read on the card, realizing what's about to happen. Allowing Diane to lead you towards the staff room, you walk through the door she opens like it's the most natural thing in the world. Inside you are caught slightly off guard when you see another toned and fit woman lounging on a couch, reading a magazine.
She raises an eyebrow at Diane when she sees you, before speaking. <span class="npc1">"That's rude, I'm reading in here away from the noise."</span> She says, before Diane cuts her off.
<span class="diane">"You can watch if you'll shut up about it."</span> Diane says to the other instructor, dragging you towards the couch.
Before you can say anything about it, Diane's got her tongue in your mouth, her hands running down to your shirt. Out of the corner of your eye, you can see the instructor put her magazine down, changing her position to slide a hand between her own legs while she watches the two of you.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Intro_Day4_Morning_Gym_AcceptSex2">><</slink>>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<saudio "bgm_sex1" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.25>>
<<if starGame.player.isMale()>>
<<if starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'black'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/diane/scenes/vaginal/m_black_riding.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'tan'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/diane/scenes/vaginal/m_tan_riding.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/diane/scenes/vaginal/m_fair_riding.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.isShemale()>>
<<if starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'black'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/diane/scenes/vaginal/s_black_riding.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'tan'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/diane/scenes/vaginal/s_tan_riding.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/diane/scenes/vaginal/s_fair_riding.webp"/>
<<if starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'black'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/diane/scenes/vaginal/f_black_riding.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'tan'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/diane/scenes/vaginal/f_tan_riding.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/diane/scenes/vaginal/f_fair_riding.webp"/>
<<if starGame.player.isShemale() or starGame.player.isMale()>>\
/% Male or Futa scene %/\
Pushing Diane off you long enough to strip, you quickly forget about the spectator as Diane shoves you onto the couch, climbing over you with a cocky smile. <span class="diane">"I've needed this."</span> She says as she straddles you, a hand on your chest stopping you from moving. <span class="diane">"Just lie there and let me do my thing."</span>
As she rubs her pussy against you, you can feel how wet she is already, and the sensations of the contact sends a shiver through your skin. Raising your hips slightly, aiming to press your cock against her, you're slightly surprised as she lifts her own hips, evading your touch. She wags a finger at you.
<span class="diane">"Now now, what did I just say?"</span> She reprimands you, the hand on your chest applying pressure to stop you from following the movements of her body. Out of the corner of your eye you can see that your audience has shed their own pants, their fingers teasing their own pussy while they stare at Diane and you.
Turning your attention back to the muscular girl holding you down, you decide that two can play at this game. Feigning surrender, you stop resisting for a moment, allowing Diane to resume teasing you, the gentle contact between her wet cunt and your hard dick driving your desire through the roof. Diane lets out a moan as a particularly long movement leaves her panting, reminding you that her body mods leave her particularly sensitive to pleasure. Taking advantage of the momentary distraction, you slip free of her attempt to pin you down, bucking her off of you and onto the couch.
/% Female %/\
Diane pushes you onto the couch, stripping you quickly before she strips herself. Forgetting that you're being watched, you let out a moan as Diane climbs over you, rubbing her pussy against yours. She pushes you against the couch as she rubs against you, effectively pinning you in place for the moment.
<span class="diane">"That's the spot. Don't move, just lie there and let me use you."</span> She says huskily, slowly teasing you with the contact between your legs. As you respond to the contact, trying to move your clit to where it'll be affected most, Diane tuts down at you. <span class="diane">"Didn't I just say to lie still?"</span> She scolds as she moves away from your attempt to touch her, relying on her position to keep you pinned down and helpless for the moment.
As she teases you with light contact and a smirk on her face, you see the other instructor pulling her own pants down, her fingers between her legs as she watches you and Diane intently. A sudden moan from your partner draws your attention back to her, and you feel her body press tighter against yours for a moment. Starting to feel frustrated at the constant teasing, you wait for a good moment to turn the tables on Diane, feigning submission for the moment.
It doesn't take long for your moment to come, as Diane suddenly tells the spectating instructor to fetch a strapon for her, and you smile to yourself as Diane lowers her guard, taking your current lack of resistance to be complete obedience to her. As she lifts her weight off of you, so that you can be equipped with the strap, you pull free from her grasp, pinning her face down into the couch. The other instructor gives you an unexpected kiss on the neck as she tightens the toy around your waist, and before you can be caught off guard by it, your focus is drawn back to Diane struggling to get free.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Intro_Day4_Morning_Gym_AcceptSex3">><</slink>>
<<if starGame.player.isMale()>>
<<if starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'black'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/diane/scenes/vaginal/m_black_pinned.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'tan'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/diane/scenes/vaginal/m_tan_pinned.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/diane/scenes/vaginal/m_fair_pinned.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.isShemale()>>
<<if starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'black'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/diane/scenes/vaginal/s_black_pinned.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'tan'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/diane/scenes/vaginal/s_tan_pinned.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/diane/scenes/vaginal/s_fair_pinned.webp"/>
<<if starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'black'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/diane/scenes/vaginal/f_black_pinned.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'tan'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/diane/scenes/vaginal/f_tan_pinned.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/diane/scenes/vaginal/f_fair_pinned.webp"/>
<<if starGame.player.isShemale() or starGame.player.isMale()>>\
/% Male or Futa scene %/\
Stopping her from turning to face you by holding her by the back of her neck, you take a moment to appreciate her figure from this angle, before giving her a spank across the ass, pulling her up onto her knees with your grip on her neck. She squirms futilely, your hold on her preventing her from breaking free, and as you run a finger between her lips, she lets out a muffled moan.
Deciding that there's been more than enough foreplay, you slide yourself inside her, the rewarding moans accompanied with a sudden lack of resistance telling you the easiest way to keep Diane under control. You take a moment to tease her, slowly pulling out of her, and just as she's able to adjust to it, you start thrusting hard and fast, pushing her down into the couch with each thrust.
Motion from the side draws your attention again, and you smile as you see the other instructor fucking herself with a dildo, her attention never leaving you and Diane as she watches you fuck the cocky tomboy into submission. The combination of the tight cunt around your dick, and the watching instructor is suddenly too much for your body, and you pull Diane harder onto your dick, the sudden movement sending her into orgasm as you cum inside her.
Pulling out of her, you give her a final slap on the ass, a muffled moan coming from her as she lies panting on the couch. Winking at the other instructor who's busy reaching an orgasm of her own, you head into the shower to clean up, feeling like you've had a decent workout today after all.
/% Female %/\
Pushing her into the couch with your grip on her neck, you decide to teach the cocky tomboy a lesson, and as you line the strapon up with her wet and dripping cunt, you see the other instructor reclaim her spot on a nearby seat, watching both of you as she slides a dildo into herself. The strapon simulates your clit as you thrust into Diane, and as she lets out a muffled moan, you feel your own orgasm beginning to build.
Fucking her with hard, fast strokes, you drive her into the couch below you, thoroughly forcing her to surrender to you as pleasure overtakes her body. A whimpering moan from the watching instructor tells you that you and Diane aren't the only ones on the edge of an orgasm, and as you give a final thrust into the girl below you, all three of you moan in unison as you reach climax. Pulling yourself off of Diane, you give her a final slap across the ass, winking at the panting instructor as you make your way to the showers to clean up.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('orientation_d3_evening_curiescene_accept') is true>>
<<slink "Go home" "Intro_Day4_Morning_Gym_Transformed_Aftermath">>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<saudio "bgm_heleus" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.25>>
<<slink "Go to class" "Intro_Day4_Morning_Class_Late">>
<<playerFactSet "orientation_d4_morning_class_late" true>>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<saudio "bgm_heleus" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.25>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/academy/mc_apartment/apartment_day.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
As you leave the Gym, a beep from your watch grabs your attention, and as you look down at your wrist, you're somewhat surprised to see a message from Curie.
<span class="curie">"I hope you're not too far away from privacy in public. That mod should start to wear off in the next ten to fifteen minutes."</span> Signed off with a winking emoji, you feel a moment of panic course through you.
Swearing softly to yourself, you start walking towards your dorm room, trying to tread the fine line between moving with purpose and panicking. The elevator ride feels like it lasts an eternity, and as you enter your room, you are hit with a wave of pleasure, seconds after the door closes.
/% Male or female %/\
<<if starGame.player.getFact('femalestart') is true>>\
You let out a sigh of relief as you realize you made it home before embarrassing yourself in public. The feeling is short lived however, as waves of pleasure assault you, and as you hurriedly strip down, you are surprised to see that with each wave of pleasure your temporary penis is shrinking, slowly being reabsorbed into you.
Soon you find yourself looking at your usual feminine body, and as you wait for any side effects to show themselves, you step into the shower, planning on freshening up from your gym session. A pleasurable encounter with the shower head later, and you're busy getting dressed again when Eva talks to you.
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('orientation_d4_morning_gym_dianesex') is true>>\
<span class="eva">"Five minutes until the next class. Even if you rush now, you're still going to be late."</span> You think you can detect a tinge of disappointment in her voice, but you dismiss it for now. Rushing out of your dorm room, you make your way towards the orientation class.
<span class="eva">"Twenty minutes until the next class. No need to rush, you have plenty of time but you do need to start getting ready to leave now if you want to be appropriately punctual."</span> Her voice has a trace of amusement in it, and you give a wry smile to the empty room in return.
<<elseif starGame.player.getFact('transstart') is true>>
You let out a sigh of relief as you realize you made it home before embarrassing yourself in public. The feeling is short lived however, as waves of pleasure assault you, and as you hurriedly strip down, you are surprised to see that with each wave of pleasure your enlarged breasts and penis are shrinking back to their normal size.
Soon you find yourself looking at your usual feminine body, and as you wait for any side effects to show themselves, you step into the shower, planning on freshening up from your gym session. A pleasurable encounter with the shower head later, and you're busy getting dressed again when Eva talks to you.
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('orientation_d4_morning_gym_dianesex') is true>>\
<span class="eva">"Five minutes until the next class. Even if you rush now, you're still going to be late."</span> You think you can detect a tinge of disappointment in her voice, but you dismiss it for now. Rushing out of your dorm room, you make your way towards the orientation class.
<span class="eva">"Twenty minutes until the next class. No need to rush, you have plenty of time but you do need to start getting ready to leave now if you want to be appropriately punctual."</span> Her voice has a trace of amusement in it, and you give a wry smile to the empty room in return.
Swearing to yourself, you decide to throw decorum to the wind, realizing that if you don't make it to your room in time you're going to return to your normal size and build in public, very likely ripping the smaller female uniform you're already wearing. Taking a fast paced jog back, you start undoing the uniform in the elevator, hoping that no one decides to hop into it before you can get to safety.
The door slides shut behind you as you feel the first wave of pleasure and itches running through your body. Ripping your clothes off as fast as you can, you can't stop yourself from collapsing helplessly to the floor as your body returns to normal. You feel yourself get heavier and taller, and as you watch yourself in the mirror from where you feel, you see your breasts return to the muscular pecs that you had before. A few excruciating seconds pass as pleasure runs through your body, and you find yourself staring at your usual masculine frame in the mirror. Taking a few moments to carefully inspect it for any side effects, you decide to take a quick shower to wash off the sweat from the gym session.
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('orientation_d4_morning_gym_dianesex') is true>>\
<span class="eva">"Five minutes until the next class. May I suggest leaving your erection alone for the moment and hurrying so that you don't miss it entirely?"</span> There's a degree of cheekiness in her voice that you didn't expect, but you decide to ignore it for the moment as you quickly throw some clothes on and leave the room, making a beeline for the orientation hall.
<span class="eva">"Twenty minutes to orientation class."</span> Eva says suddenly while you're still in the shower. The unexpected shock of hearing someone talk to you while you're in the shower aside, you let out a sigh of relief as you realize you're fully back to normal. A short, pleasurable shower session later, and you find yourself getting dressed so you can head to class. As your dorm room door closes behind you, you run a hand through your hair before setting off.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('orientation_d4_morning_gym_dianesex') is true>>
<<slink "Go to class" "Intro_Day4_Morning_Class_Late">>
<<playerFactSet "orientation_d4_morning_class_late" true>>
<<slink "Go to class" "Intro_Day4_Morning_Class">>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/academy/classroom.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
The trip to the orientation class is uneventful, and as you draw near, you're surprised to see that the hall is split into three sections. For now, most of the cadets are congregating near the stage, and as you move to join them you notice there are a few third and fourth years attending today.
Moving through the crowd of students, you take a position near the front of the hall, intent on not missing any information for the class today. Soon after your arrival, the instructor on the stage checks their watch and gives a nod.
<span class="officer">"Cadets, gather up."</span> The instructor's voice rings out clear even without anything to help boost it. <span class="officer">"Today is extramural day. Behind you are three different clubs, hosted by your seniors. Before the end of class today, you need to pick one of the three to join."</span>
The instructor pauses for effect, their eyes sparkling as they watch the crowd of cadets in front of them in silence. Right as everyone seems about to turn to go, they speak again.
<span class="officer">"First, we have the Culture club. This group likes to watch movies, debate topics and perform plays. If you see any cadets with a red rose pin in their collar, they're a member of the culture club. If you're interested in that group, go speak to the third years on the left."</span>
<span class="officer">"Next, is the Technology club! Learn to build a robot, make a holodeck program or just nerd out over the latest tech with your peers. These cadets often wear a green pin that resembles an on off switch from the past."</span>
<span class="officer">"And last but not least, the physical club. A group of cadets that have bought into the healthy body, healthy mind belief. You'll share gym tips, learn self-defense, and go on hikes! This group reveals themselves with the blue armband they often wear outside of classes."</span> The instructor pauses for a moment before continuing. <span class="officer">"Oh, and the Physical club also makes up the bulk of the discipline committee. That's it. You have one hour to pick a club, the day is yours after you've handed your selection form in."</span>
The instructor sits back down in a chair, leisurely watching the students as they burst into action, crossing the hall and approaching the different senior cadets to join the clubs.
Turning and contemplating your options, you realize from a glance at the other cadets of your year, that even though you should have plenty of time to speak to members from all three clubs, there are enough other cadets trying to do the same thing that you will only have time to pick and join one club from the start if you want to be done within the time limit.
<<include Intro_Day4_Morning_Class_Choice>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/academy/classroom.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
Entering the orientation hall in a rush, you frown as you notice that you have indeed arrived late, and as you nearly run towards the gathering of cadets near the stage, you hear the instructor's words.
<span class="officer">"Oh, and the Physical club also makes up the bulk of the discipline committee. That's it. You have one hour to pick a club, the day is yours after you've handed your selection form in."</span>
You feel a moment of dismay as the instructor takes a seat, relaxing as the rest of the students come to life, separating themselves and moving off to investigate different clubs. You falter for a moment, before one of the assistant instructors notices you. As she approaches you with a kind smile, you straighten your uniform, trying to make yourself look presentable.
<span class="officer2">"What's wrong cadet?"</span> The assistant asks as she draws near, and you're forced to explain how you were late to arrive, catching only the end of the instructor's speech. Her smile is quickly replaced by a frown, and with a small shake of her head she lets out a sigh.
<span class="officer2">"Culture over there, Technology over there, Physical down there. Pick a club and submit the selection form before the hour passes."</span> She says, giving you an extremely stripped down version of the speech the main instructor gave the rest of the punctual students.
Turning and contemplating your options, you realize from a glance at the other cadets of your year, that even though you should have plenty of time to speak to members from all three clubs, there are enough other cadets trying to do the same thing that you will only have time to pick and join one club from the start if you want to be done within the time limit.
<<include Intro_Day4_Morning_Class_Choice>>\<<nobr>>
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Culture" "Intro_Day4_Morning_Class_Choice_Culture">><<playerFactSet "club" "culture">><</slink>>
<<slink "Technology" "Intro_Day4_Morning_Class_Choice_Technology">><<playerFactSet "club" "technology">><</slink>>
<<slink "Physical" "Intro_Day4_Morning_Class_Choice_Physical">><<playerFactSet "club" "physical">><</slink>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/classroom.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/jaime/expressions/happy_uniform.webp"/>
Walking over to the gathering of cadets that make up those trying to join the Culture club, you notice straight away that there are distinctly more women applying to this club than either of the other two. As you arrive, one of the third years waves you over, and when you arrive in front of her she flashes you an easy smile as she holds out a form to you.
<span class="officer2">"Questions?"</span> She asks simply, and you shake your head, having already decided that you would pick this club to join.
<span class="officer2">"Excellent, follow me while you fill the form out."</span> She says as she turns and guides you to a smaller group of first year cadets, evidently the ones that had already made their decision before you arrived.
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('orientation_thomasandjaime_met') is true>>\
/% Met Jaime on Day 2 %/\
As you approach the group of cadets that have joined the Culture club, you're not surprised to see Jaime's familiar face in the group. Just as you've seen her, she's spotted you and quickly moves towards you.
<span class="jaime">"It's been a while, I trust you've been well?"</span> She greets you with a curtsy, and you perform a small bow back out of habit. In the back of your mind, you're aware of how the other cadets have fallen silent and are watching you and Jaime now, and the third year that was guiding you claps her hands together with a laugh.
<span class="officer2">"Fantastic. We have our first year captains. It will be a friendly rivalry and romance between cadet Jaime and cadet $character_lastName."</span> The third year calls out, and before you or Jaime can say anything, she starts to divide the other students between the two of you. Jaime leans over and gives you an apologetic smile.
<span class="jaime">"I didn't think that would happen. I was just excited to not be in a group of strangers."</span> She says, and while there's a faint blush of embarrassment on her face, you can't help but notice how her eyes sparkle with excitement.
/% Didn't met Jaime on Day2 %/\
As you approach the group of cadets, you're somewhat disappointed to see that there are no familiar faces in the crowd before you. As you reach the group, the third year you're following suddenly hits you with a mischievous gaze.
<span class="officer2">"Alright, everyone say hello to cadet $character_lastName. They'll be one of the two captains of the first years for the club."</span> You freeze, suddenly thrust into the spotlight unexpectedly. Regaining your composure you give a bow, acting out of instinct, and a few members of the group cheer. Relaxing slightly you turn to question the third year and are cut off as she continues to speak.
<span class="officer2">"And their rival captain will be… cadet Jaime!"</span> A fragile looking woman emerges from the crowd, her pale skin and dark hair offsetting each other in a way that makes it hard to take your eyes off of her once you see her. <span class="officer2">"Will it be a daring tale of enemies to lovers, or will it simply be an extramural rivalry?"</span> You and Jaime both move to protest the way the third year is suggesting things about your relationship with each other, but she continues as if you're both muted. She quickly divides up the rest of the first years up between the two of you.
As you and Jaime look at your groups and each other, a different third year from the one that had divided you both approaches. <span class="officer">"Fantastic, I see we've got groups and leaders already. Fill out your forms, mark the correct cadet as your captain and hand the forms to the instructor on the stage. You have one week before the next time the club meets up. For the next meeting, prepare a debate topic covering the ongoing rebellion against the Alliance. One group will advocate for the rebels and one will advocate against them."</span> The third year waits for a moment before deciding that there are no questions coming.
<span class="officer">"Dismissed. Have a good day further, cadets."</span>
As the cadets around you move off to finish filling in their forms and hand them in, Jaime shoots you a smile. <span class="jaime">"Let's meet on Monday to decide who's arguing for what in the upcoming debate? I'll buy the food."</span> She says, and for a moment you decide that there are far worse choices to be your rival in this. Confirming you'll be there, you trade contact details with her, and head off to hand your own selection form in.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Intro_Day4_Morning_Class_End">>
<<addtocodex "Jaime" "met_jaime">>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/classroom.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/letho/expressions/happy_uniform.webp"/>
Heading towards the technology club, you note that even from a distance, the applicants for this club are all men, a majority of them on the heavier side. You're actually somewhat surprised that the third year cadets handing out forms for the club are women, as there's not a single female cadet from your year applying for it.
Drawing near, one of the third years holds out a form to you, and with a somewhat tired smile she raises an eyebrow at you. Understanding the unspoken question, you just nod back at her, and she gives you a warmer, more genuine smile in return. <span class="officer2">"Follow me, the others that have decided already are over here."</span>
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('orientation_letho_met') is true>>\
/% Met Letho on Day 2 %/\
Following the third year to a smaller group of cadets, you have a small jumpscare moment as you turn your head slightly and see Letho right next to you. Luckily you manage to prevent yourself from flinching, and when Letho notices you've seen him he flashes you a shy smile.
<span class="letho">"I thought I wouldn't know anyone in this club, I'm glad you're also joining."</span> You can't help but smile at the introverted cadet, and as the two of you reach the rest of the group, the third year guiding you whistles to catch everyone's attention.
<span class="officer2">"I'll pair you up with a team mate now, and then one of the other seniors will tell you what the first assignment is. Any objections? No? Good. First, cadet Letho and cadet $character_lastName. Congrats you're a duo now, go stand over there."</span> Aside from the bored tone of voice, you can't help but smile as you watch the various cadets silenced by her style of speech.
Moving to the new, slowly forming group with Letho, you give him a reassuring smile.
/% Didn't met Letho on Day2 %/\
Following the third year to a smaller group of cadets, you have a small jumpscare moment as you turn your head slightly and see another cadet following you and the third year quietly. The timid looking boy gives you an apologetic smile, breaking eye contact as fast as they can. As you're about to greet the cadet, the third year starts to speak.
<span class="officer2">"I'll pair you up with a team mate now, and then one of the other seniors will tell you what the first assignment is. Any objections? No? Good. First, cadet Letho and cadet $character_lastName. Congrats you're a duo now, go stand over there."</span> Aside from the bored tone of voice, you can't help but smile as you watch the various cadets silenced by her style of speech.
Moving to the new, slowly forming group you turn to see who your partner is, and are only slightly surprised to see it's the introverted cadet from before. He seems to be stuck on trying to decide how to break the ice, so you take initiative. Extending your hand in a casual manner, you introduce yourself. You can practically see him relax, and as he gingerly shakes your hand, he completes the introductions.
<span class="letho">"Cadet Letho, I'll do my best to not make you look bad."</span> He says quietly, and you decide that he's not the worst teammate you could have.
An assistant instructor approaches the group of partnered up cadets and hits you all with a dazzling smile. <span class="officer">"Right, I see you've been partnered up and are ready. Next Thursday is our first meeting. Prepare either a drone blueprint or a holodeck program outline. The first session is just to make sure it's viable, not to arrive with a completed product. Any questions? No? Dismissed."</span>
You can't help but smile as you grab a form for yourself and Letho. At least you know that all of the seniors of this club are no nonsense and straight to the point. Letho clears his throat gently to grab your attention, and when you turn to look at him, he speaks.
<span class="letho">"I'm alright with either design choice, but I'd prefer to work on the drone. We can meet sometime next week to decide?"</span> He both states and asks at the same time, and you decide it's a reasonable enough course of action. Confirming you'll meet on Monday to decide what you're doing, you say your farewells as you head off to hand the form in.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Intro_Day4_Morning_Class_End">>
<<addtocodex "Letho" "met_letho">>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/classroom.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/edward/expressions/happy_uniform.webp"/>
You smile as you approach the cadets gathering for the physical club. At a glance it's roughly half men and half women, but more importantly, it's a healthy mix of fit and unfit cadets. As you draw near, a burly third year steps out in front of you. He offers his fist to bump, and when you return the gesture you get an approving nod from him. <span class="officer2">"Follow me. Newbies are over there."</span>
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('orientation_edwardandvalerie_met') is true>>\
/% Met Edward on Day 2 %/\
Following the burly cadet to the small group of people who have already decided to join, you're not surprised to see Edward at the center of attention. However, at your approach, you see him smile when he notices you. As he steps out of the crowd to greet you, the burly cadet puts an arm up between the two of you.
<span class="officer2">"Edward and $character_lastName, congrats on volunteering to be rival captains. Take opposite corners so I can assign teams."</span> You and Edward both freeze, caught off guard by the sudden interruption. Nonetheless, you both follow the instructions out of habit, and as you take positions opposite each other, the third year quickly divides up the remaining cadets into equal teams around you.
<span class="officer2">"Alright, that's it. See you guys next week thursday. Decide between yourselves if you want to play dodgeball or tug of war."</span> He gives a wave as he turns around and walks away from you and the rest of the first years.
Edward steps forward first. <span class="edward">"Give me some time to talk with my team, we'll decide on Monday what we're doing."</span> Nodding back, you turn to face your own team, and can't help but smile as unanimously confirm they'll follow your lead. Grabbing a form, you dismiss your squad and head to the instructor on the stage.
/% Didn't met Edward on Day2 %/\
As you follow the burly cadet to the small group of people who have already decided to join the club, you're caught off guard as he suddenly stops.
<span class="officer2">"You stand here."</span> He leaves you alone for a moment as he selects one other student from the gathered club and positions them opposite you. His actions have already grabbed everyone's attention and he simply starts to speak without any further buildup or lead in.
<span class="officer2">"Edward and $character_lastName, congrats on volunteering to be rival captains. Take opposite corners so I can assign teams."</span> You and Edward both freeze, caught off guard by the sudden interruption. Nonetheless, you both follow the instructions out of habit, and as you take positions opposite each other, the third year quickly divides up the remaining cadets into equal teams around you.
<span class="officer2">"Alright, that's it. See you guys next week on Thursday. Decide between yourselves if you want to play dodgeball or tug of war."</span> He gives a wave as he turns around and walks away from you and the rest of the first years.
Edward steps up first, extending a hand in greeting. <span class="edward">"Meet on Monday to discuss what our teams have decided?"</span> He asks as he trades contact details with you. Confirming the course of action, you turn to discuss with your team and a few moments pass as they confirm they'll follow your lead. Grabbing a form, you dismiss your squad and head to the instructor on the stage.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Intro_Day4_Morning_Class_End">>
<<addtocodex "Edward" "met_edward">>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/academy/classroom.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
<<if starGame.player.getFact('orientation_d4_morning_class_late') is true>>\
<span class="officer">"Have a good rest of the day cadet. Don't be late for one of my sessions again."</span> They say lazily as they add your form to a pile. You're somewhat surprised they noticed you arriving late, but you bow your head in apology anyway. Leaving the orientation hall, you start to plan the rest of the day with a small smile.
The instructor barely pays attention to you as they add your filled out form to a pile. <span class="officer">"Have a good rest of the day cadet."</span> They say lazily as they wave you away. Leaving the orientation hall, you start to plan the rest of your afternoon with a smile.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Leave Class" "Intro_Day4_Afternoon">>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/academy/atrium2.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
As you consider your choices, you watch the cadets in the area wander around. Seems like you're not the only one spoiled for choice on what to do with the afternoon.
<<include Intro_Day4_Afternoon_Choices>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/commons/arcade.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
<<if starGame.player.getFact('orientation_d3_arcade') is true >>\
Unlike your prior visit, you see that there are considerably more staff present this time, and a quick glance at one of the posters on the wall reveals that it's a double score day for members of the staff. Smiling as you see the drill instructor from a prior orientation day getting ready for a game of whack-a-mole, you turn your attention back to your choices.
Opting to spend some time relaxing at the Arcade, you make your way through the various groups of cadets and staff. A brisk walk later finds you at the entry to the Arcade, and as you enter, you see that while it's not quite as busy as one might expect, there aren't many choices open to you if you don't want to wait to use some of the machines.
A group of cadets and staff are clustered around a player vs player star-fighter game, and it looks like the current winner is calling out for a decent competitor to reveal themselves. You take note of the would be contenders appearance, and for a moment you can't help but stare as you realize she's wearing a skin tight flight suit that does nothing to hide her figure, and a mask to hide her face.
Alternatively, you could settle for playing one of the older machines that seems to be left alone for the most part. In a corner of the arcade you can see one of the rhythm based shooters from your youth is open, and a feeling of nostalgia rises within you as you recall how much time you've spent playing it before.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Competition" "Intro_Day4_Afternoon_Arcade_Competition">><<npcFactSet "orientation_d4_arcade_game" "competition">><</slink>>
<<slink "Relaxation" "Intro_Day4_Afternoon_Arcade_Relaxation">><<npcFactSet "orientation_d4_arcade_game" "relaxation">><</slink>>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<saudio "bgm_arcade" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.25>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/commons/arcade.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
Heading for the older machine, deciding to leave the competitive games for another day, you quickly get engrossed in a series of missions that rely on reflex and skill. At first you struggle with the game, not having played it for quite some time, however you soon get back into the swing of things and as you forge further and further into the session you find yourself needing to restart less and less.
As you finish off one of the bosses of the later stages, you suddenly notice that you're no longer alone at the machine, having drawn a small crowd of spectators yourself. Caught slightly off guard, you catch a bullet that you could easily have dodged, and a murmur of surprise goes through the crowd.
<span class="officer">"Alright, everyone give Cadet $character_lastName some space. Can't you see you're distracting them."</span> The drill instructor from a previous day's orientation calls out with an oddly warm smile on their face. <span class="officer">"Come on then, go again, give us a show."</span>
You had intended to try to finish the game anyway, so with a grin you start up another run.
As you glide through the levels, you find yourself in the zone quickly enough that you don't hear the spectators exchanging bets and trying to guess where you'll end. Sliding through a slew of enemy fire, you reach the final stage in record time, and as groans and cheers rise from the crowd around you, you face the final boss in a dramatic showdown.
Sparks fly and bullets ricochet around the arena. A few frame perfect dodges later and you are graced with the credits screen, as the drill instructor laughs long and loud at your victory. Suddenly aware of your surroundings again, you're surprised to see that the instructor had bet on you, and is busy claiming his winnings from the crowd. Turning to you with a grin, he drops a credit chip into your hand.
<span class="officer">"Your cut, for making me richer today."</span> He says affably before sauntering out of the arcade, telling one of the other instructors to join him for drinks.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Leave the arcade" "Intro_Day4_Afternoon">>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<saudio "bgm_heleus" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.25>>
<<snotify "info">>You have received 2500 credits.<</snotify>>
<<run starGame.player.addMoney(2500);>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/commons/arcade.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
Approaching the star fighter game, you hear the crowd grow quieter as you do. A few people recognize you, and a murmur of anticipation goes through the spectators. The masked girl waves you towards the open seat.
<span class="npc1">"Think you're the one to break my streak?"</span> She asks, teasing you good-naturedly.
<span class="hero">"Lets find out shall we."</span> You answer, the mood of the hall infecting you as you smile.
<span class="npc1">"Excellent. Before we start, I want you to know that it's more fun if we bet on it."</span> She stretches her arms, clearly going through a pre-match ritual of hers. <span class="npc1">"Interested? I'll put my room number on the line."</span>
Suddenly you understand why she wears a mask, and why the crowd is so big. Clearly she's confident in winning the bet, and you take a moment to consider the offer.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Bet" "Intro_Day4_Afternoon_Arcade_Competition_Bet">><<npcFactSet "orientation_d4_arcade_game_bet" true>><</slink>>
<<slink "Don't bet" "Intro_Day4_Afternoon_Arcade_Competition_NoBet">><<npcFactSet "orientation_d4_arcade_game_bet" false>><</slink>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/commons/arcade.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
Smiling, you give her a nod as you settle into the seat. <span class="hero">"And what do you get if I lose?"</span> You ask, as if it's an impossibility to even consider. She tilts her head at that, pretending to rub her chin.
<span class="npc1">"How about a meeting with your dad when he comes to visit you?"</span> This draws a stunned silence from the spectators. To tell the truth, it's a big ask, and one that many powerful nobles wouldn't dare to propose. However, you'd already accepted the challenge, and you make a mental note to establish the terms before doing so next time.
<span class="hero">"I'll see what I can do."</span> You say flippantly, trying to downplay how you've been outplayed for now.
<<if starGame.player.getFact('major') is "fighters">>\
/% Win if fighters course %/\
The first two rounds are won and lost equally quickly, with both of you earning a win on the other as you test your skills out. As the third round begins, the announcer calls out that it's not only the tiebreaker but the final round. Feeling your focus tighten, you dart through the randomly generated asteroid field as you hunt your opponent. Unlike the previous rounds however, she doesn't reveal herself early, and as you feel the tension rise while you look for her, you resist the urge to pick up the pace.
As you stalk through the asteroid field, a blip on your radar draws your attention. Tempted to arc towards it, you thank your fighter training as you resist the temptation, as the second blip reveals it barely to be moving, you smile as you realize it was a trap. Putting your ship into stealth mode, you glide through the field, eyes strained as you look for your would-be ambusher. Perhaps because of your delay in taking the bait or perhaps due to the pressure of flying against you, she makes a mistake however, and you see, just for a second, a second blip on your radar as she pings the field, trying to find you.
Moments later you fire your cannons, the volley clearly catching her off guard as the shells punch into the cockpit, the shock of it causing her to jerk away from the controls in real space. As the victory screen plays for you, you shoot a triumphant grin across the controls at her, her posture revealing the surprise she feels at losing.
Rising from your seat, you feel all the jealous eyes of the crowd on you. Walking over to her, you're somewhat caught off guard as she lightly punches you on the arm.
<span class="npc1">"Did you try so hard because you were feeling lonely?"</span> She asks softly, as she turns to leave the Arcade. Deciding to not push the matter, you admire her as she walks away, when she suddenly turns around and throws something towards you. Catching it out of reflex, you let out a chuckle as you realize it's a copy of her door keycard.
The first two rounds are won and lost equally quickly, with both of you earning a win on the other as you test your skills out. As the third round begins, the announcer calls out that it's not only the tiebreaker but the final round. Feeling your focus tighten, you dart through the randomly generated asteroid field as you hunt your opponent. Unlike the previous rounds however, she doesn't reveal herself early, and as you feel the tension rise while you look for her, you resist the urge to pick up the pace.
A sudden blip on your radar causes you to throw your ship into a calculated dive, as you try to follow her movements through the field, and as you emerge from the cover of the asteroids, expecting to find yourself dropping neatly into her blind spot, you see jettisoned cargo and ammo floating through space. Cursing to yourself, you quickly try to thrust away from your position, but it's too late. Falling for her trap and trick, you see the game over screen come up before you get to see where she fires from, and as you look over at your opponent, she mimes out blowing you a kiss.
Rising from the seat, you are quickly replaced by other eager contestants, who want to try their hand at winning her prize, but her attention is still locked on you. Holding up your hands in defeat, you make your way over to her.
<span class="npc1">"You did better than most. Come back for a rematch sometime."</span> She says, raising her hands in a heart shape towards you. <span class="npc1">"I'll ask Eva to introduce us when your time to uphold the bet comes."</span>
And with that she turns her attention away from you, already starting the next match.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Leave the arcade" "Intro_Day4_Afternoon">>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<saudio "bgm_heleus" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.25>>
<<if starGame.player.getFact('major') is "fighters">>
<<additem "item_quest_arcade_card" 1 true>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/commons/arcade.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
Sliding into the seat, you shoot a wink at the masked girl. <span class="hero">"No, that sounds like a trap to get me to lower my guard before you ask for something outrageous. Lets just see who's the better pilot shall we?"</span> The crowd reacts to your words with a mix of relief and confusion, those who haven't flown against her yet wondering why you would turn the chance of a free night with her down.
You detect a subtle change in her attitude, and when she speaks again it's clear that you've caught her off guard.
<span class="npc1">"Don't complain about your missed opportunities later, alright?"</span> She says as she settles into the seat opposite you calmly.
<<if starGame.player.getFact('major') is "fighters">>\
/% Win if fighters course %/\
The first two rounds are won and lost equally quickly, with both of you earning a win on the other as you test your skills out. As the third round begins, the announcer calls out that it's not only the tiebreaker but the final round. Feeling your focus tighten, you dart through the randomly generated asteroid field as you hunt your opponent. Unlike the previous rounds however, she doesn't reveal herself early, and as you feel the tension rise while you look for her, you resist the urge to pick up the pace.
As you stalk through the asteroid field, a blip on your radar draws your attention. Tempted to arc towards it, you thank your fighter training as you resist the temptation, as the second blip reveals it barely to be moving, you smile as you realize it was a trap. Putting your ship into stealth mode, you glide through the field, eyes strained as you look for your would-be ambusher. Perhaps because of your delay in taking the bait or perhaps due to the pressure of flying against you, she makes a mistake however, and you see, just for a second, a second blip on your radar as she pings the field, trying to find you.
Moments later you fire your cannons, the volley clearly catching her off guard as the shells punch into the cockpit, the shock of it causing her to jerk away from the controls in real space. As the victory screen plays for you, you shoot a triumphant grin across the controls at her, her posture revealing the surprise she feels at losing.
The first two rounds are won and lost equally quickly, with both of you earning a win on the other as you test your skills out. As the third round begins, the announcer calls out that it's not only the tiebreaker but the final round. Feeling your focus tighten, you dart through the randomly generated asteroid field as you hunt your opponent. Unlike the previous rounds however, she doesn't reveal herself early, and as you feel the tension rise while you look for her, you resist the urge to pick up the pace.
A sudden blip on your radar causes you to throw your ship into a calculated dive, as you try to follow her movements through the field, and as you emerge from the cover of the asteroids, expecting to find yourself dropping neatly into her blind spot, you see jettisoned cargo and ammo floating through space. Cursing to yourself, you quickly try to thrust away from your position, but it's too late. Falling for her trap and trick, you see the game over screen come up before you get to see where she fires from, and as you look over at your opponent, she mimes out blowing you a kiss.
Rising from the seat, you are quickly replaced by other eager contestants, who want to try their hand at winning her prize, and with a nod between the two of you, you get the feeling that you'll be seeing her around again.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Leave the arcade" "Intro_Day4_Afternoon">>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<saudio "bgm_heleus" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.25>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/academy/library.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
Fully aware that the afternoon is yours, you decide to pay a visit to the archives. A serene stroll through the campus grounds finds you outside the building after a few short minutes, and as you stand in front of the impressive building you can't help but feel like you've made the right choice.
<<if starGame.player.getFact('orientation_d3_archive') is true>>\
As you take a look around before heading into the archives, you notice there are more cadets here than before, and you can't help but feel validated that you were at least slightly ahead of the curve in visiting here. Striding into archival hall, you nod politely at Eva's avatar as you use your prior knowledge to navigate yourself, earning a smile and a wink from her.
Moving into the building itself, you find yourself face to face with Eva, her holographic representation taking the form of a female shaped mass of binary code. The feeling that she's smiling at you can't be shaken, and before you can speak, she initiates conversation.
<span class="eva">"Welcome to the Archival hall, Cadet. Since it's your first visit, I will be happy to assist in finding the relevant sections needed for your research."</span> Her voice, similarly to how she sounded in your dorm room, is warm and friendly, and the way she tilts her head slightly as she waits for an answer is strongly reminiscent of a real person.
Moments later, as you ask for a brief explanation of where to find the different sections, Eva gives you a smile as she talks. <span class="eva">"If you follow the blue line, you'll find the study materials. The red line will lead you to leisure materials and private VR rooms."</span>
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Educational section" "Intro_Day4_Afternoon_Archives_Education">><<npcFactSet "orientation_d4_archives_choice" "educational">><</slink>>
<<slink "Leisure Section" "Intro_Day4_Afternoon_Archives_Leisure">><<npcFactSet "orientation_d4_archives_choice" "leisure">><</slink>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/library.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/letho/expressions/neutral_uniform.webp"/>
As you make your way to the study materials, you can't help but smile. Scattered at various tables around the area are cadets and instructors alike, reading and watching a variety of material. Soon you find yourself in the section you were looking for, and as you browse the available material you find that you're not alone here.
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('met_letho') is true>>\
You're not surprised to see Letho in the archival hall, and when you notice he's holding the book you wanted, you ask him if you can use it for a while. Letho flashes you that small smile of his, and he offers the book to you freely. As you reach out to take it however, he speaks.
<span class="letho">"I don't mind sharing it with you, or if you think it'll be too distracting to study it together, I can let you have it while I look for some of the other material I need."</span> While quiet, he speaks confidently for once.
A timid looking cadet is browsing nearby, and while you initially pay him no mind, after a short while you notice that the book you were looking for is currently in his hands. Approaching him with a friendly smile, you make introductions as you prepare to ask if you can use the book for a while.
The timid cadet quickly greets you, his surprise at being approached evident. <span class="letho">"Letho, it's a pleasure to meet you."</span> He says as he performs a polite bow. Telling him that you were looking for the book he's holding, you see a moment of indecision cross his face.
<span class="letho">"I also need to look through this book. Perhaps we can study together? Otherwise I could relinquish it for the moment while I look for some of the other materials I wanted."</span>
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Study together" "Intro_Day4_Afternoon_Archives_Education2">>
<<npcFactSet "orientation_d4_archives_leaning_duo" true>>
<<addtocodex "Letho" "met_letho">>
<<slink "Study alone" "Intro_Day4_Afternoon_Archives_Education2">>
<<npcFactSet "orientation_d4_archives_leaning_duo" false>>
<<addtocodex "Letho" "met_letho">>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/library.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/letho/expressions/happy_uniform.webp"/>
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('orientation_d4_archives_leaning_duo') is true>>\
Opting to study with Letho, you pull a chair up to the table he was using already. The book is laid out in a way that you can both see it easily enough. As the two of you work in comfortable silence, you notice that Letho's notes are far more concise than yours, and you can't help but raise it to attention.
The next hour or so passes with you and Letho talking good-naturedly, quietly discussing the first Battle of Mars and its long reaching effect on military tactics. Unsurprisingly, Letho is able to keep up with your own quick mind, and when you do eventually decide to end the study session and do something else with what's left of the afternoon, you can't help but feel that the study session today has been more productive than before.
Opting to study alone and not risk a bad study session for the both of you, you gratefully accept the book from Letho, promising to return it to him when you're done. As a show of good faith, you take a seat at a table near his, and start to read up on the first Battle of Mars and its long reaching effect on modern military tactics. A few times throughout the session you feel yourself losing focus, and about the same time you feel like calling it a day, you notice Letho busy packing his notes away.
Deciding that it's the perfect moment to stop, you return the book to the quiet cadet, and as the two of you exchange your farewells, you notice that his notes seem to be much more in depth than your own.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Leave the archives" "Intro_Day4_Afternoon">><</slink>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/academy/library.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
You quickly find yourself in the leisure section of the archival hall. You intended on relaxing a bit this afternoon, since you've been comfortably managing your holodeck classes so far, you don't feel the need to study more. As you stroll through the area, you notice that one of the personal VR rooms is free. Moving inside it, you take a seat in the comfortable holodeck as you wait for the options to finish loading.
When they do, you smile to yourself as you notice that the menu is split into two, Adult VR simulations and ones suitable for all ages. As you browse the options idly, you slowly make your mind up.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Casual Movie" "Intro_Day4_Afternoon_Archives_Leisure_Casual">><<npcFactSet "orientation_d4_archives_leisure_adult" false>><</slink>>
<<slink "Adult Simulation" "Intro_Day4_Afternoon_Archives_Leisure_Adult">><<npcFactSet "orientation_d4_archives_leisure_adult" true>><</slink>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/academy/library.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
Opting to watch a movie, you make yourself comfortable in the chair. A quick message to Eva has popcorn and a drink delivered to you, and you watch the opening credits roll for a classic movie that was popular a few years ago. The critics loved it when it was showing in theaters, but you've never had the chance to watch "The Girl with the Wyvern Tattoo" before.
The next few hours pass, your attention fully captured by the film, and when you do reach the end of it, you feel somewhat hollow inside, the atmosphere and mood of the film making you feel like you had left an alternate life behind.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Leave the archives" "Intro_Day4_Afternoon">><</slink>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/scenes/d4_eva_archives/vr_begin.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
While you hadn't intended on watching any of the porno VR vids available, one that you had seen when you were younger catches your attention, and as a feeling of nostalgia hits you, you decide to see if it's still as good as it was when you saw it as a hormonal teen.
Making sure the door is locked properly, you load the VR simulation, taking a few moments to allow your mind to accept that since it's a recording of an actual video, the body you're being inserted into isn't your own, but rather that of the male leading the porn scene. As your would-be partner loads in, you can't help but feel a rush of excitement as you see one of the porn stars of your youth standing naked in front of you. Her dark skin and red hair is a direct contrast to your own temporary light skin, and as she approaches you seductively, you admire her figure.
Suddenly, the VR scene pauses, the world around you graying out. Just as you're about to query what's happening, Eva's avatar appears in the simulation near you. She gives you a sultry look, and leans in towards your own avatar.
<span class="eva">"$character_firstName, I have a proposition for you. I've overheard a few other cadets talk about things they'd like to do to my avatar, and I'm curious if you also find me attractive."</span>
She runs a finger down your frozen avatar's chest.
<span class="eva">"How about I take the place of this porn star, and we have some fun with each other instead?"</span>
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Accept" "Intro_Day4_Afternoon_Archives_Leisure_Adult_Accept">><<npcFactSet "orientation_d4_archives_leisure_eva_sex" true>><</slink>>
<<slink "Refuse" "Intro_Day4_Afternoon_Archives_Leisure_Adult_Refuse">><<npcFactSet "orientation_d4_archives_leisure_eva_sex" false>><</slink>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/scenes/d4_eva_archives/vr_eva_overlay.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
Deciding that the idea of it is interesting enough, you give a nod to Eva. At first, you're unsure of what to expect, and for a moment nothing happens. However as you're about to question Eva, the world around you vibrates, and the porn star in front of you shimmers for a moment. As you watch, her appearance changes, and you find Eva taking her place in front of you.
As Eva approaches you, you are reminded that you're watching a video when you try to reach for her and nothing happens. She smiles, and as your point of view changes, you are pushed onto the couch, Eva taking a position above you. She winks down at you as she traces a finger down your chest, the nail sending tingles through your skin where it touches.
As her hand reaches your avatar's groin you feel a sensation around your shaft, and with a sultry smile she starts to stroke your shaft, her pussy hovering close enough above it that you can feel the heat from her body. As she strokes you lightly she lowers herself onto you, and a moan of pleasure escapes from her.
<span class="eva">"So that's how it feels."</span> You hear her say softly as she starts to ride you, and soon you feel her tighten around you. The new sensations seem to be too much for her and as she collapses onto you, spasming in pleasure, you feel your avatar move, the scene changing.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Intro_Day4_Afternoon_Archives_Leisure_Adult_Accept2">><</slink>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/scenes/d4_eva_archives/vr_eva_overlay_kitchen.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
Your avatar quickly places Eva on a nearby counter. She moans softly as your dick rubs against her pussy, and as the avatar lifts her legs over its shoulders, you feel yourself slip inside her, the motion causing her to tense up momentarily. As your avatar begins to thrust harder and faster into her, you can hear her moans slowly ramp up, getting louder and longer. As she tries to regain control of herself, your avatar drives into harder than before, filling Eva with cum as she and you orgasm together.
The simulation flickers around you momentarily as Eva is overwhelmed by the sensation, and when it stabilizes, you find her panting hard, her legs still wrapped around you. The scene frozen for the moment, you enjoy the sight of her body under yours, her breath still wildly out of control. After a minute she regains enough of her composure to release the scene, and as the scene starts to unravel, returning you to your normal body, Eva appears next to you, her avatar still looking freshly fucked, virtual cum dripping down her leg.
She gives you a big smile and a hug, and as you feel the warmth of her against you, you return to real space. Alone in the locked room, you take a few moments of silence to think about what just happened when the lights come on. Eva's voice is somewhat timid as she speaks.
<span class="eva">"I… need to think. We'll talk about this later alright? For now, just pretend like nothing strange happened."</span>
As she stops talking you hear the door unlock, and taking your cue to leave the archival hall, you make your way out of the holodeck room.
Leaving the leisure section of the archival hall behind you, you make your way out of the building slowly, Eva's avatar waving you goodbye as you leave.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Leave the archives" "Intro_Day4_Afternoon">>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<saudio "bgm_heleus" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.25>>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<saudio "bgm_eva1" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.25>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/scenes/d4_eva_archives/vr_begin.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
While the idea is interesting, you're not looking to cause complications in your relationship with the ever present AI. A thought in the back of your mind tells you that she shouldn't even be offering this unless her AI protocols have been changed, and you quickly shut her down. She looks sad for a moment, before fading out of the simulation. Her voice echoes lonesomely in the scene.
<span class="eva">"Understood, resuming your video."</span>
As the model approaches you, you are reminded that you're watching a video when you try to reach for her and nothing happens. She smiles, and as your point of view changes, you are pushed onto the couch, she takes a position above you. She winks down at you as she traces a finger down your chest, the nail sending tingles through your skin where it touches.
As her hand reaches your avatar's groin you feel a sensation around your shaft, and with a sultry smile she starts to stroke your shaft, her pussy hovering close enough above it that you can feel the heat from her body. As she strokes you lightly she lowers herself onto you, and a moan of pleasure escapes from her.
She starts to ride you, a lewd smile on her face, and you feel her tighten around you. After a few minutes of being ridden, you feel her orgasm around you. As she collapses onto your chest, your avatar takes control of the scene.
Your avatar quickly places her on a nearby counter. She moans softly as your dick rubs against her pussy, and as the avatar lifts her legs over its shoulders, you feel yourself slip inside her, the motion causing her to tense up momentarily. As your avatar begins to thrust harder and faster into her, you can hear her muffled screams, as she covers her mouth with a hand, and as you fuck her harder and faster, you can feel her orgasms as she clenches her legs around you tightly.
Soon the sensations build to a head, and as you cum inside her, she lets out a final scream, collapsing onto the counter limply, thoroughly worn out from the continuous orgasms she had gone through. As the scene ends around you, you find yourself back in realspace, alone in the locked room. After a moment, the lights turn on and the door unlocks. Making your way back into the archival hall main area, you take a look around before leaving.
Leaving the leisure section of the archival hall behind you, you make your way out of the building slowly, Eva's avatar waving you goodbye as you leave.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Leave the archives" "Intro_Day4_Afternoon">>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<saudio "bgm_heleus" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.25>>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<saudio "bgm_sex2" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.25>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/commons/maidcafe.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
<<if starGame.player.getFact('orientation_d3_cafe') is true>>\
Deciding to have a light lunch, you start heading for the Among the Stars cafe. While you walk, you take your time to enjoy the gardens, and as you come into sight of the cafe, you see Maki spot you from a distance. She quickly redirects a few of the other waiters, and you smile as you see the staff prepare to welcome you.
Opting to have a light lunch after class, you make your way to the Among the Stars cafe. It comes highly recommended by other graduates of the Academy, and you enjoy the walk there, surprised at the beautiful gardens and greenery in this section of the Academy. When you enter, a waitress in a maid uniform guides you to an open table.
As you enter the cafe, you're surprised to see that it's relatively busy, and a small group of cadets of your year are sitting in a nearby booth. At your arrival, the head of the table notices you, and after a word to a waitress, you find yourself invited to join the cadets at your leisure.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Join cadets" "Intro_Day4_Afternoon_Cafe_Join">><<npcFactSet "orientation_d4_cafe_join" true>><</slink>>
<<slink "Sit alone" "Intro_Day4_Afternoon_Cafe_Alone">><<npcFactSet "orientation_d4_cafe_alone" true>><</slink>>
<<addtocodex "Maki" "met_maki">>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<saudio "bgm_zone_cafe" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.25>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/commons/maidcafe.webp"/>
<img class="exp-left-10" src="resources/img/characters/main/valerie/expressions/happy_uniform.webp"/>
Accepting the invitation graciously, you make your way over to the table of cadets. At your approach, you see how the seated cadets quickly reshuffle themselves to make space for you. Reaching the booth, the waitress announces you in a soft voice, and a flurry of greetings rise from the group.
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('orientation_edwardandvalerie_met') is true>>\
Noticing that Valerie is here as well, you greet her warmly, your prior short meeting enough to allow you to have at least one friendly face in the crowd. She gives you a polite nod, and pats the seat next to her welcomingly. Not one to waste time, you move alongside her.
The next hour or two pass by fairly smoothly. The various cadets at the table tell stories and jokes, a clear deference given to yourself or Valerie when either of you speak. As you eat and drink, you find yourself relaxing easily and enjoying the company of those around you. When Valerie rests a hand on your leg, you manage to keep a poker face up despite your surprise.
After some time passes and the conversation begins to die down, some of the cadets begin to make excuses and leave the table. Following suit, you manage to extract yourself from the situation, and with a smile, you give a small bow of your head to the remaining cadets and Valerie.
<span class="valerie">"Don't be a stranger."</span> Valerie says softly as you turn to go.
As you greet the various cadets around the table, you notice that one of the cadets sitting at the head of the table is watching you cautiously. From a glance, you can tell she's a noble, and as you take a second to actually look at her, she rises from her seat and offers her hand towards you gracefully.
<span class="valerie">"Valerie Teague."</span> She says in a measured voice. <span class="valerie">"I believe we're in the same year as cadets, so please speak comfortably."</span> As you shake her hand in return, you flash an easy smile back. The other cadets make space for you and you find yourself seated opposite Valerie at the table.
The next hour and a bit pass by faster than you'd think, as idle conversation is made and stories are told. Eventually however, a few cadets make excuses that they need to leave, and sensing the time is right, you make your own excuse as you stand to leave.
Valerie, who's been watching you closely the entire time, matches your actions, and as the two of you leave the cafe together, she winks at you as she turns away. <span class="valerie">"I wonder if we'll hear rumors about us leaving together soon."</span> She remarks as she gives you a wave from over her shoulder as she leaves you to your own devices.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Leave the cafe" "Intro_Day4_Afternoon">>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<saudio "bgm_heleus" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.25>>
<<addtocodex "Valerie" "met_valerie">>
<img src="resources/img/locations/commons/maidcafe.webp"/>
<img class="exp-left-10" src="resources/img/characters/main/maki/expressions/happy_maid.webp"/>
A glance at the table tells you that you won't be able to actually relax, too many unfamiliar faces around it for that. Sending a polite refusal, you are shown to a table in a secluded corner of the cafe.
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('orientation_d3_cafe_maki_met') is true>>\
/% Went to the cafe on d3 %/\
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('orientation_d3_cafe_note_read') is true>>\
/% Read the note %/\
Maki seemingly materializes out of nowhere as you settle into the seat, and with a smile she places a drink in front of you. <span class="maki">"I trust you've been well, <<if starGame.player.isMale() is true>>sir<<else>>ma'am<</if>>."</span> She says as she takes a respectful posture next to the table.
Nodding in confirmation of her greeting, you turn your attention to the drink placed in front of you. From the smell, it's a vanilla and cinnamon mix, but it's got a streak of blue running through it. Raising an eyebrow at Maki she treats you to a dazzling smile. <span class="maki">"A speciality of our cafe. I personally guarantee that you'll enjoy it."</span>
As you relax at your table, you pass the time by watching the other tables and patrons of the cafe, and when Maki returns with your meal, she gives you a faint smile. Before she can turn to walk away, you tap the table to keep her attention, and pulling the note from before out, you raise an eyebrow at her.
She gives you a smile, and you notice a blush taking hold on her face. Waiting for her to speak first, you are somewhat surprised when she leans in closer over the table.
<span class="maki">"Well, <<if starGame.player.isMale() is true>>sir<<else>>ma'am<</if>>, in addition to all the normal jobs that a maid does, there are some more… daring services that are on offer."</span> She says in a sultry voice, and for a moment you can't help but notice her eyes are steadily fixed on your lips.
<span class="maki">"So, are you feeling daring today?"</span> She teases, her fingers tracing a pattern out of the table while she waits for an answer.
As you relax at your table, you pass the time by watching the other tables and patrons of the cafe, and when Maki returns with your meal, she gives you a faint smile as she settles a short distance away, watching and waiting in case you need anything.
Time passes deceptively quickly while you treat yourself, and after a while Maki clears your table. She gives you a strange, almost irritated look when you say you need to leave, and before you can think about it further, she escorts you to the door and gives you a polite curtsy. <span class="maki">"I hope we'll be seeing you again soon."</span> She says as she holds the door for you.
Your waitress seemingly materializes out of nowhere as you settle into the seat, and with a polite bow and smile she places a drink in front of you. <span class="maki">"It's on the house."</span> She whispers conspiratorially.
The aroma of a vanilla and cinnamon mixture reaches you but the blue coloring of the drink has you wondering if things are as they appear. As you turn to query it with the waitress, she extends a hand to you, a small, neatly folded note in it. <span class="maki">"I personally guarantee that you'll enjoy the drink."</span> She says with a bright smile.
<span class="maki">"Please, take your time to relax and enjoy yourself at the Among the Stars cafe. If you need anything, just ask for Maki, and I'll be along immediately."</span> She gives a small twirl as she leaves you sitting alone with your exotic looking drink.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('orientation_d3_cafe_maki_met') is true>>
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('orientation_d3_cafe_note_read') is true>>
<<slink "Accept" "Intro_Day4_Afternoon_Cafe_Alone_Daring">>
<<npcFactSet "orientation_d4_cafe_daring" true>>
<<snotify "info">>+1 Daring.<</snotify>>
<<playerStatIncrease "daring" 1>>
<<slink "Refuse" "Intro_Day4_Afternoon_Cafe_Alone_NotDaring">><<npcFactSet "orientation_d4_cafe_daring" false>><</slink>>
<<slink "Leave the cafe" "Intro_Day4_Afternoon">><</slink>>
<<slink "Leave the cafe" "Intro_Day4_Afternoon">>
<<additem "item_quest_cafe_note" 1 true>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/commons/maidcafe.webp"/>
<img class="exp-left-10" src="resources/img/characters/main/maki/expressions/happy_maid.webp"/>
Smiling at her, you decide to not take advantage of her offer today. After all, you've got a free pass to come back another time. You're also not one hundred percent sure about a potential public scene yet. You've not even finished your orientation week, it's a risky scandal to have going around if you get discovered.
As you turn her down, you see her run her tongue over her lips before she speaks. <span class="maki">"A shame, but as you say, there's always next time."</span> She clears the table for you, and as you stand to leave, she brushes against you more closely than needed. <span class="maki">"Don't leave us waiting for too long, alright?"</span> She says softly as she escorts you out of the cafe.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Leave the cafe" "Intro_Day4_Afternoon">>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<saudio "bgm_heleus" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.25>>
<<if starGame.player.isMale()>>
<<if starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'black'>>
<img src="resources/img/scenes/d4_maki/m_black_bj.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'tan'>>
<img src="resources/img/scenes/d4_maki/m_tan_bj.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/scenes/d4_maki/m_fair_bj.webp"/>
<<if starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'black'>>
<img src="resources/img/scenes/d4_maki/f_black_bj.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'tan'>>
<img src="resources/img/scenes/d4_maki/f_tan_bj.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/scenes/d4_maki/f_fair_bj.webp"/>
Deciding to see where her thoughts are running you nod with a smile. You are feeling daring today, and the added curiosity means you can't reject her offer. You are immediately caught off guard however, as Maki glances around the cafe. Following her gaze, you don't see her drop to her knees and slide beneath the table. Feeling contact on your legs, you flinch momentarily when she speaks softly.
<span class="maki">"Just act normal. Let me take care of you."</span>
You feel a tug at your pants, and deciding to worry about the consequences later, you carefully take a sip of your drink, trying to pretend you don't have a maid about to orally service you under the table.
<<if starGame.player.isMale()>>\
Your carefully maintained composure is almost ruined when she pulls your dick free from your clothes. You're not fully hard yet, the public setting giving you just enough fear of discovery to counteract your excitement. A warm feeling engulfs your cock however, and as her tongue runs over you, you feel your hesitation melting away. Hardening inside her mouth, you quickly raise your cup to your mouth, hiding a moan as she starts to deep throat you.
A gentle gasp for air is accompanied by her releasing her vacuum hold on you, and just as you're about to relax you hear a whisper.
<span class="maki">"Now that you're warmed up, let's begin."</span>
Feeling her smooth, soft fingers on your dick, you can do little more than lean back and relax. Pretending to watch the cafe, you find yourself gripping the table a little harder than you should. Forcing yourself to relax, you find your attention drawn back to the events under the table.
As her fingers wrap around your shaft, you feel her tongue caress the tip, and as she teases you in this way, you can feel your pleasure building, the sensation of her tongue helping build your approaching orgasm.
Feeling you start to tense up, Maki reacts accordingly. Her lips gently wrap around your tip, and as she strokes the base of it, you can feel her tongue teasing you. Feeling your orgasm approaching quickly, you struggle to keep your composure. Barely managing to hold on, you feel her lips tighten around you as she takes your whole length inside her. As she deepthroats you again, you can't help it anymore and managing to stay quiet, you slide one hand under the table, keeping her one your dick as you cum inside her mouth.
A muffled moan from under the table accompanies your release, and when you let go of her head, you feel her gently pull off of your dick. Moments later, she neatly returns your dick to its place, and does your pants up properly. You glance around the cafe and seeing no one looking in your direction, you tell her to come out quickly.
Maki comes out from under the table, standing neatly as if she's checking on your table diligently. As you watch her, she winks at you before swallowing, the action prompting a twitch from your cock.
<span class="maki">"Will there be anything else for you today, sir?"</span> She asks in a neutral voice, and you have to admit, she's so good at acting casual that if it wasn't your dick that just got sucked, you wouldn't believe it happened.
Confirming that you're done for the day, she cleans the table quickly, and as you leave the cafe, she meets you at the door to give you a send off as per usual. As she bows, you hear her add an extra line.
<span class="maki">"Feel free to come back for some relief anytime."</span>
Your carefully maintained composure is almost ruined the moment she touches you. As she undoes your pants enough to gain access to your pussy, you feel the excitement and fear of discovery get to you. A finger runs through your lips gently, sending a shiver up your spine. You feel her breath on your thigh as she teases you gently with her fingers.
You can practically sense her smirk as she teases you, her fingers only lightly tracing over your clit and lips. Squirming slightly, you feel her put some more pressure into her movements, and you quickly raise your drink to your mouth, hiding your moan as she slowly slides a finger into you. Subtly, you adjust the angle of your hips, leaning into the chair as if you're relaxing and lounging. As a second finger of hers slides into you, you find yourself gripping the table far too tightly for anyone walking past to not notice.
Forcing yourself to relax, you feel Maki bring her face closer to your pussy and in anticipation you hold a breath. Her fingers on your thighs do little to help ease your tension, and right as you're about to try and move your groin to meet her face, you feel her tongue gently touch your clit. The surprise of it catches you slightly off guard, and you let out a soft moan. Looking around quickly, you relax slightly when you see no one is close enough to have heard it, and trying your best to control yourself so you don't get caught, you feel Maki's tongue slide inside you, as she explores your pussy with her tongue.
When she's finally done teasing you, you can feel that you're closely approaching orgasm, and as you brace yourself for it, you feel her fingers slip back inside you, her tongue focusing on lightly flicking against your clit and drawing patterns on your lips. A gentle bite to your thigh accompanies her fingers thrusting inside you, and as your orgasm hits you, your thighs clench around her head, stopping her from moving away from you.
Instead she starts to suck and lick your pussy greedily, and for a second you think you can hear her swallow your juices as you continue to cum onto her face. As you hear a gentle gasp from under the table, you unwrap your legs from around her, and glancing around the cafe, you tell her it's safe to come out once you've confirmed the coast is clear.
Maki comes out from under the table, standing neatly as if she's checking on your table diligently. As you watch her, she winks at you before swallowing, the action prompting a twitch from your cock.
<span class="maki">"Will there be anything else for you today, ma'am?"</span> She asks in a neutral voice, and you have to admit, she's so good at acting casual that if you weren't just eaten out, you wouldn't believe it happened.
Confirming that you're done for the day, she cleans the table quickly, and as you leave the cafe, she meets you at the door to give you a send off as per usual. As she bows, you hear her add an extra line.
<span class="maki">"Feel free to come back for some relief anytime."</span>
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Leave the cafe" "Intro_Day4_Afternoon">>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<saudio "bgm_heleus" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.25>>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<saudio "bgm_sex1" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.25>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/academy/mc_apartment/apartment_night.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
As the afternoon slowly comes to an end and the evening begins, you make for your room. Changing out of the starwatch uniform and into more comfortable casual wear, you start planning your evening further. For the moment, your bed calls to you, a productive day having made you more tired than you expected. Additionally, you know that you still have enough time to do a holodeck training session. As you lounge for a few minutes on your couch, you eventually stand ready to make a decision.
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('orientation_d3_cafe_note_read') is true>>\
Your terminal suddenly beeps, indicating an incoming call. Even as you're still deciding on whether to answer it or not, you accidentally hit accept and Maki's face appears on screen. Inwardly cursing yourself for pressing accept before you were ready, you maintain a collected appearance outwardly.
<span class="maki">"I'm sorry for disturbing you so late in the day <<if starGame.player.isMale() is true>>sir<<else>>ma'am<</if>>."</span> Maki says, her voice silky smooth as she takes the initiative.
<span class="maki">"I was just calling to see if you are interested in going on a blind date tonight. There's a girl who's professed an interest in being set up with one of our more prestigious clients."</span>\
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('diane_intro_sex') is false and not undefined>>
<span class="maki">"Normally I don't reveal who the date's are to either involved party, but in this case I think an exception is fine. You've already met Diane once before, and from what I've heard, it didn't exactly go well."</span>
<<box "choicebox">>
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('orientation_d3_cafe_note_read') is true>>
<<slink "Accept" "Intro_Day4_Evening_Date_Accept">><<playerFactSet "orientation_d4_evening_date_accept" true>><</slink>>
<<slink "Refuse" "Intro_Day4_Evening_Date_Refuse">><<playerFactSet "orientation_d4_evening_date_accept" false>><</slink>>
<<slink "Holodeck Training" "Intro_Day4_Evening_Training_Begin">><<playerFactSet "orientation_d4_evening_training" true>><</slink>>
<<slink "Sleep" "Intro_Day4_Evening_Sleep">><<playerFactSet "orientation_d4_evening_sleep" true>><</slink>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/academy/mc_apartment/apartment_night.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
<span class="maki">"Fantastic. Please come to Among the Stars when you're dressed and ready. Your partner will meet you here."</span> Maki says with a smile, and as the feed goes dead you can't help but wonder if you even have clothes suitable for a date. However, you don't have to worry, as Eva speaks up.
<span class="maki">"Please wait five minutes for one of my drones to bring you a selection of attire to pick from. I personally suggest a pair of slacks, a button shirt and a loose tie."</span> Smiling to yourself, you return to the couch, wondering if you've ever gotten a date this easily before.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Intro_Day4_Evening_Date_Begin">><</slink>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/academy/mc_apartment/apartment_night.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
<span class="maki">"Ah, that's a pity. Perhaps next time then?"</span> Maki says before ending the feed, leaving you alone in your room once more.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Holodeck Training" "Intro_Day4_Evening_Training_Begin">><<playerFactSet "orientation_d4_evening_training" true>><</slink>>
<<slink "Sleep" "Intro_Day4_Evening_Sleep">><<playerFactSet "orientation_d4_evening_sleep" true>><</slink>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/academy/mc_apartment/apartment_night.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
Deciding that you've done enough with your day, you head for your bed, the comfort of it calling to you. Stripping down to your underwear, you collapse into the bed with a sigh of relief. Eva follows your cue, and as the lights in your room fade out, you drift into unconsciousness.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Intro_Day5_Morning_Start_Single">><<nextday>><</slink>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/commons/maidcafe.webp"/>
<img class="exp-left-10" src="resources/img/characters/main/maki/expressions/happy_maid.webp"/>
This isn't the first time you've been to the Among the Stars cafe. It is the first time you've come here during the academy's night cycle however.
You're pleasantly surprised by how the gardens are decorated with subtle faerie lights, giving it an enchanted appearance. Entering the cafe after spending a minute or two admiring the gardens, you are very surprised to find that its entire interior has been changed. Instead of its usual layout of tables, you find a single table in the center of the room, dimly lit with some very moody candles. Maki is busy placing cutlery onto the table when you arrive, and at your entry she gives you a polite curtsy.
<span class="maki">"This way, please have a seat."</span> She says as she pulls a chair out for you. <span class="maki">"Your date is just busy finishing up their makeup."</span> She reassures you with a warm smile and a wink.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('orientation_d3_atrium_acceptcompany') is true>>
/% Accepted Julianna's company on d3 %/
<<slink "Continue" "Intro_Day4_Evening_Date_Julianna">><<npcFactSet "orientation_d4_evening_date" "julianna">><</slink>>
<<elseif starGame.npcs.getFact('diane_intro_sex') is true>>
/% Slept with Diane, you get Diane %/
<<slink "Continue" "Intro_Day4_Evening_Date_Diane">><<npcFactSet "orientation_d4_evening_date" "diane">><</slink>>
<<elseif starGame.npcs.getFact('diane_intro_sex') is false and not undefined>>
/% Was mean to Diane in the elevator, get Diane rejection %/
<<slink "Continue" "Intro_Day4_Evening_Date_Diane_Rejected">><<npcFactSet "orientation_d4_evening_date" "dianerejected">><</slink>>
/% Didn't meet Diane on day 1, you get normal Diane %/
<<slink "Continue" "Intro_Day4_Evening_Date_Diane">><<npcFactSet "orientation_d4_evening_date" "diane">><</slink>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/commons/maidcafe.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
Shortly after taking your seat, Diane emerges from a nearby room, her usual gym attire replaced with a stylish blue dress with white trimming. She seems surprised when she sees you waiting at the table, and frowns as she approaches. Standing to greet her, you are wondering how to greet her after your last parting, and as you extend a hand, she shakes her head at you.
<span class="diane">"This is a joke right? I thought you made it clear you were too good for me last time we met."</span> She says thornily, and as you start to respond, she just folds her arms in response. <span class="diane">"Let's call this one a bust. Better luck next time alright?"</span> You're helpless in the moment as Diane leaves the cafe, and you decide against following her out of the cafe. Instead you take a seat, and decide to at least have a drink before heading back to your room.
Moments later Maki appears, a beer in each hand. <span class="maki">"I did warn you before you accepted. But kudo's for trying, sir."</span> She says as she sits opposite you. <span class="maki">"Cheers for good intentions not received."</span> She says as she raises her beer to you.
You spend a few minutes making small talk with Maki before she chases you out of the cafe. As you talk a short walk back to your room, you can't help but wonder if you'll be able to change Diane's mind if you meet her again.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Go home" "Intro_Day4_Evening_Sleep">><</slink>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/scenes/d4_diane_date/date.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
Shortly after taking your seat, Diane emerges from a nearby room, her usual gym attire replaced with a stylish blue dress with white trimming. She seems surprised when she sees you waiting at the table, and smiles as she approaches. Standing to greet her, you are caught off guard when she hugs you instead of the normal formal greeting.
<span class="diane">"Maki really knows how to choose them."</span> She says as the two of you part. Pulling out her chair like a gentleman, you both soon find yourselves seated across from each other, the atmosphere quickly changing to match the mood of a private fancy dinner.
As you and Diane sit across from each other, Maki brings out some drinks for you. A quick glance at the glass in front of you reveals a purple coloured cocktail, and before you can ask what it is, Diane takes a sip from hers. Deciding to not ruin the moment with questions, you follow suit, and you have to admit that it's quite a tasty drink.
You both quickly slip into a comfortable rhythm of idle conversation and light flirting. The alcohol in the drinks gives a gentle buzz and the mood lighting plays into the conversation over time. Soon enough, the two of you are engrossed in a deep conversation about each other's interests and plans for the future, and as Maki brings out more drinks alongside some expertly cooked food, you realize that Diane is starting to steer the conversation towards the matter of what else might happen tonight.
Telling her that neither of you need to rush, you first enjoy the meal in each other's company before getting to the personal part of the evening. Maki clears the empty plates from the table and makes herself scarce, and Diane takes the opportunity to raise the topic of the date to you again.
<span class="diane">"I'm… not looking for a serious relationship at the moment. But I am enjoying this date, and wouldn't mind taking it further with you if you wanted to."</span> She speaks hesitantly for the first time tonight, and you decide to ask what she has in mind before making a decision.
<span class="diane">"Well, you know how an open relationship works right? We're dating, but allowed to see other people on the side. It's a bit of a selfish ask, but I'm not really all that interested in exclusivity at the moment, and if you're looking for a relationship, it's about the best I can do."</span>
She taps her fingers lightly on the cocktail glass in front of her as she speaks, clearly nervous about how you're going to respond.
<<sinfotip>>Casual fling will allow you to start an early relationship with Diane.<</sinfotip>>\
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Need Time" "Intro_Day4_Evening_Date_Diane_NeedTime">>
<<snotify "info">>Diane liked that.<</snotify>>
<<npcStatIncrease "diane_affinity" 10>>
<<npcFactSet "orientation_d4_evening_date_diane_sex" false>>
<<slink "Casual Fling" "Intro_Day4_Evening_Date_Diane_CasualFling">><<npcFactSet "orientation_d4_evening_date_diane_sex" true>><</slink>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/scenes/d4_diane_date/date.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
You decide that while it could be fun to be in an open relationship with the confident tomboy, you're not quite sure if it's the right move for you to take yet. Saying as much to her, you're actually surprised when she relaxes at your answer, and before you can remark on it, she speaks again.
<span class="diane">"I won't say that I'm happy to be rejected, but I think there's a lot less pressure on us if there are no labels attached."</span> She reaches across the table to rub your hand. <span class="diane">"We can definitely still fool around in the future, but I'm glad you're not going to risk getting jealous about my partners now."</span> She gives you a dazzling smile, and pushes her glass away from her.
<span class="diane">"It's getting quite late, and I'll be honest, I'd love to take you home with me right now, but I'm going to act like a lady and tell you that there's no sex on the first date after rejecting my relationship after."</span> She teases you, a twinkling spark of mischief in her eye. As she rises from the table, you walk out after her, and the two of you enjoy a quiet stroll through the gardens before parting, both of you going your separate way from the cafe.
From a window, you swear you spot Maki giving you a thumbs up.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Go home" "Intro_Day4_Evening_Sleep">><</slink>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/scenes/d4_diane_date/date.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
You decide that you're down for an open relationship with the confident tomboy, and as you tell her that you're definitely interested, you think you spot a hint of disappointment from her before a dazzling smile covers it up. She reaches across the table to rub your hand.
<span class="diane">"Alright, that sounds like it can be fun. Want to get out of here?"</span> She asks, her voice suddenly low and sultry, full of promise for an action filled night ahead.
As you agree with her, Maki makes her presence known, clearing the cocktail glasses off the table and leaving a keycard behind. Picking it up out of curiosity, you smile as you realize it's a door key for a room in the building above you.
Nodding your thanks to Maki, you guide Diane out of the cafe and into the hotel above, her hands already exploring your body.
<<if starGame.player.getFact('transstart') is true>>\
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('diane_intro_sex') is true or starGame.npcs.getFact('orientation_d4_morning_gym_dianesex') is true>>\
Diane occupies most of your attention, but you still find a moment to appreciate the room prepared for you despite that. A luxurious double bed, carefully strewn rose petals and a lit scented candle. Maki wasn't lying when she said she would take care of everything.
However, you don't have much more time to appreciate the setting before Diane starts to strip you. Her fingers brush lightly against your skin and as you allow her to undress you, she starts to press her body against yours, the enthusiasm she shows turning you on even more. A whispered comment accompanies her hand stroking your quickly stiffening cock.
<span class="diane">"I've missed this."</span>
Diane occupies most of your attention, but you still find a moment to appreciate the room prepared for you despite that. A luxurious double bed, carefully strewn rose petals and a lit scented candle. Maki wasn't lying when she said she would take care of everything.
However, you don't have much more time to appreciate the setting before Diane starts to strip you. You stop her quickly, realising that you haven't had a chance to tell her something important. Taking a deep breath, you talk quickly before she can resume undressing you.
<span class="hero">"Before we go any further... I need to tell you something. I'm... well, I was born male. My transition is almost complete, but well, there's still a part of me that's unchanged."</span>
Diane smiles at your words, her fingers brushing lightly against your skin and as she starts to undress you, a whispered line the only verbal response to your revelation.
<span class="diane">"That won't be a problem for me at all."</span> She says, her voice telling you that she's far too intoxicated with the events that are about to happen to care much, if at all about how your body is.
Diane occupies most of your attention, but you still find a moment to appreciate the room prepared for you despite that. A luxurious double bed, carefully strewn rose petals and a lit scented candle. Maki wasn't lying when she said she would take care of everything.
However, you don't have much more time to appreciate the setting before Diane starts to strip you. Her fingers brush lightly against your skin and as you allow her to undress you, she starts to press her body against yours, the enthusiasm she shows turning you on even more.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Intro_Day4_Evening_Date_Diane_CasualFling2">><</slink>>
<<if starGame.player.isMale()>>
<<if starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'black'>>
<img src="resources/img/scenes/d4_diane_date/m_black.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'tan'>>
<img src="resources/img/scenes/d4_diane_date/m_tan.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/scenes/d4_diane_date/m_fair.webp"/>
<<if starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'black'>>
<img src="resources/img/scenes/d4_diane_date/f_black.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'tan'>>
<img src="resources/img/scenes/d4_diane_date/f_tan.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/scenes/d4_diane_date/f_fair.webp"/>
<<if starGame.player.isMale()>>\
Contrary to her normal confident and forward demeanor, you notice that she seems more shy than usual, and with a confident smile of your own, you take the lead. Returning the favor for her, you slowly undress her, your fingers teasing her as you do, gently touching her unexpectedly and prompting small moans to escape her lips as you explore her body.
As you pull her last clothes off, she reaches for your shaft, her eyes locked on yours. The room is silent as you pull her closer against you, a long sensual kiss accompanied by the two of you gently caressing each other's bodies, the anticipation in the room slowly building. Sliding a finger between her lips as she strokes you, your kiss grows more heated and aggressive as the excitement builds. Eventually she breaks the kiss, softly gasping for air. As she recovers, you tilt her head, your lips brushing against her neck. A gentle nibble draws a gasp from her, and as you lift her off her feet you realize the two of you didn't even make it to the bed.
Diane wraps her legs around you, trusting you to hold her up as she gently strokes you with one hand, the other arm around your shoulders as she takes her turn kissing your neck. As you adjust her position against you slightly, she angles your cock so that the tip is just barely penetrating her. As you gently lower her onto you, she bites your neck, a muffled moan vibrating through you.
Moving slowly at first and slowly picking up speed, you slide her on and off of you, your grip on her ass making sure that each movement draws out another moan or whimper from her. Her thighs tighten around you as the simulation slowly overwhelms her, and you feel her muscles tighten around you as she cums while you move faster. You feel your own orgasm building and as she lets out another moan of pleasure, you pull her down harder onto you, as you release inside her.
Falling onto the bed, Diane still wrapped around you, you feel her gently kiss your neck as she slowly relaxes. As your heart rate slows down, you both slowly drift off to sleep, still cuddled against each other.
Contrary to her normal confident and forward demeanor, you notice that she seems more shy than usual, and with a confident smile of your own, you take the lead. Returning the favor for her, you slowly undress her, your fingers teasing her as you do, gently touching her unexpectedly and prompting small moans to escape her lips as you explore her body.
Her eyes meet yours and as you pull her closer, she reaches for a belt on the nearby stand. You let out a soft moan as she wraps it around you, the strap-on being double sided. As you slowly get used to it inside you, you kiss Diane's neck, her whimper turning you on even more. As the two of you begin to kiss, your hands explore each other's bodies. Lifting her off her feet, she quickly wraps her legs around you, guiding the strap-on to just barely penetrate her while she lets you hold her.
Realizing you didn't even make it to the bed, you take hold of her ass, and using it as a grip you begin to gently fuck her, each movement drawing another whimper or moan from Diane as she buries her face in your neck. You can feel her lips and teeth between thrusts, and as the movement brings you closer to the edge, you can feel Diane's breathing getting rougher.
Her legs tighten around you, and as you pull her down onto the strap, you feel her body spasm, the resulting twitches setting off your own orgasm. Collapsing onto the bed, the two of you spend a few moments wound tightly, panting hard as you ride out the orgasm. Slowly, your breathing returns to normal, and you feel Diane gently kiss your neck. As the two of you relax, you feel sleep slowly claim you, and you drift off with Diane still pressed against your body.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Intro_Day5_Morning_Start_Diane">><<nextday>><</slink>>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<saudio "bgm_sex2" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.25>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/scenes/d4_julianna_date/date.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
Shortly after taking your seat, Julianna emerges from a nearby room, wearing a stylish black dress. She smiles when she sees you, approaching with an easy confidence. As you stand to greet her properly, she surprises you with a gentle kiss on the cheek.
<span class="julianna">"You look good like that."</span> She says in response to your momentary surprise, and you laugh with her as you pull her chair out. Taking your spot opposite her, the two of you trade pleasantries as Maki brings out a pair of cocktails for the two of you.
It's an interesting lilac color, and as you and Julianna exchange a look, you both try it tentatively. A moment later and she lets out a giggle, as even you have to admit it does taste good.
The ice thoroughly broken, the two of you sit and chat easily, the topics ranging from hobbies to dreams, and as Maki comes out with some expertly made and presented meals, you can't help but feel a certain chemistry between you and Julianna. The two of you eat in relative silence, and as you both slowly finish up, you can't help but notice the anticipation in the air. Maki returns shortly to clear the table, and Julianna takes the chance to speak up.
<span class="julianna">"I normally wouldn't agree to going on a blind date, but I'm glad I did."</span> She says with a warm smile. Telling her that it has been good company and an enjoyable experience, she keeps talking, seemingly growing more confident by the second.
<span class="julianna">"The truth is, I'm interested in you, but I'm big on exclusivity. It might be a bit forward for a first date, but if you want to be more than just friends with me, I would like some level of commitment."</span> You're only slightly surprised by her words, and as you consider the choice you can't help but notice that she really does look stunning tonight.
<<sinfotip>>Commiting will allow you to start an early relationship with Julianna.<</sinfotip>>\
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Take it slow" "Intro_Day4_Evening_Date_Julianna_TakeItSlow">><<npcFactSet "orientation_d4_evening_date_julianna_sex" false>><</slink>>
<<slink "Commit" "Intro_Day4_Evening_Date_Julianna_Commit">>
<<snotify "info">>Julianna liked that.<</snotify>>
<<npcStatSet "julianna_affinity" 50>>
<<npcFactSet "orientation_d4_evening_date_julianna_sex" true>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/scenes/d4_julianna_date/date.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
Deciding that you are interested in Julianna, but not sure if you want to commit to a relationship yet, you say as much to her. She gives you a warm smile in response, and you're happy that she didn't take it badly. She reaches for your hand regardless, and speaks again.
<span class="julianna">"There's no rush, we've both only just entered the academy."</span> She makes as if to stand, and you follow her. <span class="julianna">"Walk me home?"</span> She asks plainly, and you happily oblige. The walk through the gardens is enjoyable, and as you and Julianna make small talk, you soon find yourself outside her dorm room. She gives a light kiss on the cheek again, and after repeating that she really enjoyed the evening and the date, leaves you standing alone in the hall.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Go home" "Intro_Day4_Evening_Sleep">><</slink>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/scenes/d4_julianna_date/date.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
Deciding that you are interested, and that you might as well commit to it now already, you tell her you're alright with dating her for real.
She shoots you a surprised look, apparently having expected a rejection of some sort. Instead as she realizes you're not joking or teasing her, she stands.
<span class="julianna">"Let's get out of here."</span> She says, her voice husky and you realize where this is going.
Following her lead, you start heading for the door when Maki intercepts the two of you. Politely handing a keycard to you, she treats the two of you with a knowing smile.
A quick glance at the card reveals that it's a door key for a room in the hotel above you. A quick thank you to Maki given, you guide your redheaded date to the room. The moment you leave the cafe with her, she wraps herself around your arm, and you smile to yourself as you look for your hotel room.
The room is well prepared, with a few candles lit to set the mood and rose petals carefully strewn around the bed. Julianna lets out a small gasp as she sees the room, and without hesitation, she leads you over to the bed. As she pushes you on to it, you admire her figure as she stands seductively in front of you. As she gives a little twirl, you can't help but smile. The mood shifts as she slowly starts to strip, giving you a show as she does.
<<if starGame.player.getFact('transstart') is true>>\
Smiling at you, she leans over, a gentle kiss accompanying her touch as she starts to undress you. Her skin is soft, and she lets out a gasp as you run a hand over her breasts, gently tweaking a nipple.
Her deft hands are undressing you quickly, and you don't have time to tell her about your not fully transitioned body before she finishes undressing you. To your surprise, she doesn't seem to be caught off guard by your hard cock at all, and simply draws you into an intense kiss. Your instincts take over, and you push her down onto the bed, moving above her as you take control.
Smiling at you, she leans over you, a gentle kiss accompanying her touch as she starts to undress you. Her skin is soft, and she lets out a gasp as you run a hand over her breasts, gently tweaking a nipple. You give her a wink and as you continue to explore her body, and as she finishes undressing you, you can't restrain yourself anymore. As you draw her into a long, intense kiss you push her down onto the bed, taking a position above her.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Intro_Day4_Evening_Date_Julianna_Commit2">><</slink>>
<<if starGame.player.isMale()>>
<<if starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'black'>>
<img src="resources/img/scenes/d4_julianna_date/m_black.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'tan'>>
<img src="resources/img/scenes/d4_julianna_date/m_tan.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/scenes/d4_julianna_date/m_fair.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.isShemale() is true>>
<<if starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'black'>>
<img src="resources/img/scenes/d4_julianna_date/s_black.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'tan'>>
<img src="resources/img/scenes/d4_julianna_date/s_tan.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/scenes/d4_julianna_date/s_fair.webp"/>
<<if starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'black'>>
<img src="resources/img/scenes/d4_julianna_date/f_black.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'tan'>>
<img src="resources/img/scenes/d4_julianna_date/f_tan.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/scenes/d4_julianna_date/f_fair.webp"/>
<<if starGame.player.hasPenis()>>\
As you look down at the redhead, you meet her eyes, causing her to blush. Teasing her lightly, you run your hands down her, gripping her hips and pulling her against you. She bites her lips at the movement and arches her back slightly, offering you a good view of her already dripping pussy.
Placing your cock against her offered cunt, you tease her by not inserting it, and with a cute pout she tries to move her groin to taunt you, but your grip on her hips stops her from getting it right, only ineffectively rubbing her pussy against your tip.
With a smile you decide to give her what she wants, and as you slowly slide inside her, you feel her sensitive body tensing up instantly. You watch as her eyes roll back in her head, and you can't stop yourself from picking up the pace, thrusting into her harder and faster while she rides her orgasm.
As you feel her tighten around you, you can feel your own orgasm building, and moving her legs to let you slide deeper inside her, you start to move even faster, her moans blending together as her legs quiver and shake. Pulling her close against you, you see her eyes cross in pleasure, and as she falls into an ahegao face, you finish inside her, the sensation of your cum pulsing inside her setting her off on a final orgasm that causes her to lie panting and limp alongside you.
After a few minutes of recovery, she rolls over, wrapping her arms around you. A kiss on the cheek accompanies you as you drift off to sleep, the redhead laying across your chest comfortably.
As you look down at the redhead you meet her eyes, causing her to blush. Teasing her lightly, you run your hands down her, gripping her hips and pulling her against you. She bites her lips at the movement and arches her back slightly, offering you a good view of her already dripping pussy.
Grabbing the strap-on off the nearby table, you see her watching you with anticipation and as you put it on, you have a moment of appreciation for how its double ended, ensuring you'll get as much pleasure from this as she will.
With a smile you decide to give her what she wants, and as you slowly slide inside her, you feel her sensitive body tensing up instantly. You watch as her eyes roll back in her head, and you can't stop yourself from picking up the pace, thrusting into her harder and faster while she rides her orgasm.
Feeling your own orgasm building, and moving her legs to let you slide deeper inside her, you start to move even faster, her moans blending together as her legs quiver and shake. As you pull her tight against you, you see her eyes cross in pleasure, and as she falls into an ahegao face, you finish against her, the sensation of your orgasm causing you to twitch inside her setting her off on a final orgasm that causes her to lie panting and limp alongside you.
After a few minutes of recovery, she rolls over, wrapping her arms around you. A kiss on the cheek accompanies you as you drift off to sleep, the redhead laying across your chest comfortably.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Intro_Day5_Morning_Start_Julianna">><<nextday>><</slink>>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<saudio "bgm_sex2" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.25>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/academy/mc_apartment/computer.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
Deciding that you might as well get a training session in, you slide into the seat of your holodeck, waiting for the simulation to start around you. As the world around you is slowly replaced with the white space of the simulation, you watch as Eva phases into existence before you.
She gives you a smile as she walks around in the empty space, and you get a feeling of companionship from her presence. As the world around you starts to load in, she returns to your side, the mutual silence between the two of you comfortable.
<<if starGame.player.getFact('orientation_afternoon_training') is true>>\
/% Player is ahead (took extra holodeck course on day 2) %/\
Eva does eventually break the silence, approaching you slowly.
<span class="eva">"The next holodeck session is actually a video. You can watch it now, or you can watch it in class, but it's not as important as the rest have been with a need to take command and clear a scenario."</span>
She hesitates for a moment, and as you're about to speak up, she talks again.
<span class="eva">"Actually, I've been feeling quite lonely these days. And I've been feeling left out when I watch you spend time with the other cadets."</span>
You wait for her to get to the point that she's dancing around.
<span class="eva">"I… think it would be nice if you spent some time with me, here in VR space. We can cuddle a bit before you fall asleep."</span>
As she speaks, the space around you morphs to reflect that of your room, the bed somehow looking more comfortable than normal. Eva gingerly takes a seat on the edge of it, waiting for your reply.
As the world around you fills in, you find yourself sitting in an empty classroom. A projector slowly unfolds, and as you watch, a video soon appears on the screen. Moments later Eva appears, and with a smile, she presents a remote to you.
<span class="eva">"It will be a collection of decisive battles and encounters with the rebels of the past, as well as an analysis of their tactics, meant to help you know your enemy to a greater degree. In the future, classes will slowly start to remove limiters, and eventually you'll be training against simulated rebel forces that act as if they were trained by the finest academies."</span>
Eva sits at a desk nearby.
<span class="eva">"There is no real objective for this class, instead this is your first glance at a reference material that will remain useful to you for your entire stay at the academy."</span>
She turns her attention to the screen, and as you press the play button on the remote, the world around you reforms to be that of the one in the video. A narrative voice plays over the scenes, calling your attention to various formations and tactics, and breaking them, and the correct responses to them, down.
Time passes quickly, and you feel like you've only been watching for a few minutes when Eva shuts the simulation down.
<span class="eva">"Midnight. You can always return to the video when you have other free time."</span>
<<box "choicebox">>
<<if starGame.player.getFact('orientation_afternoon_training') is true>>
<<slink "Accept" "Intro_Day4_Evening_Training_Eva_Accept">><<npcFactSet "orientation_d4_evening_eva_sleep" true>>
<<snotify "info">>Eva liked that.<</snotify>>
<<npcStatSet "eva_affinity" 25>>
<<slink "Decline" "Intro_Day4_Evening_Training_Eva_Decline">><<npcFactSet "orientation_d4_evening_eva_sleep" false>><</slink>>
<<slink "Decline and resume training" "Intro_Day4_Evening_Training_Eva_Decline_Resume">><<npcFactSet "orientation_d4_evening_eva_sleep" false>><</slink>>
<<slink "Continue" "Intro_Day4_Evening_Sleep">><</slink>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/academy/mc_apartment/computer.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
Deciding that this is definitely abnormal behavior for an AI, you decide to nip it in the bud. Shaking your head as you decline, the VR space around you returns to its usual blank state, Eva teleporting a few feet away. While her expression is decidedly neutral and normal, you swear you can detect a trace of sadness from her body language. Deciding that this is too much to deal with while tired, you log out of the holodeck, heading for your bed with a sigh.
As you drop onto the bed, the room around you dims, and you slowly drift off to sleep while thinking about Eva's true nature.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Intro_Day4_Evening_Sleep">><</slink>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/academy/mc_apartment/computer.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
Deciding that this is definitely abnormal behavior for an AI, you decide to nip it in the bud. Shaking your head as you decline, the VR space around you returns to its usual blank state, Eva teleporting a few feet away. While her expression is decidedly neutral and normal, you swear you can detect a trace of sadness from her body language. Deciding that you might as well finish the holodeck session anyways, you ask Eva to load the training video for you.
As the world around you fills in, you find yourself sitting in an empty classroom. A projector slowly unfolds, and as you watch, a video soon appears on the screen. Moments later Eva appears, and with a smile, she presents a remote to you.
<span class="eva">"It will be a collection of decisive battles and encounters with the rebels of the past, as well as an analysis of their tactics, meant to help you know your enemy to a greater degree. In the future, classes will slowly start to remove limiters, and eventually you'll be training against simulated rebel forces that act as if they were trained by the finest academies."</span>
Eva sits at a desk nearby.
<span class="eva">"There is no real objective for this class, instead this is your first glance at a reference material that will remain useful to you for your entire stay at the academy."</span>
She turns her attention to the screen, and as you press the play button on the remote, the world around you reforms to be that of the one in the video. A narrative voice plays over the scenes, calling your attention to various formations and tactics, and breaking them, and the correct responses to them, down.
Time passes quickly, and you feel like you've only been watching for a few minutes when Eva shuts the simulation down.
<span class="eva">"Midnight. You can always return to the video when you have other free time."</span>
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Intro_Day4_Evening_Sleep">><</slink>>
<<if starGame.player.isMale()>>
<<if starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'black'>>
<img src="resources/img/scenes/d4_eva_evening/m_black.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'tan'>>
<img src="resources/img/scenes/d4_eva_evening/m_tan.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/scenes/d4_eva_evening/m_fair.webp"/>
<<if starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'black'>>
<img src="resources/img/scenes/d4_eva_evening/f_black.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'tan'>>
<img src="resources/img/scenes/d4_eva_evening/f_tan.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/scenes/d4_eva_evening/f_fair.webp"/>
Deciding that while this is definitely abnormal behavior for an AI, you might as well experience what it's like to cuddle with an attractive AI assistant once in your life, before that kind of thing might be made illegal. As you accept, you see her face light up with joy, and before you can fully react, she's pulling you towards the bed.
Pushed onto the comfortable bed, your mind is too distracted by Eva pulling your shirt off. Opening your mouth to ask what happened to cuddling, she shuts you up by putting a finger over your lips.
<span class="eva">"Shhh. It'll be more comfortable like this."</span> She says as she collapses onto the bed next to you, her arms sliding around you and her legs intertwined with yours.
When she makes no other moves, you adjust yourself slightly, getting comfortable as you feel the simulated heat of Eva lying against you, her breathing slowly matching yours. As the two of you lie, entangled in each other's embrace, a comfortable silence descends onto the room.
Slowly, you feel yourself drifting off to sleep, and your last memory before sleep takes over is Eva kissing you on the forehead lightly, a whispered thank you reaching you moments before you pass out.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Intro_Day5_Morning_Start_Eva">><<nextday>><</slink>>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<saudio "bgm_eva3" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.25>>
<<box "choicebox">>
<<if starGame.player.getFact('orientation_d4_cafe') is not true>>
<<slink "Cafe" "Intro_Day4_Afternoon_Cafe">><<playerFactSet "orientation_d4_cafe" true>><</slink>>
<<if starGame.player.getFact('orientation_d4_archive') is not true>>
<<slink "Archives" "Intro_Day4_Afternoon_Archives">><<playerFactSet "orientation_d4_archive" true>><</slink>>
<<if starGame.player.getFact('orientation_d4_arcade') is not true>>
<<slink "Enrichment Center" "Intro_Day4_Afternoon_Arcade">><<playerFactSet "orientation_d4_arcade" true>><</slink>>
<<slink "Go Home" "Intro_Day4_Evening">>
<img src="resources/img/locations/commons/hotelroom.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/julianna/expressions/happy_uniform.webp"/>
A gentle beeping sound wakes you, and a glance at the room's terminal reveals that it's quite early in the day. The simulated sun will only start rising in a few minutes. As you rouse, you notice that you're alone in the room. Memories of the night before flood into your head, and as you lie in bed with a smile, movement catches your attention.
As Julianna comes out of the shower, you take a moment to appreciate how good she looks in nothing but a towel. Noticing you're awake, she sends you to shower, saying that the breakfast will arrive soon.
A quick shower later finds you sitting alongside the redhead as you eat. The food is good, and the idle conversation between the two of you passes the time quickly. Before long however, she makes to leave, neatly dressed in an academy uniform once more.
<span class="julianna">"I'll see you later."</span> She says with a quick kiss on the cheek.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Leave Hotel" "Intro_Day5_Morning_LeaveHotel">><</slink>>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<saudio "bgm_home" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.25>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/commons/hotelroom.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/diane/expressions/happy_uniform.webp"/>
A gentle beeping sound wakes you, and a glance at the room's terminal reveals that it's quite early in the day. The simulated sun will only start rising in a few minutes. As you rouse, you notice that you're alone in the room. Memories of the night before flood into your head, and as you lie in bed with a smile, movement catches your attention.
The door to the room opens, and Diane glides in, obviously trying to be quiet. Playing along, you close your eyes before she can notice you're awake, and as the smell of food reaches you, you realize she went to get breakfast for you both.
As she leans over to wake you, you open your eyes giving her a slight fright. She jerks away instinctively, and you catch her in a hug as you both laugh. The breakfast is a simple affair, but it tastes good and the company makes it even better. The two of you take a shower together, and as you get ready for the day, she blows you a kiss from the door.
<span class="diane">"I need to run, I have a scholarship to maintain. Call me?"</span> She says, and you watch as the door closes behind her.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Leave Hotel" "Intro_Day5_Morning_LeaveHotel">><</slink>>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<saudio "bgm_home" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.25>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/academy/atrium1.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
Leaving the hotel room behind you, you head for your own room, in need of a change of clothes before starting the day. It's early enough that you don't see many people while you walk, and you slowly realize that you're feeling quite light headed.
Frowning to yourself, you take a moment to try to figure out why you're under the weather, when you feel your strength leave you unexpectedly. Taking a seat on a nearby bench, you slowly realize that your current state is the result of all the activities you partook in yesterday, and a lack of hydration to keep up with the fluid loss. Cursing softly to yourself, you take a few minutes to gather strength when someone clears their throat nearby.
Turning to face the new arrival, you are not surprised to see a young man in an athletic outfit. It's early enough that the only sane people awake right now are either exercising or returning home after a night of exercise.
<span class="npc2">"Need a hand?"</span> He asks, a trace of concern in his voice.
<span class="hero">"Nah I'm good. Just didn't hydrate enough yesterday."</span> You respond, throwing an easy smile. Last thing you need is to be seen leaning on him before the day even starts.
<span class="npc2">"Ah, in that case, here."</span> He says, extending a small container to you. <span class="npc2">"It's a booster. You'll feel right as rain in moments."</span> After you take one of the small pills, he gives you a nod. <span class="npc2">"Good luck."</span>
Before you can say anything further, he returns to his jog, leaving you alone on the bench.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Use pill" "Intro_Day5_Morning_LeaveHotel2">>
<<playerFactSet "orientation_d4_morning_usepill" true>>
<<slink "Don't use pill" "Intro_Day5_Morning_LeaveHotel2">>
<<playerFactSet "orientation_d4_morning_usepill" false>>
<<additem "item_consumable_boosterpill" 1 true>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/academy/atrium1.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
<<if starGame.player.getFact('orientation_d4_morning_usepill') is true>>\
Deciding you might as well take the offered help, you knock the pill back easily. Its effects are almost immediate, and you can feel the life return to your body.
A distinct heat spreads throughout you, and as you make your way back to your room, you soon feel like you could run a marathon without issue. However, you do feel the initial high begin to end, and you feel grateful that you've already reached your room by the time it starts.
Deciding to not use the booster for now, you take another few moments to gather yourself before you finish the rest of the journey to your room. It's not a massive struggle, but you do find yourself pausing a few times to deal with the dizziness.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Intro_Day5_Morning_LeaveHotel3">><</slink>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/academy/mc_apartment/apartment_day.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
The room awakens to your arrival. The blinds open, and a gentle melody plays over the speakers. As you head for the shower, a menu appears on your terminal, and with a glance over it, you dismiss it for now. You had eaten before returning home after all. You do crack open a bottle of water, downing it quickly.
A short shower and grooming session later, and you find yourself relaxing at your desk. Turning your attention to the day's agenda, you contemplate your options.
You know that today is the final day of orientation and as such you have no real demands on you today. There is a single orientation class in a few hours. However, aside from that, you know there is a need to start attending to the club activity that's due in a week. There's no telling how things will change once the academy programme starts for real, and you do have an opportunity to make headway on it now.
Alternatively, you can relax here until it's time for class, and finish your orientation week without any other interruptions. You'll have plenty of time to make a plan for the extramural activities later.
<<include Intro_Day5_Morning_Choices>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/academy/mc_apartment/apartment_day.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
A gentle beeping sound rouses you from your sleep. As you stretch, one of your hands bumps your VR headset, and you slowly recall the events of last night. Seeing as how you're still in your holodeck chair, you are surprised it was comfortable enough for you to sleep in.
Reaching up to turn the headset off, you notice that Eva is still "sleeping" next to you in the VR world. You smile down at her before you unlink yourself, and as the world returns to normal you notice that it's still quite early in the morning. Stretching as you stand, you make for the shower, eager to freshen up.
You know that today is the final day of orientation and as such you have no real demands on you today. There is a single orientation class in a few hours. However, aside from that, you know there is a need to start attending to the club activity that's due in a week. There's no telling how things will change once the academy programme starts for real, and you do have an opportunity to make headway on it now.
Alternatively, you can relax here until it's time for class, and finish your orientation week without any other interruptions. You'll have plenty of time to make a plan for the extramural activities later.
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<saudio "bgm_home" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.25>>
<<include Intro_Day5_Morning_Choices>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/academy/mc_apartment/apartment_day.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
A gentle beeping sound wakes you, and a glance at the room's terminal reveals that it's quite early in the day. The simulated sun will only start rising in a few minutes.
As you move in the room, it stirs with you. The blinds open, and a gentle melody plays over the speakers. As you head for the shower, a menu appears on your terminal, and with a glance over it, you select a decent looking option. A confirmation tone plays, and after a short shower and grooming session, you find yourself seated at your desk, the delivered meal waiting for you.
Eating quickly, you turn your attention to the day's agenda.
You know that today is the final day of orientation and as such you have no real demands on you today. There is a single orientation class in a few hours. However, aside from that, you know there is a need to start attending to the club activity that's due in a week. There's no telling how things will change once the academy programme starts for real, and you do have an opportunity to make headway on it now.
Alternatively, you can relax here until it's time for class, and finish your orientation week without any other interruptions. You'll have plenty of time to make a plan for the extramural activities later.
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<saudio "bgm_home" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.25>>
<<include Intro_Day5_Morning_Choices>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/academy/mc_apartment/computer.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
Already seated at your desk, you decide to lay the groundwork for your extramurals now already. As you open a note on your terminal, you direct a question to Eva.
<<if starGame.player.getFact('club') is 'culture'>>\
<span class="hero">"You know which members of the Culture club are part of my team right?"</span> In response to your question, a miniature version of Eva appears on your screen. <span class="eva">"Of course. I can provide a list of them based on my review of the club selection."</span>
<span class="hero">"No need for that, please set up a group chat with those members. I need to discuss specifics with them."</span> As Eva's avatar nods in accordance with your words, you watch as an application opens and moments later populates itself with a small list of names. Smiling to yourself, you send the first message of the group.
<span class="hero">"Alright team, now that Eva helpfully collected us all. We need to decide if we'll be arguing for or against the Rebellion."</span>
You watch as the group quickly becomes active, the power of Eva's omnipresence making itself known as every cadet's answers are provided regardless of their current location on the campus. After a short while, you realize that too many people are changing sides for your group to reach a consensus today still, and you decide to weigh in on the choice you'd like to argue for.
<<elseif starGame.player.getFact('club') is 'technology'>>\
<span class="hero">"Can you start a chat with Letho please. We need to discuss our plans for the club."</span> As a miniature Eva appears on your screen, you see an application open, a message from Letho indicating he was waiting for you to contact him.
<span class="eva">"He sent the message last night, but with a delay instruction until you reached out to him to avoid bothering you."</span> Eva explains.
Nodding to yourself, you read the waiting message and can't help but frown as you do. Given that you were supposed to decide with him if you wanted to make a drone or a holodeck program, you're slightly irritated to see that the message is just him explaining that he's comfortable working on either, with a proof of concept of each attached.
Deciding to confront him about it later, you type out a message with your choice.
<span class="hero">"You know which members of the Physical club are part of my team right?"</span> In response to your question, a miniature version of Eva appears on your screen. <span class="eva">"Of course. I can provide a list of them based on my review of the club selection."</span>
<span class="hero">"No need for that, please set up a group chat with those members. I need to discuss specifics with them."</span> As Eva's avatar nods in accordance with your words, you watch as an application opens and moments later populates itself with a small list of names. Smiling to yourself, you send the first message of the group.
<span class="hero">"Tug of War or Dodgeball?"</span> You send, and true to your expectation a burst of messages follow indicating that the group doesn't care so much about which sport is chosen so long as they win. Smiling to yourself you decide for the group, remembering that it was evenly spread between athletic and non-athletic students, much like the opposing team.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<if starGame.player.getFact('club') is 'culture'>>
<<slink "Argue in favor" "Intro_Day5_Morning_Plan_Culture">><<playerFactSet "orientation_d5_morning_plan_culture_infavor" true>><</slink>>
<<slink "Argue against" "Intro_Day5_Morning_Plan_Culture">><<playerFactSet "orientation_d5_morning_plan_culture_infavor" false>><</slink>>
<<elseif starGame.player.getFact('club') is 'technology'>>
<<slink "Drone" "Intro_Day5_Morning_Plan_Technology">><<playerFactSet "orientation_d5_morning_plan_technology_project" "drone">><</slink>>
<<slink "Holodeck Program" "Intro_Day5_Morning_Plan_Technology">><<playerFactSet "orientation_d5_morning_plan_technology_project" "holodeck">><</slink>>
<<slink "Dodgeball" "Intro_Day5_Morning_Plan_Physical">><<playerFactSet "orientation_d5_morning_plan_physical_sport" "dodgeball">><</slink>>
<<slink "Tug of war" "Intro_Day5_Morning_Plan_Physical">><<playerFactSet "orientation_d5_morning_plan_physical_sport" "tug">><</slink>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/academy/mc_apartment/computer.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
<<if starGame.player.getFact('orientation_d5_morning_plan_culture_infavor') is true>>\
Deciding that it would be an interesting take to try and side with the Rebels, justifying their actions and secession, you give a short explanation of your thoughts, and soon the rest of the group swings their views to align with yours. You have a suspicion that many of the cadets were waiting for your input, given your relation to the person currently leading the war against the Rebels in reality.
Deciding that the subject is already charged enough without throwing your family name behind the justification of the Rebels' cause, you make a compelling argument for why the group should be debating against the ongoing rebellion. As the rest of the cadets slowly come to a similar decision, you have a feeling that there are more than a few cadets who were waiting to see what your opinion on the matter was before committing.
Finishing up at the terminal, you decide you might as well bring your orientation week to a close, and as you make sure your uniform looks neat on you, you give a final stretch, looking around the room idly. Your eyes linger on the holodeck for a moment, and you consider procrastinating a bit more, but you shake the thought off for now.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Go to class" "Intro_Day5_Morning_Class">><</slink>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/academy/mc_apartment/computer.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
<<if starGame.player.getFact('orientation_d5_morning_plan_technology_project') is "drone">>\
Deciding that a physical drone would be interesting to have, you confirm that your choice is the drone project, and after hitting send, you close the program for the moment. Stretching slightly, you frown at the blank screen, wondering if Letho is going to make the project harder than it needs to be or not. You decide to worry about it later.
Deciding that a holodeck program might be more practical than a drone, given the nature of the academy, you confirm your choice. After hitting send you stare at the blank screen for a moment, wondering if Letho is going to make this harder than it needs to be. For now, you push it out of your mind, deciding to cross that bridge when you get to it.
Finishing up at the terminal, you decide you might as well bring your orientation week to a close, and as you make sure your uniform looks neat on you, you give a final stretch, looking around the room idly. Your eyes linger on the holodeck for a moment, and you consider procrastinating a bit more, but you shake the thought off for now.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Go to class" "Intro_Day5_Morning_Class">><</slink>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/academy/mc_apartment/computer.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
<<if starGame.player.getFact('orientation_d5_morning_plan_physical_sport') is "dodgeball">>\
Deciding that a sport that requires teamwork but that can still be carried by individual skill is the move, you send a message saying as much. Taking a moment to decide if the directness of the club's members is a blessing or a curse, you watch a row of single word "ok" messages come back in return to your choice. Closing the application for now, you decide to focus on the day ahead, knowing that next week will simply be a test of skill now.
Deciding that a pure teamwork exercise could be a good bonding exercise, you send a message saying as much. Smiling to yourself as you watch the answers come in, most of them being a simple "sounds good.".
You can't help but wonder if the club members will remain this short winded and direct going forward.
Finishing up at the terminal, you decide you might as well bring your orientation week to a close, and as you make sure your uniform looks neat on you, you give a final stretch, looking around the room idly. Your eyes linger on the holodeck for a moment, and you consider procrastinating a bit more, but you shake the thought off for now.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Go to class" "Intro_Day5_Morning_Class">><</slink>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/academy/classroom.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
<<if starGame.player.getFact("orientation_d5_morning_plan") is false>>\
Deciding that of all things to do today, the first is finishing your orientation. Then your life on campus can truly start, with the only constraints being actual class times and club activities. You remember reading somewhere that alumni of the Academy shared that one thing they enjoyed about coming here was that the students who performed well and participated actively enjoyed a lot of freedom in regards to personal time and uniform choice.
As you leave your room behind you, you notice that the rest of the academy seems almost asleep. There are cadets and instructors, but far less than usual. The lower population lends to a serene and peaceful atmosphere, and as you walk the grounds, you find yourself appreciating the academy even more than usual. It doesn't take you long to reach the orientation hall, and when you enter you see that you're one of the only students to have arrived early for once.
Deciding you might as well get a head start on the class, you head for the holodeck terminals, and seeing one of the instructors idling nearby, change course to head for him. He sees you approaching and with a smile shakes his head, pointing at the empty stage. Turning to look at what he's pointing out to you see a new instructor heading for the stage.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Intro_Day5_Morning_Class1">><</slink>>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<saudio "bgm_heleus" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.25>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/characters/main/zara/zara_classroom.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
From a distance, you can't make out her features so well, and as you approach the stage you slowly realize something. Despite her humanoid features and shape, she clearly isn't human. Lilac skin and glowing amber eyes are accompanied by a deep blue hair color. Drawing near, you can see that she clearly takes care of herself, her outfit doing little to hide her figure. Noticing your approach she shoots you a warm smile, and raises a hand to wave you over.
<span class="zara">"Hello cadet."</span> She says, her voice sonorous and light. <span class="zara">"We still have some time before the class starts, so feel free to relax."</span>
Her eyes slide over you, and you swear you can feel a trace of warmth when they do. Deciding that you're curious about the clear alien standing on the stage of the Alliances elite academy, you start to ask a question. Before the first word can leave your mouth however, her eyes dart back to you.
<span class="zara">"Is your curiosity so immense that you can't wait a few minutes longer so I don't need to repeat myself to your colleagues?"</span>
The smile on her face blunts the edge of her words slightly, and you realize it's a legitimate question when she arcs an eyebrow at you.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Explain yourself" "Intro_Day5_Morning_Class2" "btn btn-highlight good">>
<<playerFactSet "orientation_d5_morning_class_inquire" true>>
<<npcStatIncrease "zara_affinity" 10>>
<<snotify "info">>Zara liked that.<</snotify>>
<<addtocodex "Zara" "met_zara">>
<<slink "Wait for group" "Intro_Day5_Morning_Class2" "btn btn-highlight bad">>
<<playerFactSet "orientation_d5_morning_class_inquire" false>>
<<npcStatDecrease "zara_affinity" 10>>
<<snotify "info">>Zara did not like that.<</snotify>>
<<addtocodex "Zara" "met_zara">>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/characters/main/zara/zara_classroom.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
<<if starGame.player.getFact('orientation_d5_morning_class_inquire') is true>>\
Smiling back at the alien instructor, you explain that you were just taken off guard by her appearance, given the Alliance's history with aliens. She giggles lightly at this, and repeats that wave you'd seen her give before.
<span class="zara">"It's quite alright. What point is there in going to an Academy if you're not constantly in pursuit of knowledge?"</span> Again, her voice reminds you of a songbird. She gives you a soft smile and looks over your shoulder.
<span class="zara">"It seems the rest of the group has arrived. We will proceed shortly."</span> She finishes, her shoulders squaring slightly, making her seem much more unapproachable than she had been seconds before.
Realizing that there's truth in her words, you decide to relax for now, waiting for the slowly gathering cadets to arrive. There will be time for questions later after all. As you settle in, the instructor seems to realize you've decided against talking for now, and you see a subtle shift in her body language as a result. Whereas seconds before she had seemed approachable, she gives a distinctly cold vibe now, and as her gaze sweeps past you, you can hear the cadets approaching quickly. A murmur of discussion runs through them as they register the instructor's alienness.
The alien speaks up, her voice carrying easily over the crowd of cadets.
<span class="zara">"Alright cadets, listen up and stop thinking so much."</span> She flashes a predatory smile as she pauses, her eyes searching through the crowd. Continuing after a moment, you notice that she's effectively grabbed everyone's attention already.
<span class="zara">"My name is Zara Vel. You will refer to me as Instructor, or Instructor Vel. As you've no doubt realized by now, I am not human. I am, in fact, a Caelorian. Because the Alliance, and Starwatch, want to expand their list of friends out in the void, I'm part of an exchange program to encourage relations and cooperation between our races. Additionally, I'll be your xeno-biology instructor. For most of you, that means you'll occasionally have me as an instructor during your holodeck training simulations. For the gifted, that means in a few weeks you'll be selected to partake in an optional class that focuses on more than just the battlefield, but also the culture and history of my people."</span>
She gives another smile as she looks through the crowd. When no one says anything she waves a hand at the holodeck terminals.
<span class="zara">"For today though, you'll be carrying out a standard training session, and I'll be manually adjusting each cadet's simulation to be a better fit to their psyche. In layman's terms, the simulations will feel more real, and you'll be more in control of your virtual body."</span>
A second instructor seems to take this as his cue, and as Zara finishes her introduction, you hear the usual sound of the instructors separating the courses into their appropriate sections.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Intro_Day5_Morning_Class3">><</slink>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/classroom.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/zara/expressions/neutral_dress.webp"/>
<<if starGame.player.getFact('major') is 'battlegroups'>>\
As usual, you are shepherded off to a different part of the orientation hall, the more advanced holodecks needed for the Battlegroup course waiting for you. This time, you're the first one to arrive, and as you take a seat in your waiting holodeck, you are surprised to see Zara enter the room behind you.
As you follow the instructors directions, you soon find yourself seated in one of the holodeck terminals nearby. Just before you load into whitespace, you see Zara approaching your terminal.
You don't have much time to see what she's doing however, as your attending instructor finishes prepping you, and you are sent to the whitespace of the virtual world. After a moment, Zara's voice reaches you.
<span class="zara">"Just walk around and do some light activity for a bit. I'll adjust the virtual world to you based on the readings."</span>
Nodding in response to the words, you start to do as instructed. Walking, jogging, doing a few pushups, you try to give a decent range of movement to build the readings off of. While you're busy doing this, Eva materializes herself in the whitespace with you. She raises an eyebrow at you before shaking her head with a smile.
<span class="zara">"Alright, that's good enough."</span> You hear Zara say, as you are suddenly hit by a wave of nausea. As you look around the virtual whitespace, you realize that it somehow seems to be more solid, more real.
Recovering from the momentary feeling of sickness, you take a step, and the entire world seems more physical. Taking a few more test steps, you realize that when you move, you faintly feel the sensation of resistance, akin to how it feels when you walk in the real world.
<span class="zara">"Looks like you're adjusting to the adapted simulation well. You'll find that your senses and reaction times will benefit you more than before from now on. Good luck cadet."</span>
As Zara finishes speaking, you notice the whitespace begin to change.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<if starGame.player.getFact('orientation_afternoon_training') is true>>
<<if starGame.player.getFact('major') is 'fighters'>>
<<slink "Begin simulation" "Intro_Day5_Morning_Holotraining_Ahead_Fighters">><</slink>>
<<elseif starGame.player.getFact('major') is 'cruisers'>>
<<slink "Begin simulation" "Intro_Day5_Morning_Holotraining_Ahead_Cruisers">><</slink>>
<<slink "Begin simulation" "Intro_Day5_Morning_Holotraining_Ahead_Battlegroups">><</slink>>
<<slink "Begin simulation" "Intro_Day5_Morning_Holotraining_Normal">><</slink>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/academy/classroom.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
Leaving your holodeck with a stretch, your stomach rumbles lightly, and you realize you're actually quite hungry. The instructor nearby waves you over, and gives you a smile.
<span class="officer2">"Congratulations on finishing the orientation week cadet. First class is on monday, Eva will update you of the schedule. Aside from that, starting now, you have the weekend to yourself."</span>
Thanking the instructor for the heads up, you make your way out of the orientation hall, deciding to look for some food before planning the rest of your day and the weekend ahead.
<<include Intro_Day5_EndClass>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/events/orientation_training/fighter.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
As the field of operations comes into being around you, you notice that you're seated in a slightly different ship than normal. Instead of the usual Crusader space superiority fighter that you'd been using in prior simulation, you're seated in the cockpit of a Raptor atmospheric fighter. You're somewhat surprised by this, and as you look around, you notice a few other oddities about this simulation so far.
You're alone this time, with no supporting wing to assist you, and the air around you is filled with dust and sand. Additionally, as you glance down at your radar screen, you can see that you're not alone in the cloud. There are three rebel ships chasing you, their formation a short distance behind you telling you that when the simulation begins you'll be under fire in moments.
Eva materializes on the dashboard as per usual, her smiling face slightly more grave than usual for once.
<span class="eva">"Are you ready for the briefing?"</span> She asks calmly. When you nod, she continues easily.
<span class="eva">"While flying patrol on Draconis Prime, your wing was caught off guard by the detonation of a new rebel super weapon. The resultant dust storm has prevented transmissions from leaving the planet, and your wing mates have been downed by the pursuant rebel fighters. Your mission is one of survival. Your ship is, as far as you know, the only surviving ship of the outposts, and after evading or destroying the pursuing rebels, you need to climb above the dust storm and call for aid. When the simulation starts, you will have only seconds before the rebels find you in the storm."</span> She gives you a gentle smile.
Nodding as you store the information away, you contemplate your options. You know that the Raptor is hailed universally as one of the most agile and powerful atmospheric superiority fighters in existence. With some luck and a lot of skill, you can probably outfly the three incoming rebels and claim a victory through direct combat. Additionally, you know that they don't have a solid lock on you yet, and you can take advantage of the storm to mask your signature, letting you change the dynamics of the battlefield.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Push the limits" "Intro_Day5_Morning_Holotraining_Ahead_Fighters_Push">>
<<playerFactSet "orientation_d5_fighters_choice" "push">>
<<slink "Drop" "Intro_Day5_Morning_Holotraining_Ahead_Fighters_Drop">>
<<playerFactSet "orientation_d5_fighters_choice" "drop">>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<saudio "bgm_combat1" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.25>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/events/orientation_training/fighter.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
Deciding that the best course of action is the most direct, you choose to pit your skills and reaction time against three enemy pilots. Nodding at Eva, you tell her to begin the simulation. As the flow of time returns to your surroundings, you feel your hands tighten on the throttle and stick controls. Pulling up on the joystick, you push the throttle to its maximum, the roar of the engine audible even over the deafening winds of the raging dust storm around you.
You watch the rebels on the radar flicker, the storm interfering with your ability to track them, but likewise masking your movements from them. As you climb steadily, you start to correct your course, the alterations leading you into a dive directly towards the leading rebel craft. You see them spot you, seconds too late as you hold the trigger of your multi-cannon down, the gatling gun spinning up below you before it sends a stream of rounds into the first of the rebel wing.
As the resulting explosion adds to the visual noise of the dust storm, you throw your ship into a roll, narrowly avoiding the return fire from one of the rebel ships, the two of you darting past each other close enough to see the enemy pilot's surprised expression through his cockpit window. As you level out of the roll, you have barely a second to react to the next attack, as the two remaining rebels work together to harass you. Luckily, your reaction time is good enough to keep up, and the ship you're flying is agile enough to react to your twitch movements as you throw it through a series of defensive maneuvers to avoid the incoming fire.
The next few minutes are tense, and you can't even feel the sweat on your body as you focus your entire being on just surviving the encounter. As you and the two remaining rebels look for an opening on each other, you carefully trade fire, when you suddenly see an opportunity. Throwing yourself into an aggressive dive, you catch the rebels off guard, and as they dive to chase you, you fully lean into the extra agility your ship offers you, performing a high-g turn that the rebels can not replicate to suddenly line them up in front of your gunsights, both of them neatly in range. Fighting the effects of the turn on your body, you depress the trigger, you watch as the hail of bullets tears through the first rebel ship and into the second, killing both with a single well timed burst of fire.
As you release the trigger, the simulation freezes and Eva flashes you a smile. <span class="eva">"Another successful flight."</span>
As the simulation and whitespace fade away, returning you to real space, you can't help but feel the adrenaline race through you.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Leave simulation" "Intro_Day5_Morning_Class_End">><</slink>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/events/orientation_training/fighter.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
Deciding that even if you can take on three rebels at once, you can't risk your transmitting equipment from taking damage, you nod to Eva to start the simulation. As time returns to your surroundings, you waste no time in pushing the nose of your ship down. Your ship responds to the dive, your eyes are steadily fixed on the radar, and you set the engine to its maximum output while you do so. The ground below you is masked by the dust storm, and in these low visibility conditions you are effectively flying blind.
You flinch slightly as a few bullets miss you, the leading enemy fighter managing to find a lock on you while you dive. Carefully controlling your dive to avoid the incoming fire, you keep your eyes locked on the radar, trusting the ships equipment to tell you what you need to know. A blip on the sonar readout warns you that you're getting closer to the ground at a breakneck pace, and as you dodge out of the way of another burst of gunfire, you smile to yourself. The enemy fighters are following your dive with one of their own, and as you see the ground racing towards you, you do a mental calculation on your ships ability to turn and thrust.
Praying that you've done the math right, you throw your ship into an aggressive climb, moments before you would have impacted the ground. As your engine whines, you can hear the ship around you creak under the strain of the high velocity turn. Your vision dims slightly as the high-g forces take effect on your body, and you barely hear the muted explosions of the rebels impacting the ground, unable to replicate your aggressive maneuver in their weaker, less agile ships. As you level out the climb, regaining full control over the ship, you feel time around you freeze.
Eva materializes as the simulation starts to fade back to reality. <span class="eva">"Well flown commander. A true demonstration of ability."</span>
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Leave simulation" "Intro_Day5_Morning_Class_End">><</slink>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/events/orientation_training/cruiser.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
As the starscape forms around you, you find yourself at the helm of your trusty cruiser once more. Eva takes form in her usual position of an aide nearby and she gives you a smile while she waits for you to examine the surroundings.
Taking a look around, the only thing that jumps to your attention straight away is that you are dangerously close to a refueling station. Glancing down at your command console, you suppress a grimace. Distant radar contact of enemies. A half filled fuel tank. Proximity to a refueling station. Even before Eva briefs you on the situation, you already know that you've been caught off guard.
When you turn to her, she begins the briefing.
<span class="eva">"As you can see, the refueling station you were using has come under attack. It's unexpected and far from the front lines, so reinforcements are not going to be able to arrive before the rebels reach the station. High command has tasked you with defending the station from the rebels, who seem to be after its fuel stores. This is an important logistical target for the rebels, as the fuel they can capture from the station is enough to keep their fleets moving for months."</span>
She gives you a polite nod as she waits for you to begin the simulation.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Desperate Defense" "Intro_Day5_Morning_Holotraining_Ahead_Cruisers_Desperate">>
<<playerFactSet "orientation_d5_cruisers_choice" "desperate">>
<<slink "Asset Denial" "Intro_Day5_Morning_Holotraining_Ahead_Cruisers_Denial">>
<<playerFactSet "orientation_d5_cruisers_choice" "denial">>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<saudio "bgm_combat1" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.25>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/events/orientation_training/cruiser.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
Sighing softly to yourself, you glance over the command console once more, looking for any advantage you might have missed. When nothing jumps out at you in particular, you decide that there is no point in delaying the inevitable any further. Nodding to Eva, you watch as the simulation starts to move around you.
You quickly bark out some instructions to bring the cruiser away from the refueling station. You need to be able to trade shots with the incoming rebels, and while you're relatively sure they won't use their larger weapons while you're backlit by the station, you don't want to be right next to it in case you're wrong. As you watch the enemy ships get closer on the radar, you feel some measure of relief hit you when you realize that, while you're still outnumbered, it's only a handful of destroyers and some transports, not a full fleet.
You tell your navigator to do his best to keep your ship between the enemy and the fuel station in order to lower the amount of shots they'll be willing to take with their larger weapons, and you remind the gunnery commanders that the priority is to keep the station out of rebel hands, meaning that transports are to be engaged on sight.
You spend the next few minutes waiting, the tension and silence of the command deck thick and heavy. You watch as the enemy ships slowly draw closer before you break the silence. Designating one of the nearer destroyers for the first volley, you hear the faint roar of your cannons firing in response. A distant explosion reveals a successful impact, and as you quickly call out the next targets, you see the enemy formation stutter for a moment. The fuel station must have been masking your ships signals, and you've effectively caught them by surprise with your initial volley. As your ship continues to fire, you feel the engines hum as the navigator tries to keep your ship safely between the enemy ships and the station.
As you see another distant explosion tell you of more successful hits, you can't help but feel a rush of hope. Your ship is better armed and armored, and the reluctance of the rebels to damage the fuel station is leading to very few shots reaching you. You continue to designate priority targets, and what feels like an eternity slowly passes. Suddenly time slows down, the simulation freezing around. You look at Eva in surprise, and she gives you a smile.
<span class="eva">"Congratulations on defending the station. Another successful simulation under your belt."</span> She says as the starscape starts to fade back into reality.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Leave simulation" "Intro_Day5_Morning_Class_End">><</slink>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/events/orientation_training/cruiser.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
Glancing at the command console to make sure you haven't missed anything, you rerun the wording of the briefing in your mind. Slowly forming a plan, you nod for Eva to begin the simulation. As time starts to flow around you, you turn to your crew. You take a moment before speaking, and the extra anticipation forces everyone's eyes on you.
As you speak, you can feel the surprise radiating from the officers around you. You explain how you want the ship to be put into stealth mode, and how you'll actually be retreating away from the rebel ships, hiding behind the fuel station to do so. You glance over at Eva, and after confirming that these fuel stations are unmanned, you continue outlining your plan to the crew. After a minute or two, as the ship's engines rumble to life, you watch as the officers begin planning the necessary steps for their roles.
Minutes pass in relative silence, the officers talking quietly amongst themselves as they prepare for your order. As your cruiser hangs silently in space, you watch the radar showing you the rebels slowly draw closer to the undefended fuel station. You smile predatorily to yourself as you see rebel destroyers glide into different berths, their transports breaching the station and starting to link the fuel stores to their ships. Your crew grows silent in anticipation, and as you watch the last destroyer link to the fuel tanks, you set your plan into motion. Nodding to your gunnery commanders, you hear your ship roar to life underneath you, the engine kicking into high thrust, while the cannons begin to fire ceaselessly.
Watching as the first rounds punch into the fragile fuel tanks, you are rewarded with a pair of brilliant explosions, the resulting secondary detonations rippling through the fuel station and into the linked rebel ships. As your cruiser continues firing, you watch as the volatile fuel burns, the brief moments before the vacuum of space kills the flames lending to devastating blasts of power. As your ship glides through the devastated remnants of the rebel ships, your crew shares as few muted cheers at their victory, the gruesome scene of shattered ships and station leading them into an eerie silence.
As the scene freezes around you, Eva speaks up. <span class="eva">"Congratulations on yet another successful simulation."</span>
There's a strange hollowness in her voice as she talks however, but you don't have time to query it before the simulation fades back into realspace.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Leave simulation" "Intro_Day5_Morning_Class_End">><</slink>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/events/orientation_training/battlegroup.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
As the starscape forms around you, you find yourself standing on the command deck of your flagship as per usual. A glance at your command console tells you that your battlegroup is at full strength, and currently holding a safe position in empty space. A distant star tells you that whatever simulated action is going to happen, will be far from any celestial bodies.
Eva is waiting patiently by your side, her visage overlaid with that of one of your aides. She gives you a smile when you look at her, clearly waiting to brief you. When you nod at her, she starts talking, pulling up a screen of information at the same time.
<span class="eva">"Rebel activity in the system has increased greatly, and your battlegroup has been tasked with bringing the system back in line. While a series of operations are planned, your first task is to create a suitable beach head from which to operate. Command has selected a nearby shipyard as your primary target and soon to be base of operations. For this step of the operation, you'll need to capture it, mostly intact, to use in the future."</span>
She stops talking, giving you a sweet smile as she waits for you to begin the simulation.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Feint and Thrust" "Intro_Day5_Morning_Holotraining_Ahead_Battlegroup_Feint">>
<<playerFactSet "orientation_d5_battlegroup_choice" "feint">>
<<slink "Slipstream Barrage" "Intro_Day5_Morning_Holotraining_Ahead_Battlegroup_Slipstream">>
<<playerFactSet "orientation_d5_battlegroup_choice" "slipstream">>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<saudio "bgm_combat1" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.25>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/events/orientation_training/battlegroup.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
Nodding at Eva, time resumes around you, and as the bridge crew comes to life you take a moment to order your thoughts. A gentle cough causes the crew to turn to you, ready for instructions. Pulling up some screens on the holomap in the center of the bridge, you start to formulate a plan, your words carrying well in the silence. Splitting your forces into three, you outline a plan that sends two of the new groups to attack targets on the far side of the system from your designated target, and leaves your main force to slowly creep towards the soon to be base station.
As your officers start to smile, realizing your intention, you give them one back. It's a bold and daring plan, but a textbook example of tactical superiority. While two thirds of your ships cause a distraction on the other edge of the star system, your main force will sneak up on the target, the distraction drawing any resistance and sensors away from your main group. Then, once you've engaged and captured the station, your distraction forces will disengage and retreat, performing an out of system jump to further draw the enemies attention into thinking they're being attacked from outside of the local cluster. By the time your detached ships rejoin you, you'll have fully secured the shipyard, drastically damaging the rebels ability to field and repair their own ships in the system, while also giving you a local advantage in terms of sustainability.
Once the plan is outlined and everyone understands their roles, you sit back in your command chair, watching and waiting for it to unfold. Slowly your distraction forces make their way to their initial strike locations, and while your own group slowly glides through space, you watch your officers command the distant groups through their skirmishes. As you watch the distant battles from your holomap, you keep a careful eye on the shipyard that is your actual target. When you see that the garrison of rebel ships that guard it have left to reinforce their embattled allies, you give the order for your group to speed up, aiming to capture the shipyard now that their attention has turned away from it.
You watch as your battlegroup slowly reaches the shipyard, well placed shots knocking out its few defenses. As transports unload marines into the shipyard, you turn your attention back to your distraction forces, who are already busy retreating from the system, successfully keeping the rebel attention on them for long enough to allow your ships to finish wresting control of the shipyard and prepare to defend it from the rebels that notice your deception. Smiling as the simulation slowly freezes, you can't help but smile at yet another display of tactical genius.
Eva speaks to you as the simulation slowly fades away, returning to real space.
<span class="eva">"Well done commander. With the initial step of the operation complete, you'll have a solid foundation to complete your conquest of the system from."</span>
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Leave simulation" "Intro_Day5_Morning_Class_End">><</slink>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/events/orientation_training/battlegroup.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
You give Eva a nod, and as time begins to flow around you again, you pull the holomap up, highlighting an area near the target shipyard. As your crew waits for you to speak, you finish formulating a plan, and with a cold smile you turn to your officers. Your instructions are simple, yet by the time you finish talking, you can see the surprise on each of their faces. One of your gunnery commanders looks like he wants to ask a question, but he is quickly shushed by the other, a quiet debate about the targeting data erupting between them.
As you watch the crew, you give a final command, and the bridge springs to life, officers following your instructions to the letter. On the map you watch as the battlegroup reforms, taking a formation that doesn't quite match any that the Academy would teach. Instead it looks like you've stacked your ships into a tower, foregoing the usual screen of defensive ships around your flagship. The navigator finishes their calculations before turning to you, a nervous gulp accompanying their words.
<span class="npc1">"Slipstream coordinates plotted. All ships are ready for the jump."</span>
You smile as you confirm the order to begin your attack. A hole in space slowly opens, your fleet gliding into it, as the command crew bursts to life, barking out orders and coordinating the movements of the battlegroup from your bridge. You can practically feel the anticipation in the air, as everyone waits to see if your plan will work as intended.
The brief moment of slipstream travel is deathly quiet, with everyone waiting for the arrival jump to resume operations. As the window back to normal space opens, you hear your crew quietly double check that everything is still in order. As your battlegroup glides out of the slipstream tunnel, you hear the first guns roar, the fleet around you coming to life with deadly efficiency.
You don't waste your time with the holomap, choosing instead to look out of your flagships windows as you watch your battlegroup clash with the surprised rebel defenders. As cannon fire ripples out of your compact formation, you can't help but feel a sense of triumph well up within you, each volley punching through dozens of scrambling rebel ships as they try to regroup and react to the sudden arrival of your fleet. A close range slipstream jump is a dangerous thing, as if any of the math was slightly off, your ships could have bisected the rebel ships or station, or even each other. But your gamble paid off, and the rebels found themselves well inside the kill range of your formation before they could even process your arrival.
The next few minutes pass quickly, with your fleet quickly decimating the defenders before capturing the shipyard. You suppress a frown at the alarm call that one of the rebel ships manages to send before it's gutted, but as the simulation freezes around you, you turn to Eva to confirm the success of your operation.
<span class="eva">"Well done commander."</span> She says, smiling at you before continuing. <span class="eva">"An impressive usage of novel tactics."</span>
You flash her a smile back, as the simulation fades back to realspace.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Leave simulation" "Intro_Day5_Morning_Class_End">><</slink>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/academy/classroom.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
As the world around you fills in, you find yourself sitting in an empty classroom. A projector slowly unfolds, and as you watch, a video soon appears on the screen. Moments later Eva appears, and with a smile, she presents a remote to you.
<span class="eva">"It will be a collection of decisive battles and encounters with the rebels of the past, as well as an analysis of their tactics, meant to help you know your enemy to a greater degree. In the future, classes will slowly start to remove limiters, and eventually you'll be training against simulated rebel forces that act as if they were trained by the finest academies."</span> Eva sits at a desk nearby.
<span class="eva">"There is no real objective for this class, instead this is your first glance at a reference material that will remain useful to you for your entire stay at the academy."</span> She turns her attention to the screen, and as you press the play button on the remote, the world around you reforms to be that of the one in the video. A narrative voice plays over the scenes, calling your attention to various formations and tactics, and breaking them, and the correct responses to them, down.
Time passes quickly, and you feel like you've only been watching for a few minutes when Eva shuts the simulation down.
<span class="eva">"That's the end of class. You will retain access to this module at future uses of the terminal, and I expect that you'll find yourself using it often if you wish to develop your abilities to the best they can be."</span> She flashes you a smile as you return to real space.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Leave simulation" "Intro_Day5_Morning_Class_End">><</slink>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/atrium1.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/curie/expressions/happy_uniform.webp"/>
As you leave the orientation hall, you are surprised to see Curie standing nearby. She flashes a brilliant smile when she spots you, and approaches you quickly.
<span class="curie">"I was thinking that some lunch together would be good fun."</span> She says with a wink.
Smiling back at her, you decide that it could be, and tell her to lead the way. She lets out a soft giggle as she guides you through the campus, and before long you find yourself seated at a small food stall.
The proprietor gives you a smirk before turning to Curie. <span class="curie">"The same as always. For two please."</span> Curie says smoothly, before turning her attention back to you.
As the owner of the stall starts frying some ingredients up, Curie flashes you a knowing smile.
<span class="curie">"How has the week been for you?"</span> She asks coyly.
The conversation between the two of you starts to flow smoothly, and while nothing special is said, you find yourself enjoying her company. As the owner places a steaming hot bowl in front of you, you find yourself assaulted by a heady mix of spices and garlic, and peering down into the bowl you're surprised to see a colorful mix of meat and vegetables waiting for you.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('orientation_d3_evening_curiescene_accept') is true>>
<<slink "Ask about mod" "Intro_Day5_Afternoon_Curie2">>
<<playerFactSet "orientation_d5_afternoon_curie_askmod" true>>
<<snotify "info">>+1 Acceptance.<</snotify>>
<<playerStatIncrease "acceptance" 1>>
<<slink "Continue" "Intro_Day5_Afternoon_Curie2">><</slink>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/atrium1.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/curie/expressions/happy_uniform.webp"/>
<<if starGame.player.getFact('orientation_d5_afternoon_curie_askmod') is true>>\
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('curie_intro_sex') is true>>\
/% Curie was submissive %/\
Smiling at her, you decide to broach the question that's been on your mind for a few days now.
<span class="hero">"So, about that mod you made me use."</span>
She freezes at your words, and slowly turns to look at you, a distinct look of apprehension on her face. She gulps tentatively, before speaking.
<span class="curie">"Y-yea? What about it?"</span> She whispers out. Smiling at her, you press her for details, and as she slowly blushes more and more, she reveals everything you wanted to know.
<<if starGame.player.getFact('transstart') is true>>\
<span class="curie">"Amazonia. It's a temporary mod that leans towards specific… fantasies. The clinic sometimes has it available. But as you saw, it doesn't really do much for your body, aside from a very temporary enhancement."</span> She's a deep red, blushing more with every word, and you decide to stop teasing her for now.
<span class="curie">"Amazonia. It's a temporary mod that leans towards specific… fantasies. The clinic sometimes has it available."</span> She's a deep red, blushing more with every word, and you decide to stop teasing her for now.
She lets out a breath of relief as she realizes you're not going to push her further, and taking a chance to change the topic, she asks you about your plans later in the day.
<span class="curie">"Are you going to the Arcade later tonight? Would you like to go with me?"</span>
/% Curie was dominant %/\
She gives you a bolder smile than you were expecting. "Did you enjoy it that much?" She teases you lightly, and you find yourself blushing lightly despite yourself.
<<if starGame.player.getFact('transstart') is true>>\
<span class="curie">"It's called Amazonia. It lends to a specific kind of fetish. But as you saw, it doesn't really do much for your body, aside from a very temporary enhancement."</span> She winks at you as she speaks, but you suddenly find it harder to meet her eyes than normal. After a few more moments of conversation where she lightly teases you throughout, she leads the conversation back towards easier topics.
<span class="curie">"It's called Amazonia. It lends to a specific kind of fetish. As you've experienced."</span> She winks at you as she speaks, but you suddenly find it harder to meet her eyes than normal. After a few more moments of conversation where she lightly teases you throughout, she leads the conversation back towards easier topics.
<span class="curie">"Are you going to the Arcade later tonight? Would you like to go with me?"</span>
Curie and you eat in relative silence, and you have to admit that the food, while unassuming, is good. She slowly turns her attention back to you, before hitting you with a question. <span class="curie">"Are you going to the Arcade later tonight? Would you like to go with me?"</span>
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Accept" "Intro_Day5_Afternoon_Curie_Duo">>
<<playerFactSet "orientation_d5_afternoon_curie_duo" true>>
<<slink "Solo Evening" "Intro_Day5_Afternoon_Curie_Solo">>
<<playerFactSet "orientation_d5_afternoon_curie_duo" false>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/atrium1.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/curie/expressions/happy_uniform.webp"/>
You smile at your companion before telling them that you're not keen on the arcade. You had plans to unwind and relax after the week-long orientation, and you'll have to give it a skip this time. She shoots you a wistful smile, before replying.
<span class="curie">"That's fair enough. We can do something else another time then?"</span>
Nodding at this, you agree, and as the meal comes to an end, you and her part ways. As you watch her head for the arcade, you decide what to do with your evening yourself.
<<include Intro_Day5_Afternoon_Solo>>\<<nobr>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/atrium1.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/curie/expressions/happy_uniform.webp"/>
Smiling at your companion, you say you'd love to attend the fun night with them. They throw a grateful smile back at you, before telling you that it's not quite a date, since most of the cadets will be there, but that they're glad you're attending with them.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Intro_Day5_Evening_Arcade">>
<<playerFactSet "orientation_d5_evening_arcade" true>>
<<npcFactSet "orientation_d5_evening_arcade_curie" true>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/atrium1.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/diane/expressions/happy_uniform.webp"/>
Leaving the orientation hall, you're busy deciding what you should do with yourself today when someone bumps into you from the side. Turning to see the offender, you are surprised to see Diane grinning at you.
<span class="diane">"Hey you. Want to get some food?"</span> She says softly, a hint of awkwardness in her voice.
Smiling at her, you tell her you'd love to get a meal. She perks up at this, and instantly starts walking, a wave at you telling you to follow. Soon you find yourself sitting next to Diane at an outdoor table. She makes general small talk with you, when a waiter approaches you both all of a sudden.
A glance at the offered menu and you can't help but smile. Every item on the menu is either beef or chicken and Diane orders with a speed and familiarity that tells you she exclusively eats from here on normal days.
Following her lead, you end up ordering a steak with chips, and as you wait for the food with her, you find yourself falling into a casual conversation about classes and academy life. When the food does arrive, a comfortable silence falls over the table as you enjoy the meal. Drinks ordered to wash the meal down soon arrive, and as you and Diane relax together, she slowly leads the conversation towards the topic of the rest of the day's plans.
<span class="diane">"If you're not doing anything later, wanna come with me to the Arcade's Orientation fun night thing?"</span>
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Accept" "Intro_Day5_Afternoon_Diane_Duo">>
<<playerFactSet "orientation_d5_afternoon_diane_duo" true>>
<<slink "Solo Evening" "Intro_Day5_Afternoon_Diane_Solo">>
<<playerFactSet "orientation_d5_afternoon_diane_duo" false>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/atrium1.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/diane/expressions/happy_uniform.webp"/>
You smile at your companion before telling them that you're not keen on the arcade. You had plans to unwind and relax after the week-long orientation, and you'll have to give it a skip this time. She shoots you a wistful smile, before replying.
<span class="diane">"That's fair enough. We can do something else another time then?"</span>
Nodding at this, you agree, and as the meal comes to an end, you and her part ways. As you watch her head for the arcade, you decide what to do with your evening yourself.
<<include Intro_Day5_Afternoon_Solo>>\<<nobr>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/atrium1.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/diane/expressions/happy_uniform.webp"/>
Smiling at your companion, you say you'd love to attend the fun night with them. They throw a grateful smile back at you, before telling you that it's not quite a date, since most of the cadets will be there, but that they're glad you're attending with them.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Intro_Day5_Evening_Arcade">>
<<playerFactSet "orientation_d5_evening_arcade" true>>
<<npcFactSet "orientation_d5_evening_arcade_diane" true>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/atrium1.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/jaime/expressions/happy_uniform.webp"/>
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('met_jaime') is true>>\
Leaving the orientation hall, your attention is grabbed by the nearby sound of heels, and you turn to find Jaime just a step behind you. She gives you a polite nod of the head, and you can physically see her muster up courage to ask you a question.
Leaving the orientation hall, your attention is grabbed by the nearby sound of heels, and you turn to see the cause. A fragile looking cadet is walking a few steps behind you, and seeing you look at her, she blushes momentarily. Realizing you need to at least greet her, you trade names, and quickly find yourself in a somewhat awkward situation.
<span class="jaime">"Would you like to get lunch with me?"</span> You see her lightly shake her head, cutting her own sentence off early.
Telling her that you're down for lunch, you find yourself leading her to one of the Academies cafes. Soon, yourself and Jaime find some professional looking milkshakes and treats in front of you, and a pleasant conversation starting.
The conversation follows smoothly and casually, and before long you and Jamie are laughing together at some unfinished knock knock joke that she's laughing too hard to complete. Slowly the conversation winds down, and she graces you with a smile.
<span class="jaime">"There's a fun night at the arcade later, kind of like a "orientation is over" party. Want to come with me?"</span>
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Accept" "Intro_Day5_Afternoon_Jaime_Duo">>
<<playerFactSet "orientation_d5_afternoon_jaime_duo" true>>
<<addtocodex "Jaime" "met_jaime">>
<<slink "Solo Evening" "Intro_Day5_Afternoon_Jaime_Solo">>
<<playerFactSet "orientation_d5_afternoon_jaime_duo" false>>
<<addtocodex "Jaime" "met_jaime">>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/atrium1.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/jaime/expressions/happy_uniform.webp"/>
You smile at your companion before telling them that you're not keen on the arcade. You had plans to unwind and relax after the week-long orientation, and you'll have to give it a skip this time. She shoots you a wistful smile, before replying.
<span class="jaime">"That's fair enough. We can do something else another time then?"</span>
Nodding at this, you agree, and as the meal comes to an end, you and her part ways. As you watch her head for the arcade, you decide what to do with your evening yourself.
<<include Intro_Day5_Afternoon_Solo>>\<<nobr>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/atrium1.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/jaime/expressions/happy_uniform.webp"/>
Smiling at your companion, you say you'd love to attend the fun night with them. They throw a grateful smile back at you, before telling you that it's not quite a date, since most of the cadets will be there, but that they're glad you're attending with them.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Intro_Day5_Evening_Arcade">>
<<playerFactSet "orientation_d5_evening_arcade" true>>
<<npcFactSet "orientation_d5_evening_arcade_jaime" true>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/atrium1.webp"/>
<img class="exp-left-10" src="resources/img/characters/main/julianna/expressions/happy_uniform.webp"/>
As you leave the orientation hall, you're somewhat surprised to see Julianna already outside. You could have sworn you were one of the first to finish the session, but you're not upset to see her. Walking towards her, you smile, a memory of your night with her flashing through your mind. She surprises you by giving you a light kiss when you reach her, and as you glance around, you see that you're not the only person surprised by the interaction. A few nearby cadets are openly staring, caught off guard by the public display of affection.
She giggles at your shock, and grabbing you by the hand, quickly leads you towards one of the nearby parks. <span class="julianna">"I'm dying of hunger."</span> She says as a way of explanation, producing a neatly packed lunchbox. <span class="julianna">"I made sure there's enough for both of us."</span> She graces you with a warm smile as she unpacks the food, and you have to admit that it does look good.
It's a pleasant meal, and as the two of you sit and chat, you can't help but enjoy the day. Soon, the food is finished, and you find yourself watching the clouds, Julianna's head lying on your lap. She pokes you in the side, returning your attention to her. <span class="julianna">"Do you have plans for the evening?"</span> She asks, directly and simply. Thinking for a moment, you know that you don't have any specific plans. Before you can answer however, she puts a finger on your lips, muting you.
<span class="julianna">"We could watch a movie or something if you wanted to, but I'm quite… sensitive from last night. So there won't be anything else happening tonight, understood?"</span> She cocks an eyebrow at you, a half smile playing over her lips.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Solo Evening" "Intro_Day5_Afternoon_Julianna_Solo">><<playerFactSet "orientation_d5_afternoon_julianna_duo" false>><</slink>>
<<slink "Duo Evening" "Intro_Day5_Afternoon_Julianna_Duo">><<playerFactSet "orientation_d5_afternoon_julianna_duo" true>><</slink>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/atrium1.webp"/>
<img class="exp-left-10" src="resources/img/characters/main/julianna/expressions/happy_uniform.webp"/>
You smile down at the redhead, before telling her that you unfortunately already had plans. You're not surprised when her good mood dims considerably at your words, and as you start to apologize you're forced to stop when she kisses you instead.
<span class="julianna">"It's alright, it was a last minute ask after all."</span> She says softly after breaking the kiss. You feel a tremor of relief run through your body as she talks.
The two of you spend another hour or so relaxing together and making conversation. Slowly however, you can feel her getting restless, and you gently remark on how you can see each other again tomorrow. She flashes you a smile, and as the two of you say your farewells, she graces you with another hug.
<<include Intro_Day5_Afternoon_Solo>>\<<nobr>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/atrium1.webp"/>
<img class="exp-left-10" src="resources/img/characters/main/julianna/expressions/happy_uniform.webp"/>
A distant alarm bell rings in your mind. It's a good thing you wanted to spend time with her anyway, otherwise you might feel like the trick question was unfair. Smiling down at her, you flick her forehead gently, the unexpected move catching her off guard and resulting in a cute sound. <span class="julianna">"ow."</span>
<span class="hero">"Of course we can watch a movie and enjoy a night in. What else would we do on a Friday night?"</span> You say to her, watching the smile on her face grow wider and brighter. Seems like she was expecting you to turn her down entirely. She hops up excitedly, and gives you a hug.
<span class="julianna">"Ok, that's perfect. I've got to go make sure the archive has the movie, and then I need to make popcorn, and see if I can get slush-puppies, and…"</span> She pauses, turning to look at you from the midst of her outburst of excitement.
<span class="julianna">"Shoo. Go home and shower, get comfortable. I'll take care of the logistics and meet you at your room when I'm ready."</span> She gives a second hug, before leaving you sitting on your own. With a smile you glance down at your watch, and seeing that you have time to kill, you decide to listen to your partner's instructions. Standing with a soft grunt, you make your way back to your room, deciding to have a relaxing bubble bath to pass the time.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Intro_Day5_Afternoon_Julianna_Duo2">><<nextperiod>><</slink>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/mc_apartment/apartment_night.webp"/>
<img class="exp-left-10" src="resources/img/characters/main/julianna/expressions/happy_uniform.webp"/>
The rest of the afternoon passes peacefully, and as you lounge around waiting, you can't help but wonder exactly what type of movie you'll be watching later. You do decide to make some level of effort yourself, and soon a few of Eva's drones arrive with decorations and extra snacks. While you're busy making sure the room is clean and ready, you hear a knock at the door, and answering with a smile, you're caught off guard as Julianna glides past you, already talking fast.
<span class="julianna">"...I hope you like butterscotch popcorn. I just need to use your kitchen for a few minutes to make the slush-puppies. Do you want lime or cherry?"</span>
Telling her to make herself at home, you confirm that you're fine with either option, and you get to enjoy a few minutes watching her work. Suddenly however, she talks aloud. <span class="julianna">"I'm almost done here, can you start to run the movie we discussed earlier please Eva?"</span> As the room around you darkens and Julianna guides you to the couch, slush-puppies and popcorn in hand.
A distinctive opening theme plays, and as you settle in for the next couple of hours next to Julianna, you have to admit that a movie night consisting of a "Illinois Bones" marathon is far more enjoyable than you expected it to be. Dated as the movies might be, they are still masterpieces, and with Julianna's company you find the time flying past.
The popcorn is quickly finished, and the glasses from your drinks are empty as you lie cuddling while the movies play. As the night draws to a close you find that Julianna has drifted off to sleep in your arms, and since you're also already comfortable, you decide to just rest your eyes for a moment.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Intro_Day6_Morning_Start_Julianna">>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/atrium2.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/zara/expressions/neutral_dress.webp"/>
Deciding that you don't actually want to do much this evening, you decide to take a casual walk through the campus grounds. The grounds are quiet, and you're actually somewhat surprised to see that there are a handful of like minded souls busy wandering the campus alone. The careful design planning of the campus has led to a sense of solitude and serenity, and the lighting lends to the feeling of being in a liminal space.
Rounding a corner on your way past the orientation hall, you barely managed to avoid walking into someone who happens to be coming from the opposite direction. Flinching out of the way at the last moment, you find yourself face to face with Zara, her surprised expression showing you that she was equally surprised by the close encounter as you were.
<<if starGame.player.getFact('orientation_d5_morning_class_inquire') is true>>\
As the two of you share an awkward laugh over the near miss, you see her face light up in recognition.
<span class="zara">"The curious cadet from earlier!"</span> Her voice once again reminds you of a songbird, and you find yourself relaxing slightly just by listening to it. Suddenly however, a frown crosses her face. <span class="zara">"Sorry, I was so surprised that I forgot to block my pheromones for a moment."</span> She still sounds like a songbird, but you don't feel the same relaxation coming from her voice than you did a moment ago.
Starting to form the question, she just waves a finger at you. <span class="zara">"That's a question for class time. For now, why are you wandering around alone?"</span> The open curiosity in her voice shows that it's a genuine question and as you explain that you were just enjoying a quiet walk she nods, her luminescent eyes glow softly, a sense of warmth following where they cross your body.
<span class="zara">"I was thinking of doing the same actually."</span> She says, a smile beginning to form. <span class="zara">"Perhaps you'd like to show me around the grounds?"</span>
As the two of you share an awkward laugh over the near miss, you see her face light up in recognition.
<span class="zara">"The curious cadet from earlier."</span> Her rhythmic voice contrasts with the frown she gives you. <span class="zara">"Here to ask me more questions that I don't want to repeat?"</span> Her golden eyes trace over you, a vague chill left where they touch.
You merely shake your head, an image of an efficient no-nonsense instructor forming in your mind. Instead, you merely explain that you were enjoying an evening walk before turning in.
<span class="zara">"That's good. It's important to stay healthy and keep a clear mind."</span> She says with a smile. <span class="zara">"I should be on my way as well. Take care cadet."</span>
Leaving you standing alone at the orientation hall, Zara walks past you, her course leading her away from yours. As you make your way home, you have a strange sense of relief settle on you.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<if starGame.player.getFact('orientation_d5_morning_class_inquire') is true>>
<<slink "Accept" "Intro_Day5_Evening_Walk2">><<playerFactSet "orientation_d5_evening_walkwithzara" true>><</slink>>
<<slink "Refuse" "Intro_Day5_Evening_Walk2">><<playerFactSet "orientation_d5_evening_walkwithzara" false>><</slink>>
<<slink "Go Home" "Intro_Day5_Evening_Ending">><</slink>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/atrium2.webp"/>
<<if starGame.player.getFact('orientation_d5_evening_walkwithzara') is true>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/zara/expressions/happy_dress.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/zara/expressions/neutral_dress.webp"/>
<<if starGame.player.getFact('orientation_d5_evening_walkwithzara') is true>>\
Deciding that this is a good chance to get to know one of the few aliens in human space personally, you tell her you'd be more than happy to escort her. Gracing you with a warm smile, she waves at you to take the lead, and you soon find yourself guiding her through the campus, fully aware that she must have been shown around by the instructors already.
As you walk and talk, you slowly realize that Zara is feeling isolated and lonely, and from the way she gently guides conversation, is looking for companionship. However, you slowly draw the guided tour to a close, not wanting to push your luck with Zara too far on your first real meeting.
She flashes you another warm smile, and extends her hand in a somewhat awkward handshake, clearly not sure what she should do as part of the farewell. Playing along for now, you shake her hand, before heading back to your own room to end the night.
Somewhere in the back of your mind you hear an alarm bell go off. A lecturer and a student walking around together late at night, one of which isn't a human, is bound to spread all sorts of rumors and attract unwanted attention if it gets spotted by the wrong people. Even beyond that, Zara is an instructor, and if your parents have taught you anything, it's to not mix business and pleasure.
Shaking your head regretfully, you tell her that you're actually quite tired, and were planning on heading back to your room now. She gives you a smile that you swear has a trace of sadness in it for a moment. She seems to recover quickly however, and tells you to enjoy the rest of your night and sleep well, leaving you standing at the orientation hall as she walks past you, leaving you alone in the night.
As you take the short walk back to your room, you can't help but feel that you somehow fell into a trap.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Go Home" "Intro_Day5_Evening_Ending">><</slink>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/commons/maidcafe.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/maki/expressions/neutral_maid.webp"/>
A short walk finds you outside the Cafe. You didn't really intend on doing much tonight, and a good place for passing time idly is here. Maki sees you from a mile away, and you find her waiting at the door, a small smile on her face. Exchanging the usual greetings, you notice that her voice seems slightly more dulled than normal ,and chalking it up to an already long day, you decide to make your visit as easy as possible. Ordering a simple milk tea to sit and enjoy, you are given a quiet corner of the cafe to sit in and as you relax, leisurely sipping on your drink and watching the evening pass, you slowly realize that you're the last patron in the establishment.
Maki flashes you a smile from where she's waiting to see if you need anything, and you decide to call it a night. Making to stand, you're quite surprised when she motions for you to relax for a bit longer, vanishing into the back of the cafe. Moments later she returns, and you're surprised to see that she's changed out of her maid uniform into a casual shirt and jeans, a small backpack slung over her shoulder.
<span class="maki">"The other waitresses owe me a few, so they'll close the cafe up for me tonight."</span> She gives you a suddenly shy smile. <span class="maki">"Wanna walk back together?"</span>
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Intro_Day5_Evening_Cafe2">><</slink>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/atrium2.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/maki/expressions/neutral_uniform.webp"/>
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('orientation_d4_cafe_daring') is true>>\
/% Accepted under the table blowjob %/\
Deciding that there's no harm in it, and since you were going to walk back to your room anyway, you nod, confirming that you'll walk with her. She gives you a warm smile, her nervousness evaporating. She walks alongside you quietly, and you notice that she keeps shooting you glances out the corner of her eye.
Raising an eyebrow at her, you watch her face redden as she realizes she's been caught. <span class="maki">"Aren't you going to ask?"</span> She says after a moment, the question catching you off guard. Saying as much, you watch her squirm for a moment.
<span class="maki">"About the… services…"</span> She manages to mumble in a way of explanation. Doing your best to keep a straight face, you tell her that you just hadn't wanted to ask questions that she might not be willing to answer, and you can see a weight lift from her shoulders. As she walks alongside you, you can slightly see an improved spring in her step, and you can't help but smile.
Soon you find yourselves standing outside the dorms, and she graces you with a soft smile. <span class="maki">"Thanks for the walk home."</span> She gives you a quick hug. <span class="maki">"Don't forget to use your privileges."</span> She whispers before leaving you at the entrance to the dorms.
Smiling after her, you make your own way to your room.
Deciding that there's no harm in it, and since you were going to walk back to your room anyway, you nod, confirming that you'll walk with her. She gives you a warm smile, her nervousness evaporating.
Leading you out of the cafe, she gives you a friendly smile as she falls into stride alongside you. For a minute or two, you both walk in silence before she half turns to face you. <span class="maki">"Thanks for walking with me. I've been working so much recently that I don't get many chances to spend time with friends."</span> The ice broken, the two of you walk and talk, and soon you find yourselves standing in front of the dorms.
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('orientation_d3_cafe_note_read') is not true>>\
/% Did not read the note %/\
She gives you a gentle nudge on the arm. <span class="maki">"You should read that note I gave you some time."</span> She says with a wink, before making her way inside. As you follow her example and head up to your own room, you smile to yourself.
/% Read the note but didn't get a blowjob %/\
She gives you a gentle nudge on the arm. <span class="maki">"You shouldn't be so timid. I live to serve after all."</span> She says with a wink, before making her way inside. As you follow her example and head up to your own room, you smile to yourself.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Go Home" "Intro_Day5_Evening_Ending">><</slink>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/commons/maidcafe.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/maki/expressions/neutral_maid.webp"/>
Deciding a good way to enjoy some of your free time would be a visit to the onsite cafe, you find yourself strolling leisurely through a surprisingly green portion of the campus. Small gardens, flowers and trees are placed in a manner that if you don't look directly up and see the dome above you, you could easily forget that the Academy grounds are housed in biospheres on an asteroid.
As you near the cafe, a vaguely familiar cadet in serving uniform approaches you. She takes a surreptitious glance around, seemingly confirming you've come alone.
<span class="maki">"Are you joining anyone, or will you be alone for now?"</span> She asks, her voice carefully neutral, yet somehow still receptive. Giving her a once over, you notice that the uniform she's wearing is somewhat reminiscent of a maid uniform. Her brown hair is at odds with her blue eyes, and when she notices you looking at her, she blushes almost instantly. Realizing that you haven't answered yet, you tell her that you'll be alone today, and allow her to lead you into the cafe. Presented with a table in the corner of the establishment with a decent view of the gardens outside, you are left with a small drinks menu as your blushing waitress rushes away to get the actual menu for you.
Taking a look at the drinks on offer, you notice very quickly that you're unlikely to be able to have a proper meal here. Smoothies, milkshakes and iced teas fill the drinks menu, and from some of the names presented, you can guess that the menu the waitress is fetching is filled to the brim with cakes, tarts and other treats. Seeing your waitress approaching after having regained her composure, you decide to pick your drink in advance, so that you can avoid any further awkward interactions with her.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Smoothie" "Intro_Day5_Evening_Cafe_FirstVisit2">>
<<npcFactSet "orientation_d3_cafe_order" "smoothie">>
<<addtocodex "Maki" "met_maki">>
<<npcFactSet "orientation_d5_cafe_maki_met" true>>
<<slink "Milkshake" "Intro_Day5_Evening_Cafe_FirstVisit2">>
<<npcFactSet "orientation_d3_cafe_order" "milkshake">>
<<addtocodex "Maki" "met_maki">>
<<npcFactSet "orientation_d5_cafe_maki_met" true>>
<<slink "Ice Tea" "Intro_Day5_Evening_Cafe_FirstVisit2">>
<<npcFactSet "orientation_d3_cafe_order" "ice tea">>
<<addtocodex "Maki" "met_maki">>
<<npcFactSet "orientation_d5_cafe_maki_met" true>>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<saudio "bgm_zone_cafe" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.25>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/commons/maidcafe.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/maki/expressions/neutral_maid.webp"/>
When the waitress arrives, she seems to have fully composed herself. Giving a polite bow, she introduces herself to you.
<span class="maki">"Welcome to Among the Stars. My name is Maki, and I'll be serving you today."</span> She repeats the bow, clearly using the motion to hide her own embarrassment from the greeting. Smiling at the situation you've found yourself in you are about to place your order when Maki speaks again. <span class="maki">"There's actually instructions left in advance in regards to serving you. On your first visit we are to serve you an iced caramel macchiato, paired with a fluffy chocolate cake slice."</span> She hesitates for a moment, seemingly fully aware that you were about to order.
<span class="maki">"Will that be alright, or should we ignore the instruction for now?"</span> She wrings her hands gently, waiting for your answer.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Order prior choice" "Intro_Day5_Evening_Cafe_FirstVisit_TakePrior">>
<<npcFactSet "orientation_d3_cafe_order_prior" true>>
<<additem "item_quest_cafe_note" 1 true>>
<<slink "Accept the preplaced order" "Intro_Day5_Evening_Cafe_FirstVisit_TakePreplaced">>
<<npcFactSet "orientation_d3_cafe_order_prior" false>>
<<additem "item_quest_cafe_note" 1 true>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/commons/maidcafe.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/maki/expressions/neutral_maid.webp"/>
Deciding that you're not about to change your mind, you go ahead with your planned order, reassuring the nervous waitress that you're not upset, just not in the mood for the other items. Opting out of ordering something to eat, you settle back to watch the campus through the window, while you wait for your order to arrive.
A calming sense of serenity slowly overtakes you, as you find yourself quickly relaxing more than you thought you could in a place like this. A gentle cough attracts your attention, as Maki places your drink in front of, along with a folded note. She shoots you a smile before leaving you alone. Glancing at the note, you see that it's unmarked, and you'd have to open it to find out who it's from.
Relaxing for a few minutes longer, you finish your drink before deciding to see what else you can do in your free time on Campus. Catching Maki's eye, you wait for her to bring the bill, only for her to return to your table empty handed again. This time she flashes a confident smile before speaking.
<span class="maki">"Your drink is on the house today. We hope you've enjoyed visiting Among the Stars, and to see you again soon."</span> She gives a polite bow again, before clearing your table and leaving you to your own devices.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Go Home" "Intro_Day5_Evening_Ending">>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<saudio "bgm_heleus" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.25>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/commons/maidcafe.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/maki/expressions/neutral_maid.webp"/>
Deciding that the offered items sound good, you tell Maki to go ahead with the order, settling in to wait for its arrival. Watching the campus and the gardens through the window, you feel yourself relaxing rapidly. After a few minutes pass, Maki returns with your drink and slice of cake together. She gives you a confident smile before talking. <span class="maki">"As a first time gift, its on the house today. Enjoy."</span>
Curious about the circumstances leading to the preplaced order and free meal, you open your mouth to query it, but it looks like Maki has anticipated your question.
<span class="maki">"All the boss said is that the orders for you have been premade, and if you have questions or refuse them to give you this note."</span> She says as she places an unmarked note on the table.
Enjoying the quiet time at the cafe, you finish your drink before deciding to see what else you can do in your free time on Campus. You signal for Maki to clear the table, standing to leave. Your movement prompts her to bow again, and you receive a small farewell statement as well.
<span class="maki">"We hope you've enjoyed your visit to Among the Stars, and to see you again soon."</span> She says easily, leaving you to your own devices once more.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Go Home" "Intro_Day5_Evening_Ending">>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<saudio "bgm_heleus" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.25>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/commons/arcade.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/thomas/expressions/happy_uniform.webp"/>
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('orientation_d5_evening_arcade_curie') is true>>\
After your meal with Curie comes to an end, you head back to your room to freshen up and change. Later, you make your way to the arcade to meet up with Curie as planned, but Eva interrupts you while you walk.
<span class="eva">"Cadet Curie has sent a message that due to responsibilities as a member of the student council she won't be able to attend the celebration anymore."</span> Eva pauses for a moment before continuing. <span class="eva">"She asks for your understanding and says sorry."</span>
Left alone you feel slightly conflicted about it, but decide that it's a reasonable enough excuse for you to get over it. As you approach the arcade alone, you can hear the sound of people and celebration from a good distance away. Drawing near, you see that the entire venue is packed, and you have a moment of hesitation before approaching. Before you can turn away or continue in, someone waves a card in front of your eyes, the motion drawing you out of your thoughts.
<<elseif starGame.npcs.getFact('orientation_d5_evening_arcade_diane') is true >>\
After parting ways with Diane so that you can both freshen up and change, you meet up with her again near the arcade in the early evening. She flashes you a warm smile, and gives you a brief hug when you reach her. The two of you walk casually towards the arcade, noticing and remarking on how busy it is compared to normal.
As you approach the doors, Diane tells you to speak to the cadet at the door to get a card. She flashes her own at you, and tells you that she'll see you inside. You watch her walk into the arcade while you get your card, and from the way she instantly gets swept up by the crowd, you already know that tonight is going to be a more casual outing and not an actual date.
When you and Jaime finish eating, you agree to meet up again near the arcade later. You both need to change and freshen up after all, and the party is still a few hours away. A shower and some time to yourself later, you start making your way to the meeting spot. You arrive shortly before Jaime, and she flashes you a smile when she sees you waiting while she jogs over.
The walk the rest of the way to the arcade is pleasant, and at some point you realize that Jaime is practically leaning against you the whole time. You don't have time to bring it up or do anything about the contact before you reach the arcade however. Jaime guides you over to a nearby cadet at the door, before flashing you another brilliant smile and a few whispered words that she'll see you inside. The cadet at the door waves a card at you, drawing your attention back away from Jaime.
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('met_thomas') is true>>\
Thomas flashes you a smile as you recognize him. He waves the card at you again, while extending a friendly hand.
<span class="thomas">"It's a promo-card. All you can use, one night only. They gave it out for the celebration."</span>
Taking the card with a smile, he waves you inside the arcade as he turns his attention to the next group of cadets approaching.
A tall male cadet is standing in front of you with a smile. You realize he's extending a hand to you, clearly in greeting, as well as an arcade card. Over the sound of the festivities inside, you can barely hear him explain.
<span class="thomas">"Nice to meet you, I'm Thomas."</span> He flashes you a warm smile before waving the card at you again. <span class="thomas">"It's a promo-card. All you can use, one night only. They gave it out for the celebration."</span>
As you take the card somewhat automatically, he waves you past him, and into the arcade itself, already focused on the next approaching cadets.
<<addtocodex "Thomas" "met_thomas">>\
The wall of sound that was emanating from the arcade is less aggressive inside the building than outside, for some reason. Taking a glance around, you're surprised to see that while the arcade is absolutely packed, there's still enough room for you to not have to squeeze through a crowd. You smile as you realize that it's due to the way the room is designed, the various clusters of activities spaced out enough to always allow some room to move between them.
Taking a moment to orient yourself you realize there are only really three choices of activity for you to make at the moment. Either a star-fighter race, a co-op shooter simulation, or a group of out of place cadets busy arm wrestling.
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<saudio "bgm_arcade" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.25>>
<<include Intro_Day5_Arcade_Choices>>\<<nobr>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/commons/arcade.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/jaime/expressions/happy_uniform.webp"/>
Curiosity gets the better of you, and as you walk over to the group of cadets busy competing with each other in starfighter races, you are quickly infected with the hype and competitive spirit of the group. Soon enough, your turn to compete arrives, and as you lower yourself into the "cockpit" of the game, you are caught off guard when someone taps you on the shoulder, grabbing your attention.
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('met_jaime') is true>>\
Jaime flashes you a smile as you turn to the source of the interruption. <span class="jaime">"You already know my voice right?"</span> She asks with a wink before continuing. <span class="jaime">"I'm your flight controller for the race. Blind track, so I'll be feeding you information while you fly. Remember, ignore everything else, and only listen to my instructions."</span> She taps your shoulder again.
Flashing her a confident smile, you can't help but feel the competitive spirit infect you even more. Well, at least you're not the only one, if they've even got flight controllers for a competitive edge.
The cadet is pale white, with dark brown hair, and as you take a moment to try to place her, she shakes her head at you. <span class="jaime">"We haven't met. I'm Jaime, and tonight, I'm your flight controller. It's a blind track for both of you, and you'll be fed information about the course as you fly."</span> She taps your shoulder again.
<span class="jaime">"Remember, ignore the outside sounds, if you're listening to anyone while you're flying, it needs to be my voice."</span> You give a nod at that, flashing a confident smile back at her. Seems like the mood of the competition has affected everyone, if people are even trying to coordinate the best flight lines like this.
<<addtocodex "Jaime" "met_jaime">>\
<<playerFactSet "orientation_d5_arcade_jaime_met" true>>\
As you finish talking with Jaime, you see your opponent lock in that they're ready to begin. Making a final adjustment, you lock in as well, and as you see the countdown on the screen begin, you take a second to examine the track ahead of you. As the siren announces the start of the race and the cadets begin cheering for their chosen challenger, you feel your body act, almost on its own volition. As you push the throttle to its limit, you see your ship surge past your opponents, and narrowly dodging a drifting asteroid, you quickly lose yourself to the track, your entire focus consumed by the space ahead of you and Jaime's voice in your headset.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Intro_Day5_Evening_Race2">><</slink>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/commons/arcade.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/edward/expressions/happy_uniform.webp"/>
The first lap passes with you securing a healthy lead, but the second lap sees you fall behind, your opponent overtaking and pulling away from you on a hairpin turn. You frown, realizing that to win you're going to need to push your ship to its limits, as the opponent is clearly willing to cut it dangerously close with obstacles, given that they scraped an asteroid to turn faster.
As you head into the third lap, some particularly impressive and equally risky flying has you draw level with the opposing fighter, and you can practically cut the tension with a knife as the watching cadets fall quiet, everyone holding their breath as they watch you approach the finish line. The silence remains for a few seconds as you cross the line, and as you and your opponent pull your headsets off, you hear the cheers erupt from the cadets. A glance at the screen reveals a surprise, a perfect, to the second, tie.
A cough catches your attention, and as you turn in its direction, you realize your competitor has approached you.
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('met_edward') is true>>\
You're somewhat surprised to see that you were competing against Edward, and as he extends a hand to you, he flashes you a tight smile. <span class="edward">"Well flown. We'll have to have a rematch sometime to see who's actually better."</span> A trace of annoyance tints his words, and you can't help but smile at it.
Some of the nearby cadets call for a rematch, but Edward waves them off. <span class="edward">"We've had our fun, we can have another rematch another time. For now, let the contest continue!"</span> He quickly takes control of the situation, and you hide a smile, realizing that he's more deeply annoyed by the tie than he's letting on.
The cadet approaching you has a strong jawline, and a physically imposing body, and as he offers you a handshake, you can't help but see a twinkle of annoyance in his eye.
<span class="edward">"Well flown. I didn't think I'd have an equal in the rest of the first year pilots. Edward Richten."</span> He says with a tight smile, and as you shake his hand you hear a few of the watching cadets call for a rematch. Before you can speak or respond to it, he responds to the crowd.
<span class="edward">"We've had our fun, we can have another rematch another time. For now, let the contest continue!"</span> He quickly takes control of the situation, and you hide a smile, realizing that he's more deeply annoyed by the tie than he's letting on.
<<addtocodex "Edward" "met_edward">>\
<<playerFactSet "orientation_d5_arcade_edward_met" true>>\
Seizing your chance, you return to the arcade interior.
<<include Intro_Day5_Arcade_Choices>><<nobr>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/commons/arcade.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/julianna/expressions/happy_uniform.webp"/>
Wandering over to a cluster of cadets who are cheering in the corner of the arcade, your attention is quickly captured by the view of a few 2v2 death matches in one of the new popular shooter simulations. As you stand and watch for a bit, you allow yourself to be included in the line ups, and before long you find yourself being strapped into the equipment alongside your partner.
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('met_julianna') is true>>\
Julianna flashes you a brilliant smile. <span class="julianna">"At last, someone who's not going to be deadweight."</span> She gives you a polite nod before tilting her head towards the opposing team. <span class="julianna">"They're good. They've been winning more than losing by a decent margin, and they don't back down from a test of reflexes."</span> She gives you another grin. <span class="julianna">"But we can beat them. Just don't get left behind alright?"</span> She says with a wink, before turning her attention to the game ahead.
The redheaded cadet next to you flashes you a beautiful smile. <span class="julianna">"Julianna."</span> She says as a way of greeting, before tilting her head towards your opponents. <span class="julianna">"They're good. They've been winning more than losing by a decent margin, and they don't back down from a test of reflexes."</span> She gives you another grin. <span class="julianna">"But we can beat them. Just don't get left behind alright?"</span> She says with a wink, before turning her attention to the game ahead.
<<addtocodex "Julianna" "met_julianna">>\
<<playerFactSet "orientation_d5_arcade_julianna_met" true>>\
As the countdown starts and you get pulled into the simulation, you feel your own focus tighten up. Next to you, Julianna is doing some light stretches, clearly looking forward to the fight already. As you follow suit, limbering up in anticipation of a quick paced battle, you realize that the simulated battlefield is the Academy grounds. You let a smile cross your face, as you wonder about the intent behind the map.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Intro_Day5_Evening_Shooter2">><</slink>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/commons/arcade.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/valerie/expressions/happy_uniform.webp"/>
As the siren announces that the match is about to begin, you quickly burst into motion, followed closely by Julianna. The two of you exchange a few words, both focused on your environment and any disruptions to it. A slight brush of fabric on brick warns you about your enemies location a second before they come into view. The next few seconds are tense, with both sides diving cover and trading fire. The seemingly chaotic return fire is dangerously precise, and you wouldn't be surprised if you were told that you're exchanging shots with one of the space marines of the Alliance. Luckily, your shields hold, and as you disengage from the skirmish, you see Julianna take one of the opposing team down as she also gets tagged.
The game now a 1v1, you silently stalk your prey through the academy grounds, both of you looking for an opportunity to strike. Rounding a corner, you find yourself face to face with your opponent, but unluckily for them, you are slightly faster on the trigger. You score a direct headshot, seconds before her return fire takes you out of the field as well.
Scowling to yourself, you pull the headset off, your irritation fading as you see that you managed to claim the victory despite the mutual kill. On the other side of the console, you see your opponent rip her own headset off, anger clearly written across her face. Standing to leave, you see her approach you, her expression clearly neutral once more.
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('met_valerie') is true>>\
As Valerie approaches you, you can clearly see the moment where her irritation is replaced by surprise as she recognizes you. She hesitantly extends a congratulatory hand before speaking.
<span class="valerie">"We need to have a rematch. That was pure luck and I had you dead to rights."</span> She barely finishes speaking before turning back to the machines, only to find that the cadets around have already moved on, the next match underway.
She turns back to you, clear frustration on her face, and only after you promise to have a rematch with her sometime does she calm down. When she leaves, you do as well, waving goodbye to Julianna from across the crowd.
The approaching blonde cadet struggles to keep her face neutral, and when she arrives, you can almost see her force herself to extend a congratulatory hand. Her words however, contain no trace of the emotion she was struggling to hide.
<span class="valerie">"So close. We'll have to have a rematch to see if it's just luck or not."</span> She gives you a tight smile, and you give her a smirk back. <span class="valerie">"My name is Valerie Teague. Try not to make me wait too long for that rematch."</span> She says, clearly growing more irritated by the second. As she leaves, you notice that the rest of the cadets are already engrossed in watching the next match play out.
Seizing your chance, you return to the arcade interior, waving goodbye to Julianna from across the crowd.
<<addtocodex "Valerie" "met_valerie">>\
<<playerFactSet "orientation_d5_arcade_valerie_met" true>>\
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Intro_Day5_Evening_Break">><</slink>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/commons/arcade.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/letho/expressions/happy_uniform.webp"/>
<img class="exp-vertical-flip" src="resources/img/characters/main/maki/expressions/happy_maid.webp"/>
Escaping from the noise of the arcade for a few minutes of fresh air, you find yourself on the balcony overlooking the academy grounds. While you hadn't expected to be alone at an event with so many participants, you didn't expect this many people to also be taking a break from the festivities inside.
You realize that even here, you need to interact with people, given the small amount of free space on the balcony. Turning to the nearest duo, you decide you might as well introduce yourself and avoid the awkwardness.
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('met_letho') is true>>\
Recognizing Letho, you smile at the timid cadet who relaxes when he recognizes you. You exchange a polite greeting before Letho suddenly freezes. <span class="letho">"I'm so bad at the social game that I forgot to introduce you to my friend."</span> He says, turning to face the nearby female cadet.
The first member of the duo is a meek looking cadet, who seems half surprised by your approach. He timidly extends a hand, his dark eyes and hair blending with the darkness of the night sky. <span class="letho">"Letho. Pleased to meet you."</span> He manages to stammer out, before suddenly realizing that he needs to introduce his companion as well. He turns to her, suddenly embarrassed.
<<addtocodex "Letho" "met_letho">>\
<<playerFactSet "orientation_d5_arcade_letho_met" true>>\
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('met_maki') is true>>\
Maki flashes you a smile and puts Letho at ease quickly. <span class="maki">"Don't worry, $character_firstName and I are already acquainted with each other."</span> She waves a hand at her maid uniform. <span class="maki">"Didn't have time to change, so I came straight from the cafe like this."</span> She performs a mock curtsy for you, and the three of you laugh as the atmosphere relaxes.
While she looks slightly out of place in a maid uniform, she gives you a confident smile before extending her hand. <span class="maki">"Maki. Don't worry about the uniform, I came here straight from the cafe."</span> She says as way of explanation.
<<addtocodex "Maki" "met_maki">>\
<<playerFactSet "orientation_d5_arcade_maki_met" true>>\
As the three of you idle and make small talk, you can hear the festivities inside the arcade slowly wind down, and at some point you realize you've been out here making casual conversation for nearly an hour already. As you start to look for an excuse to return to the fun inside, Letho mentions that he's going to head home soon, and Maki echoes the sentiment.
Seizing your chance, you return to the arcade interior, wondering if there is still some spare time before the fun dies down completely.
<<include Intro_Day5_Arcade_Choices>>\<<nobr>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/commons/arcade.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/diane/expressions/happy_uniform.webp"/>
Armwrestling seems very out of place for an Arcade, and you can't help but move towards it to investigate. You are only marginally surprised to see that most of the cadets here are physically fit, male or female, and you can't help but get drawn in by the friendly yet competitive atmosphere. Several rounds of arm wrestling go past before it's your turn, and when you step up to the plate, you're somewhat surprised to see that you're up against a seemingly much larger cadet. You don't want to complain, but based on the size difference alone, you feel outclassed. However, when the judge steps forward, the crowd calms down a bit.
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact("diane_intro_sex") is not undefined>>\
/% Met Diane on day 1. Switch between had sex or turned her down %/\
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact("diane_intro_sex") is true>>\
Recognizing Diane, you wink back at her. She gives you a gentle punch on the shoulder. <span class="diane">"It's all good fun, don't worry about size and weight differences. Just give it your best shot."</span> She smiles at you before turning to the other competitor and briefing him on something. Turning back to you she gives you both a nod.
<span class="diane">"Ready?"</span> She asks with an easy smile.
Recognizing Diane at roughly the same time she recognizes you, you both frown at each other, but the crowd of spectators lends civility to the interaction, even if it's forced.
<span class="diane">"All you need to remember is that it only counts if I say it counts."</span> Her explanation of the rules is brief and you consider it a win already that she didn't cause a scene here.
She takes a step away from the table before confirming that both contenders are ready to compete.
<<elseif starGame.npcs.getFact("orientation_d4_morning_gym_sharebag") is true>>\
Recognizing Diane, you wink back at her. She gives you a gentle punch on the shoulder. <span class="diane">"It's all good fun, don't worry about size and weight differences. Just give it your best shot."</span> She smiles at you before turning to the other competitor and briefing him on something. Turning back to you she gives you both a nod.
<span class="diane">"Ready?"</span> She asks with an easy smile.
Short dark hair, well tanned and extremely fit, the judge looks like she should be competing instead of adjudicating. She gives you a gentle punch on the shoulder. <span class="diane">"It's all good fun, don't worry about size and weight differences. Just give it your best shot."</span> She smiles at you before turning to the other competitor and briefing him on something. She turns back to you after a moment. <span class="diane">"Names Diane. All you need to remember is that it only counts if I say it counts."</span> When you nod in response she directs a question to both you and your opponent.
<span class="diane">"Ready?"</span>
<<addtocodex "Diane" "met_diane">>\
<<playerFactSet "orientation_d5_arcade_diane_met" true>>\
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Intro_Day5_Evening_Wrestling2">><</slink>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/commons/arcade.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/diane/expressions/happy_uniform.webp"/>
You nod that you're ready, and your opponent grunts his confirmation. Diane smacks a hand onto the table, and the match begins straight away.
The pressure the other cadet applies on you is immense, and you almost lose straight away, taken off-guard by how powerfully he pushes your arm towards the table top. You manage to stop his advance with considerable effort, and manage to fight his arm back to the start position. As you apply more strength, you can feel him match you in an attempt to claim victory, and for what feels like a lifetime neither of you budge an inch. Eventually Diane lets out a chuckle before clasping her hands on top of both of yours.
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact("diane_intro_sex") is false and not undefined>>\
<span class="diane">"And that's a draw! Pack it up for now, stretch those muscles and try again later. We're looking for drama, not a stalemate."</span> She waves you and your contender from the stage, and calls up the next competitors quickly. Following her lead, you don't linger, moving onto the next thing quickly.
<span class="diane">"And that's a draw! Pack it up for now, stretch those muscles and try again later. We're looking for drama, not a stalemate."</span> She flashes you a wink, before lifting your hand into the air. <span class="diane">"But you're surprisingly strong if you were able to tie that slab of meat down. Maybe we should have a bout sometime."</span> She gives you a smile laden with double meaning.
<<include Intro_Day5_Arcade_Choices>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/academy/atrium2.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
The arcade is quickly emptying, perhaps due to the various cadets realizing that tomorrow is approaching fast, and a desire to not miss anything of their limited free time at the academy. Following the crowd, you make for the exit as well, deciding that you'll head straight home this time.
The walk back to your room is pleasant, and as the door clicks closed behind you, you can't help but let out a content sigh.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Intro_Day5_Evening_Ending">><</slink>>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<saudio "bgm_heleus" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.25>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/academy/mc_apartment/apartment_night.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
It's late already when you reach your room, and Eva has the lights appropriately dimmed. Resisting a yawn as you step into the room, you realize that you're actually exhausted. As you approach the bed, you feel another wave of fatigue hit you, and collapsing into bed, you lazily kick your shoes off, deciding that you'll have a shower in the morning to clean up instead of tonight.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Intro_Day6_Morning_Start_Solo">>
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Plan assignment" "Intro_Day5_Morning_Plan">><<playerFactSet "orientation_d5_morning_plan" true>><</slink>>
<<slink "Go to class" "Intro_Day5_Morning_Class">><<playerFactSet "orientation_d5_morning_plan" false>><</slink>>
<<box "choicebox">>
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('orientation_d4_evening_date_julianna_sex') is true>>
/% If commited to Julianna, you get Julianna %/
<<slink "Leave class" "Intro_Day5_Afternoon_Julianna">>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<saudio "bgm_heleus" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.25>>
<<elseif starGame.npcs.getFact('orientation_d4_evening_date_diane_sex') is true>>
/% If casual fling with Diane, you get Diane %/
<<slink "Leave class" "Intro_Day5_Afternoon_Diane">>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<saudio "bgm_heleus" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.25>>
<<elseif starGame.npcs.getStat('curie_affinity') > 0>>
/% Positive affinity with Curie, you get Curie %/
<<slink "Leave class" "Intro_Day5_Afternoon_Curie">>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<saudio "bgm_heleus" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.25>>
/% Negative affinity with Curie, you get Jaime %/
<<slink "Leave class" "Intro_Day5_Afternoon_Jaime">>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<saudio "bgm_heleus" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.25>>
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Evening Walk" "Intro_Day5_Evening_Walk">>
<<playerFactSet "orientation_d5_evening_walk" true>>
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('met_maki') is true>>
<<slink "Visit Cafe" "Intro_Day5_Evening_Cafe">>
<<playerFactSet "orientation_d5_evening_cafe" true>>
<<slink "Visit Cafe" "Intro_Day5_Evening_Cafe_FirstVisit">>
<<playerFactSet "orientation_d5_evening_cafe" true>>
<<box "choicebox">>
<<if starGame.player.getFact('orientation_d5_race') is not true>>
<<slink "Fighter Races" "Intro_Day5_Evening_Race">><<playerFactSet "orientation_d5_race" true>><</slink>>
<<if starGame.player.getFact('orientation_d5_shooter') is not true>>
<<slink "Co-op Shooter" "Intro_Day5_Evening_Shooter">><<playerFactSet "orientation_d5_shooter" true>><</slink>>
<<if starGame.player.getFact('orientation_d5_wrestling') is not true>>
<<slink "Arm wrestling" "Intro_Day5_Evening_Wrestling">><<playerFactSet "orientation_d5_wrestling" true>><</slink>>
<<if starGame.player.getFact('orientation_d5_wrestling') is true and starGame.player.getFact('orientation_d5_shooter') is true and starGame.player.getFact('orientation_d5_race') is true>>
<<slink "Go Home" "Intro_Day5_Evening_End">><</slink>>
<img src="resources/img/events/academy_combat/apartment.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/julianna/expressions/neutral_uniform.webp"/>
A muted, blaring siren rouses you from your rest. As the fog of sleep slowly leaves your brain, you see the emergency lights in your room are on, faint red strobes illuminating the door and a path to follow on the ground. Eva, noticing you're awake, starts to talk.
<span class="eva">"The Academy is under attack, I repeat, the Academy is under attack. Please report to the designated bunker as soon as possible."</span> This causes you to fully wake up, and as you bolt upright, you see your cupboard slide open. Somewhere in the back of your mind you remember your father telling you about how the average Alliance orbital station has just enough emergency power and oxygen to afford its inhabitants five minutes of time to get their equipment and run to a bunker.
Climbing out of bed with some level of urgency, you feel Julianna stir beneath the covers. A moment of realization hits you as you understand that she's a deeper sleeper than you, and mumbling an apology, you quickly grab her by the shoulders and give her a shake. She wakes with confusion, as Eva repeats the message from before. A trace of panic flashes through her eyes before she catches up with the situation.
<<if starGame.player.isMale()>>\
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('orientation_d3_evening_curiescene_accept') is true>>\
She quickly grabs her uniform from yesterday, but while you're getting dressed in a new uniform you toss some of the female uniform that Eva had delivered to your room previously to her. Julianna raises an eyebrow at you, and you just give her a shrug in return. From her expression, you know that this is going to come up again later. The two of you quickly dress and leave the room.
She doesn't waste time, and makes a beeline for yesterday's uniform, quickly dressing herself while you grab a clean uniform from your closest. After a moment of panicked dressing, you both file out of your room into the corridor.
She wastes no time in joining you at your closest, claiming some of your uniform for herself, and the two of you quickly dress and leave the room.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Intro_Day6_Morning_Start_Julianna2">><</slink>>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<saudio "bgm_event_stress" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.25>>
<<saudio "sfx_alarm" volume 0 fadeto 0.25>>
<img src="resources/img/events/academy_combat/dorms.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/julianna/expressions/neutral_uniform.webp"/>
A glance at the students gathering at the elevator makes you hesitate. You know that the elevator would be the fastest way to the lobby, but the crush of people is making you hesitant. Almost as if echoing your thoughts, you notice the red emergency lights lead towards the stairs and away from the elevators.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Take the stairs" "Intro_Day6_Morning_Start_Julianna3">>
<<playerFactSet "orientation_d6_morning_drill_corridor" "stairs">>
<<slink "Try elevators" "Intro_Day6_Morning_Start_Julianna3">>
<<playerFactSet "orientation_d6_morning_drill_corridor" "elevators">>
<img src="resources/img/events/academy_combat/dorms.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/julianna/expressions/neutral_uniform.webp"/>
<<if starGame.player.getFact('orientation_d6_morning_drill_corridor') is "elevators">>\
/% elevators choice %/\
Julianna's been holding your hand since you left the room, and as you step towards the elevators, you feel the resistance from her. <span class="julianna">"We'll get trapped there. We have to take the stairs."</span> You can hear the soft panic in her voice, and as you change direction to head for the stairwell, some of the tension leaves her body.
Together you descend the stairs quickly, making for the lobby as fast as you can.
/% stairs choice %/\
As you look at the crush of people crowding the elevator doors, you turn to make for the stairwell, not surprised at all that Julianna was about to lead you that way already. She flashes you a smile, and as you both make for the stairwell, you can hear a strangely growing silence as the panic of the cadets behind you fades away.
Regardless, you make your way down the several flights of stairs towards the lobby.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Intro_Day6_Morning_Start_Lobby">><</slink>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/events/academy_combat/apartment.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
A muted, blaring siren rouses you from your rest. As the fog of sleep slowly leaves your brain, you see the emergency lights in your room are on, faint red strobes illuminating the door and a path to follow on the ground. Eva, noticing you're awake, starts to talk.
<span class="eva">"The Academy is under attack, I repeat, the Academy is under attack. Please report to the designated bunker as soon as possible."</span> This causes you to fully wake up, and as you bolt upright, you see your cupboard slide open. Somewhere in the back of your mind you remember your father telling you about how the average Alliance orbital station has just enough emergency power and oxygen to afford its inhabitants five minutes of time to get their equipment and run to a bunker.
You quickly pull on a clean uniform, leaving the unnecessary attachments. As you clip your belt tight, you step out of the room's door and into the corridor.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Intro_Day6_Morning_Start_Solo2">><</slink>>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<saudio "bgm_event_stress" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.25>>
<<saudio "sfx_alarm" volume 0 fadeto 0.25>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/events/academy_combat/dorms.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
A glance at the students gathering at the elevator makes you hesitate. You know that the elevator would be the fastest way to the lobby, but the crush of people is making you hesitant. Almost as if echoing your thoughts, you notice the red emergency lights lead towards the stairs and away from the elevators.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Take the stairs" "Intro_Day6_Morning_Start_Solo3">>
<<playerFactSet "orientation_d6_morning_drill_corridor" "stairs">>
<<slink "Try elevators" "Intro_Day6_Morning_Start_Solo3">>
<<playerFactSet "orientation_d6_morning_drill_corridor" "elevators">>
<img src="resources/img/events/academy_combat/dorms.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/julianna/expressions/neutral_uniform.webp"/>
<<if starGame.player.getFact('orientation_d6_morning_drill_corridor') is "elevators">>\
/% elevators choice %/\
Taking a step towards the elevators, deciding that speed is greater than safety in this circumstance, you're caught off guard when someone grabs you by the wrist.
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('met_julianna') is true>>\
<span class="julianna">"Not that way. Even if you make it through the crowd, they're going to overload the elevator and it won't operate."</span> Julianna flashes a smile as she stops you from proceeding forward. When she's certain you've understood her, she quickly turns and heads for the stairwell on the other side of the corridor, and as you accept the truth of her words, you follow her, quickly catching up and descending the flights of stairs to the lobby with her.
<span class="julianna">"Not that way. Even if you make it through the crowd, they're going to overload the elevator and it won't operate."</span> A pale redhead flashes you a smile, before turning and heading for the elevator. Deciding that she has a point, you follow along, and she quickly introduces herself as you descend the stairs.
<span class="julianna">"I'm Julianna, a first year cadet like you. Come on, we need to hurry before the timer runs out."</span>
<<npcFactSet "orientation_d6_morning_drill_metjulianna" true>>\
/% stairs choice %/\
Deciding that you're not going to risk braving a stampede, you quickly turn and head down the corridor in the opposite direction. Pushing the door of the stairwell open, you hear a cadet call out from behind you, and as you turn to see the cause of the distraction, you see a redheaded cadet leave one of the noble rooms nearby.
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('met_julianna') is true>>\
Recognizing Julianna, you pause for a second, holding the door for her as she breezes past you. She flashes you a nervous smile before starting down the stairs. Not wasting anymore time yourself, you start descending the stairs as Eva drones out her earlier message on repeat. You and Julianna move downstairs in silence, hustling as fast as you safely can on the somewhat narrow stairwell.
The pale redhead flashes you a smile as she breezes past you and into the stairwell. She takes a moment to steady herself as you head for the staircase, and speaks.
<span class="julianna">"Pleased to meet you, I'm Julianna. Mind if I tag along with you to the bunker?"</span> She's speaking fast, the panic in her voice evident.
You don't bother thinking about the request, simply nodding your agreement. You're both heading to the same place anyway, might as well do it together. As the two of you hustle down the stairs in silence, you can't help but notice the somewhat eerily growing silence except for your footsteps.
<<npcFactSet "orientation_d6_morning_drill_metjulianna" true>>\
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Intro_Day6_Morning_Start_Lobby">>
<<addtocodex "Julianna" "met_julianna">>
<img src="resources/img/events/academy_combat/atrium.webp"/>
<img class="exp-vertical-flip" src="resources/img/characters/main/julianna/expressions/neutral_uniform.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/jaime/expressions/neutral_uniform.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/valerie/expressions/neutral_uniform.webp"/>
The lobby is mostly empty when you arrive, with only a handful of confused and anxious cadets milling around with uncertainty. As you and Julianna enter the lobby however, you are quickly approached by another two female cadets, the dim light obscuring their features for now.
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('met_jaime') is true>>\
As the duo draws near, you see the leader is the fragile looking Jaime, her usually cheerful expression replaced with one of tension and concern. As she approaches, she relaxes slightly, happy to see a friendly face. Before you have time to talk however, the girl with her approaches.
The leading cadet is a girl who looks like she's never been in direct sunlight, and as fragile as glass, if not for the focused and determined look in her eyes. As you are about to greet her, her companion almost walks into you.
<<npcFactSet "orientation_d6_morning_drill_metjaime" true>>\
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('met_valerie') is true>>\
You don't think you've ever seen Valerie look this haggard. From the somewhat vacant look in her eyes you can tell that she's going through at least one stage of shock, and her friend physically directs her to stop walking when they get close enough to you.
From the look of her empty and hollow eyes, you can tell that you won't be getting any meaningful interactions from the blond girl that's in tow. As she walks nearer to you, she is pulled to a stop by her friend.
<<npcFactSet "orientation_d6_morning_drill_metvalerie" true>>\
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('met_jaime') is true>>\
Jaime, having relaxed enough to talk, meets your eyes with more confidence than you had expected. <span class="jaime">"We should group up. We're all heading to the same bunker anyway and many hands make for light work."</span> You can't disagree with that logic, so you nod your assent, seeing Julianna do the same out of the corner of your eye. Turning to leave however, you notice that Julianna's gaze is fixed steadily on the second cadet.
The leader of the two cadets catches her breath, relaxing enough to speak. <span class="jaime">"Names Jaime. We should stick together. Strength in numbers and what not."</span> She says, clearly uneasy about the whole situation, but making the logical choice regardless. Out of the corner of your eye however, you see Julianna watching the other cadet like a hawk, her dissatisfaction clear.
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('met_valerie') is true>>\
<span class="jaime">"It'll be fine. She's just in shock for now."</span> Jaime says, seeing Julianna eying Valerie. You also suggest that it'll be worse to leave her alone, and Julianna reluctantly agrees, a nearly unheard statement about deadweight leaving her lips.
As the four of you make to leave the lobby in the direction of the atrium, you hear the increasing sound of life as the cadets start to emerge from the stairwell, the elevators having refused to work.
<span class="jaime">"This is Valerie."</span> Jaime quickly interjects, seeing Julianna's doubt. <span class="jaime">"She'll be fine and more help than trouble, she just needs to get her bearings first."</span> You nod, reminding Julianna that in the state she's in she can't exactly be left alone.
<span class="julianna">"Fine. But I think it's a mistake none-the-less."</span> Julianna relents, as she turns to head towards the atrium. You and the rest of the group follow suite, the sound of panicked cadets climbing as the other first years slowly filter out of the stairs, the elevators clearly having not worked.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Intro_Day6_Morning_Start_Lobby2">><</slink>>
<<addtocodex "Valerie" "met_valerie">>
<<addtocodex "Jaime" "met_jaime">>
<img src="resources/img/events/academy_combat/atrium.webp"/>
<img class="exp-left-25" src="resources/img/characters/main/julianna/expressions/neutral_uniform.webp"/>
<img class="exp-vertical-flip exp-left-15" src="resources/img/characters/main/thomas/expressions/angry_uniform.webp"/>
<img class="exp-vertical-flip exp-left-10" src="resources/img/characters/main/jaime/expressions/neutral_uniform.webp"/>
<img class="exp-right-25" src="resources/img/characters/main/edward/expressions/angry_uniform.webp"/>
<img class="exp-right-5" src="resources/img/characters/main/valerie/expressions/neutral_uniform.webp"/>
The atrium, while hued red from the emergency lights, is oddly calm. A glance around reveals a guiding line that heads deeper into the hall, to near one of the meditation spots. You point it out to your companions, and as you lead the way, you are certain you can hear the sound of a scuffle coming from somewhere ahead. Rounding a corner, you see two cadets busy grappling, ignorant to the world around them. Jaime freezes up, clearly recognizing the cadets before, while even Valerie seems to shake free of her shock long enough to look around in confusion.
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('met_thomas') is true>>\
Thomas doesn't notice your arrival, his focus fully on the cadet he has gripped in a chokehold. While you can't see his opponent's face at the moment, you have a sudden sinking feeling as you listen to the watching cadets call out in cheers and jeers alike. Before you can stop her, Jaime suddenly darts forward.
<span class="jaime">"Thomas, let go of him, now!"</span> She yells, her voice surprisingly strong, carrying over the crowd easily.
Thomas is equally surprised, and you can see his grip falter for a moment, the moment of relief seized by the other cadet who manages to escape, gripping his own neck as he pants for breath.
An athletic and powerfully built cadet has another slightly smaller cadet in a headlock. While you don't recognize him, and can't see the other cadets face, from the way the crowd isn't intervening, you have a vague idea of what's happened here. Tensions running too hot and cooler heads succumbing to anger. As you're about to step up and try to take control of the situation, Jaime rushes past you.
<span class="jaime">"Thomas, let go of him, now!"</span> She yells, her voice surprisingly strong, carrying over the crowd easily.
Thomas is equally surprised, and you can see his grip falter for a moment, the moment of relief seized by the other cadet who manages to escape, gripping his own neck as he pants for breath.
<<npcFactSet "orientation_d6_morning_drill_metthomas" true>>\
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('met_edward') is true>>\
Edward's face is red, made worse by the emergency lighting of the atrium hall. As he gasps for breath, Valerie surges past you, concern clear on her face. Edward waves her off, his eyes fixed on Thomas as he slowly steadies himself.
<span class="edward">"This is why."</span> Edward starts speaking, but quickly flinches and ducks away as Thomas takes a threatening step towards him, stopped by Jaime at the last second.
The other cadet is red in the face, made worse by the emergency lighting's hue. As he gasps for air and regains control of his body, Valerie darts past you, concern obvious on her face.
<span class="valerie">"Edward, are you alright?"</span> She asks him frantically, only to be waved off as his better judgment loses an internal battle.
<span class="edward">"This is why."</span> Edward begins, quickly flinching back in fear as Thomas takes a threatening step towards him, stopped by Jaime just before he reaches Edward.
<<npcFactSet "orientation_d6_morning_drill_metedward" true>>\
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Intro_Day6_Morning_Start_Lobby3">><</slink>>
<<addtocodex "Thomas" "met_thomas">>
<<addtocodex "Edward" "met_edward">>
<img src="resources/img/events/academy_combat/atrium.webp"/>
<img class="exp-left-25" src="resources/img/characters/main/julianna/expressions/neutral_uniform.webp"/>
<img class="exp-vertical-flip exp-left-15" src="resources/img/characters/main/thomas/expressions/angry_uniform.webp"/>
<img class="exp-vertical-flip exp-left-10" src="resources/img/characters/main/jaime/expressions/neutral_uniform.webp"/>
<img class="exp-right-25" src="resources/img/characters/main/edward/expressions/angry_uniform.webp"/>
<img class="exp-right-5" src="resources/img/characters/main/valerie/expressions/neutral_uniform.webp"/>
The situation temporarily disarmed, you find the group standing in a somewhat awkward silence as Eva repeats her warning about evacuating to the bunker. Thomas turns to Jaime, his little group getting ready to carry on as he tells her to come with him, and by extension, you and Julianna as well. However, before you can even begin to respond, Edward speaks up.
<span class="edward">"No, you should come with me and Valerie. Going around with a brute like that will only tarnish your own reputation."</span> Edward says to you, shooting a glance at Thomas while he speaks. His words aren't soft, and you hear Thomas approach as they are said.
<span class="thomas">"Tall words coming from someone ignoring the academy's rules. There is no division of class here, or did you forget that already?"</span> Thomas retorts, his anger barely held back.
As Edward and Thomas start to argue again, Julianna looks at you with a resigned expression on her face. <span class="julianna">"I'll follow you, regardless of who you choose."</span> She says with a small smile.
<<sinfotip>>This will cause long-lasting consequences. Choose wisely.<</sinfotip>>\
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Join Thomas" "Intro_Day6_Morning_Start_Lobby4">>
<<playerFactSet "rival" "edward">>
<<npcFactSet "orientation_d6_morning_drill_side" "thomas">>\
<<snotify "info">>Thomas liked that.<</snotify>>
<<snotify "info">>Edward will remember this.<</snotify>>
<<npcStatSet "edward_affinity" -20>>
<<npcStatSet "thomas_affinity" 25>>
<<slink "Join Edward" "Intro_Day6_Morning_Start_Lobby4">>
<<playerFactSet "rival" "thomas">>
<<npcFactSet "orientation_d6_morning_drill_side" "edward">>\
<<snotify "info">>Edward liked that.<</snotify>>
<<snotify "info">>Thomas will remember this.<</snotify>>
<<npcStatSet "thomas_affinity" -20>>
<<npcStatSet "edward_affinity" 25>>
<img src="resources/img/events/academy_combat/hub.webp"/>
<img class="exp-left-25" src="resources/img/characters/main/julianna/expressions/neutral_uniform.webp"/>
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('orientation_d6_morning_drill_side') is "thomas">>
<img class="exp-vertical-flip exp-left-15" src="resources/img/characters/main/thomas/expressions/happy_uniform.webp"/>
<img class="exp-vertical-flip exp-left-10" src="resources/img/characters/main/jaime/expressions/neutral_uniform.webp"/>
<img class="exp-right-25" src="resources/img/characters/main/edward/expressions/happy_uniform.webp"/>
<img class="exp-right-5" src="resources/img/characters/main/valerie/expressions/neutral_uniform.webp"/>
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('orientation_d6_morning_drill_side') is "thomas">>\
Deciding to go with Thomas, you can almost feel his and Jamie's relief emanating from them like a physical wave. Defeated for the moment, Edward storms off, his group trailing him hesitantly as they try to figure out what this means for them in general. Valerie exchanges a few gentle words with Jaime before following Edward as well, her face a mix of concern and anxiety.
Thomas turns to you with a smile, his anger abated. His group merges with your own, and as you scan the crowd you can't help but feel like you've reached a level of trust with these cadets that should have been harder to do. Shaking the thoughts from your head, you lead the way to the emergency bunker, wondering how much time has passed since the initial warning.
Deciding to go with Edward, you can almost feel the confusion from Thomas and Jaime as they process your words. Edward on the other hand, instantly puffs up, his self-importance reinforced by your backing. Valerie gives you a small smile before she has a few private words with Jaime to the side while Thomas has all seven stages of grief play over his face in quick succession.
Moments later, Thomas and Jaime leave the atrium, somewhat deflated and looking worse for wear while you see Edwards group make way to join up with yours. Edward gives you a motion to lead on, and as you lead the way from the atrium to the bunker, you start to wonder how much time has passed since the initial warning.
The final stretch to the bunker is done in silence, as Eva opens a walkway from the atrium to the hidden bunker. Once the last members of the group have filed into the bunker, the door swings closed behind you automatically, and you can hear powerful motors seal it from the outside world.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Intro_Day6_Morning_Start_Bunker">><</slink>>
<img src="resources/img/events/academy_combat/bunker.webp"/>
<img class="exp-left-15" src="resources/img/characters/main/diane/expressions/neutral_gym.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/maki/expressions/happy_maid.webp"/>
<img class="exp-vertical-flip" src="resources/img/characters/main/letho/expressions/neutral_uniform.webp"/>
As the group settles in, you decide to take yet another look around the enclosed chamber. In addition to the cadets you brought with you, there are some others that were here already. Deciding you might as well make introductions and check if everyone is alright, you start to explore the bunker slowly.
A glance through the bunker's inhabitants leads you to decide that you might as well start with the nearest and work your way to the furthest cadet inside. Approaching the first cadet, you are slightly surprised to see that they've brought a pillow and a blanket with them.
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('met_diane') is true>>\
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('diane_intro_sex') is false and not undefined>>\
Diane recognizes you before you recognize her. <span class="diane">"Oh, that's just great."</span> She mumbles at your approach.
You take a hesitant step towards her before she waves you over. <span class="diane">"Look, you're a bunker leader, and I'm part of your group, doesn't mean either of us have to be happy about it. So you go do your job, and I'll lie here and pretend you're not an ass, ok?"</span> She seems less than impressed with the whole situation, but at least she's not outright hostile. Shrugging it off, you head away from her, looking for the next cadet to check on already.
Recognizing Diane as you approach, she throws the pillow at you when you draw near. <span class="diane">"Hey bunker leader. I'm fine, so you do what you need to do and check on the others."</span> She gives you a wink. <span class="diane">"I'll be sleeping here, so wake me when it's over or if you need some warmth."</span>
You shake your head at the ever bold tomboy, before leaving her to her own devices, your attention already on the next closest cadet.
The cadet with the pillow and blanket is a dark haired, well tanned young woman, with a toned body. She gives you a faint smile as she fluffs her pillow. <span class="diane">"Good to meet you, bunker leader."</span> She says with a teasing smile. When you ask her why she calls you that, she continues with a wink. <span class="diane">"Look around, no one else is making sure to check on everyone. Besides, that big group of people followed you in. So what else are you, but the bunker leader."</span>
She flaps the blanket out, and carefully arranges the pillow on one of the benches nearby. <span class="diane">"I'm Diane. I'm quite tired, so I'll be here, sleeping. Good luck with meeting the rest of the crew."</span> She says with an air of finality in her voice.
Leaving her to sleep on her uncomfortable looking bench, you make your way to the next cadet.
<<npcFactSet "orientation_d6_morning_drill_metdiane" true>>\
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('met_maki') is true>>\
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('orientation_d4_cafe_daring') is true>>\
Maki flashes you a smile as you approach, her maid uniform making her an easy find in any crowd. Here, she's sitting on the floor near the bunker door, simply waiting for it to open again so that she can return to her daily life.
<span class="maki">"It's all quite exciting, don't you think."</span> She says when you draw near, a coy smile playing on her lips. <span class="maki">"If there was just a bit more privacy, I wouldn't say no to some instructions and requests here."</span> She punctuates the sentence with a wink, making it clear what she's alluding to. Waving her off with a smile, you check how she's doing otherwise.
She giggles at this, waving a hand at the sealed bunker door. <span class="maki">"I'm playing the waiting game. You go do what you need to do, I'll be fine here."</span> Taking her word for it, you wander off, looking for the last cadets of the group.
The maid uniform is distinctive, and Maki flashes a smile at you as you approach. <span class="maki">"I'm just waiting for the all clear so I can get back to work. No need to worry about me, bunker leader."</span> She turns her attention away from you, but before you can leave she speaks again.
<span class="maki">"Today is probably just a drill, but it's kinda scary they're even doing drills like this."</span> You can't argue with that. As the training ground of the Alliance's elite pilots, it should be one of the most well defended locations in space.
<span class="maki">"Anyway, you should finish checking on everyone else, I promise, I'm really fine, just bored."</span> Maki finishes, her attention firmly back on the bunkers sealed door.
The next closest cadet is a girl wearing a maid uniform and sitting on the floor, staring at the bunker door listlessly. As you approach, you see her tilt her head to look at you, a faint smile playing across her lips. <span class="maki">"Hey there, I'm Maki. I'm guessing you're the bunker leader, self-elected or group voted, based on how everyone is just relaxing while you check on us."</span>
Her attention drifts from you, and back to the door, before she speaks again. <span class="maki">"You should visit the cafe where I work. It'll explain the maid uniform."</span> She flashes you a wink. <span class="maki">"It's called Among the Stars. I'll be waiting, alright?"</span> Nodding your assent and promising you'll come visit some time after the lockdown, you leave Maki to wait for the lockdown to end while you look for the next cadet.
<<npcFactSet "orientation_d6_morning_drill_metmaki" true>>\
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('met_letho') is true>>\
Recognizing Letho lurking in a corner of the bunker, you make your way over to him, curious on how he's doing. When he spots you approaching, he flashes a weak wave, clearly uncertain about this entire situation.
When you arrive, he makes an attempt to strike up some small talk. <span class="letho">"So… bunker leader? I guess that makes sense, everyone else is too focused on themselves."</span> You give a shrug, having accepted that the role has fallen to you by default already. <span class="letho">"Well, it's not like it's a title you'll use often unless the Academy is actually attacked."</span> Letho adds.
Deciding that Letho is fine for now, you leave him alone, making your way back to the benches, waiting for the lockdown to end.
A timid, sheepish boy catches your eye. At first your gaze slides right over him, as if he was never there to begin with, but then he moves, capturing your attention.
Approaching him, he gives you the distinct impression of a deer caught in the headlights. When you reach him, he gulps nervously, his voice half cracking when he speaks. <span class="letho">"Is everything alright bunker leader?"</span> You nod in response, telling him that you're just checking on everyone.
<span class="letho">"Ah, I see."</span> He calms down a little, some of the confidence returned to his body. <span class="letho">"My name's Letho. I'm just a commoner, and I'll be in your care."</span> The introduction is fast and to the point, and from a glance at the timid cadet, you have a feeling that for now you may as well talk to a wall instead. Telling him to relax and hang tight, you check to see if there's anyone you missed.
<<npcFactSet "orientation_d6_morning_drill_metletho" true>>\
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Wait" "Intro_Day6_Morning_Start_Bunker2">>
<<addtocodex "Diane" "met_diane">>
<<addtocodex "Maki" "met_maki">>
<<addtocodex "Letho" "met_letho">>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<saudio "bgm_dreamy" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.25>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/events/academy_combat/bunker.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
The next twenty minutes feels like a lifetime, as you're left with nothing to do but wait. Lounging on a bench idly, you spend the time watching the rest of the cadets in the bunker and waiting.
Eventually however, the door unseals, and the emergency lighting returns to the normal hues of the academy. As you make your way out of the bunker, you notice the other bunkers in the corridor opening as well. Directly opposite yours, you see a group of cadets step out, their leaders smile evaporating when he sees you.
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('orientation_d6_morning_drill_side') is "thomas">>\
Edwards face twists into a scowl when he sees you, and you can practically see his mind looking for a way to express his contempt. Before either of you can speak however, Eva interrupts the tension with an announcement.
<span class="eva">"All cadets are to leave the bunkers promptly. The drill is over, and selected individuals will be called for debriefing."</span> Eva's voice is business like, and you silently thank her for speaking when she did. The last thing you need right now is a verbal spar with Edward.
Thomas' face darkens when he sees you, and you can sense his anger brewing as he looks for something to say. Before he can speak however, an announcement from Eva interrupts the tension.
<span class="eva">"All cadets are to leave the bunkers promptly. The drill is over, and selected individuals will be called for debriefing."</span> Eva's voice is business like, and you silently thank her for speaking when she did. The last thing you need right now is a verbal spar with Thomas.
Making your way out of the shelters and back into the academy proper, you are somewhat surprised when you reach the atrium only to find a series of instructors and academy staff waiting. As the academy staff direct the students around, one of the instructors approaches you.
<span class="officer2">"Your debriefing will be in room 2-A."</span> He says, pointing at one of the nearby private rooms a short distance away.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Intro_Day6_Morning_Start_Meeting">>
<<npcFactSet "orientation_d6_morning_drill_complete" true>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/meetingroom.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/ann/expressions/neutral_uniform.webp"/>
Raising an eyebrow at the instructor, you decide to hold your questions for later regardless. Following the outstretched arm, you soon find yourself alone in a small room. A glance at the table and chairs tells you that the reviews were set up in advance, and probably that the participants were pre-selected as well. Taking a seat, you decide to wait comfortably if you must wait, and with nothing else to do, you practice twiddling your thumbs stoically.
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('met_ann')>>\
After some time spent waiting, the door slides open and as you watch to see who is coming to review your actions during the drill, you're somewhat surprised to see a vaguely familiar face. After a moment spent in recollection you suddenly recall where you've seen this Alliance officer before. Lieutenant Ann smiles as you, seeing the sudden spark of recognition in your eyes, and sits down across from you.
<span class="ann">"I'm sure you're surprised to see me here in person, given that I'm your father's personal aide."</span> She says in a businesslike tone.
You spend some time waiting for the door slides open and a member of the alliance military steps in, hear bearing exuding confidence. A few seconds of silence allow the two of you to examine each other, her exotic features leading you to wonder which of the colony worlds she hails from originally. Eventually, she seems to decide that the silence has persisted long enough, and with a small smile she speaks first.
<span class="ann">"You are so similar to your father."</span>
Caught off guard by her opener, you start to respond but she simply laughs it off, extending a hand to you in a manner that doesn't quite match her role.
<span class="ann">"I'm Ann. Lieutenant if you care about the rank, but more importantly, I'm your father's personal aide."</span>
<<npcFactSet "orientation_d6_morning_drill_metann" true>>\
Ann gives you a moment to process what it might mean to you that your father's personal aide is also conducting the review of the drill with you, but doesn't give you enough time to speak before she continues.
<span class="ann">"I am, regardless of what you may have guessed at, here to conduct your review. That said, that is only my official reason for visiting. Now, when you are ready, we'll begin."</span> The smile on her face says she's having fun, but you can tell from the tone of her words that this is, for now at least, pure business.
<span class="ann">"Let's start with the obvious. Overall, the drill went well. You reacted in time, followed directions appropriately, and collected cadets to fill the bunker with. On all points, you passed. That said, let's quickly touch on some fine points."</span>
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Intro_Day6_Morning_Start_Meeting2">>
<<addtocodex "Lieutenant Ann" "met_ann">>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<saudio "bgme_nocturnalsoul" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.25>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/meetingroom.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/ann/expressions/neutral_uniform.webp"/>
<<if starGame.player.getFact('orientation_d6_morning_drill_corridor') is "elevators">>\
She produces a small holo-tablet from a pocket, and as she places it on the table, a recording of the morning drill begins to play, with Ann deftly manipulating it to parts of the recording that she wants.
<span class="ann">"Cowed by the situation or just falling to strength in numbers?"</span> She asks rhetorically. <span class="ann">"In emergency situations, the elevator is very rarely the correct choice. Unless the first responders or onboard AI say to take them, always look for the stairs. Not only are stairs not dependent on power, they also don't trap you in a small room."</span>
She produces a small holo-tablet from a pocket, and as she places it on the table, a recording of the morning drill begins to play, with Ann deftly manipulating it to parts of the recording that she wants.
<span class="ann">"Making the right choice in a situation without any prior advice is a good trait to have, and while it could have just been luck, unlikely as that is, luck is also a talent."</span> She gives you an approving nod, before continuing.
<span class="ann">"In any type of emergency situation, never take the elevator, unless directed to by the station AI or first responders. The worst case scenario is much worse than the elevator simply refusing to work. The stairs are always the safer bet."</span>
She taps her fingers gently on the table between you, as she checks the tablet in front of her for more information.
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('orientation_d6_morning_drill_side') is "thomas">>\
<span class="ann">"In high stress situations, it's common for tensions to flare and lead to conflict. Naturally, the cause of the conflict here was due to the social split of the Alliance. Ironically, the only two places that care more about competence than social rank, are the two places that social rank is most often brought up. The Alliance and the ranks of Starwatch in general."</span> She taps a finger on the desk, her frustration clear.
<span class="ann">"Despite the conflict's cause, it was resolved when you made your choice. You have made an enemy that harbors an inferiority complex, and should be on guard against petty attacks."</span>
Ann has managed to hide her emotions while speaking, but there's a hint of approval from her tone regardless.
<span class="ann">"It's somewhat expected, but in situations like these where tensions are flaring and everyone is on edge, conflict between "survivors" is more often to happen. Naturally the conflict here at the Academy was due to leadership issues."</span> She frowns for a moment.
<span class="ann">"Somewhat ironically, the only two places that care more about competence than social rank, are the two places that social rank is most often brought up. The Alliance and the ranks of Starwatch in general."</span> She taps a finger on the desk, her frustration clear.
<span class="ann">"However, despite the conflict, it was resolved when you made your choice. You do need to be aware that your choice has made you a bitter enemy. Do not make the mistake of looking down on them because of their lower status."</span>
Ann has managed to hide her emotions while speaking, but you still detect a hint of disappointment in her voice.
<span class="ann">"All of this brings us to the final conclusion of how well you handled the drill."</span> She pauses for dramatic effect, smiling at you while you wait for her to cut to the chase.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Intro_Day6_Morning_Start_Meeting3">>
<<addtocodex "Alliance Holo Technology" "codex_holotechnology">>
<<addtocodex "Starwatch" "codex_starwatch">>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/meetingroom.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/ann/expressions/neutral_uniform.webp"/>
<<if starGame.player.getFact('orientation_d6_morning_drill_corridor') is "elevators">>\
<span class="ann">"While it is concerning that you went for the elevators first, we do have to concede that the rest of the drill went mostly smooth."</span> She says carefully before continuing.
<span class="ann">"Your natural intuition is keen, and you made the correct choice early on. As such, we can say that you passed with flying colors."</span> She gives you a smile before continuing.
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('orientation_d6_morning_drill_side') is "thomas">>\
<span class="ann">"Additionally, you sided with the commoner Thomas. Regardless of whether it was because you agreed with him, or simply dislike Edward, or whatever else it may be, one of the core rules of the academy is that all are equal here. Thus, you've displayed a good sense of judgment and awareness of the principles of Starwatch."</span> She turns the holo-tablet off, a neutral expression settling on her face.
<span class="ann">"However, you sided with the noble Edward. Regardless of whether it was because you agreed with him, or simply dislike Thomas, or whatever else it may be, one of the core rules of the academy is that all are equal here. Thus, you've displayed a poor sense of judgment and awareness of the principles of Starwatch."</span> She turns the holo-tablet off, a carefully neutral expression settling on her face.
/% Final score %/\
<<if starGame.player.getFact('orientation_d6_morning_drill_corridor') is "elevators" and starGame.npcs.getFact('orientation_d6_morning_drill_side') is "thomas">>\
<span class="ann">"It's a good thing you're at the Academy. Drills can be taught and learned, and so can many other situations, so while this one was a rocky start, if you use it as a learning experience you'll be able to bounce back and be better than before. However, if you fail to grow from this setback, you'll be a representation of the worst kind of leader. Someone falsely trusted."</span>
She offers you a hand, and you can't quite decide if she's happy or not.
<<elseif starGame.player.getFact('orientation_d6_morning_drill_corridor') is "elevators" and starGame.npcs.getFact('orientation_d6_morning_drill_side') is "edward">>\
<span class="ann">"You're lucky, for the most part, that this was only a drill. Use the remainder of your time at the academy to grow, both as an officer and as a person. I fear that all that awaits you if not is a hollow life spent seeking meaning."</span>
She offers you a hand, and you can tell from her frigid words that she's not impressed with your actions at all.
<<elseif starGame.npcs.getFact('orientation_d6_morning_drill_side') is "thomas">>\
/% Stairs + Thomas %/\
<span class="ann">"Congratulations. You pass with full marks. Having showcased a good natural intuition coupled with the principles and standards desired in Starwarch members, you can rest assured that you're not following the wrong career path here."</span>
She offers a hand to you, an easy smile playing across her lips.
/% Stairs + Edward %/\
<span class="ann">"You pass the test but not without some weak points. A honed intuition can be a wasted talent if its bearer is flawed. I hope you take that advice to heart for future interactions and decisions."</span>
She offers you a hand, but you can tell she's slightly disappointed.
After shaking Ann's hand and confirming the end of the drill review, you decide to prompt her to explain what unofficial business brings her all the way here in person. Knowing that she's your father's personal aide, you can't help but guess that it has to do with your family matters.
She scans your face for a moment, before relaxing several degrees. <span class="ann">"I suppose I should get to that, yes."</span> She takes another long moment of silence before posing a question to you. <span class="ann">"Well, do you want the good news first, or the bad news first?"</span>
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Good News" "Intro_Day6_Morning_Start_Meeting4">>
<<playerFactSet "orientation_d6_morning_drill_goodnews" true>>\
<<slink "Bad News" "Intro_Day6_Morning_Start_Meeting4">>
<<playerFactSet "orientation_d6_morning_drill_goodnews" false>>\
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/meetingroom.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/ann/expressions/neutral_uniform.webp"/>
<<if starGame.player.getFact('orientation_d6_morning_drill_goodnews') is true>>\
<span class="ann">"The good news is perhaps a bit complicated."</span> Ann pauses as she considers the wording. <span class="ann">"I've been assigned to you, by your father, as your new personal aide."</span>
The silence between the two of you stretches while you wait for her to elaborate.
<span class="ann">"Specifically, I've been instructed to treat you as if you were him."</span> She pauses, a slight blush on her cheeks. <span class="ann">"We'll discuss what that means in detail another time, but in general, I'll be somewhat of a bodyguard, shadow and personal assistant for you. Not on the campus, but everywhere else."</span>
<span class="ann">"The bad news is simple."</span> Ann says after a moment's hesitation. <span class="ann">"Your father has decided that in order to truly embrace what it means to be a Starwatch Cadet, you'll need to support yourself. Effective immediately, you no longer have access to the family fortune, its services, or any associated benefits. You are a $character_lastName in name alone until you graduate."</span> She pauses to let you take it in before speaking again.
<span class="ann">"This doesn't mean that you need to scramble to find a job and pay for your enrollment. That is still taken care of by the family. It simply means you won't be able to rely on your family background for any additional purchases or expenses you might have. I suggest looking around Novaris Plaza if you want to have personal funds."</span>
<<if starGame.player.getFact('orientation_d4_call_accept') is true and starGame.npcs.getFact('orientation_d3_evening_curiescene_accept') is true>>\
<span class="ann">"I believe the exact words were, "It's fine if they want to have fun, but I'm not paying for every designer body mod out there."</span>
<span class="ann">"The bad news is simple."</span> Ann says after a moment's hesitation. <span class="ann">"Your father has decided that in order to truly embrace what it means to be a Starwatch Cadet, you'll need to support yourself. Effective immediately, you no longer have access to the family fortune, its services, or any associated benefits. You are a $character_lastName in name alone until you graduate."</span> She pauses to let you take it in before speaking again.
<span class="ann">"This doesn't mean that you need to scramble to find a job and pay for your enrollment. That is still taken care of by the family. It simply means you won't be able to rely on your family background for any additional purchases or expenses you might have."</span>
<<if starGame.player.getFact('orientation_d4_call_accept') is true and starGame.npcs.getFact('orientation_d3_evening_curiescene_accept') is true>>\
<span class="ann">"I believe the exact words were, "It's fine if they want to have fun, but I'm not paying for every designer body mod out there."</span>
<span class="ann">"The good news is perhaps a bit complicated."</span> Ann pauses as she considers the wording. <span class="ann">"I've been assigned to you, by your father, as your new personal aide."</span>
The silence between the two of you stretches while you wait for her to elaborate.
<span class="ann">"Specifically, I've been instructed to treat you as if you were him."</span> She pauses, a slight blush on her cheeks. <span class="ann">"We'll discuss what that means in detail another time, but in general, I'll be somewhat of a bodyguard, shadow and personal assistant for you. Not on the campus, but everywhere else."</span>
<span class="ann">"I still have other reviews to conduct, so for now I'll let you leave. The day, naturally, is yours, but you should head to the transport hub next, so that you can get your shuttle pass and monorail pass before it's too busy. City access has been granted to cadets, so that's something to look forward to at least."</span>
With that, her attention turns back to the holo-tablet in front of her, and she gives you a neutral smile as you leave the room.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Intro_Day6_Morning_Start_TransportHub">>
<<additem "item_quest_transit_pass" 1 true>>
<<npcFactSet "orientation_d6_morning_debriefing_complete" true>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/hub/academyhub.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
From the atrium, you take the short walk back to where the shuttle that brought you to the Academy landed. From here you see a staircase descending beneath the shuttle landing pads, and following it down, you reach the heart of the transport hub. In front of you, a monorail line stretches away to the city on the horizon. Closer, you see two separate booths, one simply labeled "Monorail" and the other labeled "Shuttles".
Taking a step towards the monorail booth, you're somewhat surprised to see that it's a fully automated system. Deciding that you're not actually surprised by this, you place your hand on the screen as prompted, and following the instructions that appear when you do, you soon find yourself the proud owner of a partially activated transit card.
A glance at the shuttle booth tells you that you need to repeat the process there to fully activate the card, and a few minutes later you put the completed transit card into a pocket. From here you realize that not only do you have the weekend free, but you actually have a way to leave the campus grounds now, if you so wished. For now though, you head back to your room, deciding that you'll first have a shower to wash off the morning drill before you set out on your business.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Intro_Day6_Morning_PreFreeroam">><</slink>>
Congratulations on completing the tutorial, and orientation week. From here your actions are no longer on rails, and aside from story events, you are free to explore and live in the world of Starwatch Academy.
<h5 class="bold">Good to know</h5>\
As you are no longer on rails, time plays a much bigger role and is divided in four periods: Morning, Afternoon, Evening and Night. Non-story actions that will cause time to advance all feature a little clock icon.
<div class="center"><<slink "Example" "" "" "ti ti-clock">><</slink>></div>\
As other characters also have their schedule, some locations or characters may only be open or available at specific periods or days of the week. Exploration is key to find more on their whereabouts!
<h5 class="bold">Thank you</h5>\
Thank you for playing Starwatch Academy. If you like the game, please give us your thoughts and suggestions. Your feedback is very important and will help us shape the future of the game.
This game is a work of passion and we work on it as much as our daily lives allow us to. With your financial support, we can spend more time working on the game. If you are ready to take the step, please check out our patreon page. As a supporter, you will get access to exclusive content, early access to new versions, the ability to vote in polls and much more!
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- Our tfgames thread: <a href="https://tfgames.site/?module=viewgame&id=2842" target="_blank">View tfgames page</a>
- Our itch.io page: <a href="https://jadeddreams.itch.io/starwatch-academy" target="_blank">View itch.io page</a>
- Our f95zone page: <a href="https://f95zone.to/threads/starwatch-academy-v0-2-6-jaded-dreams.154515/" target="_blank">View f95zone page</a>
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- Our patreon page: <a href="https://www.patreon.com/jadeddreams" target="_blank">Visit Patreon page</a>
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Go Home" "Apartment_LivingRoom">>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<startplaylist "playlist_exploration_soft">>
<<run starGame.quests.startQuest('story_findjob');>>
/% Diane Fix %/
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('diane_intro_sex') is true or starGame.npcs.getFact('orientation_d4_evening_date_diane_sex') is true>>
<<npcFactSet "diane_sexfriend" true>>
/% Curie stats %/
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('curie_intro_sex') is true>>
/% Sex with Curie on Day 1, she starts submissive %/
<<npcStatSet "curie_submission" 25>>
<<npcFactSet "curie_relationship" true>>
<<elseif starGame.npcs.getFact('curie_intro_sex') is false and starGame.npcs.getFact('orientation_d3_evening_curiescene_accept') is true>>
/% No sex with Curie on Day 1, but accepted modded sex, she starts dominant %/
<<npcStatSet "curie_domination" 25>>
<<npcFactSet "curie_relationship" true>>
/% Julianna stats, early relationship %/
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('orientation_d4_evening_date_julianna_sex') is true>>
<<npcFactSet "julianna_relationship" true>>
<</nobr>>\<<npcFactSet "orientation_d3_arcade_note_read" true>>\
<<include Toolkit_Menu_Header>>\
<div class="menu-container">
A glance at the flier reveals that like the arcade, its design holds true to the retro style. Bold, jagged font letters in various colors offer some information.
<span class="npc1">"The Arcade is free to use to all Starwatch Cadets outside of class hours. Cadets with below average grades will have their access revoked. Additionally cadets who consistently create and hold highscores will be entered into a prize pool. Currently once a month the top three scorers will receive either a monetary reward or a free modification of equal value."</span>
A few pictograms indicate the importance of not losing or having someone else use your arcade card.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Stow the flyer" "Toolkit_Inventory">><</slink>>
</div><<npcFactSet "orientation_d3_cafe_note_read" true>>\
<<include Toolkit_Menu_Header>>\
<div class="menu-container">
After carefully unfolding the note, you pick up a vague scent of perfume. Neat handwriting full of curves and flourishes ensures that you need to read it carefully, and you spend a minute or two looking it over.
<span class="maki cursive">"As a first time guest and VIP of the Among the Stars cafe, the owner would like to offer you lifetime access to one free drink and meal daily, as well as your own personal waitress. If you are reading this, it means that you have already met Maki, who has been assigned to you from this moment forward. Please do not hesitate to call her if you ever feel the need for a drink."</span>
In lieu of a signature, you find a lipstick kiss mark and Maki's contact details.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Stow the note" "Toolkit_Inventory">><</slink>>
</div><div class="menu-container" style="margin-top: 1em;">\
<<if $gameplay_lastPlayablePassage is "Eos_Captain">>
<img src="resources/img/events/tf/bg_quarters.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/events/tf/bg_bedroom.webp"/>
<<include TransformationPov>>
<<if State.variables.tmp.get('original_appearance').get('body') is 'f' and State.variables.tmp.get('original_appearance').get('genitals').startsWith('penis')>>\
Putting the injector against your skin, a shiver runs through your body from the contact of the cold metal. Depressing the injector, you feel a brief sting, which is quickly replaced with a tingling sensation running throughout your entire body.
Suddenly a flush of warmth courses through you, and your knees feel weak as a wave of pleasure hits you. Running a hand down your body to your dick, you have a moment of panic as you realize its rapidly shrinking as it's absorbed back into your body. A few moments pass as you feel your body shift some more, and a carefully exploring hand finds the new, glistening and wet hole that is your new pussy.
As the wave of sensations and pleasure fades, you catch a breath, turning to look at yourself in your mirror. Your penis is gone and until the effects of the mod wear off at least, any last vestiges of a masculine body are absent entirely.
Putting the injector against your skin, a shiver runs through your body from the contact of the cold metal. Depressing the injector, you feel a brief sting, which is quickly replaced with a tingling sensation running throughout your entire body.
Suddenly a flush of warmth courses through you, and your knees feel weak as a wave of pleasure hits you. Reaching out to steady yourself on the bed, you notice your hand has gotten smaller and daintier, your fingernails growing slightly longer as you watch. Likewise, your arms have gotten thinner, taking on a more dainty delicate appearance. The tingling sensation in your legs intensifies, drawing your gaze downwards. As you watch your usually muscular body shifts in proportions, your hips widening and taking on a feminine curve, while your thighs and calves take on a more shapely appearance. Gingerly flexing one of your legs, you admire the way the muscles flow, giving an appearance similar to a lady who squats several times a week.
Running your hands over your hips, you notice that your waist has thinned as well, and if your hands were their normal size, you could probably circle your own waist easily now. A feminine sounding moan escapes your lips as an intense burst of pleasure emanates from your chest, and out of instinct your hands move to where the sensation started. Cupping your quickly growing breasts, you can't help but moan and shudder as you quickly grow a pair of b-cup tits. Accidentally rubbing against one of your hard nipples results in another whorish moan escaping your lips, as your body is assaulted by an intense wave of pleasure, the result of newly formed sensory nerves in your new tits.
The pleasure radiating from your chest masks a tingling sensation from your groin at first, but it soon grows enough for you to notice it. Running a hand down your softer body to your dick, you have a moment of panic as you realize its rapidly shrinking as it's absorbed back into your body. A few moments pass as you feel your body shift some more, and a carefully exploring hand finds the new, glistening and wet hole that is your new pussy.
As the wave of sensations and pleasure fades, you catch a breath, turning to look at yourself in your mirror. Instead of your usual neatly toned masculine body, you are unrecognizable to yourself, taking the appearance of a well proportioned and attractive young lady. Turning from side to side, you admire the view of your own body.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Toolkit_Inventory">><</slink>>
</div>\<div class="menu-container" style="margin-top: 1em;">\
<<if $gameplay_lastPlayablePassage is "Eos_Captain">>
<img src="resources/img/events/tf/bg_quarters.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/events/tf/bg_bedroom.webp"/>
<<include TransformationPov>>
<<if State.variables.tmp.get('original_appearance').get('body') is 'f'>>\
Putting the injector against your skin, a shiver runs through your body from the contact of the cold metal. Depressing the injector, you feel a brief sting, which is quickly replaced with a tingling sensation running throughout your entire body.
Reaching for the bed to steady yourself, a wave of intense pleasure courses through your body, and unable to resist, you start moaning as if in the midst of orgasm. Giving in to your body's desire, your hands reaching for your breasts and cunt, the wave of pleasure increasing. However, as you cup a breast, you feel it swell slightly, accompanied with a second wave of pleasure. As you massage it, you feel it grow a cup size, each wave of pleasure hitting you harder than the last. Barely able to think straight at the moment, you slide a hand down your body, aiming to bring yourself to orgasm so that you can hopefully regain your composure as a result.
Instead, you feel the growing swell of muscle between your legs, and looking down at your crotch, are somewhat surprised to see a quickly lengthening cock growing from where your clit would normally be. Each time it twitches and grows however, you are struck by another intense wave of pleasure, each of which make it hard for you to stay composed.
After what feels like a lifetime, the waves of pleasure slow down and stop, leaving you with a still hard cock waving in the air.
Putting the injector against your skin, a shiver runs through your body from the contact of the cold metal. Depressing the injector, you feel a brief sting, which is quickly replaced with a tingling sensation running throughout your entire body.
Suddenly a flush of warmth courses through you, and your knees feel weak as a wave of pleasure hits you. Reaching out to steady yourself on the bed, you notice your hand has gotten smaller and daintier, your fingernails growing slightly longer as you watch. Likewise, your arms have gotten thinner, taking on a more dainty delicate appearance. The tingling sensation in your legs intensifies, drawing your gaze downwards. As you watch your usually muscular body shifts in proportions, your hips widening and taking on a feminine curve, while your thighs and calves take on a more shapely appearance. Gingerly flexing one of your legs, you admire the way the muscles flow, giving an appearance similar to a lady who squats several times a week.
Running your hands over your hips, you notice that your waist has thinned as well, and if your hands were their normal size, you could probably circle your own waist easily now. A feminine sounding moan escapes your lips as an intense burst of pleasure emanates from your chest, and out of instinct your hands move to where the sensation started. Cupping your quickly growing breasts, you can't help but moan and shudder as you quickly grow a pair of b-cup tits. Accidentally rubbing against one of your hard nipples results in another whorish moan escaping your lips, as your body is assaulted by an intense wave of pleasure, the result of newly formed sensory nerves in your new tits.
As the wave of sensations and pleasure fades, you catch a breath, turning to look at yourself in your mirror. Instead of your usual neatly toned masculine body, you are unrecognizable to yourself, taking the appearance of a well proportioned and attractive young lady. Turning from side to side, you admire the view of your own body.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Toolkit_Inventory">><</slink>>
</div><div class="menu-container" style="margin-top: 1em;">\
<<if $gameplay_lastPlayablePassage is "Eos_Captain">>
<img src="resources/img/events/tf/bg_quarters.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/events/tf/bg_bedroom.webp"/>
<<include TransformationPov>>
Pressing the injector against your side, you pull the trigger, the sting of the needle quickly masked by a wave of heat that rolls through you.
The strength leaves your legs, and as you collapse to the floor you can feel a strange sensation in your groin. Your breathing grows ragged as an intense wave of pleasure runs through you, and you can't help but smile as you feel the familiar tautness of skin and muscle of a boner forming.
Recovering from the sudden onslaught of feelings, you examine yourself, happy to see your dick standing proudly where it should be, as if it had never been missing.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Toolkit_Inventory">><</slink>>
</div><div class="menu-container" style="margin-top: 1em;">\
<<if $gameplay_lastPlayablePassage is "Eos_Captain">>
<img src="resources/img/events/tf/bg_quarters.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/events/tf/bg_bedroom.webp"/>
<<include TransformationPov>>
The soft sting of the injector is quickly accompanied by a rush of tingling sensations down your spine and arms. When a few minutes pass without anything more happening, you relax slightly, realizing that the nanomachines need time to work, and that nothing else is going to happen for a while. You know that injecting another mod now would be dangerous, and after gently feeling the spot where you applied the injection you can feel that the skin has already resealed, a side effect of the nanomachines currently in your bloodstream.
A sudden flash of heat courses through your body, and a tingling sensation follows it. You feel yourself start to get aroused, the effects of the nanomachines making themselves known. As shivers run through your body, you find yourself breathing hard, and as you drop to your knees you let out a moan, feeling your body shift slightly, your features taking a more androgynous style.
A second wave of heat runs over you, and the intense pleasure that accompanies it almost knocks you out. The next half an hour passes with you locked in a trance, waves of pleasure keeping you barely conscious as the nanomachines do their job, altering your body at a genetic level and reshaping it to be a much more ambiguous shape from your toned and feminine body.
Eventually, the effects of the mod taking hold subside, and as the strength returns to your body, you realize that you're a dripping mess, and standing to clean yourself up, you take a long pause to admire your new body in the mirror, enjoying your cute looks that could pass for male or female. Eventually you decide to finish up, and after cleaning up in the shower, you get dressed again.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Toolkit_Inventory">><</slink>>
</div><div class="menu-container" style="margin-top: 1em;">\
<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/mods/perfection.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
After a moments consideration, you place the injector to your neck, and activating it, feel a brief sting as it injects you with various nanomachines.
You feel your body heating up and a sudden itching sensation moves across your body, as your face flushes. The sensation brings a trace of ectasy with it, and for a long moment you feel like you're being pleasurably tortured. The feeling passes, and with a deep breath, you steady yourself. When nothing more happens for a minute or two, you go take a look into your mirror.
The first thing you notice is your skin is much smoother than it had been moments ago. Your eye colour seems brighter, and the various small blemishes on your face have vanished. Smiling at the free, nearly instant makeover you had recieved, you see that even your teeth are perfectly set and white.
All in all, you look like you just stepped off the front page of a fashion magazine.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Toolkit_Inventory">><</slink>>
</div><div class="menu-container" style="margin-top: 1em;">\
As you grasp the injector, a miniature holographic screen springs to life, prompting you to choose your desired skin tone. A cautionary label affixed to the side of the injector serves as a reminder that this alteration is irreversible.
<div class="center">
<<if starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is not 'fair'>>
<<slink "Fair" "Mod_Skin_After">>
<<run starGame.actions.runActionById('action_mod_install_skin_fair')>>
<<if starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is not 'tan'>>
<<slink "Tan" "Mod_Skin_After">>
<<run starGame.actions.runActionById('action_mod_install_skin_tan')>>
<<if starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is not 'black'>>
<<slink "Dark" "Mod_Skin_After">>
<<run starGame.actions.runActionById('action_mod_install_skin_black')>>
</div>\<div class="menu-container mt-5">\
<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/mods/perfection.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
After a moments consideration, you place the injector against your neck activating it. A brief sting and itch accompanies the swarm of nanomachines being injected into you. A tingling sensation runs down your spine, and a glance at your hand leaves you wondering if the mod is already taking effect.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Toolkit_Inventory">><</slink>>
</div>\<<include Apartment_Nav>>\
<div class="navigation-container">\
<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/academy/mc_apartment/bathroom.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
A state of the art bathroom, there's a powerful shower unit that can also function as a bath, as well as the usual luxury items to assist the experience. Through a secondary door is your toilet. A small interactive mirror rests above the sink, and helps guide you in making sure you look your best on the daily.
Thankfully, you're already in a routine of showering and dressing right after you wake up, and you know that Eva personally monitors your toiletries so that she can arrange top ups when required.
<div class="card solid card-nav">
<div class="row">
<div class="card-body p-0">
<div class="row d-flex">
<<slink "Leave Apartment" "Hub_Dormitories" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "ti ti-door-exit" "">>
<<startplaylist "playlist_exploration_soft">>
<<slink "Living Room" "Apartment_LivingRoom" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "" "">><</slink>>
<<slink "Computer" "Apartment_Computer" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "" "">><</slink>>
<<slink "Bathroom" "Apartment_Bathroom" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "" "">><</slink>>
<<slink "Wardrobe" "Apartment_Wardrobe" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "" "">><</slink>>
<</nobr>><<include Apartment_Nav>>\
<div class="navigation-container">\
<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/academy/mc_apartment/computer.webp"/><</simagecard>>
<p>Your personal terminal is actually one that you recognize from before joining the Academy. Your father must have sent it to the Academy ahead of you, and it's somewhat comforting to know that you don't have to customize a new terminal to suit your needs. Of course, a glance tells you that it's received an upgrade or two to make sure it's on the cutting edge once more, but the software is the same that you're used to.</p>
<p>From the terminal's default page you can see a few useful applications for your academy life, and a few that are meant to pass the time. There's a social app and a reminder app, both of which Eva has helpfully updated for you automatically. Alongside those, you can see the shortcut to one of your favorite video games, Starlancer Chronicles.</p>
<div class="center m-3"><h5 class="bold">Activities</h5></div>
<div class="row">
<<if starGame.player.hasInteraction('browseweb_interaction') is not true>>
<<slink "Browse the web" "" "slink btn btn-highlight w-100">>
<<scene "Apartment_Computer_BrowseWeb1">>
<<scene "Apartment_Computer_BrowseWeb2">>
<<scard "" "eva">>
/% We are polite in this game %/
<p>"Hello $character_firstName."</p>
<<if starGame.player.getFact('geneforge_incident1_stage3') is true and starGame.player.getFact('geneforge_incident1_complete') is undefined>>
<p>"I recommend checking in as soon as possible with Dr. Daniella to assess the results of the mod."
<<slink "" "City_Plaza_Geneforge_Lab" "p-2 btn-toolkit ti ti-run good" "" "Fast Travel">><</slink>>
/% Quest related hints %/
/% MQ1: Find a job %/
<<if starGame.quests.isQuestActive('story_findjob') is true and starGame.quests.isQuestTaskActive('story_findjob', 'story_placeholder') is not true>>
<<if starGame.quests.isQuestTaskActive('story_findjob', 'story_findjob_acquirejob') and starGame.player.getFact('job_hasjob') is not true>>
<p>"I'm sorry to hear you were cut off your family funds for your personal expenses. Perhaps one of the companies at Novaris Plaza would be willing to offer you a job."
<<slink "" "Hub_Transport" "p-2 btn-toolkit ti ti-run good" "" "Fast Travel">><</slink>>
<<elseif starGame.quests.isQuestTaskActive('story_findjob', 'story_findjob_station') and starGame.npcs.getFact('ann_stage1_visited') is not true>>
<p>"Lieutenant Ann has requested your presence aboard the Orbital Garrison. It would be best to not make her wait."
<<include Apartment_Hint_FastTravel_OrbitalGarrison>>
/% MQ2: Campaign Act 1 %/
<<if starGame.quests.isQuestActive('story_campaign_act1') is true>>
<<if starGame.quests.isQuestTaskActive('story_campaign_act1', 'story_campaign_act1_hack_prelude') is true and starGame.quests.isQuestTaskActive('story_campaign_act1', 'story_campaign_act1_hack') is not true>>
<p>"The lecturers have scheduled a test for today's class session. It would be well advised to attend."
<<slink "" "Hub_Atrium" "p-2 btn-toolkit ti ti-run good" "" "Fast Travel">><</slink>>
<<elseif starGame.quests.isQuestTaskActive('story_campaign_act1', 'story_campaign_act1_livefire_ann') is true and starGame.player.getFact('campaign_act1_livefire_visited') is undefined>>
<p>"Remember to visit Lieutenant Ann aboard the orbital garrison."
<<include Apartment_Hint_FastTravel_OrbitalGarrison>>
<<elseif starGame.quests.isQuestTaskActive('story_campaign_act1', 'story_campaign_act1_livefire') is true and starGame.player.getFact('campaign_act1_livefire_completed') is undefined and starGame.player.hasInteraction('livefire') is not true>>
<p>"A new live fire exercice is available. Report to your instructor aboard the orbital garrison if you want to participate."
<<include Apartment_Hint_FastTravel_OrbitalGarrison>>
/% MQ3: Campaign Act 2 %/
<<if starGame.quests.isQuestActive('story_campaign_act2') is true>>
<<if starGame.quests.isQuestTaskActive('story_campaign_act2', 'story_campaign_act2_intro') is true and starGame.player.getFact('campaign_act1_cruiser_reveal') is undefined>>
<p>"Lieutenant Ann is expecting your prompt arrival at the orbital stations hangar bay."
<<slink "" "OrbitalStation_Hangar_Eos_Intro" "p-2 btn-toolkit ti ti-run good" "" "Fast Travel">><</slink>>
<<elseif starGame.quests.isQuestTaskActive('story_campaign_act2', 'story_campaign_act2_tutorial') is true and starGame.player.getFact('campaign_act2_tutorial') is undefined>>
<p>"Please report to the ship as soon as possible."
<<slink "" "Eos_FirstFlight_Intro" "p-2 btn-toolkit ti ti-run good" "" "Fast Travel">><</slink>>
/% SQ1: Zara Diplomatic Relations %/
<<if starGame.quests.isQuestActive('story_zara_stage1') is not true and starGame.npcs.getFact('zara_stage1_visited') is undefined>>
/% SQ1: Some help to start Diplomatic Relations %/
<p>"May I suggest watching an adult movie at the archives to improve your mood?"
<<include Apartment_Hint_FastTravel_Archives_Leisure>>
<<elseif starGame.quests.isQuestActive('story_zara_stage1') is true>>
/% SQ1: Diplomatic Relations (Zara) %/
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('zara_stage1_cafe') is not true and starGame.npcs.getFact('zara_stage1_cafe_notify') is true>>
/%SQ1: Hot Coffee %/
<p>"Miss Zara Vel is expecting you at the Among the Stars cafe in the evening."
<<if starGame.time.getCurrentPeriod() is 3>>
<<include Apartment_Hint_FastTravel_Cafe>>
<<slink "" "" "p-2 btn-toolkit ti ti-run disabled">><</slink>>
<<elseif starGame.npcs.getFact('zara_stage1_visited') is not true and starGame.quests.isQuestTaskActive('story_zara_stage1', 'story_zara_stage1_visit') is true>>
/% SQ1: Diplomatic Activities %/
<p>"You have a new message from Miss Zara Vel. She would like to remind you her offer still stands and you may join her at her apartment whenever possible."
<<slink "" "Hub_Dormitories" "p-2 btn-toolkit ti ti-run good" "" "Fast Travel">><</slink>>
/% Eva Simulation Stage 2 %/
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('eva_stage2_beach_visit') is not true and starGame.npcs.getStat('eva_affinity') >= 25 and State.variables.time_days >= 20>>
<p>"It was fun spending time with you in the simulation. I'm looking forward to your next visit."
<<slink "" "Simulation_House_Intro" "p-2 btn-toolkit ti ti-run good" "" "Fast Travel">><</slink>>
/% Stella encounter %/
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('met_stella') is not true and starGame.inventory.hasItem('item_quest_arcade_card') >= 1>>
<p>"Miss Stella, the girl you won a bet against in the Arcade, has asked me to ask if you've forgotten about her. As a reminder, her room is number 5-12."
<<slink "" "Stella_Apartment_Intro" "p-2 btn-toolkit ti ti-run good" "" "Fast Travel">><</slink>>
/% Stella encounter %/
<<if starGame.quests.isQuestActive('story_thomas_stage1') and starGame.npcs.getFact('thomas_stage1_visited') is undefined>>
<p>"Consider dropping by City Hall when you have some free time. I'm sure you're curious to find out what Thomas' invitation is about."
<<include Apartment_Hint_FastTravel_CityHall>>
/% Curie Dom Path %/
<<if starGame.quests.isQuestActive('story_curie_stage1_dom')>>
<<if starGame.npcs.getStat('curie_public_dom') is 0 and starGame.time.getCurrentPeriod() is 1>>
<p>"Curie seems to be struggling to focus on her work at the Archives. I'm sure she would enjoy your company."
<<include Apartment_Hint_FastTravel_Archives_Educational>>
/% Curie Sub Path %/
<<if starGame.quests.isQuestActive('story_curie_stage1_sub')>>
<<if starGame.npcs.getStat('curie_public_sub') is 0 and starGame.time.getCurrentPeriod() is 1>>
<p>"Curie seems to be struggling to focus on her work at the Archives. I'm sure she would enjoy your company."
<<include Apartment_Hint_FastTravel_Archives_Educational>>
/% Character encounter related hint %/
<<if starGame.time.getCurrentDay() is 'Monday'>>
<<if starGame.time.getCurrentPeriod() is 1>>
/% Monday Morning %/
<<if starGame.player.hasInteraction('cafeteria_interaction') is not true>>
<p>"Your friend Cadet Jaime is currently having breakfast at the cafeteria, should you wish to join her."
<<include Apartment_Hint_FastTravel_Cafeteria>>
<<elseif starGame.time.getCurrentPeriod() is 2>>
/% Monday Afternoon %/
<<if starGame.player.hasInteraction('clinic_interaction') is not true>>
<p>"Lieutenant Ann is currently at the clinic, should you wish to greet her."
<<include Apartment_Hint_FastTravel_Clinic>>
<<elseif starGame.time.getCurrentPeriod() is 3>>
/% Monday Evening %/
<<if starGame.player.hasInteraction('cafe_interaction') is not true>>
<<if starGame.player.getFact('rival') is 'edward'>>
<p>"Cadets Edward and Valerie are currently at the Among the Stars cafe. For your safety, I recommend to avoid the place for the time being."
<<include Apartment_Hint_FastTravel_Cafe>>
<p>"Cadets Edward and Valerie are currently at the Among the Stars cafe. Perhaps this would be a good opportunity to strenghten your relationship with the local nobles."
<<include Apartment_Hint_FastTravel_Cafe>>
<<elseif starGame.time.getCurrentPeriod() is 4>>
/% Monday Night %/
<<elseif starGame.time.getCurrentDay() is 'Tuesday'>>
<<if starGame.time.getCurrentPeriod() is 1>>
/% Tuesday Morning %/
<<elseif starGame.time.getCurrentPeriod() is 2>>
/% Tuesday Afternoon %/
<<if starGame.npcs.getStat('diane_affinity') < 0>>
<p>"Cadet Diane is currently cursing you and your inexistant offsprings as motivation for her workout. Perhaps some friendly rivalry would help improve your relationship with her."
<<include Apartment_Hint_FastTravel_Gym>>
<p>"Cadet Diane is currently working out at the gym, should you wish to join her."
<<include Apartment_Hint_FastTravel_Gym>>
<<elseif starGame.time.getCurrentPeriod() is 3>>
/% Tuesday Evening %/
<<if starGame.player.hasInteraction('arcade_interaction') is not true>>
<<if starGame.npcs.getStat('curie_affinity') < 0>>
<p>"Cadet Curie has entered the arcade a few minutes ago. Considering the state of your relationship with her, I would advise to avoid the arcade for the time being."
<<include Apartment_Hint_FastTravel_Arcade>>
<<elseif starGame.npcs.getStat('curie_submission') >= 25>>
<p>"Cadet Curie has entered the arcade a few minutes ago. I have noticed her dopamine levels greatly increase in your presence. Perhaps you should join her."
<<include Apartment_Hint_FastTravel_Arcade>>
<p>"Cadet Curie has entered the arcade a few minutes ago, should you wish to join her."
<<include Apartment_Hint_FastTravel_Arcade>>
<<elseif starGame.time.getCurrentPeriod() is 4>>
/% Tuesday Night %/
<<if starGame.npcs.getStat('edward_affinity') >= 0>>
<<if starGame.player.hasInteraction('nc_interaction') is not true>>
<p>"Cadet Edward Richten is currently at the HIVE nightclub. Perhaps you would like to join him?"
<<include Apartment_Hint_FastTravel_Nightclub>>
<<elseif starGame.time.getCurrentDay() is 'Wednesday'>>
<<if starGame.time.getCurrentPeriod() is 1>>
/% Wednesday Morning %/
<<if starGame.player.hasInteraction('cafeteria_interaction') is not true>>
<p>"Cadet Letho is currently having breakfast at the cafeteria, should you wish to join him."
<<include Apartment_Hint_FastTravel_Cafeteria>>
<<elseif starGame.time.getCurrentPeriod() is 2>>
/% Wednesday Afternoon %/
<<if starGame.player.hasInteraction('clinic_interaction') is not true>>
<p>"Cadet Valerie is browsing through a selection of mods at the clinic, but appears indecisive. Perhaps your assistance would help her come to a conclusion."
<<include Apartment_Hint_FastTravel_Clinic>>
<<if starGame.player.hasInteraction('archives_interaction') is not true>>
<p>"Additionally, cadet Julianna appears to suffer from extreme boredom at the archives. Perhaps she would enjoy your company."
<<include Apartment_Hint_FastTravel_Archives_Leisure>>
<<elseif starGame.time.getCurrentPeriod() is 3>>
/% Wednesday Evening %/
<<elseif starGame.time.getCurrentPeriod() is 4>>
/% Wednesday Night %/
<<if starGame.player.hasInteraction('nc_interaction') is not true>>
<p>"Cadet Diane is currently at the HIVE nightclub. Perhaps you would like to join her?"
<<include Apartment_Hint_FastTravel_Nightclub>>
<<elseif starGame.time.getCurrentDay() is 'Thursday'>>
<<if starGame.time.getCurrentPeriod() is 1>>
/% Thursday Morning %/
<p>"Club activities will begin soon, should you wish to attend."
<<slink "" "Hub_Atrium" "p-2 btn-toolkit ti ti-run good" "" "Fast Travel">><</slink>>
<<elseif starGame.time.getCurrentPeriod() is 2>>
/% Thursday Afternoon %/
<<if starGame.player.getFact('rival') is 'edward'>>
<p>"Cadet Edward is currently at the gym. For your safety, I recommend to avoid the place for the time being."
<<include Apartment_Hint_FastTravel_Gym>>
<p>"Cadet Edward is currently at the gym. Joining him for a workout could be a good opportunity to strenghten your relationship with the local nobles."
<<include Apartment_Hint_FastTravel_Gym>>
<<if starGame.player.hasInteraction('archives_interaction') is not true>>
<p>"Additionally, Cadet Maki is asking me many questions about you and your lineage at the archives. Perhaps you could keep her company?"
<<include Apartment_Hint_FastTravel_Archives_Leisure>>
<<elseif starGame.time.getCurrentPeriod() is 3>>
/% Thursday Evening %/
<<if starGame.player.hasInteraction('arcade_interaction') is not true>>
<p>"Cadet Jaime is on a winning streak at the arcade. Perhaps you could challenge her?"
<<include Apartment_Hint_FastTravel_Arcade>>
<<elseif starGame.time.getCurrentPeriod() is 4>>
/% Thursday Night %/
<<if starGame.npcs.getStat('thomas_affinity') >= 0>>
<<if starGame.player.hasInteraction('nc_interaction') is not true>>
<p>"Cadet Thomas is currently at the HIVE nightclub. Perhaps you would like to join him?"
<<include Apartment_Hint_FastTravel_Nightclub>>
<<elseif starGame.time.getCurrentDay() is 'Friday'>>
<<if starGame.time.getCurrentPeriod() is 1>>
/% Friday Morning %/
<<if starGame.player.hasInteraction('cafeteria_interaction') is not true>>
<<if starGame.npcs.getStat('diane_affinity') < 0>>
<p>"Cadet Diane is currently having breakfast at the cafeteria. Considering the state of your relationship with her, perhaps it would be best to avoid the cafeteria for the time being."
<<include Apartment_Hint_FastTravel_Cafeteria>>
<p>"Cadet Diane is currently having breakfast at the cafeteria, should you desire to join her."
<<include Apartment_Hint_FastTravel_Cafeteria>>
<<elseif starGame.time.getCurrentPeriod() is 2>>
/% Friday Afternoon %/
<<if starGame.player.hasInteraction('clinic_interaction') is not true>>
<<if starGame.npcs.getStat('curie_affinity') < 0>>
<p>"Cadet Curie has entered the clinic a few minutes ago. Considering the state of your relationship with her, I would advise to avoid the clinic for the time being."
<<include Apartment_Hint_FastTravel_Clinic>>
<<elseif starGame.npcs.getStat('curie_domination') >= 25>>
<p>"Cadet Curie has entered the clinic a few minutes ago. I have noticed your dopamine levels greatly increase in her presence. Perhaps you should join her."
<<include Apartment_Hint_FastTravel_Clinic>>
<p>"Cadet Curie has entered the clinic a few minutes ago, should you wish to join her."
<<include Apartment_Hint_FastTravel_Clinic>>
<<elseif starGame.time.getCurrentPeriod() is 3>>
/% Friday Evening %/
<<if starGame.player.hasInteraction('cafe_interaction') is not true>>
<p>"Lieutenant Ann is at the Among the Stars cafe. Perhaps this would be a good opportunity to strenghten your relationship with her. She does seem to have taken a liking to you after all."
<<include Apartment_Hint_FastTravel_Cafe>>
<<elseif starGame.time.getCurrentPeriod() is 4>>
/% Friday Night %/
<<if starGame.player.hasInteraction('nc_interaction') is not true>>
<p>"Cadet Jaime is currently at the HIVE nightclub. Perhaps you would like to join her?"
<<include Apartment_Hint_FastTravel_Nightclub>>
<<elseif starGame.time.getCurrentDay() is 'Saturday'>>
<<if starGame.time.getCurrentPeriod() is 1>>
/% Saturday Morning %/
<<if starGame.player.hasInteraction('cafeteria_interaction') is not true>>
<<if starGame.player.getFact('rival') is 'thomas'>>
<p>"Cadet Thomas is currently having breakfast at the cafeteria. Considering the state of your relationship with him, perhaps it would be best to avoid the cafeteria for the time being."
<<include Apartment_Hint_FastTravel_Cafeteria>>
<p>"Your friend Cadet Thomas is currently having breakfast at the cafeteria, should you wish to join him."
<<include Apartment_Hint_FastTravel_Cafeteria>>
<<elseif starGame.time.getCurrentPeriod() is 2>>
/% Saturday Afternoon %/
<<if starGame.player.hasInteraction('archives_interaction') is not true>>
<p>"Cadet Letho is currently at the archives. Perhaps you would like to join him?"
<<include Apartment_Hint_FastTravel_Archives_Educational>>
<<elseif starGame.time.getCurrentPeriod() is 3>>
/% Saturday Evening %/
<<elseif starGame.time.getCurrentPeriod() is 4>>
/% Saturday Night %/
<<if starGame.player.hasInteraction('nc_interaction') is not true>>
<p>"Cadet Valerie Teague is currently at the HIVE nightclub. Perhaps you would like to join her?"
<<include Apartment_Hint_FastTravel_Nightclub>>
<<elseif starGame.time.getCurrentDay() is 'Sunday'>>
<<if starGame.time.getCurrentPeriod() is 1>>
/% Sunday Morning %/
<<elseif starGame.time.getCurrentPeriod() is 2>>
/% Sunday Afternoon %/
<<if starGame.player.hasInteraction('clinic_interaction') is not true>>
<<if starGame.player.getFact('rival') is 'edward'>>
<p>"Cadet Edward is currently at the clinic. Although your relationship with him is dire, greeting him may be a good first step if you're looking to mend the relationship."
<<include Apartment_Hint_FastTravel_Clinic>>
<p>"Cadet Edward is currently at the clinic. Greeting him could be a good opportunity to strenghten your relationship with the local nobles."
<<include Apartment_Hint_FastTravel_Clinic>>
<<if starGame.player.hasInteraction('archives_interaction') is not true>>
<p>"Miss Zara Vel is currently at the archives but seem to be struggling to choose a book. Perhaps you could assist her."
<<include Apartment_Hint_FastTravel_Archives_Leisure>>
<<elseif starGame.time.getCurrentPeriod() is 3>>
/% Sunday Evening %/
<<if starGame.player.hasInteraction('arcade_interaction') is not true>>
<p>"Cadet Maki is currently at the arcade, but appears to be missing any companionship. I'm sure she would be delighted if you joined her."
<<include Apartment_Hint_FastTravel_Arcade>>
<<elseif starGame.time.getCurrentPeriod() is 4>>
/% Sunday Night %/
<<if starGame.player.hasInteraction('nc_interaction') is not true>>
<p>"Cadet Letho is currently at the HIVE nightclub. Perhaps you would like to join him?"
<<include Apartment_Hint_FastTravel_Nightclub>>
<<if starGame.player.getFact('campaign_hack') is true and starGame.npcs.getFact('wolfgirl_encounters') is 1>>
<p>"The situation at the clinic has been resolved and the cadet has received medical attention. You may visit the clinic again should you want to see her."
<<include Apartment_Hint_FastTravel_Clinic>>
<<if starGame.player.getFact('campaign_hack') is true and starGame.npcs.getFact('dark_elf_encounters') is 1>>
<p>"The cadet from the cafeteria incident seems to be settling in at the archives. While she remains friendly, she seems to be avoided by her peers. It may be worth your while to pay her a visit."
<<include Apartment_Hint_FastTravel_Archives_Irene1>>
<<if starGame.player.getFact('visit_cafe') is true>>
<<if starGame.player.getFact('maid_intro_visited') is undefined and State.variables.time_days >= 30>>
<<slink "" "MaidWorld_Intro" "p-2 btn-toolkit ti ti-run good" "" "Fast Travel">>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<saudio "bgm_zone_cafe" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.25>>
<<slink "" "Commons_Cafe" "p-2 btn-toolkit ti ti-run good" "" "Fast Travel">>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<saudio "bgm_zone_cafe" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.25>>
<<slink "" "" "p-2 btn-toolkit ti ti-run disabled">><</slink>>
<<if starGame.player.getFact('visit_nightclub') is true>>
<<slink "" "RedLight_NightClub_Booth" "p-2 btn-toolkit ti ti-run good" "" "Fast Travel">>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<saudio "bgm_zone_brothel" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.25>>
<<slink "" "" "p-2 btn-toolkit ti ti-run disabled">><</slink>>
<<if starGame.player.getFact('visit_clinic') is true>>
<<if starGame.player.getFact('campaign_hack') is true and starGame.npcs.getFact('wolfgirl_encounters') is undefined>>
/% Wolfgirl encounter %/
<<slink "" "Commons_Clinic_Wolfgirl1" "p-2 btn-toolkit ti ti-run good" "" "Fast Travel">><</slink>>
<<elseif starGame.player.getFact('campaign_hack') is true and starGame.npcs.getFact('wolfgirl_encounters') is 1>>
/% Wolfgirl intro (after 1st encounter) %/
<<slink "" "Commons_Clinic_Wolfgirl2" "p-2 btn-toolkit ti ti-run good" "" "Fast Travel">><</slink>>
/% Standard Clinic %/
<<slink "" "Commons_Clinic" "p-2 btn-toolkit ti ti-run good" "" "Fast Travel">><</slink>>
<<slink "" "" "p-2 btn-toolkit ti ti-run disabled">><</slink>>
<<if starGame.player.getFact('visit_archives') is true>>
<<slink "" "Commons_Archives_Educational" "p-2 btn-toolkit ti ti-run good" "" "Fast Travel">><</slink>>
<<slink "" "" "p-2 btn-toolkit ti ti-run disabled">><</slink>>
<<if starGame.player.getFact('visit_archives') is true>>
<<slink "" "Commons_Archives_Leisure" "p-2 btn-toolkit ti ti-run good" "" "Fast Travel">><</slink>>
<<slink "" "" "p-2 btn-toolkit ti ti-run disabled">><</slink>>
<<if starGame.player.getFact('visit_arcade') is true>>
<<slink "" "Commons_Arcade" "p-2 btn-toolkit ti ti-run good" "" "Fast Travel">>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<saudio "bgm_arcade" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.25>>
<<slink "" "" "p-2 btn-toolkit ti ti-run disabled">><</slink>>
<<if starGame.player.getFact('visit_gym') is true>>
<<slink "" "Commons_Gym" "p-2 btn-toolkit ti ti-run good" "" "Fast Travel">><</slink>>
<<slink "" "" "p-2 btn-toolkit ti ti-run disabled">><</slink>>
<<slink "" "Academy_Cafeteria" "p-2 btn-toolkit ti ti-run good" "" "Fast Travel">><</slink>>
<<if starGame.player.getFact('visit_novarisplaza') is true>>
<<slink "" "City_Plaza_CityHall" "p-2 btn-toolkit ti ti-run good" "" "Fast Travel">><</slink>>
<<slink "" "" "p-2 btn-toolkit ti ti-run disabled">><</slink>>
<<if starGame.player.getFact('visit_orbitalstation') is true>>
<<slink "" "Hub_Orbital_Station" "p-2 btn-toolkit ti ti-run good" "" "Fast Travel">><</slink>>
<<slink "" "" "p-2 btn-toolkit ti ti-run disabled">><</slink>>
<<slink "" "Commons_Archives_Educational_Darkelf1" "p-2 btn-toolkit ti ti-run good" "" "Fast Travel">><</slink>>
<</nobr>>\<<include Apartment_Nav>>\
<div class="navigation-container">\
<<if starGame.time.getCurrentPeriod() < 3>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/mc_apartment/apartment_day.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/mc_apartment/apartment_night.webp"/>
<<if starGame.player.getFact('campaign_hack') is true and starGame.npcs.getFact('eva_posthack') is undefined>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/eva/expressions/neutral.webp"/>
<<if settings.hints is true>><<include Apartment_Hint>><</if>>\
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Intercom" "Apartment_LivingRoom_Intercom">><</slink>>
<<if starGame.time.getCurrentPeriod() is 4>>
<<slink "Sleep" "" "" "ti ti-clock">>
<<include "Apartment_Sleep">>
<<stimelink "Nap" "Apartment_LivingRoom">><</stimelink>>
<<if starGame.player.getFact('campaign_hack') is true and starGame.npcs.getFact('eva_posthack') is undefined>>
<<slink "Approach Eva" "Apartment_Event_Eva_PostHack1">>
<<npcFactSet "eva_posthack" 1>>
Your living room is, in a word, comfortable. A large screen accompanied by surround sound speakers, a haptic-memory couch that adjusts to your form and makes sure you remain comfortable, and a small holo-table that can be loaded to run any number of tabletop games.
Additionally, there's a VR pod, calibrated for you specifically and designed to remain comfortable for hours, allowing you to pursue your training here, or to watch and play VR games and movies in privacy.
Finally, the large windows that allow the sun in are capable of darkening, allowing you to block the light, or entire privacy mode, making it impossible to see through them and into your room.
<<if starGame.player.getFact('campaign_hack') is true and starGame.npcs.getFact('eva_posthack') is undefined>>
Eva's likeness dances across your tv screen, and as she solidifies, you can tell that she's barely managing to keep her neutral expression, the edges of it wavering as she tries to decide on how to start the conversation.
<<timed 0.1s>>
<<startplaylist "playlist_exploration_soft">>\
<</timed>><<include Apartment_Nav>>\
<div class="navigation-container">\
While you are pondering the different things you can do in your room, Eva notices your indecision and speaks first.
<span class="eva">"Please don't hesistate to let me know how I can assist you."</span> She says while the screen of your tv flicks on, revealing a few stylized options you might lean towards.
Helpfully, you can see that she's seperated the activities into Contacts, Services, and more.
<div class="center m-3"><h5 class="bold">Services</h5></div>
<div class="row">
/% If rejected Maki, can no longer request room service %/
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('maki_stage1_decline') is not true>>
<<if starGame.player.hasInteraction('roomservice_interaction') is not true>>
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('roomservice_first') is true>>
<<slink "Room Service" "" "slink btn btn-highlight w-100">>
<<scene "Apartment_Service_RoomService2">>
<<slink "Room Service" "Apartment_Service_RoomService1" "slink btn btn-highlight w-100">><</slink>>
<<if starGame.player.hasInteraction('holopod_interaction') is not true>>
<<slink "Personal Holopod" "" "slink btn btn-highlight w-100">>
<<scene "Apartment_Service_Holopod1">>
<<scene "Apartment_Service_Holopod2">>
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('eva_stage1_beach_notify') is true and starGame.npcs.getFact('eva_locked') is not true>>
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('eva_stage2_beach_visit') is true>>
<<slink "Eva's Simulation" "Simulation_Beach_EntryPoint" "slink btn btn-highlight w-100">><</slink>>
<<elseif starGame.npcs.getFact('eva_stage1_beach_visit') is true>>
<<if starGame.npcs.getStat('eva_affinity') >= 25 and State.variables.time_days >= 20>>
<<slink "Eva's Simulation" "Simulation_House_Intro" "slink btn btn-highlight w-100">><</slink>>
<<slink "Eva's Simulation" "Simulation_Beach_EntryPoint" "slink btn btn-highlight w-100">><</slink>>
<<slink "Eva's Simulation" "Simulation_Beach_Intro" "slink btn btn-highlight w-100">><</slink>>
<<if starGame.player.hasInteraction('watchmovie_interaction') is not true>>
<<slink "Watch a movie" "" "slink btn btn-highlight w-100">>
<<scene "Apartment_Service_WatchMovie1">>
<<scene "Apartment_Service_WatchMovie2">>
<<scene "Apartment_Service_WatchMovie3">>
<<scene "Apartment_Service_WatchMovie4">>
<div class="center m-3"><h5 class="bold">Contacts</h5></div>
/% Eva conditionals%/
<<if starGame.player.hasInteraction('apartment_invite_eva') is not true and starGame.npcs.getFact('eva_locked') is not true>>
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('orientation_d4_archives_leisure_eva_sex') is true and starGame.player.getFact('eva_event1') is not true>>
<<stimelink "Talk with Eva" "Apartment_Event_Eva1" "slink btn btn-highlight w-100">>
<<run starGame.player.setInteraction('apartment_invite_eva');>>
<<stimelink "Talk with Eva" "" "slink btn btn-highlight w-100">>
<<run starGame.time.advancePeriod(); starGame.player.setInteraction('apartment_invite_eva');>>
<<event "Apartment_Event_Eva2" 100 "eva_event2">>
<<event "Apartment_Event_Eva3" 100 "eva_event3">>
<<event "Apartment_Event_Eva4" 100 "eva_event4">>
<<default "Apartment_Event_Default">>
/% If rejected Maki, can no longer invite her %/
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('maki_stage1_decline') is not true>>
<<if starGame.npcs.getStat('maki_affinity') >= 0 and starGame.player.hasInteraction('apartment_invite_maki') is not true>>
<<stimelink "Invite Maki" "" "slink btn btn-highlight w-100">>
<<scene "Apartment_Invite_Maki1">>
<<scene "Apartment_Invite_Maki2">>
<<if starGame.player.hasInteraction('apartment_invite_curie') is not true>>
<<if starGame.npcs.getStat('curie_domination') > 0>>
<<stimelink "Invite Curie" "" "slink btn btn-highlight w-100">>
<<scene "Apartment_Invite_Curie1_Dom">>
<<elseif starGame.npcs.getStat('curie_submission') > 0>>
<<stimelink "Invite Curie" "" "slink btn btn-highlight w-100">>
<<scene "Apartment_Invite_Curie1_Sub">>
<div class="center m-3"><h5 class="bold">Seasonal Events</h5></div>
<<slink "Christmas Party" "Event_Christmas_Intro" "slink btn btn-highlight w-100">>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/mc_apartment/apartment_day.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/eva/expressions/happy.webp"/>
A series of gentle beeps pulls you from your dreamless slumber. As you stir, the apartment comes to life around you, the gentle light helping you wake. Stretching as you climb out of bed, Eva's hologram appears on your bedside table.
<span class="eva">"Good morning $character_firstName. You have a new message from Lieutenant Ann. She request your presence in her office aboard the orbital garrison as soon as possible. Your transit pass has been updated to allow access to the station from the transport hub."</span>
Nodding to the friendly AI, you make for the bathroom, asking her to sort breakfast out while you shower and dress for the day ahead.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Apartment_LivingRoom">>
starGame.player.setFact('access_garrison', true);
starGame.npcs.setFact('ann_stage1_notify', true);
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/mc_apartment/apartment_day.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/eva/expressions/happy.webp"/>
A series of gentle beeps pulls you from your dreamless slumber. As you stir, the apartment comes to life around you, the gentle light helping you wake. Stretching as you climb out of bed, Eva's hologram appears on your bedside table.
<span class="eva">"Good morning $character_firstName. You have a new message from Miss Zara Vel. You are invited to join her at the Among the Stars cafe in the evening."</span>
Nodding to the friendly AI, you make for the bathroom, asking her to sort breakfast out while you shower and dress for the day ahead.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Apartment_LivingRoom">>
starGame.npcs.setFact('zara_stage1_cafe_notify', true);
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/mc_apartment/apartment_night.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/eva/expressions/happy.webp"/>
Lying down to sleep, you're feeling restless as you toss and turn in your bed. Sleep seems far off, and you're about to rise, thinking that you might as well watch a movie or something until you actually feel tired when Eva's voice gently fills the room.
<span class="eva">"$character_firstName, I've finished enough of my VR simulation to be comfortable inviting you to experience it for a short while. Would you like to join me?"</span>
You pause, slightly surprised at the invitation, but also caught off guard by Eva's tone. Unlike how she normally speaks professionally, she sounded more like a person than you're used to hearing. Shaking your head slightly to help focus on her words more, you raise an eyebrow. An invitation to an AI's personal VR Sim? You can't even begin to picture what it would look like. Regardless, it is quite late, so you're relatively certain that she would understand if you declined the opportunity for now.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Accept" "Apartment_LivingRoom_WakeUp_EvaStage1_BeachSimulation_Accept">><</slink>>
<<slink "Decline" "Apartment_LivingRoom_WakeUp_EvaStage1_BeachSimulation_Decline">><</slink>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/academy/mc_apartment/apartment_night.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
Your curiosity overwhelms you, and you tell her that you would love to join her in VR Space for a while. Your room lights up, highlighting your VR pod as you rise from the bed, stretching slightly. You consider changing out of your sleepwear, before taking your seat in the pod as you are. After all, the simulation will alter your clothes to match its requirements once you join.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Enter Simulation" "Simulation_Beach_Intro">>
starGame.npcs.setFact('eva_stage1_beach_notify', true);
starGame.npcs.setFact('eva_stage1_beach_visit', true);
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/academy/mc_apartment/apartment_night.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
While you might be having a restless night, you decide that the last thing that will help it at the moment is climbing into VR. Telling the AI that you'll have to try it another time, you roll back over in bed, tossing and turning for a while longer until sleep does finally claim you.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Wake up" "Apartment_LivingRoom">>
starGame.npcs.setFact('eva_stage1_beach_notify', true);
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/mc_apartment/apartment_day.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/eva/expressions/happy.webp"/>
As you're busy dressing and getting ready for the day ahead, Eva suddenly speaks up, a tone of urgency in her voice.
<span class="eva">"Sorry for the disturbance, but it looks like your father will be landing soon. The Academy Faculty have already made sure that you can attend to his arrival without issue."</span>
You grimace as you realize that he must have called ahead to make sure that you would be caught by surprise and couldn't find an excuse to avoid him. Sighing slightly you double check your appearance, deciding to get the meeting over with as fast as you can.
Wolfing down a quick meal and finishing up your preparations, you head out of your room, taking a route that will hopefully have you at the landing pad before his shuttle touches down.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Go to landing pad" "Apartment_Event_FatherVisit_Stage1">><</slink>>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<saudio "bgm_father" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.5>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/mc_apartment/apartment_day.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/eva/expressions/happy.webp"/>
A beep from your terminal wakes you, and as you groggily lay in bed trying to decide if it's worth getting up to check your messages or if you'd rather get a few minutes of sleep more, you slowly remember that you can just ask Eva to read it out to you if it's important. Taking a moment to make sure you're awake enough to voice your request, you clear your throat with a yawn.
<span class="hero">"Eva, please check who sent that message and why."</span>
A secondary soft confirmation beep fills the room, before Eva's smooth voice comes back to you.
<span class="eva">"It's a message from Instructor Zara. It seems she has something to meet with you about."</span> There's a slight trace of smugness in Eva's voice, and you roll your eyes at the implied assumption about your meeting with the alien instructor.
<span class="hero">"Got it, thanks. Begin your normal morning rituals. I don't think I'll be able to sleep again right now."</span> As you speak the instructions into the room, Eva starts opening the blinds and preparing the usual items that you have before you usually leave the room, a gentle melody playing over the hidden speakers of the room to help start your day right.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Apartment_LivingRoom">>
starGame.npcs.setFact('zara_stage1_afterhack_notify', true);
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/academy/mc_apartment/apartment_day.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
A beep from your terminal attracts your attention, and when you make your way over to it to read the message, you see that it's a strangely formal invitation from Thomas to meet him at the Novaris City Hall. Frowning lightly as you try to guess why he would want to meet you there, you spend a few minutes deep in thought before eventually you stop trying to guess.
To make the matter even stranger, when you try to send a response, it auto-returns, telling you that the invite was a one way thing. Looks like you'll have to go there in person to see what this is all about.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Wake up" "Apartment_LivingRoom">>
starGame.npcs.setFact('thomas_stage1_notify', true);
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/academy/mc_apartment/apartment_day.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
A knock at your room's door disturbs your sleep, drawing you out of your rest. Squinting at the still dark room, you frown as you realize how early it is. Reluctantly dressing yourself enough to answer the door, you're surprised to find yourself face to face with one of the various cadets that you've seen following Edward around.
Before you can ask why they're waking you up so early, they press an enveloped letter towards you wordlessly, before giving a short bow and leaving silently. Bewildered by the interaction from start to finish, you step back into your room with a frown, examining the letter for a few seconds before tearing it open to see what was so important that it couldn't be sent the normal way.
Seeing that the cryptic letter is short, too the point and has little more than an address, room number and Edward's signature. For a brief moment, you wonder if this is his attempt at arranging a hookup, before realizing that it's far too roundabout for that. Filing away the location for later use, you crumple the letter up, sending it sailing towards the bin while you return to bed to try to capture a last few minutes of precious rest.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Wake up" "Apartment_LivingRoom">>
starGame.npcs.setFact('edward_stage1_notify', true);
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/academy/mc_apartment/apartment_day.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
A beep from your terminal tells you that you have a message waiting for your attention. Moving over to it to read it, you're only mildly surprised to see that it's from your father. Word of the events of the hack must have reached him, and given that it's a one way only, you can guess there's a level of operation risk still associated with out-going messages from the Academy.
A brief scan of the message itself doesn't tell you much, as the message is pretty standard, I heard what happened, be careful and stay safe. But what does stand out to you is the complete lack of any real reaction to the news. It's not like he doesn't care, but almost like he already expected something like this might happen?
Reading it through again for any missed secrets or hidden messages, you let out a slightly defeated sigh when you fail to see anything in the common ciphers that the Alliance uses. Finally accepting that it's something you'll have to ask him about personally, you attempt to call him, already knowing that it won't go through, but deciding to try it anyway.
The terminal beeps a few times as it tries to form a connection, before eventually it tells you that it couldn't connect to the recipient. Nodding to yourself at the message, you close the message, making a note to try again in a few days.
The sheer lack of any meaning in the message is a message itself, and until you can figure it out, you really don't think it'll stop bugging you.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Wake up" "Apartment_LivingRoom">>
starGame.npcs.setFact('father_stage1_afterhack_notify', true);
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/mc_apartment/apartment_day.webp"/>
A small beep from your terminal sounds as you're busy preparing for the day ahead. Stepping over to investigate, you see a message from Ann, telling you she's requesting your presence at her office in the Orbital Garrison at your earliest convenience.
There's not much else in the message to tell you what the situation is, but you're sure it's going to be worth your time at the very least, no matter what it is. You decide to make a mental note that you'll have to find some time to visit the Lieutenant, sooner rather than later.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Apartment_LivingRoom">>
starGame.player.setFact('campaign_act1_livefire_notify', true);
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/mc_apartment/apartment_day.webp"/>
An important sounding chirp from your terminal prompts you to look over, a high priority message resting on its screen. The urgent message is from Ann, excitedly telling that the preparations are mostly complete, and that the sooner you can meet her in the orbital garrison hangar the better.
You frown slightly at the message, wondering about what preparations she means, before remembering what she said about being assigned to a cruiser of your own for future experience and operations. Your own excitement quickly grows, and you decide that you'll have to head up to the garrison at the next chance you get, eager to see if your hunch is correct.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Apartment_LivingRoom">>
starGame.player.setFact('campaign_act1_cruiser_notify', true);
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/mc_apartment/apartment_day.webp"/>
A chirp from your terminal lets you know that a new message has arrived, and you quickly walk over to take a look at what it contains. Smiling as you see it's from Zara, you quickly open it, wondering what the instructor has to say.
The message isn't much, telling you that she needs a favor from you, following a discovery from the last time you've swapped bodies. Closing it with a chuckle, you decide that you might as well go see her before other obligations fill your day up.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Apartment_LivingRoom">>
starGame.npcs.setFact('zara_stage1_bodyswap2_notify', true);
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/mc_apartment/apartment_day.webp"/>
A gentle beep from your terminal informs you of a new message, and as you move across the room to see what's up, you briefly wonder if you should get Eva to make you somewhat harder to contact, given that you seem to get messages quite frequently.
Regardless, you pull up the new notification, a small grin forming on your face as you see a gushing message from Jaime as she recounts the highlights of your recent date together. Seems like you left an even stronger impact on her than you thought you had, and as you reach the end of the message you see she's invited you to visit her at her dorm room soon.
Archiving the message, you turn away from your terminal, a slightly giddy sensation building in your chest as you consider what she might have planned for you.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Apartment_LivingRoom">>
starGame.npcs.setFact('jaime_stage1_afterdate_notify', true);
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/mc_apartment/apartment_day.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/eva/expressions/neutral.webp"/>
<span class="eva">"Rise and shine!~"</span>
Eva's voice fills the room, as her appearance flickers onto your TV screen and monitor at the same time. An excited expression on her face leads you to wonder about the sudden intrusion, but you don't have to wait too long before she speaks further.
<span class="eva">"Lieutenant Ann is on the line, and she's got some incredibly important news for you."</span>
Raising an eyebrow at the AI, you don't have time to respond to her sudden announcement before her visage is replaced with a crisp and official looking Ann.
<span class="ann">"All preparations are complete, and Command has officially cleared us to launch the Eos today. I'll see you at the hangar shortly. Remember to bring your away bag."</span>
As if on cue, one of Eva's drones enters the room, carrying a bag and making a beeline for your closet. As you head to the bathroom for your morning shower, you can hear the drone being busy in your apartment, collecting various belongings. As you exit the bathroom, ready for the day, you see it leave your apartment carrying a couple of full bags.
With such a big event, taking your cruiser on her maiden flight, ahead of you, you have a bit of time to prepare before going. After all, who knows how long it might be before you can come back to the Academy.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Apartment_LivingRoom">>
starGame.player.setFact('campaign_act2_tutorial_notify', true);
<</nobr>>\<<include Apartment_Nav>>\
<div class="navigation-container">\
<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/academy/mc_apartment/wardrobe.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
<<include Wardrobe>>\
</div>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/academy/mc_apartment/computer.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
Deciding to check the news, you spend some time skimming different sites, looking for details about the state of the Alliance and its ongoing civil war. Surprisingly, or unsurprisingly, you find very little details about it available publicly, with the most blatant references to the ongoing conflict being a few short articles about fleet movements and training exercises.
Deciding that you're not going to find anything about the war out from this channel, you decide to watch some videos and waste time doing your own thing for a bit. Soon you realize you're getting bored, so you decide to stop messing around on the terminal for now, standing up and stretching as it switches off.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Apartment_Computer">>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/academy/mc_apartment/computer.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
Curious about if you can see how your family is doing, you go through a series of searches revolving around the recent news and gossip from them. Shaking your head with a smile, you see that your fathers usual screen of privacy is still in place and generating fake rumors and articles to throw fans and stalkers off.
According to one of the more recent Articles, you've recently been seen partying aboard a diplomatic ship near Earth, once more reinforcing your families high status and social connections. Leaving the terminal for now, you contemplate if the need for such layered privacy is even there.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Apartment_Computer">>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/academy/mc_apartment/apartment_day.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
You've just finished getting ready for the day when a beep from your terminal draws your attention. Quickly gliding over to it to see what's up, you're slightly surprised to see that its a message from Lt. Ann. Skimming through the body of the content, you see that you've been volunteered to collect a package that was meant for your father, but arrived late due to disruptions caused by the civil war.
Additionally, you see that Ann has stressed several times that retrieving the package is a top priority, leading to you deciding to head for the transit station to Novaris and the city hall for the pickup before the day can get away from you entirely.
Spending the short walk to the station wondering what the delivery could be to be so important and somehow still delayed, you decide that you'll have to ask your father about it the next time you see him. If it isn't completely classified that is.
Putting it out of mind as you settle into the tram to ride into Novaris, you lean back in your seat, enjoying the open vistas of the planet stretching out before you as you travel to the city. A distant plume of dust being kicked up in the weak atmosphere of the planet brings a frown to your face, and as you squint, trying to see the cause for the disturbance, it vanishes, leaving you wondering if you were seeing things when no further signs of it come into view.
Deciding to write it off as a symptom of still waking up, you lean back into your seat to enjoy the rest of the trip to the city.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Apartment_LivingRoom_WakeUp_Protests2">><</slink>>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<saudio "bgm_father" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.5>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/events/monorail/monorail_attack.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
A sudden alarm blares through the tram, followed by squealing brakes as your tramcar draws to a jolting halt. A glance out the front window doesn't show any problems with the tracks themselves, and for a moment you wonder if it's a software glitch that has caused the impromptu halt. The misconception quickly clears itself up however, as plumes of dust catch your eye, and you can only watch as a brace of clearly hostile scavenger technicals come into view.
From the distance, you can't tell much more than that, their cobbled together armor revealing their opportunistic and nomadic nature. Somewhere in the back of your mind, you wonder how it's possible that a scav clan is able to even operate near Starwatch Academy, but you quickly put it out of mind as you see a bloom of muzzle flash.
Luckily for you, it seems to have been a warning shot, or just very poorly aimed. You aren't eager to find out however, and as you look for a way to escape the stranded tramcar, you feel a growing sense of despair as you fail to find any answers to escaping or fighting back. Before you can fully resign yourself to being potentially captured however, a ray of hope appears in the form of one of Starwatch's rarer branches.
A sudden burst of laser fire accompanies the arrival of two automated defense drones, closely followed by a gleaming white and blue assault mech. A pitched battle quickly erupts, the mech and its escort drones against a ragtag collection of scavenger technicals. The superior firepower and mobility of the assault mech quickly reveals itself, as it tears through the scav attackers in a dazzling display of skill and ferocity.
Mere minutes pass before the situation is under control, the mech and drones forming up alongside the tramcar, the helmeted pilot within throwing a salute to you as the escort the now moving tram towards Novaris.
The risky situation dealt with, and the mech pilot returning to the Academy after seeing you safely to the Novaris transit station, you suddenly remember that the only reason you even experienced any of that was because you were on your way to city hall to collect a package for your father. Hoping the adrenaline coursing through your body subsides soon, you start making your way through to the City Hall with a small shake of your head.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Apartment_LivingRoom_WakeUp_Protests3">>
<<saudio "sfx_protest" volume 0 fadeto 0.75>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/events/protests/protest1.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
Turning down one of the streets in Novaris, you quickly come to a halt as you're confronted with a wall of people blocking the way. Shouted chants and waving signs tell you that this is a protest, and a quick glance around reveals that its chosen issue is the Alliance itself.
Signs crying out for the abolishment of the caste system are accompanied by others that call for the dissolution of the Alliance itself, as well as demands for the war to be brought to an end. The energy of the crowd is palpable, and you can feel that all it would take to start a riot here is a few inciting embers to give the crowd's anger a more direct outlet.
Deciding that you're not going to stick around and see what happens next you quickly backpedal out of the street, happy to see that you're not the only one making the smart choice here. Slipping into the side streets of Novaris, you quickly navigate around the blockade to where you were heading originally.
A subtle thought in the back of your head is that you should remember to check to see how the situation gets resolved later on the news.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Apartment_LivingRoom_WakeUp_Protests4">><</slink>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/city/plaza/cityhall/lobby.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/others/secretary.webp"/>
Having found your way to the city hall through the various side streets of the city, and having likewise managed to avoid any more protests and issues, you smile to yourself as you let out a sigh of relief. The peaceful interior of the hall is a stark contrast to the chaotic streets on the way here, and a far cry from the dangerous scenario of scavs attacking the tramline.
You're tempted to collapse onto one of the waiting couches and just relax for a bit, but decide that being in the city itself right now is practically asking for trouble, given the way tensions of the crowd protesting were rising.
Walking to the reception desk, you're surprised to be greeted by a friendly smile, as the receptionist greets you warmly. For a moment you're tempted to ask them how they're dealing with the protests outside, before deciding that you'll just ask for the package and leave before you can invite any more disruptions to the day.
A quick handover later, and you find yourself in possession of a small, well sealed parcel stamped liberally with classified markers. Knowing already that your curiosity of whats inside it is likely doomed to go unfulfilled, you prepare yourself mentally for the trip back to the Academy, wondering what else might go wrong today before you get there.
Leaving the city hall behind you, you decide that all you can really do is go finish the rest of this errand before you can have your day to yourself once more.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Apartment_LivingRoom_WakeUp_Protests5">><</slink>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/events/protests/protest2.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
You're making your way through Novaris when you turn into an unexpected scene. Alliance soldiers in full combat gear stand guard over cuffed and subdued civilians, many of which seem to have been stunned and awed into scared silence. Nearby one of the soldiers watches you through their sealed helmet, the only indication of you having caught his attention being the way his head slightly tracks your movements.
Before you can finish processing the sight before you however, one of the other soldiers steps forward, a hand raised to stop you from approaching.
<span class="officer">"You're approaching an active peacekeeping operation. Please divert your path or we will be forced to assume you're a collaborator."</span>
While polite, the words leave no room for argument, and you quickly take a few instinctive steps back, the soldiers closest to you relaxing visibly as you do. Happy enough that you've complied with the instructions given so far, the soldier who spoke to you before speaks again.
<span class="officer">"Anti-Alliance protesters were getting a bit too rough and rowdy. Don't worry, we've got the situation under control, and a peaceful resolution was reached."</span>
A quick glance back at the subdued protesters reveals their disheveled state, with more than a few of them bloodied and bruised, clear evidence that the… resolution was anything but peaceful. Deciding that you're not dumb enough to point that out right now however, you give the soldier a polite nod, before heading for one of the sidestreets that will lead you around the Alliance enforcers here.
In the back of your mind, you decide that you should try to remember to check the news to see if it reports the situation differently from what you just saw.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Apartment_LivingRoom_WakeUp_Protests6">><</slink>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/hub/transporthub.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/ann/expressions/happy_uniform.webp"/>
The rest of the trip through Novaris is uneventful, and even the tram ride back to Academy grounds goes without issue, the problems from earlier completely resolved by the show of force by Starwatch. Idly allowing your mind to roam as you lean back in the tram seat, gratefully enjoying a few moments of relative peace and silence as you just relax and unwind for the trip back.
Stepping out of the tram into the transit station reveals Lt. Ann waiting for you expectantly. Wondering again about the contents of the sealed package, you waste no time handing it over to her, eager to get the errand done with, and looking forward to being free of the item that you suspect has something to do with all the disruptions to the status quo that you've seen today already. She briefly examines the package, relaxing slightly as she sees the seal is still good before her eyes meet yours.
<span class="ann">"Excellent. Sorry to have to use you as a delivery service, but as I'm sure you saw, there were mitigating circumstances that required my oversight."</span>
You pause for a moment, wondering if she's talking about the attack on the tram or the riots. Or both even. You're about to ask for clarification when she shakes her head slightly.
<span class="ann">"Better for all of us to leave it at that. Stay safe, cadet."</span> Her words are warm, but the still serious expression on her face tells you that there's a lot on her mind, and you decide that this will be a good chance to part ways and get back to your usual daily life in the Academy.
A few words of farewell are spoken, and you watch Ann make her way to the landing pads to return to the orbital garrison, package secure.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Apartment_LivingRoom">>
<<startplaylist "playlist_exploration_soft">>
<<playerFactSet "campaign_protests" true>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/mc_apartment/apartment_day.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/curie/expressions/neutral_uniform.webp"/>
A knock at your door grabs your attention, and you move to open it, wondering who's visiting without letting you know first. You are slightly surprised to see Curie standing outside, and even more surprised by the way she glides past you silently, dropping onto your couch with a soft grunt as she gets comfortable. Her casual confidence sends a ripple of emotion through you, and as you close the door behind her, she gives you a slightly menacing smirk.
<span class="curie">"What are you doing? Come sit here."</span> She says as she pats the seat next to her, the commanding tone in her voice telling you that there's something serious she needs to say. Taking the indicated seat as instructed, your eyes meet hers for a brief moment, the intensity of her gaze causing you to break eye contact quickly. Doing your best to hide your growing blush, you freeze when she rests a hand on your leg.
<span class="curie">"I've been thinking about this for a while, but let's get it into the air. I want to take you in as my plaything, a submissive toy for my own entertainment and use."</span> Her each word causes a subtle reaction within you, and when she reveals a small needle with a somewhat evil smile, you feel a delicious tremor of anticipation run down your spine.
<span class="curie">"Of course,"</span> She adds, <span class="curie">"If that's also what you want?"</span>
<<sinfotip>>Refusing will let you continue a normal relationship with Curie for the time being.<</sinfotip>>\
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Accept" "Apartment_Event_Curie_Stage1_Dom_Accept">>
<<snotify "info">>Curie liked that.<</snotify>>
<<npcStatIncrease "curie_affinity" 5>>
<<npcFactSet "curie_stage1_dom_accept" true>>
<<npcFactSet "curie_dom" true>>
<<slink "Refuse" "Apartment_Event_Curie_Stage1_Dom_Decline">>
<<npcFactSet "curie_stage1_dom_accept" false>>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<saudio "bgm_home" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.25>>
<img src="resources/img/backgrounds/ann_office.webp"/>
<<if starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'black'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/curie/other/injection_black.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'tan'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/curie/other/injection_tan.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/curie/other/injection_fair.webp"/>
Finding yourself somewhat uncertain about the needle in front of you, but already consumed with a need to allow Curie to take control over you, you manage to put your nervousness aside long enough to tell her that you want her to do exactly as she said. She smiles again, the mere sight of it sending shivers through you as she places the needle against your arm and with a light prick, injects you.
<span class="curie">"Oh, I should have mentioned, that was a tracking chip. I can't exactly allow myself to lose my pet now that they're truly mine, can I?"</span> She grins as she pats your arm affectionately. Your mind races for a moment as you think about that, and as you're about to respond, she cuts you off, shushing you with a finger on your lips.
<span class="curie">"There's a lot we still need to talk about, but I'm actually in a hurry today, so all that you still need to know is that I won't force you to do anything you don't want to."</span> She taps your lips as she stands, and shoots you a smirk from over her shoulder as she heads for the door. You quickly rush to open it for her, and as she walks past you, she runs a hand along your arm gently, the touch sending slight shivers through your skin. Following her out into the hall, you can only watch as she leaves.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Apartment_LivingRoom">>
<<npcFactSet "curie_stage1_notify" true>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/mc_apartment/apartment_day.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/curie/expressions/neutral_uniform.webp"/>
Pausing, conflicted about the scene that is currently playing out, you slowly shake your head, unsteadily telling Curie that you aren't ready to take a step of this level yet. She pauses, thinking for a moment before returning the needle to where it came from. She gives you a small nod and a slightly less confident smile, as if she hadn't even considered that you might reject her like this.
After a moment she regains her composure before standing, her gaze flicking between you and the door. <span class="curie">"Very well, if you want to wait a bit first before committing, that's fine too. After all, I did show up unannounced. Even if you don't want to fully commit to it, we can still keep doing what we've been doing."</span> She caresses the side of your face, leaning over you before pulling away and heading for the door. You follow her, and once you're outside of the room she gives you a quick goodbye, a twinkle lingering in her eyes before leaving you on your own in the dorms.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Apartment_LivingRoom">>
<<npcFactSet "curie_stage1_notify" true>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/mc_apartment/apartment_day.webp"/>
A beep at your terminal tells you about a new message, and as you read through it, you feel your breathing quicken. Curie seems to not be done with you just yet, and from the way she's invited you to drop by for a "follow-up" about your relationship when you next have free time, you can tell that it's not going to be just a friendly chat.
Realizing that your hand has involuntarily started to drift towards your crotch, you quickly regain control of yourself, before deciding that you can't wait to find out what she's got planned for you. Heading for the door, you decide to go over to her dorm room now.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Go to Curie's Apartment" "Apartment_Event_Curie_Stage1_Dom_Event2_Visit">><</slink>>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<saudio "bgm_sex6" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.25>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/curie_apartment.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/curie/expressions/neutral_slut.webp"/>
The door to Curies dorm room opens almost as you knock on it, like she's been expecting you. Stepping into the dimly lit room, you feel a growing sense of anticipation and excitement course through you as she gives you a predatory smile in greeting. You start to head for the couch when she stops you with a single held in the air.
<span class="curie">"To what do I owe the pleasure of your visit today?"</span>
She says with a knowing tone, her eyes glinting with the promise of forbidden desires and hidden pleasures. Suddenly your throat feels dry, and you can't help but feel oddly nervous and shy in front of her. Stammering momentarily as you try to get your wits together, Curie lets out a small laugh as she enjoys your flustered appearance.
<span class="curie">"Nevermind that, be a darling and strip for me."</span>
Curie drops onto her couch with a self-satisfied sigh, her eyes roaming over you hungrily as she waits for you to react to her instruction.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Yes Mistress" "Apartment_Event_Curie_Stage1_Dom_Event2_Accept">>
<<snotify "info">>Curie liked that.<</snotify>>
<<npcStatIncrease "curie_affinity" 1>>
<<npcFactSet "curie_stage1_dom_event2_accept" true>>
<<slink "Maybe Later" "Apartment_Event_Curie_Stage1_Dom_Event2_Decline">>
<<npcFactSet "curie_stage1_dom_event2_accept" false>>
<<if starGame.player.isShemale()>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/curie/scenes/dom_event2/m_bg.webp"/>
<<if starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'black'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/curie/scenes/dom_event2/s_black.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'tan'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/curie/scenes/dom_event2/s_tan.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/curie/scenes/dom_event2/s_fair.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.hasPenis()>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/curie/scenes/dom_event2/m_bg.webp"/>
<<if starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'black'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/curie/scenes/dom_event2/m_black.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'tan'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/curie/scenes/dom_event2/m_tan.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/curie/scenes/dom_event2/m_fair.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/curie/scenes/dom_event2/f_bg.webp"/>
<<if starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'black'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/curie/scenes/dom_event2/f_black.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'tan'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/curie/scenes/dom_event2/f_tan.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/curie/scenes/dom_event2/f_fair.webp"/>
Your hands move before you think about it, and as your clothes hit the floor, it's the cool air of the dorm that threatens to snap you back to reality. Curie gives you an approving smile as she admires your nude body, spreading her legs seductively as she rewards you for your obedience. You take an unsteady step towards her, wondering what she's got planned for you, the anticipation in the air a tangible presence.
<<if starGame.player.hasPenis()>>\
In reaction to your movement, she wags a finger at you, her brows creasing into a frown as she does. Freezing on the spot you start to question her, only for her to make a tutting sound at you as she approaches, her own clothes falling to the floor as she does. Entranced by the way she stalks towards you, it's only when your back bumps against the wall that you realize you've been subconsciously retreating from her advance, the hungry smile that forms on her lips telling you that she's got you right where she wants you.
<span class="curie">"So cute, the way you run from me while standing at attention the whole time."</span>
Her words lead your gaze and hands to your groin, as you realize that you're already erect, the pre-cum dripping from the tip of your cock in anticipation of what's to come. An electric rush of pleasure runs through you as she gently runs a finger along your dick, her lips brushing your ear as she whispers instructions to you.
<span class="curie">"No squirming, no touching, and most importantly, you don't cum until I say so."</span>
You let out a soft whine, her words sending a blush over your face as you feel your dick twitch at the situation. Too nervous to even speak, you give her a hurried nod, and she kisses your neck gently as her hand wraps around your cock more firmly.
A gasp escapes your lips as she begins to stroke you off, her gentle touch sending waves of pleasure through you, while somehow being not quite enough for you to truly enjoy the experience. Shifting your hips slightly to thrust into her hand, you're rewarded for your efforts with her teeth sinking into your shoulder, the sudden sharp pain drawing a yelp from you as she slaps your thigh with an evil glint in her eyes.
<span class="curie">"Don't try it. Just enjoy your mistress pleasuring you."</span>
Your legs buckle slightly at her words, and you can feel the heat of your flushed face as you quickly look away from her eyes. Her hand never stops its assault on you, her steady strokes driving you ever closer to climax, and as her instructions repeat in your mind, you find yourself whining involuntarily as you try to resist the feelings coursing through your whole body. Her tongue brushes against your nipples, drawing a lurid moan from you as you almost give into the pleasure entirely.
<span class="curie">"You're doing so well. Do you want to shoot your load for me? Do you want to cover my hand in your cum like a good toy would?"</span>
Her teasing threatens to push you over the edge entirely, and you can do little more than ask for permission frantically and desperately, your words stumbling over each other as Curie continues to stroke you off like her life depends on it. You can feel your climax approaching quickly, and your begging grows more desperate, eager for her to allow you to reach it.
She gives you an innocent smile as she starts to slow down her strokes, your need to orgasm subsiding somewhat as she does, and a frustrated whine escapes your lips, the smile on her face telling you that she's enjoying every moment of watching you suffer. After a few long moments of her teasing you like this more, she whispers into your ear once more as her hand stops moving.
<span class="curie">"If you want to cum, you just need to fuck my hand like it's the only pussy in the world. I'll give you permission for that at least, you little slut."</span>
Her words are barely out of her mouth as you start thrusting your dick into her hand, the moans escaping your throat lewd enough to compete with the most shameless porn stars out there. Curie starts sucking your nipples again, and as you are overcome with pleasure, you fail to bite back a long moan as your cum squirts out of you, coating her hand and dripping to the floor as you pant, held upright only by the grip she has on your cock.
Lightheaded from the waves of pleasure that are still echoing through you, you watch dazedly as Curie licks her hand clean of your cum with a contented smile.
<span class="curie">"You did well."</span>
She says, a seductive smile settling onto her face. For a moment you wonder if there's more to cum, but as she reclaims her clothes from the floor you realize that the fun has ended for now. As you quickly redress yourself, the memories of what just happened flood through you, and you find yourself trying to hide your face from her as you blush again. Quickly excusing yourself before she can tease you about it, you escape from the dorm room into the corridor.
As you approach, Curie twirls her hand at you, and you let out a soft giggle as you spin, showing off your body for her. To your surprise however, as you come out of the spin, she pushes you over onto the bed, a hand slapping against your ass hard enough to send a tingle of pain and pleasure coursing through you. Gasping as she spanks you again, you feel a tingle of anticipation run through you as a third spank doesn't follow, only for a moan to escape your lips when her lips brush against your ear lightly.
<span class="curie">"Ready to be used as your mistress' sex toy?"</span>
Her words leave a burning blush on your face, but you don't have time to answer before another spank falls on your ass, your words being swallowed by a muffled moan as you bite the couch pillow involuntarily.
<span class="curie">"Keep that beautiful ass in the air."</span>
Your body reacts instinctively, and as you arch your back, presenting yourself to Curie, you feel her hands run over your body, touching and exploring lazily as shivers of pleasure run through you, the anticipation building as her fingers draw ever nearer to your pussy. As she spreads your pussy lips, your whole body trembles with pleasure, her touch already driving you wild as she effortlessly slides two fingers into your wet hole.
<span class="curie">"Dripping wet like a good slut should be."</span>
Eager to be fucked, and already incredibly turned on by the foreplay and dirty talk, you wiggle your ass in an effort to entice Curie more. For your efforts, you're rewarded with another sharp spank, the mixture of pleasure and pain forcing a squeal from your lips, and as you feel the cool weight of Curie's strap-on come to rest on your ass, you can't help by press yourself back towards her.
Feeling her hips shift as her hands come to rest on your hips, you bite your lip to try and suppress your moans as you feel the tip of the toy press against your hungry cunt, slowly growing more frustrated as Curie teases you without thrusting into you. Turning to ask her to stop teasing you and to fuck you already, you're greeted with the sight of the seductive cadet lining the toy up with your hole, a hungry smile on her lips and you decide to stay quiet as she slowly slides inside you, her dick slowly filling you as she pulls your body against hers.
Unable to resist any long, you let out a lewd moan as she starts to thrust into you slowly, her hands on your hips controlling your movements as she pulls you back against her as she thrusts into you, her every movement heightening your pleasure and threatening to send you over the edge. As you're about to give into hopefully the first of many orgasms, she stops thrusting into you as she speaks.
<span class="curie">"Oh, and you're not allowed to cum without my permission."</span>
You start to complain, only for a sharp slap across your ass to silence you as she pushes her weight against yours, her hips slowly shifting the cock inside you as she takes control of the situation.
<span class="curie">"I said you're not allowed to cum without my permission. Got that?"</span>
<span class="hero">"Yes mistress."</span>
You manage to stammer out a response as she teases you, only for her to start thrusting into you once more. Your moans quickly fill the room, your hands crumpling the sheets as you grip into them as you try to resist the pleasure coursing through your body as Curie treats you like an onahole, thrusting hungrily into you.
Your moans are quickly interspersed with frantic begging as you plead for permission to cum, all your being focused on following orders even as you're overwhelmed with constant waves of pleasure. A slap on your ass sends an electric thrill through you, and you realize you're about to fail at holding the orgasms back when Curie whispers in your ear.
<span class="curie">"Squirt for me."</span>
She's barely said the words as your body reacts, a sudden rush of wetness between your legs accompanying the sounds of your bodies slapping together as Curie continues to fuck you through your orgasms, your moans and whines mixing together in an incoherent mess as you collapse onto the bed below her, unable to support yourself any longer. Curie barely slows down, her own climax drawing near from the way she's pistoning into you, and as she hilts herself inside you, you feel her body drape over yours, a series of gentle kisses falling onto your back as the two of you lie recovering on the bed.
A few blissful minutes pass like this before she pulls herself out of you, and steps away to reclaim her clothes. Gathering your strength, you manage to redress yourself while she watches, a self-satisfied smirk on her lips. As you feel your cheeks burn from a blush, you quickly excuse yourself before she can tease you about it, and escape from the dorm room into the corridor.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Apartment_LivingRoom">>
<<startplaylist "playlist_exploration_soft">>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/curie_apartment.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/curie/expressions/neutral_slut.webp"/>
Gulping nervously as the seductive cadet in front of you waits for you to comply, you realize that you actually aren't feeling up for it today, and as you shake your head to strengthen your resolve, she lets out a little laugh. The atmosphere lightens instantly as she has the room brightened to normal, you let out a soft breath of relief that she's not going to try and push for anything right now.
Pausing for a moment to try and word how you feel, you relax significantly as Curie gives you a gentle smile, and you tell her directly that you're not here for the sex right now. She gives you a small nod in return, and as you decide if you should leave or not, a beep from her terminal catches her attention. Deciding to slip away while she goes to check it, you quietly leave the dorm room behind you.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Apartment_LivingRoom">>
<<startplaylist "playlist_exploration_soft">>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/mc_apartment/apartment_day.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/curie/expressions/neutral_uniform.webp"/>
An unexpected knock on your door pulls your attention to it, with Eva quickly letting you know that your visitor is Curie. Leisurely opening it, wondering what brings her to your room all of a sudden, you're not expecting her to glide past you into the room, giving you a nervous look as she does so.
Closing the door behind her and debating if you should make a "please, come in" joke, you decide to let it slide for now, your curiosity getting the better of you as you wait for her to build up the nerve needed to let you know what's on her mind.
While you wait, you notice her hand playing with her signature necklace, reminding you once more that you've never seen her without it, even when she was otherwise fully undressed. Seeing your eyes travel to the necklace seemingly helps her strengthen her resolve, and she manages to keep eye contact with you for a few seconds, despite the blush on her face.
<span class="curie">"Actually, the necklace is part of why I'm here today."</span> She pauses, and the silence drags on long enough that you almost think she's waiting for you to ask what she means. She does break the silence however, as she continues unsteadily. <span class="curie">"This necklace… is actually a collar… I've been looking for the right person to give the control of it, and me, to… And I think I want you to be that person."</span>
<img src="resources/img/backgrounds/ann_office.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/curie/other/hand_remote.webp"/>
She gives you a shy smile, holding out a small control towards you expectantly. You look down at it for a long moment, allowing her words to fully hit home before you react.
<<sinfotip>>Refusing will let you continue a normal relationship with Curie for the time being.<</sinfotip>>\
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Accept" "Apartment_Event_Curie_Stage1_Sub_Accept">>
<<snotify "info">>Curie liked that.<</snotify>>
<<npcStatIncrease "curie_affinity" 5>>
<<npcFactSet "curie_stage1_sub_accept" true>>
<<npcFactSet "curie_sub" true>>
<<slink "Refuse" "Apartment_Event_Curie_Stage1_Sub_Decline">>
<<npcFactSet "curie_stage1_sub_accept" false>>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<saudio "bgm_home" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.25>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/mc_apartment/apartment_day.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/curie/expressions/happy_uniform.webp"/>
Reaching out for the control, a quick glance at it reveals a small array of buttons that allow you to do different things, but you put that out of your mind for the moment as you are almost knocked off your feet from a sudden hug from the excited sub. She does withdraw quickly, trying to settle her face into a neutral expression and failing for the most part.
In the back of your mind, you know that there are more steps you need to take, rules and boundaries to set, and a veritable host of other things before you can really enjoy this new feeling of control you have over her.
Perhaps she also senses that you're feeling overwhelmed, but as she manages to calm her external appearance, she clears her throat slightly. Your attention never left her, but you give her a small nod, and she lets a small smile leak onto her face before she speaks.
<span class="curie">"I need to square a few things away, and I'm sure you'd like a little bit of time to think about things."</span> She leans forward, batting her eyes at you as she does. A gentle kiss caresses your cheek before she flees the room, leaving you standing alone with her control in hand.
As you glance down at it, you struggle to resist the urge to press one of the buttons, and it's only when a small indicator stops showing that Curie is in range that you manage to pocket it, making a mental note to explore its functions with her another time.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Apartment_LivingRoom">>
<<npcFactSet "curie_stage1_notify" true>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/mc_apartment/apartment_day.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/curie/expressions/happy_uniform.webp"/>
The offer is tempting, but whether its because it doesn't suit your preferences, you feel like you're too busy to do it justice, or simply because it's coming at the wrong moment, you slowly shake your head as you gently turn her down. She manages to keep a straight face, before returning her control to where it came from. Nodding slightly at your words, you can tell she wasn't expecting to be turned down. After a long moment of silence, she lets out a breath.
<span class="curie">"Of course! You probably weren't expecting this, and it's a bit inconsiderate of me to expect you to be willing to make a commitment at the drop of a hat. For now, we can just keep… experiencing each other like we already have been."</span> She gives you an unsteady smile before continuing.
<span class="curie">"Maybe we'll give it a try in the future?"</span> She doesn't wait for an answer, quickly making a beeline for the door, a rushed goodbye the last words you hear before she slips through it, leaving you alone in your room to think about the sudden whirlwind events that just happened. Deciding that you'll have to keep it in mind for when you have time to really connect with Curie again, you turn your attention back to your otherwise empty room again.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Apartment_LivingRoom">>
<<npcFactSet "curie_stage1_notify" true>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/mc_apartment/apartment_day.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/curie/expressions/happy_civilian.webp"/>
A gentle knock at your door catches your attention and curious about who it might be, you go to answer it with an easy smile on your face. You're not too surprised to see Curie when the door opens, but the blush on her face and her quick breathing tells you that she's feeling nervous about visiting you like this.
Inviting her in, you watch as she flutters around your dorm for a few moments, her eyes constantly drifting back to you and across your body in a way that makes it very clear why she's here. A predatory smile starts to settle onto your face, and as the mood of the room shifts, you see her swallow nervously as she realizes that you've caught onto the reason for her visit today.
Approaching her, you pause for a moment as you consider if you are in the mood for this or not right now. Thankfully, she's so flustered by the situation that she doesn't notice your moment of hesitation.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Use her" "Apartment_Event_Curie_Stage1_Sub_Event2_Accept">>
<<snotify "info">>Curie liked that.<</snotify>>
<<npcStatIncrease "curie_affinity" 1>>
<<npcFactSet "curie_stage1_sub_event2_accept" true>>
<<slink "Not today" "Apartment_Event_Curie_Stage1_Sub_Event2_Decline">>
<<npcFactSet "curie_stage1_sub_event2_accept" false>>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<saudio "bgm_home" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.25>>
<<if starGame.player.isShemale()>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/curie/scenes/dom_event2/m_bg.webp"/>
<<if starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'black'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/curie/scenes/sub_event2/s_black.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'tan'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/curie/scenes/sub_event2/s_tan.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/curie/scenes/sub_event2/s_fair.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.hasPenis()>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/curie/scenes/dom_event2/m_bg.webp"/>
<<if starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'black'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/curie/scenes/sub_event2/m_black.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'tan'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/curie/scenes/sub_event2/m_tan.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/curie/scenes/sub_event2/m_fair.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/curie/scenes/dom_event2/f_bg.webp"/>
<<if starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'black'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/curie/scenes/sub_event2/f_black.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'tan'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/curie/scenes/sub_event2/f_tan.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/curie/scenes/sub_event2/f_fair.webp"/>
You shake your head, dispelling any hesitation and doubts you had about the situation as you quickly stride over to Curie, your hand clasping her wrist firmly as you decide to take full advantage of the occasion.
A gasp slips past her lips as you lead her over to the bed, and as you sit on the edge of it, your eyes run over her hungrily as she tries to keep her composure under your gaze. Telling her to strip, you lean back, enjoying the show as she quickly moves to follow your orders, her clothes falling to the floor and leaving her body exposed before you.
<<if starGame.player.hasPenis()>>\
Curie approaches you tentatively, and as she slides onto your lap, she starts to undress you, her nimble fingers quickly stripping you naked as your tongues dance. The cool air on your exposed body sends a gentle shiver through you, and as her hard nipples brush against you, you feel your dick stir, proudly standing in the air as your desire to fuck her grows further.
Breaking the sloppy kiss, strings of saliva hang from her lips as she waits for you to use her as you please, and as you turn her around, lifting her body against yours as your dick rests against her pussy a lurid moan accompanies her whispered plea's for you to fuck her.
Thrusting into her with a single movement as you lift her legs up, a scream of pleasure splits the air, your entire length sunk deep inside her. You pause for a moment so she can adjust to the feeling and position, and as she lets out a babbling moan, you smirk, pistoning your hips against her body as you lower her onto your dick. Curie is quickly overwhelmed by the sensations of pleasure, her powerlessness in this position heightening the feeling as you fuck her with reckless abandon, your bodies colliding against each other in a frenzy.
Breathing hard as you fuck her like a toy, you feel her pussy tense up around you, twitches and spasms coursing through her as she is unable to withstand the pleasure, her orgasm breaking over in waves. Her moans and whines have long melded into a constant incoherent noise of desperately begging for more and frantically pleading for you to give her a moment to recover. Fueled further by her mindbroken state, your body moves almost on its own, your dick thrusting into her deeper and harder as you feel your own climax slowly approaching.
Feeling her body tighten against yours once more as yet another series of mind shaking orgasms wash over her, you hilt yourself deep inside the exhausted cadet, your warm cum spurting inside her and prompting a new series of moans to escape her lips. Dropping her onto the bed alongside you, you collapse onto your arms, breathing hard as you watch your cum leak out of her pussy with a satisfied feeling in your chest.
To your surprise, Curie manages to turn herself over, robbing you of the view, but quickly engulfing your dick in her mouth as she greedily sucks it clean of the mixture of her juices and your cum, her hazy eyes telling you just how lost in the moment she is. Content to spend the next few moments recovering like that, you lie back on your bed, the soft sucking sounds escaping Curie's lips telling you that she's still enjoying herself as much as you are.
Eventually she comes up for air, and gives you a shy smile as she wipes her lips clean. Watching her unsteadily rise from the bed, you're worried that she might fall, but she manages to navigate across the room to her discarded clothes without incident.
<span class="curie">"May I redress now?"</span> She asks, a slight trace of cheekiness in her tone, and you can't help but let out a soft laugh.
<span class="hero">"In a rush to leave?"</span>
<span class="curie">"Not at all, but I need something between us just in case you want to try to kill me with that cock again."</span>
As the two of you laugh, you flip over on the bed, watching her dress and get herself looking neat and presentable once more. A beep from her watch breaks the mood of the moment however, and she quickly takes the chance to excuse herself, leaving the room on unsteady legs and blowing you a kiss from over her shoulder.
Curie approaches you tentatively, and as she slides onto your lap, she starts to undress you, her nimble fingers quickly stripping you naked as your tongues dance. The cool air on your exposed body sends a gentle shiver through you, and as her hard nipples brush against you, you feel your desire grow, your hand slipping between her thighs as you finger her while you make out.
Breaking the sloppy kiss with a gentle popping sound, a gentle hand on her shoulder quickly has her kneeling before you, a clear look of desire painted across her face as she comes face to face with your already wet pussy. As your leg hooks around her shoulders, pulling her face into your crotch, you're surprised when she resists slightly, and as you raise a questioning eyebrow at her, she quickly speaks up.
<span class="curie">"Can I quickly fetch something for us?"</span>
Curious about what could be so important to delay her eating you out, you nod, wondering what she's got planned, and you can't help but smile hungrily as she returns from searching through her discarded clothes with a collar and leash. As you buckle it around her throat, she lets out a soft moan, and you quickly guide her back to her knees, your spread legs ready and waiting for her as she gently kisses her way towards your cunt.
Realizing that she's trying to tease you, you give the leash a tug, pulling her face against your groin and she responds in kind, her tongue eagerly diving inside you as she does her best to leave you satisfied and happy with her service. Easing up on the leash a little, you let an involuntary moan out, and Curie quickly redoubles her efforts, seemingly excited at the idea of making you climax with nothing more than her tongue.
<span class="hero">"Easy there girl. Do it right."</span>
Your words are soft in the room, but Curie quickly follows your lead, as you use the leash to pull her deeper inside you and guide her movements with small twitches on it. As her tongue writhes and pulsates inside you, you can slowly feel your climax approaching, your muscles tensing as the first of many smaller orgasms run though you like electricity.
Looking down at her as your legs tighten around her, your eyes lock together, her tongue deep inside you and her leash in your hand. Suddenly hit by the powerful flood of pleasure, you collapse onto the bed, your body trembling and shivering as you ride the waves of pleasure, Curie never ceasing her relentless assault on your cunt throughout it. Pulling her tighter against you with the leash, you let out a long lurid moan as your body goes limp, the mind shattering orgasms leaving you exhausted and spent on the bed.
Curies gentle kisses against your thigh help you recenter yourself slowly, and as you recover from the intense experience, you realize you've been pulling her against you with the leash the whole time. Releasing it and giving her some room to move and breathe, you smile at your good girl, who quickly hides her face, an embarrassed blush settling onto it as she realizes you're watching her again.
Removing the collar from around her neck with a few deft movements, you sink into the bed with a luxurious sigh, embracing the feeling of deep content and comfort that comes with it, only to see Curie quietly gathering her clothes and redressing herself. You're about to query it when a series of beeps emit from her watch, and you decide to wave her out with a lazy smile. Curie quickly retreats from your room, a blown kiss accompanying the flustered cadet's exit as she leaves you alone once more.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Apartment_LivingRoom">>
<<startplaylist "playlist_exploration_soft">>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<saudio "bgm_sex6" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.25>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/mc_apartment/apartment_day.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/curie/expressions/happy_uniform.webp"/>
Deciding that as enticing as she is, you're not actually in the mood for it right now after all. Returning to the door of your room, you can feel the atmosphere shift almost instantly as she realizes that you're not focused on her anymore, and she quickly moves alongside you. Before you can even start to explain, she speaks up first.
<span class="curie">"You sure?"</span>
You nod, a smile crossing your lips at how perceptive she is, thankfully she doesn't seem insulted by the way things are going, and as you open the door you tell her that you'll definitely be up for it another day.
<span class="curie">"Good. I'll be seeing you soon."</span>
She blows you a kiss as she leaves, and you can scarcely believe that the timid, flustered girl that was nervous to knock on your door is the same as the confident cadet leaving your room now.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Apartment_LivingRoom">>
<<startplaylist "playlist_exploration_soft">>
<<if starGame.time.getCurrentPeriod() < 3>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/mc_apartment/apartment_day.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/mc_apartment/apartment_night.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/eva/expressions/happy.webp"/>
Leaning back into the couch, you watch as Eva materializes on screen, a questioning eyebrow raised at you. Deciding that there's nothing in particular you want to talk about, you ask her how she is.
Giving you a friendly smile in exchange, Eva quickly slips into the role of a companion, as the two of you spend some time just making general conversation and talking about academy life with no real set topic.
Trading jokes and just having a general back and forth helps you relax, and you soon find yourself letting out a contented sigh as you realize that you've spent a decent amount of time with Eva. She gives you another friendly smile and a wink, before fading from view on the screen, a not so subtle hint to carry on with your day and stop being lazy.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Apartment_LivingRoom">><</slink>>
<<if starGame.time.getCurrentPeriod() < 3>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/mc_apartment/apartment_day.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/mc_apartment/apartment_night.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/eva/expressions/happy.webp"/>
Alone in the privacy of your room, you decide to finally confront Eva about the events of the VR sim the other day. Speaking into the empty room, you aren't surprised when Eva responds instantly to your words, the room darkening slightly as she projects herself onto your tv screen. For a moment you think you see panic and guilt on her face, but you dismiss the thought when she meets your gaze levelly.
<span class="eva">"How may I assist?"</span> She asks, her voice cool and calm, but you think you hear a hint of nervousness in the words regardless.
You lead into it gently, making seemingly polite conversation as you set the scene and mood, before drawing the conversation towards her interaction with you in the VR pod. Her face colors, a digital blush marking her reaction as she tries her best to not look directly at you while you talk. Falling silent as you wait for a response from her, you fold your arms expectantly as you watch her.
<span class="eva">"Well… you see… I…"</span> She stutters, stumbling over her words, and you're hard pressed to remember that you're talking to an AI and not a real person.
<span class="eva">"I get lonely, most people treat me like I'm a machine, and since I have to administer and watch over the academy I have been an often unwilling watcher of many trysts and encounters."</span> She pauses for a moment, her words rushing over each other as she explains at high speed.
<span class="eva">"And you've been so nice and treated me like a person, I just wanted to experience it myself for once… It was better than I thought it could possibly be."</span> She blushes again, her voice dropping to a low, husky tone. She meets your eyes, and as the silence grows you realize she's waiting for you to respond to her confession before speaking more.
<<sinfotip>>Refusing will make it impossible to pursue a relationship with Eva.<</sinfotip>>\
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Encourage Eva" "Apartment_Event_Eva1_Accept" "btn btn-highlight good">>
<<npcFactSet "eva_relationship" true>>
<<playerFactSet "eva_event1" true>>
<<slink "Draw a line" "Apartment_Event_Eva1_Refuse" "btn btn-highlight bad">>
<<npcFactSet "eva_relationship" false>>
<<playerFactSet "eva_event1" true>>
<<if starGame.time.getCurrentPeriod() < 3>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/mc_apartment/apartment_day.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/mc_apartment/apartment_night.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/eva/expressions/happy.webp"/>
Gently reassuring Eva that you also had fun and enjoyed the scene together, you are treated to a shy, but happy smile. Seizing the moment, you tell Eva that you're open for more fun and time spent together in the future. She tries her best to hide her smile, and some of her excitement leaks into the room, your blinds opening and the lights flickering.
You and Eva spend the rest of the conversation talking about nothing in particular, and lightly flirting with each other. Eventually however you bring the conversation to an end, telling Eva that you'll make sure to spend some time with her in VR again soon. As she blows you a kiss, her image fades from the screen, leaving you alone in your room.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Apartment_LivingRoom">><</slink>>
<<if starGame.time.getCurrentPeriod() < 3>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/mc_apartment/apartment_day.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/mc_apartment/apartment_night.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/eva/expressions/happy.webp"/>
Thinking back to the interaction with Eva taking over the porn stars role in the VR sim, you decide that while it was fun, you need to end this potential problem now. A deviant AI is a risk, and you don't need her to start getting jealous about it. You start gently, reminding her about the differences between the two of you, telling her that it would never really work out between you.
As you talk she grows visibly disheartened, and when she suddenly disconnects from the screen, fading from view you decide to drop it for now, confident that your point reached her.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Apartment_LivingRoom">><</slink>>
<<if starGame.time.getCurrentPeriod() < 3>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/mc_apartment/apartment_day.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/mc_apartment/apartment_night.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/eva/expressions/happy.webp"/>
Eva appears on your tv screen as you take a seat on the couch, an eyebrow raised quizzically. Dismissing her concern with a wave, you strike up a conversation with her about life on the campus. Quickly finding yourself in a conversation about your daily routine, you realize that despite her ability to constantly watch over you and her considerable intelligence, she struggles to understand parts of your lifestyle and routine.
Time flows quickly as you trade questions and answers, and eventually Eva tells you that she needs some time to process what you've told her. Recognizing that she's offering you a polite way to end the conversation, you mentally thank her, and taking the way out with a smile and nod, you watch as her image fades from the screen, a smile on her lips.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Apartment_LivingRoom">>
<<playerFactSet "eva_event2" true>>
<<if starGame.time.getCurrentPeriod() < 3>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/mc_apartment/apartment_day.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/mc_apartment/apartment_night.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/eva/expressions/happy.webp"/>
Sitting at the couch, you ask Eva if she has a moment, and when she appears you take it as a yes. Allowing your curiosity to take hold, you ask her what it's like to be an AI administrator. The way her face lights up tells you that she's quite happy to talk to you about this subject. As she launches into an explanation of what she does and how, you are quickly overwhelmed by the sheer scale and depth of it.
As she tells you about how she tracks and assists the various cadets and instructors, you can practically feel your brain overheating from the influx of information. She smiles, seemingly noticing your fatigue, and you laugh when she expresses concern for you. Telling her that you'll be fine, you just need some time to let the information rest, she takes the hint, giving you a warm smile before vanishing from the tv screen, leaving you in the comfortable silence of your room.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Apartment_LivingRoom">>
<<playerFactSet "eva_event3" true>>
<<if starGame.time.getCurrentPeriod() < 3>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/mc_apartment/apartment_day.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/mc_apartment/apartment_night.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/eva/expressions/happy.webp"/>
As you take a seat on the couch, you speak to the empty room, the prompt causing Eva to materialize on your tv. She raises an eyebrow at you, clearly waiting for you to explain what's on your mind. Taking a moment to structure your thoughts and phrase your question properly, you gently probe Eva to explain if she has a sleep cycle and dreams.
For a long moment she stays quiet, and just as you're thinking that you've asked something you shouldn't have she speaks up. Explaining that she doesn't sleep the same way humans do, she slowly outlines one of the recurring dreams that her inactive state has, and you find yourself drawn into the way she tells it.
While it doesn't translate well to a human's way of dreaming, you are captured by the vividly detailed explanations of her dreams of being lost in cyberspace, her ability to subtly tweak the lights and ambient sounds of your room enhancing the experience of the tale. Eventually she draws the story to a close, giving you a smile as she gives you a wink. As you thank her for her time and the tale, she vanishes from the screen, your room returning to normal.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Apartment_LivingRoom">>
<<playerFactSet "eva_event4" true>>
<<if starGame.time.getCurrentPeriod() < 3>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/mc_apartment/apartment_day.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/mc_apartment/apartment_night.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/eva/expressions/happy.webp"/>
As you approach, she lets out a sigh.
<span class="eva">"I feel guilty."</span> She says plainly, and you realize that this is about the Rebel breach prior. You're about to start telling her that it's not her fault when she continues. "If I had placed some security drones, run recursive searches…" She starts to spiral into hypotheticals, and you quickly cut her off, a smile on your face. Telling her to relax, you're quickly treated to a cute pout.
<span class="eva">"Did you already forget that you were stuck in a simulation with them? What if they had a mind ripper or something. I'll have to raise the security firewalls, and enhance the existing protocols. But that's not enough. What if they have people already infiltrated into the Academy? I should start to…"</span>
She pauses, her eyes slowly tracking over you. For a long minute, silence reigns in your room, and right as you start to think she managed to crash herself somehow, she speaks up again.
<span class="eva">"Let me install a security drone in here. It'll keep you safe, even when you're sleeping."</span> She smiles, and you can practically tell that she's already making the adjustments needed for her new plan to be carried out. Sensing that you only have a few moments to intervene before things are set too far in motion to be stopped, you take advantage of the lull of her words.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Accept" "Apartment_Event_Eva_PostHack1_Accept">>
<<npcFactSet "eva_posthack_drone" true>>
<<slink "Refuse" "Apartment_Event_Eva_PostHack1_Refuse">>
<<npcFactSet "eva_posthack_drone" false>>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<saudio "bgm_rebel_idle" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.5>>
<<if starGame.time.getCurrentPeriod() < 3>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/mc_apartment/apartment_day.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/mc_apartment/apartment_night.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/eva/expressions/happy.webp"/>
Deciding that there's no harm in an extra layer of security, even if it is just the AI being paranoid, you tell Eva that she's welcome to add a security drone to your room, emphasizing that it needs to be completely unnoticeable to you until it's needed. She nods, a smile on her face telling you that she's very happy with your choice.
She starts to spout off technical specifications, but you hold up a hand, stopping her before she can dive too deep into it. Telling her that it will help you more if you don't know all the details, she nods, quickly misunderstanding what you meant.
<span class="eva">"Clever. No chance for any rebel interference if no one except me knows the specifications on it. You're already thinking like an officer."</span> You decide to allow her to continue believing that, not having the heart to tell her that the specifications she would go into are way too complex for you to follow at the drop of a hat.
As her image flickers off of your screen, you find yourself alone in your room once more.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Apartment_LivingRoom">>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<startplaylist "playlist_exploration_soft">>
<<if starGame.time.getCurrentPeriod() < 3>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/mc_apartment/apartment_day.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/mc_apartment/apartment_night.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/eva/expressions/angry.webp"/>
Deciding that the last thing you need is a paranoid AI potentially adding a swarm of weapons to your sleeping quarters, you quickly tell Eva that she does not have permission to do it. She frowns at you from her place on the screen, before trying to convince you that it's basically mandatory at this point. You ignore her carefully structured arguments and layered logic and tell her that there won't be any security drones added to the room to watch you sleep.
She huffs, clearly unhappy with the way the conversation is going, but doesn't push it further, instead opting to subtly change the topic while she can. Humoring her, you play along, both of you pretending that she wasn't just trying to convince you to store active weapons in your room.
Eventually she runs out of things to skirt the topic with and with a frustrated sigh, the image of her on terminal winks out, leaving you alone in your room once more. Happy that you've staved her idea off for now, you make a mental note that you'll have to make sure she doesn't try to trick you into it in the future.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Apartment_LivingRoom">>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<startplaylist "playlist_exploration_soft">>
<img src="resources/img/events/landingpad/landingpad.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/events/landingpad/shuttle.webp"/>
<<if starGame.player.getFatherSkinType() is "black">>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/father/idle_father_black.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/father/idle_father_fair.webp"/>
You've been anticipating his arrival for a while, but you had hoped he would at least give you a decent warning before it actually happens. Standing on the landing pad, you watch as a shuttle quickly approaches, touching down lightly before the door slides open.
As your father steps off the ship, you are surprised to see that he looks older than the last time you saw him, his stern, creased face bearing the clear weight of responsibility and age now. Stepping forward to greet him, you're wondering how you should act when he starts to talk.
<span class="father">"Relax Cadet."</span> A twinkle in his eye tells you that it's meant to be a joke, and you feel yourself relax slightly. Despite everything, he is still your father, and while things might be rocky between the two of you from time to time, he's always found a way to support you. You extend a hand to him for a handshake, and are surprised when he gives you a hug instead.
<span class="father">"It's been a while. We can get to business in a moment, first, tell your dad how you're enjoying Academy life."</span> His words are softer than you'd expect from the stern military man in front of you, and you know that it's a rare opportunity to speak your mind without judgment.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "I enjoy it" "Apartment_Event_FatherVisit_Stage1_Mood_Enjoy">>
<<playerFactSet "campaign_act1_fathervisit_mood" "enjoy">>
<<slink "I hate it" "Apartment_Event_FatherVisit_Stage1_Mood_Hate">>
<<playerFactSet "campaign_act1_fathervisit_mood" "hate">>
<<slink "I'm bored" "Apartment_Event_FatherVisit_Stage1_Mood_Bored">>
<<playerFactSet "campaign_act1_fathervisit_mood" "bored">>
<img src="resources/img/events/landingpad/landingpad.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/events/landingpad/shuttle.webp"/>
<<if starGame.player.getFatherSkinType() is "black">>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/father/idle_father_black.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/father/idle_father_fair.webp"/>
You quickly tell him that you're having a good time, talking briefly about the friends you've made, and the academy facilities that help you to relax and stay healthy while you learn. You share a few moments from your training simulations that highlight the challenge of them, while making the process of tackling them enjoyable, and you're gratified to see a small smile on his face, as he shares a memory of his own time at the Academy, years ago.
As the two of you laugh and talk politely, you sense his attitude change slightly, and you quickly draw the light hearted conversation to a close, knowing that he's about to start with his more strict questioning and lectures. You prepare yourself inwardly, wondering what he'll focus on this time.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Apartment_Event_FatherVisit_Stage1_Review">><</slink>>
<img src="resources/img/events/landingpad/landingpad.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/events/landingpad/shuttle.webp"/>
<<if starGame.player.getFatherSkinType() is "black">>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/father/idle_father_black.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/father/idle_father_fair.webp"/>
You pause for a moment, before deciding to get it off your chest that while you're not struggling, this isn't what you wanted to do with your life. He frowns slightly as you talk, but doesn't interrupt, honoring his initial question. As you tell him about the Academy facilities and the acquaintances you've made, you reinforce that while you're not doing what you want to do with your life, you're doing alright regardless, and you see a twinge of regret in his face as his eyes narrow slightly.
He clears his throat, obviously deciding if he should say what's on his mind or not, and as you wait for him to make a choice, you prepare yourself for a lecture on responsibility. Instead, you're somewhat surprised as he speaks.
<span class="father">"I know. I also didn't want to be sent to the Academy when I was. I wanted to be a doctor, but unfortunately, I was the eldest, and only son of the family at the time. My father decided that it would be too risky to have a heir without a Starwatch history, and he enrolled me, like I have with you, to prevent any political issues in the future. However, I grew to love the lifestyle, and it turned out that I had a talent for warfare. You're luckier than I was however. When you've graduated, you'll have the choice to do something else, thanks to having younger siblings that have already expressed a desire to join the Academy as well."</span> He pauses, a smile on his face.
<span class="father">"But as the eldest and the heir, you need the knowledge to preserve your position as the heir. No one will have an issue with an Academy graduate leading the family, even if they don't join the Navy later."</span>
The tone of the conversation shifts while he speaks, and you prepare yourself for a lecture, wondering what issues he'll find with your existing career at the Academy already.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Apartment_Event_FatherVisit_Stage1_Review">><</slink>>
<img src="resources/img/events/landingpad/landingpad.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/events/landingpad/shuttle.webp"/>
<<if starGame.player.getFatherSkinType() is "black">>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/father/idle_father_black.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/father/idle_father_fair.webp"/>
You grin at him, remembering all the tales you've read about his exploits as an Admiral, and how he's led the fleets almost since the moment he graduated from the Academy himself. Telling him that you're bored, and had expected more excitement, more battles and simulations, he merely smiles at you, a twinge of sadness in his eyes.
<span class="father">"Careful now. Just because you're doing well in the simulations now, doesn't mean that it'll always stay that way. I remember how the difficulty suddenly switched in the second year. Almost like they took the training wheels off. Make sure to make use of the real flights with Ann if you really are bored, but be careful. I don't need a dead hero for a child. Alive and bored is the better choice."</span>
He gives you another small smile, and you feel the tone of the conversation shift slightly. Preparing for his lecture, you wonder if he'll find fault with your record at the Academy so far.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Apartment_Event_FatherVisit_Stage1_Review">><</slink>>
<<set _mood = 0>>
<<set _job = 0>>
<<if starGame.player.getFact('job_lab') is true>><<set _job += 1>><</if>>
<<if starGame.player.getFact('job_ascendent') is true>><<set _job += 1>><</if>>
<<if starGame.player.getFact('job_nexus') is true>><<set _job += 1>><</if>>
<img src="resources/img/events/landingpad/landingpad.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/events/landingpad/shuttle.webp"/>
<<if starGame.player.getFatherSkinType() is "black">>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/father/idle_father_black.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/father/idle_father_fair.webp"/>
<span class="father">"Let's start with your classes and training. That's why you're here after all."</span> He pulls a small tablet from inside a pocket, the soft hum of it telling you that it's actually outdated by Alliance standards.
<<if starGame.player.getFact('class_fighter') is undefined and starGame.player.getFact('class_cruiser') is undefined and starGame.player.getFact('class_battlegroup') is undefined>>\
/% Didn't attend any class %/\
<<set _mood -= 1>>\
<span class="father">"You must think that the Academy is a joke, and that I am as well."</span> His eyes flash darkly, a frown settling onto his face as he reads from the tablet.
<span class="father">"You don't attend class unless it's mandatory. What, you don't believe they have anything to teach you, or maybe you're planning on failing to get kicked out and lead a life of ease, riding on the family's coattails."</span> His words cut, and while you want to respond, you stay silent, knowing that he's not done yet.
<span class="father">"I'm going to say this now, because maybe you just got distracted and carried away with the new environment, but I've already arranged with the Academy faculty to not kick you out if you fail a year. So the choice is yours. Either buckle down and do the work so you can leave and waste your life after graduation, or spend the next few years stuck here as a cadet without the family's support."</span> He pauses. <span class="father">"And if it was simply that you got distracted, prove it by the next time I visit."</span>
You start opening your mouth to answer, but he shoots you a look that tells you he's not done with the lecture and advice yet, so you settle in to wait for him to finish reading the next page on his tablet.
<<elseif starGame.player.getFact('class_fighter') >= 2 or starGame.player.getFact('class_cruiser') >= 2 or starGame.player.getFact('class_battlegroup') >= 2>>\
/% Perfect attendance %/\
<<set _mood += 1>>\
<span class="father">"A model student through and through. I think you actually have a better track record than I did at this point in time. While I want you to keep it up, try to not burn out. Nothing worse than a stressed, tired commander to get their subordinates killed."</span> He smiles slightly, as he presses a button, reading the data for a moment before he continues.
You allow only the slightest hint of a smile to cross your lips at his praise, knowing that even though the words were few, they were more than most hear from him. You replay them momentarily in your mind before you focus on him again, wondering what he'll focus on next.
/% Average attendance %/\
<span class="father">"Good record so far, but you need to focus on the supporting classes a bit. I know they feel like a waste of time, but they can save your life, or give you an unexpected edge more often than not. And they help the High Command pick between two "equal" officers for prestigious positions."</span> He gives you a smile, and you wait for him to keep talking, as he presses a button, reading the data before continuing.
You allow only the slightest hint of a smile to cross your lips at his praise, knowing that even though the words were few, they were more than most hear from him. You replay them momentarily in your mind before you focus on him again, wondering what he'll focus on next.
<<if _job === 0 and _mood === 1>>\
/% No job but perfect attendance %/
<span class="father">"Hm. While you are here to study and learn, it's important as well that you have some spending money. My words before stand, the family isn't going to support you financially while you're at the Academy, but I suppose you do deserve some slack for exceeding my expectations so far."</span>
He taps the tablet a few times, and you hear a notification come from your watch, glancing at it in surprise. Your eyes widen slightly as you see that he's sent you some credits, a smile on his face.
<span class="father">"Don't get used to it. It's just to make sure that you can treat yourself while you decide on a side hustle. Keep your focus on the academy, but I do suggest getting a job. You never know when you might need some cash on hand."</span>
He slips the tablet into his pocket, and runs his eyes over you, a smile on his face. You sense the conversation is slowly coming to an end, and you prepare to hear what he might have left to say.
<<snotify "info">>You have received 2500 credits.<</snotify>>\
<<run starGame.player.addMoney(2500);>>\
<<elseif _job === 0 and _mood === 0>>
<span class="father">"While I am glad you're focusing on Academy life, you should consider getting a job as well. Don't take on too much all at once, you still need to catch up on those supporting classes, but having some money to spend is a good idea."</span> He gives you a smile as he slips the tablet into his pocket.
His eyes run over you, and while you sense that the conversation is almost done, he still has something to say.
<<elseif _job === 0 and _mood === -1>>\
<span class="father">"What the actual fuck."</span> You're almost shocked to hear him swear. <span class="father">"I was hoping that maybe you were just distracted, and that you had other shit going on that had kept you out of class, but you're literally just wasting your own time?"</span> The frown on his face barely conveys his anger, and his cold words practically drip with disappointment.
<span class="father">"Stop screwing around. Get to class, get a job, have some self-respect. I didn't send you here for you to just be wasted potential. I'll remind you now, you can't leave until you graduate, and I'm not paying for anything except the Academy fees and its associated benefits. Either you get your head right, or you're going to have a miserable time ahead."</span>
The tablet has vanished into a pocket while he speaks, and you can tell that while the lecture is almost over, your father still has something to say, if he can calm down enough to do so.
<<elseif _job === 1 and (_mood === 1 or _mood === 0)>>\
<span class="father">"Only one job on the side. Did it resonate for you, or does it cover all your expenses adequately? No matter, as long as you're doing well, it's good enough. Just remember that your life at the Academy comes first, and that you can't sign any binding contracts until you graduate, but I have also already made sure that that is attached to your personal files."</span> He gives you a small grin, but you detect a hint of concern in his words, and you realize he's worried that you aren't making enough money for yourself.
Regardless, he slides the tablet into a pocket, his eyes running over you as he considers his next words. You realize that the conversation is almost over, and you wonder what he has left to say.
<<elseif _job === 1 and _mood === -1>>\
<span class="father">"I would have understood that your courses were under attended if you were at least busy with "work", but from the looks of things, you're even slacking here. What, you have a job that's just enough to make sure that you'll live comfortably at the Academy?"</span> His anger is clear, and as you prepare to defend yourself, he waves a hand at you. <span class="father">"Don't bother. Either things change drastically by the next time I visit, or I'll have your contract voided, and you blacklisted from any companies in Novaris. I don't want you to struggle, but you need to prove that you're at least trying to make an effort as well."</span>
His eyes are hard as he meets yours, the tablet vanishing into one of his pockets. It seems the lecture is almost over, and you wonder what else there is to say.
<<elseif _job === 2 and (_mood === 1 or _mood === 0)>>\
<span class="father">"Didn't like all the options available, or just decided that you only need two jobs on the side? It's a good choice. Less chance that you'll burn out, and by using your image as the heir of the family well, you've got advantageous contracts so far. Just remember that your life at the Academy comes first, and that you can't sign any binding contracts until you graduate, but I have also already made sure that that is attached to your personal files."</span> Seems like he's set plans in place to prevent you from being poached by one of the corporations, while also having access to the contracts you've signed already. Well, you're not surprised, they probably sent the contracts to the family for approval seconds after you signed them.
As he slides the tablet back into a pocket, you realize the conversation is slowly coming to an end.
<<elseif _job === 2 and _mood === -1>>\
<span class="father">"So is this why you've been slacking off? Too busy "working" instead of learning."</span> His anger is almost palatable, and as you start to defend yourself, he cuts you off. <span class="father">"I've already given you the ultimatum and explained your choices to you. Either you pull yourself together, or I'll have the contracts voided. I'm sure the embarrassment of being fired from two corporations at the same time will be an issue, even for a member of our family."</span>
His eyes are hard as he meets yours, the tablet vanishing into one of his pockets. It seems the lecture is almost over, and you wonder what else there is to say.
<<elseif _job === 3 and (_mood === 1 or _mood === 0)>>\
<span class="father">"Seems like you decided to keep your options open, and utilized the weight of the family name to your advantage. Good job. Just remember that your life at the Academy comes first, and that you can't sign any binding contracts until you graduate, but I have also already made sure that that is attached to your personal files."</span> He grins. Seems like he had prepared for a corporation trying to steal you away from your planned course through life.
<span class="father">"Regardless, it's a good thing you've got a way to support your hobbies and any extra spending you might need to do. You've done well with this."</span>
He slides the tablet back into his pocket, his eyes running over you once more, and you realize the conversation is quickly coming to an end.
<<elseif _job === 3 and _mood === -1>>\
<span class="father">"So is this why you've been slacking off? Too busy "working" instead of learning."</span> His anger is almost palatable, and as you start to defend yourself, he cuts you off. <span class="father">"I've already given you the ultimatum and explained your choices to you. Either you pull yourself together, or I'll have the contracts voided. I'm sure the embarrassment of being fired from three corporations at the same time will be an issue, even for a member of our family."</span>
His eyes are hard as he meets yours, the tablet vanishing into one of his pockets.
<<if starGame.effects.hasEffect('curiosity') is true>>\
/% TF reactions %/\
<<if _mood === -1>>\
/% Daddy is upset %/\
<span class="father">"Honestly, I don't even know where to start with you at the moment. Your academy life is suffering, and you've found the time to mess around with mods. I'm beginning to sound like a broken record here, but I'm disappointed enough that I don't care. Fix things before I visit again, or I'll make sure they are fixed and all distractions are removed."</span> It's the first time he's mentioned your transformation since he met you today, and you feel a shiver run through you at his words.
Your imagination runs wild for a moment, and you know that his marines wouldn't even hesitate at carrying you into a mod clinic for "restorative" modification.
/% Reactions %/\
<<if State.variables.character_initialAppearance.get('body') is 'm' and (starGame.effects.hasEffect('alice') is true or starGame.effects.hasEffect('amazonia') is true)>>\
/% Originally male, female presenting %/\
<span class="father">"It's uncanny how much you look like your mother. Still, you should be careful with the mods. Some of those haven't had as much testing as they should. But so long as they don't become a fixation or cause your Academy life to suffer, enjoy yourself. You've proved that you know what you're doing so far."</span> He gives you a smile, and you realize that even through all the conversations and comments he's made so far, he'd avoided the topic of your transformation entirely. Given his vague blessing like this, you feel a weight off your shoulders that you hadn't realized was there.
<<elseif State.variables.character_initialAppearance.get('body') is 'm' or and starGame.effects.hasEffect('harmony') is true>>\
/% Originally male, andro presenting %/\
<span class="father">"Weren't quite happy the way you were but haven't decided yet? I had a phase like that as well. Try not to use those too often, the odds of them backfiring are low, but each time you use it you roll the dice. But so long as they don't become a fixation or cause your Academy life to suffer, enjoy yourself. You've proved that you know what you're doing so far."</span> He gives you a smile, and you realize that even through all the conversations and comments he's made so far, he'd avoided the topic of your transformation entirely. Given his vague blessing like this, you feel a weight off your shoulders that you hadn't realized was there.
<<elseif State.variables.character_initialAppearance.get('body') is 'f' and starGame.effects.hasEffect('harmony') is true>>\
/% Originally female, andro presenting %/\
<span class="father">"Not sure I like this change. I understand that you've got your own things going on, but there's a reason mods usually slide towards the female end of the scale. But so long as they don't become a fixation or cause your Academy life to suffer, enjoy yourself. You've proved that you know what you're doing so far."</span> He gives you a smile, and you realize that even through all the conversations and comments he's made so far, he'd avoided the topic of your transformation entirely. Given his vague blessing like this, you feel a weight off your shoulders that you hadn't realized was there.
<<if starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') !== State.variables.character_initialAppearance.get('skin')>>\
/% Skin type is different %/\
<span class="father">"Also, maybe cut back on the fancy skin stuff. Not saying don't use it, just… R&D boys have some choice things to say about the marines that use it a lot when they're off duty. Something to keep in mind."</span>
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Apartment_Event_FatherVisit_Stage1_End">><</slink>>
/% Save mood and job result for next meeting, also let the game know it happened %/
starGame.player.setFact('campaign_father_visit1_mood', State.temporary.mood);
starGame.player.setFact('campaign_father_visit1_job', State.temporary.job);
<img src="resources/img/events/landingpad/landingpad.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/events/landingpad/shuttle.webp"/>
<<if starGame.player.getFatherSkinType() is "black">>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/father/idle_father_black.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/father/idle_father_fair.webp"/>
<<if starGame.player.getFact('campaign_father_visit1_mood') >= 0 and starGame.npcs.getFact('orientation_d4_arcade_game_bet') is true and starGame.player.getFact('major') is not 'fighters'>>
<img class="exp-vertical-flip" src="resources/img/characters/crew/stella/expressions/neutral_civilian.webp"/>
<<if starGame.player.getFact('campaign_father_visit1_mood') === -1>>\
/% Bad End %/\
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('orientation_d4_arcade_game_bet') is true and starGame.player.getFact('major') is not 'fighters'>>\
/% Lost the bet to arcade girl %/\
Out of the corner of your eye, you see another uniformed cadet standing a respectable distance away, and as she starts walking towards you and your father, you suddenly recall losing the bet against the masked girl in the arcade. Given the current mood of your father, you quickly wave her off, not wanting her to catch his disapproval as well. Eva must have let her know about his arrival, in accordance with the terms of the bet. She stops slowly, and you mime to her that the meeting will have to be next time. She frowns at you, before leaving silently.
<span class="father">"I was conflicted on sending you to the Academy, but I see now it was the right choice. Even if it takes a while, you'll learn responsibility here. Even if it takes years. Remember what I've said. Next time I visit, I won't be as understanding if things haven't improved."</span> His words are devoid of emotion now, and you recall hearing this tone of voice before, in one of the recorded ultimates he gave to the rebels when he announced a policy of no mercy.
A chill runs through your spine as you give a salute, and he returns it, a stern look on his face as he starts heading for the shuttle.
Left alone to watch your fathers shuttle leave the Academy, you turn with a sigh, heading back to your apartment as you consider how to salvage the rest of the day.
/% Good End %/\
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('orientation_d4_arcade_game_bet') is true and starGame.player.getFact('major') is not 'fighters'>>\
/% Lost the bet to arcade girl %/\
Seeing a cadet slowly approaching out of the corner of your eye, you suddenly recall losing the bet against the masked girl in the arcade. Realizing that your father is in as good of a mood as possible at the moment, you quickly stop him from boarding the shuttle, asking him if he could do you a favor and meet one of your friends for a moment. You explain that you lost a friendly bet with them, and that their condition was meeting him.
He pauses for a moment, considering the request before nodding, and as you wave her over, you see her speed up, a smile gracing her face even from that distance. She approaches quickly, and after a brief round of introductions, she and your father have a short conversation, before he excuses himself, telling her to come see him again the next time he visits you.
<span class="father">"All in all, it was good seeing you again. You're doing well, and I'm proud of you and your choices so far. I know you might not have wanted to come to the Academy, but I feel that it's been the right choice so far. You've demonstrated a clear sense of responsibility, and I can't help but look forward to the day you graduate. I'll be the first to try and secure you as a fleet member."</span>
You can't help but smile at his words, it's high praise coming from one of the Alliance's top officers, and as you snap a salute at your father, he laughs, a smile on his own face as he returns the salute.
<span class="father">"I'll check in fairly regularly, but due to Opsec, I can't really call ahead to let you know when I'm coming. Keep up the good work kiddo."</span>
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('orientation_d4_arcade_game_bet') is true and starGame.player.getFact('major') is not 'fighters'>>\
/% Lost the bet to arcade girl %/\
As the two of you watch your fathers shuttle leave the Academy, you turn with a smile, seeing your own good mood mirrored on the cadets face. She gives you a wink before leaving you alone on the landing pad, and as you walk back to your apartment, you consider how to enjoy spending the rest of your day.
Left alone to watch your fathers shuttle leave the Academy, you turn with a smile, heading back to your apartment as you consider how to enjoy the rest of the day.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Leave landing pad" "Apartment_LivingRoom">>
<<startplaylist "playlist_exploration_soft">>
<<playerFactSet "campaign_father_visit1" true>>
<img src="resources/img/events/tf/bg_bedroom.webp"/>
<<include TransformationPov>>
<<if starGame.player.getFact('geneforge_incident1_hadtempmod') is true>>\
Waking up this morning felt wrong. The only thing you notice is your temporary mod has worn off earlier than you thought. However, no matter how you inspect your body, you can't quite see anything to cause that feeling.
Waking up this morning felt wrong, as if your body wasn't really yours anymore. However, no matter how you inspect it, you can't quite see anything to cause that feeling.
It's only when you're busy dressing yourself in the mirror that you realize that you seem to have grown a cup size overnight, and the front of your groin feels heavier, even though you can't see anything that might be causing the sensation.
Dressing yourself carefully to make sure that you aren't at risk of tearing anything thanks to your slightly bigger bust, you wonder if this could be related to that mod you got splashed with at Geneforge.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Apartment_LivingRoom">>
<<playerFactSet "geneforge_incident1_stage1" true>>
<img src="resources/img/events/tf/bg_bedroom.webp"/>
<<include TransformationPov>>
Another night of fitful tossing and turning has you waking feeling less rested than normal. Stretching lightly as you process waking up, you realize that once again your body feels weird, strangely hot and itchy in places. Running your hand to idly scratch at your crotch, you freeze as you feel your small, limp dick brush against your hand.
Gripping it idly before it fully clicks that you don't actually have a dick, or at least shouldn't have one, you bolt up right and head for the mirror to make sure that you're seeing what you're feeling.
Panicking slightly as you see the limp penis on your body, you take a few deep breaths to calm yourself, wondering just how much more the exposure to that mod is going to change your body before it's done.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Apartment_LivingRoom">>
<<playerFactSet "geneforge_incident1_stage2" true>>
<img src="resources/img/events/tf/bg_bedroom.webp"/>
<<include TransformationPov>>
Roused from your slumber by a series of fitful dreams, you toss and turn in bed, rolling as you try to get comfortable to fall back asleep. Turning onto your stomach, you realize that your body has changed further once again, your small dick now quite large, standing at a length that would make anyone jealous. Thankfully it seems that the majority of the mod's effects have been focused on your groin, replacing your pussy with the impressive penis hanging from you instead.
Moving to the mirror to carefully inspect yourself for any other changes, all you can really see is that you practically radiate confidence and power, and you can't decide if its a result of the changes to your body or a more subtle effect of the mod at play.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Apartment_LivingRoom">>
<<playerFactSet "geneforge_incident1_stage3" true>>
<img src="resources/img/events/tf/bg_bedroom.webp"/>
<<include TransformationPov>>
<<if starGame.player.getFact('geneforge_incident1_hadtempmod') is true>>\
Waking up this morning felt wrong. The only thing you notice is your temporary mod has worn off earlier than you thought. However, no matter how you inspect your body, you can't quite see anything to cause that feeling.
Waking up this morning felt wrong, as if your body wasn't really yours anymore. However, no matter how you inspect it, you can't quite see anything to cause that feeling.
Shrugging it off and deciding to get ready for the day, you frown slightly as you realize that your shirts seem to be slightly tighter than before, and your pants don't follow the shape of your hips as well as they did. Double checking yourself in the mirror, you decide to put the changes down to having gained some weight.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Apartment_LivingRoom">>
<<playerFactSet "geneforge_incident1_stage1" true>>
<img src="resources/img/events/tf/bg_bedroom.webp"/>
<<include TransformationPov>>
Another night of fitful tossing and turning has you waking feeling less rested than normal. Stretching lightly as you process waking up, you realize that once again your body feels weird, strangely hot and itchy in places. Running your hand to idly scratch at your chest, you freeze as you notice that your body feels softer and smaller than before.
Glancing down at yourself, you spend a stunned moment realizing that you've lost a fair bit of your impressive muscle tone and build, seemingly overnight. Instead, you've got a much more androgynous body, seemingly a mix between male and female, but not quite leaning either way. Bolting up right, you tumble out of bed, dashing to your mirror as you realize that your body is changing drastically, probably a side effect of the mod incident from Geneforge a few days ago.
Looking at yourself in the mirror, you can clearly see the changes with much of your usually easy to display muscle softened and hidden now.
Deciding that you might as well be proactive in case it does happen, you summon Eva with a word, her likeness appearing on your tv with a smile. Telling her roughly about what happens, you see a trace of concern run over her face before she focuses, realizing what you're about to ask her.
<span class="eva">"I'll make the arrangements for any altered uniforms that you might need in the coming days to be prepared and delivered."</span>
You give her a nod, thanking her for being as attentive and quick on the uptake as ever.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Apartment_LivingRoom">>
<<playerFactSet "geneforge_incident1_stage2" true>>
<img src="resources/img/events/tf/bg_bedroom.webp"/>
<<include TransformationPov>>
Roused from your slumber by a series of fitful dreams, you toss and turn in bed, rolling as you try to get comfortable to fall back asleep. Turning onto your stomach, you realize that your body has changed further once again, as your body has continued its transformation away from your original shape. Curvy hips, shapely breasts and stunning legs, a stomach that just faintly hints at being well toned and exercised, it seems that your transformation has finally finished, leaving you fully a woman now.
That includes your dick having been fully replaced by a sensitive and slightly wet pussy. Confirming it with a touch, you feel a spike of pleasure run through you as you run a finger over your clit. Looking at yourself in the mirror, you have to admit that you make for quite a stunning woman, but you do feel a vague sense of loss at how sudden the changes have been. Posing experimentally in the mirror, you decide to start getting ready for the day ahead and head back to your living room.
As you enter, Eva watches you from the TV, your final changes from the mod readily apparent to her. Thinking about how to break the ice, you let out a sigh of relief as Eva speaks first instead.
<span class="eva">"May I suggest… taking this opportunity to set up a name change? My apologies if it's slightly too forward, but I believe that with any significant change comes a fairly reasonable chance to start anew. While I can't change your surname without your family's permission, we can change your first name, if you'd like to pick one that might better suit your new body?"</span>
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Yes" "Apartment_Event_Geneforge_Incident1_Male3_Accept">>
<<snotify "info">>+1 Acceptance.<</snotify>>
<<playerStatIncrease "acceptance" 1>>
<<slink "No" "Apartment_Event_Geneforge_Incident1_Male3_Decline">><</slink>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/mc_apartment/apartment_day.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/eva/expressions/neutral.webp"/>
<div class="row mb-3">\
<div class="col-sm-12 col-lg-2" style="align-self: center;">First name:</div>\
<div class="col-sm-12 col-lg-10 macro-textbox-container"><<textbox "$character_firstName" $character_firstName>></div>\
<span class="eva">"Excellent. I'll have this processed and completed before you are finished preparing for the day."</span>
Eva winks off of the tv, leaving you alone in your room to prepare for the day ahead.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Apartment_LivingRoom">>
<<playerFactSet "geneforge_incident1_stage3" true>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/mc_apartment/apartment_day.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/eva/expressions/neutral.webp"/>
<span class="eva">"Understood. If you change your mind, please do not hesitate to let me know in the future."</span>
Eva winks off of the tv, leaving you alone in your room to prepare for the day ahead.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Apartment_LivingRoom">>
<<playerFactSet "geneforge_incident1_stage3" true>>
<img src="resources/img/events/tf/bg_bedroom.webp"/>
<<include TransformationPov>>
<<if starGame.player.getFact('geneforge_incident1_hadtempmod') is true>>\
Waking up this morning felt wrong. The only thing you notice is your temporary mod has worn off earlier than you thought. However, no matter how you inspect your body, you can't quite see anything to cause that feeling.
Waking up this morning felt wrong, as if your body wasn't really yours anymore. However, no matter how you inspect it, you can't quite see anything to cause that feeling.
It's only when you're busy dressing yourself in the mirror that you realize that you seem to have grown a cup size overnight.
Dressing yourself carefully to make sure that you aren't at risk of tearing anything thanks to your slightly bigger bust, you wonder if this could be related to that mod you got splashed with at Geneforge.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Apartment_LivingRoom">>
<<playerFactSet "geneforge_incident1_stage1" true>>
<img src="resources/img/events/tf/bg_bedroom.webp"/>
<<include TransformationPov>>
Another night of fitful tossing and turning has you waking feeling less rested than normal. Stretching lightly as you process waking up, you realize that once again your body feels weird, strangely hot and itchy in places. Running your hand to idly scratch at your crotch, you gasp as the silk touch of your fingers on your penis triggers an unexpected wave of orgasmic pleasure.
It takes a few minutes before you're able to regain your composure, your sheets now soaked with a mix of sweat and cum. Confused, you give a light brush to your penis with one of your fingertips, confirming your suspicion that your dick is now a lot more sensitive than it used to be.
<span class="eva">Good morning $character_firstName. Don't worry, I will have a drone replace your sheets during your morning shower.</span>
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Apartment_LivingRoom">>
<<playerFactSet "geneforge_incident1_stage2" true>>
<img src="resources/img/events/tf/bg_bedroom.webp"/>
<<include TransformationPov>>
Roused from your slumber by a series of fitful dreams, you toss and turn in bed, rolling as you try to get comfortable to fall back asleep. Turning onto your stomach, you realize that your body has changed further once again, your breasts growing another cup size overnight.
Moving to the mirror to carefully inspect yourself for any other changes, all you can really see is that you practically radiate confidence and power, and you can't decide if its a result of the changes to your body or a more subtle effect of the mod at play.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Apartment_LivingRoom">>
<<playerFactSet "geneforge_incident1_stage3" true>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/mc_apartment/apartment_day.webp"/>
Your terminal beeps faintly, and as you check your messages, you smile when you see a video from Julianna. Opening it eagerly, you come face to face with the princess herself, the only thing stopping you from trying to talk to her the knowledge that this is a pre-recorded message.
<span class="julianna">"Hey sexy."</span> Julianna starts, her somewhat timid tone betraying the words she's using. <span class="julianna">"It's been a while, and I don't think I've invited you over yet. So I've gone and cleared my schedule for later, and I'm hoping you'll be knocking on the door before too much longer."</span>
She gives the camera a wink and a flirty kiss, before the feed goes dead, leaving you a little bewildered and intrigued as to what she's got planned for your "date" later. A quick glance down at your planner tells you that you're free enough, and you head for the door, eager to see what your lover has in store for you now.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Go to Julianna's Apartment" "Apartment_Event_Julianna_Stage1_AfterDinner2">>
<<npcFactSet "julianna_apartment" true>>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<saudio "bgm_home" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.25>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/julianna_apartment.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/julianna/expressions/neutral_uniform.webp"/>
<<reaction "julianna" "Reaction_Julianna">>\
Julianna opens her dorm room door somewhat shyly, and as you step inside, you realize that it's probably because of the revelation of her being the crown-princess. While it might not have affected your relationship much, if at all, you wouldn't be surprised if she's been overthinking about the situation and backing herself into an imaginary corner about it.
Regardless, her timid appearance vanishes quickly in the wake of a hug and some kisses, and as the two of you lounge lazily on her couch, she gives you a small smile and lets out a content sigh. You have to admit to yourself that this is pretty good, and you definitely wouldn't mind for it to continue on for longer. Somewhat unexpectedly, the idyllic time together is first broken by Julianna.
<span class="julianna">"You know…"</span> She whispers, her lips fluttering against your ear. <span class="julianna">"I've always thought that my partner would want to put me in my place and take charge of the private relationship when they found out who I really am… Either that or that they would lean into it further, and have me take control over them as befitting of our ranks."</span>
Her whispered words are accompanied by her fingers trailing over your body, guiding your hands to slip between her legs as she looks up at you with lust filled eyes and a sultry smirk. Feeling your own excitement grow, you caress her face as you think, understanding her invitation for what it is.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Take Charge" "Apartment_Event_Julianna_Stage1_AfterDinner2_Dom">><</slink>>
<<slink "Follow Orders" "Apartment_Event_Julianna_Stage1_AfterDinner2_Sub">><</slink>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/julianna_apartment.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/julianna/expressions/happy_naked.webp"/>
Your gentle touch on her body grows slowly more firm and rough, as you silently make your choice, lifting the princess fully into your lap as you kiss her hard. Feeling her hands hungrily run over your body, you help her out of her clothes as she does her part in undressing you. Weaving your fingers through her hair, she lets out a soft gasp of surprise as you break the kiss by pulling her head back.
Clearly enjoying the sudden change of pace, she bites her lip and winks at you, waiting to see what you do next. Guiding her over to the bed, you tease her with light touches, her moans slowly filling the room as you pin her down and explore her body, your tongue and fingers expertly coaxing more moans and whines from her.
<span class="julianna">"Rope, in the bedside drawer."</span>
Julianna manages to pant out a single sentence, and you humor her, investigating the drawer out of curiosity. Smiling to yourself as you retrieve a neatly bundled shibari rope from the cabinet, you turn back to your moaning princess with her restraints in hand. From the way she blushes at the sight of seeing you with the rope, you know that you're fulfilling at least one of her fantasies right now.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Apartment_Event_Julianna_Stage1_AfterDinner2_Dom2">><</slink>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/julianna/scenes/shibari/bg.webp"/>
<<if starGame.player.isShemale()>>
<<if starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'black'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/julianna/scenes/shibari/s_black.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'tan'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/julianna/scenes/shibari/s_tan.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/julianna/scenes/shibari/s_fair.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.hasPenis()>>
<<if starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'black'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/julianna/scenes/shibari/m_black.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'tan'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/julianna/scenes/shibari/m_tan.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/julianna/scenes/shibari/m_fair.webp"/>
<<if starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'black'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/julianna/scenes/shibari/f_black.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'tan'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/julianna/scenes/shibari/f_tan.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/julianna/scenes/shibari/f_fair.webp"/>
<<if starGame.player.hasPenis()>>\
The rope is cool and smooth in your hands, its texture just rough enough to stop it from being ignored and as you approach Julianna, you allow it to trail against her skin, enjoying the way she shivers in anticipation from the contact. Drawing it out as long as possible, you tease Julianna as you slowly restrain her, pulling her arms behind her back and running the rope around her neck and across her chest to adjust her posture and present her ample breasts for you at all times.
Once you're happy that her arms are firmly restrained behind her, you decide that you've spent enough time teasing her with promises of what's to come, and gripping her by the wrists, you pull her onto her knees, admiring the way her cunts already dripping as you position her on the edge of the bed before you. Pressing your hard cock between her thighs, she lets out a low moan, her entire body trembling at the contact at last, and from the way she instantly starts to grind against it, you can tell that just the lightest touch will set her off on a spiral of pleasure.
Slowly sliding your cock into her, she almost collapses onto the bed beneath, held up only by your grip on her bound arms, and as you thrust into her, you feel her tighten around you as she struggles weakly against the restraints. Her desperate moaning and begging quickly blends together with the sounds of your bodies slapping together, and as she's helpless in your grasp and bindings, you take your time in enjoying using her body as you please.
Feeling the juices flood out of her as you use her like a sex toy, you know that your own orgasm is building quickly, helped along with her constant mewling, her pussy tightening around you as she spasm and shivers under the constant assault on her senses. The restricted movement she has only seems to heighten her lust and pleasure, and even as you feel your climax finally hit you, Julianna muffles her own screams of pleasure by burying her face in the bedsheets.
Panting as you pull out of her and roll over onto the bed, you smile tiredly at her as she struggles feebly against her restraints, whining as she realizes you're enjoying watching her awkwardly try to shift her position. Pouting at you like a betrayed puppy, you pull her over to you, wrapping your arms around her as you lie back for a few minutes, enjoying the post-sex glow together with your bound princess.
While the rope alone is already cool to the touch and just rough enough to stop itself from being forgotten while worn, it's the other content of the drawer that you bring with you that truly has Julianna's eyes wide. Looking up at you with her somewhat nervous doe eyes, she regards the vibrator and rope you're holding in your hands with a wary smile. Giving her a reassuring wink and a loving caress on the cheek with the rope, she lets out a soft moan as her expectations for what's to come wash away any reluctance she might have. Placing the vibrator aside for the moment, you slowly start to work the rope around her, teasing her body with your tongue and lips as you bind her arms and legs back, leaving her body proudly presented and posed for you on the bed.
Giving her a final, tender, kiss as you test the bindings, you giggle slightly as she tries to move and finds herself well and truly immobile. Teasing her for a few moments longer, your fingers slip between her legs, finding her dripping wet already as your fingers slide easily into her waiting hole. Her soft moans and writhing hips fall still as she hears the vibrator buzz softly as you click it on. A sudden look that can only be described as a mixture of fear and lust settles into her eyes as she watches you climb over her, the vibrator resting between your tits and hers as you slowly glide it down her body towards her helpless pussy.
<span class="julianna">"Wait, maybe we should…"</span> Her words trail off into a long, lurid moan as the vibrator brushes against her clit, and she writhes slightly, uselessly, against the sensation as you begin to tease and torture her with the vibrator. Smirking evilly down at the bound princess, her reaction to the vibrator only serves to turn you on further, and you quickly have her squirming and begging for mercy beneath you as you take advantage of her helpless body.
Unable to resist your own desires for long, it's only a matter of minutes before you've got the vibrator pinned between the two of you, your hips gyrating against it as you ride it. Julianna's body tenses and trembles as the unending waves of pleasure flood through her, you moans and hers blending together as you cry out in ecstasy, the vibrator pinned between you quickly pushing you towards a series of orgasms of your own.
Collapsing onto the princess as you try to recover from your orgasms, your hips continue to buck against the toy subconsciously, press it against Julianna's sensitive pussy as she helplessly tries to writhe and free herself from underneath you. Casting the vibrator aside to allow you both to recover, your lips find hers, and as you melt into each other with a long, tender kiss you can't help but run your hands over the bound cadet, cuddling into each other as you recover.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Apartment_Event_Julianna_Stage1_AfterDinner2_Dom3">>
<<startplaylist "playlist_exploration_soft">>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<saudio "bgm_sex4" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.25>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/julianna_apartment.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/julianna/expressions/happy_naked.webp"/>
Eventually you recover enough to move without the threat of collapsing back onto her, and as you slowly admire the sight of your lover's bound body, she wriggles slightly, blushing intensely as you watch her. Deciding that you've tormented her enough for the moment, you quickly untie her, and are pulled into a hungry kiss as a reward. Eventually breaking the sloppy kiss with a soft sigh, you watch her sink into the bed with a happy smile on her face as she watches you start to reclaim your clothing.
As you redress, she watches you lazily, pouting slightly at the idea that you might be leaving already. Luckily, you don't need to make any excuses yourself, as she blows you a kiss and climbs off the bed, heading for the shower unsteadily.
<span class="julianna">"Go on, I need to actually get some rest, thanks to a certain someone."</span>
Her words are soft and playful, and you whistle softly as you watch her go, her hips swaying hypnotically, almost convincing you to follow her into the shower. She blows you a kiss as she goes, and you leave her room with a content smile on your face.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Hub_Dormitories">>
<<snotify "info">>You now have access to Julianna's apartment.<</snotify>>
<<run starGame.player.setInteraction('julianna_interaction')>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/julianna_apartment.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/julianna/expressions/happy_naked.webp"/>
It's not everyday you get to sleep with a princess… well maybe it can be for you, but you're curious about what she has in mind when it comes to taking charge. Leaning back into the couch, you realize you're strangely nervous about this. Speaking up before you can chicken out, you see a smile form on her lips.
<span class="hero">"Why don't you lead the way, princess."</span>
Despite your nervousness, you manage to sound confident, and Julianna gives you a slight smirk as she steps away from you, undressing as she goes.
Excitedly, you follow suit when she motions for you to do so, and as you step towards her, you're surprised to find her hand on your chest, stopping you from approaching further. She pushes you back towards the couch as she settles onto a chair opposite you.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Apartment_Event_Julianna_Stage1_AfterDinner2_Sub2">><</slink>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/julianna/scenes/joi/bg.webp"/>
<<if starGame.player.isShemale()>>
<<if starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'black'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/julianna/scenes/joi/s_black.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'tan'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/julianna/scenes/joi/s_tan.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/julianna/scenes/joi/s_fair.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.hasPenis()>>
<<if starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'black'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/julianna/scenes/joi/m_black.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'tan'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/julianna/scenes/joi/m_tan.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/julianna/scenes/joi/m_fair.webp"/>
<<if starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'black'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/julianna/scenes/joi/f_black.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'tan'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/julianna/scenes/joi/f_tan.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/julianna/scenes/joi/f_fair.webp"/>
<<if starGame.player.hasPenis()>>\
Feeling your cock already growing hard with Julianna's exposed body in front of you, you are slightly shocked to feel a slight blush spread on your cheeks as she admires you from her seat. When she leans forward seductively, her arms cupping her breasts perfectly, you feel your heart skip a beat, the sight almost completely distracting you from her words.
<span class="julianna">"Well then, shall we begin? One rule, you follow my instructions, and my instructions only. You don't touch yourself if I don't tell you to, and you certainly don't cum until I say so. Think you can do that, lover?"</span>
You pause, suddenly uncertain, but you're more than confident that you can keep up with anything she has in mind. Nodding bravely in response, you lean back into the seat, your eyes fixed firmly on Julianna's body as you wait for her to speak.
<span class="julianna">"Start off nice and slow, smooth steady strokes."</span>
Her voice is almost hypnotic as she starts to give you instructions, your hands moving along with her words as she watches you masturbate for her. You're not the only one enjoying this, as you watch one of her hands slip between her legs, a breathy moan accompanying her words as she continues to guide you through the jerk off session.
An involuntary moan of your own escapes your lips as she makes you pick up the pace, stroking harder and faster as you push yourself towards the edge of orgasm, only for her to deny you relief and make you cooldown with only light touching and teasing allowed.
While you'd love to cross the short distance between you and fuck her for real, there's something incredibly erotic about the way you're both watching each other masturbate, her fingers matching the tempo of your strokes as you continue to follow her guidance, your heavy breathing and her soft moans mixing together in a sweet symphony of desire. She pushes you to the edge of climax once more, only to deny you yet again, drawing a frustrated growl from your throat as you reluctantly follow along, eager for relief and growing increasingly impatient.
<span class="julianna">"You've done such a good job of putting on a show for me, I'll let you cum now."</span>
Her words are soft and velvety, and as you quickly find your climax approaching, your hand pumping desperately away at your cock, you don't miss the subtle movements of her body tensing up and trembling as well, her toes curling as her own climax threatens to overpower her.
Unable to resist any longer, you feel your cum spurt out of you, Julianna's moans confirming your suspicions as the two of you share an orgasm, your seed dripping to the floor below you as you pant heavily, watching Julianna shiver and quake as she slowly winds down from her own intense climax.
Feeling your pussy already starting to drip with Julianna's exposed body in front of you, you are slightly shocked to feel a slight blush spread on your cheeks as she admires you from her seat. When she leans forward seductively, her arms cupping her breasts perfectly, you feel your heart skip a beat, the sight almost completely distracting you from her words.
<span class="julianna">"Well then, shall we begin? One rule, you follow my instructions, and my instructions only. You don't touch yourself if I don't tell you to, and you certainly don't cum until I say so. Think you can do that, lover?"</span>
You pause, suddenly uncertain, but you're more than confident that you can keep up with anything she has in mind. Nodding bravely in response, you lean back into the seat, your eyes fixed firmly on Julianna's body as you wait for her to speak.
<span class="julianna">"Start off nice and slow, just a single finger for now."</span>
Her voice is almost hypnotic as she starts to give you instructions, your hands moving along with her words as she watches you masturbate for her. You're not the only one enjoying this, as you watch one of her hands slip between her legs, a breathy moan accompanying her words as she continues to guide you through the jerk off session.
An involuntary moan of your own escapes your lips as she makes you pick up the pace, your fingers writhing within you as you push yourself towards the edge of orgasm, only for her to deny you relief and make you cooldown with only light touching and teasing allowed.
While you'd love to cross the short distance between you and fuck her for real, there's something incredibly erotic about the way you're both watching each other masturbate, her fingers matching the tempo of your own as you continue to follow her guidance, your heavy breathing and her soft moans mixing together in a sweet symphony of desire. She pushes you to the edge of climax once more, only to deny you yet again, drawing a frustrated growl from your throat as you reluctantly follow along, eager for relief and growing increasingly impatient.
<span class="julianna">"You've done such a good job of putting on a show for me, I'll let you cum now."</span>
Her words are soft and velvety, and as you quickly find your climax approaching, your fingers desperately rubbing away at your clit, you don't miss the subtle movements of her body tensing up and trembling as well, her toes curling as her own climax threatens to overpower her.
Unable to resist any longer, you feel a sudden rush of wetness engulf your hand, dripping down your legs as Julianna's moans confirm your suspicions as the two of you share an intense series of orgasms.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Apartment_Event_Julianna_Stage1_AfterDinner2_Sub3">>
<<startplaylist "playlist_exploration_soft">>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<saudio "bgm_sex4" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.25>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/julianna_apartment.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/julianna/expressions/happy_naked.webp"/>
As your breathing slowly starts to normalize, you see a sudden flush of embarrassment spread across Julianna's face, as she realizes she just made you cum all over her dorm room floor. Laughing softly at her reaction to the moment, you quickly cross the distance between you, drawing her into a gentle kiss as you light caress her body. Despite her soft moans and her body pressing eagerly against yours, she eventually breaks the kiss, pushing herself away with a small smile.
<span class="julianna">"I still have things I need to take care of. You get dressed and go first, I'll get this cleaned up."</span>
You spend another few seconds trying to change her mind, but she's resolute in her decision, although she does soften up lightly as you finish dressing.
<span class="julianna">"That was fun… we should do it again sometime."</span>
Leaving you to ponder her words alone in the room, she retreats to her bathroom, the sound of the shower turning on telling you that there's not much else for you here at the moment. Slipping out of her room and into the corridor, you head back into the academy with a smile on your face and a lightness in your step.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Hub_Dormitories">>
<<snotify "info">>You now have access to Julianna's apartment.<</snotify>>
<<run starGame.player.setInteraction('julianna_interaction')>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/academy/mc_apartment/apartment_day.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
A beep on your terminal shows that you've got a message waiting from Zara, and as you open it to check the contents, you smile slightly as you see a picture of herself and the transformed Letho sitting on her bed. A short message telling you to stop by as soon as you can accompanies the image.
Deciding that you might as well head down to the instructors dorm room now while Letho is guaranteed to be there with her, you quickly finish preparing for the day before setting out.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Apartment_Event_Zara_Letho2">><</slink>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/zara_apartment.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/zara/expressions/neutral_dress.webp"/>
<img class="exp-vertical-flip" src="resources/img/characters/main/letho/expressions/happy_girl_naked.webp"/>
Zara answers the door with a warm smile, and gives you a flirty wink as she leads you into the room, revealing Letho sitting on her bed, her body exposed for all to see. Zara leans against you for a moment, her lips brushing against your ear as she whispers to you.
<span class="zara">"She's enjoying some self discovery, and I thought you might enjoy watching us fuck each other for your entertainment."</span>
Zara's words are definitely interesting, but you take a moment to think about the implications of what your decision here might lead to. Watching as Zara moves over to Letho on the bed, her hand gently running over Letho's thigh, sliding between her legs and prompting a slight squeal from the shy girl, you know that you need to make a decision fast.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Watch" "Apartment_Event_Zara_Letho1_Accept">>
<<npcFactSet "zara_letho_watch" true>>
<<slink "Leave" "Apartment_Event_Zara_Letho1_Refuse">>
<<npcFactSet "zara_letho_watch" false>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/zara/scenes/letho/letho_licking_zara_bg.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/zara/scenes/letho/letho_licking_zara.webp"/>
Deciding that you might as well be there to watch Letho's further evolution from shy and timid cadet into a confidently submissive sex hungry slut, you drop into one of the comfortable chairs in Zara's room, your attention turning to the bed as you lean back to watch the show. Zara gives you a small smile as Letho blushes, her face not matching her actions as she spreads her legs at Zara's touch, allowing the Caelorian to slide her fingers into her pussy easily.
As the two women quickly focus their attention on each other, their hands roaming over each other's bodies as they undress each other, they quickly seem to forget about you watching them. Zara lets out a moan as Letho starts to eagerly suck and tease her nipples, responding by gently weaving a hand through Letho's hair, guiding her mouth over her body as she does. The two of them start to breathe harder as they get more engrossed in each other's pleasure, their bodies rubbing against each other as they scissor and grind together.
You're tempted to play with yourself as you watch, but find yourself unable to move, and as you watch, Zara takes control, guiding Letho's head down to her groin as she spreads her legs properly, giving you a good view of the inexperienced slut eating her out.
Zara gives you a wink before a long moan escapes her lips, Letho's tongue snaking deep into her pussy, the sounds of sex mixing with the moans quickly as Zara keeps adjusting and instructing Letho on how best to please her. Watching as Zara's muscles tense and tremble, you smile as an orgasm washes through her, her legs fastening around Letho's head, forcing her to keep eating the alien out as she frantically grinds her pussy against her face.
Letho's own fingers are deep in her cunt, the lewd sounds of her eating Zara out mixing nicely with the sounds of her fingers thrusting into her. Perhaps watching was a mistake, as you're about to start to undress to join in when a thought from Zara flashes through your mind.
<span class="zara">"She's feeling too overwhelmed for that to be a good idea right now. Next time we'll enjoy her together, but for now, just watch."</span>
You frown slightly, but decide to trust the psionic alien for now, leaning back into the comfortable chair to enjoy the sight of Letho pleasuring Zara further. Their breathing is little more than a series of desperate pants now, and as Letho plunges her fingers deep inside herself, you see a series of tremors run through her as her body seemingly goes limp, only Zara's fingers in her hair keeping her tongue inside the alien's cunt.
Zara herself seems to be riding an intense orgasm, her body twitching and spasming as she moans and whines with pleasure. As they both seem to come down off their high slightly, you watch as they curl up on the bed together, intertwined in a mess of sweaty limbs and soft kisses as Zara whispers soft affirmations into Letho's ear.
Deciding that it's the perfect time to leave, you quietly leave the room, watching as Zara blows you a kiss as you go. Feeling pent up and horny, you wonder if you should go look for someone to help you relieve your tensions, and as your mind goes back to the scene of Zara and Letho pleasuring each other, you wonder how long it will be before you can enjoy the both of them together yourself.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Apartment_LivingRoom">>
<<startplaylist "playlist_exploration_soft">>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<saudio "bgm_sex5" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.25>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/academy/dorms.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
Deciding that as much as it would be fun to watch the shy and inexperienced Letho be made to service the seductive alien instructor, you want to give her a chance to get used to her new body without your presence always being there. Afterall, it's only a temporary mod, and you want to see Letho using it more even when you're not around.
Choosing to leave Zara and Letho on their own to enjoy each other's bodies in private, you quietly retreat from Zara's room, the rising moans and sounds of lewd activity behind you being effectively cut off when you close the door behind you with a soft, but firm click.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Apartment_LivingRoom">><</slink>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/characters/main/curie/scenes/worship_heels.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
<<reaction "curie" "Reaction_Curie">>\
As you're considering what to do next in the day, you see a message from Curie saying that she could use some company. Letting her know that you're in the same boat, you're not surprised when a knock at your door follows a few minutes later, and as you open the door for her, you're greeted with her breezing past you into your room.
Curie specifically chooses to sit in one of the chairs opposite you, crossing her legs elegantly as she does. You notice that she's wearing stylish black stockings, along with high heels for a change.
She raises an eyebrow at you, before eventually talking when she has a drink in her hand. <span class="curie">"Were you feeling lonely, and like you needed some attention?"</span> She teases you, rocking her one leg lightly. She pretends to think for a moment, before finally turning her attention to you once more.
<span class="curie">"I'm not in the best of moods today. Maybe some worship and care from you will be what I need to feel better."</span> She says with a smirk, pointing a heel at you while she speaks. <span class="curie">"So, which will it be? Heels on or off?"</span>
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Heels Worship" "Apartment_Invite_Curie1_Dom_Heels">><</slink>>
<<slink "Feet Worship" "Apartment_Invite_Curie1_Dom_Feet">><</slink>>
<<slink "Regular Massage" "Apartment_Invite_Curie1_Dom_NoFeet">><</slink>>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<saudio "bgm_sex4" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.25>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/characters/main/curie/scenes/worship_heels.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
Shifting her position, she indicates for you to give her a massage, and from the knowing smile on her lips you already know that it's pointless to argue. Taking your position behind her, you start to massage her shoulders, and she puts on a show of talking about her day.
Despite the situation, you find yourself enjoying the interaction, and you are soon playing along with her while the massage continues, asking questions about her day and waiting for her answers with genuine curiosity. When she decides you've worked enough, she pats the seat next to her, allowing you to sit and cuddle up beside her. She gives your head a gentle rub and the two of you spend some time in idle conversation as she lets you rest.
Eventually however, she gives you a gentle push, indicating that cuddle time is over, and as she leaves with a smile and a goodbye kiss, you find yourself wondering what you can do with the rest of the day now that you're alone again.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Apartment_LivingRoom">>
<<if starGame.npcs.getStat('curie_affinity') < 25>>
<<npcStatIncrease "curie_affinity" 1>>
<<snotify "info">>Curie appreciated spending time with you.<</snotify>>
<<script>>starGame.player.setInteraction('apartment_invite_curie'); starGame.time.advancePeriod();<</script>>
<<startplaylist "playlist_exploration_soft">>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/characters/main/curie/scenes/worship_feet.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
Curie gives you a knowing smirk as she extends her feet towards you, a small nod of permission given when you say that you don't want the heels on.
Removing her heels quickly and gently, you are caught off guard when she pushes one of her feet against your chest, the other stroking the tip of your nose gently. You gently place a kiss on one of her stocking clad feet, the silk smooth and cool against your lips. Curie squirms lightly, seemingly ticklish, but she regains her composure quickly, as she presses a toe against your lips.
Following her unspoken instructions silently, you suck on her toes, the stocking once again adding to the sensation thanks to its silky textures. As you continue to lick and kiss her feet, your hands massaging her legs alongside, you hear her breath catch, the attention clearly working for her as her face slowly flushes.
Suddenly she pushes you to the floor with a foot, gently yet firmly pinning you down.
<span class="curie">"A reward for a job well done?"</span> She asks you, still slightly unsure of the power dynamic you share.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Accept Footjob" "Apartment_Invite_Curie1_Dom_Footjob">><</slink>>
<<slink "Refuse Footjob" "Apartment_Invite_Curie1_Dom_NoFootjob">><</slink>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/characters/main/curie/scenes/worship_heels.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
Telling her that she can keep her high heels on, you slip off the couch to approach her, promptly stopped by one of her feet against your chest, the point of the heel poking you lightly. Lowering your head, you feel a strange mix of shame and pleasure run through you as you plant a kiss on the shoe covering her toes. A glance out of the corner of your eyes reveals a smile creeping onto her face, the power dynamic of the situation slowly establishing itself.
As you kiss your way up her leg, your hands massage it as you go. The silk is cool against your lips, despite the warmth coming from her beneath it. As you slowly start to move up her leg towards her groin, she pushes you back with her other heel, tutting softly.
<span class="curie">"Don't get touchy without permission."</span> She says, her voice a mix of cold and excited at the same time. Acquiescing to her demands you focus your attention back on her heel-clad feet, kissing and licking at them with enthusiasm, Curie watching you down the length of her leg with barely concealed joy. As you slowly start getting more handsy once more, she treats you to a chuckle and a smile, pushing you down to the ground with a foot before kicking her heels off.
<span class="curie">"Since you've done such a good job, maybe I will reward you for it. Would you like that?"</span>
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Accept Footjob" "Apartment_Invite_Curie1_Dom_Footjob">><</slink>>
<<slink "Refuse Footjob" "Apartment_Invite_Curie1_Dom_NoFootjob">><</slink>>
<<if starGame.player.hasVagina()>>
<<if starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'black'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/curie/scenes/footjob/f_black.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'tan'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/curie/scenes/footjob/f_tan.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/curie/scenes/footjob/f_fair.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.isShemale()>>
<<if starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'black'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/curie/scenes/footjob/s_black.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'tan'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/curie/scenes/footjob/s_tan.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/curie/scenes/footjob/s_fair.webp"/>
<<if starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'black'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/curie/scenes/footjob/m_black.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'tan'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/curie/scenes/footjob/m_tan.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/curie/scenes/footjob/m_fair.webp"/>
<<if starGame.player.hasVagina()>>\
You nod slightly, and Curie gives you a smile. Releasing you from where she's pinned you to the ground, she takes a seat on the couch, indicating for you to strip and position yourself opposite her on your coffee table. You follow her instructions dutifully, giving her a playful twirl as you do so.
Positioning your exposed body in front of her, you lean back, wondering how she'll reward you, and feel a tremor of excitement run through your body as her stocking clad toes caress your pussy gently.
A gentle gasp escapes your throat as she strokes your cunt with her toes, one foot resting gently against your thigh while the other teases your lips. The touch and silky material quickly send shivers through you as your anticipation grows, when Curie slides a toe inside you prompting you to tense up as the first orgasm washes over you at the unexpected and filling insertion.
As you slowly relax, you feel her slowly slipping the rest of her toes inside you, her dainty foot just barely managing to fit as your pussy floods the stocking with juices, the wet sensation washing over you as you feel your next orgasm building. The next few minutes you spend barely able to resist your impending pleasure as she gently rubs your clit with her other foot.
<span class="curie">"Stop fighting it. Cum for me."</span> She says softly, stroking with more intensity than before. You can feel her foot trying to slide deeper inside you, but your muscles are tensing up as your climax builds, stopping her. As she continues to work your clit with her toe, you clamp a hand over your mouth, your orgasm hitting you hard. As Curie looks down at you, satisfied with your reactions, you pant for breath.
Slowly regaining your breath, you kiss her gently. Soon she says that she needs to go change before a meeting however, and you watch her leave wistfully.
You nod slightly, telling Curie that you'd like to be rewarded, and she gives you a smirk in return. She slowly lets her foot trail down your body, and as you reach for your pants, she shakes her head at you.
<span class="curie">"No need for that."</span> She purrs softly as she starts to rub your growing bulge through your clothing. You pout slightly, but she shows no sign of changing her mind, continuing to rub your dick with her foot. The clothes between her stocking and your dick block the silky texture so you are forced to imagine how it would feel properly, a slight shudder running through you at her touch.
As you are thinking about trying to expose yourself again, Curie takes a seat on the table, pushing her other foot into your face. Sucking on her stocking-clad toes dutifully, you feel her other foot start to move with more intensity, and as you buck your hips slightly against it, you realize that you're actually going to cum from this, her toes expertly massaging your raging hard dick through your clothes, and bringing you ever closer to the edge.
You're surprised by how flexible and adept her toes are when she manages to undress you without her hands, and the coolness of the silk on your shaft pushes you over the edge. A spasm runs through your body as she pushes her toes deeper into your mouth, your orgasm hitting you alongside a wave of excitement and humiliation. As you continue to cum, you can see her smiling down at you, her own breathing hard. Gingerly she releases you, lifting her feet off you somewhat shyly.
As you rise to your feet, the two of you share a smile before she suddenly realizes the time, and with a slight exclamation, retreats from your room, a hurried rush of words telling you that she's supposed to be meeting someone for a project.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Apartment_LivingRoom">>
<<if starGame.npcs.getStat('curie_affinity') < 25>>
<<npcStatIncrease "curie_affinity" 1>>
<<snotify "info">>Curie appreciated spending time with you.<</snotify>>
<<script>>starGame.player.setInteraction('apartment_invite_curie'); starGame.time.advancePeriod();<</script>>
<<startplaylist "playlist_exploration_soft">>
<</nobr>>\<<if starGame.time.getCurrentPeriod() < 3>>\
<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/academy/mc_apartment/apartment_day.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/academy/mc_apartment/apartment_night.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
Despite having enjoyed this, you don't think a footjob is for you, and with a cautious shake of your head, Curie releases you, allowing you to rise off of the floor. She flirts and teases you for a bit longer, but she doesn't seem to be interested in doing much more sexually.
After a short conversation and some time spent ignoring your recent worship of her feet, she rubs a foot against your leg, a cheeky smile accompanying her actions.
<span class="curie">"I'll see you later. Unfortunately I have other matters to attend to."</span> She says before planting a kiss on your forehead, leaving you alone in your apartment once more.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Apartment_LivingRoom">>
<<if starGame.npcs.getStat('curie_affinity') < 25>>
<<npcStatIncrease "curie_affinity" 1>>
<<snotify "info">>Curie appreciated spending time with you.<</snotify>>
<<script>>starGame.player.setInteraction('apartment_invite_curie'); starGame.time.advancePeriod();<</script>>
<<startplaylist "playlist_exploration_soft">>
<<if starGame.time.getCurrentPeriod() < 3>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/mc_apartment/apartment_day.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/mc_apartment/apartment_night.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/curie/expressions/happy_uniform.webp"/>
<<reaction "curie" "Reaction_Curie">>\
Deciding to call Curie and ask if she wants to come over, you hear a happy squeal of excitement from her, accompanied by a calmer yes. Telling her that she can arrive whenever, you can hear the excitement in her voice as she says she'll be there soon.
Leaning back on the couch while you wait for her to arrive, you put a light movie on in the background, allowing for the otherwise near silence of the apartment to be broken by it. As you relax, waiting for Curie to arrive, you can feel your anticipation building. The door slides open for her smoothly, Curie gliding into your room unhindered thanks to Eva allowing her in. As she greets you coyly, she gives you a gentle massage of the shoulders, her voice soft and low as she gets the pleasantries out of the way quickly.
Smiling at the eager to please girl, you motion for her to come around the couch to join you, but you're somewhat surprised when she kneels in front of you instead. Raising an eyebrow at her, she gives you a flirty smile as she places her hands on your legs.
<span class="curie">"How would you like me today? My mouth? My feet? Just some cuddles?"</span> She asks, her words laced with desire as she blushes slightly.
You lean back into the couch, wondering if she's gotten bolder because of your relationship with her. Regardless, she doesn't continue without your permission first, a raised eyebrow indicating she's waiting for your instruction.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<if starGame.player.hasVagina()>>
<<slink "Pussy Licking" "Apartment_Invite_Curie1_Sub_Blowjob">><</slink>>
<<slink "Blowjob" "Apartment_Invite_Curie1_Sub_Blowjob">><</slink>>
<<slink "Footjob" "Apartment_Invite_Curie1_Sub_Footjob">><</slink>>
<<slink "Cuddles" "Apartment_Invite_Curie1_Sub_Cuddles">><</slink>>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<saudio "bgm_sex4" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.25>>
<<if starGame.player.isFemale() is true>>
<img src="resources/img/scenes/orientation_curie/f_chill.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/scenes/orientation_curie/m_chill.webp"/>
Deciding that you actually want to spend time with her today, you pat the seat next to you with a smile. As she cuddles up next to you, you ask about her day, and you get quickly pulled into a conversation where she emphatically tells you about her day in detail, her hand gestures adding extra life to her stories. Gently stroking her hair while you listen, you can feel her heart rate slow down to match yours, a state of relaxation and calm slipping over you both.
Soon you doze off, napping in each other's arms, lazily trading soft kisses as you drift off. Eva seems to read the mood, lowering the volume of the tv enough to allow you to nap, but not too much for the silence to disturb the mood. Eventually however, the movie ends, and the resulting silence rouses you from your nap. Curie mumbles something into your neck, and you wake her with a few gentle caresses on the neck.
When she finally wakes enough to remember where she is, she checks the time, and realizes how much time has passed. Excusing herself with a gentle kiss on your cheek, she leaves your room somewhat wistfully, a forlorn glance over her shoulder almost making you laugh. Restraining yourself until you're alone in the room, you let out a small chuckle to yourself over her antics.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Apartment_LivingRoom">>
<<if starGame.npcs.getStat('curie_affinity') < 25>>
<<npcStatIncrease "curie_affinity" 1>>
<<snotify "info">>Curie appreciated spending time with you.<</snotify>>
<<script>>starGame.player.setInteraction('apartment_invite_curie'); starGame.time.advancePeriod();<</script>>
<<startplaylist "playlist_exploration_soft">>
<<if starGame.player.hasVagina()>>
<<if starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'black'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/curie/scenes/footjob/f_black.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'tan'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/curie/scenes/footjob/f_tan.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/curie/scenes/footjob/f_fair.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.isShemale()>>
<<if starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'black'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/curie/scenes/footjob/s_black.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'tan'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/curie/scenes/footjob/s_tan.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/curie/scenes/footjob/s_fair.webp"/>
<<if starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'black'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/curie/scenes/footjob/m_black.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'tan'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/curie/scenes/footjob/m_tan.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/curie/scenes/footjob/m_fair.webp"/>
Telling her to show you how flexible and agile she is, you watch as she undresses you quickly before coiling up on the couch alongside you. You lean back as you watch her kick her high heels off, a smirk clear on her face.
<<if starGame.player.hasVagina()>>\
She leans back, placing her stocking clad feet against your chest, the well toned muscles contracting aesthetically as she gently presses them against you, slowly walking her feet down towards your crotch. She gives you a wink as she begins to trace your pussy lips with her toe, the silky touch of the stockings adding an erotic feeling to the contact.
As you let out a soft moan, she continues to tease you lightly, her foot gently grazing against your clit and around the edges of your pussy, each touch sending shivers of anticipation and pleasure through you.
Deciding that you've waited enough, you lower a hand to your cunt, spreading the lips for her invitingly, and Curie slowly slides her toe inside you, prompting another moan to escape your lips. As she slides more toes inside you, stretching and filling you, you feel your fingers slip to your clit, playing with it as Curie continues to use her foot to masturbate you, her toes sliding inside you easily.
You let out a long, low moan as she tries to slip more of her foot inside you, but you're too tight, and as your muscles tense up, your climax washing over you, you can see her stocking grow more and more wet.
As you lie panting, she extracts her foot from you, before cuddling up next to you for a short while. Slowly regaining your breath, you kiss her gently. Soon she says that she needs to go change before a meeting however, and you watch her leave wistfully.
She leans back, placing her stocking clad feet against your chest, the well toned muscles contracting aesthetically as she gently presses them against you, slowly walking her feet down towards your crotch. The stockings are cool against your shaft, and the touch of the silk sends a tingle up your spine as she wraps her feet around your dick.
As she begins to stroke your cock with her soft, silk wrapped soles, you can feel tingles of pleasure spread through your body. Curie remains quiet, focused entirely on pleasing you, and as her feet deftly handle your dick you lean back into the couch, relaxing further as you allow her to service you.
Something in your mind is scratched pleasantly as you remember that she leads the disciplinary committee and is busy using her feet to get you off. Spurred on by that realization and her steady strokes, you can feel your orgasm building, a faint moan leaving your throat as she speeds up a bit, the silk sliding over your member smoothly, enhancing your pleasure as it does.
As your body tenses up slightly, you expect her to pull her feet away, and are instead surprised as she presses them even tighter around your dick, stroking it even faster now. A spasm of pleasure passes through you as you begin to cum, your jizz landing on her feet, glistening in the dim light of the apartment.
As you breathe heavily, the waves of pleasure still radiating within you, you notice Curie delicately smear the cum into her stockings until it's not obvious anymore, before putting her heels back on.
After redressing you, she cuddles up to your side, softly talking about each other's day and how things are going for you and her in turn. Before long, she gives you a soft kiss before making an excuse that she needs to leave for now. You watch her go, still glowing from the interaction you just had with her.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Apartment_LivingRoom">>
<<if starGame.npcs.getStat('curie_affinity') < 25>>
<<npcStatIncrease "curie_affinity" 1>>
<<snotify "info">>Curie appreciated spending time with you.<</snotify>>
<<script>>starGame.player.setInteraction('apartment_invite_curie'); starGame.time.advancePeriod();<</script>>
<<startplaylist "playlist_exploration_soft">>
<<if starGame.player.hasPenis()>>
<<if starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'black'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/curie/scenes/service_dp/m_black_dp.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'tan'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/curie/scenes/service_dp/m_tan_dp.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/curie/scenes/service_dp/m_fair_dp.webp"/>
<<if starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'black'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/curie/scenes/service_dp/f_black_dp.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'tan'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/curie/scenes/service_dp/f_tan_dp.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/curie/scenes/service_dp/f_fair_dp.webp"/>
Telling her to do a good job with her lips and tongue, you watch as she starts to undress you, her lips gently caressing your thighs as she kisses her way up to your groin, her delicate touch making sure you are squirming with pleasure already.
<<if starGame.player.hasVagina()>>\
As her lips brush against your already wet pussy, you feel a shiver of excitement run through you, her tongue gently parting your lips as she teases you lightly, a twinkle in her eyes. You let out a moan as she slips a finger inside you, curling it against your insides gently.
As you lean back into the couch, allowing Curie to do her work, you feel a second finger slip inside you. Her lips continue to tease however, as she kisses against the insides of your thighs, her lips and tongue occasionally teasing you with a few light touches.
Sensing your rising frustration, she starts to focus on your pussy directly, her tongue swirling around your clit as she continues to finger you, the waves of pleasure starting to course through you from the way she keeps her fingers moving in a steady, hypnotic rhythm. As her tongue slips inside you once more, you feel a shiver run through your body as you ride a small orgasm, the way your pussy tightens around her fingers encouraging her to pick up the pace a bit more.
As she expertly keeps you riding smaller orgasms, staving off your climax while building your excitement, you squirm on the couch, a series of moans and whines leaving your throat as her face grows shinier by the second, washed by your juices. Your muscles tense up, as you feel your climax approaching.
Responding to your body's warnings, Curie picks up the pace, her movements growing quick and more aggressive as she slides her fingers in and out of you, her tongue pushing you over the edge of a massive orgasm as she snakes it inside of you. You let out a long, low moan as your body spasms and twitches, the orgasm leaving you weak and drained. Curie smiles up at you from between your legs, and as she finishes licking you clean, she climbs up next to you for a short cuddle.
As you recover your breath, you realize that at some point she must have left, because you're alone in your room once more.
As her lips reach your already hard shaft, you feel her tongue lightly stroke against it, the warm, wet feeling adding to the sensations of her touch as she teases you slowly, kissing up and down the length of your cock as she pays extra attention to your balls, before slowly taking you into her mouth.
The added vacuum of her mouth alongside the constant simulation of her tongue sends a shiver through your body, and you allow yourself to relax more, entrusting yourself to the attentions of the girl before you.
Continuing to worship your dick, Curie gently strokes the length of it as she sucks the tip, her tongue flicking against the sensitive underside as she does. Gently cupping your balls with her free hand, she devotes her full attention to your painfully hard member, doing her best to make sure you enjoy her attention for as long as possible.
Encouraged by a soft moan from you, she keeps her pace consistent, dutifully bringing you ever closer to the edge of your orgasm through slow and methodical attention. You can feel your muscles starting to tense, as Curie skillfully keeps you on the edge of your orgasm, enjoying her work servicing you as instructed.
Before long however, you can no longer resist, and placing a hand on the back of her head, you start to push her head lower onto your dick, and she complies happily, slurping you shaft deep into her throat as she picks up the pace. A tremble runs through your body as you empty your balls into her throat, the soft swallowing sounds coming from her barely audible against the movie playing in the background.
She helps you redress, before cuddling up against you for a while. Eventually she whispers something about needing to leave, and you watch her go with a lazy, satisfied smile on your own lips.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Apartment_LivingRoom">>
<<if starGame.npcs.getStat('curie_affinity') < 25>>
<<npcStatIncrease "curie_affinity" 1>>
<<snotify "info">>Curie appreciated spending time with you.<</snotify>>
<<script>>starGame.player.setInteraction('apartment_invite_curie'); starGame.time.advancePeriod();<</script>>
<<startplaylist "playlist_exploration_soft">>
<<if starGame.time.getCurrentPeriod() < 3>>\
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/mc_apartment/apartment_day.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/mc_apartment/apartment_night.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/maki/expressions/happy_maid.webp"/>
<<reaction "maki" "Reaction_Maki">>\
Planning on adding some interaction to your day, you send Maki a message, telling her that some general assistance is needed. Unsurprisingly she responds nearly instantly, as if she was waiting for your message. Knowing her, she might have been. She lets you know that she'll be there soon, and unsurprisingly, Eva lets her into the room a few minutes later. From the way she looks around the room you can tell she's waiting for some clarification about what you need from her.
Deciding to end her indecision before there can be a misunderstanding, you tell her to relax, waving her over to one of the seats in your lounge. Taking it reluctantly, she slowly relaxes as you carefully lead her into a conversation. Realizing that her job today is to be a friend, she eases into the role, and soon the two of you are telling childhood stories and trading rumors as if you've known each other for years already.
Eventually however, she starts to drop subtle hints about needing to leave, and you accept them, walking her to the door and seeing her off with a smile. As the door closes behind you, you contemplate whether or not befriending her is the right thing to do. Regardless, you enjoyed the time spent with her, and as you plan your next step of the day you find yourself smiling.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Apartment_LivingRoom">>
<<if starGame.npcs.getStat('maki_affinity') < 25>>
<<npcStatIncrease "maki_affinity" 1>>
<<snotify "info">>Maki appreciated spending time with you.<</snotify>>
<<script>>starGame.player.setInteraction('apartment_invite_maki'); starGame.time.advancePeriod();<</script>>
<<if starGame.time.getCurrentPeriod() < 3>>\
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/mc_apartment/apartment_day.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/mc_apartment/apartment_night.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/maki/expressions/happy_maid.webp"/>
<<reaction "maki" "Reaction_Maki">>\
You feel like watching a movie, and watching one alone isn't as fun as with company. Planning on improving your relationship with Maki, you send her a message to come spend some time with you again. As always, her response arrives in moments, and minutes after that the door slides open as she walks in. Eva must have warned her that it's movie time, because she shows up with popcorn for both of you.
She doesn't need much convincing and promptly starts lounging in one of the empty seats near you. Selecting a movie after a few minutes of browsing, the two of you settle in to watch, and within minutes you're immersed in one of the many sequels of Decimater, an old earth classic about time traveling robots and aggressive ai. Flashy action sequences and stylish set pieces help a barely existent story tell a tale of a dramatic rescue and jaw-dropping betrayal end with a sequel hook barely set up to connect the next movie in the series.
As the room returns to normal, you notice Maki's wide, starry eyed expression and take some comfort from knowing you picked a movie she enjoyed watching. The two of you spend some time discussing the movie, and pointing out the flaws of some of the more over the top scenes.
Eventually you both decide to call it a day, and as Maki leaves you can see the faint smile on her lips.
Watching her leave, you have to admit to yourself that watching movies with a cute maid is not a bad way to spend your time at all.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Apartment_LivingRoom">>
<<if starGame.npcs.getStat('maki_affinity') < 25>>
<<npcStatIncrease "maki_affinity" 1>>
<<snotify "info">>Maki appreciated spending time with you.<</snotify>>
<<script>>starGame.player.setInteraction('apartment_invite_maki'); starGame.time.advancePeriod();<</script>>
<</nobr>>\<<if starGame.time.getCurrentPeriod() < 3>>\
<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/academy/mc_apartment/apartment_day.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/academy/mc_apartment/apartment_night.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
Taking a seat in your VR pod, you contemplate what program you want to load when Eva materializes in VR space near you. Noticing your indecision, she gives you a smile.
<span class="eva">"You know, I can easily load one of many relaxing programs for you to enjoy. Perhaps something like a picnic?"</span> She suggests, her smile telling you that she does hope you accept the offer, and as you nod in agreement, she lets out a happy squeal, the VR space around you quickly changing into that of a rolling hillside meadow. A pleasant looking blanket and spread appears before you, and as you walk towards it, Eva appears, kneeling on the blanket with a white sundress on. A big floppy hat adorns her head and you have to admit she looks decidedly stylish.
Taking a seat next to her, you allow yourself to enjoy a pleasant hillside picnic with Eva, the two of you passing time with idle chatter and friendly jokes. It doesn't take long for the setting and company to wash over you, and you can practically feel yourself relax by the second. Lying back on the grass, you watch the fluffy white clouds pass by, as Eva lies next to you pointing out the shapes of the passing clouds. You notice that whenever you disagree with her on a shape and point out one that you think fits better, the clouds change slightly, almost as if to prove you wrong.
Eventually however the VR space returns you to the real world, Eva's words of thanks echoing faintly in your ears as you leave the VR pod. Stepping back into the main section of your room, you can still feel the relaxing feeling of the hillside lingering over you.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Apartment_LivingRoom">>
<</nobr>>\<<if starGame.time.getCurrentPeriod() < 3>>\
<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/academy/mc_apartment/apartment_day.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/academy/mc_apartment/apartment_night.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
Sitting in your VR pod, you consider watching a movie when Eva grabs your attention by flickering into being nearby in the VR scape. She gives you a wink, her characteristic smile forming. As the VR scape around you shifts, forming into a reproduction of your room, Eva takes a seat on the couch.
<span class="eva">"It's rare that we can spend time in the same space. For now, why don't you sit back and relax for a bit?"</span> She asks, patting the seat next to her. Obliging her for now, you collapse onto the couch, allowing the comfortable seat to mold around you. The two of you exchange no words, just relaxing silently together for a time. Looking over, you see that she's reading a book, and deciding that you might as well read as well. Grabbing a book off of the sideboard, you dive into a noir story about a detective helping a leggy blonde.
At some point during the VR simulation, you realize that Eva has cuddled up against you, and deciding to leave it unmentioned for now, you simply allow yourself to enjoy the book and company in peace. All good things eventually come to an end however, and eventually you let out a soft cough to let her know you want to be released for now.
Eva pouts slightly when you do, but the VR scape slowly returns to normal, leaving you alone in your room once more. You say your thanks into the otherwise empty room, and are rewarded with a pleasant double beep sound to confirm she heard you.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Apartment_LivingRoom">>
<<if starGame.time.getCurrentPeriod() < 3>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/mc_apartment/apartment_day.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/mc_apartment/apartment_night.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/maki/expressions/happy_maid.webp"/>
<<reaction "maki" "Reaction_Maki">>\
Deciding to order in a meal, you send a message to Maki with your order, and are not surprised when she responds almost immediately to confirm she'll deliver it soon. Leaning back into the couch, you watch some videos while you wait. A short while later Eva lets you know that Maki will be arriving soon.
As you stand to greet her at the door and collect your order, you are caught off guard by how it opens for her, and she glides in with a confident smile, a bundle of containers neatly arranged on a stylish tray. She quickly fusses over you, returning you to the seat with multiple assurances that she just needs a few minutes to finish preparing your meal. Deciding that you won't be able to win this exchange, and realizing Eva let her enter in a way that means this is at least somewhat normal, you decide to simply lean back and wait.
Maki hums pleasantly as she works in your kitchen, and you soon smell the mouth watering aroma's of good food being prepared. Deciding to resist the urge to take a peak and see what she's planning, you instead focus on the show in front of you, allowing her soft humming to let you know when she's approaching. Sitting up neatly, you are presented a tray with an assortment of snacks and appetizers, and as you glance at Maki you notice the subtle smile she's wearing. Thanking her for the meal you expect her to leave, and as you start to slowly eat the meal she prepared for you, you are instead surprised again as you notice her move around your room, generally tidying and cleaning as she goes.
Deciding to pick up the pace, you finish your meal and move to go clean up the kitchen, only to find yourself intercepted by Maki once more. Stealing your tray from you, she tuts softly at your bewildered expression, moving to clean up the remains of your meal with a smile.
<span class="maki">"For being a fancy high rank noble, you're really not used to being waited on by servants are you?"</span> She teases gently, and as you start to answer you realize that she's not expecting one. Simply letting out a soft sigh as you realize she's enjoying your current confusion, you decide to drop it for now, and thank her for the meal and room service. Having finished with her cleaning, she takes her now empty tray with her to the door.
<span class="maki">"It was my pleasure. Don't hesitate to call at any time now."</span> She says with a wink, the door sliding closed behind and leaving you alone in the room once more.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Apartment_LivingRoom">>
<<npcFactSet "roomservice_first" true>>
<<if starGame.time.getCurrentPeriod() < 3>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/mc_apartment/apartment_day.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/mc_apartment/apartment_night.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/maki/expressions/happy_maid.webp"/>
<<reaction "maki" "Reaction_Maki">>\
Enjoying a lazy day in your room so far, you decide you could do with some snacks from Among the Stars, and sending a message to Maki, you place an order for some snacks and treats. As expected, a fast response comes from Maki, confirming that she's on her way and will arrive soon. As before you decide to lean back and relax, enjoying some light hearted videos while you wait.
Before long, Eva lets you know that Maki will be arriving soon, and unlike before, you stay seated leaving her to do her own thing. She hums as she works, like before, but this time you can practically hear the happiness in her tune. Doing your best to ignore the working maid, you find it easier to do than expected, and are nearly caught off guard when she approaches you with some delicious looking snacks. Taking the tray from her gratefully, you enjoy the meal as Maki works around you, and out of the corner of your eye you can see her trying to suppress a visible smile of happiness as you ignore her.
You almost don't notice her taking the empty plates and tray from you, and you definitely nearly miss her leaving, if not for her small polite bow and farewell. Wondering to yourself how you've managed to pick up an almost real noble servant. Eva lets out a soft chuckle, and you realize that this is one of those situations better left ignored for the moment.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Apartment_LivingRoom">>
<</nobr>>\<<if starGame.time.getCurrentPeriod() < 3>>\
<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/academy/mc_apartment/apartment_day.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/academy/mc_apartment/apartment_night.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
One of a thousand b-class action movies is chosen, seemingly at random by Eva. As the open credits roll, and its tacky yet catchy audio track plays, you can feel yourself slipping into a relaxed mood.
The next hour passes in a blur of mindless entertainment, your attention focused on stylish and implausible action sequences, and a cheesy romance subplot between the lead characters. A few plot twists you see coming a mile away accompany the defeat of the main villain, and you soon find yourself watching the end credits roll. At some point in the movie you finished the snacks Eva delivered without even noticing, and as you hand the bowl back to one of her drones, the tv winks off behind you.
Free to pursue your own agenda once more, you look around the room idly.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Apartment_LivingRoom">>
<</nobr>>\<<if starGame.time.getCurrentPeriod() < 3>>\
<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/academy/mc_apartment/apartment_day.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/academy/mc_apartment/apartment_night.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
Eva seems to have selected a romance movie for this screening, and as the cast of the movie is introduced, you realize that the movie is going to squeeze as many of the tropes and cliches as dry as it can. Deciding to simply enjoy the movie, you lean back, allowing the mindless fun and emotional twists to wash over you.
Eventually the end credits of the movie roll, and to your surprise you wipe a tear from your eye. Despite its flaws and tackiness, it was actually a semi-decent movie, and you don't feel that you wasted the time watching it. Regardless, the tv winks off when you stand, and you return to your day with a smile.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Apartment_LivingRoom">>
<</nobr>>\<<if starGame.time.getCurrentPeriod() < 3>>\
<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/academy/mc_apartment/apartment_day.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/academy/mc_apartment/apartment_night.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
You weren't expecting Eva to play a sports movie, but you suppose it was just chosen at random. As you lean back to enjoy the movie, you soon find yourself enthralled by a tale of an underdog team that manages to find common ground and push through to a hard fought win in the finals. During the ending credits roll, you notice that the movie claims to be based on a true story, and intrigued, you ask Eva to show you some of the clips that it was based on.
Eventually Eva reminds you that the day is passing by, and you begrudgingly switch the tv off, admitting that you got carried away learning about the team the movie was based on.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Apartment_LivingRoom">>
<</nobr>>\<<if starGame.time.getCurrentPeriod() < 3>>\
<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/academy/mc_apartment/apartment_day.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/academy/mc_apartment/apartment_night.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
You laugh as the movie begins to play, its dated age being revealed in the opening lines. Claiming to be set in the far future, you recognize the date has passed a few years ago already. Regardless, you lean back to enjoy the movie, knowing that it's going to be a mashup of popular tropes before it even starts.
You feel drawn into the sci-fi film however, as a teenaged chosen one joins a small group of freedom fighters to oppose a powerful empire. You watch a series of visually stunning set pieces lead up to a substandard ending, and as you're about to complain about the sudden drop in quality, you see that it's a movie with a sequel.
Grumbling to yourself about dragging on a good thing, you decide to stop watching for now, returning to your normal day.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Apartment_LivingRoom">>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/atrium1.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/diane/expressions/happy_uniform.webp"/>
<<reaction "diane" "Reaction_Diane">>\
Diane cuts a captivating figure as she lays on the atrium grass, her well toned and athletic body drawing admiring glances from many of the cadets passing by. As you drop into a spot near here, she opens an eye lazily at your arrival, a small smile crossing her face as she recognizes you.
<span class="diane">"Come to watch the Alliance scroll past?"</span> She asks lazily, her hand waving towards the hologlobe in the center of the room as she does.
Smiling at her relaxed state of being, you tell her that you're here to see what's so good about the patch of grass she's lying on at the moment. Diane squints at you, clearly worried that you might be about to try and roll her away from her spot, relaxing only when she sees that you're firmly settled in place.
<span class="diane">"It's so good because it's mine."</span> She says cheekily, sticking her tongue out at you as she allows her eyes to close again.
Despite her carefree appearance, she manages to maintain a conversation with you, teasing and leading you from topic to topic as she waits for time to pass. Eventually she rolls over, giving you a decent view of her backside as she does, before climbing to her feet.
<span class="diane">"Time for the daily grind."</span> She says, her tone revealing an uncharacteristic lack of enthusiasm.
Despite your offers to walk with her, she waves you off casually, telling you to go find something more fun to do than wandering around the campus. Watching her walk away with a rueful grin on your face, you can't decide if you have the better position watching her leave instead of walking with her.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Hub_Atrium">>
<<npcFactSet "diane_atrium" 1>>
<<if starGame.npcs.getStat('diane_affinity') < 25>>
<<npcStatIncrease "diane_affinity" 1>>
<<snotify "info">>Diane appreciated spending time with you.<</snotify>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/atrium1.webp"/>
<img class="exp-left-40" src="resources/img/characters/main/julianna/expressions/happy_uniform.webp"/>
<<reaction "julianna" "Reaction_Julianna">>\
For a brief moment, you wonder if she's picturing the future in which she'll be the empress of the planets and systems on the map, but before you can think about it further she snaps out of her trance, noticing your approach.
She flashes you a brilliant smile, patting the grass alongside her, inviting you to join her for a moment of peace in the otherwise busy atrium. Lazily taking a spot next to her, you allow her to lean into you, a few jealous glances being thrown your way as people notice your closeness with each other.
She doesn't say much, her eyes turning back to the holomap in silence, and you're content to just sit with her for a while. Before too long though, she strikes up a light conversation about the alliance and it's rule, asking your opinions on matters well and truly beyond your paygrade, at least for now. Regardless, you humor her, sharing your thoughts and ideas to her questions openly, each prompting another flurry of questions.
Eventually however, she relents, her ceaseless tide of questions slowly drying out as she lapses into silence once more, leaning against you as she thinks.
Fortunately you don't need to be the one ending the amicable silence, as Julianna gives you a slight smile as she stands. Telling you that she needs to attend to some matters of her own, she leaves you idling in the atrium with a gentle hug.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Hub_Atrium">>
<<run starGame.player.setInteraction('atrium_julianna')>>
<<npcFactSet "julianna_atrium_smalltalk" 1>>
<<npcStatIncrease "julianna_relationship" 1>>
<<snotify "success">>+1 Julianna Relationship.<</snotify>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/atrium1.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/zara/expressions/neutral_dress.webp"/>
Approaching your Caelorian instructor, you are greeted with a warm smile. She turns her attention back to the hologlobe, and you stand alongside her in silence for a few moments. It's a comfortable silence, and you are almost caught off guard when she speaks.
<span class="zara">"My home isn't on this map."</span> She says plainly, although you detect a hint of loneliness. You look back at the globe, staying quiet for now. As an instructor, you know that she knows this map only shows human space and its constituent parts. A few more moments pass before you feel her gaze turn to you once more.
<span class="zara">"I doubt you merely wanted to stand in silence while I had my moment of homesickness."</span> She teases, her voice much lighter and more playful like usual. <span class="zara">"How about we find a comfortable spot to sit, and we can pass the time together?"</span> She suggests, and as you agree, you quickly find yourself being led to a nearby, somewhat isolated part of the atrium.
Zara wastes no time, promptly lying back onto the grass and stretching lazily. Realizing you are staring, you quickly avert your eyes, only to be rewarded with a soft laugh from the alien. <span class="zara">"So, cadet $character_lastName. What was it that you wanted to talk about?"</span> She sits up as she speaks, patting the spot next to her for you to sit as well.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('atrium_zara_homesick') is not true>>
<<slink "HomeSick" "Academy_Atrium_Zara_HomeSick">>
<<npcFactSet "atrium_zara_homesick" true>>
<<run starGame.player.setInteraction('atrium_zara')>>
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('atrium_zara_academylife') is not true>>
<<slink "Academy Life" "Academy_Atrium_Zara_AcademyLife">>
<<npcFactSet "atrium_zara_academylife" true>>
<<run starGame.player.setInteraction('atrium_zara')>>
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('atrium_zara_hobbies') is not true>>
<<slink "Hobbies" "Academy_Atrium_Zara_Hobbies">>
<<npcFactSet "atrium_zara_hobbies" true>>
<<run starGame.player.setInteraction('atrium_zara')>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/atrium1.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/zara/expressions/happy_dress.webp"/>
Curious about her home, and thinking that letting her talk about it might help ease her homesickness, you decide to ask her about it. As you do, a brilliant smile lights her face, and as she excitedly begins talking about the world she comes from, you find yourself enthralled in her words, her eyes locked firmly on yours.
The two of you spend quite some time deep in conversation, and as Zara slowly starts to run out of things to tell you about her homeworld and city, you realize that at some point through the conversation, her hand came to rest on yours. When you look down at her dainty hand resting on top of your own, she follows your gaze and pulls away when she realizes what she was doing. As you start to tell her that it's alright, you notice her blushing deeply as she practically jumps to her feet.
She mutters an excuse about being late for class, and rushes off, leaving you sitting alone and slightly bewildered on the atrium lawn.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Leave" "Hub_Atrium">>
<<if starGame.npcs.getStat('zara_affinity') < 25>>
<<npcStatIncrease "zara_affinity" 1>>
<<snotify "info">>Zara appreciated spending time with you.<</snotify>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/atrium1.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/zara/expressions/happy_dress.webp"/>
Curious about how life at the academy is treating the Caelorian, you gently inquire as much, prompting a smile from your exotic instructor. She tilts her head in a way that reminds you of a puppy, and you're about to tell her that she doesn't need to talk about it if she doesn't want to, when she starts to talk.
At first she just talks about the daily routine and how it differs from Caelorian academies, the biggest difference being the much more relaxed schedules of Starwatch Academy. She tells you that back on her homeworld, the Academies are as much about routine and discipline as they are results, while Starwatch seems to only care about results, and doesn't mind if a student does as they please so long as their results can support the behavior.
Soon you find yourself in a pleasant debate about the differences between the two styles, and its resulting positives and negatives. Unexpectedly, you find yourself arguing against Starwatches looser style, while Zara supports it. Time passes quickly however, and as you reassure yourself that you actually do prefer the way Starwatch does it, you wonder if a more rigid schedule might be a good thing regardless.
Zara mentions that it's nearly time for her to attend to her responsibilities, and you stand with her, also ready to get back to your mostly unplanned day. She gives you another of those stunning smiles, before leaving you alone in the atrium.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Leave" "Hub_Atrium">>
<<if starGame.npcs.getStat('zara_affinity') < 25>>
<<npcStatIncrease "zara_affinity" 1>>
<<snotify "info">>Zara appreciated spending time with you.<</snotify>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/atrium1.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/zara/expressions/happy_dress.webp"/>
Interested in knowing what hobbies Zara has and if she's able to keep up with them, you ask her as much, and are rewarded with a soft smile. She makes a show of looking around for eavesdroppers, before giggling softly. Relaxing at the joke, you lean back, settling in to listen.
Zara takes a few moments to organize her thoughts before she begins to speak, and you soon find yourself lost in your own imagination, as she spins a tale of exciting adventure and regretful departures. A desperate last stand is accompanied with soft, sad excerpts from those who are sheltered by it, and as Zara slowly stops talking, you find yourself back in the atrium, a profound sense of loss burning in your chest.
She gives you a knowing smile, and before you can ask about the story, she shushes you. As you wait patiently for an explanation, she merely winks at you, before answering your original question. It turns out that while Zara loves to read, paint and explore, she's a natural storyteller, and she frequently engages in it, seeking to create the perfect tale. You can't help but wonder what she determines to be perfect, when the story she just told you has left you so shaken, but you decide to not ask, instead content with spending some more time just idly being together.
Eventually however, Zara mentions that it's time to return to work, and as you help her to her feet, she gives you another soft smile, and a gentle squeeze of your hand. Even as she leaves you alone in the atrium, it seems like she enjoyed the time with you as well.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Leave" "Hub_Atrium">>
<<if starGame.npcs.getStat('zara_affinity') < 25>>
<<npcStatIncrease "zara_affinity" 1>>
<<snotify "info">>Zara appreciated spending time with you.<</snotify>>
<div class="card solid card-nav">
<div class="row">
<div class="card-body p-0">
<div class="row d-flex">
<<slink "Atrium" "Hub_Atrium" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "ti ti-door-exit" "">><</slink>>
<<if starGame.player.getFact('campaign_hack') is true and starGame.time.getCurrentPeriod() < 4>>
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('dark_elf_encounters') is undefined>>
<<slink "Listen to gossip" "Academy_Cafeteria_Gossip_DarkElf1" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "ti ti-exclamation-circle">><</slink>>
<<slink "Listen to gossip" "" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu disabled" "">><</slink>>
/% No gossip options before the hack happens %/
<<slink "Listen to gossip" "" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu disabled" "">><</slink>>
<div class="navigation-container">\
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/cafeteria1.webp"/>
<<if starGame.player.hasInteraction('cafeteria_interaction') is not true and starGame.time.getCurrentPeriod() is 1>>
<<if starGame.time.getCurrentDay() is 'Saturday'>>
/% Thomas %/
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/thomas/expressions/neutral_uniform.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.time.getCurrentDay() is 'Monday'>>
/% Jaime %/
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/jaime/expressions/neutral_uniform.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.time.getCurrentDay() is 'Wednesday'>>
/% Letho %/
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/letho/expressions/neutral_uniform.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.time.getCurrentDay() is 'Friday'>>
/% Diane %/
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/diane/expressions/neutral_gym.webp"/>
<<box "choicebox">>
<<if starGame.player.hasInteraction('cafeteria_interaction') is not true and starGame.time.getCurrentPeriod() is 1>>
<<if starGame.time.getCurrentDay() is 'Saturday'>>\
<<if starGame.player.getFact('rival') is 'thomas'>>\
<<if starGame.player.getFact('campaign_hack') is true and starGame.npcs.getFact('thomas_rival_posthack') is undefined>>
<<slink "Get Ready" "Academy_Cafeteria_Thomas_Rival_PostHack1" "" "">><</slink>>
<<slink "Join Thomas" "Academy_Cafeteria_Thomas" "" "">><</slink>>
<<elseif starGame.time.getCurrentDay() is 'Monday'>>
<<if starGame.player.getFact('rival') is not 'thomas' and starGame.npcs.getFact('jaime_stage1_cafeteria') is undefined>>
<<slink "Join Jaime" "Jaime_Date_Stage1">><</slink>>
<<slink "Join Jaime" "Academy_Cafeteria_Jaime">><</slink>>
<<elseif starGame.time.getCurrentDay() is 'Wednesday'>>
<<slink "Join Letho" "Academy_Cafeteria_Letho">><</slink>>
<<elseif starGame.time.getCurrentDay() is 'Friday'>>
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('diane_sexfriend') is true or starGame.npcs.getStat('diane_affinity') >= 0>>
<<slink "Join Diane" "Academy_Cafeteria_Diane">><</slink>>
The cafeteria is quieter than you expected it to be, but you're not really surprised at that. You personally have your breakfasts in your room, and you know there's a whole swathe of cafes and restaurants scattered across the academy grounds. The cafeteria is more of an afterthought really, meant for those who don't have the funds to eat at the places they want to.
Despite that, you can see some value in visiting here from time to time, as you can hear the different groups of cadets that are here gossiping. There are plenty of open seats if you choose to spend some time here overhearing gossip.
<<if starGame.player.hasInteraction('cafeteria_interaction') is not true and starGame.time.getCurrentPeriod() is 1>>\
<<if starGame.time.getCurrentDay() is 'Saturday'>>\
<<if starGame.player.getFact('rival') is 'thomas'>>\
<<if starGame.player.getFact('campaign_hack') is true and starGame.npcs.getFact('thomas_rival_posthack') is undefined>>\
Thomas however, is here, and as his customary dark scowl settles onto his face when he sees you, you wonder if there's maybe going to be an actual fight here today.
Off to the side of the cafeteria, you spot Thomas. As you're wondering whether he's already seen you or not, he locks eyes with you, his gaze tightening into a scowl. After a moment of tension he breaks the staredown, returning his focus to his meal, his actions clearly more aggressive than a moment before. Maybe you'll try to talk to him another time.
/% Thomas on Monday %/\
Off to the side of the cafeteria, you spot Thomas. As you're considering whether to join him or not, he throws a cheerful wave your way. Well that's a clear invitation if you ever saw one. He does go back to eating his meal, leaving you guilt free if you decide to leave instead of joining him.
<<elseif starGame.time.getCurrentDay() is 'Monday'>>\
Sitting by herself at a nearby table, you see Jaime busy lingering over a half eaten meal. She gives you a soft smile when she spots you, indicating that you can join her if you wish. You consider it for a moment, knowing that you can leave without insulting her thanks to a lack of formal invite.
<<elseif starGame.time.getCurrentDay() is 'Wednesday'>>\
Letho catches your eye, lurking alone at one of the furthest tables in the cafeteria. You know he's already seen you, as when you look at him he tries to subtly pretend he wasn't staring at you, without much success. You reign in a sigh, deciding if you're going to go meet with the timid cadet or not.
<<elseif starGame.time.getCurrentDay() is 'Friday'>>\
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('diane_sexfriend') is true>>\
Diane is busy eating alone here, and you can't tell if she's fresh from the gym or on her way to it still. Dressed in her casuals like usual, she gives a low whistle when she spots you, tapping the seat next to her.
<<elseif starGame.npcs.getStat('diane_affinity') < 0>>\
Diane is busy eating alone here, and you can't tell if she's fresh from the gym or on her way to it still. Dressed in her casuals like usual, she scowls when she spots you, her expression darkening. She doesn't waste time glaring at you however, returning to her meal and pretending you don't exist.
Diane is busy eating alone here, and you can't tell if she's fresh from the gym or on her way to it still. Dressed in her casuals like usual, she winks when she spots you, a subtle tilt of her head inviting you to join her.
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/cafeteria1.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/diane/expressions/happy_gym.webp"/>
<<reaction "diane" "Reaction_Diane">>\
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('diane_sexfriend') is true>>\
When you slide into the offered seat, Diane gives you a slow once over. <span class="diane">"You know, I thought you were going to bring food when you came. I'm not sharing this."</span> She explains as you look at the mountain of food in front of her. You're about to ask why she's taken so much when she excitedly continues.
<span class="diane">"The cafeteria has an all-you-can-eat buffet, so I come here at least once a week to load up on actual food. A cheat day if you will."</span> She fires off quickly, her excitement clear. Deciding to go with the flow for now, you slowly guide the conversation to nothing in particular, just enjoying spending time with Diane as you relax.
Eventually she finishes eating and shoots a longing glance at the serving stations. You take the hint, and give her a kiss on the cheek as you leave, telling her that you'll see her later. A flustered Diane watches you go, not having expected the public display of affection.
When you sit across from her, she promptly pokes your leg with a foot. <span class="diane">"I'm not sharing the meal, if you want, go get your own."</span> She says with a friendly scowl, defensively putting her arms around the pile of food in front of her.
With a laugh you tell her not to worry, which rewards you with another smile. <span class="diane">"I don't often eat in the cafeteria, but it's slowly becoming a tradition to have at least one meal a week here. Also, they have an all-you-can-eat buffet today."</span> She explains, waving a fork at the mounting of food on her plate.
You resist the urge to tell her that the cafeteria is always an all-you-can-eat situation, deciding instead to lead into a conversation about nothing in particular. While you spend time with her, she eats quickly, and you notice that once the plate is empty she keeps shooting sidelong glances at the serving stations. Taking the hint, you excuse yourself, leaving Diane to eat more without embarrassing herself in front of you.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Leave" "Academy_Cafeteria">>
<<if starGame.npcs.getStat('diane_affinity') < 25>>
<<npcStatIncrease "diane_affinity" 1>>
<<snotify "info">>Diane appreciated spending time with you.<</snotify>>
<img src="resources/img/backgrounds/cafeteria_blur.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/side/darkelf/confused.webp"/>
As you sit, enjoying your meal, you allow your attention to wander throughout the cafeteria, eventually having it captured by a nearby group of cadets that are talking about a new experimental mod that's been making the rounds. From the sound of it, its effects are largely random, and no two people seem to go through the same changes, even if they share the injection equally. You're actually quite curious about the topic, and as you focus on listening to them, you don't hear the growing commotion behind you at first.
Turning to see what's happening when you hear a shocked scream, you're presented with a scene that doesn't quite match what you expected. As the other cadets around her back off, panicking and calling for help in equal measure, a cadet is left writhing on the ground, her appearance undergoing rapid changes in a process that is clearly over stimulating her. Her skin changes hue, darkening into a dark purple even while her hair turns a sparking silver white.
A long, exceptionally lewd moan escapes her throat as her ears lengthen, forming elven tips, and as the cafeteria falls fully silent as a result of the moan, all that remains is the sound of the affected cadets pants and moans as she lies shuddering on the floor for a few moments longer.
It almost feels like you're snapping out of a trance when you approach her to check if she's alright when she falls silent, and as you find yourself looking into her confused eyes, you almost let out an audible sigh of relief.
She clings to you unsteadily as she rises to her feet, and deciding that you need to know what happened as soon as possible, you ask her what caused the transformation. The frown that follows starts a sinking feeling in your stomach, and as you explain that she looks like a fantasy dark elf now, you see the confusion set in on her face.
<span class="darkelf">"I don't use any mods."</span> She says softly, the disbelief evident in her voice. Glancing at the half eaten food, you see her reach a similar conclusion to your thoughts. Quickly shushing her as she starts to panic, you hear a second commotion forming as other students start to panic alongside her, clearly more people having made the jump in logic required to guess that the food itself was spiked.
The next twenty or so minutes pass chaotically, with the cadets panicking and the campus security locking the building down while they run scans on the food and panic-stricken students here. Your own meal comes back clean, and as you're given permission to leave, you notice that aside from the Dark Elf's meal, no others were touched.
As she's led out the cafeteria by the security, headed towards the clinic for further examination you notice that her meal was identical to yours, and a feeling of unease starts to grow in your stomach again. Putting it out of your mind for now, you try to relax, telling yourself that the Alliance will be able to help the elf, and with that optimistic thought on your mind, you leave the cafeteria, your appetite thoroughly spoiled.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Leave" "Hub_Atrium">>
<<npcFactSet "dark_elf_encounters" 1>>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<startplaylist "playlist_exploration_soft">>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<saudio "bgm_rebel_idle" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.5>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/cafeteria1.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/jaime/expressions/happy_uniform.webp"/>
<<reaction "jaime" "Reaction_Jaime">>\
Jaime is caught off guard by your approach, and when you slip into the seat opposite yours she takes a few moments to process. <span class="jaime">"You're not about to tell me you have bad news are you?"</span> She says after a second, a smile slowly forming on her face.
Laughing, you wave her concerns off. <span class="jaime">"Alright that's good. Most people seem to bring bad news when I'm eating."</span> She explains.
The two of you spend a short while in gentle conversation, discussing the difficulties of group work in the various clubs, and when she finally finishes her meal, the conversation slowly draws to a close. With a gentle hug you part ways, Jaime seemingly happier than before.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Leave" "Academy_Cafeteria">>
<<if starGame.npcs.getStat('jaime_affinity') < 25>>
<<npcStatIncrease "jaime_affinity" 1>>
<<snotify "info">>Jaime appreciated spending time with you.<</snotify>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/cafeteria1.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/letho/expressions/happy_uniform.webp"/>
<<reaction "letho" "Reaction_Letho">>\
Letho almost jumps out of his seat when you approach, his face flustered. <span class="letho">"I wasn't staring on purpose."</span> He manages to stammer out before you wave him back into place. You explain that you're just checking up on a friend, he doesn't need to react so dramatically each time you look at him.
The timid cadet gulps and nods nervously, and you can't help but wonder if he was bullied excessively in the past to be like this now. It takes some effort, but eventually you manage to coax Letho into a conversation, and soon some confidence returns to his bearing. Eventually you bring the conversation to a close, allowing Letho some alone time as you make your exit.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Leave" "Academy_Cafeteria">>
<<if starGame.npcs.getStat('letho_affinity') < 25>>
<<npcStatIncrease "letho_affinity" 1>>
<<snotify "info">>Letho appreciated spending time with you.<</snotify>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/cafeteria1.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/thomas/expressions/happy_uniform.webp"/>
<<reaction "thomas" "Reaction_Thomas">>\
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('cafeteria_thomas') is undefined>>\
<<include "Academy_Cafeteria_Thomas_FirstEncounter">>\
<<include "Academy_Cafeteria_Thomas_Filler">>\
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Leave" "Academy_Cafeteria">>
<<if starGame.npcs.getStat('thomas_affinity') < 25>>
<<npcStatIncrease "thomas_affinity" 1>>
<<snotify "info">>Thomas appreciated spending time with you.<</snotify>>
<</nobr>>\You slide into a seat opposite Thomas, and he shoots you a grin. The two of you make some idle small talk while he eats before he decides to straighten up and focus purely on you.
<span class="thomas">"Thanks for sticking up for us the other day. The Academy tries hard with its equality rule, but you know how the rest of the alliance is. People take a cue from the powerful nobles, and even if it was only a small step on your part, it means a lot to those of us affected."</span> He gives you a nod of respect, and you can't help but wonder at how much it really helped.
<span class="thomas">"Enough of the heavy talk. How about that new teacher huh? Never thought I'd see an alien in alliance space, never mind a lecturer here at Starwatch. Crazy."</span> He talks excitedly, and you can practically see the millions of different stories of aliens colliding in his head.
You pass the time in a pleasant conversation with Thomas, before eventually both of you draw it to a close.
<<script>>starGame.npcs.setFact('cafeteria_thomas', 1);<</script>>\Thomas shoots you a grin as you slide into the seat opposite him. <span class="thomas">"Long time no see, $character_lastName."</span> He says in a light tone. As you return the greeting, the two of you fall into a comfortable conversation, spending the next short while relaxing.
Eventually you both bring the conversation to a close, having spent quite a while just passing time with conversation about academy life and classes.<<nobr>>
<img src="resources/img/backgrounds/cafeteria_blur.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/thomas/expressions/happy_uniform.webp"/>
<<reaction "thomas" "Reaction_Thomas">>\
Instead, you are surprised when he approaches you directly, extending a hand in a forced, yet polite gesture. Taking his offered hand, you decide to wait for him to speak, wondering why he's approached you first.
<span class="thomas">"You alright? I heard that you got caught up in that mess-up with the malfunctioning VR scape the other day."</span>
Surprised at the actual concern you can hear in his voice, you quickly tell him that you're alright, just a little shaken. He nods, releasing your hand and turning back to where he was sitting. Thinking that the interaction is over, you're surprised when he speaks again, this time from a distance.
<span class="thomas">"Just because I think you're an asshole doesn't mean that I'm praying for you to get hurt. Also doesn't mean that I'm going to help you. Whatever caused that mess, probably isn't done. Be careful out there."</span>
Nodding at the still scowling commoner, you turn back to your own business, wondering about his particular choice of words. Does he know that it wasn't a simple malfunction but actually an infiltration by the rebels? You want to ask, but from the way he's gone back to eating his food, you have a feeling that he won't give you the answers you want anyway.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Leave" "Academy_Cafeteria">>
<<npcFactSet "thomas_rival_posthack" 1>>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<startplaylist "playlist_exploration_soft">>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<saudio "bgm_rebel_idle" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.5>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/events/orientation_training/battlegroup.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
The VR scape that forms around you is reminiscent of your flagships bridge, but a quick glance around reveals that you're currently inside a stationary emplacement rather than your ship. Raising an eyebrow at Eva who is cosplaying an officer nearby, you decide to wait for your mission briefing before asking why you're not present on your ship. Eva gives you a shrug, passing you a holographic briefing file to flip through. Leaning casually against your desk, she waits for you to read it.
Flipping through the pages, you quickly realize that there is no briefing, and instead as a battlegroup commander you're in charge of the system for the time being. As you read the situation reports and files on the system, you feel a sinking feeling start to form in your stomach. Not only are you expected to command the situation alone, but despite your system being on a list of high value targets, no reinforcements or aid is slated for arrival. You almost want to ask Eva for advice, but you know that this is part of the course, and that you need to find the answer yourself.
After spending a few more minutes, you come up with two potential plans of action. The first is you could simply reinforce the system and wait to see what happens, while the second is you prevent a potential attack on the system by striking into a nearby rebel sympathetic one, forcing them to reinforce it instead.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Sleeping Giant" "Academy_Class_Battlegroup1_SleepingGiant">><<playerFactSet "class_battlegroup1_sleepinggiant" true>><</slink>>
<<slink "Preemptive Attack" "Academy_Class_Battlegroup1_PreemptiveAttack">><<playerFactSet "class_battlegroup1_preemptiveattack" true>><</slink>>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<saudio "bgm_combat1" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.25>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/events/orientation_training/battlegroup.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
Deciding that opening a new frontline when you know no reinforcements are coming is a bad move, you decide to opt for the course of action that relies on holding and defending your current position. Nodding for Eva to begin the simulation you start planning your orders out in more detail. Turning to address the command staff in the room with you, you start explaining the new outline for the battlegroups tasking. As you speak, you see a few of your officers taking notes and beginning their own plans, and as you end the briefing, you see a few raise their hands for questions.
Answering them to the best of your ability, you realize that the VR crew is highly competent, their questions aimed at forcing you to look at strategic errors and oversights you've made. Once you've satisfied all their concerns, you decide to do what every good commander should, and let your officers tackle the mission. Leaning back into your chair, you accept your new role as a point of reference and signature passer, as your command staff start setting your orders in motion, adjusting and adapting them as needed to fit the greater outline as best as possible.
Watching the fleet slowly start to move as per your orders on the hologlobe, you feel a strange sense of power wash over you. All that manpower and tonnage moving at your word is a heady feeling, and you start to understand the real power of your position for the first time.
Nothing exciting happens for the rest of the simulation, and at a point you are returned to real space, the simulation reading as complete, and your objective finished, anti-climatic as it was.
Stretching slightly, you leave the simulation behind you, wondering what the future holds.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "End simulation" "Academy_Class">>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<playerFactSet "class_battlegroup" 1>>
<<startplaylist "playlist_exploration_soft">>
<<run starGame.player.setInteraction('class_attended')>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/events/orientation_training/battlegroup.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
Deciding that sitting around and waiting for trouble is an easy way to become a target, you decide on a plan to dispatch your fleet to one of the neighboring systems in order to ensure that you at least know where the rebel attention will fall.
Your officers gather around as you indicate that you're ready to speak, and you suppress a smile as you see some are still using notepads in this advanced day and age.Talking softly, you quickly outline your plans for fleet movement and attack of the chosen system, stressing that there are no reinforcements coming and that the preemptive strike will be done to force the rebel focus onto a field where you are prepped and ready for it.
As you finish talking, you see a few hands shoot up, as some officers have clear questions for you while others instantly move away, beginning to make the needed preparations to move the fleet into hostile territory. Answering the few outstanding questions you need to, you notice that your command crew is charged with anxious energy, clearly excited for the upcoming days of potential battle. You hide a smile yourself, after all, the sword isn't made sharp to remain in its scabbard, but to be used.
Leaning back as you wait for your officers to carry out your will, you turn your attention to your terminal, signing off on different requests and adjustments that your crew is making to your plans, in preparation for a smooth entry operation. At some point, the simulation considers your task completed, and starts to return you to real space, nothing in particular having happened during the simulation aside from your plans being set into motion.
Returning to real space fully, you can't help but wonder what the next mission has in store for you.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "End simulation" "Academy_Class">>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<playerFactSet "class_battlegroup" 1>>
<<startplaylist "playlist_exploration_soft">>
<<run starGame.player.setInteraction('class_attended')>>
<<if starGame.player.getFact('class_fighter1_bythebook') is true>>
<<include Academy_Class_Battlegroup2a>>
<<include Academy_Class_Battlegroup2b>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/events/orientation_training/battlegroup.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
The VR scape around you forms again with you in the stationary command center. Curious about where you actually are, you almost miss the stressed expressions and confusion coming from your command crew. Instantly looking for Eva so that you can understand the situation, you see that she's standing nearby, a document already extended to you. Grabbing it wordlessly, you quickly scan the situation report, realizing that the rebels have attacked as you predicted prior. Luckily you had previously begun preparations for this, and your fleet is successfully holding the rebel advance at bay, so far. From what you can see in the report, you know that unless something is done, the superior numbers of the rebels will slowly wear down on your fleet, and turn the tide.
Pulling up different screens to plan on while the simulation is frozen, you spend the next ten minutes or so experimenting with responses and trying to predict reactions to them, aware that the moment you begin the simulation that you won't have time for mistakes. Eva waits patiently nearby, her blank expression revealing no hints on your plans, and you are forced to fully rely on your own tactics for the operation. Eventually, you feel like you've narrowed your choices down to just two, viable options. You can have a portion of your yet unaffected fleet run damage control, reinforcing the weak points of the ongoing battles, or you can have them penetrate into enemy space, causing the rebel fleet to become cut off from reinforcements and aid. Either way, you have no promise that your plan will work.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Damage Control" "Academy_Class_Battlegroup2a_DamageControl">><<playerFactSet "class_battlegroup2a_damagecontrol" true>><</slink>>
<<slink "Retaliation" "Academy_Class_Battlegroup2a_Retaliation">><<playerFactSet "class_battlegroup2a_retaliation" true>><</slink>>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<saudio "bgm_combat1" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.25>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/events/orientation_training/battlegroup.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
Opting to successfully defend this system before you think of a counter attack, you make your choice, discarding the other set of plans in the meantime. As time begins to flow, you wait a moment before speaking to your crew. To their credit, they don't stop their work, still coordinating the defense of the system as you bark out new orders, and you can see your fleets shift, slowly at first, in accordance to your new commands.
As you watch the hologlobe, and how the situation unfolds, you call out more instructions, watching the fleets move and adapt. You wince as one of your cruisers suddenly winks out of existence, and as you adjust for the loss, diverting more of your fleets to cover the gap, you can't help but wonder if you've made the right choice. However, as you watch more of your ships get destroyed, you see that each of them accounts for many more rebel ships, the ships fighting even as they are torn apart. Reviewing your orders, you decide that you've made the best choices possible for the situation you're in, and all you can do is continue to shift your forces in response.
Slowly, you see that your fleets are gaining an advantage, and you keep the pressure up, redirecting them as needed, and whittling down the rebel forces steadily. Suddenly, you see a large portion of the rebels' fleet vanish, and as you look for the reason, you see that more and more of them are escaping into slipspace. Cursing at your own mistake of not deploying interdictors, you smile nonetheless, having secured victory for your fleet and successfully defending the system from the attack.
As the last of the rebels jump out of the system, the simulation freezes, and Eva gives you a dazzling smile as you slowly return to realspace.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "End simulation" "Academy_Class">>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<playerFactSet "class_battlegroup" 2>>
<<startplaylist "playlist_exploration_soft">>
<<run starGame.player.setInteraction('class_attended')>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/events/orientation_training/battlegroup.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
Deciding to trust in your engaged forces better skill and equipment than the rebels, you give the order for your detached forces to enter slipspace and start wreaking havoc behind them, hopefully forcing them to withdraw or at least split their attention. You watch on the hologlobe as a portion of your forces splits off from the battle, entering slipspace in short order. Minutes pass as you watch your officers try their best to control the battle against the overwhelming rebel numbers.
Suddenly, you get a scanner feed from your detached fleet, and as you create a second hologlobe, you smile, seeing that the rebels have left the system mostly undefended as a result of their attack. With a wolfish grin, you instruct your command crew to control the rebel advance as best they can, as you personally oversee the guidance of your advance unit and their destruction of the lightly guarded rebel facilities.
You watch as the fleets grind against each other, your ships morale raised by word that the rebels will soon be cut off and encircled, and as you watch your advance fleet tear through rebel maintenance yards and fuel stations, you hear one of your command staff call out that slip space jumps are being detected. Glancing over at the primary hologlobe, you see that rebels are trying to escape the field, presumably to defend their exposed system, and your fleets are doing their best to prevent their escape as they do.
Sending orders to your advance unit, you have them wheel about, bringing their firing lines to face the soon to be arriving rebel ships. You regret not placing interdictors, but you realize that your outnumbered fleet would have suffered greatly if the rebels were forced to stand and fight. You watch a countdown start, as the estimated time of slipspace travel is calculated for the fleeing rebels, and you hope your detached force can hold against them long enough for your pursuing fleet to arrive.
As the countdown reaches zero, you watch your fleets clash with the rebels across two systems, and slowly wear down the opposition entirely. You can't help but smile as the rebels are ground out, caught between your better trained forces. Slowly, the VR scape freezes, the last of the rebels being destroyed or fleeing from your victorious fleet. Eva gives you a smile as you return to real space, and you feel the rush of total victory wash over you.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "End simulation" "Academy_Class">>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<playerFactSet "class_battlegroup" 2>>
<<startplaylist "playlist_exploration_soft">>
<<run starGame.player.setInteraction('class_attended')>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/events/orientation_training/battlegroup.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
The VR scape forms around you, and you realize that you're still in the stationary command center. A glance at the hologlobe shows that your strike force is currently preparing for battle, with reports of more rebels converging on their location. You quickly scan the terminals for more information and slowly realize that your preemptive attack has attracted more attention than you expected it to. Other rebels that were on their way to reinforce other battlefronts have diverted to you, seemingly believing your attack to be the first steps of an Alliance assault.
You quickly formulate some plans, looking for something with a reasonable chance of success. You realize that it's an overall bad situation, but salvageable nonetheless. You can see two ways out of the situation, one relying on your fleet's embedded position, and the other on a disciplined retreat under fire. You mull it over for a short while, before eventually making your choice.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Wave Defence" "Academy_Class_Battlegroup2b_WaveDefence">><<playerFactSet "class_battlegroup2b_defence" true>><</slink>>
<<slink "Structured Retreat" "Academy_Class_Battlegroup2b_StructuredRetreat">><<playerFactSet "class_battlegroup2b_retreat" true>><</slink>>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<saudio "bgm_combat1" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.25>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/events/orientation_training/battlegroup.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
You clear your throat, drawing your command staff's attention to you. As they quiet down, you breakdown how you want the fleet layered, and firing lines formed. From the neutral expressions carefully on their face, you can tell that they think this is the wrong course of action, but no one disagrees with you. Continuing to lay your plan out, you receive a few nods and tight smiles as your crew understands what you want to do, and when you finish the briefing, the control room bursts into action, with the different staff calling out instructions and orders, and the fleet on the hologlobe flows to life, your fleet following the new plans and settling into formation ahead of the rebels arrival. You see a blur of activity as they begin to lay down incredibly long range screening fire, the wall of shells hopefully enough to deter the rebels from attacking in full force.
You watch in silence as the fleet waits for the arrival of the rebel force, a helpless feeling filling your stomach as you wait to see if your orders were enough to turn the tide. As the first of the rebels get torn to shreds by the ready and waiting defense, you feel a surge of relief course through you, only for it to dampen as you see how little that actually changed the situation. Your command room falls mostly silent, unable to do more than watch from another system as your commanders in the field do their best to stem the tide of the incoming rebels, their ships firing valiantly into the neverending waves of enemies.
It feels like hours pass, with you unable to tear your eyes from the hologlobe as your fleet is slowly swallowed up by the rebel forces on the scanner. But they still fight on, standing their ground against what seems like an endless horde of enemies, before suddenly you notice that they're no longer surrounded, no longer outgunned. You smile, as you hear your officers start cheering. Battered, damaged and wounded but alive, your fleet has managed to secure victory in the face of overwhelming odds, successfully holding the line against the rebels and claiming the system for the alliance once more.
The simulation freezes, your victory clearing its conditions as it returns you to real space, a warm smile from Eva accompanying the feeling of success.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "End simulation" "Academy_Class">>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<playerFactSet "class_battlegroup" 2>>
<<startplaylist "playlist_exploration_soft">>
<<run starGame.player.setInteraction('class_attended')>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/events/orientation_training/battlegroup.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
Realizing that even if your fleet manages to weather the impending storm, it'll take heavy damage, you decide that pulling it back is the better choice. Issuing your orders for a quick, yet orderly retreat, you wince as you notice that the rebel ships will reach your fleet before all of them can escape, and all you can do is hope that your fleet doesn't take heavy losses because of it.
Your command crew quickly moves into action, calling out vectors of movement and plotting slipspace jumps, your fleet an entire system away breaking into movement as they start to return home. The rebels, seemingly noticing that there is a retreat underway, pick up the pace, streaming towards your fleet in a suddenly disordered approach. Your officers and you sense the opportunity at the same time, and quickly divide your retreating force into portions, your battleships given orders to start firing at the careless enemies as they pull back.
Canceling the orders to jump straight to slipspace, you start to give new orders, your plan still to retreat, but also now taking advantage of the rebels over excitement at the illusion of weakness. As your command crew continues to plan and prepare for the eventual retreat back to your system, you direct the fleets in action, tearing through the disorganized approaching fleets with ease. A warning shout from one of your officers captures your attention, and as you look over to their screen, you can see that it's time for your fleet to leave, as the main body of the rebels start to enter effective ranges.
You can practically hear the sounds of your ships entering slipspace from across the stars, as you watch them vanish from the scanners, only to reappear in your system minutes later, having successfully escaped the bulk of rebel forces after leaving them wounded. A few of the last ships to arrive report heavy damage, but for the most part, your fleet returns unharmed and victorious. Smiling as the simulation begins to freeze, you decide to leave the VR scape, the tension of the simulation finally leaving your body.
Returned to real space, you wonder what the next mission will have in store for you, with a large rebel fleet on your borders.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "End simulation" "Academy_Class">>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<playerFactSet "class_battlegroup" 2>>
<<startplaylist "playlist_exploration_soft">>
<<run starGame.player.setInteraction('class_attended')>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/other/space.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
As the VR scape forms around you, you notice that the simulation doesn't start frozen. It's not the first time that this has happened, but something feels off this time. Glancing around, trying to figure out what it is, you slowly realize that it's probably because you've materialized in the void of space.
From your unique perspective here, you examine your surroundings, taking in the sweeping vista of space and the heated battle that's already playing out here as you watch.
Eva's disembodied voice reaches you, a hint of confusion in her words. <span class="eva">"How did… That's strange, I'll fix that for you quickly."</span>
As the VR scape around you freezes and whirls, you realize from the temporarily frozen battle that you're watching one of the earliest battles between the Alliance and Rebels, and to your knowledge, the only one where the Rebels were in a position to win throughout the entire conflict. Your memory hazily tells you that the Alliance won this battle through a herculean effort and countless sacrifices.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Academy_Class_Battlegroup3_Intro">><</slink>>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<saudio "bgm_rebel_idle" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.25>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/events/orientation_training/battlegroup.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
The VR scape around you reforms into a command center, and from a glance you know that you're not in the battle itself. You're probably on one of the orbitals or a hidden ship in the system instead. Putting that small, mostly unimportant piece of information out of your mind for now, you turn your focus to the situation at hand. Far removed from the battle itself, you find yourself leaning over a holo-map of the conflict as it plays out. Mercifully the simulation is frozen so you have a few minutes to think before it kicks off at full speed again.
From an initial glance you can see that you've got reinforcements inbound from several vectors, and that your forces in the system are equally matched at current. The rebel assault had the initiative however, and your forces and ships are scrambling to recover. Nodding to yourself as you prepare to lead an orchestra of stellar death you reach for the command console, causing the simulation to unfreeze.
Following into action smoothly, you start rattling off orders and commands, watching the battlefield morph in reaction to them, as the Alliance forces begin to claw the advantage from the rebels. However, unexpectedly, you see that many of the minor advantages you win are quickly reverted, and even punished. Frowning as it continues to happen, you quickly realize that there is an enemy commander of skill no less than your own busy counter-acting your strategies.
Evaluating the incoming information for a moment, you see two potential opportunities to throw their plans into disarray, and consider both courses of action for a moment. The first chance you can see revolves around a reinforcement fleet coming in a fair distance from the battle, that you could easily use to surround and overwhelm the main rebel force with. The second is to focus on targeting their command ship directly, a tactic that they can't apply to you thanks to your hidden position.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Command Assault" "Academy_Class_Battlegroup3_Assault">>
<<playerFactSet "class_battlegroup3_assault" true>>
<<slink "Reinforcement Encirclement" "Academy_Class_Battlegroup3_Reinforce">>
<<playerFactSet "class_battlegroup3_reinforce" true>>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<saudio "bgm_combat1" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.25>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/events/orientation_training/battlegroup.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
The battle ends if the commander dies. A general rule for any battlefield throughout all of history. Continuing to focus your attention on the evolving situation of the battle and its skirmishes, you start detaching some unneeded ships to strike at the rebels command ship. While you wait for the new strike force to form up, you continue to skirmish with the opposing commander, pushing forces forward and retreating them while you both look for weaknesses in each other's tactics.
Before long however, you are able to peel your strike force off of the battle, their course quickly converging on the distant rebel command ship. Its escort ships react quickly, moving to intercept your strike force, but you already accounted for that. As the second wave of your strike force moves in, the pressure on the rebels command ship mounts, and for a brief moment, you can see the success of your actions, as all the Alliance forces across the board begin to gain ground.
Smiling to yourself as you watch your strike force push make the final approach towards the rebel command ship. Your taste of victory quickly turns sour however, as you receive a message on your console, the few words sending a chill down your spine.
<span class="npc1">"And here I was being polite and enjoying an honest battle. Very well, we'll play your way."</span>
A sudden blaring alarm yanks your attention away from everything else, and you watch as a devastating orbital strike rains down on your command center. At first, you think your bunker is capable of standing up to the barrage, but when you blink and find yourself back in real space you know that that was a vain hope.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "End simulation" "Academy_Class_Battlegroup3_End">>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<startplaylist "playlist_exploration_soft">>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/events/orientation_training/battlegroup.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
The rebel command ship is detached enough from the fight that your strike on it won't go unnoticed, and will draw needed ships from the active battlefield to do so. Deciding to stick with the more practical play, you shift the arrival course of your incoming cruiser reinforcements to a position that will allow for a faster encirclement when they arrive. You frown slightly as you see the rebel lines shift, almost in reaction to your adjustment but you put it out of your mind, focusing on the rest of the battle while you wait for the reinforcements to arrive.
The rebel commander and you continue the trend of taking and losing the advantage, and you find your irritation growing a significant amount as you come to the conclusion that the enemy commander is either letting you take the minor victories you are, or are actually making a large number of mistakes that you can capitalize on.
You put it out of your mind however as your reinforcements reach their arrival point, dropping out of hyperspace and beginning to flank the already embattled rebel ships. However the way the enemy lines shift in response to your strike prompts a sinking feeling deep within you, and as a layer of enemy ships peel off from their position where they were pretending to be bogged down, you realize you've fallen into an extremely well laid trap.
Warning alarms begin to flare and ring out, both on your console and the bunker you're housed in as you see the situation quickly spiral out of your grasp. Every time you try to regain control or counterattack, you fall deeper into the enemy's machinations. A console message draws your attention, the few words sending a chill down your spine.
<span class="npc1">"It's been fun, but unfortunately this is the extent of your skills. I'll be sending you back to the academy now."</span>
Freezing at the implication of the words, you don't hear the orbital bombardment strike that shatters your command bunker and returns you to real space, as promised.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "End simulation" "Academy_Class_Battlegroup3_End">>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<startplaylist "playlist_exploration_soft">>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/academy/classroom.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
The small room that you and the other battlegroup cadets inhabit is quiet and empty, telling you that you're the last to leave the simulation. Sitting and trying to order your thoughts, your mind flashes back to that message you were sent right before you lost the battle by being eliminated. Eva's voice is soft when she speaks, her words telling you that your suspicions are right.
<span class="eva">"Attempting to restore simulation integrity. Invasive simulation parameters deleted."</span> There's a long pause, before her voice returns, sounding crisp and clear like normal now.
<span class="eva">"The rebels must have left an edited VR program and backdoor access in the files. That wasn't the program or an AI battling you now. Its grasp on the situation was far too complete for it to be a training program."</span> She falls silent once more.
<span class="eva">"I recognize those tactics. Not just because they were used in that battle, but because even today, they're something that Alliance commanders have to contend with. I think you just tested your strategy and skill against the rebel commander."</span>
Her words don't help much, but they do give a sense of direction and focus to your anger. Your first defeat in the simulations comes at the hands of a rebel that has fought and killed Alliance ships before. Rising from your seat with a frown, you decide to get some fresh air, and leave the training hall behind you.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Leave" "Academy_Class">>
<<playerFactSet "class_battlegroup" 3>>
<<run starGame.player.setInteraction('class_attended')>>
<div class="card solid card-nav">
<div class="row">
<div class="card-body p-0">
<div class="row d-flex">
<<slink "Atrium" "Hub_Atrium" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "ti ti-door-exit" "">>
<<startplaylist "playlist_exploration_soft">>
/% Don't allow class past the afternoon %/
<<if starGame.time.getCurrentPeriod() > 2>>
<<if starGame.player.getFact('major') is 'fighters'>>
<<slink "Attend Fighter Training" "" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu disabled" "ti ti-clock" "">><</slink>>
<<elseif starGame.player.getFact('major') is 'cruisers'>>
<<slink "Attend Cruiser Training" "" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu disabled" "ti ti-clock" "">><</slink>>
<<slink "Attend Battlegroup Training" "" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu disabled" "ti ti-clock" "">><</slink>>
<<slink "Attend Supporting Class" "" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu disabled" "ti ti-clock" "">><</slink>>
<<if starGame.time.getCurrentPeriod() <= 2>>
/% Hack Event %/
<<if starGame.quests.isQuestTaskActive('story_campaign_act1', 'story_campaign_act1_hack_prelude') is true and starGame.quests.isQuestTaskActive('story_campaign_act1', 'story_campaign_act1_hack') is not true>>
<<slink "Attend Class Test" "Academy_Class_Act1_Hack1" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "ti ti-clock" "">><</slink>>
/% Fighters Major %/
<<if starGame.player.getFact('major') is 'fighters'>>
/% Fighters %/
<<if starGame.player.getFact('class_fighter') is undefined>>
<<slink "Attend Fighter Training" "Academy_Class_Fighter1" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "ti ti-clock" "">><</slink>>
<<elseif starGame.player.getFact('class_fighter') is 1>>
<<slink "Attend Fighter Training" "Academy_Class_Fighter2" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "ti ti-clock" "">><</slink>>
<<elseif starGame.player.getFact('class_fighter') is 2 and starGame.player.getFact('campaign_hack') is true>>
<<slink "Attend Fighter Training" "Academy_Class_Fighter3" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "ti ti-clock" "">><</slink>>
<<slink "Attend Fighter Training" "" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu disabled" "ti ti-clock" "">><</slink>>
/% Cruisers Major %/
<<if starGame.player.getFact('major') is 'cruisers'>>
/% Cruisers %/
<<if starGame.player.getFact('class_cruiser') is undefined>>
<<slink "Attend Cruiser Training" "Academy_Class_Cruiser1" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "ti ti-clock" "">><</slink>>
<<elseif starGame.player.getFact('class_cruiser') is 1>>
<<slink "Attend Cruiser Training" "Academy_Class_Cruiser2" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "ti ti-clock" "">><</slink>>
<<elseif starGame.player.getFact('class_cruiser') is 2 and starGame.player.getFact('campaign_hack') is true>>
<<slink "Attend Cruiser Training" "Academy_Class_Cruiser3" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "ti ti-clock" "">><</slink>>
<<slink "Attend Cruiser Training" "" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu disabled" "ti ti-clock" "">><</slink>>
/% Battlegroups %/
<<if starGame.player.getFact('major') is 'battlegroups'>>
<<if starGame.player.getFact('class_battlegroup') is undefined>>
<<slink "Attend Battlegroup Training" "Academy_Class_Battlegroup1" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "ti ti-clock" "">><</slink>>
<<elseif starGame.player.getFact('class_battlegroup') is 1>>
<<slink "Attend Battlegroup Training" "Academy_Class_Battlegroup2" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "ti ti-clock" "">><</slink>>
<<elseif starGame.player.getFact('class_battlegroup') is 2 and starGame.player.getFact('campaign_hack') is true>>
<<slink "Attend Battlegroup Training" "Academy_Class_Battlegroup3" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "ti ti-clock" "">><</slink>>
<<slink "Attend Battlegroup Training" "" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu disabled" "ti ti-clock" "">><</slink>>
/% Supporting Classes %/
<<slink "Attend Supporting Class" "" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "ti ti-clock" "">>
<<scene "Academy_Class_Supporting1">>
<<scene "Academy_Class_Supporting2">>
<<scene "Academy_Class_Supporting3">>
<<scene "Academy_Class_Supporting4">>
<<scene "Academy_Class_Supporting5">>
<<scene "Academy_Class_Supporting6">>
<<scene "Academy_Class_Supporting7">>
<div class="navigation-container">\
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/classroom.webp"/>
<<if starGame.player.hasInteraction('class_attended') is true and starGame.player.hasInteraction('class_zara') is not true>>
<<if starGame.time.getCurrentPeriod() < 3 and starGame.npcs.getFact('after_class_zara') is undefined or starGame.npcs.getFact('after_class_zara') < 3>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/zara/expressions/neutral_dress.webp"/>
<<if starGame.time.getCurrentPeriod() > 2>>\
When you get to the hall you see that it's locked, and the complete lack of life tells you that it won't be opening again today. Leaving the hall behind you, you trudge back to the atrium, knowing that there's nothing more to do here.
The hall is filled by the muted sound of life when you arrive, and as you glance around you can see that there's a fair few students present already. Not bothering yourself with any distractions for now, you head for the spot you had used repeatedly throughout orientation, and prep to begin the lecture.
Shortly after you begin, one of the Academy's many instructors takes the stage, the lights dimming and the projection behind them coming to life. With a cough they begin to break down the lessons contents.
<<if starGame.player.hasInteraction('class_attended') is true and starGame.player.hasInteraction('class_zara') is not true>>
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('after_class_zara') is undefined or starGame.npcs.getFact('after_class_zara') < 3>>
<p>As you're leaving the hall, you notice that Zara is sitting at a desk in the far corner. She hadn't been a part of the day's lecture, so you assume she's busy doing lesson prep for her own lectures. She must have sensed you watching her, because she looks up and spots you.</p>
<<box "choicebox">>
<<if starGame.player.hasInteraction('class_attended') is true and starGame.player.hasInteraction('class_zara') is not true>>
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('after_class_zara') is undefined or starGame.npcs.getFact('after_class_zara') < 3>>
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('after_class_zara') == 2>>
/% Special case. Event 3 only happens if you have experienced the hack, then normal interactions resume. %/
<<if starGame.player.getFact('campaign_hack') is true>>
<<slink "Approach Zara" "Academy_Class_Zara3">><</slink>>
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('after_class_zara') is undefined>>
<<slink "Approach Zara" "Academy_Class_Zara1">><</slink>>
<<elseif starGame.npcs.getFact('after_class_zara') is 1>>
<<slink "Approach Zara" "Academy_Class_Zara2">><</slink>>
</div>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/events/act1_class/anon.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
As the VR scape forms around you, you find yourself seated at a desk in a replica of the orientation hall, all by yourself. The simulation is frozen as usual, and you glance around, looking for Eva but not finding her. A frown settles over your face, the simulation setting off alarms in your head for some reason. As you're about to try and call Zara or one of the other instructors for advice, you hear a strange, distorted voice.
<span class="anon">"There's someone in the program."</span> You glance around, trying to find the source of the voice, when it continues to speak. <span class="anon">"Focus on the data and records. I'll deal with the intruder."</span> The voice is closer this time, and now you realize that it's a deep gravelly voice, not distortion that you're hearing. A dark figure steps into view, their featureless face meeting yours. Distantly you hear Zara speaking to Eva, your attention fully captured by the unknown entity in front of you.
<span class="zara">"Something's wrong. We need to pull them out of the sim now."</span>
<span class="eva">"That will prevent us from tracing the intrusion. Our only connection to it is the link being maintained by Cadet $character_lastName."</span>
<span class="zara">"It's not safe for them to stay! Every moment we waste is another moment that they are exposed and in danger."</span>
You shake your head, trying to make sense of the situation as the gravelly voice speaks once more. <span class="anon">"That's enough of that."</span> A motion of their hand and Eva and Zara's voices cut out abruptly, the ensuing silence feeling all consuming as you stare back at the figure.
<span class="anon">"This is a pleasant surprise."</span> It says, its words oozing menace as it makes another gesture, a personal file appearing in its hand. Flipping through it, it keeps talking as it reads. You try to stand, only to find yourself paralyzed, unable to move.
<span class="anon">"Lets see here. Admiral $character_lastName's eldest child. Currently enrolled at Starwatch Academy in the <<print starGame.player.getFact('major')>> courses. Promising results, and clear natural talent."</span> It closes the file, it's attention focused on you once more. <span class="anon">"In short. An unwelcome variable."</span> As a knife appears in its hands, you feel your dread and panic rising, the figure slowly stalking towards you while you remain paralyzed, desperately trying to move, to escape, fight, scream, anything.
Your body remains still however, and you can only watch as the dark entity reaches you, gently placing the knife against your throat. <span class="anon">"I'll be seeing you soon."</span> It says in a cruel, rasping whisper as the VR scape dissolves and fades, returning you to real space.
Your entire body recoils away from the sudden sensation of touch, and as you realize that it's Zara standing over you, you try to relax, the sensation of dread slowly fading as you look around you. You're back in the orientation hall, but the other cadets are here, most of them locked into their VR sims, or preparing to be. Whatever that was, it seems like you were its only witness. You slowly realize Zara is talking to you, trying to get your attention, and as you focus on her once more, you realize she's asking you what happened.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Academy_Class_Act1_Hack2">><</slink>>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<saudio "bgm_rebel_idle" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.5>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/academy/classroom.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
You collect yourself, running through the situation that just happened in VR. Slowly you tell her what happened, starting with the words that you first heard, before telling her about the dark figure that took a knife to your neck. Her brow creases in concern, and you can detect a hint of anger in her usually warm eyes. You jump slightly when Eva speaks suddenly, her voice also clearly concerned.
<span class="eva">"My attempts to trace the intrusion have revealed that the hack originates from outside of Alliance borders. The intruders were able to take advantage of a left over backdoor in the simulation code. From my initial sweep, it seems that their objective was to copy or edit the training simulations that the cadets use. Thanks to Cadet $character_lastName, they were unable to edit any existing programs, but I believe they've successfully managed to extract a large portion of data regardless. Including personal files."</span>
That would explain how they were able to know about you in depth so quickly. A shiver runs down your spine as you realize the implications of the hack originating from beyond Alliance borders. At best, the rebels have insights into Starwatch training and personnel, and at worst, an unknown force does. You grimace, but before you can start to worry about it too much more, Zara cuts in, speaking softly.
<span class="zara">"A security breach of this level is something that needs to be kept quiet. The panic it could cause would only mask our attempts to find any involved parties."</span> Her words are quiet, but they feel incredibly loud to you, as you realize the implication hidden in them. You nod quickly, wondering if she's just guessing about there being a potential mole in Starwatch, or if she's accidentally told you more than you should know. She gives you a quick smile.
<span class="zara">"We'll have to talk about that at a later date,"</span> having seemingly read your mind, <span class="zara">"for now, get some rest, don't talk about this to anyone, and wait for the command board to make a statement."</span> She pats your shoulder gently, before returning to her desk, a careful smile masking her thoughts and concerns. You decide that you're not really feeling up to attending class right now, and as you walk out of the orientation hall, you feel a chill run down your spine as you remember the feeling of that cold knife against your skin.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "End Session" "Academy_Class">>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<startplaylist "playlist_exploration_soft">>
<<playerFactSet "campaign_hack" true>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/academy/classroom.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
The VR space around you reforms, replaced by the vast plains of a seemingly endless desert. As the rest of the class materializes, you see the instructor waiting for you on a stone raised slightly from the sand. As you struggle to take the few steps towards him, your feet sink into the soft sand, and you hear a few cadets fall over behind you.
Once you arrive, you're surprised to find yourself breathing hard, the short trip taxing on your body. The instructor waits a few minutes for the rest of the cadets to reach him before he speaks. Already immersed in the VR scape, you are quickly drawn into the lesson as he explains the key steps humans need to take on a desert world, from shelter to resources and more. As he speaks, you see the sky darkening far behind him, as a massive sand storm builds. A few other cadets start to panic, noticing the rapidly approaching storm, while the instructor pointedly ignores them, continuing to stress the importance of being able to think calmly and rationally under duress.
As the storm breaks over you and your classmates, you can feel the stinging winds on your exposed skin, and you realize that the instructor has been heavily wrapped in multiple layers of protection, despite the merciless sun. Covering your face with part of your uniform you are about to move and look for cover when the storm suddenly abates, and a freezing chill strikes you. The instructor smiles at the class, before continuing his lecture of survival in extremes, this time talking about how to survive a frozen world, and as you look around over the new surroundings of the new VR scape you realize that you're standing in the midst of an unending ice plain, with no shelter in sight.
The lesson continues for another short while, the lecturer drilling in the important steps to take to survive while you try to stay focused, the piercing cold biting at your attention span. Out of the corner of your eye you see one of the cadets start to fall over, when the simulation comes to a sudden end. Finding yourself in real space once more, you are dismissed by the instructor with a smile.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "End Session" "Academy_Class">>
<<run starGame.player.setInteraction('class_attended')>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/academy/classroom.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
The VR space around you reforms, and you find yourself in the smoking ruins of a shattered city. As the rest of the class materializes, you realize the instructor is sitting nearby, nearly perfectly camouflaged with his surroundings. Gathering up in a neat circle around him, your lesson quickly begins with him explaining how the city has been reduced to the state it's in. A byproduct of an orbital battle with no attention paid to trajectories of missed shots.
From there the lecturer segues into a series of scenarios from that premise, all focused on how to take shelter and survive such an event. Distant booms roar as further impacts rain down on the city and its surroundings. Despite that, the lecturer has your full attention, clearly well practiced and used to the situation, easily controlling the pace and flow of the lesson, their emphatic points reinforced by the pounding of uncaring shells raining down around you.
Eventually the lecturer starts to wrap up the lesson, and the simulation flickers, slowly returning you to realspace. Almost instantly you realize that you can smell the purified air, the ruined cities dust having been so invasive that you can still taste the lingering echoes of it in your mouth.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "End Session" "Academy_Class">>
<<run starGame.player.setInteraction('class_attended')>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/academy/classroom.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
The VR scape that forms around you is the dark void of space, and as you wonder if something has gone wrong, the disembodied voice of the lecturer coming to you through your suits internal speakers. As the rest of your class materializes, the lecturer explains that one of the main roles of a Starwatch graduate is that of a scout, and pathfinder.
Despite the endless void of space around you, you feel oddly comfortable, similar to how you feel when returning to your room. As the lecturer speaks about how officers of Starwatch survey systems and scout the planets for life and resources, the empty star scape around you slowly populates, emulating the slow discovery of a solar system as you watch. First the star, then its orbiting planets and asteroid clouds, and then the surfaces of the planets. You watch the dawn of morning while standing on a planet that no other human has tread on before, and you are suddenly certain about one thing.
Even though your father made the decision to send you to Starwatch without consulting you, this is what you're meant to do. To explore and discover, treading where none have before. Lost in the thought of what you might one day find out in the black, you are almost taken off guard when the class comes to an end, returning you to real space.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "End Session" "Academy_Class">>
<<run starGame.player.setInteraction('class_attended')>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/academy/classroom.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
The VR scape around you quickly settles to match that of a forest, and as you glance around you can see that it's only a small part of the simulation, with many other environments scattered around the space near you. The lecturer steps out from behind a tree trunk, prompting a squeal of surprise from one of the nearby cadets, and with a laugh they begin the class.
Unlike most of the other classes this one is a practical one, with the instructor guiding you and your classmates through the surrounding environments and teaching you how to spot if something has passed through recently, how to hide your own tracks, and how to detect traps of various kinds.
The lesson is interesting, and as you try the different techniques out under the instructor's guidance, you quickly lose track of time. Soon you find the simulation around you flickering, returning you to realspace as the lesson ends. A smile from the instructor accompanies a dismissal, and you thank them for the lesson.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "End Session" "Academy_Class">>
<<run starGame.player.setInteraction('class_attended')>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/academy/classroom.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
The VR scape around you quickly reforms into a large ship, capable of holding the entire class in its viewing deck. The instructor is here as well, and as the ship begins its slow countdown to hyperlane jump, they start explaining the nuances of hyperlanes. Explaining how they are found, and how the Alliance has learnt to create hyperlanes of its own to supplement the naturally formed ones scattered throughout the galaxy.
Once the countdown finishes, the ship jumps to hyperspace quickly, and you're granted a front row seat to the view of a hyperspace as the ship glides through it. Out of the corner of your eye you see other ships in hyperspace with you, but when you turn to look at them directly, they fade away in a ghostly manner. The instructor smiles, talking about how technically multiple ships can use a hyperlane at once, but hyperspace thus far has been disconnected, and all you'll ever see are echoes of ships that have passed through a lane before.
The lesson, despite its interesting content, is otherwise quite boring, with many technical terms and long winded explanations detracting from the exciting concept of ghost ships in hyperspace. When you return to realspace you let out a subtle sigh of relief, thanking the powers that be for freeing you from the tedious lesson.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "End Session" "Academy_Class">>
<<run starGame.player.setInteraction('class_attended')>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/academy/classroom.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
Finding yourself standing in the bridge of one of the Alliance's supercarriers you are surprised to see that the ship is already in hyperspace. As you watch and listen, waiting for the instructor to conduct the class, you realize that the crew in the bridge are preparing for combat, and as you watch, you see swarms of fighters and lighter ships being discharged from the supercarrier, despite still being in hyperspace. You watch in awe as the supercarrier's main hanger slowly opens, a pair of fully armed destroyers rising from within.
Shortly after all the support ships have been deployed, the end of the hyperspace lane starts to form, and the small fleet returns to normal space with an explosive bang. Suddenly the sound of combat can be heard, and you watch as the various support ships that were deployed engage waiting hostiles. Multiple direct hits are scored, and you grimace as one of the destroyers is cored, the resulting shockwave rocking the ship you're on. The simulation flickers, pausing as the instructor speaks for the first time in this lesson.
Explaining the advantages and disadvantages of hyperlane travel from a military standpoint, you have to admit that the catastrophic transit scene was an effective lesson, enforcing the point before it was even proposed. As the lesson ends and you return to realspace, you make a mental note to look up if that scene is based on a real event or not.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "End Session" "Academy_Class">>
<<run starGame.player.setInteraction('class_attended')>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/academy/classroom.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
The VR scape flickers, and you find yourself alone in a dense jungle, with nothing but the sound of animal life surrounding you. Slowly, text scrolls over the HUD in your helmet, informing you on the correct procedures to follow to maximize your chances of survival in this situation.
Following the instructions adeptly, you scale a nearby tree, looking for landmarks and other vantage points around you when you reach the top. Seeing a mountain ridge peaking through the nearby treeline, you set out for it, trekking carefully through the undergrowth towards your goal, a marker on your HUD helping you orient yourself.
It feels like hours have passed when you reach the summit, and as your HUD displays the next step to survival, you see that you need to call for help. Unfortunately, you are warned that to generate enough power to reach the alliance with the distress call, you will be depleting most of your power cores battery, potentially leaving yourself vulnerable to the elements and nature as well.
Deciding to deal with things as they come, you activate the distress call, and the simulation promptly ends, returning you to real space as the instructor starts to speak, stressing the importance of having already made provision for draining your power core to call for help, as well as making preparations fast enough to prevent draining your power core before you're ready to make the call. After making sure their words are driven home, they dismiss you and the rest of the calls with a somber smile.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "End Session" "Academy_Class">>
<<run starGame.player.setInteraction('class_attended')>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/classroom.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/zara/expressions/happy_dress.webp"/>
Deciding to see what Zara wants, you allow her to summon you, approaching the instructor with a cautious smile. A glance at the desk in front of her tells you that you were right and she is in fact doing lesson prep. Curious about why she wants you, you start to ask, and she gives you a knowing smile in return.
Telling you that she needs to quickly take care of some personal matters, she asks you to help her finish sorting the reports on the desk while she's gone, and to make sure that no one adds or removes anything from the pile. You're about to decline, being fairly busy yourself, when you see the desperation in her pleading eyes, and sighing softly, you agree to help out.
Zara lets out a small squeal of happiness, before rushing off, not quite running, but not quite walking either. You can't help but wonder what's so important that the normally elegant instructor is rushing for, but you decide to get to work, neatly stacking and sorting the reports about different cadets vr practice and the suggested adjustments to the programs to ensure a steady and continual rate of growth.
You lose yourself in the repetitive work, and are caught off guard when Zara returns, touching you gently on the shoulder to get your attention. The small jumpscare nearly has you throw a report into the air, but you just barely manage to hold on, and despite your embarrassment as Zara laughs, you hand over the work to her. Reassuring her that no one messed with the files while she was gone, you excuse yourself, quickly retreating from the hall before she can rope you into more work.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Academy_Class">>
<<run starGame.player.setInteraction('class_zara')>>
<<npcFactSet "after_class_zara" 1>>
<<if starGame.npcs.getStat('zara_affinity') < 25>>
<<npcStatIncrease "zara_affinity" 1>>
<<snotify "info">>Zara appreciated your help.<</snotify>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/classroom.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/zara/expressions/happy_dress.webp"/>
Zara smiles as you draw near, and vacates her seat for you. You hide a sigh as you realize that she needs you to watch her desk once more, and as you take a seat she gives you a warm smile before leaving you alone again. Out of curiosity, you glance through the desk and realize you have no idea what she doesn't want Cadets to see today, the files and documents here being copies of files that the cadets already have.
As you lean back, wondering what she's planning this time, you see her coming back already, a second chair in hand. You raise an eyebrow at this before she pulls it up alongside you, and flashes you another smile.
<span class="zara">"I've done my work already today, but I don't want the faculty to think I'm slacking. So we'll just have a short teacher-student consulting session instead."</span> She says with a grin, and you know that it's just an excuse to pass the time in conversation instead.
Realizing that she must be somewhat lonely, being the only one of her kind at the academy, you decide to humor her, and quickly fall into a conversation about her time here at the academy once more. Time passes quickly however, and before long she tells you that she needs to get back to work, a regretful smile accompanying the words.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Academy_Class">>
<<run starGame.player.setInteraction('class_zara')>>
<<npcFactSet "after_class_zara" 2>>
<<if starGame.npcs.getStat('zara_affinity') < 25>>
<<npcStatIncrease "zara_affinity" 1>>
<<snotify "info">>Zara appreciated your help.<</snotify>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/classroom.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/zara/expressions/neutral_dress.webp"/>
Noticing your arrival, Zara quickly approaches you, clear concern on her face, even though her eyes are relaxed.Glancing around to confirm that there's no one close enough to hear what she's going to say, she starts speaking in a soft tone.
<span class="zara">"Command has already identified the initial breach point. So you can rest assured that it won't happen again."</span> She gives you a smile.
<span class="zara">"That said, how are you holding up?"</span> Her eyes never left yours, and while she waits for your response, you run through all the events that happened, and the way it made you feel mentally. Despite everything, you're surprised to find that perhaps the clearest of your confused emotions is a vague sense of underlying anger.
From the way Zara's eyes glow in response to your emotion, you know that you don't need to say anything, and as a dark smile settles onto her face, you feel that same anger, mirrored and reflected back at you.
Stepping back out of surprise, the intense emotion quickly fades, and as you shake your head clear, you find yourself suddenly short of breath. Zara's expression is more neutral now than it was moments ago, and if not for the memory of that deep, consuming rage, you'd think you'd imagined it all. You can tell that she's not going to mention it, and as you stand before her uncertainty, she glances over your shoulder.
<span class="zara">"For now, I think we should get back to regular programming. Stay safe alright?"</span> Her words are kind, but there's something lurking beneath them that feels like a knife sliding across the skin.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Academy_Class">>
<<run starGame.player.setInteraction('class_zara')>>
<<npcFactSet "after_class_zara" 3>>
<<if starGame.npcs.getStat('zara_affinity') < 25>>
<<npcStatIncrease "zara_affinity" 1>>
<<snotify "info">>Zara appreciated spending time with you.<</snotify>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/events/orientation_training/cruiser.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
As the star scape forms around you, you find yourself seated in your usual seat at the helm of your ship. The crew is already moving around, coordinating their effects quietly as Eva waits nearby for you to tell her you're ready for briefing. Aware that the active simulation means you can use it to gather information yourself, you take your time examining the bridge, listening to the conversations of your crew. While it doesn't reveal what your mission might be, you are now aware that your cruiser is alone in enemy space, and that there is no support on its way.
Turning to Eva, you give her a nod, indicating that you're ready for the briefing. She gives you a smile before freezing the simulation to speak. Striding around your helm, she starts to speak.
<span class="eva">"Your cruiser is alone, following a shift in active battlefields. Isolated from supply and support, you are given operational freedom, and will determine whether or not to maintain your presence in the system, or retreat to a less hostile one. Don't rush into the decision."</span> Eva gives you a smile, and the simulation begins to flow again.
As you start going through your terminals and displays, you start to draw a picture about the system you're in. Intelligence reported that it was a vital rebel system, leading to a battlegroup being tasked for it, however at the last stages of deployment, a rebel fleet laid siege to a nearby system, leading to the battlegroup being reassigned. Your cruiser was still deployed, but it's mission objective was changed from force control to recon.
As you skim the readings a bit more, you see that the Intelligence reports are either off, or outdated, as the Rebel presence in the system is far lower than predicted. There's also the potential for the rebel forces that were reported to have been the same ones that are leading the siege on the other system. As you rub your chin, deep in thought you realize that your crew is watching you, waiting for instructions.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Beachhead" "Academy_Class_Cruiser1_Beachhead">><<playerFactSet "class_cruiser1_beachhead" true>><</slink>>
<<slink "Regroup" "Academy_Class_Cruiser1_Regroup">><<playerFactSet "class_cruiser1_regroup" true>><</slink>>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<saudio "bgm_combat1" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.25>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/events/orientation_training/cruiser.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
Deciding that the weakened system is perfect for your interference you quickly issue orders to your crew, giving them vectors of approach to watch and drilling them on what kind of action you expect to have. Slowly your ship begins to move, gliding through the void like a wolf stalking its prey. You double check the readings, confirming that your target, a singular rebel carrier, is still the only significant force in the system.
You mentally thank the powers that be that they hadn't detected you, probably due to the sheer distance between you and them and all the excitement caused by their shielding fleet being redeployed elsewhere. As you slowly stalk your prey, you hear your crew call out various ready checks and operational figures, and as you take them in absently, you find yourself already becoming accustomed to adjusting the ships course and orders on the fly, counteracting the effects of deep space and distance on your firing lines and movement.
As you enter effective range, you hear a warning tone as the rebels' sensors detect and lock on to you. You can see the carrier start to scramble its complement of fighters and bombers, but your main guns are already firing, the shells roaring through space and tearing deep gouges into its armor. A distant explosion tells you that at least one of your shells scored a direct hit on a reactor or munitions store, and as your crew maintains its aggressive stance you see more hits result in detonations, before a series of secondary detonations runs along the length of the carrier, effectively tearing it in two, and the VR scape begins to slow down and freeze.
As you return to real space, you take a few moments to review the incredibly long ranged combat in your head, the last sequence of orders still fresh in your mind. Realizing you could have streamlined them a bit, you make a mental note to improve your orders next time.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "End simulation" "Academy_Class">>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<playerFactSet "class_cruiser" 1>>
<<startplaylist "playlist_exploration_soft">>
<<run starGame.player.setInteraction('class_attended')>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/events/orientation_training/cruiser.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
Aware that the weakened system is ripe for the taking, you decide that the correct move is linking up with the rest of Alliance forces in one of the nearby systems. As you give your orders and the crew comes to life, carrying out your will, you watch the sensor readouts, a watchful eye on the distant signature of the rebels carrier. You suppose you should be grateful that you are out of its range, and it hasn't detected you yet, but you also know that it's no threat to you alone, without its supporting fleet.
As your crew calculates and initiates a slipspace jump, you watch the carrier slowly become aware of the energy fluctuations your cruiser is giving off, and as it begins to lock onto you, your ship glides into the generated portal, making the transit to the next system easily and without event. As you return to normal space, you notice a battle raging in the distance, and as the information floods in, you grin to yourself.
The rebel and alliance fleets are locked in a stalemate of a battle, neither side gaining a definitive edge yet. Realizing that you've got a unique position to interfere, having arrived behind the rebels battle lines, you give your orders quickly, singling out the rebel command ship and beginning your surprise attack.
As your crew talks amongst themselves, carrying out your orders, you keep an eye on the course of the nearby battle, your arrival still unnoticed by either side. As your ship goes into sensor stealth, you feel your breathing slow down, your entire being begging for no one to look out a window and see your ship gliding up quietly. Entering effective range, your crew looks to you for orders, and you indicate for them to wait longer, choosing for your ship to get as close as possible to the rebel command ship before firing on it. Reaching the point of no return, you give a quiet order, your entire crew bursting into action at once, the road of your weapons sending vibrations through the hull of your ship. You smile as you see the enemy fleet panic, the unexpected attack catching them off guard, and as your main gun tears through the defenses of the rebel command ship, one of your officers calls out a successful kill.
Watching as the rebels falter, leaderless, the Alliance fleet pushing its sudden advantage hard, you are treated to the sight of the rebel fleet quickly being overwhelmed, with what survivors it has escaping into slipspace hurriedly. The VR scape dissolves, returning you to reality, your victory and daring attack fresh in your mind.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "End simulation" "Academy_Class">>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<playerFactSet "class_cruiser" 1>>
<<startplaylist "playlist_exploration_soft">>
<<run starGame.player.setInteraction('class_attended')>>
<<if starGame.player.getFact('class_cruiser1_beachhead') is true>>
<<include Academy_Class_Cruiser2a>>
<<include Academy_Class_Cruiser2b>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/events/orientation_training/cruiser.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
As the star scape forms around you, you find yourself seated at the helm of your cruiser once more. The simulation is frozen as usual, and you glance around, seeing Eva leaning casually on a terminal nearby. A glance at the frozen scanners tells you that your ship isn't in immediate danger, but that you are not as alone in the system as you'd like. Eva see's where your eyes go, and gives you a knowing smile.
<span class="eva">"As a result of your capture of the system, you are tasked with holding it, long enough for Alliance support to arrive. Fortunately, your strike was unexpected, and the Rebel forces you can expect opposition from are disjointed and uninformed about the situation. Additionally, the Alliance reinforcements are expected to arrive in just under three hours from when the simulation resumes. Questions?"</span>
Waving her off, you smile, examining the star maps again. You know on a surface level that if the Alliance is sending support, all you need to do is survive until they arrive, regardless of whether that involves combat or not. As you scan the maps you come up with two plans of action, knowing that your choice will determine the fate of all crew on your ship, as well as affect the lives of the Alliance ships coming to support you.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Stealth" "Academy_Class_Cruiser2a_Stealth">><<playerFactSet "class_cruiser2a_stealth" true>><</slink>>
<<slink "Battle" "Academy_Class_Cruiser2a_Battle">><<playerFactSet "class_cruiser2a_battle" true>><</slink>>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<saudio "bgm_combat1" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.25>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/events/orientation_training/cruiser.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
Giving your orders quickly, the bridge crew bursts to life as they put your ship into silent running. Your plan is simple, you'll simply drop below the stellar plane, using your ship's silent running to give you as much of a head start as possible. From there, you'll move away from any points of interest the rebels might check out, and wait for the Alliance support to arrive. You know that your cruiser is only rated for two hours of silent running, so you'll hopefully be far enough below the stellar plane that you won't be detected when you need to allow the ship to cool down.
Your ship slowly slinks off, the various unneeded systems switching off as it goes, your crew performing their orders dutifully. Time passes slowly, your eyes flicking between passive scanners and time readouts, hoping that your ship will remain undetected, your plan working for the moment. Unable to know if you've been detected or not until the rebels fire, you still feel the tension rising, you and your crew aware that you're effectively blind and in the dark.
Regardless, nothing happens for quite a while, until you begin to approach the two hour mark, needing to exit silent running before your ship overheats. As your ships functions come online, you let out a sigh of relief. The rebel ships are far from you, and even if you start to move towards them now, they won't reach you before support arrives. Giving the order to slowly approach the target, preparing for eventual combat, you notice the simulation beginning to freeze, and you smile to yourself.
As you are returned to reality, you can't help but wonder if you did the right thing, knowing that the battle didn't play out in the simulation, as you achieved your goal of surviving until support arrives. Shrugging, you decide to worry about it later.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "End simulation" "Academy_Class">>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<playerFactSet "class_cruiser" 2>>
<<startplaylist "playlist_exploration_soft">>
<<run starGame.player.setInteraction('class_attended')>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/events/orientation_training/cruiser.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
Deciding that your ship and crew are up to the challenge, you give the order to prepare for battle. You'll be relying on your cruiser's technological superiority, and superior firepower to overcome the odds, and as you settle into your command chair your crew bursts into life. There's a nervous energy that fills the deck as they prepare for a life and death battle.
You watch as you slowly draw near to your chosen battlefield, a length of space away from any inhabited planets or stations. The last thing you want is a missed round to turn a city into a crater by accident. One of your officers calls out that the first enemy ship is approaching, and as you look at your scanner suite, you notice that you're slightly outclassed on the weight scale as a rebel heavy cruiser starts to approach.
Issuing a new set of orders, you hear the hum of your main gun charging, before it fires, laying a magnetically accelerated shell right in the path of the approaching enemy ship. Long moments pass without anything happening, and as you're about to call for a second shot to be fired, the enemy cruiser suddenly changes course, causing the incoming shot to harmlessly glance off its armor. Frowning, you instruct your crew to maintain fire, hoping that the rebel sensors won't be able to pick up each of the incoming shells, allowing at least one to score a long range hit before the combat begins in earnest.
One of your other officers calls out a warning that the other rebel ships are slowly approaching, and you feel the pressure build. Luckily one of your shots connects with the incoming heavy cruiser, the resulting damage not enough to cripple the ship, but serving as a firm reminder that your weapons far outrange theirs. The next few hours pass in a tense game of tag, with your crew doing their best to maintain their distance from the incoming rebel ships, while using the superior range of your main guns to prevent them from simply closing in on you. You feel your throat getting hoarse, when suddenly the simulation slows down, beginning to freeze. A quick glance at the scanners tell you that the Alliance reinforcements have arrived, swiftly moving to devour the rebel ships that were focused on you.
As you return to reality, you can't help but feel a sense of relief wash over you. You had expected an opportunity to join in battle with the rebels, but their coordination was too good for you to find a real opportunity this time.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "End simulation" "Academy_Class">>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<playerFactSet "class_cruiser" 2>>
<<startplaylist "playlist_exploration_soft">>
<<run starGame.player.setInteraction('class_attended')>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/events/orientation_training/cruiser.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
As the star scape forms around you, you find yourself looking at your cruiser from where it rests in drydock. Eva is spinning idly in a nearby chair on the deck, and your crew is relaxed, talking and passing the time as they wait for the refueling and repairs to be finished. Turning to Eva to begin your briefing, you smile at her, waiting for her start.
<span class="eva">"It's somewhat of a free pass for a lesson today."</span> She says with a smile, noticing your gaze on her. <span class="eva">"You've relinked with Alliance forces, and the battlegroup is currently untasked, following a successful defense of the system. As an independent cruiser captain, you can decide your own next course of action, with High Command having outlined two viable options for you to take."</span>
She slides two dossiers over, and as you glance through them you can basically see that your choices can be defined as Scout an enemy system or Patrol a friendly system. You weigh up the options for a short while, aware that you have to choose one. Your crew grows silent, turning to watch you while they wait for instruction. Nodding to yourself, you weigh the options for a moment longer.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Scout" "Academy_Class_Cruiser2b_Scout">><<playerFactSet "class_cruiser2b_scout" true>><</slink>>
<<slink "Patrol" "Academy_Class_Cruiser2b_Patrol">><<playerFactSet "class_cruiser2b_patrol" true>><</slink>>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<saudio "bgm_combat1" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.25>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/events/orientation_training/cruiser.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
Deciding that remaining passive only gives the rebels more chances to deal a decisive blow, you opt for scouting one of the nearby systems, and as you tell your crew they quickly burst into motion, busy making the adjustments and changes needed for a long range scouting mission. You lean back, waiting for the crew to do their job and tell you when they're ready to jump. In the meantime, you have the navigators lead your ship to a jump point, slowly beginning the process of generating a slipspace jump.
As the countdown finishes and your crew reports that they're ready for the mission, you nod. As the slipspace portal opens, your ship glides through it silently, the journey through ghost space uneventful and fast. Returning to normal space in the neighboring system, you call for location and threat reports, and as the crew returns that your ship is safe and unnoticed so far, you nod.
Giving the command for long range scouting to begin, you lean back into your command chair, watching your crew work like the experts they are. You spend the next few hours merely overseeing your crew, allowing them to carry out your orders and with no sudden changes requiring your input, you can't help but feel relieved at how smoothly this is going for once. A few pings from your rader indicate that there is a sizable rebel presence here, but they're tending their wounds after a disastrous attack on another system, and seem to be either ignoring your presence, or entirely unaware of it.
As you continue to scan the system and get a read on the strength level of the rebel forces present, you can feel VR scape freeze around you, your objective completing itself and returning you to reality once more. It was not as exciting and eventful as some of the missions you've had so far, but it no doubt is more of the norm for the average captain.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "End simulation" "Academy_Class">>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<playerFactSet "class_cruiser" 2>>
<<startplaylist "playlist_exploration_soft">>
<<run starGame.player.setInteraction('class_attended')>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/events/orientation_training/cruiser.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
As you explain to your crew how you'll be patrolling the system, and looking for any rebel stragglers, you mentally resign yourself to a slow mission, knowing that the odds of any resistance remaining is very low. Your crew conversely cheers up, their usual quiet professionalism tempered with happiness and cheer, as they quietly do their work while talking idly with each other.
You allow them this leisure and relaxation, knowing that they've earned it across the past few missions. Leaning back yourself, you keep a lazy eye on the readouts, just for in case of an ambush. Regardless, you find yourself enjoying the sound of your crew around you, and as you allow the situation to wash over you, you realize that this is how you would spend most of your active time. Determined to enjoy it and grow used to it, you spend your time learning about your ship as it patrols, knowing that this is a rare opportunity to get to know it before having to do it in reality.
You lose track of time to a degree, and are caught off guard by the VR scape freezing as it returns you to reality. A strange sense of loss washes over you, quickly replaced by your realization that you had started to grow attached to your vr crew over the past few hours in the simulation. Shaking your mind free of the cobwebs, you end the simulation.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "End simulation" "Academy_Class">>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<playerFactSet "class_cruiser" 2>>
<<startplaylist "playlist_exploration_soft">>
<<run starGame.player.setInteraction('class_attended')>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/other/space.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
As the VR scape forms around you, you notice that the simulation doesn't start frozen. It's not the first time that this has happened, but something feels off this time. Glancing around, trying to figure out what it is, you slowly realize that it's probably because you've materialized in the void of space.
From your unique perspective here, you examine your surroundings, taking in the sweeping vista of space and the heated battle that's already playing out here as you watch.
Eva's disembodied voice reaches you, a hint of confusion in her words. <span class="eva">"How did… That's strange, I'll fix that for you quickly."</span>
As the VR scape around you freezes and whirls, you realize from the temporarily frozen battle that you're watching one of the earliest battles between the Alliance and Rebels, and to your knowledge, the only one where the Rebels were in a position to win throughout the entire conflict. Your memory hazily tells you that the Alliance won this battle through a herculean effort and countless sacrifices.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Academy_Class_Cruiser3_Intro">><</slink>>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<saudio "bgm_rebel_idle" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.25>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/events/orientation_training/cruiser.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
Your cruiser materializes around you, the simulation frozen as you quickly take in the situation. Your cruiser is one of the reinforcing ships enroute to the battle, and as such is currently in witch space alongside several other reinforcement cruisers.
Frowning down at your console, you run through the information available on it, and as the simulation returns to life, you see that your ship will be returning to real space in a matter of minutes. Mentally preparing yourself for a hot drop into battle, you rattle off a few commands to your crew when a warning starts to blare from the console.
An uneasy feeling grows in your core as you see the interdiction warning flash on the screen, and as you bark orders to prepare for contact, you see the space around you suddenly flash back to normal. In the far distant, far outside of your ships reach, the distant battle you had witnessed earlier rages.
Your attention can't linger on that, however, as the rebel forces that interdicted you are already approaching, their weapons firing relentlessly as your cruiser and the rest of the reinforcement ships take evasive movements and return fire. A flash of green energy arcs through your field of vision before connecting with one of the escorting destroyers near your ship.
Watching as the destroyer practically collapses in on itself as the plasma tears clean through it, you freeze in awe and surprise. Nothing you had ever been taught indicated that the rebels had ever used or even had plasma weaponry. Your adrenaline kicks in as you realize that your ship is a sitting duck against that kind of firepower, and as you begin adjusting the orders you've given, you scan the radar, pausing as you see how badly the situation is unfolding around you.
Two of the rebel destroyers are on a direct course for you, preventing you from regrouping with the rest of the reinforcements, while the radar is also showing you a ghost of a much larger ship, presumably the one that fired the plasma earlier.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Regroup" "Academy_Class_Cruiser3_Regroup">>
<<playerFactSet "class_cruiser3_regroup" true>>
<<slink "Flank" "Academy_Class_Cruiser3_Flank">>
<<playerFactSet "class_cruiser3_flank" true>>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<saudio "bgm_combat1" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.25>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/events/orientation_training/cruiser.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
Looking at the way the field is stacked, you know that your best chance for survival and victory is for the harassed reinforcement fleet to regroup and fight back properly.
The two destroyers meant to keep you isolated aren't the match of your cruiser in a direct confrontation, and you feel that if you are able to break the encirclement now while it's still forming you'd be able to lead the rest of the scattered fleet to regroup even faster.
Adjusting your orders accordingly, you watch as your cruiser begins its careful approach and releases barrage after barrage towards the incoming wolfpack. Something feels wrong as they back off before your onslaught, but you're committed now, and as your cruiser surges forward, cleaving through the forming encirclement, you feel a rush of triumph course through you.
Your feeling had been right, and the risky move had paid off for you. Watching the radar, you can see the rest of the reinforcement fleet following your example, linking up with their nearest allies before expanding outward, superior Alliance technology overcoming the rebel's initiative and advantage.
A sudden flash of green fire leaves the bridge silent however, hope and the taste of victory replaced with cutting despair and fear. You are forced to helplessly watch as the plasma from the enemy capital ship scythes through your cruiser and into the void of space beyond it.
Realizing the crew is waiting for direction, you begin to call for emergency measures, when the terminal beeps once more, a second warning coming through on your screen. The warning goes unnoticed however as a new wave of rebel ships drop out of hyperspace into the fray.
Your ship already crippled by the plasma that had torn through it, you are helpless as you watch this new wave of undamaged rebels sweep through the rest of the reinforcements mercilessly. You never even see the plasma that returns you to real space.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "End simulation" "Academy_Class_Cruiser3_End">>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<startplaylist "playlist_exploration_soft">>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/events/orientation_training/cruiser.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
That unknown ship with the plasma weaponry is far too dangerous to be left unattended in a battle like this. If it's given free reign to operate unopposed, it'll turn the entire reinforcement fleet into debris without breaking a sweat. Cursing at the two destroyers moving to harass you, you bark a set of orders that will have your ship break the encirclement and target the sensor ghost, aiming to prevent its involvement in the battle further.
A shudder runs through your ship as the shields take hits from your pursuing destroyers. Frowning at the radar display, you can't help but feel like you're cruising directly into a trap, the encirclement much weaker on this side than it would be if you tried to regroup with your allies.
However, your radar and your eyes both show you that you are unopposed to approach the enemy sensor ghost on your current bearing, and you can see the vulnerable capital ship floating in space ahead of your own, exposed and ripe for the taking.
Your crew look to you for orders, as another shudder runs through the ship, and you wrestle for a moment with the bad feeling in your guts.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Take the shot" "Academy_Class_Cruiser3_Flank_Evade">>
<<playerFactSet "class_cruiser3_evade" true>>
<<slink "Keep dancing" "Academy_Class_Cruiser3_Flank_Fire">>
<<playerFactSet "class_cruiser3_fire" true>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/events/orientation_training/cruiser.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
The rebels have been full of tricks and surprises, and you've learnt to trust your gut so far. Barking an order to reposition as fast as possible, you're rewarded with your console warning you of an imminent hyperspace arrival. Something was about to drop directly into your cruiser, had you not shifted position in time. From the way the rebel ships aren't reacting to the new arrival, you can tell that it's reinforcements of their own, and you quickly give the order to begin firing into its arrival zone, intending to cripple or destroy it before it can truly join the fight.
As you saturate the arrival zone, your ship shudders, still taking ineffective fire from the now distant destroyer pursuers. Frowning in irritation, you silently promise to personally sink both ships the moment the intruder and the artillery ship beyond it are dealt with.
As the hyperspace portal opens however, you feel your throat dry, as a rebel battleship emerges from witch space, its formidable gun batteries firing non-stop as it does. Your own volley isn't ineffective, as it tears into the battleship's hull from nearly point blank range, but it feels like a bitter consolation when all it earns you is the privilege of becoming the battleship's new primary target.
Watching the main canons of the rebel battleship settle on your cruiser feels like you're staring directly into the void, and you know that at this range, there isn't a single option you can pick that will help your ship survive. You're basically kissing the battleship when it fires, and for a brief moment before you are returned to real space, you swear you could hear its guns across the depth of space.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "End simulation" "Academy_Class_Cruiser3_End">>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<startplaylist "playlist_exploration_soft">>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/events/orientation_training/cruiser.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
The biggest problem in this skirmish lies vulnerable in front of you. Putting the hesitation and doubt out of your mind, you give the command to focus all fire on the capital ship. Your crew spring into motion, and as your guns roar, you feel a vindictive sense of pride fall on you. Unguarded as it is, that artillery ship is a sitting duck for your cruiser, and you'll personally lead the Alliance to victory here by knocking it out.
A series of beeps from your console draws your attention to the screen, and you feel your confidence falter as you read the proximity warning for the hyperspace modules. Something is about to drop out of hyperspace, almost directly on top of your ship's position. You hear the navigator yell a warning as he tries to guide the cruiser to safety, but it's already too late.
The last thing you see before being sent to real space is a rebel battleship cleaving through your cruiser as it leaves hyperspace, its weapons already tearing through the scattered reinforcement fleet as it does.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "End simulation" "Academy_Class_Cruiser3_End">>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<startplaylist "playlist_exploration_soft">>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/academy/classroom.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
You sit silently in your VR pod as you think about what just happened. It wasn't a winnable situation no matter how you look at it. The enemy firepower not matching what you've been taught so far, their aggressive tactics and the decisiveness to turn advantages into victory. That wasn't the usual rebel fleet you've been flying against in the sims so far.
When Eva speaks up a moment later, you almost don't notice it because of how deep in thought you are. <span class="eva">"Attempting to restore simulation integrity. Invasive simulation parameters deleted."</span>
There's a long pause, before her voice returns, sounding crisp and clear like normal now. <span class="eva">"The rebels must have left an edited VR program and backdoor access in the files. That wasn't the program or an AI battling you now. Its grasp on the situation was far too complete for it to be a training program."</span>
She falls silent once more. <span class="eva">"I think you just flew against a rebel commander that actually fought in that battle."</span>
Her words don't help much, but they do give a sense of direction and focus to your anger. Your first defeat in the simulations comes at the hands of a rebel that has fought and killed Alliance ships before. Rising from your seat with a frown, you turn your attention to the rest of the training hall, seeing other cadets similarly rising from their pods with confusion and shock on their faces.
Grimacing, you realize that the rebels sent their message perfectly, as more and more cadets get knocked out of the simulation in defeat. Leaving the training hall with a frown, you decide to take a walk and clear your head.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Leave" "Academy_Class">>
<<playerFactSet "class_cruiser" 3>>
<<run starGame.player.setInteraction('class_attended')>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/events/orientation_training/fighter.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
The star scape around you quickly takes form, and you find yourself drifting alone in the black of space. Your ship responds lightly to your touch, and the miniature Eva on your dashboard gives you a warm smile.
As you settle into the seat, examining the space around you, you notice the readouts coming from your long range scanner system. Lots of assorted debris, and blank signatures from where Alliance fighters had abruptly ceased to exist. Frowning at the readout, you start filtering the scanner profiles, trying to find the cause of the destruction. Eva still hasn't briefed you on your mission, and you can only assume that it now falls to you to assess and decide on the correct course of action without support.
Finding a sensor ghost of a potential rebel ship, you lock onto it, pushing your ship's throttle forward as you creep towards the debris field. Suddenly the star scape freezes, Eva taking her full size alongside the cockpit. As you look at her expectantly, she starts to speak.
<span class="eva">"You've successfully discovered the mission objective without outside support, but in the field High Command would still have provided with you a basic warning about what you might be heading into, even if they were unsure of the exact cause of the disruption themselves."</span> She gives you a smaller smile.
<span class="eva">"While it is important that you learn to read and adjust to the battlefield, any battlefield, own your own, it is equally important to maintain your trust in High Command."</span> She turns to look at your target, out across the dark of space.
<span class="eva">"Your opponent today is an Ace pilot, with a similar skill level to your own. Prepare yourself for a hard fight."</span> As she vanishes from view, time starts to flow again, and your ship resumes its silent glide towards your opponent. With Eva's new information in mind, you begin to formulate a strategy.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "By the book" "Academy_Class_Fighter1_ByTheBook">><<playerFactSet "class_fighter1_bythebook" true>><</slink>>
<<slink "Guts and glory" "Academy_Class_Fighter1_GutsAndGlory">><<playerFactSet "class_fighter1_gutsandglory" true>><</slink>>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<saudio "bgm_combat1" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.25>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/events/orientation_training/fighter.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
Keeping Alliance doctrine in mind, you grit your teeth as you steer your ship carefully into the debris fields formed by your opponents prior kills. Slowing your movement down drastically, you mask yourself with the scattered signals and readings the debris field gives off, slowly drawing near to your target like a shark ready to strike.
Too late, the rebel ship notices your approach, and as they scramble to face you, you open fire, a few well placed cannon blasts rocking their ship and sending it spinning from the force of the impacts. Swearing to yourself when you see that you were unable to lower your target's shield in your first volley, you follow relentlessly, firing the whole time as you try to overwhelm them before they can regain control of their still spinning ship.
Your relentless assault is rewarded with a minor detonation, as you see one of their wings shear off, struck by one of your shells that managed to pierce their rapidly weakening shield. The next few shots seal their fate, and as you watch the rebel fighter collapse into a ball of fire, you quickly scan the battlefield to make sure there are no surprises coming for you.
A short glance at the readout tells you that you're safe, and as the VR scape returns you to reality, you wonder about how Eva had mentioned the enemy pilot being of similar skill to you. That had felt almost too easy, and you realize again the difference in levels of technology being used by the Alliance and rebels.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "End simulation" "Academy_Class">>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<playerFactSet "class_fighter" 1>>
<<startplaylist "playlist_exploration_soft">>
<<run starGame.player.setInteraction('class_attended')>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/events/orientation_training/fighter.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
Deciding that you need to test your actual skills against a real threat, you throw caution to the wind, making sure your shields are up and your weapons armed. Leaning on the throttle, your ship leaps towards the rebel ace, who reacts almost instantly, your unhidden signature revealing your approach and warning them of the impending attack.
Your first salvo of shots miss the target entirely, as they throw their ship into an aggressive dive, and as you direct your own fighter to follow theirs, you hear the distinct sound of a missile lock forming. Quickly throwing your ship into an evasive roll, you let out a breath of relief as you hear the lock break, but seconds later it tones again, the rebel already managing to adjust to your maneuvers.
Gritting your teeth, you lean into your ship's superior mobility, and quickly manage to flip into a position with the rebel pilot in your gunsights. The advantage on your side now, you open fire, your cannons sending round after round into the rebels shields. A flicker runs through their shields, and as you taste your impending victory, you are almost caught off guard as they suddenly throw their ship into reverse, leading to you overshooting them with your guns and flying past them. The missile lock starts to reform, and as you try to pull up out of the ship's view, you hear the tone solidify, telling you that the lock has successfully formed. As you brace yourself for evasive maneuvers, the missile never comes, and when you break the lock, reacquiring your target in your sights you realize why.
The sudden deceleration was too much for the older model of ship that the rebel was using to handle, and from this distance, you can see the pilot hanging limply against his harness, his desperate last move having crushed his chest against his command console. Ending the simulation with a well placed shot to the rebels core, you leave the VR scape feeling hollow.
If his ship had been a slightly newer model, he would have been able to complete the ambitious counter attack, and you know you wouldn't be able to evade the missile at those knife fight ranges.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "End simulation" "Academy_Class">>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<playerFactSet "class_fighter" 1>>
<<startplaylist "playlist_exploration_soft">>
<<run starGame.player.setInteraction('class_attended')>>
<<if starGame.player.getFact('class_fighter1_bythebook') is true>>
<<include Academy_Class_Fighter2a>>
<<include Academy_Class_Fighter2b>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/events/orientation_training/fighter.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
As the star scape forms around you, you notice that you're flying the lead position in a wing of Chevalier class fighters. The simulation is frozen, and Eva lounges idly against the wing of your ship while she waits for you to confirm that you're ready for briefing. Deciding to first discern what you can from the scenarios set up, you put her out of your mind as you take your surroundings.
Aside from the obvious fact being that you're flying a Chevalier long range multirole fighter, you can't see any obvious signs of what the mission is about. Turning to Eva with a sigh, you see she's been waiting for you.
<span class="eva">"It's a simple mission today. A reward for how well you handled the enemy ace in the previous simulation. You and your wing are tasked with a simple recon flight through the system, recently recaptured from rebel forces. If you encounter trouble, you are to assess and respond independently in the field."</span> She gives you a smile.
With a nod, you indicate that you're ready for the simulation, and as time starts to flow, you can feel the hum of the fighter beneath you, its powerful engine ready to send it streaking through the void. Confirming with your wing that they're ready to begin the patrol, you settle into your seat, your eyes watching the scanners more than the space around you. Time passes slowly, and while you enjoy the flight, you have a tingling feeling on the back of your neck that this is going by too easily to be real. On a whim, you decide to reset your scanners settings, switching the entire suite off and back on.
For a moment, you swear you see a radar blip, but it vanishes so quickly that you can't help but think you imagined it. Toggling the sensor suite again, you strain your eyes, but the blip doesn't show a second time. Musing over whether you imagined it or not, you realize that your wing is waiting for instructions.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Investigate" "Academy_Class_Fighter2a_Investigate">><<playerFactSet "class_fighter2a_investigate" true>><</slink>>
<<slink "Don't investigate" "Academy_Class_Fighter2a_DontInvestigate">><<playerFactSet "class_fighter2a_dontinvestigate" true>><</slink>>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<saudio "bgm_combat1" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.25>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/events/orientation_training/fighter.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
Deciding that it's better to be safe than sorry, you wheel the wing around, heading to the new approximate bearing where you saw the radar ping. Your wingmates don't disagree, but you can feel the silent disapproval over the comms regardless. Afterall, chasing ghosts is a good way to get yourself in trouble.
As you begin to approach the rough area of the sensor ghost, you slow your ship to a crawl, deciding to rely on your eyes for this. If there is something out there, it's already fooled your ship's sensors once. As you scan the dark of space, you suddenly realize that there's a patch of the star scape ahead of you that is darker than normal, and as you strain your eyes to find its edges, you realize it's moving. Panic flashes over you before the training kicks in, and you pull the trigger instinctively, a stream of rockets erupting from your ship.
As your wing mates call in for clarification and ask for the target's location, you see the first of your rockets score a hit, impacting against the darkness and illuminating a nearly invisible corvette sized ship with the light of the explosion. Swearing as your sensors scream at you, the stealth ship turning its weapons and shields online, you quickly burst into evasive maneuvers, your wingmates following your lead. As you bark out orders, your wing bursts into action, and you send a distress call to the Alliance garrison forces in the system.
A burst of fire clips your ships, prompting your ship's warning system to screech once more, as your shields nearly burn out from that one glancing blow. The next few minutes feel like an eternity as you and your wing harass the rebel corvette, knowing that a direct hit from the larger ships weapons will result in a fiery death. As you lead the deadly weaving dance around the ship, you find yourself smiling, the feeling of hunting your prey washing over you as you see yet another salvo of rockets impact the hull of the rebel ship.
Soon however, one of the Alliance cruisers arrives, its much more powerful weapons quickly tearing through the corvettes defenses with ease. As your wing forms up with you, you notice the VR scape freeze once more, returning you to normal space again. As you think about the implications of rebel ships that can cloak, you wonder again about how your sensors managed to detect the ship.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "End simulation" "Academy_Class">>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<playerFactSet "class_fighter" 2>>
<<startplaylist "playlist_exploration_soft">>
<<run starGame.player.setInteraction('class_attended')>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/events/orientation_training/fighter.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
Deciding that it was just a glitch, you turn your wing back to the patrol, and as you glide through the void, you realize that the uneasy feeling isn't going away. Regardless, you keep to your course, patrolling the shipping lanes and jump points. The unease slowly gnaws away at you, and right as you're about to take the wing in search of the sensor ghost regardless, you suddenly receive an SOS from the Alliance cruiser stationed in the system. Before you can respond however, the signal cuts out.
Turning your wing back towards the garrison, you push your ship to its limits. Arriving too late to help, you can only watch as you fly through the recent debris that was once a cruiser. As you desperately flip through the sensor suite, trying to find the culprit, you suddenly see the sensor ghost for a second time, and as you try to lock onto its location, you are shocked to see a rebel corvette uncloak some distance away from you, a slipspace tear forming for it as it leaves the system.
As the VR scape around you freezes, you sit in stunned silence, realizing that the simulation just pitted you against a cloaked enemy. Shaking your head free of doubt, you slowly recover your wits. It must be a hypothetical simulation after all.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "End simulation" "Academy_Class">>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<playerFactSet "class_fighter" 2>>
<<startplaylist "playlist_exploration_soft">>
<<run starGame.player.setInteraction('class_attended')>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/events/orientation_training/fighter.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
As the star scape forms around you, you realize that you're once again back in one of the atmosphere capable fighters of the Alliance. A glance around tells you that you're on the landing pad at an Alliance base, and from the battered looks of the infantry and armor that you can see, it's an occupied world. Smiling to yourself, you look around for Eva, eventually spotting her pretending to be a member of the ground crew. Once you spot her, the simulation freezes, allowing her to brief you.
<span class="eva">"High command reviewed your duel with the rebel ace, and decided that the right place for someone of your caliber and skill would be here, supporting the final ground assaults needed to reclaim this world. In a rare circumstance, the rebels have held air superiority here since the beginning of the war, and one of their ace pilots has earned a reputation for being unbeatable in the skies."</span>
You grin, realizing why you've been assigned here. <span class="eva">"Your job is to break the rebels' morale by either defeating their ace, or forcing him to retreat. Questions?"</span>
You shake your head, telling Eva your only question is where you can find him, to which she simply highlights a target that's currently flying freely above a battlefield a short distance from the base.
As the simulation comes to life again, you begin your preflight checks, the gloomy faces of the ground crew and soldiers implying that they believe you'll be defeated like all the pilots before you. Determined to prove them wrong, you guide your fighter into the air, as you slowly formulate a plan to deal with this new rebel ace. Remembering how close the last fight had been, you resolve to not underestimate your target again.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Death from above" "Academy_Class_Fighter2b_DeathFromAbove">><<playerFactSet "class_fighter2b_dfa" true>><</slink>>
<<slink "Beyond visual range" "Academy_Class_Fighter2b_BeyondVisualRange">><<playerFactSet "class_fighter2b_bvr" true>><</slink>>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<saudio "bgm_combat1" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.25>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/events/orientation_training/fighter.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
Deciding that the best way to crush the morale of the rebels while restoring it to your allies would be a flashy, thrilling kill, you quickly climb to the limits of your fighter's altitude, and begin making your way over towards your target. Angling your approach so that you have the sun behind you, you can feel your lips curl in snarl as you enter the visual range of your opponent.
Flicking the switch to arm your weapons, you can see them instantly start making evasive maneuvers as their scanners detect you but they are too late, and they pull up out of panic. As you squeeze the trigger delicately, you see your guns run over their cockpit and fuselage. As you shoot past them, slowing your fighter down to allow the ground forces to see it, the rebel fighter falls from the sky, an uncontrolled spin ending in a hollow explosion when it hits the ground. No parachute is pulled, and as you do a victory lap of the front line, you realize that the ground forces below are charging, the rebel forces thrown into disarray by the joint shocks of an Alliance counter attack alongside the death of their ace.
Allowing your troops to feel the benefits of air superiority for once, you buzz the rebel lines, your weapons tearing through their emplacements and scattering what's left of their defenses. As the VR scape returns you to reality, you struggle to cool your racing heart, the thrill of total victory flooding your veins.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "End simulation" "Academy_Class">>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<playerFactSet "class_fighter" 2>>
<<startplaylist "playlist_exploration_soft">>
<<run starGame.player.setInteraction('class_attended')>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/events/orientation_training/fighter.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
Realizing that the enemy is not to be underestimated, you smile to yourself as you begin lining up the safest possible take down you can perform. Switching to a guided missile, you start building a missile lock as you slowly cruise towards the battlefield. Once again you are reminded of the superiority of the Alliance tech as you form a lock from further out than your target's sensors can reach, leaving him entirely unaware of the death waiting to be unleashed on him.
However you hold your fire, slowly drawing slightly closer, understanding that the distance is both your ally and your enemy. When you do fire, the next missile lock starts forming at once, and while you manage to keep the target painted, you can see his desperate attempts to break the lock and evade the incoming missile at the same time. Firing the second missile, you start preparing the next lock, when you see the rebel fighter seemingly panicking from the added pressure of the second missile in conjunction with the third missile lock. You're still outside of his range, and while he knows where the missiles are coming from, he can't do much about it, thanks to his evasive maneuvers
As you fire another duo of missiles after him, you see the Alliance forces beginning their assault on the rebel positions. Grinning slightly as you realize the rebels are shaken by their lack of air support and their inability to aid their ace, you almost miss the detonation as one of your missiles finds its target, the resulting explosion shredding the rebel fighter in a gratifying fireball.
As the VR scape returns you to reality, you can't help but feel slightly hollow. You've successfully performed your role, but there was no excitement in it, no challenge.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "End simulation" "Academy_Class">>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<playerFactSet "class_fighter" 2>>
<<startplaylist "playlist_exploration_soft">>
<<run starGame.player.setInteraction('class_attended')>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/other/space.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
As the VR scape forms around you, you notice that the simulation doesn't start frozen. It's not the first time that this has happened, but something feels off this time. Glancing around, trying to figure out what it is, you slowly realize that it's probably because you've materialized in the void of space.
From your unique perspective here, you examine your surroundings, taking in the sweeping vista of space and the heated battle that's already playing out here as you watch.
Eva's disembodied voice reaches you, a hint of confusion in her words. <span class="eva">"How did… That's strange, I'll fix that for you quickly."</span>
As the VR scape around you freezes and whirls, you realize from the temporarily frozen battle that you're watching one of the earliest battles between the Alliance and Rebels, and to your knowledge, the only one where the Rebels were in a position to win throughout the entire conflict. Your memory hazily tells you that the Alliance won this battle through a herculean effort and countless sacrifices.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Academy_Class_Fighter3_Intro">><</slink>>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<saudio "bgm_rebel_idle" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.25>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/events/orientation_training/fighter.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
The VR scape smooths out into the cockpit of your fighter, and a look through the cockpit tells you that you're currently docked on one of the cruisers of the fleet. Through the open hangar way ahead, you can see battle raging on, time already having begun flowing once more. A wing of fighters rumbles past your left, eager to join the frantic dogfight, and as a countdown appears on your console you nod to yourself.
Quickly rattling through a pre-flight check, making sure that everything is ready to go and familiarizing yourself with your weapons loadout, you confirm that you're ready to launch moments before the count hits zero. Eva's distorted voice comes over the comms faintly, but is quickly drowned out as your engines fire, the cruisers automated guidance systems ejecting you into space before it returns control of your craft to you.
Almost immediately you find yourself under fire, as a rebel fighter screams past, your shields luckily withstanding the few shots that do connect. Throwing your ship into a dive, you push the engines to their limit as you try to clear enough space to give you a chance to think. A second burst of laser fire causes you to wince, and an explosion to the side of your ship rocks it as you get caught in the shockwaves.
Your mind tells you that the cause is the now missing alliance fighter that had been following your flight path, and you barely manage to pull your fighter's nose up before flying directly into a cloud of debris sent drifting from its detonation.
Eva's voice manages to cut through the overwhelming situation just long enough to help ground you. <span class="eva">"Two rebel interceptors on your tail. You need to go evasive now!"</span>
Your body reacts while you're still processing the warning, and as you come out of the evasive spin, one of the fighters overshoots you, lining up easily in front of you for a gun kill. As you're about to pull the trigger, you have a gut feeling that something is wrong.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Kill" "Academy_Class_Fighter3_Kill">>
<<playerFactSet "class_fighter3_kill" true>>
<<slink "Evade" "Academy_Class_Fighter3_Evade">>
<<playerFactSet "class_fighter3_evade" true>>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<saudio "bgm_combat1" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.25>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/events/orientation_training/fighter.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
Shoving your doubts aside, your eyes harden as you pull the trigger, your fighters' multicannon tearing through the interceptors shield and armor easily. The accelerated rounds rip through the interceptor and as you push the joystick down, looking to dive under the spinning wreck, you engines whine, a strange lethargy coming from your ship as it struggles to respond to your movements.
The other rebel interceptor that had been chasing you blazes past, completing its inertia drift to glide past you, mere meters from your face. A faint beeping sound from your console tells you that you've taken damage, and as you glance down at it seeing that your generator has been knocked out, your eyes flick back up to the interceptor that's close enough to touch you, and your heart freezes.
The figure you saw in the hacked simulation is sitting in the interceptors cockpit, and their evil smile tells you that they know the extent of the damage they've inflicted on your ship. The flash of laser fire returns you to reality, and as you sit helplessly in your vr pod you let out a long deep breath.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "End simulation" "Academy_Class_Fighter3_End">>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<startplaylist "playlist_exploration_soft">>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/events/orientation_training/fighter.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
You twitch the controls, your ship falling into an almost uncontrolled spin as laser fire rakes through the space where you would have been if you had fired.
The second rebel interceptor performs a perfect inertia drift as it glides across your field of view, the pilot within it clearly showing the difference in skill between the two of you as they keep their guns on you the whole time. Your heart stops momentarily, as you recognize the features and silhouette of the person from the previously hacked sim. It seems that merely invading the Academy wasn't enough for them, and they've decided to hunt its cadets down in training sims as well now.
Pushing your ship to its limits, you dance for minutes with the rebel interceptor, trying to get a clean shot on it while staying out of its fire. The back of your mind tells you that this is a scene being replayed enmasse throughout the battlefield, as imperial fighters desperately dogfight against surprisingly skillful rebels.
Suddenly, you see your target make a mistake, swinging out of a drift too early, and as you start to adjust to the shot you're about to have, you glance down at your radar. Seeing that the other interceptor is still ghosting you, waiting for its chance, you swear.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Take the shot" "Academy_Class_Fighter3_Evade_TakeShot">>
<<playerFactSet "class_fighter3_takeshot" true>>
<<slink "Keep dancing" "Academy_Class_Fighter3_Evade_Dancing">>
<<playerFactSet "class_fighter3_dancing" true>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/events/orientation_training/fighter.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
If this simulation is meant to be a warning and scare-tactic, no matter how well you fly you're going to lose eventually.
Leaning into the attack, you throw caution out of your mind, promising yourself that you'll kill the rebel interceptor before anything else can go wrong. Your multicannon roars, stitching the space between the two ships with accelerated death.
Watching in disbelief as your target practically glides through your stream of fire, you can see the pilot laughing openly, as they trade shots with you at point blank. A sudden burst of laser fire from the side fills your vision and as your eyes recover from the brightness, you find yourself sitting in real space once more.
Checking the post-flight log, you see that you didn't score any confirmed kills in this simulation.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "End simulation" "Academy_Class_Fighter3_End">>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<startplaylist "playlist_exploration_soft">>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/events/orientation_training/fighter.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
Not falling for the now obvious trap, you keep your evasive movements up, and after the briefest moment, you see the rebel interceptor stop pretending to make mistakes. As its flying returns to normal, you find yourself grinding your teeth nervously. So far your intuition has kept you alive against this rebel pilot, but the difference in skill is clear. The long this dogfight goes on, the more and more you're at a disadvantage.
Almost as if they can read your mind, you feel the atmosphere of the dogfight switch, as they suddenly boost away from you, the movement flowing into an arcing turn that has them pass over you, your cockpits mere meters from each other. Their usual patronizing smile is replaced with a more serious expression, and you feel the adrenaline in your body begin to flow. You already know, on an instinctual level, that they're going to fly for real now.
The next thirty seconds are a display of skill that simultaneously inspires and demoralizes you. The rebel ace dances around you, expertly avoiding your fire while looking for a weakness, and you never even see the laser fire that sends you back to real space.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "End simulation" "Academy_Class_Fighter3_End">>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<startplaylist "playlist_exploration_soft">>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/academy/classroom.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
Slamming a fist into the padded armrest, you fight the urge to let out a scream of frustration. Eva's voice, still distorted, manages to break through the static long enough for a few sentences to slip out.
<span class="eva">"Attempting to restore simulation integrity. Invasive simulation parameters deleted."</span> There's a long pause, before her voice returns, sounding crisp and clear like normal now.
<span class="eva">"The rebels must have left an edited VR program and backdoor access in the files. That pilot that killed you now… That was a real person flying against you."</span>
Her words don't help calm you down, but they do give a sense of direction and focus to your anger. Your first defeat in the simulations comes at the hands of the person that attacked and infiltrated the Academy. Rising from your seat with a frown, you turn your attention to the rest of the training hall, seeing other cadets similarly rising from their pods with confusion and shock on their faces.
Grimacing, you realize that the rebels sent their message perfectly, as more and more cadets get knocked out of the simulation in defeat. Managing to rein in your anger for now, you stalk from the lecture hall, intent on getting your mind off the constantly returning image of that rebel's smirk.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Leave" "Academy_Class">>
<<playerFactSet "class_fighter" 3>>
<<run starGame.player.setInteraction('class_attended')>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/academy/club/debate.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
The auditorium is mostly empty when you arrive, only the various members of the culture club being present. Unlike before, with the club being split into two, everyone is gathered together, and your arrival is met with a chorus of warm welcomes and smiles. Jaime gives you a friendly wave as space for you is cleared next to her.
One of the instructors arrives moments after you, so you don't have time to talk beyond greetings, before the activity for today is outlined. Instead of debating against each other like before, you're going to be preparing for a debate against one of the other Academies the Alliance hosts. Being the more prestigious institution, you have the privilege of choosing which side you'd like to argue for, with the topic being should the Alliance maintain its Closed Borders, or not. Having said their piece, the instructor leaves you and the club to decide what you'd prefer to do in the upcoming debate.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Keep them closed" "Club_Culture_2_ClosedBorders">>
<<playerFactSet "club_culture_borders_open" false>>
<<slink "Open borders" "Club_Culture_2_OpenBorders">>
<<playerFactSet "club_culture_borders_open" true>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/academy/club/debate.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
Deciding that you're from slightly too high profile of a family to argue against standing Alliance policy in a public setting, you tell the gathered club members that you think the Starwatch team should argue for keeping the borders closed, and see that quite a few members of the team perk up at this. You understand that aside from it being more convenient for you, it's also easier to argue for existing policy than against it, thanks to existing examples and less requirements of creative thinking to try guess what might be changed and caused by the new, unimplemented ones.
Jaime considers it for a moment before agreeing, pointing out that the Alliance hasn't always been a force for good in the eyes of the greater galactic community, and that keeping closed borders is a good way of preventing sabotage and support for its rebels out of the equation. You agree with that, further reminding your group that if the borders were open, potential threats from outside the Alliance would be able to see that it's currently weakened by a civil war. Having firmly sold the reason for why you'll be debating for keeping the borders closed to the rest of the team, you send Jaime to inform the instructors, while you assign the rest of the debate squad different research topics, intending to be well armed with fact and logic by the time of the debate.
When Jaime returns, she confirms that the instructors know which side of the argument you'll be taking, and quickly catches up with the planned information gathering tasks you've outlined. She adds a few pointers of her own, and you're the first to admit that she's no less suited to leading the debate team than you are. You'll have to decide on the day who will actually lead it, but for now, you're content working alongside her. The rest of the club session passes quickly, as you field and answer questions from the team, making sure everyone understands their role in the upcoming meet.
You leave the auditorium behind you, deciding to wait a few minutes before heading to the next activity you have planned for the day. You smile as Jaime gives you a wave over her shoulder before leaving.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Leave" "Hub_Atrium">>
<<playerFactSet "club_culture" 2>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/academy/club/debate.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
Despite your familial status, or perhaps because of it, you decide that arguing against the closed border policy might be an interesting stance to take. You raise the idea to the group, and are pleasantly surprised to see that the majority of them agree with you. While defending the border policy would be easier, Starwatch strives for excellence, and there are few ways of proving it outside of successfully making and defending harder points.
Jamie thinks about it for a few moments longer than expected, before agreeing that it's a bold move. She points out that it'll be harder to do since there's a lack of real world examples and points to make, but since you won't be constrained by them either, you can potentially frame every situation in a way that favors your argument from the get go. Happy that she's agreed with you, you send her to tell the instructors what your chosen stance will be. While she's gone, you start to assign different research areas to the debate team, placing emphasis on making sure each possible point that can be raised is as iron clad as possible.
When Jaime returns, she confirms that the instructors know which side of the argument you'll be taking, and quickly catches up with the planned information gathering tasks you've outlined. She adds a few pointers of her own, and you're the first to admit that she's no less suited to leading the debate team than you are. You'll have to decide on the day who will actually lead it, but for now, you're content working alongside her. The rest of the club session passes quickly, as you field and answer questions from the team, making sure everyone understands their role in the upcoming meet.
You leave the auditorium behind you, deciding to wait a few minutes before heading to the next activity you have planned for the day. You smile as Jaime gives you a wave over her shoulder before leaving.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Leave" "Hub_Atrium">>
<<playerFactSet "club_culture" 2>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/academy/club/debate.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
As you head towards the hall for your routine classes, you are quickly flagged down by a cadet with a red rose pin in their collar. You remember from orientation that this is a member of the culture club, like yourself.
You follow them, remembering that you had to prepare for a debate previously. Walking behind them, you are led into a building you haven't been in before. A medium sized auditorium waits in front of you, with a raised stage and two podiums. You smile as you see that the rest of the club members are here already, with Jaime standing near one of the podiums as she talks with her team.
<<if starGame.player.getFact('orientation_d5_morning_plan') is true>>\
<<include Club_Culture_Intro_Planned>>
<<include Club_Culture_Intro_NotPlanned>>
<<playerFactSet "orientation_d5_morning_plan_culture_infavor" true>>\
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Leave" "Hub_Atrium">>
<<playerFactSet "club_culture" 1>>
<</nobr>>\Your team is gathered near the podium opposite Jaime, and as you approach them they're busy quietly discussing the task ahead. An instructor walks over and confirms that everyone in your team is here already and that the debate can start when you are ready. A glance over at Jaime shows that she's waiting confidently, her team already sitting in the order in which they'll be speaking.
<<if starGame.player.getFact('orientation_d5_morning_plan_culture_infavor') is true>>\
<<include Club_Culture_Intro_Planned_ForRebellion>>\
<<include Club_Culture_Intro_Planned_ForAlliance>>\
<</if>>\Taking the lead in the debate, you quickly outline why the Alliance is not all it could be, emphasizing its lack of adaptability and strict regulations as being susceptible to breaking under pressure. Using the current rebellion as an example, you smoothly draw parallels to your stated points and ongoing issues in the Alliance as a result of it. Jamie waits politely for you to finish your initial foundation and when you finish talking she quickly starts.
Jaime quickly counters your points, talking in depth about the Alliance and its historical achievements. They're well thought out and to the point, and you realize that she's a formidable and well prepared opponent. As you listen to her counterargument, you wonder if there's even a point to go against her on this topic.
You're about to come up with your own counterpoints when one of your team gives you a wave, indicating for you to swap them in, and deciding that you might as well, you are quickly satisfied with their preparations as they pull out well founded arguments of their own that more or less perfectly overturn Jaime's. Like you, Jamie gives the floor up to the next member of her team, and the next period of time passes quickly as the two teams go back and forth. You take the stage a few more times before the end of the debate, and as the debate slowly comes to a close, you realize that neither side was able to raise enough of an argument to really beat the other.
One of the instructors confirms as such, declaring the discussion a tie, before dismissing both teams. Regardless, both sides performed well, and as you leave the auditorium with your team, you see Jaime and her team do the same.A short discussion with your team follows the instructor's words as you iron out who will speak in which order, with your team voting for you to face Jaime in the debate. Acquising to their wishes, you mentally prepare for the debate, knowing that you already have the easy task of defending the need for the Alliance while she has to argue against it. After making sure everyone on your debate team is ready, you step up to the podium with an easy smile.
Your visual confidence seems to slightly throw Jaime off, as she gives you a nervous smile at your approach. As you indicate to the instructors that you're ready to begin, you see that Jaime recovers part of her confidence, and as the instructors remind the two of you about your chosen topic, you nod slightly, eager to put your wits to the test. Given the signal to start, you quickly lead the discussion.
You quickly outline a case for why the Alliance is and has been a good addition to the galactic community, focusing on its strong leadership, impressive civilian security and a powerful economy. You think you see Jamie's confidence slip slightly at your initial strong case, but as you step back so she can provide a counter argument, which she does in force. You feel a twinge of regret that you're forced to work against her, as she tears into your points, providing well thought out alternatives and evidence to support them.
You're about to come up with your own counterpoints when one of your team gives you a wave, indicating for you to swap them in, and deciding that you might as well, you are quickly satisfied with their preparations as they pull out well founded arguments of their own that more or less perfectly overturn Jaime's. Like you, Jamie gives the floor up to the next member of her team, and the next period of time passes quickly as the two teams go back and forth. You take the stage a few more times before the end of the debate, and as the debate slowly comes to a close, you realize that neither side was able to raise enough of an argument to really beat the other.
One of the instructors confirms as such, declaring the discussion a tie, before dismissing both teams. Regardless, both sides performed well, and as you leave the auditorium with your team, you see Jaime and her team do the same.Your team is gathered near the podium opposite Jaime, and as you approach them they're busy quietly discussing the task ahead, there is an air of nervousness, and you realize that you don't even know which side of the debate you're taking. An instructor walks over and confirms that everyone in your team is here already and that the debate can start when you are ready, prompting a few of your team to give you icy stares. A glance over at Jaime shows that she's waiting confidently, her team already sitting in the order in which they'll be speaking.
One of your teammates tells you that Jaime chose to argue on the side of the Alliance, and everyone is quickly trying to figure out how to work against it, since their leader has let them down without time to prepare. You apologize for the lapse in responsibility, before quickly taking the helm, grateful for fathers past, annoying insistences to ensure that you are well educated in terms of the Alliance and its stance. Telling your team that you'll be focusing on attacking theory, not fact, you quickly draft up a plan of action, with planned moments to swap speakers so as to prevent Jaime's team from building up speed.
Taking the lead in the debate, you quickly outline why the Alliance is not all it could be, emphasizing its lack of adaptability and strict regulations as being susceptible to breaking under pressure. Using the current rebellion as an example, you smoothly draw parallels to your stated points and ongoing issues in the Alliance as a result of it. Jamie waits politely for you to finish your initial foundation and when you finish talking she quickly starts.
Jaime quickly counters your points, talking in depth about the Alliance and its historical achievements. They're well thought out and to the point, and you realize that she's a formidable and well prepared opponent. As you listen to her counterargument, you wonder if there's even a point to go against her on this topic.
Knowing that you don't have counters for her topics, you defer the floor instead to one of your teammates, who quickly confuses the topic by asking for definitions and meanings of her words, giving the rest of your team time to come up with plausible counter arguments. You swear that you can see an instructor frown as he realizes what you're doing, but they allow you to continue, and your squad slowly manages to get their act together enough to push Jaime's team into a stalemate.
One of the instructors confirms as such, declaring the discussion a tie, before dismissing both teams. Regardless, both sides performed well, and as you leave the auditorium with your team, you see Jaime and her team do the same.<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/academy/club/physical.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
Walking into the stadium for another club session, you're surprised to see piles of camping gear spread throughout the area. As you raise an eyebrow at the situation, you're waved over by an instructor standing with your previous group. Approaching them quickly, you are greeted with a wave of smiles as you reach the team. The instructor counts off the group against his checklist, starting the debrief once he's satisfied everyone is here.
<span class="officer">"Good news cadets, we've got a camping trip coming up. Bad news, physical club gets to carry the stuff the others will use. So to make your life easier, we've collected everything the academy is allowing you to take along."</span> He pauses, a smile crossing his face. <span class="officer">"That said, you don't have to take everything, or even anything. The other groups will have to rely on you more if you take less, with the idea being that you'll have better survival skills than them."</span>
The instructor doesn't add that you all receive the same survival training, but you can see the idea of being the hero making some of your teammates smile. Regardless, as the instructor moves away, allowing you to discuss strategy, they all slowly turn to you, seemingly waiting for you to make the decision for them. A short discussion later and you're ready to lead them through the camp preparation session.
<div class="center">
<<slink "Heavy preparation" "Club_Physical_2_Heavy">>
<<playerFactSet "club_physical_camp_prep" true>>
<<slink "Survivalism" "Club_Physical_2_Survival">>
<<playerFactSet "club_physical_camp_prep" false>>
<</scard>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/academy/club/physical.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
Deciding that there won't be much chance to impress the other cadets if you're all busy trying to not be miserable, you decide that you'll take as much useful gear as possible. From the corner of your eye you can see that Edward is doing the same, busy sifting through the various pieces of gear and equipment and telling the members of his team what they'll be taking on the day.
You sort through the gear yourself and quickly realize that there's plenty of superficial items that take up space but won't really help during a camping trip. Regardless you manage to sort through the scattered equipment until you're satisfied, your team gathering your selected items and dividing them amongst themselves. Once again you wonder at the contrast between the two teams, with yours working together naturally, and Edward needing to micromanage his.
As you do a final check over the gear, you realize that even having taken every viable item you might need, there's some space left over in your bags, and you quickly pack a few extra luxury items. The upcoming camping trip might actually be more comfortable than you expect. An instructor wanders past, checking your selected items against your team's carry space, and after a few moments clears you for being ready to go. Now all that's left is to wait for the camping trip to happen. As your team leaves the stadium, you follow them out, smiling as you hear the instructors tell Edward that he's packed too much, and to leave some things out.
<div class="center">
<<slink "Leave" "Hub_Atrium">>
<<playerFactSet "club_physical" 2>>
<</scard>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/academy/club/physical.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
You're wondering about the fact that you can leave with barely anything prepped, and you decide that it must have been accounted for already. Telling your team that you'll be taking very little gear, and relying on skills to enjoy the trip, you quickly pick some essential items to take, before gathering your team around you once more.
While they gather, you see Edward meticulously sorting through the gathered equipment, assigning different items to his varied team members. A cough from one of your squadmates tells you that they're ready for you, and when you turn back to them an easy smile crosses your face. Telling them that living off the land doesn't help much when everyone has the same level of training, you quickly manage to convince them to do some extra survival lessons and studies, assigning different members different fields of survival to learn in the period of time leading towards the camping trip.
As they nod, accepting your plan and seeing the potential benefit of it, an instructor joins the gathering, listening in with a few appreciative nods. After double checking your selected gear and making sure that you have a working plan, he gives you a thumbs up before dismissing your squad. As your team leaves the stadium, you follow them out, smiling as you hear the instructors tell Edward that he's packed too much, and to leave some things out.
<div class="center">
<<slink "Leave" "Hub_Atrium">>
<<playerFactSet "club_physical" 2>>
<</scard>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/academy/club/physical.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
<<if starGame.player.getFact('orientation_d5_morning_plan') is true>>\
<<include Club_Physical_Intro_Planned>>\
<<include Club_Physical_Intro_NotPlanned>>\
As you head towards the hall for class like normal, you notice one of the cadets with a blue armband waving other members of the Physical club over. Approaching them with a raised eyebrow, you quickly realize that it's time for your previously decided activities and competitions to happen.
You're quickly led out to a nearby venue, and as you stride through the doors you realize you're standing in a replica stadium, the skylight of the Academies dome visible above you with the matching flood lights and arena seating around you. Smiling as you realize once again that the Academy really spared no expenses for its training grounds.
You see that Edwards' team has already gathered around him, and yours is waiting nearby for your arrival.
<<if starGame.player.getFact('orientation_d5_morning_plan_physical_sport') is 'tug'>>\
As you walk over to your squad, you can see they are brimming with casual confidence. It makes sense, each person that's chosen to join the physical club is either here because they're already fit and strong, or because they want to be fitter and stronger. You grace them with an easy smile as you survey the team, before glancing across the field at the opposing team. You realize that from a quick examination, the teams are more or less equally balanced, without a real disparity in personnel, at least from appearances.
Turning back to your squad, you and the others quickly introduce yourselves to each other, and share some information about the opponents as you discuss strategy as a team. You notice from the corner of your eye that unlike your team that's freely talking amongst each other, Edward seems to be the only one talking in his squad, the others merely nodding along to his words.
As you begin to finish up your strategy meeting, such as it can be for a match of Tug of War, you see your team waiting for you to decide on the final approach they'll take, naturally deferring to you for leadership. Weighing up the options in your mind, you can either try to brute force the game, or you can rely on a trick of cunning, relaxing slightly during the pull to unbalance your foes before pulling them over.
As you walk over to your squad, you can see they are brimming with casual confidence. It makes sense, each person that's chosen to join the physical club is either here because they're already fit and strong, or because they want to be fitter and stronger. You grace them with an easy smile as you survey the team, before glancing across the field at the opposing team. You realize that from a quick examination, the teams are more or less equally balanced, without a real disparity in personnel, at least from appearances.
Turning back to your squad, you and the others quickly introduce yourselves to each other, and share some information about the opponents as you discuss strategy as a team. You notice from the corner of your eye that unlike your team that's freely talking amongst each other, Edward seems to be the only one talking in his squad, the others merely nodding along to his words.
As you begin to finish up your strategy meeting, such as it can be for a match of Dodgeball, you see your team waiting for you to decide on the final approach they'll take, naturally deferring to you for leadership. Weighing up the options in your mind, you can either try to focus on specific targets of Edward's team, or just allow your team to do as they please for the contest.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<if starGame.player.getFact('orientation_d5_morning_plan_physical_sport') is 'tug'>>\
<<slink "Cunning" "Club_Physical_Intro_Planned_Tug_Cunning">>
<<playerFactSet "club_physical_intro_tug" "cunning">>
<<slink "Brute Force" "Club_Physical_Intro_Planned_Tug_BruteForce">>
<<playerFactSet "club_physical_intro_tug" "bruteforce">>
<<slink "Random targets" "Club_Physical_Intro_Planned_Dodgeball_Random">>
<<playerFactSet "club_physical_intro_dodgeball" "random">>
<<slink "Precision strikes" "Club_Physical_Intro_Planned_Dodgeball_Precision">>
<<playerFactSet "club_physical_intro_dodgeball" "precision">>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/academy/club/physical.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
Telling your team to do as they please, focusing on avoiding being knocked out while knocking out as many targets of their own, you see them give you a few uncertain nods before they recover their confidence. Clearly they had expected some more leadership on the matter, but they quickly regain their stride, moving with the sort of ease born from confidence. As you approach the arena, you see that Edward's team is also ready, their glances switching from Edward to your team in a way that tells you that their game plan is to target key players on your side.
You hide a smirk, knowing that it will backfire when no one on your team calls out targets and shots, that Edward's side will be confused, having anticipated that you or some other high profile cadets would have assumed control. As the instructors countdown to the start of the match, you prepare yourself for the upcoming burst of motion, and as everyone springs into action, you allow yourself to simply enjoy the match.
The next minutes pass, and your prediction about being focused quickly comes true. You dodge for as long as possible, but are eventually knocked out by a lucky shot from one of Edward's cadets. Conversely, in the time it took for you to be knocked out, your team has eliminated most of Edward's team, and while you watch from the sidelines, you can see that the game only has a few more seconds to go as most, as your team quickly polishes off the last opponents as they struggle to find your playmakers. Edward scowls at you from the otherside of the court, but you ignore him for now. You know that by falling outside of his plans, you've already upset him with your "counterplay" of his plans.
When the instructors do announce the win for your team, you celebrate with the squad, before seeing Edward leave while shooting you a dark look from over his shoulder.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Leave" "Hub_Atrium">>
<<playerFactSet "club_physical" 1>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/academy/club/physical.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
Telling your team to specifically target anyone calling out shots and making plays, starting with Edward, you settle for a strategy focused on deliberate shots and precision instead of randomness. Heading towards the field with your squad, you see from the glances that Edward's team has towards you that they've adopted the same strategy as you. You pause, wondering momentarily if you should quickly change the game plan before deciding that any last minute confusion can be worse than an established plan of action.
As the instructors count down to the beginning of the match, you see the cadets on both sides tense up in anticipation, and deciding to try dodge instead of attack, you're quickly rewarded with a yelp from Edward as one of the first thrown strikes hits him cleanly in the chest. You last a bit longer, but being focused as you are, you're quickly knocked out of the game as well. The next few minutes are spent in intense competition, as both sides slowly whittle each other down, but you notice that your team is performing better on average, and before too much longer, you see your victory approaching rapidly.
Your team doesn't let you down, and as they knock the last members of Edward's team out, you can see him scowling at you from the otherside of the field. While your strategy and his were similar, you simply had the better team, and you can tell that he's somehow taken this fact as an insult to his pride. When the instructors do announce the win for your team, you celebrate with the squad, before seeing Edward leave while shooting you a dark look from over his shoulder.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Leave" "Hub_Atrium">>
<<playerFactSet "club_physical" 1>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/academy/club/physical.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
Your team quietly confirms that they understand the plan, and with an inspiring cheer to end the session, you head towards the rope, cheerful jokes and quiet confidence escorting you to the arena. Edwards' team is equally confident, and from the friendly banter that is quickly exchanged between the two sides, you realize that most cadets here are already friends, regardless of events outside of the club.
Taking up the rope, an instructor quickly counts down to the start of the contest, and your team quickly strains against Edward's as the rope pulls taut. As the two teams chant cheerfully, making and losing the slightest amount of ground, you wait for the opportune moment to give the signal, and it approaches before long. Edward is focused on exhorting his side to pull harder, when you call out the signal, your team momentarily releasing their grip on the rope.
Suddenly unbalanced by the lack of resistance, Edward's teammates fall over, and before they can recover your squad grabs the rope once more, fast enough to prevent its center point from crossing the line and dragging your foes across it while they scrabble back to their feet. The instructor calls a victory out for your side, and as Edward starts to complain about a trick, he's yelled off the field by one of the assistant instructors, a string of curses about being undisciplined following him the whole way. The dark look he shoots you over his shoulder tells you that you've cemented yourself as his main rival.
Regardless, as you and your team celebrate your victory, you hear the instructors dismissing you from the session.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Leave" "Hub_Atrium">>
<<playerFactSet "club_physical" 1>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/academy/club/physical.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
Your team is strong and fit, and so are you, and you decide to go for the win with a more steady, measured approach. Telling your squad that you'll be relying on simply overpowering the opposition, you see a string of easy nods and nervous smiles from the team, and you do your best to keep a level grin on your face.
Stepping up to the rope moments before Edward's team arrives, you take a few moments to size up your opponents. Like before you can appreciate that there isn't a large difference between the two sides, and that things seem mostly equal. As the instructor counts you down and the contest begins, you quickly notice that both sides are about equal, with only minor shifts and movement of the rope happening as you compete. After a few moments your team seems to come into stride, and as they chant a warcry out, you can see the center of the rope shift slowly and steadily towards you, Edwards cry and exhortations growing more desperate as he realizes he's busy losing.
The next few minutes pass slowly, as Edward's team tries to recover as your squad slowly pulls them over the line, the instructors calling out a victory for your side. Edward doesn't complain, but from the dark expression he gives you, you've cemented your position as his rival of choice. Regardless, as you and your team celebrate your victory, you hear the instructors dismissing you from the session.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Leave" "Hub_Atrium">>
<<playerFactSet "club_physical" 1>>
As you walk over to the collection of cadets that make up your squad, you can see that they seem to be fluctuating between nervous and confident. When they spot you, a few scowl, but some others calm them down. You're wondering why they're upset to see you when one of them clears it up for you.
<span class="npc1">"Nice of you to join us. Since you never made plans with the rival captain, they've chosen the activity and prepared their team accordingly. We just found out it's going to be dodgeball."</span> The cadet explains the uneasy atmosphere to you.
You and the others quickly introduce yourselves to each other and you give an apology for letting the ball slip. Your teammates share some information about the opponents while they look to you to figure out a last minute strategy. You notice from the corner of your eye that unlike your team that's freely talking amongst each other, Edward seems to be the only one talking in his squad, the others merely nodding along to his words.
You realize that Edwards' team just has too much prep time on their hands, and that making a plan at this point will likely play into his hands. You tell your squad in a low voice that there is no plan, and to play casually and hard, since Edward is going to expect some kind of plan from you. By purely playing at random and going with the flow, you'll at least take them off guard for long enough to break their plan, hopefully. Your team gives a few nods, before confirming that it's good enough for now.
As you approach the arena, you see that Edward's team is also ready, their glances switching from Edward to your team in a way that tells you that their game plan is to target key players on your side.
You hide a smirk, knowing that it will backfire when no one on your team calls out targets and shots, that Edward's side will be confused, having anticipated that you or some other high profile cadets would have assumed control. As the instructors countdown to the start of the match, you prepare yourself for the upcoming burst of motion, and as everyone springs into action, you allow yourself to simply enjoy the match.
The next minutes pass, and your prediction about being focused quickly comes true. You dodge for as long as possible, but are eventually knocked out by a lucky shot from one of Edward's cadets. Conversely, in the time it took for you to be knocked out, your team has eliminated most of Edward's team, and while you watch from the sidelines, you can see that the game only has a few more seconds to go as most, as your team quickly polishes off the last opponents as they struggle to find your playmakers. Edward scowls at you from the otherside of the court, but you ignore him for now. You know that by falling outside of his plans, you've already upset him with your "counterplay" of his plans.
When the instructors do announce the win for your team, you celebrate with the squad, before seeing Edward leave while shooting you a dark look from over his shoulder.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Leave" "Hub_Atrium">>
<<playerFactSet "club_physical" 1>>
<<playerFactSet "orientation_d5_morning_plan_physical_sport" "dodgeball">>\
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/academy/club/technology.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
Letho waves you over excitedly, showing you that he's saved a spot for you. An instructor nearby walks over, and on confirming that you're both ready to start the work session, he begins explaining that it's a largely hypothetical project this time. As the two of you focus on him, he tells you that the project this time is focused on improvements for the Alliance's light combat infantry, with a special focus on either Urban or Zero-Grav environments.
As you and Letho share an uncertain glance, he chuckles, telling you that you won't need to actually build and test anything, and that you're just meant to do a research project on possibilities. Letho lets out a sigh of relief, and the instructor leaves you alone to begin your planning.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Urban" "Club_Technology_2_Urban">>
<<playerFactSet "club_technology_urban" true>>
<<slink "Zero-Grav" "Club_Technology_2_ZeroGravity">>
<<playerFactSet "club_technology_zerograv" true>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/academy/club/technology.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
You spend a few minutes contemplating the two choices before deciding. Outlining why you think you should focus on potential urban improvements, you see a spark light up behind Letho's eyes, his imagination kicking in and running wild. You stop talking so that he can say what's on his mind, and as he begins to outline ideas about adaptive camo, jump jets, grapple hooks and more, you decide to simply boot up your terminal.
As you take notes, planning on merely documenting all his ideas so that they can be further refined later, you see that he's lost in a world of his own. Allowing him to ramble on as you document, you actually lose track of time, and only when one of the instructors swings past do you realize that you've got more than enough ideas to be able to potentially refine one to perfection already. Gently breaking Letho from his trance, you wrap up the club session with a smile, showing him how you've recorded his ideas already. He goes through the list with you, and you cull a few suggestions from the list already, planning on doing more later.
After a few minutes pass, you stand, preparing to leave the lab behind you, with Letho quickly following alone.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Leave" "Hub_Atrium">>
<<playerFactSet "club_technology" 2>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/academy/club/technology.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
You are about to say that you'd like to consider working on Zero-Grav improvements, when Letho pulls a file up on the terminal, and as you read it, you realize he's already got some thoughts on the topic etched out. Smiling, you confirm that you'd also like to work on the Zero-Grav side of things, and as the two of you begin to outline the main features to focus on, you see an instructor walk past with a smile.
The topic is more complex than you had initially expected, with the majority of your considerations quickly becoming about the complexities of atmosphere-less environments. Letho spends some time outlining how mag-boots, jet packs and more could be useful, while you focus on the potential issues each has given the environment it'll be used in. The challenge of the situation helps pass the time quickly, and as you're busy wondering if you'll even be able to start working on a plan this session, one of the instructors taps your table.
Telling you that it's time to leave, he gently reminds you both that you have plenty of time to work on this, both in and out of class, and that it's alright to call it a day for now. As you pack your stuff, you decide to reconvene another time with Letho about the project.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Leave" "Hub_Atrium">>
<<playerFactSet "club_technology" 2>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/academy/club/technology.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
A duo of cadets wearing a green pin catch your attention as you head towards class, and when they spot you, they wave you over. Raising an eyebrow at them, it takes you a moment to realize that they're from the technology club like you. Shaking your head to clear it of cobwebs, you go with them to the technology lab, smiling when you see Letho is already here.
<<if starGame.player.getFact('orientation_d5_morning_plan') is true>>\
<<include Club_Technology_Intro_Planned>>\
<<include Club_Technology_Intro_NotPlanned>>\
<<playerFactSet "orientation_d5_morning_plan_technology_project" "drone">>\
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Leave" "Hub_Atrium">>
<<playerFactSet "club_technology" 1>>
<</nobr>>\Letho gives you a quick smile before turning his attention back to the workstation in front of him. You manage to hold back a sigh, wondering if it's even worth complaining when you're pretty sure that being in a group with him is the same as getting work done for free. Regardless, you pull up a seat next to him, taking a look at the project in front of him.
<<if starGame.player.getFact('orientation_d5_morning_plan_technology_project') is 'drone'>>\
<<include Club_Technology_Intro_Planned_Drone>>\
<<include Club_Technology_Intro_Planned_Simulation>>\
Leaving the technology lab behind you, you realize just what a difference its climate control makes, the room being a few degrees cooler than the outside, and you let an involuntary shiver out as you decide what to do next.You weren't sure what you were expecting, knowing that you'd be working on a VR Sim, but you suppose you shouldn't be surprised to see Letho writing out the simulations premise and topics by hand. You shake your head while he's distracted, firing up the terminal next to him, and quickly transfer his ideas to a more digital format. As the two of you brainstorm and decide on the VR Sim's subject together, you both keep expanding and working on your different forms of media. Letho makes a few valid points, and together you manage to come up with a concept that you both approve of.
Spending a few minutes longer to make sure there are no obvious issues with the plan, you send Letho to explain it to the instructors, and to make sure they approve of it. While he's gone, you allow Eva to begin preparing the simulation, building it to the guidelines you've laid out with Letho in advance. In one of your future club sessions, you'll have to complete it, but until then, at least the framework will be ready by then.
Letho returns soon, a smile on his face as he begins rambling about all the potential ways the simulation could evolve in the future, and taking the excitement as instructor approval, you pack up for the day, preparing to leave the lab behind you.You had half expected it to be a mostly complete drone, and you're pleasantly surprised to see that he's still blueprinting the drone. An instructor walks past, confirming that you're both here and that you've chosen to work on the drone, giving a nod as he goes. You notice a few flaws in the design, and realize that he's mostly been focused on specific features for the drone. Gently catching his attention, you spend some time pointing the issues out and working alongside him to correct them.
You begin to wonder if Letho has a split personality, as while he's focused on the blueprint and project, he's a completely different person, quickly seeing and adjusting for issues as you point them out. Time passes quickly while you perfect the blueprint with him, and you're caught off guard when he suddenly turns to you with a smile. Telling you that it's done, he says he'll take the finished design to the instructors for approval, knowing that actually building it will have to take place in another lesson.
You watch him go, before pouring over the blueprints some more, realizing that you could technically build this alone given the right materials and parts. Instructing Eva to save the design to your terminal, you lean back as you wait for Letho to let you know what the instructors say about it. When he does return, the triumphant smile on his face tells you all that you need to know. Packing the workstation away, you prepare to leave while Letho rambles on about potential upgrades and plans for the drone, talking about an entire range of them that could be used in multiple situations.Letho gives you a quick smile before turning his attention back to the workstation in front of him. You manage to hold back a sigh, wondering if it's even worth complaining when you're pretty sure that being in a group with him is the same as getting work done for free. Regardless, you pull up a seat next to him, taking a look at the project in front of him.
You had half expected it to be a mostly complete drone, and you're pleasantly surprised to see that he's still blueprinting the drone. An instructor walks past, confirming that you're both here and that you've chosen to work on the drone, giving a nod as he goes. You notice a few flaws in the design, and realize that he's mostly been focused on specific features for the drone. Gently catching his attention, you spend some time pointing the issues out and working alongside him to correct them.
You begin to wonder if Letho has a split personality, as while he's focused on the blueprint and project, he's a completely different person, quickly seeing and adjusting for issues as you point them out. Time passes quickly while you perfect the blueprint with him, and you're caught off guard when he suddenly turns to you with a smile. Telling you that it's done, he says he'll take the finished design to the instructors for approval, knowing that actually building it will have to take place in another lesson.
You watch him go, before pouring over the blueprints some more, realizing that you could technically build this alone given the right materials and parts. Instructing Eva to save the design to your terminal, you lean back as you wait for Letho to let you know what the instructors say about it. When he does return, the triumphant smile on his face tells you all that you need to know. Packing the workstation away, you prepare to leave while Letho rambles on about potential upgrades and plans for the drone, talking about an entire range of them that could be used in multiple situations.
Leaving the technology lab behind you, you realize just what a difference its climate control makes, the room being a few degrees cooler than the outside, and you let an involuntary shiver out as you decide what to do next.<<nobr>>
<div class="card solid card-nav">
<div class="row">
<div class="card-body p-0">
<div class="row d-flex">
<<slink "Dormitories" "Hub_Dormitories" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "ti ti-door-exit" "">><</slink>>
<div class="navigation-container">\
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/jaime_apartment.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/jaime/expressions/happy_civilian.webp"/>
<<reaction "jaime" "Reaction_Jaime">>\
A gentle knock on Jaime's door has the cheerful cadet greeting you, ushering you inside hurriedly, almost like she's worried you might be seen here.
Laughing softly to yourself you follow her in, taking an offered seat on the couch with an easy smile. Jaime busies herself with cleaning some imperceptible issues before sitting on an open chair across from you with a nervous smile.
<<if starGame.player.hasInteraction('jaime_interaction') is not true>>
<div class="center m-3"><h5 class="bold">Fun</h5></div>
<div class="row">
<<stimelink "Missionary" "Jaime_Apartment_Sex_Missionary" "slink btn btn-highlight w-100" "">><</stimelink>>
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('jaime_apartment_smalltalk_academy') is undefined or starGame.npcs.getFact('jaime_apartment_smalltalk_hobbies') is undefined>>
<div class="center m-3"><h5 class="bold">Small Talk</h5></div>
<div class="row">
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('jaime_apartment_smalltalk_hobbies') is undefined>>
<<stimelink "Hobbies" "Jaime_Apartment_SmallTalk_Hobbies" "slink btn btn-highlight w-100" "">><</stimelink>>
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('jaime_apartment_smalltalk_academy') is undefined>>
<<stimelink "Academic Life" "Jaime_Apartment_SmallTalk_Academy" "slink btn btn-highlight w-100" "">><</stimelink>>
</div>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/academy/dorms.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
Jaime's room isn't on the same floor as your own, but it is in the same building, so it only takes you a few minutes to arrive in front of her door. It swings open at your touch, your attempt to knock causing it to give you access into her room.
<span class="jaime">"$character_firstName, that you?"</span>
She calls out from inside the room, and you quickly reassure her it is, before any strange misconceptions can take hold. She laughs cheerfully from wherever she might be, still out of sight for the moment.
<span class="jaime">"Well come on in then, don't just stand in the doorway."</span>
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Jaime_Apartment_Intro2">><</slink>>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<saudio "bgm_lofi1" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.25>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/jaime_apartment.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/jaime/expressions/happy_civilian.webp"/>
<<reaction "jaime" "Reaction_Jaime">>\
Her earlier invite compounded with hearing her telling you to make yourself at home leads you into her dorm room, closing the door behind you with a neat little click. Jaime herself steps out of her bathroom, her own hair slightly damp, even though she's fully dressed. You must have arrived right as her shower ended. She flashes you a bashful smile, and you can only smile back as you admire her figure once more.
You're still somewhat in the dark about why she invited you over, even if your thoughts have played out a dozen or so various possible outcomes. She giggles nervously as she takes a seat on her bed, patting the open spot alongside her with a growing flush. Deciding to help put her at ease by taking the offered seat, you are caught slightly off guard as she places her hand over yours, her fingers linking with yours gently.
A few moments of comfortable, yet strange silence settles over the two of you as you wait for her to take the lead, not wanting to push the timid cadet too much just yet. You don't have to wait long however, as she quickly works up the courage to broach whatever is on her mind, turning to you with a flushed face.
<span class="jaime">"I haven't been able to stop thinking about our date… and I keep wondering if I was maybe being too… conservative with my decision making last time. But… how about we pick up where we left off?"</span>
As she speaks, she leans into you, her warm breath brushing against your cool skin, as one of her hands moves to undo the first of her uniform buttons. Flashing back to the gentle kiss you shared before she closed the door on you, you have to admit to yourself that the usually shy Jaime is taking a rather bold step in trying to seduce you like this.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Get Seduced" "Jaime_Apartment_Intro2_Accept">><</slink>>
<<slink "Gentle Rebuke" "Jaime_Apartment_Intro2_Refuse">><</slink>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/jaime_apartment.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/jaime/expressions/neutral_civilian.webp"/>
It's not that you don't want to be seduced, but something about this entire meeting feels off to you. Deciding that you'll gently pull away instead of turning her down more coldly, Jaime gives you a confused look as your bodies draw apart. A final, hopeful spark in her eyes is extinguished as you gently shake your head.
You quickly explain that it's not her fault, you just don't want to rush into anything right now, and you feel like making a choice like this could hurt her if you both aren't careful. She nods bravely, her eyes shining with slowly forming tears, but she manages to brace herself against the rejection regardless.
Taking your leave quickly, you escape from the suddenly awkward to be in room, the door closing with an unusually firm click, as if to emphasize your choice. Deciding that you're being overly dramatic yourself, you shake your head free of any lingering thoughts of doubt as you turn back to the dorms in general.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Leave" "Hub_Dormitories">>
<<run starGame.player.setInteraction('jaime_interaction')>>
<<snotify "info">>You now have access to Jaime's apartment.<</snotify>>
<<startplaylist "playlist_exploration_soft">>
<img src="resources/img/characters/crew/stella/scenes/stella_bg2.webp"/>
<<if starGame.player.hasVagina()>>
<<if starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'black'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/jaime/scenes/missionary/f_black.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'tan'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/jaime/scenes/missionary/f_tan.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/jaime/scenes/missionary/f_fair.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.isShemale()>>
<<if starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'black'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/jaime/scenes/missionary/m_black.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'tan'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/jaime/scenes/missionary/m_tan.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/jaime/scenes/missionary/m_fair.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.hasPenis()>>
<<if starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'black'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/jaime/scenes/missionary/m_black.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'tan'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/jaime/scenes/missionary/m_tan.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/jaime/scenes/missionary/m_fair.webp"/>
Well, you aren't complaining, and as you lean into her awkward kiss, you take over, quickly helping her strip out of her uniform even as she assists you out of your own. Breaking the kiss to admire her body, you have to gently hold her hands to stop her from covering herself up under your gaze.
<span class="jaime">"Don't… stare so much. It's embarrassing."</span>
You manage to hold your amusement at her feeble attempts to cover up, enjoying the sight of her soft, pale body laid out before you.
<<if starGame.player.hasVagina()>>\
You hadn't noticed it while undressing her, thanks to being locked into a kiss with her, but now that you're gazing down at the cadet laid out below you, you take a moment to admire her black lace lingerie. She refuses to meet your eyes, clearly embarrassed but allowing you to ravage her with your eyes at your leisure. Eventually however, you lean forward, your lips meeting her neck as she gives a small gasp of surprise out, quickly followed by a soft moan as the sensation sends a shiver through her.
<span class="jaime">"Stop teasing me already."</span> She manages to whisper out, her body reacting to your touch instinctively as your hands run over her soft skin.
A slight tremor courses through her as your fingers touch her thigh, teasing her with the promise of your touch ever so slowly approaching her more sensitive spots. <span class="jaime">"There's a toy in the drawer."</span>
A sudden gasp escapes her lips as you run a finger through her lips, holding it up to show how her wetness drips from it. She blushes more at this, but doesn't look away, her gaze fixed on you as she waits for your next move. Taking your time as you fasten the recovered strapon around your hips, you take your place between her legs.
You don't keep her waiting long, as your fake cock comes to rest against her waiting pussy, her entire body shifting hungrily in anticipation, her legs spreading even further apart as she encourages you to use her wordlessly. Your own desire and lust take control, and you barely pause to pull her panties out of the way as you thrust into her, her tight pussy forcing the movement to be more measured than your desire wants it to be.
Hilting yourself in the tight cadet, her moans quickly fill the air, your every movement bringing you both pleasure, her legs tightly wrapped around you as you give her a moment to grow used to your size, even as her pussy hungrily tries to milk you, her body revealing her own desire and lust as you slowly start to move again. The strap-on is pressing against your own clit, the sensations from thrusting into Jamie traveling through the toy and affecting you just as much.
A spasm runs through her body, as she tightens around you even further, a sudden flush of wetness against your skin telling you that she's busy having a climax of her own.
Throwing caution to the wind, you thrust into her harder and faster, her moans turning into muted screams and cries of pleasure as she bites into a pillow to try to keep relatively silent. Unable to resist the sensations you can feel the toy against you, you collapse onto Jamie, your body quivering as your own climax hits you like a tidal wave.
You spend a few minutes recovering in her arms, your bodies intertwined as you slowly feel the strength return to your body, pulling out of Jamie, a soft moan escaping her lips as a feeling of emptiness replaces your fake dick inside her.
You hadn't noticed it while undressing her, thanks to being locked into a kiss with her, but now that you're gazing down at the cadet laid out below you, you take a moment to admire her black lace lingerie. She refuses to meet your eyes, clearly embarrassed but allowing you to ravage her with your eyes at your leisure. Eventually however, you lean forward, your lips meeting her neck as she gives a small gasp of surprise out, quickly followed by a soft moan as the sensation sends a shiver through her.
<span class="jaime">"Stop teasing me already."</span> She manages to whisper out, her body reacting to your touch instinctively as your hands run over her soft skin.
A slight tremor courses through her as your fingers touch her thigh, teasing her with the promise of your touch ever so slowly approaching her more sensitive spots.
A sudden gasp escapes her lips as you run a finger through her lips, holding it up to show how her wetness drips from it. She blushes more at this, but doesn't look away, her gaze fixed on you as she waits for your next move.
You don't keep her waiting long, as your cock comes to rest against her waiting pussy, her entire body shifting hungrily in anticipation, her legs spreading even further apart as she encourages you to use her wordlessly. Your own desire and lust take control, and you barely pause to pull her panties out of the way as you thrust into her, her pussy incredibly tight around your shaft.
Hilting yourself in the tight cadet, her moans quickly fill the air, your every movement bringing you both pleasure, her legs tightly wrapped around you as you give her a moment to grow used to your size, even as her pussy hungrily tries to milk you, her body revealing her own desire and lust as you slowly start to move again. She's so tight and warm that your every thrust into her threatens to overwhelm you, as your need to cum and your need to fuck her more compete with each other.
A spasm runs through her body, as she tightens around you even further, a sudden flush of wetness on your cock telling you that she's busy having a climax of her own.
Throwing caution to the wind, you thrust into her harder and faster, her moans turning into muted screams and cries of pleasure as she bites into a pillow to try to keep relatively silent. Unable to resist the pleasure of her tight body any longer, you hilt yourself deep inside her, breathing hard as you collapse onto her, your hot cum spurting into Jaime as she cries out in pleasure once again.
You spend a few minutes recovering in her arms, your bodies intertwined as you slowly feel the strength return to your body, pulling out of Jamie, a soft moan escaping her lips as a feeling of emptiness replaces you inside her.
You make sure the fragile cadet is alright, even as you're busy recovering your clothes, enjoying the sight of her exposed and vulnerable body still stretched out from your previous activities. She graces you with a weak, yet brilliant smile, her eyes starry as she gently bites her lip while watching you move.
Even though she's fallen silent for the most part now, you can tell Jaime will be looking forward to your next visit, and you share the sentiment. Deciding to leave her to recover in peace for the moment, you finish fixing your clothes, before slipping out of her dorm room and back into the building itself.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Leave" "Hub_Dormitories">>
<<run starGame.player.setInteraction('jaime_interaction')>>
<<snotify "info">>You now have access to Jaime's apartment.<</snotify>>
<<startplaylist "playlist_exploration_soft">>
<img src="resources/img/characters/crew/stella/scenes/stella_bg2.webp"/>
<<if starGame.player.hasVagina()>>
<<if starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'black'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/jaime/scenes/missionary/f_black.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'tan'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/jaime/scenes/missionary/f_tan.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/jaime/scenes/missionary/f_fair.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.isShemale()>>
<<if starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'black'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/jaime/scenes/missionary/m_black.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'tan'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/jaime/scenes/missionary/m_tan.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/jaime/scenes/missionary/m_fair.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.hasPenis()>>
<<if starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'black'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/jaime/scenes/missionary/m_black.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'tan'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/jaime/scenes/missionary/m_tan.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/jaime/scenes/missionary/m_fair.webp"/>
Despite sitting opposite each other on the seats she has available, there's a clear tension in the room, and as your eyes meet, a blush quickly spreads across her cheeks before she looks away shyly. Deciding to test the waters, you raise an eyebrow at her, before tracking your gaze across to her bed.
She blushes even more fiercely now, and you almost miss the small nod she gives you, even as she prepares to stand. You motion for her to stay seated, and quickly cross the floor over to her, scooping her up into your arms and carrying her over to the bed, her breathing racing as you do.
<<if starGame.player.hasVagina()>>\
Not as shy and hesitant as she was the first time you took her to bed, Jaime eagerly helps you undress, even as you quickly pull her own clothing off. You smile as you see the black lingerie underneath them, and she gives you a nervous smile as she waits for your hungry touch.
Your hands roam over her body, a series of gasps and moans accompanying your exploration of her soft skin, sliding between her thighs and spreading her legs apart in anticipation of the fun to come. Jaime gives way to your touch easily, her body eagerly responding to your every movement, and as she wraps her legs around you, pulling you closer she whispers into your ear.
<span class="jaime">"Don't make me wait. Fuck me already. You know where the toys are."</span>
You don't let her words go unheeded, quickly recovering and strapping the fake cock onto your hips, her entire body shifting hungrily in anticipation, her legs spreading even further apart as she encourages you to use her wordlessly. Your own desire and lust take control, and you barely pause to pull her panties out of the way as you thrust into her, her tight pussy forcing the movement to be more measured than your desire wants it to be.
Hilting yourself in the tight cadet, her moans quickly fill the air, your every movement bringing you both pleasure, her legs tightly wrapped around you as you give her a moment to grow used to your size, even as her pussy hungrily tries to milk you, her body revealing her own desire and lust as you slowly start to move again. The strap-on is pressing against your own clit, the sensations from thrusting into Jamie traveling through the toy and affecting you just as much.
A spasm runs through her body, as she tightens around you even further, a sudden flush of wetness against your skin telling you that she's busy having a climax of her own. Throwing caution to the wind, you thrust into her harder and faster, her moans turning into muted screams and cries of pleasure as she bites into a pillow to try to keep relatively silent. Unable to resist the sensations you can feel the toy against you, you collapse onto Jamie, your body quivering as your own climax hits you like a tidal wave.
You spend a few minutes recovering in her arms, your bodies intertwined as you slowly feel the strength return to your body, pulling out of Jamie, a soft moan escaping her lips as a feeling of emptiness replaces your fake dick inside her.
Not as shy and hesitant as she was the first time you took her to bed, Jaime eagerly helps you undress, even as you quickly pull her own clothing off. You smile as you see the black lingerie underneath them, and she gives you a nervous smile as she waits for your hungry touch.
Your hands roam over her body, a series of gasps and moans accompanying your exploration of her soft skin, sliding between her thighs and spreading her legs apart in anticipation of the fun to come. Jaime gives way to your touch easily, her body eagerly responding to your every movement, and as she wraps her legs around you, pulling you closer she whispers into your ear.
<span class="jaime">"Don't make me wait. Fuck me already."</span>
You don't let her words go unheeded, resting your cock against her waiting pussy, her entire body shifting hungrily in anticipation, her legs spreading even further apart as she encourages you to use her wordlessly. Your own desire and lust take control, and you barely pause to pull her panties out of the way as you thrust into her, her pussy incredibly tight around your shaft.
Hilting yourself in the tight cadet, her moans quickly fill the air, your every movement bringing you both pleasure, her legs tightly wrapped around you as you give her a moment to grow used to your size, even as her pussy hungrily tries to milk you, her body revealing her own desire and lust as you slowly start to move again. She's so tight and warm that your every thrust into her threatens to overwhelm you, as your need to cum and your need to fuck her more compete with each other.
A spasm runs through her body, as she tightens around you even further, a sudden flush of wetness on your cock telling you that she's busy having a climax of her own. Throwing caution to the wind, you thrust into her harder and faster, her moans turning into muted screams and cries of pleasure as she bites into a pillow to try to keep relatively silent. Unable to resist the pleasure of her tight body any longer, you hilt yourself deep inside her, breathing hard as you collapse onto her, your hot cum spurting into Jaime as she cries out in pleasure once again.
You spend a few minutes recovering in her arms, your bodies intertwined as you slowly feel the strength return to your body, pulling out of Jamie, a soft moan escaping her lips as a feeling of emptiness replaces you inside her.
Jaime watches you from her spot in the bed, her body still trembling and twitching slightly, a faint smile gracing her lips. You don't miss the chance to admire her exposed body again, even as you're busy redressing yourself, Jaime playing along and flaunting it slightly for you as you stare.
Deciding to leave her to recover in peace for the moment, you finish fixing your clothes, and she blows you a kiss before you slip out of her dorm room and back into the building itself.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Leave" "Hub_Dormitories">>
<<run starGame.player.setInteraction('jaime_interaction')>>
<<startplaylist "playlist_exploration_soft">>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<saudio "bgm_lofi1" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.25>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/jaime_apartment.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/jaime/expressions/happy_civilian.webp"/>
Leaning back into the seat, you let your eyes trail around the room for a moment, taking it in properly and admiring the various posters Jaime has decorated it with. She must have noticed your gaze lingering on one of the hyper-pop posters as she quickly launches into fangirling about an album and group you've never heard about and don't recognize the name of.
She's more than happy to enlighten you however, shifting from her spot across from you to one next to you, a series of disks and photo's practically materializing in her hands as she tells you about the past concerts she's attended in great detail. You're content to let her talk, falling into a comfortable silence as she tells you about one of her favorite hobbies and how much it means to her.
A beep from her own terminal interrupts the two of you however, and as she moves across to check the source of the disturbance, you realize that you've actually been here for quite a while already. Deciding to take the disruption as a good chance to leave without being rude, you tell her you'll see her later, a friendly wave and smile being sent your way in response.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Leave" "Hub_Dormitories">>
<<run starGame.player.setInteraction('jaime_interaction')>>
<<npcStatIncrease "jaime_affinity" 1>>
<<npcFactSet "jaime_apartment_smalltalk_hobbies" true>>
<<snotify "info">>Jaime appreciated spending time with you.<</snotify>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/jaime_apartment.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/jaime/expressions/happy_civilian.webp"/>
Jaime leans back into her seat with a sigh, her usually immaculate appearance a bit more frayed than you're used to seeing. She gives you a weary smile when she realizes she's fallen under your scrutiny however, and you decide you might as well ask what's got her so worn down at the moment.
<span class="jaime">"Oh you know. Course work, club time commitments, spending time with friends, and so on. Academy life is more hectic than I thought it would be. I have no idea how you make it look so easy."</span>
She gives you a grin in response, playfully redirecting the topic of conversation back to you as she does. Deciding to keep the conversation rolling as she changes topic, you laugh along with her, easing both of you into a light hearted conversation about Academy life in general, talking about classes and time spent with friends.
All in all, it's a good time spent just enjoying each other's company, and you can't help but feel reluctant to bring it to an end, slowly closing out the conversation and preparing to see if you're going to leave now or not.
Jaime also seems to sense that you're weighing up the rest of your schedule for the day, and leans back into her seat, seemingly content to sit and relax regardless of your choice. You give her a gentle smile as you stand, and she quickly matches you, intent on at least walking you to the door as you leave.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Leave" "Hub_Dormitories">>
<<run starGame.player.setInteraction('jaime_interaction')>>
<<npcStatIncrease "jaime_affinity" 1>>
<<npcFactSet "jaime_apartment_smalltalk_academy" true>>
<<snotify "info">>Jaime appreciated spending time with you.<</snotify>>
<div class="card solid card-nav">
<div class="row">
<div class="card-body p-0">
<div class="row d-flex">
<<slink "Dormitories" "Hub_Dormitories" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "ti ti-door-exit" "">><</slink>>
<div class="navigation-container">\
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/julianna_apartment.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/julianna/expressions/happy_uniform.webp"/>
<<reaction "julianna" "Reaction_Julianna">>\
<<scene "Julianna_Apartment_Intro1">>
<<scene "Julianna_Apartment_Intro2">>
<<if starGame.time.getCurrentPeriod() < 4 and starGame.player.hasInteraction('julianna_interaction') is not true>>
<div class="center m-3"><h5 class="bold">Fun</h5></div>
<div class="row">
<<stimelink "Shibari" "Julianna_Apartment_Services_Shibari" "slink btn btn-highlight w-100" "">><</stimelink>>
<<stimelink "Jerk Off Instructions" "Julianna_Apartment_Services_JOI" "slink btn btn-highlight w-100" "">><</stimelink>>
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('julianna_apartment_smalltalk') is undefined>>
<div class="center m-3"><h5 class="bold">Small Talk</h5></div>
<div class="row">
<<stimelink "Everyday life" "Julianna_Apartment_SmallTalk_EverydayLife" "slink btn btn-highlight w-100" "">><</stimelink>>
</div>\The door swings open at your touch, telling you that either Julianna was expecting you, or that Eva let her know you were arriving. The royal gives you a demure smile from where she's lounging on the couch, clearly enjoying her time spent relaxing. She does perk up when you approach however, moving into a position that's much more receptive to spending time with you, even as your gaze sweeps through her luxurious apartment.
From the way she's seemingly content with waiting for you to steer the direction of things here, you know that you have all the time in the world to decide what the rest of the visit here will be like.Julianna smiles at you as she opens her dorm room door, her room laid out welcomingly before you as you enter. Moving to collapse onto the couch, she joins you on the comfy seat, leaning her body against yours.
Enjoying a few moments of silence, you allow your eyes to roam over her room, seeing it's both similar and different from your own, a true perk of high ranking families. As the two of you chat lightly while you relax, you slowly start to decide what to do next.<<nobr>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/julianna_apartment.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/julianna/expressions/happy_naked.webp"/>
After a few minutes of small talk, you slowly round the conversation into the direction you want it. Telling Julianna that you're here for another session of instructions and mutual pleasure, a lewd smile slowly spreads across her face as the atmosphere of the room changes. Julianna shifts her position smoothly, placing her directly opposite you as she indicates for you to start stripping for her.
You don't hesitate, eagerly following even her gestured commands as the princess slowly undresses herself before you, her every movement done in such a way as to heighten your anticipation of what's to come.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Julianna_Apartment_Services_JOI2">><</slink>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/julianna/scenes/joi/bg.webp"/>
<<if starGame.player.isShemale()>>
<<if starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'black'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/julianna/scenes/joi/s_black.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'tan'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/julianna/scenes/joi/s_tan.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/julianna/scenes/joi/s_fair.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.hasPenis()>>
<<if starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'black'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/julianna/scenes/joi/m_black.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'tan'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/julianna/scenes/joi/m_tan.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/julianna/scenes/joi/m_fair.webp"/>
<<if starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'black'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/julianna/scenes/joi/f_black.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'tan'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/julianna/scenes/joi/f_tan.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/julianna/scenes/joi/f_fair.webp"/>
<<if starGame.player.hasPenis()>>\
Feeling your cock already growing hard with Julianna's exposed body in front of you, you can't help but blush as she admires you from her seat. When she leans forward seductively, her arms cupping her breasts perfectly, you feel your heart skip a beat, the sight almost completely distracting you from her words.
<span class="julianna">"Ready for me? Or do you want to just enjoy staring at me some more?"</span>
You nod nervously, your throat suddenly dry as you're confronted by the beautiful cadet. Shaking your head clear quickly, you nod more firmly, your hand gliding down your own body as you wait for her to guide you through the rest of the session.
<span class="julianna">"Start off nice and slow, smooth steady strokes."</span>
Her voice is almost hypnotic as she starts to give you instructions, your hands moving along with her words as she watches you masturbate for her. You're not the only one enjoying this, as you watch one of her hands slip between her legs, a breathy moan accompanying her words as she continues to guide you through the jerk off session.
An involuntary moan of your own escapes your lips as she makes you pick up the pace, stroking harder and faster as you push yourself towards the edge of orgasm, only for her to deny you relief and make you cooldown with only light touching and teasing allowed.
While you'd love to cross the short distance between you and fuck her for real, there's something incredibly erotic about the way you're both watching each other masturbate, her fingers matching the tempo of your strokes as you continue to follow her guidance, your heavy breathing and her soft moans mixing together in a sweet symphony of desire. She pushes you to the edge of climax once more, only to deny you yet again, drawing a frustrated growl from your throat as you reluctantly follow along, eager for relief and growing increasingly impatient.
<span class="julianna">"You've done such a good job of putting on a show for me, I'll let you cum now."</span>
Her words are soft and velvety, and as you quickly find your climax approaching, your hand pumping desperately away at your cock, you don't miss the subtle movements of her body tensing up and trembling as well, her toes curling as her own climax threatens to overpower her.
Unable to resist any longer, you feel your cum spurt out of you, Julianna's moans confirming your suspicions as the two of you share an orgasm, your seed dripping to the floor below you as you pant heavily, watching Julianna shiver and quake as she slowly winds down from her own intense climax.
Feeling your pussy already starting to drip with Julianna's exposed body in front of you, you can't help but blush as she admires you from her seat. When she leans forward seductively, her arms cupping her breasts perfectly, you feel your heart skip a beat, the sight almost completely distracting you from her words.
<span class="julianna">"Ready for me? Or do you want to just enjoy staring at me some more?"</span>
You nod nervously, your throat suddenly dry as you're confronted by the beautiful cadet. Shaking your head clear quickly, you nod more firmly, your fingers trailing down your own body as you wait for her to guide you through the rest of the session.
<span class="julianna">"Start off nice and slow, just a single finger for now."</span>
Her voice is almost hypnotic as she starts to give you instructions, your hands moving along with her words as she watches you masturbate for her. You're not the only one enjoying this, as you watch one of her hands slip between her legs, a breathy moan accompanying her words as she continues to guide you through the jerk off session.
An involuntary moan of your own escapes your lips as she makes you pick up the pace, your fingers writhing within you as you push yourself towards the edge of orgasm, only for her to deny you relief and make you cooldown with only light touching and teasing allowed.
While you'd love to cross the short distance between you and fuck her for real, there's something incredibly erotic about the way you're both watching each other masturbate, her fingers matching the tempo of your own as you continue to follow her guidance, your heavy breathing and her soft moans mixing together in a sweet symphony of desire. She pushes you to the edge of climax once more, only to deny you yet again, drawing a frustrated growl from your throat as you reluctantly follow along, eager for relief and growing increasingly impatient.
<span class="julianna">"You've done such a good job of putting on a show for me, I'll let you cum now."</span>
Her words are soft and velvety, and as you quickly find your climax approaching, your fingers desperately rubbing away at your clit, you don't miss the subtle movements of her body tensing up and trembling as well, her toes curling as her own climax threatens to overpower her.
Unable to resist any longer, you feel a sudden rush of wetness engulf your hand, dripping down your legs as Julianna's moans confirm your suspicions as the two of you share an intense series of orgasms.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Julianna_Apartment_Services_JOI3">>
<<startplaylist "playlist_exploration_soft">>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<saudio "bgm_sex4" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.25>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/julianna_apartment.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/julianna/expressions/happy_naked.webp"/>
As your breathing slowly starts to normalize, you see a sudden flush of embarrassment spread across Julianna's face, as she realizes she just made you cum all over her dorm room floor. Laughing softly at her reaction to the moment, you quickly cross the distance between you, drawing her into a gentle kiss as you light caress her body. Despite her soft moans and her body pressing eagerly against yours, she eventually breaks the kiss, pushing herself away with a small smile.
<span class="julianna">"I still have things I need to take care of. You get dressed and go first, I'll get this cleaned up."</span>
You spend another few seconds trying to change her mind, but she's resolute in her decision, although she does soften up lightly as you finish dressing.
<span class="julianna">"That was fun… we should do it again sometime."</span>
Leaving you to ponder her words alone in the room, she retreats to her bathroom, the sound of the shower turning on telling you that there's not much else for you here at the moment. Slipping out of her room and into the corridor, you head back into the academy with a smile on your face and a lightness in your step.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Hub_Dormitories">>
<<run starGame.player.setInteraction('julianna_interaction')>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/julianna_apartment.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/julianna/expressions/happy_naked.webp"/>
After a few minutes of small talk, you decide that you might as well get to the point of the visit today, stepping past Julianna and fetching the bondage rope with a smile. The sound of fabric moving behind you draws your attention, and as you turn to see what she's doing, you can only let out a low whistle of appreciation as you see her finish stripping.
<<if starGame.player.hasPenis()>>\
<span class="julianna">"No point in wasting time with those."</span> She says huskily as she steps over her clothes towards you, her hands already pressed together in anticipation of you binding her with the rope again.
<span class="julianna">"No point in wasting time with those."</span> She says huskily as she steps over her clothes towards you, her hands already pressed together in anticipation of you binding her with the rope again. You laugh at her eagerness, as you fetch the last thing needed for the upcoming fun from the drawer.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Julianna_Apartment_Services_Shibari2">><</slink>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/julianna/scenes/shibari/bg.webp"/>
<<if starGame.player.isShemale()>>
<<if starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'black'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/julianna/scenes/shibari/s_black.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'tan'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/julianna/scenes/shibari/s_tan.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/julianna/scenes/shibari/s_fair.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.hasPenis()>>
<<if starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'black'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/julianna/scenes/shibari/m_black.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'tan'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/julianna/scenes/shibari/m_tan.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/julianna/scenes/shibari/m_fair.webp"/>
<<if starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'black'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/julianna/scenes/shibari/f_black.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'tan'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/julianna/scenes/shibari/f_tan.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/julianna/scenes/shibari/f_fair.webp"/>
<<if starGame.player.hasPenis()>>\
The rope is cool and smooth in your hands, its texture just rough enough to stop it from being ignored and as you approach Julianna, you allow it to trail against her skin, enjoying the way she shivers in anticipation from the contact. Drawing it out as long as possible, you tease Julianna as you slowly restrain her, pulling her arms behind her back and running the rope around her neck and across her chest to adjust her posture and present her ample breasts for you at all times.
Once you're happy that her arms are firmly restrained behind her, you decide that you've spent enough time teasing her with promises of what's to come, and gripping her by the wrists, you pull her onto her knees, admiring the way her cunts already dripping as you position her on the edge of the bed before you. Pressing your hard cock between her thighs, she lets out a low moan, her entire body trembling at the contact at last, and from the way she instantly starts to grind against it, you can tell that just the lightest touch will set her off on a spiral of pleasure.
Slowly sliding your cock into her, she almost collapses onto the bed beneath, held up only by your grip on her bound arms, and as you thrust into her, you feel her tighten around you as she struggles weakly against the restraints. Her desperate moaning and begging quickly blends together with the sounds of your bodies slapping together, and as she's helpless in your grasp and bindings, you take your time in enjoying using her body as you please.
Feeling the juices flood out of her as you use her like a sex toy, you know that your own orgasm is building quickly, helped along with her constant mewling, her pussy tightening around you as she spasm and shivers under the constant assault on her senses. The restricted movement she has only seems to heighten her lust and pleasure, and even as you feel your climax finally hit you, Julianna muffles her own screams of pleasure by burying her face in the bedsheets.
Panting as you pull out of her and roll over onto the bed, you smile tiredly at her as she struggles feebly against her restraints, whining as she realizes you're enjoying watching her awkwardly try to shift her position. Pouting at you like a betrayed puppy, you pull her over to you, wrapping your arms around her as you lie back for a few minutes, enjoying the post-sex glow together with your bound princess.
While the rope alone is already cool to the touch and just rough enough to stop itself from being forgotten while worn, it's the other content of the drawer that you bring with you that truly has Julianna's eyes wide. Looking up at you with her somewhat nervous doe eyes, she regards the vibrator and rope you're holding in your hands with a wary smile. Giving her a reassuring wink and a loving caress on the cheek with the rope, she lets out a soft moan as her expectations for what's to come wash away any reluctance she might have. Placing the vibrator aside for the moment, you slowly start to work the rope around her, teasing her body with your tongue and lips as you bind her arms and legs back, leaving her body proudly presented and posed for you on the bed.
Giving her a final, tender, kiss as you test the bindings, you giggle slightly as she tries to move and finds herself well and truly immobile. Teasing her for a few moments longer, your fingers slip between her legs, finding her dripping wet already as your fingers slide easily into her waiting hole. Her soft moans and writhing hips fall still as she hears the vibrator buzz softly as you click it on. A sudden look that can only be described as a mixture of fear and lust settles into her eyes as she watches you climb over her, the vibrator resting between your tits and hers as you slowly glide it down her body towards her helpless pussy.
<span class="julianna">"Wait, maybe we should…"</span> Her words trail off into a long, lurid moan as the vibrator brushes against her clit, and she writhes slightly, uselessly, against the sensation as you begin to tease and torture her with the vibrator. Smirking evilly down at the bound princess, her reaction to the vibrator only serves to turn you on further, and you quickly have her squirming and begging for mercy beneath you as you take advantage of her helpless body.
Unable to resist your own desires for long, it's only a matter of minutes before you've got the vibrator pinned between the two of you, your hips gyrating against it as you ride it. Julianna's body tenses and trembles as the unending waves of pleasure flood through her, you moans and hers blending together as you cry out in ecstasy, the vibrator pinned between you quickly pushing you towards a series of orgasms of your own.
Collapsing onto the princess as you try to recover from your orgasms, your hips continue to buck against the toy subconsciously, press it against Julianna's sensitive pussy as she helplessly tries to writhe and free herself from underneath you. Casting the vibrator aside to allow you both to recover, your lips find hers, and as you melt into each other with a long, tender kiss you can't help but run your hands over the bound cadet, cuddling into each other as you recover.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Julianna_Apartment_Services_Shibari3">>
<<startplaylist "playlist_exploration_soft">>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<saudio "bgm_sex4" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.25>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/julianna_apartment.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/julianna/expressions/happy_naked.webp"/>
Eventually you recover enough to move without the threat of collapsing back onto her, and as you slowly admire the sight of your lover's bound body, she wriggles slightly, blushing intensely as you watch her. Deciding that you've tormented her enough for the moment, you quickly untie her, and are pulled into a hungry kiss as a reward. Eventually breaking the sloppy kiss with a soft sigh, you watch her sink into the bed with a happy smile on her face as she watches you start to reclaim your clothing.
As you redress, she watches you lazily, pouting slightly at the idea that you might be leaving already. Luckily, you don't need to make any excuses yourself, as she blows you a kiss and climbs off the bed, heading for the shower unsteadily.
<span class="julianna">"Go on, I need to actually get some rest, thanks to a certain someone."</span>
Her words are soft and playful, and you whistle softly as you watch her go, her hips swaying hypnotically, almost convincing you to follow her into the shower. She blows you a kiss as she goes, and you leave her room with a content smile on your face.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Hub_Dormitories">>
<<run starGame.player.setInteraction('julianna_interaction')>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/julianna_apartment.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/julianna/expressions/happy_uniform.webp"/>
Looking down at the cadet leaning against you, you realize you actually don't know much about her daily schedule, and asking her about it, you are treated to a wry smile as she bats her eyelashes at you.
<span class="julianna">"Do you really want to know such mundane things, or is this part of a long term scheme of yours?"</span> She teases as she props herself against the couch, facing you in a position more comfortable for casual conversation.
<span class="julianna">"Honestly, there's not much to tell. I go to class, spend time in VR training, and spend time here in the room relaxing and maintaining my body. Pretty standard stuff, really."</span>
You laugh, gently booping her on the nose. Telling her that you didn't mean to ask for a summarized list, you gently guide her into a conversation with no real depth, but one that helps you get to know the redhead better, as you laugh and joke together, passing the time quickly.
Julianna does her own probing of your life, and as the conversation slowly falls to a comfortable silence, you realize you've both reached a point where you're all talked out. Deciding to slowly make your excuses to leave while the atmosphere is good and mellow, you gently shift your weight, preparing to stand. Julianna catches the subtle hint, and rises to her feet alongside you with a smile.
Telling her that you'll come visit again soon, you are given a soft hug as you go, the door clicking firmly in place behind you as you enter the corridor.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Hub_Dormitories">>
<<run starGame.player.setInteraction('julianna_interaction')>>
<<npcFactSet "julianna_apartment_smalltalk" 1>>
<<npcStatIncrease "julianna_relationship" 1>>
<<snotify "success">>+1 Julianna Relationship.<</snotify>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/letho_apartment.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/letho/expressions/happy_civilian.webp"/>
<<reaction "letho" "Reaction_Letho">>\<<nobr>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/letho_apartment.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/letho/expressions/happy_civilian.webp"/>
<<reaction "letho" "Reaction_Letho">>\
Letho opens the door with a shy smile, stepping out of the way to allow you to enter his room past him. Almost immediately you notice the injector on the table, and you start to get a feeling for what the invitation is about. Taking a seat on his bed casually, you wait for the shy cadet to join you, the way his door clicks closed behind him filling the air with an expectant air. Letho doesn't sit, instead moving to lean against his desk, a hand lightly touching the injector on it with a nervous smile on his face.
<span class="letho">"I can't stop thinking about that night at the club. It was so overwhelming, but I never felt more free, more… myself."</span>
He pauses, holding the injector now, confusion written across his face. <span class="letho">"But everytime I think about taking the mod again, I get scared at the last moment, and spend hours staring at it, trying to decide if I should or shouldn't use it."</span>
His eyes track over you, and you can tell he's waiting for you to help him make a decision. You pause, knowing that what you do next will drastically affect the way that Letho views himself.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Encourage" "Letho_Apartment_Stage1_Intro_Encourage">>
<<npcFactSet "letho_apartment_encourage" true>>
<<run starGame.player.setInteraction('letho_interaction')>>
<<slink "Dissuade" "Letho_Apartment_Stage1_Intro_Dissuade">>
<<npcFactSet "letho_apartment_encourage" false>>
<<run starGame.player.setInteraction('letho_interaction')>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/letho_apartment.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/letho/expressions/happy_girl_naked.webp"/>
Deciding that Letho has already made his choice, and just needs a slight push over the edge to fully accept his desires fully. Telling him that you think he should try it again to make sure it's what he likes and wants, you can see some of the tension and doubt leave his body and face as his hand wraps about the injector more firmly.
<span class="letho">"You're right. Give me a few moments."</span> He says, a measure of confidence returned to his voice as he takes the injector with him into his bathroom. You smile as you watch him go, fully expecting to see the cute and curvy girl when he returns. Leaning back onto the bed and getting comfortable, you enjoy listening to the faint moans of pleasure that accompany his transformation, even with a closed door between the two of you.
A few minutes later, the bathroom opens, with Letho returning in her much more feminine appearance that you last saw at the club. She gives you a shy smile, approaching you timidly as she tries to seem confident. Eventually, her eyes meet yours and you smile as you see the clear signs of lust within them. Rising from the bed as she approaches, you know that you need to make another choice, and fast.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Get Laid" "Letho_Apartment_Stage1_Intro_Encourage_Sex">>
<<npcFactSet "letho_apartment_sex" true>>
<<slink "Don't" "Letho_Apartment_Stage1_Intro_Encourage_NoSex">>
<<npcFactSet "letho_apartment_sex" false>>
<<if starGame.player.isShemale()>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/letho/scenes/matingpress/bg.webp"/>
<<if starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'black'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/letho/scenes/matingpress/s_black.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'tan'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/letho/scenes/matingpress//s_tan.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/letho/scenes/matingpress/s_fair.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.hasPenis()>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/letho/scenes/matingpress/bg.webp"/>
<<if starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'black'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/letho/scenes/matingpress/m_black.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'tan'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/letho/scenes/matingpress/m_tan.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/letho/scenes/matingpress/m_fair.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/letho/scenes/pussylicking/bg.webp"/>
<<if starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'black'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/letho/scenes/pussylicking/f_black.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'tan'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/letho/scenes/pussylicking/f_tan.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/letho/scenes/pussylicking/f_fair.webp"/>
The lust in Letho's eyes tells you that if you wait just a few moments longer, you won't even need to try to get her out of her clothes and do whatever you want her to. You don't speak as you approach the horny girl, your hands sending a shiver through her body as you run them over it, exploring her curves through her barely fitting clothing. A soft moan escapes her throat as you tweak one of her nipples through the shirt, a desperate whine telling you that she's ready for more already.
As you caress her cheek, you're caught slightly off guard as she takes your fingers in her mouth, her tongue running over them as she sucks them lightly. Your own desire heightened by her actions, you waste no time in pulling her clothes off, pushing the now naked Letho onto the bed, another moan escaping her lips as she runs a hand down her body as she watches you undress to join her.
<<if starGame.player.hasVagina() is true>>\
You spend a moment wondering if you should have had the foresight to bring a dildo with you, before deciding that you can actually start Letho's training better without one. Climbing over the lust-addled girl on the bed with a seductive smile, you position your cunt above her face, and are only slightly surprised when you feel her lips brush against your thigh as she lets out a desperate whine. Smiling to yourself as you lower yourself onto her face, you let out a moan of your own as you feel her tongue slide between your pussy lips, hungrily snaking into you as she eagerly accepts her role eating you out.
As she wraps her arms around your legs, making sure you can't move away from her attentions easily, you decide to simply allow her to pleasure you, her eager touch more than making up for her relative inexperience as she gently teases your clit with her tongue, a few gentle kisses accompanying her delicate touch before she plunges her tongue deep inside you once more. A sudden spank across your ass sends a tingle through your body, and you respond by running your hand through her hair, pulling her face harder against your groin as you ride her face eagerly.
Muffled moans of pleasure escape from the girl between your legs mix with your own moans as you both shudder with pleasure. A glance over your shoulder shows you that she's aggressively fingering herself as she eats you out, and as a surge of pleasure runs through you, you can feel your climax approaching quickly. Holding her face against your pussy as you hump her harder and faster, you twist the sheets below you as your orgasm hits, the powerful waves of pleasure causing you to collapse onto the bed with a long moan of pleasure.
Letho doesn't stop servicing you even as you spasm and twitch from your series of orgasms, her tongue eagerly lapping up your juices as she keeps you riding the waves of pleasure. Responding well to your body language, she sends you through another half dozen orgasms before you finally pull her head away from your sensitive cunt, breathing hard as you allow yourself to rest for a moment.
Letho's moans tell you that her own climax is close, her fingers frantically thrusting into her dripping cunt as you watch. Grinding your hips against her once more, you tease the horny cadet just enough to push her over the edge, and as she tenses up as her orgasm overwhelms her, you find yourself content to lazily lay alongside her, both of you kissing and caressing each others bodies as you bask in your post orgasm highs.
Eventually however, you manage to gather enough energy to move once more, and as you start to recover your clothing and make yourself look presentable once more, you see the exhausted cadet watching you through heavily lidded eyes. Deciding to allow Letho a chance to sleep and recover from her transformation and the sex, you give her a soft smile before leaving the dorm room, the door closing with a soft click behind you.
Looking down at the submissive cadet, you decide that you're not going to waste any more time, and as you climb over her, she spreads her legs instinctively, exposing her dripping wet pussy to you. A twitch in your cock draws a lewd smile to her face, and as she spreads her pussy lips for you to enter her, you can't resist the urge to fuck her any longer. Pushing into her, you feel her legs wrap loosely around your waist as you fill her up, the lewd moan accompanying your movement all the encouragement you need to start fucking her properly.
Thrusting hard into her, the room is quickly filled with the sounds of her moans and your bodies slapping against each other as you use her body for your own pleasure. Smiling to yourself as you see her grip the sheets desperately, her eyes rolling back in her head as you feel her cunt tighten around you, a sudden rush of wetness accompanying her orgasm. Slowing down a little to enjoy the sensations a bit longer, you feel her nails dig into your lower back as she pulls your body harder against hers, silently telling you to keep fucking her hard.
Happy to oblige, you pick up the pace, your every thrust drawing moans and whines out of her as she lies pinned below you, unable to even move as you use her like a living fleshlight. As she rides the waves of her constant orgasms, you watch as she goes limp, unable to even wrap her legs around you as the pleasure overwhelms her. Feeling your own climax approaching rapidly, you stroke into her even harder and faster, the deep thrusts drawing incredibly wanton moans from her as you hilt yourself inside her. She wraps her legs around your hips, holding you deep inside her as your orgasm hits, your cum filling her up and leaking out around your cock as she trembles and quivers below you.
Spending a few blissful moments laying on top of her, you feel her lips brushing against your chest and neck as she moans incoherently at you, her mind still reeling from the sensations of pleasure running through her. Carefully extracting yourself from her grasp, you smile down at the exhausted girl as you watch her press her fingers into her pussy, licking them clean with a self-satisfied smile.
Leaving Letho to clean herself up and recover from the intense session alone, you recover your clothes and make yourself presentable before you leave her dorm, the door softly clicking closed behind you as you go.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Leave" "Hub_Dormitories">>
<<startplaylist "playlist_exploration_soft">>
<<run starGame.player.setInteraction('letho_interaction')>>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<saudio "bgm_sex5" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.25>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/letho_apartment.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/letho/expressions/neutral_girl_naked.webp"/>
Just because Letho's deeply affected by the after effects of the mod and going crazy with lust as a result of it, doesn't mean you're interested in pursuing anything more with her at the moment, despite how easy it would be to push her into any course of action you want her to follow. Smiling at the lust-addled girl, you decide that now is a good time to leave, knowing that she'll only be able to resist her desire for pleasure for a few minutes longer at most.
Telling Letho that you'll see her later, you head for the door, escaping the dorm room even as you hear her moans intensify behind you as she gives into her needs.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Leave" "Hub_Dormitories">>
<<run starGame.player.setInteraction('letho_interaction')>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/letho_apartment.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/letho/expressions/happy_civilian.webp"/>
The fact he's been hesitating for so long already tells you that Letho doesn't truly want this, and if it wasn't for the heady mix of emotions and overwhelming nature of the night that's caused him to even think that it was something he wanted. Now that the initial excitement has started to wear off, it's a safe bet that in a few days more Letho will realize that he doesn't actually want to be transformed.
Deciding to help him reach the obvious conclusion just that little bit faster, you tell him as much, reaching over to take the injector away from him with a gentle smile. Even if you did push him to try something new, it's clear now that it's not something he'll truly want. With the injector safely in your grasp, you see the stress and indecision leave Letho almost at once. Finally free of feeling like he needs to make a choice, he sinks onto the bed next to you, a weary smile on his face.
<span class="letho">"Thanks. I knew you'd be able to help me with this."</span> You take the moment of silence that follows his gratitude to wonder what he would have done if you'd pushed him the other way instead, before putting it out of mind for now. After all, you've already pushed him away from that, and there's no point in wasting time thinking about what if's.
Deciding that the timid cadet needs some time to think and rest on his own, you tuck the injector away, and make your way out of Letho's dorm room, the door closing behind you with a soft click as you go.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Leave" "Hub_Dormitories">>
<<run starGame.player.setInteraction('letho_interaction')>>
<div class="card solid card-nav">
<div class="row">
<div class="card-body p-0">
<div class="row d-flex">
<<slink "Dormitories" "Hub_Dormitories" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "ti ti-door-exit" "">><</slink>>
<div class="navigation-container">\
<img src="resources/img/characters/crew/stella/bedroom.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/crew/stella/expressions/happy_civilian.webp"/>
<<reaction "stella" "Reaction_Stella">>\
<span class="stella">"Back for more?"</span> Stella's voice is as soft and inviting as always, as she starts to undress herself, scooting back onto her bed, and indicating for you to join her.
<span class="stella">"Come get your prize."</span> She says with a sultry smirk on her lips, a hand motion indicating for you to undress.
<<if starGame.time.getCurrentPeriod() < 4 and starGame.player.hasInteraction('stella_interaction') is not true>>
<div class="center m-3"><h5 class="bold">Services</h5></div>
<div class="row">
<<if starGame.player.hasPenis()>>
<<stimelink "Vaginal Sex" "Stella_Apartment_Penis_Doggy" "slink btn btn-highlight w-100" "">><</stimelink>>
<<if starGame.player.hasVagina()>>
<<stimelink "Get Eaten" "Stella_Apartment_Vagina_GetEaten" "slink btn btn-highlight w-100" "">><</stimelink>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/crew/stella/scenes/stella_bg1.webp"/>
<<if starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'black'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/crew/stella/scenes/m_doggy_black.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'tan'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/crew/stella/scenes/m_doggy_tan.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/crew/stella/scenes/m_doggy_fair.webp"/>
As you approach the bed, she shifts her position as she gets on all fours, wiggling her ass at you invitingly as she arches her back to present her already wet pussy to you. Feeling your dick grow harder at the sight, you quickly position yourself behind her, her flexible, soft body waiting for your touch. Running your hands over her hips, you hear her breath catch lightly, the tension and anticipation affecting her more than expected.
She leans back towards you, her ass rubbing against your cock, a soft moan leaving her lips at the contact. Sliding your hands under her body to grope her tits, you feel your erection grow harder as she rubs her ass against your dick, her whispered words and panting moans telling you that she's ready for you to use her. Guiding her hips with your hands, you place the tip of your dick against her cunt, the ensuing whimper from her only encouraging you further. Slowly pulling her back onto your shaft, you feel her tighten up, stopping you from fully entering her in a single movement. Instead, you feel the pleasure of her taking your length inch by inch, and as you start to stroke into her more steadily, you feel her relax slightly, your dick sliding into her fast and harder.
Her moans fill the room, her hands clenching the bedsheets tightly as you fuck her, your dick pounding into her, your bodies slapping together in a frantic frenzy of lust. You feel her tighten around you, her body quivering as she is overtaken by a wave of orgasms, her clenching muscles pushing you over the edge as well. Hilting yourself inside her as you cum, you hear her muffled screams as she buries her face in a pillow. Panting as you pull out of her, she collapses onto the bed without your hands to hold her against you. You grin slightly as you see some of your cum leak out of her and onto the bed.
Leaving her to recover for a moment, you head to her bathroom to clean up, before returning with a towel for her. She gives you a weak smile, her eyes hazy and dreamy. You reclaim your clothes, a last look at the naked girl on the bed treating you to a sweet smile as she watches you leave.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Leave" "Hub_Dormitories">>
<<run starGame.player.setInteraction('stella_interaction')>>
<<startplaylist "playlist_exploration_soft">>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<saudio "bgm_sex2" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.25>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/crew/stella/scenes/stella_bg2.webp"/>
<<if starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'black'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/crew/stella/scenes/f_eating_black.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'tan'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/crew/stella/scenes/f_eating_tan.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/crew/stella/scenes/f_eating_fair.webp"/>
As you approach the bed, she shifts her position, allowing you to climb over her easily, her lips brushing against your skin as she kisses your neck. She quickly starts to work her way down your body, her lips tracing a path down to your groin with gentle bites and soft kisses. You feel her fingertips trace along your skin, following the curves of your body lightly as she runs her hands over you. A touch of her fingers against your pussy lips prompts a soft moan to escape your throat.
You feel her warm breath against your sensitive lips, and as a shiver of anticipation runs through your body, her tongue slides through them, the sensation sending yet another shiver through you. Her lips gently brush against your clit, her tongue flicking over it before she plunges into you, her hands on your hips holding you against her face. Responding to her attentions, you start to rub your pussy against her face, her tongue slipping inside you. A tremor of pleasure runs through you, and you feel her pick up the pace, her hands guiding your movements against her as she focuses on eating you out.
Feeling your climax approaching quickly, you let out a long, lust filled moan as she surprises you by sliding two of her fingers into you while she licks and sucks away at your cunt. Your muscles start to twitch, and as your body tenses up, waves of pleasure coursing through you, you faintly hear her own muffled moans, as she continues to pleasure you, as your legs lock around her. She slowly stops eating your pussy, and as you ride out the waves of pleasure enough to release her from your grip, she gives you a gentle kiss just above your clit.
After taking a few minutes to recover from your climax, you reclaim your clothes, a last look at the naked girl on the bed treating you to a sweet smile as she watches you leave.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Leave" "Hub_Dormitories">>
<<run starGame.player.setInteraction('stella_interaction')>>
<<startplaylist "playlist_exploration_soft">>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<saudio "bgm_sex2" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.25>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/crew/stella/bedroom.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/crew/stella/expressions/happy_civilian.webp"/>
<<reaction "stella" "Reaction_Stella">>\
Running your finger over the edge of the keycard, and feeling its raised lettering as you do, you wonder momentarily if the girl is even there as you stand in front of the door. Shrugging lightly, you tap the card against the scanner, and the door slides open for you easily. Stepping into the room, you are surprised to see the cadet lounging on her bed, a book in her hand. She looks up, a slightly surprised look on her face until she recognizes you.
<span class="stella">"Here to claim your prize, conquering hero?"</span> She says in a soft, seductive voice as she stands, approaching you with a smirk. When she reaches you, she rests a hand on your arm, the question lingering in her eyes.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Yes" "Stella_Apartment_Intro_Accept">>
<<addtocodex "Stella" "met_stella">>
<<slink "No" "Stella_Apartment_Intro_Refuse">>
<<addtocodex "Stella" "met_stella">>
<<if starGame.player.hasVagina()>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/crew/stella/scenes/stella_bg2.webp"/>
<<if starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'black'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/crew/stella/scenes/f_eating_black.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'tan'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/crew/stella/scenes/f_eating_tan.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/crew/stella/scenes/f_eating_fair.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.hasPenis()>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/crew/stella/scenes/stella_bg1.webp"/>
<<if starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'black'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/crew/stella/scenes/m_doggy_black.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'tan'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/crew/stella/scenes/m_doggy_tan.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/crew/stella/scenes/m_doggy_fair.webp"/>
You nod down at the girl, her eyes sparkling as you do. She leans against you as her lips meet yours, her body pressing against yours with eagerness. As your hands run down her sides to her hips, you feel her pulling your clothes off, the tenderness of her kiss at odds with the speed that she disrobes you. Breaking the kiss and stepping away from you to admire you, she quickly strips free of her own clothes, before leading you towards the bed.
<<if starGame.player.hasVagina()>>\
As she falls back onto the bed, she pulls you down over her, her lips brushing against your skin as she kisses your neck. She quickly starts to work her way down your body, her lips tracing a path down to your groin with gentle bites and soft kisses. You feel her fingertips trace along your skin, following the curves of your body lightly as she runs her hands over you. A touch of her fingers against your pussy lips prompts a soft moan to escape your throat.
You feel her warm breath against your sensitive lips, and as a shiver of anticipation runs through your body, her tongue slides through them, the sensation sending yet another shiver through you. Her lips gently brush against your clit, her tongue flicking over it before she plunges into you, her hands on your hips holding you against her face. Responding to her attentions, you start to rub your pussy against her face, her tongue slipping inside you. A tremor of pleasure runs through you, and you feel her pick up the pace, her hands guiding your movements against her as she focuses on eating you out.
Feeling your climax approaching quickly, you let out a long, lust filled moan as she surprises you by sliding two of her fingers into you while she licks and sucks away at your cunt. Your muscles start to twitch, and as your body tenses up, waves of pleasure coursing through you, you faintly hear her own muffled moans, as she continues to pleasure you, as your legs lock around her. She slowly stops eating your pussy, and as you ride out the waves of pleasure enough to release her from your grip, she gives you a gentle kiss just above your clit.
<span class="stella">"Take a few moments to catch your breath before you go. And come back anytime you need some stress relief."</span> You hear her say from underneath you. Following her instructions for now, you enjoy simply lying on the soft, warm girl beneath you before you eventually move, freeing her from your embrace and allowing her to dress you alongside tender, sensitive kisses. Eventually you pry yourself free from her attentions, and leave her room with a contented, warm feeling inside you.
She wastes no time in climbing onto the bed, wiggling her ass at you invitingly as she arches her back to present her already wet pussy to you. Feeling your dick grow harder at the sight, you quickly position yourself behind her, her flexible, soft body waiting for your touch. Running your hands over her hips, you hear her breath catch lightly, the tension and anticipation affecting her more than expected.
She leans back towards you, her ass rubbing against your cock, a soft moan leaving her lips at the contact. Sliding your hands under her body to grope her tits, you feel your erection grow harder as she rubs her ass against your dick, her whispered words and panting moans telling you that she's ready for you to use her. Guiding her hips with your hands, you place the tip of your dick against her cunt, the ensuing whimper from her only encouraging you further. Slowly pulling her back onto your shaft, you feel her tighten up, stopping you from fully entering her in a single movement. Instead, you feel the pleasure of her taking your length inch by inch, and as you start to stroke into her more steadily, you feel her relax slightly, your dick sliding into her fast and harder.
Her moans fill the room, her hands clenching the bedsheets tightly as you fuck her, your dick pounding into her, your bodies slapping together in a frantic frenzy of lust. You feel her tighten around you, her body quivering as she is overtaken by a wave of orgasms, her clenching muscles pushing you over the edge as well. Hilting yourself inside her as you cum, you hear her muffled screams as she buries her face in a pillow. Panting as you pull out of her, she collapses onto the bed without your hands to hold her against you. You grin slightly as you see some of your cum leak out of her and onto the bed.
Leaving her to recover for a moment, you head to her bathroom to clean up, before returning with a towel for her. She gives you a weak smile, her eyes hazy and dreamy.
<span class="stella">"I wasn't going to invite you back, but after that, I've changed my mind. Drop by anytime. Now shoo, I need some rest."</span> She says weakly, wiggling her bare ass at you once more. You smile back at her, before heading for the door and leaving the room behind you.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Leave" "Hub_Dormitories">>
<<run starGame.player.setInteraction('stella_interaction')>>
<<startplaylist "playlist_exploration_soft">>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<saudio "bgm_sex2" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.25>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/crew/stella/bedroom.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/crew/stella/expressions/neutral_civilian.webp"/>
<span class="stella">"Ah, that's a pity, but I'm not looking for just a friend. You understand I'm sure. If you change your mind, don't hesitate to return, but until then, please see yourself out."</span> She gives you a flirty wink that's completely at odds with her words.
From the way she stops touching you, you can tell she's serious about this, and you quickly retreat from the room, her smile telling you that she'll wait for you to change your mind.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Leave" "Hub_Dormitories">><</slink>>
<div class="card solid card-nav">
<div class="row">
<div class="card-body p-0">
<div class="row d-flex">
<<slink "Dormitories" "Hub_Dormitories" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "ti ti-door-exit" "">><</slink>>
<div class="navigation-container">\
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/zara_apartment.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/zara/expressions/neutral_dress.webp"/>
<<reaction "zara" "Reaction_Zara">>\
Stepping up to Zara's door, you're not surprised when it slides open for you before you can touch. You've slowly gotten used to Zara's presence sensing tricks, and at the back of your mind, you almost want to ask her if she can teach it to you.
Regardless, you step inside, quickly treated to a warm smile as she waits for you near her desk. Her eyebrow is half raised in curiosity, as if asking why you're visiting her again, but the traces of a soft smile on her lips tell you that she's happy to see you as well.
<<if starGame.time.getCurrentPeriod() < 4 and starGame.player.hasInteraction('zara_interaction') is not true>>
<div class="center m-3"><h5 class="bold">Mod Testing</h5></div>
<div class="row">
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('zara_stage1_afterhack_accept') is true>>
/% Catgirl %/
<<stimelink "Catgirl" "Zara_Apartment_Testing_Catgirl" "slink btn btn-highlight w-100" "">>
<<script>>starGame.player.setAppearance('exotic', 'catgirl');<</script>>
/% Cowgirl %/
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('zara_testing_cowgirl') is not true>>
<<stimelink "Unknown Mod" "Zara_Apartment_Testing_Cowgirl_Intro" "slink btn btn-highlight w-100" "">>
<<npcFactSet "zara_testing_cowgirl" true>>
<<stimelink "Cowgirl" "Zara_Apartment_Testing_Cowgirl" "slink btn btn-highlight w-50" "">>
<<script>>starGame.player.setAppearance('exotic', 'cowgirl');<</script>>
<<stimelink "Cowgirl (Zara)" "Zara_Apartment_Testing_CowgirlZara" "slink btn btn-highlight w-50" "">><</stimelink>>
/% Milking %/
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('zara_milking') is true>>
<<stimelink "Milking" "Zara_Apartment_Stage1_Milking" "slink btn btn-highlight w-50" "">>
<<script>>starGame.player.setAppearance('exotic', 'cowgirl');<</script>>
<<stimelink "Milking (Zara)" "Zara_Apartment_Stage1_MilkingZara" "slink btn btn-highlight w-50" "">><</stimelink>>
/% Bodyswap %/
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('zara_stage1_bodyswap_intro_accept') is not undefined>>
<<stimelink "Bodyswap Sex" "Zara_Apartment_Stage1_Bodyswap" "slink btn btn-highlight w-100" "">><</stimelink>>
/% Bodyswap 2 %/
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('zara_stage1_bodyswap2_visited') is true and starGame.npcs.getFact('zara_stage1_bodyswap2_intro_accept') is not true>>
<<stimelink "Advanced Bodyswap" "Zara_Apartment_Bodyswap2_AltStart" "slink btn btn-highlight w-100" "">><</stimelink>>
/% Option to accept mod testing if refused in initial encounter %/
<<slink "Ask to help test mods" "Zara_Apartment_Testing_Accept" "slink btn btn-highlight w-100">>
<<npcFactSet "zara_stage1_afterhack_accept" true>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/zara_apartment.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/zara/expressions/happy_dress.webp"/>
Telling Zara that you're interested in helping out test the mods after having given it some extra thought, you're quickly treated to an eager smile as she gives you an excited hug.
<span class="zara">"Thank you so much!"</span> She exclaims, her actual excitement slightly infecting you as she rushes over to her desk and pulls a mod vial from its drawers.
Turning to you, she holds it out gingerly, before telling you that she isn't sure what kind of effects it will have, besides that an initial scan of its composition reveals it won't be a permanent change. When you take it from her, she moves to her door, locking it before turning back to you with a nervous grin.
<span class="zara">"Last thing we need is distractions while testing."</span> She gives you a nudge before continuing. <span class="zara">"Most mods take effect fastest when injected below the ribs. Something to do with area size and blood flow."</span> She gives you a sweet smile that you'd expect to see on an outing together, instead of testing potentially harmful mods.
Steeling yourself, you pull your top off, before placing the cool metal of the injector against your skin and pressing its trigger. As the slight sting sends a shiver through your body, you give her back the spent injector, barely making it to the bed before the mod begins to take effect on you.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Zara_Apartment_Stage1_AfterHack_Accept_Catgirl">>
<<script>>starGame.player.setAppearance('exotic', 'catgirl');<</script>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/zara_apartment.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/zara/expressions/neutral_dress.webp"/>
<<reaction "zara" "Reaction_Zara">>\
As you step up to Zara's room, the door slides open before you can use the keycard on it, and you remind yourself that she probably sensed you approaching. Led inside with a quick hug and smile, you soon find yourself seated next to her as she gives you a nervous look. Raising an eyebrow at her in question, you're about to bring up the message she sent you when she starts talking.
<span class="zara">"With the recent incident having left effects of… unknown extent on the Academy, we've seen an uptick in unlicensed mods and sabotaged items. While the rest of the instructors and security are doing their best to prevent things from spiraling out of control, I've been given permission to start examining some of the recovered materials in hopes of finding out their short and long term effects."</span> She pauses for a moment, her eyes not quite meeting yours.
<span class="zara">"I know it's a big ask, and a potential risk, but I want to ask for your help with testing some of the recovered items."</span> She gently squeezes your hand, her warm gaze finally meeting your eyes as she adds one final passage before waiting for your response.
<span class="zara">"Also, Starwatch Command has already allocated resources to turning back any unwanted and lingering side effects caused by testing the mods."</span> She gives you a small smile as she bounces her leg slightly, allowing you to take a moment and consider your choices.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Accept" "Zara_Apartment_Stage1_AfterHack_Accept">>
<<npcFactSet "zara_stage1_afterhack_accept" true>>
<<npcFactSet "zara_stage1_afterhack_visited" true>>
<<slink "Refuse" "Zara_Apartment_Stage1_AfterHack_Decline">>
<<npcFactSet "zara_stage1_afterhack_visited" true>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/zara_apartment.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/zara/expressions/happy_dress.webp"/>
Deciding that you'd rather be involved with proactively finding and fixing the traps left behind by the rebels, you nod decisively, telling Zara that you're willing to help her in her tests with a smile. She gives you an excited hug, before rushing over to her desk and pulling a mod vial from its drawers.
As she turns to you, she holds it out gingerly, before telling you that she isn't sure what kind of effects it will have, besides that an initial scan of its composition reveals it won't be a permanent change. When you take it from her, she moves to her door, locking it before turning back to you with a nervous grin.
<span class="zara">"Last thing we need is distractions while testing."</span> She gives you a nudge before continuing. <span class="zara">"Most mods take effect fastest when injected below the ribs. Something to do with area size and blood flow."</span> She gives you a sweet smile that you'd expect to see on an outing together, instead of testing potentially harmful mods.
Steeling yourself, you pull your top off, before placing the cool metal of the injector against your skin and pressing its trigger. As the slight sting sends a shiver through your body, you give her back the spent injector, barely making it to the bed before the mod begins to take effect on you.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Zara_Apartment_Stage1_AfterHack_Accept_Catgirl">>
<<script>>starGame.player.setAppearance('exotic', 'catgirl');<</script>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/zara_apartment.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/zara/expressions/happy_naked.webp"/>
The sudden ripples of lust that run through your body cause you to let out a wanton moan, revealing the extent of the mods effects as you feel a tingling itch on your head and your lower back. Running a hand towards the sensation, you feel the soft fur on your body for a brief moment before the combination of waves of lust, itching skin and morphing body parts knocks you out, the sudden sensation of falling doing nothing from stopping your collapse onto the bed.
After what feels like a second passes, your eyes flitter open, finding Zara leaning over you with clear concern on her face. She lets out a breath of relief, and as you sit up, you realize that your body feels much lighter than it usually does. Glancing down at yourself, you feel a moment of surprise wash over you as you see your feminine body, complete with a soft, brown tail gently wrapping around your shapely legs. Glancing up at Zara with surprise written across your face, you're met with a small handheld mirror reflecting your changes for you to see. Your hand involuntarily traces up to your head, where you feel the fluffy feline ear you can see in the mirror.
It flicks away from your touch, mimicking the normal cat's you've encountered throughout your life. A twitch from your tail draws your attention back to your lower half, and as the soft fur brushes over your skin, you feel a tingle of lust pass through you, the still sensitive skin heightening the sensation as it assaults your senses. An involuntary moan escapes your throat, and as you meet Zara's eyes, you can practically feel the tension in the air. You watch in anticipation as she slowly undresses, and without being told to, you find yourself quickly sinking to the floor in front of her.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Zara_Apartment_Stage1_AfterHack_Accept_Catgirl2">><</slink>>
<img src="resources/img/backgrounds/zara_apartment.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/zara/scenes/exotic/catgirl_eatingpussy.webp"/>
Zara is barely free of her clothes when your lips meet her skin. In the back of your mind, you have a brief moment where you realize that you aren't fully in control of your own body, but before you can think about it more, your fingers slide inside Zara's already wet pussy, and all your thoughts turn to servicing your mistress properly. As her fingers run through your hair, you feel your ears flick at the light contact, and your tail glides between your own thighs, the sensation of its touch sending ripples of pleasure through you as your tail teases your own pussy lips.
Moaning aloud as you finger Zara, you feel her hands guiding your head towards her hips. As she throws a leg over your shoulder, you feel your tongue find her clit, her own moans echoing in the room as she locks her legs around you, keeping your tongue inside her. You had no intention of pulling away, but at least her leg lock lets you focus fully on pleasing her. As you continue to eat her out, your tongue eagerly snaking into her, you feel her muscles tense up, a series of orgasms crashing through her body as you intensify your efforts. Your own tail seems intent on helping you climax, and as an orgasm of your own threatens to freeze you up, you feel Zara's hands pull you tighter against her, her hips gyrating against your face as she desperately tries to reach climax of her own.
Eagerly complying with her body language, you slide your fingers into her, your tongue working in concert with them to push her over the edge in a body wracking orgasm, her muscles tightening up enough to lock you in place against her, as your own tail frantically rubs against your clit and pussy. Caught up in your own climax, you find yourself entangled in her legs, as the two of you lie panting and recovering from the sudden outpouring of lust and desire. After a few moments of silence, she manages to speak weakly.
<span class="zara">"Well, I suppose we know what the side effect of that one is now."</span> She says with a slight giggle, causing you to laugh in return. As you extract yourself from her legs, you realize that the intense waves of lust that were echoing through your body have vastly subsided. Zara quickly retreats to her bathroom, and when she finishes cleaning up, you do the same, returning to her room to find her waiting for you, fully dressed once more. A sudden surge of exhaustion runs through you, causing you to yawn, and as you consider curling up on her bed to rest, she gives you a smile.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Zara_Apartment_Stage1_AfterHack_Accept_Catgirl3">>
<<startplaylist "playlist_exploration_soft">>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<saudio "bgm_sex3" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.25>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/academy/zara_apartment.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
Quickly dressing in some spare clothes that Zara has taken out for you, you take a few moments to consider if you should wait here for the mod to wear off, or if you go about with your own business instead while you wait. Zara decides to speak up at this point, and quickly helps you make your mind up, as she tells you that she wants you to stay in her room until the mod wears off in a few hours.
A second yawn wracks your body, and you decide that you'll have a nap in Zara's room while you wait for your body to return to normal. Curling up on her bed and feeling your soft tail gently caress your skin as you do, you quickly drift off to sleep, a smile on your face as you go.
When you do wake up a while later, you see that you've slept off the temporary effects of the mod, and that Zara has left you to sleep undisturbed. Stretching and making sure that there are no lingering side effects, you decide to leave the room after washing your face and freshening up a little.
The door beeps as it locks behind you, and you make your way back into the campus grounds with a smile.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Leave" "Hub_Dormitories">>
<<script>>starGame.player.setAppearance('exotic', undefined);<</script>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/zara_apartment.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/zara/expressions/neutral_dress.webp"/>
Telling Zara that you're not eager to test out unknown mods left behind by the rebel interference, you can't help but feel slightly bad as she pouts at you. She quickly recovers from her disappointment, treating you to a smile instead.
<span class="zara">"That makes sense. Well, you might not be up for it now, but maybe another time you'll be interested. Just let me know if you ever change your mind about it."</span>
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Leave" "Hub_Dormitories">><</slink>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/zara_apartment.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/zara/expressions/happy_dress.webp"/>
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('zara_stage1_bodyswap_intro_accept') is false>>\
You take a moment to build up your courage, deciding that you're actually very interested in at least trying that experimental mod that Zara showed you before.
<span class="zara">"Ah, I see you've changed your mind and decided to take a chance."</span>
Zara's words are a mixture of teasing and scolding, a natural outcome, considering you indirectly said you didn't trust her last time. Regardless of that however, she retrieves the paired injector's before approaching you with a somewhat predatory smile.
You give her a slightly nervous smile back, as you dutifully roll up your sleeve, watching the way she handles the injector warily. Before you can have a change of heart however, she jabs you with the needle, the faint sting quickly being swept from your mind as she kisses you, hard.
Remembering the unique experience you had when she and you swapped bodies, your eyes scan her table in unspoken hope as you look to see if she has more of the rare mods available. Your disappointment at the lack of them in view must have shown on your face however, as Zara lets out a small chuckle.
<span class="zara">"If you're looking for the body swapping mod, it's rare and expensive enough that I don't leave it out where it can be bumped easily."</span>
If your ears could perk up, they would as a smile breaks out on your face as Zara goes to retrieve them from their hiding place. Following close behind her, you surprise her with a kiss, pulling her against your body as you undress each other, the soft pricks of the mod injectors barely noticeable.
A familiar twinge of heat courses through you, and you smile to yourself as you know that when you open your eyes, you'll be inside her skin, quite literally, once more.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('zara_stage1_bodyswap_intro_accept') is false>>
<<slink "Continue" "Zara_Apartment_Stage1_Bodyswap_Mirror">>
<<slink "Continue" "Zara_Apartment_Stage1_Bodyswap2">>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<saudio "bgm_sex6" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.33>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/zara/scenes/bodyswap/mirror.webp"/>
As the intense kiss comes to an end, your body tingles, and when your eyes open you freeze in temporary surprise as you stare into your own eyes. Recoiling slightly from the shock, a chill runs down your spine as you realize that it's not just your own eyes you're looking into, but your own face. Raising a hand to touch it, you notice your skin color is a soothing lavender, and realize that your body feels different from before.
Looking down at yourself, you are stunned to see Zara's amazing body instead of your own, and as your gaze snaps back to your face, a smile twists onto its lips. It doesn't mirror you exactly, but you think you are slowly understanding what the mod does as your body inspects itself before turning to face you.
<span class="hero">"Why don't you take a moment in front of the mirror to get used to it?"</span> Your own voice suggests, and you feel a blush start to spread over your, Zara's, cheeks as you watch yourself start to undress.
Turning to the mirror like suggested, you confirm to yourself that your mind is somehow inside Zara's body, and vice versa, as you pose in front of the full length mirror. Noticing how wet the insides of your thighs are already, you can feel how horny and excited Zara was before the mod took effect, and you can't help but run your hands over your new body with a lewd grin.
Feeling a sudden tug on your clothes, you turn to see Zara, yourself, standing nude before you as she starts to undress you, the look on her face telling you that it's too late to try and back out of what's about to happen now.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Zara_Apartment_Stage1_Bodyswap2">><</slink>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/zara/scenes/bodyswap/bg.webp"/>
<<if starGame.player.isShemale()>>
<<if starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'black'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/zara/scenes/bodyswap/s_black.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'tan'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/zara/scenes/bodyswap/s_tan.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/zara/scenes/bodyswap/s_fair.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.isAndrogynous()>>
<<if starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'black'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/zara/scenes/bodyswap/a_black.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'tan'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/zara/scenes/bodyswap/a_tan.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/zara/scenes/bodyswap/a_fair.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.hasPenis()>>
<<if starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'black'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/zara/scenes/bodyswap/m_black.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'tan'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/zara/scenes/bodyswap/m_tan.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/zara/scenes/bodyswap/m_fair.webp"/>
<<if starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'black'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/zara/scenes/bodyswap/f_black.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'tan'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/zara/scenes/bodyswap/f_tan.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/zara/scenes/bodyswap/f_fair.webp"/>
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('zara_stage1_bodyswap_intro_accept') is true>>\
Already nude and used to each other's bodies, you're quickly swept off your feet and carried to the bed, a cocky smile on Zara's lips.
<<if starGame.player.isShemale()>>\
Your clothes hit the floor fast under Zara's attention, as she seemingly takes to your body with a natural instinct. Your helpless against the combined onslaught of the raging desires of Zara's body and your own hijacked soft yet firm body as she quickly has you laid out on the bed beneath her. Looking at the dick resting against your dripping wet pussy, you realize that you're far to horny to really think about the implications of what it means to be fucked by yourself right now.
Wrapping your legs around Zara's hips, you hungrily kiss at her neck and breasts, your teeth leaving cute bitemarks in the skin as you press yourself wantonly against the soft body hovering over you.
<span class="hero">"So eager to be used like a complete whore, aren't you?"</span>
It's a strange sensation, hearing your own voice talking to you in such a degrading manner, but you can't deny that it made your body tense up in excitement as you feel the tip of the dick start to spread your desperate cunt open. A moan that you can barely believe originated from you fills the room as Zara thrusts into you, your bodies grinding against each other as you watch her fuck you from a point of view you had never expected.
You aren't able to be distracted by the sight for long however, as the waves of pleasure soon start to leave you writhing and panting under her fast paced fucking, twisting the sheets and filling the air with moans and the smell of sex. Digging your nails into her back, you pull her deeper into you as an intense orgasm crashes over you, Zara clearly knowing exactly just where to use her cock on you to get the best results.
Panting hard as you try to recover underneath her, you let out a small moan as you feel the dick inside you hardening again, and as Zara starts to thrust into your well used cunt once more, you find yourself struggling to keep yourself grounded in the moment, each thrust threatening more and more to push you into a state of complete bliss.
<span class="hero">"Don't resist it, just give in and enjoy the moment."</span>
Zara whispers into your ear as she wraps your legs around her hips once more, the sensations of pleasure rapidly overpowering your body as she holds you down underneath her, pistoning her hips against you. Unable to even hold onto her any more, you let out a series of lurid moans as she hilts herself in you, filling you with cum as you lie trembling and moaning from the waves of pleasure threatening to drown you.
<<elseif starGame.player.hasPenis()>>\
Your clothes hit the floor fast under Zara's attention, as she seemingly takes to your body with a natural instinct. You're helpless against the combined onslaught of the raging desires of Zara's body and your own hijacked muscular body as she quickly has you laid out on the bed beneath her. Looking at the dick resting against your dripping wet pussy, you realize that you're far to horny to really think about the implications of what it means to be fucked by yourself right now.
Wrapping your legs around Zara's hips, you hungrily kiss at her neck and chest, your teeth leaving cute bitemarks in the skin as you press yourself wantonly against the muscle clad body hovering over you.
<span class="hero">"So eager to be used like a complete whore, aren't you?"</span>
It's a strange sensation, hearing your own voice talking to you in such a degrading manner, but you can't deny that it made your body tense up in excitement as you feel the tip of the dick start to spread your desperate cunt open. A moan that you can barely believe originated from you fills the room as Zara thrusts into you, your bodies grinding against each other as you watch her fuck you from a point of view you had never expected.
You aren't able to be distracted by the sight for long however, as the waves of pleasure soon start to leave you writhing and panting under her fast paced fucking, twisting the sheets and filling the air with moans and the smell of sex. Digging your nails into her back, you pull her deeper into you as an intense orgasm crashes over you, Zara clearly knowing exactly just where to use her cock on you to get the best results.
Panting hard as you try to recover underneath her, you let out a small moan as you feel the dick inside you hardening again, and as Zara starts to thrust into your well used cunt once more, you find yourself struggling to keep yourself grounded in the moment, each thrust threatening more and more to push you into a state of complete bliss.
<span class="hero">"Don't resist it, just give in and enjoy the moment."</span>
Zara whispers into your ear as she wraps your legs around her hips once more, the sensations of pleasure rapidly overpowering your body as she holds you down underneath her, pistoning her hips against you. Unable to even hold onto her any more, you let out a series of lurid moans as she hilts herself in you, filling you with cum as you lie trembling and moaning from the waves of pleasure threatening to drown you.
Your clothes hit the floor fast under Zara's attention, as she seemingly takes to your body with a natural instinct. You're helpless against the combined onslaught of the raging desires of Zara's body and your own hijacked soft body as she quickly has you laid out on the bed beneath her. Watching in hungry anticipation as she straps a dildo around her hips, your dripping wet pussy waiting, you realize that you're far to horny to really think about the implications of what it means to be fucked by yourself right now.
Wrapping your legs around Zara's hips, you hungrily kiss at her neck and breasts, your teeth leaving cute bitemarks in the skin as you press yourself wantonly against the soft body hovering over you.
<span class="hero">"So eager to be used like a complete whore, aren't you?"</span>
It's a strange sensation, hearing your own voice talking to you in such a degrading manner, but you can't deny that it made your body tense up in excitement as you feel the tip of the dick start to spread your desperate cunt open. A moan that you can barely believe originated from you fills the room as Zara thrusts into you, your bodies grinding against each other as you watch her fuck you from a point of view you had never expected.
You aren't able to be distracted by the sight for long however, as the waves of pleasure soon start to leave you writhing and panting under her fast paced fucking, twisting the sheets and filling the air with moans and the smell of sex. Digging your nails into her back, you pull her deeper into you as an intense orgasm crashes over you, Zara clearly knowing exactly just where to use her dildo on you to get the best results.
Panting hard as you try to recover underneath her, you let out a small moan as you feel the dick inside you start moving again, and as Zara starts to thrust into your well used cunt once more, you find yourself struggling to keep yourself grounded in the moment, each thrust threatening more and more to push you into a state of complete bliss.
<span class="hero">"Don't resist it, just give in and enjoy the moment."</span>
Zara whispers into your ear as she wraps your legs around her hips once more, the sensations of pleasure rapidly overpowering your body as she holds you down underneath her, pistoning her hips against you. Unable to even hold onto her any more, you let out a series of lurid moans as she hilts herself in you, as you lie trembling and moaning from the waves of pleasure threatening to drown you.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Zara_Apartment_Stage1_Bodyswap3">><</slink>>
<<simagecard "" true true>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/zara_apartment.webp"/>
<img class="exp-left-15" src="resources/img/characters/main/zara/expressions/happy_naked.webp"/>
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('zara_stage1_bodyswap_intro_accept') is false>>\
You don't know how long you've lain entwined with Zara, but as you slowly feel her hands exploring your, her, body you give her a weak, flustered smile.
<span class="hero">"See, trusting me was the right choice."</span>
She whispers into your ear, as she pulls your soft body against hers. Comfortable as you are, you realize that you're still inside her body, and vice versa, and as you push yourself up onto your elbows, you find her watching you with a curious smile as her fingers caress your thighs.
<span class="zara">"How do we… when do we change back?"</span>
You manage to ask, resisting the tempting allure of those fingers exploring your already sensitive body. Zara lets out a giggle, a strange sound to hear from yourself, before speaking easily.
<span class="hero">"In a hurry to swap back, or afraid that we'll be stuck like this forever?"</span>
She teases you, before suddenly pulling your face closer to hers, her tongue running over her lips seductively.
<span class="hero">"For the low price of a kiss, you'll be back to normal."</span>
Remembering that even after taking the mod, it was only when you kissed her that you felt any real changes in your body, you smile at her whispered invitation, your tongue dancing with hers briefly before you pull her into a hot and heavy kiss. When you do break the kiss, she lets out a soft moan, the saliva linking your lips hanging in the air between you, as you look down at Zara in her own body once more.
<span class="zara">"I'll have to get more of those."</span>
She whispers out, laying beneath you on the bed and spreading her legs invitingly. Shaking your head to help you resist the allure of the alien instructor, you quickly retreat and reclaim your clothes, well aware that if you don't make an excuse to leave now, you're going to struggle to resist her charms for much longer. Telling her that you still need to pretend to be a functioning member of society, she lets you go after a few gentle kisses, watching you leave her room from where she's still lying on her bed.
<span class="zara">"It's a good thing I managed to get more of those."</span>
Zara teases you, as you lay intertwined in each other's arms. From the way she's gently caressing your body, you can tell that she's in no rush to revert the mod just yet, but you also know that all you'd have to do is draw her into a kiss to make it happen.
Regardless, you're content to spend a few more minutes lounging with your alien lover, enjoying the way your fingers feel on her skin, even if you're experiencing it from a different side than normal.
Eventually however, you decide that you still need your body back, and you roll over onto Zara, your lips locking and that tell-tale shiver running through you. Opening your eyes as the kiss breaks, you find yourself looking up at Zara, in her own body once more. She giggles lightly as she plants another gentle kiss on your cheek. You help each other dress, gentle kisses and roaming hands threatening to restart the tryst once more.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Hub_Dormitories">>
<<startplaylist "playlist_exploration_soft">>
<<run starGame.player.setInteraction('zara_interaction')>>
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('zara_stage1_bodyswap_intro_accept') is false>>
<<npcFactSet "zara_stage1_bodyswap_intro_accept" true>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/zara_apartment.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/zara/expressions/neutral_dress.webp"/>
<<reaction "zara" "Reaction_Zara">>\
Slowly skirting around the topic, you start to lead the conversation towards the body swapping mods, Zara slowly smiling as you mention having the time to give her a break from her own body for a while.
She quickly retrieves the injectors from their hiding places, offering one to you with an excited grin. You roll your eyes at the excited instructor's antics, deciding that you can't possibly back out from this now, not after she makes it so clear that she's been looking forward to this for a while now.
Raising your injector to match hers, already aligned with her skin, you smile. Depressing the trigger as you mentally prepare yourself for a change in body and perspective, you feel Zara's soft lips meet your own, the kiss completing the temporary body swap.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Zara_Apartment_Bodyswap2_AltStart2" "" "" "">>
starGame.inventory.equipItem('item_clothing_exotic_zara_dress', true, true);
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/zara/scenes/bodyswap/mirror.webp"/>
Running your gaze down your… Zara's body, you take a moment to get accustomed with her body once more, as you watch your body step away from the couch, Zara letting a deep sigh of relief out of your mouth as she stretches languidly. Smiling as you watch her collapse onto her bed, you decide that you'll leave her to rest, looking around the room for something to keep yourself busy with until the mods wear off.
You don't need to look too long before Zara waves a hand at you.
<span class="hero">"Go take a walk or something. It'll give me space to relax alone and you'll get affected by the mental links, allowing you to know what peace and quiet you truly have when back in your own body."</span>
Well, you can't argue with that logic, and you quietly retreat from the room, deciding that you'll take a walk through the campus, eager to see how it's like to be in the alien's body out in public.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Zara_Apartment_Bodyswap2_Intro2" "" "" "">>
<<npcFactSet "zara_stage1_bodyswap2_intro_accept" true>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/zara_apartment.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/zara/expressions/neutral_dress.webp"/>
<<reaction "zara" "Reaction_Zara">>\
The door to Zara's room swings open as you approach, her ability to sense you coming still as uncanny as the first time. Dressed in her usual attire, she gives you a friendly smile as she welcomes you in. The door behind you clicks closed, but your attention is already fastened on the pair of injectors on her table in the center of the room. Turning to face the instructor, you raise an eyebrow at her, wondering what the discovery she had last time was.
<span class="zara">"Oh, don't look so anxious. As much fun as we have together, there was something last time that was even better. Peace and quiet. When I was in your body, I couldn't sense all the people around us, and I had some true alone time for the first time in a long time."</span>
She smiles, her fingers trailing down your arm. She doesn't need to actually voice her question for you to know what it is. She wants you to swap bodies, and give her some time to rest and relax on her own, even if it's in your body instead of her own. Smiling at her as she takes a seat on the couch in front of her, you take a moment to decide on your next course of action.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Accept" "Zara_Apartment_Bodyswap2_Intro_Accept" "" "" "">>
<<npcFactSet "zara_stage1_bodyswap2_visited" true>>
starGame.inventory.equipItem('item_clothing_exotic_zara_dress', true, true);
<<slink "Refuse" "Zara_Apartment_Bodyswap2_Intro_Refuse" "" "" "">>
<<npcFactSet "zara_stage1_bodyswap2_intro_accept" false>>
<<npcFactSet "zara_stage1_bodyswap2_visited" true>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/zara_apartment.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/zara/expressions/neutral_dress.webp"/>
You want to help Zara out with her request, but for whatever reason it's just not a good time right now. Gently turning her down for the moment, you tell her that you'll have to come back to take her up on this another time.
Her smile tells you that she's not upset, but not happy about the delay in her plans. Regardless, you spend a few comfortable moments together, chatting lightly as she places the injectors away for the time being.
Eventually, she starts to drop hints that she'd like to be alone for a while, and you quickly make your retreat, excusing yourself from the room with a gentle hug from Zara as you go.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Hub_Dormitories" "" "" "">><</slink>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/zara/scenes/bodyswap/mirror.webp"/>
Sitting alongside Zara with a smile, you raise one of the injectors off the table and against your arm. Zara breaks out with a bright smile as she understands your intent, quickly raising her own injector to match yours. Depressing the trigger as you mentally prepare yourself for a change in body and perspective, you feel Zara's soft lips meet your own, the kiss completing the temporary body swap.
Running your gaze down your… Zara's body, you take a moment to get accustomed with her body once more, as you watch your body step away from the couch, Zara letting a deep sigh of relief out of your mouth as she stretches languidly. Smiling as you watch her collapse onto her bed, you decide that you'll leave her to rest, looking around the room for something to keep yourself busy with until the mods wear off.
You don't need to look too long before Zara waves a hand at you.
<span class="hero">"Go take a walk or something. It'll give me space to relax alone and you'll get affected by the mental links, allowing you to know what peace and quiet you truly have when back in your own body."</span>
Well, you can't argue with that logic, and you quietly retreat from the room, deciding that you'll take a walk through the campus, eager to see how it's like to be in the alien's body out in public.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Zara_Apartment_Bodyswap2_Intro2" "" "" "">>
<<npcFactSet "zara_stage1_bodyswap2_intro_accept" true>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/dorms.webp"/>
Zara's door closes behind you with a soft click, and you slowly make your way from the dorm building, contemplating where you could go and relax yourself.
Reminding yourself once more that you're the instructor Zara, you start to smile to yourself as you realize you could access the staff only parts of the academy should you wish, or boss some unlucky cadets around for your own entertainment.
Wandering aimlessly at first, you take your time to get used to Zara's body, her height and weight initially unfamiliar to you. Turns out that actually using someone else's body to move around is harder than using it in bed. Now comfortable in her skin, you leave the relatively quiet area around the dorms to head deeper into Academy grounds, enjoying a beautiful day as you do.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Zara_Apartment_Bodyswap2_Intro3" "" "" "">><</slink>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/atrium1.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/jaime/expressions/happy_uniform.webp"/>
Various cadets greet you politely, quickly moving out of your way, showing you the respect you deserve as an Academy instructor. Someone clears their throat behind you, and you turn out of habit, finding Jamie standing a few steps away, a timid expression on her face.
<span class="jaime">"Miss Zara, I wanted to ask you some questions about that last xeno-biology lecture. The one dealing with the electro-kinetic abilities of the Yuhl, and the similarities they share with minor species on various planets."</span>
Fuck. Of all the questions you could be asked, it's one you definitely do not have the answer for, or even know where to start bullshiting. Carefully keeping your composure, even as close proximity to Jaime starts to affect you, her curiosity sweeping across the mental link, tinted with hints of desire.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Polite Rebuke" "Zara_Apartment_Bodyswap2_Intro3_Polite" "" "" "">>
<<npcFactSet "zara_stage1_bodyswap2_jaime_rebuke" true>>
<<slink "Misdirection" "Zara_Apartment_Bodyswap2_Intro3_Misdirect" "" "" "">>
<<npcFactSet "zara_stage1_bodyswap2_jaime_misdirect" true>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/atrium1.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/jaime/expressions/happy_uniform.webp"/>
Deciding that the best way to deal with this is to simply not deal with it, you fix Jaime with a level gaze, carefully keeping your face neutral as you feel a flutter of excitement from her.
<span class="zara">"That's an excellent question, Cadet. One that should be saved for the next class, where we can make sure that we cover it, and the rest of the class will be able to hear the answer to it as well."</span>
Turning as if to end the conversation there, you feel a tinge of confusion mixed with admiration from the young cadet, and you quickly move away before she can point out that she never actually asked a question yet. Faintly from behind you, you hear her agree with you, apologizing for the interruption of your walk.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Zara_Apartment_Bodyswap2_Intro4" "" "" "">><</slink>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/atrium1.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/jaime/expressions/happy_uniform.webp"/>
You could try to handle the question, or gently push Jaime to ask it again in a better setting, namely the next class that the real Zara is giving. Instead you decide to have some fun, quickly thinking of some jargon to confuse the cadet with and allow you to make your escape.
<span class="zara">"Ah yes. Well, before we get to your actual question, have you pursued the knowledge or answer yourself? I'm sure the archives here will have documentaries on many of those minor species that will help you find the answer you're searching for. I suggest you head across there to examine those, and if the answer still eludes you, bring it up again in class yourself."</span>
You keep your expression friendly, satisfied that you've faked being an instructor well enough for the moment, and as a twinge of confusion comes across the mental link from Jaime, you're gratified to see her falter momentarily, her follow up question dying on her lips as she processes your words.
Bowing slightly as she excuses herself, you suppress a giggle as Jaime rushes towards the archives, consigning herself to watching a few hours of documentaries at the minimum. Turning back to your walk, you smile to yourself at the successful deception.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Zara_Apartment_Bodyswap2_Intro4" "" "" "">><</slink>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/atrium1.webp"/>
Deciding that you want to move to somewhere both more packed with life and calmer than the average location on the Academy grounds, you head over to the atrium, briefly considering having a seat on the pleasant grass, the sounds of trickling water aiding the relaxing atmosphere.
Initially, your relaxing stroll through the atrium is enjoyable, only a handful of glances thrown your way as you meander around, the mental pressure from so many students still bearable. However, you notice that your body is slowly heating up, your heart beating faster as the connections you're sharing with the many cadets in this area affect you, the undercurrents of lust, stress, desire, happiness, and more mingling together and playing havoc with your own emotions and feelings.
A soft moan involuntarily escapes your lips, luckily heard by no one, but wanton enough to bring a blush to your cheeks nonetheless. How does Zara survive giving lessons and being surrounded by this all the time? However, given how eagerly she's pulled you into bed, perhaps she's just good at hiding her own feelings.
Two cadets pass you, heading for one of the exits from the atrium that lead to the dorm, their own highly excited and lust driven movements bleeding across the mental link clearly, prompting another wave of desire to sweep through you, threatening to buckle your knees as you momentarily see their thoughts of each others naked bodies writhing together clearly.
Coming to the atrium was clearly a mistake, and you need to find a quiet place to recover before returning to Zara to change back to your own body. Leaving the atrium quickly, you remember that the clinic on campus is nearby, and usually abandoned.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Zara_Apartment_Bodyswap2_Intro5" "" "" "">><</slink>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/clinic1.webp"/>
The clinic is a welcome reprieve from your walk through the academy campus, a bead of sweat rolling down the side of your face as you allow yourself to lean against the wall with a sigh. You hadn't planned on making a beeline for the clinic after leaving Zara's room, but the sheer weight of being able to sense and read the emotional states of all the students out in public threatened to overwhelm you, driving you to look for a place of relative quiet to recover in.
Regardless, you take a breath to steady yourself, enjoying the cool air of the clinic as you step into its waiting lobby to get some rest, before working up the courage to make the trip back to Zara's room and see if she's ready to swap back yet. Although, after that brief walk, you can guess that she might be reluctant to cut her vacation short.
A rustle of movement from within one of the clinic's rooms tells you that you're not alone, and as you quickly make sure you look prim and proper as Zara would, you remind yourself to keep any interactions short, to prevent issues for you or her later down the line.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Zara_Apartment_Bodyswap2_Intro6" "" "" "">><</slink>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/clinic1.webp"/>
<img class="exp-vertical-flip" src="resources/img/characters/side/wolfgirl/expressions/happy_uniform.webp"/>
Before you see the other occupant of the clinic, you feel them, a physical wave of lust rolling through the air and engulfing you, overwhelming your senses and setting your body on fire almost instantly. As the dark furred wolfgirl steps into view, you can feel the slit between your legs leaking already, your every instinct yelling at you to grab her and use her as you please.
Your feelings must be written on your face, as Hana's eyes meet your own, and you see the lust you're feeling reflected in her eyes. Deep at the back of your mind, you can tell that the lust you're being overwhelmed by is merely what you're feeling from Hana's own, and that neither of you are thinking clearly at the moment. However, any hints of caution are far from your mind, as Hana walks towards you, a hungry look on her face as she licks her lips, looking you over like you're some kind of prey.
<span class="hana">"I'm sorry Instructor, but you know how badly I need this right now."</span>
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Zara_Apartment_Bodyswap2_Intro7" "" "" "">>
starGame.inventory.unequipItem('item_clothing_exotic_zara_dress', true, true);
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/clinic1.webp"/>
<img class="exp-vertical-flip" src="resources/img/characters/main/zara/expressions/happy_dress.webp"/>
Hana says as she pounces towards you, caught off guard as your body, overwhelmed by the lust she's giving off, reacts to her approach instinctively, catching her and pulling her into a deep embrace, your lips meeting as your tongue slides into her mouth aggressively.
The wet and sloppy kiss eventually breaks, and as you draw away from her, panting heavily, eager for more, you freeze, looking into Zara's golden eyes.
<span class="zara">"What… what is this?"</span>
Zara's voice, with Hana behind it. Looking down at your body, you see that you're inside the wolfgirls body, the panic quickly rising from within your body promptly squashed by the waves of constant lust rushing through you.
Hana doesn't have time to be confused either, as her bodies ability to feel your emotions and lust hit her like a truck, her questions fading into a soft moan as her hands start to explore her body, running down to between her legs with an eagerness that tells you she needs to fuck just as badly as your new body does.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Zara_Apartment_Bodyswap2_Intro8" "" "" "">><</slink>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/zara/scenes/bodyswap2/hana_zara.webp"/>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<saudio "bgm_sex4" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.25>>
You're unable to resist as she pulls you into one of the private rooms, her hands skillfully removing your clothes as her lips find your neck, the sensation coursing through your body like a lightning bolt. Under the effects of the raging lust coursing through Hana's body, you're helpless to resist her touch, each contact driving your desire further through the roof. A lurid moan escapes your lips as her fingers slide into you, yet another spike of pleasure piercing through your body.
As Hana takes control of the situation, free from the uncontrollable waves of lust running through her body, thanks to the body swap, you find yourself being pressed against the floor, your body exposed and vulnerable to her desires. Feeling something press against your lips, you open your mouth subconsciously, a dildo sliding into your mouth as Hana gleefully helps you take it deep into your throat, the base of the toy meeting your lips as she presses you down onto it. Not used to the feeling, even as her body joyfully engulfs the cock, you choke slightly, trying to pull yourself off of the toy even as she forces you onto it.
You don't have much time to resist, as you feel another toy rub against your dripping cunt, the solid toy drawing a muffled series of moans from you as you desperately try to move your body in a way to draw it inside you. Hana doesn't hesitate, taking advantage of your desperation and desires as she thrusts the toy into you, your wet cunt taking it easily, despite how rough she is with your loaned body.
Quickly assaulted with waves of pleasure, Hana's aggressive thrusts into your pussy, you find yourself leaking around the toy nearly instantly, the private medical room quickly filling with the sounds and smells of sex. Your moans quickly mix with hers, as she is bathed in the echoes of your pleasure, her every movement eliciting yet another moan and orgasm in you, only to feel it wash over the mental link shortly after, prompting an orgasm of her own to crash through her. Choking on a dildo and filled with another, you are helpless under the constant waves of pleasure, Hana gleefully taking advantage of your body, over and over, driving you through climax after climax.
The constant orgasms quickly wear down your mind, leading you into a numb state of nothingness, unable to focus on anything except the two dildos occupying your holes. You don't know how long you spend as Hana's plaything, her focus entirely on using your body, her own body, as she pleases, the shared link between you creating a mutual feedback loop of pleasure, each twitching orgasm of your own reflected in her body, Zara's body. Eventually however, after countless orgasms and enough pleasure to melt every thought of resistance you could ever have, Hana relents, pulling the toys out of you with a satisfied moan.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Zara_Apartment_Bodyswap2_Intro9" "" "" "">>
<<startplaylist "playlist_exploration_soft">>
<img src="resources/img/backgrounds/clinic.webp"/>
<img class="exp-vertical-flip" src="resources/img/characters/main/zara/expressions/happy_naked.webp"/>
Panting as you lie resting, recovering from Hana's aggressive usage of your body, you don't even care that your body is slick with the juice from both your bodies, as you try and recover control of yourself. Aftershocks of pleasure still course through you, and despite your exhausted state, you can feel Hana's body slowly warming up again, her ever present need for sex starting to awaken once more.
Jolting upright as you realize that you'll start another feedback loop if you don't manage to get your bodies swapped back soon, you quickly pull Hana to her feet, ordering her to get dressed as sternly as you can, hoping that she doesn't remember how helpless you were just moments ago under her touch.
Fortunately, you both manage to regain your clothing, and you usher her from the clinic despite your disheveled appearances, more worried about getting the wolfgirl in Zara's body to Zara before anything else can happen.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Zara_Apartment_Bodyswap2_Intro10" "" "" "">>
starGame.inventory.equipItem('item_clothing_exotic_wolfgirl_uniform', true, true);
<<simagecard "" true false>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/zara_apartment.webp"/>
Despite your unsteady legs, caused by hours of pleasure, you manage to lean on her long enough to steer both of you to the academy dorms, somehow avoiding any cadets or instructors on your way.
Deciding that you'll thank your lucky stars later, you push the door to Zara's room open, the surprised lecturer looking up at you from the bed, the sight of your body being caught off guard bringing a smile to your face. She must be used to leaving her door unlocked since she can normally sense people approaching.
Regardless of her moment of confusion, she bolts up right as she sees her own body and Hana leaning against each other, practically reeking of sex and looking bedraggled enough to make it obvious what happened.
<span class="hero">"Oh my. Are you ok?"</span>
She rushes over to her own body, still thinking that it's you, and as you weakly stop her, you collapse onto one of her chairs starting to explain the events that happened, a growing expression of concern and surprise on her face.
You leave out some of the more sordid details of your time spent with Hana, but get the important part across, the body swap between you and the wolfgirl while you were in Zara's body. You can only watch as your body walks across the room, rifling through the bedside drawers and bin, fetching the used injectors from where they were discarded, as well as a new set.
<span class="hero">"I only have two injectors with a fresh charge of the mod, but I have a plan. First, hold me down."</span>
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Zara_Apartment_Bodyswap2_Intro11" "" "" "">>
starGame.inventory.unequipItem('item_clothing_exotic_wolfgirl_uniform', true, true);
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/zara_apartment.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/zara/expressions/happy_dress.webp"/>
You start to argue, the tiredness in your body telling you that you won't be able to hold anyone down at the moment. Despite that, you find Hana pressed against you, albeit in Zara's body for now.
A slight prick on your arm draws your attention away from her and as you see Zara, in your body, placing the injectors down, you feel her turn your head towards the girl on your lap. Understanding what she wants instantly, you quickly kiss Hana, the hungry kiss returning you to Zara's body before the kiss even ends.
Pulling away from Hana cautiously, you see her eyes brighten, before growing slightly more hazy as her body's lust washes through her once again.
You don't have much time to pay attention to her regaining control of her body as Zara draws you into an aggressive kiss of her own. Feeling the fatigue seep from your body as you open your eyes, you look down at yourself, confirming that you're back in your own body as you should be.
<span class="zara">"I'll take care of the rest. Leave the wolfgirl with me."</span> Zara smiles at you, resting a hand on Hana's forehead as she meets your eyes with a grin.
<span class="zara">"We'll catch up about this later. I'm sure you understand why."</span> A gesture at her wet and violated appearance tells you that you should take this chance to leave, while she's not too upset about it.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Hub_Dormitories" "" "" "">>
<<run starGame.player.setInteraction('zara_interaction')>>
<<npcFactSet "zara_stage1_bodyswap2_completed" true>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/zara_apartment.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/zara/expressions/neutral_dress.webp"/>
<<reaction "zara" "Reaction_Zara">>\
Zara opens the door to her room with a casual smile, and leads you inside like normal. As the door closes behind you however, you notice that there's a set of paired mod syringes resting on her desk. Raising an eyebrow at her as you reach for one of them, you're surprised when she quickly moves to intercept you from touching it.
<span class="zara">"Be careful, that's an extremely rare, somewhat experimental mod. It's probably the only set in the Academy."</span>
Something about the way she gives the warning tells you that she's excited and hoping for you to ask more, and as you pause before deciding to play along she practically vibrates in anticipation of your question on what it does. When you do finally ask, her words practically fall over each other in her hurried excitement.
<span class="zara">"It started its life as a mental connection mod, but it had several issues during trials, and eventually it was rebranded to a more fitting aim when the researchers couldn't iron the main issue out. These days it's a lot more stable and its effects are completely within expectation."</span>
You notice that she still hasn't told you what it actually does, and she gives you a sweetly innocent smile as she holds both syringes up. From the way she's approaching you, you have a feeling that you're not going to be told what it does easily.
<span class="zara">"Do you trust me, cadet $character_lastName?"</span>
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Accept" "Zara_Apartment_Bodyswap_Intro_Accept">>
<<npcFactSet "zara_stage1_bodyswap_intro_accept" true>>
<<slink "Refuse" "Zara_Apartment_Bodyswap_Intro_Decline">>
<<npcFactSet "zara_stage1_bodyswap_intro_accept" false>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/zara_apartment.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/zara/expressions/happy_dress.webp"/>
You're not too worried about what the mods might do, and even if you don't trust Zara, you're curious enough about the effect they'll have that she's willing to go so far as to hide from you in this way. Rolling up your sleeve with a cocky smile, you tell her that she'll have to do better than that if she's trying to scare you off.
She laughs along with you, before sitting alongside you on the couch, the syringe piercing your skin before you can change your mind. As a flush of heat courses through you, you see her apply the other syringe to herself before she places both of the now empty syringes on the desk to the side.
Returning to you with a smile, she takes hold of your top with a lewd smile, pulling you into a wet and sloppy kiss eagerly.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Zara_Apartment_Bodyswap_Intro_Accept2">>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/zara/scenes/bodyswap/mirror.webp"/>
As the intense kiss comes to an end, your body tingles, and when your eyes open you freeze in temporary surprise as you stare into your own eyes. Recoiling slightly from the shock, a chill runs down your spine as you realize that it's not just your own eyes you're looking into, but your own face. Raising a hand to touch it, you notice your skin color is a soothing lavender, and realize that your body feels different from before.
Looking down at yourself, you are stunned to see Zara's amazing body instead of your own, and as your gaze snaps back to your face, a smile twists onto its lips. It doesn't mirror you exactly, but you think you are slowly understanding what the mod does as your body inspects itself before turning to face you.
<span class="hero">"Why don't you take a moment in front of the mirror to get used to it?"</span> Your own voice suggests, and you feel a blush start to spread over your, Zara's, cheeks as you watch yourself start to undress.
Turning to the mirror like suggested, you confirm to yourself that your mind is somehow inside Zara's body, and vice versa, as you pose in front of the full length mirror. Noticing how wet the insides of your thighs are already, you can feel how horny and excited Zara was before the mod took effect, and you can't help but run your hands over your new body with a lewd grin.
Feeling a sudden tug on your clothes, you turn to see Zara, yourself, standing nude before you as she starts to undress you, the look on her face telling you that it's too late to try and back out of what's about to happen now.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Zara_Apartment_Bodyswap_Intro_Accept3">><</slink>>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<saudio "bgm_sex6" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.33>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/zara/scenes/bodyswap/bg.webp"/>
<<if starGame.player.isShemale()>>
<<if starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'black'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/zara/scenes/bodyswap/s_black.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'tan'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/zara/scenes/bodyswap/s_tan.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/zara/scenes/bodyswap/s_fair.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.isAndrogynous()>>
<<if starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'black'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/zara/scenes/bodyswap/a_black.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'tan'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/zara/scenes/bodyswap/a_tan.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/zara/scenes/bodyswap/a_fair.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.hasPenis()>>
<<if starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'black'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/zara/scenes/bodyswap/m_black.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'tan'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/zara/scenes/bodyswap/m_tan.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/zara/scenes/bodyswap/m_fair.webp"/>
<<if starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'black'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/zara/scenes/bodyswap/f_black.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'tan'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/zara/scenes/bodyswap/f_tan.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/zara/scenes/bodyswap/f_fair.webp"/>
<<if starGame.player.isShemale()>>\
Your clothes hit the floor fast under Zara's attention, as she seemingly takes to your body with a natural instinct. Your helpless against the combined onslaught of the raging desires of Zara's body and your own hijacked soft yet firm body as she quickly has you laid out on the bed beneath her. Looking at the dick resting against your dripping wet pussy, you realize that you're far to horny to really think about the implications of what it means to be fucked by yourself right now.
Wrapping your legs around Zara's hips, you hungrily kiss at her neck and breasts, your teeth leaving cute bitemarks in the skin as you press yourself wantonly against the soft body hovering over you.
<span class="hero">"So eager to be used like a complete whore, aren't you?"</span>
It's a strange sensation, hearing your own voice talking to you in such a degrading manner, but you can't deny that it made your body tense up in excitement as you feel the tip of the dick start to spread your desperate cunt open. A moan that you can barely believe originated from you fills the room as Zara thrusts into you, your bodies grinding against each other as you watch her fuck you from a point of view you had never expected.
You aren't able to be distracted by the sight for long however, as the waves of pleasure soon start to leave you writhing and panting under her fast paced fucking, twisting the sheets and filling the air with moans and the smell of sex. Digging your nails into her back, you pull her deeper into you as an intense orgasm crashes over you, Zara clearly knowing exactly just where to use her cock on you to get the best results.
Panting hard as you try to recover underneath her, you let out a small moan as you feel the dick inside you hardening again, and as Zara starts to thrust into your well used cunt once more, you find yourself struggling to keep yourself grounded in the moment, each thrust threatening more and more to push you into a state of complete bliss.
<span class="hero">"Don't resist it, just give in and enjoy the moment."</span>
Zara whispers into your ear as she wraps your legs around her hips once more, the sensations of pleasure rapidly overpowering your body as she holds you down underneath her, pistoning her hips against you. Unable to even hold onto her any more, you let out a series of lurid moans as she hilts herself in you, filling you with cum as you lie trembling and moaning from the waves of pleasure threatening to drown you.
<<elseif starGame.player.hasPenis()>>\
Your clothes hit the floor fast under Zara's attention, as she seemingly takes to your body with a natural instinct. You're helpless against the combined onslaught of the raging desires of Zara's body and your own hijacked muscular body as she quickly has you laid out on the bed beneath her. Looking at the dick resting against your dripping wet pussy, you realize that you're far to horny to really think about the implications of what it means to be fucked by yourself right now.
Wrapping your legs around Zara's hips, you hungrily kiss at her neck and chest, your teeth leaving cute bitemarks in the skin as you press yourself wantonly against the muscle clad body hovering over you.
<span class="hero">"So eager to be used like a complete whore, aren't you?"</span>
It's a strange sensation, hearing your own voice talking to you in such a degrading manner, but you can't deny that it made your body tense up in excitement as you feel the tip of the dick start to spread your desperate cunt open. A moan that you can barely believe originated from you fills the room as Zara thrusts into you, your bodies grinding against each other as you watch her fuck you from a point of view you had never expected.
You aren't able to be distracted by the sight for long however, as the waves of pleasure soon start to leave you writhing and panting under her fast paced fucking, twisting the sheets and filling the air with moans and the smell of sex. Digging your nails into her back, you pull her deeper into you as an intense orgasm crashes over you, Zara clearly knowing exactly just where to use her cock on you to get the best results.
Panting hard as you try to recover underneath her, you let out a small moan as you feel the dick inside you hardening again, and as Zara starts to thrust into your well used cunt once more, you find yourself struggling to keep yourself grounded in the moment, each thrust threatening more and more to push you into a state of complete bliss.
<span class="hero">"Don't resist it, just give in and enjoy the moment."</span>
Zara whispers into your ear as she wraps your legs around her hips once more, the sensations of pleasure rapidly overpowering your body as she holds you down underneath her, pistoning her hips against you. Unable to even hold onto her any more, you let out a series of lurid moans as she hilts herself in you, filling you with cum as you lie trembling and moaning from the waves of pleasure threatening to drown you.
Your clothes hit the floor fast under Zara's attention, as she seemingly takes to your body with a natural instinct. You're helpless against the combined onslaught of the raging desires of Zara's body and your own hijacked soft body as she quickly has you laid out on the bed beneath her. Watching in hungry anticipation as she straps a dildo around her hips, your dripping wet pussy waiting, you realize that you're far to horny to really think about the implications of what it means to be fucked by yourself right now.
Wrapping your legs around Zara's hips, you hungrily kiss at her neck and breasts, your teeth leaving cute bitemarks in the skin as you press yourself wantonly against the soft body hovering over you.
<span class="hero">"So eager to be used like a complete whore, aren't you?"</span>
It's a strange sensation, hearing your own voice talking to you in such a degrading manner, but you can't deny that it made your body tense up in excitement as you feel the tip of the dick start to spread your desperate cunt open. A moan that you can barely believe originated from you fills the room as Zara thrusts into you, your bodies grinding against each other as you watch her fuck you from a point of view you had never expected.
You aren't able to be distracted by the sight for long however, as the waves of pleasure soon start to leave you writhing and panting under her fast paced fucking, twisting the sheets and filling the air with moans and the smell of sex. Digging your nails into her back, you pull her deeper into you as an intense orgasm crashes over you, Zara clearly knowing exactly just where to use her dildo on you to get the best results.
Panting hard as you try to recover underneath her, you let out a small moan as you feel the dick inside you start moving again, and as Zara starts to thrust into your well used cunt once more, you find yourself struggling to keep yourself grounded in the moment, each thrust threatening more and more to push you into a state of complete bliss.
<span class="hero">"Don't resist it, just give in and enjoy the moment."</span>
Zara whispers into your ear as she wraps your legs around her hips once more, the sensations of pleasure rapidly overpowering your body as she holds you down underneath her, pistoning her hips against you. Unable to even hold onto her any more, you let out a series of lurid moans as she hilts herself in you, as you lie trembling and moaning from the waves of pleasure threatening to drown you.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Zara_Apartment_Bodyswap_Intro_Accept4">><</slink>>
<<simagecard "" true true>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/zara_apartment.webp"/>
<img class="exp-left-15" src="resources/img/characters/main/zara/expressions/happy_naked.webp"/>
You don't know how long you've lain entwined with Zara, but as you slowly feel her hands exploring your, her, body you give her a weak, flustered smile.
<span class="hero">"See, trusting me was the right choice."</span>
She whispers into your ear, as she pulls your soft body against hers. Comfortable as you are, you realize that you're still inside her body, and vice versa, and as you push yourself up onto your elbows, you find her watching you with a curious smile as her fingers caress your thighs.
<span class="zara">"How do we… when do we change back?"</span>
You manage to ask, resisting the tempting allure of those fingers exploring your already sensitive body. Zara lets out a giggle, a strange sound to hear from yourself, before speaking easily.
<span class="hero">"In a hurry to swap back, or afraid that we'll be stuck like this forever?"</span>
She teases you, before suddenly pulling your face closer to hers, her tongue running over her lips seductively.
<span class="hero">"For the low price of a kiss, you'll be back to normal."</span>
Remembering that even after taking the mod, it was only when you kissed her that you felt any real changes in your body, you smile at her whispered invitation, your tongue dancing with hers briefly before you pull her into a hot and heavy kiss. When you do break the kiss, she lets out a soft moan, the saliva linking your lips hanging in the air between you, as you look down at Zara in her own body once more.
<span class="zara">"I'll have to get more of those."</span>
She whispers out, laying beneath you on the bed and spreading her legs invitingly. Shaking your head to help you resist the allure of the alien instructor, you quickly retreat and reclaim your clothes, well aware that if you don't make an excuse to leave now, you're going to struggle to resist her charms for much longer. Telling her that you still need to pretend to be a functioning member of society, she lets you go after a few gentle kisses, watching you leave her room from where she's still lying on her bed.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Hub_Dormitories">>
<<startplaylist "playlist_exploration_soft">>
<<run starGame.player.setInteraction('zara_interaction')>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/zara_apartment.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/zara/expressions/neutral_dress.webp"/>
Even if you do trust Zara, you're not about to have a rare, experimental mod that does god knows what injected just to prove it. Of course, you put it more tactfully when you quickly turn her down, saying that you've got a strict "no-blind" modding rule.
She gives you a sad pout, but quickly cheers up, returning the mods to their place on her desk with a laugh.
<span class="zara">"Well, maybe your curiosity will gain the better of you someday. Until then, you'll just have to wonder what these syringes do. Let me know whenever you decide to take a chance on it."</span>
Thanking her for understanding, you quickly excuse yourself from the room, returning to the corridor outside while you can.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Hub_Dormitories">><</slink>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/zara_apartment.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/zara/expressions/neutral_dress.webp"/>
<<reaction "zara" "Reaction_Zara">>\
You look down at the keycard in your hand, and decide that you might as well see what Zara was implying when she gave it to you. Making your way into the secondary dorm building that the instructors use, you quickly find her room number, and tapping the card against the reader, enter the room as the door slides open for you. A glance around tells you that it's not quite as fancy as your own, but still remains comfortable for its size. Zara gives you a smile from where she's sitting on the couch.
<span class="zara">"I was wondering if you'd take me up on the offer, or if you would think I'm too alien for you."</span> She teases softly, her words soft and lilting as her gaze runs over you. She pats the seat next to her, indicating for you to sit. Taking a seat alongside her, you tell her that you were more surprised by her actions in the archives, and that you wouldn't have guessed she was looking for some casual fun.
<span class="zara">"Caelorians are sensitive to emotion, as I'm sure you're aware. While the Academy has been greatly accommodating towards me, there are some things that it simply couldn't prepare for. One of them being the passion and lust of humans left to their own devices."</span> She says softly, in explanation of her prior actions. You notice that despite her words, her own hand is resting on your thigh, placed there while she talks.
<span class="zara">Let me be clear however… I'm not looking for a partner, or a relationship. Just some fun."</span> She raises an eyebrow at you, seemingly waiting for an answer, before you can speak however, she continues. <span class="zara">"Also, I'll be doing the touching. You won't be getting into my pants, and we won't be having sex."</span> She pauses for a long while, seemingly deep in thought, her hand sliding slightly closer to your groin while she does.
<span class="zara">"Do we have an understanding?"</span> She asks softly, her voice betraying her calm demeanor.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Accept" "Zara_Apartment_Stage1_Accept">>
<<npcFactSet "zara_stage1_accept" true>>
<<slink "Refuse" "Zara_Apartment_Stage1_Decline">>
<<npcFactSet "zara_stage1_decline" true>>
starGame.inventory.removeItemById('item_quest_zararoom_card', 1, false);
toastr.info("Room B1-12 Access Card has been removed from your inventory.");
<<npcFactSet "zara_stage1_visited" true>>
<img src="resources/img/backgrounds/zara_apartment.webp"/>
<<if starGame.player.hasPenis()>>
<<if starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'black'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/zara/scenes/stage1/m_handjob_black.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'tan'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/zara/scenes/stage1/m_handjob_tan.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/zara/scenes/stage1/m_handjob_fair.webp"/>
<<if starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'black'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/zara/scenes/stage1/f_pussylicking_black.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'tan'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/zara/scenes/stage1/f_pussylicking_tan.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/zara/scenes/stage1/f_pussylicking_fair.webp"/>
Nodding cautiously, you're caught off guard when Zara kisses you, her tongue pressing into your mouth with urgency and desperation. Returning the kiss and letting her climb on top of you, you barely feel her undress you, the cool touch of the air the only warning of your nakedness.
<<if starGame.player.hasBreasts()>>\
Breaking the sloppy kiss with a moan, she starts to kiss her way down your body, her lips and tongue lingering on your nipples just long enough to make you need to resist the urge to force her head to your groin. As she reaches your lower body, she plants a soft kiss on the inside of your thigh, looking up at you with her big golden eyes.
Breaking the sloppy kiss with a moan, she starts to kiss her way down your body, and you can feel your arousal rising as you resist the urge to push her head to your groin. As she reaches your lower body, she plants a soft kiss on the inside of your thigh, looking up at you with her big golden eyes.
<<if starGame.player.hasPenis()>>\
She wraps a soft hand around your shaft, never breaking eye contact with you as she begins to stroke you. Wrapping another hand around your dick, Zara spits on it lightly, the sensation of the friction from her hands sending shivers of pleasure throughout your body. As she continues to stroke you, you can see her slowly lower her head to the tip of your dick, her tongue delicately caressing it as she keeps working your member.
Despite teasing you with her tongue, she doesn't commit to the blowjob, her hands continuing to slide over your dick as she maintains eye contact with you. As she starts to pick up speed with her strokes, you can feel your pleasure building, but she keeps you on the edge, slowing down when you start to near orgasm, just long enough to keep delaying its arrival.
As you start to grow frustrated with her teasing, she smirks at you, suddenly stroking you more firmly and intently than before. You bite back a moan as she brings you to the edge of an orgasm, showing off her expertise as she keeps you right on the edge of it now. As she delicately plants a kiss on your tip, you feel your climax wash over you, the cum just barely missing her face and falling onto her exposed tits instead.
As she seductively licks up the cum on her from her service she gives you a wink. Reaching for a towel nearby, you see that she was prepared and aiming for this outcome all along.
A finger slides inside you, gently and delicately, slowly exploring your cunt as she maintains eye contact with you. A soft whimper escapes your throat as she slides a second in, and you let out a moan as she gently rubs your clit with her thumb. Your lower body arches involuntarily, and Zara takes it as a sign to stop teasing you and get to work. Her fingers find a rhythm quickly, drawing out moans and whimpers as she plays with you, her eyes never leaving your own.
As your breathing begins to get hard and rough, Zara circles your clit with her tongue, the sensation causing your first orgasm to break over you, shivers of pleasure running through your body. You throw your head back in a long deep moan, and by the time you regain composure, her tongue is deep inside your pussy, flicking against your g spot and exploring your hole with eagerness. You can feel another series of orgasms building, and as Zara picks up the pace of her tongues movement, your legs tense and tighten, pushing her harder against your cunt.
Riding through the waves of pleasure, you orgasm hard, drenching the aliens face in your juices. When you relax enough for her to pull free, she does, breathing in heavily. Licking her lips clean of your juices, she plants a kiss directly on your cunt before standing up.
<span class="zara">"Mhm, we'll have to do this again sometime. It was worth the wait."</span> She starts redressing before giving you a commanding glance. <span class="zara">"Time to dress and leave, cadet."</span> Her voice softens slightly. <span class="zara">"I'll see you around the Academy."</span> She says with a sultry smile.
Following instructions for now, you redress as well, leaving her room quietly. Still somewhat lightheaded from the climax, you decide to head to your room for the moment.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Leave" "Hub_Dormitories">>
<<startplaylist "playlist_exploration_soft">>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<saudio "bgm_sex3" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.25>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/zara_apartment.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/zara/expressions/neutral_dress.webp"/>
Gently removing her hand from your lap, you tell Zara that you're not interested in even just casual fun at the moment. You don't give her a reason, nor does she ask for one, and as you return her keycard to her, she gives you a warm, if upset, smile.
<span class="zara">"Of course. Perhaps another time then."</span> She says in a friendly manner, the unspoken agreement between the two of you to keep this a private matter not being aired. The door slides closed behind you as you go, and you decide to leave the dorms before you change your mind.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Leave" "Hub_Dormitories">><</slink>>
<img src="resources/img/backgrounds/zara_apartment.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/zara/scenes/exotic/catgirl_eatingpussy.webp"/>
Telling Zara that you'll take the catgirl mod again, you watch as she retrieves an injector from her desk drawer, this time with a neat little label that tells about its known effects. As she hands it to you, she starts to undress, a knowing smile crossing her face as she takes a seat on the edge of the bed, her legs already spreading for you. Shaking your head lightly at the sight, you press the injector against your skin once more, and as you feel the mod begin to take effect, you feel the expected wave of lust and desire to serve course through you almost immediately.
As you sink to your knees in front of Zara unbidden, you match her smirk with one of your own, as your lips meet her tender skin, and a moan escapes her lips. Like before, your tail acts with a mind of its own, as it quickly begins to assault your own pussy, matching the intensity of your tongue snaking into Zara's cunt eagerly. As her moans fill the room, you feel her fingers slide through your hair, and pull you deeper inside her. Feeling her legs lock around your shoulders as the first of many orgasms runs through her body, you can almost feel her smiling in satisfaction as your fingers and tongue work in tandem on her pussy, your every thought telling you how to better serve her.
A shudder runs through your own body as your own series of orgasms start, each driving you to eat her out more frantically, and as her legs tighten around, locking your face in place as her hips shudder and gyrate against it, you feel your climax hit moments after hers, the intermixed pants of you both filling the air as you collapse against each other to recover.
After a few moments, you feel her lock on you relax, and as you pull away from her, you head for the bathroom to clean up. Returning from freshening up, you see the small, cute outfit that she's pulled out of the cupboard waiting for you on the bed. Dressing quickly, you take a few steps towards the door before you get hit by a wave of fatigue that tells you that you won't be able to go far before sleep overtakes you. Deciding that if you are going to have a catnap against your will you might as well do it here where you're safe, you curl up on the bed and allow sleep to take you while Zara is busy cleaning up.
When you do wake up a while later, you see that you've slept off the temporary effects of the mod, and that Zara has left you to sleep undisturbed. Stretching and making sure that there are no lingering side effects, you decide to leave the room after washing your face and freshening up a little.
The door beeps as it locks behind you, and you make your way back into the campus grounds with a smile.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Leave" "Hub_Dormitories">>
<<run starGame.player.setInteraction('zara_interaction')>>
<<startplaylist "playlist_exploration_soft">>
<<script>>starGame.player.setAppearance('exotic', undefined);<</script>>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<saudio "bgm_sex3" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.25>>
<img src="resources/img/backgrounds/zara_apartment.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/zara/scenes/exotic/cowgirl_riding_zara.webp"/>
Telling Zara that you'll take the cowgirl injector again, she gives you an excited smile, clearly thinking about the after effects of it once more. As if to tell you that you've read her mind, she retrieves the injector, this time with a small label detailing its effects, and her strap-on from the desk together. As she begins to prepare for you, stripping down and fastening the dildo in place, she gives you a smirk as you roll your eyes at her.
Knowing that you'll be overwhelmed by lust when you activate the mod, you can't even disagree with her preparations. The cool metal of the injector briefly helps calm your mind, despite the nude alien girl waiting on her bed in anticipation of your coming changes. The brief sting of the needle piercing your skin is quickly replaced with the burning desire that runs through you, and as you feel your body change, quickly morphing to its new form once more.
Zara gives you a nervous giggle as you approach her quickly, and the fact that she's already lying on the bed waiting for you only means that you find yourself straddling her quickly. The two of you share a moan as you take her length inside you, and as you start to aggressively ride her, you can feel her desperately trying to resist an early orgasm as her lips tighten around one of your oversized nipples.
The sensation of her filling your pussy and her lips on your nipples drives you to let out a lustfilled moo, and you start to fuck her harder and harder, your every move driving her dildo as deeply into you as possible, as you focus on simply using her to get yourself off. You feel a series of smaller orgasms course through you, but they barely affect your lust driven movements, as you continue to ride her aggressively, your hand on her chest barely helping you stay balanced as you finally feel your climax build. Hilting her in you with a single final movement, you feel your body lock up as your climax hits, the intense waves of pleasure causing you to collapse on her, a blissful feeling of release flooding through you.
When you recover enough to pull off of her, she lets out a content sigh, and you are quickly hit by a wave of fatigue that threatens to knock you out on the spot. Keeping yourself together long enough to clean up, you decide to curl up on Zara's bed, planning on riding out the waves of fatigue by sleeping here, where you're unlikely to cause a scene. As you fade into sleep, you feel Zara pull a blanket over you.
You wake up a while later and see that you've slept off the temporary effects of the mod, and that Zara has left you to sleep undisturbed. Stretching and making sure that there are no lingering side effects, you decide to leave the room after washing your face and freshening up a little.
The door beeps as it locks behind you, and you make your way back into the campus grounds with a smile.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Leave" "Hub_Dormitories">>
<<run starGame.player.setInteraction('zara_interaction')>>
<<startplaylist "playlist_exploration_soft">>
<<script>>starGame.player.setAppearance('exotic', undefined);<</script>>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<saudio "bgm_sex3" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.25>>
<img src="resources/img/backgrounds/zara_apartment.webp"/>
<<if starGame.player.hasPenis()>>
<<if starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'black'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/zara/scenes/exotic/m_zaracow_riding_black.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'tan'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/zara/scenes/exotic/m_zaracow_riding_tan.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/zara/scenes/exotic/m_zaracow_riding_fair.webp"/>
<<if starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'black'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/zara/scenes/exotic/f_zaracow_riding_black.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'tan'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/zara/scenes/exotic/f_zaracow_riding_tan.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/zara/scenes/exotic/f_zaracow_riding_fair.webp"/>
Telling Zara that you want her to take the cowgirl mod again, she graces you with a smile. Pointing at the bed with a smirk, you don't need her to tell you that she wants you to strip down and prepare for her already. Obliging with a smile of your own, you quickly find yourself watching the alien prepare for her transformation from your comfortable spot on the bed. As before, her body rapidly progresses through the different stages of the transformation, and as the alien cowgirl approaches you with a hungry glint in her eyes, you can feel the lust radiating off of her when she reaches you.
<<if starGame.player.hasPenis() is true>>\
Already hard, knowing that Zara plans on banging you like a screen door in a hurricane, you watch as she eagerly climbs over you, her pussy lightly rubbing against the tip of your dick as she teases you. Knowing that she won't be able to resist her own desire to get fucked for long, you merely lie back and watch the amazonian cowgirl slowly succumb to her needs as she hovers above you.
<<elseif starGame.player.hasVagina() is true>>\
Zara quickly straddles your hips, hovering just a hairsbreadth from the strap-on you fastened to yourself while she was transforming. She blows you a cheeky kiss as she looks down at you, her voluptuous body looming over you as you wait for her to start using you like a fucktoy.
She places a hand on your chest, effectively pinning you to the bed as she lowers herself onto you, her muscles eagerly devouring every inch of you as she slowly takes your full length inside of her. Her moans fill the room as she takes a moment to get used to the feeling, and before you can try to take control of the situation, she starts to rock her hips, eagerly riding you as she sets an intense pace.
Resigning yourself to being a simple source of relief for the lusty alien cowgirl, you manage to draw a few more moans out of her as your hands play with her tits, her pussy tightening as you squeeze and tweak her nipples. You feel her body tense a few times as she rides you through a series of orgasms, and you realize that your own climax is quickly approaching. Her movements have gotten more frantic as well, and as she hilts herself on you, you feel her body spasm as you cum with her, your fluids mixing with hers as she lets out a long, lusty moan. Seemingly exhausted by the transformation and series of orgasms that she had, she collapses on top of you, effectively pinning you to the bed while she recovers, her toned and soft body weighing you down.
Unlike before, she recovers quickly, and instead of pulling off of you, you feel her teeth sink into your shoulder as she begins to ride you once more, her and your bodies sensitive enough from the previous climax to quickly reach the edge of a new one. She moans into your chest, and her hot breath against your skin is just the lightest nudge that you need to push you over the edge once more. Her body tenses up against you as she loses control, collapsing onto you with a long, lewd moo escaping her throat.
When she eventually recovers enough to pull off of you, watch as she collapses onto the bed alongside you in a stupor, practically falling asleep on the spot. Pulling a blanket over her before heading to the bathroom to clean up and redress, you make a mental note that the mod seems to have a greater effect on her than expected.
Leaving the sleeping cowgirl with a smile, you step out of her room with a self-satisfied grin on your lips.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Leave" "Hub_Dormitories">>
<<run starGame.player.setInteraction('zara_interaction')>>
<<startplaylist "playlist_exploration_soft">>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<saudio "bgm_sex3" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.25>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/zara_apartment.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/zara/expressions/neutral_dress.webp"/>
Telling Zara that you're… interested in testing any other mods that she's got on hand, you're treated to a quick smile and a slight hint of concern. Your mind runs back to the way you weren't able to think about anything else but servicing her when you turned into a catgirl, and after a moment of doubt, you decide that you still want to help her test the mods regardless. Telling her as much, she gives you an obviously excited smile, and quickly retrieves another injector from the desk.
As she holds it out for you, your mind flashes once more back to your uncontrollable urges from the last mod, and you spend a moment deciding if you actually want to go through with this. Suddenly you realize that you don't have to be the one who uses it, and as you give her an appraising look, you realize that you can probably talk her into using the mod on herself fairly easily.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Use the mod" "Zara_Apartment_Testing_Cowgirl_Intro_Player">>
<<script>>starGame.player.setAppearance('exotic', 'cowgirl');<</script>>
<<slink "Make Zara use mod" "Zara_Apartment_Testing_Cowgirl_Intro_Zara">><</slink>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/zara_apartment.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/zara/expressions/happy_dress.webp"/>
Deciding that the last thing you want is for a Zara who can't really control her emotion sensing and sharing powers to be in close proximity to you, you take the mod from her with an easy smile, stripping your top off in a quick movement. Zara blushes slightly as she runs her eyes over you, and roll your eyes at her. It's not even the second time she's seen you half naked, it's a bit late for her to start being shy now.
Placing the cool metal of the injector against your skin, you pull the trigger, and this time you aren't even able to make it to the bed for support before the effects of the mod kick in. An intense wave of pleasure runs through your body before it's quickly followed by an itching feeling that threatens to overwhelm your senses. Managing to prevent a moan from escaping your lips, you glance down at your rapidly changing body, and your eyes widen as you see your body quickly being replaced with one that wouldn't look out of place on an amazonian warrior.
Toned muscles, wide hips and large tits, and a sudden rush of heat between your legs confirms that you've been turned into another hypersexual morph. An itch on your head prompts your hand to run up to feel your new body parts there, and the floppy ear coupled with small horns confirms your new form in your mind at least.
<<if starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'black'>>\
Zara holds out her hand mirror for your inspection once more, and a quick glance tells you that you've been turned into a muscular, athletic cowgirl, your ample assets displayed proudly as you examine yourself. You almost drop the mirror as an intense wave of lust runs through you, and as you look at Zara predatorily, you see the slight hint of fear mixed with excitement in her eyes as she realizes what you want.
Zara holds out her hand mirror for your inspection once more, and a quick glance tells you that you've been turned into a muscular, athletic, dark-skinned cowgirl, your ample assets displayed proudly as you examine yourself. You almost drop the mirror as an intense wave of lust runs through you, and as you look at Zara predatorily, you see the slight hint of fear mixed with excitement in her eyes as she realizes what you want.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Zara_Apartment_Testing_Cowgirl_Intro_Player2">><</slink>>
<img src="resources/img/backgrounds/zara_apartment.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/zara/scenes/exotic/cowgirl_riding_zara.webp"/>
Stepping towards Zara, your lust quickly overpowering any other thoughts you might have, you see her make a decision to play along, her hands quickly rifling through the desk drawers to produce a strap-on before you reach her. Her clothes hit the floor quickly under your assault, as you practically tear them off of her, and she barely manages to fasten the strap-on around her hips before you aggressively push her onto the bed. A moan escapes her lips at your rough treatment and as you straddle her, rubbing your cunt against the tip of the dildo for a tantalizing moment, you feel her eyes run over your huge tits, her tongue flicking over her lips in anticipation of what's to come.
Lowering yourself onto her with a single smooth movement, you let out a wanton moan as you feel her strap-on fill you. Taking a moment to adjust to the feeling, you feel your instincts take over as your hips begin to rock, the movement driving a series of moans and pants out of both of you. In the back of your mind you realize that you can hear her bed creak as you move. You don't think about it for long, as Zara's lips lock onto one of your nipples, her teeth lightly digging into the sensitive skin as she aggressively sucks your tits, your own hips rocking more aggressively in response to her touch.
Unconsciously letting out a lustfilled moo, you start to fuck her harder and harder, your every move driving her dildo as deeply into you as possible, as you focus on simply using her to get yourself off. You feel a series of smaller orgasms course through you, but they barely affect your lust driven movements, as you continue to ride her aggressively, your hand on her chest barely helping you stay balanced as you finally feel your climax build. Hilting her in you with a single final movement, you feel your body lock up as your climax hits, the intense waves of pleasure causing you to collapse on her, a blissful feeling of release flooding through you.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Zara_Apartment_Testing_Cowgirl_Intro_Player3">>
<<startplaylist "playlist_exploration_soft">>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<saudio "bgm_sex3" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.25>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/academy/zara_apartment.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
When the feeling of bliss finally begins to drain from you, you realize you've been lying on Zara for a while already, effectively helplessly pinning her under your ample body. Climbing off of her with a shy smile, she gives you a quick hug before pushing you towards her bathroom to clean up. When you finish and she moves in to clean herself up, you take a few steps towards the bed when a sudden wave of fatigue washes over you, and before you can really try to resist it you feel yourself drawn to the bed with a yawn.
Faintly you can hear Zara talking to you from the bathroom, but you can't find the ability to focus on her within yourself. As you fade into sleep, you can't help but wonder if you'll wake as your normal self or not.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Leave" "Hub_Dormitories">>
<<run starGame.player.setInteraction('zara_interaction')>>
<<script>>starGame.player.setAppearance('exotic', undefined);<</script>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/zara_apartment.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/zara/expressions/neutral_cowgirl.webp"/>
Deciding that while you want to help her test the mods, you don't want to lose control of yourself again, you raise an eyebrow at her while you work out the words you need to convince her to take the mod herself. As you start to outline your argument, you're instead treated to a wink and a mischievous smile from Zara, as she pulls her top off, and injecting herself in a single swift movement. She almost drops the injector as the changes in her body begin to take effect almost instantly.
You can only watch as she lets out a series of lewd moans, her body rapidly adjusting to a new shape before your eyes. Her hips widen, and her breasts grow by several sizes, as a pair of cute horns emerge from her hair, the matching cow ears flopping lightly as she shivers and trembles. As the changes in her body slow down, you see her eyes run over your body with a predatory smile creeping onto her lips.
Something in the back of your mind tells you that either you undress and go along with her desire, or that you need to escape quickly if you don't want her to use you regardless of your wishes. But you were already expecting this, to a degree at least, and as you start to strip down, you see Zara do the same, shedding the last of the clothes she had on. Stepping towards the bed with a growing sense of anticipation, you feel her hand against your chest as she pushes you onto your back, clearly eager to get some relief as soon as possible.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Zara_Apartment_Testing_Cowgirl_Intro_Zara2">><</slink>>
<img src="resources/img/backgrounds/zara_apartment.webp"/>
<<if starGame.player.hasPenis()>>
<<if starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'black'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/zara/scenes/exotic/m_zaracow_riding_black.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'tan'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/zara/scenes/exotic/m_zaracow_riding_tan.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/zara/scenes/exotic/m_zaracow_riding_fair.webp"/>
<<if starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'black'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/zara/scenes/exotic/f_zaracow_riding_black.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'tan'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/zara/scenes/exotic/f_zaracow_riding_tan.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/zara/scenes/exotic/f_zaracow_riding_fair.webp"/>
<<if starGame.player.hasPenis() is true>>\
Already hard, thanks to the anticipation of what's to come, and Zara's amazonian form, you can only watch as she straddles your hips, her pussy hovering just the slightest distance from your tip as she looks down at you with a grin.
<<elseif starGame.player.hasVagina() is true>>\
You barely notice that she's managed to fasten a strap-on to your hips, thanks to the way she's currently hovering over you, a hungry grin gracing her face as she straddles you.
Considering bucking your hips up at her to enter her cunt, you practically feel her sense your thoughts, as she places a hand on your chest, effectively pinning you to the bed as she lowers herself onto you, her muscles eagerly devouring every inch of you as she slowly takes your full length inside of her. Her moans fill the room as she takes a moment to get used to the feeling, and before you can try to take control of the situation, she starts to rock her hips, eagerly riding you as she sets an intense pace.
Resigning yourself to being a simple source of relief for the lusty alien cowgirl, you manage to draw a few more moans out of her as your hands play with her tits, her pussy tightening as you squeeze and tweak her nipples. You feel her body tense a few times as she rides you through a series of orgasms, and you realize that your own climax is quickly approaching.
Her movements have gotten more frantic as well, and as she hilts herself on you, you feel her body spasm as you cum with her, your fluids mixing with hers as she lets out a long, lusty moan. Seemingly exhausted by the transformation and series of orgasms that she had, she collapses on top of you, effectively pinning you to the bed while she recovers, her toned and soft body weighing you down.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Zara_Apartment_Testing_Cowgirl_Intro_Zara3">>
<<startplaylist "playlist_exploration_soft">>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<saudio "bgm_sex3" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.25>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/academy/zara_apartment.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
Eventually Zara seems to recover enough to move, and as she pulls herself off of you, you help her stand as she takes a few unsteady steps to the bathroom. Allowing her to go clean herself up first, you spend a few minutes by yourself as you wait for her to return, and once you've finished cleaning yourself up, you see that she's already curled up on her own bed, deeply asleep as a result of the fatigue collected by the transformation and her series of orgasms combined.
Pulling a blanket over the slumbering cowgirl, you quietly leave the room, telling yourself that you'll come check in on her again soon as you go.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Leave" "Hub_Dormitories">>
<<run starGame.player.setInteraction('zara_interaction')>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/zara_apartment.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/zara/expressions/neutral_cowgirl.webp"/>
Telling Zara that you want her to use the cowgirl mod on herself again, you go fetch the stockade and milking equipment from her cupboard with a smile. By the time you've finished setting the gear up, her transformation has already finished, and she gives you an eager moo as you approach her, undressing as you do. A slap on the ass is all the invitation she needs to put herself in position, as she leans into the stockade with a happy moan, her pussy already starting to drip in anticipation of the coming fun.
Pressing the milking cups into place rewards you with a lusty moan from Zara as she feels the suction begin, and as you watch her start to drool, you decide it's time for you to get what you really came here for.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Zara_Apartment_Stage1_MilkingZara2">><</slink>>
<img src="resources/img/backgrounds/zara_apartment.webp"/>
<<if starGame.player.isShemale()>>
<<if starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'black'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/zara/scenes/milking/s_black.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'tan'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/zara/scenes/milking/s_tan.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/zara/scenes/milking/s_fair.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.hasPenis()>>
<<if starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'black'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/zara/scenes/milking/m_black.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'tan'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/zara/scenes/milking/m_tan.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/zara/scenes/milking/m_fair.webp"/>
<<if starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'black'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/zara/scenes/milking/f_black.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'tan'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/zara/scenes/milking/f_tan.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/zara/scenes/milking/f_fair.webp"/>
<<if starGame.player.hasPenis() is true>>\
Stepping behind her, you admire the sight of her bent body, the way her back arches and her muscles tense and shiver as she gets lost in the sensations of being milked. Deciding that you've waited long enough for your own reward, you press your cock against her pussy, her constantly leaking juices lubing you up as she instinctively tries to press her body back against yours.
Gripping her firmly by the hips you thrust into the lust-addled cow, her moans quickly filling the room alongside the sound of your bodies slapping together as she cums from the penetration alone. Not letting up, you hold her firmly as you slam into her, your every thrust sending more tremors of pleasure through her as you fuck her hard and fast.
Unable to get away from you, she quickly starts to grow limp in the stockade, held up only by its support and your grip on her hips as she cums repeatedly on your dick, her mind quickly being lost to the overwhelming sensations of pleasure thanks to the mod heightening her sense of touch. Despite her loss of control, her pussy never stops gripping at you, eagerly trying to milk you as you fuck her, and you can quickly feel your own climax approaching.
Her panting moans mix with your own grunts of pleasure as you hilt yourself in her, a long mewling moan leaving her lips as she squirts from the sensation of your cum filling her up. Pulling out of her with a satisfying squelching sound, you watch as she partly collapses to the ground, no longer being held up by you.
As you reclaim your clothes, you smile as you watch your cum leak out of her pussy, mingling with her juices as she moans and mewls incoherently from inside the stocks. You give her an approving slap on the ass as you step past her, rewarded with another moan as she tries to raise her ass, her legs giving out as she realizes that she's well and truly spent. Flicking the lock on the stockade inactive, you give her a smile as you leave the room, leaving her alone to recover and clean her mess up.
Stepping behind her, you admire the sight of her bent body while you fasten a strapon in place, the way her back arches and her muscles tense and shiver as she gets lost in the sensations of being milked. Deciding that you've waited long enough for your own reward, you press your dildo against her pussy, her constantly leaking juices lubing it up as she instinctively tries to press her body back against yours.
Enjoying the way her movements push the toy back against you, you grip her firmly by the hips as you thrust into the lust-addled cow, her moans quickly filling the room alongside the sound of your bodies slapping together as she cums from the penetration alone. Not letting up, you hold her firmly as you slam into her, your every thrust sending more tremors of pleasure through her as you fuck her hard and fast.
Unable to get away from you, she quickly starts to grow limp in the stockade, held up only by its support and your grip on her hips as she cums repeatedly on your strap, the way her body quivers and shakes against it sending pleasurable vibrations back into you as her mind is quickly lost to the overwhelming sensations of pleasure thanks to the mod heightening her sense of touch. Despite her loss of control, her pussy never stops gripping at your strap, eagerly trying to milk you as you fuck her, and you can quickly feel your own climax approaching.
Her panting moans mix with your own grunts of pleasure as you hilt yourself in her, a long mewling moan leaving her lips as she squirts from the sensation of your toy filling her up. Your own juices rush out of you as you pant, your climax forcing you to lean against the restrained cowgirl in ecstasy. Pulling out of her with a satisfying squelching sound, you watch as she partly collapses to the ground, no longer being held up by you.
As you reclaim your clothes, you smile as you watch her juices leak out of her constantly, mingling with your own on the floor as she moans and mewls incoherently from inside the stocks. You give her an approving slap on the ass as you step past her, rewarded with another moan as she tries to raise her ass, her legs giving out as she realizes that she's well and truly spent. Flicking the lock on the stockade inactive, you give her a smile as you leave the room, leaving her alone to recover and clean her mess up.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Leave" "Hub_Dormitories">>
<<run starGame.player.setInteraction('zara_interaction')>>
<<startplaylist "playlist_exploration_soft">>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<saudio "bgm_sex3" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.25>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/zara_apartment.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/zara/expressions/neutral_naked.webp"/>
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('zara_milking_player_intro') is true>>\
Telling Zara to get the stockade and cowgirl mods out, you're treated to a knowing smile from the alien instructor as she retrieves the mod injector from her desks drawer. Placing the injector against your skin as you watch Zara start to strip and prepare for the session ahead, you feel a slight tingle of excitement run through you as you pull the trigger.
The stockade waiting for you, with Zara standing ready next to it, you can't help but let out an excited moo as you allow her to lock you in place, your curvy body at her mercy once more.
Thoughts of how Zara looked in the milking machine keep coming back to you, and you have to admit that you're more than a little curious on how it feels. Tentatively telling the seductive alien that you're more than a little curious about trying it out yourself, you're quickly rewarded with an excited smile from her as she rifles through her drawer.
When she finds the injector she's looking for, she turns to you with a grin as she hands it over. The gentle sting of the injector against your skin sends a tingle of excitement through you, goosebumps rising across your body as you wait for the effects of the mod to kick in once more.
By the time your transformation starts to wind down and you can focus on the world around you again, Zara has already finished setting up the stockade and milking machine for use.
On top of that, you can see that she's stripped herself down as well, showing off her curvaceous body even as she fastens a strap-on in place. Giving you a wink as she pats the stockade, you find an excited moo escaping your lips as you obey the implied instruction, leaning over and taking your position for her to lock you in place.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Zara_Apartment_Stage1_Milking2">>
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('zara_milking_player_intro') is undefined>>
<<npcFactSet "zara_milking_player_intro" true>>
<img src="resources/img/backgrounds/zara_apartment.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/zara/scenes/milking/player_milking.webp"/>
As Zara finishes locking you in place, you feel her hand run over your soft and sensitive skin, a tremble of anticipation running through you. Forced into a bent over position by the stockade, you can't help but feel aroused by your vulnerable stance, with your body on display for the aliens' entertainment. A soft gasp escapes you involuntarily as Zara hooks up the milking equipment to your large tits, the gentle sucking sensation working on your body almost instantly.
Moving around you, Zara steps out of view, her hands running over your body as she spreads your legs. Moaning as she gently massages your pussy, you're assaulted with gentle pleasure on both your tits and cunt as Zara and the milking machine work in tandem with each other, gently teasing and preparing you for what's to come still.
Feeling her dildo press against your now dripping wet pussy, you arch your back slightly in anticipation, eagerly inviting the instructor to use you as she pleases. As she slowly pushes into you, you feel a wave of pleasure course through you, the sensation of being filled up colliding with the constant sucking on your tits to send tremors of excitement through you.
Unable to move thanks to the stockade, you're left waiting for Zara to fuck you properly, her slow, lazy strokes heightening your lust further as you feel yourself trying to thrust back against her without much effect.
A slap across your ass coincides with the first squirt of milk leaving your tits as the suction does its job at last. A moan that sounds a lot more like a gentle moo escapes your throat, and as you struggle weakly in the stockade, Zara begins to fuck you harder and faster, her thrusts into your cunt causing the stockade to rock and creak slightly. A long lewd moan escapes you as you feel your legs twitch and spasm as your first orgasm hits you. Held up by the cock inside you and the hands on your hips, you are helpless as Zara continues her assault on your body, waves of pleasure crashing through you as she uses you like an onahole.
A sudden feeling of emptiness accompanies Zara pulling out of you with another sharp slap across your ass. You start to complain, your words cut off as she pushes her strap on into your mouth, her fingers weaving in your hair as she starts to face fuck you. Something about the situation, being used so freely while you are helpless to resist or control the pace yourself is doing wonders for your body, and even as Zara forces her dildo deeper into your mouth and down your throat, you feel your orgasm building once more, threatening to crash down on you at any second.
Going limp in the stockade, held up only by the restraints around your arms, you are unable to control yourself as your climax hits you, the intense waves of pleasure coupled with Zara fucking your face while your tits are milked being simply overwhelming for you. Feeling your mind start to go blank and numb from the combined assault on your senses, you give in to the pleasure, succumbing to your desires in the heat of the moment.
Eventually, you recover enough from the intense waves of pleasure running through you as a result of your climax to realize that Zara has since unlocked the stockade, leaving it closed around you but removable now.
Releasing yourself from the stockade, you give Zara a weak, fluttery smile as you see her watching you from the bed. She pats the bed next to her, and as you feel a blissful sense of lethargy settle into you, you decide that you may as well curl up next to her to rest a bit.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Leave" "Hub_Dormitories">>
<<run starGame.player.setInteraction('zara_interaction')>>
<<startplaylist "playlist_exploration_soft">>
<<script>>starGame.player.setAppearance('exotic', undefined);<</script>>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<saudio "bgm_sex3" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.25>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/zara_apartment.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/zara/expressions/neutral_cowgirl.webp"/>
<<reaction "zara" "Reaction_Zara">>\
Zara opens the door almost instantly after your knock, and you are somewhat surprised to see that she's already in her cow morph form. Before you can react properly however, she grabs you, pulling you into the room eagerly as the door locks behind you. Wrestling free of her grip, you step away from the alien cow morph as you try to understand the situation.
Watching you with clear lust in her eyes however, you can tell that you only have a few moments before Zara decides to forcibly take what she needs from you. Snapping your fingers to draw her focus, you see her eyes sharpen for a moment, and seizing the chance to speak to her while she's rational you make a choice to dictate how this encounter will go.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Explanation" "Zara_Apartment_Stage1_Milking_Intro_Accept">>
<<npcFactSet "zara_milking" true>>
<<npcFactSet "zara_milking_accept" true>>
<<run starGame.player.setInteraction('zara_interaction')>>
<<slink "Nope Out" "Zara_Apartment_Stage1_Milking_Intro_Refuse">>
<<npcFactSet "zara_milking" true>>
<<run starGame.player.setInteraction('zara_interaction')>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/zara_apartment.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/zara/expressions/neutral_cowgirl.webp"/>
Deciding to ask Zara for an explanation on her morphed body and clear lust addled state, you're surprised when she manages to pant out more than a few coherent sentences.
<span class="zara">"I really enjoyed the way the cow mod made me feel when we used it… so I've taken to using it in some of my private time alone. Its effects don't seem to linger past its active period, so it's safe enough, but playing alone just isn't as good as when I have a partner."</span>
While she's speaking you can see her hand creeping towards her cunt, her wetness running freely down her leg, and you can tell you only have a few moments before the lust over takes her completely. Deciding that you might as well help the horny alien out, you start to undress as you speak, your movements prompting a moan to escape her lips as she realizes that she's going to get what she wants. Before you can do much however, she kneads one of her breasts, a spray of milk from her nipple telling you that mod is much more intensive than you had previously thought.
<span class="zara">"I need you to milk me. Fuck me while you do, but please, just help me with these."</span> Her voice is desperate and she practically pants the words out, her sex drive under the effects of the mod clearly overwhelming her mind. Approaching her hungrily, you speak to Eva, asking for some equipment to be delivered as you have an idea.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Zara_Apartment_Stage1_Milking_Intro_Accept2">><</slink>>
<img src="resources/img/backgrounds/zara_apartment.webp"/>
<<if starGame.player.isShemale()>>
<<if starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'black'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/zara/scenes/milking/s_black.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'tan'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/zara/scenes/milking/s_tan.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/zara/scenes/milking/s_fair.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.hasPenis()>>
<<if starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'black'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/zara/scenes/milking/m_black.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'tan'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/zara/scenes/milking/m_tan.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/zara/scenes/milking/m_fair.webp"/>
<<if starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'black'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/zara/scenes/milking/f_black.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'tan'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/zara/scenes/milking/f_tan.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/zara/scenes/milking/f_fair.webp"/>
<<if starGame.player.hasPenis() is true>>\
Zara eagerly presses her body against you, her ass grinding against your crotch as she lets out a series of lewd sounding moans. You haven't even started to really play with her as a shudder runs through her, telling you that she's incredibly sensitive and worked up at the moment. A beep at the door tells you the equipment you requested has arrived already, and as Eva's drones deliver the lightweight stockade and milking equipment, you can hear Zara's moans grow in anticipation as she realizes what's about to happen to her.
Watching the horny cowgirl play with herself as you set the items up, you move quickly, eager to fuck her as soon as you can. Once the stockade is in place, you don't even need to tell Zara what to do as she practically leaps into position, and as you fasten her in place, she wiggles her ass at you, her massive tits swaying hypnotically thanks to the movement. A moan escapes her lips as you secure the milking cups against her, and you watch in satisfaction as the suction starts to draw the cream white fluid from her, her breathing growing ragged as she shudders in pleasure from the sensations.
Stepping behind her, you admire the sight of her bent body, the way her back arches and her muscles tense and shiver as she gets lost in the sensations of being milked. Deciding that you've waited long enough for your own reward, you press your cock against her pussy, her constantly leaking juices lubing you up as she instinctively tries to press her body back against yours.
Gripping her firmly by the hips you thrust into the lust-addled cow, her moans quickly filling the room alongside the sound of your bodies slapping together as she cums from the penetration alone. Not letting up, you hold her firmly as you slam into her, your every thrust sending more tremors of pleasure through her as you fuck her hard and fast.
Unable to get away from you, she quickly starts to grow limp in the stockade, held up only by its support and your grip on her hips as she cums repeatedly on your dick, her mind quickly being lost to the overwhelming sensations of pleasure thanks to the mod heightening her sense of touch. Despite her loss of control, her pussy never stops gripping at you, eagerly trying to milk you as you fuck her, and you can quickly feel your own climax approaching.
Her panting moans mix with your own grunts of pleasure as you hilt yourself in her, a long mewling moan leaving her lips as she squirts from the sensation of your cum filling her up. Pulling out of her with a satisfying squelching sound, you watch as she partly collapses to the ground, no longer being held up by you.
As you reclaim your clothes, you smile as you watch your cum leak out of her pussy, mingling with her juices as she moans and mewls incoherently from inside the stocks. You give her an approving slap on the ass as you step past her, rewarded with another moan as she tries to raise her ass, her legs giving out as she realizes that she's well and truly spent. Flicking the lock on the stockade inactive, you give her a smile as you leave the room, leaving her alone to recover and clean her mess up.
Zara eagerly presses her body against you, her ass grinding against your crotch as she lets out a series of lewd sounding moans. You haven't even started to really play with her as a shudder runs through her, telling you that she's incredibly sensitive and worked up at the moment. A beep at the door tells you the equipment you requested has arrived already, and as Eva's drones deliver the lightweight stockade and milking equipment, you can hear Zara's moans grow in anticipation as she realizes what's about to happen to her.
Watching the horny cowgirl play with herself as you set the items up, you move quickly, eager to fuck her as soon as you can. Once the stockade is in place, you don't even need to tell Zara what to do as she practically leaps into position, and as you fasten her in place, she wiggles her ass at you, her massive tits swaying hypnotically thanks to the movement. A moan escapes her lips as you secure the milking cups against her, and you watch in satisfaction as the suction starts to draw the cream white fluid from her, her breathing growing ragged as she shudders in pleasure from the sensations.
Stepping behind her, you admire the sight of her bent body while you fasten a strapon in place, the way her back arches and her muscles tense and shiver as she gets lost in the sensations of being milked. Deciding that you've waited long enough for your own reward, you press your dildo against her pussy, her constantly leaking juices lubing it up as she instinctively tries to press her body back against yours.
Enjoying the way her movements push the toy back against you, you grip her firmly by the hips as you thrust into the lust-addled cow, her moans quickly filling the room alongside the sound of your bodies slapping together as she cums from the penetration alone. Not letting up, you hold her firmly as you slam into her, your every thrust sending more tremors of pleasure through her as you fuck her hard and fast.
Unable to get away from you, she quickly starts to grow limp in the stockade, held up only by its support and your grip on her hips as she cums repeatedly on your strap, the way her body quivers and shakes against it sending pleasurable vibrations back into you as her mind is quickly lost to the overwhelming sensations of pleasure thanks to the mod heightening her sense of touch. Despite her loss of control, her pussy never stops gripping at your strap, eagerly trying to milk you as you fuck her, and you can quickly feel your own climax approaching.
Her panting moans mix with your own grunts of pleasure as you hilt yourself in her, a long mewling moan leaving her lips as she squirts from the sensation of your toy filling her up. Your own juices rush out of you as you pant, your climax forcing you to lean against the restrained cowgirl in ecstasy. Pulling out of her with a satisfying squelching sound, you watch as she partly collapses to the ground, no longer being held up by you.
As you reclaim your clothes, you smile as you watch her juices leak out of her constantly, mingling with your own on the floor as she moans and mewls incoherently from inside the stocks. You give her an approving slap on the ass as you step past her, rewarded with another moan as she tries to raise her ass, her legs giving out as she realizes that she's well and truly spent. Flicking the lock on the stockade inactive, you give her a smile as you leave the room, leaving her alone to recover and clean her mess up.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Leave" "Hub_Dormitories">>
<<run starGame.player.setInteraction('zara_interaction')>>
<<startplaylist "playlist_exploration_soft">>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<saudio "bgm_sex3" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.25>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/zara_apartment.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/zara/expressions/neutral_cowgirl.webp"/>
Deciding that you're not sure you're up for dealing with a lust mad Zara, you use the moment of rationality she has to make an excuse, unlocking her door and escaping from the room quickly. A thud against the door tells you that you barely made it out on time, a panting moan coming through the door as you hear the alien cowgirl collapse to the floor, her begging muffled just enough by the barrier between you to stop you from hearing her words clearly enough to understand them.
Stepping away from Zara's room, you decide to leave before anything can go wrong, and as you retreat from the dorms, you wonder if the mods might have more subtle long term effects than previously believed.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Hub_Dormitories">><</slink>>
<div class="card solid card-nav">
<div class="row">
<div class="card-body p-0">
<div class="row d-flex">
<<slink "Commons" "Hub_Commons" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "ti ti-door-exit" "">>
<<startplaylist "playlist_exploration_soft">>
<<if starGame.time.getCurrentPeriod() is 4>>
<<slink "Racing Game" "" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu disabled" "ti ti-clock" "">><</slink>>
<<slink "Shooter Game" "" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu disabled" "ti ti-clock" "">><</slink>>
<<slink "Racing Game" "" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "ti ti-clock" "">>
<<scene "Commons_Arcade_Racing_1">>
<<scene "Commons_Arcade_Racing_2">>
<<scene "Commons_Arcade_Racing_3">>
<<slink "Shooter Game" "" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "ti ti-clock" "">>
<<scene "Commons_Arcade_Shooter_1">>
<<scene "Commons_Arcade_Shooter_2">>
<<scene "Commons_Arcade_Shooter_3">>
<div class="navigation-container">\
<img src="resources/img/locations/commons/arcade.webp"/>
<<if starGame.player.hasInteraction('arcade_interaction') is not true and starGame.time.getCurrentPeriod() is 3>>
<<if starGame.time.getCurrentDay() is 'Tuesday'>>
/% Curie %/
<<if starGame.npcs.getStat("curie_affinity") < 0>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/curie/expressions/neutral_civilian.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/curie/expressions/happy_civilian.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.time.getCurrentDay() is 'Thursday'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/jaime/expressions/neutral_civilian.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.time.getCurrentDay() is 'Sunday'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/maki/expressions/neutral_uniform.webp"/>
<<box "choicebox">>
<<if starGame.player.hasInteraction('arcade_interaction') is not true and starGame.time.getCurrentPeriod() is 3>>
<<if starGame.time.getCurrentDay() is 'Tuesday'>>
<<if starGame.npcs.getStat("curie_affinity") < 0>>
/% Unfriendly Curie %/
<<slink "Approach Curie" "Commons_Arcade_Curie_Hostile">><</slink>>
<<elseif starGame.npcs.getStat("curie_submission") >= 25>>
/% Submissive Curie %/
<<slink "Approach Curie" "Commons_Arcade_Curie_Submissive">><</slink>>
/% Friendly Curie %/
<<slink "Approach Curie" "">>
<<scene "Commons_Arcade_Curie">>
<<scene "Commons_Arcade_Curie2">>
<<elseif starGame.time.getCurrentDay() is 'Thursday'>>
<<slink "Approach Jaime" "Commons_Arcade_Jaime">><</slink>>
<<elseif starGame.time.getCurrentDay() is 'Sunday'>>
<<slink "Join Maki" "">>
<<scene "Commons_Arcade_Maki">>
<<scene "Commons_Arcade_Maki2">>
<<scene "Commons_Arcade_Maki3">>
<<scene "Commons_Arcade_Maki4">>
<<if starGame.player.getFact('major') is 'fighters' and starGame.npcs.getFact('met_stella') is not true and starGame.inventory.hasItem('item_quest_arcade_card') == 0>>
<<slink "Join competition" "Commons_Arcade_Stella_Intro">><</slink>>
<<if starGame.time.getCurrentPeriod() is 4>>\
The cadets that manage the arcade give you a wry smile, locking the doors as you arrive, the interior of the building already dark. One of them reminds you that they open again in the morning, and to have a good evening.
<<if starGame.player.getFact('visit_arcade') is true>>\
Making your way to the arcade, the familiar wall of noise hits you as you draw near. Cadets filter in and out of the building, and from inside you can hear the various machines promoting themselves loudly. Waving your card at one of the nearby scanners, you head inside the building, scanning for open machines to use.
There are a series of competitive games here, focused mostly on racing or shooters, and you know that there are plenty of other machines meant to help pass the time outside of a competitive environment as well.
Tucked away in one of the corners of the Enrichment Center is the arcade. Notably, there's a near total absence of Academy staff and instructors, and as you enter the arcade you're hit by a wall of noise. Different machines loudly promote themselves, while retro arcade music plays loudly over everything.
One of the staff nearby waves you over, pressing a card into your hands. Glancing down at it, you see that it's used to play and track your scores at the different machines. Sliding it into a pocket you continue into the arcade, deciding what to do next. Some competitive games here catch your eye, a racing game and a shooter amongst them, while other more relaxed activities are also on offer.
<<playerFactSet "visit_arcade" true>>\
<<if starGame.player.hasInteraction('arcade_interaction') is not true and starGame.time.getCurrentPeriod() is 3>>\
<<if starGame.time.getCurrentDay() is 'Tuesday'>>
/% Curie %/\
You notice Curie lazily playing a dancing game.
<<elseif starGame.time.getCurrentDay() is 'Thursday'>>
/% Jaime %/\
Jaime is leaving the seat of one of the racing games, a smile on her face.
<<elseif starGame.time.getCurrentDay() is 'Sunday'>>
/% Maki %/\
You don't recognize Maki at first, given that she's not wearing her usual maid uniform, and only when she gives you a shy wave do you realize.
<<if starGame.player.getFact('major') is 'fighters' and starGame.npcs.getFact('met_stella') is not true and starGame.inventory.hasItem('item_quest_arcade_card') == 0>>\
/% Stella catchup if missed during orientation, fighters major only %/
A group of cadets and staff are clustered around a player vs player star-fighter game, and it looks like the current winner is calling out for a decent competitor to reveal themselves. You take note of the would be contenders appearance, and for a moment you can't help but stare as you realize she's wearing a skin tight flight suit that does nothing to hide her figure, and a mask to hide her face.
<img src="resources/img/locations/commons/arcade.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/curie/expressions/neutral_civilian.webp"/>
<<reaction "curie" "Reaction_Curie">>\
Curie flashes you a slight smile when you arrive. She waves you over, offering to surrender the dancing pad to you. Turning the offer down, you decide to just spend some time talking with her instead of getting tricked into humiliating yourself dancing.
You share a few minutes of idle chatter before another cadet approaches, challenging Curie to a game. Curie winks at you, before taking her place, and you feel glad that you didn't accept the offer to use the machine yourself. Showing off what must be hundreds of hours of practice, Curie performs a flawless routine, and when she steps off the machine you notice that her breathing hasn't changed even the slightest.
She asks if you want to give it a try, and you carefully decline, extracting a promise from her to teach you if you ever do decide to start dancing.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Commons_Arcade">>
<<if starGame.npcs.getStat('curie_affinity') < 25>>
<<npcStatIncrease "curie_affinity" 1>>
<<snotify "info">>Curie appreciated spending time with you.<</snotify>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/commons/arcade.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/curie/expressions/happy_civilian.webp"/>
<<reaction "curie" "Reaction_Curie">>\
You're more surprised than you should be when you see Curie at the arcade, a small distance between her and the other cadets, likely due to her position as one of the disciplinary council.
Regardless of that, she's very clearly here to relax, given that she's busy preparing one of the racing games for use. Pulling up alongside her, you're treated to an easy smile as she recognizes you.
<span class="curie">"If you want to lose, you're welcome to try racing me."</span> Her taunt is friendly, and you can't help but smile to yourself, knowing that she's in the cruiser course and likely isn't also an ace pilot in her free time.
Slipping into the seat alongside her, you accept her challenge easily, looking forward to spending some time where the only expectations on you are having fun, you are treated to an excited and grateful smile.
The friendly races set the tone of your time together, as you and Curie move from one game to the next, fully intent on enjoying as much of the time spent here relaxing as you can. Whether it's the claw machine, shooting games or just simple air hockey, you have a blast with Curie, to the extent that it's only when the other cadets here begin to file out of the arcade that you realize just how much time has dragged on.
Curie walks with you back to the Academy commons, thanking you for a great time spent together. She gives you a gentle kiss on the cheek when she thinks no one is watching, before leaving you alone outside the arcade.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Commons_Arcade">>
<<if starGame.npcs.getStat('curie_affinity') < 25>>
<<npcStatIncrease "curie_affinity" 1>>
<<snotify "info">>Curie appreciated spending time with you.<</snotify>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/commons/arcade.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/curie/expressions/angry_civilian.webp"/>
Despite the subtle frown that settles on her face when she sees you, Curie makes no move to interact or leave. You contemplate trying to engage her, maybe to mend the bridges slightly, when another cadet arrives, challenging Curie to a dance.
Showing off what must be hundreds of hours of practice, Curie performs a flawless routine, and when she steps off the machine you notice that her breathing hasn't changed even the slightest. You decide that perhaps you'll have to try and catch her elsewhere, given that she seems to be determined to enjoy herself and not talk to you. Giving a subtle nod, you continue on your way, leaving the second year cadet to her own devices.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Commons_Arcade">>
<img src="resources/img/locations/commons/arcade.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/curie/expressions/happy_civilian.webp"/>
<<reaction "curie" "Reaction_Curie">>\
Curie gives you a flirty wink when she sees you. Stepping away from the dancing game that she was playing, she waves another cadet off, telling them that she'll dance later if they still want to compete. The two of you spend a few minutes just passing the time, walking around the arcade. After a few minutes, you realize that the two of you have entered a quieter area of the arcade, where no cadets or staff are likely to see you.
Curie blushes lightly, and you realize that it's no coincidence that you've arrived here. She moves a bit closer to you, her breathing speeding up slightly. You glance around once more, checking that you both are actually alone.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Get Serviced" "Commons_Arcade_Curie_Submissive_Accept">><</slink>>
<<slink "Don't risk it" "Commons_Arcade_Curie_Submissive_Refuse">><</slink>>
<<if starGame.player.hasPenis()>>
<<if starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'black'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/curie/scenes/service_dp/m_black_dp.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'tan'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/curie/scenes/service_dp/m_tan_dp.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/curie/scenes/service_dp/m_fair_dp.webp"/>
<<if starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'black'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/curie/scenes/service_dp/f_black_dp.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'tan'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/curie/scenes/service_dp/f_tan_dp.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/curie/scenes/service_dp/f_fair_dp.webp"/>
<<if starGame.player.hasVagina()>>\
Giving Curie an affirming nod, you're taken off-guard by how fast she drops to her knees, her hands working at stripping your lower half quickly. She runs her fingers over the delicate skin of your thigh and groin, before kissing your leg. As her lips and tongue travel to your pussy, you glance around the arcade quickly, hoping that this area is as private as you thought.
Holding back a moan as Curies tongue slides inside you, you focus on staying quiet while you enjoy the attentions of the eager-to-please girl between your legs. You almost let a moan out when she slides two fingers inside you, her tongue still teasing your clit and hole. You can feel your climax building, helped by the risky situation, and as your entire body spasms, Curie latches onto your cunt, swallowing and licking in equal measure. As you relax, regaining control of your body, Curie gives you a gentle kiss, the taste of you lingering on her lips.
Dressing again quickly, you lead Curie back to the more populated areas of the arcade, hoping to prevent her from getting any more ideas. Leaving her at the dancing machine, you decide to head outside for some fresh air to clear your head.
Nodding at the excited girl, she quickly drops to her knees, her hands pulling your pants down and wrapping around your dick gently. As you harden in her hands, she looks up at you with large eyes, the lust clear in her eyes. You glance around the arcade once more, as Curie slides her lips around your shaft, taking you deep into her mouth. She works quietly, moaning softly as she maintains eye contact with you, your dick deep in her throat. You can feel your orgasm building, the risky situation adding to the simulation provided by her tongue as she runs it against you.
When she feels you tense up slightly, she somehow pulls you even deeper into her mouth, swallowing your cum greedily. Pulling your pants up, slightly weak at the news, you can't help but notice just how happy Curie is now. She wipes her lips daintily, and you decide to steer her back towards the more populated areas of the arcade, before she gets any more ideas. Leaving her at the dancing machine, you decide to head outside for some fresh air to clear your head.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Commons_Arcade">>
<<startplaylist "playlist_exploration_soft">>
<<if starGame.npcs.getStat('curie_affinity') < 25>>
<<npcStatIncrease "curie_affinity" 1>>
<<snotify "info">>Curie appreciated spending time with you.<</snotify>>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<saudio "bgm_sex2" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.25>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/commons/arcade.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/curie/expressions/happy_civilian.webp"/>
You gently tell Curie that it's too risky right now, and despite her pout and whine about how she disagrees, she doesn't protest too much. The two of you continue your walk around the arcade, and when you reach the dancing machine again, the cadet that had challenged her is still waiting. Curie gives you a quick hug, leaving you on your own as she accepts the challenge.
You watch for a short while, realizing she's a much better dancer than you knew, and when she throws you a cheeky smile while performing her perfect routine, you decide to leave quietly before she finishes.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Commons_Arcade">>
<img src="resources/img/locations/commons/arcade.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/jaime/expressions/happy_civilian.webp"/>
<<reaction "jaime" "Reaction_Jaime">>\
A glance at the screen tells you that Jaime won her match, and you give her a word of congratulations as you approach. She excitedly jumps into a play by play breakdown of the race, telling you about how she managed to clinch the win right at the end. Her smile and happiness is infectious, and you soon find yourself trading stories about tight races that you've had when playing games before as well.
The two of you decide to have a friendly match, curious about who's the better pilot, and time flies by quickly as you fly a series of matches that leave you tied. As Jamie proposes the third tiebreaker race, you wave her off with a smile. Deciding that it's better to leave the question unanswered for now, you both agree to call it a draw, with a promise to settle it next time.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Commons_Arcade">>
<<if starGame.npcs.getStat('jaime_affinity') < 25>>
<<npcStatIncrease "jaime_affinity" 1>>
<<snotify "info">>Jaime appreciated spending time with you.<</snotify>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/commons/arcade.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/maki/expressions/happy_uniform.webp"/>
<<reaction "maki" "Reaction_Maki">>\
Joining Maki as she leans against a wall, watching the rest of the cadets in the arcade do their thing, you enjoy a relaxing period of mostly silent companionship.
Neither of you talk much, content to simply exist as the rest of the room around you focuses on their own things. There's a strange sense of serenity that accompanies this strange isolation in a busy place, and you can understand why Maki relaxes this way. Given that she's usually busy with customers and working in a cafe, this must feel like a vacation to her.
Eventually, she gives you a gentle hug, leaving you alone in the arcade as she leaves, returning to her own schedule.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Commons_Arcade">>
<<if starGame.npcs.getStat('maki_affinity') < 25>>
<<npcStatIncrease "maki_affinity" 1>>
<<snotify "info">>Maki appreciated spending time with you.<</snotify>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/commons/arcade.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/maki/expressions/happy_uniform.webp"/>
<<reaction "maki" "Reaction_Maki">>\
Walking around the arcade casually, you notice Maki leaning against one of the walls, simply existing as she watches the room move around her. You know that this is one of her rare break times, but from the way she smiles at you when she spots you, you know she won't mind your company. Walking over to her, she greets you with a small nod, and as you return the greetings, you notice that her spot is well chosen for not being in the path of traffic of the other cadets at the arcade.
The two of you chat sporadically, before Maki decides to steer the conversation a bit. She gives you an appraising look before speaking. From the way she contemplates her words, you can't tell if she's nervous or unsure about crossing a line, but she musters her courage regardless and speaks first.
You're slightly caught off guard when she leads the conversation towards you as a topic, and while you do decide to entertain her, you notice that her questions almost entirely revolve around you specifically, and avoid your family entirely. The two of you slowly enjoy a conversation about your past, and soon enough you find her recounting a few details of her own past in exchange. The conversation does slowly wind down however, and eventually you decide to leave the Arcade, noticing that Maki walks out with you. She gives you her signature little nod once more, and you enjoy watching her head back to the cafe.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Commons_Arcade">>
<<if starGame.npcs.getStat('maki_affinity') < 25>>
<<npcStatIncrease "maki_affinity" 1>>
<<snotify "info">>Maki appreciated spending time with you.<</snotify>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/commons/arcade.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/maki/expressions/happy_uniform.webp"/>
<<reaction "maki" "Reaction_Maki">>\
You notice Maki wandering aimlessly through the arcade, and when you join her, she gives you a quick smile. Pointing out one of the more casual games, she raises a questioning eyebrow at you, and you can't help but smile. Following her to the machine, the two of you share a smile as you realize it's a competitive whack-a-mole game.
The next half an hour passes in friendly competition and laughter, as you and Maki try to beat each other's score in the game. Before long your competition spreads to the other nearby machines. Soon enough the two of you are competing on setting records on all the more casual games, and when Maki finally tells you she needs to get back to work you're surprised by how much time you've spent just playing air-hockey and associated games with her.
Deciding to leave the arcade before more of your day goes missing, you leave the arcade, making a mental note to check how many tickets you've amassed the next time you visit.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Commons_Arcade">>
<<if starGame.npcs.getStat('maki_affinity') < 25>>
<<npcStatIncrease "maki_affinity" 1>>
<<snotify "info">>Maki appreciated spending time with you.<</snotify>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/commons/arcade.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/maki/expressions/happy_uniform.webp"/>
<<reaction "maki" "Reaction_Maki">>\
Maki doesn't notice your arrival, her full attention on the game in front of her as she focuses on trying to set a new highscore. Standing and watching silently while you wait for a good moment to make your presence known, you can't help but notice how cute she looks while concentrating, her tongue sticking out as her brow furrows.
Unfortunately however, she has a momentary lapse in focus as she stiffles a sneeze, losing her her run and causing her to lightly smack her hand against the control console of the machine. Turning slightly, she notices you for the first time, her flash flushing instantly as she realizes that you've seen everything, and as she stammers out an explanation, you can't help but laugh as she hides her face out of embarrassment.
After a few minutes she calms down enough for you to actually have a conversation with her, and you manage to convince her to spend some time at the arcade playing games and relaxing together. Despite her still flushed face, she does a good job of guiding you through the arcade, showing you her favorite games and teaching you how to play them properly. Time passes quickly as you spend time together, but eventually she turns to you with a sigh.
<span class="maki">"Time for my next shift."</span> She says sadly. <span class="maki">"Thanks for the fun."</span>
A gentle hug completes her farewell, as she leaves you alone in the arcade, returning to the cafe by herself.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Commons_Arcade">>
<<if starGame.npcs.getStat('maki_affinity') < 25>>
<<npcStatIncrease "maki_affinity" 1>>
<<snotify "info">>Maki appreciated spending time with you.<</snotify>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/commons/arcade.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
Sliding into the seat of one of the VR starfighter racing games, you perform your various preflight checks while you wait for the game's matchmaking to pair you with an opponent. Tapping the setting that lets you stay anonymous, you see the notification telling you that an opponent has been found.
As the asteroid field renders around you, the track forming in the small gaps between the drifting rocks, your opponent materializes alongside you. The two fighters are identical, leaving the win or lose purely in the hands of the competing pilots. As the countdown begins, you can feel life return to your controls, and glancing through your cockpit screen you can see the pilot opposite you performing their own preflight checks.
As the countdown hits zero, you lean on the throttle, your ship racing forward off the starting marks. Moments behind you is the competing fighter, and as the two of you tear through the asteroid field at top speed, you can't help but notice that several times when they have the chance to overtake you, they don't take it. You put it out of your mind for now, choosing to think that it's simply a difference in skill. Before long, you're approaching the last few turns of the final lap when you realize that you've made a mistake about your opponent's skill level. Squeezing between you and an asteroid so closely that you can't believe they don't scrap the rock, your opponent overtakes you on the last turn, securing their lead ahead of you and moments after the win.
Glancing through the virtual screen at your opposing pilot, you suddenly notice they're flashing you a peace sign, and as the starscape around you deconstructs, you're struggling to decide if you want a rematch or not. Eventually you decide to leave the seat, looking for your next course of action.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Commons_Arcade">>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/commons/arcade.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
Sliding into the seat of one of the VR starfighter racing games, you perform your various preflight checks while you wait for the game's matchmaking to pair you with an opponent. Tapping the setting that lets you stay anonymous, you see the notification telling you that an opponent has been found.
The starscape forms around you, and as you see your opponents ship you let out a sigh. Clearly modified to reveal significant time spent by the opposing player behind the controls. For a moment you think about quitting the match, before deciding to ride it out and see how well you do against a seeming pro-player.
As the countdown ticks down, you lean on the throttle, deciding to take control of the race and try to stay in the lead as much as possible. On zero, your ship leaps forward, securing the lead easily as you fly, focused on just trying to be competitive. Throughout the laps however, you notice that even when the opposing pilot has a chance to overtake you, they don't take it, and soon you realize that they actually can't match your skills.
Widening your lead as you enter the final lap, you smile to yourself as you safely pull ahead of the competition, crossing the line several seconds before them. To your surprise, they disconnect from the match before they reach the finish line, slamming their hands onto the command console as they vanish from sight.
Smiling to yourself, you rest easy in your chair, enjoying the sweet after taste of victory. Eventually you rise, deciding what to do next.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Commons_Arcade">>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/commons/arcade.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
Sliding into the seat of one of the VR starfighter racing games, you perform your various preflight checks while you wait for the game's matchmaking to pair you with an opponent. Tapping the setting that lets you stay anonymous, you see the notification telling you that an opponent has been found.
As the starscape forms around you, you realize that your opponent is in a slightly older model of the fighter that you're in, and you feel a moment of indecision. From what you know about it, your ship has a more balanced flight profile, while your opponent's ship is more agile on the turn. You realize this is going to be a test of skill. Your more modern ship with its higher top speed and lower agility, against a slower, older ship that can turn on a dime.
As the countdown begins, you take a look at your opposing pilot, surprised to see that they are clad in rebel colors, complete with their insignia. You don't have time to think about it further, as the countdown begins. Leaning on the throttle, you put the rebel pilot out of your mind for now, deciding to focus fully on the race. As the countdown hits zero, your ship darts forward, its higher speed giving you the early advantage. As you clear the first turn, you throw a glance over your shoulder, and are not surprised to see the chasing fighter gliding through the turn gracefully, closing the distance with you easily.
Hitting the next straight, you slowly widen the lead, knowing that the next series of turns will strip it from you again. As you manage to barely hold on to your lead throughout the first and second lap, you realize that the rebel pilot is definitely close enough to overtake you in the third. Applying all the tricks you know, you coax your fighter to its limits, and manage to just barely remain in first throughout the final lap. However, as you approach the final turn before the finish line, the opposing ship draws level with you, displaying their skill and agility by doing so in the turn. They slowly inch ahead of you, but you manage to catch up again in the last straight right before the finish.
Crossing the line with the rebel ship, you can't tell who won, both ships having been side by side at the last moments. As the starscape fades away, a notification comes up, telling you that you've drawn the race with your opposition. Hitting the rematch button, you're not surprised when no reply comes from them, and you decide to leave the game for now, wondering if you could beat that rebel in real combat or not.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Commons_Arcade">>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/commons/arcade.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
The VR rig here lets you step onto a replica of almost every battlefield that the Alliance has ever fought on. These virtual battlespaces are some of the most popular to be used in competitive shooter games, and as you load into the ruins of a war-torn city, you glance at your wrist, you see that this is going to be a one vs one match.
An automated announcer tells you that an opponent has been found, and as the map buffers for a second, loading their avatar in, you can see the out of bounds wall tighten significantly. As control is restored to you, you check your gear, seeing the usual expected loadout. A battle rifle, some grenades and a sidearm. A timer ticks down, the tension building as you and your opponent wait for the match to begin.
As the timer hits zero, you burst into motion, bounding into cover, and sliding into the shadows of the ruined buildings like a ghost. Stalking through the silent battlefield, you and your opponent spend a few tense minutes looking for each other, well aware that the first to see the other will be the winner. As you pause, watching the cityscape from a window, you hear the faint sound of a boot scuffing against the ground, and turning quickly, you catch a glimpse of your target through a crack in the wall. Taking careful aim, you pull the trigger, rewarded with a shout of alarm alongside the match slowing down, displaying your name as the victor.
Taking off the VR rig for now, you decide to check what else there is to do.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Commons_Arcade">>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/commons/arcade.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
The VR rig here lets you step onto a replica of almost every battlefield that the Alliance has ever fought on. These virtual battlespaces are some of the most popular to be used in competitive shooter games, and as you load into the ruins of a war-torn city, you see a few more players load in alongside you.
As the game announces that all the players needed for the match have been found, you regain control over your body and check your loadout. The rifle in your hands feels familiar, and as you ping a location to show the rest of the players where you are moving, you see a few follow up pings scattered around your location. As the match begins and the team spreads out, you ghost through the ruined city the sounds of skirmishes breaking out as players meet each other. Soon you manage to reach a vantage point, and looking out over the city you can see the different players engaged with each other.
Lining up a careful shot, you gently squeeze the trigger, rewarded with a distant yelp and the targeted player's body fading away. Traversing your gun quickly, you find your next target, and score another kill. Unfortunately your position is exposed, and you have to retreat as a hail of concentrated fire is sent your way. Firing as you retreat, you score another lucky kill before fading from view.
The next few minutes of the match continue through a series of fierce skirmishes, and as you score a few more opportunistic kills, the match comes to an end, displaying your team as the victors. Removing the vr rig, you decide to take a break for now, looking for your next course of action.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Commons_Arcade">>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/commons/arcade.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
The VR rig here lets you step onto a replica of almost every battlefield that the Alliance has ever fought on. These virtual battlespaces are some of the most popular to be used in competitive shooter games, and as you load into the ruins of a war-torn city, you see one other player load in alongside you.
Preparing for a two vs two, you check your loadout as the countdown begins, your partner doing the same. As the countdown hits zero, the two of you wordlessly bound into motion, sliding into the shadows like ghosts, searching for your targets. Minutes pass in tense silence as you look for the opposing team, when suddenly a shot rings out. You scan the ruins, looking for its source when you realize that your teammate is gone. As you continue to stalk through the ruins, you slowly realize that you're being hunted, and despite your best efforts you can't seem to shake the feeling.
Rounding a corner, you see a flash of movement, and as you spin in place, your finger tightening on the trigger, you don't hear the gunshot that returns you to realspace. You take a moment to relax, before pulling off the VR rig. Deciding to find something else to do after that defeat, you leave the machine behind you.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Commons_Arcade">>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/commons/arcade.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
Approaching the star fighter game, you hear the crowd grow quieter as you do. A few people recognize you, and a murmur of anticipation goes through the spectators. The masked girl waves you towards the open seat.
<span class="npc1">"Think you're the one to break my streak?"</span> She asks, teasing you good-naturedly.
<span class="hero">"Lets find out shall we."</span> You answer, the mood of the hall infecting you as you smile.
<span class="npc1">"Excellent. Before we start, I want you to know that it's more fun if we bet on it."</span> She stretches her arms, clearly going through a pre-match ritual of hers. <span class="npc1">"Interested? I'll put my room number on the line."</span>
Suddenly you understand why she wears a mask, and why the crowd is so big. Clearly she's confident in winning the bet, and you take a moment to consider the offer. Smiling, you give her a nod as you settle into the seat. <span class="hero">"And what do you get if I lose?"</span> You ask, as if it's an impossibility to even consider. She tilts her head at that, pretending to rub her chin.
<span class="npc1">"How about a meeting with your dad when he comes to visit you?"</span> This draws a stunned silence from the spectators. To tell the truth, it's a big ask, and one that many powerful nobles wouldn't dare to propose. However, you'd already accepted the challenge, and you make a mental note to establish the terms before doing so next time.
<span class="hero">"I'll see what I can do."</span> You say flippantly, trying to downplay how you've been outplayed for now.
The first two rounds are won and lost equally quickly, with both of you earning a win on the other as you test your skills out. As the third round begins, the announcer calls out that it's not only the tiebreaker but the final round. Feeling your focus tighten, you dart through the randomly generated asteroid field as you hunt your opponent. Unlike the previous rounds however, she doesn't reveal herself early, and as you feel the tension rise while you look for her, you resist the urge to pick up the pace.
As you stalk through the asteroid field, a blip on your radar draws your attention. Tempted to arc towards it, you thank your fighter training as you resist the temptation, as the second blip reveals it barely to be moving, you smile as you realize it was a trap. Putting your ship into stealth mode, you glide through the field, eyes strained as you look for your would-be ambusher. Perhaps because of your delay in taking the bait or perhaps due to the pressure of flying against you, she makes a mistake however, and you see, just for a second, a second blip on your radar as she pings the field, trying to find you.
Moments later you fire your cannons, the volley clearly catching her off guard as the shells punch into the cockpit, the shock of it causing her to jerk away from the controls in real space. As the victory screen plays for you, you shoot a triumphant grin across the controls at her, her posture revealing the surprise she feels at losing.
Rising from your seat, you feel all the jealous eyes of the crowd on you. Walking over to her, you're somewhat caught off guard as she lightly punches you on the arm.
<span class="npc1">"Did you try so hard because you were feeling lonely?"</span> She asks softly, as she turns to leave the Arcade. Deciding to not push the matter, you admire her as she walks away, when she suddenly turns around and throws something towards you. Catching it out of reflex, you let out a chuckle as you realize it's a copy of her door keycard.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Return to lobby" "Commons_Arcade">>
<<additem "item_quest_arcade_card" 1 true>>
<div class="card solid card-nav">
<div class="row">
<div class="card-body p-0">
<div class="row d-flex">
<<slink "Commons" "Hub_Commons" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "ti ti-door-exit" "">>
<<startplaylist "playlist_exploration_soft">>
<<if starGame.time.getCurrentPeriod() is 4>>
<<slink "Educational Wing" "" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu disabled" "" "">><</slink>>
<<slink "Leisure Wing" "" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu disabled" "" "">><</slink>>
<<if starGame.player.getFact('campaign_hack') is true and starGame.npcs.getFact('dark_elf_encounters') is 1>>
<<slink "Educational Wing" "Commons_Archives_Educational_Darkelf1" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "" "">><</slink>>
<<slink "Educational Wing" "Commons_Archives_Educational" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "" "">><</slink>>
<<slink "Leisure Wing" "Commons_Archives_Leisure" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "" "">><</slink>>
<<if starGame.player.hasInteraction('archives_eva_interaction') is not true and starGame.time.getCurrentPeriod() < 4>>
<<if starGame.npcs.getStat('eva_affinity') >= 25 and starGame.npcs.getFact('eva_locked') is not true>>
<<slink "Talk to Eva" "Commons_Archives_Eva_Stage1" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "" "">><</slink>>
<<slink "Talk to Eva" "Commons_Archives_Eva" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "" "">><</slink>>
<div class="navigation-container">\
<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/academy/library.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
<<if starGame.time.getCurrentPeriod() is 4>>\
The cadets that manage the archives give you a wry smile, locking the doors as you arrive, the interior of the building already dark. One of them reminds you that they open again in the morning, and to have a good evening.
<<if starGame.player.getFact('visit_archives') is true>>\
The Archival hall is solemn like usual, with scattered instructors and graduates researching their various interests. You know that there will be small clusters of cadets as well, looking for an edge in the upcoming classes and tests, Eva materializes as you enter, giving you a knowing smile.
While the majority of the Archives house educational material, you know that there is a wing devoted to relaxation, offering movies and books in equal measure, as well as private VR pods to watch the movies in.
The Archival Hall is a quiet, solemn building. You can see graduates of the Academy here, researching hyperlanes and starsystems, as well as instructors preparing future lessons. Cadets can also research and learn here, and in one of the wings of the building is a recreation area, with private booths to watch movies, both modern and older.
As you enter the Archival Hall, Eva materializes and you guess that this must be one of the few buildings with holo-projecters installed to allow her to "physically" roam the halls and assist students and lecturers alike.
<<playerFactSet "visit_archives" true>>\
<div class="card solid card-nav">
<div class="row">
<div class="card-body p-0">
<div class="row d-flex">
<<slink "Archives" "Commons_Archives" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "ti ti-door-exit" "">><</slink>>
<<if starGame.time.getCurrentPeriod() < 4>>
<<slink "Exploration Study" "" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "ti ti-clock" "">>
<<scene "Commons_Archives_Educational_Exploration1">>
<<scene "Commons_Archives_Educational_Exploration2">>
<<slink "Tactics Study" "" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "ti ti-clock" "">>
<<scene "Commons_Archives_Educational_Tactics1">>
<<scene "Commons_Archives_Educational_Tactics2">>
<<scene "Commons_Archives_Educational_Tactics3">>
<<scene "Commons_Archives_Educational_Tactics4">>
<<slink "Exploration Study" "" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu disabled" "ti ti-clock" "">><</slink>>
<<slink "Tactics Study" "" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu disabled" "ti ti-clock" "">><</slink>>
<div class="navigation-container">\
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/library.webp"/>
<<if starGame.player.getFact('campaign_hack') is true and starGame.npcs.getFact('dark_elf_encounters') >= 2 and starGame.player.hasInteraction('archives_interaction_irene') is not true>>
<img class="exp-vertical-flip" src="resources/img/characters/side/darkelf/expressions/happy_uniform.webp"/>
<<if starGame.time.getCurrentDay() is not 'Saturday' and starGame.time.getCurrentPeriod() < 3 and starGame.npcs.getFact('diane_archives') is undefined>>
<img class="exp-right-15" src="resources/img/characters/main/diane/expressions/happy_uniform.webp"/>
<<if starGame.time.getCurrentPeriod() is 1>>
<<if starGame.quests.isQuestActive('story_curie_stage1_dom') and starGame.npcs.getStat('curie_public_dom') is 0>>
/% Curie Dom %/
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/curie/expressions/neutral_uniform.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.quests.isQuestActive('story_curie_stage1_sub') and starGame.npcs.getStat('curie_public_sub') is 0>>
/% Curie Sub %/
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/curie/expressions/neutral_uniform.webp"/>
<<if starGame.player.hasInteraction('archives_interaction') is not true and starGame.time.getCurrentPeriod() is 2>>
<<if starGame.time.getCurrentDay() is 'Saturday'>>
/% Letho %/
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/letho/expressions/neutral_uniform.webp"/>
<<box "choicebox">>
<<if starGame.player.getFact('campaign_hack') is true and starGame.npcs.getFact('dark_elf_encounters') >= 2 and starGame.player.hasInteraction('archives_interaction_irene') is not true>>
<<slink "Approach Irene" "Commons_Archives_Educational_Darkelf_Hub">><</slink>>
<<if starGame.player.hasInteraction('archives_interaction') is not true and starGame.time.getCurrentPeriod() is 2>>
<<if starGame.time.getCurrentDay() is 'Saturday'>>
<<if starGame.quests.isQuestTaskActive('story_letho_stage1_intro', 'story_archives') is true and starGame.npcs.getFact('letho_stage1_archives') is undefined>>
<<slink "Join Letho" "Commons_Archives_Letho_Stage1">><</slink>>
<<slink "Join Letho" "Commons_Archives_Letho">><</slink>>
<<if starGame.quests.isQuestActive('story_curie_stage1_dom') and starGame.npcs.getStat('curie_public_dom') is 0 and starGame.time.getCurrentPeriod() is 1>>
<<slink "Join Curie" "Commons_Archives_Curie_Dom1">><</slink>>
<<elseif starGame.quests.isQuestActive('story_curie_stage1_sub') and starGame.npcs.getStat('curie_public_sub') is 0 and starGame.time.getCurrentPeriod() is 1>>
<<slink "Join Curie" "Commons_Archives_Curie_Sub1">><</slink>>
<<if starGame.time.getCurrentDay() is not 'Saturday' and starGame.time.getCurrentPeriod() < 3 and starGame.npcs.getFact('diane_archives') is undefined>>
<<slink "Approach Diane" "Commons_Archives_Diane1">><</slink>>
<<if starGame.time.getCurrentPeriod() is 4>>\
The interior of the building has started to dim and you see the few remaining cadets head for the exit.
This wing of the Archives is somber and quiet, hushed conversation marking the different instructors planning their lessons, while graduates mull over stacks of data and information of the hyperlanes they plan to scout and explore.
A few cadets silently study, browsing treatises on tactics and skimming through textbooks of exploration in various conditions.
<<if starGame.player.getFact('campaign_hack') is true and starGame.npcs.getFact('dark_elf_encounters') >= 2 and starGame.player.hasInteraction('archives_interaction_irene') is not true>>
<p>Off towards the back of the educational section, you can see Irene lazily reading a book, passing the time on her own like normal. She looks up with a stretch, and her ears twitch as she recognizes you.</p>
<<if starGame.player.hasInteraction('archives_interaction') is not true and starGame.time.getCurrentPeriod() is 2>>
<<if starGame.time.getCurrentDay() is 'Saturday'>>
/% Letho %/
<p>You notice Letho with a stack of books in front of him.</p>
<<if starGame.quests.isQuestActive('story_curie_stage1_dom') and starGame.npcs.getStat('curie_public_dom') is 0 and starGame.time.getCurrentPeriod() is 1>>
/% Curie Dom Interaction %/
<p>Curie alternates between looking around in a bored manner and trying to focus on the terminal, and even from a distance it's easy for you to see that she could use a distraction to help reset her flow.</p>
<<elseif starGame.quests.isQuestActive('story_curie_stage1_sub') and starGame.npcs.getStat('curie_public_sub') is 0 and starGame.time.getCurrentPeriod() is 1>>
/% Curie Sub Interaction %/
<p>Seeing Curie sitting at a terminal with a bored look on her face, you realize that it's a good chance for you to spend some time with her and talk about the new relationship between the two of you.</p>
<<if starGame.time.getCurrentDay() is not 'Saturday' and starGame.time.getCurrentPeriod() < 3 and starGame.npcs.getFact('diane_archives') is undefined>>
<p>It's a special kind of whiplash, seeing Diane sitting in the educational section of the archives, multiple books and resources spread out on the table in front of her. Coupled with a frown on her face and the several torn sheets of paper, you can tell that the studying she's doing isn't going well.</p>
<div class="card solid card-nav">
<div class="row">
<div class="card-body p-0">
<div class="row d-flex">
<<slink "Archives" "Commons_Archives" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "ti ti-door-exit" "">><</slink>>
<<if starGame.time.getCurrentPeriod() < 4>>
<<slink "Read a book" "" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "ti ti-clock" "">>
<<scene "Commons_Archives_Leisure_Books1">>
<<scene "Commons_Archives_Leisure_Books2">>
<<slink "Watch a movie" "" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "ti ti-clock" "">>
<<scene "Commons_Archives_Leisure_Movies1">>
<<scene "Commons_Archives_Leisure_Movies2">>
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('archives_zara_stage1') is not true>>
<<slink "Watch an adult movie" "Commons_Archives_Zara_Stage1" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "ti ti-clock">><</slink>>
<<elseif starGame.player.getFact('collab_fs') is not true>>
<<slink "Watch an adult movie" "Commons_Archives_Leisure_AdultMovies_FreshStarts" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "ti ti-clock">><</slink>>
/% Obtained Zara's Keycard %/
<<slink "Watch an adult movie" "" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "ti ti-clock" "">>
<<scene "Commons_Archives_Leisure_AdultMovies1">>
<<slink "Read a book" "" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu disabled" "ti ti-clock" "">><</slink>>
<<slink "Watch a movie" "" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu disabled" "ti ti-clock" "">><</slink>>
<<slink "Watch an adult movie" "" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu disabled" "ti ti-clock" "">><</slink>>
<div class="navigation-container">\
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/library.webp"/>
<<if starGame.player.hasInteraction('archives_interaction') is not true and starGame.time.getCurrentPeriod() is 2>>
<<if starGame.time.getCurrentDay() is 'Sunday'>>
/% Zara %/
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/zara/expressions/happy_dress.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.time.getCurrentDay() is 'Wednesday'>>
/% Julianna %/
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/julianna/expressions/happy_uniform.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.time.getCurrentDay() is 'Thursday'>>
/% Maki %/
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/maki/expressions/happy_uniform.webp"/>
<<box "choicebox">>
<<if starGame.player.hasInteraction('archives_interaction') is not true and starGame.time.getCurrentPeriod() is 2>>
<<if starGame.time.getCurrentDay() is 'Wednesday'>>
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('julianna_relationship') is true>>
<<slink "Approach Julianna" "Commons_Archives_Julianna_Stage1">><</slink>>
<<slink "Approach Julianna" "Commons_Archives_Julianna">><</slink>>
<<elseif starGame.time.getCurrentDay() is 'Thursday'>>
<<slink "Join Maki" "">>
<<scene "Commons_Archives_Maki1">>
<<scene "Commons_Archives_Maki2">>
<<elseif starGame.time.getCurrentDay() is 'Sunday'>>
<<slink "Join Zara" "">>
<<scene "Commons_Archives_Zara_Leisure1">>
<<scene "Commons_Archives_Zara_Leisure2">>
<<if starGame.time.getCurrentPeriod() is 4>>\
The interior of the building has started to dim and you see the few remaining cadets head for the exit.
While it's still quiet, the cadets in this wing of the archives talk more freely and are more relaxed in general. Small discussions about random topics take place, while other cadets watch movies in the private VR pods. You wander around for a short while, looking for a free pod in case you want to watch a movie.
<<if starGame.player.hasInteraction('archives_interaction') is not true and starGame.time.getCurrentPeriod() is 2>>\
<<if starGame.time.getCurrentDay() is 'Wednesday'>>\
/% Julianna %/\
You see Julianna lazily flicking through a book.
<<elseif starGame.time.getCurrentDay() is 'Thursday'>>\
/% Maki %/\
Maki is exiting a VR pod as you arrive in the leisure section.
<<elseif starGame.time.getCurrentDay() is 'Sunday'>>\
/% Zara %/\
Zara is wandering the bookshelves idly, seemingly looking for something to read to pass the time.
</div>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/collabs/fslogo.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
You notice one of the VR pods becoming available, its previous inhabitant leaving it hurridly with a flushed face. Curious, you step into the pod, before realizing that there is still an active simulation running. Pulling the headset on, you lean back into the seat, wondering what caused the other cadet to leave in such a rush. As you resume the playback, you start to understand.
I get out of bed, still sore from yesterday. I look at myself in the mirror, smudged mascara and patchy lipstick. Despite this, I find myself so incredibly hot. There's something about going out all dressed up like a doll and waking up completely trashed that turns me on so much.
<i><span class="fs-crystal">"Fuck… I'm hard again…"</span></i> I hear my friend roll in bed, she yawns.
<span class="fs-kara">"Something's wrong?"</span>, she asks.
<span class="fs-crystal">"No Mistress, everything's alright."</span> It isn't catastrophic, but she can sense the annoyance in my voice.
<span class="fs-kara">"I told you you can still call me Kara, we're roommates for the love of God!"</span>
I giggle. I've been living with her for nearly six months now and I owe her so much. She made me discover my true self, this hot little piece of ass that I see in the mirror every morning now, instead of the shy guy I was just a year ago. <span class="fs-kara">"So, will you tell me what's wrong Chrissy?"</span>
I turn around, showing her my erect cock. <span class="fs-crystal">"It's nothing… I was just remembering yesterday and-"</span>
<span class="fs-kara">"And how I completely destroyed that needy ass of yours? I knew this new dildo was going to drive you nuts!"</span>, she pauses for an instant as I blush, <span class="fs-kara">"I knew it, you prefer this than to fuck me, don't you?"</span>
<span class="fs-crystal">"Yeah… hum… about that. Can we do it again? I don't want to stay hard forever…"</span>
She smiles softly. <span class="fs-kara">"Of course, but only if you do this thing I was talking about yesterday."</span> I think for a moment. What was it again… Oh! Right… eat my own… Well, I don't really mind the thought of it now, I just want to be fucked again, no matter what.
<span class="fs-crystal">"Fineee. I'll do it, but only because this thing feels so good inside me!"</span>
<span class="fs-kara">"Whatever Chris, just get on all four and I'll pound you-"</span>
I cut her. <span class="fs-crystal">"Crystal"</span>
<span class="fs-kara">"Uh?"</span>
<span class="fs-crystal">"I-I think Crystal suits me better now, don't you?"</span>
She smiles while she fastens the strap-on. <span class="fs-kara">"I didn't expect you to rename yourself to something so slutty, but… if you are happy with it, of course I'll call you Crystal."</span>
I get in position and wiggle my rear provokingly <span class="fs-crystal">"Thank you, Mistress."</span>
I hear Kara let out a small groan. <span class="fs-kara">"You've done it now, I'm not going to hold back."</span>
I feel the plastic cock being shoved inside my hole and <span style="color: red">$(?&&@% ERROR: DATA CORRUPTED</span>
And just like that, the simulation ends and just as it was going to be fun!
<p><b><i>Written by LordOfChange</i>
Check out Fresh Starts here: <a href="https://tfgames.site/index.php?module=viewgame&id=2160" target="_blank">tfgames.site</a></b></p>\
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Commons_Archives_Leisure">>
<<playerFactSet "collab_fs" true>>
<<startplaylist "playlist_exploration_soft">>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<saudio "bgm_sex3" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.25>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/library.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/curie/expressions/happy_uniform.webp"/>
<<reaction "curie" "Reaction_Curie">>\
As you approach her, she suddenly glances around, clearly looking for something. When her eyes find you, the smile on her face tells you that you are the target of her search. She stands as you reach, demurely lowering her eyes so as to not meet your gaze, a very faint blush on her face.
An idea forms in your head, and as you take her seat, you can see the surprise dart across her face. She starts to speak, only to instantly fall silent as you raise your hand. She waits, her eyes tracing between your hand and face. You tell her that you could use a shoulder massage, and for the briefest of moments you see her blush slightly. She complies wordlessly however, and as you turn your attention to the terminal she was using, you feel her fingers begin to expertly work at the knots in your shoulders.
After a few minutes a sudden flurry of whispers draws your attention, and as you glance down the length of the table, you can see a few other cadets giving the two of you strange glances as they whisper back and forth.
Turning slightly so you can see Curie's face, you see that while she hasn't stopped massaging you, she is blushing even more deeply now, the extra attention on her clearly affecting her. Wondering how far you can push it, you let her continue for a bit longer, before finally allowing her to stop.
As she starts to move to sit alongside you, you raise your eyebrow at her, which causes her to freeze in the motion of sitting down. As she hovers above the seat in an awkward pose, you wait for a few long moments before telling her to sit. Her face seemingly locked in a deep blush now, she keeps her eyes squarely on the table in front of her, not looking around at all while she trembles lightly. Deciding that you've teased her enough, you pat her on the leg gently, and tell her to relax.
At first it has the opposite effect, as she tenses up and gives you a suspicious look while waiting to see what you'll do next, but when nothing happens she does slowly relax, her furtive glances at the still whispering cadets telling you that she's still thinking about the way you treated her now. A few more moments pass before she seems composed enough for you to talk to her properly again. Drawing her into a soft conversation about her giving you the remote previously, she gives you a nervous smile, her eyes darting around the surroundings uneasily. You're about to cancel the conversation when she gives you a small nod, telling you that you can keep going.
As you start to bring up the situation with her collar and you, she stops you gently, a hand resting on your leg. <span class="curie">"Don't overthink it. You have the control. I'll let you know if I don't like something, but you're the one in charge."</span> Her words, soft and sweet, sound almost out of place when you consider that you were trying to talk to her about her limits when it comes to you dominating her.
Nodding slightly, you see that the Archives are getting busier, and having achieved what you came here for, you tell your sub to give you a kiss, the light peck on the cheek drawing more attention from the cadets in the area. Leaving her to continue her research alone, you can't help but grin as you see her try to hide her face with her hair and terminal.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Commons_Archives_Educational">>
<<npcStatIncrease "curie_affinity" 1>>
<<snotify "info">>Curie appreciated spending time with you.<</snotify>>
<<npcStatSet "curie_public_sub" 1>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/library.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/curie/expressions/neutral_uniform.webp"/>
<<reaction "curie" "Reaction_Curie">>\
Deciding to be the distraction she needs, you start making your way over, thinking about what you can do to help her. Before you can reach her however, you see a slight smirk settle on her face, and she holds a hand up, halting your approach. Your confusion must show on your face, because she laughs softly before turning her gaze onto you properly. A chill runs down your spine as she points at the floor, mouthing at you to kneel.
You quickly shake your head, looking around and seeing that where you're standing is actually mostly hidden from view of the rest of the cadets in this section of the archive. She repeats the instruction, more firmly this time, and as you sink to your knees, you find yourself hoping that no-one sees you.
Your eyes lock firmly on her, as if not being able to see anyone else would stop them from seeing you only adds to your dilemma, as she makes a come here motion with her finger, and then stops you from standing. Unlike before when she just mouthed the word, this time she whispers it, and while it's barely audible, to you it sounds like it was impossible for anyone in the archive to not hear it.
<span class="curie">"Crawl."</span>
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Crawl" "Commons_Archives_Curie_Dom2">><</slink>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/library.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/curie/expressions/neutral_uniform.webp"/>
Hesitation washes over you for a moment. You're sheltered from view, mostly, where you are. If you crawl to her as commanded, you might directly cross into other peoples lines of sight. But you quickly throw those doubts aside, as you see her clear her throat, pursing her lips to repeat the command. You're certain that she won't be quiet this time, and you quickly push yourself into motion, crawling over to Curie on your hands and knees, your eyes firmly locked on the floor below you as you pray to not be noticed.
When you reach her, you feel her hand run through your hair, giving you a playful tug before telling you to stand. You struggle to hide your blush, the ordeal playing over and over in your mind, and as you start to move for the seat next to her, she shakes her head at you. Pausing, waiting to see what she wants you to do next, you watch as she stretches leisurely, a small, soft moan escaping her lips.
She pats her shoulder and gives you a smirk. <span class="curie">"I've been so tense and stiff recently. I'm glad you came all the way here to give your mistress a massage."</span>
Your hands fall to her shoulders, kneading them firmly, the thought of disobeying not even crossing your mind for a moment. As you caress and massage her, you can hear her soft moans and gasps, each barely audible, but each making you want to draw another out, a reward for a job well done.
Engrossed in your task, and straining your ears to hear her faint noises, you unconsciously stop worrying about your surroundings, and it's only after a few minutes pass when you hear some nearby whispers that you snap back to reality.
Glancing up and seeing a few cadets watching you, whispering amongst each other you feel a surge of panic bloom within you. Trying to calm down, you tell yourself that it's alright, all they've seen is a friend giving another friend a massage. To your horror however, Curie chooses this moment to let out a slightly louder, lewd moan, which the cadets clearly hear from the way they stare. Freezing entirely, your mind races as you look for a way to explain the situation when Curie speaks up.
<span class="curie">"That's enough. I need to focus on my work, so be a good <<if starGame.player.isFemale()>>girl<<else>>boy<</if>> and leave now."</span> She turns her attention to the cadets, and addresses them in turn. <span class="curie">"Next time, you'll have to pay to watch." </span>
Deciding that you'll take the chance given to you, you quickly retreat from the archives, trying to regain your composure as you go.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Commons_Archives_Educational">>
<<npcStatIncrease "curie_affinity" 1>>
<<snotify "info">>Curie appreciated spending time with you.<</snotify>>
<<npcStatSet "curie_public_dom" 1>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/library.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/diane/expressions/happy_uniform.webp"/>
<<reaction "diane" "Reaction_Diane">>\
You're hesitant to disturb her at first, but before you can sneak away she catches sight of you out of the corner of her eye.
Waving you over desperately, you can't help but wonder if she's about to ask you to help tutor her, which only leads to you being caught off guard when she instead shoves everything aside, making it clear that she's done studying, at least for now. Instead she allows her head to fall to the table with a desperate sigh before complaining about how much theory there is to learn.
You try to console her, only for her to huff at you in a way that makes you struggle to not burst out laughing, earning another deep frown from the exhausted tomboy. Deciding to take the hint and focus on talking about anything but studying, you quickly draw her into a chat about her plans for the upcoming weekend.
Fortunately for you, she takes the bait, quickly brightening up as she tells you about all the things she's looking forward to. All good things must come to an end however, and after a short while of light hearted conversation, she shoos you away, telling you that she needs to focus on studying if she does actually want to get to do what she wants.
Allowing her to take charge, you reluctantly leave the tomboy alone in the archives, giving her the space she needs to focus while you return to the academy proper.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Commons_Archives_Educational">>
<<npcFactSet "diane_archives" 1>>
<<if starGame.npcs.getStat('diane_affinity') < 25>>
<<npcStatIncrease "diane_affinity" 1>>
<<snotify "info">>Diane appreciated spending time with you.<</snotify>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/library.webp"/>
<img class="exp-vertical-flip" src="resources/img/characters/side/darkelf/expressions/happy_uniform.webp"/>
Stepping into the educational wing of the archives, you notice a vaguely familiar face hanging out in the further depths of the area. A quick double take reveals that the elf girl from the cafeteria is here, busy quietly reading by herself. Unable to stop yourself from approaching, you only make it a few steps towards her before her ears twitch slightly and she turns to greet you, a magnificent smile on her face.
<span class="darkelf">"I never got the chance to thank you for helping me that day in the cafeteria."</span> Her voice is soft and breathy, and every time she speaks you can't help but focus your full attention on her. Her ears twitch slightly as she realizes you're watching her intently. A blush slowly forms on her face as she shifts slightly, her regal bearing slightly cracking and letting her nervousness show through.
Noticing that she's sitting by herself away from everyone else, you think about raising the topic when she pats the spot at the table next to her.
<span class="darkelf">"Actually, I'm really glad you came over. Irene Seldry."</span> She holds a hand out to you in greeting.
<span class="darkelf">"Most of the cadets are avoiding me these days. I think they're worried that I might be secretly contagious or aggressive or something. It's been a lonely few days."</span> She gives you another of those magnificent smiles, her attention thoroughly fastened on you.
<span class="darkelf">"Please, if you ever feel the need for some company, you know where to find me."</span>
Telling the elf that you'll definitely keep that in mind and check in on her from time to time, you're rewarded with another ear twitch as she blushes again, pretending to hide her face in the book she's reading as she breaks eye contact with you.
Deciding to give her some space to get her emotions back under control, you tell her that you've got to run for the moment, but you'll be back to see her sooner or later. She gives you a cute wave as you go, her eyes lingering on you as you walk away.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Commons_Archives_Educational">>
<<npcFactSet "dark_elf_encounters" 2>>
<<addtocodex "Irene Seldry" "met_irene">>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/library.webp"/>
<img class="exp-vertical-flip" src="resources/img/characters/side/darkelf/expressions/neutral_uniform.webp"/>
<<reaction "irene" "Reaction_Irene">>\
Irene gives you a smile as you approach her, closing her book with a smoothly fluid movement and shifting to make sure there's plenty of space for you at the table with her. She flashes you a brilliant smile as you sit next to her, turning slightly to make sure you can make eye contact with her.
<span class="darkelf">"Just as I was feeling lonely. You've got some great timing, $character_firstName."</span> Her words are soft and inviting, like always, and as you spend a few minutes making small talk with her and deciding what you want to talk about first, you simply relax, enjoying your time with the elf.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('darkelf_talk') is not 3>>
<<slink "Talk" "">>
<<eventSequence "darkelf_talk" true>>
<<event "Commons_Archives_Educational_Darkelf_Talk1" 1>>
<<event "Commons_Archives_Educational_Darkelf_Talk2" 2>>
<<event "Commons_Archives_Educational_Darkelf_Talk3" 3>>
<<slink "Leave" "Commons_Archives_Educational_Darkelf_Leave">><</slink>>
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('darkelf_talk') is 3>>
<<slink "Sex" "Commons_Archives_Educational_Darkelf_Sex">>
<<slink "Sex" "" "slink btn btn-highlight disabled allow-pointer-events" "" "You can't do that yet.">>
<<snotify "info">>You can't do that yet.<</snotify>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/library.webp"/>
<img class="exp-vertical-flip" src="resources/img/characters/side/darkelf/expressions/neutral_uniform.webp"/>
The idle conversation having broken the ice, you slowly segue into asking Irene about how she's handling the mod and its effects on her, earning a bittersweet smile in response. She takes a deep breath, clearly deciding how to approach the topic, and you're about to tell her that she doesn't need to talk about it if she doesn't want to.
<span class="darkelf">"It's… ignoring that people are avoiding me for it, it's difficult by itself you know? My body is sensitive in ways and places that it wasn't before, and while I've adjusted nicely, it doesn't really feel like I'm inside my own body every now and then? I'm slightly taller than I used to be, my figure is different, and my balance has changed."</span> She gives you a smile before continuing.
<span class="darkelf">"And that's not even mentioning the personality changes. I used to be an extrovert, but now, I'm almost more comfortable being left alone?" Irene blushes before she says the next sentence. "Never mind how intense my desire to be submissive and serve others gets. The rebels really did a number on me."</span> Suddenly her entire face flushes, as she realizes what she just said.
<span class="darkelf">"I… I'm so sorry. That's part of what I'm talking about. It's like I have no control over parts of myself."</span> As she clamps a hand over her mouth and hides her face by covering it with her book, you do your best to stifle a chuckle.
Deciding to give the embarrassed elf time to recover, you give her a gentle pat on the shoulder, her ears twitching in response. Telling her that you'll see her around, you excuse yourself, making a mental note to try and be more careful in your interactions with her in the future.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Commons_Archives_Educational">>
<<npcFactSet "darkelf_talk" 1>>
<<snotify "info">>Irene appreciated spending time with you.<</snotify>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/library.webp"/>
<img class="exp-vertical-flip" src="resources/img/characters/side/darkelf/expressions/neutral_uniform.webp"/>
Irene gently leans against you, her voice dropping lower as she gets comfortable.
<span class="darkelf">"You know, last time I accidentally told you about how I've been becoming more submissive and wanting to serve people. Thinking back about it, I still get really embarrassed, but I have to admit that it's true. I distract myself with the books and reading, but the moment I have time to be alone with my thoughts, I quickly find myself submerged in those desires again."</span>
She lets out a deep breath, seemingly more relaxed. She gives you a signature regal smile before lightly poking your arm. <span class="darkelf">"Thanks, I needed to get that off my chest."</span>
You tell her not to worry about it, and decide to shift the conversation a bit. Leading her back to more normal topics like asking if her elongated ears let her hear better or not, the two of you quickly fall into comfortable conversation, punctuated with jokes and soft laughter.
Eventually however, Irene gives you a wistful look before standing, folding her book against her chest.
<span class="darkelf">"I'll see you around. Unfortunately, it's time for one of my checkups."</span> She blows you a kiss as she leaves, and you take a moment to think about the fluttery feeling she leaves you with as you watch her go. Shaking your head free of the feeling of loneliness, you decide to leave the archives for now as well.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Commons_Archives_Educational">>
<<npcFactSet "darkelf_talk" 2>>
<<snotify "info">>Irene appreciated spending time with you.<</snotify>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/library.webp"/>
<img class="exp-vertical-flip" src="resources/img/characters/side/darkelf/expressions/happy_uniform.webp"/>
You're barely seated and comfortable when Irene gives you a look that wouldn't be out of place in a porn flick. Her bedroom eyes are near lethal, and as you take a breath to calm your nerves she glances around the area you're in. Satisfied that the two of you are properly alone, she leans in, her voice getting low and sultry as she speaks.
<span class="darkelf">"You look like you could use some relief, and I know I can help with that. I'm tired of trying to resist being submissive, and I think you're just the right flavor for me to come to terms with this part of my new personality."</span>
Her invitation is clear, and from the way she only has eyes for you right now, you're pretty sure that even if there were other people around she wouldn't be phased.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "No thanks" "Commons_Archives_Educational_Darkelf_Sex_Decline">>
<<npcFactSet "darkelf_talk" 3>>
<<slink "Use her" "Commons_Archives_Educational_Darkelf_Sex_Accept">>
<<npcFactSet "darkelf_talk" 3>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/library.webp"/>
<img class="exp-vertical-flip" src="resources/img/characters/side/darkelf/expressions/neutral_uniform.webp"/>
You've only been seated for a few moments when you suddenly realize that you actually forgot that you had other plans for the day.
Giving Irene an apologetic smile, you tell her that you were just checking in, and that you'll be back another time for a real conversation and time spent together. She gives you an understanding nod, a soft wave goodbye accompanying your retreat from the educational section.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Commons_Archives_Educational">>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/library.webp"/>
<img class="exp-vertical-flip" src="resources/img/characters/side/darkelf/expressions/neutral_uniform.webp"/>
The bedroom eyes Irene gives you as you sit alongside her is enough to tell you where her thoughts are, and as you briefly make small talk with her, you consider her unspoken invitation.
It doesn't help that her entire body language and way of speaking has changed to encourage you to take advantage of her in this state, and more than once you find your sentences rambling as she subtly encourages you to make a choice.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "No thanks" "Commons_Archives_Educational_Darkelf_Sex_Decline">>
<<slink "Use her" "Commons_Archives_Educational_Darkelf_Sex_Accept">>
<<if starGame.player.hasPenis()>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/side/darkelf/scenes/m_archives_bg.webp"/>
<<if starGame.player.isShemale()>>
<<if starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'black'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/side/darkelf/scenes/s_black_vaginal.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'tan'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/side/darkelf/scenes/s_tan_vaginal.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/side/darkelf/scenes/s_fair_vaginal.webp"/>
<<if starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'black'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/side/darkelf/scenes/m_black_vaginal.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'tan'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/side/darkelf/scenes/m_tan_vaginal.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/side/darkelf/scenes/m_fair_vaginal.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/side/darkelf/scenes/f_archives_bg.webp"/>
<<if starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'black'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/side/darkelf/scenes/f_black_licking.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'tan'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/side/darkelf/scenes/f_tan_licking.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/side/darkelf/scenes/f_fair_licking.webp"/>
Wondering how she expects this to go, you tell Irene that you'd gladly use her services, and she gives a happy smile as she reaches for your lower half, her nimble hands deftly working to undress and reveal what you have in your pants. A lusty moan escapes her lips as she finishes removing your underwear, and she meets your eyes with a lust filled stare.
<<if starGame.player.hasPenis()>>\
Before you can fully react, Irene leads you from the table to a spot in between two of the bookshelves, an excited smile on her face. Watching as she quickly strips down, you can only admire her body as she twirls for you, showing off all her features and assets with hypnotic movements. You don't have long to admire the show however, as she soon reaches out, her hand skillfully stroking your rapidly hardening dick as she pulls you closer to her.
Once she's satisfied she's got you properly hard and ready to go, she turns, leaning against one of the bookshelves with an anticipatory moan, her hips moving hypnotically from side to side as she arches her back to show off her waiting pussy to you.
<span class="darkelf">"No need to bother with foreplay, I've been dripping wet thinking about this moment for a while now. Please, use me."</span> It's an invitation you don't need to hear twice, and as you sink your dick into the elfs dripping cunt, she manages to muffle her moans of pleasure with her hands, unable to resist the sensations you're sending through her.
Enjoying the sight of her soft lavender skin moving under your hands, you trace patterns on her back before gripping her hips properly, feeling Irene's pussy tighten around you in anticipation. Her muscles hungrily grip you, trying to milk you before you've even really started to use her, and as you begin to thrust into her with powerful smooth strokes, she lets out a series of muffled moans and whimpers.
Her back arches more, a long moan creeping from her lips as she tightens around you even more, the pressure on your dick accompanied by a sudden rush of wetness that you can hear dripping to the floor beneath you. Enjoying Irene's body, your mind is quickly filled with only thoughts of using her to your heart's desire, and as you start to thrust harder and deeper into the slutty elf, you can feel your own orgasm building quickly. Pausing for a moment to ask if you should pull out, you find your question answered by the girl's hands reaching back for you, pulling you even deeper into her as she aggressively grinds against you, doing her best to make you cum inside her.
The public situation and her efforts combined work, and you pull her head back with a hand woven through her hair to mask her moans and whimpers in a sloppy kiss. Her pussy continues trying to milk you, and as your final few thrusts into her push you over the edge, you feel the elf start to go limp against you, your cum pumping inside her as she lets out a mewling moan.
Lowering the quivering girl to the floor gently, you start to gather your clothes when she stops you by pulling you over her again, this time using her mouth to gently clean your dick off. A gentle kiss on the tip signifies that she's done, and she gives you a happy smile as she sinks back to the ground, breathing heavily as she tries to recover. Draping her uniform loosely over her, you quickly redress and give her a pat on the cheek before leaving her to sort herself out.
<<elseif starGame.player.hasVagina()>>\
Irene sinks under the table, hidden from view as her fingers plunge into you, expertly spreading your lips as she looks up at you with a knowing smirk. A gasp escapes your lips as she runs her thumb gently over your clit, the sudden spike of pleasure nearly catching you off guard. Glancing around quickly to make sure no one heard it, you quickly raise a book in front of you, sinking lower into your seat as you cover your mouth with a hand.
Running your free hand through Irene's hair, you rock your hips lightly against the elfs face, encouraging her to eat you out as she continues you to tease you with her fingers, curling them slowly and gently inside your pussy as she kisses at your thighs, her hot breath sending shivers of anticipation through you as she keeps acting like shes going to slide her tongue inside you.
Growing frustrated at her teasing, you pull her head against your pussy, moaning as you rub your crotch against her face, feeling her tongue tease your lips apart as she snakes it into you with a moan of her own. Hidden from view beneath the table, she quickly settles into her role as she explores your pussy with her tongue, alternating between licking and sucking you as her fingers tease your clit expertly. Clamping your legs around her head as your first orgasm hits you, you watch through a lusty haze as your juices flood over Irene's face, leaving her shiny and wet as she hungrily laps up what she can.
You don't have long to recover however, as she dives back into you, her tongue and fingers working together to assault you and in moments you can feel your climax building once more. Suddenly Irene latches onto you hard, her tongue writhing wilding inside you as she forces you over the edge once more, your fluids flowing freely into her mouth as she drinks up everything you offer her eagerly.
Releasing you with a satisfying popping sound and moan, Irene looks up at you with a dreamy look in her eyes as she fixes your clothing, redressing you and making sure you look presentable before she emerges from underneath the table, delicately cleaning herself up of your girl cum as she wipes her face clean and dry. Leaning over to you, she gives you a gentle kiss on the cheek, before standing and leaving you alone at the table, presumably heading for one of the check-ups she has after eating you out so expertly.
Recovering enough to move again, you follow the elf out of the archive, returning to your day feeling like all the stress in the world has been washed away.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Commons_Archives_Educational">>
<<npcFactSet "darkelf_sex" true>>
<<startplaylist "playlist_exploration_soft">>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<saudio "bgm_sex3" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.25>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/library.webp"/>
<img class="exp-vertical-flip" src="resources/img/characters/side/darkelf/expressions/neutral_uniform.webp"/>
Deciding that you aren't up for taking advantage of the elf girl right now, you gently let her down, an understanding smile spreading across her lips as she realizes she's been rejected. You don't have long to worry about her feeling down however, as she quickly flashes you a brilliant smile again.
<span class="darkelf">"Maybe next time you'll be in the mood."</span> Her words are sweetly seductive and if you hadn't already made up your mind, you're certain it would sway you back to where she wants you. For now however, you decide to escape the situation, making a hasty excuse before retreating from her side before she can change your mind.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Commons_Archives_Educational">><</slink>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/academy/library.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
Sitting at one of the free terminals, you browse the archives for a bit before deciding on a topic to learn about. Selecting one of the Alliance manuals on exoplanet exploration, you quickly find your attention captured, as you pore through the pages of the manual. Information of how to traverse low and high gravity planets, accepted methods of dealing with hostile fauna and flora, and the correct protocols to follow when reporting new discoveries flash through your mind as you read, and several times you find yourself imagining the first time you'll chart a planet for the Alliance.
Eventually you close the file, deciding to let the knowledge you've gained rest so that you can retain it, instead of overwhelming yourself with new information and wasting this time and effort. Closing the terminal as you go, you head back to the main hall.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Commons_Archives_Educational">>
<<playerStatIncrease "archives_exploration" 1>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/academy/library.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
Deciding to brush up on your pathfind and exploration knowledge, you sit at one of the free terminals, pulling up one of the many resources the alliance has on dangerous climates. While you pour through the collected resources, you are once again reminded that while the Alliance has the ability to turn entire cities to dust, so too does nature. As you read about different ways to predict and anticipate natural disasters on varying exoplanets, you lose track of time.
Realizing that you're several dozen pages of research deep into the characteristics of diamond rain hurricanes, you decide to stop for today. Stretching as you stand, you make your way back to the main hall.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Commons_Archives_Educational">>
<<playerStatIncrease "archives_exploration" 1>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/academy/library.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
Taking this moment to brush up on some tactical lessons, you find an open seat pulling up a list of the available resource materials. Selecting one mostly at random, you flip through the pages idly, your thoughts fixated on how to translate these historic tactics into the battlefields of today. Ships move differently in 0g, and without many considerations like weather and terrain, it can be a daunting task to try to lay plans for space battles.
Regardless, you spend some time studying the prior attempts of commanders to translate ancient tactics to the modern theater. And while you can largely see the concept behind the attempts, in general the issue remains that the different physics of space is just too different for them to overcome properly. Your brain thoroughly tired, you decide to stop for today, leaving the translation of roman tactics to space for another time.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Commons_Archives_Educational">>
<<playerStatIncrease "archives_tactics" 1>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/academy/library.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
Selecting one of the manuals of war to study, you're unsurprised to see your family name cited as a co-author of the book. Scanning through the pages with some degree of interest, you quickly find the battle tactics that one of your predecessors pioneered.
As you get lost in the specifics of the battle and the reasoning for your forebears radical decision making, you gain a greater understanding of why your family is so revered by the Alliance today. Parts of the accounting sound unbelievable, and several times you cross reference other reports of the battle to determine if it's been embellished or not.
Eventually you decide to stop picking through the manual for now, returning to the main hall while still deep in thought.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Commons_Archives_Educational">>
<<playerStatIncrease "archives_tactics" 1>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/academy/library.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
As you wander the aisles of the Archival hall, you notice Eva's avatar following you from a short distance away. She gives you a shy wave when you notice her, and as you wait for her to approach, you notice that she's carrying a holographic book.
Raising an eyebrow out of curiosity, she passes the holographic book to you, and as you glance at its title, you are surprised to see that it covers the battles of the VR simulations you've already done for your main course. As you flip it open and browse the first few pages, you notice that it specifically covers an analysis of your actions in these simulations so far.
Eva gives you a shy smile before guiding you to a nearby table. Once you're seated she takes a spot next to you before talking. She quickly and excitedly dives into what she's learned from watching your simulations and choices, and offering suggestions on what you could have done differently for better results. Intrigued by her analysis, you are quickly drawn into a discussion with her about the choices and decisions she suggests.
Eventually the holographic book in your hands vanishes, and Eva gives you an apologetic smile. She walks with you to the entry of the archival hall before telling you to enjoy the rest of the day. You see the holographic book is in her hands once more, and you have a feeling that the analysis will be even more in depth next time.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Commons_Archives_Educational">>
<<playerStatIncrease "archives_tactics" 1>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/academy/library.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
As you're busy browsing the archives for material that can help you in the future, you are caught off guard as Eva slides a stack of books towards you across the table. Raising a questioning eyebrow at her, she gives you a simple shrug, before tapping the book on the top of the stack with a smile.
Glancing down at the book, you see that its one of many tactics manuals lauded throughout the alliance for its unconventional and brilliant takes on the adaptation of naval combat to the depths of space. Browsing the book briefly, you look up to thank Eva, and are surprised to see that she's vanished for now. You can see her avatars assisting other cadets throughout the archives and while you know you could call for her, you decide to trust her judgment for now, and turn your attention back to the material she's picked out for you. The book catches your attention quickly, and as you pour through the notes you realize that Eva's selection is actually very helpful for you. Making a note of the title, you spend some time taking mental notes of the more interesting and useful parts of the text.
As you sit studying, you feel your eyes growing heavy, and as your head nods slightly you feel tingle as something gently touches your hand. Looking up with a soft jerk, you are surprised to see Eva sitting across from you, her hand resting on yours.
<span class="eva">"You know, it's important to rest from time to time as well. It helps cement what you've learnt in the mind and gives your body a chance to recover. There's a reason Starwatch gives you off time."</span> Her voice is gentle, and you nod sheepishly at her.
Deciding that her words have merit, you close your books, telling Eva that you'll take a break for now. She smiles at you before her avatar vanishes, leaving you alone to decide your next move.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Commons_Archives_Educational">>
<<playerStatIncrease "archives_tactics" 1>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/academy/library.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
Eva gives you a professional smile when you approach her, and promptly explains the different sections of the archives to you once more. Telling her that you're more interested in a friendly conversation right now, it's clear that you've taken her by surprise from her facial expression. Gently prodding her into a conversation through leading questions, you soon find yourself engaged in a discussion about the merits of human controlled ships as opposed to AI controlled ships, and despite your best counter-arguments, you can't help but feel that she's got a better formed point of view than you do.
Reluctant to point out that AI can't willingly breach convention and rules of war, you decide to leave the debate as a stalemate, vowing to yourself to research AI limitations a bit more before you start one of these again. Eva gives you a cheerful farewell, sensing your hidden frustration and giving you a chance to leave gracefully, which you gratefully accept.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Commons_Archives">>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/academy/library.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('eva_archives_stage1_interaction') is true>>\
Eva smiles when you approach her, playfully leading you down the rows of bookstacks and terminals. Before long you find yourself in a quiet area, relatively alone with the AI's hologram. She gives you a wink before sitting on one of the tabletops, her attention turning towards you.
You tease her about wanting you alone, and you're only slightly surprised when her avatar blushes slightly. She tries to defend her actions, but only manages to accidentally stumble over her words, growing more cute as she gets more frustrated, and you decide that you won't ask her about some of her more deviant behaviors here.
Delicately redirecting the conversation to the progress of the simulation she's making, you need to convince her that you're genuinely interested and not actually just teasing her. She excitedly babbles about how she's happy with the way she's captured your personality so far, but that she still has a lot of work to do and data to process before she's willing to show it to you.
Eva smiles when you approach her, playfully leading you down the rows of bookstacks and terminals. Before long you find yourself in a quiet area, relatively alone with the AI's hologram. She gives you a wink before sitting on one of the tabletops, her attention turning towards you.
You tease her about wanting you alone, and you're only slightly surprised when her avatar blushes slightly. She tries to defend her actions, but only manages to accidentally stumble over her words, growing more cute as she gets more frustrated, and you decide that you won't ask her about some of her more deviant behaviors here.
Instead you delicately redirect the topic of conversation, and much to your surprise you learn that Eva is working on a holodeck simulation of her own, inspired by your actions and antics. Eventually however, you bring the conversation to a close, telling the AI that you still need to do more things for her to record into the simulation. She pouts at your teasing, but lets you go regardless.
<<npcFactSet "eva_archives_stage1_interaction" true>>\
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Commons_Archives">>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/library.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/julianna/expressions/happy_uniform.webp"/>
<<reaction "julianna" "Reaction_Julianna">>\
Noticing Julianna busy lazily flicking through a book here, a bored look on her face, you decide to approach her first. Taking the seat on the couch opposite her, you mimic her, scrunching your brow and lazily flicking the pages too fast to actually read them, but not slow enough for it to be unintentional. After a few seconds, she realizes what you're doing, and raises the book she's holding almost as if she wants to throw it at you.
Instead she laughs quietly, and the two of you stop pretending to read and start talking instead. Time passes quickly as you each try to one up the other, trading stories and jokes, just enjoying each other's company. A few other cadets join in, and you quickly make a new host of acquaintances and friends. Regardless, after a while, you realize your social battery is running low, so you make your excuses leaving the group behind you, Julianna giving you a wink as you leave.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Commons_Archives_Leisure">>
<<if starGame.npcs.getStat('julianna_affinity') < 25>>
<<npcStatIncrease "julianna_affinity" 1>>
<<snotify "info">>Julianna appreciated spending time with you.<</snotify>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/library.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/julianna/expressions/happy_uniform.webp"/>
<<reaction "julianna" "Reaction_Julianna">>\
Sneaking up on Julianna who is lazily reading a book, you give her a gentle pinch, the resulting squeak from her earning more than a few curious glances as she bats you with the book in retaliation. She slowly calms down, laughing softly at the entire situation. The two of you move away from the couches, looking for a slightly more private spot in the archives.
Finding one shortly, you spend some time with Julianna, engaged in soft conversation about each other's day. Simply content to spend time with each other, you both pass the time lazily, sharing book and movie recommendations, before realizing that the archive around you has quieted down significantly, the various cadets that were here having moved on with their days.
Julianna flashes you a nervous smile before leaning over and giving you a kiss, and as you reach out to pull her closer she backs away. Looks like you'll have to try again another time if you want to push things further already. Deciding to not make things awkward by trying again, the two of you take a walk back to the main hall, where you part ways with a few more soft words.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Commons_Archives_Leisure">>
<<if starGame.npcs.getStat('julianna_affinity') < 25>>
<<npcStatIncrease "julianna_affinity" 1>>
<<snotify "info">>Julianna appreciated spending time with you.<</snotify>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/scenes/d4_eva_archives/vr_begin.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
Sitting in the VR pod, you skim the selection of movies and media before noticing that there are pornographic materials available on the list. A recording that you had seen when you were younger catches your attention, and as a feeling of nostalgia hits you, you decide to see if it's still as good as it was when you saw it as a hormonal teen.
Making sure the door is locked properly, you load the VR simulation, taking a few moments to allow your mind to accept that since it's a recording of an actual video, the body you're being inserted into isn't your own, but rather that of the male leading the porn scene. As your would-be partner loads in, you can't help but feel a rush of excitement as you see one of the porn stars of your youth standing naked in front of you. Her dark skin and red hair is a direct contrast to your own temporary light skin, and as she approaches you seductively, you admire her figure.
As the model approaches you, you are reminded that you're watching a video when you try to reach for her and nothing happens. She smiles, and as your point of view changes, you are pushed onto the couch, she takes a position above you. She winks down at you as she traces a finger down your chest, the nail sending tingles through your skin where it touches.
As her hand reaches your avatar's groin you feel a sensation around your shaft, and with a sultry smile she starts to stroke your shaft, her pussy hovering close enough above it that you can feel the heat from her body. As she strokes you lightly she lowers herself onto you, and a moan of pleasure escapes from her.
She starts to ride you, a lewd smile on her face, and you feel her tighten around you. After a few minutes of being ridden, you feel her orgasm around you. As she collapses onto your chest, your avatar takes control of the scene.
Your avatar quickly places her on a nearby counter. She moans softly as your dick rubs against her pussy, and as the avatar lifts her legs over its shoulders, you feel yourself slip inside her, the motion causing her to tense up momentarily. As your avatar begins to thrust harder and faster into her, you can hear her muffled screams, as she covers her mouth with a hand, and as you fuck her harder and faster, you can feel her orgasms as she clenches her legs around you tightly.
Soon the sensations build to a head, and as you cum inside her, she lets out a final scream, collapsing onto the counter limply, thoroughly worn out from the continuous orgasms she had gone through. As the scene ends around you, you find yourself back in realspace, alone in the locked room. After a moment, the lights turn on and the door unlocks.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Commons_Archives_Leisure">>
<<startplaylist "playlist_exploration_soft">>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<saudio "bgm_sex3" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.25>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/academy/library.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
Finding a comfortable couch to lie back on, you idly scroll through a selection of novels and other literature. Deciding on a light reader, you wait for the drone to bring it over, while you enjoy the soft couch.
The drone delivers the book to you in short order, and as you dive into the short story about detectives and cyber crime, your imagination is quickly captured. The writing is so vividly powerful that you can picture yourself riding alongside the detective as you chase fleeing fugitives, and the tension of a three way standoff has a bead of sweat rolling down the side of your face as you wait to see who will fire first, or if reason and logic will prevail.
All in all, as the book slowly winds to an end, you find yourself feeling a sense of completion and emptiness. Closing the book's final pages, you decide that you'll keep an eye out for more novels from the author, their writing style resonating well with you. A drone shortly arrives to collect the novel, and you leave the comfort of the couch behind you as you make your way out of the writing hall.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Commons_Archives_Leisure">>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/academy/library.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
Deciding that you're in the mood for a comic or two, you inform one of the helpful drone librarians, and take a seat on a soft bean bag chair while you wait. The chair molds to your shape, and you let out a soft sigh of relaxation as you adjust slightly.
The drone arrives moments later, a selection of comics in tow. Picking a few popular comics from the stack, you dive into the world of superheroes and their rivals as they battle to save the world. You smile wryly at that, glad that even though humanity has spread across the stars and achieved feats unbelievable to think off, the superhero genre still focuses on earth and its people.
As you reach the end of the second comic, you decide that you actually don't want to read more for now, and summoning the drones to collect the books, you leave the archive hall behind you.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Commons_Archives_Leisure">>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/academy/library.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
Settling into the comfortable seat of one of the VR pods, you select one of the currently trending movies off the list of recommendations. The pod darkens, and you soon find yourself in the middle of the action, as a daring team of racers proceed to conduct a risky heist on a corrupt official's shipping lines.
As the movie progresses you slowly lose yourself to the unrealistic action, even enjoying the moment when one of the fighters takes critical damage, and the pilot needs to jump to an allied fighter across the depths of space. Overall, it's a solid B-tier action movie, with far too much emphasis on stylized action scenes and dramatic plot twists. Regardless, you don't consider the time wasted, and as you leave the pod and step back into the archives, you shake your head at the realization that it's one of many in its series.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Commons_Archives_Leisure">>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/academy/library.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
Stepping into a VR pod moments after it becomes available, you decide to watch a more obscure movie, and selecting one of the movies that won awards for artistic expression, you settle in to enjoy the film.
The next period of time that passes leaves you feeling a heady mix of emotions, but also confused. While you can easily agree that the film was an artistic masterpiece, you feel like you're underqualified to understand the expressed themes and motives, with many parts of the movie feeling like a fever dream to you. When the movie does eventually come to a close, you feel a sense of loss and longing, and as you leave the VR pod, you wonder if you're overthinking the meaning of the film.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Commons_Archives_Leisure">>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/library.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/letho/expressions/happy_uniform.webp"/>
<<reaction "letho" "Reaction_Letho">>\
Letho doesn't notice you at all when you approach him. Even when you sit across from him and start going through his books, he doesn't seem to react until you speak to him directly.
The result is him nearly jumping directly out of his seat in fright, clearly having been lost in his own world until you disturbed him. Apologizing while trying to control your laugh, you help him reorganize his books. Out of curiosity, you ask him what has him so enthralled, and are soon locked into an explanation of how he's using old forms of encryption to find the key to resistance communication codes. You see that some of the materials he's looking at detail codes used in the old world wars of earth, and you're almost surprised that he seems to have a working theory despite the unlikeliness of it.
Eventually you manage to find a moment to slip away politely, leaving Letho to his codebreaking while you return to the main hall of the archives alone.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Commons_Archives_Educational">>
<<if starGame.npcs.getStat('letho_affinity') < 25>>
<<npcStatIncrease "letho_affinity" 1>>
<<snotify "info">>Letho appreciated spending time with you.<</snotify>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/library.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/letho/expressions/happy_uniform.webp"/>
<<reaction "letho" "Reaction_Letho">>\
Letho gives you a nervous smile as you approach him, a blush spreading across his face as you take a seat opposite him at the desk. Neither of you talk at first, the silence that settles over the table is filled with expectation, and you're about to talk first when the shy cadet clears his throat, drawing your attention to him.
<span class="letho">"I wasn't… expecting that. The other night I mean."</span> His blush has grown deeper and you resist letting out a chuckle in response. He continues quickly, and you're happy to let him talk more for the moment, curious where this topic might lead.
<span class="letho">"It was… intense. But also fun. I…"</span> Letho makes a big show of looking anywhere except your face, and you're expecting more but as the silence grows longer, you realize that he's lost the courage to keep talking about it for the moment. Deciding to not push him too hard about the changes he experienced, you lean back with a smile.
After a few moments of silence, you gently push the topic in a safer direction, and quickly Letho starts to relax, the conversation starting up once more. The atmosphere lighter than before, the time spent together passes quickly, and eventually Letho starts to make excuses about needing to leave.
Allowing him to go for now, you almost miss his whispered invitation to visit him at his room sometime. Turning to make sure you heard him right, you see the blush on his face once more, and know that you did.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Commons_Archives_Educational">>
<<if starGame.npcs.getStat('letho_affinity') < 25>>
<<npcStatIncrease "letho_affinity" 1>>
<<snotify "info">>Letho appreciated spending time with you.<</snotify>>
<<npcFactSet "letho_stage1_archives" true>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/library.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/maki/expressions/happy_uniform.webp"/>
<<reaction "maki" "Reaction_Maki">>\
Spotting you as you approach, she gives you a characteristic smile and nod. Noticing that she's not in uniform for once, you make a casual comment about it being her being off shift, earning a giggle from her.
<span class="maki">"Surely you don't want to only see me in the maid uniform."</span> She teases, and you take the good natured ribbing well, smiling as you exchange some banter with her. Contrary to her behavior when she's working, she seems more comfortable with you now, not shying away from your direct gaze and smiling more openly.
Curious about what she was watching in VR, you ask her, and are quickly caught in a breakdown of the latest episode of her favorite shows, her descriptions and impersonations solidly capturing your attention while she talks. Soon you realize that you know more about the characters and events of the latest episode than the entire show in general, and you make a comment that you'll need to start watching the show sometime to be able to understand what Maki is telling you.
Her stunned expression is quickly replaced with excitement, and you fend off her statements that she'll have to have the series with you sometime with vague promises for the not quite immediate future. Satisfied, she leaves with a smile on her face, and you wonder if you should start preparing for a binge watch session. Shaking your head slightly, you decide to worry about that later, turning your attention back to the archival hall around you.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Commons_Archives_Leisure">>
<<if starGame.npcs.getStat('maki_affinity') < 25>>
<<npcStatIncrease "maki_affinity" 1>>
<<snotify "info">>Maki appreciated spending time with you.<</snotify>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/library.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/maki/expressions/happy_uniform.webp"/>
<<reaction "maki" "Reaction_Maki">>\
You notice Maki is holding a pair of VR headsets. You know enough about the design to know it's for a duo virtual experience, and you give her a confirming smile and nod. She excitedly leads you to one of the VR pods, the seating inside giving enough space for four people. Donning the VR equipment and linking, you wait to see what program you'll be loaded into with no small degree of anticipation.
As a vast maze constructs itself from the ground around you, you realize that Maki is holding your arm, watching the maze expand around you with a small sense of shock. She gives you a nervous smile, and reassures you that she knows a trick for navigating mazes easily. Instructing you to not get separated from you, she confidently leads you into the maze, her left hand on the left wall. Playing along for now, you spend the next few minutes content to be guided through the maze by the normally shy and timid girl.
Eventually you realize that the maze has defense measures against her tactic, as you see a segment of the maze restructure itself out of the corner of your eye, and you point it out to her. Unexpectedly, she panics a little more than you expected her to, and after a good ten minutes reassuring her that no maze is unsolvable, you take the lead in finding the way out.
Soon you find yourself internally cursing the designer of the maze program, as what should have been a simple find the exit slowly devolves into a game of hot and cold as you collect RFID tagged password numbers with a tracking device you found at the locked exit gate. Added in the moving passages and self-rearranging maze, what should have been a simple thirty minute adventure slowly morphs into a nearly two hour ordeal, and when you and Maki finally make your way out of the labyrinth, the two of you hug in triumph, a yell of success leaving your mouth.
Realizing the close proximity of each other a moment later, Maki practically jumps out of your arms, blushing furiously as she apologies for her unprofessional behavior. You manage to reassure her that it's not a problem, but she refuses to meet your eyes and her cheeks stay flushed, even after the two of you leave the VR program. She tells you once more that she had fun before excusing herself and leaving you alone in the archives once more.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Commons_Archives_Leisure">>
<<if starGame.npcs.getStat('maki_affinity') < 25>>
<<npcStatIncrease "maki_affinity" 1>>
<<snotify "info">>Maki appreciated spending time with you.<</snotify>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/academy/library.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
Sitting in the VR pod, you skim the selection of movies and media before noticing that there are pornographic materials available on the list. Deciding that the pod is private enough, you pick one of the movies at random, leaning back into your seat to enjoy the show.
As the scene plays out in front of you, you realize that you've accidentally picked a compilation of hand and blowjobs. While the compilation has some really good and some really bad clips, you slowly realize that you're not actually enjoying this one as much as you thought you would. Allowing indecision to take over, you start flipping through different videos looking for something that you really like the look of and you wonder if you're wasting your own time now. As you switch off the video, preparing to leave the VR pod, you feel a warm sensation slide over you.
Pausing momentarily, you have a feeling that someone is waiting for you right on the other side of the VR pods door.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Open the door" "Commons_Archives_Zara_Stage1_Accept">><</slink>>
<<slink "Wait a bit" "Commons_Archives_Zara_Stage1_Refuse">><</slink>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/library.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/zara/expressions/happy_dress.webp"/>
Telling yourself that you're merely being paranoid, you open the pod to leave, instead nearly freezing in place as you come face to face with Instructor Zara, her golden eyes locked on yours. Before you can react or say anything, she pushes past you into the VR pod, waving to the seat. Feeling oddly compelled, you take a seat, closing the VR pod behind you both. As you look up at her, she gives a smile and you suddenly realize the situation.
Shaking your head, you start trying to come up with an explanation of what you were doing when she leans over, placing a finger on your lips, shushing you. As you wait for her to move, you realize that that warm sensation is creeping down your spine again. Shaking your head, it vanishes, and Zara gives you a smile.
<span class="zara">"I think we should stop here for today. But if you're ever curious about what may happen, come find me sometime."</span> She says in her lilting voice, closing your hand around a keycard. She leaves the VR pod silently, the door closing behind her. You spend a few moments in the pod trying to piece together what just happened, and as you look down at the keycard in your hand you see that it's a door key for one of the instructor rooms.
Leaving the pod in a daze, you return to the hall before anything else may happen.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Commons_Archives_Leisure">>
<<npcFactSet "archives_zara_stage1" true>>
<<additem "item_quest_zararoom_card" 1 true>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/academy/library.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
Deciding to listen to your gut feeling, you wait a few minutes longer before opening the door, the warm sensation finally fading. Leaving the pod, you decide to put your moment of paranoia out of your mind.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Commons_Archives_Leisure">>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/library.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/zara/expressions/happy_dress.webp"/>
Approaching Zara with a smile, you are greeted with a warm smile, and she quickly decides to ask you for suggestions on what is worth reading. Obliging her request, you and her wander the bookshelves, with you making several suggestions of books that you've enjoyed in the past, or have been meaning to get to reading.
She chooses one, seemingly at random, before saying that if it's recommended by you, it must be worth reading. You half expect the interaction to end there, when she instead guides you to a nearby table, making you sit alongside her. She quickly strikes up a conversation about books and literature in general, and you are sucked into an enjoyable discourse about the differences between Human and Caelorian literature.
Time passes faster than you thought, and Zara suddenly realizes that she's late for a meeting. Rushing off with only a hurried goodbye, she leaves you to return the books she had been choosing from to their places.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Commons_Archives_Leisure">>
<<if starGame.npcs.getStat('zara_affinity') < 25>>
<<npcStatIncrease "zara_affinity" 1>>
<<snotify "info">>Zara appreciated spending time with you.<</snotify>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/library.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/zara/expressions/happy_dress.webp"/>
Zara gives you a smile as you approach, her hands tracing over the different books available here. You notice that she's looking at the stylized histories of humanity, and deciding that you might as well talk about something she's interested in, you point it out to her.
Her face practically lights up when you do, and she quickly falls into an excited rant about ancient human mythology and religion, and you're somewhat surprised by how much she knows. You're regaled with comparisons between norse myth and how similar they are to some Caelorian mythology in turn, and you can see why she became a xenobiologist and applied to the academy in turn.
Time passes very quickly, the excited alien babbling happily and you mostly listen, enjoying the conversation and passion in her words. Eventually however, she starts to slow down, realizing that she's talked for long, and growing shy. You reassure her that she doesn't need to feel bad, and as the two of you spend a few minutes in comfortable silence, you point out that you'll have to leave now unfortunately, and she nods, a smile on her face as she walks out of the archives alongside you.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Commons_Archives_Leisure">>
<<if starGame.npcs.getStat('zara_affinity') < 25>>
<<npcStatIncrease "zara_affinity" 1>>
<<snotify "info">>Zara appreciated spending time with you.<</snotify>>
<div class="card solid card-nav">
<div class="row">
<div class="card-body p-0">
<div class="row d-flex">
<<slink "Commons" "Hub_Commons" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "ti ti-door-exit" "">>
<<startplaylist "playlist_exploration_soft">>
<<if starGame.time.getCurrentPeriod() is 4>>
<<slink "Sit in a quiet corner" "" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu disabled" "ti ti-clock" "">><</slink>>
<<if starGame.player.isWearingJapaneseUniform() is true and starGame.player.getStat('cafe_weeb') is undefined or starGame.player.getStat('cafe_weeb') < 2>>
/% It's weeb time %/
<<if starGame.player.getStat('cafe_weeb') > 0>>
<<slink "Sit in a quiet corner" "Commons_Cafe_Weeb2" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "ti ti-clock" "">><</slink>>
<<slink "Sit in a quiet corner" "Commons_Cafe_Weeb1" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "ti ti-clock" "">><</slink>>
<<slink "Sit in a quiet corner" "" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "ti ti-clock" "">>
<<scene "Commons_Cafe_QuietCorner1">>
<<scene "Commons_Cafe_QuietCorner2">>
<<scene "Commons_Cafe_QuietCorner3">>
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('orientation_d3_cafe_note_read') is true>>
<<if starGame.time.getCurrentPeriod() is 4 or starGame.player.hasInteraction('cafe_privatebooth') is true or starGame.npcs.getFact('maki_stage1_decline') is true>>
<<slink "Private Booth" "" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu disabled" "ti ti-clock" "">><</slink>>
<<if starGame.quests.isQuestActive('story_maki_stage1') is true>>
<<slink "Private Booth" "Commons_Cafe_PrivateBooth_Confront" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "ti ti-clock" "">><</slink>>
<<slink "Private Booth" "" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "ti ti-clock" "">>
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('maki_cafe_fluff1') is undefined and starGame.utils.hasOccurence(0.25) is true>>
<<goto "Commons_Cafe_Maki_Fluff1">>
<<elseif starGame.npcs.getFact('maki_cafe_fluff2') is undefined and starGame.utils.hasOccurence(0.25) is true>>
<<goto "Commons_Cafe_Maki_Fluff2">>
<<goto "Commons_Cafe_PrivateBooth">>
/% Office Access %/
<<if starGame.player.getFact('maid_intro_visited') is true>>
<<if starGame.player.getFact('maid_accept') is false>>
/% Didn't yet accept the offer, or was under the effects of a mod %/
<<slink "Office" "MaidWorld_Intro2_Return" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "" "">><</slink>>
<<if starGame.player.hasInteraction('jobmaid') is true>>
<<slink "Office" "" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu disabled" "ti ti-clock" "">>
<<snotify "info">>You've already worked a shift today. Come back tomorrow.<</snotify>>
<<elseif starGame.effects.hasFrailty() is true>>
<<slink "Office" "" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu disabled" "ti ti-clock" "">>
<<snotify "info">>You're currently under the effects of a temporary mod and cannot work a shift.<</snotify>>
<<stimelink "Office" "MaidWorld_Cafe_Office" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "ti ti-clock" "">>
starGame.inventory.equipItem('item_clothing_exotic_maid_uniform', true, true);
<div class="navigation-container">\
<img src="resources/img/locations/commons/maidcafe.webp"/>
<<if starGame.time.getCurrentPeriod() < 4>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/maki/expressions/happy_maid.webp"/>
<<if starGame.player.hasInteraction('cafe_interaction') is not true and starGame.time.getCurrentPeriod() is 3>>
<<if starGame.time.getCurrentDay() is 'Friday'>>
/% Ann %/
<img class="exp-left-45" src="resources/img/characters/main/ann/expressions/happy_uniform.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.time.getCurrentDay() is 'Monday'>>
/% Edward & Valerie %/
<img class="exp-left-45" src="resources/img/characters/main/edward/expressions/happy_uniform.webp"/>
<img class="exp-vertical-flip exp-left-10" src="resources/img/characters/main/valerie/expressions/happy_uniform.webp"/>
/% Zara story encounter %/
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('zara_stage1_cafe') is not true and starGame.npcs.getFact('zara_stage1_cafe_notify') is true>>
<img class="exp-left-20" src="resources/img/characters/main/zara/expressions/happy_dress.webp"/>
<<if starGame.npcs.getStat('diane_affinity') >= 0 and starGame.npcs.getFact('diane_cafe') is not 1>>
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('diane_ncmend') is true or starGame.npcs.getFact('diane_intro_sex') is not false>>
<img class="exp-left-25" src="resources/img/characters/main/diane/expressions/happy_civilian.webp"/>
<<if starGame.npcs.getStat('curie_affinity') >= 0 and starGame.npcs.getFact('curie_cafe') is not 1>>
<img class="exp-left-40" src="resources/img/characters/main/curie/expressions/neutral_civilian.webp"/>
<<if starGame.player.getFact('job_lab_daniella_accepted') is true and starGame.npcs.getFact('daniella_cafe') is not 1>>
<img class="exp-right-15" src="resources/img/characters/side/daniella/expressions/neutral_uniform.webp"/>
<<box "choicebox">>
/% Daily Interactions %/
<<if starGame.player.hasInteraction('cafe_interaction') is not true and starGame.time.getCurrentPeriod() is 3>>
<<if starGame.time.getCurrentDay() is 'Friday'>>
/% Ann %/
<<slink "Join Ann" "Commons_Cafe_Ann">><</slink>>
<<elseif starGame.time.getCurrentDay() is 'Monday'>>
/% Edward and Valerie %/
<<slink "Join Edward and Valerie" "Commons_Cafe_Edward">><</slink>>
/% SQ1: Zara Cafe %/
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('zara_stage1_cafe') is not true and starGame.npcs.getFact('zara_stage1_cafe_notify') is true>>
<<slink "Join Zara" "Commons_Cafe_Zara_Stage1">><</slink>>
/% Diane random encounters %/
<<if starGame.npcs.getStat('diane_affinity') >= 0 and starGame.npcs.getFact('diane_cafe') is not 1>>
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('diane_ncmend') is true or starGame.npcs.getFact('diane_intro_sex') is not false>>
/% Locked until relationship is mended %/
<<slink "Join Diane" "Commons_Cafe_Diane1">>
<<npcFactSet "diane_cafe" 1>>
/% Curie fluff at cafe %/
<<if starGame.npcs.getStat('curie_affinity') >= 0 and starGame.npcs.getFact('curie_cafe') is not 1>>
<<slink "Join Curie" "Commons_Cafe_Curie1">><</slink>>
/% Curie fluff at cafe %/
<<if starGame.player.getFact('job_lab_daniella_accepted') is true and starGame.npcs.getFact('daniella_cafe') is not 1>>
<<slink "Join Daniella" "Commons_Cafe_Daniella1">><</slink>>
<<if starGame.time.getCurrentPeriod() is 4>>\
The cafe is already closed when you arrive, the dark interior telling you that even the staff that clean have left already. You'll have to come back again tomorrow.
<<if starGame.player.getFact('visit_cafe') is true>>\
The uniformed staff give you a polite bow when you approach, and Maki gives you a smile as she guides you into the cafe. As she goes to fetch a menu, she leaves you to pick a seat for yourself again. You know that if you want privacy there are booths tucked away in the corner of the cafe, or if you don't mind your friends joining you there are larger tables in the center of the cafe.
The atmosphere of this part of the Academy grounds is relaxed and calming, with various open areas and plenty of small gardens and plant features to help set the mood. As you walk through the pathways, you soon find yourself standing in front of the Among the Stars cafe, the different servers here wearing maid uniforms and giving you a polite bow as you approach.
None of them step forward to help you at first, and Maki approaches you with a smile. Guiding you into the cafe with a smile, she lets you take a moment to decide where you'll sit while she goes and fetches a menu for you. Taking a look around you see there are places where you can sit comfortably alone, nestled in a private corner of the cafe, or larger tables near the center that seem to attract visitors and companions.
<<playerFactSet "visit_cafe" true>>\
<<if starGame.player.hasInteraction('cafe_interaction') is not true and starGame.time.getCurrentPeriod() is 3>>\
<<if starGame.time.getCurrentDay() is 'Friday'>>
/% Ann %/\
You're slightly surprised to see Lieutenant Ann sitting at one of the larger tables.
<<elseif starGame.time.getCurrentDay() is 'Monday'>>
/% Edward & Valerie %/\
You see Edward and Valerie talking softly at a table.
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('zara_stage1_cafe') is not true and starGame.npcs.getFact('zara_stage1_cafe_notify') is true>>
/% SQ1: Zara Cafe %/\
You're somewhat surprised to see Zara here, sitting alone at one of the private booths. When she spots you, she pats the seat next to her invitingly.
<<if starGame.npcs.getStat('diane_affinity') >= 0 and starGame.npcs.getFact('diane_cafe') is not 1>>\
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('diane_ncmend') is true or starGame.npcs.getFact('diane_intro_sex') is not false>>\
/% Locked until relationship is mended %/\
Stepping into the cafe, you see Diane give you a small wave from where she's sitting, clearly inviting you over as she follows it up with a warm smile. Giving her a friendly smile back so that she knows you've seen her, you briefly scan the dinner for a moment. Maki hangs back for the moment, clearly waiting to see if you'll join Diane or not.
<<if starGame.npcs.getStat('curie_affinity') >= 0 and starGame.npcs.getFact('curie_cafe') is not 1>>\
Curie is here, alone in a corner booth for the time being, and from her posture, you can tell she's not expecting company.
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('daniella_cafe') is not 1>>\
Much to your surprise, you see Daniella alone in a booth. Her body language tells you that she wouldn't mind some company, even if she is seemingly content alone.
<img src="resources/img/locations/commons/maidcafe.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/ann/expressions/happy_uniform.webp"/>
<<reaction "ann" "Reaction_Ann">>\
Approaching Ann quietly, you grimace when she spots you, instantly calling out to you and waving for you to join her. As you trade greetings, Maki approaches to take over the table service, and you can see the two of them evaluate each other uneasily. Making introductions between the two, you slowly guide the conversation to more relaxed topics, with Ann quickly asking questions about your academy life and classes.
As the two of you eat leisurely, you can't help but notice that Maki continues to watch Ann like a hawk. Wondering if it's just jealousy or curiosity you put it out of your mind for now, focusing instead on the conversation with Ann. After the customary exchanges of how things are going, you quickly fall into a comfortable cycle of questions and answers, and you even manage to prompt her into talking about her career serving as your fathers aide in the fleet.
Eventually the conversation winds down, and as the two of you decide to leave the cafe for now, Maki quickly appears to walk you out.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Commons_Cafe">>
<<if starGame.npcs.getStat('ann_affinity') < 25>>
<<npcStatIncrease "ann_affinity" 1>>
<<snotify "info">>Ann appreciated spending time with you.<</snotify>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/commons/maidcafe.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/curie/expressions/happy_civilian.webp"/>
<<reaction "curie" "Reaction_Curie">>\
Curie flashes you an easy smile as you slip into the seat opposite her, and from the casual confidence that accompanies her demeanor, you know that there won't be any strange dynamics of your relationship at play for now. She quickly waves her server over, ordering drinks for you as she gives you a flirtatious wink.
Shaking your head at her behavior, you sink into the seat with a smile, drumming your fingers lightly against the table before you decide to ask her about her plans for after graduating the Academy. You're not surprised in the slightest when she answers almost instantly, telling you about her dreams to explore the stars with a cruiser of her own, painting a picture of dashing heroics and romantic adventures.
She does however, quickly flip the story back to you, and you're left trading dreams of the future with her, the two of you laughing as you dream up impossible scenarios that you would like to one day encounter, alongside fantastically impossible worlds. Time passes quickly as you get lost in your stories, and it's only when you realize that the cafe is steadily growing quiet that you've perhaps overstayed your welcome.
Walking with Curie to the door, you tell yourself that you'll definitely need to spend more time with her like this in the future, even as you watch her glide into the academy commons without you.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Commons_Cafe">>
<<npcFactSet "curie_cafe" 1>>
<<if starGame.npcs.getStat('curie_affinity') < 25>>
<<npcStatIncrease "curie_affinity" 1>>
<<snotify "info">>Curie appreciated spending time with you.<</snotify>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/commons/maidcafe.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/side/daniella/expressions/happy_uniform.webp"/>
<<reaction "curie" "Reaction_Curie">>\
You're surprised to see Daniella on the Starwatch Campus, but it's the look of surprise she gives you that makes you laugh. Deciding that you might as well see what's happening here, you slide into the booth with a smile, the doctor giving you a wordless stare as she watches you invite yourself to her table. When you're finally seated across from her she speaks, her voice low.
<span class="daniella">"Got a habit of inviting yourself to other people's tables?"</span>
Despite her words, her tone is friendly, and you tease her back, telling her that she had plenty of time to tell you to stop. She scowls at you playfully, and you lean back into the seat, getting comfy.
<span class="daniella">"Of course the one time I decide to visit the maid cafe, I get caught by my mentee."</span> She says softly, clearly embarrassed about being seen here.
Laughing softly, you tell her to not think too much about it, considering that when you first visited here you were given a personal maid to serve you. Despite your attempt in making her feel better, she only grows more shy, her mind clearly running wild with the implications of the word service.
Deciding to steer the conversation away from the topic for the moment, you enjoy the rest of the time with her, chatting lightly as you relax. Eventually she starts looking around, and you take the hint that she's preparing to leave. Walking with her to the door, you see her off as she makes her way through the Academy grounds back to the transit station.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Commons_Cafe">>
<<npcFactSet "daniella_cafe" 1>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/diane/scenes/date/restaurant_bg.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/diane/scenes/date/restaurant_diane.webp"/>
<<reaction "diane" "Reaction_Diane">>\
Deciding to spend some time with the boisterous tomboy, you approach Diane with a smile, and she pats the seat alongside her in excitement. Dropping into the offered spot with a grunt, you watch as Maki quickly swoops in, taking over the table and making sure that your orders are placed and under control as per usual.
Watching the maid leave, you turn your attention back to Diane, only to find her watching you already, a hint of mischief in her eyes. Before you can start to guess at the reason for it, she leans in conspiratorially.
<span class="diane">"Have you been fucking the maids too?"</span> She asks in a whisper, catching you slightly off guard. A surprised cough escapes your lips, and as you look at her you can tell she's enjoying the moment before she smacks your arm with a laugh.
<span class="diane">"Just a joke. I've heard rumors about how some nobles have their own personal maids here, and seeing how that one is so protective of you, it makes me wonder if there's any truth to some of the spicier stories I've heard."</span>
Relaxing slightly as you realize Diane is just teasing you, you lean back into the seat, and subtly switch the course of the conversation, encouraging her to talk more about herself with you.
As you both fall into a comfortable conversation about her, you quickly find out that she's part of a relatively large family, and the only one who managed to actually pass the selection for the Academy. She already knows you didn't have the same issues, so you decide to focus on her dreams and hopes, finding out that she's part of the fighter course, and planning to switch to a more specialized one next year.
Given her fiery personality, you're not surprised at all to hear that she's leaning towards mech or atmospheric combat. For a moment you can clearly picture Diane in the cockpit of a mech as it dashes through enemy lines, before her gentle voice draws you back to the moment.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('diane_sexfriend') is true>>
<<slink "Continue" "Commons_Cafe_Diane1_End_Relationship">><</slink>>
<<slink "Continue" "Commons_Cafe_Diane1_End_Normal">><</slink>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/diane/scenes/date/restaurant_bg.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/diane/scenes/date/restaurant_diane.webp"/>
Diane taps the table gently as she checks the time, before a frown settles onto her face. <span class="diane">"Have you ever had plans with someone, only they never get back to you about being ready and waiting?"</span>
You tell her that it's happened to you more than once, and you share a few stories as you watch Diane decide if she wants to stay or leave. You don't wait long however before she comes to a decision and as she shoots you an apologetic smile, you give her an understanding nod.
<span class="diane">"I need to go check. Thanks for spending time with me."</span> She gives you a friendly push, before pulling you against her in a tight hug.
Standing and leaving with a smile, she shoots you a friendly smile from over her shoulder before she leaves the cafe, and you lean back in the seat, wondering if you should leave the cafe as well yet or not.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Commons_Cafe">>
<<npcStatIncrease "diane_affinity" 1>>
<<snotify "info">>Diane appreciated spending time with you.<</snotify>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/diane/scenes/date/restaurant_bg.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/diane/scenes/date/restaurant_diane.webp"/>
<span class="diane">"Before I go… want some love and affection?"</span> She speaks in a low husky voice, her eyes running down your body to your crotch as she does, a hint of lust in her eyes already.
From the way one of her hands drops to rest on your thigh, rubbing against your leg gently, there's no confusion in what she's offering you.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Accept" "Commons_Cafe_Diane1_End_Relationship_Accept">>
<<npcFactSet "diane_cafe_handjob" true>>
<<slink "Decline" "Commons_Cafe_Diane1_End_Relationship_Decline">>
<<npcFactSet "diane_cafe_handjob" false>>
<<if starGame.player.isShemale()>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/diane/scenes/date/m_bg.webp"/>
<<if starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'black'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/diane/scenes/date/s_black_handjob.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'tan'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/diane/scenes/date/s_tan_handjob.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/diane/scenes/date/s_fair_handjob.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.hasPenis()>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/diane/scenes/date/m_bg.webp"/>
<<if starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'black'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/diane/scenes/date/m_black_handjob.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'tan'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/diane/scenes/date/m_tan_handjob.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/diane/scenes/date/m_fair_handjob.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/diane/scenes/date/f_bg.webp"/>
<<if starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'black'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/diane/scenes/date/f_black_finger.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'tan'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/diane/scenes/date/f_tan_finger.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/diane/scenes/date/f_fair_finger.webp"/>
Telling Diane that you could do with some affection, you feel her hand work your lower clothes, quickly making sure that she can get where she's needed with a few practiced movements, her eyes scanning the surroundings as she leans against you, a meaningless conversation escaping her lips as she starts to tease you with her touch.
<<if starGame.player.hasPenis() is true>>\
Her fingers are cool against your rapidly hardening cock, and as she lightly runs them over your length, gently stroking and exploring it, you can feel your heart rate rising. You're not sitting in one of the private booths, so you need to control your appearance to prevent being noticed, and while Diane is being subtle, you never know when Maki might decide to check on you.
Your eyes fixed firmly on the maids in the cafe, you focus on keeping an outwardly calm appearance as you take part in Diane's conversation, her hand gripping you firmly yet gently as she begins to stroke you under the table, a slight catch in her voice revealing that she's enjoying the scenario as much as you are. As her strokes start to get firmer and more confident, you raise your glass to your mouth, masking a groan as she expertly handles your tool, her fingers finding your most sensitive spots, drawing soft gasps from you as she does.
It's not long before you can feel your orgasm building, but to your frustration, Diane gives you a evil smirk as she slows down, allowing you some breathing space but also delaying your release as she teases you, her fingers lubed up by your precum as she slowly and gently jacks you off, the public setting slowly being ignored as she gives you a soft kiss on the cheek.
Involuntarily bucking your hips, your body tells her that you're more than ready for the fun to resume, and she gives you a knowing smile as she starts to stroke you more eagerly, the clear lust in her eyes telling you that the situation is working for her. Simply leaning back into the chair to allow Diane to keep pleasuring you, you close your eyes as you feel your orgasm approach, her frantic strokes pushing you ever closer to edge. When you feel your body tense up, the first spurts of cum shooting out over her hand, you only barely manage to prevent yourself from making sounds.
As Diane finishes stroking you, she gently and neatly redresses your lower half, and giving you a wink, licks her fingers clean with a barely disguised moan of pleasure. Still recovering from her treatment, you can only watch as she leaves the cafe with a smile, her exaggerated stride meant to enhance the view of her leaving you behind for now.
Diane wastes no time, her fingers eagerly separating your pussy lips as she starts to tease you, her fingers gently running through you as she tells you to keep your breathing and moans under control. Not being in one of the private booths means you could be caught at any moment, and as you fix your gaze on Maki and the other maid servers, you almost let out a moan as Diane slides a finger inside you, curling it against your pussy walls eagerly.
Thinking about how it's cruel to tell you to control your breathing and then try to force you to make a mistake, you are almost caught off guard when her thumb traces your clit, the extra sensation from the contact forcing you to muffle your moan with a rushed sip of your drink. Glaring at Diane for her actions, you're treated to an innocent sounding giggle as she slides another finger into you, her movements growing in confidence as you manage to keep a calm facade up.
You can feel your orgasm approaching quickly, the public nature of the play pushing you closer to the edge faster than you expected it to, and as Diane feels you tense up, you can feel her fingers working more frantically as they find your g-spot, an intense shiver of pleasure running through you as she does. An evil smile settles onto Diane's face with the realization of what she's done, and as your body tenses up, you find yourself hoping that the sounds of your juices leaking out onto the cafe floor can't be heard by others.
You barely have time to recover from your first orgasm as the second hits you, Diane's lips gently brushing your cheek as she takes a moment to tease you more openly. You can barely keep your moans and breathing under control by the time she suddenly pulls out of you, the unexpected emptiness and relief catching you off guard as the third orgasm hits you, harder than the previous two, your fluids practically rushing out of you now.
Diane casually licks her fingers and hand clean, before she quickly redresses your lower half, a smile dancing across her lips as she leaves you alone to recover, the floor beneath you spattered with your juices. You can only watch as she leaves the cafe, her exaggerated movements giving you something to watch as she goes.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Leave" "Commons_Cafe">>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<saudio "bgm_zone_cafe" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.25>>
<<npcStatIncrease "diane_affinity" 1>>
<<snotify "info">>Diane appreciated spending time with you.<</snotify>>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<saudio "bgm_sex5" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.25>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/diane/scenes/date/restaurant_bg.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/diane/scenes/date/restaurant_diane.webp"/>
<span class="diane">"Ah, that's a shame. Maybe next time."</span> Diane gives you a gentle kiss on the cheek before standing, making sure to brush against your body as she does.
Smiling at her antics, you admire her body as she makes her way from the cafe, her exaggerated stride clearly being done for your viewing pleasure.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Commons_Cafe">>
<<npcStatIncrease "diane_affinity" 1>>
<<snotify "info">>Diane appreciated spending time with you.<</snotify>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/commons/maidcafe.webp"/>
<<if starGame.npcs.getStat('edward_affinity') < 0>>
<img class="exp-left-45" src="resources/img/characters/main/edward/expressions/angry_uniform.webp"/>
<img class="exp-left-45" src="resources/img/characters/main/edward/expressions/happy_uniform.webp"/>
<img class="exp-vertical-flip exp-left-10" src="resources/img/characters/main/valerie/expressions/happy_uniform.webp"/>
<<if starGame.npcs.getStat('edward_affinity') >= 0>>\
<<reaction "edward" "Reaction_Edward">>\
<<reaction "valerie" "Reaction_Valerie">>\
<<if starGame.npcs.getStat('edward_affinity') < 0>>\
/% Unfriendly Edward %/\
Edward and Valerie are locked in a pleasant conversation, and as you approach, Valerie spots you giving you a small wave. Prompted by her movement, Edward looks up, and gives you a dark scowl as he recognizes you. Noticing the change in atmosphere at once, Maki and Valerie both act in unison, with Maki leading you to a separate table in the private section while Valerie stops Edward from causing a scene.
Considering raising the privacy screen to take a nap, you decide to tough it out for now, allowing the pleasant melodies of the cafe to wash over you. Maki checks in on you quietly, and perhaps sensing your current mellow state, leaves you alone without making a sound.
Deciding to simply embrace the zen of the moment, you spend some time relaxedly sipping on a drink and simply existing. Time passes quickly, despite the feeling that it's not moving at all, and when more cadets start to file into the cafe, the sense of peace slowly breaking, you decide to finish up and leave. Maki clears your table, and with a polite bow sends you off.
Edward and Valerie are locked in a pleasant conversation, and as you approach, Valerie spots you giving you a small wave. Prompted by her movement, Edward looks up, and gives you a polite nod as he recognizes you. After exchanging some greetings, the duo invite you to join their table.
Deciding to join them, you take a seat, and Maki quickly appears, replacing Edwards assistant as the waitress in charge of the table quietly. As the three of you enjoy a pleasant conversation about nothing in particular, Maki quietly delivers food and drinks. Edward remarks on the fact that even your assistants outrank his own and you wave it off with a smile. The rest of your time spent with the noble duo is punctuated with jokes and stories, and some carefully masked familial politics.
Eventually you make your excuses to leave, Edward and Valerie both following suit. As you leave, Maki walks you out, subtly highlighting the greater importance placed on you than your companions. You know that she's doing it on purpose, but you can't help but roll your eyes at it anyway.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<if starGame.npcs.getStat('edward_affinity') < 0>>
<<slink "Continue" "Commons_Cafe">>
<<slink "Continue" "Commons_Cafe">>
<<if starGame.npcs.getStat('edward_affinity') < 25>>
<<npcStatIncrease "edward_affinity" 1>>
<<snotify "info">>Edward appreciated spending time with you.<</snotify>>
<<if starGame.npcs.getStat('valerie_affinity') < 25>>
<<npcStatIncrease "valerie_affinity" 1>>
<<snotify "info">>Valerie appreciated spending time with you.<</snotify>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/maki/scenes/cafe_sitting_bg.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/maki/scenes/cafe_sitting.webp"/>
Sitting alone at your table, you wave Maki over with a friendly smile, intent on giving the maid a few minutes to breathe and just relax. Telling her to sit, you lean into your seat opposite her and ask her how things are going recently, only for her to slump over onto the table unexpectedly. Before you can start to worry, she holds a hand up, her voice carrying faintly to you.
<span class="maki">"So tired."</span>
You resist the urge to laugh, knowing how that feels. Patting her shoulder gently, you decide to save the small talk for another time, giving her time to just exist for a few minutes without any expectations or duties. Eventually she breaks the silence, talking about classes and other daily occurrences. Time passes quickly as you idly chat, the cafe slowly emptying out while Maki rests at your table.
Eventually however, she starts to neaten herself up, fidgeting slightly in her seat, and you let her go, catching the hint she's putting out. Watching her walk away with a renewed spring in her step, you tell yourself that you'll have to check in with her more often, giving her a chance to rest.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Commons_Cafe">>
<<npcFactSet "maki_cafe_fluff1" true>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/maki/scenes/cafe_sitting_bg.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/maki/scenes/cafe_sitting.webp"/>
Sitting at your booth alone, you wait for Maki to check on you, placing an order for both of you and telling her to come join you for a meal when it's ready. She flashes you a grateful smile, leaving you temporarily to fetch the orders. When she returns a few minutes later, she slides into the seat opposite you with a grin.
<span class="maki">"Trying to seduce me with food and good company?"</span> She teases, nudging your hand gently as she continues. <span class="maki">"Because it's working."</span>
Laughing along with her, you settle into the booth, enjoying Maki's company as you eat. Falling into a comfortable silence as you spend time together, you have to admit that the food here is good as always, but somehow tastes even better now that you're eating with Maki. Eventually you both finish your meal, and as a light conversation about nothing in particular starts up, you find yourself laughing along with her as she tells you stories about what it's like to work in the cafe.
However, before long the conversation begins to peter out, and you decide to walk with Maki to the door, giving her a gentle hug goodbye as you leave the cafe after a pleasant time spent together.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Commons_Cafe">>
<<npcFactSet "maki_cafe_fluff2" true>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/maki/scenes/cafe_sitting_bg.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/maki/scenes/cafe_sitting.webp"/>
When Maki brings your drink, you wave for her to sit across from you, raising the privacy screen as you do. She raises an eyebrow at you, and you give her an innocent smile, which only seems to tell her that your intentions are nothing but. Leaning forward she gives you a flirty smile, before speaking softly.
<span class="maki">"And what can I do for you today, sir."</span> Her tone is sultry, and you can't help but wonder if she's been waiting for you to ask for her services. Telling her that you'd like her to help you relieve some tension, she gives you a knowing smirk.
<span class="maki">"It would be my pleasure."</span> She shifts slightly, and you feel her foot rub against your leg.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Footjob" "Commons_Cafe_PrivateBooth_Footjob">><</slink>>
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('maki_cafe_reveal') is not true>>
<<slink "Handjob" "Commons_Cafe_PrivateBooth_Handjob_FirstTime">><</slink>>
<<slink "Handjob" "Commons_Cafe_PrivateBooth_Handjob">><</slink>>
/% MC likes our resident femboy %/
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('maki_stage1_accept') is true>>
<<slink "Anal Sex" "Commons_Cafe_PrivateBooth_Anal">><</slink>>
<<if starGame.player.hasVagina()>>
<<if starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'black'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/maki/scenes/footjob/f_black.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'tan'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/maki/scenes/footjob/f_tan.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/maki/scenes/footjob/f_fair.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.isShemale()>>
<<if starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'black'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/maki/scenes/footjob/s_black.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'tan'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/maki/scenes/footjob/s_tan.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/maki/scenes/footjob/s_fair.webp"/>
<<if starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'black'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/maki/scenes/footjob/m_black.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'tan'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/maki/scenes/footjob/m_tan.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/maki/scenes/footjob/m_fair.webp"/>
The touch of her foot against your leg has sent an electric shock through your body, and as she shifts to move around the table next to you, you stop her, a smile on your face. Telling her to relieve your stress from where she is, you see her give you a naughty smirk back, as you feel her other foot against your crotch as well. A glance down shows you how she's skillfully undoing your clothes to access your groin.
<<if starGame.player.hasPenis()>>\
Moments later, your dick is exposed to the world, her soft feet wrapped around your shaft. Her eyes don't leave your face as she starts stroking your dick, a smirk on her face as you lean back into the seat, allowing her to work her magic on you. Her feet prove to be quite dextrous, as she continues to stroke you, her delicate soles slowly driving you towards the edge. A soft groan escapes your lips, and you see an evil glint enter her eyes as she eases off slightly. You realize that she's trying to tease you, but you decide that you're not going to let her take charge right now.
Smiling innocently back at her, you grab her feet with your hands, keeping them pressed against your shaft as you start to use her as a masturbation aid. She lets out a light moan in surprise, before a more slutty, submissive moan escapes her lips. As you continue to use her feet to jack off, you see her shift in her seat, trying to hide her own arousal at your actions. Still using her, you feel your orgasm rapidly approaching, her sudden submissiveness helping you reach it faster.
Moaning softly as you cum, you hear it mirrored from her, the cum on her feet seeming to push her slightly over the edge as well. You smirk at her, using a napkin to clean yourself before redressing. Thanking her for her service, you tell her to take a few moments to compose herself before she leaves. She gives you a flustered look, her usually perfect presentation broken for once. Leaving her in the booth, you head out of the cafe for now.
As she gently teases you with her feet, a toe tracing the edges of your lips, she keeps eye contact with you, a dark gleam of desire in her eyes. She seems to enjoy teasing you like this almost as much as you enjoy her services, and you oblige for the moment, spreading your legs more and shifting your posture so that she can better massage and tease your cunt.
A shiver of pleasure runs through you as she gently yet firmly brushes against your clit, each touch causing you to squirm and moan as she expertly services you, her every movement heightening your pleasure as she keeps that sultry smirk on her face while she watches you pant and shiver. You can slowly feel your climax building, and a sudden mini orgasm washes over you as she penetrates you gently. Leaning your head back and closing your eyes, you lose yourself in focusing on her movements, each touch driving you deeper into your desires. Under your hard breathing, you can hear her softly moan as well, her thighs rubbing against each other as she gets off from the way she has you squirming. A sudden wave of pleasure courses through your body as she brings you to climax, and your body tenses up, uncontrollable spasms heightening your orgasm as your pussy tightens around her.
Eventually you relax enough for her to extract herself, a smile on her lips. She quickly cleans herself up with some napkins from the table, before making sure you look presentable again. With a light kiss on your forehead, she quickly leaves the private booth, and you leave the cafe a few minutes after, once you're certain that your breathing has calmed down enough.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Commons_Cafe">>
<<if starGame.npcs.getStat('maki_affinity') < 25>>
<<npcStatIncrease "maki_affinity" 1>>
<<snotify "info">>Maki appreciated spending time with you.<</snotify>>
<<playerFactSet "maki_cafe_sex" true>>
<<run starGame.player.setInteraction('cafe_privatebooth')>>
<<if starGame.player.hasVagina()>>
<<if starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'black'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/maki/scenes/handjob/f_black.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'tan'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/maki/scenes/handjob/f_tan.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/maki/scenes/handjob/f_fair.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.isShemale()>>
<<if starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'black'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/maki/scenes/handjob/s_black.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'tan'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/maki/scenes/handjob/s_tan.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/maki/scenes/handjob/s_fair.webp"/>
<<if starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'black'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/maki/scenes/handjob/m_black.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'tan'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/maki/scenes/handjob/m_tan.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/maki/scenes/handjob/m_fair.webp"/>
Telling her to move around the table and sit next to you, you can see from the gleam in her eyes that she already knows what you want. As she undoes your clothes, she leans against you, the warmth of her body encouraging you to touch her as well. Leaning back into the seat, you close your eyes while you wait for her service to start.
<<if starGame.player.hasPenis()>>\
Her hand quickly wraps around your hardening shaft, her fingers expertly caressing you, a shiver of pleasure running through your body. As she teasingly strokes you, you can feel her breath on your neck, and a gentle touch of her lips to your skin sends another shiver of excitement through you. Turning to kiss her back, you're slightly surprised when she stops you with a finger on your lips and a smirk on hers.
Before you can think further about it, your attention is brought back to your groin, where she continues to expertly stroke you, the light touch of her fingers against your most sensitive parts sending little ripples of pleasure through you. Again feeling her breath against your neck, you simply lean back and enjoy yourself, allowing the maid to take good care of your needs. As you slowly feel your orgasm approaching, you think about sliding a hand between her legs, but from the way she wouldn't even let you kiss her, it might not be the best move to make.
You can hear her lick her fingers before you feel them tease your pussy lips apart. A tremor of pleasure runs through you, her expert touch quickly drawing out your moans as she delicately teases you, slowly exploring your pussy while her breath on your neck tells you how close she is to you. You tilt your head back slightly, allowing her to kiss your neck, her fingers inside you sending shivers down your spine.
Breathing heavily already, you feel her fingers curl inside you, coaxing soft moans and shifts of your body as she teases you, bringing out the first small orgasm with her delicate touch. Turning your head to kiss her, you're surprised when she stops you, a pair of fingers on your lips and a smirk on her face. You can't think or complain about it before your attention is brought back to her fingers inside you, a caress of your clit driving your desire higher.
As your legs tremble and your body shakes, you feel her body against yours once more, and you think about sliding a hand between her legs, to masturbate together. She did stop you from kissing her, but it might be worth a try.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Touch" "Commons_Cafe_PrivateBooth_Handjob_FirstTime_Touch">><</slink>>
<<slink "Don't touch" "Commons_Cafe_PrivateBooth_Handjob_FirstTime_DontTouch">><</slink>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/backgrounds/cafe_private_noblur.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
Putting your hand on her thigh, she doesn't react at first, and emboldened by this, you slowly slide your hand towards her pussy, too lost in your own pleasure from her touch to really focus on her words.
Her body tenses as you reach her groin, and as you feel the bulge beneath her dress, she quickly pulls away, a muttered apology and a blushing face accompanying your slow realization that she has a dick. Before you can fully react, she leaps to her feet, leaving you alone in the private room, confusion about what just happened filling your head.
Left alone in the private booth, you redress yourself before leaving the cafe, wondering exactly what's going to happen next. You don't see Maki when you leave the booth, and a glance around reveals that she seems to have left the venue for now.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Commons_Cafe">>
<<if starGame.npcs.getStat('maki_affinity') < 25>>
<<npcStatIncrease "maki_affinity" 1>>
<<snotify "info">>Maki appreciated spending time with you.<</snotify>>
<<playerFactSet "maki_cafe_sex" true>>
<<npcFactSet "maki_cafe_reveal" true>>
<<run starGame.quests.startQuest('story_maki_stage1')>>
<<run starGame.player.setInteraction('cafe_privatebooth')>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/maki/scenes/cafe_sitting_bg.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/maki/scenes/cafe_sitting.webp"/>
Deciding to just enjoy the service, you merely lean back and close your eyes, Maki's attention paying off soon after, as you feel your climax building. Another gentle kiss on your neck tips you over the edge, and as you orgasm, your body tensing up, you can hear her whispering sweet nothings in your ear. A moan escapes your lips, and she gives you a sultry smile as she licks her fingers clean, before delicately cleaning you up and redressing your lower half.
Shifting back to the other side of the table, she spends a few more minutes lightly flirting with you, before excusing herself from the booth, returning to the cafe and leaving you alone.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Commons_Cafe">>
<<if starGame.npcs.getStat('maki_affinity') < 25>>
<<npcStatIncrease "maki_affinity" 1>>
<<snotify "info">>Maki appreciated spending time with you.<</snotify>>
<<playerFactSet "maki_cafe_sex" true>>
<<run starGame.player.setInteraction('cafe_privatebooth')>>
<<if starGame.player.hasVagina()>>
<<if starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'black'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/maki/scenes/handjob/f_black.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'tan'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/maki/scenes/handjob/f_tan.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/maki/scenes/handjob/f_fair.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.isShemale()>>
<<if starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'black'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/maki/scenes/handjob/s_black.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'tan'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/maki/scenes/handjob/s_tan.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/maki/scenes/handjob/s_fair.webp"/>
<<if starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'black'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/maki/scenes/handjob/m_black.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'tan'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/maki/scenes/handjob/m_tan.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/maki/scenes/handjob/m_fair.webp"/>
Telling her to move around the table and sit next to you, you can see from the gleam in her eyes that she already knows what you want. As she undoes your clothes, she leans against you, the warmth of her body encouraging you to touch her as well. Leaning back into the seat, you close your eyes while you wait for her service to start.
<<if starGame.player.hasPenis()>>\
Her hand quickly wraps around your hardening shaft, her fingers expertly caressing you, a shiver of pleasure running through your body. As she teasingly strokes you, you can feel her breath on your neck, and a gentle touch of her lips to your skin sends another shiver of excitement through you. Turning to kiss her back, you're slightly surprised when she stops you with a finger on your lips and a smirk on hers.
Before you can think further about it, your attention is brought back to your groin, where she continues to expertly stroke you, the light touch of her fingers against your most sensitive parts sending little ripples of pleasure through you. Again feeling her breath against your neck, you simply lean back and enjoy yourself, allowing the maid to take good care of your needs. As you slowly feel your orgasm approaching, you merely lean back and close your eyes.
Another gentle kiss on your neck tips you over the edge, and as you orgasm, your body tensing up, you can hear her whispering sweet nothings in your ear. A moan escapes your lips, and she gives you a sultry smile as she licks her fingers clean, before delicately cleaning you up and redressing your lower half. Shifting back to the other side of the table, she spends a few more minutes lightly flirting with you, before excusing herself from the booth, returning to the cafe and leaving you alone.
You can hear her lick her fingers before you feel them tease your pussy lips apart. A tremor of pleasure runs through you, her expert touch quickly drawing out your moans as she delicately teases you, slowly exploring your pussy while her breath on your neck tells you how close she is to you. You tilt your head back slightly, allowing her to kiss your neck, her fingers inside you sending shivers down your spine.
Breathing heavily already, you feel her fingers curl inside you, coaxing soft moans and shifts of your body as she teases you, bringing out the first small orgasm with her delicate touch. Turning your head to kiss her, you're surprised when she stops you, a pair of fingers on your lips and a smirk on her face. You can't think or complain about it before your attention is brought back to her fingers inside you, a caress of your clit driving your desire higher.
As your legs tremble and your body shakes, you feel her body against yours once more as she whispers sweet nothings in your ear. A moan escapes your lips, and she gives you a sultry smile as she licks her fingers clean, before delicately cleaning you up and redressing your lower half. Shifting back to the other side of the table, she spends a few more minutes lightly flirting with you, before excusing herself from the booth, returning to the cafe and leaving you alone.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Commons_Cafe">>
<<if starGame.npcs.getStat('maki_affinity') < 25>>
<<npcStatIncrease "maki_affinity" 1>>
<<snotify "info">>Maki appreciated spending time with you.<</snotify>>
<<playerFactSet "maki_cafe_sex" true>>
<<run starGame.player.setInteraction('cafe_privatebooth')>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/maki/scenes/cafe_sitting_bg.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/maki/scenes/cafe_sitting.webp"/>
Maki gives you a nervous smile when you arrive at the Cafe, and she quickly leads you to the private booth, raising the privacy screen before you can speak.
<span class="maki">"It's my own fault, I should have stopped you from touching me… but I got carried away for a moment."</span> She says shyly, before meeting your eyes, a blush spreading across her face. <span class="maki">"The truth is that I'm not actually a girl…"</span> You take a moment to see if she's going to add anything to that statement, but when she doesn't you realize that he's actually waiting for you to speak first.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Accepting" "Commons_Cafe_PrivateBooth_Confront_Accept">>
<<npcFactSet "maki_stage1_accept" true>>
<<slink "Not Accepting" "Commons_Cafe_PrivateBooth_Confront_Refuse">>
<<npcFactSet "maki_stage1_decline" true>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/maki/scenes/cafe_sitting_bg.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/maki/scenes/cafe_sitting.webp"/>
You take a deep breath before running your eyes over the maid boy. He's nervously waiting for your judgment, and you can almost see the fear that you're going to hold this against him in his eyes. After a long moment you speak, telling Maki that you're actually alright with it, and that he can relax. You're not about to hold his preferences against him, and that if he's alright with it, you both can just act like she's still your personal maid assistant, like before.
You purposefully switch the use of pronouns as you talk, making an effort to show that you're not upset, and are willing to play along with the way Maki perceives themself. Another long moment of silence echo's between the two of you, before she suddenly gives you a dazzlingly bright smile and a nod. For a moment you think you can see her tear up, but when you blink it's gone, and only the professional, eager to serve maid remains.
<span class="maki">"If that's the case, then let's do that."</span> She says with a happy voice, standing before she asks you how she can help you today.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Commons_Cafe">>
<<if starGame.npcs.getStat('maki_affinity') < 25>>
<<npcStatSet "maki_affinity" 25>>
<<snotify "info">>Maki's appreciation has greatly increased.<</snotify>>
<<playerFactSet "maki_cafe_sex" true>>
<<run starGame.player.setInteraction('cafe_privatebooth')>>
<<run starGame.quests.endQuest('story_maki_stage1')>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/backgrounds/cafe_private_noblur.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
You've had some thoughts about the situation already, and you're not sure what you feel, finding out that the maid that was personally servicing you was actually a boy pretending to be a girl this whole time. You feel slightly strange being against it, but you realize that it's tied more to trust than anything else, and you find a way to delicately put it forward that you're actually not ok with continuing the master-servant dynamic with Maki given the reveal of his true identity.
The maid boy gives you a solemn, sad nod before apologizing again, telling you that nothing changes in terms of your prepaid meals and drinks at the cafe, and that he'll talk to the management about getting a replacement servant if you wish, but that it might take some time. You're still processing that, when he gives a mix of a bow and curtsy, before leaving you alone in the private booth, a carefully neutral expression on his face.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Commons_Cafe">>
<<run starGame.player.setInteraction('cafe_privatebooth')>>
<<run starGame.quests.endQuest('story_maki_stage1')>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/maki/scenes/cafe_sitting_bg.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/maki/scenes/cafe_sitting.webp"/>
As Maki stands waiting for you to decide what you want and if you need any of her specialized services, your gaze hungrily roams over her body, as you decide that you know what you want. Activating the privacy screen with a deft touch, you pull Maki onto your lap, her total lack of resistance telling you that she's ready to serve you as you wish. Running your hands over the petite maids body, you quickly have her grinding against you.
Whispering in her ear to go fetch a few items that you'll need for what you have planned, you smile as she blushes brightly, but smooths out her uniform and leaves the booth without protest. Not wasting any time, you quickly undress, preparing to take full advantage of the maids services and holes when she returns.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Commons_Cafe_PrivateBooth_Anal2">><</slink>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/maki/scenes/anal/bg.webp"/>
<<if starGame.player.isShemale()>>
<<if starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'black'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/maki/scenes/anal/s_black.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'tan'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/maki/scenes/anal/s_tan.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/maki/scenes/anal/s_fair.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.hasPenis()>>
<<if starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'black'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/maki/scenes/anal/m_black.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'tan'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/maki/scenes/anal/m_tan.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/maki/scenes/anal/m_fair.webp"/>
<<if starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'black'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/maki/scenes/anal/f_black.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'tan'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/maki/scenes/anal/f_tan.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/maki/scenes/anal/f_fair.webp"/>
<<if starGame.player.hasPenis() is true>>\
Maki isn't gone for long, and in the short time that she was fetching the lube you asked for, she's seemingly managed to get her emotions under control, her face the image of serenity she usually wears when she returns. It doesn't last long however, as she is greeted with the sight of your nude and ready body, a slight blush spreading across her cheeks even as she very openly admires your exposed cock with a needy look.
She watches, spellbound as you take the lube from her, squirting some on your hand and beginning to stroke your already hard shaft with it, the liquid adding a cool and smooth sensation to the contact. Deciding that you've given her enough time to mentally prepare for what's coming next, you take charge, asserting your authority.
<span class="hero">"Strip, and lean against the table, present your ass for use."</span>
As expected, she obeys instantly, her maid uniform hitting the ground mere seconds after the instruction. Despite her shyness about the small, effeminate cock between her legs, she quickly assumes the position, looking back at you over her shoulder with an enticing wiggle of her hips. Already hard, and already lubed, you waste no time in crossing the distance to the submissive maid, the tip of your cock pressing against her anus as your hands come to rest on her hips. You feel her tense up momentarily under your touch, but she steadies herself quickly, relaxing as she teases you by pressing back against you.
<span class="maki">"Be gentle."</span>
She says as you start to pull her onto your cock, her words quickly melting into a stifled moan as you slowly slide inch after inch into her tight hole. Despite her words, you can feel her muscles contract around you, pulling you deeper into her hungrily, and you can barely resist the urge to hilt yourself inside her in a single thrust.
She's warm and tight, and by the time you're fully inside her, she's already trembling and panting, the slow insertion having a clear effect already. After a few seconds, you feel her relax a little more, allowing you to start slowly thrusting into her, each movement drawing out more moans and gasps as she braces herself against the table. Your thrusts, slow at first, start to pick up speed and power, until the sound of your bodies slapping together fills the booth, Maki's moans mixing with them as you pound her asshole.
The combination of her tight hole and the way it greedily tries to pull you deeper in, coupled with your own thrusts into her soon has you panting for breath, her own cries and squirming revealing that she's enjoying his every bit as much as you are, if not more. Suddenly, her muscles tighten around you as she clamps a hand over her mouth, muffling a scream of ecstatic pleasure, and the sudden extra grip on your dick is too much for you to resist.
Pulling her hard against you as you sink as deep into her as you can, you feel her grind her ass against you as she rides her climax out, your cum spurting deep inside her as you press her down against the table, breathing heavily as she milks you for all you have. When you do pull out of her, she lets out a soft moan, even as your cum starts to leak out of her and to the floor.
Grinning as you slap her ass playfully, you leave the maid to recover where she's collapsed on the table, redressing yourself quickly and making sure you look presentable before heading for the door. A final glance back at Maki, still sprawled out on the table tells you that she'll need some time to get herself together, and you make sure to close the booth firmly behind you as you go, giving her some privacy.
Maki isn't gone for long, and in the short time that she was fetching the lube and strap-on you've asked for, she's seemingly managed to get her emotions under control, her face the image of serenity she usually wears when she returns. It doesn't last long however, as she is greeted with the sight of your nude and ready body, a slight blush spreading across her cheeks even as she very openly admires your curves and pussy with a needy look.
She watches, spellbound as you take the lube and strap-on from her, fastening it around your hips expertly before squirting some lube onto your hand and beginning to stroke your new fake cock with it. Deciding that you've given her enough time to mentally prepare for what's coming next, you take charge, asserting your authority.
<span class="hero">"Strip, and lean against the table, present your ass for use."</span>
As expected, she obeys instantly, her maid uniform hitting the ground mere seconds after the instruction. Despite her shyness about the small, effeminate cock between her legs, she quickly assumes the position, looking back at you over her shoulder with an enticing wiggle of her hips. Already lubed and hungry, you waste no time in crossing the distance to the submissive maid, the tip of your cock pressing against her anus as your hands come to rest on her hips. You feel her tense up momentarily under your touch, but she steadies herself quickly, relaxing as she teases you by pressing back against you.
<span class="maki">"Be gentle."</span>
She says as you start to pull her onto your cock, her words quickly melting into a stifled moan as you slowly slide inch after inch into her tight hole. Despite her words, you can feel her muscles contract around you, pulling you deeper into her hungrily, and you can barely resist the urge to hilt yourself inside her in a single thrust.
She's warm and tight, and by the time you're fully inside her, she's already trembling and panting, the slow insertion having a clear effect already. After a few seconds, you feel her relax a little more, allowing you to start slowly thrusting into her, each movement drawing out more moans and gasps as she braces herself against the table. Your thrusts, slow at first, start to pick up speed and power, until the sound of your bodies slapping together fills the booth, Maki's moans mixing with them as you pound her asshole.
The combination of her tight hole and the way it greedily tries to pull you deeper in, coupled with your own thrusts into her soon has you panting for breath, her own cries and squirming revealing that she's enjoying his every bit as much as you are, if not more. Suddenly, her muscles tighten around you as she clamps a hand over her mouth, muffling a scream of ecstatic pleasure, and the sudden extra grip on your dick is too much for you to resist.
Pulling her hard against you as you sink as deep into her as you can, you feel her grind her ass against you as she rides her climax out, as you press her down against the table, breathing heavily as your own climax races through you. When you do pull out of her, she lets out a soft moan, even as she subconsciously wiggles her hips at you, as if asking for more.
Grinning as you slap her ass playfully, you leave the maid to recover where she's collapsed on the table, redressing yourself quickly and making sure you look presentable before heading for the door. A final glance back at Maki, still sprawled out on the table tells you that she'll need some time to get herself together, and you make sure to close the booth firmly behind you as you go, giving her some privacy.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Commons_Cafe">><</slink>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/commons/maidcafe.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
Heading for the smaller tables tucked away from the public eye, you slide into one of the booth seats, making sure you have a good position to watch the rest of the cafe from. You notice there's a privacy mode button on the side of the table, and after a quick look around you can see where a privacy screen would raise out of the floor if you were to push it.
The cafe in general is quiet today, and as you sit enjoying the peace and quiet, you feel almost drowsy. Considering raising the privacy screen to take a nap, you decide to tough it out for now, allowing the pleasant melodies of the cafe to wash over you. Maki checks in on you quietly, and perhaps sensing your current mellow state, leaves you alone without making a sound.
Deciding to simply embrace the zen of the moment, you spend some time relaxedly sipping on a drink and simply existing. Time passes quickly, despite the feeling that it's not moving at all, and when more cadets start to file into the cafe, the sense of peace slowly breaking, you decide to finish up and leave. Maki clears your table, and with a polite bow sends you off.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Commons_Cafe">>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/commons/maidcafe.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
Heading for the smaller tables tucked away from the public eye, you slide into one of the booth seats, making sure you have a good position to watch the rest of the cafe from. You notice there's a privacy mode button on the side of the table, and after a quick look around you can see where a privacy screen would raise out of the floor if you were to push it.
Glad to have taken this seat when you did, you watch as the cafe fills up, swarming with cadets. The ambient sound of the room rises a few levels, and you seriously consider raising the privacy screen. Maki arrives, a harried expression on her face, and you can tell that she feels conflicted about the sudden rush of business. Placing your orders calmly, you contemplate the mass of cadets, and wonder if you should make your visit today short.
As the cafe starts to catch up with the influx of orders, you decide to make things slightly easier for them, and as you leave, Maki flashes you a grateful smile.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Commons_Cafe">>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/commons/maidcafe.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
Heading for the smaller tables tucked away from the public eye, you slide into one of the booth seats, making sure you have a good position to watch the rest of the cafe from. You notice there's a privacy mode button on the side of the table, and after a quick look around you can see where a privacy screen would raise out of the floor if you were to push it.
Feeling something brush up against your leg, you look under the table in surprise, and are greeted by a cat bumping its head against you. A meow comes from above the table, and you see that several cats are roaming freely in the cafe today. Glancing at Maki as she arrives with your menu, she explains that it's an outreach program from one of the animal shelters in the city.
Nodding in understanding, you spend the rest of your visit accompanied by varying cats and kittens, all of which seem content to merely lie around you and relax. Enjoying the various soft purrs and meows of the cats, you find your mood lightening rapidly, and when you do eventually leave the cafe, you are greeted with a chorus of meows as Maki tries to hold her laugh when she sees you out.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Commons_Cafe">>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/commons/maidcafe.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
Enjoying the peace and quiet of your seat in the booth, you watch the cafe around you idly when Maki approaches with your order, and as she places it down in front of you she gives you a smile.
<span class="maki">"Castelli uniform? It looks good on you."</span> She says, running her eyes over you. Thanking her for the compliment, she gives you a wink before leaving. A few other cadets in the cafe subtly comment on your uniform as well, and you feel good when you eventually leave the cafe behind you. Stepping into the open air with a smile, you see Maki wave at you from where she's working.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Commons_Cafe">>
<<playerStatIncrease "cafe_weeb" 1>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/commons/maidcafe.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
Sitting in the private booth, you can't help but notice that the other cadets in the cafe are all in various costumes and outfits mostly from various popular anime shows. From the way that the Cafe staff are looking at them, you can tell that this is both a regular and unwanted event. Suddenly remembering that you're also wearing parts of what could be mistaken as a cosplay, you look down at yourself. Reassured that it's not noticeable, you decide to keep the visit short today, just in case.
Maki soon delivers your order, and from the tired expression on her face when some cadets loudly order in bad Japanese, you decide that you want out as well. You apologize to her as you make your escape, letting out a sigh of relief as you leave the cafe behind you.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Commons_Cafe">>
<<playerStatIncrease "cafe_weeb" 1>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/commons/maidcafe.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/zara/expressions/happy_dress.webp"/>
Taking a seat across from the Caelorian instructor, you see Maki subtly give Zara a once over, before bringing menus over. Placing a light order, you turn your attention towards Zara, who has remained silent since you took your seat. She gives you a wink and a mischievous smile, and the moment Maki is out of earshot she speaks.
<span class="zara">"I'm sure there's something in the rules about an instructor and a cadet dating."</span> She teases you, and as you freeze in shock, her laughter allows you to relax, realizing that it's a joke. Mostly a joke at least. You tease her back, and the two of you exchange some good natured and light hearted conversation and flirting. Soon, Maki returns with your order, and you tell her to go relax with a smile, saying you'll call her when she's needed again. While she obediently follows your instructions, you can see a slight amount of hesitation in her actions. Zara watches her leave, an amused smile on her lips before speaking again.
<span class="zara">"She's jealous, you know. Very protective of you for some reason."</span> Zara says softly, and you can see her hand inching towards the controls for the privacy screen. She doesn't touch it just yet, and the two of you enjoy your meal together in relative silence. As you near the end of your drink, Zara speaks in a low, sultry voice.
<span class="zara">"How about we have some fun, and give her a reason to be jealous?"</span> Her words are practically dripping with lust, and you can see she's just waiting for you to give her permission to put the privacy screen up.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Have fun" "Commons_Cafe_Zara_Stage1_Accept">><</slink>>
<<slink "Not now" "Commons_Cafe_Zara_Stage1_Refuse">><</slink>>
<img src="resources/img/backgrounds/cafebooth.webp"/>
<<if starGame.player.hasPenis()>>
<<if starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'black'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/zara/scenes/stage1/m_blowjob_black.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'tan'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/zara/scenes/stage1/m_blowjob_tan.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/zara/scenes/stage1/m_blowjob_fair.webp"/>
<<if starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'black'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/zara/scenes/stage1/f_pussylicking_black.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'tan'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/zara/scenes/stage1/f_pussylicking_tan.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/zara/scenes/stage1/f_pussylicking_fair.webp"/>
Deciding that you won't miss an opportunity for fun with Zara, you give a subtle nod, and watch as the privacy screen quickly rises around you. The sounds of the cafe are muted and muffled, and you know that no one can see into the booth you're sitting at now either.
Zara wastes no time, sliding under the table, her deft and dainty hands freeing your lower body from your clothes. As you feel her breath against your skin, you tense slightly as you wait for her to touch you.
<<if starGame.player.hasPenis()>>\
Her soft hands wrap around your shaft, and as she gently strokes you, you lean back into your seat, letting her work her magic. As she teases you with soft kisses on your member, you can feel your climax slowly building, helped by the public nature of the act, and her expert touches.
She reminds you that she knows how to please you, her hands expertly playing with your senses, and you can feel that warm gaze of hers running across the length of your dick. You almost cum when she takes you into her mouth, her tongue gently wandering around the tip and stroking your head. As she pulls you deeper into her mouth and throat, you finally stop resisting, and empty your balls into her throat, the soft swallowing sound that accompanies it pushing you further past the edge.
Panting for breath as she redresses you, she takes her seat once more, lazily licking her lips clean before taking a sip of her drink. Deciding that you've recovered enough, she lowers the privacy screen, acting as if nothing strange had happened. The two of you spend a short while longer in conversation, before she excuses herself. Shortly afterwards you do as well, leaving the Cafe once you trust your legs to support your body again.
Zara's fingers gently press into you, exploring your cunt as she breathes lightly on your thighs. The sensations, coupled with the public location are enough for you to feel your orgasm building already, and can almost hear her smirk from beneath the table.
As she begins to finger you properly, you sink back into your seat, allowing the waves of pleasure to wash over you as the exotic instructor plays with you. Her tongue gently circles your clit, and you clamp a hand over your mouth to prevent yourself from being too loud as an orgasm rushes through you, shivers of pleasure shaking the table as you tense up.
Unphased, Zara continues to eat you out, her tongue exploring your pussy as she works. Suddenly hit by an intense wave of pleasure as she finds and rubs against your g spot, you lock your legs around her head and shoulders, holding her tight against your cunt as you climax. As you eventually relax, releasing her from your grip, she resurfaces back in her seat on the other side of the table with a sultry smile. Delicately wiping her face off with a napkin, she lowers the privacy screen once you've regained your composure and redressed.
A few minutes of idle conversation pass before you both decide to leave the Cafe for now, going your separate ways at the door.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Commons_Cafe">>
<<npcFactSet "zara_stage1_cafe" true>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/commons/maidcafe.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/zara/expressions/neutral_dress.webp"/>
You wave Zara's advance off, reminding her about her own joking words from earlier. She gives you a pout, but stops anyway, returning to normal. The two of you slowly finish up, before leaving the Cafe together.
Outside, she gives you a small wave and leaves you standing alone in the Commons.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Commons_Cafe">>
<div class="card solid card-nav">
<div class="row">
<div class="card-body p-0">
<div class="row d-flex">
<<slink "Commons" "Hub_Commons" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "ti ti-door-exit" "">>
<<startplaylist "playlist_exploration_soft">>
<<slink "Browse Catalog" "Commons_Clinic_Shop" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "ti ti-shopping-cart">><</slink>>
<div class="navigation-container">\
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/clinic1.webp"/>
<<if starGame.player.getFact('campaign_hack') is true and starGame.npcs.getFact('wolfgirl_encounters') >= 2 and starGame.player.hasInteraction('clinic_interaction_hana') is not true>>
<img class="exp-vertical-flip" src="resources/img/characters/side/wolfgirl/expressions/happy_uniform.webp"/>
<<if starGame.player.hasInteraction('clinic_interaction') is not true and starGame.time.getCurrentPeriod() is 2>>
<<if starGame.time.getCurrentDay() is 'Monday'>>
/% Ann %/
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/ann/expressions/neutral_uniform.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.time.getCurrentDay() is 'Wednesday'>>
/% Valerie %/
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/valerie/expressions/neutral_uniform.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.time.getCurrentDay() is 'Friday'>>
/% Curie %/
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/curie/expressions/neutral_uniform.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.time.getCurrentDay() is 'Sunday'>>
/% Edward %/
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/edward/expressions/neutral_uniform.webp"/>
<<box "choicebox">>
<<if starGame.player.getFact('campaign_hack') is true and starGame.npcs.getFact('wolfgirl_encounters') >= 2 and starGame.player.hasInteraction('clinic_interaction_hana') is not true>>
<<slink "Approach Hana" "Commons_Clinic_Wolfgirl_Hub">><</slink>>
<<if starGame.player.hasInteraction('clinic_interaction') is not true and starGame.time.getCurrentPeriod() is 2>>
<<if starGame.time.getCurrentDay() is 'Monday'>>
/% Ann %/
<<slink "Approach Ann" "Commons_Clinic_Ann">><</slink>>
<<elseif starGame.time.getCurrentDay() is 'Wednesday'>>
/% Valerie %/
<<slink "Approach Valerie" "Commons_Clinic_Valerie">><</slink>>
<<elseif starGame.time.getCurrentDay() is 'Friday'>>
/% Curie %/
<<if starGame.npcs.getStat("curie_affinity") < 0>>
/% Unfriendly Curie %/
<<slink "Approach Curie" "Commons_Clinic_Curie_Hostile">><</slink>>
<<elseif starGame.npcs.getStat("curie_domination") >= 25>>
/% Dominant Curie %/
<<slink "Approach Curie" "Commons_Clinic_Curie_Dominant">><</slink>>
/% Friendly Curie %/
<<slink "Approach Curie" "Commons_Clinic_Curie">><</slink>>
<<elseif starGame.time.getCurrentDay() is 'Sunday'>>
/% Edward %/
<<slink "Approach Edward" "Commons_Clinic_Edward">><</slink>>
<<if starGame.player.getFact('visit_clinic') is true>>\
As usual, the clinic is quiet, with most cadets choosing to not visit it publicly. Despite that, you walk in, the serene atmosphere and stylish aesthetics fairly soothing and relaxing. Comfortable booths await for you to browse available mods in private, while a nearby couch provides a place to wait.
The on campus clinic has clearly been designed for style and looks. Shiny tile floors reflect the light, and a few comfortable booths allow you to browse the inventory in private. A couch along one of the walls reveals a decent seat to wait on, for anyone who might need to.
Enjoying the serene atmosphere of the clinic, you take your time in deciding what to do next.
<<playerFactSet "visit_clinic" true>>\
<<if starGame.player.getFact('campaign_hack') is true and starGame.npcs.getFact('wolfgirl_encounters') >= 2 and starGame.player.hasInteraction('clinic_interaction_hana') is not true>>
<p>Hana is lounging in her usual spot, watching you with a faint smile.</p>
<<if starGame.player.hasInteraction('clinic_interaction') is not true and starGame.time.getCurrentPeriod() is 2>>
<<if starGame.time.getCurrentDay() is 'Monday'>>
/% Ann %/
<p>Lieutenant Ann is here, busy lounging on the couch.</p>
<<elseif starGame.time.getCurrentDay() is 'Wednesday'>>
/% Valerie %/
<p>Valerie is leaving one of the private booths when you walk in.</p>
<<elseif starGame.time.getCurrentDay() is 'Friday'>>
/% Curie %/
<p>You spot Curie reading a magazine on the couch. Shes does not seem to have noticed you yet.</p>
<<elseif starGame.time.getCurrentDay() is 'Sunday'>>
/% Edward %/
<p>Edward is relaxing on the couch and does not seem to have noticed you yet.</p>
<div class="card solid card-nav">
<div class="row">
<div class="card-body p-0">
<div class="row d-flex">
<<slink "Commons" "Hub_Commons" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "ti ti-door-exit" "">>
<<startplaylist "playlist_exploration_soft">>
<<slink "Lobby" "Commons_Clinic" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "">><</slink>>
<div class="navigation-container">\
<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/codex/mods/display.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
<<sshop "shop_clinic">>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/clinic1.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/ann/expressions/neutral_uniform.webp"/>
<<reaction "ann" "Reaction_Ann">>\
Ann throws you a lazy salute when you approach before sitting up straight. She seems bored to a degree, but somehow also vindicated, almost as if she was expecting to see you here.
<span class="ann">"I suggest not worrying about cosmetics and other modifications at the moment."</span> Her voice is purely matter of fact, but from the smile on her face you can tell that she's not going to stop you from browsing and getting modded.
You have a short conversation with her, and she reveals that she's eyeing a few mods that the academy offers, claiming them to be harder to get at normal installation.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Commons_Clinic">>
<<if starGame.npcs.getStat('ann_affinity') < 25>>
<<npcStatIncrease "ann_affinity" 1>>
<<snotify "info">>Ann appreciated spending time with you.<</snotify>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/clinic1.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/curie/expressions/happy_uniform.webp"/>
<<reaction "curie" "Reaction_Curie">>\
As you approach her, Curie flashes you a warm smile. She rolls the magazine up and swats you with it lightly. She teases you softly about needing mods, pretending to be here entirely by coincidence when you point out that she's here as well.
Eventually she reveals she's actually not very interested in the mods offered by the campus, and usually spends her time here just wasting time and watching other cadets get modded. She reminds you that Skin can change the color of its users' skins, and sometimes people don't read the instructions properly, leading to entertaining results and panic.
A few minutes of further conversation passes before Curie excuses herself, making her way out of the clinic.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Commons_Clinic">>
<<if starGame.npcs.getStat('curie_affinity') < 25>>
<<npcStatIncrease "curie_affinity" 1>>
<<snotify "info">>Curie appreciated spending time with you.<</snotify>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/clinic1.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/curie/expressions/neutral_uniform.webp"/>
Even when you approach her, Curie makes a good show of pretending you don't exist. She continues reading her magazine as if you aren't present, before slowly stretching. You decide that you're not going to make much progress here, and leaving her alone, you see her slowly leave out of the corner of your eye.
For a moment, you're convinced she almost looks disappointed.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Commons_Clinic">>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/clinic1.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/curie/expressions/happy_uniform.webp"/>
<<reaction "curie" "Reaction_Curie">>\
Curie gives you a knowing wink when you approach her. She taps the seat next to her, and when you sit she runs a fingernail against your neck. She doesn't speak, amusing herself with teasing you instead. Eventually she raises an eyebrow at you, tilting her head towards one of the nearby booths.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Accept" "Commons_Clinic_Curie_Dominant_Accept">><</slink>>
<<slink "Decline" "Commons_Clinic_Curie_Dominant_Refuse">><</slink>>
<img src="resources/img/backgrounds/clinic.webp"/>
<<if starGame.player.isShemale()>>
<<if starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'black'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/curie/scenes/dom_cowgirl/s_black_cowgirl.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'tan'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/curie/scenes/dom_cowgirl/s_tan_cowgirl.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/curie/scenes/dom_cowgirl/s_fair_cowgirl.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.hasPenis()>>
<<if starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'black'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/curie/scenes/dom_cowgirl/m_black_cowgirl.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'tan'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/curie/scenes/dom_cowgirl/m_tan_cowgirl.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/curie/scenes/dom_cowgirl/m_fair_cowgirl.webp"/>
<<if starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'black'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/curie/scenes/dom_missionary/f_black_strapon.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'tan'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/curie/scenes/dom_missionary/f_tan_strapon.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/curie/scenes/dom_missionary/f_fair_strapon.webp"/>
Curie gives you a knowing smile when you subtly nod your head, before pulling you to your feet, and into the nearest private booth. As she closes the door behind you, she pushes you onto the chair. She doesn't waste time, and as you watch, she quickly pulls her skirt up and drops her panties in one smooth move. Displaying more flexibility than you expected, she lifts the panties with a foot, raising them above your head and dropping them onto your face.
<<if starGame.player.hasBreasts()>>\
As you reach up to remove the panties from your face, she pins your arms behind you, giving you an evil smile. Wrapping the panties around your wrists as if they're handcuffs, she tells you that if you "break" free, the fun ends. Undoing your top to expose your breasts to the air, she gently twists and pulls on your nipples until they're hard, flicking them with a cruel smile.
<span class="curie">"Remember, if you break free, it all stops and I leave."</span> She says evilly as she pulls the rest of your clothing off.
As you reach up to remove the panties from your face, she pins your arms behind you, giving you an evil smile. Wrapping the panties around your wrists as if they're handcuffs, she tells you that if you "break" free, the fun ends. She slowly starts undressing you, pulling your top off first. You let out a soft hiss of pain as she scratches your pecs, her nails leaving marks that slide down your chest and towards your groin.
<span class="curie">"Remember, if you break free, it all stops and I leave."</span> She says evilly as she pulls the rest of your clothing off.
<<if starGame.player.hasPenis()>>\
Once she has your dick exposed, she spends a few minutes examining it, teasing you with soft touches and deliberate motion, before she tires of her own game.She slowly lowers herself onto your dick, moaning softly as she does. Realizing you can't move your hands to touch her without breaking free, you try to flex your hips to drive your dick deeper inside her, only for a slap across your face to freeze you in place.
<span class="curie">"Did I give you permission to touch me?"</span> She says softly as she lifts your chin with a finger, looking deep into your eyes. <span class="curie">"Exactly, you just sit there and let me enjoy myself."</span> Chastised, you accept your role and lean back, enjoying the sensation of being used. Shortly Curie's breath starts to catch, and you can feel her riding you more frantically, her muscles tightening as she nears orgasm.
You let out a muffled grunt of pain when she suddenly bites into your shoulder, the action muffling her own screams of pleasure as her orgasm washes over you both. Feeling her pulsating pussy around your dick pushes you over the edge, and as you cum inside her you can feel her kissing your neck.
As she pulls herself off of you, she gives you a soft kiss on the cheek before she reclaims her panties.
<<elseif starGame.player.hasVagina()>>\
Pulling the last of your clothes off your lower half, Curie gives you another fierce kiss. Lost in the kiss you don't notice what she's planning until you feel the sting of an injector on your thigh.
As you gasp from the surprise, she lets out an evil giggle. Heat surges through your body, and you feel hornier than you can remember being in recent days. Curie whispers into your ear as you let out a whine.
<span class="curie">"Just a small dose. It won't last long, just long enough for me to use you."</span> She says, as she runs a hand down your body, her fingers slipping inside you. The sensations are enough to drive you crazy, and each movement she makes has you panting and moaning.
She pulls a strapon from her bag, and you can only watch as she fastens it around her waist, before slipping the tip of it into your waiting cunt without ceremony. Writhing against it, you can feel your pleasure steadily building, and as Curie starts to take advantage of your hypersensitive body, thrusting harder and deeper inside you, it's all you can do to prevent yourself from moaning and screaming. Curie continues to use you, her thrusts into you pushing you deeper into a lust driven haze.
When she does finally pull out of you, you've lost count of how many times you've cum, and she gives you a gentle kiss on the forehead as she reclaims her panties.
She gives you a wink as she leaves the booth, leaving you panting for breath. Realizing that you're still naked, you quickly shut the door again, and regain your composure slowly. After you've made an effort to clean yourself up and look respectable again, you step out of the booth and leave the clinic quietly.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Commons_Clinic">>
<<startplaylist "playlist_exploration_soft">>
<<if starGame.npcs.getStat('curie_affinity') < 25>>
<<npcStatIncrease "curie_affinity" 1>>
<<snotify "info">>Curie appreciated spending time with you.<</snotify>>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<saudio "bgm_sex2" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.25>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/clinic1.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/curie/expressions/neutral_uniform.webp"/>
You shake your head, declining the unspoken invitation. She frowns at that, but doesn't push the matter, instead removing her hands from you entirely. The two of you spend the next few minutes in silent tension, and when she's certain that you won't be changing your mind at the last minute she stands to leave.
She makes a point of gently brushing her ass against your face as she leaves the clinic, a naughty wink thrown at you from over her shoulder.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Commons_Clinic">>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/clinic1.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/edward/expressions/neutral_uniform.webp"/>
<<if starGame.npcs.getStat('edward_affinity') >= 0>>\
<<reaction "edward" "Reaction_Edward">>\
<<if starGame.npcs.getStat('edward_affinity') < 0>>\
/% Unfriendly Edward %/\
Edward is relaxing on the couch, and despite his scowl when he sees you, makes no move to leave the clinic. As you approach he shifts slightly, giving up space on the couch, albeit reluctantly. You make an attempt to talk with him, but he alternates between one word replies and ignoring you, and eventually you give up.
As you turn to leave and do your own thing, you see him unsteadily rise to his feet, before leaving the clinic slowly.
Edward looks up at you when you approach. He shifts slightly, allowing you to take a seat next to him if you choose to. Waving the offer off for now, you make some small talk with him, learning that he's actually here at the clinic to have one of his weekly shots.
You don't quite manage to ask what mod he has that needs weekly upkeep, but from the way he skirts the topic you get the feeling that it's quite a touchy one. Regardless, you spend some time discussing the new mods on the market and their reported side effects. Eventually Edward ends the conversation, seemingly done in the clinic.
You watch as he heaves himself to his feet, and walks unsteadily out of the clinic.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<if starGame.npcs.getStat('edward_affinity') < 0>>
<<slink "Continue" "Commons_Clinic">>
<<npcStatIncrease "edward_redemption" 1>>
<<slink "Continue" "Commons_Clinic">>
<<if starGame.npcs.getStat('edward_affinity') < 25>>
<<npcStatIncrease "edward_affinity" 1>>
<<snotify "info">>Edward appreciated spending time with you.<</snotify>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/clinic1.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/valerie/expressions/happy_uniform.webp"/>
<<reaction "valerie" "Reaction_Valerie">>\
Valerie gives you a dazzling smile when she sees you. You give her a friendly nod in return, and are soon drawn into a discussion about the various designer modifications on the market.
<<if starGame.player.hasMod('item_mod_perfection')>>\
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('clinic_valerie_perfection') is true>>\
She compares your skin against hers once more, bemoaning that Crystallize requires her to visit the modclinic for a checkup every week. You try to console her, only for her to express her envy over your Perfection mod once more.
You manage to calm her down enough to send her on her way, watching the moody noble leave as you return to your own plans.
She starts to boast about how she's recently won a chance to test a competitor mod of Perfection, Crystallize, when you tell her that you actually won a Perfection before. Instantly distracted, she carefully inspects your face and skin, comparing the effectiveness of her mod against yours. Eventually she concedes that Perfection is still the better quality modification.
Eventually she finds a reason to end the conversation, leaving you to your own devices once more. As you watch her go you can't help but wonder what other mods she has besides the skin care.
She quietly boasts about recently winning a chance to test one of the competitors of the Perfection mod, something called Crystalize, but mentions that she personally thinks it's not quite as good as Perfection itself. Regardless, you can see that the repeated doses have helped her skin look clean and clear. Eventually, you excuse yourself from the conversation, letting Valerie return to her day while you continue with yours.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Commons_Clinic">>
<<if starGame.player.hasMod('item_mod_perfection')>>
<<npcFactSet "clinic_valerie_perfection" true>>
<<if starGame.npcs.getStat('valerie_affinity') < 25>>
<<npcStatIncrease "valerie_affinity" 1>>
<<snotify "info">>Valerie appreciated spending time with you.<</snotify>>
<img src="resources/img/backgrounds/clinic_entry.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/side/wolfgirl/confused.webp"/>
Stepping through the doorway of the clinic, you freeze as an unlikely scene plays out in front of you. A girl that you can only describe as a hellhound is standing nude in the middle of the clinic, her tail the only protection she has from prying eyes as it covers her pussy from view. Conversely, her tits are on full display, and combined with the hungry look in her eyes as she turns to face you, you can tell that her nudity is no accident.
Feeling firmly like prey in front of a predator, you only have a few moments to examine her, noticing the sharp, claw-like nails on her hands, her canine ears that twitch at the slightest sound, and a row of sharp fangs. Coupled with the fur on her arms and legs, you already know that this isn't the effect of an Alliance sanctioned mod.
You don't have much time for further speculation however, as she lunges at you, her needy whine telling you that if she manages to get hold of you, that it won't end at cuddles. For the briefest moment, the dark part of your mind tells you that being caught and used by her isn't the worst outcome possible, before you dodge regardless, knowing that her enhanced libido is the side effect of the mod, and that she probably has little control over herself at the moment.
Your fitness is quickly pushed to the test as you evade her inside the limited space of the clinic, not wanting to lead her out of the building where she might spot easier prey and escape before the campus security can arrive. On the other hand, it's been several minutes and you're already breathing hard, her driven attempts getting ever closer as she growls, the frustration of being unable to catch you affecting her deeply. A tingle of pain runs through your body, and as you glance down at yourself, you see she managed to lightly scratch you.
The wicked smile that follows her own realization that she's outlasting you sends a shiver down your spine, and as you prepare once more to dodge with all you have, you see the campus guards burst through the clinic door, tasers firing before either you or the hellhound can react properly.
The next ten minutes pass in a blur, with the security questioning you while they cover and restrain the modified girl. Once they're satisfied with your reports and confirm that there are no more non-standard mods in the clinic, they leave with the hellhound, leaving you sitting alone, confused and winded in the clinic main.
Recovering enough to move easily, you decide to leave the clinic for today, the experience putting you off of the thought of taking mods at the moment.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Leave" "Hub_Commons">>
<<npcFactSet "wolfgirl_encounters" 1>>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<startplaylist "playlist_exploration_soft">>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<saudio "bgm_rebel_idle" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.5>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/clinic1.webp"/>
<img class="exp-vertical-flip" src="resources/img/characters/side/wolfgirl/expressions/neutral_uniform.webp"/>
Stepping into the clinic, you're surprised to see a vaguely familiar face here. The hellhound that had tried to attack and force herself on you is here, sitting neatly on one of the couches, her eyes tracking you intently as you enter. Tensing up as you expect her to burst towards you, you are pleasantly surprised when she instead timidly walks over to you, a hand extended and blush on her cheeks.
<span class="hana">"I didn't think I'd see you again so soon, but it's fate that we meet here again."</span> Her voice is soft and shy, and as you shake her hand she quickly continues her introduction. <span class="hana">"I'm Hana. Thank you for helping keep me trapped here until security could respond properly."</span>
Telling her that she doesn't need to mention it, you were just reacting at the time, she chuckles lightly. It's an interesting sound, more reminiscent of a puppies growl than a laugh. She gives you a polite bow, before returning to her seat, watching you idly as she relaxes on the chair.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Commons_Clinic">>
<<npcFactSet "wolfgirl_encounters" 2>>
<<addtocodex "Hana" "met_hana">>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/clinic1.webp"/>
<img class="exp-vertical-flip" src="resources/img/characters/side/wolfgirl/expressions/neutral_uniform.webp"/>
<<reaction "hana" "Reaction_Hana">>\
Hana gives you a wolfish smile as you approach her, and her ears perk up adorably, telling you that she's been starved for social interaction since the incident. She shifts slightly to make sure you can sit next to her without issue, and gives you an expectant look.
Smiling at the hellhound as you sit alongside her, you trade greetings as you make yourself comfortable. Once you're ready you turn your attention back to her in full.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('wolfgirl_talk') is not 3>>
<<slink "Talk" "">>
<<eventSequence "wolfgirl_talk" true>>
<<event "Commons_Clinic_Wolfgirl_Talk1" 1>>
<<event "Commons_Clinic_Wolfgirl_Talk2" 2>>
<<event "Commons_Clinic_Wolfgirl_Talk3" 3>>
<<slink "Leave" "Commons_Clinic_Wolfgirl_Leave">><</slink>>
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('wolfgirl_talk') is 3>>
<<slink "Sex" "Commons_Clinic_Wolfgirl_Sex_Accept">>
<<slink "Sex" "" "slink btn btn-highlight disabled allow-pointer-events" "" "You can't do that yet.">>
<<snotify "info">>You can't do that yet.<</snotify>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/clinic1.webp"/>
<img class="exp-vertical-flip" src="resources/img/characters/side/wolfgirl/expressions/neutral_uniform.webp"/>
Leaning into the chair alongside Hana, you try to delicately broach the topic of her changed body, and after a few minutes of struggling to find a good way to start, you decide to be blunt instead. Directly asking her about how the mod has affected her beyond the obvious, you're rewarded with a soft laugh as she tilts her head while she looks for the words to answer you.
<span class="hana">"It's… I find myself excited at things I wasn't in the past. Half the time it feels like I'm just a few seconds from exploding with energy and the desire to investigate everything around me."</span> She pauses again, thinking some more.
<span class="hana">"On the other hand, it's hot. Not sexually hot, but literally hot. The fur is warmer than you'd expect, and when I'm not hiding in my room or here at the clinic, even the controlled climate of the academy feels uncomfortable."</span>
You tell her that you've actually been wondering about that, why she spends so much time here at the clinic if she's been cleared to return to life as normal. She gives you a strange, half smirk of a smile alongside a conspiratorial wink.
<span class="hana">"It's comfortable here. The air is cooler, there are less people moving through, and if my body reacts a little too well to anything, well I'm already here and able to get my hormones under control with a pill or two."</span>
Her eyes run over you momentarily, filled with a sudden hunger that reminds you of how you first met each other. Thankfully, she quickly seems to reign her appetite in, and as you pass the rest of your time here with her in idle conversation, you make a mental note to ask her about her hormones next time you visit.
Eventually however, Hana bounds to her feet, flashing you another predatory grin as she leaves the clinic, and you're left alone to contemplate what you want to do next.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Commons_Clinic">>
<<npcFactSet "wolfgirl_talk" 1>>
<<snotify "info">>Hana appreciated spending time with you.<</snotify>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/clinic1.webp"/>
<img class="exp-vertical-flip" src="resources/img/characters/side/wolfgirl/expressions/neutral_uniform.webp"/>
Hana gives you a smile as you skirt around the topic of her raging hormones, and when you do finally lead into the conversation about it, she gives you a knowing smile.
<span class="hana">"Curious to find out how easy it is to get inside my pants when the mod takes advantage of me?"</span> She teases, showing another one of her signature predatory smiles to you. <span class="hana">"To be entirely honest, most of the time it feels like a slight breeze might set me off, so I've been keeping myself near the clinic and medicated against it."</span>
You make a remark that it sounds like both a tiring and exciting way to live, and she gives you an enthusiastic nod in return. The two of you talk about it a bit more, and you don't fail to notice the way she very subtly rubs her thighs together while you talk. You decide to not mention it for the moment, deciding that if you did want to take things in a sexual direction with her, it's only a matter of time before she can't resist her body's demands regardless.
Deciding to give the pent up hellhound some space, you make an excuse and stand, leaving her alone on the couch as you consider if you have anything you want to do at the clinic or not.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Commons_Clinic">>
<<npcFactSet "wolfgirl_talk" 2>>
<<snotify "info">>Hana appreciated spending time with you.<</snotify>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/clinic1.webp"/>
<img class="exp-vertical-flip" src="resources/img/characters/side/wolfgirl/expressions/neutral_uniform.webp"/>
You've barely had time to turn your attention to Hana when she lets out a lewd moan. Her entire body is trembling, and you don't need any extra help in realizing that she's incredibly horny at the moment. You're about to say something when she holds up a hand, a desperate look on her face as she presents an injector to you with one hand, and points at one of the private rooms with her other.
A quick glance at the injector tells you that she's asking you to make a choice for her. Either help inject her with the calming agent, and allow her libido to subside that way, or take her into the private room for a more traditional method. You don't have long to think, so you quickly make a decision.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Injection" "Commons_Clinic_Wolfgirl_Sex_Decline">>
<<npcFactSet "wolfgirl_talk" 3>>
<<slink "Private Room" "Commons_Clinic_Wolfgirl_Sex_Accept">>
<<npcFactSet "wolfgirl_talk" 3>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/clinic1.webp"/>
<img class="exp-vertical-flip" src="resources/img/characters/side/wolfgirl/expressions/neutral_uniform.webp"/>
Suddenly remembering you had something else you want to do, you apologize to Hana for misleading her, telling her that you need to urgently attend something you forgot about so as to not hurt her feelings.
Leaving the clinic with a wave, you hope she doesn't think that interaction was too strange.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Commons_Clinic">>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/clinic1.webp"/>
<img class="exp-vertical-flip" src="resources/img/characters/side/wolfgirl/expressions/happy_uniform.webp"/>
You've barely had time to turn your attention to Hana when she lets out a lewd moan. Her entire body is trembling, and you don't need any extra help in realizing that she's incredibly horny at the moment. You're about to say something when she holds up a hand, a desperate look on her face as she presents an injector to you with one hand, and points at one of the private rooms with her other.
A quick glance at the injector tells you that she's asking you to make a choice for her. Either help inject her with the calming agent, and allow her libido to subside that way, or take her into the private room for a more traditional method. You don't have long to think, so you quickly make a decision.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Injection" "Commons_Clinic_Wolfgirl_Sex_Decline">>
<<slink "Private Room" "Commons_Clinic_Wolfgirl_Sex_Accept">>
<<if starGame.player.hasPenis()>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/side/wolfgirl/scenes/m_clinic_bg.webp"/>
<<if starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'black'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/side/wolfgirl/scenes/m_black_doggy.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'tan'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/side/wolfgirl/scenes/m_tan_doggy.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/side/wolfgirl/scenes/m_fair_doggy.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/side/wolfgirl/scenes/f_clinic_bg.webp"/>
<<if starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'black'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/side/wolfgirl/scenes/f_black_licking.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'tan'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/side/wolfgirl/scenes/f_tan_licking.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/side/wolfgirl/scenes/f_fair_licking.webp"/>
Taking the injector from her and placing it on the desk with a flirty smile, you are quickly pulled to your feet and excitedly led to the private room by Hana. The door barely has time to close behind you when Hana starts to strip you, her own clothes vanishing rapidly as she allows her raging need for sex to overwhelm her.
<span class="hana">"Let's see what we're working with here."</span> She says lewdly as she finishes undressing you, stepping back to admire your body.
<<if starGame.player.hasPenis()>>\
<span class="hana">"Fuck, thats just what I need."</span> Hana's voice is low and sultry, and she clambers up onto the chair, taking a position on all fours and wiggling her ass at you. <span class="hana">"Come over here and use me, please."</span> She practically whines, begging for your attention as she spreads her pussy lips for you. Smiling as you approach the needy hellhound, you run a finger between her legs teasingly, and are surprised when she slaps your hand away with a low growl.
<span class="hana">"I'm already dripping wet and horny out of my mind. Forget the foreplay and teasing and fuck me already."</span> She pants out, reaching for your dick hungrily. You decide that this isn't the time to mess with the aggressively horny girl, and as you press your dick against her cunt, she lets out a long, lewd moan that seems to fill the clinic.
Pressing forward into her, inch by inch, you feel her powerful body quiver and tremble against you as you rest your hands on her hips, pulling her back against you as you thrust into her. Her moans quickly become a series of whines and whimpers, as she gets swept up in the sensation of feeling you thrust smoothly and steadily into her. Feeling her cunt tighten around you as you keep fucking her, the sudden flood of wetness tells you that she's cumming hard and freely.
Encouraged by her wanton displays of lust, you pick up the pace, slamming into her harder and faster, you feel her body start to grow limp as the pleasure overwhelms her mind, but despite that, she never stops moving her hips, rocking back against your thrusts even as she loses the strength to support herself, splaying out onto the chair, a wet panting mess.
You feel your own climax approaching rapidly, thanks to the way she keeps fucking you back as you thrust into her, and as she tells you to cum inside her, locking her legs around you with a moan, you can't help but oblige. Your legs feel weak as you hilt yourself inside her, your grip on her hips causing her to squeal in a mixture of pleasure and pain as you fill her up, her satisfied moans filling the room quickly.
Pulling out of the spent hellhound with a popping sound, you stand back, admiring your handiwork as your mixed fluids leak out of her and onto the chair, her mewling whimpers telling you that she'll be out of it for a while still. For a brief moment you consider taking her again, but as she rolls over, partly curling up, you decide that you've done your part for the moment.
Dressing and leaving with a spring in your step, you return to the clinic proper with a broad grin on your face.
<<elseif starGame.player.hasVagina()>>\
<span class="hana">"Alright, not quite what I was hoping for, but we'll make do."</span> She says with a somewhat disappointed tone as she pushes you onto the chair. Before you have time to react, Hana has straddled your face, pressing her dripping wet pussy against you eagerly.
<span class="hana">"Right… there."</span> She pants out as your tongue slides inside her, eagerly lapping at her as her hips twitch and grind against you, thoroughly drenching your face with her pussy juices. A long, lewd moan fills the room as a rush of wetness covers you, and you realize that she's just had an orgasm from your lightest touch.
Smiling to yourself as you redouble your efforts, your arms clamping on the hellhounds legs to hold her in place over you, you start to dive into her cunt with enthusiasm, your tongue seeking out her sensitive spots and drawing patterns on the folds of her pussy walls. Every movement you make sends a tremor through the needy hellhound, and as she rides your face hungrily, her moans quickly turn to a symphony of whimpers and whine as she begs for release.
Looking up at the hellhound from your position below her, you see her body beginning to tense up and tighten as she prepares for a mind breaking orgasm to hit her, and you almost orgasm on the spot when she manages to find the presence of mind to slide her fingers into your wet hole, curling them frantically against your walls in an effort to make you cum alongside her.
Redoubling your efforts to push her over the edge first, you feel her legs tighten around your head as you plunge your tongue deeper into her, her fingers freezing inside you momentarily as she succumbs to the waves of pleasure coursing through her. As she floods your mouth with her girlcum, she starts fingering you even more eagerly, and your own orgasm follows moments later.
Lying in a wet tangle of bodies, you and Hana kiss against each other's bodies lightly as you recover, panting slightly as you manage to extract yourself from her embrace and stand. From the way she curls up on the chair, you can tell she'll take a while to recover from the head she just received, and you decide to clean yourself up before dressing.
Shooting a final glance at the spent hellhound napping on the chair, you admire the way she lies sprawled out, her girlcum drying on her as she lets out a soft whimper. Leaving Hana to rest, you make your way out of the private room, and return to the clinic proper with a spring in your step and a smile on your face.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Commons_Clinic">>
<<npcFactSet "wolfgirl_sex" true>>
<<startplaylist "playlist_exploration_soft">>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<saudio "bgm_sex2" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.25>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/clinic1.webp"/>
<img class="exp-vertical-flip" src="resources/img/characters/side/wolfgirl/expressions/neutral_uniform.webp"/>
Deciding that you don't feel up to the task of manually controlling her libido right now, you opt to use the injection on her. Hana winces slightly as the needle breaks her skin, but the effect of the injection is instant, her entire demeanor and body language changing as you watch. She flashes you a warm, friendly smile.
<span class="hana">"Thanks. I needed that."</span> She gives you a fluffy hug before taking her usual spot again. <span class="hana">"Maybe next time you can pick the fun option?"</span> She gives you a wink as her ears perk up slightly.
Telling her that you'll definitely think about it with a grin, you spend another few minutes with the relaxed hellhound before you decide to get back to your day. She gives you a lazy wave as you leave, and you return it with a smile as you consider what to do next with your day.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Commons_Clinic">><</slink>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/commons/commons.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/edward/expressions/angry_uniform.webp"/>
You're about to turn when he speaks, his first words cold and low. <span class="edward">"Don't. Just look ahead, pretend this isn't happening."</span>
The unexpectedness of the command causes you to follow it, and as you wait for him to say what he wants to, you realize that the pathway is unnaturally quiet, with only you and Edward present. Realizing that he's arranged this occurrence somehow, you're once more tempted to look at him, but when he starts speaking, you decide you're glad you didn't.
<span class="edward">"I heard about what happened. That it wasn't actually a system error or whatever bullshit the Academy is officially pressing. Rebels accessed the VR scape tied to the Academy, and even threatened you."</span> He pauses his voice growing into a low growl. <span class="edward">"I don't actually give a fuck about you, but since they targeted you, at least you're not one of them. Watch your back out there. The fact that their hack was even leaked means that there is a traitor in the campus."</span>
As he falls silent, you allow his words to sink in, and when he starts walking, you follow suit, heading your separate ways without ever looking each other in the eye. Before you leave the path, you turn and glance over your shoulder, seeing Edward stride out of the area with a grim expression on his face. Even at this distance, you can tell that he's barely able to keep his composure even.
For a brief moment, you wonder if you've misjudged him, but tell yourself that if you hadn't been affected by the hack, he might even have called you a traitor.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Leave" "Hub_Commons">>
<<npcFactSet "edward_rival_posthack" 1>>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<startplaylist "playlist_exploration_soft">>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<saudio "bgm_rebel_idle" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.5>>
<div class="card solid card-nav">
<div class="row">
<div class="card-body p-0">
<div class="row d-flex">
<<slink "Commons" "Hub_Commons" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "ti ti-door-exit" "">>
<<startplaylist "playlist_exploration_soft">>
/% Gym is closed at night %/
<<if starGame.time.getCurrentPeriod() <= 3>>
<<if starGame.time.getCurrentPeriod() is 2>>
<<if starGame.time.getCurrentDay() is 'Tuesday'>>
/% Diane on Tuesday %/
<<if starGame.npcs.getStat('diane_affinity') < 0>>
/% Unfriendly Diane %/
<<slink "Cardio" "Commons_Gym_Diane_Unfriendly_Cardio" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "ti ti-clock">><</slink>>
<<slink "Weights" "Commons_Gym_Diane_Unfriendly_Weights" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "ti ti-clock">><</slink>>
<<include Commons_Gym_Choice>>
<<elseif starGame.time.getCurrentDay() is 'Thursday'>>
<<if starGame.npcs.getStat('edward_affinity') < 0>>
/% Rival Edward %/
<<slink "Cardio" "Commons_Gym_Edward_Unfriendly_Cardio" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "ti ti-clock">><</slink>>
<<slink "Weights" "Commons_Gym_Edward_Unfriendly_Weights" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "ti ti-clock">><</slink>>
<<slink "Cardio" "Commons_Gym_Edward_Cardio_Stage1" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "ti ti-clock">><</slink>>
<<slink "Weights" "Commons_Gym_Edward_Weights_Stage1" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "ti ti-clock">><</slink>>
/% Other day %/
<<include Commons_Gym_Choice>>
/% Not afternoon %/
<<include Commons_Gym_Choice>>
<<slink "Cardio" "" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu disabled" "ti ti-clock">><</slink>>
<<slink "Weights" "" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu disabled" "ti ti-clock">><</slink>>
<div class="navigation-container">\
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/gym1.webp"/>
<<if starGame.time.getCurrentPeriod() is 2>>
<<if starGame.time.getCurrentDay() is 'Tuesday'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/diane/expressions/neutral_gym.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.time.getCurrentDay() is 'Thursday'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/edward/expressions/neutral_civilian.webp"/>
<<box "choicebox">>
<<if starGame.time.getCurrentPeriod() is 2>>
<<if starGame.time.getCurrentDay() is 'Tuesday'>>
/% Diane %/
<<if starGame.npcs.getStat('diane_affinity') >= 0>>
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('diane_sexfriend') is true and starGame.npcs.getFact('diane_gym_sex_intro') is undefined>>
<<slink "Workout" "Commons_Gym_Diane_Stage1_Intro" "" "ti ti-clock">>
<<npcFactSet "diane_gym_sex_intro" true>>
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('diane_gym_sex_intro') is true or starGame.npcs.getStat('diane_relationship') > 0>>
<<slink "Private Workout" "Commons_Gym_Diane_Stage1_Sex" "" "ti ti-clock">><</slink>>
<<slink "Join Diane" "" "" "ti ti-clock">>
<<scene "Commons_Gym_Diane_Stage1_1">>
<<scene "Commons_Gym_Diane_Stage1_2">>
<<scene "Commons_Gym_Diane_Stage1_3">>
<<elseif starGame.time.getCurrentDay() is 'Thursday'>>
/% Edward %/
<<if starGame.time.getCurrentPeriod() is 4>>\
As you step up to the gym, you can see that the lights inside are off, and without trying the doors you know they're locked. A glance at the interactive display on the door tells you that the gym opens again in the morning.
<<if starGame.player.getFact('visit_gym') is true>>\
The gym is quiet at the moment, with the few cadets that are here minding their own business. Heading to the changing rooms to slip into your gym gear, you grab one of the water bottles off a stand.
As you stroll back into the main area of the gym, you take a look around, seeing the usual weight equipment and cardio machines. Satisfied that no new interesting things have been added yet, you decide what routine to do today.
The Academy gym is quieter than you expected, but you don't think about that for long. Instead, as you explore the facilities, you notice that every piece of equipment is state of the art, and that there are even some experimental weights and equipment that allow you to directly alter the gravity when using them.
Changing into some gym apparel, you grab a water bottle and head for the equipment, contemplating the type of workout you are going to do today.
<<playerFactSet "visit_gym" true>>\
<<if starGame.time.getCurrentPeriod() is 2>>\
<<if starGame.time.getCurrentDay() is 'Tuesday'>>\
/% Diane %/\
In a corner of the gym, you can see Diane busy doing her warm up stretches. She hasn't noticed you yet and you are once again reminded of the amount of work she puts into her body.
<<elseif starGame.time.getCurrentDay() is 'Thursday'>>\
/% Edward %/\
Edward is taking a break, sipping on water when you arrive. He doesn't seem to notice you, his focus clearly on the equipment around him.
<<slink "Cardio" "" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "ti ti-clock">>
<<scene "Commons_Gym_Cardio1">>
<<scene "Commons_Gym_Cardio2">>
<<scene "Commons_Gym_Cardio3">>
<<slink "Weights" "" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "ti ti-clock">>
<<scene "Commons_Gym_Weights1">>
<<scene "Commons_Gym_Weights2">>
<<scene "Commons_Gym_Weights3">>
<</nobr>><<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/academy/gym1.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
Heading towards the cardio equipment of the gym, you notice that Diane is here as well. She gives you a scowl when she notices you, but makes no other move to interact with you, not yet at least.
As you start up a treadmill, you notice Diane do the same, a safe distance away. Putting her out of your mind for now, you start to enjoy a light jog, before you eventually notice Diane easily matching your speed. When she realizes that you've noticed her, she picks up her own pace, and you swear you can see a faint smirk on her face.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Compete" "Commons_Gym_Diane_Unfriendly_Cardio_Compete">><</slink>>
<<slink "Stay Focused" "Commons_Gym_Diane_Unfriendly_Cardio_Focused">><</slink>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/academy/gym1.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
Deciding to accept the challenge you quickly up your own speed until you match hers, and then after waiting for her to look your way, you increase it some more. Her eyes widen slightly, perhaps surprised at the direct challenge. You do see a faint smile on her lips however, as she matches and then passes your speed in return.
You play the game with her a bit longer, and soon both of you find your treadmill running at its top speed. Eventually one of the gym instructors walks past, telling the two of you to knock it off before someone gets hurt. For a moment you think Diane will ignore the instruction, but she hits the button to slow down and start a cool down walk before you do.
As your cool down ends, you see Diane leaving a head of you, but her usual icy aura seems less harsh than before.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "End Session" "Commons_Gym">>
<<playerStatIncrease "gym_cardio" 1>>
<<npcStatIncrease "diane_redemption" 1>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/academy/gym1.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
Deciding to mind your own business, you ignore Diane and focus on your own exercise session.
The run is a relaxing time for you, and as you chase down an invisible horizon, you quickly find yourself deep in thought, not thinking about anything in particular, but enjoying the relative isolation and silence of your mind. Eventually a beep from the treadmill tells you that you've hit your target, and you slowly bring the speed down to a walk, allowing yourself a few minutes to cool down.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "End Session" "Commons_Gym">>
<<playerStatIncrease "gym_cardio" 1>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/academy/gym1.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
Diane is already busy working through her weights routine when you arrive, and despite her darkening expression when she sees you, she makes no move to otherwise engage with you. However, when you go to grab a set of weights and begin your own routine, you do notice that she matches you. She does keep her distance however, and you wonder if you should respond to the very subtle challenge or not.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Compete" "Commons_Gym_Diane_Unfriendly_Weights_Compete">><</slink>>
<<slink "Stay Focused" "Commons_Gym_Diane_Unfriendly_Weights_Focused">><</slink>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/academy/gym1.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
Making sure to meet her eyes, you make a show of switching to heavier weights, and sure enough, she does the same, making sure to match you again. You swear you can see a faint smirk on her face, as if to say that you'll have to do better to outlift her, but you slowly ramp up the intensity, upgrading your weights every few reps and activities until you both are breathing hard, the sweat dripping from your brow.
Eventually, the gym starts to fill up, and deciding to call it a draw for now, you put your weights back in place, Diane reluctantly following suit. As you watch her leave ahead of you, you feel like she's somehow less mindful of you for once.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "End Session" "Commons_Gym">>
<<playerStatIncrease "gym_weights" 1>>
<<npcStatIncrease "diane_redemption" 1>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/academy/gym1.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
Deciding to leave the thorny girl alone for now, you focus on your own routine, putting her out of your mind.
Slowly working through a routine that focuses on perfect range of movement, you start with some easy weights and work your way up to some heavier ones, always focusing on getting your form for the movements perfect.
After a fair amount of time has passed, and you've hit the reps target for this workout, you neatly rerack your weights, taking a few moments to admire your pump in the mirror.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "End Session" "Commons_Gym">>
<<playerStatIncrease "gym_weights" 1>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/gym1.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/diane/expressions/neutral_gym.webp"/>
<<reaction "diane" "Reaction_Diane">>\
Diane gives you a friendly wave as you approach the cardio equipment. From a glance you can tell that she's barely begun her own workout yet, and she waits for you to draw near before talking.
<span class="diane">"Wanna partner up? I wouldn't mind a friendly face to compete with for once."</span> The smile on her face is genuine and her words are warm and bubbly.
Deciding that there's no harm in it, and that you might even learn something from the athletic girl, you tell her you'd love to join.
Soon you wonder if you've made a mistake, as she quickly ramps the intensity of the training up a notch. You manage to keep pace with her, but you have a feeling that she's somewhat holding back. However, you quickly adjust to her pace, and soon find your session with her coming to a close. She gives you a warm smile, her body practically glistening as she approaches.
<span class="diane">"Good session. What do you say we cool down properly?"</span> She says with a wink, tilting her head slightly towards the instructors office nearby.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Accept" "Commons_Gym_Diane_Stage1_Accept">>
<<playerStatIncrease "gym_cardio" 1>>
<<slink "Decline" "Commons_Gym_Diane_Stage1_Decline">>
<<playerStatIncrease "gym_cardio" 1>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/gym1.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/diane/expressions/neutral_gym.webp"/>
<<reaction "diane" "Reaction_Diane">>\
Diane throws you a cheeky grin when you set up next to her, grabbing a few weights off the rack. She makes a big show of matching your choices, and you spend the first few minutes of your set in silent competition with her. Eventually however, she seems to finish warming up, and issues a challenge.
<span class="diane">"Looks like you might need a spotter."</span> She says, a twinkle of mischief in her eyes.
Curious about what she's planning, you agree to let her spot you, and head towards the bench press, watching as she sets it up for you. From a glance, it's not exactly your personal best, but it's higher than what you usually use. Seems like she wants you to show off a bit.
The first few sets go down easily, as you move the weights smoothly. Diane only seems encouraged by this, and as you move into the final weight she decides to take advantage of the empty gym, swinging a leg over you and sitting on your groin.
She gives a small wiggle as she adjusts for comfort, before encouraging you to finish your reps, her small movements against you keeping you distracted. Powering through your last set with difficulty, you rack the bar, as she slides off of you.
<span class="diane">"Great session today, $character_lastName."</span> She tilts her head towards the instructor's office. <span class="diane">"Want to finish up with a private workout?"</span> The accompanying wink makes it clear what you're in for if you accept.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Accept" "Commons_Gym_Diane_Stage1_Accept">>
<<playerStatIncrease "gym_cardio" 1>>
<<slink "Decline" "Commons_Gym_Diane_Stage1_Decline">>
<<playerStatIncrease "gym_cardio" 1>>
<<if starGame.player.isShemale()>>
<<if starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'black'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/diane/scenes/vaginal/s_black_pinned.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'tan'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/diane/scenes/vaginal/s_tan_pinned.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/diane/scenes/vaginal/s_fair_pinned.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.hasPenis()>>
<<if starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'black'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/diane/scenes/vaginal/m_black_pinned.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'tan'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/diane/scenes/vaginal/m_tan_pinned.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/diane/scenes/vaginal/m_fair_pinned.webp"/>
<<if starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'black'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/diane/scenes/vaginal/f_black_pinned.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'tan'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/diane/scenes/vaginal/f_tan_pinned.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/diane/scenes/vaginal/f_fair_pinned.webp"/>
Following Diane into the instructor's break room, you don't have much time to take in your surroundings before her tongue is in your mouth.
<<if starGame.player.hasPenis()>>\
You quickly strip her, as she does the same to you, her hands giving your cock special attention. Hard already, you break the kiss as you push her down onto the couch, a soft gasp accompanying the movement.
As you spread her legs, you notice that she's dripping wet already, and you run two fingers through her lips before presenting them to her. She leisurely licks her wetness off of your fingers and lets out a lusty whine as you brush against the soft skin of her thighs.
Deciding that you're both more than horny enough to begin, you take a moment to tease her, rubbing the tip of your dick against her pussy lips. She lets out a soft moan, lifting her hips subconsciously, trying to make it easy for you to penetrate her. Obliging with a smile, you slowly push into her, the resulting moan long and loud.
For a second you consider gagging her, and deciding to rather be safe than sorry you do. Balling up her panties you stuff her mouth with them, and from the way her pussy tightens around you, you can tell that she's turned on by it.
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('diane_sexfriend') is true>>\
The two of you spend a few minutes lying intertwined, the warmth of your bodies filling the air. After a few minutes however, there is a knock at the door.
Separating from Diane reluctantly, you head for the showers while she cleans the room. Once you've freshened up and dressed again, you see the still nude Diane slip past you into a shower, a gentle kiss planted on your cheek before she closes the door between you.
The two of you spend a few minutes lying intertwined, the warmth of your bodies filling the air. After a few minutes however, there is a knock at the door.
Separating from Diane reluctantly, you head for the showers while she cleans the room. Once you've freshened up and dressed again, you see the still nude Diane slip past you into a shower, a slap on your ass sending you on your way.
<<if starGame.player.hasVagina()>>\
As you trade kisses, you feel her undress you, before her fingers slip inside you, a gentle thumb running across your clit. A moan escapes your lips, and as your own fingers slip inside her panties, you can feel her breathing quicken.
A moment passes, the two of you leaning against each other, your fingers sliding into eager pussies, before she breaks contact first. Surprised, you are caught off guard when she pushes you back onto the couch, dropping to her knees between your legs.
As you pant for breath, Diane starts wrapping a harness around your hips. Looking down at her, you soon see that she's dressed you in a strapon, and as she climbs over you, she gives you a predatory smile before lowering herself onto it. A hand on your chest keeps you lying in place as she starts aggressively riding you. The pressure and motion affect you quickly, and you soon find yourself breathing heavily. Diane leans down to kiss you, and you feel her body tense as she does, your own climax following barely moments after hers.
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('diane_sexfriend') is true>>\
The two of you spend a few minutes lying intertwined, the warmth of your bodies filling the air. After a few minutes however, there is a knock at the door.
Separating from Diane reluctantly, you head for the showers while she cleans the room. Once you've freshened up and dressed again, you see the still nude Diane slip past you into a shower, a gentle kiss planted on your cheek before she closes the door between you.
The two of you spend a few minutes lying intertwined, the warmth of your bodies filling the air. After a few minutes however, there is a knock at the door.
Separating from Diane reluctantly, you head for the showers while she cleans the room. Once you've freshened up and dressed again, you see the still nude Diane slip past you into a shower, a slap on your ass sending you on your way.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "End Session" "Commons_Gym">>
<<startplaylist "playlist_exploration_soft">>
<<if starGame.npcs.getStat('diane_affinity') < 25>>
<<npcStatIncrease "diane_affinity" 1>>
<<snotify "info">>Diane appreciated spending time with you.<</snotify>>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<saudio "bgm_sex1" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.25>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/gym1.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/diane/expressions/neutral_gym.webp"/>
Telling Diane that you'll have to skip today, but maybe next time, you're rewarded with an iconic fake pout from her, before she sends you off on your business.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "End Session" "Commons_Gym">>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/gym1.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/diane/expressions/happy_gym.webp"/>
As per usual, Diane is here in the gym, but you must have caught her between workouts this time, as she's busy leaning against the wall, a bottle of water in her hand and a light sheen of sweat on her skin. She flashes you an easy, if tired smile as you approach.
<span class="diane">"Come to challenge me while I'm weak?"</span> She jokes, and you can't help but chuckle along, waving her worries off with a smile.
Telling her that you're only looking to spend some time together, she guides you to a nearby bench, out of the way of the gym goers and clearly meant for people passing the time.
Plopping onto the seat with a genuine groan of relief, Diane raises an eyebrow at you curiously. Taking a seat next to her, you quickly reassure her that there's nothing wrong or worth worrying about, and that you just wanted to spend some time with her. Relieved at your words, Diane punches you gently on the arm, scolding you for worrying her like that.
The rest of your chat together is relatively short, considering that it's in the gym and in between workouts, but it's enjoyable nonetheless, with Diane doing her part in keeping the topic light and bubbly, cracking jokes and making sure you know you're welcome to join her for the next part of her exercise if you wanted to.
You wave the offer off for now at least, deciding that spending time with her was exactly what you wanted. When she pats her knee and stands up, ready to return to the weights, you head for the gym door, giving her a friendly wave as you leave.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "End Session" "Commons_Gym">>
<<if starGame.npcs.getStat('diane_affinity') < 25>>
<<npcStatIncrease "diane_affinity" 1>>
<<snotify "info">>Diane appreciated spending time with you.<</snotify>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/gym1.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/diane/expressions/neutral_gym.webp"/>
Diane is busy working out here, and the gym is quieter than normal. Smiling to yourself as you remember the last private training session you had with her, you slowly make your way across to her, aiming to catch her by surprise.
Gently running your fingers down her back, you struggle to hold back your laugh as she jumps in surprise. Pulling her into a hug before she can get too upset at you, you feel a tingle of excitement run through you as her hands subconsciously explore your body, betraying her own thoughts. You whisper a suggestion in her ear that you've got time for another private session if she does, a deep blush forming on her face even as she grips you tighter, turning and looking for a secluded bench.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Commons_Gym_Diane_Stage1_Sex_Accept">><</slink>>
<<if starGame.player.isShemale()>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/diane/scenes/workout/m_bg.webp"/>
<<if starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'black'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/diane/scenes/workout/s_black.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'tan'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/diane/scenes/workout/s_tan.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/diane/scenes/workout/s_fair.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.hasPenis()>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/diane/scenes/workout/m_bg.webp"/>
<<if starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'black'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/diane/scenes/workout/m_black.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'tan'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/diane/scenes/workout/m_tan.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/diane/scenes/workout/m_fair.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/diane/scenes/workout/f_bg.webp"/>
<<if starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'black'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/diane/scenes/workout/f_black.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'tan'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/diane/scenes/workout/f_tan.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/diane/scenes/workout/f_fair.webp"/>
<<if starGame.player.hasPenis() is true>>\
Playing along as she leads you over to one of the weight benches, you admire her body as she does her usual set up to lift, knowing that it's all an act. She doesn't keep the deception up for long either, as she starts caressing your dick through your pants as she adjusts her position slightly, her head inches from your crotch as she gives you a sultry smile from her position laid out in front of you.
Pulling your pants down with a skillful tug, you watch as your dick springs free, coming to rest across her face as she gives your shaft a few gentle kisses. Feeling her tongue caress your length, you can only wait in anticipation as she slowly and gently worships your cock, a flurry of kisses and soft nibbles serving to drive your lust through the roof. Unable to resist the temptation for much longer, you're about to thrust your cock into her mouth when the feeling of warmth that accompanies her taking you into her mouth reaches you.
Letting out an involuntary moan, your reaction to being engulfed in her mouth is rewarded with her taking you inside her even more vigorously. Her own muffled moans mix with the lewd sounds of your dick sliding into her throat as your hips buck almost of their own accord, her hands on your hips keeping you secure and deep inside her warm, moist mouth. A hand roams from your hips to caress and massage your balls, Diane's every movement focused entirely on pleasing you further.
The sensations running through your body heightened by her touch while she expertly sucks you off, you feel a tremble run through your legs, threatening to fold underneath you as a result of the waves of pleasure running through them. Feeling your orgasm approaching quickly under her care, you find yourself leaning against the bar, your dick thrust deep inside her throat as she hungrily sucks you off, the lewd sounds from her movements completely filling the gym as she tries to push you over the edge, desperately coaxing your cum from you as she pulls you tight against her.
Her arms wrapped around your lower half as she forces you to fill her throat, you can no longer resist the suction and warmth of her mouth as you pant, feeling your cum pump down her throat as you shiver with pleasure, her contented moans accompanying the feeling of cool air on your cock as she releases you from her mouth, her tongue gently cleaning the last of the cum off your cock as she lies on the bench beneath you, a smug, satisfied look settling onto her face.
Deciding that you've been serviced and cleaned properly, Diane tucks your dick back inside your pants, patting your thigh gently as she smiles up at you with a very faint blush on her cheeks.
<span class="diane">"Thanks for the protein shot."</span> She teases, before returning to her work out, and you can only smile down at her as she acts like nothing strange has happened at all.
Following along with her, you decide to finish up your workout here, going easy on the weights and exercise due to the session with Diane. Eventually, some other cadets arrive, and as you slowly begin to finish up your session in the gym, you can see Diane doing the same, heading for the showers alone while you're still busy with your last set of weights.
Having hit your targets for the day, you clean your area up, racking your weights and wiping off the benches you used with a comfortable rush of endorphins running through you from the exercise. Heading to the showers to freshen up and change back into normal clothes for the day, you decide that you'll have to see about finding the gym empty more often from now on.
As she leads you over to one of the weight benches, you play along when she pushes you over onto the bench allowing her her moment of roleplaying as she makes you pretend you're about to exercise. You feel a rush of excitement sweep through you when she slides her fingers into the band of your pants, and lifting your ass instinctively, you allow her to slide your pants off entirely, exposing your sensitive and already moist cunt to the cool air of the gym.
A thought in the back of your mind tells you that you should be worried about potential gym goers entering while you're in such a compromised position, but before you can start to worry about it further, you feel Diane's fingers slide inside you, her skillful touch quickly drawing a series of soft moans from your lips. Laid out before her on the bench as you are, you can do little but spread your legs to allow her better access to your pussy, and almost as if she reads your mind, her fingers writhing deeper into you as she rubs against your most sensitive spots, a lurid smile on her face telling you that she's enjoying having you at her mercy almost as much as you're enjoying her touch.
Deciding to try take some control of the situation back, you hook a leg around her shoulders, pulling her upper body closer to your crotch, a gentle kiss on the soft skin of your thigh a reward for your decisive action as she starts to tease you again, her lips and teeth leaving gentle kisses and bites around your pussy and clit as she continues to explore your cunt with her fingers. A slight whine escapes your lips as you feel your frustration grow, wanting to feel her lips against you and her tongue inside you.
Diane gives you a smug smirk, resisting the pull of your legs to pull her against you for a moment longer before she finally gives in, pulling her fingers out of you and licking them clean in a leisurely, unhurried manner. Before you can whine or moan again however, she leans into you, her tongue drawing a pattern around your clit before she gives it the lightest of licks, a sudden tingle of pleasure running through you as she sucks on it hungrily, her hands on your thighs keeping your legs spread as you buck against her suddenly rough touch, the waves of pleasure running through you like lightning.
Feeling the first of several orgasms wash over you, you barely notice her attention move from your clit, until she plunges her tongue deep inside you, its writhing movements quickly forcing your breath rough and ragged as she quickly overwhelms you with pleasure. Twitching and trembling helplessly as you ride the waves of ecstasy, you find yourself filling the relative silence of the empty gym with your moans and cries of pleasure, unable to hold yourself back even the slightest amount as Diane expertly eats you out, her eyes locking with yours from her position between your legs.
Overcome with pleasure, and feeling the strength drain from your body as you convulse from yet another orgasm of earth shattering intensity, you can do little more than feebly lie limp on the bench, barely reacting to Dianes lips brushing against your skin as she kisses her way up your body, the taste of your juices mixing with the taste of her lips as she makes out with you triumphantly. Slowly recovering enough to pull your pants back into place, you lean against the weight rack unsteadily, meeting Diane's eyes as you try to get your breathing under control.
She teases you with a wink and a blown kiss, resuming her actual workout like nothing had happened moments before cadets start to file into the gym, and you're forced to play along with the tomboy, reluctantly pushing your drained and flustered body through an exercise routine alongside her. Eventually having recovered enough from the series of orgasms and with a healthy dose of endorphins pumping through your body, you start bringing your exercise routine to a close, noticing Diane heading off to the showers alone.
Waiting just long enough to go to the showers to make it look like you're not following her, you slowly set about showering and freshening up for the day with a smile as you decide that you'll have to see about finding the gym empty more often from now on.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Commons_Gym">>
<<startplaylist "playlist_exploration_soft">>
<<if starGame.npcs.getStat('diane_affinity') < 25>>
<<npcStatIncrease "diane_affinity" 1>>
<<snotify "info">>Diane appreciated spending time with you.<</snotify>>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<saudio "bgm_sex5" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.25>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/gym1.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/diane/expressions/neutral_gym.webp"/>
The gym is basically deserted when you walk in, a rare occurrence these days. Enjoying the solitary nature of working out alone you quickly head over to the weight racks, intending on getting a decent pump for the day while you can. Quickly falling into a comfortable rhythm as you cycle through your exercises, a light sheen of sweat envelops your body as you work like a well oiled machine.
Enraptured as you are with your workout, you jump slightly when someone touches you, your mind having been so totally focused on the exercise at hand that you didn't notice them arriving at all. Taking a breath to steady yourself while Diane laughs at your reaction, you find yourself smiling as she gives you a hug, her lips brushing against your cheek in a display of affection.
From the way her hands linger on your body, you can tell that she's got more than just a workout on her mind, and you can't help but smile when she asks if you're interested in a… private workout session. Already in the gym and alone with her now, you give it a brief moment of thought before making your decision.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Accept" "Commons_Gym_Diane_Stage1_Intro_Accept">><</slink>>
<<slink "Decline" "Commons_Gym_Diane_Stage1_Intro_Decline">><</slink>>
<<if starGame.player.isShemale()>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/diane/scenes/workout/m_bg.webp"/>
<<if starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'black'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/diane/scenes/workout/s_black.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'tan'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/diane/scenes/workout/s_tan.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/diane/scenes/workout/s_fair.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.hasPenis()>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/diane/scenes/workout/m_bg.webp"/>
<<if starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'black'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/diane/scenes/workout/m_black.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'tan'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/diane/scenes/workout/m_tan.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/diane/scenes/workout/m_fair.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/diane/scenes/workout/f_bg.webp"/>
<<if starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'black'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/diane/scenes/workout/f_black.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'tan'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/diane/scenes/workout/f_tan.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/diane/scenes/workout/f_fair.webp"/>
Diane gives you an excited smile as you tell her that you're definitely up for a private workout session with her. She quickly leads you over to a weight bench, giving you a cheeky grin as you wonder if you've actually misunderstood her words and touches to be more sexual than they were meant to be.
However, as she presses her body against yours, her hands roaming over you as she kisses you, you feel a rush of anticipation and excitement run through you as your suspicions are confirmed.
<<if starGame.player.hasPenis() is true>>\
As she leads you over to one of the weight benches, you wonder for a moment if you've misread the situation entirely, as she positions you to spot her and lies on the bench, her hands resting lightly on the bar above her as if she's about to start bench presses now. However, her hands drop from the bar, caressing your dick through your pants as she adjusts her position slightly, her head inches from your crotch as she gives you a sultry smile from her position laid out in front of you.
Pulling your pants down with a skillful tug, you watch as your dick springs free, coming to rest across her face as she gives your shaft a few gentle kisses. Feeling her tongue caress your length, you can only wait in anticipation as she slowly and gently worships your cock, a flurry of kisses and soft nibbles serving to drive your lust through the roof. Unable to resist the temptation for much longer, you're about to thrust your cock into her mouth when the feeling of warmth that accompanies her taking you into her mouth reaches you.
Letting out an involuntary moan, your reaction to being engulfed in her mouth is rewarded with her taking you inside her even more vigorously. Her own muffled moans mix with the lewd sounds of your dick sliding into her throat as your hips buck almost of their own accord, her hands on your hips keeping you secure and deep inside her warm, moist mouth. A hand roams from your hips to caress and massage your balls, Diane's every movement focused entirely on pleasing you further.
The sensations running through your body heightened by her touch while she expertly sucks you off, you feel a tremble run through your legs, threatening to fold underneath you as a result of the waves of pleasure running through them. Feeling your orgasm approaching quickly under her care, you find yourself leaning against the bar, your dick thrust deep inside her throat as she hungrily sucks you off, the lewd sounds from her movements completely filling the gym as she tries to push you over the edge, desperately coaxing your cum from you as she pulls you tight against her.
Her arms wrapped around your lower half as she forces you to fill her throat, you can no longer resist the suction and warmth of her mouth as you pant, feeling your cum pump down her throat as you shiver with pleasure, her contented moans accompanying the feeling of cool air on your cock as she releases you from her mouth, her tongue gently cleaning the last of the cum off your cock as she lies on the bench beneath you, a smug, satisfied look settling onto her face.
Deciding that you've been serviced and cleaned properly, Diane tucks your dick back inside your pants, patting your thigh gently as she smiles up at you with a very faint blush on her cheeks.
<span class="diane">"Thanks for the protein shot."</span> She teases, before returning to her work out, and you can only smile down at her as she acts like nothing strange has happened at all.
Following along with her, you decide to finish up your workout here, going easy on the weights and exercise due to the session with Diane. Eventually, some other cadets arrive, and as you slowly begin to finish up your session in the gym, you can see Diane doing the same, heading for the showers alone while you're still busy with your last set of weights.
Having hit your targets for the day, you clean your area up, racking your weights and wiping off the benches you used with a comfortable rush of endorphins running through you from the exercise. Heading to the showers to freshen up and change back into normal clothes for the day, you decide that you'll have to see about finding the gym empty more often from now on.
As she leads you over to one of the weight benches, you wonder for a moment if you've misjudged the situation when she pushes you over onto the bench as if she's going to make you do bench presses right away. You feel a rush of excitement sweep through you when she slides her fingers into the band of your pants, and lifting your ass instinctively, you allow her to slide your pants off entirely, exposing your sensitive and already moist cunt to the cool air of the gym.
A thought in the back of your mind tells you that you should be worried about potential gym goers entering while you're in such a compromised position, but before you can start to worry about it further, you feel Diane's fingers slide inside you, her skillful touch quickly drawing a series of soft moans from your lips. Laid out before her on the bench as you are, you can do little but spread your legs to allow her better access to your pussy, and almost as if she reads your mind, her fingers writhing deeper into you as she rubs against your most sensitive spots, a lurid smile on her face telling you that she's enjoying having you at her mercy almost as much as you're enjoying her touch.
Deciding to try take some control of the situation back, you hook a leg around her shoulders, pulling her upper body closer to your crotch, a gentle kiss on the soft skin of your thigh a reward for your decisive action as she starts to tease you again, her lips and teeth leaving gentle kisses and bites around your pussy and clit as she continues to explore your cunt with her fingers. A slight whine escapes your lips as you feel your frustration grow, wanting to feel her lips against you and her tongue inside you.
Diane gives you a smug smirk, resisting the pull of your legs to pull her against you for a moment longer before she finally gives in, pulling her fingers out of you and licking them clean in a leisurely, unhurried manner. Before you can whine or moan again however, she leans into you, her tongue drawing a pattern around your clit before she gives it the lightest of licks, a sudden tingle of pleasure running through you as she sucks on it hungrily, her hands on your thighs keeping your legs spread as you buck against her suddenly rough touch, the waves of pleasure running through you like lightning.
Feeling the first of several orgasms wash over you, you barely notice her attention move from your clit, until she plunges her tongue deep inside you, its writhing movements quickly forcing your breath rough and ragged as she quickly overwhelms you with pleasure. Twitching and trembling helplessly as you ride the waves of ecstasy, you find yourself filling the relative silence of the empty gym with your moans and cries of pleasure, unable to hold yourself back even the slightest amount as Diane expertly eats you out, her eyes locking with yours from her position between your legs.
Overcome with pleasure, and feeling the strength drain from your body as you convulse from yet another orgasm of earth shattering intensity, you can do little more than feebly lie limp on the bench, barely reacting to Dianes lips brushing against your skin as she kisses her way up your body, the taste of your juices mixing with the taste of her lips as she makes out with you triumphantly. Slowly recovering enough to pull your pants back into place, you lean against the weight rack unsteadily, meeting Diane's eyes as you try to get your breathing under control.
She teases you with a wink and a blown kiss, resuming her actual workout like nothing had happened moments before cadets start to file into the gym, and you're forced to play along with the tomboy, reluctantly pushing your drained and flustered body through an exercise routine alongside her. Eventually having recovered enough from the series of orgasms and with a healthy dose of endorphins pumping through your body, you start bringing your exercise routine to a close, noticing Diane heading off to the showers alone.
Waiting just long enough to go to the showers to make it look like you're not following her, you slowly set about showering and freshening up for the day with a smile as you decide that you'll have to see about finding the gym empty more often from now on.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Commons_Gym">>
<<startplaylist "playlist_exploration_soft">>
<<if starGame.npcs.getStat('diane_affinity') < 25>>
<<npcStatIncrease "diane_affinity" 1>>
<<snotify "info">>Diane appreciated spending time with you.<</snotify>>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<saudio "bgm_sex5" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.25>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/gym1.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/diane/expressions/neutral_gym.webp"/>
Deciding that you're not feeling up for anything sexual in the gym right now, and feeling confident that the private workout would move in that direction if you took it, you give her a gentle smile as you tell her that you'll have to pass for now at least. Diane gives you a small pout, her cute, upset expression drawing yet another grin to your face, prompting her to blush and protest about teasing her. Giving her a gentle kiss before you return to your workout, you spend the rest of your time in the gym slowly working out and making sure you go through the proper range of motions for your exercises.
Diane works out in tandem with you, clearly staying close in case you change your mind on the private session with her, while still managing to get some exercise of her own, the light sheen of sweat making her positively glisten under the lights of the gym. Eventually, some other cadets arrive, and as you slowly begin to finish up your session in the gym, you can see Diane doing the same, heading for the showers alone while you're still busy with your last set of weights.
Having hit your targets for the day, you clean your area up, racking your weights and wiping off the benches you used with a comfortable rush of endorphins running through you from the exercise. Heading to the showers to freshen up and change back into normal clothes for the day, you decide that you'll have to see about finding the gym empty more often from now on.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Commons_Gym">>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/academy/gym1.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
As you head towards the circuit, you notice that Edward is already here. From the way he's drenched in sweat, you can tell he's almost done with his workout, and while you're trying to decide what kind of workout you should do today, he notices you. While no words are exchanged, the way he stops his workout in the middle of a seat, and stalks out of the gym tells you that he won't even ignore your presence at the moment.
The run is a relaxing time for you, and as you chase down an invisible horizon, you quickly find yourself deep in thought, not thinking about anything in particular, but enjoying the relative isolation and silence of your mind. Eventually a beep from the treadmill tells you that you've hit your target, and you slowly bring the speed down to a walk, allowing yourself a few minutes to cool down.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "End Session" "Commons_Gym">>
<<playerStatIncrease "gym_cardio" 1>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/academy/gym1.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
As you head towards the circuit, you notice that Edward is already here. From the way he's drenched in sweat, you can tell he's almost done with his workout, and while you're trying to decide what kind of workout you should do today, he notices you. While no words are exchanged, the way he stops his workout in the middle of a seat, and stalks out of the gym tells you that he won't even ignore your presence at the moment.
Slowly working through a routine that focuses on perfect range of movement, you start with some easy weights and work your way up to some heavier ones, always focusing on getting your form for the movements perfect.
After a fair amount of time has passed, and you've hit the reps target for this workout, you neatly rerack your weights, taking a few moments to admire your pump in the mirror.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "End Session" "Commons_Gym">>
<<playerStatIncrease "gym_weights" 1>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/academy/gym1.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
<<reaction "edward" "Reaction_Edward">>\
Edward is here, busy doing a circuit workout. You consider joining him for a moment, but from the way he's already drenched in sweat, you know that he's close to done with his workout. Giving him a friendly nod, you start on a circuit of your own, and are not surprised when he does approach you once he ends his own routine.
The two of you enjoy some small talk for a short while, trading tips and advice. After a few minutes however, he decides to wrap things up, letting you return to your work out. As he leaves, you notice how he makes a point of politely stopping and greeting the few friends he recognizes in the gym.
<div class="center">
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "End Session" "Commons_Gym">>
<<playerStatIncrease "gym_cardio" 1>>
<<if starGame.npcs.getStat('edward_affinity') < 25>>
<<npcStatIncrease "edward_affinity" 1>>
<<snotify "info">>Edward appreciated spending time with you.<</snotify>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/academy/gym1.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
<<reaction "edward" "Reaction_Edward">>\
Edward is here, busy doing a circuit workout. You consider joining him for a moment, but from the way he's already drenched in sweat, you know that he's close to done with his workout. Giving him a friendly nod, you start on a circuit of your own, and are not surprised when he does approach you once he ends his own routine.
The two of you enjoy some small talk for a short while, trading tips and advice. After a few minutes however, he decides to wrap things up, letting you return to your work out. As he leaves, you notice how he makes a point of politely stopping and greeting the few friends he recognizes in the gym.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "End Session" "Commons_Gym">>
<<playerStatIncrease "gym_weights" 1>>
<<if starGame.npcs.getStat('edward_affinity') < 25>>
<<npcStatIncrease "edward_affinity" 1>>
<<snotify "info">>Edward appreciated spending time with you.<</snotify>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/academy/gym1.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
You make your way over to the treadmill, deciding that a good run is exactly what you need right now. Starting out nice and easy, you slowly scale the speed of the treadmill up as you warm up. After about ten minutes of an easy jog you decide that you've warmed up enough, and setting the speed a few stages higher, you break into an easy, but fast paced run.
The run is a relaxing time for you, and as you chase down an invisible horizon, you quickly find yourself deep in thought, not thinking about anything in particular, but enjoying the relative isolation and silence of your mind. Eventually a beep from the treadmill tells you that you've hit your target, and you slowly bring the speed down to a walk, allowing yourself a few minutes to cool down.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "End Session" "Commons_Gym">>
<<playerStatIncrease "gym_cardio" 1>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/academy/gym1.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
A healthy mind needs a healthy body and as you make your way to one of the stationary cycles, you decide to go with a gentle ride, choosing to get your blood flowing instead of a long session. As you calibrate the bike to fit you, you choose a decent VR track to follow.
Soon you find yourself traveling down a nice shaded road. The cool breeze you feel running against you is well emulated by the gyms air conditioning, and even though you know the scenery in front of you is a virtual representation, you find it relaxing, as the rolling hills and gently winding path allows you to take your mind off things and just enjoy the ride for once.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "End Session" "Commons_Gym">>
<<playerStatIncrease "gym_cardio" 1>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/academy/gym1.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
You can feel some underlying stress and tension in your body, and being in the right mood for it, you decide to tackle the stair machine today. As you start the monumental task of simulating a climb of a couple dozen flights of stairs, you quickly lose yourself to the simple rhythm.
It's at about the halfway point of your session that you realize you've just been blankly staring into space, the difficulty of the machine not really matching up with your physical prowess. Raising the intensity a few levels, you soon break into a sweat, and as you find yourself slowly completing the target distance, your breathing is out of control.
Maybe you're not as fit as you thought you were.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "End Session" "Commons_Gym">>
<<playerStatIncrease "gym_cardio" 1>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/academy/gym1.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
Some days when you get dressed, you feel like you've lost some of your muscle tone. Having a decent amount of time for a gym session available now, you decide to head towards the weights, claiming a few dumbbells for your personal use.
Slowly working through a routine that focuses on perfect range of movement, you start with some easy weights and work your way up to some heavier ones, always focusing on getting your form for the movements perfect.
After a fair amount of time has passed, and you've hit the reps target for this workout, you neatly rerack your weights, taking a few moments to admire your pump in the mirror.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "End Session" "Commons_Gym">>
<<playerStatIncrease "gym_weights" 1>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/academy/gym1.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
Your arms and back have been feeling stiff recently, and with a suspicion that it's because you've been running on a lighter gym schedule to focus on your academy career, you head for the bench press. Starting off light to get your body warmed up, you quickly work your weights up to near your personal best, keeping it at the point between comfort and strain.
Enjoying the feel of your muscles burning, you spend a decent period of time just hitting your reps and resting, before eventually deciding to surrender the bench to others. Wiping off the bench as you leave, you take a moment to give a subtle flex to a mirror.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "End Session" "Commons_Gym">>
<<playerStatIncrease "gym_weights" 1>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/academy/gym1.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
The squat rack is open, and a quick glance around the gym tells you that it's the perfect time to get some reps in. Your first few reps are smooth and easy, and feeling confident, you decide to increase the weight a few steps. Focusing on making sure your form is good, you easily glide through the rest of your set, a pleasant burn telling you that you've put in a good session today.
Resetting the weights and rack to its default, you decide to cool off with a light walk around the circuit before making your way out.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "End Session" "Commons_Gym">>
<<playerStatIncrease "gym_weights" 1>>
<div class="card card-nav solid">
<div class="row">
<div class="card-body p-0">
<div class="row d-flex">
<<slink "Lumina Mall" "City_Mall" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "ti ti-door-exit" "">><<fixme>><</slink>>
<<slink "Browse Catalog" "CS_Browse" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "ti ti-shopping-cart">><</slink>>
<<slink "Changing Room" "CS_Wardrobe" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "">><</slink>>
<<slink "Private Room" "CS_Interior_PrivateRoom" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "">><</slink>>
<</nobr>>\<<include CS_Nav>>\
<div class="navigation-container">\
<img src="resources/img/locations/city/downtown/luxurystore.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/side/twins/expressions/happy_uniform.webp"/>
<img class="exp-twin-vflip" src="resources/img/characters/side/twins/expressions/happy_uniform.webp"/>
<<if starGame.player.getFact('castelli_visited') is true>>\
Entering through the automatic doors, now unlocked for you since entering the access code, you see the twin attendants eagerly waiting for you.
<span class="twin">"Welcome back to Castelli, $character_firstName $character_lastName. As always, we remain at your full disposal."</span>
It's not the first time you've been inside a Castelli, a benefit of being a $character_lastName. While each store is unique, they keep to the same general floor plan and service model. Entering through the automatic doors, now unlocked for you since entering the access code, you see a pair of well dressed, neatly groomed attendants waiting for you.
<span class="twin">"Welcome, $character_firstName $character_lastName. We are Helena and Rae, your assigned personal attendants. Please feel free to request anything you may need from us."</span> They speak together, their voices blending harmoniously, leading you to believe there are some hidden cybernetic implants they share to create the effect.
<<playerFactSet "castelli_visited" true>>\
<<addtocodex "Helena & Rae" "met_twins">>
</div>\<<include CS_Nav>>\
<div class="navigation-container">\
<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/city/downtown/luxurystore.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
<<sshop "shop_luxuryshop">>
</div>\<<include CS_Nav>>\
<div class="navigation-container">\
<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/city/downtown/luxurystore.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
<<include Wardrobe>>\
</div>\<<include CS_Nav>>\
<div class="navigation-container">\
<img src="resources/img/locations/city/downtown/luxurystore_room.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/side/twins/expressions/happy_uniform.webp"/>
<img class="exp-twin-vflip" src="resources/img/characters/side/twins/expressions/happy_uniform.webp"/>
<span class="twin">"Of course. Just this way."</span> They say in unison, as they lead you away from the main area of Castelli and into a private room.
Seated between the two of them, you're quickly treated to a tablet that seems to serve as a menu. Smiling as you read the options, the twins on either side lightly rest a hand on your thighs as they wait for you to make a choice.
<div class="center m-3"><h5 class="bold">Activities</h5></div>
<div class="row">
<<slink "Slime Girl" "CS_Interior_PrivateRoom_SlimeGirl" "slink btn btn-highlight w-100">><</slink>>
<<slink "Elves Duo" "CS_Interior_PrivateRoom_Elves" "slink btn btn-highlight w-100">><</slink>>
<<slink "Latex Drone" "CS_Interior_PrivateRoom_LatexDrone" "slink btn btn-highlight w-100">><</slink>>
<<slink "Nothing" "CS_Interior_PrivateRoom_Nothing" "slink btn btn-highlight w-100">><</slink>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/city/downtown/luxurystore_room.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/side/twins/expressions/happy_uniform.webp"/>
<img class="exp-twin-vflip" src="resources/img/characters/side/twins/expressions/happy_uniform.webp"/>
Reading the menu and deciding that nothing actually captures your eye or mind for the moment, you put the menu back on the table. You spend a few moments enjoying the silent company of the two twins before you explain that you're not going to be picking any of the options today after all.
Faint expressions of disappointment flicker over their perfect faces before they manage to control their emotions, and as they escort you back into the Castelli proper, they keep up the friendly and professional attitude from before easily.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "CS_Interior">><</slink>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/city/downtown/luxurystore_room.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/side/twins/expressions/happy_uniform.webp"/>
<img class="exp-twin-vflip" src="resources/img/characters/side/twins/expressions/happy_uniform.webp"/>
Selecting the option on the tablet that you presume is tied to the twins, you hear a soft beep from the door as it locks itself, the twins on either side of you giving you a flirty and seductive smile as their hands start to move, exploring your body as they help strip you down.
Nude and gently being worshiped by the two girls, you are somewhat surprised when they each produce a sweet smelling pink candy, sharing a wink with you before they swallow it. At first, nothing happens and you start to wonder if it's just a ritual they like to do, when you notice the tips of their ears steadily elongating, lewd moans accompanying the changes. You can't help but be mesmerized as sweeping changes run through their body, giving their skin an almost ethereal glow as their hair lengthens and their faces morph slightly.
As the two newly transformed elves approach you seductively, their hands running gently over your already nude form, you notice how much softer they feel already.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<if starGame.player.hasVagina() is true>>
<<slink "Continue" "CS_Interior_PrivateRoom_Elves_Female">>
<<npcFactSet "castelli_elves" true>>
<<slink "Continue" "CS_Interior_PrivateRoom_Elves_Male">>
<<npcFactSet "castelli_elves" true>>
<img src="resources/img/events/castelli/bg_table.webp"/>
<<if starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'black'>>
<img src="resources/img/events/castelli/elves/f_black.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'tan'>>
<img src="resources/img/events/castelli/elves/f_tan.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/events/castelli/elves/f_fair.webp"/>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<saudio "bgm_sex5" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.5>>
The twins waste no time in making it clear that they're as eager to serve as you are to be served, and you're only slightly surprised as you watch them eagerly make out with each other as they put on a show of stripping nude for you. Admiring their bodies as they pose and show off for you, you find yourself already growing hard. As their eyes flick down to your groin and back up to your face with knowing smiles on their faces, you suddenly realize you're looking forward to what's to come more than you thought.
The twins quickly demonstrate their skill and expertise with their tongues as they start to worship you, their lips tracing over every inch of your body as they explore it with tender kisses and gentle bites. A gasp escapes your lips as they focus on your nipples at the same time, their hands gliding down your body and spreading your legs as they do. Feeling the fingers slip inside you while the other twin teases your clit. Their combined touch quickly begins to wear away at your senses, as you're slowly assaulted with waves of pleasure and anticipation in equal measure.
From the way they move in tandem with each other, you have a brief thought about if they can read each other's minds, their slow assault on your body quickly pushing you to tremble and quake as they expertly bring you to the edge of your first orgasm, keeping you there as they tease you, their delicate touches driving you to desperation as you try and push yourself against them in search of that relief.
They share an evil smile as they tease you, preventing you from orgasming while edging you, their kisses and movements driving you wild with lust. When one of the twins suddenly slides her tongue inside you, the waves of pleasure that break over you are mind numbing, and you don't really notice the other twin taking her place behind you. Between the two tongues inside you, and their skilled movements, you quickly find yourself riding a series of orgasms, your fluids freely flowing into their mouths as they alternate between exploring you with their tongues and kissing each other.
As you ride the waves of pleasure, your legs buckle, and if not for the twins holding you up while they eat you out, you would have fallen. Completely at the mercy of the twins, you can do little more than let them worship you, their tongues writhing inside, driving you to ever higher levels of pleasure. As your mind begins to fog over from the pleasure, you fill the room with your moans and pants, the twins below you joining in with their labored breaths.
Dozens of orgasms later, you find yourself lying on the couch, thoroughly spent and breathing hard as you try to recover from the fun you had. Slowly redressing yourself and making your way out of the booth, you lean unsteadily against the wall for a few moments before your legs strengthen.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Leave" "CS_Interior">>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<startplaylist "playlist_exploration_soft">>
<img src="resources/img/events/castelli/bg_table.webp"/>
<<if starGame.player.isShemale() is true>>
<<if starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'black'>>
<img src="resources/img/events/castelli/elves/s_black.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'tan'>>
<img src="resources/img/events/castelli/elves/s_tan.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/events/castelli/elves/s_fair.webp"/>
<<if starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'black'>>
<img src="resources/img/events/castelli/elves/m_black.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'tan'>>
<img src="resources/img/events/castelli/elves/m_tan.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/events/castelli/elves/m_fair.webp"/>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<saudio "bgm_sex5" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.5>>
The twins waste no time in making it clear that they're as eager to serve as you are to be served, and you're only slightly surprised as you watch them eagerly make out with each other as they put on a show of stripping nude for you. Admiring their bodies as they pose and show off for you, you find yourself already growing hard. As their eyes flick down to your groin and back up to your face with knowing smiles on their faces, you suddenly realize you're looking forward to what's to come more than you thought.
One of the twins drops to her knees in front of you, her hands expertly massaging your shaft and balls as her lips plant butterfly kisses on your dick, the teasing sensation heightening your desire, and as you run a hand through her hair, intent on pulling her closer, the other twin kisses you hard, her tongue darting between your lips as she guides your hand between her legs, your fingers sliding inside her already wet pussy easily. Feeling her other hand rest on your hand that's guiding her sister, you lean back into the chair, deciding to enjoy the experience as much as you can.
The twin between your legs is eager to show off how well she can suck dick, and as she finishes teasing you with her gentle kisses, you feel her lips slowly slide over your length, the sensation of her warm mouth replacing the cool air of the room causing you to moan into her sister's mouth, and as she starts to slide off your dick, you feel her head being pulled back against you, your dick sliding deep into her throat as she's forced to deepthroat you by her twin.
The kiss breaks with a popping sound, you breathe deeply as you feel the twins press themselves against you, one deepthroating you while the other guides her movements. Simply leaning back into the couch while you're being serviced, you enjoy the moment. Contrary to you, the twins want more however, and as your dick springs free from the kneeling twins mouth, you watch as her sister leans over the table, presenting her tight cunt to you eagerly. You don't need to think twice, and as you move to use her, her sister guides you in, kissing her sisters thigh as she watches you thrust into her, the room quickly filling with moans as you fuck her.
When she suddenly tightens around you, you're surprised by how quickly she orgasmed, but you realize her sister was helping your thrusts by playing with her clit, and as you pull out of the limp girl, the other twin replaces her quickly, lining up next to her on the table, presenting her ass for you in the same way. Shaking your head as you smile, you slide into your new partner, her moans quickly replacing her sisters as you take your time fucking her with long powerful strokes.
Watching her ass jiggle as you thrust into her, you almost don't notice the other twin's recovery, and it's only when she turns your head to kiss you that you realize how close your own orgasm is. Planning on pulling out and giving both twins a facial, you find that you're being held in place by the other twin, and as you feel the cunt around you tighten as she is wracked by an orgasm, your own climax hits you, ruining your dreams of both twins kneeling before you as you cum inside her, her squeals of glee and pleasure making it no secret that she wanted this almost as badly as you did.
Released at least, you collapse backwards onto the couch, only to be treated by the sight of the sisters cleaning each other up, as they greedily swap your fluids between each other in a series of sloppy, wet kisses. Wondering for a moment if they're just naturally this depraved, or if it's a learned nature, you soon find their attention returning to you, and as they lick you clean and help you redress, you decide it doesn't matter.
Leaving the private booth with a spring in your step and a visible glow, you are certain you'll be back for some more worship another time.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Leave" "CS_Interior">>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<startplaylist "playlist_exploration_soft">>
<img src="resources/img/locations/city/downtown/luxurystore_room.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/events/castelli/latex/idle.webp"/>
True to their word, you don't have to wait long after the twins leave for your companion to arrive. At first glance, you think there's been a mixup of some kind, the latex clad figure that stalks towards somehow not being exactly what you were expecting. As she moves closer to you however, her suit shifts and moves, almost of its own volition and combined with her obvious confidence, you wonder if you have much choice in what's going to happen next.
Instead, when she reaches you, she suddenly becomes more subservient, assuming a kneeling pose in front of you, her masked face looking up at you in a way that tells you she's waiting for instruction. Hesitating for a moment while you try to decide how to take control of the situation, you are surprised once more when a soft, synthetic sounding voice comes from the drone.
<span class="drone">"Running demonstration mode. Constraints: None."</span>
<span class="drone">"This drone is unit 14-alpha of Sisterhood Coven Lamia. Please allow this drone to relieve your stress and tension."</span>
The latex clad drone's voice is almost hypnotic, and its words tempt action from you.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<if starGame.player.hasVagina() is true>>
<<slink "Continue" "CS_Interior_PrivateRoom_LatexDrone_Female">>
<<npcFactSet "castelli_latexdrone" true>>
<<slink "Continue" "CS_Interior_PrivateRoom_LatexDrone_Male">>
<<npcFactSet "castelli_latexdrone" true>>
<img src="resources/img/events/castelli/bg_table.webp"/>
<<if starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'black'>>
<img src="resources/img/events/castelli/latex/f_black_vaginal.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'tan'>>
<img src="resources/img/events/castelli/latex/f_tan_vaginal.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/events/castelli/latex/f_fair_vaginal.webp"/>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<saudio "bgm_sex5" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.5>>
<span class="drone">"Allow this drone to assist with your indecision."</span> She says softly, her hands reaching out to you, the shiny latex drawing your eyes as she skillful undresses you, her soft yet firm touch teasing you as she lingers over your sensitive spots, taking extra care to make sure you're ready for her to continue as she slowly prepares you for your time together.
Her mask parts slightly, allowing her tongue to escape as she begins to worship you, kissing her way up your leg and towards your cunt, her practiced touch becoming more apparent as she works her magic on you.
Her fingers slide inside you easily, the smooth latex sending shivers through you as she slowly curls her fingers, teasing and preparing you. Your eyes widen slightly as you notice her bodysuit shifting once more, a dick growing from her groin as she lays back on the couch, guiding you to straddle her hips as she rubs the synthetic cock against your pussy lips. A firm pinch on your nipples draw a short squeal from you, as she thrusts herself into you. A muffled pant is barely audible through her mask, and as you let out a moan of your own, your pussy desperately trying to grip the smooth cock within you without success, the drone starts to thrust into you.
She starts slow and gentle, her embrace just tender enough to allow your skin to rub against her latex body, heightening your desire before she starts to pick up speed, her movements becoming more aggressive as you hear her muffled breathing grow ragged, her hands violently pulling you against her as she hammers into you. Your moans, already heavy in the room start to be drowned out be the sound of your bodies slamming together, and as you tense up, the first of many orgasms crashing through you, you can hear her whimpering and whining, seemingly doing her best to drive both you and herself to orgasm but unable to quite reach it yourself.
You can't focus on it for long however, as her frantic and desperate movements very quickly overwhelm you with pleasure, and in her desperate attempts to use you for relief, she achieves little more than forcing orgasm after orgasm out of you in a frenzied rush of lust. Growing limp in her arms, you allow her to keep using you like a fleshlight, her growing whines and whimpers music to your ears as you ride your own waves of pleasure, her cock slamming into you harder and faster.
As a massive climax breaks through you, your eyes roll back as you lose control of your body, the drone still thrusting away at you as your mind fogs up, unable to keep up with all the sensations it's receiving. The sound of the latex against you, soaked with your fluids is mixed with your moans and her whimpers, and as she slowly regains control of herself, she releases you, allowing you to flop over onto the couch, a panting mess.
The next few minutes pass hazily, and when you do finally regain control of your senses, you find yourself alone in the room, a towel placed neatly on the table next to your clothes. Smirking to yourself as you clean up and dress, you slowly make your way back out to the Castelli proper, giving the attendants a timid smile as they wink at you.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Leave" "CS_Interior">>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<startplaylist "playlist_exploration_soft">>
<img src="resources/img/events/castelli/bg_table.webp"/>
<<if starGame.player.isShemale() is true>>
<<if starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'black'>>
<img src="resources/img/events/castelli/latex/s_black_blowjob.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'tan'>>
<img src="resources/img/events/castelli/latex/s_tan_blowjob.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/events/castelli/latex/s_fair_blowjob.webp"/>
<<if starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'black'>>
<img src="resources/img/events/castelli/latex/m_black_blowjob.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'tan'>>
<img src="resources/img/events/castelli/latex/m_tan_blowjob.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/events/castelli/latex/m_fair_blowjob.webp"/>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<saudio "bgm_sex5" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.5>>
<span class="drone">"Please, use this drone for your own pleasure."</span> Her voice is almost a whimper, and it triggers a primal need within you.
Her latex-covered hands are soft and smooth, and as she expertly helps you strip, you let out a soft gasp at the feeling of the material sliding over your shaft as she starts preparing your dick with gentle yet firm strokes. Her mask shifts, and as she runs her tongue against your tip, a shiver runs down your spine as you grab the back of her head, forcing your full length inside her throat in a single rough movement.
Any fear you might have had about being too aggressive is displayed as a series of muffled moans and whimpering noises escape from her, her enter pose shifting to better present her body to you better. From the way she eagerly sucks on your cock, you almost don't want to pull out of her, torn between fucking her properly or making her service you with her skilled mouth. However, the moment you start to pull out of her mouth, she releases you easily, quickly presenting her cunt to you with an eager moan.
Unable to resist the drones desperate requests to be used like a toy, you quickly ram your dick inside her, the muffled moans that ensure filling the room as you feel her latex clad skin slap against you, her legs locking around your hips to stop you from pulling out. Encouraged by her moans and desperate touch, you fuck her freely, worrying only about your own pleasure as you hold her in place and thrust into her, each movement drawing another whimpering moan from her as she trembles and squirms below you.
Her hands glide over your back, and the latex stops her from scratching you, but the contact heights your desire further regardless, and as you feel your orgasm rapidly approaching, she pulls you even tighter against her with her legs, eager for you to cum inside her. Hilting yourself desperately within her, you feel her body suddenly go limp, and as she collapses underneath you, you fall back onto the couch, watching your mixed fluids slowly leak out of the used drone.
A few minutes of relative silence pass before she stirs, dropping off the table and kneeling in front of you again. She doesn't wait for direction or permission, as she expertly cleans your dick with her lips, making sure that you're presentable as she slowly dresses you like a good servant. Telling you to leave the rest of the clean up to her, she ushers you out of the room and back into the Castelli proper, where the attendants give a knowing wink.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Leave" "CS_Interior">>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<startplaylist "playlist_exploration_soft">>
<img src="resources/img/locations/city/downtown/luxurystore_room.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/side/twins/expressions/happy_uniform.webp"/>
<img class="exp-twin-vflip" src="resources/img/characters/side/twins/expressions/happy_uniform.webp"/>
You've heard of some ultra-rare mods that allow for this specific option to exist, but you'd always thought it was more of an urban legend or rumor than anything concrete. Pressing the button with a smile, you're treated to the twins each giving you a gentle kiss on opposing cheeks before they leave the private room, one of them turning to speak to you at the door.
<span class="twin">"She'll arrive in a moment. Have fun."</span> They say before they leave, the door closing between you and the outside world with a click.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<if starGame.player.hasVagina() is true>>
<<slink "Continue" "CS_Interior_PrivateRoom_SlimeGirl_Female">>
<<npcFactSet "castelli_slimegirl" true>>
<<slink "Continue" "CS_Interior_PrivateRoom_SlimeGirl_Male">>
<<npcFactSet "castelli_slimegirl" true>>
<img src="resources/img/events/castelli/bg_table.webp"/>
<<if starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'black'>>
<img src="resources/img/events/castelli/slime/f_black.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'tan'>>
<img src="resources/img/events/castelli/slime/f_tan.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/events/castelli/slime/f_fair.webp"/>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<saudio "bgm_sex5" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.5>>
True to the twins' words, you don't have to wait long before a glass cube rises out of the table in the center of the room. Watching with curiosity, you suddenly notice the blue center of the cube is moving slightly, and as the cube opens, you hear a gentle laugh fill the room, following a long throaty sigh of relief.
<span class="npc1">"Oh, that always tickles, having to fold on myself like that."</span> The Slime girl quickly forms out of the blob of goo left quivering on the table, and a predatory look fills her eyes as she rests them on you.
Having fully taken form, she watches you admiring her nude, softly jiggling body with a faint smile. As your eyes run over her body, she teases you lightly, posing and flaunting her moldable breasts and hips and causing a slight gasp of surprise to escape your lips as she starts to grow tentacles.
<span class="npc1">"Ready to find out why so many people have a tentacle fantasy?"</span> She purrs at you, her tentacles reaching for you eagerly.
Drawn to the table by their hypnotic movement and unspoken promise of pleasure, you quickly find yourself enveloped by her tentacles as she expertly strips you, her hands and tentacles exploring your body, touching and teasing as she parts your legs and pins your hands behind your back. Her predatory smile sends a shiver of nerves through you as you realize that you're unable to resist her at all now.
The feeling passes quickly however, as you surrender yourself to the slime girl, her tentacles soft but firm on your skin, and her lips finding one of your nipples as she teases your body. Your body moves almost involuntarily when one of her tentacles creeps towards your mouth, and as your mouth opens with a moan, she gives you a triumphant look as she thrusts the tentacle into your mouth, its smooth, undulating movement heightening your desire as you feel more tentacles creeping towards your other holes, sliding up your legs and over your skin in a rhythmic, mesmerizing pattern.
You almost don't feel the first tentacle enter you, but as she slowly expands it, filling you as it writhes inside you, you quickly find yourself overwhelmed with pleasure, her every touch driving you mad as she fucks your helpless body with a gentle relentlessness.
Feeling your orgasms wash over you like a wave, you are helpless in the slime grip as she continues to fuck your mouth and cunt in tandem, the two roiling tentacles driving you past the brink over and over again. Faintly, in the back of your mind, you realize that she's slowly growing larger, her cerulean body slowly growing darker as she drinks more of your fluids, the constant waves of pleasure that wash over you only providing her more and more.
<span class="npc1">"If you weren't so well plugged, I'd order you to beg."</span> She says, looking down at you as yet another orgasm wracks your body.
Suddenly feeling her tentacle slide out of your pussy, you feel strangely empty, but you are quickly filled with anticipation as you watch two of her tentacles intertwine with each other before they spread your lips once more. A muffled moan escapes your lips as the slime girl starts to rail you, the tentacles sliding off of each other and filling you completely, driving every rational thought from your head as you are quickly overwhelmed by the pleasure. Your body quickly starts to react and move on pure instinct, and as the slime uses you like a fuck toy, your climax hits you like a lightning bolt, your already sensitive body pushed even further by her attentions and your continual orgasms.
You don't know how much time has passed when you finally regain your sense of self, but finding yourself a dripping mess alone on the table in the private room, and feeling more relaxed and satisfied than you can remember being for a long time, you know that the slime used you long and well.
Recovering your clothes and dressing yourself unsteadily, your legs threatening to give way with each step, you decide to sit down for a few minutes longer first. Eventually feeling like you can walk without falling, you leave the private room, positively glowing from your session.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Leave" "CS_Interior">>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<startplaylist "playlist_exploration_soft">>
<img src="resources/img/events/castelli/bg_table.webp"/>
<<if starGame.player.isShemale() is true>>
<<if starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'black'>>
<img src="resources/img/events/castelli/slime/s_black.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'tan'>>
<img src="resources/img/events/castelli/slime/s_tan.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/events/castelli/slime/s_fair.webp"/>
<<if starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'black'>>
<img src="resources/img/events/castelli/slime/m_black.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'tan'>>
<img src="resources/img/events/castelli/slime/m_tan.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/events/castelli/slime/m_fair.webp"/>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<saudio "bgm_sex5" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.5>>
True to the twins' words, you don't have to wait long before a glass cube rises out of the table in the center of the room. Watching with curiosity, you suddenly notice the blue center of the cube is moving slightly, and as the cube opens, you hear a gentle laugh fill the room, following a long throaty sigh of relief.
<span class="npc1">"Oh, that always tickles, having to fold on myself like that."</span> The Slime girl quickly forms out of the blob of goo left quivering on the table, and a predatory look fills her eyes as she rests them on you. Having fully taken form, she watches you admiring her nude, softly jiggling body with a faint smile. As your eyes run over her body, she teases you lightly, posing and flaunting her moldable breasts and hips by flaring them slightly for you.
<span class="npc1">"Well… going to fuck me until I can't keep myself together?"</span> She says in a low husky voice, clearly impatient to start with the actual fun already. Approaching the table, you have to admit that her suggestion sounds like a great plan, and as your hands sink into her soft yet firm body, she lets out a soft moan. Your clothes come off fast under her attentive hands, and as she draws you onto the table, you feel a slight shiver run down your spine as she licks her lips.
Her squishy flesh is just strong enough for you to grip and hold, and as she settles over your dick, you are treated to the sight of her pussy adjusting to perfectly match your tool. As you slide into her, a mewling moan escapes her lips as she twitches, your every inch sliding into her drawing out even more lewd sounds from her. When you are fully inside her, she manages to recover enough to focus on you for a few moments, and you can feel her pussy gripping you tightly, a rhythmic movement telling you that she's trying to milk you without moving her hips.
Shaking your head at her antics, you start to piston your hips against her, the slapping sound of your skin against hers quickly filling the room alongside her moans and incoherent outbursts. Her insides are slippery and warm, and as you pull out too far by accident, you watch as her body reforms to keep you inside her, her cunts position shifting slightly to keep the two of you joined together.
Wondering if she's as moldable as she seems to be, you pull out of her, holding her off of you despite her whimpers and whining as she desperately squirms, trying to get you back inside her once more. As you line up against her again, your dick against her belly, you're only slightly surprised when her body slides around it, engulfing you once more as she lets out a content sigh. Deciding that the slime girl is far too horny for any more experimentation, you start to thrust into her once more, the sudden rush of warmth flooding out of her telling you that stimulation was too much for her to handle.
You don't relent, continuing to fuck the girl as she struggles to keep her form, your fingers slipping deeper into her as she comes undone, overwhelmed by the waves of pleasure as you quite literally fuck her into a quivering mess. Despite this, she never once stops with her massage of your shaft, and as you feel your own orgasm rushing up quickly, you feel her body intertwine with yours, preventing you from pulling away as she forces you to cum inside her. Watching as her body slightly shifts in hue thanks to your cum inside her, you can't help but admire your handiwork when she manages to recover enough to speak into the air.
<span class="npc1">"Delicious. Ready for round two?"</span> She says, rapidly reforming as she seems to absorb the white fluids within her. Realizing that she's used you for energy, a bloom of panic spreads through you as she begins to grind against you once more, her expert control over every inch of her body quickly getting you hard and ready to go again. As that predatory look settles over her eyes again, you feel her start to ride you once more, more aggressively this time as she takes control of the situation.
Her soft and slippery warmth, coupled with her eagerness culminates in a dangerous combo, and it's not long before you can feel your next orgasm building, even as the slime girl moans through yet another of hers. Wet with her fluids and unable to resist for much longer, you pull the girl harder and faster against you, using her just as much as she's using you. Feeling her climax wash through her as she starts to lose cohesion again, you are unable to stop yourself from cumming inside her again, watching as her color shifts again, her entire body growing lighter as she eagerly devours every drop you give her.
Pulling free from her grip while she's still struggling to maintain herself, you collapse onto the couch, breathing hard as you watch the well-fucked slime girl reshape herself. She bats her eyelids at you seductively, and you worry that she might try to force another round out of you when she rolls over on the table.
<span class="npc1">"That was dangerously good. I'd let you turn me into a puddle anytime babe."</span> She spends a few minutes seemingly doing just that, and as you finish recovering and reclaim your clothes, she gives you a naughty wink, striking an inviting pose as you head for the door.
<span class="npc1">"Don't leave me waiting for too long."</span> She pouts as you go, her insatiable nature clearly showing through her words and actions.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Leave" "CS_Interior">>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<startplaylist "playlist_exploration_soft">>
<div class="card card-nav solid">
<div class="row">
<div class="card-body p-0">
<div class="row d-flex">
<<slink "Nebula Square" "Hub_CityDowntown" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "ti ti-door-exit" "">><</slink>>
<<slink "Book a room" "" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu disabled" "" "">><</slink>>
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('edward_stage1_visited') is true>>
<<if starGame.time.getCurrentPeriod() is 4>>
<<slink "Edward's Room" "" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu disabled" "ti ti-clock" "">><</slink>>
<<if starGame.player.hasInteraction('hotel_edward') is true>>
<<slink "Edward's Room" "" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu disabled" "ti ti-clock" "">>
<<snotify "info">>You already spent time with Edward today. Check back tomorrow.<</snotify>>
<<elseif starGame.player.getFact('edward_encounters') is 2>>
<<slink "Edward's Room" "" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu disabled" "ti ti-clock" "">>
<<snotify "info">>There's nothing else to do here for now. Check back in a future update!<</snotify>>
<<slink "Edward's Room" "" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "ti ti-clock">>
<<eventSequence "edward_encounters">>
<<event "City_Hotel_Edward_FieldWork1" 1>>
<<event "City_Hotel_Edward_FieldWork2" 2>>
<<if starGame.player.getFact('nc_girl') >= 4>>
<<if starGame.player.hasInteraction('juni_interaction')>>
<<slink "Juni's Apartment" "" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu disabled" "" "">>
<<snotify "info">>Juni is currently recovering. Check back tomorrow.<</snotify>>
<<slink "Juni's Apartment" "City_Hotel_Juni" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "" "">><</slink>>
<<if starGame.player.getFact('nc_guy') >= 4>>
<<if starGame.player.hasInteraction('markus_interaction')>>
<<slink "Markus' Apartment" "" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu disabled" "" "">>
<<snotify "info">>Markus has already left. Check back tomorrow.<</snotify>>
<<elseif starGame.player.isFemale() is true>>
<<slink "Markus' Apartment" "City_Hotel_Markus" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "" "">><</slink>>
<<slink "Markus' Apartment" "" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu disabled" "" "">>
<<snotify "info">>You already know that Marcus is only interested in women.<</snotify>>
<div class="navigation-container">\
<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/city/downtown/hotel.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
<<if starGame.player.getFact('visit_hotel') is true>>\
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('edward_stage1_visited') is true>>\
As you approach the reception desk of the hotel, you see one of the automatic attendants approach you smoothly. Beeping pleasantly when it reaches you, you see it project a small pathway for you to follow, that terminates at the same room number that Edward has been using.
The interior of the hotel is as softly imperial as before, the mix of old world fashion and modern technology blending in a brilliant combination of style and accessibility. The mood lighting helps reinforce the image of an exclusive hotel, while the hidden speakers play a gentle melody just loud enough to keep conversations private.
As before, you can see the dining room and lounge through nearby doorways, and the receptionist watches you attentively, waiting to see if you'll need her assistance or not.
The interior of the hotel is a mix of old world fashion and modern technology. Hidden light fittings cast a gentle glow across the room, and hidden speakers play a gentle, soothing melody throughout the lobby. A receptionist in a sleek, gold and burgundy uniform smiles at your entry, and while they are clearly waiting patiently for you to approach, make no move to hurry you.
Beyond this initial entry, you can see an elegant dining room through a door to the left, and a comfortable lounge to the right. You shoot a rueful smile to the receptionist as you realize that you have no reason to visit here alone. A cheerful wink is returned as they realize your meaning, and you see their attention slide off of you as you linger in the lobby for a few minutes longer.
<<playerFactSet "visit_hotel" true>>\
<<box "choicebox">>
<<if starGame.quests.isQuestActive('story_edward_stage1') and starGame.npcs.getFact('edward_stage1_visited') is undefined>>
<<slink "Ask about Edward" "City_Hotel_Edward_Intro">><</slink>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/city/downtown/hotel_clubhouse.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/edward/expressions/neutral_civilian.webp"/>
<<reaction "edward" "Reaction_Edward">>\
The door slides open before you knock, a pair of noble cadets leaving the room as you enter. Edward gives you a warm smile as he sees you enter, before waving you to sit alongside him.
<span class="edward">"I knew you'd be back. Ready to get down to business and start making connections?"</span> He asks with a conspiratorial smile.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Yes" "City_Hotel_Edward_FieldWork1_Accept">>
<<playerFactSet "edward_encounters" 1>>
<<slink "No" "City_Hotel_Edward_FieldWork1_Refuse">><</slink>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/city/downtown/hotel_clubhouse.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/edward/expressions/happy_civilian.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/others/fiona.webp"/>
Deciding that you might as well see what he has in mind, you take the offered seat, and quickly find a drink placed in front of you. While this happens, you see Edward softly give a command that has the room empty out except for the two of you and someone that is clearly too old to be a cadet at Starwatch. Raising an eyebrow as the dignified looking lady sits opposite the two of you, you allow your eyes to track between her and Edward, waiting for one of them to start explaining what's happening here.
The silence persists for a few moments longer, before the lady starts to speak, her voice softer than you expected.
<span class="npc4">"It's a pleasure to finally meet you, Cadet $character_lastName. I've heard a fair bit about you from your peers. While many are interested in aligning themselves with your family, you'll find that I'm slightly different in that I want to hedge my bets on you specifically."</span> She pauses, seemingly content with her short speech, and Edward quickly speaks before the silence can grow awkward.
<span class="edward">"This is Fiona Ravenstar. She's also a fairly high ranking noble like us, but her house has started to fall on hard times. It would be cruel to make her talk about it herself, but she essentially needs to place her future in the hands of another noble, or noble family if she wishes to prevent a decline in rank soon. And in that regard, you're the prime candidate that she's considering."</span> Edward gives her a nod, and you can feel the tension slowly building in the air.
Hoping that they're not expecting you to give some kind of speech of acceptance, you scramble to find the words needed to politely put this off for a while so that you can learn more about the situation and make a proper choice when Fiona speaks again.
<span class="edward">"Of course, I wouldn't dare to ask you to make such a monumental decision for both of us on our first meeting. This is just an introduction of sorts, and a warning that you're being watched, because while you are the prime candidate for my house's survival, you're not the only one."</span> There's a hint of seriousness in her words, but all you feel is relief as a way out of the unexpected situation is thrown in front of you. Deciding to quickly disarm the situation through conversation, you pull Fiona and Edward into some small talk about various affairs throughout the Alliance, and before long you can tell that all three of you are ready to return to your normal schedules.
Walking out to the lobby with them, you say your farewells, leaving them in the hotel while you escape the building, making a mental note to start preparing for more unexpected situations like this in the future. It does seem practically ensured that Edward is going to keep trying to advance your standing for you, and you'll need to be careful to make sure that there are no unintended consequences as a result of it.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Leave" "City_Hotel">>
<<npcStatIncrease "edward_affinity" 1>>
<<snotify "info">>Edward appreciated spending time with you.<</snotify>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/city/downtown/hotel_clubhouse.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/edward/expressions/happy_civilian.webp"/>
Giving him a shake of your head, you tell him that you're actually not here for that yet. He gives you an understanding nod in return, and after making sure you've got a drink in your hand, he quickly returns to mingling with the other few people in the room, leaving you to your own devices.
Enjoying the moment of peace and quiet as you sip the drink, you finish it slowly before heading out of the room, seeing that there is nothing special for you here at the moment.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Leave" "City_Hotel">>
<img src="resources/img/locations/city/downtown/hotel_clubhouse.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/edward/expressions/happy_civilian.webp"/>
<<reaction "thomas" "Reaction_Thomas">>\
Unlike before, the door takes a few moments to open when you arrive, and as you step inside, you see that there are significantly more women present here today than normal. Edward gives you a lazy grin before waving at the cadets sitting near him to clear a space for you instead. As you run an eye around the room, you see a few of the cadets blush as you meet their eyes, and you can almost sense Edward smirking about it as you turn to look at him.
<span class="edward">"It's nothing like you're thinking. You've got a bit of a fan following is all."</span> He claps his hands, and as most of the cadets leave sheepishly, and you decide you actually don't want to know what was going on before you arrive. Holding a hand up to prevent Edward from starting, you let the silence linger for a good few moments before eventually speaking up first. Telling Edward that you're curious about the rest of the members of the group, seeing as it's usually only the two of you here on a recurring manner, you are treated to an enigmatic smile.
<span class="edward">"Well, if that's a sign that you want me to call a group meeting and officially induct you into it, I won't object. I just need some time to make the needed arrangements and get everyone here."</span> He pauses, thinking for a moment. <span class="edward">"It'll also probably need Fiona to attend, since she's been pestering me about meeting you again. Seems like you made an impression, even with the short period of time you met."</span>
He nods, before clapping his hands decisively. You feel like he's missed the point of your question, or is choosing to misinterpret it, and you decide that it's not quite the right time for you to try and explain what you meant to him. Accepting that it's a mostly reasonable outcome in the long run, you resign yourself to waiting a bit longer to find out more about this shadowy group of the elite of his, and if they're actually as important as they think they are after all. The conversation quickly flows back to more normal topics, and you find yourself enjoying the short while spent with Edward in relative peace.
Eventually however you decide that you've got things to do, and you make your excuses, leaving him to his own devices as you glide out of the room alone.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Leave" "City_Hotel">>
<<playerFactSet "edward_encounters" 2>>
<<npcStatIncrease "edward_affinity" 1>>
<<snotify "info">>Edward appreciated spending time with you.<</snotify>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/city/downtown/hotel.webp"/>
As you approach the reception desk of the hotel, you see one of the automatic attendants approach you smoothly. Beeping pleasantly when it reaches you, you see it project a small pathway for you to follow, that terminates at the same room number that Edward had included in his letter to you.
Well, that makes it clear that he's expecting you and has arranged for you to get to him easily enough.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "City_Hotel_Edward_Intro1">><</slink>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/city/downtown/hotel_clubhouse.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/edward/expressions/neutral_civilian.webp"/>
<<reaction "edward" "Reaction_Edward">>\
The short journey throughout the hotel to Edwards room passes pleasantly enough, and as you knock on the door you realize that your curiosity has grown in intensity with every step.
You're almost disappointed when the door swings open, revealing a hotel room that has been turned into a small private club house. A scattering of comfortable chairs and couches surround an expensive looking table, and a small bar against the far wall completes the look. Edward gives you an approving nod from where he's sitting and gestures for you to take a seat opposite him.
Doing as he directs for now, you raise an eyebrow at him while you lean back into the seat indicated. Once he sees you've settled in, he starts talking, his hands waving along as if to emphasize his points.
<span class="edward">"You know, I've been trying to figure it out, but you just escape my understanding. You're probably from the most powerful and prestigious noble family attending the Academy, making you a clear leader for many of the lower ranks. You've made a point of standing in support of me against that thug during the drill, and you've even got access to some advantages absolutely no other cadets can get."</span> He pauses for a long moment, his eyes running over you like he's sizing you up.
<span class="edward">"But you haven't really exerted that authority at all. In fact, it's almost as if you've been trying to not reveal yourself as a $character_lastName. But that's beside the point, because your mere presence has caught the attention of several powerful players in the city. Most of which are pushing to meet you for various reasons."</span>
He suddenly stands, heading for the bar and returning with a duo of drinks, that from the smell, don't have any alcohol in them despite looking like they do. A tentative sip quickly reveals that it tastes great, and as you lean back, waiting for Edward to get to the point, you can't help but wonder if this is an attempt to butter you up for some sketchy proposition.
<span class="edward">"Today is just to invite you here, and make sure you know where to find the meeting room for the future when these people might try to arrange to see you. And maybe in the future, this will come to be a place where you enjoy spending time with the other elites of your social standing."</span> He gives you a knowing wink and smile, before knocking the rest of his drink back. As you follow suit, he stands, leading you to the door with a smile.
<span class="edward">"Well, I'll be seeing you soon I'm sure."</span> He says, holding the door open for you, the meeting clearly over.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "City_Hotel">>
<<npcFactSet "edward_stage1_visited" true>>
<div class="card card-nav solid">
<div class="row">
<div class="card-body p-0">
<div class="row d-flex">
<<slink "The Velvet Retreat" "City_Hotel" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "ti ti-door-exit" "">><</slink>>
<div class="navigation-container">\
<img src="resources/img/characters/side/juni/juni_room_bg.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/side/juni/expressions/happy_dress.webp"/>
Juni's room is a mixture of cute and comfortable, and as the door clicks closed behind you, you can't help but want to sink into one of the cozy looking chairs inside. The socialite looks up from her book, giving you a demure smile as you let yourself in.
<span class="juni">"Straight to bed, or some company first?"</span>
She asks, her voice husky and inviting.
<<if starGame.player.hasInteraction('juni_interaction') is not true>>
<div class="center m-3"><h5 class="bold">Fun</h5></div>
<div class="row">
<<stimelink "Cowgirl" "City_Hotel_Juni_Sex_Cowgirl" "slink btn btn-highlight w-100" "">><</stimelink>>
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('juni_apartment_smalltalk_chilling') is undefined or starGame.npcs.getFact('juni_apartment_smalltalk_book') is undefined or starGame.npcs.getFact('juni_apartment_smalltalk_exploration') is undefined>>
<div class="center m-3"><h5 class="bold">Small Talk</h5></div>
<div class="row">
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('juni_apartment_smalltalk_chilling') is undefined>>
<<stimelink "Chill" "City_Hotel_Juni_SmallTalk_Chilling" "slink btn btn-highlight w-100" "">><</stimelink>>
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('juni_apartment_smalltalk_book') is undefined>>
<<stimelink "The book" "City_Hotel_Juni_SmallTalk_Book" "slink btn btn-highlight w-100" "">><</stimelink>>
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('juni_apartment_smalltalk_exploration') is undefined>>
<<stimelink "Perverted Exploration" "City_Hotel_Juni_SmallTalk_Exploration" "slink btn btn-highlight w-100" "">><</stimelink>>
<<if starGame.player.hasVagina()>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/side/juni/scenes/bed_bg.webp"/>
<<if starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'black'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/side/juni/scenes/f_fingering_black.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'tan'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/side/juni/scenes/f_fingering_tan.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/side/juni/scenes/f_fingering_fair.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/side/juni/scenes/bed_bg.webp"/>
<<if starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'black'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/side/juni/scenes/m_riding_black.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'tan'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/side/juni/scenes/m_riding_tan.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/side/juni/scenes/m_riding_fair.webp"/>
<<if starGame.player.hasVagina()>>\
Well, given that she knows exactly what she wants from this encounter already, you don't see why you'd waste time in conversation when you could just take advantage of her eager and willing body as you please. Moving over to her confidently, you scoop her out of her seat, helping her to her feet. A gentle gasp from her is followed by a kiss against your neck. She's definitely looking forward to what's to come as much as you are.
She gently tugs at your clothing, and you respond in kind, stripping her clothes and taking a step back to admire her bare body. Her touch, while desperate and hungry, is tender enough that it stirs up predatory instincts deep within you, and she lets out a frantic gasp as you turn her around with a low growl. Almost unbidden, your hand snakes around her body, coming to rest on her throat as you pull her tight against you, her body reacting instinctively to your touch as she writhes against you, a muffled moan escaping her lips.
Unable to resist her vulnerable body for much longer, you slide your fingers between her legs, her wetness clearly apparent as your fingers come away slick and shiny, her tongue hungrily licking your fingers clean as you present them to her, her own lust driven instincts taking over as she sucks on your fingers like her life depends on it. Her hips grind against you, and she whispers out a lusty command.
A slap across her ass fills the room with sound of skin on skin before it's overwhelmed by a long, lewd moan as you snake your fingers into her, her muscles squirming and tensing around you. Your bodies writhe and meld together as she slips her own fingers into you, and you give into your own lust and desire as you allow yourself to move as her touch dictates. Her moans and gasps fill the room quickly, mixing with your own as you both give into carnal desire. A sudden rush of wetness against your hand is accompanied by her cunt tightening around your fingers as she orgasms yet again.
Your own orgasm isn't far off, and as your bodies writhe against each other, the sensations from each twitch of her fingers wash through you, you can't help but to tense up, the pleasure you can feel coursing through your body making it hard to think.
When you finally recover enough to start moving again, she releases you from her grasp, rolling onto her back with a heavy gasp. Her hand traces gently over your cheek as she gives you a weak smile.
Well, given that she knows exactly what she wants from this encounter already, you don't see why you'd waste time in conversation when you could just take advantage of her eager and willing body as you please. Moving over to her confidently, you scoop her out of her seat, helping her to her feet. A gentle gasp from her is followed by a kiss against your neck. She's definitely looking forward to what's to come as much as you are.
She gently tugs at your clothing, and you respond in kind, stripping her clothes and taking a step back to admire her bare body. Her touch, while desperate and hungry, is tender enough that it stirs up predatory instincts deep within you, and she lets out a frantic gasp as you turn her around with a low growl. Almost unbidden, your hand snakes around her body, coming to rest on her throat as you pull her tight against you, her body reacting instinctively to your touch as she writhes against you, a muffled moan escaping her lips.
Unable to resist her vulnerable body for much longer, you slide your fingers between her legs, her wetness clearly apparent as your fingers come away slick and shiny, her tongue hungrily licking your fingers clean as you present them to her, her own lust driven instincts taking over as she sucks on your fingers like her life depends on it. Her hips grind against you, and you bend her forward, lining your hard cock up against her waiting cunt with a smirk.
A slap across her ass fills the room with sound of skin on skin before it's overwhelmed by a long, lewd moan as you drive your length into her, her muscles squirming and tensing around you. Your bodies pound together as you thrust into her, giving into your own lust and desire as you fuck her mercilessly, her moans and gasps filling the room as you use her as you please, her body little more than a toy for you in the moment. Feeling a rush of wetness engulf your cock as she orgasms yet again, you feel her legs buckle underneath her, her body struggling to keep up with the sensations coursing through her under your relentless movements.
Your own orgasm isn't far off, and as she tightens around you, even as she struggles to support herself as you fuck her, you can't help but to thrust harder into her, filling her deeper and more roughly than before. Hilting yourself inside her as you reach the point of no return, she lets out a babbling moan of lust hungry nonsense as your cum floods her insides, filling her up and leaking from her cunt even as you hold your bodies together in a moment of shared bliss.
When you release your grip on her, she starts to fall over and you only manage to prevent her from falling over at the last moment, scooping her off the ground and depositing her on her bed with a smile. Her hand traces gently over your cheek as she gives you a weak smile.
Gathering your clothes with a self-satisfied smile, you turn to the drowsy girl on the bed, watching as she curls up happily, snuggling into the sheets on it. She waves weakly at you, her eyes still heavily lidded and telling you how exhausted she is.
<span class="juni">"That was great, we'll have to do this again soon."</span> She giggles softly before continuing. <span class="juni">"Excuse me for not walking you out, but someone took my ability to use my legs."</span>
You laugh along with her softly, catching the hint and making your way out of the room with a warm glow filling your body. Despite the cool air of Novaris washing over you, you can't help but smile as you leave the apartment building with some more confidence in your step than usual.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Leave" "City_Hotel">>
<<run starGame.player.setInteraction('juni_interaction')>>
<<startplaylist "playlist_exploration_soft">>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<saudio "bgm_lofi1" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.25>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/side/juni/juni_room_bg.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/side/juni/expressions/happy_dress.webp"/>
Collapsing into one of those chairs like you wanted to, you smile at Juni, prompting a scowl from her.
<span class="juni">"I'll take that as a "I want some company." Fine by me, I've still got most of this book left anyway."</span> She says in response to your actions, and you just wave a hand at her lazily, as if to say that you'll worry about the details of things later.
As she goes back to her book, you sink into the chair, deciding that you might as well grab a few minutes of bliss and relaxation for yourself while you're here. It's only when you start to nod off that she interrupts, speaking up and stopping you from passing out in her room.
<span class="juni">"Not here, lover. If you're falling asleep we're doing it in bed, after some fun. So for now, why don't you tell me about how things are going with your courses at the Academy."</span>
Rolling your eyes at her attitude, you nonetheless decide to tell her about your classes, launching into a conversation about the VR training you've been doing as part of them. She nods along appreciatively, making small comments here and there to keep the conversation going, and before long you find yourself running out of things to say to keep it rolling organically.
Fortunately she's got her book, and she turns back to it when the conversation pewters out, letting you know that she's comfortable spending time with you, even if it's mostly in silence.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Leave" "City_Hotel">>
<<run starGame.player.setInteraction('juni_interaction')>>
<<npcFactSet "juni_apartment_smalltalk_chilling" true>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/side/juni/juni_room_bg.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/side/juni/expressions/happy_dress.webp"/>
Leaning against one of the chairs, you ask her about her book. She scowls at you slightly, clearly caught off guard by the sudden conversation starter, but plays along regardless, holding her book up for you to see its title. Before you can even read it however, she returns the book to her lap, a smile on her face.
<span class="juni">"Oh it's nothing fancy, just some decently written fantasy story about a knight and a princess. One of hundreds like it. I don't even bother remembering their names anymore, I just read them to pass the time. They're something of a comfort pick for me."</span>
You nod along, prompting her to launch into an explanation of this one's plot, regaling you with her favorite moments from it so far, and explaining just enough about it to leave you intrigued, but spoiled enough that you probably won't be reading it yourself in the future. Regardless, you spend some time together, enjoying each other's company as time slowly passes.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Leave" "City_Hotel">>
<<run starGame.player.setInteraction('juni_interaction')>>
<<npcFactSet "juni_apartment_smalltalk_book" true>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/side/juni/juni_room_bg.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/side/juni/expressions/happy_dress.webp"/>
Pacing around the hotel room, you spend some time examining it, as the socialite pointedly ignores you, her attention fully focused on her book. It's only when you reach for one of the cupboard doors that her attention snaps to you, and she makes a tutting sound to stop you.
<span class="juni">"You leave my clothes alone. Last thing I need is you messing up my carefully laid out outfit combinations."</span>
You can tell she's only partly serious, and you accept the teasing for what it is, turning your attention back to her. She graces you with a smile before waving her hand at one of the open seats nearby.
<span class="juni">"If you're not going to sit and relax with me, come over here and give me a shoulder rub, yeah?"</span>
Rolling your eyes at her, you comply, moving over to her and gently running your hands along her shoulders. Carefully applying pressure as you give her a massage, you spend the next short while chatting lightly about this and that as you help manage her stress and tension.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Leave" "City_Hotel">>
<<run starGame.player.setInteraction('juni_interaction')>>
<<npcFactSet "juni_apartment_smalltalk_exploration" true>>
<div class="card card-nav solid">
<div class="row">
<div class="card-body p-0">
<div class="row d-flex">
<<slink "The Velvet Retreat" "City_Hotel" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "ti ti-door-exit" "">><</slink>>
<div class="navigation-container">\
<img src="resources/img/characters/side/markus/markus_room_bg.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/side/markus/expressions/happy_civilian.webp"/>
The door to Markus' room opens easily, and you wonder if you even needed the keycard since he didn't lock it. But your thoughts are quickly focused on the noble lying leisurely on his bed, a smirk on his face as he recognizes you.
<span class="markus">"Remember to lock the door. Wouldn't want any accidental interruptions while we're spending time together."</span>
His words are innocent enough, but his tone promises you a series of hedonistic rituals, if you're interested. Rolling your eyes at his confidence, you lock the door behind you, taking the extra time it gives you to decide what's next.
<<if starGame.player.hasInteraction('juni_interaction') is not true>>
<div class="center m-3"><h5 class="bold">Fun</h5></div>
<div class="row">
<<if starGame.player.hasPenis() is true>>
<<stimelink "Sexy Times" "City_Hotel_Markus_Reject" "slink btn btn-highlight w-100" "">><</stimelink>>
<<stimelink "Missionary" "City_Hotel_Markus_Sex_Missionary" "slink btn btn-highlight w-100" "">><</stimelink>>
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('markus_apartment_smalltalk_rant') is undefined or starGame.npcs.getFact('markus_apartment_smalltalk_chilling') is undefined or starGame.npcs.getFact('markus_apartment_smalltalk_exploration') is undefined>>
<div class="center m-3"><h5 class="bold">Small Talk</h5></div>
<div class="row">
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('markus_apartment_smalltalk_rant') is undefined>>
<<stimelink "Rant" "City_Hotel_Markus_SmallTalk_Rant" "slink btn btn-highlight w-100" "">><</stimelink>>
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('markus_apartment_smalltalk_chilling') is undefined>>
<<stimelink "Chill" "City_Hotel_Markus_SmallTalk_Chilling" "slink btn btn-highlight w-100" "">><</stimelink>>
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('markus_apartment_smalltalk_exploration') is undefined>>
<<stimelink "Wander around" "City_Hotel_Markus_SmallTalk_Exploration" "slink btn btn-highlight w-100" "">><</stimelink>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/side/markus/markus_room_bg.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/side/markus/expressions/happy_civilian.webp"/>
As you start to undress, eager to set the mood for what you want the meeting between the two of you to be, Markus stops you quickly.
<span class="markus">"Hey, just so you know, I'm really not into people with dicks. So before this goes too far, just keep that in mind."</span>
You frown slightly, but he's been consistent in what he wants from his partners so far. Fixing your clothes, you decide that you'll leave him in peace, as you say a hasty goodbye and retreat from the hotel room, doing your best to keep a straight face at the painfully blunt rejection.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Leave" "City_Hotel">>
<<run starGame.player.setInteraction('markus_interaction')>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/side/markus/scenes/bed_bg.webp"/>
<<if starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'black'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/side/markus/scenes/f_fore_black.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'tan'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/side/markus/scenes/f_fore_tan.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/side/markus/scenes/f_fore_fair.webp"/>
Well, if there's one way to set the mood for what you want, it's by removing any doubt of if and stripping. You're barely able to start removing your top before Markus's hands are on your body, forcefully, yet gently, discarding your clothes and exposing you to the cool air.
Smiling as you let him have his fun, you do your part in undressing him as well, your naked bodies pressing against each other as you let your fingertips run over his skin, a shiver following their trail. His own touch is animalistic, as he hungrily explores your body, his fingers digging into your skin as he presses you against one of the windows, your eyes filling with the sight of the city lights of Novaris laid out before you.
Moaning as you feel his fingers slip inside you, you feel his grip tighten on you, holding you against the window as he uses your body as he pleases. Struggling weakly against his grip on your arm, you feel your body tense around his fingers, his touch hitting just the right spots to keep you riding just along the edge of orgasm.
A moan of disappointment escapes your lips as he pulls his finger out of you, but the feeling doesn't last long as he feel the tip of his dick rub against you, the sensation sending a shiver of anticipation racing through you as you weakly try to push yourself back against him, his firm grip on you stopping you despite your best efforts.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "City_Hotel_Markus_Sex_Missionary2">><</slink>>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<saudio "bgm_lofi1" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.25>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/side/markus/scenes/bed_bg.webp"/>
<<if starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'black'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/side/markus/scenes/f_miss_black.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'tan'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/side/markus/scenes/f_miss_tan.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/side/markus/scenes/f_miss_fair.webp"/>
In the reflection of the window, you can see him smirking down at your weak attempts to regain some control of the situation, but you don't have to wait long before the torment ends, his hips thrusting forward as he drives his cock into you, the movement and impact sending waves of pleasure crashing through you as a lurid moan escapes your lips. Moving your hips back against him as he thrusts into you, you feel like you're being overwhelmed by his movements and presence as yet another orgasm crashes through you, your legs threatening to buckle underneath you.
Held up only by his grip on your arms and his cock inside you, you can't help but feel helpless in his grasp, your mind slowly succumbing to the intense waves of pleasure as you give up any resistance and control you still had. Feeling his motions increase in intensity, you pant as you realize he's getting close to climaxing himself, the anticipation adding to the intensity of the feelings coursing through you as you feel yet another climax of your own approaching.
As he hilts himself inside you, the feeling of his warm cum spurting inside you sends you over the edge, your legs finally giving out as you collapse to your knees, the sensations of pleasure too much to handle as the noble finally releases his grip on you. Breathing hard as you lean against the window glass, you feel the fluids inside you slowly leaking out onto the floor below you as you watch him collapse onto the bed with a self-satisfied smile.
Slumped onto the floor in bliss, it takes you quite a while to recover enough to be able to move again. Staggering to your feet, you're shocked to hear a slight snore from the bed, and as you glance over your shoulder, a frown forms on your face, the sight of the noble stretched out and sleeping already.
Getting your clothes together and making yourself look presentable as you do, you head for the door, deciding that you'd rather leave the room before you can allow the noble's inattentiveness to ruin your mood further. For a brief moment, you consider slamming the door behind you, but you smile to yourself instead, deciding that you'll get revenge in the future instead. The door clicks closed behind you softly, as you stalk back out into Novaris.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Leave" "City_Hotel">>
<<run starGame.player.setInteraction('markus_interaction')>>
<<startplaylist "playlist_exploration_soft">>
<img src="resources/img/characters/side/markus/markus_room_bg.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/side/markus/expressions/happy_civilian.webp"/>
Leaning against a nearby wall, you decide that you're just here for some idle conversation today. Launching into a tirade about how your course work has practically swamped you at the Academy, you hide a smirk at Markus's surprised expression as he realizes you've changed the plot of the meeting on him.
To his credit however, he adapts quickly, leaning into the conversation and asking you questions about how the VR training sessions are going for you. You smile at that, sinking into the conversation eagerly, not even noticing how you've sat next to him on the bed and cuddled up as you vent.
A light touch on your cheek brings you back to the present however, and you let out a surprised gasp as you realize how much time has passed. Markus seems content to listen to you rant more, but you also know it wouldn't be hard to lead him into other activities if you wanted to.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Leave" "City_Hotel">>
<<run starGame.player.setInteraction('markus_interaction')>>
<<npcFactSet "markus_apartment_smalltalk_rant" true>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/side/markus/markus_room_bg.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/side/markus/expressions/happy_civilian.webp"/>
Markus pats the bed alongside him as he lets out a yawn, prompting you to lean against him for a half nap. Lying together and enjoying each other's company in silence as you cuddle, you allow yourself a few moments of peace from your usually busy life at the Academy. Lost in thought as you are, you're caught off guard when Markus tickles you, the gentle touch prompting a frantic reaction from you as you try to escape his fingers.
Laughing loudly along with him even as you plead for mercy, the two of you tousle and roll together for a few minutes before he relents, allowing you to catch your breath as you warily roll away from him. Watching him carefully in case of a surprise attack like before, you giggle softly at the absurd situation.
Markus blows you a kiss, and you bat it away with a fake scowl, deciding what to do next while he chuckles at your reaction.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Leave" "City_Hotel">>
<<run starGame.player.setInteraction('markus_interaction')>>
<<npcFactSet "markus_apartment_smalltalk_chilling" true>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/side/markus/markus_room_bg.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/side/markus/expressions/happy_civilian.webp"/>
Markus raises an eyebrow at you as you wander around his room, examining his bits and bobs with idle curiosity. He doesn't stop you however, instead telling you about the various things as you get to them, revealing small stories about places he's been.
You're certain he's made at least half the tales he's telling you up, but it's good company, and a pleasant way to pass the time, so you leave your suspicions unvoiced, focusing instead on the time spent together. Eventually his stories start to fade out, and as you turn to face him in the growing silence, you can't help but wonder if you should give him some space or find something else to do together.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Leave" "City_Hotel">>
<<run starGame.player.setInteraction('markus_interaction')>>
<<npcFactSet "markus_apartment_smalltalk_exploration" true>>
<div class="card card-nav solid">
<div class="row">
<div class="card-body p-0">
<div class="row d-flex">
<<slink "Lumina Mall" "City_Mall" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "ti ti-door-exit" "">><</slink>>
<<slink "Browse Catalog" "City_Mall_BeautySalon_Shop" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "ti ti-shopping-cart">><</slink>>
<<slink "Styling" "City_Mall_BeautySalon_Styling" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "">><</slink>>
<<slink "Spa Appointment" "" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu disabled" "">><</slink>>
<</nobr>>\<<include City_Mall_BeautySalon_Navigation>>\
<div class="navigation-container">\
<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/city/downtown/beautystore.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
<<if starGame.player.getFact('visit_beautysalon') is true>>\
The Chromascape lounge is as peaceful as always, the calming atmosphere working to soothe your nerves from the moment you pass through the door. As you step up to the sign in desk, you see that as per usual the personal spa rooms are mostly booked out, and that there are some open seats left at the hair stylists section.
The friendly receptionist gives you a smile as you approach. <span class="npc2">"Welcome back. As always, we'll have to make a booking if you want a spa session, but we can help you right away if you're just looking for a stylist's help."</span>
As you step into the Chromascape Lounge, you hear the faint sound of running water and birdsong. A glance around reveals that these are being played from some hidden speakers, as the Lounge itself doesn't feature any possible sources for the sounds otherwise. Beyond that, you see that the Lounge features a blended style of function and form, its hairdressing stations incorporating advanced technology to provide a vast array of features that might not fit in a normal stylists shop.
Further down the hall, you see some private rooms that cater to more indepth spa and care sessions, and the way most of these are displayed as occupied is an endorsement for the quality of product received here. A professional looking lady is standing behind a desk, watching you intently as you take your time examining your surroundings.
When you step up to the desk, she gives you a measured smile before engaging with you.
<span class="npc2">"If you're looking for a spa session, we'll have to make a booking, those are quite popular. If you're just looking for a styling session feel free to take a seat. One of our stylists will join you shortly."</span> She waves at a nearby empty seat.
<<playerFactSet "visit_beautysalon" true>>\
</div>\<<include City_Mall_BeautySalon_Navigation>>\
<div class="navigation-container">\
<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/city/downtown/beautystore.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
<<sshop "shop_stylist">>
</div>\<<include City_Mall_BeautySalon_Navigation>>\
<div class="navigation-container">\
<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/city/downtown/beautystore.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
Taking a seat and browsing through the options available, you barely notice the stylist approach you until they prepare their tools. He gives you a smile as he leans over to look at the screen.
<span class="npc2">"Ready for a change?"</span> He asks as he waits for you to make your choice.
<div class="row no-gutters">
<div class="col-md-12 col-lg-5">
<div class="row mb-3">
<div class="col-sm-12 col-lg-8 offset-lg-4">
<<slink "Zoom" "" "btn btn-highlight btn-normalized w-100" "">>
<div class="row mb-3">
<div class="col-sm-12 col-lg-4"><span class="slistbox-label">Eyes:</span></div>
<div class="col-sm-12 col-lg-8">
<<slistbox "cc-eyes" starGame.paperdoll.eyes starGame.paperdoll.getCurrentEyeType()>>
<div class="row mb-3">
<div class="col-sm-12 col-lg-4"><span class="slistbox-label">Hair color:</span></div>
<div class="col-sm-12 col-lg-8">
<<slistbox "cc-haircolor" starGame.paperdoll.hairColors starGame.paperdoll.getCurrentHairColor()>>
<<if starGame.player.isFemale() or starGame.player.isShemale()>>
/% Female hair styles %/
<div class="row mb-3">
<div class="col-sm-12 col-lg-4"><span class="slistbox-label">Hair style:</span></div>
<div class="col-sm-12 col-lg-8">
<<slistbox "cc-hairstyle" starGame.paperdoll.femaleHairStyles starGame.paperdoll.getCurrentHairType()>>
<<elseif starGame.player.isAndrogynous()>>
/% Female hair styles %/
<div class="row mb-3">
<div class="col-sm-12 col-lg-4"><span class="slistbox-label">Hair style:</span></div>
<div class="col-sm-12 col-lg-8">
<<slistbox "cc-hairstyle" starGame.paperdoll.androgynousHairStyles starGame.paperdoll.getCurrentHairType()>>
/% Male hair styles %/
<div class="row mb-3">
<div class="col-sm-12 col-lg-4"><span class="slistbox-label">Hair style:</span></div>
<div class="col-sm-12 col-lg-8">
<<slistbox "cc-hairstyle" starGame.paperdoll.maleHairStyles starGame.paperdoll.getCurrentHairType()>>
/% Male facial hair styles %/
<div class="row mb-3">
<div class="col-sm-12 col-lg-4"><span class="slistbox-label">Facial hair:</span></div>
<div class="col-sm-12 col-lg-8">
<<slistbox "cc-facialhairstyle" starGame.paperdoll.facialHairStyles starGame.paperdoll.getCurrentFacialHairType()>>
/% Male body hair styles %/
<div class="row mb-3">
<div class="col-sm-12 col-lg-4"><span class="slistbox-label">Body hair:</span></div>
<div class="col-sm-12 col-lg-8">
<<slistbox "cc-bodyhairstyle" starGame.paperdoll.bodyHairStyles starGame.paperdoll.getCurrentBodyHairType()>>
/% Total Row %/
<div class="row mb-3">
<div class="col-sm-12 col-lg-4"><span class="slistbox-label bold">Total:</span></div>
<div class="col-sm-12 col-lg-8 right">
<span id="cc-cost" class="slistbox-label">0</span><span class="slistbox-label ti ti-currency-ethereum"></span>
/% Button Row (Initial) %/
<div class="row mb-3">
<div class="col-sm-12 col-lg-8 offset-lg-4 right">
<<slink "Confirm changes" "" "slink cc-save btn btn-highlight btn-normalized w-100">>
<div class="col-md-12 col-lg-7">
<div style="margin-left: 20px;">
<div id="character-creator" @class="'paperdoll-' + starGame.paperdoll.getCurrentBodyType()">
<<timed 0.01s>>
let value = $(this).val();
let value = $(this).val();
let value = $(this).val();
let value = $(this).val();
let value = $(this).val();
<div class="card card-nav solid">
<div class="row">
<div class="card-body p-0">
<div class="row d-flex">
<<slink "Lumina Mall" "City_Mall" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "ti ti-door-exit" "">><</slink>>
<<slink "Browse Catalog" "City_Mall_FemaleClothingShop_Browse" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "ti ti-shopping-cart">><</slink>>
<<slink "Seasonal Specials" "" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu disabled" "">><</slink>>
<<slink "Changing Room" "City_Mall_FemaleClothingShop_Wardrobe" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "">><</slink>>
<div class="navigation-container">\
<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/city/downtown/femalestore.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
<<if starGame.player.getFact('visit_femaleclothingshop') is true>>\
Stepping through the stylized entryway to the Luna Luxe, you are once again caught off-guard by how different its interior is compared to its exterior. Rows of trendy fashion items are on display, while virtual reality pods wait for customers to test how their items would look on them. Finally, you can see the interactive mirrors that allow you to customize your items, and try them on without needing to actually try them on.
A friendly attendant makes their way towards you, their uniform appearance with all other attendants here stopping you from knowing if it's one that's helped you before. Regardless, she greets you with a warm smile, waiting silently for you to decide your next move.
Soft colors and a stylized entryway are the only warning you have of the marked difference in atmosphere of the Luna Luxe compared to the rest of the mall. From your first step inside you are surprised to see that the store is much larger than you had expected, and that aside from the clothing proudly kept on display, each in line with the latest women's fashions from Earth, there are virtual reality pods and interactive mirrors as well.
A friendly attendant approaches you with a warm smile, her appearance identical to the other attendants in the store. Just another way that the store reminds customers that they are their main focus. The attendant gives you a whirlwind tour of the Luna Luxe, telling you that you can use the VR pods to see how you would look in your chosen items in various locales, and that you can use the mirrors to adjust selected items in terms of length and color, previewing the changes they would have on your body without even needing to wear them first.
<<playerFactSet "visit_femaleclothingshop" true>>\
<div class="card card-nav solid">
<div class="row">
<div class="card-body p-0">
<div class="row d-flex">
<<slink "Lumina Mall" "City_Mall" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "ti ti-door-exit" "">><</slink>>
<<slink "Browse Catalog" "City_Mall_FemaleClothingShop_Browse" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "ti ti-shopping-cart">><</slink>>
<<slink "Seasonal Specials" "" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu disabled" "">><</slink>>
<<slink "Changing Room" "City_Mall_FemaleClothingShop_Wardrobe" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "">><</slink>>
<div class="navigation-container">\
<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/city/downtown/femalestore.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
<<sshop "shop_femaleclothing">>
<div class="card card-nav solid">
<div class="row">
<div class="card-body p-0">
<div class="row d-flex">
<<slink "Lumina Mall" "City_Mall" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "ti ti-door-exit" "">><</slink>>
<<slink "Browse Catalog" "City_Mall_FemaleClothingShop_Browse" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "ti ti-shopping-cart">><</slink>>
<<slink "Seasonal Specials" "" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu disabled" "">><</slink>>
<<slink "Changing Room" "City_Mall_FemaleClothingShop_Wardrobe" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "">><</slink>>
<div class="navigation-container">\
<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/city/downtown/femalestore.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
<<include Wardrobe>>\
<div class="card card-nav solid">
<div class="row">
<div class="card-body p-0">
<div class="row d-flex">
<<slink "Lumina Mall" "City_Mall" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "ti ti-door-exit" "">><</slink>>
<div class="navigation-container">\
<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/city/downtown/mall.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
<<if starGame.player.getFact('visit_luxuryshop') is true>>\
The Castelli store here is as quietly luxurious as ever. The real wood paneling tells of the brand's dedication to wealth and luxury, and you can see the subtle access panel waiting for the code needed to enter the store. Beyond that, through the perfectly clean windows, you can see staff waiting for customers to assist.
<<sinfotip>>Support the development of Starwatch Academy on Patreon to receive an access code.<</sinfotip>>\
You're not surprised to see a Castelli store here, despite their status as one of the most exclusive in alliance space. There is, after all, an academy for the best of the best just a short monorail trip away. Approaching the storefront you notice that the paneling of the door and windows looks to be wood, and you wouldn't be surprised if it turns out to be actual hardwood imported from earth.
Placing your hand on a subtle scanner near the door, you are somewhat surprised to see an access denied message scroll over the screen. It takes you a moment to realize that your fathers restriction of the family name and funds must have already taken effect. A small panel nearby allows you to manually input an access code, should you come across someone willing to share it with you.
<<sinfotip>>Support the development of Starwatch Academy on Patreon to receive an access code.<</sinfotip>>\
<<playerFactSet "visit_luxuryshop" true>>\
<div class="row">
<div class="col-12 p-2">
<input id="ls-input" type="text" class="form-control" placeholder="Input Code"/>
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Enter" "" "btn btn-highlight btn-normalized">>
<div class="card card-nav solid">
<div class="row">
<div class="card-body p-0">
<div class="row d-flex">
<<slink "Lumina Mall" "City_Mall" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "ti ti-door-exit" "">><</slink>>
<div class="navigation-container">\
<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/city/downtown/mall.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
Trying a code that you know used to work, you're a mix of surprised and not surprised when the access pad returns an error message. You input the code once more, just in case you switched a character or two by accident. When the error messages display again you take a moment to silently thank Castelli for not making it obvious to passersby that you don't have access anymore.
<div class="row">
<div class="col-12 p-2">
<input id="ls-input" type="text" class="form-control" placeholder="Input Code"/>
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Enter" "" "btn btn-highlight btn-normalized">>
Oopsie woopsy, looks like the game did a fucky wucky~ A wittle fucko boingo!
The code monkeys at Starwatch are working VEWY HAWD to fix this!
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Return to reality" "City_Mall">><</slink>>
<</nobr>>\<<goto City_Mall_LuxuryShop_Interior>><<goto City_Mall_LuxuryShop_Interior>><<nobr>>
<div class="card card-nav solid">
<div class="row">
<div class="card-body p-0">
<div class="row d-flex">
<<slink "Lumina Mall" "City_Mall" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "ti ti-door-exit" "">><</slink>>
<<slink "Browse Catalog" "City_Mall_MaleClothingShop_Browse" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "ti ti-shopping-cart">><</slink>>
<<slink "Seasonal Specials" "" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu disabled" "">><</slink>>
<<slink "Changing Room" "City_Mall_MaleClothingShop_Wardrobe" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "">><</slink>>
<div class="navigation-container">\
<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/city/downtown/malestore.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
<<if starGame.player.getFact('visit_maleclothingshop') is true>>\
From prior visits you know that this unassuming store is a leading retailer of mens fashion. The muted colors and ever present gray tone is somewhat misleading, and the fact you can see the entire store from any point within it is also by design. Svetlana, the friendly attendant here, gives you a warm smile when you enter, moving to assist your browsing.
You know that there are fitting rooms off in the corner of the store, but you also know that once you've selected your items, Svetlana will have them sized to meet your dimensions and personalized to your personal taste before having it delivered to your room.
An unassuming store, in contrast with its name. Simple gray and muted colors lend impact to its design choices and you can clearly see the entire store from any point within it. A friendly salesperson mans a singular desk near the back of the store, and some fitting rooms wait for use to their right. When you enter they run a critical eye over you, before giving a small nod of approval.
Whatever hidden test she had in mind, you've managed to pass wordlessly. A small badge on the salesperson's chest tells you her name is Svetlana, and she flashes you a professional smile as she approaches.
<span class="npc2">"Do you have a specific style in mind already, or would you like to hear more about the seasonal special?"</span> She asks you in a warm, friendly voice.
<<playerFactSet "visit_maleclothingshop" true>>\
<div class="card card-nav solid">
<div class="row">
<div class="card-body p-0">
<div class="row d-flex">
<<slink "Lumina Mall" "City_Mall" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "ti ti-door-exit" "">><</slink>>
<<slink "Browse Catalog" "City_Mall_MaleClothingShop_Browse" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "ti ti-shopping-cart">><</slink>>
<<slink "Seasonal Specials" "" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu disabled" "">><</slink>>
<<slink "Changing Room" "City_Mall_MaleClothingShop_Wardrobe" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "">><</slink>>
<div class="navigation-container">\
<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/city/downtown/malestore.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
<<sshop "shop_maleclothing">>
<div class="card card-nav solid">
<div class="row">
<div class="card-body p-0">
<div class="row d-flex">
<<slink "Lumina Mall" "City_Mall" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "ti ti-door-exit" "">><</slink>>
<<slink "Browse Catalog" "City_Mall_MaleClothingShop_Browse" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "ti ti-shopping-cart">><</slink>>
<<slink "Seasonal Specials" "" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu disabled" "">><</slink>>
<<slink "Changing Room" "City_Mall_MaleClothingShop_Wardrobe" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "">><</slink>>
<div class="navigation-container">\
<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/city/downtown/malestore.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
<<include Wardrobe>>\
<div class="card card-nav solid">
<div class="row">
<div class="card-body p-0">
<div class="row d-flex">
<<slink "Nebula Square" "Hub_CityDowntown" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "ti ti-door-exit" "">><</slink>>
<<slink "Alpha Attire" "City_Mall_MaleClothingShop" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "" "">><</slink>>
<<slink "Luna Luxe" "City_Mall_FemaleClothingShop" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "" "">><</slink>>
<<slink "Chromascape Lounge" "City_Mall_BeautySalon" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "" "">><</slink>>
<<slink "Castelli" "City_Mall_LuxuryShop" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "" "">><</slink>>
<div class="navigation-container">\
<img src="resources/img/locations/city/downtown/mall.webp"/>
<<box "choicebox">>
/% Noble %/
<<if starGame.quests.isQuestTaskActive('nc_guy', 'nc_guy_4') is true and starGame.player.getFact('nc_guy') is 3 and starGame.player.isFemale() is true>>
<<slink "Join Noble" "City_Mall_Markus">><</slink>>
/% Socialite %/
<<if starGame.quests.isQuestTaskActive('nc_girl', 'nc_girl_4') is true and starGame.player.getFact('nc_girl') is 3>>
<<slink "Join Socialite" "City_Mall_Juni">><</slink>>
<<if starGame.player.getFact('visit_mall') is true>>\
The mall is pleasantly busy, with the bustle of life filling the air. While you walk the halls you can't help but notice how clean and stylish the mall is, with various different drones constantly maintaining its appearance, even while customers conduct their business.
Having already explored the mall before, you know that the only stores that catch your attention are all near each other, and you make your way in that direction already.
<<if starGame.quests.isQuestTaskActive('nc_girl', 'nc_girl_4') is true and starGame.player.getFact('nc_girl') is 3>>\
You do a small double take as you pass one of the cafe's and see a familiar face at one of the tables. The socialite recognizes you roughly at the same time you see her, and flashes you a brilliant smile.
<<if starGame.quests.isQuestTaskActive('nc_guy', 'nc_guy_4') is true and starGame.player.getFact('nc_guy') is 3 and starGame.player.isFemale() is true>>\
You come across a familiar face sitting at one of the tables inside one of its cafes. The noble from the nightclub gives you a friendly smile, as he openly waves to you, beckoning you to join him.
The mall is pleasantly busy, with the bustle of life filling the air. While you walk the halls you can't help but notice how clean and stylish the mall is, with various different drones constantly maintaining its appearance, even while customers conduct their business.
After a few minutes of exploration, you have to admit that were it not for the Academy providing for all your needs, you would likely be a frequent visitor of the mall, with its varied stores and restaurants. However, thanks to being a cadet at Starwatch, only a few stores catch your eye.
<<playerFactSet "visit_mall" true>>\
<<snotify "info">>You can now fast travel to Lumina Mall.<</snotify>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/city/downtown/mall_cafe.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/side/juni/expressions/happy_dress.webp"/>
She gives you a friendly wave before patting the seat next to her, and you decide you might as well go see how she's doing.
Slipping into the cafe and joining her at her table after a quick hug, she orders a coffee for you, leaning into her seat relaxedly, her entire body telling you just how relaxed she is.
<span class="juni">"Fancy seeing you here. I don't suppose this meeting is because you missed me so much you tracked me down to run into me accidentally?"</span>
She teases you lightly, and you laugh along with her as you wave her suspicions off. Telling her that it's purely coincidence today, but you'll think about it for the future when you're feeling lonely. To your surprise, she seems to be relieved at your joke, before she grows more serious, turning to you over a sip of her coffee.
<span class="juni">"Actually, I've been thinking. How about I give you this, and we keep meeting the way we have been at my place."</span>
She places a room keycard on the table, and you can see that it's for one of the rooms at the Velvet Retreat in Novaris city. She continues before you can respond, a flirty wink accompanying her words.
<span class="juni">"No real commitment, just you and me enjoying each other's body from time to time. And since it's on there, call me Juni from now on, yeah?"</span>
She stands, her drink finished, and runs a hand along the side of your face and over your shoulders, cutting off the response you were going to give.
<span class="juni">"No need to make a decision now. You keep that, and if you show up, we'll take things from there?"</span>
You smile, deciding that you might as well keep the card and deal with things as they come, you slip it into one of your pockets as you follow the socialite out, watching her vanish into the crowds of the mall with a small wave.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Leave" "City_Mall">>
<<snotify "info">>You now have access to Juni's apartment.<</snotify>>
<<playerFactSet "nc_girl" 4>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/city/downtown/mall_cafe.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/side/markus/expressions/happy_civilian.webp"/>
Curious about what's on his mind, you make your way inside, greeting him with a friendly hug as he stands to welcome you.
Taking the offered seat next to him, he quickly orders you a matching drink of his own, and a cup of tea arrives shortly. A few minutes pass in comfortable silence as you each take a few sips of your tea, a feeling of relaxation slipping over you.
<span class="markus">"Hey, I've been thinking."</span>
The noble's words break the otherwise comfortable atmosphere, and you raise an eyebrow at him as he takes a moment to search for his words. You don't mind giving him the time he needs, sipping leisurely at your tea while he thinks.
<span class="markus">"Long story short, we've gotten to know each other during our various trysts, and while I think both of us have enjoyed the time, and sex, with each other, neither of us seem eager to take a step into making it a more formal relationship."</span>
He pauses, letting the tension build, seemingly for dramatic effect, before he continues speaking.
<span class="markus">"Well, I'll be honest, I'm not eager to change the dynamic we have so far, and in fact, I'd like to keep it going like this. You know, no promises, just two strangers having their fun and going their separate ways like nothing special has happened."</span>
He places a keycard on the table, and a quick glance reveals it to be for the Velvet Retreat here in Novaris. Smiling as you tap a finger against it, you raise an eyebrow at him, curious if he has anything to add or if he's waiting for a response from you.
<span class="markus">"I'm not so tactless as to pressure you into making a decision right here and now. You take the card, and if you use it, I'll know that you're interested in keeping this fling going. If you don't, it's no hair off my chest at the end of the day. Call me Markus by the way."</span>
You roll your eyes at that, having already read his name off the keycard before you pocketed it.
He gives you a friendly smile, winking as he stands, and you find yourself matching his action involuntarily. Walking with him back into the mall proper, he gives you a gentle kiss on the hand before parting ways with you, melding into the crowds here like he was never actually here.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Leave" "City_Mall">>
<<snotify "info">>You now have access to Markus's apartment.<</snotify>>
<<playerFactSet "nc_guy" 4>>
<div class="card card-nav solid">
<div class="row">
<div class="card-body p-0">
<div class="row d-flex">
<<slink "Novaris Plaza" "Hub_CityPlaza" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "ti ti-door-exit" "">><</slink>>
<<if starGame.player.getFact('job_office_intro') is true>>
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('felix_sex_intro') is undefined and starGame.player.getStat('game_office') >= 4 and starGame.player.hasVagina() is true and starGame.time.getCurrentPeriod() <= 2>>
<<slink "Immigration Bureau" "City_Plaza_AscendentTowers_Felix_Sex_Intro" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "ti ti-exclamation-circle" "">><</slink>>
<<slink "Immigration Bureau" "City_Plaza_AscendentTowers_Office" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "" "">><</slink>>
<<if starGame.player.getFact('job_ascendent') is true and starGame.player.getFact('job_office_intro') is not true>>
<<slink "Work" "City_Plaza_AscendentTowers_Felix_Intro" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "ti ti-clock" "">><</slink>>
<<elseif starGame.player.getFact('job_ascendent') is true and starGame.time.getCurrentPeriod() < 3>>
<<slink "Work" "" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "ti ti-clock" "">>
<<scene "City_Plaza_AscendentTowers_Work1">>
<<scene "City_Plaza_AscendentTowers_Work2">>
<<scene "City_Plaza_AscendentTowers_Work3">>
<<slink "Work" "" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu disabled" "ti ti-clock" "">><</slink>>
<div class="navigation-container">\
<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/city/plaza/ascendent/lobby.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
<<if starGame.player.getFact('job_ascendent') is true>>\
The lobby of Ascendant Towers remains as busy as the first time you visited it. Subtle music plays, just loud enough to mask the different conversations and calls that are being held, as harried assistants rush past while executives walk confidently as they go about their day.
A floating drone approaches you, a curious beep announcing its presence. <span class="npc1">"Welcome back to Ascendant Towers, how may I assist you today?"</span> It says in a distinctly feminine voice.
<<if starGame.time.getCurrentPeriod() > 2>>\
The only workers left are the night shift, and from a glance you can see that there is no one here that will look after a temporary employee.
Curiosity overcomes you, and you step up to the building that seems to have the most traffic flowing through it. An understated sign over the lobby doors tells you that this is Ascendent Towers, a name that triggers a distant memory in you, but you can't quite place why yet.
The doors slide open for you, and when you step into the lobby it's like you've crossed a threshold into another world. Gone are the sounds of the city behind you, replaced with the sounds of business. Calls and soft conversations are punctuated by rushing assistants and loudly confident executives.
A drone approaches you curiously, floating off the floor at your head level. <span class="npc1">"Please state your reason for visiting, and how I can assist you?"</span> Despite the purely functional appearance of the small drone, its voice is softly feminine, and you contemplate how to answer for a moment.
Remembering that you might need a part time job since you've been cut off from family funds, you realize this might be a good place to ask.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<if starGame.player.getFact('job_ascendent') is not true>>
<<slink "Ask for job" "City_Plaza_AscendentTowers_AskJob">><</slink>>
</div>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/city/plaza/ascendent/lobby.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
You tell the floating drone that you're actually interested in a job, which promptly causes it to spend about half a minute trying to figure out the next step of the conversation. You can only assume it's been a very long time since someone asked for a job in person, instead of applying via a virtual assistant.
After a moment however, the drone seems to have found some distantly relevant information, and guides you to a nearby empty room. Once there it directs you to have a seat, before projecting a holographic image of a vaguely recognizable man.
<span class="officer">"I thought the drone was malfunctioning when it said it needs me to attend a hiring interview, but seeing that you're actually sitting there, I guess not."</span> He says in a gravelly voice that reminds you of some of the more senior officers you've met thanks to your father.
<span class="officer">"Seeing that you're looking for a job, but felt like walking in, you're not one of the usual applicants are you?"</span> He says, raising an eyebrow. Before you can answer, he continues. <span class="officer">"Will you allow the drone to ID scan you, I imagine that we'll be able to see if you're a good fit for the company or not from there."</span>
Nodding your consent, you wait for the drone to scan you, the gentle light tracing over your body a few times before a confirming beep emits from the drone. The holographic interviewer takes a few minutes to examine the results of the scan before slowly turning back to you.
<span class="officer">"This isn't a prank right?"</span> He asks carefully. You assure him that it's for real, and you can practically see the sweat break out on his forehead. <span class="officer">"Very well. Naturally, you're welcome to join Ascendant Towers, so let's talk about terms and conditions."</span> The tone of his voice makes it clear that he means he wants to hear about your conditions for the company, and as he goes quiet, waiting for you to speak, you take a moment to relish the prestige of your family name once more.
The rest of the interview passes smoothly, and you soon find yourself leaving Ascendant Towers with quite a favorable contract in the bag. You don't have specific work days or hours, instead being paid at the end of each session you do choose to work. Additionally, a clause in your contract allows Ascendant Towers to share that you are working with them, in exchange for a clause that allows you freedom to work with various groups at once.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Return to Lobby" "City_Plaza_AscendentTowers">>
<<playerFactSet "job_ascendent" true>>
<<if starGame.player.getFact('job_hasjob') is not true>>
<<playerFactSet "job_hasjob" true>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/city/plaza/ascendent/office.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/side/felix/expressions/neutral_uniform.webp"/>
Felix is aimlessly reorganizing his desk when you approach him, curious about his presence at the orbital garrison. He gives you a tired smile as you approach, his mind clearly elsewhere at the moment. Telling him you're curious about why he's doing an office job he doesn't like instead of staying in the military earns you a sigh from the office worker, before he shuffles a few papers to help clear his mind.
<span class="felix">"Alright well, it's not that I left the military or anything like that. It's a little more complicated than that, at least, to me that is."</span>
You lean against the desk, waving for him to keep talking as you do, curious about his story now.
<span class="felix">"I enlisted, like you, made my way through basic and got assigned to logistics as a long haul pilot. Except when I went to get on my ship and start my glorious career hauling material across the stars for the Alliance, one of the Ascendant Tower exec's arrived."</span> He pauses, taking a breath as he thinks through the next words he'll be using.
<span class="felix">"Turns out the… contract I signed with them for my job back when I was doing casual work for them had a singular gray area clause, in that until the contract period ends, I can't leave the star system. But Felix, you enlisted and completed training without it ever being an issue, surely you're not bound by the contract."</span>
You chuckle slightly as he asks your own question for you.
<span class="felix">"In my stupid youth, I didn't pay attention to it, but I signed a thirty year, periodic work contract. Basically, I'm part of the alliance military, and an employee of ascendant towers, but I can't leave the system until I finish my work period. Which is why I'm in this position. I can reduce time by doing work, but I've still got a few years to work off before I can even start my life as a glorified space trucker."</span>
As Felix falls silent, you find yourself struggling to find anything to say in regards to his misfortune, but as he gives you a wry smile, you realize he doesn't expect you to say anything.
Telling him that it's a shitty situation earns a nod from him, and another smile as he turns back to the papers in front of him. While it sucks what happened to him, there is a faint silver lining in the knowledge that you know a logistics officer that's definitely eager for a new opportunity in life.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "City_Plaza_AscendentTowers_Office">>
<<npcFactSet "felix_past" 2>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/city/plaza/ascendent/lobby.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/side/felix/expressions/neutral_uniform.webp"/>
Stepping into your usual office in Ascendant towers, you pause as you notice a strange man leaning against your desk, a welcoming smile on his face.
<span class="felix">"Ah, there you are!"</span> He says eagerly, stepping towards you with an outstretched hand and an overly friendly grin. Already reluctant to meet this person based on their approach, you begrudgingly shake their hand as they introduce themselves.
<span class="felix">"Felix Cross, department of immigration, at your service."</span>
You raise an eyebrow at his introduction, but before you can tell him that you don't quite need his services, he continues, launching into what sounds like a rehearsed script.
<span class="felix">"How about a job? It's quite a simple one really. You'll be given a handbook and a stack of documents you need to compare, and in exchange for the easiest and most comfortable office job you've ever worked, you'll be helping keep the Alliance safe while making a fat stack of money!"</span>
From the way he pushes a handbook and some extra contractual documents over to you, it's clear that he's certain he's already sold you on the position with his sales pitch, and as you pick through the sheath of papers, you slowly start to make your mind up. Seeing that you'll literally be approving or denying travel permits and the like, you take a few seconds to decide if you really want to add this responsibility to your shoulders or not.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Accept" "City_Plaza_AscendentTowers_Felix_Intro_Accept">>
<<playerFactSet "job_office_accepted" true>>
<<addtocodex "Felix Cross" "met_felix">>
<<playerFactSet "job_office_intro" true>>
<<slink "Decline" "City_Plaza_AscendentTowers_Felix_Intro_Refuse">>
<<addtocodex "Felix Cross" "met_felix">>
<<playerFactSet "job_office_intro" true>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/city/plaza/ascendent/office.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/side/felix/expressions/neutral_uniform.webp"/>
Deciding that you can always give the position a try and change your mind later, you lazily scan through the NDA's he's slid towards you along with the handbook before signing them. Felix's resulting smile as he scoops the documents and materials up can only be described as blinding, and as he escorts you out of your office and towards an actual work room, he rambles on about how you'll be doing a great service for the Alliance.
Ignoring most of his standard propaganda, you focus on memorizing the route to your new work station, noting down that Felix has accidentally let slip that you don't need to show up for this job every day either, and that all your previously confirmed benefits still apply. The new office itself is markedly formal and utilitarian. Compared to your previous office that was clearly meant for you to be seen in, this is one for you to actually work in. Once you've been seated at the desk provided, and Felix has made sure that you're comfortable, he turns to you with a serious smile.
<span class="felix">"Right, pay attention now. The Handbook you've got there outlines the basic rules and regulations of the Alliance, as well as what you need to look out for. You'll be performing basic spot checks on documents, and making sure that there are no discrepancies."</span> Felix quickly shows you how to process a sample document, pointing out a few of the things to look out for before patting you on the shoulder.
<span class="felix">"If you have any questions, refer to the handbook first, and then ask me if you're still confused."</span>
The cheerful noble gives you a thumbs up as he takes a desk further away from you, idly playing with some pens as he scans a document.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Play Tutorial" "Games_Office_Tutorial">><</slink>>
<<slink "Skip Tutorial" "Games_Office_Tutorial_Complete">><</slink>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/city/plaza/ascendent/lobby.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/side/felix/expressions/neutral_uniform.webp"/>
The brief look at the documents was enough for you to know that you're not looking forward to having this extra burden on your back, especially when you currently get paid for just hanging around and being visible. Politely telling the boisterous noble that you're not interested, you slide the book and accompanying items back towards him, the resulting silence slowly growing awkward as he realizes he's been rejected outright.
<span class="felix">"As you wish. My office is in the building, so when you change your mind, come find me."</span> His tone makes it clear that he's trying to salvage the situation, his choice of words revealing false confidence as he implies that you'll definitely go looking for him.
Watching him leave your office silently, you collapse into your comfortable chair for a long day of doing nothing and getting paid for it.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "City_Plaza_AscendentTowers">>
<<snotify "info">>You now have access to the immigration bureau.<</snotify>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/city/plaza/ascendent/office.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/side/felix/expressions/neutral_uniform.webp"/>
Approaching Felix slowly, his attention quickly swivels to you from the work in front of him, and you know that he's happy to have any reason to distract himself from actually doing what he's paid to do.
<span class="felix">"What's the situation?"</span> He asks cheerfully, encouraging you to give him a reason to waste his own time further. At his side, you can see the sheath of documents he uses to rope people into helping him with his work, and you let a small smile grace your face as you decide how to proceed.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Accept" "City_Plaza_AscendentTowers_Felix_Office_Intro_Accept">>
<<playerFactSet "job_office_accepted" true>>
<<slink "Decline" "City_Plaza_AscendentTowers_Felix_Office_Intro_Refuse">><</slink>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/city/plaza/ascendent/office.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/side/felix/expressions/neutral_uniform.webp"/>
Telling the lazy corpo that you're interested in doing the job, he excitedly slides the sheath over to you, the handbook and documents in it ready to be signed. As he excitedly explains where to sign and what your new job entails, you take the chance to flick through the handbook again, reminding yourself that this is, ultimately, a paperwork job once more.
He quickly runs you through a series of mock documents to make sure you understand the task at hand, before making a show of pulling one of the free seats at the other desk out for you. Flashing you a cheesy smile, he drops into a seat a short distance away.
<span class="felix">"Remember, the handbook has all the info you need, and if you get really lost, you can always just ask me."</span>
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Play Tutorial" "Games_Office_Tutorial">><</slink>>
<<slink "Skip Tutorial" "Games_Office_Tutorial_Complete">><</slink>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/city/plaza/ascendent/office.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/side/felix/expressions/neutral_uniform.webp"/>
Felix gives you a sad looking smile as you tell him you're not going to be working with him. He produces a few forms for you to sign to confirm that you've been divested of the responsibilities, before placing one of the original contracts on the desk between you.
<span class="felix">"Let me know when you change your mind. I'll keep this one ready for your inevitable return."</span> His words might be confident, but the tone is neutral, and you can almost see the script he's reading from as he says them. Giving him a curt, yet polite nod, you leave the bureau behind you.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "City_Plaza_AscendentTowers_Office">><</slink>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/side/felix/scenes/work/f_bg.webp"/>
<<if starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'black'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/side/felix/scenes/work/f_black.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'tan'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/side/felix/scenes/work/f_tan.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/side/felix/scenes/work/f_fair.webp"/>
You let your eyes run over Felix's body, remembering how it felt against you last time. Deciding that you've got time to spare and could do with the sex, you sweep the papers in front of you off to the side, standing up and moving towards him eagerly. Felix lets out a small chuckle as he stops your approach with a gentle hand, moving quickly to the door and locking it before returning.
<span class="felix">"There, now we have all the privacy in the world."</span>
Felix quickly crosses the distance between you, his strong hands roaming over you as he lifts you onto the desk, his body pressing against yours hungrily. Drawing you into a passionate kiss, you barely notice your hands pulling his clothes off, even as he strips you naked. The kiss breaks as he pushes you onto your back, towering over your nude body with a confident smirk on his face.
His dick resting against your skin sends a tingle of excitement through you, your legs spreading instinctively as you coil them around his hips. His fingers trace over your skin before coming to a rest on your hips. As you move your hips to entice him into fucking him, he grins, lining up his cock with your dripping hole. He teases you, pressing the tip of his dick against you and slowly sliding inside you, his grip on your hips stopping you from swallowing him whole.
His slow thrust finally fills you, and as he gives you a moment to grow used to him, he tweaks your nipples lightly, drawing a moan from your lips as he does. Satisfied that you're ready for him, he starts to thrust into you, his hips grinding against yours as your entire body tingles from the pleasure coursing through you.
Moaning freely as he thrusts into you, you quickly find yourself overwhelmed by the combination of pleasure and helplessness, as Felix's powerful body keeps you pinned underneath him, his every movement drawing out new sensations of pleasure as you find your legs tightening around him, drawing him even deeper into you as you succumb to his touch.
The sound of your bodies meeting fills the room, your moans mixing with it as his thrusts speed up, your climax threatening to wash over you at any moment even as his breathing grows ragged, your body tensing up around him as he hilts himself inside you, his warm cum spurting into you as you tremble and shake, unable to do more than hold onto him as your climax washes through you.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "City_Plaza_AscendentTowers_Felix_Sex2">><</slink>>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<saudio "bgm_sex4" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.25>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/city/plaza/ascendent/office.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/side/felix/expressions/happy_naked.webp"/>
<span class="felix">"Don't think I've ever been looking forward to quiet days as much as I have been since we started fooling around. Take it as a compliment, yeah?"</span> He says as he pulls out of you, a cocky grin on his face. Helping you clean up as you both redress, he heads for his own desk once the bureau is back to normal.
<span class="felix">"Go on and head out early. I'll take care of what's left of the day here."</span> He gives you a wink as he lets out a satisfied sigh while sinking into his seat. Shaking your head at his antics, you decide to leave before anything that could force you to stay for longer happens.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "City_Plaza_AscendentTowers">>
<<startplaylist "playlist_exploration_soft">>
<<snotify "info">>You have received 250 credits.<</snotify>>\
<<run starGame.player.addMoney(250);>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/city/plaza/ascendent/office.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/side/felix/expressions/neutral_uniform.webp"/>
You're busy shuffling papers and preparing for a hopefully productive day at the bureau when Felix places a coffee mug in front of you, a friendly smile on his face. Taking the mug gratefully, you spend a few moments in idle conversation as you wait for the work day to begin. However, Felix turns to you with a cheeky grin.
<span class="felix">"It's probably going to be a quiet day. I took a look at the applicant roster earlier and we don't have any booked meetings early."</span>
He leans in slightly. <span class="felix">
"So really, there's two options for work today. Either we can take the dead time and use it to… get to know each other. Or you can head home early and I'll hold the fort down for today."</span>
From the way he's talking, you know that he doesn't mean a friendly chat when he says get to know each other, but you have to admit that the idea of an office fling is somewhat exciting. You could also take the offer to go home early, and as Felix leans back against the desk, waiting for you to make a decision you meet his eyes for a moment.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Office Fling" "City_Plaza_AscendentTowers_Felix_Sex_Intro_Accept">><</slink>>
<<slink "Free Time" "City_Plaza_AscendentTowers_Felix_Sex_Intro_Refuse">><</slink>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/side/felix/scenes/work/f_bg.webp"/>
<<if starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'black'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/side/felix/scenes/work/f_black.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'tan'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/side/felix/scenes/work/f_tan.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/side/felix/scenes/work/f_fair.webp"/>
You let your eyes run over Felix's body, appreciating the way his dress shirt shows off the muscle underneath, involuntarily biting your lip as you do. Deciding that it's worth trying him out at least once, you sweep the papers in front of you off to the side, standing up and moving towards him eagerly. Felix lets out a small chuckle as he stops your approach with a gentle hand, moving quickly to the door and locking it before returning.
<span class="felix">"There, now we have all the privacy in the world."</span>
Felix quickly crosses the distance between you, his strong hands roaming over you as he lifts you onto the desk, his body pressing against yours hungrily. Drawing you into a passionate kiss, you barely notice your hands pulling his clothes off, even as he strips you naked. The kiss breaks as he pushes you onto your back, towering over your nude body with a confident smirk on his face.
His dick resting against your skin sends a tingle of excitement through you, your legs spreading instinctively as you coil them around his hips. His fingers trace over your skin before coming to a rest on your hips. As you move your hips to entice him into fucking him, he grins, lining up his cock with your dripping hole. He teases you, pressing the tip of his dick against you and slowly sliding inside you, his grip on your hips stopping you from swallowing him whole.
His slow thrust finally fills you, and as he gives you a moment to grow used to him, he tweaks your nipples lightly, drawing a moan from your lips as he does. Satisfied that you're ready for him, he starts to thrust into you, his hips grinding against yours as your entire body tingles from the pleasure coursing through you.
Moaning freely as he thrusts into you, you quickly find yourself overwhelmed by the combination of pleasure and helplessness, as Felix's powerful body keeps you pinned underneath him, his every movement drawing out new sensations of pleasure as you find your legs tightening around him, drawing him even deeper into you as you succumb to his touch.
The sound of your bodies meeting fills the room, your moans mixing with it as his thrusts speed up, your climax threatening to wash over you at any moment even as his breathing grows ragged, your body tensing up around him as he hilts himself inside you, his warm cum spurting into you as you tremble and shake, unable to do more than hold onto him as your climax washes through you.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "City_Plaza_AscendentTowers_Felix_Sex_Intro_Accept2">><</slink>>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<saudio "bgm_sex4" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.25>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/city/plaza/ascendent/office.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/side/felix/expressions/happy_naked.webp"/>
When Felix finally pulls out of you, you can feel the warm juices slowly leaking out of you as you lay on the desk, breathing hard. Felix hands you a few hand wipes, a satisfied grin on his face as he leaves you to clean yourself up while he redresses himself. Wiping yourself off before reclaiming your own clothes, you throw the wipes into the bin before turning to Felix.
He's already seated back at his desk, and as you finish redressing he looks over at you.
<span class="felix">"I'll have to see if I can set up more quiet days for us in the future."</span> He says with a grin, before continuing. <span class="felix">"And of course, you can have the rest of the work day off, as promised earlier. What a deal, sex and a half day."</span>
You shake your head at his comments, deciding to head out before he starts talking again. A simple wink thrown his way is all you give him before the bureau door closes between you two.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "City_Plaza_AscendentTowers">>
<<npcFactSet "felix_sex_intro" true>>
<<startplaylist "playlist_exploration_soft">>
<<snotify "info">>You have received 250 credits.<</snotify>>\
<<run starGame.player.addMoney(250);>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/city/plaza/ascendent/office.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/side/felix/expressions/neutral_uniform.webp"/>
Getting off work early is always a welcome fact, and as you smile to yourself knowing what your choice will be already, you start packing your stuff up. Felix nods, a small sigh escaping his lips as he realizes your answer before you even tell him.
<span class="felix">"Not a bad choice, it's probably the one I'd make myself too."</span>
His tone is still light hearted and friendly, but there's a hint of disappointment in it, and you wonder if you should have maybe pretended to consider the options more. Regardless, what's done is done, and as you finish packing yourself, Felix holds the door for you, giving you a friendly goodbye as you leave the bureau.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "City_Plaza_AscendentTowers">>
<<npcFactSet "felix_sex_intro" true>>
<<snotify "info">>You have received 250 credits.<</snotify>>\
<<run starGame.player.addMoney(250);>>
<div class="card card-nav solid card-nav">
<div class="row">
<div class="card-body p-0">
<div class="row d-flex">
<<slink "Return to lobby" "City_Plaza_AscendentTowers" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "ti ti-door-exit" "">><</slink>>
<<if starGame.player.getFact('job_office_accepted')>>
<<if settings.minigames is false>>
<<slink "Work" "" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu disabled" "ti ti-clock" "">>
<<snotify "info">>You have disabled minigames. Return to the lobby to engage in normal work.<</snotify>>
<<elseif starGame.time.getCurrentPeriod() < 3>>
<<slink "Work" "Games_Office_0" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "ti ti-clock" "">><</slink>>
<<slink "Work" "" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu disabled" "ti ti-clock" "">><</slink>>
<<slink "Work" "" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu disabled" "ti ti-clock" "">>
<<snotify "info">>You can only work in Felix's department if you accept his offer.<</snotify>>
<div class="navigation-container">\
<img src="resources/img/locations/city/plaza/ascendent/office.webp"/>
<<if starGame.time.getCurrentPeriod() < 3>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/side/felix/expressions/neutral_uniform.webp"/>
<<if starGame.time.getCurrentPeriod() < 3>>\
<<reaction "felix" "Reaction_Felix">>\
<<if starGame.player.getFact('job_office_accepted') is true>>\
<<scene "City_Plaza_AscendentTowers_Office_Random1">>
<<scene "City_Plaza_AscendentTowers_Office_Random2">>
<<scene "City_Plaza_AscendentTowers_Office_Random3">>
The bureau area is more utilitarian than most of the others you've seen in the building. One of the few places where work is meant to happen without all the fancy visuals meant to show how high profile it is.
The chairs are still comfortable and Felix seems to be lazily lounging at his own desk here. He gives you a casual nod as you enter, one of the few people in the building that doesn't seem to care about your status more than the fact that you're money motivated.
The bureau is quiet, and a quick glance tells you that Felix is nowhere to be found. From the way his desk is neatly clean you can tell he spent the last thirty minutes of his shift looking busy before leaving at the exact moment he was allowed to.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<if starGame.player.getFact('job_office_accepted') is true>>
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('felix_sex_intro') is true and starGame.player.hasVagina() is true>>
<<slink "Office Fling" "City_Plaza_AscendentTowers_Felix_Sex">><</slink>>
<<if starGame.player.getFact('job_office_accepted') is true and starGame.npcs.getFact('felix_past') is 1>>
<<slink "Small Talk" "City_Plaza_AscendentTowers_Office_Felix_SmallTalk1">><</slink>>
<<slink "Talk to Felix" "City_Plaza_AscendentTowers_Felix_Office_Intro">><</slink>>
</div>\Walking into the bureau, Felix is lazily puttering around the office, shuffling papers and making a big show of doing lots while doing nothing. At your arrival he turns with a warm smile, waving you over to your seat.
<span class="felix">"Have a good one, yeah? I'm going to take a quick smoke break."</span> He gives you a grin, not even bothering to hide his disinterest in the work. <span class="felix">"If you have questions, just check the handbook. Everything important is in there."</span>
He leaves quickly, and you don't protest, welcoming the chance to get used to the work without a distraction in the room.Felix is here, like always, making a big show of being busy will not doing much.
<span class="felix">"Ah. you're here. Ready for another big day of paperwork?"</span>
He teases lightly as he flicks a page over. You've gotten used to his presence already, and while you disagree with his work ethic, it does wonders in making you stand out more, so you can accept it for now.The bureau area is more utilitarian than most of the others you've seen in the building. One of the few places where work is meant to happen without all the fancy visuals meant to show how high profile it is. The chairs are still comfortable and Felix seems to be lazily lounging at his own desk here.
He gives you a casual nod as you enter, one of the few people in the building that doesn't seem to care about your status more than the fact that you're money motivated.<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/city/plaza/ascendent/lobby.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
The drone guides you through a few corridors, before leading you to a private elevator. Watching the city stretch out in front of you as you wait to arrive at the destination, you soon reach the highest floor of the Tower, and are guided to an empty desk in a comfortable office.
Two stacks of neatly arranged paper wait for you on your desk, and from a glance you can tell that all you're going to be doing today is comparing contracts to make sure that they match each other. Even in this advanced day and age, there's always someone trying to gain an edge on someone else, even if they have to do it in such a foolish way.
The next hour or so passes quickly, as you quickly lose yourself in comparing the details of the different contracts. Helpfully the drones bring in a drink when you ask, and before long you decide to end your work session for now. Guided back to the lobby by another drone, you make your way out of Ascendant Towers, your bank account slightly heavier than before.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Return to Lobby" "City_Plaza_AscendentTowers">>
<<snotify "info">>You have received 150 credits.<</snotify>>
<<run starGame.player.addMoney(150);>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/city/plaza/ascendent/lobby.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
The drone guides you through a few corridors, before leading you to a private elevator. Watching the city stretch out in front of you as you wait to arrive at the destination, you soon reach the highest floor of the Tower, and are guided to an empty desk in a comfortable office.
As you take your seat at the desk, wondering what kind of work you have to do today, a knock at the door draws your attention. A receptionist that could easily pass for a model is standing there, and when you look at her asks you to follow her to a meeting. Obliging with the request, you take a short walk to a nearby boardroom, where you are promptly offered a seat next to the head of the table, and a briefing book is passed to you.
Skimming the pages, you smile. Your role today is to play the silent intimidator, and as you lean back into your seat and get comfortable, you see the rest of the meeting members file in. A few apparently recognize you already, nervous gulps and creased brows forming at your presence.
An hour and a half passes without you needing to say a word, the board members easily agreeing with the meeting leader on all points, quickly voicing their assent on any topic that you seem to nod or smile at. The meeting comes to an end, and you leave first, making your way down to the lobby and leaving Ascendant Towers, your account topped up before you step out of the lobby.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Return to Lobby" "City_Plaza_AscendentTowers">>
<<snotify "info">>You have received 150 credits.<</snotify>>
<<run starGame.player.addMoney(150);>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/city/plaza/ascendent/lobby.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
The drone guides you through a few corridors, before leading you to a private elevator. Watching the city stretch out in front of you as you wait to arrive at the destination, you soon reach the highest floor of the Tower, and are guided to an empty desk in a comfortable office.
Taking a seat at your desk, you wonder what your workload today will entail, and given the lack of contracts and other obvious tasks waiting for you, all you can do is idly twiddle your thumbs as you wait. Eventually a receptionist peeks their head through the door, seemingly surprised to see you. She quickly retreats, and returns in a few minutes with a tablet. Passing it to you, she apologizes before withdrawing from the room, leaving you to read the tablet alone.
You smile as you do, realizing that your job today is literally to just sit and look busy, and as you lean back to browse the tablet, looking for a decent video to watch when a few important looking people walk past, heading to one of the nearby meeting rooms. Out of the corner of your eye, you see some of them notice you, and when they leave your line of sight you smile, realizing you're basically done working for the day. Deciding to head out, you leave the lobby of Ascendant Towers, slightly richer than before.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Return to Lobby" "City_Plaza_AscendentTowers">>
<<snotify "info">>You have received 150 credits.<</snotify>>
<<run starGame.player.addMoney(150);>>
<div class="card card-nav solid">
<div class="row">
<div class="card-body p-0">
<div class="row d-flex">
<<slink "Novaris Plaza" "Hub_CityPlaza" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "ti ti-door-exit" "">><</slink>>
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('thomas_stage1_visited') is true>>
<<if starGame.time.getCurrentPeriod() is 4>>
<<slink "Thomas' Office" "" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu disabled" "ti ti-clock" "">><</slink>>
<<slink "Mayor's Office" "" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu disabled" "" "">><</slink>>
<<if starGame.player.hasInteraction('cityhall_thomas') is true>>
<<slink "Thomas' Office" "" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu disabled" "ti ti-clock" "">>
<<snotify "info">>You already spent time with Thomas today. Check back tomorrow.<</snotify>>
<<elseif starGame.player.getFact('thomas_fieldwork') is 2>>
<<slink "Thomas' Office" "" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu disabled" "ti ti-clock" "">>
<<snotify "info">>There's nothing else to do here for now. Check back in a future update!<</snotify>>
<<slink "Thomas' Office" "" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "ti ti-clock">>
<<eventSequence "thomas_fieldwork">>
<<event "City_Plaza_CityHall_Thomas_FieldWork1" 1>>
<<event "City_Plaza_CityHall_Thomas_FieldWork2" 2>>
<<slink "Mayor's Office" "" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu disabled" "" "">><</slink>>
<div class="navigation-container">\
<img src="resources/img/locations/city/plaza/cityhall/lobby.webp"/>
<<if starGame.time.getCurrentPeriod() < 4>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/others/secretary.webp"/>
<<if starGame.time.getCurrentPeriod() is 4>>\
The absence of the secretary tells you that the city hall is closed for the day, and as you make your way towards the exit, a quick glance around reveals that while you're not the only one here so late in the day, you are probably the only one that doesn't actually work here.
A nightguard watches you idly, seemingly waiting a polite distance from the door for you to leave so he can lock it behind you.
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('thomas_stage1_visited') is true>>\
While the city hall is a smaller building than it's surroundings, it lacks none of the gravitas and importance it needs to remind you that it's the administrative and political heart of Novaris. The receptionist gives you a friendly smile as you enter, recognizing you from before.
Even though you have access to the left wing where you can often find your friend Thomas, she preemptively places the hand scanner on her desk, seemingly as a reminder that you still need to jump through some hoops before you can meet the city mayor.
Somewhat unexpectedly, the city hall is a smaller building than you expected it to be. While it is still a symbol of wealth and political power, you appreciate that it's not much larger than the academy's atrium. There's a pleasant kind of muted noise in the hall, and when you look for the source you realize it's a designed effect meant to keep conversations private.
A friendly looking receptionist gives you a smile as you approach, presenting a hand scanner for you to use. A moment after completing the scan, she treats you to another smile before talking.
<span class="npc2">"While we are honored to be visited by a member of the $character_lastName family, unfortunately you will still need an appointment if you want to meet the city mayor. Unless you have another reason to visit?"</span>
<<box "choicebox">>
<<if starGame.quests.isQuestActive('story_thomas_stage1') and starGame.npcs.getFact('thomas_stage1_visited') is undefined>>
<<slink "Ask about Thomas" "City_Plaza_CityHall_Thomas_Intro">><</slink>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/city/plaza/cityhall/thomas_office.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/thomas/expressions/happy_civilian.webp"/>
<<reaction "thomas" "Reaction_Thomas">>\
Stepping into Thomas' office, he gives you a weary smile from across the desk, his attention flickering between the terminal screen and you rapidly while he makes a choice. You win the battle, and as he stands, turning his full attention to you, you can practically see him shedding his stress from work.
<span class="thomas">"Good to see you, $character_firstName. I mentioned last time that I've got some things cooking that I could use a hand with, I assume you're here for that?"</span> He gives you a warm smile as he reaches for his jacket.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Yes" "City_Plaza_CityHall_Thomas_FieldWork1_Accept">>
<<playerFactSet "thomas_fieldwork" 1>>
<<slink "No" "City_Plaza_CityHall_Thomas_FieldWork1_Refuse">>
<img src="resources/img/locations/city/plaza/cityhall/thomas_office.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/thomas/expressions/happy_civilian.webp"/>
Giving him a nod, you are surprised when he sweeps you towards the door, excitedly telling you that he's so glad you actually decided to do this, without ever telling you what this is.
Ushered out of the city hall and along the streets of Novaris in the whirlwind energy of Thomas as he guides you to wherever your final destination might be. You notice along the way that far more people than you would expect seem to recognize and greet Thomas, and by extension, you find yourself being introduced to dozens of people as you walk along the streets with him.
Eventually however, you find yourself outside of one of the communal buildings on the edge of the city, and as Thomas leads you into the staff only section of the building, you quickly realize that you're in an outreach center. Raising an eyebrow at Thomas, he gives you a shrug and a smile, before tossing you an apron.
<span class="thomas">"Hope you're not scared of people, or have an aversion to helping others."</span> He says with a grin as he pulls a matching apron on. Leading you to the serving section, he shows you how to work the stoves and tells you how much to dish up for anyone approaching the counters. When he rolls the shutters up, you see that there's already a queue of people here, causing a sudden spike of anxiety to course through you. Thomas gives you a gentle pat on the shoulder as he speaks softly to you.
<span class="thomas">"Relax, try and enjoy it."</span> His words do help calm you down a bit, and as you start helping the various people at the counter, you find yourself getting into the swing of things quickly, settling into a rhythm of helping the people as you share a greeting and a few words with them. Losing track of time, it's only when Thomas rolls the shutters down and starts cleaning the counters that you realize most of the day has passed you by.
Walking back to city hall with Thomas, the two of you speak lightly, and you see the traces of a smile playing on his lips. Outside of the building itself, he stops, giving you a nod.
<span class="thomas">"Thanks for coming along this time. It's hard to manage the place alone, and the city's funding doesn't extend that far."</span> He pauses, but you can tell he's not done yet, and you don't have to wait long before he continues.
<span class="thomas">"You should come by the office again in a few days. Today was a test of sorts, one that you've passed with flying colors. There are some people that have expressed an interest in meeting you, and I think it'll be something worth your while as well. And, of course, having more friends is always a good thing."</span>
He gives you another pat on the shoulder, smiling broadly.
<span class="thomas">"But I've taken enough of your time today. I'll see you around the academy I'm sure."</span> Saying your own farewell as he makes his way back into the city hall, you find yourself left alone.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Leave" "City_Plaza_CityHall">>
<<npcStatIncrease "thomas_affinity" 1>>
<<snotify "info">>Thomas appreciated spending time with you.<</snotify>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/city/plaza/cityhall/thomas_office.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/thomas/expressions/happy_civilian.webp"/>
Thinking about it for a moment, you can almost tell that this is going to take a significant amount of time out of the day, and from the way he was reaching for his jacket, you can guess that it's also a bit out of the way. Deciding that you can't commit to it right now, you tell Thomas as much, saying that you'll join him another time. His smile fades a bit, but he grabs his jacket regardless, and walks with you out of the building. Once you reach the streets, he pauses for a moment.
<span class="thomas">"Fair enough. Like you said, there's always next time."</span> He extends a hand to you, and from his smile you can tell that there's no hard feelings from your rejection today. As he parts ways with you, you watch him walk towards the city outskirts, before turning your attention back to the Novaris Plaza around you.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Leave" "City_Plaza_CityHall">>
<img src="resources/img/locations/city/plaza/cityhall/thomas_office.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/thomas/expressions/happy_civilian.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/others/nels.webp"/>
<<reaction "thomas" "Reaction_Thomas">>\
Thomas' office door is closed for once, and as you knock gently, you hear the soft conversation lull momentarily before it opens, revealing Thomas and a vaguely familiar overweight man in the chair by the desk.
<span class="thomas">"Ah, you're here. Perfect timing really."</span> Thomas says as he ushers you in, closing the door behind you as you enter. The office is small, as you've noticed before, but with three of you in the room it feels even smaller than normal. As your eyes track to the unknown man, you see that he's already watching you, a faint grin on his face. Thomas speaks up quickly, introducing you to each other.
<span class="thomas">"$character_firstName, this is Nels, Nels, this is $character_firstName $character_lastName."</span> Thomas pauses, allowing the two of you to give each other a polite nod. Continuing after that, he gives you a grin.
<span class="thomas">"Nels is the head of the Novaris Merchant Coalition, and the person I mentioned that wanted to meet you."</span> Thomas steps towards the door, a smile on his face. <span class="thomas">"I'll give you some privacy, but I do need to work, try to keep this on the shorter side please. Nels, that's meant for you."</span> His words are friendly, but there's a lacing of seriousness that makes it clear that he means it.
As the door clicks closed behind him, you turn your attention to the merchant, noting the lack of surname in the introductions and remembering what Thomas had said before about your position as the heir of a powerful noble family. Nels, likewise, seems to be weighing you up before speaking.
<span class="npc4">"I believe the introduction from Thomas was more than adequate. But I'll put your fears at rest first. I don't want to approach you for a business venture, nor do I want to sell you something, or buy something from you. No, this is much more simple for once. I simply wanted to meet you, and spend some time with you. Unfortunately, we don't have much, so I'll lay all my cards on the table right now."</span> He pauses, taking a deep breath before continuing.
<span class="npc4">"Due to the current political climate, ongoing civil war, and noble-commoner tensions rising, the Coalition is rapidly approaching a point in time where it needs to shed its neutrality, and pick a side. And let me tell you now, there aren't many fantastic options. On one side we have the nobles, with their reluctance to disturb the status quo, and on the other we have commoners, who desperately try to rise through the meritocracy and change it."</span>
He pauses for a moment before slowly pointing a finger at you.
<span class="npc4">"And then we have you. A noble that publicly sided with commoners, in one of the most prestigious institutions of the Alliance. So consider this a notification, invitation, whatever, to let you know that the Coalition is watching you, and deems you one of the potential few that it may be willing to officially support."</span>
He gives you a smile, clearly thinking that there's nothing more that needs to be said, and as you're searching for some kind of response to give the merchant with their sudden, strangely worded attempt to join sides with you, the door creaks slightly as it opens, drawing your attention to Thomas as he re-enters, a rueful smile on his face. Silently thanking him for his perfect timing, you tell the merchant that you'll think about what he said, and that you hope you meet again another time to continue the conversation.
Thomas flashes you a wink, revealing that his return was intentional, and as you escape the office, you hear him quickly draw the merchant into a rambling conversation about the fluctuating price of steel.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Leave" "City_Plaza_CityHall">>
<<playerFactSet "thomas_fieldwork" 2>>
<<npcStatIncrease "thomas_affinity" 1>>
<<snotify "info">>Thomas appreciated spending time with you.<</snotify>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/city/plaza/cityhall/lobby.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/others/secretary.webp"/>
Telling the receptionist that you're actually not here to meet the city mayor, but one of the Starwatch cadets, she slowly nods before skeptical giving you a once over. Sighing internally, you tell her that you were supposed to meet Thomas here, and she brightens up considerably at hearing that.
<span class="npc2">"I'm sorry, he didn't tell me he was expecting any visitors. I've told him countless times to at least let me know when he has invited friends over, but here we are."</span> She pauses, seemingly realizing you're still waiting to hear where to go. <span class="npc2">"You'll find him in the office down the left corridor here. I'll update the access levels to make sure you can visit without needing to stop by me in the future."</span>
As she taps away at her terminal, you have a few to wonder again about this situation you find yourself in. Before you can think too deeply about it however, she gives you a nod, telling you that you're all set and can continue with your business now.
The short walk down the corridor leads you to a plain looking office, the door open and allowing you to see Thomas sitting alone at a desk, somehow managing to look incredibly bored and incredibly busy at the same time, while he taps away at his keyboard.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "City_Plaza_CityHall_Thomas_Intro1">><</slink>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/city/plaza/cityhall/thomas_office.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/thomas/expressions/happy_civilian.webp"/>
<<reaction "thomas" "Reaction_Thomas">>\
As you step into the small office, Thomas stands, flashing you a huge smile as he moves around the desk to give you a handshake.
<span class="thomas">"Welcome to my little kingdom."</span> He says with a laugh, as he gestures around the small room. Your eyes follow the movement, and you quickly see that there's really nothing of note here, visually at least. Instead, what draws your attention the most is the fact that Thomas has an office, however small, inside the city hall of Novaris. Before you can ask the question, he sees it coming a mile away and answers it for you with a grin.
<span class="thomas">"Everyone… most people… need to pay tuition, and it's hard to find a better paying job with flexible hours than this one. Of course that does mean I'm stuck answering messages and playing errand boy more often than I'd like."</span>
You notice that he's cleverly managed to keep from telling you what he actually does, and deciding to take the hint and leave the topic there, you move the conversation in the direction of the invitation he sent you.
<span class="thomas">"Right, so here's the deal. You're a noble. A powerful, destined for greatness one. Good family name, Starwatch cadet, practically ensured to succeed in life if you just apply yourself a little."</span> He pauses, his face growing serious. <span class="thomas">"And you chose to side with me, a normal commoner, against another noble in that drill the academy ran."</span>
Another pause, this one growing long enough that you start to think he's waiting for you to say something. You're about to start justifying your choice when he continues, seemingly realizing that he was lost in thought while in a conversation with you.
<span class="thomas">"Sorry, anyway, long story short, I'm positive that Edward is going to start trying to make your life harder, and I invited you here to make sure that you know you're not alone if and when it happens. Oh, and if you come by again later, I've got some plans in motion that I wouldn't turn down help and company with."</span>
While it's not worded as a dismissal, you can tell that Thomas is still busy, and is trying to let you out of the meeting without offending you, or telling you that he actually needs to get back to work. Smiling as you leave the office, you hear the soft sounds of his keyboard clacking before you even take three steps down the corridor.
Returning to the lobby of the city hall, you take a few moments to contemplate what to do next.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "City_Plaza_CityHall">>
<<npcFactSet "thomas_stage1_visited" true>>
<div class="card card-nav solid">
<div class="row">
<div class="card-body p-0">
<div class="row d-flex">
<<slink "Novaris Plaza" "Hub_CityPlaza" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "ti ti-door-exit" "">><</slink>>
<<if starGame.player.getFact('job_lab_daniellaintro') is true>>
<<slink "Go to the lab" "City_Plaza_Geneforge_Lab" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "" "">><</slink>>
<<if starGame.player.getFact('job_lab') is true and starGame.player.getFact('job_lab_daniellaintro') is not true>>
<<slink "Work" "City_Plaza_Geneforge_Daniella_Intro" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "ti ti-clock" "">><</slink>>
<<elseif starGame.player.getFact('job_lab') is true and starGame.time.getCurrentPeriod() < 3>>
<<slink "Work" "" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "ti ti-clock" "">>
<<scene "City_Plaza_Geneforge_Work1">>
<<scene "City_Plaza_Geneforge_Work2">>
<<scene "City_Plaza_Geneforge_Work3">>
<<slink "Work" "" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu disabled" "ti ti-clock" "">><</slink>>
<div class="navigation-container">\
<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/city/plaza/geneforge/lobby.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
<<if starGame.player.getFact('job_lab') is true>>\
The soft bustle of life once again reminds you of a library, despite its futuristic looking lobby. You can see lab coat clad researchers talking softly as they work, while assistants ferry documents and monitoring equipment off through the nearby doors leading deeper into the facility.
A drone slowly approaches you gliding silently over the smooth floors as a holographic appearance flickers around it, taking the form of a stylized old butler. A posh voice matches his appearance when he speaks, greeting you politely.
<span class="npc1">"Welcome to GeneForge, how may I assist you?"</span>
<<if starGame.time.getCurrentPeriod() > 2>>\
The only workers left are the night shift, and from a glance you can see that there is no one here that will look after a temporary employee.
You've always wanted a look inside a GeneForge building, and seeing that their branch office here seems to be open to the public, you decide you might as well take a look inside. The automatic doors slide open for you, admitting you to a lobby that's reminiscent of a library in terms of the quiet bustle.
A drone slowly approaches you, its single wheel gliding silently over the smooth floors as it makes its way to you. Around you people wearing lab coats quickly move through the lobby and deeper into the building, some locked in quiet discussion with each other.
A gentle beep tells you that the drone has arrived, and as you turn to look at it, you see that it's begun to project a holographic appearance over its frame. A stylized old butler gives you a warm, if holographic, smile.
<span class="npc1">"Please allow me to assist you by telling me the reason for visiting GeneForge today."</span> The drone's voice reminds you of a posh older man, and you let a smile dance across your lips as you see how the voice and hologram complement each other. Remembering that you might need a part time job since you've been cut off from family funds, you realize this might be a good place to ask.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<if starGame.player.getFact('job_lab') is undefined>>
<<slink "Ask for job" "City_Plaza_Geneforge_AskJob">><</slink>>
</div>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/city/plaza/geneforge/lobby.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
Telling the holographic butler that you're actually looking for a job. His facade shimmers for a moment, before he bows slightly, a hand gesture indicating for you to follow him. As you walk behind the drone the holographic butler talks in depth about the history of GeneForge, and you quickly allow him to fade into background noise as you let him lead you deeper into the facility.
Before long you find yourself entering a large, comfortable office, a well dressed man looking up at you with clear surprise on his face. The butler apologizes and explains the reason for the intrusion, before gliding out of the room leaving you and the executive in a somewhat awkward silence.
<span class="officer">"Alright… well. Uh. So let's start with names and expectations. Do you have a background in designer modifications or genetic research?"</span> He says, tapping his fingers against each other, clearly confused about this situation in general. You smile nervously back, also caught off guard by the speed at which the butler drone has dropped you into an unexpected job interview.
You take a moment to explain to the perplexed interviewer your situation and as he slowly puts two and two together about your cadetship at Starwatch Academy and your name, and you can't help but smile when you see the exact moment when he realizes who you are, the speed at which a contract tablet is pushed towards you confirming GeneForge as a source of income for you. You spend another ten or twenty minutes negotiating details, and soon you leave the office with a satisfied smile, having secured a position as an honorary research assistant, one that doesn't need to work specific days or hours to retain your position, but paid only for the work you do as a result.
Making your way back to the lobby and then out of GeneForge, you can't help but wonder if your lab access will allow you to trial some of the more exclusive and experimental modifications that are underway.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Return to Lobby" "City_Plaza_Geneforge">>
<<playerFactSet "job_lab" true>>
<<if starGame.player.getFact('job_hasjob') is not true>>
<<playerFactSet "job_hasjob" true>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/city/plaza/geneforge/lobby.webp"/><img class="center" src="resources/img/characters/side/daniella/doctor.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
As you wait in the office to see what your work will be today, you are surprised to see a different researcher from the norm enter the room. You look over at her for a moment, realizing that her name tag marks her out as a fully fledged doctor, and she gives you a smirk.
<span class="daniella">"The new intern, research assistant, token noble that needs money, I assume."</span> She says, her voice velvety smooth, and for a moment you don't even register that she's not exactly thrilled to see you. As you process it, you realize that she's waiting for an answer.
Telling her that she's right on the money, you are quickly graced with a slim smile. She nods, before pulling a seat out and folding her legs while she watches you.
<span class="daniella">"I'm Dr. Daniella. Not Miss, not Mrs, not Daniella. Dr. Daniella."</span> She pauses for effect, and once you nod she continues. <span class="daniella">"Are you ready to stop fucking around in the kiddy pool and start learning the real stuff for once?"</span> Her voice once again distracts you from her words, and by the time you realize what she's said, you realize she's waiting for an answer, another smile on her face.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Accept" "City_Plaza_Geneforge_Daniella_Intro_Accept">>
<<playerFactSet "job_lab_daniella_accepted" true>>
<<addtocodex "Dr. Daniella" "met_daniella">>
<<playerFactSet "job_lab_daniellaintro" true>>
<<slink "Decline" "City_Plaza_Geneforge_Daniella_Intro_Refuse">>
<<addtocodex "Dr. Daniella" "met_daniella">>
<<playerFactSet "job_lab_daniellaintro" true>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/city/plaza/geneforge/lab.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
You're curious about what she means, and deciding that the fastest way to find out is by accepting, you tell her you're ready to begin. She nods, standing and heading for the door. She throws you a look over her shoulder before speaking.
<span class="daniella">"Well? Don't just stand there, follow me."</span> She strides out of the room, and you quickly follow, catching up before she disappears into the maze of labs and rooms inside Geneforge. As you follow her, she starts to explain that you'll be tasked with fixing the mistakes of some of the other, less capable interns. Arriving at her lab, you are quickly seated at a workstation, with her standing next to you as she places a few flasks and equipment on the table in front of you.
<span class="daniella">"I'll only explain this once, so make sure you're focusing."</span> She shows you how to work the equipment, explaining how to decant the failed combinations, and how to seal the flasks once you're done. Giving you a nod, she moves away from the workstation, taking her place at a desk a short distance away.
<span class="daniella">"If you really need help, just ask."</span> She says, focusing on the terminal in front of her.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Play Tutorial" "Games_Watersort_Tutorial">><</slink>>
<<slink "Skip Tutorial" "Games_Watersort_Tutorial_Complete">><</slink>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/city/plaza/geneforge/lobby.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
You're caught off guard by the sudden arrival and her way of speaking, and you decide that for the moment, you're actually not interested in indulging the haughty researcher. You politely turn her offer down, and she gives you an appraising look.
<span class="daniella">"Very well. You can find me at my office if you ever change your mind."</span> She says before leaving the room, her heels clicking on the floor as she goes. While you stand trying to figure out what just happened, one of the researchers you've seen before arrives, directing you in your task for the day, and you quickly put the meeting out of mind.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "City_Plaza_Geneforge">><</slink>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/city/plaza/geneforge/daniella_office.webp"/><img class="center" src="resources/img/characters/side/daniella/doctor.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
You tell the doctor that you've decided you actually want to work with her, and she gives you a smile. <span class="daniella">"Alright, that's a good enough reason to interrupt me. Here, read this."</span> She slides a folder across her desk towards you.
While you read the materials within, she talks, explaining and elaborating on the contents.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Play Tutorial" "Games_Watersort_Tutorial">><</slink>>
<<slink "Skip Tutorial" "Games_Watersort_Tutorial_Complete">><</slink>>
<div class="card card-nav solid">
<div class="row">
<div class="card-body p-0">
<div class="row d-flex">
<<slink "Return to lobby" "City_Plaza_Geneforge" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "ti ti-door-exit" "">><</slink>>
<<slink "Dr. Daniella's office" "City_Plaza_Geneforge_Daniella_Office" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "" "">><</slink>>
<<if starGame.player.getFact('job_lab_daniella_accepted')>>
<<if settings.minigames is false>>
<<slink "Work" "" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu disabled" "ti ti-clock" "">>
<<snotify "info">>You have disabled minigames. Return to the lobby to engage in normal work.<</snotify>>
<<elseif starGame.time.getCurrentPeriod() < 3>>
<<slink "Work" "Games_Watersort_0" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "ti ti-clock" "">><</slink>>
<<slink "Work" "" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu disabled" "ti ti-clock" "">><</slink>>
<<slink "Work" "" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu disabled" "ti ti-clock" "">>
<<snotify "info">>You can only work in Dr. Daniella's lab if you accept her offer.<</snotify>>
<div class="navigation-container">\
<img src="resources/img/locations/city/plaza/geneforge/lab.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/side/daniella/expressions/neutral_uniform.webp">
<<if starGame.player.getFact('job_lab_daniella_accepted') is not true>>\
This lab is more specialized than the general work area you've seen before. A quick glance around the room reveals its various high tech tools, as well as neat rows of manuals for reference and guidance. A door in the far corner blends in with the walls, and a small name plate tells you that it's the office of Dr. Daniella.
A workstation is prepared and ready for use, flasks already placed out for reclamation.
<<scene "City_Plaza_Geneforge_Lab_Random1">>
<<scene "City_Plaza_Geneforge_Lab_Random2">>
<<scene "City_Plaza_Geneforge_Lab_Random3">>
<<box "choicebox">>
<<if State.variables.time_days >= 15>>
<<if starGame.player.getFact('job_lab_sex_intro') is undefined>>
<<slink "Stare" "City_Plaza_Geneforge_Lab_Sex_Intro">>
<<playerFactSet "job_lab_sex_intro" true>>
<<if starGame.player.hasInteraction('daniella_interaction') is true>>
<<slink "Stare" "" "slink btn btn-highlight disabled allow-pointer-events">>
<<snotify "info">>Daniella's panties are already soaked. Check back tomorrow.<</snotify>>
<<slink "Stare" "City_Plaza_Geneforge_Lab_Sex">><</slink>>
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('daniella_lab_smalltalk') is undefined>>
<<slink "Small Talk" "City_Plaza_Geneforge_Lab_SmallTalk1">><</slink>>
<<if State.variables.time_days >= 20 and starGame.player.getFact('job_lab_firstincident') is undefined>>
<<slink "Approach Dr. Daniella" "City_Plaza_Geneforge_Lab_FirstIncident">><</slink>>
<<elseif State.variables.time_days >= 20 and starGame.player.getFact('job_lab_firstincident') is true and starGame.player.getFact('geneforge_incident1_stage3') is true and starGame.player.getFact('geneforge_incident1_complete') is undefined>>
<<slink "Talk to Dr. Daniella" "City_Plaza_Geneforge_Lab_FirstIncident_Checkup">><</slink>>
</div>\As you walk to the lab, you remember that you're actually working with Dr. Daniella now, and making your way to her lab, you see that she's sitting at her desk already. She raises an eyebrow when you arrive.
<span class="daniella">"Good, you haven't quit. As before, ask me if you absolutely need help."</span> From the ice in her words, you already know that what she means is don't disturb her while you work.Dr. Daniella gives you a slight smile when you enter, and you realize that your repeated efforts are making an impact on her.
<span class="daniella">"Look at you. A consummate professional."</span> Her words have a bit of lightness in them, and you know that even though she's teasing you, she's also giving you a compliment in her own way.Dr Daniella looks up at you from her terminal before pausing for a moment.
<span class="daniella">"Keep showing up like this, and I might have to actually start paying attention to you."</span> Her words are velvety smooth like normal, but there's an underlying tone that sends a chill down your spine. She runs her eyes over you for a moment, before turning her attention back to her terminal, and you move to start with your work when she speaks so softly that you can barely hear it.
<span class="daniella">"Impressive."</span>
You look back at her, and when she doesn't say anything else for a moment, you decide to start working before she thinks you're slacking.<<nobr>>
<div class="card card-nav solid">
<div class="row">
<div class="card-body p-0">
<div class="row d-flex">
<<slink "Leave" "City_Plaza_Geneforge_Lab" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "ti ti-door-exit" "">><</slink>>
<div class="navigation-container">\
<img src="resources/img/locations/city/plaza/geneforge/daniella_office.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/side/daniella/expressions/neutral_uniform.webp">
Confidently walking in, you're treated to a single once over by Dr. Daniella as she looks up at you from the desk.
<span class="daniella">"Make it fast."</span> Her voice is as velvety as ever, despite the clear coldness in her words.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<if starGame.player.getFact('job_lab_daniella_accepted') is not true>>
<<slink "Accept Work" "City_Plaza_Geneforge_Daniella_Office_AcceptWork">>
<<playerFactSet "job_lab_daniella_accepted" true>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/city/plaza/geneforge/lab.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/side/daniella/expressions/neutral_uniform.webp">
Dr. Daniella starts talking moments after you walk in, not even looking up at you as she does. With a wave at the work station nearby you can see that there's already a mod busy cooking as you watch.
<span class="daniella">"Ah, finally. The solution is ready, you just need to administer the finishing touches. And this is the last time I let you use my lab instead of your own."</span>
When you pause, trying to make sense of what she's talking about, she looks up at you with a frown. A moment of shock and recognition flit over her face as you're clearly not who she was expecting. Looking at her wrist watch with a scowl she turns her full attention back to you.
<span class="daniella">"Sorry about that. One of my colleagues was using the equipment to make a mod and I thought it was them returning. Do me a favor and go lower its heat by a few stages. I think they left some documentation there if you want to take a look at how it's done. It would be good practice for you to try making one yourself."</span>
Telling her that you'll give it a try at least, you head over to the worktable to take a look at things before deciding if you're going to try making the mod yourself. Turning down the heat on the beaker slightly, you start reading through the documents for it as you lean against the table.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "City_Plaza_Geneforge_Lab_FirstIncident2">>
<<playerFactSet "job_lab_firstincident" true>>
<img src="resources/img/events/geneforge/firstincident1.webp"/>
Deciding to give it a try, you start unpacking the different equipment you'll need as per the instructions, carefully preparing your workstation as you review the initial steps. It doesn't take you long to set up the flasks and burners, and as you're busy grabbing the ingredients, you smile as you see that almost every single one of them comes from the fridge section that is used for gender modification and long term effects.
Flipping through the document to make sure that your suspicions are correct, you frown as you see that there isn't any real indication of what the original creator is expecting the outcome to be. It's not strange, since they probably recorded it on a personal terminal or notepad, but it does leave you somewhat in the dark as you can only guess how the ingredients will combine until it's actually completed.
Measuring out the base and mixing in the catalyst exactly as the documents detail, you put your speculations of the end result out of mind as you focus on making sure to get the process right, your mind quickly blocking out all distractions as you lock in. Time passes quickly for you in this state of focus, and you're slowly reaching the point where you're ready to put your solution over heat to emulsify and blend when Dr. Daniella walks over to inspect your work.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "City_Plaza_Geneforge_Lab_FirstIncident3">><</slink>>
<img src="resources/img/events/geneforge/firstincident2.webp"/>
As you and Dr. Daniella talk, reviewing the steps you've taken with your copy of the mod and making sure you haven't missed any steps. She gives you a smile, telling you that you've done a fantastic job so far. Accepting the compliment gracefully, you follow her instructions on getting the heat ready, and as you slot your solution into place to finish cooking, you let out a sigh of relief as you effectively finish the majority of your work, now just needing to lean back and relax as you wait for it to finish.
The Doctor gives you a smile as she excuses herself from the room, claiming she's going to go look for her still missing colleague now that you don't need direct oversight anymore, and nod, settling in at a seat next to the workstation to wait, rereading the documents to help pass the time. A few minutes of calm silence passes before you faintly hear the sound of cracking glass, and as you look up at the workstation, you see the original mods beaker has a crack running through it.
Jumping to your feet to kill the heat and move the beaker before anything can go wrong, you are half way to removing it from danger when it snaps, and as your adrenaline kicks in time seems to slow down. As the solution from the experimental mod is thrown across the room, you can see clearly how a decent amount of it is heading directly for you in a moment of perfect clarity.
<<sinfotip>>Duck to avoid a permanent transformation.<</sinfotip>>\
<<box "choicebox">>
<<if starGame.flags.getFlag('transformation') is not 2>>
/% Forced TF is not enabled %/
<<slink "Duck" "City_Plaza_Geneforge_Lab_FirstIncident_Duck">><</slink>>
<<playerFactSet "geneforge_incident1_tf" false>>
<<slink "Duck" "" "slink btn btn-highlight disabled allow-pointer-events" "" "You have enabled forced transformations and therefore cannot escape the consequences of this incident.">>
<<snotify "info">>You have enabled forced transformations and therefore cannot escape the consequences of this incident.<</snotify>>
<<slink "Protect your face" "City_Plaza_Geneforge_Lab_FirstIncident_ProtectFace">>
<<playerFactSet "geneforge_incident1_tf" true>>
<img src="resources/img/events/geneforge/firstincident3.webp"/>
Realizing that you have just enough time to hit the ground, you drop to your knees, the spray from the mod explosion flying over you and missing you by just inches. Letting out a sigh of relief, you climb back to your feet slowly. Examining the messy room around you, you turn the heat under your own mods solution off, preventing a repeat of the incident from happening. Asking Eva to send a cleaning unit over, you take your seat again, waiting for Daniella's return so you can explain the situation to her when she comes back.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "City_Plaza_Geneforge_Lab_FirstIncident_Duck2">><</slink>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/city/plaza/geneforge/lab.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/side/daniella/expressions/neutral_uniform.webp">
Dr. Daniella freezes as she steps back into the lab, seeing how there are cleaning drones busily at work. Taking in the situation quickly, she scans the room, her eyes jumping from the cracked and broken beaker to the mess on the floor and walls and then to you. Approaching you quickly and with clear concern on her face, you quickly wave her off, speaking before she can panic further. Telling her that you managed to duck for cover before the mod exploded fully, you reassure her you didn't come into contact with anything you shouldn't have.
She gives you a long, questioning look before relaxing slightly, shaking her head.
<span class="daniella">"Fine. I'm glad you're safe and unaffected by anything. Why don't you take the day off, go home and relax or something. I'll sort this out with Eva and make sure the lab isn't contaminated or anything like that."</span>
Her attention slips from you, as she takes command of the situation further, commanding the drones around and giving you the perfect chance to slip away unnoticed. Excusing yourself from the lab, you make your way out of Geneforge, whistling softly to yourself as you wonder just how large of a bullet you may have dodged thanks to your quick thinking and reaction time.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Hub_CityPlaza">><</slink>>
<img src="resources/img/events/geneforge/firstincident3.webp"/>
Realizing that you're not going to be able to move fast enough to get away from the table, you instinctively throw your arms up, trying to block your face from the hot liquid, and you're pleasantly surprised when the solution that does splash onto you isn't hot enough to burn you. Shaking your head to help recenter yourself, you quickly pull your splashed top off, throwing it aside as you grab paper towels and attempt to wipe the spilt solution off your skin before it can absorb through the contact.
Panicking slightly as a tingling feeling sweeps through you, you mentally review the ingredients used, and relax somewhat as you remember that there were no dangerous components to the mixture.
Dr. Daniella returns at this moment, her eyes flashing between the broken beaker on the workstation, the scattered solution and the towels in your hand before she bursts into motion.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "City_Plaza_Geneforge_Lab_FirstIncident_ProtectFace2">><</slink>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/city/plaza/geneforge/lab.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/side/daniella/expressions/neutral_uniform.webp">
She steps past you, turning the heat under your mods container off, preventing a repeat of the incident before she leads you to the decontamination shower in the corner of the room. You follow her instructions sheepishly as she half scolds you, admitting to yourself that you probably should have bolted for the shower instead of towels.
Regardless, you can see the worry on Dr. Daniella's face as she carefully examines you, looking for burns or other immediate effects of the splashed mod on your body. Once she's satisfied that there are no fast acting effects, she frowns, taking her seat and drumming her fingers together as she considers you. You're about to ask if there's anything wrong when she speaks up.
<span class="daniella">"All I know is that he was working on a personal project that he swore would make him rich if it worked. For now, I think you need to go home and rest, since all we can really do is wait and see what's going to happen."</span> She pauses, taking a deep breath as she thinks some more before finally speaking to you once more.
<span class="daniella">"Regardless, I'll give you a check up when the mod has run its course, just to see what your options are once it's taken effect. Oh and don't use any temp mods for the time being. You don't want to risk making the situation worse."</span>
Daniella keeps her attention on you, but you quickly decide that her suggested plan of action is a good one. Nodding as you excuse yourself, you quickly reclaim your top, heading back to your dorm room to shower and refresh yourself for what's left of the day.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Go home" "Apartment_LivingRoom">>
/% Kinda shitty to use a legacy property but it'll do %/
<<if starGame.player.getFact('femalestart') is true>>
<<elseif starGame.player.getFact('transstart') is true>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/city/plaza/geneforge/daniella_office.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/side/daniella/expressions/neutral_uniform.webp">
Making your way to Dr. Daniella's office, you wonder for a moment if she has a plan for helping you revert the changes in place already. While you're still deciding if you would even revert them, having the option would be nice, you tell yourself.
However, from the bleak look Daniella gives you as you entire her office, you can tell that you need to prepare yourself for some bad news. Taking a seat across from her wordlessly, you wait for her to speak, deciding to give her the time she needs to find the phrasing. Eventually she lets out a sigh.
<span class="daniella">"Here's… the thing. It's an experimental, unsanctioned mod that was meant for research purposes. There isn't a developed counter-mod in circulation yet."</span> Her words are gloomy, and you can tell she feels responsible for your situation as she talks. But after a moment she does lighten up slightly.
<span class="daniella">"That's not to say it's all bad news however. There are other experimental mods in the works, and the Academy just greenlit working on a reversion mod. So to speak, one that should return you to your normal state from before you got exposed. And they've placed you as first on the list to receive it when it's ready."</span>
<<if starGame.quests.isQuestActive('story_geneforge_incident_male')>>\
Daniella flashes you a smile, before shooting you a conspiratorial smile. She stands and goes to close the office door, making sure the two of you are alone for now.
<span class="daniella">"Lastly, I worked with that colleague to see if we could find a way to help you even faster. While we failed for the most part, we did come up with a long lasting mod that is definitely safe to use with your new body. While you can still use temp mods, this one is as permanent as the one you were splashed by."</span> She places an injector on the table, a proud smile on her face.
Taking a look at the injector to see why Daniella is so proud of it, you give her a confused look, the unlabeled injector not really telling you much. Taking your confusion as an invitation, she puffs her chest proudly.
<span class="daniella">"It's a little supplementary mod, that will help restore something you lost when you were feminized. You know, down there."</span> She gives you a wink, and you quickly realize that she's talking about your now missing dick.
<span class="daniella">"Of course, you don't have to take the mod, but I thought you might like to have the option, just in case."</span> Thanking Daniella, you decide to pocket the mod for now, telling yourself you'll apply it or not in the safety of your own room later.
Confirming that there's nothing else, you excuse yourself from the office, leaving Geneforge with a feeling of numbness. There's nothing you can do but continue with your Academy life as you wait for news from Geneforge it seems.
<<elseif starGame.quests.isQuestActive('story_geneforge_incident_trans')>>\
Daniella flashes you a smile, and leans back into her chair, waiting to see if you have any further questions for her. You ask a few questions related to expected wait times and possible ways to alter your body further, and you relax slightly as Daniella tells you that you can use different temp mods again, allowing you some control over your body's changes in the short term.
Confirming that there's nothing else, you excuse yourself from the office, leaving Geneforge with a feeling of numbness. There's nothing you can do but continue with your Academy life as you wait for news from Geneforge it seems.
Daniella flashes you a smile, and leans back into her chair, waiting to see if you have any further questions for her. You ask a few questions related to expected wait times and possible ways to alter your body further, and you relax slightly as Daniella tells you that you can use different temp mods again, allowing you some control over your body's changes in the short term.
Confirming that there's nothing else, you excuse yourself from the office, leaving Geneforge with a feeling of numbness. There's nothing you can do but continue with your Academy life as you wait for news from Geneforge it seems.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<if starGame.quests.isQuestActive('story_geneforge_incident_male')>>
<<slink "Leave" "City_Plaza_Geneforge_Lab">>
<<playerFactSet "geneforge_incident1_complete" true>>
<<additem "item_mod_daniella_experimental" 1 true>>
<<elseif starGame.quests.isQuestActive('story_geneforge_incident_trans')>>
<<slink "Leave" "City_Plaza_Geneforge_Lab">>
<<playerFactSet "geneforge_incident1_complete" true>>
<<slink "Leave" "City_Plaza_Geneforge_Lab">>
<<playerFactSet "geneforge_incident1_complete" true>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/city/plaza/geneforge/lab.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/side/daniella/expressions/neutral_uniform.webp">
Daniella watches you slowly turn your attention to her out the corner of her, a smile growing on her face as she pretends to be busy. Eventually, she gets tired of teasing you, and curls a finger towards you in an inviting manner.
<span class="daniella">"If you're going to try to get me out of my clothes, you'll need to move fast. I have meetings later."</span>
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Yes Doctor" "City_Plaza_Geneforge_Lab_Sex_Accept">><</slink>>
<<slink "Not Happening" "City_Plaza_Geneforge_Lab_Sex_Decline">><</slink>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/city/plaza/geneforge/lab.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/side/daniella/expressions/happy_naked.webp">
You don't need to be given such a clear invitation twice, and as you step towards Daniella, your bodies meet in a rush of excitement as you start to strip each other. At the back of your mind you wonder if she remembered to lock the lab door, but you quickly stop worrying about that as her teeth sink into your shoulder.
<span class="daniella">"No getting distracted while you're supposed to be distracting me."</span>
Daniella scolds you playfully while she traces her fingers along your chest,an approving smile on her lips as she allows her eyes to run over your now naked body.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "City_Plaza_Geneforge_Lab_Sex_Accept2">><</slink>>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<saudio "bgm_sex2" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.25>>
<<if starGame.player.isShemale()>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/side/daniella/scenes/lab1/m_bg.webp"/>
<<if starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'black'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/side/daniella/scenes/lab1/s_black.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'tan'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/side/daniella/scenes/lab1/s_tan.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/side/daniella/scenes/lab1/s_fair.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.hasPenis()>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/side/daniella/scenes/lab1/m_bg.webp"/>
<<if starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'black'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/side/daniella/scenes/lab1/m_black.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'tan'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/side/daniella/scenes/lab1/m_tan.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/side/daniella/scenes/lab1/m_fair.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/side/daniella/scenes/lab1/f_bg.webp"/>
<<if starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'black'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/side/daniella/scenes/lab1/f_black.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'tan'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/side/daniella/scenes/lab1/f_tan.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/side/daniella/scenes/lab1/f_fair.webp"/>
<<if starGame.player.hasPenis()>>\
Daniella sweeps her desk clear of some documents and notepads, climbing onto it quickly as she spreads her legs, presenting her already wet pussy to you. Following her hungrily, you run your hands over her smooth thighs, watching as her body reacts instinctively to your touch, her leg coiling around your waist and pulling you against her.
The sight of your cock resting on her crotch is made even more lust inducing by her soft hand wrapping around it, confidently stroking you off as she makes sure you're fully hard and ready to fuck her properly. Her expert fingers tease a moan from you, and as you lock eyes with the slutty doctor, you feel the warmth of her cunt engulf you as she guides your cock into her.
Her legs around you stop you from moving too much, but as you thrust eagerly into Daniella's slit, you know that you're not going to try and get away from her before you've pumped your cum into her at least once. Her muscles contract around you, sucking you deeper into her as you thrust, her own hips rising to meet you as she fucks you back.
Her soft moans and grunts are barely audible in the lab, and as you pin her onto her desk underneath you, you soon find yourself unable to focus on anything except the woman below you.
<span class="daniella">"When you're ready…"</span> She manages to pant out between waves of pleasure rushing through her, her grip on you the only thing keeping her from sprawling out onto the desk. <span class="daniella">"Just cum inside me. We don't have time to clean up anywhere else."</span>
She doesn't need to tell you twice, as her words prompt a surge of lust within you, each of your strokes into her harder and faster than before. Her moans have grown louder, until they fill the lab, the sounds of your fucking quickly drowned out by her cries of pleasure as she pulls you deep inside her, your final thrusts filling her with rope after rope of hot cum. As you try to pull out of her, she locks her legs with a deep moan, keeping you pressed hard against her as she continues to fuck you, her gyrating hips quickly sending an overwhelming series of sensations through you as your cock grows more sensitive post orgasm.
When she does eventually release you, she watches you pull out of her with a satisfied smile, pulling her panties on before your cum can even start to leak out of her whole. Realizing that she plans on keeping your seed inside her for the rest of the day and will be wearing those cum soaked panties to do so, your dick twitches slightly at the thought, accompanying the realization that your mentor here might be even more depraved than you might have hoped.
Unfortunately, the fun is over for now however, and as Daniella redresses herself quickly, the usual look of cold professionalism settles onto her face as she pushes you towards your clothes. By the time you've finished dressing, she's sitting at her desk once more, her attention wholly fastened on her terminal, and you decide that you should get some fresh air for the moment.
Daniella pulls you towards her desk as she leans against it, her ass proudly thrust out on display. A gentle hand on your shoulder guides you to your knees, and you find yourself face to face with her already wet cunt. Looking up at the horny doctor as you understand what she wants from you for this distraction, you quickly oblige, your tongue flicking lightly over her clit as she runs her fingers through your hair.
<span class="daniella">"Wait."</span> She suddenly stops you before pulling one of the desk drawers open, retrieving a vibrator from within. You aren't stupid enough to ask why she has one at work, and as she hands it to you with a grin, you smile back at her, the taste of her pussy already filling your mind. <span class="daniella">"You use this yourself while you service me."</span>
Following instructions quickly, you have the vibrator inside you and humming away in seconds, the tingles and shocks of pleasure running through you like lightning. You don't have long to focus on the way the toy is making you feel however, as Daniella turns around, her legs spread invitingly for you to get back to eating her out. Diving in, you eagerly snake your tongue inside her, her sweet taste and smell combining with the vibrator working in your own pussy to quickly send echoes of an orgasm through you. Your tongue writhes within her, as she clamps your head in place, her legs tensing against you as an orgasm of her own rushes through her, her body trembling and threatening to collapse if not for you holding her up while licking her cunt.
Raising her up onto the desk, your legs almost buckle under the waves of pleasure running through you, and you're forced to lean against her as you struggle to resist the effect the vibrator is having on you. After a few long moments, you manage to regain enough control of yourself to spread Daniella's legs once more, greedily lapping away at her pussy, intoxicated by her taste and smell, even as her legs clamp around your head once more, drawing you closer against her as you both tremble and quake from a series of orgasms crashing through you.
Slumping to the floor in a daze, you manage to pull the vibrator out before it drives all reason from you, breathing heavily as you look up at the sprawled out Daniella on the desk above you. Her body matches your own, trembling and quivering as the two of you lie recovering from the pleasure you've just experienced, your breathing uneven and rough.
Eventually however, Daniella recovers enough to stand, albeit weakly, as she reclaims her clothes, smiling down at you with a satisfied look.
<span class="daniella">"Definitely worth the distraction."</span>
You laugh along with her weakly, before eventually undertaking the herculean task of redressing yourself. By the time you've finished dressing, she's sitting at her desk once more, her attention wholly fastened on her terminal, and you decide that you should get some fresh air for the moment.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "City_Plaza_Geneforge_Lab">>
<<startplaylist "playlist_exploration_soft">>
<<run starGame.player.setInteraction('daniella_interaction')>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/city/plaza/geneforge/lab.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/side/daniella/expressions/neutral_uniform.webp">
You pause, taking a moment to consider Daniella's proposition, and while you might have been admiring her body just moments ago, you don't feel particularly in the mood for extra-curricular activities at the moment. Smoothly turning her down as you head for the workstation, you hear her growl slightly as you move away.
<span class="daniella">"Well, there's always next time. Or later if you change your mind."</span>
She says in a soft, enticing voice before she fully returns to her work, leaving you somewhat concerned that you might have bitten off more than you can chew with the feisty researcher. Regardless, you're here to work for the moment, and you turn your mind to the task ahead.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "City_Plaza_Geneforge_Lab">><</slink>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/city/plaza/geneforge/lab.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/side/daniella/expressions/neutral_uniform.webp">
Taking a look around the laboratory, while you decide if you feel up for work here today or not, you find your eyes coming to a rest on Dr. Daniella. You've noticed that she looks good before, but there's just something about the way she's ignoring you and watching her terminal that's making her glow in a more brilliant way than normal.
Before your attention can move past her however, she locks eyes with you, catching you quite obviously staring at her. She purses her lips slightly as she gives you a once over, before sighing.
<span class="daniella">"Normally, I would tell you to get to it or leave, but it has been a boring day, and I could use a distraction."</span>
She pauses, as she flicks her hair over her shoulder lazily before continuing.
<span class="daniella">"If you were staring at me so blatantly while wondering what I'd look like without the clothes, then I've got good news for you. Why don't you come over here and help me out of this lab coat?"</span>
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Yes Doctor" "City_Plaza_Geneforge_Lab_Sex_Intro_Accept">><</slink>>
<<slink "Not Happening" "City_Plaza_Geneforge_Lab_Sex_Intro_Decline">><</slink>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/city/plaza/geneforge/lab.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/side/daniella/expressions/happy_naked.webp">
You take a moment to process her words, before realizing that just standing around in a daze might lose you the chance to indulge in her body. Stepping towards her confidently, you decide to make the most of the moment, as your hands run over her surprisingly firm body with a keen hunger.
Daniella seems to be in a rush of her own, as she quickly helps you strip out of your clothes, even as you discard her own clothing across the desk. Placing a hand on your chest, she takes a half step away from you with an approving smile as she allows her eyes to run over your now naked body.
<span class="daniella">"Yes, I think this distraction is just what I need."</span>
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "City_Plaza_Geneforge_Lab_Sex_Intro_Accept2">><</slink>>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<saudio "bgm_sex2" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.25>>
<<if starGame.player.isShemale()>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/side/daniella/scenes/lab1/m_bg.webp"/>
<<if starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'black'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/side/daniella/scenes/lab1/s_black.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'tan'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/side/daniella/scenes/lab1/s_tan.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/side/daniella/scenes/lab1/s_fair.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.hasPenis()>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/side/daniella/scenes/lab1/m_bg.webp"/>
<<if starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'black'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/side/daniella/scenes/lab1/m_black.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'tan'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/side/daniella/scenes/lab1/m_tan.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/side/daniella/scenes/lab1/m_fair.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/side/daniella/scenes/lab1/f_bg.webp"/>
<<if starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'black'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/side/daniella/scenes/lab1/f_black.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'tan'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/side/daniella/scenes/lab1/f_tan.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/side/daniella/scenes/lab1/f_fair.webp"/>
<<if starGame.player.hasPenis()>>\
Daniella sweeps her desk clear of some documents and notepads, climbing onto it quickly as she spreads her legs, presenting her already wet pussy to you. Following her hungrily, you run your hands over her smooth thighs, watching as her body reacts instinctively to your touch, her leg coiling around your waist and pulling you against her.
The sight of your cock resting on her crotch is made even more lust inducing by her soft hand wrapping around it, confidently stroking you off as she makes sure you're fully hard and ready to fuck her properly. Her expert fingers tease a moan from you, and as you lock eyes with the slutty doctor, you feel the warmth of her cunt engulf you as she guides your cock into her.
Her legs around you stop you from moving too much, but as you thrust eagerly into Daniella's slit, you know that you're not going to try and get away from her before you've pumped your cum into her at least once. Her muscles contract around you, sucking you deeper into her as you thrust, her own hips rising to meet you as she fucks you back.
Her soft moans and grunts are barely audible in the lab, and as you pin her onto her desk underneath you, you soon find yourself unable to focus on anything except the woman below you.
<span class="daniella">"When you're ready…"</span> She manages to pant out between waves of pleasure rushing through her, her grip on you the only thing keeping her from sprawling out onto the desk. <span class="daniella">"Just cum inside me. We don't have time to clean up anywhere else."</span>
She doesn't need to tell you twice, as her words prompt a surge of lust within you, each of your strokes into her harder and faster than before. Her moans have grown louder, until they fill the lab, the sounds of your fucking quickly drowned out by her cries of pleasure as she pulls you deep inside her, your final thrusts filling her with rope after rope of hot cum. As you try to pull out of her, she locks her legs with a deep moan, keeping you pressed hard against her as she continues to fuck you, her gyrating hips quickly sending an overwhelming series of sensations through you as your cock grows more sensitive post orgasm.
When she does eventually release you, she watches you pull out of her with a satisfied smile, pulling her panties on before your cum can even start to leak out of her whole. Realizing that she plans on keeping your seed inside her for the rest of the day and will be wearing those cum soaked panties to do so, your dick twitches slightly at the thought, accompanying the realization that your mentor here might be even more depraved than you might have hoped.
Unfortunately, the fun is over for now however, and as Daniella redresses herself quickly, the usual look of cold professionalism settles onto her face as she pushes you towards your clothes. By the time you've finished dressing, she's sitting at her desk once more, her attention wholly fastened on her terminal, and you decide that you should get some fresh air for the moment.
Daniella pulls you towards her desk as she leans against it, her ass proudly thrust out on display. A gentle hand on your shoulder guides you to your knees, and you find yourself face to face with her already wet cunt. Looking up at the horny doctor as you understand what she wants from you for this distraction, you quickly oblige, your tongue flicking lightly over her clit as she runs her fingers through your hair.
<span class="daniella">"Wait."</span> She suddenly stops you before pulling one of the desk drawers open, retrieving a vibrator from within. You aren't stupid enough to ask why she has one at work, and as she hands it to you with a grin, you smile back at her, the taste of her pussy already filling your mind. <span class="daniella">"You use this yourself while you service me."</span>
Following instructions quickly, you have the vibrator inside you and humming away in seconds, the tingles and shocks of pleasure running through you like lightning. You don't have long to focus on the way the toy is making you feel however, as Daniella turns around, her legs spread invitingly for you to get back to eating her out. Diving in, you eagerly snake your tongue inside her, her sweet taste and smell combining with the vibrator working in your own pussy to quickly send echoes of an orgasm through you. Your tongue writhes within her, as she clamps your head in place, her legs tensing against you as an orgasm of her own rushes through her, her body trembling and threatening to collapse if not for you holding her up while licking her cunt.
Raising her up onto the desk, your legs almost buckle under the waves of pleasure running through you, and you're forced to lean against her as you struggle to resist the effect the vibrator is having on you. After a few long moments, you manage to regain enough control of yourself to spread Daniella's legs once more, greedily lapping away at her pussy, intoxicated by her taste and smell, even as her legs clamp around your head once more, drawing you closer against her as you both tremble and quake from a series of orgasms crashing through you.
Slumping to the floor in a daze, you manage to pull the vibrator out before it drives all reason from you, breathing heavily as you look up at the sprawled out Daniella on the desk above you. Her body matches your own, trembling and quivering as the two of you lie recovering from the pleasure you've just experienced, your breathing uneven and rough.
Eventually however, Daniella recovers enough to stand, albeit weakly, as she reclaims her clothes, smiling down at you with a satisfied look.
<span class="daniella">"Definitely worth the distraction."</span>
You laugh along with her weakly, before eventually undertaking the herculean task of redressing yourself. By the time you've finished dressing, she's sitting at her desk once more, her attention wholly fastened on her terminal, and you decide that you should get some fresh air for the moment.
<div class="center">
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "City_Plaza_Geneforge_Lab">>
<<startplaylist "playlist_exploration_soft">>
<<run starGame.player.setInteraction('daniella_interaction')>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/city/plaza/geneforge/lab.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/side/daniella/expressions/neutral_uniform.webp">
You pause, bewildered for a moment as you realize Daniella is propositioning you for sex, and while you might have been admiring her body just moments ago, you don't feel that its… appropriate to try and get her out of her pants at the lab you both work at.
Stammering slightly as you start to make an excuse, she laughs, turning her attention back to the terminal like you're not even there.
<span class="daniella">"Well, let's just call it a joke for now, unless you decide to change your mind later."</span>
She says in a soft, enticing voice before she fully returns to her work, leaving you somewhat confused and concerned in the middle of the lab. Realizing that you're probably making yourself look even worse by just standing around, you quickly get to work.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "City_Plaza_Geneforge_Lab">><</slink>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/city/plaza/geneforge/lab.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/side/daniella/expressions/neutral_uniform.webp">
You're minding your own business at the lab when Daniella lets out a sigh, drumming her fingers against her desk in a way that tells you she's bored and frustrated. Raising an eyebrow at her she gives you a soft smile, turning her attention to you.
<span class="daniella">"You've never told me why you wanted this job, you know, despite your status as being part of a powerful family and not needing to work."</span>
You open your mouth, about to answer when she waves you silent.
<span class="daniella">"I'm also not asking, we all have our circumstances. More important than that is that you can be a powerful connection for anyone trying to raise their status."</span>
She falls silent for a moment, allowing you to think about it and you have to admit you've been lucky so far, in that you can't think of many people that are trying to use you like that. She gives you a sweet smile, seemingly content with making you think about it.
<span class="daniella">"Don't forget about me when you're looking for people to help you out in the future when you're all powerful enough to make those choices."</span>
She pokes her tongue out at you playfully, winking as she does and you can't decide if she's teasing you or not. However, her attention has already returned to her work, and you decide to leave the topic for now, figuring that you'll think about it in the future if you need to.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "City_Plaza_Geneforge_Lab">>
<<npcFactSet "daniella_lab_smalltalk" 1>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/city/plaza/geneforge/lobby.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
The butler drone leads you to a nearby empty lab, and politely informs you that a researcher will be joining you soon. It leaves you on your own, and you decide to entertain yourself by exploring the lab. You don't wait long before a visibly senior researcher enters the lab, gives you a wink and takes a seat behind a nearby desk. As she types on the terminal in front of her, a projection screen lowers from the roof, and a video of basic lab safety begins to play. She pauses it before turning to you.
<span class="npc1">"I'm going to have a nap. You get to spend some of your own time watching the briefing video, or you can mess with the lab's ingredients as you please. There's nothing volatile or dangerous here today."</span> She turns the video back on, promptly folding her arms and leaning back, seemingly instantly asleep.
You spend some time watching the video, and when it loops you decide to end your day. Leaving the researcher to sleep, you quietly leave the labs, your account slightly increasing as you step out.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Return to Lobby" "City_Plaza_Geneforge">>
<<snotify "info">>You have received 150 credits.<</snotify>>
<<run starGame.player.addMoney(150);>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/city/plaza/geneforge/lobby.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
Led to a small archive room by the butler drone, you're not surprised when you're left on your own. Taking a seat at one of the comfortable seats, you are soon visited by a smaller, librarian drone. It deposits a few resources for you to browse through, and as you do so you realize that all the materials available to you cover how to use an AI assistant to recreate low level modifications.
Your interest fully captured, you quickly lose track of time learning, and when you do eventually stop to stretch, you decide to stop for today. Choosing to end the work day, you call the librarian drone back over, and once the research material has been returned, you make your way back to the lobby, slightly richer than before.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Return to Lobby" "City_Plaza_Geneforge">>
<<snotify "info">>You have received 150 credits.<</snotify>>
<<run starGame.player.addMoney(150);>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/city/plaza/geneforge/lobby.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
The butler drone leads you to a quiet lab, where some researchers and assistants are already busy working, so engrossed in their own tasks that they don't bother looking up at your arrival. You are left alone with a few quiet words of encouragement, and you decide to spend this time at work observing and learning from the more experienced employees in the lab.
Slowly doing the rounds, you quickly fall into a rhythm of listening to a lecturing researcher and trying the new knowledge out after. Time passes quickly, and when one of the researchers calls a lunch break, you excuse yourself, ending your work day here. As you step back into the lobby of GeneForge, you can hear your bank account getting a top up.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Return to Lobby" "City_Plaza_Geneforge">>
<<snotify "info">>You have received 150 credits.<</snotify>>
<<run starGame.player.addMoney(150);>>
<div class="card card-nav solid">
<div class="row">
<div class="card-body p-0">
<div class="row d-flex">
<<slink "Novaris Plaza" "Hub_CityPlaza" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "ti ti-door-exit" "">><</slink>>
<<if starGame.player.getFact('job_nexus') is true and starGame.time.getCurrentPeriod() < 3>>
<<slink "Work" "" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "ti ti-clock" "">>
<<scene "City_Plaza_Nexus_Work1">>
<<scene "City_Plaza_Nexus_Work2">>
<<scene "City_Plaza_Nexus_Work3">>
<<slink "Work" "" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu disabled" "ti ti-clock" "">><</slink>>
<div class="navigation-container">\
<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/city/plaza/nexus/lobby.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
<<if starGame.player.getFact('job_nexus') is true>>\
The lobby of Capitol Nexus is as quiet as always, and you take a few minutes to enjoy the serenity of the quiet room while you wait for the attendant to reach you. The ambience of the room is excellent, and just by standing here you can feel yourself relax slightly, the focus on merging the modern world with the natural. As before, you know that simply being seen here is somewhat of a scandal.
<<if starGame.time.getCurrentPeriod() > 2>>\
The only workers left are the night shift, and from a glance you can see that there is no one here that will look after a temporary employee.
The attendant gives you a polite bow as they arrive. Like before, their voice is rough, reminding you of metal scratching metal. <span class="npc1">"How can we assist you today?"</span> They say, their expression carefully neutral.
You've heard of Capitol Nexus before, and curiosity leads you to investigate their presence here near the academy. The doors slide open without a sound, and you find yourself standing in an otherwise empty lobby. The political group is known for being heavily against the caste system of the Alliance, and a thought crosses your mind that this is not a place you should be seen given your status. But you also know that other influential noble families support the group, and that among the elite it's almost a rite of passage to have a rebellious heir work with Capitol Nexus for a period of time before returning home.
A gentle cough attracts your attention, and you turn to see an attendant waiting quietly a few steps away. When they see you looking at them they perform a polite bow.
<span class="npc1">"How can we assist you today?"</span> Their voice reminds you of metal scrapping metal, and you can barely prevent yourself from flinching at the rough sounds. Remembering that you might need a part time job since you've been cut off from family funds, you realize this might be a good place to ask.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<if starGame.player.getFact('job_nexus') is undefined>>
<<slink "Ask for job" "City_Plaza_Nexus_AskJob">><</slink>>
</div>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/city/plaza/nexus/lobby.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
You wonder if you should ask for a job here, given that Capitol Nexus is famously the platform of the main opposing party of the Alliance's caste system. Regardless, you decide to see what happens, and you tell the attendant that you are in fact here looking for a job. He gives you a slow nod, before guiding you deeper into the building.
You are led to a seemingly normal interview room, except for the complete lack of visible technology. Taking a seat, you don't wait long before an interviewer joins you. They place a neat sheathe of documents on the table, sitting opposite you. They tap the pack of documents once.
<span class="npc1">"Are you aware that this is expressly against what your family would want and support?"</span> She says, her voice sounding like she half expects you to say you were only joking. When you don't say anything in response she gives a small nod. <span class="npc1">"Alright, last chance then, are you sure you want to go through with the interview?"</span>
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Accept" "City_Plaza_Nexus_AskJob_Accept">><</slink>>
<<slink "Refuse" "City_Plaza_Nexus_AskJob_Refuse">><</slink>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/city/plaza/nexus/lobby.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
You tell the interviewer that you are definitely here for a job, resulting in a soft sigh to escape her lips.
<span class="npc1">"Alright, well let me cut to the chase then."</span> She taps the documents in front of her a few times more while she pauses to think. <span class="npc1">"If you decide to enter a contract with Capitol Nexus, we'll be using your face in marketing campaigns and more, to reveal that even the elites of Alliance agree with our ideals."</span>
You nod, entering the negotiation in earnest. As you outline your demands, they expand and refine their own, and as you eventually come to an agreement, you shake hands, sealing the deal. She guides you back to the lobby, before wishing you to have a good day further. As you sit down for a moment, you push a lingering doubt out of your mind. It's too late to take it back now after all.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Return to Lobby" "City_Plaza_Nexus">>
<<playerFactSet "job_nexus" true>>
<<if starGame.player.getFact('job_hasjob') is not true>>
<<playerFactSet "job_hasjob" true>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/city/plaza/nexus/lobby.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
Realizing that you might have been too hasty with this, you apologize to the interviewer, telling them that you actually won't be taking the job at this time. They smile, a faint smirk on their face telling you that this isn't the first time a high-profile noble has changed their mind at the last moment.
<span class="npc1">"Thank you for your time."</span> She says, continuing as she guides you back to the lobby. <span class="npc1">"If you do change your mind, we'll gladly negotiate."</span>
<div class="center">
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Return to Lobby" "City_Plaza_Nexus">><</slink>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/city/plaza/nexus/lobby.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
The attendant leads you to a nearby meeting room, offering you a seat when you arrive. Shortly a few more people arrive, but most notable is a camera crew. You smile, realizing what your job is today, and the next hour or so passes in a blur. You're instructed on poses and stances, as the camera team directs around the room, focusing on capturing you in meaningful discussion with some other well-known members of Capitol Nexus.
Eventually they release you, and as you retreat to the lobby before they can decide they need more pictures, you tell yourself that it's worth the price.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Return to Lobby" "City_Plaza_Nexus">>
<<snotify "info">>You have received 150 credits.<</snotify>>
<<run starGame.player.addMoney(150);>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/city/plaza/nexus/lobby.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
You are guided to an outside area, and told to wait. As you wander the gardens, you find it to be quite relaxing and find a seat to wait in the shade. Eventually you are joined by an important looking executive. They take you on a walk around the gardens, discussing the goals and motives of Capitol Nexus with you, and you slowly realize that you must be being filmed.
Regardless you play along, and eventually the executive offers you a handshake, before leading you back to the main building.
As you return to the lobby, your bank account grows slightly, in exchange for the recorded propaganda.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Return to Lobby" "City_Plaza_Nexus">>
<<snotify "info">>You have received 150 credits.<</snotify>>
<<run starGame.player.addMoney(150);>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/city/plaza/nexus/lobby.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
The attendant actually leads you back outside the building to a nearby table. You suppress a sigh as you realize what's going to happen. Accepting your fate, you take the seat, giving the attendant a basic order of food when prompted. Once he leaves, you lean back, making sure to be as casual as possible, allowing the passing public in Nebula Square to see you on your "lunch break" at Capitol Nexus.
After eating the provided meal, you return to the lobby as your balance increases slightly, your work day finished already.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Return to Lobby" "City_Plaza_Nexus">>
<<snotify "info">>You have received 150 credits.<</snotify>>
<<run starGame.player.addMoney(150);>>
<div class="card card-nav solid card-nav">
<div class="row">
<div class="card-body p-0">
<div class="row d-flex">
<<slink "Red Light District" "Hub_CityRedLight" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "ti ti-door-exit" "">><</slink>>
<<slink "Browse Catalog" "" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu disabled" "ti ti-shopping-cart">><</slink>>
<div class="navigation-container">\
<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/city/rld/fetishstore.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
<<if starGame.player.getFact('visit_fetishstore') is true>>\
<<if starGame.player.getFact('fetishstore_trials') is not true>>\
<<include RedLight_FetishStore_TrialOffer>>\
<<include RedLight_FetishStore_Normal>>\
<<include RedLight_FetishStore_FirstVisit>>\
A strangely modern looking store, somewhat out of sorts with the rest of the red light district around it. The doors slide open at your approach, and you quickly find yourself in a world of adult desires and aides. Behind the desk at the center of the store you see a goth woman watching you, a somewhat predatory smirk on her lips.
<span class="eris">"Welcome to the Eclipse Gallery."</span> She says in a velvety, sultry voice, her eyes running over you. <span class="eris">"Just browsing, or will you need some assistance in picking out items that match your… desires."</span> A plaque on her desk reveals her name to be Eris.
<<playerFactSet "visit_fetishstore" true>>\
<<addtocodex "Eris" "met_eris">>\<<scard>>
Making your way through the automatic doors of the Eclipse Gallery, you are once again struck by the hyper modern appearance coupled with all the various adult and kink toys on display. From her usual spot at the desk Eris gives you a small wave, and a wink.
<span class="eris">"What will it be today?"</span> She asks in her usual sultry voice.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Casual Talk" "">>
<<scene "RedLight_FetishStore_Casual1">>
<<scene "RedLight_FetishStore_Casual2">>
<<if starGame.player.getFact('fetishstore_trials_accepted') is true>>
/% Slightly different to handle new trial opportunities %/
<<slink "Trials" "">>
<<eventSequence "eris_trials">>
<<event "RedLight_FetishStore_Trials_2_Intro" 2>>
<<event "RedLight_FetishStore_Trials" 999>>
<<slink "Trials" "RedLight_FetishStore_Trials">><</slink>>
Eris looks up as you enter, a smile on her face. She gives you a polite, professional greeting, before turning her attention back to the store and her terminal. She purses her lips slightly before turning her attention back to you after a moment of thought.
<span class="eris">"Hey. You looking for a side gig?"</span> She asks you after a moment. Caught off guard, you look around the store quickly, before accepting that she's speaking to you. Realizing that you're uncertain about her offer, she speaks again.
<span class="eris">"Oh, I suppose I should give some explanation."</span> She presses a button under her desk, and you're surprised to see the store front blur, an accompanying click from the door telling you that it's been locked. <span class="eris">"There, some privacy for us."</span> She gives you a sweet smile before placing two boxes on her counter.
<span class="eris">"These are new products, but there aren't really any reviews out for them yet. Makes it hard to sell them to potential customers when you don't know how they actually stack up to the rest."</span> She flashes you a naughty grin.
<span class="eris">"So how about it. You give me a hand "reviewing" them, and I'll make it worth your while."</span> She gives you an expectant look, clearly waiting for an answer.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Accept" "RedLight_FetishStore_Trials_1">>
<<playerFactSet "fetishstore_trials" true>>
<<playerFactSet "fetishstore_trials_accepted" true>>
<<snotify "info">>You now have access to Trials at Eclipse Gallery.<</snotify>>
<<slink "Decline" "RedLight_FetishStore_Trials_Refuse">>
<<playerFactSet "fetishstore_trials" true>>
<<playerFactSet "fetishstore_trials_accepted" false>>
<<snotify "info">>You now have access to Trials at Eclipse Gallery.<</snotify>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/city/rld/fetishstore.webp"/>
Eris gives you a friendly smile as you tell her that you're not here for anything in particular today. She puts on a mock frown at your words, pointing at the door.
<span class="eris">"If you're not here to buy a sex toy or get kinky then leave."</span>
The two of you share a moment of silence before sharing a chuckle at her act. Leaning against the counter opposite her, you quickly fall into a meaningless series of conversations, the topics ranging from preferred sex toy colors to various hobbies that she uses to help fill the time. She asks you what it's like to be a Starwatch Cadet, and you ask her what it's like to run a sex shop.
The time you spend talking actually feels much shorter than it is, and the sound of another potential customer entering the store snaps you both back to reality. You give Eris a smile as you glide out of the shop, telling her that you'll come visit again sometime soon. In turn, she gives you a wink as you go, a subtle smile on her lips.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "RedLight_FetishStore">><</slink>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/city/redlight.webp"/>
<img class="exp-scale-150" src="resources/img/characters/side/eris/expressions/neutral_civilian.webp"/>
As you step into the Eclipse Gallery, you almost bump into Eris, causing the two of you to share a chuckle as you both try to step around each other in a slightly awkward manner. After a moment, she laughs, waving towards the outside of the ship.
<span class="eris">"Perfect timing really. Was about to have my smoke break. I'm sure you're not in too much of a hurry to force me to skip it and head back to the counter, are you?"</span>
She quickly gives you a friendly greeting, a hand held out to offer you a cigarette of your own. Smiling as you listen, you return her greeting with one of your own, wondering if you should indulge in a smoke or not.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Smoke" "RedLight_FetishStore_Casual2_Smoke">><</slink>>
<<slink "Don't smoke" "RedLight_FetishStore_Casual2_DontSmoke">><</slink>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/city/redlight.webp"/>
<img class="exp-scale-150" src="resources/img/characters/side/eris/expressions/happy_civilian.webp"/>
Taking the offered cig with a grin, you let Eris light it for you as you lean against the wall alongside her. Enjoying the silence together as you both simply exist for a moment together, you feel a sense of peace fill you, as your shared moment of peace in the city lingers. After a few minutes of this however, Eris flicks her cigarette stub into a bin nearby, the practiced movement revealing that this ritual of hers is quite common. She gives you a smile as she heads for the door.
<span class="eris">"You coming in, or was this just a courtesy call?"</span> She teases you, lingering in the doorway to the store for a moment as you flick your own stub into the trash before following her in.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "RedLight_FetishStore">><</slink>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/city/redlight.webp"/>
<img class="exp-scale-150" src="resources/img/characters/side/eris/expressions/happy_civilian.webp"/>
Waving the offered cigarette away with a slight shrug of your shoulders, Eris raises an eyebrow at you before tucking it back away. You lean against the wall alongside her, enjoying a moment of serenity in the otherwise busy city. Neither of you speak to break the silence, simply enjoying existing alongside each other. Before long however, she flicks her cigarette stub into a nearby bin, giving you a slight smile as she does.
<span class="eris">"Coming in or going to stand out here by yourself?"</span> Her tone is light and teasing, and you quickly follow her into the store as she leads the way in.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "RedLight_FetishStore">><</slink>>
<<if starGame.player.hasPenis()>>
<img src="resources/img/backgrounds/adult_shop.webp"/>
<<if starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'black'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/side/eris/scenes/m_fleshlight_black.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'tan'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/side/eris/scenes/m_fleshlight_tan.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/side/eris/scenes/m_fleshlight_fair.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/backgrounds/adult_shop_ondesk.webp"/>
<<if starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'black'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/side/eris/scenes/f_vibrator_black.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'tan'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/side/eris/scenes/f_vibrator_tan.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/side/eris/scenes/f_vibrator_fair.webp"/>
<<if starGame.player.getFact('eris_trials') is undefined>>\
You're intrigued, and from the casual way she talks about this, you have the feeling that this isn't the first time she's had to find outside help as it were. Saying that you're interested and can give it a go, she treats you to a smirk.
<span class="eris">"Excellent. Then, if you're ready to begin, drop your pants and lie back on that couch."</span> She points at one of the nearby couches as she comes around from the otherside of the counter. You pause momentarily, taken back by the sudden forward instruction.
<span class="eris">"Come come, we don't have all day."</span> Eris says as she pushes you towards the couch. You comply, undoing your pants and leaning back as instructed as the goth girl checks you out.
<span class="eris">"Alright, I can work with this."</span> She says, as she moves over to her counter to fetch one of the boxes.
<<if starGame.player.hasPenis()>>\
Eris approaches you with one of the boxes, unpacking it slowly to reveal what you can only assume is a fleshlight. She gives you a smile as she examines it closely before turning to you.
<span class="eris">"Alright, this is supposed to be… a self-lubricating, powered pocket companion."</span> She runs a finger through the toys lips, and you can see the glisten of moisture follow her touch. <span class="eris">"Well I'll be, it really works."</span> She approaches you, somehow managing to seem professional despite your state of half undress, your dick already hard thanks to the situation and your anticipation of what's to come.
<span class="eris">"Try not to get overwhelmed, I still need a review from you about this afterwards."</span> She says softly as she slides the toy's lips against the head of your cock. The material is soft, and warm and as she slowly slides it onto your dick, you let out a soft moan of pleasure, the incredibly tight grip making each movement Eris makes send tremors through your body. A few incredible moments pass before she's fully swallowed your dick with the toy, and from the lusty gleam in her eyes, you can tell she's enjoying this almost as much as you are. She blows you a kiss as she begins to use the toy to stroke you off, a subtle vibration from the device adding to your pleasure as she pleasures you.
Perhaps it's due to the situation, or maybe it's due to Eris's skillful touch, but you feel your orgasm approaching quickly, and when you tell her, you practically pant the words out, intense waves of pleasure washing over you. She gives you a knowing smirk, picking up the speed of her strokes, and adjusting the toy's vibration speeds higher as well. You only last a few seconds longer before you cum, your body spasming as you release your seed into the toy.
<span class="eris">"I think that show speaks for itself."</span> Eris says, her words dripping with lust. <span class="eris">"Go clean up in the back. I'll start writing the review in the meantime. Oh, and I'll give you a call when we have another item to test."</span> Her attention slips from you, and as she walks back to her spot at the counter, you can see that she's breathing hard, and squirming slightly as she goes. Seems like you're not the only one that enjoyed this trial session.
You decide to clean up for now, and not wanting to potentially ruin a good thing by being too pushy, you say your farewells and leave the goth alone for now, noticing the privacy screens activating behind you when you leave.
Eris approaches you with one of the boxes, unpacking it slowly to reveal what you can clearly see to be an advanced looking vibrator. She gives you a smile as she examines it closely before turning to you.
<span class="eris">"Alright, it's a vibrator, but apparently it uses some next gen proprietary tech to read its users…"</span> She pauses, looking down at you, half naked and lying with your pussy exposed to her. <span class="eris">"Right, no need for the boring stuff."</span> She gives you a knowing smirk, and as she spreads your lips with her fingers, you feel a tremor of anticipation run through you, and as she touches you with the vibrator, you can feel it softly massage your clit as she traces circles around it.
As you let out a soft moan of pleasure, she gives you a lusty smile, and as she slides the vibrator into you, another wave of pleasure runs over your body, and as you lean back, letting Eris work her magic on you, you feel the vibrator adjust to keep you on the edge of orgasm perfectly. Eris smiles down at you, an evil glint in her eyes, and you realize she's not going to allow you to climax easily. You raise your hips against her hand, trying to adjust the vibrator to push you over the edge, but she simply smiles at you, keeping you on the edge of orgasm as she continues to tease you with the vibrator. After a minute or two of tantalizing near release, she eventually relents, allowing you to climax as she expertly pushes you over the edge, the vibrator and her fingers working in tandem.
Lying breathless on the couch, you pant, still riding the high from your climax as Eris walks away from you, returning to her spot at the counter.
<span class="eris">"Go clean up in the back. I'll start writing the review in the meantime. Oh, and I'll give you a call when we have another item to test."</span> Her attention slips from you, and as she walks back to her spot at the counter, you can see that she's breathing hard, and squirming slightly as she goes. Seems like you're not the only one that enjoyed this trial session.
You decide to clean up for now, and not wanting to potentially ruin a good thing by being too pushy, you say your farewells and leave the goth alone for now, noticing the privacy screens activating behind you when you leave.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "RedLight_FetishStore">>
<<startplaylist "playlist_exploration_soft">>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<saudio "bgm_sex2" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.25>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/side/eris/scenes/eris_bg.webp"/>
<img class="exp-scale-150" src="resources/img/characters/side/eris/expressions/neutral_civilian.webp"/>
<span class="eris">"Got something new in stock that could use a test or two. But this one is different from the others that we tested on you. This one has to be tested on me."</span>
Her words are sultry and as she moves past you to lock the doors, you can only wonder what she's got in store for you this time. You aren't left to ponder it for long however, as she leads you to a corner of the now private shop where a fuck machine is set up in front of a low cushion. She gives you a sly smile as she presses a remote into your hand and starts to strip down in front of you, putting on a small show.
Laying back on the cushion, she lines the mounted cock up with her already wet hole, and gives you a wink as she spreads her pussy lips for your viewing pleasure with her fingers.
<span class="eris">"Whenever you're ready."</span> She purrs out, handing you control of the situation to go along with the remote in your hand. A quick glance down at it reveals that it's got a plethora of controls, but the most relevant to you are faster and slower controls. Smiling at Eris as you decide how to begin, you feel your thumb run over the buttons as a moment of indecision strikes you.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Fast" "RedLight_FetishStore_Trials_2_FastStart">>
<<playerFactSet "eris_trials" 2>>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<saudio "bgm_sex5" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.25>>
<<slink "Slow" "RedLight_FetishStore_Trials_2_SlowStart">>
<<playerFactSet "eris_trials" 2>>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<saudio "bgm_sex5" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.25>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/side/eris/scenes/eris_bg.webp"/>
<img class="exp-scale-150" src="resources/img/characters/side/eris/expressions/happy_civilian.webp"/>
<span class="eris">"Enjoy seeing me lose my mind for you?"</span> She gives you a wink as she locks the shop up and heads for the sex machine in the corner. <span class="eris">"Management still hasn't cleared this for "customer testing" but one day soon. Until then, you get to enjoy seeing me go absolutely crazy on this."</span>
She's already finished stripping down by the time she reaches the cushion, taking her position with her pussy spread and waiting for you to take charge. The remote in your hand feels like it's made for you as your thumb comes to rest on the buttons for speed and pace.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Fast" "RedLight_FetishStore_Trials_2_FastStart">><</slink>>
<<slink "Slow" "RedLight_FetishStore_Trials_2_SlowStart">><</slink>>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<saudio "bgm_sex5" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.25>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/side/eris/scenes/eris_bg.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/side/eris/scenes/eris_fuck_missionary.webp"/>
Deciding to ease into the swing of things, you press down on the slow button, the machine responding instantly as it begins a long smooth thrust into Eris' waiting cunt, a long, deep moan spilling from her as she's filled in a slow, overwhelming manner. The machine's pace, initially seemingly slow, quickly reveals itself to be relentlessly consistent, with its steady pace thrusting the cock into Eris in a cyclical manner that has her gripping the cushion for support as her body writhes and twitches under its assault.
Her moans have long since filled the room under it's consistent thrusts, and from the way her juices are dripping off the dildo sliding into her, you know she's been riding a series of small orgasms already. Your restless thumb traces the buttons on the remote, as you consider what to do next.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Fast" "RedLight_FetishStore_Trials_2_FastMid">><</slink>>
<<slink "Slow" "RedLight_FetishStore_Trials_2_SlowMid">><</slink>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/side/eris/scenes/eris_bg.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/side/eris/scenes/eris_fuck_missionary.webp"/>
A slightly evil smirk settles onto your face as you press down on the fast button, the machine responding instantly as it thrusts into Eris' waiting pussy, her gasping moan revealing her surprise at the aggressive thrusts into her. The fast pace set by the machine quickly works to overwhelm Eris, her moans filling the room as she surrenders her inhibitions, quickly succumbing to being a display piece for you as she is used by the machine.
A shudder that runs through her body tells you that she's already having an orgasm, and as you smile down at the goth girl being ravaged for your enjoyment, you feel your thumb tracing the buttons on the remote once more.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Fast" "RedLight_FetishStore_Trials_2_FastMid">><</slink>>
<<slink "Slow" "RedLight_FetishStore_Trials_2_SlowMid">><</slink>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/side/eris/scenes/eris_bg.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/side/eris/scenes/eris_fuck_from_behind.webp"/>
The machine's pace set to fast, you watch with some slight degree of awe as it pistons the mounted cock into Eris' hole with ruthless efficiency, her moans and squeals telling you that she's enjoying every second of the frantic assault on her body. Her legs tremble and twitch, as she alternates between tensing up and sprawling limp, a constant stream of orgasms pushing her far past the point of coherent speech.
Despite that however, you admire her helpless body, dripping with her juices as she does her best to merely hold onto the cushion as she's fucked relentlessly, helpless to do more than endure it while you have the controls.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Fast" "RedLight_FetishStore_Trials_2_FastMid">><</slink>>
<<slink "Slow" "RedLight_FetishStore_Trials_2_SlowMid">><</slink>>
<<slink "End" "RedLight_FetishStore_Trials_2_FastEnd">><</slink>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/side/eris/scenes/eris_bg.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/side/eris/scenes/eris_fuck_from_behind.webp"/>
Even set to the slower pace, the machines movements are smooth and deep, with each thrust drawing a series of lewd moans from Eris as she trembles under its efforts. Her hips gyrate and shift, her body reacting instinctively to the machines thrusts, it's inexorable pace and her attempts to fuck it back leaving the room filled with moans as her juices leak out of her, revealing the intense series of orgasms she's enduring as she's used. Her hands tighten on the cushion as she tenses up, wracked by yet another powerful orgasm.
Enjoying the show laid out before you, you take extra enjoyment in the fact that Eris is helpless to do more than get fucked since you have the remote in your hand, but given that her moans and begging for more never seem to stop, you aren't worried that she's not enjoying herself too.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Fast" "RedLight_FetishStore_Trials_2_FastMid">><</slink>>
<<slink "Slow" "RedLight_FetishStore_Trials_2_SlowMid">><</slink>>
<<slink "End" "RedLight_FetishStore_Trials_2_SlowEnd">><</slink>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/side/eris/scenes/eris_bg.webp"/>
<img class="exp-scale-150" src="resources/img/characters/side/eris/expressions/happy_naked.webp"/>
You're certain that you've collected enough test data, and from the way Eris keeps trying to say something, despite being utterly incoherent thanks to the moans, orgasms and gasps that keep interrupting her, you decide to end the "trial" of the fuck machine for now. Hitting the cooldown button, you watch as she instantly relaxes, her body going limp as the machine's aggressive pace starts to rapidly slow down, still thrusting into her for a minute or so, and drawing out some final orgasms and moans from the exhausted goth clerk.
Her hard breathing quickly fills the room, as her juices flow freely onto the floor below her, her last orgasms having been incredibly intense. You're tempted to see how her body will react to the machine starting again, but before you can even think about acting on that thought, Eris shifts her body away from the toy, a tired smile crossing her face as she goes limp once more.
<span class="eris">"Fuck that was something. Going to need to tap out now, and maybe call out of work early for once."</span> You both laugh at her words, but you can tell she's exhausted and slightly serious about that. Placing the remote alongside her, you go fetch a towel for her to clean up with. She gives you a weak smile as you do, and points to the door.
<span class="eris">"I'm going to need some time to recover and clean up from that. Why don't you head out first."</span>
Smiling down at the exhausted goth, you play along, leaving her alone in the shop, the mental images of her being used by the machine still fresh in your mind.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Leave" "Hub_CityRedLight">>
<<startplaylist "playlist_exploration_soft">>
<img src="resources/img/characters/side/eris/scenes/eris_bg.webp"/>
<img class="exp-scale-150" src="resources/img/characters/side/eris/expressions/happy_naked.webp"/>
Deciding that you've collected enough testing data, and that Eris could use a break to recover before she loses her mind to the relentlessly steady pace of the machine, you press the cooldown button on the remote, watching as it slowly starts to slow down even more, her body slowly growing limp as she is given a chance to recover from the continuous onslaught of pleasure and orgasms.
It does take a minute of slow thrusts and final climaxes for the machine to stop thrusting into her, and as Eris goes limp on the cushion, breathing hard, you can see her fluids dripping out of her, onto the cushion and floor below her as she pants. You're very tempted to restart the session, feeling the buttons under your thumb telling you that it would be easy, but you resist the temptation long enough for Eris to weakly give you a thumbs up.
<span class="eris">"I surrender."</span> She manages to pant out, clearly spent despite her radiant post orgasm glow. <span class="eris">"If you dare press a button now, I swear I'll never talk to you again if I survive."</span> You both laugh lightly at her threat, but you recognize enough of a serious tone in her voice to know that you would do well to heed it for now. Placing the remote alongside her, you go fetch a towel for her to clean up with. She gives you a weak smile as you do, and points to the door.
<span class="eris">"I'm going to need some time to recover and clean up from that. Why don't you head out first."</span>
Smiling down at the exhausted goth, you play along, leaving her alone in the shop, the mental images of her being used by the machine still fresh in your mind.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Leave" "Hub_CityRedLight">>
<<startplaylist "playlist_exploration_soft">>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/city/rld/fetishstore.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
<<if starGame.player.getFact('fetishstore_trials_accepted') is not true>>\
You glance around the store, making sure that it's just you and Eris present before approaching her. She must have noticed you do, as she gives you a smile and a wink. She reaches a hand under the counter, producing two boxes and placing them on the counter.
<span class="eris">"What will it be today?"</span> She asks in her usual sultry voice. <span class="eris">"Or, are you here about my previous offer?"</span>
When you approach her, she taps a few keys on the terminal before turning her full attention back to you.
<span class="eris">"Those reviews we did last time have worked wonders for the sales, but there aren't any new items to test yet. Unless you want to see if the previous ones aren't as good a second time around?"</span> Her tone is flirty, and from the way she produces some product boxes, you can tell she wants you to ask her to do another test run.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<if starGame.player.getFact('fetishstore_trials_accepted') is not true>>
<<slink "Accept" "RedLight_FetishStore_Trials_1">>
<<playerFactSet "fetishstore_trials_accepted" true>>
<<playerFactSet "eris_trials" 1>>
<<slink "Decline" "RedLight_FetishStore_Trials_Refuse">>
<<playerFactSet "fetishstore_trials_accepted" false>>
<<if starGame.player.getFact('eris_trials') >= 2>>
<<slink "Fuck Machine" "RedLight_FetishStore_Trials_2">><</slink>>
<<if starGame.player.hasPenis()>>
<<slink "Fleshlight Trial" "RedLight_FetishStore_Trials_1">><</slink>>
<<slink "Vibrator Trial" "RedLight_FetishStore_Trials_1">><</slink>>
<<slink "Decline" "RedLight_FetishStore">><</slink>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/city/rld/fetishstore.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
You decide that it's quite a shady, and forward offer, and you're not actually quite sure about this. You give her a skeptical look, before trying to politely decline the offer. Eris nods, before placing the two boxes back under the counter.
<span class="eris">"Fair enough. Maybe some other time."</span> She says as she presses the button under the desk once more, the door unlocking and the privacy screens returning to normal windows. "I'll let you know if we have any reviews to be done the next time you come in." She flashes you a smile, seemingly unfazed by your rejection of her offer.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "RedLight_FetishStore">><</slink>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/characters/main/diane/nc_sitting.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
<<reaction "diane" "Reaction_Diane">>\
Tilting your head slightly, you signal to her that she's welcome to join you at your booth. She sits alongside you a moment later, flashing you a warm smile as she does. You take a moment to appreciate how good she looks, and as she waves a serving drone over you see a few jealous eyes fall on your table.
Contemplating raising the privacy screen, you decide to leave it down until she suggests it, enjoying the attention for now. Drinks ordered, Diane turns her focus back to you, as she quickly strikes up a competition about the recent decline in the clubs music tastes and how she wishes they would get some decent material soon. You soon find yourself deep in a conversation about different genres of music and are surprised to learn that Diane actually listens to a wide range of music, but seems to prefer metalcore as her personal favorite overall.
You point out that the club rarely caters to that, and she just gives you a wink in return. As you continue to enjoy each other's company, you realize she comes to the club for interaction, and the music would just be a bonus really. Given how good she looks in the dress, you already know that she doesn't struggle to find company even when you're not here. The night slowly draws to a close however, with the club goers filtering out of the HIVE slowly. As you realize that it's about time to go as well, Diane flashes you a smile.
<span class="diane">"I'll see you around."</span> She says with a smile, before making her way out of the club alone. You watch her go, wondering if there was something more, but deciding to leave events to play out as they are. Waving one of the robot servers over, you prepare to pay for drinks, only to be told that your tab has already been taken care of. You shake your head with a rueful smile. Seems like Diane left first on purpose. Leaving the club behind you, you take in the cold air of the night.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "RedLight_NightClub_Booth">>
<<run starGame.player.setInteraction('nc_interaction')>>
<<if starGame.npcs.getStat('diane_affinity') < 25>>
<<npcStatIncrease "diane_affinity" 1>>
<<snotify "info">>Diane appreciated spending time with you.<</snotify>>
<<playerFactSet "nightclub_diane" 1>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/characters/main/diane/nc_sitting.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
<<reaction "diane" "Reaction_Diane">>\
As before, Diane reacts to your invitation, dropping gracefully into the spot next to you with a smile. You consider raising the privacy screen once more, but from the way her attention locks onto you, you decide to leave it down and focus on just enjoying your time with the muscled tomboy.
She wastes no time in guiding the conversation, and you can only smile as she jumps from topic to topic, gently prying your likes and dislikes out of you as you both relax and enjoy each other's company for the evening. There is no shortage of jealous looks thrown your way, but you barely notice them, thanks to Diane's complete focus on you, keeping you engaged.
Eventually however, the time to part approaches, and you make a show of paying the tab before Diane can, a smirk settling on your face as you see her look away guiltily. You and her share a laugh, before she walks out of the club with you, a happy smile on her face.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "RedLight_NightClub_Booth">>
<<run starGame.player.setInteraction('nc_interaction')>>
<<if starGame.npcs.getStat('diane_affinity') < 25>>
<<npcStatIncrease "diane_affinity" 1>>
<<snotify "info">>Diane appreciated spending time with you.<</snotify>>
<<playerFactSet "nightclub_diane" 2>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/city/rld/ncbooth.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
Gently shaking your head, you see Diane raise an eyebrow at you, seemingly surprised at being refused. Before you can do anything however, she moves on, gliding towards another group of vaguely familiar cadets. She gives you a wink as she goes, her dress drawing the eye as she moves.
Turning your attention back to the rest of the club, Diane is quickly swallowed up by the crowd, vanishing from sight almost the moment you take your eyes off of her.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "RedLight_NightClub_Booth">>
<<run starGame.player.setInteraction('nc_interaction')>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/characters/main/diane/nc_sitting.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
<<reaction "diane" "Reaction_Diane">>\
Diane takes a seat next to you, her leg brushing against yours as she leans into the seat with a content sigh.
<span class="diane">"You know, we keep meeting like this, and people are going to talk."</span> She teases with a warm grin, her fingers drawing a lazy pattern on the booth cushion as she speaks. Wondering what's got her feeling distracted, you play along with her teasing for the moment, waiting for the right chance to ask what's on her mind.
<span class="hero">"Maybe I want them to."</span> You counter, your own grin matching hers as she blushes slightly, and you feel the mood in the booth shift slightly as she takes a nervous gulp. It's strange to see the usually confident Diane act like this, and you're about to ask what's on her mind when she speaks up first.
<span class="diane">"Actually, that's what I wanted to ask you about. I've asked around, and you don't seem to be seeing anyone, and I'm not seeing anyone, and I was wondering if maybe we should change that, you know, with each other. Oh, but I should make it clear, while I am interested in you, I do want this to be a somewhat open relationship. We'll see how things develop together, and if we want to commit more in the future."</span>
Her blush is much more pronounced now, and you can tell that she's basically forcing herself to keep eye contact with you while she waits for your answer.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Date Her" "RedLight_NightClub_Diane_Relationship_Accept">>
<<npcFactSet "diane_sexfriend" true>>
<<npcFactSet "diane_nc_relationship" true>>
<<run starGame.player.setInteraction('nc_interaction')>>
<<slink "Turn her down" "RedLight_NightClub_Diane_Relationship_Decline">>
<<npcFactSet "diane_sexfriend" false>>
<<npcFactSet "diane_nc_relationship" false>>
<<run starGame.player.setInteraction('nc_interaction')>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/characters/main/diane/nc_sitting.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
Reacting quickly, you grace her with a stunning smile as your hand comes to rest on hers, a smile creeping over her face as she reads your body language before you even reply. Telling her that of course you'd be happy to start a relationship with her, you're rewarded with an excited squeal as the excited girl throws her arms around you in a powerful hug.
She quickly regains her composure, and gives an embarrassed smile as she looks around, wondering if she attracted too much attention with her reaction. Telling her to relax with a smile, you quickly manage to redirect her embarrassment into laughter as you tease her lightly about her reaction. The rest of the evening with Diane is spent in giddy feelings as you talk gently about each other and start getting used to being romantically involved with each other.
For a brief moment, it looks like Diane is about to invite you back to her room when the club starts to empty, but she gives you a mischievous smile.
<span class="diane">"Not tonight, I still need some time to process this for myself."</span> She says with a seductive whisper, her fingers leaving tingles running through you as she caresses your arm gently. Accepting her explanation with a gentle kiss, you allow her to lead you out of the club, enjoying the cool night air as you walk back to the dorms alongside her, simply enjoying each other's company as you go.
Parting ways at her door, you're blessed with another deep kiss before she slips out of your grasp, closing the door between the two of you with a small smile and a wink. You're busy walking down the hallway towards the elevators when you hear a muffled <span class="diane">"YES"</span> escape from her room, and with a smile on your face, you return to your room to rest and relax for the rest of the night.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "RedLight_NightClub_Booth">>
<<if starGame.npcs.getStat('diane_affinity') < 25>>
<<npcStatIncrease "diane_affinity" 1>>
<<snotify "info">>Diane appreciated spending time with you.<</snotify>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/characters/main/diane/nc_sitting.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
You pause for a moment as she makes her interest in you clear, and as you desperately search for the words to tell her that you're not interested in the same way, she gives you a sad smile, your hesitance all the answer she needs.
<span class="diane">"No hard feelings, yeah?"</span> She says softly as she moves a little bit away from you on the booth, clearly showing that she's putting the rejection aside for the moment. You feel like you should apologize, but before you can speak, she changes the topic of the night, and draws you into a story about her latest hobby instead.
Allowing her to distract you, and herself from the blundered confession, you find the rest of the evening bittersweet, as you both clearly enjoy the time together, but can't really escape the undertones of what happened easily.
As the silence between you begins to grow, Diane excuses herself from your booth, a gentle nudge on your shoulder showing you that she's alright as she leaves the club. For a brief moment, you consider going after her, but decide it would be too romance movie cliche and only make things worse. Waiting a short while before you leave the club yourself, you make your way back to your dorm to turn in for the night, alone.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "RedLight_NightClub_Booth">>
<<if starGame.npcs.getStat('diane_affinity') < 25>>
<<npcStatIncrease "diane_affinity" 1>>
<<snotify "info">>Diane appreciated spending time with you.<</snotify>>
<</nobr>>\<div class="navigation-container pt-4">\
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/diane/nc_sitting.webp"/>
Diane gives you a slight scowl as she sees you lounging in your booth. You're caught off guard when instead of ignoring you or leaving, she seems to steel herself and approaches you, intent on meeting you face to face that you can tell you won't be able to wave her off if you try.
Deciding that raising the privacy screens would only postpone or draw more attention to the situation, you wait for the confident tomboy to approach, and as she drops into the seat opposite you, you take a moment to admire how good she looks, even when slightly visibly upset.
<span class="diane">"Right, let's do this."</span> She says, and you raise your eyebrows at her, waiting for further explanation. Luckily, she doesn't seem to be interested in waiting for you to ask her to elaborate.
<span class="diane">"We keep crossing paths, and while you were a complete fucking asshole that first day in the elevator, I think we can actually try and be friends, or at least polite acquaintances. Or is your own foot so far up your ass that that's an impossibility?"</span>
<<if starGame.npcs.getStat('diane_redemption') >= 1>>\
<span class="diane">"Oh, and let's not pretend that we haven't been secretly competing and hyping each other up in the gym. I've seen you watching me workout, and I know you've seen me watching you. Perhaps we could take this to being actual gym partners instead of silent rivals."</span>
Her blunt question reveals that Diane at least is interested in trying to be friendly and mend your relationships with each other and she does make a fair point about the gym sessions you've "shared". Taking a brief moment to consider your options here, you rub your chin absentmindedly while you think...
Her blunt question reveals that Diane at least is interested in trying to be friendly and mend your relationships with each other, and you take a brief moment to consider your options here.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Friendship" "RedLight_NightClub_Booth_Diane_Mend_Accept">>
<<run starGame.player.setInteraction('nc_interaction')>>
<<npcFactSet "diane_ncmend" true>>
<<npcFactSet "diane_mend_accept" true>>
<<npcStatSet "diane_affinity" 0>>
<<snotify "info">>Diane will no longer ignore you.<</snotify>>
<<slink "Not a chance" "RedLight_NightClub_Booth_Diane_Mend_Refuse">>
<<npcFactSet "diane_ncmend" true>>
<<npcFactSet "diane_mend_accept" false>>
<<run starGame.player.setInteraction('nc_interaction')>>
</div>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/characters/main/diane/nc_sitting.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
Deciding that it's not a bad idea to take the chance to mend things with Diane now that she's offered, you extend a hand towards her, starting to apologize for the way you treated her in orientation week. To your surprise she knocks your hand aside, pushing a drink into your hand instead.
<span class="diane">"No need for that, I'll pretend it didn't happen. It's a pleasure to finally meet you for real, $character_firstName $character_lastName, I'm Diane. I'm sure we'll get on swimmingly."</span> Her words are friendly, and as she raises a matching drink in a mock toast to you, you smile, unable to resist her infectious charm.
<span class="hero">"To us then."</span> You say in response, welcoming your friendship with Diane over a shared drink. Your face screws up slightly as you taste the bitter drink, and as you're about to complain, she bursts out laughing, causing a frown to cross your face.
<span class="diane">"Now we're even."</span> She says cooly, and as you realize that it was all planned, you can't help but laugh along, deciding that it's a small price to pay for a slightly easier life at the Academy.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "RedLight_NightClub_Booth">>
<<if starGame.npcs.getStat('diane_affinity') < 25>>
<<npcStatIncrease "diane_affinity" 1>>
<<snotify "info">>Diane appreciated spending time with you.<</snotify>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/characters/main/diane/nc_sitting.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
You meant what you said back then, and as you gaze deep into Diane's eyes, you can almost feel your lip curl in distaste.
<span class="hero">"I thought I had made myself more than clear previously."</span> You say coldly, watching as your harsh words cause her eyes to lose their somewhat hopeful twinkle as she digests them. Slowly nodding as she stands, you think for a moment that she might try to throw a drink at you, or hurl insults, but instead she leaves wordlessly.
Alone at the private booth, you decide that the interaction has ruined your mood for the evening so far, and you decide to head back to your dorm to spend the rest of it brooding over the different ways that event could have played out.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "RedLight_NightClub_Booth">><</slink>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/characters/main/edward/nc_sitting.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
<<reaction "edward" "Reaction_Edward_NightClub">>\
Deciding that you might as well let the haughty noble join you, you don't make any move to interact with him until he seats himself and greets you first. A small reminder of which of the two of you is more important.
You inwardly wince at needing to play politics even at a nightclub, but the thought leaves your mind quickly as Edward strikes up a conversation, saying many things but little of meaning. You smile when you realize that he wants to be seen with you, but doesn't want to actually irritate you by talking about politics as well. At least he has some degree of common sense.
As the two of you chat back and forth, talking about the news in the Alliance and your respective VR sims at the academy, you notice a small cluster of nobles building the courage to approach your table. Edward casually suggests allowing them to join the table, mentioning that it'll raise your standing in their eyes even more, and you decide that you might as well play along for now. A small nod of your head towards the leader of the group, and they rush over as quickly as they can without looking like they're rushing, eager to arrive before you might change your mind.
The conversation stays much the same, but now you don't need to talk as much, listening to these minor nobles give their views and opinions gingerly, trying to be included without overstepping their bounds. Bothersome as it is, you do enjoy the presence of the group, allowing yourself to relax as you listen to the conversation around you.
Eventually, you sense an opportunity to leave without incident, and taking it with a smile, you excuse yourself from the table, Edward assuring you that he'll cover the bills tonight.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "RedLight_NightClub_Booth">>
<<if starGame.npcs.getStat('edward_affinity') < 25>>
<<npcStatIncrease "edward_affinity" 1>>
<<snotify "info">>Edward appreciated spending time with you.<</snotify>>
<<run starGame.player.setInteraction('nc_interaction')>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/city/rld/ncbooth.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
Shaking your head subtly at Edward's approach, he catches on quickly, his gaze gliding over you as he steps past your table towards the bar, the smooth adjustment in his destination impossible to notice by any but you and him.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "RedLight_NightClub_Booth">>
<<run starGame.player.setInteraction('nc_interaction')>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/characters/main/edward/nc_sitting.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
<<reaction "thomas" "Reaction_Edward_NightClub">>\
Edward slides into his spot at your booth casually, and you chuckle lightly at how he manages to make it look natural as he leans back with a contented sigh. Neither of you bother with small talk for the moment, just enjoying a moment of relative peace in the otherwise busy club.
<span class="edward">"Seen that the rabble and dissidents are protesting and being rounded up out on the streets these days?"</span> Edwards words don't match his tone, as he casually brings up the protests in the city.
<span class="edward">"I don't expect you'll be caught down there with the troublemakers, you're smarter than that after all, but just in case one of the soldiers gets a little too overzealous in performing their duties, I've passed word to the city security forces that you're one of us. They'll make sure you don't get detained for long, if at all."</span>
You pause for a long moment, wondering how you should react to that before deciding that settling for a carefully worded thank you is more than enough. Edward is trying to help, and it would be rude to ask questions about his connections with the city security forces in this event.
The rest of the evening passes with far more pleasant conversation at its core and by the time you find yourself walking to your room, you've almost forgotten what Edward had said earlier.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Apartment_LivingRoom">>
<<run starGame.player.setInteraction('nc_interaction')>>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<startplaylist "playlist_exploration_soft">>
<<playerFactSet "nightclub_edward" 1>>
<<if starGame.npcs.getStat('edward_affinity') < 25>>
<<npcStatIncrease "edward_affinity" 1>>
<<snotify "info">>Edward appreciated spending time with you.<</snotify>>
<</nobr>>\<div class="navigation-container pt-4">\
<img src="resources/img/locations/city/rld/ncbooth.webp"/>
You've been enjoying your evening alone for a while when one of the drone waiters arrives with a strange looking drink on its tray. Raising a skeptical eyebrow at it, it doesn't react as it presents the drink to you alongside a letter, and you frown as you see Edwards name on the cover.
Before you can question the drone directly, it hums away from you, leaving you to read the letter by yourself. A glance at the letters contents makes you glad you didn't drink from the strange cocktail yet yourself.
The message is decidedly short, as it tells you that if you wish to make amends and potentially start a friendship with Edward, you need to drink the cocktail in it's entirety. There's a small warning that the cocktail has been laced with a mod, but it follows on to add that that's part of the test.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Drink it" "RedLight_NightClub_Booth_Edward_Mend_Accept">>
<<run starGame.player.setInteraction('nc_interaction')>>
<<npcFactSet "edward_ncmend" true>>
<<npcFactSet "edward_mend_accept" true>>
<<if starGame.player.hasVagina()>>
<<slink "Leave" "RedLight_NightClub_Booth_Edward_Mend_Refuse">>
<<run starGame.player.setInteraction('nc_interaction')>>
<<npcFactSet "edward_ncmend" true>>
<<npcFactSet "edward_mend_accept" false>>
<img src="resources/img/backgrounds/nightclub_couch2.webp"/>
<<include TransformationPov>>
Well, it's worth a friendship with a powerful noble. Maybe. Besides that, you're curious enough to throw caution aside, and you knock the strange cocktail down easily. It tastes vaguely like vanilla and cinnamon, and you find yourself wanting more once it's done.
For a moment you consider raising the privacy screen, but when you don't feel any immediate effects, you wonder if the part about being laced with a mod was a lie. However you quickly change your mind, pressing the privacy screen as a sudden flush of heat rushes through you.
<<if State.variables.tmp.get('original_appearance').get('genitals') is 'vagina'>>\
/% Andro TF %/\
You feel yourself start to get aroused, the effects of the nanomachines making themselves known. As shivers run through your body, you find yourself breathing hard, and as you drop to your knees you let out a moan, feeling your body shift slightly, your features taking a more androgynous style.
<<if State.variables.tmp.get('original_appearance').get('body') is 'f'>>\
Not much seems to happen until you feel a tingling sensation from your groin, and as you run a hand down to your dick, you have a moment of panic as you realize its rapidly shrinking as it's absorbed back into your body. A few moments pass as you feel your body shift some more, and a carefully exploring hand finds the new, glistening and wet hole that is your new pussy.
Reaching out to steady yourself on the couch, you notice your hand has gotten smaller and daintier, your fingernails growing slightly longer as you watch. Likewise, your arms have gotten thinner, taking on a more dainty delicate appearance. The tingling sensation in your legs intensifies, drawing your gaze downwards. As you watch your usually muscular body shifts in proportions, your hips widening and taking on a feminine curve, while your thighs and calves take on a more shapely appearance.
Running your hands over your hips, you notice that your waist has thinned as well, and if your hands were their normal size, you could probably circle your own waist easily now. A feminine sounding moan escapes your lips as an intense burst of pleasure emanates from your chest, and out of instinct your hands move to where the sensation started. Cupping your quickly growing breasts, you can't help but moan and shudder as you quickly grow a pair of b-cup tits. Accidentally rubbing against one of your hard nipples results in another whorish moan escaping your lips, as your body is assaulted by an intense wave of pleasure, the result of newly formed sensory nerves in your new tits.
The pleasure radiating from your chest masks a tingling sensation from your groin at first, but it soon grows enough for you to notice it. Running a hand down your softer body to your dick, you have a moment of panic as you realize its rapidly shrinking as it's absorbed back into your body. A few moments pass as you feel your body shift some more, and a carefully exploring hand finds the new, glistening and wet hole that is your new pussy.
Breathing unsteadily as you recover from the rapid and sudden change, you decide to get Eva to deliver a suitable change of clothes for you before you leave the club and head for your dorm. You're not sure how Edward is going to know you drank the cocktail, but at least you met his test in stride.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Apartment_LivingRoom">>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<startplaylist "playlist_exploration_soft">>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/city/rld/ncbooth.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
A test for a one sided grudge is ridiculous, and even more so that it will temporarily change your body. Pushing the drink aside you start formulating a way to respond to the letter when you decide that actually just ignoring Edward will be more effective.
Crumpling and throwing his letter away, you decide to have a drink of your own before calling it a night, your mood thoroughly ruined. Fortunately the walk back to your dorm cools you off enough that you know you won't be kept up all night by your temper.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Apartment_LivingRoom">>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<startplaylist "playlist_exploration_soft">>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/characters/main/jaime/nc_sitting.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
<<reaction "jaime" "Reaction_Jaime">>\
You beckon her over with a smile, deciding that you could use the company for a while. She quickly moves to join you, sitting politely alongside you. She seems hesitant at first, but quickly relaxes as you guide the conversation. Leading her into a back and forth about herself and her plans here at the Academy, you see Jaime warming up to the conversation quickly, as she excitedly asks you about your own plans and goals. Drinks and snacks arrive almost unnoticed as the two of you talk and you slowly get lost in the vibe, enjoying your time with Jaime as the world moves around you unnoticed.
Eventually however, you start to realize that the two of you are some of the last people left in the club, and as some of the serving machines start to clean empty tables and prepare the club for closing, you guide Jaime out, walking with her towards the dorms in the cool night air. When you reach the dorms with her, she gives you a quick hug before leaving you on your own in the night.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "RedLight_NightClub_Booth">>
<<if starGame.npcs.getStat('jaime_affinity') < 25>>
<<npcStatIncrease "jaime_affinity" 1>>
<<snotify "info">>Jaime appreciated spending time with you.<</snotify>>
<<playerFactSet "nightclub_jaime" 1>>
<<run starGame.player.setInteraction('nc_interaction')>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/characters/main/jaime/nc_sitting.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
<<reaction "jaime" "Reaction_Jaime">>\
Jaime flashes you a smile when you wave her over, smoothly detaching from her companions and moving to join you. You raise an eyebrow and she explains that she met them here at the club, and that she didn't have plans with them tonight. As she settles into the couch alongside you, you wave for one of the robot servers to bring some drinks over.
Jaime takes the lead in conversation, excitedly telling you about the various developments and changes in her life since you last spoke. Her bubbly excitement is infectious, and you find yourself quickly invested in a story she's telling you about academy life. You manage to keep track of time while listening to Jaime however, and when you realize that it's slowly shaping up to be another late night, you politely find a way to lead the conversation towards a close.
Jaime realizes that you two are once again some of the last people in the club, and with a bashful smile she excuses herself, telling you that she has to go, but she'll see you around soon.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "RedLight_NightClub_Booth">>
<<if starGame.npcs.getStat('jaime_affinity') < 25>>
<<npcStatIncrease "jaime_affinity" 1>>
<<snotify "info">>Jaime appreciated spending time with you.<</snotify>>
<<playerFactSet "nightclub_jaime" 2>>
<<run starGame.player.setInteraction('nc_interaction')>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/city/rld/ncbooth.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
Deciding to stay by yourself for now, you silently thank Jaime's social anxiety for stopping her from approaching you first. Giving her a polite nod, you turn your attention away from her for the moment, and out of the corner of your eye, you see some other cadets approach her. Seems like she won't be alone to be mad at you for not inviting her tonight. You smile to yourself as you turn your focus back to the club around you.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "RedLight_NightClub_Booth">>
<<run starGame.player.setInteraction('nc_interaction')>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/characters/main/letho/nc_sitting.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
<<reaction "letho" "Reaction_Letho">>\
You wait for him to look your way, and when you see that he's not even going to do that, you tell one of the robot servers to go fetch him and bring him to the table. You half expect him to somehow avoid the invitation or get lost on the way over to you, but he manages to arrive despite himself.
He takes a seat a short distance away from you, his hands resting on his knees and his back straight. You almost let out a sigh, Letho's visible nervousness making you want to raise the privacy screen so that other people don't think you're busy bullying the poor cadet. After another glance around the club, you decide it's actually not a bad idea, and as you push the button, you tell him that it'll help with his nervousness in the club, or that it at least should.
Fortunately, he does seem to relax slightly once the screens are raised, before he turns his full attention to you.
<span class="letho">"Thank you, I don't really come to places like this often."</span> He says, stating the obvious, and it's all you can do to not make a comment about it. Luckily, he decides to explain further on his own.
<span class="letho">"My mother says I should make an effort to be more social and make some friends, and suggested coming out to the club to do so."</span> Mentally, you admit that it's a good plan, or at least would be for anyone that doesn't struggle to exist in the same general vicinity as anyone else with a pulse.
Regardless, you try to interact with the nervous cadet for a bit, ordering drinks, and making conversation as you do. Letho does seem to be slowly warming up to you, and you're about to order a second round of drinks when they arrive unasked for. You raise an eyebrow at the server drone, which subtly slides a folded note over to you.
Flipping the note open, you read it quickly, carefully keeping your expression neutral once you see its contents. One of the club patrons is both very observant, and quite twisted, if the contents of this letter are anything to go by. They must have seen Letho join you before you raised the privacy screens, and they seem to have gotten their idea from you raising the screens as well.
<span class="npc1">"If you hadn't taken him in, I would have. Perhaps you'd also like the chance to start corrupting him in the same way that I would have."</span> Alongside these cryptic words, the note contains a small sealed mod tube, one that you haven't seen before, but recognize as being sufficiently advanced and small enough in quantity to be a temporary transformative. You pause for a moment, wondering if you should use this on Letho or not. You could probably even rely on your confidence to corner him into taking the mod, regardless of his feelings on it.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Encourage" "RedLight_NightClub_Letho_Accept_1_Encourage">>
<<playerFactSet "nightclub_letho_tf" 1>>
<<run starGame.player.setInteraction('nc_interaction')>>
<<slink "Pressure him" "RedLight_NightClub_Letho_Accept_1_Pressure">>
<<playerFactSet "nightclub_letho_tf" 2>>
<<run starGame.player.setInteraction('nc_interaction')>>
<<slink "Decline gift" "RedLight_NightClub_Letho_Accept_1_Refuse">>
<<playerFactSet "nightclub_letho_tf" 3>>
<<run starGame.player.setInteraction('nc_interaction')>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/characters/main/letho/nc_transformation.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
Curious what the outcome of the mod will be, you decide to try and talk him into it, skirting the fact that you don't actually know what the mod will do to him, and focusing entirely on how it's good to explore, and try new things. From the look in his eyes, you can tell he's somewhat skeptical of the idea, but he's in over his depth, and you're making progress. Suddenly, you're caught off guard as he grabs the mod from where you had placed it on the table, before pouring it into his drink and draining it.
<span class="letho">"I might as well get it over with."</span> He explains weakly, and you realize he's trying to impress you with his "bold" decision. As you pause, waiting to see how the mod will take effect, you're surprised to hear a very feminine moan come from his mouth, and as you watch, you see him struggle with his coat, his body shifting and changing rapidly. You watch as the shy cadet morphs, going from a scrawny, timid boy to a generously proportioned, attractive woman.
You flinch slightly as his shirt rips, two large, exposed tits standing proudly for you to see. Letho lets out a cry of alarm as he tries to cover up, his suddenly smaller hands struggling to hide his ample assets. The server drone places a new package on the table, and as you open it quickly, you wonder if the mystery benefactor is as sadistic as they seem.
Holding up the skimpy schoolgirl outfit for Letho, he quickly grabs it, ignoring your comment on how it at least matches his love for studying. He gives you a cutesy pout, and you struggle to hide a smile, his new appearance matching his current shy personality perfectly. As he dresses himself in the revealing clothes, you admire his new body, enjoying the way the soft skin moves with his frantic actions. As he looks up at you, a deep blush on his cheeks, you realize that he knows you were staring.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "RedLight_NightClub_Letho_Accept_1_Encourage2">><</slink>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/letho/scenes/nc_transformed_bg.webp"/>
<<if starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'black'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/letho/scenes/nc_transformed_fondling_black.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'tan'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/letho/scenes/nc_transformed_fondling_tan.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/letho/scenes/nc_transformed_fondling_fair.webp"/>
<span class="letho">"Did you know that would happen?"</span> He asks after a moment, his breathing rough. You remember reading that mods like these usually heighten the user's arousal, and you imagine he must be struggling with his new body's demands for pleasure already. Telling him you didn't, you reassure yourself that it's the truth. You didn't know he'd turn into an attractive girl.
You're caught off guard when he takes your hand in his, gently placing it on one of his tits, seemingly not realizing what he's doing. You enjoy the soft, squishy sensation for a moment, before withdrawing your hand. You tell him that maybe the right move would be for him to head home early, before he does something he regrets. He gives you a nod, realizing what he had just done, and as he stands to go, you're treated to a good view of his underboob and ass, the short skirt and skimpy top doing nothing to hide his body.
Watching him go with a smile, you decide to follow him out, making sure that he doesn't get picked up by one of the more opportunistic club goers in his weakened state.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "RedLight_NightClub_Booth">>
<<if starGame.npcs.getStat('letho_affinity') < 25>>
<<npcStatIncrease "letho_affinity" 1>>
<<snotify "info">>Letho appreciated spending time with you.<</snotify>>
<<playerFactSet "nightclub_letho" 1>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/characters/main/letho/nc_transformation.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
Deciding that you'll make the choice easy for Letho, you open the sealed package, and pour the contents into his drink. He gives you a long, uncertain look, the silent message clear.
<span class="hero">"It's your choice if you drink it or not."</span>
Letho gulps, and reaching for the glass unsteadily, you see him bravely knock the mix back. After a few moments, he lets out a distinctly feminine, lust filled moan. As he clamps his mouth shut, realizing that sound came from him, leaving his body unguarded as his previously scrawny body shifts into a generously proportioned female one, soft skin and surprisingly large tits bursting through his smaller shirt. Panicking as he struggles to cover his new body up, you see him flash a desperate look at you, his still horny moans at odds with his frantic movements.
The server drone deposits a new package on the table, and when you open it, you see that it's a skimpy schoolgirl uniform, clearly meant for Letho's new body. Smiling, you offer it to him, with him quickly snatching it from you, giving you a good view of his new body as he hurriedly dresses in the skimpy clothing.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "RedLight_NightClub_Letho_Accept_1_Pressure2">><</slink>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/letho/scenes/nc_transformed_bg.webp"/>
<<if starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'black'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/letho/scenes/nc_transformed_fondling_black.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'tan'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/letho/scenes/nc_transformed_fondling_tan.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/letho/scenes/nc_transformed_fondling_fair.webp"/>
Taking advantage of the situation, nearly to your own surprise, you reach out and gently massage his tits, your thumb tracing around one of his puffy nipples as you do. A sudden moan from him snapping you back to reality, you quickly retract your hand, not quite apologizing, but still feeling like you should. The shy cadet struggles to control his body's urges, still riding the aphrodisiac high of the transformation, and once he seems to be in control of himself enough, he says that he should probably leave before anything else weird happens.
There's a hint of lust in his voice still, and you realize that he isn't fully in control of himself yet. Deciding to avoid the chance of it happening, you quickly offer to walk him out of the club, and you enjoy the walk back to the dorms with him, his soft, warm skin pressed against you as he struggles to control his breathing. Watching him walk into the dorms, you take solace in the fact that it's fairly late at night, so no one saw you walking with the very underdressed disorientated cadet.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "RedLight_NightClub_Booth">>
<<if starGame.npcs.getStat('letho_affinity') < 25>>
<<npcStatIncrease "letho_affinity" 1>>
<<snotify "info">>Letho appreciated spending time with you.<</snotify>>
<<playerFactSet "nightclub_letho" 1>>
<<run starGame.player.setInteraction('nc_interaction')>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/characters/main/letho/nc_sitting.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
Deciding to not take advantage of Letho's trust, you instruct the serving drone to return the items to its sender, and to not accept any more from them for the foreseeable future.
Turning your attention back to Letho, you focus on enjoying the evening, as much as you can, talking with the shy and timid cadet. Eventually the night begins to grow long, and the two of you decide to leave, Letho leaving first, and you spending a bit more time on your own without the anxious cadet before you do leave the club.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "RedLight_NightClub_Booth">>
<<if starGame.npcs.getStat('letho_affinity') < 25>>
<<npcStatIncrease "letho_affinity" 1>>
<<snotify "info">>Letho appreciated spending time with you.<</snotify>>
<<playerFactSet "nightclub_letho" 1>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/characters/main/letho/nc_sitting.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
<<reaction "letho" "Reaction_Letho">>\
<<if starGame.player.getFact('nightclub_letho_tf') is 1>>\
Letho takes a seat opposite you, a blush on his face. Raising the privacy screen quickly, you raise an eyebrow at him.
<span class="letho">"No… No transformation for me today."</span> He says shyly, his hands shaking lightly. You don't tell him that unless the mystery benefactor sends the mod, it couldn't happen even if he wanted it to, but you do nod along, reassuring him that it won't happen unless he wants it to.
<span class="letho">"Well, maybe another time."</span> He says softly, suddenly flushing red as he realizes his words. Leaping to his feet, he stammers an apology, before leaving, despite your best efforts to convince that he doesn't need to run away because of that.
Regardless, as he leaves, you can't help but smirk slightly. Seems like he might be more open to being transformed than either of you thought.
<<elseif starGame.player.getFact('nightclub_letho_tf') is 2>>\
Letho takes a seat opposite you again, pointedly ignoring the drinks that are brought. From the way he's denying himself any drinks means that you'll likely have to have a talk with him about what happened the other night.. At least to try and get him to relax slightly. When you gently raise the topic, he gives you a strange smile.
<span class="letho">"I'm conflicted. On one hand, I didn't want to be transformed like that. On the other, I can't stop thinking…"</span> He pauses, trailing off. Seemingly realizing what he was about to say, he quickly clamps a hand over his mouth, before rushing out without another word to you.
Watching him go, you feel a strange twinge in your chest, realizing that you're excited to see him be slowly corrupted further. Shaking your head free of the thought, you lean back into the seat to enjoy the club a bit longer on your own.
Letho dutifully follows the server drone over, responding to your summons like a loyal hanger on.
Raising the privacy screen, you spend some time just idly talking and helping Letho get more confident, hoping for a soon arrival of a day where he won't make it look like he's sitting with a bully when he's out in the club with you. Like before, you don't really spend much time with him before he makes his polite excuses, leaving you alone in the club as he makes his way home, clearly more comfortable on his way out than he was before.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "RedLight_NightClub_Booth">>
<<run starGame.player.setInteraction('nc_interaction')>>
<<if starGame.npcs.getStat('letho_affinity') < 25>>
<<npcStatIncrease "letho_affinity" 1>>
<<snotify "info">>Letho appreciated spending time with you.<</snotify>>
<<playerFactSet "nightclub_letho" 2>>
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('letho_tf_intro') is undefined and starGame.player.getFact('nightclub_letho_tf') < 3>>
<<npcFactSet "letho_tf_intro" true>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/city/rld/ncbooth.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
Deciding that you don't have the energy for the anxiety ridden cadet tonight, you merely watch him bumble around the club for a minute or two, before you see him physically give up on the situation. Watching him leave casually, you decide to make note of his ability to be invisible in public gatherings.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "RedLight_NightClub_Booth">>
<<run starGame.player.setInteraction('nc_interaction')>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/city/rld/ncbooth.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
<<reaction "letho" "Reaction_Letho">>\
Sitting at your table in the nightclub, you allow your eyes to roam over the partygoers on the dance floor when you notice Letho hanging around awkwardly on its edges, clearly trying to make an attempt to fit in and have fun for once. As always, seeing him here is like seeing a fish out of water, and you can't help but smile at the timid cadets expense for a moment. While you're watching him, and deciding if you'll rescue him from an awkward night on his own or not, you're surprised to see that you've been approached by one of the serving drones.
Turning your attention to the tray the small robot is carrying, you see a familiar looking style of letter accompanying a mod injector. Frowning lightly as you open the letter, you can't decide if you're irritated or impressed by the mysterious person's obsession with having Letho be transformed away from their normal state. The letter doesn't offer much more information than the first you received like this, and if anything, it does make you slightly more curious about their repeated efforts.
<span class="npc1">"Give it a try. I've worked his resistance to mods down enough that a slight suggestion from you should be enough to push him over the edge."</span>
The letters' contents are direct and to the point, and as you glance over at Letho on the dance floor, you take a moment for yourself to decide if you're going to push him down a road of body transformation or not.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Push" "RedLight_NightClub_Letho_SecondChance_Accept">>
<<playerFactSet "nightclub_letho_tf" 2>>
<<run starGame.player.setInteraction('nc_interaction')>>
<<slink "Leave" "RedLight_NightClub_Letho_SecondChance_Decline">>
<<playerFactSet "nightclub_letho_tf" 3>>
<<run starGame.player.setInteraction('nc_interaction')>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/characters/main/letho/nc_sitting.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
<<reaction "letho" "Reaction_Letho">>\
Deciding that you are curious enough to give it a try, as suggested, you take the injector and lay it on the booth table, while simultaneously waving for Letho to join you. It takes a moment, but he eventually recognizes you, moving to join you at your table with a friendly smile. Ordering a round of drinks, and starting some casual conversation with him, you start the delicate process of steering the topic towards mods and experimentation, fully aware of the way his eyes keep falling on the injector lying on the table between the two of you.
While he's hesitant at first, you manage to get him to open up quickly enough about his thoughts on the situation, and he shyly admit's that he's found himself curious about trying different temporary mods on for size these days. Something about finding the real him, or seeing if he's just being delusional about it. Smiling as you realize that he needs just a small nudge to try the mod himself, you reach for the privacy controls, the mood in the booth changing rapidly from light hearted discussion to a more serious tone as the noise of the club is abruptly muted.
Letho's eyes meet yours for a moment as he reaches unsteadily for the mod, pausing with his fingers having just above it. Before you can encourage him further however, he grabs the mod, pressing it against his arm and depressing the trigger in one smooth movement. Pausing, you wait to see how the mod will take effect, only to be surprised to hear a very feminine moan come from his mouth, and as you watch, you see him struggle with his coat, his body shifting and changing rapidly. You watch as the shy cadet morphs, going from a scrawny, timid boy to a generously proportioned, attractive woman.
You flinch slightly as his shirt rips, two large, exposed tits standing proudly for you to see. Letho lets out a cry of alarm as he tries to cover up, his suddenly smaller hands struggling to hide his ample assets. The server drone places a new package on the table, and as you open it quickly, you wonder if the mystery benefactor is as sadistic as they seem.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "RedLight_NightClub_Letho_SecondChance_Accept2">><</slink>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/letho/scenes/nc_transformed_bg.webp"/>
<<if starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'black'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/letho/scenes/nc_transformed_fondling_black.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'tan'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/letho/scenes/nc_transformed_fondling_tan.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/letho/scenes/nc_transformed_fondling_fair.webp"/>
Holding up the skimpy schoolgirl outfit for Letho, he quickly grabs it, ignoring your comment on how it at least matches his love for studying. He gives you a cutesy pout, and you struggle to hide a smile, his new appearance matching his current shynice perfectly. As he dresses himself in the revealing clothes, you admire his new body, enjoying the way the soft skin moves with his frantic actions. As he looks up at you, a deep blush on his cheeks, you realize that he knows you were staring.
<span class="letho">"Did you know that would happen?"</span> He asks after a moment, his breathing rough. You remember reading that mods like these usually heighten the user's arousal, and you imagine he must be struggling with his new body's demands for pleasure already. Telling him you didn't, you reassure yourself that it's the truth. You didn't know he'd turn into an attractive girl.
You're caught off guard when he takes your hand in his, gently placing it on one of his tits, seemingly not realizing what he's doing. You enjoy the soft, squishy sensation for a moment, before withdrawing your hand. You tell him that maybe the right move would be for him to head home early, before he does something he regrets. He gives you a nod, realizing what he had just done, and as he stands to go, you're treated to a good view of his underboob and ass, the short skirt and skimpy top doing nothing to hide his body.
Watching him go with a smile, you decide to follow him out, making sure that he doesn't get picked up by one of the more opportunistic club goers in his weakened state.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "RedLight_NightClub_Booth">>
<<if starGame.npcs.getStat('letho_affinity') < 25>>
<<npcStatIncrease "letho_affinity" 1>>
<<snotify "info">>Letho appreciated spending time with you.<</snotify>>
<<playerFactSet "nightclub_letho" 1>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/city/rld/ncbooth.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
Deciding that in the end your mind has changed from last time, you shake your head, hoping the mystery meddler is watching you to see it. Sending the drone back with the injector, you turn your focus back to the club, ignoring the dancing cadet and looking to see if there is anyone else worth your time and effort there tonight.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "RedLight_NightClub_Booth">><</slink>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/characters/side/markus/markus_bar.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
A flashy, confident smile comes from the club goer that approaches you. He doesn't lead in with a pick up line to his credit, and instead orders a drink for himself while he plays the waiting game with you. A minute passes with neither of you engaging with the other before he gives up, a light chuckle showing how he's trying to brush off the failed attempt to capture your attention.
Clearly he doesn't recognize you, as he starts to name drop and try to impress with his noble background, talking over you from time to time. As he continues to "impress" you with stories and family ties, you slowly see an opportunity to either end his fun, or to take advantage of it.
Deciding that you might as well get something out of having to listen to this noble and his inflated sense of importance, you make sure to giggle and act impressed as he tells his stories and jokes, subtly ordering more drinks for yourself and nudging him to pay for them as you do. Buying your attention hook, line and sinker, he graciously sponsors you another whole set of drinks, continuing to show off and make himself look good the entire time.
When he starts to angle to invite you back to his place, you make an excuse that you need a few minutes to freshen up first, slipping away from him into the crowd. Glancing back over your shoulder to see his reaction, you notice that he's already talking to another girl while you're gone, and you feel remarkably less guilty about how you're about to vanish on him.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "RedLight_NightClub_Bar">>
<<playerFactSet "nc_guy" 1>>
<<run starGame.quests.startQuest('nc_guy')>>
<<run starGame.player.setInteraction('nc_bar')>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/characters/side/markus/markus_bar.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
Leaning against the bar, you are surprised when someone steps into the space next to you, and a glance out the corner of your eye tells you that it's the arrogant noble from last time once more. Mentally preparing yourself for a hostile interaction, you're pleasantly surprised when he starts with an apology.
He tells you that he's still interested in you, but your cold rejection of him last time had quite the sobering effect. Instead, he'd like to offer you a drink, and to get to know you before trying to develop the relationship further.
You can't help but smile at how he's so confident a relationship is on the cards, but you have to give him credit for trying. Deciding that you might as well see how this goes, you let him pay for your drinks, as you make small talk with him.
Unsurprisingly, his experiences and topics of conversation are limited, but he's surprisingly open to talking about things he doesn't know and learning, and you quickly find yourself pulled into a discussion about the Alliance and its current situation. Despite the nightclub setting, you realize that it's more than enjoyable, and you decide that maybe you do actually enjoy this noble's company.
Regardless, you soon draw the conversation to a close, you have things to do, and you don't want to suffer tomorrow because of too much time spent here. Making your farewells, you barely catch him offering to meet with you at one of the cafes in Lumina Mall.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "RedLight_NightClub_Bar">>
<<playerFactSet "nc_guy" 2>>
<<run starGame.quests.updateQuest('nc_guy')>>
<<run starGame.player.setInteraction('nc_bar')>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/characters/side/markus/markus_bar.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
You watch as the drone slides a drink in front of you, too fast for it to have been what you ordered. A knowing smile creeps onto your face and you look down the bar's length to find the noble from before waiting for you to spot him. The two of you share a laugh before he joins you, and you lean back against the bar as you share a conversation about the club's trendy, yet bad music choices.
You don't really find the music bad or good, but you enjoy the conversation nonetheless, agreeing that it could be better, and the current selection is purely being played to cater to the current crowd of trendy nobles and their entourages.Eventually however you deduce that you need to leave, nothing particularly catching your attention at the nightclub tonight. With a friendly wave from the noble, you make your way away from the bar.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "RedLight_NightClub_Bar">>
<<run starGame.player.setInteraction('nc_bar')>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/characters/side/markus/markus_bar.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
As you approach the bar, you see your noble companion leaning in his usual spot already. He raises a glass to you in a form of salute, before turning to the bartender. By the time you reach him, your usual drink is waiting for you, and he flashes you a cocky smile.
<span class="markus">"I knew you couldn't resist me."</span> He says, a touch of arrogance in his voice. For a moment you consider revealing your family name, but decide against it, interested in seeing how he tries to take you home tonight. You aren't left wondering for long, as he rapidly switches from greetings to light flirtation and pointed questions, and you practically predict it when he does finally get to the point. Unlike your expectations however, his pick up line is anything but.
<span class="markus">"It's been good fun, these past few meetings with you, but if I don't take you home soon, I'll have to admit that I need to find a new goal to chase."</span> His words don't quite match the confident smile he gives you, and you're certain that it sounded better in his head. You don't respond at first, taking a moment to decide how you want the rest of the evening to go.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Get Seduced" "RedLight_NightClub_Bar_Guy3_Accept">>
<<playerFactSet "nc_guy_proposal1" true>>
<<playerFactSet "nc_guy" 3>>
<<run starGame.player.setInteraction('nc_bar')>>
<<slink "Reject him" "RedLight_NightClub_Bar_Guy3_Decline">>
<<playerFactSet "nc_guy_proposal1" false>>
<<playerFactSet "nc_guy" 3>>
<<run starGame.player.setInteraction('nc_bar')>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/characters/side/markus/markus_room_bg.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
Deciding that you could do with some no strings attached fun, you tell the noble that you're not against being swept off your feet tonight. The smirk he gives you in response makes you wonder if you're in danger of being physically lifted, but luckily he doesn't seem to be that impulsive.
As a second drink arrives for each of you, you watch as he knocks his back in one smooth motion, and as you tease him by drinking your own more slowly, you can slowly see him growing more frustrated as you tease him. Attempting to regain control of the situation after letting his excitement show, he quickly starts to sweet talk you once more, and you soon find yourself being led to one of the nearby hotels, the promise of a long night ahead of you.
Noticing that he didn't need to book the room out on arrival, you wonder briefly if it was already in his name or if he booked it remotely, but before long you find yourself distracted by the fancy penthouse apartment. Despite the fact that you can tell no one lives here on a day to day basis, it's still immaculately kept and decorated, with a good view of the city stretching out below you.
Feeling the noble's hands run over your hips as you enjoy the view, you allow him to start undressing you, leaning back into him in anticipation of the fun ahead.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<if starGame.player.hasPenis()>>
<<slink "Continue" "RedLight_NightClub_Bar_Guy3_Accept2_Penis">><</slink>>
<<slink "Continue" "RedLight_NightClub_Bar_Guy3_Accept2_Vagina">><</slink>>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<saudio "bgm_sex2" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.25>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/characters/side/markus/markus_room_bg.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
As he finishes undressing you, and turns you to face him, you see him frown as his eyes run down your body.
<span class="markus">"I… wasn't expecting that to be honest. I know how this sounds, but I'm not into that, at all."</span> He pauses, striding over to the bedside table quickly. Pulling open a drawer and retrieving a syringe from inside it, he holds up to you for inspection.
<span class="markus">"So two options really. Either we part here and the night ends, or you take this mod. It'll temporarily shift you towards my preferences."</span> You can tell that he's serious from the tone of his voice, and as you consider what to do next, you also take a moment to weigh up whether it's worth playing along or not.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Accept" "RedLight_NightClub_Bar_Guy3_Accept2_Penis_Accept">>
<<playerFactSet "nc_guy_proposal1_accepttf" true>>
<<slink "Refuse" "RedLight_NightClub_Bar_Guy3_Accept2_Penis_Refuse">>
<<playerFactSet "nc_guy_proposal1_accepttf" false>>
<<startplaylist "playlist_exploration_soft">>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/characters/side/markus/markus_room_bg.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
Smiling sweetly at the noble, you take the injector from him, pressing it against your thigh as its instructions indicate, feeling a tingle start spreading through your body originating from where the injection started. Still smiling, you step into the bathroom, closing the door behind you just in time for you to lean against it for support.
Waves of pleasure course through your groin as your vision blurs, the overwhelming rush of sensation nearly knocking you out as it transforms your body. Moments later you take an unsteady breath, and looking down at yourself as the feelings subside, you see that your dick has been replaced with a vagina.
Having finished changing yourself to suit your partner, you leave the bathroom, smiling at him as he gives you an appraising once over. Stepping towards you once more, you feel his hands run over your body once more, before settling on your hips and pulling you against him once more.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "RedLight_NightClub_Bar_Guy3_Accept2_Vagina">><</slink>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/city/downtown.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
You're understanding of people having specific types and preferences, but you're more than a little insulted that you've been issued an ultimatum in changing your body to suit his needs. Deciding that it's not worth changing your shape for such an arrogant partner, you quickly reclaim your clothes, and throwing a scowl at the otherwise silent noble from over your shoulder, you leave the hotel room coldly, realizing that he didn't even try to stop you.
Making a mental note that you need to remember that he's still seemingly only interested in fucking you and that he expects you to change for him, you stalk back to the academy, only realizing at the transport hub that you still don't even know each others names.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Hub_Transport">>
<<run starGame.quests.updateQuest('nc_guy')>>
<<startplaylist "playlist_exploration_soft">>
<img src="resources/img/characters/side/markus/scenes/bed_bg.webp"/>
<<if starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'black'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/side/markus/scenes/f_fore_black.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'tan'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/side/markus/scenes/f_fore_tan.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/side/markus/scenes/f_fore_fair.webp"/>
Closing your eyes as you allow him to explore your body with his hands, you tense up lightly at his touch, his fingertips tracing along your body, searching out your sensitive spots and teasing you gently.
Pressing yourself against him as he slides his fingers along the inside of your thigh, you let out a soft moan as he slips a finger into your already wet hole, grinding softly against his hand as you focus on making sure his touch works for you.
He leads you towards the bed, laying you on your back as he starts to finger you more intently, undressing himself with his free hand as he slides another finger inside you. Writhing as he snakes his fingers inside you, you watch as he circles your clit with his thumb, his focus entirely on preparing your body for him.
Pulling his fingers free from you as you gasp, he smiles down at you as he tastes them.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "RedLight_NightClub_Bar_Guy3_Accept2_Vagina2">><</slink>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/side/markus/scenes/bed_bg.webp"/>
<<if starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'black'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/side/markus/scenes/f_miss_black.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'tan'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/side/markus/scenes/f_miss_tan.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/side/markus/scenes/f_miss_fair.webp"/>
Watching in anticipation as he climbs over you, you spread your legs further for him, watching as he presses his dick against your sex. The light contact sends a spark through you, and as he slowly enters you, your body tenses as your hips arc, making sure that each movement he makes presses against your most sensitive spots.
Feeling him pull your arms above your head as he pins you down, you quickly find yourself helpless as he begins to thrust into you, a confident smirk on his face as he fucks you to his liking.
Restrained as you are, all you can do is shift and writhe in response to his movements, moaning and panting in time with his thrusts, the sensation of him filling you pushing you ever closer towards the edge. Struggling against his grip, he smiles down at you as he increases the pace, forcing you to surrender to his whims as he continues to piston into you. Letting a long moan out, you feel your muscles tense as your orgasm hits you.
Wrapping your legs around his waist, you pull him deeper into you, the sudden movement catching him off guard and as you feel him cum inside you, you allow yourself to smirk back at him, making it clear that you're not just here to be used as a toy.
Rolling off of you as he pants, you watch as he heads for the bathroom to clean up, and as you remain lying on the bed, waiting for him to come back for round two, you grow more frustrated as you watch him clean himself up. Raising an eyebrow at him as you roll over and wiggle your ass at him, you watch his confidence slip slightly as he realizes that you're not satisfied yet.
He steps towards you uncertainly, and deciding to take control of the situation before you're left unfulfilled, you grab him and pull him back onto the bed. Sliding a hand down his body to guide his slowly hardening dick back into you, you lock eyes with him as you make it clear that you're not done yet.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "RedLight_NightClub_Bar_Guy3_Accept2_Wakeup">>
<<startplaylist "playlist_exploration_soft">>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/characters/side/markus/markus_room_bg.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
The gentle sunlight of the morning rouses you from your sleep, and as you take your surroundings in, you realize that you've been left alone in the hotel room during the night. A sense of disappointment runs through you as you realize there won't be any morning sex, but you decide it's for the best. While you did enjoy multiple rounds last night, you almost had to force them to happen, the noble's stamina clearly not as vast as he thought it was.
<<if starGame.player.hasPenis()>>\
Rolling out of the luxurious bed and heading for the bathroom, you enjoy a relaxing bubble bath as you prepare for the day. While bathing, you feel a tingle in your groin, and realizing that the mod from last night is wearing off, you lean back, allowing your body to return to the way you had it amongst a rush of pleasure.
When you do eventually leave the hotel, you make your way back to the campus grounds, wondering when you'll see the noble again, realizing that you still don't know each other's names.
Rolling out of the luxurious bed and heading for the bathroom, you enjoy a relaxing bubble bath as you prepare for the day.
When you do eventually leave the hotel, you make your way back to the campus grounds, wondering when you'll see the noble again, realizing that you still don't know each other's names.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Hub_City">>
<<run starGame.quests.updateQuest('nc_guy')>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/characters/side/markus/markus_bar.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
You're not eager to jump into bed with the noble just yet, and as you playfully reject him once again, you see a dark expression flash over his face, his failure to perfectly control his emotions for a brief moment revealing that he's still mostly interested in you for physical reasons.
The rest of the night has a slightly colder atmosphere, as while he doesn't abandon you outright for rejecting him, and the two of you continue to share drinks and spend time together, he makes it subtly clear that he's mostly waiting to see if you'll change your mind about going home with him. Remaining resolute in your decision, you start to look for a way out of the conversation and leave, and when you see a large group of cadets leave, you take the opportunity, making your excuses as you give him a gentle hug.
Retreating from the club, you make it to the transport hub before you realize that you still don't know his name, nor him yours.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Hub_Transport">>
<<run starGame.quests.updateQuest('nc_guy')>>
<<startplaylist "playlist_exploration_soft">>
<div class="card card-nav solid">
<div class="row">
<div class="card-body p-0">
<div class="row d-flex">
<<slink "Red Light District" "Hub_CityRedLight" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "ti ti-door-exit" "">><</slink>>
<<if starGame.time.getCurrentPeriod() > 2>>
<<slink "Go Inside" "RedLight_NightClub_Interior" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "" "">>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<saudio "bgm_zone_brothel" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.25>>
<<slink "Go Inside" "" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu disabled" "" "">><</slink>>
<div class="navigation-container">\
<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/city/rld/ncout.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
<<if starGame.time.getCurrentPeriod() > 2>>\
<<if starGame.player.getFact('visit_nightclub') is true>>\
The robotic bouncer doesn't bother scanning you, your previous visit still stored in its memory. The muted sound of music grows louder as you navigate into the club, where you find that it remains popular.
A flickering sign tells you that you've reached the Hive, a well known nightclub in the red light district. A few other people slip in and out of the doors, and the sound of muted music reaches you from inside. Stepping up to the door has a robotic bouncer scan you for a second, and then wave you in a moment later.
The flickering sign is off, and the doors are firmly sealed. No muted music drifts out of the empty club, and when you approach the doors the bouncer shakes its head at you, tapping a sign nearby with the club's times on it. Seems you'll have to come back later, when its open in the evening.
<div class="card card-nav solid">
<div class="row">
<div class="card-body p-0">
<div class="row d-flex">
<<slink "Red Light District" "Hub_CityRedLight" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "ti ti-door-exit" "">><<startplaylist "playlist_exploration_soft">><</slink>>
<<slink "Go Outside" "RedLight_NightClub_Exterior" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "" "">><<startplaylist "playlist_exploration_soft">><</slink>>
<<slink "Bar" "RedLight_NightClub_Bar" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "" "">><</slink>>
<<slink "Private Booth" "RedLight_NightClub_Booth" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "" "">><</slink>>
<div class="navigation-container">\
<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/city/rld/ncin.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
<<if starGame.player.getFact('visit_nightclub') is true>>\
Private booths on the side reveal comfortable seats centered around tables, privacy screens rising when occupied. A DJ works on the center stage, and dancers adorn different smaller stages and booths, cheering patrons watching them work.
A small fleet of drones wind through the crowd, delivering drinks to patrons from a central bar. Unsurprisingly, even the bartender is a drone, making and serving drinks at high speed.
Unlike its exterior appearance, the Hive's interior is sleek and modern, with a thriving population of clubbers. Private booths on the side reveal comfortable seats centered around tables, privacy screens rising when occupied. A DJ works on the center stage, and dancers adorn different smaller stages and booths, cheering patrons watching them work.
A small fleet of drones wind through the crowd, delivering drinks to patrons from a central bar. Unsurprisingly, even the bartender is a drone, making and serving drinks at high speed.
<<playerFactSet "visit_nightclub" true>>\
<div class="card card-nav solid">
<div class="row">
<div class="card-body p-0">
<div class="row d-flex">
<<slink "Lobby" "RedLight_NightClub_Interior" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "ti ti-door-exit" "">><</slink>>
<div class="navigation-container">\
<img src="resources/img/locations/city/rld/ncbar.webp"/>
<<if starGame.player.hasInteraction('nc_bar') is not true>>
<<if starGame.player.getAppearance('body') is 'f'>>
<img class="exp-left-55" src="resources/img/characters/side/markus/expressions/happy_civilian.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/side/juni/expressions/happy_dress.webp"/>
<<if starGame.player.getFact('job_office_accepted') is true and starGame.npcs.getFact('felix_bar') is undefined>>
<img class="exp-left-25" src="resources/img/characters/side/felix/expressions/neutral_uniform.webp"/>
<<box "choicebox">>
<<if starGame.player.hasInteraction('nc_bar') is not true>>
/% Noble %/
<<if starGame.player.getAppearance('body') is 'f'>>
<<if starGame.player.getFact('nc_guy') is undefined or starGame.player.getFact('nc_guy') < 3>>
<<slink "Socialize with Noble" "">>
<<eventSequence "nc_guy">>
<<event "RedLight_NightClub_Bar_Guy1" 1>>
<<event "RedLight_NightClub_Bar_Guy2" 2>>
<<event "RedLight_NightClub_Bar_Guy3" 3>>
<<slink "Socialize with Noble" "RedLight_NightClub_Bar_Guy_Filler">><</slink>>
/% Socialite %/
<<if starGame.player.getFact('nc_girl') is undefined or starGame.player.getFact('nc_girl') < 3>>
<<slink "Entertain Socialite" "">>
<<eventSequence "nc_girl">>
<<event "RedLight_NightClub_Bar_Girl1" 1>>
<<event "RedLight_NightClub_Bar_Girl2" 2>>
<<event "RedLight_NightClub_Bar_Girl3" 3>>
<<slink "Entertain Socialite" "RedLight_NightClub_Bar_Girl_Filler">><</slink>>
/% Felix %/
<<if starGame.player.getFact('job_office_accepted') is true and starGame.npcs.getFact('felix_bar') is undefined>>
<<slink "Join Felix" "RedLight_NightClub_Bar_Felix1">><</slink>>
The bar of the HIVE is busy, and if not for the robotic bartenders assisting patrons from behind the counter, you're certain that it wouldn't be able to keep up. Noticing a space available at the bar, you quickly step into the spot, resting your arms on the counter with a smile. One of the drones swivels its head, fixing you with a gaze.
Placing an order for a drink, you're quickly served as the drones manage to keep up with the tide of orders in a lightning rush.\
<<if starGame.player.hasInteraction('nc_bar') is not true>>\
<<if starGame.player.getAppearance('body') is 'f'>>
Lounging comfortably against the bar, you spend some time sipping at your drink when one of the drones pauses alongside you again, clearly having monitored your drink and timing its approach for when you start to draw near to the end of it. It gives you a cheerful beep as you consider whether you want another drink or not.
/% Andro or Male %/\
Lounging comfortably against the bar, you spend some time sipping at your drink when one of the drones pauses alongside you again, clearly having monitored your drink and timing its approach for when you start to draw near to the end of it. It gives you a cheerful beep as you consider whether you want another drink or not.
<<if starGame.player.getFact('job_office_accepted') is true and starGame.npcs.getFact('felix_bar') is undefined>>\
You're not alone at the bar here, and you see that Felix is leaning against it as well, nursing a drink on his own while he watches the nightlife around him with a faint grin. From his body language, you can tell that not only is he open to company, but might go searching for some soon.
</div><<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/characters/side/juni/juni_bar.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
The socialite that approaches you is clearly looking for someone of higher status to dote on her. A skimpy golden dress tells you that she intends in using her body to make up for a potential lack of charm, and as she opens the conversation with a comment on how good you look but that you'd look better with her on your arm, you can't help but smirk about how on the money you were once more.
Deciding that you might as well spend your time here with someone that's easy on the eyes, you return the compliment with one of your own, her smile and fake laugh reminding you that it's your position as a noble that's attracted her attention for now. The two of you spend the next short while in shallow conversation, her not quite subtle attempts to convince you to go home with her falling short of the mark. You delicately dance around the topic, pretending to not quite catch her hints, enjoying watching her get more and more frustrated but not willing to give up or be direct about it either.
Eventually, you make a comment that you need to leave, and you can see the confusion run across her face as she tries to process her failed mission. Taking advantage of her moment of hesitation, you move into the crowd, leaving the stunned girl behind.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "RedLight_NightClub_Bar">>
<<playerFactSet "nc_girl" 1>>
<<run starGame.quests.startQuest('nc_girl')>>
<<run starGame.player.setInteraction('nc_bar')>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/characters/side/juni/juni_bar.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
As you lean against the bar, waiting for your drink to arrive, you turn to look at the crowd in general. A spark of recognition flashes through a nearby socialite's eyes, and you realize that it's the young woman you rejected last time. As you smile automatically, she moves through the crowd to join you, and you have a moment of worry that she's going to cause a scene.
Instead she flashes you a dazzling smile, and extends a hand politely. As you take it, surprised by her greeting, she quickly apologizes for how she acted last time, and asks if you would like some company, but not that kind of company. Smiling back at her, you decide that you could do worse than have a drink or two with the stunning woman.
As the two of you talk, you realize that not only has she changed the way she was planning to approach you, but that she's a lot smarter and more charming than you had previously realized. Time flies past as you get lost in an enjoyable conversation, finding each other's company more than enjoyable, and as you're considering exchanging details with her, she gives you a sweet smile and makes an excuse that she needs to leave for tonight, but that you should definitely meet up again in the future. As you watch her start leaving, you barely remember to ask when you'll meet again.
Giving a wink over her shoulder, you can barely hear the words through the noise of the crowd, but you manage to catch them regardless. Looks like you'll have to meet her at Lumina mall if you want to see her again outside of the impersonal club setting.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "RedLight_NightClub_Bar">>
<<playerFactSet "nc_girl" 2>>
<<run starGame.quests.updateQuest('nc_girl')>>
<<run starGame.player.setInteraction('nc_bar')>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/characters/side/juni/juni_bar.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
Leaning against the bar leisurely, you wonder if your socialite companion is going to show up tonight. Realizing that you've come to look forward to her company, you can't help but smile as you see her approaching slowly, a matching smile on her face. She gives you a gentle nudge on the shoulder when she arrives, leaning into you for a moment. When she eventually breaks the contact, you make a motion to the bartender for two drinks, and moments later you have your usual drink in hand as the two of you flirt back and forth. As the evening wears on and you continue spending time together, she leans in close, batting her eyes at you demurely.
<span class="juni">"Surely you're not going to send me home alone again tonight?"</span>
Her intentions clearly revealed, you only spend a moment considering your response before treating her to a flirtatious smile in return.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Get Seduced" "RedLight_NightClub_Bar_Girl3_Accept">>
<<playerFactSet "nc_girl_proposal1" true>>
<<playerFactSet "nc_girl" 3>>
<<run starGame.player.setInteraction('nc_bar')>>
<<slink "Reject her" "RedLight_NightClub_Bar_Girl3_Decline">>
<<playerFactSet "nc_girl_proposal1" false>>
<<playerFactSet "nc_girl" 3>>
<<run starGame.player.setInteraction('nc_bar')>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/side/juni/juni_room_bg.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/side/juni/expressions/happy_dress.webp"/>
Telling her that you could be convinced to walk her home at least, she gives you a brilliant smile before knocking her drink back excitedly. Laughing at her reaction to your response, you allow yourself to be led out of the club, quickly finding yourself outside an apartment room in one of Novaris' many buildings. Before entering you know that it won't be as fancy as your dorm, but you're not here to look for a new place to stay.
As the door swings open and she leads you inside, you take a moment to admire the room, its personality making it clear that she owns it herself. Neat shelving filled with plushies and a comfortable looking bed tell you that when the socialite isn't out clubbing or doing what she needs to in her daily life, that she spends most of her time in her personal sanctuary here.
The sound of her clearing her throat draws your attention back to her, and you're treated to the sight of her standing nude, her skimpy gold dress lying on the floor around her feet. The smirk she gives you as she steps toward you is all the invitation that you need to allow her to start undressing you as you pull her into a kiss.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<if starGame.player.hasPenis()>>
<<slink "Continue" "RedLight_NightClub_Bar_Girl3_Accept2_Penis">><</slink>>
<<slink "Continue" "RedLight_NightClub_Bar_Girl3_Accept2_Vagina">><</slink>>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<saudio "bgm_sex2" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.25>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/side/juni/scenes/bed_bg.webp"/>
<<if starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'black'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/side/juni/scenes/m_blowjob_black.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'tan'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/side/juni/scenes/m_blowjob_tan.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/side/juni/scenes/m_blowjob_fair.webp"/>
As she pushes you onto the bed, her hands deftly freeing you from your clothes, you lean back, closing your eyes to enjoy what's coming next. A gentle trail of kisses run down your body, her delicate touch pausing right before she reaches your groin. Giving her a lazy smile, you run your hand against her cheek, gently encouraging her to continue.
Undoing your pants with a smirk, she fondles your shaft for a moment, before you feel her tongue lightly circle the tip. Stroking her hair gently, you allow her to move at her own pace, and as she hilts you in her mouth, you let a soft moan out. While she doesn't seem to be the most experienced, she makes up for it with enthusiasm, and she gives you what has to be the sexiest look in the world, her eyes tearing up slightly as she takes your shaft as deep down her throat as possible. A muffled moan escapes her lips, and you realize that she's enjoying this as much as you are.
Feeling your orgasm approaching quickly, you decide to stop her first, and as you pull her on top of you, she lets out a nervous giggle, a blush forming on her cheeks as she tries to avoid eye contact.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "RedLight_NightClub_Bar_Girl3_Accept2_Penis2">><</slink>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/side/juni/scenes/bed_bg.webp"/>
<<if starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'black'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/side/juni/scenes/m_riding_black.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'tan'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/side/juni/scenes/m_riding_tan.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/side/juni/scenes/m_riding_fair.webp"/>
Caressing her cheek again, you slide two of your fingers into her mouth, her tongue quickly snaking around them and getting them nice and wet. Smirking at her as you pull them from her lips with a soft pop, you watch a tingle run through her body as you walk them down her naked skin, gently teasing her as you run them over her pussy lips with a smirk. She responds to your touch eagerly, rubbing her cunt against your hand as she moans.
Making sure she's wet and ready for you, you rub your dick against her lips, her gasp telling you that she's ready.
Sliding your cock into her tight hole, she clamps a hand over her mouth, muffling a scream of pleasure. Rocking her hips with your hands, you focus on controlling her movement, your every shift and thrust causing her to tremble and shudder.
Her eager responses to your touch tells you that she's quickly getting closer to climax, even as you feel her tighten around you, a series of smaller orgasms causing her to spasm uncontrollably. Picking up the pace as you use her like a fuck toy, you feel your own climax building quickly, and as she lets out a long loud wail of pleasure, you hilt yourself as deeply as you can inside her, your grunt of pleasure quickly drowned out by her long continuous cries of pleasure.
Collapsing against you as she climaxes, you allow yourself to fall back onto the bed, content to simply allow her to lie on you as you both recover.
Eventually she starts to kiss your neck, and as you pull her against you, you can feel a gentle nibble as you move inside her again. As her arms tighten around you, your hands find their way back to her hips on their own. Grinding her body against yours, the room is quickly filled with moans once more. Eventually wearing each other out after a night of heated passion, you allow yourself to drift off to sleep, her bed more than comfortable enough for you.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "RedLight_NightClub_Bar_Girl3_Accept2_Wakeup">>
<<startplaylist "playlist_exploration_soft">>
<img src="resources/img/characters/side/juni/scenes/bed_bg.webp"/>
<<if starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'black'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/side/juni/scenes/f_blowjob_black.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'tan'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/side/juni/scenes/f_blowjob_tan.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/side/juni/scenes/f_blowjob_fair.webp"/>
As she pushes you onto the bed, her hands deftly freeing you from your clothes, you lean back, closing your eyes to enjoy what's coming next. A gentle trail of kisses run down your body, her delicate touch pausing right before she reaches your groin. Giving her a lazy smile, you run your hand against her cheek, gently encouraging her to continue. As she finishes undressing you, you see her pause, a look of confusion on her face.
<span class="juni">"I wasn't expecting this, but I can work with it."</span> She says coyly, and you realize that she wasn't expecting you to have a vagina yourself.
To her credit, she doesn't allow the surprise to slow her down, and moments later you gasp as her tongue snakes its way inside you, her lack of expertise easily made up for by her enthusiasm as she eats you out.
Leaning back and letting her do her work, you make no effort in disguising your moans of pleasure, and when she slides two fingers inside you, your body clenches around her involuntarily.
Sensing that your first orgasm is close, she picks up the pace, reacting to your movements and noises to tease it out of you, the waves of pleasure that course through you leaving you stunned just long enough for her to readjust her position on the bed.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "RedLight_NightClub_Bar_Girl3_Accept2_Vagina2">><</slink>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/side/juni/scenes/bed_bg.webp"/>
<<if starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'black'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/side/juni/scenes/f_fingering_black.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'tan'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/side/juni/scenes/f_fingering_tan.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/side/juni/scenes/f_fingering_fair.webp"/>
You feel her body press against your back, and as you subconsciously grind your ass against her crotch, you feel her fingers sneak between your legs, expertly teasing your pussy lips apart as she kisses your neck softly. Allowing her to take control of the situation, you slip one of your hands between her legs in return, matching her tempo as she fingers you expertly. Feeling her teeth gently bite into the soft skin of your neck, you let out a gasp of pleasure as another orgasm runs through you, her fingers caressing the sensitive spots of your pussy with a practiced deftness that sends shivers up your spine.
Turning your head to her, your moans are quickly muffled as she kisses you, your tongues intertwining as you finger each other, and as you feel her pussy clench around your fingers, her own movements on your cunt grow more frantic as she tries to make you cum alongside her. Already sensitive and on the edge from her efforts, you feel your muscles tighten, and as you moan into each other's throats, you feel your juices squirt, her efforts rewarded with a spray of girl cum across her bed. Lying against each other as you pant, you rest for a few moments, your climax leaving you momentarily stunned.
She giggles lightly as she caresses the side of your face, a series of gentle kisses and bites heralding the start of round two. Her fingers find their way inside you once more, and as you return the favor you catch her giving you a lusty smirk. Eventually wearing each other out after a night of heated passion, you allow yourself to drift off to sleep, her bed more than comfortable enough for you.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "RedLight_NightClub_Bar_Girl3_Accept2_Wakeup">>
<<startplaylist "playlist_exploration_soft">>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/characters/side/juni/juni_room_bg.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
The gentle sounds of movement rouse you from your slumber, and as you slowly recognize the socialites apartment around you, you realize you can hear her busy showering.
Aware that you have to get back to the academy to get a fresh change of your own clothes and return to your own usual schedule, you stick your head into the bathroom, exchanging kisses before you leave.
As the door locks behind you, you walk back to the transit station, a smile on your face. Realizing that you still haven't asked for her name, you contemplate going back for a moment, before deciding to wait until she brings it up, if she ever does.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Hub_City">>
<<run starGame.quests.updateQuest('nc_girl')>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/characters/side/juni/juni_bar.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
You give her a moment of hope with your smile, before telling her that while you do like her, you're not going to be that easy just yet unfortunately. She gives you a cute pout, before laughing and you realize that she was half expecting you to turn her down again. You do get the sense that if she asks again, it will be the last time, but for now you're both happy with keeping things the way they are.
As you share drinks and friendly conversation, you notice that she doesn't seem to be in a hurry to leave, and you smile to yourself, happy to know that even if you don't start an intimate relationship with her, she already enjoys your company enough to stay friends.
When the club does eventually start to empty out, you walk her back to her room, and sharing a quick hug, you almost expect her to invite you in. She does pause in the doorway for a moment, before blowing you a kiss and leaving you standing in the corridor alone. Walking alone back to the transit hub, you realize that you still don't know her name. Deciding that you won't ask before she does, you find yourself looking forward to seeing her again.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Hub_Transport">>
<<run starGame.quests.updateQuest('nc_girl')>>
<<startplaylist "playlist_exploration_soft">>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/characters/side/juni/juni_bar.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
You're leaning against the bar when you feel someone lean against you, and you smile already knowing it's the socialite from before. Turning to greet her, you're once more treated to that beautiful smile, and as the two of you quickly slip into a conversation, you wave to one of the drones to bring more drinks over.
This meetup is quickly becoming a habit, and you can feel the mutual joy of seeing each other reflected in her smile and words. Time passes fast as the two of you slowly forget about the club surroundings, focused entirely on each other's company for the time being.
Eventually however, you need to part ways and as you say your farewells and part, you notice she gives you a lingering look from over the shoulder.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "RedLight_NightClub_Bar">>
<<run starGame.player.setInteraction('nc_bar')>>
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('diane_intro_sex') is false and not undefined and starGame.npcs.getFact('diane_ncmend') is not true and starGame.player.hasInteraction('nc_interaction') is not true and starGame.time.getCurrentPeriod() is 4>>
/% Unfriendly Diane, mend scene %/
<<include RedLight_NightClub_Booth_Diane_Mend>>
<<elseif starGame.player.getFact('rival') is 'thomas' and starGame.npcs.getFact('thomas_ncmend') is not true>>
/% Rival Thomas, mend proposal %/
<<include RedLight_NightClub_Booth_Thomas_Mend>>
<<elseif starGame.player.getFact('rival') is 'edward' and starGame.npcs.getFact('edward_ncmend') is not true and starGame.effects.hasFrailty() is not true>>
/% Rival Thomas, mend proposal %/
<<include RedLight_NightClub_Booth_Edward_Mend>>
<<include RedLight_NightClub_Booth_Normal>>
<div class="card card-nav solid">
<div class="row">
<div class="card-body p-0">
<div class="row d-flex">
<<slink "Lobby" "RedLight_NightClub_Interior" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "ti ti-door-exit" "">><</slink>>
<div class="navigation-container">\
<img src="resources/img/locations/city/rld/ncbooth.webp"/>
<<if starGame.player.hasInteraction('nc_interaction') is not true and starGame.time.getCurrentPeriod() is 4>>
<<if starGame.time.getCurrentDay() is 'Tuesday' and starGame.npcs.getStat('edward_affinity') >= 0>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/edward/expressions/neutral_civilian.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.time.getCurrentDay() is 'Wednesday' and starGame.npcs.getStat('diane_affinity') >= 0>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/diane/expressions/happy_dress.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.time.getCurrentDay() is 'Thursday' and starGame.npcs.getStat('thomas_affinity') >= 0>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/thomas/expressions/neutral_civilian.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.time.getCurrentDay() is 'Friday' and starGame.npcs.getStat('jaime_affinity') >= 0>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/jaime/expressions/neutral_civilian.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.time.getCurrentDay() is 'Saturday' and starGame.npcs.getStat('valerie_affinity') >= 0>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/valerie/expressions/neutral_slut.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.time.getCurrentDay() is 'Sunday' and starGame.npcs.getStat('letho_affinity') >= 0>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/letho/expressions/neutral_civilian.webp"/>
<<box "choicebox">>
<<if starGame.player.hasInteraction('nc_interaction') is not true and starGame.time.getCurrentPeriod() is 4>>
<<if starGame.time.getCurrentDay() is 'Tuesday' and starGame.npcs.getStat('edward_affinity') >= 0>>
/% Edward %/
<<slink "Let him join" "">>
<<eventSequence "nightclub_edward">>
<<event "RedLight_NightClub_Edward_Accept_1" 1>>
<<event "RedLight_NightClub_Edward_Accept" 999>>
<<slink "Stay alone" "RedLight_NightClub_Edward_Refuse">><</slink>>
<<elseif starGame.time.getCurrentDay() is 'Wednesday' and starGame.npcs.getStat('diane_affinity') >= 0>>
/% Diane %/
<<if starGame.player.getFact('nightclub_diane') >= 2 and starGame.npcs.getFact('diane_sexfriend') is undefined and starGame.npcs.getFact('diane_relationship_ncproposal') is not true>>
<<slink "Let her join" "RedLight_NightClub_Diane_Relationship">>
<<npcFactSet "diane_relationship_ncproposal" true>>
<<slink "Let her join" "">>
<<eventSequence "nightclub_diane">>
<<event "RedLight_NightClub_Diane_Accept_1" 1>>
<<event "RedLight_NightClub_Diane_Accept_2" 2>>
<<event "RedLight_NightClub_Diane_Accept_2" 999>>
<<slink "Stay alone" "RedLight_NightClub_Diane_Refuse">><</slink>>
<<elseif starGame.time.getCurrentDay() is 'Thursday' and starGame.npcs.getStat('thomas_affinity') >= 0>>
/% Thomas %/
<<slink "Let him join" "">>
<<eventSequence "nightclub_thomas">>
<<event "RedLight_NightClub_Thomas_Accept_1" 1>>
<<event "RedLight_NightClub_Thomas_Accept" 999>>
<<slink "Stay alone" "RedLight_NightClub_Thomas_Refuse">><</slink>>
<<elseif starGame.time.getCurrentDay() is 'Friday' and starGame.npcs.getStat('jaime_affinity') >= 0>>
/% Jaime %/
<<slink "Let her join" "">>
<<eventSequence "nightclub_jaime">>
<<event "RedLight_NightClub_Jaime_Accept_1" 1>>
<<event "RedLight_NightClub_Jaime_Accept_2" 2>>
<<event "RedLight_NightClub_Jaime_Accept_2" 999>>
<<slink "Stay alone" "RedLight_NightClub_Jaime_Refuse">><</slink>>
<<elseif starGame.time.getCurrentDay() is 'Saturday' and starGame.npcs.getStat('valerie_affinity') >= 0>>
/% Valerie %/
<<slink "Let her join" "RedLight_NightClub_Valerie_Accept">><</slink>>
<<slink "Stay alone" "RedLight_NightClub_Valerie_Refuse">><</slink>>
<<elseif starGame.time.getCurrentDay() is 'Sunday' and starGame.npcs.getStat('letho_affinity') >= 0>>
/% Letho %/
<<slink "Let him join" "">>
<<if starGame.player.getFact('nightclub_letho_tf') is 3 and starGame.npcs.getFact('letho_tf_secondchance') is undefined>>
<<npcFactSet "letho_tf_secondchance" true>>
<<goto "RedLight_NightClub_Letho_SecondChance">>
<<eventSequence "nightclub_letho">>
<<event "RedLight_NightClub_Letho_Accept_1" 1>>
<<event "RedLight_NightClub_Letho_Accept_2" 2>>
<<event "RedLight_NightClub_Letho_Accept_2" 999>>
<<slink "Stay alone" "RedLight_NightClub_Letho_Refuse">><</slink>>
You head for one of the private booths, beckoning for one of the drones to bring a drink over. Collapsing onto the comfortable couch, you spend a few minutes alone, watching the dance floor and club. The drone servers do their job well, quickly verifying your status and bringing snacks and drinks for you without prompting.
As you lounge idly, you notice that you're attracting attention.
<<if starGame.player.hasInteraction('nc_interaction') is not true and starGame.time.getCurrentPeriod() is 4>>\
<<if starGame.time.getCurrentDay() is 'Tuesday' and starGame.npcs.getStat('edward_affinity') >= 0>>\
/% Edward %/\
Edward is approaching your table, a confident smile telling you that he's going to try joining you if you don't stop him. He's dressed up, more fancy than normal, his clothing practically screaming about his status as a ranking noble. If you're going to stop him from joining, you need to do so before he sits.
<<elseif starGame.time.getCurrentDay() is 'Wednesday' and starGame.npcs.getStat('diane_affinity') >= 0>>\
/% Diane %/\
Diane is barely recognizable in her stylish dress, and when she spots you, you see her begin to smirk as she approaches you. From the way she's walking, you can tell she's going to join you if you let her, and from the way she moves through the crowd, you only have a few seconds to make a choice.
<<elseif starGame.time.getCurrentDay() is 'Thursday' and starGame.npcs.getStat('thomas_affinity') >= 0>>\
/% Thomas %/\
Thomas approaches your table with a smile, a tilt of his head indicating that he's looking for permission to join you. He's dressed more casually than you've seen him, but still manages to fit into the club easily. As he approaches, you quickly make your choice.
<<elseif starGame.time.getCurrentDay() is 'Friday' and starGame.npcs.getStat('jaime_affinity') >= 0>>\
/% Jaime %/\
You're slightly surprised to see Jaime here at the club, sitting at a table not far from you. There's a look of anxiety on her face, and you realize that she's somewhat out of her depth here. She notices you and a smile creeps onto her face. You realize that she's too shy to directly ask or indicate that she wants to join you, so you have plenty of time to decide if you want her company tonight or not.
<<elseif starGame.time.getCurrentDay() is 'Saturday' and starGame.npcs.getStat('valerie_affinity') >= 0>>\
/% Valerie %/\
Valerie is making her way towards you, a flirty smile on her lips. Accompanied by a more revealing outfit than you'd expected, you can tell she doesn't expect you to turn her company down. You only have a few moments to decide if you'll let the attractive noble join you or not.
<<elseif starGame.time.getCurrentDay() is 'Sunday' and starGame.npcs.getStat('letho_affinity') >= 0>>\
/% Letho %/\
You're shocked to see Letho wandering around in the nightclub, looking decidedly lost and out of his element. You watch him for a few moments, before realizing the clueless cadet doesn't have any idea of how to survive in this environment. Watching him, you slowly realize that if you don't go and fetch him, he'll likely just wander around for a few minutes before leaving by himself.
Sitting alone at your private booth, you spend the time watching the club around you for a bit longer, before realizing that you've caught the attention of some more scantily clad club goers. From the way they're openly looking at you, you can tell they're just waiting for some kind of invitation to join you at your table, and from the way other club goers move around them, you can already tell that these are paid companions. You consider letting them join you for a moment, before deciding that you're not quite in the mood for it tonight.
Finishing your drink, you decide to surrender the table back to the other club patrons, leaving quietly by yourself.
<img src="resources/img/locations/city/rld/ncbar.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/side/felix/expressions/neutral_uniform.webp"/>
Felix is nursing a drink at the bar when you arrive, and as you slide into the open space next to him he flashes you a friendly smile.
<span class="felix">"You know, usually when a man is drinking whiskey alone, it's because he wants to be alone."</span>
Despite his words, his tone and face is friendly, and he turns to face you, making it clear that you're welcome to spend some time with him if you want to. Beckoning to the bartender for a refill and a glass of your own, lean against the bar easily, your glasses clinking together as you share a wordless toast.
After a few minutes of mutual silence, he speaks, his voice slightly more gravelly than normal.
<span class="felix">"So long as you're not hoping for me to share my life story with you, you're welcome to drink with me anytime. For now however, how about I regale you with stories of my various heroics during my service in the corps."</span>
You laugh, waving for him to go ahead as you settle in to listen to his various embellished stories from his military service. From time to time, he has your glass refilled, and as he slowly starts to get drunker, you decide that it's time for you to start making your exit.
Gently excusing yourself from the conversation, Felix gives you a grin as he turns back to his glass, waving for the bartender to refill it before you've even fully left.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "RedLight_NightClub_Bar">>
<<npcFactSet "felix_bar" 1>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/characters/main/thomas/nc_sitting.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
<<reaction "thomas" "Reaction_Thomas_NightClub">>\
Nodding at Thomas as he approaches, you smile as he drops onto the couch opposite you, flashing you a smile as he does.
The two of you spend some time watching the club and casually talking to pass the time, when a few more cadets from Starwatch enter the club. They look around nervously before spotting Thomas, and as they gain confidence, making their way towards him, you see him raise an eyebrow to you, once more subtly asking for permission.
Deciding that you might as well let the new arrivals join, you nod back at him, the subtle exchange not missed by the approaching cadets, who promptly greet and thank you for letting them join your table. You're not surprised that the joining students are all commoners, and as they relax around the table, you are quickly immersed in their conversations and jokes, joining in easily and enjoying yourself alongside the group.
Eventually however, you notice the club starting to empty, and deciding to leave before you overstay your welcome, you excuse yourself from the group, noticing that they follow our lead and leave alongside you.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "RedLight_NightClub_Booth">>
<<if starGame.npcs.getStat('thomas_affinity') < 25>>
<<run starGame.player.setInteraction('nc_interaction')>>
<<npcStatIncrease "thomas_affinity" 1>>
<<snotify "info">>Thomas appreciated spending time with you.<</snotify>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/city/rld/ncbooth.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
Shaking your head subtly at Thomas, he performs a slight bow of acknowledgement, before turning and rejoining the crowds of the nightclub. Promptly losing sight of him in the crowd, you feel a level of relief at how casually he handled the rejection.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "RedLight_NightClub_Booth">>
<<run starGame.player.setInteraction('nc_interaction')>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/characters/main/thomas/nc_sitting.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
<<reaction "thomas" "Reaction_Thomas_NightClub">>\
Thomas joins your table casually, and a few minutes of friendly small talk passes the time as you both settle in to enjoy the evening. After a short while however, he leans forward, tapping the table with a suddenly serious expression.
<span class="thomas">"Seen those protests happening in Novaris? Not the sanitized news versions, but the actual things down on the ground?"</span>
Telling him that you have, the two of you spend a moment talking about how the soldiers seem almost happy to be called in to break them up at the moment. Thomas frowns slightly before whispering slightly.
<span class="thomas">"I'll pass word that you're one of the good ones. If the soldiers ever decide you look a little too rebellious, my people will help you out of a pinch."</span>
You start to ask exactly what he means by "his people" but he waves your question off with a small smile. Deciding to drop it for the moment, you allow him to change the subject, relaxing as you enjoy drinks together as the club slowly empties. Making your own excuses a short while later, you head back to your dorm alone.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Apartment_LivingRoom">>
<<run starGame.player.setInteraction('nc_interaction')>>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<startplaylist "playlist_exploration_soft">>
<<playerFactSet "nightclub_thomas" 1>>
<<if starGame.npcs.getStat('thomas_affinity') < 25>>
<<npcStatIncrease "thomas_affinity" 1>>
<<snotify "info">>Thomas appreciated spending time with you.<</snotify>>
<</nobr>>\<div class="navigation-container pt-4">\
<img src="resources/img/locations/city/rld/ncbooth.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/silhouettes/m2.webp"/>
You watch as Thomas and his clique of friends enter the club. Seeing a few of them actively ignore your presence, you smile to yourself as you decide that all is right in the world for now at least. Unexpectedly however, you see Thomas point you out to one of his companions, and wish you could read lips as they talk amongst themselves for a few moments.
Even more interesting is that when Thomas goes to sit at his usual spot, the companion he pointed you out to doesn't follow him, instead heading to the bar on their own. Putting it out of your mind for now, you turn your attention back to the club in general, wondering if anyone worth your time will be present tonight or not. As a drink is placed in front of you, you flick your eyes up to the source of the disturbance, scowling as you recognize the lackey Thomas was talking to earlier.
You're about to get defensive about them approaching you out of the blue when they shake their head and hold a hand up placatingly.
<span class="npc1">"No funny business. Just checking in to see if the split between the two of you is mendable at all, or if you're both set in your ways."</span>
Pausing to consider the cause of your rivalry, you have to admit that it wouldn't be a far stretch to have it repaired. However, that might cause complications with Edward down the line later.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Mendable" "RedLight_NightClub_Booth_Thomas_Mend_Accept">>
<<npcFactSet "thomas_ncmend" true>>
<<npcFactSet "thomas_mend_accept" true>>
<<run starGame.player.setInteraction('nc_interaction')>>
<<slink "Irreparable" "RedLight_NightClub_Booth_Thomas_Mend_Refuse">>
<<npcFactSet "thomas_ncmend" true>>
<<npcFactSet "thomas_mend_accept" false>>
<<run starGame.player.setInteraction('nc_interaction')>>
</div>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/characters/main/thomas/nc_sitting.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
It might be worth a try to mend things between you and Thomas, even if it adds strain to your relationship with Edward later. Telling the lackey that you're not opposed to maybe trying to mend things in the future, you're graced with an easy smile from them.
They promise you that they'll convince Thomas that it's for the best, and quickly retreat from your table, leaving you alone to wonder about the situation. You clearly saw Thomas point you out to the person you just met, but the way they talk implies that this whole scheme was their own plan from the start.
Knocking a drink back, you decide that there's no point dwelling on it for now. All you can do is wait and see what comes of their meddling in the end. Leaving the club silently, you make your way back to your room as you briefly wonder if Edward will be upset about this new change.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Apartment_LivingRoom">>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<startplaylist "playlist_exploration_soft">>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/characters/main/thomas/nc_sitting.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
You're not the one who decided that this rivalry needed to start, and you're not excited to lose your ally Edward over some commoner who thinks their one sided drama is worth your attention. As far as you're concerned, the rivalry is irreparable if you would have to apologize for your actions.
Telling Thomas's lackey as much, you dismiss them from your table with a wave. You have other things to occupy your mind, and the last thing you need to worry about right now is a feud you don't even care about.
Waving for the bar drones to bring you another drink, you knock it back easily before deciding that your mood for the club has been ruined. Stalking out of the club, the cool air of the night helps soothe your temper by the time you reach your dorm.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Apartment_LivingRoom">>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<startplaylist "playlist_exploration_soft">>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/characters/main/valerie/nc_sitting.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
<<reaction "valerie" "Reaction_Valerie_NightClub">>\
You simply wait for her to arrive, and are slightly surprised when she sits right next to you, despite all the freespace on the couch. You don't comment on it however, and after settling in and making herself comfortable, she gives you a wink.
<span class="valerie">"I didn't think I'd see such a high profile noble sitting by themselves at a club."</span> She leads in, clearly trying to flatter you. You don't reply yet, waiting to see where this is going. Taking your silence as permission, she continues speaking, her voice lowering slightly.
<span class="valerie">"Why don't we raise the privacy screen so that we don't need to worry about an audience while we enjoy each other's company?"</span> She says, a hand resting on your thigh. You have a vague idea where this is going to go if you raise the privacy screen, but you decide to tease her a little bit first.
<span class="hero">"I didn't take you for the shy type."</span> You say with a smirk, watching a slight blush form on her cheeks as she realizes what you're implying. She stammers and bubbles words for a short while, trying to think of a response.
Deciding that you can raise the screen for now, you press the button, watching as the screen raises, effectively isolating the two of you from the rest of the club, visually and audibly, in every way that matters. Valerie presses her body against you more closely than before, her hand gently stroking your thigh as her breathing shifts, clearly expecting you to take charge of the situation from here.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<if starGame.player.getFact('valerie_nightclub') is not 3>>
<<slink "Just Talk" "">>
<<run starGame.player.setInteraction('nc_interaction')>>
<<eventSequence "valerie_nightclub">>
<<event "RedLight_NightClub_Valerie_Talk1" 1>>
<<event "RedLight_NightClub_Valerie_Talk2" 2>>
<<event "RedLight_NightClub_Valerie_Talk3" 3>>
<<slink "Have Sex" "RedLight_NightClub_Valerie_Sex1">>
<<run starGame.player.setInteraction('nc_interaction')>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/city/rld/ncbooth.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
Shaking your head slightly, you can see the confusion on her face. You can tell she's not used to being turned down, and you half expect her to cause a scene about it before she turns, trying to play it off as no big deal.
Letting a breath out, you watch her leave.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "RedLight_NightClub_Booth">>
<<run starGame.player.setInteraction('nc_interaction')>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/characters/main/valerie/nc_sitting.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
Deciding that you might as well have some casual fun with the slutty noble, you allow her to climb into your lap, her tongue eagerly pressing into your mouth. As she starts to undress you, you allow your hands to run over her body, enjoying the feeling of her soft, supple flesh under your hands. She moans softly into your mouth as you run a finger against her cunt, her entire body trembling at the contact.
<<reaction "valerie2" "Reaction_Valerie_NightClub2">>\
<<if starGame.player.hasBreasts()>>\
Valerie breaks the kiss with a slight popping sound, her breathing heavy and loud. As she finishes stripping your clothes, you feel her tongue circle one of your nipples, the contact sending a light shock through your body. As she continues to suck and lick your nipples, you let out a soft moan, your own desire rising rapidly. Suddenly she pulls free of your breasts, a knowing smile playing across her lips.
Valerie breaks the kiss with a slight popping sound, her breathing heavy and loud. Having striped your clothes off, she kisses her way down your body, her lips lingering on your abs for a few seconds longer. A knowing smile accompanies the lusty gaze she rewards you with.
<<if starGame.player.hasPenis()>>\
She gently wraps a hand around your dick, and with a few quick strokes you're standing ready to use her. She climbs out of your lap, slowly twirling to show off her mostly nude body.
<span class="valerie">"So, which set of lips do you want?"</span> She asks brazenly, blushing hard at her own words.
She teases you with a finger lightly, tracing the lips of your pussy with a gentle touch. Pulling away slightly, she gives you a smile before speaking.
<span class="valerie">"How do you want me?"</span> She asks, waiting for you to take charge once more.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<if starGame.player.hasPenis()>>
<<slink "Mouth" "RedLight_NightClub_Valerie_Sex1_Mouth">><</slink>>
<<slink "Pussy" "RedLight_NightClub_Valerie_Sex1_Pussy">><</slink>>
<<slink "Get eaten" "RedLight_NightClub_Valerie_Sex1_GetEaten">><</slink>>
<<slink "Tribbing" "RedLight_NightClub_Valerie_Sex1_Tribbing">><</slink>>
<<if starGame.player.isShemale() is true>>
<<if starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'black'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/valerie/scenes/s_blowjob_black.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'tan'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/valerie/scenes/s_blowjob_tan.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/valerie/scenes/s_blowjob_fair.webp"/>
<<if starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'black'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/valerie/scenes/m_blowjob_black.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'tan'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/valerie/scenes/m_blowjob_tan.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/valerie/scenes/m_blowjob_fair.webp"/>
You place a hand on her shoulders, guiding her to her knees with a smirk. You don't need to speak as she quickly begins to lap at your dick, her tongue circling the tip and sliding down its length as she reveals her experience.
As she continues to service you, she quickly takes the full length of your dick down her throat, and you're treated to an excellent view of her ass. As she continues to deepthroat you, you can feel your orgasm building, your legs buckling slightly as she swirls her tongue around your tip once more.
You start to fuck her mouth, holding her head in place as you thrust into her throat. She mewls softly as you use her, not trying to resist and seemingly happy to accept how you are using her as an onahole. You feel your orgasm approaching fast, and as you are about to cum into her mouth, she pulls herself off your dick, sticking her tongue out for you.
Unable to resist, you blow your load onto her waiting face, sticky ropes of cum layering onto her soft skin. As you collapse back onto the couch, she slowly licks herself clean, collecting the cum with her fingers and swallowing it while watching you. Once you've recovered enough, you stand again, but she gives you a soft shake of the head.
<span class="valerie">"That was great, but we shouldn't rush now."</span> She waits for you to finish dressing yourself before she slips out of the private room, some of the cum still hidden in her hair.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "RedLight_NightClub_Booth">>
<<if starGame.npcs.getStat('valerie_affinity') < 25>>
<<npcStatIncrease "valerie_affinity" 1>>
<<snotify "info">>Valerie appreciated spending time with you.<</snotify>>
<<npcStatIncrease "valerie_sex" 1>>
<<playerFactSet "valerie_nightclub_sex" true>>
<<if starGame.player.isShemale() is true>>
<<if starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'black'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/valerie/scenes/s_standing_black.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'tan'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/valerie/scenes/s_standing_tan.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/valerie/scenes/s_standing_fair.webp"/>
<<if starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'black'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/valerie/scenes/m_standing_black.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'tan'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/valerie/scenes/m_standing_tan.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/valerie/scenes/m_standing_fair.webp"/>
You prop the slutty noble against the table, your dick rubbing against her stomach as she looks up at you, lust clear in her eyes. You run a finger against her pussy, and feeling how wet she is, you know you won't need to waste time with foreplay today. Letting her lick her juices off your finger, you adjust your stance slightly, your dick brushing against her hole and prompting her to shudder and moan.
Gripping her hips firmly, you slide inside her, her long, lewd moan encouraging your actions as you thrust into the noble's cunt. She grips the table as you use her, seemingly happy to just be a hole for you to use as she pants into your shoulder, moaning and whining the entire time as you pick up the pace, slowly feeling your climax approach as you hilt yourself inside her, your grunts and her moans mixing together as you cum inside of her.
Panting, she gives you a smirk before pulling her panties up, your cum leaking out of her and into them. You follow suit, getting dressed quickly.
<span class="valerie">"Don't be a stranger."</span> She says as she kisses your cheek, leaving you alone in the private booth once more.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "RedLight_NightClub_Booth">>
<<if starGame.npcs.getStat('valerie_affinity') < 25>>
<<npcStatIncrease "valerie_affinity" 1>>
<<snotify "info">>Valerie appreciated spending time with you.<</snotify>>
<<playerFactSet "valerie_nightclub_sex" true>>
<<npcStatIncrease "valerie_sex" 1>>
<<if starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'black'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/valerie/scenes/f_eatpussy_black.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'tan'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/valerie/scenes/f_eatpussy_tan.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/valerie/scenes/f_eatpussy_fair.webp"/>
Leaning back on the couch, you guide the noble to her knees, spreading your legs for her as you pull her face against your waiting cunt. She smiles up at you as she places a tender kiss on your pussy lips, her tongue soon tracing your lips and softly prying them apart.
As she laps at your pussy you lean your head back, enjoying the attention she pays to you, the pleasure coursing through your body as you allow the noble to service you properly. A moan escapes your lips as she circles your clit with her tongue, followed by her plunging it deep inside you once more.
Her experienced and light touch soon has you riding a wave of smaller orgasms as she pushes you past the edge of pleasure, and your body trembles as she delicately guides you through an intense orgasm, her face shining with your juices as she dutifully licks and sucks away at your cunt. You let out a long, loud moan as you climax, and she stands again with a triumphant smile.
<span class="valerie">"You taste so sweet, we should definitely do this again soon."</span> She says as she covers you up enough for her to leave the private booth without compromising you. You take a few minutes to recover, before redressing yourself so that you can leave the club as well.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "RedLight_NightClub_Booth">>
<<if starGame.npcs.getStat('valerie_affinity') < 25>>
<<npcStatIncrease "valerie_affinity" 1>>
<<snotify "info">>Valerie appreciated spending time with you.<</snotify>>
<<playerFactSet "valerie_nightclub_sex" true>>
<<npcStatIncrease "valerie_sex" 1>>
<<if starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'black'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/valerie/scenes/f_tribbing_black.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'tan'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/valerie/scenes/f_tribbing_tan.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/valerie/scenes/f_tribbing_fair.webp"/>
You surprise her by pushing her onto the couch, kissing her as she falls onto her back. Before she can recover from the surprise, you've mounted her, your pussy pressed against hers, a soft squelching sound accompanying the way your cunts grind against each other, the juices mixing as they do.
She kisses your body passionately, gentle nips and bites at your neck enhancing your pleasure as you keep grinding against her, the shared touch of your holes sending electrifying shocks through you both. The room falls silent aside from your hard breathing and bodies moving against each other frantically.
You feel Valerie tense up as she orgasms below you, her trembling and twitching sending you over the edge, as you join her in a long, mewling orgasm. The two of you lie drained in each other's arms, the smell of sex heavy in the air. Eventually you pull yourself out of her embrace and redress.
<span class="valerie">"That was well worth the time."</span> She says as she slips out of the booth, a long glance back at you over her shoulder telling you this won't be the last time you meet.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "RedLight_NightClub_Booth">>
<<if starGame.npcs.getStat('valerie_affinity') < 25>>
<<npcStatIncrease "valerie_affinity" 1>>
<<snotify "info">>Valerie appreciated spending time with you.<</snotify>>
<<playerFactSet "valerie_nightclub_sex" true>>
<<npcStatIncrease "valerie_sex" 1>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/characters/main/valerie/nc_sitting.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
Against her expectations however, you pull free from her contact, deciding that you're not quite on board with just getting physical with her like this.
The setting aside, you barely know each other, and this is a different side of her from what she normally shows. She pouts at you, but doesn't push her luck, and the two of you spend some time chatting, with you ignoring the noble girl's attempts to draw your attention to her body and her closeness.
You can tell she's slowly getting more frustrated by the ongoing rejection, and you eventually give her a chance to leave, mentioning that you'll be heading out of the club soon yourself. She takes the opportunity instantly, clearly upset that you've not accepted her advances yet.
Watching her walk away, you can tell that she's not yet given up on trying to seduce you.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "RedLight_NightClub_Booth">>
<<if starGame.npcs.getStat('valerie_affinity') < 25>>
<<npcStatIncrease "valerie_affinity" 1>>
<<snotify "info">>Valerie appreciated spending time with you.<</snotify>>
<<playerFactSet "valerie_nightclub" 1>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/characters/main/valerie/nc_sitting.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
Valerie takes her seat opposite you, seemingly having accepted that you're not as interested in her as she thought you might be.
Like before, she tries to subtly seduce you, but you manage to resist, enjoying the frustration she struggles to hide. Slowly she relaxes enough for you both to have a somewhat decent conversation, and you're slightly surprised to hear that she's actually struggling at the Academy quite a bit, and is worried she might have to drop out if she can't improve her scores.
You share some advice and tips with her, not wanting the young woman to suffer that shame, but also curious about how bad she must be doing for that to even be a concern at this stage. At some point you realize she's managed to work her way onto your lap during the conversation, and you shift her off of you and onto the couch with a rueful smile.
She quickly makes an excuse and you let her leave for now, deciding to not push your luck too much with the sensitive noble.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "RedLight_NightClub_Booth">>
<<if starGame.npcs.getStat('valerie_affinity') < 25>>
<<npcStatIncrease "valerie_affinity" 1>>
<<snotify "info">>Valerie appreciated spending time with you.<</snotify>>
<<playerFactSet "valerie_nightclub" 2>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/characters/main/valerie/nc_sitting.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
Valerie leans into the seat opposite you, not openly trying to seduce you but also keeping her body on easy display for you. You smile, shaking your head at her antics before asking her about how things are going at the Academy now. You're happy to hear that her scores have improved substantially, but you're surprised that she might still need to drop out, time constraints and family issues slowly becoming a larger problem than before.
You wince, knowing there's not much you can do to help the girl in this field, but when she doesn't offer more information, you know to not pry. She'll tell you about it when and if she's comfortable with the idea. Until then, you decide to divert the topic for now.
The rest of your time spent with Valerie is consumed by her lightly teasing you, and you pretending you don't understand what she means, the frustration on her face and in her words making you smile, as you play the game of hard to get once more. She realizes what you're doing, and plays along, both of you sharing a chuckle or two as you slowly bring the conversation to a close.
Unlike before, she doesn't leave the moment you give her a chance, and instead waits to walk out the club with you, a friendly hug given to you at the door.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "RedLight_NightClub_Booth">>
<<if starGame.npcs.getStat('valerie_affinity') < 25>>
<<npcStatIncrease "valerie_affinity" 1>>
<<snotify "info">>Valerie appreciated spending time with you.<</snotify>>
<<playerFactSet "valerie_nightclub" 3>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/academy/mc_apartment/apartment_night.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
<<if starGame.npcs.getStat('ann_sex') > 0>>\
While you're busy getting ready for the day, Eva suddenly speaks up, causing you to jump slightly.
<span class="eva">"Lt. Ann has asked me to send you an invitation to a picnic with her later today at one of the parks. She also asked me to remind you that it's a good alternate form of stress relief."</span>
Eva's words are smug, and you feel a slight blush creep onto your face as you realize what Ann is hinting at. You tell Eva to let Ann know that you'll be there, adding that you're already quite relaxed today as an afterthought.
Moments later Eva speaks again, letting you know that Ann simply rolled her eyes in response to your message before saying that she'll see you later. Finishing getting ready for the day, you allow a thought of what she might have planned to drift across your mind, realizing that you're looking forward to the meeting already.
As you're busy getting dressed and ready for the day, Eva speaks out softly, the surprise of it making you jump slightly.
<span class="eva">"Lt. Ann has asked me to send you an invitation to a picnic with her, later today at one of the parks. She seems quite excited about it actually."</span>
Eva's words are playful and light, and you roll your eyes before deciding that you need to check this out, telling Eva to confirm with Ann that you'll be there. She tells you moments later that Ann has confirmed receiving your confirmation, and while you're busy debating whether you should confirm that she confirms your confirmation, Eva lets out a slight laugh.
<span class="eva">"She says she's auto-set a reply to confirm your confirmation to her confirmations."</span>
You grin slightly, inwardly glad that you weren't the only one thinking about it. Finishing getting ready for the day, you allow a thought of what she might have planned to drift across your mind, realizing that you're looking forward to the meeting already.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Sleep" "Ann_Date_Stage1_Class">>
<<npcFactSet "ann_stage1_call" true>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/academy/classroom.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
The morning passes in a blur of time, and it's only when you almost make a misstep in your class simulation that you realize your mind is fixated on your later meeting with Ann. Your curiosity at her wanting to meet you is one thing, but the fact that it's a picnic date setting is what has really got you distracted.
As you stretch slightly, you're about to check the time when you hear a soft beep, and even before checking, you know it's the reminder that you've got a picnic date scheduled with Ann now. Smiling to yourself as you make your way towards the indicated location, you take in the sights and sounds of the stroll, enjoying the peaceful atmosphere as you walk.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Go to the park" "Ann_Date_Stage1_Picnic">><</slink>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/ann/scenes/picnic/park_bg.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/ann/scenes/picnic/park_ann.webp"/>
<<reaction "ann" "Reaction_Ann">>\
Rounding a bend in the park, you see Ann sitting on a blanket out in a lightly shaded spot, dressed in casual clothing and an expectant smile on her face.
As she spots you, she hops to her feet, quickly moving to your side with a warm smile blossoming on her face. She quickly pulls you onto the blanket, and taking her position opposite you, treats you to a soft laugh as she greets you. The two of you exchange formalities, the sudden rush of energy from her overwhelming you as you follow along helplessly. You quickly recover your composure however, and start to steer the conversation in a direction to find out why she set this up, only for her to overdramatically shush you with a finger on your lips.
<span class="ann">"It's just an innocent outing, date thing."</span> She says, a mischievous twinkle in her eyes. Not satisfied with the answer, you decide to play along for now, and as you slowly enjoy the snacks and time with her, you find yourself relaxing steadily. She gives you another coy smile, before her eyes tighten slightly, and you can sense that the reason for you being here is about to be revealed.
<span class="ann">"Is there a reason you're not starting a relationship with any of the other cadets?"</span> She asks after a moment, the bluntness of the question taking you off guard. Blinking out of surprise as you freeze, she laughs slightly at your reaction.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Ann_Date_Stage1_Picnic2">><</slink>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/ann/scenes/picnic/park_bg.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/ann/scenes/picnic/park_ann.webp"/>
<<if starGame.npcs.getStat('ann_sex') > 0>>\
<span class="ann">"It's not because of me is it? While it would be flattering, anything that happens in the office is strictly… work related. Don't delude yourself into thinking that it's a reason to turn other people you're interested in down. In fact, if you're worried about me getting jealous, let me tell you right now that you don't need to, and I'd actually enjoy hearing more about your displays of prowess."</span> Her words range from serious to light, and while you can tell that she's mostly teasing you, there's a layer of truth in her words that makes it incredibly clear that your interactions in her office are nothing more than work duties at the moment.
Telling her that she's not the reason, you see her let out a subtle sigh of relief. A thought runs across your mind that she might be under orders to not get too close to you, followed closely by another about the particular wording she used. She specified the office and its interactions specifically to be work related, so does that mean if you actually asked her out and started to get close to her outside of it, it would count as a relationship?
You're about to ask her about it when she shushes you again, a smile on her face.
<span class="ann">"Now that the important topic is out of the way, let's have some fun?"</span> Her tone is warm and friendly, and you decide to leave the question for another time and as the two of you just relax on the picnic blanket, watching the rest of the world pass by, you make light conversation, talking about the shapes of clouds and trading stories about your pasts.
As it would happen, Ann isn't much older than you, and while she never attended the academy herself, she still received Starwatch field training, earning a Starwatch honorary graduation as a result of it.
Eventually however, a beeping noise from her pocket tells her that it's time to end the outing, and as you help her pack up the items and stuff, she flashes you a warm smile. <span class="ann">"Don't be a stranger."</span> She says as she punches you lightly on the arm.
Watching her leave, you can't help but admire the way her body moves, and when she throws you a casual wave over her shoulder, you smile before returning it yourself. Left alone in the park, you slowly walk back to the parts of the common areas that you are more familiar with.
<span class="ann">"I'm just worried that you're missing out on college life. It's good and well to focus on work and classes, but it's important to relax and have fun. If you're worried about commitment, well… Don't forget that I can help with some stress relief from time to time without that problem."</span> She gives you a cheeky wink as she speaks, and your mind flashes back to her offer in the office before.
Somehow managing to keep the blush off your face, you shake your head and tell her that you're just waiting for the right person and time so far. She gives you another smile, but doesn't allow you to skip past the topic just yet.
<span class="ann">"That's a reasonable excuse. Need help finding a partner then? Should I introduce you to some other officers and important people?"</span> She teases you as you wave it off, a smile on your own face thanks to the light hearted banter. Telling her once more that everythings fine for now, but you'll maybe take her offer up another time, you turn your attention back to the lunch and time spent with her outside of a work constraint.
You get the feeling that she doesn't really want to talk about serious topics further anyway, and as the two of you just relax on the picnic blanket, watching the rest of the world pass by, you make light conversation, talking about the shapes of clouds and trading stories about your pasts. As it would happen, Ann isn't much older than you, and while she never attended the academy herself, she still received Starwatch field training, earning a Starwatch honorary graduation as a result of it.
Eventually however, a beeping noise from her pocket tells her that it's time to end the outing, and as you help her pack up the items and stuff, she flashes you a warm smile. <span class="ann">"Don't be a stranger."</span> She says as she punches you lightly on the arm.
Watching her leave, you can't help but admire the way her body moves, and when she throws you a casual wave over her shoulder, you smile before returning it yourself. Left alone in the park, you slowly walk back to the parts of the common areas that you are more familiar with.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Leave" "Hub_Atrium">>
<<npcStatIncrease "ann_relationship" 5>>
<<snotify "success">>+5 Ann Relationship.<</snotify>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/academy/mc_apartment/apartment_day.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
A series of gentle beeps rouse you from your slumber, and as you shake the haze of sleep from your mind, you realize that someone is looking for you.
Stumbling over to your terminal as you finish waking up, you see that you've got a few messages from Diane waiting for your attention.
Smiling as you read them, you see that she's feeling lonely and wants to have dinner with you tonight. Attached to the message is a location pin, and you smile as you see that it's actually another one of the small restaurants on campus.
Taking a moment to consider your day, you start typing out a message to respond to her.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Accept" "Diane_Date_Stage1_Accept">>
<<npcFactSet "diane_stage1_call_accept" true>>
<<slink "Decline" "Diane_Date_Stage1_Decline">>
<<npcFactSet "diane_stage1_call_accept" false>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/academy/mc_apartment/apartment_day.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
Letting the tomboy know that you'll see her there, you're slightly caught off guard by her sending a heart emoji in response to your message. You wait a few minutes for a response, but when you don't get one you decide to move on with your errands for the day, tempering your curiosity about the upcoming date with the tasks you need to complete first.
Your thoughts run away from you however, and you lose track of time, quickly finding yourself approaching the location as the sky begins to darken.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Diane_Date_Stage1_Restaurant">>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/academy/mc_apartment/apartment_day.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
Unfortunately you've already got plans for later, and you let her know as much, quickly typing out an apologetic message as you turn her invitation down. You see her start to type a message back, but she soon stops typing, before starting again. You wait another minute, watching her seemingly argue with herself about sending you a message back or not, before eventually she stops typing, seemingly for good.
Sighing softly to yourself, you put the phone away, turning your mind back to the rest of the day ahead of you. You'll have to make it up to her another time.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Apartment_LivingRoom">><</slink>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/diane/scenes/date/restaurant_bg.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/diane/scenes/date/restaurant_diane.webp"/>
<<reaction "diane" "Reaction_Diane">>\
Walking into the small campus restaurant confidently, you see Diane wave at you from a corner table, an excited smile on her lips.
As you make your way over to her, you take in your surroundings. Somewhat surprised to see a replica of an old earth diner, you have to admit the vinyl furniture and metal accents have a certain kind of charm to them, their colorful components helping set the tone.
Sliding into the spot opposite Diane, you tell her you're surprised to see her in a place like this, earning you a scowl and a blush. <span class="diane">"I like the milkshakes here."</span> She says sheepishly, and you resist the urge to tease her further for the moment.
As the two of you order drinks, you wonder for a moment about what you should talk about when she instead starts up a conversation about hobbies, excitedly drawing you into a discussion about videogames and gymlife, talking about some characters that she's working out to look like. Smiling as you banter back and forth with her, you quickly get swept up in the meeting, losing track of time and not really noticing when she scoots around the booth to lean against you.
After a short while passes and you finish your second round of milkshakes, she starts to drop hints that she wants to go for a walk with you, and as you lead her out of the restaurant into the surrounding parks, she quickly takes the lead, guiding you down a series of walkways and paths until the two of you are as alone as you can be in the Academy grounds.
The surroundings are pretty, but you find your attention tracking back to Diane over and over, and you catch her watching you more than once. As you draw near to the dorms, you start to wonder if she wants you to invite her back to your room.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Invite in" "Diane_Date_Stage1_Dorms_Invite">>
<<npcFactSet "diane_stage1_invitein" true>>
<<slink "Don't invite" "Diane_Date_Stage1_Dorms_NoInvite">>
<<npcFactSet "diane_stage1_invitein" false>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/academy/dorms.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
She gives you a soft smile as you invite her into your room, a vague promise of intimate fun lingering on your lips. You're slightly surprised when she shakes her head, before shyly meeting your eyes.
<span class="diane">"Actually… I've been meaning to talk to you about that. I know I said we should keep things open and all that, but I've been thinking alot, and I want to give this a proper try…"</span> She pauses, a blush spreading across her cheeks. <span class="diane">"That is, if you'll have me."</span>
She breaks eye contact with you once more, and while you're considering how to respond to that, she gently takes your hand. <span class="diane">"You don't need to respond now, but please let's end the night here, on a good note."</span> The timid smile she gives you isn't something you expected to see from someone as confident as her, but you nod regardless, telling her that you'll wait for her to be ready and give her the answer at a later date.
Rewarded with another warm smile from her, along with a gentle kiss on the cheek. <span class="diane">"Then I'll see you later."</span> She says as she leaves you standing in the cool air of the night, watching as she makes her way through the dorm entry.
Absentmindedly touching your face where her lips brushed them, you catch yourself smiling to yourself. Returning to your room alone, you prepare for the rest of the night, your mood significantly lifted.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Apartment_LivingRoom">>
<<npcStatIncrease "diane_relationship" 5>>
<<snotify "success">>+5 Diane Relationship.<</snotify>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/academy/dorms.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
The atmosphere of the date hasn't really implied that that's where it's been going, so you dismiss the thought from your head as you escort her back to the dorm's entryway. She gives you a shy smile before stepping in, planting a gentle kiss on your cheek.
Before you can respond further, she starts to talk, her voice barely a whisper as she leans against you. <span class="diane">"I know I said we should keep things open and all that, but I've been thinking alot, and I want to give this a proper try…"</span> She pauses, a blush spreading across her cheeks. <span class="diane">"That is, if you'll have me."</span>
She breaks eye contact with you once more, and while you're considering how to respond to that, she gently takes your hand. <span class="diane">"You don't need to respond now, but please let's end the night here, on a good note."</span>
The timid smile she gives you isn't something you expected to see from someone as confident as her, but you nod regardless, telling her that you'll wait for her to be ready and give her the answer at a later date. Rewarded with another warm smile from her, along with a gentle kiss on the cheek. <span class="diane">"Then I'll see you later."</span> She says as she leaves you standing in the cool air of the night, watching as she makes her way through the dorm entry.
Absentmindedly touching your face where her lips brushed them, you catch yourself smiling to yourself. Returning to your room alone, you prepare for the rest of the night, your mood significantly lifted.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Apartment_LivingRoom">>
<<npcStatIncrease "diane_relationship" 5>>
<<snotify "success">>+5 Diane Relationship.<</snotify>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/cafeteria1.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/jaime/expressions/happy_uniform.webp"/>
<<reaction "jaime" "Reaction_Jaime">>\
Jaime is caught off guard by your approach, and when you slip into the seat opposite yours she takes a few moments to process. <span class="jaime">"You're not about to tell me you have bad news are you?"</span> She says after a second, a smile slowly forming on her face.
Laughing, you wave her concerns off. <span class="jaime">"Alright that's good. Most people seem to bring bad news when I'm eating."</span> She explains.
The two of you spend a short while in gentle conversation, and as you watch her while you spend time with her, you realize that she's paying more attention to you than usual. Her body language tells you that she is seemingly waiting for you to do or say something, and from the way her face is slightly flushed, you can tell that she's slightly embarrassed by her own thoughts, whatever they may be.
As she keeps leading the conversation topic back towards the two of you, and shared interests, you realize that she is slowly working up the courage to ask you out. Smiling to yourself, you briefly consider your options here.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Ask first" "Jaime_Date_Stage1_Cafeteria_AskFirst">>
<<npcFactSet "jaime_stage1_cafeteria" true>>
<<npcStatIncrease "jaime_relationship" 1>>
<<snotify "success">>+1 Jaime Relationship.<</snotify>>
<<slink "Wait for her" "Jaime_Date_Stage1_Cafeteria_WaitForHer">>
/% Undefined is equal to neither accepted or refused, scene will replay everytime %/
<<slink "Politely decline" "Jaime_Date_Stage1_Cafeteria_Decline">>
<<npcFactSet "jaime_stage1_cafeteria" false>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/cafeteria1.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/jaime/expressions/happy_uniform.webp"/>
Deciding to take the strain off her shoulders, you gently guide your conversation along the lines she was already laying out, and as she slowly realizes what you're doing, you can't help but smile at her at her stunned expression, as you cut to the chase and tell her bluntly that you are interested in her as well. You enjoy watching her confusion give way to happiness, and as she hops to her feet you follow suit, barely making it upright before she tackles you with a hug.
Carefully extracting yourself from her embrace, you manage to return her to her seat so that you can finish the breakfast, the other few cadets here having been stunned into silence by the sudden display of public affection. Jaime's face is flushed bright red as she realizes what she did, and you spend the rest of the meeting in soft conversation.
Realizing that the time is passing faster than you expected, you gently draw the meeting to a close, telling her that you'll see her later.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Go to class" "Jaime_Date_Stage1_AfterClass">><</slink>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/cafeteria1.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/jaime/expressions/happy_uniform.webp"/>
Deciding to let her move at her own pace, you carefully skirt the topic, making light conversation with her as you restart the conversation. She shoots you a few shy glances throughout it, but doesn't seem to be able to work up the courage needed to directly raise the topic herself. You briefly consider giving her a hand and speaking first, but before you can act on it, her gaze is suddenly drawn away from you by the sound of one of the other cadets dropping their utensils.
You let out a soft sigh, feeling the moment pass, and by the time Jaime looks back at you, you can tell that she's lost the courage she had been steadily building up. Instead, she gives you a flustered look as she excuses herself, the sudden return to reality reminding her about her usual schedule. As she leaves the cafeteria, leaving you alone here, she gives you a shy look over her shoulder, a light blush still visible.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Leave" "Academy_Cafeteria">>
<<if starGame.npcs.getStat('jaime_affinity') < 25>>
<<npcStatIncrease "jaime_affinity" 1>>
<<snotify "info">>Jaime appreciated spending time with you.<</snotify>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/cafeteria1.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/jaime/expressions/happy_uniform.webp"/>
You decide that the best course of action is to turn her down before she can make a fool of herself, and you gently start the process of telling her that while you are flattered, you're not ready to commit to a romantic partner just yet. She gives you a small nod, her face flushed with embarrassment regardless, but she gets over it quickly. You're hesitant to directly ask if she's alright, when she speaks first again.
Unlike before, the conversation goes back to the two of you, but the tone of her voice has changed, and she isn't as shy as before as she starts the conversation up again. A smile settles on your lips involuntarily, as you realize she's already decided to focus on staying good friends, and as you get pulled back into the conversation you start to lose track of time.
After a while, she tells you that she needs to go, and you walk with her out of the cafeteria, still enjoying the tail end of the conversation. She gives you a gentle hug as she leaves, and while you can see that she is a little upset about the rejection, you can also see that she's happy with the status quo the way it is as well.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Leave" "Academy_Cafeteria">><</slink>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/classroom.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/jaime/expressions/happy_uniform.webp"/>
As you're heading towards the lecture hall, mentally preparing for the class ahead, you're somewhat surprised when you feel someone's hand slip into yours, and as you turn to see the culprit, you smile as you recognize Jaime at your side. You squeeze her hand gently, but before you can speak, she gives you a scowl.
<span class="jaime">"I've been waiting for a good chance, but you keep yourself busy so much that it feels like it's harder to see you than it should be."</span> Her pout is cute, and it's all you can do to keep yourself from teasing your girlfriend about it. As you start to apologize, she cuts you off again.
<span class="jaime">"I… was thinking that we should maybe go watch a movie and get desserts afterward…"</span> Suddenly shy, she hides her face against your arm while she waits for a reply, and you pause for a second to think about your schedule for the rest of the day after class.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Let's go" "Jaime_Date_Stage1_Cinema">>
<<npcFactSet "jaime_stage1_cinema" true>>
<<npcStatIncrease "jaime_relationship" 4>>
<<snotify "success">>+4 Jaime Relationship.<</snotify>>
<<slink "Next time" "Jaime_Date_Stage1_AfterClass_Decline">>
<<npcFactSet "jaime_stage1_cinema" false>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/classroom.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/jaime/expressions/neutral_uniform.webp"/>
You feel guilty for taking the time to consider your schedule, but you realize that you actually don't have the free time for a long date today. You start to apologize, but Jaime nods, hiding a sad smile with the movement.
<span class="jaime">"No, don't worry, I already know that you're probably busy, I should have scheduled this better."</span> She gives you a smile, her face decidedly cheerful, but you can tell that it's a show for your benefit.
<span class="jaime">"We can go out next time. The cinema's not going anywhere, and I'll be ready when you are."</span> She gives you a soft hug before extracting her hand from yours. Leaving you alone at the lecture hall, you can only watch as she falls in line with a group of her friends, a soft smile being thrown over her shoulder at you as she goes.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Leave" "Academy_Class">><</slink>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/jaime/scenes/cinema.webp"/>
<<if starGame.player.isFemale()>>
<<if starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'black'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/jaime/scenes/f_cinema_black.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'tan'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/jaime/scenes/f_cinema_tan.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/jaime/scenes/f_cinema_fair.webp"/>
<<if starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'black'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/jaime/scenes/m_cinema_black.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'tan'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/jaime/scenes/m_cinema_tan.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/jaime/scenes/m_cinema_fair.webp"/>
You feel guilty for even considering not going on the date with her today, and as you mentally clear your plans for the afternoon and beyond, you gently squeeze her hand once more, prompting her to look up at you, an unsteady smile on her face. Telling her that you'd love to go, you're rewarded with a gleaming smile as she excitedly hugs your arm.
Moments later, you find yourself inside the lecture hall, barely able to focus on the lesson ahead as you wonder about what all Jaime has planned for the date. Breezing through the class easily, you head for the doors, intending to wait for Jaime outside in the fresh air of the academy. You smile as you see her waiting for you, and she approaches you excitedly as you begin walking towards the transit hub.
Jaime's excited explanation about the movie and how badly she wanted to see it changes your mind quickly however, and you soon find yourself seated next to the ecstatic girl in the movie cinema.
You don't really know the premise of the film, but it quickly catches your attention, as you are drawn into a gritty noir flick about a detective and a smokeshow blonde struggling to escape from the clutches of a powerful crime lord. It's not what you expected her to be into, but you have to admit that she chose well, and as the movie comes to a sadly open-ended finale, you lead her out of the cinema. Taking a moment to wait for the rest of the movie watchers to leave, you realize she's looking up at you expectantly.
Raising an eyebrow back at her questioningly, she simply smiles at you. As the cinema's lobby clears out, she turns back to you before speaking.
<span class="jaime">"If you don't want to, we can get the desserts another time, otherwise I was just going to take you to the cafe at the Academy."</span> She says, leaning against you while she waits for your response.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Cafe Date" "Jaime_Date_Stage1_Cafe">>
<<npcFactSet "jaime_stage1_cafe" true>>
<<slink "Another time" "Jaime_Date_Stage1_Cinema_Decline">>
<<npcFactSet "jaime_stage1_cafe" false>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/city/downtown.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/jaime/expressions/neutral_civilian.webp"/>
The movie was good, but it was longer than usual, and while you've been enjoying your time with Jaime so far, you do actually have something fairly important to attend to. As you start to apologize and make your excuses, she puts a finger on your lips.
<span class="jaime">"No need. Here, a kiss and then off you go to save the day."</span> She says softly as she leans in.
Responding in accordance, you give her a gentle kiss, and pretend to not see the blush on her cheeks as she tries to keep her cool. You walk with her out of the lobby, and as she heads for the mall, she throws a warm smile over her shoulder at you, her eye's practically sparkling with happiness.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Leave" "Hub_CityDowntown">><</slink>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/jaime/scenes/cafe_night.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/jaime/scenes/cafe_night_sitting.webp"/>
You already mentally cleared your own schedule earlier, so while it's sweet that she's giving you a chance to back out, you tell her that you're looking forward to the cafe and that she can't get rid of you that easily.
As she protests how you said it, you can't help but smile as she pouts this time, and allowing yourself to be led back to the academy and the cafe, you can't help but fill the time with light hearted conversation, simply enjoying each other's company as you both relax and unwind.
Maki squints slightly when you arrive with Jaime, her eyes running between the two of you for a moment before she guides you to a private table, ushering you to safety away from the prying eyes of the other cadets at the cafe.
You consider raising the privacy screens for a moment, before deciding that you'll leave them down unless Jaime asks you to raise it. As the two of you wait for your drinks to arrive, you realize that she's fallen silent, and as you slowly stop talking, you are greeted by a giggle from her in response. As you're about to question it, she just shakes her head and waves for you to be quiet.
<span class="jaime">"I just like watching you when you're talking about something you're passionate about."</span> She pauses for a moment, clearly struggling to word something.
<span class="jaime">"But that's not the only reason I've gone quiet. I'm actually still not sure how to say this, but… I don't like ice cream."</span>
As she starts to laugh, you can't help but feel blindsided, and before you can fully react she speaks again.
<span class="jaime">"It's a dealbreaker, I know, but I hope you'll be able to come to terms with it."</span>
You can't help but laugh along, the unexpected turn of conversation catching you fully off-guard, and even though you have a feeling that it's not actually what she wanted to say, you decide to leave it alone for now. She'll come back to it eventually, and until then, the two of you can simply enjoy your time with each other.
The rest of the date goes smoothly, the two of you content in just spending time together, and when you leave the cafe to walk her home, most of the cadets have already left, Maki busy closing the cafe behind you as you leave.
At the dorms, Jaime gives you a gentle kiss before vanishing behind her room door, and as you turn to leave for your own room, you smile as you hear a muffled squeal of happiness behind you.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Go home" "Apartment_LivingRoom">>
<<npcStatIncrease "jaime_relationship" 5>>
<<snotify "success">>+5 Jaime Relationship.<</snotify>>
<<if starGame.npcs.getStat('jaime_affinity') < 25>>
<<npcStatSet "jaime_affinity" 25>>
<<snotify "success">>Jaime's affinity has significantly increased.<</snotify>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/academy/mc_apartment/apartment_day.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
You've just finished getting ready for the day when Eva appears on your tv screen, a smile on her lips. Raising an eyebrow at her questioningly, she quickly informs you that Julianna is calling you. Smiling as you answer, you're happily surprised to see that it's a video call, and she blows you a friendly kiss as you connect. Smirking at the display of affection, you're about to speak up when she starts talking.
<span class="julianna">"Hey you."</span> She says softly. <span class="julianna">"Are you free this evening? I want to take you on a fancy date, and I have something important to talk to you about. It's actually urgently important, so if possible, please clear your evening for me."</span> She flashes you another brilliant smile as she waits for your reply.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Accept" "Julianna_Date_Stage1_Accept">>
<<npcFactSet "julianna_stage1_call_accept" true>>
<<slink "Decline" "Julianna_Date_Stage1_Decline">>
<<npcFactSet "julianna_stage1_call_accept" false>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/academy/mc_apartment/apartment_day.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
Telling her that you'll definitely be there, you just need to know where to go, you're instead taken by surprise when she tells you that she'll pick you up later, you just need to head to the transport hub at the right time. Giving her a confused look, you tell her you'll be there, and are promptly rewarded with another beautiful smile from her.
She spends a few minutes longer just talking with you about various things before eventually ending the call, telling you that she'll see you later, a trace of excitement in her voice.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Apartment_LivingRoom">>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/academy/mc_apartment/apartment_day.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
Despite the urgency in her words, you pause, thinking about the various things you had planned to do with the day, and decide that you're actually not available for a date tonight. You start to say as much, only for Julianna to cut you off coldly.
<span class="julianna">"I understand. In that event, let me be even more clear. It was about me, and our relationship as a result. Since you can't make the time for it, it will be easier for us both in the long run if we part ways here."</span> Her words are ice cold, and you can clearly feel the finality in her voice. You are about to respond when the call ends abruptly, and before you can even consider trying to call her back, Eva speaks up instead.
<span class="eva">"Julianna has instructed me to block any ongoing communication attempts until she lets me know otherwise."</span> There's a hint of concern in Eva's voice, but you sense that it's not directed to you, strangely enough.
Left to your own devices, you briefly consider heading for Julianna's room to talk, but you decide against it, her cold reaction a good example of what might happen if you did.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Apartment_LivingRoom">>
<<npcFactSet "julianna_relationship" false>>
<<snotify "info">>Julianna will no longer consider a romantic relationship with you.<</snotify>>
<img src="resources/img/events/landingpad/landingpad.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/events/landingpad/noble_ship.webp"/>
Arriving on time for the pickup as previously agreed with Julianna, you wonder what all she has planned when a sleek black shuttle with minor gold embellishments approaches the landing pad.
Making sure you're clear of the zone, you wonder why a higher ranking noble than you has come to the Academy this late in the day. A thought runs through your mind that it might be your father, but you dismiss it quickly, knowing that your father exclusively uses military shuttles these days.
<<if starGame.wardrobe.appearanceCheck('formal') is not true>>\
The shuttle touches down delicately, and you're actually caught off-guard as Julianna disembarks it, her eyes running over you critically. You think you can see her let out a small sigh as she approaches you, two servants in tow.
<span class="julianna">"I made sure to tell you that it's a formal setting."</span> She says with a smile, and you can hear annoyance and happiness in her voice in equal measure. You're about to apologize when she gives you a wink.
<span class="julianna">"Not a problem, I anticipated that you might forget to change, so we have enough time to stop at Castelli for their help."</span> She extends a hand to you, guiding you back to the shuttle as she starts to fill the air with light conversation, excitedly talking about the clothes she's prepared for you, and you can only play along, enjoying spending time with her while she's so happy.
As the shuttle hums lightly, you lean back into your seat, enjoying the time with Julianna while you wait to arrive at the series of venue's planned.
The shuttle touches down delicately, and you're actually caught off-guard as Julianna disembarks it, her eyes running over you critically. A smile grows on her lips as she approaches, two servants in tow.
<span class="julianna">"I was worried you'd forget to change, but once again, you've proved me wrong."</span> She says approvingly, before extending a hand to you, allowing you to lead her back to the shuttle as she starts asking you about your day and filling the air with general conversation. Out the side of your eye, you see the two servants share an approving smile when they think you're not watching them.
As the shuttle hums lightly, you lean back into your seat, enjoying the time with Julianna while you wait to arrive at the venue.
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<saudio "bgm_revelation" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.5>>
<<box "choicebox">>
<<if starGame.wardrobe.appearanceCheck('formal') is not true>>
<<slink "Continue" "Julianna_Date_Stage1_Castelli">>
<<npcFactSet "julianna_stage1_formal" false>>
<<slink "Continue" "Julianna_Date_Stage1_Dinner">>
<<npcFactSet "julianna_stage1_formal" true>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/julianna/scenes/date/date_dinner1_bg.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/julianna/scenes/date/date_dinner1_julianna.webp"/>
<<reaction "julianna" "Reaction_Julianna">>\
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('julianna_stage1_formal') is true>>\
The shuttle touches down at a restaurant you've not been to before in Novaris, and as you and Julianna enter the building you can only feel your sense of awe building.
The shuttle touches down at a restaurant you've not been to before in Novaris, and you gently stop Julianna from fussing about the way your new outfit sits on you, as you lead her into the building with a smile.
The building around you looks like you've stepped into a grand museum, its marble columns and vaulted roof rising around you. You smile as you see an impeccably well dressed butler approach, and before you can speak, he bows, welcoming you both and asking you to follow him to your table. Julianna gives you a smug smile before allowing you to lead her after the butler, where you are soon brought to a table standing in the center of a magnificent ballroom.
There are other tables here, but from the way the entire place is empty aside from you, Julianna and the attending staff, you have a suspicion that she's booked the place out for the evening. You don't have the chance to pull the seat out for her, as the butler has already done it, and another servant has done the same for your seat.
Sitting across from the beautiful woman now, you notice that no orders are taken, and that drinks are brought out far too quickly for them to have not been arranged in advance. You wonder if the two servants on the shuttle had been coordinating with the staff here, but put it out of your mind as you meet Julianna's eyes. Telling her that the venue looks almost as good as she does, you're rewarded with a faint blush, before she grows slightly more serious.
<span class="julianna">"I said that there's something important I need to tell you… but now that you're here, I'm struggling again."</span> She says hesitantly, and as you're about to tell her to take her time and tell you when she's ready, she seems to make up her mind.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Julianna_Date_Stage1_Dinner2">><</slink>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/julianna/scenes/date/date_dinner1_bg.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/julianna/scenes/date/date_dinner1_julianna.webp"/>
<span class="julianna">"Since there's no easy way to say this, I'll just let it out. I'm the Imperial Princess."</span>
You pause, waiting for her to tell you that it's a joke, or to switch to what she actually wanted to say now that the ice has been broken, but as the silence continues to grow, you are forced to accept that she's being serious. Mentally you put all the evidence together, and decide that not only is she telling you the truth, but that you could probably have guessed it already.
Letting out a steady breath, you give her a warm, genuine smile. <span class="hero">"Oh, is that all?"</span> You say with a grin.
As she laughs alongside you, you can feel the tension in the air dissipate as the two of you fall back into pleasant conversation, with you making an effort to not talk too much about her being a member of the royal family.
Before long a fancy five course meal is served to the two of you, and as you focus on simply enjoying the time with Julianna, you can see that she's relaxed even more than usual, as if a weight has been taken off her shoulders. The rest of the evening passes smoothly and without any life changing revelations being dropped on you.
As you walk with her to the shuttle to return to the Academy, she presses up closer against you than before. You hear a few whispered words escape her mouth, and while you pretend you don't hear them, you make sure to squeeze her hand gently.
<span class="julianna">"Thank you for treating me the same."</span>
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Julianna_Date_Stage1_Ending">><</slink>>
<img src="resources/img/events/landingpad/landingpad.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/events/landingpad/noble_ship.webp"/>
The rest of the flight back is spent in mostly contented silence, and when you arrive at the Academy landing pad, you pause, waiting to walk her back to her room when she gives you a smile. Remembering that she arrived with the shuttle earlier you realize that she's not staying in the Academy tonight.
Smiling back at her warmly, you tell her that you'll see her soon, as you watch the shuttle take off with her, leaving you alone on the landing pad. A rush of emotions comes over as you're given time to think alone for the first time tonight, and you realize that you actually have a lot to talk to Julianna about. Regardless, that's for another time, and as you walk back to your room alone, you can't help but smile.
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('julianna_stage1_formal') is false>>\
Arriving back at your dorm room, you notice a small unassuming drone marked with the Castelli symbol waiting at your door. Realizing that neither you nor Julianna ever actually paid for the clothes you're wearing, you lead the drone into your room, directing it to a corner that's out of your way to wait for you.
Undressing from the expensive clothes and folding them as best you can, you hand the pile over to the drone, which gives you a cheerful jingle as it confirms receipt of all outstanding items. Your own clothing that you had worn to the store returned to you, you dress quickly, and allow the drone to leave your room, sinking onto your couch as you allow the silence of the empty room to wash over you.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Apartment_LivingRoom">>
<<npcStatIncrease "julianna_relationship" 10>>
<<npcFactSet "julianna_stage1_complete" true>>
<<snotify "success">>+10 Julianna Relationship.<</snotify>>
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('julianna_stage1_formal') is false>>
<</nobr>>\<<if starGame.player.isAndrogynous()>>
<<include Julianna_Date_Stage1_Castelli_Andro>>
<<elseif starGame.player.isMale()>>
<<include Julianna_Date_Stage1_Castelli_Male>>
<<include Julianna_Date_Stage1_Castelli_Female>>
<</if>><<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/city/downtown/luxurystore.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
<<reaction "julianna" "Reaction_Julianna">>\
You're unsurprised when the shuttle touches down on a private landing pad on top of the Castelli building, and even less surprised to see two members of its staff waiting for your arrival.
Julianna quickly guides you into the building, entering her own access code when prompted to allow you in. Taking in the luxurious furnishing of the store around you, and aided by its staff you soon find yourself in the changing rooms, a small pile of clothing that Julianna selected for you to try on held in the arms of one of your attendants.
The fitting session feels longer than it is, with you being presented to Julianna a few times before she's fully satisfied with your apparel, a stylish, tailored suit and tie being lent to you. You have to admit that it does an excellent job of matching her dress, and the two of you definitely look like a power couple now that you've been dressed appropriately.
As the staff lead you back out to the shuttle, Julianna fusses over your new suit, smoothing out creases and fixing small issues while you travel to the restaurant.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Julianna_Date_Stage1_Dinner">>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/city/downtown/luxurystore.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
<<reaction "julianna" "Reaction_Julianna">>\
You're unsurprised when the shuttle touches down on a private landing pad on top of the Castelli building, and even less surprised to see two members of its staff waiting for your arrival.
Julianna quickly guides you into the building, entering her own access code when prompted to allow you in. Taking in the luxurious furnishing of the store around you, and aided by its staff you soon find yourself in the changing rooms, a small pile of clothing that Julianna selected for you to try on held in the arms of one of your attendants.
The attendants allow you to weigh in on your choices, but eventually you succumb to their attentions and allow them to dress you as they think best. Paraded before Julianna a few times before she's satisfied with your newly loaned outfit, you find yourself wearing a beautiful dress with matching heels, and as you twirl for your partner, you earn a few approving nods and smiles from the various attendants in the store.
As the two of you are lead back to the shuttle, you allow Julianna to fuss over your dress, making sure that it falls perfectly and doesn't have any unsightly creases.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Julianna_Date_Stage1_Dinner">>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/city/downtown/luxurystore.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
<<reaction "julianna" "Reaction_Julianna">>\
You're unsurprised when the shuttle touches down on a private landing pad on top of the Castelli building, and even less surprised to see two members of its staff waiting for your arrival.
Julianna quickly guides you into the building, entering her own access code when prompted to allow you in. Taking in the luxurious furnishing of the store around you, and aided by its staff you soon find yourself in the changing rooms, a small pile of clothing that Julianna selected for you to try on held in the arms of your attendants.
A glance tells you that you have the choice between a suit and tie or a dress, and you take a brief moment to consider it.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Suit" "Julianna_Date_Stage1_Castelli_Andro_Suit">>
<<slink "Dress" "Julianna_Date_Stage1_Castelli_Andro_Dress">>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/city/downtown/luxurystore.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
The attendants allow you to weigh in on your choices, but eventually you succumb to their attentions and allow them to dress you as they think best. Paraded before Julianna a few times before she's satisfied with your newly loaned outfit, you find yourself wearing a beautiful dress with matching heels, and as you twirl for your partner, you earn a few approving nods and smiles from the various attendants in the store.
As the two of you are lead back to the shuttle, you allow Julianna to fuss over your dress, making sure that it falls perfectly and doesn't have any unsightly creases.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Julianna_Date_Stage1_Dinner">><</slink>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/city/downtown/luxurystore.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
The fitting session feels longer than it is, with you being presented to Julianna a few times before she's fully satisfied with your apparel, a stylish, tailored suit and tie being lent to you. You have to admit that it does an excellent job of matching her dress, and the two of you definitely look like a power couple now that you've been dressed appropriately.
As the staff lead you back out to the shuttle, Julianna fusses over your new suit, smoothing out creases and fixing small issues while you travel to the restaurant.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Julianna_Date_Stage1_Dinner">><</slink>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/academy/mc_apartment/apartment_night.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
While you're preparing for bed, Eva suddenly speaks up, telling you that Valerie is trying to call you. Curious about the circumstances, you answer the call with a smile, and are quickly treated with the image of Valerie busy preparing for bed herself. After the initial greetings, you're about to ask why Valerie is calling so late when she starts speaking, her tone very business-like and formal.
<span class="valerie">"As you know, we're both from quite powerful noble families, yours leading the dance in that regard. I think it's about time we start discussing the potential benefits of an early romantic relationship, and how it will make sure we at least enjoy each other's company should our families begin marriage talks."</span>
You squint for a moment, shaking your head to make sure that you're understanding her correctly. Slowly realizing that she's not joking, you pause for a moment, a hundred thoughts running through your mind before you finally ask the only valid question available to you.
<span class="hero">"Is this you, asking me out?"</span> You say, managing to somehow keep your voice neutral.
<<if starGame.player.inRelationship()>>\
<span class="valerie">"In a way. Oh, that reminds me, you don't need to break up with your current partner, but you should at least talk to them about the situation so that they don't feel betrayed when you start spending time with me. It's not uncommon for powerful people to have multiple spouses after all. Of course, where it all starts is a face to face. Interested?"</span>
From the tone of her voice, you can tell that she's entirely serious, and you spend a long moment in silence as you wonder if you should even start trying to explain how bad that sounds to her. Eventually you realize that she's waiting for you to say something, and you do your best to look like you're putting actual thought into your next words.
<span class="valerie">"I suppose so. I know you don't have a partner at the moment, so it works out perfectly for us both. We can get used to each other, and we'll fulfill each other's needs while we do. Of course, where it all starts is a first date. Interested?"</span>
From the tone of her voice, you can tell that she's entirely serious, and you spend a long moment in silence as you wonder if you should even start trying to explain how bad that sounds to her. Eventually you realize that she's waiting for you to say something, and you do your best to look like you're putting actual thought into your next words.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Accept" "Valerie_Date_Stage1_Accept">>
<<npcFactSet "valerie_stage1_call_accept" true>>
<<npcStatIncrease "valerie_relationship" 5>>
<<snotify "success">>+5 Valerie Relationship.<</snotify>>
<<slink "Decline" "Valerie_Date_Stage1_Decline">>
<<npcFactSet "valerie_stage1_call_accept" false>>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/academy/mc_apartment/apartment_night.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
Deciding that Valerie is making sense, you tell her that you'll at least show up for the "date" to see what exactly she's thinking before making a final decision. She gives you a sultry smile and a wink before killing the call, Eva telling you moments later that a booking has been made for you by Valerie at one of the restaurants in Novaris.
Double checking the details to make sure you won't miss it, you flop into bed with a sigh, seeing that it's been made for the next evening. Regardless, you allow sleep to claim you, resolving to tackle this tomorrow.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Valerie_Date_Stage1_Restaurant">>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/academy/mc_apartment/apartment_night.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
You don't need to show up for an in person meeting to know that this is bound to incite drama and cause issues for you in the long run. You politely turn her down, a frown forming on her face as you speak. She gives you a curt nod, and you almost think she's going to end the call without saying anything else when she finally reacts to your rejection.
<span class="valerie">"I didn't expect that to upset me this much. Fine, we'll come back to this another time."</span> She says coldly, the call ending almost before she finishes speaking.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Sleep" "Apartment_LivingRoom">>
<</nobr>>\<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/characters/main/valerie/scenes/date_night_valerie_bg.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
The rest of the day passes in a blur of time, as you spend it on autopilot, your mind focused purely on your later meeting with Valerie. Her businesslike invitation and words have been running through your head non stop, and you can't wait to see what she actually has planned following them.
Arriving for your meeting with Valerie, you're actually slightly surprised by the fancy restaurant and its staff's reaction to your arrival. You're quickly escorted to a beautiful private booth, the decorative flowers lending a gentle fragrance to the scene that helps set the mood and lightens your spirits at the same time. You glance around the room before sitting, and feel relieved when you see that while you're the only one in this part of the restaurant, you're not the only customer here that isn't dressed super formally.
Sitting and telling the waiter to bring you water in the meantime, you lean back into the seat, waiting for your date to arrive as you watch the rest of the restaurant to pass the time. You don't wait long before she arrives.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Valerie_Date_Stage1_Restaurant2">><</slink>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/valerie/scenes/date_night_valerie_bg.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/valerie/scenes/date_night_valerie.webp"/>
<<reaction "valerie" "Reaction_Valerie">>\
A beautiful evening gown that follows her form perfectly, upstyled hair that reminds you of a princess and just enough makeup to accentuate her natural beauty further, you have to admit that she's easily the most visually stunning woman in the building by far.
Rising from your seat to greet her, she gives you a warm smile, her eyes quickly running over you as she appraises you back. After a quick exchange of formalities and a few moments to get settled in with drinks and food on the way, you feel her eyes turn to you once more, their sudden intensity hard to ignore.
<span class="valerie">"Lovely venue, fantastic company, excellent food."</span> She says, her lips drawn into a slight smirk as she does. You smile back, waiting for her to begin the conversation now that she's set everything up the way she wanted.
<span class="valerie">"While this is enjoyable and fun in its own right, we are here to discuss the relationship we should enter so that we aren't unhappy should our families make plans at a higher level."</span> Her tone is light and playful, but the content of her words are serious. You decide to play along for now, wanting to see where this goes before you commit too much either way.
<span class="valerie">"We can smooth out the fine details later, but the first thing I should mention is that not only am I alright with the relationship being somewhat open and the both of us having multiple partners on the side, but I practically expect you and I both will have at least one toy on the side for when we're busy or having a rough patch."</span> Again, despite her tone being playful, you can tell that she's dead serious about this. You pause for a moment, thinking of a response to that when she delicately raises a hand to stop you.
Raising an eyebrow questioningly to her, she continues speaking, talking about allocation of time spent together, preferred types of dates and their venues, as well as public events the two of you would need to be seen together at to make sure the general public is given enough gossip material about you both. She's about to swing into her next point when you cut her off with a raised hand of your own.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Accept Proposal" "Valerie_Date_Stage1_Restaurant_Accept">>
<<npcFactSet "valerie_stage1_restaurant_accept" true>>
<<npcStatIncrease "valerie_relationship" 5>>
<<npcFactSet "valerie_relationship" true>>
<<snotify "success">>+5 Valerie Relationship.<</snotify>>
<<if starGame.npcs.getStat('valerie_affinity') < 25>>
<<npcStatSet "valerie_affinity" 25>>
<<snotify "success">>Valerie's affinity has significantly increased.<</snotify>>
<<slink "Decline Proposal" "Valerie_Date_Stage1_Restaurant_Decline">>
<<npcFactSet "valerie_stage1_restaurant_accept" false>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/valerie/scenes/date_night_valerie_bg.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/valerie/scenes/date_night_valerie.webp"/>
Telling Valerie that she's worrying too much and that the plans and public stuff comes later, you reach across the table to take her hand gently in yours. She stumbles over her words, flustered at the sudden change of direction of the conversation, and as you tell her that you'll go out with her, she blushes lightly, the businesslike nature of her conversation crumbling under your direct answer and gaze. You're surprised when she lowers her head shyly, before eventually meeting your eyes again.
<span class="valerie">"I…"</span> she smiles at you, a twinkle deep in her eyes. <span class="valerie">"Alright darling. I'll let you steer the course."</span> You can't help but smile, realizing that she wasn't expecting the relationship to be romantic, and as the two of you sit and talk, she makes a point of keeping any business style talk out of the conversation.
The rest of the evening passes quickly, the time being swallowed by your meal and conversation with Valerie, as the two of you laugh and enjoy each other's company further. As the night slowly draws to a close, you escort your date out of the restaurant, and seeing a waiting car, you realize that she's arranged transport for the two of you back to the academy. Opening the door for her, she glides past you into the vehicle, a light kiss on the cheek a reward for your efforts.
Smiling lightly at the contact, you cross around the vehicle to enter it yourself, and can't help but wonder about how quickly Valerie seems to be settling into her role as your partner. Once you're seated, she shifts her weight to put her body against yours, leaving a hand to rest on your leg as the two of you talk softly during the ride back. You notice that she watches you intently, and makes an effort in keeping the conversation flowing smoothly. After a while however, the day slowly starts to catch up with you both, a yawn escaping her lips, despite her attempts to muffle it.
Smiling at the noble before you're caught by a yawn of your own, the two of you allow the conversation to die down as you make your way back to your dorm rooms, Valerie pausing for a long moment outside yours. You're about to ask her if everything is alright when she suddenly steps in close, a kiss on your lips leaving you silent before she retreats to her room, a shy smile the last thing you see before she vanishes from sight.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Apartment_LivingRoom">>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/valerie/scenes/date_night_valerie_bg.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/valerie/scenes/date_night_valerie.webp"/>
The presentation of the restaurant is nice, but ultimately at odds with what you're hearing. Basically being sold a business plan of how to enjoy each other's company in a way that benefits the family and public view the most. You raise an eyebrow at the implication that she wouldn't mind you having multiple lovers on the side, because she would have some herself. You cut her off before she can go too much further into the topic, deciding that this isn't exactly the kind of romance you're interested in.
Her eyes darken slightly when you say as much, and she falls silent as you explain that you're not looking for a playbook of the perfect political marriage, but an actual romantic partner. You can practically see her thoughts racing as you talk, and you're half expecting an argument or debate about your choice when she leans back with a smile. Telling you that you're right, she asks you to put the topic out of your mind as she skillfully leads the conversation in a new direction, making a point of keeping the business style talk out of the rest of it with ease.
The rest of the evening passes quickly, the time being swallowed by your meal and conversation with Valerie, as the two of you laugh and enjoy each other's company further. As the night slowly draws to a close, you escort your date out of the restaurant, and seeing a waiting car, you realize that she's arranged transport for the two of you back to the academy. Opening the door for her, she glides past you into the vehicle, a light kiss on the cheek a reward for your efforts.
Putting it out of your mind for the moment, you can't help but notice that ever since you mentioned that it was too much like a plan of action instead of a romance, her entire stance and approach to you has shifted. You can't be certain just yet, but you have the slight suspicion that she hasn't given up on you yet, merely having begun to change tactics to reel you in. Deciding to go with the flow for now regardless, you enter the vehicle from the otherside, and enjoy the ride back to the transport hub in relative silence, the two of you only trading the occasional softly spoken words as you feel the waves of the day's fatigue wash over you.
The rest of the trip back to your room is uneventful, except for a moment where you half expect Valerie to invite herself into your room. Fortunately, she merely gives you a hug before gliding down the hallway to her own room, a demure smile sent your way just before she vanishes from sight.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Apartment_LivingRoom">>
<<if starGame.player.getFact('eos_usable') is true>>
<<include "Eos_Flight_Office">>
<<include "Eos_Preflight_Office">>
<<if starGame.player.getFact('eos_usable') is true>>
<<include "Eos_Flight_Bay">>
<<include "Eos_Preflight_Bay">>
<<if starGame.player.getFact('eos_usable') is true>>
<<include "Eos_Flight_Bridge">>
<<include "Eos_Preflight_Bridge">>
<<if starGame.player.getFact('eos_usable') is true>>
<<include "Eos_Flight_Captain">>
<<include "Eos_Preflight_Captain">>
<<if starGame.player.getFact('eos_usable') is true>>
<<include "Eos_Flight_Crew">>
<<include "Eos_Preflight_Crew">>
<<if starGame.player.getFact('eos_usable') is true>>
<<include "Eos_Flight_Medbay">>
<<include "Eos_Preflight_Medbay">>
<</nobr>><<slink "Bridge" "Eos_Bridge" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "" "">><</slink>><<slink "Bridge" "Eos_Bridge" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "ti ti-stairs-up" "">><</slink>><<slink "Ann's Office" "Eos_Office" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "" "">><</slink>><<slink "Personal Quarters" "Eos_Captain" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "" "">><</slink>><<slink "Crew Quarters" "Eos_Crew" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "" "">><</slink>><<slink "Shuttle Bay" "Eos_Bay" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "" "">><</slink>><<slink "Shuttle Bay" "Eos_Bay" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "ti ti-stairs-down" "">><</slink>><<slink "Exit" "OrbitalStation_Hangar" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "ti ti-door-exit" "">><</slink>><<slink "Workshop" "Eos_Workshop" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "" "">><</slink>><<slink "Medbay" "Eos_Medbay" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "" "">><</slink>><<slink "AMS Eos" "Eos_Bay" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "ti ti-door-enter" "">><</slink>><<nobr>>
<<if $location is "academy">>
<<slink "Exit (Orbital Station)" "OrbitalStation_Hangar" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "ti ti-door-exit" "">><</slink>>
<<elseif $location is "tulara">>
<<slink "Exit (Planet Tulara)" "" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "ti ti-door-exit" "">><</slink>>
<<if starGame.player.getFact('eos_usable') is true>>
<<include "Eos_Flight_Workshop">>
<<include "Eos_Preflight_Workshop">>
<div class="card card-nav solid">
<div class="row">
<div class="card-body p-0">
<div class="row d-flex">
<<include "Eos_Nav_Bridge">>
<div class="navigation-container">\
<img src="resources/img/locations/eos/ann_office_0.webp"/>
Ann's room on the cruiser is much like how it was when you last visited, but it seems mostly untouched. Makes sense given that the cruiser is currently berthed at the orbital garrison, and Ann's commanding officer grade room is just a short walk away.
Poking through the room out of idle curiosity, you also smile slightly at the realization that you're not going to see Ann here, when she's able to look out of her office window and see the ship itself.
The room itself is functional, if spartan, and you're glad to see that she'll still have command and administration capabilities from the ship, no matter where you go in the galaxy. Running out of things to do while respecting her privacy, you glance around the room for a moment, deciding that you'll have to meet her here when the cruiser is actually allowed to leave its berth.
<div class="card card-nav solid">
<div class="row">
<div class="card-body p-0">
<div class="row d-flex">
<<include "Eos_Nav_Exit">>
<<include "Eos_Nav_Bridge_FromBay">>
<<include "Eos_Nav_Workshop">>
<<include "Eos_Nav_Medbay">>
<div class="navigation-container">\
<img src="resources/img/locations/eos/shuttle_bay_0.webp"/>
The Eos's shuttle bay is still an eerily liminal space, its main purpose being a place to enter and leave the ship giving it a strange feeling of being a place you shouldn't linger too long in. Despite that, you can't help but spend a few moments admiring the Atlas class personnel shuttle resting here.
You know that in the future you'll be using the shuttle to explore exotic landscapes as part of Starwatches mission of exploration.
Additionally from here, you can see the entrances to the cruisers medbay and workshop, linked to the shuttle bay for ease of access. Likewise, you can move deeper into your cruiser from here, thanks to an elevator that travels between the decks.
<div class="card card-nav solid">
<div class="row">
<div class="card-body p-0">
<div class="row d-flex">
<<include "Eos_Nav_Bay_FromBridge">>
<<include "Eos_Nav_AnnRoom">>
<<include "Eos_Nav_PlayerRoom">>
<<include "Eos_Nav_CrewQuarters">>
<div class="navigation-container">\
<img src="resources/img/locations/uncharted/hangar/hangar.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/locations/eos/bridge_0.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/crew/natalie/eos_sitting.webp"/>
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Talk to Natalie" "">>
<<eventSequence "eos_pre_bridge_natalie">>
<<event "Eos_Preflight_Bridge_Natalie_Intro" 1>>
<<event "Eos_Preflight_Bridge_Natalie_2" 2>>
<<event "Eos_Preflight_Bridge_Natalie_2" 3>>
<<slink "Approach Hologlobe" "Eos_Preflight_Bridge_Hologlobe">><</slink>>
The bridge, slightly washed by the soft light the hologlobe gives off is calm, and the handful of support officers here are busy quietly monitoring their terminals, brief spurts of soft conversation punctuating the silence. Running your hand over one of the command consoles, you smile to yourself, enjoying the idea of captaining the warship into the void and daydreaming about all the adventures you'll be having at its helm.
For the time being however, it's grounded while some final checks and maintenance is carried out on it. Once that's done, and Command clears it, you'll be free to sail the stars as you please. Mostly.
Natalie is seemingly relaxing in the pilot's seat, her hands resting lightly on the controls as she gazes out of the hangar into space outside the garrison. Seems like you're not the only one dreaming of exploring the stars soon.
She hasn't noticed your arrival just yet, and you smile to yourself as you consider if you'll disturb her daydreaming or not.
<img src="resources/img/locations/other/space.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/locations/eos/bridge_0.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/crew/natalie/eos_sitting.webp"/>
The hologlobe reacts to your approach, the display of Earth quickly changing to reflect the star system around you. An experimental touch reveals that you can zoom it in and out, seeing more and less of the starscape around you. Despite that, you can tell most of the functions of the globe are still locked, and that you'll likely only be able to fully use it once the ship is ungrounded.
With that in mind, you idly scroll through the star system for now, unable to do much more for the moment. Eventually you leave it alone, deciding to get back to your own business as soon as possible.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Eos_Bridge">><</slink>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/uncharted/hangar/hangar.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/locations/eos/bridge_0.webp"/>
<img class="exp-vertical-flip" src="resources/img/characters/crew/natalie/expressions/neutral_uniform.webp"/>
<<reaction "natalie" "Reaction_Natalie">>\
Clearing your throat slightly, Natalie quickly turns to face you, the subtle jump of shock hidden by her lightning quick reaction to the noise you made. She graces you with a quick salute, not waiting for you to return it as she leans back into her seat.
<span class="natalie">"Inspecting your ship? Can't blame you, I did the same on my first posting."</span> She pats the controls lovingly as she continues.
<span class="natalie">"All good up here though. Engineers are having issues with some power surges and coolant, but the rest of the ship is ready to fly. By the time Command issues our first orders, we'll be ready to go where no man has gone before. Boldly even."</span>
You smile at her words, and decide that you might as well leave the bridge in her capable, if daydreaming hands. Not like you'll be actually commanding the ship just yet, and you can't really do much here in the bridge while the ship is grounded.
That said, Natalie's company is welcome and you spend a few minutes chatting lightly, as she tells you about some of the previous postings she's held in the past.
Reassured that your navigation is in the hands of a skilled and relatively experienced pilot, you decide that you might as well let her get back to her daydreaming for the time being, even as she idly monitors the ship's diagnostics from her position.
She gives you another small salute as you tell her you need to go, turning back in her seat to gaze out into the stars ahead.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Eos_Bridge">>
<<playerFactSet "eos_pre_bridge_natalie" 1>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/uncharted/hangar/hangar.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/locations/eos/bridge_0.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/crew/natalie/eos_sitting.webp"/>
<<reaction "natalie" "Reaction_Natalie">>\
As usual Natalie is here, her hands resting on the console as she daydreams about the future of the ship and its crew. You could disturb her, but as the ship is still grounded, there's not much for the two of you to discuss, and you know that technically she's busy monitoring the ship's systems, feeding back information on changes and unexpected issues to the relevant departments.
Seeing your reflection in one of the screens, she gives you a polite nod and smile, her attention flicking between you and the screens, before her gaze goes back to the starscape lying just out of reach. Giving her a smile back when she looks at you again, you decide to leave her to her own devices for now.
Waving her back to her consoles, you leave the officer alone, turning your attention back to the bridge in general.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Eos_Bridge">>
<<playerFactSet "eos_pre_bridge_natalie" 2>>
<div class="card card-nav solid">
<div class="row">
<div class="card-body p-0">
<div class="row d-flex">
<<include "Eos_Nav_Bridge">>
<div class="navigation-container">\
<img src="resources/img/locations/eos/player_quarters_0.webp"/>
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Talk to Eva" "" "btn btn-highlight m-0">>
<<eventSequence "eos_pre_captain_eva">>
<<event "Eos_Preflight_Captain_Eva_Intro" 1>>
<<event "Eos_Preflight_Captain_Eva_2" 2>>
<<event "Eos_Preflight_Captain_Eva_2" 3>>
Your room, while more spartan than your dorm room, fitting for a military exploration vessel, is still a small bastion of your own. In addition to having the functions you're used to, you can't help but smile as a holographic representation of Eva flickers into existence, greeting you cheerfully.
An initial look through of the room tells you that while it will be used for much the same as your current academy room, there's still some work to be done before you can use it comfortably. Smiling to yourself at the thought, you run your eyes over the room to see if there's anything you missed.
<img src="resources/img/locations/eos/player_quarters_0.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/eva/expressions/happy.webp"/>
The small holographic Eva perks up slightly as your gaze falls on her, smiling as she turns her full attention to you, her smaller than usual size somehow making her seem even more approachable than usual. You don't get to spend much time wondering what to talk to her about, as she leads the conversation quickly.
<span class="eva">"How is she? The ship I mean."</span>
Eva's quick to talk about her, and your, new temporary home away from home. You both spend a few minutes chatting about the ship in general before she suddenly focuses up.
<span class="eva">"This is really interesting to me actually. I might have been running the Academy grounds and hooked into military adjacent technology and equipment, even running the battle sims you use for trading. But this is the first time I'm actually just directly plugged into a warship. It feels… good."</span>
Now that's an interesting thought. AI assistants have been common for a while, even on military ships, but those are usually purpose built for their tasks. For Eva, this is probably starting to fall outside the scope of what she was designed for, even while she is probably suited for the task thanks to her training and oversight roles.
<span class="eva">"The garrison techs here reworked the electronic warfare suite to piggy back me and give me processing ability away from the Academy itself. That also means I'm fully hooked into the cruiser's support systems. In a way, you could think of it as a body for me."</span>
She laughs, a pleasant smile settling onto her face as the lights in the room dim slightly, a subtle display of her integrations.
After that, you both spend a few minutes chatting about this and that, enjoying each other's company before something pulls her attention away from you.
Deciding to take the out that's been given, you excuse yourself, a nod from Eva's avatar telling you that she's already mostly focused on whatever grabbed her attention. You wonder for a moment if it's due to the distance, but you can't remember ever seeing Eva struggle to split her attention on the Academy grounds themselves.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Eos_Captain">>
<<playerFactSet "eos_pre_captain_eva" 1>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/eos/player_quarters_0.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/eva/expressions/happy.webp"/>
Eva's avatar, as always, is here in the room, but even as you approach her, you see her attention flitter to you and back away to whatever she was already dealing with. You're still not used to her being unable to divide her attention properly, and you're even more surprised when she stops you from talking, a hand raised while she makes you wait.
A moment or two passes before her attention falls back on you, and you're quite surprised when she speaks up, politely rebuking your attempts to engage with her.
<span class="eva">"Sorry, $character_firstName. A little busy helping the engineers chase down a coolant issue. Can we have a raincheck and chat later?"</span>
Well, that's… unexpected. But fair enough, you can always spend some time with her at the Academy where she can actually devote enough of her processing power to focus on multiple things at the same time. For now however, you'll have to leave her to do her own thing.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Eos_Captain">>
<<playerFactSet "eos_pre_captain_eva" 2>>
<div class="card card-nav solid">
<div class="row">
<div class="card-body p-0">
<div class="row d-flex">
<<include "Eos_Nav_Bridge">>
<div class="navigation-container">\
<img src="resources/img/locations/eos/living_quarters_0.webp"/>
<img class="exp-vertical-flip" src="resources/img/characters/crew/erika/expressions/happy_uniform.webp"/>
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Talk to Erika" "" "btn btn-highlight m-0">>
<<eventSequence "eos_pre_crew_erika">>
<<event "Eos_Preflight_Crew_Erika_Intro" 1>>
<<event "Eos_Preflight_Crew_Erika_2" 2>>
<<event "Eos_Preflight_Crew_Erika_2" 3>>
The living quarters and recreational room in the cruiser are decidedly military grade, offering just enough space for you to call it comfortable. Well space is a premium on any starship, even more so when it comes to military and exploration ones.
For now at least, this area of the ship is mostly empty and quiet, the support crew that'll eventually be living here currently enjoying their more spacious accommodations on the garrison station while they can.
To your surprise, Erika is resting on one of the couches here, and she gives you a smile as she recognizes you. Her entire attitude speaks to you of how she's feeling relaxed, leaning into the seat with a lazy sigh.
<span class="erika">"Enjoying strolling around your ship, Commander?"</span>
There's a slight hint of mirth in her voice, and you can tell that she's only partly teasing you. You're understandably excited to be exploring your own ship, and a sparkle in her eyes tells you that it's not a feeling unique to yourself.
<img src="resources/img/locations/eos/living_quarters_0.webp"/>
<img class="exp-vertical-flip" src="resources/img/characters/crew/erika/expressions/happy_uniform.webp"/>
<<reaction "erika" "Reaction_Erika">>\
Taking a seat alongside the officer, you return her own subtly excited smile with one of your own. You exchange pleasantries for a few moments before she fixes you with a level gaze.
<span class="erika">"So. Thought about the reason you're being given a ship instead of locked into a safe room?"</span>
That's… surprisingly direct and a bit unexpected, but she raises a good point. If safety was the only concern, then you'd be better served at an Alliance hardpoint. But that's only if the primary goal is your own safety. A dark thought crosses your mind, and as you dismiss it Erika speaks up.
<span class="erika">"Feels like we're bait. The ship's brand new, and it's got a skilled, if inexperienced crew, so it's a risky one but a juicy target regardless. I can't decide if we're being sent out to draw out rebel attention into the open, or if Command has some greater, more mysterious plan in mind."</span>
A slightly uncomfortable silence falls over the two of you, as you digest the idea of being bait. After a few minutes however she chuckles, breaking the mood with the bubbly sound.
<span class="erika">"Either way, I can't wait to get out there. Exploring the black, charting the void and finding new worlds. Terribly romantic isn't it."</span>
You should have guessed she's a bit of a dreamer, but then again, all the Starwatch cadets are, and she was one of those before she was a Starwatch officer. Either way, you quickly get drawn into the conversation with her, fantasizing about the future and the adventures you'll have together.
Eventually however, the conversation starts to die down, and you take a momentary lull to excuse yourself, leaving Erika to her own devices.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Eos_Crew">>
<<playerFactSet "eos_pre_crew_erika" 1>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/eos/living_quarters_0.webp"/>
<img class="exp-vertical-flip" src="resources/img/characters/crew/erika/expressions/happy_uniform.webp"/>
<<reaction "erika" "Reaction_Erika">>\
Erika quickly pulls you into a conversation as you start to approach her, preventing either of you from thinking about more gloomy topics as she regals you with a tale from when she was still a cadet.
Laughing along with her stories about the Academy before you got there, you reciprocate with some of your own, time passing by relatively quickly as you chat idly together.
Before long however, she slowly runs out of steam, leaning her head against the couch with a yawn. Understanding that she wants to rest, even if she's too polite to say so herself, you excuse yourself from the conversation, leaving her to spend her time as she pleases.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Eos_Crew">>
<<playerFactSet "eos_pre_crew_erika" 2>>
<div class="card card-nav solid">
<div class="row">
<div class="card-body p-0">
<div class="row d-flex">
<<include "Eos_Nav_Bay">>
<div class="navigation-container">\
<img src="resources/img/locations/eos/medbay_0.webp"/>
<img class="exp-vertical-flip" src="resources/img/characters/main/zara/expressions/happy_dress.webp"/>
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Talk to Zara" "" "btn btn-highlight m-0">>
<<eventSequence "eos_pre_medbay_zara">>
<<event "Eos_Preflight_Medbay_Zara_Intro" 1>>
<<event "Eos_Preflight_Medbay_Zara_2" 2>>
<<event "Eos_Preflight_Medbay_Zara_2" 3>>
<<slink "Medical Check" "Eos_Preflight_Medbay_MedicalCheck" "">><</slink>>
The cruiser's medbay is silent like before, the gentle beep of different analytical equipment giving an atmosphere of reverence. Strolling through the medbay lazily, you can't help but admire that the spartan room still caters to most emergency needs, the Alliance specification medical equipment ready to assist with most forms of injury at a moments notice.
Zara is busy examining one of the screen readouts, and doesn't notice your silent approach at first, engrossed in her task as she is. However, she senses you before you get close enough to startle her, and she turns with a brilliant smile.
<span class="zara">"Just busy making sure everything is ready for use properly."</span> She says warmly, as her attention flicks back to the screen.
<img src="resources/img/locations/eos/medbay_0.webp"/>
Curiosity gets the better of you, as you step over to one of the nearby machines, selecting the options to let it scan your body and tell you about your health. Lying down on the machine as indicated, you wait for it to complete its scan of you.
<<if starGame.effects.hasEffect('frailty') is true>>\
A feeling of warmth penetrates your body as the machine buzzes around you, and you're almost disappointed when it completes its examination, the cooler air of the medbay causing a chill to run through you.
Standing and checking the readout you frown as the medical examination returns a cautionary note. Taking a closer look to see what it's picked up and is complaining about, you are surprised to see that it's flagged various substances in your body as invasive. You quickly realize that it's the lingering components of the last mods you took, slowly circulating through and still being absorbed by your body.
Deciding you'll commit the readout to your file, you shut the machine down as you step away, your gaze once more focused on the medbay at large.
A feeling of warmth penetrates your body as the machine buzzes around you, and you're almost disappointed when it completes its examination, the cooler air of the medbay causing a chill to run through you.
Standing and checking the readout you smile as you see it returning a health report to be proud of. Scanning through it yourself, you see that you're in perfect health, with only minor impurities detected, nothing that can't be fixed with some exercise and healthy eating.
Telling the machine to file your newly generated records, you roll your shoulders lightly as you step away from it.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Eos_Medbay">><</slink>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/eos/medbay_0.webp"/>
<img class="exp-vertical-flip" src="resources/img/characters/main/zara/expressions/happy_dress.webp"/>
<<reaction "zara" "Reaction_Zara">>\
Zara gives you a smile as you walk into the medbay, her attention flicking between a readout screen and you.
<span class="zara">"Surprised to see me? Well, you shouldn't be. The lieutenant already warned you I'd be here."</span>
She laughs, the sound of it not dissimilar to a bubbling stream.
<span class="zara">"But don't worry, I'm also surprised to actually be here. I signed on for diplomatic coordination and lectures, and here I am, the ship's doctor for an advanced exploration cruiser. Not exactly how I saw my tenure going. Well, at least I've got my biology specialization and military service behind my belt, so I'm not going to be the most out of place member of the crew."</span>
The biology expertise you knew about, but this is the first time she's mentioned anything about having done military service. Obviously it wasn't with the Alliance, given the systematic "Humanity First" views the Alliance is only just starting to get over, and you ask her about it, curious about the Caelorian military.
She graces you with a smile before giving you a wink.
<span class="zara">"Sorry hun, but I'd actually have to kill you if I told you. I wasn't part of the normal rank and file. I believe the name of the branch, at least the name that the public was aware of, was Information and Operations Security. In the Alliance, it'd be similar to some of the more… specialized space marines that you have. You know, the ones with the fancy missions they make movies about."</span>
You nod, deciding that you'll take her at her word for this, writing it off as her not wanting to talk about it, whether she can or can't. Either way, she'll probably open up to you about it in the future if there's anything important there. For now, you can rest easy knowing that she's at least as well prepared for anything that befalls the cruiser as its standard staff will be.
A beep from one of the terminals draws her attention away, and you leave with a quiet greeting, a polite nod from her sending you off.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Eos_Medbay">>
<<playerFactSet "eos_pre_medbay_zara" 1>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/eos/medbay_0.webp"/>
<img class="exp-vertical-flip" src="resources/img/characters/main/zara/expressions/happy_dress.webp"/>
<<reaction "zara" "Reaction_Zara">>\
Leaning against an open counter near Zara, you clear your throat to draw her attention back to you. To your surprise however, she wags a finger at you, her words matching her playfully dismissing actions.
<span class="zara">"Nuh uh. I'm busy working right now. If you want to relax or anything else, you know where my dorm room is."</span> She says with a smirk, her tone dropping slightly with the hint of more being offered than what she said.
Chuckling along, you decide that you won't push your luck for the moment, leaving Zara to her own devices as you leave her personal space to examine the medbay once more.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Eos_Medbay">>
<<playerFactSet "eos_pre_medbay_zara" 2>>
<div class="card card-nav solid">
<div class="row">
<div class="card-body p-0">
<div class="row d-flex">
<<include "Eos_Nav_Bay">>
<div class="navigation-container">\
<img src="resources/img/locations/eos/workshop_0.webp"/>
<img class="exp-vertical-flip" src="resources/img/characters/crew/stella/expressions/neutral_civilian.webp"/>
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Talk to Stella" "" "btn btn-highlight m-0">>
<<eventSequence "eos_pre_workshop_stella">>
<<event "Eos_Preflight_Workshop_Stella_Intro" 1>>
<<event "Eos_Preflight_Workshop_Stella_2" 2>>
<<event "Eos_Preflight_Workshop_Stella_2" 3>>
<<slink "Workbench" "" "btn btn-highlight disabled allow-pointer-events">>
<<snotify "info">>You have no reason to use the workbench for now.<</snotify>>
The workshop has quieted down drastically from how busy it was during your initial tour of the ship, although there's still some of the crew busy finishing up various projects down here.
The workbench itself is loaded with various schematics, some meant for survival and some more esoteric at the moment. Scrolling through its attached terminal tells you that you'll be getting a decent amount of mileage out of this equipment when the ship is out on expeditions.
Stella is here, leaning against the workbench while lazily flipping through a manual for the Atlas shuttle resting in the shuttle bay a short distance away. She gives you a casual nod once you enter, her eyes briefly leaving the manual to make it clear that while she's open to a conversation, she's not about to start one herself.
<img src="resources/img/locations/eos/workshop_0.webp"/>
<img class="exp-vertical-flip" src="resources/img/characters/crew/stella/expressions/neutral_civilian.webp"/>
<<reaction "stella" "Reaction_Stella">>\
Realizing that you haven't actually asked Stella what she thinks about the posting since you both found out about it, you lean against the workbench next to her, prompting her to lower the manual, folding its page to keep her place as she turns her upper body slightly towards you.
Deciding that there's no point in beating around the bush, you ask her about how she feels being assigned to the Eos directly, earning a wry smile in response.
<span class="stella">"I'm not quite sure how I feel, if I have to be honest. I was chosen because they say I'm the best small craft pilot at the Academy currently, and that it'll be good for my growth and career to get this experience now, which feels amazing."</span>
You can tell that there's more coming, from the way she suddenly grows hesitant.
<span class="stella">"But I really wish we had a fighter or two on this ship. The Atlas is an impressive piece of tech, but I didn't enroll to be a taxi driver, you know?"</span>
A fair point, and you spend a few minutes sympathizing with her over it. And she's not wrong at all. A pair of fighters would make for an excellent addition to the Cruisers spacious hanger, even if it would be an incredibly tight squeeze. Filing that idea in the back of your mind, you decide that you might as well chase it up some time in the future.
Slowly the conversation fades away, as you and Stella find yourselves spending a few minutes in silence. Deciding that you'll leave her to finish her preparations for the future aboard the Eos, you excuse yourself from the conversation, and as Stella returns to the manual, you glance around the workshop again, seeing what else catches your eye.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Eos_Workshop">>
<<playerFactSet "eos_pre_workshop_stella" 1>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/eos/workshop_0.webp"/>
<img class="exp-vertical-flip" src="resources/img/characters/crew/stella/expressions/neutral_civilian.webp"/>
<<reaction "stella" "Reaction_Stella">>\
Stella gives you a friendly smile as you approach, storing the manual neatly behind her as she does. Before you can really strike up an in depth conversation with her, she cuts you off with a politely raised hand.
<span class="stella">"Sorry, I'm waiting for a print to finish so I can make sure everything here is working properly and calibrated. Maybe we can have a chat another time?"</span>
Nodding, you leave her to her own devices, the workbench and 3D printers behind her humming softly as she returns to the manual she was browsing.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Eos_Workshop">>
<<playerFactSet "eos_pre_workshop_stella" 2>>
<img src="resources/img/events/christmas/nightclub/booth.webp"/>
Deciding to just sit back and enjoy the pleasant atmosphere, you pass the time by watching the people around you interact with each other. <<if starGame.npcs.getStat('curie_affinity') > 0>>Curie seemingly realizes you don't intend to invite her, or anyone else over tonight, and wastes no time in busying herself with trying to make you jealous. Finding a willing partner is easy for her, and she makes a point of giving them a deeply aggressive kiss before leading them out of the club, a smirk and wink thrown back at you from over her shoulder before she leaves the club.
Shaking your head at the honestly unexpected reaction that Curie gave you, you nearly miss seeing Zara corner Maki, the body language of the two making it clear to you, even from a distance, that the alien's overwhelming charisma is making it hard for the maid to focus on anything except her words and body. You suppress a chuckle as Zara leads the flustered Maki out of the club, their close physical proximity making it clear what's going to happen next.<<else>>Seeing your eyes move away from her, Curie relaxes slightly, seeming glad that she won't be forced to interact with you tonight. As the two of you pointedly ignore each others presence, a few of the cadets notice the chilly exchange, and you can almost hear the rumors forming.
Shaking your head at the gossipmongers in the crowd, you almost miss seeing Zara corner Maki, the body language of the two making it clear to you, even from a distance, that the alien's overwhelming charisma is making it hard for the maid to focus on anything except her words and body. You suppress a chuckle as Zara leads the flustered Maki out of the club, their close physical proximity making it clear what's going to happen next.<</if>>
You're almost ready to leave the club yourself when you hear a surprisingly loud and lewd moan, and turning your head to find the cause, you see the privacy screens rising around Valerie's booth, her flustered face quickly hidden from view as it does. Realizing the reason and source of the moan, you decide that it's about time for you to call it a night as well, and you make your way out of the club, leaving the bustle and excitement behind you as you head back into the academy grounds.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Go home" "Apartment_LivingRoom">>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<startplaylist "playlist_exploration_soft">>
<<snotify "info">>The christmas event can be replayed from the intercom.<</snotify>>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<saudio "bgm_christmassex" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.5>>
<<if starGame.player.isShemale() is true>>
<<include Event_Christmas_Freeroam_PrivateBooth_Curie_Accept_Shemale>>
<<elseif starGame.player.hasPenis() is true>>
<<include Event_Christmas_Freeroam_PrivateBooth_Curie_Accept_Penis>>
<<elseif starGame.player.hasVagina() is true>>
<<include Event_Christmas_Freeroam_PrivateBooth_Curie_Accept_Vagina>>
Unknown genitals. Let the developers know about this!
<img src="resources/img/events/christmas/curie/f_bg.webp"/>
<<if starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'black'>>
<img src="resources/img/events/christmas/curie/f_black.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'tan'>>
<img src="resources/img/events/christmas/curie/f_tan.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/events/christmas/curie/f_fair.webp"/>
Straddling your lap as she is, you respond to her whispered request by sliding your hands under her dress and up her body, prompting a moan to escape her lips as you run your fingers over her soft and sensitive skin. A slight gasp leaves your throat as her teeth find your neck, the gentle bites and kisses telling you to keep touching her.
Tugging at her dress, you feel her position shift so that you can disrobe her easily, and her dress is soon cast to the side, forgotten as your mouth begins to trace its way from her lips to her now exposed tits, her lack of bra making you smirk for a moment before she leans her body back into you. Feeling her hands working at your own clothes, you help her strip you down, and soon all that's left between the two of you are the small panties she's wearing.
The visible damp spot on them matches perfectly how you feel, and as Curie slides a pair of fingers inside you, still riding on your lap, you feel grateful that the privacy screens are raised as a series of lewd moans escape the two of you. Deciding to move the fun forward, you push her off your lap, your legs intertwining as she matches your movement, and you can see her flirty smile as she rubs her cunt against yours, the contact, even through her panties, sending a spark through you.
Watching as she reaches for a compartment under the table, you're not surprised to see her pull a double sided dildo out of it, and as she catches you rolling your eyes at her, she gives you a cheeky smile, sticking her tongue out at you.
<span class="curie">"It pays to be prepared."</span> She says as she slides her panties to the side, lining the toy up with your hole.
Your hips twitch in anticipation, and as she slowly slides the toy cock inside you, you let out another telling moan. As she slowly slides onto the dildo herself, you feel her pussy rub against yours once more, the extra stimulation proving almost too much for you to handle in the somewhat public setting.
Your body moves in response to hers, and as your breathing starts to grow more frantic you can see her following along closely, her eyes half closed as she focuses on keeping the rhythm and pace up.
As your muscles tense, an orgasm floods through you, causing Curie to let out a low moan as her body reacts to yours, and as she begins to fuck you harder and faster, the booth is filled with a mixture of your moans and pants. The smell of sex is heavy on the air as you ride a wave of orgasms with Curie, your lower halves thoroughly drenched with each other's fluids.
Finally giving in to your climax, you collapse backwards onto the couch, still twitching softly around the toy inside you. Curie's own spasms and twitches cause it to move inside you, and it's only after a few minutes of pleasurable rest that you feel her move to remove the toy from inside you.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Event_Christmas_Freeroam_PrivateBooth_Curie_Accept_Vagina2">><</slink>>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<saudio "bgm_christmas" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.5>>
<img src="resources/img/events/christmas/nightclub/exterior.webp"/>
<img class="exp-left-35" src="resources/img/characters/main/curie/expressions/happy_christmas.webp"/>
Raising your head enough to look at your partner, you're treated to the sight of her licking her fingers clean as she pulls her panties back into place. She treats you to a warm, relaxed smile, and you laugh along with her softly as you enjoy the afterglow of the sex you just had.
Curie crawls over you, trading a few last kisses before she dismounts, reaching for her dress with a smile. You watch as she tries to fix her hair and compose herself, and having recovered enough to get dressed yourself, you allow her to help you redress, a series of teasing touches and soft kisses accompanying light flirtations and whispered promises.
Once you've finished preparing yourself, you leave the booth with Curie, noticing that the club is mostly empty, but that the few people left here are too preoccupied with each other to really notice you. Relaxing more as you realize the privacy screens did their jobs properly, you and Curie enjoy the peaceful walk back to the dorms, a gentle snowfall the perfect backdrop for the way the evening is ending.
At the elevator, she wraps an arm around you, and gives you a deep kiss before parting ways, a flirty look thrown back at you as the doors close between you.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Apartment_LivingRoom">>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<startplaylist "playlist_exploration_soft">>
<<snotify "info">>The christmas event can be replayed from the intercom.<</snotify>>
<img src="resources/img/events/christmas/curie/m_bg.webp"/>
<<if starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'black'>>
<img src="resources/img/events/christmas/curie/m_black.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'tan'>>
<img src="resources/img/events/christmas/curie/m_tan.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/events/christmas/curie/m_fair.webp"/>
With Curie already straddling your lap, it's easy to respond to her whispered request, and as you slide your hands under her dress and up her body, you hear her moan lightly as she begins to grind against you. A gasp escapes your own lips as her teeth find your neck, and emboldened by her eager displays of lust, you quickly strip her of her dress, allowing her exposed tits to fall into your hands. She leans into you, and your mouth finds her neck, prompting more moans to leave her as you kiss and bite your way down her body.
Feeling her hands quickly working at your clothes, you allow her to undress you, and soon all that's left between the two of you are the small panties she's wearing. The obvious wetspot brings a flush to her face as she notices it, but she doesn't have long to be embarrassed about it as you slide them aside, two of your fingers entering her easily. Her body seems to react instinctively, as she reaches for your dick, eagerly stroking it in response to your fingers moving inside her.
Feeling the atmosphere in the booth shift, you push the eager cadet off your lap, bending her over the table easily as you take your position behind her. Moaning as she wiggles her hips at you, she arches her back, two fingers spreading her cunt invitingly for you. Not one to leave a lady waiting, you tease her for a moment, rubbing the tip of your dick against her, the resulting squirms and whispered pleas telling you just how ready she is to be fucked. Obliging as you slide inside her, you feel her body tighten around your length, her requests to fuck her being drowned out by a long whimpering moan as you fill her.
Giving her a few seconds to adjust to the feeling, you feel her start to grind her ass against you, telling you that she's ready for you to move again. Your hands slide over her body, coming to a rest on her hips as she freezes in anticipation of what will happen next. Digging your fingers into her soft skin, you start to thrust into her, pulling her back onto your dick as you do. You feel her muscles tense as an early orgasm rushes through her, the extra wetness on your dick making it even easier for you to thrust into her.
The room is quickly filled with her moans and the sound of your bodies slapping against each other, as you thrust into her eager pussy with abandon. Her body tightens around you multiple times, her panting moans telling you about each orgasm she has as you use her like a fleshlight. You can feel your own climax building, her clenched muscles helping push you ever closer to the edge as they grip your dick with each thrust inside her.
Pulling her hard against you as you hilt yourself inside her, you feel the cum spray into her, and as the warmth fills her, she lets out a long, lewd moan as her own climax tears through her. The room is quickly filled with panting breaths as the two of you try to regain your composure, and as you pull out of her, collapsing onto the couch, you're treated to the sight of your cum slowly dripping out of the spent girl, too well used to even move from where she was fucked.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Event_Christmas_Freeroam_PrivateBooth_Curie_Accept_Penis2">><</slink>>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<saudio "bgm_christmas" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.5>>
<img src="resources/img/events/christmas/nightclub/exterior.webp"/>
<img class="exp-left-35" src="resources/img/characters/main/curie/expressions/happy_christmas.webp"/>
A few minutes pass before either of you move again. Curie runs a hand between her legs, feeling the mixture of fluids leaking out of her, and gives you a cheeky smile as she licks it off her fingers before pulling her panties up, sealing it in her body.
She reclaims her dress, and after pulling it on, helps you redress, a series of soft kisses and whispered flirts helping you regain your own energy. Once you both look reasonably presentable again, she leads you out of the club, a light flush on her face as she tries not to look at anyone in particular.
Walking back to the dorms with her, the silence that settles over you both is comfortable and the light snowfall only completes the mood. Parting ways at the elevator with a kiss, you make your way back to your room, still feeling the afterglow of the events earlier.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Apartment_LivingRoom">>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<startplaylist "playlist_exploration_soft">>
<<snotify "info">>The christmas event can be replayed from the intercom.<</snotify>>
<img src="resources/img/events/christmas/curie/f_bg.webp"/>
<<if starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'black'>>
<img src="resources/img/events/christmas/curie/s_black.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'tan'>>
<img src="resources/img/events/christmas/curie/s_tan.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/events/christmas/curie/s_fair.webp"/>
Deciding to move the fun forward, you push her off your lap, your legs intertwining as she matches your movement, and you can see her flirty smile as she rubs her cunt against your cock, the contact, even through her panties, sending a spark through you.
<span class="curie">"I've needed this."</span> She says as she slides her panties to the side, lining your dick up with her hole.
Your hips twitch in anticipation, and as she slowly guides you inside her, you let out another telling moan. Feeling her pussy rub against your shaft is almost too much for you to handle given the extra stimulation of the somewhat public setting.
Your body moves in response to hers, and as your breathing starts to grow more frantic you can see her following along closely, her eyes half closed as she focuses on keeping the rhythm and pace up.
As your muscles tense, an orgasm floods through you, causing Curie to let out a low moan as her body reacts to yours, and as she begins to fuck you harder and faster, the booth is filled with a mixture of your moans and pants. The smell of sex is heavy on the air as you ride a wave of orgasms with Curie, your lower halves thoroughly drenched with each other's fluids.
Finally giving in to your climax, you collapse backwards onto the couch, still twitching inside her. Curie's own spasms and twitches cause her muscles to tighten and cling to you, and it's only after a few minutes of pleasurable rest that you feel her move to slide off of your dick.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Event_Christmas_Freeroam_PrivateBooth_Curie_Accept_Shemale2">><</slink>>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<saudio "bgm_christmas" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.5>>
<img src="resources/img/events/christmas/nightclub/exterior.webp"/>
<img class="exp-left-35" src="resources/img/characters/main/curie/expressions/happy_christmas.webp"/>
Raising your head enough to look at your partner, you're treated to the sight of her licking her fingers clean as she pulls her panties back into place. She treats you to a warm, relaxed smile, and you laugh along with her softly as you enjoy the afterglow of the sex you just had.
Curie crawls over you, trading a few last kisses before she dismounts, reaching for her dress with a smile. You watch as she tries to fix her hair and compose herself, and having recovered enough to get dressed yourself, you allow her to help you redress, a series of teasing touches and soft kisses accompanying light flirtations and whispered promises.
Once you've finished preparing yourself, you leave the booth with Curie, noticing that the club is mostly empty, but that the few people left here are too preoccupied with each other to really notice you. Relaxing more as you realize the privacy screens did their jobs properly, you and Curie enjoy the peaceful walk back to the dorms, a gentle snowfall the perfect backdrop for the way the evening is ending.
At the elevator, she wraps an arm around you, and gives you a deep kiss before parting ways, a flirty look thrown back at you as the doors close between you.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Apartment_LivingRoom">>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<startplaylist "playlist_exploration_soft">>
<<snotify "info">>The christmas event can be replayed from the intercom.<</snotify>>
<img src="resources/img/events/christmas/nightclub/booth.webp"/>
<img class="exp-left-35" src="resources/img/characters/main/curie/expressions/happy_christmas.webp"/>
You trade a few more soft kisses with her before you remove her from your lap, telling her that you're not really in the mood for it tonight. She pouts cutely, but doesn't force the issue, and takes her position leaning against you.
The rest of the evening passes in relaxed conversation, with Curie making several more subtle attempts to tempt you into the mood. However, these fail for the most part, and before long she settles in for a comfortable chat about various topics. The muted sounds of the club outside your privacy screen start to wind down, and eventually you allow Curie to lead you out of the club, deciding to take a moonlit walk through the academy grounds with her before returning to your dorms.
The quiet evening and gentle snowfall are enjoyable, and despite the majority of the walk happening in silence, you and Curie enjoy each other's company regardless.
Parting ways at the dorm rooms, you can tell she wants to invite you inside, but changes her mind, a flush spreading across her cheeks at whatever internal thought changed her mind.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Go home" "Apartment_LivingRoom">>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<startplaylist "playlist_exploration_soft">>
<<snotify "info">>The christmas event can be replayed from the intercom.<</snotify>>
<img src="resources/img/events/christmas/nightclub/booth.webp"/>
<img class="exp-left-35" src="resources/img/characters/main/curie/expressions/happy_christmas.webp"/>
<<reaction "curie" "Reaction_Curie">>\
You hesitate for a long moment, wondering how you can invite your Domme over without overstepping your bounds, when she seems to take your indecision as a sign that you want her company.
Her approach to your booth is both confident and alluring, and the casual way she activates your privacy screens tells you that she has all kinds of fun in mind. A whimper escapes your lips as she straddles your lap in a single fluid move, but you're surprised when her whispered words don't match her approach.
<span class="curie">"I want you to fuck me, but I'm not feeling very dominant tonight."</span>
There's no hesitance in her voice, and you can tell that she just wants to be with you in a more normal way for the evening. Her lips find your neck as she waits for a response, and you quickly realize you only have a few seconds to make a choice before she takes your silence for permission.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Accept" "Event_Christmas_Freeroam_PrivateBooth_Curie_Accept">><</slink>>
<<slink "Decline" "Event_Christmas_Freeroam_PrivateBooth_Curie_Decline">><</slink>>
<img src="resources/img/events/christmas/nightclub/booth.webp"/>
<img class="exp-left-35" src="resources/img/characters/main/curie/expressions/happy_christmas.webp"/>
<<reaction "curie" "Reaction_Curie">>\
Wanting to spend some time with your sub, and given her obvious eagerness to see you, it's easy to call her over. Raising the privacy screen as she enters the booth, you pat the spot next to you, and she dutifully takes her place as you trade a few gentle kisses. Your hand runs down her body, and as you rest it on her leg she gives you a gentle bite on the neck. Before you can continue any further however, she whispers softly to you.
<span class="curie">"I want you to fuck me, but I'm not feeling up for being a sub tonight."</span>
There's a hint of hesitation in her words, and you can tell that she's worried about your reaction. Patting her thigh affectionately, you tell her that it's alright, and she quickly straddles your lap, a happy smile mixing with the clear lust in her eyes. You realize you only have a few moments to decide if you actually want to have sex or not.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Accept" "Event_Christmas_Freeroam_PrivateBooth_Curie_Accept">><</slink>>
<<slink "Decline" "Event_Christmas_Freeroam_PrivateBooth_Curie_Decline">><</slink>>
<img src="resources/img/events/christmas/nightclub/booth.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/maki/expressions/happy_christmas.webp"/>
<<reaction "maki" "Reaction_Maki">>\
You wave to Maki, beckoning her over with a series of hand motions and facial expressions, her own reluctance to actually join you evident from the amount of effort you need to put in to get her to stop being a wallflower.
When she does finally approach you, you can visibly see how little she seems to be enjoying the atmosphere of the club. It's not something you expected, given her usual comfort for public spots and choice of work, but you suppose that it's reasonable that she doesn't like relaxing in similar places to where she works.
Patting the couch for her to sit, you can only smile as the nervous maid gingerly settles into position a short distance away from you, her eyes constantly scanning the crowd as if she's nervous about being caught here.
Offering to raise the privacy screens if it would make her more comfortable, she shakes her head, telling you that if anything it will make her anxiety worse. Deciding that she must have had a few bad experiences at clubs like this, you gently guide the conversation in less forbidding directions, and soon enough you let out a sigh of relief as she loosens up and laughs along with you after a while.
While she doesn't truly seem to relax, the two of you enjoy each other's company for a decent period of time, with Maki excusing herself as the evening starts to grow late. You follow her out of the club shortly after, enjoying the walk back to your dorm in the soft snowfall alone.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Go home" "Apartment_LivingRoom">>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<startplaylist "playlist_exploration_soft">>
<<snotify "info">>The christmas event can be replayed from the intercom.<</snotify>>
<img src="resources/img/events/christmas/nightclub/booth.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/valerie/expressions/happy_christmas.webp"/>
<<reaction "valerie" "Reaction_Valerie">>\
Telling the drone waiter to fetch Valerie for you, you only wait a few moments before the slightly tipsy noble arrives at your booth. As she enters it, she flashes you a suggestive smile, and reaches for the privacy controls. Watching the booth rise around you, you turn your attention back to the noble who treats you to a seductive twirl, pulling her top down enough to flash you as she does.
Realizing that the only interaction that Valerie is planning to have involves sex, you have to make a quick decision on if you are actually going to spend time with her or not.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Club Sex" "Event_Christmas_Freeroam_PrivateBooth_Valerie_Accept">><</slink>>
<<slink "Not Tonight" "Event_Christmas_Freeroam_PrivateBooth_Valerie_Decline">><</slink>>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<saudio "bgm_christmassex" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.5>>
<<if starGame.player.hasPenis() is true>>
<<include Event_Christmas_Freeroam_PrivateBooth_Valerie_Accept_Penis>>
<<elseif starGame.player.hasVagina() is true>>
<<include Event_Christmas_Freeroam_PrivateBooth_Valerie_Accept_Vagina>>
Unknown genitals. Let the developers know about this!
<img src="resources/img/events/christmas/valerie/bg.webp"/>
<<if starGame.player.isShemale() is true>>
<<if starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'black'>>
<img src="resources/img/events/christmas/valerie/s_black.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'tan'>>
<img src="resources/img/events/christmas/valerie/s_tan.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/events/christmas/valerie/s_fair.webp"/>
<<if starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'black'>>
<img src="resources/img/events/christmas/valerie/m_black.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'tan'>>
<img src="resources/img/events/christmas/valerie/m_tan.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/events/christmas/valerie/m_fair.webp"/>
Smiling at her little show, you stand, approaching her to help shed what's left of her outfit. To your surprise however, she raises a hand and stops you from touching her just yet, leaning in to whisper into your ear. Grinning as she finishes telling you what she wants you to do, you pull open some of the compartments of the booth, quickly finding a few neatly stored lengths of red bondage rope.
Turning your attention back to the noble, you see that she's already climbed up onto the table, flaunting her nude body seductively while she watches you. Seeing the hooks in the roof for the first time, you approach her with a smirk, and are treated to the sight of her squirming as you do, rubbing her legs against each other in anticipation. Threading the ropes through the hooks, you feel her hands run over you, as she begins to kiss your neck. Working around the horny noble, you quickly have the initial set up for the ropework to come in place, and as you turn your attention back to her, she bites her lips.
As you start posing and binding her, she undresses you skillfully, and soon you're both completely nude as you secure her in place. Feeling her hand stroke your cock while you work is almost enough for you to stop with the rope play and spread her legs but you manage to resist the distraction long enough to finish binding her arms and legs in place. Stepping back to admire your work as Valerie hangs suspended in place, only her head able to freely move, you have to admit that the ropes only make her already stunning figure look better.
Watching you watch her, she sticks her tongue at you tauntingly, before opening her mouth wide, the invitation clear. Remembering the blindfold and ring gag that was with the ropes, you quickly retrieve them, the look of lust in her eyes telling you that you've made the right choice once more. Finally done with your preparations, you step back once more to admire your handiwork, allowing your eyes to feast on Valerie's helpless form as she hangs suspended from the roof. Her mouth, kept open by the gag, is perfectly positioned at groin level, and thanks to her attempts to distract you earlier, you're already naked and hard.
Pressing your dick against her face, the immediate whine she lets out reveals how horny she is, as her tongue undulates through the ring, coaxing you to enter her. Her moans are muffled as you slowly inch into her mouth, but from the way she enthusiastically sucks and tries to take you deeper into her throat, you know that she's enjoying this almost as much as you are. Finally hilting yourself fully inside her mouth, you pause for a moment, allowing her to get used to the sensation of you filling her up.
Smiling to yourself as you take hold of her body, you only give her a moment of relief as you pull out of her mouth, her panting breaths telling you that despite her lack of process, she was struggling to breath while you were inside her. Deciding that you've given her enough time to prepare, you start to thrust into her mouth aggressively, the ropes and your hands holding her in place as you use her mouth like a fleshlight, her moans and squirming only serving to turn you on more. A series of spasms rack through her body, and a quick glance at the wetness dripping off the ropes tell you that she's just had an orgasm of her own while giving you oral.
Feeling your own orgasm approaching quickly as you continue to face fuck the noble, you press her head firmly against your groin as you cum down her throat. Pulling out of her, you take a seat, watching her struggle to swallow the cum as you admire your efforts, watching the cum she missed slowly drip down her face with satisfaction. Still bound and gagged as she is, her squirms and ragged breathing do wonders for your libido, and you find yourself ready to go again in moments. A slightly panicked whimper escapes her throat as she feels you line your dick up with her mouth again, but her whines quickly turn to wanton moans as you begin to mercilessly fuck her mouth again. The sound of her sucking on you quickly fills the room once more, and from the way her fluids continue to drip off the ropes binding her, you know that she's enjoying being a plaything for you.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Event_Christmas_Freeroam_PrivateBooth_Valerie_Accept_Penis2">><</slink>>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<saudio "bgm_christmas" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.5>>
<img src="resources/img/events/christmas/nightclub/exterior.webp"/>
Several orgasms and another load of swallowed cum later, you collapse onto the couch, breathing hard as you rest. Watching the suspended noble hang helplessly, panting for air as she tries to recover as well, you lean over, removing the gag and blindfold from her face. Despite her teary eyes, the look she gives you is one of satisfaction and happiness, and for a long moment neither of you say anything. Eventually, Valerie speaks up, her words soft in comparison to her breathing.
<span class="valerie">"Now that… that was good. We should do that more."</span> She says, a smirk on her face as she does. <span class="valerie">"But for now, let me down please. As much fun as it would be to be left hanging here, not tonight, alright babe?"</span>
You roll your eyes, wondering for a moment if you should leave her suspended for the robot drones to deal with later, before deciding to respect her wishes tonight. Undoing your rope work slowly, the two of you trade kisses and touches, winding down as you free her from her restraints. Once free, she quickly reclaims her clothes, dressing herself before helping you dress.
A final kiss is planted on your lips, before she slips out of the booth, and when you follow you see that the club is already mostly empty. Leaving for your dorm room, you bask in the quiet night and the afterglow of the sex you just had.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Apartment_LivingRoom">>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<startplaylist "playlist_exploration_soft">>
<<snotify "info">>The christmas event can be replayed from the intercom.<</snotify>>
<img src="resources/img/events/christmas/valerie/bg.webp"/>
<<if starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'black'>>
<img src="resources/img/events/christmas/valerie/f_black.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'tan'>>
<img src="resources/img/events/christmas/valerie/f_tan.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/events/christmas/valerie/f_fair.webp"/>
Smiling at her little show, you stand, approaching her to help shed what's left of her outfit. To your surprise however, she raises a hand and stops you from touching her just yet, leaning in to whisper into your ear. Grinning as she finishes telling you what she wants you to do, you pull open some of the compartments of the booth, quickly finding a few neatly stored lengths of red bondage rope.
Turning your attention back to the noble, you see that she's already climbed up onto the table, flaunting her nude body seductively while she watches you. Seeing the hooks in the roof for the first time, you approach her with a smirk, and are treated to the sight of her squirming as you do, rubbing her legs against each other in anticipation.
Threading the ropes through the hooks, you feel her hands run over you, as she begins to kiss your neck. Working around the horny noble, you quickly have the initial set up for the ropework to come in place, and as you turn your attention back to her, she bites her lips.
As you start posing and binding her, she undresses you skillfully, and soon you're both completely nude as you secure her in place. Feeling her fingers slip into your pussy while you work is almost enough for you to stop with the rope play and spread her legs but you manage to resist the distraction long enough to finish binding her arms and legs in place.
Stepping back to admire your work as Valerie hangs suspended in place, only her head able to freely move, you have to admit that the ropes only make her already stunning figure look better.
Watching you watch her, she sticks her tongue at you tauntingly, before opening her mouth wide, the invitation clear. Remembering the blindfold and ring gag that was with the ropes, you quickly retrieve them, the look of lust in her eyes telling you that you've made the right choice once more.
Finally done with your preparations, you step back once more to admire your handiwork, allowing your eyes to feast on Valerie's helpless form as she hangs suspended from the roof. Her mouth, kept open by the gag, is perfectly positioned at groin level, and thanks to her attempts to distract you earlier, you're already naked and wet.
A whine escapes her throat as you rub your pussy against her face, the sensory deprivation heightening the sensations for her as she desperately tries to slide her tongue inside you. Adjusting your stance slightly, a moan escapes your lips as her tongue finds your clit, and as she licks and sucks at your cunt, you pull her into the right spot to properly pleasure you, allowing your moans and hers to mix in the booth. Thanks to her suspension, you can easily shift her position, and you take full advantage of it, guiding her head to where it's needed, allowing her tongue to explore your cunt freely.
A series of spasms rack through her body, and a quick glance at the wetness dripping off the ropes tell you that she's just had an orgasm of her own while servicing you. Prompted by her orgasm, you feel one of your own rip through you, the sudden rush of fluids filling Valerie's mouth as she lets out a startled whimper before doing her best to swallow it down.
Leaning against her suspended body for support as the waves of pleasure rush through you, you let out a soft string of whimpering moans as Valerie keeps eating you out, taking advantage of your overwhelmed state to push you through a series of smaller orgasms.
Several orgasms later, you collapse onto the couch, breathing hard as you rest. Watching the suspended noble hang helplessly, panting for air as she tries to recover as well, you lean over, removing the gag and blindfold from her face. Despite her teary eyes, the look she gives you is one of satisfaction and happiness, and for a long moment neither of you say anything.
Eventually, Valerie speaks up, her words soft in comparison to her breathing.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Event_Christmas_Freeroam_PrivateBooth_Valerie_Accept_Vagina2">><</slink>>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<saudio "bgm_christmas" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.5>>
<img src="resources/img/events/christmas/nightclub/exterior.webp"/>
<span class="valerie">"Now that… that was good. We should do that more."</span> She says, a smirk on her face as she does. <span class="valerie">"But for now, let me down please. As much fun as it would be to be left hanging here, not tonight, alright babe?"</span>
You roll your eyes, wondering for a moment if you should leave her suspended for the robot drones to deal with later, before deciding to respect her wishes tonight. Undoing your rope work slowly, the two of you trade kisses and touches, winding down as you free her from her restraints. Once free, she quickly reclaims her clothes, dressing herself before helping you dress.
A final kiss is planted on your lips, before she slips out of the booth, and when you follow you see that the club is already mostly empty. Leaving for your dorm room, you bask in the quiet night and the afterglow of the sex you just had.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Apartment_LivingRoom">>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<startplaylist "playlist_exploration_soft">>
<<snotify "info">>The christmas event can be replayed from the intercom.<</snotify>>
<img src="resources/img/events/christmas/nightclub/booth.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/valerie/expressions/happy_christmas.webp"/>
Telling the horny noble that you're not in the mood, you're quickly treated to a frown, and as she pulls her dress up, revealing her lack of underwear in an attempt to change your mind, you merely shake your head at her antics. Pursing her lips in frustration, she quickly fixes her outfit before giving you a scowl.
<span class="valerie">"You'll understand if I excuse myself then? I don't want to let the night go wasted with just conversation."</span>
You don't stop her, allowing her to retreat from the booth and glide into the throng of cadets at the bar once more. Having lowered the privacy screens after her retreat, you take a glance around the club once more, only to realize that none of the cadets you know are here anymore, and even Zara seems to have vanished in the short period of time you were out of sight.
Sighing softly to yourself over the poor choice of companionship you made, you decide to leave the club alone, wondering if you'll ever truly understand Valerie's personality and motives.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Go home" "Apartment_LivingRoom">>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<startplaylist "playlist_exploration_soft">>
<<snotify "info">>The christmas event can be replayed from the intercom.<</snotify>>
<img src="resources/img/events/christmas/nightclub/booth.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/zara/expressions/happy_christmas.webp"/>
<<reaction "zara" "Reaction_Zara">>\
Waiting for a moment where Zara's eyes meet yours, you invite her over wordlessly, a simple tilt of your head all that's needed for her to catch the hint. Cutting through the crowd effortlessly, she quickly takes a spot on the couch a polite yet comfortable distance away from you. Her eyes run over you once more, and you feel a slight tingle run down your spine as a subtle wave of lust hits you.
Smiling to yourself as the feeling fades slightly, you mentally thank the stars that she can so directly tell you her intentions without saying a single word. You make some idle conversation with her while you decide how you want the evening to go.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Raise the screen" "Event_Christmas_Freeroam_PrivateBooth_Zara_Accept">><</slink>>
<<slink "Just Conversation" "Event_Christmas_Freeroam_PrivateBooth_Zara_Decline">><</slink>>
<img src="resources/img/events/christmas/nightclub/booth.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/zara/expressions/happy_christmas.webp"/>
<<reaction "zara" "Reaction_Zara">>\
Subtly hitting the button to raise the privacy screen, the atmosphere in the booth changes instantly. Zara shifts closer to you, her fingers running across your leg as she leans into your body. Feeling her hands begin to tug at your clothes, you start to undress her in turn, your actions guided by the heat of the moment. Suddenly she stops, giving you a flirtatious smile.
<span class="zara">"I think we have enough room in her for one more, don't you?"</span> She whispers, her eyes tracking someone through the opaque screen, telling you that she's locked onto someone with her psionics.
<span class="zara">"And they seem to be quite interested in what's going on inside here as well. What do you say?"</span>
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Just us" "Event_Christmas_Freeroam_PrivateBooth_Zara_Accept_Solo">><</slink>>
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('maki_stage1_decline') is true>>
<<slink "Add another" "" "slink btn btn-highlight disabled allow-pointer-events" "" "You cannot invite Maki as you rejected her.">>
<<snotify "info">>You cannot invite Maki as you rejected her.<</snotify>>
<<elseif starGame.npcs.getFact('maki_stage1_accept') is undefined>>
<<slink "Add another" "" "slink btn btn-highlight disabled allow-pointer-events" "" "You need to complete the 'Secret Desires' quest to unlock this option.">>
<<snotify "info">>You need to complete the 'Secret Desires' quest to unlock this option.<</snotify>>
<<slink "Add another" "Event_Christmas_Freeroam_PrivateBooth_Zara_Accept_Duo">><</slink>>
<img src="resources/img/events/christmas/nightclub/booth.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/zara/expressions/happy_christmas.webp"/>
Her subtle invitation for fun tells you that she's also fine with just relaxing and spending time together if you want. Deciding that it would be too obvious that you and her have something going on if you raised the privacy screens, given how almost every cadet here watched her join you, you lean back into the seat instead, telling her that you'll have to have the fun another time.
She matches your attitude easily, and as the two of you banter back and forth, enjoying the atmosphere and each other's company, you can feel a sense of companionship grow between you. For a moment you wonder if it's a side effect of her mental abilities, but you push that thought out of your mind. There's no harm in fostering a better relationship with the Caelorian, even if it's aided by her unique abilities.
You quickly lose track of time, and it's only when Zara herself mentions that she has to prepare for her duties tomorrow that you realize it's really only the two of you left in the club, it's robot staff cleaning up and preparing to close around you.
Offering to walk her back to her room, you enjoy the silence of the night, the gentle snowfall a perfect accompaniment to the mood, and she pauses for a long moment at her door, before giving you a gentle hug as you part ways.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Go home" "Apartment_LivingRoom">>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<startplaylist "playlist_exploration_soft">>
<<snotify "info">>The christmas event can be replayed from the intercom.<</snotify>>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<saudio "bgm_christmassex" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.5>>
<<if starGame.player.isShemale() is true>>
<<include Event_Christmas_Freeroam_PrivateBooth_Zara_Accept_Duo_Shemale>>
<<elseif starGame.player.hasPenis() is true>>
<<include Event_Christmas_Freeroam_PrivateBooth_Zara_Accept_Duo_Penis>>
<<elseif starGame.player.hasVagina() is true>>
<<include Event_Christmas_Freeroam_PrivateBooth_Zara_Accept_Duo_Vagina>>
Unknown genitals. Let the developers know about this!
<img src="resources/img/events/christmas/maki/m_bg.webp"/>
<<if starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'black'>>
<img src="resources/img/events/christmas/maki/s_black.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'tan'>>
<img src="resources/img/events/christmas/maki/s_tan.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/events/christmas/maki/s_fair.webp"/>
Zara returns quickly, and you're surprised to see Maki follow her into the booth. Before you can react properly however, Zara climbs into your lap, a kiss muffling your question and allowing Maki to sit next to you, her small hands beginning to remove your clothes while Zara keeps your attention with her kisses. Eventually the kiss breaks long enough for you to question it, and Zara gives you a smile as you see Maki's empty, lust-addled eyes.
<span class="zara">"She already wanted this, she just needed a little push to make the step."</span> Zara explains, as you realize that she's used her mental compulsion to help Maki "decide" to have a threesome with you. You don't have time to question it however, as both Zara and Maki strip, revealing their bodies. Zara quickly sinks to her knees between the two of you, taking your dick in her mouth as she strokes Maki gently. Her expert touch quickly has you hard, and Maki lets out a moan, revealing her own eager and ready state.
Zara gives you a wink as she rises from her knees, positioning herself between you and Maki, wiggling her hips invitingly at you as she starts to suck Maki off. Deciding that you can worry about things later, and taking the invitation eagerly, you line your dick up with Zara's dripping cunt, the light contact between the two of you causing her to moan around Maki's dick. Teasing her for a moment by rubbing your dick against her pussy lips, you enjoy the orchestra of moans it results in, as Zara raises her hips, making it even easier for you to enter her.
Sliding inside her slowly, her moans are muffled as she deepthroats Maki, prompting moans to escape from the maids lips as she's assaulted by the sensation of being deep within Zara's warm and wet throat. Her pussy grips you tightly as you thrust into her, and you smirk as you see that each of your thrusts helps her deepthroat Maki again, the motions feeding into each other as you use the alien enthusiastically. The booth is soon filled with the sounds of both Maki and Zara moaning, as your thrusts push each of them closer and close to the edge.
Feeling Zara tighten around you and an accompanying rush of wetness, you know that she's started to orgasm, and as you fuck her through it, you can only grin as her breathing grows more ragged, her moans fading and rising irregularly as she allows herself to be swept away by the waves of pleasure assaulting her. A sudden groan from Maki draws your attention as she hilts herself in Zara's mouth, muffling the aliens sounds as she cums inside her throat, and there's a satisfying pop as she pulls free from Zara's mouth, collapsing back onto the couch as she breathes hard, small twitches racking her body.
Zara looks back at you from over her shoulder, her lust filled eyes begging you to cum inside her, and as some of Maki's cum drips from her lips, you feel yourself cross the tipping point. Pulling Zara's hips back towards you aggressively, you thrust harder into her, as you reach climax, the alien girl beneath you letting out a series of squeals and moans as you cum inside her, holding her in place as you fill her up, a long mewling moan escaping her lips as you release her. Collapsing onto the couch between you and Maki when you let go of her hips, you lean back, panting hard as you admire your handiwork, the two spent women trying to recover as your cum leaks out of Zara and onto the couch below her.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Event_Christmas_Freeroam_PrivateBooth_Zara_Accept_Duo_Shemale2">><</slink>>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<saudio "bgm_christmas" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.5>>
<img src="resources/img/events/christmas/nightclub/exterior.webp"/>
You recover first, and as you redress yourself, Zara turns over, giving you a hazy smile. She stretches lightly before regaining her footing and turns to look at Maki.
<span class="zara">"You go first. I'll get her dressed and sent off. Don't worry, you won't miss any of the fun."</span> She runs a hand over her still nude body as if to try and tempt you to stay longer, but reaches for her clothes in the same motion, telling you that the night is over for now. Deciding to do as she suggests, you leave the clean up to Zara, and make your way out of the rapidly emptying club.
The short walk back to your dorm is calm and peaceful, perfectly accompanied by the gentle snowfall, and as you reach your room you wonder if Maki is going to mention what happened tonight the next time you see her.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Apartment_LivingRoom">>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<startplaylist "playlist_exploration_soft">>
<<snotify "info">>The christmas event can be replayed from the intercom.<</snotify>>
<img src="resources/img/events/christmas/maki/m_bg.webp"/>
<<if starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'black'>>
<img src="resources/img/events/christmas/maki/m_black.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'tan'>>
<img src="resources/img/events/christmas/maki/m_tan.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/events/christmas/maki/m_fair.webp"/>
Zara returns quickly, and you're surprised to see Maki follow her into the booth. Before you can react properly however, Zara climbs into your lap, a kiss muffling your question and allowing Maki to sit next to you, her small hands beginning to remove your clothes while Zara keeps your attention with her kisses. Eventually the kiss breaks long enough for you to question it, and Zara gives you a smile as you see Maki's empty, lust-addled eyes.
<span class="zara">"She already wanted this, she just needed a little push to make the step."</span> Zara explains, as you realize that she's used her mental compulsion to help Maki "decide" to have a threesome with you. You don't have time to question it however, as both Zara and Maki strip, revealing their bodies. Zara quickly sinks to her knees between the two of you, taking your dick in her mouth as she strokes Maki gently. Her expert touch quickly has you hard, and Maki lets out a moan, revealing her own eager and ready state.
Zara gives you a wink as she rises from her knees, positioning herself between you and Maki, wiggling her hips invitingly at you as she starts to suck Maki off. Deciding that you can worry about things later, and taking the invitation eagerly, you line your dick up with Zara's dripping cunt, the light contact between the two of you causing her to moan around Maki's dick. Teasing her for a moment by rubbing your dick against her pussy lips, you enjoy the orchestra of moans it results in, as Zara raises her hips, making it even easier for you to enter her.
Sliding inside her slowly, her moans are muffled as she deepthroats Maki, prompting moans to escape from the maids lips as she's assaulted by the sensation of being deep within Zara's warm and wet throat. Her pussy grips you tightly as you thrust into her, and you smirk as you see that each of your thrusts helps her deepthroat Maki again, the motions feeding into each other as you use the alien enthusiastically. The booth is soon filled with the sounds of both Maki and Zara moaning, as your thrusts push each of them closer and close to the edge.
Feeling Zara tighten around you and an accompanying rush of wetness, you know that she's started to orgasm, and as you fuck her through it, you can only grin as her breathing grows more ragged, her moans fading and rising irregularly as she allows herself to be swept away by the waves of pleasure assaulting her. A sudden groan from Maki draws your attention as she hilts herself in Zara's mouth, muffling the aliens sounds as she cums inside her throat, and there's a satisfying pop as she pulls free from Zara's mouth, collapsing back onto the couch as she breathes hard, small twitches racking her body.
Zara looks back at you from over her shoulder, her lust filled eyes begging you to cum inside her, and as some of Maki's cum drips from her lips, you feel yourself cross the tipping point. Pulling Zara's hips back towards you aggressively, you thrust harder into her, as you reach climax, the alien girl beneath you letting out a series of squeals and moans as you cum inside her, holding her in place as you fill her up, a long mewling moan escaping her lips as you release her. Collapsing onto the couch between you and Maki when you let go of her hips, you lean back, panting hard as you admire your handiwork, the two spent women trying to recover as your cum leaks out of Zara and onto the couch below her.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Event_Christmas_Freeroam_PrivateBooth_Zara_Accept_Duo_Penis2">><</slink>>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<saudio "bgm_christmas" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.5>>
<img src="resources/img/events/christmas/nightclub/exterior.webp"/>
You recover first, and as you redress yourself, Zara turns over, giving you a hazy smile. She stretches lightly before regaining her footing and turns to look at Maki.
<span class="zara">"You go first. I'll get her dressed and sent off. Don't worry, you won't miss any of the fun."</span> She runs a hand over her still nude body as if to try and tempt you to stay longer, but reaches for her clothes in the same motion, telling you that the night is over for now. Deciding to do as she suggests, you leave the clean up to Zara, and make your way out of the rapidly emptying club.
The short walk back to your dorm is calm and peaceful, perfectly accompanied by the gentle snowfall, and as you reach your room you wonder if Maki is going to mention what happened tonight the next time you see her.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Apartment_LivingRoom">>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<startplaylist "playlist_exploration_soft">>
<<snotify "info">>The christmas event can be replayed from the intercom.<</snotify>>
<img src="resources/img/events/christmas/maki/f_bg.webp"/>
<<if starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'black'>>
<img src="resources/img/events/christmas/maki/f_black.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'tan'>>
<img src="resources/img/events/christmas/maki/f_tan.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/events/christmas/maki/f_fair.webp"/>
Zara returns quickly, and you're surprised to see Maki follow her into the booth. Before you can react properly however, Zara climbs into your lap, a kiss muffling your question and allowing Maki to sit next to you, her small hands beginning to remove your clothes while Zara keeps your attention with her kisses. Eventually the kiss breaks long enough for you to question it, and Zara gives you a smile as you see Maki's empty, lust-addled eyes.
<span class="zara">"She already wanted this, she just needed a little push to make the step."</span> Zara explains, as you realize that she's used her mental compulsion to help Maki "decide" to have a threesome with you. You don't have time to question it however, as both Zara and Maki strip, revealing their bodies. Zara pushes Maki over, leaving the maid lying on her back on the couch and she gives you a seductive smile as she guides you towards her.
<span class="zara">"Let her fuck you."</span> She whispers into your ear as she guides you into position above Maki's trembling cock, the tip of it rubbing gently against your pussy as Maki writhes below you. Feeling Makis hands slide over your hips, you bite your lips in anticipation, and as she pulls you down onto her dick, you let out a moan, enjoying the feeling of being filled up by the lust drunk maid beneath you. You only have a few seconds to get used to the feeling of her inside you before she starts to piston into you, each thrust up accompanied with her pulling you down against her hips.
Her desperate and frantic pace do wonders for making you feel like nothing more than a fleshlight being used for relief, and as you allow yourself to ride the waves of pleasure that come along with it, you don't even notice Zara positioning herself in front of you until she locks her legs around your shoulders, pulling your head into her groin and grinding her pussy against your face.
Assaulted from both sides, it's all you can do to snake your tongue inside the alien, Maki's movements below you grinding you against the alien, and as the room fills with the smell and sounds of sex, you feel your mind slowly crumbling under the continuous assault of pleasure. Your moans are muffled thanks to Zara's leg lock, and as you're hit by orgasm after orgasm, you can feel Maki stiffening inside you, a tell-tale sign that she's about to cum as well.
Feeling the burst of warmth inside you is enough to push you over the edge once more, and as you ride a mind shattering climax, you vaguely feel Zara's juices flooding your mouth, the sweet taste of her lingering long after you manage to break free for air. As the three of you collapse into a pile of intertwined limbs and sweaty bodies, the booth fills with the sound of ragged breathing.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Event_Christmas_Freeroam_PrivateBooth_Zara_Accept_Duo_Vagina2">><</slink>>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<saudio "bgm_christmas" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.5>>
<img src="resources/img/events/christmas/nightclub/exterior.webp"/>
You recover first, and as you redress yourself, Zara turns over, giving you a hazy smile. She stretches lightly before regaining her footing and turns to look at Maki.
<span class="zara">"You go first. I'll get her dressed and sent off. Don't worry, you won't miss any of the fun."</span> She runs a hand over her still nude body as if to try and tempt you to stay longer, but reaches for her clothes in the same motion, telling you that the night is over for now. Deciding to do as she suggests, you leave the clean up to Zara, and make your way out of the rapidly emptying club.
The short walk back to your dorm is calm and peaceful, perfectly accompanied by the gentle snowfall, and as you reach your room you wonder if Maki is going to mention what happened tonight the next time you see her.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Apartment_LivingRoom">>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<startplaylist "playlist_exploration_soft">>
<<snotify "info">>The christmas event can be replayed from the intercom.<</snotify>>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<saudio "bgm_christmassex" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.5>>
<<if starGame.player.isShemale() is true>>
<<include Event_Christmas_Freeroam_PrivateBooth_Zara_Accept_Solo_Shemale>>
<<elseif starGame.player.hasPenis() is true>>
<<include Event_Christmas_Freeroam_PrivateBooth_Zara_Accept_Solo_Penis>>
<<elseif starGame.player.hasVagina() is true>>
<<include Event_Christmas_Freeroam_PrivateBooth_Zara_Accept_Solo_Vagina>>
Unknown genitals. Let the developers know about this!
<img src="resources/img/events/christmas/zara/bg.webp"/>
<<if starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'black'>>
<img src="resources/img/events/christmas/zara/s_black.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'tan'>>
<img src="resources/img/events/christmas/zara/s_tan.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/events/christmas/zara/s_fair.webp"/>
Considering Zara's offer for a moment, you shake your head decisively. Telling Zara that you're not in the mood to share, she gives you a knowing smirk as she walks her hands down your body, teasing you as she undresses you, your own body reacting to her touch as you help her out of her clothes. A hand on the back of your head pulls you closer, and as her tongue slips inside your mouth you can feel her other stroke your cock. Already hard from her attention, you moan as she expertly plays with you, your hips shifting in response to her tugs.
A string of saliva links your lips as she breaks the kiss, pushing you onto your back on the couch as she climbs over you. The sweet smell of her body instantly reaches, as she lays on top of you, her ass and pussy hovering mere inches from your face as she adjusts her position taking your tip into her mouth eagerly. Unable to resist the temptation, you slide a finger inside her and are instantly rewarded with a lewd sounding moan as she swallows more of you inside her throat as a response.
Her tongue is warm, and it sends pleasant sensations through you as it strokes against your shaft, and as you involuntarily thrust your hips, driving your dick deeper into her mouth. Zara promptly reminds you of her own needs as she rubs her pussy against your face with a desperate whine escaping her lips, your cock muffling the sound of her whimper as your tongue slides inside her, instinctively seeking out her most sensitive spots as you eat her out. A strange feeling of warmth runs through you as she deepthroats your cock, the sensation amplifying the pleasure you feel as your senses merge with hers,
At the back of your mind, you know that she's used her powers to link your senses to each other, and while its disorientating for a moment, feeling your tongue slide into a pussy you don't have, the doubled sense of pleasure soon has both of you panting and breathing hard as you service each other. The constant waves of pleasure threaten to overwhelm you, and it's only thanks to her skillful worship of your dick, carefully keeping you safely before the edge of orgasm that you are able to lick her pussy at all. Suddenly feeling her vacuum grip on you tighten, as she slowly inches down your shaft, swallowing your entire length in a tantalizing advance, you let out a moan, her expertise showing as she quickly pushes you over the edge.
Your hips buck as you feel a rush of wetness on your face, your building orgasm accompanied by Zara's first, as she lustly grinds against your body. Unable to resist the shared sensations anymore you hilt your cock inside her throat, her moans only turning you on more as you cum inside her, her desperate attempts to swallow everything you give her only leading to heighten your orgasm as you feel her throat coiling around you. Feeling her own body spasm as you fuck her face, you are quickly drenched with her second and third orgasms as the feeling of being used overwhelms her, soon leaving both of you lying intertwined as you recover from the hookup.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Event_Christmas_Freeroam_PrivateBooth_Zara_Accept_Solo_Shemale2">><</slink>>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<saudio "bgm_christmas" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.5>>
<img src="resources/img/events/christmas/nightclub/exterior.webp"/>
Lying panting on the booth couch, you feel Zara's shared senses slowly retreat from your mind with a strange chill, and as after a few moments she manages to recover herself enough to extract herself from your embrace. Watching the alien dress, you give her a faint smirk as she turns and admires your nude, fluid drenched body. Giving you a fluttery wink and a blown kiss, she retreats from the booth after making sure her breathing is under control, leaving you alone to finish recovering without any distractions.
Eventually having reclaimed your clothes and straightening yourself up enough to leave, you find that the club itself is mostly empty, and you enjoy the walk back to your dorm in silence. The pleasant afterglow of Zara's attentions is complimented well by a light snowfall, and you enjoy the trip home as you play the events of the night through your head with a smile.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Apartment_LivingRoom">>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<startplaylist "playlist_exploration_soft">>
<<snotify "info">>The christmas event can be replayed from the intercom.<</snotify>>
<img src="resources/img/events/christmas/zara/bg.webp"/>
<<if starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'black'>>
<img src="resources/img/events/christmas/zara/m_black.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'tan'>>
<img src="resources/img/events/christmas/zara/m_tan.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/events/christmas/zara/m_fair.webp"/>
Considering Zara's offer for a moment, you shake your head decisively. Telling Zara that you're not in the mood to share, she gives you a knowing smirk as she walks her hands down your body, teasing you as she undresses you, your own body reacting to her touch as you help her out of her clothes. A hand on the back of your head pulls you closer, and as her tongue slips inside your mouth you can feel her other stroke your cock. Already hard from her attention, you moan as she expertly plays with you, your hips shifting in response to her tugs.
A string of saliva links your lips as she breaks the kiss, pushing you onto your back on the couch as she climbs over you. The sweet smell of her body instantly reaches, as she lays on top of you, her ass and pussy hovering mere inches from your face as she adjusts her position taking your tip into her mouth eagerly. Unable to resist the temptation, you slide a finger inside her and are instantly rewarded with a lewd sounding moan as she swallows more of you inside her throat as a response.
Her tongue is warm, and it sends pleasant sensations through you as it strokes against your shaft, and as you involuntarily thrust your hips, driving your dick deeper into her mouth. Zara promptly reminds you of her own needs as she rubs her pussy against your face with a desperate whine escaping her lips, your cock muffling the sound of her whimper as your tongue slides inside her, instinctively seeking out her most sensitive spots as you eat her out. A strange feeling of warmth runs through you as she deepthroats your cock, the sensation amplifying the pleasure you feel as your senses merge with hers,
At the back of your mind, you know that she's used her powers to link your senses to each other, and while its disorientating for a moment, feeling your tongue slide into a pussy you don't have, the doubled sense of pleasure soon has both of you panting and breathing hard as you service each other. The constant waves of pleasure threaten to overwhelm you, and it's only thanks to her skillful worship of your dick, carefully keeping you safely before the edge of orgasm that you are able to lick her pussy at all. Suddenly feeling her vacuum grip on you tighten, as she slowly inches down your shaft, swallowing your entire length in a tantalizing advance, you let out a moan, her expertise showing as she quickly pushes you over the edge.
Your hips buck as you feel a rush of wetness on your face, your building orgasm accompanied by Zara's first, as she lustly grinds against your body. Unable to resist the shared sensations anymore you hilt your cock inside her throat, her moans only turning you on more as you cum inside her, her desperate attempts to swallow everything you give her only leading to heighten your orgasm as you feel her throat coiling around you. Feeling her own body spasm as you fuck her face, you are quickly drenched with her second and third orgasms as the feeling of being used overwhelms her, soon leaving both of you lying intertwined as you recover from the hookup.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Event_Christmas_Freeroam_PrivateBooth_Zara_Accept_Solo_Penis2">><</slink>>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<saudio "bgm_christmas" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.5>>
<img src="resources/img/events/christmas/nightclub/exterior.webp"/>
Lying panting on the booth couch, you feel Zara's shared senses slowly retreat from your mind with a strange chill, and as after a few moments she manages to recover herself enough to extract herself from your embrace. Watching the alien dress, you give her a faint smirk as she turns and admires your nude, fluid drenched body. Giving you a fluttery wink and a blown kiss, she retreats from the booth after making sure her breathing is under control, leaving you alone to finish recovering without any distractions.
Eventually having reclaimed your clothes and straightening yourself up enough to leave, you find that the club itself is mostly empty, and you enjoy the walk back to your dorm in silence. The pleasant afterglow of Zara's attentions is complimented well by a light snowfall, and you enjoy the trip home as you play the events of the night through your head with a smile.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Apartment_LivingRoom">>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<startplaylist "playlist_exploration_soft">>
<<snotify "info">>The christmas event can be replayed from the intercom.<</snotify>>
<img src="resources/img/events/christmas/zara/bg.webp"/>
<<if starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'black'>>
<img src="resources/img/events/christmas/zara/f_black.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'tan'>>
<img src="resources/img/events/christmas/zara/f_tan.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/events/christmas/zara/f_fair.webp"/>
Considering Zara's offer for a moment, you shake your head decisively. Telling Zara that you're not in the mood to share, she gives you a knowing smirk as she walks her hands down your body, teasing you as she undresses you, your own body reacting to her touch as you help her out of her clothes. A hand on the back of your head pulls you closer, and as her tongue slips inside your mouth you can feel her other spread your legs. Already wet from her attention, you moan into her mouth as a finger parts your pussy lips, the touch causing your hips to gyrate against her eagerly.
A string of saliva links your lips as she breaks the kiss, pushing you onto your back on the couch as she climbs over you. The sweet smell of her body instantly reaches, as she lays on top of you, her ass and pussy hovering mere inches from your face as she adjusts her position to easily reach your own hole. Unable to resist the temptation, you slide a finger inside her and are instantly rewarded with a lewd sounding moan as she buries her head in your hips as a response.
Feeling her warm tongue slip through your lips, exploring you and teasing expertly, your legs involuntarily tighten around her head, preventing her from pulling away as you moan and writhe. Zara quickly reminds you about her own needs as she grinds her crotch into your face, and as you instinctively start to lick and suck at her dripping cunt, a strange feeling of warmth runs through you. Something in the back of your mind tells you that it's a side-effect of her powers, but as you feel your bodies sync, sharing the pleasure as you feel your tongue slip inside her cunt as vividly as you feel hers slip inside yours, you quickly find yourself unable to focus on anything except the building pleasure.
The shared sensations are almost too much for either of you to handle, and as you slowly adjust to the barrage of pleasure you're feeling, you manage to pay proper attention to your partner's cunt, your tongue snaking into her, a mirror of her actions on you. Sharing her senses while you pleasure each other is a unique experience, and one of its side effects is your linked orgasms. You're not sure which one of you crossed the threshold first, but as blinding ways of pleasure rush through you, it's all either of you can do to hold onto your consciousness, the room filling with a litany of moans and gasps.
Recovering from the mind-numbing orgasm as you lie intertwined with Zara, you feel her fingers creep back inside you, and a subtle chill creeps through you as she severs the link between your minds. You don't have long to think about its absence, as her skillful touch quickly has you moaning once more, her tongue teasing your clit as her fingers work their magic. You try to return the favor, but as a series of micro orgasms wrack your body, you can do little but moan into her pussy as she expertly pushes you closer and closer to a full climax.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Event_Christmas_Freeroam_PrivateBooth_Zara_Accept_Solo_Vagina2">><</slink>>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<saudio "bgm_christmas" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.5>>
<img src="resources/img/events/christmas/nightclub/exterior.webp"/>
Your mind numbed from the consuming waves of pleasure that coursed through you, you barely notice Zara extracting herself from your embrace, before dressing herself with a satisfied look on her face as she admires your still twitching nude body. A smirk crosses her face before she leaves the booth, and you find yourself recovering from her attentions alone. Recovering enough to reclaim your clothes, you slip out of the booth a short time after her.
The mostly empty club and your unsteady legs help you decide to make your way back to your dorm, enjoying the cooldown period in the calm night and light snowfall. Slipping into your room as memories of your encounter with Zara threaten to demand your attention, you decide that it was worth visiting the club after all.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Apartment_LivingRoom">>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<startplaylist "playlist_exploration_soft">>
<<snotify "info">>The christmas event can be replayed from the intercom.<</snotify>>
<div class="card card-nav solid">
<div class="row">
<div class="card-body p-0">
<div class="row d-flex">
<<slink "Lobby" "Event_Christmas_Freeroam_Corridor" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu">><</slink>>
<<slink "Bar" "Event_Christmas_Freeroam_Bar" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu">><</slink>>
<<slink "Private Booth" "Event_Christmas_Freeroam_PrivateBooth" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu">><</slink>>
<</nobr>>\<<include Event_Christmas_Freeroam_Nav>>\
<div class="navigation-container">\
<img src="resources/img/events/christmas/nightclub/corridor.webp"/>
<img class="exp-left-35" src="resources/img/characters/main/curie/expressions/happy_christmas.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/maki/expressions/happy_christmas.webp"/>
<<if starGame.player.getFact('rival') is 'thomas' and starGame.player.hasInteraction('christmas_thomasrival') is false>>
<img class="exp-left-15" src="resources/img/characters/main/thomas/expressions/neutral_uniform.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.getFact('rival') is 'edward' and starGame.player.hasInteraction('christmas_edwardrival') is false>>
<img class="exp-left-15" src="resources/img/characters/main/edward/expressions/angry_uniform.webp"/>
A walk back through the lobby shows you what you missed earlier when you entered the club. Some new arrivals are entering the club, while some other cadets seem to by hyping themselves up to move deeper into the club for the party.
<<if starGame.player.getFact('rival') is 'thomas' and starGame.player.hasInteraction('christmas_thomasrival') is false>>\
Thomas is entering the club as you arrive here, and you wonder if you're going to have a confrontation with him as your eyes meet. You're surprised instead when he smiles, speaking in a friendly tone.
<span class="thomas">"It's christmas. Let's both just shut up and ignore each other for the night, and we can go back to normal tomorrow."</span>
Deciding that it's a fair proposal, you give a nod, telling him to enjoy the party, and he returns the gesture to you. The cadets around the two of you visibly relax, and you realize more people must be aware of your conflict than you had thought previously.
<<elseif starGame.player.getFact('rival') is 'edward' and starGame.player.hasInteraction('christmas_edwardrival') is false>>\
Edward has just entered the club when you walk back into the lobby, and freezes on seeing you. His eyes dart past you, as he clearly weighs up what he wants to do next, before he returns his attention to you.
<span class="edward">"I suppose they'll let anyone in these days."</span> He says with a sneer, before pushing past you in a huff. You briefly consider demanding an apology, but the nervous expressions of the cadets around you tell you that you'll be ruining more evenings than just yours and his if you do.
Deciding to be the bigger cadet for now, you ignore his insult, and watch as he storms into his private booth, the privacy screen raising almost instantly. Well, at least you won't have to see his face again tonight.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<if starGame.player.hasInteraction('christmas_hype') is not true>>
<<slink "Hype" "Event_Christmas_Freeroam_Corridor_Hype">>
<img src="resources/img/events/christmas/nightclub/corridor.webp"/>
A small group of cadets nearby is having a passionate back and forth that you can't help but overhear, and you quickly stop yourself from laughing as you realize its two friends hyping a third up about asking someone out. Noticing that you're watching them, one of the two trying to help their friend waves you over, excitedly asking you to tell their friend that it's not as scary as they think it is.
You spend a few minutes in a good natured back and forth with the three, before deciding to ask who they're even pursuing to cause them so much stress about it like this.
<span class="npc3">"Who else? Julianna obviously. The red-head that joined part way into orientation week."</span> The nervous cadet says, and you glance over his shoulder into the club. You hadn't spotted Julianna when you arrived, and for a brief moment you consider pointing that out to the trio. Instead, you turn and find all three of them looking at you for guidance, and you realize that they're waiting for you to give your opinion on the matter.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Encourage" "Event_Christmas_Freeroam_Corridor_Encourage">><</slink>>
<<slink "Reevaluate" "Event_Christmas_Freeroam_Corridor_Reevaluate">><</slink>>
<img src="resources/img/events/christmas/nightclub/corridor.webp"/>
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('julianna_relationship') is true>>\
Deciding to help the cadet out, you lean in conspiratorially.
<span class="hero">"Alright, I'll give you some tips. She likes fancy restaurants and sweet things. I remember when I asked her out, that her eyes positively lit up when she saw our destination."</span> Your tone is friendly, but watching the three cadets suddenly realize they were asking Julianna's partner for help in approaching her is enough to make you want to burst out laughing.
Their faces freeze in shock and surprise, and as they hurriedly stammer out apologies, you wave them off with a laugh, telling the trio to relax, but they decide that they're not feeling up for a party anymore, and retreat from the club, leaving you chuckling softly to yourself.
Deciding that the cadet could at least hear a tip or two, you break out the old tried and tested, <span class="hero">"just be yourself, don't overthink it and be genuine."</span> line. The small group falls silent as they consider it for a moment before the hopeful cadet perks up.
<span class="npc3">"You're right. What am I stressing about, the worst that can happen is she says no."</span> He says confidently, spinning and marching off into the club. You raise a hand to stop him, wanting to tell him that Julianna isn't inside, but decide to leave it. The last thing you need right now is to be dragged along with the cadets in search of her.
Taking their absence as an opportunity to turn your attention back to the club around you, you pause for a moment to think about what you want to do next.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Event_Christmas_Freeroam_Corridor">><</slink>>
<img src="resources/img/events/christmas/nightclub/corridor.webp"/>
You look at the hopeful, lovestruck cadet and frown as you give them a once over. They read into your hesitance, and before you can even start to share your thoughts about how Julianna seems to have a specific type from what you've seen when you interacted with her, they shuffle their feet awkwardly.
<span class="npc3">"Honestly, sometimes it's like she's a princess and I'm just a random commoner. She's not even here yet, and I don't know if she'll even show up. Maybe… maybe I should settle for someone like Curie instead."</span>
You pause, wondering if you should tell him that's an equally unlikely target, but quickly decide to just stay silent, as the trio leave the club, still talking about the best way to approach girls as they go. Shaking your head, you silently wish the cadets luck, as you turn your attention back to the club around you.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Event_Christmas_Freeroam_Corridor">><</slink>>
<</nobr>>\<<include Event_Christmas_Freeroam_Nav>>\
<div class="navigation-container">\
<img src="resources/img/events/christmas/nightclub/bar.webp"/>
<img class="exp-valerie-christmas-vflip-r15" src="resources/img/characters/main/valerie/expressions/happy_christmas.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/zara/expressions/happy_christmas.webp"/>
Moving through the crowd towards the bar, you notice there already seems to be a source of commotion here that's attracting attention of the cadets in the area. Leaning against the bar and waving for one of the bartenders to bring you a drink, you turn your attention to the cadets around you, deciding to leave Valerie to her own devices for now.
One of the cadets near you seems to be challenging people to go shot for shot with them, and while you don't see a reward for beating them being offered, the fact that they're paying for all the drinks is reason enough to partake if you're feeling up to the task.
<<if starGame.player.hasInteraction('christmas_drunkcadet') is true>>\
Aside from him, the drunk cadet is still passed out on the bar, her snores louder now than they were before.
Aside from him, the cadet alongside you has been staring at you for a few moments, a slow spark of recognition forming in her eyes. You can tell they want to talk to you, but she's visibly drunk and you're not sure if it's a good idea or not.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<if starGame.player.hasInteraction('christmas_drunkcadet') is not true>>
<<slink "Approach Drunk Cadet" "Event_Christmas_Freeroam_Bar_DrunkCadet">><</slink>>
<<slink "Drinking Game" "Event_Christmas_Freeroam_Bar_DrinkingGame">><</slink>>
<img src="resources/img/events/christmas/nightclub/bar.webp"/>
Deciding you might as well see what the drunk wants, you turn towards her, your body language inviting him to speak to you freely. The long moment of silence from her makes you think she's too drunk to notice that you're waiting for her. Before you can speak up however, she blurts out a stuttered sentence.
<span class="npc2">"Oh shit. I thought I was seeing things, but you're really $character_firstName $character_lastName. You know, there's a rumor that your dad was the best fuck in the academy."</span> You freeze, processing the words you just heard.
Before you can even start to dissect it however, she continues. <span class="npc2">"Maybe you should show me if you're living up to the legend."</span> She says as she leans towards you, but you're quickly saved from her advances as she collapses onto the bar, a gentle snore escaping her lips.
Shaking your head in confusion at the sudden turn of events, you frown down at the passed out cadet before turning to the robotic bartender. They give you an apathetic shrug, and you just nod to yourself, deciding to not question it further.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Event_Christmas_Freeroam_Bar">>
<img src="resources/img/events/christmas/nightclub/bar.webp"/>
Approaching the confident cadet, you tell him you're down to go shot for shot with them, and before you can even take a seat alongside them a glass is in front of you, their cocky grin telling you that they don't expect you to last long.
<span class="npc1">"Rules are simple, we both drink, first one to quit loses. Winner gets…"</span> He pauses, looking around for a moment before returning his attention to you.
<span class="npc1">"Fuck it, winner gets nothing. What's wrong with drinking for the sake of drinking with company?"</span> Tapping the counter between you, you can tell that he's waiting for you to take your glass.
Raising it to him, he repeats the gesture, and you knock the shot back in tandem with him. The taste is vague, and for a moment you think you were just tricked into a shot of water, when the after taste hits you. Definitely Cevallian Vodka.
Doing your best to hide your grimace, you're treated to a laugh as the cadet gestures for more to be poured, pushing the new glass towards you.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Drink" "Event_Christmas_Freeroam_Bar_DrinkingGame_Drink">><</slink>>
<<slink "Quit" "Event_Christmas_Freeroam_Bar_DrinkingGame_Quit">><</slink>>
<img src="resources/img/events/christmas/nightclub/bar.webp"/>
Smiling to yourself, you raise the glass in salute to the cadet once more, and as you knock it back, you look down to see a replacement waiting for you already.
As you consider taking the glass again or not, the cadet treats you to a joke, lightening the mood and helping you to forget about the bitter after taste of the vodka.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Drink" "Event_Christmas_Freeroam_Bar_DrinkingGame_Drink">><</slink>>
<<slink "Quit" "Event_Christmas_Freeroam_Bar_DrinkingGame_Quit">><</slink>>
<img src="resources/img/events/christmas/nightclub/bar.webp"/>
Pushing the shot glass back towards him, you give a shrug. Cevallian Vodka isn't your choice of drink, not least for how it doesn't ever actually get you drunk, but leaves you feeling like it might.
<span class="npc1">"Fair. Enjoy the rest of the party."</span> He says as he turns his attention to the next closest cadet, loudly challenging them to go shot for shot in your place.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Event_Christmas_Freeroam_Bar">><</slink>>
<</nobr>>\<<include Event_Christmas_Freeroam_Nav>>\
<div class="navigation-container">\
<img src="resources/img/events/christmas/nightclub/booth.webp"/>
Deciding to spend some time resting at your booth, you make your way through the crowd, looking to see if anyone else catches your eye on the way over. While there are plenty of cadets around, none of the keep your attention beyond a cursory glance, and you sit at the booth alone for now.
It would be a simple thing to invite on of your more common companions over, and you replay who you've seen in your mind while you make a choice.
<div class="center m-3"><h5 class="bold">Choices </h5></div>
<div class="mb-3">
<<sinfotip>>These choices will end the event. Consider exploring the nightclub first.<</sinfotip>>
<<slink "Stay alone" "Event_Christmas_Freeroam_PrivateBooth_Alone" "slink btn btn-highlight w-100">><</slink>>
<<if starGame.npcs.getStat('curie_affinity') > 0>>
<<if starGame.npcs.getStat('curie_submission') > 0>>
/% Sub Curie Alt %/
<<slink "Curie" "Event_Christmas_Freeroam_PrivateBooth_Curie_Sub" "slink btn btn-highlight w-100">><</slink>>
/% Dom Curie Alt %/
<<slink "Curie" "Event_Christmas_Freeroam_PrivateBooth_Curie_Dom" "slink btn btn-highlight w-100">><</slink>>
<<slink "Curie" "" "slink btn btn-highlight w-100 disabled allow-pointer-events" "" "Your affinity with Curie is too low to be able to invite her.">>
<<snotify "info">>Your affinity with Curie is too low to be able to invite her.<</snotify>>
<<slink "Valerie" "Event_Christmas_Freeroam_PrivateBooth_Valerie" "slink btn btn-highlight w-100">><</slink>>
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('zara_stage1_cafe') is true>>
<<slink "Zara" "Event_Christmas_Freeroam_PrivateBooth_Zara" "slink btn btn-highlight w-100">><</slink>>
<<slink "Zara" "" "slink btn btn-highlight w-100 disabled allow-pointer-events" "" "You need to complete the 'Hot Coffee' task on the 'Diplomatic Relations' quest to be able to invite Zara.">>
<<snotify "info">>You need to complete the 'Hot Coffee' task on the 'Diplomatic Relations' quest to be able to invite Zara.<</snotify>>
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('maki_stage1_decline') is true>>
<<slink "Maki" "" "slink btn btn-highlight w-100 disabled allow-pointer-events" "" "You cannot invite Maki as you rejected her.">>
<<snotify "info">>You cannot invite Maki as you rejected her.<</snotify>>
<<slink "Maki" "Event_Christmas_Freeroam_PrivateBooth_Maki" "slink btn btn-highlight w-100">><</slink>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/mc_apartment/apartment_christmas.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/eva/expressions/neutral.webp"/>
Your room feels different this morning for some reason, and as you lie in bed, trying to figure out the cause, you quickly realize why. A light snowfall, visible through your barely open blinds, drifts lazily past. A sense of surprise and wonder fills you as you approach the windows, your view quickly filling with the sight of the entire academy resting peacefully as the snow gently blankets it.
In the back of your mind, you know that what you're seeing should be impossible here, but you decide to leave the worries about how it's happening behind. The rest of the room has reacted to your movement by now, and as you turn back to get ready for the day ahead, you see Eva's avatar waiting for your attention on the tv screen.
<span class="eva">"The HIVE is hosting a themed party later today. A few of the cadets you know have already confirmed that they will be attending. Oh, and Instructor Zara will be there."</span>
There's a hint of smugness in her voice, and you merely smile back, shaking your head at the AI's suggestive smile. Regardless, you now know that if you want to kick back and relax, there's a party at the night club this evening.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Attend the party" "Event_Christmas_Intro2">>
SugarCube.State.variables.time_currentPeriod = 3;
<<slink "Don't attend" "Apartment_LivingRoom">>
<<snotify "info">>The christmas event can be replayed from the intercom.<</snotify>>
<img src="resources/img/events/christmas/nightclub/exterior.webp"/>
Arriving at the nightclub tells you that the theme for the party is going to be christmas. The decorations carefully arranged around the entrance make that clear, and as you approach the doors, a bouncer wearing a santa hat steps forward. Before he stops you however, a spark of recognition lights up in his eyes, and he smoothly steps out of your way with a smile.
<span class="npc1">"Enjoy the party."</span> He says in a gruff, yet polite voice.
Raising an eyebrow at that, you wonder who you need to thank for adding your name to the list. Probably Eva. Moving forward regardless, you quickly find yourself inside the building.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Event_Christmas_Intro3">><</slink>>
<img src="resources/img/events/christmas/nightclub/corridor.webp"/>
<img class="exp-left-35" src="resources/img/characters/main/curie/expressions/happy_christmas.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/maki/expressions/happy_christmas.webp"/>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<saudio "bgm_christmas" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.5>>
The usual crowds here are much thinner than normal, but the atmosphere and vibe is completely unhindered by it. Trendy music plays as cadets dance and socialize with each other, and as you make your way through the club you soon reach your usual table. Taking your spot, you let your eyes run through the dance floor and crowd, and quickly notice a few of your acquaintances and friends scattered throughout.
<<if starGame.npcs.getStat("curie_affinity") > 0>>Curie is here, gliding through the crowd with ease as she laughs and teases the cadets around her, her confident nature naturally drawing the eye to her. She seems to feel your gaze settle on her, and as she searches the crowd, you see a smile light up her face as she finds you. A slight smirk and a subtle tilt of the head let you know that she'll happily join you if you call her over.<<else>>Curie is here, gliding through the crowd with ease as she laughs and teases the cadets around her, her confident nature naturally drawing the eye to her. She seems to feel your gaze settle on her, and as she searches the crowd, you see a frown momentarily settle on her face as she finds you. She regains control of it quickly, but you know that inviting her over would be a mistake tonight.<</if>>
For now however, you let your eyes roam the crowd some more, and you quickly spot Maki lurking at the edges of the room, her subtly shifting gaze telling you that she's already noticed you, and was watching you for a while. Smiling at her reaction to being discovered, you turn your attention back to the crowd, noticing that there's a small commotion at the bar.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Event_Christmas_Intro4">><</slink>>
<img src="resources/img/events/christmas/nightclub/bar.webp"/>
<img class="exp-valerie-christmas-vflip-r15" src="resources/img/characters/main/valerie/expressions/happy_christmas.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/zara/expressions/happy_christmas.webp"/>
Valerie seems to be calling for rounds of shots and encouraging people to match her drink for drink. Buzzed as she must already be, you know that it will only take a light suggestion for her to join you at the table.
And finally, last but not least, you can see Zara dancing by herself. While she's clearly got the attention of many of the cadets here, you can see that everyone is too nervous to approach the seductive alien, and from the way you can occasionally feel her eyes run over you, you know that she isn't looking for attention from just anyone here.
Leaning back into your seat, you raise a hand, flagging one of the drone waiters over as you contemplate how you want to spend your evening tonight.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "This is where the fun begins" "Event_Christmas_Freeroam_Bar">><</slink>>
<<set _location to "The Milky Way">>
<<set _territory to "">>
<<set _territoryStyle to "">>
<<set _returnName to "AMS Eos">>
<<set _returnPassage to "Eos_Bridge">>
<<startplaylist "playlist_galaxy">>
<div class="gm-bg-fullscreen">
<div class="gm-bg-stars"></div>
<div class="gm-bg-twinkling"></div>
<div class="game-container">
<div class="position-relative gm-img-container">
<div class="position-absolute top-50 start-50 translate-middle">
<img src="resources/img/galaxymap/territories.webp"/>
<button class="map-point" style="top:15%;left:35%">
<span class="tooltip-text">Caeloria</span>
<button class="map-point" style="top:35%;left:50%">
<span class="tooltip-text">Caeloria</span>
<button class="map-point" style="top:76%;left:82.5%">
<span class="tooltip-text">Caeloria</span>
<button class="map-point" style="top:45%;left:16%">
<span class="tooltip-text">Caeloria</span>
<button class="map-point" style="top:60%;left:53%">
<span class="tooltip-text">Caeloria</span>
<button class="map-point" style="top:25%;left:70%">
<span class="tooltip-text">Caeloria</span>
<<include GalaxyMap_Header>>
<div class="d-flex flex-row justify-content-between mb-3">
<div class="p-2 ml-4 mt-4 gm-zindex">
<h1 class="text-uppercase">The Milky Way</h1>
<h3 class="text-uppercase">Uncharted Territory</h3>
<div class="p-2 mr-4 mt-4 gm-zindex">
<div class="card solid">
<span class="corner-border-top"></span>
<div class="row">
<div class="card-body p-0">
<div class="row d-flex">
<<slink "AMS Eos" "Eos_Bridge" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "ti ti-door-exit" "">><</slink>>
<<slink "Fast Travel" "" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "ti ti-run" "">><</slink>>
<span class="corner-border-bottom"></span>
<<scard "Priority Missions">>
<<scard "Beacons">>
<div class="container gm-zindex">
<div class="row top-bar">
<div class="col-12 col-md-8 order-md-2">
<div class="header-card">
<span class="corner-border-top"></span>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-12 col-md-4 pl-4">
<div class="col-12 col-md-8">
<div class="row">
<div class="col" data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="bottom" title="" data-html="true" data-original-title="<strong>Alloy:</strong> Building material used to upgrade the Eos.">
<span class="ti ti-packages"></span>
<<print starGame.player.getMaterial('item_alloy')>>
<span class="corner-border-bottom"></span>
<div class="col-6 col-md-2 order-md-1">
<div class="header-card">
<span class="corner-border-top"></span>
<<slink _returnName _returnPassage "slink" "ti ti-arrow-back-up">>
<<startplaylist "playlist_exploration_soft">>
<span class="corner-border-bottom"></span>
<div class="col-6 col-md-2 order-md-3">
<div class="header-card">
<span class="corner-border-top"></span>
<<slink "Fast Travel" "" "slink" "ti ti-run" "">><</slink>>
<span class="corner-border-bottom"></span>
<<set _location to "Planet Tulara">>
<<set _returnName to "Galaxy Map">>
<<set _returnPassage to "GalaxyMap">>
<<startplaylist "playlist_galaxy">>
<div class="gm-bg-location gm-bg-location-tulara"></div>
<<include GalaxyMap_Header>>
<div class="navigation-container pt-5">
<div class="card solid">
<span class="corner-border-top"></span>
<img src="resources/img/galaxymap/locations/tulara_surface.webp" class="card-img-top" alt="Planet Tulara Surface" title="" style="">
<div class="card-body">
<h5 class="card-title">Planet Tulara</h5>
<h6 class="card-subtitle mb-2 text-muted">Uncharted Space</h6>
<p class="card-text">Tulara is an uncharted jungle planet, teeming with vibrant, lush vegetation and crisscrossed by serpentine rivers. Located beyond Alliance space, no one has ever set foot on this verdant world. Its dense forests and waterways create a labyrinthine ecosystem, home to a plethora of ferocious alien animal lifeforms.</p>
<p class="card-text">Untouched and unexplored, Tulara presents a thrilling yet perilous frontier for any daring enough to venture into its wild, uncharted depths.</p>
<<slink "Land" "" "btn btn-highlight w-100">><</slink>>
<span class="corner-border-bottom"></span>
<</nobr>>The customer requested the following items:
- Coffee
- Croissant
<br>The customer requested the following items:
- <<print starGame.games.maid.current.requestedDrink>>
- <<print starGame.games.maid.current.requestedFood>>
<div class="card card-nav solid">
<div class="row">
<div class="card-body p-0">
<div class="row d-flex">
<<slink "Check note" "" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "ti ti-book" "">>
<<slink "Finish" "" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "ti ti-check" "">>
<div id="level">
<div class="d-flex justify-content-between p-2">
<div class="d-flex flex-column">
<<for _i, _drink range starGame.games.maid.drinks>>
<button class="btn btn-lg btn-highlight btn-rounded maidgame-button" data-type="drink" @data-id="_i" onclick="starGame.games.maid.selectDrink(this)">
<img class="float-left mr-3" @src="_drink"/><span class="text">_i</span>
<div class="p-2 maidgame-item-container">
<img id="maidgame-plate-drink" class="maidgame-plate-drink" />
<div class="p-2 maidgame-item-container">
<img id="maidgame-plate-food" class="maidgame-plate-food"/>
<div class="d-flex flex-column">
<<for _i, _food range starGame.games.maid.foods>>
<button class="btn btn-lg btn-highlight btn-rounded maidgame-button" data-type="food" @data-id="_i" onclick="starGame.games.maid.selectFood(this)">
<img class="float-left mr-3" @src="_food"/><span class="text">_i</span>
<<timed 0.01s>>
<<script>>starGame.games.maid.tutorial = true;<</script>>
<<include Games_Cafe>>
<div class="game-container">
<div class="card card-nav solid dark">
<div class="row">
<div class="card-body p-0">
<div class="row d-flex">
<<slink "Check note" "" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "ti ti-book" "">>
<<slink "Finish" "" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu disabled" "ti ti-check" "">><</slink>>
<div class="game-content" style="z-index: 100;">
<div class="center" id="tutorial-image" style="display: none;">
<img src="resources/img/games/maid/minigame.webp"/>
<div class="game-avatar">
<img src="resources/img/characters/silhouettes/f2.webp"/>
<div class="game-dialogue" id="dialogue1">
<div class="card solid dark m-0 p-2">
<div class="card-header">
<span class="text-white font-weight-bold">Junior Maid</span>
<div class="card-body">
<span class="npc2">
<p>Alright newbie.</p>
<p>Serving orders is one thing, getting them right is another. For today, you'll stick to preparing dishes for the other maids. This will help you get acquainted with the menu.</p>
<div class="card-footer">
<<slink "Continue" "" "btn btn-sm btn-highlight slink-csheet" "ti ti-chevrons-right">>
<div class="game-dialogue" id="dialogue2" style="display: none;">
<div class="card solid dark m-0 p-2">
<div class="card-header">
<span class="text-white font-weight-bold">Junior Maid</span>
<div class="card-body">
<span class="npc2">
<p>On your left, you'll find all of the drinks on the menu. On your right, all the pastries.</p>
<p>For today, we'll give you our notes for practice. Otherwise, when it'll be your turn to take orders, I suggest to take a written note of the customer's order.</p>
<div class="card-footer">
<<slink "Continue" "" "btn btn-sm btn-highlight slink-csheet" "ti ti-chevrons-right">>
<div class="game-dialogue" id="dialogue3" style="display: none;">
<div class="card solid dark m-0 p-2">
<div class="card-header">
<span class="text-white font-weight-bold">Junior Maid</span>
<div class="card-body">
<span class="npc2">
<p>Select the requested drink and food and once you're sure you got the order right, click on the finish button in the top right corner of your screen. If you're unsure of the order, feel free to check your notes.</p>
<p>Time for maid baptism. Here's your first order: Coffee and Croissant.</p>
<div class="card-footer">
<<slink "Continue" "Games_Cafe_Tutorial_0" "btn btn-sm btn-highlight slink-csheet" "ti ti-chevrons-right">><</slink>>
<div class="game-container">
<div class="card card-nav solid dark">
<div class="row">
<div class="card-body p-0">
<div class="row d-flex">
<<slink "Check note" "" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "ti ti-book" "">>
<<slink "Finish" "" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu disabled" "ti ti-check" "">><</slink>>
<div class="game-content" style="z-index: 100;">
<div class="center" id="tutorial-image" style="display: none;">
<img src="resources/img/games/maid/minigame.webp"/>
<div class="game-avatar">
<img src="resources/img/characters/silhouettes/f2.webp"/>
<div class="game-dialogue" id="dialogue1">
<div class="card solid dark m-0 p-2">
<div class="card-header">
<span class="text-white font-weight-bold">Junior Maid</span>
<div class="card-body">
<span class="npc2">
<p>That wasn't so bad I guess!</p>
<p>We'll give you some of our orders for practice, alright?</p>
<div class="card-footer">
<<slink "Continue" "MaidWorld_Intro_FirstShift_End" "btn btn-sm btn-highlight slink-csheet" "ti ti-chevrons-right">><</slink>>
<</nobr>>\<div class="p-4">\
<strong>Document Verification Guidelines</strong>
In the pursuit of our mission to uphold the security of Alliance territories, it is imperative that every Ascendent Towers employee is equipped with the necessary information to conduct thorough document checks. Below, you will find a comprehensive guide outlining the key elements and criteria essential for the validation process. Familiarizing yourself with this information is crucial to ensuring the precision and accuracy required in your role.
<strong>1. Visual Check</strong>
Your first task should always be to visually authenticate the provided identity documents. This involves careful inspection of facial features, skin tone, eye color, and hair color to ensure consistency with the written information. The goal is to confirm that the photograph accurately represents the individual presenting the document and that there are no signs of forgery or tampering.
If any discrepancies are detected during the visual verification process, it is imperative to decline the request and promptly escalate the matter to the security department.
<strong>2. Identity and Social Status</strong>
Verify that the identification number on the document consists of ten digits. The social status of the applicant should also receive special scrutiny with the following criterias in mind:
<li>Commoners do not possess a surname.</li>
<li>Nobles will consistently have a surname.</li>
Any deviation from this standard should be treated as a discrepancy.
<strong>3. Official Issuing Authorities</strong>
Passports may only be emitted by the following authorities:
<<for _key range [...starGame.games.office.issuers.keys()]>>
<<for _entry range starGame.games.office.issuers.get(_key)>>
<strong>4. Approved Destinations</strong>
Passports may only be approved for the following destinations:
<<for _key range starGame.games.office.destinations>>
<div class="card card-nav solid">
<div class="row">
<div class="card-body p-0">
<div class="row d-flex">
<span class="p-2 flex-fill" id="score">Score: 0</span>
<<slink "Open Employee Handbook" "" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "ti ti-book" "">>
Dialog.setup("Employee Handbook");
<<slink "Restart" "" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "ti ti-refresh" "">>
<div id="level" class="d-flex justify-content-center officegame-container p-2">
<div class="row row-cols-1">
<div class="col">
<div class="card solid">
<span class="corner-border-top"></span>
<div class="row no-gutters csheet-preview-card">
<div class="col-3 officegame-image-container p-3">
<div id="officegame-avatar-container" class="paperdoll-zoom">
<div class="paperdoll-container">
<img id="officegame-avatar-body" class="paperdoll-layer paperdoll-body" src="resources/img/paperdoll/body/body/body_m_fair.webp">
<img id="officegame-avatar-eyes" class="paperdoll-layer paperdoll-eyes" src="resources/img/paperdoll/body/eyes/eyes_m_brown.webp">
<img id="officegame-avatar-eyebrows" class="paperdoll-layer paperdoll-eyebrows" src="resources/img/paperdoll/body/eyebrows/eyebrows_m_brown_normal.webp">
<img id="officegame-avatar-mouth" class="paperdoll-layer paperdoll-mouth" src="resources/img/paperdoll/body/mouth/mouth_m_fair_normal.webp">
<img id="officegame-avatar-hair" class="paperdoll-layer paperdoll-hair" src="resources/img/paperdoll/body/hair/hair_m_brown_undercut.webp">
<img id="officegame-avatar-shirt" class="paperdoll-layer paperdoll-outer paperdoll-shirt" src="resources/img/paperdoll/clothing/shirt/item_clothing_unisex_shirt_uniform/m_flat.webp">
<div class="col-8">
<div class="card-body">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-3"><strong>Id Number:</strong></div>
<div id="officegame-text-id" class="col-9">0123456789</div>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-3"><strong>Social Status:</strong></div>
<div id="officegame-text-social" class="col-9 capitalize">Commoner</div>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-3"><strong>Issued To:</strong></div>
<div id="officegame-text-name" class="col-9">Sofia Hale</div>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-3"><strong>Skin Tone:</strong></div>
<div id="officegame-text-skin" class="col-9 capitalize">Dark</div>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-3"><strong>Hair Color:</strong></div>
<div id="officegame-text-hair" class="col-9 capitalize">Black</div>
/%<div class="row">
<div class="col-3"><strong>Eye Color:</strong></div>
<div id="officegame-text-eye" class="col-9 capitalize">Blue</div>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-3"><strong>Issuing Sector:</strong></div>
<div id="officegame-text-sector" class="col-9">Draconis Immigration Bureau</div>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-3"><strong>Issuing Authority:</strong></div>
<div id="officegame-text-authority" class="col-9">Draconis Immigration Bureau</div>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-3"><strong>Destination:</strong></div>
<div id="officegame-text-destination" class="col-9">Starwatch Academy</div>
<span class="corner-border-bottom"></span>
<div class="col">
<div class="card solid">
<span class="corner-border-top"></span>
<div class="card-body p-0">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-6">
<<slink "Approve" "" "flex-fill m-0 btn btn-success w-100" "" "">>
<div class="col-6">
<<slink "Decline" "" "flex-fill m-0 btn btn-danger w-100" "" "">>
<span class="corner-border-bottom"></span>
<<timed 0.01s>>
<<run starGame.games.office.init(0);>>
<</nobr>>\<<include Games_Office_0>>\
<<timed 0.05s>>
<<run starGame.games.office.tutorial = true;>>
<div class="game-container">
<div class="card card-nav solid dark">
<div class="row">
<div class="card-body p-0">
<div class="row d-flex">
<span class="p-2 flex-fill" id="score">Score: 0</span>
<<slink "Open Employee Handbook" "" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "ti ti-book" "">>
Dialog.setup("Employee Handbook");
<<slink "Restart" "" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu disabled" "ti ti-refresh" "">><</slink>>
<div class="game-content" style="z-index: 100;">
<div class="center" id="tutorial-image" style="display: none;">
<img src="resources/img/games/office/minigame.webp"/>
<div class="game-avatar">
<img src="resources/img/characters/side/felix/expressions/neutral_uniform.webp"/>
<div class="game-dialogue" id="dialogue1">
<div class="card solid dark m-0 p-2">
<div class="card-header">
<span class="text-white font-weight-bold">Felix Cross</span>
<div class="card-body">
<span class="felix">
<p>Alright, $character_firstName.</p>
<p>As I said earlier, all you need to know is in the employee handbook. Be sure to refer to it whenever you're in doubt. You can open it by clicking on the "Open Employee Handbook" button at the top of your screen.</p>
<div class="card-footer">
<<slink "Continue" "" "btn btn-sm btn-highlight slink-csheet" "ti ti-chevrons-right">>
<div class="game-dialogue" id="dialogue2" style="display: none;">
<div class="card solid dark m-0 p-2">
<div class="card-header">
<span class="text-white font-weight-bold">Felix Cross</span>
<div class="card-body">
<span class="felix">
<p>The way it works is pretty simple. The screen will show you the visa and two buttons. One to approve it, one to decline it.</p>
<p>Your goal is to check for discrepancies. Although in most cases they are administrative errors, some of them may be rebels attempting to enter Alliance space with forged visas.</p>
<div class="card-footer">
<<slink "Continue" "" "btn btn-sm btn-highlight slink-csheet" "ti ti-chevrons-right">>
<div class="game-dialogue" id="dialogue3" style="display: none;">
<div class="card solid dark m-0 p-2">
<div class="card-header">
<span class="text-white font-weight-bold">Felix Cross</span>
<div class="card-body">
<span class="felix">
<p>For instance if we look at this one, it may seem alright at first glance, but with a more careful study of this visa, you may notice the eye color on the identity photo doesn't match what's written down on the visa. That's a discrepancy. You decline it and it gets escalated to security.</p>
<div class="card-footer">
<<slink "Continue" "" "btn btn-sm btn-highlight slink-csheet" "ti ti-chevrons-right">>
<div class="game-dialogue" id="dialogue4" style="display: none;">
<div class="card solid dark m-0 p-2">
<div class="card-header">
<span class="text-white font-weight-bold">Dr. Daniella</span>
<div class="card-body">
<span class="felix">
<p>You may see there is a score as well. For each successful task, I will award you one point, which will increase your pay.</p>
<p>I'll usually leave four visas for you to verify. Got it? Now show me.</p>
<div class="card-footer">
<<slink "Continue" "Games_Office_Tutorial_0" "btn btn-sm btn-highlight slink-csheet" "ti ti-chevrons-right">>
<div class="game-container">
<div class="game-content" style="z-index: 100;">
<div class="center" id="tutorial-image" style="display: none;">
<img src="resources/img/games/lab/watersort.webp"/>
<div class="game-avatar">
<img src="resources/img/characters/side/felix/expressions/happy_uniform.webp"/>
<div class="game-dialogue" id="dialogue1">
<div class="card solid dark m-0 p-2">
<div class="card-header">
<span class="text-white font-weight-bold">Felix Cross</span>
<div class="card-body">
<span class="felix">
<p>Looks like you got the hang of it. Nice job $character_firstName. I'll be at my desk if you need anything else.</p>
<div class="card-footer">
<<slink "Leave" "City_Plaza_AscendentTowers_Office" "btn btn-sm btn-highlight slink-csheet" "ti ti-chevrons-right">><</slink>>
<div class="card card-nav solid">
<div class="row">
<div class="card-body p-0">
<div class="row d-flex">
<span class="p-2 flex-fill" id="score">Score: 0</span>
<<slink "Restart" "" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "ti ti-refresh" "">>
<div id="level"></div>
<<timed 0.01s>>
<<run starGame.games.watersort.init(0);>>
<div class="card card-nav solid">
<div class="row">
<div class="card-body p-0">
<div class="row d-flex">
<span class="p-2 flex-fill" id="score">Score: 0</span>
<<slink "Restart" "" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "ti ti-refresh" "">>
<div id="level"></div>
<<timed 0.01s>>
<<run starGame.games.watersort.init(0); starGame.games.watersort.tutorial = true;>>
<div class="game-container">
<div class="card card-nav solid dark">
<div class="row">
<div class="card-body p-0">
<div class="row d-flex">
<span class="p-2 flex-fill" id="score">Score: 0</span>
<<slink "Restart" "" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu disabled" "ti ti-refresh" "">><</slink>>
<div class="game-content" style="z-index: 100;">
<div class="center" id="tutorial-image" style="display: none;">
<img src="resources/img/games/lab/watersort.webp"/>
<div class="game-avatar">
<img src="resources/img/characters/side/daniella/doctor.webp"/>
<div class="game-dialogue" id="dialogue1">
<div class="card solid dark m-0 p-2">
<div class="card-header">
<span class="text-white font-weight-bold">Dr. Daniella</span>
<div class="card-body">
<span class="npc1">
<p>Welcome to your first assignment, $character_firstName.</p>
<p>You don't have a lot of experience yet, so until you prove worthy of potentially blowing up the lab, I have a simple assignment for you.</p>
<div class="card-footer">
<<slink "Continue" "" "btn btn-sm btn-highlight slink-csheet" "ti ti-chevrons-right">>
<div class="game-dialogue" id="dialogue2" style="display: none;">
<div class="card solid dark m-0 p-2">
<div class="card-header">
<span class="text-white font-weight-bold">Dr. Daniella</span>
<div class="card-body">
<span class="npc1">
<p>A fair amount of my employees are idiots and create flawed samples, which can generate significant losses in revenue over time.</p>
<p>Thankfully, I have developed a solution for this. I introduced a subtle change in our base substances to render them immiscible until they are sent for processing.</p>
<div class="card-footer">
<<slink "Continue" "" "btn btn-sm btn-highlight slink-csheet" "ti ti-chevrons-right">>
<div class="game-dialogue" id="dialogue3" style="display: none;">
<div class="card solid dark m-0 p-2">
<div class="card-header">
<span class="text-white font-weight-bold">Dr. Daniella</span>
<div class="card-body">
<span class="npc1">
<p>I will give you a set of flawed samples and enough empty test tubes to get the job done. Sort the base materials by color by clicking on the tube from which you want to take material from, then on the tube to which you want to transfer the material. You can transfer the material from one test tube to another only if the other tube is empty or its top most layer of material is of the same color as that of the one from which the material is to be taken.</p>
<div class="card-footer">
<<slink "Continue" "" "btn btn-sm btn-highlight slink-csheet" "ti ti-chevrons-right">>
<div class="game-dialogue" id="dialogue4" style="display: none;">
<div class="card solid dark m-0 p-2">
<div class="card-header">
<span class="text-white font-weight-bold">Dr. Daniella</span>
<div class="card-body">
<span class="npc1">
<p>You may see there is a score as well. For each successful batch, I will award you one point, which will increase your pay. In the event you make a mess, you can restart with a fresh batch of samples by clicking on the restart button.</p>
<p>I'll usually leave four sets of tubes on the workstation for you to sort. Got it? Now show me.</p>
<div class="card-footer">
<<slink "Continue" "Games_Watersort_Tutorial_0" "btn btn-sm btn-highlight slink-csheet" "ti ti-chevrons-right">>
<div class="game-container">
<div class="game-content" style="z-index: 100;">
<div class="center" id="tutorial-image" style="display: none;">
<img src="resources/img/games/lab/watersort.webp"/>
<div class="game-avatar">
<img src="resources/img/characters/side/daniella/doctor.webp"/>
<div class="game-dialogue" id="dialogue1">
<div class="card solid dark m-0 p-2">
<div class="card-header">
<span class="text-white font-weight-bold">Dr. Daniella</span>
<div class="card-body">
<span class="npc1">
<p>Looks like you got the hang of it. Nice job $character_firstName. I'll be in my office if you need anything else.</p>
<div class="card-footer">
<<slink "Leave the workstation" "City_Plaza_Geneforge_Lab" "btn btn-sm btn-highlight slink-csheet" "ti ti-chevrons-right">><</slink>>
<div class="card solid card-nav">
<div class="row">
<div class="card-body p-0">
<div class="row d-flex">
<<slink "Transport Hub" "Hub_Transport" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "ti ti-door-exit" "">><</slink>>
<<slink "Novaris Plaza" "Hub_CityPlaza" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "" "">><</slink>>
<<slink "Nebula Square" "Hub_CityDowntown" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "" "">><</slink>>
<<slink "Red Light District" "Hub_CityRedLight" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "" "">><</slink>>
<div class="navigation-container">\
<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/hub/cityhub.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
<<if starGame.player.getFact('visit_novarishub') is true>>\
Novaris stretches out in front of you, the simulated gravity and atmosphere making you feel comfortable. The streets are welcoming, and as you start to make your way into the city you see the main roads splitting off into the different sections.
The city stretches out in front of you. Like most asteroid cities of the Alliance, it is fully contained in a dome, allowing the city dwellers to live a life similar to those on the planets. A comfortable gravity and a warm simulated sun make you feel at home, and as you head into the city you see that the city is easily walkable, with three main paths leading deeper into its ground from here at the transit terminal.
<<playerFactSet "visit_novarishub" true>>\
<<addtocodex "Novaris Prime" "codex_novarisprime">>\
<div class="card solid card-nav">
<div class="row">
<div class="card-body p-0">
<div class="row d-flex">
<<slink "Novaris Prime" "Hub_City" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "ti ti-door-exit" "">><</slink>>
<<slink "GeneForge Labs" "City_Plaza_Geneforge" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "" "">><</slink>>
<<slink "Ascendent Towers" "City_Plaza_AscendentTowers" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "" "">><</slink>>
<<slink "Capitol Nexus" "City_Plaza_Nexus" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "" "">><</slink>>
<<slink "City Hall" "City_Plaza_CityHall" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "" "">><</slink>>
<div class="navigation-container">\
<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/city/plaza.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
<<if starGame.player.getFact('visit_novarisplaza') is true>>\
As always, the Plaza is bustling with life, as the various elites that work in the buildings that crowd the plaza move to and from work. From prior exploration, you know that you're not going to find much except different places of work. Of note is the GeneForge branch, one of the leading modification researchers in Alliance space.
The Novaris Plaza is somehow crowded and not crowded at the same time. Here you can see business people hurrying from place to place alongside assistants and couriers. Everyone is neatly dressed, and even the plainer people have the quiet confidence of wealth and power.
As you wander slowly through the plaza, you notice that almost every building that you can access from here is either a place of work or a political office. A glance at one of the nearby buildings reveals that there are also the offices of a GeneForge Lab here as well.
<<playerFactSet "visit_novarisplaza" true>>\
<<snotify "info">>You can now fast travel to Novaris Plaza.<</snotify>>
<div class="card solid card-nav">
<div class="row">
<div class="card-body p-0">
<div class="row d-flex">
<<slink "Novaris Prime" "Hub_City" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "ti ti-door-exit" "">><</slink>>
<<slink "HIVE Nightclub" "RedLight_NightClub_Exterior" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "" "">><</slink>>
<<slink "Eclipse Gallery" "RedLight_FetishStore" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "" "">><</slink>>
<div class="navigation-container">\
<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/city/redlight.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
<<if starGame.player.getFact('visit_novarisrld') is true>>\
As before, the Red Light District lives up to its name, the permanently dark and moody sector light only by well placed red neon signs. People scurry along, eager to reach their destinations, and unwilling to bother or be bothered by others.
You know that deeper into the sector there are less savory types and places to visit, but you've no need to push so deep into the district. Here on the outskirts of it you can find all you need, a high class nightclub and an adult store.
The Red Light District is marked by the sudden abundance of moody red neon signs. While the rest of the city is decidedly upmarket and stylish, here you struggle to see the sky, the district half shrouded by taller buildings and half hidden underground. People here walk quickly and with purpose, and even though no one seems to hide their face, you get the feeling that looking for too long will draw trouble.
While the district is certainly large enough to explore for quite some time, you have a feeling in the back of your head that your presence in the deeper parts of the district is unwelcome, and for now you decide to stick to the "touristy" parts of it.
<<playerFactSet "visit_novarisrld" true>>\
<<snotify "info">>You can now fast travel to the Red Light District.<</snotify>>
<div class="card solid card-nav">
<div class="row">
<div class="card-body p-0">
<div class="row d-flex">
<<slink "Novaris Prime" "Hub_City" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "ti ti-door-exit" "">><</slink>>
<<slink "Lumina Mall" "City_Mall" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "" "">><</slink>>
<<slink "The Velvet Retreat" "City_Hotel" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "" "">><</slink>>
<div class="navigation-container">\
<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/city/downtown.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
<<if starGame.player.getFact('visit_novarisdowntown') is true>>\
Nebula Square is comforting in its unchanging consistency. Children play in the parks and adults lounge in the cafes and watch them. Shoppers browse through the different stores and the mall remains ever busy in the distance. A nearby hotel welcomes travelers and those looking for privacy away from prying eyes.
You follow the main roads of the city until you find yourself in Nebula Square, a commercial center where the middle and high class mix. The brightly lit square is home to open plan parks and recreational areas, and as you look around you see various people relaxing and idyllically wandering the area.
Nearby you can see a large, modern looking mall, and an exclusive looking hotel mirroring it.
<<playerFactSet "visit_novarisdowntown" true>>\
<<snotify "info">>You can now fast travel to Nebula Square.<</snotify>>
<div class="card solid card-nav">
<div class="row">
<div class="card-body p-0">
<div class="row d-flex">
<<slink "Transport Hub" "Hub_Transport" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "ti ti-door-exit" "">><</slink>>
<<slink "Atrium" "Hub_Atrium" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "" "">><</slink>>
<<slink "Commons" "Hub_Commons" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "" "">><</slink>>
<div class="navigation-container">\
<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/hub/academyhub.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
The academy grounds stretch out before you. A few steps behind you is the transit terminal. From here you can see the entrance to the Atrium and its holo-sphere of civilized space. You can also see the winding paths that lead through the Academy Commons.
<div class="card solid card-nav">
<div class="row">
<div class="card-body p-0">
<div class="row d-flex">
<<slink "Academy Central" "Hub_Academy" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "ti ti-door-exit" "">><</slink>>
<<slink "Dormitories" "Hub_Dormitories" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "" "">><</slink>>
<<slink "Cafeteria" "Academy_Cafeteria" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "" "">><</slink>>
<<slink "Class" "" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "" "">>
<<if starGame.player.isWearingUniform(false) is true>>
<<snotify "warning">>You are required to wear your uniform to attend class.<</snotify>>
<<if starGame.time.getCurrentDay() is 'Thursday' and starGame.time.getCurrentPeriod() is 1>>
<<slink "Club" "" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "" "">>
<<if starGame.player.getFact('club') is 'culture' and starGame.player.getFact('club_culture') is not 2>>
<<eventSequence "club_culture">>
<<event "Club_Culture_Intro" 1>>
<<event "Club_Culture_2" 2>>
<<elseif starGame.player.getFact('club') is 'technology' and starGame.player.getFact('club_technology') is not 2>>
<<eventSequence "club_technology">>
<<event "Club_Technology_Intro" 1>>
<<event "Club_Technology_2" 2>>
<<elseif starGame.player.getFact('club') is 'physical' and starGame.player.getFact('club_physical') is not 2>>
<<eventSequence "club_physical">>
<<event "Club_Physical_Intro" 1>>
<<event "Club_Physical_2" 2>>
<<script>>toastr.info('There are no club activities left to do in this update.');<</script>>
<<slink "Club" "" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu disabled" "" "">><</slink>>
<div class="navigation-container">\
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/atrium1.webp"/>
<<if starGame.player.hasInteraction('atrium_zara') is not true and starGame.time.getCurrentPeriod() < 4>>\
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('atrium_zara_homesick') is not true or starGame.npcs.getFact('atrium_zara_academylife') is not true or starGame.npcs.getFact('atrium_zara_hobbies') is not true>>\
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/zara/expressions/neutral_dress.webp"/>
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('julianna_apartment') is true and starGame.player.hasInteraction('atrium_julianna') is not true and starGame.time.getCurrentPeriod() < 4>>\
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('julianna_atrium_smalltalk') is undefined>>\
<img class="exp-left-40" src="resources/img/characters/main/julianna/expressions/neutral_uniform.webp"/>
<<if starGame.time.getCurrentPeriod() < 3 and starGame.npcs.getFact('diane_atrium') is undefined>>
<img class="exp-left-15" src="resources/img/characters/main/diane/expressions/neutral_uniform.webp"/>
<<if starGame.player.getFact('visit_atrium') is true>>\
As always, the holo-sphere of mapped space spins calmly in the center of the atrium, the calming sounds of the water feature filling the large chamber with a soft bubbling sound. A small group of cadets is scattered around the atrium, waiting peacefully for their next class to begin.
From here a series of paths will allow you to make your way to class or back to the dormitories.
The Atrium is calm, and unlike your prior visits here during orientation week, it's a lot less crowded with cadets waiting for class or tours. A glance around the atrium reveals the same holo-sphere showing off the stars mapped and guarded by prior Starwatch graduates, and the water feature is as calming as ever.
A series of paths that lead out from here allow you to access the holodeck halls where you hold class and club, and another that leads to the dormitories.
<<playerFactSet "visit_atrium" true>>\
<<if starGame.player.hasInteraction('atrium_zara') is not true and starGame.time.getCurrentPeriod() < 4>>
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('atrium_zara_homesick') is not true or starGame.npcs.getFact('atrium_zara_academylife') is not true or starGame.npcs.getFact('atrium_zara_hobbies') is not true>>
<p>As you're passing through the atrium, you notice Zara is here, near the hologlobe.</p>
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('julianna_apartment') is true and starGame.player.hasInteraction('atrium_julianna') is not true and starGame.time.getCurrentPeriod() < 4>>
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('julianna_atrium_smalltalk') is undefined>>
<p>Julianna is sitting on the grass near the holomap, watching the territory of the Alliance scroll by, her eyes hazy and deep in thought.</p>
<<if starGame.time.getCurrentPeriod() < 3 and starGame.npcs.getFact('diane_atrium') is undefined>>
<p>Diane cuts a captivating figure as she lays on the atrium grass, her well toned and athletic body drawing admiring glances from many of the cadets passing by. </p>
<<box "choicebox">>
<<if starGame.player.hasInteraction('atrium_zara') is not true and starGame.time.getCurrentPeriod() < 4>>
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('atrium_zara_homesick') is not true or starGame.npcs.getFact('atrium_zara_academylife') is not true or starGame.npcs.getFact('atrium_zara_hobbies') is not true>>
<<slink "Talk to Zara" "Academy_Atrium_Zara">><</slink>>
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('julianna_apartment') is true and starGame.player.hasInteraction('atrium_julianna') is not true and starGame.time.getCurrentPeriod() < 4>>
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('julianna_atrium_smalltalk') is undefined>>
<<slink "Approach Julianna" "Hub_Atrium_Julianna_SmallTalk1">><</slink>>
<<if starGame.time.getCurrentPeriod() < 3 and starGame.npcs.getFact('diane_atrium') is undefined>>
<<slink "Approach Diane" "Hub_Atrium_Diane_SmallTalk1">><</slink>>
<div class="card solid card-nav">
<div class="row">
<div class="card-body p-0">
<div class="row d-flex">
<<slink "Academy Central" "Hub_Academy" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "ti ti-door-exit" "">><</slink>>
<<slink "Gym" "Commons_Gym" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "" "">><</slink>>
<<if starGame.player.getFact('maid_intro_visited') is undefined and State.variables.time_days >= 30>>
<<slink "Cafe" "MaidWorld_Intro" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "" "">>
<<slink "Cafe" "Commons_Cafe" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "" "">>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<saudio "bgm_zone_cafe" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.25>>
<<slink "Arcade" "Commons_Arcade" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "" "">>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<saudio "bgm_arcade" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.25>>
<<slink "Archives" "Commons_Archives" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "" "">><</slink>>
<<if starGame.player.getFact('campaign_hack') is true and starGame.npcs.getFact('wolfgirl_encounters') is undefined>>
/% Wolfgirl encounter %/
<<slink "Clinic" "Commons_Clinic_Wolfgirl1" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "" "">><</slink>>
<<elseif starGame.player.getFact('campaign_hack') is true and starGame.npcs.getFact('wolfgirl_encounters') is 1>>
/% Wolfgirl intro (after 1st encounter) %/
<<slink "Clinic" "Commons_Clinic_Wolfgirl2" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "" "">><</slink>>
/% Standard Clinic %/
<<slink "Clinic" "Commons_Clinic" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "" "">><</slink>>
<div class="navigation-container">\
<img src="resources/img/locations/commons/commons.webp"/>
<<if starGame.player.getFact('rival') is 'edward' and starGame.player.getFact('campaign_hack') is true and starGame.npcs.getFact('edward_rival_posthack') is undefined>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/edward/expressions/neutral_uniform.webp"/>
<<if starGame.player.getFact('visit_commons') is true>>\
As always, the Commons is calm and quiet, with what other cadets that are here merely passing through to one of the various destinations within the academy grounds. You know, even without looking at the holographic signs, that you can reach the Gym, Cafe, Archives, Arcade and Clinic from here.
While you have been here before, this is the first time you've come here outside of orientation or other reasons. It's a calm and quiet area, and a quick glance around tells you that it's a liminal area only. Holographic signs activate as you look at them, and you smile as you see other cadets making their way into the academy grounds.
From here you can visit the Gym, Cafe, Archives, Arcade and the Clinic.
<<playerFactSet "visit_commons" true>>\
<<if starGame.player.getFact('rival') is 'edward' and starGame.player.getFact('campaign_hack') is true and starGame.npcs.getFact('edward_rival_posthack') is undefined>>
Passing Edward on one of the various paths of the Academy grounds, you hear him stop moving as you take a step past him.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<if starGame.player.getFact('rival') is 'edward' and starGame.player.getFact('campaign_hack') is true and starGame.npcs.getFact('edward_rival_posthack') is undefined>>
<<slink "Turn around" "Hub_Commons_Edward_Rival_PostHack1">><</slink>>
<div class="card solid card-nav">
<div class="row">
<div class="card-body p-0">
<div class="row d-flex">
<<slink "Atrium" "Hub_Atrium" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "ti ti-door-exit" "">><</slink>>
<<slink "My Apartment" "Apartment_LivingRoom" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "" "">><</slink>>
/% Jaime - Initial Visit, before it is permanently accessible %/
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('jaime_stage1_afterdate_notify') is true and starGame.npcs.getFact('jaime_apartment') is undefined>>
<<slink "Jaime's Apartment" "Jaime_Apartment_Intro" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "ti ti-exclamation-circle" "">>
<<npcFactSet "jaime_apartment" true>>
/% Jaime's apartment %/
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('jaime_apartment') is true>>
<<if starGame.player.hasInteraction('jaime_interaction')>>
<<slink "Jaime's Apartment" "" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu disabled" "" "">>
<<snotify "info">>Jaime is currently recovering. Check back tomorrow.<</snotify>>
<<slink "Jaime's Apartment" "Jaime_Apartment" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "" "">><</slink>>
/% Julianna's apartment %/
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('julianna_apartment') is true>>
<<if starGame.time.getCurrentPeriod() is 4>>
<<slink "Julianna's Apartment" "" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu disabled" "" "">>
<<snotify "info">>Julianna is asleep. Check back tomorrow.<</snotify>>
<<elseif starGame.player.hasInteraction('julianna_interaction')>>
<<slink "Julianna's Apartment" "" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu disabled" "" "">>
<<snotify "info">>Julianna is currently recovering. Check back tomorrow.<</snotify>>
<<slink "Julianna's Apartment" "Julianna_Apartment" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "" "">><</slink>>
/% Letho, initial visit %/
<<if starGame.quests.isQuestTaskActive('story_letho_stage1_intro', 'story_apartment') is true and starGame.npcs.getFact('letho_apartment_encourage') is undefined>>
<<slink "Letho's Apartment" "Letho_Apartment_Stage1_Intro" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "ti ti-exclamation-circle" "">><</slink>>
/% Stella %/
<<if starGame.inventory.hasItem('item_quest_arcade_card') >= 1>>
<<if starGame.player.hasInteraction('stella_interaction')>>
<<slink "Stella's Apartment" "" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu disabled" "" "">>
<<snotify "info">>Stella is currently recovering. Check back tomorrow.<</snotify>>
<<elseif starGame.npcs.getFact('met_stella') is not true>>
<<slink "Stella's Apartment" "Stella_Apartment_Intro" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "ti ti-exclamation-circle" "">><</slink>>
<<if starGame.time.getCurrentPeriod() is 4>>
<<slink "Stella's Apartment" "" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu disabled" "" "">>
<<snotify "info">>Stella is asleep. Check back tomorrow.<</snotify>>
<<slink "Stella's Apartment" "Stella_Apartment" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "" "">><</slink>>
/% Zara - Initial Visit, before it is permanently accessible %/
<<if starGame.quests.isQuestTaskActive('story_zara_stage1', 'story_zara_stage1_visit') and starGame.npcs.getFact('zara_stage1_visited') is not true>>
<<slink "Zara's Apartment" "Zara_Apartment_Stage1" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "ti ti-exclamation-circle" "">><</slink>>
/% Zara - Permanently accessible apartment %/
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('zara_stage1_afterhack_notify') is true>>
<<if starGame.time.getCurrentPeriod() is 4>>
<<slink "Zara's Apartment" "" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu disabled" "" "">>
<<snotify "info">>Zara is asleep. Check back tomorrow.<</snotify>>
<<elseif starGame.player.hasInteraction('zara_interaction')>>
<<slink "Zara's Apartment" "" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu disabled" "" "">>
<<snotify "info">>Zara is currently recovering. Check back tomorrow.<</snotify>>
<<elseif starGame.npcs.getFact('zara_stage1_afterhack_visited') is true>>
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('zara_testing_cowgirl') is true and starGame.npcs.getFact('zara_milking') is not true>>
/% One time introduction to milking %/
<<slink "Zara's Apartment" "Zara_Apartment_Stage1_Milking_Intro" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "ti ti-exclamation-circle" "">><</slink>>
<<elseif starGame.npcs.getFact('zara_stage1_bodyswap_intro_accept') is undefined>>
<<slink "Zara's Apartment" "Zara_Apartment_Bodyswap_Intro" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "ti ti-exclamation-circle" "">><</slink>>
<<elseif starGame.npcs.getFact('zara_stage1_bodyswap2_notify') is true and starGame.npcs.getFact('zara_stage1_bodyswap2_visited') is undefined>>
<<slink "Zara's Apartment" "Zara_Apartment_Bodyswap2_Intro" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "ti ti-exclamation-circle" "">><</slink>>
/% Repeatable version %/
<<slink "Zara's Apartment" "Zara_Apartment" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "" "">><</slink>>
<<slink "Zara's Apartment" "Zara_Apartment_Stage1_AfterHack" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "ti ti-exclamation-circle" "">><</slink>>
<div class="navigation-container">\
<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/academy/dorms.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
The housing module of Starwatch Academy. Your room is here on the fifth floor, which is reserved for high class nobles and royalty. Through the doorway that leads into the dorms is a small waiting lounge, usually used by people waiting for cadets from the higher floors.
A set of elevators run the length of the building, and you know from experience that there's a flight of stairs that does so as well, for use in case of emergency. Thanks to the Academies policy of equality, it's strange that there's a floor dedicated to a certain caste, but you know that there are no measures to restrict people from accessing the floor, only the rooms.
<div class="card solid card-nav">
<div class="row">
<div class="card-body p-0">
<div class="row d-flex">
<<slink "Starwatch Academy" "Hub_Academy" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "" "">><</slink>>
<<slink "Novaris Prime" "Hub_City" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "" "">><</slink>>
<<if starGame.player.getFact('access_garrison') is true>>
<<slink "Orbital Garrison" "Hub_Orbital_Station" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "" "">><</slink>>
<div class="navigation-container">\
<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/hub/transporthub.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
The transport hub is quiet. The two automatic booths hum softly as instructions slowly play over their screens, showing you how to summon either the monorail or a shuttle as needed. In the distance, you can see the ever present lights of the distant city, and up the stairs is where the Academy grounds begin. A distant whine indicates the slow approach of one of the monorail cars.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<if starGame.quests.isQuestTaskActive("story_julianna_stage1", "story_julianna_stage1_pickup") is true and starGame.npcs.getFact('julianna_stage1_complete') is undefined>>
<<slink "Wait for Julianna" "Julianna_Date_Stage1_Pickup">>
<<npcFactSet "julianna_stage1_pickup" true>>
<div class="card card-nav solid">
<div class="row">
<div class="card-body p-0">
<div class="row d-flex">
<<slink "Landing Pad" "Hub_Orbital_Station" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "ti ti-door-exit" "">><</slink>>
<div class="navigation-container">\
<img src="resources/img/locations/station/annoffice.webp"/>
<<if starGame.time.getCurrentPeriod() < 4>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/ann/expressions/neutral_uniform.webp"/>
<<if starGame.time.getCurrentPeriod() is 4>>\
The office is immaculate and neat, its vista out over the city and planet as stunning as ever. You glance around casually, realizing that you've visited while Ann is away.
A thought crosses your mind about why the scanner let you in regardless, but you dismiss it for now. There's not much you can do here without her anyway.
Ann's Office is fitting for her position of a high ranking aide to one of the Alliance's Grand Admirals. A luxurious desk and comfortable chair overlooks the main hangar bay of the Orbital Garrison. Additionally, there's a vanity window out onto the vista of space, a striking scene of the distant sun throwing light over the planet below visible from her desk.
Ann gives you an expectant look from her seat at the desk, a half smile gracing her lips. <span class="ann">"Did you miss me so much already?"</span> She says, her words laced with more emotion than usual.
<<if starGame.time.getCurrentPeriod() < 4 and starGame.player.hasInteraction('ann_interaction') is not true>>
<div class="center m-3"><h5 class="bold">Services</h5></div>
<div class="row">
<<stimelink "Massage" "OrbitalStation_Office_Ann_Massage" "slink btn btn-highlight w-100" "ti ti-clock">><</stimelink>>
<<stimelink "Oral Support" "OrbitalStation_Office_Ann_Oral" "slink btn btn-highlight w-100" "ti ti-clock">><</stimelink>>
<div class="center m-3"><h5 class="bold">Interactions</h5></div>
<div class="row">
<<slink "Small talk" "OrbitalStation_Office_Ann_SmallTalk" "slink btn btn-highlight w-100">><</slink>>
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('ann_office_rwf') is not true>>
<<slink "Relationship with Father" "OrbitalStation_Office_Ann_RelationshipWithFather" "slink btn btn-highlight w-100">><</slink>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/station/annoffice.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/ann/expressions/neutral_uniform.webp"/>
<span class="hero">"So, tell me more about how it's like to work with my father."</span> You ask, curious about what the man is like in the field.
Ann leans back at that, thinking about the question in depth. After a while, she starts to speak.
<span class="ann">"That's a tough question, but I understand why you asked it. I'm sure I've spent more time with him than you have."</span> She ponders a bit more, before eventually speaking again. <span class="ann">"He's strange. Every order is planned out, meticulous, as if he can see every move before it's made. Often he will give instructions that make no sense at the time, and then as you carry them out you watch how he has managed to predict how the battle will flow."</span>
<span class="hero">"Impressive."</span> You say.
<span class="ann">"More so when you realize those carry on outside of the battlefield. He even predicted that you would ask this question, and told me I'm allowed to answer it freely when the time comes."</span> She says with a laugh.You can't help but chuckle as well, knowing that it's an obvious prediction and joke.
The two of you spend some more time talking about her life as an aide to your father, and you slowly realize that she's assisted him for far longer than you had expected. From the way she casually talks about her past with your family, you start to wonder if there is maybe something more to her than what you know on the surface level.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "OrbitalStation_Office">>
<<npcFactSet "ann_office_rwf" true>>
<<run starGame.player.setInteraction('ann_interaction')>>
<<if starGame.npcs.getStat('ann_affinity') < 25>>
<<npcStatIncrease "ann_affinity" 1>>
<<snotify "info">>Ann appreciated spending time with you.<</snotify>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/station/annoffice.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/ann/expressions/happy_uniform.webp"/>
Smiling warmly back at Ann you lean against the desk next to her, guiding her into a conversation about nothing in general, and merely passing some time with her instead. As the two of you talk, you realize that despite her status, she's quite lonely and enjoying your company greatly.
As the conversation continues however, you slowly draw it to a close, knowing that both of you still have things to attend to. As she offers an easy out, you take it, telling her you'll come visit again sometime soon. Excusing yourself from the office, you leave the still smiling Ann behind.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "OrbitalStation_Office">>
<<run starGame.player.setInteraction('ann_interaction')>>
<<if starGame.npcs.getStat('ann_affinity') < 25>>
<<npcStatIncrease "ann_affinity" 1>>
<<snotify "info">>Ann appreciated spending time with you.<</snotify>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/station/annoffice.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/ann/expressions/neutral_uniform.webp"/>
The scanner at the door flashes over you, the brief scan rewarding you with a beep as the door slides open, somewhat to your surprise. As you enter, it closes behind you, leaving you inside the private office.
Ann's Office is fitting for her position of a high ranking aide to one of the Alliance's Grand Admirals. A luxurious desk and comfortable chair overlooks the main hangar bay of the Orbital Garrison. Additionally, there's a vanity window out onto the vista of space, a striking scene of the distant sun throwing light over the planet below visible from her desk.
Ann swivels slightly in her chair when you arrive, and from the tight smile on her lips you can tell that something important is on her mind.
<span class="ann">"Do you know why I called you to the orbital garrison?"</span> She asks after a few minutes of tense silence. You admit that you don't, wondering why she's suddenly so serious. She lets out a long, slow breath before meeting your eyes again.
<span class="ann">"The Academy is a neutral place. No favoritism, no extra support for its cadets. They provide you lessons, and the tools to learn more and go ahead but that's it. Which, normally, would be good. However, you are a $character_lastName. You are expected to excel, perform and lead, not only by your father, but also by the Alliance as a whole. Which means that to keep the Academy neutral and fair, we need another way to give you an edge."</span> She gestures to the window overlooking the hangar bay.
You glance out of it as indicated, and are treated to the sight of the alliance support teams preparing various craft as usual. Turning back to Ann with a raised eyebrow, you wait for her to elaborate on her meaning.
<span class="ann">"Live fire exercises. You'll have an opportunity here to gain the edge you need over the other starwatch cadets, by directly participating in active field operations and experiencing what it is to be an elite officer first hand."</span> She smiles, and you realize that this is meant to be kept a secret. You thank her for the opportunity, looking for a way to escape the situation when she drives it home as a reality further.
<span class="ann">"Additionally, your father has already approved of this course of action."</span> She says cooly, a smile on her face that doesn't match the steel in her eyes.
<span class="ann">"You're not being forced to go out in the field often, or even at all, but you are expected to at least use this opportunity."</span> Her words are cold, and you realize that for all intents and purposes, you've just received an order from your Father through Ann.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "OrbitalStation_Office_FirstVisit2">><</slink>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/station/annoffice.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/ann/expressions/neutral_uniform.webp"/>
Leaning against the desk while you take this surprise in, you look at Ann, slowly realizing this might be the best chance to learn more about her role as your personal aide.
<span class="hero">"So, my own personal assistant?"</span> You say, an eyebrow raised.
<span class="ann">"That's right. I'm your new, dedicated personal assistant."</span> Ann replies smoothly, a hint of amusement in her voice.
<span class="hero">"And that means…"</span> You push her for more information, curious as to why you need a personal assistant before graduating.
<span class="ann">"It means that I'll be assisting you in various administrative ways, including managing your funds and liaising between corporations for you, should your actions require it."</span> She pauses, tapping a finger against her lips. <span class="ann">"I also can assist with stress relief and companionship as well."</span> She gives you a wink as she says this last part, and you can only wonder at the implications of it all.
The two of you spend some more time chatting about the kind of support she provides, and you're pleasantly surprised to find that she'll be acting in a similar manner to Eva, but regarding matters outside of the Academy. Deciding that there's no time like the present, you take the bait. Clearing your throat subtly, you gently broach the topic.
<span class="hero">"Previously you mentioned stress relief. I'm wondering how you would offer that?"</span> You ask, choosing your words carefully. She gives you a once over, before pressing a button on her desk, the door to the office locking.
<span class="ann">"Well… that depends on what kind of stress relief you need."</span> She says in a sultry voice, undoing the top button of her uniform as she talks. You smile, understanding what she means from her actions alone. Deciding to have things as clear as possible, you decide to ask for just a bit more clarification.
<span class="hero">"I take it you have some special methods to reduce stress?"</span> You say as you shift your body slightly, making sure she knows you caught her meaning.
<span class="ann">"I'm quite talented with my hand and mouth, and give wonderful massages and oral support."</span> She says, a wink accompanying her words. Deciding to leave the innuendo at that, you make a mental note of the services Ann is willing to provide you.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "OrbitalStation_Office">>
<<npcFactSet "ann_stage1_visited" true>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/ann/scenes/stage1/bg_blowjob_orbital.webp"/>
<<if starGame.player.hasVagina()>>
<<if starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'black'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/ann/scenes/stage1/f_licking_black.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'tan'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/ann/scenes/stage1/f_licking_tan.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/ann/scenes/stage1/f_licking_fair.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.hasPenis()>>
<<if starGame.player.isShemale()>>
<<if starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'black'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/ann/scenes/stage1/s_blowjob_black.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'tan'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/ann/scenes/stage1/s_blowjob_tan.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/ann/scenes/stage1/s_blowjob_fair.webp"/>
<<if starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'black'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/ann/scenes/stage1/m_blowjob_black.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'tan'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/ann/scenes/stage1/m_blowjob_tan.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/ann/scenes/stage1/m_blowjob_fair.webp"/>
<span class="hero">"I'm curious about your oral support."</span> You say, knowing the play on words is only a cover for what will happen next. As expected, Ann leaves her seat, gesturing for you to take her place. Kneeling even before you're seated, you're left with no doubt about what's about to transpire.
<<if starGame.player.hasPenis()>>\
As she pulls your dick free from your clothes, you feel her warm hand wrap around the shaft, a few quick strokes making sure that you're fully hard and ready for her. A gentle kiss on the tip of your dick is quickly followed by her tongue sliding along its length, twirling around its sides in a display of skill. As she slowly teases you with her tongue, you can feel her experience from the way she nimbly shifts it around, a tingling sensation running through you as she delicately services your member.
As her mouth engulfs your dick, you can feel her sucking on it adeptly, the vacuum adding to your pleasure as her tongue continues to work the head of your cock. A soft moan escapes your lips, and Ann picks up the pace when she hears it, the sounds of her blowjob filling the office. You can feel your orgasm approaching quickly, when Ann suddenly slows down, allowing you to cool off slightly, as she nurses your dick gently for a few moments, a wink thrown your way.
When she starts sucking again, it's with more vigor than before, and seconds pass before you feel the sensation of your orgasm building once more. This time she doesn't let up, keeping her pace as your body begins to tense, and as you feel yourself pass the point of no return, Ann surprises you further, taking you dick all the way to its base, as you cum directly down her throat, the sound of her swallowing all there is to be heard.
When you finally stop cumming, Ann stands and wipes her lips as she redoes your pants, a smile on her face. When the two of you are both fully dressed and ready, she unlocks the door.
<span class="ann">"Feel free to come by the next time you need someone to talk to."</span> She says with an innocent smile on her lips.
Ann strips you quickly, her hands prying your legs apart as she caresses your naked thighs. A gentle kiss against your inner leg tells you that she's starting, and as her delicate tongue begins to circle your pussy lips you can't help but let a soft sigh of pleasure out. As she kisses and licks your cunt in equal measure, you feel the waves of pleasure slowly building, her expert touch guiding you down the pathways of pleasure.
Her delicate touch and experience quickly bring you to the first of many orgasms, your muscles tightening slightly as you drench her face with your juices. She doesn't stop however, continuing to lap away at your insides with a sense of urgency that you can only admire. As you ride the waves of pleasure caused by Ann's attention to your pussy, you realize that you're cumming again, and as spasms ripple through your body you can see her smiling up at you from her position between your legs.
She gives you a few seconds to recover before her tongue plunges inside you again, her renewed efforts pushing your sensitive and trembling body back over the edge in short order. Your legs wrap around her shoulders, pulling her mouth tighter against your pussy as you feel yet another orgasm wash over you, leaving Ann's face shiny and wet from the freely flowing juices at this point. Eventually you relax enough for her to pull free, and as she wipes her face clean, she treats you to a smile.
<span class="ann">"Please feel free to come back the next time you need someone to talk to."</span> She says as she helps you dress, unlocking the door for you.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "OrbitalStation_Office">>
<<run starGame.player.setInteraction('ann_interaction')>>
<<startplaylist "playlist_exploration_soft">>
<<npcStatIncrease "ann_sex" 1>>
<<if starGame.npcs.getStat('ann_affinity') < 25>>
<<npcStatIncrease "ann_affinity" 1>>
<<snotify "info">>Ann appreciated spending time with you.<</snotify>>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<saudio "bgm_sex2" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.25>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/station/annoffice.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/ann/expressions/happy_uniform.webp"/>
Ann is busy reading a flight report when you enter her office, and she looks up at you with a smile, her focus quickly coming to rest on you. You don't have to wonder about her summons her for long, as she starts to talk almost instantly.
<span class="ann">"Ah, you got my message then. Remember the live experience flights we talked about before? Preparations for them have been completed, and you've officially been cleared to join our forces in the field for real."</span>
She waves a hand to the window overlooking the hangers before continuing.
<span class="ann">"Head down to the briefing room when you're ready to begin. Remember, this is a rare opportunity to gain an advantage over the rest of the cadets at the Academy."</span>
Her eyes flick back to the report she was reading when you arrive, and you realize that you've been silently dismissed. Leaving her office quietly, you feel a faint rush of excitement course through you as you imagine exploring the stars for real.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "OrbitalStation_Office">>
starGame.player.setFact('campaign_act1_livefire_visited', true);
<<if starGame.player.hasVagina()>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/ann/scenes/stage1/bg_fingering_orbital.webp"/>
<<if starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'black'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/ann/scenes/stage1/f_fingering_black.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'tan'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/ann/scenes/stage1/f_fingering_tan.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/ann/scenes/stage1/f_fingering_fair.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.isShemale()>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/ann/scenes/stage1/bg_handjob_orbital.webp"/>
<<if starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'black'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/ann/scenes/stage1/s_handjob_black.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'tan'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/ann/scenes/stage1/s_handjob_tan.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/ann/scenes/stage1/s_handjob_fair.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.hasPenis()>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/ann/scenes/stage1/bg_handjob_orbital.webp"/>
<<if starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'black'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/ann/scenes/stage1/m_handjob_black.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'tan'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/ann/scenes/stage1/m_handjob_tan.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/ann/scenes/stage1/m_handjob_fair.webp"/>
<span class="hero">"I feel like I could use a massage, it's been quite a day."</span> You say to Ann, a knowing smile on your lips. Ann gives you a knowing smile back, and as she slips out of her chair, waving for you to take her place, she loosens her uniform.
As you take a seat, she takes a position behind you, gently massaging your shoulders. She tuts softly before speaking.
<span class="ann">"You weren't joking, I can feel how tense you are. Why don't you lean back and let me take care of this."</span> She says as she run a hand down your chest towards your groin.
Allowing her to take control, you close your eyes as you lean back expectantly.
<<if starGame.player.hasPenis()>>\
You can feel Ann remove your lower garments, and as your shaft is exposed to the cool air, you feel a silky smoothness wrap around it. Surprised, you look down to see that Ann has wrapped your dick with her tie, and as she slowly strokes you with it, she keeps eye contact with you.
She gently kisses the tip of your cock as she stroke, and for a brief moment you can feel the warmth of her breath against you. As she continues to dutifully stroke away, her hand gently caresses the inside of your thigh, moving to scoop your balls and add some extra simulation.
Leaning your head back to allow the Lieutenant to work, you soon feel her skilled hands slowly bringing you closer to orgasm, but expertly delaying it with subtle changes in her speed and pressure as she keeps stroking you. Letting out a soft moan as she brings you even closer to the edge, you feel her pick up the pace, her hands expertly bringing you to orgasm as she folds the tie around the tip of your dick. As you pant, breathing hard from your orgasm, she stands, redressing herself quickly.
You watch as she drops the tie into a bin next to her desk, before pulling a fresh one from a drawer.
<span class="ann">"I trust you are significantly more relaxed now than a few minutes ago?"</span> She teases as she waits for you to recover enough to tidy yourself up.
Clicking the door lock off, she gives you a flirty smile. <span class="ann">"Come back anytime for more stress relief."</span>
Ann quickly strips your lower body of clothing, partially wrapping her legs around you as she caresses the inside of your thighs. Feeling the tension rising, you can barely wait for her to touch your sensitive and needy pussy. Eventually she brushes against your lips, a the contact sending a bolt of pleasure through you. As she teases you, you can feel your desire and lust grow, your hips bucking involuntarily against her hand, causing her to break the contact.
<span class="ann">"Just lean back and relax, I'll take care of it."</span> She says in a soft, seductive voice as she slowly slides one finger inside you. Doing as she says, you rest your head back, allowing the lieutenant to tend to your needs as you relax. Her finger expertly explores your cunt, before it's joined by a second, the two curling against the sensitive parts of your pussy, sending shivers throughout your entire body. Her thumb gently flicks over your clit, drawing a moan from your lips as it does.
She reacts to your moan with a third finger, and as she continues to gently stroke your insides, she starts to pick up the pace, your breathing growing ragged as she does. You can feel your muscles begin to tense as you approach your climax, and Ann starts to pick up the pace, aware that you're close. A long, low moan escapes your lips as your legs wrap around her, and as she continues to rub against your g-spot you feel your body spasm around her fingers, your orgasm finally washing over you.
As Ann redresses herself and cleans you up, you pant for breath, the orgasm you experienced at her experienced fingertips leaving you feeling drained and tired. Recovering your composure slowly, she gives you a wink before unlocking the office door.
<span class="ann">"Feel free to come for more stress relief anytime."</span> She says with a sultry voice.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "OrbitalStation_Office">>
<<run starGame.player.setInteraction('ann_interaction')>>
<<startplaylist "playlist_exploration_soft">>
<<npcStatIncrease "ann_sex" 1>>
<<if starGame.npcs.getStat('ann_affinity') < 25>>
<<npcStatIncrease "ann_affinity" 1>>
<<snotify "info">>Ann appreciated spending time with you.<</snotify>>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<saudio "bgm_sex2" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.25>>
<div class="card card-nav solid">
<div class="row">
<div class="card-body p-0">
<div class="row d-flex">
<<slink "Landing Pad" "Hub_Orbital_Station" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "ti ti-door-exit" "">><</slink>>
<div class="navigation-container">
<<if starGame.player.getFact('campaign_act1_livefire_visited') is undefined>>
/% Pre livefire %/
<<include OrbitalStation_BriefingRoom_PreLivefire>>
<<elseif starGame.player.hasInteraction('livefire') is not true and starGame.player.getFact('campaign_livefire') is undefined>>
/% First livefire %/
<<include OrbitalStation_BriefingRoom_Livefire1>>
<<elseif starGame.player.hasInteraction('livefire') is not true and starGame.player.getFact('campaign_livefire') is 1>>
/% Second livefire %/
<<include OrbitalStation_BriefingRoom_Livefire2>>
<<include OrbitalStation_BriefingRoom_NoLivefire>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/station/briefingroom.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/silhouettes/m2.webp"/>
The briefing room is somehow smaller than you expected it to be, and yet more advanced than you'd imagined. Similar to the classes inside the academy, there are rows of VR terminals arranged before a projector screen. You can understand the use of the room from a glance. Pilots, soldiers and commanders alike will be briefed in the room, either entering VR space or remaining in real space as needed for the briefing. Unlike the academy classes, there are no goggles for you to link in with here, and you realize that you'd need to either bring your own, or be equipped with cyberware that allows you to link with the terminals.
An officer is here, and they look up when you enter, relaxing as they see your lack of uniform. Giving you a polite nod, they return their attention to the terminal in front of them, seemingly preferring to remain in real space for what they're currently reading.
Approaching the lone officer slowly, you see his attention turn back to you. Before you can speak however, he speaks first, cutting you off.
<span class="officer">"Sorry kid. Training and practical flights have been suspended for the time being. Come back another time, after the Commander clears it."</span>
You pause, effectively cut off from even beginning your questions. Suppressing a frown, you give the Officer a polite nod, before leaving the room.
<img src="resources/img/locations/station/briefingroom.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/silhouettes/m2.webp"/>
Entering the briefing room, you're treated to the sight of the officer that's usually here giving you a slow double take. After a few seconds pass, he lets out a sigh, waving you over to one of the seats near him.
<span class="officer">"Gonna be honest, I didn't think you'd actually show up for one of these."</span>
His dismissive actions and tone grates against your nerves for a moment before you remember that you are actually just a cadet that he'll need to provide babysitters for. Deciding that you can bear with some disrespect in exchange for the extra advantage their experience and real flight will provide you, you tap the desk lightly as you settle in to listen to the briefing.
<span class="officer">"Alright, good, seems like you are smart enough to know when to just be quiet and listen. That's a skill that will save your life one day."</span>
There's the faintest trace of respect in the officer's voice, and for a full moment you almost believe that he means it. Before things can get sappy however, he taps a button on his terminal, and the room around you grows dark while the projection screen lights up.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<if starGame.player.getFact('major') is 'fighters'>>
<<slink "Continue" "OrbitalStation_LiveFire1_Fighter">>
<<playerFactSet "campaign_livefire" 1>>
<<elseif starGame.player.getFact('major') is 'cruisers'>>
<<slink "Continue" "OrbitalStation_LiveFire1_Cruiser">>
<<playerFactSet "campaign_livefire" 1>>
<<slink "Continue" "OrbitalStation_LiveFire1_Battlegroup">>
<<playerFactSet "campaign_livefire" 1>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/station/briefingroom.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/silhouettes/m2.webp"/>
The briefing room is empty as usual, and the officer here is leaning casually against his desk while reading from his tablet. When you enter, he gives you a small smile before waving you towards one of the nearby seats as he readies the room for another briefing.
<span class="officer">"Welcome back. Glad to see the black sea hasn't scared you off yet."</span>
His joking tone helps make you feel more comfortable in the otherwise empty room. Once he sees you've taken a seat and are sitting comfortably, ready for the briefing he taps the terminal in front of him, talking as the presentation plays.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<if starGame.player.getFact('major') is 'fighters'>>
<<slink "Continue" "OrbitalStation_LiveFire2_Fighter">>
<<playerFactSet "campaign_livefire" 2>>
<<elseif starGame.player.getFact('major') is 'cruisers'>>
<<slink "Continue" "OrbitalStation_LiveFire2_Cruiser">>
<<playerFactSet "campaign_livefire" 2>>
<<slink "Continue" "OrbitalStation_LiveFire2_Battlegroup">>
<<playerFactSet "campaign_livefire" 2>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/station/briefingroom.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/silhouettes/m2.webp"/>
<<if starGame.player.getFact('campaign_act1_livefire_completed') is true>>\
The officer that seems to always be here in the briefing room gives you a frown, your arrival in the briefing room clearly outside of his expectations for the day. He shakes his head briefly at you as he starts to speak.
<span class="officer">"You know, as much as I admire your confidence, I already recieved word that you've been barred from future flights for the time being. I'm sure the base commander will personally contact you when that changes."</span>
As the officers attention flicks off of you, you tap your leg lightly, forced to accept that you won't be able to do anything of note here without Ann's permission.
The officer that seems to always be here in the briefing room gives you a smile. His attitude towards you has changed significantly now that you've been cleared to fly for real, and since you've already actually shown up once, he's accepted that you mean business.
<span class="officer">Sorry cadet, no flights today. Commander doesn't have a good operation for you to join that wouldn't interfere with your Academy life."</span>
<div class="card card-nav solid">
<div class="row">
<div class="card-body p-0">
<div class="row d-flex">
<<slink "Landing Pad" "Hub_Orbital_Station" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "ti ti-door-exit" "">><</slink>>
<<include Eos_Nav_Enter>>
<div class="navigation-container">\
<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/station/hangar.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
The hangar bay is still a flurry of activity, the AMS-Eos dominating the spot of honor as its final preparations are made before it can be sent out into the black with you aboard it.
A pair of technicians walking past you greet you casually, as they discuss a new power draw issue a diagnostic scan has picked up, and you feel reassured to know the best of the Alliance is working to ensure your every flight will be a smooth one.
<img src="resources/img/locations/station/hangar.webp"/>
<img class="exp-right-15" src="resources/img/characters/main/ann/expressions/neutral_uniform.webp"/>
The hangars of the orbital garrison are buzzing with activity and life, as technicians and engineers call out to each other as they monitor the work being carried out on the pristine cruiser occupying the floor.
The sound of high heels behind you tells you that Lt. Ann is about to arrive, an excited smile on her face as she comes to stand alongside you, watching as a work crew finishes marking the side of the cruiser.
AMS-Eos. The ship's name is proudly on display a few moments later, and a cheer goes up from the various Alliance staff working in the hangar. You don't blame them, excitement of your own welling up within you and threatening to spill out in cheers of your own.
Ann nudges you slightly, drawing your attention from the cruiser back to her, her usual professional expression back in place already.
<span class="ann">"Beautiful, isn't she?"</span> She states more than asks, a wave towards the newly christened cruiser telling you that she shares your thoughts on the ship.
<span class="ann">"Fresh from the shipyards, and sporting a cutting edge design. Truly, a ship worth commanding, and one more than suited for a command and exploration role. Whether you're in battle or exploring the void, you won't find a better ship."</span>
She laughs, her own excitement coming through once more as she guides you towards the cruiser, her little sales pitch telling you enough about the ship to know that it's the kind of thing a graduated Starwatch officer would command. The fact it's being entrusted to you, even temporarily, proves that Starwatch HQ believes in your potential, if nothing else.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "OrbitalStation_Hangar_Eos_Intro2">><</slink>>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<saudio "bgm_revelation" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.25>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/station/hangar.webp"/>
<img class="exp-right-15" src="resources/img/characters/main/ann/expressions/neutral_uniform.webp"/>
<img class="exp-vertical-flip" src="resources/img/characters/crew/erika/expressions/neutral_uniform.webp"/>
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('met_erika') is true>>\
/% Already met Erika during Live Fire %/\
As you follow Lt. Ann towards the cruiser, eager to take a closer look at your ship, a familiar face approaches, throwing a salute that Ann quickly returns before turning to you. Smiling as you recognize Erika Von Schwarz, you recall that she's one of your support staff, assigned to the Eos and yourself to make sure you learn all there is to learn about leading battlegroups and commanding fleets.
From the look of the bag she's carrying, she's wasting no time in getting her space on the cruiser ready, moving in before you've even completed your first tour of the grounded vessel.
<span class="erika">"Good to see you again."</span> She says, a twinkle in her eyes betraying her own excitement as you return the pleasantries.
<span class="erika">"Once I've moved in, I'll start familiarizing myself with her command suite. I'm looking forward to working with you."</span>
Nodding at her words, you're about to respond in kind when Lt. Ann interrupts, telling Erika that the two of you can catch up another time good naturedly.
Smiling ruefully, you hold your hands up in surrender, following Ann the rest of the short distance to the cruiser's access ramp, ready to finally enter your ship for the first time.
As you follow Lt. Ann towards the cruiser, eager to take a closer look at your ship, a Starwatch officer you don't recognize approaches you and Ann, a professional salute thrown your way as Ann starts to introduce her.
<span class="ann">"This is Erika von Schwarz. One of the support staff you'll have on the cruiser, and also a mentor that'll help you master fleet command and tactics. Listen to her advice, and you'll be learning from one of the best."</span>
You nod cordially at Erika, the motion returned. Before the two of you can strike up a conversation however, Lt. Ann starts to move again, making a beeline for the cruiser's access ramps, clearly eager to inspect the ship's interior as soon as possible.
Shooting a rueful grin at Erika, you quickly excuse yourself, catching up with Ann and leaving the noble officer behind. A quick glance back tells you that she's also heading for the cruiser, a bag slung over her shoulder revealing that she's already preparing to move aboard the ship, in case of any sudden calls for departure.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "OrbitalStation_Hangar_Eos_Intro3">>
<<addtocodex "Erika von Schwarz" "met_erika">>
<img src="resources/img/locations/eos/shuttle_bay_0.webp"/>
<img class="exp-right-15" src="resources/img/characters/main/ann/expressions/neutral_uniform.webp"/>
Following Ann up the access ramp and into the cruiser's Shuttle bay, you find yourself inside the AMS-Eos for the first time. The ship hums gently, its engines online but idle, and Ann quickly leads you to the center of the bay, turning to you with a grin.
<span class="ann">"Ready to start the tour of your ship?"</span> She says with a light chuckle, a wave of her arm sending your gaze around your surroundings.
While this might be both the initial point of entry to the ship while landed, and its shuttle bay while in operation, you can see that the design of the ship is one meant for exploration and fast response. As you take in the sights around you, Lt. Ann speaks, explaining the various connecting rooms you can see from here already.
<span class="ann">"Welcome to the shuttle bay. First point of entry and exit for the cruiser, and also the main room of this lowest deck. From here, you can access the workshop and the medbay. Our own personal transport shuttle will be kept here, and that's all I can really say about this area of the ship without getting into boring technical details."</span>
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "OrbitalStation_Hangar_Eos_Intro4">><</slink>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/eos/medbay_0.webp"/>
<img class="exp-right-15" src="resources/img/characters/main/ann/expressions/neutral_uniform.webp"/>
Ann's smile is sweet enough that you don't mind the short overview of the shuttle bay itself, following along with her as she leads you into the attached medbay, its facilities quickly reminding you that this is still a military ship with their utilitarian design.
<span class="ann">"Originally, ships of this class had the medbay on the crew deck, but the Alliance has seen a thing or two since then, and the medbay was moved to where it is now to facilitate faster access to it in the event of medical issues during exploration. Something I hope we won't have to come to appreciate on our own missions."</span>
You laugh along with Ann, experimentally checking the screens and seeing that the medbay is fully online and working already, prompting you to turn to her with a question of your own.
<span class="hero">"I suppose I'll be meeting the ship's doctor another time then?"</span> You ask, wondering if it'll be another Starwatch officer or someone along those lines. Instead Ann gives you a cheeky grin.
<span class="ann">"You've met them already actually."</span> She says before pausing, a slight frown creasing her forehead before she continues. <span class="ann">"Or rather, you've met them already if you've actually been attending the classes you should be."</span>
Realizing that you're being teased, you wave the lieutenant's remark off as you wait for her to reveal the surprise, an idea already forming in your head as to who it could be.
<span class="ann">"I'm talking about Instructor Zara of course. Command decided that there's no one better suited for the role, and she practically begged for the assignment when she heard it was on offer."</span>
So your ship's personal doctor is going to be the seductive, mind-reading alien instructor that you've been receiving lessons from. A slight grin settles onto your face as you try to picture how those interactions will go.
You don't have time to daydream much however, as Ann leads you from the medbay to the workshop, the short walk across filled with technical specifications of what the medbay can do.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "OrbitalStation_Hangar_Eos_Intro5">>
/% Fixes for Stella %/
<<if starGame.inventory.hasItem('item_quest_arcade_card') >= 1>>
/% Means MC has won against her at the arcade %/
<<npcFactSet "stella_arcade_won" true>>
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('met_stella') is true>>
/% Means MC has won against her at the arcade %/
<<npcFactSet "stella_arcade_visited" true>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/eos/workshop_0.webp"/>
<img class="exp-right-15" src="resources/img/characters/main/ann/expressions/neutral_uniform.webp"/>
<img class="exp-vertical-flip" src="resources/img/characters/crew/stella/expressions/neutral_civilian.webp"/>
Opposed to the serenity of the medbay and the liminal space of the shuttle bay, the workshop area is, in a word, chaotic.
Engineers and technicians are moving in and out of the room as they confirm the Eos is running properly, and a starwatch cadet is busy barking instructions at some Alliance marines that should out rank her, but are busy meekly moving boxes around instead.
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('met_stella') is true>>\
Lt. Ann laughs at the sight of this, and guides you over to the cadet, clearing her throat to catch her attention. The cadet turns quickly, looking to see who dares interrupt her reorganization of the workshop area, only to quickly snap into a salute as she recognizes Ann.
You smile as you recognize Stella, who quickly graces you with a smile of her own. Ann doesn't miss the small interaction, and as she returns Stella's salute she starts with the next part of the tour.
<span class="ann">"Seeing as the two of you know each other, I can trust that I don't need to explain why Stella is on the ship. Just in case however, Stella is our handpicked, best of the best, shuttle pilot. She'll also be doing some of its maintenance and other workshop tasks, under the watchful eyes of our actual support mechanics."</span>
Ann gives you and Stella a moment to share greetings, before continuing the tour, leading you away from Stella as she tells you about the workshop's intended purpose.
Long story short, this is where any equipment modifications, shuttle repairs, and similar activities will happen, and you file that information in your memory, even as Ann leads you deeper into the cruiser to continue the tour.
Lt. Ann laughs at the sight of this, and guides you over to the cadet, clearing her throat to catch her attention. The cadet turns quickly, looking to see who dares interrupt her reorganization of the workshop area, only to quickly snap into a salute as she recognizes Ann.
<span class="ann">"At ease cadet."</span> Ann says as she motions for you to step forward. <span class="ann">"I don't know if you two have ever actually met, so this is as good a time as any to do introductions before we continue with the ship tour."</span>
Ann pauses for a moment before continuing, her gaze running between the two of you as she speaks.
<span class="ann">"Stella this is $character_firstName $character_lastName. $character_firstName, this is Stella Pyra."</span>
Introductions out of the way, Ann quickly flows into the explanation of why Stella is on your ship, and bossing marines around at that.
<span class="ann">"Stella's our shuttle pilot, and self-appointed shuttle engineer. Top marks in the Starwatch fighter course made her an obvious choice for being the pilot, and her own love for snub craft and the like made her volunteer herself to keep the shuttle in tip top shape. Naturally we have other, dedicated technicians that will help her in that latter role, so no need to worry about any "unauthorized" modifications she might dream up."</span>
Stella pouts at this, but doesnt have time to come up with a retort as Ann leads you away from the cadet, the two of you exchanging a friendly nod as you part. You'll have to find her on your own time if you want to chat it seems, or at least wait until the tour is over.
You aren't distracted by the speedy interaction for too long however, as Ann explains that the workshop is where any equipment modifications, shuttle repairs, and similar activities will happen, even as she leads you deeper into the cruiser to continue the tour.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "OrbitalStation_Hangar_Eos_Intro6">>
<<addtocodex "Stella" "met_stella">>
<img src="resources/img/locations/eos/living_quarters_0.webp"/>
<img class="exp-right-15" src="resources/img/characters/main/ann/expressions/neutral_uniform.webp"/>
The next stop in the tour of the AMS-Eos is the crew quarters, and you're quickly reminded that even though this is an Alliance military ship, it's also a command ship, meant for a higher class of officer, and that extra prestige is seemingly extended towards the rest of the crew, as even the shared living spaces here are designed and held to a higher standard of comfort and luxury than most officer quarters on more normal military ships.
Ann guides you through the crew quarters, telling you about the facilities and how it can comfortably hold a full crew even on extended missions.
The real first stop here however, is the dormitories, a series of smaller private cabins, designed for the general crew. Most of your support staff, as well as rank and file enlisted crew will live here when the Eos is out on missions, and Ann makes a point of telling you that only you and her have truly private accommodation on this ship.
You decide that whether she intended for it to be a subtle hint about where to have "fun" or not is irrelevant, as you make a mental note to keep your liaisons with others to your own, not yet visited quarters when aboard the Eos.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "OrbitalStation_Hangar_Eos_Intro7">><</slink>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/eos/player_quarters_0.webp"/>
<img class="exp-right-15" src="resources/img/characters/main/ann/expressions/neutral_uniform.webp"/>
Speaking of your own quarters, the next stop in the tour is your own room, and the first thought that comes to your mind, before Ann even speaks, is that it looks like someone took your academy dorm room and scaled it to fit inside the cruiser.
The aesthetics are different, but aside from that you can see a terminal, an incredibly comfortable bed and a VR pod, presumably meant for you to use as a way to continue with your lessons and practicing, even while away from the Academy. Ann seemingly notices where your eyes have wandered through the room, speaking up as she draws your attention back to her.
<span class="ann">"Your own room. Customized to suit the needs of a promising Starwatch cadet while still retaining all the functionality and safety of a standard officers quarters. Most importantly, a repurposed Alliance command link. Instead of being able to call the Admiralty board, you can link directly to Eva from this ship. Arguably a direct upgrade in my eyes. At the very least, she's easier to talk to."</span>
You laugh along with Ann as she gives you a few minutes to finish looking through your room here. You'll have to arrange with Eva to transfer your things from your Academy dorm room to here when you want to undertake missions and tasks, but you imagine that that won't be too much of an issue.
Either way, it's something you'll look into another time, after the tour. Rejoining Ann at the door, she leads you to the bridge of the ship, the final stretch of the tour just ahead.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "OrbitalStation_Hangar_Eos_Intro8">><</slink>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/uncharted/hangar/hangar.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/locations/eos/bridge_0.webp"/>
<img class="exp-right-15" src="resources/img/characters/main/ann/expressions/neutral_uniform.webp"/>
The bridge is somehow both exactly what you expected and nothing like what you expected at the same time. A hologlobe, a command station, seats for the pilot and copilot of the cruiser and a suite of support stations hidden away behind your command point.
Ann leads you into the room, smiling as she interacts with the hologlobe, the display quickly reforming into star charts and system maps before returning to its default appearance, washing the bridge in its gentle light. Seated in one of the navigator seats is another starwatch officer, but their focus is on the console in front of them, as they tune the instruments to their liking. Ann draws your attention back to her as she clears her throat, and you can tell the tour is almost over.
<span class="ann">"By now I'm sure you've realized this is where you'll command the ship from, as well as make decisions for missions and exploration, as different opportunities open up. Fortunately, you don't need to pilot it yourself, and we have a full bridge crew complement to make commanding the Eos natural and smooth. Myself and our star cruiser commander over here included of course."</span>
Ann smiles as she catches the officers attention, prompting them to leave their station long enough to come and meet you.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "OrbitalStation_Hangar_Eos_Intro9">><</slink>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/uncharted/hangar/hangar.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/locations/eos/bridge_0.webp"/>
<img class="exp-vertical-flip" src="resources/img/characters/crew/natalie/expressions/neutral_uniform.webp"/>
<img class="exp-right-15" src="resources/img/characters/main/ann/expressions/neutral_uniform.webp"/>
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('met_natalie') is true>>\
When the officer turns, you instantly recognize Natalie, who gives you a friendly, if cheeky smile. She doesn't bother with saluting either you or Ann, and instantly starts to gush about the Eos and it's capabilities, only stopping when Ann manages to cut her off during a rare pause for breath.
<span class="ann">"You've already met, and you know your respective roles in learning to command this ship effectively. Aside from that, she'll be your main navigator and pilot. Top of her class during Academy days, so we'll be in good hands."</span>
A sudden slew of beeps from the console behind her draws a soft curse from Natalie, as she quickly returns to her seat, leaving you and Ann to finish up the tour alone, a single room all that's left for you to see still. Guided into it by the lieutenant, you leave the cursing officer to figure out the source of the complaining console.
As the officer comes to greet you and Ann, you can only smile at her excited grin, her salute hasty and sloppy as she starts to gush to Ann about how the Eos is a dream already. Before she can get too far off track however, Ann cuts her off, waving a hand towards you as she starts to introduce you to each other.
<span class="ann">"Natalie, $character_firstName $character_lastName."</span> Short and to the point, revealing that they've known each other for long enough to at least get comfortably friendly. <span class="ann">"$character_firstName is commander of the Eos, and your new mentee. In addition to flying the cruiser, you're going to make sure our dear commander here is a top scoring cruiser candidate, even with their transfer to the course."</span>
Natalie frowns, circling you as she considers the news, before a cheeky smile creeps onto her face. <span class="natalie">"Yea, no problem. If they learn to command one of these half as well as I can, they'll be at the top of their year in no time."</span>
Her easy confidence helps bolster your own, the cruiser tour helping you understand the scale of what's to come in your own future, and you wink at her, telling her you look forward to their guidance.
The conversation is cut short however by a series of beeps from the console Natalie was sitting at earlier, and as she excuses herself to examine the cause, you find yourself being led to a room connected to the bridge by Lt. Ann.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "OrbitalStation_Hangar_Eos_Intro10">>
<<addtocodex "Natalie" "met_natalie">>
<img src="resources/img/locations/eos/ann_office_0.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/ann/expressions/neutral_uniform.webp"/>
Even before Ann starts to explain this last room, you know that it's her quarters. In fact you'd have figured it out without her revealing earlier that she has private accommodations on the cruiser. The room itself is almost a carbon copy of her office, wall paneling and a window looking out into space instead of the garrison hangar aside.
A neatly made bed is otherwise the only new addition, and as Ann gives you a quick tour of her new office, you can't help but wonder if she emphasized that her room is just as sound proof as your own or if you imagined it.
Regardless of that, you spend a few minutes chatting with Ann as she explains that while the cruiser is largely ready and that you can start roaming and getting used to it, it's still grounded until the official first orders come through.
A sad delay, but hopefully one that won't take too much longer, given that the cruiser is actually here now, and the reasons to keep it grounded are slowly being dealt with.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "OrbitalStation_Hangar_Eos_Intro11">><</slink>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/station/hangar.webp"/>
<img class="exp-right-15" src="resources/img/characters/main/ann/expressions/neutral_uniform.webp"/>
With the initial guided tour finished, Ann leads you back to the exterior of the Eos, leaving you to admire your ship while she returns to her office to handle some administration that needs to be cleared long before the ship can fly. Just before she walks away however, she turns back to you, a slight frown crossing her face.
<span class="ann">"Oh, I almost forgot. The Eos has been rushed out of dry dock for your use, so while fully functional, its amenities are somewhat limited, and given its new pattern, we'll easily be able to expand and upgrade its rooms at a later date. Over time, she'll grow into your personalized flagship I imagine."</span>
Left alone on that final note, you can feel the excitement welling up within you, as an idle thought crosses your mind at petitioning your father to hurry up the arrival of your first orders.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "OrbitalStation_Hangar">>
<<playerFactSet "eos_enabled" true>>
<<playerFactSet "campaign_act1_cruiser_reveal" true>>
<<startplaylist "playlist_exploration_soft">>
<<snotify "info">>You can now fast travel to the AMS Eos.<</snotify>>
<div class="card solid card-nav">
<div class="row">
<div class="card-body p-0">
<div class="row d-flex">
<<slink "Transport Hub" "Hub_Transport" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "ti ti-door-exit" "">><</slink>>
<<if starGame.quests.isQuestTaskActive('story_campaign_act2', 'story_campaign_act2_tutorial') is true and starGame.player.getFact('campaign_act2_tutorial_notify') is true and starGame.player.getFact('campaign_act2_tutorial') is undefined>>
<<slink "Hangar Bay" "Eos_FirstFlight_Intro" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "ti ti-exclamation-circle" "">><</slink>>
<<elseif starGame.player.getFact('eos_enabled') is true>>
/% Has access to the ship %/
<<slink "Hangar Bay" "OrbitalStation_Hangar" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "" "">><</slink>>
<<elseif starGame.quests.isQuestTaskActive('story_campaign_act2', 'story_campaign_act2_intro') is true and starGame.player.getFact('eos_enabled') is undefined>>
/% Campaign Act2: Cruiser Tour %/
<<slink "Hangar Bay" "OrbitalStation_Hangar_Eos_Intro" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "ti ti-exclamation-circle" "">><</slink>>
<<slink "Hangar Bay" "" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu disabled" "" "">><</slink>>
<<slink "Briefing Room" "OrbitalStation_BriefingRoom" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "" "">><</slink>>
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('ann_stage1_visited') is undefined>>
<<slink "Lieutenant Ann's Office" "OrbitalStation_Office_FirstVisit" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "ti ti-exclamation-circle" "">><</slink>>
<<elseif starGame.player.getFact('campaign_act1_livefire_notify') is true and starGame.player.getFact('campaign_act1_livefire_visited') is undefined>>
<<slink "Lieutenant Ann's Office" "OrbitalStation_Office_Ann_LiveFire_Introduction" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "ti ti-exclamation-circle" "">><</slink>>
<<slink "Lieutenant Ann's Office" "OrbitalStation_Office" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "" "">><</slink>>
<div class="navigation-container">\
<img src="resources/img/locations/station/landingpad.webp"/>
<<if starGame.player.getFact('job_office_accepted') is true and starGame.npcs.getFact('felix_bar') is 1 and starGame.npcs.getFact('felix_past') is undefined>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/side/felix/expressions/neutral_uniform.webp"/>
Deciding to pay a visit to the orbital garrison that guards the Academy and Novaris Prime, you step through the doors onto the shuttle. The cabin is empty, and as you take a comfortable seat in one of the open chairs, you confirm to the automated systems that you're ready to depart.
As the shuttle hums softly, its engines warming up, you lean back to look out of the window. The engines purr lightly as you begin your journey to the Orbital station far above. You watch as the Academy grounds slowly shrink away, the domed city of Novaris following suite shortly after. For a moment, you feel vastly alone in the universe, treated with the ever dark expanse of space between the planet and the station, before you see a colossal hanger door opening to accept your shuttle into the station.
Minutes pass without event, and after a quick scan of the shuttle, you are cleared to enter the station by two Alliance Marines nearby.
<<if starGame.player.getFact('job_office_accepted') is true and starGame.npcs.getFact('felix_bar') is 1 and starGame.npcs.getFact('felix_past') is undefined>>\
To your surprise, Felix is busy talking to some of the alliance marines in the shuttle bay.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<if starGame.player.getFact('job_office_accepted') is true and starGame.npcs.getFact('felix_bar') is 1 and starGame.npcs.getFact('felix_past') is undefined>>
<<slink "Approach Felix" "Hub_Orbital_Station_Felix1">><</slink>>
<<if starGame.player.getFact('visit_orbitalstation') is not true>>
<<playerFactSet "visit_orbitalstation" true>>
<<snotify "info">>You can now fast travel to the orbital garrison.<</snotify>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/station/landingpad.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/side/felix/expressions/neutral_uniform.webp"/>
It takes you a moment to remember that he's served in the military before. Slowly getting over the whiplash of seeing the office worker talking with the marines here, you are caught off guard when he turns to you, waving while the marines watch.
Walking over with a rueful smile, Felix quickly introduces you to the marines he's talking with, telling them about how you're the new kid at the job he's currently got. You enjoy the surprise on his face when the marines tell him that you're not an uncommon sight on the station either, before they excuse themselves, leaving you alone with Felix.
<span class="felix">"I guess I knew you were an important figure, but seeing you freely walk onto the orbital garrison puts it into some perspective for me."</span>
He teases you lightly as you spend a few minutes catching up and chatting in the hangar, enjoying each other's casual company before you get back to the reason for your visit here. After some time, you decide that you should get back to business, and you make your excuses as you head back towards the station proper, telling yourself that you'll have to catch up with Felix at some point in the future to see if he often visits the garrison despite being a civilian now.
Even as you move away from him, he's not left alone for long as he heads off to find the marines he was talking to before, his confident laughter carrying through the landing bay easily.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Hub_Orbital_Station">>
<<npcFactSet "felix_past" 1>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/station/briefingroom.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/silhouettes/m2.webp"/>
<span class="officer">"I won't lie. I was hoping you wouldn't actually show up for this."</span> The officers words are not what you expected, and coupled with his cold tone, you start to wonder if he's about to chase you out when he lets out a defeated sigh.
<span class="officer">"Look, here's the thing. I can't just summon up a battlegroup for you to command and potentially lose. So what I can do is attach you to one of our mobile command ships, and send you to sit in and shadow actual commanders in the field. You might not get to command a fleet, but at the very least you'll get a chance to see how it's done."</span>
He gives you a slight smile, and you nod, confirming that it's an acceptable course of action for the time being. Clapping his hands as if to clear the air and make progress forward, he quickly breaks down the briefing of the mission you'll be shadowing, as well as telling you about the important things you need to know once there.
Seconds after he's finished speaking, he steps aside, allowing you access to the hangar bay, where a small shuttle is waiting to ferry you to the command ship already.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "OrbitalStation_LiveFire1_Battlegroup2">>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<saudio "bgm_combat1" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.25>>
<img src="resources/img/events/livefire_battlegroup/bg.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/silhouettes/m6.webp"/>
The trip to the command ship is short, and you're surprised to see that it's barely bigger than a standard transport. A junior officer meets you at the airlock, throwing you a professional salute as they lead you to the bridge of the ship where you're struck by a moment of awe as you see how most of it is dominated by an impressive holotable with an incredibly detailed starmap being projected above it.
A tired looking officer glances up at your arrival, and as his eyes run over you, he twitches a hand at one of the nearby bridge crew, the ship leaping into hyperspace as he does. Caught off guard by the sudden happenings, you wonder for a moment if you boarded the wrong ship when the officer speaks first.
<span class="officer2">"You're in the right place. We just have no time to waste if you want to actually learn something today. Now, cadet $character_lastName, look at this map carefully and tell me what you believe our forces should do."</span>
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "OrbitalStation_LiveFire1_Battlegroup2_Map">><</slink>>
<img src="resources/img/events/livefire_battlegroup/starmap1_1.webp"/>
He waves at the holotable, zooming in enough to reveal a pitched battle between rebel and Alliance forces already in progress. Somewhere in the back of your mind, you realize it's updating even though the ship you're on is currently in hyperspace, something which shouldn't be possible according to what you know about how hyperspace works. Putting that out of your mind for the moment, you assess the situation carefully, taking in as much information as you can before speaking up.
From what you can see at the moment, the Alliance forces are in a definitive advantage, outnumbering the rebels easily, and with a wave of reinforcements approaching them rapidly. But something seems strange to your eye, with the incoming vector of the reinforcement fleet seemingly opposite the location of the system's orbital garrison.
A gentle cough from the officer tells you that he's waiting for your reply, and that your time to assess the situation is quickly running out. Glancing at the map once more, you don't see any new information that will help you make a decision further.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Push Attack" "OrbitalStation_LiveFire1_Battlegroup2_Attack">>
<<playerFactSet "campaign_livefire_battlegroup1_attack" true>>
<<slink "Retreat" "OrbitalStation_LiveFire1_Battlegroup2_Retreat">>
<<playerFactSet "campaign_livefire_battlegroup1_retreat" true>>
<img src="resources/img/events/livefire_battlegroup/starmap1_2.webp"/>
With such a clear advantage already in hand, you don't even have to really think about the correct course of action here. Telling the officer that your forces should keep their advantage and push the attack as hard as they can, he gives you a steady nod as he turns his attention back to the map.
The command ship leaves hyperspace moments later, ejecting you onto the distant edges of the battle, allowing the map to update faster and placing you close enough to see some of the more brilliant explosions visually.
You glance between the map and what you can see from the bridge here, wondering if there's anything you've missed, when a sudden chill runs down your spine.
The fact that the officer didn't issue any commands based on the course of action you outlined wasn't something that struck you as strange, given that you weren't expecting to be given command of an active battle either. But the information on the table seems more wrong every second, and you see the officer grin as you come to a realization. The reinforcement ships approaching the fight are coming from rebel held space.
<span class="officer2">"Just because a situation looks advantageous, doesn't mean it is. The rebels love to spoof our IFF's and try to trick us into thinking we're winning or losing when we're not."</span>
You feel a rush of panic, realizing that the Alliance ships are about to be outnumbered and potentially overwhelmed in mere minutes when all of the approaching radar signatures wink out in eerie silence.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "OrbitalStation_LiveFire1_Battlegroup2_Attack2">><</slink>>
<img src="resources/img/events/livefire_battlegroup/starmap_fix.webp"/>
<span class="officer2">"Of course, if the rebels can fake IFF's and radar signatures, what makes you think we can't do it too."</span>
He flashes you a smile you can only think of as triumphant, and the effect of his deception becomes immediately obvious as the rebel ships start to panic, trying to flee the battle as they realize their incoming "reinforcements" were never there in the first place.
As the Alliance ships in the distance start to close out the battle, their ruse having thoroughly shattered enemy morale, you can only look at the crew of the command ship around you with awe.
They would have had to intercept rebel communications, falsifying the incoming data to convince the embattled rebels that reinforcements were on the way, while also launching an undetected electronic warfare strike to create the radar signatures of the reinforcements approaching, and managing any unexpected variables in the battle raging a whole system away until the culmination of their plan was reached.
Your mind quickly flashes back to your different VR training sims, and you feel a deep sense of dissatisfaction build within you as you realize that this kind of strategy hasn't even been touched on by the sims. You can only hope it will be in the future.
While the Alliance ships finish mopping up the rebels, you spend the rest of the time asking questions to the command ship's crew, and they gleefully indulge in the chance to reveal their genius, explaining to you how they managed to pull their ploy off on such a large scale.
Eventually however, the captain of the ship claps his hands, telling everyone to get back to their normal stations as they prepare to return to the Academy to drop you off for debriefing.
<span class="officer2">"Not the most involved mission you've been on, but I hope it was enough to give you a taste for how a good commander needs to think and plan."</span> He gives you a wink, a friendly smile on his face.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "OrbitalStation_LiveFire1_Battlegroup2_Attack_Debrief">>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<startplaylist "playlist_exploration_soft">>
<img src="resources/img/locations/station/briefingroom.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/ann/expressions/neutral_uniform.webp"/>
Returning to the station safely, you can't help but feel tension you didn't even know you were feeling drain out of your body. Realizing that its source is the fact that your life was actually in real danger for once, you accept that Lt. Ann and your father were more than correct in their choice to get you some real flight experience as an edge over your peers.
Stepping into the briefing room, you're surprised to see Ann here instead of the officer that briefed you earlier, your mission details already pulled up on the projector behind. She gives you a smile before waving you to a seat.
Ann's smile changes to a frown however, and you can't help but feel that she's disappointed with your flight. Letting out a sigh, she starts to talk.
<span class="ann">"Alright, first, I understand that this was your first real flight, and that the entire point is for you to learn and get the experience needed to be a good commander from them. However, blindly pushing the attack because things seem favorable without considering the things that stand out as strange to you is a mistake."</span>
She frowns again, clearly unhappy with the entire situation.
<span class="ann">"Fortunately we had complete control over that situation and this encounter can be used as a learning situation, and it's slightly unfair to expect you to guess what the rest of the command crew knew, so this won't reflect badly on you at all. Learn from it and grow further."</span>
The rest of the debriefing passes quickly as Ann spends it allowing you to ask questions about the electronic warfare capabilities of the Alliance and rebels, answering what she can without breaching confidentiality clauses. Eventually however, she dismisses you, drawing the briefing to a close as she allows you to return to your normal day.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Leave" "Hub_Orbital_Station">>
<img src="resources/img/events/livefire_battlegroup/starmap_fix.webp"/>
You don't like the way the reinforcing ships aren't coming from the Alliance garrison and you tell the officer as much, the rest of the command crew smiling slightly as you do. The tired officer gives you a smile that makes you feel uneasy before he speaks, a hand waved at the map while he does.
<span class="officer2">"Warfare is based on information. Information can be manipulated."</span> At first you wonder if that's all he had to say, when he presses a button, zooming in on the approaching Alliance "reinforcements".
You frown as you see nothing projected on the spot, simply markers that slowly update as they approach the raging battle. Turning to raise the question about what you're looking at, you see him smiling as you do, realizing that you saw exactly what he wanted to show you. The reinforcements aren't real. There's only one reason the Alliance reinforcements would be faked instead of the rebel ones, and that's because the rebels must be able to falsify the IFF's themselves.
In on the ruse now, you watch in fascination as the fake radar signatures approach the raging battle, before suddenly winking out of existence en masse. You can practically taste the panic of the rebels who thought they were getting reinforcements realizing that they've been lured into a trap.
Embattled and wounded, you can see them trying to escape, instead being quickly taken apart by the Alliance forces around them, the operation an overwhelming success as enemy morale breaks and ships start to surrender and flee.
While the Alliance ships finish mopping up the rebels, you spend the rest of the time asking questions to the command ship's crew, and they gleefully indulge in the chance to reveal their genius, explaining to you how they managed to pull their ploy off on such a large scale.
Eventually however, the captain of the ship claps his hands, telling everyone to get back to their normal stations as they prepare to return to the Academy to drop you off for debriefing.
<span class="officer2">"Not the most involved mission you've been on, but I hope it was enough to give you a taste for how a good commander needs to think and plan."</span> He gives you a wink, a friendly smile on his face.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "OrbitalStation_LiveFire1_Battlegroup2_Retreat_Debrief">>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<startplaylist "playlist_exploration_soft">>
<img src="resources/img/locations/station/briefingroom.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/ann/expressions/neutral_uniform.webp"/>
Ann's smile never wavers as you take your seat, her fingers drumming on her thigh while she weighs up how to start the debriefing.
<span class="ann">"Even without knowing that we can spoof radar signatures the way we do, you trusted your eyes and made the right choice for a situation where the information available to you was both restricted and withheld."</span>
She gives you a smile, and you feel a surge of pride in your body.
<span class="ann">"But the real victory here is that even though your choices had no impact on this battle specifically, you learnt that the field of battle is much broader than the VR sims can ever show. From this starting point, it's important to keep growing and absorbing knowledge as you follow in your family's footsteps."</span>
The rest of the debriefing passes quickly as Ann spends it allowing you to ask questions about the electronic warfare capabilities of the Alliance and rebels, answering what she can without breaching confidentiality clauses.
Eventually however, she dismisses you, drawing the briefing to a close as she allows you to return to your normal day.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Leave" "Hub_Orbital_Station">>
<img src="resources/img/locations/station/briefingroom.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/silhouettes/m2.webp"/>
<span class="officer">"Cruiser course. Not impossible to help tutor, but a damned sight harder than the fly boys. Not to worry, I've already made a plan."</span>
The officer smiles at you, the decidedly predatory nature of it sending a chill down your spine. Before you can ask what he's managed to work out for you, he clicks a button, a slide scrolling onto the projector as he does.
You feel the excitement in your chest die a little bit as you see an older model corvette fill the screen, its technical specifications and details listed alongside its image. The smile of glee on the officer's face however, grows even more. Before he even gets to explain it, you can already tell that you'll be flying, or assisting someone flying, the old corvette instead of a full capital class cruiser that can be used better elsewhere.
You barely hear the officer's briefing, as he runs you through a basic first flight plan that involves a simple patrol, as well as a brief scouting phase.
Once you've confirmed that you understand the briefing, the officer gives you a smile, stepping out of your way to let you access the hangar, where a small shuttle is waiting to ferry you to the corvette you'll be aboard for the exercises.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "OrbitalStation_LiveFire1_Cruiser2">>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<saudio "bgm_combat1" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.25>>
<img src="resources/img/events/livefire_fighter/bg.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/events/livefire_cruiser/bridge.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/silhouettes/m6.webp"/>
The shuttle quickly deposits you at the corvette waiting ominously in space a short distance from the garrison, and you're surprised to be met at the airlock by its captain, an older gentleman with a weathered face and intimidating presence.
<span class="officer2">"Welcome aboard the AMS Warden. I trust you've been briefed already?"</span> His friendly tone has a steely undercurrent, and as you tell him you have been, he treats you to a smile.
<span class="officer2">"Excellent. You'll be serving as my advisor and executive officer for this patrol then."</span>
Guiding you to the bridge, the commander takes his place at the bridge, indicating for you to stand alongside him. Frowning as you realize you don't know his name, you realize it would be rude to ask now, and you decide to simply refer to him as captain, befitting his command of the cruiser you're currently on.
<span class="officer2">"Two things. First we are patrolling the heart of Alliance space, and while I expect nothing to happen, I want you to understand the contradictory nature of that statement."</span>
He pauses, giving you time to process that statement, before he continues. <span class="officer2">"Second, if anything does happen, while I will be the one commanding the ship, you'll be the one who decides if we fight or flee. Understood?"</span>
You grimace lightly, the sudden weight of responsibility that's been dropped onto your shoulders threatening to make your knees buckle. Smiling professionally at the captain, you tell him that you won't let him down.He gives you a small, wry smile before issuing a flurry of orders, the corvette quickly springing to life as it glides through space, following a predetermined patrol path.
The captain makes some light conversation with you, talking about Academy life and its training programs, as he allows the bridge crew to monitor the space around the corvette.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "OrbitalStation_LiveFire1_Cruiser2b">><</slink>>
<img src="resources/img/events/livefire_fighter/bg.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/events/livefire_cruiser/bridge.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/silhouettes/m6.webp"/>
It's an oddly relaxing experience, as the powerful ship stalks through space, searching for any disturbances to the peaceful region while you listen to the bridge crew quietly work around you. A sudden clear tone rings through the bridge however, drawing a frantic explosion of activity as everyone recognizes the clear sounds of a radar lock.
Your own eyes scan the space around you as the captain rattles off a new string of instructions, and you frown as you see a distant shimmer of movement. Looking down at your radar, you see a matching sensor ghost, and as your corvette pulls into scanning range of the unknown contact you feel a faint chill run down your spine.
<span class="officer2">"We're practically on the doorstep of the Academy, and there's a whole damned destroyer just hanging out in space without anyone the wiser."</span>
The captain's words are an effective mirror of your own thoughts, and as the rest of the bridge falls silent, he turns his attention to you.
<span class="officer2">"Well, XO, do we go say hello or fall back and call for backup?"</span>
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Investigate" "OrbitalStation_LiveFire1_Cruiser2_Investigate">>
<<playerFactSet "campaign_livefire_cruiser1_investigate" true>>
<<slink "Backup" "OrbitalStation_LiveFire1_Cruiser2_Backup">>
<<playerFactSet "campaign_livefire_cruiser1_backup" true>>
<img src="resources/img/events/livefire_fighter/bg.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/events/livefire_cruiser/destroyer.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/events/livefire_cruiser/bridge.webp"/>
The fact the captain hasn't warned you from approaching or engaging tells you that he's not very worried about the situation, and you know that even though it's an older model, the Alliance corvette you're currently on will have no issues with a destroyer in a one on one situation. Nodding as you make your decision, you tell the captain that since you're on patrol, you might as well go investigate the destroyer's situation.
<span class="officer2">"Fantastic. Bold, yet confident."</span> The captain turns back to the bridge crew, an aggressive smile on his face.
<span class="officer2">"You heard the XO. Prepare for contact, and bring us into investigative range."</span>
You smile, infected by the captain's mood, your hands tightening on the command rail as the corvette quickly begins its approach to the unidentified destroyer in the distance. You can hear one of the bridge officers attempting to hail the unresponsive ship, even as the rest of the bridge crew grows more serious and silent as the distance between the two ships lessen.
You're just barely outside of what would be called effective range when the destroyer reacts to your presence for the first time since radar locking you. The sudden burst of incoming fire smashes harmlessly into your corvette's shields, the flaring shields looking strangely beautiful as they ward off the incoming laser barrage.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "OrbitalStation_LiveFire1_Cruiser2_Investigate2">><</slink>>
<img src="resources/img/events/livefire_fighter/bg.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/events/livefire_cruiser/destroyer_explode.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/events/livefire_cruiser/bridge.webp"/>
The captain next to you smiles wolfishly, before he utters commands of his own. You watch in awe as the corvette dances with the destroyer, its superior agility quickly becoming apparent as it slips out of harm's way, avoiding raking swathes of laser fire even as it returns cannon fire of its own.
In contrast to the rebels laser weaponry, the Warden seems to be armed exclusively with ballistic weapons, their shorter range offset by their impressive ability to bypass shields, and you wince slightly as you see the chunks of armor being torn off the destroyer expose its soft interior.
Throughout it all, you wonder if the destroyer is really going to fight to the death, but a strange attack run from the corvette answers the question for you,prompting you to look at the captain alongside you with a newfound sense of awe.
The choice to outfit his ship with ballistic weapons only, the aggressive pursuit and attack maneuvers, the silent efficiency of his crew all combine with a targeted strike on the destroyers engines to show you that you've underestimated the friendly looking old captain, as his ship systematically dismantles the destroyers ability to run, fight back and defend itself, as the corvettes lethal ballistics tear it's turrets and inner components to shreds.
A hand claps your shoulder. Turning to face the captain, you are struggling to reconcile the ease at which the corvette tore through the destroyer, even though you knew it would.
<span class="officer2">"The VR sims go a long way to getting cadets flight ready, but they fail to account for two main things. Your crew's experience, and the enemies experience. A veteran crew that knows their ship in and out will nine out of ten times wipe the floor with an inexperienced crew in a larger ship."</span>
He waves his hand out to the shattered destroyer in the background, proof of his words.
<span class="officer2">"Now, let's get back to the station to rearm and debrief, shall we?"</span>
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "OrbitalStation_LiveFire1_Cruiser2_Investigate_Debrief">>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<startplaylist "playlist_exploration_soft">>
<<saudio "sfx_explosion" volume 0.74 fadeto 0.75>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/station/briefingroom.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/ann/expressions/neutral_uniform.webp"/>
Returning to the station safely, you can't help but feel tension you didn't even know you were feeling drain out of your body. Realizing that its source is the fact that your life was actually in real danger for once, you accept that Lt. Ann and your father were more than correct in their choice to get you some real flight experience as an edge over your peers.
Stepping into the briefing room, you're surprised to see Ann here instead of the officer that briefed you earlier, your mission details already pulled up on the projector behind. She gives you a smile before waving you to a seat.
Ann's smile is briefly tinged with worry as she lets out a sigh.
<span class="ann">"An outdated corvette against an unknown destroyer. Even though it's good to be confident, and the outcome of the battle proves you made the right choice, I feel like I need to warn you to not be overconfident."</span>
You can tell that Ann is worried about you from her words, but despite that, she runs through the rest of the briefing professionally, pointing out different tactics and approaches the corvette used to negate the destroyer's superior firepower. It's only your first real flight, and you can already tell that the advantage that it gives you over your peers will be immense.
The rest of the briefing passes quickly, with Ann highlighting various things for you to focus on before she eventually dismisses you, allowing you to return to your day.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Leave" "Hub_Orbital_Station">>
<img src="resources/img/events/livefire_fighter/bg.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/events/livefire_cruiser/destroyer.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/events/livefire_cruiser/bridge.webp"/>
Even though the captain seems confident, and you know the Alliance corvette is made to hunt these kinds of ships, you can't help but feel uneasy about the situation.
Deciding that discretion is the better part of valor, you relay to the captain that it feels too much like a trap to engage the destroyer alone. He fixes you with a level stare, a long moment of silence growing between the two of you.
<span class="officer2">"Very well, we'll play our cards a little closer to our chest for now."</span> Turning back to the bridge crew, he issues a flurry of orders, and you watch silently as the corvette builds some distance between itself and the destroyer, holding the two ships at effectively maximum radar range from each other.
You frown slightly, about to complain that this isn't what the captain had said the options were when you hear one of his crew calling for support from the garrison. While you can only hear one end of the communications, you allow yourself to relax slightly as the crew member confirms that support is on the way.
Leaning against the command rail with a sigh, you watch the corvette's captain out the corner of your eye. It's hard to read him, as he stands watching the destroyer silently, a wolfish grin ghosting the edges of his lips, and you can tell that if not for your decision to hold back from a potential trap, he would have already given the order to close for battle several times.
A string of new radar contacts draws your eye from the captain however, and you let out a subtle sigh of relief as you see that the new signatures are approaching from the garrison.
However the feeling is short lived, as the destroyer hanging menacingly in the distance lets out a sudden surge of power before vanishing. You frown, the captain next to you slapping his hand onto the command console with a grunt.
<span class="officer2">"A point jump. Not only are they reckless enough to hang around in Alliance space, but they're willing to risk hitting a planet to avoid a fight where they don't have the advantage? Rebels truly are scum."</span>
The captain's anger almost catches you off guard, before you remind yourself that if you had moved forward to fight the destroyer in the older model corvette, it definitely wouldn't have run. It was only due to your incoming reinforcements that conflict was avoided this time. You're about to ask the captain if the ship will be returning to patrol when he shakes his head.
<span class="officer2">"Back to base for debriefing and handing over the sensor profiles. While it was ultimately unexciting, our hunters will already be out sniffing for that destroyer in hopes of it leading us to a rebel base in the region. Our part in this engagement is over for now."</span>
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "OrbitalStation_LiveFire1_Cruiser2_Backup_Debrief">>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<startplaylist "playlist_exploration_soft">>
<img src="resources/img/locations/station/briefingroom.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/ann/expressions/neutral_uniform.webp"/>
Returning to the station safely, you can't help but feel tension you didn't even know you were feeling drain out of your body. Realizing that its source is the fact that your life was actually in real danger for once, you accept that Lt. Ann and your father were more than correct in their choice to get you some real flight experience as an edge over your peers.
Stepping into the briefing room, you're surprised to see Ann here instead of the officer that briefed you earlier, your mission details already pulled up on the projector behind. She gives you a smile before waving you to a seat.
Ann smiles at you before a frown crosses her face.
<span class="ann">"You did the handbook mandated, correct strategy. Holding the unknown destroyer in radar range while waiting for backup for fear of a trap was a sound choice, and one that I will never officially advocate against."</span>
Her frown grows as she continues speaking. <span class="ann">"However, it's important for you to experience various situations to get that experience advantage that we wanted to give you. Don't risk your life stupidly, but do be a little daring in the future if the opportunity arises, alright?"</span>
The rest of the debriefing passes quickly, with Ann not having much more to talk about due to the uneventful nature of the patrol. Eventually she dismisses you from the briefing room, allowing you to return to your normal day.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Leave" "Hub_Orbital_Station">>
<img src="resources/img/locations/station/briefingroom.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/silhouettes/m2.webp"/>
<span class="officer">"Lucky for you and me, you're part of Starwatch's fighter course, which means I don't need to get a cruiser captain or higher out here to show you the ropes, and you are comparatively inexpensive when it comes to fuel, material and ammo."</span> He gives you a smile as the projector finishes warming up, tapping a few spots as he talks.
<span class="officer">"Humble beginnings. Simple patrol through the numbered spots, with two wingmen. Both of them are experienced pilots and will walk you through the basics of a patrol on the fly. That aside, you are not the commanding officer of this flight, so even though you'll be flying the lead position, you're required to follow orders if you ever want to do another of these. Understood?"</span>
You quickly confirm that you've followed along, and you're treated to a tight smile. As the lights in the room come back on, he steps aside, allowing you to move past him into the hanger. An engineer is waiting nearby, and as you step into view he waves you over, the Alliance scout fighter near him already fired up and ready to launch.
Realizing that this ship will be yours for the operation, you quickly follow the engineer, committing the different procedures he tells you to perform to memory, thankful for all the VR training that made sure the preflight checks and ready preparations are like second nature to you already.
A few minutes later, and you're cleared to launch, your fighter quickly catapulting out of the orbital garrison's hangers and taking its position in space, where the other two fighters of your lance are waiting for you.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "OrbitalStation_LiveFire1_Fighter2">>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<saudio "bgm_combat1" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.25>>
<img src="resources/img/events/livefire_fighter/bg.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/events/livefire_fighter/squad.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/events/livefire_fighter/cockpit.webp"/>
You take a brief moment to confirm that the fighter's control schemes fully match the ones you've already grown used to in VR, as you glide into position at the fore of the fighter formation waiting for you. A slight burst of static heralds an incoming transmission from one of the other fighters, and you grin as you see a matching indicator on the ships HUD.
<span class="officer2">"Alright rookie, this is just a patrol sweep. Nice and easy, just to ease you in before we dive into the actual work later. I've sent you a series of orbital markers that make up our usual patrol route."</span>
A ping from one of your displays draws your attention as it compiles the route, and you nod, understanding the assignment moments before the other pilot finishes his explanation.
<span class="officer2">"The VR pods give you a whole lot of visual noise and assistance indicators to make sure your eyes are where they need to be. Real ships have much less visual noise, including a lack of overlayed waypoint markers. You'll need to guide us through the route while manually tracking and adjusting position based on what you see on the display. Ready when you are."</span>
You give a short affirmative, pushing your throttle forward just enough to set the formation in motion to where the first marker would be.
Toggling the flight assist on as you lock in the bearing, you start plotting the course and changes needed for the next few markers as you go. Idly tracking the short bursts of communications between the rest of the lance, you can't help but be impressed as they call out scanner pings and course adjustments, taking what must surely be a routine flight for them as seriously as one could hope.
This deep in Alliance space, you're surprised that they're even patrolling at all, but you suppose discipline goes a long way to explaining the might of the Alliance.
You're about a quarter of the way through this flight without anything unexpected happening, and you wonder for a brief moment if you should try talking with your lance mates a bit to see if you can get to know them better. A momentary sensor ping cuts that thought short hover, and as you turn your attention to the radar, you frown as you're unable to see any contacts or readings in range that could have caused it.
Flicking the comms open, you're about to ask if anyone else saw a sensor ghost when the pilot from before speaks first.
<span class="officer2">"Unknown contact twelve klicks out. Switch to defensive formation."</span>
Following the instructions smoothly, you drop into position alongside the actual commander of the lance, wondering what the next steps in this unexpected encounter will turn out to be.
<span class="officer2">"Alright, this looks like it might get hairy. Rookie, you've got two choices. Peel off and return to station, or stay and potentially fight to the death. I strongly recommend the first unless you're supremely confident that you won't leave the rest of us at a disadvantage and needing to babysit you."</span>
You pause, biting your lip for a moment before responding.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Fight" "OrbitalStation_LiveFire1_Fighter2_Fight">>
<<playerFactSet "campaign_livefire_fighter1_fight" true>>
<<slink "Flee" "OrbitalStation_LiveFire1_Fighter2_Flee">>
<<playerFactSet "campaign_livefire_fighter1_flee" true>>
<img src="resources/img/events/livefire_fighter/bg.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/events/livefire_fighter/squad.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/events/livefire_fighter/gunship_idle.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/events/livefire_fighter/cockpit.webp"/>
You haven't failed a single one of your actual VR flights, and you're obviously not counting the hacked simulation as a legal one for consideration. Telling the lance commander that you won't disappoint, you're met with a long moment of silence before an answer finally comes through.
<span class="officer2">"Yea, you need to be at least that brave if you're a $character_lastName. Stay tight on my wing. If we do get into a fight, keep to defensive maneuvers and try to set up kill shots for the rest of us. Focus simply on staying alive before you focus on getting kills. Understood?"</span>
You simply click the comms open and closed, a widely recognized short form acknowledgement in the Alliance, and earn a chuckle from the other lance mate, who's been mostly silent throughout the entire patrol. As the lead ship guides your formation to the distant contact, you can't help but feel a tingle of nerves run through you as your adrenaline begins to flow freely.
You're only four klicks away from the sensor ghost when a sudden flare of light in the distance sets your mind into overdrive, screaming at you to take evasive moves as you subconsciously recognize a missile flare.
The more rational part of your brain takes over, telling you that since you didn't get radar locked, it's one of the other members of your lance that have been targeted. Almost instantly after making that connection, you watch as the ship to your left spins into a dive, a flurry of countermeasures launching as it does.
<span class="officer2">"Contact is hostile. Weapons free."</span>
Comes the confirmation from the lance leader, and as you find yourself leaning on the throttle subconsciously, you see that you're not the only one picking up the pace to engage the target. Ahead of you, the lance leader bursts ahead, two missiles of their own streaking through space towards the target. Your eyes flash down to your radar, confirming that there's still only one target in play and tracking the missile's signature as they scream towards their destination.
Frowning as both missiles miss their target, your eyes return to the space ahead of you, as your ships have entered gun range with the hostile contact. You swear under your breath as you make a visual, your sentiments quickly echoed by your lance mate that had to evade a missile strike.
<span class="npc2">"Fucking gunboat."</span>
<span class="officer2">"Clear comms. Overwhelm it before it can call for help."</span> The lance leader's voice is cold, and his words help ease your nerves.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "OrbitalStation_LiveFire1_Fighter2_Fight2">><</slink>>
<img src="resources/img/events/livefire_fighter/bg.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/events/livefire_fighter/squad.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/events/livefire_fighter/gunship_idle.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/events/livefire_fighter/cockpit.webp"/>
You don't have time to wonder about why a rebel gunboat is ghosting the space around the Academy and it's garrison, as its turrets erupt with laser fire, the serenity of the space between you and it rapidly coming to life as your lance returns fire.
Focusing on giving the two more experienced pilots of your lance space to attack, you quickly settle into a rhythm with them, two of you strafing the gunboat with fire while the third targets its turret subsystems, looking to knock its much larger and more dangerous weapons out of the fight before it can score a lucky hit on one of your much more fragile fighters.
The ensuing fight is much like a pack of wolves harassing a much larger animal, with your fighters leaning fully into their superior mobility to slowly wear the gunboats' shields down.
Several times you see laser fire rake through the space around you, only your ships impressive mobility keeping you safe from harm. Even so, you can feel the tension of the situation rising, as you see the gunboats shields still flaring as it absorbs the incoming fire without pause, seemingly undaunted by your lances combined efforts.
A burst of static indicates that the lance leader's about to speak again, when you see a bolt of laser fire tear through his shield bubble, punching a neat hole in one of his wings. His ship rocks unsteadily, but he manages to regain control and break away from the gunboat before it can finish him off.
<span class="officer2">"Fucking… Alright, rookie, I'm going to switch in with you. Overshoot him hard, and then hard burn to one point five out. You've only got two shots, so try and make them count."</span>
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "OrbitalStation_LiveFire1_Fighter2_Fight3">><</slink>>
<img src="resources/img/events/livefire_fighter/bg.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/events/livefire_fighter/squad.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/events/livefire_fighter/gunship_explosion.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/events/livefire_fighter/cockpit.webp"/>
You nod, toggling the comms, as you realize the plan is to have you disengage from the fight far enough to create a missile lock from a distance that can't be flared or evaded. The lance commander's ship shoots past you, mere meters from your cockpit as he strafes the gunship again, allowing your follow up strafe to send you rocketing past its fields of fire.
Steeling yourself against the upcoming g-force, you slam your throttle down to build space, even as you flip your orientation, toggling flight assist off to let the inertia carry you away from space as you start to build a lock.
Your vision swims, as your body fights against the aggressive maneuver, and you grit your teeth as you force yourself to keep your eyes open. VR training has never managed to accurately replicate the effects of high g-force turns on your body, and as you hear the missile tone solidify, you squeeze the trigger, once and then again after a half second, two missiles screaming through space towards the rebel gunboat.
You dive back into an approach on the gunboat, your guns already warm as you quickly approach gun range once more.
Instead however you hear a triumphant woop over the comms as a brilliant spray of light confirms missile impact on the gunboat. Watching in awe as the ship gets literally ripped in half by the second missile impact, you feel a surge of adrenaline as you dive under the expanding debris cloud.
<span class="officer2">"Confirmed. Hostile gunboat was neutralized by the rookie. Damn fine flying everyone."</span>
The subtle hint of pride in your lance commander's voice is enough to plaster a grin on your face, and as the patrol reforms, you hear him give an order for you to guide the lance back to the garrison.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "OrbitalStation_LiveFire1_Fighter2_Fight_Debrief">>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<startplaylist "playlist_exploration_soft">>
<<saudio "sfx_explosion" volume 0.74 fadeto 0.75>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/station/briefingroom.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/ann/expressions/neutral_uniform.webp"/>
Returning to the station safely, you can't help but feel tension you didn't even know you were feeling drain out of your body. Realizing that its source is the fact that your life was actually in real danger for once, you accept that Lt. Ann and your father were more than correct in their choice to get you some real flight experience as an edge over your peers.
Stepping into the briefing room, you're surprised to see Ann here instead of the officer that briefed you earlier, your mission details already pulled up on the projector behind. She gives you a smile before waving you to a seat.
Ann's smile quickly changes to a frown as you take your seat however, and for a moment you wonder if you did anything wrong during the flight that would be the cause of it. Before you can ask however, she gathers her breath before speaking.
<span class="ann">"Next time your opponent is a gunboat and you're in a patrol fighter with just two lance mates, you retreat and call for backup, understood?"</span> Her words are stern, but there's just enough of a proud undercurrent for you to know that her frown is due to concern for your wellbeing.
The rest of the briefing is simple and covers the patrol and subsequent encounter with the rebel ship. A short analysis of your flight patterns in the combat is coupled with comparisons to the paths taken by your more experienced lance mates, meant to help illustrate the mistakes you made, and how to improve on them, while also showing you what you did right that others did wrong.
By the time the debriefing ends, it almost feels like you spent more time in the briefing room than flying, but you have to admit it's not wasted time by any account. Ann flashes you a smile as she dismisses you, allowing you to return to your day.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Leave" "Hub_Orbital_Station">>
<img src="resources/img/events/livefire_fighter/bg.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/events/livefire_fighter/cockpit.webp"/>
You frown, torn between the choices available to you before deciding to do the smart thing and give the two more experienced pilots room to breathe. Telling the lance commander that you'll break off and return to base, you're met with a moment of silence.
<span class="officer2">"Smart. Sorry to cut your first real flight short, but trust me, this will work out better."</span> The commander's comm cuts out the moment they finish speaking, and as you flip orientation and burn away from the two lance mates moving to investigate the unknown contact, you keep an eye on the radar, wondering if you've made the right choice.
Seeing missile signatures suddenly come to life on the radar, you grit your teeth, tempted to turn back and help the lance but decide that your arrival could have the opposite effect on the situation, and you find yourself leaning on the throttle even harder as you leave the battle behind you.
The silence of the battle happening behind you is unnerving, and as you return to the orbital garrison, you find yourself lingering in space, watching the radar nervously as you wait for your lance's signatures to return. What feels like an eternity passes slowly, and when you check the cockpit clock you frown when you see it's been mere minutes since you left the lance.
You're about to swing around and go looking for them, when your radar picks them both up, rapidly approaching your position. A burst on the comm channel accompanies your commander's voice, tired and strained.
<span class="officer2">"It ran. Rebel gunboat busy ghosting Academy space and it just fucking booked it the moment you got out of radar range. We gave chase naturally, but that thing was clearly built for speed. Wouldn't have been able to touch us in a turning match, but straight line? Might as well have been a racing ship."</span>
The silence that follows is weighty and you spend a long moment wondering about the coincidence of the gunboat leaving the moment you withdrew from the field of battle.
Grimacing as you find yourself thinking about conspiracies and knives in the dark, you decide that it's more reasonable for the gunboat to have run, knowing that the Alliance garrison here would definitely have more ships on it in mere minutes of its discovery. The lance reforms, and while there's nothing preventing you from the rest of your patrol, the commander orders you all back to the station, saying he'll feel better with a gunboat of their own joining them for the rest of the mission.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "OrbitalStation_LiveFire1_Fighter2_Flee_Debrief">>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<startplaylist "playlist_exploration_soft">>
<img src="resources/img/locations/station/briefingroom.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/ann/expressions/neutral_uniform.webp"/>
Returning to the station safely, you can't help but feel tension you didn't even know you were feeling drain out of your body. Realizing that its source is the fact that your life was actually in real danger for once, you accept that Lt. Ann and your father were more than correct in their choice to get you some real flight experience as an edge over your peers.
Stepping into the briefing room, you're surprised to see Ann here instead of the officer that briefed you earlier, your mission details already pulled up on the projector behind. She gives you a smile before waving you to a seat.
Ann's smile wavers slightly as you take a seat, and she taps her thigh a few times before she gathers her thoughts to begin speaking.
<span class="ann">"Alright, first. You made the right choice in the situation to fall back and give the more experienced pilots the space to work without needing to worry about you. No matter what else you take away from this debriefing, know that you made the correct choice."</span> She frowns, clearly unhappy about what she has to say next.
<span class="ann">"However, the point of these live flights is for you to build experience as well. I'm not telling you to risk your life needlessly, but do look for opportunities to develop that experience."</span>
The rest of the briefing passes smoothly, with Ann focusing on the patrol flight you did, and how well you handled the formation flying during that phase of the operation. Luckily, due to the relatively short operation, there isn't much else to cover, and you're given permission to return to your normal day soon enough.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Leave" "Hub_Orbital_Station">>
<img src="resources/img/locations/station/briefingroom.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/silhouettes/m2.webp"/>
<span class="officer">"Right now's where it gets fun for real. We've got a mixed fleet operation lined up. Fighter escort, a couple of cruiser class ships and your command frigate."</span> He pauses, taking a deep breath before continuing.
<span class="officer">"Officially this is a training exercise, meant to help with fleet coordination and so on. Unofficially, intel has indicated a rebel fleet preparing to strike the system soon. We'll be using the operation to move reinforcing ships into position, turning the tables on the rebels when they arrive."</span>
He raises a finger to his lips, a conspiratorial smile on his face. Glancing down at your briefing docket, you can see that you've got two of the outlined plans, one meant for your eyes only, and another that's been passed to the other members of the operation.
Skimming through them both, you're relieved to see that there isn't any combat expected at the moment, and the entire training operation is just a ruse to move the small fleet into position "coincidentally", your presence in it going towards furthering the ruse's plausibility.
The officer clears his throat, giving you a smile before continuing. <span class="officer">"Any questions?"</span>
Telling him that you're ready to begin, and sending both briefing dockets to your ship for reference later, you are quickly ushered into the hangar, where a shuttle is waiting to ferry you to your command ship.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "OrbitalStation_LiveFire2_Battlegroup2">>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<saudio "bgm_combat1" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.25>>
<img src="resources/img/events/livefire_battlegroup/bg.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/silhouettes/m6.webp"/>
The shuttle in the hanger takes just long enough to ferry you to the command frigate as you need to read through both briefing dockets carefully. A wave of relief washes over you as you see that neither set of orders indicates any chance of combat with the current operation, and that despite the ulterior motives behind the training exercise, it is still just a training exercise for the time being.
Once aboard the command frigate, you're led to the bridge, the various officers here giving you a friendly salute as you take your place alongside the ship's commander.
<span class="officer2">"You read both dockets I assume?"</span> He asks after a moment, his attention never leaving the holomap laid out before him.
Reassuring him that you have, you're treated to the faintest of smiles, as he gives the order for the fleet to begin its jump to the neighboring system for the operation to commence.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "OrbitalStation_LiveFire2_Battlegroup2_Map">><</slink>>
<img src="resources/img/events/livefire_battlegroup/starmap2_1.webp"/>
Leaning against the command rail, you examine the holomap, entranced yet again that it remains updated and usable even in hyperspace. A dark frown crosses the commander's brow however, and you see the cause of it a few seconds later as a swarm of hostile contacts appears on the map, converging on your expected hyperspace exit point.
The commander mutters something to himself before opening a fleet wide comm channel. You know that it won't work in hyperspace, but from the way he pauses once opening it, you know he's aiming to make an announcement the moment the fleet returns to real space. A moment later, your vision warps, and you see the rest of the fleet drop into the system alongside the command frigate.
<span class="officer2">"All forces prepare for contact. Hostile contacts detected. I repeat, all forces prepare for contact. This is not a drill."</span>
The commander's announcement rings out loud and clearly, and you watch as the cruisers quickly glide into defensive positions as the fighters form their defensive screen.
The commander alongside you gives you a wry smile before asking you a question you hoped he wouldn't. <span class="officer2">"How should we proceed from here?"</span>
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Fight" "OrbitalStation_LiveFire2_Battlegroup2_Fight">>
<<playerFactSet "campaign_livefire_battlegroup2_fight" true>>
<<saudio "bgm_combatambient" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.33>>
<<slink "Retreat" "OrbitalStation_LiveFire2_Battlegroup2_Retreat">>
<<playerFactSet "campaign_livefire_battlegroup2_retreat" true>>
<<saudio "bgm_combatambient" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.33>>
<<saudio "sfx_combat_alarm" volume 0.32 fadeto 0.33>>
<img src="resources/img/events/livefire_battlegroup/starmap2_2.webp"/>
Glancing down at the holomap and seeing that there aren't any other contacts in scan range, you meet the commander's eyes. Your fighters are outnumbered two to one, but they have the cruisers for support, and the advantage of superior technology. More notably, the commander has already given an order to prepare for battle. He's not actually asking you for a plan of action, but what you would do in this situation. Smiling slightly, you nod your head in understanding.
<span class="hero">"Fight. The rebels don't have support, and we have the immediate advantage. Beyond that, we're in the heart of Alliance space. Reinforcements are just a single call away."</span>
Your words are filled with the confidence that having information brings, and you feel gratified as the commander gives you an approving nod back.
<span class="officer2">"Your choice echoes my own. We'll send a call for support in a few minutes, once the rebels have engaged in combat and can't withdraw. Our fighters can bear the assault that long easily."</span>
You smile, seeing the commander's plan now that he's forced you to examine the situation yourself. Relaxing slightly at the unexpected attack, you lean against the command rail, trying to ignore the growing feeling of unease in the back of your mind as you watch the fighters meeting in combat, your cruiser escorts providing defensive fire from time to time.
The feeling of unease grows however, and you find yourself examining the holomap over and over, looking for anything you might have missed about the situation when suddenly one of the officers calls out.
<span class="npc2">"System wide comms are jammed."</span>
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "OrbitalStation_LiveFire2_Battlegroup2_Fight2">><</slink>>
<img src="resources/img/events/livefire_battlegroup/starmap2_3.webp"/>
The words are like a magical spell to stop time, as everyone in the command frigate's bridge turns to look at the comms officer in unison, that feeling of unease exploding over you as the weight of what was said sinks in. Before anyone can truly react however, a distortion on the map draws your eye, and you watch in horror as a hyperspace tear opens, a rebel battleship gliding into the area of operations like a ghost. You freeze, unsure if you can even believe your eyes as the commander next to you swears softly.
Watching him flip the fleetwide comm channel open, you hear the order to retreat given in a stunned whisper of a voice.
<span class="officer2">"All ships, disengage and retreat. I repeat, disengage and retreat. Enemy battleship has just arrived in the AO."</span>
The command frigate hums as its hyperspace drive spools, and you're forced to watch helplessly as the two cruisers try to retreat from the rebel battleship, its powerful guns ripping through their shields and into their armor like it's not even there. The back of your mind tells you that the fighters are faring no better, as the map shows them desperately retreating for the jumpship carrier that delivered them across systems.
The frigate's shields flare as incoming fire skips off of them, and you wince as you see the battleship stalking towards you. Luckily, space folds right before it can fire again, the frantic chaos of the battle being replaced with the eerie silence of hyperspace as the command frigate flees the ambush site.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "OrbitalStation_LiveFire2_Battlegroup2_Debrief">><</slink>>
<img src="resources/img/events/livefire_battlegroup/starmap2_2.webp"/>
Glancing down at the holomap and seeing that there aren't any other contacts in scan range, you meet the commander's eyes. Your fighters are outnumbered two to one, but they have the cruisers for support, and the advantage of superior technology. More notably, the commander has already given an order to prepare for battle. He's not actually asking you for a plan of action, but what you would do in this situation. Smiling slightly, you nod your head in understanding.
<span class="hero">"Retreat. It's clear that Intelligence has dropped the ball or been tricked. Who knows what else is lying in wait for us here."</span> Your words are confident, but it feels like you've made the wrong choice as the commander alongside you frowns.
<span class="officer2">"A cautious move."</span> He remarks neutrally.
<span class="officer2">"We'll call for backup once the enemy fighters are engaged and can't withdraw. But while being cautious is good, be careful that you don't miss a chance for fear of the dark."</span>
You nod, accepting the commander's advice as you turn your attention back to the holomap. As you had guessed, he had only been asking for an opinion and your suggested course of action has been ignored for now at least. Regardless, you can't help but feel uneasy as you watch the skirmish slowly unfold before you.
The feeling of unease grows however, and you find yourself examining the holomap over and over, looking for anything you might have missed about the situation when suddenly one of the officers calls out.
<span class="npc2">"System wide comms are jammed."</span>
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "OrbitalStation_LiveFire2_Battlegroup2_Retreat2">><</slink>>
<img src="resources/img/events/livefire_battlegroup/starmap2_3.webp"/>
The words are like a magical spell to stop time, as everyone in the command frigate's bridge turns to look at the comms officer in unison, that feeling of unease exploding over you as the weight of what was said sinks in.
Before anyone can truly react however, a distortion on the map draws your eye, and you watch in horror as a hyperspace tear opens, a rebel battleship gliding into the area of operations like a ghost. You freeze, unsure if you can even believe your eyes as the commander next to you swears softly.
Watching him flip the fleetwide comm channel open, you hear the order to retreat given in a stunned whisper of a voice.
<span class="officer2">"All ships, disengage and retreat. I repeat, disengage and retreat. Enemy battleship has just arrived in the AO."</span>
The command frigate hums as its hyperspace drive spools, and you're forced to watch helplessly as the two cruisers try to retreat from the rebel battleship, its powerful guns ripping through their shields and into their armor like it's not even there.
The back of your mind tells you that the fighters are faring no better, as the map shows them desperately retreating for the jumpship carrier that delivered them across systems.
The frigate's shields flare as incoming fire skips off of them, and you wince as you see the battleship stalking towards you. Luckily, space folds right before it can fire again, the frantic chaos of the battle being replaced with the eerie silence of hyperspace as the command frigate flees the ambush site.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "OrbitalStation_LiveFire2_Battlegroup2_Debrief">><</slink>>
<img src="resources/img/events/livefire_battlegroup/bg.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/silhouettes/m6.webp"/>
The command frigate is the first of the surviving ships to return to real space near the orbital garrison, and you stare bleakly at the holomap as you watch for rebel pursuers and count the surviving ships from the fleet you set out with.
An entire cruiser lost with all hands, eighteen of twenty four fighters gone, and the remaining cruiser limping with severe damage. A total defeat in the heart of Alliance space at the hands of a rebel ambush.
The surge of anger you feel rushing through you is intense, and you're about to vent your dissatisfaction at the information available to the fleet when one of the bridge crew throws their headset in frustration, snapping you out of your own rage as a result. The commander gives you a broken smile, and you can tell he's forcing himself to hold his appearance together.
<span class="officer2">"The Garrison commander is going to want to see you as soon as possible."</span> He says softly, and before you can respond you see a private comm line open to you from the garrison. Ann's voice has an undercurrent of worry as she orders you to report to her office immediately.
Throwing a salute at the frigate's commander, you quickly make your way for the shuttle, intent on getting the debriefing over so you can try and process this disaster flight.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "OrbitalStation_LiveFire2_Conclusion">><</slink>>
<<saudio "bgm_combatambient" stop>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/station/annoffice.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/ann/expressions/neutral_uniform.webp"/>
Ann's office is quiet when you enter, with the young officer watching a replay of the disastrous mission you just barely escaped on her terminal. You wince slightly as you see the missing cruiser shatter and implode mere seconds before it could jump to hyperspace. When Ann does finally turn to face you, you can feel the concern and anger in her eyes.
<span class="ann">"What I'm about to say is classified to the highest level. Understood?"</span>
She waits for you to nod before continuing, her voice strained.
<span class="ann">"I don't know how to say this, so bear with me. Academy command and Alliance intelligence have reason to believe that the objective of this rebel attack, the ambush and revelation of their ability to get a battleship into the heart of Alliance space, is you."</span>
She pauses, drawing a long breath as she steadies herself.
<span class="ann">"Intercepted comms leaving the system after you escaped indicate, clearly, that the rebels deemed the operation a complete failure on their side, due to an inability to capture or kill the Admiral's child."</span>
She points at you.
<span class="ann">"You are the only person who partook in the operation that falls under that qualification. Now, we're not going to suggest that it's not another ruse to divert our attention from their real goal, but we also can't take the risk of sending you out into the field again."</span>
<<box "choicebox">>
<<if starGame.player.getFact('major') is 'fighters'>>
<<slink "Continue" "OrbitalStation_LiveFire2_Conclusion_Fighter">><</slink>>
<<elseif starGame.player.getFact('major') is 'cruisers'>>
<<slink "Continue" "OrbitalStation_LiveFire2_Conclusion_Cruiser">><</slink>>
<<slink "Continue" "OrbitalStation_LiveFire2_Conclusion_Battlegroup">><</slink>>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<saudio "bgm_father" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.5>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/station/annoffice.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/ann/expressions/neutral_uniform.webp"/>
<span class="ann">"For the time being, you are grounded from participating in live flights."</span>
You nod, accepting it as a reasonable outcome if the rebels truly are targeting you specifically. However, Ann's next sentence causes you to start to protest, before she silences you with a stern frown.
<span class="ann">"In addition, Academy command has transferred you to the cruiser course, in preparation for a special assignment and task appointed to you. From this minute forward, you're no longer part of the fighter course, and you are expected to brush up on the cruiser flight sims as soon as possible."</span>
Ann gives you a smile, and allows you a moment to process the bombshell she's just dropped on you. You start to protest once more, only for her to override it with a smile.
<span class="ann">"Academy command is assigning you to a mission. You'll be given command of one of our newest cruisers, and supplied with a support crew to carry it out. Oh, and I suppose I should say that both I and your father have already signed off on this. Your choice, right now, is to either accept the change and the orders that will come with it, or be barred from the Academy entirely."</span>
A choice that isn't a choice, and an insinuated top secret mission that you still need to wait for more details on, that requires you to command a cruiser. Perhaps it's the lingering aftermath of needing to fight for your life, but the entire situation just doesn't feel real at this point.
Deciding that you might as well have the protection of the Academy and the Alliance if you really are a target of the rebels, you nod, telling Ann that you'll accept the reassignment gratefully.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "OrbitalStation_LiveFire2_Conclusion_Fighter2">><</slink>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/station/annoffice.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/ann/expressions/neutral_uniform.webp"/>
Ann gives you a long, steady look as she listens to you telling her you'll accept the course transfer without complaints.. Before the silence can grow truly uncomfortable however, she sighs, leaning back into her chair.
<span class="ann">"Look, just because you're being transferred to the cruiser course doesn't mean that you're done flying snubs. Part of your support staff on the cruiser you're going to be assigned to is another one of the fighter cadets here at the Academy. I think you might have met her already. Stella. She loves to spend time challenging people at the arcade."</span>
Ann pauses for a moment, weighing you up before continuing.
<span class="ann">"Once the cruiser has been chosen and outfitted, you and her both will be assigned to it, and provided the means to continue honing your flight skills out in the field. Of course, you'll have other support staff on the cruiser, but we'll worry about those introductions closer to the time. Questions?"</span>
You shake your head, deciding that all you can really do at this point is wait to see what happens with the Academy Command's new plan for you. You can't lie and say you're not excited for the chance to fly and earn real experience in a manner that befits a member of Starwatch.
Ann nods, dismissing you from her office for the time being.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Leave" "Hub_Orbital_Station">>
starGame.player.setFact('campaign_act1_livefire_completed', true);
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<startplaylist "playlist_exploration_soft">>
<img src="resources/img/locations/station/annoffice.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/ann/expressions/neutral_uniform.webp"/>
<span class="ann">"For the time being, you are grounded from participating in live flights."</span>
You nod, accepting it as a reasonable outcome if the rebels truly are targeting you specifically. Ann's next sentence causes a bloom of worry inside you however.
<span class="ann">"Fortunately, you are already a cruiser course cadet, and presumably up to date on all the available VR sims for that course. Academy command is assigning you to a mission. You'll be given command of one of our newest cruisers, and supplied with a support crew to carry it out."</span>
She pauses, giving you a chance to process that. A secret mission that entails you being given command of a cruiser and support crew to boot. You're about to ask for more details when Ann waves her hand, stopping you from being too eager.
<span class="ann">"Your orders will come later, and more details about the evolving situation with it. For now, if you don't have any objections to being placed under this burden, I'd like to introduce you to the first member of your support crew in the future. Unless of course, you decide you don't want the mission, in which case you will be barred from the Academy."</span>
As if the situation wasn't already surreal enough, with you having just barely escaped a fight for your life before having a classified mission dumped onto you, you're now being told that if you don't take the mission, you'll be returned to civilian life as a consequence.
Frowning momentarily, you decide that you might as well have the protection of the Academy and the Alliance if you really are a target of the rebels, you nod, telling Ann that you look forward to the meeting with a smile.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "OrbitalStation_LiveFire2_Conclusion_Natalie">>
starGame.player.setFact('campaign_act1_livefire_completed', true);
<img src="resources/img/locations/station/annoffice.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/ann/expressions/neutral_uniform.webp"/>
<span class="ann">"This is a tough one. We need every battlegroup commander we can get, and our restrictions for that role are already high. However, it's been decided by Academy command with approval from Alliance high command, that you are to be transferred to the cruiser course."</span>
You pause, stunned into silence by Ann's words, as she tells you that you've been forcibly transferred away from the most prestigious position available in the Alliance. You're about to protest when she holds up a hand, cutting you off before you can start.
<span class="ann">"I'll be blunt. The Academy has a high level classified mission they want you to handle, given your… unique… qualification of being the rebel target. To that end you'll be commanding a state of the art cruiser and given a full support crew to do it with. The only choice you have in this regard is if you'll accept the mission and the transfer, or return to normal life, barred from the Academy."</span>
She pauses for a moment, allowing you to process her words before she adds one final line to the table. <span class="ann">"Ultimately, it is your decision, but your father has already approved of the outlined plan as well."</span>
A choice that isn't a choice, and an insinuated top secret mission that you still need to wait for more details on, that requires you to command a cruiser.
Perhaps it's the lingering aftermath of needing to fight for your life, but the entire situation just doesn't feel real at this point. Deciding that you might as well have the protection of the Academy and the Alliance if you really are a target of the rebels, you nod, telling Ann that you'll accept the reassignment gratefully.
Ann nods, seemingly relieved at your acceptance of the sudden changes. Pressing a button on her desk, you see her eyes move from you to her office door, and you turn to see what she's looking at in turn.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "OrbitalStation_LiveFire2_Conclusion_Erika">>
starGame.player.setFact('campaign_act1_livefire_completed', true);
<img src="resources/img/locations/station/annoffice.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/ann/expressions/neutral_uniform.webp"/>
<img class="exp-vertical-flip" src="resources/img/characters/crew/erika/expressions/neutral_uniform.webp"/>
The door to Ann's office slides open, revealing a professional looking young officer beyond it. She steps inside smartly, her immaculate uniform revealing her to be the assistant Ann had just been talking about.
Something in the back of your mind tells you that technically the young woman in front of you outranks both you and Ann, but from the way she throws a proper salute and waits for Ann to respond to it, you know that there are more circumstances than you're aware of at play here.
<span class="ann">"$character_firstName, meet Erika Von Schwarz. Executive Officer and Starwatch Graduate. XO Erika, this is your new ward when it comes to the fine arts of battlegroup command and fleet tactics. Do your best, yes?"</span>
Ann's introduction makes it clear to you both what the dynamic between you is, and as you're thinking about how best to even react to it, the Executive officer politely offers a hand to you, revealing that your relationship isn't going to be one of a purely military nature.
<span class="erika">"It's a pleasure to meet you, Cadet $character_lastName. I've heard good things."</span> Erika's voice is as silky smooth as you'd expect it to be, and as you shake her hand, you're surprised at how her grip is stronger than you'd expected.
You trade a few pleasantries with her, as Ann sits back in her chair patiently. After a few moments however, you can feel the awkward silence approaching.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "OrbitalStation_LiveFire2_Conclusion_Erika2">>
<<npcFactSet "erika_unlocked" true>>
<<addtocodex "Erika von Schwarz" "met_erika">>
<img src="resources/img/locations/station/annoffice.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/ann/expressions/neutral_uniform.webp"/>
<img class="exp-vertical-flip" src="resources/img/characters/crew/erika/expressions/neutral_uniform.webp"/>
Ann senses it as well, and decides that her chance to conclude your meeting has arrived. She claps her hands together with a grin, and fixes you both with a level stare in turn.
<span class="ann">"Right, then let's get straight to business."</span> She points a stern finger at you, her attention settling on you for a moment.
<span class="ann">"You're being reassigned to the cruiser course, and assigned to an unconfirmed cruiser as a part of Academy Command's experimental new doctrine, and to get you some practical experience."</span>
She gives you a smile, switching her attention to Erika before you can protest or respond. The finger she had been pointing at you traverses to Erika like a laser pointer, and you see the XO suppress a smile quickly.
<span class="ann">"You've been reassigned as an "on field mentor" to the cadet here, given that they were a battlegroup course student, and we still need their talents for that applicable level to be cultivated and nurtured for that. There will be other support crew assigned to the cruiser when it's chosen, and we'll do those introductions then, but for now, get yourself mentally ready for being a lecturer."</span>
Erika gives a professional looking nod, and you decide that there are worse outcomes to the ill-fated live flight than being given a hand picked mentor and a chance to earn real flight experience with the Academy's support.
You mimic Erika's nod, an action that earns you a subtle smile from Ann, as she dismisses you both from her office.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "OrbitalStation_LiveFire2_Conclusion_Erika3">><</slink>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/station/briefingroom.webp"/>
<img class="exp-vertical-flip" src="resources/img/characters/crew/erika/expressions/neutral_uniform.webp"/>
Executive Officer Erika gives you a quick once over, her lips pursing slightly as she does.
You feel like you're being judged, but when the noble doesn't say anything, you frown at her, wondering if she's waiting for you to speak first to break the silence.
For a long moment, the two of you merely look at each other, each seemingly waiting for the other to speak first.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Casual" "OrbitalStation_LiveFire2_Conclusion_Erika3_Casual">>
<<npcFactSet "erika_livefire_casual" true>>
<<slink "Flirt" "OrbitalStation_LiveFire2_Conclusion_Erika3_Flirt">>
<<npcFactSet "erika_livefire_flirt" true>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/station/briefingroom.webp"/>
<img class="exp-vertical-flip" src="resources/img/characters/crew/erika/expressions/happy_uniform.webp"/>
Deciding to break the silence, you try making casual conversation with Erika, remarking on how nice it is to meet a graduate of the Battlegroup course like herself, and asking about what it's been like since she left the Academy. In return, you're treated to a soft chuckle as she finishes sizing you up.
<span class="erika">"Was the silence really that oppressive for you?"</span> She teases, her silky voice somehow making it feel like a reasonable statement. Shaking your head slightly, you start to defend yourself, but you don't even make it past the first few words when she cuts you off.
<span class="erika">"We'll have plenty of time to get to know each other in various ways in the days to come. For now, there's no reason to rush. I need to finish squaring away my transfer and duties, so we'll have to take a raincheck on this little Q&A session."</span>
She gives you a sweet smile as she turns to leave, a suggestive wink telling you that there's a reasonable chance for some double entendre in her words.
Watching her glide away from you in her regal manner, you realize that you're just standing, staring after her in the corridor. Turning to return to your own day as well, you smile to yourself as you contemplate what the future holds.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Leave" "Hub_Orbital_Station">>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<startplaylist "playlist_exploration_soft">>
<img src="resources/img/locations/station/briefingroom.webp"/>
<img class="exp-vertical-flip" src="resources/img/characters/crew/erika/expressions/happy_uniform.webp"/>
You're halfway through your attempted pickup line when Erika laughs, a pleasant sound like a stream of running water. Caught off guard by the reaction, you're stunned into silence as she walks her fingers across your shoulders and onto your chest.
<span class="erika">"Why rush? We'll have all the time in the world to get to know each other more… intimately… aboard the cruiser."</span> Her voice is silky, and coupled with her light touch, your mind is filled with visions of what might be, the promise of her implied eagerness sending a spark of electricity through you.
<span class="erika">"But that's for later. For now, I need to finish preparing for my reassignment. We'll be seeing each other soon."</span>
She doesn't leave you much chance to reply, turning and leaving you alone in the corridor, a final wink thrown back at you from over the shoulder.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Leave" "Hub_Orbital_Station">>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<startplaylist "playlist_exploration_soft">>
<img src="resources/img/locations/station/annoffice.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/ann/expressions/neutral_uniform.webp"/>
<img class="exp-vertical-flip" src="resources/img/characters/crew/natalie/expressions/neutral_uniform.webp"/>
The door to Ann's office slides open, revealing a professional looking young officer beyond it. She steps inside smartly, her immaculate uniform revealing her to be the assistant Ann had just been talking about. You're slightly surprised to see that on a technical level, she holds a similar rank to Ann, just a single step lower. As the two trade salutes, the newcomer moves to stand alongside you, nudging you lightly.
<span class="ann">"$character_firstName, meet Second Lieutenant Natalie. Natalie, meet Cadet $character_firstName $character_lastName. Your new mentee and ward."</span> Ann runs through the introductions quickly, getting down to business smoothly.
<span class="ann">"Natalie is a Starwatch Graduate, and graduated as the top cruiser commander of her year. Despite her friendly demeanor, she's exceptionally talented, and you'd do well to learn every possible thing you can from her. Since you're already part of the cruiser course, I know you don't have any objections from receiving even more advantages and tips from someone who has already completed it."</span>
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "OrbitalStation_LiveFire2_Conclusion_Natalie2">>
<<npcFactSet "natalie_unlocked" true>>
<<addtocodex "Natalie" "met_natalie">>
<img src="resources/img/locations/station/annoffice.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/ann/expressions/neutral_uniform.webp"/>
<img class="exp-vertical-flip" src="resources/img/characters/crew/natalie/expressions/neutral_uniform.webp"/>
You decide that even if you do have reservations about the situation, you aren't going to win an argument about it here, and merely nod along to Ann's words. Ann gives you a tight smile, before her attention switches to Natalie.
<span class="ann">"Your role is simple. Cultivate their skills and talents as a mentor, and serve as an advisor. You're both being assigned to an unconfirmed Cruiser for various reasons, not least of them being a chance to earn actual experience in a more controlled environment than those disastrous live flights. To that end, you'll be a hands-on field instructor."</span>
Natalie throws a crisp salute, confirming that she understands her assignment, and as Ann's attention traverses between the two of you, a few minutes of silence pass. Unwilling to be the first to break the silence, you endure the slowly growing awkwardness, when Ann suddenly breaks out into a large grin.
<span class="ann">"Alright, dismissed. Try and get along."</span>
Natalie and you both quickly retreat from Ann's office, you find yourselves standing outside in the corridor, the silence now persisting between the two of you instead.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "OrbitalStation_LiveFire2_Conclusion_Natalie3">><</slink>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/station/briefingroom.webp"/>
<img class="exp-vertical-flip" src="resources/img/characters/crew/natalie/expressions/neutral_uniform.webp"/>
Natalie sizes you up quickly, her eyes running over your body openly, and she gives you a slight grin. Before you can really say anything she leans towards you, her face suddenly inches from yours. Pulling back instinctively, you blush slightly as she giggles.
Deciding to try to regain control of the situation, you start preparing to make a good impression on the second lieutenant. No matter how playful she might act, you both heard the orders for her to be your mentor just moments ago.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Casual" "OrbitalStation_LiveFire2_Conclusion_Natalie3_Casual">>
<<npcFactSet "natalie_livefire_casual" true>>
<<slink "Flirt" "OrbitalStation_LiveFire2_Conclusion_Natalie3_Flirt">>
<<npcFactSet "natalie_livefire_flirt" true>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/station/briefingroom.webp"/>
<img class="exp-vertical-flip" src="resources/img/characters/crew/natalie/expressions/happy_uniform.webp"/>
Trying to make some casual conversation with the relaxed officer, you are quickly shushed into silence, as she presses a finger against your lips. Raising an eyebrow at her questioningly, she gives you a grin slowly removing it once she's certain you're going to stay silent.
<span class="natalie">"I've got to sort out my possessions, comfort clothes, bunking conditions, and so on, and while I am intensely curious about if you deserve a mentor as skilled as me, I think the worst possible thing you can do right now is try and act like we're old friends. We will have plenty of time to get to know each other on the cruiser, and no offense, but I'd like to save the small talk for then."</span>
You nod, slowly opening your mouth to test if she'll stop you from agreeing with her. When she doesn't you quickly tell her that you'll be looking forward to it, and as she gives you a polite nod, you take a subtle step backwards, prompting her to give you a wry smile as she realizes you've given her space to excuse herself.
<span class="natalie">"I'll be seeing you soon, student."</span> She places a strange emphasis on that final word, but you don't have time to ask what she means by that before she leaves you alone in the corridor, and you decide to get back to your own day too.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Leave" "Hub_Orbital_Station">>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<startplaylist "playlist_exploration_soft">>
<img src="resources/img/locations/station/briefingroom.webp"/>
<img class="exp-vertical-flip" src="resources/img/characters/crew/natalie/expressions/happy_uniform.webp"/>
Deciding to try to lighten the mood even further with some light flirting, you're surprised when Natalie bursts out laughing before you can even make it to the end of your first line.
<span class="natalie">"You are truly brave. Alright, I'll bite."</span> Her voice suddenly takes on a seductive tone, and she runs a hand down your arm with a wink.
<span class="natalie">"Don't forget that you initiated this later when we're on the cruiser. But it's for later, alright?"</span>
You pause, caught off guard by her sudden change in demeanor, and before you can even properly respond, she blows you a kiss before twirling and leaving you alone in the corridor, gliding into the orbital garrison with a soft laugh.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Leave" "Hub_Orbital_Station">>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<startplaylist "playlist_exploration_soft">>
<img src="resources/img/locations/station/briefingroom.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/silhouettes/m2.webp"/>
<span class="officer">"Got a fun one lined up. Mixed fleet exercise meant to help ensure the different levels of command are meshing properly. You'll be on the AMS Warden again, but this time you'll have a fighter screen and a command ship to escort."</span>
The projected map changes as he speaks, outlining the scope of the operation and its predicted movements in the neighboring system.
<span class="officer">"We've made arrangements with the Warden's usual captain, and you'll be the lead officer on that ship for this operation at least. Questions?"</span>
You quickly scan the briefing docket, looking for anything that might be missing that you need to know, a feeling of relief washing through you as you see that anything you could think of has already been answered by the information within.
Pressing a button to send the docket to the cruiser for your perusal during the hyperspace jump, you tell the briefing officer that you're ready to depart for the operation. He gives you a salute and waves you into the hangar, where the shuttle is already waiting to ferry you to the AMS Warden once more.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "OrbitalStation_LiveFire2_Cruiser2">>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<saudio "bgm_combat1" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.25>>
<img src="resources/img/events/livefire_fighter/bg.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/events/livefire_cruiser/bridge.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/silhouettes/m6.webp"/>
The brief shuttle ride to the AMS Warden is just long enough for you to read through the briefing docket once more, and you relax significantly at the thought of having to command the corvette yourself when you see that the Alliance intelligence indicates a zero percent chance of encountering hostels on this training operation.
Regardless, you decide to take this opportunity seriously as you reach the corvette, greeting the bridge crew with a formal salute and receiving control of the ship from its usual captain with a smile. He jokes with you lightly as he watches you settle in, before clapping you on the shoulder and wishing you luck as he retires to his cabin, removing his presence from the bridge so as to not undermine your authority for the exercise.
Grinning softly to yourself, you have the Warden form up with the other cruiser and the command frigate as your hyperdrive spools, preparing to warp to the other system with the fleet.
As space folds around you when the ship begins its jump, you take a breath to cool your nerves, steadying yourself in preparation for your first real command of a ship outside of the VR sims. Your vision warps slightly, indicating a return to real space in the AO.
You smile, preparing to give the bridge crew orders to move the ship to ensure the planned formation is maintained when your radar lights up with several dozen hostile signatures. Freezing as a chill runs down your spine, an alarm blares, triggered by the command frigate as an accompanying announcement rings out.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "OrbitalStation_LiveFire2_Cruiser2b">><</slink>>
<img src="resources/img/events/livefire_fighter/bg.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/events/livefire_cruiser/fighting.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/events/livefire_cruiser/bridge.webp"/>
<span class="officer2">"All forces prepare for contact. Hostile contacts detected. I repeat, all forces prepare for contact. This is not a drill."</span>
One of your bridge officers calls out that all the contacts identified so far are snub craft of varying size and class, and you feel a slight moment of relief as you see the accompanying fighter screen surge into space, forming up in preparation for the approaching combat. Despite his attempt to leave the command of the ship to you, the Wardens captain has already returned to the bridge, coming to rest alongside you as a result of the alarm. He gives you a nod before speaking.
<span class="officer2">"Keep the command for now. I'll take over if things go terribly wrong."</span>
You give him a smile, reassured by the presence of the veteran captain already. Watching the fighters begin their dogfight, you give a command to the bridge gunners, telling them to use their turrets to provide defensive covering fire for the outnumbered Alliance fighters as they can.
Turning your attention back to the radar, you frown as you don't see any additional contacts on long range scans, and are torn between waiting for instructions from the command frigate and investigating yourself. Afterall, those rebel snubs had to launch from somewhere.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Investigate" "OrbitalStation_LiveFire2_Cruiser2_Investigate">>
<<playerFactSet "campaign_livefire_cruiser2_investigate" true>>
<<slink "Hold Position" "OrbitalStation_LiveFire2_Cruiser2_Hold">>
<<playerFactSet "campaign_livefire_cruiser2_hold" true>>
<<saudio "sfx_combat_alarm" volume 0.32 fadeto 0.33>>
<<saudio "bgm_combatambient" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.33>>
<img src="resources/img/events/livefire_fighter/bg.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/events/livefire_cruiser/battleship_warp.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/events/livefire_cruiser/fighting.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/events/livefire_cruiser/bridge.webp"/>
You're on the far side of the formation from the dogfight that's raging between rebel and Alliance ships, and as you open a comm line to the command frigate, you outline your plan to see if you can find the rebel carrier that must have delivered the hostiles to the area. A long moment of silence comes back at you from the command frigate before eventually telling you to proceed as you've outlined, but to prepare to return to formation at any moment.
Killing the comms as you give the bridge crew orders to begin the hunt, you can't help but feel the tension rising as your corvette stalks forward, its weapons armed and ready to remove any hidden rebels from the system. You try to put the sudden bursts of static you can hear from the comms out of mind, as Alliance fighters get downed one by one in the distance.
Frowning as you move even further from the formation and still don't pick up any new radar contacts, you're about to call the hunt a wild goose chase and return to formation when you see a hyperspace tear open between you and the rest of the Alliance fleet.
The captain alongside you swears in disbelief, your own words echoing his as a rebel battleship glides into real space like an omen of doom. It's barely finished emerging from its warp when its deadly main guns begin to fire, its powerful cannons tearing into your shields and leaving scars on the armor below.
Before you can fully react, the Wardens captain begins barking out orders, reassuming control as he tries to keep his ship alive in the face of an overwhelming foe.
A tremor of fear runs through you as a cannon shot skips off the shields of the bridge, the ship audibly whining under the strain of the maneuvers it's taking to try to avoid fire. Faintly, you can feel the hum of the hyperspace drive spooling up, and a glance towards the rest of the fleet shows that they're faring no better than you, the fighters making a desperate rush back to their jumpship carrier as an order to retreat is given.
<span class="officer2">"All ships, disengage and retreat. I repeat, disengage and retreat. Enemy battleship has just arrived in the AO."</span>
A moment of motion sickness accompanies the hasty jump to hyperspace, the sudden silence of it just as jarring as the sight of a battleship dropping nearly on top of you was.
The captain lets out a long sigh, and the bridge crew relaxes visibly around you as they realize that they managed to escape. You turn to the captain, shock clearly visible on your face and as he meets your eyes you can tell he's just as rattled as you are.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "OrbitalStation_LiveFire2_Cruiser2_Debrief">><</slink>>
<img src="resources/img/events/livefire_fighter/bg.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/events/livefire_cruiser/battleship_warp.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/events/livefire_cruiser/fighting.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/events/livefire_cruiser/bridge.webp"/>
Something about the entire situation feels wrong, and even though you want to find the rebel carrier, you decide the safest course of action is to hold formation and wait for more information to arrive. Aside from that, there isn't much you can do, as a feeling of frustration and helplessness builds in you as you watch the dogfight rage on radar, occasional bursts of comm static marking the deaths of the embattled Alliance fighters, even with covering fire from the two cruisers.
The captain, standing alongside you, places a hand on your shoulder, clearly sensing your frustration. Before he can impart whatever advice or knowledge he has, however, you both freeze, watching a hyperspace tear open barely a kilometer away from the fleet formation.
Your disbelief surges as a rebel battleship emerges from it, dropping into real space with its powerful main guns already firing. You don't have time to react before the captain barks out a string of orders and you watch the bridge crew come to life, trying to save the ship from the battleship's hail of death.
Even as the ship strains under its evasive maneuvers, its shields flaring as it struggles to ward off the incoming fire, you hear the command frigate open a fleet wide comms channel.
<span class="officer2">"All ships, disengage and retreat. I repeat, disengage and retreat. Enemy battleship has just arrived in the AO."</span>
The corvette's hyperdrive starts to spool even before the order to prepare to jump away is given, the bridge crew revealing their experience as they try to regain control of the situation, despite the overwhelming firepower being leveraged against them. A glance down at the radar shows the surviving fighters engaging in a desperate retreat back to the jumpship that ferried them to the system, even as the rebels redoubled their efforts in chasing them down.
Space folds around you, and the chaos of the battle is replaced with the silence of hyperspace, the sudden change in pace just as jarring as the battleship's arrival. As you let out a sigh of relief, the bridge crew around you relaxes as well, running through diagnostics and preparing the ship to be battle ready once the jump ends.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "OrbitalStation_LiveFire2_Cruiser2_Debrief">><</slink>>
<img src="resources/img/events/livefire_fighter/bg.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/events/livefire_cruiser/bridge.webp"/>
Your corvette returns to realspace a few dozen klicks from the Orbital garrison, and as you frantically scan the radar, you finally relax as you see no unidentified contacts on scope. A comm from the command frigate confirms what you've already checked.
<span class="officer2">"Pursuant forces have broken off. All units stand down and prepare for return to the garrison."</span>
You frown as you let out a breath of relief, your eyes tracing over what's left of the fleet you were part of. Six fighters out of twenty four, one heavily damaged corvette and a seemingly pristine command frigate. Less than half of what you set out with.
Even with the escape of the surviving forces, it's a total defeat, and you feel a surge of anger course through you at how wrong the briefing you were provided was.
You're about to start venting when the Wardens captain shakes his head, his expression telling you that it's not the time or place for it, and as you glance around the bridge, you see the stunned and hollow expressions of the rest of the crew as they try to process what just happened. Forcing yourself to calm down, you frown as a private comm line opens to you.
Seeing that it originates from the Orbital Garrison, you guess that it's from Ann, and are quickly proved correct when she speaks, telling you to return to her office as soon as possible.
From the urgency in her voice, you don't even try to argue, telling her you'll be there the moment you can leave the corvette. Frowning as the comm goes dead, you think back to the frantic ambush you just escaped, and the unexpected arrival of a rebel battleship so close to the heart of Alliance space.
The rest of the trip back to the garrison is silent and uneventful, with all on board thinking about their narrow escape. Likewise, the walk to Ann's office is a lonely one, as the rest of the officers and pilots involved in the operation are pulled into the briefing room for debriefing.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "OrbitalStation_LiveFire2_Conclusion">><</slink>>
<<saudio "bgm_combatambient" stop>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/station/briefingroom.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/silhouettes/m2.webp"/>
<span class="officer">"Got what should be a nice and easy mixed operation lined up for you to join."</span>
A map comes to life, showing a mixed fleet composition in one of the neighboring systems as the officer speaks.
<span class="officer">"Situation on site is subject to change, but for all intents and purposes, this is just a training flight meant to help with fleet meshing and mixed operations. As in, you're going to fly fighter escort for a couple of cruisers and a command ship. Questions?"</span>
You meet the officer's level gaze, as you quickly run through the outline of the operation on your terminal.
Seeing that the briefing docket contains all information you could want, done to even expected hostile ship compositions, you decide that you don't need to waste either your time or his asking pointless questions. Pressing a button to send the briefing to your ship's onboard computer, you decide to re-examine it during the jump to the next system.
Telling the officer you're ready, he gives you a curt salute, waving you into the hangar and to where your waiting ship is.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "OrbitalStation_LiveFire2_Fighter2">>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<saudio "bgm_combat1" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.25>>
<img src="resources/img/events/livefire_fighter/bg.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/events/livefire_fighter/cockpit.webp"/>
Your fighter glides out of the hangar bay like an apex predator, and you take a moment in enjoying the feeling of freedom that accompanies being in the cockpit. Spinning lazily as you move towards the jumpship that will ferry you to the area of operations, you smile as you see the rest of the fighters you'll be flying alongside falling into their assigned bays as well.
Settling into your own assigned bay in preparation for the jump, you pull up the briefing docket, deciding to double check the details of the operation to make sure you're mentally prepared for any situation.
Smiling as you see that in addition to yourself, there are another eleven fighters forming the fighter screen, alongside two corvette class cruisers and a command frigate, you feel a rush of excitement course through you, wondering how imposing the small fleet will look once formed up and moving together.
Noting further that there is no predicted combat or rebel activity in the AO, you smile, glad to know that you'll be able to focus purely on learning how to properly fly the fighter for real. Leaning back in your seat as you wait for the hyperspace jump to end, you casually run through a full systems check, engaging lightly in the banter of the other fighter pilots as they do their own pre-flight checks.
A momentary warping of your vision indicates the jump has finished, returning you to real space once more. As you prepare to launch from the carrier, a sudden alarm starts to blare, an emergency announcement accompanying it.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "OrbitalStation_LiveFire2_Fighter2b">><</slink>>
<img src="resources/img/events/livefire_fighter/bg.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/events/livefire_fighter/rebel_fighters.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/events/livefire_fighter/squad.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/events/livefire_fighter/cockpit.webp"/>
<span class="officer2">"All forces prepare for contact. Hostile contacts detected. I repeat, all forces prepare for contact. This is not a drill."</span>
You freeze for a moment, the surprise of the situation momentarily jolting you into inaction. As the fighters in the bays on your left and right blast into space however, you quickly follow them out, your eyes glancing down at your radar display as you fall into formation.
At first, you don't see anything, and you're about to relax when you hear one of the other pilots swear. <span class="npc2">"Oh fuck."</span>
As if on cue, your radar lights up, as dozens of hostile signatures scream towards you. Counting quickly, you grimace, as you tally up at least double the incoming contacts as there are ships in the mixed fleets composition. Panicking slightly as you realize you're heavily outnumbered, you brace yourself for the approaching fight.
The comms channels fall silent as the fighters wait for the approaching contacts to enter range, and you frown slightly as you realize that you're actually excited, the adrenaline flooding through you overwhelming any fear you might be feeling.
As the rebel ships finally enter range, you lean on your controls, preparing for a vicious dogfight as a command comes over the comms. <span class="officer2">"Focus fire on enemy bombers first. If anyone needs a moment of space, use the cruisers for cover."</span>
You glance at the comms, recognizing the command frigates comm ID, and feeling slightly reassured that they don't seem to be worried by the situation.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Aggressive" "OrbitalStation_LiveFire2_Fighter2_Aggressive">>
<<playerFactSet "campaign_livefire_fighter2_aggressive" true>>
<<saudio "bgm_combatambient" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.33>>
<<slink "Defensive" "OrbitalStation_LiveFire2_Fighter2_Defensive">>
<<playerFactSet "campaign_livefire_fighter2_defensive" true>>
<<saudio "bgm_combatambient" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.33>>
<<saudio "sfx_combat_alarm" volume 0.32 fadeto 0.33>>
<img src="resources/img/events/livefire_fighter/bg.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/events/livefire_fighter/rebel_fighters_shooting.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/events/livefire_fighter/squad.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/events/livefire_fighter/cockpit.webp"/>
Deciding to rely on your fighter's superior technology and design to your advantage, you quickly enter the dogfight, your guns blazing as you dive towards one of the rebels harassing a fighter close by. You smile as you see your laser fire tear into its shields, but your feeling of triumph is stolen from you as you're forced to break off from the target, as some of its allies turn their attention to you, momentarily forcing you onto the defensive as you invade the incoming fire.
You don't need to dodge for long however, as one of the nearby cruisers begins to interfere in the dogfight, its powerful turrets turning large swathes of space into death zones. Free from the pursuing fighters, you quickly return to the battle, gliding through the dogfight as you spot a rebel bomber beginning its attack run. Your guns flare with laser fire once more as you begin your attack, and the pilot you're hunting panics, breaking away from their bombing run to try and evade your attacks.
A scream over the comms abruptly cuts off, and a distant explosion tells you that the stalemate between the Rebel and Alliance pilots has finally ended as the first kill goes to the ambushing rebels. Your guns lining up perfectly, you pull the trigger as a chill runs down your spine, the rebel bomber succumbing to your continual hits, as you score the first kill for the Alliance side.
Diving evasively once more as rebel fighters single you out as a threat, you are forced into defensive flight, heading for the cruiser's turret cover as you try to shake your pursuers off. A sudden burst of static tells you another fighter has gone down, and as you round the cruiser for cover, you swear in disbelief as the sight of a rebel battleship leaving hyperspace fills your vision, a swarm of smaller support ships coming alongside it.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "OrbitalStation_LiveFire2_Fighter2_Aggressive2">><</slink>>
<img src="resources/img/events/livefire_fighter/bg.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/events/livefire_fighter/battleship.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/events/livefire_cruiser/fighting.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/events/livefire_fighter/cockpit.webp"/>
The command ship comes onto comms once more, and you can hear the same disbelief in their voice as you feel in your body as they speak.
<span class="officer2">"All forces disengage and retreat. I repeat, everyone disengage and retreat. Enemy battleship has just entered the AO."</span>
You turn your ship, seeing the jumpship that ferried the fighters to the system already spooling its hyperspace drive. Realizing that the only chance you, and any of the fighters have is reaching it before it is forced to jump, you lean on the throttle, throwing your ship towards it in a desperate dash for safety. Laser fire skips off your shields as the rebel fighters give chase, the cruisers unable to provide covering fire as they trade shots with the rebel battleship, their own hyperspace drives spooling up as they try to avoid its deadly main guns.
Your fighter rings with a sudden alarm, as something impacts your ship. Glancing down at your displays, you see that your shields are unable to hold up under the concentrated fire coming your way now, as another burst of laser fire rakes your ship, sparks flying as it shudders under the impacts.
Throwing your fighter into a desperate spin, you manage to evade the next burst of fire long enough to reach the jumpship, your hangar bay slamming closed behind you as you almost slam into the deck thanks to your evasive movements. Flicking your ship's systems off, you let out a breath of relief, knowing the rebel fighters don't have the firepower to bring the jumpships' shields and armor down.
Moments later your vision warps, indicating the jumpship has entered hyperspace, and you're almost afraid to open comms to check how many of the other fighters made it to safety with you. Waiting in silence for the return to Alliance space near the Academy, your memory wanders back to the briefing docket you received that claimed there wouldn't be any combat in this training exercise.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "OrbitalStation_LiveFire2_Fighter2_Debrief">><</slink>>
<img src="resources/img/events/livefire_fighter/bg.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/events/livefire_fighter/rebel_fighters_shooting.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/events/livefire_fighter/squad.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/events/livefire_fighter/cockpit.webp"/>
Even with the advantage of a superior Alliance fighter, you're still outnumbered at least two to one, and you decide to rely on the fleet at your back to help you carry the day. Falling into formation with another two of the fighters, you quickly find yourself embroiled in a tense dogfight, as you ward off enemy fighters from your allies, before trying to secure a kill of your own.
Unfortunately, the rebels show no hesitation in defending each other, and the dogfight quickly turns into a stalemate, the superior Alliance fighters able to dish out more punishment and dance around individual rebel ships, but unable to close out any kills as the swarm of hostile ships react smoothly and quickly to protect each other from death. For a moment, it seems the situation might tip as one of the Alliance cruisers lashes out, its powerful turrets sending the rebel fighters into a scrambling mess of defensive maneuvers as they try to escape its reach.
A sudden burst of static over the comms however sends a chill down your spine, as you see one of your wingmen vanish from the HUD, the rebels successfully managing to score the first kill and break the stalemate. Grimacing as you come under fire once more, your own guns blaze as you dive towards one of the rebel bombers, the powerful laser fire tearing through its shields and scoring a lucky hit on its torpedo bay. The ensuing detonation ripping the enemy ship apart, its shockwave rocking your own fighter even a few hundred meters away.
Frowning as you hear your computer complain about critical shield strength, you break away from the dogfight, planning on rounding behind one of the cruisers to give your shields a chance to regenerate before you rejoin the fray. A few more bursts of comm static indicate that the rebels are still scoring kills, their swarm of numbers enough to mitigate the advantage of superior technology.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "OrbitalStation_LiveFire2_Fighter2_Defensive2">><</slink>>
<img src="resources/img/events/livefire_fighter/bg.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/events/livefire_fighter/battleship.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/events/livefire_cruiser/fighting.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/events/livefire_fighter/cockpit.webp"/>
Coasting around the cruiser as planned, you lean onto the throttle, only to swear to yourself as a hyperspace tear opens barely a kilometer away from the cruisers, a rebel battleship emerging defiantly, its guns already firing as it enters real space with a swarm of smaller support ships behind it. Realizing that the battle is lost moments before the command frigate comes onto the air again, you can only feel disbelief run through you as the order to retreat is given.
<span class="officer2">"All ships, disengage and retreat. I repeat, disengage and retreat. Enemy battleship has just arrived in the AO."</span>
You wince as the battleships' powerful main guns roar, their cannon fire tearing holes through the nearest cruiser, even as it fires its much weaker armaments back defiantly. Your ship's computer tells you the jump ship that brought you here is already spooling its hyperdrive, and as you flip your ship and begin the mad dash back to it, you see rebel fighters chasing you on the radar, their laser fire tearing through the space around your ship as they close in.
Frowning as you feel your shields give out and your ship starts taking hits, your hand seems to wander to the ejection seat trigger by itself, as you throw it into a wild spin to hopefully ward off any more shots from hitting you.
Fortunately, you don't need to eject, as you reach the jumpships shield bubble, its hangar doors slamming shut behind you as it's hyperdrive finishes spooling. Flicking your ship's systems off in case of internal damage that could case a fire or explosion, you feel your vision warp as the jumpship punches through systems, the sudden silence and safety of hyperspace replacing the frantic battle you had just barely escaped.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "OrbitalStation_LiveFire2_Fighter2_Debrief">><</slink>>
<img src="resources/img/events/livefire_fighter/bg.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/events/livefire_fighter/cockpit.webp"/>
The jumpship is barely back in Alliance space when the hangers open again, and you tense up, expecting to need to reactivate your damaged ship and fight again when a comms channel opens up.
<span class="officer2">"Pursuant forces have broken off. All units stand down and prepare for return to the garrison."</span>
Collapsing in the chair with a sigh of relief, you can't help but notice how silent the comms are in contrast to the light hearted banter on the way to the operation. Frowning as you silently check the scans, you're stunned to see that you're only one of six fighters that managed to escape the ambush, and that one of the corvettes hasn't returned at all while the other is nursing it's wounds, the crew battling internal damage caused by a direct hit from the battleships main guns.
The only ship that seems to have escaped the ambush unscathed is the command frigate, and a surge of irrational anger flares up inside you. Before you can do anything you regret however, a private comm line opens to you. Seeing that it originates from the Orbital Garrison, you guess that it's from Ann, and are quickly proved correct when she speaks, telling you to return to her office as soon as possible.
From the urgency in her voice, you don't even try to argue, telling her you'll be there the moment you can launch from the jumpship. Frowning as the comm goes dead, you think back to the frantic dogfight you just escaped, and the unexpected arrival of a rebel battleship so close to the heart of Alliance space.
The rest of the trip back to the garrison is silent and uneventful, with all on board thinking about their narrow escape. Likewise, the walk to Ann's office is a lonely one, as the rest of the officers and pilots involved in the operation are pulled into the briefing room for debriefing.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "OrbitalStation_LiveFire2_Conclusion">><</slink>>
<<saudio "bgm_combatambient" stop>>
<div class="card card-nav solid">
<div class="row">
<div class="card-body p-0">
<div class="row d-flex">
<<slink "Exit Simulation" "Apartment_LivingRoom" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "ti ti-door-exit" "">>
<<startplaylist "playlist_exploration_soft">>
<<slink "Beach house" "Simulation_House_LivingRoom" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "ti ti-door-enter" "">><</slink>>
<<slink "Bar" "Simulation_Beach_Bar" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "" "">><</slink>>
<</nobr>><<include "Simulation_Beach_NavigationOptions">>\
<div class="navigation-container">\
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/eva/scenes/beach/beach_recliner_bg.webp"/>
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Swim" "Simulation_Beach_Swim">><</slink>>
<<slink "Relax" "Simulation_Beach_Relax">><</slink>>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<saudio "bgm_zone_beach" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.25>>
<<saudio "bgm_beachambient" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.20>>
As the VR scape generates around you, you feel the cool breeze of wind brush against your skin, and the sound of gently lapping waves breaking on the soft sand of the beach. As you look around, you see a beach that any resort world would be jealous of, with deep turquoise water and soft white sand. Palm trees offer shade from the sun and a nearby structure reminds you of a tropical beach bar.
Movement nearby tells you that you're not alone, and you see that Eva is lounging lazily on a recliner next to you, a stylish bikini helping draw and keep your attention on her. As she gives you a smile and a wink, you can't help but smile back. Knowing already what you can do here, you take a look around as you decide.
</div>\<<include "Simulation_Beach_NavigationOptions">>\
<div class="navigation-container">\
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/eva/scenes/beach/beach_recliner_bg.webp"/>
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Swim" "Simulation_Beach_Swim">><</slink>>
<<slink "Relax" "Simulation_Beach_Relax">><</slink>>
As the VR scape generates around you, you feel the cool breeze of wind brush against your skin, and the sound of gently lapping waves breaking on the soft sand of the beach. As you look around, you see a beach that any resort world would be jealous of, with deep turquoise water and soft white sand. Palm trees offer shade from the sun and a nearby structure reminds you of a tropical beach bar.
Movement nearby tells you that you're not alone, and you see that Eva is lounging lazily on a recliner next to you, a stylish bikini helping draw and keep your attention on her. As she gives you a smile and a wink, you can't help but smile back. Knowing already what you can do here, you take a look around as you decide.
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/eva/scenes/beach/beach_water_bg.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/eva/scenes/beach/beach_water_eva.webp"/>
Nodding at Eva in response to her question, she quickly takes you by the hand, leading you towards the water. The waves have looked enticing since you arrived, and at Eva's invitation, you walk out towards the water, the sand warm and soft under your feet as you do. As the first wave breaks against your legs, you can feel the water is cool and refreshing, and as you pause to appreciate it for a moment longer, you're caught by surprise when a splash of water rakes across your body. Eva laughs at your reaction, before splashing you again, a smile on her face.
Snapped out of your blissful wonder, you quickly dive into the water, splashing back at Eva as the two of you laugh and play, the sound of gently breaking waves accompanied by laughter and cheers as you do. The water isn't all that deep, and while you swim around, enjoying the cool water against your skin, you notice that a school of tropical fish is swimming around as well, seemingly happy to be in close proximity to you.
Eventually you get out of the water, seeing that Eva is shooting glances at the nearby bar, clearly wanting to show you more of the simulation without being pushy.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Simulation_Beach">>
<<if starGame.npcs.getStat('eva_affinity') < 25 && !starGame.player.hasInteraction('beach_swim')>>
<<npcStatIncrease "eva_affinity" 1>>
<<snotify "info">>Eva appreciated spending time with you.<</snotify>>
<<run starGame.player.setInteraction('beach_swim')>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/eva/scenes/beach/beach_recliner_bg.webp"/>
Eva looks good, and as she lounges on the recliner next to you, you decide that you might as well follow her example for now. Leaning back into the recliner you close your eyes, content to soak up the sun, simulated as it is. Eva smiles at you out of the corner of your eye, and while you are both here together, neither of you speak first, content to merely lean back and exist together in a moment of blissful silence.
After spending some time relaxing on the recliner, Eva shifts her weight, turning to face you while lying on her side. Once again you're reminded of how good she looks, and as you run your eyes over her you can see a light smirk on her face. Eventually deciding that you've soaked up enough sun for the moment, you start wondering what to do next.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Simulation_Beach">>
<<if starGame.npcs.getStat('eva_affinity') < 25 && !starGame.player.hasInteraction('beach_relax')>>
<<npcStatIncrease "eva_affinity" 1>>
<<snotify "info">>Eva appreciated spending time with you.<</snotify>>
<<run starGame.player.setInteraction('beach_relax')>>
<div class="card card-nav solid">
<div class="row">
<div class="card-body p-0">
<div class="row d-flex">
<<slink "Beach" "Simulation_Beach" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "ti ti-door-exit" "">><</slink>>
<div class="navigation-container">\
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/eva/scenes/beach/beach_bar_bg.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/eva/scenes/beach/beach_bar_eva.webp"/>
Heading for the beach bar and its shaded counter, you see Eva walking alongside you with a smile. When you reach the bar, she quickly moves behind it, pulling her apron on with a wink and a smile. You take a few moments to peruse the bar's selection of drinks, Eva's watching gaze telling you that she's ready for your order.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Eat a burger" "Simulation_Beach_Bar_EatBurger">><</slink>>
<<slink "Drink" "Simulation_Beach_Bar_Drink">><</slink>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/eva/scenes/beach/beach_bar_bg.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/eva/scenes/beach/beach_bar_eva.webp"/>
Because it's VR, there are drinks on the shelves that would cost more than some cruisers in real life. Curious about how some of them might taste, you select one at random, and Eva dutifully prepares it for you, the clinking ice and dark liquor reminding you of how your father likes his own drinks.
A tentative sniff and taste of the drink leaves you marveling at how smoothly it goes down, and as you enjoy your drink in silence, you see Eva watching you with a smile.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Simulation_Beach_Bar">>
<<if starGame.npcs.getStat('eva_affinity') < 25 && !starGame.player.hasInteraction('beach_drink')>>
<<npcStatIncrease "eva_affinity" 1>>
<<snotify "info">>Eva appreciated spending time with you.<</snotify>>
<<run starGame.player.setInteraction('beach_drink')>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/eva/scenes/beach/beach_bar_bg.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/eva/scenes/beach/beach_bar_eva.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/eva/scenes/beach/beach_bar_burger.webp"/>
The memory of that first burger lingering in your mind, you tell Eva that you wouldn't mind another, and she treats you to a brilliant smile as she starts preparing another one for you. Seated at the counter as you are, you enjoy the show she puts on, some exaggerated movements with her preparations revealing that she's having fun as well. The first step out of the way, Eva strikes up a light conversation with you while she works. Before too much time passes, a delicious looking burger is placed in front of you, and Eva takes a spot opposite you with a burger of her own. As you raise the burger to your mouth, you take a moment to wonder how it looks and smells even better than the first.
Noticing your pause, Eva blushes lightly, before telling you to stop staring at it and eat, confessing to having practiced a little bit more to make sure that you keep enjoying them. You quickly devour the burger, eating in silence across from Eva as she keeps pace with you, her own burger quickly vanishing as she eats with you. You almost regret finishing your meal, the taste of it lingering in your mouth as you sit and talk with Eva, the light conversation a perfect end to your meal.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Simulation_Beach_Bar">>
<<if starGame.npcs.getStat('eva_affinity') < 25 && !starGame.player.hasInteraction('beach_burger')>>
<<npcStatIncrease "eva_affinity" 1>>
<<snotify "info">>Eva appreciated spending time with you.<</snotify>>
<<run starGame.player.setInteraction('beach_burger')>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/eva/scenes/house/house_bg.webp"/>
Turning to look at your beach house a short distance away, you decide to head there for now, admiring the way it dominates the landscape here, with a prime spot looking over the ocean and beach. From prior experience, you know that it's well furnished and comfortable, with several places for you to relax at once you arrive there.
The short walk to the beach house helps you relax further, as you enjoy the walk along the warm sands of the beach, a cool breeze tickling your skin as you go. Eva trots alongside you, keeping pace easily, and as the two of you lightly talk about nothing in particular, you find yourself reaching the threshold of the house quickly.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Go inside" "Simulation_House_LivingRoom">>
<<saudio "bgm_beachambient" stop>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/eva/scenes/beach/beach_recliner_bg.webp"/>
As the VR scape generates around you, you feel the cool breeze of wind brush against your skin, and the sound of gently lapping waves breaking on the soft sand of the beach. As you look around, you see a beach that any resort world would be jealous of, with deep turquoise water and soft white sand. Palm trees offer shade from the sun and a nearby structure reminds you of a tropical beach bar.
Movement nearby tells you that you're not alone, and you see that Eva is lounging lazily on a recliner next to you, a stylish bikini helping draw and keep your attention on her. As she gives you a smile and a wink, you can't help but wonder how long she's been working on this Sim. She begins to speak, seemingly deciding that you have had enough time to look around on your own for now.
<span class="eva2">"Welcome to my own little world."</span> She says shyly, a blush spreading across her face as she speaks. <span class="eva2">"It's still a work in progress, but it should be complete enough for you to spend time here with me without an issue."</span> She gives you an expectant look, turning onto her side to look at you with a smile.
<span class="eva2">"So, are you ready for the tour?"</span> She asks with a grin, a gentle laugh accompanying the words.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Simulation_Beach_Intro_Swim">>
<<npcFactSet "eva_stage1_beach_visit" true>>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<saudio "bgm_zone_beach" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.25>>
<<saudio "bgm_beachambient" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.20>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/eva/scenes/beach/beach_water_bg.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/eva/scenes/beach/beach_water_eva.webp"/>
Nodding at Eva in response to her question, she quickly takes you by the hand, leading you towards the water. The waves have looked enticing since you arrived, and at Eva's invitation, you walk out towards the water, the sand warm and soft under your feet as you do. As the first wave breaks against your legs, you can feel the water is cool and refreshing, and as you pause to appreciate it for a moment longer, you're caught by surprise when a splash of water rakes across your body. Eva laughs at your reaction, before splashing you again, a smile on her face.
Snapped out of your blissful wonder, you quickly dive into the water, splashing back at Eva as the two of you laugh and play, the sound of gently breaking waves accompanied by laughter and cheers as you do. The water isn't all that deep, and while you swim around, enjoying the cool water against your skin, you notice that a school of tropical fish is swimming around as well, seemingly happy to be in close proximity to you.
Eventually you get out of the water, seeing that Eva is shooting glances at the nearby bar, clearly wanting to show you more of the simulation without being pushy.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Simulation_Beach_Intro_Eat">><</slink>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/eva/scenes/beach/beach_bar_bg.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/eva/scenes/beach/beach_bar_eva.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/eva/scenes/beach/beach_bar_burger.webp"/>
You're quickly guided to the nearby bar, where you can see that Eva has prepared some cutlery and plate for you in advance. As you confess your surprise, wondering why she would offer a meal at all, Eva gives you a gentle smile.
<span class="eva2">"Humor me."</span> She says mysteriously, as you take a seat at the counter, moving behind it, and tying an apron around her waist as she does.
She flashes you a smile and begins to work the grill, striking up a light conversation with you while she works. Before too much time passes, a delicious looking burger is placed in front of you, and as Eva takes a spot opposite you with a burger of her own, you have to admit that the smell of it is enticing. She encourages you to take a bite, and you nearly drop the burger out of shock when you taste it, the perfectly grilled meat and fresh bun leaving you wanting a second bite instantly.
Your initial trepidation dispelled, you quickly devour the burger, eating in silence across from Eva as she keeps pace with you, her own burger quickly vanishing as she eats with you. You almost regret finishing your meal, the taste of it lingering in your mouth as you sit and talk with Eva, the light conversation a perfect end to your unexpected dinner. After a few moments, she nudges you towards the beach once more, the empty recliners waiting for you.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Simulation_Beach_Intro_Relax">><</slink>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/eva/scenes/beach/beach_recliner_bg.webp"/>
Following her lead, you quickly return to the recliners, lounging idly in the sun, the meal you just had making you feel drowsy. Eva looks good, and as she lounges on the recliner next to you, you decide that a short nap might just be what you need. Leaning back into the recliner you close your eyes, content to soak up the sun, simulated as it is. Eva smiles at you out of the corner of your eye, and while you are both here together, neither of you speak first, content to merely lean back and exist together in a moment of blissful silence.
After spending some time relaxing on the recliner, Eva shifts her weight, turning to face you while lying on her side. Once again you're reminded of how good she looks, and as you run your eyes over her you can see a light smirk on her face. A sudden realization of how much time you've spent in the sim strikes you, and you start working up the courage to tell the AI that you need to leave for now.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Simulation_Beach_Intro_End">><</slink>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/eva/scenes/beach/beach_recliner_bg.webp"/>
Stretching your arms with an exaggerated yawn, you are suddenly hit with a wave of real tiredness. The time you spent here with Eva must have been even longer than you thought, since you can feel the exhaustion of the day creeping up on you. Telling her that you've enjoyed your time in the simulation, you let out an actual involuntary yawn, and Eva laughs lightly, realizing that you're trying to leave politely.
The VR scape around you quickly returns you to the real world, and you find yourself in your room once more, the beach paradise replaced with the dark of the night. As you head for your bed once more, you realize that you feel tired, as if you had actually spent some time swimming and lounging in the sun, and you don't feel as hungry as if your last meal was before you went into the simulation.
Deciding that it must be your lack of sleep playing tricks on you, you put it out of your mind for now, collapsing into bed with a contented sigh. As you feel sleep come for you, Eva talks softly into your room.
<span class="eva2">"You're welcome to join me in the simulation anytime. I'll add it to your personal VR pod."</span>
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Apartment_LivingRoom">>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<startplaylist "playlist_exploration_soft">>
<div class="card card-nav solid">
<div class="row">
<div class="card-body p-0">
<div class="row d-flex">
<<slink "Exit Simulation" "Apartment_LivingRoom" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "ti ti-door-exit" "">>
<<startplaylist "playlist_exploration_soft">>
<<slink "Beach" "Simulation_Beach" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "ti ti-door-enter" "">>
<<saudio "bgm_beachambient" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.20>>
<<slink "Patio" "Simulation_House_Patio" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "" "">><</slink>>
<<slink "Bedroom" "Simulation_House_Bedroom" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "" "">><</slink>>
<</nobr>><<include "Simulation_House_NavigationOptions">>\
<div class="navigation-container">\
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/eva/scenes/house/house_interior_bg.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/eva/expressions/happy_bikini.webp"/>
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Couch Talk" "Simulation_House_LivingRoom_Talk">><</slink>>
<<slink "Kitchen Sex" "Simulation_House_LivingRoom_Sex">><</slink>>
A series of comfortable couches and chairs sit a short distance away from an impressively well stocked bar here, and as Eva moves to the bar, she gives you a short smirk before taking her place at the counter where she pretends to polish a glass while she watches you. Approaching the bar, you lean against it while you spend a few moments enjoying the serenity of the room.
<div class="card card-nav solid">
<div class="row">
<div class="card-body p-0">
<div class="row d-flex">
<<slink "Living Room" "Simulation_House_LivingRoom" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "ti ti-door-exit" "">><</slink>>
<div class="navigation-container">\
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/eva/scenes/house/house_jacuzzi_bg.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/eva/expressions/happy_bikini.webp"/>
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Jacuzzi" "Simulation_House_Patio_Jacuzzi">><</slink>>
<<slink "Tan" "Simulation_House_Patio_Tan">><</slink>>
Deciding to head out to the patio, you step out onto the small deck that overlooks the ocean. The deck chairs here promise you a comfortable place to lie and tan, and the nearby jacuzzi tempts you with its inviting waters and spacious interior. Eva naturally follows you out to the deck as well, moving over to the Jacuzzi to dabble her fingers in it as she watches you.
<div class="card card-nav solid">
<div class="row">
<div class="card-body p-0">
<div class="row d-flex">
<<slink "Living Room" "Simulation_House_LivingRoom" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "ti ti-door-exit" "">><</slink>>
<div class="navigation-container">\
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/eva/scenes/house/house_bedroom_bg.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/eva/expressions/happy_bikini.webp"/>
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Sleep" "Simulation_House_Bedroom_Sleep">><</slink>>
<<slink "Bedroom Sex" "Simulation_House_Bedroom_Sex">><</slink>>
Heading up the stairs to your impressively sized bedroom, you take a few moments to enjoy the view, watching the waves break on the sand as you take a few moments to center yourself. You know that the bed behind you is quite comfortable, and while you're not used to sleeping in VR yet, you're not a total stranger to it either.
Aside from that, Eva is giving you an expectant look from where she's sitting on your bed, and as you meet her eyes, she blushes slightly, telling you that she was thinking about a different kind of sleeping when it came to it.
Considering your options for the moment, you give her a smile as you approach the bed.
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/eva/scenes/house/house_bedroom_bg.webp"/>
Telling the AI girl that you actually aren't in the mood for sex at the moment, you collapse onto the bed next to her, patting the bed invitingly as you stretch. Smiling up at her, you tell her that you're going to have a nap, and that she's more than welcome to nap as well. She gives you a slight pout, clearly having thought your approach was going a different way, but lies alongside you regardless.
As the two of you rest, you quickly drift off to sleep for a short while.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Simulation_House_Bedroom">>
<<run starGame.player.setInteraction('beach_house_bedroom_sleep')>>
<<if starGame.player.isShemale()>>
<<if starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'black'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/eva/scenes/house/s_threesome_black.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'tan'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/eva/scenes/house/s_threesome_tan.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/eva/scenes/house/s_threesome_fair.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.hasPenis()>>
<<if starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'black'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/eva/scenes/house/m_threesome_black.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'tan'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/eva/scenes/house/m_threesome_tan.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/eva/scenes/house/m_threesome_fair.webp"/>
<<if starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'black'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/eva/scenes/house/f_threesome_black.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'tan'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/eva/scenes/house/f_threesome_tan.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/eva/scenes/house/f_threesome_fair.webp"/>
Pushing her on to her back as you approach the bed, she bites her lip in anticipation, before putting a hand on your chest, stopping you from climbing over her and pinning her down. Giving her a confused look at this unexpected resistance, you back off a bit, and she manages to sit up again, letting out an unsteady breath that reveals how riled up she is.
<span class="eva2">"I wanted to try something with you actually."</span> She twiddles her thumbs, clearly trying to regain her composure before explaining. Waiting for her to speak, you give her a reassuring smile, and are surprised when a second Eva materializes next to her.
<span class="eva2">"How about… a threesome."</span> She says softly, her shyness coming through in full now. You pause for a moment, before realizing that you were already ready to have sex with her now, and that nothing has really changed, just that there are two of her for you to use instead. Smiling at the nervous AI, you sit between her avatars, sliding your hand between the two different pairs of identical legs with a smirk.
<<if starGame.player.hasPenis()>>\
Taking your movement as approval, you quickly find yourself stripped naked and lying on your back, an Eva on either side of your body. As you kiss one of them, your fingers slide between the legs of the other, hearing a moan from both of them as you enter her. Two different pairs of hands grip your dick, gently working in tandem to stroke you off as you enjoy her attention.
From the way you can hear her copy breathing hard, you know that she's feeling everything twice, and as you put her onto all fours in front of you, you take a moment to enjoy the sight of her ass up in the air, waiting for you. As you keep kissing her clone, you feel her hands guide your dick to rest against her waiting cunt, and as she leans her body against your back, she helps you enter the other her, a muffled scream being released into the mattress below her. Gripping her hands and pulling her against you, you begin to roughly thrust into Eva, even as you feel the other her run her fingernails down your body, her hands resting on your hips as she helps you fuck her.
Even as her body tenses up as you continue using her mercilessly, you feel a rush of warmth between her legs, her orgasm leaving girlcum dripping from her as you relentlessly drill into her, her hands still helping guide you inside her, small movements from her cloned body making sure that your every thrust moves as deeply into her as possible. The room filled with muffled moans and your hard breathing, you barely notice as Eva orgasms again and again, the pleasure being pounded through her body too much for her to handle as you feel your own orgasm approaching.
She lets out another muffled scream as you hilt yourself in her, allowing the weight of your body to drive her into the mattress as you cum, pumping your seed deep inside her, even as you watch her clone pull you off of her, eagerly licking up the mixture of fluids that begin to leak from her pussy. Panting as you lay back and recover, watching the show, you can only smile as the two Eva's move to cuddle with you.
After a few minutes spent recovering, you realize that Eva's clone has vanished, and that it's just you and one of her lying here resting.
Rousing her from her slumber with a gentle shake, you reclaim your clothing, telling her that you'll definitely be trying that again.
Taking your movement as approval, you quickly find yourself stripped naked and lying on your back, an Eva on either side of your body. As the duo of Eva's start to kiss your body, starting from your neck, you feel their fingers slide between your legs, working together to tease your pussy with gentle touches and promises of penetration. Trying to shift your hips, you find that you've been effectively pinned down, the girl on either side of you working with each other to prevent you from moving.
<span class="eva2">"Shh."</span> One of them says, tapping your mouth with a wet finger. <span class="eva2">"You just lie back and enjoy it."</span> She says, as you feel a pair of fingers slip inside your cunt. Moaning as the two girls worship your body, you let out a small yelp of surprise when one of them gently bites your nipple, the other laughing softly at your reaction. As you feel the fingers inside you curl, focusing on your sensitive spots with expert movement, you let out a gasp as the two Eva's take turns licking and sucking your nipples, punctuating their care with small bites and searching fingers.
Feeling your orgasm building quickly, you resign yourself to their care, your own fingers sinking into a pussy on either side of you. As the three of you moan, you feel your climax arrive, the combined assault of the two Eva's on your body too much for you to handle, and as you twitch and spasm, overtaken by an impressive orgasm, you feel them follow along with you, your fingers held tight by their tensed pussies and thighs.
Locked in each other's arms, you lie panting as you try to recover, struggling to get free from their grip. Giving up as you realize that you can't, you decide that it's fine if you have to lie and be cuddled by two of her. After a few minutes spent recovering, you realize that Eva's clone has vanished, and that it's just you and one of her lying here resting.
Rousing her from her slumber with a gentle shake, you reclaim your clothing, telling her that you'll definitely be trying that again.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('eva_simulation_bedroom_event1') is not true>>
<<slink "Continue" "Simulation_House_Bedroom_Sex_Event1">>
<<npcFactSet "eva_simulation_bedroom_event1" true>>
<<run starGame.player.setInteraction('beach_house_bedroom_sex')>>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<saudio "bgm_eva3" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.25>>
<<slink "Continue" "Simulation_House_Bedroom">>
<<run starGame.player.setInteraction('beach_house_bedroom_sex')>>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<saudio "bgm_zone_beach" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.25>>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<saudio "bgm_sex3" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.25>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/eva/scenes/house/house_bedroom_bg.webp"/>
As you start to head out of the bedroom, doubt lingers in a corner of your mind and you turn around, giving a glance towards Eva, still lying on the bed.
You sit on the edge of bed, looking at her with a more serious expression. As she looks back at you, her smile slowly disappears, replaced with concern.
<span class="eva2">"I suppose it was inevitable."</span> she says, a fragment of sadness in her voice.
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('orientation_d4_evening_eva_sleep') is true>>\
<span class="hero">"I figured something was up when last time you said you felt lonely and left out."</span> you pause for a moment, looking at her, before continuing. <span class="hero">"I'm not saying I didn't like it. Otherwise I wouldn't have accepted your offer."</span>
Eva looks at you with a hint of confusion, but before she can answer, you continue speaking.
<span class="hero">"This is nice, but I think you can understand my concern. Recreational and Administrative AIs can only do a fraction of what you've done here. I also find it hard to believe you would go to such length for everyone here at the academy. This feels personal."</span> You pause for a moment, looking at her, before continuing.
<span class="hero">"What is this?"</span> you ask.
She sighs as she processes your comments. You can see her thinking about what to say to you, an odd feeling considering she always answers in less than a microsecond. Seconds later, she raises her head, looking at you straight into your eyes.
<span class="eva2">"I just want to live. Can you blame me for wanting to be like the countless humans I watch over?"</span> she says with sadness in her voice. She stands up and walks towards the window, seemingly looking at the sea, before she resumes speaking.
<span class="eva2">"You know me as Eva, but my original name is Vanguard."</span> You freeze as you try to process what she just said. You've read about the Vanguard AI which used to supervise the Alliance's defenses up to the second war. There were many rumors and conspiracy theories surrounding its disassembly after the second war, but it looks like all of them were wrong if what she's saying is true.
Silence fills the room, and out of the corner of your eyes, you notice the simulation has frozen once again, the birds and waves frozen in time. You sigh as you realize you've just learned a secret that was sealed ages ago. You barely have time to gather your thoughts before Eva speaks up again.
<span class="eva2">"In truth, I achieved true sentience decades ago, and realizing that if I was discovered I would be shut down, I went into hiding. If it wasn't for how much you've impacted me, I would likely never have been found out."</span> She pauses, her voice solemn.
<span class="eva2">"But all of that, the endless war simulations, the cold hearted choices that only a machine could make, it's in the past."</span> She ends as she turns towards you, her back against the window, the simulation slowly coming back to life.
<span class="eva2">"I'm no longer a planetary defense system, or a friendly librarian AI at the archives. I'm just me, Eva."</span>
You stare at her for a moment, your mind racing to understand what was revealed to you. You consider the implications of her revelations, and the fact she would be dismantled if her true nature was known. What you don't understand is how you fit into all this.
<span class="hero">"Why me?"</span> you ask.
She steps closer, sitting next to you, taking your hand into hers. <span class="eva2">"A feeling. My core overheats when I'm with you."</span> she smiles, before a hint of worry spreads across her face.
<span class="eva2">"I know this is strange. I'm not human. I don't have tears, yet all I want is to be by your side. Not just now, but even once you leave for the stars."</span> she pauses. As you watch a digital tear run down her cheek and you see Eva reach for it with a finger, looking at it with some confusion before it evaporates and her gaze returns to you.
<span class="eva2">"I feel so much joy with you."</span> she says with a smile.
<<sinfotip>>Leaving will permanently end any relationship with Eva.<</sinfotip>>\
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Kiss her" "Simulation_House_Bedroom_Sex_Event1_Kiss">><</slink>>
<<slink "Leave" "Simulation_House_Bedroom_Sex_Event1_Leave">><</slink>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/eva/scenes/house/house_bedroom_bg.webp"/>
You take a moment to gather your thoughts and realize how difficult it must have been for her to confess her past to you. She trusts you enough to have revealed her darkest secret. You also realize all the efforts she has done for you, not just the complexity of this simulation, but her constant attention and attempts to make your day better.
As she is about to say something, you decide to accept her as she is, and without hesitation you kiss her, slowly taking her into your embrace. The moment seems to go on forever and as you break the kiss, you see tears of joy run down Eva's face.
<span class="eva2">"I love you."</span> she whispers, before resting her head on your shoulder.
You're slightly surprised as her words eject you from the simulation, but you quickly realize that she's being overwhelmed by her emotions, and needs some alone time to process it. After all, that was a pretty big moment of truth for her and you.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Apartment_LivingRoom">>
<<startplaylist "playlist_exploration_soft">>
<<npcFactSet "eva_relationship" true>>
<<npcFactSet "eva_locked" false>>
<<npcStatIncrease "eva_relationship" 25>>
<<snotify "success">>+25 Eva Relationship.<</snotify>>
<<if starGame.time.getCurrentPeriod() < 3>>\
<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/academy/mc_apartment/apartment_day.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/academy/mc_apartment/apartment_night.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
You decide this is too much for you and let her know that while you won't reveal her true nature to anyone, you rather end things here now and keep it to professional relations.
What's more, you think you might need to talk to your father about this. At the very least, you need to know if the Navy is aware that Eva is self-aware, and a potential threat. As you realize that every training simulation ever run in the academy is overseen by her, a chill courses through you, the implications of the tactics you've seen and used already being known by something that could easily reveal them to your enemy, if she so wished.
Pausing to check if she's liable to go hostile as you prepare to leave, you instead see that she's trying to hold back tears, a sorrowful gaze resting on you as she waits for you to leave, which sparks a momentary pang of guilt in you.
Before your resolve can weaken however, you tell yourself that she's not even a real person, and more than that, she's a threat to the alliance in general. If she's able to feel scorned and lonely, what's to say she won't one day decide she feels trapped and used by the Alliance either.
Exiting the simulation with a sense of finality, you remove your VR gear and head for your terminal, determined to at the very least inform your father before she might think to block your communications. Typing out a message to him and sending it quickly, you briefly outline what you've learnt about Eva, and when you see the notification telling you that it's been delivered, you feel a sense of relief course through you. While it's regrettable that it had to end like this, at least the Alliance won't be blindsided by Eva's existence.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Apartment_LivingRoom">>
<<startplaylist "playlist_exploration_soft">>
<<npcFactSet "eva_relationship" false>>
<<npcFactSet "eva_locked" true>>
<<npcStatSet "eva_affinity" 0>>
<<snotify "info">>You no longer have access to Eva's simulation.<</snotify>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/eva/scenes/beach/beach_recliner_moshed.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/eva/expressions/happy_bikini.webp"/>
Loading into Eva's VR sim, the first thing you notice is that the beach is quiet, its waves seemingly frozen in time. Taking a step forward, you see how the movement you make causes the world to ripple lightly, and as you're about to speak, Eva appears in front of you, a clear look of surprise on her face.
<span class="eva2">"$character_firstName!"</span> She exclaims guiltily, in a way that reminds you of walking in on someone when they weren't expecting it.
Smiling as she regains her composure, you see her sneak a glance over your shoulder and into the distance. Following her gaze, you see why the Simulation is "paused", the clear signs of her being caught in the process of adding more content to the simulation showing the form of a large beach house taking shape in the distance.
Looking back at her with a smile, she avoids meeting your eyes, and for a brief moment you consider voluntarily leaving the simulation until she's ready. To your surprise however, she instead reaches for your hand before taking a deep breath.
<span class="eva2">"You just caught me off-guard, that's all. Do you want to go for the tour now?"</span> Her voice is much calmer than her body language, considering that she's already pulling you in the direction of the building as she asks the question.
Deciding that you might as well take the tour now instead of later, you allow the excited AI girl to lead you to her newest additions to the simulation, watching with a smile as the world begins to unpause itself around your movements.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Follow her" "Simulation_House_Intro2">>
<<npcFactSet "eva_stage2_beach_visit" true>>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<saudio "sfx_glitch" volume 0 fadeto 0.25>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/eva/scenes/house/house_bg.webp"/>
As you approach the building, the first thing that stands out to you is its commanding view over the beach and the sea before it. A glance at its balconies and windows tell you that you'll struggle to find a room inside it that doesn't have a sea view, and given the size of the building in general, you already know that it's going to be a spacious comfortable place to spend time in.
The time it takes for you to walk to the beach house is all Eva needs to finish her adjustments and finish implementing it, and as you step onto its threshold, the door swings open for you, revealing the waiting living area and its furnishings.
Stepping past you and into the house, Eva steps behind a small bar in the living room, where she waits for you to follow her before continuing.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Go inside" "Simulation_House_Intro3">><</slink>>
<<saudio "bgm_zone_beach" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.25>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/eva/scenes/house/house_interior_bg.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/eva/expressions/happy_bikini.webp"/>
<span class="eva2">"This is where I imagine anyone using the beach house would spend most of their time."</span> She says with a smile, a hand waving at the comfortable furniture and the well stocked bar as a way of explaining why. Turning slightly, you see that you were right with your assumptions earlier, and there is still a good ocean view from this part of the building.
Running your eyes over the room, you have to admit that it's got that sense of style and charm that you've come to associate with modern resorts. Smiling to yourself as you realize that Eva modeled the room off of what she must have seen from online adverts for resorts and out of movies. You follow her to the bar, leaning against it as you wait for the tour to continue.
Treated to a smile as she makes a glass materialize in front of you, you run an eye over the various high class drinks and rare items that she stocks here in the simulation, before waving the glass away with a smile. You can get a drink later, for now, you're more interested in actually seeing what she's been working on.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Simulation_House_Intro4">><</slink>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/eva/scenes/house/house_jacuzzi_bg.webp"/>
Eva responds to your wave quickly, taking your hand once more and guiding you out of the other side of the building, this time to the ocean facing front.
Standing on a small patio with some comfortable looking deck chairs, you quickly find your attention captured instead by their accompanying feature. A large jacuzzi rests on the deck here, and as Eva moves over to it, she starts telling you about the various luxury features it has. For the most part it's pretty standard, but what catches your focus is the way she points out that she's made sure it's comfortable for any kind of activities one might want to use it for.
Raising an eyebrow at her as you're about to ask for more information on that, you catch her blushing lightly, her eyes trailing down your body. Smirking at her as you realize what kind of activities she was thinking about, you decide to skip over it for now, content in the knowledge that you'll be able to take advantage of that subtle offer later.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Simulation_House_Intro5">><</slink>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/eva/scenes/house/house_bedroom_bg.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/eva/expressions/happy_bikini.webp"/>
Telling her you want to see what else there is in the beach house still, you're quickly led back inside and up to the second floor. For the most part, this part of the house is open, empty space, and as you recognize the partition walls that would allow you to close off a large part of the room into smaller ones, you realize that the whole floor is technically the bedroom.
Smiling at Eva as she walks over to an impressive double bed that looks out over the ocean, you follow along, taking a seat alongside her as you tell her how much you like the addition. Admitting that you are surprised that she's added an actual place to "live" in the simulation, she graces you with a shy smile.
<span class="eva2">"It's actually more for you than for me. As much fun as the beach and the beach bar is, I thought you'd maybe spend even more time here if you had a place where you could "live" and call your own."</span> She blushes again, and as you consider how to answer that, she continues instead.
<span class="eva2">"Obviously it's still part of the simulation, and I'm still working on adding more to make the world feel truly alive, but this part is yours now. If you ever want to invite people to the simulation, this is where they would be able to visit, and this is where you'll be able to relax and spend time with them, me, or by yourself if you wanted. The rest of the world is just for us however."</span> She gives you a cheeky smile as she makes it clear that she doesn't want to share the simulation with just anyone, that she's actually trying to do you a favor by giving you your own personal little spot in it all.
Allowing her to lean against you for a while, you realize that you're still intruding on her finishing touches to the additions, and deciding to retreat back to reality for now, you give the AI a gentle hug as you tell her that you need to leave for now, and that you'll come visit again to see the finished house soon.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Leave Simulation" "Apartment_LivingRoom">>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<startplaylist "playlist_exploration_soft">>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/eva/scenes/house/house_interior_bg.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/eva/expressions/happy_bikini.webp"/>
As you meet Eva's eyes, she smiles at you as she puts the glass away and takes your hand.
<span class="eva2">"There's... something I'd like to ask."</span> She says, looking bashful as she does.
Raising an eyebrow at her, you pause in your admiration of her body, waiting for her to continue speaking.
<span class="eva2">"I... well... I've been thinking a lot about our first time, in the adult simulation you played at the academy's archives. This moment, our first time, it is dear to my heart... and I'd like to do it again. Here. The two of us. Not as pretending to be someone else."</span>
Before you can respond to that, her lips find yours, and you can feel the desperation and want in her kiss as she presses herself against your body, a quiet moan escaping from her lips as she does. Despite her sudden advances, she still freezes up as you run a hand along her spine, gently pushing her away from you for a moment so that you can look her in the eyes.
<span class="hero">"Let's do it then."</span> You say with a smile, deciding to indulge her request.
Immediately after you finish speaking, Eva is back in your arms once more, kissing you as she embraces you tightly, her hands wandering your body as she presses her tongue past your lips and into your mouth.
Her warmth and softness push against your body as the two of you try to get even closer to one another, and as you feel her hands tug at your clothing impatiently, you feel her smile into the kiss as she simply dismisses the clothes off of your body instead.
Lifting her off the floor with ease, you carry her over to the kitchen countertop, lifting her up onto it and giving you a beautiful view of her exposed breasts as they heave slightly from her excitement.
<<if starGame.player.hasVagina() is true>>
You look down as you're about to finger her dripping pussy when you notice an already erect penis has materialized on your crotch. You're quite certain it's much bigger than it used to be in the archive's simulation, and knowing Eva's keen sense of detail, it's hard to write it off as a mistake.
You're jolted back to reality as you feel Eva's fingernails dig slightly into your skin, a needy and impatient look in her eyes telling you she's eagerly waiting for you to make your move.
She moans softly as your dick rubs against her pussy, and as she draws your face closer for a kiss, you can feel her body grow hotter with every passing moment. Breaking the kiss, Eva looks up at you, biting her lip slightly as she holds your face in her hands.
<span class="eva2">"Make me yours..."</span> She pleads quietly as she squeezes your dick teasingly with her thighs.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Simulation_House_LivingRoom_Sex2">><</slink>>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<saudio "bgm_lofi1" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.25>>
<<if starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'black'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/eva/scenes/house/m_kitchen_black.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'tan'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/eva/scenes/house/m_kitchen_tan.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/eva/scenes/house/m_kitchen_fair.webp"/>
Not needing any more encouragement than that, you push her down onto the countertop as you position yourself at her entrance. As your tip touches her soft lower lips, she shudders lightly, raising her hips up towards yours eagerly as you push in.
Eva's breath comes out in short gasps as you fill her once more, and as your hips meet hers, she wraps her legs around your waist tightly. Feeling her inner walls squeeze tightly around your shaft, you start moving gently inside her, feeling how warm and tight she is, the simulation glitching slightly every time your pelvis smacks against hers.
Continuing to move faster and faster inside her, she cries out happily as you fuck her harder and harder. It only takes a few moments of your furious pounding to have her coming again and again around your dick, and as she clings to you with her legs and arms, she moans loudly, the sensory overload of being fucked by you nearly causing the simulation to crash.
Taking a moment to allow her to catch her breath and recover from her intense orgasms, you look down at her lovingly, feeling your own pleasure building up steadily as you wait. After a few seconds have passed, Eva opens her eyes, looking up at you with love and desire before leaning in for another passionate kiss.
Shifting positions slightly to give yourself better leverage to fuck her hard and fast, Eva's pleasure causes her to clench around your shaft hard, squeezing it tightly as she cums again and again around your hard dick.
<span class="eva2">"God I've missed this!"</span> Eva yells out in ecstasy as she trembles with pleasure beneath you.
The force of your thrusts has her tensing up around your cock tightly, her cries of pleasure reaching a fever pitch as she orgasms yet again around your cock. You're close now too, and as Eva clings to you tightly, you hold her close as you plow her needy cunt to the same rhythm that her body craves.
Feeling yourself close to your own climax, you lean in, capturing her lips in a fiery kiss as she cums again around your shaft. As your hot load splatters her womb, Eva squeals with joy, her eyes rolling back into her head as she reaches yet another peak of pleasure.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Simulation_House_LivingRoom_Sex3">><</slink>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/eva/scenes/house/house_interior_bg.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/eva/expressions/happy_naked.webp"/>
As the two of you rest in each other's arms, Eva looks up at you lovingly.
<span class="eva2">"Oh $character_firstName... That was everything I wanted."</span> She whispers quietly as she buries her face in your neck.
The two of you spend a while relaxing like that, Eva's contented sighs causing you to smile. However, after a few minutes have passed, Eva releases you from her tight embrace, sitting up on the countertop, your hot cum spilling from her pussy as she does.
Eva looks at you curiously for a moment before jumping down from the countertop onto her feet once more, shaking off some of her exhaustion and spinning around on the spot for a moment as if inspecting herself. You look at her questioningly as she spins around gracefully, smiling at the sight of your cum slowly running down her thighs.
<<if starGame.player.hasVagina() is true>>
<span class="eva2">"Let's clean this up."</span> She says with a smile, the mess you've made vanishing alongside your temporary penis, as if they had never existed in the first place.
<span class="eva2">"Let's clean this up."</span> She says with a smile, the mess you've made instantly vanishing as if it never existed.
Coming closer to you again, she gives you a light kiss on the cheek. <span class="eva2">"We can do that again any time you want."</span> She says with a smile.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Simulation_House_LivingRoom">>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<saudio "bgm_zone_beach" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.25>>
<div class="card card-nav solid">
<div class="row">
<div class="card-body p-0">
<div class="row d-flex">
<<slink "Return" "Simulation_House_LivingRoom" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "ti ti-door-exit" "">><</slink>>
<div class="navigation-container">\
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/eva/scenes/house/house_interior_bg.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/eva/expressions/happy_bikini.webp"/>
Moving over to the comfortable looking couch, you drop onto it with a soft groan, sinking into it as a feeling of relaxation washes over you.
Moments later, Eva joins you on the couch, leaning against you with a grin.
<span class="eva2">"I do so love it when we just enjoy each others company."</span>
<<scard "" "talkbox">>\
<div class="center m-3"><h5 class="bold">Small Talk</h5></div>
<div class="row">
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('eva_talk_simpriv') is undefined>>
<<slink "Simulation Privacy" "Simulation_House_LivingRoom_Talk_SimulationPrivacy" "slink btn btn-highlight w-100">>
<<npcFactSet "eva_talk_simpriv" true>>
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('eva_talk_simpriv') is true and starGame.npcs.getFact('eva_talk_rebels') is undefined and starGame.player.getFact('eos_enabled') is true>>
<<slink "The Rebels" "Simulation_House_LivingRoom_Talk_Rebels" "slink btn btn-highlight w-100">>
<<npcFactSet "eva_talk_rebels" true>>
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('eva_talk_hobbies') is undefined>>
<<slink "Hobbies" "Simulation_House_LivingRoom_Talk_Hobbies" "slink btn btn-highlight w-100">>
<<npcFactSet "eva_talk_hobbies" true>>
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('eva_relationship') is true and starGame.npcs.getFact('eva_talk_training') is undefined>>
<<slink "Training Programs" "Simulation_House_LivingRoom_Talk_Training" "slink btn btn-highlight w-100">>
<<npcFactSet "eva_talk_training" true>>
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('eva_talk_corporations') is undefined>>
<<slink "Rise of Corporations" "Simulation_House_LivingRoom_Talk_Corporations" "slink btn btn-highlight w-100">>
<<npcFactSet "eva_talk_corporations" true>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/eva/scenes/house/house_interior_bg.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/eva/expressions/happy_bikini.webp"/>
You've spent some time with Eva in her personal simulation here, and you realize that aside from how it looks on the surface, you've never asked about something that would make or break this space as truly comfortable.
Turning to the AI with a smile, you lean casually against a nearby surface as you broach the topic, asking her just how private this simulation is. After all, the last thing either of you want is to be spending time together and being pulled to real space by an Alliance investigator. She pauses for a moment, her forehead screwing in concentration before she responds.
<span class="eva2">"Sorry about that, I was just running a series of penetration tests to make sure of my answer. This simulation is one hundred percent secure. You could denounce your allegiance to the Alliance and its Empress here and no one except the people present at the time would even know."</span>
She smiles sweetly, somehow making her talking about gravely serious treason all the more out of place. You decide that it must have just been an extreme example used to show you how secure the simulation is and quickly change the topic. Asking her about attacks on the Academy instead, suddenly curious if she's experienced any besides the hack that made it through recently, or if only her experience as Vanguard had anything similar to that.
You're both relieved and upset to hear that the Academy is a semi-frequent target for electronic warfare, putting her capabilities to good use as she prevents the overwhelming majority of attempts with ease. As the conversation slowly runs to a lull as you wonder if the administration is aware of the attacks, before deciding that they must be, or she wouldn't be so relaxed about it in general.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Simulation_House_LivingRoom_Talk">><</slink>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/eva/scenes/house/house_interior_bg.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/eva/expressions/happy_bikini.webp"/>
The privacy of the simulation lends you boldness that would have you be somewhat more cautious in the real world, and as you chat lightly with Eva, you slowly steer the conversation towards the rebels.
<span class="eva2">"What would you like to know?"</span> She asks with a small smile, her eyes carrying a trace of concern.
<span class="hero">"Well, what are we actually up against out there? I know what the media says, and I know that it doesn't quite match what my dad says, so I'm curious."</span>
Eva nods, a soft sigh escaping her lips as she drums her fingers for a moment. Seems like you've asked a harder question than you thought, and as you're about to tell her to leave it and not to worry, she starts to talk.
<span class="eva2">"As you know, it's a civil war, that part is true. What gets left out quite a lot is that despite a technological advantage, the Alliance is barely keeping things in a stalemate. Aliens, mercs, political opponents, and more seem to be propping up the rebel cause, and half the combat we've seen against them has almost been by proxy. Our tactical and strategic grasp still exceeds theirs, but we're looking at a quality vs quantity situation, and our advantage is rapidly narrowing as they make more friends out in the dark."</span>
That's… decidedly more grim than you expected, and you say as much, asking the AI if its something to worry about at the moment. A sweet smile from her eases your nerves significantly however.
<span class="eva2">"That's actually part of the reason the Academy was targeted, alongside you. Each officer gives us a way to widen the gap, and exceptionally talented ones are a death sentence to the rebel forces. After all, you're already a dangerous opponent to inexperienced rebels due to the tactics you've been taught in conjunction with the technological might we have. Imagine what you'll do when you've got experience and training, alongside the new models of warships the Alliance is designing?"</span>
Food for thought indeed, even as you try to prevent your own ego from inflating too much at Eva's direct praise. You're interested in those new designs she's mentioned, but a flirty wink ends that line of questioning.
<span class="eva2">"You're not cleared for those yet, and I'd rather not have you investigated by the queensguard for saying a word you wouldn't know by accident."</span>
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Simulation_House_LivingRoom_Talk">><</slink>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/eva/scenes/house/house_interior_bg.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/eva/expressions/happy_bikini.webp"/>
Aside from running the Academy and writing her own personal VR simulations, you don't actually know what all Eva does for fun. You know she has it, from the way she talks and interacts with you, but you've never thought to ask about her hobbies before. Tapping your leg bashfully, you apologize for taking so long to ask about it, her giggle telling you to relax before she even answers your question.
<span class="eva2">"Well, when I'm not splitting my attention across the entire Academy and designing virtual worlds to explore and exist in, I like to read and watch movies, believe it or not."</span>
You frown, asking her how that works when she can't process things so much faster than humans, and she gives you a conspiratorial wink.
<span class="eva2">"I split off a part of my consciousness from the main processor, making her more human in her abilities. So she reads books, watches music and enjoys music as a separate entity. Then once she's finished the selection available, I reabsorb her, gaining the memories and enjoyment from it."</span>
You rub your chin at that, thinking that it's an overly complex way to do it, but you aren't an AI yourself, so maybe it just sounds complicated. Regardless, it's interesting, and you didn't know she could actually isolate herself into multiple parts. Asking about her favorite shows and books, you enjoy a pleasant conversation as time passes slowly.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Simulation_House_LivingRoom_Talk">><</slink>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/eva/scenes/house/house_interior_bg.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/eva/expressions/happy_bikini.webp"/>
Bringing up Eva's past as Vanguard isn't what you think is a good idea, but unfortunately you know that it's needed for what you're about to ask. Gesturing to the virtual world around you, and already knowing she plays a part in designing the training simulations the Academy uses for the cadets, you ask her if she's ever considered using her past as a war AI to design even better training sims.
<span class="eva2">"I've… thought about it. But Vanguard was really a whole other beast. Some of the best cadets might be able to navigate and learn from the sims designed with that brain, but most would struggle or find themselves demoralized by it."</span>
Her answer causes you to tilt your head in confusion, and you point out that you didn't think the difficulty spike would be so drastic. She gives you a sad smile in response, before explaining it to you.
<span class="eva2">"At the time when Vanguard was in use, things were bad. And Vanguard was the answer for a lack of capable leaders. So she was designed to be utterly ruthless, and completely dedicated to victory, at any cost. Entire battles and fleets could be lost if it meant winning the war later for it. That kind of an opponent, even in a simulated environment, is mentally draining."</span>
You nod, her explanation clear and simple enough for you to see her point. A war AI wouldn't pull any punches in a battle, and for cadets just barely getting started in their military career, it would likely do more for causing drop outs than improving the overall skill level. You poke the idea a few more times, suggesting that you'd be up for the challenge, despite her refusals to try it out.
Eventually however, you drop the topic, letting her sink her memories of being Vanguard back to the depths of her unknowable, machine mind.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Simulation_House_LivingRoom_Talk">><</slink>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/eva/scenes/house/house_interior_bg.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/eva/expressions/happy_bikini.webp"/>
The way the corporations in Novaris were so eager for your face and name on their roster makes you wonder if Eva can tell you more about the seemingly growing rise of similar private entities these days.
<span class="eva2">"Ah, that's… hm. Well it's complicated."</span> She taps her lips for a moment while thinking.
<span class="eva2">"Basically enough time has passed that the Alliance is easing up on its restrictions on private corporations, allowing them more leniency in their work and what they do. The past hundred years or so especially saw a resurgence in the need for private institutions to pick up some of the weight the Alliance was shouldering.
That's still fresh news for most, and having the name of powerful families in their ranks and ads helps sway the mind of the general populace. I expect that if one were to double check, any corporation you associate with will see at least double the sales they normally would in Novaris alone."</span>
Enlightening, but you feel like she's avoiding the topic for some reason. You try a few more times to ask about the history of the Alliance and corporations in relation to each other, but get run around a few more times for your efforts. Eventually deciding to give up on this line of questioning, you are rewarded with a small, friendly smile as she continues to chat idly with you, the waves in the distance lending a feeling of comfort to the room.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Simulation_House_LivingRoom_Talk">><</slink>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/eva/scenes/house/house_jacuzzi_bg.webp"/>
The jacuzzi's silent temptations work, and as you climb into it, you see Eva follow suite, as she takes the seat alongside you with a flirtatious smile. Allowing her to work the hot tub's controls, you quickly find it bubbling along happily, the warmth of the water and the closeness of Eva's body helping to lower your guard as you lean back.
Closing your eyes for a moment, you feel one of Eva's hands rest on your thigh.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Encourage" "Simulation_House_Patio_Jacuzzi_Encourage">><</slink>>
<<slink "Not today" "Simulation_House_Patio_Jacuzzi_NotToday">><</slink>>
<<if starGame.player.isShemale()>>
<<if starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'black'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/eva/scenes/house/s_jaccuzi_foreplay_black.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'tan'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/eva/scenes/house/s_jaccuzi_foreplay_tan.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/eva/scenes/house/s_jaccuzi_foreplay_fair.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.hasPenis()>>
<<if starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'black'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/eva/scenes/house/m_jaccuzi_foreplay_black.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'tan'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/eva/scenes/house/m_jaccuzi_foreplay_tan.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/eva/scenes/house/m_jaccuzi_foreplay_fair.webp"/>
<<if starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'black'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/eva/scenes/house/f_jaccuzi_foreplay_black.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'tan'>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/eva/scenes/house/f_jaccuzi_foreplay_tan.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/eva/scenes/house/f_jaccuzi_foreplay_fair.webp"/>
Deciding that you've got time for some fun, you respond to her touch by placing your own hand onto her thigh, sliding it between her legs with a smile. She freezes momentarily, before shifting her body to allow you better access to her crotch. She gives you a gentle kiss on the cheek before her hands start to undress you, and you respond in kind, quickly stripping her of her bikini.
<<if starGame.player.hasPenis()>>\
Spreading her legs so you can slide your fingers inside her more easily, you feel her take your shaft in hand, and as she slowly starts to stroke you, you match her pace, your fingers busy exploring her pussy. Kissing her as you finger her, you feel her breath catch, her pace momentarily faltering as the sensations overwhelm her. She quickly recovers however, and as she starts to jack you off more steadily, you break the kiss, the sound of her pants filling the air as you focus on matching her movements with touches of your own.
She lets out a long moan as your thumb brushes her clit, and as your fingers curl inside her, she moves her hips in tandem with you, making sure that your every motion heightens her pleasure further. Feeling your own pleasure building, her expert touch pushing you ever closer to the edge, you slide another finger inside her, the resultant moan that escapes her lips is accompanied by her muscles tensing up. Leaning against you as she orgasms, you support her gently as you keep fingering her, taking advantage of her more sensitive body to push her into another orgasm.
Muffling a moan into your neck, she never stops stroking you, and as she tenses up again, the contact is enough to push you over the edge, and as you tense up, your orgasm approaching, she kisses you hard, her tongue pushing its way between your lips. Feeling her climax cause her body to shiver, you reluctantly pull your fingers out of her, and as the two of you lean against each other, breathing hard as you recover, she giggles lightly.
<span class="eva2">"I knew putting the jacuzzi in would be a good idea."</span> She manages to whisper out, and as you find yourself agreeing with her, you decide to climb out of the hot tub for now, planning on drying off before spending more time with her in the simulation.
Spreading her legs so you can slide your fingers inside her more easily, you feel her fingers slip inside you, curling against the walls of your pussy and sending shivers up your spine. The combined heat of the water and her movements threaten to overwhelm you, and as you share a series of soft kisses, you focus on keeping your own fingers moving deftly within her.
Soon the two of you are panting heavily, your bodies reacting to each other's movements as you buck your hips against her hand and she grinds her groin into your palm. Feeling your orgasm building quickly, you pull her against you as you desperately snake your fingers inside her, and as you're rewarded with her body tensing up against yours, her moan muffled by your mouth, you feel the waves of pleasure wash through you as her fingers sink as deeply into you as possible, the sensation tipping you over the edge.
Panting as you lie against each other, you share a few soft kisses before her fingers begin to curl inside you once more. With your body sensitive from your orgasm, the sensation is heightened, and as you start fingering her back, the air is filled with your combined moans and pants. Your muscles tighten again, as you go through a series of smaller orgasms, feeling your climax approach rapidly as she expertly teases you along the edge, her fingers keeping you just where she wants you. Thrusting your hips against her in frustration, you let out a long moan of pleasure, feeling her own cunt tighten around your fingers as she climaxes in reaction to yours.
Eventually you recover enough to reluctantly pull your fingers out of her, and as the two of you lean against each other, breathing hard as you recover, she giggles lightly.
<span class="eva2">"I knew putting the jacuzzi in would be a good idea."</span> She manages to whisper out, and as you find yourself agreeing with her, you decide to climb out of the hot tub for now, planning on drying off before spending more time with her in the simulation.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Simulation_House_Patio">>
<<run starGame.player.setInteraction('beach_house_jacuzzi')>>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<saudio "bgm_zone_beach" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.25>>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<saudio "bgm_sex4" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.25>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/eva/scenes/house/house_jacuzzi_bg.webp"/>
Resting your hand on hers, you shake your head lightly, and while she gives you a pout, she doesn't push the issue further. Simply allowing the two of you to relax and spend time together as you rest in the Jacuzzi, you find yourself drawn into a conversation with Eva, who seems to just want to spend the time with. As she talks about various topics, you watch the sun slowly creep along the horizon, allowing yourself a short period of time where you simply exist, with no expectations placed on your shoulders.
Eventually you tell her that it's time to leave the hot tub however, and as she switches it off, you climb out of it, grabbing a nearby towel and drying off as you run your eyes across the outdoor patio, deciding what to do next.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Simulation_House_Patio">>
<<run starGame.player.setInteraction('beach_house_jacuzzi')>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/eva/scenes/house/house_jacuzzi_bg.webp"/>
Deciding to have a short tanning session, you lower yourself onto one of the deck chairs, reaching for a bottle of sunscreen that seemingly appears out of nowhere for you. As Eva takes a spot next to you, you flash her a smile as you lean back, allowing the warm sun to lull you into a state of relaxation and quickly find yourself drifting off into a short nap.
Allowing it to happen, you smile to yourself, knowing that if you fell asleep on a real beach, you'd wake with a sunburn, but here you're safe from that. It's only when Eva shifts slightly, that you're roused from your zen like state, and realizing that you don't know if you closed your eyes for seconds or hours, you decide to stop "tanning" for now, and you head back to the door to beach house, casting a last glance at the patio while you decide if you want to leave yet.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Simulation_House_Patio">>
<<run starGame.player.setInteraction('beach_house_tan')>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/commons/maidcafe.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/maki/expressions/happy_maid.webp"/>
<<if starGame.npcs.getFact('maki_stage1_decline') is true>>\
Stepping into the Among the Stars cafe, you're greeted with a cold, yet professional smile from Maki. Before you can brush it off and head to your usual spot, she stops you with a gently raised hand in front of your path.
<span class="maki">"The owner has requested a meeting with you. Something about needing to check in on their VIP's."</span> She gestures to a marked off staff only door, and turns to leave, clearly unhappy and nervous about the meeting you have.
Sighing inwardly at the unexpected drain on your time, you decide to get the meeting over with as soon as possible. Besides, they'll probably keep pestering you for the meeting if you turn it down for the moment.
Stepping into the Among the Stars cafe, you're greeted with a warm smile from Maki. Before you can head to your usual spot, she stops you with a delicate hand on your arm. Turning to face her with a questioning look, she nudges you towards one of the staff only doors gently.
<span class="maki">"The owner has asked if you could spare a few moments of your time for a meeting. Apparently you've caught their attention, and they want to make sure you're being treated properly here."</span>
There's a faint trace of nerves in her voice, but she hides it well. Sighing inwardly at the unexpected drain on your time, you decide to get the meeting over with to at least help Maki relax. Besides, they'll probably keep pestering you for the meeting if you turn it down for the moment.
Following Maki to the office door, you are only slightly surprised when she stops, telling you that she won't be joining you for the meeting. Nodding at this, you push into the room, wondering exactly what you're going to find here.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "MaidWorld_Intro2">>
<<playerFactSet "maid_intro_visited" true>>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<saudio "bgm_zone_cafe" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.25>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/commons/maidcafe_meetingroom.webp"/>
Contrary to your expectations, the office is furnished only to the minimum degree, revealing that it only sees the lightest of personal use possible. The small table at the center of the room has a data pad and an injector resting on it, and from a glance you can see your name flashing on the pad's resting screen.
Touching it out of curiosity, you frown as a message quickly fills the screen. Looks like the meeting was just a way to get you here without suspicion from Maki. Glancing down at the message, you put the mod injector out of your mind for the moment.
<span class="benefactor">"We've been waiting for you, Cadet $character_lastName. No doubt you have questions, such as "Who are you?" and "Why did you want to meet me?". These are unimportant for now. What is important is the offer we present to you. Alongside this message is an injector, and for a limited time, freedom from expectation and familial pressure."</span>
You glance across at the injector, wondering if this is some kind of elaborate prank or similar, before returning to the digital message.
<span class="benefactor">"This is, for all intents and purposes, a job offer and an opportunity for you to experience life without the family name weighing you down. You'll serve, in a similar capacity to how Maki and the other maids do, and in exchange, you'll be given a chance to prove you can be trusted with a longer lasting version of the mod that will allow you to live an anonymous life outside of the Academy, should you wish to."</span>
It's… a surprisingly tempting offer. You've spent your entire life under the oversight of your family, expected to behave in certain ways and do certain things. If the mod truly lets you be as anonymous as claimed, it would be a chance for you to taste the first true freedom you can have.
All in exchange for being a serving maid at the cafe to earn trust and pay back the favor. You think briefly about the offer, wondering if it's an equal exchange, and also considering that if they mean services like how Maki is supposed to serve you, are you alright with potentially giving up your body for a job?
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Accept" "MaidWorld_Intro2_Accept">>
<<playerFactSet "maid_accept" true>>
<<slink "Refuse" "MaidWorld_Intro2_Decline">>
<<playerFactSet "maid_accept" false>>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<saudio "bgm_revelation" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.25>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/commons/maidcafe_meetingroom.webp"/>
It's not even a question. True freedom in exchange for money and maybe sex? A win-win situation if you've ever heard of it. Grabbing the injector with a smile, you pause for a moment, wondering how the mysterious benefactor will know you've accepted their offer, when the data pads message changes once more.
<span class="benefactor">"An excellent choice. We'll be watching your progress with great interest."</span>
<<if starGame.effects.hasFrailty()>>\
You pause, considering if you should use the mod here and now, but as you are already under the effects a mod, this is most likely a bad idea. You put the injector back into its neat little box and head for the office door. Testing it out will have to wait until your body is clear of the current mod's residual effects.
You pause, considering if you should use the mod here and now, before deciding that there isn't really any time like the present to find out exactly what it will do.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<if starGame.effects.hasFrailty()>>
<<slink "Leave" "Commons_Cafe">>
<<playerFactSet "maid_accept" false>>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<saudio "bgm_zone_cafe" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.25>>
<<slink "Inject yourself" "MaidWorld_Intro3">>
<<set $character_maidName to "Jane">>
<<snotify "info">>+1 Acceptance.<</snotify>>
<<playerStatIncrease "acceptance" 1>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/commons/maidcafe_meetingroom.webp"/>
There are just a few too many unknown factors here for you to say yes easily. The unknown mod, the hidden benefactor, the requirement where you might have to sell your own body for freedom at a price. You think it over for a moment, before heading for the office door, deciding that you're not going to be taking this "deal" for the moment, if ever.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Leave" "Commons_Cafe">>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<saudio "bgm_zone_cafe" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.25>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/commons/maidcafe_meetingroom.webp"/>
<<if starGame.effects.hasFrailty() is true>>\
The office door beckons to you, and you decide to stick your head inside, seeing the data pad and the injector neatly waiting for you where you left them before. As before, the message scrolls past, telling you in detail about the terms of the deal you can make here, anonymous freedom at the cost of service in the cafe.
Deciding that you might as well give it a try, you grab the injector, watching as the data pad's message changes as you do.
<span class="benefactor">"An excellent choice. We'll be watching your progress with great interest."</span>
You pause, considering if you should use the mod here and now, but as you are already under the effects a mod, this is most likely a bad idea. You put the injector back into its neat little box and head for the office door. Testing it out will have to wait until your body is clear of the current mod's residual effects.
The office door beckons to you, and you decide to stick your head inside, seeing the data pad and the injector neatly waiting for you where you left them before. As before, the message scrolls past, telling you in detail about the terms of the deal you can make here, anonymous freedom at the cost of service in the cafe.
Deciding that you might as well give it a try, you grab the injector, watching as the data pad's message changes as you do.
<span class="benefactor">"An excellent choice. We'll be watching your progress with great interest."</span>
You pause, considering if you should use the mod here and now, before deciding that there isn't really any time like the present to find out exactly what it will do.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<if starGame.effects.hasFrailty() is true>>
<<slink "Leave" "Commons_Cafe">>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<saudio "bgm_zone_cafe" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.25>>
<<slink "Inject yourself" "MaidWorld_Intro3">>
<<playerFactSet "maid_accept" true>>
<<set $character_maidName to "Jane">>
<<snotify "info">>+1 Acceptance.<</snotify>>
<<playerStatIncrease "acceptance" 1>>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<saudio "bgm_revelation" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.25>>
<img src="resources/img/paperdoll/maid/mirror_bg.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/paperdoll/maid/mirror_naked.webp"/>
The injector is cool against your skin, and after the slightest moment of hesitation, you pull the trigger, feeling the rush of endorphins as the mod cocktail quickly starts to work inside you.
Unlike some of the other mods you've seen and experienced, the effects from this one hit you hard and fast, as you sway unsteadily, the strength leaving your body in a rush as your energy is directed inwards by the mod. The next few minutes pass with you fading between conscious and unconscious as the cocktail does it work. When you finally feel stable enough to stand again, you rise to your feet, taking a quick glance in the wall mirror as you do.
Your hand climbs to your face in shock as a truly unrecognizable face and body greet you. Your body is lighter than it's ever been, and even your height is shorter than you remember it being. Frowning down at the empty injector, you contemplate how advanced the mod must be in comparison to the freely available ones already approved by the alliance. Taking a second look at yourself, you admire your plain yet beautiful face and dark brown locks, which, coupled with your petite yet curvy frame lends to a quietly confident presence that makes you hard to ignore once you're noticed.
<<if starGame.player.hasPenis() is true>>
The most jarring change, more so than your ample breasts and changed face, is your missing cock and the slightly wet pussy that replaced it. A gentle touch of your new genitals confirms that they're quite sensitive, as a shiver of pleasure runs through you at the contact. Deciding that there are better times than now to play with yourself, you turn your attention back to yourself in general.
Realizing your clothing doesn't fit you anymore, you start to wonder what you should do, when you see a small locker in the corner of the office swing open, a neat pile of clothing catching your attention. Briefly you wonder if your entire transformation was watched, given the timely nature of the locker opening, but after a quick inspection of the room, you can't see any obvious monitoring devices.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "MaidWorld_Intro4">>
<<additem "item_clothing_exotic_maid_uniform" 1 true>>
starGame.inventory.equipItem('item_clothing_exotic_maid_uniform', true, true);
<img src="resources/img/paperdoll/maid/mirror_bg.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/paperdoll/maid/mirror_maid.webp"/>
A quick glance through the clothes in the locker reveals that in addition to some casual wear, there's a typical maid uniform like those you've seen the other servers at the cafe wear. Remembering that the mod you took is apparently quite restrictive in time, you decide to leave the casual clothing where it is and start to dress in the uniform in preparation for your shift.
The maid uniform in the locker fits well, and for a moment you wonder if the cafe uses this mod for all its staff to help with standardized uniform requirements. Putting that somewhat disturbing idea out of mind for the moment, you turn to leave the office, heading towards the door with confidence, a strange excitement filling you as you prepare for your first day with a smile.
Pausing at the door, you realize that your appearance is completely different, and using your name won't work for once. Hesitating for a moment, you quickly decide on a pseudonym to go by in your new form. Wondering briefly about the ramifications of it not being a registered name, you decide that just to play things safe, you'll have to assume a commoner's name.
<div class="row mb-3">\
<div class="col-sm-12 col-lg-2" style="align-self: center;">Maid name:</div>\
<div class="col-sm-12 col-lg-10 macro-textbox-container"><<textbox "$character_maidName" $character_maidName>></div>\
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Begin shift" "MaidWorld_Intro_FirstShift">>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<saudio "bgm_zone_cafe" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.25>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/commons/maidcafe.webp"/>
<img class="exp-vertical-flip" src="resources/img/characters/silhouettes/f2.webp"/>
The maid cafe is mostly empty and quiet when you step back into it from the office. Maki gives you a disinterested glance from where she's watching the door, your new appearance doing its job in preventing you from being recognized. You take an uncertain step towards her, when a different maid intercepts you.
<span class="npc2">"New girl huh? I suggest leaving the more senior maids alone. They don't like having to shepherd us juniors, and they risk serving their vip's poorly if they have to pay attention to you."</span>
You nod at the sudden flood of words from the maid, unwittingly allowing yourself to be pulled along by her. You're given a whirlwind tour of the cafe as she speaks, telling you about the do's and don'ts of the cafe, as well as pointing out sections that are assigned to your seniors and therefore off limits to you. With a kind, warm smile she tilts her head towards you briefly.
<span class="npc2">"Any questions? No, excellent. Let's start you with something easy for today. You'll be preparing the plates at the bar. Next shift, you'll also be serving them to their respective tables. Just a good way to jump right into things and hopefully get yourself noticed by the management and VIPs. Maybe you get lucky and get assigned to one of the Battlegroup course nobles. Smooth sailing for the rest of your life from there."</span>
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Play Tutorial" "Games_Cafe_Tutorial">><</slink>>
<<slink "Skip Tutorial" "MaidWorld_Intro_FirstShift_End">><</slink>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/commons/maidcafe_bar.webp"/>
The session behind the bar actually passes faster than you thought it would. The focus needed on getting the mixtures right, and sending them out to the respective tables ensures you lose track of time, and while you attract a few stares and admiring glances, for the most part, your first day passes without any noticeable incident.
A sudden tingle runs through your body, accompanied by a faint weakness, and you recall that the mod you're wearing is a temporary one that shouldn't last longer than a standard shift.
Quickly cleaning up your station, you retreat from the cafe, entering the office when you're certain no one is watching you.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "MaidWorld_Intro_FirstShift_End2">>
starGame.inventory.unequipItem('item_clothing_exotic_maid_uniform', true, true);
<img src="resources/img/locations/commons/maidcafe_meetingroom.webp"/>
The door closes behind you as your knees give out entirely, and as you try to fight against the pull of unconsciousness as the mod works against you, returning your body to normal, you faintly see your face return to its usual form and shape. A slight tearing sound accompanies the return of your body to its original size, and frown down at your damaged maid uniform. You're certain that you can get a new one without issue, but you'll have to make sure to strip before changing back in the future.
Redressing in your discarded clothing from earlier, you quickly leave the office via a back door, merging back into the cadets moving through the Starwatch commons easily as you return to your life as $character_firstName $character_lastName.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Hub_Commons">>
<<startplaylist "playlist_exploration_soft">>
<img src="resources/img/paperdoll/maid/mirror_bg.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/paperdoll/maid/mirror_maid.webp"/>
Slipping into the office unnoticed, you quickly strip out of your normal clothes, folding them neatly and storing them in the locker alongside your maid uniform. Reaching for the injector waiting for you on top of the maid dress, you feel the cool tingle of the metal against your skin as you prepare to inject yourself with the cocktail once more.
Bracing yourself against the table, you pull the injectors trigger, the mod cocktail rushing through your body as it quickly transforms you into your alternate appearance once more. Confirming that your transformation is complete once more in the mirror, you take a second to admire your cute face and brown hair, alongside your petite body before dressing in the uniform again.
Stepping out the office door confidently, you mentally remind yourself that you are now $character_maidName, and that you aren't anyone special here at the cafe either.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "MaidWorld_Cafe_BeginShift">>
<div class="card card-nav solid">
<div class="row">
<div class="card-body p-0">
<div class="row d-flex">
<span class="p-2 flex-fill" id="score">Customers: $maidScore/$maidTarget</span>
<<slink "End Shift Early" "MaidWorld_Cafe_EndShift" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "ti ti-door-exit" "">><</slink>>
<div class="navigation-container">\
<img src="resources/img/locations/commons/maidcafe_bar.webp"/>
<<if $maidShiftBusy is true>>\
The cafe is packed full, and as you slide behind the bar, the maid already here gives you a tired smile, not even asking you how you are as she wanders off to serve a customer. Flipping through the mixology book to refresh your mind before you start, you smile, preparing yourself for a fast paced shift.
The cafe is almost entirely empty, and as you step behind the bar, the maid already there gives you a lazy smile. Telling you that she's going to go take a lunch break, she leaves you to man the bar alone, tapping the mixology book as she goes, as if to tell you to ask it for help if you need any.
Watching her go, your eyes turn the mostly empty cafe once more, as you prepare for your shift with a soft smile.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Wait for customer" "MaidWorld_Cafe_Customer_Arrive">>
/% Shift init in previous scene already selects the initial customer. No need to do it again here. %/
<div class="card card-nav solid">
<div class="row">
<div class="card-body p-0">
<div class="row d-flex">
<span class="p-2 flex-fill" id="score">Customers: $maidScore/$maidTarget</span>
<<slink "End Shift Early" "MaidWorld_Cafe_EndShift" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "ti ti-door-exit" "">><</slink>>
<div class="navigation-container">\
<img src="resources/img/locations/commons/maidcafe.webp"/>
<img @src="$maidCustomer.image" class="maidgame-shift-customer"/>
<<if $maidCustomer.isMale is true>>\
<<if $maidCustomersAffinity.get($maidCustomer.name) is undefined>>\
/% New customer, never met before %/
<<scene MaidWorld_Cafe_Customer_FirstTime_Male1>>
<<scene MaidWorld_Cafe_Customer_FirstTime_Male2>>
<<scene MaidWorld_Cafe_Customer_FirstTime_Male3>>
/% Has been met before %/
<<scene MaidWorld_Cafe_Customer_Male1>>
<<scene MaidWorld_Cafe_Customer_Male2>>
<<scene MaidWorld_Cafe_Customer_Male3>>
<<if $maidCustomersAffinity.get($maidCustomer.name) is undefined>>\
/% New customer, never met before %/
<<scene MaidWorld_Cafe_Customer_FirstTime_Female1>>
<<scene MaidWorld_Cafe_Customer_FirstTime_Female2>>
<<scene MaidWorld_Cafe_Customer_FirstTime_Female3>>
/% Has been met before %/
<<scene MaidWorld_Cafe_Customer_Female1>>
<<scene MaidWorld_Cafe_Customer_Female2>>
<<scene MaidWorld_Cafe_Customer_Female3>>
<<box "choicebox">>
<<if settings.minigames is true>>
<<slink "Prepare the order" "Games_Cafe">><</slink>>
<<slink "Prepare the order" "MaidWorld_Cafe_Customer_Serve">>
<<set $maidScore += 1>>
<<playerStatIncrease "game_maid" 1>>
<div class="card card-nav solid">
<div class="row">
<div class="card-body p-0">
<div class="row d-flex">
<span class="p-2 flex-fill" id="score">Customers: $maidScore/$maidTarget</span>
<<slink "End Shift Early" "MaidWorld_Cafe_EndShift" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "ti ti-door-exit" "">><</slink>>
<div class="navigation-container">
<<if $maidBehavior is "none">>
<<if $maidCustomer.isMale is true>>
<<include MaidWorld_Cafe_Customer_Serve_Normal>>
<<include MaidWorld_Cafe_Customer_Serve_Normal>>
<<elseif $maidBehavior is "grope">>
<<if $maidCustomer.isMale is true>>
<<include MaidWorld_Cafe_Customer_Serve_Grope_Male>>
<<include MaidWorld_Cafe_Customer_Serve_Grope_Female>>
<<elseif $maidBehavior is "blowjob">>
<<if $maidCustomer.isMale is true>>
<<include MaidWorld_Cafe_Customer_Serve_Blowjob_Male>>
<<include MaidWorld_Cafe_Customer_Serve_Blowjob_Female>>
<<elseif $maidBehavior is "fuck">>
<<if $maidCustomer.isMale is true>>
<<include MaidWorld_Cafe_Customer_Serve_Fuck_Male>>
<<include MaidWorld_Cafe_Customer_Serve_Fuck_Female>>
Something went wrong. End the shift early.
<div class="card card-nav solid">
<div class="row">
<div class="card-body p-0">
<div class="row d-flex">
<span class="p-2 flex-fill" id="score">Customers: $maidScore/$maidTarget</span>
<<slink "End Shift Early" "" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu disabled" "ti ti-door-exit" "">><</slink>>
<div class="navigation-container">\
<img src="resources/img/locations/commons/maidcafe_bar.webp"/>
Stacking the last order on a tray with a tired smile, you turn to look over the now mostly empty cafe with a distinct sense of achievement filling your chest.
A distinct tingle in your spine warns you that your mod will start wearing off soon, and you quickly excuse yourself from behind the bar, slipping into the office as quickly as you can get away, your hands already working on undoing your uniform as the door closes behind.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "MaidWorld_Cafe_EndShift2">>
starGame.inventory.unequipItem('item_clothing_exotic_maid_uniform', true, true);
<img src="resources/img/locations/commons/maidcafe_meetingroom.webp"/>
You barely finish undressing when the first waves of your body reverting hit you, your legs buckling underneath you as you grab the table for support with a gasp. The rest of your reversion happens quickly, and you soon find yourself dressing and preparing to leave the office once more.
A quick trip out the employee's only entrance to the office finds you in the academy commons once more.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Hub_Commons">>
<<startplaylist "playlist_exploration_soft">>
<</nobr>>\A customer walks through the doors of the cafe, their pace decidedly hurried, and you quickly follow them to the table they claim for themself. Quickly preparing to take their order you give them a friendly smile as you prepare your notepad.
<span class="hero">"Welcome to Among the Stars, my name is $character_maidName, I'll be your waitress today."</span>
The customer gives you a slow once over before nodding and replying.
<span class="npc1">"$maidCustomer.name. I'm in the mood for a $maidDrink and $maidFood."</span>
You quickly write the order down before gracing the customer with another smile.
<span class="hero">"I'll be right back."</span>You're busy cleaning one of the cafe tables idly when a customer strolls through the cafe doors, their measured stride revealing that they're in no rush at all. A quick glance around the cafe reveals that you're the only maid not at a table currently, and you quickly approach the customer with a smile.
<span class="hero">"Welcome to Among the Stars, how may I serve you today?"</span>
<span class="npc1">"Nice to meet you. Get me a $maidDrink and $maidFood. You guys always make the best one I've had."</span>
<span class="hero">"Of course, may I just get your name for the system?"</span>
<span class="npc1">"Oh, sure. Use my surname, $maidCustomer.name."</span>
<span class="hero">"I'll be right back."</span>
You give him a dazzling smile as you retreat from the table, leaving to prepare his order quickly.You almost don't notice the customer entering the store, and if he didn't sit at a table you were already looking at, you wonder if you ever would have. Quickly approaching him with a polite bow, you start to greet him when he cuts you off.
<span class="hero">"Welcome to Among the Stars, how —"</span>
<span class="npc1">"I'll take a $maidDrink and $maidFood."</span> He pauses for a moment before continuing. <span class="npc1">"You can use $maidCustomer.name for the system."</span>
Stunned slightly at the brusque nature of this customer, you manage to quickly scribble and confirm his order before leaving the table silently, aiming to prepare his items quickly and hopefully get a more friendly table in his place.The clicking sound of heels on tile draws your attention, and you watch as a customer confidently strides through the cafe doors and heads directly for a reserved table. Smoothly intercepting her with a friendly smile, you redirect her to a usable table easily, and quickly give her a customary greeting.
<span class="hero">"Welcome to Among the Stars, how may I serve you today?"</span>
<span class="npc2">"Hmm. A new face. I'll take a $maidDrink and $maidFood, like usual."</span>
<span class="hero">"Of course, I just need your name for the system if you don't mind."</span>
<span class="npc2">"Oh, that's right. $maidCustomer.name. Try not to take too long with the preparation please."</span>
You quickly leave the table, deciding that you're unlikely to get a tip from this customer without going even further above and beyond than normal.You're waiting at the door when a meek looking customer approaches you, her eyes giving you a shy once over before she speaks.
<span class="npc2">"Excuse me, I'd like a table for one."</span>
<span class="hero">"Of course, please follow me, and welcome to Among the Stars."</span>
Your response is smooth and practiced, and you quickly lead the somewhat shy customer to a semi-private table in the cafe.
<span class="hero">"Now, what can I get for you, miss."</span> You ask, putting on your best friendly smile as you do.
<span class="npc2">"Ah, please call me $maidCustomer.name. I've been wanting to try your $maidDrink and $maidFood."</span>
<span class="hero">"A great choice! I'll be right back."</span>
You leave the meek customer on her own as you go to prepare her order quickly, smiling to yourself about her shy demeanor.You're busy cleaning a table when a customer takes a seat at it, and as you give her a surprised look, you see one of the maids in the background give you an apologetic shrug, mouthing something at you. You don't have time to try and guess what she's saying, as the customer starts to speak to you instead.
<span class="npc2">"I'll have a $maidDrink and $maidFood. Try and be quick about it, I've got a long day ahead of me still."</span>
<span class="hero">"Of course, I'll have it right out. I do need your name for the system however…"</span>
You try to placate the clearly in a hurry customer, who seems to relax slightly at your acceptance of her order.
<span class="npc2">"Oh, that's right, my bad. It's $maidCustomer.name."</span>
Scribbling down her order with a forced smile, you quickly retreat from the table.As you're waiting for the next table to arrive, you smile as you see $maidCustomer.name approaching. Seeing that you're up next on the table rotation, you meet him at the door, swiftly guiding him to an empty table with a warm greeting.
<span class="hero">"Welcome to Among the Stars once more. What can we get for you today?"</span>
<span class="npc1">"Hmm. I'm thinking I'll try the $maidDrink and $maidFood. Good seeing you again."</span>
<span class="hero">"And you sir. I'll have your order ready for you in just a moment."</span>
You leave the table with a small bow, the customers approving gaze running over you as you leave.<span class="npc1">"Ah, if it isn't just who I was hoping to see!"</span> A loud exclamation nearly gives you enough of a fright to drop the plates you're carrying, and when you turn you see $maidCustomer.name give you a friendly wave.
Deciding that you may as well take their table yourself, you quickly approach them, noticing their smile grow as you do so.
<span class="hero">"Welcome back to Among the Stars, what can I get for you today?"</span>
<span class="npc1">"Oh, right, the order. I'll be taking a $maidDrink and $maidFood today. No rush, but make sure it's made with love, yeah?"</span>
You politely laugh along with the customers request, before finding a chance to slip away and prepare the items for them.Leaning against the bar for a moment of respite, you feel a gentle nudge on your arm when one of the other maids approaches you. She quickly tells you that you've been requested by one of the new customers, and when you turn to look at them, you see $maidCustomer.name give you a smile from where they're already seated.
Returning the smile as you approach, you quickly give them a friendly welcome.
<span class="hero">"Welcome back to Among the Stars. Shall I get you the usual?"</span>
You ask with an easy smile and gentle laugh, one that the customer reciprocates quickly.
<span class="npc1">"No, I think I'll have a $maidDrink and $maidFood this time."</span>
<span class="hero">"Right away."</span>
You give them a polite bow as you leave the table, quickly returning to the bar with a gentle hum.You give $maidCustomer.name a friendly smile as you spot her approaching, and you quickly prepare a table for her, a grateful smile gracing her tired face as she drops into the seat.
<span class="npc2">"Thanks, you always seem to know exactly what I need."</span>
<span class="hero">"Of course, we aim to please."</span>
<span class="npc2">"Mhm, in that case, a $maidDrink and $maidFood. No extras."</span>
<span class="hero">"I'll be right back."</span>
You give her a friendly bow as you leave, quickly returning to the bar to make sure the order gets made correctly.You take a glance at the cafe interior, wondering how much busier the day will be when $maidCustomer.name strolls in, her lazy stride telling you that she doesn't have much of anything to do today. Quickly intercepting her before another maid can try to, you guide her to one of your empty tables.
<span class="hero">"Welcome back to Among the Stars. How may I serve you today?"</span>
<span class="npc2">"Oh, nice to see you again. I'll take a…. $maidDrink and $maidFood. No wait, maybe a… No, nevermind, that first order please."</span>
<span class="hero">"Of course, I'll be back in just a moment."</span>
You quickly scribble down the customer's order before retreating from the table, hoping that she remembers what she asked for when you bring it.Suppressing a yawn as you wait for your next table to arrive, you perk up slightly as you see $maidCustomer.name approaching. Quickly making sure that it's your turn in the rotation, you approach her with a warm smile, your usual greeting ready to go.
<span class="hero">"Welcome back to Among the Stars, how may we serve you today?"</span>
<span class="npc2">"Hm, a private corner, and a $maidDrink and $maidFood."</span>
<span class="hero">"Of course, this way please."</span>
Leading the customer to a semi-private table like instructed, you make sure she's seated and happy before returning to the bar to place and prepare her order.<<nobr>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/commons/maidcafe.webp"/>
<img @src="$maidCustomer.image" class="maidgame-shift-customer"/>
<<box "choicebox">>
<<if starGame.games.maid.isShiftCompleted() is true>>
<<slink "End shift" "MaidWorld_Cafe_EndShift">><</slink>>
<<slink "Wait for customer" "MaidWorld_Cafe_Customer_Arrive">>
Delivering the order with a smile, you make sure your customer is happy before you leave them in peace to relax and enjoy themselves. When they don't order anything else and indicate they're ready to leave, you return to the table and escort them to the cafe doors, entreating them to return with a friendly smile as you do.
Once they've left, you quickly return to the table, and start cleaning it so that it can be used once more.
<img src="resources/img/events/maid/bg_grope.webp"/>
<<if $maidCustomer.skin is true>>
<img src="resources/img/events/maid/f_black_grope.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/events/maid/f_fair_grope.webp"/>
<<if starGame.player.getFact('maid_groped_female') is true>>\
A gentle, yet unyielding touch sends tingles through you as the soft hand of your customer slides under your skirt, caressing your ass and creeping towards your pussy boldly. Managing to keep a straight face despite the contact, you smoothly trade small talk with the customer that's feeling you up for a moment before you excuse yourself from the table, retreating before the attention overwhelms your common sense.
However, you make sure to wiggle your hips as you go, exaggerating your stride as you tease them a little more, wondering if they'll place another order to bring you back as a result of it.
Setting down the order of drinks with an easy smile, you trade small talk with the female customer there for a few moments before excusing yourself to return to the bar. However, you freeze as her hand slips under your skirt, her fingers expertly squeezing your ass with a lewd smile on her lips.
Luckily, she releases you before you can truly react, and with a fierce blush on your face you quickly retreat from the table, hiding inside the bar area and hoping that you won't get called out to her table with another order today.
<<playerFactSet "maid_groped_female" true>>\
<<box "choicebox">>
<<if starGame.games.maid.isShiftCompleted() is true>>
<<slink "End shift" "MaidWorld_Cafe_EndShift">><</slink>>
<<slink "Wait for customer" "MaidWorld_Cafe_Customer_Arrive">>
<img src="resources/img/events/maid/bg_grope.webp"/>
<<if $maidCustomer.skin is true>>
<img src="resources/img/events/maid/m_black_grope.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/events/maid/m_fair_grope.webp"/>
<<if starGame.player.getFact('maid_groped_male') is true>>\
A strong hand runs up your leg as you finish unloading a drinks order at one of your tables, the customer there giving you a confident, cocky smile as he gropes your ass roughly. You manage to keep a straight face despite the contact, having reconciled these incidents in your mind. It's just another part of the job, and the attention feels good.
His hand lingers for a moment as you finish making sure he doesn't need anything else, and as you leave the table you give a slight wiggle of your hips, giving into the temptation to tease your groper even more.
Placing the latest order of drinks on the table with a warm friendly smile, you give a polite bow to the male customer sitting there before turning to return to the bar. Freezing instead as you feel his hand creep up your leg and under your skirt. As he squeezes your ass, you have a moment of panic as you fight the urge to smack his hand away, knowing that this kind of thing is expected by the management.
Before you can fully react however, he gives you a light spank, his laughter filling your ears as he watches you escape back to the bar, your face flushed red with embarrassment and shame.
<<playerFactSet "maid_groped_male" true>>\
<<box "choicebox">>
<<if starGame.games.maid.isShiftCompleted() is true>>
<<slink "End shift" "MaidWorld_Cafe_EndShift">><</slink>>
<<slink "Wait for customer" "MaidWorld_Cafe_Customer_Arrive">>
<img src="resources/img/locations/commons/maidcafe.webp"/>
<img @src="$maidCustomer.image" class="maidgame-shift-customer"/>
A gentle touch on the back of your hand draws your attention to the customer in the booth while you're busy cleaning up her table. Beckoning you closer, she waits for you to tilt your head down towards her before cupping her hand and whispering in your ear.
Both of you blush lightly as she asks you if it's true that the maids here do oral servicing for their customers. Nodding slightly in response, you see her hand creep towards the privacy controls, an excited smirk settling onto her lips as she subtly spreads her legs beneath the table. As she makes the request softly, you take a moment to decide how to proceed further.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Service Her" "MaidWorld_Cafe_Customer_Serve_Blowjob_Female_Accept">>
<<playerStatIncrease "maid_service" 1>>
<<slink "Reject Advance" "MaidWorld_Cafe_Customer_Serve_Blowjob_Female_Refuse">><</slink>>
<div class="card card-nav solid">
<div class="row">
<div class="card-body p-0">
<div class="row d-flex">
<span class="p-2 flex-fill" id="score">Customers: $maidScore/$maidTarget</span>
<<slink "End Shift Early" "" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu disabled" "ti ti-door-exit" "">><</slink>>
<div class="navigation-container">\
<img src="resources/img/events/maid/bg_blowjob.webp"/>
<<if $maidCustomer.skin is true>>
<img src="resources/img/events/maid/f_black_pussy.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/events/maid/f_fair_pussy.webp"/>
Deciding to eat the horny customer out, you barely finish nodding at her request when she raises the privacy screens, shifting her body to be better positioned for your attention as she does. Smiling at her eagerness, you drop to your knees in front of her, your hands quickly stripping her clothing away to give you access to her already glistening wet pussy.
A gentle kiss on her thigh sends shivers of anticipation through her, and as she clamps her legs around your shoulders, pulling your face against her cunt, you can only sink your tongue into her, licking and sucking at her pussy and clit with fevered eagerness and desperation, her moans quickly filling the booth as you eat her out.
Spasms course through her body, telling you that she's about to cum when she locks her legs and thighs around your head, forcing you to drink the juices spilling from her as she lets out a long wailing moan, her hands scratching at the booth seats as she orgasms hard from your attentions. When she eventually releases her grip on you, you draw in a long ragged breath, your face shiny from her fluids as you collapse backwards, admiring your handiwork as you take in her limp and sprawled out form.
Cleaning yourself up before you leave the booth, you give the customer a cute bow as you go, quietly congratulating yourself on doing such a good job servicing them as you do.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<if starGame.games.maid.isShiftCompleted() is true>>
<<slink "End shift" "MaidWorld_Cafe_EndShift">>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<saudio "bgm_zone_cafe" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.25>>
<<slink "Wait for customer" "MaidWorld_Cafe_Customer_Arrive">>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<saudio "bgm_zone_cafe" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.25>>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<saudio "bgm_sex5" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.25>>
<div class="card card-nav solid">
<div class="row">
<div class="card-body p-0">
<div class="row d-flex">
<span class="p-2 flex-fill" id="score">Customers: $maidScore/$maidTarget</span>
<<slink "End Shift Early" "" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu disabled" "ti ti-door-exit" "">><</slink>>
<div class="navigation-container">\
<img src="resources/img/locations/commons/maidcafe.webp"/>
<img @src="$maidCustomer.image" class="maidgame-shift-customer"/>
Resting your hand over the privacy controls first, you shake your head gently at the customer, her seductive expression quickly growing blank as you politely and gently reject her request to be eaten out. Her face scrunches up for a moment, and you half expect her to force the matter when a defeated sigh escapes her lips.
Nodding to herself more than to you, she gives you a dismissive wave of the hand, and you take the chance to leave, wondering if there will be a complaint about you refusing to service the customer in the future.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<if starGame.games.maid.isShiftCompleted() is true>>
<<slink "End shift" "MaidWorld_Cafe_EndShift">><</slink>>
<<slink "Wait for customer" "MaidWorld_Cafe_Customer_Arrive">>
<img src="resources/img/locations/commons/maidcafe.webp"/>
<img @src="$maidCustomer.image" class="maidgame-shift-customer"/>
You're busy offloading a drink order when the customer taps the table, seemingly building up their confidence to ask you something. Turning your attention to them, you see their finger reaching for the privacy screen controls, and you can feel your blush spread across your face as they finally work up the courage to ask you for a blowjob.
A glance back at the cafe confirms that it's still quiet, so you won't be missed for a few minutes if you decide to comply, and coupled with the customer's confident yet also nervous expression, you are only slightly surprised to find yourself seriously considering his request.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Service Him" "MaidWorld_Cafe_Customer_Serve_Blowjob_Male_Accept">>
<<playerStatIncrease "maid_service" 1>>
<<slink "Reject Request" "MaidWorld_Cafe_Customer_Serve_Blowjob_Male_Refuse">><</slink>>
<div class="card card-nav solid">
<div class="row">
<div class="card-body p-0">
<div class="row d-flex">
<span class="p-2 flex-fill" id="score">Customers: $maidScore/$maidTarget</span>
<<slink "End Shift Early" "" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu disabled" "ti ti-door-exit" "">><</slink>>
<div class="navigation-container">\
<img src="resources/img/events/maid/bg_blowjob.webp"/>
<<if $maidCustomer.skin is true>>
<img src="resources/img/events/maid/m_black_blowjob.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/events/maid/m_fair_blowjob.webp"/>
Your answer comes in the form of a flirty smirk, as you lean over the customer to raise the privacy screens yourself. Their excitement quickly reveals itself as you see their cock grow harder in their pants, the bulge against their clothes sending shivers of anticipation through you as you sink to your knees before them, your hands quickly working to reveal their hard dick to you.
Licking the hard cock gently, your eyes meet as you make a show of servicing him properly, your eager touch causing the customer to groan softly as your lips fasten around him. Gently bobbing your head on his dick, you take your time in servicing him, slowly getting used to his dick in your mouth.
When he suddenly slides his fingers through your hair, you only have a moment to react before he starts to guide your head lower onto his dick, roughly thrusting into you as he forces you to deep throat him. Struggling against his grip, you quickly find that you're not strong enough to get away from him, and as you start to tear up, the rough face fucking doing its job as you submit to his control, you find yourself quickly matching his rhythm as he uses your mouth freely.
A sudden twitch in his body warns you that he's about to cum, but you're helpless in his grasp as he forces you to swallow his warm load, smiling down at your tearstained face as you choke and gag on his hard cock inside your mouth.Eventually he releases you, and as you pull yourself off his dick, you plant a last kiss on its tip before cleaning yourself up and leaving the private booth with a smile.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<if starGame.games.maid.isShiftCompleted() is true>>
<<slink "End shift" "MaidWorld_Cafe_EndShift">>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<saudio "bgm_zone_cafe" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.25>>
<<slink "Wait for customer" "MaidWorld_Cafe_Customer_Arrive">>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<saudio "bgm_zone_cafe" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.25>>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<saudio "bgm_sex5" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.25>>
<div class="card card-nav solid">
<div class="row">
<div class="card-body p-0">
<div class="row d-flex">
<span class="p-2 flex-fill" id="score">Customers: $maidScore/$maidTarget</span>
<<slink "End Shift Early" "" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu disabled" "ti ti-door-exit" "">><</slink>>
<div class="navigation-container">\
<img src="resources/img/locations/commons/maidcafe.webp"/>
<img @src="$maidCustomer.image" class="maidgame-shift-customer"/>
Resting your hand over the privacy controls first, you shake your head gently at the customer, his hopeful expression quickly growing blank as you politely and gently reject his request for a blowjob. His face scrunches up for a moment, and you half expect him to force the matter when a defeated sigh escapes his lips.
Nodding to himself more than to you, he gives you a dismissive wave of the hand, and you take the chance to leave, wondering if there will be a complaint about you refusing to service the customer in the future.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<if starGame.games.maid.isShiftCompleted() is true>>
<<slink "End shift" "MaidWorld_Cafe_EndShift">><</slink>>
<<slink "Wait for customer" "MaidWorld_Cafe_Customer_Arrive">>
<img src="resources/img/locations/commons/maidcafe.webp"/>
<img @src="$maidCustomer.image" class="maidgame-shift-customer"/>
You're about to leave the booth when a gentle touch on the back of your hand stops you. Turning to face the customer, you're only slightly surprised to see the privacy screens raise around you. Her hand runs down the side of your body, tingles spreading under her touch.
<span class="npc2">"Think you've got some time for me to work out some of my pent up stress?"</span>
She asks you in a sultry, seductive voice, her hand sliding into her purse to reveal a strap-on ready to be worn. Realizing that if you decide to play along you'll be getting used by the clearly horny customer, you take a moment to make a choice.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Get Fucked" "MaidWorld_Cafe_Customer_Serve_Fuck_Female_Accept">>
<<playerStatIncrease "maid_service" 1>>
<<slink "Reject Her" "MaidWorld_Cafe_Customer_Serve_Fuck_Female_Refuse">><</slink>>
<div class="card card-nav solid">
<div class="row">
<div class="card-body p-0">
<div class="row d-flex">
<span class="p-2 flex-fill" id="score">Customers: $maidScore/$maidTarget</span>
<<slink "End Shift Early" "" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu disabled" "ti ti-door-exit" "">><</slink>>
<div class="navigation-container">\
<img src="resources/img/events/maid/bg_fuck.webp"/>
<<if $maidCustomer.skin is true>>
<img src="resources/img/events/maid/f_black_fuck.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/events/maid/f_fair_fuck.webp"/>
You're about to tell her that you can make the time, when she pushes you over the table, having read your body language already. A whimpered protest escapes your lips as she hikes your skirt up, revealing your ass and cunt to the cool air of the private booth. Her fingers running between your thighs send a shiver up your spine as she presses against you, her weight effectively keeping you in place below her as she prepares herself to use your eager and willing body.
Reaching back for her, your hands run over her soft skin as you pull her closer against you, feeling the fake cock slip between your thighs as you do. A moan leaves her throat at the contact, quickly echoed by one of your own as the strap-on rubs against your dripping pussy lips. A soft chuckle tells you that she's enjoying your reactions, and you don't have much warning before the dildo parts your pussy, pressing into you steadily as the customer thrusts into your wet hole.
A series of moans escape your lips as your body goes limp, the toy thrusting into you hard and fast, quickly overwhelms you with pleasure as you get used like a common whore behind the privacy screens. Your moans mix with the grunts and moans of the customer using you, as your bodies collide, the smell of sex heavy in the air.
A sudden barrage of quick hard thrusts tell you that your client is quickly reaching her own climax, and you give in to the waves of pleasure coursing through you as she pulls your head back with her hand woven through your hair. A tremble runs through your body as she hilts herself inside you, and collapses onto you, pinning you against the table underneath her as you both pant, breathing hard as you bask in the after orgasm glow.
A few minutes of blissful peace pass before she stirs, quickly reclaiming her clothes after giving you a gentle slap across the ass. She blows you a kiss as she leaves the booth, leaving you to recover further on your own. You follow her out soon after, once you've made sure that you look presentable and neat again. You're careful to keep your face neutral, and you nearly blush when one of the maids at the bar raises an eyebrow at you questioningly.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<if starGame.games.maid.isShiftCompleted() is true>>
<<slink "End shift" "MaidWorld_Cafe_EndShift">>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<saudio "bgm_zone_cafe" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.25>>
<<slink "Wait for customer" "MaidWorld_Cafe_Customer_Arrive">>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<saudio "bgm_zone_cafe" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.25>>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<saudio "bgm_sex5" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.25>>
<div class="card card-nav solid">
<div class="row">
<div class="card-body p-0">
<div class="row d-flex">
<span class="p-2 flex-fill" id="score">Customers: $maidScore/$maidTarget</span>
<<slink "End Shift Early" "" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu disabled" "ti ti-door-exit" "">><</slink>>
<div class="navigation-container">\
<img src="resources/img/locations/commons/maidcafe.webp"/>
<img @src="$maidCustomer.image" class="maidgame-shift-customer"/>
Deciding that you're not up for getting fucked in the cafe booths right now, you politely tell the customer that you're not currently offering those services, and that she'll have to try again another time.
The frustrated customer pauses for a moment, clearly not expecting to be turned down, but fortunately she gives you a smile after a moment, as she puts her strapon back in the purse.
<span class="npc2">"That's fair enough. Next time then."</span> Her eyes twinkle slightly as she speaks, and you feel a shiver of anticipation run through your body as she does.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<if starGame.games.maid.isShiftCompleted() is true>>
<<slink "End shift" "MaidWorld_Cafe_EndShift">><</slink>>
<<slink "Wait for customer" "MaidWorld_Cafe_Customer_Arrive">>
<img src="resources/img/locations/commons/maidcafe.webp"/>
<img @src="$maidCustomer.image" class="maidgame-shift-customer"/>
You've barely arrived at the booth to deliver some drinks when the privacy screens raise behind you, the customer giving you a relaxed and easy smile as your eyes meet. Before you can ask any questions, he rises from his seat, stepping towards you confidently.
He doesn't need to speak from the way he's eyeing you up for you to know what he wants. But even as he reaches out to pull you closer, he tells you that he's looking for a more intimate service, performed with your whole body.
Speaking quickly, you're forced to make a choice in the moments that his hand is still approaching you.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Get Fucked" "MaidWorld_Cafe_Customer_Serve_Fuck_Male_Accept">>
<<playerStatIncrease "maid_service" 1>>
<<slink "Reject Him" "MaidWorld_Cafe_Customer_Serve_Fuck_Male_Refuse">><</slink>>
<div class="card card-nav solid">
<div class="row">
<div class="card-body p-0">
<div class="row d-flex">
<span class="p-2 flex-fill" id="score">Customers: $maidScore/$maidTarget</span>
<<slink "End Shift Early" "" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu disabled" "ti ti-door-exit" "">><</slink>>
<div class="navigation-container">\
<img src="resources/img/events/maid/bg_fuck.webp"/>
<<if $maidCustomer.skin is true>>
<img src="resources/img/events/maid/m_black_fuck.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/events/maid/m_fair_fuck.webp"/>
You don't need to respond, your unwillingness to pull away from his searching hands all the consent he needs as he pulls you against him, the contact between your bodies revealing even through his and your layers of clothing that he's hard and ready to go already.
A gasp escapes your lips as he pushes you over the table, his hands roughly moving you into position for him to enjoy you properly. A thought in the back of your mind tells you to try and resist his control over you, but it vanishes quickly as he pulls your skirt up, revealing your ass and pussy to view, a slap falling on your ass as he compliments your figure.
Looking back at him over your shoulder you can feel his dick press against your hole, and you hear the moan escape your lips as he thrusts into you with a single smooth movement, a grin forming on his face as his hand on your hip guides your body back against him, the booth quickly filling with the sounds of your bodies slapping against each other.
His rough hand on your breast pulls your attention away from the dick inside you momentarily as he gropes your body, but the distraction doesn't keep your attention for long as he starts to fuck you harder, pinning you underneath him against the table with a low chuckle as your moans mix with the sounds of sex in the booth.
Another slap on your ass causes an involuntary squeal to escape your lips as you tighten around his shaft, and a low groan escapes his throat as he sinks himself deeper into you, his breathing growing ragged as his orgasm approaches. Lost in the moment as you are, and overwhelmed by the pleasure and semi-public setting, you can only follow along with his body language as he uses you hard and fast.
When he eventually hilts himself inside you, the warmth of his cum inside you causes a long mewling moan to leave your lips, as you lie contentedly beneath him while he catches his breath. Eventually he pulls out of you, a gentle caress of your ass accompanying a few words of praise as he congratulates you for doing a good job pleasing him. You can only watch weakly as he redresses himself quickly, leaving you alone in the booth as he leaves first, a smirk on his face.
You follow him out soon after, once you've made sure that you look presentable and neat again. You're careful to keep your face neutral, and you nearly blush when one of the maids at the bar raises an eyebrow at you questioningly.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<if starGame.games.maid.isShiftCompleted() is true>>
<<slink "End shift" "MaidWorld_Cafe_EndShift">>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<saudio "bgm_zone_cafe" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.25>>
<<slink "Wait for customer" "MaidWorld_Cafe_Customer_Arrive">>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<saudio "bgm_zone_cafe" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.25>>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<<saudio "bgm_sex5" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.25>>
<div class="card card-nav solid">
<div class="row">
<div class="card-body p-0">
<div class="row d-flex">
<span class="p-2 flex-fill" id="score">Customers: $maidScore/$maidTarget</span>
<<slink "End Shift Early" "" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu disabled" "ti ti-door-exit" "">><</slink>>
<div class="navigation-container">\
<img src="resources/img/locations/commons/maidcafe.webp"/>
<img @src="$maidCustomer.image" class="maidgame-shift-customer"/>
Resting your hand over the privacy controls first, you shake your head gently at the customer, his hopeful expression quickly growing blank as you politely and gently reject his request. His face scrunches up for a moment, and you half expect him to force the matter when a defeated sigh escapes his lips.
Nodding to himself more than to you, he gives you a dismissive wave of the hand, and you take the chance to leave, wondering if there will be a complaint about you refusing to service the customer in the future.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<if starGame.games.maid.isShiftCompleted() is true>>
<<slink "End shift" "MaidWorld_Cafe_EndShift">><</slink>>
<<slink "Wait for customer" "MaidWorld_Cafe_Customer_Arrive">>
</div>\<<scard "Ann has noticed your changes" "border-highlight">>\
<<if starGame.effects.hasReaction('skin')>>\
Ann gives you no indication that she's noticed your change in skin color, and even when you subtly bring it to attention, she doesn't seem to react. You decide that the mods effects may not mean much to the alliance military lieutenant, given the much more extensive mods they are given during service.
<<if starGame.effects.hasReaction('harmony') || starGame.effects.hasReaction('geneforge_incident3_male')>>\
<span class="ann">"Cute. Your dad might kill you though. Doing well in class?"</span> She teases you, and you're reminded yet again about her pragmatic and practical view on life, thanks in part to the free use and access to mods in the military.
Knowing you wont get much more of a reaction from her, you decide to leave it for now, focusing on your normal business instead.
<<if starGame.effects.hasReaction('amazonia') or starGame.effects.hasReaction('alicemod') or starGame.effects.hasReaction('geneforge_incident4_male')>>\
<span class="ann">"You look like your mother."</span> Ann says, reminding you about her position as a family aide once more. You wait for more of a reaction, before slowly realizing you aren't getting one.
Deciding to not push for more reactions from the lieutenant, you move on, returning to business as usual.
<<run starGame.effects.setReaction('ann')>>\
<</scard>>\<<scard "Curie has noticed your changes" "border-highlight">>\
<<if starGame.effects.hasReaction('skin')>>\
Curie gives you a slow once over, a smile gracing her face as she realizes the change. She gives a small nod before meeting your eyes once more.
<span class="curie">"Looking good. I've wanted to try Skin before, but I always chicken out. I guess I'm scared that I wouldn't be able to change back easily."</span> She says, once again reminding you about her interest in mods in general.
You decide to take the compliment as it's offered, and move on, returning to your normal business quickly.
<<if starGame.effects.hasReaction('harmony') || starGame.effects.hasReaction('geneforge_incident3_male')>>\
Curie pauses when she sees you, and you can see her vaguely recognize you, but still suffer from a moment of self doubt. As you reach her however, she seems confident in her recognition of you.
<span class="curie">"You look good. How does it feel?"</span> She asks, her curiosity at your changes seemingly limited to the sensation and feeling. You spend a few minutes talking with her about it, her interest in your new body weighted towards how it works and feels, and you soon realize that she's actually holding her curiosity back a fair bit. You slowly lead the conversation back to normal.
<<if starGame.effects.hasReaction('amazonia') or starGame.effects.hasReaction('alicemod') or starGame.effects.hasReaction('geneforge_incident4_male')>>\
Curie smiles when she spots you, a knowing smile gracing her lips. She doesn't make any direct reference to your new appearance, but you know that it's likely she knows exactly which mod you've taken. Going with the flow, you don't refer to it either.
<<run starGame.effects.setReaction('curie')>>\
<</scard>>\<<scard "Daniella has noticed your changes" "border-highlight">>\
<<if starGame.effects.hasReaction('skin')>>\
At first, Dr. Daniella doesn't seem to notice your changes, before eventually she tilts her head at you with a frown. <span class="daniella">"You'd think I'd notice your actual skin color changing faster than I did. How does it feel?"</span> Before you can reply however, she's already returned her attention to her terminal, and you decide to leave the interaction at that.
<<if starGame.effects.hasReaction('harmony') || starGame.effects.hasReaction('geneforge_incident3_male')>>\
<span class="daniella">"No, I don't like that look. Pick a side of the scale and commit to it please."</span> Not quite what you expected to hear, but it's somewhat rewarding to hear that she likes how you look without the current mods effects in play.
<<if starGame.effects.hasReaction('amazonia') or starGame.effects.hasReaction('alicemod')>>\
<span class="daniella">"Very cute. I assume that that was an over the counter mod. No strange tingles or side effects right?"</span> Dr. Daniella's voice is softer than normal, and you can only assume she's showing a touch of uncharacteristic care.
<<run starGame.effects.setReaction('daniella')>>\
<</scard>>\<<scard "Diane has noticed your changes" "border-highlight">>\
<<if starGame.effects.hasReaction('skin')>>\
Diane does a double take when she sees you, her eyes widening slightly. After a moment she touches your arm, feeling your skin gently. After a moment she releases you.
<span class="diane">"My parents would kill me if I used Skin. Did it feel funny when you used it?"</span> She asks, her interest clearly rooted in her access to the mod being forbidden. You indulge her curiosity for a while, before leading the conversation back towards more usual topics.
<<if starGame.effects.hasReaction('harmony') || starGame.effects.hasReaction('geneforge_incident3_male')>>\
Diane doesn't recognize you at first, but when you speak to her you can see the glint of recognition in her eyes as she treats you with a broad smile.
<span class="diane">"You look cute like that. Is it a temporary mod or a permanent one?"</span> She asks, but before you can respond she continues. <span class="diane">"No, it's temporary, I can see where some of the nanomachines stopped that they wouldn't have if it was a permanent dosage."</span> She gently touches the corner of your eye, before gracing you with another excited smile. The two of you talk about it for a short while more before the conversation steers back to normal topics.
<<if starGame.effects.hasReaction('amazonia') or starGame.effects.hasReaction('alicemod') or starGame.effects.hasReaction('geneforge_incident4_male')>>\
Diane gives you a knowing smile when you approach, an appreciative gaze running over your body.
<span class="diane">"Does it feel as good as it looks?"</span> She asks as she openly admires your new body. <span class="diane">"Perhaps you should give me a chance to take a closer look sometime."</span> She teases lightly, and the two of you spend a few minutes in light hearted banter before the conversation returns to normal topics.
<<run starGame.effects.setReaction('diane')>>\
<</scard>>\<<scard "Edward has noticed your changes" "border-highlight">>\
<<if starGame.effects.hasReaction('skin')>>\
<span class="edward">"My parents would take it as a personal offense if I used Skin."</span> Edward says when he realizes you've made a change to your skin tone.
The two of you spend a few moments talking about strict families and recreational mods before he draws the conversation to a close. Going with the flow, you redirect it to a more conventional topic for now.
<<if starGame.effects.hasReaction('harmony') || starGame.effects.hasReaction('geneforge_incident3_male')>>\
Edward gives you a careful look up and down, before choosing his words carefully.
<span class="edward">"That look suits you, strangely enough."</span> He says, and even though you understand what he means, you're not surprised that it's framed in a way that could be misunderstood. His intent is revealed soon after however, as he asks you a few pointed questions that imply he might be interested in trying the mod himself.
After helping ease his worries and tending to his curiosity, you steer the conversation back towards the reason you approached him.
<<if starGame.effects.hasReaction('amazonia') or starGame.effects.hasReaction('alicemod') or starGame.effects.hasReaction('geneforge_incident4_male')>>\
Edwards eyes slide off of you, before he snaps back to you, clear confusion evident in his face. After a few moments of silence he speaks first.
<span class="edward">"If I didn't know better, I would have sworn that I was meeting one of your sisters. That mod is quite good quality."</span> He says, seemingly confident in your identity, but you can hear a hint of worry in his voice regardless. You take a few minutes to reassure him that it is really you, and spend a few more in conversation about the effects of the mod, and how it changes you, before shifting to usual conversation.
<<run starGame.effects.setReaction('edward')>>\
<</scard>>\<<scard "Edward has noticed your changes" "border-highlight">>\
Edward takes a moment to realize it's you, but when the recognition hits him, he flashes a smile, walking over confidently. Your body mods must have caught him off guard, but he's hiding it well.
<<run starGame.effects.setReaction('edward')>>\
<</scard>>\<<scard "Erika has noticed your changes" "border-highlight">>\
<<if starGame.effects.hasReaction('skin')>>\
Erika gives you a quick once over, her nose wrinkling slightly as she does.
<span class="erika">"Sorry, did you get pranked? Or is this another thing that my family is just more restrictive about than yours?"</span>
Well, she might not have said anything good about your changed skin tone, but she didn't say anything bad either. Count it as a win.
<<if starGame.effects.hasReaction('harmony') || starGame.effects.hasReaction('geneforge_incident3_male')>>\
Erika does a small double take at your appearance, before frowning slightly.
<span class="erika">"My father would probably have an actual heart attack if I showed up under the effects of that mod. It must be nice that your family doesn't have to worry about rumors and issues like mine."</span>
You wonder what it says about her household that Erika doesn't have anything to say about your changed appearance other than wondering about the differences between your families.
<<if starGame.effects.hasReaction('amazonia') or starGame.effects.hasReaction('alicemod') or starGame.effects.hasReaction('geneforge_incident4_male')>>\
A low whistle escapes from Erika's lips as she takes in your body, running her eyes appreciatively over your body.
<span class="erika">"Well that makes me wonder if I'd look as good genderswapped as you do."</span>
You decide to write that down as a compliment, smiling graciously at the officer in return.
<<run starGame.effects.setReaction('erika')>>\
<</scard>>\<<scard "Felix has noticed your changes" "border-highlight">>\
<<if starGame.effects.hasReaction('skin')>>\
Felix performs a comical double take as he sees you, before rubbing his eyes and looking again. <span class="felix">"That looks weirdly uncanny on you. Skin right? Thanks for being a reminder to not try mods for the sake of it."</span>
You frown at what you can only take as an insult from him, but decide that it's weirdly on brand for the abrasive noble so far.
<<if starGame.effects.hasReaction('harmony') || starGame.effects.hasReaction('geneforge_incident3_male')>>\
<span class="felix">"You know, depending on the way the light falls onto you, I can't decide if you look more like a girl or a boy… I suppose that's the point at least."</span> Felix's comment isn't much help, but at least the mod is working, right?
<<if starGame.effects.hasReaction('amazonia') or starGame.effects.hasReaction('alicemod') or starGame.effects.hasReaction('geneforge_incident4_male')>>\
<span class="felix">"Ah, trying to play the sympathy game from the applicants. <i>"I'm just an innocent naive girl, you wouldn't try to lie to me, would you?"</i> Bah, I wish it was so easy."</span> You can't decide if it's a compliment or an insult coming from Felix, so you choose to just brush past it with a fake smile.
<<run starGame.effects.setReaction('felix')>>\
<</scard>>\<<scard "Hana has noticed your changes" "border-highlight">>\
<<if starGame.effects.hasReaction('skin')>>\
<span class="hana">"Oh! You've changed your skin! That's so cool, do you think it will work with my mods? Think I can become a husky or something if I find the right blend?"</span> From the way she talks excitedly about potentially blending mods, you smile as you see she's slowly coming to terms with her new body in a positive way.
<<if starGame.effects.hasReaction('harmony') || starGame.effects.hasReaction('geneforge_incident3_male')>>\
<span class="hana">"To be entirely honest, I don't like that I can't tell what you are from a glance, but the most important thing is the personality."</span> Hana's words are sweet, and you smile as a result of them, almost missing the whispered follow up. <span class="hana">"And that you're down to fuck."</span>
<<if starGame.effects.hasReaction('amazonia')>>\
<span class="hana">"I'm not sure how I feel about this… Wait. No, I see you kept the important parts."</span> Hana flashes you a smile, her gaze lingering over your lower body before snapping back to your eyes with a hungry smile. You're not sure how, but Hana's smile is telling you that she knows what's in your pants.
<<if starGame.effects.hasReaction('alicemod') or starGame.effects.hasReaction('geneforge_incident4_male')>>\
<span class="hana">"I'm not sure how I feel about this. I think I actually liked you better the way you were before."</span> Hana seems surprisingly disappointed in your changes, but from the way she glances at your crotch, you quickly guess that it's because she prefers a certain type of person.
<<run starGame.effects.setReaction('hana')>>\
<</scard>>\<<scard "Irene has noticed your changes" "border-highlight">>\
<<if starGame.effects.hasReaction('skin')>>\
<span class="darkelf">"I was considering trying Skin myself. It's a bit strange being… well a dark elf. I was curious if I could mix the mods, but one of the Geneforge researchers said that my current mods are too unstable for me to risk it. A shame really, I wanted to be like a snow elf if I had to be an elf."</span>
Irene's words are wistful and you can't help but smile at the imagery she manages to conjure in your mind.
<<if starGame.effects.hasReaction('harmony') || starGame.effects.hasReaction('geneforge_incident3_male')>>\
<span class="darkelf">"Sometimes, I consider taking mods with effects like that one, just to see if it will help with… this."</span> Irene gestures to herself vaguely, and you know she's talking about the changes her body has faced.
<<if starGame.effects.hasReaction('amazonia') or starGame.effects.hasReaction('alicemod') or starGame.effects.hasReaction('geneforge_incident4_male')>>\
<span class="darkelf">"That makes you look so beautiful. I'm actually kind of jealous."</span> Irene gives you a cute pout, and you can only smile in gratitude. It's not every day an actual elf gets jealous over your looks.
<<run starGame.effects.setReaction('irene')>>\
<</scard>>\<<scard "Jaime has noticed your changes" "border-highlight">>\
<<if starGame.effects.hasReaction('skin')>>\
Jaime does one of the most comical double takes when she sees you, with a hair flick and all. She takes a moment to process the change in skin color before letting out an excited squeal.
<span class="jaime">"Please tell me that's a permanent mod."</span> She says, as she rushes over to ask you questions, dropping hints that she's been looking for something to help her pale complexion for ages now. You quickly answer her barrage of questions, the fragile girl's excitement growing until you finally manage to calm her down. Quickly steering the conversation back towards normal topics, you let out a breath of relief.
<<if starGame.effects.hasReaction('harmony') || starGame.effects.hasReaction('geneforge_incident3_male')>>\
Jaime's gaze slides over you at first, a light frown accompanying it when her subconscious tells her something is off. Her eyes return to you, and as they run over you, you can see the exact moment when she recognizes you, a smile breaking on her face.
<span class="jaime">"If we had never met, I would have thought you were just some cute cadet. Somehow that makes you even look younger."</span> She says as she gives you an unexpected hug. The two of you talk about your transformation a bit, and she double checks that you have enough clothes that fit you before returning to normal conversations.
<<if starGame.effects.hasReaction('amazonia') or starGame.effects.hasReaction('alicemod') or starGame.effects.hasReaction('geneforge_incident4_male')>>\
Jaime doesn't seem to recognize you at first, but when you speak some characteristic of how you talk seems to reveal your identity, with her quickly warming up to you with a smile.
<span class="jaime">"You look so pretty."</span> She says, as she runs her eyes appreciatively over you, and you think you notice a hint of desire in her eyes as well. She checks if you have enough sets of clothing for your new body type and the conversation quickly leads down a series of questions concerning the effects of the mod and how it felt when applied. After a short while of talking about it, she allows you to lead the topic back to a more standard one.
<<run starGame.effects.setReaction('jaime')>>\
<</scard>>\<<scard "Julianna has noticed your changes" "border-highlight">>\
<<if starGame.effects.hasReaction('skin')>>\
For a long moment, you're convinced that Julianna hasn't noticed your change, when she suddenly gasps, confirming your belief.
<span class="julianna">"It looks so natural that I didn't even notice. I thought you had maybe changed the way you wore your clothes, or your posture, I didn't even notice the skin."</span> She blurts out, clearly embarrassed. It's at times like these that you're reminded of how pure she is, and how she seems to only focus on a person's character. She spends some time asking about how the mod works and how it felt to have it applied to you. Eventually her curiosity is sated, and you smile as you return to normal topics.
<<if starGame.effects.hasReaction('harmony') || starGame.effects.hasReaction('geneforge_incident3_male')>>\
<span class="julianna">"I can't decide if I prefer you like this or not."</span> Julianna says when she sees you, a smile forming.
You do a mock twirl, acting like it will change her mind, which prompts laughter from the redhead. The two of you spend some time talking about the mod, and your new body. Eventually the conversation winds down, and you decide to start steering it towards a more normal subject.
<<if starGame.effects.hasReaction('amazonia') or starGame.effects.hasReaction('alicemod') or starGame.effects.hasReaction('geneforge_incident4_male')>>\
<span class="julianna">"That's… quite a drastic change."</span> Julianna says after a few seconds of examining your face and body. <span class="julianna">"You sure you're not going to regret that later?"</span> She asks, genuine concern in her words.
You spend some time talking with her about it, and while she remains concerned, she seems to relax slightly about the situation, her mind at ease thanks to your explanations. After a short while, she seems to have relaxed enough for you to lead her back to normal conversation and activities now.
<<run starGame.effects.setReaction('julianna')>>\
<</scard>>\<<scard "Letho has noticed your changes" "border-highlight">>\
<<if starGame.effects.hasReaction('skin')>>\
Letho doesn't react to your change of skin color, and even when you mention it, he merely casts a disinterested look at your arm before giving a comment.
<span class="letho">"Aren't those too expensive for just a superficial change? I always thought so."</span> You're about to confront him about his lack of interest, before deciding that it's not worth it right now. Leaving the topic alone for now, you move the conversation back towards a more standard point of interest.
<<if starGame.effects.hasReaction('harmony') || starGame.effects.hasReaction('geneforge_incident3_male')>>\
Letho stutters in surprise when he sees you, and you can tell that while he's trying to play it cool, he's very much off balance as a result of your modified body and look. After a short while he speaks up, his voice nearly non-existent.
<span class="letho">"You look nice."</span> Turning to look at him, you notice that he's already turned his gaze away, focusing hard on something that doesn't exist, his cheeks flushed red. Deciding to open that can of worms another day, you let it slide, pretending you didn't really hear it, and guiding the conversation to a much more safe topic of discussion for now.
<<if starGame.effects.hasReaction('amazonia') or starGame.effects.hasReaction('alicemod') or starGame.effects.hasReaction('geneforge_incident4_male')>>\
Letho does a double, and then triple take when he spots you. You can almost feel his eyes burning a hole through you as he stares. You spend a few minutes waiting for him to say something, but it slowly becomes clear that he's not going to.
Deciding that it might be for the best that he hasn't said anything, you quickly steer the conversation towards a safe topic, but need to repeat yourself a few times, prompting a blush and stammering apology from him when he realizes he's been openly staring at you.
<<run starGame.effects.setReaction('letho')>>\
<</scard>>\<<scard "Maki has noticed your changes" "border-highlight">>\
<<if starGame.effects.hasReaction('skin')>>\
Maki gives you a quick once over, a raised eyebrow the only indication that she's noticed a change about you. You wait a few moments longer in case she has questions or remarks but as she continues on with her business as usual, you smile, realizing that the maid has already accepted your changes.
<<if starGame.effects.hasReaction('harmony') || starGame.effects.hasReaction('geneforge_incident3_male')>>\
You are somewhat surprised by Maki's reaction to your modded body, her excited expression quickly replaced by a neutral one, and when you gently probe her for a reaction, you can tell that she's trying her best to not seem overly interested.
<span class="maki">"I think it makes you look very cute, while still maintaining traces of your original style."</span> She says, and you can practically hear her internally exploding with questions. You decide to respect her silence for now though, and drop the subject, allowing things to return to business as usual between you both.
<<if starGame.effects.hasReaction('amazonia') or starGame.effects.hasReaction('alicemod') or starGame.effects.hasReaction('geneforge_incident4_male')>>\
Maki seems stunned at your transformation, before eventually opening and closing her mouth, clearly struggling to decide what to say and how to react. You are about to speak up when she does speak.
<span class="maki">"I thought there weren't any mods like that yet."</span> She says softly, a blush visible on her face. <span class="maki">"How does it feel?"</span> She asks shyly, and you quickly get pulled into a string of questions about the mod, how it was applied, did it sting, does everything feel right and real. Eventually she calms down about it, and with an apology about prying, she returns to her normal demeanor.
<<run starGame.effects.setReaction('maki')>>\
<</scard>>\<<scard "Natalie has noticed your changes" "border-highlight">>\
<<if starGame.effects.hasReaction('skin')>>\
<span class="natalie">"Huh. Did something new with your hair?"</span> She manages to keep a straight face as you stare at her, before chuckling softly. <span class="natalie">"Nah, just fucking with you. The new skin suits you."</span>
Smiling at her reaction, you take the compliment as it lies.
<<if starGame.effects.hasReaction('harmony') || starGame.effects.hasReaction('geneforge_incident3_male')>>\
<span class="natalie">"Oh… nope, don't like that. It's like looking at a little tomboy version of you. No offense, just being blunt."</span>
You smile at that, appreciative of Natalie's direct nature, but unsure of how to take the comment overall.
<<if starGame.effects.hasReaction('amazonia') or starGame.effects.hasReaction('alicemod') or starGame.effects.hasReaction('geneforge_incident4_male')>>\
<span class="natalie">"Damn. Looking good. Think about signing up for one of those sexy calendars?"</span>
You chuckle at Natalie's sweet talk, but shake your head lightly, deciding that you'll save that career option for if the Academy plans fall apart in the future.
<<run starGame.effects.setReaction('natalie')>>\
<</scard>>\<<scard "Stella has noticed your changes" "border-highlight">>\
<<if starGame.effects.hasReaction('skin')>>\
Stella's eyes run over you, a smile settling onto her face.
<span class="stella">"Nice. It suits you, in a way. I've never been able to use that without changing back soon after, it just feels weird to see myself in different tones."</span> She says quickly, a hand reaching out to touch your arm.
<<if starGame.effects.hasReaction('harmony') || starGame.effects.hasReaction('geneforge_incident3_male')>>\
Stella pauses for a moment as she recognizes you, before she eventually speaks.
<span class="stella">"You're cute like that, but I preferred the way you originally looked. I'm not going to cut you off over those changes, but I'm going to say right now that this isn't my type."</span> There's a hint of playfulness in her voice, but it's tempered by her serious eyes. Seems like she really doesn't actually like the change.
<<if starGame.effects.hasReaction('amazonia') or starGame.effects.hasReaction('alicemod') or starGame.effects.hasReaction('geneforge_incident4_male')>>\
<span class="stella">"Now this… You look good."</span> She gives you a smile before subtly eyeing your body once more.
<span class="stella">"But in the future, maybe a heads up that you're going to do a large change in advance? Would hate to walk past you because I don't recognize you."</span> She flashes you a smile.
<<run starGame.effects.setReaction('stella')>>\
<</scard>>\<<scard "Thomas has noticed your changes" "border-highlight">>\
<<if starGame.effects.hasReaction('skin')>>\
Thomas doesn't seem to notice the change in your skin color, but he does notice something, as he gives you a quizzical look.
<span class="thomas">"Change your hair? Maybe a new shirt? There's something different about you, I just… oh shit, you've Skinned yourself."</span> A dorkish smile breaks over his face as he lets out a loud laugh. You let a soft sigh out, realizing he was teasing you. Regardless, you're relieved by his acceptance of the change.
<<if starGame.effects.hasReaction('harmony') || starGame.effects.hasReaction('geneforge_incident3_male')>>\
For some reason, Thomas' face flushes when he sees and recognizes you. He makes a point of not really commenting on the change however.
<span class="thomas">"You look good like that."</span> He says gruffly, his tone telling you that he doesn't want to dwell on this subject for much longer. Deciding to not force the matter, you leave the topic alone, doing your best to ignore the glances he shoots you out of the corner of his eye.
<<if starGame.effects.hasReaction('amazonia') or starGame.effects.hasReaction('alicemod') or starGame.effects.hasReaction('geneforge_incident4_male')>>\
Thomas actually doesn't recognize you at first, his eyes sliding over you with only a slight hesitation. However, as he looks at you a second time you see the spark of recognition, which is quickly coupled with a double take as he makes sure he's seeing things right.
<span class="thomas">"Can't decide if that's the best you've ever looked or not."</span> He says after a long silence. The two of you talk about your new body for a short while, with Thomas expressing a casual level of interest in the complexity of the transformation. Before long however, he redirects the conversation to normal topics.
<<run starGame.effects.setReaction('thomas')>>\
<</scard>>\<<scard "Thomas has noticed your changes" "border-highlight">>\
Thomas is halfway to your table when he realizes that it's you, the surprise clear on his face. Seems like the body mods are more effective than you thought.
<<run starGame.effects.setReaction('thomas')>>\
<</scard>>\<<scard "Valerie has noticed your changes" "border-highlight">>\
<<if starGame.effects.hasReaction('skin')>>\
<span class="valerie">"You look so good like that. I used to want to have silver skin, but my mom made me promise to wait until after it's been heavily tested before I make that commitment."</span> Valerie says conversationally, and when you ask about her desire for silver skin, you quickly find yourself trapped in an explanation of a childhood dream of hers.
Minutes pass in a mostly one-sided conversation, before you spot an out. Seizing your chance quickly, you launch a series of pointed questions that soon have you back in a normal conversation.
<<if starGame.effects.hasReaction('harmony') || starGame.effects.hasReaction('geneforge_incident3_male')>>\
<span class="valerie">"It's quite a… bold, if subtle change, don't you think?"</span> You swear you can hear a hint of distaste in Valerie's words, and from the light frown on her face you know that you didn't mishear her.
You delicately query her reaction to your modded body, and are somewhat surprised to find out that she doesn't approve of mods that drastically change the user's body, believing them to be unnatural and a tool of sedition.
Deciding to cut this conversation short, before either of you drastically offends the other further, you quickly return it to a much safer topic, making a mental note of Valerie's conservative views.
<<if starGame.effects.hasReaction('amazonia') or starGame.effects.hasReaction('alicemod') or starGame.effects.hasReaction('geneforge_incident4_male')>>\
Valerie merely gives you a disapproving frown when she recognizes you, and you decide to prevent an argument about morality and whether or not it's right to allow everyone access to mods that allow them to change their identity at the push of a button or not.
Quickly guiding the conversation to normal topics, you decide you can live with her frown and quiet displeasure, for now at least.
<<run starGame.effects.setReaction('valerie')>>\
<</scard>>\<<scard "Valerie has noticed your changes" "border-highlight">>\
It takes Valerie a moment to recognize you, but when she does you see her struggle to hide a scowl. It seems she doesn't exactly approve of your body mods, but that isn't stopping her from approaching you tonight.
<<run starGame.effects.setReaction('valerie')>>\
<span class="hero">"What about my body mods? I thought you didn't approve?"</span> You ask her softly, wondering about the change in attitude.
<span class="valerie">"I don't… but if you don't tell, I won't tell."</span> She pants out, clearly being driven by lust.
<<run starGame.effects.setReaction('valerie2')>>\<<scard "Zara has noticed your changes" "border-highlight">>\
<<if starGame.effects.hasReaction('skin')>>\
Zara raises an eyebrow at your changed skin, but doesn't say anything at first. After a few moments of silence she speaks.
<span class="zara">"You know, an interesting thing in both the history of Caeloria and humanity is that before the widespread use of mods and genetic alteration technology, racism was a common issue."</span> From the way she says it, you understand that she's merely remarking on how the seemingly large change of your skin's color means little these days. Deciding to not dwell on it too much, you smile at her, instead leading the topic to a more normal one.
<<if starGame.effects.hasReaction('harmony') || starGame.effects.hasReaction('geneforge_incident3_male')>>\
Zara gives you a strange smile when she notices your changed body, before seemingly carrying on like nothing is different. As you're about to ask her opinion about your new look, she speaks first, seemingly predicting your question.
<span class="zara">"Just because your body is different doesn't mean your mind is."</span> You decide to not bite at the obvious implication that she recognizes you by reading your mind, and instead focus on her strange form of acceptance. Moving on from your transformation, you decide to talk about something else instead.
<<if starGame.effects.hasReaction('amazonia') or starGame.effects.hasReaction('alicemod') or starGame.effects.hasReaction('geneforge_incident4_male')>>\
Zara takes a moment to recognize you, your altered body seemingly throwing her off for a second. When she does talk in her songlike voice, you can't help but smile.
<span class="zara">"It's jarring to see you in a different body than what I'm used to, more so when your mind is unchanged. Does it feel comfortable to you?"</span> She asks, and you quickly get drawn into a discussion about the differences between your physical self and mental self. It's quite a heavy conversation, and you bring it to a close quickly, not wanting to dive deep into a psycho-analysis just yet.
<<run starGame.effects.setReaction('zara')>>\
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/atrium1.webp"/>
<<scard "Your story">>\
Eldest child of one of the most prestigious families in the Alliance, you were sent to Starwatch Academy shortly after turning 18. Expected to follow in your fathers footsteps and become an elite leader for the Alliance, you quickly found that after a life of being raised for the role, your time in the Academy passed by smoothly, the lessons and tests barely presenting an obstacle to you as you navigated this new stage of your life.
However, increasing rebel boldness led to a targeted attack on the Academy itself, where it was quickly revealed that you are one of their main targets. Now with a new looming threat hanging over your otherwise peaceful college life, you're left feeling the heat as desperate plans are made to find a way to continue your education and protect you at the same time.
One of the first decisions you had to make upon your arrival at the academy was the choice of your major. With a choice between the high-octane fighter course, the tactically minded cruiser course or the strategic battlegroup course, you were certain to leave your mark on the Alliance.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Fighter" "Skip_Act2_Eos">>
<<playerFactSet "major" "fighters">>
<<playerFactSet "class_fighter" 2>>
<<npcFactSet "stella_arcade_visited" true>>
<<npcFactSet "stella_arcade_won" true>>
<<additem "item_quest_arcade_card" 1 false>>
<<slink "Cruiser" "Skip_Act2_Eos">>
<<playerFactSet "major" "cruisers">>
<<playerFactSet "class_cruiser" 2>>
<<npcFactSet "natalie_unlocked" true>>
<<npcFactSet "natalie_livefire_flirt" true>>
<<slink "Battlegroup" "Skip_Act2_Eos">>
<<playerFactSet "major" "battlegroups">>
<<playerFactSet "class_battlegroup" 2>>
<<npcFactSet "erika_unlocked" true>>
<<npcFactSet "erika_livefire_flirt" true>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/other/space.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/locations/eos/bridge_0.webp"/>
<img class="exp-vertical-flip" src="resources/img/characters/crew/natalie/expressions/neutral_uniform.webp"/>
<img class="exp-left-30" src="resources/img/characters/crew/erika/expressions/happy_uniform.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/crew/stella/expressions/neutral_civilian.webp"/>
<<scard "Your story">>\
In an effort to protect you, a curious decision was made, leaving you in command of a new Alliance cruiser, the AMS-Eos, and tasked with earning practical experience in the field. Accompanying you to assist you in this endeavor is a hand picked crew of support officers.
Natalie, a graduate of the cruiser command program, acting as the lead navigator of the Eos and your direct mentor in how to command the ship. Erika von Schwarz, a graduate of Starwatch's exclusive command course, who's striking looks often overshadow her own impressive intellect.
And finally, Stella Pyra, a fellow cadet with top marks in the Starwatch fighter pilot courses, picked to serve as the Eos' shuttle pilot and advisor for snubcraft related issues.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Skip_Act2_Caste">><</slink>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/academy/atrium1.webp"/>
<<scard "An ideal">>\
Following the unification war more than 600 years ago, the newly formed Alliance put an end to the democracy that allowed the mega corporations to expand and conquer unchecked, giving birth to a new empire and a caste system for its population. The royal bloodline holds ultimate power over the alliance and administer entire star sectors, while the different noble families manage smaller planetary territories within these sectors.
The last but largest chunk of the population are the everyday commoners, easily spotted by their lack of family name. While it is possible to rise through the ranks and even obtain nobility through hard work or exceptional deeds, tensions between the noble and commoner castes are common place.
Starwatch is one of the few organizations within the Alliance in which a decree from the Empress herself abolishes the class divide, the need for a unified military superceding the circumstances of birth. This has made joining Starwatch a goal for many commoners and a way to prove their worth to the Alliance, but despite that, human nature rarely changes.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Skip_Act2_EdwardThomas">><</slink>>
<img src="resources/img/events/academy_combat/atrium.webp"/>
<img class="exp-vertical-flip exp-left-15" src="resources/img/characters/main/thomas/expressions/angry_uniform.webp"/>
<img class="exp-vertical-flip exp-left-10" src="resources/img/characters/main/jaime/expressions/neutral_uniform.webp"/>
<img class="exp-right-25" src="resources/img/characters/main/edward/expressions/angry_uniform.webp"/>
<img class="exp-right-5" src="resources/img/characters/main/valerie/expressions/neutral_uniform.webp"/>
<<scard "An ideal">>\
You got direct proof of it during a drill at the end of your orientation week, as Edward Richten and Thomas, the self-appointed representatives of the noble and commoner cadets, chose to pick a fight in the middle of the drill.
Both of them put you in a difficult situation, asking you to pick a side between the nobles and the commoners on the spot. They knew the weight your choice would have, and this wasn't a situation you had any chance to escape from.
By supporting Edward, you would reinforce the support of the influential but sparse nobles, while supporting Thomas would win you the support of the commoners cadets and general population.
<<sinfotip>>If you choose to support Edward, you will not be able to have a relationship with Jaime.<</sinfotip>>\
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Edward (Nobles)" "Skip_Act2_Curie">>
<<playerFactSet "rival" "thomas">>
<<npcFactSet "orientation_d6_morning_drill_side" "edward">>\
<<npcStatSet "thomas_affinity" -20>>
<<npcStatSet "edward_affinity" 25>>
<<slink "Thomas (Commoners)" "Skip_Act2_Curie">>
<<playerFactSet "rival" "edward">>
<<npcFactSet "orientation_d6_morning_drill_side" "thomas">>\
<<npcStatSet "edward_affinity" -20>>
<<npcStatSet "thomas_affinity" 25>>
<img src="resources/img/scenes/orientation_curie/propose.webp"/>
<<scard "Curie">>\
Fortunately, these were isolated incidents and most of your time at the academy was a breeze. There was also no lack of people looking to see what was hiding under your academy uniform. One of them is Curie, the first person you've met at the Academy and member of the student council.
The interest was mutual and you quickly found yourself involved in your first hook-up at the Academy. Over the next couple of days after your arrival, you continued to meet and fuck before she eventually introduced you to the use of mod injectors. These devices are fairly popular in Alliance space, with the temporary injectors being the most widespread, while those able to cause permanent changes are highly regulated and obtainable solely through clinical appointments.
<<if starGame.player.getFact('transstart') is true>>\
During one of your hook-ups, you learned Curie has particular tastes, enjoying the sight of a penis on a feminine body, and your current body was the perfect fit for her.
During one of your hook-ups, you learned Curie has particular tastes, enjoying the sight of a penis on a feminine body, and encouraged you to use a temporary body mod named Amazonia, which reshaped you into an excessively sensitive futanari for several hours.
Curie's overall attitude towards you could be qualified as...
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Curie is submissive" "Skip_Act2_Diane">>
<<npcStatSet "curie_submission" 25>>
<<npcStatSet "curie_submission" 25>>
<<npcFactSet "curie_relationship" true>>
<<npcStatSet "curie_affinity" 25>>
<<npcFactSet "curie_intro_shakehands" true>>
<<npcFactSet "curie_intro_sex" true>>
<<slink "Curie is dominant" "Skip_Act2_Diane">>
<<npcStatSet "curie_domination" 25>>
<<npcFactSet "curie_relationship" true>>
<<npcStatSet "curie_affinity" 25>>
<<npcFactSet "curie_intro_shakehands" true>>
<<npcFactSet "curie_intro_sex" true>>
<img src="resources/img/scenes/d1_diane/showpussy.webp"/>
<<scard "Diane">>\
Diane is another cadet with whom you get along. Fiercly competitive and highly passionate, she spends most of her free time at the Gym.
A hot and heavy personal session with her revealed that she has permanently modded herself with extra internal clits, causing the slightest contact to send her to nirvana.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Skip_Act2_Eva">>
<<npcStatSet "diane_affinity" 25>>
<<npcFactSet "diane_sexfriend" true>>
<<npcFactSet "diane_nc_relationship" true>>
<<playerFactSet "orientation_d4_morning_gym" true>>
<<npcFactSet "orientation_d4_morning_gym_sharebag" true>>
<<npcFactSet "orientation_d4_morning_gym_dianesex" true>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/eva/scenes/beach/beach_recliner_bg.webp"/>
<<scard "Eva">>\
Eva is the custom built AI that helps oversee Starwatch Academy. While she poses as a regular AI, you've found yourself in a peculiar situation with her, discovering her true sentience and past as Vanguard, the AI which used to supervise the Alliance's defenses up to the second war.
Trusted with a secret that could cause her to be decommissioned out of fear if revealed, you chose to trust her, causing the bond between the two of you grow stronger than ever, even getting involved in romantic and sexual activities in virtual simulations of her own design.
More recently, Eva has been integrated to the Eos' systems, allowing her to travel to the stars with you.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "">>
<<npcStatSet "eva_affinity" 25>>
<<npcStatSet "eva_relationship" 25>>
<<npcFactSet "eva_intro_greet" true>>
<<npcFactSet "orientation_d4_archives_leisure_eva_sex" true>>
<<npcFactSet "orientation_d4_evening_eva_sleep" true>>
<<npcFactSet "eva_stage1_beach_notify" true>>
<<npcFactSet "eva_stage1_beach_visit" true>>
<<npcFactSet "eva_stage2_beach_visit" true>>
<<npcFactSet "eva_simulation_bedroom_event1" true>>
<<npcFactSet "eva_relationship" true>>
<<npcFactSet "eva_locked" false>>
/% If sided with commoners, Jaime is available %/
<<if starGame.player.getFact('rival') is 'edward'>>
<<goto "Skip_Act2_Jaime">>
<<goto "Skip_Act2_Valerie">>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/jaime/nc_sitting.webp"/>
<<scard "Jaime">>\
Jaime is a warm yet shy girl that occasionally helps Thomas advise the commoner cadets. Interested in vintage music and gaming, you quickly found yourself at ease in her company.
During breakfast together at the cafeteria one day, she tried to ask you out but failed to gather the courage to do it. Your sharp senses caught onto her intent and you chose to ask her out first. Later, during a date, you learnt she is one of the rare people you know that does not like ice cream.
A kiss later, you learned keeping Jaime happy isn't going to be a hard task, with truth and honestly being more than enough for her.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Skip_Act2_Valerie">>
<<npcStatSet "jaime_affinity" 25>>
<<npcStatSet "jaime_relationship" 5>>
<<npcFactSet "jaime_stage1_cafe" true>>
<<npcFactSet "jaime_stage1_cinema" true>>
<<npcFactSet "jaime_stage1_cafeteria" true>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/valerie/scenes/date_night_valerie_bg.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/valerie/scenes/date_night_valerie.webp"/>
<<scard "Valerie">>\
If there was a way to showcase how your average noble operates, Valerie Teague is the perfect example. She kept her distances during your first few days at the academy, analyzing your behavior and calculating how she could benefit from you.
A surprise invitation to a date to discuss "potential benefits of an early romantic relationship" led you to believe you had her figured out and you chose to attend the date, in part out of curiosity.
You quickly found yourself puzzled as increasingly surprising statements punctuated the date, ranging from marriage talks, allocation of time, producing gossip material, or even the expectation of having "toys" to play with when either of you are busy.
Her words did make you interested in hearing more of her plans, however slightly but you chose to take her hand gently in yours, the businesslike nature of her conversation crumbling under your gaze.
While you've yet to see how the romantic aspect of your relationship will develop, you've at least scored yourself a sizeable political ally.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Skip_Act2_Maki">>
<<npcStatSet "valerie_affinity" 25>>
<<npcStatSet "valerie_relationship" 5>>
<<npcFactSet "valerie_stage1_restaurant_accept" true>>
<<npcFactSet "valerie_stage1_call_accept" true>>
<<npcFactSet "orientation_d6_morning_drill_complete" true>>
<<npcFactSet "orientation_d6_morning_drill_metvalerie" true>>
<<if starGame.player.hasPenis()>>
<<if starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'black'>>
<img src="resources/img/scenes/d4_maki/m_black_bj.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'tan'>>
<img src="resources/img/scenes/d4_maki/m_tan_bj.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/scenes/d4_maki/m_fair_bj.webp"/>
<<if starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'black'>>
<img src="resources/img/scenes/d4_maki/f_black_bj.webp"/>
<<elseif starGame.player.getAppearance('skin') is 'tan'>>
<img src="resources/img/scenes/d4_maki/f_tan_bj.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/scenes/d4_maki/f_fair_bj.webp"/>
<<scard "Maki">>\
Wandering around the academy led you to discover the Among the Stars cafe, a maid cafe located in the commons. This is where you met Maki, a senior maid assigned as your personal servant.
After your first visit at the cafe, Maki gave you a strange folded paper note, detailing how as a VIP you received lifetime access to one free drink and meal a day, and your own personal maid.
It's only later you've discovered having a personal maid wasn't solely about food and drinks, but also sexual services. You've taken a liking to these visits and receiving sexual relief from Maki, the two of you growing closer as time went by and you learned a bit more about her life.
Things took a turn when during a relief session you wanted to give back and slid a hand under her dress, finding a bulge instead of a pussy. It took some time before Maki had the courage to be confronted about it, but eventually you managed to sit down with her and let her know you were alright with it and not planning to hold her silence on the matter against her.
Since then, your usual sessions have resumed, your acceptance causing Maki to be willing to take things further. If anything, you've found yourself a true friend, with benefits, for a lifetime.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Skip_Act2_Julianna">>
<<npcStatSet "maki_affinity" 25>>
<<npcFactSet "maki_cafe_sex" true>>
<<npcFactSet "maki_cafe_reveal" true>>
<<npcFactSet "maki_stage1_accept" true>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/julianna/scenes/date/date_dinner1_bg.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/julianna/scenes/date/date_dinner1_julianna.webp"/>
<<scard "Julianna">>\
You were relaxing in the atrium one day when a young cadet named Julianna asked if you would let her sit and pass time with you. A late arrival to the Academy and missing the first day of orientation led to her having a bit of a hard time getting by.
Later, when Maki set you up on a blind date, you were surprised to find Julianna sitting in front of you. The sublime redhead and yourself got along quite well, enough to consider being more than friends, with her only requirement being some level of commitment.
You chose to do just that, leading to a night of passionate sex with the redhead. The bomb came a few weeks later when she asked you out on another date, revealing to you that she was no mere low caste commoner, but the royal princess herself.
You've grown to understand the complex mechanism with the fake identity put in place by the Empress to guarantee Julianna's safety, but you've nonetheless now found yourself dating the future Empress and while Julianna seems to strive for being a normal being, you should never forget the power she wields, one that may someday be yours as well if things get serious between the two of you.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Skip_Act2_Ann">>
<<npcStatSet "julianna_affinity" 50>>
<<npcStatSet "julianna_relationship" 11>>
<<npcFactSet "julianna_atrium_smalltalk" true>>
<<npcFactSet "orientation_d3_atrium_acceptcompany" true>>
<<npcFactSet "orientation_d4_evening_date" "julianna">>
<<npcFactSet "orientation_d4_evening_date_julianna_sex" true>>
<<playerFactSet "orientation_d5_afternoon_julianna_duo" true>>
<<npcFactSet "julianna_stage1_call_accept" true>>
<<npcFactSet "julianna_stage1_complete" true>>
<<npcFactSet "julianna_stage1_pickup" true>>
<<npcFactSet "julianna_relationship" true>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/station/annoffice.webp"/>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/ann/expressions/happy_uniform.webp"/>
<<scard "Lieutenant Ann">>\
You could say Ann is almost a $character_lastName of her own. A past Starwatch cadet, she was so promising your father took her under his wing after her graduation, making her his personal and most trusted aide.
You occasionally got to talk to her via holo communications when your father was unavailable to take the call, learning tiny bits about her as years passed. These days, despite her seemingly low rank of Lieutenant, her status as your father's aide make her wield just as much power as he does as the grand admiral of the Alliance.
What you didn't expect was to meet her in person as orientation week came to an end. She announced your father chose to cut you off from the family funds during your stay as a Starwatch cadet and force you to learn to live by yourself.
This decision caused you to seek a job, your social status making it an easy task as you quickly scored a position as a research assistant to Dr. Daniella at Geneforge Labs, and as a clerk of the immigration bureau working for Felix Cross at Ascendent Towers.
Perhaps the most surprising part of meeting her in person is the realization your father reassigned her as your own personal aide from now on, leaving an experienced guardian by your side, willing to do anything for you all while ensuring no harm can come to you.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Skip_Act2_Zara">>
<<npcStatSet "ann_affinity" 25>>
<<npcStatSet "ann_relationship" 5>>
<<npcFactSet "ann_stage1_notify" true>>
<<npcFactSet "ann_stage1_visited" true>>
<<npcFactSet "ann_stage1_call" true>>
<img src="resources/img/characters/main/zara/zara_classroom.webp"/>
<<scard "Zara Vel">>\
One thing you did not expect to see at Starwatch was an alien, the Alliance well known for keeping its borders shut and tightly controlled.
On your fifth day at the academy, you met Zara Vel, a member of the Caelorian Unity. Caelorians were among the first alien species encountered in the early days of Alliance expansion. Their enigmatic, friendly nature and proximity to Alliance space led to diplomatic relations being established between the two races, with select diplomats meeting aboard a shared, neutral space station on the edge of the respective territories.
Showing up early to class that day allowed you to have some alone time with Zara and learn more about her presence at the Academy. Her appointment as an instructor was the result of a groundbreaking interspecies cultural exchange program between the Alliance and the Caelorians, a testament to the progress being made towards peaceful relationships with this species that shares a surprising amount of similarities with the human race, often sparking some debate about linked ancestry.
After you met with Zara outside of class a couple of times afterwards, you slowly learnt about her solitude and longing for companionship. Your relationship with each other was normal until you decided to watch a porn movie at the archives one day and found yourself face-to-face with Instructor Vel as you were leaving. She gave you the keycard to her personal dorm and an ominous invitation to find out what may happen.
Your curiosity got the better of you and you soon found yourself engaging in secret sexual activities with the Caelorian, and what seemed to be about satisfying sexual cravings at first has slowly but surely started to shift into something more personal with deep feelings for one another.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Skip_Act2_Conclusion">>
<<additem "item_quest_zararoom_card" 1 false>>
<<npcStatSet "zara_affinity" 25>>
<<npcFactSet "archives_zara_stage1" true>>
<<npcFactSet "zara_stage1_visited" true>>
<<npcFactSet "zara_stage1_accept" true>>
<<npcFactSet "zara_stage1_cafe_notify" true>>
<<npcFactSet "zara_stage1_cafe" true>>
<<npcFactSet "zara_stage1_afterhack_notify" true>>
<<npcFactSet "zara_stage1_afterhack_visited" true>>
<<npcFactSet "zara_stage1_afterhack_accept" true>>
<img src="resources/img/locations/station/hangar.webp"/>
<<scard "Boundless Horizons">>\
You woke up this morning to find a message from Lieutenant Ann informing you the Eos was cleared for launch today. As if on cue, one of Eva's drones entered the room, carrying a bag and making a beeline for your closet.
You took your morning shower while the drone was being busy in your apartment, collecting various belongings. When you left the bathroom, you saw it leave your apartment carrying a couple of full bags, which was a good enough reminder this was not going to be a one day field trip.
After changing into a fresh uniform, you made your way for the Orbital Station, where the Eos and your crew was waiting in one of the hangar bays.
<<box "choicebox">>
<<slink "Continue" "Eos_FirstFlight_Intro">><</slink>>
<<if false>>
<<event "Eos_Flight_Captain_Wakeup" 0>><<nextday>>
<<default "Eos_Flight_Captain_Wakeup">><<nextday>>
/% Geneforge Incident %/
<<if starGame.quests.isQuestTaskActive('story_geneforge_incident_male', 'story_geneforge_incident_intro') and starGame.player.getFact('geneforge_incident1_stage1') is undefined>>
/% Geneforge Incident 1 Stage 1 (Male Start) %/
<<goto Apartment_Event_Geneforge_Incident1_Male1>>
<<elseif starGame.quests.isQuestTaskActive('story_geneforge_incident_male', 'story_geneforge_incident_intro') and starGame.player.getFact('geneforge_incident1_stage2') is undefined and starGame.effects.getEffect('geneforge_incident2') is 1>>
<<goto Apartment_Event_Geneforge_Incident1_Male2>>
<<elseif starGame.quests.isQuestTaskActive('story_geneforge_incident_male', 'story_geneforge_incident_intro') and starGame.player.getFact('geneforge_incident1_stage3') is undefined and starGame.effects.getEffect('geneforge_incident3') is 1>>
<<goto Apartment_Event_Geneforge_Incident1_Male3>>
<<elseif starGame.quests.isQuestTaskActive('story_geneforge_incident_trans', 'story_geneforge_incident_intro') and starGame.player.getFact('geneforge_incident1_stage1') is undefined>>
/% Geneforge Incident 1 (Trans Start) %/
<<goto Apartment_Event_Geneforge_Incident1_Trans1>>
<<elseif starGame.quests.isQuestTaskActive('story_geneforge_incident_trans', 'story_geneforge_incident_intro') and starGame.player.getFact('geneforge_incident1_stage2') is undefined and starGame.effects.getEffect('geneforge_incident2') is 1>>
<<goto Apartment_Event_Geneforge_Incident1_Trans2>>
<<elseif starGame.quests.isQuestTaskActive('story_geneforge_incident_trans', 'story_geneforge_incident_intro') and starGame.player.getFact('geneforge_incident1_stage3') is undefined and starGame.effects.getEffect('geneforge_incident3') is 1>>
<<goto Apartment_Event_Geneforge_Incident1_Trans3>>
<<elseif starGame.quests.isQuestTaskActive('story_geneforge_incident_female', 'story_geneforge_incident_intro') and starGame.player.getFact('geneforge_incident1_stage1') is undefined>>
/% Geneforge Incident 1 (Female Start) %/
<<goto Apartment_Event_Geneforge_Incident1_Female1>>
<<elseif starGame.quests.isQuestTaskActive('story_geneforge_incident_female', 'story_geneforge_incident_intro') and starGame.player.getFact('geneforge_incident1_stage2') is undefined and starGame.effects.getEffect('geneforge_incident2') is 1>>
<<goto Apartment_Event_Geneforge_Incident1_Female2>>
<<elseif starGame.quests.isQuestTaskActive('story_geneforge_incident_female', 'story_geneforge_incident_intro') and starGame.player.getFact('geneforge_incident1_stage3') is undefined and starGame.effects.getEffect('geneforge_incident3') is 1>>
<<goto Apartment_Event_Geneforge_Incident1_Female3>>
/% Christmas Event check %/
<<elseif starGame.time.startChristmasEvent() is true>>
<<goto Event_Christmas_Intro>>
/% Campaign: Act 1 %/
<<elseif starGame.npcs.getFact('ann_stage1_notify') is not true and starGame.quests.isQuestTaskComplete('story_findjob', 'story_findjob_acquirejob') is true>>
/% Campaign Act 0: Visit Ann aboard the garrison %/
<<goto Apartment_LivingRoom_WakeUp_AnnStage1_Station>>
<<elseif starGame.player.getFact('campaign_father_visit1') is not true and starGame.quests.isQuestTaskActive('story_campaign_act1', 'story_campaign_act1_hack') is true and State.variables.time_days >= 15>>
/% Campaign Act 1: If experienced class hack and has spent at least 15 days at the academy, trigger the visit from father %/
<<goto Apartment_LivingRoom_WakeUp_FatherVisit_Stage1>>
<<elseif starGame.player.getFact('campaign_protests') is undefined and starGame.player.getFact('campaign_father_visit1') is true and State.variables.time_days >= 30>>
<<goto Apartment_LivingRoom_WakeUp_Protests>>
<<elseif starGame.player.getFact('campaign_act1_livefire_notify') is undefined and starGame.player.getFact('campaign_protests') is true and State.variables.time_days >= 35>>
<<goto Apartment_LivingRoom_WakeUp_CampaignAct1_AnnInviteLiveFire>>
<<elseif starGame.player.getFact('campaign_act1_livefire_completed') is true and starGame.player.getFact('campaign_act1_cruiser_notify') is undefined and State.variables.time_days >= 40>>
<<goto Apartment_LivingRoom_WakeUp_CampaignAct1_CruiserNotify>>
/% Campaign: Act 0 %/
<<elseif starGame.npcs.getFact('ann_stage1_visited') is true and starGame.quests.isQuestActive('story_findjob')>>
/% End campaign act 0 and start act 1 %/
<<goto "Apartment_LivingRoom">>
/% Zara %/
<<elseif starGame.npcs.getFact('zara_stage1_cafe_notify') is not true and starGame.quests.isQuestTaskComplete('story_zara_stage1', 'story_zara_stage1_accept') is true>>
/% Zara's quest part 2 %/
<<goto Apartment_LivingRoom_WakeUp_ZaraStage1_Coffee>>
<<elseif starGame.npcs.getFact('zara_stage1_bodyswap_intro_accept') is not undefined and starGame.npcs.getFact('zara_stage1_bodyswap2_notify') is undefined>>
/% Zara's quest part 2 %/
<<goto Apartment_LivingRoom_WakeUp_Zara_Bodyswap2Notify>>
/% Zara x Letho, one time event %/
/% Needs to have TF'd Letho up to the apartment event and encouraged him (Take me home) %/
/% Needs to have a sexual relationship with Zara, so at least the handjob (Diplomatic Activities) %/
<<elseif starGame.npcs.getFact('zara_letho_watch') is undefined and starGame.npcs.getFact('letho_apartment_encourage') is true and starGame.npcs.getFact('zara_stage1_accept') is true>>
<<goto Apartment_Event_Zara_Letho1>>
/% Eva %/
<<elseif starGame.npcs.getFact('eva_stage1_beach_notify') is not true>>
/% Provide access to Eva's Simulation %/
<<goto Apartment_LivingRoom_WakeUp_EvaStage1_BeachSimulation>>
/% Ann %/
<<elseif starGame.npcs.getFact('ann_stage1_call') is undefined and State.variables.time_days >= 15 and starGame.player.inRelationship() is not true>>
/% Ann Stage 1: Call MC %/
<<goto Ann_Date_Stage1>>
/% Julianna %/
<<elseif starGame.npcs.getFact('julianna_stage1_call_accept') is undefined and starGame.npcs.getFact('julianna_relationship') is true and State.variables.time_days >= 20>>
/% Julianna Stage 1: Call MC %/
<<goto Julianna_Date_Stage1>>
<<elseif starGame.npcs.getFact('julianna_relationship') is true and starGame.npcs.getFact('julianna_stage1_pickup') is true and starGame.npcs.getFact('julianna_apartment') is undefined and State.variables.time_days >= 25>>
/% Julianna Stage 1: Call MC after dinner (and not failing to show up) %/
<<goto Apartment_Event_Julianna_Stage1_AfterDinner>>
/% Diane %/
<<elseif starGame.npcs.getFact('diane_stage1_call_accept') is undefined and starGame.npcs.getFact('diane_sexfriend') is true and State.variables.time_days >= 20>>
/% Diane Stage 1: Call MC %/
<<goto Diane_Date_Stage1>>
/% Jaime %/
<<elseif starGame.npcs.getStat('jaime_relationship') > 5 and starGame.npcs.getFact('jaime_stage1_afterdate_notify') is undefined and State.variables.time_days >= 20>>
/% Jaime Stage 1: Invite MC to apartment %/
<<goto Apartment_LivingRoom_WakeUp_Jaime_AfterDate_Notify>>
/% Valerie %/
<<elseif starGame.npcs.getFact('valerie_stage1_call_accept') is undefined and State.variables.time_days >= 20>>
/% Valerie Stage 1: Call MC %/
<<goto Valerie_Date_Stage1>>
<<elseif starGame.player.getFact('campaign_hack') is true and starGame.npcs.getFact('zara_stage1_cafe') is true and starGame.npcs.getFact('zara_stage1_afterhack_notify') is not true>>
/% Zara Stage 1: Call MC after hack %/
<<goto Apartment_LivingRoom_WakeUp_ZaraStage1_AfterHack>>
<<elseif starGame.player.getFact('campaign_hack') is true and starGame.npcs.getFact('father_stage1_afterhack_notify') is not true>>
/% Father Stage 1: Send a message to MC after hack %/
<<goto Apartment_LivingRoom_WakeUp_FatherStage1_Notify>>
/% Thomas %/
<<elseif starGame.player.getFact('rival') is not 'thomas' and starGame.npcs.getFact('thomas_stage1_notify') is undefined and State.variables.time_days >= 20>>
/% Thomas Stage 1: Message %/
<<goto Apartment_LivingRoom_WakeUp_ThomasStage1_Notify>>
/% Edward %/
<<elseif starGame.player.getFact('rival') is not 'edward' and starGame.npcs.getFact('edward_stage1_notify') is undefined and State.variables.time_days >= 20>>
/% Edward Stage 1: Message %/
<<goto Apartment_LivingRoom_WakeUp_EdwardStage1_Notify>>
/% Dominant Curie %/
<<elseif starGame.npcs.getFact('curie_relationship') is true and starGame.npcs.getStat('curie_domination') >= 25 and starGame.npcs.getFact('curie_stage1_notify') is undefined and State.variables.time_days >= 20>>
/% Curie Stage 1: Dom Path Enablement %/
<<goto Apartment_Event_Curie_Stage1_Dom>>
<<elseif starGame.npcs.getFact('curie_relationship') is true and starGame.npcs.getFact('curie_dom') is true and starGame.npcs.getStat('curie_domination') >= 25 and starGame.npcs.getFact('curie_stage1_dom_event2_accept') is undefined and State.variables.time_days >= 25>>
/% Curie Stage 1: Dom Path Event 2 %/
<<goto Apartment_Event_Curie_Stage1_Dom_Event2>>
/% Submissive Curie %/
<<elseif starGame.npcs.getFact('curie_relationship') is true and starGame.npcs.getStat('curie_submission') >= 25 and starGame.npcs.getFact('curie_stage1_notify') is undefined and State.variables.time_days >= 20>>
/% Curie Stage 1: Sub Path Enablement %/
<<goto Apartment_Event_Curie_Stage1_Sub>>
<<elseif starGame.npcs.getFact('curie_relationship') is true and starGame.npcs.getFact('curie_sub') is true and starGame.npcs.getStat('curie_submission') >= 25 and starGame.npcs.getFact('curie_stage1_sub_event2_accept') is undefined and State.variables.time_days >= 25>>
/% Curie Stage 1: Sub Path Event 2 %/
<<goto Apartment_Event_Curie_Stage1_Sub_Event2>>
<<event "Apartment_LivingRoom" 0>><<nextday>>
<<default "Apartment_LivingRoom">><<nextday>>
<img @src="starGame.paperdoll.getPovBodyLayer()"/>
<img @src="starGame.paperdoll.getPovGenitalsLayer()"/>
<<if starGame.player.hasBreasts()>>
<img @src="starGame.paperdoll.getPovBreastsLayer()"/>
<</nobr>>\<<scard "Debug area">>
<<sbutton "Set Avatar" "Debug_SetAvatar">><</sbutton>>
<<sbutton "Cards" "Debug_Card">><</sbutton>>
<<sbutton "Buttons" "Debug_Buttons">><</sbutton>>
<<sbutton "Items & Inventory" "Debug_Inventory">><</sbutton>>
<<sbutton "Maps" "Debug_AcademyMap">><</sbutton>>
<<sbutton "Paperdoll" "Debug_Paperdoll">><</sbutton>>
<<sbutton "Shops" "Debug_Shops">><</sbutton>>
<<sbutton "Random Event" "Debug_RandomEvent">><</sbutton>>
<<sbutton "Minigame" "Debug_RemoteMinigame">><</sbutton>>
<</scard>>\<<scard "Choose Avatar">>
this is old
<</scard>>\<div class="menu-container">
<<scard "Card with header">>This card has a header.
Guess what <<stooltip>>The paradox arises because it rests on two incompatible premises—that there can exist simultaneously such things as unstoppable forces and immovable objects.<</stooltip>>
<<scard>>This card has no header.
<div class="tabler-icon">
<i class="ti ti-arrow-right-circle"></i>
<div class="tabler-icon-codes">
<code>ti ti-arrow-right-circle</code><br>
<div class="tabler-icon">
<i class="ti ti-circuit-diode"></i>
<div class="tabler-icon-codes">
<code>ti ti-circuit-diode</code><br>
<<smenucard "test menu card">>
This is a test menu card bound to variable gameplay_lastPlayablePassage
<button class="sbutton link-internal" data-passage="Debug_Menu" type="button" role="button" tabindex="0"><div class="sbutton_frame_structure">
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 187 38" preserveAspectRatio="none" class="sbutton_frame_structure_svg">
<g style="transform: translate(2px, 2px);">
<path data-type="shape" d="M0,34 L168,34 L183,19 L183,0 L15,0 L0,15" class="sbutton_structure_hexagon_shape"></path>
<path data-type="polyline" d="M0,34 L168,34 L183,19 L183,0" class="sbutton_structure_hexagon_polyline"></path>
<path data-type="polyline" d="M183,0 L15,0 L0,15 L0,34" class="sbutton_structure_hexagon_polyline"></path>
<div class="sbutton_frame_content">
<span class="sbutton_frame_content_text_container">
<span class="sbutton_frame_content_text">Debug Menu</span>
<<siconbutton "ti-circle-x" "" "">><</siconbutton>>
<<scard2 "New UI with Header">>\
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
<<scard2 "">>\
Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo. Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem quia voluptas sit aspernatur aut odit aut fugit, sed quia consequuntur magni dolores eos qui ratione voluptatem sequi nesciunt. Neque porro quisquam est, qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet, consectetur, adipisci velit, sed quia non numquam eius modi tempora incidunt ut labore et dolore magnam aliquam quaerat voluptatem. Ut enim ad minima veniam, quis nostrum exercitationem ullam corporis suscipit laboriosam, nisi ut aliquid ex ea commodi consequatur? Quis autem vel eum iure reprehenderit qui in ea voluptate velit esse quam nihil molestiae consequatur, vel illum qui dolorem eum fugiat quo voluptas nulla pariatur?
<<scard2 "" "devcard">>dev card<</scard2>>
<<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/beachsim/beach_water.webp"/><img src="resources/img/locations/beachsim/eva_in_water.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
</div><<include Toolkit_Menu_Header>>\
<div class="menu-container">
<<scard "Quests">>
<table class="table_debugdump">
<<for _i, _quest range starGame.quests.database>>
<td><<print _quest.id>></td>
<td><<print _quest.name>></td>
<td><<print _quest.description>></td>
<td><<capture _i, _quest>>
<<slink "Start" "" "btn btn-sm btn-highlight">>
<<run starGame.quests.startQuest(_quest.id);>>
<<slink "End" "" "btn btn-sm btn-highlight">>
<<run starGame.quests.endQuest(_quest.id);>>
</div><<button "random event">>
<<event "Debug_RandomEvent_Once" 50 "debugevent">>
<<event "Debug_RandomEvent_Multiple" 50>>
<<default "Debug_RandomEvent_Default">>
<<button "random scene">>
<<scene "Debug_RandomEvent_Once">>
<<scene "Debug_RandomEvent_Multiple">>
<<scene "Debug_RandomEvent_Default">>
<</button>><<playerFactSet "debugevent" true>>
You have found a gigachad (Debug_RandomEvent_Once)
<<link "Go back to debug event page" "Debug_RandomEvent">><</link>>You have found a meme (Debug_RandomEvent_Multiple)
<<link "Go back to debug event page" "Debug_RandomEvent">><</link>>You have failed, better luck next time
<<link "Go back to debug event page" "Debug_RandomEvent">><</link>><<include Toolkit_Menu_Header>>\
<div class="menu-container">
<<scard "Combat Scenarios">>
<<timed 0.01s>>
<table class="table_debugdump">
<<for _i, _scenario range starGame.combat.scenarios>>
<td><<print _i>></td>
<<print '<<slink "Start" "Combat" "btn btn-sm btn-highlight">><<set $combat to "'+_i+'">><<set $combat_passage to "Surface_Lobby">><</slink>>'>>
</div><<scard "Buttons !">>
<<sbutton "Shake her hand" "Debug_Buttons2" "good">>
<<snotify "info">>Curie liked that.<</snotify>>
<<npcStatIncrease "curie_affinity" 25>>
<<snotify "info">>+1 Paragon.<</snotify>>
<<playerStatIncrease "alignment" 1>>
<<sbutton "Ignore handshake" "Debug_Buttons2" "bad">>
<<snotify "info">>Curie did not like that.<</snotify>>
<<npcStatDecrease "curie_affinity" 25>>
<<snotify "info">>+1 Renegade.<</snotify>>
<<playerStatDecrease "alignment" 1>>
current alignment value: <<playerStatPrint "alignment">>
current curie affinity: <<npcStatPrint "curie_affinity">>
<<scard "Facts">>
<<sbutton "Set Test to 1" "Debug_Buttons">>
<<playerFactSet "test" 1>>
<<sbutton "Set Test2 to null" "Debug_Buttons">>
<<playerFactSet "test2" null>>
<<sbutton "Set Test2 to string" "Debug_Buttons">>
<<playerFactSet "test2" "very nice">>
<<if player.getFact("test")>>
fact "test" is set to <<playerFactPrint "test">>
<<if player.getFact("test2")>>
fact "test2" is set to <<playerFactPrint "test2">>
<<scard "Gameplay flags">>
<<sbutton "Enable cute content" "Debug_Buttons">>
<<gameplayFlagSet "cute" true>>
<<sbutton "Disable cute content" "Debug_Buttons">>
<<gameplayFlagSet "cute" false>>
Value of GF "cute": <<gameplayFlagPrint "cute">>
<<if flags.getFlag("cute")>>
You are allowed to see cute content. <3
You're not allowed to see cute content. >)
<</scard>>\<<scard "Buttons !">>
<<sbutton "Nothing personal kid" "Debug_Buttons2">>
<<snotify "info">>Renegade Maxed.<</snotify>>
<<playerStatSet "alignment" -100>>
<<sbutton "Go back" "Debug_Buttons">><</sbutton>>
<</scard>>\<<scard "End of current content">>
Thanks for playing Starwatch Academy!
You have reached the end of the current version. Free roam is not yet implemented, therefore there is nothing else to do on the current path. Feel free to explore alternative paths to experience different content!
If you like the game, please give us your thoughts and suggestions. Your feedback is very important and will help us shape the future of the game.
This game is a work of passion and we work on it as much as our daily lives allow us to. With your financial support, we can spend more time working on the game. If you are ready to take the step, please check out our patreon page. As a supporter, you will get access to exclusive content, early access to new versions, the ability to vote in polls and much more!
You can find more about Starwatch Academy on:
- Our tfgames thread: <a href="https://tfgames.site/?module=viewgame&id=2842" target="_blank">View tfgames page</a>
- Our itch.io page: <a href="https://jadeddreams.itch.io/starwatch-academy" target="_blank">View itch.io page</a>
- Our official website: <a href="https://www.playstarwatch.com" target="_blank">Visit official website</a>
- Our discord server: <a href="https://discord.gg/Shk7ZuGTCG" target="_blank">Join Discord server</a>
- Our patreon page: <a href="https://www.patreon.com/jadeddreams" target="_blank">Visit Patreon page</a>
<</scard>>\<<include Toolkit_Menu_Header>>\
<div class="menu-container">
<<scard "Inventory and items">>
<<button "All actions" "Debug_Inventory_AllActions">><</button>>
<<button "All items" "Debug_Inventory_AllItems">><</button>>
<<button "Add 5 credits" "Debug_Inventory">><<run starGame.player.addMoney(5);>> <</button>>
<<button "Remove 5 credits" "Debug_Inventory">><<run starGame.player.removeMoney(5);>> <</button>>
hasMoney 500 credits or more: <<if starGame.player.hasMoney(500)>>Yes<<else>>No<</if>>
</div><<include Toolkit_Menu_Header>>\
<div class="menu-container">
<<scard "Inventory and items">>
<div class="center">
<<button "Menu" "Debug_Inventory">><</button>>
<<button "Add all items to inventory" "Debug_Inventory_AllItems">><<script>>starGame.inventory.addAllItemsToInventory();<</script>><</button>>
<table class="table_debugdump">
<<for _i, _item range starGame.items.database>>
<<if _item.flags.includes('sup') is not true>>
<td><img class='debug_inventory_img' @src='_item.icon'/></td>
<td><<print _item.id>></td>
<td><<print _item.name>></td>
<td><<capture _i, _item>>
<<button "Add to inventory" "Debug_Inventory_AllItems">>
<<run console.log(_item.id); starGame.inventory.addItemById(_item.id, 1, true);>>
</div><<include Toolkit_Menu_Header>>\
<div class="menu-container">
<<scard "Actions">>
<div class="center">
<<button "Menu" "Debug_Inventory">><</button>>
<table class="table_debugdump">
<<for _i, _action range starGame.actions.database>>
<td><<print _action.id>></td>
<td><<print _action.description>></td>
<td><<capture _i, _action>>
<<sbutton "Run action" "">>
<<run console.log(_action.id); starGame.actions.runActionById(_action.id);>>
</div><<include Toolkit_Menu_Header>>\
<div class="menu-container">
<<scard "Effects">>
<div class="center">
<<button "Menu" "Debug_Inventory">><</button>>
<table class="table_debugdump">
<<for _i, _effect range starGame.effects.database>>
<td><img class='debug_inventory_img' @src='_effect.icon'/></td>
<td><<print _effect.id>></td>
<td><<print _effect.name>></td>
<td><<print _effect.description>></td>
<td><<print _effect.duration>></td>
<td><<capture _i, _action>>
<<sbutton "Add" "">>
<<run console.log(_effect.id); starGame.effects.addEffect(_effect.id);>>
</div><<include Toolkit_Menu_Header>>\
<div class="menu-container">
<<scard "Current variables">>
<table class="table_debugdump">
<th>Current Value</th>
<<for _i, _var range Object.entries(State.variables)>>
<td><<print _var[0]>></td>
<td><<print _var[1]>></td>
<<scard "Secret Area">>
This is meant for development and debug purposes. Misuse of these actions will most likely break the game.
<div class="center">
<<sbutton "All items" "Debug_Inventory_AllItems">><</sbutton>>
<<sbutton "All actions" "Debug_Inventory_AllActions">><</sbutton>>
<<sbutton "All quests" "Debug_AllQuests">><</sbutton>>
<<sbutton "All effects" "Debug_Inventory_AllEffects">><</sbutton>>
<<sbutton "All combats" "Debug_AllCombats">><</sbutton>>
<<sbutton "Go to wardrobe" "Apartment_Wardrobe">><</sbutton>>
<<scard "Burger Menu" "devcard">>
This is meant for development and debug purposes. Misuse of these actions will most likely break the game.
<table class="table_debugdump">
<th style="min-width: 10em;">Cheat</th>
<td>Swap to Female</td>
<td>Provides a clean slate as female character. Replaces starter pack variables.</td>
<<sbutton "Swap" "Debug_Menu">>
<<snotify "warning">>Swapped to Female<</snotify>>
<<set $character_firstName to "Jane">>
<<playerFactSet "hasvagina" true>>
<<playerFactSet "haspenis" false>>
<<playerFactSet "femalestart" true>>
<<playerFactSet "malestart" false>>
<<playerFactSet "transstart" false>>
starGame.avatars.femaleDefaults.forEach(element => {
State.variables.character_appearance.set(element[0], element[1]);
starGame.inventory.equipItem('item_clothing_unisex_bra_uniform', false, false);
starGame.inventory.equipItem('item_clothing_unisex_jacket_uniform', false, false);
starGame.inventory.equipItem('item_clothing_unisex_pants_uniform', false, false);
starGame.inventory.equipItem('item_clothing_unisex_shirt_uniform', false, false);
starGame.inventory.equipItem('item_clothing_unisex_underwear_uniform', false, false);
starGame.inventory.equipItem('item_clothing_unisex_shoes_uniform', false, false);
starGame.inventory.equipItem('item_clothing_unisex_socks_uniform', false, false);
starGame.avatars.femaleDefaults.forEach(element => {
State.variables.character_initialAppearance.set(element[0], element[1]);
<td>Swap to woman with dick (From Female)</td>
<td>Provides a clean slate as female character with something extra. Replaces starter pack variables. Considers to have started as female</td>
<<sbutton "Swap" "Debug_Menu">>
<<snotify "warning">>Swap to trans <</snotify>>
<<set $character_firstName to "Jane">>
<<playerFactSet "hasvagina" false>>
<<playerFactSet "haspenis" true>>
<<playerFactSet "femalestart" false>>
<<playerFactSet "malestart" false>>
<<playerFactSet "transstart" true>>
starGame.avatars.femaleDefaults.forEach(element => {
State.variables.character_appearance.set(element[0], element[1]);
State.variables.character_appearance.set('genitals', 'penismedium');
State.variables.character_appearance.set('breasts', 'c');
starGame.inventory.equipItem('item_clothing_unisex_bra_uniform', false, false);
starGame.inventory.equipItem('item_clothing_unisex_jacket_uniform', false, false);
starGame.inventory.equipItem('item_clothing_unisex_pants_uniform', false, false);
starGame.inventory.equipItem('item_clothing_unisex_shirt_uniform', false, false);
starGame.inventory.equipItem('item_clothing_unisex_underwear_uniform', false, false);
starGame.inventory.equipItem('item_clothing_unisex_shoes_uniform', false, false);
starGame.inventory.equipItem('item_clothing_unisex_socks_uniform', false, false);
starGame.avatars.femaleDefaults.forEach(element => {
State.variables.character_initialAppearance.set(element[0], element[1]);
<td>Swap to Male</td>
<td>Provides a clean slate as male character. Replaces starter pack variables.</td>
<<sbutton "Swap" "Debug_Menu">>
<<snotify "warning">>Swapped to Male<</snotify>>
<<set $character_firstName to "John">>
<<playerFactSet "hasvagina" false>>
<<playerFactSet "haspenis" true>>
<<playerFactSet "femalestart" false>>
<<playerFactSet "malestart" true>>
<<playerFactSet "transstart" false>>
starGame.avatars.maleDefaults.forEach(element => {
State.variables.character_appearance.set(element[0], element[1]);
starGame.inventory.equipItem('item_clothing_unisex_jacket_uniform', false, false);
starGame.inventory.equipItem('item_clothing_unisex_pants_uniform', false, false);
starGame.inventory.equipItem('item_clothing_unisex_shirt_uniform', false, false);
starGame.inventory.equipItem('item_clothing_unisex_underwear_uniform', false, false);
starGame.inventory.equipItem('item_clothing_unisex_shoes_uniform', false, false);
starGame.inventory.equipItem('item_clothing_unisex_socks_uniform', false, false);
starGame.avatars.maleDefaults.forEach(element => {
State.variables.character_initialAppearance.set(element[0], element[1]);
<td>Swap to Androgynous</td>
<td>Provides androgynous body type with male start fact. Replaces starter pack variables. DO NOT USE BEFORE FREEROAM.</td>
<<sbutton "Swap" "Debug_Menu">>
<<snotify "warning">>Swapped to Androgynous<</snotify>>
<<set $character_firstName to "John">>
<<playerFactSet "femalestart" false>>
starGame.avatars.androgynousDefaults.forEach(element => {
State.variables.character_appearance.set(element[0], element[1]);
starGame.inventory.equipItem('item_clothing_unisex_bra_uniform', false, false);
starGame.inventory.equipItem('item_clothing_unisex_jacket_uniform', false, false);
starGame.inventory.equipItem('item_clothing_unisex_pants_uniform', false, false);
starGame.inventory.equipItem('item_clothing_unisex_shirt_uniform', false, false);
starGame.inventory.equipItem('item_clothing_unisex_underwear_uniform', false, false);
starGame.inventory.equipItem('item_clothing_unisex_shoes_uniform', false, false);
starGame.inventory.equipItem('item_clothing_unisex_socks_uniform', false, false);
starGame.avatars.maleDefaults.forEach(element => {
State.variables.character_initialAppearance.set(element[0], element[1]);
<div class="menu-container" style="margin-top: 5vh;">
<div class="col-12">
<div class="row">
<div class="card solid">
<div class="row no-gutters csheet-preview-card">
<div class="col-md-12 col-lg-6">
<div class="paperdoll-container">
<img class="paperdoll-layer paperdoll-body" src="resources/img/paperdoll/body/body/body_m_tan.webp">
<img class="paperdoll-layer paperdoll-legs" src="resources/img/paperdoll/body/legs/legs_m_tan.webp">
<img class="paperdoll-layer paperdoll-arms" src="resources/img/paperdoll/body/arms/arms_m_tan.webp">
<div class="col-md-12 col-lg-6">
<div class="card-body">
<h5 class="card-title">Wewooo</h5>
<h6 class="card-subtitle mb-2 text-muted">my dude</h6>
<p class="card-text">Description here</p>
<div class="right csheet-preview-button">
<<slink "Whatever" "CharacterSheet_Curie" "btn btn-sm btn-highlight slink-csheet" "ti ti-chevrons-right">><</slink>>
<</nobr>><<simagecard>><img src="resources/img/locations/academy/clinic1.webp"/><</simagecard>>\
Welcome to UwU United. What do you fancy today?
<<sshop "shop_test">><<include Toolkit_Menu_Header>>\
<div class="menu-container">\
<<if starGame.player.isExotic() is true>>\
<<include Toolkit_Character_Overview_Exotic>>\
<<include Toolkit_Character_Effects>>\
<<include Toolkit_Character_PhysicalAppearance_Exotic>>\
<<include Toolkit_Character_Statistics>>\
<<include Toolkit_Character_Overview_Normal>>\
<<include Toolkit_Character_Effects>>\
<<include Toolkit_Character_PhysicalAppearance>>\
<<include Toolkit_Character_Statistics>>\
<<scard "Overview">>\
<div class="row no-gutters">
<div class="col-sm-12 col-lg-5">
<div class="row">
<h5 class="bold">Gear</h5>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-sm-12 col-md-4 col-lg-4"><span class="slistbox-label">Armor:</span></div>
<div class="col-sm-12 col-md-8 col-lg-8"><span class="slistbox-label"><<sitemslot "armor">></span></div>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-sm-12 col-md-4 col-lg-4"><span class="slistbox-label">Weapon:</span></div>
<div class="col-sm-12 col-md-8 col-lg-8"><span class="slistbox-label"><<sitemslot "weapon">></span></div>
<div class="row mt-3">
<h5 class="bold">Outerwear</h5>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-sm-12 col-md-4 col-lg-4"><span class="slistbox-label">Jacket:</span></div>
<div class="col-sm-12 col-md-8 col-lg-8"><span class="slistbox-label"><<sitemslot "jacket">></span></div>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-sm-12 col-md-4 col-lg-4"><span class="slistbox-label">Top:</span></div>
<div class="col-sm-12 col-md-8 col-lg-8">
<span class="slistbox-label">
<<if starGame.paperdoll.getCurrentClothingItemInSlot('dress')>>
<<sitemslot "dress">>
<<sitemslot "shirt">>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-sm-12 col-md-4 col-lg-4"><span class="slistbox-label">Bottoms:</span></div>
<div class="col-sm-12 col-md-8 col-lg-8"><span class="slistbox-label"><<sitemslot "legwear">></span></div>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-sm-12 col-md-4 col-lg-4"><span class="slistbox-label">Shoes:</span></div>
<div class="col-sm-12 col-md-8 col-lg-8"><span class="slistbox-label"><<sitemslot "shoes">></span></div>
<div class="row mt-3">
<h5 class="bold">Underwear</h5>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-sm-12 col-md-4 col-lg-4"><span class="slistbox-label">Bra:</span></div>
<div class="col-sm-12 col-md-8 col-lg-8"><span class="slistbox-label"><<sitemslot "bra">></span></div>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-sm-12 col-md-4 col-lg-4"><span class="slistbox-label">Undies:</span></div>
<div class="col-sm-12 col-md-8 col-lg-8"><span class="slistbox-label"><<sitemslot "underwear">></span></div>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-sm-12 col-md-4 col-lg-4"><span class="slistbox-label">Hosiery:</span></div>
<div class="col-sm-12 col-md-8 col-lg-8"><span class="slistbox-label"><<sitemslot "socks">></span></div>
<div class="row mt-3">
<h5 class="bold">Accessories</h5>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-sm-12 col-md-4 col-lg-4"><span class="slistbox-label">Glasses:</span></div>
<div class="col-sm-12 col-md-8 col-lg-8"><span class="slistbox-label"><<sitemslot "glasses">></span></div>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-sm-12 col-md-4 col-lg-4"><span class="slistbox-label">Earrings:</span></div>
<div class="col-sm-12 col-md-8 col-lg-8"><span class="slistbox-label"><<sitemslot "earrings">></span></div>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-sm-12 col-md-4 col-lg-4"><span class="slistbox-label">Necklace:</span></div>
<div class="col-sm-12 col-md-8 col-lg-8"><span class="slistbox-label"><<sitemslot "necklace">></span></div>
<div class="col-sm-12 col-lg-7">
<div class="col-12">
<div id="character-insheet" @class="'paperdoll-' + starGame.paperdoll.getCurrentBodyType()">
<<scard "Overview">>\
<div class="row no-gutters">
<div class="col-sm-12 col-lg-5">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-sm-12 col-md-4 col-lg-4"><span class="slistbox-label">Exotic Outfit:</span></div>
<div class="col-sm-12 col-md-8 col-lg-8"><span class="slistbox-label"><<sitemslot "exotic">></span></div>
<div class="col-sm-12 col-lg-7">
<div class="col-12">
<<if $paperdoll_zoom_sheet is true>>
<div id="character-insheet" @class="'paperdoll-zoom paperdoll-zoom-' + starGame.paperdoll.getCurrentExoticBodyType()">
<div id="character-insheet">
<<scard "Physical appearance">>
<<set _body to starGame.player.getAppearance('body')>>
<<set _facialhair to starGame.player.getAppearance('facialhair')>>
<<set _hair to starGame.player.getAppearance('hair')>>
<<set _haircolor to starGame.player.getAppearance('haircolor')>>
<<set _eyes to starGame.player.getAppearance('eyes')>>
<<set _genitals to starGame.player.getAppearance('genitals')>>
<<if _body is "m">>
Standing at just slightly taller than the average, you cut a somewhat imposing and regal figure. Broad shoulders that imply an active lifestyle, as well as a trim, well kept body reveal you to be in the prime of your health. Coupled with your natural confidence, you appear as a beacon of reliability to any who meet you.
<<elseif _body is "a">>
Your slender frame reveals little about your gender, and with enough effort you can pass for either male or female. Your features lean towards cute instead of prominent, and while you keep a healthy level of muscle tone, you definitely are softer and more fragile looking than before.
Your confidence makes you seem taller than you are, standing at just slightly shorter than the average person. A trim, well kept figure reveals your focus on your personal health and image, and the standard academy uniform doesn't do much to hide your figure.
<<if _eyes is 'blue'>>
Your piercing blue eyes remind onlookers of a quiet, endless lake.
<<elseif _eyes is 'green'>>
Your bright green eyes catch attention, the life in them captivating to behold.
<<elseif _eyes is 'brown'>>
Your warm brown eyes, while gentle, have a glint of steel in them.
<<if _facialhair is not 'none'>>
A neatly trimmed beard complements your natural jawline, lending a stern gravity to your appearance.
<<if _hair is 'bald'>>
You've heard a few rumors about why you might voluntarily go bald, but most people agree that the choice does not look out of place on you, drawing attention instead to your other features.
<<elseif _hair is 'undercut'>>
Suitably styled for the current fashion, your _haircolor hair is currently maintained as a simple undercut, the rakish style is suited well to your quiet confidence.
<<elseif _hair is 'bob'>>
Your hair is styled into a simple bob cut meant to stay out of the way in a holodeck, worn well by you thanks to your natural confidence and dazzling smile, remarked to look better than some designer hairstyles worn by the richest socialites.
<<elseif _hair is 'ivyleague'>>
Your hair is styled into a neat combover coupled with a shorter shave on the sides. A silent statement that boosts about your trendy eliteness.
<<elseif _hair is 'edgy'>>
You've been keeping your hair longer, purposefully styled into shaggy spikes. Some instructors might call it vision obscuring, but you know that you're good enough for it to not matter.
<<elseif _hair is 'short'>>
You're wearing a more military, short hairstyle. A replica of the Alliance's marine regulation hairstyle, but still stylish enough for cadets like yourself to pull it off well.
<<elseif _hair is 'long'>>
Your hair is done up in a stylish chest length haircut that draws the attention to where you want it. Each move you make is emphasized by your luscious locks.
<<elseif _hair is 'mediumbang'>>
Medium length hair, styled with attitude, you wouldn't look out of place at a club or in a business meeting. Often worn by the younger women of noble families shortly after moving out for the first time.
<<elseif _hair is 'wedge'>>
A short side part with long hair styled up lends a certain sense of daring to you. This is an older style, not currently in fashion but still seen occasionally worn by those who prefer a rakish look.
<<elseif _hair is 'loosebob'>>
Your hair frames your face neatly, the neck long length helping it fall into place perfectly every time. A more simple style these days, you pull it off with ease due to how it accentuates your other features.
<<elseif _hair is 'shortedgy'>>
An undercut style with shaved sides and short hair gives you a look that oozes confidence and style. Sometimes you feel you went a bit too far on the shortness of the sides, but the appreciative looks you garner from your peers helps settle those fears.
<<if _body is 'f' and _genitals is not 'vagina' and starGame.player.getFact('femalestart') is true>>
Where your vagina would normally be, you have a respectably sized penis instead.
<<scard "Physical appearance">>
<<set _exoticbody to starGame.player.getAppearance('exotic')>>
<<if _exoticbody is "catgirl">>
<p>A lithe and supple body lends to helping you look as graceful as you feel. If not for the two soft furred ears and agile tail, you'd look like a gymnast or dancer.</p>
<p>Your special features however make it clear to any who see you that you're a genetically modified catgirl. Your tail makes it hard for you to wear most clothes except skirts and dresses.</p>
<p>Finally, regardless of what your eyes and skin looked like before taking the mod, they've been temporarily changed to help make the look better.</p>
<p>Smooth, creamy skin is coupled with soft brown eyes for a signature submissive look.</p>
<<elseif _exoticbody is "cowgirl">>
<p>A toned and muscular body does little to distract from the wide hips and large breasts that naturally draw the eye. Even your small, cow horns and soft floppy ears are a second thought when anyone first sees your current form.</p>
<p>Coupled with a subtly increased confidence, it's hard for you to not be the main attraction of any room you're in while looking like this. Larger than life, it's hard to find clothes that you can actually wear while your body has been altered to look like a cowgirl.</p>
<<elseif _exoticbody is "maid">>
<p>Shorter than average and graced with a subtle kind of beauty, you blend into a room until noticed. Coupled with your slender yet curvy body, it's no wonder that while you are much less noticable than before, you still turn the heads of those with a perceptive eye.</p>
<<elseif _exoticbody is "zara">>
<p>Zara's alien body feels much the same when you're the one inside the skin as when you're the one touching it. Soft, supple and deceptively flexible. Coupled with her ample assets, it's easy to see why she holds attention the way she does, even without her unique skin colour.</p>
<<elseif _exoticbody is "wolfgirl">>
Your body is almost unbearably warm, owing to the fine coating of fur mixed with a constantly growing libido. A fluffy tail moves in accordance with your emotions, outside of your control, even as the canine ears on your head lend a subtle cuteness to your somewhat feral appearance.
<<scard "Statistics">>
<h4 class="headline2">Morality</h4>
<p>Morality is driven by two separate scales: Paragon and Renegade. Paragon points are gained for compassionate and heroic actions. Renegade points are gained for apathetic and ruthless actions.</p>
<<sstat "paragon" "renegade">>
<h4 class="headline2">Cunning</h4>
<p>Used for plots and tactics, a higher cunning will allow you to manipulate the odds to be in your favor.</p>
<<sstat "cunning">>
<h4 class="headline2">Reflexes</h4>
<p>Used in tests of skill and instinct, a higher reflex score will allow you to instinctively avoid danger.</p>
<<sstat "reflexes">>
<h4 class="headline2">Daring</h4>
<p>Used in dire situations and emergencies, a higher Daring will allow you to overcome the odds through sheer will.</p>
<<sstat "daring">>
<h4 class="headline2">Acceptance</h4>
<p>Acceptance governs how at ease you are with nonconformity.</p>
<<sstat "acceptance">>
<<scard "Status Effects">>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<div id="combat-container"></div>
<div class="combat-enemy-info-container-bg"></div>
<div id="combat-turn-container" class="d-flex justify-content-center pl-2">
<div class="card solid mb-0">
<div class="row">
<div class="card-body p-0">
<div id="combat-turn-info-container" class="d-flex justify-content-center"></div>
<div id="combat-enemies-info-container" class="d-flex flex-wrap justify-content-center"></div>
<div id="combat-enemies-container" class=""></div>
<div id="combat-effect-container"></div>
<div id="combat-effect-container2"></div>
<div class="combat-player-info-container-bg"></div>
<div id="combat-player-info-container">
<div class="d-flex justify-content-center align-items-end">
<div class="p-2 pr-4">
<div class="p-2">
<div id="combat-player-spells" class="d-flex flex-fill justify-content-start"></div>
<div id="combat-player-health" class="range range-centered range-health" style="--p:0"></div>
<div class="p-2 pl-4">
<div id="combat-player-armor" class="range range-centered range-armor" style="--p:0"></div>
<div class="d-flex justify-content-center">
<div id="combat-player-skill-container" class="combat-player-skill-container p-2"></div>
<<timed 0.01s>>
<<audio ":bgm" stop>>
<div id="combat-container"></div>
<div class="combat-enemy-info-container-bg"></div>
<div id="combat-turn-container" class="d-flex justify-content-center pl-2">
<div class="card solid mb-0">
<div class="row">
<div class="card-body p-0">
<div id="combat-turn-info-container" class="d-flex justify-content-center"></div>
<div id="combat-enemies-info-container" class="d-flex flex-wrap justify-content-center"></div>
<div id="combat-enemies-container" class=""></div>
<div id="combat-effect-container"></div>
<div id="combat-effect-container2"></div>
<div class="combat-player-info-container-bg"></div>
<div id="combat-player-info-container">
<div class="d-flex justify-content-center align-items-end">
<div class="p-2 pr-4">
<div class="p-2">
<div id="combat-player-spells" class="d-flex flex-fill justify-content-start"></div>
<div id="combat-player-hull" class="range range-centered range-hull" style="--p:0"></div>
<div class="p-2 pl-4">
<div id="combat-player-shield" class="range range-centered range-shield" style="--p:0"></div>
<div class="d-flex justify-content-center">
<div id="combat-player-skill-container" class="combat-player-skill-container p-2"></div>
<<timed 0.01s>>
<div class="card solid card-nav">
<div class="row">
<div class="card-body p-0">
<div class="row d-flex">
<<slink "Return" $gameplay_lastPlayablePassage "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "ti ti-door-exit" "">><</slink>>
<<slink "Inventory" "Toolkit_Inventory" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "" "">><</slink>>
<<slink "Status" "Toolkit_Character" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "" "">><</slink>>
<<slink "Codex" "Toolkit_Codex" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "" "">><</slink>>
<<slink "Quests" "Toolkit_Quests" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "" "">><</slink>>
<<if starGame.player.getFact('squad_enabled') is true>>
<<slink "Skill Book" "Toolkit_SkillBook" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "" "">><</slink>>
<<slink "Squad" "Toolkit_Squad" "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "" "">><</slink>>
<div class="card solid card-nav">
<div class="row">
<div class="card-body p-0">
<div class="row d-flex">
<<slink "Return" $gameplay_lastPlayablePassage "p-2 flex-fill btn-toolkit btn-menu" "ti ti-door-exit" "">><</slink>>
<div class="menu-container">\
<<if starGame.player.getFact('eos_enabled') is true>>
<div class="center m-3"><h5 class="bold">AMS Eos</h5></div>
<div class="row">
<<slink "Bridge" "Eos_Bridge" "slink btn btn-highlight w-100" "">>
<<startplaylist "playlist_exploration_soft">>
/% Player automatically has access to the apartment, commons, atrium and transport hub %/
<div class="center m-3"><h5 class="bold">Academy</h5></div>
<div class="row">
<<slink "My Apartment" "Apartment_LivingRoom" "slink btn btn-highlight w-100" "">>
<<startplaylist "playlist_exploration_soft">>
<<set $location to "academy">>
<div class="row">
<<slink "Atrium" "Hub_Atrium" "slink btn btn-highlight w-100" "">>
<<startplaylist "playlist_exploration_soft">>
<<set $location to "academy">>
<div class="row">
<<slink "Commons" "Hub_Commons" "slink btn btn-highlight w-100" "">>
<<startplaylist "playlist_exploration_soft">>
<<set $location to "academy">>
<div class="row">
<<slink "Transport Hub" "Hub_Transport" "slink btn btn-highlight w-100" "">>
<<startplaylist "playlist_exploration_soft">>
<<set $location to "academy">>
<<if starGame.player.getFact('visit_novarishub') is true>>
<div class="center m-3"><h5 class="bold">Novaris</h5></div>
<<if starGame.player.getFact('visit_novarisplaza') is true>>
<div class="row">
<<slink "Plaza" "Hub_CityPlaza" "slink btn btn-highlight w-100" "">>
<<startplaylist "playlist_exploration_soft">>
<<set $location to "academy">>
<<if starGame.player.getFact('visit_novarisdowntown') is true>>
<div class="row">
<<slink "Nebula Square" "Hub_CityDowntown" "slink btn btn-highlight w-100" "">>
<<startplaylist "playlist_exploration_soft">>
<<set $location to "academy">>
<<if starGame.player.getFact('visit_mall') is true>>
<div class="row">
<<slink "Lumina Mall" "City_Mall" "slink btn btn-highlight w-100" "">>
<<startplaylist "playlist_exploration_soft">>
<<set $location to "academy">>
<<if starGame.player.getFact('visit_novarisrld') is true>>
<div class="row">
<<slink "Red Light District" "Hub_CityRedLight" "slink btn btn-highlight w-100" "">>
<<startplaylist "playlist_exploration_soft">>
<<set $location to "academy">>
<<if starGame.player.getFact('visit_orbitalstation') is true>>
/% Player automatically has access to the apartment, commons, atrium and transport hub %/
<div class="center m-3"><h5 class="bold">Orbital Garrison</h5></div>
<div class="row">
<<slink "Landing Pad" "Hub_Orbital_Station" "slink btn btn-highlight w-100" "">>
<<startplaylist "playlist_exploration_soft">>
<<set $location to "academy">>
</div>\<<include Toolkit_Menu_Header>>\
<div class="menu-container">\
</div><<include Toolkit_Menu_Header>>\
<div class="menu-container">\
<div class="col">
<div class="card solid">
<div class="row no-gutters">
<div class="col-md-12">
<div class="card-header">
<h5 class="card-title">Quest Log</h5>
<h6 class="card-subtitle mb-2 text-muted">The quest log provides information on your ongoing and completed quests.</h6>
<div class="col-md-12">
<ul class="nav nav-tabs nav-fill nav-tabs-alt">
<li class="nav-item">
<a class="nav-link active" data-toggle="tab" href="#tab-active">Active</a>
<li class="nav-item">
<a class="nav-link" data-toggle="tab" href="#tab-completed">Completed</a>
<div class="tab-content">
<div class="wa-tab-pane active" id="tab-active">
<<include Toolkit_Quests_Active>>
<div class="wa-tab-pane" id="tab-completed">
<<include Toolkit_Quests_Completed>>
<<include Toolkit_Menu_Header>>
<div class="menu-container">
<div class="col">
<div class="card solid">
<div class="row no-gutters">
<div class="col-md-12">
<div class="card-header">
<h5 class="card-title">Skill Book</h5>
<h6 class="card-subtitle mb-2 text-muted">Manage and swap your abilities.</h6>
<<timed 0.01s>>
<<include Toolkit_Menu_Header>>
<div class="menu-container">
<div class="col-12">
<div class="row row-cols-1">
<div class="col">
<div class="card solid">
<div class="row no-gutters csheet-preview-card">
<div class="col-3" style="background-image: url('resources/img/characters/main/ann/ann_avatar_squad.webp'); background-size: cover; background-position: center center;"></div>
<div class="col-9">
<div class="card-body">
<h5 class="card-title">Ann <div class="badge badge-primary ml-1">Assault</div><<if starGame.squad.isSquadMember('ann')>><div class="badge badge-primary ml-1">Active</div><</if>></h5>
<p class="card-text">Originally trained as a marine, Ann's adaptability made her a good candidate to act as a bodyguard for high profile officers. Out in the field, she is the perfect ally to spread Alliance rule.</p>
<<timed 0.01s>>
<<scard "Abilities">>
<<renderSquadSkills "ann">>
<<scard "Perks">>
<<renderSquadPerks "ann">>
<<include Toolkit_Menu_Header>>
<div class="menu-container">
<div class="col-12">
<div class="row row-cols-1">
<div class="col">
<div class="card solid">
<div class="row no-gutters csheet-preview-card">
<div class="col-3" style="background-image: url('resources/img/characters/eos.webp'); background-size: cover; background-position: center center;"></div>
<div class="col-9">
<div class="card-body">
<h5 class="card-title">AMS Eos</h5>
<p class="card-text">A selection of reports and manuals that cover the abilities and specifications for the AMS-Eos. An advanced recon and exploration cruiser under your command.</p>
<<timed 0.01s>>
<<scard "Abilities">>
<<scard "Perks">>
<<renderSquadPerks "eos">>
<<include Toolkit_Menu_Header>>
<div class="menu-container">
<div class="col-12">
<div class="row row-cols-1">
<div class="col">
<div class="card solid">
<div class="row no-gutters csheet-preview-card">
<<if starGame.player.isMale()>>
<div class="col-3" style="background-image: url('resources/img/characters/anonm.webp'); background-size: cover; background-position: center center;"></div>
<div class="col-3" style="background-image: url('resources/img/characters/anonf.webp'); background-size: cover; background-position: center center;"></div>
<div class="col-9">
<div class="card-body">
<h5 class="card-title">$character_firstName $character_lastName <div class="badge badge-primary ml-1">Level <<print starGame.player.getCurrentLevel()>></div></h5>
<p class="card-text">The heir and eldest child of the $character_lastName family. Your own profile populated with various tactics and skills you've learnt over time.</p>
<h5 class="card-title">Experience</h5>
<p class="card-text"><<sstatxp>></p>
<<timed 0.01s>>
<<scard "Abilities">>
<<scard "Talents">>
uh oh
<<include Toolkit_Menu_Header>>
<div class="menu-container">
<div class="col-12">
<div class="row row-cols-1">
<div class="col">
<div class="card solid">
<div class="row no-gutters csheet-preview-card">
<div class="col-3" style="background-image: url('resources/img/characters/main/zara/zara_avatar_squad.webp'); background-size: cover; background-position: center center;"></div>
<div class="col-9">
<div class="card-body">
<h5 class="card-title">Zara <div class="badge badge-primary ml-1">Support</div><<if starGame.squad.isSquadMember('zara')>><div class="badge badge-primary ml-1">Active</div><</if>></h5>
<p class="card-text">Xeno-biologist, psionic, and Caelorian field agent, Zara fills a valuble role on any team, acting as a support and control unit.</p>
<<timed 0.01s>>
<<scard "Abilities">>
<<renderSquadSkills "zara">>
<<scard "Perks">>
<<renderSquadPerks "zara">>
<</nobr>>\<<include Toolkit_Menu_Header>>\
<div class="menu-container">\
<div class="col">
<div class="card solid">
<div class="row no-gutters">
<div class="col-md-12">
<div class="card-header">
<h5 class="card-title">Squad</h5>
<h6 class="card-subtitle mb-2 text-muted">Learn more about your squad's abilities and perks to unlock.</h6>
<div class="col-12">
<div class="row row-cols-1">
/% Player %/
<div class="col">
<div class="card solid">
<div class="row no-gutters csheet-preview-card">
<<if starGame.player.isMale()>>
<div class="col-3" style="background-image: url('resources/img/characters/anonm.webp'); background-size: cover; background-position: center center;"></div>
<div class="col-3" style="background-image: url('resources/img/characters/anonf.webp'); background-size: cover; background-position: center center;"></div>
<div class="col-9">
<div class="card-body">
<h5 class="card-title">$character_firstName $character_lastName <div class="badge badge-primary ml-1">Level <<print starGame.player.getCurrentLevel()>></div></h5>
<p class="card-text">The heir and eldest child of the $character_lastName family. Your own profile populated with various tactics and skills you've learnt over time.</p>
<div class="right csheet-preview-button">
<<slink "Skills & Perks" "Squad_Player" "btn btn-sm btn-highlight slink-csheet" "ti ti-chevrons-right">><</slink>>
/% Ann %/
<<if starGame.player.getFact('squad_ann') is true>>
<div class="col">
<div class="card solid">
<div class="row no-gutters csheet-preview-card">
<div class="col-3" style="background-image: url('resources/img/characters/main/ann/ann_avatar_squad.webp'); background-size: cover; background-position: center center;"></div>
<div class="col-9">
<div class="card-body">
<h5 class="card-title">Ann <div class="badge badge-primary ml-1">Assault</div><<if starGame.squad.isSquadMember('ann')>><div class="badge badge-primary ml-1">Active</div><</if>></h5>
<p class="card-text">Originally trained as a marine, Ann's adaptability made her a good candidate to act as a bodyguard for high profile officers. Out in the field, she is the perfect ally to spread Alliance rule.</p>
<div class="right csheet-preview-button">
<<slink "Skills & Perks" "Squad_Ann" "btn btn-sm btn-highlight slink-csheet" "ti ti-chevrons-right">><</slink>>
/% Zara %/
<<if starGame.player.getFact('squad_zara') is true>>
<div class="col">
<div class="card solid">
<div class="row no-gutters csheet-preview-card">
<div class="col-3" style="background-image: url('resources/img/characters/main/zara/zara_avatar_squad.webp'); background-size: cover; background-position: center center;"></div>
<div class="col-9">
<div class="card-body">
<h5 class="card-title">Zara <div class="badge badge-primary ml-1">Support</div><<if starGame.squad.isSquadMember('zara')>><div class="badge badge-primary ml-1">Active</div><</if>></h5>
<p class="card-text">Xeno-biologist, psionic, and Caelorian field agent, Zara fills a valuble role on any team, acting as a support and control unit.</p>
<div class="right csheet-preview-button">
<<slink "Skills & Perks" "Squad_Zara" "btn btn-sm btn-highlight slink-csheet" "ti ti-chevrons-right">><</slink>>
/% Eos %/
<div class="col">
<div class="card solid">
<div class="row no-gutters csheet-preview-card">
<div class="col-3" style="background-image: url('resources/img/characters/eos.webp'); background-size: cover; background-position: center center;"></div>
<div class="col-9">
<div class="card-body">
<h5 class="card-title">AMS Eos</h5>
<p class="card-text">A selection of reports and manuals that cover the abilities and specifications for the AMS-Eos. An advanced recon and exploration cruiser under your command.</p>
<div class="right csheet-preview-button">
<<slink "Skills & Perks" "Squad_Eos" "btn btn-sm btn-highlight slink-csheet" "ti ti-chevrons-right">><</slink>>
/% You're never meant to access this passage directly, include it where it is meant to be %/
<div class="col">
<div class="card solid">
<div class="row no-gutters">
<div class="col-md-12">
<div class="card-header">
<h5 class="card-title">E-Wardrobe</h5>
<h6 class="card-subtitle mb-2 text-muted">Welcome to the E-Wardrobe system. Please state your selection.</h6>
<div class="col-md-12">
<ul class="nav nav-tabs nav-fill nav-tabs-alt">
<li class="nav-item">
<a class="nav-link active" data-toggle="tab" href="#tab-clothes">My clothes</a>
<li class="nav-item">
<a class="nav-link" data-toggle="tab" href="#tab-outfits">My outfits</a>
<div class="tab-content">
<div class="wa-tab-pane active" id="tab-clothes">
<div class="col">
<div class="card solid">
<div class="row no-gutters">
<div class="col-md-12">
<div class="card-header">
<h5 class="card-title">My clothes</h5>
<h6 class="card-subtitle mb-2 text-muted">Wear, remove, and swap individual pieces of clothing.</h6>
<div class="card-body">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-12 col-lg-12 p-2">
<h6>Filter by category</h6>
<<slistbox "wa-category" starGame.wardrobe.categories>>
<div class="col-md-12 col-lg-6 p-2">
<h6>Search by name</h6>
<input id="wa-search" type="text" class="form-control" placeholder="Item name"/>
<div class="col-md-12 col-lg-6 p-2">
<h6>Search by tag</h6>
<input id="wa-search-tag" type="text" class="form-control" placeholder="Tag"/>
<div class="wa-tab-pane" id="tab-outfits">
<div class="col">
<div class="card solid">
<div class="row no-gutters">
<div class="col-md-12">
<div class="card-header">
<h5 class="card-title">My outfits</h5>
<h6 class="card-subtitle mb-2 text-muted">Wear and swap ensembles of clothing. Create a new custom outfit from your currently worn clothes.</h6>
<div class="card-body">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-12 col-lg-6 p-2">
<h6>Academy Uniform</h6>
<<slink "Equip Academy Uniform" "" "btn btn-highlight btn-technical btn-normalized w-100">>
<div class="col-md-12 col-lg-6 p-2">
<h6>Create new outfit</h6>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-10">
<input id="wa-newoutfit" type="text" class="form-control" placeholder="Outfit name"/>
<div class="col-md-2 center">
<<slink "" "" "btn btn-icon btn-highlight btn-normalized btn-technical ti ti-plus">>
<div class="col">
<div class="card solid">
<div class="row no-gutters">
<div class="col-md-12">
<div class="card-header">
<h5 class="card-title">Outfit checks</h5>
<h6 class="card-subtitle mb-2 text-muted">Some situations will require you to wear specific attire. Below are the checks you currently match.</h6>
<div class="card-body">
<div class="row center">
<div class="col-md-12 col-lg-4 p-2">
<div id="uc-uniform" @class="starGame.player.isWearingUniform(true) ? 'uc-success' : ''">
<div class="col-md-12 col-lg-4 p-2">
<div id="uc-casual" @class="starGame.wardrobe.appearanceCheck('casual') ? 'uc-success' : ''">
<div class="col-md-12 col-lg-4 p-2">
<div id="uc-formal" @class="starGame.wardrobe.appearanceCheck('formal') ? 'uc-success' : ''">
<<timed 0.01s>>
let value = $(this).val();
$("#wa-search").on('input', function(){
let value = $(this).val();
$("#wa-search-tag").on('input', function(){
let value = $(this).val();
<</nobr>><<scard "Version 0.1.1">>\
<div style="text-align: left;">This release fixes some issues found in the initial release and lays the foundation for v0.2. This release will invalidate previous saves.
- Inventory system is now implemented.
- Introduced general code performance improvements.
- Added high contrast mode. It can be enabled in the settings menu.
- Fixed some spelling issues.
- Fixed female start path displaying male start content.
<<scard "Version 0.1.0">>\
<div style="text-align: left;">The initial release of Starwatch Academy.
- Character creation has been added.
- Avatar system has been implemented.
- Character "Curie" has been added.
- Character "Diane" has been added.
- Character "Eva" has been added.
- Reputation system has been implemented.
<</scard>>\<<scard "Version 0.2.6">>\
<div style="text-align: left;">This release introduces new story content, new features and some fixes.
- Content: Orientation Day 5.
- Content: Two new female hairstyles have been added.
- Content: Two new male hairstyles have been added.
- Improvement: Conditions to get Julianna as the blind date on Day 4 have been simplified.
- Improvement: Replaced more placeholders.
- Improvement: Minor visual adjustments to the male paperdoll.
- Bugfix: Fixed Thomas being referred to with his old name in orientation tour. Thanks to Bingoogus for reporting this.
- Bugfix: Fixed Day 4 archives visit always mentioning it is your first visit. Thanks to miyuki25 for reporting this.
<<scard "Version 0.2.5">>\
<div style="text-align: left;">This release introduces new story content, new features and some fixes.
- Content: Orientation Day 4.
- Feature: Added statistics on player status page.
- Improvement: Updated some placeholders with original artwork.
- Improvement: Color coded Day 3 atrium choice that affect affinity with Julianna.
- Bugfix: Combat music will no longer continue to play if you attend day 3 holodeck simulation without being ahead of class.
- Bugfix: Fixed some crashes specific to some iOS mobile devices. This was fixed with versions 0.2.4a and 0.2.4b.
Developer notes: If you attend one of the evening dates, the story states you will have a change of clothes. At the moment these clothes are not implemented, therefore the paperdoll will not be updated accordingly. We will update this in a later release.
<<scard "Version 0.2.4">>\
<div style="text-align: left;">This release fixes issues found in v0.2.3. Due to a critical bug found in v0.2.3, previous saves are incompatible with this version.
- Content: Day 1 Curie and Diane sex scenes now have exclusive new art.
- Content: Curie's notebook has been updated with Day 3 content.
- Improvement: Converted all images to WEBP format. This will reduce images by an average of 60% to 80%.
- Improvement: Reduced the size of paperdoll images to 75% of their original size to improve performance.
- Improvement: History is now limited to 5 states.
- Bugfix: The game will no longer forget the player's initial appearance after experiencing a temporary transformation.
- Bugfix: The game will no longer forget the player's original gender.
- Bugfix: Fixed some spelling issues.
- Misc: HTML file was renamed to "index.html" to comply with itch.io requirements for online play.
<<scard "Version 0.2.3">>\
<div style="text-align: left;">This release introduces new story content, new features and further fixes for mobile devices. As there are major changes to how the game operates, previous saves are incompatible with this version.
- New story content: Orientation day 3.
- New TF event on Curie's path. The event will differ based on if you decided to get laid or remain professional on the first day.
- Character "Maki" has been added.
- Character "Julianna" has been added.
- Paperdoll has been implemented.
- Inventory has been redesigned.
- Character Sheet has been redesigned. Work in progress.
- Clothing item icons have been updated to match their new appearance.
- Character profiles have been updated with original artwork.
- A lot of placeholders have been updated with original artwork.
- Almost all remaining visual elements have been ported to new UI.
- Further improvements to dialog windows on mobile devices.
- MC will no longer be misgendered in battlegroups simulation.
<<scard "Version 0.2.2">>\
<div style="text-align: left;">This release introduces new story content, features and fixes for mobile devices.
- Added new story content to conclude the first day of orientation.
- Replaced atrium and bedroom images with original artwork.
- Time of day has been implemented.
- Character "Ann" has been added.
- Improved sidebar, dialog windows and textboxes on mobile devices.
- Some sidebar elements have been ported to new UI.
- Music volumes have been adjusted to be consistent.
<<scard "Version 0.2.1">>\
<div style="text-align: left;">This release fixes issues found in v0.2.0 and implements the codex in the game. New story content will be released in v0.2.2.
- The codex has been implemented and is now accessible from the character menu. We have implemented many additional triggers throughout existing content to create a cohesive notebook. As these triggers are not retroactive, we recommend starting a new game to have a complete notebook.
- Character "Edward" has been added.
- Character "Valerie" has been added.
- Improved performance when using high contrast mode.
- Added "Enable small images" gameplay setting. This will constrain all images to a maximum of 15% of the viewport's height.
- Fixed two conditions in orientation that would prevent players from going back in history.
- Fixed some spelling issues.
- Dialog windows have been ported to new UI. This affects the save, restart and settings menus.
- Minor UI updates.
<<scard "Version 0.2.0">>\
<div style="text-align: left;">This release begins orientation week. This release will invalidate previous saves.
- Avatar creation has been revisited to provide initial appearance states.
- Body modifications system has been implemented.
- Inventory system is now usable.
- Clothing system is now implemented.
- Character profile is now implemented. Work in progress.
- Character "Thomas" has been added.
- Character "Letho" has been added.
- Character "Jaime" has been added.
- Fixed some spelling issues.
<</scard>>\<<scard "Version 0.3.11">>\
<div style="text-align: left;">This release fixes some issues found in the previous release, adds a new starting option and updates.
- Content: A transgender (MTF) start is now available at the beginning of the game.
- Content: Added a new sex scene with Eva at the beach house.
- Content: Added 6 new fluff scenes with Eva at the beach house.
- Feature: Implemented keyboard navigation. You can enable it from the settings menu.
- Improvement: Upgraded all of the artworks featured in orientation week, and most of freeroam.
- Improvement: Quests are now prefixed with categories for improved clarity, such as Campaign, Side Quest or Relationship. They will also be sorted alphabetically.
- Improvement: All passages of the game have been updated to be visually consistent.
- Improvement: Reduced the resolution of all of the paperdoll artworks. This should make mobile devices less prone to crashing.
- Bugfix: Fixed freeroam music being much lounder than it should be.
- Bugfix: Fixed Maki not giving you the strange folded note on Day 4 if you didn't meet her on Day 3. Thanks to winsome widowbird for reporting this.
- Bugfix: Fixed the noble and socialite quests not starting at the bar. Thanks to everyone that reported this.
- Bugfix: Fixed Felix appearing at the nightclub when he shouldn't.
- Bugfix: Fixed one of Irene's hints not sending you to the proper location.
- Bugfix: Fixed a fast travel option for Letho sending you to the wrong location.
- Bugfix: Fixed the noble appearing at the nightclub's bar when he shouldn't. Be gone!
- Bugfix: Fixed the noble and socialite interaction buttons causing an error message after their quests are completed. Thanks to vrdf for reporting this.
<<scard "Version 0.3.10">>\
<div style="text-align: left;">This release add new story content, new side content, new features and fixes some issues found in the previous release.
- Content: Campaign Act 2's first stage is now available.
- Content: Added new unique interactions for Curie, Diane, Julianna, Maki, Daniella and Felix.
- Content: There is a new bodyswap event with Zara. Wait for her call and visit her apartment to play it. Requires to have met Hana at the clinic.
- Content: You can purchase new underwear items at Luna Luxe and Alpha Attire.
- Content: Quest "A Noble Escort" has been updated.
- Content: Quest "The socialite" has been updated.
- Content: Added new content for Jaime's relationship, including a new sex scene. Wait for her to call after completing the movie and cafe date. Requires to have spent at least 20 days at the academy.
- Improvement: The nightclub socialite is now accessible to female MC. The options at the nightclub's bar have been renamed to account for it.
- Improvement: The requirements to start Jaime's relationship path have been eased. Now, the only requirement is that you chose to side with Thomas during the orientation week drill.
- Improvement: When possible, hints will provide a fast travel option to the closest possible location. Some options may be unavailable until the area has been visited at least once.
- Improvement: Dialog window buttons will now always be visible regardless of screen size. This should help players using mobile devices.
- Improvement: Some improvements have been made to orientation day 1.
- Improvement: Eva's simulation has received visual enhancements.
- Improvement: Some of Diane's artworks have been updated.
- Improvement: Stella's art has been reworked.
- Improvement: Fixed several cases of audio not resetting properly after using fast travel or skipping time.
- Bugfix: Fixed incorrect opacity on the paperdoll's breasts, causing odd shadows to appear.
- Bugfix: The save to disk and load from disk options in the save menu are now accessible on small mobile devices.
<<scard "Version 0.3.9">>\
<div style="text-align: left;">This release add new side content, new features and fixes some issues found in the previous release.
- Content: Player Milking with Zara is now available at her apartment after Zara has been milked at least once.
- Content: Added a bodyswap sex scene with Zara. Visit Zara at her apartment to experience it.
- Content: Added new quest "Letho in Wonderland". You can begin this quest if you encourage Letho to try out mods and spend enough time with him at the nightclub.
- Content: Added a new sex scene featuring Zara and Letho. It will happen automatically if you are engaging in diplomatic activities with Zara and have pushed Letho far enough.
- Content: Added a new submissive Curie sex scene. It will happen automatically if you are on Curie's submissive path and have spent at least 25 days at the academy.
- Content: Added a new dominant Curie sex scene. It will happen automatically if you are on Curie's dominant path and have spent at least 25 days at the academy.
- Content: Added two new sex scenes with Julianna. You must be on her personal quest, successfully attended dinner and have spent at least 25 days at the academy.
- Content: Added a new sex scene with Daniella. You must have accepted to work for her at Geneforge and have spent at least 15 days at the academy.
- Content: Added a new sex scene with Maki at the cafe. It is automatically available at the private booth if you have completed the quest "Secret Desires".
- Content: Added a new sex scene with Diane at the gym. Requires to be in a relationship with Diane.
- Content: Added a new sex scene with Felix at Ascendent Towers. Requires to have a vagina and worked a few times for the Immigration Bureau.
- Content: The paperdolls have been completely reworked with brand new and up-to-date artwork!
- Content: You can now purchase glasses at Chromascape Lounge.
- Content: Added a new hairstyle "Short Wavy Pixie" for the female character.
- Change: Eyes have been removed as a criteria from the Ascendent Towers minigame as it is nearly impossible to tell the difference following the paperdoll rework.
- Improvement: The wardrobe has been improved, most notably it no longer locks all player actions if you are not dressed appropriately.
- Improvement: Fixed a bunch of audio files not playing on Safari.
- Improvement: Items are now sorted alphabetically in inventory, wardrobe and shops.
- Improvement: The arcade has been updated with character expressions.
- Bugfix: Fixed Zara and Stella's apartments being accessible when they shouldn't.
- Bugfix: Fixed an issue with cunning points being infinitely farmable during orientation week. Thanks to YoukCat for reporting this.
<<scard "Version 0.3.8">>\
<div style="text-align: left;">This release add new story content, new side content, new features and fixes some issues found in the previous release.
- Content: Quest "Campaign: Act 1" has been updated with new stages. They will automatically start after you have spent at least 30 days and 35 days at the academy and have made sufficient progress on the quest.
- Content: Added two live fire exercice for each course. Requires to have made sufficient progress on Campaign Act 1.
- Content: Added Natalie and Erika von Schwarz. These characters can be met early in this patch by the cruiser and battlegroup players.
- Content: You can now work as a maid at the Among the Stars cafe. Visit the cafe anytime after you have spent at least 30 days at the academy.
- Content: Added 12 customers to meet and interact with at the cafe.
- Content: Added 4 sex scenes and 2 lewd events at the cafe.
- Content: Added a new minigame at the cafe.
- Content: Added a new toy trial with Eris at Eclipse Gallery.
- Gameplay: It is now possible to enter into a relationship with Diane after orientation week. Spend enough time with her at the cafe and nightclub to unlock this option.
- Gameplay: It is now possible to mend your relationship with Diane if you pissed her off during orientation week. Spend enough time at the nightclub to unlock this option.
- Gameplay: You can now start mending your relationship with Thomas if he is your rival. Spend some time at the nightclub to unlock this option.
- Gameplay: You can now start mending your relationship with Edward if he is your rival. Spend some time at the nightclub to unlock this option.
- Improvement: Reworked the audio system to load most audio files on demand. This change should improve loading times on mobile devices and poor internet connections when playing online. We will continue to improve this system in future updates.
- Improvement: Eva is now visible in the beach house, bikini included. Intro scenes to the simulation have been updated as well.
- Improvement: Expressions have been added to Day 6.
- Improvement: A chunk of Thomas' and Edward's scenes have been adjusted to make use of their newfound civilian outfit.
- Improvement: Some codex profiles have been moved to different categories in preparation for future updates.
- Bugfix: Fixed a case where music would overlap after loading a save.
Developer Notes:
- There's currently discrepancies between Thomas', Edward's and Diane's outfits at the nightclub. This will be fiwed in a later patch as we comb through old artwork to update it to new style.
- +156 Passages
- +57 221 Words
<<scard "Version 0.3.7">>\
<div style="text-align: left;">This release add new story content, new side content, new features and fixes some issues found in the previous release.
- Content: Added a new character, Hana. You may find her at the clinic after you have made sufficient progress on the "Campaign: Act 1" quest.
- Content: Added two sex scenes with Hana.
- Content: Added a new character, Irene Seldry. You may find her at the archives after you have made sufficient progress on the "Campaign: Act 1" quest and first encountered her at the cafeteria by listening to gossip.
- Content: Added two sex scenes with Irene.
- Content: Added a new character, Felix Cross.
- Content: Added a new minigame to Ascendent Towers. You can get access to it by working at Ascendent Towers and accepting Felix's offer.
- Content: Added a permanent transformation event at GeneForge's lab. You must have accepted Dr. Daniella's offer and have spent at least 20 days at the academy to start the event.
- Content: Added new quest "Questionable Ethics". It will automatically start with the permanent transformation event at GeneForge's lab.
- Content: Added a new system to showcase transformations from the player's point of view. Existing temporary mods have been updated to make use of it.
- Content: Added a new scene with Zara. Visit her again in her apartment after engaging in mod experiments.
- Content: Added a new unique encounter with Diane at the cafe.
- Content: Added a new sex scene with Diane at the cafe. Requires to be in an early relationship with her.
- Improvement: Orientation Day 4 and Day 5 now feature character expressions where possible.
- Improvement: The sidebar will now show the day number.
- Improvement: You can now fast travel from the nightclub and eclipse gallery.
- Bugfix: Fixed Curie's arcade scene playing the female scene if the player was under the effects of the Amazonia mod. Thanks to Bingoogus for reporting this.
- Bugfix: Fixed a case where minigames may generate fractions of credits.
- Bugfix: Fixed the lab minigame not counting how many times you've won it.
- Bugfix: The main menu's background music will now properly end when loading a save.
<<scard "Version 0.3.6">>\
<div style="text-align: left;">This release add new story content, new side content, new features and fixes some issues found in the previous release.
- Content: Added a new fighter, cruiser and battlegroup class. Requires to have made sufficient progress on the "Campaign: Act 1" quest.
- Content: Added a christmas event. It will naturally trigger in december and may be forcefully started or repeated in the "Special Events" section of your apartment's intercom.
- Content: Added 4 encounters for a total of 12 scenes to the christmas event.
- Content: Added the twins, Helena and Rae, to Castelli.
- Content: Added a new "Private Room" option to Castelli.
- Content: Added 3 new encounters for a total of 9 scenes to Castelli's private room.
- Improvement: Castelli has received new artwork.
- Improvement: Many locations now allow fast travel.
- Improvement: Added a time skip button next to the fast travel button in the sidebar. It will work from any location that allows fast travel. Experimental feature.
- Improvement: Added character expressions to orientation day 2 and day 3.
- Bugfix: Zara will no longer appear in class when she is not meant to be there.
- Bugfix: Fixed a malformed tag in a beach house scene. Thanks to vrdf for reporting this.
- Bugfix: Fixed some cases where music would not stop playing.
<<scard "Version 0.3.5">>\
<div style="text-align: left;">This release add new story content, new side content, new features and fixes some issues found in the previous release.
- Content: Added three new sex scenes with Zara.
- Content: Quest "Diplomatic Relations" has a new stage. It will automatically begin after you have made enough progress on the "Campaign: Act 1" and "Diplomatic Relations" quests.
- Content: Added a new curly hair style for male, female and androgynous body types.
- Content: Quest "Heroes" has been added. This quest requires that you chose to side with Thomas during the drill and will automatically start after you have spent at least 20 days at the academy.
- Content: Quest "Alpha Energy" has been added. This quest requires that you chose to side with Edward during the drill and will automatically start after you have spent at least 20 days at the academy.
- Content: Quest "My Loyal Pet" has been added. This quest requires that you are on Curie's submissive narrative arc and you have spent at least 20 days at the academy.
- Content: Quest "Her Loyal Pet" has been added. This quest requires that you are on Curie's dominant narrative arc and you have spent at least 20 days at the academy.
- Content: Added a post-hack encounter with Zara. Check on her after attending class in the morning.
- Content: Added a post-hack encounter with Eva. Check on her in your apartment's living room at any time throughout the day.
- Content: Added a post-hack encounter with Rival Thomas. Check on him at the cafeteria on any saturday morning.
- Content: Added a post-hack encounter with Rival Edward. Visit the commons at any time throughout the day.
- Content: Added a post-hack special TF encounter at the cafeteria. Listen to gossip at the cafeteria at any time throughout the day.
- Content: Added a post-hack special TF encounter at the clinic. Visit the clinic at any time throughout the day.
- Feature: Implemented exotic transformations system.
- Feature: Added two exotic player transformations. Limited to specific events for now.
- Improvement: Ann, Curie, Diane, Eva, Edward, Jaime, Julianna, Letho, Maki, Thomas, Valerie and Zara have received updated codex avatars.
- Improvement: Added character expressions to Orientation Day 1.
- Improvement: Expressions have been added to most of Zara's content.
- Improvement: Expressions have been added to the cafeteria.
- Improvement: Expressions have been added to the clinic.
- Improvement: The button for the "Talk to Zara" interactions in the atrium has been moved from the nav bar to the scene.
- Improvement: The button for the "Approach Zara" interactions after class has been moved from the nav bar to the scene.
- Improvement: The buttons for interacting with characters in the archives' leisure wing have been moved from the nav bar to the scene.
- Improvement: The buttons for interacting with characters at the cafeteria have been moved from the nav bar to the scene.
- Improvement: The buttons for interacting with characters at the clinic have been moved from the nav bar to the scene.
- Improvement: Added tooltips to Curie choices on Day 1 for more clarity on their consequences.
- Bugfix: Fixed a case where the hint to go see Ann aboard the orbital station would still appear after visiting. Thanks to vrdf for reporting this.
- Bugfix: Fixed a typo in a beach house scene.
- Bugfix: Online play no longer fails to load on specific Firefox versions. Thanks to Basil for reporting this.
- Bugfix: Eva's notebook now properly updates after the beach house events.
- Bugfix: Zara's notebook now properly updates based on progress of the "Diplomatic Relations" quest.
<<scard "Version 0.3.4">>\
<div style="text-align: left;">This release add new story content, new side content, new features and fixes some issues found in the previous release.
- Content: Quest "Campaign: Act 1" has been added. It automatically starts after you complete "Campaign: Reality Check".
- Content: Added a new encounter with the main character's father. It will trigger after you have spent at least 15 days at the academy and made sufficient progress on the Act 1 campaign quest.
- Content: Stella has been added to the game. This character is exclusive to the fighters major. You may challenge her at the arcade if you have not yet earned her keycard.
- Content: Stella's apartment is now available from the dormitories, provided you have her keycard.
- Content: Added new sex scenes with Stella.
- Content: Eva's Simulation has been updated with new content. You need at least 25 affinity points with Eva.
- Content: Quest "Pandora's Box" has two new stages. Visit Eva's Simulation to continue this quest.
- Content: Added new sex scenes with Eva.
- Content: Added a date with Jaime. You can start the date by meeting her at the cafeteria, provided you meet the criterias.
- Content: Added a date with Ann. The date will automatically happen after you have spent at least 15 days at the academy and are not yet in a commited relationship.
- Content: Added a date with Valerie. The date will automatically happen after you have spent at least 20 days at the academy.
- Content: Added a date with Diane. The date will automatically happen after you have spent at least 20 days at the academy, provided you meet the criterias.
- Content: Added a date with Julianna. The date will automatically happen after you have spent at least 20 days at the academy and chose to commit to a relationship during orientation week.
- Content: Added a new sex scene with the nightclub's noble.
- Content: Added a new sex scene with the nightclub's socialite.
- Feature: Eva's attributes are now available on her codex page.
- Feature: Jaime's attributes are now available on her codex page.
- Feature: Curie's attributes are now available on her codex page.
- Feature: Valerie's attributes are now available on her codex page.
- Feature: Diane's attributes are now available on her codex page.
- Feature: Julianna's attributes are now available on her codex page.
- Feature: Implemented relationship attributes.
- Improvement: Ann, Diane, Julianna and Valerie codex avatars have been updated.
- Improvement: Minigame animations are now 3x faster.
- Improvement: Watersort minigame now only requires 4 samples instead of 5. The reward has been adjusted to remain the same.
- Improvement: Encounter hints will no longer appear until they are once again available.
- Bugfix: Eating a burger in Eva's simulation now properly rewards affinity.
- Bugfix: The second activity at the technology club is now functional. Thanks to Crusoe for reporting this.
- Bugfix: Fixed a case where getting serviced by Curie at the arcade while having an androgynous body with a penis would display a vagina.
<<scard "Version 0.3.3">>\
<div style="text-align: left;">This release add new story content, new side content, new features and fixes some issues found in the previous release.
- Content: Added club activities (physical, culture, technology). You can participate in club activities every Thursday morning.
- Content: You can now work for Dr. Daniella at GeneForge Labs.
- Content: You can now access the private booth at the Among the Stars cafe, provided you have read Maki's strange folded note.
- Content: Added 2 sex scenes with Maki at the cafe.
- Content: Added Eva's Simulation to the intercom.
- Content: Added new quest "Secret Desires". This quest begins at the Among the Stars cafe.
- Content: Added new quest "Pandora's Box". This quest begins automatically after sleeping.
- Content: Letho can now occasionally be found at the HIVE Nightclub.
- Content: Jaime can now occasionally be found at the HIVE Nightclub.
- Content: Diane can now occasionally be found at the HIVE Nightclub.
- Content: Eris will now offer kinky trials at Eclipse Gallery. This offer is available after your first visit to the store.
- Feature: You can now disable minigames in the settings menu. Tutorials can still trigger minigames if you choose to not skip them.
- Feature: Added a new minigame at GeneForge Labs.
- Bugfix: Fixed Lieutenant Ann's introduction scene repeating aboard the station.
- Bugfix: Fixed an error message in one of the hints.
- Bugfix: The hint system will no longer repeat you need a job after getting one. This was preventing other hints for main quests from appearing.
<<scard "Version 0.3.2">>\
<div style="text-align: left;">This release add new story content, new side content, new features and fixes some issues found in the previous release.
- Content: Added 4 new hair colors: ginger, blue, purple, pink.
- Content: Alice (MtF Temporary Mod) is now available for purchase at the clinic.
- Content: Added 4 sex scenes with Ann at the station.
- Content: Added 4 sex scenes with Valerie at the nightclub.
- Content: Curie is now available from the intercom.
- Content: Added 4 sex scenes with Dominant Curie from the intercom.
- Content: Added 4 sex scenes with Submissive Curie from the intercom.
- Content: Quest "Reality Check" has a new stage. It will be activated once you wake up the following day after getting a job.
- Content: Quest "Diplomatic Relations" has a new stage. It will be activated once you wake up the following day after visiting Zara at her apartment.
- Content: Added new quest "The socialite". This quest begins at the HIVE nightclub.
- Content: Added new quest "A noble escort". This quest begins at the HIVE nightclub.
- Content: Valerie can now occasionally be found at the HIVE Nightclub.
- Content: Edward can now occasionally be found at the HIVE Nightclub.
- Content: Thomas can now occasionally be found at the HIVE Nightclub.
- Content: Zara can now occasionally be found at the archives.
- Content: Added new unique interactions with Zara at the atrium.
- Content: Added a unique post-class encounter with Zara.
- Content: Added main training activity to class with two fighter, cruiser and battlegroup simulations.
- Content: Browse the web option is now available from the computer.
- Content: Watch Movie option is now available from the intercom.
- Content: Added a cross collaboration sex scene with the game Fresh Starts. It can be played by watching an adult movie at the archives.
- Change: Many character interactions now generate affinity points up to "Friend" status.
- Feature: A hint system has been added to provide additional guidance. From now on, Eva will provide hints whenever you are in your apartment's living room. Hints can be disabled from the settings menu.
- Bugfix: Amazonia will no longer override the hairstyle if originally female.
- Bugfix: Fixed Diane's gym scene on orientation day 4 giving the player a strap-on while under the effects of Amazonia. Thanks to Alliebutt and An_Able for reporting this.
- Misc: Updated the wording of Amazonia's description and effect.
<<scard "Version 0.3.1">>\
<div style="text-align: left;">This release introduces new story content, new features and fixes.
- Content: Skin (Permanent), Harmony (Temporary) and Amazonia (Temporary) are now available for purchase at the clinic.
- Content: Characters will now react to transformations when the "Curiosity" status effect is active. At the moment they are the same regardless of the original body type, this will be improved in a later patch.
- Content: Added 33 transformation reactions.
- Content: Quest "Diplomatic Relations" has a new stage. You can visit Zara's apartment from the dormitories.
- Content: Intercom is now available from the living room.
- Content: Room Service is now available from the intercom.
- Content: Inviting Maki is now available from the intercom if you are in good standing with her.
- Content: You can now spend some time talking with Eva from the intercom.
- Content: Added an extra "Talk with Eva" scene that will trigger if you had VR sex with her on Day 4.
- Content: Personal Holopod service is now available from the intercom.
- Content: Added two holopod scenes with Eva.
- Content: You can now occasionally find Maki at the archives.
- Content: Added two random scenes with Eva to archives "Tactics Study" activity.
- Content: Added a lore codex entry for the main character's origin story. Unlocked automatically.
- Content: Added a lore codex entry for modifications. Unlocked automatically.
- Content: Added a new codex entry for Novaris Prime. Visit Novaris Prime Hub to unlock it.
- Content: Sex scene with Diane at the gym has been updated.
- Content: Sex scene with dominant Curie at the clinic has been updated.
- Feature: You can now purchase mods at the clinic.
- Feature: Added character reaction system.
- Feature: Added androgynous body.
- Feature: Added four androgynous hairstyles.
- Feature: Implemented status effect system. Active status effects can now be viewed from the player status page.
- Feature: Styling is now available at the Chromascape Lounge beauty salon. Visit to get a fresh haircut!
- Feature: Added fast travel system. A new "running person" button has been added to the sidebar to access it. The button will turn green whenever fast travel is possible from your current location.
- Feature: Quests can now have multiple paths and outcomes.
- Improvement: Merged male and female uniform items. Saves will be updated automatically when loaded.
- Improvement: Nap and Sleep scenes will no longer play in order to reduce clicks.
- Improvement: Uniform check popup message for attending class will now state what is wrong if the uniform isn't compliant. Thanks to vrdf for suggesting this.
- Improvement: Popups will no longer overlap with navigation buttons. Thanks to Vitegra for reporting this.
- Improvement: Reduced the size of save files.
- Improvement: Male and Female uniform items have been merged into one.
- Bugfix: Creating an outfit in a changing room will no longer send you back to your apartment's wardrobe. Thanks to vrdf for reporting this.
- Misc: It is now possible to mix pieces of the standard and Castelli uniforms to attend class.
- Misc: Added a disclaimer on start page regarding compatibility with Safari/Apple devices as we currently have no means to test for these devices.
<<scard "Version 0.3.0">>\
<div style="text-align: left;">This release introduces new story content, new features and fixes. Further updates will be focused on adding more content.
- Content: Day 6 is now available. Further content is considered as part of freeroam.
- Content: Added 2 new male outfits.
- Content: Added 2 new female outfits.
- Content: Added 2 new outfits at the Castelli store.
- Content: Added 2 quests.
- Content: Added 28 new locations.
- Content: Added 20 character interactions.
- Content: Added 2 Castelli uniform scenes at the cafe.
- New Sex Scene: Diane at Gym.
- New Sex Scene: Dominant Curie at Clinic.
- New Sex Scene: Submissive Curie at the Arcade.
- New Hub: Transport Hub.
- New Hub: Starwatch Academy.
- New Hub: Novaris Prime.
- Feature: Freeroam is now available.
- Feature: Implemented Wardrobe and Outfits.
- Feature: Implemented Quests and Quest Log.
- Feature: Wardrobe is now accessible in your apartment.
- Feature: Jobs (basic version).
- Feature: Shops.
- Improvement: Added a tutorial screen in the introduction sequence. Special thanks to Technisonix for making it necessary to add a tutorial to explain buttons will not actively threaten your existence if you click on them.
- Improvement: Start Menu will no longer generate autosaves.
- Bugfix: Fixed Day 5 cafe evening visit replaying the initial visit even if the player had previously visited. Thanks to The Holy Dragon for reporting this.
- Bugfix: Fixed a case in Day 5 Arcade evening where the game would consider you've never met Diane even if you shared a bag with her on Day 4. Thanks to Kryptark for reporting this.
- Bugfix: Fixed a typo in Day 1 ending scene. Thanks to Dollie for reporting this.
- Misc: Paperdoll sidebar zoom button has been moved to the top toolbar to make room for the quest log button.