<img src="pics/hallway.jpeg"><br>
@@.place; Second floor@@<br>
Go to [[guest room|Room1]]<br>
<<if $meetKenzie eq 0>>Check [[Manager's room|ManagerIntro]]
<<if $meetMassage eq 0>>Check [[Massage room|MassageIntro]]
<<if $meetKenzie eq 1>>Go to [[manager's office|Manager]]
<<if $meetMassage eq 1>>Go to [[massage room|Massage]]
<<if $time eq 6 or $time eq 7>>
<<if $hasWorkedHard eq 1>>@@color:DeepPink;Go to [[manager's room|ManagerSleep]]<br>@@<br><</if>><</if>>
<<if $time lte 5 and $meetSteve eq 1>>
<<set _check to random(1,5)>>
<<if _check eq 1>>
<<linkreplace "You see staff delivers food to the room">>
<img src="pics/staff.jpeg" width="50%"> <br>
<<include "staff">> <</linkreplace>><</if>>
<<if _check eq 2>>
<<linkreplace "You see a staff in the hallway">>
<img src="pics/staff.jpg" width="50%"><br>
@@.voice-demon; Let's make his job less boring@@<br>
<<if $consPower gte $consStaffPeek>><<if $staffEvent eq 0>>@@.powerlink;[[Peek into the room|peekRoomE]]@@<br><<else>>@@.powerlink;[[Peek into the room|peekRoom]]@@<br><</if>>
<<else>>@@.text-error; You don't have enough power@@<br><</if>><</linkreplace>><</if>>
<<if _check eq 3>>
<<linkreplace "You see a beautiful woman">>
<<include "hallwayTease">><</linkreplace>><</if>>
Go to [[Lobby|Lobby]]<br>
<<if $staffCorr gte 0 and not hasVisited("peekRoomE")>><<set $staffEvent to 0>><</if>>
<<if $staffCorr gte 10 and not hasVisited("peekRoomMastE")>><<set $staffEvent to 0>><</if>>
<<if $staffCorr gte 20 and not hasVisited("peekRoomBjE")>><<set $staffEvent to 0>><</if>>
<<if $staffCorr gte 30 and not hasVisited("peekRoomSexE1")>><<set $staffEvent to 0>><</if>>
<<if $time eq 0 or $time eq 1 or $time eq 4 or $time eq 5>>
<<set _check to random(1,6)>>
<<if _check eq 1>><img src="rooms/woman/1.jpeg"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 2>><img src="rooms/woman/2.jpeg"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 3>><img src="rooms/woman/3.webp"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 4>><img src="rooms/woman/4.webp"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 5>><img src="rooms/woman/5.webp"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 6>><img src="rooms/woman/6.webp"><</if>><br>
@@.voice-demon; A woman in the room@@<br>
<<if $summonSkill gte 5>>
<<if $summonCD eq 0>>
@@.powerlink; [[Train your summoning skill|RoomSummon]]@@<<else>>@@.text-error; Enough for today@@<</if>><</if>><br>
<<if $consPower gte $consRoomHorny>>@@.powerlink;[[Make her wet|RoomHorny]]@@<br>
<<else>>@@.text-error; You don't have enough power@@<</if>><</if>><br>
<<if $time eq 2 or $time eq 3>>
<<if $maidCorr eq 5 or $maidCorr eq 10 or $maidCorr eq 15>>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="maids/event/event1.mp4" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-demon; A maid cleaning the room, she is kinda hot @@<br>
<<if $consPower gte $consMaidSlap and $maidCorr eq 5>>@@.powerlink;[[Use power|maidEvent1]]@@
<<elseif $consPower gte $consMaidBj and $maidCorr eq 10>>@@.powerlink;[[Use power|maidEvent2]]@@
<<elseif $consPower gte $consMaidSex and $maidCorr eq 15>>@@.powerlink;[[Use power|maidEvent3]]@@
@@.text-error; You don't have enough power@@<br>
<<set _check to random(1,5)>>
<<if _check eq 1>><img src="maids/maid-pics/1.jpg" style="width: 50%; height: 50%"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 2>><img src="maids/maid-pics/2.webp" style="width: 50%; height: 50%"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 3>><img src="maids/maid-pics/3.jpg" style="width: 50%; height: 50%"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 4>><img src="maids/maid-pics/4.jpg" style="width: 50%; height: 50%"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 5>><img src="maids/maid-pics/5.jpg" style="width: 50%; height: 50%"><</if>><br>
@@.voice-demon; A maid cleaning the room, she is kinda hot @@<br>
<<if $consPower gte $consMaidHorny>>@@.powerlink;[[Make her wet|RoomMaidHorny]]@@<br>
<<else>> @@.text-error; You don't have enough power@@<</if>><</if>><br><</if>>
<<if $time eq 6 or $time eq 7>>
[img[String.format('rooms/night/sleep/' + random(1, 6) + '.webp')]]<br>
@@.voice-demon; The girl is sleeping in the room@@<br>
<<if $guestsCorr gte 10>>
<<if $consPower gte $consRoomSleep >>
@@.powerlink;[[Affect her dreams|Hypno]]@@<<else>>@@.text-error; You don't have enough power@@<</if>><</if>><</if>>
@@.backbtn; [[Back|Second floor]]@@<br>
<<if $time eq 2 or $time eq 3 or $time eq 4 or $time eq 5 or $time eq 1 or $time eq 0>>
<<if $massageCorr eq 1 or $massageCorr eq 10 or $massageCorr eq 20 or $massageCorr eq 30 or $massageCorr eq 40 or $massageCorr eq 50>>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="massage/event/1.webm" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-demon; Nice girl at a massage session, maybe i could participate in it @@<br>
<<if $consPower gte $consMassageTouch>>
@@.powerlink;[[Use power|massageEtouch]]@@<br><<else>>@@.text-error; You don't have enough power@@
<<set _check to random(1,5)>>
<<if _check eq 1>><img src="massage/start/1.jpeg"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 2>><img src="massage/start/2.jpeg"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 3>><img src="massage/start/3.jpeg"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 4>><img src="massage/start/4.jpeg"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 5>><img src="massage/start/5.jpeg"><</if>><br>
@@.voice-demon; Just a massage session@@<br>
<<if $consPower gte $consMassageTouch>>
@@.powerlink;[[Use power|Massage1]]@@<br><<else>>@@.text-error; You don't have enough power@@<br>
<img src="pics/massage-room.jpg"><br>
@@color:DarkGray; Noone is there.@@<br>
<<if $massageCorr gte 21>><<set $consMassageTouch to 0>><</if>>
<<if $massageCorr gte 31>><<set $consMassageTits to 0>><</if>>
<<if $massageCorr gte 41>><<set $consMassageMast to 0>><</if>>
<<if $massageCorr gte 51>><<set $consMassageBj to 0>><</if>>
<<if $massageCorr gte 61>><<set $consMassageSex to 0>><</if>>
<<if $massageCorr gte 71>><<set $consMassageAnal to 0>><</if>><br>
@@.backbtn;[[Back|Second floor]]@@<br>
/* EveningTime & DayTime */
<<if $time eq 2 or $time eq 3 or $time eq 4 or $time eq 5>>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="manager/work/working.webm" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-demon; This bitch is worknig right now, maybe i could help her abit.@@<br>
<<if $time eq 5>>
@@.powerlink;[[Get her tired|ManagerWorkHard]]@@<br>
[[Go for a massage|ManagerMassage]]<br>
<<if $kenzieHasPsy eq 1>>[[Go talk about annoying thoughts|managerPsy]]<br><<elseif $kenzieHasPsy eq 2>>@@color:DarkGray;She already talked to a colleague today@@<br><</if>>
<<if $hasTalkedCollegue eq 0>>[[Go talk to a colleague|managerColleague]]<br><<else>> @@color:DarkGray;She already talked to a colleague today@@<br><</if>>
<<if $areaPool eq 0>>[[Go to business meeting|managerMeeting1]]<br><</if>>
<<if $areaPool eq 1>>[[Go to business meeting|managerSecMeeting]]<br><</if>>
<<if $consPower gte $consKenzieHypno>>
@@.powerlink;[[Use power|workHypno]]@@<<else>>@@.text-error; You don't have enough power@@<br>
/* Morning time or Night time */
<<if $time eq 0 or $time eq 1 or $time eq 6 or $time eq 7>>
<img src="pics/manager-room.jpeg"><br>
@@color:DarkGray; No one is there.@@<br>
<<if $managerCorr gte 15>><<set $consKenzieHypno to 0>><</if>>
<<if $managerCorr gte 20>><<set $consKenzieMastWork to 0>><</if>>
<<if $managerCorr gte 25>><<set $consKenzieHypnoSleep to 0>><</if>>
<<if $managerCorr gte 30>><<set $consKenzieMastAnal to 0>><</if>>
<<if $managerCorr gte 35>><<set $consKenzieSexWork to 0>><</if>>
@@.backbtn;[[Back|Second floor]] @@<br>
<<set $cheats = false>>
<<set $newDay to 0>>
<<set $time to 0>>
<<set $power to 0>>
<<set $consPower to 0>>
<<set $hasMassage to 0>>
<<set $summonSkill to 0>>
/* Corruption */
<<set $guestsCorr to 1>>
<<set $managerCorr to 1>>
<<set $securityCorr to 1>>
<<set $maidCorr to 1>>
<<set $staffCorr to 1>>
<<set $whitneyCorr to 1>>
<<set $massageCorr to 1>>
/* FirstMeeting*/
<<set $meetWhitney to 0>>
<<set $meetKenzie to 0>>
<<set $meetSteve to 0>>
<<set $meetMassage to 0>>
/*events Steve*/
<<set $securityEvent1 to 0>>
<<set $isHorny to 0>>
/*events Maid*/
<<set $maidEvent to 1>>
/* Kenzie*/
<<set $kenziePsy to 0>>
<<set $kenzieColleague to 0>>
<<set $hasWorkedHard to 0>>
<<set $hasTalkedCollegue to 0>>
<<set $areaPool to 0>>
<<set $steveMast to 0>>
<<set $steveMastN to 0>>
<<set $steveMastcam to 0>>
<<set $steveNtouch to 0>>
<<set $steveNmast to 0>>
<<set $steveNbj to 0>>
<<set $steveNSex to 0>>
<<set $steveNSexAwake to 0>>
<<set $steveN to 0>>
<<set $maidHorny to 0>>
<<set $maidSlap to 0>>
<<set $maidBj to 0>>
<<set $maidSex to 0>>
<<set $maidAnal to 0>>
<<set $roomHorny to 0>>
<<set $roomMast to 0>>
<<set $roomDildo to 0>>
<<set $roomAnal to 0>>
<<set $massageTouch to 0>>
<<set $massageTits to 0>>
<<set $massageMast to 0>>
<<set $massageBj to 0>>
<<set $massageSex to 0>>
<<set $massageAnal to 0>>
<<set $kenzieHypno to 0>>
<<set $kenzieMastWork to 0>>
<<set $kenzieHypnoSleep to 0>>
<<set $kenzieMastAnal to 0>>
<<set $kenzieSexWork to 0>>
<<set $kenzieSexPsy to 0>>
<<set $kenzieHasPsy to 0>>
<<set $kenzieMeeting1 to 0>>
<<set $kenzieHypnoed to 0>>
<<set $whitneyTits to 0>>
<<set $whitneyMast to 0>>
<<set $whitneyVibr to 0>>
<<set $hasOuiji to 0>>
<<set $whitneyOuija to 0>>
<<set $whitneyOuijaLesb to 0>>
<<set $whitneyOuijaSummon to 0>>
<<set $Peek to 0>>
<<set $PeekTease to 0>>
<<set $PeekBj to 0>>
<<set $PeekSex to 0>>
<<set $consMaidHorny to 2>>
<<set $consMaidSlap to 3>>
<<set $consMaidBj to 5>>
<<set $consMaidSex to 6>>
<<set $consMaidAnal to 9>>
<<set $consRoomHorny to 2>>
<<set $consRoomMast to 4>>
<<set $consRoomDildo to 6>>
<<set $consRoomAnal to 10>>
<<set $consRoomSleep to 6>>
<<set $consMassageTouch to 2>>
<<set $consMassageTits to 3>>
<<set $consMassageMast to 4>>
<<set $consMassageBj to 5>>
<<set $consMassageSex to 7>>
<<set $consMassageAnal to 11>>
<<set $consSteveMast to 1>>
<<set $consSteveMastN to 3>>
<<set $consSteveMastcam to 4>>
<<set $consSteveNtouch to 3>>
<<set $consSteveNmast to 4>>
<<set $consSteveNbj to 5>>
<<set $consSteveNSex to 8>>
<<set $consSteveNSexAwake to 11>>
<<set $consKenzieHypno to 2>>
<<set $consKenzieMastWork to 2>>
<<set $consKenzieHypnoSleep to 3>>
<<set $consKenzieMastAnal to 3>>
<<set $consKenziePsy to 20>>
<<set $consKenzieSexWork to 21>>
<<set $consKenzieMeeting1 to 22>>
<<set $consWhitneyTits to 2>>
<<set $consWhitneyMast to 3>>
<<set $consWhitneyVibr to 4>>
<<set $consWhitneyOuijaMast to 10>>
<<set $consWhitneyOuijaSummon to 15>>
<<set $ouijaPlayed to 0>>
<<set $hallway to 0>>
<<set $basement to 0>>
v 0.6
@@color:MediumOrchid;Power: $consPower/$power@@
//Time: <<if $time eq 0>>Early morning<</if>><<if $time eq 1>>Morning<</if>><<if $time eq 2>>Early afternoon<</if>><<if $time eq 3>>Afternoon<</if>><<if $time eq 4>>Early evening<</if>><<if $time eq 5>>Evening<</if>><<if $time eq 6>>Night<</if>><<if $time eq 7>>Midnight<</if>>
<img src="pics/succub.jpg" width="100%">
[[Stats|Stats]]@@color:MediumOrchid;@@ - corr
@@color:GoldenRod;@@ - kenzie
@@color:SkyBlue;@@ - steve
@@color:Lime; @@
@@color:DarkGray; @@ -
@@color:Brown; @@ - demon
@@color:DeepPink; @@ - girl
@@color:Wheat; @@ - staff
@@color: Fuchsi; @@ - whitney
Ashley Lane
Kenzie Taylor
@@color:DarkGray; You don't have enough power.@@
guests corr:
1-9 h
10-19 m
20-29 d
30-39 a
40-49 bj
50-59 se
60-69 ana
1-9 - peek (+guestsMast)
10-19 -bj (depends of guestsCorr)
20-29 - sex<img src="pics/succub.jpg">
You are a ghost
And something made you awake. And that's something - the people around.
@@color:Brown;They gonna pay for it.
But first I'll have some fun.@@
<<linkreplace "disclaimer">>
<<set $patron = "" >>
type patreon cheat code and press enter <<textbox "$patron" "type here" "Confirm code">>
<<if $time eq 0 or $time eq 1 or $time eq 2 or $time eq 3 or $time eq 4 or $time eq 5>><<set _check to random(1,2)>>
<<if _check eq 1>><video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="security/working1.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<if _check eq 2>><video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="security/working2.mp4" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-demon; He's working right now...Waste of time. @@ <br>
<<if ndef $tentaclesPower>>@@.powerlink;[[What is this?|TentaclesFirst]]@@<</if>><br>
<<if $mask eq 0>>@@.powerlink;[[Watch film|Mask]]@@<br><<elseif $mask gte 2>>@@.powerlink; [[Look at the Mask|MaskSecurity]]@@<</if>><br>
<<if $consPower gte $consSteveMast>>
@@.powerlink;[[Watch porn|Watch porn]]@@<br>
<<else>> @@.text-error; You don't have enough power@@<</if>><br>
@@.powerlink;[[Watch cameras|Camera]]@@<br>
<<if $steveNightEventCD eq 0>>@@.powerlink;[[Go check a guest room|nightEvent7]]@@<<else>>@@.text-error;I've already visited the guest room today.@@<</if>><br>
<<if $time eq 6 or $time eq 7>>
<<if $isHorny eq 0>><video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="security/sleeping.mp4" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-demon; He's sleeping@@<br>
<<else>><video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="security/working1.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<if $securityCorr eq 15 or $securityCorr eq 20 or $securityCorr eq 25 or $securityCorr eq 30>><br>
@@.voice-guy; Fuck, my dick is hard@@<br>
Go to [[the guest room|nightEvent1]]<br>
<<elseif $securityCorr gt 15>>
Go to [[the guest room|nightRoom]]<br>
@@.backbtn; [[Back|Lobby]] @@
<<if $securityCorr gte 15>><<set $consSteveMast to 0>><</if>>
<<if $securityCorr gte 20>><<set $consSteveMastN to 0>><</if>>
<<if $securityCorr gte 25>><<set $consSteveNtouch to 0>><</if>>
<<if $securityCorr gte 30>><<set $consSteveNmast to 0>><</if>>
<<if $securityCorr gte 35>><<set $consSteveNbj to 0>><</if>>
<<if $securityCorr gte 40>><<set $consSteveNSex to 0>><</if>>
<<if $securityCorr gte 45>><<set $consSteveNSexAwake to 0>><</if>>
<</nobr>><img src="pics/sleeping.jpeg">
@@.backbtn;[[Wake up|Basement]]@@
<<set $newDay to 1>>
<<set $time to 0>>
<<set $consPower to $power>>
<<set $hasMasturbateSteve to 0>>
<<set $hasMassage to 0>>
<<set $maidEvent to 1>>
<<set $isHorny to 0>>
<<set $meetWhitney to 1>>
<<set $meetKenzie to 1>>\
<<set $meetMassage to 1>>\
<<set $meetSteve to 1>>\
<<set $hasTalkedCollegue to 0>>
<<set $receptionCD to 0>>
<<set $summonCD to 0>>
<<set $steveNightEventCD to 0>>
<<set $cameraEventCD to 0>>
<<if $managerCorr gte 28>><<set $kenzieHasPsy to 1>><</if>><<nobr>>
<img src="pics/kenzie.jpeg" style="width: 50%; height: 50%"><br>
@@.voice-demon; This bitch in charge her... so she is my target first of all. Maybe i can influence her right now.@@<br>
@@.powerlink;<<linkreplace "Influence her">>
Nothing happened. <br>
@@.voice-demon; Im not strong enough to influence her right now. Need to find a weak target to train and maybe make people more "malleable" @@<br>
<<set $meetKenzie to 2>>
<<set $time +=1>><br>
@@.backbtn;[[Back|Second floor]] @@<br>
<</nobr>><img src="pics/massage.jpeg">
@@.voice-demon; Nice place. Unfortunately i can't do something for now.@@
<<set $meetMassage to 2>>\
<<set $time +=2>>\
@@.backbtn;[[Go Back|Second floor]]@@\ <<nobr>>
<img src="pics/steve.jpeg" style="width: 50%; height: 50%"><br>
@@.voice-demon; This drunkard can't even protect himself. Seems like i can use my power on him@@<br>
<<if $time neq 4>>@@color:DarkGray; I should come here in the evening@@<br>
<<else>>@@.voice-demon;Lets get him drunk for now.@@<br>
@@.powerlink;<<linkreplace "Influence him">>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="security/drunk1.mp4" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-demon; Okay...that was easy, I feel stronger. I should go [[rest|Basement]] now@@<br>
<<set $power +=1>>
<<set $time +=2>>
<<set $meetSteve to 2>>
<<if $steveMast eq 0>><<set $power +=1>><<set $steveMast to 1>><</if>>
<<set $consPower -=$consSteveMast>>
<<set $time +=1>>
<<set _check to random(1,12)>>
<<if _check eq 1>><img src="security/mast/1.gif"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 2>><img src="security/mast/2.gif"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 3>><img src="security/mast/3.gif"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 4>><img src="security/mast/4.gif"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 5>><img src="security/mast/5.gif"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 6>><img src="security/mast/6.webp"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 7>><img src="security/mast/7.webp"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 8>><img src="security/mast/8.webp"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 9>><img src="security/mast/9.webp"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 10>><img src="security/mast/10.webp"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 11>><img src="security/mast/11.webp"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 12>><img src="security/mast/12.webp"><</if>> <br>
<<if $securityCorr gt 4 and $securityCorr lt 14 and $consPower gte $consSteveMastN>>
@@.powerlink;<<linkreplace "Use power to not let him cum">>
<video width="500" height="400" autoplay muted loop>
<source src="security/mast.mp4" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-guy;Fuck, maybe im too tired of watching porn. So unrealistic.. Or maybe it's a bad day.@@<br>
<<set $consPower -=$consSteveMastN>>
<<if $steveMastN eq 0>><<set $power +=1>><<set $steveMastN to 1>><</if>>
<<set $securityCorr += 1>>
@@.corrupt; Corruption of security chief is increased@@<br>
<<elseif $securityCorr eq 14 and $consPower gte $consSteveMastN>>
@@.powerlink;<<linkreplace "Use power to not let him cum">>
<video width="500" height="400" autoplay muted loop>
<source src="security/mast.mp4" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-guy; Gotta do something else instead of watching porn. But what...?@@<br>
@@.voice-demon; It seems he is starting to do something, finally@@<br>
<<set $consPower -=$consSteveMastN>>
<<set $securityCorr += 1>>
@@.corrupt; Corruption of security chief is increased@@
<<elseif $securityCorr gt 14>>
@@.powerlink;<<linkreplace "Use power to not let him cum">>
<video width="500" height="400" autoplay muted loop>
<source src="security/mast.mp4" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-guy; Nah.. im still horny.@@<br>
<<set $isHorny to 1>>
<<if $securityCorr lt 14>><<set $securityCorr += 1>>
@@.corrupt; Corruption of security chief is increased@@
@@.powerlink;<<linkreplace "He's cumming">>
<video width="500" height="400" autoplay muted loop>
<source src="security/mastend.mp4" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-guy; Sweet relief.@@<br>
<<if $securityCorr lt 14>><<set $securityCorr += 1>>
@@.corrupt; Corruption of security chief is increased@@
@@.backbtn; [[Back|Security]]@@<br>
<<if ndef $cameraEventCD>><<set $cameraEventCD to 0>><</if>>
<<if $guestsCorr lt 10>>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="security/camera.webm" type="video/mp4">
<<set _check to random(1,6)>>
<<if _check eq 1>><img src="rooms/camera/1.webp"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 2>><img src="rooms/camera/2.webp"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 3>><img src="rooms/camera/3.webp"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 4>><img src="rooms/camera/4.webp"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 5>><img src="rooms/camera/5.webp"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 6>><img src="rooms/camera/6.webp"><</if>><</if>><br>
<<if $guestsCorr gte 10>>@@.voice-guy; Looks like someone is having fun.@@<br>
<<if $cameraEventCD eq 0>>
<<if $securityCorr gte 10>>
<<if $consPower gte $consSteveNmast>>
@@.voice-guy; [[Go to the room|CameraEvent1]]@@
<<else>>@@.text-error ;You don't have enough power@@<</if>>
<<else>>@@.text-error; Req. security corr ≥20@@<</if>>
@@.voice-guy; Enough for today@@<br><</if>>
<<else>>@@.voice-guy; Boooooring work, nothing special for now.@@<</if>>
<<set $time +=1>>
<<set $time +=1>>
<<set _check to random(1,8)>>
<<set $consPower -=$consMassageTouch>>
<<if _check eq 1>><img src="massage/touch/1.gif"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 2>><img src="massage/touch/2.gif"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 3>><img src="massage/touch/3.gif"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 4>><img src="massage/touch/4.webp"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 5>><img src="massage/touch/5.webp"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 6>><img src="massage/touch/6.webp"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 7>><img src="massage/touch/7.webp"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 8>><img src="massage/touch/8.webp"><</if>> <br>
<<if $massageCorr lte 10>>
@@.voice-girl; It was a good massage, thanks.@@<br>
@@.text-error; Req. therapist's corr ≥ 10@@<br>
<<else>>@@.voice-girl; Your hands are so strong...@@<br>
<<if $consPower gte $consMassageTits>>@@.powerlink;<<linkreplace "Please turn over for me">><<include "Massage2">><</linkreplace>>@@<<else>>@@.text-error; You don't have enough power@@<</if>><</if>>
<<if $massageCorr lte 9>><<set $massageCorr +=1>>
@@.corrupt; Corruption of massage therapist is increased@@<</if>>
@@.backbtn;[[Back|Second floor]] @@<br>
<<set $consPower -=$consMassageTits>>
<<set _check to random(1,9)>>
<<if _check eq 1>><img src="massage/touch/tits/1.webp"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 2>><img src="massage/touch/tits/2.gif"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 3>><img src="massage/touch/tits/3.webp"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 4>><img src="massage/touch/tits/4.webp"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 5>><img src="massage/touch/tits/5.webp"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 6>><img src="massage/touch/tits/6.webp"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 7>><img src="massage/touch/tits/7.webp"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 8>><img src="massage/touch/tits/8.webp"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 9>><img src="massage/touch/tits/9.webp"><</if>> <br>
<<if $massageCorr lte 20>>
@@.voice-girl; It was a good massage, thanks.@@<br>
@@.text-error; Req. therapist's corr ≥ 20@@
<<else>>@@.voice-girl; *His hands on my breast, feels amazing*@@
@@.voice-girl; Oh... i need more@@<br>
@@.voice-demon; Lets go little deeper@@<br>
<<if $consPower gte $consMassageMast>>
@@.powerlink;[[Masturbate her pussy|Massage3]]@@<br>
<<else>>@@.text-error; You don't have enough power@@<br>
<<if $massageCorr lte 19>><<set $massageCorr +=1>>
@@.corrupt; Corruption of massage therapist is increased@@<</if>>
<</nobr>><<if $roomHorny eq 0>><<set $power +=1>><</if>><<set $roomHorny to 1>>\
<<set $consPower -=$consRoomHorny>>\
<<set _check to random(1,10)>>\
<<if _check eq 1>><img src="rooms/horny/1.webp"><</if>> \
<<if _check eq 2>><img src="rooms/horny/2.webp"><</if>> \
<<if _check eq 3>><img src="rooms/horny/3.webp"><</if>> \
<<if _check eq 4>><img src="rooms/horny/4.webp"><</if>> \
<<if _check eq 5>><img src="rooms/horny/5.webp"><</if>> \
<<if _check eq 6>><img src="rooms/horny/6.webp"><</if>> \
<<if _check eq 7>><img src="rooms/horny/7.webp"><</if>> \
<<if _check eq 8>><img src="rooms/horny/8.webp"><</if>> \
<<if _check eq 9>><img src="rooms/horny/9.webp"><</if>> \
<<if _check eq 10>><img src="rooms/horny/10.webp"><</if>>
@@.voice-girl; I become so horny... my pussy is so wet. I need to calm down.@@
<<if $guestsCorr gte 10>>
<<if $consPower gte $consRoomMast>>\
@@.powerlink;<<linkreplace "Use power">>\
<<include "RoomMast">>\
<</linkreplace>>@@<<else>>@@.text-error; You don't have enough power@@\
<</if>><<else>>@@.text-error; Req. guests' corr ≥ 10@@<</if>>\
<<if $guestsCorr lt 10>>
@@.corrupt; Corruption of guests is increased@@
<<set $guestsCorr +=1>>\
@@.backbtn;[[Back|Second floor]]@@
<<if $guestsCorr gte 20>><<set $consRoomHorny to 0>><</if>>\
<<if $guestsCorr gte 30>><<set $consRoomMast to 0>><</if>>\
<<if $guestsCorr gte 40>><<set $consRoomDildo to 0>><</if>>\
<<if $guestsCorr gte 50>><<set $consRoomAnal to 0>><</if>>\
<<if $guestsCorr gte 60>><<set $consRoomBj to 0>><</if>>\
<<if $guestsCorr gte 70>><<set $consRoomSex to 0>><</if>>\
<<if $guestsCorr gte 80>><<set $consRoomAnalSex to 0>><</if>>\
<<set $time +=1>>\<<nobr>>
<<set $consPower -=$consMaidHorny>>
<<if $maidHorny eq 0>><<set $power +=1>><<set $maidHorny to 1>><</if>>
<<set _check to random(1,7)>>
<<if _check eq 1>><img src="maids/maids-horny/1.webp"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 2>><img src="maids/maids-horny/2.webp"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 3>><img src="maids/maids-horny/3.webp"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 4>><img src="maids/maids-horny/4.webp"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 5>><img src="maids/maids-horny/5.webp"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 6>><img src="maids/maids-horny/6.webp"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 7>><img src="maids/maids-horny/7.webp"><</if>><br>
<<if $maidCorr lte 4>>
@@.voice-demon; I made her wet with my power and she started acting like a whore, but that's all i can do for now.@@<br>
@@.text-error; Req. maids' corr. ≥ 5@@
@@.voice-demon; I made her wet with my power and she started acting like a whore, maybe i can do something else.@@<br>
<<if $consPower gte $consMaidSlap>>
@@.powerlink;<<linkreplace "Spank her">><br>
<<include "RoomMaidSpank">>
<<else>>@@.text-error; You don't have enough power@@<br>
<<if $maidCorr lte 4>><<set $maidCorr +=1>>@@.corrupt; Maids' corruption is increased@@<</if>><br>
<<if $maidCorr gte 10>><<set $consMaidHorny to 0>><</if>>
<<if $maidCorr gte 15>><<set $consMaidSlap to 0>><</if>>
<<if $maidCorr gte 20>><<set $consMaidBj to 0>><</if>>
<<if $maidCorr gte 25>><<set $consMaidSex to 0>><</if>>
<<if $maidCorr gte 30>><<set $consMaidAnal to 0>><</if>>
<<set $time +=1>>
@@.backbtn;[[Back|Second floor]]@@<br>
<<set $consPower -=$consRoomSleep>>
<<set _check to random(1,8)>>
<<if _check eq 1>><img src="rooms/hypno/1.webp"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 2>><img src="rooms/hypno/2.webp"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 3>><img src="rooms/hypno/3.webp"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 4>><img src="rooms/hypno/4.webp"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 5>><img src="rooms/hypno/5.webp"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 6>><img src="rooms/hypno/6.webp"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 7>><img src="rooms/hypno/7.webp"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 8>><img src="rooms/hypno/8.webp"><</if>><br>
<<if $guestsCorr lt 40>>
@@.corrupt;Corruption of guests is increased@@
<<set $guestsCorr +=1>>
<</nobr>><<if $roomMast eq 0>><<set $power +=1>><</if>><<set $roomMast to 1>>\
<<set $consPower -=$consRoomMast>>\
<<set _check to random(1,12)>>\
<<if _check eq 1>><img src="rooms/mast/1.webp"><</if>> \
<<if _check eq 2>><img src="rooms/mast/2.webp"><</if>> \
<<if _check eq 3>><img src="rooms/mast/3.webp"><</if>> \
<<if _check eq 4>><img src="rooms/mast/4.webp"><</if>> \
<<if _check eq 5>><img src="rooms/mast/5.webp"><</if>> \
<<if _check eq 6>><img src="rooms/mast/6.webp"><</if>> \
<<if _check eq 7>><img src="rooms/mast/7.gif"><</if>> \
<<if _check eq 8>><img src="rooms/mast/8.webp"><</if>> \
<<if _check eq 9>><img src="rooms/mast/9.webp"><</if>> \
<<if _check eq 10>><img src="rooms/mast/10.webp"><</if>> \
<<if _check eq 11>><img src="rooms/mast/11.gif"><</if>> \
<<if _check eq 12>><img src="rooms/mast/12.webp"><</if>>
@@.voice-girl; Mmm, i can't think about something else, i need to relax.@@
<<if $guestsCorr gte 20>>\
<<if $consPower gte $consRoomDildo>>\
@@.powerlink;[[Take a toy|RoomToy]]@@<<else>>@@.text-error; You don't have enough power@@
<</if>><<else>>@@.text-error; Req. guests' corr ≥ 20@@<</if>>
<<if $guestsCorr lte 19>><<set $guestsCorr +=1>><</if>>
<<if $guestsCorr lt 20>>
@@.corrupt; Corruption of guests is increased@@\
<<if $roomDildo eq 0>><<set $power +=1>><</if>><<set $roomDildo to 1>>
<<set $consPower -=$consRoomDildo>>
<<set _check to random(1,10)>>
<<if _check eq 1>><img src="rooms/dildo/1.webp"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 2>><img src="rooms/dildo/2.webp"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 3>><img src="rooms/dildo/3.webp"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 4>><img src="rooms/dildo/4.webp"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 5>><img src="rooms/dildo/5.webp"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 6>><img src="rooms/dildo/6.webp"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 7>><img src="rooms/dildo/7.webp"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 8>><img src="rooms/dildo/8.webp"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 9>><img src="rooms/dildo/9.webp"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 10>><img src="rooms/dildo/10.webp"><</if>><br>
@@.voice-girl; ~Ohh.. yea, it was good@@<br>
<<if $guestsCorr gte 30>>
@@.voice-girl; I need something in my ass too@@<br>
<<if $consPower gte $consRoomAnal>>
@@.powerlink;[[Use power|RoomToyAnal]]@@<<else>>@@.text-error; You don't have enough power@@
<</if>><<else>>@@.text-error; Req. guests' corr ≥ 30@@<</if>><br>
<<if $guestsCorr lte 29>><<set $guestsCorr +=1>><</if>><br>
<<if $guestsCorr lt 30>>
@@.corrupt; Corruption of guests is increased@@
@@.backbtn;[[Back|Second floor]] @@
<<set $consPower -=$consMassageMast>>
<<set _check to random(1,9)>>
<<if _check eq 1>><img src="massage/mast/1.webp"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 2>><img src="massage/mast/2.webp"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 3>><img src="massage/mast/3.gif"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 4>><img src="massage/mast/4.webp"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 5>><img src="massage/mast/5.webp"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 6>><img src="massage/mast/6.webp"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 7>><img src="massage/mast/7.webp"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 8>><img src="massage/mast/8.webp"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 9>><img src="massage/mast/9.webp"><</if>> <br>
<<if $massageCorr lte 30>>
@@.voice-girl; ~Ouhh ..we should stop...it getting too far...@@<br>
@@.text-error; Req. therapist's corr ≥ 30@@
@@.voice-girl; I need your dick in my mounth right now@@<br>
<<if $consPower gte $consMassageBj>>@@.powerlink;<<linkreplace "Give her what she wants">><<include "Massage4">><</linkreplace>>@@<br>
<<else>>@@.text-error; You don't have enough power@@<br>
<<if $massageCorr lte 29>><<set $massageCorr +=1>>
@@.corrupt; Corruption of massage therapist is increased@@<</if>>
@@.backbtn;[[Back|Second floor]]@@<br>
<<set $consPower -=$consMassageSex>>
<<set _check to random(1,10)>>
<<if _check eq 1>><img src="massage/sex/1.webp"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 2>><img src="massage/sex/2.webp"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 3>><img src="massage/sex/3.gif"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 4>><img src="massage/sex/4.webp"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 5>><img src="massage/sex/5.webp"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 6>><img src="massage/sex/6.webp"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 7>><img src="massage/sex/7.webp"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 8>><img src="massage/sex/8.webp"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 9>><img src="massage/sex/9.gif"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 10>><img src="massage/sex/10.gif"><</if>> <br>
@@.voice-girl; ~YYeess-s~ha.. keep going...~haah@@
<<if $massageCorr lt 50>>
@@.voice-guy; I'm cumming.@@
@@.powerlink;<<linkreplace "Cum">><<include "MassageCum">><</linkreplace>>@@
@@.text-error; Req. massage therapist's corr ≥ 50@@<<else>>@@.voice-guy; What do you think about full body massage?@@<br>
@@.voice-girl; Mm~ i don't know..@@<br>
<<if $consPower gte $consMassageAnal>>@@.powerlink;[[Use power|Massage6]]<<else>>@@.text-error ;You don't have enough power@@<</if>><</if>><br>
<<if $massageCorr lte 49>>@@.corrupt; Corruption of massage therapist is increased@@<<set $massageCorr +=1>><</if>><br>
@@.backbtn;[[Back|Second floor]] @@<br>
<<set $consPower -=$consMassageBj>>
<<set _check to random(1,8)>>
<<if _check eq 1>><img src="massage/bj/1.webp"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 2>><img src="massage/bj/2.webp"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 3>><img src="massage/bj/3.webp"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 4>><img src="massage/bj/4.webp"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 5>><img src="massage/bj/5.webp"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 6>><img src="massage/bj/6.webp"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 7>><img src="massage/bj/7.webp"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 8>><img src="massage/bj/8.webp"><</if>> <br>
<<if $massageCorr lte 40>>
@@.voice-girl; ~Schlop~Schlap~ Ough...there will be problems if we get caught, we should stop...@@<br>@@.text-error; Req. massage therapist's corr ≥ 40@@
@@.voice-girl; Ohh~my pussy is so wet, please fuck me hard.@@<br>
<<if $consPower gte $consMassageSex>>
@@.powerlink;[[Fuck her|Massage5]]@@<br>
<<else>>@@.text-error; You don't have enough power@@<br>
<<if $massageCorr lte 39>><<set $massageCorr +=1>>
@@.corrupt; Corruption of massage therapist is increased@@<</if>>
@@.backbtn;[[Back|Second floor]]@@
<</nobr>><<if $roomAnal eq 0>><<set $power +=1>><</if>><<set $roomAnal to 1>>\
<<set $consPower -=$consRoomAnal>>\
<<set _check to random(1,5)>>\
<<if _check eq 1>><img src="rooms/anal/1.webp"><</if>> \
<<if _check eq 2>><img src="rooms/anal/2.webp"><</if>> \
<<if _check eq 3>><img src="rooms/anal/3.webp"><</if>> \
<<if _check eq 4>><img src="rooms/anal/4.webp"><</if>> \
<<if _check eq 5>><img src="rooms/anal/5.webp"><</if>> \
@@.powerlink;<<linkreplace "Cum">>
<<set _check to random(1,3)>>\
<<if _check eq 1>><img src="rooms/anal/01.webp"><</if>> \
<<if _check eq 2>><img src="rooms/anal/02.webp"><</if>> \
<<if _check eq 3>><img src="rooms/anal/03.webp"><</if>>
@@.voice-girl; Ohh.. yea, it was good@@
<<if $guestsCorr lt 40>>
@@.corrupt; Corruption of guests is increased@@
@@.backbtn;[[Back|Second floor]]@@\
<<if $guestsCorr lte 39>><<set $guestsCorr +=1>><</if>>\
<<set $consPower -=$consMaidSlap>>
<<set _check to random(1,8)>>
<<if _check eq 1>><img src="maids/maids-slap/1.webp"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 2>><img src="maids/maids-slap/2.webp"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 3>><img src="maids/maids-slap/3.webp"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 4>><img src="maids/maids-slap/4.webp"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 5>><img src="maids/maids-slap/5.webp"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 6>><img src="maids/maids-slap/6.webp"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 7>><img src="maids/maids-slap/7.webp"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 8>><img src="maids/maids-slap/8.webp"><</if>> <br>
<<if $maidCorr lt 10>>
@@.voice-girl; Thats hurt, stop please.@@<br>
@@.text-error; Req. maids' corr. ≥ 10@@
@@.voice-girl; Slap my juicy ass ♥ ♥. @@<br>
<<if $consPower gte $consMaidBj>>
@@.powerlink;[[Blow job|RoomMaidBJ]]@@
<<else>>@@.text-error; You don't have enough power@@<</if>><br><</if>>
<<if $maidCorr lte 9>><<set $maidCorr +=1>>@@.corrupt; Maids' corruption is increased@@<</if>><br>
<<set $consPower -=$consMaidBj>>
<<set _check to random(1,6)>>
<<if _check eq 1>><img src="maids/maids-bj/1.webp"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 2>><img src="maids/maids-bj/2.webp"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 3>><img src="maids/maids-bj/3.webp"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 4>><img src="maids/maids-bj/4.webp"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 5>><img src="maids/maids-bj/5.webp"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 6>><img src="maids/maids-bj/6.webp"><</if>> <br>
<<if $maidCorr lt 15>>
@@.voice-girl; Let me clean your dick with my mouth.@@ <br>
@@.text-error; Req. maids' corr. ≥ 15@@
@@.voice-girl; ~Ouhmn~I need you inside me. @@<br>
<<if $consPower gte $consMaidSex>>
@@.powerlink;<<linkreplace "Fuck her">><br>
<<include "RoomMaidSex">><</linkreplace>>@@
<<else>>@@.text-error; You don't have enough power@@<br><</if>>
<<if $maidCorr lte 14>><<set $maidCorr +=1>>@@.corrupt; Maids' corruption is increased@@<</if>><br>
@@.backbtn;[[Back|Second floor]]@@<br>
<<set $consPower -=$consMaidSex>>
<<set _check to random(1,6)>>
<<if _check eq 1>><img src="maids/maids-sex/1.webp"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 2>><img src="maids/maids-sex/2.webp"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 3>><img src="maids/maids-sex/3.webp"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 4>><img src="maids/maids-sex/4.webp"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 5>><img src="maids/maids-sex/5.webp"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 6>><img src="maids/maids-sex/6.webp"><</if>> <br>
@@.voice-girl; I want to cum so badly, please fuck me hard..@@<br>
<<if $maidCorr lt 20>>
@@.powerlink;<<linkreplace "Cum">><br>
<<set _checkEnd to random(1,3)>>
<<if _checkEnd eq 1>><img src="maids/maids-end/1.webp"><</if>>
<<if _checkEnd eq 2>><img src="maids/maids-end/2.webp"><</if>>
<<if _checkEnd eq 3>><img src="maids/maids-end/3.webp"><</if>><br>
@@.voice-girl; Have to clean up again....@@<br>
@@.text-error; Req. maids' corr. ≥ 20@@
@@.voice-girl; Ohh~don't stop, fuck my ass.. @@<br>
<<if $consPower gte $consMaidAnal>>
@@.powerlink; [[Fuck her ass|RoomMaidAnal]]@@
<<else>>@@.text-error; You don't have enough power@@
<<if $maidCorr lte 19>><<set $maidCorr +=1>>@@.corrupt; Maids' corruption is increased@@<</if>>
<<set $consPower -=$consMaidAnal>>
<<set _check to random(1,7)>>
<<if _check eq 1>><img src="maids/maids-anal/1.webp"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 2>><img src="maids/maids-anal/2.webp"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 3>><img src="maids/maids-anal/3.webp"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 4>><img src="maids/maids-anal/4.webp"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 5>><img src="maids/maids-anal/5.webp"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 6>><img src="maids/maids-anal/6.webp"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 7>><img src="maids/maids-anal/7.webp"><</if>><br>
@@.voice-girl; Take care of my ass too @@<br>
@@.powerlink;<<linkreplace "Cum">>
<<set _checkEnd to random(1,4)>>
<<if _checkEnd eq 1>><img src="maids/maids-end/1.webp"><</if>>
<<if _checkEnd eq 2>><img src="maids/maids-end/2.webp"><</if>>
<<if _checkEnd eq 3>><img src="maids/maids-end/3.webp"><</if>>
<<if _checkEnd eq 4>><img src="maids/maids-end/4.webp"><</if>><br>
@@.voice-girl; So much cum.@@<br>
<<if $maidCorr lte 24>><<set $maidCorr +=1>>
@@.corrupt; Maids' corruption is increased@@<</if>><br>
@@.backbtn;[[Back|Second floor]]@@<br>
<<set $consPower -=$consMaidSlap>>\
<<if $maidSlap eq 0>><<set $power +=1>><<set $maidSlap to 1>><</if>>\
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="maids/event/startevent.webm" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-girl;Good morning mister.@@<br>
@@.voice-guy; Good morning@@<br>
@@.powerlink;<<linkreplace "Up the skirt">>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="maids/event/maid2.webm" type="video/mp4">
What is he doing? Maybe I should stop him... but his hands on my butt... feels so good.@@<br>
@@.voice-guy; Don't mind me girl, carry on with what you were doing@@<br>
@@.powerlink;<<linkreplace "Slap her ass">>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="maids/event/slap.webm" type="video/mp4">
~Yeaa, slap my ass, make it red.@@<br>
@@.voice-guy; I'll come back to you later@@<br>
<<if $maidCorr eq 5>><<set $maidCorr +=1>>@@.corrupt; Maids' corruption is increased@@<</if>><br>
@@.backbtn;[[Back|Second floor]]@@<br>
<<set $time +=1>>
<<set $consPower -=$consMaidBj>>
<<if $maidBj eq 0>><<set $power +=1>><<set $maidBj to 1>><</if>>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="maids/event/touching.webm" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-girl;He's touching my tits, I'll pretend nothing is happening.@@<br>
@@.voice-guy; I think there is one spot that you haven't cleaned@@<br>
@@.powerlink;<<linkreplace "Suck his dick">>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="maids/event/bj.webm" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-guy; ~Yes, naughty girl@@<br>
@@.voice-girl; What am i doing... I hope no one finds out about this.@@<br>
<<if $maidCorr eq 10>><<set $maidCorr +=1>>@@.corrupt; Maids' corruption is increased@@<</if>><br>
@@.backbtn;[[Back|Second floor]]@@
<<set $time +=1>>
<<set $consPower -=$consMaidSex>>
<<if $maidSex eq 0>><<set $power +=1>><<set $maidSex to 1>><</if>>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="maids/event/fuck1.webm" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-girl;He's looking at my ass. Will he spank me again?@@<br>
@@.powerlink; <<linkreplace "Up the skirt">>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="maids/event/fuck2_1.webm" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-girl; What is he doing, does he wanna fuck me? Right now, when im cleaning the floor?@@<br>
@@.powerlink;<<linkreplace "Put dick in her pussy">>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="maids/event/fuck2_2.webm" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-girl; ~OHHh, he really entered... ~Ahh.@@<br>
@@.powerlink; [[Fuck her from behind|maidEvent4]]@@<br>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="maids/event/end.webm" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-girl; Yes, cum for me. Hope you will fuck me every day from this moment.@@<br>
<<if $maidCorr eq 15>><<set $maidCorr +=1>>@@.corrupt; Maids' corruption is increased@@<</if>><br>
@@.backbtn; [[Back|Second floor]] @@<br>
<<set $maidCorr +=1>>
<<set $time +=1>>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="manager/work.webm" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-manager; Im soo tired today working, maybe i should stay tonight in the hotel@@<br>
@@.backbtn;[[Back|Second floor]] @@<br>
<<set $hasWorkedHard to 1>><br>
<<set $time +=1>>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="manager/sleep/sleep.webm" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-manager; Finally i could sleep@@<br>
@@.powerlink;<<linkreplace "Sleep">>
<video autoplay muted>
<source src="manager/sleep/sleep1.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<if $managerCorr gte 15>>
<<if $consPower gte $consKenzieHypnoSleep>>
@@.powerlink;[[Affect her dreams|ManagerDreams]]@@<<else>>@@.text-error; You don't have enough power@@<</if>><<else>>@@.text-error; Req. manager's corr ≥ 15@@<</if>><br>
@@.backbtn;[[Sleep|Sleep]] @@<br>
<<set $time +=1>>
<<set $hasWorkedHard to 0>>
<<set $consPower -=$consKenzieHypnoSleep>>
<<if $kenzieHypnoSleep eq 0>><<set $power +=1>><<set $kenzieHypnoSleep to 1>><</if>>
<<set _check to random(1,4)>>
<<if _check eq 1>><img src="manager/hypno/1.gif"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 2>><img src="manager/hypno/2.gif"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 3>><img src="manager/hypno/3.gif"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 4>><img src="manager/hypno/4.webp"><</if>> <br>
@@.voice-manager; These thoughts keep haunting me, but I need to try to sleep.@@<br>
<<if $managerCorr gt 19>>
@@.voice-manager; Mm, I can't think of anything else. My body is hot, especially my butt, i need to take care of it right now.@@<br>
<<if $consPower gte $consKenzieMastAnal>>
@@.powerlink;<<linkreplace "Play with ass">>
<<include "ManagerFinger">>
<<else>>@@.text-error; You don't have enough power@@<br><</if>>
<<else>>@@.text-error; Req. manager's corr ≥ 20@@<br>
<<if $managerCorr lte 24>>
@@.corrupt; Corruption of manager is increased@@<br>
<<set $managerCorr +=1>>
<<set $kenzieHypnoed to 1>>
@@.backbtn;[[Sleep|Sleep]] @@<br>
<<set $consPower -=$consKenzieMastAnal>>
<<if $kenzieMastAnal eq 0>><<set $power +=1>><<set $kenzieMastAnal to 1>><</if>>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="manager/sleep/anal1.webm" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-manager; ~Mm, can't believe i'm going to finger my ass; @@<br>
@@.powerlink;<<linkreplace "Finger your ass">>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="manager/sleep/anal2.webm" type="video/mp4">
<<if $managerCorr lte 27>>
@@.voice-manager; Ohhh yeaa, it was so good, now i could finally sleep@@<br>
@@.corrupt; Corruption of manager is increased@@<br>
<<set $managerCorr +=1>>
<<elseif $managerCorr eq 28>>
@@.voice-manager; Mmm, it was good. But but it's getting kinda annoying , maybe I should talk to someone because of these thoughts @@<br>
<<set $kenzieHasPsy to 1>>
<<else>> @@.voice-manager; ~Ohhh yeaa~ it was so good, now i could finally sleep@@<br>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="manager/work/working1.webm" type="video/mp4">
<<if $managerCorr gte 29 and $kenzieColleague gte 15>>
<<if $consPower gte $consKenzieSexWork>>
@@.voice-manager; How did I not pay attention to such a man before, although I have been working with him for a long time?@@<br>
@@.powerlink;[[Use power|managerEvent1Johnny]]@@<<else>>@@.text-error; You don't have enough power@@<br>
<</if>><<else>>@@.text-error; Req. manager's corr ≥ 29 and Relationship with a colleague ≥ 15<</if>><br>
<<if $kenzieColleague lt 15>>
<<set $kenzieColleague +=1>>
@@.corrupt; Relationship with a colleague is increased.@@<</if>><br>
<<set $hasTalkedCollegue to 1>>
@@.backbtn;[[Back|Manager]] @@
<<set $time +=1>>
<<set $consPower -=$consKenziePsy>>
<<if $kenzieSexPsy eq 0>><<set $power +=1>><<set $kenzieSexPsy to 1>><</if>>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="manager/work/working4start.webm" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-manager; The only thoughts i think about are dicks, i want it soo much. I don't even know what to do to get off this feeling... actually i do, but it doesn't help@@<br>
@@.powerlink;<<linkreplace "Use power">>
<img src="manager/hypno/hypno1.gif"><br>
@@.powerlink;<<linkreplace "Use power again">>
<img src="manager/hypno/hypno2.webp"><br>
@@.voice-manager; Even now... what should i do? @@<br>
@@.voice-guy; Sometimes you gotta satisfy your desires, and I have what you need @@<br>
@@.powerlink;<<linkreplace "Give her what she wants">>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="manager/work/working4dick.webm" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-manager; ~Wow, what a huge dick, I need to start treatment right now @@<br>
[[Suck it|managerEvent1IsiahBJ]]<br>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="manager/work/working4bj1.webm" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-manager; Ahhh, I want it deep into my mouth@@<br>
@@.voice-guy; Swallow it all now@@<br>
@@.powerlink;<<linkreplace "Suck more">>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="manager/work/working4bj2.webm" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-manager; My pussy is so wet, please fuck me like a whore@@<br>
@@.powerlink;[[Have sex|managerEvent1IsiahSex]]@@<br>
<</nobr>> <<nobr>>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="manager/work/working4sex7.webm" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-manager; Oh! Stick it nice and good into your little whore@@<br>
@@.powerlink;<<linkreplace "Ride him">>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="manager/work/working4sex2.webm" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-guy; I want to fuck your ass @@<br>
@@.voice-manager; Anything you want@@<br>
@@.powerlink; [[Have anal sex|managerEvent1IsiahAnal]]@@<br>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="manager/work/working4sex1.webm" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-manager; His dick in my ass... awesome~...@@<br>
@@.powerlink;<<linkreplace "Change position">>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="manager/work/working4sex3.webm" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-manager; ~Yes , fuck me. Ohh~ yeah I really love your cock@@<br>
@@.powerlink;<<linkreplace "Change position">>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="manager/work/working4sex4.webm" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-manager; Yes!Yes! That's it. Fuck my ass, fuck it hard. Goo... i'm cumming...I'm cumming!@@ <br>
@@.powerlink; [[Cum|managerEvent1IsiahCum]]@@<br>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="manager/work/working4end.webm" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-guy; Don't spill a drop@@<br>
@@.voice-manager; Ohhh... You are the best. Maybe we should visit each other more offen @@<br>
<<if $hasGift eq 0>>
@@.powerlink;<<linkreplace "Give her a gift">>
<<include "managerEvent1IsiahGift">>
<<set $kenzieHypnoed to 2>>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="manager/work/working4gift.webm" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-guy; There is a gift from me for your fat ass.@@<br>
<<if $managerCorr eq 28>>
@@.corrupt; Corruption of manager is increased@@<br>
<<set $managerCorr +=1>>
<<set $hasGift to 1>>
<<set $consPower -=$consKenzieSexWork>>
<<if $kenzieSexWork eq 0>><<set $power +=1>><<set $kenzieSexWork to 1>><</if>>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="manager/work/working1kiss.webm" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-guy; I always wanted to fuck you @@<br>
@@.voice-manager; Do it, I don't mind@@<br>
@@.powerlink; [[Suck his dick|managerEvent1JohnnyBJ]]@@<br>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="manager/work/working1bj.webm" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-manager; Do you like it?@@<br>
@@.voice-guy; I'll show you how i like it@@<br>
@@.powerlink;<<linkreplace "Fuck her throat">>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="manager/work/working1bj2.webm" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-manager; Agh AHg, huge hard dick in my throat@@<br>
@@.powerlink;[[Have sex|managerEvent1JohnnySex]]@@<br>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="manager/work/working1sex1.webm" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-manager; Oh fuck yess~ I've been waiting so long@@<br>
@@.powerlink;<<linkreplace "Ride him">>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="manager/work/working1sex2.webm" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-manager; Yeesss, your dick is so good in my wet pussy, i'm almost cumming@@<br>
@@.voice-guy; Not now, bitch @@<br>
@@.powerlink;<<linkreplace "Change position">>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="manager/work/working1sex3.webm" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-guy; I'm about to cum, show me your pretty face@@<br>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="manager/work/working1end1.webm" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-manager; Yummy, we should do it more often@@<br>
@@.backbtn; [[Back|Second floor]] @@<br>
<<if $managerCorr gte 29 and $managerCorr lte 34>>
@@.corrupt; Corruption of manager is increased@@
<<set $managerCorr +=1>>
<</nobr>> <<nobr>>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="manager/work/working3.webm" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-guy; I'm sorry, but we don't have free funds for you at the moment.@@<br>
@@.voice-manager; I'm pretty sure he's lying, but what can i do@@<br>
<<if $managerCorr gte 30>>
@@.powerlink;[[Seduce him|managerMeeting1seduce]]@@<br>
<<else>>@@.text-error; Req. manager's corr ≥ 30 @@<</if>><br>
@@.backbtn;[[Back|Second floor]] @@<br>
<<set $time +=1>>
<</nobr>> <<nobr>>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="manager/work/working3seduce.webm" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-manager; if I can't do it the way it should be, I'll do it my way@@<br>
@@.voice-demon; Without me this bitch wouldn't have achieved anything@@ <br>
@@.powerlink;<<linkreplace "Make him lick your pissy">>
<<include "managerMeeting1Licking">>
<</nobr>> <<nobr>>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="manager/work/working3lick1.webm" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-guy; I already told you that... The fuck you doing@@<br>
@@.powerlink;<<linkreplace "More">>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="manager/work/working3lick2.webm" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-manager; I will do everything to make my hotel successful, and you will help me@@<br>
@@.voice-guy; Mm, whatever, but you'll have to do one more thing for me@@<br>
@@.powerlink;[[Sign documents|managerMeeting1BJ1]]@@<br>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="manager/work/working3bj1.webm" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-manager; Do you like it how i suck your hard dick? Sign the documents, you don’t think that I’m doing this just like that@@<br>
@@.voice-guy; Ohh okay okay... just don't stop@@<br>
@@.powerlink; [[Fuck her|managerMeeting1Sex]]@@<br>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="manager/work/working3sex1.webm" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-guy; Take that dick, whore.@@<br>
@@.voice-manager; I don't care, just fuck me...Oh fucking god, your dick is so good@@<br>
@@.powerlink;<<linkreplace "Change position">>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="manager/work/working3sex3.webm" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-guy; Im pretty close@@<br>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="manager/work/working3end.webm" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-guy; Ooff, you are really good at it@@<br>
@@.powerlink;<<linkreplace "You are done here">>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="manager/work/working3endop1.webm" type="video/mp4">
<<if $managerCorr lte 30>>
@@.corrupt; Corruption of manager is increased@@<br>
<<set $managerCorr +=1>><</if>>
Pool is open now!<br>
<<set $areaPool to 1>>
@@.backbtn; [[Back|Second floor]]@@<br>
<<if ndef $steveCamEvent1 >><<set $power +=1>><</if>><<set $steveCamEvent1 to 1>>
<<set $cameraEventCD to 1>>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="rooms/camera/event/2.mp4" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-guy; I'm just in time, oh she's so hot, I <<linkappend "can't just look at her">><br>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="rooms/camera/event/3.mp4" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-guy; What makes me do this? But [[I can't stop...|CameraEvent1Ass]]@@<br>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="rooms/camera/event/4.mp4" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-girl; WHAT THE FUCK@@<br>
<<if $securityCorr gte 26>>
<<if $consPower gte $consSteveNbj>>
@@.voice-guy; Shh, I'm here to help you.<br><<linkreplace "Shove your dick down her throat">>
<<if ndef $steveCamEvent2 >><<set $power +=1>><</if>><<set $steveCamEvent2 to 1>>
<<set $consPower -=$consSteveNbj>>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="rooms/camera/event/6.mp4" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-guy; Oh~good girl, don't stop@@<br>
@@.voice-girl; Mgh~@@<br>
<<if $securityCorr gte 31>>
<<if $consPower gte $consSteveNSex>>
@@.voice-guy; now I'll [[fuck you|CameraEvent1BJ]]@@
<<else>>@@.text-error ;You don't have enough power@@<</if>>
<<else>>@@.text-error; Req. security corr ≥31@@<</if>>
<<else>>@@.text-error ;You don't have enough power@@<</if>>
<<else>>@@.text-error; Req. security corr ≥26@@<</if>>
@@.backbtn; [[Back|Security]] @@
<</nobr>><video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="rooms/camera/event/event2.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<linkreplace "Go to her room">>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="rooms/camera/event/event2-2.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<linkreplace "Calm her down">>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="rooms/camera/event/event2-3.mp4" type="video/mp4">
[[Watch her|CameraEvent2BJ]]
<<if ndef $steveCamEvent3 >><<set $power +=1>><</if>><<set $steveCamEvent3 to 1>>
<<set $consPower -=$consSteveNSex>>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="rooms/camera/event/7.mp4" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-girl; Stop teasing me~ Oh~@@<br>
@@.voice-guy; You're so wet, now I'm going to <<linkappend "fuck you, bitch">><br>
<<set _check to random(1,3)>>
<<if _check eq 1>>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="rooms/camera/event/8.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<if _check eq 2>>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="rooms/camera/event/9.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<if _check eq 3>>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="rooms/camera/event/10.mp4" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-guy; Oh~I'm [[cumming|CameraEvent1Sex]]@@<br>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="rooms/camera/event/11.mp4" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-guy; I will come to see you sometimes@@<br>
@@.voice-girl; Sure~@@<br>
@@.backbtn; [[Back|Security]] @@
<</nobr>><video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="rooms/camera/event/event2-4.mp4" type="video/mp4">
[[Fuck her|CameraEvent2Sex]]<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="rooms/camera/event/event2-5.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<linkreplace "Ride him">>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="rooms/camera/event/event2-6.mp4" type="video/mp4">
[[Change position|CameraEvent2Sex1]]
<</linkreplace>><video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="rooms/camera/event/event2-7.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<linkreplace "Cum">>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="rooms/camera/event/event2-end.mp4" type="video/mp4">
[[Back|Second floor]]
[img[String.format('rooms/night/sleep/' + random(1, 6) + '.webp')]]<br>
@@.voice-guy; Looks like she is sleeping... maybe i could touch her?@@<br>
<<if $consPower gte $consSteveNtouch>>
@@.powerlink;[[Touch her|nightTouch]]@@<<else>>@@.text-error ;You don't have enough power@@<br>
@@.backbtn;[[Back|Second floor]]@@
<</nobr>><<if $consPower gte 5>>[[Cum on food|staffFood]]<<else>>
@@.text-error;You don't have enough power.@@<</if>>
<<set $consPower -=5>>\
<<set _check to random(1,5)>>\
<<if _check eq 1>><img src="staff/food/1.gif"><</if>> \
<<if _check eq 2>><img src="staff/food/2.webp"><</if>> \
<<if _check eq 3>><img src="staff/food/3.gif"><</if>> \
<<if _check eq 4>><img src="staff/food/4.gif"><</if>> \
<<if _check eq 5>><img src="staff/food/5.gif"><</if>> \
@@.powerlink;<<linkreplace "Bring food to the guest">>\
<<set _check to random(1,7)>>\
<<if _check eq 1>><img src="staff/food/swallow/1.webp"><</if>> \
<<if _check eq 2>><img src="staff/food/swallow/2.webp"><</if>> \
<<if _check eq 3>><img src="staff/food/swallow/3.webp"><</if>> \
<<if _check eq 4>><img src="staff/food/swallow/4.webp"><</if>> \
<<if _check eq 5>><img src="staff/food/swallow/5.webp"><</if>> \
<<if _check eq 6>><img src="staff/food/swallow/6.webp"><</if>> \
@@.voice-girl; Mm yamuu, the taste of the sauce is very familiar, but I can't figure out what it is, anyway, thanks@@
<<if $staffCorr gte 20 and $guestsCorr gte 30>>@@.voice-girl; It tastes soo good, can i get some more sauce please? @@
@@.voice-guy; Hmm, sure, i can give it for you@@
<<if $consPower gte $consStaffBj>>[[Pull out dick|staffOut]]<<else>>@@.text-error;You don't have enough power.@@<</if>>
<<if $staffCorr lte 19>><<set $staffCorr += 1>>@@.corrupt; Corruption of staff is increased@@<</if>>\
@@.backbtn;[[Back|Second floor]] @@
<<set $time +=1>>\<<set $consPower -= $consStaffBj>>\
<<set _check to random(1,6)>>\
<<if _check eq 1>><img src="staff/bj/out/1.webp"><</if>> \
<<if _check eq 2>><img src="staff/bj/out/2.webp"><</if>> \
<<if _check eq 3>><img src="staff/bj/out/3.webp"><</if>> \
<<if _check eq 4>><img src="staff/bj/out/4.webp"><</if>> \
<<if _check eq 5>><img src="staff/bj/out/5.webp"><</if>> \
<<if _check eq 6>><img src="staff/bj/out/6.webp"><</if>> \
@@.voice-girl; Wooow... it's sooo big, I've never seen anything like this before... @@
<<linkreplace "Let me help you with it">>\
<<include "roomBJ">>
@@.voice-girl; Ahh...hh ~Mmm @@
@@.voice-guy; Suck it you fucking cum slut, here is your sauce@@
<<linkreplace "Cum">>\
<<include "roomCum">>
@@.voice-girl;Mmm yyaami,it tastes even better, thank you @@
@@.backbtn;[[Back|Second floor]] @@
<<if $staffCorr lte 29>><<set $staffCorr += 1>>@@.corrupt; Corruption of staff is increased@@<</if>>
<<set _check to random(1,4)>>
<<if _check eq 1>><img src="staff/room/1.webp"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 2>><img src="staff/room/2.webp"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 3>><img src="staff/room/3.webp"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 4>><img src="staff/room/4.webp"><</if>> <br>
@@.voice-guy; Wow, she've got nice body..but i shouldn't be here...@@<br>
<<if $staffCorr gte 10>><<if $consPower gte $consRoomMast>> @@.powerlink;<<linkreplace "Keep peeking">><<include "peekRoomMast">><</linkreplace>>@@<<else>>@@.text-error; You don't have enough power@@<</if>><<else>>@@.text-error; Req. staff. corr ≥ 10@@<</if>><br>
<<if $staffCorr lte 9>><<set $staffCorr +=1>>
@@.corrupt; Corruption of staff is increased@@<</if>>
@@.backbtn;[[Back|Second floor]]@@<br>
<<set $time +=1>>
<</nobr>>[img[String.format('security/peek/maleMast/' + random(1, 2) + '.webp')]]
[img[String.format('security/peek/maleMast/' + random(3, 4) + '.webp')]]<<nobr>>
<<set _check to random(1,7)>>
<<set $consPower -= $consStaffPeek>>
<<if _check eq 1>><img src="staff/room/peekMast/1.webp"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 2>><img src="staff/room/peekMast/2.webp"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 3>><img src="staff/room/peekMast/3.webp"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 4>><img src="staff/room/peekMast/4.webp"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 5>><img src="staff/room/peekMast/5.webp"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 6>><img src="staff/room/peekMast/6.webp"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 7>><img src="staff/room/peekMast/7.webp"><</if>> <br>
@@.voice-guy; She starts masturbating...not knowing that I'm spying on her...what if i also...@@<br>
<<if $staffCorr gte 20>><<if $consPower gte $consStaffBj>>
@@.powerlink; [[Try to jerk off|peekRoomBj]]@@
<<else>>@@.text-error; You don't have enough power@@<</if>><<else>>@@.powerlink; [[Try to jerk off|peekRoomFailed]]@@<</if>><br>
<<if $staffCorr lte 19>><<set $staffCorr +=1>>
@@.corrupt; Corruption of staff is increased@@<</if>> <br>
<<if $guestsCorr lte 19>><<set $guestsCorr +=1>>
@@.corrupt; Corruption of guests is increased@@
<</nobr>>[img[String.format('security/peek/shower/' + random(1, 9) + '.webp')]]
<<linkreplace "She sees you">>
<<include "peekShowerFailed">>
[[Use power|peekShowerMast]]
[[Back|Second floor]][img[String.format('security/peek/shower/teaseShowerFailed/' + random(1, 2) + '.webp')]]
[[Back|Second floor]] <<nobr>>
<<set _check to random(1,3)>>
<<if _check eq 1>><img src="staff/room/peekFailed/1.webp"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 2>><img src="staff/room/peekFailed/2.webp"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 3>><img src="staff/room/peekFailed/3.webp"><</if>> <br>
@@.voice-girl; WHAT the fuck are you doing here@@<br>
@@.voice-guy; Run run run@@<br>
@@.text-error; Req. staff corr ≥ 20@@<br>
@@.backbtn;[[Back|Second floor]]@@<br>
[img[String.format('security/peek/shower/bj/' + random(1, 12) + '.webp')]]
[img[String.format('security/peek/shower/tease/' + random(1, 20) + '.webp')]]
[[Fuck her|peekShowerBJ]]<<nobr>>
<<include "roomBJ">><br>
<<set $consPower -= $consStaffBj>>
@@.voice-girl; Mmhh~ just the right size~@@<br>
<<if $staffCorr gte 30>>@@.voice-guy; Fuck...it feels so good @@<br>
<<if $consPower gte $consStaffSex>>
@@.powerlink;<<linkreplace "Fuck her">><<include "peekRoomSex">><</linkreplace>>@@<<else>>@@.text-error; You don't have enough power@@<</if>>
<<else>>@@.voice-guy; Fuck... sorry, i have to go, i shouldn't do that.@@ <br>@@.text-error; Req. staff. corr ≥ 30@@<</if>>
<<if $staffCorr lte 29>><<set $staffCorr +=1>>
@@.corrupt; Corruption of staff is increased@@<</if>>
@@.backbtn;[[Back|Second floor]]@@<br>
<</nobr>>[img[String.format('security/peek/shower/sex/' + random(1, 16) + '.webp')]]
<<linkreplace "Cum">>
<<include "peekShowerCum">>
<<include "roomCum">>
@@.voice-girl; Now get the fuck out of here@@<br>
@@.voice-guy; As you wish@@<br>
@@.backbtn; [[Back|Second floor]] @@<br>
<</nobr>>[img[String.format('security/peek/shower/cum/' + random(1, 5) + '.webp')]][img[String.format('staff/bj/bj/' + random(1, 11) + '.webp')]]<<nobr>>
<<set $consPower -=$consKenzieMastWork>>
<<if $kenzieMastWork eq 0>><<set $power +=1>><<set $kenzieMastWork to 1>><</if>>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="manager/mastAtWork/1.webm" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-manager; Mmm, can't work anymore, i need to relax@@<br>
<<if $managerCorr lte 14>>
@@.corrupt; Corruption of manager is increased@@
<<set $managerCorr +=1>>
<<set $consPower -=$consSteveNSex>>
[img[String.format('rooms/night/sex/' + random(1, 8) + '.webp')]]<br>
@@.voice-guy; She is so wet even when sleeping. Fuck, i'm cumming so fast@@<br>
@@.powerlink;[[Cum|nightCum]] @@<br>
<<if $securityCorr lte 34>><<set $securityCorr +=1>>
@@.corrupt; Security chief's corruption is increased@@<</if>>
<<set $consPower -=$consKenzieHypno>>
<<if $kenzieHypno eq 0>><<set $power +=1>><<set $kenzieHypno to 1>><</if>>
[img[String.format('manager/hypnoAtWork/' + random(1, 8) + '.webp')]]<br>
@@.voice-manager; I start to see strange things sometimes, I guess I work too hard@@<br>
<<if $managerCorr gte 5>><<if $consPower gte $consKenzieMastWork>>
<<linkreplace "Masturbate at work">>
<<include "managerMast">>
<</linkreplace>><<else>>@@.text-error; You don't have enough power@@<</if>><<else>>@@.text-error; Req. manager's corr ≥ 5@@
<<if $managerCorr lt 10>>
@@.corrupt; Corruption of manager is increased@@
<<set $managerCorr +=1>>
@@.backbtn;[[Back|Second floor]] @@<br>
<<set $time +=1>>
<<if $managerCorr gte 10>><<set $consKenzieHypno to 0>><</if>>
<<if $managerCorr gte 15>><<set $consKenzieMastWork to 0>><</if>>
<<if $managerCorr gte 25>><<set $consKenzieHypnoSleep to 0>><</if>>
<<if $managerCorr gte 28>><<set $consKenzieMastAnal to 0>><</if>>
<</nobr>><<if $time lte 5>>\
<<if $poolEvent eq 0>>\
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="pool/event/1.webm" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-demon; Beautiful girl relaxing... I think I can help her with this@@
<<if $guestsCorr gte 10>>@@.powerlink;<<linkreplace "Use power">>\
<<if $consPower gte $consRoomMast>><<include "PoolEvent1">><<else>>@@.text-error ;You don't have enough power@@<</if>><</linkreplace>>@@<<else>>@@.text-error; Req. guests' corr ≥ 10@@<</if>>
<<set _check to random(1,7)>>\
<<if _check eq 1>><img src="pool/hot/1.webp"><</if>> \
<<if _check eq 2>><img src="pool/hot/2.webp"><</if>> \
<<if _check eq 3>><img src="pool/hot/3.webp"><</if>> \
<<if _check eq 4>><img src="pool/hot/4.webp"><</if>> \
<<if _check eq 5>><img src="pool/hot/5.webp"><</if>> \
<<if _check eq 6>><img src="pool/hot/6.webp"><</if>> \
<<if _check eq 7>><img src="pool/hot/7.webp"><</if>> \
@@.voice-demon; Everyone is happy... I think I can make them happier@@
<<if $guestsCorr gte 10>>@@.powerlink;<<linkreplace "Use power">><<if $consPower gte $consRoomDildo>><<include "PoolMast">><<else>>@@.text-error ;You don't have enough power@@<</if>><</linkreplace>>@@@@<<else>>@@.text-error; Req. guests' corr ≥ 10@@<</if>><</if>>
<<else>>@@.text-error;Nothing to do here @@<</if>>
<<if $guestsCorr gte 20>><<set $consRoomHorny to 0>><</if>>\
<<if $guestsCorr gte 30>><<set $consRoomMast to 0>><</if>>\
<<if $guestsCorr gte 40>><<set $consRoomDildo to 0>><</if>>\
<<if $guestsCorr gte 50>><<set $consRoomAnal to 0>><</if>>\
<<if $guestsCorr gte 60>><<set $consRoomBj to 0>><</if>>\
<<if $guestsCorr gte 70>><<set $consRoomSex to 0>><</if>>\
<<if $guestsCorr gte 80>><<set $consRoomAnalSex to 0>><</if>>\<<nobr>>
<<set $consPower -=$consSteveNtouch>>
[img[String.format('rooms/night/touch/' + random(1, 9) + '.webp')]]<br>
@@.voice-guy; It feels nice.@@<br>
<<if $securityCorr gte 21>>
<<if $consPower gte $consSteveNmast>>
@@.powerlink;<<linkreplace "Finger her">><br>
<<include "nightMast">><</linkreplace>>@@<<else>>@@.text-error ;You don't have enough power@@<br>
<</if>><<else>>@@.text-error; Req. security corr ≥20@@<</if>>
<<if $securityCorr lte 19>><<set $securityCorr +=1>>
@@.corrupt; Security chief's corruption is increased@@<</if>><br>
@@.backbtn;[[Back|Second floor]]@@<br>
<<set $isHorny to 0>>
<<set _check to random(1,4)>>
<<if _check eq 1 or _check eq 2 or _check eq 3>>[img[String.format('rooms/night/end/' + random(1, 8) + '.webp')]]<br>
@@.voice-guy; I need to get out. @@<</if>>
<<if _check eq 4>>[img[String.format('rooms/night/end/awake/' + random(1, 2) + '.webp')]]<br>
@@.voice-guy; Fuck, she wakes up, i need to run away before she realizes what's going on<</if>><br>
<<if $securityCorr gte 36>>
<<if $consPower gte $consSteveNSex>>
@@.powerlink;[[I want more|nightBjAwake]]@@<<else>>@@.text-error ;You don't have enough power@@<</if>><<else>>@@.text-error; Req. security corr ≥36@@<</if>>
@@.backbtn;[[Back|Second floor]]@@
<<set $consPower -=$consSteveNmast>>
[img[String.format('rooms/night/mast/' + random(1, 3) + '.webp')]]<br>
@@.voice-guy; I hope she won't wake up right now. @@<br>
<<if $securityCorr gte 26>>
<<if $consPower gte $consSteveNbj>>
@@.powerlink;[[Pull your dick in her mouth|nightBj]]@@<<else>>@@.text-error ;You don't have enough power@@<br>
<</if>><<else>>@@.text-error; Req. security corr ≥25@@<</if>><br>
<<if $securityCorr lte 24>><<set $securityCorr +=1>><br>
@@.corrupt; Security chief's corruption is increased@@<</if>><br>
<<set $consPower -=$consSteveNbj>>
[img[String.format('rooms/night/bj/' + random(1, 4) + '.webp')]]<br>
@@.voice-guy; I wonder what she is dreaming about. @@<br>
<<if $securityCorr gte 31>>
<<if $consPower gte $consSteveNSex>>
@@.powerlink;<<linkreplace "Fuck her">>
<<include "nightSex">><</linkreplace>>@@<<else>>@@.text-error ;You don't have enough power@@
<<elseif $securityCorr lt 30>>@@.text-error; Req. security corr ≥30@@
@@.powerlink;<<linkreplace "Cum">><br><</linkreplace>>@@
<<include "nightCum">>
<<if $securityCorr lte 29>><<set $securityCorr +=1>>
@@.corrupt; Security chief's corruption is increased@@<</if>><br>
@@.backbtn;[[Back|Second floor]]@@<br>
<<set $consPower -= $consSteveNSexAwake>>
<<set _check to random(1,8)>>
<<if _check eq 1>><img src="rooms/night/bj/bjawake/1.webp"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 2>><img src="rooms/night/bj/bjawake/2.webp"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 3>><img src="rooms/night/bj/bjawake/3.webp"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 4>><img src="rooms/night/bj/bjawake/4.webp"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 5>><img src="rooms/night/bj/bjawake/5.webp"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 6>><img src="rooms/night/bj/bjawake/6.webp"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 7>><img src="rooms/night/bj/bjawake/7.webp"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 8>><img src="rooms/night/bj/bjawake/8.webp"><</if>> <br>
@@.voice-girl; ~Gulp~ what's ~Ugh~ going on ~Ugh~@@<br>
@@.powerlink; <<linkreplace "Fuck her">>
<<include "nightSexAwake">>
<<set _check to random(1,9)>>
<<if _check eq 1>><img src="rooms/night/sex/sexawake/1.webp"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 2>><img src="rooms/night/sex/sexawake/2.webp"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 3>><img src="rooms/night/sex/sexawake/3.webp"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 4>><img src="rooms/night/sex/sexawake/4.webp"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 5>><img src="rooms/night/sex/sexawake/5.webp"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 6>><img src="rooms/night/sex/sexawake/6.webp"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 7>><img src="rooms/night/sex/sexawake/7.webp"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 8>><img src="rooms/night/sex/sexawake/8.webp"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 9>><img src="rooms/night/sex/sexawake/9.webp"><</if>> <br>
@@.voice-girl; ~Oh yes, use me~@@<br>
@@.powerlink; <<linkreplace "Cum">>
<<set _check1 to random(1,3)>>
<<if _check1 eq 1>><img src="rooms/night/sex/sexawake/10.webp"><</if>>
<<if _check1 eq 2>><img src="rooms/night/sex/sexawake/11.webp"><</if>>
<<if _check1 eq 3>><img src="rooms/night/sex/sexawake/12.webp"><</if>><br>
@@.voice-girl; Oh~You are a pervert... Leave before I call security @@<br>
@@.voice-guy; Actually, I... yes, of course@@<br>
<<if $securityCorr lte 44>><<set $securityCorr +=1>>
@@.corrupt; Security chief's corruption is increased@@<</if>><br>
@@.backbtn;[[Back|Second floor]]@@
<<if $steveNmast eq 0>><<set $power +=1>><<set $steveNmast to 1>><</if>> <<set $consPower -=$consSteveNmast>>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="rooms/night/event/mast.webm" type="video/mp4">
<<if $securityCorr lte 24>>
@@.voice-guy; She might wake up in any moment, i should leave her now. @@<br>
<<else>>@@.voice-guy; My dick is hard...what if i...@@<br>
<<if $consPower gte $consSteveNbj>>@@.powerlink;<<linkreplace "Put dick in her mouth">>
<<include "nightEvent5">><</linkreplace>>@@<<else>>@@.text-error; You don't have enough power@@<</if>><br>
<<if $securityCorr eq 20>><<set $securityCorr +=1>>
@@.corrupt; Security chief's corruption is increased@@<</if>><br>
@@.backbtn;[[Back|Second floor]]@@
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="rooms/night/event/sleeping.webm" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-guy; Looks like she is sleeping... maybe i could touch her?@@<br>
<<if $consPower gte $consSteveNtouch>>
@@.powerlink;[[Touch her|nightEvent2]]@@<<else>>@@.text-error; You don't have enough power@@<br>
@@.backbtn;[[Back|Second floor]] @@<br>
<<if $securityCorr gte 25>><<set $consSteveNtouch to 0>><</if>>
<<if $securityCorr gte 30>><<set $consSteveNmast to 0>><</if>>
<<if $securityCorr gte 35>><<set $consSteveNbj to 0>><</if>>
<<if $securityCorr gte 40>><<set $consSteveNSex to 0>><</if>>
<<if $securityCorr gte 45>><<set $consSteveNAnal to 0>><</if>>
<<if $steveNtouch eq 0>><<set $power +=1>><<set $steveNtouch to 1>>\<</if>><<set $consPower -=$consSteveNtouch>>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="rooms/night/event/touch.webm" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-guy; It feels nice.@@<br>
@@.powerlink;<<linkreplace "Touch her tits">>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="rooms/night/event/tits.webm" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-guy; She is so soft, i can't stop. I hope she won't wake up right now. @@<br>
<<if $securityCorr gte 20>>
<<if $consPower gte $consSteveNmast>>
@@.powerlink; [[Masturbate her pussy|nightEvent4]]@@<br>
<<else>>@@.text-error; You don't have enough power@@
<<if $securityCorr eq 15>><<set $securityCorr +=1>>
@@.corrupt; Security chief's corruption is increased@@<</if>><br>
@@.backbtn;[[Back|Second floor]] @@<br>
<<set $isHorny to 0>>
<<if $steveNbj eq 0>><<set $power +=1>><<set $steveNbj to 1>><</if>><<set $consPower -=$consSteveNbj>>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="rooms/night/event/bj.webm" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-guy; I wonder what she is dreaming about. @@<br>
<<if $securityCorr lte 29>>
@@.voice-guy; She might wake up in any moment, i should leave her now. @@<br>
<<if $consPower gte $consSteveNSex>>
@@.powerlink;[[Fuck her|nightEvent6]]@@<<else>>@@.text-error; You don't have enough power@@ <</if>><br>
<<if $securityCorr eq 25>><<set $securityCorr +=1>>
@@.corrupt; Security chief's corruption is increased@@<</if>><br>
<<if $steveNSex eq 0>><<set $power +=1>><<set $steveNSex to 1>><</if>><<set $consPower -=$consSteveNSex>>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="rooms/night/event/sex.webm" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-guy; Im about to cum. @@<br>
@@.powerlink;<<linkreplace "Cum">>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="rooms/night/event/cum.webm" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-guy; I should leave now. @@<br>
<<if $securityCorr eq 30>><<set $securityCorr +=1>>
@@.corrupt; Security chief's corruption is increased@@<</if>><br>
@@.backbtn;[[Back|Second floor]]@@
<img src="pics/reception.jpg"><br>
@@.place; Reception@@<br>
<<if $time lt 6>>
<<if $meetSteve eq 1>>
<<if $receptionCD eq 0>>
<<if $staffReceptionEvent lt 3>>[[Receptionist talks to the client|ReceptionEvent]]<<else>><<if $consPower gte $consStaffBj>>
[[Customer service|ReceptionBj]]<<else>>@@.text-error; You don't have enough power@@<</if>><</if>><<else>> @@.text-error; You've already been here today@@<</if>><</if>>
<<if $receptionCD eq 0>>
<<if $staffReceptionEvent eq 3 and $staffCorr gte 30>>
<<if $consPower gte $consStaffBj>>
<<if hasVisited("ReceptionEventSex")>>
[[Go to the blackmailer's room|ReceptionEventSexConst]]
<<else>>[[Go to the blackmailer's room|ReceptionEventSex]]<</if>>
<<else>>@@.text-error; You don't have enough power@@<</if>><<else>>@@.text-error;Req. staff. corr ≥ 30 and Complete Bj-reception event (Visit the reception any time except at night) @@<</if>><br>
<<else>>@@.text-error; You've already been here today@@<</if>><</if>>
<<if $Peek eq 0>><<set $power +=1>><</if>><<set $Peek to 1>>
<<set $consPower -= $consStaffPeek>>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="hallway/event/1.webm" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-guy; Looks like someone in the shower, i shouldn't be here. But... just to make sure everything is fine@@<br>
@@.powerlink;<<linkreplace "Go peek in the shower">>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="hallway/event/2.webm" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-guy; Wow, she've got nice body..but i shouldn't be here...@@<br>
<<if $staffCorr gte 10>><<if $consPower gte $consRoomMast>> [[Keep peeking|peekRoomMastE]]<<else>>@@.text-error; You don't have enough power@@<</if>><<else>>@@.text-error; Req. staff. corr ≥ 10@@<</if>>
<<if $staffCorr lte 9>><<set $staffCorr +=1>>
@@.corrupt; Corruption of staff is increased@@<</if>>
@@.backbtn;[[Back|Second floor]]@@<br>
<<set $time +=1>>
<<if $staffEvent eq 0>><<set $staffEvent to 1>><</if>><br>
<<if $PeekBj eq 0>><<set $power +=1>><</if>><<set $PeekBj to 1>>
<<set $consPower -= $consStaffBj>>
@@.voice-girl; HEY! You work here, don't you? Did you want to steal something from me? What is that thing in your pants?@@<br>
@@.voice-guy; No... im sorry, i just...@@<br>
@@.powerlink;<<linkreplace "Show her">>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="hallway/event/6.webm" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-girl; Ohh... i see...@@<br>
@@.powerlink;<<linkreplace "Suck it">>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="hallway/event/7.webm" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-girl; Mmhh~ just the right size~@@<br>
<<if $staffCorr gte 30>>@@.voice-guy; Fuck...it feels so good @@<br>
<<if $consPower gte $consStaffSex>>
@@.powerlink;[[Fuck her from behind|peekRoomSexE1]]@@<<else>>@@.text-error; You don't have enough power@@<</if>><<else>>@@.voice-guy; Fuck... sorry, i have to go, i shouldn't do that.@@ <br>@@.text-error;Req. staff. corr ≥ 30@@<</if>>
<<if $staffCorr lte 29>><<set $staffCorr +=1>>
@@.corrupt; Corruption of staff is increased@@<</if>>
@@.backbtn;[[Back|Second floor]] @@
<<set $consPower -=$consMassageAnal>>
<<if $massageAnal eq 0>><<set $power +=1>><<set $massageAnal to 1>><</if>>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="massage/event/11.webm" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-girl; FUCK! i love it~@@<br>
@@.powerlink;<<linkreplace "Look at me while i'm fucking your ass">>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="massage/event/12.webm" type="video/mp4">
<<include "massageEcum">><br>
<</linkreplace>> @@
<<if $massageCorr eq 50>><<set $massageCorr +=1>>@@.corrupt; Massage therapist's corruption is increased@@<</if>><br>
@@.backbtn; [[Back|Second floor]]@@
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="hallway/event/10.webm" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-girl; Yess~ fuck me, pervert@@<br>
@@.powerlink;<<linkreplace "Change position">>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="hallway/event/11.webm" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-guy; Ohh fuck, i'm cumming@@<br>
<<if $PeekTease eq 0>><<set $power +=1>><</if>><<set $PeekTease to 1>>
<<set $consPower -= $consStaffPeek>>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="hallway/event/3.webm" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-guy; She starts masturbating...not knowing that I'm spying on her...what if i also...@@<br>
@@.powerlink;<<linkreplace "Try to jerk off">>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="hallway/event/4.webm" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-guy; Fuck, if I get caught I'll be in trouble@@<br>
@@.powerlink; <<linkreplace "Continue">>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="hallway/event/5.webm" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-girl; WHAT the fuck are you doing here@@<br>
@@.voice-guy; Run run run@@<br>
<<if $staffCorr gte 20>><<if $consPower gte $consStaffBj>>
@@.powerlink; [[Use power to lock the door|peekRoomBjE]]@@
<<else>>@@.text-error; You don't have enough power@@<</if>><br><<else>>@@.text-error; Req. staff corr ≥ 20@@<</if>><br>
<<if $staffCorr lte 19>><<set $staffCorr +=1>>
@@.corrupt; Corruption of staff is increased@@<</if>>
<<if $guestsCorr lt 20>><<set $guestsCorr +=1>>
@@.corrupt; Corruption of guests is increased@@
@@.backbtn;[[Back|Second floor]] @@
<<if $staffEvent eq 0>><<set $staffEvent to 1>><</if>>
<</nobr>><<set $hasGift to 0>>
<<set $staffEvent to 0>>
<<set $roomBj to 0>>
<<set $consRoomBj to 4>>
<<set $roomSex to 0>>
<<set $consRoomSex to 5>>
<<set $roomAnalSex to 0>>
<<set $consRoomAnalSex to 6>>
<<set $poolEvent to 0>>
<<set $consStaffPeek to 4>>
<<set $consStaffMast to 5>>
<<set $consStaffBj to 6>>
<<set $consStaffSex to 8>>
<<set $staffReceptionEvent to 0>>
<<set $consStaffSteal to 3>>
<<set $staffSteal to 0>>
<<set $staffSex to 0>>
<<set $staffBj to 0>>
<<set $receptionCD to 0>>
<<set $summonCD to 0>>
<<set $summonBeg to 0>>
<<set $consSummonBeg to 20>>
<<set $update3 to 0>><<if ndef $update3>><<include "updates">><</if>>
<<if ndef $update4>><<include "update1">><</if>>
<<if ndef $update5>><<include "update5">><</if>>
<<if ndef $update6>><<include "update6">><</if>>
<<if ndef $updateNew1>><<include "updateNew">><</if>>
<<if ndef $updateNew2>><<include "update7">><</if>><<nobr>>
<<set $consPower -=$consMassageMast>>
<<if $massageMast eq 0>><<set $power +=1>><<set $massageMast to 1>><</if>>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="massage/event/6.webm" type="video/mp4">
<<if $massageCorr lte 29>><br>
@@.voice-girl; AHh,what are you doing... This is so unprofessional... and I have a husband... I'm leaving@@<br>
@@.voice-demon; Next time she won't resist, im sure@@<br>
<<else>>@@.voice-girl; Ahhh, your hands are amazing, I hope that thing in your pants is not worse. I need to check it right now@@<br>
<<if $consPower gte $consMassageBj>>
@@.powerlink;<<linkreplace "Fuck her mouth">><br>
<<include "massageEbj">>
<<else>>@@.text-error; You don't have enough power@@<</if>><</if>>
<<if $massageCorr eq 20>><<set $massageCorr +=1>>@@.corrupt; Massage therapist's corruption is increased@@<</if>><br>
@@.backbtn; [[Back|Second floor]]@@<br>
<<set $consPower -=$consMassageTouch>>
<<if $massageTouch eq 0>><<set $power +=1>><<set $massageTouch to 1>><</if>>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="massage/event/2.webm" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-demon; This bitch is already naked, so it won't take much effort for me @@<br>
<<if $massageCorr lt 10>>
@@.powerlink;<<linkreplace "Try to finger her">>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="massage/event/3f.webm" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-girl; That's my asshole, you're fucking freak. I'm leaving right now@@<br>
@@.voice-demon; Fuck, It turned out to be a little more complicated, but it's fine, next time it will work out.@@<br>
<<else>> @@.voice-demon; She starts breathing heavily, but there's no need to rush@@<br>
<<if $consPower gte $consMassageTits>>
@@.powerlink;<<linkreplace "Please turn over for me">>
<<include "massageEtits">>
<<else>>@@.text-error; You don't have enough power@@<</if>><</if>><br>
<<set $time +=1>>
<<set $hasMassage to 1>>
<<if $massageCorr eq 1>><<set $massageCorr +=1>>@@.corrupt; Massage therapist's corruption is increased@@<</if>>
@@.backbtn; [[Back|Second floor]]@@
<<set $consPower -=$consMassageTits>>
<<if $massageTits eq 0>><<set $power +=1>><<set $massageTits to 1>><</if>>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="massage/event/4.webm" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-demon; Fucking hell, she has amazing tits, lets play with them@@<br>
@@.powerlink;<<linkreplace "Touch her tits">>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="massage/event/5.webm" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-demon; She pretends nothing is happening. Maybe I can go a little further@@<br>
<<if $massageCorr gte 20>>
<<if $consPower gte $consMassageMast>>
@@.powerlink;[[Touch her pussy|massageEmast]]@@
<<else>>@@.text-error; You don't have enough power@@
<<if $massageCorr eq 10>><<set $massageCorr +=1>>@@.corrupt; Massage therapist's corruption is increased@@<</if>>
<<set $consPower -=$consMassageBj>>
<<if $massageBj eq 0>><<set $power +=1>><<set $massageBj to 1>><</if>>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="massage/event/7.webm" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-guy; What a good slut, keep sucking that dick @@<br>
@@.powerlink;<<linkreplace "Lick my balls">><br>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="massage/event/8.webm" type="video/mp4">
<<if $massageCorr lt 40>>
@@.voice-demon; My strength is not infinite, I think I need to become stronger for the next step @@<br>
@@.voice-guy; It's time to fuck your brain out@@<br>
<<if $massageCorr gte 40>>
<<if $consPower gte $consMassageSex>>
@@.powerlink;[[Fuck her|massageEsex]]@@<br>
<<else>>@@.text-error; You don't have enough power@@
<<if $massageCorr eq 30>><<set $massageCorr +=1>>@@.corrupt; Massage therapist's corruption is increased@@<</if>><br>
<<set $consPower -=$consMassageSex>>
<<if $massageSex eq 0>><<set $power +=1>><<set $massageSex to 1>><</if>>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="massage/event/9.webm" type="video/mp4">
@@color:Wheat; Take this you fucking bitch @@<br>
@@color:DeepPink; Ahh... oh, fuck me like a whore ... ~Oh yes, im your little slut@@<br>
@@.powerlink;<<linkreplace "Turn your juicy ass to me">>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="massage/event/10.webm" type="video/mp4">
@@color:DeepPink; Hooolyy fuuuck, im cuuumming~...@@<br>
<<if $massageCorr gte 50>>
<<if $consPower gte $consMassageAnal>>@@color:Wheat; You are not going anywhere@@ <br>
@@.powerlink;[[Fuck her ass|massageEanal]]@@<br>
<<else>>@@.text-error; You don't have enough power@@
<</if>><</if>><br><<linkreplace "Cum">><br>
<<include "massageEcum">><</linkreplace>><</if>>
<<if $massageCorr eq 40>><<set $massageCorr +=1>>@@.corrupt; Massage therapist's corruption is increased@@<</if>><br>
@@.backbtn; [[Back|Second floor]]@@<br>
<</nobr>> <<nobr>>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="massage/event/end.webm" type="video/mp4">
@@color:DeepPink; Yesss, I'm not sure I'll be able to walk after this "massage".@@<br>
<<set $consPower -=$consMassageAnal>>
<<set _check to random(1,9)>>
<<if _check eq 1>><img src="massage/anal/1.webp"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 2>><img src="massage/anal/2.webp"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 3>><img src="massage/anal/3.webp"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 4>><img src="massage/anal/4.webp"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 5>><img src="massage/anal/5.webp"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 6>><img src="massage/anal/6.webp"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 7>><img src="massage/anal/7.webp"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 8>><img src="massage/anal/8.webp"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 9>><img src="massage/anal/9.webp"><</if>> <br>
@@.voice-girl; FUCK! i love it~@@<br>
@@.powerlink;<<linkreplace "Cum">><<include "MassageCum">><</linkreplace>>@@
@@.backbtn;[[Back|Second floor]]@@
<img src="pics/Lobby.webp" width="100%"><br>
@@.place; Lobby @@<br>
<<if $meetSteve eq 0>>Check [[Security room|SecurityIntro]]<br><</if>><<if $meetSteve eq 1>>Go to [[Security room|Security]]<br><</if>>
<<if $meetWhitney eq 0>> Check [[Accounting Office|accountantIntro]]<br><</if>><<if $meetWhitney eq 1>> Go to [[Accounting Office|Accountant]]<br><</if>>
Go to [[Reception|Reception]]<br>
Go to [[Second floor|Second floor]]<br>
Go to [[Gym|gymEvent1]]<br>
<<if $barOpen eq 1>>Go to [[the bar|Bar]]<br><</if>>
<<if $areaPool eq 1>>Go to [[The pool|Pool]]<br><</if>>
<<set _check to random(1,4)>>
<<if _check eq 1>>
[[You see a woman walking into the gym|gymEventBdsm]]<br><</if>>
<<if $time neq 6 and $time neq 7>><<set _check to random(1,4)>>
<<if _check eq 1>>
<<if $guestsCorr gte 10>>
<<linkreplace "@@color:DeepPink; You see a woman@@">><br>
<<include "lobbyWoman">><</linkreplace>><</if>><</if>><</if>>
Go to [[Basement|Basement]]<br>
<<if $guestsCorr gte 40 and not hasVisited("PoolEvent3")>><<set $poolEvent to 0>><</if>>
<<if $guestsCorr gte 50 and not hasVisited("PoolEvent4")>><<set $poolEvent to 0>><</if>>
<<if $guestsCorr gte 60 and not hasVisited("PoolEvent5")>><<set $poolEvent to 0>><</if>>
<</nobr>><img src="pics/whitney.jpg" style="width: 50%; height: 50%">
@@.voice-demon; I think with her help I can get closer to the manager. And she has a beautiful ass, I'll come up with something special for her.
I'm not sure that my strength is enough for her right now.@@
@@.backbtn;[[Back|Lobby]] @@
<<set $meetWhitney to 2>>
<<set $time +=1>><<nobr>>
<<if $time eq 2 or $time eq 3 or $time eq 4 or $time eq 5>>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="whitney/work.webm" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-demon; She is working@@<br>
[[Go for a massage|MassageWhitney]]<br>
<<if $whitneyCorr gte 15 and $hasOuiji eq 0>>
<<if $consPower gte 15>>
@@.powerlink;<<linkreplace "Try to create The Ouija board and get her attention">>
<<include "Ouija">><</linkreplace>>@@<br><<else>>@@color:DarkGray; You don't have enough power.@@<</if>><</if>><br>
<<if $consPower gte $consWhitneyTits>>
@@.powerlink;[[Use power|whitneyTits]]@@<<else>>@@.text-error ;You don't have enough power@@<</if>><br>
<<if $time eq 0 or $time eq 1 or $time eq 6 or $time eq 7>>
<img src="pics/accountant-room.jpg"><br>
@@color:DarkGray; Noone is there.@@<br>
<<if $hasOuiji eq 1 and $time eq 6>>
[[Take The Ouija and friend to the empty room|OuijiStart]]<br>
<<if $whitneyCorr gte 6>><<set $consWhitneyTits to 0>><</if>>
<<if $whitneyCorr gte 11>><<set $consWhitneyMast to 0>><</if>>
<<if $whitneyCorr gte 16>><<set $consWhitneyVibr to 0>><</if>>
@@.backbtn;[[Back|Lobby]] @@<br>
<img src="pics/basement.jpg"><br>
@@.place; Basement @@
Go to [[Lobby|Lobby]]<br>
<<if $mask eq 1 and $summonSkill gte 13>>[[Create Mask of Evil|CreateMask]]<</if>>
<<if $summonSkill lt 5>>
<<if $power gte 20>>
@@.voice-demon; Feels like I'm powerful enough for spells of summoning. But I should practice a little@@<br>
<<if $consPower gte 20>>@@.powerlink; [[Train|summongTrain]]@@<<else>>@@.text-error ;You don't have enough power (Req. ≥ 20)@@<</if>><</if>><<elseif $summonSkill eq 5>>@@.voice-demon;These trainings doesn't increase my skill anymore, i should practice somewhere else.@@ <</if>>
<<if $meetSteve eq 2 or $meetSteve eq 1>><br>
<<if $tentaclesPower eq 0>>
<<if $consPower gte 25>>
@@.mc-speech; [[Create tentacles|TentaclesCreate]]@@
@@.text-error ;You don't have enough power to create tentacles@@<</if>>
<<elseif $tentaclesPower gte 1>>
<<set _checkAT to random(1,6)>>
<<if $time eq 4 or $time eq 5 or $time eq 6>>
<<if $consPower gte 10>>
<<if _checkAT eq 1>>[[room №1|tentacles1]]<</if>>
<<if _checkAT eq 2>>[[room №2|tentacles2]]<</if>>
<<if _checkAT eq 3>>[[room №3|tentacles3]]<</if>>
<<if _checkAT eq 4>>[[room №4|tentacles4]]<</if>>
<<if _checkAT eq 5>>[[room №5|tentacles5]]<</if>>
<<if _checkAT eq 6>>[[room №6|tentacles6]]<</if>><br>
@@.text-error ;I don't have enough power to summon tentacles(Req. ≥ 10)@@<</if>>
<<elseif $time eq 7>>
Too late for today
I have to wait until evening to use the tentacles<br><</if>>
<<if $meetSteve eq 1 or $meetSteve eq 2>>
<</nobr>>@@.voice-demon; Corruption: @@
Manager - $managerCorr
Security - $securityCorr
Massage - $massageCorr
Guests - $guestsCorr
Accountant - $whitneyCorr
Maids - $maidCorr
Staff - $staffCorr
Coach - $coachCorr
@@.voice-girl; Relationship: @@
Colleague - $kenzieColleague
@@.voice-guy; Skills:@@
Summoning - $summonSkill
Tentacles - $tentaclesPower
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="manager/work/working4.webm" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-demon; Bla bla bla, i don't want to hear it. Is he trying to help her? Maybe i could use him.@@ <br>
<<if $kenziePsy lt 2>>@@.voice-demon; She doesn't seem to trust him yet@@<</if>><br>
<<if $managerCorr gte 28 and $kenzieColleague gte 10>>
<<if $consPower gte $consKenziePsy>>
@@.powerlink;[[Use power|managerEvent1Isiah]]@@<<else>><br>
@@.text-error; You don't have enough power@@<br>
<</if>><<else>>@@.text-error; Req. manager's corr 28 and Relationship with a colleague ≥ 10<</if>><br>
<<set $kenzieHasPsy to 2>>
<<set $time +=1>>
<<set $consPower -=$consWhitneyTits>>
<<if $whitneyTits eq 0>><<set $power +=1>><<set $whitneyTits to 1>><</if>>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="whitney/mast/work/1.webm" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-demon; Let's make her concentrate on tits, not this stupid papers@@<br>
@@.voice-whitney; Mm, while no one is around, i can relax a little.@@<br>
<<if $whitneyCorr gte 5>>
<<if $consPower gte $consWhitneyMast>> STOPPED HERE______--------
@@.powerlink;<<linkreplace "Use power">>
<<include "whitneyMast">><</linkreplace>>@@<<else>>@@.text-error; You don't have enough power@@<</if>><<else>>@@.text-error; Req. accountant's corr ≥ 5@@<br>
<<set $time +=1>>
<<if $whitneyCorr lte 4>><<set $whitneyCorr +=1>>
@@.corrupt; Corruption of accountant is increased@@<</if>><br>
<<set $consPower -=$consWhitneyMast>>
<<if $whitneyMast eq 0>><<set $power +=1>><<set $whitneyMast to 1>><</if>>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="whitney/mast/work/2.webm" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-whitney; Ohh, I shouldn't do this at work... @@<br>
<<if $whitneyCorr gte 10>>
<<if $consPower gte $consWhitneyVibr>>
@@.powerlink;<<linkreplace "Use power">>
<<include "whitneyVibr">><</linkreplace>>@@<<else>>@@.text-error; You don't have enough power@@<</if>><<else>>@@.text-error; Req. accountant's corr ≥ 10@@<</if>>
<<if $whitneyCorr lte 9>><<set $whitneyCorr +=1>>
@@.corrupt; Corruption of accountant is increased@@<</if>>
<<set $consPower -=$consWhitneyVibr>>
<<if $whitneyVibr eq 0>><<set $power +=1>><<set $whitneyVibr to 1>><</if>>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="whitney/mast/work/3.webm" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-whitney; Oooff, my favority toy. I should do this more offen. @@<br>
<<if $whitneyCorr lt 14>>@@.text-error; Req. accountant's corr = 14@@<br><</if>>
<<if $whitneyCorr eq 14>>
@@.voice-demon; All she does is work, i need to somehow distract her from this@@<br>
<<if $whitneyCorr lte 14>><<set $whitneyCorr +=1>>
@@.corrupt; Corruption of accountant is increased@@<</if>>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="whitney/ouija/ouija.webm" type="video/mp4">
<<if $ouijaPlayed eq 0>>@@.voice-demon; Hm, haven't seen her friend before. Maybe i'll meet her later. @@<</if>><br>
@@.voice-whitney; Okay, im soo excited. Lets summon some spirits@@<br>
@@.powerlink;<<linkreplace "Start playing">>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="whitney/ouija/ouija-scared.webm" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-whitney; Did you just do that?@@<br>
@@.voice-girl; What? Of course not, maybe it's a ghost? Whitney, im scared, maybe we should stop this game? @@<br>
@@.powerlink;<<linkreplace "Continue">>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="whitney/ouija/ouija-laugh.webm" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-whitney; Hahaha, it was the wind from the window, relax, there are no ghosts.@@<br>
<<if $ouijaPlayed lt 1>>@@.voice-girl; Hehe, okaay, it was scary and funny at the same time, we should try it again later. @@<<else>><br>
@@.voice-girl; You are so brave...my sweet hero @@<</if>><br>
<<if $consPower gte $consWhitneyOuijaMast and $ouijaPlayed gte 1>>
@@.powerlink;[[Use power|OuijiMast]]@@<<else>>
@@.text-error; You don't have enough power@@<</if>><br>
@@.backbtn; [[Back|Second floor]]@@<br>
<<set $ouijaPlayed +=1>>
<<set $time +=1>>
<<if $whitneyOuijaLesb eq 0>><<set $power +=1>><</if>><<set $whitneyOuijaLesb to 1>>
<<set $consPower -=$consWhitneyOuijaMast>>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="whitney/ouija/ouijakiss.webm" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-whitney; Give me your sweet pussy @@<br>
@@.powerlink;<<linkreplace "Eat her pussy">>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="whitney/ouija/ouijalick.webm" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-girl; And now i will take care of you@@<br>
@@.powerlink;<<linkreplace "Sit on her face">>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="whitney/ouija/ouijalick1.webm" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-whitney; ~Ohhh god, it was soo good, we should do it more often@@<br>
@@.voice-girl; Yea, i like it too, call me next time you want to meet@@<br>
<<if $summonSkill gte 14>>
<<if $consPower gte $consWhitneyOuijaSummon>>
@@.powerlink; [[Summon a demon|OuijiSummon]]@@
<<else>> @@.text-error; You don't have enough power@@<</if>><<else>>@@.text-error; Req. Summoning skill ≥ 14<</if>>
<<if $whitneyCorr lte 17>><<set $whitneyCorr +=1>>
@@.corrupt; Corruption of accountant is increased@@<</if>><br>
@@.backbtn;[[Back|Second floor]] @@<br>
<<set $consPower -=$consWhitneyOuijaSummon>>
<<if $whitneyOuijaSummon eq 0>><<set $power +=1>><</if>><<set $whitneyOuijaSummon to 1>>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="whitney/ouija/summon.mp4" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-demon;Who dared to call me?@@<br>
<<if hasVisited ("OuijiSummonSex")>>
@@.voice-whitney; We would like to repeat what happened last time...@@<br>
@@.voice-demon; Then you know what to do@@<br>
@@.voice-whitney; Who the fuck are you? @@<br>
@@.voice-demon;How dare you talk to me like that. I will teach you how to treat your master@@<br>
@@.powerlink; <<linkreplace "Make them suck dick">>
<<set _check to random(1,2)>>
<<if _check eq 1>>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="whitney/ouija/suck1.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<if _check eq 2>>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="whitney/ouija/suck2.mp4" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-demon; Good sluts, I'll give you what you want@@<br>
@@.powerlink;[[Fuck them|OuijiSummonSex]]@@
<<if $whitneyOuija eq 0>><<set $power +=1>><<set $whitneyOuija to 1>><</if>>
<img src="pics/Ouija.jpg"><br>
<<set $consPower -=15>>
@@.voice-whitney;Is it a spirit board? I'm so bored last days, maybe I can use this ... but definitely not alone, i should call a friend, it should be fun. I can do it in the evening at work, there are enough empty rooms@@<br>
@@.voice-demon; Came out even better than I expected. Feels like it’s becoming easier to create something for this world@@<br>
<<if $summonSkill lt 5>>
@@.corrupt; Your summoning skill has been increased@@
<<set $summonSkill +=1>><</if>>
<<set $hasOuiji to 1>>
<</nobr>><<set _check to random(1,3)>>\
<<if _check eq 1>><img src="lobby/hot/1.webp" width="50%"><</if>> \
<<if _check eq 2>><img src="lobby/hot/2.webp" width="50%"><</if>> \
<<if _check eq 3>><img src="lobby/hot/3.webp" width="50%"><</if>> \
@@color:Brown; More hot bitches around, that's good@@<<nobr>>
<<set _check to random (1,2)>>
<<if _check eq 1>>
<img src="hallway/1.jpg"><br>
@@.mc-speech; What a beauty@@<br>
<<if $summonCD eq 0>>
<<if $summonSkill gte 14>>
@@.mc-speech;I think I can [[entertain her|hallwayEvent1]], my summoning abilities are strong enough@@<br>
<<else>>@@.mc-speech; Enough for today@@<</if>>
<<if _check eq 2>>
<img src="hallway/2.jpg"><br>
@@.mc-speech; What a beauty@@<br>
<<if $summonCD eq 0>>
<<if $summonSkill gte 14>>
@@.mc-speech;I think I can [[entertain her|hallwayEvent2]], my summoning abilities are strong enough@@<br>
<</if>><<else>>@@.mc-speech; Enough for today@@<</if>>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="maids/event/fuck3_1.webm" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-guy; How's that cock feel in your little pussy, whore?@@<br>
@@.voice-girl; I love it. Do what you want with me@@<br>
@@.powerlink;<<linkreplace "Change position">>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="maids/event/fuck5.webm" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-girl; Don't stop please, i need more@@<br>
@@.powerlink;<<linkreplace "Sit on top of him">>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="maids/event/fuck6_2.webm" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-girl; ~Ha... oh, cum for your little slut, all over my face@@<br>
@@.powerlink; [[Cum on her face|maidEventEnd]]<br>
<</nobr>><<if $patron == 58938194>>
<<set $cheats to true>>
Wrong :C
[[Lobby]] [[Maid event|GalleryMaid]]
[[Massage event|GalleryMassage]]
[[Security event|GalleryNight]]
[[Manager bad thoughts event|GalleryPsy]]
[[Pool event|GalleryPoolEvent]]
[[Staff event|GalleryStaffEvent]]
[[Gym event|GalleryGym1]]<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="maids/event/startevent.webm" type="video/mp4">
@@color:DeepPink;Good morning mister.@@
@@color:Lime; Good morning@@
<<linkreplace "Up the skirt">>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="maids/event/maid2.webm" type="video/mp4">
What is he doing?
Maybe I should stop him... but his hands on my butt... feels so good.@@
@@color:Lime; Don't mind me girl, carry on with what you were doing@@
<<linkreplace "Slap her ass">>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="maids/event/slap.webm" type="video/mp4">
Yeaa, slap my ass, make it red.@@
@@color:Lime; I'll come back to you later@@
[[Next|GalleryMaid1]]<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="maids/event/touching.webm" type="video/mp4">
@@color:DeepPink;He's touching my tits, I'll pretend nothing is happening.@@
@@color:Lime; I think there is one spot that you haven't cleaned@@
<<linkreplace "Suck his dick">>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="maids/event/bj.webm" type="video/mp4">
@@color:Lime; Yeaa, good girl@@
@@color:DeepPink; What am i doing... I hope no one finds out about this.@@
<</linkreplace>>\<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="maids/event/fuck1.webm" type="video/mp4">
@@color:DeepPink;He's looking at my ass again. Will he spank me again?@@
<<linkreplace "Up the skirt">>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="maids/event/fuck2_1.webm" type="video/mp4">
@@color:DeepPink;What is he doing, does he wana fuck me? right now, when im cleaning the floor?@@
<<linkreplace "Put dick in her pussy">>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="maids/event/fuck2_2.webm" type="video/mp4">
@@color:DeepPink; OHHh, he really entered... Ahh.@@
<</linkreplace>>\<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="maids/event/fuck3_1.webm" type="video/mp4">
@@color:Lime; How's that cock feel in your little pussy, whore?@@
@@color:DeepPink; I love it. Do what you want with me@@
<<linkreplace "Change position">>
<video autoplay muted loop>\
<source src="maids/event/fuck5.webm" type="video/mp4">\
@@color:DeepPink; Don't stop please, i need more@@
<<linkreplace "Sit on top of him">>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="maids/event/fuck6_2.webm" type="video/mp4">
@@color:DeepPink; Ha... oh, cum for your little slut, all over my face@@
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="maids/event/end.webm" type="video/mp4">
@@color:DeepPink; Yes, cum for me.
Hope you will fuck me every day from this moment.@@
[[Back|Gallery]] [[Help]]
<<if $cheats == true>>[[Cheats]]<</if>>There is a link to my patreon if you want to support me
<a href="https://www.patreon.com/Yaldabaoth" target="_blank"></a>
Thank you very much to everyone who supports me
[[Back|previous()]]<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="massage/event/2.webm" type="video/mp4">
@@color:Brown; This bitch is already naked, so it won't take much effort for me @@
[[Next|GalleryMassage1]]<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="rooms/night/event/sleeping.webm" type="video/mp4">
@@color:SkyBlue; Looks like she is sleeping... maybe i could touch her?@@
[[Next|GalleryNight1]]<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="manager/work/working4start.webm" type="video/mp4">
@@color:GoldenRod; The only thoughts i think about are dicks, i want it soo much. I don't even know what to do to get off this feeling... actually i do, but it doesn't help@@
<<linkreplace "Influence her">>
<img src="manager/hypno/hypno1.gif">
<<linkreplace "Influence her again">>
<img src="manager/hypno/hypno2.webp">
@@color:GoldenRod;Even now... what should i do? @@
@@color:Wheat; Sometimes you gotta satisfy your desires, and I have what you need @@
<<linkreplace "Give her what she wants">>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="manager/work/working4dick.webm" type="video/mp4">
@@color:GoldenRod;Wow, what a huge and thick thing, I need to start treatment right now @@
[[Suck it|GalleryPsy1]]
<</linkreplace>><video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="massage/event/4.webm" type="video/mp4">
@@color:Brown; Fucking hell, she has amazing tits, lets play with them@@
<<linkreplace "Touch her tits">>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="massage/event/5.webm" type="video/mp4">
@@color:Brown;She pretends nothing is happening. Maybe I can go a little further@@
[[Touch her pussy|GalleryMassage2]]
<</linkreplace>><video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="massage/event/6.webm" type="video/mp4">
@@color:DeepPink; Ahhh, your hands are amazing, I hope that thing in your pants is not worse. I need to check it right now@@
<<linkreplace "Fuck her mouth">>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="massage/event/7.webm" type="video/mp4">
@@color:Wheat; What a good slut, keep sucking that dick @@
<<linkreplace "Lick my balls and ass, you filthy whore">>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="massage/event/8.webm" type="video/mp4">
<</linkreplace>><video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="massage/event/9.webm" type="video/mp4">
@@color:Wheat; Take this you fucking bitch @@
@@color:DeepPink; Ahh... oh, fuck me like a whore ... YES yes, im your little slut@@
<<linkreplace "Turn your juicy ass to me">>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="massage/event/10.webm" type="video/mp4">
@@color:Wheat; You are not going anywhere@@
<</linkreplace>><video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="massage/event/11.webm" type="video/mp4">
<<linkreplace "Turn your juicy ass to me">>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="massage/event/12.webm" type="video/mp4">
<<linkreplace "Cum">>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="massage/event/end.webm" type="video/mp4">
@@color:DeepPink; Yesss, I'm not sure I'll be able to walk after this "massage".@@
[[Back|Gallery]]<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="rooms/night/event/touch.webm" type="video/mp4">
@@color:SkyBlue; It feels nice.@@
<<linkreplace "Touch her tits">>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="rooms/night/event/tits.webm" type="video/mp4">
@@color:SkyBlue; She is so soft, i can't stop. I hope she won't wake up right now. @@
<</linkreplace>> <video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="rooms/night/event/mast.webm" type="video/mp4">
@@color:SkyBlue; She is already warm, i wish i could fuck her. @@
<<linkreplace "Put your dick in her mouth">>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="rooms/night/event/bj.webm" type="video/mp4">
@@color:SkyBlue; I wonder what she is dreaming about. @@
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="rooms/night/event/sex.webm" type="video/mp4">
@@color:SkyBlue; Im about to cum. @@
<<linkreplace "Cum">>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="rooms/night/event/cum.webm" type="video/mp4">
@@color:SkyBlue; I should leave now. @@
<</linkreplace>><video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="manager/work/working4bj1.webm" type="video/mp4">
@@color:GoldenRod; Ahhh, I want it deep into my mouth@@
@@color:Wheat; Swallow it all now@@
<<linkreplace "Suck more">>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="manager/work/working4bj2.webm" type="video/mp4">
@@color:GoldenRod; My pussy is so wet, please fuck me like a whore@@
[[Have sex|GalleryPsy2]]
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="manager/work/working4sex7.webm" type="video/mp4">
@@color:GoldenRod; Oh! Stick it nice and good into your little whore@@
<<linkreplace "Ride him">>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="manager/work/working4sex2.webm" type="video/mp4">
@@color:Wheat; I want to fuck your ass @@
@@color:GoldenRod; Anything you want@@
[[Have anal sex|GalleryPsy3]]
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="manager/work/working4sex1.webm" type="video/mp4">
@@color:GoldenRod; His dick in my ass... awesome~...@@
<<linkreplace "Change position">>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="manager/work/working4sex3.webm" type="video/mp4">
@@color:GoldenRod; Yes baby, fuck me. Ohh yeah I really love your cock@@
<<linkreplace "Change position">>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="manager/work/working4sex4.webm" type="video/mp4">
@@color:GoldenRod; Yes!Yes! That's it. Fuck my ass, fuck it hard. Goo... i'm cumming...I'm cumming!@@
<</linkreplace>><video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="manager/work/working4end.webm" type="video/mp4">
@@color:Wheat; Don't spill a drop@@
@@color:GoldenRod; Ohhh... You are the best. Maybe we should visit each other more offen @@
[[Back|Gallery]] Time: | <<link "Early morning" "Cheats">><<set $time to 0>><</link>> | <<link "Morning" "Cheats">><<set $time to 1>><</link>> | <<link "Early afternoon" "Cheats">><<set $time to 2>><</link>> | <<link "Afternoon" "Cheats">><<set $time to 3>><</link>> | <<link "Early evening" "Cheats">><<set $time to 4>><</link>> | <<link "Evening" "Cheats">><<set $time to 5>><</link>> | <<link "Night" "Cheats">><<set $time to 6>><</link>> | <<link "Midnight" "Cheats">><<set $time to 7>><</link>> |
Power <<link "+5" "Cheats">><<set $power += 5>><</link>> | <<link "-5" "Cheats">><<set $power -= 5>><</link>>
Power <<link "+5" "Cheats">><<set $consPower +=5>><</link>> I <<link "-5" "Cheats">><<set $consPower -=5>><</link>>
Summoning skill <<link "+1" "Cheats">><<set $summonSkill +=1>><</link>> | <<link "-1" "Cheats">><<set $summonSkill -=1>><</link>> ($summonSkill)
Tentacles <<link "+1" "Cheats">><<if ndef $tentaclesPower>><<set $tentaclesPower to 0>><</if>><<set $tentaclesPower +=1>><</link>> | <<link "-1" "Cheats">><<set $tentaclesPower -=1>><</link>> ($tentaclesPower)
Manager's corruption! <<link "+1" "Cheats">><<set $managerCorr += 1>><</link>> | <<link " -1" "Cheats">><<set $managerCorr -= 1>><</link>> ($managerCorr)
Guests corruption <<link "+1" "Cheats">><<set $guestsCorr += 1>><</link>> | <<link "-1" "Cheats">><<set $guestsCorr -= 1>><</link>> ($guestsCorr)
Security corruption <<link "+1" "Cheats">><<set $securityCorr += 1>><</link>> | <<link "-1" "Cheats">><<set $securityCorr -= 1>><</link>> ($securityCorr)
Maid's corruption <<link "+1" "Cheats">><<set $maidCorr += 1>><</link>> | <<link "-1" "Cheats">><<set $maidCorr -= 1>><</link>> ($maidCorr)
Accountant's corruption <<link "+1" "Cheats">><<set $whitneyCorr += 1>><</link>> | <<link "-1" "Cheats">><<set $whitneyCorr -= 1>><</link>> ($whitneyCorr)
Massagist's corruption <<link "+1" "Cheats">><<set $massageCorr += 1>><</link>> | <<link "-1" "Cheats">><<set $massageCorr -= 1>><</link>> ($massageCorr)
Staff corruption <<link "+1" "Cheats">><<set $staffCorr += 1>><</link>> | <<link "-1" "Cheats">><<set $staffCorr -= 1>><</link>> ($staffCorr)
Coach's corruption <<link "+1" "Cheats">><<set $coachCorr += 1>><</link>> | <<link "-1" "Cheats">><<set $coachCorr -= 1>><</link>> ($coachCorr)
Relationship with a colleague <<link "+1" "Cheats">><<set $kenzieColleague +=1>><</link>> | <<link "-1" "Cheats">><<set $kenzieColleague -=1>><</link>>($kenzieColleague)
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="staff/reception/event/start.webm" type="video/mp4">
<<if $staffReceptionEvent eq 0>>
@@.voice-demon; They say money is the root of all evil...@@<br>
<<if $consPower gte $consStaffSteal>>@@.powerlink; [[Use power|ReceptionEvent1]]@@<<else>>@@.text-error; You don't have enough power@@<</if>><<else>>
@@.powerlink;<<linkreplace "Blackmailer came up">>
<<include "ReceptionTalk">>
@@.voice-guy; Hey, i came for customer service@@<br>
@@.voice-girl; *What have i done* Yes...follow me@@<br>
<<if $staffReceptionEvent eq 1>>[[Follow them|ReceptionEventBj2]]<</if>>
<<if $staffReceptionEvent eq 2>>[[Follow them|ReceptionEventBj3]]<</if>>
<<set $time +=1>><br>
@@.backbtn;[[Back|Reception]] @@
<</nobr>><<if $roomMast eq 0>><<set $power +=1>><</if>><<set $roomMast to 1>>\
<<set $consPower -=$consRoomMast>>\
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="pool/event/2.webm" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-demon; That's better@@
<<if $guestsCorr gte 30>>@@.text-error;*You see that someone is watching her now*@@
@@.voice-demon;Oh... I always have to do everything myself@@
<<if $consPower gte $consRoomAnal>>[[Use power|PoolEvent2]]<<set $poolEvent to 1>><<else>>@@.text-error; You don't have enough power@@<</if>><<else>>@@.text-error; Req. guests' corr ≥ 30@@<</if>>\
<<if $guestsCorr lte 29>>@@.corrupt;Corruption of guests is increased@@<<set $guestsCorr +=1>><</if>>\
<<if $guestsCorr lt 30>><<set $poolEvent to 1>><</if>>\<<if $roomAnal eq 0>><<set $power +=1>><</if>><<set $roomAnal to 1>>\
<<set $consPower -=$consRoomAnal>>\
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="pool/event/3.webm" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-guy; Hey, you are doing it wrong, let me help you@@
@@.voice-girl; Ahh~ yes, i don't mind at all@@
@@.voice-guy; Actually...I know a special technique to do this even better@@
@@.voice-girl; ~Mm, you can do whatever you want ♥@@
@@.powerlink;<<linkreplace "Show your technique">>\
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="pool/event/4.webm" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-girl; AHH~..don't stop, please@@
@@.powerlink;<<linkreplace "I won't">>\
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="pool/event/5.webm" type="video/mp4">
<<if $guestsCorr lt 40>>\
@@.voice-girl; It was fun, but we have to stop...@@@@.text-error; Req. guests' corr ≥ 40@@<<else>>@@.voice-girl; *Hmm, maybe i could show him my special technique?*@@
@@.voice-demon; I will help you make the right decision@@
<<if $consPower gte $consRoomBj>>@@.powerlink;[[Use power|PoolEvent3]]<<else>>@@.text-error ;You don't have enough power@@<</if>><</if>>
<<if $guestsCorr lte 39>>@@.corrupt;Corruption of guests is increased@@<<set $guestsCorr +=1>><</if>>\
<<if $guestsCorr lt 40>><<set $poolEvent to 1>><</if>>\<<set $consPower -=$consRoomMast>>\
<<set _check to random(1,6)>>\
<<if _check eq 1>><img src="pool/mast/1.webp"><</if>> \
<<if _check eq 2>><img src="pool/mast/2.webp"><</if>> \
<<if _check eq 3>><img src="pool/mast/3.webp"><</if>> \
<<if _check eq 4>><img src="pool/mast/4.webp"><</if>> \
<<if _check eq 5>><img src="pool/mast/5.webp"><</if>> \
<<if _check eq 6>><img src="pool/mast/6.webp"><</if>> \
@@.voice-demon; That's better@@
<<if $guestsCorr gte 30>>@@.voice-demon; Seems like she's alone, but i can fix it@@
@@.powerlink;<<linkreplace "Use power">><<if $consPower gte $consRoomAnal>><<include "PoolMat">><<else>>@@.text-error ;You don't have enough power@@<</if>><</linkreplace>>@@@@<<else>>@@.text-error; Req. guests' corr ≥ 30@@<</if>>
<<if $guestsCorr lte 29>>@@.corrupt;Corruption of guests is increased@@<<set $guestsCorr +=1>><</if>>\<<if $roomBj eq 0>><<set $power +=1>><</if>><<set $roomBj to 1>>\
<<set $consPower -=$consRoomBj>>\
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="pool/event/6.webm" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-girl; ~Nomn.. ~ Really put me ~Uohmn~ in the mood...@@
<<if $guestsCorr gte 50>>\
<<if $consPower gte $consRoomSex>>@@.powerlink;[[Use power|PoolEvent4]]@@<<else>>@@.text-error ;You don't have enough power@@<</if>>@@<<else>>
@@.voice-girl; We have to stop before anyone sees us@@@@.text-error; Req. guests' corr ≥ 50@@<</if>>
<<if $guestsCorr lte 49>>@@.corrupt;Corruption of guests is increased@@<<set $guestsCorr +=1>><</if>>\
<<if $guestsCorr lt 50>><<set $poolEvent to 1>><</if>>\<<set $consPower -=$consRoomAnal>>\
<<set _check to random(1,5)>>\
<<if _check eq 1>><img src="pool/mat/1.gif"><</if>> \
<<if _check eq 2>><img src="pool/mat/2.webp"><</if>> \
<<if _check eq 3>><img src="pool/mat/3.webp"><</if>> \
<<if _check eq 4>><img src="pool/mat/4.webp"><</if>> \
<<if _check eq 5>><img src="pool/mat/5.webp"><</if>> \
<<if $guestsCorr lt 40>>\
@@.voice-girl; Ahh~, we have to stop...it's getting to far@@@@.text-error; Req. guests' corr ≥ 40@@<<else>>@@.voice-girl; You're driving me crazy...@@
<<if $consPower gte $consRoomBj>>@@.powerlink;[[Use power|PoolBj]]<<else>>@@.text-error ;You don't have enough power@@<</if>><</if>>
<<if $guestsCorr lte 39>>@@.corrupt;Corruption of guests is increased@@<<set $guestsCorr +=1>><</if>>\<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="pool/event/10.webm" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-girl; Now gimme that.. sweet~tasty ♥@@
@@.voice-guy; W~whore...@@<<if $roomAnalSex eq 0>><<set $power +=1>><</if>><<set $roomAnalSex to 1>>\
<<set $consPower -=$consRoomAnalSex>>\
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="pool/event/8.webm" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-girl; AHH~Shove that big head in there...@@
@@.voice-girl; Ffuuck... I think ~Haaa~ that's gonna make me...@@
@@.powerlink;<<linkreplace "Cum">><<include "PoolEvent7">>
@@.voice-guy; Im about to cum too@@
@@.powerlink;<<linkreplace "Cum">><<include "PoolEvent6">><</linkreplace>>@@\
<<if $guestsCorr lte 69>>@@.corrupt;Corruption of guests is increased@@<<set $guestsCorr +=1>><</if>>\
<<if $guestsCorr lt 70>><<set $poolEvent to 1>><</if>>\<<if $roomSex eq 0>><<set $power +=1>><</if>><<set $roomSex to 1>>\
<<set $consPower -=$consRoomSex>>\
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="pool/event/7.webm" type="video/mp4">
<<if $guestsCorr lt 60>>\
@@.voice-girl; ~YYeess~ get it~ all~in there!!@@
@@.powerlink; <<linkreplace "Cum">><<include "PoolEvent6">><</linkreplace>>@@
@@.text-error; Req. guests' corr ≥ 60@@<<else>>@@.voice-girl; ~Hua~I want you to make sweet love to my ass...@@
<<if $consPower gte $consRoomAnalSex>>@@.powerlink;[[Use power|PoolEvent5]]<<else>>@@.text-error ;You don't have enough power@@<</if>><</if>>
<<if $guestsCorr lt 60>><<set $poolEvent to 1>><</if>>\
<<if $guestsCorr lte 59>>@@.corrupt;Corruption of guests is increased@@<<set $guestsCorr +=1>><</if>>\
@@.backbtn;[[Back|Lobby]]@@<<set $consPower -=$consRoomBj>>\
<<set _check to random(1,7)>>\
<<if _check eq 1>><img src="pool/bj/1.webp"><</if>> \
<<if _check eq 2>><img src="pool/bj/2.gif"><</if>> \
<<if _check eq 3>><img src="pool/bj/3.webp"><</if>> \
<<if _check eq 4>><img src="pool/bj/4.webp"><</if>> \
<<if _check eq 5>><img src="pool/bj/5.webp"><</if>> \
<<if _check eq 6>><img src="pool/bj/6.gif"><</if>> \
<<if _check eq 7>><img src="pool/bj/7.webp"><</if>> \
@@.voice-demon; Good girl won't miss the opportunity to suck a dick @@
<<if $guestsCorr gte 50>>@@.voice-guy; Lets go to my room@@
@@.voice-girl; No, you can fuck me right here, i don't care@@
@@.powerlink;<<linkreplace "Use power">><<if $consPower gte $consRoomSex>><<include "PoolSex">><<else>>@@.text-error ;You don't have enough power@@<</if>><</linkreplace>>@@@@<<else>>
@@.voice-girl; We have to stop before anyone sees us@@@@.text-error; Req. guests' corr ≥ 50@@<</if>>
<<if $guestsCorr lte 49>>@@.corrupt;Corruption of guests is increased@@<<set $guestsCorr +=1>><</if>>\
@@.backbtn;[[Back|Lobby]]@@<<set $consPower -=$consRoomSex>>\
<<set _check to random(1,7)>>\
<<if _check eq 1>><img src="pool/sex/1.gif"><</if>> \
<<if _check eq 2>><img src="pool/sex/2.gif"><</if>> \
<<if _check eq 3>><img src="pool/sex/3.webp"><</if>> \
<<if _check eq 4>><img src="pool/sex/4.webp"><</if>> \
<<if _check eq 5>><img src="pool/sex/5.webp"><</if>> \
<<if _check eq 6>><img src="pool/sex/6.webp"><</if>> \
<<if _check eq 7>><img src="pool/sex/7.webp"><</if>> \
<<if $guestsCorr lt 60>>\
@@.voice-girl; ~YYeess~ get it~ all~in there!!@@
@@.powerlink;<<linkreplace "Cum">><<include "PoolCum">><</linkreplace>>@@
@@.text-error; Req. guests' corr ≥ 60@@<<else>>@@.voice-girl; ~Hua~I want you to make sweet love to my ass...@@
<<if $consPower gte $consRoomAnalSex>>@@.powerlink;[[Use power|PoolAnalSex]]<<else>>@@.text-error ;You don't have enough power@@<</if>><</if>>
<<if $guestsCorr lte 59>>@@.corrupt;Corruption of guests is increased@@<<set $guestsCorr +=1>><</if>>\<<set $consPower -=$consRoomAnalSex>>\
<<set _check to random(1,5)>>\
<<if _check eq 1>><img src="pool/anal/1.webp"><</if>> \
<<if _check eq 2>><img src="pool/anal/2.webp"><</if>> \
<<if _check eq 3>><img src="pool/anal/3.webp"><</if>> \
<<if _check eq 4>><img src="pool/anal/4.webp"><</if>> \
<<if _check eq 5>><img src="pool/anal/5.webp"><</if>> \
@@.voice-girl; Ffuuck... I think ~Haaa~ that's gonna make me...;@@
@@.powerlink;<<linkreplace "Cum">><<include "PoolCumAnal">>
@@.voice-guy; Im about to cum too@@
@@.powerlink;<<linkreplace "Cum">><<include "PoolCum">><</linkreplace>>@@<</linkreplace>>@@
<<if $guestsCorr lte 69>>@@.corrupt;Corruption of guests is increased@@<<set $guestsCorr +=1>><</if>>\
<<set _check to random(1,3)>>\
<<if _check eq 1>><img src="pool/cum/1.webp"><</if>> \
<<if _check eq 2>><img src="pool/cum/2.webp"><</if>> \
<<if _check eq 3>><img src="pool/cum/3.webp"><</if>> \
@@.voice-girl; Now gimme that.. sweet~tasty ♥@@
@@.voice-guy; W~whore...@@<<set _check to random(1,3)>>\
<<if _check eq 1>><img src="pool/cum/4.webp"><</if>> \
<<if _check eq 2>><img src="pool/cum/5.webp"><</if>> \
<<if _check eq 3>><img src="pool/cum/6.webp"><</if>> \
@@.voice-girl; ~Ohh I can't stop cumming~@@<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="pool/event/9.webm" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-girl; AAAAAAAHHH~ IM Cuu~uuming!!@@<<nobr>>
<<if $massageCorr lt 50>>
<<set _check to random(1,3)>>
<<if _check eq 1>><img src="massage/cum/1.gif"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 2>><img src="massage/cum/2.gif"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 3>><img src="massage/cum/3.webp"><</if>>
<<set _check to random(1,8)>>
<<if _check eq 1>><img src="massage/cum/1.gif"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 2>><img src="massage/cum/2.gif"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 3>><img src="massage/cum/3.webp"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 4>><img src="massage/cum/4.webp"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 5>><img src="massage/cum/5.webp"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 6>><img src="massage/cum/6.webp"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 7>><img src="massage/cum/7.webp"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 8>><img src="massage/cum/8.webp"><</if>> <</if>><br>
@@.voice-girl; ~YYeess .. give it to me. Ohhh..i'm not sure I'll be able to walk after this "massage".@@
<</nobr>> <<nobr>>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="hallway/event/12.webm" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-girl; Now get the fuck out of here@@<br>
@@.voice-guy; As you wish@@<br>
<<if $staffCorr lte 39>><<set $staffCorr +=1>>
@@.corrupt; Corruption of staff is increased@@<</if>>
@@.backbtn; [[Back|Second floor]] @@<br>
<<if $staffEvent eq 0>><<set $staffEvent to 1>><</if>>
<<if $PeekSex eq 0>><<set $power +=1>><</if>><<set $PeekSex to 1>>
<<set $consPower -= $consStaffSex>>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="hallway/event/8.webm" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-girl; Ohh damn~good boy..@@<br>
@@.voice-guy; Lets go to another room@@<br>
@@.powerlink;<<linkreplace "Go to the room">>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="hallway/event/9.webm" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-girl; Gulp~Gulp~ Ahhh~ Fuck me again@@<br>
@@.powerlink;[[Sit on his dick|peekRoomSexE]]<br>
<<set $consPower -= $consStaffSex>>
<<set _check to random(1,11)>>
<<if _check eq 1>><img src="staff/room/sex/1.gif"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 2>><img src="staff/room/sex/2.gif"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 3>><img src="staff/room/sex/3.gif"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 4>><img src="staff/room/sex/4.gif"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 5>><img src="staff/room/sex/5.gif"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 6>><img src="staff/room/sex/6.gif"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 7>><img src="staff/room/sex/7.gif"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 8>><img src="staff/room/sex/8.gif"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 9>><img src="staff/room/sex/9.gif"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 10>><img src="staff/room/sex/10.webp"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 11>><img src="staff/room/sex/11.webp"><</if>> <br>
@@.voice-girl; Yess~ fuck me, pervert@@<br>
@@.voice-guy; Ohh fuck, i'm cumming@@<br>
<<set _check to random(1,8)>>
<<if _check eq 1>><img src="staff/bj/cum/1.webp"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 2>><img src="staff/bj/cum/2.webp"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 3>><img src="staff/bj/cum/3.webp"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 4>><img src="staff/bj/cum/4.webp"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 5>><img src="staff/bj/cum/5.webp"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 6>><img src="staff/bj/cum/6.webp"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 7>><img src="staff/bj/cum/7.webp"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 8>><img src="staff/bj/cum/8.webp"><</if>> <br>
<</nobr>>@@.text-error; How to start: @@
Visit for the first time: Accounting office
Go to the second floor
Visit for the first time: Manager and massage room.
Go to the lobby
Visit for the first time: Security room.
After that go rest.
Go to security room, use power on the guy, go rest again.
After that there are several ways to increase power points
@@.text-error; How to increase power points:@@
You get a power point for almost every NEW action you take with characters
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="pool/event/3.webm" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-guy; Hey, you are doing it wrong, let me help you@@
@@.voice-girl; Ahh~ yes, i don't mind at all@@
@@.voice-guy; Actually...I know a special technique to do this even better@@
@@.voice-girl; ~Mm, you can do whatever you want ♥@@
@@.powerlink;<<linkreplace "Show your technique">>\
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="pool/event/4.webm" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-girl; AHH~..don't stop, please@@
@@.powerlink;<<linkreplace "I won't">>\
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="pool/event/5.webm" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-girl; *Hmm, maybe i could show him my special technique?*@@
@@.voice-demon; I will help you make the right decision@@
[[Next|GalleryPoolEvent3]]<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="pool/event/6.webm" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-girl; ~Nomn.. ~ Really put me ~Uohmn~ in the mood...@@
@@.powerlink;<<linkreplace "Use power">>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="pool/event/7.webm" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-girl; ~YYeess~ get it~ all~in there!!@@
<</linkreplace>>@@<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="pool/event/1.webm" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-demon; Beautiful girl relaxing... I think I can help her with this@@
@@.powerlink;<<linkreplace "Use power">>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="pool/event/2.webm" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-demon; That's better@@
<</linkreplace>>@@<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="pool/event/8.webm" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-girl; AHH~Shove that big head in there...@@
@@.voice-girl; Ffuuck... I think ~Haaa~ that's gonna make me...@@
@@.powerlink;<<linkreplace "Cum">>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="pool/event/9.webm" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-girl; AAAAAAAHHH~ IM Cuu~uuming!!@@
@@.voice-guy; Im about to cum too@@
@@.powerlink;<<linkreplace "Cum">>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="pool/event/10.webm" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-girl; Now gimme that.. sweet~tasty ♥@@
@@.voice-guy; W~whore...@@
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="hallway/event/1.webm" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-guy; Looks like someone in the shower, i shouldn't be here. But... just to make sure everything is fine@@<br>
@@.powerlink;<<linkreplace "Go peek in the shower">>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="hallway/event/2.webm" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-guy; Wow, she've got nice body..but i shouldn't be here...@@<br>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="hallway/event/3.webm" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-guy; She starts masturbating...not knowing that I'm spying on her...what if i also...@@<br>
@@.powerlink;<<linkreplace "Try to jerk off">>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="hallway/event/4.webm" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-guy; Fuck, if I get caught I'll be in trouble@@<br>
@@.powerlink; <<linkreplace "Continue">>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="hallway/event/5.webm" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-girl; WHAT the fuck are you doing here@@<br>
@@.voice-guy; Run run run@@<br>
@@.voice-girl; HEY! You work here, don't you? Did you want to steal something from me? What is that thing in your pants?@@<br>
@@.voice-guy; No... im sorry, i just...@@<br>
@@.powerlink;<<linkreplace "Show her">>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="hallway/event/6.webm" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-girl; Ohh... i see...@@<br>
@@.powerlink;<<linkreplace "Suck it">>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="hallway/event/7.webm" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-girl; Mmhh~ just the right size~@@<br>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="hallway/event/8.webm" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-girl; Ohh damn~good boy..@@<br>
@@.voice-guy; Lets go to another room@@<br>
@@.powerlink;<<linkreplace "Go to the room">>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="hallway/event/9.webm" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-girl; Gulp~Gulp~ Ahhh~ Fuck me again@@<br>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="hallway/event/10.webm" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-girl; Yess~ fuck me, pervert@@<br>
@@.powerlink;<<linkreplace "Change position">>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="hallway/event/11.webm" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-guy; Ohh fuck, i'm cumming@@<br>
@@.powerlink;<<linkreplace "Cum">>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="hallway/event/12.webm" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-girl; Now get the fuck out of here@@<br>
@@.voice-guy; As you wish@@<br>
<<if $staffSteal eq 0>><<set $power +=1>><</if>><<set $staffSteal to 1>>
<<set $consPower -=$consStaffSteal>>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="staff/reception/event/steal.webm" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-demon; Bad girl, wonder if he'll notice@@<br>
@@.powerlink; <<linkreplace"What happens next">>
<<if $staffCorr lt 20>>
@@.voice-demon; I guess he didn't notice@@<br>
@@.text-error; Req. staff corr ≥ 20@@<<else>>
<<if $consPower lt $consStaffBj>>
@@.text-error; You don't have enough power@@
<<include "ReceptionTalk">>
@@.voice-guy; I'm sure I gave you more money@@<br>
@@.voice-girl; *Fuck* No sir, there is no mistake, you gave exactly what was needed@@<br>
@@.voice-guy; Do you have cameras, can I speak to the manager or security?@@<br>
@@.voice-girl; *I'm fucked* Manager is out for lunch right now, but if you would like to wait in her office, follow me this way *FUCK, what should i do*@@<br>
@@.voice-demon; Haha, don't worry girl, i got you@@<br>
[[Follow them|ReceptionStealEvent]]<</if>><</if>>
<<if $staffCorr lte 9>><<set $staffCorr +=1>>
@@.corrupt; Corruption of staff is increased@@<</if>>
<<set $receptionCD to 1>>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="staff/reception/event/steal2.webm" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-guy; Wait a second, something is sticking out of your pocket...@@<br>
@@.powerlink; <<linkreplace "Give her a brilliant idea">>
@@.voice-girl; *SHIT* This is a customer service fee.@@<br>
@@.voice-guy; Customer service?@@<br>
@@.powerlink ;<<linkreplace "Show what's customer service">>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="staff/reception/event/steal3.webm" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-guy; I wanna record this, just in case i won't be satisfied with the service@@<br>
@@.voice-girl; Sure...@@<br>
@@.powerlink;[[Sit down and enjoy your service|ReceptionEventBj1]]@@
<</nobr>><video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="staff/reception/event/continue.webm" type="video/mp4">
<<set $staffReceptionEvent to 1>>
<<if $staffBj eq 0>><<set $power +=1>><</if>><<set $staffBj to 1>>
<<set $consPower -= $consStaffBj>>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="staff/reception/event/bj1.webm" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-guy; You are goot at that@@<br>
@@.voice-girl; I just love my work@@<br>
@@.powerlink; <<linkreplace "Continue">>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="staff/reception/event/bj2.webm" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-girl; ~Schlop~ Can we stop please ~Schlap~ Manager could come in at any minute@@<br>
@@.voice-guy; Fine, but I'll be back for "customer service"@@<br>
<<if $staffCorr lte 29>><<set $staffCorr +=1>>
@@.corrupt; Corruption of staff is increased@@<</if>>
@@.backbtn;[[Back|Reception]] @@
<<set $receptionCD to 1>>
<<set $staffReceptionEvent to 2>>
<<set $consPower -= $consStaffBj>>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="staff/reception/event/bj3.webm" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-guy; You are goot at that@@<br>
@@.voice-girl; I just love my work@@<br>
@@.powerlink; <<linkreplace "Continue">>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="staff/reception/event/bj4.webm" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-girl; ~Schlop~ Can we stop please ~Schlap~ Manager could come in at any minute@@<br>
@@.voice-guy; Fine, but I'll be back for "customer service"@@<br>
<<if $staffCorr lte 29>><<set $staffCorr +=1>>
@@.corrupt; Corruption of staff is increased@@<</if>>
@@.backbtn;[[Back|Reception]] @@
<<set $receptionCD to 1>>
<<set $staffReceptionEvent to 3>>
<<set $consPower -= $consStaffBj>>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="staff/reception/event/bj5.webm" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-guy; You are goot at that@@<br>
@@.voice-girl; I just love my work@@<br>
@@.powerlink; <<linkreplace "Continue">>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="staff/reception/event/bj6.webm" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-girl; ~Schlop~ Can we stop please ~Schlap~ Manager could come in at any minute@@<br>
@@.voice-guy; Fine, but I'll be back for "customer service"@@<br>
@@.powerlink; <<linkreplace "Ask him to stop">>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="staff/reception/event/end.webm" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-girl; This can't go on forever, I've learned my lesson, can we forget about what happened?@@<br>
@@.voice-guy; Come to my room at night, we'll talk about it@@<br>
@@.voice-girl; Fine, i'll come@@<br>
<<if $staffCorr lte 29>><<set $staffCorr +=1>>
@@.corrupt; Corruption of staff is increased@@<</if>>
@@.backbtn;[[Back|Reception]] @@
<<set $receptionCD to 1>>
<<set $time +=1>>
<<set $consPower -= $consStaffBj>>
<<set _check to random(1,5)>>
<<if _check eq 1>><img src="staff/reception/bj/1.webp" style="width: 50%; height: 50%"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 2>><img src="staff/reception/bj/2.webp" style="width: 50%; height: 50%"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 3>><img src="staff/reception/bj/3.webp"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 4>><img src="staff/reception/bj/4.webp"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 5>><img src="staff/reception/bj/5.webp"><</if>> <br>
@@.voice-guy; You are goot at that@@<br>
@@.voice-girl; ~Galpp~ I just love my work@@<br>
<<if $staffCorr gte 30 and hasVisited("ReceptionEventSex")>>@@.voice-guy; Fuck...it feels so good. I'll pay you more for some extra service@@<br>
@@.voice-girl; Sure...As you wish, sir@@<br>
<<if $consPower gte $consStaffSex>>
@@.powerlink;[[Fuck her|ReceptionSex]]@@<<else>>@@.text-error; You don't have enough power@@<</if>><<else>>@@.powerlink;[[Cum|ReceptionCum]]@@<br>@@.text-error;Req. staff. corr ≥ 30 and Complete Reception-Event (visit reception at night)@@<</if>>
<<if $staffCorr lte 29>><<set $staffCorr +=1>>
@@.corrupt; Corruption of staff is increased@@<</if>>
@@.backbtn;[[Back|Reception]] @@
<<set $consPower -= $consStaffSex>>
<<set _check to random(1,5)>>
<<if _check eq 1>><img src="staff/reception/sex/1.webp"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 2>><img src="staff/reception/sex/2.webp"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 3>><img src="staff/reception/sex/3.webp"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 4>><img src="staff/reception/sex/4.webp"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 5>><img src="staff/reception/sex/5.webp"><</if>> <br>
@@.voice-guy; I wanna fuck your asshole@@<br>
@@.voice-girl; ah~whaat~NO, i mean... this is not ~oh~ included in customer service...@@<br>
@@.voice-guy; I didn't ask you, your slutty ass in mine for now@@<br>
@@.powerlink;<<linkreplace "Fuck her in the ass">><<include "ReceptionAnal">>
@@.voice-guy; Fuck, im cumming@@<br>
<<if $staffCorr lte 30>>
<<set _check to random(1,2)>>
<<if _check eq 1>><img src="staff/reception/cum/1.webp" style="width: 50%; height: 50%"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 2>><img src="staff/reception/cum/2.webp" style="width: 50%; height: 50%"><</if>>
<<elseif $staffCorr gte 31>>
<<set _check to random(1,6)>>
<<if _check eq 1>><img src="staff/reception/cum/1.webp" style="width: 50%; height: 50%"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 2>><img src="staff/reception/cum/2.webp" style="width: 50%; height: 50%"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 3>><img src="staff/reception/cum/3.webp"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 4>><img src="staff/reception/cum/4.webp" style="width: 50%; height: 50%"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 5>><img src="staff/reception/cum/5.webp"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 6>><img src="staff/reception/cum/6.webp"><</if>><</if>> <br>
@@.voice-guy; Best service ever@@<br>
<<if $staffCorr lt 30>>
@@.corrupt; Corruption of staff is increased@@<</if>>
<<if $staffCorr gte 31 and $staffCorr lte 39>><<set $staffCorr +=1>>
@@.corrupt; Corruption of staff is increased@@<</if>>
@@.backbtn;[[Back|Reception]] @@
<<set _check to random(1,5)>>
<<if _check eq 1>><img src="staff/reception/anal/1.webp"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 2>><img src="staff/reception/anal/2.webp"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 3>><img src="staff/reception/anal/3.webp"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 4>><img src="staff/reception/anal/4.webp"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 5>><img src="staff/reception/anal/5.webp"><</if>> <br>
<<if $staffSex eq 0>><<set $power +=1>><</if>><<set $staffSex to 1>>
<<set $consPower -= $consStaffSex>>
<<include "ReceptionEventCome">><br>
@@.voice-guy; You finally came to me@@<br>
@@.voice-girl; I want this meeting to be the last, so what do you want from me now?@@<br>
@@.voice-guy; Don't rush, i have something@@ @@.powerlink;<<linkreplace "special">> @@.voice-guy; for you@@<br>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="staff/reception/event/bdsm1.webm" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-girl; Something special? Like [[what|ReceptionEventSex1]]@@
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="staff/reception/event/bdsmstart.webm" type="video/mp4">
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="staff/reception/event/bdsm2.webm" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-guy; Look at you, such a nice butt@@<br>
@@.voice-girl; *Oh god, my wet pussy is right in front of him*@@<br>
@@.powerlink; <<linkreplace "Slap her">><br>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="staff/reception/event/bdsm3.webm" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-girl; ~Ouch~@@<br>
@@.powerlink; [[Fuck her|ReceptionEventSex2]]@@
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="staff/reception/event/bdsm4.webm" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-girl; ~Ouhh~Auh~@@<br>
@@.voice-guy; What are these moans? Do you like being fucked like this? I don't hear you@@<br>
@@.powerlink; <<linkreplace "Open her mouth">><br>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="staff/reception/event/bdsm5.webm" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-girl; ~Augh~augh~@@<br>
@@.voice-guy; I still can't hear you. I'll assume that you want to be fucked in the ass@@<br>
@@.powerlink; [[Fuck her ass|ReceptionEventSex3]]@@
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="staff/reception/event/bdsm6.webm" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-girl; ~OH Yes~Fuck me harder@@<br>
@@.powerlink; <<linkreplace "Continue">><br>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="staff/reception/event/bdsm7.webm" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-girl; ~Oh god~I really love it, sir@@<br>
@@.voice-guy; Let's see how you like it@@<br>
@@.powerlink; [[Next|ReceptionEventSex4]]@@
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="staff/reception/event/bdsm8.webm" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-girl; It feels amazing, sir@@<br>
@@.powerlink; <<linkreplace "Make her cum">><br>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="staff/reception/event/bdsm9.webm" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-girl; ~Oh god~im cuuummming@@<br>
@@.powerlink; <<linkreplace "End">>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="staff/reception/event/bdsm10.webm" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-guy; I see that you really liked it@@<br>
@@.voice-girl; Yes, sir@@<br>
@@.voice-guy; You can come to me again, I will be waiting for you @@<br>
@@.voice-girl; I will come@@<br>
<<if not hasVisited("ReceptionEventSexConst")>>
@@.voice-demon; This guy used BDSM stuff, maybe I can use it for my own purposes @@<</if>>
<<if $staffCorr lte 39>><<set $staffCorr +=1>>
@@.corrupt; Corruption of staff is increased@@<</if>>
@@.backbtn;[[Back|Reception]] @@
<<set $receptionCD to 1>>
<<if $summonSkill eq 5>>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="rooms/summ/Start/sumShowerStart.webm" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-demon; I think I should start with something simple. Considering that they do not expect anything to appear at all, humanoid creatures must be used. @@<br>
<<if $consPower gte $consSummonBeg>>
@@.powerlink; [[Use power|RoomSummonShower]]@@<<else>>
@@.text-error; You don't have enough power@@<</if>>
<<if $summonSkill eq 6>>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="rooms/summ/Start/sumTeethStart.webm" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-demon; I should try to summon two creatures at once @@<br>
<<if $consPower gte $consSummonBeg>>
@@.powerlink; [[Use power|RoomSummonBath]]@@<<else>>
@@.text-error; You don't have enough power@@<</if>>
<<if $summonSkill eq 7>>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="rooms/summ/Start/sumPhoneStart.webm" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-demon; Another try...@@<br>
<<if $consPower gte $consSummonBeg>>
@@.powerlink; [[Use power|RoomSummonPhone]]@@<<else>>
@@.text-error; You don't have enough power@@<</if>>
<<if $summonSkill eq 8>>
<img src="rooms/summ/Start/Eating.gif"><br>
@@.voice-demon; She's almost used to it, easier for me@@<br>
<<if $consPower gte $consSummonBeg>>
@@.powerlink; [[Use power|RoomSummonEating]]@@<<else>>
@@.text-error; You don't have enough power@@<</if>>
<<if $summonSkill eq 9>>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="rooms/summ/Start/sumBedStart.webm" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-demon; She's almost used to it, easier for me@@<br>
<<if $consPower gte $consSummonBeg>>
@@.powerlink; [[Use power|RoomSummonBed]]@@<<else>>
@@.text-error; You don't have enough power@@<</if>>
<<if $summonSkill gte 10>>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="rooms/summ/Start/sumSexStart.webm" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-demon; I'm already quite strong in summoning magic, but I still need to train @@<br>
<<if $consPower gte $consSummonBeg>>
@@.powerlink; [[Use power|RoomSummonSex]]@@<<else>>
@@.text-error; You don't have enough power@@<</if>>
<<set $consPower -= 20>>
<img src="pics/circle.jpg"><br>
These trainings are exhausting<br>
However, it becomes easier to use spells of summoning <br>
<<if $summonSkill lte 4>>
<<set $summonSkill +=1>>
<<set $summonCD to 1>>
@@.corrupt; Your summoning skill has been increased@@<<elseif $summonSkill eq 5>>@@.voice-demon;These trainings doesn't increase my skill anymore, i should practice somewhere else.@@ <</if>><br>
@@.backbtn; [[Back|Basement]]@@<br>
<<if $summonBeg eq 0>><<set $power +=1>><</if>><<set $summonBeg to 1>>
<<set $consPower -= $consSummonBeg>>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="rooms/summ/Start/sumShowerO.webm" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-girl; WHAT? Who are you and why are you standing with a.... big hard dick near my mouth?@@<br>
@@.powerlink; <<linkreplace "Suck it">>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="rooms/summ/Start/sumShowerSuck.webm" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-girl;*Fuck, im already horny*@@<br>
@@.powerlink; <<linkreplace "Your power is running out">>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="rooms/summ/Start/sumShowerEnd.webm" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-girl; Hm... Was this for real? Very strange...@@<br>
<<set $summonSkill +=1>><br>
<<set $summonCD to 1>>
@@.corrupt; Your summoning skill has been increased@@<br>
<<set $consPower -= $consSummonBeg>>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="rooms/summ/Start/sumTeethO.webm" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-girl; WHAT? Now two huge dicks... for me?@@<br>
@@.powerlink; <<linkreplace "Suck it">>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="rooms/summ/Start/sumTeethSuck.webm" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-girl; ~Schlop~*Are they even real?~Augh~*@@<br>
@@.powerlink; <<linkreplace "Your power is running out">>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="rooms/summ/Start/sumTeethEnd.webm" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-girl; Hm...They disappeared. Or maybe they weren't there. It doesn't really matter, although I almost just from the blowjob@@<br>
<<set $summonSkill +=1>><br>
<<set $summonCD to 1>>
@@.corrupt; Your summoning skill has been increased@@<br>
<<set $consPower -= $consSummonBeg>>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="rooms/summ/Start/sumPhoneO.webm" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-girl; Fuck, this is so unexpected@@<br>
@@.powerlink; <<linkreplace "Suck it">>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="rooms/summ/Start/sumPhoneSuck.webm" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-girl; ~Schlop~Yes honey, tell me about your day~Augh~*@@<br>
@@.powerlink; <<linkreplace "Your power is running out">>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="rooms/summ/Start/sumPhoneEnd.webm" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-girl; Yes, yes, I'm listening, don't worry@@<br>
<<set $summonSkill +=1>><br>
<<set $summonCD to 1>>
@@.corrupt; Your summoning skill has been increased@@<br>
<<set $consPower -= $consSummonBeg>>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="rooms/summ/Start/sumEatingO.webm" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-girl; Oh god, it happens again...@@<br>
@@.powerlink; <<linkreplace "Suck it">>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="rooms/summ/Start/sumEatingSuck.webm" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-girl; ~OMHM~ it's getting kinda annoying ~Ough~@@<br>
@@.powerlink; <<linkreplace "Your power is running out">>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="rooms/summ/Start/sumEatingEnd.webm" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-girl; Finally, now i can eat@@<br>
<<set $summonSkill +=1>><br>
<<set $summonCD to 1>>
@@.corrupt; Your summoning skill has been increased@@<br>
<<set $consPower -= $consSummonBeg>>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="rooms/summ/Start/sumBedO.webm" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-girl; But I wanted to take a nap...@@<br>
@@.powerlink; <<linkreplace "Suck it">>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="rooms/summ/Start/sumBedSuck.webm" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-girl; ~OMHM~ I guess im not ~Schlop~@@<br>
@@.powerlink; <<linkreplace "Your power is running out">>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="rooms/summ/Start/sumBedEnd.webm" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-girl; Mm, it was good...@@<br>
<<set $summonSkill +=1>><br>
<<set $summonCD to 1>>
@@.corrupt; Your summoning skill has been increased@@<br>
<<set $consPower -= $consSummonBeg>>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="rooms/summ/Start/sumSexStart1.webm" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-girl; Fuck, I'm going shopping now. Let me quickly suck you again and you will disappear as always@@<br>
@@.powerlink; <<linkreplace "Fuck her">>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="rooms/summ/Start/sumSexStart2.webm" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-girl; ~OMHM~ What the fuck, Why don't they disappear? ~Ough~@@<br>
@@.powerlink; [[Keep fucking her|RoomSummonSex1]]@@
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="rooms/summ/Start/sumSexStart3.webm" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-girl; *Oh god oh god, they use me however they want and I like it* @@<br>
@@.powerlink; <<linkreplace "Keep fucking">>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="rooms/summ/Start/sumSexStart4.webm" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-girl; ~OMHM~ I don’t remember how many times I came, but they still continue to fuck me ~Ough~@@<br>
@@.powerlink; <<linkreplace "Cum">>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="rooms/summ/Start/sumSexEnd.webm" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-girl; Ohh yea~ give me your sweet cum@@<br>
<<if $summonSkill lt 14>>
<<set $summonSkill +=1>><br>
@@.corrupt; Your summoning skill has been increased@@<</if>><br>
<<set $summonCD to 1>>
<<if $staffSex eq 0>><<set $power +=1>><</if>><<set $staffSex to 1>>
<<set $consPower -= $consStaffSex>>
<<include "ReceptionEventCome">><br>
@@.voice-guy; I see you enjoyed our last meeting@@<br>
@@.voice-girl; Yess.. so i came for more♥@@<br>
@@.powerlink; [[Tie her up|ReceptionEventSex1]]@@
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="manager/massage/massagestart1.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<if $hasGift eq 1>><<if $consPower gte $consManagerMassage>>
@@.powerlink;[[Use buttplug|ManagerMassageStart]]@@<<else>> @@.text-error; You don't have enough power@@<br><</if>><<else>>
<<linkreplace "Start massage">>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="manager/massage/massagestart.mp4" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-demon; I don't think anything will happen.@@<br>
@@.backbtn;[[Back|Manager]]@@ <br>
<<set $time +=1>>
<<set $consPower -=$consManagerMassage>>
<<if $ManagerMassage eq 0>><<set $power +=1>><<set $ManagerMassage to 1>><</if>>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="manager/massage/massagebuttplug.mp4" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-demon; This will help her relax.@@<br>
@@.powerlink;<<linkreplace "Massage her ass">>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="manager/massage/massagebuttplug1.mp4" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-manager; *Ohh fuck, this is what I needed@@<br>
@@.powerlink;[[Suck his dick|ManagerMassage1]]@@<br>
<</nobr>><<set $consManagerMassage to 10>>
<<set $ManagerMassage to 0>>
<<set $mask to 0>>
<<set $whitneyMassage to 0>>
<<set $consWhitneyMassage to 14>>
<<set $update4 to 1>><<nobr>>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="manager/massage/bj1.mp4" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-manager; Gulp~Yes, let me suck your dick.@@<br>
@@.powerlink;<<linkreplace "Fuck her in the ass">>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="manager/massage/sex1.mp4" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-manager; Ohh yess~ im your anal slut~@@<br>
@@.powerlink;[[Keep fucking her|ManagerMassage2]]@@<br>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="manager/massage/sex2.mp4" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-manager; Ohh god~anal sex is much better~@@<br>
@@.powerlink;<<linkreplace "Cum">>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="manager/massage/end.mp4" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-manager; Ohh yess~ Cum on my juicy ass~ It was soo good, i will come back soon~@@<br>
<<if $managerCorr gte 29 and $managerCorr lte 34>>
@@.corrupt; Corruption of manager is increased@@
<<set $managerCorr +=1>>
@@.backbtn;[[Back|Manager]]@@ <br>
<<if $mask eq 0>>
<img src="pics/mask.jpg" width="70%"><br>
@@.voice-demon; Not a bad movie, if I were powerful enough I would do something similar@@<br>
<<set $mask to 1>>
<<set $time +=1>>
@@.backbtn; [[Back|Security]] @@
<img src="pics/mask1.webp"><br>
The Mask of Evil – a mysterious artifact endowed with the unique ability to completely reshape the essence of whoever dares to don it. Its influence extends far beyond the confines of ordinary disguise, immersing its possessor in a whirlwind of dark transformations. Concealing one's face with this mask, a person loses their familiar self, making room for an enthralling metamorphosis.<br>
The mask not only alters the physical appearance but also rewrites the hidden corners of the soul, eliciting a surge of aggression and awakening dormant primal instincts. The inner world becomes a theater of shadows, where the bright facets of personality yield to the somber contours of evil. The wearer of the mask acquires a new, dark essence, becoming an instrument of dark forces capable of destruction and subjugation.<br>
Thus, the Mask of Evil becomes a gateway to another realm, transporting its possessor into the labyrinth of dark passions and prompting the exploration of profound mysteries that lie beyond the veil of good and evil.<br>
@@.voice-demon; Although it looks pretty shitty...
All that's left is to give it to someone...@@<br>
<<set $mask to 2>>
@@.backbtn; [[Back|Basement]] @@
<<set _check to random(1,2)>>
<<if _check eq 1>>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="whitney/ouija/sex3.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<if _check eq 2>>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="whitney/ouija/sex4.mp4" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-whitney; Fuck~ I ... want.. .. more...@@<br>
@@.powerlink; <<linkreplace "Fuck her friend">>
<<set _checkT to random(1,2)>>
<<if _checkT eq 1>>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="whitney/ouija/sex1.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<if _checkT eq 2>>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="whitney/ouija/sex2.mp4" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-girl; Oh fuck~ It feels like I can't control my body anymore@@<br>
@@.powerlink; <<linkreplace "Cum">>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="whitney/ouija/cum.mp4" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-demon; My work here is done@@<br>
@@.voice-whitney; Can we see you again?@@<br>
@@.voice-demon; You know what to do to summon me@@<br>
<<if $whitneyCorr lte 24>><<set $whitneyCorr +=1>>
@@.corrupt; Corruption of accountant is increased@@<</if>><br>
<<if $summonSkill lte 19>><<set $summonSkill +=1>>
@@.corrupt; Your summoning skill has been increased@@
@@.backbtn;[[Back|Basement]] @@<br>
<<set $time +=1>>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="whitney/massage/massagestart.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<if $whitneyCorr lt 18>>
@@.voice-whitney; You have magical hands, thanks for the massage @@<br>
@@.voice-whitney; You can remove the towel.... if you want ~*to see how wet my pussy is*~@@<br>
<<if $whitneyCorr gte 18>>
<<if $consPower gte $consWhitneyMassage>>
@@.powerlink;[[Use power|MassageWhitneySex]]@@
<<else>>@@.text-error; You don't have enough power@@<</if>><<else>>@@.text-error; Req. accountant's corr ≥ 18@@<</if>>
<<set $consPower -= $consWhitneyMassage>>
<<if $whitneyMassage eq 0>><<set $power +=1>><<set $whitneyMassage to 1>><</if>>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="whitney/massage/massage1.mp4" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-whitney; Ohh~I can't take it anymore, give me your dick@@<br>
@@.powerlink; <<linkreplace "Suck his dick">>
<<set _check to random(1,2)>>
<<if _check eq 1>>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="whitney/massage/bj1.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<if _check eq 2>>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="whitney/massage/bj2.mp4" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-whitney; Gulp ~ Gulp~ Your dick is huge~@@<br>
@@.powerlink; [[Fuck her|MassageWhitneySex1]]@@
<<set _check to random(1,4)>>
<<if _check eq 1>>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="whitney/massage/sex1.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<if _check eq 2>>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="whitney/massage/sex2.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<if _check eq 3>>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="whitney/massage/sex3.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<if _check eq 4>>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="whitney/massage/sex4.mp4" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-whitney; FUCK YES~ im your doll, fuck me~@@<br>
@@.powerlink;<<linkreplace "Cum">>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="whitney/massage/cum.mp4" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-whitney; Hope we will meet soon@@<br>
<<if $whitneyCorr lte 24>><<set $whitneyCorr +=1>>
@@.corrupt; Corruption of accountant is increased@@<</if>><br>
<<if $time lte 5>>
<<if $gymEvent eq 0>>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="gym/event/1.mp4" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-demon; The beautiful girl is working out in the gym, i think she needs some help.@@<br>
@@.powerlink;<<linkreplace "Use power">><<if $consPower gte $consCoachTouch>><<include "gymEvent2">><<else>>@@.text-error ;You don't have enough power@@<</if>><</linkreplace>>@@
<<set _check to random(1,10)>>
<<if _check eq 1>><img src="gym/hot/1.webp" style="width: 40%"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 2>><img src="gym/hot/2.webp" style="width: 40%"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 3>><img src="gym/hot/3.webp" style="width: 40%"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 4>><img src="gym/hot/4.webp" style="width: 40%"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 5>><img src="gym/hot/5.webp" style="width: 40%"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 6>><img src="gym/hot/6.webp" style="width: 40%"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 7>><img src="gym/hot/7.webp" style="width: 40%"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 8>><img src="gym/hot/8.webp" style="width: 40%"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 9>><img src="gym/hot/9.webp"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 10>><img src="gym/hot/10.webp" style="width: 50%"><</if>>
@@.voice-demon; The beautiful girl is working out in the gym, but not quite the way I want. I think I can fix that.@@<br>
@@.powerlink;<<linkreplace "Use power">><<if $consPower gte $consCoachTouch>><<include "gym1">><<else>>@@.text-error ;You don't have enough power@@<</if>><</linkreplace>>@@<</if>>
<<else>>@@.text-error;Nothing to do here @@<</if>>
<<if $coachCorr gte 30>><<set $consCoachTouch to 0>><</if>>
<<if $coachCorr gte 40>><<set $consCoachNaked to 0>><</if>>
<<if $coachCorr gte 50>><<set $consCoachDildo to 0>><</if>>
<<if $coachCorr gte 60>><<set $consCoachBj to 0>><</if>>
<<if $coachCorr gte 70>><<set $consCoachSex to 0>><</if>>
<<if $coachCorr gte 10 and not hasVisited("gymEvent3")>><<set $gymEvent to 0>><</if>>
<<if $coachCorr gte 30 and not hasVisited("gymEvent4")>><<set $gymEvent to 0>><</if>>
<<if $coachCorr gte 40 and not hasVisited("gymEvent5")>><<set $gymEvent to 0>><</if>>
<<if $coachCorr gte 40 and not hasVisited("gymEvent5")>><<set $gymEvent to 0>><</if>>
<<if $coachCorr gte 40 and not hasVisited("gymEvent5")>><<set $gymEvent to 0>><</if>>
<<set $consPower -=$consCoachTouch>>
<<set $time +=1>>
<<set _check to random(1,9)>>
<<if _check eq 1>><img src="gym/grope/1.webp" style="width: 40%"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 2>><img src="gym/grope/2.webp"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 3>><img src="gym/grope/3.webp"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 4>><img src="gym/grope/4.gif"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 5>><img src="gym/grope/5.webp" style="width: 40%"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 6>><img src="gym/grope/6.webp"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 7>><img src="gym/grope/7.webp" style="width: 40%"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 8>><img src="gym/grope/8.webp" style="width: 40%"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 9>><img src="gym/grope/9.webp" style="width: 40%"><</if>>
@@.voice-guy; Hey, you're doing pretty well. How about I help you out a bit@@<br>
@@.voice-girl; ~Is he touching my butt? Although he's a coach, I think I can trust him~@@<br>
<<if $coachCorr gte 10>>@@.powerlink;<<linkreplace "Use power">><<if $consPower gte $consCoachNaked>><<goto "gym2">><<else>>@@.text-error ;You don't have enough power@@<</if>><</linkreplace>>@@<<else>>@@.text-error; Req. coach's corr ≥ 10@@<</if>>
<<if $coachCorr lt 10>>@@.corrupt;Coach's corruption is increased@@<<set $coachCorr +=1>>
<<set $consPower -=$consCoachBj>>
<<set _check to random(1,8)>>
<<if _check eq 1>><img src="gym/bj/1.webp"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 2>><img src="gym/bj/2.webp" style="width: 50%"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 3>><img src="gym/bj/3.webp"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 4>><img src="gym/bj/4.webp" style="width: 40%"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 5>><img src="gym/bj/5.webp"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 6>><img src="gym/bj/6.webp"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 7>><img src="gym/bj/7.webp"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 8>><img src="gym/bj/8.webp"><</if>>
@@.voice-guy; You need a little motivation, something that will help you perform the exercise even better. It seems like I know what you need@@<br>
<<if $coachCorr gte 40>>@@.powerlink;<<linkreplace "Use power">><<if $consPower gte $consCoachSex>><<include "gym5">><<else>>@@.text-error ;You don't have enough power@@<</if>><</linkreplace>>@@@@<<else>>@@.text-error; Req. guests' corr ≥ 40@@<</if>><br>
<<if $coachCorr lt 40>>@@.corrupt;Coach's corruption is increased@@<<set $coachCorr +=1>>
<<if $CoachNaked eq 0>><<set $power +=1>><</if>><<set $CoachNaked to 1>>
<<set $consPower -=$consCoachNaked>>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="gym/event/3.mp4" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-guy; I think your clothing is hindering you from doing the exercise@@<br>
@@.voice-girl; ~Ohh ~ I guess...@@<br>
@@.powerlink;<<linkreplace "Need more help">>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="gym/event/4.mp4" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-guy; Take them off too, you'll feel the difference immediately.@@<br>
@@.voice-girl; If you say so...@@<br>
@@.powerlink;<<linkreplace "Need more help">>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="gym/event/5.mp4" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-girl; Ohhh, I definitely feel the difference@@<br>
<<if $coachCorr gte 30>>@@.powerlink;<<linkreplace "Use power">>
<<if $consPower gte $consCoachBj>><<goto "gymEvent4">><<else>>@@.text-error ;You don't have enough power@@<</if>><</linkreplace>>@@<<else>>@@.text-error; Req. coach's corr ≥ 30@@<</if>>
<<if $coachCorr lt 20>>@@.corrupt;Coach's corruption is increased@@<<set $coachCorr +=1>><<set $gymEvent to 1>><</if>><br>
<<if $CoachTouch eq 0>><<set $power +=1>><</if>><<set $CoachTouch to 1>>
<<set $consPower -=$consCoachTouch>>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="gym/event/2.mp4" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-guy; Hey, you're doing pretty well. How about I help you out a bit@@<br>
@@.voice-girl; ~Is he touching my butt? Although he's a coach, I think I can trust him~@@<br>
@@.voice-demon; Not quite the way I want. I think I can fix that.@@<br>
<<if $coachCorr gte 10>>@@.powerlink;<<linkreplace "Use power">>
<<if $consPower gte $consCoachNaked>><<goto "gymEvent3">><<else>>@@.text-error ;You don't have enough power@@<</if>><</linkreplace>>@@<<else>>@@.text-error; Req. coach's corr ≥ 10@@<</if>>
<<if $coachCorr lt 10>>@@.corrupt;Coach's corruption is increased@@<<set $coachCorr +=1>><<set $gymEvent to 1>><</if>>
<<set $time +=1>>
<<if $CoachBj eq 0>><<set $power +=1>><</if>><<set $CoachBj to 1>>
<<set $consPower -=$consCoachBj>>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="gym/event/6.mp4" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-guy; You need a little motivation, something that will help you perform the exercise even better. It seems like I know what you need@@<br>
@@.voice-girl; ~Mm~ @@<br>
@@.powerlink;<<linkreplace "To continue the exercise">>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="gym/event/7.mp4" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-guy; Oh... you're very good... at the workout@@<br>
@@.voice-girl; It seems like I got a little carried away.@@<br>
<<if $coachCorr gte 40>>@@.powerlink;<<linkreplace "Use power">>
<<if $consPower gte $consCoachSex>><<goto "gymEvent5">><<else>>@@.text-error ;You don't have enough power@@<</if>><br><</linkreplace>>@@<<else>>@@.text-error; Req. coach's corr ≥ 40@@
<<if $coachCorr lt 40>>@@.corrupt;Coach's corruption is increased@@<<set $coachCorr +=1>><<set $gymEvent to 1>><</if>><br>
<<set $consPower -=$consCoachSex>>
<<set _check to random(1,12)>>
<<if _check eq 1>><img src="gym/sex/1.gif"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 2>><img src="gym/sex/2.webp"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 3>><img src="gym/sex/3.webp"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 4>><img src="gym/sex/4.webp"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 5>><img src="gym/sex/5.webp"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 6>><img src="gym/sex/6.webp"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 7>><img src="gym/sex/7.webp"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 8>><img src="gym/sex/8.webp"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 9>><img src="gym/sex/9.webp"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 10>><img src="gym/sex/10.webp"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 11>><img src="gym/sex/11.webp"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 12>><img src="gym/sex/12.webp"><</if>>
@@.voice-girl; ~Ohh god~ it feels soo good~@@<br>
@@.voice-demon; Exercising together is much better@@<br>
@@.powerlink;<<linkreplace "Cum">>
<<include "gym6">>
<<set _check to random(1,4)>>
<<if _check eq 1>><img src="gym/end/1.webp"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 2>><img src="gym/end/2.webp" style="width: 40%"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 3>><img src="gym/end/3.webp" style="width: 40%"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 4>><img src="gym/end/4.webp"><</if>><br>
@@.voice-guy; It was a good workout, don't forget to go to the gym regularly. @@<br>
@@.voice-girl;I definitely will @@<br>
<<if $coachCorr lt 50>>@@.corrupt;Coach's corruption is increased@@<<set $coachCorr +=1>><<set $gymEvent to 1>><</if>>
<</nobr>><<set $gymEvent to 0>>
<<set $coachCorr to 1>>
<<set $consCoachTouch to 4>>
<<set $consCoachNaked to 6>>
<<set $consCoachDildo to 8>>
<<set $consCoachBj to 10>>
<<set $consCoachSex to 14>>
<<set $CoachTouch to 0>>
<<set $CoachNaked to 0>>
<<set $CoachDildo to 0>>
<<set $CoachBj to 0>>
<<set $CoachSex to 0>>
<<set $update5 to 1>>
<<set $consPower -=$consCoachNaked>>
<<set _check to random(1,9)>>
<<if _check eq 1>><img src="gym/naked/1.webp" style="width: 50%"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 2>><img src="gym/naked/2.webp" style="width: 50%"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 3>><img src="gym/naked/3.webp" style="width: 50%"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 4>><img src="gym/naked/4.webp" style="width: 50%"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 5>><img src="gym/naked/5.webp"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 6>><img src="gym/naked/6.webp" style="width: 50%"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 7>><img src="gym/naked/7.webp" style="width: 50%"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 8>><img src="gym/naked/8.webp" style="width: 50%"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 9>><img src="gym/naked/9.webp" style="width: 50%"><</if>>
@@.voice-girl; Training naked is much better; it's good that the coach suggested it @@<br>
<<if $coachCorr gte 20>>@@.powerlink;<<linkreplace "Use power">><<if $consPower gte $consCoachDildo>><<include "gym3">><<else>>@@.text-error ;You don't have enough power@@<</if>><</linkreplace>>@@<<else>>@@.text-error; Req. guests' corr ≥ 20@@<</if>><br>
<<if $coachCorr lt 20>>@@.corrupt;Coach's corruption is increased@@<<set $coachCorr +=1>>
<<if $CoachSex eq 0>><<set $power +=1>><</if>><<set $CoachSex to 1>>
<<set $consPower -=$consCoachSex>>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="gym/event/8.mp4" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-guy; Let's move on to the next exercise@@<br>
@@.voice-girl; ~Oh god~ @@<br>
@@.powerlink;<<linkreplace "To continue the exercise">>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="gym/event/9.mp4" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-girl; Keep fucking my pussy~@@<br>
@@.powerlink;<<linkreplace "Cum">>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="gym/event/10.mp4" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-guy; It was a good workout, don't forget to go to the gym regularly. @@<br>
@@.voice-girl;I definitely will @@<br>
<<if $coachCorr lt 50>>@@.corrupt;Coach's corruption is increased@@<<set $coachCorr +=1>><<set $gymEvent to 1>><</if>><br>
<<if $CoachDildo eq 0>><<set $power +=1>><</if>><<set $CoachDildo to 1>>
<<set $consPower -=$CoachDildo>>
<<set _check to random(1,9)>>
<<if _check eq 1>><img src="gym/dildo/1.webp"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 2>><img src="gym/dildo/2.webp" style="width: 40%"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 3>><img src="gym/dildo/3.webp" style="width: 40%"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 4>><img src="gym/dildo/4.webp"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 5>><img src="gym/dildo/5.webp" style="width: 40%"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 6>><img src="gym/dildo/6.webp" style="width: 40%"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 7>><img src="gym/dildo/7.webp"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 8>><img src="gym/dildo/8.webp" style="width: 40%"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 9>><img src="gym/dildo/9.webp" style="width: 40%"><</if>>
@@.voice-guy; So, ladies, we have new equipment in the gym; I think everyone should give it a try@@<br>
@@.voice-girl; ~Workouts have become quite... unusual~@@<br>
<<if $coachCorr gte 30>>@@.powerlink;<<linkreplace "Use power">><<if $consPower gte $consCoachBj>><<goto "gym4">><<else>>@@.text-error ;You don't have enough power@@<</if>><</linkreplace>>@@<<else>>@@.text-error; Req. guests' corr ≥ 30@@<</if>><br>
<<if $coachCorr lt 30>>@@.corrupt;Coach's corruption is increased@@<<set $coachCorr +=1>>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="gym/event/1.mp4" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-demon; The beautiful girl is working out in the gym, i think she needs some help.@@<br>
@@.powerlink;<<linkreplace "Use power">>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="gym/event/2.mp4" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-guy; Hey, you're doing pretty well. How about I help you out a bit@@<br>
@@.voice-girl; ~Is he touching my butt? Although he's a coach, I think I can trust him~@@<br>
@@.voice-demon; Not quite the way I want. I think I can fix that.@@<br>
@@.powerlink; [[Next|GalleryGym2]]@@
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="gym/event/3.mp4" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-guy; I think your clothing is hindering you from doing the exercise@@<br>
@@.voice-girl; ~Ohh ~ I guess...@@<br>
@@.powerlink;<<linkreplace "Need more help">>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="gym/event/4.mp4" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-guy; Take them off too, you'll feel the difference immediately.@@<br>
@@.voice-girl; If you say so...@@<br>
@@.powerlink;<<linkreplace "Need more help">>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="gym/event/5.mp4" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-girl; Ohhh, I definitely feel the difference@@<br>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="gym/event/6.mp4" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-guy; You need a little motivation, something that will help you perform the exercise even better. It seems like I know what you need@@<br>
@@.voice-girl; ~Mm~ @@<br>
@@.powerlink;<<linkreplace "To continue the exercise">>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="gym/event/7.mp4" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-guy; Oh... you're very good... at the workout@@<br>
@@.voice-girl; It seems like I got a little carried away.@@<br>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="gym/event/8.mp4" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-guy; Let's move on to the next exercise@@<br>
@@.voice-girl; ~Oh god~ @@<br>
@@.powerlink;<<linkreplace "To continue the exercise">>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="gym/event/9.mp4" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-girl; Keep fucking my pussy~@@<br>
@@.powerlink;<<linkreplace "Cum">>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="gym/event/10.mp4" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-guy; It was a good workout, don't forget to go to the gym regularly. @@<br>
@@.voice-girl;I definitely will @@<br>
<<set $steveNightEventCD to 1>>
<<set $time +=1>>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="rooms/night/event/1.mp4" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-guy;~She is masturbating now~@@<br>
@@.voice-girl; HEY, WHAT THE FUCK!@@<br>
<<if $securityCorr lte 34>>
@@.voice-guy; Oh, sorry, I'm leaving~Damn, I'd better come back here at night.@@<br>
@@.backbtn;[[Back|Second floor]]@@<br>
<<elseif $securityCorr gte 35>>
<<if $consPower gte $consSteveNSexAwake>>
<<if $steveNSexAwake eq 0>><<set $power +=1>><<set $steveNSexAwake to 1>><</if>><<set $consPower -=$consSteveNSexAwake>>
<<if hasVisited("nightEvent8")>>
@@.voice-girl; HEY, GET THE FUC... Oh it's you...let's do it quickly@@<br>
@@.powerlink;[[Fuck her|nightEvent9]]@@
@@.voice-guy;~Now you won't get rid of me~ I'm from security. I heard strange sounds, so I decided to check what's going on.@@<br>
@@.voice-girl; Are you fucking kidding? Get the fuck out of here@@<br>
@@.voice-guy; No, I need to make sure everything is okay. Move the blanket aside@@<br>
@@.powerlink;<<linkreplace "Move the blanket">>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="rooms/night/event/2.mp4" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-girl; Fine! Are you happy?@@<br>
@@.voice-guy; Stand up now@@<br>
@@.powerlink;[[Stand up|nightEvent8]]@@
<<else>>@@.text-error ;You don't have enough power@@<</if>>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="rooms/night/event/3.mp4" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-girl; It's just ridiculous@@<br>
@@.voice-guy; ~Yes, but it seems like you're not against it either~ i need to see everything. Sorry, But it's a standard inspection @@<br>
@@.powerlink;<<linkreplace "Spread your leg">>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="rooms/night/event/4.mp4" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-girl; Saw everything?@@<br>
@@.voice-guy; Yes, actually no...@@<br>
@@.powerlink;<<linkreplace "Stop">>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="rooms/night/event/5.mp4" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-girl; I think I understand, you are the pervert who comes to the girls at night. Fine! Just fuck me quickly and I'll never see you again, ok?@@<br>
@@.powerlink; [[I guess...|nightEvent9]]@@<br>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="rooms/night/event/6.mp4" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-girl; Stick it in already~ Ahh~@@<br>
@@.voice-guy; ~You are mine, bitch~ @@<br>
@@.powerlink;<<linkreplace "Fuck her">>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="rooms/night/event/7.mp4" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-guy; It seems you really enjoy this@@<br>
@@.voice-girl; ~Oh god~Yes~ I mean~ Ah~ No!@@<br>
@@.powerlink;<<linkreplace "Fuck her hard">>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="rooms/night/event/8.mp4" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-girl; ~You're soo~ Fuck me~ Yea*@@<br>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="rooms/night/event/9.mp4" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-girl; Ahh~WHAT, WHAT? Did you cum inside me? FUCK! LEAVE NOW!@@<br>
<<if $securityCorr lte 44>><<set $securityCorr +=1>>
@@.corrupt; Security chief's corruption is increased@@<</if>>
@@.backbtn;[[Back|Second floor]]@@<br>
<</nobr>><<set $steveNightEventCD to 0>>
<<set $update6 to 1>><<nobr>>
<img src="pics/mask1.webp"><br>
<<if $mask eq 2>>
@@.voice-guy; I don't remember having such a mask. Someone must have put it here. It's quite strange, though. Well, maybe I should try playing a prank on one of my colleagues? It would be amusing to see their reactions @@<<set $mask to 3>><<else>>
@@.voice-guy;It is here again, as if nothing ever happened. I remember the feelings when I put on that mask. It's like I stopped being myself... I did things I would never have done in my life. Treat girls like that... but it was unforgettable. And it seems like I want more@@<</if>><br>
@@.powerlink; [[Put on the mask|MaskEventStart]]<br>
The consciousness was engulfed by an unknown force, awakening incredible power and desire... primal desires. The senses heightened; it was time to act<br>
@@.voice-demon; Although this effect is temporary, it should be enough for his games. I need to decide what to do@@<br>
[[Wait until the evening|MaskEventStartSleeping]]<br>
<<if $mask lt 6>>@@.voice-demon;It seems better to check the rooms in the evening before moving around during the day. Let him get accustomed to the sensations@@<br><</if>>
<<if $mask gte 6>>[[Knock on the door|MaskEventStartKnock]]<br><</if>>
<<if $mask gte 10>>[[Get into the room|MaskEventStartBreak]]<br><</if>>
Right now, there are two rooms I can enter. Where should I go?<br>
[[Room №1|MaskEventSleeping1]]<br>
[[Room №2|MaskEventSleeping2]]<br>
Right now, there are two rooms I can enter. Where should I go?<br>
[[Room №6|MaskEventKnock1]]<br>
[[Room №7|MaskEventKnock2]]<br>
<img src="security/mask/1/1.jpg"><br>
You see a girl lying on the bed. She must be asleep.<br>
@@.voice-guy; It's time to wake up, sweetheart@@<br>
<<linkreplace "Wake her up">>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="security/mask/1/1.mp4" type="video/mp4">
Unexpectedly, she started to suck on her own accord, there was no need to force.<br>
@@.voice-girl; Is this a dream? I always dreamed that someone would come into my room at night and do whatever they wanted to me.@@<br>
@@.voice-guy; Yea baby, it's only a dream@@<br>
@@.voice-girl; I've always dreamed about anal sex...@@<br>
[[Fuck her ass|MaskEventSleeping1Sex]]<br>
<img src="security/mask/6/1.jpg"><br>
You see a girl lying on the bed. She must be asleep.<br>
@@.voice-guy; It's time to wake up, sweetheart@@<br>
<<linkreplace "Wake her up">>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="security/mask/6/1.mp4" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-girl; Whaat? Get your hands off me@@<br>
@@.voice-guy; Sure baby@@<br>
[[Fuck her|MaskEventSleeping2Sex]]<br>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="security/mask/1/2.mp4" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-guy; Give me your slutty ass@@<br>
@@.voice-girl; Oh yes~ keep fucking it@@<br>
<<linkreplace "Make her cum">>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="security/mask/1/3.mp4" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-girl; OH DADDY ~YES~YES~ @@<br>
@@.voice-guy; That's it whore, now take it in your mouth@@<br>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="security/mask/1/4.mp4" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-girl; So much cum...@@<br>
<<if $mask lt 6>>
@@.corrupt; Now you're getting a little more accustomed to the sensations by wearing this mask @@
<<set $mask +=1>><</if>><br>
[[I need to rest now|Sleep]]<br>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="security/mask/6/2.mp4" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-guy; Take this, bitch@@<br>
@@.voice-girl; Oh GOD~ your dick is too big@@<br>
<<linkreplace "Keep fucking her">>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="security/mask/6/3.mp4" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-girl; OH DADDY ~ I can't stop cumming~ @@<br>
@@.voice-guy; Get on top of me, slut@@<br>
[[Fuck her|MaskEventSleeping2Cum]]<br>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="security/mask/6/4.mp4" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-guy; Bounce like that@@<br>
@@.voice-girl; I ~ can't ~ anymore~@@<br>
<<linkreplace "Cum inside her">>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="security/mask/6/5.mp4" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-girl; Oh~it is over@@<br>
@@.voice-guy; See you later@@<br>
<<if $mask lt 6>>
@@.corrupt; Now you're getting a little more accustomed to the sensations by wearing this mask @@
<<set $mask +=1>><</if>><br>
[[I need to rest now|Sleep]]<br>
<img src="security/mask/2/1.jpg"><br>
A lovely girl opened the door, but I don't think she was expecting me<br>
@@.voice-girl; Oh, I'm sorry. I thought you were a hotel staff member. Do you need something?@@<br>
@@.voice-guy; Yes, you@@<br>
<<linkreplace "Fuck her mouth">>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="security/mask/2/1.mp4" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-girl; Gulp~ What are you~gulp~ get away from me ~gulp~@@<br>
@@.voice-guy; Turn your ass towards me, now you will know what real fucking is@@<br>
@@.voice-girl; No please, i have a boyfriend...@@<br>
[[Fuck her|MaskEventKnock1Sex]]<br>
<img src="security/mask/4/1.jpg"><br>
A lovely girl opened the door, but I don't think she was expecting me<br>
@@.voice-girl; Oh, I'm sorry. I thought you were a hotel staff member. Do you need something?@@<br>
@@.voice-guy; Yes, you@@<br>
<<linkreplace "Fuck her mouth">>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="security/mask/4/1.mp4" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-girl; Please don't hurt me, I'll do whatever you want@@<br>
@@.voice-guy; Sure, suck that huge dick@@<br>
[[Fuck her|MaskEventKnock2Sex]]<br>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="security/mask/2/2.mp4" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-guy; Give me your slutty ass@@<br>
@@.voice-girl; Oh god~ you are too big@@<br>
<<linkreplace "Slap her face">>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="security/mask/2/3.mp4" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-girl; OH ~ YES~ Slap me like i'm your whore~ @@<br>
@@.voice-guy; That's it whore, now take it in your mouth@@<br>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="security/mask/2/4.mp4" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-girl; Mm~ so tasty~.@@<br>
<<if $mask lt 10>>
@@.corrupt; Now you're getting a little more accustomed to the sensations by wearing this mask @@
<<set $mask +=1>><</if>><br>
[[I need to rest now|Sleep]]<br>
Right now, there are two rooms I can enter. Where should I go?<br>
[[Room №6|MaskEventStartBreak2]]<br>
[[Room №7|MaskEventStartBreak1]]<br>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="security/mask/4/2.mp4" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-guy; Just like that, obedient whore@@<br>
@@.voice-girl; Oh ~ my~ lord~ i just can't...@@<br>
<<linkreplace "Sit on top">>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="security/mask/4/3.mp4" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-guy; Now I'm going to cum inside you@@<br>
@@.voice-girl; OH ~ Ah~ Yess ~ WHAT, No please~ AH ~ not inside me@@<br>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="security/mask/4/4.mp4" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-girl; What have you done...@@<br>
<<if $mask lt 10>>
@@.corrupt; Now you're getting a little more accustomed to the sensations by wearing this mask @@
<<set $mask +=1>><</if>><br>
[[I need to rest now|Sleep]]<br>
<img src="security/mask/3/1.jpg"><br>
I remember that girl, now she just walks around the room.<br>
@@.voice-guy; It's time to remind her of yourself.@@<br>
<<linkreplace "Fuck her face">>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="security/mask/3/1.mp4" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-girl; Gulp~ It's you~gulp~ again ~gulp~@@<br>
@@.voice-guy; Are you glad to see me? Today I will fuck your huge ass@@<br>
@@.voice-girl; NO!@@<br>
[[Fuck her ass|MaskEventStartBreak1Sex1]]<br>
<img src="security/mask/5/1.jpg"><br>
I remember that girl, right now, she's just watching some movie<br>
@@.voice-guy; It's time to remind her of yourself.@@<br>
<<linkreplace "Fuck her face">>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="security/mask/5/1.mp4" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-girl; Gulp~ It's you~gulp~ again ~gulp~@@<br>
@@.voice-guy; Are you glad to see me?@@<br>
@@.voice-girl; Don't fuck me too hard, please@@<br>
[[Fuck her ass|MaskEventStartBreak2Sex1]]<br>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="security/mask/3/2.mp4" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-guy; Ooh, you're so tight@@<br>
@@.voice-girl; Ah~ please, slower ~Ohh~@@<br>
<<linkreplace "Keep fucking her ass">>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="security/mask/3/3.mp4" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-guy; Are you here? Brainless bitch@@<br>
@@.voice-girl; ~Mm~I ~ Can ~not~ think straight~ Please fuck me, more~ @@<br>
@@.voice-guy; Oh bitch, give me your pussy@@<br>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="security/mask/4/4.mp4" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-girl; Yes~ fill me...@@<br>
<<if $mask lt 14>>
@@.corrupt; Now you're getting a little more accustomed to the sensations by wearing this mask @@
<<set $mask +=1>><</if>><br>
[[I need to rest now|Sleep]]<br>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="security/mask/5/2.mp4" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-guy; Good pussy~@@<br>
@@.voice-girl; Ah~ yes~ slap me again~@@<br>
<<linkreplace "Sit on top">>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="security/mask/5/3.mp4" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-guy; Just like that, keep doing it@@<br>
@@.voice-girl; ~Uhh~ Oh~ My~ God~ @@<br>
@@.voice-guy; I'm gonna cum inside you@@<br>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="security/mask/5/4.mp4" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-girl; So much cum inside me...@@<br>
<<if $mask lt 14>>
@@.corrupt; Now you're getting a little more accustomed to the sensations by wearing this mask @@
<<set $mask +=1>><</if>><br>
[[I need to rest now|Sleep]]<br>
<<set $time +=1>>
<<if $StaffPeekBdsm eq 0>><<set $power +=1>><</if>><<set $StaffPeekBdsm to 1>>
<<set $consPower -= $consStaffPeekBdsm>>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="staff/gym/3.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<if not hasVisited("gymEventBdsm2")>>
@@.voice-girl; Hey! Who are you? Get out of here!@@<br><<else>>
@@.voice-girl; Oh...It's you... again@@<br><</if>>
<<if $staffCorr gte 10>><<if $consPower gte $consStaffTouchBdsm>>@@.powerlink; <<linkreplace "Take her">>
<<if $StaffTouchBdsm eq 0>><<set $power +=1>><<set $StaffTouchBdsm to 1>><</if>>
<<set $consPower -= $consStaffTouchBdsm>>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="staff/gym/4.mp4" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-girl; Ouch...Don't slap my tits@@<br>
@@.voice-guy; Sure@@<br>
@@.powerlink; <<linkreplace "Slap her ass">>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="staff/gym/5.mp4" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-girl; Ah~ Please stop@@<br>
<<if $staffCorr gte 20>><<if $consPower gte $consStaffSexBdsm>>@@.powerlink; [[I don't think so|gymEventBdsm2]]@@
<<else>>@@.text-error; You don't have enough power@@<</if>><<else>>@@.voice-guy; Maybe she is right. I have to stop.@@<br>@@.text-error; Req. staff. corr ≥ 20@@<</if>>
<<if $staffCorr lte 19>><<set $staffCorr +=1>>
@@.corrupt; Corruption of staff is increased@@<</if>>
<<else>>@@.text-error; You don't have enough power@@<</if>><<else>>@@.text-error; Req. staff. corr ≥ 20@@<</if>>
<<if $staffCorr lte 9>><<set $staffCorr +=1>>
@@.corrupt; Corruption of staff is increased@@<</if>>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="staff/gym/1.mp4" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-guy; What a beautiful girl. I wish I could see her again@@<br>
@@.powerlink; <<linkreplace "Go after her">>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="staff/gym/2.mp4" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-demon; She's going to take a shower, maybe I can get him to peek@@<br>
<<if $consPower gte $consStaffPeekBdsm>> @@.powerlink;[[Peek at her|gymEventBdsm1]]@@<<else>>@@.text-error; You don't have enough power@@<br><</if>>
<<set $StaffPeekBdsm to 0>>
<<set $consStaffPeekBdsm to 5>>
<<set $StaffTouchBdsm to 0>>
<<set $consStaffTouchBdsm to 7>>
<<set $StaffSexBdsm to 0>>
<<set $consStaffSexBdsm to 9>>
<<set $updateNew1 to 1>><<nobr>>
<<if $StaffSexBdsm eq 0>><<set $power +=1>><</if>><<set $StaffSexBdsm to 1>>
<<set $consPower -= $consStaffSexBdsm>>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="staff/gym/6.mp4" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-guy; Suck that dick, good girl~@@<br>
@@.voice-girl; Agh~@@<br>
@@.powerlink; <<linkreplace "Fuck her">>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="staff/gym/7.mp4" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-guy; Your pussy is so tight~@@<br>
@@.voice-girl; Mm~I cumming~@@<br>
<<if not hasVisited("ReceptionEventSex4")>>
@@.text-error; Req. to complete event with the reception@@<br>
@@.powerlink;[[Take her to the basement|gymEventBdsm3]]@@<</if>>
<<if $staffCorr lte 19>><<set $staffCorr +=1>>
@@.corrupt; Corruption of staff is increased@@<</if>>
<img src="staff/gym/ashBdsm.jpg"><br>
@@.voice-guy; I will do whatever I want with her@@<br>
@@.powerlink; <<linkreplace "Fuck her">>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="staff/gym/8.mp4" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-girl; Agh~why it feels so good?~@@<br>
@@.powerlink; <<linkreplace "Make her squirt">>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="staff/gym/9.mp4" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-girl; ~Ohh~It was amazing@@<br>
@@.powerlink; [[Suck dick|gymEventBdsm4]]@@
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="staff/gym/10.mp4" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-guy;All the way down your throat @@<br>
@@.voice-girl; Ough~@@<br>
@@.powerlink; <<linkreplace "Fuck her on the table">>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="staff/gym/11.mp4" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-girl; ~Ah~Fuck Fuck~@@<br>
@@.powerlink; [[Use vibrator|gymEventBdsm5]]@@
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="staff/gym/12.mp4" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-guy; Oh you like it so much@@<br>
@@.voice-girl; I'm cumming again~@@<br>
@@.powerlink; <<linkreplace "Cum">>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="staff/gym/end.mp4" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-girl; Mm~ May i go now?@@<br>
@@.voice-guy; ye... Yes~ sure@@<br>
<img src="manager/work1/meeting.jpg"><br>
@@.voice-manager; As you can see, we've got a swimming pool now. But we still lack funding for other entertainment options@@<br>
@@.voice-guy; Yes, I understand@@<br>
@@.powerlink;<<linkreplace "Continue">>
<img src="manager/work1/meeting2.jpg"><br>
@@.voice-manager; And I would like to secure funding for something else as well. I'm currently considering a nice bar at the hotel@@<br>
@@.voice-guy; It would require quite a bit of money; I'm not sure about it yet.@@<br>
<<if $managerCorr gte 35>>
<<if $hasGift eq 1>>
<<if $consPower gte $consmanagerMeetingSecond>>
@@.powerlink;<<linkreplace "Use buttplug">>
<img src="manager/work1/meeting3.jpg"><br>
@@.voice-manager; Maybe this will make him reconsider@@<br>
[[Go to him|managerSecMeeting1]]<br>
<<else>>@@.text-error; You don't have enough power@@<</if>>
@@.voice-manager; I need to surprise him somehow@@<br><</if>>
@@.text-error; Req. manager's corr ≥ 35 @@<br><</if>>
<<set $consPower -= $consmanagerMeetingSecond>>
<<if $managerMeetingSecond eq 0>><<set $power +=1>><</if>><<set $managerMeetingSecond to 1>>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="manager/work1/1.mp4" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-manager; I hope we can come to an agreement and close the deal? @@<br>
@@.voice-guy; Probably@@<br>
@@.powerlink;<<linkreplace "Suck his dick">>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="manager/work1/2.mp4" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-guy; These rumors turned out to be true after all, you are really ready to do anything for your work@@<br>
@@.voice-manager; Slurp~yes~@@<br>
@@.powerlink;[[Fuck her ass|managerSecMeeting3]]@@
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="manager/work1/3.mp4" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-manager; Oh god~ I'm cumming~@@<br>
@@.powerlink;<<linkreplace "Cum inside her ass">>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="manager/work1/4.mp4" type="video/mp4">
@@.voice-guy; Oh, It's nice dealing with you@@<br>
@@.voice-manager; I understand that we've come to an agreement. Now, I need to leave@@<br>
Bar is open now!<br>
<<set $barOpen to 1>>
<</nobr>><<set $managerMeetingSecond to 0>>
<<set $consmanagerMeetingSecond to 10>>
<<set $consBarDrinkGuests to 5>>
<<set $consBarNudesGuests to 2>>
<<set $consBarSexGuests to 8>>
<<set $BarDrinkGuests to 0>>
<<set $BarNudesGuests to 0>>
<<set $BarSexGuests to 0>>
<<set $consBarNudesStaff to 3>>
<<set $consBarSexStaff to 6>>
<<set $BarNudesStaff to 0>>
<<set $BarSexStaff to 0>>
<<set $updateNew2 to 1>><<nobr>>
<img src="pics/bar.webp" width="100%"><br>
@@.place; Bar @@<br>
<<if $time lte 6>>
[[See what the guests are doing|barGuests]]<br>
[[See what the staff is doing|barStaff]]<br>
No one's around<</if>><br>
<<set $time +=1>>
<<set _check to random(1,2)>>
<<if _check eq 1>><img src="bar/guests/drinking/1.webp"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 2>><img src="bar/guests/drinking/2.webp" style="width: 40%"><</if>> <br>
@@.voice-demon; Nothing unusual, just people drinking and having fun@@<br>
<<if $consPower gte $consBarNudesGuests>>@@.powerlink;<<linkreplace "Use power">>
<<set $consPower -=$consBarNudesGuests>>
<<if $BarNudesGuests eq 0>><<set $power +=1>><</if>><<set $BarNudesGuests to 1>>
<<set _check to random(1,4)>>
<<if _check eq 1>><img src="bar/guests/nudes/1.webp"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 2>><img src="bar/guests/nudes/2.webp" style="width: 50%"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 3>><img src="bar/guests/nudes/3.webp"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 4>><img src="bar/guests/nudes/4.webp"><</if>> <br>
@@.voice-demon; Now it's a bit more fun, but maybe it's worth having a little more to drink@@<br>
<<if $consPower gte $consBarDrinkGuests>>
@@.powerlink;[[Drink more|barGuestsDrinking]]@@<br><<else>>
@@.text-error; You don't have enough power@@<br><</if>>
<<if $guestsCorr lt 30>>
@@.corrupt; Corruption of guests is increased@@
<<set $guestsCorr +=1>>
<<set $time +=1>>
<<set _check to random(1,2)>>
<<if _check eq 1>><img src="bar/staff/working/1.webp"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 2>><img src="bar/staff/working/2.webp" style="width: 40%"><</if>> <br>
@@.voice-demon; Nothing unusual, just doing their work@@<br>
<<if $consPower gte $consBarNudesStaff>>@@.powerlink;<<linkreplace "Use power">>
<<set $consPower -=$consBarNudesStaff>>
<<if $BarNudesStaff eq 0>><<set $power +=1>><</if>><<set $BarNudesStaff to 1>>
<<set _check to random(1,4)>>
<<if _check eq 1>><img src="bar/staff/nudes/1.webp"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 2>><img src="bar/staff/nudes/2.webp" style="width: 70%"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 3>><img src="bar/staff/nudes/3.webp" style="width: 70%"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 4>><img src="bar/staff/nudes/4.webp"><</if>> <br>
@@.voice-demon; The quality of service has increased slightly, but is it possible to do even better?@@<br>
<<if $consPower gte $consBarSexStaff>>
@@.powerlink;[[Use power|barStaffSex]]@@<br><<else>>
@@.text-error; You don't have enough power@@<br><</if>>
<<if $staffCorr lt 10>>
@@.corrupt; Corruption of staff is increased@@
<<set $staffCorr +=1>>
<<if $BarDrinkGuests eq 0>><<set $power +=1>><<set $BarDrinkGuests to 1>><</if>>
<<set $consPower -=$consBarDrinkGuests>>
<<set _check to random(1,2)>>
<<if _check eq 1>><img src="bar/guests/drinking/3.webp" style="width: 40%"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 2>><img src="bar/guests/drinking/4.gif"><</if>> <br>
@@.voice-demon; Many drunk people in one room, what could happen?@@<br>
<<if $consPower gte $consBarSexGuests>>
<<set _checkR to random(1,2)>>
<<if _checkR eq 1>>
@@.powerlink;<<linkreplace "Use power">>
<<if $BarSexGuests eq 0>><<set $power +=1>><<set $BarSexGuests to 1>><</if>>
<<set $consPower -=$consBarSexGuests>>
<<set _check to random(1,6)>>
<<if _check eq 1>><img src="bar/guests/sex/1.webp"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 2>><img src="bar/guests/sex/2.webp"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 3>><img src="bar/guests/sex/3.webp"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 4>><img src="bar/guests/sex/4.webp"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 5>><img src="bar/guests/sex/5.gif"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 6>><img src="bar/guests/sex/6.webp"><</if>><br>
@@.voice-demon; They fuck right in the bar@@<br>
<<if _checkR eq 2>>
@@.powerlink;<<linkreplace "Use power">>
<<if $BarSexGuests eq 0>><<set $power +=1>><<set $BarSexGuests to 1>><</if>>
<<set $consPower -=$consBarSexGuests>>
<<set _check to random(1,6)>>
<<if _check eq 1>><img src="bar/toilet/1.webp"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 2>><img src="bar/toilet/2.webp"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 3>><img src="bar/toilet/3.webp"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 4>><img src="bar/toilet/4.webp"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 5>><img src="bar/toilet/5.webp"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 6>><img src="bar/toilet/6.webp"><</if>><br>
@@.voice-demon; At least they went to the toilet@@<br>
<<else>>@@.text-error; You don't have enough power@@<br><</if>>
<<if $guestsCorr lt 50>>
@@.corrupt; Corruption of guests is increased@@
<<set $guestsCorr +=1>>
<<set $consPower -=$consBarSexStaff>>
<<if $BarSexStaff eq 0>><<set $power +=1>><</if>><<set $BarSexStaff to 1>>
<<set _check to random(1,5)>>
<<if _check eq 1>><img src="bar/staff/sex/1.gif" style="width: 70%"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 2>><img src="bar/staff/sex/2.webp"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 3>><img src="bar/staff/sex/3.webp"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 4>><img src="bar/staff/sex/4.webp"><</if>>
<<if _check eq 5>><img src="bar/staff/sex/5.webp"><</if>><br>
@@.voice-demon; Now it's looking good@@<br>
<<if $staffCorr lt 30>>
@@.corrupt; Corruption of staff is increased@@
<<set $staffCorr +=1>>
<<set $time += 1>>
<<set $consPower -= 10>>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="tentacles/6.mp4" type="video/mp4">
@@.mc-speech; Women do women's things. It's time for my <<linkappend "tentacles">><br>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="tentacles/6_1.mp4" type="video/mp4">
For some reason, they were more interested in one of the girls. They began to slowly <<linkappend "crawl towards her">><br>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="tentacles/6_4.mp4" type="video/mp4">
@@.notmc-speech; What... @@<br>
She doesn't understand what's happening.<br>
<<if $tentaclesPower lte 4>>
But they still lack the strength to do anything. So we'll have to try [[another time|Basement]] <br>
<<set $tentaclesPower += 1>>
@@.corrupt; Tentacle strength has been increased@@
She tries not to move, hoping that they will leave her. But that won't happen. <br>They start [[taking off her underwear|tentacles6_1]]<br><</if>>
<<set $time += 1>>
<<set $consPower -= 10>>
<img src="tentacles/5.jpg"><br>
@@.mc-speech; She is sleeping. This is an opportunity to use my <<linkappend "creation">><br>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="tentacles/5_1.mp4" type="video/mp4">
They slowly approach the sleeping girl. Are they strong enough to hold her? I think she's about to <<linkappend "wake up">><br>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="tentacles/5_2.mp4" type="video/mp4">
Turned out that she was quite a strong girl, but the tentacles were still able to take off her panties<br>
<<if $tentaclesPower lte 4>>
But nothing else happened. She ran away from them, the tentacles are too weak, yet<br>
<<set $tentaclesPower += 1>>
@@.corrupt; Tentacle strength has been increased@@
She tries to break free, but the tentacles hold her. One of them [[penetrates|tentacles5_1]] her pussy
<<set $time += 1>>
<<set $consPower -= 10>>
<img src="tentacles/2.jpg"><br>
@@.mc-speech; She is sleeping. This is an opportunity to use my <<linkappend "creation">><br>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="tentacles/2_1.mp4" type="video/mp4">
@@.mc-speech; They slowly approach the sleeping girl. Are they strong enough to hold her? I think she's about to <<linkappend "wake up">><br>
<<if $tentaclesPower lte 4>>
It seems she was so scared that she was able to break free from the tentacles. We need to train them better to make them stronger.<br>
<<set $tentaclesPower += 1>>
@@.corrupt; Tentacle strength has been increased@@
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="tentacles/2_2.mp4" type="video/mp4">
They are strong enough to prevent her from escaping. They were able to drag her [[under the bed|tentacles2_1]]<</if>>@@
<<set $time += 1>>
<<set $consPower -= 10>>
<img src="tentacles/1.jpg"><br>
@@.mc-speech; She is sleeping. This is an opportunity to use my <<linkappend "creation">><br>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="tentacles/1.mp4" type="video/mp4">
@@.mc-speech; They slowly approach the sleeping girl. Are they strong enough to hold her? They need to take off the <<linkappend "rest of her clothes first">><br>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="tentacles/1_1.mp4" type="video/mp4">
@@.mc-speech; She begins to wake up at the moment when the tentacles entwine her body.
<<if $tentaclesPower lte 4>>
They seem to be weakening, I don’t think they will be able to move forward. We need to train them more.<br>
<<set $tentaclesPower += 1>>
@@.corrupt; Tentacle strength has been increased@@
They are strong enough to prevent her from escaping. It seems one of the tentacles is starting to [[penetrate her pussy|tentacles1_1]]<</if>>@@
<<set $time += 1>>
<<set $consPower -= 10>>
<img src="tentacles/3.jpg"><br>
@@.mc-speech; She is sleeping. This is an opportunity to use my <<linkappend "creation">><br>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="tentacles/3_1.mp4" type="video/mp4">
@@.mc-speech; They slowly approach the sleeping girl. Are they strong enough to hold her? I think she's about to <<linkappend "wake up">><br>
<<if $tentaclesPower lte 4>>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="tentacles/3_2.mp4" type="video/mp4">
They seem to be able to hold her, but nothing more than that. Apparently more training is needed<br>
<<set $tentaclesPower += 1>>
@@.corrupt; Tentacle strength has been increased@@
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="tentacles/3_3.mp4" type="video/mp4">
Without wasting any time, they immediately take off her panties and begin to penetrate her [[pussy|tentacles3_1]]<</if>>@@
<<set $time += 1>>
<<set $consPower -= 10>>
<img src="tentacles/4.jpg"><br>
@@.mc-speech; She is sleeping. This is an opportunity to use my <<linkappend "creation">><br>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="tentacles/4.mp4" type="video/mp4">
They slowly approach the sleeping girl. Are they strong enough to hold her? I think she's about to <<linkappend "wake up">><br>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="tentacles/4_1.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<if $tentaclesPower lte 4>>
But they are not strong enough to do anything. Not a bad start, but needs more training<br>
<<set $tentaclesPower += 1>>
@@.corrupt; Tentacle strength has been increased@@
She looks at them and tries not to move. She thinks what they will do to her. It seems one of the tentacles is trying to [[get into her mouth|tentacles4_1]]<br>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="tentacles/1_2.mp4" type="video/mp4">
@@.mc-speech; They tease her by rubbing her pussy or just want to be gentle with her? In any case, these foreplays will not last long. It starts <<linkappend "fucking her ">><br>
<<set _check to random(1,2)>>
<<if _check eq 1>>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="tentacles/1_3.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<if _check eq 2>>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="tentacles/1_4.mp4" type="video/mp4">
They choke her a little so she doesn't lose consciousness and can't escape at the same time. She starts to moan harder as the tentacles fill her <<linkappend "pussy">><br>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="tentacles/1_5.mp4" type="video/mp4">
They've been fucking her for about an hour, her moans have long become more like moans of passion. Her pussy is already completely wet, she may have already cum several times. It seems now is the time the tentacles to [[cum|tentacles1_2]].
<<set $tentaclesPower to 0>>
<img src="pics/tentacles.jpg" style="width:50% !important"><br>
@@.mc-speech;What the hell is this? Although... what if it appears here? It will be funny, probably<br>
[[Go to the basement|Basement]]<br>@@
<<set $power +=1>>
@@.mc-speech;I will create something truly dark, filled with desire, power and strength.<br>
<<set $tentaclesPower to 1>>
<<linkreplace "Look at your creation">>
<img src="pics/tentaclesReady.png" width="100%"><br>
Damn! What a piece of shit, this creation was going to change everything for me. <br>Okay, I've always had trouble creating anything. Maybe I can make something really worthwhile out of this. I need to rest.
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="tentacles/1_6.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<if $tentaclesPower lte 9>>
@@.mc-speech; The cum has filled her entire pussy and begins to flow out. The tentacles have weakened, which means we're done for today. After this she needs to rest for a while, it is unlikely that she will remember what happened to her@@<br>
<<set $tentaclesPower += 1>>
@@.corrupt; Tentacle strength has been increased@@
@@.mc-speech; A huge amount of sperm comes out of her. But it seems the tentacles won’t stop there. They are strong enough to continue. This girl is lucky today, it seems they are going to give her <<linkappend "double penetration">><br>
<<set _check to random(1,2)>>
<<if _check eq 1>>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="tentacles/1_7.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<if _check eq 2>>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="tentacles/1_8.mp4" type="video/mp4">
They don’t even try to hold her, but apparently that’s not necessary. She had definitely never had such fucking before. The tentacles fill her holes without stopping for a second. After a while they start to <<linkappend "cum">><br>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="tentacles/1_9.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<if $tentaclesPower lte 19>>
It seems their sperm somehow reacts with the human body, making the girl cum over and over again. A huge amount of tentacles sperm flowed out of her holes, making her body tremble from the pleasure received.<br>
It seems they are tired, that's all for today<br>
<<set $tentaclesPower += 1>>
@@.corrupt; Tentacle strength has been increased@@
It seems their sperm somehow reacts with the human body, making the girl cum over and over again. A huge amount of tentacles sperm flowed out of her holes, making her body tremble from the pleasure received.<br>
But it seems they are not going to stop. Apparently her asshole really attracted them, heh. Poor girl, it’s unlikely that she’s ever had [[two dicks in her ass|tentacles1_3]] at the same time.<</if>>
<<set _check to random(1,2)>>
<<if _check eq 1>>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="tentacles/1_11.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<if _check eq 2>>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="tentacles/1_12.mp4" type="video/mp4">
@@.mc-speech;Her tight ass gives in under the pressure of the tentacles. I wonder what she feels now, being helpless, having her ass torn apart by tentacles and at the same time enjoying it. <br>It seems they are already finishing. <br>
<<linkappend "Great job">>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="tentacles/1_13.mp4" type="video/mp4">
I think nothing will happen, I'm [[leaving|Basement]]<br>
<<if $tentaclesPower lte 24>>
<<set $tentaclesPower += 1>>
@@.corrupt; Tentacle strength has been increased@@<br>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="tentacles/2_3.mp4" type="video/mp4">
@@.mc-speech; Now she sees what dragged her and she seems a little confused, hehe. <br>Looks like they're taking her <<linkappend "panties off">><br>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="tentacles/2_4.mp4" type="video/mp4">
She tries not to move in the hope that they will leave her alone.<br>
It seems one of the tentacles is starting to <<linkappend "rub against her ass">><br>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="tentacles/2_5.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<if $tentaclesPower lte 9>>
It seems they are losing strength, apparently dragging her under the bed was too difficult for them. Need more training<br>
<<set $tentaclesPower += 1>>
@@.corrupt; Tentacle strength has been increased@@
Long training has benefited the tentacles, now they are not as weak as before and can continue their [[plans|tentacles2_2]]<br><</if>>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="tentacles/2_6.mp4" type="video/mp4">
@@.mc-speech; The tentacle begins to slowly enter her tight pussy. Getting used to her body, it begins to <<linkappend "fuck her harder">><br>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="tentacles/2_7.mp4" type="video/mp4">
Her sweet pussy can't hold back any longer and gets wet. Apparently this turns on the tentacles a lot and they <<linkappend "cum inside her">><br>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="tentacles/2_8.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<if $tentaclesPower lte 24>>
They seem to be done here, although they usually don't give up that easily.
<br>The girl lost consciousness from orgasm and will lie here for a while, fucked by tentacles under the bed. <br>But I have to leave<br>
<<if $tentaclesPower lte 19>>
<<set $tentaclesPower += 1>>
@@.corrupt; Tentacle strength has been increased@@<</if>>
I knew they wouldn’t just leave her like that. Lifting her leg up, the tentacle begins to [[penetrate her pussy|tentacles2_3]] again<br><</if>>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="tentacles/2_9.mp4" type="video/mp4">
@@.mc-speech;The tentacle easily penetrates an already fucked and wet pussy, not allowing the girl to recover from the recently surging orgasm. <br>
After much training, the tentacles began to secrete some kind of special sperm that drives anyone crazy. And it seems to be happening <<linkappend "right now. ">><br>
<<set _check to random(1,2)>>
<<if _check eq 1>>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="tentacles/2_10.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<if _check eq 2>>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="tentacles/2_11.mp4" type="video/mp4">
She can't get enough of fucking them, taking them into her mouth, enjoying every movement of the tentacles inside her slutty pussy. And they seem to like it too, the tentacles begin to cover her with <<linkappend "cum">>
<<set _check1 to random(1,2)>>
<<if _check1 eq 1>>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="tentacles/2_12.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<if _check1 eq 2>>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="tentacles/2_13.mp4" type="video/mp4">
It seems she was too excited, this is all their "magical secretions". I think after a while she will understand what happened, but for now let her enjoy it. It's time for me to [[Leave|Basement]] <br>
<<if $tentaclesPower lte 24>>
<<set $tentaclesPower += 1>>
@@.corrupt; Tentacle strength has been increased@@<br>
<<set _check to random(1,2)>>
<<if _check eq 1>>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="tentacles/3_4.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<if _check eq 2>>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="tentacles/3_5.mp4" type="video/mp4">
@@.mc-speech; The tentacle fucks her pussy while the others hold her hands. She even seems to like it. But the power of the tentacles ends, it <<linkappend "cums in her">><br>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="tentacles/3_6.mp4" type="video/mp4">
Cum dripping from her pussy. But it seems that this <<linkappend "was not enough for her">>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="tentacles/3_7.mp4" type="video/mp4">
@@.notmc-speech; W-w-what? No, come back, I want more@@<br>
<<if $tentaclesPower lte 19>>
@@.mc-speech; Unfortunately for her, they are too weak. Maybe if they get stronger, she'll get it in full@@<br>
<<set $tentaclesPower += 1>>
@@.corrupt; Tentacle strength has been increased@@
The tentacle training was not in vain. She called them and [[they returned|tentacles3_2]]. It seems she won't get by with just one<br><</if>>
<<set _check to random(1,2)>>
<<if _check eq 1>>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="tentacles/3_8.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<if _check eq 2>>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="tentacles/3_9.mp4" type="video/mp4">
@@.notmc-speech; But~oh~ not all.. at the same time~ Aah~@@<br>
@@.mc-speech; How many are there? Three? Four? It seems that each of them wants to penetrate her juicy pussy. Well, she asked for it herself, so now let her deal with them herself.<br>
They tear her pussy apart for several hours until each of them is ready to <<linkappend "cum">>
<<set _check1 to random(1,2)>>
<<if _check1 eq 1>>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="tentacles/3_10.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<if _check1 eq 2>>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="tentacles/3_11.mp4" type="video/mp4">
@@.mc-speech; I've never seen a happier girl. I think she will be looking forward to meeting them. But it's time for me to [[Leave|Basement]] @@<br>
<<if $tentaclesPower lte 24>>
<<set $tentaclesPower += 1>>
@@.corrupt; Tentacle strength has been increased@@
<</nobr>> <<nobr>>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="tentacles/4_2.mp4" type="video/mp4">
@@.mc-speech; As long as she behaves like an obedient girl, there are no problems. She opened her mouth and the tentacle was immediately inside while the others were playing with her tits<br>
The girl begins to understand what the tentacles want, especially when some of them <<linkappend "got into her panties">><br>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="tentacles/4_3.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<if $tentaclesPower lte 9>>
@@.mc-speech; They are too weak to take them off. Because of this, it turns out that they are just rubbing her pussy. Although this brings her pleasure, causing her to moan with the tentacle in her mouth, this is not what these tentacles are really capable of.@@<br>
<<set $tentaclesPower += 1>>
@@.corrupt; Tentacle strength has been increased@@
Tentacles rub her pussy, fuck her mouth. But they just started playing with her.<br>
A moment later, pulling her panties aside, two tentacles <<linkappend "penetrated her wet pussy">>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="tentacles/4_4.mp4" type="video/mp4">
She continues to moan and suck the tentacle like a slut while the other two enjoy her sweet pussy.<br>
<<if $tentaclesPower lte 24>>
After a while they [[cum|tentacles4_3]] on this whore, covering her body with sperm.
But they don't stop. Apparently the tentacles that were holding her by force realized that this was no longer necessary and began to penetrate her [[asshole|tentacles4_2]]
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="tentacles/4_5.mp4" type="video/mp4">
@@.mc-speech; Two tentacles in the pussy, the other two in her ass, what could be more pleasant for this whore? Oh yeah, another one she sucks<br>
It seems they will play with the new doll for <<linkappend "a long time">><br>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="tentacles/4_6.mp4" type="video/mp4">
Each tentacle tries to penetrate deeper and deeper, even pushing against each other, which brings incredible pleasure to this bitch. I hope they don't tear the girl apart.
After a few hours of wild fucking, the tentacles <<linkappend "cum in her holes">><br>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="tentacles/4_7.mp4" type="video/mp4">
Cum is dripping from all the fucked holes, now she needs to [[rest|tentacles4_3]], she deserves it
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="tentacles/4_8.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<if $tentaclesPower lte 24>>
@@.mc-speech; It seems that's all for today, although I think they could do more. I'm [[leaving|Basement]] @@<br>
<<if $tentaclesPower lte 24>>
<<set $tentaclesPower += 1>>
@@.corrupt; Tentacle strength has been increased@@<br>
@@.mc-speech;Today they did a great job, fucking this bitch in all her holes. She definitely won’t forget this, if she remembers it at all, haha. It is time to [[Leave|Basement]] @@
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="tentacles/5_3.mp4" type="video/mp4">
@@.mc-speech; She tries to resist, but the tentacle still finds an entrance to her pussy.<br>While she is trying to get rid of a tentacle in her pussy, another one penetrates <<linkappend "her mouth">><br>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="tentacles/5_4.mp4" type="video/mp4">
Tentacles do not weaken and continue to <<linkappend "fuck her">><br>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="tentacles/5_5.mp4" type="video/mp4">
The fact that she is shaking her entire body, trying to get out, the tentacles only become more active. After a while they [[cum|tentacles5_2]] inside her together<br>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="tentacles/5_6.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<if $tentaclesPower lte 19>>
@@.mc-speech; The cum has filled her entire pussy and begins to flow out. The tentacles have weakened, which means we're done for today. After this she needs to rest for a while, it is unlikely that she will remember what happened to her@@<br>
<<set $tentaclesPower += 1>>
@@.corrupt; Tentacle strength has been increased@@
@@.mc-speech; A huge amount of sperm comes out of her. But it seems the tentacles won’t stop there. They are strong enough to continue. This girl is lucky today, it seems they are going to <<linkappend "fuck her ass ">><br>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="tentacles/5_7.mp4" type="video/mp4">
The girl did not expect that after all this the tentacle would not stop and begin to penetrate her asshole. She began to moan from fucking in the ass, but not for long, another tentacle was already fucking her throat. She gets fucked <<linkappend "in the ass and mouth ">><br>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="tentacles/5_8.mp4" type="video/mp4">
Tentacles have become strong after long training, which means she is in for a long fucking. Only a few hours later they [[left her|tentacles5_3]]<br>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="tentacles/5_9.mp4" type="video/mp4">
@@.mc-speech; She lies covered in cum. It's time to [[leave|Basement]]@@<br>
<<if $tentaclesPower lte 24>>
<<set $tentaclesPower += 1>>
@@.corrupt; Tentacle strength has been increased@@<br>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="tentacles/6_5.mp4" type="video/mp4">
@@.mc-speech; They easily tore off her underwear. But will they have the strength to <<linkappend "continue?">> <br>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="tentacles/6_6.mp4" type="video/mp4">
The tentacle wrapped around her throat and pushed her<br>
<<if $tentaclesPower lte 14>>
But they still lack the strength to do anything. So we'll have to try [[another time|Basement]] <br>
<<set $tentaclesPower += 1>>
@@.corrupt; Tentacle strength has been increased@@
It penetrates her sweet pussy and starts <<linkappend "fucking her">><br>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="tentacles/6_7.mp4" type="video/mp4">
@@.notmc-speech; Oh~ @@<br>
She moans from the penetration of the tentacle into her sweet pussy.
She begins to moan, and the tentacle [[enters|tentacles6_2]] her cute mouth.
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="tentacles/6_8.mp4" type="video/mp4">
@@.mc-speech; She starts getting fucked in her mouth and pussy at the same time. After a while they<<linkappend " cum inside her at the same time">><br>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="tentacles/6_9.mp4" type="video/mp4">
So much <<linkappend "cum...">><br>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="tentacles/6_10.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<if $tentaclesPower lte 19>>
Great toy for my tentacles, they have learned a lot, but perhaps they can do even more...<br>
They [[leave|Basement]] her<br>
<<set $tentaclesPower += 1>>
@@.corrupt; Tentacle strength has been increased@@
@@.notmc-speech; Oh~ @@<br>
But they didn't stop. They grabbed her by the legs and now she lies on her back, legs raised and folded over so her ankles are on either side of her head. The tentacles began to slowly [[enters her pussy|tentacles6_3]]<br>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="tentacles/6_12.mp4" type="video/mp4">
@@.mc-speech; The cum of the tentacles begins to drive her crazy. Her breathing becomes heavy. She squeezes her tits and watches how the tentacle <<linkappend " fucks her">><br>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="tentacles/6_13.mp4" type="video/mp4">
Now she can't contain her pleasure. She moans, rolling her eyes at the pleasure she receives. Eventually the tentacles fill her pussy with <<linkappend "cum">>
<<set _check to random(1,2)>>
<<if _check eq 1>>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="tentacles/6_14.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<if _check eq 2>>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="tentacles/6_15.mp4" type="video/mp4">
Cum drips from her pussy, covering her body<br>
<<if $tentaclesPower lte 24>>
They [[leave|tentacles6_5]] her<br>
The cum has driven her so crazy that she won't let it go. She starts [[sucking them|tentacles6_4]]<br>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="tentacles/6_16.mp4" type="video/mp4">
@@.mc-speech; Taking two tentacles into her mouth at once, she sucks on them. And they <<linkappend "cum again">><br>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="tentacles/6_17.mp4" type="video/mp4">
Filling her mouth with sperm, they [[leave her|tentacles6_5]] covered in cum<br>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="tentacles/6_18.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<if $tentaclesPower lte 24>>
@@.mc-speech; It seems that's all for today. I'm [[leaving|Basement]] @@<br>
<<if $tentaclesPower lte 24>>
<<set $tentaclesPower += 1>>
@@.corrupt; Tentacle strength has been increased@@<br>
@@.mc-speech;Today they did a great job fucking this bitch. She definitely won’t forget this, if she remembers it at all, haha. It is time to [[Leave|Basement]] @@
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="faceless/1.1.mp4" type="video/mp4">
@@.mc-speech;It didn't take much time. It started <<linkappend "fucking this young bitch wildly.">>
<<set _check to random(1,2)>>
<<if _check eq 1>>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="faceless/1.2.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<if _check eq 2>>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="faceless/1.3.mp4" type="video/mp4">
@@.mc-speech;She didn't want to resist this lustful creature. She completely surrendered to this and now moans from every movement of his huge dick in her pussy.<br>
But this can't go on forever and the creature [[cums|hallwayEvent1Cum]] on the whore's face<br>@@
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="faceless/2.mp4" type="video/mp4">
@@.mc-speech; She took the dick in her mouth herself, good bitch<br>
But this is <<linkappend "not enough">>
<<set _check to random(1,3)>>
<<if _check eq 1>>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="faceless/2.1.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<if _check eq 2>>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="faceless/2.2.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<if _check eq 3>>
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="faceless/2.3.mp4" type="video/mp4">
@@.mc-speech; She shudders from every penetration, enjoying every millimeter of his huge dick destroying her pussy<br>
But this can't go on forever and the creature [[cums|hallwayEvent2Cum]] on the whore's face<br>@@
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="faceless/1.4.mp4" type="video/mp4">
@@.mc-speech; It's time to go@@<br>
<<if $summonSkill lt 20>>
@@.corrupt; Your summoning skill has been increased@@<br>
<<set $summonSkill +=1>><br>
<<set $summonCD to 1>>
@@.backbtn; [[Back|Second floor]] @@
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="faceless/2.4.mp4" type="video/mp4">
@@.mc-speech; It's time to go@@<br>
<<if $summonSkill lt 20>>
@@.corrupt; Your summoning skill has been increased@@<br>
<<set $summonSkill +=1>><br>
<<set $summonCD to 1>>
@@.backbtn; [[Back|Second floor]] @@