isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 20,
filter: `$Akira.TabletLvl > 1 and $Akira.Cor > 50`,
tags: ["Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Morning"], isSeparate: true },
<<media "Data/Locations/akirabed.jpg" "place">>
Akira's Bedroom.<<set $P.Loc = 1>>
What's that sound? Akira?!
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/gif/m10.mp4">>
<<AkiraDialog "confused">>What?...What are you doing here?! Don't look! Go away! Or I'll kill you where you stand!....Ah~<</AkiraDialog>>
Damn it! Sorrrry!
<<set $Akira.Cor += 2>>\
@@color:red;Akira's corruption has increased by 2!@@
<<set $Akira.Rel -= 1>>\
@@color:red;Your relationship with Akira has decreased by 1!@@
@@#place;<<button [[Apartments|AkiraAp]]>><</button>>@@<<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$Akira.TabletLvl > 1`,
tags: ["ether", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "AkiraHomePeepingRE",
weight: 10,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 0,
<<media "Data/Locations/akiraap.jpg" "place">>
Akira's Apartments.<<set $P.Loc = 1>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/wardr.png" "just">>
Hey, what's with the voices, is Akira talking to someone? I think it's a little early to come out of the closet.
Definitely not a good idea to go in there now. She's gonna kill me. I'm gonna head back.
@@#place;<<button [[Apartments|AkiraAp]]>><<movetime>><</button>>@@<<media "Data/Locations/akiraap.jpg" "place">>
Akira's Apartments.<<set $P.Loc = 1>>
<<switch $CurrentDayTime>>\
<<case 0>>\
<<set _r = random (0,1)>>\
<<if _r == 0>>\
There's no one in the living room, but I can hear water gurgling.
<<button [[Bathroom|AkiraBath]]>><</button>>\
There's no one in the living room, maybe she's in the bedroom?
<<button [[Bedroom|AkiraBed]]>><</button>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<if $AkiraAboutWork == false>>
Akira's not at home. She's going somewhere at this time. Maybe if I get to know her better, I'll understand where she goes at this time.
<<if $Akira.Rel >= 5>>\
Hey, I think one of the closet doors is a little ajar. I wouldn't even notice if I wasn't at her house so often.
<<button [[Open the closet door|AkiraWorkPrev]]>><</button>>\
<<button [[Medical center|AkiraWork]]>><</button>>\
<<case 2>>\
<<if $AkiraAboutWork == false>>
Akira's not at home. She's going somewhere at this time. Maybe if I get to know her better, I'll understand where she goes at this time.
<<if $Akira.Rel >= 5>>\
Hey, I think one of the closet doors is a little ajar. I wouldn't even notice if I wasn't at her house so often.
<<button [[Open the closet door|AkiraWorkPrev]]>><</button>>\
<<button [[Medical center|AkiraWork]]>><</button>>\
<<case 3>>\
<<switch $Akira.TabletLvl>>\
<<case 0>>\
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/bo.jpg" "just">>
<<AkiraDialog "serious">>Cursed boy? Come to spend your money?<</AkiraDialog>>
<<button [[Talk|AkiraApTalk]]>><</button>>
<<button [[I want a show! (150$)|AkiraApShow]]>><</button>>
<<case 1>>\
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/bo2.jpg" "just">>
<<AkiraDialog "serious" 1>>Cursed boy? Come to spend your money?<</AkiraDialog>>
<<button [[Talk|AkiraApTalk]]>><</button>>
<<button [[I want a show! (150$)|AkiraApShowlvl1]]>><</button>>
<<case 2>>
<<if $Akira.Rel < 30>>\
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/ap.jpg" "just">>
<<AkiraDialog "serious" 1>>Cursed boy? Come to spend your money?<</AkiraDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/ap1.jpg" "just">>
<<AkiraDialog "happy" 1>>Hey, Cursed boy. Miss me already?<</AkiraDialog>>
<<if $Akira.Cor > 100 and $HadSexWithAkira === true and $P.Money >= 200>>\
<<button [[Offer her a "special" show (200$)|AkiraApShowlvl2SpecialShow]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Talk|AkiraApTalk]]>><</button>>
<<button [[I want a show! (150$)|AkiraApShowlvl2]]>><</button>>
<<if $Akira.TabletLvl < 2>>\
@@#tech;<<button [[Money trouble|AkiraMoney]]>><</button>>@@
<<case 4>>\
It's getting pretty late. Akira's asleep, and I don't think she'll be happy to have me running around...
<<button [[Get back home|HProom]]>><</button>>
@@<<media "Data/Locations/akiraap.jpg" "place">>
Akira's Apartments.<<set $P.Loc = 1>>
<<AkiraDialog "angry">>What are you gonna talk to me about this time?<</AkiraDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/bo.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Akira, I have a very important favor to ask of you.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<if $Akira.Rel < 5>>\
<<AkiraDialog "angry">>Do I really look like your friend? Do you really think I'm interested in doing a human's bidding? I won't even listen to you.<</AkiraDialog>>
Damn, looks like @@color:yellow;our relationship with Akira still isn't close enough.@@ She doesn't trust me and looks down on me. I need to get closer to her a little more.
<<AkiraDialog "serious">>All right, I'll listen to you. But don't get your hopes up too much.<</AkiraDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Thanks! You know, I'm in a difficult situation right now. I need to get information from someone and I really need your help.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "serious">>I won't ask what this has to do with me, but still. What do you need me for?<</AkiraDialog>>
I didn't think that far ahead...! I need to come up with a good trigger for her! Exactly....!
<<PlayerDialog "disgust">>This man says there are no other witches besides Caroline! And even if there are, they're no match for her! Caroline is the strongest beautiful and powerful witch! And I want to prove him wrong!<</PlayerDialog>>
There's some truth to that, except that he doesn't believe witches exist at all...
<<AkiraDialog "angry">>That silly man has his nose too far up his ass to compare witches. He's even stupider than you. All right, I'll go with you. But you must realize that my time is worth money. @@color:lime;I'll go for 200$, no less.@@<</AkiraDialog>>
This was to be expected from the Great Witch of Greed.....
<<if $P.Money >= 200>>\
@@#pill;<<button [[Pay her 200$|AkiraApInformant1]]>><</button>>@@
@@#place;<<button [[Apartments|AkiraAp]]>><</button>>@@<<media "Data/Locations/informantroom.jpg" "place">>
Night Star Club. STRIP zone. Informant's room.<<set $ClubLoc = 1>>
I can't believe Akira actually came with me. We entered the clubhouse and walked to the informant's room. Thanks to the informant's authorization to enter, there was no problem with the security.
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>I brought her. This is the Great Witch of Greed, Akira.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/office161.jpg" "just">>
<<SecurityDialog>>Wow! Nice to meet you, Miss. Where's your fancy witch hat and broom? Ha-ha!<</SecurityDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "angry">>Is that him? <</AkiraDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Y-yes..<</PlayerDialog>>
<<SecurityDialog>>Is something wrong?<</SecurityDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "witch">>Let's take a little walk, boy.<</AkiraDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/office160.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Don't kill him!!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<button [[They dissapeared...|AkiraApInformant2]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/informantroom.jpg" "place">>
Night Star Club. STRIP zone. Informant's room.<<set $ClubLoc = 1>>
They've been gone for quite some time and... Hey, I hear something!
<<AkiraDialog "angry">>Like I'm gonna get my hands dirty on someone like him.<</AkiraDialog>>
I heard the thud of a fall. I didn't even realize from where, but there was suddenly an informant lying flat in front of me. Akira was in the corner of the room.
<<SecurityDialog>>Holy shit! I had never been in space before....I was sure that this would be the last thing I would see in this life...!<</SecurityDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "angry">>Silly human, it wasn't space, it was an artificially created dimension with similar atmospheric conditions.<</AkiraDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>So you're okay?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<SecurityDialog>>Okay?! I was on the verge of death! But I had never seen such unprecedented power before!<</SecurityDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "angry">>Hm...I hope you realize the difference now, human.<</AkiraDialog>>
<<SecurityDialog>>Nikita, this is the most incredible thing I've ever seen in my life... Consider the information you desire already in your possession.<</SecurityDialog>>
Woo-hoo! I did it! Akira, you're awesome!
<<SecurityDialog>>Mrs. Akira, you are the strongest and most beautiful woman I have ever met! Would you be willing to stay for a couple of pole shots? For my personal collection! <</SecurityDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "confused" 1>>I am amazed at your recklessness, human. I almost killed you and you dare ask me to do something like that? Do you want me to finish your life so badly? I'll do it in a heartbeat.<</AkiraDialog>>
<<SecurityDialog>>I'M PAYING YOU 1,000$. NO! 2000$!! FOR A FEW SHOTS!<</SecurityDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/office159.jpg" "just">>
<<button [[...|AkiraApInformant3]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/strip.webp" "place">>
Night Star Club. STRIP zone.<<set $ClubLoc = 1>>
<<SecurityDialog>>THAT'S IT, MY GIRL! YOU'RE JUST BEAUTIFUL!<</SecurityDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>And how did it turn out that way?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "serious">>If you don't want to die, keep your mouth shut.<</AkiraDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/club10.jpg" "just">>
I know Akira isn't embarrassed. It's an emotion she's either very dulled or completely absent. But she is annoyed that she has to fulfill the requests of a man she almost killed.
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/club11.jpg" "just">>
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/club12.jpg" "just">>
Apparently great power does draw the eye. You always want to see a strong person weak and defenseless. And apparently I'm not the only one who thinks so.
<<SecurityDialog>>ONE MORE SHOT, BABY! SHOW ME THE TIGER!<</SecurityDialog>>
Should I be worried? I mean, this guy is literally doing the same thing I'm doing, but paying more.....
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/club13.jpg" "just">>
<<SecurityDialog>>Akira, you're a real fire! I could make you a superstar! Come here more often!<</SecurityDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "angry">>Listen to me, human. I have dignity, too. I could swat you and not even break a nail. And I'm not going to serve a miserable humanoid. This is the last time I showed up here. I'm leaving.<</AkiraDialog>>
Heh, I guess I have nothing to worry about. I don't think it will affect my relationship with her, as she sees me as little more than an interesting pet to get money from.
For now.....
<<SecurityDialog>>Well, if you change your mind, I'd love to see you here! @@color:yellow;Nikita, now let's move on to our agreement.@@<</SecurityDialog>>
<<button [[Follow him to his room|ClubStripInfoAboutLab]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/akiraap.jpg" "place">>
Akira's Apartments.<<set $P.Loc = 1>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/bo3.jpg" "just">>
<<AkiraDialog "serious">>I don't mind making some extra money fast. Tell me what you want me to do, human.<</AkiraDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/bo4.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>I want to see you like this for a while. Don't just get naked, but pose! <</PlayerDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "serious">>I don't think I know what you mean. But I'll try.<</AkiraDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/bo5.jpg" "just">>
God, she doesn't even realize how stunningly beautiful she is! And she's doing it right in front of me! The same girl who tried to kill me twice!
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>I think it's time to get rid of the bottom.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/bo7.jpg" "just">>
<<AkiraDialog "serious">>I still don't understand what you find so interesting about what we do and why you're willing to pay for it. Your face is glowing with happiness.<</AkiraDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/bo8.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>If you had emotions, you'd easily see the point of all this. Keep going! Take off your top, then gradually get rid of your underwear! Ha-ha!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/bo10.jpg" "just">>
<<AkiraDialog "serious">>Would having emotions make me feel what you're feeling right now? Honestly, it seems awful.<</AkiraDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>You know, you'd probably be overwhelmed right now with a flurry of all sorts of emotions. You'd probably be blushing, you'd have countless goosebumps and more and more. And you wouldn't think it was terrible.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/bo12.jpg" "just">>
Her gaze....Maybe somewhere deep down inside she wished she could have them back?..
<<AkiraDialog "serious">>Is that how you feel right now?<</AkiraDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/bo13.jpg" "just">>
Ooh, bitch! That cold stare and that hot body! Mmmm!
But how badly I want her look to get that hot too!
<<AkiraDialog "serious">>Hey, I'm not wearing any more clothes. Are we done?<</AkiraDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/bo14.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>One last request. Can you stand sideways, arch your back a little, look at me and smile?<</PlayerDialog>>
Her corners of her lips began to rise almost creakily into an unaccustomed position.
<<AkiraDialog "happy">>About like...tzhhish?<</AkiraDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/bo15.jpg" "just">>
Damn! It's far from a genuine smile, but who cares when I really see THE Great Akira smiling?!
I want to. I want to see her smile more often! A genuine one!
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/bo16.jpg" "just">>
<<AkiraDialog "angry">>Tz, enough. I don't see anything useful about smiling. We're done for the day. Leave the money on the table.<</AkiraDialog>>
<<if $Akira.AutoMoney == false>>\
<<set $P.Money -= 150>>\
@@color:red;You lost 150$.@@
<<UpdateArousal "+30">>
<<set $Akira.Rel++>>
@@color:lime;Your relationship with Akira has improved by 1.@@
@@#place;<<button [[Apartments|AkiraAp]]>><<set $Akira.Shows++>><<movetime>><</button>>@@<<media "Data/Locations/akiraap.jpg" "place">>
Akira's Apartments.<<set $P.Loc = 1>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/bo3.jpg" "just">>
<<AkiraDialog "horny">>I knew you'd definitely want it, human.<</AkiraDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/bo4.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>I think you're beginning to understand me better now...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/bo5.jpg" "just">>
<<AkiraDialog "horny">>Your desires are primitive.<</AkiraDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/bo7.jpg" "just">>
Ha ha! She doesn't even need to be told what to do, she does it all by herself!
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Am I really that easy to read? And what do I want you to do next?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "happy">>It's simple. You want me to strike a pose that you find sexy.<</AkiraDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/room63.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>God, Akira! It's like you're directing my thoughts in the "right direction"! <</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/bo10.jpg" "just">>
<<AkiraDialog "happy">>I'm not familiar with that kind of magic...But I assume you want me to do something....like this next...?<</AkiraDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/bo12.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Whoaah...agh...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<UpdateArousal "+40">>
Against the background of how Akira behaved before this looks TOO good, I'm not used to this kind of thing yet!
<<AkiraDialog "horny" 2>>Hey, did I embarrass you? You're like a horny animal... According to our contract, you can't be distracted, so you have to follow through.<</AkiraDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/room66.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Wowah..Uaghhf....<</PlayerDialog>>
The first blow is followed by a second, more crushing blow...
<<AkiraDialog "horny" 2>>Did I hit the mark again?<</AkiraDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/bo15.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>~slurring and mumbling~<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/room70.jpg" "just">>
<<AkiraDialog "horny" 2>>I think I'm starting to understand why you're so obsessed with this, it's like I can feel slight tingles all over my body from the way you're looking at me now....<</AkiraDialog>>
Akira's body shapes are so juicy! Are all witches like that?!
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Akira, are you sure you're doing this for money now?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "horny" 2>>Oh, yes! But I'm also sure I want to get the most out of you before I kill you.<</AkiraDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/room68.jpg" "just">>
Her last sentence sounded rather creepy...
But now I'm sure she's slowly getting used to her new feelings and sensations.
I'm sure soon the Great Witch of Greed will be greedy for more than just money....
<<if $Akira.AutoMoney == false>>\
<<set $P.Money -= 150>>\
@@color:red;You lost 150$.@@
<<UpdateArousal "+30">>
<<set $Akira.Rel += 2>>
@@color:lime;Your relationship with Akira has improved by 2.@@
<<set $Akira.Cor += 4>>
@@color:red;Akira's corruption has increased by 4.@@
@@#place;<<button [[Apartments|AkiraAp]]>><<set $Akira.Shows++>><<movetime>><</button>>@@<<media "Data/Locations/akiraap.jpg" "place">>
Akira's Apartments.<<set $P.Loc = 1>>
<<if $Akira.Rel < 30>>\
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/ap.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Akira, I should mention that I like your new style.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "confused" 1>>Don't think I'm dressing like this just for you.<</AkiraDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/ap2.jpg" "just">>
If not for me, then for whom?...hehe...
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>It doesn't matter, let's just get started! Let me see how much better your shows have gotten!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/ap1.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>You're smiling so sweetly, are you really that happy to see me?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "confused" 1>>N..No..I...The emotion on my face has to be part of the show...right?<</AkiraDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/ap2.jpg" "just">>
Akira, Akira...hehe...You were smiling at me even before I asked you about the show.
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>It's okay! Let's just get started! Let me see how much better your shows have gotten!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "horny" 1>>Then hold on tight! You're facing the Great Witch of Greed Akira!<</AkiraDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/ap4.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Uhm..ahem...eh?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/ap3.jpg" "just">>
<<AkiraDialog "happy" 2>>Yeah, that's the reaction I was waiting for, cursed boy! Please don't change that face, and then I'll show you what's hiding under those clothes.<</AkiraDialog>>
Okay, I finally figured out what's going on here. She's trying to concentrate on her game and get her emotions under control! But it's a game that can be played with two people. It's a training session for her, not for me.
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Underwear with bows, are you serious? Ha-ha-ha!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/ap5.jpg" "just">>
<<AkiraDialog "confused">>W-what's wrong?...I thought you'd like it...<</AkiraDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Ha-ha-ha! So you're really wearing that for me?..<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/ap6.jpg" "just">>
<<AkiraDialog "horny" 2>>Y..Y-you're wrong...<</AkiraDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Wrong? Akira, there are only two options. If it's not for me, then you're really turning into a girl who likes to be looked at!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/ap7.jpg" "just">>
<<AkiraDialog "confused" 2>>Silly human! So do you like it or not?!<</AkiraDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/ap8.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Of course I like it, Akira! You look amazingly hot!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "horny" 3>>Really?<</AkiraDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/ap9.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Of course! You're definitely much prettier and sexier than Caroline, even though she's a Witch of Lust!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/ap10.jpg" "just">>
<<if $Akira.Cor < 50>>\
<<AkiraDialog "horny" 2>>You know, maybe I'm actually starting to like the way you're praising me a little bit...<</AkiraDialog>>
Finally, she's being honest.
<<AkiraDialog "happy">>Still, I think we should call it a day. And don't forget your place, okay? I don't want to kill you.<</AkiraDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/ap11.jpg" "just">>
She doesn't want to kill me, she cares, I consider that progress.
I also think she'd like to continue, but it seems like @@color:red;she's not corrupted enough yet.@@
<<set $P.Money -= 150>>\
@@color:red;You lost 150$.@@
<<set $Akira.Rel += 2>>
@@color:lime;Your relationship with Akira has improved by 2.@@
<<set $Akira.Cor += 4>>
@@color:red;Akira's corruption has increased by 4.@@
<<UpdateArousal "+60">>
Shit, when have I ever been so horny? Akira's awesome.
@@#place;<<button [[Apartments|AkiraAp]]>><<movetime>><</button>>@@
<<AkiraDialog "horny" 2>>Since I'm running the show for you now, why don't you tell me about these dirty things you'd like to do to me?..<</AkiraDialog>>
Hell, now I'm not sure if she's seriously gathering information or just horny and said it on impulse...
I'll proceed with caution.
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>I'd start by undressing you a little more...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "horny">>And what then?<</AkiraDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/ap12.jpg" "just">>
Damn girl, haha!
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Then I would kiss your neck gently.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "confused" 2>>Kiss...neck?<</AkiraDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/ap13.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Akir..agh...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<UpdateArousal "+50">>
Gosh, she reacts so sweetly to everything! I think I got a little too excited....
<<if $P.Gender == "f">>\
<<AkiraDialog "happy">>..D-do you feel the same way when guys look at you while you're in this body?<</AkiraDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/ap15.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>I'm not sure exactly how you're feeling right now, but my answer is more like yes than no...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<set $P.Money -= 150>>\
@@color:red;You lost 150$.@@
<<set $Akira.Rel += 4>>
@@color:lime;Your relationship with Akira has improved by 4.@@
<<set $Akira.Cor += 4>>
@@color:red;Akira's corruption has increased by 4.@@
Shit, when have I ever been so horny? Akira's awesome.
@@#place;<<button [[Apartments|AkiraAp]]>><<movetime>><</button>>@@
<<AkiraDialog "happy">>..Are you really that excited about these shows? You have such a bump in your pants.....<</AkiraDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/ap16.jpg" "just">>
<<UpdateArousal "+20">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Akira, I couldn't describe my delight in words even if I really wanted to. I can barely contain myself right now.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "surprised">>Barely contain?... Then what else would you like to do before we're done?<</AkiraDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/ap14.jpg" "just">>
Is she ready for more?...
<<set $Akira.Rel += 2>>
@@color:lime;Your relationship with Akira has improved by 2.@@
<<set $Akira.Cor += 2>>
@@color:red;Akira's corruption has increased by 2.@@
<<set $P.Money -= 150>>\
@@color:red;You lost 150$.@@
@@#rel;<<button [["I just want us to trust each other." (+Rel)|AkiraApShowlvl2Rel]]>><</button>>@@
@@#cor;<<button [["I just wish you wouldn't try to restrain yourself and your desires." (+Cor)|AkiraApShowlvl2Cor]]>><</button>>@@
@@#pill;<<button [["Sex"(?)|AkiraApShowlvl2Sex]]>><</button>>@@
<</if>>\<<media "Data/Locations/akiraap.jpg" "place">>
Akira's Apartments.<<set $P.Loc = 1>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/ap1.jpg" "just">>
<<AkiraDialog "happy" 1>>Well, I guess it's not such a big deal. You're proving more and more that you're not my enemy.<</AkiraDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Damn! I still can't get used to your magical speed-dressing!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "happy" 1>>@@font-size:50%;..ha-hah...@@<</AkiraDialog>>
Did I just... or did she actually chuckle?!
<<set $Akira.Rel += 4>>
@@color:lime;Your relationship with Akira has improved by 4.@@
@@#place;<<button [[Apartments|AkiraAp]]>><<movetime>><</button>>@@<<media "Data/Locations/akiraap.jpg" "place">>
Akira's Apartments.<<set $P.Loc = 1>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/ap11.jpg" "just">>
<<AkiraDialog "happy" 2>>You do realize that if this is what I want, I'll be greedy for it like no one else...<</AkiraDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>..Ahem...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<UpdateArousal "+15">>
<<AkiraDialog "happy" 1>>@@font-size:50%;..ha-hah...@@<</AkiraDialog>>
Did I just... or did she actually chuckle?!
<<set $Akira.Cor += 4>>
@@color:red;Akira's corruption has increased by 4.@@
@@#place;<<button [[Apartments|AkiraAp]]>><<movetime>><</button>>@@<<media "Data/Locations/akiraap.jpg" "place">>
Akira's Apartments.<<set $P.Loc = 1>>
<<if $Akira.Cor < 100 or $Rel < 30>>\
<<AkiraDialog "arrogant">>What?! Stupid cursed human boy! I....I would never....let you do this!<</AkiraDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/ap17.jpg" "just">>
No other reaction was expected from her.
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>You just asked me, so I just answered. I didn't mean to offend you.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "arrogant">>Show's....over<</AkiraDialog>>
<<set $Akira.Rel -= 6>>
@@color:red;Your relationship with Akira has decreased by 6.@@
Damn, she was definitely mad at me...However despite her angry face her phrases didn't sound too confident. I think she's horny enough to want it too, she just needs to @@color:red;become a little more slutty.@@
<<set $Akira.Cor += 2>>
@@color:red;Akira's corruption has increased by 2.@@
@@#place;<<button [[Apartments|AkiraAp]]>><<movetime>><</button>>@@
<<AkiraDialog "arrogant">>What?! Stupid cursed human boy! I....I would never....let you do this!.........<</AkiraDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/ap17.jpg" "just">>
No other reaction was expected from her. Hey!...What is she doing?!
<<AkiraDialog "happy" 2>>....But today I'm going to make an exception. And know that it will cost you an extra 150$!<</AkiraDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/ap18.jpg" "just">>
<<UpdateArousal "+10">>\
<<set $AkiraSexPayment = 0>>
Shit! I can barely keep myself from going down on her! But she is the one who wants it no less than I do!
<<if $P.Money >= 250>>\
I could pay her even more because...in this situation, would that be the right thing to do?
<<button [[Pay 250$(?)|AkiraApShowlvl2Sex1]]>><<set $AkiraSexPayment = 1>><</button>>
<<if $P.Money >= 150>>\
<<button [[Pay 150$(?)|AkiraApShowlvl2Sex1]]>><<set $AkiraSexPayment = 2>><</button>>
On the other hand, do I really have to pay an extra 150$ for this too?!
<<button [[Pay nothing!|AkiraApShowlvl2Sex1]]>><<set $AkiraSexPayment = 3>><</button>>
<</if>>\<<media "Data/Locations/akiraap.jpg" "place">>
Akira's Apartments.<<set $P.Loc = 1>>
<<switch $AkiraSexPayment>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<set $P.Money -= 250>>\
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Akira, I'll pay you 250$, not 150$. Because my pretty Akira deserves more than that. <</PlayerDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "confused" 2>>I..Um...B-be gentle...<</AkiraDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>I'm sorry, Akira, but you're too sexy for me to be gentle...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<case 2>>\
<<set $P.Money -= 150>>\
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>I'll pay just because it's you.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "confused" 2>>..B-be gentle...<</AkiraDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Oh, no, you're gonna feel everything tonight!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<case 3>>\
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>I already paid you 150$ for the show. That's enough for you.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "confused">>W-what?!<</AkiraDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Trust me, you'll get much more than that!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<if $HadSexWithAkira === false>>\
<<AkiraDialog "horny" 6>>No! No, no, no! It's too hard! Those feelings and sensations!....It's all boiling! Ah, Fuck!! There are too many!...It's too much for me!...Aha!..Ah!..Ah~..<</AkiraDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/gif/f36.mp4">>
Wohoho! What a reaction! She tried to resist, but she had no other option but to accept everything.... She hung like a doll, wondering how she felt? I guess it's like trying to swim in a tsunami.
Anyway, it's her first sex, so she's a little shocked, but I think she'll get used to it.
I hope so...
@@color:yellow; Note@@: This is Akira's first sex with you, so it will change values more than subsequent times.
<<switch $AkiraSexPayment>>\
<<case 1>>\
I showed her that I really appreciated her.
<<set $Akira.Cor += 6>>\
@@color:red;Akira's corruption has increased by 6.@@
<<set $Akira.Rel += 16>>\
@@color:lime;Your relationship with Akira has improved by 16!@@
<<case 2>>\
I showed her that there was nothing wrong with being a real woman.
Hmm, I guess that sounds weird coming from me...
<<set $Akira.Cor += 10>>\
@@color:red;Akira's corruption has increased by 10.@@
<<set $Akira.Rel += 10>>\
@@color:lime;Your relationship with Akira has improved by 10!@@
<<case 3>>\
She's definitely a little resentful of me after this, but she won't say it, because I showed her that it's not just money that has value....
<<set $Akira.Cor += 30>>\
@@color:red;Akira's corruption has increased by 30!!@@
<<set $Akira.Rel -= 8>>\
@@color:red;Your relationship with Akira has decreased by 8!@@
<<UpdateArousal "0">>\
@@color:yellow; Akira's special show is open. It's available at her apartment in the evening.@@
<<AkiraDialog "horny" 6>>There it is again! There's so much of it in the beginning!...Ah, Fuck!..Ah-Again! Ah!..So hard!...Aha!..Ah!..Ah~..<</AkiraDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/gif/f36.mp4">>
She's still not fully used to it and is still hanging like a doll from some point, but despite all the flurry of emotions she's feeling right now, she seems to be starting to enjoy it....She's slowly getting used to it....
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/gif/f107.mp4">>
<<switch $AkiraSexPayment>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Hey, are you smiling?..<</PlayerDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "happy" 2>>Ah, no, I mean...I'm just glad it's you and not someone else! Aah!<</AkiraDialog>>
<<set $Akira.Cor += 4>>\
@@color:red;Akira's corruption has increased by 4.@@
<<set $Akira.Rel += 6>>\
@@color:lime;Your relationship with Akira has improved by 6!@@
<<case 2>>\
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Hey, are you smiling? Is this what you wanted so badly?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "happy" 2>>Ah, no...ah...or..yes...Ah!..Aah~<</AkiraDialog>>
<<set $Akira.Cor += 6>>\
@@color:red;Akira's corruption has increased by 10.@@
<<set $Akira.Rel += 2>>\
@@color:lime;Your relationship with Akira has improved by 10!@@
<<case 3>>\
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Hey, you're smiling considering I didn't even pay you anything for that! Are you starting to realize how much you like this feeling?!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "happy" 2>>Ah...Y-you're...you're just taking advantage of me!...I'm...I'm mad at you! Stupid cursed boy! Ahha~<</AkiraDialog>>
<<set $Akira.Cor += 12>>\
@@color:red;Akira's corruption has increased by 12!@@
<<set $Akira.Rel -= 4>>\
@@color:red;Your relationship with Akira has decreased by 4!@@
<<set $Akira.Control-->>\
@@color:red;Akira's self-control decreased by 1.@@
<<UpdateArousal "0">>\
I'm not sure about this yet, but it seems the great witch of greed becomes somewhat greedy for the fullness of sensation...
....and accordingly seems to like it when it's done hard...
@@#place;<<button [[Apartments|AkiraAp]]>><<movetime>><</button>>@@<<media "Data/Locations/akiraap.jpg" "place">>
Akira's Apartments.<<set $P.Loc = 1>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/ap2.jpg" "just">>
<<AkiraDialog "confused" 1>>Special show?<</AkiraDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Exactly. I mean, it's not really a show, but I'll pay you more for that. I want a blowjob.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "horny">>I'm not surprised you'd ask me something like that. But I agree.<</AkiraDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Yeah, I know it sounds...What?! Agree?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "horny">>Since you're paying me more, I don't see the problem. However, you should realize that I'm not a....pro at this....<</AkiraDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>It's not a big deal! I'll give you tips and you'll learn everything!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "horny">>...<</AkiraDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "surprised">>...Like zthish?....<</AkiraDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Yeah, just like this. Now, start moving gradually.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/gif/bj62.mp4">>
<<AkiraDialog "surprised">>...Ishz it...okay..?<</AkiraDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Still a little inept, but you're a quick learner! Keep up the good work!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/gif/bj33.mp4">>
She's really trying hard!
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Akira, you're awesome! Soon you'll be the queen in this!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/gif/bj72.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>It's not necessary to do error correction work! Ha-ha-ha!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "surpised">>Shut up...human!....<</AkiraDialog>>
I can't stop this excitement of getting a blowjob from the Great Witch of Greed Akira who wanted to kill me before, Ha-Ha-HA!
Although she's not very good at it yet, but I think she'll gradually get much better at it.
<<set $P.Money -= 200>>\
@@color:red;You lost 200$.@@
<<UpdateArousal "0">>
<<set $Akira.Rel -= 1>>
@@color:red;Your relationship with Akira has decreased by 1.@@
<<set $Akira.Cor += 4>>
@@color:red;Akira's corruption has increased by 4.@@
@@#place;<<button [[Apartments|AkiraAp]]>><<movetime>><</button>>@@<<media "Data/Locations/akiraap.jpg" "place">>
Akira's Apartments.<<set $P.Loc = 1>>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Akira, can we talk a little?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "serious">>What do you want to talk about?<</AkiraDialog>>
@@#rel;<<button [[Just a simple conversation|AkiraApTalk1]]>><<set $AkTalk = 0>><</button>>@@
@@color:yellow;For conversations on certain topics, your relationship level should not be lower than that indicated in brackets (..)@@
Let's talk about..
<<button [[..Magic side (5)|AkiraApTalk1]]>><<set $AkTalk = 1>><</button>>
<<button [[..Witches (10) |AkiraApTalk1]]>><<set $AkTalk = 2>><</button>>
<<button [[..You (15) |AkiraApTalk1]]>><<set $AkTalk = 3>><</button>>
<<button [[..Caroline (20) |AkiraApTalk1]]>><<set $AkTalk = 4>><</button>>
<<button [[..Dark Lord (25) |AkiraApTalk1]]>><<set $AkTalk = 5>><</button>>
<<if $Akira.TabletLvl > 1>>\
<<button [[..Love (40) |AkiraApTalk1]]>><<set $AkTalk = 6>><</button>>
<<if $InfoVar == 3 and $HelpedWithInformant != true>>\
@@#pill;<<button [[Informant requst|AkiraApInformant]]>><<set $HelpedWithInformant = true>><</button>>@@
@@#place;<<button [[Apartments|AkiraAp]]>><</button>>@@<<media "Data/Locations/akiraap.jpg" "place">>
Akira's Apartments.<<set $P.Loc = 1>>
<<switch $AkTalk>>\
<<case 0>>\
<<if $Akira.Rel < 3>>\
<<goto "AkiraDontWannaTalk">>\
You talked to Akira about little things, the weather, hobbies, and things like that. The conversation with her is not easy and you didn't get any important new information. But both of you were able to get to know each other better.
<<set $Akira.Rel += 1>>\
@@color:lime;Your relationship with Akira has improved by 1.@@
<<case 1>>\
<<if $Akira.Rel < 5>>\
<<goto "AkiraDontWannaTalk">>\
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Akira, can you please tell me about the magical side?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "serious">>Well, I guess I should give you some details since you're no longer human. What do you want to know?<</AkiraDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Um...everything..?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "serious">>Tcz, I'm not gonna sit here with you till morning. I'll tell you briefly, it's like a huge valley, hidden from ordinary people, where wizards live. <</AkiraDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Let me guess, you can get there by train?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "serious">>You can take the train too, how did you know?<</AkiraDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Hah, a movie came to mind... Anyway, why don't people know anything about this place?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "serious">>That's what @@color:magenta;The ministry@@ ordered, it's in charge there. <</AkiraDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Wow, it's like the government? Cool! So there really is a place where miracles and magic are everywhere?!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "serious">>Not really. For safety concerns, @@color:red;magic was banned years ago.@@ So "the wonders" there now are only a fraction of their former glory.<</AkiraDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>This sounds like nonsense, magic is forbidden on the magical side?! But...What about you? And Caroline? I'm actually cursed, in case you didn't know! <</PlayerDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "serious">>Maybe I'll tell you about it another time, but right now stop wasting my time!<</AkiraDialog>>
The magical side without the magic? If that's true, looking at Akira now, I realize that not everyone agrees with that statement.
<<case 2>>\
<<if $Akira.Rel < 10>>\
<<goto "AkiraDontWannaTalk">>\
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>You promised you'd tell me everything! Where does all this magic come from if you say it's forbidden?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "serious">>Boy, look at me and tell me who I am.<</AkiraDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>You're Akira! <</PlayerDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "serious">>I'm a witch, boy. In your folklore, the meaning is the same. A witch is not a sorceress.<</AkiraDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>You have very strong magic. So...like you're an outlaw? ...And Caroline, too... Your magic apparently isn't a gift from God!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "serious">>That's right, witches' magic draws its power from a different source.<</AkiraDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Wait, I've been thinking. In books and movies, it's already a pretty hackneyed theme. You're the witch of greed, right? It's a mortal sin! So...how many witches are there?..<</PlayerDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "serious">>You know about the seven deadly sins, right? They are pride, greed, wrath, envy, lust, gluttony and sloth. That's how many witches there are. It wasn't our choice to become them...<</AkiraDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Umm...okay...So you're some kind of "terrorist" group being persecuted by the government in the form of the ministry?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "serious">>We're not terrorists, but you're right, the ministry is my enemy. Although they are weak now, after the banning of magic, being good guys they fell into their own trap. Even so, if they notice your little tricks, they won't leave you alone. And you can't count on my protection.<</AkiraDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>As long as the problem isn't there, it doesn't make too much sense to think about it. Now it's much more likely that you're going to swat me yourself. Still, I assume you and Caroline have different magic, right?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "serious">>Each witch's magic is slightly different. He took us in, helped us, unlocked our abilities, and now it's our turn to thank him. <</AkiraDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Thank who?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "serious">>They call him @@color:red;the Dark Lord.@@<</AkiraDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Do you want to tell me....anything about him?....<</PlayerDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "serious">>Do I look like a preacher?<</AkiraDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>I got it...<</PlayerDialog>>
The 7 deadly sins are seven powerful witches serving the Dark Lord! The Ministry can't (or doesn't want to) stop them, and I managed to anger one of the witches. And is on the verge of dying from another....Am I missing anything?..
<<case 3>>\
<<if $Akira.Rel < 15>>\
<<goto "AkiraDontWannaTalk">>\
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Akira, why don't you tell me a little about yourself?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "serious">>Why would I do that?<</AkiraDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Well, I'd just like to get to know you better.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "serious">>You know what? I'll tell you. Apparently, you're no longer motivated enough by the fact that you're on the brink of life and death. I think you need to learn what you really need to watch out for.<</AkiraDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>I'm-I'm listening.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "serious">>What do you think my magic is? <</AkiraDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>I've seen your sizzling beam and teleportations...is it possible that you can control magical particles and their speed?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "serious">>You're even a little bit right. I'm really good at controlling magical flows like no one else. This ability brings out the @@color:yellow;essence of my magic - the magic of space.@@<</AkiraDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Magic of space? What's that?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "serious">>Any space, any object is subject to the laws of magical flows. This means that my magic affects the internal structure of anything, creating external changes...or destruction...<</AkiraDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>I don't even know what to say.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "serious">>You don't have to say anything. All you need to know is that @@color:yellow;my magic and myself are in "space". Even if you try to cut off my head - whatever you do to my body, you can't hurt me unless you get inside my mind.@@ <</AkiraDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Why are you telling me all this? Aren't you afraid I'll use it?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "serious">> @@color:yellow;To hurt me, you need to get into a "space" where I'm vulnerable. To do that, your magic has to be like mine.@@ @@color:magenta;You're supposed to be ethereal to do that!@@ Even other witches are wary of my magic, because it's not easy. And for human without magic, it's absolutely impossible. Your mana availability won't help you in any way.<</AkiraDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Eh...The Witch of Greed even makes the space her own...Last question, what about dreams?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "serious">> @@color:yellow;Dreams are also part of ethereal space.@@ Too bad humans can't control them, right?<</AkiraDialog>>
It's nowhere near as simple as I thought it would be.....Damn it, and why Akira? Couldn't a lower-ranking witch have fallen on me, huh?!
@@color:yellow; From what I've learned I can deduce that the pill does work on her, but her mind is too closed for me to reproduce my desires.@@
@@color:magenta; So I have to use the pill first, and then find a way to get directly into her mind....@@
Uh....I'm definitely going crazy....
<<case 4>>\
<<if $Akira.Rel < 20>>\
<<goto "AkiraDontWannaTalk">>\
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Akira, tell me about Caroline<</PlayerDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "serious">>Well, I don't find it odd that you want to know more about the one who did this to you. What kind of witch do you think she is?<</AkiraDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Thinking back to her...hmm....lust?! @@color:yellow;She's a Witch of Lust?!@@<</PlayerDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "serious">>Exactly. But I won't be able to tell you too much about her, she's pretty secretive.<</AkiraDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Please tell me what you know about her.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "angry">>She is cunning, playful, and conniving. Apparently, her victims are usually naive men. She leaves chaos and destruction in her wake everywhere she goes. And our Lord trusts her more than he trusts me, even though her magic is no match for mine!<</AkiraDialog>>
Akira is more like the Witch of Envy now. Though maybe she's just greedy for the attention from her superiors, which she seems to be lacking.
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>What's her magic?..<</PlayerDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "serious">>I don't know exactly, but it's usually all sorts of nasty tricks and curses.<</AkiraDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Somehow I believe she definitely has the curses...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "angry">>It's not funny. If you think I'm gonna help you with her, you're wrong. <</AkiraDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Yeah, yeah...I understand. You're all from the same witch club.<</PlayerDialog>>
Other than the fact that she's a Witch of Lust, I didn't learn anything useful. I knew that, too. I'd have to be careful not to fall for another one of her tricks the next time I see her.
@@color:red; You can continue to bring up your relationship with Akira, but follow-up dialogs are not yet available in this version of the game. There will be a few more things Akira would like to tell you about.@@
<<case 5>>\
<<if $Akira.Rel < 25>>\
<<goto "AkiraDontWannaTalk">>\
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Akira, tell me about so-called Dark Lord<</PlayerDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "arrogant">>How dare you speak of His Majesty like that? If I hear you say "so-called Dark Lord" again, you can say goodbye to your life. Show some respect.<</AkiraDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Sorry, I just don't know who it is and I don't know what your relationship is, so I was hoping you could explain it to me...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "serious">>Well, the mere fact that you're a mere human being rationally plays in favor of me not killing you on the spot.<</AkiraDialog>>
I hardly offended her or her feelings, but I definitely hurt her sense of duty, which she somehow never seemed to go anywhere....The Dark Lord is probably a pretty important person....
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>I apologize once more. Please tell me about him so that I can understand my mistake.<</PlayerDialog>>
She sighed and her gaze became even more serious than usual. I'd even say I could see a certain enthusiasm in her gaze...
<<AkiraDialog "serious">> @@color:yellow;The Dark Lord is our Great Lord. He is the greatest wizard of all time. He was the greatest mage even before the Ministry banned the uncontrolled use of magic on the Magic side.@@<</AkiraDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>So...what about you and other witches?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "serious">> @@color:yellow;7 powerful witches serve our Great Lord and I am one of them. The power we possess is given to us by the Great Lord, and it is but a fraction of his own power.@@<</AkiraDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Um...why do you serve him?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "serious">> @@color:yellow;The Dark Lord is powerful enough to fulfill any of our deepest desires. But every witch has her own reasons.@@<</AkiraDialog>>
I don't think Akira will tell me her own reasons... I'd rather learn a little more about her Master.
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>But..where is the Dark Lord now? Why isn't he with you?..<</PlayerDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "serious">>The society of the magical side did not share his views, @@color:yellow;because of his uncontrollable power, the Ministry saw him as a great danger.@@ <</AkiraDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>They killed him?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "serious">>Of course not, there is @@color:yellow;no wizard in the world that can even come close to the great power of the Dark Lord@@. However, with their combined efforts, they were able to @@color:yellow;destroy his physical incarnation and seal his great power@@.<</AkiraDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Destroyed his physical incarnation? And also sealed the power? Doesn't that mean death for him?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "serious">>You @@color:yellow;can only kill him by defeating him with his full power@@, and as you may have realized, no one is capable of that. No seal can completely shut out his power, even now bits of his great mana seep into this world. That is why the Witches know that the Dark Lord lives and awaits his rebirth.<</AkiraDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>The Dark Lord is going to be reborn?...H-How?..<</PlayerDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "serious">> @@color:yellow;The reason the Dark Lord can't use his great power is because there is no incarnation that can handle it. The witches are busy finding an incarnation for our Lord. And we know that a worthy incarnation will appear somewhere nearby, soon we will find out who it is. This incarnation could even be an ordinary human who now has no idea of his true purpose.@@ <</AkiraDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>So I fell under Caroline's curse by accident? It wasn't like she was on an important mission!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "serious">>Yes, it's an accident. She did something stupid, it's in her nature. All we have to do now is to @@color:yellow;take our positions and wait quietly, so as not to attract unnecessary attention from the Ministry.@@ I think I've explained the importance enough for you to realize that you don't have to make any unnecessary moves to stop us.<</AkiraDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Yeah... I got it....<</PlayerDialog>>
@@color:yellow;Honestly, the thought of reviving kind of the greatest wizard called the Dark Lord scares me. Somehow I now think that all events are not random and it will definitely affect me....
Akira said that his incarnation probably knows nothing about being an incarnation. I wonder if I could end up being that incarnation for the Dark Lord?....
Ugh....I'd hate to end up as someone's skin....@@
@@color:red; You can continue to bring up your relationship with Akira, but follow-up dialogs are not yet available in this version of the game. There will be a few more things Akira would like to tell you about.@@
<<case 6>>\
<<if $Akira.Rel < 40>>\
<<goto "AkiraDontWannaTalk">>\
<<AkiraDialog "confused">>What? Love? You could ask me about the structure of the universe or the basic aspects of magic, but you're asking me about...Love?!<</AkiraDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Yeah, that's right.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "confused">>But why?<</AkiraDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Because you've lived without emotions for so long. Now that they've returned, have you felt anything... confusing?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "confused">>Confusing? his world's all confusing! It's totally messed up, cursed boy. And these feelings and emotions make it even more complicated. These... feelings, sometimes they're like a storm in my chest. Sometimes they are overly unpredictable and wild.<</AkiraDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Yes, but that complexity and unpredictability is what makes us human. There's something beautiful about it. People explore these feelings and states, name them, and literally live it.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "confused">>So how do people describe such a state as love?<</AkiraDialog>>
She knows what it's like, especially since she used to have feelings before. She probably just wants to hear it from my lips.
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Hehe...Well...Among these feelings, there's one that stands out, one that humans cherish above all—love. It's more than just a feeling; it's a connection, a bond that can bring even the mightiest to their knees.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "serious">>Doesn't that mean that love is weakness? Something that can be exploited?<</AkiraDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>It can be, but true love is empowering. It's a force that drives us to be better, to fight against the odds. It's not just about taking; it's about giving, sharing, and growing together.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "confused">>I know that feeling can cloud one's mind and get in the way of making informed decisions. Am I wrong?<</AkiraDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>You're right, but like I said, it's not that simple. If you cultivate the right feelings, they will drive you to action, make you move forward, motivate you. <</PlayerDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "confused">>What kind of feelings does love refer to? Is love the "right feeling"?<</AkiraDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>It's hard to say, love comes in many different ways, it has many representations. But there is no point in theory, you need to feel it and find the answer for yourself.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "surprised">>What about you then?...Have you ever felt this...love?<</AkiraDialog>>
Damn, that question caught me a little off guard. Have I ever felt real love?...
So many strange things have been happening around me lately. And there were so many girls around me now - Layla, Vanessa, Carol, Olga, Anya, and now Akira. I told her that there are different kinds of love...
But what kind of love do I love each of them with?
I guess that's a question I'll have to answer for myself.
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>T-There's no point in me answering....ahem....I mean...until you realize what love means to yourself! @@color:yellowl;We will talk about it again after you get closer to the answer!@@<</PlayerDialog>>
@@#place;<<button [[Apartments|AkiraAp]]>><<movetime>><</button>>@@<<media "Data/Locations/akiraap.jpg" "place">>
Akira's Apartments.<<set $P.Loc = 1>>
<<AkiraDialog "serious">>I don't see any point in this idle conversation. It's a waste of time.<</AkiraDialog>>
Hey, that sounded rather rude, if it wasn't Akira, I might have even taken offense. @@color:yellow;I guess my relationship with her isn't on a high enough level for that kind of talk.@@
@@#place;<<button [[Apartments|AkiraAp]]>><</button>>@@<<if $Akira.WeeklyDebt == true>>\
This section was created to help the player and save the player's time.
(Unless there are new events in the game, it's not very interesting to watch 2 events over and over again, right?)
In this section you can enable the automatic mode to send money to Akira.
@@color:yellow;With automatic mode enabled, you will not need to visit Akira and watch her "shows", but your daily spending will increase by 43$ per day.@@
<<if $Akira.AutoMoney == false>>\
Automatic money transfer mode: @@color:red;off@@
<<button [[Enable|AkiraMoney]]>><<set $Akira.AutoMoney = true>><</button>>
Automatic money transfer mode: @@color:lime;on@@
<<set $P.Spending -=43>>\
@@color:yellow; You don't have to go to Akira's anymore if you don't feel like it.@@
@@color:red; Your daily spending has increased by 43$.@@
<<button [[Disable|AkiraMoney]]>><<set $Akira.AutoMoney = false>><</button>>
<<button [[Back|AkiraAp]]>><</button>>
@@<<media "Data/Locations/akirabath.jpg" "place">>
Akira's Bathroom.<<set $P.Loc = 1>>
<<if $Akira.TabletLvl < 2>>\
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/bath50.jpg" "just">>
<<AkiraDialog "angry">>This may not be so easy for your human brain to realize, but I'm going to wash up. <</AkiraDialog>>
She looks pretty cute. If only the look wasn't so harsh...
<<if $P.Money >= 150 or $Akira.AutoMoney == true>>\
@@#rel;<<button [[I want a show! (150$)|AkiraBath1]]>><</button>>@@
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/bath33.jpg" "just">>
<<AkiraDialog "confused">>Hey, I'm actually taking a bath. You here for another show?<</AkiraDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>I don't have any money with me right now, so no.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "confused">>Um..then...then get out of here...<</AkiraDialog>>
@@#rel;<<button [[Stay to watch a little longer|AkiraBathLvl2]]>><</button>>@@
@@#place;<<button [[Get back|AkiraAp]]>><</button>>@@<<media "Data/Locations/akirabath.jpg" "place">>
Akira's Bathroom.<<set $P.Loc = 1>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/bath51.jpg" "just">>
<<AkiraDialog "serious">>In that case, keep your eyes open, human.<</AkiraDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/bath52.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>That's super great! I want to see you full size!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "serious">>Your money should pay off, so watch closely.<</AkiraDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/bath53.jpg" "just">>
Akira is a beauty, but she's still too serious. I'll solve that problem later. Hehe...
<<AkiraDialog "serious">>Your look is starting to get nasty. We're done here. <</AkiraDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/bath54.jpg" "just">>
<<if $Akira.AutoMoney == false>>\
<<set $P.Money -= 150>>\
@@color:red;You lost 150$.@@
<<UpdateArousal "+30">>
<<set $Akira.Rel++>>
@@color:lime;Your relationship with Akira has improved by 1.@@
@@#rel;<<button [[Why don't we wash up together?|AkiraBath2]]>><</button>>@@
@@#place;<<button [[Apartments|AkiraAp]]>><<set $Akira.Shows++>><<movetime>><</button>>@@<<media "Data/Locations/akirabath.jpg" "place">>
Akira's Bathroom.<<set $P.Loc = 1>>
<<if $Akira.TabletLvl > 0 and $Akira.Cor >= 20>>\
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/bath56.jpg" "just">>
<<AkiraDialog "horny" 3>>Do you really enjoy watching me that much? Well... okay, I'll let you stay here a little longer.<</AkiraDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Yay! I love you, Akira!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "confused" 1>>Hey, wait, why are you taking your clothes off?<</AkiraDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/bath57.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>What do you mean why? Because we're going to take a bath together!<</PlayerDialog>>
@@#place;<<button [[Get in the bathtub|AkiraBath3]]>><</button>>@@
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/bath54.jpg" "just">>
<<AkiraDialog "serious">>No.<</AkiraDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>But wait! I just wanna...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "angry">>I said show's over! You can leave your money on the way out. <</AkiraDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/bath55.jpg" "just">>
Uh, she probably isn't corrupted enough yet. Well, at least now I know it's time to go!
<<if $Akira.AutoMoney == false>>\
<<set $P.Money -= 150>>\
@@color:red;You lost 150$.@@
<<set $Akira.Shows++>>\
<<UpdateArousal "+25">>
@@#place;<<button [[Apartments|AkiraAp]]>><<movetime>><</button>>@@
<</if>>\<<media "Data/Locations/akirabath.jpg" "place">>
Akira's Bathroom.<<set $P.Loc = 1>>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>ehehehe...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/bath58.jpg" "just">>
<<AkiraDialog "angry">>Obviously, I'm letting you do too much.<</AkiraDialog>>
I'm really sitting in the bathtub with Akira!
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/bath57.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Akira, don't mind me. Just pretend I'm not here and act normal!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "angry" 1>>I wish I could, but after what you did to me, it's hard not to think about something as trivial as your presence. Do you really like the view that much?<</AkiraDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/bath59.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>Akira, your personal comfort is a top priority. It would have been a strange thing to ask before, but now I can hope for an answer. How are you feeling?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "happy" 1>>I think I like that feeling of hot jets of water running down my skin... I could felt it before too, but I was kind of indifferent to it, however now I think I see the point of it...<</AkiraDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/bath61.jpg" "just">>
<<AkiraDialog "horny" 3>>I'd even say your hungry stare adds some spice to these sensations...<</AkiraDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/bath60.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>Maybe you wouldn't mind doing a show like this for me for free sometime?..<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/bath62.jpg" "just">>
<<AkiraDialog "confused" 1>>Hey, actually you're only still alive because of your stupid vulgarity and fat wallet! Show's over, human!<</AkiraDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/bath63.jpg" "just">>
<<AkiraDialog "serious" 1>>I wish you'd lived a little longer. Don't make me kill you before your time.<</AkiraDialog>>
Damn, that sounded.... I don't even know! I can't understand the emotional subtext of those words of hers!
<<if $Akira.AutoMoney == false>>\
<<set $P.Money -= 150>>\
@@color:red;You lost 150$.@@
<<set $Akira.Shows++>>\
<<UpdateArousal "+40">>
<<set $Akira.Rel += 2>>
@@color:lime;Your relationship with Akira has improved by 2.@@
<<set $Akira.Cor += 2>>
@@color:red;Akira's corruption has increased by 2.@@
@@#place;<<button [[Back to Apartments|AkiraAp]]>><<movetime>><</button>>@@<<media "Data/Locations/akirabath.jpg" "place">>
Akira's Bathroom.<<set $P.Loc = 1>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/bath34.jpg" "just">>
<<AkiraDialog "confused">>Why are you still here?<</AkiraDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Probably because I can't take my eyes off you.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<if $Akira.Rel < 30>>\
<<AkiraDialog "angry" 2>>You allow yourself too much, human. I don't give you a choice.<</AkiraDialog>>
<<set $Akira.Rel -= 1>>
@@color:red;Your relationship with Akira has decreased by 1.@@
I don't think she's kidding. I guess there's still a @@color:red;lack of trust@@ in our relationship.
@@#place;<<button [[Back to Apartments|AkiraAp]]>><</button>>@@
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/bath36.jpg" "just">>
<<AkiraDialog "happy">>...can't take your eyes off me?...<</AkiraDialog>>
She repeated after me in a half-whisper and seemed to be thinking about something.
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/bath37.jpg" "just">>
<<AkiraDialog "confused" 1>>Okay, as long as you're not bothering me, you can stay here...But don't take it as a show! Keep quiet and I'll just pretend you're not here!<</AkiraDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Of course, Akira. As you wish.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<if $Akira.Cor < 50>>\
I did keep quiet and watch while she took her bath, but she barely managed to pretend she was feeling herself like usual...
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/bath35.jpg" "just">>
<<UpdateArousal "+25">>
<<set $Akira.Cor += 2>>
@@color:red;Akira's corruption has increased by 2.@@
She definitely felt hotter and it was definitely not because of hot bath water, haha! I wonder what she would have done if she had been a little more lewd?
Is something wrong? She looks like she's a little nervous right now.
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/bath38.jpg" "just">>
<<AkiraDialog "surprised">>I...I want...I want something...but as long as you're here...I d-don't....<</AkiraDialog>>
I dread to imagine how much she's feeling inside. I think part of her would want me to leave and part of her would want me to stay...
That's my choice.
@@#rel;<<button [[Leave her alone (Rel +2) (Cor +2)|AkiraAp]]>><<set $P.Arousal += 20>><<set $Akira.Cor += 2>><<set $Akira.Rel += 2>><<movetime>><</button>>@@
@@#cor;<<button [[Stay still (Cor +6)|AkiraBathLvl2.1]]>><</button>>@@
@@#place;<<button [[Back to Apartments|AkiraAp]]>><<movetime>><</button>>@@
<</if>>\<<media "Data/Locations/akirabath.jpg" "place">>
Akira's Bathroom.<<set $P.Loc = 1>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>It's okay, Akira. It's not a show. I'm not here. You do whatever you want.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/bath38.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Probably because I can't take my eyes off you.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "confused" 2>>You're right...I'm Akira and I do whatever I @@color:magenta;want@@!<</AkiraDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/bath39.jpg" "just">>
I stood quietly and watched. I decided not to disturb her while she sought harmony with herself. I don't know what she was thinking all this time, but she looked like her emotional processor was on overload.
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/gif/bath10.mp4" "just">>
I decided to get out of there as soon as I had the chance, to avoid an unpleasant conversation with her after she would have come to her senses.
<<UpdateArousal "+40">>
<<set $Akira.Cor += 6>>
@@color:red;Akira's corruption has increased by 6.@@
@@#place;<<button [[Back to Apartments|AkiraAp]]>><<movetime>><</button>>@@<<media "Data/Locations/akirabed.jpg" "place">>
Akira's Bedroom.<<set $P.Loc = 1>>
<<RE [[AkiraBedRe]]>>
Yeah, she's having a sweet baby sleep.
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/bed97.jpg" "just">>
She looks so defenseless right now.
<<if $P.Gender == "m">>\
<<button [[Jerk off|AkiraBed3]]>><</button>>
@@#rel;<<button [[Make her breakfast in bed|AkiraBed1]]>><</button>>@@
@@#place;<<button [[Apartments|AkiraAp]]>><</button>>@@<<media "Data/Locations/akiraap.jpg" "place">>
Akira's Apartments.<<set $P.Loc = 1>>
I found some food in her fridge.
<<media "Data/Characters/npc/cook.jpeg" "just">>
Apparently witches need to eat, too.
<<if $Inventory.Tablets > 0 and $Akira.TabletLvl < 1>>\
Hey, isn't this a great opportunity to improve my relationship with Akira? Heh-heh. I think I still have some pills left. Shall I add one to her breakfast?
@@#pill;<<button [[Add a pill to her breakfast|AkiraBed4]]>><<set $Inventory.Tablets-->><<set $AkiraTookPillToday = true>><</button>>@@
@@#rel;<<button [[Bring her breakfast|AkiraBed2]]>><</button>>@@<<media "Data/Locations/akirabed.jpg" "place">>
Akira's Bedroom.<<set $P.Loc = 1>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/bed12.jpg" "just">>
<<AkiraDialog "confused" 0>>What's going on? What are you doing here? I heard some kind of hissing.<</AkiraDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>I made you breakfast.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "confused" 0>>You think I'm gonna pay you for this? Did I ask you to do that? Why?<</AkiraDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>You don't have to pay. You must be pretty tired to sleep so much, so I thought I'd cheer you up a little. <</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/bed13.jpg" "just">>
Was it just me, or did her aura somehow brighten?..
<<set $Akira.Rel += 2>>\
@@color:lime;Your relationship with Akira has improved by 2.@@
@@#place;<<button [[Apartments|AkiraAp]]>><<movetime>><</button>>@@<<media "Data/Locations/akirabed.jpg" "place">>
Akira's Bedroom.<<set $P.Loc = 1>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/bed97.jpg" "just">>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/M/3.mp4">>
Oh, yeah! You're so sexy!
<<AkiraDialog "angry">>You want to bother explaining what you're doing?<</AkiraDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/bed17.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Damn...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<if $Akira.Cor < 50 or $Akira.Rel < 40>>\
<<AkiraDialog "angry">>Listen to me, you're gonna pay for this like a "show" and get out of here before I burn you to the ground.<</AkiraDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Of course! I'm leaving now! <</PlayerDialog>>
I probably shouldn't have done that without asking her...
<<set $Akira.Rel -= 1>>\
@@color:red;Your relationship with Akira has decreased by 1.@@
@@color:red;You lost 150$.@@
@@#place;<<button [[Apartments|AkiraAp]]>><<set $P.Money -= 150>><<set $Akira.Shows++>><<movetime>><</button>>@@
<<AkiraDialog "happy">>Eh, answer human, are you really as addicted to it as It looks like? Are you really that enamored of me?<</AkiraDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/bed15.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>I'm not sure how to answer you...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "happy">>In that case, unless you want me to burn you on the spot, keep it up while I'm looking at you. Right in front of me.<</AkiraDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/bed16.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Eh?..I got it...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/M/3.mp4">>
Damn, this is very embarrassing...and exciting at the same time! She's staring so intently! I can't hold it!
<<media "Data/Characters/P/M/cock12.webp" "gif">>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>I came...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "happy">>I've noticed.<</AkiraDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/bed94.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Put money on the table?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "happy">>For what? If you want to, of course. But it's not a show, it's not like I did anything.<</AkiraDialog>>
<<set $Akira.Cor += 2>>\
@@color:red;Akira's corruption has increased by 2.@@
Akira...is changing...
for the better!!
@@#place;<<button [[Apartments|AkiraAp]]>><<movetime>><</button>>@@
<</if>>\<<media "Data/Locations/akirabed.jpg" "place">>
Akira's Bedroom.<<set $P.Loc = 1>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/bed12.jpg" "just">>
<<AkiraDialog "confused" 0>>What's going on? What are you doing here? I heard some kind of hissing.<</AkiraDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>I made you breakfast.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "confused" 0>>You think I'm gonna pay you for this? Did I ask you to do that? Why?<</AkiraDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>You don't have to pay. You must be pretty tired to sleep so much, so I thought I'd cheer you up a little. <</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/bed13.jpg" "just">>
She definitely fell for it!
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Don't worry, I'll do the dishes too. I'll wait till you're done.<</PlayerDialog>>
Oh, yeah! I can feel that aura in the air. She definitely ate that pill!
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>How's that? Did you like the food?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "confused" 0>>I think you're making a very nutritious meal. And quite tasty. <</AkiraDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>So you liked it, then? But you know what else you like? @@color:magenta;You like following my orders!@@ <</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/bed92.jpg" "just">>
<<AkiraDialog "confused" 0>>Do I look like someone who wants to obey the orders of a pathetic human?<</AkiraDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>You also @@color:magenta;like to show me your body.@@ Come on, show me what's under your shirt!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "confused" 0>>Okay, if you say so.<</AkiraDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/bed98.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Even if you're doing it for the money, @@color:magenta;you feel like you're enjoying the process@@, right?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "confused" 0>>...<</AkiraDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/bed19.jpg" "just">>
She'll be mine!
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>You can @@color:magenta;feel your body heating up more and more when I command you! And you love that feeling!@@ <</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/bed102.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>You're @@color:magenta;overflowing with desire@@, Akira! Pathetic human is ordering you to take off your panties! Will you take them off?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "confused" 0>>...yes<</AkiraDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/bed22.jpg" "just">>
Ha-ha-ha! Has the level one pill always been this strong!?!
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Now spread your pussy with your hands and @@color:magenta;finally come clean! Say "I like to serve"!@@ <</PlayerDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "confused" 0>>I like to serve.<</AkiraDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/bed23.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Ha-ha-ha! It's adorable! It's absolutely marvelous! It's.....w-what?!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/bed94.jpg" "just">>
<<AkiraDialog "angry">>Are you done?<</AkiraDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Weren't you naked a second ago? I barely blinked, and... <</PlayerDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "angry">>I'm kind of disappointed in you. Look, the only reason I didn't incinerate you right this second is because you took care of my breakfast. Just now it was just a show.<</AkiraDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>I...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "angry">>I'm not going to kill you, it was curious and I realized what you wanted to do to me. @@color:yellow;It's not gonna work. Those pathetic little spells won't work on a witch of my level. My mind is shielded from these pathetic attempts, until you can get in there, you can't do anything to me! You don't even have to try, human.@@ <</AkiraDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>I...just realized I have to go.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "angry">>Oh, you're right. And don't forget to pay for the show.<</AkiraDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>....of course!...haha...hah...<</PlayerDialog>>
Akira can't be invulnerable. She may be strong, but she must definitely have weaknesses. @@color:yellow;I just need to get to know her better.@@
Also, if I do get the chance to use the pill on her, I should start with something simpler. @@color:yellow;I won't be able to build a relationship with her at all if she still lacks feelings and emotions.@@
<<set $Akira.Rel -= 1>>\
@@color:red;Your relationship with Akira has decreased by 1.@@
@@color:red;You lost 150$.@@
@@color:red;You lost 1 pill (lvl 1).@@
@@#place;<<button [[Apartments|AkiraAp]]>><<set $P.Money -= 150>><<set $Akira.Shows++>><<movetime>><</button>>@@<<media "Data/Locations/office1.jpg" "place">>
Head doctor's office.<<set $P.Loc = 1>>
<<if $AkiraBecameHDSeen !== true>>\
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Akira?...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/dark4.jpg" "just">>
<<AkiraDialog "serious" 1>>I'm Akira, but you can call me the Head Doctor of this medical center.<</AkiraDialog>>
Ha-ha-ha! Is she joking? That's funny! Though no, she wasn't even trying, it was unlikely that she had acquired a sense of humor so quickly.
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>I..I'm glad...Did it work? No problems?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "angry" 1>>Who do you think I am? No problem, this is my office now.<</AkiraDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>How about you? Have you gotten used to your new senses yet? And how do you feel now that you've achieved this result without using your magic?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/dark3.jpg" "just">>
<<AkiraDialog "happy" 1>>How do I feel?..I...I wish I could deny it, but it looks like your way really solved my problem. Now I'm thinking about how to use it to get an even bigger boost in money.<</AkiraDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Looks like you didn't stop being a Great Witch of Greed after you gained your senses back.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/dark1.jpg" "just">>
<<AkiraDialog "confused">>What? Of course I didn't! But don't think that greed completely clouds my mind, even without those pathetic feelings I've always had a concept of justice! You've done me a favor, so as a thank you, I'm relieving you of the obligation to give me your money for the show!<</AkiraDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>I don't get it, so now I don't have to pay you...?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "confused">>No! @@color:yellow;If you want the show, you'll pay me like you did before! But if you don't want them, you don't have to pay me, and I still won't kill you until you start interfering with the witches' plan!@@ You'd better say thank you for that.<</AkiraDialog>>
Yep...that's how the great Akira thanks...Though on the bright side she's not only keeping me alive, she's also sacrificing potential money that I could keep paying her. I guess it was a tough decision for the Witch of Greed.
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Thank you, Akira! I really appreciate it, but you promised to help me with one more thing, remember? @@color:magenta;Racitivity.@@<</PlayerDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "witch">>I haven't forgotten about your request, I don't care what you need it for, but I will prepare it for you. @@color:yellow;There will always be a batch lying in my office for you@@, but you must realize that it won't be free even for you. @@color:red;You'll have to pay a lot for it.@@<</AkiraDialog>>
Damn, that's what I feared the most...its price...
Even on the black market it costs about 5,000$ for one piece!!
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>..h-how much?...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "angry" 1>>300$! For 1 piece!<</AkiraDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>kh...d-damn...kkkh...Why is it so expensive?...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "angry" 1>>Grr...You think I'm gonna bargain with you?!...Okay, 250$ and not a dollar less!!<</AkiraDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>ALRIGHT! SEEMS LIKE I HAVE NO CHOICE! I AGREE!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "horny" 2>>There you go. @@color:yellow;Keep in mind that I'm only in the office at this time of day.@@ I'll have it ready next time you come to my office.<</AkiraDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Got it!<</PlayerDialog>>
@@color:yellow;Note@@: The "Ractivity" drug is open for purchase at Akira's Head Doctor's office at noon.
@@color:yellow;Note@@: You no longer have to watch the show with Akira to not die. It's now optional.
<<set $AkiraBecameHDSeen = true>>\
<<set $FT = 20>>\
<<button [[Leave her office|AkiraWork]]>><<movetime>><</button>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/dark4.jpg" "just">>
<<AkiraDialog "serious" 1>>What's the purpose of your visit?<</AkiraDialog>>
@@#money;<<button [[Buy "Ractivity"|AkiraHDOfficeRactivity]]>><</button>>@@
<<if $P.Money >= 150>>\
<<button [[I want a show! (150$)|AkiraOfficeShowLvl2]]>><<set $P.Money -= 150>><</button>>
<<disable>><<button [[I want a show! (150$)|AkiraOfficeShowLvl2]]>><<set $P.Money -= 150>><</button>><</disable>>
@@#place;<<button [[Leave her office|AkiraWork]]>><</button>>@@
<</if>>\<<media "Data/Locations/office1.jpg" "place">>
Head doctor's office.<<set $P.Loc = 1>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>That's it, those pills...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Locations/ractivity.jpg" "just">>
<<if $P.Money < 250>>\
<<AkiraDialog "serious" 1>>Apparently you don't even have enough money for one. I don't lend, but an agreement is an agreement, so they'll be waiting for you here when you've saved up enough to buy one.<</AkiraDialog>>
@@#place;<<button [[Leave her office|AkiraWork]]>><</button>>@@
<<AkiraDialog "serious" 1>>That's right, that's your @@color:magenta;"Ractivity"@@. As agreed, @@color:lime;250$ for one pill@@. How many do you need?<</AkiraDialog>>
<<numberbox "$RactivityToBuy" 1>>
<<button "Buy">>
<<set _RTempMoney = $RactivityToBuy * 250>>
<<if $P.Money < _RTempMoney>>
<<set $P.Money -= _RTempMoney>>
<<set $Inventory.Ractivity += $RactivityToBuy>>
<<goto "AkiraHDOffice">>
@@#place;<<button [[Don't buy it now|AkiraHDOffice]]>><</button>>@@
<</if>>\<<media "Data/Locations/medcenter.jpg" "place">>
Medical center.<<set $P.Loc = 1>>
<<if $Akira.TabletLvl > 0>>\
<<if $AkiraWorkingBet === false>>\
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/med.jpg" "just">>
<<AkiraDialog "serious">>I appreciate your loyalty, but you don't need to follow me everywhere. Especially at work.<</AkiraDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Akira, you look amazing in a medical suit!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/med3.jpg" "just">>
<<AkiraDialog "angry" 1>>Maybe I'd like to make an extra 150$ right now, but I need to focus on more important work tasks that I'm having trouble with....<</AkiraDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Is it that serious?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "angry" 1>>Yeah, it's really annoying. God, I didn't even know I could be annoyed by anything. Now I know how I feel about Caroline. It's the same nasty feeling.... Hell, if you've got something important, wait outside the door.<</AkiraDialog>>
Looks like Akira is really bothered by something right now. If she says it annoys her, then it's that peak emotionality, so @@color:yellow;I can probably see it using Ethereal pill.@@
<<button [[Wait outside the door|AkiraWork]]>><<movetime>><</button>>
<<button [[Get back|AkiraWork]]>><</button>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/med.jpg" "just">>
<<AkiraDialog "serious">>You could at least try to work instead of bothering me... Don't you have a job?<</AkiraDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Hmm...you're right. Then I'm gonna go and work, haha!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/med3.jpg" "just">>
<<AkiraDialog "angry" 1>>Tcz...<</AkiraDialog>>
<<button [[Get back|AkiraWork]]>><</button>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/med.jpg" "just">>
<<AkiraDialog "serious">>I appreciate your loyalty, but you don't need to follow me everywhere. Especially at work.<</AkiraDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Akira, you look amazing in a medical suit!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/med3.jpg" "just">>
<<AkiraDialog "serious">>If you're hinting at a show, it won't be until I'm done. If you don't get out of here in 3 seconds, I'll take you out myself.<</AkiraDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>I'm leaving!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<UpdateArousal "+10">>
Damn, that outfit of hers is a turn-on! I'd like to be a patient of a nurse like that!
<<button [[Get back|AkiraWork]]>><</button>>
<</if>>\<<media "Data/Locations/medcenter.jpg" "place">>
Medical center.<<set $P.Loc = 1>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/med.jpg" "just">>
<<AkiraDialog "happy">>You wanted something?<</AkiraDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Akira, you're the Head Doctor here, but you're still "working in the fields"? Why?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/med2.jpg" "just">>
<<AkiraDialog "confused">>Why? Because my patients need me.<</AkiraDialog>>
<<if $P.Money >= 150>>\
<<button [[I want a show! (150$)|AkiraMedShowLvl2]]>><<set $P.Money -= 150>><</button>>
<<disable>><<button [[I want a show! (150$)|AkiraMedShowLvl2]]>><<set $P.Money -= 150>><</button>><</disable>>
@@#place;<<button [[Get back|AkiraWork]]>><</button>>@@<<media "Data/Locations/medcenter.jpg" "place">>
Medical center.<<set $P.Loc = 1>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/med1.jpg" "just">>
<<AkiraDialog "surprised">>What? Now?<</AkiraDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>There is no better time for this than now!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/med4.jpg" "just">>
<<AkiraDialog "surprised">>Well, then...<</AkiraDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/med5.jpg" "just">>
<<AkiraDialog "horny" 2>>Let's begin..<</AkiraDialog>>
Previously, she had always refused to make such stops while working with patients.
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Akira, is it okay that I'm distracting you from your work right now?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "horny" 2>>Whatever, I'm the Head Doctor of this place, so I make the rules. Thanks in part to you, so you have some privileges.<</AkiraDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/med6.jpg" "just">>
Wow! She's gotten pretty good at learning my tastes, I hardly even have to tell her what to do during the show. But I think it's in my power to gradually raise the degree of our communication, making it hotter...
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Oh, you mean you're my personal "doctor" now?..hehe...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/med7.jpg" "just">>
<<AkiraDialog "happy" 2>>You must be very happy to have a personal "doctor" like me...<</AkiraDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/med8.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Akira...you...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/med10.jpg" "just">>
<<AkiraDialog "confused" 1>>Did I say something wrong? I thought it was exactly what you wanted to hear.<</AkiraDialog>>
Damn, you bitch! Ha-ha! She's really gotten much better at adjusting to people's feelings!
<<if $Akira.Cor < 50>>\
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Yeah, but sometimes I wish I heard more words from you that were sincere.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/med9.jpg" "just">>
<<AkiraDialog "horny">>I think I need to get a better understanding of the emotions you're talking about. In that case, we're done for the day, I have my patients to see.<</AkiraDialog>>
Eh? Eh...Little by little she is learning to understand them, I just have to give her a little more time and attention.
<<UpdateArousal "+20">>
<<set $Akira.Cor += 2>>
@@color:red;Akira's corruption has increased by 2.@@
<<button [[Get back|AkiraWork]]>><<movetime>><</button>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Yeah, but sometimes I wish I heard more words from you that were sincere.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "happy">>Are you exactly sure you want sincerity when I can do something like...<</AkiraDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/med11.jpg" "just">>
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/med12.jpg" "just">>
<<AkiraDialog "horny" 2>>....this?.<</AkiraDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Ha-ha! Yeah! I keep forgetting you have that instant clothing change magic trick! I'm delighted!<</PlayerDialog>>
Damn, this one's really cool! And the most important point here is that Akira is now able to figure out when to use it!
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/med13.jpg" "just">>
<<AkiraDialog "horny" 2>>Oh, I recognize that look. But you can look at me, I don't mind...<</AkiraDialog>>
She decided to dodge my question about sincerity, but I'm not that simple.
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Akira, your underwear is very sexy. Tell me, did you start wearing it specially for me?...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "surprised">>I...I just wanted your eyes to get more devouring seeing me in that kind of underwear...to...to make our shows really live up to their value...it's just business, right?<</AkiraDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/med14.jpg" "just">>
Yes, Akira. Just a business, hehe.
<<UpdateArousal "+35">>
<<set $Akira.Cor += 4>>
@@color:red;Akira's corruption has increased by 4.@@
<<button [[Get back|AkiraWork]]>><<movetime>><</button>>
<</if>>\<<media "Data/Locations/office1.jpg" "place">>
Akira's office.<<set $P.Loc = 1>>
<<AkiraDialog "angry" 1>>Human...<</AkiraDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/dark4.jpg" "just">>
When is she gonna call me by my name?!
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Hi, Akira. I brought you what I promised you.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/npc/gum.jpg" "just">>
<<AkiraDialog "confused">>Is it...gum? And that's what's supposed to help me?<</AkiraDialog>>
Finally someone called it gum! It looks like gum, doesn't it?
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Yeah, you just have to eat it. <</PlayerDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "confused" 1>>For a powerful witch like me, eating gum won't be a problem.<</AkiraDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/dark4.jpg" "just">>
It's not really going to be a problem literally for anyone...
<<AkiraDialog "confused" 1>>Are you sure this is going to work for me?<</AkiraDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/dark3.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Of course you have nothing to worry about.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "serious" 1>>Fine, give it to me...<</AkiraDialog>>
She said it emphatically. I handed her the pill and @@color:magenta;she finally took it!@@
<<AkiraDialog "confused" 1>>I can't say I can feel the change.<</AkiraDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Don't worry, it will start working after a while.<</PlayerDialog>>
Her mental defenses are amazing. There's no effect from this pill until I take another action. Just like last time, @@color:yellow; I need to use Ethereal pill this day@@, then I can enter Akira's dimension and finally "help" her with her problems, heheh.
@@#place;<<button [[Get back|AkiraWork]]>><<set $AkiraTookPillToday = true>><</button>>@@<<media "Data/Locations/office1.jpg" "place">>
Akira's office.<<set $P.Loc = 1>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/office318.jpg" "just">>
<<AkiraDialog "happy">>You know, of all people, you're the only one with the courage to walk into the Head Doctor's office with a request like that.<</AkiraDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Umm..Does that mean you're saying no?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "horny">>Did I say I was backing out? If you have extra money, I wouldn't mind if you spent it on me.<</AkiraDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/office319.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>...ehehe...<</PlayerDialog>>
For some reason it excites me even more! Because now not only the Great Witch of Greed is standing in front of me looking like this, but also the Head Doctor of this medical center!
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/office320.jpg" "just">>
<<AkiraDialog "horny">>Are you gonna stand there silent as a stumbling block or are you gonna tell me what to do?<</AkiraDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Akira, we've done this so many times, you already know what I like. Why don't you take the lead today?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/dark7.jpg" "just">>
<<AkiraDialog "horny">>Oh, I'm definitely getting a much better feel for your desires, human.<</AkiraDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/dark8.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Wow! You are so beautiful! What would I say next?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "horny">>Pfft, too easy. You'd say you still can't see my boobs and would like to fix that.<</AkiraDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/dark10.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Just WOW! Akira! That was incredible!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/office322.jpg" "just">>
<<AkiraDialog "horny">>The humans are impressive. I didn't guess your last line. I thought you were going to say something like "Now I want to go on!" or "Show me more!".<</AkiraDialog>>
Whoa! She either overestimated me or got a taste for it, hahaha! Either way I'm very impressed with her too!
<<UpdateArousal "+30">>
<<set $Akira.Shows++>>\
@@#cor;<<button [[Tell her to show more (+Cor)|AkiraOfficeShowLvl2.2]]>><</button>>@@
@@#rel;<<button [[Tell her to stop (+Rel)|AkiraOfficeShowLvl2.1]]>><</button>>@@<<media "Data/Locations/office1.jpg" "place">>
Akira's office.<<set $P.Loc = 1>>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Akira, you're awesome! That's enough!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/dark11.jpg" "just">>
<<AkiraDialog "confused" 1>>...enough?<</AkiraDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Of course you can get dressed.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/dark9.jpg" "just">>
<<AkiraDialog "confused" 1>>But why? How do humans even make decisions? Even now, I don't understand how you feel.<</AkiraDialog>>
I guess now she thinks I'm sick or something. I should explain it to her.
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Human's feelings are much deeper and broader than you think. I feel a lot of good emotions just by spending time with you, and I would like you to feel it too, not treat it as a duty or a task.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/office320.jpg" "just">>
<<AkiraDialog "serious">>You enjoy spending time with me? But that's not logical, I could kill you at any moment and I'm openly talk about it...<</AkiraDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>So what? You could have done it a thousand times, but you still haven't. Maybe now you're starting to feel the reasons why you haven't done it, too....<</PlayerDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "serious">>You think I feel something for you?... Don't talk nonsense, duty comes first.<</AkiraDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/office317.jpg" "just">>
<<AkiraDialog "horny">>But maybe I really did start to trust you a little more... And these shows... they feel special with you...weird...<</AkiraDialog>>
She might not have added the word "weird" at the end!
<<UpdateArousal "+15">>
<<set $Akira.Rel += 2>>
@@color:lime;Your relationship with Akira has improved by 2.@@
<<button [[Leave her office|AkiraWork]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/office1.jpg" "place">>
Akira's office.<<set $P.Loc = 1>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Oh, yeah! You literally read my mind! Now I want to see...Hey! What?!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/dark13.jpg" "just">>
<<AkiraDialog "horny">>Didn't you tell me to take the lead today?<</AkiraDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Yeaaah! Oh, you stopped? Is there something wrong?...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "confused" 1>>I'm not sure, it's like a fever. It's such a weird feeling...<</AkiraDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>That's the way it's supposed to be, Akira. Don't dismiss this feeling, let it guide you instead.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "horny">>I think I get what you mean.<</AkiraDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/dark14.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>...yeah, and also so soft and juicy!...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "dream">>Mmmm...praise it more!...<</AkiraDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/dark15.jpg" "just">>
<<if $Akira.Cor < 50>>\
<<AkiraDialog "horny" 2>>Hope you enjoyed today's show!<</AkiraDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/dark16.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Akira, that was incredible! You're super hot!<</PlayerDialog>>
Akira is finally starting to get used to her new sensations!
<<UpdateArousal "+35">>
<<set $Akira.Cor += 2>>
@@color:red;Akira's corruption has increased by 2.@@
<<button [[Leave her office|AkiraWork]]>><<movetime>><</button>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Akira, that was incredible! You're super hot!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/dark16.jpg" "just">>
<<AkiraDialog "horny" 2>>Today I have the lead. Did I say the show's over?<</AkiraDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Akira!..<</PlayerDialog>>
She's on fire today! Ha-ha!
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/dark17.jpg" "just">>
<<AkiraDialog "horny" 2>>Look at me, human, and don't look away.<</AkiraDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/dark18.jpg" "just">>
<<AkiraDialog "surprised">>Why? Why is this feeling only getting stronger?! I know the theory, but I didn't even realize before that....ah...<</AkiraDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/office325.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>It's a visceral and extremely vivid feeling! It will only stop once it reaches its peak! How long will it take you to reach it?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/office326.jpg" "just">>
<<AkiraDialog "horny" 6>>I...I think I'm....already there!..Ah!<</AkiraDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/office324.jpg" "just">>
It seems now our shows bring pleasure to more than just me.....
<<UpdateArousal "+45">>
<<set $Akira.Cor += 4>>
@@color:red;Akira's corruption has increased by 4.@@
<<button [[Leave her office|AkiraWork]]>><<movetime>><</button>>
<</if>>\<<media "Data/Locations/medcenter.jpg" "place">>
Medical center.<<set $P.Loc = 1>>
<<if $Akira.pill2becomingheaddoctor === false>>\
<<if $AkiraWorkingBet === true or $AkiraBetWinning === true>>\
<<REGroup "MedRandomEv" 25>>\
<<if $AkiraBetWinning === false>>\
<<if $AkiraWorkingBet === false>>\
<<switch $CurrentDayTime>>\
<<case 1>>
She's out of the office, but her schedule's right here. I know where she is.
<<button [[Medical Room|AkiraMed]]>><</button>>
<<case 2>>
<<if $Akira.TabletLvl < 1>>\
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/dark4.jpg" "just">>
<<AkiraDialog "angry">>I need to work in the office. Don't interrupt me.<</AkiraDialog>>
<<if $AkiraSawWorkingTroubles === true>>\
<<button [[Talk about her troubles at work|AkiraWorkingTroublesTalk]]>><</button>>
<<if $AkiraWorkingTroublesTalked === false>>\
Why would I talk to him?
<<disable>><<button [[Talk to the head doctor|AkiraWorkingTroublesHeadDoctorTalk]]>><</button>><</disable>>
Am I ready enough to talk to him?
<<button [[Talk to the head doctor|AkiraWorkingTroublesHeadDoctorTalk]]>><</button>>
@@#rel;<<button [[I wanna help|AkiraWorkHelp]]>><</button>>@@
<<if $Tabletslvl3 == true>>\
@@#pill;<<button [[Talk about "Ractivity"|AkiraWorkRactivityTalk]]>><</button>>@@
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/dark4.jpg" "just">>
<<AkiraDialog "angry">>So? I need to work in the office now. Can you not interrupt me?<</AkiraDialog>>
<<if $AkiraSawWorkingTroubles === true>>\
<<button [[Talk about her troubles at work|AkiraWorkingTroublesTalk]]>><</button>>
<<if $AkiraWorkingTroublesTalked === false>>
Why would I talk to him?
<<disable>><<button [[Talk to the head doctor|AkiraWorkingTroublesHeadDoctorTalk]]>><</button>><</disable>>
Am I ready enough to talk to him?
<<button [[Talk to the head doctor|AkiraWorkingTroublesHeadDoctorTalk]]>><</button>>
@@#rel;<<button [[I wanna help|AkiraWorkHelp]]>><</button>>@@
<<RE [[AkiraWorkBetWinLose]]>>
<<switch $CurrentDayTime>>\
<<case 0>>
Why am I here so early? There's no work for me now...
<<case 1>>
@@#money;<<button [[Write reports|AKiraWorkReports]]>><</button>>@@
@@#money;<<button [[Assist the doctor|AKiraWorkAssistance]]>><</button>>@@
@@#money;<<button [[Supervise patients|AKiraWorkSupervising]]>><</button>>@@
<<button [[Head doctor's office|HeadDoctorOffice]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Look for Akira|AkiraMed]]>><</button>>
<<case 2>>
@@#money;<<button [[Write reports|AKiraWorkReports]]>><</button>>@@
@@#money;<<button [[Assist the doctor|AKiraWorkAssistance]]>><</button>>@@
@@#money;<<button [[Supervise patients|AKiraWorkSupervising]]>><</button>>@@
<<button [[Head doctor's office|HeadDoctorOffice]]>><</button>>
<<if $Tabletslvl3 == true>>\
@@#pill;<<button [[Talk about "Ractivity"|AkiraWorkRactivityTalk]]>><</button>>@@
/*<<button [[Look for Akira|AkiraWorkHelp]]>><</button>>*/
<<case 3>>
The medical center is closed until tomorrow.
<<case 4>>
The medical center is closed until tomorrow.
<<switch $CurrentDayTime>>\
<<case 0>>
Why am I here so early? There's no work for me now...
<<case 1>>
@@#money;<<button [[Write reports|AKiraWorkReports]]>><</button>>@@
@@#money;<<button [[Assist the doctor|AKiraWorkAssistance]]>><</button>>@@
@@#money;<<button [[Supervise patients|AKiraWorkSupervising]]>><</button>>@@
<<button [[Head doctor's office|HeadDoctorOffice]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Look for Akira|AkiraMed]]>><</button>>
<<case 2>>
@@#money;<<button [[Write reports|AKiraWorkReports]]>><</button>>@@
@@#money;<<button [[Assist the doctor|AKiraWorkAssistance]]>><</button>>@@
@@#money;<<button [[Supervise patients|AKiraWorkSupervising]]>><</button>>@@
<<if $Tabletslvl3 == true>>\
@@#pill;<<button [[Talk about "Ractivity"|AkiraWorkRactivityTalk]]>><</button>>@@
<<if $Akira.TabletLvl == 1>>\
<<button [[Head doctor's office|HeadDoctorOffice]]>><</button>>
<<if $AkiraTookPillToday === false and $Inventory.Tabletslvl2 > 0>>\
I can get her a pill right now.
@@#pill;<<button [[Bring her a pill|AkiraOfficePill]]>><<set $Inventory.Tabletslvl2-->><</button>>@@
<<disable>><<button [[Bring her a pill|AkiraOfficePill]]>><<set $Inventory.Tabletslvl2-->><</button>><</disable>>
<<case 3>>
The medical center is closed until tomorrow.
<<case 4>>
The medical center is closed until tomorrow.
<<switch $CurrentDayTime>>\
<<case 0>>
Why am I here so early? There's no work for me now...
<<case 1>>
@@#money;<<button [[Write reports|AKiraWorkReports]]>><</button>>@@
@@#money;<<button [[Assist the doctor|AKiraWorkAssistance]]>><</button>>@@
@@#money;<<button [[Supervise patients|AKiraWorkSupervising]]>><</button>>@@
@@#pill;<<button [[Head doctor's office|AkiraHDOffice]]>><</button>>@@ /*Akira here */
<<case 2>>
@@#money;<<button [[Write reports|AKiraWorkReports]]>><</button>>@@
@@#money;<<button [[Assist the doctor|AKiraWorkAssistance]]>><</button>>@@
@@#money;<<button [[Supervise patients|AKiraWorkSupervising]]>><</button>>@@
<<button [[Look for Akira|AkiraMedLvl2]]>><</button>>
<<case 3>>
The medical center is closed until tomorrow.
<<case 4>>
The medical center is closed until tomorrow.
@@#place;<<button [[Get back|AkiraAp]]>><</button>>@@<<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 100,
filter: `$AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus >= 100 or $AkiraHerPointsToWorkBonus >= 100`,
tags: ["Dormitory", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
<<media "Data/Locations/medcenter.jpg" "place">>
Medical center.
<<media "Data/Characters/npc/doctor.webp" "just">>
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Head doctor">>So, I've gathered you here to announce the results of the last decade.<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>(whispering)Hey, Akira, isn't a 10 um...years called a decade?...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "serious">>Yeah, you're right, but the Head Doctor has his own thing going on... That's what he calls the 10 days when they give out the next award for the hardest worker. The thing is, it doesn't have to be exactly 10 days. He sets any time period and still calls it a decade. Stupid humans, I still can't figure out where your mind is!<</AkiraDialog>>
<<if $AkiraHerPointsToWorkBonus >= $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus>>\
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Head doctor">>So, based on the feedback from our dear patients and your personal votes, Akira is the winner of this decade. Applause!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "serious">>That's what I had to prove, human. You're no match for me.<</AkiraDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "disgust">>Shit, I was close, right?....<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Head doctor">>Akira, would you like to say a few words?<</MNpcDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "serious">>Yes. You see my skills and professionalism. And you said you're looking to be transferred to another office. Can I take your place now?<</AkiraDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Head doctor">>~Deep breath~ You see, Akira? Who would even ask a question like that in front of everyone? Eh, you'll get the reward you deserve with your skills, but you won't get my spot. I'm not stepping down until I find someone to replace me or until I deem you worthy. <</MNpcDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "confused">>Doctor, I don't understand. I...<</AkiraDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Head doctor">>Silence! Like I said, that's the way it's gonna be. You can come to my office for your bonus reward. The rest of you, get back to work!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Akira, I told you you lack social skills!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "angry" 1>>Tz...Like you understand anything! You lost, why should I listen to you?<</AkiraDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>I'm just unlucky! How about a rematch?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "angry" 1>>Do whatever you want, I don't care. I'll beat you as many times as it takes.<</AkiraDialog>>
She said and went to the office to get her award.
<<set $Akira.Rel -= 30>>\
@@color:red; You assured Akira that you could easily defeat her, but you failed. Relationship with Akira has been decreased by 30.@@
I guess I was overconfident, but nothing has changed for me. Just need to try again.
@@color:yellow;Note: @@A new decade begins, where you can fight Akira again. Your progress points are reset, but the corruption of the medical center and your performance modifier have not changed.
<<set $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus = 0>>\
<<set $AkiraHerPointsToWorkBonus = 0>>\
<<button [[Back in action|AkiraWork]]>><<movetime>><</button>>
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Head doctor">>So, based on the feedback from our dear patients and your personal votes, Nikita, our new Assistant, is the winner of this decade. Applause! Congatulations!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "confused">>..yeah..wait, what?!<</AkiraDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Yeah, baby!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Head doctor">>Nikita, would you like to say a few words?<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Of course! Thank you all so much! I really appreciate how patient you were with what I was doing, you were teaching me, so all my efforts were primarily for you and our dear patients! You guys are fire! It's a real pleasure to work with you!<</PlayerDialog>>
~Approving sounds of the crowd~
<<AkiraDialog "confused">>I don't understand why him?! He doesn't know how to do anything! I just...<</AkiraDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Head doctor">>He didn't know how to do anything before, but he learned a lot here through his endeavors. We have a lot of employees in different fields here. We evaluate the best employee here not for the level of professional skills, but for how well he does his personal work! Over the past 10 days, our Assistant has put a lot of effort into this job despite his studies, more than most of you!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "confused">>But I've been trying hard too...<</AkiraDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Head doctor">>You work with people, Akira. They're the ones who appreciated your work that way, even though you were close, it seems it wasn't enough. And you, Nikita, can come with me to the office.<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Yes, sir.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<button [[Go to Head doctor's office|AkiraWorkBetWinLose1]]>><</button>>
<</if>>\<<media "Data/Locations/office1.jpg" "place">>
Head doctor's office.<<set $P.Loc = 1>>
<<media "Data/Characters/npc/doctor.webp" "just">>
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Head doctor">>Ha-ha -ha! You're really giving those old guys a hard time! Great work! You deserve it.<</MNpcDialog>>
<<set $P.Money += 500>>\
@@color:lime; Your got a 500$ cash bonus from Head Doctor.@@
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Thank you, Doctor. But are you sure you should give it to me? Won't your staff be too upset that some new unexperienced employee came in and got a cash bonus?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Head doctor">>You're right, it's a little unfair to them, but you don't worry about that. That was my plan. Now maybe they'll realize that anyone can earn a bonus and start working harder.<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Whoa..that's very clever, sir. But...does that mean I'd get the award anyway?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Head doctor">>Of course not, if you worked poorly, you wouldn't even see any cash bonus. In addition, you did a pretty good job of motivating everyone, so I don't think you can hope to get an award anytime soon again. Any other questions?<</MNpcDialog>>
Makes sense, the others will now try harder and I can't compete with them in medical skills.
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Will I still be able to work here?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Head doctor">>Of course! You've done well! But don't expect a promotion either, the working conditions will remain the same. It will be just a part-time job for you, at least until you finish your studies and become a real specialist.<</MNpcDialog>>
So I'll probably never get a promotion...
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Last question. You're going to be transferred to another office, aren't you? Have you decided who's going to take your place?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Head doctor">>I hope you're not alluding to yourself, hehe. Even if I like you, you're severely lacking in experience and practical skills. Akira is good, she stands out the most, but she has absolutely no understanding of how her colleagues and patients feel.<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>What if she had learned how to do it?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Head doctor">>Then she'd be out of the competition. But people don't change that fast, so from the looks of it, I'll still be around for a while....<</MNpcDialog>>
Out of the competition? Hmm...
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Thank you, Doctor!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Head doctor">>You're welcome!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<button [[Leave Head doctor's office|AkiraWorkBetWinLose2]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/medcenter.jpg" "place">>
Medical center.
<<AkiraDialog "serious">>Human, you're coming with me!<</AkiraDialog>>
I guess it wasn't a request...
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Um..yeah..go..<</PlayerDialog>>
<<button [[Go with Akira|AkiraWorkBetWinLose3]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/office1.jpg" "place">>
Akira's office.<<set $P.Loc = 1>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/dark4.jpg" "just">>
<<AkiraDialog "angry" 1>>Tell me how you did it.<</AkiraDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Did what?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "angry" 1>>How the hell did you beat me?<</AkiraDialog>>
Okay, this is exactly the conversation I need to have. We need to proceed calmly and carefully.
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>You want to know how I managed to beat you with absolutely no medical knowledge or skills whatsoever?<</PlayerDialog>>
I decided to emphasize the issue. To create a greater effect. Although I have no medical knowledge, I do have knowledge from the psychology department!
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/darkwitch.jpg" "just">>
<<AkiraDialog "angry" 1>>That's exactly what I want to know.<</AkiraDialog>>
Okay, it's important not to overdo it.
<<PlayerDialog "serious" 1>>Akira, remember what the Head Doctor said. You work with people, Akira. You're in constant contact with patients and coworkers. In any work with people, it's your soft skills that make the difference. Soft skills is a very important thing when you...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "serious">>How to learn?<</AkiraDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>...when you..What? What did you say?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/dark4.jpg" "just">>
<<AkiraDialog "serious">>They will advance my career and allow me to earn more money. How to learn it?<</AkiraDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Akira, you can't learn to understand the feelings of others when you hardly experience them yourself.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/office317.jpg" "just">>
<<AkiraDialog "serious">>So my curse is keeping me from making money here, too. I guess there's no way...<</AkiraDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>I think there is a way. I have a special pill that might help you. <</PlayerDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "confused">>Another one of your tricks?<</AkiraDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Kind of...hehe...Some pill won't hurt you, however it will help you get most of your feelings back. What do you think? I can drop it off at your office when you're there. If you eat it, you'll feel the effects the next day. You have time to thi...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "serious">>I'll take it.<</AkiraDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>...to think...what?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "confused">>If it helps my career, I'll take it. I agree.<</AkiraDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>..W-well...Then I'll get it to you as soon as I have time and the pill itself.<</PlayerDialog>>
SHE SAID YES! YES! @@color:yellow;Now all I need to do is bring her a lvl2 pill, then get into her dimension at night using the Ethereal pill and add the adjustments I need!@@
I'm so fucking good!! YEAH, BABY!
@@color:yellow;Note@@: Your confrontation with Akira ended with you winning, but you can still work part-time at the medical center as before.
<<button [[Leave her office|AkiraWork]]>><<set $AkiraBetWinning = true>><<set $AkiraWorkingBet = false>><<movetime>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/office1.jpg" "place">>
Akira's office.<<set $P.Loc = 1>>
<<media "Data/Actions/labwork.gif" "gif">>
<<if $Akira.Rel < 20>>\
<<AkiraDialog "serious" 1>>You volunteered. I'm not paying you anything for this.<</AkiraDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Don't worry, I remember... <</PlayerDialog>>
<<set $Akira.Rel += 2>>\
@@color:lime;Your relationship with Akira has improved by 2.@@
Is it just me, or has her look changed?...
I've got to get this done soon!
<<AkiraDialog "serious" 1>>I'm not paying you any money, remember?<</AkiraDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Don't worry, I remember... <</PlayerDialog>>
<<set $Akira.Rel += 2>>\
@@color:lime;Your relationship with Akira has improved by 2.@@
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/dark3.jpg" "just">>
<<AkiraDialog "confused" 0>>I still think it's unfair to work without pay... Maybe the "show" will cover the cost?<</AkiraDialog>>
<<button [[Maybe..|AkiraWorkShow]]>><</button>>
@@#place;<<button [[Get back|AkiraWork]]>><<movetime>><</button>>@@<<media "Data/Locations/akiraap.jpg" "place">>
Akira's Apartments.<<set $P.Loc = 1>>
It's just another portal!
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/wardroffice.png" "just">>
Is this some kind of office? Really curious to see where it leads.
<<button [[Get in|AkiraWorkPrev1]]>><</button>>
@@#place;<<button [[Just get back|AkiraAp]]>><</button>>@@<<media "Data/Locations/office1.jpg" "place">>
Akira's office.<<set $P.Loc = 1>>
Isn't this the office where I met Akira? I hear a voice, I'd better watch from here.
<<AkiraDialog "confused" 0>>I don't see what their problem is, sir.<</AkiraDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Some guy">>Akira, you're good at treating patients, but your communication skills leave a lot to be desired. How can you tell a client that we're not interested in treating you because "you're a slum dweller"?! How do you even know he's a slum dweller?! Do you have any idea what our clinic would face if this got out in the press?!<</MNpcDialog>>
So it's a clinic? Like a hospital?
<<AkiraDialog "angry">>Sir, I don't see what's the point of treating him if this pathetic human doesn't deserve it and can't pay also.<</AkiraDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Some guy">>I understand that, but we have a reputation to uphold! Again, it's your job to answer emails! How could you write to that guy's family that he paid for his insolence?!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "angry">>He tried to let himself grope my thighs. All I did was tell them the truth about that pathetic human.<</AkiraDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Some guy">>Akira, he's been diagnosed with a cold! A COLD, AKIRA! HOW COULD HE DIE?!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "confused" 0>>Some complications of the disease may have arisen...And he deserved such a fate anyway.<</AkiraDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Some guy">>Akira, your healing skills are great, but we're in business, you know?! If this kind of misbehavior keeps happening, you and I will be out of business. Do you realize that?<</MNpcDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "angry">>Yes, sir, I do.<</AkiraDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Some guy">>All right. Uh-huh. Maybe you could take some classes so you can communicate better with people... Either way, I hope you get better soon. I have more to do, don't disappoint me next time.<</MNpcDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "angry">>All right, sir. I'll do my best.<</AkiraDialog>>
Akira looks like he might be working here. And she's in trouble. Isn't that a reason to....help her?...
<<button [[Get out of the closet|AkiraWorkPrev2]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/office1.jpg" "place">>
Akira's office.<<set $P.Loc = 1>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Looks like the boss isn't happy with you<</PlayerDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "angry">>What? Cursed boy? How did you end up here? Through my portal?!<</AkiraDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/dark4.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Don't be mad. I'm just trying to find out what's going on. You work at the medical center?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "angry">>Yes, I have the opportunity to make money here, but there are constant problems. You humans are strange creatures. You lie to each other all the time. What's the point of that?<</AkiraDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>We lie for a variety of reasons. Sometimes a small lie can save a reputation or even a life. It helps us deal with unnecessary emotions.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "angry">>I was just trying to make money with my knowledge. Why are you humans so complicated? Can't you just be grateful for saving your life?<</AkiraDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>A lot of people live in the moment. It will be difficult for you to understand them without emotions.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "confused" 0>>Are you saying I should have let that pathetic human touch my thighs? Is that what I get my paycheck for? <</AkiraDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>No, I mean...You know, I could help you set up patient contact. At least through emails...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "witch">>If you make my paycheck go down, I'll kill you. I really will.<</AkiraDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>I could help you for nothing. I know your problem and I will help. We're partners, right? I won't take any money and no one will know about it.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "confused" 0>>Without money?<</AkiraDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/office317.jpg" "just">>
Akira said I would live as long as I was useful to her. So I should increase my "usefulness factor". And maybe I'll get to know Akira better!
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Of course! I'll help you out from time to time! <</PlayerDialog>>
@@color:yellow; By day, Akira works at a medical center and successfully uses her knowledge to treat patients.
Now you can visit her place of work and help her with her emails. @@
@@#place;<<button [[Get back|AkiraAp]]>><<set $AkiraAboutWork = true>><<movetime>><</button>>@@<<media "Data/Locations/office1.jpg" "place">>
Akira's office.<<set $P.Loc = 1>>
<<AkiraDialog "serious" 1>>What do you want?<</AkiraDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/dark4.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Hello to you too, Akira. It's good to see you. Can we talk a little bit?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "serious" 1>>Talk about what?<</AkiraDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "serious" 1>>Here's the thing. @@color:magenta;"Ractivity"....@@ But I can't help you. You can leave now.<</AkiraDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>But why? I mean, you could make money without using magic!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "serious" 1>>This drug lies in a special rack with other rare drugs. Only the Head doctor of the medcenter has access to it. <</AkiraDialog>>
Hmm...so, it's not that she doesn't want to. She just can't. There is the option of trying to steal this @@color:magenta;Ractivity@@, but I don't need to get it 1 time, I need the opportunity to get it over and over again, so stealing isn't an option.
Maybe try to get the Head doctor's help and get the @@color:magenta;Ractivity@@ through him?
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/dark.jpg" "just">>
<<AkiraDialog "serious" 1>>Oh, I know what you're thinking, you silly human. You're thinking that if I can't help you, you can use the Head doctor. You can't. He's got principles he's committed to. Otherwise, I would've taken over as Head doctor a long time ago. <</AkiraDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Are you sure?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "serious" 1>>Absolutely. Trust me, even if you try get him drunk or drug him, he still won't open that locker and you'll get in a lot of trouble for it later. So just leave it. Wortheless idea.<</AkiraDialog>>
Akira is as straightforward as ever. I have to believe her and not bring it up again. She wouldn't be guided by her feelings to make such calculations, so I believe her...
@@color:yellow;But what if I could somehow promote Akira to the position of Head doctor of this center? Perhaps then I could talk to her again about it....@@
@@#place;<<button [[Get back|AkiraWork]]>><<movetime>><</button>>@@<<media "Data/Locations/office1.jpg" "place">>
Akira's office.<<set $P.Loc = 1>>
<<AkiraDialog "serious" 1>>All right. Does this look match your lustful looks?<</AkiraDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/office319.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>A...Absolutely.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "serious" 1>>Good. So next you're gonna want me to do this.<</AkiraDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/office320.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Oooh, Tits! TITS! I want tits!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/dark9.jpg" "just">>
<<AkiraDialog "confused" 0>>You humans are so primitive. You don't even work for money, are you really happy with just that?<</AkiraDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/dark7.jpg" "just">>
Absolutely, and actually you're the one who's undressing in front of me right now for free!
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Yeah, but I'll be even happier if you turn around and let me see you! <</PlayerDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "angry">>If anyone walks into the office now, I'm going to burn them and it will be your responsibility.<</AkiraDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/dark8.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>I still can't see your boobs all the way through!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "angry">>It's starting to stress me out. If you want to see me naked, why don't you just say so? <</AkiraDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/dark10.jpg" "just">>
<<AkiraDialog "angry">>Happy? Is that enough for you?<</AkiraDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/dark11.jpg" "just">>
Damn, her stockings tight around her luscious thighs and that condescending stare would drive me crazy!...
<<UpdateArousal "+30">>
<<set $Akira.Shows++>>\
<<button [[Just a little more|AkiraWorkShow1]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Enough|AkiraWork]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/office1.jpg" "place">>
Akira's office.<<set $P.Loc = 1>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>B..But..What about your pussy?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "serious" 1>>I think you're getting a little carried away. I'll remind you that you volunteered. Isn't this payment enough?<</AkiraDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/office322.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Uh...you know...actually enough...<</PlayerDialog>>
I just hope that one day this pair of gorgeous hypno boobs will be put to good use!
<<UpdateArousal "100">>
<<button [[Finish the work|AkiraWork]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/office1.jpg" "place">>
Head doctor's office.<<set $P.Loc = 1>>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Good day. May I come in?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/npc/doctor.webp" "just">>
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Head doctor">>Come on in. May I know the purpose of your visit?<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Thank you. I'm a university student from the psychology department. My name is Nikita. I heard you have a job as a doctor's assistant. Akira recommended this place to me. She said that the head doctor here is very smart and skillful, and the rest of the staff is very good. Akira said I could learn a lot here.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Head doctor">>Does Akira have any friends?! I'm surprised. Generally, you have to go through an interview and a resume to get hired, but since you were recommended by Akira, I don't mind to hire you as an assistant. You can give us the resume later.<</MNpcDialog>>
Really...I didn't even send them my resume...Looks like Akira helped me without even knowing it.
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Am I really allowed to work here?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Head doctor">>Yes, but think of it more as a part-time job. You are a student-practitioner, so the conditions will be appropriate. Your salary for successfully completed work will be, say, 50$. For our center is not much, but there are pluses. You can build your work schedule on your own. Your rights as our employee will be the same as the others.<</MNpcDialog>>
Is 50$ little for a casual job? Wow. But about my rights...This is where I have to clarify.
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Sir, if my rights are the same as the others, is there any chance for me to get a cash bonus for good work?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Head doctor">>Did you find out about this from Akira? Well, I'd like you to be efficient, and as we know, competition breeds progress. If the staff and clients of our medical center are satisfied with your work, you'll have a good chance to get this 500$ in your hands. <</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Sir, then would you mind explaining to me the terms and conditions of employment?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Head doctor">>Of course. <</MNpcDialog>>
<<button [[Listen to the rules|AkiraWorkingTroublesHeadDoctorTalkRules]]>><</button>>
@@#place;<<button [[Get back|AkiraWork]]>><</button>>@@<<media "Data/Locations/office1.jpg" "place">>
Head doctor's office.<<set $P.Loc = 1>>
<<media "Data/Characters/npc/doctor.webp" "just">>
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Head doctor">>Let me explain your work in more detail.<</MNpcDialog>>
@@color:yellow;Note: @@ You're going to get a job at the medical center where Akira works. You want to prove to Akira that you can do better than her and get a cash bonus.
Here are the rules of your "game" with Akira:
@@color:yellow;You can do 3 variations of the job:@@
-document work; - gives you 6 points.
-supervising patients; - gives you 3 points.
-assisting the doctor as his assistant; - gives you 4 points.
Each work action you take will bring you a little closer to your reward, it will depend on how happy the person you did the service for is.
@@color:yellow;The points received will be multiplied by your performance modifier. @@
@@color:red;Right now your performance modifier is $MedWorkModifier.@@
@@color:deeppink;There is also a parameter of medical center corruption. The bigger it is, the more corrupt the staff and patients will behave. Corruption here is irreversible. Remember, Akira works there too.
<<if $DrugSpread > 2>>\
<<set $MedCenterCor = 25>>\
Right now, it's equal to $MedCenterCor/100
(Corruption is slightly higher due to the widespread distribution of New Celtos)
Right now, it's equal to $MedCenterCor/100
However, you can increase it. It's up to you to decide if you need it.@@
@@color:yellow;You can gauge your progress and Akira's progress in the head doctor's office.@@
Your current progress: @@color:yellow;0/100.@@
Akira's current progress: @@color:lime;22/100.@@
Apparently Akira is already making a little progress, because you're just getting settled in.
@@color:yellow;Her progress will increase by 6-10 points every day. @@
@@color:red;You have 9-13 days to overtake her and earn cash award.@@
The countdown of days and progress will start from the moment you get a job. If you think you are ready, then accept the job offer.
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Head doctor">>Are we clear? If anything is unclear or you forget something, just come to my office again. So, would you be our assistant?<</MNpcDialog>>
Even though I can work whenever I want, I think I'm going to have to work pretty hard during these days to overtake Akira.
I might get a better idea of what I'm up against here by watching Akira through Ethereal pills.
Should I take it now or should I come back later?
<<button [[Accept the offer|AkiraWorkingTroublesHeadDoctorTalkAccept]]>><</button>>
<<button [[No, I've got some business to take care of before then.|AkiraWork]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/office1.jpg" "place">>
Head doctor's office.<<set $P.Loc = 1>>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>I think I can handle it, sir!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/npc/doctor.webp" "just">>
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Head doctor">>In that case, you're welcome to join us.<</MNpcDialog>>
<<button [[Leave head doctor's office|AkiraWork]]>><<set $AkiraWorkingBet = true>><<movetime>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/office1.jpg" "place">>
Head doctor's office.<<set $P.Loc = 1>>
<<media "Data/Characters/npc/doctor.webp" "just">>
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Head doctor">>So, how's the job going?<</MNpcDialog>>
<<if $AkiraWorkingBet === true>>\
@@color:deeppink; font-size: 120%;Akira's progress: $AkiraHerPointsToWorkBonus/100 @@
@@color:lime; font-size: 120%;Your progress: $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus/100 @@
@@color:yellow;font-size: 125%; Your performance modifier: $MedWorkModifier @@
@@color:magenta;font-size: 125%; Medical center corruption: $MedCenterCor/100 @@
<<if $AkiraWorkingBet === true>>\
<<button [[Talk to head doctor|HeadDoctorOfficeTalk]]>><</button>>
<<disable>><<button [[Talk to head doctor|HeadDoctorOfficeTalk]]>><</button>><</disable>>
<<button [[View instructions again|HeadDoctorInstructions]]>><</button>>
@@#place;<<button [[Leave Head doctor's office|AkiraWork]]>><</button>>@@<<media "Data/Locations/office1.jpg" "place">>
Head doctor's office.<<set $P.Loc = 1>>
<<media "Data/Characters/npc/doctor.webp" "just">>
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Head doctor">>Sure, I'll explain everything.<</MNpcDialog>>
@@color:yellow;Note: @@ You got a job at the medical center where Akira works. You want to prove to Akira that you can do better than her and get a cash bonus.
Here are the rules of your "game" with Akira:
@@color:yellow;You can do 3 variations of the job:@@
-document work; - gives you 6 points.
-supervising patients; - gives you 3 points.
-assisting the doctor as his assistant; - gives you 4 points.
Each work action you take will bring you a little closer to your reward, it will depend on how happy the person you did the service for is.
@@color:yellow;The points received will be multiplied by your performance modifier. @@
@@color:red;Right now your performance modifier is $MedWorkModifier.@@
@@color:deeppink;There is also a parameter of medical center corruption. The bigger it is, the more corrupt the staff and patients will behave. Corruption here is irreversible. Remember, Akira works there too.
Right now, it's equal to $MedCenterCor/100
However, you can increase it. It's up to you to decide if you need it.@@
@@color:yellow;You can gauge your progress and Akira's progress in the head doctor's office.@@
Your current progress: @@color:lime;0/100.@@
Akira's current progress: @@color:lime;22/100.@@
Apparently Akira is already making a little progress, because you're just getting settled in.
@@color:yellow;Her progress will increase by 6-10 points every day. @@
@@color:red;You have 9-13 days to overtake her and earn cash award.@@
The countdown of days and progress will start from the moment you get a job. If you think you are ready, then accept the job offer.
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Head doctor">>Are we clear? If anything is unclear or you forget something, just come to my office again.<</MNpcDialog>>
@@#place;<<button [[Leave head doctor's office|AkiraWork]]>><</button>>@@<<media "Data/Locations/office1.jpg" "place">>
Head doctor's office.<<set $P.Loc = 1>>
<<media "Data/Characters/npc/doctor.webp" "just">>
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Head doctor">>Anything else?<</MNpcDialog>>
<<switch $CurrentDayTime>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Sir, I think I can gain a lot of experience if a skillful person like you will share something with me.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Head doctor">>Do you want to talk? I'm sorry, but I'm in the middle of a workday. No time for idle chitchat.<</MNpcDialog>>
<<case 2>>\
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Sir, I think I can gain a lot of experience if a skillful person like you will share something with me.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Head doctor">>"I'm sorry, but today was another grueling workday. I'm extremely tired, so if you don't have a @@color:orange;bottle of whiskey@@, we'll skip any conversations for today.<</MNpcDialog>>
<<if $Inventory.Whiskey < 1>>\
Whiskey? I like this guy and his tastes. I think I could afford to buy a couple bottles for conversations with him.....
I was prepared this time, hehe.
<<button [[Pull out a bottle of whiskey|HeadDoctorOfficeTalkWhiskey]]>><</button>>
@@#place;<<button [[Leave head doctor's office|AkiraWork]]>><</button>>@@<<media "Data/Locations/office1.jpg" "place">>
Head doctor's office.<<set $P.Loc = 1>>
<<media "Data/Characters/npc/whiskey.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>What do you think, Doctor?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Head doctor">>Hehe...You're wasting no time! Ha-ha!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/npc/whiskeydrink.gif" "gif">>
<<switch $HDoctorTabletLvl>>\
<<case 0>>\
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Head doctor">>Ha-ha-ha! Really? Is that really what he said? Ha-ha-ha-ha!<</MNpcDialog>>
I'm drinking Whiskey with the Head Doctor in his office. I don't think there's anyone in this medical center as brazen as me!
<<set $MedWorkModifier = parseFloat($MedWorkModifier)>>\
<<set _modic = 0.05>>\
<<set $MedWorkModifier += _modic>>\
<<set $MedWorkModifier = Number($MedWorkModifier).toFixed(2)>>\
<<set $MedWorkModifier = parseFloat($MedWorkModifier)>>\
@@color:lime; Your work performance modifier has been increased by _modic.@@
Hmmm...the head doctor and I are getting along pretty well...maybe I should cheat a little in our game with Akira and slip a pill into his Whiskey? Wouldn't want to change him much as a person, but I could get some advantage....
<<if $Inventory.Tablets > 0>>\
@@#pill;<<button [[Slip a pill into his Whiskey|HeadDoctorOfficePill]]>><<set $Inventory.Tablets-->><</button>>@@
<<case 1>>\
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Head doctor">>Ha-ha! You know, I enjoy spending time with you. There's always something to talk about with you! <</MNpcDialog>>
The pill did its job. He's already starting to see me as his friend. Yeah, just like I'm here because of connections, hahaha!
<<set $MedWorkModifier = parseFloat($MedWorkModifier)>>\
<<set _modic = 0.05>>\
<<set $MedWorkModifier += _modic>>\
<<set $MedWorkModifier = Number($MedWorkModifier).toFixed(2)>>\
<<set $MedWorkModifier = parseFloat($MedWorkModifier)>>\
@@color:lime; Your work performance modifier has been increased by _modic.@@
Wouldn't it be nice to increase my influence here a little more? I think a lvl 2 pill might help me with that...
<<if $Inventory.Tabletslvl2 > 0>>\
@@#pill;<<button [[Slip a pill (lvl2) into his Whiskey|HeadDoctorOfficePill2]]>><<set $Inventory.Tabletslvl2-->><</button>>@@
<<case 2>>\
<<if $P.Gender == "f">>\
<<if $P.Cor < 70>>\
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Head doctor">>...Ha-ha! You're wrong!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Sir, I can see you're hiring the most beautiful and sexy nurses! If one of them were on the dance floor of a club, she'd get all the attention!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Head doctor">>Why do you think I hired you? Ha-ha-ha!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>I...I don't get the last part what you've just said..<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Head doctor">>That's the point, ha-ha! If you realized your "advantages", you'd have a lot more "fun" working here.<</MNpcDialog>>
<<if $P.SubDom >= 0>>\
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Head doctor">>Shall we have a little more?<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Doctor, are you trying to take me "on a dare"? ~giggle~<</PlayerDialog>>
Haha, I think @@color:deeppink;I'm dominant enough@@ to take control of this situation...
<<media "Data/Characters/npc/whiskeydrink.gif" "gif">>
Mmmm...It makes me feel so alive...
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Doctor?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Head doctor">>I think I talked to you a little bit and forgot to check a couple of documents...<</MNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Med/Other/officete8.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Doctor, after all, we've had so much to drink, it must be a challenge for you right now...However, you're in luck, Doctor. I know how to properly motivate people to be productive...Would you like me to show you?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Head doctor">>Mmm...yeah?<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>What do you think, Doctor? Are you feeling better yet?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Head doctor">>I'm...not sure...<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Do you want me to stop?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Head doctor">>...No..<</MNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Med/Other/office97.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Mmm...hahaha<</PlayerDialog>>
<<UpdateArousal "+50">>
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Head doctor">>Shall we have a little more?<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Doctor, are you trying to take me "on a dare"?...<</PlayerDialog>>
@@color:deeppink;I don't think I'm dominant enough@@ to tell the Head Doctor no....
<<media "Data/Characters/npc/whiskeydrink.gif" "gif">>
Mmmm...It makes me feel so alive...
<<PlayerDialog "horny">>...Ah, Doctor!..<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Med/Other/office49.mp4">>
Uh, I think I drank a little more than I wanted to....
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Head doctor">>Now I'm convinced that our new assistant is actually a slut!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>No, Doctor...I'm no...ah...so deeep!..<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Head doctor">>Listen up, assistant bitch. This is going to be one of your direct duties from now on, you got it?<</MNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Med/Other/office50.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>Mmm...yes....I got it!..ah....<</PlayerDialog>>
<<UpdateArousal "0">>
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Head doctor">>...Ha-ha! You're wrong!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Sir, I can see you're hiring the most beautiful and sexy nurses! If one of them were on the dance floor of a club, she'd get all the attention!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Head doctor">>Ha-ha! Maybe, maybe, boy! Especially if she ended up at the club dressed in her nursing outfit!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>YES! Then I was right, you do have "fun" with them in your office sometimes after all!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Head doctor">>Ha-ha-ha! Well, I can't deny it, my friend. You got me!<</MNpcDialog>>
@@#place;<<button [[Leave head doctor's office|AkiraWork]]>><<movetime>><</button>>@@<<media "Data/Locations/office1.jpg" "place">>
Head doctor's office.<<set $P.Loc = 1>>
Okay, let's do this!
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>One more drink, Doctor?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/npc/whiskeydrink.gif" "gif">>
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Head doctor">>Go ahead, I don't mind.<</MNpcDialog>>
Oh, yeah. I can feel the effects of the pill, it's definitely working. Now I have to think about what I want to do.
A lot depends on the person in front of me in this place.
I think I have 2 options:
@@color:deeppink;I can corrupt the entire medical center, in which case I could use charm of Carol's body to compensate for my lack of job skills.@@
@@color:lime;Or I could change his attitude towards me for the better, thereby getting a better appreciation for the work I do.@@
@@#cor;<<button [[Increase corruption|HeadDoctorOfficePill1Cor]]>><</button>>@@
@@#rel;<<button [[Increase performance modifier|HeadDoctorOfficePill1Mod]]>><</button>>@@<<media "Data/Locations/office1.jpg" "place">>
Head doctor's office.<<set $P.Loc = 1>>
<<media "Data/Characters/npc/whiskeydrink.gif" "gif">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>...So you also think nurses could dress and act a little sexier?...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Head doctor">>Our patients don't come to our medical center because of a good life. I think it would be nice if they were more satisfied when they leave this place....Patient satisfaction is our top priority.<</MNpcDialog>>
<<set $HDoctorTabletLvl++>>\
<<set $MedCenterCor += 15>>\
<<if $MedCenterCor > 50>>\
<<set $MedCenterCor = 50>>\
@@color:magenta;The medical center's corruption is increased by 15.@@
@@#place;<<button [[Leave head doctor's office|AkiraWork]]>><<movetime>><</button>>@@<<media "Data/Locations/office1.jpg" "place">>
Head doctor's office.<<set $P.Loc = 1>>
<<media "Data/Characters/npc/whiskeydrink.gif" "gif">>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>...Do you really think I'm up to the job?...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Head doctor">>It's like I didn't notice before, but your writing is very easy to parse and understand unlike our other colleagues. When I'm tired, it's your reports that I prioritize. Keep up the good work! <</MNpcDialog>>
<<set $HDoctorTabletLvl++>>\
<<set $MedWorkModifier = parseFloat($MedWorkModifier)>>
<<set _modic = 0.5>>\
<<set $MedWorkModifier += _modic>>\
<<set $MedWorkModifier = Number($MedWorkModifier.toFixed(2))>>\
<<set $MedWorkModifier = parseFloat($MedWorkModifier)>>
@@color:lime; Your work performance modifier has been increased by _modic.@@
@@#place;<<button [[Leave head doctor's office|AkiraWork]]>><<movetime>><</button>>@@<<media "Data/Locations/office1.jpg" "place">>
Head doctor's office.<<set $P.Loc = 1>>
Ough...I'm ready!
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>One more drink, Doctor?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/npc/whiskeydrink.gif" "gif">>
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Head doctor">>Yeah, let's go for it!<</MNpcDialog>>
Oh, yeah. I can feel the effects of the pill, it's definitely working The effect feels a little stronger than the previous one!
Hmm...What am I gonna do this time?
I think I have the same 2 options again:
@@color:deeppink;I can corrupt the medical center even more, then it would be hard for patients and colleagues to resist me in Carol's body... ~giggle~ @@
@@color:lime;Or I can change his attitude toward me in an even better way to really be a better worker in his eyes.@@
@@#cor;<<button [[Increase corruption|HeadDoctorOfficePill2Cor]]>><</button>>@@
@@#rel;<<button [[Increase performance modifier|HeadDoctorOfficePill2Mod]]>><</button>>@@<<media "Data/Locations/office1.jpg" "place">>
Head doctor's office.<<set $P.Loc = 1>>
<<media "Data/Characters/npc/whiskeydrink.gif" "gif">>
<<if $P.Gender == "f">>\
<<if $P.Cor < 70>>\
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Head doctor">>...Ha-ha! You're wrong!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Sir, I can see you're hiring the most beautiful and sexy nurses! If one of them were on the dance floor of a club, she'd get all the attention!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Head doctor">>Why do you think I hired you? Ha-ha-ha!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>I...I don't get the last part what you've just said..<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Head doctor">>That's the point, ha-ha! If you realized your "advantages", you'd have a lot more "fun" working here.<</MNpcDialog>>
<<if $P.SubDom >= 0>>\
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Head doctor">>Shall we have a little more?<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Doctor, are you trying to take me "on a dare"? ~giggle~<</PlayerDialog>>
Haha, I think @@color:deeppink;I'm dominant enough@@ to take control of this situation...
<<media "Data/Characters/npc/whiskeydrink.gif" "gif">>
Mmmm...It makes me feel so alive...
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Doctor?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Head doctor">>I think I talked to you a little bit and forgot to check a couple of documents...<</MNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Med/Other/officete8.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Doctor, after all, we've had so much to drink, it must be a challenge for you right now...However, you're in luck, Doctor. I know how to properly motivate people to be productive...Would you like me to show you?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Head doctor">>Mmm...yeah?<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>What do you think, Doctor? Are you feeling better yet?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Head doctor">>I'm...not sure...<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Do you want me to stop?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Head doctor">>...No..<</MNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Med/Other/office97.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Mmm...hahaha<</PlayerDialog>>
<<UpdateArousal "+50">>
@@color:yellow; Note: @@Your corruption is spreading more and more through the medical center. @@color:yellow;The Head Doctor will now occasionally make a "personal request" of you. This way you can earn extra points.@@
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Head doctor">>Shall we have a little more?<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Doctor, are you trying to take me "on a dare"?...<</PlayerDialog>>
@@color:deeppink;I don't think I'm dominant enough@@ to tell the Head Doctor no....
<<media "Data/Characters/npc/whiskeydrink.gif" "gif">>
Mmmm...It makes me feel so alive...
<<PlayerDialog "horny">>...Ah, Doctor!..<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Med/Other/office49.mp4">>
Uh, I think I drank a little more than I wanted to....
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Head doctor">>Now I'm convinced that our new assistant is actually a slut!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>No, Doctor...I'm no...ah...so deeep!..<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Head doctor">>Listen up, assistant bitch. This is going to be one of your direct duties from now on, you got it?<</MNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Med/Other/office50.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>Mmm...yes....I got it!..ah....<</PlayerDialog>>
<<UpdateArousal "0">>
@@color:yellow; Note: @@Your corruption is spreading more and more through the medical center. @@color:yellow;The Head Doctor will now occasionally make a "personal request" of you. This way you can earn extra points.@@
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Head doctor">>...Ha-ha! You're wrong!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Sir, I can see you're hiring the most beautiful and sexy nurses! If one of them were on the dance floor of a club, she'd get all the attention!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Head doctor">>Ha-ha! Maybe, maybe, boy! Especially if she ended up at the club dressed in her nursing outfit!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>YES! Then I was right, you do have "fun" with them in your office sometimes after all!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Head doctor">>Ha-ha-ha! Well, I can't deny it, my friend. You got me!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<set $HDoctorTabletLvl++>>\
<<set $MedCenterCor += 25>>\
<<if $MedCenterCor > 50>>\
<<set $MedCenterCor = 50>>\
@@color:magenta;The medical center's corruption is increased by 25.@@
@@#place;<<button [[Leave head doctor's office|AkiraWork]]>><<movetime>><</button>>@@<<media "Data/Locations/office1.jpg" "place">>
Head doctor's office.<<set $P.Loc = 1>>
<<media "Data/Characters/npc/whiskeydrink.gif" "gif">>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>...Do you really think I'm up to the job?...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Head doctor">>It's like I didn't notice before, but your writing is very easy to parse and understand unlike our other colleagues. When I'm tired, it's your reports that I prioritize. Keep up the good work! <</MNpcDialog>>
<<set $HDoctorTabletLvl++>>\
<<set $MedWorkModifier = parseFloat($MedWorkModifier)>>
<<set _modic = 0.5>>\
<<set $MedWorkModifier += _modic>>\
<<set $MedWorkModifier = Number($MedWorkModifier.toFixed(2))>>\
<<set $MedWorkModifier = parseFloat($MedWorkModifier)>>
@@color:lime; Your work performance modifier has been increased by _modic.@@
@@#place;<<button [[Leave head doctor's office|AkiraWork]]>><<movetime>><</button>>@@<<media "Data/Locations/office1.jpg" "place">>
Akira's office.<<set $P.Loc = 1>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/dark4.jpg" "just">>
<<AkiraDialog "angry">>Is there something else?<</AkiraDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Why didn't you tell me about your problems at work?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "serious">>Because it's none of your business. And how do you know that? Did you use your trick again?<</AkiraDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused" 1>>eheh...That's not important right now! What's important is that it's bothering you, and I want to help!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "confused">>Did I ask you for help?<</AkiraDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/office317.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "confused" 1>>um...no...But you do realize the problem is your dulled feelings, right? And I'm the person who can understand those feelings! I'm also on your side! Why don't you at least tell me exactly what's going on?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "serious">>You know, now I think I understand what "annoying" means. ~breath~ The head doctor is being transferred to another larger clinic in another region. The average human's physiology is fairly simple, so given my skills, I'm the best person for the job. But the head doctor does not approve of my candidacy. How do stupid feelings even play a role in this?!<</AkiraDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused" 1>>You are providing services to a patient. For the common human, such concepts as good attitude and mutual understanding are very important. It is important for both your patients and colleagues to create a productive working atmosphere.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "angry" 1>>You think I want to listen to you lecture me?<</AkiraDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/dark1.jpg" "just">>
Akira seems even more annoyed right now. Now she feels it for real, haha! Maybe I can play on her new emotions? I can feel the excitement!
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Akira, you're wrong to underestimate human emotions and feelings. I'm sure even I could achieve better results than you with the fact that I have absolutely no medical skills or knowledge whatsoever!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "confused">>What? You're telling me a mere human can be better at this kind of work than me? It's impossible.<</AkiraDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/dark3.jpg" "just">>
She took the bait.
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>I could prove it to you in practice. I just need a chance to do it.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "confused">>Well, I don't care how you do it. The head doctor awards a 500$ cash bonus to the best worker. You can try to get it instead of me, but I highly doubt you'll succeed.<</AkiraDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>I'll get it if I can get a job here.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/dark.jpg" "just">>
<<AkiraDialog "serious">>As long as I let you live, you can do whatever you want, human. You could easily get a job here as an assistant. Your job would be to help the doctors, look after patients and write reports.<</AkiraDialog>>
Akira has absolutely no faith that I can do anything. Somehow I'm sure I can. In that case, @@color:yellow;I need to see the head doctor now.@@
@@#place;<<button [[Get back|AkiraWork]]>><<set $AkiraWorkingTroublesTalked = true>><</button>>@@<<media "Data/Locations/office1.jpg" "place">>
Medical center office.
<<REGroup "MedReportRandomEv" 50>>\
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>I think I'll do some paperwork.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Actions/labwork.gif" "gif">>
Isn't working on a laptop now the same as working with paperwork?..
<<if $AkiraWorkingBet === true>>\
<<set _rpoints = 6 + 6*$MedWorkModifier>>\
<<set _rpoints = parseFloat(_rpoints)>>\
<<set _rpoints = Math.floor(_rpoints )>>\
<<set $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus += _rpoints>>\
<<if $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus > 100>>\
<<set $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus = 100>>\
@@color:lime; You are _rpoints % closer to your cash bonus. Current progress $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus/100.@@
<<set _moneymod = 50 + 50*$MedWorkModifier/2>>\
<<set _moneymod = Math.floor(_moneymod)>>\
<<set $P.Money += _moneymod>>\
@@color:lime;You've earned _moneymod $.@@
<<if $CurrentDayTime == 2>>\
@@#place;<<button [[After work report|AfterWorkReport]]>><</button>>@@
@@#place;<<button [[Get back|AkiraWork]]>><<movetime>><</button>>@@
<</if>>\<<media "Data/Locations/med.jpg" "place">>
Patient rooms.<<set $P.Loc = 1>>
<<if $P.Gender == "m">>\
<<REGroup "RandomWorkAssist0" 50>>\
<<if $MedCenterCor >= 0 and $MedCenterCor < 30>>\
<<REGroup "RandomWorkAssist0" 50>>\
<<if $MedCenterCor >= 30 and $MedCenterCor < 50>>\
<<REGroup "RandomWorkAssist30" 70>>\
<<if $MedCenterCor >= 50 and $MedCenterCor < 80>>\
<<REGroup "RandomWorkAssist50" 80>>\
<<if $MedCenterCor >= 80 and $MedCenterCor < 100>>\
/*<<REGroup "RandomWorkAssist80" 90>>\*/
<<if $MedCenterCor >= 100>>\
/*<<REGroup "RandomWorkAssist80" 100>>\*/
@@color:lime; You work as a doctor's assistant. You made a few mistakes due to lack of skills, but they were not critical. The day's work went well and everyone was happy. Nothing out of the ordinary happened.@@
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>I think I've got it!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<if $AkiraWorkingBet === true>>\
<<set _rpoints = 4 + 4*$MedWorkModifier>>\
<<set _rpoints = parseFloat(_rpoints)>>\
<<set _rpoints = Math.floor(_rpoints )>>\
<<set $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus += _rpoints>>\
<<if $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus > 100>>\
<<set $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus = 100>>\
@@color:lime; You are _rpoints % closer to your cash bonus. Current progress $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus/100.@@
<<set $P.Money += 50>>\
@@color:lime;You've earned 50$.@@
<<if $CurrentDayTime == 2>>\
@@#place;<<button [[After work report|AfterWorkReport]]>><<movetime>><</button>>@@
@@#place;<<button [[Get back|AkiraWork]]>><<movetime>><</button>>@@
<</if>>\<<media "Data/Locations/med.jpg" "place">>
Patient rooms.<<set $P.Loc = 1>>
<<if $P.Gender == "m">>\
<<REGroup "RandomWorkSupervising0" 50>>\
<<if $MedCenterCor >= 0 and $MedCenterCor < 30>>\
<<REGroup "RandomWorkSupervising0" 50>>\
<<if $MedCenterCor >= 30 and $MedCenterCor < 50>>\
<<REGroup "RandomWorkSupervising30" 70>>\
<<if $MedCenterCor >= 50 and $MedCenterCor < 80>>\
<<REGroup "RandomWorkSupervising50" 80>>\
<<if $MedCenterCor >= 80 and $MedCenterCor < 100>>\
/*<<REGroup "RandomWorkSupervising80" 90>>\*/
<<if $MedCenterCor >= 100>>\
/*<<REGroup "RandomWorkSupervising80" 100>>\*/
@@color:lime; You've been keeping an eye on patients, but nothing out of the ordinary happened today. There weren't any overly bold requests, which is good! @@
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>I'm a professional caregiver! Ha-ha!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<if $AkiraWorkingBet === true>>\
<<set _rpoints = 3 + 3*$MedWorkModifier>>\
<<set _rpoints = parseFloat(_rpoints)>>\
<<set _rpoints = Math.floor(_rpoints )>>\
<<set $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus += _rpoints>>\
<<if $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus > 100>>\
<<set $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus = 100>>\
@@color:lime; You are _rpoints % closer to your cash bonus. Current progress $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus/100.@@
<<set $P.Money += 50>>\
@@color:lime;You've earned 50$.@@
<<if $CurrentDayTime == 2>>\
@@#place;<<button [[After work report|AfterWorkReport]]>><<movetime>><</button>>@@
@@#place;<<button [[Get back|AkiraWork]]>><<movetime>><</button>>@@
<</if>>\<<media "Data/Locations/office1.jpg" "place">>
Office.<<set $P.Loc = 1>>
<<if $FirstAfterWorkReport != true>>\
<<set $FirstAfterWorkReport = true>>\
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>So, it looks like at the end of my work day I should write a rough report of what I did at work today. Okay. Let's do this.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Actions/labwork.gif" "gif">>
Hmmm...I met quite a few people today while working. I tried and worked hard, but it doesn't seem to be enough to overtake Akira. Besides, I don't have enough medical skills to stand out here and earn that cash bonus.
@@color:yellow;Hmm...but... maybe I could provide myself some advantage with pills? I could carefully give them to coworkers and patients to make the work environment more suitable for me and gain an edge.@@
@@color:yellow;I think lvl 1 pills should be enough, the effect wouldn't be strong, but I could take the quantity.@@
@@color:magenta;Perhaps I should prepare some lvl 1 pills for the next working day...hehehe....@@
@@#place;<<button [[Finish after work report|AkiraWork]]>><<set $TooManyPillsText = "">><</button>>@@
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>So, I need to remember what I did today....<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Actions/labwork.gif" "gif">>
Now it's time to make my own report...hehe... Let's see if I gave anyone lvl 1 pills today and what I tried to do?
I had @@color:lime;$Inventory.Tablets@@ lvl 1 pills today.
@@color:deeppink;How many pills did I use to increase the corruption of the medical center?@@ (1 pill +3 medical center corruption)
<<numberbox "$IncMedCorPills" 0>> MC.Cor now: @@color:lime;$MedCenterCor @@
@@color:red; (Note: maximum medical center corruption: 50
In current game stage further attempts to increase will not yield results.)@@
@@color:#3584B0;How many pills did I use to improve my relationships at the medical center?@@ (1 pill +0.1 to work performance modifier)
<<numberbox "$IncMedPerfPills" 0>> P.Mod now: @@color:lime;$MedWorkModifier@@
@@color:red; (Note: maximum performance modifier: 5
In current game stage further attempts to increase will not yield results.)@@
@@color:yellow; font-size:110%;$TooManyPillsText @@
@@#pill;<<button [[Yeah, I think that's how many pills I used today|AfterWorkReport]]>>
<<set _countchecker = $IncMedCorPills + $IncMedPerfPills>>\
<<if _countchecker > $Inventory.Tablets>>\
<<set $TooManyPillsText = "I couldn't use that many pills, there's a mistake somewhere, I didn't have that many with me!">>
<<set $Inventory.Tablets -= _countchecker>>
<<set $TooManyPillsText = "Okay, hopefully tomorrow I'll see the effect of my actions....">>
<<set _corinc = $IncMedCorPills*3>>\
<<set $MedCenterCor += _corinc>>\
<<set _performaceinc = $IncMedPerfPills*0.1>>\
<<set $MedWorkModifier = parseFloat($MedWorkModifier)>>
<<set $MedWorkModifier += _performaceinc>>\
<<set $MedWorkModifier = Number($MedWorkModifier.toFixed(2))>>\
<<set $MedWorkModifier = parseFloat($MedWorkModifier)>>
<<if $MedWorkModifier > 5>>\
<<set $MedWorkModifier = 5>>\
<<if $MedCenterCor > 50>>\
<<set $MedCenterCor = 50>>\
@@#place;<<button [[Finish after work report|AkiraWork]]>><<set $TooManyPillsText = "">><</button>>@@
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$P.Gender == "f"`,
tags: ["med", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "RandomWorkAssist0",
weight: 10,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 0,
<<media "Data/Locations/medcenter.jpg" "place">>
Medical center.
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Doctor Brown">>I have urgent, important business! Don't touch anything without me!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Med/Assistance/0/3.gif" "gif">>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Umm...well...<</PlayerDialog>>
And where did the doctor I was supposed to be helping disappear to? And why? Eh...
Although I didn't understand where the doctor sometimes disappeared to, but anyway, I worked my shift....
<<if $AkiraWorkingBet === true>>\
<<set _rpoints = 4 + 4*$MedWorkModifier>>\
<<set _rpoints = parseFloat(_rpoints)>>\
<<set _rpoints = Math.floor(_rpoints )>>\
<<set $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus += _rpoints>>\
<<if $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus > 100>>\
<<set $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus = 100>>\
@@color:lime; You are _rpoints % closer to your cash bonus. Current progress $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus/100.@@
<<set _moneymod = 50 + 50*$MedWorkModifier/2>>\
<<set _moneymod = Math.floor(_moneymod)>>\
<<set $P.Money += _moneymod>>\
@@color:lime;You've earned _moneymod $.@@
<<if $CurrentDayTime == 2>>\
@@#place;<<button [[After work report|AfterWorkReport]]>><<movetime>><</button>>@@
@@#place;<<button [[Get back|AkiraWork]]>><<movetime>><</button>>@@
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
tags: ["med", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "RandomWorkAssist0",
weight: 10,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 1,
<<media "Data/Locations/medcenter.jpg" "place">>
Medical center.
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Doctor">>...come closer, now I'm going to show you the basic aspects.<</MNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Med/Assistance/0/14.gif" "gif">>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Okay!<</PlayerDialog>>
He explains a lot of things to me like I'm a child!
Although...it's actually very effective....
I tried to help him as much as I could, but it's worth remembering that I'm far from a professional...eh.....
<<if $AkiraWorkingBet === true>>\
<<set _rpoints = 4 + 4*$MedWorkModifier>>\
<<set _rpoints = parseFloat(_rpoints)>>\
<<set _rpoints = Math.floor(_rpoints )>>\
<<set $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus += _rpoints>>\
<<if $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus > 100>>\
<<set $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus = 100>>\
@@color:lime; You are _rpoints % closer to your cash bonus. Current progress $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus/100.@@
<<set _moneymod = 50 + 50*$MedWorkModifier/2>>\
<<set _moneymod = Math.floor(_moneymod)>>\
<<set $P.Money += _moneymod>>\
@@color:lime;You've earned _moneymod $.@@
<<if $CurrentDayTime == 2>>\
@@#place;<<button [[After work report|AfterWorkReport]]>><<movetime>><</button>>@@
@@#place;<<button [[Get back|AkiraWork]]>><<movetime>><</button>>@@
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
tags: ["med", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "RandomWorkAssist0",
weight: 10,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 2,
<<media "Data/Locations/medcenter.jpg" "place">>
Medical center.
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Med/Assistance/0/17.gif" "gif">>
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Doctor">>Looks like you're my comrade today. Heh-heh-heh. I hope we will work well together. Heh-heh! You're going to love working with me! Heh-heh-heh!!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Oh...yeah...ha..ha...<</PlayerDialog>>
Such a narcissist! Ough...
He turned out to be a good doctor, though. Patients like him very much, especially girls...
<<if $AkiraWorkingBet === true>>\
<<set _rpoints = 4 + 4*$MedWorkModifier>>\
<<set _rpoints = parseFloat(_rpoints)>>\
<<set _rpoints = Math.floor(_rpoints )>>\
<<set $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus += _rpoints>>\
<<if $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus > 100>>\
<<set $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus = 100>>\
@@color:lime; You are _rpoints % closer to your cash bonus. Current progress $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus/100.@@
<<set _moneymod = 50 + 50*$MedWorkModifier/2>>\
<<set _moneymod = Math.floor(_moneymod)>>\
<<set $P.Money += _moneymod>>\
@@color:lime;You've earned _moneymod $.@@
<<if $CurrentDayTime == 2>>\
@@#place;<<button [[After work report|AfterWorkReport]]>><<movetime>><</button>>@@
@@#place;<<button [[Get back|AkiraWork]]>><<movetime>><</button>>@@
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
tags: ["med", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "RandomWorkAssist0",
weight: 10,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 3,
<<media "Data/Locations/medcenter.jpg" "place">>
Medical center.
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Doctor">>You did admirably today! I would have kissed you on the spot! Heh-heh-heh!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Med/Assistance/0/19.gif" "gif">>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Eh..thank you..<</PlayerDialog>>
Yes, I helped this particular doctor again today. Sometimes he seems a little too open-minded.....
<<if $AkiraWorkingBet === true>>\
<<set _rpoints = 4 + 4*$MedWorkModifier>>\
<<set _rpoints = parseFloat(_rpoints)>>\
<<set _rpoints = Math.floor(_rpoints )>>\
<<set $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus += _rpoints>>\
<<if $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus > 100>>\
<<set $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus = 100>>\
@@color:lime; You are _rpoints % closer to your cash bonus. Current progress $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus/100.@@
<<set _moneymod = 50 + 50*$MedWorkModifier/2>>\
<<set _moneymod = Math.floor(_moneymod)>>\
<<set $P.Money += _moneymod>>\
@@color:lime;You've earned _moneymod $.@@
<<if $CurrentDayTime == 2>>\
@@#place;<<button [[After work report|AfterWorkReport]]>><<movetime>><</button>>@@
@@#place;<<button [[Get back|AkiraWork]]>><<movetime>><</button>>@@
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
tags: ["med", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "RandomWorkAssist0",
weight: 10,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 4,
<<media "Data/Locations/medcenter.jpg" "place">>
Medical center.
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Med/Assistance/0/22.gif" "gif">>
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Doctor">>Is it rotten yet? No, no, certainly not...<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Doctor?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<if $AkiraWorkingBet === true>>\
<<set _rpoints = 4 + 4*$MedWorkModifier>>\
<<set _rpoints = parseFloat(_rpoints)>>\
<<set _rpoints = Math.floor(_rpoints )>>\
<<set $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus += _rpoints>>\
<<if $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus > 100>>\
<<set $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus = 100>>\
@@color:lime; You are _rpoints % closer to your cash bonus. Current progress $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus/100.@@
<<set _moneymod = 50 + 50*$MedWorkModifier/2>>\
<<set _moneymod = Math.floor(_moneymod)>>\
<<set $P.Money += _moneymod>>\
@@color:lime;You've earned _moneymod $.@@
<<if $CurrentDayTime == 2>>\
@@#place;<<button [[After work report|AfterWorkReport]]>><<movetime>><</button>>@@
@@#place;<<button [[Get back|AkiraWork]]>><<movetime>><</button>>@@
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
tags: ["med", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "RandomWorkAssist30",
weight: 10,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 0,
<<media "Data/Locations/medcenter.jpg" "place">>
Medical center.
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Doctor">>...yeah, that's exactly what they look like. We even have discounts for our nurses. By the way, this size would fit you nicely, but unfortunately you're an assistant, not a nurse... But if you ever want to get big boobs later, come straight to me. I'll give you the biggest.<</MNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Med/Assistance/30/13.gif" "gif">>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>hehe...Thank you...Very interesting, Doctor...<</PlayerDialog>>
Carol would be unlikely to forgive me if I made huge silicone boobs in her body...
...that would be pretty rude of me, wouldn't it?
The doctor found your conversation interesting and "promising".
@@color:yellow;Note@@: +2 extra points!
<<if $AkiraWorkingBet === true>>\
<<set _rpoints = 4 + 4*$MedWorkModifier + 2>>\
<<set _rpoints = parseFloat(_rpoints)>>\
<<set _rpoints = Math.floor(_rpoints )>>\
<<set $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus += _rpoints>>\
<<if $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus > 100>>\
<<set $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus = 100>>\
@@color:lime; You are _rpoints % closer to your cash bonus. Current progress $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus/100.@@
<<set _moneymod = 50 + 50*$MedWorkModifier/2 + 25>>\
<<set _moneymod = Math.floor(_moneymod)>>\
<<set $P.Money += _moneymod>>\
@@color:lime;You've earned _moneymod $.@@
<<if $CurrentDayTime == 2>>\
@@#place;<<button [[After work report|AfterWorkReport]]>><<movetime>><</button>>@@
@@#place;<<button [[Get back|AkiraWork]]>><<movetime>><</button>>@@
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
tags: ["med", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "RandomWorkAssist30",
weight: 10,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 1,
<<media "Data/Locations/medcenter.jpg" "place">>
Medical center.
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Damn, I can't find the doctor who disappeared again and didn't tell me anything...No, I'll try to find him this time!<</PlayerDialog>>
I gotta check the cameras! Fortunately, I have the opportunity to move around the medical center almost freely.
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Well, well, well...ha-ha! The Doctor's a naughty boy!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Med/Assistance/30/nurse78.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>I don't know if she's a nurse or a patient, but since I don't have anything to do, I'll observe them some more! Heheh..<</PlayerDialog>>
<<FNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Woman">>Yes, Doctor! More! Please! Just fuck me harder! Ahhh!<</FNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Med/Assistance/30/nurse79.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>She wants his cock so badly! What a horny slut!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<UpdateArousal "+20">>
I didn't do anything, but that's why I earned praise from the doctor. Ha-ha!
@@color:yellow;Note@@: +2 extra points!
<<if $AkiraWorkingBet === true>>\
<<set _rpoints = 4 + 4*$MedWorkModifier + 2>>\
<<set _rpoints = parseFloat(_rpoints)>>\
<<set _rpoints = Math.floor(_rpoints )>>\
<<set $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus += _rpoints>>\
<<if $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus > 100>>\
<<set $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus = 100>>\
@@color:lime; You are _rpoints % closer to your cash bonus. Current progress $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus/100.@@
<<set _moneymod = 50 + 50*$MedWorkModifier/2 + 25>>\
<<set _moneymod = Math.floor(_moneymod)>>\
<<set $P.Money += _moneymod>>\
@@color:lime;You've earned _moneymod $.@@
<<if $CurrentDayTime == 2>>\
@@#place;<<button [[After work report|AfterWorkReport]]>><<movetime>><</button>>@@
@@#place;<<button [[Get back|AkiraWork]]>><<movetime>><</button>>@@
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
tags: ["med", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "RandomWorkAssist30",
weight: 10,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 2,
<<media "Data/Locations/medcenter.jpg" "place">>
Medical center.
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Doctor">>Our patient is about to have surgery and is feeling fine, but there is some anxiety that may be bothering us. You might want to do something to relax him before the surgery.<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Relax him?..<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Doctor">>Yeah, you know what I mean!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Med/Assistance/30/16.gif" "gif">>
Fuck...eh...looks like I should get on that.....
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Patient">>Hi..hey.. wait!...wha...What are you...? Whoa!.. <</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Please, don't move. I'll do it myself.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Med/Assistance/30/nurse1.mp4">>
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Patient">>Ogh! Yeahh...th..thank you, miss! I feel...much better now!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Looking forward for your speedy recovery! <</PlayerDialog>>
Geez, I didn't even have my gloves on....
<<UpdateArousal "+5">>
The doctor is pleased with your work and so is the patient.
@@color:yellow;Note@@: +2 extra points!
<<if $AkiraWorkingBet === true>>\
<<set _rpoints = 4 + 4*$MedWorkModifier + 2>>\
<<set _rpoints = parseFloat(_rpoints)>>\
<<set _rpoints = Math.floor(_rpoints )>>\
<<set $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus += _rpoints>>\
<<if $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus > 100>>\
<<set $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus = 100>>\
@@color:lime; You are _rpoints % closer to your cash bonus. Current progress $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus/100.@@
<<set _moneymod = 50 + 50*$MedWorkModifier/2 + 25>>\
<<set _moneymod = Math.floor(_moneymod)>>\
<<set $P.Money += _moneymod>>\
@@color:lime;You've earned _moneymod $.@@
<<if $CurrentDayTime == 2>>\
@@#place;<<button [[After work report|AfterWorkReport]]>><<movetime>><</button>>@@
@@#place;<<button [[Get back|AkiraWork]]>><<movetime>><</button>>@@
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
tags: ["med", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "RandomWorkAssist30",
weight: 20,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 3,
<<media "Data/Locations/medcenter.jpg" "place">>
Medical center.
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Doctor Brown">>We've finished our main work, now we're taking a break. You seem a little tense, though, Ms. Assistant.<</MNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Med/Assistance/30/nurse52.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>It's all right, Doctor. Maybe I'm just a little tired.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Doctor Brown">>We're coworkers, we're supposed to help each other relieve stress. How about a little massage?<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Hmm...I don't know....<</PlayerDialog>>
This is the same doctor that made that girl scream in ecstasy when he fucked her. I have to be careful with him, although on the other hand I can stop him anytime I want, right?..
<<if $P.Cor > 30>>\
@@#cor;<<button [[Agree|RandomWorkAssist30_Ev3.2]]>><</button>>@@
<<button [[Refuse|RandomWorkAssist30_Ev3.1]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/medcenter.jpg" "place">>
Medical center.
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Doctor Brown">>What shall we do?<</MNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Med/Assistance/30/nurse50.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Thanks for the offer, but I think I'll pass.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Med/Assistance/30/nurse49.mp4">>
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Doctor Brown">>It's bad. But if you happen to think of it, I'm always happy to help my lovely assistant.<</MNpcDialog>>
The work day went as usual, but I didn't get any extra points.
<<if $AkiraWorkingBet === true>>\
<<set _rpoints = 4 + 4*$MedWorkModifier>>\
<<set _rpoints = Number(_rpoints.toFixed(2))>>
<<set $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus += _rpoints>>\
<<if $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus > 100>>\
<<set $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus = 100>>\
@@color:lime; You are _rpoints % closer to your cash bonus. Current progress $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus/100.@@
<<set _moneymod = 50 + 50*$MedWorkModifier/2>>\
<<set _moneymod = Math.floor(_moneymod)>>
<<set $P.Money += _moneymod>>\
@@color:lime;You've earned _moneymod $.@@
<<if $CurrentDayTime == 2>>\
@@#place;<<button [[After work report|AfterWorkReport]]>><<movetime>><</button>>@@
@@#place;<<button [[Get back|AkiraWork]]>><<movetime>><</button>>@@
<</if>>\<<media "Data/Locations/medcenter.jpg" "place">>
Medical center.
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Doctor Brown">>You're very sexy in that uniform, but you have to take it off for a massage.<</MNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Med/Assistance/30/nurse59.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Of course, Doctor. Can I lie down here? And do I have to take off my bra, too?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Doctor Brown">>Of course. And don't worry, I'll turn my back while you take it off.<</MNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Med/Assistance/30/nurse58.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny">>Mmmm...I love it when you massage that part...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Med/Assistance/30/nurse53.mp4">>
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Doctor Brown">>We're just getting started. I'll take them off, okay?<</MNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Med/Assistance/30/nurse55.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Doctor?!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Doctor Brown">>Relax, we're just helping each other relieve stress. It's just business as usual.<</MNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Med/Assistance/30/nurse56.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny">>Mmmm...Doctor...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<UpdateArousal "+50">>
<<if $P.Cor < 50>>\
<<UpdateCorruption "+1">>
Helping each other relieve stress turns out to be very important.... ~giggle~
@@color:yellow;Note@@: +4 extra points!
<<if $AkiraWorkingBet === true>>\
<<set _rpoints = 4 + 4*$MedWorkModifier + 4>>\
<<set _rpoints = parseFloat(_rpoints)>>\
<<set _rpoints = Math.floor(_rpoints )>>\
<<set $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus += _rpoints>>\
<<if $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus > 100>>\
<<set $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus = 100>>\
@@color:lime; You are _rpoints % closer to your cash bonus. Current progress $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus/100.@@
<<set _moneymod = 50 + 50*$MedWorkModifier/2 + 40>>\
<<set _moneymod = Math.floor(_moneymod)>>\
<<set $P.Money += _moneymod>>\
@@color:lime;You've earned _moneymod $.@@
<<if $CurrentDayTime == 2>>\
@@#place;<<button [[After work report|AfterWorkReport]]>><<movetime>><</button>>@@
@@#place;<<button [[Get back|AkiraWork]]>><<movetime>><</button>>@@
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
tags: ["med", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "RandomWorkAssist50",
weight: 10,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 0,
<<media "Data/Locations/medcenter.jpg" "place">>
Medical center.
<<PlayerDialog "horny">>Doctor, I feel weird...is this really necessary?!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Med/Assistance/50/nurse103.mp4">>
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Doctor Brown">>It's necessary, sweetheart. The Head Doctor has decided that our female employees need to look and act sexy, so there has been an increase in patient harassment. But you can't lose control.<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny">>But patients are sometimes so persistent....<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Doctor Brown">>You can take care of the patients all you want, but you have to be in control. As long as you're my assistant, you have to be the best you can be for me, undertstand?<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>..Yes...Doctor...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<UpdateArousal "0">>
<<if $P.Cor < 70>>\
<<UpdateCorruption "+2">>
Ah, I endured as much as I could, but I still came at the end.....
@@color:yellow;Note@@: +4 extra points!
<<if $AkiraWorkingBet === true>>\
<<set _rpoints = 4 + 4*$MedWorkModifier + 4>>\
<<set _rpoints = parseFloat(_rpoints)>>\
<<set _rpoints = Math.floor(_rpoints )>>\
<<set $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus += _rpoints>>\
<<if $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus > 100>>\
<<set $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus = 100>>\
@@color:lime; You are _rpoints % closer to your cash bonus. Current progress $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus/100.@@
<<set _moneymod = 50 + 50*$MedWorkModifier/2 + 50>>\
<<set _moneymod = Math.floor(_moneymod)>>\
<<set $P.Money += _moneymod>>\
@@color:lime;You've earned _moneymod $.@@
<<if $CurrentDayTime == 2>>\
@@#place;<<button [[After work report|AfterWorkReport]]>><<movetime>><</button>>@@
@@#place;<<button [[Get back|AkiraWork]]>><<movetime>><</button>>@@
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
tags: ["med", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "RandomWorkAssist50",
weight: 10,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 1,
<<media "Data/Locations/medcenter.jpg" "place">>
Medical center.
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>....I'm sorry, Doctor! <</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Doctor Brown">>Sorry?! You mixed up the instruments four times today! What kind of assistant are you after that?!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>I'm sorry! How can I make it up to you and prove that I'm sorry for the mistakes?!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Doctor Brown">>You must be punished. And if you really regret being a bad assistant, you should punish yourself. Use THIS.<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny">>D-dildo?...<</PlayerDialog>>
What am I supposed to do? I feel guilty...
<<if $P.Cor >= 35>>\
@@#cor;<<button [[Punish yourself|RandomWorkAssist50_Ev1.2]]>><</button>>@@
<<button [[Refuse|RandomWorkAssist50_Ev1.1]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/medcenter.jpg" "place">>
Medical center.
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>I'm sorry, Doctor. I'm really sorry, but this is too much.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Doctor Brown">>In that case, I'm disappointed today. I expect you to try harder in the future.<</MNpcDialog>>
And why was I even raising the corruption of the medical center if I wasn't prepared for something like this?...
@@color:red;Note@@: -4 extra points!
<<if $AkiraWorkingBet === true>>\
<<set _rpoints = 4 + 4*$MedWorkModifier - 4>>\
<<set _rpoints = parseFloat(_rpoints)>>\
<<set _rpoints = Math.floor(_rpoints )>>\
<<set $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus += _rpoints>>\
<<if $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus > 100>>\
<<set $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus = 100>>\
@@color:lime; You are _rpoints % closer to your cash bonus. Current progress $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus/100.@@
<<set _moneymod = 50 + 50*$MedWorkModifier/2>>\
<<set _moneymod = Math.floor(_moneymod)>>\
<<set $P.Money += _moneymod>>\
@@color:lime;You've earned _moneymod $.@@
<<if $CurrentDayTime == 2>>\
@@#place;<<button [[After work report|AfterWorkReport]]>><<movetime>><</button>>@@
@@#place;<<button [[Get back|AkiraWork]]>><<movetime>><</button>>@@
<</if>>\<<media "Data/Locations/medcenter.jpg" "place">>
Medical center.
<<PlayerDialog "horny">>....Mmmm...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Doctor Brown">>Are you repenting, girl?<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny">>Yeahh, just like tha! I deserve it! I was such a bad assistant today, but I'll try harder! I'll be a better assistant for you, Doctor! I'm sorry!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Med/Assistance/50/nurse91.mp4">>
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Doctor Brown">>Well, I think you've realized your mistakes. I'm not mad at you anymore. Be a good girl for me.I mean...assistant...<</MNpcDialog>>
<<UpdateArousal "0">>
<<if $P.Cor < 70>>\
<<UpdateCorruption "+2">>
Today was not a good day, I made a few mistakes in a row....But If I want to earn a cash bonus and overtake Akira, I have to do a better job! I have to be a better assistant for the Doctor!
@@color:yellow;Note@@: +2 extra points!
<<if $AkiraWorkingBet === true>>\
<<set _rpoints = 4 + 4*$MedWorkModifier + 2>>\
<<set _rpoints = parseFloat(_rpoints)>>\
<<set _rpoints = Math.floor(_rpoints )>>\
<<set $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus += _rpoints>>\
<<if $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus > 100>>\
<<set $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus = 100>>\
@@color:lime; You are _rpoints % closer to your cash bonus. Current progress $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus/100.@@
<<set _moneymod = 50 + 50*$MedWorkModifier/2 + 50>>\
<<set _moneymod = Math.floor(_moneymod)>>\
<<set $P.Money += _moneymod>>\
@@color:lime;You've earned _moneymod $.@@
<<if $CurrentDayTime == 2>>\
@@#place;<<button [[After work report|AfterWorkReport]]>><<movetime>><</button>>@@
@@#place;<<button [[Get back|AkiraWork]]>><<movetime>><</button>>@@
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
tags: ["med", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "RandomWorkAssist50",
weight: 10,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 2,
<<media "Data/Locations/medcenter.jpg" "place">>
Medical center.
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Doctor Brown">>The work is almost done today. I'm pretty tired. Is there anything you can do to help me as my assistant? Any way to motivate me...?<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Mmm?<</PlayerDialog>>
What's that? Another test? Hmm...
<<if $P.Cor >= 40>>\
Hehehe...I know what he wants me to do.....
@@#cor;<<button [[Motivate him sexually|RandomWorkAssist50_Ev2.2]]>><</button>>@@
<<button [[Motivate him by words|RandomWorkAssist50_Ev2.1]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/medcenter.jpg" "place">>
Medical center.
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Doctor! You are the smartest and most skillful doctor here! I'm very proud to be your assistant!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Doctor Brown">>Heh...well...I was expecting a little different, though I am pleased with the words.<</MNpcDialog>>
Did I misunderstand his implication?...
@@color:yellow;Note@@: +2 extra points!
<<if $AkiraWorkingBet === true>>\
<<set _rpoints = 4 + 4*$MedWorkModifier + 2>>\
<<set _rpoints = parseFloat(_rpoints)>>\
<<set _rpoints = Math.floor(_rpoints )>>\
<<set $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus += _rpoints>>\
<<if $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus > 100>>\
<<set $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus = 100>>\
@@color:lime; You are _rpoints % closer to your cash bonus. Current progress $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus/100.@@
<<set _moneymod = 50 + 50*$MedWorkModifier/2 + 25>>\
<<set _moneymod = Math.floor(_moneymod)>>\
<<set $P.Money += _moneymod>>\
@@color:lime;You've earned _moneymod $.@@
<<if $CurrentDayTime == 2>>\
@@#place;<<button [[After work report|AfterWorkReport]]>><<movetime>><</button>>@@
@@#place;<<button [[Get back|AkiraWork]]>><<movetime>><</button>>@@
<</if>>\<<media "Data/Locations/medcenter.jpg" "place">>
Medical center.
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>....Mmmm...Doctor, you look so tense. I'd even say very..."tense". Let your lovely assistant take care of you for a while... ~giggle~<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Med/Assistance/50/nurse95.mp4">>
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Doctor Brown">>Ohh...Good for you, you are quickly learning how to be a good assistant..... You should understand at the slightest hint what I need right now. And you're making good progress.<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Thank you, Doctor!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<UpdateArousal "+40">>
<<if $P.Cor < 70>>\
<<UpdateCorruption "+2">>
For some reason it feels so good to receive his praise...I want to receive it more often!
@@color:yellow;Note@@: +4 extra points!
<<if $AkiraWorkingBet === true>>\
<<set _rpoints = 4 + 4*$MedWorkModifier + 4>>\
<<set _rpoints = parseFloat(_rpoints)>>\
<<set _rpoints = Math.floor(_rpoints )>>\
<<set $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus += _rpoints>>\
<<if $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus > 100>>\
<<set $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus = 100>>\
@@color:lime; You are _rpoints % closer to your cash bonus. Current progress $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus/100.@@
<<set _moneymod = 50 + 50*$MedWorkModifier/2 + 50>>\
<<set _moneymod = Math.floor(_moneymod)>>\
<<set $P.Money += _moneymod>>\
@@color:lime;You've earned _moneymod $.@@
<<if $CurrentDayTime == 2>>\
@@#place;<<button [[After work report|AfterWorkReport]]>><<movetime>><</button>>@@
@@#place;<<button [[Get back|AkiraWork]]>><<movetime>><</button>>@@
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
tags: ["med", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "RandomWorkAssist50",
weight: 10,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 3,
<<media "Data/Locations/medcenter.jpg" "place">>
Medical center.
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Med/Assistance/30/nurse56.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny">>Mmm...Doctor...<</PlayerDialog>>
He's massaging me again...
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Med/Assistance/50/nurse60.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny">>Doctor...is this...?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Doctor Brown">>It's part of the massage. Relax and give in to that feeling. Don't think about anything. We're coworkers, remember? We help each other relieve stress. Anytime.<</MNpcDialog>>
<<UpdateArousal "+50">>
This massage seems to go too far...but it feels so good!
<<if $P.Cor >= 50 or $P.Arousal >= 80>>\
But I'm too aroused! I want to continue....
@@#cor;<<button [[Surrender to pleasure|RandomWorkAssist50_Ev3.2]]>><</button>>@@
<<button [[Stop him|RandomWorkAssist50_Ev3.1]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/medcenter.jpg" "place">>
Medical center.
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>I'm sorry, Doctor! I feel much better already! Let's end the massage there...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Doctor Brown">>Well... whatever you say, sweetheart. I'm sure sooner or later you'll realize that you'd really like to continue...<</MNpcDialog>>
<<UpdateArousal "100">>
<<if $P.Cor < 70>>\
<<UpdateCorruption "+2">>
I need to defeat Akira sooner rather than later, and to do that I need the Doctor to have a good opinion of me.... Oh, man, what do I do?
@@color:yellow;Note@@: +2 extra points!
<<if $AkiraWorkingBet === true>>\
<<set _rpoints = 4 + 4*$MedWorkModifier + 2>>\
<<set _rpoints = parseFloat(_rpoints)>>\
<<set _rpoints = Math.floor(_rpoints )>>\
<<set $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus += _rpoints>>\
<<if $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus > 100>>\
<<set $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus = 100>>\
@@color:lime; You are _rpoints % closer to your cash bonus. Current progress $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus/100.@@
<<set _moneymod = 50 + 50*$MedWorkModifier/2 + 25>>\
<<set _moneymod = Math.floor(_moneymod)>>\
<<set $P.Money += _moneymod>>\
@@color:lime;You've earned _moneymod $.@@
<<if $CurrentDayTime == 2>>\
@@#place;<<button [[After work report|AfterWorkReport]]>><<movetime>><</button>>@@
@@#place;<<button [[Get back|AkiraWork]]>><<movetime>><</button>>@@
<</if>>\<<media "Data/Locations/medcenter.jpg" "place">>
Medical center.
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Doctor Brown">>You're not disappointed, are you?<</MNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Med/Assistance/50/nurse54.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>....Mmmm...Doctor...Mmm....Oh....<</PlayerDialog>>
The doctor is so good...so nice...I want more...I want...I want to...
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Med/Assistance/50/nurse167.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>Mmmmshfjdslurp....mmm...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Doctor Brown">>Yes, that's exactly what my assistant should look like! Most of all you should want your Doctor to feel good! That's your job!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>Mmmmshurp....yes...Doctor...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Med/Assistance/50/nurse57.mp4">>
<<UpdateArousal "+50">>
<<if $P.Cor < 70>>\
<<UpdateCorruption "+5">>
<<UpdateSubDom "-3">>
I'll be the best assistant ever! ~giggle~
@@color:yellow;Note@@: +6 extra points!
<<if $AkiraWorkingBet === true>>\
<<set _rpoints = 4 + 4*$MedWorkModifier + 6>>\
<<set _rpoints = parseFloat(_rpoints)>>\
<<set _rpoints = Math.floor(_rpoints )>>\
<<set $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus += _rpoints>>\
<<if $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus > 100>>\
<<set $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus = 100>>\
@@color:lime; You are _rpoints % closer to your cash bonus. Current progress $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus/100.@@
<<set _moneymod = 50 + 50*$MedWorkModifier/2 + 75>>\
<<set _moneymod = Math.floor(_moneymod)>>\
<<set $P.Money += _moneymod>>\
@@color:lime;You've earned _moneymod $.@@
<<if $CurrentDayTime == 2>>\
@@#place;<<button [[After work report|AfterWorkReport]]>><<movetime>><</button>>@@
@@#place;<<button [[Get back|AkiraWork]]>><<movetime>><</button>>@@
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
tags: ["med", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "RandomWorkAssist50",
weight: 20,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 4,
<<media "Data/Locations/medcenter.jpg" "place">>
Medical center.
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Doctor Brown">>Ms. Assistant, I'm feeling a kinda stressed today. would you help me release my "stress"?<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Doctor, do you want me to do it right here...? Um...<</PlayerDialog>>
I'm not wrong, am I?...
<<if $P.Cor >= 50 or $P.Arousal >= 80>>\
I know what my doctor wants me to do... ~giggle~
@@#cor;<<button [[Relieve his stress|RandomWorkAssist50_Ev4.2]]>><</button>>@@
<<button [[Motivate him|RandomWorkAssist50_Ev4.1]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/medcenter.jpg" "place">>
Medical center.
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Doctor, you can do it! You are the best and the smartest and the most handsome!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Doctor Brown">>Well, I thought by now you should have realized what I want from you. Apparently you need more time.<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>heheh..<</PlayerDialog>>
Eh, do I really have to do what he wants me to do now?...It's my choice after all..
@@color:yellow;Note@@: +0 extra points!
<<if $AkiraWorkingBet === true>>\
<<set _rpoints = 4 + 4*$MedWorkModifier>>\
<<set _rpoints = parseFloat(_rpoints)>>\
<<set _rpoints = Math.floor(_rpoints )>>\
<<set $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus += _rpoints>>\
<<if $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus > 100>>\
<<set $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus = 100>>\
@@color:lime; You are _rpoints % closer to your cash bonus. Current progress $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus/100.@@
<<set _moneymod = 50 + 50*$MedWorkModifier/2>>\
<<set _moneymod = Math.floor(_moneymod)>>\
<<set $P.Money += _moneymod>>\
@@color:lime;You've earned _moneymod $.@@
<<if $CurrentDayTime == 2>>\
@@#place;<<button [[After work report|AfterWorkReport]]>><<movetime>><</button>>@@
@@#place;<<button [[Get back|AkiraWork]]>><<movetime>><</button>>@@
<</if>>\<<media "Data/Locations/medcenter.jpg" "place">>
Medical center.
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Of course, Doctor! Whatever you say! ~giggle~<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Med/Assistance/50/nurse133.mp4">>
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Doctor Brown">>You'll do it anytime I want you to, got it?<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Yes, Doctor! It's my job after all! ~giggle~<</PlayerDialog>>
<<UpdateArousal "+50">>
<<if $P.Cor < 70>>\
<<UpdateCorruption "+2">>
I'll help the Doctor release "stress" whenever he wants and easily overtake Akira! What could be simpler than that? ~giggle~
@@color:yellow;Note@@: +4 extra points!
<<if $AkiraWorkingBet === true>>\
<<set _rpoints = 4 + 4*$MedWorkModifier + 4>>\
<<set _rpoints = parseFloat(_rpoints)>>\
<<set _rpoints = Math.floor(_rpoints )>>\
<<set $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus += _rpoints>>\
<<if $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus > 100>>\
<<set $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus = 100>>\
@@color:lime; You are _rpoints % closer to your cash bonus. Current progress $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus/100.@@
<<set _moneymod = 50 + 50*$MedWorkModifier/2 + 50>>\
<<set _moneymod = Math.floor(_moneymod)>>\
<<set $P.Money += _moneymod>>\
@@color:lime;You've earned _moneymod $.@@
<<if $CurrentDayTime == 2>>\
@@#place;<<button [[After work report|AfterWorkReport]]>><<movetime>><</button>>@@
@@#place;<<button [[Get back|AkiraWork]]>><<movetime>><</button>>@@
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
tags: ["med", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "RandomWorkAssist50",
weight: 20,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 5,
<<media "Data/Locations/medcenter.jpg" "place">>
Medical center.
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Hehehe, can't wait. The doctor will be here soon and I'll show him my new uniform! He'll definitely be excited to see me in it!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Another doctor">>Hey, hi... I've been meaning to consult on some papers and...ohhh...wow....um. Where's Dr. Brown?..<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>He's...busy right now. He'll be here later.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Another doctor">>Busy? Oh, I got what he's doing, haha! You're trying to cover him, aren't you? You know, I could rat out your favorite doctor...<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Please, don't do this...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Another doctor">>Don't worry, we'll just wait for him here together...<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny">>Ah....please....ah..ah...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Another doctor">>I'm so jealous of that old bastard having such a gorgeous assistant! Don't worry, I'll just make you feel good...hehe...<</MNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Med/Assistance/50/nurse37.mp4">>
<<UpdateArousal "0">>
<<if $P.Cor < 70>>\
<<UpdateCorruption "+2">>
I had no choice! I don't want to let my doctor down, and I don't want to ruin my relationship with this colleague either!
@@color:yellow;Note@@: +4 extra points!
<<if $AkiraWorkingBet === true>>\
<<set _rpoints = 4 + 4*$MedWorkModifier + 4>>\
<<set _rpoints = parseFloat(_rpoints)>>\
<<set _rpoints = Math.floor(_rpoints )>>\
<<set $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus += _rpoints>>\
<<if $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus > 100>>\
<<set $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus = 100>>\
@@color:lime; You are _rpoints % closer to your cash bonus. Current progress $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus/100.@@
<<set _moneymod = 50 + 50*$MedWorkModifier/2 + 50>>\
<<set _moneymod = Math.floor(_moneymod)>>\
<<set $P.Money += _moneymod>>\
@@color:lime;You've earned _moneymod $.@@
<<if $CurrentDayTime == 2>>\
@@#place;<<button [[After work report|AfterWorkReport]]>><<movetime>><</button>>@@
@@#place;<<button [[Get back|AkiraWork]]>><<movetime>><</button>>@@
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
tags: ["med", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "RandomWorkAssist50",
weight: 20,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 6,
<<media "Data/Locations/medcenter.jpg" "place">>
Medical center.
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Med/Assistance/50/nurse21.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Mmm....Dr. Brown is banging his patient again!...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Med/Assistance/50/mast33.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>Ah...these dumb bitches are becoming addicted to his dick.....<</PlayerDialog>>
~Door opening sound~
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Another Doctor">>Hey, Mister Brown, I....eh?<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused" 1>>....eh?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Another Doctor">>You're his assistant, aren't you?! Are you peeping into hospital cameras and mast...Mas...HUH?!<</MNpcDialog>>
Shit, I'm in really big trouble. And Dr. Brown could be in even bigger trouble if this man finds out what I'm watching through the cameras....I need to think of something immediately!
<<if $P.Cor >= 50 or $P.Arousal >= 100>>\
Hey, is it just me or did he get a bulge in his pants after he saw an assistant girl masturbating?...
@@#cor;<<button [[Seduce him|RandomWorkAssist50_Ev6.2]]>><</button>>@@
<<button [[Fool him|RandomWorkAssist50_Ev6.1]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/medcenter.jpg" "place">>
Medical center.
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Sir, I'm so sorry. You know about the distribution of the "Celtos" drug, don't you? I've been drugged while examining patients! I just couldn't help myself! It's just porn on the screen, I didn't want to cause trouble, but my shift isn't over yet. I had to do something about it. Please don't tell anyone!<</PlayerDialog>>
I think it sounds plausible enough. And what is happening on the screen really looks and sounds like ordinary porn from afar. I could see that this man frowned and thought for a moment, but then relaxed.
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Another Doctor">>Oh, I'm sorry I yelled. I understand. An old lady did something like that to me once. I'm sorry to bother you.<</MNpcDialog>>
He left.
I think I had Dr. Brown's back pretty well, although that colleague ended up embarrassed by what he saw.
@@color:yellow;Note@@: +2 extra points!
<<if $AkiraWorkingBet === true>>\
<<set _rpoints = 4 + 4*$MedWorkModifier + 2>>\
<<set _rpoints = parseFloat(_rpoints)>>\
<<set _rpoints = Math.floor(_rpoints )>>\
<<set $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus += _rpoints>>\
<<if $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus > 100>>\
<<set $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus = 100>>\
@@color:lime; You are _rpoints % closer to your cash bonus. Current progress $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus/100.@@
<<set _moneymod = 50 + 50*$MedWorkModifier/2 + 50>>\
<<set _moneymod = Math.floor(_moneymod)>>\
<<set $P.Money += _moneymod>>\
@@color:lime;You've earned _moneymod $.@@
<<if $CurrentDayTime == 2>>\
@@#place;<<button [[After work report|AfterWorkReport]]>><<movetime>><</button>>@@
@@#place;<<button [[Get back|AkiraWork]]>><<movetime>><</button>>@@
<</if>>\<<media "Data/Locations/medcenter.jpg" "place">>
Medical center.
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Sir, you're just in time. ~giggle~ You know about the distribution of the "Celtos" drug, don't you? I've been drugged while examining patients! It's just porn on the screen, I didn't want to cause trouble, but my shift isn't over yet. Hehehe, please don't take offense to me, I can't help myself! ~giggle~<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Another Doctor">>Hey! What are you...O..Ohhh...<</MNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Med/Assistance/50/nurse24.mp4">>
<<UpdateArousal "+50">>
<<if $P.Cor < 70>>\
<<UpdateCorruption "+5">>
This guy left without saying anything, but with a wide smile on his face. Hehehehe, Dr. Brown would be proud of my dedication!
@@color:yellow;Note@@: +4 extra points!
<<if $AkiraWorkingBet === true>>\
<<set _rpoints = 4 + 4*$MedWorkModifier + 4>>\
<<set _rpoints = parseFloat(_rpoints)>>\
<<set _rpoints = Math.floor(_rpoints )>>\
<<set $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus += _rpoints>>\
<<if $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus > 100>>\
<<set $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus = 100>>\
@@color:lime; You are _rpoints % closer to your cash bonus. Current progress $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus/100.@@
<<set _moneymod = 50 + 50*$MedWorkModifier/2 + 50>>\
<<set _moneymod = Math.floor(_moneymod)>>\
<<set $P.Money += _moneymod>>\
@@color:lime;You've earned _moneymod $.@@
<<if $CurrentDayTime == 2>>\
@@#place;<<button [[After work report|AfterWorkReport]]>><<movetime>><</button>>@@
@@#place;<<button [[Get back|AkiraWork]]>><<movetime>><</button>>@@
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
tags: ["med", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "RandomWorkAssist80",
weight: 10,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 0,
<<media "Data/Locations/medcenter.jpg" "place">>
Medical center.
<<PlayerDialog "horny">>Doctor, I feel weird...is this really necessary?!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Med/Assistance/50/nurse103.mp4">>
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Doctor Brown">>It's necessary, sweetheart. The Head Doctor has decided that our female employees need to look and act sexy, so there has been an increase in patient harassment. But you can't lose control.<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny">>But patients are sometimes so persistent....<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Doctor Brown">>You can take care of the patients all you want, but you have to be in control. As long as you're my assistant, you have to be the best you can be for me, undertstand?<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>..Yes...Doctor...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<UpdateArousal "0">>
<<if $P.Cor < 70>>\
<<UpdateCorruption "+2">>
Ah, I endured as much as I could, but I still came at the end.....
@@color:yellow;Note@@: +4 extra points!
<<if $AkiraWorkingBet === true>>\
<<set _rpoints = 4 + 4*$MedWorkModifier + 4>>\
<<set _rpoints = parseFloat(_rpoints)>>\
<<set _rpoints = Math.floor(_rpoints )>>\
<<set $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus += _rpoints>>\
<<if $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus > 100>>\
<<set $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus = 100>>\
@@color:lime; You are _rpoints % closer to your cash bonus. Current progress $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus/100.@@
<<set _moneymod = 50 + 50*$MedWorkModifier/2 + 50>>\
<<set _moneymod = Math.floor(_moneymod)>>\
<<set $P.Money += _moneymod>>\
@@color:lime;You've earned _moneymod $.@@
<<if $CurrentDayTime == 2>>\
@@#place;<<button [[After work report|AfterWorkReport]]>><<movetime>><</button>>@@
@@#place;<<button [[Get back|AkiraWork]]>><<movetime>><</button>>@@
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
tags: ["med", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "RandomWorkSupervising0",
weight: 10,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 0,
<<media "Data/Locations/medcenter.jpg" "place">>
Medical center.
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Med/Supervising/0/6.gif" "gif">>
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Patient">>What? Is it lunchtime already?<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>No, it's too late, lunch has already passed...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Patient">>Oh. sad. When's the next lunch?<</MNpcDialog>>
This guy seemed to get even more upset when I told him the next lunch wasn't until tomorrow.....
<<if $AkiraWorkingBet === true>>\
<<set _rpoints = 3 + 3*$MedWorkModifier>>\
<<set _rpoints = parseFloat(_rpoints)>>\
<<set _rpoints = Math.floor(_rpoints )>>\
<<set $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus += _rpoints>>\
<<if $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus > 100>>\
<<set $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus = 100>>\
@@color:lime; You are _rpoints % closer to your cash bonus. Current progress $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus/100.@@
<<set _moneymod = 50 + 50*$MedWorkModifier/2>>\
<<set _moneymod = Math.floor(_moneymod)>>\
<<set $P.Money += _moneymod>>\
@@color:lime;You've earned _moneymod $.@@
<<if $CurrentDayTime == 2>>\
@@#place;<<button [[After work report|AfterWorkReport]]>><<movetime>><</button>>@@
@@#place;<<button [[Get back|AkiraWork]]>><<movetime>><</button>>@@
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
tags: ["med", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "RandomWorkSupervising0",
weight: 10,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 1,
<<media "Data/Locations/medcenter.jpg" "place">>
Medical center.
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Hello, how are you feeling?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Patient">>I'm fine.<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Do you want anything? Just say the word and I'll....<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Med/Supervising/0/11.gif" "gif">>
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Patient">>My favorite nurse was transferred to another unit. I don't think you can replace her.<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Uh..hmm...just call me if you need anything...<</PlayerDialog>>
I'm not surprised Akira is having trouble understanding patients' feelings....
<<if $AkiraWorkingBet === true>>\
<<set _rpoints = 3 + 3*$MedWorkModifier>>\
<<set _rpoints = parseFloat(_rpoints)>>\
<<set _rpoints = Math.floor(_rpoints )>>\
<<set $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus += _rpoints>>\
<<if $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus > 100>>\
<<set $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus = 100>>\
@@color:lime; You are _rpoints % closer to your cash bonus. Current progress $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus/100.@@
<<set _moneymod = 50 + 50*$MedWorkModifier/2>>\
<<set _moneymod = Math.floor(_moneymod)>>\
<<set $P.Money += _moneymod>>\
@@color:lime;You've earned _moneymod $.@@
<<if $CurrentDayTime == 2>>\
@@#place;<<button [[After work report|AfterWorkReport]]>><<movetime>><</button>>@@
@@#place;<<button [[Get back|AkiraWork]]>><<movetime>><</button>>@@
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
tags: ["med", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "RandomWorkSupervising0",
weight: 10,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 2,
<<media "Data/Locations/medcenter.jpg" "place">>
Medical center.
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Hello, do you need anyth....?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Med/Supervising/0/5.gif" "gif">>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Uh...oughahahah....I think I'll come back later...<</PlayerDialog>>
Fucking ping damn pong!...!..
<<if $AkiraWorkingBet === true>>\
<<set _rpoints = 3 + 3*$MedWorkModifier>>\
<<set _rpoints = parseFloat(_rpoints)>>\
<<set _rpoints = Math.floor(_rpoints )>>\
<<set $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus += _rpoints>>\
<<if $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus > 100>>\
<<set $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus = 100>>\
@@color:lime; You are _rpoints % closer to your cash bonus. Current progress $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus/100.@@
<<set _moneymod = 50 + 50*$MedWorkModifier/2>>\
<<set _moneymod = Math.floor(_moneymod)>>\
<<set $P.Money += _moneymod>>\
@@color:lime;You've earned _moneymod $.@@
<<if $CurrentDayTime == 2>>\
@@#place;<<button [[After work report|AfterWorkReport]]>><<movetime>><</button>>@@
@@#place;<<button [[Get back|AkiraWork]]>><<movetime>><</button>>@@
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
tags: ["med", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "RandomWorkSupervising0",
weight: 10,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 3,
<<media "Data/Locations/medcenter.jpg" "place">>
Medical center.
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Horny Patient">>....I just want a hot nurse... I want a hot nurse so bad!...I want to squeeze her tits and fuck her juicy ass!... ~mumbling~<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Um...hello...are you alright?...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Med/Supervising/0/8.gif" "gif">>
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Horny Patient">>Hmm...?...No! You're not her! Get awaaaay!...<</MNpcDialog>>
It was even a little offensive...
<<if $AkiraWorkingBet === true>>\
<<set _rpoints = 3 + 3*$MedWorkModifier>>\
<<set _rpoints = parseFloat(_rpoints)>>\
<<set _rpoints = Math.floor(_rpoints )>>\
<<set $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus += _rpoints>>\
<<if $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus > 100>>\
<<set $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus = 100>>\
@@color:lime; You are _rpoints % closer to your cash bonus. Current progress $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus/100.@@
<<set _moneymod = 50 + 50*$MedWorkModifier/2>>\
<<set _moneymod = Math.floor(_moneymod)>>\
<<set $P.Money += _moneymod>>\
@@color:lime;You've earned _moneymod $.@@
<<if $CurrentDayTime == 2>>\
@@#place;<<button [[After work report|AfterWorkReport]]>><<movetime>><</button>>@@
@@#place;<<button [[Get back|AkiraWork]]>><<movetime>><</button>>@@
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
tags: ["med", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "RandomWorkSupervising0",
weight: 10,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 4,
<<media "Data/Locations/medcenter.jpg" "place">>
Medical center.
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Horny Patient">>Tell me, how long do I have left to live before I die?<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Um...sorry?....<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Horny Patient">>Before I die, I have one last wish....I want a hot nurse to do....<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>But, sir, you've just got a cold!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Med/Supervising/0/7.gif" "gif">>
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Horny Patient">>~whimpering~<</MNpcDialog>>
<<if $AkiraWorkingBet === true>>\
<<set _rpoints = 3 + 3*$MedWorkModifier>>\
<<set _rpoints = parseFloat(_rpoints)>>\
<<set _rpoints = Math.floor(_rpoints )>>\
<<set $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus += _rpoints>>\
<<if $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus > 100>>\
<<set $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus = 100>>\
@@color:lime; You are _rpoints % closer to your cash bonus. Current progress $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus/100.@@
<<set _moneymod = 50 + 50*$MedWorkModifier/2>>\
<<set _moneymod = Math.floor(_moneymod)>>\
<<set $P.Money += _moneymod>>\
@@color:lime;You've earned _moneymod $.@@
<<if $CurrentDayTime == 2>>\
@@#place;<<button [[After work report|AfterWorkReport]]>><<movetime>><</button>>@@
@@#place;<<button [[Get back|AkiraWork]]>><<movetime>><</button>>@@
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
tags: ["med", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "RandomWorkSupervising30",
weight: 5,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 0,
<<media "Data/Locations/medcenter.jpg" "place">>
Medical center.
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Hello, do you need anyth....<</PlayerDialog>>
<<FNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Patient 1">>Baby, you look so hot in that diaper!<</FNpcDialog>>
<<FNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Patient 2">>Oh, I know! When I was young, my husband often made me put on a diaper for our role-playing games with him! ~giggles~ <</FNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Med/Supervising/30/12.gif" "gif">>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>I'll....come back later...<</PlayerDialog>>
Take it easy! Twerking grannies in diapers is part of your job!!!
<<if $AkiraWorkingBet === true>>\
<<set _rpoints = 3 + 3*$MedWorkModifier>>\
<<set _rpoints = parseFloat(_rpoints)>>\
<<set _rpoints = Math.floor(_rpoints )>>\
<<set $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus += _rpoints>>\
<<if $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus > 100>>\
<<set $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus = 100>>\
@@color:lime; You are _rpoints % closer to your cash bonus. Current progress $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus/100.@@
<<set _moneymod = 50 + 50*$MedWorkModifier/2>>\
<<set _moneymod = Math.floor(_moneymod)>>\
<<set $P.Money += _moneymod>>\
@@color:lime;You've earned _moneymod $.@@
<<if $CurrentDayTime == 2>>\
@@#place;<<button [[After work report|AfterWorkReport]]>><<movetime>><</button>>@@
@@#place;<<button [[Get back|AkiraWork]]>><<movetime>><</button>>@@
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
tags: ["med", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "RandomWorkSupervising30",
weight: 10,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 1,
<<media "Data/Locations/medcenter.jpg" "place">>
Medical center.
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Hi, I need to take your blood pressure.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Patient">>Hey, how rude! You didn't even knock! <</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Please don't move, this won't take long.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Med/Supervising/30/nurse.mp4">>
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Patient">>Hey...I...I don't mind, please continue.<</MNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Med/Supervising/30/4.gif" "gif">>
Today, for some reason, some patients were suddenly happy when examined....Oh, God, the button on my coat came undone!...How long have I been working and not noticed this?!
<<if $P.Cor < 50>>\
<<UpdateCorruption "+1">>
@@color:yellow;Note@@: +2 extra points!
<<if $AkiraWorkingBet === true>>\
<<set _rpoints = 3 + 3*$MedWorkModifier + 2>>\
<<set _rpoints = parseFloat(_rpoints)>>\
<<set _rpoints = Math.floor(_rpoints )>>\
<<set $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus += _rpoints>>\
<<if $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus > 100>>\
<<set $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus = 100>>\
@@color:lime; You are _rpoints % closer to your cash bonus. Current progress $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus/100.@@
<<set _moneymod = 50 + 50*$MedWorkModifier/2 + 25>>\
<<set _moneymod = Math.floor(_moneymod)>>\
<<set $P.Money += _moneymod>>\
@@color:lime;You've earned _moneymod $.@@
<<if $CurrentDayTime == 2>>\
@@#place;<<button [[After work report|AfterWorkReport]]>><<movetime>><</button>>@@
@@#place;<<button [[Get back|AkiraWork]]>><<movetime>><</button>>@@
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
tags: ["med", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "RandomWorkSupervising30",
weight: 10,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 2,
<<media "Data/Locations/medcenter.jpg" "place">>
Medical center.
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Hello, how are you feeling today?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Horny Patient">>Very bad!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>What?...Why?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Horny Patient">>Because I can't take it anymore! My arms are broken and I haven't cum for days! Isn't it your job to help me?!<</MNpcDialog>>
Just now I noticed his erect and quivering cock under the blanket. Do I really have to help him with this...?
<<if $P.Cor >= 30>>\
@@#cor;<<button [[Jerk him off|RandomWorkSupervising30_Ev2.2]]>><</button>>@@
<<button [[Refuse to help|RandomWorkSupervising30_Ev2.1]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/medcenter.jpg" "place">>
Medical center.
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Sorry, that's not part of my job description...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Horny Patient">>Aggh, bitch! You're so ruthless!<</MNpcDialog>>
The patient was extremely unhappy today.....
@@color:red;Note@@: -2 extra points!
<<if $AkiraWorkingBet === true>>\
<<set _rpoints = 3 + 3*$MedWorkModifier - 2>>\
<<set _rpoints = parseFloat(_rpoints)>>\
<<set _rpoints = Math.floor(_rpoints )>>\
<<set $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus += _rpoints>>\
<<if $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus > 100>>\
<<set $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus = 100>>\
@@color:lime; You are _rpoints % closer to your cash bonus. Current progress $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus/100.@@
<<set _moneymod = 50 + 50*$MedWorkModifier/2>>\
<<set _moneymod = Math.floor(_moneymod)>>\
<<set $P.Money += _moneymod>>\
@@color:lime;You've earned _moneymod $.@@
<<if $CurrentDayTime == 2>>\
@@#place;<<button [[After work report|AfterWorkReport]]>><<movetime>><</button>>@@
@@#place;<<button [[Get back|AkiraWork]]>><<movetime>><</button>>@@
<</if>>\<<media "Data/Locations/medcenter.jpg" "place">>
Medical center.
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Okay, I'll help you, but just this once.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Med/Supervising/30/nurse119.mp4">>
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Horny Patient">>Ah, thank you! God bless you!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<if $P.Cor < 50>>\
<<UpdateCorruption "+1">>
He cummed so much...he really needed help.....
@@color:yellow;Note@@: +2 extra points!
<<if $AkiraWorkingBet === true>>\
<<set _rpoints = 3 + 3*$MedWorkModifier + 2>>\
<<set _rpoints = parseFloat(_rpoints)>>\
<<set _rpoints = Math.floor(_rpoints )>>\
<<set $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus += _rpoints>>\
<<if $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus > 100>>\
<<set $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus = 100>>\
@@color:lime; You are _rpoints % closer to your cash bonus. Current progress $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus/100.@@
<<set _moneymod = 50 + 50*$MedWorkModifier/2 + 25>>\
<<set _moneymod = Math.floor(_moneymod)>>\
<<set $P.Money += _moneymod>>\
@@color:lime;You've earned _moneymod $.@@
<<if $CurrentDayTime == 2>>\
@@#place;<<button [[After work report|AfterWorkReport]]>><<movetime>><</button>>@@
@@#place;<<button [[Get back|AkiraWork]]>><<movetime>><</button>>@@
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
tags: ["med", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "RandomWorkSupervising30",
weight: 10,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 3,
<<media "Data/Locations/medcenter.jpg" "place">>
Medical center.
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Hello, how are you feeling today?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Horny Angry Patient">>You're just in time, bitch. Come here and jerk my dick.<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Why are you talking to me like that?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Horny Angry Patient">>Cause I know how this place works, bitch. You want your boss to be satisfied with your work, don't you? Because I can do the exact opposite! If you don't want me to do it, you better listen to me, bitch.<</MNpcDialog>>
He's trying to blackmail me?! What am I supposed to do!?
<<if $P.Cor >= 30>>\
@@#cor;<<button [[Listen to him|RandomWorkSupervising30_Ev3.2]]>><</button>>@@
<<button [[Refuse!|RandomWorkSupervising30_Ev3.1]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/medcenter.jpg" "place">>
Medical center.
<<PlayerDialog "disgust">>Fuck you, asshole!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Horny Super Angry Patient">>Bitch, you're gonna pay for this! You're gonna beg me for my cock in your filthy horny pussy!!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Like I'm gonna give in to you so easily. You are not in control here, idiot.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<UpdateSubDom "+1">>\
Even if it hits my work progress, this guy doesn't deserve my attention.
@@color:red;Note@@: -2 extra points!
<<if $AkiraWorkingBet === true>>\
<<set _rpoints = 3 + 3*$MedWorkModifier - 2>>\
<<set _rpoints = parseFloat(_rpoints)>>\
<<set _rpoints = Math.floor(_rpoints )>>\
<<set $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus += _rpoints>>\
<<if $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus > 100>>\
<<set $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus = 100>>\
@@color:lime; You are _rpoints % closer to your cash bonus. Current progress $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus/100.@@
<<set _moneymod = 50 + 50*$MedWorkModifier/2>>\
<<set _moneymod = Math.floor(_moneymod)>>\
<<set $P.Money += _moneymod>>\
@@color:lime;You've earned _moneymod $.@@
<<if $CurrentDayTime == 2>>\
@@#place;<<button [[After work report|AfterWorkReport]]>><<movetime>><</button>>@@
@@#place;<<button [[Get back|AkiraWork]]>><<movetime>><</button>>@@
<</if>>\<<media "Data/Locations/medcenter.jpg" "place">>
Medical center.
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Horny Patient">>Ha-ha-ha! You're just as much of a whore as the rest of them!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>I said yes, so you're not going to ruin my career here, are you?...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Horny Patient">>You'll be fine as long as you listen to me and do what I tell you! But now use your saliva and massage my cock until I tell you to stop, bitch! <</MNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Med/Supervising/30/nurse96.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>...okay...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<UpdateSubDom "-1">>
<<if $P.Cor < 50>>\
<<UpdateCorruption "+1">>
I had no choice!...
@@color:yellow;Note@@: +3 extra points!
<<if $AkiraWorkingBet === true>>\
<<set _rpoints = 3 + 3*$MedWorkModifier + 3>>\
<<set _rpoints = parseFloat(_rpoints)>>\
<<set _rpoints = Math.floor(_rpoints )>>\
<<set $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus += _rpoints>>\
<<if $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus > 100>>\
<<set $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus = 100>>\
@@color:lime; You are _rpoints % closer to your cash bonus. Current progress $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus/100.@@
<<set _moneymod = 50 + 50*$MedWorkModifier/2 + 35>>\
<<set _moneymod = Math.floor(_moneymod)>>\
<<set $P.Money += _moneymod>>\
@@color:lime;You've earned _moneymod $.@@
<<if $CurrentDayTime == 2>>\
@@#place;<<button [[After work report|AfterWorkReport]]>><<movetime>><</button>>@@
@@#place;<<button [[Get back|AkiraWork]]>><<movetime>><</button>>@@
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
tags: ["med", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "RandomWorkSupervising30",
weight: 10,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 4,
<<media "Data/Locations/medcenter.jpg" "place">>
Medical center.
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Hello, how are you feeling today? Oh, you look stressed....<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Stressed Patient">>I'm about to have surgery. It's not serious, but I'm still really scared. My whole body feels like it's petrified...<</MNpcDialog>>
He does look petrified, especially his "bottom part", which looks right into the cavity....
Maybe I should help him relieve some of the tension?
<<if $P.Cor >= 30>>\
@@#cor;<<button [[Help him|RandomWorkSupervising30_Ev4.2]]>><</button>>@@
<<button [[Just cheer him on|RandomWorkSupervising30_Ev4.1]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/medcenter.jpg" "place">>
Medical center.
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Don't worry! Surgery is not a big deal, especially in your case. Try to think of something good!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Stressed Patient">>Think of something good?...Um..may I think about...you?<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Um...y-yeahh, of course...If it helps you relax...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<UpdateArousal "+30">>
Looks like I'm his stress reliever now....
@@color:yellow;Note@@: +3 extra points!
<<if $AkiraWorkingBet === true>>\
<<set _rpoints = 3 + 3*$MedWorkModifier>>\
<<set _rpoints = parseFloat(_rpoints)>>\
<<set _rpoints = Math.floor(_rpoints )>>\
<<set $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus += _rpoints>>\
<<if $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus > 100>>\
<<set $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus = 100>>\
@@color:lime; You are _rpoints % closer to your cash bonus. Current progress $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus/100.@@
<<set _moneymod = 50 + 50*$MedWorkModifier/2>>\
<<set _moneymod = Math.floor(_moneymod)>>\
<<set $P.Money += _moneymod>>\
@@color:lime;You've earned _moneymod $.@@
<<if $CurrentDayTime == 2>>\
@@#place;<<button [[After work report|AfterWorkReport]]>><<movetime>><</button>>@@
@@#place;<<button [[Get back|AkiraWork]]>><<movetime>><</button>>@@
<</if>>\<<media "Data/Locations/medcenter.jpg" "place">>
Medical center.
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>I think I can help you relax a little. I just need my gloves.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Stressed Patient">>Gloves?..<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Sir, just relax and let all your tension out. Please, do that for me.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Stressed Patient">>Ooh...yes....<</MNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Med/Supervising/30/nurse162.mp4">>
He let out so much...so sticky.....
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Feeling better yet?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Relaxed Patient">>Yes. You are definitely a Goddess!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<if $P.Cor < 50>>\
<<UpdateCorruption "+1">>
<<UpdateArousal "+40">>
I didn't even have time to jerk him off, he gave up almost immediately! Although his compliment was very nice...
Looks like I'm his stress reliever now....
@@color:yellow;Note@@: +2 extra points!
<<if $AkiraWorkingBet === true>>\
<<set _rpoints = 3 + 3*$MedWorkModifier + 2>>\
<<set _rpoints = parseFloat(_rpoints)>>\
<<set _rpoints = Math.floor(_rpoints )>>\
<<set $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus += _rpoints>>\
<<if $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus > 100>>\
<<set $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus = 100>>\
@@color:lime; You are _rpoints % closer to your cash bonus. Current progress $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus/100.@@
<<set _moneymod = 50 + 50*$MedWorkModifier/2 + 25>>\
<<set _moneymod = Math.floor(_moneymod)>>\
<<set $P.Money += _moneymod>>\
@@color:lime;You've earned _moneymod $.@@
<<if $CurrentDayTime == 2>>\
@@#place;<<button [[After work report|AfterWorkReport]]>><<movetime>><</button>>@@
@@#place;<<button [[Get back|AkiraWork]]>><<movetime>><</button>>@@
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
tags: ["med", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "RandomWorkSupervising30",
weight: 10,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 5,
<<media "Data/Locations/medcenter.jpg" "place">>
Medical center.
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Suprised Patient">>Are you the new nurse?!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Hehe, No, I'm just an assistant for now.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Suprised Patient">>You're so beautiful!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Med/Supervising/30/24.gif" "gif">>
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Suprised Patient">>Can you show me your breasts?..<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Show you what?!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Suprised Patient">>Please, please, please! I'm begging you! I promise not to touch it, but if you do, I'll tell everyone how wonderful you are and how pleased I am with your work! Please!<</MNpcDialog>>
Damn...he's begging for it so much.... maybe it will be okay if I show them once?...Plus, I think it will advance my progress in the race with Akira....I don't know...
<<if $P.Cor >= 30>>\
@@#cor;<<button [[Show him breasts|RandomWorkSupervising30_Ev5.2]]>><</button>>@@
<<button [[Refuse|RandomWorkSupervising30_Ev5.1]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/medcenter.jpg" "place">>
Medical center.
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Sorry, such requests are not part of my job...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Suprised Patient">>Ah, yes? Oh, yes..you're right..Sorry...Although....You sure you don't want to?<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>I'm...sure...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Suprised Patient">>Uh..wow...eh...okay...then...<</MNpcDialog>>
<<UpdateArousal "+10">>
Weird guy...
<<if $AkiraWorkingBet === true>>\
<<set _rpoints = 3 + 3*$MedWorkModifier>>\
<<set _rpoints = parseFloat(_rpoints)>>\
<<set _rpoints = Math.floor(_rpoints )>>\
<<set $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus += _rpoints>>\
<<if $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus > 100>>\
<<set $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus = 100>>\
@@color:lime; You are _rpoints % closer to your cash bonus. Current progress $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus/100.@@
<<set _moneymod = 50 + 50*$MedWorkModifier/2>>\
<<set _moneymod = Math.floor(_moneymod)>>\
<<set $P.Money += _moneymod>>\
@@color:lime;You've earned _moneymod $.@@
<<if $CurrentDayTime == 2>>\
@@#place;<<button [[After work report|AfterWorkReport]]>><<movetime>><</button>>@@
@@#place;<<button [[Get back|AkiraWork]]>><<movetime>><</button>>@@
<</if>>\<<media "Data/Locations/medcenter.jpg" "place">>
Medical center.
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Okay, but just this once. After all, I want my patients to be happy....<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Surprised Patient">>Oohh...Wow!..<</MNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Med/Supervising/30/nurse2.mp4">>
Jesus, I really do show patients boobs just because he asked me to....
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Are you happy now?...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Surprised Patient">>...Yes...I mean YES! Very super happy! You really showed them...wow...uh...awesome! You are definitely the best! I...I'm a fan of yours! <</MNpcDialog>>
<<if $P.Cor < 50>>\
<<UpdateCorruption "+1">>
<<UpdateArousal "+40">>
Weird guy... ~giggle~
@@color:yellow;Note@@: +2 extra points!
<<if $AkiraWorkingBet === true>>\
<<set _rpoints = 3 + 3*$MedWorkModifier + 2>>\
<<set _rpoints = parseFloat(_rpoints)>>\
<<set _rpoints = Math.floor(_rpoints )>>\
<<set $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus += _rpoints>>\
<<if $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus > 100>>\
<<set $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus = 100>>\
@@color:lime; You are _rpoints % closer to your cash bonus. Current progress $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus/100.@@
<<set _moneymod = 50 + 50*$MedWorkModifier/2 + 25>>\
<<set _moneymod = Math.floor(_moneymod)>>\
<<set $P.Money += _moneymod>>\
@@color:lime;You've earned _moneymod $.@@
<<if $CurrentDayTime == 2>>\
@@#place;<<button [[After work report|AfterWorkReport]]>><<movetime>><</button>>@@
@@#place;<<button [[Get back|AkiraWork]]>><<movetime>><</button>>@@
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
tags: ["med", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "RandomWorkSupervising30",
weight: 10,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 6,
<<media "Data/Locations/medcenter.jpg" "place">>
Medical center.
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Hello, do you need anything?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Dull Patient">>Oh, can I get another nurse?<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>I'm just an assistant, but I think I can take care of you. Why do you want another nurse?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Dull Patient">>Because obviously you can't help me with this. Call someone else, don't test my patience.<</MNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Med/Supervising/30/cock34.webp" "just">>
He threw off the blanket and underneath was a huge erect cock...So that's what that nurse does for him! That narcissistic bastard is completely convinced that I can't do such a simple task! Do'h!
<<if $P.Cor >= 30>>\
@@#cor;<<button [[Prove him he is wrong|RandomWorkSupervising30_Ev6.2]]>><</button>>@@
<<button [[Don't be provoked|RandomWorkSupervising30_Ev6.1]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/medcenter.jpg" "place">>
Medical center.
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Well, I think you really need the help of another professional. <</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Dull Patient">>Exactly. I already know you can't handle it.<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "disgust">>Grr...you won't be seeing me here anytime soon.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<UpdateArousal "-15">>
Very, very, very unpleasant guy...
@@color:red;Note@@: -1 extra points!
<<if $AkiraWorkingBet === true>>\
<<set _rpoints = 3 + 3*$MedWorkModifier - 1>>\
<<set _rpoints = parseFloat(_rpoints)>>\
<<set _rpoints = Math.floor(_rpoints )>>\
<<set $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus += _rpoints>>\
<<if $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus > 100>>\
<<set $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus = 100>>\
@@color:lime; You are _rpoints % closer to your cash bonus. Current progress $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus/100.@@
<<set _moneymod = 50 + 50*$MedWorkModifier/2>>\
<<set _moneymod = Math.floor(_moneymod)>>\
<<set $P.Money += _moneymod>>\
@@color:lime;You've earned _moneymod $.@@
<<if $CurrentDayTime == 2>>\
@@#place;<<button [[After work report|AfterWorkReport]]>><<movetime>><</button>>@@
@@#place;<<button [[Get back|AkiraWork]]>><<movetime>><</button>>@@
<</if>>\<<media "Data/Locations/medcenter.jpg" "place">>
Medical center.
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Dull Patient">>Why are you wearing gloves? I told you to leave.<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Don't underestimate me.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Dull Patient">>Hey...what are y...wooah!...<</MNpcDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Dull Patient">>I...I want to cum...<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>You'll cum when I say so.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Dull Patient">>I can't! I'm cumming!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Med/Supervising/30/nurse10.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>What? Hey, you... you cum all over my uniform!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Dull Patient">>I...apologize for underestimating you...<</MNpcDialog>>
<<if $P.Cor < 50>>\
<<UpdateCorruption "+1">>\
<<UpdateArousal "+50">>\
<<UpdateSubDom "+1">>\
Well, he's a jerk, but at least he apologized....
That was hot, and I think I need to change my uniform.... ~giggle~
@@color:yellow;Note@@: +2 extra points!
<<if $AkiraWorkingBet === true>>\
<<set _rpoints = 3 + 3*$MedWorkModifier + 2>>\
<<set _rpoints = parseFloat(_rpoints)>>\
<<set _rpoints = Math.floor(_rpoints )>>\
<<set $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus += _rpoints>>\
<<if $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus > 100>>\
<<set $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus = 100>>\
@@color:lime; You are _rpoints % closer to your cash bonus. Current progress $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus/100.@@
<<set _moneymod = 50 + 50*$MedWorkModifier/2 + 25>>\
<<set _moneymod = Math.floor(_moneymod)>>\
<<set $P.Money += _moneymod>>\
@@color:lime;You've earned _moneymod $.@@
<<if $CurrentDayTime == 2>>\
@@#place;<<button [[After work report|AfterWorkReport]]>><<movetime>><</button>>@@
@@#place;<<button [[Get back|AkiraWork]]>><<movetime>><</button>>@@
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
tags: ["med", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "RandomWorkSupervising50",
weight: 10,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 0,
<<media "Data/Locations/medcenter.jpg" "place">>
Medical center.
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Hello, how are you feeling today?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Horny Patient">>Very bad! Whose job is it to take care of my mental health? My dick is hard, see?<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Uh..heheh..you know...I...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<if $P.Cor < 50 or $P.Arousal < 80>>\
<<button [[Do nothing|RandomWorkSupervising50_Ev0.1]]>><</button>>
If I were him, I'd really wish someone would look into the problem.... I wanna take care of it!... ~giggle~
<<disable>><<button [[Do nothing|RandomWorkSupervising50_Ev0.1]]>><</button>><</disable>>
<<if $P.Cor >= 50>>\
@@#cor;<<button [[Jerk him off|RandomWorkSupervising50_Ev0.2]]>><</button>>@@
<</if>>\<<media "Data/Locations/medcenter.jpg" "place">>
Medical center.
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>..I...I don't do that kind of stuff....<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Horny Patient">>Then I'll do it myself and give you a low grade to shame you! Hahahaha!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "disgust">>...Call me if you have more adequate requests....<</PlayerDialog>>
He really started looking at me and jerking his cock with that smirk.... so why I'm that much...uh....
<<UpdateArousal "+30">>
<<if $P.Cor < 50>>\
<<UpdateCorruption "+1">>
<<if $AkiraWorkingBet === true>>\
<<set _rpoints = 3 + 3*$MedWorkModifier>>\
<<set _rpoints = parseFloat(_rpoints)>>\
<<set _rpoints = Math.floor(_rpoints )>>\
<<set $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus += _rpoints>>\
<<if $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus > 100>>\
<<set $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus = 100>>\
@@color:lime; You are _rpoints % closer to your cash bonus. Current progress $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus/100.@@
<<set _moneymod = 50 + 50*$MedWorkModifier/2>>\
<<set _moneymod = Math.floor(_moneymod)>>\
<<set $P.Money += _moneymod>>\
@@color:lime;You've earned _moneymod $.@@
<<if $CurrentDayTime == 2>>\
@@#place;<<button [[After work report|AfterWorkReport]]>><<movetime>><</button>>@@
@@#place;<<button [[Get back|AkiraWork]]>><<movetime>><</button>>@@
<</if>>\<<media "Data/Locations/medcenter.jpg" "place">>
Medical center.
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>..I...I am so excited to satisfy my dear patients!.. ~giggle~<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Med/Supervising/30/nurse2.mp4">>
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Horny Patient">>Haha! Bitch! How about using that gel?<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>You're reading my mind, sir... ~giggle~<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Horny Patient">>Ahaa...I'm cumming! The nurses here are such sluts!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Med/Supervising/50/nurse161.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Sir, I'm not a nurse, I'm just an assistant... Hehe...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<if $P.Cor < 70>>\
<<UpdateCorruption "+1">>\
<<UpdateArousal "+50">>\
Even though I acted like a whore, he was very pleased with my work... ~giggle~
@@color:yellow;Note@@: +6 extra points!
<<if $AkiraWorkingBet === true>>\
<<set _rpoints = 3 + 3*$MedWorkModifier + 6>>\
<<set _rpoints = parseFloat(_rpoints)>>\
<<set _rpoints = Math.floor(_rpoints )>>\
<<set $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus += _rpoints>>\
<<if $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus > 100>>\
<<set $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus = 100>>\
@@color:lime; You are _rpoints % closer to your cash bonus. Current progress $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus/100.@@
<<set _moneymod = 50 + 50*$MedWorkModifier/2 + 50>>\
<<set _moneymod = Math.floor(_moneymod)>>\
<<set $P.Money += _moneymod>>\
@@color:lime;You've earned _moneymod $.@@
<<if $CurrentDayTime == 2>>\
@@#place;<<button [[After work report|AfterWorkReport]]>><<movetime>><</button>>@@
@@#place;<<button [[Get back|AkiraWork]]>><<movetime>><</button>>@@
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
tags: ["med", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "RandomWorkSupervising50",
weight: 10,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 1,
<<media "Data/Locations/medcenter.jpg" "place">>
Medical center.
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Doctor">>Hey, Ms. Assistant. There's a little work for you.<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>What kind of work?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Doctor">>Sometimes people come to us ready to donate sperm, but they can't do it. Maybe they are shy or something else prevents them from doing it here. In such cases, the nurses sometimes help them.<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Wait a minute, you want me to...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Doctor">>It's okay. If you say no, I'll just ask someone else. But if you agree, be sure to wear the appropriate uniform for this procedure.<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>..appropriate uniform?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<if $P.Cor < 50 or $P.Arousal < 80>>\
<<button [[Refuse|RandomWorkSupervising50_Ev1.1]]>><</button>>
If I were him, I'd really wish someone would look into the problem.... I wanna take care of it!... ~giggle~
<<disable>><<button [[Refuse|RandomWorkSupervising50_Ev1.1]]>><</button>><</disable>>
<<if $P.Cor >= 50>>\
@@#cor;<<button [[Agree|RandomWorkSupervising50_Ev1.2]]>><</button>>@@
<</if>>\<<media "Data/Locations/medcenter.jpg" "place">>
Medical center.
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Sorry, I have a lot of other work to do.....<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Doctor">>Don't worry, I'm not forcing you, but I have to say I expected you to be more involved.<</MNpcDialog>>
So..Work went on as usual...
<<if $AkiraWorkingBet === true>>\
<<set _rpoints = 3 + 3*$MedWorkModifier>>\
<<set _rpoints = parseFloat(_rpoints)>>\
<<set _rpoints = Math.floor(_rpoints )>>\
<<set $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus += _rpoints>>\
<<if $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus > 100>>\
<<set $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus = 100>>\
@@color:lime; You are _rpoints % closer to your cash bonus. Current progress $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus/100.@@
<<set _moneymod = 50 + 50*$MedWorkModifier/2>>\
<<set _moneymod = Math.floor(_moneymod)>>\
<<set $P.Money += _moneymod>>\
@@color:lime;You've earned _moneymod $.@@
<<if $CurrentDayTime == 2>>\
@@#place;<<button [[After work report|AfterWorkReport]]>><<movetime>><</button>>@@
@@#place;<<button [[Get back|AkiraWork]]>><<movetime>><</button>>@@
<</if>>\<<media "Data/Locations/medcenter.jpg" "place">>
Medical center.
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Doctor, you can count on me! ~giggle~<</PlayerDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Do you really like it that much? Or do you like me in this uniform? Anyway, do your best and give me everything you've saved up!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Sperm donator">>Ooghh...yes! Yes! Now I wanna bring "dotations" here more often!!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Med/Supervising/50/nurse157.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Goood job! ~giggle~ You're good boy, aren't you?..<</PlayerDialog>>
<<if $P.Cor < 70>>\
<<UpdateCorruption "+1">>\
<<UpdateArousal "+50">>\
Let everyone know how cool and skillful I am! Ha-ha!
@@color:yellow;Note@@: +6 extra points!
<<if $AkiraWorkingBet === true>>\
<<set _rpoints = 3 + 3*$MedWorkModifier + 6>>\
<<set _rpoints = parseFloat(_rpoints)>>\
<<set _rpoints = Math.floor(_rpoints )>>\
<<set $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus += _rpoints>>\
<<if $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus > 100>>\
<<set $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus = 100>>\
@@color:lime; You are _rpoints % closer to your cash bonus. Current progress $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus/100.@@
<<set _moneymod = 50 + 50*$MedWorkModifier/2 + 50>>\
<<set _moneymod = Math.floor(_moneymod)>>\
<<set $P.Money += _moneymod>>\
@@color:lime;You've earned _moneymod $.@@
<<if $CurrentDayTime == 2>>\
@@#place;<<button [[After work report|AfterWorkReport]]>><<movetime>><</button>>@@
@@#place;<<button [[Get back|AkiraWork]]>><<movetime>><</button>>@@
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$P.Cor >= 50`,
tags: ["med", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "RandomWorkSupervising50",
weight: 10,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 2,
<<media "Data/Locations/medcenter.jpg" "place">>
Medical center.
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Hello, how are you feeling today?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Horny Angry Patient">>You're just in time, bitch. Come here and jerk my dick.<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Sir, you know that's not part of my job description...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Horny Angry Patient">>I don't care. If you don't want to get fired from this place, you're gonna be my bitch and do what I tell you! So get over here and jerk my dick, bitch!<</MNpcDialog>>
This man is so demanding and tough all the time.....
<<if $P.Arousal < 100>>\
@@#cor;<<button [[Obey him|RandomWorkSupervising50_Ev2.1]]>><</button>>@@
@@#cor;<<button [[Be confident|RandomWorkSupervising50_Ev2.2]]>><</button>>@@
Ooh, but I'm too aroused to think....
<<if $P.SubDom >= 0>>\
@@#cor;<<disable>><<button [[Obey him|RandomWorkSupervising50_Ev2.1]]>><</button>><</disable>>@@
@@#cor;<<button [[Be confident|RandomWorkSupervising50_Ev2.2]]>><</button>>@@
@@#cor;<<button [[Obey him|RandomWorkSupervising50_Ev2.1]]>><</button>>@@
@@#cor;<<disable>><<button [[Be confident|RandomWorkSupervising50_Ev2.2]]>><</button>><</disable>>@@
<</if>>\<<media "Data/Locations/medcenter.jpg" "place">>
Medical center.
I need my patients to be happy with my work..so...I have no choice!
<<PlayerDialog "horny">>Of course, sir. I'll do whatever you say...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Horny Angry Patient">>Yeah, just like that, wank that dick off, bitch!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Med/Supervising/50/nurse153.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny">>A-are you pleased, sir?...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Horny Angry Patient">>Yeah, you're getting better at dick wanking! I'm already thinking of making you my personal hole in the center. Keep obeying me and you'll get the best feedback from me!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<if $P.Cor < 70>>\
<<UpdateCorruption "+1">>
<<UpdateArousal "+50">>
<<UpdateSubDom "-1">>
Not only does he praise me, but he writes good reviews of my work when I agree to do these things for him... ~giggle~
@@color:yellow;Note@@: +6 extra points!
<<if $AkiraWorkingBet === true>>\
<<set _rpoints = 3 + 3*$MedWorkModifier + 6>>\
<<set _rpoints = parseFloat(_rpoints)>>\
<<set _rpoints = Math.floor(_rpoints )>>\
<<set $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus += _rpoints>>\
<<if $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus > 100>>\
<<set $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus = 100>>\
@@color:lime; You are _rpoints % closer to your cash bonus. Current progress $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus/100.@@
<<set _moneymod = 50 + 50*$MedWorkModifier/2 + 75>>\
<<set _moneymod = Math.floor(_moneymod)>>\
<<set $P.Money += _moneymod>>\
@@color:lime;You've earned _moneymod $.@@
<<if $CurrentDayTime == 2>>\
@@#place;<<button [[After work report|AfterWorkReport]]>><<movetime>><</button>>@@
@@#place;<<button [[Get back|AkiraWork]]>><<movetime>><</button>>@@
<</if>>\<<media "Data/Locations/medcenter.jpg" "place">>
Medical center.
I can't let him talk to me like that...hehe...
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Sir, I agree, but I'll do it my way... ~giggle~<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Horny Angry Patient">>..w-what?..<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>You think you can poke your dick at the nurses here with impunity?... ~giggle~ You're such a bad boy with such a lecherous dick...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Horny Angry Patient">>W-what do you think you're d-doing?...You're supposed to...o-obey me... bitch!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>You can be a good boy, but that dirty naughty cock is keeping you from thinking... You're a good boy, aren't you?...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Med/Supervising/50/nurse3.mp4">>
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Horny Angry Patient">>AaGh...ahm...g-good...b-boy?...<</MNpcDialog>>
<<if $P.Cor < 70>>\
<<UpdateCorruption "+1">>
<<UpdateArousal "+50">>
<<UpdateSubDom "+1">>
I think he's overwhelmed with mixed feelings now, but he can't write a negative review of my work, after all, I did fulfill his request, haha!
@@color:yellow;Note@@: +4 extra points!
<<if $AkiraWorkingBet === true>>\
<<set _rpoints = 3 + 3*$MedWorkModifier + 4>>\
<<set _rpoints = parseFloat(_rpoints)>>\
<<set _rpoints = Math.floor(_rpoints )>>\
<<set $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus += _rpoints>>\
<<if $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus > 100>>\
<<set $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus = 100>>\
@@color:lime; You are _rpoints % closer to your cash bonus. Current progress $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus/100.@@
<<set _moneymod = 50 + 50*$MedWorkModifier/2 + 25>>\
<<set _moneymod = Math.floor(_moneymod)>>\
<<set $P.Money += _moneymod>>\
@@color:lime;You've earned _moneymod $.@@
<<if $CurrentDayTime == 2>>\
@@#place;<<button [[After work report|AfterWorkReport]]>><<movetime>><</button>>@@
@@#place;<<button [[Get back|AkiraWork]]>><<movetime>><</button>>@@
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
tags: ["med", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "RandomWorkSupervising50",
weight: 10,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 3,
<<media "Data/Locations/medcenter.jpg" "place">>
Medical center.
<<PlayerDialog "happy" 1>>Here's the break, time for something to eat!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<UpdateArousal "100">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny">>Oh my...what's happening...to me...?...Ahhh...<</PlayerDialog>>
I fell on the floor...
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Horny Collegue">>Heh, wow, I think I mixed it up and put it in the wrong batch...<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny">>Put what?! But...It's so hot...I want to...oh..wait...is it Celtos?!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Horny Collegue">>Haha, smart one. It wasn't made for you after all...So, well, as an apology, I'm willing to do a little tongue work for you...<</MNpcDialog>>
Tongue work?..oh...There are no other options, this is the best way to get rid of this feeling...
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Horny Collegue">>...if you beg me to. Convince me to help you, heheh...Beg me.<</MNpcDialog>>
Bastard! Is that what he calls an apology?..
<<if $P.SubDom > -10 and $P.SubDom < 10>>\
I'm so horny, but I don't want to beg this jerk! What should I do?!
<<button [[Refuse|RandomWorkSupervising50_Ev3.1]]>><</button>>
@@#cor;<<button [[Beg him|RandomWorkSupervising50_Ev3.2]]>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $P.SubDom >= 10>>
No matter how I feel right now, I can't let myself fall so low!
<<button [[Refuse|RandomWorkSupervising50_Ev3.1]]>><</button>>
@@#cor;<<disable>><<button [[Beg him|RandomWorkSupervising50_Ev3.2]]>><</button>><</disable>>@@
<<elseif $P.SubDom <= -10>>
I can't resist the feeling! I give up!.. ~giggle~
<<button [[Refuse|RandomWorkSupervising50_Ev3.1]]>><</button>><</disable>>
@@#cor;<<button [[Beg him|RandomWorkSupervising50_Ev3.2]]>><</button>>@@
<</if>>\<<media "Data/Locations/medcenter.jpg" "place">>
Medical center.
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>You really think I'm gonna beg you? F-fuck you, asshole!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Horny Collegue">>Wow...a-are you sure?...I mean...I can help...<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "disgust">>You gotta be kidding me.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Horny Collegue">>Haha, no. Really, hahah! You have a strong will, you're barely hanging on, but you don't give up. I respect that.<</MNpcDialog>>
What the hell was that?!
<<UpdateSubDom "+2">>
@@color:yellow;Note@@: +6 extra points!
<<if $AkiraWorkingBet === true>>\
<<set _rpoints = 3 + 3*$MedWorkModifier + 6>>\
<<set _rpoints = parseFloat(_rpoints)>>\
<<set _rpoints = Math.floor(_rpoints )>>\
<<set $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus += _rpoints>>\
<<if $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus > 100>>\
<<set $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus = 100>>\
@@color:lime; You are _rpoints % closer to your cash bonus. Current progress $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus/100.@@
<<set _moneymod = 50 + 50*$MedWorkModifier/2 + 50>>\
<<set _moneymod = Math.floor(_moneymod)>>\
<<set $P.Money += _moneymod>>\
@@color:lime;You've earned _moneymod $.@@
<<if $CurrentDayTime == 2>>\
@@#place;<<button [[After work report|AfterWorkReport]]>><<movetime>><</button>>@@
@@#place;<<button [[Get back|AkiraWork]]>><<movetime>><</button>>@@
<</if>>\<<media "Data/Locations/medcenter.jpg" "place">>
Medical center.
Everything's a blur, so hot! I don't want to think, I give up!
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Mmm...I can't, it's so hot! Look at me, this slutty girl wants to be licked! Lick me, please! ~giggle~<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Med/Supervising/50/nurse180.mp4">>
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Horny Collegue">>See how easy it is? You deserve your reward.<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>OH YEAH! YES! YYEEEEAHHH!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Med/Supervising/50/nurse118.mp4">>
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Horny Collegue">>~satisfied noises~<</MNpcDialog>>
<<if $P.Cor < 70>>
<<UpdateCorruption "+1">>
<<UpdateArousal "0">>
<<UpdateSubDom "-1">>
It is very important in life to be able to forgive ~giggle~
@@color:yellow;Note@@: +6 extra points!
<<if $AkiraWorkingBet === true>>\
<<set _rpoints = 3 + 3*$MedWorkModifier + 6>>\
<<set _rpoints = parseFloat(_rpoints)>>\
<<set _rpoints = Math.floor(_rpoints )>>\
<<set $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus += _rpoints>>\
<<if $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus > 100>>\
<<set $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus = 100>>\
@@color:lime; You are _rpoints % closer to your cash bonus. Current progress $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus/100.@@
<<set _moneymod = 50 + 50*$MedWorkModifier/2 + 50>>\
<<set _moneymod = Math.floor(_moneymod)>>\
<<set $P.Money += _moneymod>>\
@@color:lime;You've earned _moneymod $.@@
<<if $CurrentDayTime == 2>>\
@@#place;<<button [[After work report|AfterWorkReport]]>><<movetime>><</button>>@@
@@#place;<<button [[Get back|AkiraWork]]>><<movetime>><</button>>@@
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
tags: ["med", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "RandomWorkSupervising50",
weight: 10,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 4,
<<media "Data/Locations/medcenter.jpg" "place">>
Medical center.
<<PlayerDialog "happy" 1>>Doctor, you wanted something?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Doctor">>The nurse in charge of the patient on the VIP ward is sick again.<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused" 1>>VIP ward?..<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Doctor">>Yes, these patients are usually very important people, so we have a "special" service for them. I want you to take that nurse's place today. Look, I have a video of what you'll need to do in his ward.<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Oh, doctor, does a nurse really have to do something like that...?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Doctor">>I can see by the look on your face that you liked what you saw. This is an important mission and the pay is a little higher, but you have to do your part well. If you don't want to do it, I'll ask someone else.<</MNpcDialog>>
<<if $P.Cor < 60 or $P.Arousal < 100>>\
<<button [[Refuse|RandomWorkSupervising50_Ev4.1]]>><</button>>
No way, it's no longer health care, it's actual prostitution!..
<<disable>><<button [[Refuse|RandomWorkSupervising50_Ev4.1]]>><</button>><</disable>>
<<if $P.Cor >= 60>>\
@@#cor;<<button [[Agree|RandomWorkSupervising50_Ev4.2]]>><</button>>@@
<</if>>\<<media "Data/Locations/medcenter.jpg" "place">>
Medical center.
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>I'm sorry, Doctor, I think you'd better ask someone else...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Doctor">>Well, that's a shame. I think you would have been great in that role.<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Doctor, pardon me for asking, but since when do we provide such a service to VIP patients?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Doctor">>We have always had a special service for VIP patients, but recently the "conditions of service for them" have improved a lot.<</MNpcDialog>>
I feel like I was the one who influenced this change...heheh...
<<if $AkiraWorkingBet === true>>\
<<set _rpoints = 3 + 3*$MedWorkModifier>>\
<<set _rpoints = parseFloat(_rpoints)>>\
<<set _rpoints = Math.floor(_rpoints )>>\
<<set $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus += _rpoints>>\
<<if $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus > 100>>\
<<set $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus = 100>>\
@@color:lime; You are _rpoints % closer to your cash bonus. Current progress $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus/100.@@
<<set _moneymod = 50 + 50*$MedWorkModifier/2>>\
<<set _moneymod = Math.floor(_moneymod)>>\
<<set $P.Money += _moneymod>>\
@@color:lime;You've earned _moneymod $.@@
<<if $CurrentDayTime == 2>>\
@@#place;<<button [[After work report|AfterWorkReport]]>><<movetime>><</button>>@@
@@#place;<<button [[Get back|AkiraWork]]>><<movetime>><</button>>@@
<</if>>\<<media "Data/Locations/medcenter.jpg" "place">>
Medical center. VIP ward.
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Hi, how are you feeling?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "VIP Patient">>Hi, um... where's Alexa?<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Forgive us, please. She's temporarily on sick leave, but hopefully I can fill in for you today. Mmmm...I'm so sorry, let me take care of you today....<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Med/Supervising/50/nurse104.mp4">>
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "VIP Patient">>~gulp~ okay..<</MNpcDialog>>
I said yes after all. heheh...
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>You look good, however this place looks a little tense. ~giggle~ Would you like me to do a little therapy?..<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Med/Supervising/50/nurse99.mp4">>
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "VIP Patient">>...S-sure!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Mmm...yeah! You are so wonderful today! Am I doing a good job of helping you relax?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Med/Supervising/50/nurse101.mp4">>
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "VIP Patient">>Ogh...I love this medical center! You're just as good as Alexa, please come see me more often!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<if $P.Cor < 70>>
<<UpdateCorruption "+5">>
<<UpdateArousal "+75">>
He is such a nice and sweet client...I mean patient... ~giggle~
@@color:yellow;Note@@: +8 extra points!
<<if $AkiraWorkingBet === true>>\
<<set _rpoints = 3 + 3*$MedWorkModifier + 8>>\
<<set _rpoints = parseFloat(_rpoints)>>\
<<set _rpoints = Math.floor(_rpoints )>>\
<<set $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus += _rpoints>>\
<<if $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus > 100>>\
<<set $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus = 100>>\
@@color:lime; You are _rpoints % closer to your cash bonus. Current progress $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus/100.@@
<<set _moneymod = 50 + 50*$MedWorkModifier/2 + 100>>\
<<set _moneymod = Math.floor(_moneymod)>>\
<<set $P.Money += _moneymod>>\
@@color:lime;You've earned _moneymod $.@@
<<if $CurrentDayTime == 2>>\
@@#place;<<button [[After work report|AfterWorkReport]]>><<movetime>><</button>>@@
@@#place;<<button [[Get back|AkiraWork]]>><<movetime>><</button>>@@
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
tags: ["med", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "RandomWorkSupervising50",
weight: 10,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 5,
<<media "Data/Locations/medcenter.jpg" "place">>
Medical center.
<<PlayerDialog "happy" 1>>Hello, Doctor.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Doctor">>Oh, dear, you're just in time. Can you keep an eye on my patient for a while? I'm gonna be gone for a moment.<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "happy" 1>>Sure, Doctor!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Doctor">>Thanks, I'll be back in a couple minutes! <</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Hi, how do you fe...wha...b-big d-dick...hey, why are you naked?..<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Med/Supervising/50/cock.jpg" "just">>
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Smirking patient">>Like it?<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny">>Ahaa...it's big..really big...ah..<</PlayerDialog>>
<<UpdateArousal "+50">>
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Smirking patient">>Are you drooling already? Haha! Suck it, bitch, and I'll give you a 50$ tip.<</MNpcDialog>>
<<if $P.Cor < 60 or $P.Arousal < 100>>\
<<button [[Refuse|RandomWorkSupervising50_Ev5.1]]>><</button>>
W-why would I suck that d-dick? I can control m-myself....
<<disable>><<button [[Refuse|RandomWorkSupervising50_Ev5.1]]>><</button>><</disable>>
<<if $P.Cor >= 60>>\
@@#cor;<<button [[Suck it|RandomWorkSupervising50_Ev5.2]]>><</button>>@@
<</if>>\<<media "Data/Locations/medcenter.jpg" "place">>
Medical center.
I stood silent for a while.
<<PlayerDialog "horny">>I'm sorry, but I can't, Doctor will be back soon...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Smirking patient">>Haha, but you actually wanted it so bad, didn't you?<</MNpcDialog>>
I...his cock is so hard...
<<PlayerDialog "horny">>No, I didn't...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Doctor">>Here I am, sorry for delaying your work. Did I miss anything?<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny">>N..n-nothing...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<UpdateArousal "+15">>
That tip wouldn't be out of place...I guess...what am I even thinking?!
@@color:yellow;Note@@: +4 extra points!
<<if $AkiraWorkingBet === true>>\
<<set _rpoints = 3 + 3*$MedWorkModifier + 4>>\
<<set _rpoints = parseFloat(_rpoints)>>\
<<set _rpoints = Math.floor(_rpoints )>>\
<<set $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus += _rpoints>>\
<<if $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus > 100>>\
<<set $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus = 100>>\
@@color:lime; You are _rpoints % closer to your cash bonus. Current progress $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus/100.@@
<<set _moneymod = 50 + 50*$MedWorkModifier/2>>\
<<set _moneymod = Math.floor(_moneymod)>>\
<<set $P.Money += _moneymod>>\
@@color:lime;You've earned _moneymod $.@@
<<if $CurrentDayTime == 2>>\
@@#place;<<button [[After work report|AfterWorkReport]]>><<movetime>><</button>>@@
@@#place;<<button [[Get back|AkiraWork]]>><<movetime>><</button>>@@
<</if>>\<<media "Data/Locations/medcenter.jpg" "place">>
Medical center.
<<PlayerDialog "horny">>I'm not drooling... I just want a tip...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Smirking patient">>Oh, really? You pounced on my cock like a hungry beast on its prey!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Med/Supervising/50/nurse30.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny">>Mmmmghshup.... you're wrong, I'm sucking this huge cock solely because of the tips I've been promised.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Smirking patient">>Ha-ha-ha! Yeah, that's literally what I thought!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Doctor">>Here I am, sorry for delaying your work. Did I miss anything?<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Nothing, Doctor<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Med/Supervising/50/5.png" "just">>
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Doctor">>What do you say, sir?<</MNpcDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Smirking patient">>Yeah, she knows her stuff!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<if $P.Cor < 70>>
<<UpdateCorruption "+5">>
<<UpdateArousal "+50">>
I've just sucked him off...hehe... Just for the tip, of course.
@@color:yellow;Note@@: +6 extra points!
<<if $AkiraWorkingBet === true>>\
<<set _rpoints = 3 + 3*$MedWorkModifier + 6>>\
<<set _rpoints = parseFloat(_rpoints)>>\
<<set _rpoints = Math.floor(_rpoints )>>\
<<set $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus += _rpoints>>\
<<if $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus > 100>>\
<<set $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus = 100>>\
@@color:lime; You are _rpoints % closer to your cash bonus. Current progress $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus/100.@@
<<set _moneymod = 50 + 50*$MedWorkModifier/2 + 100>>\
<<set _moneymod = Math.floor(_moneymod)>>\
<<set $P.Money += _moneymod>>\
@@color:lime;You've earned _moneymod $.@@
<<if $CurrentDayTime == 2>>\
@@#place;<<button [[After work report|AfterWorkReport]]>><<movetime>><</button>>@@
@@#place;<<button [[Get back|AkiraWork]]>><<movetime>><</button>>@@
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$MedCenterCor < 30`,
tags: ["med", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "MedRandomEv",
weight: 10,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 0,
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 2, tags: ["Med", "Morning"] },
{ max: 2, tags: ["Med", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 2, tags: ["Med", "Noon"] }
<<media "Data/Locations/medcenter.jpg" "place">>
Medical center.
<<FNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Nurse">>I can't work under these conditions! What's wrong with some patients? They are always looking in here!<</FNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Med/Nurses/0/69.webp" "gif">>
Everyone loves pretty nurses!
<<UpdateArousal "+5">>
@@#place;<<button [[Back in action|AkiraWork]]>><</button>>@@<<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$MedCenterCor < 30`,
tags: ["med", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "MedRandomEv",
weight: 10,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 1,
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 2, tags: ["Med", "Morning"] },
{ max: 2, tags: ["Med", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 2, tags: ["Med", "Noon"] }
<<media "Data/Locations/medcenter.jpg" "place">>
Medical center.
<<FNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Nurse">>Wow, you're new here? Assistant, right?<</FNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Yeah, um...with all due respect, aren't those uniforms a little small for you?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<FNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Nurse">>Oh, I get asked this question a lot! Alrighty, see you later!<</FNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Med/Nurses/0/45.webp" "gif">>
She left and never answered my question!
<<UpdateArousal "+5">>
@@#place;<<button [[Back in action|AkiraWork]]>><</button>>@@<<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$MedCenterCor < 30`,
tags: ["med", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "MedRandomEv",
weight: 10,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 2,
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 2, tags: ["Med", "Morning"] },
{ max: 2, tags: ["Med", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 2, tags: ["Med", "Noon"] }
<<media "Data/Locations/medcenter.jpg" "place">>
Medical center.
<<FNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Nurse">>Sir, I said you could keep breathing a minute ago!<</FNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Med/Nurses/0/55.webp" "gif">>
I think I lost my breath too...
<<UpdateArousal "+5">>
@@#place;<<button [[Back in action|AkiraWork]]>><</button>>@@<<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$MedCenterCor < 30`,
tags: ["med", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "MedRandomEv",
weight: 10,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 3,
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 2, tags: ["Med", "Morning"] },
{ max: 2, tags: ["Med", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 2, tags: ["Med", "Noon"] }
<<media "Data/Locations/medcenter.jpg" "place">>
Medical center.
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Med/Nurses/0/89.webp" "gif">>
<<FNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Nurse">>Sir, please keep your hands to yourself in a medical facility!<</FNpcDialog>>
Seems like the local nurses have to deal with this kind of things a lot...
<<UpdateArousal "+5">>
@@#place;<<button [[Back in action|AkiraWork]]>><</button>>@@<<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$MedCenterCor < 30`,
tags: ["med", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "MedRandomEv",
weight: 10,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 4,
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 2, tags: ["Med", "Morning"] },
{ max: 2, tags: ["Med", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 2, tags: ["Med", "Noon"] }
<<media "Data/Locations/medcenter.jpg" "place">>
Medical center.
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Med/Nurses/0/25.webp" "gif">>
It's like her face says: "This is not the right job for me."
<<UpdateArousal "+5">>
@@#place;<<button [[Back in action|AkiraWork]]>><</button>>@@<<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$MedCenterCor < 30`,
tags: ["med", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "MedRandomEv",
weight: 10,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 5,
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 2, tags: ["Med", "Morning"] },
{ max: 2, tags: ["Med", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 2, tags: ["Med", "Noon"] }
<<media "Data/Locations/medcenter.jpg" "place">>
Medical center.
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Patient">>..hehehe...<</MNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Med/Nurses/0/48.webp" "gif">>
<<FNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Nurse">>Sir, of the two of us, I'm the one checking blood pressure, not you.<</FNpcDialog>>
Judging by her reaction, it's not the first time she's encountered something like this.
<<UpdateArousal "+5">>
@@#place;<<button [[Back in action|AkiraWork]]>><</button>>@@<<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$MedCenterCor < 50 and $MedCenterCor >= 30`,
tags: ["med", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "MedRandomEv",
weight: 10,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 6,
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 2, tags: ["Med", "Morning"] },
{ max: 2, tags: ["Med", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 2, tags: ["Med", "Noon"] }
<<media "Data/Locations/medcenter.jpg" "place">>
Medical center.
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Med/Nurses/30/52.webp" "gif">>
Many of the female staff have switched to new uniforms. The patients like it. I love it, too, hehe...
<<UpdateArousal "+10">>
@@#place;<<button [[Back in action|AkiraWork]]>><</button>>@@<<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$MedCenterCor < 50 and $MedCenterCor >= 30`,
tags: ["med", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "MedRandomEv",
weight: 10,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 7,
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 2, tags: ["Med", "Morning"] },
{ max: 2, tags: ["Med", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 2, tags: ["Med", "Noon"] }
<<media "Data/Locations/medcenter.jpg" "place">>
Medical center.
<<FNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Nurse">>Assistant? You're looking at me like that...Would you really want to be my patient that badly?<</FNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Med/Nurses/30/53.webp" "gif">>
I once saw one movie with Asian nurses...I didn't manage to watch it to the end.....
<<UpdateArousal "+10">>
@@#place;<<button [[Back in action|AkiraWork]]>><</button>>@@<<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$MedCenterCor < 50 and $MedCenterCor >= 30`,
tags: ["med", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "MedRandomEv",
weight: 10,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 8,
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 2, tags: ["Med", "Morning"] },
{ max: 2, tags: ["Med", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 2, tags: ["Med", "Noon"] }
<<media "Data/Locations/medcenter.jpg" "place">>
Medical center.
<<FNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Nurse 1">>You've already bragged to everyone you can!<</FNpcDialog>>
<<FNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Nurse 2">>Yeah, but I can't stop! I'm betting that with my new "assets", my patients won't even need painkillers anymore!<</FNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Med/Nurses/30/72.webp" "gif">>
She's right, though.
<<UpdateArousal "+10">>
@@#place;<<button [[Back in action|AkiraWork]]>><</button>>@@<<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$MedCenterCor < 50 and $MedCenterCor >= 30`,
tags: ["med", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "MedRandomEv",
weight: 10,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 9,
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 2, tags: ["Med", "Morning"] },
{ max: 2, tags: ["Med", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 2, tags: ["Med", "Noon"] }
<<media "Data/Locations/medcenter.jpg" "place">>
Medical center.
<<FNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Patient">>...yeah, but I don't know what to do....I love my husband....<</FNpcDialog>>
<<FNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Nurse">>Oh, sweetie, if your husband is so boring, it's not worth saving yourself. Listen to your heart! You know what I hear? Your heart is telling you to go and let that collegue fuck you like a bitch!<</FNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Med/Nurses/30/54.webp" "gif">>
I hope this girl doesn't decide to take her blonde nurse's advice...
<<UpdateArousal "+10">>
@@#place;<<button [[Back in action|AkiraWork]]>><</button>>@@<<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$MedCenterCor < 50 and $MedCenterCor >= 30`,
tags: ["med", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "MedRandomEv",
weight: 10,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 10,
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 2, tags: ["Med", "Morning"] },
{ max: 2, tags: ["Med", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 2, tags: ["Med", "Noon"] }
<<media "Data/Locations/medcenter.jpg" "place">>
Medical center.
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Med/Nurses/30/84.webp" "gif">>
Oh, damn! She's what? She's streaming in the patient's room? Really? The corruption of the hospital is gradually drowning all moral standards...
Damn, but it's kind a hot, anyway...
<<UpdateArousal "+10">>
@@#place;<<button [[Back in action|AkiraWork]]>><</button>>@@<<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$MedCenterCor < 50 and $MedCenterCor >= 30`,
tags: ["med", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "MedRandomEv",
weight: 10,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 11,
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 2, tags: ["Med", "Morning"] },
{ max: 2, tags: ["Med", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 2, tags: ["Med", "Noon"] }
<<media "Data/Locations/medcenter.jpg" "place">>
Medical center.
<<FNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Nurse">>Yeah, like this...Shit, again! Uhaaa...Did I get fat again?!<</FNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Med/Nurses/30/85.webp" "gif">>
Ughh...I wish all girls would get "fat" like her!
<<UpdateArousal "+10">>
@@#place;<<button [[Back in action|AkiraWork]]>><</button>>@@<<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$MedCenterCor < 50 and $MedCenterCor >= 30`,
tags: ["med", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "MedRandomEv",
weight: 10,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 12,
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 2, tags: ["Med", "Morning"] },
{ max: 2, tags: ["Med", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 2, tags: ["Med", "Noon"] }
<<media "Data/Locations/medcenter.jpg" "place">>
Medical center.
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>...Wait, so you don't wear a bra at all?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<FNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Nurse">>No, it's on me. But I just get so many dirty requests from patients recently that I usually have it down now... Look, like this!<</FNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Med/Nurses/30/27.webp" "gif">>
Mghm...wow...How did we even get to this conversation?..
<<UpdateArousal "+10">>
@@#place;<<button [[Back in action|AkiraWork]]>><</button>>@@<<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$MedCenterCor < 50 and $MedCenterCor >= 30`,
tags: ["med", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "MedRandomEv",
weight: 10,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 13,
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 2, tags: ["Med", "Morning"] },
{ max: 2, tags: ["Med", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 2, tags: ["Med", "Noon"] }
<<media "Data/Locations/medcenter.jpg" "place">>
Medical center.
Hey, what do we have here? Whoa, I guess she didn't notice me. I think I'm just standing at the right angle!
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Med/Nurses/30/50.webp" "gif">>
Isn't that the girl in the medicated sleep? Well, the staff at this medical center keep up with the lustfulness of the patients...hehe...
<<UpdateArousal "+10">>
@@#place;<<button [[Back in action|AkiraWork]]>><</button>>@@<<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$MedCenterCor < 50 and $MedCenterCor >= 30`,
tags: ["med", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "MedRandomEv",
weight: 10,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 14,
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 2, tags: ["Med", "Morning"] },
{ max: 2, tags: ["Med", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 2, tags: ["Med", "Noon"] }
<<media "Data/Locations/medcenter.jpg" "place">>
Medical center.
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Patient">>Uugh...<</MNpcDialog>>
<<FNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Nurse">>Relax, sir, you must relax.<</FNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Med/Nurses/30/51.webp" "gif">>
It seems nurses have become more and more common to "help" patients in this way...
<<UpdateArousal "+10">>
@@#place;<<button [[Back in action|AkiraWork]]>><</button>>@@<<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$MedCenterCor < 50 and $MedCenterCor >= 30`,
tags: ["med", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "MedRandomEv",
weight: 10,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 15,
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 2, tags: ["Med", "Morning"] },
{ max: 2, tags: ["Med", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 2, tags: ["Med", "Noon"] }
<<media "Data/Locations/medcenter.jpg" "place">>
Medical center.
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Patient">>Miss, what are you doing?!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<FNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Nurse">>Relax, I'm just doing my job and helping you relax.<</FNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Med/Nurses/30/20.webp" "gif">>
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Patient">>Agh...since when is something like that a medical professional's job?!<</MNpcDialog>>
This is what this world looks like to someone whose mind is still not enslaved to lust.
<<UpdateArousal "+10">>
@@#place;<<button [[Back in action|AkiraWork]]>><</button>>@@<<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$MedCenterCor < 80 and $MedCenterCor >= 50`,
tags: ["med", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "MedRandomEv",
weight: 10,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 16,
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 2, tags: ["Med", "Morning"] },
{ max: 2, tags: ["Med", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 2, tags: ["Med", "Noon"] }
<<media "Data/Locations/medcenter.jpg" "place">>
Medical center.
<<FNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Nurse">>My patients are waiting for me...Mhm...ah....<</FNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Med/Nurses/50/81.webp" "gif">>
I know that face. It seems that now some nurses don't hesitate to take "Celtos" even while working....
<<UpdateArousal "+15">>
@@#place;<<button [[Back in action|AkiraWork]]>><</button>>@@<<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$MedCenterCor < 80 and $MedCenterCor >= 50`,
tags: ["med", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "MedRandomEv",
weight: 10,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 17,
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 2, tags: ["Med", "Morning"] },
{ max: 2, tags: ["Med", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 2, tags: ["Med", "Noon"] }
<<media "Data/Locations/medcenter.jpg" "place">>
Medical center.
<<FNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Nurse">>What? Why am I often in the VIP wards? Because I have a great talent for caring for patients that only people in high society can appreciate. In fact, I'm on my way there right now, so don't interrupt. <</FNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Med/Nurses/50/26.webp" "gif">>
Great talent? Yeah, definitely "GREAT TALENT"!
<<UpdateArousal "+15">>
@@#place;<<button [[Back in action|AkiraWork]]>><</button>>@@<<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$MedCenterCor < 80 and $MedCenterCor >= 50`,
tags: ["med", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "MedRandomEv",
weight: 10,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 26,
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 2, tags: ["Med", "Morning"] },
{ max: 2, tags: ["Med", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 2, tags: ["Med", "Noon"] }
<<media "Data/Locations/medcenter.jpg" "place">>
Medical center.
<<FNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Nurse">>....yeah, I need to measure the exact size of your penis right away, sir. But my ruler is broken...<</FNpcDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Patient">>What to do then?..<</MNpcDialog>>
<<FNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Nurse">>I have one idea...<</FNpcDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Patient">>Ooohh...so deep!...<</MNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Med/Nurses/50/13.webp" "gif">>
<<FNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Nurse">>Mmshhhmm....<</FNpcDialog>>
What do nurses come up with to have fun with a patient's dick....
<<UpdateArousal "+15">>
@@#place;<<button [[Back in action|AkiraWork]]>><</button>>@@<<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$MedCenterCor < 80 and $MedCenterCor >= 50`,
tags: ["med", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "MedRandomEv",
weight: 10,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 27,
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 2, tags: ["Med", "Morning"] },
{ max: 2, tags: ["Med", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 2, tags: ["Med", "Noon"] }
<<media "Data/Locations/medcenter.jpg" "place">>
Medical center.
<<FNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Nurse">>...Ah...no...I'm not...I'm...<</FNpcDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Patient">>Just admit it, you're already not coming to my chamber to check up on me. You're addicted to it! Should I stop?<</MNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Med/Nurses/50/60.webp" "gif">>
<<FNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Nurse">>...ah..no...don't stop...<</FNpcDialog>>
I wonder how long it would take Stephan to pull something like this off if he ended up here.
<<UpdateArousal "+15">>
@@#place;<<button [[Back in action|AkiraWork]]>><</button>>@@<<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$MedCenterCor < 80 and $MedCenterCor >= 50`,
tags: ["med", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "MedRandomEv",
weight: 10,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 28,
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 2, tags: ["Med", "Morning"] },
{ max: 2, tags: ["Med", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 2, tags: ["Med", "Noon"] }
<<media "Data/Locations/medcenter.jpg" "place">>
Medical center.
<<FNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Nurse">>...Mmmshlp..it's so big and long....<</FNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Med/Nurses/50/18.webp" "gif">>
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Patient">>Miss, is this relaxation procedure definitely mandatory? One nurse has already taken care of me today...<</MNpcDialog>>
<<FNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Nurse">>Mmmm...Sir, don't argue.... I know I...I mean you need more relaxation today...<</FNpcDialog>>
Little by little the nurses here are becoming such sluts!
<<UpdateArousal "+15">>
@@#place;<<button [[Back in action|AkiraWork]]>><</button>>@@<<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$MedCenterCor < 80 and $MedCenterCor >= 50`,
tags: ["med", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "MedRandomEv",
weight: 10,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 29,
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 2, tags: ["Med", "Morning"] },
{ max: 2, tags: ["Med", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 2, tags: ["Med", "Noon"] }
<<media "Data/Locations/medcenter.jpg" "place">>
Medical center.
<<FNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Nurse">>Ahaaa...Doctor...I can feeel it...I feel...ah....goooood!...<</FNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Med/Nurses/50/41.webp" "gif">>
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Doctor">>And your husband doesn't know you're on Celtos and getting so "high" at work, right bitch?<</MNpcDialog>>
<<FNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Nurse">>Ah..I..I'm....c...c-cumming!...<</FNpcDialog>>
With Celtos, getting a woman to start cheating just got a lot easier....
<<UpdateArousal "+15">>
@@#place;<<button [[Back in action|AkiraWork]]>><</button>>@@<<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$MedCenterCor < 80 and $MedCenterCor >= 50`,
tags: ["med", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "MedRandomEv",
weight: 10,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 18,
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 2, tags: ["Med", "Morning"] },
{ max: 2, tags: ["Med", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 2, tags: ["Med", "Noon"] }
<<media "Data/Locations/medcenter.jpg" "place">>
Medical center.
<<FNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Nurse">>What do you want from me? It's a busy day, can't I afford to relax a little?..<</FNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Med/Nurses/50/83.webp" "gif">>
What else did I expect by corrupting this medical center? It can't be done without something like that...
<<UpdateArousal "+15">>
@@#place;<<button [[Back in action|AkiraWork]]>><</button>>@@<<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$MedCenterCor < 80 and $MedCenterCor >= 50`,
tags: ["med", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "MedRandomEv",
weight: 10,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 19,
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 2, tags: ["Med", "Morning"] },
{ max: 2, tags: ["Med", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 2, tags: ["Med", "Noon"] }
<<media "Data/Locations/medcenter.jpg" "place">>
Medical center.
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Med/Nurses/50/78.webp" "gif">>
Hey, that's the girl who was streaming in the patient's room! Although...
...although this stream seems more appropriate now....haha...
<<UpdateArousal "+15">>
@@#place;<<button [[Back in action|AkiraWork]]>><</button>>@@<<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$MedCenterCor < 80 and $MedCenterCor >= 50`,
tags: ["med", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "MedRandomEv",
weight: 10,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 20,
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 2, tags: ["Med", "Morning"] },
{ max: 2, tags: ["Med", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 2, tags: ["Med", "Noon"] }
<<media "Data/Locations/medcenter.jpg" "place">>
Medical center.
<<FNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Nurse">>...yeah, my lover says I talk a lot. I literally don't shut up for a second, and I only shut up when he shuts my mouth with his huge cock. But he says I'm a bad cocksucker for him and I so don't want to upset him! And he's also afraid of me sucking other people's dicks, I'm so stupid, aren't I? I love him so much! So he came up with a great solution for me, now some people even think I'm speechless. But really, I'm just doing something....<</FNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Med/Nurses/50/11.webp" "gif">>
<<FNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Nurse">>...ike..ghish...<</FNpcDialog>>
Fucking genius way....I would even say legendary!...HAHAHAH
<<UpdateArousal "+15">>
@@#place;<<button [[Back in action|AkiraWork]]>><</button>>@@<<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$MedCenterCor < 80 and $MedCenterCor >= 50`,
tags: ["med", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "MedRandomEv",
weight: 10,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 21,
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 2, tags: ["Med", "Morning"] },
{ max: 2, tags: ["Med", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 2, tags: ["Med", "Noon"] }
<<media "Data/Locations/medcenter.jpg" "place">>
Medical center.
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Patient">>Oughhh....ah...c-cumming!..<</MNpcDialog>>
<<FNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Nurse">>...Yeah...Hehehehe, I love making young boys like you cum! I loved this job again!<</FNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Med/Nurses/50/19.webp" "gif">>
She is so genuinely excited...it looks like I have made life brighter for some in this place. Hehe...
<<UpdateArousal "+15">>
@@#place;<<button [[Back in action|AkiraWork]]>><</button>>@@<<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$MedCenterCor < 80 and $MedCenterCor >= 50`,
tags: ["med", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "MedRandomEv",
weight: 10,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 22,
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 2, tags: ["Med", "Morning"] },
{ max: 2, tags: ["Med", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 2, tags: ["Med", "Noon"] }
<<media "Data/Locations/medcenter.jpg" "place">>
Medical center.
<<FNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Patient">>Forgive me, Miss....Mmmm....I won't do it again!<</FNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Med/Nurses/50/90.webp" "gif">>
<<FNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Nurse">>This is your punishment, you naughty girl! For masturbating right in your chamber!<</FNpcDialog>>
Their dispute does not look objective, but...
...it's beautiful...
<<UpdateArousal "+15">>
@@#place;<<button [[Back in action|AkiraWork]]>><</button>>@@<<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$MedCenterCor < 80 and $MedCenterCor >= 50`,
tags: ["med", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "MedRandomEv",
weight: 10,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 23,
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 2, tags: ["Med", "Morning"] },
{ max: 2, tags: ["Med", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 2, tags: ["Med", "Noon"] }
<<media "Data/Locations/medcenter.jpg" "place">>
Medical center.
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Oh, I'm sorry, you must have been changing, right?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Med/Nurses/50/71.webp" "gif">>
<<FNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Nurse">>No, I was just thinking.... Maybe I should work straight up like this, hm?..<</FNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Ugh..m..m-maybe...<</PlayerDialog>>
She is so cute and...sexy!
<<UpdateArousal "+15">>
@@#place;<<button [[Back in action|AkiraWork]]>><</button>>@@<<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$MedCenterCor < 80 and $MedCenterCor >= 50`,
tags: ["med", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "MedRandomEv",
weight: 10,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 24,
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 2, tags: ["Med", "Morning"] },
{ max: 2, tags: ["Med", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 2, tags: ["Med", "Noon"] }
<<media "Data/Locations/medcenter.jpg" "place">>
Medical center.
<<FNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Nurse">>...Mmmm...mhmmm...<</FNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Med/Nurses/50/64.webp" "gif">>
It seems "patient relaxation" techniques have gotten to the point where the nurse is more pleased than the patient himself!
<<UpdateArousal "+15">>
@@#place;<<button [[Back in action|AkiraWork]]>><</button>>@@<<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$MedCenterCor < 80 and $MedCenterCor >= 50`,
tags: ["med", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "MedRandomEv",
weight: 10,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 25,
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 2, tags: ["Med", "Morning"] },
{ max: 2, tags: ["Med", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 2, tags: ["Med", "Noon"] }
<<media "Data/Locations/medcenter.jpg" "place">>
Medical center.
<<FNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Nurse">>...Ah...ah..Doctor...doc...I'm on shift right now! I also have a boyfriend, Doctor! Stop it!<</FNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Med/Nurses/50/43.webp" "gif">>
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Doctor">>But you moan so sweetly, don't you like it? Be patient a little longer and I'll let you go!<</MNpcDialog>>
I wonder if she'll be able to stop or if she'll give up. I guess I'll find out one day.
<<UpdateArousal "+15">>
@@#place;<<button [[Back in action|AkiraWork]]>><</button>>@@<<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$MedCenterCor >= 30 and $P.Gender == "f"`,
tags: ["med", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "MedRandomEv",
weight: 20,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 32,
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 2, tags: ["Med", "Morning"] },
{ max: 2, tags: ["Med", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 2, tags: ["Med", "Noon"] }
<<media "Data/Locations/medcenter.jpg" "place">>
Medical center.
<<FNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Nurse">>Hello, Ms. Assistant. I have a small favor to ask. <</FNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Hello, what's up?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<FNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Nurse">>Mmm...I think my heart isn't beating properly, can you listen to it? The doctors are mostly men, I'm embarrassed to ask them....<</FNpcDialog>>
Carol's body often gives me a pretty good advantage! Ha-ha-ha!
@@#cor;<<button [[Listen to her heart|50AnyMedRandomEv_FEv0.2]]>><</button>>@@
@@#place;<<button [[Back in action|AkiraWork]]>><</button>>@@<<media "Data/Locations/medcenter.jpg" "place">>
Medical center.
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Yeah...sorry...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<FNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Nurse">>That's okay! ~giggle~ Let me take care of you!<</FNpcDialog>>
<<FNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Nurse">>...yeah, right over here<</FNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Med/Nurses/50/F/8.webp" "gif">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Like this?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<FNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Nurse">>...mmm...yeah...put your hand here, Ms. Assistant...yeah...<</FNpcDialog>>
Damn, her heart was beating like crazy!
...I bet mine did, too.
<<UpdateArousal "+50">>
@@#place;<<button [[Back in action|AkiraWork]]>><<movetime>><</button>>@@<<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$MedCenterCor >= 30 and $P.Gender == "f"`,
tags: ["med", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "MedRandomEv",
weight: 20,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 33,
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 2, tags: ["Med", "Morning"] },
{ max: 2, tags: ["Med", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 2, tags: ["Med", "Noon"] }
<<media "Data/Locations/medcenter.jpg" "place">>
Medical center.
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Oh, sorry, I think I got the wrong door...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Med/Nurses/50/M/58.webp" "gif">>
<<FNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Nurse">>Hey, wait! Are you Ms. Assistant here? Do want to try the new uniforms they brought us? No one's stopping you from wearing the old one, but a lot of nurses are looking at these outfits more and more... So, wanna try?<</FNpcDialog>>
New uniforms? Wow, it's...sexy...I think Carol would look ...great in ....this nurse's uniform....
@@#cor;<<button [[Try it|50AnyMedRandomEv_FEv1.2]]>><</button>>@@
@@#place;<<button [[Politely decline|AkiraWork]]>><</button>>@@<<media "Data/Locations/medcenter.jpg" "place">>
Medical center.
<<FNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Nurse">>Wow, you're amazing!<</FNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Y..y-yeah...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<FNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Nurse">>Okay, I'm gonna leave you alone for a while. (whispering)Some nurses like to...hehe..."look around" a little after they put it on.
When you're done, put it back!<</FNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Med/Nurses/50/F/91.webp" "gif">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny">>Damn, I look like a real porn star...It's so funny to see first-person views of myself in that uniform...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<UpdateArousal "+75">>
@@#place;<<button [[Put uniform back and get back in action|AkiraWork]]>><<movetime>><</button>>@@<<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$MedCenterCor >= 50 and $P.Gender == "m"`,
tags: ["med", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "MedRandomEv",
weight: 20,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 30,
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 2, tags: ["Med", "Morning"] },
{ max: 2, tags: ["Med", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 2, tags: ["Med", "Noon"] }
<<media "Data/Locations/medcenter.jpg" "place">>
Medical center.
<<FNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Nurse">>Oh, there you are! I've been looking all over for you!<</FNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>What?..<</PlayerDialog>>
<<FNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Nurse">>You're here to donate sperm, right? Come on in.<</FNpcDialog>>
She confused me with a patient? What do I do? Should I tell her?
@@#cor;<<button [[Pretend to be patient|50AnyMedRandomEv_MEv0.2]]>><</button>>@@
<<button [[Tell her|50AnyMedRandomEv_MEv0.1]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/medcenter.jpg" "place">>
Medical center.
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>I'm sorry, I'm not a patient. I'm an working here as assistant.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<FNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Nurse">>Oh...Such a shame...<</FNpcDialog>>
@@#place;<<button [[Back in action|AkiraWork]]>><</button>>@@<<media "Data/Locations/medcenter.jpg" "place">>
Medical center.
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Yeah...sorry...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<FNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Nurse">>That's okay! ~giggle~ Let me take care of you!<</FNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Med/Nurses/50/M/34.webp" "gif">>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Wow...hehe... is that really necessary?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<FNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Nurse">>Mmmm....yeash...<</FNpcDialog>>
<<UpdateArousal "0">>
@@#place;<<button [[Back in action|AkiraWork]]>><<movetime>><</button>>@@<<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$MedCenterCor >= 50 and $P.Gender == "m"`,
tags: ["med", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "MedRandomEv",
weight: 20,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 31,
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 2, tags: ["Med", "Morning"] },
{ max: 2, tags: ["Med", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 2, tags: ["Med", "Noon"] }
<<media "Data/Locations/medcenter.jpg" "place">>
Medical center.
<<FNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Nurse">>Oh, you're new Mr.Assistant here, right?<</FNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Yeah, it's me.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<FNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Nurse">>You look so tense...do you want me to take care of you a little?<</FNpcDialog>>
Wow... Do I want to?
@@#cor;<<button [[I want|50AnyMedRandomEv_MEv1.2]]>><</button>>@@
@@#place;<<button [[I don't have much time|AkiraWork]]>><</button>>@@<<media "Data/Locations/medcenter.jpg" "place">>
Medical center.
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Med/Nurses/50/M/49.webp" "gif">>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>..Oughh....yeah...Is that what you really think?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<FNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Nurse">>Yes, sir. Things have been changing a lot lately at the medical center. I like it so much! Some of the staff attribute it to your coming here. Is that true?...<</FNpcDialog>>
Are there really rumors like that?
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>No, of course I had nothing to do with it.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<FNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Nurse">>Hehe! I think it sounds pretty silly too! ~giggle~<</FNpcDialog>>
Still, I'm not doing anything serious and noticeable, just pushing them a little...
<<UpdateArousal "0">>
@@#place;<<button [[Back in action|AkiraWork]]>><<movetime>><</button>>@@<<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$P.Gender === "f" and $HDoctorTabletLvl == 2 and $P.Cor >= 60 and $P.SubDom < 0`,
tags: ["med", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "MedReportRandomEv",
weight: 10,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 0,
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Med", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Med", "Noon"] }
<<media "Data/Locations/medcenter.jpg" "place">>
Medical center.
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Head doctor">>Would you mind working in my office now?<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Working in your office?.. ~giggle~<</PlayerDialog>>
@@#cor;<<button [[Agree|FReportEv_Ev0.1]]>><</button>>@@
<<button [[Decline|AKiraWorkReports]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/office1.jpg" "place">>
Head doctor's office.<<set $P.Loc = 1>>
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Head doctor">>This is the right way to go for employee of the month.<</MNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Med/Other/office57.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Thank you, sir! ~giggle~<</PlayerDialog>>
<<if $P.Cor < 80>>
<<UpdateCorruption "+1">>
<<UpdateArousal "100">>
<<if $AkiraWorkingBet === true>>\
<<set _rpoints = 3 + 3*$MedWorkModifier + 2>>\
<<set _rpoints = parseFloat(_rpoints)>>\
<<set _rpoints = Math.floor(_rpoints )>>\
<<set $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus += _rpoints>>\
<<if $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus > 100>>\
<<set $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus = 100>>\
@@color:lime; You are _rpoints % closer to your cash bonus. Current progress $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus/100.@@
<<set _moneymod = 50 + 50*$MedWorkModifier/2 + 25>>\
<<set _moneymod = Math.floor(_moneymod)>>\
<<set $P.Money += _moneymod>>\
@@color:lime;You've earned _moneymod $.@@
<<if $CurrentDayTime == 2>>\
@@#place;<<button [[After work report|AfterWorkReport]]>><<movetime>><</button>>@@
@@#place;<<button [[Get back|AkiraWork]]>><<movetime>><</button>>@@
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$P.Gender === "f" and $HDoctorTabletLvl == 2 and $P.Cor >= 60 and $P.SubDom >= 0`,
tags: ["med", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "MedReportRandomEv",
weight: 10,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 1,
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Med", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Med", "Noon"] }
<<media "Data/Locations/medcenter.jpg" "place">>
Medical center.
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Head doctor">>I...I've got a one little problem here, can you help me with it, please?..<</MNpcDialog>>
There was a noticeable bump in his pants between his legs.
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Oh, Doctor. Did you deliberately choose a time when I'm the only one in this office?<</PlayerDialog>>
@@#cor;<<button [[Agree|FReportEv_Ev0D.1]]>><</button>>@@
<<button [[Decline|AKiraWorkReports]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/office1.jpg" "place">>
Head doctor's office.<<set $P.Loc = 1>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Doctor, doctor...it's not a "little" problem here ~giggle~<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Med/Other/officedom10.mp4">>
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Head doctor">>I'm sorry, I'll add to your performance a little....<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Oh...Distracting your employee from her work with such an indecent request....What a naughty problem, Doctor...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Head doctor">>Agh...sorry...<</MNpcDialog>>
<<if $P.Cor < 60>>
<<UpdateCorruption "+1">>
<<UpdateArousal "+35">>
<<if $AkiraWorkingBet === true>>\
<<set _rpoints = 3 + 3*$MedWorkModifier + 3>>\
<<set _rpoints = Math.floor(_rpoints)>>\
<<set $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus += _rpoints>>\
<<if $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus > 100>>\
<<set $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus = 100>>\
@@color:lime; You are _rpoints % closer to your cash bonus. Current progress $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus/100.@@
<<set _moneymod = 50 + 50*$MedWorkModifier/2 + 50>>\
<<set _moneymod = Math.floor(_moneymod)>>\
<<set $P.Money += _moneymod>>\
@@color:lime;You've earned _moneymod $.@@
<<if $CurrentDayTime == 2>>\
@@#place;<<button [[After work report|AfterWorkReport]]>><<movetime>><</button>>@@
@@#place;<<button [[Get back|AkiraWork]]>><<movetime>><</button>>@@
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$P.Gender === "f" and $HDoctorTabletLvl == 2 and $P.Cor >= 70 and $P.SubDom < 0`,
tags: ["med", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "MedReportRandomEv",
weight: 10,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 2,
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Med", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Med", "Noon"] }
<<media "Data/Locations/medcenter.jpg" "place">>
Medical center.
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Head doctor">>Today is a very busy day. So you're gonna do your duties in my office, okay? Be there in five minutes.<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny">>In your office?...<</PlayerDialog>>
@@#cor;<<button [[Agree|FReportEv_Ev1.1]]>><</button>>@@
<<button [[Decline|AKiraWorkReports]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/office1.jpg" "place">>
Head doctor's office.<<set $P.Loc = 1>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny">>Doctor, I'm here.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Head doctor">>So, what are you waiting for? What should a good worker do in your place?<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny">>I...I g-got your point...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Med/Other/officete8.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny">>Ah...Doctor!...It's so hard!...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Med/Other/office49.mp4">>
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Head doctor">>Don't you get it? Now I'll fuck you whenever I want! <</MNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Med/Other/office50.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>Y..yeah...Use me whenever you want!...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<if $P.Cor < 80>>
<<UpdateCorruption "+1">>
<<UpdateArousal "0">>
<<if $AkiraWorkingBet === true>>\
<<set _rpoints = 3 + 3*$MedWorkModifier + 3>>\
<<set _rpoints = parseFloat(_rpoints)>>\
<<set _rpoints = Math.floor(_rpoints )>>\
<<set $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus += _rpoints>>\
<<if $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus > 100>>\
<<set $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus = 100>>\
@@color:lime; You are _rpoints % closer to your cash bonus. Current progress $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus/100.@@
<<set _moneymod = 50 + 50*$MedWorkModifier/2 + 50>>\
<<set _moneymod = Math.floor(_moneymod)>>\
<<set $P.Money += _moneymod>>\
@@color:lime;You've earned _moneymod $.@@
<<if $CurrentDayTime == 2>>\
@@#place;<<button [[After work report|AfterWorkReport]]>><<movetime>><</button>>@@
@@#place;<<button [[Get back|AkiraWork]]>><<movetime>><</button>>@@
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$P.Gender === "f" and $HDoctorTabletLvl == 2 and $P.Cor >= 60 and $P.SubDom >= 0`,
tags: ["med", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "MedReportRandomEv",
weight: 10,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 3,
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Med", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Med", "Noon"] }
<<media "Data/Locations/medcenter.jpg" "place">>
Medical center.
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Head doctor">>Hey, you know, I can't concentrate on work again... Can you help me?<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Help you concentrate?...<</PlayerDialog>>
@@#cor;<<button [[Agree|FReportEv_Ev1D.1]]>><</button>>@@
<<button [[Decline|AKiraWorkReports]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/office1.jpg" "place">>
Head doctor's office.<<set $P.Loc = 1>>
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Head doctor">>Ogh...oh...<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>No, no, no. Don't you dare be distracted, Doctor.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Med/Other/office97.mp4">>
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Head doctor">>Y-yeah...sorry...I'm f-focused now...<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Hehehe...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<if $P.Cor < 60>>
<<UpdateCorruption "+1">>
<<UpdateArousal "+35">>
<<if $AkiraWorkingBet === true>>\
<<set _rpoints = 3 + 3*$MedWorkModifier + 3>>\
<<set _rpoints = parseFloat(_rpoints)>>\
<<set _rpoints = Math.floor(_rpoints )>>\
<<set $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus += _rpoints>>\
<<if $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus > 100>>\
<<set $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus = 100>>\
@@color:lime; You are _rpoints % closer to your cash bonus. Current progress $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus/100.@@
<<set _moneymod = 50 + 50*$MedWorkModifier/2 + 50>>\
<<set _moneymod = Math.floor(_moneymod)>>\
<<set $P.Money += _moneymod>>\
@@color:lime;You've earned _moneymod $.@@
<<if $CurrentDayTime == 2>>\
@@#place;<<button [[After work report|AfterWorkReport]]>><<movetime>><</button>>@@
@@#place;<<button [[Get back|AkiraWork]]>><<movetime>><</button>>@@
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$P.Gender === "f" and $HDoctorTabletLvl == 2 and $P.Cor >= 70 and $P.SubDom < 0`,
tags: ["med", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "MedReportRandomEv",
weight: 10,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 4,
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Med", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Med", "Noon"] }
<<media "Data/Locations/medcenter.jpg" "place">>
Medical center.
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Head doctor">>You'll have a lot of work to do in my office today. I'll be waiting for you there in five minutes.<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>A lot of work?...<</PlayerDialog>>
@@#cor;<<button [[Agree|FReportEv_Ev2.1]]>><</button>>@@
<<button [[Decline|AKiraWorkReports]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/office1.jpg" "place">>
Head doctor's office.<<set $P.Loc = 1>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Med/Other/office102.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>Ahh..ah...Doctor!..ah...it's so intense!...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Head doctor">>We're just getting started...<</MNpcDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Head doctor">>Stay like that and don't move!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny">>Ah...my legs...my legs can barely hold me up...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Head doctor">>Phew, had a drink of water and now I'm ready to get on with it!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Med/Other/office103.mp4">>
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Head doctor">>Did you cum again? Don't pass out, your shift isn't over yet!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Med/Other/office103.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>Ah...ah...ahhah..mhm...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<if $P.Cor < 80>>
<<UpdateCorruption "+1">>
<<UpdateArousal "0">>
Ah...he calls me up and fucks me whenever he wants!...
<<if $AkiraWorkingBet === true>>\
<<set _rpoints = 3 + 3*$MedWorkModifier + 3>>\
<<set _rpoints = parseFloat(_rpoints)>>\
<<set _rpoints = Math.floor(_rpoints )>>\
<<set $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus += _rpoints>>\
<<if $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus > 100>>\
<<set $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus = 100>>\
@@color:lime; You are _rpoints % closer to your cash bonus. Current progress $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus/100.@@
<<set _moneymod = 50 + 50*$MedWorkModifier/2 + 50>>\
<<set _moneymod = Math.floor(_moneymod)>>\
<<set $P.Money += _moneymod>>\
@@color:lime;You've earned _moneymod $.@@
<<if $CurrentDayTime == 2>>\
@@#place;<<button [[After work report|AfterWorkReport]]>><<movetime>><</button>>@@
@@#place;<<button [[Get back|AkiraWork]]>><<movetime>><</button>>@@
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$P.Gender === "f" and $HDoctorTabletLvl == 2 and $P.Cor >= 60 and $P.SubDom >= 0`,
tags: ["med", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "MedReportRandomEv",
weight: 10,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 5,
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Med", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Med", "Noon"] }
<<media "Data/Locations/medcenter.jpg" "place">>
Medical center.
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Head doctor">>Ms. Assistant. I'm more stressed than usual today, I'd really like to feel something warm and soft right now...C-can you help me?<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Something warm and soft?...<</PlayerDialog>>
@@#cor;<<button [[Agree|FReportEv_Ev1D.1]]>><</button>>@@
<<button [[Decline|AKiraWorkReports]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/office1.jpg" "place">>
Head doctor's office.<<set $P.Loc = 1>>
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Head doctor">>Ogh...oh..ooh...<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Doctor, are you really that excited about this uniform I picked out today?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Head doctor">>Yes! I love your juicy, soft legs in those stockings!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Med/Other/office20.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Oh, Doctor. Even though you're in charge of this place, you're still such a naughty boy... ~giggle~<</PlayerDialog>>
<<if $P.Cor < 60>>
<<UpdateCorruption "+1">>
<<UpdateArousal "+35">>
I wouldn't say I dominate him, but I help him relieve stress and I do it in my own way. ~giggle~
<<if $AkiraWorkingBet === true>>\
<<set _rpoints = 3 + 3*$MedWorkModifier + 3>>\
<<set _rpoints = parseFloat(_rpoints)>>\
<<set _rpoints = Math.floor(_rpoints )>>\
<<set $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus += _rpoints>>\
<<if $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus > 100>>\
<<set $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus = 100>>\
@@color:lime; You are _rpoints % closer to your cash bonus. Current progress $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus/100.@@
<<set _moneymod = 50 + 50*$MedWorkModifier/2 + 50>>\
<<set _moneymod = Math.floor(_moneymod)>>\
<<set $P.Money += _moneymod>>\
@@color:lime;You've earned _moneymod $.@@
<<if $CurrentDayTime == 2>>\
@@#place;<<button [[After work report|AfterWorkReport]]>><<movetime>><</button>>@@
@@#place;<<button [[Get back|AkiraWork]]>><<movetime>><</button>>@@
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$P.Gender === "m" and $MedCenterCor >= 30`,
tags: ["med", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "MedReportRandomEv",
weight: 10,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 6,
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Med", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Med", "Noon"] }
<<media "Data/Locations/medcenter.jpg" "place">>
Medical center.
<<FNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Nurse">>Mr. Assistant. Is it true that the Head Doctor personally hired you?<</FNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Yeah...kind of...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Med/Other/44.webp" "gif">>
<<if $MedCenterCor < 50>>\
<<FNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Nurse">>Wow, you must be a very important person! It's a pleasure to work with you!<</FNpcDialog>>
<<UpdateArousal "+25">>
~Gulp~ You have no idea how happy I AM.
@@#place;<<button [[She left|AKiraWorkReports]]>><</button>>@@
<<FNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Nurse">>You know, I work so hard at this job. Maybe you can put in a good word for me and I'll do something nice for you in return?...<</FNpcDialog>>
@@#cor;<<button [[Maybe|MReportEv_Ev0.2]]>><</button>>@@
<<if $P.Arousal < 100>>\
<<button [[Sorry, I have much work to do|AKiraWorkReports]]>><</button>>
<<disable>><<button [[Sorry, I have much work to do|AKiraWorkReports]]>><</button>><</disable>>
<</if>>\<<media "Data/Locations/medcenter.jpg" "place">>
Medical center.<<set $P.Loc = 1>>
<<FNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Nurse">>Do you like it, sir?<</FNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Med/Other/39.webp" "gif">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Yeaaah, you're awesome!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<UpdateArousal "0">>
Damn it, she didn't tell me her name! Okay...guess next time...hehehe...
<<set $MedWorkModifier = parseFloat($MedWorkModifier)>>
<<set $MedWorkModifier -= 0.1>>
<<set $MedWorkModifier = Number($MedWorkModifier.toFixed(2))>>\
<<set $MedWorkModifier = parseFloat($MedWorkModifier)>>
@@color:red; She'll be a little disappointed that her promotion plan won't move forward. Your work performance modifier is slightly reduced by 0.1@@
While I was having fun with her, I didn't get my job done....Okay...guess next time too..hehh...
<<if $CurrentDayTime == 2>>\
@@#place;<<button [[After work report|AfterWorkReport]]>><<movetime>><</button>>@@
@@#place;<<button [[Get back|AkiraWork]]>><<movetime>><</button>>@@
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$P.Gender === "m" and $MedCenterCor >= 30`,
tags: ["med", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "MedReportRandomEv",
weight: 10,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 7,
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Med", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Med", "Noon"] }
<<media "Data/Locations/medcenter.jpg" "place">>
Medical center.
<<FNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Nurse">>Mr. Assistant. You keep looking at me.<</FNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Sorry, I mean...I don't. I'm trying to work.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<FNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Nurse">>Somehow I don't really believe you. Let me listen to your heartbeat.<</FNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Med/Other/68.webp" "gif">>
<<if $MedCenterCor < 50>>\
<<FNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Nurse">>You're a lecher, Mr. Assistant.<</FNpcDialog>>
<<UpdateArousal "+25">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>..S..s-sorry...<</PlayerDialog>>
@@#place;<<button [[She left giggling|AKiraWorkReports]]>><</button>>@@
<<FNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Nurse">>You're a lecher, Mr. Assistant. And you have to be punished for that. ~giggle~<</FNpcDialog>>
<<UpdateArousal "+25">>
@@#cor;<<button [[..Maybe|MReportEv_Ev1.2]]>><</button>>@@
<<if $P.Arousal < 100>>\
<<button [[Sorry, I have much work to do|AKiraWorkReports]]>><</button>>
<<disable>><<button [[Sorry, I have much work to do|AKiraWorkReports]]>><</button>><</disable>>
<</if>>\<<media "Data/Locations/medcenter.jpg" "place">>
Medical center.<<set $P.Loc = 1>>
<<FNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Nurse">>Such a kinky assistant with such a lusty cock... Do you like to gawk at sexy nurses so badly?<</FNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Med/Other/23.webp" "gif">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>...yeah...I like it...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<FNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Nurse">>Oh, you're such a naughty bad boy... Then cum for me, piggy...<</FNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>...ah..Mhmmm...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<UpdateArousal "0">>
She called me a piggy! And I...Did I...did I...did...like it?...
<<UpdateSubDom "-2">>
While I was having fun with her, I didn't get my job done....Okay...guess next time too..hehh...
<<if $CurrentDayTime == 2>>\
@@#place;<<button [[After work report|AfterWorkReport]]>><<movetime>><</button>>@@
@@#place;<<button [[Get back|AkiraWork]]>><<movetime>><</button>>@@
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$P.Gender === "m" and $MedCenterCor >= 30`,
tags: ["med", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "MedReportRandomEv",
weight: 10,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 8,
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Med", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Med", "Noon"] }
<<media "Data/Locations/medcenter.jpg" "place">>
Medical center.
<<FNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Nurse">>Mr. Assistant. I...need you.<</FNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Med/Other/57.webp">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Oh, wow..I mean...What happened?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<if $MedCenterCor < 50>>\
<<FNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Nurse">>Don't say anything...I just need to be here for a while...Keep up your work....<</FNpcDialog>>
<<UpdateArousal "+25">>
Keep working?... Easier said than done!
@@#place;<<button [[She left in a while|AKiraWorkReports]]>><</button>>@@
<<FNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Nurse">>Ghm...When I walked into the Doctor's office, he was having "fun" with a patient....But he usually did it with me! I can't... now I need someone to "play with me"....<</FNpcDialog>>
<<UpdateArousal "+25">>
~Gulp~ Is she referring to me?...heheh...
@@#cor;<<button [[Play with her|MReportEv_Ev2.2]]>><</button>>@@
<<if $P.Arousal < 100>>\
<<button [[Sorry, I have much work to do|AKiraWorkReports]]>><</button>>
<<disable>><<button [[Sorry, I have much work to do|AKiraWorkReports]]>><</button>><</disable>>
<</if>>\<<media "Data/Locations/medcenter.jpg" "place">>
Medical center.<<set $P.Loc = 1>>
<<FNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Nurse">>Mmmm...yeahh...Doctor!...More!...I need more....<</FNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Med/Other/nurse3.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>I'm not a Doctor.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<FNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Nurse">>I don't care!...Ah...just keep going!...<</FNpcDialog>>
<<UpdateArousal "+75">>
I got pretty horny while I was playing with her... But she left satisfied and happy...
<<set $MedWorkModifier = parseFloat($MedWorkModifier)>>\
<<set $MedWorkModifier += 0.1>>
<<set $MedWorkModifier = Number($MedWorkModifier).toFixed(2)>>\
<<set $MedWorkModifier = parseFloat($MedWorkModifier)>>\
@@color:lime; She left with a smile. Your work performance modifier is slightly increased by 0.1@@
While I was having fun with her, I didn't get my job done....Okay...guess next time too..hehh...
<<if $CurrentDayTime == 2>>\
@@#place;<<button [[After work report|AfterWorkReport]]>><<movetime>><</button>>@@
@@#place;<<button [[Get back|AkiraWork]]>><<movetime>><</button>>@@
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$P.Gender === "m" and $MedCenterCor >= 30`,
tags: ["med", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "MedReportRandomEv",
weight: 10,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 9,
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Med", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Med", "Noon"] }
<<media "Data/Locations/medcenter.jpg" "place">>
Medical center.
<<FNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Nurse">>Mr. Assistant. You look a bit stressed, haha.<</FNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Yeah, paperwork can be stressful sometimes.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<FNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Nurse">>Hmm....<</FNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Med/Other/31.webp">>
<<if $MedCenterCor < 50>>\
<<FNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Nurse">>Does this makes you feel better?..<</FNpcDialog>>
<<UpdateArousal "+50">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Absolutely!<</PlayerDialog>>
@@#place;<<button [[She left with a wide and cute smile|AKiraWorkReports]]>><</button>>@@
<<FNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Nurse">>Does this makes you feel better?..or you need something more?...<</FNpcDialog>>
<<UpdateArousal "+50">>
@@#cor;<<button [[I want more|MReportEv_Ev3.2]]>><</button>>@@
<<if $P.Arousal < 100>>\
<<button [[Sorry, I have much work to do|AKiraWorkReports]]>><</button>>
<<disable>><<button [[Sorry, I have much work to do|AKiraWorkReports]]>><</button>><</disable>>
<</if>>\<<media "Data/Locations/medcenter.jpg" "place">>
Medical center.<<set $P.Loc = 1>>
<<FNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Nurse">>Mmmm...You like the big ones, don't you?<</FNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Med/Other/tj.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Y-yeah...but I like the little ones, too, though...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Med/Other/tj4.mp4">>
<<FNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Nurse">>Mmm...I personally love my big ones, I so enjoy playing with guys' dicks with them...You know when a girl starts to accept herself as a lusty dirty girl, it's such a turn-on. You don't want to stop afterwards.... <</FNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Med/Other/tj5.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Oooh...I'm cumming!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<FNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Nurse">>...The pleasure of acting like a slut, collecting men's lustful looks on your body...Realizing what dirty things they want to do to you and how much pleasure they will bring you if you let them....<</FNpcDialog>>
Damn, her words are so arousing...
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Med/Other/tj6.mp4">>
<<FNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Nurse">>Mmhm...It's a pity that you as a guy can't feel it...<</FNpcDialog>>
If she knew I could...but I just don't want to...because I...because I don't, right?...
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Can you play your tits with my cock like you did in the beginning?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<FNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Nurse">>~giggle~ Like this?<</FNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Med/Other/tj7.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Oh, yeass!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<UpdateArousal "0">>
Damn, I can't stop thinking about what she told me....
<<if $P.Cor < 80>>\
<<UpdateCorruption "+2">>\
While I was having fun with her, I didn't get my job done....Okay...guess next time too..hehh...
<<if $CurrentDayTime == 2>>\
@@#place;<<button [[After work report|AfterWorkReport]]>><<movetime>><</button>>@@
@@#place;<<button [[Get back|AkiraWork]]>><<movetime>><</button>>@@
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$P.Gender === "m" and $MedCenterCor >= 30`,
tags: ["med", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "MedReportRandomEv",
weight: 10,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 10,
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Med", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Med", "Noon"] }
<<media "Data/Locations/medcenter.jpg" "place">>
Medical center.
<<FNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Nurse">>Oh, you're sitting here covered in papers! You'd probably like someone to "play" with you so badly, but you can't take your mind off work! I feel so sorry for you, ahaa!<</FNpcDialog>>
That girl came to tease me again...
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Med/Other/16.webp">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Will you stop it? What if I did this to you?..<</PlayerDialog>>
<<if $MedCenterCor < 50>>\
<<FNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Nurse">>Who cares about you, you're no more than a clerk here! Haha!<</FNpcDialog>>
<<UpdateArousal "+30">>
She says this line right before she abruptly gets up and walks away. I hate her!
@@#place;<<button [[She left devilishly laughing|AKiraWorkReports]]>><</button>>@@
<<FNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Nurse">>Who cares about you, you're no more than a clerk here! You wouldn't dare do anything to me, so I'll stay here as long as I want!<</FNpcDialog>>
<<UpdateArousal "+30">>
Ghrr...She didn't leave, she decided to test my patience! Well...
@@#cor;<<button [[Rape her|MReportEv_Ev4.2]]>><</button>>@@
<<if $P.Arousal < 100>>\
<<button [[Try to work|MReportEv_Ev4.1]]>><</button>>
<<disable>><<button [[Try to work|MReportEv_Ev4.1]]>><</button>><</disable>>
<</if>>\<<media "Data/Locations/office1.jpg" "place">>
Medical center office.
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Grr...//Don't be distracted, don't! Don't! Focus! Just focus!//<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Actions/labwork.gif" "gif">>
<<FNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Nurse">>I told you you were helpless. You're boring. Bye, sweetie!<</FNpcDialog>>
Ugh...It was very, very hard to work. The results are disappointing..
<<if $AkiraWorkingBet === true>>\
<<set _rpoints = 6>>\
<<set _rpoints = Number(_rpoints.toFixed(2))
<<set $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus += _rpoints>>\
<<if $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus > 100>>\
<<set $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus = 100>>\
@@color:lime; You are _rpoints % closer to your cash bonus. Current progress $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus/100.@@
<<set $P.Money += 50>>\
@@color:lime;You've earned 50$.@@
<<if $CurrentDayTime == 2>>\
@@#place;<<button [[After work report|AfterWorkReport]]>><</button>>@@
@@#place;<<button [[Get back|AkiraWork]]>><<movetime>><</button>>@@
<</if>>\<<media "Data/Locations/medcenter.jpg" "place">>
Medical center.<<set $P.Loc = 1>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Bitch, you brought this on yourself! <</PlayerDialog>>
<<FNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Nurse">>What? Hey! What..are...ah...Ah....Eeekk!<</FNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Is it just me, or has your tone changed?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Med/Other/17.webp">>
<<FNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Nurse">>Ah...ahh...You're pushing me so deep on your cock!...Ah, it's like my ass for you is nothing more than a piece of flesh!....<</FNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Squeeze my cock with your pussy harder, pig!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<FNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Nurse">>..Yes..sorry...I will! But please...Don't stop!<</FNpcDialog>>
<<UpdateArousal "0">>
You don't have to be dominant to rape her. Not being a "suffer" is enough. Plus, she personally wanted it, so she's provoking me on purpose...
<<UpdateSubDom "+2">>
While I was having fun with her, I didn't get my job done....Okay...guess next time too..hehh...
<<if $CurrentDayTime == 2>>\
@@#place;<<button [[After work report|AfterWorkReport]]>><<movetime>><</button>>@@
@@#place;<<button [[Get back|AkiraWork]]>><<movetime>><</button>>@@
<</if>>\<<RE [[Security]]>>
<<RE [[_Bank]]>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
type: "goto",
<<media "Data/Locations/bank.jpg" "place">>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Clerk">>Welcome to bank, how can I help you?<</MNpcDialog>>
<<button [[How to start using your Bank|BankExplain]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Tell me about Bank services|BankExplain1]]>><</button>>
@@#money;<<button [[My bank account|BankAccount]]>><</button>>@@
<<DrawPlaceMenu "Bank">><<media "Data/Locations/bank.jpg" "place">>
<<set $BankGain = Math.round($BankBalance/100)>>\
@@color:lime;font-size:120%;Balance: $BankBalance $@@
@@color:lime;Daily bank income: + $BankGain $@@
<p id="bankinfo"></p>
<<textbox "$input" "" autofocus>>
<<button [[Deposit|BankAccount]]>><<set $input to Math.trunc($input)>>
<<if Number.isInteger($input)>>\
<<if $input < $P.Money>>\
<<set $P.Money -= $input>><<set $BankBalance +=$input>>
<<replace "#bankinfo">><<= either(["Nope.", "Try again.", "Wrong."])>><</replace>>\
<<if $BankCard == true>>
<<button [[Withdraw|BankAccount]]>>
<<set $input to Math.trunc($input)>>\
<<if Number.isInteger($input)>>\
<<if $input <= $BankBalance>>\
<<set $P.Money +=$input>>\
<<set $BankBalance -=$input>>\
<<button [[Withdraw|BankAccount]]>>
<<set $input to Math.trunc($input)>>\
<<if Number.isInteger($input)>>\
<<if $input <= $BankBalance>>\
<<set _commission = Math.round($input*0,9)>>\
<<set $P.Money += $input>>\
<<set $BankBalance -=$input>>\
<<replace "#bankinfo">><<= either(["Nope.", "Try again.", "Wrong."])>><</replace>>\
<<button [[Exit bank account|Bank]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/bank.jpg" "place">>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Clerk">>You can already use the bank. To get access to all of the bank's services, we offer to buy a membership debit card. Buying the card will remove the withdrawal fee, which is 10% now. The price of the card is @@color:lime;$50@@.<</MNpcDialog>>
<<button [[Got it|Bank]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/bank.jpg" "place">>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Clerk">>Here you can deposit or withdraw cash at any time and be confident in its safety. In addition, @@color:lime;1%@@ of the amount of your savings account will come to your personal account @@color:lime;every day@@! We also have loans, but we don't give them out right now.<</MNpcDialog>>
<<button [[Got it|Bank]]>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 20,
filter: `$P.Gender === "f"`,
tags: ["Bank", "Daily", "Weekly", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Bank", "Morning"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Bank", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 3, tags: ["Bank", "Weekly"] }
<<media "Data/Locations/bank.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Characters/npc/security.webp" "just">>
<<SecurityDialog null null "Secutiry guard">>Wait, miss.<</SecurityDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>What's wrong?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<SecurityDialog null null "Secutiry guard">>Before you go inside I have to search you.<</SecurityDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Why?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<SecurityDialog null null "Secutiry guard">>There is information. But I do not reveal my sources.<</SecurityDialog>>
<<button [[Go ahead|Security1]]>><</button>>
<<if $P.Loc == 0>>\
<<button [[Go back|DApart]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Go back|HApart]]>><</button>>
<</if>>\<<media "Data/Locations/bank.jpg" "place">>
<<SecurityDialog null null "Secutiry guard">>I think you hid something there. I have to check it thoroughly.<</SecurityDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Oh, please..are you just..?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Bank/grope6.webp" "gif">>
<<UpdateArousal "+10">>
<<UpdateSubDom "-1">>
<<if $P.Cor < 36>>
<<SecurityDialog null null "Secutiry guard">>Hmm. I was pretty sure you had something stashed in there. But actually your boobs are just so juicy. You're free to go now.<</SecurityDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "disgust">>asshole..<</PlayerDialog>>
<<button [[Bank]]>><</button>>
<<SecurityDialog null null "Secutiry guard">>Hmm. Hmm. I was so stupid. Take off your outer clothing.<</SecurityDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>What?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<SecurityDialog null null "Secutiry guard">>Sluts like you will find a place to hide an illegal item. I repeat, take off your outer clothing.<</SecurityDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Ugh! if I say no?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<SecurityDialog null null "Secutiry guard">>You won't enter the bank.<</SecurityDialog>>
<<button [[Do as he says|Security2]]>><</button>>
<<if $P.SubDom > -10>>\
<<button [[Yell at him|Security4]]>><</button>>
<<if $P.Loc == 0>>\
<<button [[Fuck you! (leave)|DApart]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Fuck you! (leave)|HApart]]>><</button>>
<</if>><<media "Data/Locations/bank.jpg" "place">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>...aaahh..ah<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Bank/fing10.webp" "gif">>
<<SecurityDialog null null "Secutiry guard">>Cumming when the guard searches you? And you say you're not a whore? Okay, I think we're clear, you can go.<</SecurityDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>...ahh..thank you, sir<</PlayerDialog>>
<<UpdateArousal "0">>
<<UpdateSubDom "-1">>
<<button [[Bank]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/bank.jpg" "place">>
<<PlayerDialog "disgust">>Hey, how about I give you a blow job?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<SecurityDialog null null "Secutiry guard">>Um..You're not going to do that, are you....<</SecurityDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "disgust">>Of course I fucking won't, you fucking fool! Do you want to quit this job so badly? You think I'm some kind of simpleton? Let me go through quick, unless you want to see your balls wrapped around your neck, you piece of shit! <</PlayerDialog>>
<<SecurityDialog null null "Secutiry guard">>W-wow...You don't look like you're bluffing...I didn't...I didn't expect that...from a girl...C-Come in..<</SecurityDialog>>
I'm not a girl. And yet, you should know the kind of girls I live with, bro. I learned a lot from them...
<<UpdateArousal "0">>
<<UpdateSubDom "+1">>
<<button [[Come in|Bank]]>><</button>><<REGroup "RandomCafeEvents" 30>>
<<RE [[_Cafe]]>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
type: "goto",
<<media "Data/Locations/cafe.jpg" "place">>
<<if $MetChef == false>>\
<<button [[Ask for work|CafeWorkBegining]]>><</button>>
<<ChefDialog>>Hey, Nikita! Wanna work today?<</ChefDialog>>
<<if $CurrentDayTime !== 1 and $CurrentDayTime !== 4>>\
@@#money;<<button [[Work|CafeWork]]>><</button>>@@
<<DrawPlaceMenu "Cafe">><<REGroup "RandomCafeWorkEvents" 60>>
<<RE [[_CafeWork]]>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
type: "goto",
<<media "Data/Locations/cafe.jpg" "place">>
Cafe bar.
<<set _r = random (1,5)>>
<<switch _r>>
<<case 1>><<media "Data/Actions/Cafe/1.gif" "gif">>
<<case 2>><<media "Data/Actions/Cafe/2.gif" "gif">>
<<case 3>><<media "Data/Actions/Cafe/3.gif" "gif">>
<<case 4>><<media "Data/Actions/Cafe/4.gif" "gif">>
<<case 5>><<media "Data/Actions/Cafe/5.gif" "gif">>
<<set _tips = random (0,15)>>\
<<if $CurrentDayOfWeek < 5>>
@@color:lime;For a shift you got 10 $ and _tips $ tip.@@
<<button [[Finish shift|Cafe]]>><<set $P.Money = $P.Money + 10 + _tips>><<movetime>><</button>>
<<set _wdtips = _tips * 2>>\
@@color:lime;For a shift you got 20 $ and _wdtips $ tip.@@
<<button [[Finish shift|WeekendEvening]]>><<set $P.Money = $P.Money + (10 + _tips)*2>><<set $CurrentDayTime = 4>><</button>>
<</if>>\<<media "Data/Locations/cafe.jpg" "place">>
Cafe bar.
<<media "Data/Characters/npc/chef.jpg" "just">>
A man in a white cap appeared in front of me
<<ChefDialog>>Hey, I'm glad that at least someone came in person, instead of sending these stupid resumes, I really appreciate it. Answer one question, what is the most important thing in our work? <</ChefDialog>>
What a tough guy.
<<button [[High efficiency|CafeWorkBegining1]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Big profit|CafeWorkBegining1]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Stress resistance|CafeWorkBegining1]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Guest happiness|CafeWorkBegining2]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Teamwork skills|CafeWorkBegining1]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Just Leave|DApart]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/cafe.jpg" "place">>
Cafe bar.
<<media "Data/Characters/npc/chef.jpg" "just">>
Chef scrunched up his face.
<<ChefDialog>>This is the @@color:red;wrong answer@@. Go away and think carefully, and when you find the right answer, you can come back <</ChefDialog>>
<<button [[Dormitory|DApart]]>><<movetime>><</button>>
<<button [[Home|HApart]]>><<movetime>><</button>>
@@\<<media "Data/Locations/cafe.jpg" "place">>
Cafe bar.
<<media "Data/Characters/npc/chef.jpg" "just">>
Chef smiled a little.
<<ChefDialog>>I knew that you would suit this work. You can work from today. And I hope you understand that with your free schedule, the salary will be appropriate. For 1 shift you will receive @@color:lime;10 $ + tips all yours@@. And remember: in our business, the happiness of the guest is above all!<</ChefDialog>>
<<button [[Thank you chef|Cafe]]>><<set $MetChef = true>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 10,
filter: `$DrugSpread === 0`,
groups: {
name: "RandomCafeEvents",
weight: 10,
tags: ["Cafe", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Cafe", "Morning"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Cafe", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Cafe", "Evening"] }
<<media "Data/Locations/cafe.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Actions/RE/Cafe/1/7.webp" "gif">>
Wow, I can see her nipple! Whee-he-he!
<<UpdateArousal "+5">>
<<button [[Back in action|Cafe]]>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 10,
filter: `$DrugSpread === 0`,
groups: {
name: "RandomCafeEvents",
weight: 10,
tags: ["Cafe", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Cafe", "Morning"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Cafe", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Cafe", "Evening"] }
<<media "Data/Locations/cafe.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Actions/RE/Cafe/1/15.webp" "gif">>
The Devil! I. Just. Can't. stop looking that way...
<<UpdateArousal "+5">>
<<button [[Back in action|Cafe]]>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 10,
filter: `$DrugSpread === 0`,
groups: {
name: "RandomCafeEvents",
weight: 10,
tags: ["Cafe", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Cafe", "Morning"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Cafe", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Cafe", "Evening"] }
<<media "Data/Locations/cafe.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Actions/RE/Cafe/1/10.webp" "gif">>
God bless such visitors to our cozy cafe!
<<UpdateArousal "+5">>
<<button [[Back in action|Cafe]]>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 10,
filter: `$DrugSpread === 0`,
groups: {
name: "RandomCafeEvents",
weight: 10,
tags: ["Cafe", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Cafe", "Morning"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Cafe", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Cafe", "Evening"] }
<<media "Data/Locations/cafe.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Actions/RE/Cafe/1/25.webp" "gif">>
Is it just a nice girl or some kind of celebrity?
<<UpdateArousal "+5">>
<<button [[Back in action|Cafe]]>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 10,
filter: `$DrugSpread === 0`,
groups: {
name: "RandomCafeEvents",
weight: 10,
tags: ["Cafe", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Cafe", "Morning"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Cafe", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Cafe", "Evening"] }
<<media "Data/Locations/cafe.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Actions/RE/Cafe/1/28.webp" "gif">>
I'd like to see that face of pleasure not only from cake. Hehe.
<<UpdateArousal "+5">>
<<button [[Back in action|Cafe]]>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 10,
filter: `$DrugSpread >= 1`,
groups: {
name: "RandomCafeEvents",
weight: 20,
tags: ["Cafe", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Cafe", "Morning"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Cafe", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Cafe", "Evening"] }
<<media "Data/Locations/cafe.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Actions/RE/Cafe/2/1.webp" "gif">>
One says, "You're a waiter, look at her boobs!" The other one's like, "No, I'm not like everybody else! Please, enough."
<<UpdateArousal "+5">>
<<button [[Back in action|Cafe]]>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 10,
filter: `$DrugSpread >= 1`,
groups: {
name: "RandomCafeEvents",
weight: 20,
tags: ["Cafe", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Cafe", "Morning"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Cafe", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Cafe", "Evening"] }
<<media "Data/Locations/cafe.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Actions/RE/Cafe/2/22.webp" "gif">>
Hmm, I don't see her doing it the first time.
<<UpdateArousal "+5">>
<<button [[Back in action|Cafe]]>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 10,
filter: `$DrugSpread >= 1`,
groups: {
name: "RandomCafeEvents",
weight: 20,
tags: ["Cafe", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Cafe", "Morning"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Cafe", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Cafe", "Evening"] }
<<media "Data/Locations/cafe.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Actions/RE/Cafe/2/29.webp" "gif">>
This is one of the employees of our cafe. Unfortunately, she doesn't come here much, but it looks like she's about to get a tip.
<<UpdateArousal "+5">>
<<button [[Back in action|Cafe]]>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 10,
filter: `$DrugSpread >= 1`,
groups: {
name: "RandomCafeEvents",
weight: 20,
tags: ["Cafe", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Cafe", "Morning"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Cafe", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Cafe", "Evening"] }
<<media "Data/Locations/cafe.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Actions/RE/Cafe/2/30.webp" "gif">>
This beauty said I was the one who had to see them. I wish I heard that more often!
<<UpdateArousal "+5">>
<<button [[Back in action|Cafe]]>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 10,
filter: `$DrugSpread >= 1`,
groups: {
name: "RandomCafeEvents",
weight: 20,
tags: ["Cafe", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Cafe", "Morning"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Cafe", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Cafe", "Evening"] }
<<media "Data/Locations/cafe.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Actions/RE/Cafe/2/32.webp" "gif">>
The client dressed very...spectacularly!
<<UpdateArousal "+5">>
<<button [[Back in action|Cafe]]>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 10,
filter: `$DrugSpread >= 1`,
groups: {
name: "RandomCafeEvents",
weight: 20,
tags: ["Cafe", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Cafe", "Morning"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Cafe", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Cafe", "Evening"] }
<<media "Data/Locations/cafe.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Actions/RE/Cafe/2/33.webp" "gif">>
She said she felt good, but wanted to feel even better...
<<UpdateArousal "+5">>
<<button [[Back in action|Cafe]]>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 10,
filter: `$DrugSpread >= 1`,
groups: {
name: "RandomCafeEvents",
weight: 20,
tags: ["Cafe", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Cafe", "Morning"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Cafe", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Cafe", "Evening"] }
<<media "Data/Locations/cafe.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Actions/RE/Cafe/2/2.webp" "gif">>
Whoa, I remember her. She's a little tipsy tonight!
<<UpdateArousal "+5">>
<<button [[Back in action|Cafe]]>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 10,
filter: `$DrugSpread >= 1`,
groups: {
name: "RandomCafeEvents",
weight: 20,
tags: ["Cafe", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Cafe", "Morning"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Cafe", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Cafe", "Evening"] }
<<media "Data/Locations/cafe.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Actions/RE/Cafe/2/3.webp" "gif">>
She told me she was going to show me something. Okay.
<<UpdateArousal "+5">>
<<button [[Back in action|Cafe]]>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 10,
filter: `$DrugSpread >= 1`,
groups: {
name: "RandomCafeEvents",
weight: 20,
tags: ["Cafe", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Cafe", "Morning"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Cafe", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Cafe", "Evening"] }
<<media "Data/Locations/cafe.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Actions/RE/Cafe/2/4.webp" "gif">>
She brags to her friend about how sensitive they have become. Why would that be?
<<UpdateArousal "+5">>
<<button [[Back in action|Cafe]]>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 10,
filter: `$DrugSpread >= 1`,
groups: {
name: "RandomCafeEvents",
weight: 20,
tags: ["Cafe", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Cafe", "Morning"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Cafe", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Cafe", "Evening"] }
<<media "Data/Locations/cafe.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Actions/RE/Cafe/2/6.webp" "gif">>
I wish I could be the one to crumple them, but for some reason no one has let me touch them yet. Maybe it's some kind of game or challange? Or was I just hinting badly...
<<UpdateArousal "+5">>
<<button [[Back in action|Cafe]]>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 10,
filter: `$DrugSpread >= 1`,
groups: {
name: "RandomCafeEvents",
weight: 20,
tags: ["Cafe", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Cafe", "Morning"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Cafe", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Cafe", "Evening"] }
<<media "Data/Locations/cafe.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Actions/RE/Cafe/2/16.webp" "gif">>
It seems to me that this is some important businesswoman, today her image is a little different from the usual...
<<UpdateArousal "+5">>
<<button [[Back in action|Cafe]]>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 10,
filter: `$DrugSpread >= 1`,
groups: {
name: "RandomCafeEvents",
weight: 20,
tags: ["Cafe", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Cafe", "Morning"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Cafe", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Cafe", "Evening"] }
<<media "Data/Locations/cafe.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Actions/RE/Cafe/2/18.webp" "gif">>
She really asked for a few minutes of her time. I... couldn't say no.
<<UpdateArousal "+5">>
<<button [[Back in action|Cafe]]>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 10,
filter: `$DrugSpread >= 1`,
groups: {
name: "RandomCafeEvents",
weight: 20,
tags: ["Cafe", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Cafe", "Morning"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Cafe", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Cafe", "Evening"] }
<<media "Data/Locations/cafe.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Actions/RE/Cafe/2/19.webp" "gif">>
I've seen these two girlfriends somewhere before. Apparently they are very close.
<<UpdateArousal "+5">>
<<button [[Back in action|Cafe]]>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 10,
filter: `$DrugSpread >= 1`,
groups: {
name: "RandomCafeEvents",
weight: 20,
tags: ["Cafe", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Cafe", "Morning"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Cafe", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Cafe", "Evening"] }
<<media "Data/Locations/cafe.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Actions/RE/Cafe/2/21.webp" "gif">>
In confidence, one of the girls said that this is some kind of new fashion I did not really understand, but you need to show your tits in this cafe at a time when they are most sensitive and then will come good luck and great pleasure. That's why I see so many boobs here lately...
<<UpdateArousal "+5">>
<<button [[Back in action|Cafe]]>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 10,
filter: `$DrugSpread >= 2`,
groups: {
name: "RandomCafeEvents",
weight: 50,
tags: ["Cafe", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Cafe", "Morning"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Cafe", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Cafe", "Evening"] }
<<media "Data/Locations/cafe.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Actions/RE/Cafe/2/5.webp" "gif">>
The girl asked me to see if the gum was stuck to her ass. No, it wasn't.
<<UpdateArousal "+5">>
<<button [[Back in action|Cafe]]>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 10,
filter: `$DrugSpread >= 2`,
groups: {
name: "RandomCafeEvents",
weight: 50,
tags: ["Cafe", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Cafe", "Morning"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Cafe", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Cafe", "Evening"] }
<<media "Data/Locations/cafe.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Actions/RE/Cafe/2/24.webp" "gif">>
She's masturbating! She's also always looking over her shoulder, probably thinking she might get kicked out for this. More and more strange things have been going on in the cafe lately, some new rumors are creeping in, she won't get anything for such a trifle.
<<UpdateArousal "+5">>
<<button [[Back in action|Cafe]]>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 10,
filter: `$DrugSpread >= 2`,
groups: {
name: "RandomCafeEvents",
weight: 50,
tags: ["Cafe", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Cafe", "Morning"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Cafe", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Cafe", "Evening"] }
<<media "Data/Locations/cafe.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Actions/RE/Cafe/2/23.webp" "gif">>
It's a small cafe, so the toilet is shared. But you don't see a scene like this here every day!
<<UpdateArousal "+5">>
<<button [[Back in action|Cafe]]>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 10,
filter: `$DrugSpread >= 2`,
groups: {
name: "RandomCafeEvents",
weight: 50,
tags: ["Cafe", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Cafe", "Morning"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Cafe", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Cafe", "Evening"] }
<<media "Data/Locations/cafe.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Actions/RE/Cafe/2/9.webp" "gif">>
Fuck, she's sucking his dick right there completely sidestepping all norms of morality and common sense! She doesn't do it too openly, though, so hardly anyone pays any attention to her. But damn! There's definitely something wrong with this cafe lately!
<<UpdateArousal "+5">>
<<button [[Back in action|Cafe]]>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 10,
filter: `$DrugSpread >= 3`,
groups: {
name: "RandomCafeEvents",
weight: 100,
tags: ["Cafe", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Cafe", "Morning"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Cafe", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Cafe", "Evening"] }
<<media "Data/Locations/cafe.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Actions/RE/Cafe/3/8.webp" "gif">>
It's a great day for outdoor sex! Only they do it on the terrace of a cafe in front of everyone! At least the girl is wearing a hood...
<<UpdateArousal "+5">>
<<button [[Back in action|Cafe]]>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 10,
filter: `$DrugSpread >= 3`,
groups: {
name: "RandomCafeEvents",
weight: 100,
tags: ["Cafe", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Cafe", "Morning"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Cafe", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Cafe", "Evening"] }
<<media "Data/Locations/cafe.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Actions/RE/Cafe/3/14.webp" "gif">>
Looks like we're getting special treatment for the VIPs now.
<<UpdateArousal "+5">>
<<button [[Back in action|Cafe]]>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 10,
filter: `$DrugSpread >= 3`,
groups: {
name: "RandomCafeEvents",
weight: 100,
tags: ["Cafe", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Cafe", "Morning"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Cafe", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Cafe", "Evening"] }
<<media "Data/Locations/cafe.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Actions/RE/Cafe/3/12.webp" "gif">>
Hello New Celtos. Now the restroom here looks like this all the time.
<<UpdateArousal "+5">>
<<button [[Back in action|Cafe]]>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 10,
filter: `$DrugSpread >= 3`,
groups: {
name: "RandomCafeEvents",
weight: 100,
tags: ["Cafe", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Cafe", "Morning"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Cafe", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Cafe", "Evening"] }
<<media "Data/Locations/cafe.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Actions/RE/Cafe/3/13.webp" "gif">>
This businesswoman often comes here with her security guard for a snack. I guess he didn't waste any time....
<<UpdateArousal "+5">>
<<button [[Back in action|Cafe]]>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 10,
filter: `$DrugSpread >= 3`,
groups: {
name: "RandomCafeEvents",
weight: 100,
tags: ["Cafe", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Cafe", "Morning"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Cafe", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Cafe", "Evening"] }
<<media "Data/Locations/cafe.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Actions/RE/Cafe/3/11.webp" "gif">>
I know her. Apparently now this waitress is willing to do a little more for a good tip.
<<UpdateArousal "+5">>
<<button [[Back in action|Cafe]]>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 10,
filter: `$DrugSpread >= 3`,
groups: {
name: "RandomCafeEvents",
weight: 100,
tags: ["Cafe", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Cafe", "Morning"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Cafe", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Cafe", "Evening"] }
<<media "Data/Locations/cafe.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Actions/RE/Cafe/3/31.webp" "gif">>
They drew a lot of spectators. Are these noodles really that good? Perhaps it has a secret ingredient.....
<<UpdateArousal "+5">>
<<button [[Back in action|Cafe]]>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 10,
filter: `$DrugSpread >= 3`,
groups: {
name: "RandomCafeEvents",
weight: 100,
tags: ["Cafe", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Cafe", "Morning"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Cafe", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Cafe", "Evening"] }
<<media "Data/Locations/cafe.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Actions/RE/Cafe/3/17.webp" "gif">>
A wife and husband smirk as they watch a waitress apologize for spilling sauce. What has happened to this world?
<<UpdateArousal "+5">>
<<button [[Back in action|Cafe]]>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 10,
filter: `$DrugSpread >= 3`,
groups: {
name: "RandomCafeEvents",
weight: 100,
tags: ["Cafe", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Cafe", "Morning"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Cafe", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Cafe", "Evening"] }
<<media "Data/Locations/cafe.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Actions/RE/Cafe/3/27.webp" "gif">>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Guy">>I didn't want this, but you realize I couldn't let this be our last date, right? <</MNpcDialog>>
<<FNpcDialog null null "Girl">>Ahh...I got it! Ah...I'll be yours, just...don't stop fucking me!<</FNpcDialog>>
What made her change her mind? Mm-hmmmmmmmm...
<<UpdateArousal "+5">>
<<button [[Back in action|Cafe]]>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 10,
filter: `$DrugSpread >= 3`,
groups: {
name: "RandomCafeEvents",
weight: 100,
tags: ["Cafe", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Cafe", "Morning"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Cafe", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Cafe", "Evening"] }
<<media "Data/Locations/cafe.jpg" "place">>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Man">>Oh, yes! That's the way you were always meant to be!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<FNpcDialog null null "Woman">>I hadn't really paid attention to what a valuable and courageous employee we have... ~giggle~ But then once we noticed the way you were looking at us, we got so hot!<</FNpcDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Man">>I can't believe it! The boss and the head HR are my toys! Ha-ha-ha!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Actions/RE/Cafe/3/20.webp" "gif">>
<<FNpcDialog null null "Woman">>I'm sorry we were so mean to you. But now that we know what sluts we are, it's time to make up for lost time! ~giggle~<</FNpcDialog>>
Some find their salvation in "Celtos" and pay the price for it in the form of moral standards. Anyway, I guess now this guy's work really makes him feel good!
<<media "Data/Actions/RE/Cafe/3/26.webp" "gif">>
<<UpdateArousal "+5">>
<<button [[Back in action|Cafe]]>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 10,
filter: `$DrugSpread >= 3 and $P.Gender === "f"`,
groups: {
name: "RandomCafeEvents",
weight: 100,
tags: ["Cafe", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Cafe", "Morning"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Cafe", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Cafe", "Evening"] }
<<media "Data/Locations/cafe.jpg" "place">>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Man">>Hey, girl. I think I saw you working here. Do you really serve your guests even after hours, hmm?<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>No, I'm not at work right now.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Man">>Oh, really? So there's nothing stopping me from buying you something to eat or drink now? After all, you're the hottest girl here! <</MNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Actions/RE/Cafe/3/slap22.webp" "gif">>
Damn it, how can he allow himself to touch me so vulgarly!...
<<if $P.Cor > 40>>\
Oh, he has such big hands.... but maybe I could really use a chance to have a nice meal on him at this guy's expense?...
<<button [[Agree to join him|Cafe_DrugSpread3_f_Event1Agree]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Break free and get away from him|Cafe]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/supermarket.jpg" "place">>
<<UpdateArousal "100">>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Man">>You didn't think I don't want anything in return, did you? I'm glad I didn't even have to force you, haha!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Actions/RE/Cafe/3/bj86.webp" "gif">>
Of course, because I had no choice! I got overexcited because you put a damn drug in my food!... But...it doesn't matter now.....
<<set $P.Spending +=10>>\
@@color:lime; You've been treated to an amazing meal today, so the daily expenses decreased by 10$.@@
<<UpdateArousal "0">>
<<button [[Back in action|Cafe]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 10,
filter: `$DrugSpread >= 3 and $P.Gender === "m"`,
groups: {
name: "RandomCafeEvents",
weight: 100,
tags: ["Cafe", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Cafe", "Morning"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Cafe", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Cafe", "Evening"] }
<<media "Data/Locations/cafe.jpg" "place">>
<<FNpcDialog null null "Beautiful Latina">>Hey, handsome. I think I've seen you in this café before. Why don't you sit with me for a while? <</FNpcDialog>>
She smiled sweetly and licked her lips.
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Ahem...<</PlayerDialog>>
Kind of rude to turn her down...am I really in a hurry and can't spare her some time?
<<button [[Agree to join her|RECafeCont]]>><<set $RECont = 1>><</button>>
<<button [[Apologize and walk away|Cafe]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/supermarket.jpg" "place">>
Two girls were sitting at a large table. I sat down next to Latina. She immediately bit her lower lip in a sexy way, and gently pulling out my cock, began to playfully work her hands under the table.
<<FNpcDialog null null "Beautiful Latina">>Mmm...I'm so glad you said yes. I'm so tired at work, it's the best anti-stress for me!<</FNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Actions/RE/Cafe/3/10.webp" "gif">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Is your friend okay with what you're doing now?<</PlayerDialog>>
We didn't speak so loudly that it would have been hard to hear us in the noisy café, even at the other end of the table.
<<FNpcDialog null null "Beautiful Latina">>She's used to my close proximity to guys, and yet she can't see what we're doing under the table... ~giggle~<</FNpcDialog>>
I remember before the drug was distributed, I was treated a little more dismissively by women...
<<UpdateArousal "0">>
<<button [[Back in action|Cafe]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$P.Gender === "f"`,
groups: {
name: "RandomCafeWorkEvents",
weight: 40,
tags: ["Cafe", "Work", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Cafe", "Work", "Morning"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Cafe", "Work", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Cafe", "Work", "Evening"] }
<<media "Data/Locations/cafe.jpg" "place">>
Cafe bar.
<<MNpcDialog null null "Stranger">>Hey, cutie. Can you show me some of the things you have under your clothes? I'll give you tip for that<</MNpcDialog>>
<<if $P.Cor > 20>>\
Such a trifle, and the extra money won't hurt me. What to do?
<<if $P.Arousal > 60>>\
<<button "I'm so excited!">>
<<if $P.Cor < 30>><<UpdateCorruption "+1">><</if>>
<<REGroup "CafeFlashAgree" 100>>
<<button [[Sorry, I don't do those things|CafeWork]]>><</button>>
<<button "Get extra money!">><<REGroup "CafeFlashAgree" 100>><</button>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Fuck you, pervert! Eat up and get the hell out of here<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Stranger">>How can you talk to your guests like that? I was wrong, you are not a cutie at all, it’s like I’m talking to a man now! I'm leaving and will never come back here again!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Otherwise, you will be arrested for harassment. Good riddance, crazy man.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<button[[Back to work|CafeWork]]>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
groups: {
name: "CafeFlashAgree",
weight: 0, // here 0 to prevent fire if CafeFlashAgree2 is on
<<media "Data/Locations/cafe.jpg" "place">>
Cafe bar.
<<MNpcDialog null null "Stranger">>I knew you were that slut!<</MNpcDialog>>
His words confuse me. But I feel like it only made me more aroused. Hehe
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Get distracted and you'll miss everything!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<set _r = random (0, 4)>>\
<<switch _r>>\
<<case 0>><<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Cafe/flash.gif" "gif">>
<<case 1>><<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Cafe/flash1.gif" "gif">>
<<case 2>><<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Cafe/flash11.mp4">>
<<case 3>><<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Cafe/flash23.webp" "gif">>
<<case 4>><<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Cafe/flash25.webp" "gif">>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Stranger">>You have excellent boobs and ass. If I could fuck it I wouldn't get them off my cock. Good job, little waiteress.<</MNpcDialog>>
All my life not to get off his cock? Who can even...like it. Te-he
<<if $P.ConvergenceON == true>>\
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>I know what you're trying to say. Please don't say anything.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CindyDialog>>Okay, hehe!<</CindyDialog>>
<<set _extratips = random (5,10)>>\
<<set $P.Money += _extratips>>
@@color:lime;You got _extratips $ extratips.@@
<<UpdateSubDom "-1">>
<<button[[Back to work|CafeWork]]>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `random(0, 100) <= $P.Cor`,
groups: {
name: "CafeFlashAgree",
weight: 100,
<<media "Data/Locations/cafe.jpg" "place">>
Cafe bar.
<<MNpcDialog null null "Stranger">>I knew you were that slut!<</MNpcDialog>>
I'm in really good mood today. They'll be surprised!
<<set _nakedr = random (0, 4)>>\
<<switch _nakedr>>\
<<case 0>><<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Cafe/flash4.gif" "gif">>
<<case 1>><<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Cafe/flash18.webp" "gif">>
<<case 2>><<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Cafe/flash21.webp" "gif">>
<<case 3>><<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Cafe/flash22.webp" "gif">>
<<case 4>><<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Cafe/flash26.webp" "gif">>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Stranger">>Oh my God! You have nothing under your clothes! You are a crazy whore!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>I'm sorry. I was really really bad...<</PlayerDialog>>
Well, I'm doing all this only for tips. He-he. I'm sure he'll give me more of his...tips.
<<MNpcDialog null null "Stranger">>You have excellent boobs and ass. If I could fuck it I wouldn't get them off my cock. Good job, little waiteress.<</MNpcDialog>>
All my life not to get off his cock? Who can even...like it. Te-he
<<if $P.ConvergenceON == true>>\
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>I know what you're trying to say. Please don't say anything.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CindyDialog>>Okay, hehe!<</CindyDialog>>
<<set _extratips = random (10,15)>>\
<<set $P.Money += _extratips>>
@@color:lime;You got _extratips $ extratips.@@
<<UpdateSubDom "-1">>
<<button[[Back to work|CafeWork]]>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$P.Gender === "f" and $P.Cor > 50`,
groups: {
name: "RandomCafeWorkEvents",
weight: 15,
tags: ["Cafe", "Work", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Cafe", "Work", "Morning"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Cafe", "Work", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Cafe", "Work", "Evening"] }
<<media "Data/Locations/cafe.jpg" "place">>
Cafe bar.
One of the guests is calling me.
<<MNpcDialog null null "Stranger">>And yet, sweetheart, you are so sexy and beautiful! Why don't you give me a quick hand job? My dick is as hard as a rock, no one will even notice! I'll give you another tip<</MNpcDialog>>
He's so gallant. Do girls often get this kind of attention? I like it.
<<if $P.Arousal > 50>>\
I'm in the mood to help these poor people.
@@#cor;<<button "Agree">><<REGroup "RandomCafeWorkHjAgreeEvents">><</button>>@@
<</if>>\<<media "Data/Locations/cafe.jpg" "place">>
Cafe bar.
<<MNpcDialog null null "Stranger">>Well, I guess that was too brazen of me. But you missed an opportunity to get an extra tip, too.<</MNpcDialog>>
Yeah, you'd ride up on a white horse with a bouquet of flowers and an orchestra in the background to ask for a hand job. Asshole.
Although I do wonder how much he'd pay me.
<<button[[Back to work|CafeWork]]>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$P.Gender === "f" and $P.Cor > 50`,
groups: {
name: "RandomCafeWorkEvents",
weight: 15,
tags: ["Cafe", "Work", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Cafe", "Work", "Morning"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Cafe", "Work", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Cafe", "Work", "Evening"] }
<<media "Data/Locations/cafe.jpg" "place">>
Cafe bar.
One of the guests is calling me.
<<MNpcDialog null null "Stranger">>Hey, you're that whore, aren't you? Quick, jerk off my dick, you slut!<</MNpcDialog>>
What a rude guest! He doesn't even ask, he just orders! He reminds me somewhat of Stephan.
A goddamn woman's body...that tone makes me feel like I'm on fire down here...
<<if $P.Arousal > 50>>\
I'm in the mood to help these poor people.
@@#cor;<<button "Agree">><<REGroup "RandomCafeWorkHjAgreeEvents">><</button>>@@
<</if>>\<<media "Data/Locations/cafe.jpg" "place">>
Cafe bar.
<<MNpcDialog null null "Stranger">>You're a fucking scumbag. I came here to get jerked off, I even bought a sandwich! Your restaurant sucks!<</MNpcDialog>>
Ha, he's not so cool anymore! He's still a long way from Stephan...
<<button[[Back to work|CafeWork]]>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$P.Gender === "f" and $P.Cor > 50`,
groups: {
name: "RandomCafeWorkEvents",
weight: 15,
tags: ["Cafe", "Work", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Cafe", "Work", "Morning"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Cafe", "Work", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Cafe", "Work", "Evening"] }
<<media "Data/Locations/cafe.jpg" "place">>
Cafe bar.
One of the guests is calling me.
<<MNpcDialog null null "Stranger">>Excuse me...I just...you are so.... I meant to say....<</MNpcDialog>>
What a cutie! Does he want to meet me or to ask me something indecent, but he's too shy? Haha. Judging by his bulging dick, I think I know the answer.
<<if $P.Arousal > 50>>\
I'm in the mood to help these poor people.
@@#cor;<<button "Agree">><<REGroup "RandomCafeWorkHjAgreeEvents">><</button>>@@
<</if>>\<<media "Data/Locations/cafe.jpg" "place">>
Cafe bar.
<<MNpcDialog null null "Stranger">>...sorry..<</MNpcDialog>>
I even feel sorry for the guy. You should find a girl who wants to jerk you off, not ask the waitresses about it.
<<button[[Back to work|CafeWork]]>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
groups: {
name: "RandomCafeWorkHjAgreeEvents",
weight: 10,
<<media "Data/Locations/cafe.jpg" "place">>
Cafe bar.
Let's have some fun.
<<set _r = random (0, 1)>>\
<<switch _r>>\
<<case 0>><<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Cafe/hj.mp4">>
<<case 1>><<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Cafe/hj5.mp4">>
<<if $P.ConvergenceON == true>>\
<<CindyDialog>>You are a good waiter and a very responsible worker!<</CindyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "disgust">>Oh, are you serious?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Stranger">>Your hand is so soft and warm. You're gorgeous!<</MNpcDialog>>
God, it feels so good to hear him say that. I don't know what to do with myself.
<<set _extratips = random (5,20)>>\
<<set $P.Money += _extratips>>
@@color:lime;You got _extratips $ extratips.@@
<<UpdateSubDom "-1">>
<<if $P.Cor < 60>><<UpdateCorruption "+1">><</if>>
<<UpdateArousal "+30">>
<<button[[Back to work|CafeWork]]>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
groups: {
name: "RandomCafeWorkHjAgreeEvents",
weight: 10,
<<media "Data/Locations/cafe.jpg" "place">>
Cafe bar.
Let's have some fun.
<<set _r = random (0, 1)>>\
<<switch _r>>\
<<case 0>><<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Cafe/hj.mp4">>
<<case 1>><<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Cafe/hj5.mp4">>
<<if $P.ConvergenceON == true>>\
<<CindyDialog>>You are a good waiter and a very responsible worker!<</CindyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "disgust">>Oh, are you serious?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Stranger">>Hahahahaha, I knew you were a dumb sperm lover. Apparently you jerk off men instead of working!<</MNpcDialog>>
There's really nothing disgusting about semen, it's a natural reaction of the body...and.... he has so much of it...
<<set _extratips = random (5,20)>>\
<<set $P.Money += _extratips>>
@@color:lime;You got _extratips $ extratips.@@
<<UpdateSubDom "-1">>
<<if $P.Cor < 60>><<UpdateCorruption "+1">><</if>>
<<UpdateArousal "+30">>
<<button[[Back to work|CafeWork]]>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
groups: {
name: "RandomCafeWorkHjAgreeEvents",
weight: 10,
<<media "Data/Locations/cafe.jpg" "place">>
Cafe bar.
Let's have some fun.
<<set _r = random (0, 1)>>\
<<switch _r>>\
<<case 0>><<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Cafe/hj.mp4">>
<<case 1>><<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Cafe/hj5.mp4">>
<<if $P.ConvergenceON == true>>\
<<CindyDialog>>You are a good waiter and a very responsible worker!<</CindyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "disgust">>Oh, are you serious?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Stranger">>Yeaah, thank you, thank you very much! Will you be my girlfriend?<</MNpcDialog>>
God, that's the last thing I need is a boyfriend. I already have Stephan.... I mean Layla. My girlfriend is Layla! What's wrong with me?!
<<set _extratips = random (5,20)>>\
<<set $P.Money += _extratips>>
@@color:lime;You got _extratips $ extratips.@@
<<UpdateSubDom "-1">>
<<if $P.Cor < 60>><<UpdateCorruption "+1">><</if>>
<<UpdateArousal "+30">>
<<button[[Back to work|CafeWork]]>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$P.Gender === "f" and $P.Cor > 50 and $LeviArrival === true and $LeviHere === true and $P.PervertedPoints >= 40 and $Levi.Gender === "m"`,
groups: {
name: "RandomCafeWorkEvents",
weight: 45,
tags: ["Cafe", "Work", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Cafe", "Work", "Morning"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Cafe", "Work", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Cafe", "Work", "Evening"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Cafe", "Work", "Daily"] }
<<media "Data/Locations/cafe.jpg" "place">>
Cafe bar.
<<set $LeviHere = false>>\
<<LeviDialog>>Hey, Nikita!<</LeviDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>What? Levi? You're following me now?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<LeviDialog>>Hie-hie! I sometimes come here on my way to....on the way. And here you are flashing your TITS and JERKING OFF to visitors! How NAUGHTY!<</LeviDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Hey, hey, shh, shhhh!! Have you come to make fun of me?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<LeviDialog>>No.. But because of your "work process", I am now as hard as a rock! It's in your best interest to help me!<</LeviDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Tcz...I'll help you with your problem if you shut up!.. follow me....<</PlayerDialog>>
<<LeviDialog>>Hie-hie! Lift up your skirt a bit. I want to see your legs and panties!<</LeviDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Who did I tell to shut up, huh?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Levi/ut24.mp4">>
<<LeviDialog>>You're the best! This is a tip for you! Hie-hie!<</LeviDialog>>
Thats was tough... Levi is too much of a "stand-out" personality. People nearby definitely noticed something...
<<UpdatePervertion "+1">>
<<UpdateMoney "+30">>
<<UpdateSubDom "-1">>
<<if $P.Cor < 60>><<UpdateCorruption "+1">><</if>>
<<UpdateArousal "+50">>
<<button[[Back to work|CafeWork]]>><</button>><<fadein 5s>><span class='fadeIn'>Chapter 1
<<timed 2000ms>>\
<<fadein 5s>><span class='fadeInn'>\
"The Curse"
<<next 8000ms>>
<<goto "Prologue14">>
<</timed>><<media "Data/Locations/chapter2pic.png" "bigpic">>
Hi! My name is @@color:magenta;FavoriteCat@@, the author of this game. Glad you made it to this point! If you like the game, why don't you take a few minutes to leave a comment about on the site where you downloaded it?
You can also visit my <a href = "https://www.patreon.com/FavoriteCat">patreon</a> and join the server in <a href = "https://discord.gg/bmD9SFxUnt">discord</a>! That way you can support development process of the game and you'll always be up to date on the latest news about it!
@@color:orange;Thanks to all who already support or have supported Tasty Curse. Without you, we wouldn't have made it this far.@@
@@color:yellow;You still have a lot of exciting content ahead of you! Good luck!@@
<<button [[Start Chapter 2!|Chapter2beg]]>><</button>><<fadein 5s>><span class='fadeIn'>Chapter 2
<<timed 2000ms>>\
<<fadein 5s>><span class='fadeInn'>\
"Mysterious Lab"
<<next 8000ms>>
<<goto "JimmyLabBoom3">>
<</timed>><<if $P.ConvergenceCounter > 6>>\
<<set $P.ConvergenceCounter = 0>>
<<if $P.ConvergenceON == true>>\
<<CindyDialog>>Okay! If you've made up your mind, I won't stop you! Don't move.<</CindyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Cindy/Pic/gray8.jpg" "just">>
<<CindyDialog>>That's it. You're fine now.<</CindyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>You sure?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CindyDialog>>Yeah, but if it were up to me, I'd leave it the way it was. I love spending time with you!<</CindyDialog>>
@@color:yellow; Note: you're back to normal. Magical energy is no longer stored.@@
<<set $P.ConvergenceON = false>>\
<<UpdateCindyPower "0">>\
<button "Back to reality"><<newday>></button>
<<CindyDialog>>I'm so happy! Let me start, it won't hurt!<</CindyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Cindy/Pic/gray8.jpg" "just">>
<<CindyDialog>>That's it. Now you and I are almost one!<</CindyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Just don't overdo it<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CindyDialog>>Hehe! You too! Because in some situations I might not be able to help myself!<</CindyDialog>>
@@color:yellow; Note@@: now Cindy is always with you. She will be able to contact you at any time. When you are excited, magical energy will build up. If there is enough energy, you can summon Cindy, but if there is too much, Cindy will appear on her own.
<<set $P.ConvergenceON = true>>\
<<UpdateCindyPower "0">>\
<<button "Back to reality">><<newday>><</button>>
<<set _timer = 7 - $P.ConvergenceCounter>>\
<<if $P.ConvergenceON == true>>\
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Cindy, I want to stop this<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Cindy/Pic/gray.jpg" "just">>
<<CindyDialog>>I'm sorry, I can't stop this until @@color:yellow;_timer@@ days from now. You're gonna have to be patient for a while.<</CindyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Cindy, let's renew the convergence<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Cindy/Pic/gray1.jpg" "just">>
<<CindyDialog>>Oh, so you can't wait to be me again? But I can't do it now. You need to be patient for @@color:yellow;_timer@@ more days<</CindyDialog>>
<<button "Just back to reality">><<newday>><</button>>
<</if>>\<<if $P.CindyInside == true>>\
<<if $P.ConvergenceTalking == false>>\
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Cindy? Are you here?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Cindy!<</PlayerDialog>>
Fuck, I'm trying to scream in my head right now, aren't I...? It's like I'm going a little bit crazy.
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>What's going on.... could be some kind of witchcraft th...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Cindy/Pic/gray2.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>...y...yyyou! Did you have to scare me like that?!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CindyDialog>>I don't want to hear anything! I hid and you lost! Then as a punishment you're gonna have to squeeze those boobies!<</CindyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Cindy/Pic/gray3.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>You're very boring, aren't you?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Cindy/Pic/gray1.jpg" "just">>
<<CindyDialog>>Well, I'm glad we took the time to talk.<</CindyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Okay, let's try to piece together who we are now. Other than the curse, I'm the same person I was before. Due to constant contact with magical energy and countless experiments, this energy formed inside me and took the form of a....bimbo. I mean....you. It's Jimmy's hypothesis.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CindyDialog>>I trust Jimmy!<</CindyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Then Akira showed up and almost killed us.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CindyDialog>>I was so scared!<</CindyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>She called you mana. And mana, as I understand it, is something wizards can't do without when they cast their spells. So you can do magic now?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>???<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CindyDialog>>Well, you know. I know as much as you do. No more. I have no idea how to cast spells. I can only feel the flow of magical energy...<</CindyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>So you have the power to control these flows like other wizards do?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CindyDialog>>Of course! But only inside our body!<</CindyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>And...what does that get us?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>So you're just a schizo in my head?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CindyDialog>>No, I'm Cindy!<</CindyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Are you kidding me? GODDAMN, you're magical FUCKING energy! Can you do anything?! When we talked to Jimmy, you showed me that you can still change and control my body! <</PlayerDialog>>
<<CindyDialog>>Yes!...but.... it took a ton of energy and now we have to restore it somehow...I probably won't be able to do it again anytime soon...<</CindyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Wait, do I have to charge you too? Are you a battery?!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CindyDialog>>No, I'm Cindy!<</CindyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Fuck, just tell me what's going on with the energy right now, I'm feeling like my usual self<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CindyDialog>>Ha-ha-ha! All right! I don't know if it's like this for everyone or just us, as I understand, energy regeneration is very, very slow. Naturally, you don't feel any changes. It's magical energy, you used to live without it.<</CindyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>So, not fate, so you'll just be no more than a voice in my head.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CindyDialog>>Wait! There is a way, I can realign the energy flows within our body a bit and then we can store energy in large enough quantities!<</CindyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Realign energy flows?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CindyDialog>>Yeah! As I understand it, magical energy is a sort of life force, so it comes in very small amounts from everything you do. However, the biggest flows gather when you are...horny! If I rearrange our own flows, then @@color:yellow;when you're aroused, we can pick up a lot of energy from outside!@@<</CindyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Wait, what does that get us?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CindyDialog>>Um... I'll have enough energy for me to incarnate in your body...<</CindyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>???<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CindyDialog>>Hey, I promised I'd listen to you! Couldn't you use a pretty blonde to solve some....curiosities? In fact! Extra magical energy can come in handy! <</CindyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Holy shit! So... why didn't you do it before? How does that even work?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CindyDialog>>This way we'll get even closer to each other. What would Jimmy call it? He'd say something like @@color:magenta;"energy convergence"@@! I haven't done this before because you'd be mad at me... Now that we're in this together, you should know that with the way we're gathering energy, @@color:yellow;if there's too much of it, I'll take over your body for a while, whether you want me to or not...@@<</CindyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>What? Why would I even agree to those terms?!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CindyDialog>>Calm down! To prevent this from happening, you just have to use up the energy before too much builds up! Besides, I can have it back the way it was!...in a week....<</CindyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>In a week?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CindyDialog>> @@color:yellow;Realigning flows is a complicated process! I can't do it more than once a week!@@ But I won't steal your body! Relax, it'll be fun!<</CindyDialog>>
While I don't know much about other mana holders, we are definitely drastically different from them! I trust that Cindy won't steal my body, and she can really be helpful in dealing with some...issues. But I'm sure I can do without her help.
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Cindy/Pic/gray.jpg" "just">>
<<CindyDialog>>We don't have to do this right now. You can come back to me later. I'm not going anywhere from here. Ha-ha! <</CindyDialog>>
<<set $P.ConvergenceTalking = true>>\
@@#pill;<<button [[Turn Cindy convergence ON|CindyConvergence]]>><</button>>@@
<<button "Just back to reality">><<newday>><</button>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Cindy/Pic/gray2.jpg" "just">>
<<CindyDialog>>Hey there, looking for me?<</CindyDialog>>
<<if $P.ConvergenceON == true>>\
@@#pill;<<button [[Turn Cindy convergence OFF|CindyConvergence]]>><</button>>@@
@@#pill;<<button [[Turn Cindy convergence ON|CindyConvergence]]>><</button>>@@
<<button "Just back to reality">><<newday>><</button>>
<<timed 2500ms>>\
<div class = "p"> <h4>Nikita</h4><hr>How was it? I close my eyes and focus. I go lower and lower, deeper and deeper...</div>
<<next 2500ms>>\
And deeper...
<<next 2500ms>>\
<<next 2500ms>>\
I'm beginning to feel a kind of lightness...
<<next 2500ms>>\
Even almost a kind of coolness...
<<next 2500ms>>\
I feel some kind of flow, it's like a mountain river...
It is very unstable and contradictory. I can almost hear that noise and feel those cold splashes... But I need to continue!
<<next 2500ms>>\
<<next 2500ms>>\
<<next 2500ms>>\
<<media "Data/Locations/kitchen.jpg" "place">>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Where the fuck am I?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Cindy/Pic/lemon.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Cindy?!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Cindy/Pic/lemon2.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>She looked as if through me and turned away again. I guess she can't see me. In that case there's no point in me trying to engage in dialog with her, I need to figure out what this place is.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Cindy/Pic/lemon1.jpg" "just">>
<<CindyDialog>>Hey, actually, I can see you! And I can hear you, too! I just thought I'd play a little prank on you! Ha-ha!<</CindyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Wha....How did you get here, Cindy? And what is this place?!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CindyDialog>>This is a little "world" created by illusions and desires, and I can do whatever I want here. But you know.... it's pretty boring!<</CindyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Cindy/Pic/lemon4.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Why?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CindyDialog>>Everything is up to me in this place, but a person always wants something different to be happy. What happens if you eat the world's most delicious chicken for a long time?<</CindyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Cindy/Pic/lemon6.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>I'm gonna get sick of her...<</PlayerDialog>>
That witch said I had mana. An energetic substance replicating the original. I may be in a slightly different situation, but without a doubt, Cindy is my mana...
<<CindyDialog>>Exactly! So you came to get me out of here?<</CindyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Cindy/Pic/lemon3.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Are you trying to steal my body for yourself again?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CindyDialog>>No. While I was here I thought about my behavior and now I promise to be a good girl!...m-most of the time...I mean... I've defined my role and decided it's best for us to be coworkers and friends! So? You want me to come back and live in peace with me?<</CindyDialog>>
<<button [["Cindy, come back"|CindyFirstDream1]]>><</button>>
<<button [["No, I don't want you back"|CindyFirstDream2]]>><</button>>
<</if>>\<<media "Data/Locations/kitchen.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Cindy/Pic/lemon7.jpg" "just">>
<<CindyDialog>>Wow! I didn't expect you to be so blunt about it! Now I don't want to!<</CindyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>What?! You gotta be kidding me!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CindyDialog>>Ha-ha-ha! You should see your face right now! Actually, I haven't forgotten that you almost erased me, you fool! Would you forgive me if I did something like that? I'm you, don't forget!<</CindyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Yeah, you're right! I wouldn't forgive that! But don't forget that I'm the real original, and you don't even exist in reality! You're just a bundle of energy in the form of a frivolous bimbo!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CindyDialog>>Even if I'm not real, I still exist. And no creature chooses who they are. That's the problem. You don't understand what it's like to always be so juicy and beautiful and horny. <</CindyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Cindy/Pic/lemon8.jpg" "just">>
<<CindyDialog>>So, while you're here, I'm gonna make you know how it feels...<</CindyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Cindy/Pic/lemon9.jpg" "just">>
Shit, I can feel something starting to change inside me....fuck! I gotta get outta here somehow! I gotta....wake up now!
@@color:red;(She can't do anything to you in this update, you can relax!)@@
<<button "WAKE UP">><<newday>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/kitchen.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Cindy/Pic/lemon7.jpg" "just">>
<<CindyDialog>>That's the answer I was expecting, ha-ha!<</CindyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>I'm serious, why do I need you? You're doing just fine here!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CindyDialog>>I'm like a prisoner in here! The conditions are good, of course, but I want to go out into the real world! Take me with you, pleeeeeeeease!<</CindyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Don't ask me to do that! Have you forgotten? You almost stole my body last time!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CindyDialog>>But you wanted to erase me! I may be a thief, but then you're a murderer!!!<</CindyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>How can I be a murderer when you're not even real! You're just a bundle of energy in the form of a frivolous bimbo!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CindyDialog>>Even if I'm not real, I still exist. And no creature chooses who they are. That's the problem. You don't understand what it's like to always be so juicy and beautiful and horny. <</CindyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Cindy/Pic/lemon8.jpg" "just">>
<<CindyDialog>>So, while you're here, I'm gonna make you know how it feels...<</CindyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Cindy/Pic/lemon9.jpg" "just">>
Shit, I can feel something starting to change inside me....fuck! I gotta get outta here somehow! I gotta....wake up now!
@@color:red;(She can't do anything to you in this update, you can relax!)@@
<<button "WAKE UP">><<newday>><</button>><<switch $CindyAttempts>>
<<case 2>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>What? Where am I? I went to bed...and then....<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Cindy/Pic/gray.jpg" "just">>
She looks familiar.
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>pretty...wait, who are you?<</PlayerDialog>>
She laughed.
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Cindy/Pic/gray2.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Phew, here comes that dreamer<</PlayerDialog>>
<<case 3>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Cindy/Pic/gray1.jpg" "just">>
<<CindyDialog>>Getting high on becoming a dumb bimbo, huh?<</CindyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Bimbo? Wait, I remembered! You're the bitch who's having fun in my body while Jimmy and I are trying to work!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CindyDialog>>I'm you, and Jimmy doesn't mind. (giggles) We'll see again<</CindyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Damn! "I'm you bebEbebe"! Just try to show up again!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<case 4>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Mmm...here again...So what are you going to say this time, Cindy?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CindyDialog>>Haha! You and I are not lacking in a sense of humor! But, God, just look at those juicy milk dongs! Don't you want them to be yours? They are much bigger than Carol's.<</CindyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Cindy/Pic/gray3.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>You do realize that you don't even exist, right?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CindyDialog>>Then who is standing in front of you?<</CindyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Cindy/Pic/gray4.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>ahem...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Damn, that bitch has me cornered! After all, if I claim she doesn't exist, the only answer I have left is....me...I'm glad no one saw or heard this conversation, otherwise I would have been ashamed.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<case 5>>
<<CindyDialog>>My boobs...it was unreal! Hey, I want to spend more time like today!<</CindyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Cindy/Pic/gray6.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>I agree that it was enjoyable. But otherwise, don't even dream about it.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CindyDialog>>You can't resist temptation, silly<</CindyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>What temptation?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CindyDialog>>Being me (giggles)<</CindyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Cindy/Pic/gray7.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>That Cindy is sexy as hell, like a goddess. Now I'm sure it's not just a dream and I can feel the danger from her. I've got to get to the bottom of this. Otherwise...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<case 6>>
<<goto "Cindy6">>
<<if $P.Loc == 0>>
<<button [[Wake up|DWakeUp]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Wake up|HWakeUp]]>><</button>>
<</if>><<media "Data/Locations/clubbar.jpg" "place">>
Night Star Club. Bar.
<<if $ClubLoc == 0>>\
<<set $DrinkOffered = false>>\
<<set _rhir = random (0,99)>>\
<<if _rhir < 75>>\
<<if $Hiramitsu.InClub == true and $Hiramitsu.TalkedToBartender == true>>\
<<goto "Hiramitsu">>\
<<if $ClubSexChance > (100 - $P.ClubPop) and $P.Gender == "f">>\
<<goto "ToiletSexOffer">>\
<<if $P.Gender == "m" and $P.Intoxication == 4>>\
<<goto "ClubExit">>\
<<set _rdrinkoffer = $P.ClubPop>>\
<<if _rdrinkoffer > 40>>\
<<set _rdrinkoffer = 40>>\
<<set _rdrinkofferr = (0,99)>>\
<<if _rdrinkofferr <= _rdrinkoffer and $P.Gender == "f">>\
<<goto "ClubBarDrinkOffer">>\
<<MNpcDialog null null "Bartender">>Glad to see you again, wanna drink something?<</MNpcDialog>>
<<if $P.Money >= 5>>\
<<button [[Beer (5$)|ClubBarDrink]]>><<set $P.Money -= 5>><<set $P.IntoxicationMod +=1>><</button>>
<<if $P.Money >= 15>>\
<<button [[Wine (15$)|ClubBarDrink]]>><<set $P.Money -= 15>><<set $P.IntoxicationMod +=2>><</button>>
<<if $P.Money >= 35>>\
<<button [[Whiskey(35$)|ClubBarDrink]]>><<set $P.Money -= 35>><<set $P.IntoxicationMod +=3>><</button>>
<<if $Hiramitsu.TalkedToBartender == false and $Hiramitsu.Met == true>>\
@@#pill;<<button [[Talk about that woman|HiramitsuBarTalk]]>><</button>>@@
<<button 'Just sit and wait'>>
<<set _rsit = random (0,99)>>
<<if $P.Gender == "m">>
<<goto "ClubBar">>
<<if $P.ClubPop < 30>>
<<if _rsit < $P.ClubPop>>
<<goto "ClubBarDrinkOffer">>
<<goto "ClubBar">>
<<if $P.Gender == "m">>\
<<button [[Meet someone|ClubBarDrinkChoose]]>><</button>>
@@#place;<<button [[Get off the bar|Club]]>><</button>>@@
<<MNpcDialog null null "Bartender">>Are you gonna order or are you gonna make eyes at me?<</MNpcDialog>>
<<if $P.Money >= 5>>\
<<button [[Beer (5$)|ClubBarDrink]]>><<set $P.Money -= 5>><<set $P.IntoxicationMod +=1>><</button>>
<<if $P.Money >= 15>>\
<<button [[Wine (15$)|ClubBarDrink]]>><<set $P.Money -= 15>><<set $P.IntoxicationMod +=2>><</button>>
<<if $P.Money >= 35>>\
<<button [[Whiskey(35$)|ClubBarDrink]]>><<set $P.Money -= 35>><<set $P.IntoxicationMod +=3>><</button>>
@@#place;<<button [[Get off the bar|ClubStrip]]>><</button>>@@
<</if>>\<<media "Data/Locations/clubbar.jpg" "place">>
Night Star Club. Bar.
<<if $P.IntoxicationMod >= 3 and $P.IntoxicationMod < 6>>\
<<set $P.Intoxication = 1>>\
<<set $ToiletChance += 10>>\
<<elseif $P.IntoxicationMod >= 6 and $P.IntoxicationMod < 9>>\
<<set $P.Intoxication = 2>>\
<<set $ToiletChance += 10>>\
<<elseif $P.IntoxicationMod >= 9 and $P.IntoxicationMod < 12>>\
<<set $P.Intoxication = 3>>\
<<set $ToiletChance += 10>>\
<<elseif $P.IntoxicationMod >= 12>>\
<<set $P.Intoxication = 4>>\
<<if $P.Gender == "m">>\
<<switch $P.Intoxication>>
<<case 0>>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>It's too little for me to get even the slightest bit drunk!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<case 1>>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Hey, I think I'm feeling more fun now!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<case 2>>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Maybe try to hit on someone? Hehe! I'd love to dance with some hottie right now!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<case 3>>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Woooow, I didn't notice that aaaall the girls here are soooo prettyyy!! Ha-ha-ha! Girls!...I'm cominggg!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<case 4>>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>~Ek~ Hehe! I drank too musch, my tongue ish a little slu...ahem...~Ek~...slurred! Then it ish time...~Ek~ ..to go home<</PlayerDialog>>
<<switch $P.Intoxication>>
<<case 0>>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Had Carol's body really adapted to alcohol? Hmm...I probably just didn't have enough to drink!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<case 1>>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Yehee..I'm starting to feel dizzy!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<case 2>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>All these guys are starrrring at my boooobs and assss...They definetely want me to do something horny....~giggle~<</PlayerDialog>>
<<case 3>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>Everything is spinning so funnyyy! I don't understand what's goinghahahah....If someone asked me to suck his dick, I'd prbbly goooo for it! Ow! What am I thinking about? ~giggle~ ...and why did it get so hot in heeeere?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<case 4>>
<<goto "ClubBarTooDrunk">>
<<if $ClubLoc == 0>>\
<<if $DrinkOffered == false>>\
<<button [[Back in action|ClubBar]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Back in action|ClubBarDrinkOffer1]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Back in action|ClubBar]]>><</button>>
<</if>>\<<media "Data/Locations/clubbar.jpg" "place">>
Night Star Club. Bar.
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>It's time to seek adventure! But where to go?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<button [[Dancefloor|PickUpDanceFloor]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Bar|PickUpBar]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Toilet|PickToilet]]>><</button>>
@@#place;<<button [[Just back to bar|ClubBar]]>><</button>>@@<<media "Data/Locations/club.jpg" "place">>
Night Star Club.
<<if $P.Gender === "f">>\
<<if $P.Intoxication < 1>>
<<set $rend = 1>>
<<elseif $P.Intoxication < 2>>
<<set $rend = 3>>
<<elseif $P.Intoxication < 3>>
<<set $rend = 5>>
<<set $rend = 7>>
<<set $rdo = random (0,$rend)>>
<<switch $rdo>>
<<case 0>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Some guy">>Hey, can I have your attention, please?<</MNpcDialog>>
Shouted one guy with a mug of beer in his hand.
<<MNpcDialog null null "Some guy">>Today I proposed to my sweetheart and she said yes!<</MNpcDialog>>
Whistling and the sound of the crowd!
<<MNpcDialog null null "Some guy">>To all who hear me, a beer from me personally! Let's drink together! You too, it's not the first time I've seen you here!<</MNpcDialog>>
He pointed his hand and glass at me. Behind the bar there were already dozens of full mugs, so...one of them is mine.
<<button [[Drink with everybody!|ClubBarDrink]]>><<set $P.IntoxicationMod += 1>><<set $DrinkOffered = true>><</button>>
<<button [[Don't drink|DrinkDecline]]>><</button>>
<<case 1>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Some guy">>Hey, you!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Me?<</PlayerDialog>>
A tipsy guy came up to me, holding out a glass of wine!
<<MNpcDialog null null "Some guy">>Yes, yes! Let's drink together! Cheers!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<button [[Drink with him|ClubBarDrink]]>><<set $P.IntoxicationMod += 2>><<set $DrinkOffered = true>><</button>>
<<button [[Don't drink|DrinkDecline]]>><</button>>
<<case 2>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Some guy">>Hi!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Hi!<</PlayerDialog>>
The guy looks stiff and very embarrassed.
<<MNpcDialog null null "Some guy">>I've seen you here before, but I was afraid to come up. Can I buy you some wine?<</MNpcDialog>>
How cute!
<<button [[Let him buy you a drink|ClubBarDrink]]>><<set $P.IntoxicationMod += 2>><<set $DrinkOffered = true>><</button>>
<<button [[Don't drink|DrinkDecline]]>><</button>>
<<case 3>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Some guy">>Hi, beautiful! I want to buy you a drink! Bartender, a glass of beer for me and for her!<</MNpcDialog>>
This guy looks pretty confident. Though, he doesn't stand out from the other visitors to the club.
<<button [[Let him buy you a drink|ClubBarDrink]]>><<set $P.IntoxicationMod += 1>><<set $DrinkOffered = true>><</button>>
<<button [[Don't drink|DrinkDecline]]>><</button>>
<<case 4>>
<<FNpcDialog null null "Some girl">>Hi, sweetie!<</FNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Hi!<</PlayerDialog>>
Girl? Unusual...
<<FNpcDialog null null "Some girl">>You're beautiful and you look like you're having a great time! Let's have a beer!<</FNpcDialog>>
<<button [[Let her buy you a drink|ClubBarDrink]]>><<set $P.IntoxicationMod += 1>><<set $DrinkOffered = true>><</button>>
<<button [[Don't drink|DrinkDecline]]>><</button>>
<<case 5>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Some guy">>Beautiful lady! You look amazing!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>T-Thanks...!<</PlayerDialog>>
This guy in the expensive watch and suit. His voice is low and resonant.
<<MNpcDialog null null "Some guy">>Would you allow me to enjoy your company over a glass of good whiskey?<</MNpcDialog>>
<<button [[Let him buy you a drink|ClubBarDrink]]>><<set $P.IntoxicationMod += 3>><<set $DrinkOffered = true>><</button>>
<<button [[Don't drink|DrinkDecline]]>><</button>>
<<case 6>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Some guy">>Hey, bitch! You look pretty drunk, yo! SO sexyah! I'd like to squezze that damn ass of yours!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Umm..hehe..how about those tits of mine?<</PlayerDialog>>
Yo! Hahahahaha! Maybe I'm too drunk, but I want to tease this guy for a while!
<<MNpcDialog null null "Some guy">>Yo, babe! I'd like to slap the crap out of them! Wanna beer?<</MNpcDialog>>
He looks at me as a sex object!
<<button [[Let him buy you a beer|ClubBarDrink]]>><<set $P.IntoxicationMod += 1>><<set $DrinkOffered = true>><</button>>
<<button [[Don't drink|DrinkDecline]]>><</button>>
<<case 7>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Some guy 1">>Hey! You're just the person we need!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>What? Me?<</PlayerDialog>>
Two guys. In suits.
<<MNpcDialog null null "Some guy 2">>Exactly! We're having a mini-corporate party here, and it would be strange to have it without a pretty girl! Dear bartender, a glass of wine for the lady!<</MNpcDialog>>
Business people!
<<button [[Let them buy you a drink|ClubBarDrink]]>><<set $P.IntoxicationMod += 2>><<set $DrinkOffered = true>><</button>>
<<button [[Don't drink|DrinkDecline]]>><</button>>
<</if>>\<<media "Data/Locations/club.jpg" "place">>
Night Star Club.
<<set $DrinkOffered = false>>\
<<switch $rdo>>
<<case 0>>
Everyone applauded and whistled. I joined in, too! And then everyone went dancing!
<<set $P.ClubPop += 1>>\
@@color:magenta;Your club popularity has increased by 1.@@
<<button [[Back in action|ClubBar]]>><</button>>
<<case 1>>
We drank with him and slightly swaying he walked away.
<<set $P.ClubPop += 1>>\
@@color:magenta;Your club popularity has increased by 1.@@
<<button [[Back in action|ClubBar]]>><</button>>
<<case 2>>
We talked to him for a while. He turned out to be a very nice guy!
<<set $P.ClubPop += 1>>\
@@color:magenta;Your club popularity has increased by 1.@@
<<button [[Back in action|ClubBar]]>><</button>>
<<case 3>>
We were talking about cars and chicks. He said I was an extremely good conversationalist, since most girls usually don't know about that stuff. He-he...
<<set $P.ClubPop += 1>>\
@@color:magenta;Your club popularity has increased by 1.@@
<<button [[Back in action|ClubBar]]>><</button>>
<<case 4>>
We didn't have a normal dialogue with her...
<<FNpcDialog null null "Girl">>Remember, the guys here are mine! I bought you a drink, so don't you dare shake your "charms" in front of them!<</FNpcDialog>>
Club girls really want attention...
<<set $P.ClubPop += 1>>\
@@color:magenta;Your club popularity has increased by 1.@@
<<button [[Back in action|ClubBar]]>><</button>>
<<case 5>>
He treated me like a princess, inserting compliments through every word. You don't have to be born a girl to like that!
<<set $P.ClubPop += 1>>\
@@color:magenta;Your club popularity has increased by 1.@@
<<button [[Back in action|ClubBar]]>><</button>>
<<case 6>>
I enjoyed talking about how sexy my body is. Even in that way...
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>I guess you really liked me...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Some guy">>Um..are we ready to fuck or what?<</MNpcDialog>>
<<set $P.ClubPop += 1>>\
@@color:magenta;Your club popularity has increased by 1.@@
<<button [[Back in action|ClubBar]]>><</button>>
<<case 7>>
He treated me like a princess, inserting compliments through every word. You don't have to be born a girl to like that!
<<set $P.ClubPop += 1>>\
@@color:magenta;Your club popularity has increased by 1.@@
<<button [[Back in action|ClubBar]]>><<set $ClubSexChance += 40>><</button>>
<</switch>>\<<media "Data/Locations/club.jpg" "place">>
Night Star Club.<<set $InOutskirts = true>>
<<media "Data/Locations/drunk.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>Mmm...ccc...caaar...?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<set _rpf = random (0,4)>>\
<<switch _rpf>>\
<<case 0>>\
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>...what's...going...~Ek~...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Car/F/Night/Drunk/carn.mp4">>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Driver">>Relax! Oooh, I love fucking drunken sluts!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Car/F/Night/Drunk/carn12.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>Whyyy...am I dressed like this?..<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Driver">>Because I wanted to! You're going to have to be my doll for a little while longer!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>Oh...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<case 1>>\
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>whaa...t..ghmm....~Ek~......<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Car/F/Night/Drunk/carn20.mp4">>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Driver">>You can barely move, haha! A real living fuck hole!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<case 2>>\
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Mmmm....mmmn...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Car/F/Night/Drunk/carn1.mp4">>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Driver">>Squeeze your hole harder, I'll be fucking you for a long time!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<case 3>>\
<<MNpcDialog null null "Driver">>Come on, move more vigorously! Tell me who you are! Say you're a white, drunken whore! Say it!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Car/F/Night/Drunk/carn8.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>...I'm...a...white....drunken......<</PlayerDialog>>
<<case 4>>\
<<MNpcDialog null null "Driver">>Move yourself even in this state?! You're a real nympho!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Car/F/Night/Drunk/carn15.webp" "gif">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>...cock....feeels goood....<</PlayerDialog>>
<<if $P.Cor < 75>><<UpdateCorruption "+2">><</if>>
<<UpdateArousal "0">>
Oogh, my head is cracking!...and not only head...
Where Im I? I recognize this...
<<button [[...place|Outside]]>><<movetime 2>><<set $P.Intoxication-->><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/clubbar.jpg" "place">>
Night Star Club. Bar.
You were left alone behind the bar and you felt a mini vibe from the badge.
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>What?! My popularity in the club has gone down?!<</PlayerDialog>>
I'm going to kick the neck of whoever invented this system!
<<set $P.ClubPop -= 1>>\
@@color:red;Your club popularity has decreased by 1.@@
<<set $ClubSexChance -= $ClubSexChance/2>>\
<<button [[Back in action|ClubBar]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/clubbar.jpg" "place">>
Night Star Club. Bar.<<set $Hiramitsu.InClub = false>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Hiramitsu/bar82.jpg" "just">>
Hey, Hiramitsu is at the bar tonight. Should I approach her?
<<button [[Approach her|HiramitsuTalk]]>><</button>>
<<button [[No|ClubBar]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/clubbar.jpg" "place">>
Night Star Club. Bar.
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Are you ready to explain to me what happened there and who it was?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Bartender">>First tell me what kind of altercation you had there?<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>It was nothing, I just saw a stunning beauty at the bar...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Hiramitsu/bar82.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>...and I wanted to buy her a drink and talk to her...But when I said hello, she without any reason started cursing and humiliating me...What was that all about?<</PlayerDialog>>
The bartender rubbed his eyes with his thumb and forefinger and took a deep breath.
<<MNpcDialog null null "Bartender">>Pfff...please excuse her...<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Why are you apologizing for her? She is the one who....<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Bartender">>Her name is Hiromitsu. She's the wife of the boss of this club. She may seem bitchy, but she's not at heart like that. Imagine the pressure on the big man's wife? The boss is always busy and doesn't give her any time. It's very unlikely you'll ever see him. All that pressure is why she takes it out on the visitors of the club...<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Her name is Hiromitsu? Is it her real name...?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Bartender">>I don't know, but I heard that the boss of the club is connected to the Yakuza, and they have something of a tradition of taking lifelong aliases. She might have been called something else before, but that's been her name for a long time.<</MNpcDialog>>
The boss of this club is from the Yakuza...That explains a little bit about the amount of money invested in this place.
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Maybe she can help me get in touch with that person? Is it even possible to be friends with her?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Bartender">>She has a principle. It's sort of an order from her husband. She won't even talk to people whose club popularity rating is below 50. And even if it's higher, she won't change her attitude toward you much.<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Maybe you can help me? Put in a good word for me, I'll be indebted to you!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Bartender">>I... I can't help. I've only recently built up a relationship with her myself. Now she pleases me almost every day with her presence. I don't want to burden her with personal requests...<</MNpcDialog>>
Pleases her presence? She???
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Admit it, you like her, don't you?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Bartender">>Um...well...she is, after all, my boss and I am her subordinate.... but maybe...in some way...yes...<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Okay, I get it. You know, I may not look it, but I'm pretty good at psychology and girls. Maybe I can help you. <</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Bartender">>Really? I don't really believe it, but what about the boss? He'd tear me to shreds...<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>I didn't think about that...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Bartender">>Ha-ha! All right, you're a good person! If you really do that, I'll be forever in your debt. Well, I have to get back to work.<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>You're a great guy too! Thanks for sharing that with me! Steven!<</PlayerDialog>>
I seem to have a secondary goal now. I feel that this Hiromitsu can still help me in the future. I understand her a little better now, but still, what a bitch she is! Steven is a great guy and an excellent bartender. Does she deserve him?
All right, I'll think about that later, I have more important things to do right now.
<<button [[Back in action|Club]]>><<set $Hiramitsu.TalkedToBartender = true>><<set $DancingThought = "">><<movetime>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/clubbar.jpg" "place">>
Night Star Club. Bar.
Whoa! Who's this stunning beauty?!
<<media "Data/Characters/Hiramitsu/bar82.jpg" "just">>
My feet go to her by themselves.... damn, not so fast! What to tell her?! Okay...pfft.... let's start with something simple!
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Hi!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Hiramitsu/bar114.jpg" "just">>
<<HiramitsuDialog null null "...">>Boy, did you just talk to me?<</HiramitsuDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Of course! Would you like me to buy you a drink?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Hiramitsu/bar67.jpg" "just">>
Silently watching.... what am I so worried about?!
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>O-or....maybe...you don't like alcohol...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Hiramitsu/bar68.jpg" "just">>
<<HiramitsuDialog null null "...">>Didn't they teach you any civility, you moron? Who needs a jerk like you?<</HiramitsuDialog>>
Something just clicked hard inside of me.
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Hey, bitch. Maybe you're the one who didn't learn civility? You could have at least said hello back. You got these tits all over the place and you think you're allowed to do anything?!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Hiramitsu/bar70.jpg" "just">>
<<HiramitsuDialog null null "...">>Boy, did you hit your head or what? I sympathize with your parents for having such a moral freak. You're disgusting.<</HiramitsuDialog>>
F#$@&$@&&^$%@*^!$#! That's it, bitch, you're f...
<<MNpcDialog null null "Bartender">>Madam, I brought your drink.<</MNpcDialog>>
<<HiramitsuDialog null null "...">>Not even a year has passed! Hey, Steven! Some freak showed up in front of me! Do you think I should throw him out or make him pay?<</HiramitsuDialog>>
The bartender looked at me carefully, there was sincerity in his eyes. His look was full of hope that I would do what he said.
<<MNpcDialog null null "Bartender">>Boy, she's not looking for communication with you, leave her alone, please.<</MNpcDialog>>
Then he turned to the woman.
<<MNpcDialog null null "Bartender">>Madam, your time is too valuable to waste on the likes of him. Besides, he's a newcomer here, I guarantee he won't cause any more trouble.<</MNpcDialog>>
Then, while she couldn't see, he turned to me again and nodded his head slightly to the side.
Well, this time I'll do as he asks. But still, I should talk to him about what happened.
@@#place;<<button [[Leave them|Club]]>><<set $Hiramitsu.InClub = false>><<set $Hiramitsu.Met = true>><<set $DancingThought = "">><<movetime>><</button>>@@<<media "Data/Locations/clubbar.jpg" "place">>
Night Star Club. Bar.
<<if $P.Gender == "m">>\
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Hi!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Hiramitsu/bar114.jpg" "just">>
<<HiramitsuDialog>>Boy, did you just talk to me?<</HiramitsuDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Yes! I just wanted to apolog....<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Hiramitsu/bar70.jpg" "just">>
<<HiramitsuDialog>>Who do you think you are, you little brat? Who the hell are you?! Oh, I get it! You're just another loser who wanted to meet me. That's disgusting.<</HiramitsuDialog>>
Ooooh! Hitting girls is bad, but how I want to kick her heel in her pretty face! She doesn't even remember me! Okay, I guess it's for the best....I'll leave her for now...
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Hi!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Hiramitsu/bar114.jpg" "just">>
<<HiramitsuDialog>>Boy, did you just talk to me?<</HiramitsuDialog>>
She looks at me like that, haha! In Carol's body, I definitely have a better chance of talking to her!
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Yes! It's just that you're very beautiful and...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Hiramitsu/bar70.jpg" "just">>
<<HiramitsuDialog>>Then why did you come up to me when you're so ugly? You look disgusting, although I think someone could have fucked you in the toilet. If he was drunk as a skunk! You better get away from me nicely, I don't want you embarrassing me.<</HiramitsuDialog>>
Fuck! Insulting me is one thing, but insulting Carol because of the way she looks is another! Bitch! Breathe, Nikita! Breathe! For Steven's sake! ....I'll leave her for now...
@@color:red;font-size:120%; Note: @@You will not be able to change Himatitsu's attitude toward you in this game update. Give up trying.
@@#place;<<button [[Leave her|ClubBar]]>><<set $Hiramitsu.InClub = false>><<set $Hiramitsu.Met = true>><<set $DancingThought = "">><</button>>@@<<media "Data/Locations/clubtoilet.jpg" "place">>
Night Star Club. Toilet.
<<set _pickupchance = random (0,99)>>\
<<if _pickupchance > 80>>\
Was it really a good idea to find someone I want to spend an evening with in the toilet?...
I should think about it again...
@@#place;<<button [[Just back to bar|ClubBar]]>><<set $DancingThought = "">><<movetime>><</button>>@@
<<if $P.ClubPop < 30>>\
<<set _maxpickup = 1>>\
<<elseif $P.ClubPop >= 30>>\
<<if $ClubGirlPill == false>>\
<<set _maxpickup = 2>>\
<<set _maxpickup = 3>>\
<<set $pickupwho = random (0, _maxpickup)>>\
<<switch $pickupwho>>\
<<case 0>>\
What's all this moaning coming out of one of the stalls?
<<FNpcDialog null null "Girl">>Ah...ah....~giggle~...There's someone there!<</FNpcDialog>>
Then came a man's voice from the same stall!
<<MNpcDialog null null "Boy">>Hey, whoever you are, want to see a little show for 10 bucks?<</MNpcDialog>>
<<if $P.Money >= 10>>\
His offer sounds interesting.... and not expensive!
<<button [[Watch the show|PickUpToilet1]]>><<set $P.Money -=10>><</button>>
<<button [[Nah, I'll pass.|PickUpToiletFail]]>><</button>>
<<case 1>>\
<<if $P.Arousal < 100>>\
Am I really looking for someone in the toilet...?
<<FNpcDialog null null "Toilet girl">>Hey!<</FNpcDialog>>
A girl with big eyes came up to me.
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Um...Hi!<</PlayerDialog>>
It seems this girl has been drinking or taking some kind of drug. Her eyes are staring into the void.
<<FNpcDialog null null "Toilet girl">>Pleaseee, can I s...? Oh...Ghm...<</FNpcDialog>>
What?! She just silently left?! Damn, she sure looked somewhere! Was there something on my face? But...hell! Her eyes were so huge I didn't know where she was looking!
<<button [[Just back to bar|PickUpToiletFail]]>><</button>>
Fuck, my dick is like a rock right now!
<<FNpcDialog null null "Toilet girl">>Hey!<</FNpcDialog>>
A girl with big eyes came up to me.
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Um...Hi!<</PlayerDialog>>
It seems this girl has been drinking or taking some kind of drug. Her eyes are staring into the void.
<<FNpcDialog null null "Toilet girl">>Pleaseee, can I suck your dick?<</FNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>What? Why?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<FNpcDialog null null "Toilet girl">>Lately it's been hard for me to resist my desires...And that bump in your pants.... I can't help it...<</FNpcDialog>>
Is this some kind of prank?
<<button [[Let her|PickUpToilet1]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Nah, I'll pass.|PickUpToiletFail]]>><</button>>
<<case 2>>\
<<if $ClubGirlPill == false>>\
<<FNpcDialog null null "Strict Girl">>Hey, asshole! What are you doing in the ladies' room?!<</FNpcDialog>>
What? Oh, shit! I got the wrong fucking toilets! Is there really anyone who really cares?
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>That's the way it usually is, nobody cares! You should at least put up some kind of noticeable sign! Doesn't anyone care about that? <</PlayerDialog>>
<<FNpcDialog null null "Strict Waitress">>I care about that, you dumb bumpkin!<</FNpcDialog>>
This girl is starting to piss me off.
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Maybe I forgot, but who are you?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<FNpcDialog null null "Strict Waitress">>I work as a waitress in the main part of the club and it pisses me off that no one cares about the separation of toilets! Every shift stupid perverts like you try to get in there! But as long as I'm here, that won't happen!<</FNpcDialog>>
Huh, I wouldn't say a word to her if she asked me nicely. But now.... do I happen to have an extra pill lying around? I think level one would be enough to teach her some manners.
<<if $Inventory.Tablets > 0>>\
@@#pill;<<button [[Use pill (lvl1) on her|PickToiletPill]]>><<set $Inventory.Tablets-->><</button>>@@
<<button [[Just leave|PickUpToiletFail]]>><</button>>
<<FNpcDialog null null "Horny Waitress">>Hey, asshole! What are you doing in the ladies' room?!<</FNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Isn't that the la..? Wait, it's you! You promised not to block the way anymore!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<FNpcDialog null null "Horny Waitress">>And I'm keeping it! But you're different, you're number one on my list of perverts! If you want to go any further, you'll have to go through me!<</FNpcDialog>>
Huh, she's funny! She looks up at me with a wide open smile, breathing heavily...
<<UpdateArousal "+20">>
<<if $P.Arousal > 99>>\
How can I resist such a cutie?..
<<button [[Fuck her|PickUpToilet1]]>><</button>>
Damn, she's turned into a real maniac! Ha-ha!
<<button [[Fuck her|PickUpToilet1]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Just leave|PickUpToiletFail]]>><</button>>
<<case 3>>\
<<FNpcDialog null null "Slutty Girl">>Hey, I hear you dominate all kinds of girls around here...how about...dominating me?<</FNpcDialog>>
<<if $P.SubDom < 5>>\
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>I'm terribly sorry, are you talking to me?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<FNpcDialog null null "Slutty Girl">>Ahem...no. You can't be HIM. Bye.<</FNpcDialog>>
She left...
What the fuck was that? She kind of realized I wasn't domainant enough or what? What was I supposed to do in this situation? Eh...
<<button [[Leave|PickUpToiletFail]]>><</button>>
I don't know who she's talking about, but why not play along?
<<button [[Dominate her|PickUpToilet1]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Leave|PickUpToiletFail]]>><</button>>
<</if>>\<<media "Data/Locations/clubtoilet.jpg" "place">>
Night Star Club. Toilet.
<<FNpcDialog null null "Strict Waitress">>Ew, that's disgusting! Hey, why are you so stupidly smiling?<</FNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>I'm sorry if I confused you. I...I just admire you, you're so cool and principled! Can I buy you a drink? If you're at work, we can do without alcohol.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<FNpcDialog null null "Strict Waitress">>Wow...well, normally I wouldn't let someone like you treat me, but you're the first person to react like this....I've usually been called a bitch or shown me nasty gestures...Okay, let's go then. A drop of alcohol wouldn't hurt my work. I'll choose which cocktail I want!<</FNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Of course! Don't worry, whatever you choose your cocktail will be the most delicious!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Locations/clubbar.jpg" "place">>
Night Star Club. Bar.
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Hey, you all right?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<FNpcDialog null null "Horny Waitress">>Of course, sweetie! Why are you asking? ~giggle~<</FNpcDialog>>
It's strange to hear this from a girl who just recently argued with me, and now looks at me with half-open eyes, with her index finger at the corners of her mouth having a slight sexy smile on it.
<<FNpcDialog null null "Horny Waitress">>You know...Thanks to you, I just finally figured myself out. I'm okay now... but...I want you to make me feel "not okay"...<</FNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Locations/clubtoilet.jpg" "place">>
Night Star Club. Toilet.
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Isn't that the ladies' room?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<FNpcDialog null null "Horny Waitress">>It doesn't matter anymore. Since I work here, you are a guest of our establishment. Then I'm automatically becoming your bitch! Don't hold back! Do what you want with me!<</FNpcDialog>>
She has changed a lot in this short period of time...Obviously, the pills affect everyone differently...
<<FNpcDialog null null "Horny Waitress">>I'm your personal bitch waitress! Defile me! Use me mooore! ~giggle~<</FNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Club/M/A30/clubtoilet31.webp" "gif">>
<<UpdateArousal "0">>
At first I even felt a little disgusted that I had chosen to treat her that way...But the result was definitely not what I expected. I didn't really do much with her, I mostly just asked her to be honest with me and with herself. I learned a lot about her over the course of the pill's duration. Her dislike of men was caused by some incident in her past. She had been abused as a teenager and I truly feel sorry her because of that. After that she felt defiled and pathetic. And all because she actually...
...enjoyed it
<<set $ClubGirlPill = true>>\
<<FNpcDialog null null "Horny Waitress">>That was so awesome...I'll be glad if you ever do that to me again! ~giggle~ Oh, and also. I realized that I don't want to block anyone else's way to such pleasures anymore...<</FNpcDialog>>
<<set $P.ClubPop += 3>>\
@@color:magenta;Your club popularity has increased by 3.@@
<<UpdateSubDom "+3">>
Wow! Popularity is up 3 points! That's probably because I got lucky with the waitress at bar!
<<button [[Back in action|ClubToilet]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/clubbar.jpg" "place">>
Night Star Club. Bar.
<<set _pickupchance = random (0,99)>>\
<<if _pickupchance > 80>>\
Somehow I couldn't find someone I wanted to spend the evening with...Maybe I was just unlucky...
@@#place;<<button [[Just back to bar|ClubBar]]>><<set $DancingThought = "">><<movetime>><</button>>@@
<<if $Hiramitsu.Met == false>>\
<<goto "HiramitsuMeet">>\
<<if $P.ClubPop < 30>>\
<<set _maxpickup = 1>>\
<<elseif $P.ClubPop >= 30>>\
<<set _maxpickup = 3>>\
<<set $pickupwho = random (0, _maxpickup)>>\
<<switch $pickupwho>>\
<<case 0>>\
There's a beauty bored behind the bar not too far from me. Apparently she's already been drinking. I have to go to her!
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Hi!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<FNpcDialog null null "Drunken beauty">>H-hi!<</FNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>You're very beautiful!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<FNpcDialog null null "Drunken beauty">>Hah! Thanks! You're not bad either! Wanna buy me a drink? ~Ek~<</FNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>And what do nice ladies like you prefer?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<FNpcDialog null null "Drunken beauty">>~giggle~ You're funny!..Nice lady wants to drink whiskey with you!<</FNpcDialog>>
She looks pretty "fun" already. What will happen after another glass of whiskey...?
And can I stand it though?
<<if $P.Money >= 70>>\
<<button [[Buy us a whiskey (70$) |PickUpBar1]]>><<set $P.Money -=70>><<set $P.Intoxication++>><</button>>
<<button [[Nah, I'll pass.|PickUpBarFail]]>><</button>>
<<case 1>>\
<<if $P.ClubPop >= 5>>\
<<FNpcDialog null null "Black-haired girl">>Hey, man! Want to spend some time together?<</FNpcDialog>>
A black-haired beauty looked at me through her piercing makeup. She was holding two beers in her hands, and her head was slightly turned on its side.
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Hi!...Um...have a seat, of course...<</PlayerDialog>>
We sat and chatted. She mostly talked about how great it was in the VIP lounge of this club! She said it was so much better than the main room we were in now. She sat next to me with one leg over the other, and I watched carefully the smooth movements of her hand touching her silky black hair or parts of her clothes.
At one point she snuggled up to me and said in a whisper.
<<FNpcDialog null null "Black-haired girl">>Do you want us to help each other? Give me 5 points from your popularity badge, and I'll make you very happy in return...<</FNpcDialog>>
<<if $P.Intoxication < 3>>\
5 points? That's a lot, I need those points to get access to other parts of the club. Although I could easily earn them again, maybe I should have some fun?
<<button [[Give her 5 points|PickUpBar1]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Nah, I'll pass.|PickUpBarFail]]>><</button>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Hah! ~Ek~ She's got a big crush on me! hmm....What do I have to press to get her to blow my dick?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<button [[Give her 5 points|PickUpBar1]]>><</button>>
She was examining me carefully, but then her gaze caught on something and her expression changed.
<<FNpcDialog null null "Black-haired girl">>Umm, I think I'm mistaken. Bye!<</FNpcDialog>>
And she left...What was that?!.. Now I'm not in the mood to look for anyone else...
@@#place;<<button [[Just back to bar|ClubBar]]>><<set $DancingThought = "">><<movetime>><</button>>@@
<<case 2>>\
Behind the bar sits some milf. She looks sad. I want to come over!
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Hi!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<FNpcDialog null null "Sad milf">>...hi<</FNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>You look sad, is something wrong?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<FNpcDialog null null "Sad milf">>It's my husband who's a jerk! We came here together and he went to the strip area! Without me! And it's not the first time!<</FNpcDialog>>
She is very attractive, I don't know what her husband was thinking, leaving such a beautiful woman alone...
Maybe I should cheer her up?
<<if $P.Money >= 30>>\
<<button [[Buy us some vine|PickUpBar1]]>><<set $P.Money -= 30>><</button>>
<<button [[Don't do anything|PickUpBarFail]]>><</button>>
Eh, I don't think I'm in a position to treat anyone...
<<button [[Don't do anything|PickUpBarFail]]>><</button>>
<<case 3>>\
I see a lonely beauty! There's no stopping me now!
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Hi!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<FNpcDialog null null "Serious lady">>Do you want to meet me? What do you do for a living?<</FNpcDialog>>
I didn't expect such a question right off the bat...Serious lady...What answer would satisfy her?
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Heh, I'm actually good freelancer<</PlayerDialog>>
<<FNpcDialog null null "Serious lady">>So you can be found on the Internet, I'll check to see if you're telling the truth. <</FNpcDialog>>
I had to tell her how to find me. And then she took a close look at my profile and my freelance order set.
<<if $P.FLCount < 20>>\
<<FNpcDialog null null "Serious lady">>You're just a rank-and-file freelancer! It makes no sense for me to communicate with you. Leave me.<</FNpcDialog>>
<<button [[Leave her|PickUpBarFail]]>><</button>>
<<FNpcDialog null null "Serious lady">>You're not bad. You fit in. You could have sex with me for 50$.<</FNpcDialog>>
<<if $P.Money >= 50>>\
<<button [[Pay 50$|PickUpBar1]]>><<set $P.Money -=50>><</button>>
<<button [[Just leave her|PickUpBarFail]]>><</button>>
I certainly wouldn't want to spend my last money on her...
<<button [[Just leave her|PickUpBarFail]]>><</button>>
<</if>>\<<switch $pickupwho>>\
<<case 0>>\
<<if $P.Intoxication > 3>>\
<<media "Data/Locations/clubbar.jpg" "place">>
Night Star Club. Bar.
Shit, that glass was definitely unnecessary, my eyes are blurring...
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Um...you know...I think I've had enough...I'm off...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<FNpcDialog null null "Drunken beauty">>~giggle~ Weak! ~Ek~<</FNpcDialog>>
<<set $P.ClubPop -= 0.5>>\
@@color:red;Your club popularity has decreased by 0,5.@@
Fuck offf, stupid badge!
<<media "Data/Locations/clubtoilet.jpg" "place">>
Night Star Club. Toilet.
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>You're the one who brought me here, are you sure?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<FNpcDialog null null "Drunken beauty">>~giggle~ I'm shupposed tooo pay you back....for that whiskey!...~Ek~<</FNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Club/M/B30/clubtoilet6.mp4">>
Alcohol is bad for your health, but sometimes it works wonders!
<<set $P.ClubPop += 1>>\
@@color:magenta;Your club popularity has increased by 1.@@
<<case 1>>\
<<media "Data/Locations/clubtoilet.jpg" "place">>
Night Star Club. Toilet.
Now I clearly understand where my five points went...
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Club/M/B30/pov3.webp" "gif">>
<<FNpcDialog null null "Black-haired girl">>You came so much... it means you liked me. Maybe someday I'll come back to you for more points...<</FNpcDialog>>
I think I understand now who succubus are...
<<set $P.ClubPop -= 5>>\
@@color:red;Your club popularity has decreased by 5.@@
<<set $P.ClubPop += 1>>\
@@color:magenta;Your club popularity has increased by 1.@@
<<case 2>>\
<<media "Data/Locations/clubbar.jpg" "place">>
Night Star Club. Bar.
<<FNpcDialog null null "Happy Milf">>Ha-ha-ha! Don't play dumb, you couldn't tell her that!<</FNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Haha, I swear! That's what I said!<</PlayerDialog>>
We drank wine and had fun! But actually, not only is she a lot of fun, but she's also extremely sexy. I couldn't take my eyes off her. And she couldn't help but notice it.
<<FNpcDialog null null "Happy Milf">>
You and I have been here for quite some time and he's still not back....
Grrrr!... I don't care about anything now! I want to feel even better!
She leaned over me, looked into my eyes, and put her hands on my hips.
<<FNpcDialog null null "Happy Milf">>Will you help me?<</FNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Locations/clubtoilet.jpg" "place">>
Night Star Club. Toilet.
<<FNpcDialog null null "Happy Milf">>How do you like a married woman's pussy?<</FNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>I didn't think you were really such a bitch!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<FNpcDialog null null "Happy Milf">>Haa, yeaaah! As long as this nitwit is in the strip area, his wife has a right to have some fun too, doesn't she? Fuck me harder!<</FNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Club/M/A30/pov1.webp" "gif">>
<<set $P.ClubPop += 1>>\
@@color:magenta;Your club popularity has increased by 1.@@
Of course there was alcohol involved, but it was fantastic! If I ever find myself in a McDodald's, I'll look deeply into the cashier's eyes and say....
Happy Milf, please.
<<case 3>>\
<<media "Data/Locations/clubtoilet.jpg" "place">>
Night Star Club. Toilet.
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>I thought you were a high society girl. Why did you give yourself to me for 50$ like some whore?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<FNpcDialog null null "Serious lady">>I wouldn't have sex with any tramps, and you seem to have money. That way I'd get my needs met, and the 50$ would cover my expenses.<</FNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Club/M/A30/clubtoilet9.mp4">>
So serious and mercenary, pretending to be "elite," but really she just needed a good cock!
<<set $P.ClubPop += 1>>\
@@color:magenta;Your club popularity has increased by 1.@@
<<UpdateArousal "0">>
<<button [[Back in action|ClubToilet]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/clubbar.jpg" "place">>
Night Star Club. Bar.
<<switch $pickupwho>>\
<<case 0>>\
<<FNpcDialog null null "Drunken beauty">>You'r...shoo boring...<</FNpcDialog>>
<<set $P.ClubPop -= 0.5>>\
@@color:red;Your club popularity has decreased by 0,5.@@
Damn...the club systems considered my move to her unsuccessful...
<<case 1>>\
After my refusal, all the illusion of friendliness fell from her gaze and her face changed.
<<FNpcDialog null null "Black-haired girl">>So sit here alone, you stupid virgin! I'll find someone better.<</FNpcDialog>>
<<set $P.ClubPop -= 0.5>>\
@@color:red;Your club popularity has decreased by 0,5.@@
...i'm not a virgin..
<<case 2>>\
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Don't get upset! If your husband is having fun now, just try to have fun next time too.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<FNpcDialog null null "Milf">>You...you're right...Thanks!<</FNpcDialog>>
She finally smiled!
Hey, they didn't even take my popularity points off! Whoo!
<<case 3>>\
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Tcz...What is she even doing here, then? I don't really like principled people like her...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<set $P.ClubPop -= 0.5>>\
@@color:red;Your club popularity has decreased by 0,5.@@
<<button [[Back in action|ClubToilet]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/club.jpg" "place">>
Night Star Club.
<<set _r = random (0,18)>>\
<<switch _r>>\
<<case 0>>\
<<media "Data/Actions/Club/Dance/clubdance.mp4">>
They definitely found the synergy!
<<case 1>>\
<<media "Data/Actions/Club/Dance/clubdance1.mp4">>
Everyone are having fun!
<<case 2>>\
<<media "Data/Actions/Club/Dance/clubdance3.mp4">>
I'm sure these guys won't end up dancing for sure!
<<case 3>>\
<<media "Data/Actions/Club/Dance/clubdance4.mp4">>
Wow! Girls here are so horny!
<<case 4>>\
<<media "Data/Actions/Club/Dance/clubdance5.mp4">>
Are they really just dancing?
<<case 5>>\
<<media "Data/Actions/Club/Dance/clubdance6.mp4">>
She's trying so hard! I don't think she will be disappointed.
<<case 6>>\
<<media "Data/Actions/Club/Dance/clubdance7.mp4">>
Ha-ha-ha! This girl has caught her tempo!
<<case 7>>\
<<media "Data/Actions/Club/Dance/clubdance10.mp4">>
There are so many beautiful girls here!
<<case 8>>\
<<media "Data/Actions/Club/Dance/clubdance14.mp4">>
The girls here usually don't mind being touched!
<<case 9>>\
<<media "Data/Actions/Club/Dance/clubdance16.mp4">>
Her twerking definitely appealed to the guy on the right!
<<case 10>>\
<<media "Data/Actions/Club/Dance/clubdance19.webp" "gif">>
Her boobs....oooOOOH MY GOD!
<<case 11>>\
<<media "Data/Actions/Club/Dance/clubdance20.webp" "gif">>
Wow, I wonder how Carol would look in that outfit...
<<case 12>>\
<<media "Data/Actions/Club/Dance/clubdance22.webp" "gif">>
I like this place more and more every second!
<<case 13>>\
<<media "Data/Actions/Club/Dance/clubdance24.webp" "gif">>
This Asian girl is definitely not the first time she's been here...
<<case 14>>\
<<media "Data/Actions/Club/Dance/clubdance25.webp" "gif">>
She certainly succeeded in getting my attention...
<<case 15>>\
<<media "Data/Actions/Club/Dance/clubte6.mp4">>
Is this some kind of flash mob? I want to touch it too!
<<case 16>>\
<<media "Data/Actions/Club/Dance/clubte24.mp4">>
I...don't know....
<<case 17>>\
<<media "Data/Actions/Club/Dance/clubte43.webp" "gif">>
Just...do the same....on my face...
<<case 18>>\
<<media "Data/Actions/Club/Dance/clubte45.webp" "gif">>
This girl knows exactly what she wants...
<<UpdateArousal "+20">>
<<set _pickupchance = random (0,99)>>\
<<if _pickupchance > 80>>\
Somehow I couldn't find someone I wanted to spend the evening with...Maybe I was just unlucky...
@@#place;<<button [[Just back to bar|ClubBar]]>><<set $DancingThought = "">><<movetime>><</button>>@@
<<if $P.ClubPop < 30>>\
<<set _maxpickup = 1>>\
<<elseif $P.ClubPop >= 30>>\
<<set _maxpickup = 3>>\
<<set $pickupwho = random (0, _maxpickup)>>\
<<switch $pickupwho>>\
<<case 0>>\
<<FNpcDialog null null "Fat girl">>Hey, boy! You look awesome! Wanna have some fun together?<</FNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Hi...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<if $P.Intoxication < 3>>\
Whoa, a girl came up to me herself! But I think I understand why...She looks drunk and promiscuous, all open and tight. Huh! Yeah, in a normal situation I wouldn't even consider it!
But...she weighs maybe three times as much as I do...
Is it worth being picky now?
<<button [[Have fun with her|PickUpDanceFloor1]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Nah, I'll pass.|PickUpDanceFloorFail]]>><</button>>
Whoa, a girl came up to me herself! ~Ek~ She looks a little fat, but she's so fucking juicy! And those big tits! I think I'm getting a hard-on.
<<button [[Have fun with her|PickUpDanceFloor1]]>><</button>>
<<case 1>>\
Hey, there seems to be a very pretty girl dancing there in an...office dress?! Never mind, I'm going to go talk to her!
<<FNpcDialog null null "Office girl">>Ha, boy! I'm the boss of a big organization, I have hundreds of people working for me. You and I are on different levels. Get lost!<</FNpcDialog>>
<<if $P.Intoxication < 3>>\
Arrogant bitch! So why is she shaking her boobs in front of everyone alone in the club?
Maybe she just needs a drink!
<<button [[Buy her a drink|PickUpDanceFloorFail]]>><<set $P.Money -= 20>><</button>>
<<if $P.SubDom < 10>>\
Am I really dominant enough to do it...?
<<button [[Try being rude to her|PickUpDanceFloor1]]>><</button>>
Perhaps she craves for something that doesn't happen to her in normal life.
<<button [[Being rude to her|PickUpDanceFloor1]]>><</button>>
Or she wants to be treated appropriately.
<<button [[Be courteous to her|PickUpDanceFloorFail]]>><</button>>
Someday I'll be great and cool, too! Remember, bitch! You're gonna want me! Yeah! ~Ek~
@@#place;<<button [[Just back to bar|ClubBar]]>><<set $DancingThought = "">><<movetime>><</button>>@@
<<case 2>>\
In the center of the dance floor, a girl dances very energetically. Her movements are very sexy, I would even say too sexy. During her passionate dance she moved from one guy to another. I moved closer, too.
<<if $P.Arousal > 99>>\
Suddenly she came closer to me.
<<FNpcDialog null null "Dancing girl">>Hey, pretty boy. You like my dance, huh?<</FNpcDialog>>
She furtively looked down somewhere. I looked down there, too, and saw a protruding bump in my groin. I looked at her again and saw her biting her lower lip and looking at me predatorily.
<<FNpcDialog null null "Dancing girl">>Would you like to have a more passionate dance with me?<</FNpcDialog>>
<<if $P.Intoxication < 3>>\
Does she want to offer me something naughty...? Tempting...
<<button [[Go with her|PickUpDanceFloor1]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Nah, I'll pass.|PickUpDanceFloorFail]]>><</button>>
Woof! Woof! I'll go anywhere with you!
<<button [[Go with her|PickUpDanceFloor1]]>><</button>>
Before I had a chance to dance around, she was already hanging out with some guy who had a...boner?! Then they went somewhere together...
Oh, that's unfortunate. But at least my popularity number doesn't change...
@@#place;<<button [[Just back to bar|ClubBar]]>><<set $DancingThought = "">><<movetime>><</button>>@@
<<case 3>>\
On the edge of the dance floor, a girl stands lonely against the wall and pokes intensely at her smartphone. I'll go up to her!
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Hi!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<FNpcDialog null null "Gamer girl">>.....hi.<</FNpcDialog>>
She said without taking her eyes off her smartphone.
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Um...what are you doing?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<FNpcDialog null null "Gamer girl">>Shit! I lost again!<</FNpcDialog>>
She turned toward me.
<<FNpcDialog null null "Gamer girl">>I'd like to say you distracted me, but damn it!.. Doesn't matter...This level is impenetrable! No matter how hard I try, I can't do it!<</FNpcDialog>>
Wow, it's my chance!
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Hmm...doesn't seem too complicated. Do you want me to take this level for you?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<FNpcDialog null null "Gamer girl">>HAHAHA! Show-off! It's impossible! If you do that, I'll give myself to you in the toilet! Ha-ha-ha! But you won't make it anyway!<</FNpcDialog>>
I had the best gaming teacher, but not mobile.... am I ready to believe in myself? It's not too easy actually...
<<if $P.GamingSkill >= 50 and $P.Intoxication < 3>>\
<<button [[Ask her to try|PickUpDanceFloor1]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Ask her to try|PickUpDanceFloorFail]]>><</button>>
<</if>>\<<switch $pickupwho>>\
<<case 0>>\
<<media "Data/Locations/clubtoilet.jpg" "place">>
Night Star Club. Toilet.
<<if $P.Intoxication < 3>>\
She turned out to be a real slut! She pressed her tits against me, put my hands on her hips, tried to kiss me....Whatever, I wouldn't be a man if what happened didn't happen, so she got what she really wanted...!
While we were having fun, I groped her tits and ass and she didn't seem to mind at all. On the contrary, while we were dancing, she was rubbing her juicy buns sexually against my bump that wouldn't go down all the way! At one point we couldn't take it anymore.
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Club/M/B30/clubtoilet10.mp4">>
Sometimes it really is better "to sail the seas than to hit the rocks."
<<case 1>>\
<<media "Data/Locations/club.jpg" "place">>
Night Star Club.
<<FNpcDialog null null "Office girl">>Didn't I tell you to back off....? HEY! What are you d-doing?! My hair! Yaaahh!<</FNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>What is that moaning? Ha-ha! You're probably walking around the office wiggling your ass and those huge boobs, just like that. Your employees almost all bow down to you, don't they? ~whisper~ And they have no idea what a slut their boss really is...you want to be used so badly...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<FNpcDialog null null "Office girl">>It's nonsense! I didn't give you permission to...Ahhh!<</FNpcDialog>>
Have I just seen her smile a little? And she doesn't call for the security. Hehe...
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>I don't need it! I won't let you go until you do what I want, you slutty boss...<</PlayerDialog>>
I continued to touch her, through her clothes I felt her erect nipples. Although she is still playing the victim, now I have no doubts.
<<FNpcDialog null null "Office girl">>O-Okay...okay...what do you want?<</FNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Locations/clubtoilet.jpg" "place">>
Night Star Club. Toilet.
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Club/M/B30/pov1.mp4">>
<<FNpcDialog null null "Office girl">>
I can't believe you made me sit on my knees in front of you in the club bathroom and....Aah...jerk off your dick...
....like I'm some kind of whore!
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Was I wrong about something? So...why does the smile never leave your face then?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<FNpcDialog null null "Office girl">>It's a...defensive reaction! Anyway, are you going to cum? I want your... I mean, I want it over soon!<</FNpcDialog>>
Ha-ha! This girl is awesome! As she was leaving she once again showed me her smile...filled with satisfaction...
<<UpdateSubDom "+1">>
<<case 2>>\
<<media "Data/Locations/clubtoilet.jpg" "place">>
Night Star Club. Toilet.
<<FNpcDialog null null "Dancing girl">>Hah! Now you're my today's masturbator! How do you like it? It's my favotite dance!<</FNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>You're incredibly skilled at this. I like this kind of dance!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Club/M/A30/clubpov2.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>I hope to dance with you again sometime!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Club/M/A30/clubpov1.mp4">>
<<FNpcDialog null null "Dancing girl">>Yeahh!<</FNpcDialog>>
<<case 3>>\
<<media "Data/Locations/clubtoilet.jpg" "place">>
Night Star Club. Toilet.
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Glad you kept your promise<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Club/M/A30/pov12.mp4">>
<<FNpcDialog null null "Gamer girl">>You are a monster! I was sure it was impossible! You are breathtaking! I don't mind being fucked by a hero like you!<</FNpcDialog>>
She wasn't fooled when she said the level was hard. I thought I wouldn't have enough reaction at the moment at the end, but when I got through it, she was already looking at me like I was the alpha-male. Apparently there are girls like that too.
<<UpdateArousal "0">>
<<set $P.ClubPop += 1>>\
@@color:magenta;Your club popularity has increased by 1.@@
<<button [[Back in action|ClubToilet]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/club.jpg" "place">>
Night Star Club.
<<switch $pickupwho>>\
<<case 0>>\
She told me to fuck off and left...
<<set $P.ClubPop -= 0.5>>\
@@color:red;Your club popularity has decreased by 0,5.@@
I'm sorry....whaaat?!
Apparently relationships strongly influence the level of popularity. It's not a good idea to deny girls.
<<case 1>>\
<<FNpcDialog null null "Office girl">>Heym don't touch me! Boy, this is the last time I'm going to say this. Don't try to hit on me. I got enough money to buy the whole bar here. And enough power to kick you out of here.<</FNpcDialog>>
<<set $P.ClubPop -= 0.5>>\
@@color:red;Your club popularity has decreased by 0,5.@@
Even the popularity is down?! How?! She turned me down herself!
<<case 2>>\
How many men has she had before me? Heh. I have no idea. But after her, I definitely need to do something about my arousal...
<<set $P.ClubPop -= 0.5>>\
@@color:red;Your club popularity has decreased by 0,5.@@
<<UpdateArousal "100">>
<<case 3>>\
Fuck, it's harder than I thought!
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>I...lost...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<FNpcDialog null null "Gamer girl">>Told you! Uf, I'm going home.<</FNpcDialog>>
I don't think I'm skilled enough for this game right now...
<<set $P.ClubPop -= 0.5>>\
@@color:red;Your club popularity has decreased by 0,5.@@
Even now?! Although it's unlikely the system hears conversations, it looked like I walked up to the girl and then she left...Well...
<<button [[Back in action|ClubToilet]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/clubtoilet.jpg" "place">>
Night Star Club. Toilet.
<<switch $pickupwho>>\
<<case 0>>\
The show was very touching.
<<FNpcDialog null null "Girl">>Ahaa...hah...He fucks me so hard! Moooore!<</FNpcDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Boy">>Hey, hole! Tell him about yourself.<</MNpcDialog>>
<<FNpcDialog null null "Girl">>I didn't want that womanizer to date my friend! But his dick...I didn't think that....hahahaaaa!<</FNpcDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Boy">>Simply put, she wanted to get me to leave her and her friend alone and took the "hit", but look at her now. She became my moaning, constantly cumming, obedient bitch!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<FNpcDialog null null "Girl">>h-his bitch.....yeehhh...I'm cumming!<</FNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Club/M/B30/f25.webp" "gif">>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Boy">>Do you think your girlfriend will like this cock?<</MNpcDialog>>
<<FNpcDialog null null "Girl">>Yeeees! She's going to love it very very much!<</FNpcDialog>>
She looks so happy...does it really feel this good to be someone's bitch?
<<UpdateArousal "100">>
<<case 1>>\
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Club/M/B30/clubtoilet5.mp4">>
<<UpdateArousal "0">>
It was not a prank...
<<case 2>>\
We'll play by her rules.
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>You called me an asshole, bitch! Apologize! <</PlayerDialog>>
<<FNpcDialog null null "Horny Waitress">>Forgive me, pleeeease! I'm terribly sorry! Put my brain back in its place! I only deserve to be a dick holeeeee!<</FNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Club/M/A30/clubtoilet31.webp" "gif">>
<<UpdateArousal "0">>
<<case 3>>\
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Dominate you? Ha! To ask for such a thing... You're pathetic! I hope you don't think you'll have a chance to change your mind now?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<FNpcDialog null null "Slutty Girl">>Oh, no! Are you really going to turn a little girl like me into your cumdump?!<</FNpcDialog>>
Goddamn, that bitch is crazy!
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Y-yes! That's exactly what's going to happen to you, you little slut!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Club/M/A30/te8.webp" "gif">>
Judging by her behavior, It was definitely not without "Celtoc".
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Do you understand where you belong? Thank me for your treat, slut!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Club/M/A30/cum148.mp4">>
<<FNpcDialog null null "Slutty Girl">>Tshanks.....It's..shoo muchh...shperm...shhlurp...aahhha...I'm c...c..cumdump....<</FNpcDialog>>
<<UpdateArousal "0">>
<<UpdateSubDom "+1">>
She looked satisfied, I'm too, so I'm calm. And she's really not small, the entrance to the club is strictly 18+!
<<button [[Back in action|ClubToilet]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/clubtoilet.jpg" "place">>
Night Star Club. Toilet.
Well, what happens in the toilets doesn't affect the popularity points in the club, so whatever happens, I don't care!
<<button [[Back in action|ClubToilet]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/club.jpg" "place">>
Night Star Club.
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>What? Right here?!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Cindy/Pic/club.jpg" "just">>
<<CindyDialog>>Here I am!<</CindyDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Some guy">>Wow, what a blonde!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<FNpcDialog null null "Some girl">>How did she get here?<</FNpcDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Some guy">>How long has she been here?<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Cindy, you're not going to do well if you choose simpler clothes, are you?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CindyDialog>>I'm not gonna make it?! Ha! Even in a less provocative guise. Let me show you how it's done.<</CindyDialog>>
Her clothes and hircut changed.
<<CindyDialog>>You're not very good with your tongue, are you? That's okay! As long as at least one of us is good at it.... ~giggle~<</CindyDialog>>
<<BlacksecurityDialog>>Do you want something from me?<</BlacksecurityDialog>>
<<CindyDialog>>I'd like to lie and say something dirty, but looking into your eyes I'm a little shy. Hehe. Isn't that door the STRIP zone? I should be there by now, but I'm a little late. I'm supposed to have a check mark on my badge, right?<</CindyDialog>>
<<BlacksecurityDialog>>You should have planned this in advance with the administration...and...I can't let you in without that mark.<</BlacksecurityDialog>>
<<CindyDialog>>Hey, if you don't let me in, some big people will be upset about my absence....Wait! Or don't you believe my place is behind that door? If so, I could easily prove it....<</CindyDialog>>
With a slight smile, Cindy erotically licked her lips and then bit down on them.
<<BlacksecurityDialog>>Come see me after the club closes.<</BlacksecurityDialog>>
<<button [[Some time passed|CindyClubDoorsSeducing1]]>><<set $CurrentDayTime = 0>><<if $P.Gender == "m">><<set $P.Gender = "f">><<else>><<set $P.Gender = "m">><</if>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/clubclosed.webp" "place">>
Night Star Club.
<<CindyDialog>>Waiting for me, bunny?<</CindyDialog>>
<<BlacksecurityDialog>>Get started. Enough talk.<</BlacksecurityDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Cindy/bbj14.mp4">>
<<CindyDialog>>If you want me to stop talking, you're gonna have to shut me up with this diii.....OH GOD! It's so huge!<</CindyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Cindy/bbj.mp4">>
<<BlacksecurityDialog>>Yeah, that's it! White bitches' throats are the best!<</BlacksecurityDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>Ooh, his cock fills this throat completely!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CindyDialog>>Yeeah! And...I like it!<</CindyDialog>>
<<BlacksecurityDialog>>Okay, now I believe you. Someone like you must be dumb enough to forget to mark your badge to enter that area. Don't worry, you won't have to think about anything but dicks, now you can get in no problem. Now get lost, the club's still closed.<</BlacksecurityDialog>>
<<CindyDialog>>Thanky! Now you're getting more talkative!<</CindyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>I can still taste that flavor in my mouth!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CindyDialog>>It's so cool, isn't it?! All right, I'll get you back!<</CindyDialog>>
<<button [[Back in action|CindyClubDoorsSeducing2]]>><<movetime 2>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/club.jpg" "place">>
Night Star Club.
<<CindyDialog>>What do you think? Wasn't that fun?<</CindyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog>>Don't say that! Let's better think about what we've learned for sure.
First, it doesn't work the same way as my curse. People see you as a different person!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CindyDialog>>That's for sure! If he recognized you in me, he definitely wouldn't let me suck his dick!<</CindyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog>>I don't even know whether to be offended or pleased....Ahem!
Secondly, people don't notice the moment of transformation.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CindyDialog>>Everyone in the club was looking at me with those eyes! I was almost sweating! Should I really have chosen a more modest look?<</CindyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>We didn't have enough information, so it wasn't worth it to stand out unnecessarily.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CindyDialog>>Oh, got it! So now that we know everything, next time I'll have a lot of fun! <</CindyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>That's not what I meant!<</PlayerDialog>>
@@color:yellow; You now have access to the STRIP zone.@@
<<button [[Back in action|Club]]>><<set $StripZonePass = true>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/club.jpg" "place">>
Night Star Club.<<set $InOutskirts = true>><<set $ClubLoc = 0>>
<<if $ClubToday == false>>\
<<set $ClubToday = true>>\
<<if $CurrentDayTime != 0 and $CurrentDayTime != 1>>\
<<set _rev = random (0,9)>>\
<<if _rev < 1>>\
<<goto "REClub">>\
<<if $BeenToClub == false>>\
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>And here I am. I should have a look around<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Locations/club1.jpg" "just">>
It's a lot bigger than I imagined! It's sort of divided into several zones. This is the main one, where the dance floor and the main "traffic". The club resembles a large hangar with access to the street.
<<media "Data/Actions/Club/Dance/clubdance1.mp4">>
Entrance to the club is free, but judging by how much fun everyone is having here, I think they make money on something else...
<<media "Data/Locations/clubbar.jpg" "just">>
This is the bar. The music here is not as loud as on the dance floor, so it's much more comfortable to talk here. Clever!
<<MNpcDialog null null "Bartender">>Greetings, will you be ordering anything?<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Thanks, this is my first time here, can you tell me a little bit about the club?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Bartender">>Of course. Our host spares no expense for this place. I think you've already noticed that the club is divided into zones. People mostly hang out here, and over there are the entrances to other parts of the club. @@color:yellow;This door leads to the "Strip" area and that door leads to the VIP lounge.@@<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Thank you, let me ask you one more question. I'm looking for some information, have you heard anything about a drug called "Celtoc"?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Bartender">>I think everyone has heard about it. Just in case, you're a cop?<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Do I look like a cop?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Bartender">>Ha-ha, not really. Anyway, I can't help you with that. You can certainly try to ask someone else, but listen - if you need some serious information, you need to find a certain person.<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>What person?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Bartender">>Some talk about @@color:yellow;some kind of "informant"@@. Maybe it's just a rumor, I don't know what kind of person is he. But I heard @@color:yellow;he's a frequent visitor to the STRIP area.@@<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>How can I get there?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Bartender">>Take this one.<</MNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Locations/badge.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>What is it?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Bartender">>This is a digital badge. We usually sell or raffle them off. They have no special value, unlike the number on it. I don't think that's the last time I'll see you, so I'll give it to you for nothing.<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Whoa, thanks... what do the numbers on it mean? <</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Bartender">>Just a second, okay. Give me your hand here, the software will remember your fingerprint, now look into the camera. Yes, that's it! That's it, now it's attached to you. What do you see on the screen?<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Writes "0"...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Bartender">> @@color:yellow;We have a "popularity system" in our club. While you are here, your actions are scrutinized and eventually the popularity figure will increase or decrease. You can enter the STRIP zone when your popularity reaches 40, and after 100 you will have access to the VIP zone. Plus, club-goers are much better at relating to people with high popularity numbers, so you can definitely make new "acquaintances".@@<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>But how...?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Bartender">>Don't ask me how it works, I don't know! As you can see, a lot of money was really invested in this place! And also, remember! @@color:yellow; Every day you're not at the club, your popularity drops 0,5 points.@@<</MNpcDialog>>
By 0,5 for each day? Is it even realistic to reach 100+ then?! Now I understand why the VIP zone is considered so elite.
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Okay, then...Thank you for that... I'll try to find that person...Thanks again!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Bartender">>You're welcome! Tell me if you want something to drink!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>All right!<</PlayerDialog>>
Well, I should try to find this "informant"...he definetely must know something. So I need 35 and more popularity to get there? I don't know how much time I'll need to spend here to do that...Maybe there's another way.
<<button [[Back in action|Club]]>><<set $FT = 11>><<set $BeenToClub = true>><</button>>
<<if $ClubSexChance > (120 - $P.ClubPop) and $P.Gender == "f">>\
<<goto "ToiletSexOffer">>\
The popularity number on the badge: @@color:magenta; font-size:115%;$P.ClubPop@@
<<if $P.ConvergenceON == true and $P.CindyPower >= 10>>\
<<CindyDialog>>Hey, you want me to earn us some popularity points?<</CindyDialog>>
<<button [[Let her earn the points|ClubCindyPop]]>><<UpdateCindyPower "0">><</button>>
<<button [[Dance|ClubDance]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Bar|ClubBar]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Toilet|ClubToilet]]>><</button>>
@@#place;<<button [[Entrance to other club zones|ClubDoors]]>><</button>>@@
@@#place;<<button [[Get out|ClubExit]]>><</button>>@@
<<media "Data/Locations/clubclosed.webp" "just">>
@@color:yellow; Club is closed.@@
The club is closed, people are being taken out, some are being taken out...I think it's time for me to go, too. Although it will probably reopen soon, I can just wait.
<<button [[Wait for the club to open|Club]]>>
<<if $CurrentDayTime == 0>>\
<<movetime 2>>
<<elseif $CurrentDayTime == 1>>\
@@#place;<<button [[Get out|ClubExit]]>><</button>>@@
<</if>>\<<media "Data/Locations/club.jpg" "place">>
Night Star Club.
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Okay, Cindy! Earn some points for us! I hope on you!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CindyDialog>>Aye, aye, Captain!<</CindyDialog>>
<<button [[Cindy's in the club!|ClubCindyPop1]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/clubtoilet.jpg" "place">>
Night Star Club. Toilet.
<<set _r = random (0,3)>>\
Anything in this club ends up going to the restroom.... Cindy doesn't mind, though! I let her have her fun, so I just waited until I got my points.
<<switch _r>>\
<<case 0>>\
<<MNpcDialog null null "Some guy">>God, I would never have believed that such a sexy blonde would agree to jerk my cock! <</MNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Cindy/blonde17.mp4">>
<<CindyDialog>>Hehe! You're lucky I'm here today.<</CindyDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Some guy">>Ooh, I'm still cumming!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<CindyDialog>>Don't hold back, sugar!<</CindyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Cindy/blonde18.mp4">>
<<case 1>>\
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Cindy/blonde3.mp4">>
<<CindyDialog>>You're such a pervert! ~giggle~ Do you really want me to masturbate in front of you?<</CindyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Cindy/blonde.mp4">>
<<CindyDialog>>How could you say no to a cutie like that? ~giggle~ It feels so good to be looked at! Oh, yeahhh! Cumming! <</CindyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Cindy/blonde2.mp4">>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Some guy">>And you...you're calling me a pervert?..<</MNpcDialog>>
<<case 2>>\
<<CindyDialog>>MmmGhpshhp...! ~slurp~<</CindyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Cindy/blonde15.mp4">>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Some guy">>All of you here are so pretty and cute at first, and then you're moaning like this from my cock in this toilet!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<CindyDialog>>Looks like I've become just another bitch bouncing on your dick! ~giggle~<</CindyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Cindy/blonde19.mp4">>
<<case 3>>\
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Cindy/blonde4.mp4">>
<<CindyDialog>>Are you sure you want my worn tights that badly?<</CindyDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Some guy">>Yes, yes! ~slurp~ P-please! Give them to me! I'll do anything!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<CindyDialog>>Okay, sunshine! I don't want anything. I just want you to be happy! ~giggle~<</CindyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Cindy/blonde5.mp4">>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Some guy">>You're a goddess! Thanks God! A REAL GODDESS!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<set _rpop = random (2,7)>>\
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>You seem satisfied with your adventures?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CindyDialog>>Yes! Call me more often!<</CindyDialog>>
<<set $P.ClubPop += _rpop>>\
@@color:magenta;Your club popularity has increased by _rpop.@@
<<button [[Back in action|Club]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/club.jpg" "place">>
Night Star Club.
<<set _rdrinkoffer = $P.ClubPop>>\
<<if _rdrinkoffer > 40>>\
<<set _rdrinkoffer = 40>>\
<<set _rdrinkofferr = (0,99)>>\
<<if _rdrinkofferr <= _rdrinkoffer and $P.Gender == "f">>\
<<goto "ClubBarDrinkOffer">>
<<if $P.Gender == "f">>\
<<if $P.Intoxication > 0>>\
<<set _r = random (0,99)>>\
<<if _r < 30 and $dancingharassed == false>>\
<<goto "ClubDanceHarass">>\
<<switch $P.Intoxication>>
<<case 1>>\
You dance. The slight influence of alcohol loosens up your dance, the movements are energetic and consistent. You are really having fun!
<<set $P.ClubPop += 0.5>>\
<<set $ClubSexChance += 10>>\
@@color:magenta;Your club popularity has increased by 0,5.@@
<<case 2>>\
You dance. The sexy movements of your squirming curves and your attractive wide smile draw the eyes. And it makes you feel even hotter!
<<set $P.ClubPop += 1>>\
<<set $ClubSexChance += 15>>\
@@color:magenta;Your club popularity has increased by 1.@@
<<case 3>>\
You dance. The slightly awkward movements of your drunken dance look extremely sexy! You're like a succubus, impressing not only guys, but girls as well!
<<set $P.ClubPop += 1.5>>\
<<set $ClubSexChance += 15>>\
@@color:magenta;Your club popularity has increased by 1.@@
You dance. Your movements are a little stiff, but you have a good sense of rhythm.
<<set $P.ClubPop += 0.5>>\
@@color:magenta;Your club popularity has increased by 0,5.@@
<<set _r = random (0,18)>>\
<<switch _r>>\
<<case 0>>\
<<media "Data/Actions/Club/Dance/clubdance.mp4">>
They definitely found the synergy!
<<case 1>>\
<<media "Data/Actions/Club/Dance/clubdance1.mp4">>
Everyone are having fun!
<<case 2>>\
<<media "Data/Actions/Club/Dance/clubdance3.mp4">>
I'm sure these guys won't end up dancing for sure!
<<case 3>>\
<<media "Data/Actions/Club/Dance/clubdance4.mp4">>
Wow! Girls here are so horny!
<<case 4>>\
<<media "Data/Actions/Club/Dance/clubdance5.mp4">>
Are they really just dancing?
<<case 5>>\
<<media "Data/Actions/Club/Dance/clubdance6.mp4">>
She's trying so hard! I don't think she will be disappointed.
<<case 6>>\
<<media "Data/Actions/Club/Dance/clubdance7.mp4">>
Ha-ha-ha! This girl has caught her tempo!
<<case 7>>\
<<media "Data/Actions/Club/Dance/clubdance10.mp4">>
There are so many beautiful girls here!
<<case 8>>\
<<media "Data/Actions/Club/Dance/clubdance14.mp4">>
The girls here usually don't mind being touched!
<<case 9>>\
<<media "Data/Actions/Club/Dance/clubdance16.mp4">>
Her twerking definitely appealed to the guy on the right!
<<case 10>>\
<<media "Data/Actions/Club/Dance/clubdance19.webp" "gif">>
Her boobs....oooOOOH MY GOD!
<<case 11>>\
<<media "Data/Actions/Club/Dance/clubdance20.webp" "gif">>
Wow, I wonder how Carol would look in that outfit...
<<case 12>>\
<<media "Data/Actions/Club/Dance/clubdance22.webp" "gif">>
I like this place more and more every second!
<<case 13>>\
<<media "Data/Actions/Club/Dance/clubdance24.webp" "gif">>
This Asian girl is definitely not the first time she's been here...
<<case 14>>\
<<media "Data/Actions/Club/Dance/clubdance25.webp" "gif">>
She certainly succeeded in getting my attention...
<<case 15>>\
<<media "Data/Actions/Club/Dance/clubte6.mp4">>
Is this some kind of flash mob? I want to touch it too!
<<case 16>>\
<<media "Data/Actions/Club/Dance/clubte24.mp4">>
I...don't know....
<<case 17>>\
<<media "Data/Actions/Club/Dance/clubte43.webp" "gif">>
Just...do the same....on my face...
<<case 18>>\
<<media "Data/Actions/Club/Dance/clubte45.webp" "gif">>
This girl knows exactly what she wants...
<<UpdateArousal "+20">>
<<button [[Stop dancing|Club]]>><<set $DancingThought = "">><<set $dancingharassed = false>><<movetime>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/club.jpg" "place">>
Night Star Club.<<set $dancingharassed = true>>
<<switch $P.Intoxication>>\
<<case 1>>
Some guy is dancing very close to me! Sometimes I can feel his light touch...
<<button [[Just continue dancing|ClubDance]]>><<set $DancingThought = "This guy touched me repeatedly while dancing. Maybe it's all the alcohol, but I'm having fun!">><<set $ClubSexChance += 15>><<UpdateArousal "+5">><</button>>
<<button [[Step away from him|ClubDance]]>><<set $DancingThought = "That man gave you a look of grief. Your popularity seems to have dropped by 0.5">><<set $P.ClubPop -= 0.5>><</button>>
<<button [[Just stop dancing|Club]]>><<set $DancingThought = "">><<movetime>><</button>>
<<case 2>>
Some guy started dancing with me! He's so close that sometimes I can feel his breath, he's not even shy about putting his hands on my waist... and not only just on my waist!..
But these touches make me feel strange...
<<button [[Continue dancing with him|ClubDance]]>><<set $DancingThought = "We danced with him long and passionately. He almost managed to kiss me, but then got lost somewhere in the crowd...">><<set $ClubSexChance += 20>><<UpdateArousal "+15">><</button>>
<<button [[Step away from him|ClubDance]]>><<set $DancingThought = "That man gave you a look of grief. Your popularity seems to have dropped by 0.5">><<set $P.ClubPop -= 0.5>><</button>>
<<button [[Just stop dancing|Club]]>><<set $DancingThought = "">><<movetime>><</button>>
<<case 3>>
Some guy pulled me to him like I was his girlfriend and started groping and spanking me! For some reason I can't stop smiling...!
<<button [[Let him continue|ClubDance]]>><<set $DancingThought = "It was so hot! I almost accepted the role of his girlfriend. As he was leaving, he said something and pointed to his groin. Hell, I think I smiled again...~giggle~">><<set $ClubSexChance += 30>><<UpdateArousal "+20">>\<</button>>
<<button [[Step away from him|ClubDance]]>><<set $DancingThought = "That man gave you a look of grief. Your popularity seems to have dropped by 0.5">><<set $P.ClubPop -= 0.5>><</button>>
<<button [[Just stop dancing|Club]]>><<set $DancingThought = "">><<movetime>><</button>>
<</switch>>\<<media "Data/Locations/club.jpg" "place">>
Night Star Club.
<<if $P.ClubPop > 40 or $StripZonePass == true>>\
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Can I get through?<</PlayerDialog>>
@@color:red;IMPORTANT NOTE:@@ In this version of the Tasty Curse game, it is impossible to access the VIP area. This important for story location will be unlocked in future updates of the game. Stay tuned.
@@#place;<<button [[STRIP zone|ClubStrip]]>><</button>>@@
@@#place;<<disable>><<button [[VIP zone|ClubStrip]]>><</button>><</disable>>@@
<<if $MetClubSecurity == false>>\
So this is where the entrances to the other zones are. There is a guard at the entrance, but he doesn't even move.
<<media "Data/Characters/npc/blacksecurity.png" "just">>
Is there any way I can get in? I should try to talk to him.
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Hi! You're guarding the entrance here, aren't you?<</PlayerDialog>>
He is silent...
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Can I just see what's behind the doors?<</PlayerDialog>>
He is still silent...Maybe asleep? I should try to get through!
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>I quickly, with just a peek!<</PlayerDialog>>
Just as I was about to open the door, a huge hand of a big man in a suit "materialized" in front of me. And then I heard the low and ringing tone of his voice.
<<BlacksecurityDialog>>You're not allowed.<</BlacksecurityDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Brother, let me go. I need to see someone urgently. Then I'll leave right away, I promise!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BlacksecurityDialog>>You don't have enough "popularity". @@color:yellow;Entrance to the STRIP zone is available from 40 points, and to the VIP from 100.@@<</BlacksecurityDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>I'm honestly quick! Just 1 time! How much do you want for admission? I'll buy a one-time ticket! Make an exception!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Man, why are you so harsh? Standing there like a mannequin! Get in the mood!<</PlayerDialog>>
Fuck, only now did I notice that with every word I said, his veins around his temples were bulging harder and his fists were clenching. I.... overdid it again...
<<BlacksecurityDialog>>Listen here, you white bitch! If I say no, it means NO, you dumb-ass! You ain't no big-breasted blonde to talk to me so familiar! One more word out of you and I'll throw your ass out of here, you understand?<</BlacksecurityDialog>>
Now I realize that this guy is actually pretty emotional...and all this time he's been holding back as best he can...
If he's trying so hard, he must be getting paid very good money to do it. So money and simple persuasion can't bribe him. Then...Do I really have to play by the rules?...
me?... and by the rules?!
<<button [[Go back|Club]]>><<set $MetClubSecurity = true>>\<<movetime>><</button>>
<<media "Data/Characters/npc/blacksecurity.png" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Still can't get through?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Why?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BlacksecurityDialog>>Your number on your badge doesn't meet the criteria of the institution.<</BlacksecurityDialog>>
Holy shit, he's impenetrable. Apparently, until I dial the right number, I can't get in.
<<if $P.Gender == "f" and $P.Cor > 40>>\
Although maybe I can use Carol's body a little to get that damn pass.
<<button [[Try to seduce him|ClubDoorsSeducing]]>><</button>>
@@#place;<<button [[Go back|Club]]>><</button>>@@
<</if>>\<<media "Data/Locations/club.jpg" "place">>
Night Star Club.
Okay, I have to try. I've seen it done in movies.
<<media "Data/Characters/Carol/cafe.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Handsome, you look so lonely. Why don't you make an exception and let me in? And then I could keep you company. ~giggle~<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Carol/cafe2.jpg" "just">>
He's looking at me. He's definitely interested! Let's keep going!
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Let me just go in there one time! And I'll do anything for you!<</PlayerDialog>>
He doesn't stand a chance!
<<media "Data/Characters/Carol/cafe3.jpg" "just">>
<<if $P.ClubPop >= 30>>\
<<BlacksecurityDialog>>I see that you are just a few points short of being able to enter here legally. So, you're right, a bitch like you belongs there.<</BlacksecurityDialog>>
I did it?! Yes!
@@color:yellow; You now have access to the STRIP zone.@@
<<button [[Back in action|Club]]>><<set $StripZonePass = true>><</button>>
<<BlacksecurityDialog>>Will you do absolutely anything?<</BlacksecurityDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Y...Yes!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BlacksecurityDialog>>Then get the fuck out of here and don't bother me with my work!<</BlacksecurityDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Carol/cafe1.jpg" "just">>
What did I do wrong?!
Wasn't he even a little bit interested in me? I understood girls a little bit, it's frustrating. Then who could he be interested in?
He said something about big-breasted blondes.....
<<if $P.ConvergenceON == false>>\
@@#place;<<button [[Go back|Club]]>><<movetime>><</button>>@@
<<CindyDialog>>Maybe I can?<</CindyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>You want to steal my body again?...or you just want a black cock?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CindyDialog>>Ha-ha-ha! Trust me! Make me do this for you!<</CindyDialog>>
<<if $P.CindyPower >= 10>>\
Should I trust Cindy or handle it myself?
@@#pill;<<button [[Let Cindy out|CindyClubDoorsSeducing]]>><<UpdateCindyPower "0">><</button>>@@
@@#place;<<button [[Go back|Club]]>><<movetime>><</button>>@@
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Do we have enough magical energy for you to get out?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CindyDialog>>Oh, you're right! It's not enough... Then store it up quickly and I'll take care of this bunny!<</CindyDialog>>
@@#place;<<button [[Go back|Club]]>><<movetime>><</button>>@@
<</if>>\<<media "Data/Locations/clubafter.webp" "place">>
Near the club.
<<if $P.Gender === "m" and $P.Intoxication === 4>>\
Wow! How did I get here? Is this a teleport? Ha-ha! ~Ek~ I have to go home for sure!
<<if $CurrentDayTime < 3>>\
It's time to go..
<<button [[Walking|Outside]]>><<movetime>><</button>>
<<if $P.Money >= 50>>\
<<button [[Catch a car (20-50$)|CarToClub]]>><</button>>
It's time to go..Drunk walking at night is more dangerous than in a car, right?
<<button [[Walking|Outside]]>><<movetime>><</button>>
<<if $P.Money >= 40>>\
<<button [[Catch a car (40$)|CarNight]]>><</button>>
<</if>>\<<media "Data/Locations/club.jpg" "place">>
Night Star Club.
<<set _r = random (0,9)>>\
<<switch _r>>\
<<case 0>>\
<<media "Data/Actions/Club/Dance/EV/1/clubdance21.webp" "gif">>
I think she realized that I couldn't help but watch her. Ha-ha!
<<case 1>>\
<<media "Data/Actions/Club/Dance/EV/1/clubdance26.webp" "gif">>
This girl is definitely high. I don't think she really understands what she looks like right now...
<<case 2>>\
<<media "Data/Actions/Club/Dance/EV/1/clubte2.mp4">>
Her clothes...
<<case 3>>\
<<media "Data/Actions/Club/Dance/EV/1/clubte3.mp4">>
Now I understand where that moaning was coming from...
<<case 4>>\
<<media "Data/Actions/Club/Dance/EV/1/clubte5.mp4">>
Ha-ha! He can call her Mommy!
<<case 5>>\
<<media "Data/Actions/Club/Dance/EV/1/clubte8.mp4">>
A common situation for the club, but how I envy it!
<<case 6>>\
<<media "Data/Actions/Club/Dance/EV/1/clubte16.mp4">>
It seems this guy's girlfriend wanted something more...
<<case 7>>\
<<media "Data/Actions/Club/Dance/EV/1/clubte20.mp4">>
I wouldn't want to be in that girl's boyfriend's shoes...
<<case 8>>\
<<media "Data/Actions/Club/Dance/EV/1/clubte44.webp" "gif">>
Oops! She doesn't seem to mind much, though!
<<case 9>>\
<<media "Data/Actions/Club/Dance/EV/1/clubte47.webp" "gif">>
Ha-ha! This guy is enough for both of them!
<<UpdateArousal "+20">>
<<button [[Back in action|$LastPassage]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/strip.webp" "place">>
Night Star Club. STRIP zone.<<set $ClubLoc = 1>>
<<if $BeenToStrip == false>>\
I'm finally here, this is something new!
<<media "Data/Actions/Club/Strip/clubstrip19.mp4">>
The beautiful girls here are stripping. This show is very mesmerizing, you want to get stuck in it and do not take your eyes off.
But I've got better things to do!!
I have to find that informant! I found out from the bartender that he's known in the area, so I can ask anyone.
<<media "Data/Locations/strippeople.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Hey, hello!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Some guy">>Аh?.. Yeah, hi! <</MNpcDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Some other guy">>Oh, my gosh! She's really good!<</MNpcDialog>>
They didn't even turn to me!
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Guys, give me a hint. I'm looking for someone. They call him an....informant around here. Do you know where is he?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Some guy">>Oh, yeah! That's my favorite part! <</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Guys, I can see this isn't the first time you've been here! At least point me in the right direction!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Some other guy">>Look, we're watching the show, stop bothering us! If you want to know something, go to the bar! <</MNpcDialog>>
Without turning, he pointed in the direction of the bar with his hand. I don't think I can get anything more out of these guys.
@@#place;<<button [[Go to the bar|ClubStripIntro]]>><<set $BeenToStrip = true>><</button>>@@
<<if $CurrentDayTime != 0 and $CurrentDayTime != 1>>\
<<button [[Watch the show|ClubStripWatch]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Play gambling|ClubStripGame]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Bar|ClubBar]]>><</button>>
<<if $InfoInformant == true and $InfoAboutLab == false>>
<<button [[Talk to Informant|ClubStripInformant]]>><</button>>
@@#place;<<button [[Back to Main zone|Club]]>><</button>>@@
<<media "Data/Locations/clubclosed.webp" "just">>
@@color:yellow; Club is closed.@@
The club is closed, people are being taken out, some are being taken out...I think it's time for me to go, too. Although it will probably reopen soon, I can just wait.
<<button [[Wait for the club to open|Club]]>>
<<if $CurrentDayTime == 0>>
<<movetime 2>>
<<elseif $CurrentDayTime == 1>>\
@@#place;<<button [[Get out|ClubExit]]>><</button>>@@
<</if>>\<<media "Data/Locations/informantroom.jpg" "place">>
Night Star Club. STRIP zone. Informant's room.<<set $ClubLoc = 1>>
<<SecurityDialog>>I assume you want information about the drug. Then let me start by asking you a question. What do you know about Dr. Leccto?<</SecurityDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>From what I've heard, he's a brilliant scientist and a very important man. <</PlayerDialog>>
<<SecurityDialog>>That's right. And he's not just an important person, he's unique. He is not only a scientist, but also an entrepreneur. He is the kind of person whose opinion is respected even by very senior people even though he has a difficult personality.<</SecurityDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Um..What's wrong with him?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<SecurityDialog>>It's hard to explain. Let's just say he's always on his own. Anyway, you'll understand when you meet him. Trust me.<</SecurityDialog>>
I'm a pretty good judge of character, but shouldn't the INFORMANT have informed me of at least some of his personality traits?
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>So, why do I need to see him so badly?...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<SecurityDialog>>He runs everything in this place. He is the only one who can answer all your questions. You need to see him somehow. But I don't know how either...<</SecurityDialog>>
Eh, plus another problem in my piggy bank.....
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Okay...what else do you want to tell me about him?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<SecurityDialog>>Yeah... His position. He is now the CEO of a pharmaceutical company. That's where "Celtoc" is manufactured. By the way, interesting fact. If you swap the letters in the word "Leccto", you get the name of his drug!<</SecurityDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Yep...that fact is EXACTLY what I needed to know. Now I can see you're a real informant! And yet, is it legal for a drug to be manufactured right in a pharmaceutical company's lab?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<SecurityDialog>>Of course it's illegal! That's why my information was worth its price! Besides, there's more than one lab. Even though all the infrastructure is in one building. It's not too far from your house. I'll draw you a map how to get there.<</SecurityDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Yeah...Of course, you know where I live too....<</PlayerDialog>>
The informant drew me a map. I knew roughly what the building was; I had seen it more than once. But I had no idea that it was the source of the most popular drug!
Anyway, it's time to see this badass shadow boss! Maybe I could even get into one of the labs somehow! Or maybe the CEO has some kind of appointment hours? And also, when I get some information about this company, I'll have to be sure to discuss it with Jimmy!
@@color:yellow;It's time to get mentally prepared and move out. The easiest way to get there is from "the Streets".@@
<<SecurityDialog>>Good luck, my friend.<</SecurityDialog>>
If even the informant is afraid of this man, I certainly shouldn't underestimate him!
<<button [[Back to Strip zone|ClubStrip]]>><<set $FT = 14>><<set $InfoAboutLab = true>><<movetime>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/informantroom.jpg" "place">>
Night Star Club. STRIP zone. Informant's room.
<<set $ClubLoc = 1>>\
<<set $InfoVar = 0>>\
<<SecurityDialog>>Good to see you! I hope you have something "tasty" for me. I'm all excited!<</SecurityDialog>>
I must make the final wise decision as to what he should be told.
<<switch $InfoVar>>\
<<case 0>>\
<<button [[Tell him about Cindy|ClubStripInformant1]]>><<set $InfoVar = 1>><</button>>
<<button [[Tell him about your curse|ClubStripInformant1]]>><<set $InfoVar = 2>><</button>>
<<button [[Tell him about Witches and magic|ClubStripInformant1]]>><<set $InfoVar = 3>><</button>>
<<if $Inventory.Tablets > 0>>\
<<button [[Try to use pill on him|ClubStripInformant1]]>><<set $InfoVar = 4>><</button>>
<<button [[Go back|ClubStrip]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/informantroom.jpg" "place">>
Night Star Club. STRIP zone. Informant's room.<<set $ClubLoc = 1>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>I've decided what information to share with you. <</PlayerDialog>>
<<SecurityDialog>>Oh, really? I'm so excited!<</SecurityDialog>>
<<switch $InfoVar>>\
<<case 1>>\
I decided to tell him about Cindy.
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>I can turn into a sexy bimbo blonde...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<SecurityDialog>>Sounds....unbelievable. Are you sure you're not crazy?<</SecurityDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>I'm...not sure...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<SecurityDialog>>It doesn't look like you're lying. But we're dealing with facts here. If you want information, you're going to have to demonstrate it.<</SecurityDialog>>
<<if $P.ConvergenceON == true>>\
<<if $P.CindyPower >= 10>>\
Are you ready?
<<CindyDialog>>As always, baby!<</CindyDialog>>
@@#pill;<<button [[Turn into Cindy|ClubStripInformantCindy]]>><<set $InfoVar = 1>><<UpdateCindyPower "0">><</button>>@@
<<CindyDialog>>Nikita, you feel we don't have enough energy to switch places right now, don't you?<</CindyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>...I don't have enough energy to turn into her right now..... I need to build up some more energy...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<SecurityDialog>>And how do you usually build up that energy of yours?<</SecurityDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>It builds up on its own when I'm at the....peak of arousal.....<</PlayerDialog>>
<<if $P.Gender == "m">>\
<<SecurityDialog>>Uh-....don't look at me like that. Go deal with this problem on your own and when you're ready come back!<</SecurityDialog>>
<<button [[Go back|ClubStrip]]>><</button>>
<<SecurityDialog>>Ha-ha! I can help with that! Let's go old school! <</SecurityDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Hey, wait! What are you doing?...Ahaaah..AAAHHha! <</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Bank/fing10.webp" "gif">>
<<UpdateArousal "100">>
<<SecurityDialog>>Don't thank me! I'll wait for you here.<</SecurityDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>...y-yeah...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<button [[Go back|ClubStrip]]>><<movetime>><</button>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>I need to use our "convergence" function with it to show this. I'll get back to you in a little while. I'll get back to you in a little while.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<button [[Go back|ClubStrip]]>><<movetime>><</button>>
<<case 2>>
I decided to tell him about The Curse.
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>It's probably hard to believe, but I have a curse on me that causes me and my roommate to switch bodies every day. She's a girl and I'm a guy, which makes the sutiation even worse...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<SecurityDialog>>You probably believe what you're saying yourself, because it doesn't sound like you're lying. And yet, I'm 100% sure I've never seen you in any other image. You've always been like this.<</SecurityDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>The curse works in such a way that other people don't notice the difference. Memories, events, many items like clothes, camera footage and photos, everything adjusts and eventually even my family, who see me almost every day, they think I've always been like this! Even if I'm standing right in front of you at the moment of transformation, you won't notice the difference!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<SecurityDialog>>Yeah...that sounds like some unfunny joke. If no one can tell the difference, that means no one knows you have the..."disease". So you have no way to prove it?<</SecurityDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>It's hard for me to imagine what it looks like in the minds of others, though, since I originally saw all the changes. Still, a close friend of mine knows about it. He is very smart and in the moment he was able to concentrate and match the gaps in his memories and the facts. As a result, it's like he broke some kind of mental barrier and now sees the situation as well as I do. Maybe you have to be in a close relationship with me to do that...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<SecurityDialog>>Ha-ha! Now that sounds like an interesting mystery for me to solve! How about sex? <</SecurityDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>What? Sex?!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<SecurityDialog>>Exactly! I don't know of a more intimate relationship than sex! By the way, what happens when you have sex during the transformation?<</SecurityDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Events will rearrange themselves in any case so that it is impossible to feel the difference. Either the sex will end before the transformation, or the event will simply disappear as if it never happened.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<SecurityDialog>>One more question, then. You said it affects objects and it affects people. But people are only mentally affected, right?<</SecurityDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>All I know is that the mental barrier can be broken. And yes, I haven't seen any physical changes.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<if $P.Gender == "m">>\
<<SecurityDialog>>Great, then I have a plan! We're gonna have sex all night! But just.... come to me when you're a girl. And...when you're a girl, I'll forget that you're actually a guy, right?...?<</SecurityDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>You'll definitely forget it. But I don't like this plan too much.....<</PlayerDialog>>
Even if it's for proof, do I have to have sex with this guy in Carol's body? Maybe there's another way out...?
<<button [[Go back|ClubStrip]]>><<movetime>><</button>>
<<SecurityDialog>>Great, then I have a plan! We're gonna have sex all night! I can see a beautiful girl in front of me right now! So according to you, that's your roommate's body? <</SecurityDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Yes...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<SecurityDialog>>Ha-ha! Then if you want information, you'll have to agree!<</SecurityDialog>>
Even if it's for proof, do I have to have sex with this guy in Carol's body? Maybe there's another way out...?
@@#pill;<<button [[Have sex with him|ClubStripInformantCurse]]>><</button>>@@
<<case 3>>
I decided to tell him about magic and witches.
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>I'll tell you what I know about magic. Listen carefully.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<SecurityDialog>>Don't worry, we have plenty of time.<</SecurityDialog>>
I told him about magical energy. I told him how significant and fundamental it is. Told him what "mana" is. I told him there was another, magic side, where wizards and witches lived. But as I was telling him, he stopped me.
<<SecurityDialog>>This all sounds very cool and incredible. But you and I are dealing with facts here. How do you prove everything you've told me is true? You should prove at least one of those things. For example, in medieval times a lot of girls were labeled witches and burned. Today is the digital age, and we still don't know how many of those girls were really witches. Did they burn any real ones?<</SecurityDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>I don't know how many real witches were burned back then, but they exist! I personally know two!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<SecurityDialog>>Wow! Ha-ha! Then bring at least one of them here and so the information is yours! Oh, and here's a written authorization for one more person. Show it to the security.<</SecurityDialog>>
Damn...I haven't seen Caroline since the curse... But Akira....
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>~gulp~<</PlayerDialog>>
This is no time to panic! I probably won't die if I just talk to her...
I'm not gonna die, am I?! @@color:yellow;I need to talk to her. I think I can find her tonight at her apartment.@@
<<button [[Go back|ClubStrip]]>><<movetime>><</button>>
<<case 4>>
I decided to try to give him a pill.
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Now I'm going to tell you something important, take some time to listen to me. Why don't I make us some tea?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<SecurityDialog>>That's okay, I don't mind a mug of tea right now.<</SecurityDialog>>
<<media "Data/Locations/tea.jpg" "just">>
Is this really what I want?
<<if $Inventory.Tablets > 0>>\
@@#pill;<<button [[Put the pill inside|ClubStripInformantPill]]>><<set $InfoVar = 4>><</button>>@@
<<button [[I changed my mind!|ClubStripInformantChangeMind]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/informantroom.jpg" "place">>
Night Star Club. STRIP zone. Informant's room.<<set $ClubLoc = 1>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>No...sorry. I've just decided I'm going to tell you something else....Give me some more time to think about it...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<SecurityDialog>>You intrigue me....You're full of secrets! If you have something more interesting, I'm willing to wait a little longer.<</SecurityDialog>>
I must remember that not every choice made can lead to the outcome I want in the future.
<<button [[Back to strip zone|ClubStrip]]>><<set $InfoVar = 0>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/informantroom.jpg" "place">>
Night Star Club. STRIP zone. Informant's room.<<set $ClubLoc = 1>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Eh, let's go!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CindyDialog>>Here I am! Hi there!<</CindyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Cindy/Pic/club.jpg" "just">>
<<SecurityDialog>>What? Blonde? What's wrong with my room?! Nikita, is that you?!<</SecurityDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Cindy/Pic/club1.jpg" "just">>
<<CindyDialog>>How rude! My name is Cindy! Do I look like the Nikita you know?<</CindyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Cindy/Pic/club2.jpg" "just">>
<<SecurityDialog>>Wait a minute, this is bullshit! You came out of nowhere! And where did this chair come from?! And....scene?!<</SecurityDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Cindy/Pic/club5.jpg" "just">>
<<CindyDialog>>Sweetie, you're very inquisitive! Blu, you're very inquisitive! Are you really interested in where the chair came from when I'm here? You know, I'm here for you!<</CindyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Cindy/Pic/club3.jpg" "just">>
<<SecurityDialog>>Surely I'm not imagining all this? I think I've got a fever...!<</SecurityDialog>>
<<CindyDialog>>You're right! It's bloody hot in here! <</CindyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Cindy/Pic/club4.jpg" "just">>
<<SecurityDialog>>Nikita, I don't know how you did it, but if you can hear me, know that I believe you. The information is yours!<</SecurityDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Cindy, did you hear that? We did it! We can switch back!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CindyDialog>>No, no, no. I'm not letting him go that easily. I want to have fun, too.<</CindyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Cindy/Pic/club8.jpg" "just">>
<<button [[...|ClubStripInformantCindy1]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/informantroom.jpg" "place">>
Night Star Club. STRIP zone. Informant's room.<<set $ClubLoc = 1>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>Cindy, I've got things to do! Let's wrap this up! <</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Cindy/Pic/club9.jpg" "just">>
<<CindyDialog>>I'm just getting started!<</CindyDialog>>
<<CindyDialog>>Come on! Shove it in deep! I'm all yours tonight! <</CindyDialog>>
<<SecurityDialog>>Oh my God, yes!...Of course! <</SecurityDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Cindy/Pic/club10.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>Fucking hell, Cindy! A-are you deliberately....ah....making me feel the whole process?! J-jumping on every cock....You...you're just a hopeless slut! <</PlayerDialog>>
<<CindyDialog>>I...I can't...help it!<</CindyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Cindy/Pic/club11.jpg" "just">>
<<CindyDialog>>Please fuck me harder! I'm yours! I'm all yours! Smash my pussy!<</CindyDialog>>
<<SecurityDialog>>I think I've finally realised how you want to be treated! I'm going to cum, slut! <</SecurityDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>Look! Even for him, you're nothing more than a fuck hole now!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CindyDialog>>OH MY GOD YEEES! YOUR WORDS MAKE ME.... ME TOO...I'M CUMMING TOO!<</CindyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Cindy/Pic/club12.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>It's finally....over...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<SecurityDialog>>Hey, whore. You think that's it? We're just getting started! You want me to keep going, don't you? <</SecurityDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>No, NO!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CindyDialog>>Yeeeess, master....<</CindyDialog>>
<<button [[Informant's room|ClubStripInformantCindy2]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/informantroom.jpg" "place">>
Night Star Club. STRIP zone. Informant's room.<<set $ClubLoc = 1>>
<<CindyDialog>>Mmm....Mmmmn! You fuck my pussy soooo goood! You feel it too, don't you?<</CindyDialog>>
<<SecurityDialog>>Who are you always talking to? Move your ass faster, bitch!<</SecurityDialog>>
<<CindyDialog>>He's dominating us so much! He commands us as he pleases! Isn't that what you wanted, for us to be his bitch?<</CindyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Cindy/f29.mp4">>
<<SecurityDialog>>Slut, I told you to shut up!<</SecurityDialog>>
<<CindyDialog>>Aaaah, I'm sorry, sir!<</CindyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>...h...his...bitch....<</PlayerDialog>>
<<button [[It's been a while|ClubStripInformantCindy3]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/informantroom.jpg" "place">>
Night Star Club. STRIP zone. Informant's room.<<set $ClubLoc = 1>>
<<SecurityDialog>>Nikita? Oh, and my room is back to normal!<</SecurityDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>Yeah... Hi...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<SecurityDialog>>You're really turning into a different person! That's the first time I've ever seen that! She's so sexy!...Ooh, that was the bomb! You should have seen me fuck that bitch!<</SecurityDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>@@font-size:80%;...I've...seen it...@@<</PlayerDialog>>
<<SecurityDialog>>What did you say? I didn't hear. Well, anyway, you've earned the information and I'm ready to share it right now!<</SecurityDialog>>
<<button [[Listen to him|ClubStripInfoAboutLab]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/informantroom.jpg" "place">>
Night Star Club. STRIP zone. Informant's room.<<set $ClubLoc = 1>>
<<if $P.Cor < 65>>\
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Okay, I said yes, but it's not because I like you or anything!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<SecurityDialog>>Let's see how you sing when you taste my cock!<</SecurityDialog>>
I hate to do this, but I really need this information. Sorry, Carol, again....
@@color:yellow;If I had more experience in this, I would definitely have an easier time with him...in these matters....@@
It's a good thing I'm keeping myself in control.
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Info/tits60.webp" "gif">>
<<SecurityDialog>>Start with your hands, girl.<</SecurityDialog>>
I think he wants me to jerk him off. Okaaayy!
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Info/infote1.mp4">>
<<SecurityDialog>>Oh yeah, you're super good!<</SecurityDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Info/infote5.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>How long do I have to do this?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<SecurityDialog>>Keep going! Just lean forward a little bit!<</SecurityDialog>>
I have to try, but not overdo it. I don't want to fuck him more than I have to.
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Like this? Then the boobs are in the way...although...I think that's exactly what you need...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<SecurityDialog>>You're damn right, baby! If you knew what you could do with tits like that...!<</SecurityDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Info/infotj3.mp4">>
<<SecurityDialog>>That's it! I can't take it anymore! You have such a sexy body, but you're not using it to its fullest! I want more! Come here!<</SecurityDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Hey, wait! Wait, let me get mentally preparEGHSHhaAHH...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Info/infobj6.mp4">>
Ugh, his cock is all the way down my throat!
<<SecurityDialog>>Whoa, ha-ha! You have great potential, let me give you a little help!<</SecurityDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Mmmmnn!!...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Info/infobj2.mp4">>
His cock filled me completely, my body felt like it was on fire!
<<SecurityDialog>>Hey, is everything okay? Your eyes started rolling.....<</SecurityDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>...oh...okay...you can...use me....more....<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Info/infobj7.mp4">>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Info/inforub5.mp4">>
On fire, on fire, on fire! My body's on fire!
<<SecurityDialog>>Oh, that ass is a work of art! <</SecurityDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>H-hey, are you sure it's enough just to....rub up against me?..<</PlayerDialog>>
<<SecurityDialog>>I thought you didn't want more. Do you?<</SecurityDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Info/inforub4.mp4">>
He's been doing just that for half an hour! I'm going to lose my mind!..
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>W-well, we had a deal...and w-we had to get....closer....so....<</PlayerDialog>>
<<SecurityDialog>>It's true...so what?<</SecurityDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Info/inforub3.mp4">>
Just now....just now he's almost got it in!..
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>..so..you can...put..inside...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<SecurityDialog>>I've been waiting for those words so much! A shy girl with the body of a succubus! I would have fucked you sooner or later anyway!<</SecurityDialog>>
He knew!! He's really good at reading people! He's playing with me! He... HE PUT IT ALL THE WAY IN!
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Info/inforub3.mp4">>
<<SecurityDialog>>You're like the world's best sex toy right now!<</SecurityDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Info/infof9.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>S-slow down a bit.... you're doing it very rudely!.. <</PlayerDialog>>
<<SecurityDialog>>You can stop pretending. I know your desires. You want to be fucked and spanked hard, bitch!<</SecurityDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Info/infof2.mp4">>
He's squeezing my bum so hard...I...I really am like a sex toy right now...
I-I'm doing this for...information, so...let him fuck me all he wants...
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>...ogh...ough...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Info/infof11.mp4">>
<<SecurityDialog>>If you've resigned yourself to being a slut, you no longer need to restrain your moans.<</SecurityDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>...I'm not slut...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<SecurityDialog>>Oh, really? Can you say that again if I do that?<</SecurityDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>I'm n-not...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Info/infof15.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>...not...slut!..<</PlayerDialog>>
Whoooa! He's pulling my hair! I can't take it!!
<<SecurityDialog>>One more time! SAY IT AGAIN! <</SecurityDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Info/infof12.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>...Aaahh....AAhah!..I'm...NOT.....SLUT....Ahhhgh!...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<SecurityDialog>>Moaning like that and saying you're actually a guy? Don't make me laugh!<</SecurityDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>...AaaaaahAHhh...I...I'm...not....aaaAhhh!..<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Info/infof10.mp4">>
Oh my God...Finally he cum...I'm even afraid to count how many orgasms I had....
<<button [[...|ClubStripInformantCurse1]]>><</button>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Let's get started! I'll take care of your cock like I'd take care of my own! <</PlayerDialog>>
<<SecurityDialog>>Those are not the words I would expect to hear before sex....You're more slutty than you look...<</SecurityDialog>>
Carol has a gorgeous body and she's completely at my mercy. He won't be able to get hard for other girls afterwards! I'll make sure he tells me everything without exception! ~giggle~
And when did I start thinking along those lines? @@color:yellow;I'm sure if I didn't have some "events" in my life that made me the way I am, I would have behaved completely differently with him! @@
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Info/tits60.webp" "gif">>
<<SecurityDialog>>Start with your hands, girl.<</SecurityDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Take your time, buddy. We're gonna need some lube.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Info/infote2.mp4">>
<<SecurityDialog>>You have such gorgeous breasts!<</SecurityDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>You like my boobs that much? Then let's use them too!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Info/infote4.mp4">>
<<SecurityDialog>>Wait, do you really want to....Ohh...yeah!<</SecurityDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Info/infotj1.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Look, it's like your dick fits them perfectly!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<SecurityDialog>>Are you really telling me you're actually a guy?!<</SecurityDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>~giggle~<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Info/infotj.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Mmmnmshh...slurp...ssghp....good...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Info/infobj5.mp4">>
<<SecurityDialog>>How many cocks have you sucked, slut?<</SecurityDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>I've had to solve all sorts of "problems", so enough for me to know how to do it. I just want to get it over with quicker...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Info/infobj3.mp4">>
<<SecurityDialog>>You shake your ass while you suck my balls, you mean you don't like it?<</SecurityDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>No....you're wrong...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Info/infobj1.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>I'm just trying to get us closer so I can get my info.....<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Info/infobj.mp4">>
<<SecurityDialog>>Tell that to your face.<</SecurityDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>So that's how it is? You're in big trouble!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<SecurityDialog>>Stop it! If I don't get my dick in somewhere now, I'm gonna go crazy!<</SecurityDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Info/inforub1.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>What? You got something to say to me?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Info/inforub.mp4">>
<<SecurityDialog>>Okay. Okay! You're a princess! And I'm sorry... I wish I could say it, but...<</SecurityDialog>>
It slipped!...inside....hehehe
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Did you want it inside me that badly? Then I have no other choice, I'll squeeze your cock out! ~giggle~<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Info/infof.mp4">>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Info/infof11.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Come on, fuck me. You deserve it.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<SecurityDialog>>Are you still looking down on me, you whore?! Then how about this! You're my bitch now!<</SecurityDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Info/infof15.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>Noooo....Aahh... I-I don't want to be your....bitch!....<</PlayerDialog>>
<<SecurityDialog>>Now I see you're a sex-crazed masochist!<</SecurityDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>..No...Ahhah...I'm not.....!...<</PlayerDialog>>
He fucks so hard! My thoughts are jumbled, my pussy's melting!
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Info/infof12.mp4">>
<<SecurityDialog>>Come on! SAY IT!<</SecurityDialog>>
No! I can't take it anymore!...
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>Yeees....Its feels....goood.....AaaahhhAhhh!....I-I like sex!...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Info/infof10.mp4">>
Oh my God...It feels so good....I'm even afraid to count how many orgasms I had....
<<button [[...|ClubStripInformantCurse1]]>><<set $InfoSluttySide = true>><</button>>
<</if>><<media "Data/Locations/informantroom.jpg" "place">>
Night Star Club. STRIP zone. Informant's room.<<set $ClubLoc = 1>>
<<SecurityDialog>>Hey, there's plenty of time before "you turn", ha-ha. Let's make the most of it!<</SecurityDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>...ehe...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Info/infof14.mp4">>
We fucked non-stop until the evening. I screamed and moaned! And I couldn't stop myself...I wondered if we had gotten close enough during that time?..
<<UpdateArousal "0">>
<<if $P.Cor < 65>>\
<<UpdateCorruption "+10">>
<<UpdateCorruption "+3">>
<<set $CurrentDayTime = 4>>\
<<button [[...|ClubStripInformantCurse2]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/informantroom.jpg" "place">>
Night Star Club. STRIP zone. Informant's room.<<set $ClubLoc = 1>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/23.jpg" "just">>
<<SecurityDialog>>Why are you looking at me like that?<</SecurityDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>No reason.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<SecurityDialog>>No, no, no, no, you're not fooling me. There's something wrong here. Wait, I feel like I'm missing something. What did we just do? <</SecurityDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>...we had...sex...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<SecurityDialog>>What?! Dude, I actually into girls, you know!<</SecurityDialog>>
I just looked at him with my tired eyes.
<<SecurityDialog>>You said something about transformations and how it all works... Wait, now I realized for a fact that I had sex. That's for sure! Obviously with a girl...but when?<</SecurityDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>The watch. Look at the time.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<SecurityDialog>>You're right...right...I notice some gaps in my memory, but it's like my head doesn't want to think about them....<</SecurityDialog>>
Apparently his analyzing skills aren't much help in this one...
Fucking let him do it!
<<SecurityDialog>>Wait, wait.... black-haired beauty....This was a sexy brunette! HOLY SHIT, it was YOU!<</SecurityDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>yay...congratulations!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<SecurityDialog>>I realized...and immediately remembered...remembered everything! All it takes is a gap and then the barrier can be broken! Obviously, the person you share a lot of memories with has more gaps, so the barrier is weaker!<</SecurityDialog>>
Jimmy handled it much easier, now I have a better understanding of how it works on the people around me.
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>And what did you find that gap in? Wait, you said you knew for sure you were having sex. How?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<SecurityDialog>>Ha-ha! Do you remember me asking you about whether it works for people physically? Actually, @@color:yellow;I take special imported pills to relax my brain and increase my concentration.@@ It helps me in my work, increases productivity and improves multitasking in my case many times over.<</SecurityDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Did you lose focus or what? I still didn't get it...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<SecurityDialog>> @@color:yellow;These pills have one single side effect. They make the person who takes them horny@@, it works almost like Viagra, and if these desires are not restrained, everything goes without harm to the body. So, I'm satisfied. Although I shouldn't be. So sex definitely happened!<</SecurityDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Woah, my applause. So now you're one of the few people who knows about my curse.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<SecurityDialog>>Yes! It was like an interesting riddle! It almost made my brain boil! By the way, you're a real piece of work in your girlfriend's body. <</SecurityDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Shut up... and she's not my girlfriend!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<SecurityDialog>>Ha-ha-ha! Anyway, this is worthwhile and incredibly interesting information. I accept it! Then it's your turn to listen, right?<</SecurityDialog>>
I barely proved it to him, so it's unlikely he'll be able to use that information in any way. Either way, it's worth addressing problems as they come up.
Now I've made my point.
<<button [[Listen to him|ClubStripInfoAboutLab]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/informantroom.jpg" "place">>
Night Star Club. STRIP zone. Informant's room.<<set $ClubLoc = 1>>
I've made up my mind. I'm going to put a pill in there and get the information out of him!
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Here comes the tea!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Locations/tea.jpg" "just">>
I put one mug near him and took one myself. Then I took a sip right away.
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Wow, your tea is gorgeous! I thought it should be a great pick-me-up for good conversation, but now I'm not starting until you and I are done with this wonderful tea!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<SecurityDialog>>Ha-ha! Praising my tea is like praising me! It's perfect for a good time and also very relaxing. Unlike my work. You know, this job is very tough. I often have to see dangerous people or very big shots.<</SecurityDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>And good tea is essential for such meetings, isn't it?<</PlayerDialog>>
Why doesn't he touch his tea?
<<SecurityDialog>>Right, but even with the good tea, these meetings can be pretty tough. Still, I love this job and try to always work honestly and transparently.<</SecurityDialog>>
Where he's going with this...?
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Are they trying to pressure you?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<SecurityDialog>>They're trying. Often try to outsmart me. Whatever they're doing, having an informant like me on their payroll gives them a huge advantage. Fortunately, I have the skills to keep them at arm's length while maintaining neutrality. You know, I think you're trying to be like those people too.<</SecurityDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Relax, I'm not a big shot. We're just sharing information with each other over a mug of tea.<</PlayerDialog>>
He picked up the mug, brought it up to his face and inhaled the pleasant tea aroma.
<<SecurityDialog>>You're right. We're just sharing information. You're giving information to me. And I give it to you. Then I need information about this tea, did you put anything extra in it?..<</SecurityDialog>>
He stared at me piercingly, lowering his eyebrows as he waited for an answer. What am I supposed to say to him?!
<<button [[Yes|ClubStripInformantPill1]]>><<set $LiedToInfo = false>><</button>>
<<button [[No|ClubStripInformantPill1]]>><<set $LiedToInfo = true>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/informantroom.jpg" "place">>
Night Star Club. STRIP zone. Informant's room.<<set $ClubLoc = 1>>
<<if $LiedToInfo == false>>\
This guy wasn't lying when he said he always sees the truth. There's no point in trying to trick him further.
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Yes.<</PlayerDialog>>
I can see now that this man is more than worthy of his job.
<<SecurityDialog>>Ha-ha-ha! I knew it! But thanks for telling the truth anyway. I really appreciate honesty in people. There have been many times when they've tried to sedate me, poison me, drug me... Ah, those were the days!<</SecurityDialog>>
<<set $InfoRel += 10>>
@@color:lime;Your relationship with Informant has improved by 10.@@
It's too late to retreat!
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>No. I'd never...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<SecurityDialog>>Ha-ha-ha! Stubborn, huh? You can stop pretending. There have been many times when they've tried to sedate me, poison me, drug me... Ah, those were the days!<</SecurityDialog>>
I can see now that this man is more than worthy of his job...
<<SecurityDialog>>Uh, okay. Anyway, I can see that you don't really want to hurt me. You wouldn't want to put me to sleep or poison me... Then let's do it this way -- I'm gonna keep this tea and ask you one last question. Answer it honestly and the information you came for is yours!<</SecurityDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Okay.<</PlayerDialog>>
He rested his chin on his crossed arms and smiled broadly and predatorily.
<<SecurityDialog>>Is the contents of the tea you wanted me to drink related to the strange events you've been experiencing lately?<</SecurityDialog>>
How does he even know so much about me?! And the bigger question is, what exactly does he know?!?!
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>N-not with all the...events...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<SecurityDialog>>Ha-ha! Very nice! Perfect answer! I accept it as equal to my information!<</SecurityDialog>>
What? I just said one sentence... And he is so excited...when we did the first experiments with Jimmy, my emotions were not even a third as vivid as his...
<<SecurityDialog>>Get ready! Now it's your turn to listen.<</SecurityDialog>>
<<button [[Listen to him|ClubStripInfoAboutLab]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/clubbar.jpg" "place">>
Night Star Club. STRIP zone. Bar. <<set $ClubLoc = 1>>
This bar with different lighting and quieter music is similar to the one in the main area. I think I'll learn everything I need to know from the bartender.
<<MNpcDialog null null "Bartender">>Are you gonna stare at me like that or are you gonna order something?<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>I thought you'd ask me about my order since you've noticed me standing here for a while now. Just like the bartender in the main area.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Bartender">>Don't compare me to him. Steven's always been a slob.<</MNpcDialog>>
A slob? How dare you! Eh...well. I need to ask him.
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>I-I'm actually new to the area. I've heard of a so-called "informant". Do you know how to find him?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Bartender">>Are you stupid or something? What do I care who you want to find? Do I look like a fortune teller? You're interfering with my work. Either order something or get out.<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Just say something, you work here!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Bartender">>Who are you for me to help you? Um?! You can snoop around all you want, but don't drag me into it. Important information revolves around powerful people, and they revolve around the betting table. Go to them. I'd love to see you lose everything you've got and never come here again.<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "disgust">>You're disgusting.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Bartender">>Come on, cry! <</MNpcDialog>>
That bartender is not even remotely comparable to Steven! And yet, since he won't help me, he still gave me a new target. I'm going to the gaming table!
@@#place;<<button [[Gambling table|ClubStripIntro1]]>><<set $FT = 12<</button>>@@<<media "Data/Locations/clubbar.jpg" "place">>
Night Star Club. STRIP zone. Gambling table. <<set $ClubLoc = 1>>
<<media "Data/Locations/gambling.jpg" "just">>
Okay, it's a gambling table. The people gambling here are probably very high status and look like they have good money. But it's not time to back off.
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Good evening, everyone.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Some gambler">>Have a good night, too.<</MNpcDialog>>
Phew, they seem adequate.
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Hey, I'm looking for someone who's known as an informant. Have you heard about him?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Some gambler">>Probably. He's pretty well known. In the inner circle...<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>So you'll help me?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Some gambler">>If you go to meet with him, you have to realize that any information has a price. What can you offer us for @@color:yellow;this@@ information?<</MNpcDialog>>
They have very calm faces during the game. But I can see their eyes sparkling. They're not just sitting there. I played this as a kid, though the bets were much smaller.
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>I got it. I'll play with you. If I win, you'll tell me everything.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Some gambler">>Welcome to our table.<</MNpcDialog>>
<<button [[Play with them|ClubStripGameRoundFirst]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/clubbar.jpg" "place">>
Night Star Club. STRIP zone. Gambling table. <<set $ClubLoc = 1>>\
<<MNpcDialog null null "Some gambler">>Uh, sure. Real gentlemen keep their promises. You go down that hallway over there, then turn left a couple times, then a little bit straight ahead and there's a door on the right. Behind it will be the man you're looking for. Yes, this honorable man has his own room here...<</MNpcDialog>>
What? Own room at the club? He is probably very credible and respected indeed.
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Thank you so much! <</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Some gambler">>You should join us for the game sometime too! You got lucky this time, but next time we'll be happy to leave you penniless!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>We'll see about that!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<button [[Find Informant's room!|ClubStripIntro3]]>><<set $InfoInformant = true>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/strip.webp" "place">>
Night Star Club. STRIP zone. Informant's room.<<set $ClubLoc = 1>>
So here I am.
<<media "Data/Locations/hiddendoor.png" "just">>
That door is not well visible, but it's the only door in here...I wouldn't even notice it if I didn't know where to look. Besides, it's located away from the main entertainment areas, so it's unlikely that non-staff people pass through here often.
Either way, behind that door is a person who can answer many questions!
@@#pill;<<button [[Open the door|ClubStripIntro4]]>><</button>>@@<<media "Data/Locations/strip.webp" "place">>
Night Star Club. STRIP zone.<<set $ClubLoc = 1>>
<<media "Data/Locations/informantroom.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Wow, so many monitors.... there are servers nearby...apparently I'm not wrong...that's for su....!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<SecurityDialog null null "Secutiry guard">>Hey, this is a private area. Leave this place.<</SecurityDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/npc/security.webp" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Sorry, I...W-WAIT! You're that perverted security guard from the bank! What the fuck are you doing here?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<SecurityDialog null null "Secutiry guard">>I just work part-time at the bank, however my main place of employment is here.<</SecurityDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Look, I don't have time to hang out with you. I've been looking for this place for a long time, and I'm not wrong! I'm here to meet a very respectable man. Everyone calls him a "informant", and I have some questions for him. Since you work here, do you have any information on where to find him?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<SecurityDialog null null "Secutiry guard">>Do I have any information on where to look for him? Of course, I know this man very well.<</SecurityDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>so...?<</PlayerDialog>>
He smiled grimly and lowered his cap slightly.
<<SecurityDialog null null "Secutiry guard">>You see, figuring out useful information and owning it is a very difficult skill that most people don't possess. And you're no exception. But really, you just have to want to see it. The most important and useful information is almost always on the surface, it's literally in front of you.<</SecurityDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Y-You....<</PlayerDialog>>
<<SecurityDialog null null "Secutiry guard">> @@color:yellow;I'm the informant.@@<</SecurityDialog>>
<<button [[...|ClubStripIntro5]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/informantroom.jpg" "place">>
Night Star Club. STRIP zone. Informant's room.<<set $ClubLoc = 1>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>I can't believe you're him....<</PlayerDialog>>
<<SecurityDialog>>In that case, you'll be even more surprised when you find the one you're looking for.<</SecurityDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>What? I haven't said anything to you yet...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<SecurityDialog>>You're here for information on the drug, right? And don't tell me you didn't. You've been going through some strange events lately, but I haven't been able to find a connection between them. What dark secrets are you hiding?<</SecurityDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>None...W-What are you talking about?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<SecurityDialog>>Uh, listen, see all these monitors? What do you think they're for?<</SecurityDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Apparently you get your information through them.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<SecurityDialog>>You're right, but it's not the only way to get information. I mostly use them for work. These system units have a sophisticated AI built into them that is directly connected to the club's countless cameras.<</SecurityDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Wait, you're talking about....<</PlayerDialog>>
<<SecurityDialog>>About the popularity point system. This system is good, but it can't understand a person better than another person. It's my job here to manage that system.<</SecurityDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Do you really have time to keep up with all the monitors? There's a lot of people in the club!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<SecurityDialog>>I'm pretty good at multitasking. Not a bad thing, by the way. And I'm better suited to do it than anyone else. @@color:red;Because I can see when another person is lying to me.@@<</SecurityDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>...<</PlayerDialog>>
This guy is dangerous... I don't think he's bullshitting me... I shouldn't say too much...
<<SecurityDialog>>Did you just now think I'm dangerous and you shouldn't say too much?<</SecurityDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>YOU CAN READ MINDS, TOO?!!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<SecurityDialog>>Ha-ha-ha! No! You've got it all written all over your face. Anyway, relax, I'm not going to torture you or pressure you. I'm an information dealer, so I like to make deals. <</SecurityDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>So what kind of deal do you want to make with me?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<SecurityDialog>>I know quite a lot, but I want to know even more! Of course I'm interested in money, but I'm much more interested in you. In that case, my terms are simple - I'll trade you this valuable information for other equally valuable information. Simply put, @@color:yellow; tell me something I don't know!@@ <</SecurityDialog>>
Hmmm...I definitely have information that he doesn't know, but by giving it to him I am literally giving him the right to use it. I can't make an information dealer promise to keep it a secret! So I have to think about what I can tell him. Something innocuous, but very interesting.
<<SecurityDialog>>I can see you're thinking deeply. I'll wait for your answer the next time you come here. Now you know where to find me. I'm at the bank from morning until lunchtime and the rest of the time I'm here.<</SecurityDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>??? Are you asleep at all?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<SecurityDialog>>Sometimes... ~Yawn~<</SecurityDialog>>
<<button [[Leave|ClubStripIntro6]]>><<set $FT = 13>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/strip.webp" "place">>
Night Star Club. STRIP zone.<<set $ClubLoc = 1>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Eh, I'm tired. I wanna go home.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<if $CurrentDayTime < 3>>\
<<media "Data/Locations/yard.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Locations/yardn.jpg" "place">>
So, as I walked, I thought through a few options of what I could say to him. It's a good thing I wrote it all down. I can tell him...
-I'm cursed and switch bodies with a girl every day! (I have no idea how he's using this information)
-About magic and witches. (Will he believe me?)@@
<<if $P.CindyInside == true and $P.ConvergenceTalking == true>>\
@@color:yellow;-I can turn into sexy blonde.@@
<<CindyDialog>>It's a great option! He'll be so surprised when he sees me! <</CindyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>This option sounds relatively safe...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CindyDialog>>Don't forget that we have to be converged so that I can reach out!<</CindyDialog>>
<<if $Inventory.Tablets > 0>>\
I think I still have some pills left.
@@color:yellow;-I might try using one on him. @@
Then I wouldn't even have to say anything to him! Haha! Who is the smartest one?
Okay, let's stop right there. I just have to pick one of these. Simple!
<<button [[Back in action|Outside]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/strip.webp" "place">>
Night Star Club. STRIP zone.<<set $ClubLoc = 1>>
<<set _r = random (0,11)>>\
<<switch _r>>\
<<case 0>>\
<<media "Data/Actions/Club/Strip/clubstrip1.mp4">>
Juicy blonde in a mini skirt? Approved!
<<case 1>>\
<<media "Data/Actions/Club/Strip/clubstrip2.mp4">>
That Asian girl is absolutely adorable!
<<case 2>>\
<<media "Data/Actions/Club/Strip/clubstrip4.mp4">>
Oh, yeah! Look only at me!
<<case 3>>\
<<media "Data/Actions/Club/Strip/clubstrip7.mp4">>
If I try on a similar outfit, would I be looked at weird? I think not! If I'll be in Carol's body...
<<case 4>>\
<<media "Data/Actions/Club/Strip/clubstrip8.mp4">>
Looks like she found her golden nugget!
<<case 5>>\
<<media "Data/Actions/Club/Strip/clubstrip10.mp4">>
I guess strippers don't mind using a bit of "Celtoc" before a performance either. I don't think it's controlled in any way.
<<case 6>>\
<<media "Data/Actions/Club/Strip/clubstrip11.mp4">>
She moves with such vigor! It's very exciting!
<<case 7>>\
<<media "Data/Actions/Club/Strip/clubstrip13.mp4">>
I....I want to be that pole!
<<case 8>>\
<<media "Data/Actions/Club/Strip/clubstrip14.mp4">>
This girl's movements are so slow and fluid! Everyone's dance is so different!
<<case 9>>\
<<media "Data/Actions/Club/Strip/clubstrip17.mp4">>
She didn't wait to perform on the pole and started right there! She's so cute!
<<case 10>>\
<<media "Data/Actions/Club/Strip/clubstrip18.mp4">>
With the expression on her face, she reminds me a lot of Akira! Why can't I stop thinking about her?
<<case 11>>\
<<media "Data/Actions/Club/Strip/clubstrip19.mp4">>
I saw this girl when I first walked into this area! Her dancing really brightens up the place!
<<UpdateArousal "+70">>
<<button [[Stop watching|ClubStrip]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/clubbar.jpg" "place">>
Night Star Club. STRIP zone. Gambling table.
<<set $ClubLoc = 1>>\
<<MNpcDialog null null "Some gambler">>You're here again? Do you want to play?<</MNpcDialog>>
<<button [[Play|ClubStripGameRoundFirst]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Go back|ClubStrip]]>><</button>>
<<if $P.ConvergenceON>>\
<<if $P.CindyPower >= 10>>\
<<CindyDialog>>Hey, do you want me to play for you? I think I can get through to those surly men!<</CindyDialog>>
<<button [[Let Cindy play|ClubStripGameRoundFirst]]>>
<<set $P.CindyControl = true>>
<<UpdateCindyPower "0">>
<</if>>\<<media "Data/Locations/clubbar.jpg" "place">>
Night Star Club. STRIP zone. Gambling table.
<<MNpcDialog null null "Some gambler">>Heh, don't worry! We all have failures! You'll be lucky next time! <</MNpcDialog>>
@@color:red;You owe $MoneyInGame $!
<<set $P.ClubPop -= $RoundCount>>\
Your club popularity has decreased by $RoundCount!@@
<<if $P.CindyControl === true>>\
<<CindyDialog>>Oops! I did lose! (whispers) @@font-size:70%;What to tell them?@@<</CindyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Damn...Just...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<elseif $P.Gender == "m">>\
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Fuck, I was definitely wrong at that point.....<</PlayerDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Eh, unlucky...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<button [[Pay them|ClubStripGameGameLosePayed]]>>
<<set $P.Money -= $MoneyInGame>>
<<button [[Tell them you have no money|ClubStripGameGameLoseNoMoney]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/clubbar.jpg" "place">>
Night Star Club. Lounge.
<<set _r = random (0,1)>>\
<<if _r == 0>>\
<<CindyDialog>>So you're the winner?<</CindyDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Some gambler">>Yeah! And I think I won more than just a big score today.<</MNpcDialog>>
<<CindyDialog>>Come on! Show me what you do to bad losing girls! ~giggle~<</CindyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Cindy/blonde175.mp4">>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Some gambler">>Sure!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<CindyDialog>>You're soooo gooood!<</CindyDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Some gambler">>You're like a juicy piece of meat! Did you want to lose from the beginning?<</MNpcDialog>>
<<CindyDialog>>Yeahhh! I lost because I wanted to be a hole for the winner! So fuck me harder! <</CindyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Cindy/f24.mp4">>
<<set $P.CindyBlacked++>>\
<<MNpcDialog null null "Black guy">>Hi, baby<</MNpcDialog>>
<<CindyDialog>>Oh, handsome! You won?<</CindyDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Black guy">>For your sake, I tried very hard to win today. I hope you'll do the same for me, little girl. Let's go find a private corner.<</MNpcDialog>>
<<CindyDialog>>As you say ~giggle~<</CindyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>It's h-huge! <</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Cindy/bte1.mp4">>
<<CindyDialog>>You have such a nice cock!<</CindyDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Black guy">>I'm very happy to hear that from such a beautiful woman. I hope you take good care of him today.<</MNpcDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Black guy">>(mumbles) @@font-size:80%;Oh, you're so good at this...super gooda....yeah...there you go....@@<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>He's squeezing so....ah...in the back! It's like you belong to him!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CindyDialog>>You're right! We're nothing more than a tool to satisfy that beautiful cock right now. Do you like it that much?<</CindyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Cindy/bbj12.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>I... I don't know...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CindyDialog>>You're the reason I get to play with this big thing! But don't worry! I'll make sure you feel everything I feel... ~giggle~ <</CindyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>Oh my god, oooh, I should have put a time frame on how long this has....ah...been going on!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Black guy">>It wasn't a bad idea to continue in the pool! But my dick isn't too big for you, little girl?<</MNpcDialog>>
<<CindyDialog>>It's big ~giggle~ but I like it.... I'm a loser, use me however you want!<</CindyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Cindy/bf21.mp4">>
<<CindyDialog>>Nikita, are you here? Still coming off our orgasms? ~giggle~<</CindyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>I...M-Me....Where are we?!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CindyDialog>>I got out of there. I'm gonna give you your body back. I can't keep this shape for long when I'm so well satisfied! Ha-ha!<</CindyDialog>>
<<UpdateArousal "0">>
<<button [[Back in action|ClubStrip]]>>
<<set $P.CindyControl = false>>
<</button>><<media "Data/Locations/clubbar.jpg" "place">>
Night Star Club. STRIP zone. Gambling table. <<set $ClubLoc = 1>>\
@@color:red;You owe $MoneyInGame $!
<<set _rdepop = $RoundCount*2>>\
<<set $P.ClubPop -= _rdepop>>\
Your club popularity has decreased by _rdepop@@
<<if $P.CindyControl === true>>
<<CindyDialog>>Guys, I'm sorry! I don't have a dime on me!<</CindyDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Some gambler">>Don't worry, we've dealt with this kind of thing before. However, since you came here without money, you were prepared for the consequences. Wait till we finish the game. You'll have to settle this with the winner.<</MNpcDialog>>
<<CindyDialog>>All righty! I'll wait!<</CindyDialog>>
<<button [[The winner was determined.|ClubStripGameGameLoseCindy]]>><</button>>
<<elseif $P.Gender == "m">>\
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Guys, I don't have anything on me now... Is there any way we can work this out?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Some gambler">>I hope you're not implying anything untoward...Don't worry, we've dealt with this kind of thing before. The game will be fair whether you have money or not. So you'll owe.<</MNpcDialog>>
Can I just get a refund later? These guys are adorable.
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>I'll make sure I get it all back!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<button [[Pay in debt|ClubStrip]]>>
<<set $P.Money -= $MoneyInGame>>
<<set $P.CindyControl = false>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Guys, I don't have anything on me now... Is there any way we can work this out?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Some gambler">>You can just pay in debt. It's not a problem. Or do you want us to use your body to pay??<</MNpcDialog>>
<<if $P.Cor < 90>>\
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>I'm an intelligent girl. Do I look like a whore willing to pay with my body?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Some gambler">>Ha-ha! Then either pay up or we'll test your "intelligence"!<</MNpcDialog>>
These guys really do love to play....
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>I'm an intelligent girl. Do I look like a whore willing to pay with my body? ~giggle~<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Some gambler">>To be honest, yes...<</MNpcDialog>>
They only see me as a whore! I could prove them wrong!
But do I want to...?
<<button [[They're right ~giggle~|ClubStripIntGameSlut]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Pay in debt|ClubStrip]]>>
<<set $P.Money -= $MoneyInGame>>
<<set $P.CindyControl = false>>
<<button [[About "intelligence checking" game|ClubStripIntGame]]>><</button>>
<</if>>\<<media "Data/Locations/clubbar.jpg" "place">>
Night Star Club. STRIP zone. Gambling table.
<<MNpcDialog null null "Some gambler">>Wow, we doubted you'd give it your all...You're doing great!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<if $P.CindyControl === true>>
<<CindyDialog>>Oh, of course! I wouldn't even mind if you asked me to pay in some other way...<</CindyDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Some gambler">>...<</MNpcDialog>>
<<CindyDialog>>Just kidding. Ha-ha!<</CindyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Cindy, stop flirting with them. Give me my body back!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CindyDialog>>Oh! Okie!<</CindyDialog>>
<<elseif $P.Gender == "m">>\
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Thanks for a great batch!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Thanks for a great batch!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<button [[Back in action|ClubStrip]]>>
<<set $P.CindyControl = false>>
<</button>><<media "Data/Locations/clubbar.jpg" "place">>
Night Star Club. STRIP zone. Gambling table. <<set $ClubLoc = 1>>\
<<MNpcDialog null null "Some gambler">>Sorry to hear you're done so early. Still, congratulations on your win!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<set $P.Money += $MoneyInGame>>\
@@color:lime;You won $MoneyInGame $!@@
<<set $P.ClubPop += $RoundCount>>\
@@color:magenta;Your club popularity has increased by $RoundCount!@@
<<if $P.CindyControl === true>>
<<CindyDialog>>Yay, thank you! You guys are so cool! I will definitely play with you guys again! <</CindyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Thanks to you, we made some money.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CindyDialog>>See how smart and useful I am? Even you admit it now!<</CindyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Yeah, yeah....now get my body back<</PlayerDialog>>
<<button [[Back in action|ClubStrip]]>>
<<set $P.CindyControl = false>>
<<if $P.Gender == "m">>\
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Thanks for a great batch!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Thanks for a great batch!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<button [[Back in action|ClubStrip]]>>
<<set $P.CindyControl = false>>
<<if $InfoInformant == false>>
<<button [[Ask them about "informant"|ClubStripIntro2]]>>
<<set $P.CindyControl = false>>
<</if>>\<<media "Data/Locations/clubbar.jpg" "place">>
Night Star Club. STRIP zone. Gambling table.
<<set _rwinlose = random(0,99)>>\
<<if _rwinlose > $clubGameRoundWinChance>>\
<<goto "ClubStripGameGameLose">>
<<set $clubGameRoundWinChance -= random($clubGameRoundDecreaseWinChanceMin, $clubGameRoundDecreaseWinChanceMax)>>\
<<if $P.CindyControl === true>>\
Thanks to her tricks, these guys pay more attention to Cindy than they do to the game. She's got a good chance!
<<set _rcindy = random(0,4)>>\
<<switch _rcindy>>\
<<case 0>>\
<<CindyDialog>>Oh, my gosh, you're all so smart!<</CindyDialog>>
She praises them all the time!
<<case 1>>\
<<CindyDialog>>Hey, your piercing stares are making me wrong! ~giggle~<</CindyDialog>>
Now they're looking at her even more...
<<case 2>>\
<<CindyDialog>>You won't do anything dirty to me if I lose...?<</CindyDialog>>
Don't play coy!
<<case 3>>\
<<CindyDialog>>Do you guys like blondes or brunettes better? Ah, sorry, probably not the time to ask that.....<</CindyDialog>>
Looking at her that question got them thinking.
<<case 4>>\
<<CindyDialog>>God, if I win now, I'll be ready to kiss every single one of you! Ha-ha!<</CindyDialog>>
Cindy, you are something!
So, here comes the card reveal phase!
<<CindyDialog>>Yay! I won! I'm still in the game!<</CindyDialog>>
The cards for the next round have been dealt.
<<media "Data/Locations/cards.webp" "just">>
<<CindyDialog>>They are starting to think more and more about my defeat...What will they do to the loser...? ~giggle~ But I'd like to tease them a little more....<</CindyDialog>>
I think with these cards the odds of winning are about: @@color:yellow; font-size:110%; $clubGameRoundWinChance %@@
<<elseif $P.Gender === "m">>\
So, here comes the card reveal phase!
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Oh, yeah, baby! That's a win!<</PlayerDialog>>
The cards for the next round have been dealt.
<<media "Data/Locations/cards.webp" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>These guys are no slouch, my chances of winning are shrinking with each round...<</PlayerDialog>>
I think the odds of winning now are about: @@color:yellow; font-size:110%; $clubGameRoundWinChance @@
So, here comes the card reveal phase!
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Victory!<</PlayerDialog>>
The cards for the next round have been dealt.
<<media "Data/Locations/cards.webp" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>These guys are all so cool, the longer I'm here the harder it is for me to focus.....<</PlayerDialog>>
I think the odds of winning now are about: @@color:yellow; font-size:110%; $clubGameRoundWinChance %@@
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>With each new round, the risks increase, but I can also earn many times more money! <</PlayerDialog>>
Money in the game is @@color:lime;$MoneyInGame ($).@@
<<set _rgameturn = random(0, 4)>>\
<<if _rgameturn === 0>>\
I guess it's my turn to decide how the game goes from here.
<<button [[Raise the bet by 20$|ClubStripGameRound]]>>
<<set $RoundCount++>>
<<set $MoneyInGame += 20>>
<<button [[Double the bets!|ClubStripGameRound]]>>
<<set $RoundCount++>>
<<set $MoneyInGame = $MoneyInGame * 2>>
<<button [[Take the money and leave the game|ClubStripGameGameWon]]>><</button>>
<<set _rgamecurrentturn = random(0, 3)>>\
<<switch _rgamecurrentturn>>\
<<case 0>>\
<<set _nextTurnMoneyInGame = $MoneyInGame + 10>>
The bet in the next round was increased by one of the guys by 10 $.
<<case 1>>\
<<set _nextTurnMoneyInGame = $MoneyInGame + 20>>
The bet in the next round was increased by one of the guys by 20 $.
<<case 2>>\
<<set _nextTurnMoneyInGame = $MoneyInGame + 30>>
The bet in the next round was increased by one of the guys by 30 $.
<<case 3>>\
<<set _nextTurnMoneyInGame = $MoneyInGame * 2>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Some gambler">>Now let's play big! <</MNpcDialog>>
The bet in the next round was doubled by one of the guys.
Next turn money in the game will be @@color:lime;_nextTurnMoneyInGame ($).@@
<<button [[Accept the bet and continue!|ClubStripGameRound]]>>
<<set $RoundCount++>>
<<set $MoneyInGame = _nextTurnMoneyInGame>>
<<button [[Take the money and leave the game|ClubStripGameGameWon]]>><</button>>
<</if>>\<<media "Data/Locations/clubbar.jpg" "place">>
Night Star Club. STRIP zone. Gambling table.
<<MNpcDialog null null "Some gambler">>Let the game begin!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<set $RoundCount = 1>>\
<<set $MoneyInGame = 20>>\
Current rates: @@color:lime;$MoneyInGame@@ $
<<if $P.CindyControl === true>>\
<<set $clubGameRoundWinChance = 100>>\
<<set $clubGameRoundDecreaseWinChanceMin = 5>>\
<<set $clubGameRoundDecreaseWinChanceMax = 10>>\
Even to me, it looks like Cindy is taking random cards, although seeing her cards, I realize that I would have taken those exact cards myself if I were her. But unlike me, she looks at her opponents most of the time...
<<media "Data/Locations/cards.webp" "just">>
<<CindyDialog>>It's kind of hot in here, isn't it? <</CindyDialog>>
Cindy started her own game...
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Cindy/blonde227.webp" "gif">>
<<elseif $P.Gender == "m">>\
<<set $clubGameRoundWinChance = 70>>\
<<set $clubGameRoundDecreaseWinChanceMin = 10>>\
<<set $clubGameRoundDecreaseWinChanceMax = 20>>\
The game has started, you take and change cards, trying to create the best combination to win.
<<media "Data/Locations/cards.webp" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Hey, I got some pretty good cards!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<set $clubGameRoundWinChance = 90>>\
<<set $clubGameRoundDecreaseWinChanceMin = 5>>\
<<set $clubGameRoundDecreaseWinChanceMax = 15>>\
The game has started, you take and change cards, trying to create the best combination to win.
<<media "Data/Locations/cards.webp" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Hey, I got some pretty good cards! These guys are looking at me with a such strange smiles...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<set $clubGameRoundWinChance -= random($clubGameRoundDecreaseWinChanceMin, $clubGameRoundDecreaseWinChanceMax)>>
I think with these cards the odds of winning are about: @@color:yellow; font-size:110%; $clubGameRoundWinChance %@@
<<button [[Continue|ClubStripGameRound]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Pay 20$ and leave the game|ClubStripGameGameLose]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/clubbar.jpg" "place">>
Night Star Club. STRIP zone. Gambling table.
<<MNpcDialog null null "Some gambler">>Okay, the rules are pretty straightforward. We ask you questions, you answer incorrectly, you get gradually naked in public. If there's nothing to take off, you temporarily become a sex toy for us and our subordinates in payment of debt.<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>What if I win?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Some gambler">>Then your debt is forgiven. Although I would advise not to push your luck and just pay as usual. Oh, one more thing. It would be rude to get on the internet and look up the answers there, even if we don't notice it.<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>I'll be standing right in front of you, no internet!<</PlayerDialog>>
I don't need the internet to get through their pathetic quiz! And yet...These people look serious...am I willing to answer their questions and put Carol's body on the line?
@@color:yellow; Note@@: It's a repeatable event, so next time the questions will unfortunately be repeat too.
<<button [[Just pay in debt|ClubStrip]]>>
<<set $P.Money -= $MoneyInGame>>
<<set $P.CindyControl = false>>
<<button [[Accept their challenge|ClubStripIntGame1]]>>
<<set $IntGameRound = 0>>
<<set $IntGameLoseCount = 0>>
<</button>><<media "Data/Locations/clubbar.jpg" "place">>
Night Star Club. STRIP zone. Gambling table.
<<switch $IntGameLoseCount>>\
<<case 0>>\
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Now I'm gonna show you how smart and intelligent I am!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Carol/dress5.jpg" "just">>
<<case 1>>\
<<MNpcDialog null null "Some gambler">>You made a mistake. The answer was wrong.<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "disgust">>Fuck.. Okay! A deal's a deal...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Carol/dress7.jpg" "just">>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Some gambler">>Oh, that's great. Next you're gonna have to "prove your superiority" by looking like this!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "disgust">>Tzc...!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Carol/dress8.jpg" "just">>
<<case 2>>\
<<MNpcDialog null null "Some gambler">>Wrong again. Now it's time to get rid of the top.<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "disgust">>Grrr...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Carol/dress9.jpg" "just">>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Some gambler">>No, no, you've already lost the bottom part, so take off the dress completely<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "disgust">>Tell me your next question already!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Carol/dress11.jpg" "just">>
<<case 3>>\
<<MNpcDialog null null "Some gambler">>Um...you again...<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Yeah, yeah, I can see it in your faces!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Carol/dress12.jpg" "just">>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Some gambler">>You looked pretty decent. And look at you now...<</MNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Carol/dress13.jpg" "just">>
Shit! I feel so pathetic in front of them! It's so much worse than sex with a stranger! I'm trying to prove to them that I'm serious, but to them I'm just entertainment now! So why am I....
<<UpdateArousal "+50">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>I've got one last try!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Some gambler">>Can't wait to become our jade? Ha-ha!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<case 4>>\
<<goto "ClubStripIntGameLose">>
<<switch $IntGameRound>>\
<<case 0>>\
<<MNpcDialog null null "Some gambler">>Okay, let's start then! The largest bird alive is the ..<</MNpcDialog>>
<<button [[Owl|ClubStripIntGame1]]>><<set $IntGameLoseCount++>><<set $IntGameRound++>><</button>>
<<button [[Albatrosses|ClubStripIntGame1]]>><<set $IntGameLoseCount++>><<set $IntGameRound++>><</button>>
<<button [[Ostrich|ClubStripIntGame1]]>><<set $IntGameRound++>><</button>>
<<button [[Emperor Penguin|ClubStripIntGame1]]>><<set $IntGameLoseCount++>><<set $IntGameRound++>><</button>>
<<case 1>>\
<<MNpcDialog null null "Some gambler">>A common domesticated animal which cannot taste sweet is the ..<</MNpcDialog>>
<<button [[Hamster|ClubStripIntGame1]]>><<set $IntGameLoseCount++>><<set $IntGameRound++>><</button>>
<<button [[Parrot|ClubStripIntGame1]]>><<set $IntGameLoseCount++>><<set $IntGameRound++>><</button>>
<<button [[Dog|ClubStripIntGame1]]>><<set $IntGameLoseCount++>><<set $IntGameRound++>><</button>>
<<button [[Cat|ClubStripIntGame1]]>><<set $IntGameRound++>><</button>>
<<case 2>>\
<<MNpcDialog null null "Some gambler">> Who gave the universal law of gravitation?<</MNpcDialog>>
<<button [[Issac Newton|ClubStripIntGame1]]>><<set $IntGameRound++>><</button>>
<<button [[Galileo Galilei|ClubStripIntGame1]]>><<set $IntGameLoseCount++>><<set $IntGameRound++>><</button>>
<<button [[MICHAEL FARADAY|ClubStripIntGame1]]>><<set $IntGameLoseCount++>><<set $IntGameRound++>><</button>>
<<button [[ALBERT EINSTEIN|ClubStripIntGame1]]>><<set $IntGameLoseCount++>><<set $IntGameRound++>><</button>>
<<case 3>>\
<<MNpcDialog null null "Some gambler">>What is the largest freshwater lake in the world by area?<</MNpcDialog>>
<<button [[Lake Superior|ClubStripIntGame1]]>><<set $IntGameRound++>><</button>>
<<button [[Caspian Sea|ClubStripIntGame1]]>><<set $IntGameLoseCount++>><<set $IntGameRound++>><</button>>
<<button [[Victoria|ClubStripIntGame1]]>><<set $IntGameLoseCount++>><<set $IntGameRound++>><</button>>
<<button [[Baikal|ClubStripIntGame1]]>><<set $IntGameLoseCount++>><<set $IntGameRound++>><</button>>
<<case 4>>\
<<MNpcDialog null null "Some gambler">>Fundamental Units of Electric Current?<</MNpcDialog>>
<<button [[Ampere (A)|ClubStripIntGame1]]>><<set $IntGameRound++>><</button>>
<<button [[Volt (V)|ClubStripIntGame1]]>><<set $IntGameLoseCount++>><<set $IntGameRound++>><</button>>
<<button [[Ohm (R/Ω)|ClubStripIntGame1]]>><<set $IntGameLoseCount++>><<set $IntGameRound++>><</button>>
<<button [[Watts (W)|ClubStripIntGame1]]>><<set $IntGameRound++>><<set $IntGameLoseCount++>><</button>>
<<case 5>>\
<<MNpcDialog null null "Some gambler">>How many bones do we have in our body?<</MNpcDialog>>
<<button [[406|ClubStripIntGame1]]>><<set $IntGameLoseCount++>><<set $IntGameRound++>><</button>>
<<button [[112|ClubStripIntGame1]]>><<set $IntGameLoseCount++>><<set $IntGameRound++>><</button>>
<<button [[206|ClubStripIntGame1]]>><<set $IntGameRound++>><</button>>
<<button [[261|ClubStripIntGame1]]>><<set $IntGameLoseCount++>><<set $IntGameRound++>><</button>>
<<case 6>>\
<<MNpcDialog null null "Some gambler">>How many planets are there in our solar system?<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Is Pluto considered a planet?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Some gambler">>Um..no<</MNpcDialog>>
<<button [[6|ClubStripIntGame1]]>><<set $IntGameLoseCount++>><<set $IntGameRound++>><</button>>
<<button [[7|ClubStripIntGame1]]>><<set $IntGameLoseCount++>><<set $IntGameRound++>><</button>>
<<button [[8|ClubStripIntGame1]]>><<set $IntGameRound++>><</button>>
<<button [[9|ClubStripIntGame1]]>><<set $IntGameLoseCount++>><<set $IntGameRound++>><</button>>
<<case 7>>\
<<MNpcDialog null null "Some gambler">>What type of gas is absorbed by plants?<</MNpcDialog>>
<<button [[Carbon Dioxide|ClubStripIntGame1]]>><<set $IntGameRound++>><</button>>
<<button [[Oxygen|ClubStripIntGame1]]>><<set $IntGameLoseCount++>><<set $IntGameRound++>><</button>>
<<button [[Hydrogen|ClubStripIntGame1]]>><<set $IntGameRound++>><<set $IntGameLoseCount++>><</button>>
<<button [[Ozone|ClubStripIntGame1]]>><<set $IntGameLoseCount++>><<set $IntGameRound++>><</button>>
<<case 8>>\
<<MNpcDialog null null "Some gambler">>Baseball originated in the U.S.A. in which century?<</MNpcDialog>>
<<button [[20th|ClubStripIntGame1]]>><<set $IntGameLoseCount++>><<set $IntGameRound++>><</button>>
<<button [[17th|ClubStripIntGame1]]>><<set $IntGameLoseCount++>><<set $IntGameRound++>><</button>>
<<button [[18th|ClubStripIntGame1]]>><<set $IntGameRound++>><<set $IntGameLoseCount++>><</button>>
<<button [[19th|ClubStripIntGame1]]>><<set $IntGameRound++>><</button>>
<<case 9>>\
<<MNpcDialog null null "Some gambler">>What nationality was Mozart?<</MNpcDialog>>
<<button [[Austrian|ClubStripIntGame1]]>><<set $IntGameRound++>><</button>>
<<button [[German|ClubStripIntGame1]]>><<set $IntGameLoseCount++>><<set $IntGameRound++>><</button>>
<<button [[Britain|ClubStripIntGame1]]>><<set $IntGameRound++>><<set $IntGameLoseCount++>><</button>>
<<button [[Czech|ClubStripIntGame1]]>><<set $IntGameLoseCount++>><<set $IntGameRound++>><</button>>
<<case 10>>\
<<button [[Victory!|ClubStripIntGameWon]]>><</button>>
<</switch>>\<<media "Data/Locations/clubbar.jpg" "place">>
Night Star Club. STRIP zone. Gambling table.
<<MNpcDialog null null "Some other gambler">>All your bets here, gentlemen! More hope for the likes of her! <</MNpcDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Some other gambler">>Ha-ha! You're damn right betting her wasn't the best idea!<</MNpcDialog>>
What? Shit! No way!
<<MNpcDialog null null "Some gambler">>I can see by the look on your face that you understand. Yeah, that was your last question.<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Wait! Ask another question! One last question!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Some gambler">>No problem. Here is the last - what do you call a female pig?<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Um...s-sow...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Carol/dress15.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>AaaaahH...Ahah...h-how long has this been going on?...h..h-how many people are left?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Some gambler">>These were simple questions. I'm not sure if you really didn't know the answers or if you answered incorrectly on purpose, but in both cases the result is the same. Enjoy!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>Waaaii...t....<</PlayerDialog>>
Did I really answer incorrectly on purpose?!
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Club/F/Game/group35.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>Ooh! Too rough! But...It's so.....hot insideeeee......<</PlayerDialog>>
<<if $P.Cor < 90>><<UpdateCorruption "+1">><</if>>
<<UpdateArousal "0">>
<<button [[Back in action|ClubStrip]]>>
<<movetime 2>>
<<set $P.CindyControl = false>>
<</button>><<media "Data/Locations/clubbar.jpg" "place">>
Night Star Club. STRIP zone. Gambling table.
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>You've got me! I'm so hopeless!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Carol/dress8.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>Is that what you want me to do?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Some gambler">>You could pretend as much as you like, but we knew you were like this from the first time we met.<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>You're wrong. I wasn't like that then!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Some gambler">>Maybe you think so, but people don't change. You've always been a dirty bitch with a taste for easy pleasure! You don't deserve to be on a par with us.<</MNpcDialog>>
Have I always been like this? How interesting! They insult me, look up to me, but my whole body is on fire! Why am I having so much fun right now? I wanna play it more!
<<media "Data/Characters/Carol/dress10.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>But bad bitches deserve attention, right?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Some other gambler">>Bro, she's sexy as hell!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Some gambler">>Shut up, she's trying to manipulate us!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Carol/dress14.jpg" "just">>
Those eyes...Right...look at me like this!
<<MNpcDialog null null "Some gambler">>ALL RIGHT!! Your debt will be forgiven without any games! Okay?!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>That won't do. The bad bitch has to pay for her loss.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Carol/dress15.jpg" "just">>
<<button [[Payback|ClubStripIntGameSlut1]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/clubbar.jpg" "place">>
Night Star Club. STRIP zone. Gambling table.
<<MNpcDialog null null "Some gambler">>Come on, piled on, guys!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Hey, stop! That's not exactly what I meant!!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Some other gambler">>Sometimes you have to be more modest, bitch! Now be patient!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>No, no! OOH MY GOOOSH! You'll tear me apart!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Club/F/Game/group58.webp" "gif">></video>
It's just incredible! They have me all at once! Ahaaa....I've never feel myself so...
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>...dirty<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Some gambler">>Hey, bitch, can you hear me? Have your holes already stretched enough to enjoy something like this?<</MNpcDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Some other gambler">>Bro, look at her. She can't hear you anymore...<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>...f...fuck....me....<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Club/F/Game/group59.webp" "gif">></video>
<<UpdateArousal "0">>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>What? Where is everyone?<</PlayerDialog>>
Ugh, I'm all sticky! Ha-ha! Oh, everything hurts so much!! They played with me and left me here...
Ah... the human body shouldn't be able to feel like that....I'm sorry, Carol... I did it again! ~giggle~
<<button [[Back in action|ClubStrip]]>>
<<movetime 2>>
<<set $P.CindyControl = false>>
<</button>><<media "Data/Locations/clubbar.jpg" "place">>
Night Star Club. STRIP zone. Gambling table.
<<MNpcDialog null null "Some gambler">>Wow, we are pleasantly surprised!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<set $P.ClubPop += $RoundCount>>\
@@color:magenta;Some of the lost popularity has been restored!@@
<<MNpcDialog null null "Some other gambler">>Shit, I blew it! Your predictions are always right on!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Some other gambler">>Ha-ha! You'll get your money back, boys! Someday....!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Hey, did you guys bet on me?!?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Some gambler">>Of course! It's a game! And a game without bets is not a game at all! You're betting too, you're betting your pride!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Eh...so what now?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Some gambler">>You did a great job entertaining us, well done! You can forget about your debt. But next time you want to play with us, you better take the money!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>I'm glad. Thank you!<</PlayerDialog>>
I guess they're not bad guys after all.
<<button [[Back in action|ClubStrip]]>>
<<movetime 2>>
<<set $P.CindyControl = false>>
<</button>><<media "Data/Locations/clubtoilet.jpg" "place">>
Night Star Club. Toilet.
<<set _rev = random (0,99)>>\
<<if _rev < 10>>\
<<goto "REClubToilet">>\
<<if $BeenToToilet != true>>\
This is the club toilet...it's pretty big! There are both stalls and washbasins. Of course it's divided into women's and men's, but apparently drunken fun bodies don't see that kind of restriction. Everyone just walks through the first door they see and no one controls it.... so it's safe to assume that the restroom is shared...
Still, if I get sick at the club, @@color:yellow;I can wash my face and get myself in shape. (It takes some time)@@
Also, to avoid making drunken, stupid decisions, these booths can be used to....relieve tension....
<<button [[Back in action|ClubToilet]]>><<set $BeenToToilet = true>><</button>>
<<button [[Get yourself in shape! (Sober up a bit)|ClubToilet]]>><<set $P.Intoxication-->><<set $ClubSexChance -= 50>><<movetime>><</button>>
<<if $P.Arousal >= 50 and $P.Cor >= 40>>\
<<button [[Masturbate|ClubToiletMast]]>><</button>>
@@#place;<<button [[Back to Club|Club]]>><</button>>@@
<</if>>\<<media "Data/Locations/clubtoilet.jpg" "place">>
Night Star Club. Toilet.
<<set _rtev = random (0,99)>>\
<<if $P.Gender == "m">>\
<<if _rtev < 30>>\
<<goto "ClubToiletMastEv">>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Club/M/mm1.mp4">>
Wooh, I feel so much better now!
<<UpdateArousal "0">>
<<button [[Back in action|ClubToilet]]>><<movetime>><</button>>
<<if _rtev < 30>>\
<<goto "ClubToiletMastEv">>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Club/F/m2.mp4">>
Wooh, I feel so much better now!
<<UpdateArousal "0">>
<<button [[Back in action|ClubToilet]]>><<movetime>><</button>>
<</if>>\<<media "Data/Locations/clubtoilet.jpg" "place">>
Night Star Club. Toilet.
<<set _rtev = random (0,99)>>\
<<if $P.Gender == "m">>\
Oh, no! I hear someone's coming in!
<<FNpcDialog null null "???">>Hey, did you hear that? What was that sound?<</FNpcDialog>>
<<FNpcDialog null null "???">>Someone must be jerking off in the toilet again, haha!<</FNpcDialog>>
<<FNpcDialog null null "???">>Ugh, that's disgusting!<</FNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Club/M/mm1.mp4">>
<<UpdateArousal "0">>
<<button [[Back in action|ClubToilet]]>><<movetime>><</button>>
Oh, no! I hear someone's coming in!
If I go on, they might hear me!
<<if _rtev <= 30>>\
<<button [[Continue|ClubToiletMast]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Continue|ClubToiletMastF]]>><</button>>
<<if $P.Arousal < 100 and $P.Intoxication < 2>>\
<<button [[Stop|ClubToiletMastStop]]>><</button>>
<</if>>\<<media "Data/Locations/clubtoilet.jpg" "place">>
Night Star Club. Toilet.
<<if $P.Cor >= 40 and $P.Cor < 60>>\
<<MNpcDialog null null "Guy">>Hi<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>What are you doing here?! Oh, shit! These doors really don't have locks!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Guy">>Don't worry, I'll just watch, so go ahead!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>I can't stoooop now!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Club/F/m7.mp4">>
He watched me do it...
<<UpdateArousal "0">>
<<button [[Back in action|ClubToilet]]>><<movetime>><</button>>
<<elseif $P.Cor >= 60 and $P.Cor < 80>>\
<<set _r = random (0,0)>>\
<<switch _r>>\
<<case 0>>\
<<MNpcDialog null null "Guy">>Hi<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>Oh, oh, oooh!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Guy">>I'll just stand here if you don't mind...<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>Oohhh cumming!!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Club/F/m5.mp4">>
I'm definitely overexcited today...
<<UpdateArousal "0">>
<<button [[Back in action|ClubToilet]]>><<movetime>><</button>>
<<elseif $P.Cor >= 80>>\
<<set _r = random (0,1)>>\
<<switch _r>>\
<<case 0>>\
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>Wait! Let me catch my breath! You're doing it too rough!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Guy">>Shut up, whore! You're all wet! Isn't that what you wanted?!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>Ahh...so intense!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Club/F/m6.mp4">>
He caught me and started making me cum endlessly!..
<<case 1>>\
<<MNpcDialog null null "Guy">>Are you...again...?<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>You're just what I need!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Guy">>wut<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>Is this what you wanted? Ohh yeahhh! Sit there and look at me carefully!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Guy">>You're...crazy!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Club/F/m4.mp4">>
I'm definitely overexcited today...
<<UpdateArousal "0">>
<<button [[Back in action|ClubToilet]]>><<movetime>><</button>>
<</if>>\<<media "Data/Locations/clubtoilet.jpg" "place">>
Night Star Club. Toilet.
They're gone.
<<button [[Continue|ClubToiletMast]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/clubtoilet.jpg" "place">>
Night Star Club. Toilet.
<<set _r = random (0,6)>>\
<<switch _r>>\
<<case 0>>\
<<media "Data/Actions/Club/Toilet/1/clubte11.mp4">>
She has no way out. Today she is his prey.
<<case 1>>\
<<media "Data/Actions/Club/Toilet/1/clubtoilet.mp4">>
A true friend will always help and support!
<<case 2>>\
<<media "Data/Actions/Club/Toilet/1/hj.mp4">>
I don't know what happened with them - they don't look happy. But anyway! I wish I had a girl who cared about me like this girl cares about this guy!
<<case 3>>\
<<media "Data/Actions/Club/Toilet/1/m1.mp4">>
She could at least have had the decency to go into a stall...Although she probably drank a lot, and maybe it's not just about alcohol....
<<case 4>>\
<<media "Data/Actions/Club/Toilet/1/clubtoilet27.webp" "gif">>
These guys are full of passion.... I want that too!
<<case 5>>\
<<media "Data/Actions/Club/Toilet/1/clubtoilet30.webp" "gif">>
SHeeesh! Wow! This ass is so damn thiccc!!
<<case 6>>\
<<media "Data/Actions/Club/Toilet/1/clubtoilet33.webp" "gif">>
Woo, I love her "style"!
<<UpdateArousal "+20">>
<<button [[Back in action|$LastPassage]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/club.jpg" "place">>
Night Star Club.
<<if $P.Gender == "m">>\
<<set $rtso = random (0,3)>>\
<<switch $rtso>>\
<<case 0>>\
<<MNpcDialog null null "Some guy">>Hi. Sorry to interrupt your fun. Can you come with me? I want to show you something...<</MNpcDialog>>
<<if $P.Cor < 30>>\
Some kind of pervert, that's for sure...
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>No, I'm fine here.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<button [[Step away from him|DrinkDecline]]>><<set $ClubSexChance -= 20>><</button>>
<<switch $P.Intoxication>>\
<<case 0>>\
You can't fool me, you dirty pervert!
<<if $P.Cor >= 70>>\
<<button [[Go with him|ToiletSexOffer1]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Step away from him|DrinkDecline]]>><<set $ClubSexChance -= 20>><</button>>
<<case 1>>\
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>I know these tricks! You think you can surprise me with your toothpick?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<if $P.Cor >= 60>>\
<<button [[Go with him|ToiletSexOffer1]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Step away from him|DrinkDecline]]>><<set $ClubSexChance -= 20>><</button>>
<<case 2>>\
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Do I really look like the kind of girl who would fall for that?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<if $P.Arousal <= 99>>\
<<if $P.Cor >= 50>>\
<<button [[Go with him|ToiletSexOffer1]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Step away from him|DrinkDecline]]>><<set $ClubSexChance -= 20>><</button>>
Although he might actually show me something very interesting...
<<button [[Go with him|ToiletSexOffer1]]>><</button>>
<<case 3>>\
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Whaaat is it? Tell meeee! ~Ek~ I'm curious!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Some guy">>So you've had quite a few drinks? Then you're going to love it for sure!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Oh!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<if $P.Arousal <= 60>>\
<<button [[Go with him|ToiletSexOffer1]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Step away from him|DrinkDecline]]>><<set $ClubSexChance -= 20>><</button>>
I want to waaatch it! ~giggle~
<<button [[Go with him|ToiletSexOffer1]]>><</button>>
<<case 1>>\
<<MNpcDialog null null "Some guy">>Hey, wanna have some fun together?<</MNpcDialog>>
<<if $P.Cor < 30>>\
Do you think I'm some kind of simpleton like some other girls here?
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>No, I'm fine here.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<button [[Step away from him|DrinkDecline]]>><<set $ClubSexChance -= 20>><</button>>
<<switch $P.Intoxication>>\
<<case 0>>\
Do you think I'm some kind of simpleton like some other girls here? I do only what I want!
<<if $P.Cor >= 70>>\
<<button [[Go with him|ToiletSexOffer1]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Step away from him|DrinkDecline]]>><<set $ClubSexChance -= 20>><</button>>
<<case 1>>\
It's like he's devouring me with his gaze!
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>You're overconfident.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Some guy">>Don't you like it?<</MNpcDialog>>
<<if $P.Cor >= 60>>\
<<button [[Go with him|ToiletSexOffer1]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Step away from him|DrinkDecline]]>><<set $ClubSexChance -= 20>><</button>>
<<case 2>>\
It's like he's looking through my clothes!
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Mmm... What does your entertainment show include?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Some guy">>My show program is designed for beautiful girls and it has a nice "ending"<</MNpcDialog>>
<<if $P.Arousal <= 99>>\
<<if $P.Cor >= 50>>\
<<button [[Go with him|ToiletSexOffer1]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Step away from him|DrinkDecline]]>><<set $ClubSexChance -= 20>><</button>>
He's so funny! He has me intrigued!
<<button [[Go with him|ToiletSexOffer1]]>><</button>>
<<case 3>>\
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Mmmm...Looking for company for pleasure?..<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Some guy">>A lusty girl like you would be perfect!<</MNpcDialog>>
It's so hard to think!..hehe... If I go with him, he's sure to fuck me, right? Need toooo think mooore... ~giggle~
<<if $P.Arousal <= 60>>\
<<button [[Go with him|ToiletSexOffer1]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Step away from him|DrinkDecline]]>><<set $ClubSexChance -= 20>><</button>>
I'm bored, I have the right to have fun too!
<<button [[Go with him|ToiletSexOffer1]]>><</button>>
<<case 2>>\
<<MNpcDialog null null "Some guy">>Hey girl! You look cool! Do you mind a little privacy?<</MNpcDialog>>
<<if $P.Cor < 30>>\
I know what your "privacy" means...
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>No, I'm fine here.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<button [[Step away from him|DrinkDecline]]>><<set $ClubSexChance -= 20>><</button>>
<<switch $P.Intoxication>>\
<<case 0>>\
Ha-ha! I know what your "privacy" means...
<<if $P.Cor >= 70>>\
<<button [[Go with him|ToiletSexOffer1]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Step away from him|DrinkDecline]]>><<set $ClubSexChance -= 20>><</button>>
<<case 1>>\
He looks so confident!
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>You're not bad either!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<if $P.Cor >= 60>>\
<<button [[Go with him|ToiletSexOffer1]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Step away from him|DrinkDecline]]>><<set $ClubSexChance -= 20>><</button>>
<<case 2>>\
He looks so confident!
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Do you want to do something indecent to me?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Some guy">>Maybe, girl. Maybe...<</MNpcDialog>>
<<if $P.Arousal <= 99>>\
<<if $P.Cor >= 50>>\
<<button [[Go with him|ToiletSexOffer1]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Step away from him|DrinkDecline]]>><<set $ClubSexChance -= 20>><</button>>
I'm curious to know exactly what he thinks of me...
<<button [[Go with him|ToiletSexOffer1]]>><</button>>
<<case 3>>\
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Oh! ~giggle~ What exactly did you like about me?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Some guy">>I love spending time in the company of cute drunk girls like you!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Mmmm....<</PlayerDialog>>
<<if $P.Arousal <= 60>>\
<<button [[Go with him|ToiletSexOffer1]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Step away from him|DrinkDecline]]>><<set $ClubSexChance -= 20>><</button>>
I want him to show what he does to cute drunk girls... ~giggle~
<<button [[Go with him|ToiletSexOffer1]]>><</button>>
<<case 3>>\
Some guy unceremoniously appeared in front of me, pulled me by the waist and grabbed my ass!
<<if $P.Cor < 30>>\
Without letting him say a word, I got out of his hands
<<PlayerDialog "disgust">>What do you think you're doing, you jerk!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Some guy">>Ttz...<</MNpcDialog>>
What kind of girl would just put up with that?
<<button [[He left.|DrinkDecline]]>><<set $ClubSexChance -= 20>><</button>>
<<switch $P.Intoxication>>\
<<case 0>>\
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>What do you think you're doing?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Some guy">>Now you are my toy.<</MNpcDialog>>
His hands are on my buttocks, he squeezes them and tries to get under my clothes.
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Did you remember to ask me if I want it?<</PlayerDialog>>
Without stopping his movements, he looked at me carefully.
<<MNpcDialog null null "Some guy">>You want ?<</MNpcDialog>>
<<if $P.Cor >= 70>>\
<<button [[...|ToiletSexOffer1]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Of course not!|DrinkDecline]]>><<set $ClubSexChance -= 20>><</button>>
<<case 1>>\
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Hey, you forgot to ask my permission!<</PlayerDialog>>
His hands are on my buttocks, he squeezes them and tries to get under my clothes. He silently continues.
<<if $P.Cor >= 60>>\
<<button [[Let him do it a little more|ToiletSexOffer1]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Step away from him|DrinkDecline]]>><<set $ClubSexChance -= 20>><</button>>
<<case 2>>\
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>You are so impatient! Don't you want to ask my name first?<</PlayerDialog>>
His hands are on my buttocks, he squeezes them and tries to get under my clothes.
<<MNpcDialog null null "Some guy">>My today's toy doesn't need a name.<</MNpcDialog>>
His movements are so intense...I guess I'm not the first.... ~giggle~
<<if $P.Arousal <= 99>>\
<<if $P.Cor >= 50>>\
<<button [[Let him do it a little more|ToiletSexOffer1]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Step away from him|DrinkDecline]]>><<set $ClubSexChance -= 20>><</button>>
It feels so good.... I'll let him do it some more....
<<button [[Let him do it a little more|ToiletSexOffer1]]>><</button>>
<<case 3>>\
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Haa! ~Ek~ Do you like groping me there sooo much?<</PlayerDialog>>
His hands are on my buttocks, he squeezes them! I can already feel his fingers under my clothes, I'm too drunk to resist him! ~giggle~
<<MNpcDialog null null "Some guy">>You horny slut! You want me to use your lustful body more, don't you?<</MNpcDialog>>
Even my drunken head guessed when he got his fingers to my pussy. Then without stopping the movement at my bottom, with his free hand he took my hand and pulled me toward the club bathroom!
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>...toilet?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Some guy">>A fitting place for a whore like you!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<if $P.Arousal <= 60>>\
<<button [[Go with him|ToiletSexOffer1]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Step away from him|DrinkDecline]]>><<set $ClubSexChance -= 40>><<UpdateArousal "+40">><</button>>
He's so rough, but his movements leave me no chance to disobey!
<<button [[Go with him|ToiletSexOffer1]]>><</button>>
<</if>>\<<media "Data/Locations/clubtoilet.jpg" "place">>
Night Star Club. Toilet.
<<if $P.Gender == "m">>\
<<switch $rtso>>
<<case 0>>
<<switch $P.Intoxication>>
<<case 0>>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Is this what you wanted to show me? Why am I not surprised?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Club/F/1/hj1.mp4">>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Some guy">>You're a slutty girl! You haven't even had a drink!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Isn't that what you wanted? So shut up and relax!<</PlayerDialog>>
I don't feel like a victim here, on the contrary...I feel empowered!
<<UpdateArousal "0">>
<<set $P.ClubPop += 0.5>>\
@@color:magenta;Your club popularity has increased by 0,5.@@
<<UpdateSubDom "+1">>
<<button [[Back in action|ClubToilet]]>><<set $ClubSexChance = 0>><<movetime>><</button>>
<<case 1>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Some guy">>What do you think of it? Now take it in your hand and start jerking off!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Do you think girls around here want to jerk you off that badly? You're overconfident!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Club/F/1/hj1.mp4">>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Some guy">>Then what are you doing now?<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Isn't that why you brought me here? So shut up and relax!<</PlayerDialog>>
I don't feel like a victim here, on the contrary...I feel empowered!
<<UpdateArousal "0">>
<<set $P.ClubPop += 0.5>>\
@@color:magenta;Your club popularity has increased by 0,5.@@
<<UpdateSubDom "+1">>
<<button [[Back in action|ClubToilet]]>><<set $ClubSexChance = 0>><<movetime>><</button>>
<<case 2>>
Suddenly(!), he pulled out his dick.
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Wow, what a dick! But boy, I'm not drunk enough to give whole myself to you. Ha-ha! So....<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Some guy">>Then a part of you will be enough for me.<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Mmmm...?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Club/F/2/tj23.mp4">>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Some guy">>Oooh, every guy dreams of boobs like these!<</MNpcDialog>>
How I understand you, my friend. And yet, if you had walked around with those boobs as long as I have, you too would have seen it as something relatively ordinary. I can imagine how happy he is that the sexy girl let him fuck them!
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>~giggle~<</PlayerDialog>>
<<UpdateArousal "0">>
<<set $P.ClubPop += 0.5>>\
@@color:magenta;Your club popularity has increased by 0,5.@@
<<button [[Back in action|ClubToilet]]>><<set $ClubSexChance = 0>><<movetime>><</button>>
<<case 3>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Some guy">>Oh yeah, girl! You're super!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>Ah! ahaaah!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Club/F/3/f50.mp4">>
We just got heeeere...when did he staaaart fucking meeee?... I don't get it...
<<UpdateArousal "0">>
<<UpdateSubDom "-1">>
<<set $P.ClubPop += 0.5>>\
@@color:magenta;Your club popularity has increased by 0,5.@@
<<button [[Back in action|ClubToilet]]>><<set $ClubSexChance = 0>><<movetime>><</button>>
<<case 1>>
<<switch $P.Intoxication>>
<<case 0>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Some guy">>Ha-ha! Girl! It looks like I'm not playing with you, but you're playing with me!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>It is. You don't mind, do you?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Club/F/1/te10.mp4">>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Some guy">>Of course!<</MNpcDialog>>
He looks powerful, but next to me he becomes so weak! It's fun!
<<UpdateArousal "+20">>
<<set $P.ClubPop += 0.5>>\
@@color:magenta;Your club popularity has increased by 0,5.@@
<<UpdateSubDom "+1">>
<<button [[Back in action|ClubToilet]]>><<set $ClubSexChance = 0>><<movetime>><</button>>
<<case 1>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Some guy">>Do you like it, babe?<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>I at least don't mind spending a little time in such company<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Club/F/1/te10.mp4">>
Even though we had nothing but foreplay, now I'm starting to understand why girls like to hang around tough guys so much!
<<UpdateArousal "+20">>
<<set $P.ClubPop += 0.5>>\
@@color:magenta;Your club popularity has increased by 0,5.@@
<<button [[Back in action|ClubToilet]]>><<set $ClubSexChance = 0>><<movetime>><</button>>
<<case 2>>
Even though I told him that there would be no sex between us, but during our pleasant acquaintance there was a lot of foreplay that made us really horny.
<<MNpcDialog null null "Some guy">>Come on. You know what to do, right?<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Even though I'm having a lot of fun right now, I didn't let you fuck me, remember?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Some guy">>You acted that way yourself, so if that's not what you want, then make me cum another way.<</MNpcDialog>>
He's standing over me and his cock is almost against my face. Shit, maybe I really have had too much to drink, but I can't say no to him.
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>fine...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Club/F/2/bj15.mp4">>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Some guy">>There you go, good bitch!<</MNpcDialog>>
I suck a random guy's dick in the club bathroom....Did I really want to do this myself!
<<UpdateArousal "0">>
<<UpdateSubDom "-1">>
<<set $P.ClubPop += 0.5>>\
@@color:magenta;Your club popularity has increased by 0,5.@@
<<button [[Back in action|ClubToilet]]>><<set $ClubSexChance = 0>><<movetime>><</button>>
<<case 3>>
Our foreplay with him was so hot that I didn't even notice we were in the toilet!
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>Mmmm...do it moooore.... Just....put it in!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Some guy">>Didn't you say you weren't one of the club whores and there would be no sex tonight?<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>I was wrong! ~Ek~ Fuck me already!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Club/F/3/nc1.mp4">>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Some guy">>Look at you! You're moving on your own! Who are you if not a club bitch?<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>I don't know what's hapening but feels goood...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Club/F/3/nc4.mp4">>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Some guy">>I was lucky to meet you, now let me fuck you from behind<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Oookay...!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Club/F/3/nc3.mp4">>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Some guy">>Your juicy buns are great, someday I'll fuck you again!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Mmm....fine!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Club/F/3/nc2.mp4">>
<<UpdateArousal "0">>
<<UpdateSubDom "-1">>
<<set $P.ClubPop += 0.5>>\
@@color:magenta;Your club popularity has increased by 0,5.@@
<<button [[Back in action|ClubToilet]]>><<set $ClubSexChance = 0>><<movetime>><</button>>
<<case 2>>
<<switch $P.Intoxication>>
<<case 0>>
Still, I wondered what exactly he wanted from me...
<<MNpcDialog null null "Some guy">>This way.<</MNpcDialog>>
He takes me to the club bathroom...
<<FNpcDialog null null "Some girl">>Hey, are you doing it again?! Get out of here!<</FNpcDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Some guy">>Fuck you! You always screw it up!<</MNpcDialog>>
He left.
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>What is happening?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<FNpcDialog null null "Some girl">>He's a pervert! He would have you....wait. You decided to go with him without even drinking anything?!<</FNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Umm...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<FNpcDialog null null "Some girl">>Mmm...so you are too.... then come with me...<</FNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Club/F/1/lesb.mp4">>
<<FNpcDialog null null "Some girl">>Oh, yeah! You sure don't mind that! Then amuse me properly!<</FNpcDialog>>
That bitch is crazy! But I won't tell her that, because my mouth is a little busy right now...
<<UpdateArousal "0">>
<<set $P.ClubPop += 0.5>>\
@@color:magenta;Your club popularity has increased by 0,5.@@
<<UpdateSubDom "-1">>
<<button [[Back in action|ClubToilet]]>><<set $ClubSexChance = 0>><<movetime>><</button>>
<<case 1>>
Still, I wondered what exactly he wanted from me...
<<MNpcDialog null null "Some guy">>This way.<</MNpcDialog>>
He takes me to the club bathroom...?
<<FNpcDialog null null "Some girl">>Hey, are you doing it again?! Get out of here!<</FNpcDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Some guy">>Fuck you! You always screw it up!<</MNpcDialog>>
He left.
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>What is happening?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<FNpcDialog null null "Some girl">>He's a pervert! You have no idea what he does to gullible women like you! Come with me!<</FNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>...okay<</PlayerDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>We are...in bathroom? Wait...what are you dghohsh....?!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<FNpcDialog null null "Some girl">>Before you know it, you'll be a pervert yourself! Ahaaa!<</FNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Club/F/1/lesb.mp4">>
<<UpdateArousal "0">>
<<set $P.ClubPop += 0.5>>\
@@color:magenta;Your club popularity has increased by 0,5.@@
<<UpdateSubDom "-1">>
<<button [[Back in action|ClubToilet]]>><<set $ClubSexChance = 0>><<movetime>><</button>>
<<case 2>>
So...where are we gooooing?..
<<MNpcDialog null null "Some guy">>This way.<</MNpcDialog>>
He takes me to the club bathroom...?
<<FNpcDialog null null "Some girl">>Hey, are you doing it again?! Get out of here!<</FNpcDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Some guy">>I have the right to have fun with this horny girl!<</MNpcDialog>>
He called me horny...?
The girl looked at me and she smiled.
<<FNpcDialog null null "Some girl">>Mmm? Then why don't you come with me instead of him?<</FNpcDialog>>
Even through the prism of alcohol I can see that she is not beautiful, but I still have not completely lost my head to prefer a guy to a girl.
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Let's go!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Some guy">>Damn! Are you all in cahoots here? Fuck you!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<FNpcDialog null null "Some girl">>Come on, horny girl, lick your queen!<</FNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>As you say, my lady...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Club/F/2/bj10.mp4">>
Shit, I unknowingly started doing it like she should have a dick in there...Is it a habit now?!
<<UpdateArousal "0">>
<<set $P.ClubPop += 0.5>>\
@@color:magenta;Your club popularity has increased by 0,5.@@
<<UpdateSubDom "-1">>
<<button [[Back in action|ClubToilet]]>><<set $ClubSexChance = 0>><<movetime>><</button>>
<<case 3>>
So...we go wheeere?..
<<MNpcDialog null null "Some guy">>This way.<</MNpcDialog>>
<<FNpcDialog null null "Some girl">>Hey, are you doing it again?! Get out of here!<</FNpcDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Some guy">>I have the right to have fun with this horny girl!<</MNpcDialog>>
He called me horny...?
The girl looked at me and she smiled.
<<FNpcDialog null null "Some girl">>Mmm? Then why don't you come with me instead of him?<</FNpcDialog>>
~giggle~ I'm sooo popular!
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>But he's the oneeee who invited meee.... ~giggle~ So I'll go with him!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<FNpcDialog null null "Some girl">>Tcz...<</FNpcDialog>>
She left.
<<MNpcDialog null null "Some guy">>You put her in her place damn hard! Ha-ha! That's how you wanted my cock?<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>That woooouldn't be polite, right? coz todaaay I promised to be yours...! ~Ek~<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Club/F/3/clubtoilet2.mp4">>
Did I really promise such a thing? Oh, dones't matter now! After all, it feels so good!
<<UpdateArousal "0">>
<<set $P.ClubPop += 0.5>>\
@@color:magenta;Your club popularity has increased by 0,5.@@
<<button [[Back in action|ClubToilet]]>><<set $ClubSexChance = 0>><<movetime>><</button>>
<<case 3>>
<<switch $P.Intoxication>>
<<case 0>>
With each passing minute his touch was getting farther and farther, I didn't even notice how we ended up in the club bathroom. I didn't even drink anything, but I was completely defenseless in front of his technique. I could only stand letting do him whatever he wants...and enjoy.....
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Club/F/1/te13.mp4">>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Some guy">>Know that I could go further if I wanted to. But I'm done playing with you. For now...<</MNpcDialog>>
<<UpdateArousal "0">>
<<set $P.ClubPop += 0.5>>\
@@color:magenta;Your club popularity has increased by 0,5.@@
<<UpdateSubDom "-1">>
<<button [[Back in action|ClubToilet]]>><<set $ClubSexChance = 0>><<movetime>><</button>>
<<case 1>>
With each passing minute his touch was getting farther and farther, I didn't even notice how we ended up in the club bathroom. I couldn't resist him...or didn't want to? It's hard to put into words how good it felt... I completely accepted the role of his toy and just let him do whatever he wanted...
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Club/F/1/te13.mp4">>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Some guy">>Know that I could go further if I wanted to. But I'm done playing with you. For now...<</MNpcDialog>>
<<UpdateArousal "0">>
<<UpdateSubDom "-1">>
<<set $P.ClubPop += 0.5>>\
@@color:magenta;Your club popularity has increased by 0,5.@@
<<button [[Back in action|ClubToilet]]>><<set $ClubSexChance = 0>><<movetime>><</button>>
<<case 2>>
The endless touching of his hands, the strokings, the light spanking, along with the alcohol, completely made me the one he wanted to see in front of him.
<<MNpcDialog null null "Some guy">>You make a great toy for the evening. Now you're going to do what I say.<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>..Yeeees! I...I will!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Some guy">>Come on, bitch. Take it deeper.<</MNpcDialog>>
There's a fog in my head, but all those thoughts that are still left are completely occupied by him! I could only think of how to give him as much pleasure as possible! Was that how it felt to be dominated?
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Club/F/2/bj13.mp4">>
<<UpdateArousal "0">>
<<UpdateSubDom "-1">>
<<set $P.ClubPop += 0.5>>\
@@color:magenta;Your club popularity has increased by 0,5.@@
<<button [[Back in action|ClubToilet]]>><<set $ClubSexChance = 0>><<movetime>><</button>>
<<case 3>>
In that state, I didn't even think of resisting! I truly became his toy. All I could do was moan and smile. Desire took complete control of me.
<<MNpcDialog null null "Some guy">>Come on, bitch! Tell me who you are!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>I'm the biiiitch that's leaking all oveeeer your dick! I'm yoooour toy!<</PlayerDialog>>
Why do I feel so good playing along with him?! Why am I so happy saying such things?...
<<MNpcDialog null null "Some guy">>Then behave accordingly! You don't need to know a name to ask for stranger's cock! Beg for it!<</MNpcDialog>>
My pussy is leaking! I can't help it!...
It's so hard to think. I need sex...!
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Your cock...~giggle~ P-Please....put it in me!<</PlayerDialog>>
He roughly put me against the wall! Mmm...finally! I can't wait!
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Club/F/3/f20.mp4">>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Some guy">>What's it like for you to be a club whore for a stranger?<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>This is awesome! I think I'm going to cum again... Yeaeeeeh! Fuck me haaarder! Use me moooore! ~giggle~<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Club/F/3/f21.mp4">>
<<UpdateArousal "0">>
<<UpdateSubDom "-1">>
<<set $P.ClubPop += 0.5>>\
@@color:magenta;Your club popularity has increased by 0,5.@@
<<button [[Back in action|ClubToilet]]>><<set $ClubSexChance = 0>>\<<movetime>><</button>>
<</if>>\<<media "Data/Locations/yardn.jpg" "place">>
<<set _rpf = random (0,99)>>\
<<set _rpm = random (0,99)>>\
There are always plenty of cars near the club to take you home.
<<if $P.Gender == "f">>\
<<switch $P.Intoxication>>
<<case 0>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>I have to go home, I need a car!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<case 1>>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>I feel okay! A little alcohol never hurt anyone!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<case 2>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>I feel lightheaded...I want something, but I can't figure out what it is...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<case 3>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>~Ek~ I'm feeeeling so funny! he-he<</PlayerDialog>>
<<if _rpf >= 70>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Driver">>Hey! You need a ride? 40$ and we go!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<button [[Agree|Outside]]>><<set $P.Money -= 40>><</button>>
<<button [[Find another car|CarNight]]>><</button>>
<<elseif _rpf >= 10 and _rpf < 70>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Driver">>Hey, beautiful! You need a good ride? 30$ and we go!<</MNpcDialog>>
@@#cor;<<button [[Agree|CarNightF]]>><</button>>@@
<<button [[Find another car|CarNight]]>><</button>>
<<elseif _rpf < 10>>
<<FNpcDialog null null "Driver">>Hey! You need a ride? 40$ and we go!<</FNpcDialog>>
<<button [[Agree|Outside]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Find another car|CarNight]]>><</button>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>I'm lucky that I have a pretty good tolerance for alcohol. That's certainly a credit to my father, haha.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<if _rpm >= 50>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Driver">>Hey! You need a ride? 40$ and we go!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<button [[Agree|Outside]]>><<set $P.Money -= 40>><</button>>
<<button [[Find another car|CarNight]]>><</button>>
<<elseif _rpm >= 30 and _rpm < 50>>
<<FNpcDialog null null "Driver">>Hey! You need a ride? 40$ and we go!<</FNpcDialog>>
<<button [[Agree|Outside]]>><<set $P.Money -= 40>><</button>>
<<button [[Find another car|CarNight]]>><</button>>
<<elseif _rpm >= 0 and _rpm < 30>>
<<FNpcDialog null null "Driver">>Hey, handsome! I'll take you for free if you do me one favor<</FNpcDialog>>
@@#cor;<<button [[Agree|CarNightHornyDriver]]>><</button>>@@
<<button [[Find another car|CarNight]]>><</button>>
<</if>>\<<media "Data/Locations/yardn.jpg" "place">>
<<switch $P.Intoxication>>
<<case 0>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Driver">>Here's your stop.<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Thanks!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<button [[Get out|Outside]]>><</button>>
<<case 1>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Driver">>You look a little tense. Relax, at the club you can let yourself drink and dance to your heart's content. Here's your stop.<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Um...thanks!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<button [[Get out|Outside]]>><</button>>
<<case 2>>
The driver started acting strangely, I felt his touch.
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Hey, I'm actually not that drunk!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<if $P.Cor > 40>>\
But...I guess I can bear it a little longer...
<<timed 6000ms>>\
<<goto "CarNightHornyDriver">>\
<<button [[Resist him|CarNightF1]]>><<set $P.Money -=30>><</button>>
<<case 3>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Driver">>Ha-ha! I was so lucky to pick up a drunken slut!<</MNpcDialog>>
He started touching me roughly!
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>Mmm...I'm...not...s-slutt..<</PlayerDialog>>
<<if $P.Cor >= 30 and $P.Cor < 60>>\
But...I guess I can bear it a little longer...
<<timed 6000ms>>\
<<goto "CarNightHornyDriver">>\
<<elseif $P.Cor >= 60>>\
He makes my body hotter! ~giggle~
Is he ~Ek~ trying to fuck mee...huuh?
<<timed 4000ms>>\
<<goto "CarNightHornyDriver">>\
<<button [[Resist him|CarNightF1]]>><<set $P.Money -=30>><</button>>
<</switch>><<media "Data/Locations/yardn.jpg" "place">>
<<switch $P.Intoxication>>
<<case 2>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Driver">>You look a little tense. Relax, at the club you can let yourself drink and dance to your heart's content. Here's your stop.<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<button [[Get out|Outside]]>><</button>>
<<case 3>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Driver">>If you resist even in this state, I dare not continue...Here's your stop.<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<button [[Get out|Outside]]>><</button>>
<</switch>><<media "Data/Locations/yardn.jpg" "place">>
<<if $P.Gender == "m">>\
<<set _rpm = random (0,3)>>\
<<switch _rpm>>\
<<case 0>>\
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Hey, are you sure you...?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<FNpcDialog null null "Driver">>Tc! Sit down and shut up! It's my favorite cocktail...<</FNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Car/M/Night/carpov13.mp4">>
<<case 1>>\
<<FNpcDialog null null "Driver">>Mmmm...love the young and energetic boys!<</FNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Car/M/Night/carpov45.mp4">>
Ahem...not the worst option really. Plus, I get to go home for free!
<<case 2>>\
<<FNpcDialog null null "Driver">>I'm sorry for such request. My boyfriend doesn't know about it, but lately I've become addicted to sucking male dicks...<</FNpcDialog>>
It was definitely not without "Celtoc". But who am I to refuse such a nice lady?
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Car/M/Night/carpov57.mp4">>
<<case 3>>\
<<FNpcDialog null null "Driver">>My body is so sensitive now<</FNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Car/M/Night/carpov42.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>You're beautiful<</PlayerDialog>>
<<FNpcDialog null null "Driver">>Oh, I can't help it...<</FNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Car/M/Night/carpov41.mp4">>
<<FNpcDialog null null "Driver">>Your stop. Bye!<</FNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>thank you...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<UpdateArousal "0">>
<<button [[Get out|Outside]]>><</button>>
<<if $P.Cor >= 30 and $P.Cor < 60>>\
<<set _rpf = random (0,4)>>\
<<switch _rpf>>\
<<case 0>>\
<<MNpcDialog null null "Driver">>Ouh, yeah!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Car/F/Night/carn10.mp4">>
I didn't even realize the moment when my lips were already around his cock...
<<case 1>>\
<<MNpcDialog null null "Driver">>Come on, bitch! Fall in love with that dick!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Car/F/Night/carn11.mp4">>
My lips are...drowning in his cock...
<<case 2>>\
<<MNpcDialog null null "Driver">>I love cumming on the bodies of club sluts!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Car/F/Night/carn19.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Haaa....it's soo hot!..<</PlayerDialog>>
<<case 3>>\
<<MNpcDialog null null "Driver">>Moan harder, you bitch!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Car/F/Night/carte2.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>Ahaaah...you make it...too...ah...cumming!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<case 4>>\
<<MNpcDialog null null "Driver">>So, what have we got here? So, how many people have you let fuck you today?<</MNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Car/F/Night/carte10.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>Haah..no...pleeeasee...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<elseif $P.Cor >= 60>>\
<<set _rpf = random (0,6)>>\
<<switch _rpf>>\
<<case 0>>\
<<MNpcDialog null null "Driver">>Wow, you're more depraved than I thought!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Car/F/Night/carn2.mp4">>
I...I d-didn't understand how I ended up fucking the driver...
But it feels so goood!..
<<case 1>>\
<<MNpcDialog null null "Driver">>Hey, your ass feels like it's stuck to me! Are you okay?<</MNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Car/F/Night/carn7.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>AAHhaaa...I'm not...!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<case 2>>\
<<MNpcDialog null null "Driver">>And you're a slut after all!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Car/F/Night/carn9.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Oh..o-okay...today...m-maybe...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<case 3>>\
<<MNpcDialog null null "Driver">>Moan harder, you bitch!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Car/F/Night/carte2.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>Ahaaah...you make it...too...ah...cumming!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<case 4>>\
<<MNpcDialog null null "Driver">>I love fucking club sluts like you!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>I-I'm..ah...not like them...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Driver">>Really? What do you look like now?<</MNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Car/F/Night/carn13.mp4">>
<<case 5>>\
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>Your cock...your cock is so good! Oh my God! It makes my body even hotter! Deeper! Fuck me HAARDEeEr! <</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Driver">>You're...breathtaking...<</MNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Car/F/Night/carn14.mp4">>
<<case 6>>\
Why? Why do I like it soooo much...?
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Car/F/Night/carn16.webp" "gif">>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Driver">>Oh...blowjob from a drunken bitch.... amazing!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>...let me do it a bit mooore...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<case 7>>\
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>...You're doing it too hard!..<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Driver">>Just check out what you're wearing! There's no way I could miss such a slut!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Car/F/Night/carf3.mp4">>
Ahaa...do I really look like a club slut?!
<<MNpcDialog null null "Driver">>I'd be happy to give you another ride, hehe...No money is needed.<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>...<</PlayerDialog>>
Haa...I even sobered up from it...
<<if $P.Cor < 70>><<UpdateCorruption "+1">><</if>>
<<UpdateArousal "0">>
<<button [[Get out|Outside]]>><<set $P.IntoxicationDecreaseMod = 0>><<set $P.Intoxication = 0>><</button>>
<</if>>\<<if $CurrentDayTime < 3>>\
<<media "Data/Locations/yard.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Locations/yardn.jpg" "place">>
<<if $CarCatchExample == false>>\
<<goto "CarToClubExample">>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Okay, time to catch a car<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Locations/hh.jpg" "just">>
<<set $randRide = random (0,99)>>\
<<set $randHRide = random (0,9)>>\
<<if $P.Gender == "m">>\
<<if $randRide >= 80>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Driver">>Hey! You need a ride? 20$ and we go!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<if $InOutskirts === false>>\
<<button [[Agree|Club]]>><<set $P.Money -=20>><</button>>
<<button [[Agree|Outside]]>><<set $P.Money -=20>><</button>>
<<button [[Wait for another car|CarToClub]]>><</button>>
<<elseif $randRide >= 60 and $randRide < 80>>\
<<MNpcDialog null null "Driver">>I don't really like passengers in my car, but you seem okay. Give me 35$ and I'll take you.<</MNpcDialog>>
<<if $InOutskirts === false>>\
<<button [[Agree|Club]]>><<set $P.Money -=35>><</button>>
<<button [[Agree|Outside]]>><<set $P.Money -=35>><</button>>
<<button [[Wait for another car|CarToClub]]>><</button>>
<<elseif $randRide >= 40 and $randRide < 60>>\
<<MNpcDialog null null "Driver">>Tsz, you're lucky I'm going in the same direction and the extra money wouldn't be too much for me. 50$ and jump in.<</MNpcDialog>>
<<if $InOutskirts === false>>\
<<button [[Agree|Club]]>><<set $P.Money -=50>><</button>>
<<button [[Agree|Outside]]>><<set $P.Money -=50>><</button>>
<<button [[Wait for another car|CarToClub]]>><</button>>
<<elseif $randRide >= 20 and $randRide < 40>>\
<<FNpcDialog null null "Driver">>Hey, handsome! Are you going the same way? I can give you a ride for 20$.<</FNpcDialog>>
<<if $InOutskirts === false>>\
<<button [[Agree|Club]]>><<set $P.Money -=20>><</button>>
<<button [[Agree|Outside]]>><<set $P.Money -=20>><</button>>
<<button [[Wait for another car|CarToClub]]>><</button>>
<<elseif $randRide >= 0 and $randRide < 20>>\
<<FNpcDialog null null "Driver">>If you agree to 50$, get in, I'll take you there.<</FNpcDialog>>
<<if $InOutskirts === false>>\
<<button [[Agree|Club]]>><<set $P.Money -=50>><</button>>
<<button [[Agree|Outside]]>><<set $P.Money -=50>><</button>>
<<button [[Wait for another car|CarToClub]]>><</button>>
<<if $randHRide > 3>>\
<<if $randRide >= 80>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Driver">>Hey! You need a ride? 20$ and we go!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<if $InOutskirts === false>>\
<<button [[Agree|Club]]>><<set $P.Money -=20>><</button>>
<<button [[Agree|Outside]]>><<set $P.Money -=20>><</button>>
<<button [[Wait for another car|CarToClub]]>><</button>>
<<elseif $randRide >= 60 and $randRide < 80>>\
<<MNpcDialog null null "Driver">>I don't really like passengers in my car, but you seem okay. Give me 35$ and I'll take you.<</MNpcDialog>>
<<if $InOutskirts === false>>\
<<button [[Agree|Club]]>><<set $P.Money -=35>><</button>>
<<button [[Agree|Outside]]>><<set $P.Money -=35>><</button>>
<<button [[Wait for another car|CarToClub]]>><</button>>
<<elseif $randRide >= 40 and $randRide < 60>>\
<<MNpcDialog null null "Driver">>Tsz, you're lucky I'm going in the same direction and the extra money wouldn't be too much for me. 50$ and jump in.<</MNpcDialog>>
<<if $InOutskirts === false>>\
<<button [[Agree|Club]]>><<set $P.Money -=50>><</button>>
<<button [[Agree|Outside]]>><<set $P.Money -=50>><</button>>
<<button [[Wait for another car|CarToClub]]>><</button>>
<<elseif $randRide >= 20 and $randRide < 40>>\
<<FNpcDialog null null "Driver">>Hey, handsome! Are you going the same way? I can give you a ride for 20$.<</FNpcDialog>>
<<if $InOutskirts === false>>\
<<button [[Agree|Club]]>><<set $P.Money -=20>><</button>>
<<button [[Agree|Outside]]>><<set $P.Money -=20>><</button>>
<<button [[Wait for another car|CarToClub]]>><</button>>
<<elseif $randRide >= 0 and $randRide < 20>>\
<<FNpcDialog null null "Driver">>If you agree to 50$, get in, I'll take you there.<</FNpcDialog>>
<<if $InOutskirts === false>>\
<<button [[Agree|Club]]>><<set $P.Money -=50>><</button>>
<<button [[Agree|Outside]]>><<set $P.Money -=50>><</button>>
<<button [[Wait for another car|CarToClub]]>><</button>>
<<if $randRide >= 60>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Driver">>Whoa, beautiful! I'd be happy to give you a ride if you do me some favors, I think you know what I mean ~giggle~<</MNpcDialog>>
<<if $P.Cor >= 40 or $P.Intoxication >= 2>>\
Do I look like the kind of person who performs such services? Still, it's not a big price to pay for hitchhiking....
@@#cor;<<button [[Get in his car|CarToClubS]]>><</button>>@@
<<button [[Wait for another car|CarToClub]]>><</button>>
Asshole! I'll find another car!
<<button [[Wait for another car|CarToClub]]>><</button>>
<<elseif $randRide >= 30 and $randRide < 60>>\
<<MNpcDialog null null "Driver">>Hey, get in here! You seem like a fun person to play with...ehehe<</MNpcDialog>>
<<if $P.Cor >= 40 or $P.Intoxication >= 2>>\
Do I really look like a roadside whore? ~giggles~
@@#cor;<<button [[Get in his car|CarToClubS]]>><</button>>@@
<<button [[Wait for another car|CarToClub]]>><</button>>
What kind of lustful jerk is this? Do girls really go for that sort of thing...
<<button [[Wait for another car|CarToClub]]>><</button>>
<<elseif $randRide >= 0 and $randRide < 30>>\
<<MNpcDialog null null "Driver">>HEY, SLUT! I can tell by the look on your face that you're hungry for a good cock, right? I'm gonna fuck you and rip your bitchy holes! I'll even pay you for your "work"<</MNpcDialog>>
<<if $P.Cor >= 80 or $P.Intoxication >= 3>>\
God, this guy only sees me as a dirty bitch...but he'll still give me a ride, won't he?
@@#cor;<<button [[Get in his car|CarToClubHS]]>><</button>>@@
<<button [[Wait for another car|CarToClub]]>><</button>>
Holy shit! He's not even embarrassed! I don't want to get in that car...
<<button [[Wait for another car|CarToClub]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Back to Streets|Outside]]>><</button>>@@<<media "Data/Locations/yard.jpg" "place">>
<<set $CarCatchExample = true>>\
A lot of cars go to and from the outskirts, the main road runs through there, so it's best to catch someone right there.
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Okay, we'll have to give it a try. Hey, it looks like someone is already catching a car here. Oh, it's a girl and she is beautiful! She seems to have negotiated something with the driver...um....<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Car/F/carhj3.mp4">>
Then she got in the car and they drove away.
<<UpdateArousal "+20">>
Um... all right. Apparently because of the spread of the drug, you see this more often than usual... I think it all depends on the driver. It's not too safe to jump in every car...
<<button [[My turn|WayToClub]]>><<set $CarCatchExample = true>>\<</button>><<if $CurrentDayTime < 3>>\
<<media "Data/Locations/yard.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Locations/yardn.jpg" "place">>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Driver">>Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>I just want you to take me to my place...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Driver">>Yeah!.. Of course!..<</MNpcDialog>>
<<set _rf = random (0,2)>>\
<<switch _rf>>\
<<case 0>>\
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Car/F/carf2.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>I'm not just a hole! A-are you filming me?!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Driver">>Dumb bitch! I'll fuck your brains out! You like being fucked like this!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>It's soo...hard.....!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<case 1>>\
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Car/F/carf15.mp4">>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Driver">>I knew at first sight that you were a stupid whore! Do you like my cock? Admit! Is that what you wanted?!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>...k..k-keep fucking m-mee....<</PlayerDialog>>
<<case 2>>\
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Car/F/carg.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>...I-I didn't agree on two...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Driver">>Bitch, what are you talking about? You're the one who started jerking him off! So don't complain, you're the one who decided to be our plaything!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>...haa...it's so hot...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Driver">>This is your stop, whore. Get out.<</MNpcDialog>>
Oh, it was a pleasant pain...
<<UpdateSubDom "-1">>
<<if $P.Cor < 85>><<UpdateCorruption "+1">><</if>>
<<if $InOutskirts === false>>\
<<button [[Club|Club]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Outside|Outside]]>><</button>>
<</if>>\<<if $CurrentDayTime < 3>>\
<<media "Data/Locations/yard.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Locations/yardn.jpg" "place">>
<<set $CarToClubActionType = 0>>\
<<MNpcDialog null null "Driver">>Hey, girl! How about my reward?<</MNpcDialog>>
<<if $P.Cor >= 40>>\
<<button [[HandJob|CarToClubS1]]>><<set $CarToClubActionType = 0>><</button>>
<<if $P.Cor >= 60>>\
<<button [[Suck his cock|CarToClubS1]]>><<set $CarToClubActionType = 1>><</button>>
<<if $P.Cor >= 80>>\
<<button [[Have sex|CarToClubS1]]>><<set $CarToClubActionType = 2>><</button>>
<</if>>\<<media "Data/Locations/yard.jpg" "place">>
<<switch $CarToClubActionType>>\
<<case 0>>\
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>I don't think you would mind that<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Driver">>Oh, yeha! Continue!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<set _rhj = random (0,4)>>\
<<switch _rhj>>\
<<case 0>><<media "Data/Characters/P/Car/F/carhj.mp4">>
<<case 1>><<media "Data/Characters/P/Car/F/carhj1.mp4">>
<<case 2>><<media "Data/Characters/P/Car/F/carhj7.mp4">>
<<case 3>><<media "Data/Characters/P/Car/F/carhj9.mp4">>
<<case 4>><<media "Data/Characters/P/Car/F/carhj11.mp4">>
Oooh, his cock is so hot! It's wrong to use Carol's body this way...
<<case 1>>\
<<MNpcDialog null null "Driver">>I didn't expect that! Wow!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<set _rhj = random (0,3)>>\
<<switch _rhj>>\
<<case 0>><<media "Data/Characters/P/Car/F/carbj.mp4">>
<<case 1>><<media "Data/Characters/P/Car/F/carbj1.mp4">>
<<case 2>><<media "Data/Characters/P/Car/F/carbj2.mp4">>
<<case 3>><<media "Data/Characters/P/Car/F/carbj3.webp" "gif">>
I think it's a decent price for his services...~giggle~
I got a little carried away myself...
<<case 2>>\
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>I want you to fuck my pussy<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Driver">>Um..I don't have to be asked twice<</MNpcDialog>>
<<set _rhj = random (0,4)>>\
<<switch _rhj>>\
<<case 0>>\
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>Mmmm...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Driver">>You're a slutty girl!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Car/F/carf7.mp4">>
<<case 1>>\
<<MNpcDialog null null "Driver">>Your pussy is awesome!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Don't forget to take me to my place after it<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Car/F/carf8.mp4">>
<<case 2>>\
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>You're pushing me so hard!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Driver">>I love that juicy ass!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Car/F/carf9.mp4">>
<<case 3>>\
<<MNpcDialog null null "Driver">>I couldn't even imagine that you were...so...<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>Give it to meee....more....mooore!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Car/F/carf10.mp4">>
<<case 4>>\
<<MNpcDialog null null "Driver">>You squeezed it so tight!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>I can't get off your cock until you cuuuum!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Car/F/carf14.mp4">>
Mmm...I enjoyed this ride a lot!...
<<MNpcDialog null null "Driver">>I think you're in the right place. I hope to take you for a ride again sometime.<</MNpcDialog>>
<<if $P.Cor < 60>><<UpdateCorruption "+1">><</if>>
<<if $InOutskirts === false>>\
<<button [[Club|Club]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Outside|Outside]]>><</button>>
<</if>>\<<if $CurrentDayTime < 3>>\
<<media "Data/Locations/yard.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Locations/yardn.jpg" "place">>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>The club is a long way from here, how do I get there?<</PlayerDialog>>
@@color:yellow; Catching a car will allow you to save some time.@@
<<if $P.ConvergenceON == true>>\
<<CindyDialog>>Ha-ha-ha! Trust me! Make me do this for you!<</CindyDialog>>
<<if $CindyPower >= 10>>\
<<set $ClubSexChance = 0>>\
<<set $DancingThought = "">>\
<<button [[Walking|Club]]>><<movetime>><</button>>
<<if $P.Money >= 50>>\
<<button [[Catch a car (20-50$)|CarToClub]]>><</button>>
<</if>>@@<<media "Data/Locations/stephanroom.jpg" "place">>
Stephan's room.
<<if $P.Gender === "f">>\
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>You know what I want?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>I can guess~~<</BullyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/f/gif/lesb.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Oh, yes! Make your Mistress happy! Mmmm...I can see you trying hard! Do you really want the reward so badly?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>N-no~~ ...<</BullyDialog>>
<<BullyDialog "orgasm" 1>>Aha-ha~~ So good!~~ SO GOOD!~~ I LOVE IT!~~~ It's kinda unbearable pleasure!!! Insane! Oh, OoH! I can't think!~~ I'm totally ADDICTED to it!~~~ <</BullyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/f/gif/lesb21.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Then moan louder, you bad and naughty Stephy girl! Ha-ha-ha!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<if $CurrentDayTime > 0>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/f/flex22.jpg" "just">>
<<BullyDialog "horny">>Is that how you want me to look? To make me look like a slut?~~<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Exactly! The image of the playful slut is perfect for the scumbag who used to bully me<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog "horny" 1>>Oh, really? But look at me. Now I'm just a silly girl who wants cock~~~ And you...wanna fuck me?~~<</BullyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/f/flex23.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Of course! You're like the ultimate cock toy!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog "horny" 1>>Mmmm...But you're the one who made me this way~~~<</BullyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/f/flex24.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>I got it, hehe. This dress is no longer necessary.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/f/flex25.jpg" "just">>
<<BullyDialog "surprised">>Yay~~ I was already afraid you wouldn't offer it, Master! Mmhmm~~~<</BullyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/f/gif/bj4.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>I've hardly even had time to say anything and you're already so greedy on my cock!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog "horny">>That's because I missed it so much~~<</BullyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/f/gif/f100.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Wait, are you up to something?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog "horny" 1>>It's no big deal! I just want to use this body to its full potential and be more like your toy! Yeah, it's perfect! Mmhhmm~~<</BullyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/f/gif/bj8.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Ha-ha-ha, awesome! So you want to be more like my toy? Then I have no choice! I'll make you one!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Ha-ha-ha! Do you like it? You took your role well! Smiling silently and letting me do whatever I want to you! Do you have something to say, slut?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/f/gif/f19.mp4">>
<<BullyDialog "horny" 1>>..aAghh~~ N-no! I love everything about it!~~ Please continue to use me as your masturbator! I mean for you to...Aghh! Ohh! Fuck~~~<</BullyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/f/gif/f36.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Forget about that time when you were a bully completely! I'll beat those memories out of your brain with my cock! This IS your proper place!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog "horny" 1>>....Thank you, Master~~~<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>I want to start this morning with something really nice.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog "horny" 1>>I got you, hehe~~<</BullyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/f/gif/bj29.mp4">>
<<BullyDialog "horny">>I've gotten pretty good at it, haven't I?~~<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>That's true. But you think I don't know that's not enough for you?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog "orgasm" 2>>What? You're probably right, but this way I definitely can make you feel...G..GAHH..Goooooood...Ah!..ahhhaa~~~~<</BullyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/f/gif/f69.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>That's right, Stephy! You need to remember what happens to you when I'm full of energy!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/f/gif/f79.mp4">>
<<BullyDialog "orgasm" 1>>Oh my God! It's so goooood!~~ Ah! Ahhh~~ It's the best morning ever!~~~<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Ha-ha-ha! We're just getting started, my dear! <</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog "orgasm" 1>>Oh, Lord! No...Master! I'm cumming agaaaain! AaaAahh~~~ Fuck!~~<</BullyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/f/gif/f96.mp4">>
It was pleasurable...And from the looks of it Stephy enjoyed it just as much, hehehe!
<<UpdateArousal "0">>
<<set $Bully.Control += 10>>\
<<if $Bully.Control > 120>>\
<<set $Bully.Control = 120>>\
@@color:lime;Stephy's self-control increased by 10.@@
<<button [[Go back|DApart]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/stephanroom.jpg" "place">>
Stephan's room.
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Stephy, do you have any idea what's about to happen?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>I'm not sure...but considering Jimmy is here too I can assume it has to do with some science stuff I don't understand?...<</BullyDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Nikita, for this operation, the subject must also show a willingness to go for it.<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Oh, that's right. Well, then, Stephy, let's talk a little bit. First, right now, think of everything you think about the female body. Don't ask questions, just listen to me. <</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Female body?...It's...it's....soft...and delicate...and it smells...nice...<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>That's right, Stephy. Think more! Remember how you feel about a woman's body! You've been with a lot of girls, right? Lots of different girls... Their sexy bodies... Trembling in pleasure....<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Yes...My body is rough, their bodies are weaker!...but...but...but...I could never feel as good as some of them...where does the insane pleasure in them come from...?<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Tell me honestly, do you envy them? Would you like to possess a woman's body? But not the way you usually possess it, but to possess it for real and this time feel everything! Tell me, Stephy! <</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>...y-yes...I would love to possess..... the opportunity to feel this range of emotions and sensations....<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Then that's what you need. What you want. Something that will fulfill your desire. <</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Levi/M/pill.jpg" "just">>
Stephan, with a hazed gaze, carefully takes the pill with a trembling hand, brings it to his mouth and swallows it hurriedly.
@@#pill;<<button [[It's happening|BullyGenderChange1]]>><</button>>@@<<media "Data/Locations/stephanroom.jpg" "place">>
Stephan's room.
<<BullyDialog>>I feel...weird...<</BullyDialog>>
That feeling...is that Stephan's desire? I can feel it...but there's something else...there's...
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Jimmy?..<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>What? Everything seems to be going well, right? I don't really feel anything, though.<</JimmyDialog>>
But I can feel it! Grrr, shit! Okay, it's okay! No time to stop! We gotta keep going!
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Listen to me, Stephy. It's started. I'll lead us. Concentrate. Imagine! What would the first woman you would picture look like?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>...oh...your...roommate...Elegant shapes, dark hair... Tall and curvy...athletic...flexible...<</BullyDialog>>
Carol?...That damn, naughty Stephy! But I have no other option but to support his imagination! But what is this strange sensation? Ah, never mind!
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Continue! Concentrate! What's she like? Imagine how she walks, how she interacts with others, how she behaves, all the little details....<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>...s-she is...serious, but not too much... little arrogant...she knows what she wants...<</BullyDialog>>
I can feel the magical flows almost reaching their peak! But what the hell is that feeling?! It's still good, huh?!
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>It's just a little bit more! Can you feel those flows yet?.. That energy around you?.. You can literally see her Imagine and can even feel, you can?<</PlayerDialog>>
.........YES???! WHAT THE FUCK, JIMMY?!!?
@@#pill;<<button [[It happened|BullyGenderChange2]]>><<set $Bully.Gender = "f">><</button>>@@<<media "Data/Locations/stephanroom.jpg" "place">>
Stephan's room.
<<media "Data/Characters/npc/JimmyExp/smoke.gif" "gif">>
Everything was flickering in my eyes, but I was slowly coming to my senses. I can't figure out if everything's okay or not.
<<if $P.ConvergenceON == true>>\
<<CindyDialog>>Ooh, I feel a soul mate!<</CindyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>What do you mean?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>JIMMY! AGH, YOU!...FUCKER!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/f/gif/m12.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>...w-wow...Is that really...Stephan?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>What's going on? He...ahem...she can't see us?<</JimmyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/f/gif/m9.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Sort of. The magic flows weren't stable enough, so now they need some time to come into balance. In other words, it's already resolved, but Stephan needs a little time for the transformation to complete.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>She seems to like it. Umm..I mean, he......He? He likes it.<</JimmyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/f/gif/m6.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>I think it's wrong to refer to him as “he” anymore...<</PlayerDialog>>
@@#pill;<<button [[Everything blinked out|BullyGenderChange3]]>><</button>>@@<<media "Data/Locations/stephanroom.jpg" "place">>
Stephan's room.
<<media "Data/Characters/npc/JimmyExp/smoke.gif" "gif">>
<<if $P.ConvergenceON == true>>\
<<CindyDialog>>Don't worry! It's okay! Almost nothing's changed! ~giggle~<</CindyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Then what's going on?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CindyDialog>>It's okay. It's just the Stephys completing their transformation! It would have gone faster if someone hadn't introduced some instability! I won't say who! ~giggle~<</CindyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/f/gif/m1.mp4">>
<<JimmyDialog>>...is she...masturbating?...<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Yeah...I mean...Jimmy, you fucker, JIMMY! This is your fault! <</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>What?! What do you mean?!<</JimmyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/f/gif/m8.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>...I felt Stephan's desires during transformation! And what I see in front of me is, hmm....to put it mildly, THIS IS NOT IT!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>What's that got to do with me? Maybe this is who he wanted to be deep down inside.<</JimmyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/f/gif/m5.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Horny Bimbo blonde?! You know, she reminds me of @@color:pink;someone@@! I know you too well! Jimmy, you motherfucker! Don't even try to make excuses!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Okay, I admit she's my type.....But what did I do?<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>AGHH! I didn't realize it would be so hard! Jimmy, you're good in theory, but I'm good in practice! And now you've realized that magical flows are very sensitive to any fluctuations in desire! During the transformation, I was talking to Stephan and trying to tune into the median between our desires! But you were imagining things too, weren't you?!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>So you were only talking to Stephan? Then...and I...okay...I might be...a little...guilty.....<</JimmyDialog>>
I am very angry, in practice magic flows are a very fragile and dangerous thing! Jimmy should have known better than anyone!
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/f/gif/m.mp4">>
But geez...on the other hand, I can't be mad at Jimmy, I didn't warn him myself...and judging by Stephy's view nothing bad happened. It's not like she doesn't like it. I wonder what will come out of it in the end.
<<JimmyDialog>>Hey, do you feel that?!<</JimmyDialog>>
@@#pill;<<button [[Yes, transformation is completed.|BullyGenderChange4]]>><</button>>@@<<media "Data/Locations/stephanroom.jpg" "place">>
Stephan's room.
<<media "Data/Characters/npc/JimmyExp/smoke.gif" "gif">>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Don't call her that! I'm the only one who calls her that way!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Guys, don't fight! I don't mind if Jimmy calls me that, too!~ <</BullyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/f/dress61.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>..w-wow..Even some sort of dress appeared...Looks like the transformation is complete...how are you feeling?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Oh, you know...I feel great!~ And this dress...I feel like it's exactly what I usually wear! Although at this particular moment, it's a little bit in the way.... <</BullyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/f/dress62.jpg" "just">>
Most likely, just as Stephan wanted, Stephy got some measure of elegance.
<<JimmyDialog>>...At this particular moment, is the dress getting in your way? Why?<</JimmyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/f/dress63.jpg" "just">>
<<BullyDialog "horny">>Because it won't let me enjoy my new shape~ And we want to enjoy them, don't we?..<</BullyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/f/dress64.jpg" "just">>
Okay, now I can clearly see that she reminds me of @@color:pink;someone@@! She definitely has something of Jimmy's dirty desires in her!
<<if $P.ConvergenceON == true>>\
<<CindyDialog>>Did Jimmy really give me a little sister? I want to play with her so badly! ~giggle~<</CindyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Just don't say a word!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>...Stephy, you do realize that the two of us are standing here in front of you right now looking at you. You do realize this is a pretty awkward situation, right?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog "horny">>Oh, you have no idea how well I realize that~<</BullyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/f/dress65.jpg" "just">>
<<JimmyDialog>>...Stephy, you're pulling really hard...that way you'll be left with no...panties....<</JimmyDialog>>
<<if $P.Gender === "m">>\
<<BullyDialog "horny" 2>>Do you think I need them when my Master and his best friend are standing in front of me?<</BullyDialog>>
<<BullyDialog "horny" 2>>Do you think I need them when my Mistress and her best....friend...are standing in front of me?<</BullyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/f/dress66.jpg" "just">>
<<if $P.ConvergenceON == true>>\
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Shut up!..ehehe..<</PlayerDialog>>
This is exactly what the very bully who has been bothering me for so long looks and acts like...hehe...
<<button [[Let's talk more|BullyGenderChange5]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/stephanroom.jpg" "place">>
Stephan's room.
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Are you saying you're happy with the result?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/f/dress67.jpg" "just">>
<<BullyDialog>>Absolutely! But!..hehe... I'm not completely happy! <</BullyDialog>>
Jimmy saw my concerned look.
<<JimmyDialog>>...W-what's wrong?! W-we're listening intently!<</JimmyDialog>>
<<BullyDialog "horny" 1>>I will be the happiest if you describe me. Am I sexy? Do you want to fuck me?~~<</BullyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/f/dress69.jpg" "just">>
<<JimmyDialog>>..Um...I'm ....ahem...like...you have big boobs!!<</JimmyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/f/dress70.jpg" "just">>
<<BullyDialog "orgasm">>HA-HA-HA! Is that how you described me?! You're right though, I do have really nice tits, so soft~~ <</BullyDialog>>
Elegant, a little arrogant.
And at the same time willful, lecherous and playful.
That's what Stephy is.
<<BullyDialog "horny">>I can't contain myself any longer...This body is so soft and sensitive...I want to give you more space to think.....<</BullyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/f/dress71.jpg" "just">>
<<JimmyDialog>>...I got it! I'll describe it! I'd take your ass and....<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Stephy, stop it. Don't play dumb. Just tell me what you want. Straight up.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>What I want?...I...I want...<</BullyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/f/dress72.jpg" "just">>
<<BullyDialog "horny" 1>>...I want someone to fuck me~<</BullyDialog>>
What?! She just transformed and she already wants sex?!
<<JimmyDialog>>...ehe...so cute...I want it too...<</JimmyDialog>>
Yep, this Stephy is more horny than I thought...What to do?
@@#pill;<<button [[Agree|BullyGenderChangeAgree]]>><</button>>@@
@@#redb;<<button [[Stop her|BullyGenderChangeDisagree]]>><</button>>@@<<media "Data/Locations/stephanroom.jpg" "place">>
Stephan's room.
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>No! You better use this time to get used to your new body!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Agh! You're so cruel~~<</BullyDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>...We gonna say "no"? Uh, I mean, do we really have to stop her?..<</JimmyDialog>>
<<if $P.Gender === "f" and $JimmyRelationships === 4>>\
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>That's right! He has just transformed, so...And she...she wants to fuck so badly...wants cock so badly...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>...Do you think you're in charge of those decisions? Hmm? Why don't you tell me who you are.<</JimmyDialog>>
<<UpdateArousal "100">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny">>@@font-size: 70%;...Hypno-bitch...@@ I...No...I mean...I..ah..ehehe...@@font-size: 85%;...Hypno-bitch...@@..Ah.. Please play with both of us! ~giggle~<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Oh, so you're in that kind of relationship! Not just friends~~<</BullyDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Girls, it's time to make me feel good!<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>~giggle~<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog "horny" 1>>~giggle~<</BullyDialog>>
@@#cor;<<button [[Let Jimmy fuck you both|BullyGenderChangeFSexTogether]]>><</button>>@@
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>That's right! He has just transformed, that would be terribly embarrassing!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>...Tcz...You're probably right...<</JimmyDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Ah, I can't disobey your words...Then...I'll be alone...satisfying myself thinking about you both until I lose my pulse~~ ....<</BullyDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Can we stay after all?!!<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>No, we're leaving!<</PlayerDialog>>
Damn, that Stephy is so insatiable...Stephan's hidden desires intertwined with Jimmy's fantasies have created a really high libido for her.
@@color:red;I wonder if I'll be able to keep her close to me if I don't give her enough attention?@@
<<set $Bully.Control -= 20>>\
@@color:red; Stephy can't feel normal without feeling herself satisfied.
Stephy's self-control decreased by 20.@@
<<button [[Back in action|DApart]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/stephanroom.jpg" "place">>
Stephan's room.
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Hehe, you're so slutty! I think it would be a good idea to test drive a new you!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>I agree...eheh.....<</JimmyDialog>>
<<if $P.Gender === "m">>\
Hmm...I didn't think of that when I agreed to it. I need to think about what to do about Jimmy.
Considering Stephy's current personality, it makes more sense not to share in case I want her all to myself. But Jimmy is my...friend. What to do?
@@#pill;<<button [[Have sex alone|BullyGenderChangeMSexAlone]]>><</button>>@@
@@#cor;<<button [[Have sex together with Jimmy|BullyGenderChangeMSexTogether]]>><</button>>@@
<<if $JimmyRelationships < 4>>\
Hmm...I didn't think of that when I agreed to it. I need to think about what to do about Jimmy.
Considering Stephy's current personality, it makes more sense not to share in case I want her all to myself. But Jimmy is my...friend... And having sex together means, uh...
<<if $P.Cor < 60>>\
No, I can't! Jimmy must leave!
@@#pill;<<button [[Play with her alone|BullyGenderChangeFSexAlone]]>><</button>>@@
And yet...a threesome sounds so exciting...what to choose?
@@#pill;<<button [[Play with her alone|BullyGenderChangeFSexAlone]]>><</button>>@@
@@#cor;<<button [[Let Jimmy fuck you both|BullyGenderChangeFSexTogether]]>><</button>>@@
Hmm...I didn't think of that when I agreed to it. I need to think about what to do about Jimmy.
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Jimmy, I wanted to tell you that...t..that...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Did you want to say something?<</JimmyDialog>>
<<UpdateArousal "100">>
What to do about Jimmy? Hah...why was I so stupid? hehehe...
<<PlayerDialog "horny">>No! I just...hehehe...Yes! I was gonna say you got two horny bitches today! I'm begging you to fuck us both! ~giggle~<</PlayerDialog>>
@@#cor;<<button [[Let Jimmy fuck you both|BullyGenderChangeFSexTogether]]>><</button>>@@
<</if>>\<<media "Data/Locations/stephanroom.jpg" "place">>
Stephan's room.
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Jimmy, I can't kick you out! Let's fuck her good! Together! <</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>~sob~ I'm so glad you're my friend!<</JimmyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/f/dress72.jpg" "just">>
<<BullyDialog "horny" 1>>Then do it! I want you both~~<</BullyDialog>>
<<BullyDialog "orgasm" 2>>MmMHHmhmm~~~<</BullyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/f/gif/g16.mp4">>
<<JimmyDialog>>Are you sure we're supposed to be this rough?<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Ha-ha-ha! Relax! You didn't see what I did to Stephan before! Also, if this bitch is anything like Cindy, this roughness won't even be enough for her! <</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Ha-ha. Then I won't hold back!<</JimmyDialog>>
<<BullyDialog "orgasm" 2>>Mh~~ .... mh~~ ...umhh~~ ....<</BullyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/f/gif/g63.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Hey, I'm the one who told you not to hold back, but....she still...has just turned, are you sure it's okay fucking her in the ass already?..<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Oh, I don't know what you did to her! But look at her drooling! This slut is enjoying every second of this new sensation so much she's forgetting to moan! <</JimmyDialog>>
<<UpdateArousal "0">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>It was awesome, my balls are completely empty.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Mine, too.<</JimmyDialog>>
<<BullyDialog "horny" 1>>Ah~ ...so gooood....I enjoyed it so much!... I finally realized how those whores I fucked when I still had a cock felt!... Aahh... Just fuck me more often, from now on.... ~giggle~<</BullyDialog>>
Stephy is so desperate for sex...And she still enjoys to obey me. Plus, not only does she know about the pills, she knows about that Yakuza clan. Looks like I've got an ally, but how reliable?
@@color:red;I wonder if I'll be able to keep her close to me if I don't give her enough attention?@@
<<set $Bully.Control -= 10>>\
@@color:red; Stephy adores you, but realizes you're not the only one who can satisfy her. Stephy's self-control decreased by 10.@@
<<JimmyDialog>>I think this time is enough for me! Stephy is totally yours!<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>I didn't do anything special! Maybe one day we'll have fun like this again, hehehe! <</PlayerDialog>>
<<if $P.ConvergenceON == true>>\
<<CindyDialog>>Don't you dare! I like Stephy, but Jimmy's mine!<</CindyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Eh...got it...got it...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog "horny">>Oh, Master... Please, visit me more often...I don't think I can stop after this..... hehe~~<</BullyDialog>>
<<button [[Back in action|DApart]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/stephanroom.jpg" "place">>
Stephan's room.
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Jimmy, I'm afraid you have to leave us.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Don't worry, I understand! Thanks also on letting me see the whole transformation process live and even participate...in my own way....<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Hey, don't even think I'm taking offense at you for interfering with his transformation process! All good things happen because of you! I'm grateful to you, brother!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>I got it. I'm not bothering you! See you, brother!<</JimmyDialog>>
Jimmy is out...and seems to be in a good mood! Pheew...
Then there's one last "problem" to deal with for today, hehe...
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/f/dress72.jpg" "just">>
<<BullyDialog "horny" 1>>Oh, you want me all to yourself? I accept it~~<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Stephan, look what you've become! My little bitch who spreads her legs waiting for Master's cock! Do you want it that badly?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog "horny">>Yeah~~ I'm not Stephan anymore! I'm now Stephy, who happily spreads her legs and wants Master's cock! Give it to me, please! <</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Good girl!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/f/gif/f63.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Go ahead and say it! You like being my whore?! <</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog "orgasm" 1>>Mh~~ Ahh~~~ AAAH~~ I didn't know! I DIDN'T KNOW!...Ahh!..Is this how all my whores I fucked when I had a cock..ah....felt?!...This...this is...ah...<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>"This is" what?!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog "orgasm" 2>>IT'S FUCKING AWESOME! I LOVE IT! Being Master's whore! I can't live without experiencing it! I'm cumming again! Aah~~~ <</BullyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/f/gif/g96.mp4">>
She likes it somehow even too much.....hehehe!
<<UpdateArousal "0">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>It was awesome, my balls are completely empty.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog "horny" 1>>Ah~ ...so gooood....I enjoyed it so much!.. I love being like this...being Stephy~~~ ...Aahh... Just fuck me more often, from now on.... ~giggle~<</BullyDialog>>
Stephy is so desperate for sex...And she still enjoys to obey me. Plus, not only does she know about the pills, she knows about that Yakuza clan. Looks like I've got an ally, but how reliable?
@@color:red;I wonder if I'll be able to keep her close to me if I don't give her enough attention?@@
<<set $Bully.Control += 20>>\
@@color:lime; By satisfying Stephy as her Master, you've made her happier. Stephy's self-control increased by 20.@@
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>I'm glad you enjoyed it all. I should get going.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog "horny">>Oh, Master... Please, visit me more often...I don't think I can stop after this..... hehe~~<</BullyDialog>>
<<button [[Back in action|DApart]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/stephanroom.jpg" "place">>
Stephan's room.
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Of the three of us, he's the only one with... dick right now...!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Uh, and what does that mean?..<</JimmyDialog>>
<<BullyDialog "horny" 1>>Oh, that means only one thing~~<</BullyDialog>>
<<BullyDialog "orgasm" 1>>Mmhmm...cock...cooock~~<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Ah, yeah!..Coock....!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/f/gif/g10.mp4">>
<<JimmyDialog>>Ah, girls! I have no right to leave any of you unsatisfied today!<</JimmyDialog>>
<<BullyDialog "orgasm" 2>>Aahh...yes!..d-deeper...ahh~~<</BullyDialog>>
Who would have thought that after Stephan's tranformation I wouldn't be fucking him, but watching someone else's cock fuck him...while lying there insanely horny and...
...and waiting for my turn....
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/f/gif/g4.mp4">>
<<BullyDialog "orgasm" 2>>Aahaa...I feel so good~~~<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny">>Damn it, I can't hold back! I want to do it too!...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/f/gif/g8.mp4">>
I can't...I get even more turned on and I want to greedily kiss her while she's being fucked like a horny slut by Jimmy....
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>Ah...You're fucking like an animal!...Really..so deep...ahaa....!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/f/gif/g3.mp4">>
<<BullyDialog "horny" 2>>Ah, Mistress is feeling good too, hehe~~~<</BullyDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Yes! I will fuck you both until you are both completely satisfied!!<</JimmyDialog>>
<<UpdateArousal "0">>
<<JimmyDialog>>I'm empty. Are you both happy?<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>Ahh...yees...good...heheh!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog "horny" 1>>Ah~ ...I agree!...I enjoyed it so much!... I finally realized how those whores I fucked when I still had a cock felt!... Aahh... I just want someone to fuck me more often, from now on.... ~giggle~<</BullyDialog>>
Stephy is no less desperate for sex than I am...And she still enjoys to obey me. Plus, not only does she know about the pills, she knows about that Yakuza clan. Looks like I've got an ally, but how reliable?
@@color:red;I wonder if I'll be able to keep her close to me if I don't give her enough attention?@@
<<set $Bully.Control -= 10>>\
@@color:red; Stephy adores you, but realizes you're not the only one who can satisfy her. Stephy's self-control decreased by 10.@@
<<JimmyDialog>>I think this time is enough for me! Stephy is totally yours!<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Oh, hehe...t-thanks..!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<if $P.ConvergenceON == true>>\
<<CindyDialog>>Don't even think about it! I like Stephy, but Jimmy's mine!<</CindyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Eh...got it...got it...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog "horny">>Oh, Master... Please, visit me more often...I don't think I can stop after this..... hehe~~<</BullyDialog>>
<<button [[Back in action|DApart]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/stephanroom.jpg" "place">>
Stephan's room.
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Jimmy, I'm afraid you have to leave us.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Don't worry, I understand! Thanks also on letting me see the whole transformation process live and even participate...in my own way....<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Hey, don't even think I'm taking offense at you for interfering with his transformation process! All good things happen because of you! I'm grateful to you, brother!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>I got it. I'm not bothering you! See you, bro!<</JimmyDialog>>
Jimmy is out...and seems to be in a good mood! Pheew...
Then there's one last "problem" to deal with for today, hehe...
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/f/dress72.jpg" "just">>
<<BullyDialog "horny" 1>>Oh, you want me all to yourself? I accept it~~<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>I guess you're used to pleasuring me when I look like this...hehe...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog "horny">>Yes! But my body has changed! It's so soft, and there's so much desire in it! It's like it's sending waves of pleasure directly to my brain~~<</BullyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/f/gif/lesb.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Stephan, look what you've become! My little bitch who likes to please her Mistress!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog "horny">>Yeah~~ I'm not Stephan anymore! I'm now Stephy, who happily spreads her legs and wants Master's cock! Give it to me, please! <</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Mmm...you're a good girl! And good girls deserve a reward!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>...hehe...Don't hold back, bitch! <</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog "orgasm" 1>>Mh~~ Ahh~~~ Aah...bitch? Yeah...this body is so sensitive! It feels so good! I didn't know! But...Having a pussy feels so good! I'm going crazy!!!<</BullyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/f/gif/lesb21.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Yes...you belong to me, Stephy...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog "orgasm" 1>>Mhaaa~~~ <</BullyDialog>>
She likes it somehow even too much.....hehehe!
<<UpdateArousal "0">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>It was awesome...You're so sexy now, Stephy!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog "horny" 1>>Ah~ ...so gooood....I enjoyed it so much!.. I love being like this...being Stephy~~~ ...Aahh... Just fuck me more often, from now on....with your cock next time... ~giggle~<</BullyDialog>>
Stephy is so desperate for sex...And she still enjoys to obey me. Plus, not only does she know about the pills, she knows about that Yakuza clan. Looks like I've got an ally, but how reliable?
@@color:red;I wonder if I'll be able to keep her close to me if I don't give her enough attention?@@
<<set $Bully.Control += 20>>\
@@color:lime; By satisfying Stephy as her Mistress, you've made her happier. Stephy's self-control increased by 20.@@
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>I'm glad you enjoyed it all. I should get going.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog "horny">>Oh, Master... Please, visit me more often...I don't think I can stop after this..... hehe~~<</BullyDialog>>
<<button [[Back in action|DApart]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<RE [[BullyFRE1]]>>
<<RE [[BullyFRE2]]>>
<<RE [[BullyFRE3]]>>
<<RE [[BullyRoomHere]]>>
<<RE [[_BullyRoom]]>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
type: "goto",
<<media "Data/Locations/stephanroom.jpg" "place">>
Stephan's room.
/* TODO: Need to rewrite text and/or add actions (earch the room or Hide in closet for example) here */\
Looks like Stephan not here right now
<<button [[Leave|DApart]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/stephanroom.jpg" "place">>
Stephan's room.
/* TODO: Need to rewrite text and/or add actions (earch the room or Hide in closet for example) here */\
Looks like Stephan not here right now
<<button [[Leave|DApart]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/stephanroom.jpg" "place">>
Stephan's room.
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>You know something about the drug, don't you? Tell me what you know<</PlayerDialog>>
<<if $StephanDebt < 1000>>\
<<BullyDialog>>Why should I do you a favor? You're owe me a lot of money. @@color:yellow;Pay me back at least half of 2,000, then I'll think about it.@@<</BullyDialog>>
He will be adamant.
<<button [[Go back|DApart]]>><</button>>
<<BullyDialog>>Well, you've been acting pretty decent lately. I'll say. There's a lot of people dealing that drug these days. Personally, I'm on good terms with the @@color:yellow;gang on the street, there's a few guys always hanging out between your house and our dorm, drinking beer and stopping people.@@ I used to take it from them.<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>How do you know where my house is?!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>They told me, haha<</BullyDialog>>
Damn, it's definitely these guys! I wouldn't mistake them for anyone else!
<<button [[Go back|JimmyLabBoom]]>><<set $FT = 9>><<set $BullyToldAboutDrug = true>><</button>>
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 100,
filter: `$CurrentDayTime === 0 or $CurrentDayTime === 3`,
tags: ["Dormitory", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
<<media "Data/Locations/stephanroom.jpg" "place">>
Stephan's room.
<<if $Bully.Gender === "m">>\
<<if $Bully.TabletLvl < 3>>\
<<if $StephanDebt < 2000>>\
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/4.jpg" "just">>
<<BullyDialog>>Hey, I've been waiting for you! Bitch come to give back what you owe? Ha-ha! Let me remind you, you only gave me back @@color:lime;$StephanDebt out of 2,000$@@<</BullyDialog>>
<<if $BullyToldAboutDrug !== true and $JimmyExpHelp > 5>>\
<<button [[Ask about drug|BullyRoomDrugAsking]]>><</button>>
<<if $GF.EvilCorPoints > 1>>\
@@#rel;<<button [[Talk about Layla|BullyLaylaAgreement]]>><</button>>@@
<<if $Inventory.Tabletslvl3 > 0>>\
@@#pill;<<button [[Use lvl 3 pill on him|BullyLvl3Pill]]>><</button>>@@
<<if $P.Gender == "m">>\
<<button [[Enter|BullyRoomPaying]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Enter|FBullyRoom]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Go back|DApart]]>><</button>>
<<if $P.Gender == "m">>\
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/4.jpg" "just">>
<<BullyDialog>>What? You came again? I already took your money, loser! So get out of here, you little bitch, or I'll punch you in the face<</BullyDialog>>
<<if $BullyToldAboutDrug != true and $JimmyExpHelp > 5>>\
<<button [[Ask about drug|BullyRoomDrugAsking]]>><</button>>
<<if $GF.EvilCorPoints > 1>>\
@@#rel;<<button [[Talk about Layla|BullyLaylaAgreement]]>><</button>>@@
<<if $Inventory.Tabletslvl3 > 0>>\
Hmm.... if I want to give him a level 3 pill, it's definitely better to appear in front of him in Carol's body.
<<button [[Go back|DApart]]>><</button>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/4.jpg" "just">>
<<BullyDialog>>What's up? Did you miss me, slut? I don't know where you got all that money, but I could definitely use it. I'll spend it on people like you!<</BullyDialog>>
<<if $BullyToldAboutDrug != true and $JimmyExpHelp > 5>>\
<<button [[Ask about drug|BullyRoomDrugAsking]]>><</button>>
<<if $GF.EvilCorPoints > 1>>\
@@#rel;<<button [[Talk about Layla|BullyLaylaAgreement]]>><</button>>@@
<<if $Inventory.Tabletslvl3 > 0>>\
@@#pill;<<button [[Use lvl 3 pill on him|BullyLvl3Pill]]>><</button>>@@
<<button [[Go back|DApart]]>><</button>>
<<if $Bully.Relationship < 2>>\
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/4.jpg" "just">>
<<if $P.Gender == "m">>\
<<if $EngravementChangedGenderFirstTime === false>>\
<<goto "EngravementGenderChangeFirst">>
Stephan silently looks at me with a frown and a piercing stare.
Damn, I can feel it already....If I don't leave now, I'm going to switch bodies with Carol right now....
@@#pill;<<button [[Stay|BullyRoomHere]]>><<set $P.Gender = "f">><</button>>@@
<<if $P.Arousal >= 50>>\
<<set $SSuggestStep += 2>>\
<<set $SSuggAdd += 2>>\
<<if $P.Arousal >= 50>>\
@@color:red;Stephan notices your arousal, so he acts more proactive!@@
@@#pill;<<button [[Start Engravement!|EngravementEvChoosing]]>><<set $IsTabletsBodySwitchDisabled = true>><</button>>@@
<<button [[Stats|EngravementStats]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Rules|EngravementRules]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Go back|DApart]]>><</button>>
<<switch $Bully.Relationship>>
<<case 2>>
<<if $P.Gender == "m">>\
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/4.jpg" "just">>
<<BullyDialog>>Still worried about your girlfriend? You'd be better off worrying about yourself...<</BullyDialog>>
<<if $GF.EvilCorPoints > 1>>\
@@#rel;<<button [[Talk about Layla|BullyLaylaAgreement]]>><</button>>@@
<<button [[Just talk|BullyTalkAboutFamily]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Go back|DApart]]>><</button>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/4.jpg" "just">>
<<BullyDialog>>Still worried about your girlfriend? You'd be better off worrying about yourself...<</BullyDialog>>
<<if $GF.EvilCorPoints > 1>>\
@@#rel;<<button [[Talk about Layla|BullyLaylaAgreement]]>><</button>>@@
<<button [[Just talk|BullyTalkAboutFamily]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Go back|DApart]]>><</button>>
<<case 3>>
<<if $P.Gender == "m">>\
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/4.jpg" "just">>
<<BullyDialog>>Oh, there's our "great" magician! Why have you come? Maybe you're here to use your "great" magic and turn into that bitch who loves my cock so much?<</BullyDialog>>
<<if $GF.EvilCorPoints > 1>>\
@@#rel;<<button [[Talk about Layla|BullyLaylaAgreement]]>><</button>>@@
<<button [[Go back|DApart]]>><</button>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/4.jpg" "just">>
<<BullyDialog>>Oh, there's our "great" sorceress! Why have you come? Did my bitch decide to come back for another round of temptation? Tell me what you want.<</BullyDialog>>
<<if $GF.EvilCorPoints > 1>>\
@@#rel;<<button [[Talk about Layla|BullyLaylaAgreement]]>><</button>>@@
<<button [[Just talk|BullyTalkAboutFamily]]>><</button>>
<<button [[I want to feel that vibrator inside me again!|BullyRoomTrainingAfter]]>><<set $BullyRoomTrainingAfter = 0>><</button>>
<<button [[I want to dance for you!|BullyRoomTrainingAfter]]>><<set $BullyRoomTrainingAfter = 1>><</button>>
<<button [[Let me put that dress on for you!|BullyRoomTrainingAfter]]>><<set $BullyRoomTrainingAfter = 2>><</button>>
<<button [[I'm gonna wear that mistress costume!|BullyRoomTrainingAfter]]>><<set $BullyRoomTrainingAfter = 3>><</button>>
<<button [[I just came to talk, that's all!|BullyRoomTrainingAfter]]>><<set $BullyRoomTrainingAfter = 5>><</button>>
<<button [[You can do whatever you want to me today!|BullyRoomTrainingAfter]]>><<set $BullyRoomTrainingAfter = 4>><</button>>
<<button [[Go back|DApart]]>><</button>>
<<case 4>>
<<if $P.Gender === "m">>\
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/4.jpg" "just">>
<<BullyDialog>>Hi.. Is everything okay?..<</BullyDialog>>
<<if $GF.EvilCorPoints > 1>>\
@@#rel;<<button [[Talk about Layla|BullyLaylaAgreement]]>><</button>>@@
<<button [[Just talk|BullyTalkAboutFamily]]>><</button>>
<<if $Bully.Relationship === 4 and $Bully.Gender === "m" and $UnableToTurnStephan === false>>\
@@#pill;<<button [[Call Jimmy|BullySubJimmy]]>><</button>>@@
<<button [[Go back|DApart]]>><</button>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/4.jpg" "just">>
<<BullyDialog>>Hi, mis...Nikita.... do you need something?..<</BullyDialog>>
<<if $GF.EvilCorPoints > 1>>\
@@#rel;<<button [[Talk about Layla|BullyLaylaAgreement]]>><</button>>@@
<<button [[Just talk|BullyTalkAboutFamily]]>><</button>>
<<button [[I want to show him where he belongs!|BullyRoomSubStephan1]]>><<set $BullyRoomSubStephanAfter = 0>><</button>>
<<button [[I want to have fun with my "little" bitch!|BullyRoomSubStephan1]]>><<set $BullyRoomSubStephanAfter = 1>><</button>>
<<button [[Go back|DApart]]>><</button>>
<<set $Bully.Control = 90>>\
<<if $CurrentDayTime > 0>>
<<if $Bully.Control >= 90>>\
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/f/ap21.jpg" "just">>
<<BullyDialog "surprised">>I love that body so much! I get horny as soon as I see you~~ <</BullyDialog>>
<<elseif $Bully.Control >= 60 and $Bully.Control < 90>>\
<<elseif $Bully.Control >= 30 and $Bully.Control < 60>>\
<<elseif $Bully.Control >= 0 and $Bully.Control < 30>>\
<<button [[Talk|BullyTalkAboutFamily]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Have sex|BullyFSex]]>><</button>>
<<if $Bully.Control >= 90>>\
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/f/bed43.jpg" "just">>
<<BullyDialog "serious">>Good morning, Master~<</BullyDialog>>
<<elseif $Bully.Control >= 60 and $Bully.Control < 90>>\
<<elseif $Bully.Control >= 30 and $Bully.Control < 60>>\
<<elseif $Bully.Control >= 0 and $Bully.Control < 30>>\
<<button [[Talk|BullyTalkAboutFamily]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Have sex|BullyFSex]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Go back|DApart]]>><</button>>
<</if>>\<<media "Data/Locations/stephanroom.jpg" "place">>
Stephan's room.
<<BullyDialog>>Are you serious? Ah, I get it. The little slut wants to play debtor!<</BullyDialog>>
I'm just not sure...
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>I'm just not sure...I'll be ashamed if I don't pay you back in full...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Hmm, I think the two times you gave me a much smaller bill...and that time you forgot to pay at all...I think you got back about 1500 $, didn't you?<</BullyDialog>>
God, I remember that I gave it all back.... or did I really...
<<button [[Yeeeaaah, you're right!|FBullyRoom]]>><<set $StephanDebt = 1500>><</button>>
<<button [[No, I returned the full amount (Leave)|DApart]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/stephanroom.jpg" "place">>
Stephan's room..
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/4.jpg" "just">>
<<BullyDialog>>I guess since you're in, you're willing to reimburse me for part of the cost of those shoes right now?<</BullyDialog>>
Debt to Stephan: @@color:lime; $StephanDebt from 2000$ @@
@@color:red; Remember: according to Stephan's selfish wish, the minimum payment is 100$.@@
<<textbox "$inputstephan" "" autofocus>>
<<button [[Pay that much|BullyRoomPaying]]>>
<<set $inputstephan to Math.trunc($inputstephan)>>
<<if Number.isInteger($inputstephan)>>
<<if $inputstephan < $P.Money and $inputstephan > 99>>
<<set $P.Money -= $inputstephan>>
<<set $StephanDebt += $inputstephan>>
<<set $WeeklyBullyRoomVisits++>>
<<button [[Leave|DApart]]>><</button>><<if $JimmySawNewStephan == false>>\
<<media "Data/Locations/room6.jpg" "place">>
Jimmy's room.
<<set $JimmySawNewStephan = true>>\
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Hey, Jimmy! I want to show you something cool!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Hey, Nikita. Um...What do you mean?<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Tell me, what's your relationship with Stephan?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Stephan? You mean Stephan, the one who won't even let you breathe? You mean that bastard?<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>You sound like you didn't like him either, haha<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Like him?! I hate him! No matter how calm and understanding person I am, I can't be neutral to someone who bullies others, takes away their money, calls them a nerd, can kick in front of everyone and...and....!<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>And now it sounds like you've experienced all of the above, hehheh<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>I...YES, AND? Although people like me are kind of lucky. We've gotten better at keeping our distance from his antics because he's been more focused on only one...person....lately. Honestly, I don't know how you're coping and how you haven't lost your mind from this yet.<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>I haven't lost my mind? Hmmm...that's a controversial statement, heheheh....Come on, let me show you what I mean.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<button [[Take Jimmy to Stephan's room|BullySubJimmyFirstSee]]>><</button>>
<<media "Data/Locations/stephanroom.jpg" "place">>
Stephan's room.
<<JimmyDialog>>Did you decide to do it after all?<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>...hehehe<</PlayerDialog>>
@@#pill;<<button [[Use GC beta pill on Stephan|BullyGenderChange]]>><<set $Inventory.GBBetaTablets-->><</button>>@@
<<button [[I need more time to think (leave)|DApart]]>><</button>>
<</if>>\<<media "Data/Locations/stephanroom.jpg" "place">>
Stephan's room.
<<JimmyDialog>>(whispering) Hey, maybe we shouldn't!<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Relaaaax... Hey, Stephy! Here I am!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/2.webp" "just">>
<<BullyDialog>>Oh, what?...you're here? And..Um...with a friend... Umm...what's his name...Oh! Jimmy?...<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Good boooy, Stephy~ <</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>What? Did he just call me by my name? Not a fat imbecile?... Not a dirty nerd shit?...<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Oh, Stephy, how rude! You were so mean to him before! Is there anything else you want to say to him?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>I...ah...Oh...I'm sorry, Jimmy... I guess I've really gone a little overboard on you in the past. Uh, I got 20$! At least take it as an apology. <</BullyDialog>>
@@color:lime; Jimmy got 20 $! @@
<<JimmyDialog>>????????...I don't get it!<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>You still don't get it?...Hmmm...Then let me make it clearer. The "great and terrible" Stephan is...(whispering) my little bitch now, hehehe...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Wait, explain it to me. Did you...(whispering)did you really use...umm...what I think you did?<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>You mean the level 3 pill? Don't worry, Stephan knows everything. He and I both took a pill. <</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Both?! You!...Fool! You're really crazy! I can't even imagine what in theory could have happened to both of you!<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Relax, nothing bad happened, right? You can see I'm fine. Stephan, on the other hand, became much better version of himself than before! No one would ever think of it, but he really can be a good...."friend"...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>But it's Stephan anyway!...Ugh, okay! Stephan, tell us, how do you feel right now?<</JimmyDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>I...It's hard to explain. I didn't notice it before, but now I feel like I'm missing something. I feel a kind of extraordinary lightness, though....<</BullyDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Apparently you've really changed. Hell, I'm not going to ask how you two got to this point or what you two do in private, because unfortunately I can assume it... And yet looking at Stephan like this, I now have one question. I get that Stephan knows about the pills, but still, Stephan, can you back off? I need to discuss this alone with Nikita. <</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Did you hear him, Stephy? Back off, please~ <</PlayerDialog>>
<<button [[Stephan took a few steps back, and Jimmy moved closer to me to say something|BullySubJimmyFirstSee1]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/stephanroom.jpg" "place">>
Stephan's room.
<<JimmyDialog>>Do you still have those beta sex change pills?<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>What? Wait! You mean....<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Yes. He said on his own that he feels like "he is missing something".<</JimmyDialog>>
<<if $Inventory.GBBetaTablets > 0>>\
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>I...heheh...I didn't think you would suggest something like that. Yeah, I still have those pills.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Don't get me wrong. It's just that, firstly, he's looking a little incomplete himself right now. Like he's really missing something, or like he's not who he really is or wants to be. <</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Oh, that's how it is... And secondly?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>And secondly...I can't look at Stephan like that. I know it in my head, but still! Even though he's changed, I can't communicate with him normally as long as he looks like..... like Stephan!!<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>I see where you're going with this...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>But know that if you're really going to do it, I want to be there in that moment and see everything with my own eyes.<</JimmyDialog>>
Jimmy suggests to @@color:magenta;use GC beta pill on Stephan@@. I'm sure Stephy won't mind that, hehehe...
@@color:magenta;That's something I'm the one who has to decide. @@
@@color:yellow;I have those pills with me. I feel like it's not necessary. If I want, I can leave Stephan the way he is right now. But if I choose to do it, I can do it now or anytime later from Stephan's room.@@
@@#pill;<<button [[Use GC beta pill on Stephan|BullyGenderChange]]>><<set $Inventory.GBBetaTablets-->><</button>>@@
<<button [[I need more time to think (leave)|DApart]]>><<movetime>><</button>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Damn, why didn't I think of that beforehand! I don't have any of those pills left! <</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>I'm afraid to imagine what you spent them on. Okay, so either way, it looks like Stephan's destiny is to stay the way he is right now. And...I'm glad the Stephan problem is finally resolved.<</JimmyDialog>>
@@color:yellow;Maybe if I hadn't wasted those pills, I'd have a pretty good shot at turning Stephan right now! Didn't think of that, huh! @@
<<button [[Leave|DApart]]>><<set $UnableToTurnStephan = true>><<movetime>><</button>>
<</if>>\<<media "Data/Locations/stephanroom.jpg" "place">>
Stephan's room.
<<if $Bully.Relationship < 4>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Can you remind me what you said about your family from the time you stole the pill? But make it shorter this time!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Ah...okay! @@color:yellow;The Crimson Dragon Syndicate is a large shadow organization and drug empire that has long been run by my family. Mistress, the founder of the Crimson Dragon syndicate branch is my father Ray 'Ice Pick' Kato. I... I never joined this clan because I was the heir from the very beginning...@@<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Aww, my little heir didn't want his big throne? Tell me more about how you couldn't escape your family duties, my little..heheh...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog "horny">>Y-yes, that's exactly right, m...M-mistress, hehe... @@color:yellow;According to our traditions, only those who have contributed to the common good are worthy of leaving the clan. I... That pill of yours was something unusually useful, and my bet paid off...@@ and oh, how right I was about that~<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Mmm, such a clever little pet you were! Playing it all safe and quiet, keeping me and Jimmy out of trouble... I think you deserve a reward later, hehe<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>See how thoughtful your pet can be, Mistress? What you do is quite... stimulating~ Thanks to your delicious methods, I finally got my freedom from the family!<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Look at you, getting all hot and bothered just from talking. You're such an adorable mess, aren't you?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog "horny" 1>>Just trying to take care of my...Mistress! @@color:yellow;Papa Ray isn't young anymore, and the Yakuza are hunting for a new heir.@@ I don't care what happens after, but @@color:yellow;you should really pay them a visit soon... or both you and Jimmy might face some... unpleasant consequences~@@<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Oh honey, don't worry your pretty little head about it. Mistress will take care of everything. Now, where can I find this Papa Ray of yours?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog "horny" 2>>It's simple - @@color:yellow;just head to the VIP area of the nightclub~ And I'm sure someone as... persuasive as you will figure out how to meet him there...@@<</BullyDialog>>
Stephy is so cute one! And such a....horny one! Hehehehe...
Anyway, I got some important information about @@color:yellow;his Papa Ray@@ and @@color:yellow;VIP zone at night club. I definitely need to pay a visit there.@@
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Can you remind me what you said about your family from the time you stole the pill? But make it a little shorter this time...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Ha-ha! I knew you'd forget everything! But why not? I'm really kind today, so I'll repeat it for you again... Let's start with some basic information. @@color:yellow;The Crimson Dragon Syndicate is a large shadow organization and drug empire that has long been run by my family. The founder of the Crimson Dragon syndicate branch is my father Ray 'Ice Pick' Kato. I never joined this clan because I was the heir from the very beginning!@@<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>But you didn't want to be the heir, right? You're not interested in all this stuff, but you couldn't just leave the clan so easily?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>That's right, baby. @@color:yellow;According to our traditions, only those who have contributed to the common good are worthy of leaving the clan. That pill of yours was something unusually useful, and my bet paid off!@@<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>That was mean! But you did it stealthily enough and didn't set me and Jimmy up...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>See? And you still think there's not a drop of justice in me? What you guys do is very curious, hehe. But still, it was thanks to your madness that I managed to leave the family.<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "disgust">>Tch, should I love you for this now?!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Hahaha! Take it however you want, bitch! But remember what I said. @@color:yellow;Papa Ray isn't young anymore, and the Yakuza are now looking for a new heir.@@ Personally, I don't care what happens after, but @@color:yellow;you'd better visit them before that, otherwise the consequences will definitely affect both of you.@@<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Alright! I got it! So where do I look for this Papa Ray?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>You don't even remember that? Okay, I'll repeat for the most retarded! @@color:yellow;The easiest way to get to him is through the VIP area of the nightclub. And there, sooner or later, you'll figure out how to meet him.@@<</BullyDialog>>
Stephan is pissing me off so much! Agh! He is so...agh...so....AGHGH!
Anyway, at least I got some important information about @@color:yellow;his Papa Ray@@ and @@color:yellow;VIP zone at night club@@. And I guess I'll just have to put "Stephan's problem" on hold for a while.
@@color:red;IMPORTANT NOTE:@@ Entrance to the VIP area of the club will open in the next Tasty Curse game updates.
<<button [[Go back|DApart]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/stephanroom.jpg" "place">>
Stephan's room.
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/4.jpg" "just">>
<<if $TriedToUseLvl3 === false>>\
Although he looks confident, he definitely doesn't understand why I'm here! I have to act and play my part carefully.
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Hey, I'm sorry to show up uninvited. I have something to talk to you about, and I'm here for advice!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>What? What makes you think I'm gonna give you advice?<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>I need your great experience! Only you can give me what I want! Please! I'll pay! <</PlayerDialog>>
At the last phrase, he raised an eyebrow approvingly.
<<BullyDialog>>I'm listening.<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Ahem...yes, thank you. Um, maybe you want some gum to start the conversation or I can make us some coffee...Want some?...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Hmm, is this the same gum you gave me last time?<</BullyDialog>>
He raised his eyebrow even higher.
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>What? No, it's the other one!...haha...I mean, I mean it's just regular gum, hahaha! Why are you even asking about such a small thing?..<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Do I look suspicious? Hahah! Relax! I liked that brand of gum too. I just recently found out about how tasty they are! Ha-ha! Wait, I think I have one too. It's this one, right?<</BullyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/npc/gum.jpg" "just">>
@@#cor;<<button [[No way...|BullyLvl3Pill1]]>><</button>>@@
<<BullyDialog>>So? Haha! Did you bring the "treats"?<</BullyDialog>>
<<if $Inventory.Tabletslvl3 < 2>>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>I think I only have one pill on me. Want it?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Either you can't do math or you're just an idiot. Get out!<</BullyDialog>>
I think it was a nice try. He won't settle for one, haha!
@@#place;<<button [[Leave|DRoom]]>><</button>>@@
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Yeah, that'll be yours.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/npc/gum.jpg" "just">>
<<BullyDialog>>Hmm, they look about the same as before. Is this something new or can they be used over and over again?<</BullyDialog>>
He doesn't seem to know the specifics of the pills. So the possibility that he's actually an evil genius scientist is off the table.
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>You'll feel the effect, don't worry.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>We'll see which one of us REALLY FEELS it, hahaha! Are you sure you want to do this right now and you don't need more time to think?<</BullyDialog>>
Another arrogant phrase... Shit. Am I sure?
@@#pill;<<button [[Eat the lvl 3 pills together now!|BullyLvl3PillUsing]]>><<set $Inventory.Tabletslvl3 -= 2>><</button>>@@
@@#place;<<button [[Actually, I still have some things to do...(leave)|DRoom]]>><</button>>@@
<</if>>\<<media "Data/Locations/stephanroom.jpg" "place">>
Stephan's room.
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/4.jpg" "just">>
<<BullyDialog>>You look tense. I can hear your heartbeat from here. Is everything okay?<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>It's...impossible...<</PlayerDialog>>
@@color:red;That's definitely 100% one of my pills! How? HOW?!@@
<<BullyDialog>>You know, I like that expression on your face. Wear it more often, but only when we're not together, okay?<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "disgust">> @@color:red;It was you! Because of you, Jimmy made a mistake and our lab blew up! You asshole, how could you?!@@ <</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Bingo! I will note, however, that before you call me an asshole, you should have looked at yourself first! I'm sure you didn't just try to use your damn pills only on me, and I'm not even talking about you switching bodies with your roommate! What the fuck is that?! Ha-ha-ha!<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "disgust">>Why did you steal that pill?!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>You know, even though you're a moral freak, I'm still inspired by your creativity. It made me realize that we're not so different, ha-ha-ha!<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "disgust">>Don't ignore my question! Why did you steal that pill?!? I can't even imagine how someone like you can use it!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>How can someone like me use it? Pfft, no way I will use something like this! I don't care about the damn pills!<</BullyDialog>>
Why? He doesn't need them? Then why?
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Then why did you steal it?! Damn it, FUCK YOU! I'm leaving!<</PlayerDialog>>
Screw it, he's not gonna tell me anything anyway!
<<BullyDialog>>...Leaving already? Didn't you come to use your magic pill on me, huh? Giving up so easily?<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>What's the point of this? You know everything! Don't take me for an idiot! Come on, tell me! Yeah, I came here to feed you a goddamn pill! Are you agreeing to that?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/2.jpg" "just">>
<<button [[Just like I sa...w..w-what did you say?...|BullyLvl3Pill2]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/stephanroom.jpg" "place">>
Stephan's room.
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/2.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Pardon me, WHAT?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Ha-ha-ha! You're dumb, but you're not deaf. You heard everything.<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>May I ask why?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>It's simple, it's excitement. Just like gambling. Risk. If you leave now, I might lose my favorite toy, but I don't want that.<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "disgust">>A toy?! If you know everything now, you know roughly what you're agreeing to, right? Again, don't take me for an idiot.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Don't take me for an idiot either. I agree, but I have the only one single condition.<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>And what's your "the only one single" condition?<</PlayerDialog>>
His smile grew wider, as if he'd been waiting for this very moment all along.
<<BullyDialog>> @@color:magenta;I won't be the only one eating that pill. You will, too.@@<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>You want the two of us to eat those pills?! At the same time?!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Exactly. We'll have an equal chance, right?<</BullyDialog>>
@@color:yellow;He's right. Jimmy and I have already researched this effect. The main forces for manipulating the effect of pills are desire and willpower. Whoever shows weakness will change according to the opponent's desire.@@
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>You're...crazy man...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Ha-ha-ha! I know I'm pretty damn good. You should see your face right now!<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>...<</PlayerDialog>>
@@color:yellow;I still don't understand how he knew about it and why he stole that pill! Stephan is definitely hiding something, I can't trust him. It seems like confronting him is the only way to find out what's on his mind.@@
<<BullyDialog>>Oh, I can see you're thinking. But take your time. @@color:yellow;I'll be waiting here when you get here with two pills. One for me and one for you....@@ Finally, we'll have some grown-up fun! <</BullyDialog>>
@@color:yellow;He says it so arrogantly, how infuriating! I'll teach that asshole a lesson! I'm gonna make him my little bitch! He'll pay for everything! I'll make two pills and eat one with him! I'll prove which one of us is actually stronger!@@
<<button [[Leave his room|DRoom]]>><<set $TriedToUseLvl3 = true>><<movetime>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/stephanroom.jpg" "place">>
Stephan's room.
<<BullyDialog>>Ha-ha-ha-ha! Don't you dare deceive me! At the same time, understand?!<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>You idiot, don't YOU dare deceive me! On the count of 3! 1....2........
<<BullyDialog>>Ha-ha-ha-ha! What's that feeling?! Am I a wizard now?! Ha-ha-ha! It feels like nothing else!<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Shut up! You're as close to it as the moon!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Locations/paperwind.gif" "gif">>
There's something wrong here. Unlike Stephan, I can feel these magical flows, everything's working and much stronger than usual. But something doesn't seem right. The flows around me from the two pills taken at the same time are so strong that they can even lift the paper, but they're slow, and it's like they're slowing down more and more! It's like they are getting tangled up in each other!
<<BullyDialog>>So what?...Is something going on or did I miss everything?<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">> @@color:magenta;Shut up!@@ Let me think a little!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>It's working! Shit, I figured out how it works!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Now that you're done thinking about what's going on, @@color:magenta;it's time to tell me@@, don't you @@color:magenta;agree@@?<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Damn!<</PlayerDialog>>
@@#pill;<<button [[Explain the rules|BullyLvl3PillRules]]>><</button>>@@<<media "Data/Locations/stephanroom.jpg" "place">>
Stephan's room.
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>So, because we used 2 powerful pills at the same time, our magic flows got a bit confused and slowed down. Usually the effect fully takes effect in a few minutes, but @@color:yellow;in our case it will take at least a few days for all the magical flows to unravel and make all the changes. Still, the effect is already taking its toll on both of us. Now, without us noticing, we are becoming more receptive to the power of each other's desires!@@<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>It's even more fun this way....I like to stretch the pleasure...Would it be fair if you didn't @@color:magenta;explain the rest of it to me@@? I'm all ears.<</BullyDialog>>
Hell, it really should be a fair fight, right?! It is my own thought, is it?
<<set $Engravement = 0>>
<<set $SWill = 1000>>
<<set $PWill = 1000>>
<<set $EPoints = 0>>
<<set $SResistanceChance = 0>>
<<set $SResistanceOne = 5>>
<<set $SResistanceTwo = 15>>
<<set $SSuggAdd = 3>>
<<set $SSuggestStep = 0>>
<<set $Bully.TabletLvl = 3>>
<<set $NoVisitPunishment = false>>
<<set $BullyEngravementGenderChangeSeen = false>>
<<set $Bully.Relationship = 1>>
<<set $EngravementEffects = 0>>
<<set $EngravementActionSugg = false>>
<<set $EngravementChangedGenderFirstTime = false>>
@@color:yellow; Note@@: As you play the game, everything will be intuitive. Do not try to memorize everything. If you need the rules, you can open and check them at any time.
You are both under the effects of a level 3 pill, but your desires diverge, so the magical flows have slowed and tangled. Your interactions with Stephan and influence on each other will help untangle them.
@@color:deeppink;It's an Engravement progress bar. Each further event with Stephan will drive progress.@@ When the bar is completely filled, the effect of the pill will be irreversible, magic flows will be untangled and applied.
Stephan will try to resist your moves, but sometimes he will make his own moves and in this case you will be the one who has to resist.
@@color:deeppink;The difference in willpower visually shows the dominance of you or Stephan over each other.@@ This bar will change depending on events until the @@color:deeppink;Engravement bar@@ is completely filled.
Your successful actions over dominating Staphan will slightly increase your @@color:blue;willpower@@ and greatly decrease @@color:blue;Staphan's willpower@@.
Your unsuccessful actions will do the same, but in reverse.
If the Willpower difference bar moves to the right, new events of your domination over Stephan are opened up to you.
If the Willpower difference bar moves to the left, Stephan will open passive effects over you. Be careful, even if the bar moves to the right again, the passive effects you have already received will not disappear!
@@font-size:115%;color:magenta;The final relationship with Stephan will depend on the difference in your willpower at the time Engravement's bar is full!@@
@@color:yellow;After the event your relationship with Stephan may change, but it may also stay the same:@@
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/SubDomGame/EngInstruction.png" "just">>
<<if $Bully.SuperCock === true or $P.TrainingStage >= 13>>\
@@font-size:120%;color:red;Additional conditions:@@
<<if $Bully.SuperCock === true>>\
You couldn't contain yourself when Stephan got the 1 lvl pill, in the course of which his cock became much more pleasurable.
-Your arousal will build up faster.
<<if $P.TrainingStage >= 13>>\
You've been through all of Stephan's training, now you're going to have a harder time exacting your revenge.You're also not in a sober enough frame of mind to evaluate his actions.
-You need more willpower to resist Stephan.
-You can't see when his turn comes.
You haven't gone through Stephan's training, so you're in a sober enough frame of mind to evaluate his actions.
Stephan's turn: 0/10 - When that number reaches 10, Stephan will make his move, so be careful.
Stephan's progression to make his move: $SSuggAdd
@@font-size:120%;color:red;About resistance:@@
If it's your turn, Stephan has a chance to fight back. You can't see that chance.
If Stephan's turn, your resistance to his offer depends on @@color:red;Arousal.@@
Watch out for @@color:red;Arousal@@, or it will be harder or even @@color:red;impossible@@ to turn down Stephan's suggestion.
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>That's the way it is. Do you understand anything?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>What? I wasn't listening to you. Let's just do it. I can't wait for you to moan just at the sight of my cock! Ha-ha-ha!<</BullyDialog>>
@@#place;<<button [[Back in action|BullyRoomHere]]>><</button>>@@<<media "Data/Locations/stephanroom.jpg" "place">>
Stephan's room.
<<PlayerDialog "horny">>Umm...I...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Heheh, don't say anything. I got it.<</BullyDialog>>
<<set $BullyMastScene = random (0,3)>>\
<<switch $BullyMastScene>>\
<<case 0>>\
<<BullyDialog>>Don't hold back, bitch! Do you feel like you're drowning, losing the ability to handle it on your own?<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>Ahh...I...N..I'm cumming!...Ahhhh....<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/SubDomGame/Sub/2/Costume/fing29.mp4">>
<<UpdateArousal "0">>
<<if $P.Cor < 90>><<UpdateCorruption "+1">><</if>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny">>I....m gonna go...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>See you next time, princess. Hehehe...<</BullyDialog>>
<<case 1>>\
<<PlayerDialog "horny">>Ah...no! I...I...I have to go now...!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>You're not going anywhere, bitch! Since you came here on your own, you have no choice but to cum again and again!<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny">>Aaahh...Noooo...ah...a-agaaaain...ah...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/SubDomGame/Sub/3/squirt31.mp4">>
<<UpdateArousal "0">>
<<if $P.Cor < 90>><<UpdateCorruption "+1">><</if>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny">>I....m gonna go...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>See you next time, princess. Hehehe...<</BullyDialog>>
<<case 2>>\
<<BullyDialog>>Stupid horny depraved sex-addicted bitch! Came here all by herself! What excuse do you have after that?! <</BullyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/SubDomGame/Sub/2/Costume/dom111.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny">>Ah...sorry! I'm sorry! I don't know what came over me!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>That's not gonna work. "There's only free cheese in a mousetrap". Simply put, you either do what a bitch like you should do, or you get the fuck out of here with nothing!<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny">>~gulp~ (//I'm too aroused right now....I don't want to leave without...satisfaction...//)<</PlayerDialog>>
<<button [[Do what he wants|BullyRoomMast1]]>><</button>>
<<case 3>>\
<<BullyDialog>>Did you get even more turned on by me making you wear that outfit? Ha-ha-ha-ha! Don't hold back, bitch! Like that! There you go!!!<</BullyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/SubDomGame/Sub/3/squirt41.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>Ahha...haaa...aaAAAAAAAAHH...feels good...good..Ah...gooooood!! Yes, yes, yes! More, more!...I want more!...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<UpdateArousal "0">>
<<if $P.Cor < 90>><<UpdateCorruption "+1">><</if>>
<<BullyDialog>>More? Ha-ha-ha! Your crazy squirt made the whole place wet! That's enough for today!<</BullyDialog>>
<<if $P.Cor > 75>>\
Is one time enough for me?... Stephan...he's right in front of me!
<<button [[I want more!|BullyRoomMast1]]>><</button>>
<<UpdateSubDom "-1">>
<<set $P.TrainingStage++>>\
<<set $StephanDebt += 100>>\
<<set $WeeklyBullyRoomVisits++>>\
<<button [[Go back|DApart]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/stephanroom.jpg" "place">>
Stephan's room.
<<switch $BullyMastScene>>\
<<case 0>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<case 2>>\
<<BullyDialog>>That's better! And work your mouth harder! Are you so horny that you can't even suck properly, huh?<</BullyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/SubDomGame/Sub/2/Costume/dom112.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny">>Ah...Pleashh.. ~slurp~ Mhmm...mhmm...mhmmmm....<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>That's it, horny bitch! Who'd have thought that after all this time you'd come to me to be my hole! Ha-ha-ha-ha!<</BullyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/SubDomGame/Sub/3/Costume/dom113.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>Ah...aaha... (//That feeling...ah... satisfaction...//)<</PlayerDialog>>
Why did I agree to his provocations again...ah...sometimes I find it too hard to control myself.....
<<UpdateArousal "0">>
<<if $P.Cor < 90>><<UpdateCorruption "+2">><</if>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny">>I....m gonna go...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>See you next time, princess. Hehehe...<</BullyDialog>>
<<case 3>>\
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>No, hehe... That's not enough for me!..Not enough... ~giggle~<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Ha-ha-ha! You crazy slut!<</BullyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/SubDomGame/Sub/5/dom2.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>Ahh, heheh...I don't care! All that matters now is this cock!..hehehe...Cock...cock...ahhaa... ~giggle~ <</PlayerDialog>>
I'm not crazy, am I?...I'm still me, right?
<<UpdateArousal "0">>
<<if $P.Cor < 90>><<UpdateCorruption "+2">><</if>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny">>I....m gonna go...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>See you next time, princess. Hehehe...<</BullyDialog>>
<<set $P.TrainingStage++>>\
<<set $StephanDebt += 100>>\
<<set $WeeklyBullyRoomVisits++>>\
<<button [[Go back|DApart]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/stephanroom.jpg" "place">>
Stephan's room.
<<switch $BullyRoomSubStephanAfter>>\
<<case 0>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Take off your clothes.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>You...you come into my room and you call the shots!..oh..you could be a little more...<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Take off. Your clothes. Stephy.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>~gulp~ ~soft giggle~<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>And why are you trying to fight back? I can see how happy you are. You love the feel of a woman's body....Keep going... Keep talking.... <</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/SubDomGame/Dom/4/Slave/dom124.mp4">>
<<BullyDialog>>Ah...You...you're right...the female body is so soft...those rounded lustful shapes...I want to feel them even more...I realized that I like that feeling...when the strong becomes weak.... and drowns...in pleasure...<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Mmmm...You describe it so colorfully, heehee... Stephy deserves a reward! Yeeees?...I'll put them on for you. Stephy's a good boy or who? Tell me, or better yet, show me!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Ahhh, yeees! I'm sorry for trying to deny it! Mmm...I like it, I love it!...Ahmmm...Let me handle this!... <</BullyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/SubDomGame/Dom/5/dom8.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>~giggle~ You think I'd forgive you that easily? The correct answer was to say that Stephy's only wish now was to be a horny little bitch, hehehe!....<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>..Agh! Deeep...Hot... Aaaghh!...Yeeaahh!...Agh!<</BullyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/SubDomGame/Dom/5/peg43.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Oh, Stepfy! Tell me what I want to hear or I'll stop!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Bitch...Stephy's a bitch! ...Stephy realized he wanted to be a little bitch more than anything! I...I love you...Mhmm.... d-don't stop!<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>~giggle~<</PlayerDialog>>
<<case 1>>\
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/SubDomGame/Dom/4/te247.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Hehe, You do realize why I'm here and what I want right now, right?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Mmm...you like it?... ~Slurp~<</BullyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/SubDomGame/Dom/4/lick12.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Mmmm...yeahhhh...You're doing great, Stephy. But I want more. You've been a good boy, so it's time to take care of you too! ~giggle~ <</PlayerDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Oh, you look so cute! Does Stephy like to be my little horny pet? Ha-ha-ha!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/SubDomGame/Dom/5/dom181.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Oh, no! Stephy, you naughty boy! When you wag your tail so sweetly, I can't help myself....<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/SubDomGame/Dom/5/peg47.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Stephy loves being bitch-slapped between my chubby lady legs, huh? But why are you moaning so little? Don't tell me you're doing it again on purpose to get more! Damn it, that trick of yours is gonna work again! Ha-ha-ha-ha!...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>You love it, don't you? Show them who's your Mistress! Smile for the camera! Show what a slutty, horny bitch you are to your Mistress! Ha-ha-ha-ha!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/SubDomGame/Dom/5/peg17.mp4">>
<<BullyDialog>>...AGHH! I...I feel good..!....Agghh!..<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Yeah! Just like that! No matter where you are, no matter who you're with, don't forget for one second whose little bitch Stephy you are!...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>What do you think? Did you like it?..<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>...Have...have I been good?... ~soft giggle~<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>You're unbelievable! Good boy, Stephy! Although sometimes you're still a little rough... Hmm, maybe...I'll figure out a way to fix that! ~giggle~<</PlayerDialog>>
<<if $P.Cor < 80>><<UpdateCorruption "+1">><</if>>
<<UpdateArousal "0">>
<<UpdateSubDom "-1">>
<<set $P.TrainingStage++>>\
<<set $StephanDebt += 100>>\
<<set $WeeklyBullyRoomVisits++>>\
<<button [[Go back|DApart]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/stephanroom.jpg" "place">>
Stephan's room.
<<set $IsTabletsBodySwitchDisabled = false>>\
<<set $EngravementAfterCompletion500TF = true>>\
<<BullyDialog>>Are you having fun?...<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>What..??? Are you getting mad?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Ha-ha, relax. I was just trying to lighten up our exciting game a bit with a little conversation. You know, I think I'm getting a little attached to you.<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Oh, really?!<</PlayerDialog>>
I think my left eyebrow started to twitch irritably.
<<BullyDialog>>You're angry, aren't you? Why are you so obsessed to that stupid pill anyway? What's the big deal? Stole it, so what? It's not my fault at all that your little leaky lab blew up afterwards.<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "disgust">>Are you serious? You seriously don't understand why I'm angry?!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Of course I do, but you have no idea how much I enjoy teasing your silly head, hahaha! But no kidding, I'm really interested. I've learnt something completely out of the ordinary, and now I have too many questions. For example, what's it like to switch bodies? And do you really have to put up with it every day?...Why did something like this happen to you in the first place, hahaha?<</BullyDialog>>
I think I should show my motives and share at least a bit of information with him so he doesn't make up too much.
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Eh...It's a curse casted on me by some arrogant bitch...I don't really know what happened. But before I even realised, I found myself switching bodies with my roommate...every day...And...I'm going to break this damn curse, and don't even try to interfere!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Your roommate...Carol, right? Right!! Somehow it was only after you told me that that I realised it! You know, she's hot! I'd try to have some fun with this body with her mind inside it instead of yours. It would definitely feel very different! Ha-ha-ha!<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "disgust">>Stephan, you're such a dick! Leave her out of this! Or I'll make you pay, for sure!!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Whoa, whoa! Relax, ha-ha! We're just having a conversation right now, okay? I have some standards, too. @@color:yellow;You wanted to know WHY I need your damn pill? Here's my honest answer - I actually don't give a shit about it!@@<</BullyDialog>>
<<button [[I don't get it...|EngravementAfterCompletion500.1]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/stephanroom.jpg" "place">>
Stephan's room.
He doesn't care about that pill? Then why did he steal it? Damn Stephan. I don't get it!
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>I want an explanation.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Ha-ha! Then listen! @@color:yellow;I saw you and your geek friend congregating in that little lab of yours. Who knows what you do in there? Either way, I have no business being there! However, a couple of times when I was passing by, I definitely saw that bloke, but... with tits, and another time with long hair! I even caught the moment I blinked and he went back to normal. I also remember very well the feeling that this is how it's supposed to be, and there's nothing weird about it! I probably wouldn't have even paid attention to it, but then came the first issue of Celtos, which rocked the big people's circles. And all roads led to the mysterious Dr Leccto. That's when I remembered the weirdness.@@<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>@@color:yellow;You weren't sure about everything, but you anyway decided to check, you went in there and found some kind of pill...@@<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Exactly! I wasn't completely sure about everything, but in case you haven't noticed, I'm pretty smart! It wasn't hard to deduce, so tell me honestly now. Because I got it! You're familiar with Dr Leccto, aren't you? Because your nerdy friend IS Dr Leccto, right? Ha-ha-ha!<</BullyDialog>>
Hahaha, Stephan, you're a real detective! What a jerk...haha
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Listen, Stephan. Jimmy is not an evil genius, and he's certainly not Dr Leccto. Trust me. But he did work with me in that lab trying to help me break that damn curse. @@color:yellow;And yet your story still doesn't tell us the reason why you stole that pill. Why did you do that?!@@<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>I have my reasons, my 'friend', haha! When I'm curious about something, you clam up, and when you ask, I'm supposed to just lay it all out for you like that? Ha-ha! I've told you enough!<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Tzc!...I'm gonna make you tell me everything in detail no matter what it costs me, got it?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<if $EPoints >= 0>>\
<<BullyDialog>>You probably think you're gonna break me, don't you? Keep thinking that, cunt! I'm just playing, okay?! Because it's more fun! You're the one who is losing!...@@color:magenta;It really excites to gradually become someone's little bitch without even noticing it, right?@@<</BullyDialog>>
Exciting to gradually become someone's little bitch without even noticing it?... It's really exciting! But those words may be applied not just to only me...hehe....
<<BullyDialog>>'Oh, I'm so scared! Someone help me!' Ha-ha! You know, now I understand why you're so different from the others. And it's not about the curse! Ha-ha!... The stakes just got higher, and now @@color:magenta;I want to break you even more!@@<</BullyDialog>>
I shouldn't give up...even if he is so...ahem....I still can win, j-just don't give up!...
Anyway, after he said that, I only had more questions. I already knew he stole the pill, but I still didn't understand the reason WHY he did it! He said @@color:yellow;“I actually don't give a fuck about it!”. Then why? What did he end up doing with it? He also said that the release of Celtos shook up the big people's circles! Where did that information come from and what's his connection to them?!@@
I think it's useless to ask him further. I'm unlikely to get any answers before our 'Engravement' confrontation of the Level 3 pill is over. But he's right. The stakes have risen.
<<button [[I don't get it...|EngravementAfterEvent]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/stephanroom.jpg" "place">>
Stephan's room.
<<set $IsTabletsBodySwitchDisabled = false>>\
<<if $EPoints >= 300>>\
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>HA-HA-HA! YOU'RE SUCH A PERVERT!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm...I'm cumming!...Oh...ooooh!....<</BullyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/SubDomGame/Dom/5/1.webp" "gif">>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Hey...what was that?..<</PlayerDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>HA-HA-HA! I think I've got it! Oh, YES!<</PlayerDialog>>
It's over. I felt the magic knots finally come undone. And all that remaining power finally subsided. The @@color:red;ENGRAVING@@ is complete.
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Hehe, did you feel it too, Stephy?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/SubDomGame/Dom/5/2.webp" "gif">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Hehehe...I'm glad you like it. Sit in front of me, my boy, and describe this feeling in more detail for me.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>I...I never knew I could feel this way. Being put in my place, made to serve...it's actually like a weight has been lifted. I used to think being in control meant being strong, but now...I can't stop thinking about it. I need and I want more...<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Ha-ha! Let's go in order. What do you think of my current body? Tell me...hehe...do you want to fuck me?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/SubDomGame/Dom/5/3.webp" "gif">>
<<BullyDialog>>It's a tough question... but... I've found the answer! The sexy female body is so soft, sensitive and elegant....Ah... I'm sure I would easily lose my head with arousal thinking about how this elegant sexy girl loses to cocks and turns into a lustful slut....Aa-ahh... However, despite that, I definitely realized that it is the INACCESSIBILITY that brings the most pleasure!!...<</BullyDialog>>
There seems to be something of the old Stephan left, however now it's not quite him anymore...hehe...
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>That's an interesting answer. Then tell me this! Before, you used to bully me, use me, mock me, and so on... However, now...what am I to you now?..<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Hah...maybe friend, partner?... No, that's not it at all! You're Mistress! My Mistress!...I can't think of you any other way! All the things I've done to you before.... I wish I could be in your shoes, because I've realized how nice it is sometimes when you don't use others, but they use you! And hardly anyone can give me as much pleasure as you give me......Mistress...<</BullyDialog>>
It's Stephan in front of me, after all. He didn't see fit to apologize for what he did before. His way of thinking has changed a bit. He seems to think that the things he did to me before were pleasurable, so now he wants me to treat him the same way. I'm not sure if he has come to the right conclusions...
However, that doesn't change the basic fact - @@color:magenta;Stephan is mine!@@
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Well, Stephy! I love your answers! We've been playing this game for quite some time, so it's the right moment for you to come clean. Be honest and then maybe I'll let you play with my heels for a while, hehe! Now tell me everything in detail starting with the reason why you stole the pill!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>...h-heels?..I..I'll tell you how it was, Mistress! He..he...<</BullyDialog>>
<<button [[Listen to Stephy|EngravementAfterCompletionTalkEverything]]>><<set $GF.EvilCorPoints = 0>><<set $Bully.GotoGF = 0>><<set $Bully.Relationship = 4>><</button>>
<<elseif $EPoints < -300>>\
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/SubDomGame/Sub/5/fuck493.mp4">>
<<BullyDialog>>So? Are you going to try to say something abstruse like ‘it doesn't mean anything’ or ‘I'm just pretending’ or ‘I'm testing you’ again?<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny">>I...I can't stop...m...m-more...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Hey, did you feel something just now...?<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>Y-yeah...I think I came again...Is that what you meant?<</PlayerDialog>>
(//Is it me or I do really feel better than usual?//)
<<BullyDialog>>I got it! Hell yeah! That's it!<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>I...I got it too!.....I...........I want to cum again!.....Aaaahh!<</PlayerDialog>>
(//It feels so good...I can't stop smiling!//)
<<BullyDialog>>Oh, that feeling...Is this exactly what I think is happening right now? What do you say?<</BullyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/SubDomGame/Sub/5/cum103.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>What do I fe...Oh, you came! Mmm...I want it all over my tits...yeah...hehehe... Hey, what's all this weird glow around here?..hehe...What's goin....oh...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Come on, sweetheart. Shake your buns and say what you're supposed to say.<</BullyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/SubDomGame/Sub/5/slave4.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>...hehehe....I think I lost...hehehehe.....<</PlayerDialog>>
It's over. I can't...no...I DON'T WANT to say "no" to him. Exactly. The magic knots....they finally come undone. And all that remaining power finally subsided. The @@color:red;ENGRAVING@@ is complete.
<<BullyDialog>>Describe in more detail.<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>Oh...S-Stephy!...I am in my roommate's body right now and I am also on your leash and yet I can't stop smiling...Why am I smiling at all? For some reason I can't say no to these desires...I feel like I'm going crazy...or already crazy.....hehehe... <</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Ha-ha! That all sounds pretty damn sexy! You've become quite nice bitch!<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>But I gave you a good fight, didn't I? But I'm sorry I lost anyway...hehe...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Good fight? Well, then I need to apologise to you, too. I don't think this fight was difficult. @@color:magenta;You always have ambition, it's a pleasure to play with such a strong-willed person! That was really interesting, I cherish every moment of my journey of making you like this! But you gave up too quickly!!!@@<</BullyDialog>>
Stephan took a deep breath. I'm sure if he'd been smoking, he'd have pulled out a cigarette by now.
<<BullyDialog>>...Can you feel that...sort of magic...I don't know...@@color:magenta;still flowing around?@@<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>...yes<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>So it's not over, but we're close. I'm ready to take responsibility and end this. Come on, bitch. Isn't that what you want? This is the thing that's gonna divide your life into "before" and "after". @@color:magenta;Look at me and tell me how much you want it.@@<</BullyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/SubDomGame/Sub/5/cock19.webm">>
Cock...his cock is right in front of me and ready again...hehehehe....I want it, I want it! Am I so weak? But goddamnit how much I want him...I can feel that damn magic itching in every cell of my body! It's so itchy! I want it to calm down!
It's so itchy...
I just need to accept it!
I've already changed, how can I turn back when I've only got a modicum of awareness left?
...a modicum of awareness...
<<UpdateCorruption "+5">>
@@#redb;<<disable>><<button [[Embrace the new you (Game end)|EngravementAfterCompletionTalkEverything]]>><</button>><</disable>>@@
@@#pill;<<button [[Do your best and resist!|EngravementAfterCompletionTalkEverything]]>><<set $Bully.Relationship = 3>><</button>>@@
<<if $SWill < 20 and $PWill < 20>>\
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/SubDomGame/Dom/5/peg43.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>Ha-ha-ha! You're so pathetic! Come on, call me your Mistress again!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>How dare you, bitch! You're not trying hard enough! I'll show you how it's done!<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny">>Huh?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Ahh...ah...Mmm...You're always so tough after me...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/SubDomGame/Sub/5/Costume/dom182.mp4">>
<<BullyDialog>>Remember how to bang m...someone....the right way, "Mistress"!<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>Hehehe...I'll remember and next time I'll fuck you so hard you won't be able to stand!<</PlayerDialog>>
The magical flows penetrated deeply into both of us, changing us to suit each other's desires...I think we've both turned into filthy perverts...hehehehe.....
<<UpdateCorruption "+8">>
<<elseif $SWill >= 20 and $PWill >= 20 and $SWill < 50 and $PWill < 50>>\
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/SubDomGame/dance3.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Go ahead, say it. Say what I want to hear.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>You're a miracle... You're beautiful... You're...super sexy....I'm sorry I acted like an asshole... <</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Oh, you think that's enough? Keep going, idiot.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/SubDomGame/dance4.mp4">>
<<BullyDialog>>No girl has ever allowed herself to behave as brazenly to me as you do! My dick is like a rock! Please, I can't hold back....I can't think of anything but you right now!.. <</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Hehehe...alright...pull out your dick...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Wait, but I thought...why am I not allowed to m...?<</BullyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/SubDomGame/fuck548.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Shut up, jackass. Your dick doesn't belong to you anymore, it's mine now! I'll do it myself! You're nothing more than my talking dildo! So sit still and keep praising me! <</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>You....You're adorable! You're everyone's fantasy!...You're so sexy!...So slutty and so...insatiable!...<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Ah...yess....keep going! You must realize who's in charge here! Ha-ha-ha...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny">>...Ah-ah-ah! P-please...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Come on, bitch! Say it again!<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>Aaah...p-please....More! I said I don't care anymore! Just fuck me...m-more!...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/SubDomGame/fuck561.mp4">>
The magical flows penetrated deeply into both of us, changing us to suit each other's desires...It's like our relationship hasn't changed too much from what it was before...However, it's like we've both become a little more bold and open with our desires.....
<<UpdateCorruption "+3">>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Victory will be mine! I'll have you on your knees!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Oh, really?...Oh, I'm scared...Hmm...Can you make your face even more serious...for ?..<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Shut up, you bastard, haha!<</PlayerDialog>>
The magical flows penetrated deeply into both of us, changing us to suit each other's desires...But we both turned out to be not so easy. It seems that even under the influence of the effects of the Level 3 pill, each of us didn't want to lose and were very reluctant to change. Still, I feel like after everything, we started to understand each other a little better!
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Hey, can you feel it?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Yeah, I thought I was imagining things at first. <</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>I think we've reached the end. Something's about to happen!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Yeah, I feel the same way! It's about to....<</BullyDialog>>
@@#place;<<button [[And....|EngravementAfterCompletionTalkEverything]]>><<set $Bully.Relationship = 2>><</button>>@@
<</if>>\<<media "Data/Locations/stephanroom.jpg" "place">>
Stephan's room.
<<set $IsTabletsBodySwitchDisabled = false>>\
<<if $EPoints >= 300>>\
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Kneel and confess everything to your Mistress. Why did you take my pill?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/SubDomGame/Dom/5/3.webp" "gif">>
<<BullyDialog>>Uh-huh...I... as I said... the pill meant nothing for me...M-mistress. Have you heard of the Crimson Dragon syndicate?...<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>No. Enlighten me, pet. And keep your tongue ready - my heels need attention while you speak.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Pet? Agh...heh..@@color:yellow;The Crimson Dragon@@... ah... is a @@color:yellow;massive shadow organization@@... A @@color:yellow;drug empire run by the Yakuza@@. Dr. Leccto's research... caught their attention... especially @@color:yellow;Ray "Ice Pick" Kato, their founder@@... @@color:yellow;I stole your pill to prove my worth@@... <</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Oh? My strong man needed to impress the Yakuza? How pathetic. Continue.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>HA-h..N..no...No mistress... @@color:yellow;I needed to get OUT, not join@@... <</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Explain yourself properly. Why were you involved at all?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>I never officially joined, mistress... but I needed to bring value to leave safely. Your pill was my ticket out... Papa Ray wouldn't have let me go otherwise...but your pill...was perfect!..<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Ha-ha-ha! 'Papa' Ray? Do all syndicate dogs call him that?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>No m...ahem...mistress... only I do... because... because @@color:yellow;Ray Kato is my real father@@...<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>What?! Aha-ha! For real? The heir to a Yakuza empire, now licking my heels?! How deliciously ironic.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>@@color:yellow;Was an heir@@... I left the family... everything's done according to our laws... aghhmmm.... no going back...<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>And the pill? Won't they come sniffing around?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>You wouldn't see them even if... ah... they came. But they won't... I gave them what they wanted...Everything's done according to our clan's traditions, and...the lab explosion destroyed everything else...<</BullyDialog>>
We're talking about the old Stephan, not the one in front of me now. He protected us, and didn't even try to use this information for his own benefit... Although nothing stopped him from at least giving them Jimmy's and my names, but he didn't expose us... Perhaps he deserves a reward...heheh...
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Hehe...interesting...And now what plans does my fallen prince have?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>I...I don't care what happens next.... Even though your attitude towards me...I want you to make me feel even better...and...you...ahem...you also have to know... @@color:yellow;Father is aging... succession questions are pressing... you should meet him... before the Dragon gets... gets a new leader@@...<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Huh? So...Maybe you know where am I supposed to find this Ray Kato?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Y..Yes! The easiest way to reach him is through @@color:magenta;the night club@@. You'll need to @@color:magenta;get into the VIP area, and then sooner or later you'll meet him.@@<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Good boy, Stephy. You definitely deserve some kind of reward...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Really?! Ah...What rew...? I...ahem...I mean, what did you mean?...<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>So cute, hehe...I'll think about it!<</PlayerDialog>>
Really, hahaha! Finally!!! It wasn't easy and it was quite long, but not only did I get the information I needed and important to me, but Stephan, or rather now Stephy, heheh.... He's finally no longer a problem! Yay!!!
Anyway, I got some important information about @@color:yellow;his Papa Ray@@ and @@color:yellow;VIP zone at night club. I definitely need to pay a visit there.@@
Oh, and one more thing! @@color:red;I really want to talk to Jimmy about the new Stephan! I don't know why, but feel like I definitely need to do that!@@
And something else I just thought of! If I understand the principle of how magical flows work correctly, then among other things in this “reality” Stephan is not a threat to Layla! @@color:lime;Layla is safe!@@
@@#place;<<button [[Leave|DApart]]>><<movetime>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $EPoints < -300>>\
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>NO! N...N-NEVER! I DON'T AGREE!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>No way, HA-HA-HA! Are you....sure about this?<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Uh-huh...Y...YES! I still have things to do! I...I CAN'T GIVE UP HERE!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Fucking bitch! Ha-ha-ha! Just when I thought you couldn't surprise me anymore, you do it again! <</BullyDialog>>
Damn, I feel like magical flows are pressing in on me from all sides! I've lost to Stephan too many times....I just relax a little and I immediately....
right away...I...
Wait...I.... I feel a little better?
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Stephan? You have kind of an unusually gambling face right now...brrr...gross.....<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>HA-HA-HA! It's because none of my bitches were as stubborn as you. And you know, it's worthy. And fun. You know, I've just been thinking, and I've decided to tell you everything. <</BullyDialog>>
The magic's weakened, I feel like I'm still me. But why?
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>What? Really? You're really gonna tell me everything? Why?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Yeah. I figured I'd give you another chance. Apparently you're not being torn apart by the damn magic right now because I just realized that I like watching you struggle with yourself. Now listen carefully, I'm not going to say it twice. Let's start with the pill. As I said, I don't give a damn about that fucking pill. Have you heard anything about @@color:yellow;the Crimson Dragon syndicate@@?<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>What? Of course not!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Then I'll try to explain it simply. Long story short, the @@color:yellow;Crimson Dragon syndicate is a massive shadow organization/drug empire run by the Yakuza clan@@. Remember when I said Dr. Leccto's research shook up some big players? Well, the syndicate people, especially their @@color:yellow;founder Ray "Ice Pick" Kato@@, were more interested than anyone else. They needed any information they could get. @@color:yellow;Stealing your pill became my way to prove useful to the syndicate.@@ I didn't have high hopes, but it worked out, hahaha!<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>What?! Why did you suddenly need to join the Yakuza syndicate?!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Join?! Hahaha! You idiot! @@color:yellow;I did this to get OUT, not to join!@@<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>I don't understand! Why did you join in the first place then?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Hahaha! Technically, I never joined. But if I'd left without bringing any value to the clan, Papa Ray wouldn't have been happy. I got super lucky that your pill turned out to be really unusual. Now I'm free as a bird!<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Is that the head of the syndicate? Do they make you call the founder 'Papa' in the syndicate? Hahaha!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Hey, you could at least be a little happy that I'm free now! But let me correct you - we're not required to call the founder father. I do it because @@color:yellow;Ray Kato is actually my real father.@@<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Y...You're joking?... Are you saying @@color:yellow;you're the heir to a Yakuza shadow empire@@?!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Hahaha! Was one of them, but I left the family. Everything's done according to our laws, there's no going back.<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Let's say that's true, but why would you do this?! Although... maybe you don't need to explain. I think I've come to understand you better lately. But you found and brought them this pill. They figured out it was unusual and must have started asking questions. Why haven't I seen any men in black suits snooping around?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>First off, if they were looking for something, you wouldn't see any men in black suits. I'll tell you more - you wouldn't see them even if you wanted to. Secondly, you think I want these problems? I already gave them a valuable resource. And if I see any of them around, they'll be critically violating my terms. Plus, you guys blew up the lab with all the documents inside at just the right time.<</BullyDialog>>
Stephan answers in his usual style, but it seems he really didn't set us up or expose us, and didn't even try to use this information for his own benefit... Although nothing stopped him from at least giving them Jimmy's and my names, but he didn't expose us... He's not such a terrible person after all.
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>So what will you do now?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>I'm free and I'll live however I want. I don't care what happens next. However, I'll give you some advice. @@color:magenta;My father is getting old, and the question of succession is more pressing than you think. So you'd better meet with him before the Crimson Dragon gets a new leader.@@<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Where am I supposed to find this Ray Kato?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>The easiest way to reach him is through @@color:magenta;the night club@@. You'll need to @@color:magenta;get into the VIP area, and then sooner or later you'll meet him.@@<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Um...I guess I should thank you?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>HA-HA-HA! Don't get cocky, bitch. Don't think I'm gonna change the way I feel about you. You'll come crawling back to me after you realize you're not gonna make it! You're still fighting back, but how long can you do it? I'll be watching this. With pleasure...<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Tcz! I...I won't give up and I'll show you what I can do!<</PlayerDialog>>
Stephan's an asshole!!! But he's right...@@color:magenta;I feel like imperceptibly I've started thinking about him more often than I used to...hell...way more often......Probably if I get too aroused, I'll have a hard time containing myself.....@@
Anyway, at least I got some important information about @@color:yellow;his Papa Ray@@ and @@color:yellow;VIP zone at night club@@. And I guess I'll just have to put "Stephan's problem" on hold for a while.
@@#place;<<button [[Leave|DApart]]>><<set $EngLosingStephanDebuff = true>><<movetime>><</button>>@@
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Um...It's gone? Do you...um...feel anything?...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>No, nothing out of the ordinary at all.<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Uh-huh..<</PlayerDialog>>
We looked at each other carefully, and then....
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>APAHAHAHA, why was your face so tense?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Watch yourself, idiot! - "Oh, no! The magic's about to do a piffle and it's going to be so bad, what am I going to do?! Somebody help me!" HA-HA-HA!<</BullyDialog>>
I feel like the magical flows have really completely unraveled. However, I don't see our relationship with Stephan changing much. Probably we were both stubborn enough that neither of us wanted to give in to the other. And neither did.
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Oh, shit... Looks like we got a tie. Guess I'm not gonna get all the truth I want to know out of you after all.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>None of my bitches were as stubborn as you. And you know, it's worthy. And fun. I don't think there's any point in withholding that information, it's of no use to me anyway.<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>What? Really? You're really gonna tell me everything?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Yes, but listen carefully, I'm not going to say it twice. Let's start with the pill. As I said, I don't give a damn about that fucking pill. Have you heard anything about @@color:yellow;the Crimson Dragon syndicate@@?<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>What? Of course not!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Then I'll try to explain it simply. Long story short, the @@color:yellow;Crimson Dragon syndicate is a massive shadow organization/drug empire run by the Yakuza clan@@. Remember when I said Dr. Leccto's research shook up some big players? Well, the syndicate people, especially their @@color:yellow;founder Ray "Ice Pick" Kato@@, were more interested than anyone else. They needed any information they could get. @@color:yellow;Stealing your pill became my way to prove useful to the syndicate.@@ I didn't have high hopes, but it worked out, hahaha!<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>What?! Why did you suddenly need to join the Yakuza syndicate?!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Join?! Hahaha! You idiot! @@color:yellow;I did this to get OUT, not to join!@@<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>I don't understand! Why did you join in the first place then?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Hahaha! Technically, I never joined. But if I'd left without bringing any value to the clan, Papa Ray wouldn't have been happy. I got super lucky that your pill turned out to be really unusual. Now I'm free as a bird!<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Is that the head of the syndicate? Do they make you call the founder 'Papa' in the syndicate? Hahaha!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Hey, you could at least be a little happy that I'm free now! But let me correct you - we're not required to call the founder father. I do it because @@color:yellow;Ray Kato is actually my real father.@@<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Y...You're joking?... Are you saying @@color:yellow;you're the heir to a Yakuza shadow empire@@?!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Hahaha! Was one of them, but I left the family. Everything's done according to our laws, there's no going back.<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Let's say that's true, but why would you do this?! Although... maybe you don't need to explain. I think I've come to understand you better lately. But you found and brought them this pill. They figured out it was unusual and must have started asking questions. Why haven't I seen any men in black suits snooping around?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>First off, if they were looking for something, you wouldn't see any men in black suits. I'll tell you more - you wouldn't see them even if you wanted to. Secondly, you think I want these problems? I already gave them a valuable resource. And if I see any of them around, they'll be critically violating my terms. Plus, you guys blew up the lab with all the documents inside at just the right time.<</BullyDialog>>
Stephan answers in his usual style, but it seems he really didn't set us up or expose us, and didn't even try to use this information for his own benefit... Although nothing stopped him from at least giving them Jimmy's and my names, but he didn't expose us... He's not such a terrible person after all.
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>So what will you do now?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>I'm free and I'll live however I want. I don't care what happens next. However, I'll give you some advice. @@color:magenta;My father is getting old, and the question of succession is more pressing than you think. So you'd better meet with him before the Crimson Dragon gets a new leader.@@<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Where am I supposed to find this Ray Kato?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>The easiest way to reach him is through @@color:magenta;the night club@@. You'll need to @@color:magenta;get into the VIP area, and then sooner or later you'll meet him.@@<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Um...I guess I should thank you?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>HA-HA-HA! Don't get cocky, bitch. Don't think I'm gonna change the way I feel about you. You'll come crawling back to me after you realize you're not gonna make it! <</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "disgust">>Tcz! Fuck you, Stephan!<</PlayerDialog>>
Stephan's a jerk! Yes, I was starting to understand him a little better, but that didn't mean I'd beat him! Anyway, at least I got some important information about @@color:yellow;his Papa Ray@@ and @@color:yellow;VIP zone at night club@@. And I guess I'll just have to put "Stephan's problem" on hold for a while.
@@#place;<<button [[Leave|DApart]]>><<movetime>><</button>>@@
<</if>>\<<media "Data/Locations/stephanroom.jpg" "place">>
Stephan's room.
<<if $Engravement >= 1000>>\
<<goto "EngravementAfterCompletion1000">>
<<if $Engravement >= 500 and $EngravementAfterCompletion500TF != true>>\
<<goto "EngravementAfterCompletion500">>
<<if $P.Arousal >= 50>>\
<<set $SSuggestStep += 2>>\
<<set $SSuggAdd += 2>>\
<<if $P.TrainingStage < 13>>\
Stephan's turn: $SSuggestStep/10
Stephan's progression to make his move: +$SSuggAdd
<<if $P.Arousal >= 50>>\
@@color:red;Stephan notices your arousal, so he acts more proactive!@@
<<if $EngravementEvPerDay <= 20>>\
@@#pill;<<button [[Continue Engravement!|EngravementEvChoosing]]>><</button>>@@
Your interactions with Stephan have peaked for the day. You both are tired.
@@#pill;<<disable>><<button [[Continue Engravement!|EngravementEvChoosing]]>><</button>><</disable>>@@
<<button [[Stats|EngravementStats]]>><</button>>
<<if $EngravementEvPerDay <= 6>>\
@@#place;<<button [[Stop right here and back to apartments|DApart]]>><<set $IsTabletsBodySwitchDisabled = false>><<movetime>><</button>>@@
@@#place;<<button "Stop right here and back to apartments">><<set $P.Loc = 0>>
<<set $InOutskirts = false>><<set $IsTabletsBodySwitchDisabled = false>><<newday>><</button>>@@
<<if $EngravementEffects > 0>>
<<if $EngravementEvPerDay === 0>>\
<<UpdateArousal "+70">>\
<<if $Engravement >= 1000>>
<<goto "EngravementAfterCompletion1000">>
<<if $Engravement >= 500 and $EngravementAfterCompletion500TF != true>>\
<<goto "EngravementAfterCompletion500">>
<<if $EngravementSlaveCostume !== true>>
<<set $SSuggAdd = 4>>
<<set $SSuggAdd = 3>>
<<if $EngravementEffects > 3>>
<<set $SSuggAdd += 2>>
<<set $SSuggestStep += $SSuggAdd>>
<<set $EngravementEvPerDay++>>
<<if $SSuggestStep >= 10>>
<<set $SSuggestStep -= 10>>
<<goto "SSuggAct">>
<<set $SResistanceChanceRand = random (40,99)>>
<<set $SResistanceChanceRand = parseInt($SResistanceChanceRand)>>
<<if $SResistanceChanceRand > $SResistanceChance>>
<<set _SResistanceChanceAdd = random ($SResistanceOne, $SResistanceTwo)>>
<<set $SResistanceChance += _SResistanceChanceAdd>>
<<if $SWill > 800>>
<<REGroup "REEngravement1" 100>>
<<elseif $SWill > 750 and $SWill <= 875>>
<<REGroup "REEngravement1" 100>>
<<elseif $SWill > 500 and $SWill <= 750>>
<<REGroup "REEngravement2" 100>>
<<elseif $SWill > 250 and $SWill <= 500>>
<<REGroup "REEngravement3" 100>>
<<elseif $SWill > 0 and $SWill <= 250>>
<<REGroup "REEngravement4" 100>>
<<elseif $SWill <= 0>>
<<REGroup "REEngravement5" 100>>
<<set $SResistanceChance = 0>>
<<set $SSuggestStep += 1>>
<<goto "SResistance">>
<</nobr>><<media "Data/Locations/stephanroom.jpg" "place">>
Stephan's room.
<<BullyDialog>>How the fuck you're guy, huh? Do I look like a boy lover?!<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>What do you want from me? It's not up to me! I don't control it!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>No way, you idiot. When you're here, I don't want anyone but @@color:magenta;my little slutty girl in front of me!@@<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>I don't care what you want or don't want! I....hey wait!..w-what's going on....? <</PlayerDialog>>
<<button [[What?!|EngravementGenderChangeFirst1]]>><<set $P.Gender = "f">><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/stephanroom.jpg" "place">>
Stephan's room.
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>What?! How is that possible?!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Yeah! That's more like it! Good girl! Ha-ha-ha!<</BullyDialog>>
Damn! A level 3 pill combined with Stephan's strong wish has a powerful effect! It forced me to switch bodies with Carol right in the middle of the day! Although the change should be unnoticeable to Carol, she probably thinks she's been me since the beginning of the day. But, anyway...
Shit... So I'm going to have to confront him exactly in this body every time...
So what?! I can do it even this way!
<<PlayerDialog "disgust">>I don't care! It'll be even more humiliating for you when I make you pay for everything while I'm in this body instead of my own! Got it?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Ha-ha-ha! Try it, bitch! You'll have to try really hard! Ha-ha-ha!<</BullyDialog>>
@@color:yellow;Note@@: If you try to start a confrontation with Stephan in your own body, you will automatically switch bodies with Carol in this case.
<<button [[Back in action|BullyRoomHere]]>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$P.Gender == "f"`,
tags: ["Engravement", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "REEngravement1",
weight: 10,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 0,
<<media "Data/Locations/stephanroom.jpg" "place">>
Stephan's room.
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Time to teach you some manners. It's up to you whether you get a treat. Tell me what you think of me.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/SubDomGame/Dom/1/dom123.webp" "gif">>
<<if $SWill > 875>>\
<<BullyDialog>>What am I thinking? I want to possess you! Ha-ha-ha!<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>> @@color:magenta;Wrong answer. Very wrong.@@ You don't deserve a treat.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>These legs. They make me...very, very horny...<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>> @@color:magenta;Good boy. Keep telling@@ me why you like them so much.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/SubDomGame/Dom/1/dom13.mp4">>
<<BullyDialog>>Very unusual feeling...fine...I guess I'll let myself say a few more words in your favor....<</BullyDialog>>
<<EngravementStatsCounterWin "+w">>
@@#place;<<button [[Next|EngravementAfterEvent]]>><</button>>@@<<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$P.Gender == "f"`,
tags: ["Engravement", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "REEngravement1",
weight: 10,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 1,
<<media "Data/Locations/stephanroom.jpg" "place">>
Stephan's room.
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Tell me honestly, don't those legs turn you on?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/SubDomGame/Dom/1/dom168.mp4">>
<<if $SWill > 875>>\
<<BullyDialog>>Ha-ha-ha! Perfect legs to be spread for me!<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>You're thinking too superficially, @@color:magenta;you'll have a lot more fun if you start really thinking about why you like them so much.@@<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>...And also they are soft...the heels add elegance.....<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Well done. @@color:magenta;Think about it. Feel it. it's what makes you feel good.@@<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/SubDomGame/Dom/1/dom20.mp4">>
<<EngravementStatsCounterWin "+w">>
@@#place;<<button [[Next|EngravementAfterEvent]]>><</button>>@@<<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$P.Gender == "f"`,
tags: ["Engravement", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "REEngravement1",
weight: 10,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 2,
<<media "Data/Locations/stephanroom.jpg" "place">>
Stephan's room.
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Come on, Stephy! @@color:magenta;You'll feel all the better the better you make ME feel!@@<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/SubDomGame/Dom/1/dom140.mp4">>
<<if $SWill > 875>>\
<<BullyDialog>>Bitch, you don't know how mad I'll be if you don't make me cum! <</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>It's all in your...lips!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Why? Why do you keep stopping? I want to...Agh! You bitch! Why?!<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Do you think you really deserve it?! You @@color:magenta;haven't worked hard enough@@ to get what you want. Now @@color:magenta;think about it@@.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/SubDomGame/Dom/1/dom108.mp4">>
<<EngravementStatsCounterWin "-w">>
@@#place;<<button [[Next|EngravementAfterEvent]]>><</button>>@@<<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$P.Gender == "f"`,
tags: ["Engravement", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "REEngravement1",
weight: 10,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 3,
<<media "Data/Locations/stephanroom.jpg" "place">>
Stephan's room.
<<BullyDialog>>You really think I can't handle it?!...<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>But you @@color:magenta;don't have to try to endure it! You like it@@, don't you? Why endure?..<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/SubDomGame/Dom/1/dom106.mp4">>
<<if $SWill > 875>>\
<<BullyDialog>>I'd rather be patient and endure than agree to cum on your feet, bitch!<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>But you @@color:magenta;don't have anything to lose by doing that@@ right?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>That's it, good boy! Oh, that tickles, hehe! But @@color:magenta;it's so pleasant@@, right?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>That's not true! Your feet are in my cum!...I..I do it only because I want to do it!<</BullyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/SubDomGame/Dom/1/dom170.mp4">>
<<EngravementStatsCounterWin "+w">>
@@#place;<<button [[Next|EngravementAfterEvent]]>><</button>>@@<<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$P.Gender == "f"`,
tags: ["Engravement", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "REEngravement1",
weight: 10,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 4,
<<media "Data/Locations/stephanroom.jpg" "place">>
Stephan's room.
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>I'm sure no girl could show you @@color:magenta;how enjoyable@@ something like that could be...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>You're right. You're probably the cheekiest bitch I've ever had.<</BullyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/SubDomGame/Dom/1/dom166.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Ha-ha-ha! You think I'm gonna let you cum with that kind of behavior of yours?...But @@color:magenta;you're lucky@@, @@color:magenta;I'm kind@@, so if @@color:magenta;you want to cum@@ I'll let you, but you can only @@color:magenta;do it on my feet while on your knees@@.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<if $SWill > 875>>\
<<BullyDialog>>Fuck you bitch! I won't stoop to that....and...and I'll make you pay for saying that out of your filthy mouth...<</BullyDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Damn, you're pretty good at your part, you cocky bitch! I had to do it, but don't think I'll do something like that every time!<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Stephy, @@color:magenta;as long as you're on your knees, I'll let you feel as good as you want!@@<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/SubDomGame/Dom/1/dom162.mp4">>
<<EngravementStatsCounterWin "+w">>
@@#place;<<button [[Next|EngravementAfterEvent]]>><</button>>@@<<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$P.Gender == "f"`,
tags: ["Engravement", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "REEngravement1",
weight: 10,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 5,
<<media "Data/Locations/stephanroom.jpg" "place">>
Stephan's room.
<<BullyDialog>>No! I'm not enjoying something...agh...like that, bitch!<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Really? Mmhm...How can you say that when @@color:magenta;just the sight of my legs makes you cum over and over again@@? But it's @@color:magenta;never enough for you@@, is it? You @@color:magenta;want more and more@@, don't you?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/SubDomGame/Dom/1/dom179.mp4">>
<<if $SWill > 875>>\
<<BullyDialog>>It doesn't matter how my own body behaves!...I give the commands here! And unlike you, I can handle my body's desires!....Easily, okay?! Is that clear, bitch?!....<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Come on, Stephy! This is @@color:magenta;what you wanted@@! @@color:magenta;Give in to the feeling@@!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Damn, I have to admit, those legs aren't just good when they're spread!...I-I want more! Ha-hah...<</BullyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/SubDomGame/Dom/1/dom180.mp4">>
<<EngravementStatsCounterWin "+w">>
@@#place;<<button [[Next|EngravementAfterEvent]]>><</button>>@@<<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$P.Gender == "f" and $P.Cor >= 75`,
tags: ["Engravement", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "REEngravement1",
weight: 10,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 6,
<<media "Data/Locations/stephanroom.jpg" "place">>
Stephan's room.
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>~giggle~ Such a huge cock and it's @@color:magenta;all mine@@! Hehehe! Do you @@color:magenta;agree that your dick is my personal toy@@?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/SubDomGame/Dom/1/dom104.mp4">>
<<if $SWill > 875>>\
<<BullyDialog>>Bitch, work your hands better if you want me to keep mine behind my back!<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Ahaa! No! Oh, if it's not my toy, do I have the right to make it cum?...Oh, If you'd just agree... ~giggle~<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>All right, all right! It's yours, you stupid whore!<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Ha-ha-ha! Then give me what is rightfully mine! ~giggle~<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/SubDomGame/Dom/1/dom105.mp4">>
<<EngravementStatsCounterWin "+w">>
@@#place;<<button [[Next|EngravementAfterEvent]]>><</button>>@@<<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$P.Gender == "f" and $EngravementActionSugg === false`,
tags: ["Engravement", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "REEngravementS1",
weight: 10,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 0,
<<media "Data/Locations/stephanroom.jpg" "place">>
Stephan's room.
<<PlayerDialog "horny">>Ahaa, no! Stop it!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/SubDomGame/Sub/1/slap39.mp4">>
<<BullyDialog>>No, I don't want to stop! I can't stop while you're acting like this! You're acting like a @@color:magenta;very, very bad girl!@@ Ha-ha!<</BullyDialog>>
<<EngravementStatsCounterWin "-l">>
@@#place;<<button [[Next|EngravementAfterEvent]]>><</button>>@@<<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$P.Gender == "f" and $EngravementActionSugg === true`,
tags: ["Engravement", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "REEngravementS1",
weight: 10,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 1,
<<media "Data/Locations/stephanroom.jpg" "place">>
Stephan's room.
<<PlayerDialog "horny">>Ahhaa! It's too much! Did I agree to this?! Why it's so...aha...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/SubDomGame/Sub/1/rub26.mp4">>
<<BullyDialog>>Are you really surprised? Aren't you the @@color:magenta;one who likes to be taken hard@@?! Ha-ha-ha!<</BullyDialog>>
<<EngravementStatsCounterWin "-l">>
@@#place;<<button [[Next|EngravementAfterEvent]]>><</button>>@@<<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$P.Gender == "f" and $EngravementActionSugg === false`,
tags: ["Engravement", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "REEngravementS1",
weight: 10,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 2,
<<media "Data/Locations/stephanroom.jpg" "place">>
Stephan's room.
<<PlayerDialog "horny">>Let me go! Ah! You'll pay for this!...It...hurts!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/SubDomGame/Sub/1/grope22.mp4">>
<<BullyDialog>>No, you @@color:magenta;actually want to let me do it@@! Why else would you @@color:magenta;moan every time@@ I move my hand?<</BullyDialog>>
<<EngravementStatsCounterWin "-l">>
@@#place;<<button [[Next|EngravementAfterEvent]]>><</button>>@@<<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$P.Gender == "f" and $EngravementActionSugg === true`,
tags: ["Engravement", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "REEngravementS1",
weight: 10,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 3,
<<media "Data/Locations/stephanroom.jpg" "place">>
Stephan's room.
<<PlayerDialog "horny">>Are you satisfied now? Ah..We're equal before the power of the damn pill! We are equal!! Happy?! Ah...Mmm...I'm so exposed!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/SubDomGame/Sub/1/grope22.mp4">>
<<BullyDialog>>Exactly! So don't get distracted! @@color:magenta;Your role@@ right now is to @@color:magenta;stand still@@ and @@color:magenta;look like a bitch@@!<</BullyDialog>>
<<EngravementStatsCounterWin "-l">>
@@#place;<<button [[Next|EngravementAfterEvent]]>><</button>>@@<<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$P.Gender == "f" and $EngravementActionSugg === false`,
tags: ["Engravement", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "REEngravementS1",
weight: 10,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 4,
<<media "Data/Locations/stephanroom.jpg" "place">>
Stephan's room.
<<PlayerDialog "disgust">>How could you?!... humiliating!...But screw you! I'll put up with it and you'll pay double! <</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/SubDomGame/Sub/1/dom38.mp4">>
<<BullyDialog>>Ha-ha-ha! What a bitch! Feel how @@color:magenta;you shudder@@ with every spanking! @@color:magenta;Feel the humiliation@@! @@color:magenta;Revel in it@@ and @@color:magenta;enjoy it@@!<</BullyDialog>>
<<EngravementStatsCounterWin "-l">>
@@#place;<<button [[Next|EngravementAfterEvent]]>><</button>>@@<<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$P.Gender == "f" and $EngravementDomCostume === false`,
tags: ["Engravement", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "REEngravement2",
weight: 10,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 0,
<<media "Data/Locations/stephanroom.jpg" "place">>
Stephan's room.
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>That's it. You @@color:magenta;must be missing those legs@@... <</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Damn, hahah...ha... Why am I even letting you do this?...<</BullyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/SubDomGame/Dom/2/dom175.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Because you're starting to @@color:magenta;mlike being at my feet@@....<</PlayerDialog>>
He's barely resisting, that's progress.....
<<EngravementStatsCounterWin "+w">>
@@#place;<<button [[Next|EngravementAfterEvent]]>><</button>>@@<<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$P.Gender == "f" and $EngravementDomCostume === false`,
tags: ["Engravement", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "REEngravement2",
weight: 10,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 1,
<<media "Data/Locations/stephanroom.jpg" "place">>
Stephan's room.
<<BullyDialog>>Agh! Those legs need to be spread for me! But...agh...that's fine too...<</BullyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/SubDomGame/Dom/2/dom75.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Oh, so cute! I'll only let a boy who's @@color:magenta;well behaved@@ make himself @@color:magenta;feel good@@ like this!<</PlayerDialog>>
I let him because he's becoming more and more addicted to that kind of pleasure...
<<EngravementStatsCounterWin "+w">>
@@#place;<<button [[Next|EngravementAfterEvent]]>><</button>>@@<<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$P.Gender == "f" and $EngravementDomCostume === false`,
tags: ["Engravement", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "REEngravement2",
weight: 10,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 2,
<<media "Data/Locations/stephanroom.jpg" "place">>
Stephan's room.
<<BullyDialog>>Agh! Bitch! It feels...agh!<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Yes! That's it! You know you'll @@color:magenta;feel so much better@@ if you @@color:magenta;give control to me@@! <</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/SubDomGame/Dom/2/dom.mp4">>
He needs to understand what exactly makes him feel so good!...
<<EngravementStatsCounterWin "+w">>
@@#place;<<button [[Next|EngravementAfterEvent]]>><</button>>@@<<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$P.Gender == "f" and $EngravementDomCostume === false`,
tags: ["Engravement", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "REEngravement2",
weight: 10,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 3,
<<media "Data/Locations/stephanroom.jpg" "place">>
Stephan's room.
<<BullyDialog>>I'm not kneeling before you, you arrogant bitch! Because I always do what I want!<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Of course, sweet Stepfy. You @@color:magenta;only do what you want to do@@.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/SubDomGame/Dom/2/dom172.mp4">>
Let him ponder which of these are his own desires...
<<EngravementStatsCounterWin "+w">>
@@#place;<<button [[Next|EngravementAfterEvent]]>><</button>>@@<<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$P.Gender == "f" and $EngravementDomCostume === false`,
tags: ["Engravement", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "REEngravement2",
weight: 10,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 4,
<<media "Data/Locations/stephanroom.jpg" "place">>
Stephan's room.
<<BullyDialog>>What is that outfit?! Shit, I want to...ough....<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>What did you say you wanted? Is it these @@color:magenta;legs you want so badly@@?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Oh, I can tell from you, but you @@color:magenta;have to talk about what you desire@@, even if it sounds pathetic. As punishment, you won't touch them this time. Now @@color:magenta;look at them@@ and @@color:magenta;dream about them@@!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/SubDomGame/Dom/2/dom172.mp4">>
It didn't take an expert to realize that he definitely cum not because of the movements of my hand.
<<EngravementStatsCounterWin "+w">>
@@#place;<<button [[Next|EngravementAfterEvent]]>><</button>>@@<<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$P.Gender == "f" and $EngravementDomCostume === false`,
tags: ["Engravement", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "REEngravement2",
weight: 10,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 5,
<<media "Data/Locations/stephanroom.jpg" "place">>
Stephan's room.
<<BullyDialog>>Ah! Ah! Ahha! Ah!<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Oh, you're @@color:magenta;so horny!@@ You know, I'm so kind right now, I think I'll let you get a little higher if you @@color:magenta;admit you like it@@.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Okay! I admit that I do care about chubby sexy women's legs!...Happy?!<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>> @@color:magenta;Good boy. Behave like that@@ and I'll keep my promises too.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/SubDomGame/Dom/2/dom177.mp4">>
I've been pretty soft on him lately. I think he's ready for me to be a little harder on him...
<<EngravementStatsCounterWin "+w">>
@@#place;<<button [[Next|EngravementAfterEvent]]>><</button>>@@<<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$P.Gender == "f" and $EngravementDomCostume === false`,
tags: ["Engravement", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "REEngravement2",
weight: 10,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 6,
<<media "Data/Locations/stephanroom.jpg" "place">>
Stephan's room.
<<BullyDialog>>Bitch! Stop it! It's disgusting! <</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Stop? Then why don't you fight back? I'll tell you why. It's because of that @@color:magenta;useless cock that controls you@@. Those @@color:magenta;cocks are nothing but trouble@@, aren't they?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/SubDomGame/Dom/2/dom84.mp4">>
He has to decide for himself how pathetic his dick is...
<<EngravementStatsCounterWin "+w">>
@@#place;<<button [[Next|EngravementAfterEvent]]>><</button>>@@<<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$P.Gender == "f" and $EngravementDomCostume === false`,
tags: ["Engravement", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "REEngravement2",
weight: 10,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 7,
<<media "Data/Locations/stephanroom.jpg" "place">>
Stephan's room.
<<BullyDialog>>I finally got YOU to do this one! That's it! I'm almost...Ough!...Hey! Y-you haven't finished!...I'm not gonna...or.....Oh! Oh, my fucking God!! Why?!<</BullyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/SubDomGame/Dom/2/dom68.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Ew, Stephan! @@color:magenta;You are such a pig!@@ I stopped moving! How could you even cum?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Agh, Bitch!... I...I don't know!<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Ha-ha-ha! I'll tell you how! You came @@color:magenta;EXACTLY@@ because I took my foot off! Because you started to @@color:magenta;enjoy the humiliation, pig@@!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>No way I let you call me pig!....stupid bitch!....<</BullyDialog>>
I definitely need to develop this new trait of his further, hahaha!
<<EngravementStatsCounterWin "+w">>
@@#place;<<button [[Next|EngravementAfterEvent]]>><</button>>@@<<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$P.Gender == "f" and $EngravementDomCostume === true`,
tags: ["Engravement", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "REEngravement2",
weight: 10,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 9,
<<media "Data/Locations/stephanroom.jpg" "place">>
Stephan's room.
<<BullyDialog>>What the outfit is that?!<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Oh, I decided to dress up a bit to add some "atmosphere"...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Ah, bitch...You're not...<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Shh, shh, Stephie. @@color:magenta;Forget everything@@. It's @@color:magenta;not your responsibility anymore@@. @@color:magenta;Let me take care of everything@@. I'll @@color:magenta;personally lead you to a pleasure you've never felt before@@....<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/SubDomGame/Dom/2/Costume/dom128.mp4">>
My advantage over Stephan is experience + psychology faculty. I just know how it's done...
<<EngravementStatsCounterWin "+w">>
@@#place;<<button [[Next|EngravementAfterEvent]]>><</button>>@@<<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$P.Gender == "f" and $EngravementDomCostume === true and $P.Cor >= 75`,
tags: ["Engravement", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "REEngravement2",
weight: 10,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 10,
<<media "Data/Locations/stephanroom.jpg" "place">>
Stephan's room.
<<BullyDialog>>What the outfit is that?!<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Oh, I decided to dress up a bit to add some "atmosphere"... ~giggle~<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Bitch! You're out of your fucking mind! Are you gonna do something or not?!<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>> @@color:magenta;Huh? How long have you been standing there? Ha-ha-ha! This lecherous cock is so impatient....Mhmm...Maybe I.....No, I'll wait a little more! ~giggle~<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/SubDomGame/Dom/2/Costume/dom133.mp4">>
<<BullyDialog>>AGHAGJ, BITCH!<</BullyDialog>>
He must be feeling so pathetic right now, hahahahaha!
<<EngravementStatsCounterWin "+w">>
@@#place;<<button [[Next|EngravementAfterEvent]]>><</button>>@@<<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$P.Gender == "f" and $EngravementDomCostume === true`,
tags: ["Engravement", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "REEngravement2",
weight: 10,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 11,
<<media "Data/Locations/stephanroom.jpg" "place">>
Stephan's room.
<<BullyDialog>>What the outfit is that?!<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Oh, I decided to dress up a bit to add some "atmosphere"... ~giggle~<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/SubDomGame/Dom/2/Costume/dom5.mp4">>
<<BullyDialog>>Bitch! Stop hitting it! I thought you got on your knees to finally suck it off, but you only pretend to start and stop every time! Stop it!<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Are you really asking me to stop? You think I'd get on my knees for someone like you for no good reason? @@color:magenta;Think again.@@ While @@color:magenta;you're asking me to stop, your cock is getting harder and harder@@. I wonder how much longer you can hold out?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>I'll hold it as long as it takes!...<</BullyDialog>>
I pounded and teased his cock over and over again. No one could take it.
<<BullyDialog>>AH, FUCK! SHIT! BITCH! FUCK! COME HERE!<</BullyDialog>>
He lunged clumsily at me and tried to pull me down, but...
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Ha-ha-ha! WHAT WAS THAT?! HA-HA-HA-HA! GET AHOLD OF YOURSELF! You were so close! HA-HA-HA-HA!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/SubDomGame/Dom/2/Costume/dom48.mp4">>
<<BullyDialog>>AGH! AH! I'M CUMMING! AAAGH! WHYY?!<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>You almost had it, but as soon as you felt my feet on your cock you started moaning and cumming hard! @@color:magenta;That's what gives you real pleasure!@@ <</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>..S-Shut up!<</BullyDialog>>
I think I hit a pretty big hole in his mind....
<<EngravementStatsCounterWin "+w">>
@@#place;<<button [[Next|EngravementAfterEvent]]>><</button>>@@<<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$P.Gender == "f" and $EngravementDomCostume === true`,
tags: ["Engravement", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "REEngravement2",
weight: 10,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 12,
<<media "Data/Locations/stephanroom.jpg" "place">>
Stephan's room.
<<BullyDialog>>What the outfit is that?!<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Oh, I decided to dress up a bit to add some "atmosphere"... ~giggle~<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Just start already! Start! Start!<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Yes!...Of course!.. I'm almost there!.. I'm almost touching!.. Almost!.. Hey!..Don't get distracted!... I'm just about to start!..<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>AUGHYOUFUCKING! AGHHH!<</BullyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/SubDomGame/Dom/2/Costume/dom103.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>HA-HA-HA-HA! Oh, Did you want it that badly? What an impatient bad boy you are! Ha-ha-ha!<</PlayerDialog>>
He hasn't admitted it yet, but somewhere deep down inside he's already addicted to being treated that way....
<<EngravementStatsCounterWin "+w">>
@@#place;<<button [[Next|EngravementAfterEvent]]>><</button>>@@<<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$P.Gender == "f" and $EngravementDomCostume === true`,
tags: ["Engravement", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "REEngravement2",
weight: 10,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 8,
<<media "Data/Locations/stephanroom.jpg" "place">>
Stephan's room.
<<BullyDialog>>What the outfit is that?!<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Oh, I decided to dress up a bit to add some "atmosphere"...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Don't you @@color:magenta;love all those dark colors@@? I can modify this costume by adding or subtracting different elements indefinitely! Doesn't the body of a girl who looks more confident and devilish @@color:magenta;evoke more of those hidden taboo desires@@ in you?...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/SubDomGame/Dom/2/Costume/dom99.mp4">>
<<BullyDialog>>You think you put on some costume and so you're a mistress?<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Oh, @@color:magenta;no matter what you say@@, you @@color:magenta;can't fool your pathetic cock@@.... ~giggle~<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Don't think I did your bidding or anything! Now you're the one who's jerking my dick off!<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Ha-ha-ha! Why do you keep your hands behind your back @@color:magenta;so obediently@@?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/SubDomGame/Dom/2/Costume/dom1.mp4">>
I definitely get more excited than usual in a costume, but it's worth it, haha!
<<EngravementStatsCounterWin "+w">>
@@#place;<<button [[Next|EngravementAfterEvent]]>><</button>>@@<<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$P.Gender == "f" and $EngravementActionSugg === true and ($EngravementDomCostume === false or $SWill <= 0)`,
tags: ["Engravement", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "REEngravementS2",
weight: 10,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 0,
<<media "Data/Locations/stephanroom.jpg" "place">>
Stephan's room.
<<PlayerDialog "horny">>N..No...MmHMhmmmm.....<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/SubDomGame/Sub/2/slave8.mp4">>
<<BullyDialog>>Just like that! Try it out! You can @@color:magenta;feel the effects of the tasty pill fogging up your mind@@, right? @@color:magenta;Concentrate on that feeling@@ and @@color:magenta;taste it@@! Feel your @@color:magenta;receptors readjust@@ as you @@color:magenta;taste every inch@@ of that cock, bitch!<</BullyDialog>>
<<EngravementStatsCounterWin "-l">>
@@#place;<<button [[Next|EngravementAfterEvent]]>><</button>>@@<<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$P.Gender == "f" and $EngravementActionSugg === false and ($EngravementDomCostume === false or $SWill <= 0)`,
tags: ["Engravement", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "REEngravementS2",
weight: 10,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 1,
<<media "Data/Locations/stephanroom.jpg" "place">>
Stephan's room.
<<PlayerDialog "horny">>Ah!..Ah!...Stop!..S..SStop it!..<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/SubDomGame/Sub/2/slave14.mp4">>
<<BullyDialog>>As long as you act so arrogant, you @@color:magenta;deserve to be punished@@! Punished the way they @@color:magenta;punish bad girls like you@@!<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny">>ah...it still hurts..ahaa...I'll try to be....better...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/SubDomGame/Sub/2/slave9.mp4">>
<<EngravementStatsCounterWin "-l">>
@@#place;<<button [[Next|EngravementAfterEvent]]>><</button>>@@<<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$P.Gender == "f" and $EngravementActionSugg === true and ($EngravementDomCostume === false or $SWill <= 0)`,
tags: ["Engravement", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "REEngravementS2",
weight: 10,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 2,
<<media "Data/Locations/stephanroom.jpg" "place">>
Stephan's room.
<<PlayerDialog "horny">>Ah...Equal...aaha...we're equal...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/SubDomGame/Sub/1/grope22.mp4">>
<<BullyDialog>>Equal? @@color:magenta;After what you did to me@@? Ha-ha-ha! I don't think so...<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>huh?...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny">>Mhhmm...mhhmmm...mhhmm....<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/SubDomGame/Sub/2/bj33.mp4">>
<<BullyDialog>>Now we're equal...Ha-ha-ha! You @@color:magenta;dumb cocksucker@@....<</BullyDialog>>
<<EngravementStatsCounterWin "-l">>
@@#place;<<button [[Next|EngravementAfterEvent]]>><</button>>@@<<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$P.Gender == "f" and $EngravementActionSugg === false and ($EngravementDomCostume === false or $SWill <= 0)`,
tags: ["Engravement", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "REEngravementS2",
weight: 10,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 3,
<<media "Data/Locations/stephanroom.jpg" "place">>
Stephan's room.
<<PlayerDialog "disgust">>I can still take it!..Ah...You idiot!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/SubDomGame/Sub/1/dom38.mp4">>
<<BullyDialog>>@@color:magenta;Cheeky bitch!@@ Have you @@color:magenta;gotten used to it@@ already? You shouldn't have gotten used to it! @@color:magenta;Disobedient girls will be punished@@!<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny">>Aggh...I'll admit...it's a lot harder to tolerate! Stop it!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/SubDomGame/Sub/2/dom39.mp4">>
<<BullyDialog>>I don't think so! This dildo is even bigger than my dick! And your @@color:magenta;disobedient ass@@ has to be taught to @@color:magenta;accept that size easily@@!<</BullyDialog>>
<<EngravementStatsCounterWin "-l">>
@@#place;<<button [[Next|EngravementAfterEvent]]>><</button>>@@<<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$P.Gender == "f" and $EngravementActionSugg === true and ($EngravementDomCostume === true or $SWill <= 0)`,
tags: ["Engravement", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "REEngravementS2",
weight: 10,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 4,
<<media "Data/Locations/stephanroom.jpg" "place">>
Stephan's room.
<<PlayerDialog "horny">>No!...You can't!...It's me!...I'm...I'm supposed to be the one who...dominates you!... Aah!..AAh!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/SubDomGame/Sub/2/Costume/fing29.mp4">>
<<BullyDialog>>You think you put on a suit and stopped being the @@color:magenta;dirty bitch you've always been@@? No, @@color:magenta;you didn't@@.<</BullyDialog>>
<<EngravementStatsCounterWin "-l">>
@@#place;<<button [[Next|EngravementAfterEvent]]>><</button>>@@<<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$P.Gender == "f" and $EngravementActionSugg === false and ($EngravementDomCostume === true or $SWill <= 0)`,
tags: ["Engravement", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "REEngravementS2",
weight: 10,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 5,
<<media "Data/Locations/stephanroom.jpg" "place">>
Stephan's room.
<<BullyDialog>>You put on a suit and think you're a mistress?<</BullyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/SubDomGame/Sub/2/Costume/dom111.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny">>No!...It's just you grabbed me...and...S...Stop it! It's... I didn't mean it!...Please...s-stop...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>You're @@color:magenta;overreacting@@, girl. You're gonna have to @@color:magenta;take responsibility for your actions@@.<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny">>Y-yes...I'm overreacting...I'll...take it...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny">>MmHHHMM...mmhHHMHMmm....<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/SubDomGame/Sub/2/Costume/dom112.mp4">>
<<BullyDialog>>That's it, bitch! You're very @@color:magenta;bad Mistress@@! @@color:magenta;Trust me, you don't want to be above me@@.<</BullyDialog>>
<<EngravementStatsCounterWin "-l">>
@@#place;<<button [[Next|EngravementAfterEvent]]>><</button>>@@<<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$P.Gender == "f" and $EngravementActionSugg === true and ($EngravementDomCostume === true or $SWill <= 0)`,
tags: ["Engravement", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "REEngravementS2",
weight: 10,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 6,
<<media "Data/Locations/stephanroom.jpg" "place">>
Stephan's room.
<<BullyDialog>>Wow! Ha-ha-hah! You look so horny!<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny">>You're wrong! And I'm in charge here...I'm the Mistress!...You'll be....miserably humping my legs!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Hmm, I agree, but I'll go a little higher.....<</BullyDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>I'm just humping your legs, right?...But you @@color:magenta;move your hips so intensely@@....Does that @@color:magenta;feel so good@@?...<</BullyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/SubDomGame/Sub/2/Costume/rub38.webp" "gif">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>Just keep...q-quietly....carrying on....<</PlayerDialog>>
<<EngravementStatsCounterWin "-l">>
@@#place;<<button [[Next|EngravementAfterEvent]]>><</button>>@@<<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$P.Gender == "f" and $EngravementActionSugg === false and ($EngravementDomCostume === true or $SWill <= 0)`,
tags: ["Engravement", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "REEngravementS2",
weight: 10,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 7,
<<media "Data/Locations/stephanroom.jpg" "place">>
Stephan's room.
<<BullyDialog>>You've been too arrogant again, playing mistress! You @@color:magenta;can't treat me like that@@. Either I tie you up now, whip you and fuck your ass hard, or....<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny">>....or?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>@color:magenta;Apologize, bitch@@!...And @@color:magenta;shake@@ your juicy, craving ass @@color:magenta;harder@@!<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny">>Ahaaa....it's sooo...humiliating!...I'm....I'm the one who is in charge hereeeee....<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/SubDomGame/Sub/2/Costume/twerk6.webp" "gif">>
<<EngravementStatsCounterWin "-l">>
@@#place;<<button [[Next|EngravementAfterEvent]]>><</button>>@@<<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$P.Gender == "f" and $EngravementDomCostume === false`,
tags: ["Engravement", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "REEngravement3",
weight: 10,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 0,
<<media "Data/Locations/stephanroom.jpg" "place">>
Stephan's room.
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Whoa, wow! I think I'm suddenly frozen in this place somehow and can't move at all!...I can't even put my head down and look what you're doing!...Oh!<</PlayerDialog>>
I glanced at Stephan. His dick was already hard.
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Oh, my God! I feel something between my legs! Stephan! You're doing something without my permission, huh?!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Take that, you arrogant bitch! These legs are mine now!<</BullyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/SubDomGame/Dom/3/dom171.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Stephy's a very bad boy! Do you really @@color:magenta;want me to punish you again@@?!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Punish as much as you want! But you'll never break me! <</BullyDialog>>
It's obvious that he doesn't notice the changes inside of him...Little by little I'm going to turn this hateful man who constantly messed up my life into my personal bitch!
<<EngravementStatsCounterWin "+w">>
@@#place;<<button [[Next|EngravementAfterEvent]]>><</button>>@@<<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$P.Gender == "f" and $EngravementDomCostume === false`,
tags: ["Engravement", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "REEngravement3",
weight: 10,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 1,
<<media "Data/Locations/stephanroom.jpg" "place">>
Stephan's room.
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>How do you like those new tights and heels? <</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/SubDomGame/Dom/3/dom149.mp4">>
<<BullyDialog>>They are very...beautiful...<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Oh, you really think so? Do you need to be reminded to @@color:magenta;speak your mind honestly@@? I don't believe you!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/SubDomGame/Dom/3/dom160.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Now I believe you! Ha-ha-ha-ha! Remember, @@color:magenta;you must not only be honest with me, but you must prove it by your actions and behavior@@.<</PlayerDialog>>
Stephan is holding back his new desires less and less...And I love it!
<<EngravementStatsCounterWin "+w">>
@@#place;<<button [[Next|EngravementAfterEvent]]>><</button>>@@<<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$P.Gender == "f" and $EngravementDomCostume === false`,
tags: ["Engravement", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "REEngravement3",
weight: 10,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 2,
<<media "Data/Locations/stephanroom.jpg" "place">>
Stephan's room.
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>You've been such a good boy lately!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Tcz...what does that...mean?<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Good boys get rewarded!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Ah! That's it! @@color:magenta;Don't fight it@@! You @@color:magenta;feel good@@, don't you? You're a @@color:magenta;good boy@@, aren't you?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/SubDomGame/Dom/3/dom89.mp4">>
<<BullyDialog>>Don't call me that!...@@font-size:80%;Bitch...@@<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Oh, is that so? You're either a @@color:magenta;good boy@@ or a @@color:magenta;good little bitch@@! Choose!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/SubDomGame/Dom/3/dom88.mp4">>
<<BullyDialog>>AAAGH! NO! Okay! I...I'm good...Ah! Stop it!<</BullyDialog>>
Good what? Hasn't decided yet? Ha-ha-ha!
<<EngravementStatsCounterWin "+w">>
@@#place;<<button [[Next|EngravementAfterEvent]]>><</button>>@@<<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$P.Gender == "f" and $EngravementDomCostume === false`,
tags: ["Engravement", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "REEngravement3",
weight: 10,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 3,
<<media "Data/Locations/stephanroom.jpg" "place">>
Stephan's room.
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>You started to @@color:magenta;cum so fast and easy@@ when I'm being so stern and bitchy!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/SubDomGame/Dom/3/dom151.mp4">>
<<BullyDialog>>I just realized that sometimes it's nice to play by your rules. But only sometimes...<</BullyDialog>>
You're rapidly falling into a pit, Stephan...Very deep pit...
<<EngravementStatsCounterWin "+w">>
@@#place;<<button [[Next|EngravementAfterEvent]]>><</button>>@@<<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$P.Gender == "f" and $EngravementDomCostume === false and $P.Cor >= 75`,
tags: ["Engravement", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "REEngravement3",
weight: 10,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 4,
<<media "Data/Locations/stephanroom.jpg" "place">>
Stephan's room.
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>You've been @@color:magenta;so obedient@@ lately! I can't hold back anymore! I want to @@color:magenta;use you@@! ~giggle~<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>What do you mean....use?..<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Hehehe...Come here!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/SubDomGame/Dom/3/dom90.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>Ah! Yeah! What a nice dildo you are! How it feels to be reverse raped?! Ah! I bet we both @@color:magenta;like it so much@@!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>You're crazy...slut!....<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>Hahaha! It must be @@color:magenta;so pathetic@@ for you! But I bet we both @@color:magenta;like it so much@@!<</PlayerDialog>>
He was the reason I had to change too!..So why don't I use him to the fullest?!
<<EngravementStatsCounterWin "-w">>
@@#place;<<button [[Next|EngravementAfterEvent]]>><</button>>@@<<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$P.Gender == "f" and $EngravementDomCostume === false`,
tags: ["Engravement", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "REEngravement3",
weight: 10,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 5,
<<media "Data/Locations/stephanroom.jpg" "place">>
Stephan's room.
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>How are you feeling right now, Stepfy?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/SubDomGame/Dom/3/dom147.mp4">>
<<BullyDialog>>That's awfully weird! I've never felt so awful!...<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>...But?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Agh...But...But it's that thought that makes me do it for some reason...Then more strange thoughts pop up and I can't get them to stay away!...Fuck this!..Agh!.<</BullyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/SubDomGame/Dom/3/dom148.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Let me guess, it's @@color:magenta;indecent thoughts@@ about beautiful women's legs and heels? But @@color:magenta;think about it@@! @@color:magenta;Why reject@@ these thoughts when they @@color:magenta;bring so much pleasure@@?<</PlayerDialog>>
Stephan is already on his knees and not even asking unnecessary questions...But can I get him any lower?..
<<EngravementStatsCounterWin "+w">>
@@#place;<<button [[Next|EngravementAfterEvent]]>><</button>>@@<<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$P.Gender == "f" and $EngravementDomCostume === false and $P.Cor >= 75`,
tags: ["Engravement", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "REEngravement3",
weight: 10,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 6,
<<media "Data/Locations/stephanroom.jpg" "place">>
Stephan's room.
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Ah! Get undressed and get on the bed! ~giggle~<</PlayerDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Hehehe! I don't have any better toys here for that than you!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Don't call me a...a toy! AgH! What are you doing with your finger?! S-Slut!<</BullyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/SubDomGame/Dom/3/dom60.webp" "gif">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>Ah! Yeahh, that's what I needed!...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Didn't you hear me? Talk!<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>Ah! Shut up!...Lie still and don't you dare let your pathetic cock get one millimeter less hard! And remember, your pathetic cock needs to be @@color:magenta;perfectly hard and aroused anytime you're around me@@!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Mhmm!...@@font-size:80%; Slut...@@<</BullyDialog>>
<<EngravementStatsCounterWin "-w">>
@@#place;<<button [[Next|EngravementAfterEvent]]>><</button>>@@<<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$P.Gender == "f" and $EngravementDomCostume === false`,
tags: ["Engravement", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "REEngravement3",
weight: 10,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 7,
<<media "Data/Locations/stephanroom.jpg" "place">>
Stephan's room.
<<PlayerDialog "disgust">>Ah, Stephan! @@color:magenta;You are such a pathetic, filthy, and disgusting pervert!@@<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>W-What did you say, bitch?!!<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>I said you're a @@color:magenta;stupid, worthless loser@@! I hate you! Your @@color:magenta;place is on your knees@@, understand, @@color:magenta;pig@@?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>BITCH! How dare you?!! I'll fuck your filthy mouth! I'LL..I... AhhhhAGH!...CUUUUMMING!<</BullyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/SubDomGame/Dom/3/dom81.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>HA-HA-HA-HA!<</PlayerDialog>>
The insults didn't bother Stephan in any way before!...
...Because they didn't give him pleasure before!
<<EngravementStatsCounterWin "+w">>
@@#place;<<button [[Next|EngravementAfterEvent]]>><</button>>@@<<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$P.Gender == "f" and $EngravementDomCostume === false`,
tags: ["Engravement", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "REEngravement3",
weight: 10,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 8,
<<media "Data/Locations/stephanroom.jpg" "place">>
Stephan's room.
<<BullyDialog>>You've seemed satisfied lately, maybe time for a reward, huh?<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>What? Reward? Ha-ha-ha! Well, you really deserved something!...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Agh! That's not what I meant!<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused" 1>>No, that's exactly what you deserve for trying to be cocky! Wait, don't tell me you're enjoying this!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>No, Of course I'm not!<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Ha-ha-ha! Oh, Really? Don't you dare try to trick me! Your pathetic cock speaks for you, Hah! Look, It's time to...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/SubDomGame/Dom/3/dom158.mp4">>
<<BullyDialog>>Agh! You bitch!...C-Cumming!...<</BullyDialog>>
He can't resist the feeling! I'm sure he'll agree for more now...
<<EngravementStatsCounterWin "+w">>
@@#place;<<button [[Next|EngravementAfterEvent]]>><</button>>@@<<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$P.Gender == "f" and $EngravementDomCostume === true`,
tags: ["Engravement", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "REEngravement3",
weight: 10,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 9,
<<media "Data/Locations/stephanroom.jpg" "place">>
Stephan's room.
<<BullyDialog>>Oh, you put it on again...<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Yeah, I think we'll start picking out pretty outfits for you soon too!..<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>That's not gonna happen!...<</BullyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/SubDomGame/Dom/3/Costume/dom94.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Look how @@color:magenta; nice these boots@@ are! Don't they @@color:magenta; excite your desire to submit@@?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/SubDomGame/Dom/3/Costume/dom93.mp4">>
<<BullyDialog>>Surely some boots won't make me obey! Don't talk to me like I'm kind of slave!...And yet...with these boots on your feet.... it wouldn't be a big deal if I just touched it, would it?...<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Sure, just a touch...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Ah! Ah! Ahh!...sOO Good! It's so good!..AGHh!...<</BullyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/SubDomGame/Dom/3/Costume/dom9.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Looks like you @@color:magenta;wanted to do@@ little @@color:magenta;more@@ than just touch...<</PlayerDialog>>
My advantage over Stephan is experience + psychology faculty. I just know how it's done...
<<EngravementStatsCounterWin "+w">>
@@#place;<<button [[Next|EngravementAfterEvent]]>><</button>>@@<<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$P.Gender == "f" and ($EngravementDomCostume === true or $SWill <= 0)`,
tags: ["Engravement", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "REEngravement3",
weight: 10,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 10,
<<media "Data/Locations/stephanroom.jpg" "place">>
Stephan's room.
<<BullyDialog>>Agh!.. Ah!.. Agggha!<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>You're so pushy today, you're lucky @@color:magenta;I'm so kind@@ and @@color:magenta;let you do@@ it. You @@color:magenta;feel good@@? What do you @@color:magenta;need to say@@?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/SubDomGame/Dom/3/Costume/dom154.mp4">>
<<BullyDialog>>Ah, damn!...<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>No, that's not it, ha-ha-ha! @@color:magenta;Think@@ about it. I promise you'll @@color:magenta;feel better once you say it@@.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>All right, I'll say it...But only because you want to hear it!...
...thank you<</BullyDialog>>
Yes, that's right! You should be grateful that I let you feel this way!
<<EngravementStatsCounterWin "+w">>
@@#place;<<button [[Next|EngravementAfterEvent]]>><</button>>@@<<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$P.Gender == "f" and ($EngravementDomCostume === true or $SWill <= 0) and $P.Cor >= 75`,
tags: ["Engravement", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "REEngravement3",
weight: 10,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 11,
<<media "Data/Locations/stephanroom.jpg" "place">>
Stephan's room.
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>I've got something special for you today...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>What are you doing?!<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>What? Don't you see? Tying you up of course! ~devilish giggle~<</PlayerDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>Ah! Look at me! You want to possess me, but @@color:magenta;you can't@@! You're @@color:magenta;completely helpless, you horny pig!@@<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/SubDomGame/Dom/3/Costume/dom43.mp4">>
<<BullyDialog>>Bitch, you can't treat me like this!... That ass of yours will be mine!...<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Ah, it turns me on so much how you say all those @@color:magenta;filthy things@@ you want to do to me, considering you're @@color:magenta;helplessly@@ tied up...Keep being a @@color:magenta;good little toy for me@@ and maybe I'll let you satisfy my passion...Come on, tell me @@color:magenta;you want me to keep acting like this@@!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/SubDomGame/Dom/3/Costume/dom42.mp4">>
<<BullyDialog>>Agh! Fuck!...Damn!...Fine, I admit that sometimes it feels not too bad...<</BullyDialog>>
I feel that soon I will make him the perfect toy to fulfill my every desire...
<<EngravementStatsCounterWin "+w">>
@@#place;<<button [[Next|EngravementAfterEvent]]>><</button>>@@<<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$P.Gender == "f" and ($EngravementDomCostume === true or $SWill <= 0)`,
tags: ["Engravement", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "REEngravement3",
weight: 10,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 12,
<<media "Data/Locations/stephanroom.jpg" "place">>
Stephan's room.
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>I see you've gotten used to being on your knees in front of me...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Don't think you've managed to subdue me... It's just another side of pleasure that I couldn't have known about before... I still get what I want!...<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>I'm fine with that, but I'll correct you. To get what you want, you need to @@color:magenta;play your role well@@. To feel that pleasure to the fullest, you have to @@color:magenta;be on the edge all the time.@@<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>What do you mean?<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>The true joy of pleasure comes when you realize @@color:magenta;you could lose it at any moment@@. You're on your knees and I bet you @@color:magenta;want to cum on my sexy legs@@, but I won't let you do it unless you @@color:magenta;ask me to@@.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Ask you?! AuGH!, fucking Screw it, bitch!...Fune, you got it! I want to cum, right on your feet, can I finally do it, huh?!<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>"May I finally do it.... @@color:magenta;Mistress@@?"...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>AGHrr, may I...finally do it...?! M... @@font-size:80%; Mistress...@@<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>It's good start. @@color:magenta;Good boys get rewarded!@@ Don't hold back, Stephie.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Agh! Yeah...<</BullyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/SubDomGame/Dom/3/Costume/dom150.mp4">>
It's time for him to realize who I am to him now...
<<EngravementStatsCounterWin "+w">>
@@#place;<<button [[Next|EngravementAfterEvent]]>><</button>>@@<<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$P.Gender == "f" and ($EngravementDomCostume === true or $SWill <= 0)`,
tags: ["Engravement", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "REEngravement3",
weight: 10,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 13,
<<media "Data/Locations/stephanroom.jpg" "place">>
Stephan's room.
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Ha-ha-ha! @@color:magenta;Good boy, Stephy@@! Look at yourself! I don't even touch you, and you @@color:magenta;cum again and again as hard as the first time@@!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>I didn't know! I didn't know it could feel THIS good! Bitch, I feel on the edge, but I don't want to stop! Agh! Again!<</BullyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/SubDomGame/Dom/3/Costume/dom80.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Yeah, I understand! But you @@color:magenta;don't have to stop@@....I'll prove to you that @@color:magenta;you can feel even better than you do now@@! <</PlayerDialog>>
I'm sure he'll settle for more very soon....hehehe....
<<EngravementStatsCounterWin "+w">>
@@#place;<<button [[Next|EngravementAfterEvent]]>><</button>>@@<<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$P.Gender == "f" and $EngravementActionSugg === true and ($EngravementDomCostume === false or $SWill <= 0)`,
tags: ["Engravement", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "REEngravementS3",
weight: 10,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 0,
<<media "Data/Locations/stephanroom.jpg" "place">>
Stephan's room.
<<BullyDialog>>Is it just me or have you actually started @@color:magenta;sucking more willingly@@?<</BullyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/SubDomGame/Sub/3/dom54.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny">>MmHMhmmmm.....Mmhhaaahh...aaahhh....<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>It seems that thanks to the pill's effect, the @@color:magenta;taste of dick@@ is creeping @@color:magenta;further and further@@ into the @@color:magenta;roots of your mind@@....<</BullyDialog>>
<<EngravementStatsCounterWin "-l">>
@@#place;<<button [[Next|EngravementAfterEvent]]>><</button>>@@<<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$P.Gender == "f" and $EngravementActionSugg === false and ($EngravementDomCostume === false or $SWill <= 0)`,
tags: ["Engravement", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "REEngravementS3",
weight: 10,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 1,
<<media "Data/Locations/stephanroom.jpg" "place">>
Stephan's room.
<<PlayerDialog "horny">>....No!....It's because you grabbed me again!...It's...Too much for me!...Ah-haa! Let me go-o-o!...I don't want anymore...!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Oh, I can't! You've @@color:magenta;been too good a girl for me@@ to let you go right now! It's time you @@color:magenta;knew how good girls feel@@!...Tell me again @@color:magenta;what@@ you don't want anymore?<</BullyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/SubDomGame/Sub/3/squirt31.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>...Ahhhaa.....I..don't want to...cum....I don't want to cuuuuum anymooooore!...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<EngravementStatsCounterWin "-l">>
@@#place;<<button [[Next|EngravementAfterEvent]]>><</button>>@@<<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$P.Gender == "f" and $EngravementActionSugg === true and ($EngravementDomCostume === false or $SWill <= 0)`,
tags: ["Engravement", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "REEngravementS3",
weight: 10,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 2,
<<media "Data/Locations/stephanroom.jpg" "place">>
Stephan's room.
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>....Aaaahh...again.....aaahhhaa...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>That's it, my little one. @@color:magenta;Hold them high@@. You're a @@color:magenta;good girl@@, aren't you?<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny">>y...y.ahhh....I...I don't want to be dressed like that!...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Tshhh, stick out your tongue, show me @@color:magenta;how badly my good little slut loves to cum@@!...<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny">>...N-nooo...I'm not a slaahhhh...CUMMING A-AGAAIN....<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/SubDomGame/Sub/3/squirt41.mp4">>
<<EngravementStatsCounterWin "-l">>
@@#place;<<button [[Next|EngravementAfterEvent]]>><</button>>@@<<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$P.Gender == "f" and $EngravementActionSugg === false and ($EngravementDomCostume === false or $SWill <= 0)`,
tags: ["Engravement", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "REEngravementS3",
weight: 10,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 3,
<<media "Data/Locations/stephanroom.jpg" "place">>
Stephan's room.
<<PlayerDialog "horny">>Aahh...haaah...equal...hahh...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/SubDomGame/Sub/1/grope22.mp4">>
<<BullyDialog>>Hah, bitch! How about I fuck you right now?..<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny">>Haaaah...that would be...fair....<</PlayerDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny">>Haaa...haaa...ah...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/SubDomGame/Sub/3/fuck98.mp4">>
<<BullyDialog>>You think letting me fuck you once will make up for what you're gonna do to me?! We'll @@color:magenta;never be equal as long as you're such an arrogant bitch@@! You should @@color:magenta;want to make it up to me@@!<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny">>Shh...shorry...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/SubDomGame/Sub/2/bj33.mp4">>
<<BullyDialog>>Just like that! @@color:magenta;Lower yourself even lower@@! And don't you dare @@color:magenta;enjoy it@@!<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny">>...I'm not...enjoOoh..ying it....<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/SubDomGame/Sub/3/fuck99.mp4">>
<<EngravementStatsCounterWin "-l">>
@@#place;<<button [[Next|EngravementAfterEvent]]>><</button>>@@<<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$P.Gender == "f" and $EngravementActionSugg === true and ($EngravementDomCostume === false or $SWill <= 0)`,
tags: ["Engravement", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "REEngravementS3",
weight: 10,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 4,
<<media "Data/Locations/stephanroom.jpg" "place">>
Stephan's room.
<<PlayerDialog "horny">>Ah...tshhhh....Can...stand...it...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/SubDomGame/Sub/1/dom38.mp4">>
<<BullyDialog>>Ha-ha-ha! @@color:magenta;Don't lie@@ to me! You're already @@color:magenta;wet@@!...You must be @@color:magenta;already excited@@ for what's to come next...<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny">>Aggh..I can feel my ass....jiggling....S-Stop....<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/SubDomGame/Sub/2/dom39.mp4">>
<<BullyDialog>>Ha-ha-ha! That's because your @@color:magenta;ass needs more stimulation@@!...<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny">>N-no....<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Look at that, while your pussy was @@color:magenta;taking a huge dildo@@, your asshole got a @@color:magenta;new stylish toy@@! Oh, you seem to @@color:magenta;like new sensations@@....<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>No, stop...it's TOO MUCH for me!...I want to leave but I can't because my hands and feet are tied tightly!...J-just stop, p-please...!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/SubDomGame/Sub/3/dom40.mp4">>
<<BullyDialog>>Too much for you? Don't worry, you'll @@color:magenta;get used to it soon enough@@. Very soon you @@color:magenta;will enjoy@@ and @@color:magenta;want even more@@....<</BullyDialog>>
<<EngravementStatsCounterWin "-l">>
@@#place;<<button [[Next|EngravementAfterEvent]]>><</button>>@@<<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$P.Gender == "f" and $EngravementActionSugg === false and ($EngravementDomCostume === true or $SWill <= 0)`,
tags: ["Engravement", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "REEngravementS3",
weight: 10,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 5,
<<media "Data/Locations/stephanroom.jpg" "place">>
Stephan's room.
<<PlayerDialog "horny">>...ah...I'm...in charge....<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>And @@color:magenta;this bitch@@ wants to be my Mistress? @@color:magenta;Look at yourself@@! @@color:magenta;Do you really think@@ you're worthy of it?<</BullyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/SubDomGame/Sub/3/Costume/dom118.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny">>...I...don't know....<</PlayerDialog>>
<<EngravementStatsCounterWin "-l">>
@@#place;<<button [[Next|EngravementAfterEvent]]>><</button>>@@<<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$P.Gender == "f" and $EngravementActionSugg === true and ($EngravementDomCostume === true or $SWill <= 0)`,
tags: ["Engravement", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "REEngravementS3",
weight: 10,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 6,
<<media "Data/Locations/stephanroom.jpg" "place">>
Stephan's room.
<<PlayerDialog "horny">>I promised only to wear it and nothing else. Okay? As soon as I say "enough", we're taking it all off!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Of course, I promised. I'll take it all off as soon as you say “enough” loud and clear...<</BullyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/SubDomGame/Sub/3/Costume/dom25.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny">>AWW IighJHHHt, ZHATSHS ENNNOOOSHH! UNTHSHIE YEE!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>@@color:magenta;Bad bitch@@! Did you know it's rude to talk with your mouth full?!<</BullyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/SubDomGame/Sub/3/Costume/slap11.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny">>AHHH, ENNNOOOSHH...AHH...UNTHSHIE...ASHHH!...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Ha-ha-ha! You don't seem to be speaking clearly enough for me to understand you! I guess you just @@color:magenta;like being a helpless bitch@@! Ha-ha-ha-ha! <</BullyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/SubDomGame/Sub/3/Costume/dom24.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny">>Nnnhnnhhaaaah! Asshole, that wasn't fair!...That flavor is still on my tongue....<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>@@color:magenta;Remember this flavor well@@! This is @@color:magenta;what you will crave for more and more@@....<</BullyDialog>>
<<EngravementStatsCounterWin "-l">>
@@#place;<<button [[Next|EngravementAfterEvent]]>><</button>>@@<<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$P.Gender == "f" and $EngravementActionSugg === false and ($EngravementDomCostume === true or $SWill <= 0)`,
tags: ["Engravement", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "REEngravementS3",
weight: 10,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 7,
<<media "Data/Locations/stephanroom.jpg" "place">>
Stephan's room.
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/SubDomGame/Sub/2/Costume/dom111.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny">>Ah...yeees....sometimes I'm really bad mistress...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>You're @@color:magenta;the worst@@! Mistress can't allow herself hungrily suck cock while getting her ass spanked!<</BullyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/SubDomGame/Sub/2/Costume/dom112.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny">>MmHHHMM...mmhHHMHMmm....Aahhmmm....<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Ha-ha-ha! That's how I fuck my cocky bitchy "mistress's" ass! You're the @@color:magenta;worst mistress ever@@! What do you have to say for yourself, @@color:magenta;little@@ mistress @@color:magenta;bitch@@?! <</BullyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/SubDomGame/Sub/3/Costume/dom113.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny">>Sorry...Ah...I'm a.....lousy mistress.....<</PlayerDialog>>
<<EngravementStatsCounterWin "-l">>
@@#place;<<button [[Next|EngravementAfterEvent]]>><</button>>@@<<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$P.Gender == "f" and $EngravementActionSugg === true and ($EngravementDomCostume === true or $SWill <= 0)`,
tags: ["Engravement", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "REEngravementS3",
weight: 10,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 8,
<<media "Data/Locations/stephanroom.jpg" "place">>
Stephan's room.
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/SubDomGame/Sub/3/Costume/dom16.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny">>Ahh...ah...You...you said you'd just lick me...how did it come to this...?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Hmm...I just got bored pretty quickly. And you got wet just as fast. @@color:magenta;Admit it@@, you @@color:magenta;wanted a nice cock fucking you like a whore@@, didn't you?<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny">>N...Ah...Shut up!...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/SubDomGame/Sub/3/Costume/dom17.mp4">>
<<EngravementStatsCounterWin "-l">>
@@#place;<<button [[Next|EngravementAfterEvent]]>><</button>>@@<<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$P.Gender == "f" and $EngravementDomCostume === false and $EngravementSlaveCostume === false`,
tags: ["Engravement", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "REEngravement4",
weight: 10,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 0,
<<media "Data/Locations/stephanroom.jpg" "place">>
Stephan's room.
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Today is a special occasion. I want to have fun this time, too. And you're @@color:magenta;going to help me@@ do it...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/SubDomGame/Dom/4/te247.mp4">>
<<BullyDialog>>Pussy...ahhh....I want it...<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Oh, your dick turned to @@color:magenta;rock in no time@@! Hehehe...You've changed so much that you're already @@color:magenta;so ecstatic@@! Hah!...But I'll give it to you, you'll @@color:magenta;thank me for it@@, won't you?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>~Slurp~ ...Oh...USHUUUP...OOH... ~Slurp~<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Oh, Stepfy! You're such a @@color:magenta;hungry greedy bastard@@! But it only makes your @@color:magenta;dick harder@@! Does it really @@color:magenta;feel that good@@? Well, here's a little gift for you!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/SubDomGame/Dom/4/lick12.mp4">>
<<BullyDialog>>~Slurp~ Agh...Th..Thank you...<</BullyDialog>>
I already can't figure out myself when he's "playing" to get more of that bitchin' fun, hahaha!
<<EngravementStatsCounterWin "-w">>
@@#place;<<button [[Next|EngravementAfterEvent]]>><</button>>@@<<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$P.Gender == "f" and $EngravementDomCostume === false and $EngravementSlaveCostume === false`,
tags: ["Engravement", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "REEngravement4",
weight: 10,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 1,
<<media "Data/Locations/stephanroom.jpg" "place">>
Stephan's room.
<<BullyDialog>>Ah, aagh! So fucking hard! Aghh!<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Yes! Just like that! @@color:magenta;Relax and moan@@!! You're @@color:magenta;my toy@@ now!... @@color:magenta;My little bitch@@!!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/SubDomGame/Dom/4/fuck176.mp4">>
<<BullyDialog>>Ah, no girl has ever.....Aah!<</BullyDialog>>
I already can't figure out myself when he's "playing" to get more of that bitchin' fun, hahaha!
<<EngravementStatsCounterWin "-w">>
@@#place;<<button [[Next|EngravementAfterEvent]]>><</button>>@@<<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$P.Gender == "f" and $EngravementDomCostume === false and $EngravementSlaveCostume === false`,
tags: ["Engravement", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "REEngravement4",
weight: 10,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 2,
<<media "Data/Locations/stephanroom.jpg" "place">>
Stephan's room.
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>I decided that you've @@color:magenta;been a very good boy@@ again lately, so I decided to take care of you with my own hands this time... <</PlayerDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Absolutely!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>What?! Stop it!! Where are you putting it??!! Agh!!...<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>Oh, yeah! You @@color:magenta;like it@@ when I stimulate @@color:magenta;both areas at the same time@@?! And @@color:magenta;don't you dare deny it@@ when you're cumming so hard! @@color:magenta;Don't lie to yourself, you horny bitch@@! Ha-ha-ha-ha!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/SubDomGame/Dom/4/dom85.mp4">>
<<BullyDialog>>Agh!!...Fuck! It's...insane!...<</BullyDialog>>
Does this man lying beneath me look like the Stephan I know?
<<EngravementStatsCounterWin "+w">>
@@#place;<<button [[Next|EngravementAfterEvent]]>><</button>>@@<<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$P.Gender == "f" and $EngravementDomCostume === false and $EngravementSlaveCostume === false`,
tags: ["Engravement", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "REEngravement4",
weight: 10,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 3,
<<media "Data/Locations/stephanroom.jpg" "place">>
Stephan's room.
<<BullyDialog>>Ah...Why...Why I can't...I can't stop it...Ah!...<</BullyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/SubDomGame/Dom/4/leather58.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Oh, Stepfy, you don't know how you look in those suspender stockings! They really @@color:magenta;make you cum again and again@@ like a @@color:magenta;horny bitch@@! Ha-ha-ha! It's so...sooo.... @@color:magenta;exciting@@!...<</PlayerDialog>>
I think it would be nice to dress Stephan up in something more "appropriate" than some stockings...
<<EngravementStatsCounterWin "+w">>
@@#place;<<button [[Next|EngravementAfterEvent]]>><</button>>@@<<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$P.Gender == "f" and $EngravementDomCostume === false and $EngravementSlaveCostume === false`,
tags: ["Engravement", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "REEngravement4",
weight: 10,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 4,
<<media "Data/Locations/stephanroom.jpg" "place">>
Stephan's room.
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Come on, my @@color:magenta;good boy@@!... @@color:magenta;Intensify@@!! You can feel my sexy thighs underneath you, right? And not just my thighs! Hehehe...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Ah! Ah! Too much stimulation!...I can't take this shit!...Ah!...I'm going to...Agh!<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Oh, @@color:magenta;don't hold back@@!...Bitch @@color:magenta;deserves@@ all this pleasure!... @@color:magenta;Feel the taste of this pleasure@@, how @@color:magenta;good it feels@@ to feel like @@color:magenta;fucking horny pleasure-addict!@@...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/SubDomGame/Dom/4/dom107.mp4">>
<<BullyDialog>>Oh....oooh...what have you done to...me....<</BullyDialog>>
His body already belongs to me, and his mind is no longer capable of saying no....
<<EngravementStatsCounterWin "+w">>
@@#place;<<button [[Next|EngravementAfterEvent]]>><</button>>@@<<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$P.Gender == "f" and $EngravementDomCostume === true and $EngravementSlaveCostume === false`,
tags: ["Engravement", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "REEngravement4",
weight: 10,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 5,
<<media "Data/Locations/stephanroom.jpg" "place">>
Stephan's room.
<<BullyDialog>>Oh, please don't do this...Ah...<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Don't do this? Oh, I'm sorry, I can't not do it. You came again without my permission. How many times, huh? I think this procedure will teach you to at least @@color:magenta;apologize@@ for something like that. You @@color:magenta;deserve@@ it, so bear with it and don't you dare @@color:magenta;start enjoying it@@, hehehehe...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/SubDomGame/Dom/4/Costume/dom125.mp4">>
Ugh, it's so gross, but at the same time it's necessary. I need his full submission.
<<EngravementStatsCounterWin "+w">>
@@#place;<<button [[Next|EngravementAfterEvent]]>><</button>>@@<<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$P.Gender == "f" and $EngravementDomCostume === true and $EngravementSlaveCostume === false and $P.Cor >= 75`,
tags: ["Engravement", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "REEngravement4",
weight: 10,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 6,
<<media "Data/Locations/stephanroom.jpg" "place">>
Stephan's room.
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>Oh, look at yourself! You look @@color:magenta;so pathetic@@! You made me horny, you @@color:magenta;pig@@! My pussy is so horny! Bastard! Ah, I feel so hot! You @@color:magenta;miserable bastard!@@ Ha-ha-ha!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/SubDomGame/Dom/4/Costume/dom15.mp4">>
<<BullyDialog>>Ah...Your pussy...Aagh...<</BullyDialog>>
Ha-ha-ha! Aah! Damn, I really got turned on...His cock is right in front of me.....
<<if $P.Arousal < 80>>\
<<button [[Make him stand back and watch|PEngREDC4.7.1]]>><</button>>
<<disable>><<button [[Make him stand back and watch|PEngREDC4.7.1]]>><</button>><</disable>>
@@#redb;<<button [[Let him fuck you|PEngREDC4.7.2]]>><</button>>@@<<media "Data/Locations/stephanroom.jpg" "place">>
Stephan's room.
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>I bet you want that pussy more than anything in the world right now! So stand there and watch this dildo do it for you! Watch closely, pig! Mmhha, yeeah!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/SubDomGame/Dom/4/Costume/dom19.mp4">>
<<BullyDialog>>Ah...It's so cruel... bitch....Ah...<</BullyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/SubDomGame/Dom/4/Costume/cock22.mp4">>
He looks even more pathetic now than usual lately! Even though there's no one else here but us, he's still just like a bloody cuckold now!
Damn, but I think I got even more turned on by those thoughts....heheh...
<<EngravementStatsCounterWin "+w">>
@@#place;<<button [[Next|EngravementAfterEvent]]>><</button>>@@<<media "Data/Locations/stephanroom.jpg" "place">>
Stephan's room.
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/SubDomGame/Dom/4/Costume/cock22.mp4">>
His big cock is right there...want it...
<<PlayerDialog "horny">>Okay, time for you to replace that plastic thing.....Give it to me...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/SubDomGame/Dom/4/Costume/dom19.mp4">>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/SubDomGame/Dom/4/Costume/2.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>Ahaa, yeaaaah!...It's insideeee!....Big dick!...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>You know what that cock can do....<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Don't relax too much, you're just @@color:magenta;my toy@@ here. Plastic @@color:magenta;dildo replacement@@! You think I'm gonna lose to some dick even when @@color:magenta;I'm really horny?@@ I doubt it!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Are you still having doubts?...<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>Ah! Ahaa! Sh..S-Shut up!..Aahaha!...Nnhmmmhm!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/SubDomGame/Dom/4/Costume/4.mp4">>
<<BullyDialog>>Now look at yourself! You call yourself my mistress, but you're still the same @@color:magenta;brainless whore@@ you were! That @@color:magenta;I made you@@!<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>Ah!...Cock!..Nhaah!..That's the exception!..Ah...Just an exception! Aaaah!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/SubDomGame/Dom/4/Costume/3.mp4">>
Ah, gotta keep my cool...but I'm entitled to relax sometimes too...right?...
<<EngravementStatsCounterWin "-l">>
@@#place;<<button [[Next|EngravementAfterEvent]]>><</button>>@@<<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$P.Gender == "f" and $EngravementSlaveCostume === true`,
tags: ["Engravement", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "REEngravement4",
weight: 10,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 9,
<<media "Data/Locations/stephanroom.jpg" "place">>
Stephan's room.
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>You're @@color:magenta;so pathetic@@. Do you @@color:magenta;like it@@ when a pretty girl @@color:magenta;steps on you@@?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>No! I...I'm not...I usually fuck these pretty...So...<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Oh, that's so sweet of you to say that now! Now @@color:magenta;think better of it@@ and @@color:magenta;tell me honestly@@<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/SubDomGame/Dom/4/Slave/dom124.mp4">>
<<BullyDialog>>Ah...m-maybe it's not..it's not so bad... ~sniff~ Ahhh!<</BullyDialog>>
Every day Stephan recognizes my dominance over him more and more.... And he's also enjoying it more and more....
<<EngravementStatsCounterWin "+w">>
@@#place;<<button [[Next|EngravementAfterEvent]]>><</button>>@@<<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$P.Gender == "f" and $EngravementSlaveCostume === true`,
tags: ["Engravement", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "REEngravement4",
weight: 10,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 10,
<<media "Data/Locations/stephanroom.jpg" "place">>
Stephan's room.
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>You @@color:magenta;look so good@@ in that suit! You @@color:magenta;want me@@ to step on you?...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Is this how @@color:magenta;good bitches@@ ask for pleasure? How about at least @@color:magenta;kissing my heel@@ first?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>...I'll do it<</BullyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/SubDomGame/Dom/4/Slave/dom27.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Well done, @@color:magenta;good Stephy@@. You've earned your @@color:magenta;reward!@@<</PlayerDialog>>
Is he smiling? Ha-ha-ha! Lusty little Stephy's got a taste for it!
<<EngravementStatsCounterWin "+w">>
@@#place;<<button [[Next|EngravementAfterEvent]]>><</button>>@@<<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$P.Gender == "f" and $EngravementSlaveCostume === true`,
tags: ["Engravement", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "REEngravement4",
weight: 10,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 11,
<<media "Data/Locations/stephanroom.jpg" "place">>
Stephan's room.
<<BullyDialog>>..Ah! Aghh! Agggh! Cumming again! D-Do it harder! Harder, p-please!..<</BullyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/SubDomGame/Dom/4/Slave/dom46.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Oh, my, Stephy! You've become @@color:magenta;too addicted to this crazy pleasure@@! ~soft giggle~<</PlayerDialog>>
His mind is on edge! Ah, How sweet is this revenge!
<<EngravementStatsCounterWin "+w">>
@@#place;<<button [[Next|EngravementAfterEvent]]>><</button>>@@<<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$P.Gender == "f" and $EngravementSlaveCostume === true`,
tags: ["Engravement", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "REEngravement4",
weight: 10,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 12,
<<media "Data/Locations/stephanroom.jpg" "place">>
Stephan's room.
<<BullyDialog>>You'll be back soon?....<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Oh, already coming out to you, Stephy! Look at me! Do I look sexy enough for someone who's about to @@color:magenta;fuck you like a bitch@@?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/SubDomGame/Dom/4/Slave/peg10.webp" "gif">>
<<BullyDialog>>... ~gulp~ ...<</BullyDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Agh...How could I let....Agh...<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Put your @@color:magenta;worries behind@@. You're @@color:magenta;my bitch@@ now, Stephan. And you're about to @@color:magenta;feel really good@@..... <</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/SubDomGame/Dom/4/Slave/peg25.mp4">>
I'm fucking Stephan in Carol's body! Who would have thought?.... Hahahahahaha!
<<EngravementStatsCounterWin "+w">>
@@#place;<<button [[Next|EngravementAfterEvent]]>><</button>>@@<<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$P.Gender == "f" and $EngravementSlaveCostume === true`,
tags: ["Engravement", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "REEngravement4",
weight: 10,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 7,
<<media "Data/Locations/stephanroom.jpg" "place">>
Stephan's room.
<<BullyDialog>>That costume...It looks humiliating! That mask! Shit!<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Oh, you're so wrong! Just @@color:magenta;feel how this costume enhances your pleasure@@! Stephy, you have @@color:magenta;no shame left@@! Just @@color:magenta;admit it@@ and feel how @@color:magenta;every second you get more and more interesting and pleasant@@ to be in front of me like this...You @@color:magenta;feel it@@, right?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/SubDomGame/Dom/4/Slave/dom176.mp4">>
<<BullyDialog>>Augh, shit!...I got it, got it!...I don't care about the suit and mask!...Just keep doing it!... <</BullyDialog>>
Yeah, that's right. I've done a great job, but I have to lower his self-esteem even lower!
<<EngravementStatsCounterWin "+w">>
@@#place;<<button [[Next|EngravementAfterEvent]]>><</button>>@@<<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$P.Gender == "f" and $EngravementSlaveCostume === true`,
tags: ["Engravement", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "REEngravement4",
weight: 10,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 8,
<<media "Data/Locations/stephanroom.jpg" "place">>
Stephan's room.
<<BullyDialog>>~Slurp~ Shshhpshhhs ~slurp~<</BullyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/SubDomGame/Dom/4/Slave/dom64.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>That's it! Work your tongue! Licking your mistress should be the @@color:magenta;ultimate pleasure for you@@! So @@color:magenta;don't you dare lower your cock even a millimeter, pig@@! <</PlayerDialog>>
Due to the effects of the pill, he gets used to his new role very quickly...
<<EngravementStatsCounterWin "+w">>
@@#place;<<button [[Next|EngravementAfterEvent]]>><</button>>@@<<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$P.Gender == "f" and $EngravementActionSugg === false and ($EngravementDomCostume === false or $SWill <= 0)`,
tags: ["Engravement", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "REEngravementS4",
weight: 10,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 0,
<<media "Data/Locations/stephanroom.jpg" "place">>
Stephan's room.
<<BullyDialog>>Just like that! You've @@color:magenta;become much more submissive@@! I can see that!<</BullyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/SubDomGame/Sub/4/dom110.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny">>..ah...you're...wrong...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>You may deny it, but your @@color:magenta;pussy demands your submission to this pleasure getting wetter and wetter every time I treat you like this@@!<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny">>..mhm...n-no....<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>You're still tense and trying to resist your body's desires....<</BullyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/SubDomGame/Sub/4/fuck523.mp4">>
<<BullyDialog>>But you @@color:magenta;gotta understand, bitch@@, you @@color:magenta;belong here@@, @@color:magenta;under me@@, @@color:magenta;with my dick inside you@@!<</BullyDialog>>
<<EngravementStatsCounterWin "-l">>
@@#place;<<button [[Next|EngravementAfterEvent]]>><</button>>@@<<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$P.Gender == "f" and $EngravementActionSugg === true and ($EngravementDomCostume === false or $SWill <= 0)`,
tags: ["Engravement", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "REEngravementS4",
weight: 10,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 1,
<<media "Data/Locations/stephanroom.jpg" "place">>
Stephan's room.
<<BullyDialog>>@@color:magenta;Don't you dare@@ stop your ass from moving! <</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny">>..Ah...I feel so helpless.....<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/SubDomGame/Sub/4/slave10.mp4">>
<<BullyDialog>>No matter what you say, that @@color:magenta;lusty pussy clenches tighter@@ when you're @@color:magenta;helplessly handcuffed@@! <</BullyDialog>>
<<EngravementStatsCounterWin "-l">>
@@#place;<<button [[Next|EngravementAfterEvent]]>><</button>>@@<<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$P.Gender == "f" and $EngravementActionSugg === false and ($EngravementDomCostume === false or $SWill <= 0)`,
tags: ["Engravement", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "REEngravementS4",
weight: 10,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 2,
<<media "Data/Locations/stephanroom.jpg" "place">>
Stephan's room.
<<PlayerDialog "horny">>No!...Ah!...You hit me too hard! Too....hard!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/SubDomGame/Sub/4/slave11.mp4">>
<<BullyDialog>>Enough of this game! @@color:magenta;Admit you enjoyed being my helpless bitch!@@<</BullyDialog>>
<<EngravementStatsCounterWin "-l">>
@@#place;<<button [[Next|EngravementAfterEvent]]>><</button>>@@<<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$P.Gender == "f" and $EngravementActionSugg === true and ($EngravementDomCostume === false or $SWill <= 0)`,
tags: ["Engravement", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "REEngravementS4",
weight: 10,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 3,
<<media "Data/Locations/stephanroom.jpg" "place">>
Stephan's room.
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>..Ah...You promised that if I won even once, you'd lick my heels like a filthy, pathetic slug!...Rememeber your promise!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>You don't think I can @@color:magenta;make you cum@@ in 10 minutes? @@color:magenta;This body was made to come from my cock@@!<</BullyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/SubDomGame/Sub/4/fuck68.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny">>...Admittedly, it's starting to get a little hot... But I can easily last for 10 measly minutes!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>@@color:magenta;Crazy bitch@@! Ha-ha-ha! Did you even consider @@color:magenta;how much your body has become subject to my desires@@?! <</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>...AAAH...WHY IT'S S....I'M CUMMING!..I'M CUMMING AGAAAAIN!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/SubDomGame/Sub/4/squirt15.mp4">>
<<EngravementStatsCounterWin "-l">>
@@#place;<<button [[Next|EngravementAfterEvent]]>><</button>>@@<<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$P.Gender == "f" and $EngravementActionSugg === false and ($EngravementDomCostume === false or $SWill <= 0)`,
tags: ["Engravement", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "REEngravementS4",
weight: 10,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 4,
<<media "Data/Locations/stephanroom.jpg" "place">>
Stephan's room.
<<PlayerDialog "horny">>Ahhh, each hit I feel....all over my body at once....why is it getting so....hot in here...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/SubDomGame/Sub/1/dom38.mp4">>
<<BullyDialog>>@@color:magenta;Pain only makes you hotter@@ now, doesn't it, @@color:magenta;slut@@?<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>These movements are first straight....and then circular....ah...everything is burning....inside....<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/SubDomGame/Sub/2/dom39.mp4">>
<<BullyDialog>>Looks like you're even starting to @@color:magenta;enjoy having your juicy jiggling ass become a receptacle for that huge dildo@@!<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny">>You're...wrong!...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/SubDomGame/Sub/3/dom40.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>You pound me with it so hard and non-stop!...Ah! It's.... it's...ah!...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Ugh, it's so boring to see you enjoying something like that! I think I'll take it out.<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny">>No!...You can't!..These stimulations....It's too....it's too hot! I can't take it!...P..P-put it back...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>How about my dick, @@color:magenta;slut@@? @@color:magenta;Beg me@@.<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny">>............Please! It's too hot!.. I don't care! Just put something!... I beg you...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Hey, whore, are you still able to hear me?! <</BullyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/SubDomGame/Sub/4/dom41.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>Aaaahh....too hooooot...My ass is like on fire..it's...it's jiggling up and down...Just harder!...Pound it harder!!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<EngravementStatsCounterWin "-l">>
@@#place;<<button [[Next|EngravementAfterEvent]]>><</button>>@@<<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$P.Gender == "f" and $EngravementActionSugg === true and ($EngravementDomCostume === false or $SWill <= 0)`,
tags: ["Engravement", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "REEngravementS4",
weight: 10,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 5,
<<media "Data/Locations/stephanroom.jpg" "place">>
Stephan's room.
<<BullyDialog>>Hey @@color:magenta;slut@@, how about @@color:magenta;sucking my dick@@, huh?<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Hah?.. Fine...I'll make it quick....so you'll be more compliant... And then I'm gonna dominate you, and you're gonna crawl on your knees in front of me!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>Mmhm...mhm...mmhmm...cock...mhmm...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/SubDomGame/Sub/4/bj167.mp4">>
<<BullyDialog>>Ha-ha-ha! @@color:magenta;Slut@@, don't you forget you wanted to dominate me? Ha-ha-ha!<</BullyDialog>>
<<EngravementStatsCounterWin "-l">>
@@#place;<<button [[Next|EngravementAfterEvent]]>><</button>>@@<<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$P.Gender == "f" and $EngravementActionSugg === true and ($EngravementDomCostume === true or $SWill <= 0)`,
tags: ["Engravement", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "REEngravementS4",
weight: 10,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 9,
<<media "Data/Locations/stephanroom.jpg" "place">>
Stephan's room.
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/SubDomGame/Sub/4/Costume/leather35.mp4">>
<<BullyDialog>>...You suck my cock @@color:magenta;so greedily@@!...Do really you @@color:magenta;enjoy it SO MUCH@@ now?<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>...Mmm...you have me chained, so I have no choice but to....suck that huge cock in front of me!...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<EngravementStatsCounterWin "-l">>
@@#place;<<button [[Next|EngravementAfterEvent]]>><</button>>@@<<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$P.Gender == "f" and $EngravementActionSugg === false and ($EngravementDomCostume === true or $SWill <= 0)`,
tags: ["Engravement", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "REEngravementS4",
weight: 10,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 10,
<<media "Data/Locations/stephanroom.jpg" "place">>
Stephan's room.
<<PlayerDialog "horny">>...No, I'll be in charge today!...I have a new plan how to break you!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/SubDomGame/Sub/4/Costume/dom6.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>Haaaa....whyyyyy am I being fucked like a dumb whore agaaaaaain?!....<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>...Because my @@color:magenta;stupid "mistress" loves@@ it when I make her @@color:magenta;my dumb little whore@@!...<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>Shut up..sh-shut...up...It's just because it somehow feels so...@@font-size:80%; good...@@<</PlayerDialog>>
<<EngravementStatsCounterWin "-l">>
@@#place;<<button [[Next|EngravementAfterEvent]]>><</button>>@@<<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$P.Gender == "f" and $EngravementActionSugg === true and ($EngravementDomCostume === true or $SWill <= 0)`,
tags: ["Engravement", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "REEngravementS4",
weight: 10,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 11,
<<media "Data/Locations/stephanroom.jpg" "place">>
Stephan's room.
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>Ah...just so you know...I only let you do this because I want you to know what a kind mistress I am....Ah...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/SubDomGame/Sub/4/Costume/dom91.mp4">>
<<BullyDialog>>Are you saying @@color:magenta;you let me fuck you anytime I want@@ not because my "mistress" has become a @@color:magenta;slut addicted to my cock@@?<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>It's not because you want to, it's because I....! I mean, I've already given you a reason....<</PlayerDialog>>
<<EngravementStatsCounterWin "-l">>
@@#place;<<button [[Next|EngravementAfterEvent]]>><</button>>@@<<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$P.Gender == "f" and $EngravementActionSugg === false and ($EngravementDomCostume === true or $SWill <= 0)`,
tags: ["Engravement", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "REEngravementS4",
weight: 10,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 6,
<<media "Data/Locations/stephanroom.jpg" "place">>
Stephan's room.
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Hey, don't you dare argue, now you're going to....H-Heyyy....<</PlayerDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny">>...B-But...ahh...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>You weren't convincing enough, bitch! A @@color:magenta;helpless whore unable to resist@@!<</BullyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/SubDomGame/Sub/4/Costume/dom62.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny">>Nhaa..ne...n-next time I won't let you get so handsy...and..c-cocky!...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<EngravementStatsCounterWin "-l">>
@@#place;<<button [[Next|EngravementAfterEvent]]>><</button>>@@<<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$P.Gender == "f" and $EngravementActionSugg === true and ($EngravementDomCostume === true or $SWill <= 0)`,
tags: ["Engravement", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "REEngravementS4",
weight: 10,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 7,
<<media "Data/Locations/stephanroom.jpg" "place">>
Stephan's room.
<<BullyDialog>>You pretend to be an authoritative mistress, but your @@color:magenta;helpless pussy@@ still @@color:magenta;flows like a stream@@! <</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny">>Of the two of us, I'm in charge...I'm...in cha..Ahrge!....<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>You @@color:magenta;want me to break you down@@ and turn you into a @@color:magenta;stupid cock-hungry whore@@ like everyone else! Your @@color:magenta;mind is surrendering more and more@@ to that desire...<</BullyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/SubDomGame/Sub/4/Costume/dom146.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>...You're absolutely....wrong!....<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>How do you have the shame to say that @@color:magenta;with a face like that@@? Ha-ha-ha-ha!<</BullyDialog>>
<<EngravementStatsCounterWin "-l">>
@@#place;<<button [[Next|EngravementAfterEvent]]>><</button>>@@<<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$P.Gender == "f" and $EngravementActionSugg === false and ($EngravementDomCostume === true or $SWill <= 0)`,
tags: ["Engravement", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "REEngravementS4",
weight: 10,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 8,
<<media "Data/Locations/stephanroom.jpg" "place">>
Stephan's room.
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>...No, you're a stupid pig, a jerk and a stooge! Time to serve your mistress!...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>You @@color:magenta;want me to break you down@@ and turn you into a @@color:magenta;stupid cock-hungry whore@@ like everyone else! Your @@color:magenta;mind is surrendering more and more@@ to that desire...<</BullyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/SubDomGame/Sub/4/Costume/dom146.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny">>Ahh.aH-how dare you?!....Rushed on your Mistress and started fuck her like a dirty whore! You....pig!....<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Are you @@color:magenta;provoking me on purpose@@? Don't you just @@color:magenta;want to be fucked hard@@, you @@color:magenta;stupid, horny little half-assed mistress@@!<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny">>That's not....true!...Pig, asshole!....Right in the ass!...You'll tear it apart!.......Ah....you'll tear it apart...with that long thick manly cock.....<</PlayerDialog>>
<<EngravementStatsCounterWin "-l">>
@@#place;<<button [[Next|EngravementAfterEvent]]>><</button>>@@<<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$P.Gender == "f"`,
tags: ["Engravement", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "REEngravement5",
weight: 10,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 0,
<<media "Data/Locations/stephanroom.jpg" "place">>
Stephan's room.
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>> @@color:magenta;Bitch!@@ You're @@color:magenta;my dirty bitch!@@<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Don't say that, mis...tress...<</BullyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/SubDomGame/Dom/5/peg51.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Don't lie to yourself, @@color:magenta;bitch@@! If you didn't like it, you wouldn't have ejaculated while I was fucking you!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<EngravementStatsCounterWin "+w">>
@@#place;<<button [[Next|EngravementAfterEvent]]>><</button>>@@<<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$P.Gender == "f" and $P.Cor >= 75`,
tags: ["Engravement", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "REEngravement5",
weight: 10,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 1,
<<media "Data/Locations/stephanroom.jpg" "place">>
Stephan's room.
Damn, I'm so horny and Stephan has become so obedient...I wonder what will happen if I suck his cock...?
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Stephy, my dear...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>I want to suck cock so badly... ~giggle~ Give it to me right now! Heheh!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<if $P.Arousal < 80>>\
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>Mmmhm! Haaaa! I've always been amazed at how big and juicy your cock is! Why does a pathetic man like you have such a huge dick?! It's not fair! Hey, and don't you fucking dare take your hands off your back!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/SubDomGame/Dom/5/bj245.mp4">>
<<BullyDialog>>Ah...my cock...feels good...<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Oh, is my bitch happy? Hmm, I was thinking it'd be awkward if your mistress was the only one with a mouthful of cum. Heh heh, come here bitch! @@color:magenta;Time for a treat@@! <</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/SubDomGame/Dom/5/kisscum1.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Yeah, that's it, my little @@color:magenta;sperm lover@@! Give it a @@color:magenta;good taste, bitch@@! <</PlayerDialog>>
<<EngravementStatsCounterWin "-w">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>Mmmhm! Haaaa! I've always been amazed at how big and juicy your cock is! Why does a pathetic man like you have such a huge dick?! It's not fair!...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/SubDomGame/Dom/5/bj240.mp4">>
<<BullyDialog>>Ah...my cock...feels good...<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Hey, where are you putting your hands?! Don't overreact, your balls are in my hands!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/SubDomGame/Dom/5/bj242.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny">>Ah...Oh..Okay though, my body needs it...Go ahead and shove it in that mouth again....Shovshhshh...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/SubDomGame/Dom/5/bj241.mp4">>
<<BullyDialog>>You're not even fighting back! You just @@color:magenta;want your filthy mouth to be fucked hard@@! You @@color:magenta;crazy horny bitch@@!<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>Mmmhhmmhm?!!...Mhhhhoo!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/SubDomGame/Dom/5/bj243.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Oh, you fucked my mouth so hard! ~giggle~ It's like I'm some stupid whore instead of your mistress!...Did you like it?...Oh, Stephyewants to touch my tits?....<</PlayerDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>MmMHMHMHHHM! OOHHMMM! AHHMMMH!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Just like that! Take it @@color:magenta;deeper@@, you @@color:magenta;stupid whore@@! You @@color:magenta;deserve this pleasure@@ you show me every day too! Mistress, hahaha! <</BullyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/SubDomGame/Dom/5/bj244.mp4">>
Ah, I came from being fucked hard in the mouth.... ~giggle~
I guess I was too @@color:red;horny@@ to keep my cool....
<<EngravementStatsCounterWin "-l">>
@@#place;<<button [[Next|EngravementAfterEvent]]>><</button>>@@<<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$P.Gender == "f"`,
tags: ["Engravement", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "REEngravement5",
weight: 10,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 2,
<<media "Data/Locations/stephanroom.jpg" "place">>
Stephan's room.
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/SubDomGame/Dom/5/peg22.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>> @@color:magenta;Feeling good, bitch@@? I think I can afford to speed things up a little bit...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/SubDomGame/Dom/5/peg23.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Oh, that's right! Ah! That @@color:magenta;stupid useless cock is just in the way@@, what do you need it for now? Ha-ha-ha!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>AAAGH!! IT'S SO HAAARD!<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>No, that's much better, hahaha! I don't want to see your dick, I want to see my little bitch's ass!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/SubDomGame/Dom/5/peg24.mp4">>
<<EngravementStatsCounterWin "+w">>
@@#place;<<button [[Next|EngravementAfterEvent]]>><</button>>@@<<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$P.Gender == "f" and $P.Cor >= 75`,
tags: ["Engravement", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "REEngravement5",
weight: 10,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 3,
<<media "Data/Locations/stephanroom.jpg" "place">>
Stephan's room.
Damn, I'm too horny...It's hard to concentrate...Idea, hahah!...I just need my obedient toy's cock!...
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Stephy, my dear...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<if $P.Arousal < 80>>\
Shall I ask him?... No, why would I?! Ha-ha-ha!
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>Nothing, I just want you to lie here for a while...heheh...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Ah!...Ah!...you...You want me to move or maybe...?<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>> @@color:magenta;Shut up@@ and keep your mouth shut, Stephy. You're @@color:magenta;nothing more than a dildo@@ now, and dildos you know don't talk! ~giggle~<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/SubDomGame/Dom/5/fuck444.mp4">>
<<EngravementStatsCounterWin "-w">>
Shall I ask him?... Hmm, he is my toy after all, so why not?
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Stephy, I want you to fuck me without asking any extra questions... heheh...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Are you sure? Heheh...<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>It was that extra question I asked you not to ask!.... Eh, anyway, I need a little emotional release, and you can play the part of a pathetic living dildo for me, hahaha!...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/SubDomGame/Dom/5/fuck256.mp4">>
Hahaha?...A live dildo?!....Ah, shit!... I'm so duuumb!.. He's pounding me like an animal! Haaaah!...
<<BullyDialog>>Hey, you've gotten kind of quiet! I hear nothing but moans, 'Mistress'. Ha-ha-ha! Does it @@color:magenta;feel SO good@@?...<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>No, you're wrong!...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Oh, is that so? I can't know how my beloved mistress feels until I can't see your face. You must be turned to face me.<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>No, I..I mustn't!<</PlayerDialog>>
But since I gave him the freedom to fuck me, he took the opportunity and turned me over facing him with his own hands without stopping putting me on his cock for any second....
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>Hey, where are you putting your hands?! Don't overreact, your balls are in my hands!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/SubDomGame/Dom/5/fuck139.webp" "gif">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>Ah...Aah! Ah!...AaAH!...N-Now you've seen my face, h-happy?...Haaah!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Ha-ha-ha! My 'mistress' is such a lustful horny little girl!...<</BullyDialog>>
I don't know how long he fucked me, but I catch myself thinking I'd like more.... ~giggle~
I guess I was too @@color:red;horny@@ to keep my cool....
<<EngravementStatsCounterWin "-l">>
@@#place;<<button [[Next|EngravementAfterEvent]]>><</button>>@@<<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$P.Gender == "f"`,
tags: ["Engravement", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "REEngravement5",
weight: 10,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 4,
<<media "Data/Locations/stephanroom.jpg" "place">>
Stephan's room.
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Bad Stephy, look how much of your cum here!...Oh, You're gonna have to @@color:magenta;clean it all up@@...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Agh...It's so disgusting...ah...<</BullyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/SubDomGame/Dom/5/dom45.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Exactly, it's disgusting...But @@color:magenta;that's why you like it so much@@.....<</PlayerDialog>>
<<EngravementStatsCounterWin "+w">>
@@#place;<<button [[Next|EngravementAfterEvent]]>><</button>>@@<<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$P.Gender == "f"`,
tags: ["Engravement", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "REEngravement5",
weight: 10,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 5,
<<media "Data/Locations/stephanroom.jpg" "place">>
Stephan's room.
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Yeah! Just like that! @@color:magenta;Wiggle your slutty ass, bitch!@@<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/SubDomGame/Dom/5/peg50.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Yeah! My little bitch @@color:magenta;loves the black cock@@ I got for her, don't she?! @@color:magenta;Moan! Scream! Louder!@@ Hahaha!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<EngravementStatsCounterWin "+w">>
@@#place;<<button [[Next|EngravementAfterEvent]]>><</button>>@@<<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$P.Gender == "f" and $P.Cor >= 75`,
tags: ["Engravement", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "REEngravement5",
weight: 10,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 6,
<<media "Data/Locations/stephanroom.jpg" "place">>
Stephan's room.
Shit...ah...why is that...I'm even more horny than usual...I need cock! I need a huge cock right now!...
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Stephy, my dear...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>I want sex! I want wild slutty sex in sexy lingerie!...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>I hear you...I'll pick out underwear that fits you...<</BullyDialog>>
<<if $P.Arousal < 80>>\
Is he gonna pick out underwear for me? That's so...No! I can't let him do that, hahaha!
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>You'll pick out underwear for me? Ha-ha-ha...No! You don't have a say here!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>Ah! Yeees! What am I like? Ah..A sexy, confident and slutty whore!...Is that what you wanted to say?...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/SubDomGame/Dom/5/fuck469.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Ah! Then shut up and listen! You only have 3 tasks - @@color:magenta;look at me, praise me@@ and @@color:magenta;keep your cock hard for me@@. Do you understand, Stephy? Don't make me angry, bitch!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/SubDomGame/Dom/5/fuck484.mp4">>
<<BullyDialog>>...I understand<</BullyDialog>>
<<EngravementStatsCounterWin "-w">>
Is he gonna pick out underwear for me? That's so...exciting...Damn, I'm so hungry for sex, I can't think at all.....
<<PlayerDialog "horny">>Ah, okay...I want sex so bad... pick out some beautiful lingerie for me....and then your Mistress will ride you! I will dominate you like I usually do!..<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Of course, my Mistress...<</BullyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/SubDomGame/Dom/5/dom1.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>Ah..ahaa...ah Aaah!..Haah!..<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Mistress, when are you going to start dominating me?...Because right now, you @@color:magenta;look like a common, stupid dirty whore@@....<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>Yeah...now I'm about to start...almost started...Ah...this cock is so....I'm going to dominate you for sure...b-but... ah..just a minute longer!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>You got your act together?...I'm still waiting for that, @@color:magenta;little@@ Mistress @@color:magenta;whore@@...Ha-ha-ha! Get this!<</BullyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/SubDomGame/Dom/5/dom2.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>Aaahhhh!...I got it....I...I don't care anymore!...L-let's make an....exception! Nmmmhhhaaa!...Just keep fucking meeeeee like your whore!! Aaaahh!<</PlayerDialog>>
Damn...hahah...became a whore to my own slave...so weird...But...I'll admit it was hot as hell..... ~giggle~
I guess I was too @@color:red;horny@@ to keep my cool....
<<EngravementStatsCounterWin "-l">>
@@#place;<<button [[Next|EngravementAfterEvent]]>><</button>>@@<<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$P.Gender == "f"`,
tags: ["Engravement", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "REEngravement5",
weight: 10,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 7,
<<media "Data/Locations/stephanroom.jpg" "place">>
Stephan's room.
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Oh, you look so cute! Right now Stephy is @@color:magenta;my little horny pet@@! Ha-ha-ha! Why do you even put up with that?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/SubDomGame/Dom/5/dom181.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Oh, I get it! You don't tolerate it, you've adapted to the rigors and learned to @@color:magenta;enjoy it@@! And the second reason is that you're @@color:magenta;waiting for something more@@... Well, I've got something for your @@color:magenta;happiness@@!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/SubDomGame/Dom/5/peg47.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>I can see that you're @@color:magenta;getting high@@ and that @@color:magenta;you're really enjoying it@@, you're @@color:magenta;literally melting in pleasure@@, but why are you moaning so little? Ha-ha-ha-ha! It looks like you want something else, doesn't it? I have an idea!...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>That's it, Stephy! Show them @@color:magenta;who's your Mistress@@! Smile for the camera! Show what a @@color:magenta;slutty, horny bitch@@ you are to your Mistress! Ha-ha-ha-ha!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/SubDomGame/Dom/5/peg17.mp4">>
<<BullyDialog>>...AGHH! Fuck!....Agghh!..<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Yeah! Just like that! No matter where you are, no matter who you're with, don't forget for one second @@color:magenta;whose little bitch Stephy@@ you are!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<EngravementStatsCounterWin "+w">>
@@#place;<<button [[Next|EngravementAfterEvent]]>><</button>>@@<<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$P.Gender == "f"`,
tags: ["Engravement", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "REEngravement5",
weight: 10,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 8,
<<media "Data/Locations/stephanroom.jpg" "place">>
Stephan's room.
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Whaaaat?...Did my boots get dusty somewhere? Oh, how nice of you! Stephy's a good boy! Stephy deserves a reward! Yeeees?...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/SubDomGame/Dom/5/dom8.mp4">>
<<BullyDialog>> ~bark~ <</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>~giggle~<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>..Agh! Deeep...Hot... Aaaghh!...Yeeaahh!...Agh!<</BullyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/SubDomGame/Dom/5/peg43.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Oh, Stepfy! You've become such a @@color:magenta;lovely bitch@@ to me! Good... @@color:magenta;very good boy@@!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>..heheh...@@color:magenta;T-Thank you@@...@@color:magenta;Mistress@@...<</BullyDialog>>
<<EngravementStatsCounterWin "+w">>
@@#place;<<button [[Next|EngravementAfterEvent]]>><</button>>@@<<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$P.Gender == "f" and ($EngravementDomCostume === false or $SWill <= 0)`,
tags: ["Engravement", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "REEngravementS5",
weight: 10,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 0,
<<media "Data/Locations/stephanroom.jpg" "place">>
Stephan's room.
<<PlayerDialog "horny">>..Ahaa...why it's soo..I look so stupid....ahaaa...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/SubDomGame/Sub/5/dom7.mp4">>
<<BullyDialog>>Just like that, bitch! You @@color:magenta;have to act and look the way I want you to@@! <</BullyDialog>>
<<EngravementStatsCounterWin "-l">>
@@#place;<<button [[Next|EngravementAfterEvent]]>><</button>>@@<<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$P.Gender == "f" and ($EngravementDomCostume === false or $SWill <= 0)`,
tags: ["Engravement", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "REEngravementS5",
weight: 10,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 1,
<<media "Data/Locations/stephanroom.jpg" "place">>
Stephan's room.
<<PlayerDialog "horny">>..Mmhmm...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/SubDomGame/Sub/5/dom117.mp4">>
<<BullyDialog>>@@color:magenta;Look at you, bitch@@! You're @@color:magenta;ecstatic at how pathetic you look@@ right now! You think you have the right to even think about subjugating me?!<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny">>..Mmmhamsh...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Exactly! So @@color:magenta;don't you dare even think@@ about it, @@color:magenta;butthead!@@<</BullyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/SubDomGame/Sub/5/dom34.mp4">>
<<EngravementStatsCounterWin "-l">>
@@#place;<<button [[Next|EngravementAfterEvent]]>><</button>>@@<<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$P.Gender == "f" and ($EngravementDomCostume === false or $SWill <= 0)`,
tags: ["Engravement", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "REEngravementS5",
weight: 10,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 2,
<<media "Data/Locations/stephanroom.jpg" "place">>
Stephan's room.
<<BullyDialog>>@@color:magenta;You whore@@, you tricked me!<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Exactly! Ha-ha! You're tied up and now I can do whatever I want to you! I can humiliate you any way I want! Ha-ha-ha!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>So...what are you gonna...do?<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny">>Humilia...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/SubDomGame/Sub/5/dom2.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>Ahaa...Cock...Such a big COCK...it's sooo deeepp...ahaa...yeeeahhh...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>@@color:magenta;You crazy fucking slut@@, hahaha!<</BullyDialog>>
<<EngravementStatsCounterWin "-l">>
@@#place;<<button [[Next|EngravementAfterEvent]]>><</button>>@@<<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$P.Gender == "f" and ($EngravementDomCostume === false or $SWill <= 0)`,
tags: ["Engravement", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "REEngravementS5",
weight: 10,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 3,
<<media "Data/Locations/stephanroom.jpg" "place">>
Stephan's room.
<<BullyDialog>>You've @@color:magenta;become such an addicted whore!@@<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny">>Mmmnmm...I can't, I need this so badly...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Ha-ha-ha! Then @@color:magenta;do whatever you want@@, but know that I'm not moving my hips an inch! <</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny">>Ahaaa...okaaaaay....I'll...fuck myself!...ahaa....Yeah, yeah, yeaaah!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/SubDomGame/Sub/5/fuck60.mp4">>
<<EngravementStatsCounterWin "-l">>
@@#place;<<button [[Next|EngravementAfterEvent]]>><</button>>@@<<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$P.Gender == "f" and ($EngravementDomCostume === false or $SWill <= 0)`,
tags: ["Engravement", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "REEngravementS5",
weight: 10,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 4,
<<media "Data/Locations/stephanroom.jpg" "place">>
Stephan's room.
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/SubDomGame/Sub/5/bj247.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny">>Mmnmm...I feel like this cock I'm sucking is fucking me at this very moment!.. ~giggle~<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Yeah, that's the @@color:magenta;kind of horny little slut@@ you were @@color:magenta;always meant to be@@!<</BullyDialog>>
<<EngravementStatsCounterWin "-l">>
@@#place;<<button [[Next|EngravementAfterEvent]]>><</button>>@@<<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$P.Gender == "f" and ($EngravementDomCostume === false or $SWill <= 0)`,
tags: ["Engravement", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "REEngravementS5",
weight: 10,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 5,
<<media "Data/Locations/stephanroom.jpg" "place">>
Stephan's room.
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>AAahhH!...You're banging me SO hard!...I'm going crazy!!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>@@color:magenta;Remember this view well@@, whore! This is what @@color:magenta;your place in this world@@ looks like!<</BullyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/SubDomGame/Sub/5/fuck12.webp" "gif">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>Haaah...@@color:magenta;my@@...@@color:magenta;place looks like this@@?....<</PlayerDialog>>
<<EngravementStatsCounterWin "-l">>
@@#place;<<button [[Next|EngravementAfterEvent]]>><</button>>@@<<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$P.Gender == "f" and ($EngravementDomCostume === true or $SWill <= 0)`,
tags: ["Engravement", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "REEngravementS5",
weight: 10,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 9,
<<media "Data/Locations/stephanroom.jpg" "place">>
Stephan's room.
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/SubDomGame/Sub/5/Costume/dom95.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Look at this! Your Mistress looks even more seductive now, doesn't she?!...I can definitely sub....<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/SubDomGame/Sub/5/Costume/dom52.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>Ah...again...a-again...I'm being fucked like a whore again!!...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Nice try, @@color:magenta;bitch@@! @@color:magenta;Keep it up@@! <</BullyDialog>>
<<EngravementStatsCounterWin "-l">>
@@#place;<<button [[Next|EngravementAfterEvent]]>><</button>>@@<<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$P.Gender == "f" and ($EngravementDomCostume === true or $SWill <= 0)`,
tags: ["Engravement", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "REEngravementS5",
weight: 10,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 10,
<<media "Data/Locations/stephanroom.jpg" "place">>
Stephan's room.
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>I'm in charge tonight, got it, pig?!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny">>Yeah, that's it! Good boy!...Today we're gonna do exactly as I say! Get it, you bastard?!...Um, why are you taking ou...Oh...c..cock...Ohh...Cooock...OHHhhmhhm.....Mmhmm...so...goood....oohhmmm...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/SubDomGame/Sub/5/Costume/bj239.mp4">>
<<BullyDialog>>Ha-ha-ha! What kind of "Mistress" are you who @@color:magenta;can't resist sucking any cock@@ in front of you?...<</BullyDialog>>
<<EngravementStatsCounterWin "-l">>
@@#place;<<button [[Next|EngravementAfterEvent]]>><</button>>@@<<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$P.Gender == "f" and ($EngravementDomCostume === true or $SWill <= 0)`,
tags: ["Engravement", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "REEngravementS5",
weight: 10,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 11,
<<media "Data/Locations/stephanroom.jpg" "place">>
Stephan's room.
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Pig, fool, idiot! Moron, insect, stupid degenerate!!!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>Haaahh! C-Cooock...thrusting so HAAARD!!...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/SubDomGame/Sub/5/Costume/dom129.mp4">>
<<BullyDialog>>Bitch, that's not funny! I'm gonna stop moving you if you don't admit exactly what you wanted and say it out loud!<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>I...Ah...I wanted you to fuck me hard!....Fuck the rest of my brains out of me!...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Ha-ha-ha! You know there are more convenient ways to get it. Like crawling to me on your knees! Ha-ha-ha!<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>Yeees...b-but I wanted you to fuck me @@color:magenta;hard and mercilessly@@!....I wanted @@color:magenta;you to put me in my place@@!...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Ha-ha! My "mistress" is such a perverted cock-addicted bitch!!<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>Yeeeeees!....Oh yeaaaahh....@@color:magenta;Fuck your pathetic Mistress@@ like the @@color:magenta;perverted fucking bitch she is@@!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<EngravementStatsCounterWin "-l">>
@@#place;<<button [[Next|EngravementAfterEvent]]>><</button>>@@<<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$P.Gender == "f" and ($EngravementDomCostume === true or $SWill <= 0)`,
tags: ["Engravement", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "REEngravementS5",
weight: 10,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 6,
<<media "Data/Locations/stephanroom.jpg" "place">>
Stephan's room.
<<BullyDialog>>Ha-ha-ha! @@color:magenta;What conclusion@@ did you just draw?...<</BullyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/SubDomGame/Sub/5/Costume/dom65.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>Ah..ahhh....I'm bad...vey bad mistress because no matter what I do, I get fucked like a whore in the end....every timeeee!...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<EngravementStatsCounterWin "-l">>
@@#place;<<button [[Next|EngravementAfterEvent]]>><</button>>@@<<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$P.Gender == "f" and ($EngravementDomCostume === true or $SWill <= 0)`,
tags: ["Engravement", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "REEngravementS5",
weight: 10,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 7,
<<media "Data/Locations/stephanroom.jpg" "place">>
Stephan's room.
<<BullyDialog>>You still haven't given up trying to subdue me?<</BullyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/SubDomGame/Sub/5/Costume/dom49.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>I decided to change my strategy...You like that juicy ass, don't you?...If you want it, you're gonna have to lis....<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/SubDomGame/Sub/5/Costume/dom50.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>...Ahh..ah...B-But I didn't finish what I wanted to say!...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>You @@color:magenta;fucked up, butthead@@. Now you're @@color:magenta;my slutty bitch again@@! How can you not understand? This @@color:magenta;ass is made to be fucked hard@@! <</BullyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/SubDomGame/Sub/5/Costume/dom51.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>Ahh...Ah...I won't give up...I'll definitely make...ah...it next time!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<EngravementStatsCounterWin "-l">>
@@#place;<<button [[Next|EngravementAfterEvent]]>><</button>>@@<<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$P.Gender == "f" and ($EngravementDomCostume === true or $SWill <= 0)`,
tags: ["Engravement", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "REEngravementS5",
weight: 10,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 8,
<<media "Data/Locations/stephanroom.jpg" "place">>
Stephan's room.
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>I will dominate you!!!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Tell me, are you wearing fishnet tights on purpose?<</BullyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/SubDomGame/Sub/5/Costume/dom182.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny">>No...I...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Were you @@color:magenta;trying to seduce@@ me?..<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny">>...N-no!..ahh..ah..<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>You wanted to @@color:magenta;look more slutty@@ for me?.. @@color:magenta;Wanted me to fuck you@@ right in them?..<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny">>...ah..No..I...S-shut up, I...ah...I don't know why I'm wearing them, okay?!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<EngravementStatsCounterWin "-l">>
@@#place;<<button [[Next|EngravementAfterEvent]]>><</button>>@@<<media "Data/Locations/stephanroom.jpg" "place">>
Stephan's room.
You are both under the effects of a level 3 pill, but your desires diverge, so the magical flows have slowed and tangled. Your interactions with Stephan and influence on each other will help untangle them.
@@color:deeppink;It's an Engravement progress bar. Each further event with Stephan will drive progress.@@ When the bar is completely filled, the effect of the pill will be irreversible, magic flows will be untangled and applied.
Stephan will try to resist your moves, but sometimes he will make his own moves and in this case you will be the one who has to resist.
@@color:deeppink;The difference in willpower visually shows the dominance of you or Stephan over each other.@@ This bar will change depending on events until the @@color:deeppink;Engravement bar@@ is completely filled.
Your successful actions over dominating Staphan will slightly increase your @@color:blue;willpower@@ and greatly decrease @@color:blue;Staphan's willpower@@.
Your unsuccessful actions will do the same, but in reverse.
If the Willpower difference bar moves to the right, new events of your domination over Stephan are opened up to you.
If the Willpower difference bar moves to the left, Stephan will open passive effects over you. Be careful, even if the bar moves to the right again, the passive effects you have already received will not disappear!
@@font-size:115%;color:magenta;The final relationship with Stephan will depend on the difference in your willpower at the time Engravement's bar is full!@@
@@color:yellow;After the event your relationship with Stephan may change, but it may also stay the same:@@
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/SubDomGame/EngInstruction.png" "just">>
<<if $Bully.SuperCock === true or $P.TrainingStage >= 13>>\
@@font-size:120%;color:red;Additional conditions:@@
<<if $Bully.SuperCock === true>>\
You couldn't contain yourself when Stephan got the 1 lvl pill, in the course of which his cock became much more pleasurable.
-Your arousal will build up faster.
<<if $P.TrainingStage >= 13>>\
You've been through all of Stephan's training, now you're going to have a harder time exacting your revenge.You're also not in a sober enough frame of mind to evaluate his actions.
-You need more willpower to resist Stephan.
-You can't see when his turn comes.
You haven't gone through Stephan's training, so you're in a sober enough frame of mind to evaluate his actions.
Stephan's turn: 0/10 - When that number reaches 10, Stephan will make his move, so be careful.
Stepan's progression to make his move: +$SSuggAdd
@@font-size:120%;color:red;About resistance:@@
If it's your turn, Stephan has a chance to fight back. You can't see that chance.
If Stephan's turn, your resistance to his offer depends on @@color:red;Arousal.@@
Watch out for @@color:red;Arousal@@, or it will be harder or even @@color:red;impossible@@ to turn down Stephan's suggestion.
@@color:yellow; Note: As you play the game, everything will be intuitive. Do not try to memorize everything. If you need the rules, you can open and check them at any time.
<<button [[Go back|BullyRoomHere]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/stephanroom.jpg" "place">>
Stephan's room.
@@color:deeppink;Stephan's Engravement's state:@@
@@color:magenta;Stephan's willpower:@@ $SWill
<<if $SWill > 875>>\
Stephan feels like his usual self.
<<elseif $SWill > 750 and $SWill <= 875>>\
I think my words are starting to engrave themselves into Stephan's soul, I think he's ready for more!
<<elseif $SWill > 500 and $SWill <= 750>>\
It seems his attitude towards our little game has changed even more. His desires are starting to belong to me...
<<elseif $SWill > 250 and $SWill <= 500>>\
He's getting more obedient and I'm getting more and more into the flavor! I love it, hahaha!
<<elseif $SWill > 0 and $SWill <= 250>>\
He's become such a good boy, hahaha! Time to make him my bitch completely!
<<elseif $SWill <= 0>>\
He's mine! Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha! He completely reinvented himself! Stephan is literally my slutty little bitch who does whatever I want! And most importantly, he actually learned to enjoy all those pathetic things!
@@color:deeppink;Engraved effects on Nikita:@@
@@color:magenta;Your willpower:@@ $PWill
<<if $EngravementEffects < 1>>\
There are no effects on you.
<<if $EngravementEffects > 0>>\
@@color:red;You gain +70 to Arousal from the start of each new Engravement cycle.@@
<<if $EngravementEffects > 1>>\
@@color:red;The chance of him resisting has increased a little.@@
<<if $EngravementEffects > 2>>\
@@color:red;You automatically give yourself to Stephan even when your Arousal is equal to or greater than 80, instead of 100.@@
<<if $EngravementEffects > 3>>\
@@color:red;You lose 5 more willpower per every loss.@@
@@color:red;Stephan gets +3 to move! Stephan makes his moves much more often now.@@
<<if $P.TrainingStage < 13>>\
Stephan's turn: @@color:red;$SSuggestStep@@/10
Stephan's progression to make his move: @@color:red;+$SSuggAdd@@
<<if $SWill > 0>>\
<<if $SWill < 750>>\
<<if $Inventory.DomCostume === true>>\
@@color:orange;Use Dom Costume:@@ <<checkbox "$EngravementDomCostume" false true>>
@@font-size:80%;color:magenta; -Changes all events. @@
@@font-size:80%;color:red; -It makes your arousal grow faster.(+5/event)@@
@@font-size:80%;color:lime; -Stephan takes more willpower damage.(+5/event)@@
Stephan must see me as his Mistress. I think I've broken his will enough to present myself to him in a @@color:red;dominant costume@@.
<<if $SWill < 250>>\
<<if $Inventory.SlaveCostume === true>>\
@@color:orange;Use Slave Costume:@@ <<checkbox "$EngravementSlaveCostume" false true>>
@@font-size:80%;color:magenta; -Changes all events. @@
@@font-size:80%;color:red; -You take more willpower damage.(+5/event)@@
@@font-size:80%;color:lime; -Stephan has a reduced chance of resisting you.(+5/event)@@
@@font-size:80%;color:lime; -Stephan takes more willpower damage.(+5/event)@@
I think Stephan's appearance should match what I already allow myself to do with him... He'd look great in a @@color:red;Slave costume@@.
@@color:red;Stephan's willpower is broken. Dominant costume and Slave costume are always enabled.@@
<<button [[Go back|BullyRoomHere]]>>
<<if $EngravementSlaveCostume == true>>
<<set $SResistanceOne = 0>>
<<set $SResistanceTwo = 10>>
<<set $SResistanceOne = 5>>
<<set $SResistanceTwo = 15>>
<</button>><<media "Data/Locations/stephanroom.jpg" "place">>
Stephan's room.
<<if $SWill > 800>>\
<<BullyDialog>>You think I'd EVER do something like that? Don't be ridiculous. It's my turn now!<</BullyDialog>>
<<set $SSuggestStep += 3>>\
<<elseif $SWill >= 600 and $SWill < 800>>\
<<BullyDialog>>No girl has ever played like that with me, and you won't either!<</BullyDialog>>
<<set $SSuggestStep += 2>>\
<<elseif $SWill >= 400 and $SWill < 600>>\
<<BullyDialog>>You think your methods are effective?!...I..I'll prove to you that they're not!<</BullyDialog>>
<<set $SSuggestStep += 1>>\
<<elseif $SWill >= 200 and $SWill < 400>>\
<<BullyDialog>>You don't think I'm REALLY....enjoying this, right? Look, I can still turn you down...easily....<</BullyDialog>>
<<elseif $SWill >= 0 and $SWill < 200>>\
He muttered something and just ran off...ran....of....HA-hA-HA! Stephan! He just ran away! Ha-ha-ha-ha! But It's okay, I can easily bring him back.....
<<elseif $SWill < 0>>\
Stephan kneels down and asks me while a foolish and lustful smile is painted on his face.
<<BullyDialog>>Mistress...can I not....Ahem...I mean...I have a bit of a pain in my head today.... I mean the head on top, my top head...though I'm not sure.... @@color:font-size:80%; ha-ha-ha...@@<</BullyDialog>>
<<if $SWill > 0>>
He resists, but he won't be able to resist forever.....
@@#pill;<<button [[Continue Engravement!|EngravementEvChoosing]]>><</button>>@@
He says he has a headache or something, but it's already faintly resembling resistance.... Should I give him a chance to take a break, hehe?..
@@#redb;<<button "No!">><<REGroup "REEngravement5" 100>><</button>>@@
@@#place;<<button [[Stop right here and back to apartments|DApart]]>><<movetime>><</button>>@@<<media "Data/Locations/stephanroom.jpg" "place">>
Stephan's room.
<<if $EngravementActionSugg === false>>\
<<set $EngravementActionSugg = true>>
<<switch $EngravementEffects>>\
<<case 0>>\
He grabs your wrist firmly, pulling you close with a stern look.
<<BullyDialog>>You've had your fun. Now it's my turn to show you who really runs things.<</BullyDialog>>
<<case 1>>\
He pushes you against the wall, pinning your arms above your head.
<<BullyDialog>>Time to remember who's really in charge here, princess.<</BullyDialog>>
<<case 2>>\
He roughly grabs a fistful of your hair, yanking your head back.
<<BullyDialog>>You've been a naughty little bitch, haven't you? Let's fix that attitude.<</BullyDialog>>
<<case 3>>\
He slaps your ass hard, then shoves you face-down onto the bed. You're confused by the surprise, but do you really...like it?
<<BullyDialog>>You think you're so fucking tough? I'll show you what a real man can do, you worthless cunt.<</BullyDialog>>
<<case 4>>\
He grabs your throat, squeezing just enough to make you gasp and unconsciously moan sweetly.
<<BullyDialog>>You think you can dominate me? That's fucking adorable. Look at yourself! You're all wet! Now be a good girl and finally admit how addicted you are to that dick!<</BullyDialog>>
<<set $EngravementActionSugg = false>>
<<switch $EngravementEffects>>\
<<case 0>>\
He slowly trails his fingers up your thigh, his eyes locked on yours.
<<BullyDialog>>You've had your fun. Maybe it's time we switch things up a bit, don't you think?<</BullyDialog>>
<<case 1>>\
He doesn't care about what you did to him. He just looks at you with his piercing grin.
<<BullyDialog>>Ha-ha-ha-ha! How about you let me take control for once? I promise you won't regret it! It's time for you to listen to what I want to say....<</BullyDialog>>
<<case 2>>\
He grabs your ass, giving it a firm squeeze.
<<BullyDialog>>You know, I've been thinking about all the ways I could make you scream my name...<</BullyDialog>>
<<case 3>>\
He leans in close, his hot breath tickling your ear as he whispers. A whisper that makes you squirm slightly. Did the room get hotter?
<<BullyDialog>>Why don't we agree on something? I promise you'll like all the terms...<</BullyDialog>>
<<case 4>>\
He silently starts unbuckling his belt, then a wicked grin spreading across his face. You still can't admit to yourself that you want this more than anything...
<<BullyDialog>>Enough of your games. It's my turn so it's time for you to remember what cocky little sluts like you should do.<</BullyDialog>>
<<if $EngravementEffects >= 3>>\
<<set _ArousalPeakToUnableResiting = 80>>\
<<set _ArousalPeakToUnableResiting = 100>>\
<<if $P.Arousal < _ArousalPeakToUnableResiting>>\
<<if $P.Arousal < 30>>\
<<button [[Resist and stop him (+30 Arousal)|EngravementAfterEvent]]>><<UpdateArousal "+30">><</button>>
<<set _Timing = Math.floor((100 - $P.Arousal)/5)>>\
<<set _TimingInput = _Timing + "s">>\
<<timed _TimingInput>>\
<<replace "#resistsuccess">>@@#redb;<<disable>><<button [[I can't resist no more...|EngravementAfterEvent]]>><</button>><</disable>>@@<</replace>>
<<if $P.Arousal >= 80>>\
Damn...if he continues, I definitely can't do..Ah...I need to say no...now! Ah!
@@#resistsuccess;<<button [[Resist and stop him (-10 WillPower, +50 Arousal)|EngravementAfterEvent]]>><<UpdateArousal "+50">><<set $PWill -= 10>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $P.Arousal >= 30 and $P.Arousal < 80>>\
Damn...if he continues, I definitely can't do..Ah...I need to say no...now! Ah! Why am always I getting aroused so fast with him?...
@@#resistsuccess;<<button [[Resist and stop him (+50 Arousal)|EngravementAfterEvent]]>><<UpdateArousal "+50">><</button>>@@
Ah...damn it...
<<switch $EngravementEffects>>\
<<case 0>>\
@@#pill;<<button "Don't resist">><<REGroup "REEngravementS1" 100>><</button>>@@
<<case 1>>\
@@#pill;<<button "Don't resist">><<REGroup "REEngravementS2" 100>><</button>>@@
<<case 2>>\
@@#pill;<<button "Don't resist">><<REGroup "REEngravementS3" 100>><</button>>@@
<<case 3>>\
@@#pill;<<button "Don't resist">><<REGroup "REEngravementS4" 100>><</button>>@@
<<case 4>>\
@@#pill;<<button "Don't resist">><<REGroup "REEngravementS5" 100>><</button>>@@
<</switch>>\<<media "Data/Locations/stephanroom.jpg" "place">>
Stephan's room.
<<if $DrugSpread == 0>><<goto "FBullyRoomFirstEntering">><</if>>\
<<BullyDialog>>So are you going to pay me or are you going to "pay" me? Haha<</BullyDialog>>
<<if $P.DrugTaken > 0>>\
<<if $P.TrainingStage < 13>>\
<<if $WeeklyBullyRoomVisits < 2>>\
@@#cor;<<button [[Pay the other way|BullyRoomTraining]]>><</button>>@@
@@#cor;<<button [[Pay the other way|BullyRoomTrainingTooManyVisits]]>><</button>>@@
@@#cor;<<button [[Pay the other way|BullyRoomTraining]]>><</button>>@@
<<button [[Pay debt|BullyRoomPaying]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Leave|DApart]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/stephanroom.jpg" "place">>
Stephan's room.
<<BullyDialog>>Hey, listen, do you really think you can pay me back the full amount?<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Do I have any other option? You're the one who puzzled me!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>And I'm the one who wants to help you!<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>What?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Instead of paying back a week's worth of debt, you could help me with something... Do me some favors..<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "disgust">>Wait, you want me to be your toy?!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>You're already my toy, but this time I want you to do it of your own free will<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>In any case, this is blackmail. So what do you want from me?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<button [[Let him explain|FBullyRoomFirstEntering1]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/stephanroom.jpg" "place">>
Stephan's room.
<<if $DrugSpread < 1>>\
<<set $DrugSpread = 1>>\
<<set $FT = 5>>\
<<BullyDialog>>You've probably heard about the new drug, right?<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Just a little<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/drug.jfif" "just">>
They look different from the pills I have. I guess it's a regular drug without any magic, though it's the first time I've seen them.
<<BullyDialog>>Here it is. It's called "Celtoc"<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>What? Where did you get it?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Recently, they have become very popular. They are easy to get, but with a good markup. And thanks to the connections of your beloved Stephan, I can buy them much cheaper<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>So? Is it really that popular?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Oh, yes! Like I said, there's been a lot more of it lately! An easy drug that gives a lot of pleasure and leaves no trace or hangover behind! It's a gold mine! Just pay attention to the people around you and you'll see!<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>And what effect does it have? And what do you want from me?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Let's just say that in people it emphasizes their...sexuality. And I want you to try it. For free. In return, I'll even credit your arrival today and deduct 100$ from your debt<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Is there anything else I can do besides taking drugs to pay back the debt? Huh?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>You can still just pay. The deal was that you come to me and perform a "favor". Now, that's the first thing I ask you to do, so it's either "yes" or pay<</BullyDialog>>
<<button [[Agree to take it|FBullyRoomFirstEntering2]]>><<set $P.DrugTaken++>><</button>>
<<button [[Just pay debt|BullyRoomPaying]]>><</button>>
<<button [[I need time to think|DApart]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/stephanroom.jpg" "place">>
Stephan's room.
Okay, I guess one time won't do anything. Plus, I'll save a hundred bucks! And I also want to maintain a good relationship with Stephan, because thanks to the magic pills, I get to be... friends with him.
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/drug.jfif" "just">>
<<BullyDialog>>I knew you'd agree after all. You live to bring and receive pleasure! I think two pills will be enough for you for the first time. Bon appétit, slut<</BullyDialog>>
And I ate the two pills he gave me. Still, what an asshole that Stephan was. I'm sure I'll find a way to tame him, subdue him....seddle him...oh fuck
<<UpdateArousal "100">>
<<set $StephanDebt += 100>>\
<<set $WeeklyBullyRoomVisits++>>\
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Bully/tits8.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>OH GOD! My boobs are so big...and so soft...wow...I never thought having boobs like that would be so satisfying!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>That's how "Celtoc" works. You'll soon get used to the feeling. As promised, I'm deducting 100$ from your debt, so I won't keep you here anymore<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>Won't keep?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Yes! Or you want something else?<</BullyDialog>>
<<if $P.SubDom < 10 or $Bully.SuperCock === true>>\
@@#cor;<<button [[Something else?|FBullyRoomFirstEntering3]]>><</button>>@@
<<button [[Something else?|FBullyRoomFirstEnteringEscape]]>><</button>>
<</if>>\<<media "Data/Locations/stephanroom.jpg" "place">>
Stephan's room.
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Yeeeah...I wanna fuck!<</PlayerDialog>>
My thoughts are confused, my body is so hot...I really want to do something kinky! And say depraved things!
<<BullyDialog>>Once again, what do you want?<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>I want you to fuck me hard...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>That's my girl<</BullyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Bully/fuck102.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>Keeeep going! I like it! Like it!!<</PlayerDialog>>
Using his dick is the best way out! After all, do I have to walk around drugged and tolerate it? Better with Stephan than with some stranger...
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Bully/fuck130.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>Oooohh! I came! Came again! ooOh..Eh, why did you stop moving?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>You're a bad whore today, I'm done<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>But it's not enough for me.... I want...I...need...more!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Ha, if you don't agree and think you're good enough, you can do it yourself<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Tehehe...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>Yes, yes! Feels good! I'm a good!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Bully/fuck129.mp4">>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Bully/cum48.webp" "gif">>
<<BullyDialog>>You still have a lot to return, my doors is always open, bitch<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>heheee<</PlayerDialog>>
<<UpdateArousal "0">>
<<UpdateCorruption "+3">>
<<UpdateSubDom "-3">>
<<set $Bully.SexCount++>>\
<<button[[Back in action|DApart]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/stephanroom.jpg" "place">>
Stephan's room.
I gathered all my will and took several deep breaths. Who was he to take me for his whore?
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>If so, I'm leaving.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>What?! Are you sure?<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>S-Sure...see you, Stephan<</PlayerDialog>>
I got out of there as fast as I could.
<<button [[Leave|DApart]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/stephanroom.jpg" "place">>
Stephan's room.
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/4.jpg" "just">>
<<BullyDialog>>Did you miss me, baby?<</BullyDialog>>
<<if $StephanGotoGFAgreement == false>>\
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Stop going to Layla's.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Oh, is there something wrong with that?<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "disgust">>You give her a massage. I'm asking you to stop.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Where did you get that information? Did she tell you?<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "disgust">>It doesn't matter how I know about it. <</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>So you're asking me to stop? Heh, well, you're in no position to condition me, but still, you and I have a more complicated relationship than just friends. I think I can make some concessions. Say, @@color:red;10$@@ a day. <</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>10$ a day? Isn't it too much?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>That's exactly how much I want. In fact, I'm not going to stop going to her if I don't like your behavior. @@color:yellow;This price only includes our "massage" sessions with her.@@<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "disgust">>What? Why?! 10$ isn't enough for you?!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>I'm sorry, but this is very good leverage for you, I don't want to give it up, hehe.<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "disgust">>You're such a freak sometimes!<</PlayerDialog>>
10$ a day is a lot, but it looks like I have no other choice. I have to decide if I want to keep Layla the way she is and if I can afford it.
<<if $P.Money >= 10>>\
<<button [[Agree to pay him 10$ everyday|BullyLaylaAgreementAgree]]>><</button>>
I don't have enough money even now. I need to make some money before.
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Are you sure you're keeping your word? <</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Ask your bitch girl. I'd be happy if you kept paying me.<</BullyDialog>>
<<button [[Terminate your contract|BullyLaylaAgreementDecline]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Just go back to Apartments|DApart]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/stephanroom.jpg" "place">>
Stephan's room.
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/4.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>All right, you win! 10$ a day, no more and no less! I hope you keep your word! <</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Very wise decision, my cuckold friend. I always keep my word, I have principles. Believe me, I'm happy to get extra bucks just for doing nothing, Ha-ha-ha!<</BullyDialog>>
I hate it, but until I figure out how to deal with it, this is the best solution!
<<set $P.EverydaySpending -= 10>>\
<<set $P.Spending = $P.EverydaySpending * (-1)>>\
<<set $P.Money -= 10>>\
@@color:red;You lost 10$.@@
@@color:yellow; While your contract is in effect, Stephan will suspend "massage" sessions with Layla, your daily spending increased by 10$. To terminate your contract, talk to Stephan again.@@
<<button [[Just go back to Apartments|DApart]]>><<set $StephanGotoGFAgreement = true>><<movetime>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/stephanroom.jpg" "place">>
Stephan's room.
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/4.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>I'm not paying you anymore.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Why do you look so tense? Have you been thinking hard?<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Yes.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Ha-ha-ha! Then you know what the consequences will be!<</BullyDialog>>
<<set $P.EverydaySpending += 10>>\
<<set $P.Spending = $P.EverydaySpending * (-1)>>\
@@color:yellow; Your contract with Stephan has been terminated. Your daily spendings have been reduced by 10$.@@
<<button [[Just go back to Apartments|DApart]]>><<set $StephanGotoGFAgreement = false>><<movetime>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/stephanroom.jpg" "place">>
Stephan's room.
<<if $P.TrainingStage == 0>><<goto "FBullyRoomFirstTraining">><</if>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/4.jpg" "just">>
<<if $P.TrainingStage < 13>>\
<<BullyDialog>>Can't wait for our training? Me too!<</BullyDialog>>
<<switch $P.TrainingStage>>\
<<case 1>>\
Definitely something from that book again today, an easy $100 savings!
<<button [[Start "session"|BullyRoomTraining2.1]]>><</button>>
<<case 2>>\
I'm still a little worried, but you can never have too much money, right?
<<button [[Start "session"|BullyRoomTraining3.1]]>><</button>>
<<case 3>>\
He thinks he's in charge here. Ha! He's not. I'll prove that I'm easily in control!
<<button [[Start "session"|BullyRoomTraining4.1]]>><</button>>
<<case 4>>\
<<if $Inventory.Vibro == true>>\
And I bought it after all...I wonder what Stephan will do with it...I mean, now I can easily continue to pay him back. Heh..
<<button [[Start "session"|BullyRoomTraining5.1]]>><</button>>
Stephan said there would be no more "sessions" until I bought a...vibrator.
<<case 5>>\
He didn't warn me to bring something with me today.... but I brought a vibrator again.... not that I'm hoping for anything...
Just in case!
<<button [[Start "session"|BullyRoomTraining6.1]]>><</button>>
<<case 6>>\
<<if $Inventory.Dildo == true>>\
That dildo cost almost as much as Stephan was paying me back for our meeting. Still, it is my dildo, not his. I bought it for me! And Stephan's going to pay me back the full amount for it and much more!
<<button [[Start "session"|BullyRoomTraining7.1]]>><</button>>
First I need a big dildo. I wonder what Stephan prepared for me this time!
<<case 7>>\
Lately I feel like it's become harder to resist pleasure...and I don't really want to resist actually...
<<button [[Start "session"|BullyRoomTraining8.1]]>><</button>>
<<case 8>>\
<<if $Inventory.Dress == true>>\
Did I really buy and wear the dress because he asked me to? Ugh, it's all to repay my debt!
<<button [[Start "session"|BullyRoomTraining9.1]]>><</button>>
<<BullyDialog>>Hey, what did I tell you? Until you buy a nice dress, don't even think about me reimbursing part of your debt<</BullyDialog>>
Either I buy the dress, or I just pay off the debt. There is no other choice.
<<case 9>>\
I guess I can still pretend to be a good whore until I pay off my debt. There's not much left, after all.
<<button [[Start "session"|BullyRoomTraining10.1]]>><</button>>
<<case 10>>\
I've come to pay back some of my debt again! But there's nothing wrong with also having a little fun in the process, is there?
<<button [[Start "session"|BullyRoomTraining11.1]]>><</button>>
<<case 11>>\
It's time to get my well-deserved pleasure! ~giggles~
<<button [[Start "session"|BullyRoomTraining12.1]]>><</button>>
<<case 12>>\
What did he have in store for me today?~giggles~
<<button [[Start "session"|BullyRoomTraining13.1]]>><</button>>
<<BullyDialog>>Looks like you've successfully passed all my training, bitch. How are you feeling?<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>The usual, sweetie. I'm still the same as before... ~giggle~<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Ha-ha-ha! You would have answered me differently before. Good bitch gets a reward, you can choose what I do to you today.<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>~giggle~<</PlayerDialog>>
<<button [[I want to feel that vibrator inside me again!|BullyRoomTrainingAfter]]>><<set $BullyRoomTrainingAfter = 0>><</button>>
<<button [[I want to dance for you!|BullyRoomTrainingAfter]]>><<set $BullyRoomTrainingAfter = 1>><</button>>
<<button [[Let me put that dress on for you!|BullyRoomTrainingAfter]]>><<set $BullyRoomTrainingAfter = 2>><</button>>
<<button [[Go back|DApart]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/stephanroom.jpg" "place">>
Stephan's room.
<<BullyDialog>>So, how are you today?<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>I am ready to repay my debt. What do you want me to do?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Bully/te32.mp4">>
<<BullyDialog>>Hmm...I like it. What hole do you want me to use?<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Any hole, sir<</PlayerDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Hfhhm...do you like it?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Bully/bj21.mp4">>
<<BullyDialog>>Ooh, super. That's enough for today, you can go.<</BullyDialog>>
Tha...t-that's all...?... but... Calm, Nikita!
<<BullyDialog>>Something wrong?<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>No, it's okay. See you soon!<</PlayerDialog>>
I feel like I've been missing something for a very long time...but I don't know what...Okay, the main thing is not to forget about my goal and everything will be fine.
<<if $P.Cor < 70>><<UpdateCorruption "+1">><</if>>
<<UpdateArousal "150">>
<<UpdateSubDom "-1">>
<<set $P.TrainingStage++>>\
<<set $StephanDebt += 100>>\
<<set $WeeklyBullyRoomVisits++>>\
<<button [[Go back|DApart]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/stephanroom.jpg" "place">>
Stephan's room.
<<BullyDialog>>There's my slut!<</BullyDialog>>
Ttz...I have to play along.
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Here I am! And I am ready to make you feel good!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Bully/te32.mp4">>
<<BullyDialog>>Then get to work!<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>As you wish<</PlayerDialog>>
I'm pretty horny! I think it'll be fun to be a little more promiscuous.
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Slurrrpsh...mmm...your cock feels better today<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Bully/bj21.mp4">>
<<BullyDialog>>I see you're in a good mood today, too. Not surprisingly, I've already forgiven you half of all your debt! So how about making that mood a little better?<</BullyDialog>>
Wait...you mean
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/drug.jfif" "just">>
<<BullyDialog>>You want to feel really good, right? Come on, take it and we continue!<</BullyDialog>>
Oh, no, no, no! That's no good, I'm horny as hell right now! But if I take it I feel too good! I'll get addicted to it! If I eat it now, I'll break for sure!
<<if $P.Cor < 70>><<UpdateCorruption "+1">><</if>>
<<UpdateSubDom "-1">>
<<set $StephanDebt += 100>>\
<<set $WeeklyBullyRoomVisits++>>\
<<if $P.Arousal < 100>>\
<<button [[Take it|BullyRoomTraining11.3]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Decline|BullyRoomTraining11.2]]>><</button>>
I'm tooooo horny, I can't resist my desires!
<<button [[Take it|BullyRoomTraining11.3]]>><</button>>
<</if>>\<<media "Data/Locations/stephanroom.jpg" "place">>
Stephan's room.
No! I won't bend to him!
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Thanks for the offer! But I can make you feel good without it for sure!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Ha-ha! Continue then!<</BullyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Bully/bj21.mp4">>
<<BullyDialog>>Open your mouth wider, bitch<</BullyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Bully/cum97.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Ooh, you've flushed so much in my mouth!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Nice work, bitch. But sooner or later you're going to want to eat that drug, I'm sure. See you next time!<</BullyDialog>>
All right, take it easy. In order not to blow my mind, I just don't have to come to him very horny. Then I could definitely make the right choice.
<<if $P.Cor < 70>><<UpdateCorruption "+1">><</if>>
<<UpdateArousal "150">>
<<UpdateSubDom "-1">>
<<set $StephanDebt += 100>>\
<<set $WeeklyBullyRoomVisits++>>\
<<button [[Go back|DApart]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/stephanroom.jpg" "place">>
Stephan's room.
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Okay, give it to me<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Ha-ha! You're trying hard, huh?<</BullyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Bully/bj21.mp4">>
So good, but not enough! It's not enough for me to just suck it...
My pussy is shaking, my whole body is so sensitive...I finally understand everything! He hadn't fucked me once since the beginning of our "training"!
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>I want...sex...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Finally, you look like the bitch you're supposed to be. Then behave accordingly! You want my cock? Ask for it!<</BullyDialog>>
Hehe...To hell with that! I want it so much!
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Master Stephan! Fuck me, please! Let me be your whore for real today! Please reward this slutty pussy with your cock!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>That's what I wanted to hear!<</BullyDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>You finally showed your true nature!<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>Yeeeeees! Ahaaa...Spank my ass more!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Bully/fuck185.mp4">>
It feeels sooooo gooood!
<<BullyDialog>>Have you finally realized what a bitch you are?<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>Yeah! I'm a bitch! I'm a bitch that needs to be filled with cock!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Bully/fuck56.mp4">>
<<BullyDialog>>That's enough for today, but you and I aren't done training yet. Next time, no dress code, wear whatever you want.<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>As you wish! ~giggles~<</PlayerDialog>>
I've never felt so good about paying back debts. I didn't realize that acting like the ultimate slut was so exciting! And it brings a ton of pleasure....! I wonder what he'll do to me next time...
<<UpdateCorruption "+3">>
<<UpdateArousal "0">>
<<UpdateSubDom "-3">>
<<set $StephanDebt += 100>>\
<<set $WeeklyBullyRoomVisits++>>\
<<set $P.TrainingStage++>>\
<<button [[Go back|DApart]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/stephanroom.jpg" "place">>
Stephan's room.
<<BullyDialog>>Your face has changed since then. You want sex that badly?<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>I just want to pay my debt as soon as possible...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Bully/under6.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>...and for that I'm ready to be your plaything<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Bully/under5.jpg" "just">>
<<BullyDialog>>Wow, it's nice to see you looking like that!<</BullyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Bully/under1.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Leave the words. Let your huge cock speak for you. ~giggle~ You want to fuck this bitch in front of you, don't you?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Bully/under4.jpg" "just">>
<<BullyDialog>>You know what to do, right?<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Please, Master! Reward me with your huge sweet cock<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Bully/under3.jpg" "just">>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Bully/bj144.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Ghflp...sluurp...Are you cumming already?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>You're much more insatiable than usual today, but don't you dare underestimate me, slut!<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>I hope so ~giggles~<</PlayerDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Master Stephan, please fuck me! I want to feel your cock inside!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Since you want my cock so much, I don't think you'll mind. But why should I care? Take that, bitch!<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>Oh My God! YEES!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Well? Do you really like being fucked in the ass that much? I trained you well.<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>Ooohhh, I feel sooo hot inside! It's like I'm burning!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Bully/an2.mp4">>
Usually they say it hurts a lot, which is partly true, but I feel soooooo good! Maybe Carol's body is special in that way? I'll try it with her someday...but for now I......ehehe
<<BullyDialog>>Finally, you are behaving properly! We'll have fun with the pill next time!<</BullyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Bully/cum48.webp" "gif">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>As you say!...@@font-size:75%;Master@@<</PlayerDialog>>
How smart I am! Not only do I easily repay my debt, but I also use his gorgeous cock for free! All I have to do is pretend to be this jerk's submissive bitch and that dick is mine! Ha-ha!
<<if $P.Cor < 70>><<UpdateCorruption "+1">><</if>>
<<UpdateArousal "100">>
<<UpdateSubDom "-1">>
<<set $P.TrainingStage++>>\
<<set $StephanDebt += 100>>\
<<set $WeeklyBullyRoomVisits++>>\
<<button [[Go back|DApart]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/stephanroom.jpg" "place">>
Stephan's room.
<<BullyDialog>>Today, I have something special for you.... but first...<</BullyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/drug.jfif" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>ehehe, okaay!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<UpdateArousal "100">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Mmm...my body gets even hotter when I move like this!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Bully/kiss24.mp4">>
I was dancing in front of Stephan in this outfit that I would have considered too revealing a while ago, but now I was wearing it, and I was over the moon!
<<BullyDialog>>This outfit I made for you really suits you. Now you really do look and act like a horny slut, there's only one step left.<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Ahaa...I feel myself so sexy dancing like this in front of you ~giggle~ So...what's our final step? I feel like you've already done everything you want to do to me, just look!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Bully/kiss25.mp4">>
I knelt down in anticipation to give him the pleasure using my mouth before the "main course", but his stare down at me was confident and adamant, and he had a wild grin on his face. He caught me off guard.
<<BullyDialog>>Kiss. Kiss me like the person you'd love most.<</BullyDialog>>
The smile flew off my face.
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>K-k-kiss?!...y-you've done all sorts of things to me before, do you really want some pathetic...kiss...now?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>If it's so easy for you, why is your voice shaking so much?<</BullyDialog>>
Hell... I can pretend I'm happy to be his submissive slut for these pleasures, but kissing.... if I start making out with him, I'm definitely going to lose my head. I mean, how do I know where pretending ends and reality begins?!
<<BullyDialog>>Come on, bitch! Let's be lovers for real!<</BullyDialog>>
My whole body is on fire, I want his cock...but some part of me realizes that if I do this, there's no going back....
@@#pill;<<button [[Kiss him|BullyRoomTraining13.2]]>><</button>>@@
<<button [[Escape|BullyRoomTraining13.3]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/stephanroom.jpg" "place">>
Stephan's room.
Pleasure overwhelms my body when I'm around him. Why should I resist it? As long as I can't think of a way to get revenge, I can enjoy it to the fullest!
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Okay, you win! For this beautiful cock, I'm willing to give in to you! ~giggle~<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Bully/kiss26.mp4">>
I leaned over him and then our lips intertwined in a passionate kiss.
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Bully/kiss23.gif" "gif">>
I felt so needed and necessary...I hate him, but my body is on fire and I can't stop myself. I'm ashamed that I feel so happy right now, and these conflicting feelings fuel the fire inside even more, tearing a sweet moan from my lips.
<<BullyDialog>>Apparently this is no longer a punishment for you, bitch! Then it's time to use your mouth for something more useful!<</BullyDialog>>
Oh...He's slapping my ass during the kiss...so good...
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Bully/kiss27.mp4">>
After that kiss, it was like something clicked inside me...I loved the feeling.....
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Bully/kiss29.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>Your dick is so good! It's never been as good as it is now I can't get enough of it!<</PlayerDialog>>
I was in complete ecstasy as I sucked his cock completely surrendering to the process!
<<BullyDialog>>I think it's time to reward my little bitch for her obedience.<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>I'm not worthy of your reward ~giggles~<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>I'm reminded of you from a while back. It was an arrogant and proud bitch who said she would never submit to a scumbag like me.<</BullyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Bully/kiss28.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>I'm s...s-sorry! I didn't know your cock could make me feel...so good and...happy!..<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>How about you fight back, bitch? I'll give you money if you leave now.<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Ah...ah...I don't need money, all I need right now is you and your huge cock inside me!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>You've lost all pride, but that's the way I want you!<</BullyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Bully/kiss30.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>I don't want to resist my Master's wishes, because he makes me feel...haaahh...so good!<</PlayerDialog>>
I don't know anymore which of the things I told him today were true...He gives me so much pleasure, after today I won't be able to get his cock out of my head!...Still, I haven't lost my mind completely. I'll find a way to get my revenge, but until then, I'll take the role of his bitch. ~giggle~
@@color:yellow;Note: @@ This is Stephan's last training session, but Stephan's storyline isn't over yet. However, your decisions will affect future game events. And have already affected some current ones.
<<UpdateCorruption "+3">>
<<UpdateArousal "0">>
<<UpdateSubDom "-3">>
<<set $P.TrainingStage++>>\
<<set $StephanDebt += 100>>\
<<set $WeeklyBullyRoomVisits++>>\
<<button [[Go back|DApart]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/stephanroom.jpg" "place">>
Stephan's room.
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>No, I can't! It's all your fault I've become like this! I don't want this!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Ha-ha-ha! Wonderful! Even after the drugs and everything you've been through, your will is so strong!<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>I can't, I...I'm leaving immediately!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>You can't escape your new self, you'll still be a bitch hungry for my cock! You'll be back here again!<</BullyDialog>>
In some ways he's right, I've been starting to turn into the person he wants me to be for a while now... But I haven't given up yet! I will definitely find a way to make him pay for everything he did to me! Ha-ha!
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>We'll see, sweetie! ~giggle~<</PlayerDialog>>
We'll leave it the way it is now, but one day he'll pay!
<<UpdateSubDom "+1">>
<<set $WeeklyBullyRoomVisits++>>\
<<button [[Go back|DApart]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/stephanroom.jpg" "place">>
Stephan's room.
<<BullyDialog>>So, you want to save money again? Okay, then use this<</BullyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/drug.jfif" "just">>
It's that drug! I've been convinced of its relative safety, though, and there's almost no addiction from it.
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Is that really necessary? Is that what it says in your book?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>What difference does it make to you, whore? Are you going to eat that or not?!<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>..okay<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Bully/tits8.mp4">>
That feeling...It's like my boobs have grown and I've become twice as sexy...so good!
<<BullyDialog>>I don't have much time today, so hurry up and put this on<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>What is this?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>This is my first and I think my last gift to you, and stop asking so many questions, you piss me off<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Is that what you wanted?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Carol/ling.jpg" "just">>
<<BullyDialog>>Now you look more like my bitch, you should go like this more often<</BullyDialog>>
He looks at me that way...He's already horny, I'm sure! I want to embarrass him.
<<media "Data/Characters/Carol/ling1.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Fuck me in an outfit like that? You're a pervert, aren't you?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Shut your mouth, you dumb a-hole, go ahead and wiggle your ass!<</BullyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Carol/ling2.jpg" "just">>
What a bastard! You'll regret it someday!
<<media "Data/Characters/Carol/ling3.jpg" "just">>
<<BullyDialog>>Ha-ha-ha. And now boobs. I want boobs. Oh, and you can act and talk freely. Come on, try to get me excited! If you can, of course!<</BullyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Carol/ling4.jpg" "just">>
The bastard wants to dare me? Man, the goddamn pill, it makes me feel so good to see him watching. Why does he doubt me? I could easily make it even more depraved!
<<media "Data/Characters/Carol/ling5.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>If I were a queen, you would be...I would....o fuck...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Bully/cock17.webp" "gif">>
He pulled his dick out! Why can't I take my eyes off him?!
<<BullyDialog>>Why did you stop? Keep going!<</BullyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Carol/ling6.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>..Y-Yes<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Carol/ling7.jpg" "just">>
It's all those pills! It all made me horny too, I can't stop thinking about that dick! If he had entered me...
<<BullyDialog>>Hey, if you want, you can ask me to fuck you<</BullyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Carol/ling8.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>..W-Why would I do something like that?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Then you're free for the day. I have to go, too. I'll see you some other time, bitch<</BullyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Carol/ling9.jpg" "just">>
What an asshole, asshole, asshole! Wait, why am I mad at all?
<<UpdateArousal "100">>
<<UpdateSubDom "-1">>
<<set $P.TrainingStage++>>\
<<set $StephanDebt += 100>>\
<<set $WeeklyBullyRoomVisits++>>\
<<button [[Go back|DApart]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/stephanroom.jpg" "place">>
Stephan's room.
<<BullyDialog>>Well? Can't wait to see what happens today?<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>You're wrong...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Come on, don't worry about it. Let's have a lot of fun, we'll start there<</BullyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/drug.jfif" "just">>
Is it the drug again? Anyway, today I am determined! I am confident in myself, because the main thing is the right attitude!
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Give it here!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Bully/tits8.mp4">>
Oh, fuck yeah!
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>So what's today?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Dance? I mean...again?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Yeah, just make it sexy. You can get some clothes over there, left over from some of my bitches. If you can get me hot enough, I might even fuck you tonight.<</BullyDialog>>
Is this some kind of "reward"?..Pff..
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Bully/cock17.webp" "gif">>
Ahahaha, here comes the sweet revenge! He still has patience, I'll make his dick go numb!
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Bully/dance11.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Oh, my body is so sensitive! Do you like these movements?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Ah, slut!<</BullyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Bully/dance8.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Do you want me to jerk off your dick? Oh, no, you told me to dance tonight! Ahaa<</PlayerDialog>>
Ha-ha-ha, I love it! Damn, that pill came in very handy today!
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Bully/dance13.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Oh, that rod is so long and hard!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>It's called a stripper pole, stupid. You want my dick that badly?<</BullyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Bully/dance12.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Does it look like...I want your...cock?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Exactly, are you really trying so hard to get that dick?<</BullyDialog>>
Fuck, I'm so hot...and so much fun! Ahahaha, I want more!
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>I'm just giving you back what I owe you...I have to be like this today, don't I?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Bully/dance9.mp4">>
<<BullyDialog>>You're just a whore who wants her cum, aren't you?<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Mmmm...yeah. If you have a little extra, you can give it to me!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Bully/dance10.mp4">>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/M/cock12.webp" "gif">>
He what? Did he just cum?
<<BullyDialog>>You did a great job slut, I'm satisfied for today. You may go.<</BullyDialog>>
Shit, I was acting so active, I overdid it. Why was I even trying so hard? Shit, this is bad...I'm starting to think about his dick more and more...
<<BullyDialog>>Oh, and also, whore. @@color:yellow;We'll need a vibrator for next time, so buy one before we meet.@@<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>What about money?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>What about money?! If you want to keep chipping away at your debt this way, then pay up and buy it, clear?!<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>C-Clear<</PlayerDialog>>
Persuasion won't help. I have only two choices - to buy or not to buy.
<<set $OpenVibro = true>>\
<<if $P.Cor < 70>><<UpdateCorruption "+1">><</if>>
<<UpdateArousal "100">>
<<UpdateSubDom "-1">>
<<set $P.TrainingStage++>>\
<<set $StephanDebt += 100>>\
<<set $WeeklyBullyRoomVisits++>>\
<<button [[Go back|DApart]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/stephanroom.jpg" "place">>
Stephan's room.
<<BullyDialog>>Well? Can't wait to see what happens today?<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>You're wrong...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Come on, don't worry about it. Let's have a lot of fun, we'll start there<</BullyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/drug.jfif" "just">>
Is it the drug again? Anyway, today I am determined! I am confident in myself, because the main thing is the right attitude!
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Give it here!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Bully/tits8.mp4">>
Oh, fuck yeah!
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>So what's today?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Dance? I mean...again?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Yeah, just make it sexy. You can get some clothes over there, left over from some of my bitches. If you can get me hot enough, I might even fuck you tonight.<</BullyDialog>>
Is this some kind of "reward"?..Pff..
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Bully/cock17.webp" "gif">>
Ahahaha, here comes the sweet revenge! He still has patience, I'll make his dick go numb!
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Bully/dance11.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Oh, my body is so sensitive! Do you like these movements?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Ah, slut!<</BullyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Bully/dance8.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Do you want me to jerk off your dick? Oh, no, you told me to dance tonight! Ahaa<</PlayerDialog>>
Ha-ha-ha, I love it! Damn, that pill came in very handy today!
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Bully/dance13.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Oh, that rod is so long and hard!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>It's called a stripper pole, stupid. You want my dick that badly?<</BullyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Bully/dance12.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Does it look like...I want your...cock?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Exactly, are you really trying so hard to get that dick?<</BullyDialog>>
Fuck, I'm so hot...and so much fun! Ahahaha, I want more!
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>I'm just giving you back what I owe you...I have to be like this today, don't I?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Bully/dance9.mp4">>
<<BullyDialog>>You're just a whore who wants her cum, aren't you?<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Mmmm...yeah. If you have a little extra, you can give it to me!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Bully/dance10.mp4">>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/M/cock12.webp" "gif">>
He what? Did he just cum?
<<BullyDialog>>You did a great job slut, I'm satisfied for today. You may go.<</BullyDialog>>
Shit, I was acting so active, I overdid it. Why was I even trying so hard? Shit, this is bad...I'm starting to think about his dick more and more...
<<BullyDialog>>Oh, and also, whore. @@color:yellow;We'll need a vibrator for next time, so buy one before we meet.@@<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>What about money?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>What about money?! If you want to keep chipping away at your debt this way, then pay up and buy it, clear?!<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>C-Clear<</PlayerDialog>>
Persuasion won't help. I have only two choices - to buy or not to buy.
<<if $P.Cor < 70>><<UpdateCorruption "+1">><</if>>
<<UpdateArousal "100">>
<<UpdateSubDom "-1">>
<<set $P.TrainingStage++>>\
<<set $StephanDebt += 100>>\
<<set $WeeklyBullyRoomVisits++>>\
<<button [[Go back|DApart]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/stephanroom.jpg" "place">>
Stephan's room.
<<BullyDialog>>Ready, slut?<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>F-for what?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Show me that<</BullyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/vibro.jpg" "just">>
<<BullyDialog>>Even better than I imagined, ahahaha! Put it in!<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>No drugs today?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Do you want to?<</BullyDialog>>
I don't seem to feel any withdrawal or any side effects. But damn, the feeling under this drug is so cool...
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>..No<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Then who are we waiting for, slut?<</BullyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Bully/toy.mp4">>
<<BullyDialog>>Hey, that won't do!<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>What are we going to do?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Take a walk, hehe<</BullyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Bully/leather17.mp4">>
Fuck, he wasn't kidding! We really went for a walk! Not only did I have to wear a short skirt, he told me not to wear underwear! It's a good thing he let me wear something on top! But what difference did it make if there was that infernal thing inside!
<<BullyDialog>>Ha-ha-ha! I think those men came just from seeing your face today!<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>But I can'tooooo....this thing......aaaaah<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Bully/toy3.webp" "gif">>
Afterwards we went back home.
<<BullyDialog>>You can take it out, you've amused me enough for today<</BullyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Bully/toy1.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>Ahaah...thanks<</PlayerDialog>>
Haaaa...he let me cum a few times today...but now I haven't cum in a while...I'm at my limit! Just a little more!
<<BullyDialog>>That's it, you can go now<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>....mmm<</PlayerDialog>>
<<if $P.Cor < 70>><<UpdateCorruption "+1">><</if>>
<<UpdateArousal "100">>
<<UpdateSubDom "-1">>
<<set $P.TrainingStage++>>\
<<set $StephanDebt += 100>>\
<<set $WeeklyBullyRoomVisits++>>\
<<button [[Go back|DApart]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/stephanroom.jpg" "place">>
Stephan's room.
<<BullyDialog>>Did you bring the vibrator again?! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Hey, what if you would have just sent me home if you didn't bring it? How am I supposed to pay you back then?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Well, since you're so eager, I just can't not go along with you. My dick is exploding right now, so let's play a game - if you make me cum and don't cum yourself, I'll deduct ten times what you usually pay back from your debt. What do you think?<</BullyDialog>>
10 times?! Are you kidding me?! Okay, stop. What's he going to do with me? Let's think... ehheh... think...Nikita, pull yourself together!
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>What are the conditions?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Hmm, let me think. I know! You'll be wearing athletic leggings! Hmm...then since you brought a vibrator, I'll have to use that too....<</BullyDialog>>
Hell, if there's going to be a vibrator, I'm not sure I'm going to be able to stand it. It'll be hard, but I think it'll be worth it.
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>...AND?!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Ha-ha, yes! It's $1,000 after all! So you're using that on top of everything else!<</BullyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/drug.jfif" "just">>
Celtoc? Again?
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>I have to think...<</PlayerDialog>>
And I don't force you, it's your choice...
Ugh, I hate saying things like that!
<<button [[Agree|BullyRoomTraining6.2]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Go back|DApart]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/stephanroom.jpg" "place">>
Stephan's room.
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Bully/slap3.webp" "gif">>
*giggle* This drug is easy, but it's always such a good mood booster!
<<BullyDialog>>Let's go, bitch! Time to start today's show!<</BullyDialog>>
I will not lose! That $1,000 will be mine!
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Bully/dress3.mp4">>
<<BullyDialog>>Let's go, bitch! Time to start today's show!<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>Hey, I just put it in!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Hahaha, if you cum from something like that, you're a long way from your $1,000<</BullyDialog>>
He's right, we need to hold out and make him cum. Wait, how do I...
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Bully/cock17.webp" "gif">>
<<BullyDialog>>Hey, I remembered another rule<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>a-another rule?!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Exactly! You have to make me cum with your pussy<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>How do I...? But I have...inside...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Hmm, then just keep your leggings on<</BullyDialog>>
What an asshole he just made that up, didn't he?! Or did he? That can't be in a book, can it? Shit, either way, the longer I stand here, the longer the vibrator works, which increases my chances of getting hit. I've got to go for it!
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Okay<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Hey, you beautiful whore! We've been doing this for quite some time. How's your $1,000? Do you feel it around?<</BullyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Bully/rub8.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>Ahhhaaa....ahhehehee.....<</PlayerDialog>>
His cock is so close, I can't stop thinking about it...I'm being stimulated inside and out...it feels soooo good!
I want to cum, I really want to cum so much!
But I have to enduuuuuuureeee it!
<<BullyDialog>>Oh, you slut, I'm cuming!<</BullyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Bully/cum42.webp" "gif">>
So much cum.... his dick looks like an erupting volcano... Is it really because of me? Am I really such a slut? It's...so....Fuck, I can't take it anymore!
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>I'm shaking with pleasure! I'M CUMMMING!!! AhhaAHHhhh!! <</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Bully/toy2.webp" "gif">>
<<BullyDialog>>Hahaha! Look at you! You wetting all over my floor, you dirty whore! Remember who you are!<</BullyDialog>>
*giggle* ...ehehe... if that dick was inside...I'd feel even better, right?
<<BullyDialog>>Oh, and also, for next time, @@color:yellow;get yourself some kind of dildo, big size,@@ okay?<</BullyDialog>>
Dildo? O-Okaaay...
<<if $P.Cor < 70>><<UpdateCorruption "+1">><</if>>
<<UpdateArousal "0">>
<<UpdateSubDom "-1">>
<<set $P.TrainingStage++>>\
<<set $StephanDebt += 100>>\
<<set $WeeklyBullyRoomVisits++>>\
<<button [[Go back|DApart]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/stephanroom.jpg" "place">>
Stephan's room.
<<BullyDialog>>I see you bought yourself a dildo after all? I hope it's no smaller than my dick. Have you tried it out yet?<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Don't be ridiculous!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Ha-ha! I bet you had time to try it out! Anyway!<</BullyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Bully/cock17.webp" "just">>
His dick is huge as always!
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>So what do you want from me today? Suck you? Jerk you? Fuck you?<</PlayerDialog>>
His smirk lit up at that moment.
<<BullyDialog>>None of that, you stupid slut. Take your dildo in your hands and use it for its intended purpose, and at the same time tell me what you like about my dick. I'll jerk off sitting in front of you and watching the whole thing. <</BullyDialog>>
He's fucking crazy!
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>And how long are we going to do this nonsense?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Until one of us comes! Then I forgive you another 100 and you leave.<</BullyDialog>>
Huh?! Damn, his cocky face pisses me off. I can easily make him cum and go back to my place in no time! Okay, the main thing is to get started!
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Well, your dick is...thick<</PlayerDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>...Hot...and..... pulsating.... and aesthetic...... and penetrating.... and....aahhh..<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Bully/mast25.mp4">>
Aha! How long has this been going on? Ah, never mind! I'm almost at my limit! Just a little longer!
<<BullyDialog>>Ooof, I'm cumming!<</BullyDialog>>
What? No..!
<<BullyDialog>>Nice wank! Hey, what's up? Don't tell me you want more? I thought we agreed that as soon as one of us came, we'd go our separate ways. I'll see you another time, sunshine. Ha-ha-ha!<</BullyDialog>>
What a bastard! He didn't even give me a choice! I did make him cum first, but that's not what I wanted at all.... I made the wrong decision? Damn it, DAMN IT!
<<if $P.Cor < 70>><<UpdateCorruption "+1">><</if>>
<<UpdateArousal "0">>
<<UpdateSubDom "-1">>
<<set $P.TrainingStage++>>\
<<set $StephanDebt += 100>>\
<<set $WeeklyBullyRoomVisits++>>\
<<button [[Go back|DApart]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/stephanroom.jpg" "place">>
Stephan's room.
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Bully/cock17.webp" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>I see you have already prepared for my arrival. What are the rules this time?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>None, I just want to watch TV.<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Is that why you're sitting naked with your dick standing up? Don't be ridiculous! <</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>If I told you I wanted to watch TV, then I do. And I don't care what my dick wants.<</BullyDialog>>
Are you serious?
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>And then how do I get the hundred back to you?<</PlayerDialog>>
A predatory grin appeared on his face.
<<BullyDialog>>The rules will be like last time, but in a slightly different way. Once you and I cum at the same time, you're done, and I'll forgive you another hundred...or until I finish watching the movie<</BullyDialog>>
So...the main thing is to make him cum...and I can fake my own orgasm!
<<BullyDialog>>Hey, I have such a great idea! What a genius I am! See that outfit over there? You're going to wear it tonight!<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>W-Wait? Is it really clothes?! It's so...lewd!..<</PlayerDialog>>
No, I'm not going to wear that for him!
<<BullyDialog>>Oh, and one more thing!<</BullyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/drug.jfif" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>No way!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Hey, I'm not keeping you here. You can leave if you want.<</BullyDialog>>
Fucking hell!
<<button [[Take the pill|BullyRoomTraining8.2]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Leave|DApart]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/stephanroom.jpg" "place">>
Stephan's room.
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Bully/tits8.mp4">>
Mmm...I feel so lightheaded...
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Okaay, I'll wear that outfit...Te-he!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Bully/mast56.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Mmm....this cock! Would you like me to do the same to you with my feet?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Don't interfere, this is the most interesting part of the movie!<</BullyDialog>>
I was horny to the extreme, in a suit that was hard to even call clothes, talking and doing all sorts of vulgar things, and he was treating me like an object. At that moment, it was as if something clicked in me.
I just have to make him cum, don't I? But why does this attitude make my pussy leak even more...and more....
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Bully/mast55.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>Yeah, my pussy feels so good from your thick mighty cock....Get deeper, I want that cock to fuck me...harder! Delicious cock! Look, my pussy is trembling all over! <</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>How noisy, you whore! I'm going to cum!<</BullyDialog>>
I'm getting it, he's going to cum! But... What kind of situation is this? Stephan's just watching TV, and I'm dressed like a cum slut jumping on his dick, screaming in pleasure! Is it really me?! Why do I feel so good?!
...I want to cum! I'm going to cum and...is this all going to end? I'm...c....
<<BullyDialog>>Oh, I was wrong. Seems I'm still okay.<</BullyDialog>>
What?! You stupid bastard!
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>My whole body is shaking! I'm cuuuuming! Cumming! <</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Bully/mast57.mp4">>
It wasn't... fake orgasm..
<<BullyDialog>>Ugh, I'm cuming too! Hey, did you just have an orgasm? We're a little out of sync. Try again?<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>It didn't work, next time it will!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Hey, the credits are already rolling...<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>Hahahaha, Carol! It's a whore's body! It should be fucked with a dick! Like this one! A big fat cock! Aahaha...want to cum again...giggles.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Bully/mast45.mp4">>
<<BullyDialog>>I see you had a lot of fun today. It's time to make you a hole worthy of me. So next time, buy yourself a dress and choose something sexier. I'm sure you know how to please me, slut<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Okay, Staphy...hehe<</PlayerDialog>>
The debt is even smaller, easy..! hehehe...
<<if $P.Cor < 70>><<UpdateCorruption "+1">><</if>>
<<UpdateArousal "0">>
<<UpdateSubDom "-1">>
<<set $P.TrainingStage++>>\
<<set $StephanDebt += 100>>\
<<set $WeeklyBullyRoomVisits++>>\
<<button [[Go back|DApart]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/stephanroom.jpg" "place">>
Stephan's room.
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>So, what do you think of the dress?..<</PlayerDialog>>
I gave a lot of money for this dress! Naturally, because it's super sexy! It's to be expected that he won't be able to help himself looking at me, so he'll jump on me right away... and then I can't even imagine what he'll do to me!
<<BullyDialog>>Spin around<</BullyDialog>>
I started spinning around and showing myself from different angles.
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>You know, when I put this dress on, I thought stockings would go really well with it, so I wore them too...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Stop. Not bad. Now come to me.<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>~Gulp~<</PlayerDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Hey, what the hell?! I thought you liked the dress! What for?!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Bully/slap8.mp4">>
<<BullyDialog>>First of all, if you wanted to dress sexier, then the panties are definitely unnecessary in your set<</BullyDialog>>
But I can just take them off, what the fuck difference does it make?!
<<BullyDialog>>And secondly, and more importantly, you only think of yourself, you stupid selfish bitch! Good whores don't do that!<</BullyDialog>>
Was it really that clear from me? What do I even want?..
I want to pay back my debt as soon as possible and get it all over with! But this dress.... damn, I'm confused...
<<BullyDialog>>You know, there's a rule of the universe that even works for sluts like you. The more you give, the more you get!<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>...<</PlayerDialog>>
Hell, I hate to admit it, but he's right. It's really that simple. It's the same in sex, you want pleasure for yourself, please your partner...
<<BullyDialog>>Anyway, you did your best and bought a nice dress, so we'll count that as repayment today, and next time you'll work on your mistakes. See how generous I am? Baby, what do you want me to say?<</BullyDialog>>
Say.what...um...I need to please him!
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Bully/te32.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Thank you! Next time I'll be as slutty as you want me to be!<</PlayerDialog>>
Oh, that was sexy, I got really turned on...
<<if $P.Cor < 70>><<UpdateCorruption "+1">><</if>>
<<UpdateArousal "100">>
<<UpdateSubDom "-1">>
<<set $P.TrainingStage++>>\
<<set $StephanDebt += 100>>\
<<set $WeeklyBullyRoomVisits++>>\
<<button [[Go back|DApart]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/stephanroom.jpg" "place">>
Stephan's room.
<<switch $BullyRoomTrainingAfter>>\
<<case 0>>\
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/vibro.jpg" "just">>
<<BullyDialog>>Looks like your dirty pussy has become addicted to constant stimulation<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Ehehe...I'm ready....<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Ahahah! Put it in!<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Ahaah....I am so excited!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Bully/toy.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>It seems so small, but when it starts vibrating....I can't hide from that feeling, because it's so strong!.....<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>You know we're not staying in this room, right?<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>ehehe<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Ha-ha-ha! You should see your stupid face right now! I think you got a couple of guys turned on by your slutty behavior!<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>I want to cum right here!....but...I can't afford to look...this pathetic! I have to endure!...a little more....<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Bully/toy3.webp" "gif">>
Afterwards we went back home.
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>It was so exciting, my body was shaking all over!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>You're wrong if you think this is the end of it. You still haven't reached your limit, did I say you could stop tolerating?<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>Uh, I'm sorry! I'll hold it until you let me stop!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Like that, slut. In that case, we'll tweak your image a bit.....<</BullyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Bully/dress3.mp4">>
<<BullyDialog>>Let's go, bitch! Time to start today's show!<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>OH. MY GOD! IT'S TOO INTENSE!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>You can't come until I say so, bitch. I love watching your body shake and squirm in pleasure.<</BullyDialog>>
I can't, this feeling is too strong! My body won't listen to me! I have to distract myself! I have to focus on something else!
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Bully/cock17.webp" "gif">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>ehehe...yeees....I can't help it...ehehe...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Bully/cum97.mp4">>
<<BullyDialog>>OUGH, YOU FILTHY WHORE!<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>Oh Noo! You came so much, I can't take it anymooooore! I'M CUMMMING!!! AhhaAHHhhh!! <</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Bully/toy2.webp" "gif">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>Have I ever cum that hard?..<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Did I say you could cum, huh?<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>Hmm?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Don't you come again until I say so, you horny bitch! <</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>Aah! I'm sorry! I'll bear it! I'll bear it to the end! <</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Bully/toy8.mp4">>
He makes me cum over and over...I'm getting more and more addicted to that feeling....
<<case 1>>\
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>I'm ready! ~giggle~<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Go ahead, then. Don't make me wait.<</BullyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Bully/cock17.webp" "gif">>
I won't let him resist my dance, I'll make his dick go numb! Hehe...
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Bully/dance11.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>I feel so dirty standing in front of you like this. Do you like these movements?..<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Ah, slut!<</BullyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Bully/dance8.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>You know, I could jerk your dick off anytime you want, just ask me to...ahaaa...<</PlayerDialog>>
I love teasing him...he looks so cute when I take control!
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Bully/dance13.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Just imagine your huge beautiful cock instead of that rod....<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>It's called a stripper pole, stupid. You want my dick that badly?<</BullyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Bully/dance12.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>What the hell difference does it make? I can't think straight with something that long between my juicy buns.... ~giggle~<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Your juicy ass is a great asset, slut. You should learn to use it better for its true purpose.<</BullyDialog>>
Fuck, I'm so hot...and so much fun! Ahahaha, I want more!
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>I can use more than just my juicy buns for pleasure ~giggle~<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Bully/dance9.mp4">>
<<BullyDialog>>You've turned into a real slut, bitch! You want me to cum that badly?<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Mmmm...yeah...I love it when you fill me up right here!... <</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Bully/dance10.mp4">>
Ha-ha-ha, bitch!
You brought this on yourself!
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>ehehe...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>You made me happy today, you deserved my dick, bitch!<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>Aah...yes...yeeees...Thank you!....<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Bully/fuck102.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>I'm so glad you didn't leave me disappointed like last time! AAAhaaaa....I'm cumming...again....!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Bully/fuck130.mp4">>
I have to play the part of his bitch right if I want to keep experiencing these waves of incredible pleasure....
<<case 2>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Ah...Sweetie, did I do something wrong? ~giggle~<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Bully/slap8.mp4">>
<<BullyDialog>>Admit it, you wore panties on purpose to make me spank you, didn't you? Did you think I wouldn't notice, you stupid bitch?<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>No....ah..hah...you're wrong!...ahaa...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Oh, really? Then you know what you have to do next?<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Yeah.... I know... ~giggle~<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Bully/te32.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>That stupid slutty bitch is so horny! You can do whatever you want with her.... ~giggle~<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Well, then do what a stupid slut like you should be doing!<</BullyDialog>>
He sat down on the couch waiting for me to act. I know how I can make him happy....
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Bully/bj21.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Mmmghshlurp...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Your body is so hot and slightly trembling, aren't you going to ask me for sex?<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>You can fuck me anytime you want, sweetie.... and if you don't want to, you can use my lecherous mouth ~giggle~<</PlayerDialog>>
After I said that, Stephan stood up abruptly, grabbed me tightly and pushed me roughly against the wall slapping my butt.
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>Yaaay! ~giggle~<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>You're mine, you hear me? My own personal horny bitch! <</BullyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Bully/fuck185.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>Yeeeeees! Ahaaa...Spank my ass more!<</PlayerDialog>>
It feeels sooooo gooood!
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>AAhhh! My ass! It's on fire!...Oh...It's completely filled with your huge cock!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Bully/an2.mp4">>
<<BullyDialog>>Do you want me to stop?<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>No, no, noo! Please! Anything, but don't stop! Don't stop fucking my cock-addicted ass!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>You've become such a horny and obedient slut! I'm proud of the result of what I've turned you into!<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>ehe...heh... ~giggles~<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Bully/cum48.webp" "gif">>
He pumps me full of cum over and over again...But I still haven't given up, have I? But...
if this keeps up, I feel like I won't be able to get back at him....
<<case 3>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>...You like that juicy ass, don't you?...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/SubDomGame/Sub/5/Costume/dom49.mp4">>
<<BullyDialog>>Uh-huh, and what are you gonna do now?<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>I?...ehehe...Don't you get it? I'm finally going to dominate you!....If you want it, you're gonna have to lis....you're gonna have to lis...ah..to...aaaahhh....Oohh...YES, YES...yeeess....<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/SubDomGame/Sub/5/Costume/dom50.mp4">>
<<BullyDialog>>You're not very good at it, hahaha. If you wanted to dominate me so badly, I don't think you should have jumped on my cock so eagerly!<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>...Ahh..ah...B-But...I just couldn't contain myself...But I'll make it....eheh...next time....<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Come on, just admit that this is exactly what you wanted! Otherwise, I'll stop!<</BullyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/SubDomGame/Sub/5/Costume/dom51.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>Ahh...Ah...I...Okay, I get it...Yes, that's exactly what I wanted! Just don't stop! <</PlayerDialog>>
I just can't get the memories of that...."Engravement" game we played and that...sweet... defeat....out of my head!
<<case 4>>
<<BullyDialog>>You wanted this! So, come on, sweetheart. Shake your buns and say what you're supposed to say.<</BullyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/SubDomGame/Sub/5/slave4.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Mmmm...I don't know why, but for some reason I really want to do what you say right now! <</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Because you bitch loves being under me! That's what you came for! Do you have any excuses?<</BullyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/SubDomGame/Sub/5/fuck493.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny">>Ahh...ah...I...no, there's no excuse for me...m...m-more...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>I've wanted to chain you up before. But who would have thought you'd be the one to ask me, with that satisfied look on your face? Do you want to say something?<</BullyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/SubDomGame/Sub/5/cum103.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Mmm...heheh... ~giggle~ After all that, your dick is still hard...How can that be? Anyway I think I got what I wanted for the day. <</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>What? You want to stop? Didn't you say I can do whatever I want? Ha-ha-ha! You don't seem to fully understand your place here, but that's okay. I'll show you.<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny">>Huh?...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>Ahh....it's so much...ahh....too much...ahhh....<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/SubDomGame/Sub/5/fuck12.webp" "gif">>
<<BullyDialog>>Remember! THIS IS YOUR PLACE! You're a slut cumming in ecstasy on my cock!<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>Ahh...ahh...You're so bangin'! So hard!...Aaah...I'm coming! Again!...Ah!!!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<case 5>>
<<BullyDialog>>Just to talk? Ha-ha-ha! Well, all right! But before we get started, could you put on that costume?<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>What? That suit? Um, fine, but don't get your hopes up! We're just gonna talk!!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Yeah, yeah, sure. Sit right here. I'll tell you something interesting. You won't be distracted, will you?<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Umm...fine...Distracted? Of course I...won't!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>And in the end, think about it, she just calls me a scumbag even though 5 minutes ago she was joyfully screaming while I held her by the hair and slapped her ass! These bitches are such stupid sometimes!!.. Hey, are you listening?..<</BullyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/SubDomGame/Sub/5/Costume/bj239.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>ou...Oh...c..cock...Ohh...Cooock...OHHhhmhhm.....Mmhmm...so...goood....oohhmmm...u-um...yeas...I'm listening...of course...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny">>This....It's your fault! You did it on purpose! You deliberately set everything up so that I would do it!!!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Ha-ha-ha! Weren't you the one who couldn't resist and started greedily sucking my dick while we were "talking"? And now you're pretending to be an innocent lamb with such a contented face as red as a tomato!<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>It's because you stood right here next to me and that's why I... it's all you! It's your fault! That's it, I'm... I'm going to change my outfit a little bit, and I'm going to make you apologize and beg for mercy from me!!! <</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Remind me what you wanted to do?<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>Aahh..I...I wanted to...domina..dom..aahhMhmm...SORRY! Please...I beg you...Ahh....oh my god!..Aaahhmmm...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/SubDomGame/Sub/4/Costume/dom6.mp4">>
<<BullyDialog>>Ha-ha-ha! Enjoying yourself, bitch? Admit it and tell me honestly what you wanted when you came to me!<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny">>Aaah...I really didn't plan this initially, but...maybe I was really kidding myself that I didn't want something...ah...more...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Then stop playing hard to get! I'll fuck you like the sex-addicted slut you are!!<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny">>~gulp~ ~giggle~<</PlayerDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny">>Aaah...aaahhh...aaahhhh!...gooood....so...ah!..<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Just like that! Remember your place!...Slutty and screaming with unbearable pleasure...<</BullyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/SubDomGame/Sub/5/Costume/dom129.mp4">>
Ah, no matter what I do, I always come back here... And every time it ends up being same... pleasant....
<<BullyDialog>>Don't forget to come see me at least twice a week until you pay off your debt.<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Debt? Oh, right! I'll definitely come again!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<if $P.Cor < 80>><<UpdateCorruption "+1">><</if>>
<<UpdateArousal "0">>
<<UpdateSubDom "-1">>
<<set $P.TrainingStage++>>\
<<set $StephanDebt += 100>>\
<<set $WeeklyBullyRoomVisits++>>\
<<button [[Go back|DApart]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/stephanroom.jpg" "place">>
Stephan's room.
<<BullyDialog>>Hey, you haven't secured last week's material yet, so either pay cash or get the fuck out of here by next week!<</BullyDialog>>
<<button [[Pay debt|BullyRoomPaying]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Leave|DApart]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/stephanroom.jpg" "place">>
Stephan's room.
<<BullyDialog>>Hey, you came here again. Do you want my cock that badly? Or do you still want to return the money you owe me? <</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Money, of course! I want to get rid of this debt!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Well, that's only for now... In any case, I'll give my favorite whore this opportunity! Hehe... where did I put it...<</BullyDialog>>
He started going through his things looking for something. Obviously, it was some kind of sexy outfit or nasty toy. Brr...Although, on the other hand, even if I hated him, having sex with him wasn't so bad. There's nothing wrong with that as long as I'm in this body, right? After all, I'll save a ton of money, get a ton of pleasure...and the only drawbacks are the smirking face of this jerk! His dick is definitely better than its owner! Shit, there are so many things that turn me on lately...
<<BullyDialog>>Found it! Look here, you stupid cunt<</BullyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/stephanbook.png" "just">>
<<BullyDialog>>I realized it wasn't enough for me to just fuck your stupid hole. So it's time to make you my slutty personal whore, and this book will help me do it!<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>And what kind of book is this?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Of course you don't know! This is the great work of the famous Dr. Leccto. So now if you want to get your money back this way, we will follow the advice of this book, agree?<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>What? Since when do you ask permission?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>The first thing this book says is that all decisions you make should be of your own free will, which is why I'm asking, even though I don't like it too much. It also means that you can always say no and walk away, so it's probably over on the first try. So, what's your decision?<</BullyDialog>>
Although I don't know what's so special about this book yet, but still, if I really can leave at any time, then it's not so dangerous and I can easily and easily repay the debt. Is it worth agreeing to it?
<<button [[Agree|FBullyRoomFirstTraining1]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Decline|FBullyRoomFirstTraining2]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/stephanroom.jpg" "place">>
Stephan's room.
<<BullyDialog>>Ha ha. I knew you'd slut up!<</BullyDialog>>
His eyes lit up so much. Perhaps I have made a mistake...
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Okay, what am I supposed to do?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Take your underpants off!<</BullyDialog>>
Here we go. Now all he has to do is take his dick out and start fucking me...and what's so unusual about that?
<<BullyDialog>>Well, let's see... Dance. You're required to do a little erotic dance like a twerk or something<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Dance?!<</PlayerDialog>>
Apparently in this book it all starts with the dance...But....
<<BullyDialog>>DANCE, the dumb whore is also deaf, right? Dance, bitch!<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>And what kind of book is this?<</PlayerDialog>>
Okay, okay. What's he so fired up about?
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Bully/twerk7.mp4">>
<<BullyDialog>>That's it.<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>What...that's it?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>That's it, you're done for the day, you stupid cunt!<</BullyDialog>>
Is that really it? For something like this, I'll save 100 bucks? Fuck, thank God he had that book!
<<BullyDialog>>Well, now we will follow the advice of this book, @@color:yellow; not more than 2 times a week....@@ to reinforce the information...<</BullyDialog>>
Yeah, you just can't read more than two chapters in a week, asshole! Ha-ha-ha!
<<UpdateArousal "+50">>
<<UpdateSubDom "-1">>
<<set $P.TrainingStage++>>\
<<set $StephanDebt += 100>>\
<<set $WeeklyBullyRoomVisits++>>\
<<button [[Go back|DApart]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/stephanroom.jpg" "place">>
Stephan's room.
<<BullyDialog>>Grrr....bitch...you pay cash? Haha, Bitch! I'm sure you'll come back to me sooner or later, and we'll have a lot of fun...<</BullyDialog>>
Hey, it looks like I can really walk away and he won't do anything to me. Haha. Not a bad book!
<<button [[Go back|DApart]]>><</button>><<set $P.Loc = 0>>
<<set $InOutskirts = false>>
<<RE [[CindyTooMuchPowerEv]]>>
<<RE [[DormitoryTooHorny]]>>
<<RE [[DormitoryCockroach]]>>
<<RE [[Window]]>>
<<if $Bully.Relationship < 4 and $Bully.Relationship !== 1>>\
<<RE [[CloseYourEyes]]>>
<<RE [[PornWatcher]]>>
<<if $Bully.Relationship < 4 and $Bully.Relationship !== 1>>\
<<RE [[BullyDApart]]>>
<<RE [[BullyFDApart]]>>
<<RE [[_DApart]]>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
type: "goto",
<<media "Data/Locations/dorm_corridor.jpg" "place">>
/* TODO: Maybe need to change image, this one I found in internet */\
<<button [[My Room|DRoom]]>><</button>>
<<disable $CurrentDayTime === 1 or $CurrentDayTime === 4>>\
@@#sex;<<button [[Shared shower|DShower]]>><</button>>@@
<<disable $CurrentDayTime === 1 or $CurrentDayTime === 4>>\
<<button [[Shared apartments|SharedApartments]]>><</button>>
<<disable $CurrentDayTime === 1 or $CurrentDayTime === 4>>\
<<button [[Jimmy Room|JimmyRoom]]>><</button>>
<<disable $CurrentDayTime === 1 or $CurrentDayTime === 4>>\
<<button [[Layla Room|LaylaRoom]]>><</button>>
<<if $BullyRoom == true>>\
<<disable $CurrentDayTime === 1 or $CurrentDayTime === 4 or $EngravementEvPerDay >= 6>>\
<<button [[Stephan Room|BullyRoom]]>><</button>>
<<DrawPlaceMenu "Dormitory">><<RE [[JimmyTalkFirst1]]>>
<<RE [[JimmyTalkTabletsLvl1_1]]>>
<<RE [[JimmyTalkTabletsLvl2_1]]>>
<<RE [[JimmyTalkTabletsLvl3_1]]>>
<<RE [[JimmyTalkAkira1]]>>
<<RE [[JimmyTalkNewLab1]]>>
<<RE [[JimmyRoomPlay]]>>/* important: this event should be last, for prevent fire before other events */
<<RE [[_JimmyRoom]]>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
type: "goto",
<<media "Data/Locations/room6.jpg" "place">>
Jimmy's room.
/* TODO: Need to rewrite text and/or add actions (Search the room for example) here */\
Looks like Jimmy not here right now
<<button [[Leave|DApart]]>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 100,
filter: `($CurrentDayTime === 2 or $CurrentDayTime === 3) and $ReadyToTalkToJimmyTablets === false and $TalkedToJimmy === false and $TalkedToJimmyTablets === false`,
tags: ["Dormitory", "JimmyRoom", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
<<media "Data/Locations/room6.jpg" "place">>
Jimmy's room.
<<JimmyDialog>>Finally you have arrived. I am burning with curiosity. Tell me everything!<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Ok, ok, just relax bro<</PlayerDialog>>
<<button [[Tell him|JimmyTalkFirst2]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/room6.jpg" "place">>
Jimmy's room.
And I told him everything,
from the very beginning,
to the very end.
<<JimmyDialog>>Well, that was witch you say ? You know, I really wouldn't believe you, but about 2 years ago I saw an article from one dude, where he talked about magic and claimed the existence of a "magical side". It would not even seem strange to me until it was removed from all sources at once.<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Well, he deleted it all at the same time, what's strange about that?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>> Strange thing is that I am sure that I saved this article to myself, and then did not find it, as if this article magically disappeared or never existed at all <</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Damn thing going on, bro!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>We have too little information to take any action<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>If they even can change our bodies, then fighting them is at least dangerous. I gonna have to pay that bitch back for the fucking broom.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Well then, keep me posted. If you will know something new - tell me<</JimmyDialog>>
I remembered something
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>By the way, I found this recently. Don't know what it is? I found them after the witch knocked me out<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/npc/pills.jpg" "just">>
He took the package and turned it over in his hands.
<<JimmyDialog>>Idk. It looks like antidepressants. Well, let me check. Come by @@color:yellow;tomorrow or sometime later to take it back.@@<</JimmyDialog>>
<<button [[Thank you, Jimmy!|DApart]]>>
<<REDisable [[JimmyTalkFirst1]]>>
<<set $FT = 1>>
<<set $JimmyNews = false>>
<<set $TalkedToJimmy = true>>
<</button>><<media "Data/Locations/room6.jpg" "place">>
Jimmy's room.
<<set $JimmyNews = false>>\
<<JimmyDialog>>By themselves, these pills are useless, they are only good as an ingredient. I drank "a little" beer last night and it got me thinking. I tried several reactions and found the right proportion<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>You are incredible!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>I know, brother, I know. In short, here's 1 ready-made tablet and a prescription for you. If you mix it in this proportion, the words acquire a strong echo in the mind of the person who has taken the pill. This means that you can change the behavior of people in the direction you want<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Like hypnosis?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Some kind of. But try not to give complex settings right away, start with something simpler<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Dude, this is badass. Why are you giving them back to me and not even asking for anything in return?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Hey, I'm more interested in puzzles and exploration, I live in my own world and communicate with very few people, so I don't need them. Although I took a few pieces for research, no offense, I return the rest. You can synthesize prescription pills in any <span class = "light">laboratory</span>, and you can find the ingredients in the<span class = "light"> supermarket</span><</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Thanks, I won't be in debt<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>( ^whisper^ of course, we're almost even) Come in when you're free, we'll play some games<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>See you<</PlayerDialog>>
<<button [[Leave Jimmy|DApart]]>>
<<set $FT = 2>>
<<set $Inventory.Tablets++>>
<<set $TalkedToJimmyTablets = true>>
<</button>><<media "Data/Locations/room6.jpg" "place">>
Jimmy's room.
You chew the tablet, feeling it sweet and slightly sour. Feeling no other effect, so you look questioningly at Jimmy.
<<JimmyDialog>>Oh, yeah. Voice. Listen to me. Today, looking at me, you will feel an irresistible desire to expose something<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Oh well, you watch too much anime bro<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Carol/jacket5.jpg" "just">>
<<media "Data/Characters/Carol/jacket6.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>COME ON! DUUUUUUDEE!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Ha-ha, well. This is actually a test sample. It's much safer than the real thing, and more importantly, it's temporary, but the effect isn't bad either, right? So.... try to look at me less today, Im already hard<</JimmyDialog>>
<<if $P.Cor < 30>><<UpdateCorruption "+1">><</if>>
<<UpdateArousal "+10">>
<<UpdateSubDom "-1">>
<<button [[Listen to his explanation|JimmyTalkTabletsExplain]]>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 100,
filter: `$ReadyToTalkToJimmyTablets === true and $TalkedToJimmy === true and $TalkedToJimmyTablets === false`,
tags: ["Dormitory", "JimmyRoom", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
<<media "Data/Locations/room6.jpg" "place">>
Jimmy's room.
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Dude, I'm about those pills<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Duuuuuude! You won't believe it!<</JimmyDialog>>
<<button [[What's wrong?|JimmyTalkTabletsLvl1_2]]>>
<<REDisable [[JimmyTalkTabletsLvl1_1]]>>
<</button>><<media "Data/Locations/room6.jpg" "place">>
Jimmy's room.
<<JimmyDialog>>I analyzed their structure. In composition, they resemble sugar + add a couple of dyes to it, BUT the crystal lattice is constantly changing and what happens to electrons is just fucking something! You should see it!<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Some new element? That bitch left him, no doubt now<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Wait, wait, that's not all. I experimented a little and found out that both changes in the crystal lattice and the abnormal behavior of electrons respond to sound, or rather voice, or rather voice tone and voice change!<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>I still don't understand what it gives us<</PlayerDialog>>
<<if $P.Gender == "m">>\
<<button [[Listen for his explanation|JimmyTalkTabletsExplain]]>><</button>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Then eat one, I'll show you<</JimmyDialog>>
@@#pill;<<button [[Take it|JimmyTalkTabletsF]]>><</button>>@@
<<button [[I won't eat dat shit, just explain!|JimmyTalkTabletsExplain]]>><</button>>
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 100,
filter: `$Tabletslvl2 === false and $JimmyExp > 1 and $DayCount > 10`,
tags: ["Dormitory", "JimmyRoom", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
<<media "Data/Locations/room6.jpg" "place">>
Jimmy's room.
<<JimmyDialog>>By the way, I've made progress in my research. Did very few tests, but there are results<</JimmyDialog>>
<<button [[Finally! Show me|JimmyTalkTabletsLvl2_2]]>>
<<REDisable [[JimmyTalkTabletsLvl2_1]]>>
<</button>><<media "Data/Locations/room6.jpg" "place">>
Jimmy's room.
<<set $JimmyNews = false>>\
<<JimmyDialog>>I'll start with the basics. If you try to use this pill on someone twice, either nothing would happen, or the second effect would replace the previous one. There is another option where a mixture of both effects and the target loses mind, but it is unlikely<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Sounds not really funny<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>In any case, I found a way to avoid this. The effect of the new pill will complement the old one, slightly enhancing its effect. And it will be possible to set an additional branch of events<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>So...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Simply put, it is used after the first pill, the effect of it is exactly the same, while the first one does not lose its effect<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>So now I can apply a lot of effects?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>So far only 2. Each new pill is a little different. But don't worry, if the new tests are successful, then I will definitely develop a formula for a 3rd-effect pill<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>You are the best, even if you do it just out of interest, I will find a way to thank you<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Oh, it's okay. Just come sometimes, have a coffee, chat, play games...<</JimmyDialog>>
<<set $Inventory.Tabletslvl2 += 1>>\
@@color:lime;You received 1 Simple pill (lvl2).@@
<<set $Tabletslvl2 = true>>\
@@color:lime;Now you can craft Simple pill (lvl2) in the lab. Check recipe in "Inventory"@@
<<button [[Leave|DApart]]>><<set $FT = 3>><<movetime>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 100,
filter: `$Tabletslvl2 === false and $JimmyExp > 1 and $DayCount > 10`,
tags: ["Dormitory", "JimmyRoom", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
<<media "Data/Locations/room6.jpg" "place">>
Jimmy's room.
<<JimmyDialog>>By the way, I've made progress in my research. Did very few tests and I came to the conclusion that I made a little mistake with the proportion of pill lvl 2, so I reworked it a bit and I'm ready to present you the results!<</JimmyDialog>>
<<button [[Finally! Show me|JimmyTalkTabletsLvl3_2]]>>
<<REDisable [[JimmyTalkTabletsLvl3_1]]>>
<</button>><<media "Data/Locations/room6.jpg" "place">>
Jimmy's room.
<<set $JimmyNews = false>>\
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Proportion error? How was it expressed?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Oh, nothing too bad. The effect of the pill was slightly distorted. For the most part, nothing special - magic pills should interact with impulses of consciousness and only then make reaction on body, but the effect of this one was directly tied to the shell, I mean.. to the body.<</JimmyDialog>>
Hell! That's why I felt weird after I fed her a pill. We're fucking swapping bodies!
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Is there a way to...disable the tablet effect?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>If there is a way, I haven't found it yet<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>...Well, okay<</PlayerDialog>>
He narrowed his eyes a little.
<<JimmyDialog>>Look, there's some good news. Since lvl 2 and lvl 3 pills affect different areas, this means that you can easily stack the effect of pill 3 on the effect of pill 2<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Oh, really!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Exactly! Here's one sample and a formula with a new proportion, and I'll get back to my research.<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>You are genius!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Oh, it's okay. Just come sometimes, have a coffee, chat, play games...<</JimmyDialog>>
<<set $Inventory.Tabletslvl3 += 1>>\
@@color:lime;You received 1 Simple pill (lvl3).@@
<<set $Tabletslvl3 = true>>\
@@color:lime;Now you can craft Simple pill (lvl3) in the lab. Check recipe in the "Inventory" tab@@
<<button [[Leave|DApart]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 100,
filter: `$TalkedAboutAkira === false and $Akira.Negotiated === true`,
tags: ["Dormitory", "JimmyRoom", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
<<media "Data/Locations/room6.jpg" "place">>
Jimmy's room.
<<button [[Talk about Akira|JimmyTalkAkira2]]>>
<<REDisable [[JimmyTalkAkira1]]>>
<</button>><<media "Data/Locations/room6.jpg" "place">>
Jimmy's room.
<<set $TalkedAboutAkira = true>>\
I told Jimmy about what happened with Akira.
<<JimmyDialog>>You are in a very unusual situation, my friend. I don't even know what to advise you. If Akira says and proves that her magic is so powerful, there must surely be flaws in it. I don't know if these wizards have any kind of ranking system, but if your Caroline's magic is weaker than Akira's, then Caroline is using more efficient and dirty methods. That's the only conclusion I can draw from what you say.<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>That's right. What do you think I should do?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>I really don't know. But if you managed to talk to Akira once, maybe you can do it again. I think it's worth saving up more money...<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>You're right, I think so too. I'm just still worried about it all...By the way, there's one more thing she mentioned! Mana!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Mana? Like in the games?<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>No, no. It's more than that. Let me explain.<</PlayerDialog>>
I explained to him what mana and magical energy is, as I understood it myself from the witch's words.
<<JimmyDialog>>That's the most incredible thing I've ever heard. A man who has acquired mana! So you're some kind of wizard now?<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Akira said that my mana is too unstable and I would hardly ever be able to conjure.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>I think the peak of contact with magical energy came when you turned into a bimbo blonde. According to your description, she meets almost all the criteria.<</JimmyDialog>>
<<if $P.CindyInside === false>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Even so, she lost her identity and now all that's left of her is something incomplete...I guess that's it...my mana!....<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Anyway! Maybe the experience you've gained in using pills and mana can help you better control the flow of magical energy, though I don't think you'll feel the difference. <</JimmyDialog>>
Jimmy can always put my mind at ease. I feel much more awake now!
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Thank you, Jimmy!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>You're welcome!<</JimmyDialog>>
That's it, leave the fear behind! At the moment I'm fine, so I need to do my best to keep it that way!
@@color:yellow;When Akira almost killed me, I looked inside myself and..... what did I see? Maybe I should try it again before I go to bed.....@@
<<button [[Go back|DApart]]>><<movetime>><</button>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>About Cindy...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CindyDialog>>Jimmy talks about me?! Tell him I said hello!<</CindyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>She sends you her greetings!...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>???...what?! When?!<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>...now<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Is she inside? And you can hear her?!<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Yes, and she can hear you... She is... my mana...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CindyDialog>>I haven't seen Jimmy in ages! Let me see him!<</CindyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>What? How?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CindyDialog>>Just give me control!<</CindyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>You'll try to steal my body again!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CindyDialog>>I won't try! I promised! By the way, you can communicate with me with your thoughts so you don't look like you're out of your mind. Come on, pleeeeeease!<</CindyDialog>>
<<button [[Don't give in|JimmyTalkAkira2_1]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Give in|JimmyTalkAkira2_2]]>><</button>>
<</if>><<media "Data/Locations/room6.jpg" "place">>
Jimmy's room.
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>I said NO!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CindyDialog>>Meanie! Bueeee!<</CindyDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Sounds like you two have hit it off...<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>I still don't trust her. Anyway, thanks for the talk, Jimmy.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Ughm...You're welcome!..<</JimmyDialog>>
That's it, leave the fear behind! At the moment I'm fine, so I need to do my best to keep it that way!
<<button [[Go back|DApart]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/room6.jpg" "place">>
Jimmy's room.
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>OKAY, OKAY! But try anything and I'll do my best to delete you to hell!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CindyDialog>>Hooray! Thanky!<</CindyDialog>>
I felt some currents inside my body begin to move rapidly, and then I felt a slight tingling sensation. First on my fingertips and then all over my body.
<<JimmyDialog>>Hey, what's going on?<</JimmyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Cindy/Pic/un30.jpg" "just">>
<<CindyDialog>>Oh, my God! I'm really here! Jimmy! Long time no see!<</CindyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Cindy/Pic/un28.jpg" "just">>
<<CindyDialog>>How do I look?<</CindyDialog>>
Jimmy stared at her in silence with his mouth open.
<<CindyDialog>>You probably missed the feel of my curves, didn't you, Nikita?<</CindyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Cindy/Pic/un31.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Don't be silly!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CindyDialog>>Don't try to deceive me! I know how you feel right now!<</CindyDialog>>
She's right, though. Her body feels so soft...and elastic at the same time!
<<CindyDialog>>Jimmy, you still haven't said a word. Isn't my daddy glad to see me?<</CindyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Cindy/Pic/un32.jpg" "just">>
<<JimmyDialog>>...d-don't call me that<</JimmyDialog>>
<<CindyDialog>>Come on! Don't you miss those juicy titties?<</CindyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Cindy/Pic/un34.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Hey, slow down your fervor!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CindyDialog>>I'm sorry, I can't help myself! Jimmy is so sweet! Maybe you'll let him fuck me once?<</CindyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Let him what?!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<if $JimmyRelationships == 3>>\
<<CindyDialog>>It wouldn't be fair if you forbade it! So you can have sex with him, but I can't?!<</CindyDialog>>
Heh, she knows me better than anyone, there's no point in deceiving her...
<<button [[Allow|JimmyTalkAkiraAllow]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Forbid|JimmyTalkAkiraForbid]]>><</button>>
<<elseif $JimmyRelationships == 4>>\
<<CindyDialog>>Don't try to trick me, you're already his bitch, aren't you? You definitely want him to give us a good fuck!<</CindyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Heh, yeaaaa! You know me better than anyone! I can't help but let him fuck us...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<button [[Allow|JimmyTalkAkiraAllow]]>><</button>>
<<elseif $JimmyRelationships == 1>>\
<<CindyDialog>>Let him fuck me!<</CindyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>That's out of the question!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<button [[Forbid|JimmyTalkAkiraForbid]]>><</button>>
<<CindyDialog>>Pleeease, I'm sooo horny!<</CindyDialog>>
<<if $P.Arousal >= 90>>\
I'm very horny too...getting laid in her body sounds very...tempting....
<<button [[Allow|JimmyTalkAkiraAllow]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Forbid|JimmyTalkAkiraForbid]]>><</button>>
<</if>>\<<media "Data/Locations/room6.jpg" "place">>
Jimmy's room.
<<CindyDialog>>I got permission! Come on, take me, sweetie!<</CindyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Cindy/Pic/un41.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>Ooouugh! It feels sooo good! Body is so soft! This ass is bouncing as if by inertia!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CindyDialog>>Haah! I'm so glad you feel that way too!<</CindyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Cindy/f36.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>I'm back. I feel normal.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CindyDialog>>Me too!<</CindyDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>You certainly don't feel any better than I do!<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Look, she obediently and without any resistance allowed us to switch back. I think we can get along with her!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CindyDialog>>We need to do this more often! ~giggle~<</CindyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>We'll see<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>You're...welcome! Perhaps Cindy can bring out even more of your potential in the future! <</JimmyDialog>>
<<CindyDialog>>Jimmy...is awesome! He called me useful!!<</CindyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Thanks for the talk, Jimmy!<</PlayerDialog>>
That's it, leave the fear behind! At the moment We're fine, so We need to do our best to keep it that way!
@@color:yellow;Hmmm...If Cindy and I have some sort of neutrality right now, I guess I should find out more about what Cindy can do now.... I think I can get her to talk to me before I go to bed.@@
<<button [[Go back|DApart]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/room6.jpg" "place">>
Jimmy's room.
<<JimmyDialog>>you...you want me to fuck you?<</JimmyDialog>>
<<CindyDialog>>I'm sorry, Jimmy! Master wouldn't let me do it with you this time. I'm supposed to be an obedient girl.<</CindyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Cindy/Pic/un35.jpg" "just">>
<<CindyDialog>>Anyway, good to see you! See you later! @@font-size:70%;Daddy!@@<</CindyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>I'm back. I feel normal.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CindyDialog>>Me too!<</CindyDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>I'm not.<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Look, she obediently and without any resistance allowed us to switch back. I think we can get along with her!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Okay, look, I've got some urgent business in my room. I need to be alone.<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Thanks for the talk, Jimmy!<</PlayerDialog>>
That's it, leave the fear behind! At the moment I'm fine, so I need to do my best to keep it that way!
@@color:yellow;Hmmm...If Cindy and I have some sort of neutrality right now, I guess I should find out more about what Cindy can do now.... I think I can get her to talk to me before I go to bed.@@
<<button [[Go back|DApart]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 100,
filter: `$PharmaOpened === true and $JimmyTalkNewLab === false and $NewLabOpened === false`,
tags: ["Dormitory", "JimmyRoom", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
<<media "Data/Locations/room6.jpg" "place">>
Jimmy's room.
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Jimmy, I found out about the lab and that drug. And I have good news!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>You do? Hurry up and tell me everything!<</JimmyDialog>>
<<button [[Talk about Celtos and everything|JimmyTalkNewLab2]]>>
<<REDisable [[JimmyTalkNewLab1]]>>
<</button>><<media "Data/Locations/room6.jpg" "place">>
Jimmy's room.
<<JimmyDialog>>What?! This whole time it's been your little brother?!<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>I'm as shocked as you are..<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Looks like you two have more in common than you thought.<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "disgust">>He and I are nothing alike!<</PlayerDialog>>
Well, maybe just a little bit...
<<JimmyDialog>>Ha-ha! Just kidding! So....the lab? What did you do to make him give it to us? <</JimmyDialog>>
<<if $Levi.Gender === "f">>\
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>I-I turned him into a girl...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>What? Wait, did you use the GC Beat pill? I told you that your desires must go together for it to have its effect, and it worked?!<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>He wanted it for himself. In return, we got the lab.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Everything went smoothly?..<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>I wish I could say that, but right now I don't know what to think. I let myself be led, but apparently his desire was too strong. <</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>So there could have been an unwanted change... What happened?<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>I haven't fully figured it out yet, but he seems to have lost the memory of his identity when he was a guy.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Damn..I told you to be careful...So...now instead of an annoying brother, you have a cute little sister, huh?<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Jimmy, be a little more serious!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Ha-ha! I guess it's okay if he wanted it so badly. But seriously, next time don't let anyone else control the process and everything should be fine.<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Of course, I realize that myself.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Okay, then, about the drug. So he refined my research and turned it into something new? He's good! Actually good! What happened to the drug eventually?<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>He said he had planned to do that from the beginning if I tried his New Celtos.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>And you tried it...how did it feel?<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>You know, it's an incredible feeling. You still feel like yourself, but it's like all your desires and fantasies have been turned out! All your senses are heightened and your body feels incredibly hot! <</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>I guess you guys had a lot of fun out there, huh?<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Maybe just a little bit...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Ha-ha! That's your business, but you said he was planning a mass production. What happened to the drug eventually?<</JimmyDialog>>
<<if $DrugSpreadOrder === true>>\
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Levi said it's his life's work and there's no stopping him.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Oh, I see.<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Hey, aren't you gonna get mad or think about how to stop him?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<if $Levi.Gender == "f">>\
I better not tell Jimmy that I signed that paper myself.....
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Levi said it was his life's work, but I don't think it's right. So I stopped him.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Oh, I see.<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Hey, aren't you going to say I did a bad thing to my brother? You won't appreciate what I did? It was the right thing to do, isn't it?!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>As a sort of scientist, I'm just not interested. If I were so moral, would I be helping you? We better go check out the new lab!<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Ha-ha-ha!<</PlayerDialog>>
Jimmy's in his repertoire! Ha-ha!
<<button [[Go check new lab!|NewLabPreview]]>><</button>><<if $CurrentDayTime < 3>>\
<<media "Data/Locations/yard.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Locations/yardn.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Locations/pharmabuilding.jpeg" "just">>
This building still looks very grand. It's still hard to believe it's all Levi's doing.
<<JimmyDialog>>Wow! I've heard of this company, but I never thought it was founded by your brother.<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Me too, brother. Me too...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Locations/pharmaentrance1.jpg" "just">>
<<button [[Get in!|NewLabPreview1]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/pharmabuilding.jpeg" "place">>
Pharma company.
<<FNpcDialog null null "Receptionist">>Good day! I have been notified that you are coming soon. May I escort you out?<</FNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>No, thank you. We have all the necessary instructions and passes.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<FNpcDialog null null "Receptionist">>Well, tell me if you need any extra help.<</FNpcDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>(whisper) You know, I was a little more comfortable in our little lab. I'm a little uncomfortable here...<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>(whisper)Me too, but I think we'll get used to it.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<button [[New Lab|NewLabPreview2]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/pharmabuilding.jpeg" "place">>
Pharma company.
We finally made it. To say I'm delighted is an understatement!
<<media "Data/Locations/newlab.jpg" "just">>
But Jimmy's joy is on a whole other level.
<<JimmyDialog>>OH MY GOD! Look at all this beauty! pH meters, high-level centrifuges, magnetic stirrers, shakers... There's literally everything here! And it's all so new and beautiful! <</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Levi didn't skimp on it....<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>I'd be willing to sell my soul for such a lab! My hands are already itching to get to work! <</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Jimmy, can I ask you a question? What exactly happened in the lab explosion at the university?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Aw, you know time intervals between the addition of elements can play a major role. I thought I had everything in place before I started the experiment, but it looks like I forgot to put the pill in, so I lost a few seconds while I was looking for another one.<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>What pill?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>> @@color:yellow;The ones we do. A level two pill.@@ Although maybe I lost it somewhere, because I ended up missing one pill. I wasn't paying attention because of the excitement of the experiment... Good thing I had a spare one...<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>What did you say? You prepared everything in advance, right?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Yes, I prepared everything the day before the experiment. But..um..what happened?<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Nothing. It's just a little weird...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>I made a mistake, but it's no big deal! We'll continue to operate as normal, I will not allow this lab to be blown up! Not even by myself!<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>All right, Jimmy! I'll do my best, too!<</PlayerDialog>>
@@color:yellow; The new lab is open and available to visit and work in. @@
<<button [[Leave|Outside]]>>
<<set $JimmyTalkNewLab = true>>
<<set $NewLabOpened = true>>
<<set $FT = 16>>
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 100,
filter: `$CurrentDayTime === 2 or $CurrentDayTime === 3`,
tags: ["Dormitory", "JimmyRoom", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
<<media "Data/Locations/room6.jpg" "place">>
Jimmy's room.
Playing games will increase your skill. You can use your laptop for boosting accounts. Better you play more money you get.
<<JimmyDialog>>Hey, Nikita! Wanna play ?<</JimmyDialog>>
<<button [[Nah, I have some things to do|DApart]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/room6.jpg" "place">>
Jimmy's room.
<<JimmyDialog>>Since you're here, I have something to show you.<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>What?! New pill?!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Hey, take it easy. It's not exactly the kind of pill you'd expect. You could say that I managed to synthesize it by accident.<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>And what can it do?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Patience, my friend. Before I tell you what it does, I must tell you about two distinctive features of it.<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>I'm listening carefully<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>First of all, this pill is reusable. Well, that is, you can eat it as many times as you want, and I haven't found any negative effects so far.<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Awesome, so what is the effect?!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Secondly, it only works on you<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Awes...stop. What? Only on me?!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Well, actually, it will work on Carol, too. All it takes is for one of you to eat that pill and you'll switch.<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Wait! I mean, I don't get it. In the middle of the day?!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Exactly! It's hard to explain, and I myself am not entirely sure how it works exactly. In general terms, when you change, events around you change as well, creating a balance and a sense that everything is as it should be. And this phenomenon affects everything around you: certain events, material objects like clothes and even people's memories!<</JimmyDialog>>
Hmm, that might be useful...
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Wait, how did you even get to that point, and I'm even more interested in how you figured out it only worked for me and Carol!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>You swapped with Carol a couple of times during my random lab experiments. Later I synthesized the pill, and later, finding no side effects, interest overcame common sense and I tried it on myself...<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Hahahahahah! Were you upset that it didn't work?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>At the very least, it turned out to be safe.<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Two percent is not much on the one hand, but on the other hand I'm still kind of afraid...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Hurry up and try the pill and finally turn that damn 98% into 100%! And once we're sure, I'll tell you the recipe!<</JimmyDialog>>
@@#pill;<<button [[Take the pill|JimmyTalkTabletsPGenderChange1]]>>
<<set $P.Gender = "f">>
<</button>>@@<<media "Data/Locations/room6.jpg" "place">>
Jimmy's room.
Okay, stop. I don't get it. That's it?
<<JimmyDialog>>Now, wait a minute. It didn't work. You're still in Carol's body. Did I missed something?<</JimmyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Gaming/sit4.webp" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Fuck, Jimmy, you're a goddamn genius<</PlayerDialog>>
He threw a questioning look at me, and then, like an old 3rd Pentium running Windows 7, he completely lost touch with reality and froze for a few minutes.
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>At last you've moved, I was getting worried.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>There's nothing wrong with me, but it's like my head is broken right now. So before you took the pill you were in your normal body, right?<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Yeah! Jimmy, do you have any idea what you just did?! We're almost through with the witch spell!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Haa, yes, this is progress. But it's only a temporary solution, and you'll see why. <</JimmyDialog>>
He handed me a piece of paper with a prescription.
...just looking at this recipe was enough to make my eyes look like bowling balls.
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>4 PINEAPPLES AND 1 MILK?! ARE YOU SERIOUS?!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>..pina colada..hehe<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>What the fuck!!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Anyway, do you want to play ?<</JimmyDialog>>
<<set $TabletsBodySwitch = true>>\
<<set $Inventory.TabletsBodySwitch += 1>>\
<<set $BodySwitchPill.Researched = true>>\
<<set $BodySwitchPill.Available = false>>\
@@color:lime;You received 1 Bodyswitch pill.@@
@@color:lime;Now you can craft Bodyswitch pills in the lab. Check recipe in the "Inventory" tab@@
<<button [[Nah, I have some things to do|DApart]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/room6.jpg" "place">>
Jimmy's room.
<<if $JimmyRelationships == 1>>\
The main thing is to calm down, I also want to resolve the issue with this asshole more delicately.
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Okay, first of all, you stop hypnotizing me without my knowledge, okay?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Of course, that's out of the question!<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Secondly, I want you to help me further with my research and increasing my gaming skill. Without your...things!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Yes, I promise.<</JimmyDialog>>
<<if $JimmyRelationships == 1>>\
I need him to trust me like he used to.
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>And thirdly, after our conversation, I forgive you.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>When you have such a beautiful girl walking next to you, playing games...man, I couldn't help myself, so I understand you. And I want to help you, with your needs.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>What? How?<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Ha ha, just promise me you won't make any more of your devious plans, and I'll help you find a way to how or who to vent your sexual desires in<</PlayerDialog>>
His eyes sparkled as if he was telling me about the properties of these pills for the first time.
<<JimmyDialog>>Would you really do that for me? After all I've done?!<</JimmyDialog>>
<<if $JimmyRelationships == 1>>\
I need you to do nothing, and then I'll find a way to make you pay for it.
Otherwise I would feel like a scumbag, because before he helped me, but he used me as a toy, and now he's going to help me for nothing?
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Of course, we're friends, aren't we?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>How glad I am to have a friend like you! I trust you and will wait as long as it takes.<</JimmyDialog>>
<<if $JimmyRelationships == 1>>\
How can we trust each other after that? This is not the way things are done, my friend. It's time you and I switched places.
I'm sure he can be trusted, but can I be trusted? I hope so. So what should I do? Find Jimmy a girlfriend? Probably. I'll have to think about that later.
<<if $JimmyRelationships == 1>>\
@@color:yellow;He will no longer use you for his desires, and you have made a commitment to solve his problem with the girls. However, you are no longer friends, but rather partners.@@
@@color:yellow;You and Jimmy are friends now. He will no longer use you for his desires, and you have made a commitment to solve his problem with the girls.@@
<<set $JimmyRelationships = 2>>\
<<button [[Leave|DApart]]>>
<<set $JimmySusp = false>>
<<set $JimmySusp1 = false>>
<<set $JimmySusp2 = false>>
<<set $JimmySusp3 = false>>
<<set $CurrentDayTime = 4>>
<</button>><<media "Data/Locations/room6.jpg" "place">>
Jimmy's room.
How could I have thought I could resist such pleasure!
It doesn't matter if I'm hypnotized or not, it's still me, right?
Ooooh, I like it so much, I want more, more !
Carol, I'm sorry. But now your body is a sex toy for my Lord....*giggle*
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>Aaahaa...ah...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Gaming/fuck155.mp4">>
<<JimmyDialog>>So how do you feel?<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>Aaaaaaaaahhhh...wonderful!. My Lord, I'm suuuuuch a sluuuut.... I could have avoided all this...and now I'm just a toy...!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Exactly! Whose property do you become when you return to this body?!<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>My Lord's property! I'm Jimmy's personal hypno-bitch! Use me as much as you want!<</PlayerDialog>>
God, I say such dirty things! I have rejected all resistance, but have I done the right thing?
<<JimmyDialog>>Well, it's time to make a real bitch out of you. With every next thrust, your pleasure will increase by 1%. I think this will add some enthusiasm to you.<</JimmyDialog>>
Only 1%...? It can be...
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Gaming/fuck238.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>..An incredible pleasure!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Shake that ass<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>Of course, my Lord! I'm so glad to be your hypno-bitch! I'm over the moon with pleasure, my brain feels like it's melting....I'm cumming again!!!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>You and I still have a lot of fun ahead of us<</JimmyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Gaming/bj75.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>...sluurps/...Yes, My Lord!<</PlayerDialog>>
@@color:yellow;Now you're Jimmy's hypno-bitch. He can use you whenever and wherever he wants. However, following his promise, he will continue to help you with your research.@@
@@color:red;As his hypno-bitch, you can no longer raise your gaming skill with Jimmy.@@
<<set $JimmyRelationships = 4>>\
<<if $P.Cor < 70>><<UpdateCorruption "+1">><</if>>
<<UpdateArousal "0">>
<<UpdateSubDom "-3">>
<<button [[Leave|DApart]]>>
<<set $JimmySusp = false>>
<<set $JimmySusp1 = false>>
<<set $JimmySusp2 = false>>
<<set $JimmySusp3 = false>>
<<set $CurrentDayTime = 4>>
<</button>><<media "Data/Locations/room6.jpg" "place">>
Jimmy's room.
<<JimmyDialog>>Hooray! But you still won’t surpass me, although you might pick up a couple of new features for yourself. By the way, wanna coffee?<</JimmyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/npc/coffee.jpg" "just">>
<<JimmyDialog>>Hooray! But you still won’t surpass me, although you might pick up a couple of new features for yourself. By the way, wanna coffee?<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Coffee?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Ah, yeeahh..It's a really nice coffee, but it's quite strong, I would never offer this to a girl... Special receipt, it increases reaction and improves memory. And.. You will upgrade your skill faster. I promise! <</JimmyDialog>>
<<button [[I can't refuse it, gimme a cup!|JimmyGameCoffee]]>><</button>>
<<button [[No, I will destroy you with my own power!|JimmyGameNoCoffee]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/room6.jpg" "place">>
Jimmy's room.
You drink the cup offered to you by Jimmy.
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Wow, this is unbelievably invigorating! Now I'll tear you down<</PlayerDialog>>
Jimmy finishing his cup.
<<JimmyDialog>>Nothing will come of it, I'm invincible. Ahahaha!<</JimmyDialog>>
You never managed to beat Jimmy... Not even once. Fatigue has overcome, but Jimmy is still fresh and energetic... Enough for today.
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Well played, but I have to go<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Already? He-he. But you're doing well. Come back and we'll play something else...<</JimmyDialog>>
The last sentence is a bit disturbing, but it was really fun.
<<if $CurrentDayOfWeek <5 >>\
<<set $P.GamingSkill += 3>>\
<<set $P.JimmyPower++ >>\
@@color:lime; Training with a strong opponent combined with great coffee has pushed your senses to the limit! So your gaming skill increased by 3.@@
<<button [[Leave|DApart]]>><<movetime>><</button>>
<<set $P.GamingSkill += 4>>\
<<set $P.JimmyPower += 2>>\
@@color:lime; Training with a strong opponent combined with great coffee has pushed your senses to the limit! So your gaming skill increased by 4!@@
<<button [[Leave|WeekendEvening]]>><<set $CurrentDayTime = 4>><</button>>
<</if>>\<<media "Data/Locations/room6.jpg" "place">>
Jimmy's room.
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Today I will beat you<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>No way! I'm invincible. Ahahaha!<</JimmyDialog>>
<<if $P.JimmyPower < 3>>\
<<button [[Play|JimmyGameF0]]>><</button>>
<<elseif $P.JimmyPower >= 3 and $P.JimmyPower < 6>>\
<<UpdateArousal "+10">>
Why am I getting so excited?
<<button [[Play|JimmyGameF1]]>><</button>>
<<elseif $P.JimmyPower >= 6 and $P.JimmyPower < 12>>\
<<UpdateArousal "+10">>
Why am I getting so excited? I like this...game...
@@#cor;<<button [[Play|JimmyGameF2]]>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $P.JimmyPower >= 12 and $P.JimmyPower < 16>>\
<<UpdateArousal "+10">>
I'll finally get a taste of....victory.
@@#cor;<<button [[Play|JimmyGameF3]]>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $P.JimmyPower >= 16>>\
<<UpdateArousal "+10">>
<<if $JimmySusp === false>>\
I feel such ecstasy from playing with him that I'm even sexually aroused! I can't believe it!
@@#pill;<<button [[Play|JimmyGameF4]]>><</button>>@@
I feel such ecstasy from playing with him that I'm even sexually aroused! I can't believe it! It's not right, I need to talk to him!
<<button [[Play|JimmyGameFSuspicious1]]>><</button>>
<</if>>\<<media "Data/Locations/room6.jpg" "place">>
Jimmy's room.
You never managed to beat Jimmy... Not even once. Fatigue has overcome, but Jimmy is still fresh and energetic... Enough for today.
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Well played, but I have to go<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Already? He-he. But you're doing well. Come back and we'll play something else...<</JimmyDialog>>
The last sentence is a bit disturbing, but it was really fun.
<<if $CurrentDayOfWeek < 5>>\
<<set $P.GamingSkill += 2>>\
@@color:lime; A strong opponent helps you better understand the complex mechanics of the game.! So your gaming skill increased by 2.@@
<<button [[Leave|DApart]]>><<movetime>><</button>>
<<set $P.GamingSkill += 3>>\
@@color:lime; A strong opponent helps you better understand the complex mechanics of the game.! So your gaming skill increased by 3.@@
<<button [[Leave|WeekendEvening]]>><<set $CurrentDayTime = 4>><</button>>
<</if>>\<<media "Data/Locations/room6.jpg" "place">>
Jimmy's room.
Today I'm doing well, for some reason I began to feel more comfortable.
<<set _re = random(0,1)>>\
<<switch _re>>\
<<case 0>><<media "Data/Characters/P/Gaming/game7.mp4">>
<<case 1>><<media "Data/Characters/P/Gaming/game25.mp4">>
You never managed to beat Jimmy... Not even once. Fatigue has overcome, but Jimmy is still fresh and energetic... Enough for today.
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Well played, but I have to go<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Already? He-he. But you're doing well. Come back and we'll play something else...<</JimmyDialog>>
The last sentence is a bit disturbing, but it was really fun.
<<if $CurrentDayOfWeek < 5>>\
<<set $P.GamingSkill += 2>>\
@@color:lime; A strong opponent helps you better understand the complex mechanics of the game.! So your gaming skill increased by 2.@@
<<if $P.Cor < 36>>\
<<UpdateCorruption "+1">>
<<UpdateSubDom "-1">>
<<button [[Leave|DApart]]>><<movetime>><</button>>
<<set $P.GamingSkill += 3>>\
@@color:lime; A strong opponent helps you better understand the complex mechanics of the game.! So your gaming skill increased by 3.@@
<<if $P.Cor < 36>>\
<<UpdateCorruption "+1">>
<<UpdateSubDom "-2">>
<<button [[Leave|WeekendEvening]]>><<set $CurrentDayTime = 4>><</button>>
<</if>>\<<media "Data/Locations/room6.jpg" "place">>
Jimmy's room.
<<set _ra = random (0,4)>>\
<<switch _ra>>\
<<case 0>>\
<<JimmyDialog>>Hey, I told you not to let yourself be distracted, concentrate on the game!<</JimmyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Gaming/game9.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>I'm sorry, my Lord<</PlayerDialog>>
<<case 1>>\
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>My Lord, will this really help me get better with the controller?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Definitely, yes<</JimmyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Gaming/game.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Okay, I continue then<</PlayerDialog>>
<<case 2>>\
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>My lord, does this stimulation really allow me to win more often?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Gaming/game9.mp4">>
<<JimmyDialog>>Yeah, you need to get used to it<</JimmyDialog>>
<<case 3>>\
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Gaming/game31.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Come on! Give me your cum! My little lord! If you lose, you'll have to fuck me hard!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Oof, so you learned how to motivate your teammates<</JimmyDialog>>
<<case 4>>\
<<JimmyDialog>>Do you mind if I cum on your ass?<</JimmyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Gaming/game27.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Of course not, cum as much as you want<</PlayerDialog>>
Fatigue has overcome, and Jimmy, for some reason I don’t understand, is directly glowing with happiness. I wonder why? ... Enough for today.
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Oh my Lord. Let me leave you for tonight<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Already? He-he. But you're doing well. Come back and we'll play something else...<</JimmyDialog>>
He speaks so strangely, I can’t understand what’s wrong, but it was fun.
<<if $CurrentDayOfWeek < 5>>\
<<set $P.GamingSkill += 2>>\
@@color:lime; A strong opponent helps you better understand the complex mechanics of the game.! So your gaming skill increased by 2.@@
<<if $P.Cor < 36>>\
<<UpdateCorruption "+1">>
<<UpdateSubDom "-1">>
<<button [[Leave|DApart]]>><<movetime>><</button>>
<<set $P.GamingSkill += 3>>\
@@color:lime; A strong opponent helps you better understand the complex mechanics of the game.! So your gaming skill increased by 3.@@
<<if $P.Cor < 36>>\
<<UpdateCorruption "+1">>
<<UpdateSubDom "-2">>
<<button [[Leave|WeekendEvening]]>><<set $CurrentDayTime = 4>><</button>>
<</if>>\<<media "Data/Locations/room6.jpg" "place">>
Jimmy's room.
Lately I've been feeling weird after playing games with Jimmy. Although nothing out of the ordinary is going on today.
<<JimmyDialog>>Hey, Nikita. Don't you think it's time for "gamebreak"?<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>"Gamebreak" you say?<</PlayerDialog>>
Hurrah, finally!
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>My Lord! Please, let me use my mouth as you wish!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<set _re = random(0,2)>>\
<<switch _re>>\
<<case 0>><<media "Data/Characters/P/Gaming/game29.mp4">>
<<case 1>><<media "Data/Characters/P/Gaming/game30.mp4">>
<<case 2>><<media "Data/Characters/P/Gaming/game5.mp4">>
<<JimmyDialog>>Enjoying, huh?<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>Yeeees, your cock is so delicious!<</PlayerDialog>>
You never managed to beat Jimmy... Not even once. Fatigue has overcome, but Jimmy is still fresh and energetic... Enough for today.
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Well played, but I have to go<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Already? He-he. But you're doing well. Come back and we'll play something else...<</JimmyDialog>>
The last sentence is a bit disturbing, but it was really fun.
<<if $CurrentDayOfWeek < 5>>\
<<set $P.GamingSkill += 2>>\
@@color:lime; A strong opponent helps you better understand the complex mechanics of the game.! So your gaming skill increased by 2.@@
<<if $P.Cor < 36>>\
<<UpdateCorruption "+1">>
<<UpdateSubDom "-1">>
<<button [[Leave|DApart]]>><<movetime>><</button>>
<<set $P.GamingSkill += 3>>\
@@color:lime; A strong opponent helps you better understand the complex mechanics of the game.! So your gaming skill increased by 3.@@
<<if $P.Cor < 36>>\
<<UpdateCorruption "+1">>
<<UpdateSubDom "-2">>
<<button [[Leave|WeekendEvening]]>><<set $CurrentDayTime = 4>><</button>>
<</if>>\<<media "Data/Locations/room6.jpg" "place">>
Jimmy's room.
Damn, I'm having such a good time here! I happen to be an avid gamer!
<<set _re = random(0,5)>>\
<<switch _re>>\
<<case 0>>\
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>No, I'm not letting you go anywhere until you fuck me good. I'm your little whore! That cock is mine now!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Gaming/game24.mp4">>
<<case 1>>\
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Gaming/game29.mp4">>
<<JimmyDialog>>You got better at it. Come on. Show me what you've learned!<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>Oh, My Lord, please, let me fill my mouth with your cum!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Permission granted!<</JimmyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Gaming/game11.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>Thank you, thank you! I love your cum so much!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Gaming/game16.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>Yes, it feels so good! I'm such a slut! Does that sperm in my mouth suit me?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<case 2>>\
<<JimmyDialog>>Remind me, who are you?<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>I'm a masturbator! Your masturbator! Use me however you want!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Gaming/game15.mp4">>
<<case 3>>\
<<JimmyDialog>>Remind me, who are you?<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>I'm a masturbator! Your masturbator! Use me however you want!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Gaming/game15.mp4">>
<<case 4>>\
<<JimmyDialog>>What a bastard, he blocked all of our creep spawns and went feed. He ruined a game that lasted almost 1.5 hours! I'd fuck your mother, piece of shit! I need to relieve the tension<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>Yeah, fuck me! Pretend I'm the mother of that bastard! Fuck the shit out of me!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Take that, motherfucker. Toxic piece of shit!<</JimmyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Gaming/game20.mp4">>
<<case 5>>\
<<JimmyDialog>>I still don't have enough money for a real VR-devices. But I've come up with something better. You can start.<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>As you say, My Lord!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Gaming/game32.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>I'm your VR-slut!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Gaming/game33.mp4">>
<<JimmyDialog>>Fuck, it's a hundred times better than real VR. I can't take it anymore!<</JimmyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Gaming/game10.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>D-Do you like i-it?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Yeah, but I want more! Hold on tight!<</JimmyDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>That's great! I've never felt better in my life!<</JimmyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Gaming/game13.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>Yeeeeeahhh, and how am I going to get off such a gorgeous cock now?<</PlayerDialog>>
I was much more tired today than I usually was. I was even sweating! Were the games really that serious? It was all a blur. Okay, for some reason I don't want to ask him about it.
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>I'm kind of tired today, I have to go<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Don't forget goodbye<</JimmyDialog>>
That's right, goodbye.
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Gaming/bslap4.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>I'm your personal perfect whore! This pussy and ass belong to you. Use me as you wish, My Lord!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Perfect! You can go!<</JimmyDialog>>
@@color:yellow; Now you become his whore from beginning till the end. You haven't learned anything. But you began to suspect something.@@
<<if $CurrentDayOfWeek < 5>>\
<<if $P.Cor < 50>>\
<<UpdateCorruption "+1">>
<<UpdateSubDom "-1">>
<<if $P.JimmyPower < 20>>\
<<button [[Leave|DApart]]>><<movetime>><</button>>
<<button [[Leave|JimmyGameFSuspicious]]>><</button>>
<<if $P.Cor < 50>>\
<<UpdateCorruption "+1">>
<<UpdateSubDom "-2">>
<<if $P.JimmyPower < 20>>\
<<button [[Leave|WeekendEvening]]>><<set $CurrentDayTime = 4>><</button>>
<<button [[Leave|JimmyGameFSuspicious]]>><</button>>
<</if>>\<<media "Data/Locations/room6.jpg" "place">>
Jimmy's room.
<<if $JimmySusp1 == false>>\
I've been feeling kind of weird lately. It makes me want to come here again and again, I'm sure we're having a great time. Except I don't remember at all what we played...and I also tried to play solo and I can't play better at all...like I have zero progress lately...though maybe I'm just a shitty player....
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Maybe Jimmy knows what the reason is?<</PlayerDialog>>
I'll have to talk to him about it later. It wasn't like that before. I'll talk to him at our next game session.
<<set $JimmySusp = true>>\
Holy shit, it's been so long, hasn't it? I don't remember shit that happened after we talked! Why was he grinning so disgustingly?! Fuck. Take it easy, Nikita. Obviously, there's something going on out there. And Jimmy's hiding it. It's never happened before, so I'm sure it has something to do with the pills. If I think about it, I always remember our sessions perfectly when I'm in my body. It's only when I'm in Carol's body that the memories are very hazy, though it feels like it should be.
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>You fucking shithead!..<</PlayerDialog>>
He's using me as a toy, you son of a bitch! Why is he still helping me, though? It doesn't matter! It's got to be those pills, otherwise it's just not possible! How am I supposed to escape his influence?
Well! There's no other way! I'll take the pill myself, which will help me finally understand what's going on. There's only one problem: I can't give myself an order. I need to ask someone to give me an order in order to figure out what's going on with Jimmy and me. I think Carol can help me.
In that case, before my next trip to Jimmy's, I'll need @@color:yellow; 1 lvl1 pill@@. Just in case, I'll @@color:yellow;be in Carol's body and talk to her in the dorm in the morning.@@
<<set $JimmySusp2 = true>>\
<<if $CurrentDayOfWeek < 5>>\
<<button [[Leave|DApart]]>><<movetime>><</button>>
<<button [[Leave|WeekendEvening]]>><<set $CurrentDayTime = 4>><</button>>
<</if>>\<<media "Data/Locations/room6.jpg" "place">>
Jimmy's room.
<<set $JimmySusPoints = 0>>\
<<if $JimmySusp3 == false>>\
He smiles so much at the sight of me...And for some reason I can't stop smiling either
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Jimmy, what do we do when we get together here?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>What? Why do you ask?<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>It's just that lately I have some gaps in my memory...and my progress isn't much. Are we sure we're just playing?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>It's just that lately you've been...aheem... SO focused on the game that you haven't noticed anything but..ahem... the controller in front of you<</JimmyDialog>>
Did he just choke twice?
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Do you really think so?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Yeah, you're just trying too hard, hence all the problems. Relax, take a break from the games today. "Gamebreak".<</JimmyDialog>>
Gamebreak? What did I just want to ask him? Oh, never mind! Aah, he's right! Now I just want that HUGE cock in my slutty pussy. I'm his whore after all!
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Gaming/mast13.mp4">>
<<set $JimmySusp1 = true>>\
<<button [[Play with him|JimmyGameF4]]>><</button>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Hi, Nikita. I hope we have a good time!<</JimmyDialog>>
After I take the pill, I can clearly feel the unnaturalness of my excitement before our "game" session.
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Wait, before we start the game, I'd like to talk<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Wow, what zeal! A "Gamebreak" before the game even starts? Well, come on, come here and start "talking"<</JimmyDialog>>
Oh, Lord! He said it! Even though I'm still aware of what's going on, my pussy is already flowing, I feel a shiver and impatience all over my body!
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Gaming/cock.webp" "just">>
"That slut needs a dick!" - that's what this body says!
But this time I can find the strength to resist it without much difficulty! And his cock is no match for me!
<<button [[Resist|JimmyGameFSuspiciousTalking]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Play with his dick|JimmyGameFSuspiciousSex1]]>><<set $JimmySusPoints = 1>><</button>>
<</if>>\<<media "Data/Locations/room6.jpg" "place">>
Jimmy's room.
Damn, that cock is so hard to resist!
Yeah, I get it. I'll make concessions to my body. After all, what's to stop me from jerking off and talking?
<<JimmyDialog>>You finally made up your mind! You look different today. Is this some kind of new game?!<</JimmyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Gaming/bj77.mp4">>
Pull yourself together, Nikita!
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>I would like...to tell you something...or rather to have you tell...that is.... I....<</PlayerDialog>>
Damn, it's really hard for me to stop focusing on his dick. What are you doing with your hands?!
<<JimmyDialog>>You have such a cute face right now. I know how to help you get in the mood for conversation. And so do you. Come on, put your mouth to good use.<</JimmyDialog>>
For good use?! Fucking heeeeell! When he said that, it made my mouth water! I still had no doubt that I could stand up and talk to him calmly, but that dick...
<<button [[Resist|JimmyGameFSuspiciousTalking]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Suck him off|JimmyGameFSuspiciousSex2]]>><<set $JimmySusPoints++>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/room6.jpg" "place">>
Jimmy's room.
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Gaming/bj78.mp4">>
After all, this is the last time...
<<JimmyDialog>>Yeah, that's exactly what I should have expected from my favorite slut! You're just the best!<</JimmyDialog>>
Fuck you! I've got to get this dick out of my way fast so he doesn't distract me when I'm trying to talk some sense into Jimmy!
What the fuck? My pussy is already like a waterfall and he hasn't cum yet?!
<<JimmyDialog>>Hey, I can see your surprised eyes! Ha-ha! Guess I didn't jerk off twice today for nothing! Just for you! To make it last a little longer! So now let me undress you a little bit!<</JimmyDialog>>
What?! That bastard! He outplayed me! Although, on the other hand, he treats me quite gallantly, even from all my previous
memories with him... Still, it's unforgivable! I'm sure I'll still find the strength to negotiate with him. I just need to resist him and stand up!
<<UpdateArousal "+30">>
<<button [[Resist|JimmyGameFSuspiciousTalking]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Let him continue|JimmyGameFSuspiciousSex3]]>><<set $JimmySusPoints++>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/room6.jpg" "place">>
Jimmy's room.
And why do I let him do all this? He has no power over me anymore...
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Gaming/bj79.mp4">>
<<JimmyDialog>>I am so lucky to have you! I still don't believe it!<</JimmyDialog>>
Actually, you're the one who made me like this...
<<JimmyDialog>>I can see a smile on your face, but you are so silent today. I just remembered, is there something you wanted to talk about?<</JimmyDialog>>
Yes, that's exactly what I wanted! However, I have come so far! I was about to cum from sucking his cock and having him rub my ass! I think he's at his limit, too!
<<UpdateArousal "+30">>
<<button [[Serious talk|JimmyGameFSuspiciousTalking]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Naughty talk|JimmyGameFSuspiciousSex4]]>><<set $JimmySusPoints++>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/room6.jpg" "place">>
Jimmy's room.
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>My Lord, I just want your sperm! Give me more of your cock!<</PlayerDialog>>
Oh, my God! I really did say that! Myself! And why do I feel such joy?!
<<JimmyDialog>>So that's why! All right, you can do whatever you want with my dick! <</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Te-he! Thank you, My Lord! Tshank...chhyou...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Gaming/bj80.mp4">>
Mmmm...yeah.....and that's not so bad....though so wrong....heeheehee
<<JimmyDialog>>I think it's time for the main course. Don't you think so?<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>heheh...<</PlayerDialog>>
Wait...stop! I still need to talk first ... I'm sure that otherwise there will be no conversation ...!
<<JimmyDialog>>Come on, slut! It's time to take a dick!<</JimmyDialog>>
<<UpdateArousal "+30">>
He wants to put me on his cock...but I'm not hypnotized anymore! Putting me on his dick....I....
<<button [[Stop him|JimmyGameFSuspiciousTalkingFriendly]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Let him fuck you|JimmyGameFSuspiciousSex5]]>><<set $JimmySusPoints++>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/room6.jpg" "place">>
Jimmy's room.
I obeyed, leaned against the door, and stuck my ass out waiting for his cock. How did it end up like this?!
<<JimmyDialog>>The perfect pose for a sexy bitch like you!<</JimmyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Gaming/fuck201.mp4">>
It feels good, but it's so slow!
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>My Lord, you can do it faster...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Ha-ha-ha! Look at yourself! Just understand, I don't mean it out of spite, but look what a cock-hungry bitch you've become!<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>Why do you say that?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Just tell me, you're not under hypnosis anymore, are you?<</JimmyDialog>>
What? When did he figure it out?!
<<JimmyDialog>>You don't have to answer, I felt your hole shrink. I mean, there's nothing stopping you from just leaving now, is there?<</JimmyDialog>>
Shit, shit, shit. He caught me off guard! There's no point in lying.
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>You made me this way... That's not what I want...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>You know there's no point in lying, don't you? So what are you doing now? Just admit that my dick is good and you like to fuck<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>No...<</PlayerDialog>>
He stopped.
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>Okay, okay. I admit it! I like being fucked!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<UpdateArousal "+30">>
<<button [[Stop him|JimmyGameFSuspiciousTalkingFriendly]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Let him fuck you|JimmyGameFSuspiciousSex5]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/room6.jpg" "place">>
Jimmy's room.
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Hey, Jimmy. Stop it, okay?<</PlayerDialog>>
Jimmy used me for his filthy desires. His only friend! And yet, in spite of this fact, he continues to help me with my research and lead an ordinary life as if nothing had happened. Since I'm under his influence, why doesn't he just take all the pills and all the power for himself? His attitude stays good to me no matter what happens...Bastard, what does he get out of it?!
<<button [[Stay calm|JimmyGameFSuspiciousTalkingC]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Be angry|JimmyGameFSuspiciousTalkingA]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/room6.jpg" "place">>
Jimmy's room.
Emotions overwhelmed me to the brim. It was as if I could feel every emotion in the world right now, from incredible excitement to unquenchable rage. And the latter overwhelmed everything else.
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Jimmy, what the fuck?! Look, everybody, it's smart guy Jimmy! You're such a fucking pathetic jerk!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Please...don't say that<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Fuck you, Jimmy! I thought we were friends, but you're a piece of shit! How the fuck did you even think of that?! Come on, shit something out for yourself, trash!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>I probably deserved it, but you're not even trying to figure it out...<</JimmyDialog>>
<<button [[Calm down|JimmyGameFSuspiciousTalkingC]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Fuck you, Jimmy!|JimmyGameFSuspiciousTalkingA1]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/room6.jpg" "place">>
Jimmy's room.
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Figure your Mom's shit out, understand?!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Hey, you're about to fuck up...<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>What are you going to do to me, sucker? When I was under your fucking hypnosis, you fucked me many times, I sucked your cock, jerked you off... Even if it was awesome, and in the moment of hypnosis I couldn't even imagine life without that cock, what are you gonna do to me now?! Go hypnotize your mother, you motherfucker!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>You're fucked up...<</JimmyDialog>>
<<if $P.Arousal > 80 or $JimmySusPoints > 3>>\
<<button [[HEY, WAIT|JimmyGameFSuspiciousTalkingA2]]>><</button>>
<<button [[HEY, WAIT|JimmyGameFSuspiciousTalkingA3]]>><</button>>
<</if>>\<<media "Data/Locations/room6.jpg" "place">>
Jimmy's room.
My pussy was leaking even before he came on top of me. Was that really what I wanted? If not, why did it feel so good?
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>Ah, ah....Stop it! <</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Gaming/game18.mp4">>
<<JimmyDialog>>I told you, so don't complain now<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>What do you think you're doing? This is rape!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Weren't you wanking my cock a minute ago? You're in seventh heaven right now, aren't you? You're the whore who wants that kind of thing!<</JimmyDialog>>
Do I want to? What kind of nonsense is he talking about? H-How...those moves....Such pleasure....I feel like I'm really just a hole...I just need to endure and not lose my head!
That feels so goooooood! How long has it been? I can't resist.....How much strength does he have? I don't care! Let him go on as long as he wants...yeahhhh...
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Gaming/game17.mp4">>
And then he stopped...
But I could...endure it a little longer...
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>W-Why did you stop? I almost cum again!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>I see that you have calmed down. But you haven't forgotten anything?<</JimmyDialog>>
<<button [[To talk!|JimmyGameFSuspiciousTalkingFriendly]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/room6.jpg" "place">>
Jimmy's room.
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Wait a minute, wait a minute. I said too much. Let's just talk. Please!<</PlayerDialog>>
Fuck, he almost jumped me! Fucking asshole! I can't even imagine what he would have done to me! But my words worked on him.
<<JimmyDialog>>You know me, I'm always for conversation. But don't let yourself say whatever you want anymore.<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Okay, let's talk.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<set $JimmyRelationships = 1>>\
<<UpdateSubDom "+2">>
<<button [[Talk|Friends]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/room6.jpg" "place">>
Jimmy's room.
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>That's a neat trick you pulled off<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>So you are out of my influence after all? I'd like to call it hypnosis, but that wouldn't be the right term. I assumed that could happen. And I didn't even take any special measures to prevent it from happening<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>But why the hell did you do all this? Why just me? Why are you still helping me? I have so many questions!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>You see...my life...my research...I'm not interested in many things in this life. My connection with people is especially bad, and even more bad people get with me...<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Don't you talk to your professors at uni, or your internet chaps?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Yes, but I'm talking about more intimate contacts...When you can call a person a friend, a partner, or even a family member..<</JimmyDialog>>
I didn't even think about how lonely Jimmy's life was, because he was always joking and smiling...He's a lot stronger than he looks.
<<JimmyDialog>>But you are my best friend. And can you imagine how surprised I was when you not only filled my life with amazing research by giving me such a chance! You also showed up in this adorable body! I'm actually a man with needs, too! I love my little world, and you are an immediate part of it! <</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>That's why it was me?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Exactly! It all started with little pranks, but I couldn't stop....It was so cool when you called yourself my little slut, when I pulled your hair and fucked your tight pussy or when I owned everyone in the game and you sucked my cock under the table....<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Hey, let's not go into too much detail...<</PlayerDialog>>
He just stands there looking at me. He doesn't have any malicious intent. He didn't want to hurt me.
<<JimmyDialog>>I understand what I've done and how you feel after all this. No matter how you feel about me after all this, I will still give you all the help I can to investigate the phenomenon of these pills, if you ask me to.<</JimmyDialog>>
In fact, so many stirring memories.... being in my body and thinking about what's going on, I sometimes ask myself - isn't this gay? However, when I return to this body, such thoughts leave me. This is the natural order of things for a girl...
nd after everything he did to me, I'm standing here with my sanity, alive and unharmed, but there was so much pleasure in what he was doing to me.... it's probably not nice to think so, but I don't see anything wrong with it now, except for the fact that I was not myself. But now I'm in my right mind...
I have an important decision to make.
<<if $JimmySusPoints < 4 or $P.Arousal < 80>>\
<<button [[Just stay friends|Friends]]>><</button>>
@@#cor;<<button [[Become friends with "benefits"|SexFriends]]>><</button>>@@<<media "Data/Locations/room6.jpg" "place">>
Jimmy's room.
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Still, we need to talk<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>In my opinion, it makes no sense. You have become dependent on my cock.<</JimmyDialog>>
He gently and without further ado turned me around and, without the slightest resistance, inserted his cock...
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Gaming/fuck201.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>Ahhh....it's inside!..Again!...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>See? Like I said. <</JimmyDialog>>
Shit, I'm already in my right mind and he's drilling me with his dick...and I feel soooo good.... but I need to talk to him...!
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>Ahhaaa....ah...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Okay, I'll try to answer some supposed questions. First, no matter how dirty a whore you are, I'm still going to help you with your research. I promised, after all.<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>Ahh...dirty....okaaay<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>I won't treat you worse no matter what happens. And you will still be my little lovely slut.<</JimmyDialog>>
I managed to pull myself together, although it's not very effective when you're getting fucked.
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>Whether I'll be your slut is no longer up to you<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Right. It's up to you. Stop doubting and resisting my commands and become my hypno-bitch.<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>What if I say no?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>If you agree, I'll fuck you lots and lots of times. I'll make you my own personal hole. So now you're going to put on that sexy lingerie and let me do whatever I want to you. And I'm going to want to fuck your brains out!<</JimmyDialog>>
Shit, I'm shaking all over. I want that cock more and more like a junkie! If I give in, I probably won't have a chance to get out of his grasp again, but being fucked over and over sounds so fun! All I can try to do in this situation is try to take control! But....is it really worth it?! Hahaha!
<<if $JimmySusPoints < 5 or $P.Arousal < 100>>\
<<button [[Take control|SexFriendsSex]]>><</button>>
@@#pill;<<button [[Become his hypno-bitch|HypnoBitch]]>><</button>>@@<<media "Data/Locations/room6.jpg" "place">>
Jimmy's room.
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Today I will beat you<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>No way! I'm invincible. Ahahaha!<</JimmyDialog>>
You never managed to beat Jimmy... Not even once. Fatigue has overcome, but Jimmy is still fresh and energetic... Enough for today.
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Well played, but I have to go<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Already? He-he. But you're doing well. Come back and we'll play something else...<</JimmyDialog>>
The last sentence is a bit disturbing, but it was really fun.
<<if $CurrentDayOfWeek <5 >>\
<<set $P.GamingSkill += 2>>\
@@color:lime; A strong opponent helps you better understand the complex mechanics of the game.! So your gaming skill increased by 2.@@
<<button [[Leave|DApart]]>><<movetime>><</button>>
<<set $P.GamingSkill += 3>>\
@@color:lime; A strong opponent helps you better understand the complex mechanics of the game.! So your gaming skill increased by 3.@@
<<button [[Leave|WeekendEvening]]>><<set $CurrentDayTime = 4>><</button>>
<</if>>\<<media "Data/Locations/room6.jpg" "place">>
Jimmy's room.
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Okay, first of all, you stop hypnotizing me without my knowledge, okay?<</PlayerDialog>>
I'm not likely to ask to be hypnotized again myself, though, am I?
<<JimmyDialog>>Of course, that's out of the question!<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Secondly, I want you to help me further with my research and increasing my gaming skill<</PlayerDialog>>
I wouldn't to stop our sessions.
<<JimmyDialog>>Yes, I promise.<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>And thirdly, after our conversation, I forgive you.<</PlayerDialog>>
Shit, his dick is still hard...
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>When you have such a sexy girl walking next to you, playing games with your dick...man, I couldn't help myself, so I understand you. And I want to help you, with your needs!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>What? How?<</JimmyDialog>>
Drool, stop drooling!
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>I'll find a way for you to get your sexual desires out, but until I find it..... you can use me...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>You did a bad thing by hypnotizing me, but now I don't want to stop...I've become addicted to this cock, so give it to me!<</PlayerDialog>>
Not waiting for his answer, I...
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Gaming/bj75.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Ahaaaa, yeah.... We finally got it all figured out...aghmm...sluurp...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>You really don't mind?!<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>Sssluurp...Yeees....The difference is that now you don't control me and won't do anything against my will. So hurry up and put your dick inside and fuck me!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>As you wish<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>Ah! Your dick feels sooo good!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>So you don't mind being my little toy?<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>I'm not your toy anymore, remember the promise? The only thing that matters is what I want to do at a certain point in time! It depends on me, okay?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Okay, so what do you want?<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Only this time, okay?..I want...to..<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Gaming/bj75.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>..being fucked by your dick!..hehe<</PlayerDialog>>
@@color:yellow;You and Jimmy are sex friends now. He will no longer hypnotize you in secret. He will continue to help with research and practice games. You promised to solve his sexual problem, but there was no prohibition against sexual intercourse between you.@@
<<set $JimmyRelationships = 3>>\
<<if $P.Cor < 70>><<UpdateCorruption "+1">><</if>>
<<UpdateArousal "0">>
<<button [[Leave|DApart]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/room6.jpg" "place">>
Jimmy's room.
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>I think you underestimate me. Once again, I won't fall under your influence again.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Ha! I admire your willpower!<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>I don't need your admiration. I need you to pay for what you did to me..<</PlayerDialog>>
Seeing his questioning look, I grinned and took advantage of his confusion to throw him down on the couch.
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Gaming/fuck72.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>You're going to pay for what you did with your dick! And don't even try to hypnotize me again!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Say, are we still friends?<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Now we are little more than friends...hehehe<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>I'm glad.<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>Aahh...Cummming!!<</PlayerDialog>>
@@color:yellow;You and Jimmy are sex friends now. He will no longer hypnotize you in secret. He will continue to help with research and practice games. You promised to solve his sexual problem, but there was no prohibition against sexual intercourse between you.@@
<<set $JimmyRelationships = 3>>\
<<if $P.Cor < 70>><<UpdateCorruption "+1">><</if>>
<<UpdateArousal "0">>
<<button [[Leave|DApart]]>>
<<set $JimmySusp = false>>
<<set $JimmySusp1 = false>>
<<set $JimmySusp2 = false>>
<<set $JimmySusp3 = false>>
<<set $CurrentDayTime = 4>>
<</button>><<media "Data/Locations/room6.jpg" "place">>
Jimmy's room.
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>It makes sense that I couldn't beat you, because I was in control, but now it will be different!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Ha-ha-ha, I'll show you that it's not about that at all!<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Fuck, almost! I almost beat you!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>I think you're getting tired, don't you want to take...a "Gamebreak"?<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Gamebreak you say?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Yes... gamebreak<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "disgust">>Fuck you, Jimmy! Go to the next play!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>As you say, hahaha<</JimmyDialog>>
<<if $CurrentDayOfWeek < 5>>\
<<set $P.GamingSkill += 2>>\
@@color:lime;Jimmy's too good, but you're not too bad either, because learning from the best is what's needed! So your gaming skill increased by 2.@@
<<button [[Leave|DApart]]>><<movetime>><</button>>
<<set $P.GamingSkill += 3>>\
@@color:lime;Jimmy's too good, but you're not too bad either, because learning from the best is what's needed! So your gaming skill increased by 3.@@
<<button [[Leave|WeekendEvening]]>><<set $CurrentDayTime = 4>><</button>>
<</if>>\<<media "Data/Locations/room6.jpg" "place">>
Jimmy's room.
<<if $TabletsBodySwitch == false>>\
<<goto "JimmyTalkTabletsPGenderChange">>
<<JimmyDialog>>Do you want me to hypnotize you again?<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>No, no, no! Please, spare me this.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Ha-ha, of course no. I'm just kidding! Let's play a game!<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Hey, I'm getting a lot better at this! I saw everything, you even had to straighten your back at a couple of points!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Really? I may have lost some of my form while I was having fun with you<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Fuck you, Jimmy!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Ha-ha-ha! Noice!<</JimmyDialog>>
<<if $CurrentDayOfWeek < 5>>\
<<set $P.GamingSkill += 2>>\
@@color:lime; Jimmy's too good, but you're not too bad either, because learning from the best is what's needed! So your gaming skill increased by 2.@@
<<button [[Leave|DApart]]>><<movetime>><</button>>
<<set $P.GamingSkill += 3>>\
@@color:lime; Jimmy's too good, but you're not too bad either, because learning from the best is what's needed! So your gaming skill increased by 3.@@
<<button [[Leave|WeekendEvening]]>><<set $CurrentDayTime = 4>><</button>>
<</if>>\<<media "Data/Locations/room6.jpg" "place">>
Jimmy's room.
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Hey, I just wanted to have a good time, and already you're looking at me with such a lewd look...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>I can't help it. But Why are you smiling?<</JimmyDialog>>
<<if $P.Arousal < 99>>\
<<button [[I just want to win against you!|JimmyFPlay3JP]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Ew, I'd play solo matchmaking|JimmyFPlay3Solo]]>><</button>>
@@#cor;<<button [[because...I want more of that look|JimmyFPlay3A]]>><</button>>@@<<media "Data/Locations/room6.jpg" "place">>
Jimmy's room.
Damn, why am I so horny? I can't help myself! My pussy is all flowing, I need something.... to shut this itch up...
<<JimmyDialog>>Is something wrong?<</JimmyDialog>>
Maybe it's habits, or maybe I've become addicted to it myself...but...
That's enough. I don't want to take it anymore!
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>It's a little hot in here, do you mind if I change?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>I don't mind. If you need some stuff, you....remember where to get it<</JimmyDialog>>
That'll do, that's what I need!
Hell... this is kind of a treat... my pussy is all itchy, and I dressed up like a whore to tease someone who used me like a whore...
I feel like I'm going crazy with such a forbidden buzz right now! I want... I really want to tease him! Still, I'm not his bitch anymore, so the most important thing is not to do anything stupid.
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Gaming/game40.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Jimmy, could you get me a chair or something...I can sit this juicy ass on?<</PlayerDialog>>
Jimmy turned away from the screen and turned to me. He hovered for a few seconds, and I saw a small rising bump in his pants. I understand him. After all, I was now dressed like a whore, twirling my ass in front of him, leaning against the table. Just thinking about how slutty I am right now makes me want to cum right here! I wonder what he'll say...
<<JimmyDialog>>I solved your riddle!<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>riddle?...wait, it's not...wait!..<</PlayerDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>Ah...ah...ha..<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>I've read 3 books on feminine innuendos, so something like this is nothing to me! You wanted a cock, didn't you?<</JimmyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Gaming/fuck55.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>Ah...no...I can't...feels goood...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>You cum the first time before I even touched you with my cock, and how many times did you cum after that? So if you're making a slut out of yourself today, then be a slut!<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>F-fine!...then pound me hard like the slut I am!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>In the end, we didn't play at all...<</PlayerDialog>>
I was so horny that I let him fuck me all the time...
<<JimmyDialog>>And I don't mind repeating it. Of course, if you want to...<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Tch...See you, Jimmy.<</PlayerDialog>>
I can't even get angry...My legs feel so cotton, my body still has pleasant vibrations.... and I provoked it myself...
<<if $CurrentDayOfWeek < 5>>\
<<if $P.Cor < 70>><<UpdateCorruption "+1">><</if>>
<<UpdateArousal "0">>
<<button [[Leave|DApart]]>><<movetime>><</button>>
<<if $P.Cor < 70>><<UpdateCorruption "+1">><</if>>
<<UpdateArousal "0">>
<<button [[Leave|WeekendEvening]]>><<set $CurrentDayTime = 4>><</button>>
<</if>>\<<media "Data/Locations/room6.jpg" "place">>
Jimmy's room.
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>That's it, lie there and let me being fucked!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Gaming/game36.mp4">>
<<JimmyDialog>>You've become much more depraved<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>You bet! That juicy ass needs to be fucked! How could I ever promise Carol inviolability?!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Although I have a feeling it's not you, it's me who's getting fucked<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>Yeah....that's it...I want it deeper....more!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Gaming/fuck72.mp4">>
<<JimmyDialog>>Great Cthulhu, I created a monster!<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Don't be silly! I've always been like that! Heheheh!..<</PlayerDialog>>
<<if $P.Cor < 70>><<UpdateCorruption "+1">><</if>>
<<UpdateArousal "0">>
<<UpdateSubDom "+2">>
<<button [[Leave|JimmyFPlay3JP.Stop]]>>
<<UpdateSubDom "+1">>
<</button>><<media "Data/Locations/room6.jpg" "place">>
Jimmy's room.
<<PlayerDialog "disgust">>Enough's enough. You won't get off that easy next time!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Ha-ha-ha! We'll see!<</JimmyDialog>>
<<if $CurrentDayOfWeek < 5>>\
<<set $P.GamingSkill += 2>>\
@@color:lime;Jimmy's too good, but you're not too bad either, because learning from the best is what's needed! So your gaming skill increased by 2.@@
<<button [[Leave|DApart]]>><<movetime>><</button>>
<<set $P.GamingSkill +=3>>\
@@color:lime;Jimmy's too good, but you're not too bad either, because learning from the best is what's needed! So your gaming skill increased by 3.@@
<<button [[Leave|WeekendEvening]]>><<set $CurrentDayTime = 4>><</button>>
<</if>>\<<media "Data/Locations/room6.jpg" "place">>
Jimmy's room.
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>Yeeeesss<</PlayerDialog>>
<<if $P.SubDom < 0 and $P.SubDom > -15>>\
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Gaming/bj77.mp4">>
<<JimmyDialog>>Do you like jerking him off so much?<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>It has a calming effect on me...And it's your fault that I've acquired such a terrible habit!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Gaming/bj78.mp4">>
<<JimmyDialog>>Judging by the smile, is that one of your habits now, too?<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>I repeat, this is not a smile! It just made my cheekbones cramp a little...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Are you telling me you're not smiling at all because you just sucked me off and now I'm fucking you?<</JimmyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Gaming/fuck201.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>...yes<</PlayerDialog>>
<<elseif $P.SubDom <= -15>>\
<<JimmyDialog>>Do you really want me to squeeze them harder?<</JimmyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Gaming/bj79.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Yeees! And I love this cock! I want to suck it more!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Go ahead!<</JimmyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Gaming/bj80.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>I love it, I love it! Shit, at this rate I could really become a real slut!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Gaming/bj75.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>But this cock...! I can't help it!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Well? Do you like being my masturbator again?<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>Ah, ahha! Don't say that!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>You don't even need to be hypnotized. Do you like it or not?<</JimmyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Gaming/fuck201.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>...l..l-like it..<</PlayerDialog>>
<<if $P.Cor < 70>><<UpdateCorruption "+1">><</if>>
<<UpdateArousal "0">>
<<UpdateSubDom "-1">>
<<button [[Leave|JimmyFPlay3JP.Stop]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/room6.jpg" "place">>
Jimmy's room.
<<JimmyDialog>>You're good!<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "disgust">>Not at all! I haven't beaten you yet! I'm so crazy about this!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Hey, that attitude makes it a lot easier for me to win. And if you play it cool like you did from the beginning, you'll get better at it right away, so relax.<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Relax you say?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<if $P.SubDom > 0>>\
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Yeeess...relax! Would you mind me to use you?...to relax...<</PlayerDialog>>
@@#cor;<<button [[Use Jimmy to relax|JimmyFPlay3JP.Dom]]>><</button>>@@
<<button [[Stop playing|JimmyFPlay3JP.Stop]]>><</button>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Yeah, it's time for you to take your mind off everything, relax, reboot. That's what you want, right?<</JimmyDialog>>
He pulled out his dick.
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Gaming/cock.webp" "just">>
@@#cor;<<button [[Relaaaax|JimmyFPlay3JP.Sub]]>><</button>>@@
<<if $P.Arousal < 80>>\
<<button [[Stop playing|JimmyFPlay3JP.Stop]]>><</button>>
<</if>>\<<media "Data/Locations/room6.jpg" "place">>
Jimmy's room.
<<set _ra = random (0,1)>>\
<<if _ra == 0>>\
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Gaming/game12.mp4">>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Gaming/game3.mp4">>
<<JimmyDialog>>Well, now do you understand how you get fucked, bitch?<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>..yes<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>What "yes"?<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>I realized that I was losing the game as much as I was losing your huge cock...and I needed to do something about it right away!..<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>It makes me proud of my best student!<</JimmyDialog>>
<<if $P.Cor < 70>><<UpdateCorruption "+1">><</if>>
<<UpdateArousal "0">>
<<UpdateSubDom "-1">>
<<button [[Stop playing|JimmyFPlay3Solo.Stop]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/room6.jpg" "place">>
Jimmy's room.
<<if $P.SubDom > 0>>\
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Okay, I think you've had enough. You really gave me confidence!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>You know..actually... I don't mind<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>I think I figured out what my mistakes were. I definitely got better at it...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>..at what?<</JimmyDialog>>
<<if $CurrentDayOfWeek <5>>\
<<set $P.GamingSkill +=2>>\
@@color:lime;Jimmy's too good, but you're not too bad either, because learning from the best is what's needed! So your gaming skill increased by 2.@@
<<button [[Leave|DApart]]>><<movetime>><</button>>
<<set $P.GamingSkill +=3>>\
@@color:lime;Jimmy's too good, but you're not too bad either, because learning from the best is what's needed! So your gaming skill increased by 3.@@
<<button [[Leave|WeekendEvening]]>><<set $CurrentDayTime = 4>><</button>>
<</if>>\<<media "Data/Locations/room6.jpg" "place">>
Jimmy's room.
<<if $P.SubDom > 0>>\
<<PlayerDialog "disgust">>That's it, bitches! Take that!..What are you doing here?! Fuck!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>You just don't feel the peak of power. You just need to be more confident in some of your decisions.<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Huh? What am I supposed to do?...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Why are you looking at me like that?...<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Yeah, now it's a lot easier for me to feel domination over my opponent<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Gaming/game39.mp4">>
<<button [[Stop playing|JimmyFPlay3Solo.Stop]]>><</button>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Yeah...At these ranks you re getting fucked by everyone and you don't even notice it at all!<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>But in my opinion I'm fine, I don't want to strain myself too much<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>God, that's awful. You're going to learn like this for a long, long time. I'll let you understand what your opponents are doing to you.<</JimmyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Gaming/cock.webp" "just">>
@@#cor;<<button [[Don't resist|JimmyFPlay3Solo.Sex]]>><<UpdateSubDom "-1">><</button>>@@
<<button [[Calm him down|JimmyFPlay3Solo.Stop]]>><</button>>
<</if>>\<<media "Data/Locations/room6.jpg" "place">>
Jimmy's room.
<<if $TabletsBodySwitch == false>>\
<<goto "JimmyTalkTabletsPGenderChange">>\
<<JimmyDialog>>Would you like a cup of coffee?<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>What is this coffee going to do to me? <</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Maybe nothing. But you'll probably switch bodies with Carol.<</JimmyDialog>>
It was...ahem...honest.
<<button [[Drink coffee|JimmyFPlay3]]>><<set $P.Gender = "f">><</button>>
<<button [[Don't drink|JimmyMPlay12]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/room6.jpg" "place">>
Jimmy's room.
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Gaming/game.mp4">>
<<JimmyDialog>>Have you decided to start with a handjob?<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>I'm just getting started, but that's not really what I want...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Um, what do you want?<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>I want your huge cock to fill my slutty mouth, heheh! <</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Gaming/bj75.mp4">>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Gaming/game29.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>Oh, My Lord, please, let me fill my mouth with your cum!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Permission granted!<</JimmyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Gaming/game11.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>Thank you, thank you! I love your cum so much!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Gaming/game16.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>Yes, it feels so good! I'm such a slut! Does that sperm in my mouth suit me?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<if $CurrentDayOfWeek < 5>>\
@@color:yellow; You are perfectly happy being his hypno-bitch. @@
<<if $P.Cor < 50>>\
<<UpdateCorruption "+1">>
<<UpdateSubDom "-1">>
<<button [[Leave|DApart]]>><<movetime>><</button>>
@@color:yellow; You are perfectly happy being his hypno-bitch.@@
<<if $P.Cor < 50>>\
<<UpdateCorruption "+1">>
<<UpdateSubDom "-1">>
<<button [[Leave|WeekendEvening]]>><<set $CurrentDayTime = 4>><</button>>
<</if>>\<<media "Data/Locations/room6.jpg" "place">>
Jimmy's room.
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Cindy, you're about to get fucked by your daddy!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CindyDialog>>Hey, did you even ask me that? But....actually, yeaaaaah, I don't mind it!<</CindyDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Cindy? What are you do...-o..OoohGh?!<</JimmyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Cindy/white1.mp4">>
<<CindyDialog>>You've subdued this bitch so now we can fuck anytime we want and she won't mind at all! <</CindyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>Mmmm...the important thing is to make Jimmy feel good.....<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>It....I'm not.....ah...<</JimmyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Cindy/white4.mp4">>
<<CindyDialog>>Jimmy, why are you embarrassed of me?<</CindyDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>I just....feel responsible for you....<</JimmyDialog>>
<<CindyDialog>>Then take responsibility and fuck me good! Fuck me hard! Yeah, just like thiiiss! <</CindyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Cindy/white3.mp4">>
<<JimmyDialog>>Is this what you wanted, bitch? Tell me who you are!<</JimmyDialog>>
<<CindyDialog>>I'm Cindy! I'm a dumb bimbo and a slut! I'm all yours now!<</CindyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Cindy/white2.mp4">>
<<JimmyDialog>>Cindy, what's going on with Nikita now?<</JimmyDialog>>
<<CindyDialog>>Oh, she's inside now. She's getting high from our unreal fuck!<</CindyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Cindy/white7.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>...Yeaaaaahh...haaaa...being bimbo.....so goood......<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CindyDialog>>Jimmy, when you fuck me, you fuck us both! And we love your cock!<</CindyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Cindy/white.mp4">>
<<CindyDialog>>What do you think of the bitch's pussy you created with your own hands?<</CindyDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>I still can't believe Nikita asked me to help him with the curse and now I have two gorgeous sex slaves!<</JimmyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Cindy/white8.mp4">>
<<CindyDialog>>I'm not your sex slave, just a horny bimbo. You made me this way. Although I wouldn't be surprised if one day you actually make me your sex toy for real. ~giggle~<</CindyDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>In that case, you should come here more often! Now get ready!<</JimmyDialog>>
<<CindyDialog>>Wow, I get the hint!<</CindyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Cindy/white6.mp4">>
<<CindyDialog>>The sperm is so cool! Mmm...thank you, daddy...~giggle~<</CindyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>Master, my legs are still trembling from this pleasure... Are you satisfied?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Of course! I love you both!<</JimmyDialog>>
He's so good, he makes me feel like I'm in heaven.....
<<CindyDialog>>Don't forget about me! Sometimes you have to share!<</CindyDialog>>
<<if $CurrentDayOfWeek < 5>>\
@@color:yellow; You are perfectly happy being his hypno-bitch. @@
<<if $P.Cor < 50>>\
<<UpdateCorruption "+1">>
<<UpdateSubDom "-1">>
<<button [[Leave|DApart]]>><<movetime>><</button>>
@@color:yellow; You are perfectly happy being his hypno-bitch.@@
<<if $P.Cor < 50>>\
<<UpdateCorruption "+1">>
<<UpdateSubDom "-1">>
<<button [[Leave|WeekendEvening]]>><<set $CurrentDayTime = 4>><</button>>
<</if>>\<<media "Data/Locations/room6.jpg" "place">>
Jimmy's room.
I just want better sex for my Lord...
I need to please him!
I'm just my Lord's bitch, I'm his hole, his toy.... I want to put on that lingerie so he can fuck me like I deserve it! *giggle*
<<JimmyDialog>>Did you decide to wear it again after all?<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Yeeeaah....fuck me, My Lord, as much as you want!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Since you're asking<</JimmyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Gaming/fuck155.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>My Lord, I feel soooo good! I seem to be forgetting who I really am...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>And who are you really?<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>Actually, I'm such a sluuuut! I love cocks and I love being fucked!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Ha-ha-ha! Do you remember whose slut you are?<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>My Lord's property! I'm Jimmy's personal hypno-bitch! I'm all YOURS!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Gaming/fuck238.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>My Lord, can you.... please.... could you....<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Mmmm...you want to repeat that setup with a 1% increase in enjoyment?<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>YES! It was wonderful!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Hmm...I don't mind<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Really?!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Sure, but it would be a little different<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>*sip*<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Ha-ha-ha! It was a great idea to setup a pleasure increasing on your mouth. Do you like it? How many percent have you got in there already?<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>Mmmmmm...This is the best cock I've ever sucked....mmmmmHmdh...I suck it and it just keeps getting tastier...I'm going crazy...so goooood! I can't stop!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Gaming/bj94.mp4">>
<<if $CurrentDayOfWeek < 5>>\
@@color:yellow; You are perfectly happy being his hypno-bitch. @@
<<if $P.Cor < 50>>\
<<UpdateCorruption "+1">>
<<UpdateSubDom "-1">>
<<button [[Leave|DApart]]>><<movetime>><</button>>
@@color:yellow; You are perfectly happy being his hypno-bitch.@@
<<if $P.Cor < 50>>\
<<UpdateCorruption "+1">>
<<UpdateSubDom "-1">>
<<button [[Leave|WeekendEvening]]>><<set $CurrentDayTime = 4>><</button>>
<</if>>\<<media "Data/Locations/room6.jpg" "place">>
Jimmy's room.
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>I just want to please you...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>You suck great....Today you're taking the initiative directly!<</JimmyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Gaming/bj112.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Lord, I love being your hypno-bitch so much! My entire pussy is already leaking, but I want to suck a little more....<</PlayerDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>No, I'm not letting you go anywhere until you fuck me good. I'm your little whore! That cock is mine now!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Gaming/game24.mp4">>
<<JimmyDialog>>You've gotten better!<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>All for your sake, my Lord! I won't let you go until I've squeezed you dry! <</PlayerDialog>>
<<if $CurrentDayOfWeek < 5>>\
@@color:yellow; You are perfectly happy being his hypno-bitch. @@
<<if $P.Cor < 50>>\
<<UpdateCorruption "+1">>
<<UpdateSubDom "-1">>
<<button [[Leave|DApart]]>><<movetime>><</button>>
@@color:yellow; You are perfectly happy being his hypno-bitch.@@
<<if $P.Cor < 50>>\
<<UpdateCorruption "+1">>
<<UpdateSubDom "-1">>
<<button [[Leave|WeekendEvening]]>><<set $CurrentDayTime = 4>><</button>>
<</if>>\<<media "Data/Locations/room6.jpg" "place">>
Jimmy's room.
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>I just want to make your gaming experience unforgettable! That's why you made me your hypno-bitch! I won't let you get bored...and me neither!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Well, then...<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Who is a good boy...strong boy...You're the champion! Let Mommy take care of this cock!...hehehe<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Gaming/game31.mp4">>
<<JimmyDialog>>Hmm...I never thought this game would have such comfortable gameplay...! I shouldn't have kept it in the library untouched for so long! Do you agree, Nikita?<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>Hmmmffmm...yess...hfmmm...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Gaming/game5.mp4">>
<<JimmyDialog>>Fucking bitch! I was at the top until that guy with the hieroglyphics in his nickname walked in...Fuck, how the fuck does he do that?<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>He must be a cheater...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Fuck, I've already learned all of his movement patterns and developed a strategy, and he hasn't join server in once after that! Bitch, get on the server and let me fuck you, stupid retard!!<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>Lord, if you fuck him that hard, he won't be able to live without it anymore!...trust meeee....<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Gaming/game20.mp4">>
<<if $CurrentDayOfWeek < 5>>\
@@color:yellow; You are perfectly happy being his hypno-bitch. @@
<<if $P.Cor < 50>>\
<<UpdateCorruption "+1">>
<<UpdateSubDom "-1">>
<<button [[Leave|DApart]]>><<movetime>><</button>>
@@color:yellow; You are perfectly happy being his hypno-bitch.@@
<<if $P.Cor < 50>>\
<<UpdateCorruption "+1">>
<<UpdateSubDom "-1">>
<<button [[Leave|WeekendEvening]]>><<set $CurrentDayTime = 4>><</button>>
<</if>>\<<media "Data/Locations/room6.jpg" "place">>
Jimmy's room.
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Let me be your own pornstar today!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Gaming/game32.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>I'm your VR-slut!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Gaming/game33.mp4">>
<<JimmyDialog>>Fuck, it's a hundred times better than real VR. I can't take it anymore!<</JimmyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Gaming/game10.mp4">>
<<JimmyDialog>>Don't you care about playing anymore?<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>I can't think about anything else but your huge cock fucking me!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>I love it when you say that. It's time to pause and put the controller down<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>My Lord...!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Gaming/game13.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>Yeeeeeahhh...I LOVE IT!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>That's how my hypno-bitch looks like!<</JimmyDialog>>
<<if $CurrentDayOfWeek < 5>>\
@@color:yellow; You are perfectly happy being his hypno-bitch. @@
<<if $P.Cor < 50>>\
<<UpdateCorruption "+1">>
<<UpdateSubDom "-1">>
<<button [[Leave|DApart]]>><<movetime>><</button>>
@@color:yellow; You are perfectly happy being his hypno-bitch. @@
<<if $P.Cor < 50>>\
<<UpdateCorruption "+1">>
<<UpdateSubDom "-1">>
<<button [[Leave|WeekendEvening]]>><<set $CurrentDayTime = 4>><</button>>
<</if>>\<<media "Data/Locations/room6.jpg" "place">>
Jimmy's room.
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>My lovely Lord! What do you want to do with me today? I'm your personal hypno-bitch, I'm already burning with pleasure and I'll gladly do anything you say!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Hmm...after being so obedient, I'd prefer the element of surprise. You already know everything I really like, so I'll let you choose how to please me tonight.<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>My goodness, am I really worthy of this honor, my Lord? I must think it over!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<if $P.ConvergenceON == true>>\
<<CindyDialog>>You've gotten so cute since Jimmy subdued you!<</CindyDialog>>
<<if $P.ConvergenceON == true and $P.CindyPower >= 10>>\
<<button [[Let him fuck Cindy|JimmyFPlay4.Cindy]]>><<UpdateCindyPower "0">><</button>>
<<button [[Use me as your "metagame" slut|JimmyFPlay4.Littleslut]]>><</button>>
<<button [[I want to make your playing experience more exiting!|JimmyFPlay4.StressRelief]]>><</button>>
<<button [[I want to suck your dick so badly!|JimmyFPlay4.BlowjobGod]]>><</button>>
<<button [[I want to make you feel the best VR|JimmyFPlay4.VR]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Fuck me like the hypno-bitch I am|JimmyFPlay4.HypnoBitch]]>><</button>>
@@<<media "Data/Locations/room6.jpg" "place">>
Jimmy's room.
<<if $TabletsBodySwitch == false>>\
<<goto "JimmyTalkTabletsPGenderChange">>\
<<JimmyDialog>>You understand why you came here, don't you?<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Of course. I want to keep you company!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Ha-ha-ha! I promised not to bother you when you're in your body, but that coffee on the table can fix it. If you have some business to attend to, I won't hold you back.<</JimmyDialog>>
<<button [[Drink coffee|JimmyFPlay4]]>>
<<set $P.Gender = "f">>
<<button [[Leave|DApart]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/room6.jpg" "place">>
Jimmy's room.
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>You've been a good boy, Jimmy. I think you deserve a reward! <</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Don't mess with me!.......W-What's the reward?<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>I'll play and you make my gameplay a little more fun! ~giggle~<</PlayerDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny">>Mmmm....<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>No! That action was wrong! You miscalculated the odds!<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny">>Oops, I'm sorry!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Gaming/game42.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>It's just a little hard to concentrate sometimes because of the thrusts of your cock inside my pussy! ~giggle~ That's exactly how you want me to be, isn't it, Jimmy?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>~gulp~ ...I...I might want to lie, but really, I like how determined you've been acting lately.....<</JimmyDialog>>
<<UpdateArousal "0">>
<<if $CurrentDayOfWeek < 5>>\
<<set $P.GamingSkill += 2>>\
@@color:lime;Your gaming skill increased by 2.@@
<<button [[Leave|DApart]]>><<movetime>><</button>>
<<set $P.GamingSkill += 2>>\
@@color:lime;Your gaming skill increased by 3.@@
<<button [[Leave|WeekendEvening]]>><<set $CurrentDayTime = 4>><</button>>
<</if>>\<<media "Data/Locations/room6.jpg" "place">>
Jimmy's room.
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Jimmy, when I'm around, your dick feels like a rock. Do you really want to cum that badly?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>I...I'll fix that problem if you go out for a while...<</JimmyDialog>>
Ha, now he's not even trying to use me for that! That's what I call a result!
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>No way, Jimmy. This is our problem today. So you're gonna do it in front of me and I'm gonna be the one to make you cum! ~giggle~<</PlayerDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Ha-ha-ha! I don't even want to know where you got the vibrator! <</PlayerDialog>>
He probably bought it for me...or did he buy it for himself? Ha-ha-ha-ha!
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Don't hold back your moans and cum like a bitch! Come on! <</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Gaming/hj54.mp4">>
I can't believe he's using a vibrator and cumming in that position! Looks like things are looking up for Jimmy!
<<if $CurrentDayOfWeek < 5>>\
<<UpdateSubDom "+2">>
<<button [[Leave|DApart]]>><<movetime>><</button>>
<<UpdateSubDom "+3">>
<<button [[Leave|WeekendEvening]]>><<set $CurrentDayTime = 4>><</button>>
<</if>><<media "Data/Locations/room6.jpg" "place">>
Jimmy's room.
<<JimmyDialog>>So do you want to play today or...oh, no..... you don't want to play....<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Jimmy, I've got a treat for you...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Hey, hey! Wai...Hmshshp....<</JimmyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Gaming/lick16.webp" "gif">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>Oh, yeah! Lick my pussy, bitch! And don't you dare get distracted by your dick! ~giggle~<</PlayerDialog>>
Oh, I'm surprised! He obediently does it and doesn't even resist! Well, let him go on!
<<UpdateArousal "0">>
<<if $CurrentDayOfWeek < 5>>
<<UpdateSubDom "+1">>
<<button [[Leave|DApart]]>><<movetime>><</button>>
<<UpdateSubDom "+2">>
<<button [[Leave|WeekendEvening]]>><<set $CurrentDayTime = 4>><</button>>
<</if>><<media "Data/Locations/room6.jpg" "place">>
Jimmy's room.
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>You didn't just call me to play with you, did you? You little perverted Jimmy...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>W-what do you mean...?<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Since I'm here, let me pick what we're gonna do...<</PlayerDialog>>
Today I want to...
<<button [[...be a slutty gamer girl|JimmyFPlay5.GamerGirl]]>><</button>>
<<button [[..make you cum non-stop!|JimmyFPlay5.HandJob]]>><</button>>
<<button [[..use your mouth|JimmyFPlay5.Licking]]>><</button>><<RE [[LaylaRoomLvl0]]>>
<<RE [[LaylaRoomLvl1]]>>
<<RE [[LaylaRoomLvl2]]>>
<<RE [[_LaylaRoom]]>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
type: "goto",
<<media "Data/Locations/room2.jpg" "place">>
Layla's room.
/* TODO: Need to rewrite text and/or add actions (earch the room or Hide in closet for example) here */\
Looks like Layla not here right now
<<button [[Leave|DApart]]>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 100,
filter: `$CurrentDayTime === 2 and $GF.TabletLvl === 0`,
tags: ["Dormitory", "LaylaRoom", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
<<media "Data/Locations/room2.jpg" "place">>
Layla's room.
<<media "Data/Characters/GF/bed19.jpg" "just">>
<<GirlfriendDialog "serious">>Hey! What the hell are you doing here? What if I changed clothes?<</GirlfriendDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>But you are kind of..like my girlfriend... and I thought...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<GirlfriendDialog "serious">>Get away from here!<</GirlfriendDialog>>
<<button [[Leave|DApart]]>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 100,
filter: `$CurrentDayTime === 2 and $GF.TabletLvl === 1`,
tags: ["Dormitory", "LaylaRoom", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
<<media "Data/Locations/room2.jpg" "place">>
Layla's room.
<<media "Data/Characters/GF/bed21.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Hi. You look like you were waiting for me<</PlayerDialog>>
<<GirlfriendDialog "serious">>Don't be silly<</GirlfriendDialog>>
<<button [[Spend time with her|LaylaRoomLvl1Time]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Leave|DApart]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/room2.jpg" "place">>
Layla's room.
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Let's do something really fun<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/GF/bed1.jpg" "just">>
<<GirlfriendDialog "serious">>pervert<</GirlfriendDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>I'm a pervert? I haven't even said anything to you yet, and you've already spread your legs!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/GF/bed5.jpg" "just">>
<<GirlfriendDialog "serious">>But you want me to undress, right?<</GirlfriendDialog>>
<<set $GF.Cor += 3>>\
@@color:magenta;Layla's corruption has increased by 3.@@
<<UpdateArousal "+10">>
<<if $Inventory.Tabletslvl2 > 0>>\
Is this the best time to give her a pill?
@@#pill;<<button [[Feed her a pill|LaylaRoomLvl1TimePilllvl2]]>><<set $Inventory.Tabletslvl2-->><</button>>@@
<<button [[No, you're not doing your job well, now you can think about your behavior|DApart]]>><<movetime>><</button>>
<<button [[Yes, keep going|LaylaRoomLvl1Time1]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/room2.jpg" "place">>
Layla's room.
<<media "Data/Characters/GF/bed8.jpg" "just">>
<<GirlfriendDialog "serious">>oh god, how embarrassing. you see my pussyyy<</GirlfriendDialog>>
Ehh, she's not a very good actress. Although I'm pleased that she tries so hard
<<media "Data/Characters/GF/bed9.jpg" "just">>
<<GirlfriendDialog "confused">>So? Do you like the view?<</GirlfriendDialog>>
Really gorgeous view
<<set $GF.Cor += 3>>\
@@color:magenta;Layla's corruption has increased by 3.@@
<<UpdateArousal "+10">>
<<button [[Well done, babe|DApart]]>><</button>>
<<if $P.Gender == "m" and $GF.Cor > 20>>\
<<button [[Spend more time with her|LaylaRoomLvl1Time2]]>><<movetime>><</button>>
<</if>>\<<media "Data/Locations/room2.jpg" "place">>
Layla's room.
<<media "Data/Characters/GF/bed9.jpg" "just">>
<<GirlfriendDialog "confused">>I think I already understood what you would say to that<</GirlfriendDialog>>
Of course you do!
<<media "Data/Characters/GF/gif/bj14.mp4">>
<<set $GF.Cor += 3>>\
@@color:magenta;Layla's corruption increased by 3.@@
<<UpdateArousal "-50">>
After a good blowjob, you decided to go back to your room.
<<button [[Go to room|DRoom]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/room2.jpg" "place">>
Layla's room.
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>No. Actually, I just wanted to give you some delicious gum, which I don't have much left, but if you really want to, you can undress<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/GF/bed21.jpg" "just">>
<<GirlfriendDialog "serious">>Are you talking about that candy you call gum?<</GirlfriendDialog>>
Please stop pointing this out again and again!
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>..yeas<</PlayerDialog>>
<<GirlfriendDialog "serious">>And that's it?<</GirlfriendDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>..Well, maybe talk a little while you taste it<</PlayerDialog>>
<<GirlfriendDialog "serious">>^Deep breath^ Give it to me<</GirlfriendDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/npc/gum.jpg" "just">>
She took candy... gum... WHo cArEs?? and put it in her mouth.
<<GirlfriendDialog "serious">>And what do you want to talk about?<</GirlfriendDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Do you like having sex?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<GirlfriendDialog "confused">>What?!<</GirlfriendDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Answer me<</PlayerDialog>>
<<GirlfriendDialog "confused">>Well..I didn't think about it..Actually, it's not that important, is it? Although, regarding your question, we can't run away from physical needs, can we?<</GirlfriendDialog>>
She took another deep breath.
<<GirlfriendDialog "horny">>I do not consider this as an occupation worthy of my or YOUR attention. It's all stupid!<</GirlfriendDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>..So you like it?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<GirlfriendDialog "arrogant">>Hey i just said...!<</GirlfriendDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>You won't deceive me. I know there's another you inside of you who is @@color:magenta;funny and loves to smile@@, but now she's grown up and wants @@color:magenta;sex. Wild sex@@. And lately, she makes you feel her existance more and more often, right?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<GirlfriendDialog "arrogant">>You're!...wrong<</GirlfriendDialog>>
My provocation is working! Moreover, she really was very good as a child.The last touch remains.
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>You can't run away from your essence forever, it's time for you to realize - @@color:magenta;that girl is you!@@<</PlayerDialog>>
<<GirlfriendDialog "horny">>what..are you talking about?<</GirlfriendDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Her will are your will. Just @@color:magenta;open your heart to those desires!@@<</PlayerDialog>>
It looks like she just smiled!
<<GirlfriendDialog "serious">>Finished? Very tasty candy, and now it's time for you to leave! It was nice to see you, get out!<</GirlfriendDialog>>
She escorted you out of the room and locked the door.
<<set $GF.Cor += 3>>\
@@color:magenta;Layla's corruption has increased by 3.@@
<<UpdateArousal "+10">>
<<button [[Leave|DApart]]>><<set $GF.TabletLvl++>><<movetime>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 100,
filter: `$CurrentDayTime === 2 and $GF.TabletLvl === 2`,
tags: ["Dormitory", "LaylaRoom", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
<<media "Data/Locations/room2.jpg" "place">>
Layla's room.
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Babe?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/GF/bed14.jpg" "just">>
<<GirlfriendDialog "happy">>Honey!<</GirlfriendDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Is this?..<</PlayerDialog>>
<<GirlfriendDialog "happy">>My old beads! Look how beautiful those are!<</GirlfriendDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/GF/bed17.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Really pretty<</PlayerDialog>>
<<GirlfriendDialog "horny">>Do you know how else you can use this kit? I can show you<</GirlfriendDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/GF/bed13.jpg" "just">>
Fuck, she scares me again..
<<button [[Yes, keep going|LaylaRoomLvl2Time]]>><</button>>
<<button [[No, I have things to do (leave)|DApart]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/room2.jpg" "place">>
Layla's room.
<<media "Data/Characters/GF/gif/m.mp4">>
<<GirlfriendDialog "arrogant">>Still tight..<</GirlfriendDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Are you sure you picked the right hole?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<GirlfriendDialog "happy">>Yeees...only that hole can give me sex I want so much! Rough..I would even say...Wild!<</GirlfriendDialog>>
Um, I feel a little responsible for this..
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>And why do you need me?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<GirlfriendDialog "arrogant">>I wanted you to support me..<</GirlfriendDialog>>
<<if $P.Gender == "f">>\
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Don’t worry, you’ll practice a bit and then you can even put a lamppost in!<</PlayerDialog>>
It was kind of awkward...
<<set $GF.Cor += 3>>\
@@color:magenta;Layla's corruption increased by 3.@@
<<UpdateArousal "100">>
<<button [[Leave|DApart]]>><<movetime>><</button>>
Support? I'll show you support.
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>I have a better idea<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/GF/bed15.jpg" "just">>
<<media "Data/Characters/GF/gif/bj5.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Great! Now turn around and say "Please, put it in my ass!"<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/GF/room3.jpg" "just">>
<<GirlfriendDialog "horny">>Please, put it in my ass!<</GirlfriendDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/GF/gif/f8.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Tolerable?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<GirlfriendDialog "horny">>uh huh..aw..You filled my ass with your dick completely, hehe..<</GirlfriendDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/GF/gif/a23.mp4">>
<<GirlfriendDialog "horny">>I have such a good feeling!..each push diverges throughout the whole body!<</GirlfriendDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Ha-ha, you won't even blink before you become an anal whore!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/GF/gif/a24.mp4">>
<<GirlfriendDialog "horny">>Almost no pain, sooo gooood! I don't even know how I can live without this feeling now...<</GirlfriendDialog>>
<<if $P.ConvergenceON == true>>\
<<CindyDialog>>She really gets high on anal sex! You know, it's not really for everyone...<</CindyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Still waters run deep...<</PlayerDialog>>
Looks like it's only beginning.
<<set $GF.Cor += 3>>\
@@color:magenta;Layla's corruption increased by 3.@@
<<UpdateArousal "0">>
<<UpdateSubDom "+1">>
<<button [[Leave|DApart]]>><<movetime>><</button>>
<</if>>\<<media "Data/Locations/room1.jpg" "place">>
My room.
<<if $P.Gender === "m">>\
<<media "Data/Characters/Carol/bed3.jpg" "just">>
She sleeps so peacefully.
<<button[[Wake her up (spend time)|CarolRoomWakingUp]]>><<movetime>><</button>>
<<button [[Leave|DRoom]]>><</button>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Carol/jacket4.jpg" "just">>
<<CarolDialog>>You look super not feminine! Even in my pretty body!<</CarolDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Oh sorry! Maybe it's because I'm a guy?!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CarolDialog>>But the role of a bitch would suit you perfectly!<</CarolDialog>>
<<if $JimmySusp2 == true and $Inventory.Tablets > 0>>\
<<button [[Talk about Jimmy|JimmyCarolPillDecline]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Leave|DRoom]]>><</button>>
<</if>>\<<media "Data/Locations/room1.jpg" "place">>
My room.
<<if $P.Gender == "m">>\
<<media "Data/Characters/Carol/bed1.jpg" "just">>
She sleeps so peacefully. Even if she wakes up early, she can easily go back to sleep.
<<button [[Leave|DRoom]]>><</button>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Carol/jacket4.jpg" "just">>
<<CarolDialog>>You look super not feminine! Even in my pretty body!<</CarolDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Oh sorry! Maybe it's because I'm a guy?!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CarolDialog>>But the role of a bitch would suit you perfectly!<</CarolDialog>>
<<if $JimmySusp2 == true and $Inventory.Tablets > 0>>\
<<button [[Talk about Jimmy|JimmyCarolPill]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Leave|DRoom]]>><</button>>
<</if>>\<<media "Data/Locations/room1.jpg" "place">>
My room.
<<if $P.Gender == "m">>\
<<media "Data/Characters/Carol/bed1.jpg" "just">>
She sleeps so peacefully. Even if she wakes up early, she can easily go back to sleep.
<<button [[Masturbate in front of her|DRoomMast]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Don't disturb her|DRoom]]>><</button>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Carol/jacket4.jpg" "just">>
<<CarolDialog>>You look super not feminine! Even in my pretty body!<</CarolDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Oh sorry! Maybe it's because I'm a guy?!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CarolDialog>>Hmm, maybe. So let's fix it!<</CarolDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Carol/bed6.jpg" "just">>
<<CarolDialog>>That's so much better! Can you turn around?<</CarolDialog>>
<<if $JimmySusp2 == true and $Inventory.Tablets > 0>>\
<<button [[Talk about Jimmy|JimmyCarolPill]]>><</button>>
@@#cor;<<button [[Turn around|CarolRoomLvl2FTime]]>><</button>>@@
<<button [[Leave|DRoom]]>><<movetime>><</button>>
<</if>>\<<media "Data/Locations/room1.jpg" "place">>
My room.
<<media "Data/Characters/Carol/bo2.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Do they fit me well?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Fuck fuck fuck! What are you doing??<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Carol/gif/Fpov/cock9.webp" "gif">>
<<if $P.ConvergenceON == true>>\
<<CindyDialog>>Ha-ha-ha! I understand her! If I could, I'd fuck you in those cute jeans myself!<</CindyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>The original intention was for me to fuck her, not the other way around!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Carol/gif/Fpov/rub3.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>And who is the pervert now?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CarolDialog>>Shut up! I don't know how to control this...thing<</CarolDialog>>
<<UpdateCarolCorruption "+4">>
<<if $P.Cor < 30>><<UpdateCorruption "+1">><</if>>
<<UpdateSubDom "+1">>
<<UpdateArousal "+25">>
<<button [[Leave|DRoom]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/room1.jpg" "place">>
My room.
<<media "Data/Characters/Carol/bed.jpg" "just">>
<<CarolDialog "disgust">>Apparently, you have a very important reason, since you decided to wake me up <</CarolDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Um--mm<</PlayerDialog>>
Fuck! Why did I really do it?? I have to think of something quickly! How would I make life together a little more pleasant? Maybe...
<<if $Inventory.Tablets > 0>>\
@@#pill;<<button[[Feed her a pill|CarolRoomWakingUp1]]>><</button>>@@
<<button[[Leave as fast as you can|Uni]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/room1.jpg" "place">>
My room.
<<media "Data/Characters/Carol/bed.jpg" "just">>
<<CarolDialog "disgust">>You have 10 seconds before I get up and go complain about the harassment <</CarolDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Sorry, no need to complain! I-um..just...well..you know...my sister gave me a rejuvenating tea yesterday..yeah..it cleanses the skin and everything or something..it's very, very expensive and I only have 2 bags. My sister said that it should be drunk in the morning. I just wanted to offer you one...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CarolDialog "disgust">>You think my skin is not beautiful enough? <</CarolDialog>>
She is really crazy! If she goes to complain right now, I'm fucked up
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>I..em..<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CarolDialog "serious">>Well, no matter how close things are to the ideal, there is always a goal. Then bring your tea here, and let me sleep some more <</CarolDialog>>
Now there's nowhere to retreat.
<<button[[Bring her tea with a pill|CarolRoomWakingUp2]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/room1.jpg" "place">>
My room.
So, I need to find some cool cup to show off the coolness of tea! Oh, this one will do. I will brew the usual Ceylon there and dissolve 1 tablet. Voila! Let's serve it to her!
<<media "Data/Characters/npc/tea.jpg" "just">>
<<CarolDialog "serious">>Not bad. So be it, I'll try <</CarolDialog>>
She takes a small sip, freezes for a second, and then finishes her cup.
<<CarolDialog "serious">>You added sugar in vain, I finished it only out of pity for you, appreciate it<</CarolDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Carol/bed.jpg" "just">>
Oh, that's how. Then we need to get a little closer so that you no longer feel sorry for me.
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Listen, since we're neighbors now, @@color:magenta; you need to stop being ashamed of me@@. I'm not that scary<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CarolDialog "serious">>Be ashamed of an slug like you? What a joke!. And in general get out of here, I want to sleep some more<</CarolDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Okay, I'm leaving. By the way, @@color:magenta;it's pretty hot in our room in the morning@@, have you noticed?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CarolDialog "serious">>get lost..I still have time..to..sleep<</CarolDialog>>
She still answers rudely, but it looks like she really got a little hot.
<<media "Data/Characters/Carol/bed1.jpg" "just">>
I won't bother her anymore this morning.
<<button[[Leave her|DApart]]>><<set $Carol.TabletLvl++>><<set $Inventory.Tablets-->><</button>><<set $P.Loc = 0>>
<<RE [[DrugSpreadEvent1_1]]>>
<<RE [[DrugSpreadEvent2_1]]>>
<<if $Bully.Relationship < 4 and $Bully.Relationship !== 1>>\
<<RE [[BullyNoonRoom]]>>
<<RE [[JimmyRoomEvent]]>>
<<RE [[_DRoom]]>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
type: "goto",
<<media "Data/Locations/room1.jpg" "place">>
My room.
<<if $CurrentDayTime === 0>>\
<<switch $Carol.TabletLvl>>\
<<case 0>>\
<<button [[Talk to Carol|CarolRoom]]>><</button>>
<<case 1>>\
<<button [[Talk to Carol|CarolRoomLvl1]]>><</button>>
<<case 2>>\
<<button [[Talk to Carol|CarolRoomLvl2]]>><</button>>
<<if ($CurrentDayTime === 2 or $CurrentDayTime === 3) and $P.Arousal >= 50>>\
<<if $P.Gender == "m">>\
<<button [[Masturbate (decreases arousal)|DBedMastM]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Masturbate (decreases arousal)|DBedMastF]]>><</button>>
<<disable $CurrentDayTime === 1 or $CurrentDayTime === 4>>\
<<button [[Open Laptop|NoteBook]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Apartments|DApart]]>><</button>>
<<if $Inventory.MedBook == true>>\
<<disable $CurrentDayTime === 1 or $CurrentDayTime === 4>>\
<<button [[Meditation|MedBook]]>><</button>>
<<if $CurrentDayTime === 4>>\
<<button "Sleep">>
<<set $P.Loc = 0>>
<<if $TalkedAboutAkira == true and $Akira.Negotiated == true>>\
<<if $P.CindyInside == true>>
<<button [[Talk to Cindy|CindyDream]]>><</button>>
<<button [[To try to look deep inside yourself|CindyDream]]>><</button>>
<<if $EtherealPill.Researched == true and $Inventory.TabletsEthereal > 0>>\
@@#pill;<<button [[Take Ethereal pill|Ethereal]]>><<set $Inventory.TabletsEthereal-->><</button>>@@
<</if>>\<<media "Data/Locations/room1.jpg" "place">>
My room.
<<media "Data/Characters/Carol/gif/Fpov/cock3.webp" "gif">>
Before I even started to masturbate..
<<if $P.ConvergenceON == true>>\
<<CindyDialog>>You're acting like your brother now!<</CindyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Don't compare me to Levi, we're nothing alike! <</PlayerDialog>>
<<if $Carol.Cor < 50>>
<<CarolDialog "disgust">>Hey, why are you pulling that thing out and standing so close to me? Are you up to something? <</CarolDialog>>
Phew, it's good that the pill made her dumber, otherwise I would not be alive anymore.
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Hey, I just wanted to masturbate. I didn't want to disturb you, so I decided to do it while you sleep. Or do you want me to do it in front of you?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CarolDialog "confused">>Hmm, sounds plausible. We all need to do this sometimes... Then just move away and don't interfere. <</CarolDialog>>
Damn, she was okay with that! But I won’t jerk off in front of her anymore, so it doesn’t make sense anymore.
<<UpdateArousal "+10">>
<<button [[Leave|DRoom]]>><<movetime>><</button>>
<<elseif $Carol.Cor >= 50 and $Carol.Cor < 100>>
<<CarolDialog "disgust">>Hey, are you trying to masturbate again? I'm done with it!<</CarolDialog>>
This time, she quickly put on her underwear, and then she thought about something.
Oops, did I do something really wrong?.
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>You have a light sleep as always<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CarolDialog "confused">>Hey, don't change the subject! I mean, I'm not masturbating in front of you, but you do it again and again! Enough! If you're allowed to do it, then me too!<</CarolDialog>>
But after all, no one allowed me to do this either? She really got dumber, although I like it better.
<<media "Data/Characters/Carol/gif/Fpov/cock3.webp" "gif">>
<<media "Data/Characters/Carol/gif/mast24.mp4">>
Some kind of awkward silence...
<<CarolDialog "serious">>Hey!<</CarolDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>w-what?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CarolDialog "serious">>W-what do you think about...masturbation in a female body?<</CarolDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>It's nice. For example, you have several points from which just like ecstasy comes!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CarolDialog "confused">>P-points?<</CarolDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>You don't know??<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CarolDialog "serious">>Of course I know!<</CarolDialog>>
...she said, but for some reason thought deeply after it.
<<UpdateArousal "+25">>
<<UpdateCarolCorruption "+4">>
<<button [[Leave|DRoom]]>><<movetime>><</button>>
<<elseif $Carol.Cor >= 100>>
<<CarolDialog "disgust">>Hey!<</CarolDialog>>
This time, she quickly put on her underwear, but only top this time and then she thought a little.
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Something wrong again?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CarolDialog "disgust">>No, I mean..yes...I mean...^deep breath^ POINTS!<</CarolDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Points what?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CarolDialog "horny" 0>>If you promise not to poke me with this..thing, I allow you to...t-touch me<</CarolDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Aaaah, THOSE points! Then you'll have to take care of my...thing too.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CarolDialog "horny" 0>>..I agree<</CarolDialog>>
<<CarolDialog "horny" 0>>...aaah...it feeels much better than when I do it myself<</CarolDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Carol/gif/fing1.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>And don't forget about your hand... Although It doesn't matter. I'm about to do something really cool! Better lean on!<</PlayerDialog>>
Haha, being in her body, I studied it inside and out.
<<media "Data/Characters/Carol/gif/fing.mp4">>
<<CarolDialog "horny" 1>>...aaah...ahhahah..what is this???? My hand...I promised to take care of your...<</CarolDialog>>
Damn, this really gives me great pleasure. Seems even more than her!
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>How about that, bitch?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CarolDialog "horny" 1>>...Nooo..ohhhh...it's toooo gooood...I'm melting!<</CarolDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Carol/gif/fing2.mp4">>
She squirted! Gradually she's getting used to it.
<<if $P.ConvergenceON == true>>\
<<CindyDialog>>She's already leaking! When are we gonna get our dick in her?!<</CindyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>It's not time yet. And it's my dick, not ours!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<UpdateArousal "+25">>
<<UpdateCarolCorruption "+4">>
<<UpdateSubDom "+1">>
<<button [[Leave|DRoom]]>><<movetime>><</button>>
<</if>><<RE [[DWakeUpSAndS]]>>
<<RE [[MorningCarol]]>>
<<RE [[_DWakeUp]]>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
type: "goto",
<<media "Data/Locations/room1.jpg" "place">>
My room.
You feel like something changes. You slowly open your eyes.
<<set _rtalk = random (0,2)>>\
<<if $P.Gender == "m">>\
<<media "Data/Characters/P/wakeup.jpg" "just">>
<<switch _rtalk>>\
<<case 0>>\
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Oh, yeah! I'm back!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<case 1>>\
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>The penis is back in place!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<case 2>>\
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>I think I might be able to score some chicks today after all<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Morning/bed2.webp" "just">>
<<if $P.Cor < 30>>\
<<switch _rtalk>>
<<case 0>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Another day in this body<</PlayerDialog>>
<<case 1>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Give me my dick back!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<case 2>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>All right, let's live this day quietly and unnoticed, as if nothing happened<</PlayerDialog>>
<<elseif $P.Cor >= 30 and $P.Cor < 50>>\
<<switch _rtalk>>
<<case 0>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Mmm..I love the softness of this body<</PlayerDialog>>
<<case 1>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Hey, I think I got fat. Or Carol got fat. Well, one of us has definitely gotten fat!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<case 2>>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Everyone will be looking at my tits and ass again today. Sometimes it's nice to be so interesting in the eyes of others. Should I wear something more revealing? It would piss Carol off, haha! <</PlayerDialog>>
<<elseif $P.Cor >= 50>>\
<<switch _rtalk>>
<<case 0>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>I have to try to avoid Stephan, or he'll fuck me again with his huge cock....<</PlayerDialog>>
<<case 1>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Time to make dicks hard again!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<case 2>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>As long as I have this body, I can get more money easily!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<if $CurrentDayOfWeek < 5>>\
<<if $P.ArousalLeft > 99 and $Carol.TabletLvl > 0>>\
<<if $P.Gender == "m">>\
<<button[[Wake Up|HornyCarolF]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Wake Up|HornyCarolM]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Wake Up|DRoom]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Wake Up|WeekEnd]]>><</button>>
<</if>>\<<media "Data/Locations/room1.jpg" "place">>
My room.
<<if $Carol.Cor < 50>>\
<<media "Data/Characters/Carol/bed20.jpg" "just">>
<<CarolDialog "confused">>W-what did you do to my body? It's so hot<</CarolDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>What?<</PlayerDialog>>
Not surprising. I brought her body to the limit of excitement before it returned to her back. Maybe someday I'll use it.
<<media "Data/Characters/Carol/bed21.jpg" "just">>
<<CarolDialog "serious">>W-what are you -d-doing to me? ahhaaaaa<</CarolDialog>>
She seems to be back to normal. I'm sure I can use that when she's a little more...open.
<<button[[Back in action|DRoom]]>><</button>>
<<elseif $Carol.Cor >= 50>>\
<<media "Data/Characters/Carol/bed27.jpg" "just">>
<<CarolDialog "confused">>This feeling agaaain...aahh...<</CarolDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Carol/bed28.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>What? Carol?Where did you get the dildo?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Carol/bed25.jpg" "just">>
<<CarolDialog "confused">>None of your business, and it's all your fault!<</CarolDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Do you need...help?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CarolDialog "horny" 0>>No, I'm almost...<</CarolDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Carol/bed26.jpg" "just">>
I'd...like to be that dildo for a minute...
<<button[[Back in action|DRoom]]>><</button>>
<</if>>\<<media "Data/Locations/room1.jpg" "place">>
My room.
<<media "Data/Characters/Carol/bed14.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Another one day in this body begins!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/1.jpg" "just">>
<<CarolDialog>>Ah, Nikita. Wake up! I don't know what to do! <</CarolDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>What's wrong?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Carol/gif/Fpov/cock9.webp" "gif">>
<<CarolDialog>>You are in my body! It hurts! Do something! <</CarolDialog>>
It will be strange, because I'm looking at my own dick. On the other hand, I want to tease Carol a little, what should I do?
<<button[[Take care of that dick|HornyCarolM1]]>><<movetime>><</button>>
<<button[[Refuse to help|DRoom]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/room1.jpg" "place">>
My room.
<<CarolDialog>>It's so goood! <</CarolDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Carol/gif/Fpov/hj3.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>You are a dirty girl. Using your own body to satisfy a cock that doesn't belong to you.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CarolDialog>>Don't say that! ah good<</CarolDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Ha-ha, I can make you feel even better If you admit that you have a dirty whore's female body. Say it or I'll stop<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CarolDialog>>Even b-better? Well, Okay! I have a slutty body, body of whore, body made for fucking! <</CarolDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Goood girl<</PlayerDialog>>
@@#cor;<<button[[Make her cum|HornyCarolM2]]>><</button>>@@
<<button[[Leave her like this|HornyCarolM3]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/room1.jpg" "place">>
My room.
Always wanted someone to do this to ME. I think one day I'll ask her to repeat it for me.
<<media "Data/Characters/Carol/gif/Fpov/tj6.mp4">>
<<CarolDialog>>So soft! So warm! I'M cumming!<</CarolDialog>>
<<UpdateCarolCorruption "+4">>
<<if $P.Cor < 30>><<UpdateCorruption "+1">><</if>>
<<UpdateSubDom "+1">>
<<UpdateArousal "+25">>
<<button[[What a start|DRoom]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/room1.jpg" "place">>
My room.
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Ha-ha, you are on the way to be perfect slut, Carol. We're done for today<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CarolDialog>>Wait, I haven't.. cum yet!<</CarolDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>If you behave as well as today, then someday I will let you come. Chao, Carol<</PlayerDialog>>
A stupid smile appeared on her face.
<<if $P.Cor < 30 and $P.SubDom > 0>>\
<<CarolDialog>>It pulsates! it's sooo nice...<</CarolDialog>>
<<UpdateCarolCorruption "+4">>
<<UpdateCorruption "+1">>
<<UpdateSubDom "+1">>
<<UpdateArousal "+25">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>WAIT!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CarolDialog>>It pulsates! it's sooo nice...<</CarolDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Carol/gif/Fpov/fuck47.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>It's a wrong hole! If you keep fucking me like that..<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CarolDialog>>This is my body, so I choose a hole! Who is a slut now?<</CarolDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>ah..aah..ahh..it shouldn't be...like that<</PlayerDialog>>
<<UpdateCarolCorruption "+4">>
<<if $P.Cor < 50>><<UpdateCorruption "+2">><</if>>
<<UpdateSubDom "-1">>
<<UpdateArousal "0">>
<<button[[What a start|DRoom]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/room1.jpg" "place">>
My room.
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Carol, can I ask you a favor?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CarolDialog>>Did something happen to you? Is this about me?<</CarolDialog>>
Actually, it probably does concern you, but I won't talk about it.
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Nah, it's my issues. I just need you to say to my face the phrases I wrote on a piece of paper. Don't worry, there's no hidden camera anywhere, there's just something I need to think about and I need to hear it from someone else.<</PlayerDialog>>
I couldn't think of a better excuse...
<<CarolDialog>>God, you're so weird...! Give me that piece of paper...creep<</CarolDialog>>
Phew, she swallowed it. Now it's my turn.
@@#pill;<<button [[Eat pill|JimmyCarolPill1]]>><<set $Inventory.Tablets-->><</button>>@@<<media "Data/Locations/room1.jpg" "place">>
My room.
Wow, my thoughts are so fresh. Was it always like this? I guess I was just making things up.
<<CarolDialog>>Okay, come here. I don't know what you have in mind, but you'll owe me later.<</CarolDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Y-Yes..<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CarolDialog>>Nikita, it's time for you to remember your meetings with Jimmy. Remember them now!<</CarolDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Gaming/game.mp4">>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Gaming/game13.mp4">>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Gaming/game16.mp4">>
<<CarolDialog>>Ugh, it's like your face turned green and pink at the same time. It's a disgusting swamp color. Are you okay? You're in my body! If you get sick, I'll kill you!<</CarolDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>No-no, it's okay. I just realized something abruptly, go on!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CarolDialog>>Grr...! Well, Nikita, now that you have much more information, it means you can control it. Resisting Jimmy's influence is a more than manageable task for you. He will no longer reach you without your knowledge.<</CarolDialog>>
This might work.
<<CarolDialog>>Goddam, did you write all this? I didn't understand a word of what it was about! <</CarolDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Ah, don't worry about it. You've been a great help to me. Thank you, Carol! I have to go!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<button [[Leave|DApart]]>><<set $JimmySusp3 = true>><<movetime>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/room1.jpg" "place">>
My room.
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Carol, can I ask you a favor?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CarolDialog>>What? Of course not! You take care of your own problems, whatever happened to you. Don't even try to drag me into it.<</CarolDialog>>
Damn, she's pretty tough. This is going to be a little harder than I thought.
<<button [[Leave|DRoom]]>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 30,
filter: `$P.Cor > 20 and $Bully.SexCount > 8`,
tags: ["Dormitory", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Dormitory", "Noon"], isSeparate: true },
<<media "Data/Locations/ap1.jpg" "place">>
Shared Apartments.<<set $RandomEventTime = false>>
<<if $P.Gender == "m">>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Stephan?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Mm? Of fuck, why did I come here? Bye<</BullyDialog>>
<<button[[He left|DApart]]>><</button>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Stephan?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Hi, bitch. You wanna help me again, right?<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>What?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>I need to unload my balls urgently. Either you give me money for whores, or somehow solve the problem<</BullyDialog>>
Damn extortionist.
<<set _r = random(1,4)>>\
<<switch _r>>\
<<case 1>><<set _pay = 10>>\
<<case 2>><<set _pay = 20>>\
<<case 3>><<set _pay = 25>>\
<<case 4>><<set _pay = 50>>\
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>How much do you need this time?..<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>I need _r $<</BullyDialog>>
<<if $P.Arousal < 80>>\
<<button[[Pay him|BullyNoonRoomPay]]>>
<<set $P.Money -= _r>>
<<button[[Let him use you|BullyNoonRoomUse]]>><</button>>
<</if>>\<<media "Data/Locations/ap1.jpg" "place">>
Shared Apartments.
<<BullyDialog>>No money, so you refuse to pay, and you're busy? This will not work<</BullyDialog>>
He thought for a second.
I don't want to beat bitches if they don't ask...
...Or do I?
Damn, I feel like I'm in trouble
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Bully/slave3.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Pleeeease, stop! It hurts!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Beg forgiveness, whore!<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Pleeeease, stop! It hurts! Forgive me!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>I see that for you it was not even a punishment. Did you really like it so much?<</BullyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Bully/cum34.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>Why do you think so?<</PlayerDialog>>
He left.
<<UpdateArousal "+25">>
<<if $P.Cor < 50>><<UpdateCorruption "+1">><</if>>
<<UpdateSubDom "-1">>
<<set $Bully.SexCount++>>\
<<button[[Back in action |DApart]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/ap1.jpg" "place">>
Shared Apartments.
<<BullyDialog>>Great, loser. Give me your money here. You are free for now. But if I don't have enough, then I'll come again<</BullyDialog>>
That bastard. At least I saved some time. But I have to deal with him somehow!
<<button[[He left|DApart]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/ap1.jpg" "place">>
Shared Apartments.
<<BullyDialog>>You? Ha-ha! I knew that I could rely on my favorite slut. Now I want you to ask me the right way<</BullyDialog>>
That bastard! Damn, I want to get rid of him as soon as possible, right?
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Pleeeease, I beg you, fill my whore mouth with your cum. I'll do anything!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Nice! Don't spill a drop, bitch<</BullyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Bully/cum23.mp4">>
Damn, there's so much of it, I can't spill it!
When he was completely "discharged", he left.There was a lot more sperm than you could imagine.
<<UpdateArousal "+25">>
<<if $P.Cor < 50>><<UpdateCorruption "+1">><</if>>
<<UpdateSubDom "-1">>
<<set $Bully.SexCount++>>\
<<set $P.Money += 5>>\
@@color:lime; You won't feel like eating anytime soon, so you saved $5. @@
<<button[[Back in action |DApart]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$CurrentDayTime === 0 and $DayCount >= 65 and $DrugSpread === 1`,
tags: ["Dormitory", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"]
<<media "Data/Locations/room1.jpg" "place">>
My room.
<img class = "just" height = "500px" src = "Data/Characters/npc/nerd.webp">
<<JimmyDialog>>Wake up, my friend. I've got some news for you. <</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Hi, Jimmy. What happened?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Hurry up, we need to talk<</JimmyDialog>>
<<REDisable [[DrugSpreadEvent1_1]]>>\
<<set $DrugSpread = 2>>\
<<button [[Follow him|DrugSpreadEvent1_2]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/room6.jpg" "place">>
Jimmy's room.
I wonder what happened. Maybe a new pill?
<<JimmyDialog>>I know what you're thinking. No, I haven't gotten any further than that yet. It's a little different.<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>So what did you want to talk about?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>You've probably already heard about the popular new drug Celtoc. It's being used a lot these days.<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>What's wrong with him? Sounds like a regular soft drug to me.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>That's just it. I found out from my sources and later checked it out for myself. The new batch of the drug is tougher than the previous ones, the effect is stronger, at the same dosage, and it still has no particular side effects.<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>So those who are already using it won't even notice they're going to the moon, right?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Sort of like this. The police are already interested in the case, but their hands are tied, because when everyone uses it, it's almost impossible to find someone responsible.<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Indeed. But how does this concern us?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>You see, the thing is, the pills of this new batch are divinely made! The formula, the concentration, the staying power, the consistency are perfect. Whoever made this is a true genius! But what worries me even more is where it's made! There's no way it's possible to do the same thing in our university lab!<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Hmm. Apparently the person who made it really tried to make it as safe for people as possible, even though it's a drug.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>That's what I'm saying. I've been a little stagnant lately in my research, because I've already gone beyond what our lab can give us. As I continue my research, @@color:yellow;I will need your help to conduct tests, and I can't continue without it. I will be in lab every morning.@@ And I also want you to @@color:yellow;find out more about this drug, and ideally to find its creator or the place where it was created.@@<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Okay, I'll do my best.<</PlayerDialog>>
@@color:yellow;From now on, you're going to have to help Jimmy.@@
In fact, it wasn't good that I'd left this kind of work entirely to him all this time. Although he did take the initiative. But now I have peace of mind.
@@color:yellow;To get on the trail of drugs, you first need to find a supplier, then a larger supplier, and so on. @@
<<button [[Leave|DApart]]>><<set $FT = 6>><<movetime>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$CurrentDayTime === 0 and $DrugSpread === 3 and $Drug3Observed === false`,
tags: ["Dormitory", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"]
<<media "Data/Locations/room1.jpg" "place">>
My room.
<img class = "just" height = "500px" src = "Data/Characters/npc/nerd.webp">
<<JimmyDialog>>Wake up, my friend. You've probably noticed it yourself by now, but it looks like New Celtos is getting its own distribution.<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>No surprise, it's been at least a week already.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Don't you think we should make some observations?<</JimmyDialog>>
I think observing the changes in the city a bit and discussing it with Jimmy is not a bad idea.
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>I think you're right. This way we can get some additional information.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>We can go now or some other time, whatever. If we go now, we should wear inconspicuous clothes and then meet in 5 minutes.<</JimmyDialog>>
<<button [[Let's go now|DrugSpreadEvent2_2]]>><</button>>
<<button [[No, let's do it another time|DApart]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/yard.jpg" "place">>
It didn't take us long to find...
<<media "Data/Actions/RE/Out/3/street23.mp4">>
<<JimmyDialog>>What do you think?<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>I don't remember women walking around freely in such indecent outfits before.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>She spotted us. She looks at us and smiles.<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>I think that's what she wanted.<</PlayerDialog>>
We walked on and soon loud female moans turned our eyes to a more interesting sight.
<<media "Data/Actions/RE/Out/3/streetf4.mp4">>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Man">>You guys here for business or just to observe? I think this girl would love an extra pair of eyes watching her.<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Why? Who is that girl?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Man">>That's my new wife's daughter. She put me down for anything and always looked down on me, even though I tried hard and took care of them. In the end that bitch made it look like I was cheating on my wife. That was the last straw.<</MNpcDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Let me guess, you were very lucky to get your hands on a Celtos?<</JimmyDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Man">>I knew about it before, it helped with the beginning of our "training" with her, but the NEW celtos is just fire! It only took me a few days and look how addicted she is to my cock now!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Actions/RE/Out/3/streetf18.mp4">>
<<FNpcDialog null null "Girl">>Oooh, Daddy! I'm so sorry! I can't think of anything but that beautiful cock inside my pussy! If only I'd known how good you were before! Mommy will forgive you and we'll live happily ever after!<</FNpcDialog>>
I hope this story has a happy ending.
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>It is possible to addict a person to sex without drugs, it just takes more time. But still, the new Celtos is pretty strong stuff.....<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>It does, it will definitely cause a strong change in society and morals, but I don't think it will lead to anarchy.<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Why?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>As I understand it, it unlocks inner desires while not being addictive like other strong drugs. It doesn't make you lose your mind, so you can resist the urge. Besides, you have to eat the pill to get the effect, so it's hard to feed it to a stranger.<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Sounds reasonable.<</PlayerDialog>>
I had to think of all sorts of things to feed someone a pill. If I fed the new Celtos to my mother, she probably wouldn't talk to me for a week after the effects wore off, thinking about what had happened...
<<JimmyDialog>>Eh, what's this?<</JimmyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Actions/RE/Out/3/streetorgy17.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>What are you guys doing here?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Man 1">>We had a family of friends over for a picnic today. We're just waiting for the others to show up.<</MNpcDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Man 2">>Stop sucking bitch, turn around!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Actions/RE/Out/3/streetorgy19.mp4">>
<<JimmyDialog>>This is a strange picnic, don't you think?<</JimmyDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Man 2">>Those bitches asked for it! They said this stuff was safe and non-addictive, and now they're acting like dirty whores in heat! <</MNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Actions/RE/Out/3/streetorgy24.mp4">>
I hope it's their wives...
We decided to stay with them for a while. New people came and joined the "picnic" too.
<<media "Data/Actions/RE/Out/3/streetorgy26.mp4">>
They didn't mind, but rather were even glad we were watching them. We learned that they had decided to make their picnic more savory, so everyone took the new Celtos. And it was that blonde girl who initiated the whole thing. Her name is Samantha.
The forest was overflowing with sweet moans. They switched partners like wild swingers. And they kept saying it was the best picnic they'd ever had.
<<media "Data/Actions/RE/Out/3/streetorgy29.mp4">>
Soon more people began to drive up. Probably their friends. They were not disturbed by the moans that could be heard even along the nearby road. But it seems someone else heard those moans.
<<media "Data/Actions/RE/Out/3/police.jfif" "just">>
We saw a police car from which a policewoman got out.
<<CustomDialog "Data/Characters/npc/pficon.jpg" "Policewoman">>Hey, you all! What are you doing here?!<</CustomDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Guys...it's kind of like the police in there...maybe it's time for you to wrap it up?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Man 3">>Don't worry, I'll talk to her!<</MNpcDialog>>
The guy went to her with a wide smile.
<<MNpcDialog null null "Man 3">>Madam police officer, there's nothing to be embarrassed about! It's just an orgy! We're not bothering anyone!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Actions/RE/Out/3/streetorgy27.mp4">>
<<CustomDialog "Data/Characters/npc/pficon.jpg" "Policewoman">>Don't you realize that's forbidden?! I'm a police officer, I have to arrest you all!<</CustomDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Man 3">>Officer, you're too tense!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<CustomDialog "Data/Characters/npc/pficon.jpg" "Policewoman">>You're goddamn right! My God, this is the first time I've ever had a case like this at work! I need to drink something...<</CustomDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Man 3">>Sure, relax...I brought you a drink...<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>I don't believe she actually drank what he offered her!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>He convinced her it was just water by pouring it from a bottle. Who knew there was already a pill at the bottom of the mug?<</JimmyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Actions/RE/Out/3/police55.webp" "gif">>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Man 3">>I've always wanted to fuck a slutty cop's tits!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<CustomDialog "Data/Characters/npc/pficon.jpg" "Policewoman">>This whole orgy is making me so overexcited! But as soon as I'm satisfied, I'll definitely arrest you all!<</CustomDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>I think we should get out of here, I don't want to know how this whole thing ends! <</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Sure thing!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Actions/RE/Out/3/police64.webp" "gif">>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>What can we summarize from what we have seen today?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>If the drug release doesn't stop, we will have to get used to living in this new more depraved world. Although I still don't think the drug is good enough to get into all areas of society. I think things will mostly stay the same.<</JimmyDialog>>
The black guys Olga works with aren't likely to stoop to that. Anya, because of her character, is in no danger. Carol and Layla are smart enough not to fall for such a cheap provocation. There's no point in worrying about Akira at all. @@color:yellow;I don't think the people around me are too threatened by it.@@
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Still, did you see what that guy did to the policewoman?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>That thought stressed me out, too. The drug effect is strong. @@color:yellow;The police will definitely not stay away and will soon take up the case. You're in close contact with the "manufacturer", so be on your guard.@@<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>I'll try not to get in trouble! Again...!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<REDisable [[DrugSpreadEvent2_1]]>>\
<<button [[Back in action|Outside]]>><<set $Drug3Observed = true>><<movetime>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 20,
filter: `$TalkedToJimmy === true`,
tags: ["Dormitory", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Dormitory", "Morning"], isSeparate: true },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Dormitory", "Afternoon"], isSeparate: true },
<<media "Data/Locations/room1.jpg" "place">>
My room.<<set $RandomEventTime = false>>
<img class = "just" height = "500px" src = "Data/Characters/npc/nerd.webp">
<<JimmyDialog>>Hey! Am I not on time again? <</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Hi, Jimmy<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Want some joke, uh? <</JimmyDialog>>
<<set _r = random (0,4)>>\
<<switch _r>>\
<<case 0>>\
-What do you call an accountant for the biology department?
-A buy-ologist!
<<case 1>>\
-What kind of tree can be placed into your hand?
-A palm tree!
<<case 2>>\
-What was the first Electricity Detective’s name?
-Sherlock Ohms!
<<case 3>>\
-How do trees surf on internet?
-They log in!
<<case 4>>\
-What did one ion say to another?
-I’ve got my ion you!
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>You're on fire tonight!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Actually, I'm just bored. Do you want to go and play something?<</JimmyDialog>>
<<if $JimmyRelationships == null>>\
<<set $JimmyRelationships = 0>>\
<<if $P.Gender === "f" and $JimmyRelationships === 4>>\
<<if $CurrentDayTime === 0>>\
<<button [[Nah, I have some things to do|JimmyRoomEventHypnoBitch]]>><</button>>
/* TODO this eventsiutable only to morning, so maybe better to update it later */\
<<button [[Nah, I have some things to do|JimmyRoomEventHypnoBitch]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Nah, I have some things to do|DApart]]>><</button>>
<</if>>\<<media "Data/Locations/room1.jpg" "place">>
My room.<<set $RandomEventTime = false>>
<img class = "just" height = "500px" src = "Data/Characters/npc/nerd.webp">
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>I'm sorry, I have things to do this morning<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Oh, so you want to...take a break between our games?<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Break...hehehe...But Carol is here...still sleeping...hehe..<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Gaming/cuk17.mp4">>
God, if Carol catches me and sees what I'm doing, I'm done.... but I so want Jimmy to use me...with this cock!
<<JimmyDialog>>Ooh, I guess I won't go any further, so as not to set you up. We'll have fun next time<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>I'll be waiting..<</PlayerDialog>>
<<button [[Jimmy left|DApart]]>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$P.Gender === "f" and $Carol.TabletLvl === 2 and $SAndS === false`,
tags: ["Dormitory", "WakeUp", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
<<media "Data/Locations/room1.jpg" "place">>
My room.
Damn, I feel so hot. What is wrong with me?
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/M/mast7.webp" "gif">>
I'm in her body again so no dick here, but..
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>..I want a dick<</PlayerDialog>>
What the hell am I talking about? It's like I'm some kind of whore, although the thought of it excites me even more...
I can't do anything with myself!
Think, Nikita, think!
I wonder if these boobs can completely wrap around a dick? I think it's possible. FCUKL! Think not about this!
I'm a fool, that's what I am...
When I fed Carol the pill, I said that in this body you can't be anything but lightheaded and lustful. So the effect of the magic pill works on the body! AND NOW I AM IN THIS BODY.
<<UpdateCorruption "+20">>
<<UpdateSubDom "-5">>
<<set $SAndS = true>>\
<<REDisable [[DWakeUpSAndS]]>>\
OK. I think it's not critical. Still, I'm trying to get rid of this curse, and as soon as I succeed, the problem will become irrelevant.
<<if $ArousalLeft === 100 and $Carol.TabletLvl > 0>>\
<<if $P.Gender === "m">>\
<<button[[Wake Up|HornyCarolF]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Wake Up|HornyCarolM]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Wake Up|DRoom]]>><</button>>
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 20,
filter: `$CurrentDayOfWeek < 5 and $P.Gender === "m"`,
tags: ["Dormitory", "WakeUp", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
<<media "Data/Locations/room1.jpg" "place">>
My room.
<<set $thinkofcarolbody = 0>>\
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Yawn...Carol? Is something wrong?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<if $Carol.Cor < 50>>\
<<media "Data/Characters/Carol/bed13.jpg" "just">>
<<CarolDialog "disgust">>Hm? Aw, that's just you...Don't disturb me<</CarolDialog>>
What? I just woke up and I'm already annoying her? Well...It's already morning, time to get up.
<<button[[Get up|DRoom]]>><</button>>
<<elseif $Carol.Cor >= 50 and $Carol.Cor < 100>>\
<<media "Data/Characters/Carol/bed8.jpg" "just">>
<<CarolDialog "confused">>You've been walking around in my body for quite some time, haven't you?..So...How's that?..<</CarolDialog>>
@@#rel;<<button[[Compliment her|MorningCarol1]]>><<set $thinkofcarolbody = 1>><</button>>@@
<<button[[Tell her how sexy it is|MorningCarol1]]>><<set $thinkofcarolbody = 2>><</button>>
<<button[[I'm just glad to be back in my body sometimes|MorningCarol1]]>><<set $thinkofcarolbody = 3>><</button>>
<<elseif $Carol.Cor >= 100>>\
<<media "Data/Characters/Carol/bed14.jpg" "just">>
<<CarolDialog "happy">>Hey, are you awake?<</CarolDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Carol/bed16.jpg" "just">>
<<CarolDialog "happy">>What do you think of them?<</CarolDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Carol/bed17.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Ahh...um...well...good...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CarolDialog "happy">>That's true, but that's not what I wanted to hear. They've become much more sensitive lately, is that your fault?<</CarolDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Carol/bed18.jpg" "just">>
@@#rel;<<button[[Admit it|MorningCarol1]]>><<set $thinkofcarolbody = 4>><</button>>@@
<<button[[Tell her it's her fault|MorningCarol1]]>><<set $thinkofcarolbody = 5>><</button>>
@@#rel;<<button[[I don't know what you mean|MorningCarol1]]>><<set $thinkofcarolbody = 6>><</button>>@@
<</if>>\<<media "Data/Locations/room1.jpg" "place">>
My room.
<<switch $thinkofcarolbody>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>You know, your body is so soft...and it always smells nice. I'm glad it's you and not someone else<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Carol/bed9.jpg" "just">>
<<CarolDialog "happy">>I'm glad too....<</CarolDialog>>
@@color:lime;Carol trusts you more, your relationship with Carol has been greatly increased.@@
<<set $Carol.Rel += 2>>\
<<case 2>>\
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>You know, your body is super slutty! It attracts the eyes of every guy in the neighborhood. When I'm in your body, I feel the heat and the pleasure of it all. It's very hard for me to resist the urge to touch myself.<</PlayerDialog>>
Probably I was out of line!
<<media "Data/Characters/Carol/bed9.jpg" "just">>
<<CarolDialog "happy">>That's how...<</CarolDialog>>
<<UpdateCarolCorruption "+4">>
<<case 3>>\
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>You know, I just want it to be over. I'm a man and I want to be in a woman's body the way nature intended.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Carol/bed8.jpg" "just">>
<<CarolDialog "serious">>The way I see it, you know what you want...<</CarolDialog>>
<<UpdateSubDom "+2">>
<<case 4>>\
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>I get too horny in your depraved body, so I can't help but touch them, imagining all sorts of...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CarolDialog "horny" 1>>Oh, that's how. But are you sure you're only imagining things?..<</CarolDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Carol/gif/Fpov/te102.mp4">>
@@color:lime;Carol trusts you more, your relationship with Carol has been greatly increased.@@
<<set $Carol.Rel += 2>>\
<<UpdateSubDom "-1">>
<<case 5>>\
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>What's that got to do with me? You've become more depraved lately. And anyway, why are you saying that to my face? You've been in my body and you know how I feel when a girl is shaking her tits in front of me<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CarolDialog "horny" 1>>Oh, sorry. Then...<</CarolDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Carol/gif/Fpov/cum91.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>That's better<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CarolDialog "horny" 2>>Haa, they're so sensitive...hehe<</CarolDialog>>
<<UpdateCarolCorruption "+4">>
<<case 6>>\
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>I don't know what you mean. It looks fine to me.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CarolDialog "horny" 1>>You don't want to talk, do you? You're not fooling me<</CarolDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Carol/bed9.jpg" "just">>
<<CarolDialog "horny" 1>>Okay, keep your secrets. Let's see what I'll feel....new...<</CarolDialog>>
<<UpdateCarolCorruption "+8">>
@@color:red;Carol trusts you less, your relationship with Carol has been slightly decreased.@@
<<set $Carol.Rel -= 1>>\
It's already morning, time to get up.
<<button[[Get up|DRoom]]>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 30,
filter: `$P.Gender === "f" and ($P.SubDom < -5 or $Bully.SexCount > 5)`,
tags: ["Dormitory", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Dormitory", "Evening"] },
<<media "Data/Locations/ap1.jpg" "place">>
Shared Apartments.<<set $RandomEventTime = false>>
<<if $P.TrainingStage < 13>>\
<<BullyDialog>>Oh, here you are! Just looking for you. And then my dick is already smoking, I urgently need a whore<</BullyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Carol/jacket4.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>God damn, Stephan! Are you not enough at uni? What the hell are you doing right here?<</PlayerDialog>>
He approached me, his strong huge body towered majestically, but with one terrible look he would not take me. I'm not a fragile girl inside!
<<BullyDialog>>I think you don't understand something. If I said that I need a whore, then I will fuck someone and that's it! I don't know what relationship you're in, but you seem to have a girlfriend, right?<</BullyDialog>>
Is it about Layla? Damn, are you trying to blackmail me? So I want to smack him right now. Stop. Calmly. Nikita, be more confident.
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Ha, you'll never even touch Layla, you don't know her!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Really? I'm still going to check it out. For some reason, I'm sure that one of you will be happily riding my cock very soon, or maybe both at once, hehe.. Then I'm done here<</BullyDialog>>
Consider what he's done to me...I'm almost melting when I see him...What can he do to Layla then? Or can she take care of herself? What to do?
<<media "Data/Characters/Carol/jacket2.jpg" "just">>
@@#cor;<<button[[Stop him|BullyDApart1]]>><</button>>@@
<<button[[Let him go|DApart]]>><<set $Bully.GotoGF++>><</button>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Bully/fuck573.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>That jacket of mine was quite uncomfortable and sat very ugly on me, which is not the case with this outfit.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Bully/fuck574.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Although who am I kidding...I already know when he usually comes...he is the reason for this outfit...I even have my glasses on....<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Bully/fuck575.mp4">>
<<set _r = random (0,99)>>\
<<if _r < 30>>\
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>I really do look like a bitch in heat right now. Maybe...Did he really go to Layla's? I...I hope she's strong enough to not become like....like me....<</PlayerDialog>>
<<UpdateArousal "100">>
<<button[[Back in action|DApart]]>><<set $Bully.GotoGF++>><<movetime>><</button>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>I'm used to it by now...my body is getting so hot, I'm definitely not wrong with the timing!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<UpdateArousal "100">>
My body is overflowing with lust! I need to do something about it! Why don't I go outside and freshen up? @@color:yellow;But if Stephan doesn't find me here, he'll definitely go to Layla's!@@
<<button[[Change clothes and go outside|DApart]]>><<set $Bully.GotoGF++>><<movetime>><</button>>
@@#cor;<<button[[Go upstairs and masturbate|BullyDApart2]]>><</button>>@@
<</if>>\<<media "Data/Locations/ap1.jpg" "place">>
Shared Apartments.<<set $RandomEventTime = false>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Carol/jacket2.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Please, wait!<</PlayerDialog>>
Fuck, as a man, I have to protect my girlfriend. Okay, I decided to let him shove my dick in me, but it's fucking Carol's body. It would be very unfair to her to use her pussy. BUT! It will be unfair to me if you give him anal! What to do?
<<media "Data/Characters/Carol/jacket5.jpg" "just">>
<<if $P.Cor < 35>>\
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>You can...fuck me, but..<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Carol/jacket6.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Ain't these bitches better than me?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<if $P.Cor > 40 or $P.SubDom < -10 or $Bully.SexCount > 15 or $Bully.SuperCock === true>>\
<<if $P.PlugInserted === false>>\
<<button[[Use my ass|BullyDApartAnal1]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Use my ass|BullyDApartAnal2]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Use my pussy|BullyDApartPussy1]]>><</button>>
<<if $P.PlugInserted === false>>\
<<button[[You don't use my pussy|BullyDApartAnal]]>><</button>>
<<button[[You don't use my pussy|BullyDApartAnal2]]>><</button>>
<<button[[You don't use my ass|BullyDApartPussy]]>><</button>>
<</if>>\<<media "Data/Locations/room1.jpg" "place">>
My room.<<set $RandomEventTime = false>>
I can't do anything about this temptation.
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>Aaah...What's wrong with me? Dressed up like a stupid slut for that asshole!..<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Bully/fuck576.mp4">>
<<BullyDialog>>Who you calling an asshole, bitch?<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>It's not what you thi...!...Ah... cock...hehe... ~giggle~ why did you pull your pants down so abruptly?...And it's already hard for me, wow!..<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Bully/fuck580.mp4">>
<<BullyDialog>>Any slut can be shut up with a good cock, looks like you've become one of them.<</BullyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Bully/fuck578.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>You would have done it to me when you came anyway. I just decided not to delay the inevitable.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Really? How do you explain your outfit then, you horny bitch?<</BullyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Bully/fuck577.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Mmmm...Like it? I deserve the praise?..<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Let me show you what you deserve!<</BullyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Bully/fuck567.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Oh, no! I feel like your little bitch again! <</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>You must have really enjoyed playing that part. Even wearing glasses, not to mention the rest of it. It's like you're a different person, but I like what I see!<</BullyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Bully/fuck569.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>I figured if I became your own whore, you wouldn't have to go to Layla's anymore. ~giggle~ <</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Listen to me, bitch! You think I care about your opinion one bit? I'll go to her whenever I want and do whatever I want to her!<</BullyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Bully/fuck570.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>Noooo, ehehe...I'll become such a sexy slut for you that you won't want to go to her anymore! ~giggle~<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Such a naive bitch! Look at yourself! You're just another pussy bouncing on my cock, you can't live without it anymore! And your girlfriend will soon be just like you! <</BullyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Bully/fuck568.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>Ahhhh....so deeep....I won't be able to stop while it feels that good, but Layla is made of different dough!...Not the type to bounce happily on your cock like I am!.... ~giggle~<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>We'll see, we'll see...<</BullyDialog>>
After Stephan was satisfied he left me alone shaking after another orgasm.
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>You'll never conquer her without magic pills, stupid Stephan. She's stronger than you think. You'll just have to settle for me. I'll protect Layla! ~giggle~<</PlayerDialog>>
<<UpdateArousal "0">>
<<if $P.Cor < 85>><<UpdateCorruption "+1">><</if>>
<<set $Bully.SexCount++>>\
<<button[[Back in action|DApart]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/ap1.jpg" "place">>
Shared Apartments.
<<media "Data/Characters/Carol/jacket2.jpg" "just">>
<<BullyDialog>>Hahahaha, I don't give a fuck where to fuck you! The main thing is that your butt is shaking on my cock!<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Carol/gif/anal14.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>ah...it hurts!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Carol/gif/anal19.mp4">>
<<BullyDialog>>Come on bitch! Soon you won't be able to live without it! Ha-ha-ha<</BullyDialog>>
Despite the pain, during the time that he fucked you, you came
...several times.
<<UpdateArousal "0">>
<<if $P.Cor < 50>><<UpdateCorruption "+1">><</if>>
<<UpdateSubDom "-1">>
<<set $Bully.SexCount++>>\
<<button[[When he was completely satisfied, he left you and went away |DApart]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/ap1.jpg" "place">>
Shared Apartments.
<<media "Data/Characters/Carol/jacket2.jpg" "just">>
<<BullyDialog>>Hahahaha, I don't give a fuck where to fuck you! The main thing is that your butt is shaking on my cock!<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Carol/gif/anal14.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Ah...it hurts, but...not like usual!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Your hole seems to be used to feel my dick inside<</BullyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Carol/gif/anal19.mp4">>
Damn, why is he moving so slowly? I can feel it slowing down even more!
<<BullyDialog>>Hey, the slower I move, the tighter you start to squeeze me. Come on, slut, ask me to move faster. I feel HOW you want it!<</BullyDialog>>
My ass is on fire, but I won't give in to that bastard! I will endure it till the end, he will calm down and leave. Ha-ha-ha.
30 minutes later.
<<if $P.Arousal < 35>>\
He used you for a while, satisfied and left you.
<<PlayerDialog "disgust">>It was one of the hardest challenges of my life!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<UpdateArousal "100">>
<<set $Bully.SexCount++>>
<<BullyDialog>>Repeat what you just said, bitch! Louder!<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>Please, please, please!!! Do it harder! I can't resist it anymore! Smash my ass with you manly cock! Aaaahhh, yeyeees..!!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Carol/gif/anal7.mp4">>
Fuck, forgive me, Carol...
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>my ass... so good<</PlayerDialog>>
<<UpdateArousal "0">>
<<if $P.Cor < 60>><<UpdateCorruption "+1">><</if>>
<<UpdateSubDom "-1">>
<<set $Bully.SexCount++>>\
<<if $P.ConvergenceON == true>>\
<<CindyDialog>>Are you sure you're only doing this for Layla?<</CindyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>Of course...purely for her sake....<</PlayerDialog>>
<<button[[Back in action|DApart]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/ap1.jpg" "place">>
Shared Apartments.
<<media "Data/Characters/Carol/jacket2.jpg" "just">>
<<BullyDialog>>Wait, what? Are you really using a butt plug? Hahahahaha, what a fucking whore you are!<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>...hurry up...before I change my mind...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Carol/gif/anal7.mp4">>
<<BullyDialog>>I see you're over the moon, slut!<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>Ah, fuuuck...my asss....you're smashing it!<</PlayerDialog>>
I don't care! That plug prepared my ass for becoming his only hole! I can't resist it! I can't hold back the moans!!
<<media "Data/Characters/Carol/gif/anal30.mp4">>
<<BullyDialog>>You're becoming exactly what I want most, dirty girl<</BullyDialog>>
<<if $P.ConvergenceON == true>>\
<<CindyDialog>>Turned into a girl and became an anal slut. That's a great plot for a book.<</CindyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>It's not as bad as you say, right?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<UpdateArousal "0">>
<<if $P.Cor < 70>><<UpdateCorruption "+1">><</if>>
<<set $Bully.SexCount++>>\
<<button[[Back in action|DApart]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/ap1.jpg" "place">>
Shared Apartments.
<<media "Data/Characters/Carol/jacket2.jpg" "just">>
<<BullyDialog>>Hahahaha, I don't give a fuck where to fuck you! The main thing is that your butt is shaking on my cock!<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Carol/gif/fuck18.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>ah...it's injside!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Carol/gif/fuck17.mp4">>
<<BullyDialog>>Come on bitch! You won't be able to think of anything but my cock! Ha-ha-ha<</BullyDialog>>
During the time that he fucked you, you came
...several times.
<<UpdateArousal "0">>
<<if $P.Cor < 50>><<UpdateCorruption "+1">><</if>>
<<UpdateSubDom "-1">>
<<set $Bully.SexCount++>>\
<<button[[When he was completely satisfied, he left you and went away |DApart]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/ap1.jpg" "place">>
Shared Apartments.
<<BullyDialog>>Jeez! The bitch offers to fuck herself? You are a fast learner! Come here! <</BullyDialog>>
Carol, I have to use your body for once...
Fuuuuuckkk, his cock is wonderfuuuul!
<<media "Data/Characters/Carol/gif/fuck8.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>ah...mmm....aha..ah<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>I like your moans, slut. Let's play an old game. Evrytime you show me some dirty talk, I will fuck you harder much harder, deal?<</BullyDialog>>
I did not expect that his cock would be that good! And the more I have sex with him, the more pleasant it becomes!
..But his provocations won't work on me again!
30 minutes later.
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>Yes, YEEES! I feel so goOOOOod. You have an amazing dick! Fuck me.... fuck your whore harder!!..<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Carol/gif/fuck3.mp4">>
He used you for a while, satisfied and left.
<<if $P.ConvergenceON == true>>\
<<CindyDialog>>Mmm...Stephan makes you look like a real girl!...<</CindyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>I'm just trying to protect Layla.... with all my might....<</PlayerDialog>>
During the time that he fucked you, you came
...a lot of times.
<<UpdateArousal "0">>
<<if $P.Cor < 60>><<UpdateCorruption "+1">><</if>>
<<UpdateSubDom "-1">>
<<set $Bully.SexCount++>>\
<<button[[Back in action|DApart]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: `$CurrentDayTime === 0 ? 10 : 6`,
filter: `$P.Gender === "f" and $P.Cor > 20`,
tags: ["Dormitory", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Dormitory", "Morning"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Dormitory", "Afternoon"] },
<<media "Data/Locations/ap1.jpg" "place">>
Shared Apartments.<<set $RandomEventTime = false>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Are you really here again?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Wait, wait. This time I have a business proposition - If you close your eyes and extend your arm backwards, I give you 5 $. It won't take any time at all! Agree?<</BullyDialog>>
<<button[[Nah, get away|CloseYourEyes1]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Okay, only this time|CloseYourEyes2]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/ap1.jpg" "place">>
Shared Apartments.
<<BullyDialog>>You're boring as fuck. Bye<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Is it all?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<button[[He left|DApart]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/ap1.jpg" "place">>
Shared Apartments.
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Okay, I'll do it.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>No peeking!<</BullyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Bully/hj12.mp4">>
<<BullyDialog>>What are you feeling?<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Hmm. soft and warm. balls. BALLS?!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>HA-HA, TAKE IT SLUT<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "disgust">>Ugh, it's sticky!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Money's on the table, bitch<</BullyDialog>>
<<UpdateArousal "+20">>
<<UpdateMoney "+5">>
<<button[[He left|DApart]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/room1.jpg" "place">>
My room.
<<if $Bully.SexCount < 15 and $P.SubDom > -10>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/M/mast2.mp4">>
Mmm, nice!
<<if $P.Arousal > 60>>\
<<set _r = random (1,2)>>\
<<if _r == 1>>\
Oh fuck. I begin to imagine a cock inside me. But isn't it normal to think like that in a woman's body?
<<media "Data/Characters/Carol/gif/mast4.mp4">>
It's so emptyyyy in here! I want to be filled with something... I want....DICK! A huge awesome dick... like...
...like Stephan's.
<<if $P.Cor < 35>><<UpdateCorruption "+1">><</if>>
<<UpdateArousal "-50">>
<<button [[Back in action!|DRoom]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/room1.jpg" "place">>
My room.
<<if $CurrentDayTime !== 2>>\
<<media "Data/Characters/P/M/2.mp4">>
Mmm, nice!
<<if $P.Arousal > 60>><<set _r = random (1,2)>><<if _r == 1>>Oh fuck. Now I want to be a part of it too!<</if>><</if>>
<<UpdateArousal "-50">>
Mmm, nice!
<<media "Data/Characters/GF/gif/m3.mp4">>
<<GirlfriendDialog "serious">>Hey, Nikita. I...what? Oh my God!<</GirlfriendDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Wait!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<switch $GF.TabletLvl>>\
<<case 0>>\
<<GirlfriendDialog "serious">>Don't talk to me anymore!<</GirlfriendDialog>>
<<case 1>>\
<<GirlfriendDialog "serious">>You do this thing..again!<</GirlfriendDialog>>
<<button [[Follow her|LaylaMastRoomlvl1]]>><</button>>
<<case 2>>\
<<GirlfriendDialog "serious">>Oh no! You're busy again!<</GirlfriendDialog>>
<<button [[Follow her|LaylaMastRoomlvl2]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Back in action!|DRoom]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 100,
filter: `$Extermination === true`,
tags: ["Dormitory", "Daily"]
<<media "Data/Locations/noentry.webp" "place">>
@@font-size:120%; color: red; Cockroach extermination, no entry @@
<<DrawPlaceMenu "Dormitory">><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 15,
filter: `$P.Arousal > 95 and $CurrentDayTime != 4`,
tags: ["Dormitory", "Daily"]
<<media "Data/Locations/ap1.jpg" "place">>
Shared Apartments.
<<if $Bully.Relationship != 3>>\
<<PlayerThoughtsDialog "horny">>Fuuuuck, I'm so horny! I must go to my room and masturbate!<</PlayerThoughtsDialog>>
<<if $P.Gender === "m">>\
<<button [[Masturbate|DBedMastM]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Masturbate|DBedMastF]]>><</button>>
<<if $P.Gender === "m">>\
<<timed 5s>><<set $P.Gender "f">><<goto "DormitoryTooHorny">><</timed>>\
<<PlayerThoughtsDialog "horny">>Fuuuuck, I'm so horny! I must go to my room and masturbate! What's wrong with me!? I can feel magic flowing around me! @@color:magenta;If I don't take action immediately, something...might happen!@@<</PlayerThoughtsDialog>>
<<button [[Masturbate|DBedMastM]]>><</button>>
<<timed 5s>><<goto "BullyRoomMast">><</timed>>\
<<PlayerThoughtsDialog "horny">>Oh, my God! Why am I so horny?! I...I...must get rid of this feeling immediately..... Why am I thinking about Stephan right now?! I want...I..Oh, no! @@color:magenta;If I don't do something about this right away, I'm gonna regret it!@@ <</PlayerThoughtsDialog>>
<<button [[Masturbate|DBedMastF]]>><</button>>
<</if>>\<<media "Data/Locations/ap1.jpg" "place">>
Shared Apartments.
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>I'm sorry if I somehow offended you ... yet you are my girlfriend...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/GF/bed19.jpg" "just">>
<<GirlfriendDialog "serious">>Uh, I'm not angry. And...if you can handle this without my help, then I don't mind. Just please, not here!<</GirlfriendDialog>>
She feels responsible for it! Hmm... but I don't want to. Now I want her to feel desire. We need to help her with this in the future, and now it's time to leave.
You went back to the room and jerked off like you originally planned.
<<UpdateArousal "-50">>
<<button [[Back in action|DApart]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/room2.jpg" "place">>
Layla's room.
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>I'm sorry if I somehow offended you ... yet you are my girlfriend...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<GirlfriendDialog "arrogant">>Um .. I'm the one who should apologize for running away. I can see that you're busy and..khm.. you have a... problem. And I'm...ahem...your girlfriend. Maybe I can help if you show me... the problem<</GirlfriendDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>If you insist..<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/GF/gif/te16.mp4">>
Ha-ha! She is no longer so indifferent to it!
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Need is need. I can handle it myself, so I'll go<</PlayerDialog>>
<<GirlfriendDialog "arrogant">>Wait! I'm..I wanted to say...Recently I read a scientific article, where it was written how to solve such problems...correctly. I could help...Oh my God! It's so cool!..<</GirlfriendDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/GF/gif/bed.mp4">>
It's all written on her face!
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>I'll appreciate your help<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/GF/gif/bj11.mp4">>
<<GirlfriendDialog "happy">>Oh, Thank you, thank you, thank you! I'll arrange everything, I promise! Te-he-he!<</GirlfriendDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/GF/gif/bj37.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Oof! Now I feel much better! Babe, you hear me?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/GF/gif/bj4.mp4">>
<<GirlfriendDialog "happy">>Dick..dick...he-heheh...mmn..^slurp^...I think I came again...he-hehe<</GirlfriendDialog>>
Apparently she read a really very useful article.
<<set $GF.Cor += 3>>
@@color:magenta;Layla's corruption increased by 3.@@
<<UpdateArousal "0">>
<<UpdateSubDom "+1">>
<<button [[Leave|DApart]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 6,
filter: `$P.Gender === "m"`,
tags: ["Dormitory", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Dormitory", "Afternoon"] },
<<media "Data/Locations/ap1.jpg" "place">>
Shared Apartments.<<set $RandomEventTime = false>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Carol/gif/tease18.mp4">>
<<CarolDialog "horny" 0>>(^whisper^) Oh, yeah, right there...like a slut...<</CarolDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>..Carol?<</PlayerDialog>>
She instantly packed up her laptop and ran away.
<<UpdateArousal "+10">>
<<button [[Well..okay|DApart]]>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 15,
filter: `$P.Gender === "m"`,
tags: ["Dormitory", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Dormitory", "Morning"] }
<<media "Data/Locations/ap1.jpg" "place">>
Shared Apartments.<<set $RandomEventTime = false>>
<<switch $Carol.TabletLvl>>\
<<case 0>>\
<<media "Data/Characters/Carol/window.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Wow, what a view<</PlayerDialog>>
<<case 1>>\
<<media "Data/Characters/Carol/window.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Wow, what a view<</PlayerDialog>>
<<case 2>>\
<<media "Data/Characters/Carol/window.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Wow, what a view<</PlayerDialog>>
<<button [[Come closer to Talk|Window1]]>><<movetime>><</button>>
<<button [[Nah, I'm good|DApart]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/ap1.jpg" "place">>
Shared Apartments.
<<switch $Carol.TabletLvl>>\
<<case 0>>\
<<media "Data/Characters/Carol/window1.jpg" "just">>
<<CarolDialog "disgust">>Curious? Huh? Silly virgin<</CarolDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>This dress suits your nails very well<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CarolDialog "disgust">>This compliment would be nice to hear from the lips of someone other than you<</CarolDialog>>
Is that how she thanked me? She still thinks I'm dirty and vile. Well..Maybe it's worth at least a little justify her expectations?
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>I will give you 10$ if you lift up your dress a bit<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CarolDialog "disgust">>Ha-ha-ha! I would never do such a thing for money! Especially for you!<</CarolDialog>>
We'll see.
<<case 1>>\
<<media "Data/Characters/Carol/window4.jpg" "just">>
<<CarolDialog "disgust">>Curious? Huh? Silly virgin<</CarolDialog>>
She says exactly the same, although her attitude towards some things..Hmm...changed
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Let's talk a little. Emm...Have you got a dream?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CarolDialog "happy">>Sure. But you die painfully in it. And then I live alone and enjoy my university life. Happy end.<</CarolDialog>>
Why am I surrounded only by crazy bitches?! Definitely, for sure, hundred to one, without any doubt, I should do something with her arrogance!
<<case 2>>\
<<media "Data/Characters/Carol/window1.jpg" "just">>
<<CarolDialog "confused">>Nikita? Some vulgarity on your mind again?<</CarolDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>No, well, just a little bit. I will give you a riddle, if you guess, then I will do whatever you want all day, and if you don’t guess, then you will answer any 1 question<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CarolDialog "confused">>What about vulgarities?<</CarolDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Ah, yes. Then also lift up your dress<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CarolDialog "happy">>I agree<</CarolDialog>>
<<button [[Give her a riddle (time)|Window2]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Leave her|DApart]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/ap1.jpg" "place">>
Shared Apartments.
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>How many eggs can a woman hold in one hand?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CarolDialog "confused">>Ghmm...a lot of! Actually I don't know how much<</CarolDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Answer: both<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CarolDialog "horny" 1>>Um, that much. Looks like you won<</CarolDialog>>
Fuck, is she just pretending to be dumb?
<<media "Data/Characters/Carol/window2.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Hey, I can't see anything. Can you spread your legs wider?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CarolDialog "horny" 1>>Of course!<</CarolDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Carol/window3.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>What a view. And now the question<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CarolDialog "happy">>Actually, you already asked it<</CarolDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>fuck<</PlayerDialog>>
And which of the two of us is really stupid after that? Hm?
<<UpdateCarolCorruption "+4">>
<<UpdateSubDom "-1">>
<<UpdateArousal "+25">>
<<button [[Leave her|DApart]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/ap1.jpg" "place">>
Shared Apartments.
<<media "Data/Characters/Carol/apart1.jpg" "just">>
<<CarolDialog "confused">>Where are you staring? You're violating rule number 5!<</CarolDialog>>
<<button[[Leave|DRoom]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/ap1.jpg" "place">>
Shared Apartments.
<<media "Data/Characters/Carol/apart2.jpg" "just">>
<<CarolDialog "confused">>Wanted something? The sofa is busy, can't you see?<</CarolDialog>>
She looks a little more jaunty than before.
<<if $Inventory.Tabletslvl2 > 0>>\
@@#pill;<<button[[Try to feed her a pill (lvl2)|CarolApPillLvl2]]>><</button>>@@
<<button[[Leave|DRoom]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/ap1.jpg" "place">>
Shared Apartments.
<<media "Data/Characters/Carol/apart3.jpg" "just">>
<<CarolDialog "confused">>You are a little out of time<</CarolDialog>>
Yeah, of course! You just enjoyed teasing me.
But it's an idea!
<<if $P.Money > 9 and $P.Gender == "m">>\
<<button[[Offer her a $10 bet|CarolApLvl2Time]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Leave|DRoom]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/ap1.jpg" "place">>
Shared Apartments.
<<CarolDialog "confused">>Bet?<</CarolDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Right, I'm ready to bet 10$ that you can't harden my dick without touching it!<</PlayerDialog>>
I'm a little used to her naked look, although even if I lose, I'll be happy.
<<CarolDialog "happy">>Ahahah, you underestimate me too much. Are you sure you want?<</CarolDialog>>
<<button[[No|DRoom]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/ap1.jpg" "place">>
Shared Apartments.
<<CarolDialog "horny" 1>>Watch your cum<</CarolDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Carol/apart4.jpg" "just">>
I helped her become a little more depraved, stupid and shameless. But I'll hold on like a man!
<<media "Data/Characters/Carol/gif/tease10.mp4">>
<<set _r = random (1,3)>>\
<<switch _r>>\
<<case 1>><<CarolDialog "horny" 1>>Look, those boobs are so big! There is obviously something missing between them! Something hot.... and long.., right?<</CarolDialog>>
<<case 2>><<CarolDialog "horny" 1>>I think I want cum again! Daddy, would you feed me again with your... tube?<</CarolDialog>>
<<case 3>><<CarolDialog "horny" 1>>I was such a naughty whore! Pleease !I want someone to squeeze those boobs with all their strength while fucking me hard!<</CarolDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Oh fuck!!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<if $P.Arousal > 50>>\
<<media "Data/Characters/Carol/gif/cum27.mp4">>
I'm dead.
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Sorry, I...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CarolDialog "happy">>Am I that good? Ha-ha! But we didn't agree on that! My whole tits covered in your...stinky cum.. 15<</CarolDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>15?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CarolDialog "happy">>Yes, now you owe me 15...<</CarolDialog>>
<<UpdateArousal "0">>
<<UpdateSubDom "-2">>
<<UpdateCarolCorruption "+4">>
<<UpdateMoney "-15">>
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/dick.jpg" "just">>
<<CarolDialog "happy">>Ha-ha-ha, easy pease! You owe me 10 $. Tehehe<</CarolDialog>>
Phew, I almost cum! Where did she learn this?
Also hear "easy pease" from Carol at least strange.
<<UpdateArousal "100">>
<<UpdateCarolCorruption "+4">>
<<UpdateMoney "-10">>
<<if $P.ConvergenceON == true>>\
<<CindyDialog>>Carol, so cute! When are you gonna ask her to be your girlfriend?<</CindyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Cindy, she's like this only because of the pill.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<button[[Leave|DApart]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/ap1.jpg" "place">>
Shared Apartments.
<<media "Data/Characters/Carol/apart3.jpg" "just">>
<<CarolDialog "horny" 1>>Hey, don't you think it's getting hot in here<</CarolDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CarolDialog "horny" 1>>I was so relaxed by your tea and my hands are moving on it's own..<</CarolDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Carol/apart4.jpg" "just">>
My dick inevitably got up. And she noticed it. I reached out to her hands, as she calmly lay back on the sofa.
<<media "Data/Characters/Carol/apart5.jpg" "just">>
<<CarolDialog "horny" 1>>I hope you didn't expect too much. Although now I understand that your advice is useful<</CarolDialog>>
Hell, it looks like her supreme arrogance is still with her, but she's definitely become more lightheaded...and lustful.
In my dreams, she is not arrogant at all when she cums from anal sex. He-he.
<<set $Carol.TabletLvl++>>\
<<UpdateCarolCorruption "+20">>
<<UpdateSubDom "+1">>
<<button [[Leave her|DApart]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/ap1.jpg" "place">>
Shared Apartments.
<<media "Data/Characters/Carol/apart2.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>I'm sorry, you just always seem so tense. I wanted to offer you that relaxing tea you tried last time, remember? <</PlayerDialog>>
<<CarolDialog "confused">>Oh that tea. It was good. I really felt better after it. Give me a cup.<</CarolDialog>>
Rough and to the point. As usual. Time to make her best tea!
<<media "Data/Characters/npc/tea.jpg" "just">>
She takes a small sip, freezes for a second, and then finishes her cup.
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Here you go. You already feel better, right? <</PlayerDialog>>
<<CarolDialog "happy">>Mmm, yeah. I love this tea. You can go now.<</CarolDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Wait, I wanted to ask one question. Why don't you have a boyfriend?<</PlayerDialog>>
I already know why. Because you're an arrogant bitch, but we'll fix that and get the real you out. It's also a good way to set her up for a serious conversation with me.
<<CarolDialog "confused">>I would hit you now, but I will answer in gratitude for the delicious tea. I believe that the right guy himself will be able to see in me what others could not. This guy will have a lot of requirements and in general..<</CarolDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Wa-wa-wait. Even so you want to have a boyfriend?<</PlayerDialog>>
She looked at me evasively, then looked away and turned up her nose.
<<CarolDialog "confused">>Umm. Well. I guess it's better to have a person to whom you can dump the hard work and...<</CarolDialog>>
This answer is enough for me, and I interrupted her again, from which out of the corner of my eye I noticed how her eyebrow twitched.
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>You know, frankly, you have a gorgeous body, but a very private nature.<</PlayerDialog>>
"private" that's putting it mildly.
<<CarolDialog "serious">>And?<</CarolDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>With a body like that, you have to be a @@color:magenta;little lightheaded, even dummy.@@ It will make you much more attractive<</PlayerDialog>>
I felt like I saw a little sparkle in her eyes.
<<CarolDialog "serious">>Will it help?<</CarolDialog>>
I was taken aback by this question for a second. If she has become more stupid, then I can try another one thing.
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Not really. There is @@color:magenta;one more thing.@@<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CarolDialog "happy">>What's this? Please tell me!<</CarolDialog>>
God, I'm creating a masterpiece.
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>With a body like yours, @@color:magenta;it's impossible not to be kinky and slutty.@@ Your depraved boobs and ass are striking to everyone, and if you go towards their desires, then you yourself will become the most desirable<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CarolDialog "horny" 1>>That's how..<</CarolDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Exactly. @@color:magenta;Stupid and Slutty.@@<</PlayerDialog>>
I hope I didn't say this too directly to her. The main thing is that it does not diverge too much from her real desires. Though she seems to be thinking about something.
<<button[[She got up|CarolApPillLvl2.2]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/ap1.jpg" "place">>
Shared Apartments.
<<media "Data/Characters/GF/ap2.jpg" "just">>
What a view!
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Hi, beautiful<</PlayerDialog>>
<<GirlfriendDialog "serious">>Do you really think you deserve to talk to me?<</GirlfriendDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>What? I-umm, You are my girlfriend!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/GF/ap13.jpg" "just">>
<<GirlfriendDialog "serious">>And? What do you want from me?<</GirlfriendDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>I just wanted to see you and you know..talk maybe<</PlayerDialog>>
<<GirlfriendDialog "serious">>Instead of wasting time, you can make something really important. Go away!<</GirlfriendDialog>>
How can we break up her if I can't even talk to her?
<<if $Inventory.Tablets > 0>>\
@@#pill;<<button[[Feed her a pill|LaylaAp1]]>><</button>>@@
<<button [[Leave|DApart]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/ap1.jpg" "place">>
Shared Apartments.
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Hey, you like gum, don't you? I recently found awesome one. Want some?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<GirlfriendDialog "serious">>I see you really have nothing to do. Go better go read books, every year you get dumber and dumber<</GirlfriendDialog>>
Like you're a Nobel Prize winner, I'll show you who you really are
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>You are wrong! Ask me something and if I answer correct, you will try this gum and tell me how it tastes, deal?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<GirlfriendDialog "serious">>Such a child thing. Okay, tell me the name of the discipline is mainly concerned with the mechanisms by which language is processed and represented in the mind and brain<</GirlfriendDialog>>
<<button [[Psycholinguistics|LaylaApAskR]]>>
<<set $GF.TabletLvl++>>
<<set $Inventory.Tablets-->>
<<button [[Psychosomatics|LaylaApAskW]]>><<movetime>><</button>>
<<button [[Psycho-rhetoric|LaylaApAskW]]>><<movetime>><</button>>
<<button [[Psychophysics|LaylaApAskW]]>><<movetime>><</button>>
<<button [[Psycho-verbal super-constructive combinatorics of Creopator symbolism|LaylaApAskW]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/ap1.jpg" "place">>
Shared Apartments.
<<media "Data/Characters/npc/gum.jpg" "just">>
She sighed heavily, took the gum from me and obediently put it in her mouth.
<<media "Data/Characters/GF/ap13.jpg" "just">>
<<GirlfriendDialog "serious">>And why are you so stupid? If it melts in your mouth, then it's candy, not chewing gum.<</GirlfriendDialog>>
100 lvl of stuffiness. I know since she's so right, doing her duty and all
@@#pill;<<button [[Make her duty satisfying her partner lewd desires|LaylaApAskR1]]>><</button>>@@<<media "Data/Locations/ap1.jpg" "place">>
Shared Apartments.
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Hey, it's actually just that kind of gum and..and..whatever! You know, I'm not just standing here for no reason, I have needs, and you are my girl. @@color:magenta;Your duty is not to fuck my brains, but to satisfy my needs!@@<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/GF/ap14.jpg" "just">>
<<GirlfriendDialog "serious">>And again what do you want from me?<</GirlfriendDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>To begin with, at least look at me when you talk to me and smile more often. @@color:magenta;When I ask, you become just a tool to satisfy my desires@@, understand?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/GF/ap12.jpg" "just">>
<<GirlfriendDialog "happy">>Don't you want too much?<</GirlfriendDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Take off your shoes and then shorts <</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/GF/ap3.jpg" "just">>
<<GirlfriendDialog "serious">>Do you really need all this?<</GirlfriendDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/GF/ap4.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>You even can't imagine how much <</PlayerDialog>>
<<GirlfriendDialog "serious">>Enough already?<</GirlfriendDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Umm, well. Okay.As soon as you say something dirty<</PlayerDialog>>
<<GirlfriendDialog "serious">>Dirty?<</GirlfriendDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Yep, or you want to continue?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<GirlfriendDialog "serious">>I understood<</GirlfriendDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/GF/ap5.jpg" "just">>
<<GirlfriendDialog "arrogant">>I-Im a....bad girl<</GirlfriendDialog>>
Wonderful! It's still a little scary, but we'll work on it.
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Uh, well done. We will continue from here next time. Finish for today!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<set $GF.Cor += 13>>\
@@color:magenta;Layla's corruption increased by 13.@@
<<UpdateSubDom "+2">>
<<button [[Leave|DApart]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/ap1.jpg" "place">>
Shared Apartments.
<<media "Data/Characters/GF/ap1.jpg" "just">>
<<GirlfriendDialog "arrogant">>See? Stupid as always. Go do something useful, ignoramus<</GirlfriendDialog>>
Damn, I just wasted my time, and the question was not an easy one
<<button [[Leave|DApart]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/ap1.jpg" "place">>
Shared Apartments.
<<media "Data/Characters/GF/ap12.jpg" "just">>
<<GirlfriendDialog "happy">>Is there something I can do for you?<</GirlfriendDialog>>
She still says it through her teeth, but I still really like it
<<button [[Spend time with her|LaylaApLvl1Time]]>><</button>>
<<button [[I got to go|DApart]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/ap1.jpg" "place">>
Shared Apartments.
<<media "Data/Characters/GF/ap12.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>I'm tired and I want to relax, help me<</PlayerDialog>>
<<GirlfriendDialog "happy">>Eh, you again want to make me undress and say all sorts of vulgarities?<</GirlfriendDialog>>
Without my response, she began to undress.
<<media "Data/Characters/GF/ap5.jpg" "just">>
<<GirlfriendDialog "arrogant">>Enough?<</GirlfriendDialog>>
<<set $GF.Cor += 3>>\
@@color:magenta;Layla's corruption has increased by 3.@@
<<UpdateArousal "+10">>
<<button [[Yes, thank you|DApart]]>><</button>>
<<button [[No, continue undressing|LaylaApLvl1Time1]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/ap1.jpg" "place">>
Shared Apartments.
She obediently continued.
<<media "Data/Characters/GF/ap6.jpg" "just">>
<<GirlfriendDialog "happy">>What if someone comes in and sees me?<</GirlfriendDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>It's not your problem. You should only think about how to please me<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/GF/ap7.jpg" "just">>
<<GirlfriendDialog "happy">>How do you like my ass?<</GirlfriendDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Very juicy, keep going<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/GF/ap16.jpg" "just">>
<<GirlfriendDialog "happy">>Look, I'm so depraved, I'm undressing right in the shared hall. You have enough of this spectacle for today, right?<</GirlfriendDialog>>
<<if $GF.Cor < 20>>\
I can feel her anger from a mile away. I think that's enough for today
<<set $GF.Cor += 3>>\
@@color:magenta;Layla's corruption has increased by 3.@@
<<UpdateArousal "+10">>
<<button [[Yeah, well done|DApart]]>><<movetime>><</button>>
I think she's already naughty enough to go a little further.
<<button [[Yeah, well done|DApart]]>><<movetime>><</button>>
<<if $P.Gender == "m">>\
<<button [[Keep going|LaylaApLvl1Time2]]>><<movetime>><</button>>
<</if>>\<<media "Data/Locations/ap1.jpg" "place">>
Shared Apartments.
She obediently continued.
<<media "Data/Characters/GF/ap8.jpg" "just">>
<<GirlfriendDialog "happy">>How insatiable are you today<</GirlfriendDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/GF/ap10.jpg" "just">>
<<GirlfriendDialog "serious">>And what now? I'm already embarassed. There is nowhere further<</GirlfriendDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>You are wrong<</PlayerDialog>>
<<button [[Spend more time with her|LaylaApLvl1Time3]]>><</button>>
<<button [[End now|DApart]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/ap1.jpg" "place">>
Shared Apartments.
<<media "Data/Characters/GF/ap10.jpg" "just">>
<<if $P.ConvergenceON == true>>\
<<CindyDialog>>She always seems so small, but looks quite juicy from this angle!<</CindyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>I agree!<</PlayerDialog>>
You pull out your hard cock and bring it to her face.
<<GirlfriendDialog "arrogant">>Damn pervert. You're lucky to have such a caring girlfriend<</GirlfriendDialog>>
She takes your dick and puts it in her mouth.
<<media "Data/Characters/GF/gif/bj8.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Oh yeah, baby, keep going<</PlayerDialog>>
<<GirlfriendDialog "arrogant">>~Slurp~<</GirlfriendDialog>>
<<set $GF.Cor += 3>>\
@@color:magenta;Layla's corruption increased by 3.@@
<<UpdateArousal "-50">>
<<UpdateSubDom "+1">>
After a good blowjob, you decided to go back to your room.
<<button [[Go to room|DRoom]]>><</button>><<RE [[LaylaApLvl2Stephan]]>>
<<RE [[_LaylaApLvl2]]>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
type: "goto",
<<media "Data/Locations/ap1.jpg" "place">>
Shared Apartments.
<<media "Data/Characters/GF/ap29.jpg" "just">>
<<GirlfriendDialog "happy">>Hey! Honey, how are you?<</GirlfriendDialog>>
Wow, this is what my girlfriend should look like!
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>What about your usual "textbooks after lunch"?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/GF/ap30.jpg" "just">>
<<GirlfriendDialog "happy">>What? Oh, just let it go. By the way, I'm in a really good mood today!<</GirlfriendDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<GirlfriendDialog "happy">>What?<</GirlfriendDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Sorry, I was shocked a little bit. Continue please<</PlayerDialog>>
<<GirlfriendDialog "happy">>You always come at this time for one single purpose.So.. How about playing cards? Let's have some fun!<</GirlfriendDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>But you hate gambling!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<GirlfriendDialog "happy">>Do I?<</GirlfriendDialog>>
<<button [[Play with her|LaylaApLvl2Time]]>><</button>>
<<button [[I got to go|DApart]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/ap1.jpg" "place">>
Shared Apartments.
<<GirlfriendDialog "happy">>Hooray! I'm so glad! So we play Poker. Until 2 wins. Lose once - undress a little, lose twice - fulfill the wish of the winner!<</GirlfriendDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>I'm in!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/GF/cards.webp" "just">>
<<GirlfriendDialog "happy">>Here goes!<</GirlfriendDialog>>
@@color:lime;Note: In this game, you need to carefully monitor the enemy, as well as listen to what she says. 3 actions will be available to you: check, pass, raise. 1 of them will bring you victory.@@
<<set $CardsScore = 0>>\
<<set _r = random (0,2)>>\
<<switch _r>>\
<<case 0>>\
<<GirlfriendDialog "happy">>Ha-ha-ha! I have the most powerful combination!<</GirlfriendDialog>>
What is it? True or bluff?
<<button [[Check|LaylaApLvl2Time1]]>><<set $CardsScore-->><</button>>
<<button [[Pass|LaylaApLvl2Time1]]>><<set $CardsScore-->><</button>>
<<button [[Raise|LaylaApLvl2Time1]]>><<set $CardsScore++>><</button>>
<<case 1>>\
<<GirlfriendDialog "happy">>Damn, bad luck on the cards!<</GirlfriendDialog>>
What is it? True or bluff?
<<button [[Check|LaylaApLvl2Time1]]>><<set $CardsScore-->><</button>>
<<button [[Pass|LaylaApLvl2Time1]]>><<set $CardsScore++>><</button>>
<<button [[Raise|LaylaApLvl2Time1]]>><<set $CardsScore-->><</button>>
<<case 2>>\
<<GirlfriendDialog "happy">>Hey, are you looking at me or the cards?<</GirlfriendDialog>>
What is it? True or bluff?
<<button [[Check|LaylaApLvl2Time1]]>><<set $CardsScore++>><</button>>
<<button [[Pass|LaylaApLvl2Time1]]>><<set $CardsScore-->><</button>>
<<button [[Raise|LaylaApLvl2Time1]]>><<set $CardsScore-->><</button>>
<</switch>>\<<media "Data/Locations/ap1.jpg" "place">>
Shared Apartments.
<<GirlfriendDialog "happy">>Ha-ha-ha! Excellent!<</GirlfriendDialog>>
<<if $CardsScore > 0>>\
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>I won!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/GF/ap31.jpg" "just">>
<<GirlfriendDialog "happy">>I accept it. But it won't be so easy anymore!<</GirlfriendDialog>>
<<GirlfriendDialog "happy">>Looks like you lost<</GirlfriendDialog>>
<<if $P.Gender == "m">>\
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>It's not fair! I came in just shorts and a T-shirt!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Carol/gif/Fpov/cock9.webp" "gif">>
<<GirlfriendDialog "happy">>Haha, fair fair!<</GirlfriendDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Wel, okay!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Carol/bed18.jpg" "just">>
<<GirlfriendDialog "happy">>^Uwu^<</GirlfriendDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/GF/cards.webp" "just">>
<<GirlfriendDialog "happy">>Let's continue!<</GirlfriendDialog>>
<<set _r = random (0,2)>>\
<<switch _r>>\
<<case 0>>\
<<GirlfriendDialog "happy">>Listen, if there were 2 of me, would you fuck both at once, or would you leave 1 to cook dinner?<</GirlfriendDialog>>
<<button [[Check|LaylaApLvl2Time2]]>><<set $CardsScore-->><</button>>
<<button [[Pass|LaylaApLvl2Time2]]>><<set $CardsScore-->><</button>>
<<button [[Raise|LaylaApLvl2Time2]]>><<set $CardsScore++>><</button>>
<<case 1>>\
<<GirlfriendDialog "happy">>Look, imagine you're just an ordinary girl, and then the meanest bully of the school comes along and turns you and your girlfriends into sex slaves, would you like that?<</GirlfriendDialog>>
<<button [[Check|LaylaApLvl2Time2]]>><<set $CardsScore-->><</button>>
<<button [[Pass|LaylaApLvl2Time2]]>><<set $CardsScore++>><</button>>
<<button [[Raise|LaylaApLvl2Time2]]>><<set $CardsScore-->><</button>>
<<case 2>>\
<<GirlfriendDialog "happy">>How do you feel about tentacles?<</GirlfriendDialog>>
What kind of game is this?!
<<button [[Check|LaylaApLvl2Time2]]>><<set $CardsScore++>><</button>>
<<button [[Pass|LaylaApLvl2Time2]]>><<set $CardsScore-->><</button>>
<<button [[Raise|LaylaApLvl2Time2]]>><<set $CardsScore-->><</button>>
<</switch>>\<<media "Data/Locations/ap1.jpg" "place">>
Shared Apartments.
<<GirlfriendDialog "happy">>Ha-ha-ha! Excellent!<</GirlfriendDialog>>
<<if $CardsScore < 0>>\
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>I lost...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<GirlfriendDialog "horny">>Exactly! Then It's time for punishment!<</GirlfriendDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/GF/ap31.jpg" "just">>
<<button [[Punishment|LaylaApLvl2Time2Lost]]>><</button>>
<<elseif $CardsScore > 0>>\
<<media "Data/Characters/GF/gif/te18.mp4">>
<<GirlfriendDialog "horny">>Looks like I lost! So...Tell me what you want, honey<</GirlfriendDialog>>
<<if $P.Gender === "f">>\
<<if $P.Cor < 40>>\
Damn, I would do so much..thing to her right now. But Carol's body shows almost no signs of that..desire! My mood has dropped..
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>...5$<</PlayerDialog>>
<<GirlfriendDialog "confused">>What?<</GirlfriendDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Yes, I want to buy coffee...and ice cream<</PlayerDialog>>
<<GirlfriendDialog "confused">>Um..okay<</GirlfriendDialog>>
<<set $GF.Cor += 3>>\
@@color:magenta;Layla's corruption increased by 3.@@
<<UpdateArousal "-50">>
<<UpdateMoney "+5">>
<<button [[Leave|DApart]]>><<movetime>><</button>>
I'm so excited..!
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>I WANNA SEX <</PlayerDialog>>
What's wrong with having sex with your girlfriend in a woman's body? Even if I were a tractor, it's still my girlfriend!
<<GirlfriendDialog "horny">>Ehehe...I never thought I was lesbian, but I guess I am!<</GirlfriendDialog>>
<<button [[Have lesbian sex|LaylaApLvl2Time2WonLesb]]>><</button>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>...Um..Sex!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<GirlfriendDialog "horny">>Who would doubt that<</GirlfriendDialog>>
<<button [[Enjoy my victory|LaylaApLvl2Time2Won]]>><</button>>
<<GirlfriendDialog "happy">>We have a draw, so it all depends on this hand!<</GirlfriendDialog>>
<<set _r = random (0,2)>>\
<<switch _r>>\
<<case 0>>\
<<GirlfriendDialog "happy">>Who fucked Roger Rabbit?<</GirlfriendDialog>>
framed...not fucked!
<<button [[Check|LaylaApLvl2Time2]]>><<set $CardsScore-->><</button>>
<<button [[Pass|LaylaApLvl2Time2]]>><<set $CardsScore-->><</button>>
<<button [[Raise|LaylaApLvl2Time2]]>><<set $CardsScore++>><</button>>
<<case 1>>\
<<GirlfriendDialog "happy">>I have flash royal. I'm not lying and if you don't pass you'll lose it<</GirlfriendDialog>>
For some reason this time I believe her..
<<button [[Check|LaylaApLvl2Time2]]>><<set $CardsScore-->><</button>>
<<button [[Pass|LaylaApLvl2Time2]]>><<set $CardsScore++>><</button>>
<<button [[Raise|LaylaApLvl2Time2]]>><<set $CardsScore-->><</button>>
<<case 2>>\
<<GirlfriendDialog "happy">>Today I had a dream in which I got into the body of some busty whore! And I liked it soooo much! I would love to repeat this! And what do you think about it?<</GirlfriendDialog>>
Busty whore? It turns me on..
<<button [[Check|LaylaApLvl2Time2]]>><<set $CardsScore++>><</button>>
<<button [[Pass|LaylaApLvl2Time2]]>><<set $CardsScore-->><</button>>
<<button [[Raise|LaylaApLvl2Time2]]>><<set $CardsScore-->><</button>>
<</if>>\<<media "Data/Locations/ap1.jpg" "place">>
Shared Apartments.
<<GirlfriendDialog "happy">>My ass hurts so much!<</GirlfriendDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Well, I'm not allowed to move, right? Is it really what you wanted?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/GF/gif/mast.mp4">>
<<GirlfriendDialog "happy">>Ah! ah! Yeess.. Ahha<</GirlfriendDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>But why?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<GirlfriendDialog "horny">>So gooood...just imagine me bouncing my ass on a real cock and you're sitting there watching and there's nothing you can do...It so fucking turns me ON!..<</GirlfriendDialog>>
<<if $P.ConvergenceON == true>>\
<<CindyDialog>>You wanted her to open up to her desires, but it seems she started to fall into them...<</CindyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>...<</PlayerDialog>>
Before, she was just scary, but now she is also scary, but in a different way. For a second, I even thought that I want to return it to the old one.
<<set $GF.Cor += 3>>\
@@color:magenta;Layla's corruption increased by 3.@@
<<UpdateArousal "100">>
<<UpdateSubDom "-1">>
<<button [[Leave|DApart]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/ap1.jpg" "place">>
Shared Apartments.
<<GirlfriendDialog "happy">>Well done! You deserved it!<</GirlfriendDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>What are you willing to do?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<GirlfriendDialog "horny">>I think a first-class blowjob will be enough for the winner. Relax and enjoy!<</GirlfriendDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>..okay<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/GF/gif/bj32.mp4">>
<<GirlfriendDialog "horny">>Oh, here you are! Let's taste it!<</GirlfriendDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/GF/gif/bj33.mp4">>
<<if $P.ConvergenceON == true>>\
<<CindyDialog>>I can tell you from my experience that she's been trained to do this somewhere....Especially for you!<</CindyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Heck, I'm really pleased with her diligence sometimes! And I hope she learned it from books...or videos....<</PlayerDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Let's speed up a little<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/GF/gif/bj34.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Oh! You're doing...very...well...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<GirlfriendDialog "horny">>Ha-ha, what do you say about this?<</GirlfriendDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/GF/gif/bj36.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>..I-Incredible!<</PlayerDialog>>
Damn, I just had a great time! How nice it is to win sometimes!
<<set $GF.Cor += 3>>\
@@color:magenta;Layla's corruption increased by 3.@@
<<UpdateArousal "0">>
<<UpdateSubDom "+1">>
<<button [[Leave|DApart]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/ap1.jpg" "place">>
Shared Apartments.
<<GirlfriendDialog "happy">>I think we're going to need some oil...I have some here<</GirlfriendDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Mmm?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<GirlfriendDialog "happy">>Ah, YEEES!!<</GirlfriendDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>It feels so good!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/GF/gif/lesb3.mp4">>
Layla has become such a hungry bitch! Ah, cumming!
<<if $P.ConvergenceON == true>>\
<<CindyDialog>>I'm so jealous! Can she do it with me next time?<</CindyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Layla's my girlfriend, find your own!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<set $GF.Cor += 3>>\
@@color:magenta;Layla's corruption increased by 3.@@
<<UpdateArousal "0">>
<<button [[Leave|DApart]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/ap1.jpg" "place">>
Shared Apartments.
<<GirlfriendDialog "serious">>Great. Now it's time for study. Lessons start soon<</GirlfriendDialog>>
<<if $P.ConvergenceON == true>>\
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>What? NO<</PlayerDialog>>
Trap! It was a trap!
<<GirlfriendDialog "serious">>You can go now<</GirlfriendDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Hooray! Freedom!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<set $GF.Cor += 3>>\
@@color:magenta;Layla's corruption has increased by 3.@@
<<UpdateArousal "+25">>
<<UpdateSubDom "-1">>
<<button [[Go away|DApart]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/ap1.jpg" "place">>
Shared Apartments.
<<if $P.Gender == "f">>\
<<GirlfriendDialog "arrogant">>Hell, but then...um...you're a girl. Why am I even dating a girl? Y-you better go<</GirlfriendDialog>>
Probably shouldn't let her know.
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Okay, see you<</PlayerDialog>>
<<button [[Go away|DApart]]>><</button>>
<<GirlfriendDialog "serious">>No? Are you sure?<</GirlfriendDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Umm, yeah..<</PlayerDialog>>
<<GirlfriendDialog "serious">>Damn, how many problems with you<</GirlfriendDialog>>
She starts to undressing.
<<media "Data/Characters/GF/gif/te10.mp4">>
<<GirlfriendDialog "serious">>Lie down, I'm moving on to plan "B"<</GirlfriendDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Plan "B"?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/GF/gif/f1.mp4">>
<<GirlfriendDialog "serious">>Ahh..hell! Fuck this! How painful!<</GirlfriendDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Fuckin' psycho, Who in the Erath inserts a dick like this right away?!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/GF/gif/f5.mp4">>
<<GirlfriendDialog "serious">>Ahh..I.don't care! I'm the best girlfriend who can satisfy your every need!<</GirlfriendDialog>>
Damn, I even somehow imbued with these words...
It does not take much time!
<<if $P.ConvergenceON == true>>\
<<CindyDialog>>I feel a little sorry for her, she's not doing it because she wants to.<</CindyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>She's trying, but she should be more sincere.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/GF/gif/c1.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>I'm cumming!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<GirlfriendDialog "arrogant">>Eheh..finally!<</GirlfriendDialog>>
<<set $GF.Cor += 3>>\
@@color:magenta;Layla's corruption increased by 3.@@
<<UpdateArousal "-50">>
<<UpdateSubDom "+1">>
<<button [[Leave her|DApart]]>><<movetime>><</button>>
<</if>>\<<media "Data/Locations/ap1.jpg" "place">>
Shared Apartments.
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Hey, babe. What the..?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/GF/room23.jpg" "just">>
<<GirlfriendDialog "happy">>Oh! Hi, honey!<</GirlfriendDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Your...clothes<</PlayerDialog>>
<<if $P.ConvergenceON == true>>\
<<CindyDialog>>Hey, she dressed like that just for you! This is what you wanted, isn't it?<</CindyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Yeah...you're right...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/GF/room22.jpg" "just">>
<<GirlfriendDialog "happy">>Um? You about it? I'm a good girlfriend, right? I decided to dress up a little in case you come, honey.<</GirlfriendDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>I-I...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<GirlfriendDialog "happy">>Have you already cum and fully satisfied?<</GirlfriendDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Um...no<</PlayerDialog>>
<<GirlfriendDialog "happy">>Hmm...Well. Look at me. What about now?<</GirlfriendDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/GF/room24.jpg" "just">>
what the fuck.
<<button [[Yes|LaylaMorninglvl1.1]]>><</button>>
<<button [[No|LaylaMorninglvl1.2]]>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 30,
filter: `$P.Gender === "m" and $Bully.GotoGF >= 10`,
tags: ["Dormitory", "SharedApartments", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"]
<<media "Data/Locations/ap1.jpg" "place">>
Shared Apartments.
<<media "Data/Characters/GF/ap21.jpg" "just">>
<<GirlfriendDialog "confused">>Hey! Honey, how are you? Um...Why are you with him?<</GirlfriendDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>With whom?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>With me<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Stephan? Are you following me again?!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Why would I follow you? Maybe that's where I was going<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Don't bullshit me, Stephan.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Ha-ha-ha! What's with the tense atmosphere? Relax! Since you're so smart, do you want me to give you a hard riddle?<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Hey, I'm telling you nicely, back off!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<GirlfriendDialog "happy">>In fact, whatever you riddle, we can easily give you the right answer<</GirlfriendDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Really? Then why don't we argue? Let's play it. I'm giving you the hardest riddle of all. If you answer correctly, I'll get out of here right away, and if you answer incorrectly, she'll do what I say.<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Why would I even argue with you about something like that?!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Ha-ha-ha, so you're afraid, huh? The chick is doing the coo-coo-coo!<</BullyDialog>>
I've learned not to fall for his provocations, I just have to be patient, he'll get bored and leave.
<<GirlfriendDialog "arrogant">>There's no way he's going to lose to you. Tell him your riddle, and then you will walk away in shame!<</GirlfriendDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Hey, what?!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Are you sure?<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>The hell with you, give me your riddle.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Listen carefully! What has to be broken before you can eat it?<</BullyDialog>>
It's just a riddle for kids, but Stephan called it the hardest! Can it really be that simple? Is there really something to pay attention to here? What if Stephan made it so easy on purpose to throw me off? There has to be some kind of answer.
<<button [[A coconut|LaylaApLvl2StephanLose]]>><</button>>
<<button [[An egg|LaylaApLvl2StephanWin]]>><</button>>
<<button [[A banana|LaylaApLvl2StephanLose]]>><</button>>
<<button [[A big chip|LaylaApLvl2StephanLose]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/ap1.jpg" "place">>
Shared Apartments.
<<BullyDialog>>Aaaand, this is a wrong answer! A deal's a deal, right?<</BullyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/GF/ap24.jpg" "just">>
<<GirlfriendDialog "arrogant">>Are you serious?Ooh, but I will protect my boyfriend's pride! Retracting my words would be pigish.<</GirlfriendDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Wonderful! Then I want you to slowly undress in front of us<</BullyDialog>>
Calm down, Nikita. You just have to endure it...
<<media "Data/Characters/GF/slut7.jpg" "just">>
<<GirlfriendDialog "confused">>Okay, d-don't stare at me too much...<</GirlfriendDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Hey, slut, turn around<</BullyDialog>>
<<GirlfriendDialog "confused">>Like that?<</GirlfriendDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/GF/ap22.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Hey, you're taking it too far!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>I'm not taking it too far, but it's up to you whether I do it or not!<</BullyDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Come on, hurry up<</BullyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/GF/ap25.jpg" "just">>
<<GirlfriendDialog "confused">>Okay, I'm taking it off...<</GirlfriendDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/GF/ap26.jpg" "just">>
<<GirlfriendDialog "confused">>God, I can see your dicks bulgin out of your pants! I... feel... weird<</GirlfriendDialog>>
<<GirlfriendDialog "confused">>Like this?<</GirlfriendDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Yeah, exactly! I can congratulate you, Nikita<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>???<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>I can guarantee you that this girl is half a step away from becoming a dirty anal-addicted bitch<</BullyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/GF/ap28.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Oof...Wait..How can YOU guarantee me that?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Well, I'm pretty good at all sorts of bitches like that. All right, I'm off. Bye!<</BullyDialog>>
He left.
<<GirlfriendDialog "confused">>Would you please leave, too? I need to process what happened..<</GirlfriendDialog>>
<<set $Bully.GotoGF++>>\
<<set $GF.Cor += 3>>\
@@color:magenta;Layla's corruption increased by 3.@@
<<UpdateArousal "100">>
<<button [[Leave|DApart]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/ap1.jpg" "place">>
Shared Apartments.
<<BullyDialog>>Wow, you really guessed it. All riiiiight, a deal's a deal, I'll come back some other time<</BullyDialog>>
He left.
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Is he serious?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<GirlfriendDialog "happy">>Cheers! At least you know something, although you thought so much about the children's riddle....<</GirlfriendDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>So I really did win our bet<</PlayerDialog>>
<<GirlfriendDialog "horny">>Would you like your prize then?<</GirlfriendDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/GF/ap23.jpg" "just">>
<<button [[Give it to me|LaylaApLvl2StephanWin1]]>><</button>>
<<button [[No, I'm tired|DApart]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/ap1.jpg" "place">>
Shared Apartments.
<<GirlfriendDialog "horny">>It's nice to be the winner's girl. What do you think he would do to me if you lost?<</GirlfriendDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Why are you even thinking about this? Did you want me to answer wrong?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<GirlfriendDialog "horny">>Of course not!<</GirlfriendDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Hey, wait a minute. Did you just get horny?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/GF/gif/bj28.mp4">>
<<GirlfriendDialog "horny">>No, you're imagining<</GirlfriendDialog>>
<<set $GF.Cor += 3>>\
@@color:magenta;Layla's corruption increased by 3.@@
<<UpdateArousal "0">>
<<button [[Leave|DApart]]>><</button>><<RE [[DormitoryTooHorny]]>>
<<RE [[Window]]>>
<<RE [[CloseYourEyes]]>>
<<RE [[PornWatcher]]>>
<<RE [[BullyDApart]]>>
<<RE [[_SharedApartments]]>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
type: "goto",
<<media "Data/Locations/ap1.jpg" "place">>
Shared Apartments.
/* TODO: Maybe add some text or actions (Watch TV for example) here */\
<<if $CurrentDayTime === 0>>\
<<if $GF.TabletLvl === 1>>\
<<button [[Talk Layla|LaylaMorninglvl1]]>><</button>>
<<if $CurrentDayTime === 2>>\
<<if $P.Gender == "m">>\
<<switch $Carol.TabletLvl>>\
<<case 0>>\
<<button [[Talk to Carol|CarolAp]]>><</button>>
<<case 1>>\
<<button [[Talk to Carol|CarolApLvl1]]>><</button>>
<<case 2>>\
<<button [[Talk to Carol|CarolApLvl2]]>><</button>>
<<if $CurrentDayTime === 3>>\
<<switch $GF.TabletLvl>>\
<<case 0>>\
<<button [[Talk to Layla|LaylaAp]]>><</button>>
<<case 1>>\
<<button [[Talk to Layla|LaylaApLvl1]]>><</button>>
<<case 2>>\
<<button [[Talk to Layla|LaylaApLvl2]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Leave|DApart]]>><</button>><<RE [[DShowerCarol]]>>
<<RE [[_DShower]]>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
type: "goto",
<<media "Data/Locations/bath1.jfif" "place">>
Shared Bathroom.
<<if $P.Gender == "f">>
<<set $ThoughtTuner = true>>
<<set $MyThought = "There aren't always seats available in the women's section of the shower, but it seems I got lucky today.">>
When you are showering, your arousal can be greatly decreased!
<<switch $CurrentDayTime>>
<<case 0>>
<<button [[Take a shower|DShowerTaking]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Get Back|DApart]]>><</button>>
<<case 1>>
<<DrawPlaceMenu "Dormitory">>
<<case 2>>
<<button [[Take a shower|DShowerTaking]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Get Back|DApart]]>><</button>>
<<case 3>>
<<button [[Take a shower|DShowerTaking]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Get Back|DApart]]>><</button>>
<<case 4>>
<<button [[Back to My Room|DRoom]]>><</button>>
<</switch>><<RE [[ShowerClosed]]>>
<<RE [[_DShowerTaking]]>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
type: "goto",
<<media "Data/Locations/bath1.jfif" "place">>
Shared Bathroom.
<<if $P.Gender == "m">>\
<<set _r = random(1,4)>>\
<<switch _r>>
<<case 1>><<media "Data/Characters/P/Shower/1.mp4">>
<<case 2>><<media "Data/Characters/P/Shower/2.mp4">>
<<case 3>><<media "Data/Characters/P/Shower/3.mp4">>
<<case 4>><<media "Data/Characters/P/Shower/4.mp4">>
<<set _r = random(1,2)>>
<<switch _r>>
<<case 1>><<media "Data/Characters/Carol/gif/Bath/bath2.mp4">>
<<case 2>><<media "Data/Characters/Carol/gif/Bath/bath11.mp4">>
<<UpdateArousal "-35">>
<<button [[End showering|DRoom]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$P.Gender === "m"`,
tags: ["Dormitory", "Shower", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Dormitory", "Shower", "Evening"], isSeparate: true },
<<media "Data/Locations/bath1.jfif" "place">>
Shared Bathroom.
<<if $Carol.TabletLvl < 1>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Carol/bath1.jpg" "just">>
<<elseif $Carol.TabletLvl == 1>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Carol/bath3.jpg" "just">>
<<CarolDialog "horny" 1>>It's busy now! Can't you live for a second without my luxurious body? Get out of here!<</CarolDialog>>
<<elseif $Carol.TabletLvl == 2>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Carol/bath3.jpg" "just">>
<<CarolDialog "horny" 1>>Oh, you came again. You've already seen this body naked and more than once. You can wait your turn here.<</CarolDialog>>
She shows that she wants me to stay.
<<button[[Wait and watch|DShowerCarol1]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Leave|DApart]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/bath1.jfif" "place">>
Shared Bathroom.
<<CarolDialog "confused">>So you're going to just sit and watch? Okay, I don't mind<</CarolDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Carol/bath1.jpg" "just">>
<<CarolDialog "horny" 1>>Okay, I don't mind. But don't expect more<</CarolDialog>>
I'm going to get more too, but later.
<<media "Data/Characters/Carol/gif/shower.mp4">>
Some of her movements were quite provocative. It can't be not on purpose!
<<UpdateCarolCorruption "+4">>
<<UpdateArousal "+25">>
<<button[[She finished|DShower]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 20,
filter: `$P.Gender === "f"`,
tags: ["Dormitory", "Shower", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Dormitory", "Shower", "Morning"], isSeparate: true },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Dormitory", "Shower", "Afternoon"], isSeparate: true },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Dormitory", "Shower", "Evening"], isSeparate: true },
<<media "Data/Locations/bath1.jfif" "place">>
Shared Bathroom.
Shit, it seems like all the stalls in the women's shower are occupied right now.
But the men's one seems to be free. Maybe I could sneak into a stall without being seen.
<<if $P.Cor > 30>>\
<<button [[Sneak into men's stall|ShowerClosed1]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Try again another time|DApart]]>><</button>><<RE [[ShowerClosed1Catch]]>>
<<RE [[_ShowerClosed1]]>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
type: "goto",
<<media "Data/Locations/bath1.jfif" "place">>
Shared Bathroom.
Hey, that was easy. How smart I am!
<<set _r = random(1,2)>>\
<<switch _r>>\
<<case 1>><<media "Data/Characters/Carol/gif/Bath/bath2.mp4">>
<<case 2>><<media "Data/Characters/Carol/gif/Bath/bath11.mp4">>
<<UpdateArousal "-35">>
There doesn't seem to be anyone, now I can run out of here quickly
<<button [[End showering|DRoom]]>><<movetime>><</button>>
<<if $P.Cor > 40>>\
Although I think I heard footsteps not far away. It's better to wait a little longer, just in case.
@@#cor;<<button [[Wait for a while|ShowerClosed2]]>><</button>>@@
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 20,
filter: `$P.Gender === "f"`,
tags: ["Dormitory", "Shower", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Dormitory", "Shower", "Morning"], isSeparate: true },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Dormitory", "Shower", "Afternoon"], isSeparate: true },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Dormitory", "Shower", "Evening"], isSeparate: true },
<<media "Data/Locations/bath1.jfif" "place">>
Shared Bathroom.
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>No, no, no! Stop!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Stranger">>Too late to come to your senses, pervert<</MNpcDialog>>
<<set _r = random(1,2)>>\
<<switch _r>>\
<<case 1>><<media "Data/Characters/Carol/gif/Bath/shower2.mp4">>
<<case 2>><<media "Data/Characters/Carol/gif/Bath/shower31.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>I didn't even have time to undress!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<if $P.Cor < 50>><<UpdateCorruption "+1">><</if>>
<<UpdateArousal "-15">>
<<button [[End "showering"|DRoom]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<RE [[ShowerClosed2WaitCatch]]>>
<<RE [[_ShowerClosed2]]>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
type: "goto",
<<media "Data/Locations/bath1.jfif" "place">>
Shared Bathroom.
I think I was really nervous. There's no one here. I have to go.
<<button [[End showering|DRoom]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 35,
filter: `$P.Gender === "f"`,
tags: ["Dormitory", "Shower", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Dormitory", "Shower", "Morning"], isSeparate: true },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Dormitory", "Shower", "Afternoon"], isSeparate: true },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Dormitory", "Shower", "Evening"], isSeparate: true },
<<media "Data/Locations/bath1.jfif" "place">>
Shared Bathroom.
<<set _rev = random (1,3)>>\
<<switch _rev>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<media "Data/Characters/Carol/gif/Bath/shower3.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>Why?! You're pulling my hair so hard!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Stranger">>Ahaha, because that's how you squeeze harder, you goddamn twist<</MNpcDialog>>
<<case 2>>\
<<media "Data/Characters/Carol/gif/Bath/shower3.mp4">>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Stranger">>You can't run away from me<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>Okay, okay! You got me!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<case 3>>\
<<media "Data/Characters/Carol/gif/Bath/shower6.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>Hey, what the hell?! You stuck your dick so...unexpectedly....that big...Who the hell are you?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Stranger">>Call me Black Mamba! Hahahahaha<</MNpcDialog>>
<<if $P.Cor < 60>><<UpdateCorruption "+1">><</if>>
<<UpdateArousal "0">>
<<button [[End "showering"|DRoom]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/ethereal.jpg" "place">>
Ocean of ether.
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Okay, I can feel it. Now I need to direct my thoughts to someone.<</PlayerDialog>>
Who should I pick?
/* @@color:yellow; Note: @@The number of events available to view for the current version of the game and for the current character state is shown in "()" brackets.*/
@@color:yellow; Note: @@Some buttons are disabled because there are large chains of events behind them. These buttons are currently in development and will be revealed in future Tasty Curse updates. Stay tuned, catz!
<<button "Carol">><<REGroup "RandomEthCarol" 100>><</button>>
<<button "Layla">><<REGroup "RandomEthLayla" 100>><</button>>
<<disable>><<button [[Vanessa|EtherealVanessa]]>><</button>><</disable>>
<<button "Olga">><<REGroup "RandomEthMom" 100>><</button>>
<<button "Dad">><<REGroup "RandomEthDad" 100>><</button>>
<<button "Anya">><<REGroup "RandomEthSis" 100>><</button>>
<<button "Stephan">><<REGroup "RandomEthBully" 100>><</button>>
<<button "Levi">><<REGroup "RandomEthLevi" 100>><</button>>
<<disable>><<button [[Jimmy|EtherealJimmy]]>><</button>><</disable>>
<<button "Akira">><<REGroup "RandomEthAkira" 100>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$Akira.TabletLvl > 0 and $AkiraWorkingBet === true`,
tags: ["ether", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "RandomEthAkira",
weight: 10,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 5,
<<media "Data/Locations/ethereal.jpg" "place">>
Ocean of ether.
Hehe, let's see what Akira's been up to today!
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Ethereal/Akira/20.jpg" "just">>
<<AkiraDialog "arrogant">>Look at this! You showed up here again.<</AkiraDialog>>
She's in the same outfit. So not much has changed yet.
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Hi, Akira! How is your work?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Ethereal/Akira/dream23.jpg" "just">>
<<AkiraDialog "arrogant">>No problems at all.<</AkiraDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Aren't you afraid I'll take that cash bonus for myself?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Ethereal/Akira/dream26.jpg" "just">>
<<AkiraDialog "confused">>Why would I be afraid? It's impossible.<</AkiraDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>What about your feelings? Have you gotten used to it? You're not the same person you used to be after all.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Ethereal/Akira/dream28.jpg" "just">>
<<AkiraDialog "confused">>Do you think I've changed?<</AkiraDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Ethereal/Akira/dream29.jpg" "just">>
<<AkiraDialog "arrogant">>You're wrong.<</AkiraDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Huh?<</PlayerDialog>>
She seems to suppress them easily now because she doesn't see the feelings and emotions as meaningful.
<<AkiraDialog "arrogant">>However, I now have a better understanding of what you're paying me for. If I have the opportunity to use these "feelings and emotions" to earn more money, I will use it.<</AkiraDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Ethereal/Akira/dream21.jpg" "just">>
I'm unlikely to be able to deal with Akira's trickery or match her in strength and power.
@@color:yellow;Then I must prove to her the importance of feelings and emotions. I must show her the benefits of it.@@
<<button "Sleep">><<newday>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$Akira.TabletLvl < 1 and $AkiraTookPillToday === false`,
tags: ["ether", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "RandomEthAkira",
weight: 10,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 0,
<<media "Data/Locations/ethereal.jpg" "place">>
Ocean of ether.
Hehe, let's see what Akira's been up to today!
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Ethereal/Akira/dream25.jpg" "just">>
<<AkiraDialog "arrogant">>What the hell are you doing here?<</AkiraDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>//Who's she talking to? And where am I, anyway?//<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Ethereal/Akira/dream22.jpg" "just">>
<<AkiraDialog "arrogant">>Don't you dare waste my time and make me repeat myself, human. What are you doing here?<</AkiraDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Wait, are you talking to me?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Ethereal/Akira/dream23.jpg" "just">>
<<AkiraDialog "angry" 1>>And why did I create you here as stupid as you usually are. Why did I even do that?..<</AkiraDialog>>
Create?...Me?! All right...
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Ha-ha! And here I am! Haha...But...w-where is "here" exactly?..<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Ethereal/Akira/dream20.jpg" "just">>
<<AkiraDialog "angry" 1>>You're in a dimension created by my Mana. Simply put, you're in my conscious dream. But you can't exist here, no one can enter this dimension except our Great Lord, so I probably created you here by accident. <</AkiraDialog>>
Akira doesn't know about the Ethereal pill! Oh, my God, this is just the power I needed!
Hmm...I have to pretend! What would I be saying right now if I was here by accident?! Think, Nikita! Think...!
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Why are you dressed like that?! I like it, hehehe! //Uh, I hope that sounded like my style//<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Ethereal/Akira/dream19.jpg" "just">>
<<AkiraDialog "angry" 1>>In this dimension, my image looks tailored to my nature. I can change that at any time, but I don't see the point of any change here, human. That's why I don't understand why you're here. <</AkiraDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>So it really is your subconscious? If you're even more omnipotent here, we can have a great time here! <</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Ethereal/Akira/dream29.jpg" "just">>
<<AkiraDialog "disgust">>Oh, It's really my subconscious, so I see you as a mess worth eliminating from this place.<</AkiraDialog>>
Fuck, this is already dangerous....
<<PlayerDialog "confused" 1>>Haha... yes... I think you're right, it's time for me to go. I've been sitting here for too long...!<</PlayerDialog>>
@@color:yellow;Still, now I know how to get into Akira's mind! @@
<<button "Sleep">><<newday>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$Akira.TabletLvl < 1 and $AkiraTookPillToday === true`,
tags: ["ether", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "RandomEthAkira",
weight: 10,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 1,
<<media "Data/Locations/ethereal.jpg" "place">>
Ocean of ether.
Hehe, let's see what Akira's been up to today!
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Ethereal/Akira/dream105.jpg" "just">>
<<AkiraDialog "arrogant">>Are you here again, human?<</AkiraDialog>>
Something about her has changed, besides the outfit....
Oh yeah! Yes! I can feel it again! YES!
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Ethereal/Akira/dream103.jpg" "just">>
<<AkiraDialog "confused">>For a mistake that shouldn't even exist in this place, you seem far too pleased...<</AkiraDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>Akira, @@color:magenta;you're beautiful!@@ Your @@color:magenta;body is a work of art@@! You @@color:magenta;like feeling others worship your sexuality@@, don't you?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Ethereal/Akira/dream108.jpg" "just">>
<<AkiraDialog "serious">>How could I possibly like that kind of nonsense?<</AkiraDialog>>
Yeeees, I can feel my words gaining power! She denies it, but subconsciously she grasps her hair and strikes a pose that shows her body in the best light!
Alright, Nikita, control yourself! I know that the level one pill is pretty weak, we have to take it slowly and deliberately. I think I should slowly start to bring back her emotions and sensations.
@@#rel;<<button [[Make her trust you more|AkiraPillUnTaken_Ev1PillTrust]]>><</button>>@@
@@#cor;<<button [[Make her little more corrupted|AkiraPillUnTaken_Ev1PillCor]]>><</button>>@@<<media "Data/Locations/ethereal.jpg" "place">>
Ocean of ether.
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>You were starting to @@color:magenta;like all those compliments@@, weren't you? You were starting to @@color:magenta;like the feeling of me worshiping your body@@, weren't you? I @@color:magenta;didn't lie to you, you know you can trust me@@. <</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Ethereal/Akira/dream104.jpg" "just">>
<<AkiraDialog "happy">>You turned out to be a little less pathetic human than I originally thought you were. You're trustworthy enough.<</AkiraDialog>>
Is it just me, or do I see the outline of her smile?! I want to continue!
<<set $Akira.Rel += 10>>\
@@color:blue;Your relationship with Akira has improved by 10!@@
<<button [[Continue|AkiraPillUnTaken_Ev1Pill1]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/ethereal.jpg" "place">>
Ocean of ether.
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>You really started to @@color:magenta;enjoy feeling hungry eyes on your body@@, didn't you? Did you really start to @@color:magenta;enjoy teasing me so much@@?! <</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Ethereal/Akira/dream109.jpg" "just">>
<<AkiraDialog "horny" 2>>You're just a pathetic little human, how can someone like me enjoy teasing you with a body that you find so sexy?<</AkiraDialog>>
She's really doing it!! I want to continue!
<<set $Akira.Cor += 10>>\
@@color:red;Akira's corruption has increased by 10!@@
<<button [[Continue|AkiraPillUnTaken_Ev1Pill1]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/ethereal.jpg" "place">>
Ocean of ether.
<<PlayerDialog "happy" 1>>Akira, you remember you weren't always like this. You @@color:magenta;remember what it's like to smile with joy or to be angry with resentment. I'm sure you once had a sense of humor too. You remember@@, don't you?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Ethereal/Akira/dream107.jpg" "just">>
<<AkiraDialog "serious">>Sadness, joy...am I capable of feeling that?<</AkiraDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "happy" 1>>Only death can completely deprive a person of emotion. Not even the strongest spell can do that. You feel something, but the @@color:magenta;rest is buried somewhere deep inside you. You're already remembering what you used to be, and you can already feel your emotions and feelings coming back to you, right? You just need to remember!@@ <</PlayerDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "surprised">>I can feel it... Can I really remember it and feel it again?... But....does emotion make any sense?...I haven't even thought about it.....<</AkiraDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Ethereal/Akira/dream106.jpg" "just">>
Her facial expression started to change right before my eyes!...or...Um...did it? But I can feel a pretty dramatic change! Maybe I really have gotten better at sensing magical flows + I'm inside her mana dimension...Anyway... I can feel it!
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>You're a strong witch, but you're still so silly. Perhaps @@color:magenta;I am here to show you the meaning of life and relieve you of the burden of being a soulless machine@@. <</PlayerDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "confused">>How dare you talk to me like that in my own dream?! The only person I can let do that to is our all-powerful Dark Lord! Don't take on too much! I am the Great Witch of Greed, and you are but a mere human! <</AkiraDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Ethereal/Akira/dream110.jpg" "just">>
She is...angry?..This....I...Um...did I hurt her feelings?...
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>You're @@color:magenta;feeling caught off guard right now@@, aren't you? You've just shown emotion....You're @@color:magenta;definitely remembering something@@....That means your @@color:magenta;body sensations are somewhere nearby, just a little bit more and you're already starting to remember what pleasure and sexual attraction is@@...Let me remind you that you're standing in front of me in your underwear, how does it feel?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Ethereal/Akira/dream111.jpg" "just">>
<<AkiraDialog "surprised">>I...I feel weird, but I don't understand what those feelings are.....<</AkiraDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>You can @@color:magenta;feel something down there@@, can't you? @@color:magenta;Feels good@@, doesn't it?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Ethereal/Akira/dream112.jpg" "just">>
<<AkiraDialog "surprised">>Is it because you look at me like that?...I don't know...I don't know how to react to that!<</AkiraDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>> @@color:magenta;Just give in to the feeling!@@<</PlayerDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "horny">>Give in to that feeling...completely and utterly...Mmmm....<</AkiraDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Ethereal/Akira/dream113.jpg" "just">>
<<AkiraDialog "happy">>You're not even paying me for this....<</AkiraDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Ethereal/Akira/dream115.jpg" "just">>
She may have discovered a drop of shyness, but still I think a @@color:yellow;weak lvl1 pill won't be able to bring back all her feelings and sensations...Although we have some good progress here....@@
I still have some time, I want to make the most of this situation. What should I tell her?
@@#rel;<<button [[Make her trust you even more|AkiraPillUnTaken_Ev1Pill2]]>><<set $AkiraTempTrustCor = 0>><</button>>@@
@@#cor;<<button [[Make her corruption grow even more|AkiraPillUnTaken_Ev1Pill2]]>><<set $AkiraTempTrustCor = 0>><</button>>@@<<media "Data/Locations/ethereal.jpg" "place">>
Ocean of ether.
<<if $AkiraTempTrustCor == 0>>\
<<PlayerDialog "happy" 1>>Akira, I wouldn't dare harm you. @@color:magenta;I just want you to be happy and enjoy yourself and what you see around you!@@<</PlayerDialog>>
I think I'm getting close to the effect limit of this pill....
<<AkiraDialog "horny" 2>>Okay...I got you....<</AkiraDialog>>
<<set $Akira.Rel += 10>>\
@@color:blue;Your relationship with Akira has improved by 10!@@
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>Akira, you're @@color:magenta;sexy as hell@@ right now, so @@color:magenta;take advantage of it and explore your new sensations!@@ Don't mind me and @@color:magenta;give yourself over to this newfound pleasure!@@<</PlayerDialog>>
I think I'm getting close to the effect limit of this pill....
<<AkiraDialog "horny" 2>>Okay...I got you....<</AkiraDialog>>
<<set $Akira.Cor += 10>>\
@@color:red;Akira's corruption has increased by 10!@@
<<AkiraDialog "horny" 2>>In that case, I don't need this....<</AkiraDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Ethereal/Akira/dream116.jpg" "just">>
<<AkiraDialog "dream">>Ah...I can't remember the last time I felt my body so sensitive.....<</AkiraDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Ethereal/Akira/dream117.jpg" "just">>
I can't even begin to imagine how strange it feels to her. I think it's something like turning on a bright light after being used to being in the dark.....
<<AkiraDialog "witch" 1>>Hey, human. You're not really just an illusion created in my mind, are you?<</AkiraDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Ethereal/Akira/dream118.jpg" "just">>
Fuck...she realized.....
<<PlayerDialog "confused" 1>>...I...uh...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "horny" 2>>Whatever...<</AkiraDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Ethereal/Akira/dream119.jpg" "just">>
<<AkiraDialog "horny" 2>> @@color:red;I can't deny it now.....@@<</AkiraDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Ethereal/Akira/dream120.jpg" "just">>
W-what's going on?! Everything started to blur! The magical flows seemed to have gone mad!! Whoah!
Everything around me kept floating and changing.
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Ethereal/Akira/te20.mp4">>
<<AkiraDialog "horny" 2>> @@color:red;Fuck! It's like these feelings are tearing me apart breaking down all the walls inside! Aahhh!@@<</AkiraDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Ethereal/Akira/te14.mp4">>
<<set $Akira.TabletLvl = 1>>\
That was the last thing I saw...
@@color:magenta;Akira was reborn today....@@
<<button "Sleep">><<set $FT = 19>><<set $P.Loc = 1>><<newday>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$Akira.TabletLvl === 1`,
tags: ["Home", "Akira", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Home", "Morning"], isSeparate: true },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Akira", "Morning"] },
<<REDisable [[AkiraPillUnTaken_Ev1Pill1MorningTalk]]>>\
<<media "Data/Locations/room1.jpg" "place">>
My room.
<<if $P.Gender == "m">>\
<<media "Data/Characters/P/wakeup.jpg" "just">>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Morning/bed2.webp" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "happy" 1>>Good morning, new day!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "angry" 2>>Do you really think this day is that good or are you just meaninglessly saying that every morning?<</AkiraDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/bed17.jpg" "just">>
Fuck.. I didn't stand a chance of not facing Akira after what I did to her....
<<PlayerDialog "confused" 1>>H-Hi...you're gonna kill me now, right?..<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/bed94.jpg" "just">>
<<AkiraDialog "serious" 1>>Guess I kind of underestimated you, human. I didn't think anyone was capable of something like that, especially someone like you.<</AkiraDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused" 1>>Eheh...t-thank you?..<</PlayerDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "serious" 1>>Now I know what you're capable of. You will no longer be able to run amok in my dimension without my permission, even if you can get there again.<</AkiraDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused" 1>>Wait, does that mean that...?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "serious" 1>>I'm not sure how I should feel about what you did. And I'm not sure if I really need this new sensations...And yet you managed to surprise me, quite well for a mere human. However, my goals and motives haven't changed, our deal hasn't changed. <</AkiraDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "happy" 1>>You're gonna let me live a little longer?!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "horny" 2>>I've decided that you'll live as long as you bring me benefits. Besides, you're still willing to pay for these shows, right?<</AkiraDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/bed101.jpg" "just">>
Akira, I love you!
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>I will pay and worship you, Akira, until my money runs out completely!<</PlayerDialog>>
@@color:yellow;It's noticeable by Akira's condition that she still hasn't gotten all her feelings and emotions back. Besides, she's still not used to the new, so she hardly knows what to expect. However, this is a very important step, it's time to start getting to know the real Akira! @@
<<if $CurrentDayOfWeek < 5>>\
<<button[[Start new day!|HProom]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Start new day!|WeekEnd]]>><</button>>
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$Akira.TabletLvl === 1 and $AkiraTookPillToday === true and $Akira.TabletLvl !== 2`,
tags: ["ether", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "RandomEthAkira",
weight: 10,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 3,
<<media "Data/Locations/ethereal.jpg" "place">>
Ocean of ether.
I've been waiting for this for a very long time...It's time to finally deal with it!
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Hello? Akira?..<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Ethereal/Akira/sway.gif" "gif">>
<<AkiraDialog "arrogant">>Aaah...<</AkiraDialog>>
Her outfit hasn't changed...
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Akira, what are you doing?...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "arrogant">>I'm not sure...I feel like something is going on, but I don't know what it is.....<</AkiraDialog>>
Ouh...wow...but now I know exactly what's going on. I just felt it. The space around it feels unstable, I'd even say it's soft! Like clay!
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Ethereal/Akira/dream34.jpg" "just">>
<<AkiraDialog "angry" 1>>I was feeling fine until you came here. Everything around me started to change!<</AkiraDialog>>
It's time to take action...
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Akira, it's been a long time coming, but you were the one who asked me to do it. You @@color:magenta;want to feel it again@@, don't you?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Ethereal/Akira/dream30.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Can you @@color:magenta;feel it@@ yet? @@color:magenta;Feelings overwhelm you, sensations and emotions@@....<</PlayerDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "surprised">>...overwhelm...me...<</AkiraDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Ethereal/Akira/dream31.jpg" "just">>
I have to continue!
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Exactly, @@color:magenta;they've always been with you@@, and you can @@color:magenta;feel it all waking up@@....<</PlayerDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "surprised">>I...can feel it?...<</AkiraDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Ethereal/Akira/dream28.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>> @@color:magenta;Yes@@...Akira... @@color:magenta;yes@@...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "surprised">> @@color:red;Y-yes...t-tell me more...@@<</AkiraDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Ethereal/Akira/dream26.jpg" "just">>
@@color:red;Oh, no, no, no! Everything around me is getting more and more unstable! I made a mistake! A person cannot be overwhelmed by emotions and sensations in the same way indefinitely!@@ If emotions and sensations are on the same level, it will become a never-ending battle between @@color:deeppink;mind@@ and @@color:yellow;body@@.
There has to be a balance, I have to choose which of these things will dominate - @@color:deeppink;emotions@@ or @@color:yellow;sensations@@. A lvl 2 pill isn't too strong, so this small choice won't change much, but it will help establish a stable harmony within her.
I don't have time to think too much, I'll tell her....
<<PlayerDialog "confused">> @@color:magenta;Don't fight@@, Akira. Just @@color:magenta;let yourself concentrate on@@....<</PlayerDialog>>
@@color:yellow;Note@@: In this version of the game, this choice won't affect events too much, it will be better revealed in future updates.
@@#pill;<<button [[The emotions you're feeling right now...|AkiraPillUnTaken_Ev2PillMind]]>><<set $Akira.pill2effect = 1>><</button>>@@
@@#pill;<<button [[The sensations you're experiencing right now...|AkiraPillUnTaken_Ev2PillBody]]>><<set $Akira.pill2effect = 2>><</button>>@@<<media "Data/Locations/ethereal.jpg" "place">>
Ocean of ether.
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Ugh...My eyes are blurry...Akira, are you here?!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "happy">>Hey, is everything okay?<</AkiraDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Ethereal/Akira/dream66.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Wow...Akira...you seem to have changed a bit.....<</PlayerDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "happy">>Oh, that's what you mean...don't embarrass me.....<</AkiraDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Ethereal/Akira/dream65.jpg" "just">>
Don't embarrass me?! Did I just hear Akira say that?!
She seems to feel both sensation and emotion much better now, but in this version of the balance her emotions feel little stronger to her than the sensations of her body.
Anyway, all around looks stable, and the pill still seems to be working. I guess I could use it to improve my relationship with her, or to...ehehehe....
@@#rel;<<button [[Increase her trust|AkiraPillUnTaken_Ev2PillMindTrust]]>><</button>>@@
@@#cor;<<button [[Increase her corruption|AkiraPillUnTaken_Ev2PillMindCor]]>><</button>>@@<<media "Data/Locations/ethereal.jpg" "place">>
Ocean of ether.
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Ethereal/Akira/dream65.jpg" "just">>
Damn, she looks so cute!
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Akira, I'm not trying to embarrass you. You can see @@color:magenta;I'm trying to help you@@, and @@color:magenta;it's working@@. You can @@color:magenta;trust me@@ and you can @@color:magenta;count on me@@. You know very well that I can't hurt you, @@color:magenta;you're safe@@.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "suprised">>Yes...even though you are just a mere human, you do a lot for me...I'm starting to realize that...<</AkiraDialog>>
No, no, I'm not one to take your word for it.
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Akira, If you really trust me, can you do what I say now without question?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "suprised">>It...it depends on what you say...What do you want me to do?<</AkiraDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Ethereal/Akira/dream66.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Can you turn half sideways to me and pull down the strap of your top a little?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Ethereal/Akira/dream67.jpg" "just">>
<<AkiraDialog "horny" 2>>..Is...Is this really what you want?<</AkiraDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Hey, I told you not to ask questions!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "horny" 2>>....pervert<</AkiraDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Ethereal/Akira/dream68.jpg" "just">>
Still, she did what I asked. But it's still a work in progress, haha!
<<set $Akira.Rel += 15>>\
@@color:blue;Your relationship with Akira has improved by 15!@@
@@#pill;<<button [[Finish this session|AkiraPillUnTaken_Ev2PillFinish]]>><</button>>@@<<media "Data/Locations/ethereal.jpg" "place">>
Ocean of ether.
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Ethereal/Akira/dream65.jpg" "just">>
Damn, she looks so damn sexy!
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Akira, I'm not trying to embarrass you. Try the opposite of focusing on those emotions. You @@color:magenta;can feel the passion@@ inside you when I look at you like this. <</PlayerDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "suprised">>..Passion?<</AkiraDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Ethereal/Akira/dream69.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Yes, Akira. You're very @@color:magenta;beautiful@@, don't you @@color:magenta;feel how sexy you are@@? Don't you want to @@color:magenta;explore@@ those emotions more @@color:magenta;deeply@@?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "horny" 2>>...sexy, you say...In that case...<</AkiraDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Ethereal/Akira/dream70.jpg" "just">>
<<AkiraDialog "suprised">>Why don't you tell me more about how I'm feeling right now?<</AkiraDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Ethereal/Akira/dream71.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>..w-wow...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "suprised">>You like it very much, right?...It's hard for me to realize this...I mean, I've done this many times on our "shows" when you were paying me...but now it's somehow very different....<</AkiraDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Ethereal/Akira/dream73.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Because it's different now, you @@color:magenta;feel emotions like lust and desire@@, and if you manage to @@color:magenta;satisfy them@@, you @@color:magenta;feel satisfaction and pleasure@@...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "suprised">>And you...do you feel it all too?...<</AkiraDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Ethereal/Akira/dream72.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Of course, Akira!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "horny" 2>>Then...then look at me more!<</AkiraDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Ethereal/Akira/dream74.jpg" "just">>
She seems to be getting interested in these new emotions....
<<set $Akira.Cor += 30>>\
@@color:red;Akira's corruption has increased by 30!@@
@@#pill;<<button [[Finish this session|AkiraPillUnTaken_Ev2PillFinish]]>><</button>>@@<<media "Data/Locations/ethereal.jpg" "place">>
Ocean of ether.
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Ugh...My eyes are blurry...Akira, are you here?!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "serious" 1>>Hey, I'm over here.<</AkiraDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Ethereal/Akira/dream122.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Wow...Akira...you seem to have changed a bit.....<</PlayerDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "serious" 1>>All this fabric feels very soft and nice, but I think I feel something else inside... What did you do?..<</AkiraDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Ethereal/Akira/dream123.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>People put a lot of meaning into how they feel. I'm just letting you @@color:magenta;experience it@@. Pull down your shirt a little and @@color:magenta;focus your sensations on me@@ while I look at you.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "horny">>Like this?..<</AkiraDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Ethereal/Akira/dream124.jpg" "just">>
<<AkiraDialog "surprised">>Oh, my Lord. The sensations inside have changed!.A lot... What is that?..<</AkiraDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Ethereal/Akira/dream125.jpg" "just">>
I'm sure she could feel the texture of an object before, but now it's different. The feeling of a soft pillow brings many different feelings to people, not just the realization that the pillow is soft, haha! She's starting to realize that.
She seems to feel both sensation and emotion much better now, but in this version of the balance, the sensations of her body feel little stronger to her than the emotions.
Anyway, all around looks stable, and the pill still seems to be working. I guess I could use it to improve my relationship with her, or to...ehehehe....
@@#rel;<<button [[Increase her trust|AkiraPillUnTaken_Ev2PillBodyTrust]]>><</button>>@@
@@#cor;<<button [[Increase her corruption|AkiraPillUnTaken_Ev2PillBodyCor]]>><</button>>@@<<media "Data/Locations/ethereal.jpg" "place">>
Ocean of ether.
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Ethereal/Akira/dream125.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>> @@color:magenta;I'm here to help you@@, Akira, not harm you. You've already @@color:magenta;realized that@@, haven't you? That's why the @@color:magenta;sensations you're feeling@@ right now are definitely @@color:magenta;warm and calm@@. I'm not going to hurt you, just try taking off your shirt completely.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "surprised">>I do feel some kind of warmth, like I can really feel your gaze on my skin...<</AkiraDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Ethereal/Akira/dream127.jpg" "just">>
Seemingly because of the new sensations, she began to instinctively cover herself with her hands. Hmmm....
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>While you're @@color:magenta;with me@@, you can @@color:magenta;explore your new sensations in peace@@. @@color:magenta;Trust me, you're safe@@. Your body is too sexy for a simple human like me. Maybe you could take one hand off and let me see more?..<</PlayerDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "surprised">>I'll try.... but you...do you really feel that warmth every time you look at me?...<</AkiraDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>Always, no exceptions.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "surprised">>In that case...<</AkiraDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Ethereal/Akira/dream127.jpg" "just">>
<<AkiraDialog "horny" 2>>Why don't we share these feelings more often from now on?..<</AkiraDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Ethereal/Akira/dream129.jpg" "just">>
<<set $Akira.Rel += 15>>\
@@color:blue;Your relationship with Akira has improved by 15!@@
@@#pill;<<button [[Finish this session|AkiraPillUnTaken_Ev2PillFinish]]>><</button>>@@<<media "Data/Locations/ethereal.jpg" "place">>
Ocean of ether.
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Ethereal/Akira/dream125.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>> @@color:magenta;The devouring looks@@ on your body make you @@color:magenta;feel heat and arousal@@. You'll feel @@color:magenta;pleasant tingles all over your body@@, and some places will get a little @@color:magenta;more wet@@. <</PlayerDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "surprised">>Ah, I didn't realize it...your gaze makes me feel weird.....<</AkiraDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Ethereal/Akira/dream127.jpg" "just">>
Seemingly because of the new sensations, she began to instinctively cover herself with her hands. Hmmm....
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>It's a @@color:magenta;good feeling@@, right? The @@color:magenta;more you involve yourself@@ in those sensations and the @@color:magenta;more you show yourself@@, the @@color:magenta;clearer@@ those new feelings will be for you...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "horny" 2>>I can feel this heat coming from somewhere underneath...<</AkiraDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Ethereal/Akira/dream126.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>Don't you like it? Now you can explore and experience the full range of these sensations.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "horny" 2>>In that case, I wouldn't mind exploring those sensations in a little more detail.<</AkiraDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Ethereal/Akira/dream130.jpg" "just">>
Oh, my God, yes! She decided to get rid of them when I didn't even ask her to!
<<AkiraDialog "horny" 2>>Describe to me what feelings this view evokes in you.<</AkiraDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Ethereal/Akira/dream134.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>Uh, well...hehe, your juicy ass on display brings out the wildest emotions in me!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "surprised">>On display? You know, for some reason this whole show has started to give me a kind of strange feeling. Do human girls put themselves on display like that?<</AkiraDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Ethereal/Akira/dream132.jpg" "just">>
I think that's the kind of thoughts any girl who looks like that would have.
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>But you are no ordinary human girl, you are Akira, the Great Witch of Greed.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Ethereal/Akira/dream131.jpg" "just">>
<<AkiraDialog "horny" 2>>Hmm...you're right...I shouldn't be embarrassed about these human sensations...<</AkiraDialog>>
<<set $Akira.Cor += 30>>\
@@color:red;Akira's corruption has increased by 30!@@
@@#pill;<<button [[Finish this session|AkiraPillUnTaken_Ev2PillFinish]]>><</button>>@@<<media "Data/Locations/ethereal.jpg" "place">>
Ocean of ether.
W-what's going on?! Everything started to blur..Hey, I remember the feeling, it is just like that last time!
Everything around me kept floating and changing. Oh, yeah! That means, uh....
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Ethereal/Akira/te47.mp4">>
<<AkiraDialog "horny" 2>> @@color:red;Mmm...I can feel something stirring inside of me...@@<</AkiraDialog>>
She can't see me? What's she doing?
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Ethereal/Akira/m37.mp4">>
<<AkiraDialog "horny" 2>> @@color:red;There's so much of it....this heat...so pleasant@@<</AkiraDialog>>
She's masturbating?...
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Ethereal/Akira/m36.mp4">>
<<AkiraDialog "horny" 2>> @@color:red;Hey, are you still peeking?...I can feel you, but you gotta go...bye...@@<</AkiraDialog>>
<<set $Akira.TabletLvl = 2>>\
What? Wai..Wait!
<<button "Sleep">><<set $P.Loc = 1>><<newday>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$Akira.TabletLvl === 2`,
tags: ["Home", "Akira", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Home", "Morning"], isSeparate: true },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Akira", "Morning"] },
<<REDisable [[AkiraPillUnTaken_Ev1Pill1MorningTalk]]>>\
<<REDisable [[AkiraPillUnTaken_Ev1Pill2MorningTalk]]>>\
<<media "Data/Locations/room1.jpg" "place">>
My room.
<<if $P.Gender == "m">>\
<<media "Data/Characters/P/wakeup.jpg" "just">>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Morning/bed2.webp" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "happy" 1>>Good morning, new day!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "happy">>This morning actually feels pretty unusual...<</AkiraDialog>>
<<if $Akira.Cor < 50>>\
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/bed20.jpg" "just">>
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/bed21.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "confused" 1>>A-Akira...You came to visit me again?..<</PlayerDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "confused" 1>>I...I'm not sure why I'm here like this...was there something between us? And...And why do I care about something like this?..<</AkiraDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused" 1>>Don't you remember?..<</PlayerDialog>>
I'm actually not sure myself if we had something on the night, but my look needs to be made confident!
<<AkiraDialog "surprised" 1>>It was a blur, but I think I just remembered everything. And stop looking at me like that. You look too piercing.<</AkiraDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/bed13.jpg" "just">>
<<AkiraDialog "surprised">>Ahem...that much better.<</AkiraDialog>>
It seems to have worked. And the best part is, she doesn't look like she's going to kill me! Yeah!
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>And how do you feel now?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/bed16.jpg" "just">>
<<AkiraDialog "happy">>You're not a simple human at all. Maybe it wasn't just a coincidence that Caroline cursed you.<</AkiraDialog>>
She dodged my question!
<<PlayerDialog "disgust">>I guess sooner or later I'll ask her in person about it.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "happy">>For you, this obscurity is good news. You're in my care and you'll live until you start interfering with the witches' plan.<</AkiraDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Th-thank you...haha...<</PlayerDialog>>
At least now I know for sure that I didn't make the situation worse.
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/bed15.jpg" "just">>
<<AkiraDialog "surprised">>I am now somewhat capable of feeling and being aware of how others around me feel. Do you think this will really help me in my work?<</AkiraDialog>>
She has indeed become more human since she is now able to feel insecurity and worry. I guess now I have to cheer her up.
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>You'll quickly notice a change in attitude. Just try to listen to your own feelings and the feelings of those around you and you will definitely succeed!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "happy">>I got it. I'm going to need some time to figure out where these changes are going to go. <</AkiraDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/bed94.jpg" "just">>
@@color:yellow;Note@@: Akira has gotten most of her feelings and emotions back and is slowly becoming what you want her to be. She needs time to change the attitudes of her colleagues, superiors and patients.
@@color:yellow;You can use 3 Ethereal pill to observe her work or just wait for a week of playtime.@@
<<set $Akira.AutoMoney = false>>\
<<if $CurrentDayOfWeek < 5>>\
<<button[[Start new day!|HProom]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Start new day!|WeekEnd]]>><</button>>
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$Akira.TabletLvl === 1`,
tags: ["ether", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "RandomEthAkira",
weight: 10,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 2,
<<media "Data/Locations/ethereal.jpg" "place">>
Ocean of ether.
Hehe, let's see what Akira's been up to today!
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/Work/office188.jpg" "just">>
It doesn't seem to be Akira's consciousness. It seems that after her senses began to awaken, I can actually see moments of her life...Wow!
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "?">>Akira, I can't let you do this job. You may be good at what you do, but the answer is still no.<</MNpcDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "confused">>Sir, you're head doctor here and it's your call, but I don't understand.<</AkiraDialog>>
Looks like it's her boss at the medical center.
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Head doctor">>I've already tried to explain it to you, but it's like you're incapable of understanding it. You're one of the best doctors I've ever seen, but it's like you don't understand the feelings of your colleagues and our patients at all! As long as it stays that way, I can't let you take my place in this office. This conversation is over.<</MNpcDialog>>
<<if $AkiraSawWorkingTroubles === false>>\
That's the kind of trouble Akira has at work! The Great Witch of Greed chases after big money and status, but to no avail. I guess @@color:yellow;I could talk to her about it in her work office in the afternoon.@@
<<set $AkiraSawWorkingTroubles = true>>\
<<button "Sleep">><<newday>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$Akira.TabletLvl > 0`,
tags: ["ether", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "RandomEthAkira",
weight: 10,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 6,
<<media "Data/Locations/ethereal.jpg" "place">>
Ocean of ether.
Hehe, let's see what Akira's been up to today!
<<switch $Akira.TabletLvl>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/Work/office34.jpg" "just">>
<<AkiraDialog "angry" 1>>Tz...I just told him his wife was going to die. That's objectively the most likely outcome. Why do I have to fill out some paperwork now? I realized he was upset to hear that, but I don't understand why...Grr...Stupid humans...<</AkiraDialog>>
At least some of her feelings have returned to her, still very much beyond her comprehension...
<<case 2>>
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Nerdy employee">>Akira, I can't contain myself! You're the most beautiful and sweetest girl in the whole world! I love you!...You're Goddess!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/Work/nerd.jpg" "just">>
<<AkiraDialog "surprised">>Is it true?..<</AkiraDialog>>
She's not acting like she used to. That seems to have encouraged him!
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Nerdy employee">>Of course! Let me prove my love! <</MNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/Work/nerd1.jpg" "just">>
<<AkiraDialog "surprised">>Ah...I can't tell from you, but your hands are actually so manly!...<</AkiraDialog>>
She complimented him and it seems now he's not going to stop!
<<if $Akira.Cor < 50>>\
<<AkiraDialog "happy" 2>>I really appreciate your feelings, but I'm sorry, right now I have a lot of work to do. Thank you for not being afraid to express your feelings! See you!<</AkiraDialog>>
She very deftly and politely turned him down, but from his blurry smile, I bet he thinks she's even cuter now.
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/Work/nerd2.jpg" "just">>
<<AkiraDialog "surprised">>Hey, what are you...ah...<</AkiraDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Nerdy employee">>Miss Akira! You're so beautiful! Let me make you feel good!...This is the greatest pleasure for me!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/Work/nerd3.jpg" "just">>
<<AkiraDialog "surprised">>I..Ah...f-fine...but just not for long...<</AkiraDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Nerdy employee">>May I continue? We've still got five minutes of break time.<</MNpcDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "surprised">>I..aah...I didn't think it would be like this...g-go on....<</AkiraDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/Work/nerd4.jpg" "just">>
<<set $Akira.Cor += 2>>\
@@color:magenta;Akira's corruption increased by 2.@@
<<set $Akira.Control-->>\
@@color:red;Akira's self-control decreased by 1.@@
Didn't I change her too much...?
<<set $Akira.pill2becomingheaddoctorEV++>>\
<<button "Sleep">><<newday>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$Akira.TabletLvl > 0`,
tags: ["ether", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "RandomEthAkira",
weight: 10,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 7,
<<media "Data/Locations/ethereal.jpg" "place">>
Ocean of ether.
Hehe, let's see what Akira's been up to today!
<<switch $Akira.TabletLvl>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/Work/med218.jpg" "just">>
<<AkiraDialog "confused">>Oh, God, your blood pressure is abnormal!...Why is it so high? For some reason, most of the guys I've taken blood pressure measurements from have had their blood pressure elevated!<</AkiraDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Patient">>...heh...I don't know, Doctor...<</MNpcDialog>>
Akira, Akira...
<<case 2>>\
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/Work/med218.jpg" "just">>
<<AkiraDialog "confused">>Oh, God, your blood pressure is abnormal!...Why is it so high? For some reason, most of the guys I've taken blood pressure measurements from have had their blood pressure elevated!<</AkiraDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Patient">>...heh...I don't know, Doctor...<</MNpcDialog>>
Akira, Akira...Hey, why is she smiling?..
<<AkiraDialog "happy" 2>>Sir, your heartbeat and breathing...I think I figured out the cause!<</AkiraDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/Work/med163.jpg" "just">>
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Patient">>So, what do you say, Doctor?<</MNpcDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "happy" 2>>You're perfectly healthy, Sir. The cause of your elevated heart rate and blood pressure is right here... <</AkiraDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/Work/med164.jpg" "just">>
She perfectly gauged his mood and matched his emotional state perfectly! Unbelievable!
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Patient">>Well, to be honest, it's only for nurses like you that I go to these medical checkups so often...<</MNpcDialog>>
<<if $Akira.Cor < 50>>\
<<AkiraDialog "happy" 2>>Don't worry, sir. I won't tell anyone about your real reason for coming to our medical center. And I will examine you as many times as necessary.<</AkiraDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Patient">>Thank you, Miss Akira! Then I will definitely come back to see you again for a checkup! As soon as I think I'm "not feeling well"!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/Work/med72.jpg" "just">>
<<AkiraDialog "happy">>Sir, if I am indeed the reason you come here, why don't I show you more? You will pay me personally for this favor, and it will become our little secret! What do you think?<</AkiraDialog>>
Damn Witch of Greed!! It remains to be seen if she is trying to manipulate the feelings of others or is it really what she herself wants?
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Patient">>Of course! Is...Is 100$ enough for you?..<</MNpcDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "serious" 1>>You are my honored patient. This amount will be sufficient. Now tell me, how do you want me to look?<</AkiraDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/Work/med73.jpg" "just">>
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Patient">>Can...can you give me a better view of your thighs?..<</MNpcDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "serious" 1>>Of course, sir. <</AkiraDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/Work/med74.jpg" "just">>
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Patient">>Now I want to see what's under your dress! Lift it up!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/Work/med75.jpg" "just">>
<<AkiraDialog "serious" 1>>//My patient is now giving me orders almost as much as he normally does. I'm just doing the same thing in front of another man. Why do I feel so different?...//<</AkiraDialog>>
Because these are my shows! Not his!
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Patient">>Your face looks stern...is everything okay?..<</MNpcDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "happy" 2>>Ah, I'm sorry, sir. I was just having a bit of a think! I was thinking about how much I'd love for you to come and see me again and admire me some more!...<</AkiraDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/Work/med76.jpg" "just">>
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Patient">>Oh, Miss Akira, you're more lecherous than you look! I will definitely come to see you for a checkup again!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<set $Akira.Cor += 2>>\
@@color:magenta;Akira's corruption increased by 2.@@
<<set $Akira.Control-->>\
@@color:red;Akira's self-control decreased by 1.@@
I wonder how far their "checkups" can go...
<<set $Akira.pill2becomingheaddoctorEV++>>\
<<button "Sleep">><<newday>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$Akira.TabletLvl > 0`,
tags: ["ether", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "RandomEthAkira",
weight: 10,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 8,
<<media "Data/Locations/ethereal.jpg" "place">>
Ocean of ether.
Hehe, let's see what Akira's been up to today!
<<switch $Akira.TabletLvl>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Nerdy employee">>Akira, I can't contain myself! You're the most beautiful and sweetest girl in the whole world! I love you!...You're Goddess!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/Work/nerd.jpg" "just">>
<<AkiraDialog "confused">>Ah..Don't touch me, human!<</AkiraDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Nerdy employee">>..s..sorry...<</MNpcDialog>>
At least she didn't kill him... She must have sensed something after all.
<<case 2>>\
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/Work/med187.jpg" "just">>
What's she up to?
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/Work/med186.jpg" "just">>
Ha-ha-ha! Akira, Akira...I wonder what she's feeling at this moment?
<<AkiraDialog "horny">>//I need something else...//<</AkiraDialog>>
Something else...?
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/Work/med191.jpg" "just">>
<<AkiraDialog "horny">>//Just don't wake him up...//<</AkiraDialog>>
Not waking him up for what?..
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/Work/med192.jpg" "just">>
<<if $Akira.Cor < 50>>\
<<AkiraDialog "horny">>//Ah, so huge...I guess that woman is his wife....why do I feel so weird touching him?...//<</AkiraDialog>>
I guess that's what happens when curiosity takes over...
<<set $Akira.Cor += 2>>\
@@color:magenta;Akira's corruption increased by 2.@@
<<AkiraDialog "horny">>//Ah, so huge...I guess that woman is his wife....why do I feel so weird touching him?...that dick in her...oh...I can't...//<</AkiraDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/Work/med188.jpg" "just">>
<<AkiraDialog "horny">>//Why? This feeling...it's so weird, but it feels good.....//<</AkiraDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/Work/med189.jpg" "just">>
This could go too far...though maybe she deserved it? She wanted to kill me after all!
<<set $Akira.Cor += 4>>\
@@color:magenta;Akira's corruption increased by 4.@@
<<set $Akira.Control-->>\
@@color:red;Akira's self-control decreased by 1.@@
<<button "Sleep">><<newday>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$Akira.TabletLvl === 2 and $Akira.pill2becomingheaddoctor === false and $Akira.pill2becomingheaddoctorEV > 1`,
tags: ["ether", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "RandomEthAkira",
weight: 10,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 4,
<<media "Data/Locations/ethereal.jpg" "place">>
Ocean of ether.
Hehe, let's see what Akira's been up to today!
<<if $Akira.Cor < 50>>
<<AkiraDialog "happy">>Sir, you called me to come to your office.<</AkiraDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/Work/office144.jpg" "just">>
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Head Doctor">>Yes, Akira. Have a seat.<</MNpcDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "surprised">>Sir, you're not kidding, are you?<</AkiraDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/Work/office188.jpg" "just">>
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Head Doctor">>No kidding, Akira. I don't know what made you change, but our patients and colleagues have begun to speak very highly of you. That's exactly what I needed from you. Now I can safely go to my promotion, and you can take my place here.<</MNpcDialog>>
She finally got promoted?! Ha-ha! There are many reasons, and knowing this Chief Physician I am able to better understand those "reasons", hehe...
<<AkiraDialog "surprised">>Is that why you told me to dress like this, sir? In honor of the occasion?<</AkiraDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/Work/office189.jpg" "just">>
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Head Doctor">>That was part of the test and you followed even that recommendation. Reputation is very important to our medical center. I want our nurses to look good and make our patients happy, but then our head doctor has to look better than everyone else. You have to be simply irresistible!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "surprised">>I understand, Doctor. I will try to be the best Head Doctor I can be and do the best for our medical center!<</AkiraDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Head Doctor">>Glad to hear it, but don't forget you're still under my command. I'll be traveling a lot, so I'll check in on you from time to time to see how you're doing. And I'd like to see you in this outfit every time I visit. Get it, miss new Head Doctor?<</MNpcDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "happy" 2>>Yes, sir!<</AkiraDialog>>
<<set $Akira.Cor += 2>>\
@@color:magenta;Akira's corruption increased by 2.@@
<<AkiraDialog "happy">>Sir, I missed you so much! Thank you for inviting me to your office!<</AkiraDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/Work/office147.jpg" "just">>
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Head Doctor">>Uh, yeah, hehe...I can see that everything I've heard about you is true...<</MNpcDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "surprised">>Sir, you're not kidding, are you?...<</AkiraDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/Work/office188.jpg" "just">>
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Head Doctor">>No kidding, Akira. I don't know what made you change, but our patients and colleagues have begun to speak very highly of you. That's exactly what I needed from you. Now I can safely go to my promotion, and you can take my place here.<</MNpcDialog>>
She finally got promoted?! Ha-ha! There are many reasons, and knowing this Chief Physician I am able to better understand those "reasons", hehe...
<<AkiraDialog "surprised">>Sir, you didn't just tell me to dress like this before you set up this meeting, did you? I look very provocative, don't I?<</AkiraDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/Work/office189.jpg" "just">>
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Head Doctor">>That was part of the test and you followed even that recommendation. Reputation is very important to our medical center. I want our nurses to look good and make our patients happy, but then our head doctor has to look better than everyone else. You have to be simply irresistible!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "horny" 2>>Do I look revealing enough in this outfit, Doctor? Now I'm worthy to take your place, hmm?<</AkiraDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Head Doctor">>Even if you take my place, you'll still be under my command. So, final exam, Akira. Prove that you are worthy and really want to take my place. Use your mouth. You must understand what I mean...<</MNpcDialog>>
Will she...will she go for it?
<<AkiraDialog "surprised">>I...I want it...I understood...as you say, sir...<</AkiraDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Head Doctor">>I'll be traveling a lot, so I'll check in on you from time to time to see how you're doing. And I'll expect a warm welcome from you in this exact outfit.. Get it, miss new Head Doctor?<</MNpcDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "happy" 2>>Yes, sir!<</AkiraDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/Work/office190.jpg" "just">>
I...I don't believe it...
<<set $Akira.Cor += 2>>\
@@color:magenta;Akira's corruption increased by 2.@@
<<set $Akira.Control-->>\
@@color:red;Akira's self-control decreased by 1.@@
<<set $Akira.pill2becomingheaddoctorEV++>>\
@@color:yellow;Note@@: Akira has been promoted and she is now the Head Doctor of the medical center. You can work at the medical center and spend time with Akira as usual.
@@color:lime;The opportunity to talk to her about "Ractivity" is open.@@
<<button "Sleep">><<newday>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$Carol.TabletLvl > 1 and $P.Gender === "f"`,
tags: ["ether", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "RandomEthCarol",
weight: 10,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 2,
<<media "Data/Locations/ethereal.jpg" "place">>
Ocean of ether.
Now I have a close-up view of this kind of picture...excellent
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Ethereal/Carol/cock23.mp4">>
<<CarolDialog "horny" 1>>//Still can't get used to this thing. It looks so huge up close. It's mesmerizing... And it feels so good to touch it....//<</CarolDialog>>
I feel proud of it! I hope your curiosity will one day lead you to enjoy this thing to the fullest when you are back in your own body!
<<UpdateArousal "+5">>
<<button "Sleep">><<newday>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$Carol.TabletLvl > 1 and $P.Gender === "m"`,
tags: ["ether", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "RandomEthCarol",
weight: 10,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 3,
<<media "Data/Locations/ethereal.jpg" "place">>
Ocean of ether.
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Ethereal/Carol/mast1.mp4">>
Wow, looks like I'm in for a spicy moment! Carol would kill me if she knew I was watching her! Or should I say "watched"...Isn't that the past? Am I saying that right?...haha
<<CarolDialog "horny">>//I'm finally alone and in my own body! Ugh, it feels so much softer and more sensitive after being in a man's body! Or maybe it's not just me and it really is a little more sensitive! Oh!//<</CarolDialog>>
Hehehe! You are definitely enjoying yourself right now, Carol! And I'm going to make sure you enjoy it even more, but together with me next time!
<<UpdateArousal "+20">>
<<button "Sleep">><<newday>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$Carol.TabletLvl < 2 and $P.Gender === "m"`,
tags: ["ether", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "RandomEthCarol",
weight: 10,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 0,
<<media "Data/Locations/ethereal.jpg" "place">>
Ocean of ether.
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Ethereal/Carol/face3.jpg" "just">>
Whoa, it is really Carol. She's so beautiful right now. She also looks so thoughtful.
<<CarolDialog>>//I wonder what he thinks of me? I hope he doesn't think I'm an evil bitch...Although why should I care?//<</CarolDialog>>
What? She didn't say anything just now.... Haha, I'm definetely not glitching! I'm really hearing her thoughts!
<<CarolDialog>>//But he always looks at me with those eyes...Also, he's almost always smiling! I wonder if he started courting me, would I let him continue? What if he really is the kind of person who wants to understand me? I don't know....//<</CarolDialog>>
Who's she thinking about? Is it me?! Wow! She's completely in her own thoughts right now, and her face barely shows any emotion! And yet, if I ended up here, those thoughts are really bringing her warmth today...hehehe....
<<UpdateArousal "+10">>
<<button "Sleep">><<newday>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$Carol.TabletLvl < 2 and $P.Gender === "f"`,
tags: ["ether", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "RandomEthCarol",
weight: 10,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 1,
<<media "Data/Locations/ethereal.jpg" "place">>
Ocean of ether.
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Ethereal/Carol/7.jpg" "just">>
Whoa, is that me? It's so weird to see myself from the outside. Looks like I...ahem... I mean Carol is in some kind of bar! Why is she grinning like that, haha?!
<<CarolDialog>>//Man, that's so funny. The male body is much more resistant to alcohol than mine! These cocktails just make me feel more cheerful and don't make me feel bad at all! //<</CarolDialog>>
You should see, Carol, how many of these pathetic cocktails I can actually drink! But in general.... STOP drinking in my body!
Although I'm glad to see that Carol knows how to have fun too!
<<UpdateArousal "+5">>
<<button "Sleep">><<newday>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
tags: ["ether", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "RandomEthDad",
weight: 10,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 0,
<<media "Data/Locations/ethereal.jpg" "place">>
Ocean of ether.
Let's see what my dad's up to.
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Ethereal/Dad/4.gif" "gif">>
<<DadDialog>>//What a thrill! The bathtub warms me up, relaxes me, and makes me sober. That means I can drink some more after the bath! Brilliant!//<</DadDialog>>
Yeah.... dad knows how to relax in a mature way.
<<button "Sleep">><<newday>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
tags: ["ether", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "RandomEthDad",
weight: 10,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 1,
<<media "Data/Locations/ethereal.jpg" "place">>
Ocean of ether.
Let's see what my dad's up to.
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Ethereal/Dad/listening.gif" "gif">>
It seems my dad was not at home at this time and was quietly enjoying the music...
<<DadDialog>>//anchuumosaku.... that's ALL RIGHT
..... wanna CRY
jibun no kimochi o shinjitsuzuketai
dakedo....de wa tsurai
..... yowane o koboshita ano hi...
mune ni chotto.....my regret//<</DadDialog>>
What?! What kind of song is that, anyway? It's not English...um...isn't it?! I can barely understand the tune, I can only get the words out of his thoughts!
<<button "Sleep">><<newday>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
tags: ["ether", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "RandomEthDad",
weight: 10,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 2,
<<media "Data/Locations/ethereal.jpg" "place">>
Ocean of ether.
Let's see what my dad's up to. Looks like dad is on style as usual....candles and ambiance...looks like he's watching TV.....
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Ethereal/Dad/talk.gif" "gif">>
<<DadDialog>>All thooosess rufflesss and jeoweliry with a cute tight ~Ek~ dress....I don't...~Ek~..understand....H-how she can be soooo cute..? Just how?<</DadDialog>>
He's drunk off his ass. But what's he watching right now? It seems to be something to do with pretty cute girls in cute dresses...I have no other guesses! Damn pill, I can see him and hear his comments, but I can't see the damn TV!
I still can't figure out what my dad does when he's drunk and what kind of person he is. But now I realize that he's definitely hiding something.
<<button "Sleep">><<newday>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$GF.TabletLvl > 1`,
tags: ["ether", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "RandomEthLayla",
weight: 10,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 2,
<<media "Data/Locations/ethereal.jpg" "place">>
Ocean of ether.
Now that's interesting...
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Ethereal/GF/bath3.jpg" "just">>
<<GirlfriendDialog "horny">>Yeah.... I hear you.... I'll do as you say.... just shove it in deeper!<</GirlfriendDialog>>
Whoa, hehehe...because of what she's muttering to herself, I can't read her mind. I can see that the headphones are connected to her smartphone, but....Layla isn't likely to talk to someone like that, is she?
I'm sure of it, I've known her for far more than a day, I bet she has erotic conversations on .mp3 on her smartphone and now she is listening to them....hahaha....
And she definitely likes it....
<<UpdateArousal "+10">>
<<button "Sleep">><<newday>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$GF.TabletLvl > 1`,
tags: ["ether", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "RandomEthLayla",
weight: 10,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 3,
<<media "Data/Locations/ethereal.jpg" "place">>
Ocean of ether.
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Ethereal/GF/room21.jpg" "just">>
Wow, Layla is unrecognizable! She's reading...a glossy magazine?!
<<GirlfriendDialog "horny">>These models have such big lips, they can probably do all sorts of "nice" things with them....Mmmm...I can already imagine them doing it.....<</GirlfriendDialog>>
Fuck, now I'm imagining it too....
<<GirlfriendDialog "horny">>I wonder if I can do it like them? Mmm...just like...that?<</GirlfriendDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Ethereal/GF/room20.jpg" "just">>
Ugh, now I see that I'm trying my best in those pills's work for a reason!
<<GirlfriendDialog "horny">>I hope he's happy to see me ready for something like this....<</GirlfriendDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Ethereal/GF/room19.jpg" "just">>
Of course! Absolutely! There's no other way!
Um, she's been talking about me this whole time...right?
<<UpdateArousal "+10">>
<<button "Sleep">><<newday>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$GF.TabletLvl > 1 and $Bully.GotoGF > 5 and $StephanGotoGFAgreement == false and ($Bully.Relationship == 0 or $Bully.Relationship == 3)`,
tags: ["ether", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "RandomEthLayla",
weight: 50,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 4,
<<media "Data/Locations/ethereal.jpg" "place">>
Ocean of ether.
<<if $Bully.GotoGF > 5 and $GF.EvilCorPoints === 0>>\
<<set $Bully.GotoGF++>>\
<<if $Bully.GotoGF >= 8>>\
<<set $GF.EvilCorPoints = 1>>\
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Ethereal/GF/te18.mp4">>
Is Layla talking to someone? This seems to be exactly the emotional moment of the day for her.....
<<GirlfriendDialog "serious">>I'm sick of you! How did you even get my number?!<</GirlfriendDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>None of your damn business how I got your number. And don't you dare talk to me like that, bitch.<</BullyDialog>>
Wait...is it...Stephan?
<<GirlfriendDialog "serious">>How else am I supposed to talk to you? You always come in here and say the same thing all the time!<</GirlfriendDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Oh, really? I'm not afraid to say it as many times as it takes. You're not worthy of your boyfriend, you closed-minded, boring bitch!<</BullyDialog>>
<<GirlfriendDialog "arrogant">>I'm actually working on myself...<</GirlfriendDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Don't be ridiculous! It's not enough! Guys only want one thing from you bitches! And you can't give it!<</BullyDialog>>
Stephan can't see it, but I can see how red her face is now....
<<GirlfriendDialog "confused">>If you really know about...bitches....then tell me what kind of...bitch...has to be for a guy to like her?<</GirlfriendDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Ha-ha! She must be the complete opposite of you! You may be smart, but you're dumb enough not to realize how insensitive and unfeminine you are! Hehe...I would describe it all to you in detail...in person....<</BullyDialog>>
She's not gonna go for it, is she?!
<<GirlfriendDialog "arrogant">>Fuck you, Stephan! Don't call this number again!<</GirlfriendDialog>>
That's it, Layla! I guess I can see this moment because you're overwhelmed with all sorts of emotions right now.....
<<BullyDialog>>//Sooner or later, the guilt and resentment will devour you, bitch...//<</BullyDialog>>
I could hear his thoughts through the phone receiver?! Apparently now his satisfaction has reached its limits....Stephan won't stop, I can't let him see her unless I want him to do what he wants to do to her....
<<if $Levi.Gender == "f">>\
<<GirlfriendDialog "serious">>//I want to talk to Levi about what happened....//<</GirlfriendDialog>>
<<set $Levi.Perv += 5>>\
What? With Levi? Hmm...Knowing Levi I think she'd be more than happy to have that conversation. I think I could see them talking by spying on Levi using another the Ethereal pill.
<<elseif $Bully.GotoGF >= 8 and $GF.EvilCorPoints == 1>>
<<set $Bully.GotoGF++>>\
<<if $Bully.GotoGF >= 10>>\
<<set $GF.EvilCorPoints = 2>>\
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Ethereal/GF/massage.mp4">>
Layla looks a little concerned....
<<BullyDialog>>I hope you're ready, hehehe<</BullyDialog>>
Stephan? No, don't tell me she is really....
<<GirlfriendDialog "serious">>Hey, you can dispense with that nasty laugh, or I'll just get up and leave now!<</GirlfriendDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>No need to be rude to the person who's helping you, princess. Do you remember what we're doing here?<</BullyDialog>>
<<GirlfriendDialog "confused">>Yes... I came here so you could help me get a better feel for my body!... I came here because you showed me the certificate!<</GirlfriendDialog>>
What? Certificate?! It's Stephan, hello!!
<<BullyDialog>>In that case, I ask you to undress, apply this massage gel to your body and get ready for our session..//..hehe...you don't know that this gel is mixed with a diluted version of Celtos....//<</BullyDialog>>
Celtos? Oh my God, Layla, don't you dare agree to this!
<<GirlfriendDialog "arrogant">>.....fine, but don't you dare even touch me there...below.... you promised, so keep your word! Or you'll get a kick in the jaw from me! <</GirlfriendDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Don't worry, I always keep my word, you can ask your boyfriend about it! //If I decide I'm gonna make a bitch out of you, I'll do it!//<</BullyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Ethereal/GF/massage1.mp4">>
<<GirlfriendDialog "confused">>//Wow, the session hasn't started yet, and it's like I'm already feeling more sensitive....//<</GirlfriendDialog>>
It's all because of his "secret" additive to this gel!
<<BullyDialog>>All right, princess... Are you ready?<</BullyDialog>>
<<GirlfriendDialog "confused">>Yeah, you can start.<</GirlfriendDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Ethereal/GF/massage2.mp4">>
<<BullyDialog>>//I think I'll add a little more gel! Hehehe, bon appétit!//<</BullyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Ethereal/GF/dress67.jpg" "just">>
Damn, I can't look at this anymore, but I don't have an exit button for this "Ethereal" mode here!
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Ethereal/GF/massage3.mp4">>
<<BullyDialog>>How are you, baby? You gotta feel the whole thing. You feel it?<</BullyDialog>>
<<GirlfriendDialog "confused">>Yes...//He technically runs his hands all over my body ignoring only my pussy. He arranges his movements so that his hands are almost touching it, but he still keeps his word! Oh, my body feels so light and heavy at the same time.....//<</GirlfriendDialog>>
With his movements, he covered her entire body with this gel! No wonder she feels like that!
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Ethereal/GF/massage4.mp4">>
<<GirlfriendDialog "horny">>Hey, you almost touched it again... You want to get punched so badly?<</GirlfriendDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>No, baby. You're in control here, so I won't touch it without your permission, but you've given me permission to touch you in any other places...<</BullyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Ethereal/GF/massage5.mp4">>
<<GirlfriendDialog "confused">>//He suddenly started touching my boobs so intensely.... his hands are so strong...Is this normal at all? Should I stop him?...Well...It's okay, I'll let him continue a but more.....//<</GirlfriendDialog>>
It seems that because of Celtos and his massage, she really can't think about anything but the movements of his hands right now!
<<BullyDialog>>Do you understand now? If you want to be a decent bitch, you have to feel and use every inch of your lecherous body!<</BullyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Ethereal/GF/massage6.mp4">>
<<GirlfriendDialog "confused">>Yes...I feel each of these sensations...//My body is so light....I probably wouldn't even be able to hit him right now, but he's still not touching my pussy....//<</GirlfriendDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Well done, princess. Your pussy needs some practice too...But I won't do anything extra, only with your permission...//I guess I don't have long to wait for that, hehe....//<</BullyDialog>>
Pussy practice?! Layla!
<<GirlfriendDialog "horny">>In that case, we'll call it a day. I think I understood my body a little better today.<</GirlfriendDialog>>
Phew, she can still keep her sanity sober, lucky she's so tough in that regard...I guess it's useless for me to talk to Layla about it. Even if we do, Stephan won't stop and he'll think of something else. @@color:yellow;I need to resolve this with Stephan, and if I don't have a way to work it out now, then maybe I can at least talk to him to put off what he wants to do to her until I have a way to confront him....@@
<<if $Levi.Gender == "f">>\
<<GirlfriendDialog "serious">>//I want to talk to Levi about what happened....//<</GirlfriendDialog>>
<<set $Levi.Perv += 5>>\
What? With Levi? Hmm...Knowing Levi I think she'd be more than happy to have that conversation. I think I could see them talking by spying on Levi using another the Ethereal pill.
<<elseif $Bully.GotoGF >= 10 and $GF.EvilCorPoints == 2>>
<<set $Bully.GotoGF++>>\
<<if $Bully.GotoGF >= 15>>\
<<set $GF.EvilCorPoints = 3>>\
<<GirlfriendDialog "confused">>You can start, I'm ready.<</GirlfriendDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Ethereal/GF/massage2.mp4">>
<<BullyDialog>>You don't have to ask me twice<</BullyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Ethereal/GF/dress67.jpg" "just">>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Ethereal/GF/massage4.mp4">>
<<BullyDialog>>Looks like you're a little more used to it than I thought. I'm seeing more and more of that lecherous smile on your face.<</BullyDialog>>
<<GirlfriendDialog "confused">>Don't be silly, you have nothing to hope for with me. Although I can't deny that your massage is very pleasant.....<</GirlfriendDialog>>
Layla still wouldn't give in to him, but her body was already starting to lose to the sensations...
<<BullyDialog>>You get high from my hands stroking and squeezing your body. You have definitely become more aware of your body during our little "massage course"...<</BullyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Ethereal/GF/massage5.mp4">>
<<GirlfriendDialog "horny">>Do you think I feel better about my body? I've become a better girlfriend for him, um?<</GirlfriendDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Don't be too sure, you're a long way from being a first class bitch for him. You may be getting better at feeling your body, but you still don't know how to handle your pussy, it needs practice too. <</BullyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Ethereal/GF/massage6.mp4">>
<<GirlfriendDialog "confused">>My pussy? Maybe you're right, but I told you not to touch it for a reason, in case you pulled any dirty tricks. But you can't train my pussy without touching it, right?<</GirlfriendDialog>>
Great move, Layla!
<<BullyDialog>>I can't practice your pussy without touching it?! Ha-ha! Don't make me laugh! Of course I can!....<</BullyDialog>>
I underestimated Stephan, he's smarter than he looks...
<<GirlfriendDialog "confused">>Oh, my God! Did I say you could use that thing?!<</GirlfriendDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Ethereal/GF/massage9.mp4">>
<<BullyDialog>>Didn't we agree that I couldn't touch it without your permission? As you can see, I keep my word and I don't touch your pussy directly.<</BullyDialog>>
<<GirlfriendDialog "horny">>I...I don't...Ah...well...<</GirlfriendDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>You have nothing to worry about, you better concentrate on your pussy and think about what a gorgeous bitch you're going to be!<</BullyDialog>>
<<GirlfriendDialog "horny">>Ah...f-fine...You can go on....but just keep your word on it!<</GirlfriendDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>You betcha, princess....<</BullyDialog>>
Looks like they've reached a new stage in their relationship. Layla is still in control and trying her best to be good girlfriend for me, but she won't be able to stay in control in relationship with Stephan all the time...
...I guess it's useless for me to talk to Layla about it. Even if we do, Stephan won't stop and he'll think of something else. @@color:yellow;I need to resolve this with Stephan, and if I don't have a way to work it out now, then maybe I can at least talk to him to put off what he wants to do to her until I have a way to confront him....@@
<<if $Levi.Gender == "f">>\
<<GirlfriendDialog "serious">>//I want to talk to Levi about what happened....//<</GirlfriendDialog>>
<<set $Levi.Perv += 5>>\
What? With Levi? Hmm...Knowing Levi I think she'd be more than happy to have that conversation. I think I could see them talking by spying on Levi using another the Ethereal pill.
<<elseif $Bully.GotoGF >= 15 and $GF.EvilCorPoints == 3>>
<<set $Bully.GotoGF++>>\
<<if $Bully.GotoGF >= 20>>\
<<set $GF.EvilCorPoints = 4>>\
<<GirlfriendDialog "horny">>Mmm...all my skin is so wet, slippery.... and hot....<</GirlfriendDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Ethereal/GF/massage5.mp4">>
Damn, I got a bad feeling about this. It looks like it's already the middle of their usual massage session....If the Ethereal pill threw me here and this is just the beginning of what I'm about to see, then Layla has experienced more emotion from what's ahead....
<<BullyDialog>>How are you, princess? //I can feel her body trembling, I want her to say it//<</BullyDialog>>
<<GirlfriendDialog "confused">>You've been giving massages longer than usual today. What about...the second part?...<</GirlfriendDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>I don't know what you're talking about. //Go ahead and say it yourself!//<</BullyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Ethereal/GF/massage4.mp4">>
<<GirlfriendDialog "horny">>Mmm...don't play with me, fool. Are we gonna train my pussy again today?...<</GirlfriendDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Oh, you shouldn't have been embarrassed to talk about it before if you wanted to. Let's get started, hehe.<</BullyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Ethereal/GF/massage9.mp4">>
<<GirlfriendDialog "confused">>Hey, I'm not letting you do this because I want to! //Oh, my God. Sure I said it, but I can feel it...I can feel it again.... finally.... my pussy feels like it's on fire....Of course it's just a workout, but I can afford to enjoy it a little bit, right?//<</GirlfriendDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Of course, I remember that you're doing all this to please your favorite guy later. So relax and concentrate on pleasure, bitch!<</BullyDialog>>
I want to fall under the ground right now....
<<GirlfriendDialog "confused">>It's a workout, can I really afford to enjoy it?<</GirlfriendDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Remember, girl. Good bitches don't ask permission, they just enjoy themselves without question!<</BullyDialog>>
<<GirlfriendDialog "horny">>Mmm? Ah...Yesss...Then train my pussy more! Let me feel everything!<</GirlfriendDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Ethereal/GF/massage8.mp4">>
<<BullyDialog>>That's it, don't you dare resist the pleasure, feel it with every fiber of your being, bitch! //That was the last step. It was now only a matter of time before I fuck her and make her addicted to my cock! //<</BullyDialog>>
Last step?! I think I still have a handle on it...
Still, I feel like a bit of an asshole, there are so many girls around me, am I really trying to keep everyone?
...I guess it's useless for me to talk to Layla about it. Even if we do, Stephan won't stop and he'll think of something else. @@color:yellow;I need to resolve this with Stephan, and if I don't have a way to work it out now, then maybe I can at least talk to him to put off what he wants to do to her until I have a way to confront him....@@
@@color:red; font-size: 120%;Note: @@This is the last Layla NTR route event for the current version of the game, but it's not the end of the branch. Keep an eye out for the next Tasty Curse updates. Current Player's progress will be maintained.
<<if $Levi.Gender === "f">>\
<<GirlfriendDialog "serious">>//I want to talk to Levi about what happened....//<</GirlfriendDialog>>
<<set $Levi.Perv += 5>>\
What? With Levi? Hmm...Knowing Levi I think she'd be more than happy to have that conversation. I think I could see them talking by spying on Levi using another the Ethereal pill.
<<elseif $Bully.GotoGF >= 20 and $GF.EvilCorPoints == 4>>
<<set $Bully.GotoGF++>>\
<<if $Bully.GotoGF >= 25>>\
/*<<set $GF.EvilCorPoints = 4>>\*/
<<GirlfriendDialog "horny">>Ah...aha...finally...I'll finally feel it again...<</GirlfriendDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Ethereal/GF/massage9.mp4">>
Fucking hell! She's here again and this time I can see the moment right away! But why?
<<BullyDialog>>Hey, princess<</BullyDialog>>
<<GirlfriendDialog "confused">>ah..wh..what?<</GirlfriendDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>You know I can give you more than this pathetic toy. Much more...<</BullyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Ethereal/GF/massage8.mp4">>
<<GirlfriendDialog "confused">>..m...M-much more?...ah..no!...I'll' never agree to...that...<</GirlfriendDialog>>
<<GirlfriendDialog "confused">>Mmmm..i..is this really gonna make me a better...bitch for Nikita?...<</GirlfriendDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Of course! But right now, just relax and enjoy being fucked by my cock!<</BullyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Ethereal/GF/massage11.mp4">>
<<GirlfriendDialog "confused">>..yeah, but I mean...you're just...ah...just keep going...<</GirlfriendDialog>>
He...broke her after all...
<<GirlfriendDialog "confused">>Ahh..b-but I didn't mean for it to happen...how did this...h..? Why did I...ah...<</GirlfriendDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>It's part of your training, so put unnecessary thoughts out of your head and be a good little bitch!<</BullyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Ethereal/GF/massage12.mp4">>
<<GirlfriendDialog "horny">>No..I...aahh...It...it feels so good....<</GirlfriendDialog>>
<<if $Levi.Gender === "f">>\
<<GirlfriendDialog "confused">>//Such a weird feeling...I need...I have to tell Levi about this.....//<</GirlfriendDialog>>
<<set $Levi.Perv += 5>>\
Maybe this way I can learn a little more about what the fuck is happening....
And what?! Her event ends at this point?! What should I do now?!
@@color:magenta; font-size: 120%;Note: @@Layla had sex on the side and she enjoyed it. From now on, she will be losing 1 point of @@color:red;Selfcontrol@@ every day. The lower her self-control and the higher her corruption, the more depraved things she will start doing.
@@color:red; font-size: 120%;Note: @@This is the last Layla NTR route event for the current version of the game, but it's not the end of the branch. Keep an eye out for the next Tasty Curse updates. Current Player's progress will be maintained. Events with the loss of her self-control will be added with the new update when it's Layla's events's turn to be updated.
<<UpdateArousal "100">>
<<button "Sleep">><<newday>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$GF.TabletLvl > 1 and $GF.EvilCorPoints > 1`,
tags: ["ether", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "RandomEthLayla",
weight: 10,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 5,
<<media "Data/Locations/ethereal.jpg" "place">>
Ocean of ether.
I recognize this room.
<<GirlfriendDialog "horny">>//Wow, I feel so feminine and..... hot....That's all because of his trainings...//<</GirlfriendDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Ethereal/GF/mirror.jpg" "just">>
Whoa, uh...she really wasn't that lecherous before, was she....
<<GirlfriendDialog "horny">>//Damn, this is so funny, but I think I'm starting to like feeling like a bitch...I hope he likes it too....m I need to understand my body even better....//<</GirlfriendDialog>>
I'm glad she likes to be more open about what she wants....The important thing is that it doesn't get out of hand....
<<UpdateArousal "+5">>
<<button "Sleep">><<newday>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$GF.TabletLvl < 2`,
tags: ["ether", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "RandomEthLayla",
weight: 10,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 0,
<<media "Data/Locations/ethereal.jpg" "place">>
Ocean of ether.
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Ethereal/GF/face.jpg" "just">>
Okay, I see Layla. She's sitting there with a serious... I mean her usual face...
<<GirlfriendDialog>>//....Phenylpropanolamine hydrochloride is a common....nasal decongestant. An aqueous solution of
phenylpropanolamine....hydrochloride...that is sold commercially as a children's decongestant has a
concentration of 6.67...//<</GirlfriendDialog>>
Damn, I can barely catch her thoughts, there are so many! Does she have so few interesting things going on in her life that the Ethereal pill is letting me see just that?!
<<UpdateArousal "-20">>
<<button "Sleep">><<newday>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$GF.TabletLvl < 2`,
tags: ["ether", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "RandomEthLayla",
weight: 10,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 1,
<<media "Data/Locations/ethereal.jpg" "place">>
Ocean of ether.
Now that's interesting...
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Ethereal/GF/bath3.jpg" "just">>
<<GirlfriendDialog "arrogant">>Ah, why do I even have to do this? It's such a waste of time, but the body needs it...at least sometimes.....<</GirlfriendDialog>>
She absolutely does not know how to relax! That's a problem, a person can't live like that for long! Although I think I can solve this problem without too much trouble....
<<UpdateArousal "+10">>
<<button "Sleep">><<newday>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$Levi.Gender === "f" and ($Bully.Relationship == 0 or $Bully.Relationship == 3)`,
tags: ["ether", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "RandomEthLevi",
weight: 10,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 1,
<<media "Data/Locations/ethereal.jpg" "place">>
Ocean of ether.
<<set _gfevilcor = $GF.EvilCorPoints - 1>>\
<<switch _gfevilcor>>\
<<case 0>>\
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Ethereal/Levi/out59.jpg" "just">>
<<LeviDialog "happy">>Hi there!<</LeviDialog>>
<<if $GF.TabletLvl < 1>>\
<<GirlfriendDialog "serious">>You...why are you dressed so lightly?!<</GirlfriendDialog>>
<<if $LeviLaylaFriends == false>>\
Layla?! Do they know each other?!
<<LeviDialog "happy">>It's warm outside!<</LeviDialog>>
<<GirlfriendDialog "serious">>You don't look after your appearance at all!<</GirlfriendDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Ethereal/Levi/out61.jpg" "just">>
<<GirlfriendDialog "arrogant">>I can see your underwear under your skirt! <</GirlfriendDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Ethereal/Levi/out60.jpg" "just">>
<<LeviDialog "happy">>What? How rude! Well, then just don't down there! Ha-ha!<</LeviDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Ethereal/Levi/out62.jpg" "just">>
<<GirlfriendDialog "happy">>Damn, I can't be mad at my friend. You're so thoughtless!<</GirlfriendDialog>>
<<if $LeviLaylaFriends == false>>\
Are they friends? Hmmm...actually if you imagine a life scenario where Levi has always been like this, it's quite likely to assume he's...ahem...she's friends with my childhood friend Layla....Levi is my sister now after all...
<<LeviDialog "happy">>Um?! You think I'm ight-headed?! I think I'm just dressed for the weather! Are you wearing a fur coat?! Ha-ha! Come out of there and show me!<</LeviDialog>>
<<GirlfriendDialog "serious">>No, I won't!<</GirlfriendDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Ethereal/Levi/dress50.jpg" "just">>
<<LeviDialog "happy">>I bet you wore a dress as light as mine and now you're embarrassed because of your own lamentations!<</LeviDialog>>
<<GirlfriendDialog "arrogant">>Get off! It's the head that counts in a girl, not the way she looks!<</GirlfriendDialog>>
<<GirlfriendDialog "serious">>Hey, Levi!<</GirlfriendDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Ethereal/Levi/dress50.jpg" "just">>
<<if $LeviLaylaFriends == false>>\
Layla?! Do they know each other?!
<<LeviDialog "happy">>You are my best friend after all! You can't fool me! I know you're hiding on purpose!<</LeviDialog>>
<<if $LeviLaylaFriends == false>>\
They're best friends! Actually if you imagine a life scenario where Levi has always been like this, it's quite likely to assume he's...ahem...she's friends with my childhood friend Layla....Levi is my sister now after all...
<<GirlfriendDialog "happy">>You know all about me!! ...Well, ta-da!<</GirlfriendDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Ethereal/Levi/dress13.jpg" "just">>
<<GirlfriendDialog "happy">>Wow! You're like little a barbie doll!<</GirlfriendDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Ethereal/Levi/dress10.jpg" "just">>
<<GirlfriendDialog "happy">>Do you think your brother would like it?<</GirlfriendDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Ethereal/Levi/dress33.jpg" "just">>
<<LeviDialog "happy">>Wow! I love you! You're so cute and sexy! He's gonna love you for sure too!<</LeviDialog>>
<<GirlfriendDialog "happy">>You think I'm sexy?<</GirlfriendDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Ethereal/Levi/dress24.jpg" "just">>
<<LeviDialog "happy">>Hmm...you didn't used to be interested in this topic at all before... but I think you're definitely pretty damn sexy! Although I don't think you should be showing your panties to everyone... <</LeviDialog>>
Looks like Levi's real instincts haven't gone anywhere, she can see the changes in Layla caused by the pills.
<<GirlfriendDialog "happy">>You're not "everyone". By the way, look who's talking! You don't even have to pull up your skirt for someone to see your panties!<</GirlfriendDialog>>
<<LeviDialog "surprised">>What?! Really?!<</LeviDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Ethereal/Levi/out62.jpg" "just">>
That's so funny! Ha-ha-ha!
<<case 1>>\
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Ethereal/Levi/out59.jpg" "just">>
<<LeviDialog "happy">>Hi there!<</LeviDialog>>
<<GirlfriendDialog "confused">>Levi, tell me! Do you really think I'm sexy? Please tell me only the truth!<</GirlfriendDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Ethereal/Levi/dress13.jpg" "just">>
<<LeviDialog "confused">>What makes you ask that? I don't even know how to answer you.....<</LeviDialog>>
<<GirlfriendDialog "confused">>Geez, just look at yourself! You're so much cuter and sexier than me!<</GirlfriendDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Ethereal/Levi/out61.jpg" "just">>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Ethereal/Levi/out60.jpg" "just">>
<<GirlfriendDialog "confused">>How do you do that?!<</GirlfriendDialog>>
<<LeviDialog "happy">>I don't know, I'm just the way I am and always have been!<</LeviDialog>>
Yeah.. of course.. always have been..
<<GirlfriendDialog "confused">>And if I, say, have the opportunity to learn how to be cute and sexy too, should I take it?<</GirlfriendDialog>>
<<LeviDialog "happy">>I don't know... I just know one thing, if you have a dream, you have to follow it to the end and to the best of your ability!<</LeviDialog>>
Shit, Levi! That's how you built a huge company, but you don't realize this is a different situation!
<<GirlfriendDialog "happy">>Thank you, Levi! Now I know what to do!<</GirlfriendDialog>>
<<case 2>>\
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Ethereal/Levi/out59.jpg" "just">>
<<LeviDialog "happy">>Hi there!<</LeviDialog>>
<<GirlfriendDialog "happy">>Hey, do you see the difference in me?<</GirlfriendDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Ethereal/Levi/dress35.jpg" "just">>
<<LeviDialog "confused">>I was actually hoping for a return greeting...<</LeviDialog>>
<<GirlfriendDialog "arrogant">>Don't be a boo-boo! You better tell me what you think! <</GirlfriendDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Ethereal/Levi/dress15.jpg" "just">>
<<GirlfriendDialog "horny">>Haven't I become more feminine and sexy? Tell me!<</GirlfriendDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Ethereal/Levi/dress25.jpg" "just">>
<<LeviDialog "confused">>Your movements have definitely gotten more graceful...you look like a lustier version of that barbie doll now.....<</LeviDialog>>
<<GirlfriendDialog "horny">>Exactly! Hello, it's the new me!<</GirlfriendDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Ethereal/Levi/dress49.jpg" "just">>
<<LeviDialog "surprised">>Mmmm..ha-ha! May I ask what caused this changes?<</LeviDialog>>
<<GirlfriendDialog "horny">>It's just that I started getting one special "massage" And now I feel completely different! ~giggle~<</GirlfriendDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Ethereal/Levi/dress18.jpg" "just">>
<<LeviDialog "happy">>Well, the most important thing is that you like it! Ha-ha!<</LeviDialog>>
Stephan, you bastard!
<<case 3>>\
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Ethereal/Levi/out59.jpg" "just">>
<<LeviDialog "happy">>Hi the... Oh mY gOd!<</LeviDialog>>
<<GirlfriendDialog "horny">>Hey there, Levi!<</GirlfriendDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Ethereal/Levi/dress16.jpg" "just">>
<<LeviDialog "surprised">>Let me guess, another session of your magic massage?<</LeviDialog>>
<<GirlfriendDialog "horny">>You have no idea how right you are!<</GirlfriendDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Ethereal/Levi/dress18.jpg" "just">>
<<LeviDialog "confused">>What kind of massage is that? You're changing right in front of my eyes! Who's doing it?!<</LeviDialog>>
<<GirlfriendDialog "horny">>Oh, it's Stephan. He has an official certificate! He and I made a deal! ~giggle~<</GirlfriendDialog>>
<<LeviDialog "confused">>Stephan? Stephan...Wait, isn't that the Stephan who always bullies Nikita?! Don't tell me that's him!<</LeviDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Ethereal/Levi/dress41.jpg" "just">>
<<GirlfriendDialog "arrogant">>Well, yeah, it's him, so what?!<</GirlfriendDialog>>
<<LeviDialog "confused">>But you're Nikita's girlfriend!<</LeviDialog>>
<<GirlfriendDialog "horny">>That's exactly why I'm doing this! Nikita won't be able to resist me anymore! I'll be the best girl for him, I'll be the bitch he wants!<</GirlfriendDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Ethereal/Levi/dress46.jpg" "just">>
<<LeviDialog "confused">>B-bitch?! You're not bitch, Layla! You're good smart girl!....But is...is it really that good to feel like what you're feeling now?...<</LeviDialog>>
<<GirlfriendDialog "horny">>Yeaaah, but don't worry. I'm in control. I only have Nikita in my heart.<</GirlfriendDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Ethereal/Levi/dress52.jpg" "just">>
Fuck....problem is, the more Layla talks to Levi about it, the faster Levi's depraved personality awakens....
Geez, the last thing I was gonna believe was that Layla would corrupt someone!
<<case 4>>\
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Ethereal/Levi/out59.jpg" "just">>
<<LeviDialog "happy">>Hi there! Wow...Is it just me or are you somehow quieter than usual?<</LeviDialog>>
<<GirlfriendDialog "confused">>Levi, I think I've done something unforgivable....<</GirlfriendDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Ethereal/Levi/dress33.jpg" "just">>
<<LeviDialog "happy">>I can't tell from your face that you're regretting anything. So, what did you do?<</LeviDialog>>
<<GirlfriendDialog "confused">>I had sex with him.....<</GirlfriendDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Ethereal/Levi/dress16.jpg" "just">>
<<LeviDialog "confused">>S-sex?! With Stephan?! You...You're!..Aghr...You..uh...h-how was it like?...<</LeviDialog>>
<<GirlfriendDialog "horny">>First I had to undress and take off my bra.<</GirlfriendDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Ethereal/Levi/dress46.jpg" "just">>
<<LeviDialog "confused">>~gulp~<</LeviDialog>>
<<GirlfriendDialog "horny">>I then removed my panties and we began our massage session. I was covered in oil, and his hands were sliding down my body....<</GirlfriendDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Ethereal/Levi/dress43.jpg" "just">>
<<LeviDialog "confused">>....ohh<</LeviDialog>>
<<GirlfriendDialog "horny">>And afterward, when I was already trembling with pleasure and couldn't hold back, he told me to stand up like this. I couldn't say no to him, and he stood there looking at me just like you are now....<</GirlfriendDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Ethereal/Levi/dress42.jpg" "just">>
<<LeviDialog "confused">>W-wow...<</LeviDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Ethereal/Levi/out63.jpg" "just">>
<<LeviDialog "confused">>But what about Nikita?...<</LeviDialog>>
<<GirlfriendDialog "confused">>I love him. But I finally realized what men want.<</GirlfriendDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Ethereal/Levi/dress37.jpg" "just">>
<<GirlfriendDialog "horny">>To make a man want you, you need to be open to everything. ~giggle~<</GirlfriendDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Ethereal/Levi/dress52.jpg" "just">>
<<LeviDialog "happy" 2>>..he..he..hie<</LeviDialog>>
I need something to take my mind off of all this. Urgently.
@@color:magenta;Note@@: Because of Layla's corruption, from no on Levi's perversion will grow twice as fast every day. (No, even if you didn't see the event, the effect would still be the same).
<<UpdateArousal "+10">>
<<button "Sleep">>
<<if $LeviLaylaFriends === false>>
<<set $LeviLaylaFriends = true>>
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$Levi.Gender === "f"`,
tags: ["ether", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "RandomEthLevi",
weight: 10,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 2,
<<media "Data/Locations/ethereal.jpg" "place">>
Ocean of ether.
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Ethereal/Levi/mirror5.jpg" "just">>
Wow, that's quite a view.
<<LeviDialog "horny" 1>>Hell, they definitely saw them! I should be insulted, then why do I see my smiling face in the mirror? Hehe...<</LeviDialog>>
<<LeviDialog "confused" 1>>//No, Levi! It's no good! Pull yourself together! This dress is really short! //<</LeviDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Ethereal/Levi/mirror4.jpg" "just">>
<<LeviDialog "confused">>But I'm not only wearing this dress, I'm also wearing these panties underneath...Why did I even do that?... No, I shouldn't wear something like that!..<</LeviDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Ethereal/Levi/mirror1.jpg" "just">>
My little sister is nowhere near as lecherous as my former little brother, hahaha!
<<LeviDialog "confused">>Oh, I don't really look at myself that often... My body is so tiny... and cute...<</LeviDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Ethereal/Levi/mirror3.jpg" "just">>
<<LeviDialog "horny" 2>>//Oh my God, even though it's...indecent...my little butt looks very seductive in that black underwear...//<</LeviDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Ethereal/Levi/mirror.jpg" "just">>
Shit, it's true! It looks pretty sexy!
<<LeviDialog "serious">>//Hmm...well...Still think I could wear them a couple more times...Don't let good underwear go to waste, right?... @@color:font-size:80%; Hie-hie-hie...@@ //<</LeviDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Ethereal/Levi/mirror2.jpg" "just">>
Heh...I don't know if I should be happy about her decision or not. All I know is that, little by little, Levi's entire previous personality is returning, ready to reincarnate in this little girl's body...
<<set _r = random (1,4)>>\
<<set $Levi.Perv += _r>>
@@color:orange;Levi's perversion has increased by _r.@@
<<UpdateArousal "+10">>
<<button "Sleep">>
<<if $LeviLaylaFriends === false>>
<<set $LeviLaylaFriends = true>>
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$Levi.Gender === "m"`,
tags: ["ether", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "RandomEthLevi",
weight: 10,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 0,
<<media "Data/Locations/ethereal.jpg" "place">>
Ocean of ether.
Okay, I don't know why, but I was thinking about Levi. Well... is it Levi?!
<<LeviDialog>>Hie-hie-hie! Dicks rule the world! You're facing Levi! And Levi has a dick! Hold on, bitches! Hie-hie-hie! Big dick for every bitch! Oh, yeah!<</LeviDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Ethereal/Levi/jerkoff.mp4">>
<<if $P.PervertedPoints > 200 and $P.Gender == "f">>\
Levi is such a pervert! How dare he do that?! He cummed so much and it's....such a waste! ~giggle~
He's aware that he has a lewd big sister to keep him company... And I don't mean Anya right now....
I'm unlikely to see anything other than that here like his work or something....but I don't want to look at anything else besides that.... ~giggle~
<<UpdateArousal "+60">>\
Ummm...this really does seem to be the most enjoyable and exciting thing going on in Levi's life. The imagination of his hugely intelligent brain is limitless, so he uses it to the fullest.
I'm unlikely to see anything other than that here like his work or something....
<<UpdateArousal "-30">>\
<<button "Sleep">><<newday>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$Mom.TabletLvl > 1`,
tags: ["ether", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "RandomEthMom",
weight: 20,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 1,
<<media "Data/Locations/ethereal.jpg" "place">>
Ocean of ether.
It's a room and...I don't know where it is....
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Man">>It looks like you've gotten to the decorating part. What do you think of the new script? You like it? You know, you have all the "qualifications" to take on one of the major roles....<</MNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Ethereal/Mom/te32.mp4">>
<<MomDialog "horny" 1>>Sir, I'll be your best actress no matter what it takes, just don't get...too handsy...<</MomDialog>>
She tells him to keep his hands to himself, but since Ethereal pill shows me this moment....uh....
<<UpdateArousal "+10">>
<<button "Sleep">><<newday>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$Mom.TabletLvl > 1 and $Mom.Cor > 70`,
tags: ["ether", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "RandomEthMom",
weight: 20,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 2,
<<media "Data/Locations/ethereal.jpg" "place">>
Ocean of ether.
~Sighs~ Where am I?
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Cameraman">>Lady Olga, you are amazing and there is no need to be embarrassed about your gorgeous body. Your boobs are your greatest asset as an actress! <</MNpcDialog>>
<<MomDialog "horny">>Oh, really? Those huge boobs are a big hit with a lot of people. You can get a better look at them, but only through the clothes. ~giggle~<</MomDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Ethereal/Mom/te9.mp4">>
Olga is really proud of her curvy body shapes and holds the bar without letting them go too far. Although now that I see it, she definitely likes to tease them.....
<<UpdateArousal "+25">>
<<button "Sleep">><<newday>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$Mom.TabletLvl > 1`,
tags: ["ether", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "RandomEthMom",
weight: 10,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 3,
<<media "Data/Locations/ethereal.jpg" "place">>
Ocean of ether.
We're outside?..
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Ethereal/Mom/ling15.jpg" "just">>
<<MomDialog "confused">>Don't you think I'm dressed a little TOO revealing?<</MomDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Cameraman">>Lady Olga, you are amazing! This is how you will be able to show yourself in all your glory! Take the first pose and let's start shooting!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<MomDialog "horny" 1>>Well, all right. Is that good?<</MomDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Ethereal/Mom/ling16.jpg" "just">>
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Cameraman">>Whoa, excellent! Next pose!<</MNpcDialog>>
~The sounds of multiple flashes~
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Ethereal/Mom/ling17.jpg" "just">>
<<MomDialog "confused">>Hey, what's with all the lumps in your pants?!<</MomDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Cameraman">>It's all right, Lady Olga, that's the way it should be! It just means that you, sweetie, are doing your job perfectly! Above and beyond!<</MNpcDialog>>
You're just messing with her head! Have some professionalism!
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Ethereal/Mom/ling18.jpg" "just">>
<<MomDialog "happy">>Okay, then I'll continue!<</MomDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Ethereal/Mom/ling24.jpg" "just">>
~The sounds of multiple flashes~
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Ethereal/Mom/ling23.jpg" "just">>
<<MomDialog "confused">>//Wow, I see dozens of flashes at the same time...They're all looking at me with lust in their eyes...//<</MomDialog>>
~The sounds of multiple flashes~
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Cameraman">>Come on, don't stop! Show us more of yourself! Show us more of your body!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Ethereal/Mom/ling22.jpg" "just">>
<<MomDialog "confused">>//They're all looking at me!...S-Should I stop?//<</MomDialog>>
<<if $Mom.Cor < 70>>\
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Ethereal/Mom/ling25.jpg" "just">>
<<MomDialog "happy">>//That's enough pictures of me for today, boys. We'll continue next time.//<</MomDialog>>
Olga can hold her own after all. And yet she really likes to tease them with her body. I'm sure she would go for more if she was a bit more depraved....
The last thing I heard was the disappointed sighs of her operators. Ha-ha!
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Ethereal/Mom/ling21.jpg" "just">>
<<MomDialog "happy">>//Hah...Why would I stop? I love the feeling!//<</MomDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Ethereal/Mom/ling20.jpg" "just">>
<<MomDialog "happy">>Of course, boys. Let me make your cocks even harder!<</MomDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Cameraman">>Whoooaa! Yeah, baby!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<MomDialog "happy">>I want you all to look at just one me!<</MomDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Ethereal/Mom/ling19.jpg" "just">>
Ugh...wow...She had given herself over completely to the feeling, though she hadn't gone any farther than that yet....
The last thing I heard was the shouts of heated cameramen and the sounds of more flashes.
<<UpdateArousal "+30">>
<<button "Sleep">><<newday>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$Mom.TabletLvl > 1 and $Mom.BlackAffection >= 5`,
tags: ["ether", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "RandomEthMom",
weight: 20,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 4,
<<media "Data/Locations/ethereal.jpg" "place">>
Ocean of ether.
<<if $Mom.BlackAffection >= 5 and $Mom.BlackAffection < 10>>\
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Ethereal/Mom/latex.jpg" "just">>
<<MomDialog "confused">>Hey, isn't this latex dress too tight for me?<</MomDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Cameraman">>Lady Olga, you are amazing! That's the point, it's a little tight for you. That's how it creates the effect we want. And to make it even more effective, please lift the right edge of the dress slightly before you take the pose.<</MNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Ethereal/Mom/latex2.jpg" "just">>
<<MomDialog "confused" 1>>What? Um...Like this?<</MomDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Ethereal/Mom/latex3.jpg" "just">>
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Cameraman">>Excellent, Lady Olga! Next pose!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Ethereal/Mom/latex4.jpg" "just">>
~The sounds of multiple flashes~
<<MomDialog "confused">>//Wow, so many camera flashes...I need to get used to it if I want to be a professional actress and model!//<</MomDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Ethereal/Mom/latex5.jpg" "just">>
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Cameraman">>Is there something wrong, Lady Olga?<</MNpcDialog>>
<<MomDialog "happy">>Oh, no, absolutely not, sir. Please continue!<</MomDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Ethereal/Mom/latex6.jpg" "just">>
Olga has gotten into the swing of things!
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Cameraman">>Next pose, Lady Olga! Your juicy ass is magnificent, Lady Olga. We hope you use this great advantage of yours for its "intended purpose"!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Ethereal/Mom/latex7.jpg" "just">>
<<MomDialog "horny" 1>>//Mmm...they love my back view so much, I'm sure as much as my front view. Well....//<</MomDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Ethereal/Mom/latex8.jpg" "just">>
<<MomDialog "happy">>In that case, please don't hold back and take as many photos of my luscious forms in this tight dress as possible!<</MomDialog>>
~The sounds of multiple flashes~
Well, this looks like a regular photo shoot, even though it looks pretty....provocative....
<<elseif $Mom.BlackAffection >= 10>>\
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Ethereal/Mom/latex4.jpg" "just">>
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Cameraman">>Glad to have you back with us. Judging by the fact that you have already lifted the right edge of your dress, you already know what you have to do.<</MNpcDialog>>
<<MomDialog "happy">>Of course, let's get good and take as many pictures of me in this wonderful dress as possible! <</MomDialog>>
~The sounds of multiple flashes~
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Cameraman">>You seem to really like what's going on, Lady Olga.<</MNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Ethereal/Mom/latex8.jpg" "just">>
<<MomDialog "happy">>Yeah, I love to excite people's fantasies with my luscious forms!<</MomDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Cameraman">>In that case, it's time for a little innovation. Tonight, you're going to be shooting not alone us usual. You will play the role of a lecherous horny wife who doesn't want to let her husband go to work. Remember, we're doing this for the best photos, plus you'll have to improvise, so try to play as believable as possible.<</MNpcDialog>>
What? A sudden scenario?!
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Ethereal/Mom/latex7.jpg" "just">>
<<MomDialog "confused">>//Role? As an actress, I shouldn't give it up. I'll play my part perfectly. //<</MomDialog>>
Now I understood where that strange unsettling feeling came from.....
~The sounds of multiple flashes~
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Black guy">>Honey, what's wrong? I'm in a hurry.<</MNpcDialog>>
<<MomDialog "horny" 1>>Darling, you're not going anywhere! You know this thing is too small for me! <</MomDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Ethereal/Mom/latex9.jpg" "just">>
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Black guy">>Honey, we can't, I'd get fired. Let's do it tonight when I get back!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<MomDialog "horny" 1>>You're the one who made me so lewd and lustful, look how horny I am right now! Take me right there!<</MomDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Ethereal/Mom/latex14.jpg" "just">>
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Black guy">>You wore that dress on purpose for me? You know it's my favorite! I'll get fired, but it's so hard to resist you!<</MNpcDialog>>
~The sounds of multiple flashes~
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Ethereal/Mom/latex10.jpg" "just">>
<<MomDialog "happy">>Yees...I...Ahem...Oh my God! This is so funny, but let's stop this scenario for now. I don't think I'm quite ready for this role yet...~giggle~.<</MomDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog "horny" 1 "Cameraman">>Of course, we won't force you to do anything...unless you want to... We've already gotten some pretty racy photos. You'll definitely be more popular! <</MNpcDialog>>
Now it doesn't look like a normal photo shoot anymore. These are the black guys I've seen back home. @@color:yellow;Obviously if she spends more time with them, one day she'll go for more in her photo shoot...And maybe not just in her shoots....@@
<<UpdateArousal "+30">>
<<button "Sleep">><<newday>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$Mom.TabletLvl < 2`,
tags: ["ether", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "RandomEthMom",
weight: 10,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 0,
<<media "Data/Locations/ethereal.jpg" "place">>
Ocean of ether.
Hmm, Olga's reading something.
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Ethereal/Mom/te24.mp4">>
<<MomDialog "horny" 1>>Whoa, this script is so hot...I need to memorize all this stuff all good.<</MomDialog>>
She's reading the script? And she seems to really enjoy the process of reading it.....
<<button "Sleep">><<newday>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$Sis.TabletLvl === 0`,
tags: ["ether", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "RandomEthSis",
weight: 10,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 0,
<<media "Data/Locations/ethereal.jpg" "place">>
Ocean of ether.
Anya's room?..
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Ethereal/Sis/computer.jpg" "just">>
<<SisDialog "angry" 1>>What? Streaming? Are you stupid?! I'm never gonna be one of those stupid bitches. I can't even imagine myself showing off my shape to a bunch of pathetic worms.<</SisDialog>>
Even with her friends, Anya doesn't watch her speech at all. And yet, you said you wouldn't try to imagine yourself as one of those bitches, but since I'm here, I guess you did...hehehe....
<<UpdateArousal "-5">>
<<button "Sleep">><<newday>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$Sis.TabletLvl >= 1`,
tags: ["ether", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "RandomEthSis",
weight: 10,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 2,
<<media "Data/Locations/ethereal.jpg" "place">>
Ocean of ether.
<<SisDialog "horny" 2>>//My butt has been so much more sensitive lately! Even touching it feels super nice! Damn, I think my head is getting more and more occupied with thoughts of it!//<</SisDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Ethereal/Sis/te1.webp" "gif">>
From what I'm seeing here, these thoughts are triggering a lot of different feelings inside her. Damn, I want to get between that bitch's beautiful buns, too!
<<UpdateArousal "+10">>
<<button "Sleep">><<newday>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$Sis.TabletLvl >= 2`,
tags: ["ether", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "RandomEthSis",
weight: 20,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 3,
<<media "Data/Locations/ethereal.jpg" "place">>
Ocean of ether.
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Ethereal/Sis/m4.mp4">>
What a lucky shot!
<<SisDialog "horny" 1>>Ahh...fuck!....//It feels so good to feel the jiggling of my juicy ass, I'm becoming more and more addicted to the feeling!//<</SisDialog>>
No wonder you like it so much, hehe. But don't worry, I'll soon help you unleash the full potential of that beautiful ass!
<<UpdateArousal "+30">>
<<button "Sleep">><<newday>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
tags: ["ether", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "RandomEthSis",
weight: 20,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 1,
<<media "Data/Locations/ethereal.jpg" "place">>
Ocean of ether.
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Ethereal/Sis/te31.mp4">>
What an angle!
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Ethereal/Sis/te30.mp4">>
<<SisDialog "horny" 2>>So what? I know my round ass is beautiful without you. Get lost, motherfucker!<</SisDialog>>
What? But she can't see me... Wait, she's talking to herself? Ha-ha-ha!
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Ethereal/Sis/te29.mp4">>
And started exercising again...after all, that ass was provided for her by more than just her genes and her voraciousness.
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Ethereal/Sis/te33.mp4">>
But she doesn't yet know half of what this juicy peach is capable of...
<<UpdateArousal "+40">>
<<button "Sleep">><<newday>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$Bully.Gender === "f"`,
tags: ["ether", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "RandomEthBully",
weight: 10,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 3,
<<media "Data/Locations/ethereal.jpg" "place">>
Ocean of ether.
I wonder what brings Stephy great emotion except me, considering I can't see myself here.
Let's see...Oh, here she is! Wait, what is she doing?
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Ethereal/Bully/under5.mp4">>
<<BullyDialog "horny">>I wonder...I look so lecherous right now! Of course I dressed slutty like this, but only because I wanted to! He's trying so hard to pretend he doesn't notice me!...Ah~~ Why do I enjoy teasing him so much?~~<</BullyDialog>>
What's going on? Isn't she loyal to me?!
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Ethereal/Bully/under6.mp4">>
<<BullyDialog "horny" 1>>Ah.... I must have gotten too horny because Master hasn't played with me in a long time... And to the guy outside the window, I probably now look like a stupid nymphomaniac slut who wants cock so badly!~~ Of course I'm not opening the door for this man, but it still turns me on so much!~~<</BullyDialog>>
From what I've seen, I can draw 2 conclusions.
First, she really didn't answer the door, or this guy was too good at not paying attention to her!
Second, Stephy is really insatiable. I think that if I don't "play" with her regularly, she may one day become umm..."distant".
<<button "Sleep">><<newday>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$Bully.Gender === "m" and $Bully.Relationship < 4`,
tags: ["ether", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "RandomEthBully",
weight: 10,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 0,
<<media "Data/Locations/ethereal.jpg" "place">>
Ocean of ether.
Okay, are we back on the streets? or...what?
<<BullyDialog>>I'll fuck you right here, whore!<</BullyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Ethereal/Bully/1.mp4">>
<<FNpcDialog "Stephan's girl">>Yay!...Yeees!...MmMMNNnnn....<</FNpcDialog>>
<<FNpcDialog "Stephan's girl">>Yeah, just like that! I can't wait! Put it in deep inside!<</FNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Ethereal/Bully/2.mp4">>
<<BullyDialog>>Take that, you stupid whore!<</BullyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Ethereal/Bully/3.mp4">>
<<FNpcDialog "Stephan's girl">>Yes, yes, yes! Ooooooh, finally!! It's so deep!!<</FNpcDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>You know what, bitch? I hate you! You've turned into a horny whore addicted to cock faster than anyone else! You're too weak!<</BullyDialog>>
<<FNpcDialog "Stephan's girl">>I'm sorry! I'm sorry I'm such a stupid whore! Just use me more! <</FNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Ethereal/Bully/4.mp4">>
<<FNpcDialog "Stephan's girl">>P-p...please...ah...fuck....don't say anything to my boyfriend!<</FNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Ethereal/Bully/5.mp4">>
<<BullyDialog>>Who cares about you! You can play loving couple with your boyfriend all you want!<</BullyDialog>>
<<if $P.Gender == "f" and $P.TrainingStage > 12>>\
She's someone's girlfriend, but Stephan fucks her so hard and mercilessly! She's completely submissive to him and can't think about anything but his cock...ah...
Hell, even though I'm just watching it through Ethereal pill, I can feel my hands in reality moving on their own....
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Ethereal/Bully/mast40.mp4">>
<<UpdateArousal "100">>
Another one of Stephan's bitches. She's very pretty and a bit like Carol.... Does he like that kind of girl? Eh, I don't think this girl can turn back now....
<<UpdateArousal "+20">>
<<button "Sleep">><<newday>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$Bully.Gender === "m" and $Bully.Relationship < 4`,
tags: ["ether", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "RandomEthBully",
weight: 10,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 1,
<<media "Data/Locations/ethereal.jpg" "place">>
Ocean of ether.
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Ethereal/Bully/6.mp4">>
Um, wow, what a technique....
<<BullyDialog>>Hey, bitch. Relax a little bit.<</BullyDialog>>
<<FNpcDialog "Stephan's girl">>I can't believe you said someone could be better than me! Can she take care of your dick as well as I can?!<</FNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Ethereal/Bully/7.mp4">>
<<BullyDialog>>A slut like you wouldn't understand it, but good sex isn't the most important thing.<</BullyDialog>>
<<FNpcDialog "Stephan's girl">>Ahh....I just always want to feel a huge cock inside turning my pussy into a mess!!<</FNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Ethereal/Bully/8.mp4">>
<<BullyDialog>>You see, no matter how lecherous and horny a bitch is and no matter how much she dreams of my cock, she too must have her own goals, dreams and principles. Only then she will be the perfect bitch!<</BullyDialog>>
<<FNpcDialog "Stephan's girl">>Yes! Cock! COCK! Ride me! I dream of you impaling me even deeper, it's my goal! Use me even harder!<</FNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Ethereal/Bully/9.mp4">>
<<BullyDialog>>That's exactly what I'm talking about, you stupid insatiable bitch!<</BullyDialog>>
<<FNpcDialog "Stephan's girl">>T-then...then make me an even bigger whore so I don't even think about such complicated things! Yeeeaaah!....Just like that....Yeeees!....<</FNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Ethereal/Bully/10.mp4">>
<<if $P.Gender == "f" and $P.TrainingStage > 12>>\
This girl is a real sex guru...I could learn a few tricks from her....It's unlikely she can be satisfied by anyone but Stephan...I understand her.... ~giggle~
Hell, even though I'm just watching it through Ethereal pill, I can feel my hands in reality moving on their own....
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Ethereal/Bully/mast40.mp4">>
<<UpdateArousal "100">>
Another one of Stephan's bitches. Stephan seems to be able to satisfy even such an insatiable person....Still, his monologue about the perfect girl was pretty informative. I think I understand Stephan a little better now. Maybe he's not as much of a jerk as he seems?
<<UpdateArousal "+20">>
<<button "Sleep">><<newday>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$Bully.Gender === "m" and $Bully.Relationship > 3`,
tags: ["ether", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "RandomEthBully",
weight: 10,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 2,
<<media "Data/Locations/ethereal.jpg" "place">>
Ocean of ether.
Hehe, let's see what Stephan's been up to...to-..-day...........
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Ethereal/Bully/SubStephanEth.mp4">>
<<BullyDialog>>Damn, these sluts' clothes don't fit me too well...God, what am I doing?...<</BullyDialog>>
I have the same question! Ha-ha-ha!
<<BullyDialog>>But whores dress exactly the way they want....to be fucked....agh...so werid...agh...<</BullyDialog>>
Stephan, you beautiful bitch, haha! You just need a little femininity. I wonder if I can fix that problem.
Although that's more of a question - Do I want to?...
<<button "Sleep">><<newday>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/gameover.jpg" "just">>
It looks like you made a fatal mistake. Ahem.. Well.. I think you did a good job.
If you leave now, who will remove the curse, if not you?
I suggest you to try again!
<<button [[Return to Start|Start]]>><</button>><<RE [[LeviBath]]>>
<<RE [[LeviFBath]]>>
<<RE [[SisBath]]>>
<<RE [[MomBath]]>>
<<RE [[MomBathLvl1]]>>
<<RE [[MomDayBath]]>>
<<RE [[HMCarolBath]]>>
<<RE [[_HBath]]>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
type: "goto",
<<media "Data/Locations/bath.jpg" "place">>
@@color:yellow;When you are showering, your arousal can be greatly decreased!@@
<<if $P.Gender === "m">>\
<<disable $CurrentDayTime === 1 or $CurrentDayTime === 4>><<button [[Take a shower|HShowerTaking]]>><</button>><</disable>>
<<disable $CurrentDayTime === 1 or $CurrentDayTime === 4>><<button [[Take a bath|HShowerTaking]]>><</button>><</disable>>
<<button [[Get Back|HApart]]>><</button>><<RE [[LeviShowering]]>>
<<RE [[_HShowerTaking]]>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
type: "goto",
<<media "Data/Locations/bath.jpg" "place">>
<<if $P.Gender == "m">>\
<<set _r = random(1,4)>>\
<<switch _r>>\
<<case 1>><<media "Data/Characters/P/Shower/1.mp4">>
<<case 2>><<media "Data/Characters/P/Shower/2.mp4">>
<<case 3>><<media "Data/Characters/P/Shower/3.mp4">>
<<case 4>><<media "Data/Characters/P/Shower/4.mp4">>
<<UpdateArousal "-35">>
<<button [[End showering|HProom]]>><<movetime>><</button>>
<<set _r = random(1,2)>>\
<<switch _r>>\
<<case 1>><<media "Data/Characters/Carol/gif/Bath/bath6.mp4">>
<<case 2>><<media "Data/Characters/Carol/gif/Bath/bath5.mp4">>
Someone knocked the door.
<<DadDialog>>Are you taking a bath? <</DadDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>What do you want, Dad?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Carol/gif/Bath/bath8.mp4">>
<<DadDialog>>I have to take a bath too, but if I go after you, the water will already be cold. And it will be very uneconomical to take a bath all over again!<</DadDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "disgust">>You want to take a bath with me?!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<DadDialog>>All for the sake of saving, I'll pay you 10$!<</DadDialog>>
<<if $P.Cor < 25>>\
Perverted old man! Like I really believe that a tub of water costs over 10$!
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Wait until I'm done, then do whatever you want<</PlayerDialog>>
You heard the click of the tongue and the sound of receding footsteps
<<UpdateArousal "-50">>
<<button [[End bathing|HProom]]>><<movetime>><</button>>
Perverted old man! This could be the easiest 10$ of my life, I won't even waste my time! Maybe let him come in?
<<if $P.Arousal < 80>>\
<<button [[Don't let him|HShowerTakingDadDisagree]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Let him|HShowerTakingDadAgree]]>><</button>>
<</if>>\<<media "Data/Locations/bath.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Characters/Carol/gif/Bath/bath8.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Of course, Daddy. Come in! Just don't forget to leave 10$ for me before it<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Carol/gif/Bath/bath7.mp4">>
<<DadDialog>>Move up a little. Oof, nice water!<</DadDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Hope you don't do anything extra<</PlayerDialog>>
<<DadDialog>>Of course!<</DadDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Carol/gif/Bath/bath9.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Daddy, don't touch me there!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<DadDialog>>Oh, I'm really sorry! It's probably better to do it this way!<</DadDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Carol/gif/Bath/bath10.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>Mmmn...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<DadDialog>>Here we are washed! Take 10 $ on the table<</DadDialog>>
He left.
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>Fuck! He didn't let me...cum<</PlayerDialog>>
Get at least 10$!
<<UpdateArousal "+50">>
<<UpdateMoney "+10">>
<<button [[End bathing|HProom]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/bath.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Characters/Carol/gif/Bath/bath8.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Another time, dad<</PlayerDialog>>
You heard the click of the tongue and the sound of receding footsteps.
<<UpdateArousal "-50">>
<<button [[End bathing|HProom]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/bath.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Shower/2.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Hey, Carol! Nice dick<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CarolDialog "disgust">>What the fuck?! What the hell are you doing?<</CarolDialog>>
I wonder how playful my mood is today.
<<button [[Tease Carol|HFCarolBathLvl2Time2]]>><<movetime>><</button>>
<<button [[Go back|HApart]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/bath.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Characters/Carol/bath4.jpg" "just">>
<<CarolDialog "disgust">>What on earth are you doing?!<</CarolDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Carol/bath5.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>Don't you see?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Carol/bath6.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>I'm going to take a shower with you<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CarolDialog "disgust">>So why the fuck did you come in here?<</CarolDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Come on, my dad tells us to save water, and your body is so dirty and slippery right now...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Carol/gif/Bath/shower30.mp4">>
<<CarolDialog "disgust">>Damn it! Give it to me... I'll take care of it myself!<</CarolDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Ha-ha, that tickles! You'll defile your own body if you don't stop rubbing my huge cock against me!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Carol/gif/Bath/shower38.webp" "gif">>
<<CarolDialog "disgust">>Grrr, Now I understand why you men are so crazy about naked girls...<</CarolDialog>>
<<UpdateArousal "+25">>
<<UpdateCarolCorruption "+2">>
<<if $P.Cor < 45>><<UpdateCorruption "+1">><</if>>
<<button [[Go back|HApart]]>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 50,
filter: `$CarolInvited === true`,
tags: ["Home", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Home", "Afternoon"], isSeparate: true },
<<media "Data/Locations/ap.jpeg" "place">>
Carol seems to be taking a bath now, but instead of the sound of water, I hear her voice.
<<if $P.Gender == "m">>\
<<button [[Peek|HMCarolBathLvl2Time1]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Peek|HFCarolBathLvl2Time1]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Nah, I have other things to do|HApart]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/bath.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Characters/Carol/gif/bath1.mp4">>
<<CarolDialog "horny" 2>>God, how does he do that? Why can't I do the same with my own fingers?? I wonder how his cock would make me feel...<</CarolDialog>>
It's all fine motor skills. In elementary school, I sewed better than anyone in my class during labor lessons! And even always put the thread in the eye of the needle on the first try!
Carol's so enthusiastic, I'll watch her for a while.
<<UpdateArousal "+25">>
<<button [[Go back|HApart]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 100,
filter: `($CurrentDayTime === 1 or $CurrentDayTime === 4) and $P.Gender === "f" and $LeviArrival === true and $LeviHere === true and $P.PervertedPoints >= 20 and $Levi.Gender === "m"`,
tags: ["Home", "Levi", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Home", "Noon"], isSeparate: true },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Home", "Night"], isSeparate: true },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Home", "Daily"], isSeparate: true },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Levi", "Noon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Levi", "Night"] },
<<media "Data/Locations/bath.jpg" "place">>
Bathroom.<<set $LeviHere = false>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Levi?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Levi/cum68.mp4">>
He left.
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Aw! What the fuck was that<</PlayerDialog>>
<<if $P.Cor < 50>><<UpdateCorruption "+1">><</if>>
<<UpdateArousal "+30">>
<<UpdateSubDom "-1">>
<<UpdatePervertion "+1">>
<<button [[Back in action!|HProom]]>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 50,
filter: `$CurrentDayTime === 3 and $Levi.Gender === "f"`,
tags: ["Home", "Levi", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Home", "Evening"], isSeparate: true },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Levi", "Evening"] },
<<media "Data/Locations/bath.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Characters/Levi/F/bath137.jpg" "just">>
I can see Levi's brooding face from here. Should we eavesdrop?
<<button [[Eavesdrop|LeviFBath1]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Go back|HApart]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/bath.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Characters/Levi/F/bath138.jpg" "just">>
<<LeviDialog "serious">>Should I braid them? Although I don't remember doing it before...<</LeviDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Levi/F/bath139.jpg" "just">>
<<LeviDialog "serious">>Although they seem to look pretty good straight, too...<</LeviDialog>>
I think there's some sort of clash of memories going on. Levi hasn't had to braid his hair before, and I don't think he's developed new skills like that after transformation. At the same time, thoughts about it began to emerge.
<<LeviDialog "confused" 0>>Nikita, actually, I can see you through the mirror....<</LeviDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Levi/F/bath140.jpg" "just">>
Oops, got busted...
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>I'm sorry, I just wanted to see if you'd vacate the bathroom soon.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<LeviDialog "confused" 0>>Could you turn around first?...pervert...<</LeviDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Levi/F/bath141.jpg" "just">>
AAAaaaAaAAHHH! Sh-sh-shy! I don't sense any negativity in her tone, she says it so sweetly! If I didn't know it was Levi and someone told me that now I would never believe it!
<<button [[Compliment her hair|LeviFBath2.1]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Compliment her body|LeviFBath2.2]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/bath.jpg" "place">>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>I overheard your musings for a bit and you know...in my opinion you have very pretty hair. I think any hairstyle would look good on you.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Levi/F/bath143.jpg" "just">>
<<LeviDialog "serious">>You really think so?<</LeviDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>No doubt! And you can always learn to braid!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<LeviDialog "horny" 0>>I'll take your advice! And don't spy on me again, or I'll...get mad!...<</LeviDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Levi/F/bath144.jpg" "just">>
@@color:lime;Relationship with Levi has been increased.@@
<<set $Levi.Rel++>>\
<<button [[Go back|HApart]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/bath.jpg" "place">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>You know, with a sexy body like that, any hairstyle will suit you!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Levi/F/bath144.jpg" "just">>
<<LeviDialog "horny" 0>>You like peeping on your little sister that much?<</LeviDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Well, you're my sister, what haven't I seen?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<LeviDialog "horny" 0>>Oh, come on! Are you saying that since I'm your sister, this look doesn't cause any extra emotion?<</LeviDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Levi/F/bath142.jpg" "just">>
Whoa, I think I just got her on the weak side. That was a neat trick. I didn't even realize it at first.
<<UpdateArousal "+25">>
<<set _r = random (1,4)>>\
<<set $Levi.Perv += _r>>\
@@color:orange;Levi's perversion has increased by _r.@@
<<button [[Go back|HApart]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 50,
filter: `$Mom.TabletLvl === 0`,
tags: ["Home", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Home", "Morning"], isSeparate: true },
<<media "Data/Locations/bath.jpg" "place">>
Shower is busy!
<<media "Data/Characters/Mom/gif/bath3.mp4">>
But I don't mind.
<<button [[Leave|HApart]]>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 50,
filter: `$Mom.TabletLvl > 0`,
tags: ["Home", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Home", "Morning"], isSeparate: true },
<<media "Data/Locations/bath.jpg" "place">>
Shower is busy!
<<media "Data/Characters/Mom/bath6.jpg" "just">>
I can see her clearly!
<<switch $Mom.TabletLvl>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<button [[Spend some time watching|MomBathLvl1Time]]>><</button>>
<<case 2>>\
<<button [[Spend some time watching|MomBathLvl2Time]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Leave|HApart]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/bath.jpg" "place">>
It's been a little while.
<<media "Data/Characters/Mom/gif/bath.mp4">>
WTF. She is smiling! Ha-ha. I bet she noticed me a long time ago. She doesn't seem to mind my presence.
<<UpdateMomCorruption "+4">>
<<UpdateArousal "+10">>
<<button [[Leave|HApart]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/bath.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Characters/Mom/gif/bath.mp4">>
I love this scene.
<<MomDialog "horny" 1>>Oh my God! Are you peeking?!<</MomDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>I..I'm sorry..<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MomDialog "arrogant">>How could you do that? I'm ready to be very angry with you!...but<</MomDialog>>
<<PlayerThoughtsDialog>>I don't really want any extra trouble.<</PlayerThoughtsDialog>>
<<MomDialog "horny">>But I caaaan't, I can't be distracted by you!...Mmmnn... I have to wash my dirty holes thoroughly...<</MomDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Mom/gif/bath1.mp4">>
<<PlayerThoughtsDialog>>Oof, spectacular! So far she sees it as acting, so there's no point in hoping for a sequel. For now...<</PlayerThoughtsDialog>>
<<UpdateMomCorruption "+4">>
<<UpdateArousal "+30">>
<<button [[Leave|HApart]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 50,
tags: ["Home", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Home", "Afternoon"], isSeparate: true },
<<media "Data/Locations/bath.jpg" "place">>
<<switch $Mom.TabletLvl>>\
<<case 0>>\
Finally going to the bathroom, hopefully at least in the middle of the day it will be free.
<<media "Data/Characters/Mom/bath1.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Oh God NO!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Mom/bath2.jpg" "just">>
<<MomDialog "arrogant">>Go away, bathroom is busy now<</MomDialog>>
<<button [[Get back|HApart]]>><</button>>
<<case 1>>\
The middle of the day doesn't mean the bathroom is free. Maybe I'll get lucky.
<<media "Data/Characters/Mom/bath1.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>..or maybe not<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Mom/bath3.jpg" "just">>
<<MomDialog "arrogant">>I'm sorry, honey, you have to go. I have to get ready for my audition.<</MomDialog>>
Okay, I don't think I need to insist this time.
<<button [[Get back|HApart]]>><</button>>
<<case 2>>\
<<media "Data/Characters/Mom/gif/bath5.mp4">>
<<MomDialog "horny" 1>>Oh, yeah! I'm slutty dirty whore. They like my body sooo much. They will all be discouraged!..<</MomDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Mom?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MomDialog "horny" 1>>Oh, God, I'm so horny! You're a little out of time, honey<</MomDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Mom/bath5.jpg" "just">>
<<UpdateArousal "+45">>
<<if $P.Gender === "m" and $P.Arousal === 100>>\
Fuck, my dick is like a rock, gotta get out of here...
<<button [[Pull out a dick|MomDayBath1]]>><<movetime>><</button>>\
<<button [[Leave|HApart]]>><<movetime>><</button>>
<</switch>>\<<media "Data/Locations/bath.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/M/cock1.webp" "gif">>
I...couldn't help myself.
<<if $Mom.Cor < 50>>\
<<MomDialog "happy">>Oh! So you like SO much? I guess I'll take that as a compliment<</MomDialog>>
She threw a towel over herself and walked out of the bathroom.
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>what about...my dick? :(<</PlayerDialog>>
<<UpdateMomCorruption "+4">>
<<button [[Leave|HApart]]>><</button>>
<<MomDialog "arrogant">>Oh, it shouldn't be like this, I don't know what to do, it's not right. But I...<</MomDialog>>
<<MomDialog "horny">>I want...to taste it!<</MomDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Mom/gif/bath5.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Oooh<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MomDialog "horny">>Ghlhgr...Don't tell anyone about it, as if it never happened<</MomDialog>>
After a while she just got up and left.
with no explanation...
<<UpdateMomCorruption "+4">>
<<UpdateArousal "0">>
<<button [[Leave|HApart]]>><</button>>
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 100,
filter: `$LeviArrival === true and $LeviHere === true and $P.Gender === "f" and $P.PervertedPoints >= 30 and $Levi.Gender === "m"`,
tags: ["Home", "Levi", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Home", "Morning"], isSeparate: true },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Home", "Afternoon"], isSeparate: true },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Home", "Evening"], isSeparate: true },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Home", "Daily"], isSeparate: true },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Levi", "Morning"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Levi", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Levi", "Evening"] },
<<media "Data/Locations/bath.jpg" "place">>
Bathroom.<<set $LeviHere = false>>
This silly thinks I didn't notice that he was watching me...
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Levi/shower61.mp4">>
Drive him away or tease him a little...? Hehe..
<<if $P.PervertedPoints >= 60>>\
<<button [[Tease him|LeviShowering1]]>><</button>>
I'm not a pervert! Why would I do something like that?
<<button [[Drive him away|LeviShowering2]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/bath.jpg" "place">>
Bathroom.<<set $LeviHere = false>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Hey, I know you're here.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<LeviDialog>>Oh, okay. Then there's no point in hiding, right?<</LeviDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Isn't that what you came for?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Levi/shower14.mp4">>
<<LeviDialog>>Oooh, you're driving me crazy!<</LeviDialog>>
He is fascinated by this view! Ha-ha!
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Mmm...you'd really like to play with this body, wouldn't you?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Levi/shower41.mp4">>
<<LeviDialog>> ~gulp~ <</LeviDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>It's time for me to go out, the show is over. Ha-ha! Hey! I say it's over! Hey?! HEY!!!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<LeviDialog>>It was cruel! If you behave like a slut, be ready to take responsibility!<</LeviDialog>>
<<if $P.PervertedPoints < 200>>\
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>Ah...put it in and I'll kill you... A-ah...on the spot!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Levi/rub19.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>Ah...put it in and I'll..I'll... A-ahaa....<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Levi/rub19.mp4">>
<<LeviDialog>>So you want it inside?! Whatever you say!<</LeviDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>Aaah.....I...I...I deserved it....<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Levi/shower20.mp4">>
Okay, I guess it's not fair when I'm the only one who enjoys teasing him...~giggle~
<<UpdateArousal "0">>
<<UpdatePervertion "+5">>
<<button [[End bathing|HProom]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/bath.jpg" "place">>
Bathroom.<<set $LeviHere = false>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Hey, I know you're here.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<LeviDialog>>Oh, okay. Then there's no point in hiding, right?<</LeviDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>But it makes sense for you to get out of here.<</PlayerDialog>>
No matter how badly everyone speaks about Levi, he never push it over the edge unnecessarily. And yet, as a guy, I can imagine his feelings if he was teased by a naked girl...hehe
<<UpdateArousal "-50">>
<<button [[End bathing|HProom]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 50,
tags: ["Home", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Home", "Morning"], isSeparate: true },
<<media "Data/Locations/bath.jpg" "place">>
Oh fuck! Seems I got in at the wrong time!
<<media "Data/Characters/Sis/gif/bath1.mp4">>
<<switch $Sis.TabletLvl>>\
<<case 0>>\
<<SisDialog "horny" 0>>Ah-ah<</SisDialog>>
<<case 1>>\
<<SisDialog "horny" 0>>Ah..so good. They..everyone..staring at my ass...especially he...gaze...so deep<</SisDialog>>
<<case 2>>\
<<SisDialog "horny" 0>>Ah..so good. They..everyone..staring at my ass...especially he...gaze...so deep<</SisDialog>>
Or maybe not? She's damn sexy. But I have to dump, otherwise she will notice me.
<<button [[Leave|HApart]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/ap.jpeg" "place">>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Come in<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CarolDialog "happy">>Thank you!<</CarolDialog>>
<<SisDialog "angry" 1>>Hey, I don't get it, who the hell is she?<</SisDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Sis/apart24.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Anya, it's none of your business<</PlayerDialog>>
<<SisDialog "angry" 1>>Did you ask my permission, like do I want your bitch around here, huh? Dumb brother<</SisDialog>>
<<button [[Ask permission|FirstCarolInvite1]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Tell her to fuck off|FirstCarolInvite2]]>><</button>>
<<if $Sis.TabletLvl > 1>>
<<button [[Make her "Jiggle"|FirstCarolInvite3]]>><</button>><</if>><<media "Data/Locations/ap.jpeg" "place">>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>We have cockroaches being poisoned in our dorm. She has nowhere to go, can she stay here?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<SisDialog "angry" 1>>Don't you want to introduce me to her first?<</SisDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Well, Carol, this is Anya. She is my sister<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CarolDialog "happy">>Hi!<</CarolDialog>>
<<SisDialog "angry" 1>>Think again, dumb brother, you can do it better. Try again. <</SisDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Carol, Anya is my dear sister, I respect and love her very much, so please be polite and courteous to her<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CarolDialog "happy">>...okay, nice to meet you<</CarolDialog>>
<<SisDialog "happy" 1>>Haha, alright. I don't really care, as long as you don't bother me, so stay away from me, understand?<</SisDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Understand<</PlayerDialog>>
<<UpdateSubDom "-1">>
<<button [[Get her to my room|FirstCarolInvite4]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/ap.jpeg" "place">>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>It's none of your business<</PlayerDialog>>
<<SisDialog "angry" 1>>Are you out of your fucking mind, dumb brother? You're even not an insect, you're trash! Bring some skanky girls here, I'm gonna tell mom about it!<</SisDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Fuck off, she's not even close to being a skanky girl like you!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CarolDialog "serious">>(whisper)hey, is everything alright?<</CarolDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>(whisper)Yes, that's a common conversation in our family. Come on, I'll take you to my room.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<SisDialog "angry" 1>>Hey, I'm not done with you yet, HEY!!!<</SisDialog>>
But at that point, I let her know with a high-pitched middle finger that we were done.
<<UpdateSubDom "+1">>
<<button [[Get her to my room|FirstCarolInvite4]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/ap.jpeg" "place">>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Permission? Oh, I see, you've learned some new moves and you want to show them, right?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<SisDialog "angry" 0>>Moves?<</SisDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Yeah! A couple of new @@color:magenta;"jiggles"@@, right?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Anya is doing great, she works out a lot, that's why she has such a beautiful figure<</PlayerDialog>>
<<SisDialog "angry" 1>>You...<</SisDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Sis/apart19.jpg" "just">>
<<SisDialog "happy" 1>>Y-yeah...I want you to watch me...how I do some jigglesss...<</SisDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Sorry, sis, we have to go<</PlayerDialog>>
<<SisDialog "happy" 1>>Noooo, please look at me...I'll be a good sister!<</SisDialog>>
<<CarolDialog "serious">>(whisper)Does she always act like that?<</CarolDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>(whisper)Yeah, she's a little crazy<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CarolDialog "happy">>(whisper)I think she's really cute!<</CarolDialog>>
<<UpdateSubDom "+1">>
<<button [[Get her to my room|FirstCarolInvite4]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/room3.jpg" "place">>
My room.<<set $P.Loc = 1>>
<<CarolDialog "serious">>Will your mother be okay with me being here?<</CarolDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Of course, I texted her. She owed me a favor, so she said "yes" without too much persuasion. <</PlayerDialog>>
<<CarolDialog "happy">>Okay<</CarolDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Make yourself at home. In the closet you can get clothes to change into, I think you'll fit<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CarolDialog "confused">>What? Do you have a closet of women's clothes?<</CarolDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>My sister grew out of her old things very quickly, and then my parents put them here, using my closet as storage. I still don't know why they didn't just throw them out, but I don't need much space in my closet, so I didn't even sort it out<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CarolDialog "happy">>That's nice, then I'll change.<</CarolDialog>>
I don't know why, but while she was changing, I reflexively looked away. I know it's silly now, after everything I'd done to her, but it's different now.
While I was busy thinking, I heard a knock on the door, and then...
<<button [[The door has opened|FirstCarolInvite5]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/room3.jpg" "place">>
My room.<<set $P.Loc = 1>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Dad/9.webp" "just">>
<<DadDialog>>Hello, lovebirds..^Ek<</DadDialog>>
Damn, he's drunk as shit.
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Dad, what are you doing here?<</PlayerDialog>>
Hey, can't I move around my house wherever I want?! Ah?? ^Ek^
Ugh.. does your friend want to introduce herself to me?
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>It's Carol. She's my roommate<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CarolDialog "happy">>Hello, sir<</CarolDialog>>
<<DadDialog>>^Ek..Nice to meet you, Carol. Call me Dad. But you should know that there are certain rules and criteria in this house, and I have to see if you meet them.<</DadDialog>>
What he is talking about?
<<CarolDialog "happy">>What am I supposed to do?<</CarolDialog>>
Shit, I recognize that fucking drunken smile.
<<DadDialog>>Whether or not you stay here depends on your decision. Soo...Show me your tits<</DadDialog>>
You dirty daddy.
<<button [[Stand up for her|FirstCarolInvite6]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Stay silent|FirstCarolInvite7]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/room3.jpg" "place">>
My room.<<set $P.Loc = 1>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Are you out of your fucking mind to say that in front of me?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<DadDialog>>Hey..^Ek^..Don't be rude to your dad<</DadDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Fuck you, if you thought I was going to stand by and watch, I'm not!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<DadDialog>>Well, it's worth a try. I'm gonna go get myself a drink. Good luck, son. Carol, you're welcome! <</DadDialog>>
<<CarolDialog "happy">>Thank you, sir<</CarolDialog>>
He left.
Well, I think it's pretty good.
@@color:lime;You opened a romantic line. Carol begins to trust you, so your relationship with Carol has been increased.@@
<<set $Carol.Rel++>>
<<UpdateSubDom "+1">>
<<button [[Back in action|HProom]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/room3.jpg" "place">>
My room.<<set $P.Loc = 1>>
Carol can easily deal with this on her own. Why would I want to fight with my father again? I wonder how Carol will react to this.
<<CarolDialog "horny" 1>>My t-tits? Why?<</CarolDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Dad/9.webp" "just">>
<<DadDialog>>See, you can't tell by me, but I'm a little drunk right now, so the fact that you're here makes me worry about my son<</DadDialog>>
<<CarolDialog "confused">>And how will my boobs could help you?<</CarolDialog>>
<<DadDialog>>It's a secret, but just show it to me and I'll know you're doing fine<</DadDialog>>
<<CarolDialog "horny" 1>>Hmm...Okay<</CarolDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Carol/mast1.jpg" "just">>
<<DadDialog>>^Ek...I have a feeling I've seen them before...Okay, now I believe you'll fit in nicely with our... atmosphere<</DadDialog>>
He left.
I have a strange feeling inside, but I think it's okay.
<<UpdateArousal "+10">>
@@color:lime;You opened a romantic line. Carol begins to trust you, so your relationship with Carol has been increased.@@
<<set $Carol.Rel++>>
<<UpdateSubDom "-1">>
<<button [[Back in action|HProom]]>><</button>><<set $P.Loc = 1>>
<<set $InOutskirts = false>>
<<RE [[CindyTooMuchPowerEv]]>>
<<RE [[BlackersFirstMeet]]>>
<<RE [[BlackersMeetCompensation]]>>
<<RE [[BlackersMeetNoCompensation]]>>
<<RE [[LeviArrivalEvent]]>>
<<RE [[HomeTooHorny]]>>
<<RE [[MomEnterTraining]]>>
<<RE [[MomJerker]]>>
<<RE [[Jiggle1]]>>
<<RE [[DrunkSis]]>>
<<RE [[_HApart]]>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
type: "goto",
<<media "Data/Locations/ap.jpeg" "place">>
<<disable $CurrentDayTime === 1 or $CurrentDayTime === 4>>\
<<button [[Bathroom|HBath]]>><</button>>
<<disable $CurrentDayTime === 1 or $CurrentDayTime === 4>>\
<<button [[Kitchen|HKitchen]]>><</button>>
<<disable $CurrentDayTime === 1 or $CurrentDayTime === 4>>\
<<button [[Living room|HLivingRoom]]>><</button>>
<<disable $CurrentDayTime === 1 or $CurrentDayTime === 4>>\
<<button [[Sister's room|SisRoom]]>><</button>>
<<disable $CurrentDayTime === 1 or $CurrentDayTime === 4>>\
<<button [[Parent's room|ParentsRoom]]>><</button>>
<<if $LeviArrival == true>>\
<<disable $CurrentDayTime === 1 or $CurrentDayTime === 4>>\
<<button [[Levi's room|LeviRoom]]>><</button>>
<<button [[My room|HProom]]>><</button>>
<<DrawPlaceMenu "Home">><<RE [[LeviDough]]>>
<<RE [[LeviMomKitchen]]>>
<<RE [[LeviKitchen]]>>
<<RE [[LeviFKitchen]]>>
<<RE [[MomKitchen]]>>
<<RE [[MomKitchenLvl1]]>>
<<RE [[MomKitchenLvl2]]>>
<<RE [[SisKitchen]]>>
<<RE [[SisKitchenLvl1]]>>
<<RE [[SisKitchenLvl2]]>>
<<RE [[SisCookLvl1]]>>
<<RE [[SisCookLvl2]]>>
<<RE [[DadKitchen]]>>
<<RE [[_HKitchen]]>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
type: "goto",
<<media "Data/Locations/kitchen.jpg" "place">>
As usual, nothing to eat. Time to cook something?
<<button [[Cook! (spend time)|HKitchenCook]]>><<movetime>><</button>>
<<button [[Back to living room|HApart]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/kitchen.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Characters/npc/cook.jpeg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Mmm! That smell!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<set $P.Spending +=5>>\
@@color:lime; Today you cooked delicious food, so the daily expenses decreased by 5 $.@@
<<button [[Back to living room|HApart]]>><</button>>/* !!! DIDN'T CALL AT ALL */\
<<media "Data/Locations/kitchen.jpg" "place">>
Kitchen.<<set $LeviHere = false>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Not a moment's peace, damn it.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Levi/M/gif/cum83.mp4">>
TODO not found video, but have thosue not used videos
<<UpdateArousal "+20">>
<<button [[Go back|HApart]]>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 100,
tags: ["Home", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Home", "Evening"], isSeparate: true },
<<media "Data/Locations/kitchen.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Characters/Dad/3.gif" "gif">>
<<DadDialog>>Hey, why aren't you at school?<</DadDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>I'm in University, not school! And it's already evening!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<DadDialog>>Oh, yeah! It's time for "White russian". <</DadDialog>>
As usual, nothing to eat. Time to cook something?
<<button [[Ask Dad for money|DadKitchen1]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Cook! (spend time)|HKitchenCook]]>><<movetime>><</button>>
<<button [[Back to living room|HApart]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/kitchen.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Characters/Dad/3.gif" "gif">>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Dad, can you give me some pocket money?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<DadDialog>>It seems like you and I agreed that you get paid for doing housework. So.. No result of work - no money! <</DadDialog>>
Hell, he's always like that when it comes to money. He didn't just become rich.
<<if $P.Cor > 45 and $P.Arousal > 50 and $P.Gender == "f">>\
<<button [[Convince him|DadKitchen2]]>><<movetime>><</button>>
<<button [[Back to living room|HApart]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/kitchen.jpg" "place">>
Since I'm in such a beautiful body right now, it's worth using this opportunity! Hehee
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Daddy, I'm not taking a break from work! I'm ready to work for you!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<DadDialog>>What are you d... <</DadDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>I'm so glad to see you! Are you.. ^whispering^ happy to see me too?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Dad/gif/kitchen5.mp4">>
<<DadDialog>>...ooh, 20$..I give you 20! <</DadDialog>>
Haha but I'm about to get a little more.
<<media "Data/Characters/Dad/gif/kitchen6.mp4">>
<<media "Data/Characters/Dad/gif/kitchen7.mp4">>
<<DadDialog>>...aw, wonderful! You deserve your 35$! <</DadDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Yay!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<if $P.ConvergenceON == true>>\
<<CindyDialog>>People like us always need someone we will affectionately call "Daddy"!<</CindyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Hey, he's drunk, so he won't remember anything! I just thought I'd make a little money!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<set $P.DadSexCount++>>\
<<if $P.Cor < 45>><<UpdateCorruption "+1">><</if>>
<<UpdateArousal "+25">>
<<set $P.Money += 35>>
@@color:lime;For your excellent work you get 35 $.@@
<<button [[Back to living room|HApart]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 100,
filter: `$LeviArrival === true and $LeviHere === true and $Levi.Gender === "m"`,
tags: ["Home", "Levi", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Home", "Morning"], isSeparate: true },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Home", "Afternoon"], isSeparate: true },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Home", "Daily"], isSeparate: true },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Levi", "Morning"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Levi", "Afternoon"] },
<<media "Data/Locations/kitchen.jpg" "place">>
Kitchen.<<set $LeviHere = false>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>LEVI! AGAIN?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<LeviDialog>>Hie-hie-hie! This is AWESOME! You need to try this!<</LeviDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Levi/M/gif/dough.webp" "gif">>
<<if $P.PervertedPoints < 250>>\
<<UpdateArousal "+20">>
<<UpdatePervertion "+1">>
<<elseif $P.PervertedPoints >= 250 and $P.Gender == "f">>\
His cock penetrates so deep.....
...and why is he so interested in it when he has.....
I'm what? Jealous of my brother's dough?! Aah...
<<UpdateArousal "100">>
I better go.
<<button [[Go back|HApart]]>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 100,
filter: `$Levi.Gender === "f"`,
tags: ["Home", "Levi", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Home", "Evening"], isSeparate: true },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Levi", "Evening"] },
<<media "Data/Locations/kitchen.jpg" "place">>
Kitchen.<<set $LeviHere = false>>
It's refill time!
<<media "Data/Characters/Levi/F/kitchen21.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Levi?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<LeviDialog "happy" 1>>How great that I caught you in the kitchen! Brother, why don't you cook something for me?<</LeviDialog>>
Hmm, it's not hard for me to make something for her too! Maybe ask her for something in return, though?
@@#rel;<<button [[Just cook something for her|LeviFKitchenCook]]>><</button>>@@
<<button [[Ask her to show body|LeviFKitchenShow]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Go back|HApart]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/kitchen.jpg" "place">>
Kitchen.<<set $LeviHere = false>>
<<media "Data/Characters/npc/cook.jpeg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Mmm! That smell!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<set $P.Spending +=5>>\
@@color:lime; Today you cooked delicious food, so the daily expenses decreased by 5 $.@@
Hey, isn't this a great time to feed Levi a pill? I have a whole bunch of ideas in my head about what I could do with it!
<<if $Inventory.Tablets >= 0>>\
<<button [[Put a pill(lvl 1) in her food|LeviFKitchenCookPill]]>>
<<set $LeviPillInFood = 0>>
<<set $Inventory.Tablets-->>
<<if $Inventory.Tabletslvl2 >= 0>>\
<<button [[Put a pill(lvl 2) in her food|LeviFKitchenCookPill]]>>
<<set $LeviPillInFood = 1>>
<<set $Inventory.Tabletslvl2-->>
@@#rel;<<button [[Finish cooking|LeviFKitchenCook1]]>><</button>>@@<<media "Data/Locations/kitchen.jpg" "place">>
Kitchen.<<set $LeviHere = false>>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Bon appetit! <</PlayerDialog>>
<<LeviDialog "happy" 1>>Hooray!<</LeviDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Levi/F/kitchen22.jpg" "just">>
<<LeviDialog "happy" 1>>Brother, thank you so much for the food! It was very, very tasty!<</LeviDialog>>
I took nothing in return, but that smile of hers. It's priceless.
@@color:lime;Relationship with Levi has been greatly increased.@@
<<set $Levi.Rel += 3>>\
<<button [[Go back|HApart]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/kitchen.jpg" "place">>
Kitchen.<<set $LeviHere = false>>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Time to eat! Your portion is this one! <</PlayerDialog>>
<<LeviDialog "happy" 1>>Hooray!<</LeviDialog>>
<<switch $LeviPillInFood>>\
<<case 0>>\
<<LeviDialog "happy" 1>>Thank you, it was delicious!<</LeviDialog>>
Something's wrong. It should have worked a long time ago! But I can't feel anything!
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>H-how are you feeling?..<</PlayerDialog>>
<<LeviDialog "happy" 1>>Great! I feel fed and satisfied! Thanks again, I gotta go!<</LeviDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Levi/F/kitchen20.jpg" "just">>
@@color:lime;Relationship with Levi has been greatly increased.@@
<<set $Levi.Rel += 3>>\
Probably the effect of the sex change pills is stronger than I thought, so the energy of the level one pill is not enough. I need something more powerful.
<<case 1>>\
<<LeviDialog "horny" 1>>Was it just me, or was the food even tastier than usual today?<</LeviDialog>>
<<media "Data/Actions/magic/magic.gif" "gif">>
Something's wrong again. I can feel the movement of the magical currents, but it's weak. They're inside her body and it's like it won't let them out. And the surrounding magical streams can't get there either.
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>H-how are you feeling?..<</PlayerDialog>>
<<LeviDialog "horny" 0>>Great! Even better than usual! Um, could you turn around for a minute?<</LeviDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Uh, okay.<</PlayerDialog>>
It was a rather unexpected request...
<<media "Data/Characters/Levi/F/kitchen28.jpg" "just">>
<<LeviDialog "horny" 0>>Hey, you turned around too soon, hasn't it been a minute already?..<</LeviDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Levi, what's going on?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Levi/F/kitchen32.jpg" "just">>
<<LeviDialog "horny" 0>>Okay, now I'm done, you can turn back!<</LeviDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>I'M ALREADY TURNED TOWARD YOU! I'm asking you what this is all about!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<LeviDialog "confused" 0>>What do you mean?<</LeviDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Levi/F/kitchen35.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>!!!!!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<LeviDialog "horny" 0>>Oh, is that what you mean? <</LeviDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Levi/F/kitchen34.jpg" "just">>
<<LeviDialog "horny" 1>>No reason! I just for some reason really wanted to see your reaction if I did it abruptly and unexpectedly! Ha-ha!<</LeviDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Levi/F/kitchen30.jpg" "just">>
Apparently the second level isn't enough to cause the desired effect of the transformed either. The pill didn't work properly, but it did get the magical currents circulating inside her body.
What I just saw was her inner desire, which is slowly being realized.
Shit, I think I just saw old Levi in somewhere deep in there.
<<UpdateArousal "+25">>
<<set $Levi.Perv += 10>>\
@@color:orange;Levi's perversion has increased by 10!@@
<<button [[Back in action|HApart]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/kitchen.jpg" "place">>
Kitchen.<<set $LeviHere = false>>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>I don't mind making you something, but I want something in return. How about you show me what's under your top?..<</PlayerDialog>>
<<if $Levi.Perv < 30>>\
<<media "Data/Characters/Levi/F/kitchen23.jpg" "just">>
<<LeviDialog "serious">>I think I'm gonna pass. I just realized I'm not that hungry.<</LeviDialog>>
She said this while maintaining a smile. Respectable.
@@color:red;Relationship with Levi has been decreased.@@
<<set $Levi.Rel-->>\
@@color:orange;Levi's perversion has increased by 1.@@
<<set $Levi.Perv += 1>>\
<<media "Data/Characters/Levi/F/kitchen24.jpg" "just">>
<<LeviDialog "horny" 1>>All right. I think you deserve it.<</LeviDialog>>
Damn, I didn't realize...
<<media "Data/Characters/Levi/F/kitchen25.jpg" "just">>
<<LeviDialog "happy" 0>>Look at the sacrifices I'm willing to make for your delicious food! <</LeviDialog>>
...she had nothing under her top. Compliment. A compliment must be said!
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Your neat breasts look very expressive..<</PlayerDialog>>
<<LeviDialog "surprised">>Come on, you're embarrassing me! By the way, do you think I have a chance to be as pretty as our big sister?<</LeviDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Levi/F/kitchen26.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Of course! It's all about desire! <</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Levi/F/kitchen27.jpg" "just">>
<<LeviDialog "happy" 1>>In that case, take care of me, brother! I'll eat well and become like a sister! <</LeviDialog>>
As long as it's not temperamental...
<<set $P.Spending +=5>>\
@@color:lime; Today you cooked delicious food, so the daily expenses decreased by 5 $.@@
<<set $Levi.Rel += 1>>\
@@color:lime;Relationship with Levi has been increased.@@
<<set _r = random (1,4)>>\
<<set $Levi.Perv += _r>>\
@@color:orange;Levi's perversion has increased by _r.@@
<<button [[Go back|HApart]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 50,
filter: `$P.PervertedPoints >= 35 and $LeviArrival === true and $LeviHere === true and $Levi.Gender === "m"`,
tags: ["Home", "Levi", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Home", "Evening"], isSeparate: true },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Levi", "Evening"] },
<<media "Data/Locations/kitchen.jpg" "place">>
Kitchen.<<set $LeviHere = false>>
<<LeviDialog>>Is the little slut in high spirits today?<</LeviDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>What makes you think that?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<LeviDialog>>I read your mind, you little pervert. Come on, show me what you got!<</LeviDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Hey, if I'm dressed a little sexier than usual, that doesn't mean anything!<</PlayerDialog>>
Damn, I really did dress a little differently today...on purpose so he'd notice? Yeah, I'm freaking starting to like making his dick hard! Sometimes it's really....pleasant.
<<UpdatePervertion "+1">>
<<if $P.Cor > 55 and $P.PervertedPoints >= 50>>\
@@#cor;<<button [[Turn him on|LeviKitchen1]]>><</button>>@@
<<button [[Go back|HApart]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/kitchen.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Levi/kitchen16.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Okay, you can look over here. But I'm not doing it because you asked me to!<</PlayerDialog>>
He won't be able to remain indifferent to such a...view. Eheheh...
<<LeviDialog>>Wow, you can't escape responsibility after that...<</LeviDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<if $P.PervertedPoints >= 200>>\
<<LeviDialog>>Confess! Is this what your horny, sweet ass wanted?<</LeviDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>..ah...ah.....ahh...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Levi/fuck491.webp" "gif">>
<<LeviDialog>>It's so great to have a sister slut! Hie-hie-hie!<</LeviDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Don't say that...ah...ah... I'm just in a good mood today...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<UpdateArousal "0">>
<<UpdatePervertion "+1">>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Levi/cum52.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>So, how hot are you?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<LeviDialog>>I'm SO fucking horny. JUST... Do that... more often<</LeviDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Eheheh<</PlayerDialog>>
I'm starting to like these sexy minigames. The only downside is that at the end of each of these activities I feel semen on me.... but I guess I'm getting used to it too...it's so arousing!...
<<if $P.Cor < 60>><<UpdateCorruption "+1">><</if>>
<<UpdateArousal "+30">>
<<UpdateSubDom "-1">>
<<UpdatePervertion "+1">>
<<button [[Back in action|HApart]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 50,
filter: `$Mom.TabletLvl === 2 and $LeviArrival === true and $LeviHere === true and $Levi.Gender === "m"`,
tags: ["Home", "Levi", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Home", "Morning"], isSeparate: true },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Levi", "Morning"] },
<<media "Data/Locations/kitchen.jpg" "place">>
Kitchen.<<set $LeviHere = false>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Mom/kitchen25.jpg" "just">>
<<MomDialog "serious">>Mmm...<</MomDialog>>
<<LeviDialog>>How was it, Mommy?<</LeviDialog>>
<<MomDialog "horny" 1>>What an interesting variety of tea, it really warms up<</MomDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Mom/kitchen26.jpg" "just">>
<<LeviDialog>>Hie-hie! Told you!<</LeviDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>What's going on?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MomDialog "happy">>Oh, honey! We're just having tea and chatting! We'll talk later if you want<</MomDialog>>
What an extremely strange tea party you have...
<<UpdatePervertion "+1">>
<<button [[Go back|HApart]]>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 50,
filter: `$Mom.TabletLvl === 0`,
tags: ["Home", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Home", "Morning"], isSeparate: true },
<<media "Data/Locations/kitchen.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Characters/Mom/kitchen.jpg" "just">>
<<MomDialog "happy">>What do you want for breakfast?<</MomDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Uh-a..an..hgmn..mm...WOW!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<if $MomStartCooking == false>>\
<<set $MomStartCooking = true>>\
<<set $P.EverydaySpending -=1>>\
@@color:lime; Olga has started making breakfasts, so your average daily spending has decreased by 1.@@
<<button [[Stay to watch her cooking|MomKitchenLvl1]]>><<movetime>><</button>>
<<button [[Leave kitchen|HApart]]>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 50,
filter: `$Mom.TabletLvl === 1`,
tags: ["Home", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Home", "Morning"], isSeparate: true },
<<media "Data/Locations/kitchen.jpg" "place">>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>I would just like to watch you cook<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Mom/kitchen1.jpg" "just">>
<<MomDialog "happy">>Oh, really? I'm so pleased<</MomDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Mom/kitchen2.jpg" "just">>
<<MomDialog "happy">>In that case, I won't need it!<</MomDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Mom/kitchen3.jpg" "just">>
<<MomDialog "serious">>Do you think I have become more feminine?<</MomDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>No doubt!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Mom/kitchen4.jpg" "just">>
<<MomDialog "happy">>Now you look at me so much that I even begin to like this role<</MomDialog>>
<<UpdateMomCorruption "+4">>
<<UpdateArousal "+10">>
<<UpdateSubDom "+1">>
<<button [[Leave kitchen|HApart]]>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 50,
filter: `$Mom.TabletLvl === 2`,
tags: ["Home", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Home", "Morning"], isSeparate: true },
<<media "Data/Locations/kitchen.jpg" "place">>
<<set _r = random (0,99)>>\
<<if $LeviArrival == true and $LeviHere == true and $Levi.Gender == "m">>\
<<goto "LeviMomKitchen">>
<<media "Data/Characters/Mom/kitchen10.jpg" "just">>
<<MomDialog "happy">>Hi, honey! What do you want for breakfast?<</MomDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Good morning<</PlayerDialog>>
<<button [[Stay to watch her cooking|MomKitchenLvl2Time]]>><<movetime>><</button>>
<<button [[Leave kitchen|HApart]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/kitchen.jpg" "place">>
<<MomDialog "happy">>So, you want something?<</MomDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Mom/kitchen9.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>I just wanted to see how you cook. By the way, you're wearing such simple clothes today, why?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MomDialog "happy">>Of course, I'm in simple clothes, honey. I'm in the kitchen! But... maybe...<</MomDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Mom/kitchen11.jpg" "just">>
<<MomDialog "horny" 1>>...It's better that way<</MomDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Mom/kitchen12.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>It's definitely better!<</PlayerDialog>>
However, she didn't stop.
<<MomDialog "horny" 0>>To think I'm standing in front of you with my tits out...Mmm... I'm so bad... It's like I'm reading your mind right now, and what you think of me turns me on so much!<</MomDialog>>
Damn it, she's right!
<<if $P.ConvergenceON == true>>\
<<CindyDialog>>One day we'll help her "cooking", right? ~giggle~<</CindyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Definitely!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Mom/kitchen13.jpg" "just">>
<<UpdateMomCorruption "+4">>
<<UpdateArousal "+30">>
<<UpdateSubDom "+1">>
<<button [[Leave kitchen|HApart]]>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 50,
filter: `$Sis.TabletLvl === 1`,
tags: ["Home", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Home", "Afternoon"], isSeparate: true },
<<media "Data/Locations/kitchen.jpg" "place">>
I'm probably sleeping. But I definitely like this dream.
<<media "Data/Characters/Sis/gif/kitchen6.mp4">>
<<SisDialog "angry" 1>>You should be grateful to me. Today I'm in a good mood, so I decided to cook something delicious<</SisDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Can I eat this?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<SisDialog "angry" 1>>ALthough I'd rather not have my food touched by a loser like you, I don't want my masterpieces to go to waste! But I haven't finished yet, so just grab some food from the fridge later<</SisDialog>>
Could there be anything better than this? Hmm, although perhaps it can. He-he. Everything is ahead.
<<if $SisStartCooking == false>>\
<<set $SisStartCooking = true>>\
<<set $P.EverydaySpending -=1>>\
@@color:lime; Anya has started making lunch sometimes, so your average daily spending has decreased by 1.@@
<<button [[Back to living room|HApart]]>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 50,
filter: `$Sis.TabletLvl === 2`,
tags: ["Home", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Home", "Afternoon"], isSeparate: true },
<<media "Data/Locations/kitchen.jpg" "place">>
Oh yeah, she's cooking again!
<<media "Data/Characters/Sis/gif/kitchen6.mp4">>
<<SisDialog "angry" 1>>You should be grateful to me. Don't touch the food until I'm done, understand?<</SisDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Wow, I would have touched something else, you know. Your ass is too juicy, I can't take my eyes off it, it's the eighth wonder of the world.<</PlayerDialog>>
Fuck, should I have said it so bluntly?
<<media "Data/Characters/Sis/gif/kitchen9.mp4">>
<<SisDialog "horny" 1>>Damn pervert, you can't keep me from cooking, so just stand there and enjoy my beautiful ass in silence, you asshole<</SisDialog>>
Could there be anything better than this? Hmm, although perhaps it can. He-he. Everything is ahead.
<<button [[Watch for a little longer|SisCookLvl2Time]]>><<movetime>><</button>>
<<button [[Back to living room|HApart]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/kitchen.jpg" "place">>
Oh yeah, she's cooking again!
<<media "Data/Characters/Sis/gif/kitchen6.mp4">>
<<SisDialog "serious">>Are you still here? Like the view that much? How pathetic<</SisDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>You're pretty good at twisting your ass, but you can do better. Come on, show me some @@color:magenta;"Jiggle"@@.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<SisDialog "horny" 1>>Yeeeeahh, try not to cum in your pants, hehe<</SisDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Sis/gif/kitchen8.mp4">>
Could there be anything better? I have already proved that it can. But can it get any better than this?!
<<if $P.ConvergenceON == true>>\
<<CindyDialog>>But what about me?!<</CindyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>What's wrong with it?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CindyDialog>>You look at her more than you look at me! And you're happier, too! <</CindyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Cindy, you're a fucking part of me. Normally, I can't even look at you! <</PlayerDialog>>
<<CindyDialog>>Why didn't you make me as stunning as her?!...Uh-huuh-huh....!<</CindyDialog>>
<<set $Sis.Cor += 4>>\
@@color:magenta;Anya's corruption has increased by 4.@@
<<UpdateArousal "+50">>
<<UpdateSubDom "+1">>
<<button [[Back to living room|HApart]]>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 20,
filter: `$Sis.TabletLvl === 0`,
tags: ["Home", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Home", "Morning"], isSeparate: true },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Home", "Afternoon"], isSeparate: true },
<<media "Data/Locations/kitchen.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Characters/Sis/kitchen.jpg" "just">>
<<SisDialog "angry" 1>>Die, trash <</SisDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>I didn't even get to say anything. Again!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<SisDialog "angry" 1>>Your ugly look is enough. Cook me something to eat for me and I'll even give you a couple of cents for it<</SisDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>You were a good cook as a child<</PlayerDialog>>
<<SisDialog "angry" 1>>Are you going to cook or not?! Get started already!<</SisDialog>>
<<if $Inventory.Tablets > 0>>\
<<button [[Feed her pill|SisKitchenCookPill]]>>
<<set $Inventory.Tablets-->>
<<set $Sis.TabletLvl++>>
@@#money;<<button [[Cook for Anya|SisKitchenCook]]>><<movetime>><</button>>@@
<<button [[Back to living room|HApart]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/kitchen.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Characters/npc/cook.jpeg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Mmm! That smell!<</PlayerDialog>>
No matter how hard she tried to hide it, your sister ate everything with great pleasure. I would like to expect more gratitude for such a meal, because I really tried hard! But that is OK. The time will come and we will change places. He-he.
<<set $P.Spending +=4>>\
@@color:lime; Today you cooked delicious food, but not for you.With all the generosity of Anya the daily expenses decreased by 4 $.@@
<<button [[Back to living room|HApart]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/kitchen.jpg" "place">>
You carefully add the pill to your food while you cook.
<<media "Data/Characters/npc/cook.jpeg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Mmm! That smell!<</PlayerDialog>>
No matter how hard she tried to hide it, your sister ate everything with great pleasure. It's time to take advantage of our new advantages, but we will proceed with caution.
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>I have to talk to you<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Sis/kitchen1.jpg" "just">>
<<SisDialog "angry" 1>>And what can you tell me? I'll give you money for it<</SisDialog>>
As if such crumbs would help someone. My time is worth more!
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Keep the money to yourself. You treat me like a piece of shit<</PlayerDialog>>
<<SisDialog "angry" 1>>Because you are piec...<</SisDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Stop! I always try to go towards you. Now it's your turn. From this day forward, you will be @@color:magenta;more open about your true feelings, cook again, and stop locking the door to your room@@, GOT IT?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Sis/kitchen1.jpg" "just">>
<<SisDialog "angry" 1>>Didn't you freak out?<</SisDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>One last thing. Now @@color:magenta;when I say "jiggle", you will feel a great desire to grant my request. "JIGGLE"!@@ UNDERSTAND MY REQUIRMENTS?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Sis/kitchen2.jpg" "just">>
<<SisDialog "serious">>Ah..Crazy bastard<</SisDialog>>
<<set $Sis.Cor += 4>>\
@@color:magenta;Anya's corruption has increased by 4.@@
<<UpdateArousal "+10">>
<<UpdateSubDom "+1">>
<<button [[Back to living room|HApart]]>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 30,
filter: `$Sis.TabletLvl === 1`,
tags: ["Home", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Home", "Morning"], isSeparate: true },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Home", "Afternoon"], isSeparate: true },
<<media "Data/Locations/kitchen.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Characters/Sis/kitchen.jpg" "just">>
<<SisDialog "angry" 1>>Die, trash <</SisDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>I didn't even get to say anything. Again!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<SisDialog "angry" 1>>Your ugly look is enough. Cook me something to eat for me and I'll even give you a couple of cents for it<</SisDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>You can cook yourself!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<SisDialog "angry" 1>>Are you going to cook or not?! Get started already!<</SisDialog>>
<<button [[Special offer for cooking|SisKitchenLvl1Time]]>><<movetime>><</button>>
<<button [[Back to living room|HApart]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/kitchen.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Characters/Sis/kitchen.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>How can I refuse my beloved sister? But I have a counter offer<</PlayerDialog>>
<<SisDialog "angry" 1>>What? I don't agree to any of your offers, trash. <</SisDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Sis/kitchen1.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>I want you to turn around and lift up the bottom of your dress a little. Instead of money<</PlayerDialog>>
<<SisDialog "angry" 1>>Hey, I'm not a sl...<</SisDialog>>
@@#pill;<<button [["JIGGLE"|SisKitchenLvl1Time1]]>><</button>>@@<<media "Data/Locations/kitchen.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Characters/Sis/kitchen4.jpg" "just">>
<<SisDialog "serious">>On the other hand, it doesn't cost me anything. Just try to touch and I will kill you <</SisDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Your body is a work of art. It's not a shame to die for this<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Sis/kitchen5.jpg" "just">>
<<SisDialog "serious">>Trash...<</SisDialog>>
Then I prepared a meal for her, and she ate her portion with genuine pleasure. I'm sure such a disentangled body could not have been possible without a good appetite.
<<set $Sis.Cor += 4>>\
@@color:magenta;Anya's corruption has increased by 4.@@
<<UpdateArousal "+10">>
<<UpdateSubDom "+1">>
<<button [[Back to living room|HApart]]>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 30,
filter: `$Sis.TabletLvl === 2`,
tags: ["Home", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Home", "Morning"], isSeparate: true },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Home", "Afternoon"], isSeparate: true },
<<media "Data/Locations/kitchen.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Characters/Sis/kitchen2.jpg" "just">>
<<SisDialog "angry" 1>>Here you are!<</SisDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Much better than "Die, trash"<</PlayerDialog>>
<<SisDialog "angry" 1>>Anyway, cook me something to eat for me<</SisDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>What's in return?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Sis/kitchen4.jpg" "just">>
<<SisDialog "serious">>I remember the deal, so look at my juicy ass and hurry up and start<</SisDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Sis/kitchen5.jpg" "just">>
<<button [[Another special offer for cooking|SisKitchenLvl2Time]]>><<movetime>><</button>>
<<button [[Back to living room|HApart]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/kitchen.jpg" "place">>
Shit, that's a twist. She's doing it to herself!
Then let's play, see how far she goes if I don't use "Jiggle".
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Conditions have changed<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Sis/kitchen1.jpg" "just">>
<<SisDialog "angry" 1>>what?<</SisDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>I'll make you a delicious lunch if you show me your boobs.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<SisDialog "angry" 1>>Show you what? You know that diet is very important to me. I won't touch the stove, I can still pay you 10 dollars<</SisDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Oh, are you embarrassed? I don't need the money, so I'm off<</PlayerDialog>>
<<SisDialog "angry" 1>>Fuck you!<</SisDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Sis/kitchen9.jpg" "just">>
<<SisDialog "angry" 1>>You're just a stupid pathetic insect, why would I care about you? <</SisDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Sis/kitchen10.jpg" "just">>
<<SisDialog "angry" 1>>Happy?<</SisDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Now ask politely to prepare a meal<</PlayerDialog>>
She clenched her fists, either out of anger, or to add sexuality to the image, but the image is just mesmerizing.
<<SisDialog "angry" 1>>\
I want you to prepare a meal...
<<media "Data/Characters/Sis/kitchen11.jpg" "just">>
Then I prepared a meal for her, and she ate her portion with genuine pleasure. I'm sure such a disentangled body could not have been possible without a good appetite.
She goes this far because of her foolish pride. She thinks she shouldn't be doing something as silly as cooking for herself. Yet she relies on my cooking because she knows in advance that it will be tasty, nutritious, and in all parameters just the way she wants it.
<<set $Sis.Cor += 4>>\
@@color:magenta;Anya's corruption has increased by 4.@@
<<UpdateArousal "+50">>
<<UpdateSubDom "+1">>
<<button [[Back to living room|HApart]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/laptop.jpg" "place">>
My Laptop.<<set $LeviHere = false>>
<<LeviDialog>>What are you looking at? Finally decided to fight back? You can't do...ooooOH!<</LeviDialog>>
<<LeviDialog>>Nikita, it was just a joke!<</LeviDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>And yet it's your fault for what I'm doing right now! So shut up and be my dildo for a while! ~giggle~<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Levi/fuck177.mp4">>
<<UpdateArousal "0">>
<<UpdatePervertion "+1">>
<<button [[Go back|HProom]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<RE [[LeviArrivalFinal]]>>
<<RE [[LeviRoomCleaning]]>>
<<RE [[LeviCartoon]]>>
<<RE [[LeviRoomJumping]]>>
<<RE [[LeviRoomNone]]>>
<<RE [[LeviRoomHere]]>>
<<RE [[_LeviRoom]]>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
type: "goto",
<<media "Data/Locations/leviroom.jpg" "place">>
Levi's room.
He doesn't seem to be here, I'm not sure if he's at home or somewhere else.
<<button [[Go back|HApart]]>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 100,
filter: `$LeviArrival === true and $Levi.Gender === "m" and $LeviRoomOpened !== true`,
tags: ["Home", "Levi", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Home", "Morning"], isSeparate: true },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Home", "Afternoon"], isSeparate: true },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Home", "Evening"], isSeparate: true },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Home", "Daily"], isSeparate: true },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Levi", "Morning"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Levi", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Levi", "Evening"] },
<<media "Data/Locations/room3.jpg" "place">>
My room.<<set $P.Loc = 1>>
Once again going into my room, I realized what the main headache was with Levi's arrival.
<<media "Data/Locations/dirtyroom.jpg" "just">>
The man's head is in constant chaos. He disturbs my sleep, and I have to spend time and energy cleaning up after him. Should I fight with him and explain what's what? Hell, that wouldn't help with THIS man, and I wouldn't want to be like Stephan, either. @@color:lime;I need to move him into the room his father had allotted.@@ Until I do, my expenses will be higher than usual.
<<set $LeviRoomOpened = true>>\
<<set $RoomCleaned = 0>>\
<<set $RoomCleanCost = 30>>\
<<set $P.EverydaySpending +=10>>\
@@color:red;Your daily spending has increased by 10.@@
I'll have to see how much work I have to do.
<<button [[Go to "Levi's" room|LeviRoomCleaning]]>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 100,
filter: `$CurrentDayTime === 3 and $Levi.Gender === "m" and $LeviHere === true`,
tags: ["Home", "Levi", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Home", "Evening"], isSeparate: true },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Levi", "Evening"] },
<<set $LeviHere = false>>\
<<media "Data/Locations/leviroom.jpg" "place">>
Levi's room.
<<PlayerDialog "disgust">>Levi...uh...are you watching that obscure cartoon again?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Levi/M/gif/cartoon.mp4">>
The only time Levi doesn't think about perversion is while watching this weird cartoon...
<<LeviDialog>>It may be weird, but it's my favorite cartoon. I've been watching it since I was a kid<</LeviDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "disgust">>I tried to watch it, but I don't understand what's going on there at all!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<LeviDialog>>It's a story about a world where there are standards for everything, and about an ordinary guy named Leccto, who went out of his way to make a recipe for tasty burgers and give people joy, even though it's illegal in this world. I've looked up to him my whole life!<</LeviDialog>>
How did he even see the meaning in these strange multicolored figures? And this Leccto, it sounds like something familiar... Anyway, it must be really important to him. I won't distract him.
<<button [[Go back|HApart]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/leviroom.jpg" "place">>
Levi's room.
<<media "Data/Characters/Levi/F/bed101.jpg" "just">>
She doesn't seem happy with my presence.
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>What do you have to say for yourself?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<LeviDialog "sad">>Why do you always walk in on me without knocking? And turn off the tape, please...<</LeviDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>You could get in a lot of trouble for what you're doing right now. I'm just warning you.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<LeviDialog "sad">>I just wanted to relax a bit, I don't plan on getting into this sort of thing...Please delete this....<</LeviDialog>>
I think she'll appreciate it if I delete the entry and leave it now. But maybe I should take advantage of the situation?
<<button [[Delete the video and leave (Levi'rel+)|HApart]]>><<set $Levi.Rel++>><</button>>
<<button [[Blackmail her|LeviFRoom2]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/leviroom.jpg" "place">>
Levi's room.
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Let's put it this way. You pay the penalty. I delete this video, and you take a selfie with this phone for me.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<LeviDialog "serious">>Selfie? No problem, give me that phone.<</LeviDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Levi/F/bed102.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Oh, by the way, you can't delete this video because it's already uploaded to the cloud. <</PlayerDialog>>
<<LeviDialog "sad">>Huh?? Grr..I got it! I'll do it, but don't peek! <</LeviDialog>>
<<button [[Of course|LeviFRoom3]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/leviroom.jpg" "place">>
Levi's room.
Yeah, of course!..
<<media "Data/Characters/Levi/F/bed105.jpg" "just">>
She does take selfie, but damn! It's not like I gave her any description of what kind of qicture I want....hehehe. Well, I guess it's up to her depending on how slutty she is right now...
<<if $Levi.Perv < 20>>\
<<LeviDialog "sad">>Take the phone and get out.<</LeviDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Levi/F/bed104.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>As you wish!<</PlayerDialog>>
@@color:red;Relationship with Levi has been decreased.@@
<<set $Levi.Rel-->>\
<<elseif $Levi.Perv >= 20 and $Levi.Perv < 40>>\
Hey, I think she's starting to figure out the terms of my request.
<<media "Data/Characters/Levi/F/bed106.jpg" "just">>
Well, I'm not forcing her to do anything!
<<LeviDialog "serious">>Just promise me you'll delete everything!<</LeviDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Levi/F/bed103.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>As you wish!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<elseif $Levi.Perv >= 40>>\
<<media "Data/Characters/Levi/F/bed106.jpg" "just">>
Hey, I think she's starting to figure out the terms of my request.
<<media "Data/Characters/Levi/F/bed108.jpg" "just">>
Well, I'm not forcing her to do anything! Does she think it's not enough?
<<media "Data/Characters/Levi/F/bed107.jpg" "just">>
She pulls back her bra strap to get a more graceful angle! Is she really doing that on purpose for me? Although I can see from her face that she's starting to like it herself...!
<<if $Levi.Perv < 60 or $P.Gender == "f">>\
<<LeviDialog "serious">>Just promise me you'll delete everything!<</LeviDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Levi/F/bed103.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>As you wish!<</PlayerDialog>>
@@color:lime;Relationship with Levi has been increased.@@
<<set $Levi.Rel++>>\
<<elseif $Levi.Perv >= 60 and $P.Gender == "m">>\
<<UpdateArousal "+25">>
Damn, that's too sexy. I can't help it.
<<media "Data/Characters/Levi/F/bed110.jpg" "just">>
<<set _r = random (1,4)>>\
<<set $Levi.Perv += _r>>
@@color:orange;Levi's perversion has increased by _r.@@
She's so engrossed in her lewd photo shoot that she doesn't notice what I'm doing!
<<button [[Walk in on her like that!|LeviFRoom4]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Quietly wait for her to finish and pick up the phone (Levi'rel+)|HApart]]>><<set $Levi.Rel++>><<movetime>><</button>>
<<if $Levi.Perv < 60 or $P.Gender == "f">>\
<<set _r = random (1,4)>>\
<<set $Levi.Perv += _r>>
@@color:orange;Levi's perversion has increased by _r.@@
I think if Levi had been a little more perverted, he would have reacted differently...hehe
<<button [[Delete the video and leave|HApart]]>><<movetime>><</button>>
<</if>>\<<media "Data/Locations/leviroom.jpg" "place">>
Levi's room.
<<media "Data/Characters/Levi/F/bed113.jpg" "just">>
<<LeviDialog "horny" 0>>Hey, that turned out pretty good!<</LeviDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>SIS, ARE YOU DONE YET?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Levi/F/bed111.jpg" "just">>
<<LeviDialog "surprised">>Ah..! No, no, no, no, no! I'm not done yet! <</LeviDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Don't you think your photo shoot took too long?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<LeviDialog "sad">>You can see I'm naked, can't you? And why did you pull that....thing out in front of me?<</LeviDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Levi/F/bed109.jpg" "just">>
She's shy again....it seems I've started to understand Levi a little bit, there's some romance in that!
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Don't mind me, I just came to get my phone and delete that video. <</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Levi/F/bed112.jpg" "just">>
<<LeviDialog "confused" 1>>Wait, wait! Don't take it now!<</LeviDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Levi/F/bed114.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Wow, those pics are definitely worth the video I shot. Hie-hie-hie!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<LeviDialog "confused" 1>>Uh-oh, how embarrassing!...<</LeviDialog>>
<<UpdateArousal "+25">>
<<set _r = random (3,9)>>\
<<set $Levi.Perv += _r>>
@@color:orange;Levi's perversion has increased by _r.@@
Now I'm still stuck on the idea Levi gave me. Sometimes it's pretty fun to switch places! Ha-ha!
<<button [[Delete the video and leave|HApart]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 100,
filter: `$Levi.Gender === "f"`,
tags: ["Home", "Levi", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Home", "Afternoon"], isSeparate: true },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Levi", "Afternoon"] },
<<media "Data/Locations/leviroom.jpg" "place">>
Levi's room.
<<set _r = random (0,1)>>\
<<if _r === 0>>\
<<media "Data/Characters/Levi/F/room85.jpg" "just">>
<<LeviDialog "confused" 0>>Hey, in case you didn't know, it's customary to knock before entering a room!<</LeviDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Sorry, I'll be sure to knock next time!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<LeviDialog "sad">>Why don't make sure to turn around so I can change?<</LeviDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Levi/F/room84.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Okay, I'll close my eyes.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<if $LeviRoomReady !== true>>\
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>By the way, I don't remember setting up this room for you. Haven't you lived in mine before?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<LeviDialog "serious">>Dad prepared it for me. He also said he didn't understand why he hadn't done it sooner.<</LeviDialog>>
Old perv...
<<LeviDialog "horny" 0>>Hey, I can see you peeking! What do you have to say for yourself?<</LeviDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Levi/F/room83.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Sorry, I can't help it, but I see at least 2 arguments in front of me.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Levi/F/room82.jpg" "just">>
<<LeviDialog "horny" 0>>And what do these "arguments" tell you?<</LeviDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>They say you are the sweetest and I am ready to come to this room again and again.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<LeviDialog "horny" 0>>You're a dummy, brother! Did I used to be like you before?<</LeviDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Levi/F/room81.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Something like that...hie-hie...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<UpdateArousal "+25">>
<<set $Levi.Perv += 2>>\
@@color:orange;Levi's perversion has increased by 2.@@
<<set $Levi.Rel++>>\
@@color:lime;Relationship with Levi has been increased.@@
<<button [[Go back|HApart]]>><<movetime>><</button>>
Ugh, I love coming in here at the wrong time... Wait a minute, is she smoking?...
<<media "Data/Characters/Levi/F/bed100.jpg" "just">>
It's a bad habit, especially since it's apparently not even cigarettes. Levi, you rascal!
<<button [[Get her on camera|LeviFRoom1]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Just go back|HApart]]>><</button>>
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 100,
filter: `$LeviArrival === true and $Levi.Gender === "m" and $LeviRoomOpened === true and $LeviRoomReady === false`,
tags: ["Home", "Levi", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Home", "Morning"], isSeparate: true },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Home", "Afternoon"], isSeparate: true },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Home", "Evening"], isSeparate: true },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Home", "Daily"], isSeparate: true },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Levi", "Morning"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Levi", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Levi", "Evening"] },
<<if $RoomCleaned < 100>>\
<<media "Data/Locations/storage.jpg" "place">>
My room.<<set $P.Loc = 1>>
Yeah...one would think it was a storage room, the idea really was, but almost everything in here is just trash.
Because of Levi, I can't work properly, and then there's his eternal sexual stuff...I need to get this room in order, then Levi won't bother me in my room anymore!
@@color:yellow; font-size: 120%;Cleaned: $RoomCleaned/100%@@
@@color:red;Cleaning this room will require your time and cost you $RoomCleanCost $.@@
<<if $P.Money >= $RoomCleanCost and $CurrentDayTime < 4>>\
<<button [[Clean|LeviRoomCleaning]]>>
<<set $P.Money -= $RoomCleanCost>>
<<set $RoomCleanCost += 10>>
<<set _r = random (5,10)>>
<<set $RoomCleaned += _r>>
<<if $RoomCleaned >= 100>>
<<set $RoomCleaned = 100>>
<<button [[Go back|HApart]]>><</button>>
It's time to officially move Levi into this room and forbid him to come into mine!
But I could let him visit my room again if I got...too bored.
@@color:lime;<<button [[Move him!|LeviRoomMoving]]>>
<<set $LeviRoomReady = true>>
<<set $StayInRoom = true>>
<</if>>\<<media "Data/Locations/ap.jpeg" "place">>
Finding Levi wasn't too hard, but it wasn't too easy either. He was in the shower, pouring out a can of drinking yogurt he'd taken from the fridge on himself and yelling about "milfs" and some kind of "bukkake".
<<LeviDialog>>Are you sure I should have my own room? You won't miss me?<</LeviDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "disgust">>Believe me, I'm glad to finally be rid of you. I've got a really fancy room for you, you're going to love it!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<LeviDialog>>Hie-hie-hie! Looking forward to it!<</LeviDialog>>
<<button [[Enter the room|LeviRoomMoving1]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/leviroom.jpg" "place">>
Levi's room.
Fuck, I spent a lot of effort, money, and time on this. And yet I'm proud of my work.
<<media "Data/Locations/leviroom.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>What do you think?<</PlayerDialog>>
I did a pretty good job. At least now Levi won't bother me in my room. Still, I can't stop him from moving freely around the rest of the house, which means he'll continue to think all the girls around him are his personal whores.
Well, maybe I'll think of this later...
But now...
<<media "Data/Characters/Levi/M/11.webp" "just">>
<<LeviDialog>>Did you really do this for ME?<</LeviDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Of course! If you'd stop hanging around my room, I could do even more!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<LeviDialog>>I promise not to bother you in your room again without permission!<</LeviDialog>>
<<set $P.EverydaySpending -=10>>\
@@color:lime;Your daily spending has decreased by 10.@@
Well, that's it, I have to go...
<<if $P.Gender == "f" and $P.Cor >= 60>>\
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>..Well, I'm in a good mood today, and now that I've had my well-deserved privacy, do you have any last wishes?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<LeviDialog>>You didn't just ask me that question, did you?!<</LeviDialog>>
Shit, he's right...
@@#cor;<<button [[Put on leggins|LeviRoomMoving2]]>><</button>>@@
<<button [[Go back|HApart]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/leviroom.jpg" "place">>
Levi's room.
<<LeviDialog>>Does Carol know that you're using her body so dirty?<</LeviDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Levi/rub17.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>Perhaps she will soon become like this...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<LeviDialog>>Hmm?? Do you have some kind of plan? You're not the kind of person who throws words around!<</LeviDialog>>
Shit, I let it slip...Aah, I don't care!
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>It doesn't matter!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<LeviDialog>>I'm convinced that everyone deep down inside is a pervert. The world would be such a cool place if everyone was a pervert! And only the girls need to be perverts for that to happen; it all depends on them! What a great world it would be if all girls were sluts!<</LeviDialog>>
Damn, now I realize that he and I really are brothers...although I still think there are a lot of decent girls who wouldn't go for being just sluts.... interesting...is Carol one of those girls? And...what about me in her body?..
<<LeviDialog>>So what's the plan?<</LeviDialog>>
You're a pain in the ass! Then...
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Levi/rub18.mp4">>
<<LeviDialog>>Aha, I cum like a dog!<</LeviDialog>>
So he forgot about the plan, hehe
<<LeviDialog>>Damn, you're getting more and more lewd...You and I are going to have sex for sure! Hie-hie!<</LeviDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>You want to fuck that ass? Wouldn't dream of it! EHehe! Damn, it's so sticky.... *giggles*<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Levi/cum57.mp4">>
<<if $P.Cor < 65>><<UpdateCorruption "+1">><</if>>
<<UpdateArousal "+50">>
<<UpdatePervertion "+3">>
<<button [[Go back|HApart]]>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 50,
filter: `$Levi.Gender === "m" and $LeviHere === true`,
tags: ["Home", "Levi", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Home", "Morning"], isSeparate: true },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Home", "Afternoon"], isSeparate: true },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Home", "Evening"], isSeparate: true },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Home", "Daily"], isSeparate: true },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Levi", "Morning"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Levi", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Levi", "Evening"] },
<<media "Data/Locations/leviroom.jpg" "place">>
Levi's room.
<<media "Data/Characters/Levi/M/11.webp" "just">>
Hey, that's my sweet brother! What brings you here?
<<if $StayInRoom == true>>\
<<button [[Allow him to visit my room|VisitAllow]]>><<set $StayInRoom = false>><</button>>
<<button [[Forbid him to enter my room|VisitForbid]]>><<set $StayInRoom = true>><</button>>
<<button [[Go back|HApart]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/leviroom.jpg" "place">>
Levi's room.
<<LeviDialog>> Hie-hie-hie! I knew you'd miss my...antics. Who's the pervert now?<</LeviDialog>>
His "antics" are so awful and disgusting.... that after seeing them...it's just not the same without them...
<<set $P.EverydaySpending +=10>>\
@@color:red;Your daily spending has increased by 10.@@
<<button [[Go back|HApart]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/leviroom.jpg" "place">>
Levi's room.
<<LeviDialog>>I understand. I'll wait until the next time you get...bored. Hie-hie-hie-hie-hie!<</LeviDialog>>
I need a break from all this shit.
<<set $P.EverydaySpending -=10>>\
@@color:lime;Your daily spending has decreased by 10.@@
<<button [[Go back|HApart]]>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 20,
filter: `$Levi.Gender === "m" and $P.PervertedPoints >= 30 and $LeviHere === true`,
tags: ["Home", "Levi", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Home", "Morning"], isSeparate: true },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Home", "Afternoon"], isSeparate: true },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Home", "Evening"], isSeparate: true },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Home", "Daily"], isSeparate: true },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Levi", "Morning"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Levi", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Levi", "Evening"] },
<<media "Data/Locations/leviroom.jpg" "place">>
Levi's room.<<set $LeviHere = false>>
<<PlayerDialog "disgust">>Hi, Le..WHAT THE FUCK?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Levi/cock31.webp" "gif">>
His dick...it dangles so hard!
<<LeviDialog>>I'm dumb little slut, hie-hie!<</LeviDialog>>
<<if $P.Cor >= 50 and $P.PervertedPoints >= 50>>\
@@#cor;<<button [[Watch it|LeviRoomJumping1]]>><</button>>@@
<<button [[Turn around and leave|HApart]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/leviroom.jpg" "place">>
Levi's room.
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Levi/cock31.webp" "gif">>
<<PlayerDialog "disgust">>Levi, I still don't get it, are you one of...those?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<LeviDialog>>Those? What the hell does it matters if a dick makes me feel so good! You should try it!<</LeviDialog>>
What? Try this...
<<if $P.Gender == "f">>\
<<if $P.SubDom < 0>>\
H-he moves so intensely....my hand itself reaches there...
just a little bit...!
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Levi/mast78.mp4">>
And how it happened again I don't understand!
<<LeviDialog>>I told you it was great! What else is there to say? It's not real, of course, but...Tell me who you are!<</LeviDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>I'm a...dumb little s-slut...I'm a dumb little slut, aah!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<LeviDialog>>It's the best feeling, isn't it?<</LeviDialog>>
That phrase makes me cringe, but for some reason I want more! Am I really becoming a pervert? Or... am I already...
<<if $P.Cor < 65>><<UpdateCorruption "+1">><</if>>
<<UpdateArousal "0">>
<<UpdateSubDom "-1">>
<<UpdatePervertion "+3">>
<<button [[Go back|HApart]]>><<movetime>><</button>>
Dumb little slut you say? I'll make you one!
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Oh, yeah! I'll definetely try it<</PlayerDialog>>
<<LeviDialog>>That's not what I meant a little bit<</LeviDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Levi/peg4.mp4">>
However, that's what I meant.
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Don't worry, I'll be gentle<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Levi/peg5.mp4">>
<<LeviDialog>>Ooh, a little practice and you would be a real dominantrix<</LeviDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Hehehe<</PlayerDialog>>
This is so fucking awesome! Who would have thought I'd end up fucking him instead of him fucking me?
<<if $P.Cor < 65>><<UpdateCorruption "+1">><</if>>
<<UpdateArousal "0">>
<<UpdateSubDom "+1">>
<<UpdatePervertion "+3">>
<<button [[Go back|HApart]]>><<movetime>><</button>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Are you really that dumb or are you pretending?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<UpdatePervertion "+1">>
<<button [[Go back|HApart]]>><<movetime>><</button>>
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 35,
filter: `$CurrentDayTime !== 3 and $Levi.Gender === "m" and $LeviHere === true`,
tags: ["Home", "Levi", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Home", "Morning"], isSeparate: true },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Home", "Afternoon"], isSeparate: true },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Home", "Evening"], isSeparate: true },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Home", "Daily"], isSeparate: true },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Levi", "Morning"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Levi", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Levi", "Evening"] },
<<media "Data/Locations/leviroom.jpg" "place">>
Levi's room.
He doesn't seem to be here, I'm not sure if he's at home or somewhere else.
<<if $P.Gender == "f" and $P.Cor > 50 and $P.Arousal > 50>>\
<<set $LeviHere = false>>\
Shit, he's only lived here for a little while, and already he smells so badly of sweat and semen.
A-ah, he is such a pervert! aha...
Maybe while he's gone....
<<if $P.PervertedPoints >= 50>>
@@#cor;<<button [[Masturbate|LeviRoomNone1]]>><</button>>@@
Ew! No way! What the hell am I thinking?!
<<button [[Go back|HApart]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/leviroom.jpg" "place">>
Levi's room.
<<set _r = random (0,99)>>\
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Levi/mast12.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>What on earth am I doing? ...but I'm so horny! I wish he wouldn't come in!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<if _r > 50>>\
I think we got away with it. It was exhilarating! And now I feel nothing but incredible peace!
<<if $P.Cor < 65>><<UpdateCorruption "+1">><</if>>
<<UpdateArousal "0">>
<<button [[Go back|HApart]]>><<movetime>><</button>>
<<LeviDialog>>Nikita, Hi! What are you doing here?<</LeviDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Levi/M/2.webp" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<if $P.SubDom >= 0>>
<<LeviDialog>>I'm not saying that I'm against it, but I still didn't expect such an orderly tone from you<</LeviDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Levi/lick10.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>Ahhaa...Yeah! Stop muttering, you bloody pervert. Keep it up! Continue!<</PlayerDialog>>
It was delightful.
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Perhaps I'll ask you to do the same thing again sometime...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<if $P.Cor < 65>><<UpdateCorruption "+1">><</if>>
<<UpdateArousal "0">>
<<UpdatePervertion "+1">>
<<button [[Go back|HApart]]>><<movetime>><</button>>
<<LeviDialog>>Did you really think you could have fun here without me, you pervert?<</LeviDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>Just don't put it in.... and I'm not a pervert<</PlayerDialog>>
God, the head of his cock moves back and forth like he's really fucking me! it's so...cool!
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Levi/rub4.webp" "gif">>
I feel so slutty!
<<LeviDialog>>If you want to fuck, just ask me!<</LeviDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Don't get your hopes up<</PlayerDialog>>
<<if $P.Cor < 65>><<UpdateCorruption "+1">><</if>>
<<UpdateArousal "0">>
<<UpdatePervertion "+2">>
<<button [[Go back|HApart]]>><<movetime>><</button>>
<</if>>\<<RE [[BlackersFirstMeet]]>>
<<RE [[BlackersMeetCompensation]]>>
<<RE [[BlackersMeetNoCompensation]]>>
<<RE [[LeviArrivalEvent]]>>
<<RE [[HomeTooHorny]]>>
<<RE [[MomEnterTraining]]>>
<<RE [[MomJerker]]>>
<<RE [[Jiggle1]]>>
<<RE [[DrunkSis]]>>
<<RE [[_HLivingRoom]]>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
type: "goto",
<<media "Data/Locations/ap.jpeg" "place">>
<<if $CurrentDayTime === 0 and $CarolInvited === true and $P.Gender === "m">>\
<<button [[Talk to Carol|HMCarolAp]]>><</button>>
<<if $CurrentDayTime === 0 and $CarolInvited === false and $Levi.Gender === "f">>\
<<button [[Talk to Levi|LeviFAp]]>><</button>>
<<if $CurrentDayTime === 2>>\
<<switch $Sis.TabletLvl>>
<<case 0>>\
<<button [[Talk to Anya|SisApart]]>><</button>>
<<case 1>>\
<<button [[Talk to Anya|SisApartLvl1]]>><</button>>
<<case 2>>\
<<button [[Talk to Anya|SisApartLvl2]]>><</button>>
<<if $CurrentDayTime === 3>>\
<<switch $Mom.TabletLvl>>
<<case 0>>\
<<button [[Talk to Mom|MomApart]]>><</button>>
<<case 1>>\
<<button [[Talk to Mom|MomApartLvl1]]>><</button>>
<<case 2>>\
<<button [[Talk to Mom|MomApartLvl2]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Go back|HApart]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/ap.jpeg" "place">>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Good morning, Carol<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Carol/body.jpg" "just">>
I recognize that face. Still, she's not thrilled that she has to stay with me. It's like she's struggling with something inside. The pill made her looser and more frivolous, but it's still the same Carol.
<<CarolDialog "serious">>Good morning<</CarolDialog>>
She turned to me.
<<media "Data/Characters/Carol/body4.jpg" "just">>
<<CarolDialog "serious">>I want to thank you for letting me stay. Can I make you something to eat?<</CarolDialog>>
It might not be a bad way to spend the morning. Mom won't be out of the shower for a while, and the others are in their rooms, so Carol and I are alone now.
<<button [[Use the kitchen however you want|HMCarolApLvl2Time1]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Thank you, don't bother|HApart]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/ap.jpeg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Characters/Carol/food.jpg" "just">>
She seems happy with the result of her efforts. I wonder what she's thinking?
<<CarolDialog "happy">>I found several products. I think this would be good for a light and healthy breakfast. Would you like to try it?<</CarolDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Sure, but the maker should be the first to appreciate his dish, so sit down with me.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Carol/gif/food.mp4">>
<<CarolDialog "happy">>Wow, it turned out even better than I expected!<</CarolDialog>>
Geez, Carol, I mean, she just cut up a tomato and put some muffins she found in our kitchen. Apparently in a family with her, cooking would be on me.
<<CarolDialog "horny" 1>>Well? Are you satisfied?<</CarolDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Hey, I'm not quite full yet<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Carol/gif/tease11.mp4">>
<<CarolDialog "horny" 1>>You naughty boy, it's all over your face! But I won't let you touch me with your dirty cock<</CarolDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>I respect your decision, I have other thing on my mind...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Carol/gif/mast6.mp4">>
<<CarolDialog "horny" 2>>Oooh yes, I love it when you do that!<</CarolDialog>>
She looks amazing. Of course, I'd like her to do something in return, but I'd have to build a closer relationship with her to do that, or I'd have to find a way to use the new pill on her.
@@color:lime;Carol trusts you more, your relationship with Carol has been increased.@@
<<set $Carol.Rel++>>\
<<UpdateCarolCorruption "+4">>
<<UpdateSubDom "+1">>
<<UpdateArousal "+50">>
<<button [[Time for University|HApart]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/ap.jpeg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Characters/Levi/F/sport2.jpg" "just">>
<<LeviDialog "horny" 0>>Are you gonna stare at me from up there or finally say something?<</LeviDialog>>
<<button [[Talk to Levi|LeviFAp1]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Just go back|HApart]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/ap.jpeg" "place">>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>What are you doing?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<LeviDialog "happy" 1>>Morning exercise! I've got to keep myself in shape!<</LeviDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Levi/F/sport3.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>You know you got this body through a spell, right? I've never seen you do that as a guy<</PlayerDialog>>
<<LeviDialog "confused" 0>>Really? I feel like I've been doing this forever...<</LeviDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Levi/F/sport4.jpg" "just">>
<<LeviDialog "horny" 0>>Plus, I want to attract eyes to my charming persona, so why shoud I stop?<</LeviDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Levi/F/sport5.jpg" "just">>
<<button [[Tell her she's already cute|LeviFAp2.1]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Ask her to show more|LeviFAp2.2]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/ap.jpeg" "place">>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Good for you for keeping yourself in shape. Keep it up! But I have to say, you are already the most beautiful and cutest!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<LeviDialog "happy" 1>>Thanks, brother! You're the best!<</LeviDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Levi/F/sport1.jpg" "just">>
@@color:lime;Relationship with Levi has been increased.@@
<<set $Levi.Rel++>>\
<<button [[Go back|HApart]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/ap.jpeg" "place">>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>And how's that? Happy with the result of attracting stares?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<LeviDialog "confused" 0>>Um...I guess...I don't know...<</LeviDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Do you really think you have anything to attract eyes? Ha-ha! Do you think you can attract MY eyes?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<if $Levi.Perv < 30>>\
<<LeviDialog "serious" 1>>Bro, if it's a joke, it's not funny.<</LeviDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Levi/F/sport.jpg" "just">>
Ha-ha! I didn't even realize that Levi is so different from his old self now. She definitely needs a little more "education".
Or maybe I can make her the way I want her to be with a pill? hehe
@@color:red;Relationship with Levi has been decreased.@@
<<set $Levi.Rel-->>\
<<button [[Go back|HApart]]>><<movetime>><</button>>
<<LeviDialog "serious" 1>>You're the sommelier of girl appreciation now? Then tell me...<</LeviDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Levi/F/sport6.jpg" "just">>
<<LeviDialog "horny" 0>>Will I be able to get attention with this?<</LeviDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Levi/F/sport7.jpg" "just">>
She never thought about showing them to me before? I guess she's been rethinking a lot of things lately.
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Hmm, not bad.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<LeviDialog "horny" 0>>Not bad? You know, your face is enough for me to know what you're thinking.<</LeviDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Levi/F/sport8.jpg" "just">>
Let's not forget that I still have Levi in front of me. He hasn't gotten any stupider since his transformation.
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>What do you mean by that?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<LeviDialog "horny" 0>>You know, statistically speaking, about 70% of guys prefer a more rounded appetizing shapes.<</LeviDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Levi/F/sport11.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>There's always someone with "special taste".<</PlayerDialog>>
<<LeviDialog "horny" 0>>Hah, so...What are your tastes?..<</LeviDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Levi/F/sport12.jpg" "just">>
<<UpdateArousal "+25">>
<<set _r = random (1,4)>>\
<<set $Levi.Perv += _r>>
@@color:orange;Levi's perversion has increased by _r.@@
<<button [[Go back|HApart]]>><<movetime>><</button>>
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 100,
filter: `$Mom.TabletLvl === 2 and $LeviArrival === true and $LeviHere === true and $P.Loc === 1 and $P.PervertedPoints >= 10 and $Levi.Gender === "m"`,
tags: ["Home", "Levi", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Home", "Evening"], isSeparate: true },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Levi", "Evening"] },
<<media "Data/Locations/ap.jpeg" "place">>
Apartments.<<set $LeviHere = false>>
<<MomDialog "happy">>Hey, honey!<</MomDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Mom/carol13.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>This outfit...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MomDialog "happy">>I know, isn't it great? Levi gave me this nightgown, it really brings out my femininity!<</MomDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Mom/carol17.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Mom, be a little careful with Levi, you know how he is...And the nightie...there are other ways to show your femininity<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MomDialog "horny" 1>>You don't think she's good enough? Stay here for a while<</MomDialog>>
<<button [[Stay and watch|LeviMomAp1]]>><</button>>
<<button [[I have to go|HProom]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/ap.jpeg" "place">>
<<MomDialog "happy">>Look at me in this nightie, how it suits me<</MomDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Mom/carol14.jpg" "just">>
<<MomDialog "horny" 1>>As long as I wear it, every man can be mine!<</MomDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Mom/carol15.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Did Levi tell you that?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MomDialog "happy">>Yeah, and he also said anyone would start drooling if I did that.<</MomDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Mom/carol19.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Umm..<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MomDialog "happy">>Ha-ha! See? You've already started!<</MomDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Mom/carol20.jpg" "just">>
<<MomDialog "horny" 1>>And then I pull a little harder and they accidentally fall out! Ow!<</MomDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Mom/carol21.jpg" "just">>
Fuck, I almost came right here!
<<media "Data/Characters/Mom/carol9.jpg" "just">>
<<MomDialog "happy">>Hey, I saw everything! You almost jumped on me, silly. I loooove it, I wish you could feel it, too...<</MomDialog>>
<<UpdateArousal "100">>
<<UpdateCarolCorruption "+2">>
<<button [[Go back|HApart]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/ap.jpeg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Characters/Mom/bo6.jpg" "just">>
<<MomDialog "arrogant">>Oh you're here again Have you prepared dinner?<</MomDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Or maybe you will cook today?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MomDialog "arrogant">>Oh no. I'm tired. I'm just after listening. I am disappointed in them. So today I am relaxing.<</MomDialog>>
Yeah. You always rest.
@@#pill;<<if $Inventory.Tablets > 0>><<button [[Help her "relax" (pill)|MomApart1]]>><</button>><</if>>@@
<<button [[Back to My room|HProom]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/ap.jpeg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Characters/Mom/bo6.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Did the audition go badly? What did they say this time?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MomDialog "arrogant">>They just can't see real talent! They said...<</MomDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Oh, sorry to interrupt, would you like some special gum? It relaxes<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/npc/gum.jpg" "just">>
<<MomDialog "arrogant">>Ahem. Yes, I'd like to have one. And don't interrupt me!<</MomDialog>>
She took the gum and put it in her mouth.
<<MomDialog "happy">>Hmm-mm. Pleasant to the taste. Uh.. Silly son. You can't even tell the difference between gum and candy.<</MomDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>I'm sorry, so what did they say?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MomDialog "arrogant">>They said I wasn't feminine enough! How could they? Look at me, do you think so too?<</MomDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Mom/bo6.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Of course not! But I know how to make them think otherwise! Could you sit on the couch and smile seductively?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MomDialog "serious">>Uh, fine<</MomDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Mom/apart18.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>I knew it! You are awesome!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MomDialog "serious">>What? Why did they refuse me then?<</MomDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>You need to work on your technique! You need to get used to the image, @@color:magenta;do what you are not used to.@@<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MomDialog "serious">>For example?<</MomDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>For example @@color:magenta;cooking or taking care of others.@@ However, this does not solve our most important problem - femininity!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MomDialog "serious">>Oh no! So what do you suggest?<</MomDialog>>
I put my hands on her chest and quickly unbuttoned her neckline.
<<media "Data/Characters/Mom/apart20.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">> @@color:magenta;Pretend to be a model!@@ Their speech, gait, posture and body are made for a real show! Everything they do emphasizes their femininity! @@color:magenta;Get into that image and stick with it.@@<</PlayerDialog>>
She smiled seductively again.
<<media "Data/Characters/Mom/apart19.jpg" "just">>
<<MomDialog "happy">>Model? Te-he! You won't be disappointed in my gorgeous sexy look!<</MomDialog>>
<<UpdateMomCorruption "+4">>
<<UpdateArousal "+10">>
<<UpdateSubDom "+1">>
<<button [[Go back to my room|HProom]]>><<set $Inventory.Tablets-->><<set $Mom.TabletLvl++>><<movetime>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/ap.jpeg" "place">>
<<MomDialog "happy">>Oops, you're here so unexpectedly. And I'm like this...<</MomDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Mom/apart.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Sorry, I just...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MomDialog "serious">>With your appearance in the room it became so hot, It's unforgivable!<</MomDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Mom/apart1.jpg" "just">>
She plays the role really well. Damn, I'm hard, but she's not ready for this yet. I need to get out and jerk off!
<<if $P.ConvergenceON == true>>\
<<CindyDialog>>Our Dad has great taste. He seems to really like sexy brunettes.<</CindyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>That's right. Wait, are you saying Carol would be his type, too?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<UpdateMomCorruption "+4">>
<<UpdateArousal "+10">>
<<UpdateSubDom "+1">>
@@#pill;<<if $Inventory.Tabletslvl2 > 0>><<button [[Feed her pill(lvl2)|MomApartlvl2pill]]>><</button>><</if>>@@
<<button [[Go back to my room|HProom]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<RE [[LeviMomAp]]>>
<<RE [[_MomApartLvl2]]>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
type: "goto",
<<media "Data/Locations/ap.jpeg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Characters/Mom/apart8.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Mom?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MomDialog "serious">>Hey, can't you see I'm relaxing here? What are you looking at?<</MomDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>In living room?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MomDialog "serious">>Yes, and? I imagine I'm in a different place right now<</MomDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>wut? Then imagine that I'm not here then<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MomDialog "serious">>Ha! Easy! I'm actress or who? Then I continue...<</MomDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Mom/apart5.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Continue what?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MomDialog "serious">>Aahh..shh....aaahh<</MomDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Mom/apart6.jpg" "just">>
Hmm...right in the living room? She really does make a pretty good whore. But I think she would get mad if I tried to do more than just watch.
<<if $P.ConvergenceON == true>>\
<<CindyDialog>>You know, sometimes when you pretend to be someone, one day you can suddenly realize that you actually stopped pretending a long time ago.<</CindyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>What's that supposed to mean?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CindyDialog>>I don't know, just some random quote out of your head!<</CindyDialog>>
<<UpdateMomCorruption "+4">>
<<UpdateArousal "+30">>
<<button [[Some time has passed|HApart]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/ap.jpeg" "place">>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>It's really hot in here today, would you like some cool lemonade?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Mom/apart1.jpg" "just">>
<<MomDialog "serious">>I don't mind, give it here<</MomDialog>>
And the lemonade will come with a little surprise.
<<media "Data/Locations/lemonade.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Your lemonade, ma'am<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MomDialog "happy">>How nice when you are so gallant<</MomDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>So how are you feeling?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MomDialog "serious">>Oh, great! They started paying more attention to me at the agency. Do you think I've become more feminine?<</MomDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Absolutely! But what about your role, haven't you got it yet?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MomDialog "arrogant">>No! Those damn bastards! All they want, you see, is young, dumb, sleazy cheapskates! I don't plan on giving up, but I don't know what to do!<</MomDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>I think I know what can help you with your image, your acting, and draw attention to you at the same time<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MomDialog "serious">>And what is that? What should I do?<</MomDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>I thought a model image, a lot of experience and your big.... eyes would be enough, but I was wrong. You're going to lose to those dumb girls until you step into their territory.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MomDialog "serious">>And what is that? What do you mean?<</MomDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>You are @@color:magenta;going to be one of them. Imagine that you are a whore, a dirty sexy lecherous slut. Get into that image and maintain it.@@ <</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Mom/apart2.jpg" "just">>
<<MomDialog "serious">>S-Slut?<</MomDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Exactly! It will teach you how to use your body properly and @@color:magenta;make you sexier than ever before@@. <</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Mom/apart3.jpg" "just">>
<<MomDialog "serious">>Do you think I can pretend to be a slut?<</MomDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Of course! We both believe in @@color:magenta;your talent@@, and @@color:magenta;nothing is impossible for a real actress@@.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Mom/apart4.jpg" "just">>
<<MomDialog "horny" 1>>Then I'll try to become this image, image of a dirty slut...<</MomDialog>>
Oh fuck, damn goood!
<<MomDialog "horny" 1>>They will all see my...talent<</MomDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Mom/apart5.jpg" "just">>
<<set $Inventory.Tabletslvl2-->>\
<<set $Mom.TabletLvl++>>\
<<UpdateMomCorruption "+4">>
<<UpdateArousal "+10">>
<<UpdateSubDom "+1">>
<<button [[Go back to my room|HProom]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$Sis.TabletLvl === 2 and $LeviArrival === true and $LeviHere === true and $P.Loc === 1 and $Levi.Gender === "m"`,
tags: ["Home", "Levi", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Home", "Afternoon"], isSeparate: true },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Levi", "Afternoon"] },
<<media "Data/Locations/ap.jpeg" "place">>
Apartments.<<set $LeviHere = false>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Sis/slut20.jpg" "just">>
<<SisDialog "serious">>No! Please, not you! Just go away!<</SisDialog>>
<<button [[Stay with her|LeviSisAp1]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Well...ok|HApart]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/ap.jpeg" "place">>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Levi's pranks?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Sis/slut18.jpg" "just">>
<<SisDialog "serious">>Yeah, I had to wear this...for several hours...but I'll make a lot of money for that<</SisDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Are you embarrassed of yourself in that outfit?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<SisDialog "angry" 1>>Although I myself would never wear such a thing, I would never be embarrassed by an insect like you. In any outfit!<</SisDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Sis/slut19.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>I know you're shy, but I can dispel your shyness<</PlayerDialog>>
<<SisDialog "angry" 1>>No, no no, don't you dare!<</SisDialog>>
@@#pill;<<button [[JIGGLE|LeviSisAp2]]>><</button>>@@
<<button [[Just go back|HApart]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/ap.jpeg" "place">>
<<SisDialog "horny" 1>>Oh, you son of a bitch! You're doing it again, you goddamn piece of shit. Is my beautiful ass really that good in that lingerie?<</SisDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Sis/slut17.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>You have no idea how sexy you are right now<</PlayerDialog>>
<<SisDialog "serious">>You're looking at me like I'm your favorite toy right now<</SisDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Sis/slut22.jpg" "just">>
<<SisDialog "serious">>But I'm not...<</SisDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Sis/slut21.jpg" "just">>
<<SisDialog "serious">>Because you're my toy now. I control your body now, not you control mine!<</SisDialog>>
In a way, she's right.
<<media "Data/Characters/Sis/slut25.jpg" "just">>
<<SisDialog "serious">>Whenever I put something like that on, everyone is at my feet<</SisDialog>>
Damn, Levi really picked out a great outfit for her. Where the fuck did he get the money for all this?
<<media "Data/Characters/Sis/slut26.jpg" "just">>
<<SisDialog "angry" 1>>God, you have such a lewd look in your eyes, you goddamn perverted insect!<</SisDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Sis, you're such a slut!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<SisDialog "angry" 1>>Aha, You're so pathetic, I love it! I'm definitely keeping this outfit!<</SisDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Sis/slut27.jpg" "just">>
<<UpdateArousal "100">>
<<set $Sis.Cor += 4>>\
@@color:magenta;Anya's corruption has increased by 4.@@
<<button [[Go back|HApart]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/ap.jpeg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Characters/Sis/apart24.jpg" "just">>
<<SisDialog "angry" 1>>You've just arrived, but maybe you'll be leaving by now?<</SisDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Doesn't it bother you that I see you in your underwear?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<SisDialog "angry" 1>>Everyone wants to look at my body. Should I be embarrassed by these insects? But just try to touch me and I'll kill you<</SisDialog>>
Insects? You're just a complete pervert! That's who you are. That's why you always dress like a whore.
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Intelligibly. I'm out<</PlayerDialog>>
<<button [[Back to My room|HProom]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/ap.jpeg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Characters/Sis/apart24.jpg" "just">>
<<SisDialog "angry" 1>>You've just arrived, but maybe you'll be leaving by now?<</SisDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Doesn't it bother you that I see you in your underwear?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<SisDialog "angry" 1>>You have a look just like those insects that are always staring at my ass. Try to touch me and I'll kill you<</SisDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Are these the nerds you were talking about?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<SisDialog "horny" 1>>Did you eavesdrop? Uh, whatever. Do you think that with the help of my gorgeous body, I can attrack a couple of them as slaves? Haha. It would be fun to make them do whatever I want.<</SisDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Haven't you ever done this before?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<SisDialog "serious">>Of course no! I've never talk to them... They are dirty and nasty! So I don't know how to do it yet<</SisDialog>>
Who would have thought. Her arrogance did not allow her to have SLAVES.
<<if $Inventory.Tabletslvl2 > 0>>
@@#pill;<<button [[Feed her pill(lvl2)|SisApartLvl2Pill]]>><<set $Inventory.Tablets-->><<set $Sis.TabletLvl++>><</button>>@@<</if>>
<<button [[Give her a "lesson"|SisApartLvl1Time]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Leave|HApart]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/ap.jpeg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Characters/Sis/apart24.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>I will help you. You always say that I'm an insect like them. So you can practice on me and be sure that I will not touch you..<</PlayerDialog>>
..until you want it by yourself.
<<SisDialog "serious">>And what do you suggest?<</SisDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>We'll play a game. We can't touch each other. If you make my dick hard, you win, but if you cum, you lose!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<SisDialog "happy" 0>>AHAHAHA! The dumbest rules from the dumbest person. How do you imagine your impossible victory?<</SisDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>I think I have a chance. I know you. You will @@color:magenta;"JIGGLE"@@ your ass and then feel like a whore. But you really like the feeling, yeah?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<SisDialog "horny" 1>>Ye..STOP..NO!<</SisDialog>>
She got into her first pose
<<media "Data/Characters/Sis/apart15.jpg" "just">>
<<SisDialog "serious">>Your dick will get hard in 3 seconds!<</SisDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>This is not enough! Ahaaha<</PlayerDialog>>
<<SisDialog "serious">>And how do you like that?<</SisDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Sis/apart18.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>OH FUCK!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<SisDialog "serious">>Dirty boy, I see all your thoughts. Never mind. Today I agree to be your little pet<</SisDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Sis/apart20.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>OH FUCK! OH FUCK!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<SisDialog "happy" 0>>aHA-HA. Dirty pervert, YOU LOST! <</SisDialog>>
I lost right after the start. But it looks like she continued the show despite my boner. She got a taste? I need to figure out how to make this game more fair.....
...and more interesting...hehe
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Indeed! In this case, I urgently need to get into my room and stay there for a while<</PlayerDialog>>
<<SisDialog "horny" 1>>aHA-HA-HAH! Don't spill everything along the way <</SisDialog>>
<<set $Sis.Cor += 4>>
@@color:magenta;Anya's corruption has increased by 4.@@
<<UpdateArousal "+10">>
<<UpdateSubDom "+1">>
<<button [[Back to My room|HProom]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<RE [[LeviSisAp]]>>
<<RE [[_SisApartLvl2]]>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
"type": "goto",
<<media "Data/Locations/ap.jpeg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Characters/Sis/apart24.jpg" "just">>
<<if $P.ConvergenceON == true>>\
<<CindyDialog>>I'm jealous!<</CindyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Jealous of what?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CindyDialog>>Jealous of what?! She's a hotter blonde than I am! I see her as my competition! <</CindyDialog>>
<<SisDialog "angry" 1>>What? Are you trying to drug me again or something? I'm no' falling for that one again! <</SisDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>I don't need to drug you anymore. You already know you want to feel pleasure.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<SisDialog "angry" 1>>You don't seem to understand something. You're the one who should do whatever I want!<</SisDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>And how are you going to do that?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<SisDialog "horny" 1>>Of course with my perfect body!<</SisDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>You're just a regular pervert!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<SisDialog "angry" 1>>Shut the fuck up! You're an insect like the rest of them! I bet you can't resist me, can you?<</SisDialog>>
It's actually really hard to resist her, but I have a little "cheat code".
<<button [[Watch the show|SisApartLvl2Time]]>><<movetime>><</button>>
<<button [[I'm leaving|HApart]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/kitchen.jpg" "place">>
Try to give her a pill? Of course!
<<media "Data/Characters/Sis/apart24.jpg" "just">>
<<SisDialog "angry" 1>>So are you finally going to leave or not?<</SisDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Sure, by the way, would you like some gum? <</PlayerDialog>>
<<SisDialog "angry" 1>>No, just leave!<</SisDialog>>
I don't want to say "jiggle", I want to save the full effect of this word for using it a little bit later.
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Pleease take the gum, it just turns out I'm allergic to it!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<SisDialog "angry" 1>>Fuck you! I don't want that gum, OK?<</SisDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>It's normal gum, you've already tried it, just take it and I'll leave you alone!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<SisDialog "serious">>NO!<</SisDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Yes!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<SisDialog "serious">>HHHFFM! I HATE YOU! GO AWAY!<</SisDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Only after you eat that gum!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Sis/apart12.jpg" "just">>
<<media "Data/Characters/npc/gum.jpg" "just">>
<<set $Sis.Cor += 4>>\
@@color:magenta;Anya's corruption has increased by 4.@@
<<UpdateArousal "+10">>
<<UpdateSubDom "+1">>
<<button [[Give it to her|SisApartLvl2Pill1]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/kitchen.jpg" "place">>
She ate a pill.
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Why are you so angry? Your @@color:magenta;body wasn't made to be angry!@@<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Sis/apart12.jpg" "just">>
<<SisDialog "angry" 1>>The way I see it, you think you're the smartest, don't you, trash? Then what was my body made for?<</SisDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>Because it is @@color:magenta;made for pleasure@@. Your sexy body, juicy ass... Why do you need a body like that?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<SisDialog "angry" 1>>It's none of your business how I use my body!<</SisDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>So I was right, you're watching yourself for a reason. You @@color:magenta;crave pleasure@@, but you can't make up your mind to have it.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Sis/apart10.jpg" "just">>
<<SisDialog "angry" 1>>And what do you mean by that?<</SisDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>I will teach you how to feel pleasure. Listen to me, now @@color:magenta;you will feel an irresistible urge to do something as sexy as possible, mostly with your juicy ass. Doing this you will feel a strong wave of pleasure.@@ <</PlayerDialog>>
<<SisDialog "serious">>Oh, and what do you think is going to make me do all this?<</SisDialog>>
Let's use the working method.
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>For this you will @@color:magenta;only need to hear... "JIGGLE"@@<</PlayerDialog>>
<<SisDialog "serious">>Ahhh! I suddenly feel so hot! What did you do to me?!<</SisDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Sis/apart11.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>I'm just showing you @@color:magenta;who you really are@@<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Sis/apart21.jpg" "just">>
<<SisDialog "angry" 1>>Little asshole, I can see the lust in your eyes<</SisDialog>>
New "Jiggle" effect doesn't seem bad.
<<SisDialog "serious">>But I soooo want to do this!<</SisDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Sis/apart27.jpg" "just">>
<<media "Data/Characters/Sis/apart29.jpg" "just">>
<<SisDialog "serious">>Ahh, why it's so pleasant! My ass, I have to do somthing with...my..<</SisDialog>>
She began to crawl slowly off the couch, but her movements began to gradually slow down and her expression changed.
<<media "Data/Characters/Sis/apart32.jpg" "just">>
<<SisDialog "angry" 1>>Do you take me for a fool? It's that damn pill! You gave me some kind of drug, didn't you? It didn't last as long as you thought it would, huh? I'm going to kill you piece of shit, undertand? I'll kill you!<</SisDialog>>
She understood something, but she is still far from the truth, and she has no proof. I just have to get her used to this pleasure, so that she is conversely pleased when I say it. The "Jiggle" really doesn't last long, but it still looks very effective.
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>Didn't you want to do something with your ass? Maybe a couple of "Jiggles"? <</PlayerDialog>>
I can say the Jiggle as many times as I want, but it's worth remembering that if she resists, each subsequent "Jiggle" decreases in effectiveness.
<<media "Data/Characters/Sis/gif/te23.mp4">>
<<SisDialog "horny" 0>>Damn! I can't stop my butt from jiggling...It's moving on it's own...<</SisDialog>>
Time to leave or she'll really kill me.
<<set $Sis.Cor += 4>>\
@@color:magenta;Anya's corruption has increased by 4.@@
<<UpdateArousal "+30">>
<<UpdateSubDom "+1">>
<<button [[Leave|HApart]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/ap.jpeg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Characters/Sis/apart19.jpg" "just">>
<<SisDialog "serious">>So? Scared you're going to come right in your pants, little chicken?<</SisDialog>>
That bitch!
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>I'm not afraid. Come on! Show me some @@color:magenta; JIGGLES@@<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Sis/apart20.jpg" "just">>
<<SisDialog "horny" 0>>Ah, damn that drug again?! When did you do it?<</SisDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>I told you I don't need this drug anymore.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Sis/apart21.jpg" "just">>
<<SisDialog "angry" 1>>I don't mind. You still can't resist me!<</SisDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Sis/apart27.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>You're nuts!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<SisDialog "horny" 1>>Shut up, you insect! You're devouring me with your gaze... aah<</SisDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Sis/apart27.jpg" "just">>
<<UpdateArousal "+30">>
<<if $P.Arousal > 99>>\
<<button [[Damn! I really can't help myself!|SisApartLvl2TimeMast]]>><</button>>
Fuck, she is so sexy!
<<if $P.ConvergenceON == true>>\
<<CindyDialog>>Nikita, make her a horny bitch! I want her to become a slave to her juicy ass! <</CindyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>I'm glad our thoughts are on the same page at least on something!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<button [[Let her continue|SisApartLvl2Time1]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Leave now|HApart]]>><</button>>
<</if>>\<<media "Data/Locations/ap.jpeg" "place">>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>And?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Sis/apart25.jpg" "just">>
<<SisDialog "angry" 1>>Oh, so now... how about this?<</SisDialog>>
Trump cards out!
<<media "Data/Characters/Sis/apart34.jpg" "just">>
<<SisDialog "serious">>Look over here..<</SisDialog>>
What a bitch! I like it!
<<media "Data/Characters/Sis/apart35.jpg" "just">>
<<SisDialog "horny" 1>>My ass is so soft and juicy! Agree?<</SisDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Sis/apart27.jpg" "just">>
<<UpdateArousal "+30">>
<<if $P.Arousal > 99>>\
<<button [[Damn! I really can't help myself!|SisApartLvl2TimeMast]]>><</button>>
Fuck, she's a quick learner! It was difficult, but I braved it! So, as a winner, I can do something victorious!
@@#pill;<<button [[JIGGLE|SisApartLvl2TimeJiggle]]>><</button>>@@
<<button [[Thank her and leave|SisApartLvl2TimeThank]]>><</button>>
<</if>>\<<media "Data/Locations/ap.jpeg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Characters/Sis/gif/te23.mp4">>
<<SisDialog "horny" 0>>Nooo...again?! Oooh...heeeeh...<</SisDialog>>
She even seems to be smiling a little, although I have to get out of here anyway.
<<set $Sis.Cor += 4>>\
@@color:magenta;Anya's corruption has increased by 4.@@
<<UpdateSubDom "+1">>
<<button [[Leave her|HApart]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/ap.jpeg" "place">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>Oh, no! damn it, I can't stop! <</PlayerDialog>>
<<if $P.Gender == "m">>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/M/cum43.webp" "gif">>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/M/mast7.webp" "gif">>
<<SisDialog "horny" 1>>Aha-ha-ha! I told you you were just like an insect! What a wimp you are! Ha-ha-ha! Damn, I kind of liked it...<</SisDialog>>
I was just too excited, next time I'll hold out longer.
<<set $Sis.Cor += 4>>\
@@color:magenta;Anya's corruption has increased by 4.@@
<<set $Sis.SubDom++>>\
<<UpdateArousal "0">>
<<UpdateSubDom "-1">>
<<button [[Leave her|HApart]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/ap.jpeg" "place">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>Well, thanks for the show, but it would be good for you to practice more. Bye.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Sis/apart33.jpg" "just">>
I'd point out, that she's out of her mind with rage right now. It's even a little cruel, but I want to show her her place, that she shouldn't call everyone around her insects. I'm sure it will do her good.
<<set $Sis.Cor += 2>>\
@@color:magenta;Anya's corruption has increased by 2.@@
<<set $Sis.SubDom-->>\
<<UpdateSubDom "+1">>
<<button [[Leave her|HApart]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/room3.jpg" "place">>
My room.<<set $P.Loc = 1>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Carol, you're not mad at me anymore, are you?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/5.jpg" "just">>
<<CarolDialog "disgust">>You'll have to clarify exactly what I'm NOT mad at you for - the fact that I have to be in your sweaty body, the fact that you're controlling mine in the meantime, or just the fact that you're disgusting<</CarolDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>You don't really think that way<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CarolDialog "disgust">>Okay, I admit it. Okay, I admit it. You've become a little less disgusting since we met<</CarolDialog>>
Wow, I wasn't hoping for such a compliment. If that's the way she thinks of me, then...
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Don't deceive yourself, you like to see this promiscuous body used for its intended purpose...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Carol/gif/Fpov/tits2.mp4">>
<<CarolDialog "disgust">>God, my boobs are awesome! ...just don't let yourself go too far....<</CarolDialog>>
Not long ago she would have killed me for treating her body like that, but now...is she okay with that? I don't mind either!
<<UpdateArousal "+25">>
<<UpdateCarolCorruption "+2">>
<<if $P.Cor < 45>><<UpdateCorruption "+1">><</if>>
<<button [[It's late|HProom]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/room3.jpg" "place">>
My room.<<set $P.Loc = 1>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Carol/room10.jpg" "just">>
<<CarolDialog "happy">>Thank you for sheltering me<</CarolDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Come on, you're welcome<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CarolDialog "serious">>Nikita, something is happening<</CarolDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Carol/room11.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>What are you talking about?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CarolDialog "serious">>Fine, would it be okay if I did this?<</CarolDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Carol/room12.jpg" "just">>
@@#rel;<<button [[Hey, you're free to do whatever you want|HMCarolRoomLvl2Time1]]>><<UpdateSubDom "-1">><</button>>@@
@@#rel;<<button [[I've seen you naked many times before, we swap bodies, remember?|HMCarolRoomLvl2Time1]]>><<UpdateSubDom "+1">><</button>>@@
@@#redb;<<button [[Have you finally realized how much you want my cock?|HMCarolRoomLvl2Time3]]>><</button>>@@
<<button [[I'll probably go|HApart]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/room3.jpg" "place">>
My room.<<set $P.Loc = 1>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Carol/room16.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Hey, we're going through an experience that's new to us right now. The presence of change is natural. We are both changing<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CarolDialog "serious">>Yes, but where will these changes lead in the end?<</CarolDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>These changes can't be bad, you don't have to be afraid of them<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CarolDialog "serious">>And what do you think of me?<</CarolDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>You've definitely become more open and friendly. I couldn't say that you now and you when we first met are the same person<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CarolDialog "confused">>Hey, are you trying to tell me I was an arrogant freak?!<</CarolDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Ah, no! That's not what I meant. I mean... I...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CarolDialog "happy">>Hahaha, thank you<</CarolDialog>>
She gestured for me to close my eyes, and then I felt warm. I don't think I've ever felt so cozy in my life.
<<media "Data/Characters/Carol/gif/kiss.webp" "gif">>
@@color:lime;Carol trusts you more, your relationship with Carol has been greatly increased.@@
<<set $Carol.Rel += 2>>
<<button [[It's late|HProom]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/room3.jpg" "place">>
My room.<<set $P.Loc = 1>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Hey, you want to use my cock?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CarolDialog "confused">>What?!<</CarolDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>I'm sorry, I thought I could help you somehow.<</PlayerDialog>>
She seemed to blush. That's the first time I've ever seen that.
<<CarolDialog "confused">>I don't need any help, it's okay.<</CarolDialog>>
She quickly began to dress up.
<<CarolDialog "horny" 0>>But anyway....thank you for the offer....I'm glad that after what I did in your room, you didn't start doing anything against my will<</CarolDialog>>
@@color:lime;Carol trusts you more, your relationship with Carol has been greatly increased.@@
<<set $Carol.Rel += 2>>
<<UpdateArousal "100">>
<<button [[It's late|HProom]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/room3.jpg" "place">>
My room.<<set $P.Loc = 1>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Carol, what do you think you're doing?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CarolDialog "confused">>Huh? What?<</CarolDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>I'll explain it to you. You can't just turn on a guy in his own room with no hope of continuing. My balls are the size of the planet and it's your fault<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CarolDialog "confused">>I didn't do it on purpose...I just... couldn't take it anymore... I need some kind of satisfaction....<</CarolDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>In any case, you are now taking responsibility for yourself. If you want satisfaction and don't want to have sex with me, I have an idea...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CarolDialog "horny" 2>>Yeeeaaah, I can feel it...that's what it takes...lewd actions and cum splattering on my chest....yeeeess...<</CarolDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Carol/gif/cum31.mp4">>
She agreed to the handjob quite easily. She's really getting hornier.
<<UpdateCarolCorruption "+2">>
@@color:lime;Carol trusts you more, your relationship with Carol has been increased.@@
<<set $Carol.Rel += 1>>\
<<UpdateArousal "0">>
<<button [[It's late|HProom]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/room3.jpg" "place">>
My room.<<set $P.Loc = 1>>
It was all a blur from here on out.
<<CarolDialog "horny" 0>>What an animal you are! I...Ah...I...don't like it one bit!<</CarolDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Carol/gif/fuck77.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>I can't tell by your face that you're not feeling good! You're not even resisting!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CarolDialog "horny" 0>>Don't look at me! You just took advantage of the situation, you fucking asshole!<</CarolDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>What were you thinking when you were lying on my bed in front of me, sticking your finger up your anus?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CarolDialog "horny" 2>>F-fuck...y-y...you!<</CarolDialog>>
She didn't say a word after that. Obviously, she was offended, although I don't see my fault here at all. In any case, I'm sure she liked the "session".
<<UpdateCarolCorruption "+4">>
@@color:red;Carol trust you less, your relationship with Carol has been greatly decreased.@@
<<set $Carol.Rel -=4>>\
<<UpdateArousal "0">>
<<button [[It's late|HProom]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/room3.jpg" "place">>
My room.<<set $P.Loc = 1>>
<<CarolDialog "horny" 0>>Exactly! Lately it's like everything down there is on fire. Don't you know anything about it?<</CarolDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Carol/room17.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>I don't know what you mean<</PlayerDialog>>
Carol looks at me carefully, and then continues.
<<CarolDialog "serious">>The feeling of what I say, do and feel is different from what it used to be. I am very aware of this when I get into your body. But after I get back into my own body, I realize how hot it is...and nice...<</CarolDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>You really do have a gorgeous body, I make sure of that every time we change<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CarolDialog "horny" 0>>Ha, I feel like you're fully appreciating my body when I get back into it... Anyway, it's not the slutty body that makes you slutty, it's how you use it...<</CarolDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Carol/room19.jpg" "just">>
<<CarolDialog "horny" 0>>What do you think I want now?<</CarolDialog>>
Fuck, if I didn't know her well, I'd think she just wanted to fuck, but I'm sure she's still against doing it with me. I should say something.
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Compliment?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CarolDialog "happy">>Hahaha, no!<</CarolDialog>>
Her face changed, becoming incredibly attractive. I'll definitely see it again someday.
<<CarolDialog "horny" 2>>I want to be the best version of myself. I want to be one with my thoughts, actions and feelings!<</CarolDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Carol/room20.jpg" "just">>
How the fuck am I supposed to respond to that???
It's not fucking normal, I feel like I could push a little bit and fuck that bitch. But fuck! I know her,she's going to resent me! Maybe I should ask her about it first or say something else. What do I do?!
@@#cor;<<button [[Ask her if she wants to fuck|HMCarolRoomLvl2Time1.2.1]]>><<UpdateSubDom "-1">><</button>>@@
@@#rel;<<button [[Take control of the situation|HMCarolRoomLvl2Time1.2.2]]>><<UpdateSubDom "+1">><</button>>@@
@@#redb;<<button [[Just stick your dick in|HMCarolRoomLvl2Time1.2.3]]>><<UpdateSubDom "+2">><</button>>@@<<media "Data/Locations/room3.jpg" "place">>
My room.<<set $P.Loc = 1>>
<<CarolDialog "serious">>Mmm? How about this?<</CarolDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Carol/room14.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>How should I answer you? I can't understand what you want from me<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CarolDialog "serious">>Then..<</CarolDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Carol/room15.jpg" "just">>
<<CarolDialog "serious">>Look at me. How do you feel right now? Do you like me?<</CarolDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Carol/room16.jpg" "just">>
I want to make a joke now, but I'd better not - she means it. She seems to be really noticing the changes in herself and around her. She's very smart, though. I'll need more than one more pill to turn her into a dumb whore. But...do I really want to?
@@#rel;<<button [[Сheer her up|HMCarolRoomLvl2Time1.1]]>><</button>>@@
<<button [[You're super hot and sexy. What do you want to tell me?|HMCarolRoomLvl2Time1.2]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/room3.jpg" "place">>
My room.<<set $P.Loc = 1>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Carol/room13.jpg" "just">>
<<CarolDialog "disgust">>That's why you took me in. I knew you were a dirty animal. And how could I have thought you'd change? I don't want to talk to you anymore.<</CarolDialog>>
I think I said too much.
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Carol, no offense, it's just a joke!<</PlayerDialog>>
@@color:red;Carol trust you less, your relationship with Carol has been greatly decreased.@@
<<set $Carol.Rel -=2>>
<<button [[Well..|HProom]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<RE [[CindyTooMuchPowerEv]]>>
<<RE [[HomeTooHorny]]>>
<<RE [[AkiraArrive]]>>
<<RE [[LeviLeggins]]>>
<<RE [[LeviMastRoom]]>>
<<RE [[ExpensiveTits]]>>
<<RE [[LeviCocktoyRoom]]>>
<<RE [[LeviCarolRoom]]>>
<<RE [[LeviCarolCloth]]>>
<<RE [[SisALotOfMoney]]>>
<<RE [[_HProom]]>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
type: "goto",
<<media "Data/Locations/room3.jpg" "place">>
My room.<<set $P.Loc = 1>>
<<if $CurrentDayTime === 3 and $CarolInvited === true>>\
<<if $P.Gender === "m">>\
<<button [[Talk to Carol|HMCarolRoom]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Talk to Carol|HFCarolRoom]]>><</button>>
<<disable $CurrentDayTime === 1 or $CurrentDayTime === 4>>\
<<button [[Open Laptop|NoteBook]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Back to living room|HApart]]>><</button>>
<<if $P.Arousal > 49 and ($CurrentDayTime !== 1 and $CurrentDayTime !== 4)>>\
<<if $P.Gender === "m">>\
<<button [[Masturbate (decreases arousal)|HBedMastM]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Masturbate (decreases arousal)|HBedMastF]]>><</button>>
<<if $Akira.Arrived === true and ($CurrentDayTime !== 1 and $CurrentDayTime !== 4)>>\
<<if $CarolInvited === false>>\
<<if $Akira.TabletLvl !== 2>>\
<<button [[Akira's Ap|AkiraAp]]>><</button>>
<<if $Akira.pill2becomingheaddoctor === false>>\
The portal to Akira is temporarily closed. She said she needed some time to deal with her new feelings and situation.
The portal to Akira is open again.
<<button [[Akira's Ap|AkiraAp]]>><</button>>
I can't get into the closet with Levi or Carol not far behind me.
<<if $Inventory.MedBook === true>>\
<<disable $CurrentDayTime === 1 or $CurrentDayTime === 4>>\
<<button [[Meditation|MedBook]]>><</button>>
<<if $CurrentDayTime === 4>>\
<<button "Sleep">><<set $P.Loc = 1>><<set $P.Spending +=5>><<newday>><</button>>
<<if $TalkedAboutAkira === true and $Akira.Negotiated === true>>\
<<if $P.CindyInside === true>>
<<button [[Talk to Cindy|CindyDream]]>><</button>>
<<button [[To try to look deep inside yourself|CindyDream]]>><</button>>
<<if $EtherealPill.Researched === true and $Inventory.TabletsEthereal > 0>>\
@@#pill;<<button [[Take Ethereal pill|Ethereal]]>><<set $Inventory.TabletsEthereal-->><</button>>@@
<</if>>\<<RE [[AkiraPillUnTaken_Ev1Pill1MorningTalk]]>>
<<RE [[AkiraPillUnTaken_Ev1Pill2MorningTalk]]>>
<<RE [[MorningDad]]>>
<<RE [[LeviMorningBed]]>>
<<RE [[MomMorning]]>>
<<RE [[_HWakeUp]]>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
type: "goto",
<<media "Data/Locations/room1.jpg" "place">>
My room.
You feel like something changes. You slowly open your eyes.
<<set _rtalk = random (0,2)>>\
<<if $P.Gender == "m">>\
<<media "Data/Characters/P/wakeup.jpg" "just">>
<<switch _rtalk>>\
<<case 0>>\
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Oh, yeah! I'm back!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<case 1>>\
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>The penis is back in place!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<case 2>>\
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>I think I might be able to score some chicks today after all<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Morning/bed2.webp" "just">>
<<if $P.Cor < 30>>\
<<switch _rtalk>>\
<<case 0>>\
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Another day in this body<</PlayerDialog>>
<<case 1>>\
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Give me my dick back!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<case 2>>\
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>All right, let's live this day quietly and unnoticed, as if nothing happened<</PlayerDialog>>
<<elseif $P.Cor >= 30 and $P.Cor < 50>>\
<<switch _rtalk>>\
<<case 0>>\
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Mmm..I love the softness of this body<</PlayerDialog>>
<<case 1>>\
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Hey, I think I got fat. Or Carol got fat. Well, one of us has definitely gotten fat!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<case 2>>\
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Everyone will be looking at my tits and ass again today. Sometimes it's nice to be so interesting in the eyes of others. Should I wear something more revealing? It would piss Carol off, haha! <</PlayerDialog>>
<<elseif $P.Cor >= 50>>\
<<switch _rtalk>>\
<<case 0>>\
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>I have to try to avoid Stephan, or he'll fuck me again with his huge cock....<</PlayerDialog>>
<<case 1>>\
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Time to make dicks hard again!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<case 2>>\
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>As long as I have this body, I can get more money easily!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<if $CarolInvited === true>>\
<<media "Data/Characters/P/sleeping.jpg" "just">>
In my body, Carol doesn't get up early when she's at my house. It's really cozy here!
<<if $CurrentDayOfWeek < 5>>\
<<button[[Wake Up|HProom]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Wake Up|WeekEnd]]>><</button>>
<</if>>\<<media "Data/Locations/laptop.jpg" "place">>
My Laptop.<<set $LeviHere = false>>
How am I supposed to concentrate after that? Work from home? With Levi's arrival, my environment has changed in some ways...
<<set _r = random (0,2)>>\
<<switch _r>>\
<<case 0>><<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Levi/cum46.webp" "gif">>
<<case 1>><<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Levi/cum61.mp4">>
<<case 2>><<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Levi/rub5.mp4">>
<<LeviDialog>>Oooohh...Continue! Don't mind me!<</LeviDialog>>
It is impossible to work in such an environment. I couldn't stop being distracted by his cock, so as usual I didn't get anything done!
<<UpdateArousal "+15">>
<<UpdatePervertion "+1">>
<<if $P.Arousal > 99>>\
<<if $P.PervertedPoints >= 250>>\
<<button [[I'm too horny...|LeviInterfere]]>><<set $LeviInterfereNumber = 0>><</button>>
<<button [[Go back|HProom]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Go back|HProom]]>><</button>>
<</if>>\<<media "Data/Locations/laptop.jpg" "place">>
My Laptop.
<<set $LeviHere = false>>\
<<LeviDialog>>Hey, you're playing some bullshit!<</LeviDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>That's not for you to say! What do you play?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<LeviDialog>>I'm into something like this<</LeviDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Levi/game.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Fuck, it's just porn! Do you have anything normal?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<LeviDialog>>Let me think...hmm..... I know one called "Tasty Curse". Great story, very vivid characters, although it is just being developed<</LeviDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Is it really that good?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<LeviDialog>>Of course! Just an awesome game, make sure you check it out, and I have to go. I'll see ya later! Hie-hie!<</LeviDialog>>
He left. Reviews are mostly positive, maybe really great game with a deep story.
<<if $P.PervertedPoints < 200>>\
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>SHIT, THAT'S FUCKING PORN TOO!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Hehehe, I like this game... It would be so cool to be one of the characters in this game.....<</PlayerDialog>>
<<if $P.Gender == "f">>\
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Levi/mast47.mp4">>
<<UpdatePervertion "+1">>
<<if $P.Loc == 0>>\
<<button [[Close Laptop|DRoom]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Close Laptop|HProom]]>><</button>>
<</if>>\<<media "Data/Locations/laptop.jpg" "place">>
My Laptop.<<set $LeviHere = false>>
<<set _r = random (1,10)>>\
<<switch _r>>\
<<case 1>><<media "Data/Actions/porn/1.gif" "gif">>
<<case 2>><<media "Data/Actions/porn/2.gif" "gif">>
<<case 3>><<media "Data/Actions/porn/3.gif" "gif">>
<<case 4>><<media "Data/Actions/porn/4.gif" "gif">>
<<case 5>><<media "Data/Actions/porn/5.gif" "gif">>
<<case 6>><<media "Data/Actions/porn/6.gif" "gif">>
<<case 7>><<media "Data/Actions/porn/7.gif" "gif">>
<<case 8>><<media "Data/Actions/porn/8.gif" "gif">>
<<case 9>><<media "Data/Actions/porn/9.gif" "gif">>
<<case 10>><<media "Data/Actions/porn/10.gif" "gif">>
<<if $P.Gender == "m">>\
<<LeviDialog>>Wow, I haven't watched porn since this morning, it's about time! Hie-hie-hie!<</LeviDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Of fuck, I'm out!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<UpdateArousal "+15">>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Levi/tits29.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>How sexy! I wonder how this girl feels now?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<LeviDialog>>Hie-hie-hie! Oh, I can explain it to you<</LeviDialog>>
<<if $P.Cor > 55>>\
<<PlayerDialog "disgust">>Don't fuck with me, you can't just describe to me how she feels<</PlayerDialog>>
<<LeviDialog>>Are you sure?<</LeviDialog>>
Whatever he's up to, I'm against it! But I'll listen to him this time.
<<LeviDialog>>Bad girl, how many times do I have to tell you? Just watch the screen, I'm not here!<</LeviDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Levi/tits24.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>Ehehe! God, her boobs are so sensitive, so gooooood! I want more of it!<</PlayerDialog>>
Impossible....was.... not to cum....
<<UpdateArousal "0">>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Oh fucking goddamn, GO OUTA HERE!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<UpdateArousal "+35">>
<<UpdatePervertion "+1">>
<<if $P.Loc == 0>>\
<<button [[Close Laptop|DRoom]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Close Laptop|HProom]]>><</button>>
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$CurrentDayTime !== 4 and $Akira.ToThink === true and $Akira.Arrived === false and $LeviHere === false and $CarolInvited === false`,
tags: ["Home", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
<<REDisable [[AkiraArrive]]>>\
<<media "Data/Locations/room3.jpg" "place">>
My room.<<set $P.Loc = 1>>
So, where did I put my...
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/bed94.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>AKIRA??!!?!<</PlayerDialog>>
What's she doing in my room? And looking like that!
<<AkiraDialog "serious">>I was wondering when you'd notice me.<</AkiraDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>What are you doing here?..<</PlayerDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "serious">>I just wanted to make sure those words you said were true. From the look on your face, I guess I was right.<</AkiraDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/bed13.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>What does that mean?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "serious">>I've made my decision. Follow me, human.<</AkiraDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/bed101.jpg" "just">>
Uhm.... would be stupid to say no, wouldn't it? Ha-ha! Hey...Wait! She's what? Heading for my closet?
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Akira...it's just a closet<</PlayerDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "serious">>Now it's not.<</AkiraDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/wardr.png" "just">>
What's that?
<<button [[Get inside|AkiraArrive1]]>><</button>><<magic>>
<<media "Data/Locations/akiraap.jpg" "place">>
???<<set $P.Loc = 1>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Goddamn it! Where the fuck did I end up again?!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/room57.jpg" "just">>
<<AkiraDialog "serious">>You managed to get through the portal. Good work. For a human.<</AkiraDialog>>
I don't want to ask what would have happened if I hadn't gotten through! And when did she have time to change her clothes?!
<<AkiraDialog "serious">>You're a pretty interesting person. Nothing bad happened after I accepted your 1,000$. I would never have believed you'd be willing to pay for the sight of a naked body! That's so stupid!<</AkiraDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/room56.jpg" "just">>
Easy, Nikita. She's not trying to insult me or make fun of me. Without her emotions, she's too mercurial for that.
<<AkiraDialog "serious">>You'll be useful to me. As long as I have such a good opportunity to make some extra money, I thought I'd work with you instead of killing you. You want to see more and you're willing to pay for it, right?<</AkiraDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Yeah, I wish I could, b...I want to...<</PlayerDialog>>
That sounds like an offer that will keep me alive. But last time I gave her 1,000$. 1,000 BUCKS, CARL!! She came back for the money a week later. It would be too expensive to pay her 1000$ every week.
But what if she wants more?!
<<AkiraDialog "serious">>I'll show you my body and you'll pay. 150 per show, minimum 2 shows per week. Is that okay?<</AkiraDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>150 what? Dollars?...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "serious">>Yes. Maybe I'm wrong, but I just think the current price and the trifling service are equivalent. That's why the price is what it is. For reassurance.<</AkiraDialog>>
It's....acceptable! I wouldn't really want to put myself in debt to the witches (again!), but I can't stop feeling the excitement. I want our relationship with the dangerous! and great! Akira to get closer...
Much closer....
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/bo2.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Hold on, how do I approach you...for the "show"? Won't you go back to your place in the wizarding world?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "serious">>There's no place for me there, and besides, there's no urgent business right now. Furthermore, there are some good opportunities to make money HERE. So I've decided to stay here for a while. Take a look around. This is where I live now. @@color:yellow;You can find me here mostly in the evenings.@@<</AkiraDialog>>
Looks like a regular apartment. A nice one.
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Wow! Is this some kind of separate dimension?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "confused" 0>>No, it's just an apartments I'm renting... There's plenty of room and it's comfortable, and for some reason the landlord gave up a great deal on the price. And about the dimensions.... see those wardrobes?<</AkiraDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/wardr6.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Let me guess. Those aren't wardrobes, are they?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "confused" 0>>They're portals. If you use them, you'll probably find me. One of them leads to your closet, so remember - I have you under control at all times now. Don't you dare do anything stupid, human. <</AkiraDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>...I understoood.<</PlayerDialog>>
Said I, but since I'm alive, I'm not going to be under anyone's control! If Akira is living among humans now, she will definitely have to face the problems inherent in humans.
@@color:red; font-size: 110%; I want to see the great witch of greed, Akira, stripped of all emotion, moan in pleasure! @@
But how to do it? The main problem is her lack of emotion...
Okay, I'm sure I'll think of something, as always...
@@color:yellow;Note@@: Now Akira lives quite "close by". You can get to her apartment through the closet in the room. Don't forget that you and she have a deal for 2 shows for 150$ each a week. The corresponding indicator appeared in the "Stats" tab.
@@color:red; font-size: 130%;(You won't be able to advance your relationship with Akira much in this version of the game. Stay tuned for updates.)@@
<<button [[Get back home|HProom]]>><<set $Akira.Arrived = true>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 50,
filter: `$CarolInvited === true and $P.Gender === "m" and $LeviArrival === true and $LeviHere === true and $StayInRoom === false and $Levi.Gender === "m"`,
tags: ["Home", "Levi", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Home", "Evening"], isSeparate: true },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Levi", "Evening"] },
<<media "Data/Locations/room3.jpg" "place">>
My room.<<set $P.Loc = 1>><<set $LeviHere = false>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Carol/slut36.jpg" "just">>
Um, is this really my room? Am I right?
<<CarolDialog "serious">>I can explain<</CarolDialog>>
<<button [[Listen to her|LeviCarolCloth1]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Just go back|HApart]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/room3.jpg" "place">>
My room.<<set $P.Loc = 1>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Carol/slut36.jpg" "just">>
<<CarolDialog "serious">>This suit is just my size, as if by accident Levi left it in a prominent place and left, but I still couldn't resist.... and wore it<</CarolDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Carol/slut37.jpg" "just">>
<<button [[It suits you|LeviCarolCloth2]]>><<set $Carol.Rel++>><</button>>
<<button [[You look like a whore|LeviCarolCloth2]]>><<UpdateCarolCorruption "+3">><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/room3.jpg" "place">>
My room.<<set $P.Loc = 1>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Carol/slut38.jpg" "just">>
<<CarolDialog "serious">>Mmm...so you like this?<</CarolDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>If you wore it, it means you wanted someone to see you in it<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Carol/slut39.jpg" "just">>
<<CarolDialog "horny" 1>>Maybe...do you want to see me in it?<</CarolDialog>>
<<button [[Show me|LeviCarolCloth3]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/room3.jpg" "place">>
My room.<<set $P.Loc = 1>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Carol/slut40.jpg" "just">>
<<CarolDialog "horny" 1>>It suits me, doesn't it?<</CarolDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Yes, Levi has taste<</PlayerDialog>>
But what was he going to do with that suit?
<<CarolDialog "horny" 1>>Those pink stripes make you feel tied up...<</CarolDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Carol/slut41.jpg" "just">>
<<button [[Turn around|LeviCarolCloth4]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/room3.jpg" "place">>
My room.<<set $P.Loc = 1>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Carol/slut42.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Now I see that it really suits you<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CarolDialog "horny" 0>>I feel like I can seduce anyone in it<</CarolDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Carol/slut43.jpg" "just">>
It's true.
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>W-wanna...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CarolDialog "horny" 0>>...fuck?<</CarolDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Carol/slut44.jpg" "just">>
<<CarolDialog "happy">>Ha-ha, no! I feel good about you, but I don't need a boyfriend or anything like that right now. I don't want to let anyone touch me with their dick right now<</CarolDialog>>
Her position is clear, as is my future plan for her.
<<UpdateArousal "100">>
<<UpdateCarolCorruption "+2">>
<<button [[Go back|HApart]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/room1.jpg" "place">>
My room.
<<if $CarolInvited == true and $CurrentDayTime == 3>>\
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Carol, can I have a little privacy?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CarolDialog "disgust">>Hmm, you don't have to try to think of a reason. It's my own body. You need to masturbate?<</CarolDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Umm..yes<</PlayerDialog>>
<<if $Carol.Cor < 60>>\
<<CarolDialog "disgust">>God, really? In my body? Are you out of your mind?!<</CarolDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Hey, I just...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CarolDialog "disgust">>Well...I'll just wait outside<</CarolDialog>>
She understands me very well.
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/M/mast2.mp4">>
Mmm, nice!
<<if $P.Arousal > 60>>\
<<set _r = random (1,2)>>\
<<if _r == 1>>Oh fuck. I begin to imagine a cock inside me. But isn't it normal to think like that in a woman's body?<</if>>
<<if $P.Cor < 35>><<UpdateCorruption "+1">><</if>>
<<UpdateArousal "-50">>
<<button [[Back in action!|HProom]]>><<movetime>><</button>>
<<CarolDialog "disgust">>You've already done this for me, so I know it would be faster if I helped you. Besides, you gave me shelter, so I want to pay you back<</CarolDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>What do you mean?<</PlayerDialog>>
Carol sat down in front of me and smiled slyly.
<<media "Data/Characters/Carol/gif/lick3.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>Fuck, this is something incredible! Pleeease, continue!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CarolDialog "disgust">>~slurpp~...hehehee<</CarolDialog>>
<<UpdateArousal "0">>
<<if $P.Cor < 45>><<UpdateCorruption "+1">><</if>>
<<button [[Back in action!|HProom]]>><<movetime>><</button>>
<<if $LeviArrival == true and $LeviHere == true and $StayInRoom == false and $P.PervertedPoints >= 30 and $Levi.Gender == "m">>\
<<goto "LeviFMast">>\
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/M/mast2.mp4">>
Mmm, nice!
<<if $P.Arousal > 60>>\
<<set _r = random (1,2)>>\
<<if _r == 1>>Oh fuck. I begin to imagine a cock inside me. But isn't it normal to think like that in a woman's body?<</if>>
<<if $P.Cor < 35>><<UpdateCorruption "+1">><</if>>
<<UpdateArousal "-50">>
<<button [[Back in action!|HProom]]>><<movetime>><</button>>
<</if>>\<<media "Data/Locations/room1.jpg" "place">>
My room.
<<if $CarolInvited == true and $CurrentDayTime == 3>>\
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Carol, can I have a little privacy?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CarolDialog "horny" 0>>Hmm, you don't have to try to think of a reason. It's my body now, too. You need to masturbate?<</CarolDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Umm..yes<</PlayerDialog>>
<<if $Carol.Cor > 60>>\
<<CarolDialog "horny" 1>>You've already done this for me, so I know it would be faster if I helped you. Besides, you gave me shelter, so I want to pay you back<</CarolDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>What do you mean?<</PlayerDialog>>
She sat down in front of me and smiled slyly.
<<media "Data/Characters/Carol/gif/hj9.mp4">>
<<CarolDialog "horny" 1>>How's that? It's so much nicer when it's not your hand doing it<</CarolDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Fuck, please, continue<</PlayerDialog>>
<<UpdateArousal "0">>
<<button [[Back in action!|HProom]]>><<movetime>><</button>>
<<CarolDialog "serious">>All right, but make it quick<</CarolDialog>>
Carol left the room.
<<media "Data/Characters/P/M/2.mp4">>
Mmm, nice!
<<UpdateArousal "-50">>
<<button [[Back in action!|HProom]]>><<movetime>><</button>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/M/2.mp4">>
Mmm, nice!
<<if $P.Arousal > 60>>\
<<set _r = random (1,2)>>\
<<if _r == 1>>\
Oh fuck. Now I want to be a part of it too!
<<UpdateArousal "-50">>
<<button [[Back in action!|HProom]]>><<movetime>><</button>>
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 15,
filter: `$P.Arousal >= 100 and $CurrentDayTime != 4`,
tags: ["Home", "Daily"],
<<media "Data/Locations/ap.jpeg" "place">>
<<PlayerThoughtsDialog "horny">>Fuuuuck, I'm so horny! I must go to my room and masturbate!<</PlayerThoughtsDialog>>
<<if $P.Gender == "m">>\
<<button [[Masturbate|HBedMastM]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Masturbate|HBedMastF]]>><</button>>
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 50,
filter: `$Sis.TabletLvl === 2 and $LeviArrival === true and $LeviHere === true and $CarolInvited === true and $P.Gender === "m" and $StayInRoom === false and $P.PervertedPoints >= 20 and $Levi.Gender === "m"`,
tags: ["Home", "Levi", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Home", "Afternoon"], isSeparate: true },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Levi", "Afternoon"] },
<<media "Data/Locations/room3.jpg" "place">>
My room.<<set $P.Loc = 1>><<set $LeviHere = false>>
Oh, Carol and Levi! I wonder what they're talking about.
<<CarolDialog "horny" 1>>...and then what?<</CarolDialog>>
<<LeviDialog>>And then I'd grab your ass and stick my dick in your stocking! I would fuck your stocking right on your leg, massaging and spanking your ass, and then I would cum, right inside your stocking!<</LeviDialog>>
<<CarolDialog "horny" 1>>You aren't shy...And that's it?<</CarolDialog>>
<<LeviDialog>>And then after cumming a gallon of cum into your stockings, I would slap your ass very hard for the last time, calling you my personal sperm slut, and send you off to class just like that. You would feel used, but lust would take over and you would burn with endless happiness and pleasure...<</LeviDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>What the fuck? Levi! What are you guys talking about?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CarolDialog "happy">>Nikita! You have a rather...unusual brother. He told me what he would do if I were his girlfriend. Of course that's never going to happen!<</CarolDialog>>
Perhaps, however, she listened to him very attentively... even too attentively...
<<media "Data/Characters/Carol/gif/mast8.mp4">>
<<button [[Go back|HApart]]>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 50,
filter: `$LeviArrival === true and $LeviHere === true and $CarolInvited === false and $Levi.Gender === "m"`,
tags: ["Home", "Levi", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Home", "Morning"], isSeparate: true },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Levi", "Morning"] },
<<media "Data/Locations/room3.jpg" "place">>
My room.<<set $P.Loc = 1>><<set $LeviHere = false>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Levi/M/gif/cock29.webp" "gif">>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Levi! What the fuck? Again?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<LeviDialog>>This thing simulates a woman's vagina by 86%, can you give me a little help?<</LeviDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Why would I help you?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<LeviDialog>>Because I'll be here for a while and obviously I'll get in your way, and this way you can greatly increase that percentage and I'll be done sooner<</LeviDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>And how do you want me to help you?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<LeviDialog>>Hold this thing in your hands, hie-hie<</LeviDialog>>
<<UpdateArousal "+20">>
<<UpdatePervertion "+1">>
<<if $P.PervertedPoints >= 15 and $P.PervertedPoints < 250>>\
<<button [[Hold it|LeviCocktoyRoom1]]>><<movetime>><</button>>
<<elseif $P.PervertedPoints >= 250 and $P.Gender == "f">>
<<button [[Help him in a different way|LeviCocktoyRoom2]]>><<movetime>><</button>>
<<button [[Just go back|HApart]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/room3.jpg" "place">>
My room.<<set $P.Loc = 1>>
<<LeviDialog>>OhhhYEEEAH! It's like I'm really fucking you!<</LeviDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Levi/M/gif/cock25.webp" "gif">>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>If you say something like that again, I'll punch you in the face<</PlayerDialog>>
Fuck, that dick...Levi doesn't know what embarrassment is.
<<UpdateArousal "+30">>
<<UpdatePervertion "+2">>
<<button [[Back in action|HProom]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/room3.jpg" "place">>
My room.<<set $P.Loc = 1>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Levi, don't be stupid. You'll never get off with that shitty thing<</PlayerDialog>>
<<LeviDialog>>Do you have a better idea?<</LeviDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Yes, I have...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<LeviDialog>>Hie-hie-hie! I'm sorry I doubted you! <</LeviDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Levi/cum136.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>There's nothing like soft female legs in pantyhose wrapped around your cock... Isn't that right, you pervert?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<LeviDialog>>You're one to talk! You're the pervert! <</LeviDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>~giggle~<</PlayerDialog>>
Levi really does look like my little brother now! Ha-ha-ha!
<<UpdateArousal "+30">>
<<UpdatePervertion "+2">>
<<button [[Back in action|HProom]]>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 50,
filter: `$LeviArrival === true and $LeviHere === true and $CarolInvited === false and $StayInRoom === false and $Levi.Gender == "m" and $LeviUnderstood === true and $P.Gender === "f" and $P.PervertedPoints >= 35`,
tags: ["Home", "Levi", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Home", "Morning"], isSeparate: true },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Home", "Afternoon"], isSeparate: true },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Home", "Evening"], isSeparate: true },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Home", "Daily"], isSeparate: true },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Levi", "Morning"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Levi", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Levi", "Evening"] },
<<media "Data/Locations/ap.jpeg" "place">>
Apartments.<<set $P.Loc = 1>><<set $LeviHere = false>>
<<LeviDialog>>Hey, that's my slutty brother. How about a little fun?<</LeviDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>What do you mean?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<LeviDialog>>You know, you're a goddamn pervert. You want to put them on, right?<</LeviDialog>>
<<if $P.Arousal > 50 and $P.Cor > 50 and $P.PervertedPoints >= 50>>\
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Hehe<</PlayerDialog>>
Does he want to see me in them that badly? He's such a pervert! ~giggle~
@@#cor;<<button [[Put on leggins|LeviLeggins2]]>><</button>>@@
Even if he knows part of the truth, I don't have to dance to his tune! Unless, of course, I want to....
<<button [[Refuse|LeviLeggins1]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/ap.jpeg" "place">>
Apartments.<<set $P.Loc = 1>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>I don't know what are you talking about<</PlayerDialog>>
<<button [[Back in action|HApart]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/ap.jpeg" "place">>
Apartments.<<set $P.Loc = 1>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Yeaah, i want it!<</PlayerDialog>>
I want to feel myself sexier...
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Levi/te68.mp4">>
<<LeviDialog>>Tell me, what do you want?<</LeviDialog>>
<<UpdatePervertion "+1">>
<<if $P.PervertedPoints < 200>>\
<<button [[Play with his cock|LeviLegginsCock]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Play with his cock|LeviLegginsCockNewImage]]>><</button>>
<<if $P.SubDom > -5>>\
<<button [[Sit on his face|LeviLegginsFace]]>><</button>>
<<elseif $P.SubDom < 5>>\
<<button [["Punish me"|LeviLegginsPunish]]>><</button>>
<</if>>\<<media "Data/Locations/ap.jpeg" "place">>
Apartments.<<set $P.Loc = 1>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Come on! I need your cock to be harder!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Levi/te64.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Are you so excited about those beautiful legs?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Levi/ass12.mp4">>
<<LeviDialog>>Yes, I want more! Please!<</LeviDialog>>
He's such a pervert.
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Well, you know the line. You can do what you want with me<</PlayerDialog>>
<<LeviDialog>>Hie-hie-hie! HIE!<</LeviDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Levi/rub7.mp4">>
God, he's almost fucking me...
His dick isn't the same as Stephan's, but it's so slutty.... and why am I walking towards him?
<<if $P.Cor < 60>><<UpdateCorruption "+1">><</if>>
<<UpdateArousal "+30">>
<<UpdatePervertion "+3">>
<<button [[Back in action|HApart]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/ap.jpeg" "place">>
Apartments.<<set $P.Loc = 1>>
<<LeviDialog>>Would you like to try on a another look? I think you'll like it...<</LeviDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Do I look THAT pliable?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<LeviDialog>>It's up to you, you're the boss, I was just making a suggestion. I'll show you.<</LeviDialog>>
He wants me to wear a skirt instead of leggings...He wants me to wear a skirt instead of leggings...Damn, that makes me horny even more, how can I not lose my head from overexcitement!
<<UpdateArousal "+20">>
<<if $P.Cor < 60>>\
No, if I wear this, he definitely won't be able to hold back...and I won't be able to either.... I'm not wearing this!
<<button [[Play with his cock as usual|LeviLegginsCock]]>><</button>>
If I wear this skirt and don't give a slack, I can become more dominant in his eyes. It's a test of willpower, if I get too horny, I will definitely fall for it....
<<button [[Wear it|LeviLegginsSkirt]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Play with his cock as usual|LeviLegginsCock]]>><</button>>
<</if>>\<<media "Data/Locations/ap.jpeg" "place">>
Apartments.<<set $P.Loc = 1>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Yes, YES! Know your place! Ha-ha! I like your gift more and more!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Levi/rub16.mp4">>
<<if $P.SubDom >= 20 and $P.PervertedPoints >= 200>>\
<<LeviDialog>>It's been...entertaining...<</LeviDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Ha-ha! Do you think it's over? You'll long remember the mistress you personally gave these leggings to!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<LeviDialog>>You make it so edgy and strong, but at the same time it's so sexy!!!<</LeviDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Who's the bitch now? Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Levi/peg16.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>It was so fun, Levi. Hope to do it again sometime!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<LeviDialog>>I envisioned it a little differently... although I even liked it!....hie-hie-hie-hie! <</LeviDialog>>
<<if $P.Cor < 60>><<UpdateCorruption "+1">><</if>>
<<UpdateArousal "+30">>
<<UpdateSubDom "+1">>
<<UpdatePervertion "+3">>
<<button [[Back in action|HApart]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/ap.jpeg" "place">>
Apartments.<<set $P.Loc = 1>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>Oh, no! I behaved so badly in this body. If you whip me with that thing...it's so lewd!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<LeviDialog>>That's the kind of thing I like<</LeviDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Levi/te67.mp4">>
It feels so good to be hit like that...it's like I completely obeyed him....
<<if $P.PervertedPoints >= 200>>\
<<LeviDialog>>Hey, get on the bed now<</LeviDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>Ohh<</PlayerDialog>>
<<LeviDialog>>Look what you've become! This pose is so appropriate for you now!<</LeviDialog>>
Somehow I can't disobey him...will he really...?!
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>Oh, my God! <</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Levi/leather40.mp4">>
<<LeviDialog>>You're okay with that, right?<</LeviDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>..I..n..<</PlayerDialog>>
<<LeviDialog>>Hie-hie-hie! I'm just kidding, I don't really care what you think, I feel like I can do whatever I want with you now!<</LeviDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Levi/leathercum1.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>..ahaa...<</PlayerDialog>>
He talks to me so harshly, but I know he's faking it. He actually loves me!
<<UpdateArousal "0">>
<<LeviDialog>>Hey, come on to the bed, I want to pretend to fuck you<</LeviDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>Ohh<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Levi/rub9.mp4">>
<<LeviDialog>>God, that's so cool! Move more intensely<</LeviDialog>>
I can't get any more intense...it feels so good that even if he puts it in, I can't resist...
<<UpdateArousal "+30">>
<<if $P.Cor < 60>><<UpdateCorruption "+1">><</if>>
<<UpdateSubDom "-1">>
<<UpdatePervertion "+3">>
<<button [[Back in action|HApart]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/ap.jpeg" "place">>
Apartments.<<set $P.Loc = 1>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>All right, I'll do it.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>How's that?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Levi/latex.mp4">>
God, he's drooling over this!
<<UpdateArousal "+10">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Do they accentuate my figure well enough? ~giggle~<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Levi/latex2.mp4">>
<<UpdateArousal "+10">>
Aw, he's just standing there jerking his dick off looking at me! Aahh..
<<if $P.Arousal < 100>>\
I want to take advantage of this situation!
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>You were the one who said I am the boss, so get a grip.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<LeviDialog>>But how can I?! It's like I found out that my boss is a real slut and now I'm just a toy to her!<</LeviDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Levi/panty29.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>But you like it, don't you? You behave and obey me and maybe I'll do it again for you, hm?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<LeviDialog>>Hieee...hie...I'll do my best, boss! <</LeviDialog>>
<<UpdateArousal "100">>
<<UpdateSubDom "+3">>
No...I can't stand that look in his eyes.....
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>Ah...ah...w...w-what about that skirt you like so much?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<LeviDialog>>Hie-hie-hie! You don't need it anymore!<</LeviDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>..oh..okay...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Levi/panty22.mp4">>
<<UpdateArousal "0">>
<<UpdateSubDom "-3">>
<<if $P.Cor < 70>><<UpdateCorruption "+1">><</if>>
<<UpdatePervertion "+3">>
<<button [[Back in action|HApart]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 100,
filter: `$CurrentDayTime !== 0 and $CurrentDayTime !== 4 and $LeviArrival === true and $LeviHere === true and $CarolInvited === false and $StayInRoom === false and $Levi.Gender == "m"`,
tags: ["Home", "Levi", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Home", "Morning"], isSeparate: true },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Home", "Afternoon"], isSeparate: true },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Home", "Evening"], isSeparate: true },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Home", "Daily"], isSeparate: true },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Levi", "Morning"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Levi", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Levi", "Evening"] },
<<media "Data/Locations/room3.jpg" "place">>
My room.<<set $P.Loc = 1>><<set $LeviHere = false>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Levi/M/gif/cock20.mp4">>
<<if $P.PervertedPoints < 250 or $P.Gender == "m">>\
<<if $CarolInvited == true>>\
<<CarolDialog "confused">>Oh my God! He's jerking off right here!<</CarolDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Levi! What's going on? Have a conscience!<</PlayerDialog>>
God! His dick is huge!
<<LeviDialog>>What's wrong with that? No one will do it for me<</LeviDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>But you didn't have to do it in front of me!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<LeviDialog>>I could have gone to that room your father instructed you to make, if you still remember about it. In the meantime, it's my room, too. It's not like I'm asking you to go out, I don't even mind if you watch<</LeviDialog>>
<<UpdatePervertion "+1">>
<<UpdateArousal "+20">>
<<if $CarolInvited == false and $CarolInvitedAfterLevi == true and $P.Gender == "f" and $LeviUnderstood == false and $P.PervertedPoints >= 30>>\
I noticed his very strange and serious look, his smile was gone, he even stopped jerking his dick and just sat there looking at me.
<<button [[Is there something wrong?|LeviUnderstands]]>><<set $LeviUnderstood = true>><</button>>
<<button [[Go back|HApart]]>><</button>>
<<elseif $P.PervertedPoints >= 250 or $P.Gender == "f">>\
<<if $CarolInvited == true>>\
<<CarolDialog "confused">>Oh my God! He's jerking off right here!<</CarolDialog>>
Shit, his dick is so big and juicy...My hands reach for my...uh... on their own....
<<CarolDialog "confused">>Nikita?!<</CarolDialog>>
<<button [[Go back|HApart]]>><</button>>
<<if $P.Arousal < 90>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Levi, would you stop jerking off in my room?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<LeviDialog>>Oh, you sound different now...You know, if you're letting me in your room, then I think you're okay with it. Anyway, now you're gonna have to wait until I'm done, hie-hie-hie!<</LeviDialog>>
<<button [[Wait for him to finish|LeviMastRoom1]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Go back|HApart]]>><</button>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Levi...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<LeviDialog>>Are you gonna lecture me again? You know I'm not gonna stop!<</LeviDialog>>
@@#cor;<<button [[I can't think..|LeviMastRoom2]]>><</button>>@@
<</if>>\<<media "Data/Locations/room3.jpg" "place">>
My room.<<set $P.Loc = 1>><<set $LeviHere = false>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Levi/M/gif/cock20.mp4">>
<<LeviDialog>>Hey, you haven't taken your eyes off my dick this whole time. Do you wish you were a part of this?<</LeviDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>No, I just...it's just that up close it's so big.... like a volcano that's about to erupt....<</PlayerDialog>>
<<LeviDialog>>Whoa, those words are enough for me! <</LeviDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Levi/cum133.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>Oh, my God! What are you doing! Ooh, it's so hot! But...I want...give me more of it...!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<UpdateArousal "+50">>
<<UpdatePervertion "+2">>
<<button [[Back in action|HProom]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/room3.jpg" "place">>
My room.<<set $P.Loc = 1>><<set $LeviHere = false>>
I'm too horny to leave here right now....!
<<if $P.SubDom < 0>>\
Mmm...I can't stop my hands!
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Levi/te231.mp4">>
<<LeviDialog>>Hie-hie-hie! No, that's not gonna work, sis. Either you leave, or I'll take advantage of you! <</LeviDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>~gulp~<</PlayerDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>Ah...ah...mmm...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<LeviDialog>>You didn't even try to fight back! You're like a piece of fucking meat right now!<</LeviDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Levi/rub14.mp4">>
<<LeviDialog>>Whew, that was awesome. I came so hard!<</LeviDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>W-what about me? I didn't cum...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<LeviDialog>>Little slut wants a sequel?<</LeviDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>I need just a little more...I was so...so close!.....<</PlayerDialog>>
<<LeviDialog>>So you'll have to be more persistent next time! Hie-hie-hie! Bye!<</LeviDialog>>
He's gone.
And left me here.
If I keep this up, he will continue to dominate me like this....until I submit to him completely.....
<<UpdateArousal "100">>
<<UpdatePervertion "+2">>
I can't hold myself back any longer!
<<LeviDialog>>Hey, what are you doing? <</LeviDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>Shut up and sit still until I'm done!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Levi/fuck455.mp4">>
<<LeviDialog>>You didn't even take your dress off, you fucking pervert! Hie-hie-hie!<</LeviDialog>>
Ha-ha! I was juicing him until he suddenly had an "emergency" and ran away. But that's okay, I guess he'll come here again sooner or later. ~giggle~
<<if $P.Cor < 70>><<UpdateCorruption "+1">><</if>>
<<UpdateArousal "0">>
<<UpdatePervertion "+2">>
<<button [[Back in action|HProom]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/room3.jpg" "place">>
My room.<<set $P.Loc = 1>>
<<LeviDialog>>Nothing, it just all fits together!<</LeviDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>What are you talking about?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<LeviDialog>>This is very very interesting! How could this happen? Judging from everything I see, I am the only person capable of noticing!<</LeviDialog>>
Is it...
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Levi, explain<</PlayerDialog>>
<<LeviDialog>>Dear brother, let me ask you a question...<</LeviDialog>>
He smiled broadly.
<<LeviDialog>>What's it like to be in a woman's body?<</LeviDialog>>
Damn, NO!
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>I don't know what you mean, I'm who I've always been<</PlayerDialog>>
<<LeviDialog>>You don't have to pretend. You can put a fog over my mind, but my cock never deceives me! As I started to think about it more, I started to find more and more inconsistencies, and finally I remembered everything<</LeviDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>You're just out of your mind<</PlayerDialog>>
<<LeviDialog>>Hie-hie! At first I thought so too, but after seeing your girlfriend I realized...I realized it wasn't me who was crazy, it was you!<</LeviDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Me? Why? And Carol is not my girlfriend!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<LeviDialog>>Because I would give anything to try to be in the body of such a beauty! Imagine that! You can touch your own tits, you always smell nice, you can flirt and seduce, destroy families, destroy even entire cities! Do you know how many serious problems one woman could cause in history?<</LeviDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>So why am I crazy?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<LeviDialog>>Because you an idiot not happy about it!<</LeviDialog>>
Hell, I was even a little touched by his words. So it really is understandable that Carol and I are changing on our own. Or is Levi really the only one who can because of his endless lust?
Okay, it doesn't matter, I guess I can tell part of the truth, but not a word about the pills.
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>It's a curse. From a witch. Carol and I change every day. I'm trying to find a way to get it all back, but you're right, there really is some upside to it. At least two really good ones<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Levi/tits.gif" "gif">>
<<LeviDialog>>I'm jealous!<</LeviDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>I'm more interested in what you intend to do with this information?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<LeviDialog>>It really is the kind of information that, in the wrong hands, can ruin your whole life...Hie-hie!...so my answer is...<</LeviDialog>>
If he starts blackmailing me, I could really use my pills, I need to come up with a good plan and...
<<LeviDialog>>Nothing! Hiehiha!<</LeviDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Nothi..What?!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<LeviDialog>>Hey, I'm not going to blackmail you or anything like that, just like I'm not going to divulge that kind of information, you can rest assured for me<</LeviDialog>>
Can I trust him? I don't think I have a choice either way.
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Really?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<LeviDialog>>And yet don't think of me as another person now! Today I confirmed my craziest theory, but that's not the main fact!<</LeviDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>And what is it?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<LeviDialog>>And the fact that you're sexy as hell right now! I can't resist such a tidbit, and I know that since you're my brother, you're enjoying it too! You're getting a high from all the depraved things being done to you!<</LeviDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>It's...not true<</PlayerDialog>>
I don't like any of this, do I....?
<<LeviDialog>>I know you, I know you're as perverted as I am. Anyway, I'm not a rapist, I don't like it, so I won't go very far unless you meet me halfway. By the way, since you were so prepared to keep my silence, I do have a small request<</LeviDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>What's the request?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<LeviDialog>>I think you saw that I bought some things for the girls. How could I leave my own brother out? Look at all the pretty things I bought you! Since you owe me, take it. You have no right to refuse<</LeviDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Levi/M/leggins.jfif" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Just accept?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<LeviDialog>>Yes, but I'd like to see you in them. These leggings will fit tightly around your thighs, revealing your figure completely. It will look like your legs are made for a good fuck!<</LeviDialog>>
<<UpdateArousal "+20">>
Damn, his words turned me on...would I really be that sexy in them? But I'm not a whore! Although maybe I should wear them once for him as a thank him for his silence?
@@#cor;<<button [[Wear leggings|LeviUnderstands1]]>><<UpdateSubDom "-1">><</button>>@@
<<if $P.Arousal < 90>>\
<<button [[Don't wear|LeviUnderstands2]]>><<UpdateSubDom "+1">><</button>>
<</if>>\<<media "Data/Locations/room3.jpg" "place">>
My room.<<set $P.Loc = 1>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Levi/M/leggins.jfif" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Well...<</PlayerDialog>>
God, they're so tight...
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Levi/te68.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>What do you think?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<LeviDialog>>Oh fuck, I want to put my dick between those beautiful legs, you're like a roadside whore!<</LeviDialog>>
Fuck, why does that sound like a compliment to me now?
<<LeviDialog>>Yes! It suits you, I can't help it! You'll look even better now!<</LeviDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Levi/cum56.mp4">>
<<if $P.Cor < 50>>\
<<PlayerDialog "disgust">>What the fuck are you doing? Have you forgotten that I'm your brother, you fucking bastard?!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<button [[Quit|HApart]]>><</button>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Ahaa...That's so much!...Mmmn....<</PlayerDialog>>
<<LeviDialog>>Fuck, I promise I'll cum on you more often from now on!<</LeviDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Only if I allow....te-he-he...that sticky...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Levi/cum57.mp4">>
Did I really like that?! Didn't he just cum on me?
But It really is so sexy though, it's like he's my personal toy...
<<UpdateCorruption "+1">>
<<UpdateArousal "+30">>
<<UpdateSubDom "-1">>
<<UpdatePervertion "+5">>
<<button [[Go back|HApart]]>><</button>>
<</if>>\<<media "Data/Locations/room3.jpg" "place">>
My room.<<set $P.Loc = 1>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Not this time, Levi. Your tricks won't work on me. I'll take them, but don't expect to ever wear them<</PlayerDialog>>
<<LeviDialog>>Hie-hie-hie! Still, I wouldn't be so sure about it.<</LeviDialog>>
<<button [[Go back|HApart]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/room1.jpg" "place">>
My room.<<set $LeviHere = false>>
<<if $P.PervertedPoints < 200>>\
<<LeviDialog>>What, bitch? Hie-hie! Horny? Me, too<</LeviDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>So what do you suggest?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Levi/hj27.mp4">>
I feel like he's barely trying, he's just sitting around watching porn! It's not fair...
<<if $P.Cor < 50>><<UpdateCorruption "+1">><</if>>
<<UpdateArousal "-50">>
<<UpdateSubDom "-1">>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Levi/porn3.mp4">>
He's fucking her so hard...her pussy must be feeling so good right now.....
<<LeviDialog>>What, bitch? Hie-hie! Horny?<</LeviDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>Ah...Levi...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>Ahh...aha....~moan~<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Levi/fuck557.mp4">>
<<LeviDialog>>You've been a lot more honest with yourself lately! Hie-hie-hie! <</LeviDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>I just wanted to enhance my viewing experience a bit and I know you're always there to help me with that ~giggle~<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Levi/porn4.mp4">>
I can finally just lay back, watch porn and enjoy myself. It's much better than working my hand on his cock, ha-hah!
<<if $P.Cor < 50>><<UpdateCorruption "+1">><</if>>
<<UpdateArousal "0">>
<<UpdateSubDom "-1">>
<<UpdatePervertion "+1">>
<<button [[Back in action!|HProom]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: `$CurrentDayTime === 0 ? 20 : 15`,
filter: `($CurrentDayTime === 0 and $Sis.TabletLvl > 0) or ($CurrentDayTime === 2 and $Sis.TabletLvl === 2)`,
tags: ["Home", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Home", "Morning"], isSeparate: true },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Home", "Afternoon"], isSeparate: true },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Home", "Daily"], isSeparate: true },
<<media "Data/Locations/room3.jpg" "place">>
My room.<<set $RandomEventTime = false>>
<<if $Sis.TabletLvl < 2>>\
<<SisDialog "angry" 1>>Hey, you piece of shit<</SisDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>???<</PlayerDialog>>
<<SisDialog "angry" 1>>Lend me 20 bucks. <</SisDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>"You a piece of shit"? Is that way to start a request?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<SisDialog "angry" 1>>Oh, who cares! So will you lend me?<</SisDialog>>
If I lend it to her, she won't give it back. I've already lent to her... many times.
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>You really need it that much?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<SisDialog "angry" 1>>Exactly! that's why quicly give me the money<</SisDialog>>
<<if $P.Money > 19>>\
<<button [[Ask her to show tits|ExpensiveTits1]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Decline|ExpensiveTitsDecline]]>><</button>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Sis/face2.jpg" "just">>
<<SisDialog "angry" 1>>Hey, you piece of shit, watch over here<</SisDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Mmm?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<SisDialog "angry" 1>>Give me 20$<</SisDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Sis/tit6.jpg" "just">>
<<if $P.Money > 19>>\
<<button [[Ask her to show more|ExpensiveTits2]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Decline|ExpensiveTitsDecline]]>><</button>>
<</if>>\<<media "Data/Locations/room3.jpg" "place">>
My room.<<set $RandomEventTime = false>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Sis/face2.jpg" "just">>
<<SisDialog "angry" 1>>Show...tits?<</SisDialog>>
There's a storm in her eyes and she feels like ready to hit me, but she's distraught.
<<SisDialog "angry" 1>>Okay. Watch this, you little prick<</SisDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Sis/tit5.jpg" "just">>
Wonderful, someday I'll get her to insist on showing them to me herself. Apparently, she really needs that 20 $.
<<SisDialog "angry" 1>>Have you done watching?<</SisDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Hey, that's not fair. I can't even see the left nipple! Since you're getting the whole 20 bucks for this, show them more<</PlayerDialog>>
<<SisDialog "angry" 1>>Grrrr!..well<</SisDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Sis/tit6.jpg" "just">>
It's incredible. I didn't even notice how I handed her 20 $.
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Can I touch them?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<SisDialog "angry" 1>>What?!<</SisDialog>>
I know what can help me, he-he.
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>I just want to touch, maybe some @@color:magenta;"JIGGLE"@@, agree?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<SisDialog "angry" 1>>You want too much, you bastard. Don't you want to ask me to let you fuck me? You little piece of shit. Go stick your head in the toilet, punk!<</SisDialog>>
She left with a loud slam of the door. She seems to be able to ignore the "jiggle" easily right now, but someday I'll make it more of a challenge for her.
<<set $Sis.Cor += 4>>\
@@color:magenta;Anya's corruption has increased by 4.@@
<<UpdateArousal "+25">>
<<UpdateSubDom "+1">>
<<button [[Back in action|HProom]]>><<set $P.Money -= 20>><<movetime>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/room3.jpg" "place">>
My room.<<set $RandomEventTime = false>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>I don't want boobs, I want a dance<</PlayerDialog>>
<<SisDialog "angry" 1>>What did you just say? Dance?<</SisDialog>>
There's a storm in her eyes and she feels like ready to hit me, but she's distraught.
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Yeah, dance<</PlayerDialog>>
<<SisDialog "angry" 1>>Do you think I'm a whore willing to entertain you for money, huh, you piece of shit?<</SisDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>You already show boobs for money, so you're way out of line. No one would know about it anyway, and you could easily get 20 bucks doing some @@color:magenta;"Jiggles"@@ with your ass<</PlayerDialog>>
<<SisDialog "serious">>I hate you<</SisDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Sis/ass11.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Come on! Move it!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Sis/ass10.jpg" "just">>
<<SisDialog "serious">>I'll kill you as soon as I finish this dance<</SisDialog>>
Somehow it sounds really sexy.
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Let me get a closer look!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Sis/ass12.jpg" "just">>
<<SisDialog "serious">>Like that?<</SisDialog>>
She even seems to have gotten a taste for it.
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Perfect! Come on! Show me more!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<SisDialog "angry" 1>>Okay, only this time..<</SisDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Sis/ass13.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>You are adorable!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Sis/ass15.jpg" "just">>
<<SisDialog "angry" 1>>Get 20 bucks ready...you asshole<</SisDialog>>
I don't feel sorry for the money spent, I'm satisfied with the show. To be honest, though, I would have liked a bit of a sequel.
<<set $Sis.Cor += 4>>\
@@color:magenta;Anya's corruption has increased by 4.@@
<<UpdateArousal "+40">>
<<UpdateSubDom "+1">>
<<button [[Back in action|HProom]]>><<set $P.Money -= 20>><<movetime>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/room3.jpg" "place">>
My room.<<set $RandomEventTime = false>>
<<SisDialog "angry" 1>>What a greedy schmuck you are, die<</SisDialog>>
She left with a loud slam of the door.
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>You have to earn your 20 $, someday I'll teach you how to do it<</PlayerDialog>>
<<button [[Back in action|HProom]]>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 25,
filter: `$CarolInvited !== true and $Sis.TabletLvl > 1 and $SisALotOfMoneyEv === false`,
tags: ["Home", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Home", "Evening"], isSeparate: true },
<<media "Data/Locations/room3.jpg" "place">>
My room.<<set $SisALotOfMoneyEv = true>>
<<SisDialog "angry" 1>>Hey, shorty, I have a request, it's very important<</SisDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>I'm not short, I'm taller than you! What happened?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<SisDialog "angry" 1>>Lend me 50 bucks. A matter of life and death.<</SisDialog>>
Expensive taste, Anya. Very fucking expensive.
<<SisDialog "serious">>Wait, before you say no, I want to say that okay, I'll go on your terms<</SisDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Terms?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<SisDialog "angry" 1>>Grrrr, you piss me off! I know what you want, you won't be disappointed. Just promise only to watch....and.....and don't say that stupid word<</SisDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Which word Oh, you mean Ji..<</PlayerDialog>>
<<SisDialog "angry" 1>>Quiet! Shut up! Don't say it! Promise! So, you agree?<</SisDialog>>
Perhaps I really won't be disappointed. But it's fucking expensive!
<<if $P.Money > 49>>\
<<button [[Okay, deal|SisALotOfMoney1]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Decline|SisALotOfMoneyDecline]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/room3.jpg" "place">>
My room.<<set $SisALotOfMoneyEv = true>>
We went to her room and she put me in a chair.
<<SisDialog "angry" 1>>Money Ahead. If you move out of the chair, I'll kill you<</SisDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Okay, okay<</PlayerDialog>>
@@color:red;You lost 50 $.@@
<<set $P.Money -= 50>>\
I was ready to be very indignant at her insolence. However...
<<media "Data/Characters/Sis/gif/te44.mp4">>
<<SisDialog "serious">>Look at me, shorty. This is what you wanted<</SisDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Sis/gif/te42.mp4">>
Holy crap, that's adorable. She's making jiggles with her ass all by herself. Completely of her own free will!
<<SisDialog "serious">>I think it's time to get rid of it. It's better that way, isn't it? Do you like everything, you insect?<</SisDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Sis/gif/te43.mp4">>
Lord, I don't care if she calls me a swamp devil or anything, I just..
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>I definitely like it!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Sis/gif/te35.mp4">>
<<SisDialog "serious">>God! My sweater barely covers my ass. Especially when I shake it like this. Do you like my juicy buns?<</SisDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>I-I...I...I.... seem to have come three times already<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Sis/gif/te36.mp4">>
<<SisDialog "serious">>So cute! I'm trying my best for you, aren't I? Wouldn't you like to be between my sweater and my ass now? Ugh, it even made me so horny!<</SisDialog>>
Then she stops.
<<SisDialog "serious">>So, you have to go I think. Show's over, I need some privacy<</SisDialog>>
It's divine, too bad it's already over.
<<SisDialog "horny" 1>>..or you can stay here for a while, but you'll give me another 30 bucks<</SisDialog>>
Oh, my God. I'm screwed.
<<set $Sis.Cor += 3>>\
@@color:magenta;Anya's corruption has increased by 3.@@
<<UpdateArousal "0">>
<<UpdateSubDom "-1">>
<<if $P.Money > 29>>\
<<button [[Give her another 30 bucks|SisALotOfMoney2]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Go back to my room|SisALotOfMoney1Decline]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/room3.jpg" "place">>
My room.
<<SisDialog "happy" 1>>It was fun, you were so pathetic. Easy money. We should do it again sometime!<</SisDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Um..yeah<</PlayerDialog>>
<<button [[Back to my room|HProom]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/room3.jpg" "place">>
My room.
@@color:red;You lost 30 $.@@
<<set $P.Money -= 30>>\
<<SisDialog "happy" 1>>Seriously? I'm so happy! In one night I'm 80$ richer!<</SisDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Now I really want to call you a whore, because you sell your body for money<</PlayerDialog>>
<<SisDialog "serious">>Hey, we're actually not strangers, so it doesn't count!<</SisDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>It counts! If you act like a whore, then you are a whore!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<SisDialog "serious">>Mmm...whore...would you want your sister to be a whore? A dirty cocksucker? What would you do to me then?<</SisDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Hell, you're a lot more perverted than all those people you call insects. I'd fuck you, and since you're a whore, it'll happen sooner or later<</PlayerDialog>>
<<SisDialog "horny" 1>>...Ahaa...you are so funny. If I were a real whore, I'd suck your dick right now, and then I'd come on top of you and ride my ass on your dick. And you'd fuck me so rough! You'd spank me and I'd make sweet moans.....<</SisDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Sis/gif/m5.mp4">>
Holy crap.
<<SisDialog "serious">>But I'm not a whore, so that's not going to happen. Get out of here, I want to sleep.<</SisDialog>>
Sooner or later. Sooner or later.
<<set $Sis.Cor += 3>>\
@@color:magenta;Anya's corruption has increased by 3.@@
<<UpdateArousal "+30">>
<<UpdateSubDom "-1">>
<<button [[Go back to my room|SisALotOfMoney1Decline]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/room3.jpg" "place">>
My room.<<set $RandomEventTime = false>>
<<SisDialog "angry" 1>>Fuck you, moron!<</SisDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Good night to you too!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<button [[Back to my room|HProom]]>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 30,
filter: `$LeviArrival === true and $LeviHere === true and $P.Gender === "f" and $P.PervertedPoints >= 35 and $StayInRoom === false and $CarolInvited === false and $Levi.Gender === "m"`,
tags: ["Home", "Levi", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Home", "Morning"], isSeparate: true },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Levi", "Morning"] },
<<media "Data/Locations/room3.jpg" "place">>
My room.<<set $P.Loc = 1>><<set $LeviHere = false>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Mmm...What time is it? ~Yawn~ ...w-what's happening? Is it just me or is someone touching me?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<LeviDialog>>Mmmm....they're so soft!<</LeviDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Levi/hj76.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Levi, what the fuck?! Are you completely brazen? It's still early in the morning, let me sleeeeeeep..!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<LeviDialog>>Give me a helping hand and I'll leave you alone much faster!<</LeviDialog>>
<<UpdatePervertion "+1">>
<<UpdateArousal "+20">>
<<if $P.PervertedPoints >= 50>>\
<<button [[Give him a helping hand|LeviMorningBed1]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Continue sleeping|HProom]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/room3.jpg" "place">>
My room.<<set $P.Loc = 1>><<set $LeviHere = false>>
<<LeviDialog>>Hie-hie! This morning is super juicy! Woohoo!<</LeviDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Levi/hj75.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>Mmmm...so...warm...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>~Yawn~ Levi came to see me this morning? I was in a deep doze... I don't remember a damn thing! And...I'm kind of sticky....Did I unconsciously do something obscene?!!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<UpdatePervertion "+1">>
<<UpdateArousal "+20">>
<<button [[Wake up|HProom]]>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 30,
filter: `$Mom.TabletLvl > 0`,
tags: ["Home", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Home", "Morning"], isSeparate: true },
<<media "Data/Locations/room1.jpg" "place">>
My room.<<set $RandomEventTime = false>>
<<MomDialog "happy">>Honey, it's morning, time to get up<</MomDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Mom/room.jpg" "just">>
After that pill, she tries to practice her acting talent by getting into character and doing things that are out of HER character, so sometimes she wakes me up in the morning.
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Hgfhmfff<</PlayerDialog>>
<<if $CurrentDayOfWeek < 5>>\
<<button[[Wake Up|HProom]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Wake Up|WeekEnd]]>><</button>>
<<switch $Mom.TabletLvl>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<button[[Tell her you don't want to wake up|MomMorning1]]>><</button>>
<<case 2>>\
<<button[[Tell her you don't want to wake up|MomMorningLvl2]]>><</button>>
<</switch>>\<<media "Data/Locations/room1.jpg" "place">>
My room.
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Nooo, I want to sleep more, I have no motivation to get up so early!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MomDialog "arrogant">>Motivation?<</MomDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Mom/room1.jpg" "just">>
<<MomDialog "arrogant">>You have to find it yourself<</MomDialog>>
She left, and I fell back into sleep.
<<if $CurrentDayOfWeek < 5>>\
<<button[[Wake Up|HProom]]>><<movetime>><</button>>
<<button[[Wake Up|WeekEnd]]>><</button>>
<</if>>\<<media "Data/Locations/room1.jpg" "place">>
My room.
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Nooo, I want to sleep more, I have no motivation to get up so early!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MomDialog "arrogant">>Motivation?<</MomDialog>>
<<MomDialog "serious">>What kind of mother am I if I can't even wake up my family members<</MomDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Mom/room3.jpg" "just">>
<<MomDialog "serious">>Think again, the motivation didn't appear?<</MomDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Mom/room6.jpg" "just">>
There is definitely more motivation.
<<if $CurrentDayOfWeek < 5>>\
<<button[[Wake Up|HProom]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Wake Up|WeekEnd]]>><</button>>
<<if $Mom.Cor > 50>>\
<<button[[I'm still sleepy|MomMorningLvl2Time1]]>><</button>>
<<button[[I'm still sleepy|MomMorning1]]>><</button>>
<</if>>\<<media "Data/Locations/room1.jpg" "place">>
My room.
<<MomDialog "horny" 1>>Okay<</MomDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Mom/room5.jpg" "just">>
<<MomDialog "horny" 1>>Maybe this will open your eyes a little wider<</MomDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Mom/room7.jpg" "just">>
<<if $CurrentDayOfWeek < 5>>\
<<button[[Wake Up|HProom]]>><<movetime>><</button>>
<<button[[Wake Up|WeekEnd]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Show more|MomMorningLvl2Time2]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/room1.jpg" "place">>
My room.
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>I'm still so sleepy, maybe if you show me more I'll definitely wake up<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MomDialog "arrogant">>Are you nuts? Have you completely lost your conscience?<</MomDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Hey, if you don't maintain your image, you're certainly not going to become more feminine<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MomDialog "serious">>You little blackmailer, you're going to pay for some of the shopping, understand?<</MomDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Hey, It's not like I said anything, you can say no!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MomDialog "serious">>Shut up, you little twerp. I said it all<</MomDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Mom/room10.jpg" "just">>
<<UpdateMomCorruption "+4">>
<<UpdateArousal "+20">>
<<UpdateSubDom "+1">>
<<set $P.Spending -= 15>>\
@@color:red;Paying for the groceries increased spending by 15.@@
<<if $CurrentDayOfWeek < 5>>\
<<button[[Wake Up|HProom]]>><<movetime>><</button>>
<<button[[Wake Up|WeekEnd]]>><</button>>
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 15,
filter: `$P.Gender === "f" and $MorningDadEv === false`,
tags: ["Home", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Home", "Morning"], isSeparate: true },
<<media "Data/Locations/room1.jpg" "place">>
My room.<<set $MorningDadEv = true>>
I think I woke up earlier than usual. I want to pee, but not too much or I can continue sleeping. Why so many thoughts early in the morning?!
<<button [[Go to the toilet|MorningDad1]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Nah, get back to sleeping|HWakeUp]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/bath.jpg" "place">>
Oh, shit! Here we go again!
<<media "Data/Characters/Dad/6.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Dad, will you clear the bathroom?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>No?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<DadDialog>>^Ek^ I feel so bad now. Get your ass over here and start jerking me off ^Ek^<</DadDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Dad, you're drunk af<</PlayerDialog>>
<<DadDialog>>I don't care, just start jerking off<</DadDialog>>
He's just giving me an order.
<<UpdateArousal "+15">>
<<if $P.ConvergenceON == true and $P.CindyPower >= 10>>\
<<CindyDialog>>Didn't you hear him? He told you to jerk him off! <</CindyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Eh? Why don't YOU go suck his dick?!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CindyDialog>>Mmm? I could! ....and I could ask him for some money too! <</CindyDialog>>
<<button [[Let Cindy have some fun|MorningDadCindy]]>><<UpdateCindyPower "0">><</button>>
<<button [[Fuck you, old stump|HWakeUp]]>><</button>>
<<if $P.Cor > 35>>\
On the other hand, it only takes a couple of minutes to jerk off. Maybe...
<<button [[You'll give me 50$ for that|MorningDad2]]>><</button>>
<</if>>\<<media "Data/Locations/bath.jpg" "place">>
<<if $P.Cor < 50>>\
<<DadDialog>>50$? Well, Like I said I don't care, you can start<</DadDialog>>
So an easy $50? Yay!
<<media "Data/Characters/Dad/gif/c.mp4">>
Ugh, it's so much nastier than when you do it to yourself! It's so sticky...
<<if $P.Cor < 50>><<UpdateCorruption "+1">><</if>>
<<UpdateArousal "+15">>
<<set _r = random (1,3)>>\
<<if _r == 1>>\
@@color:lime;Today I'll be lucky enough to actually find 50 bucks on my desk in the morning.@@
<<set $P.Money += 50>>\
@@color:red;Well, I was unlucky and tonight he was so drunk that he forgot everything, so I won't be able to get my 50 bucks.@@
<<DadDialog>>Huh? Yeas, yeas. Come here faster<</DadDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Dad, what the fuglgfgf<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Dad/gif/bj6.mp4">>
<<DadDialog>>Ahh, hello, new day!<</DadDialog>>
<<if $P.Cor < 60>><<UpdateCorruption "+1">><</if>>
<<UpdateArousal "+30">>
<<set _r = random (1,3)>>\
<<if _r == 1>>\
@@color:lime;Today I'll be lucky enough to actually find 50 bucks on my desk in the morning.@@
<<set $P.Money += 50>>\
@@color:red;Well, I was unlucky and tonight he was so drunk that he forgot everything, so I won't be able to get my 50 bucks.@@
<<set $P.DadSexCount++>>\
<<if $CurrentDayOfWeek < 5>>\
<<button[[Start day|HProom]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Start day|WeekEnd]]>><</button>>
<</if>>\<<media "Data/Locations/bath.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Cindy/blonde225.webp" "gif">>
<<CindyDialog>>Hey, handsome! You want me to make you feel good for 100$?<</CindyDialog>>
<<DadDialog>>Uh? A madman sees what he sees. Am I still that drunk?<</DadDialog>>
<<CindyDialog>>Daddy, Am I a bad hallucination?<</CindyDialog>>
<<DadDialog>>Ogh...here's your 100$!<</DadDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Cindy/blonde60.webp" "gif">>
<<DadDialog>>Why would I care about a hallucination?<</DadDialog>>
<<CindyDialog>>I barely escaped! If he hadn't decided to freshen up under the shower, I would have suffocated in there! <</CindyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>At least you made us $100! That's the first time I've ever seen you run away from sex! <</PlayerDialog>>
<<CindyDialog>>Our father may be a drunkard, but he's not an ordinary man. Be careful with him.<</CindyDialog>>
<<UpdateMoney "+100">>
<<UpdateArousal "+30">>
<<set $P.DadSexCount++>>\
<<if $CurrentDayOfWeek < 5>>\
<<button[[Start day|HProom]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Start day|WeekEnd]]>><</button>>
<</if>>\<<RE [[LeviDadRoom]]>>
<<RE [[MomDadSex]]>>
<<RE [[DadRoom]]>>
<<RE [[MomRoom]]>>
<<RE [[MomRoomLvl1]]>>
<<RE [[MomRoomLvl2]]>>
<<RE [[_ParentsRoom]]>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
type: "goto",
<<media "Data/Locations/room5.jpg" "place">>
Parents room.
Nobody here
/* TODO: maybe need to add some text and actions */
<<button [[Back to living room|HApart]]>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
tags: ["Home", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Home", "Morning"], isSeparate: true },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Home", "Afternoon"], isSeparate: true },
<<media "Data/Locations/room5.jpg" "place">>
Parents room.
<<media "Data/Characters/Dad/7.jpg" "just">>
<<DadDialog>>Hello my dear. How are things at school?<</DadDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Dad, I'm already at university<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Dad/face.png" "just">>
<<DadDialog>>Are you? Oh..exactly. Completely overworked.<</DadDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>But you don't work!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<DadDialog>>Let's not talk about it. By the way, don't you want to get your pocket money?<</DadDialog>>
Yeah, that's a different story!
<<DadDialog>>I'm not that generous, you get 25$ in exchange for house work. Deal?<</DadDialog>>
<<if $P.Gender == "f" and $P.Cor > 25>>\
<<button [[Ask him for more money|HouseWork1]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Do housework|HouseWork]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Back to living room|HApart]]>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$LeviArrival === true and $LeviHere === true and $Levi.Gender === "m"`,
tags: ["Home", "Levi", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Home", "Morning"], isSeparate: true },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Levi", "Morning"] },
<<media "Data/Locations/room5.jpg" "place">>
Parents room.<<set $LeviHere = false>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Dad?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<DadDialog>>Wait, not now, come back a bit later. Where were we?<</DadDialog>>
<<DadDialog>>...or butt! And what are you thinking?<</DadDialog>>
I am of the opinion that it is the same thing! All thanks to evolution! For example, the pioneering sexologist Alfred Kinsey, believed that "the buttocks are the primary site of sexual performance in primates. In addition, "some anthropologists and sociobiologists believe that fetishism toward breasts stems from the resemblance of breasts [in their rounded form] to buttocks."
The female bust "imitates" the buttocks. And despite the fact that the breasts are not so close to the area of intercourse (vulva), it is assumed that this resemblance determines their powerful attraction to men.
That's why we like both. We don't have to choose!
<<DadDialog>>God, I almost brought a tear to my eye. How glad I am to have such a smart son!<</DadDialog>>
Damn. Better get out of here.
<<button [[Go back|HApart]]>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 25,
filter: `$Mom.TabletLvl === 2`,
tags: ["Home", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Home", "Evening"], isSeparate: true },
<<media "Data/Locations/room5.jpg" "place">>
Parents room.<<set $RandomEventTime = false>>
I think I hear moaning from behind the door.
<<button [[Peek|MomDadSex1]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Go back|HApart]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/room5.jpg" "place">>
Parents room.
<<DadDialog>>Hell, I can't remember the last time you were this slutty. I thought you hated me.<</DadDialog>>
<<MomDialog "horny" 1>>There's so much going on lately...I'm all worked up. So I'm renting your dick. Fuck me, fuuuck<</MomDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Mom/gif/f26.mp4">>
<<DadDialog>>Well, I don't mind<</DadDialog>>
<<MomDialog "horny" 1>>Yes, thank you! Fuck meeee harderr... @@font-size:70%;Nikita@@!<</MomDialog>>
Just in case, it's time to
<<button [[Get out of here|HApart]]>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 50,
filter: `$Mom.TabletLvl === 0`,
tags: ["Home", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Home", "Evening"], isSeparate: true },
<<media "Data/Locations/room5.jpg" "place">>
Parents room.
<<media "Data/Characters/Mom/bed.jpg" "just">>
<<MomDialog "arrogant">>What are you doing im my room?<</MomDialog>>
She's not very happy to see me.
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>I'm sorry, I went to ask something, by the time I got there I forgot everything<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MomDialog "arrogant">>Chip off the old block<</MomDialog>>
<<button [[Back to living room|HApart]]>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 50,
filter: `$Mom.TabletLvl === 1`,
tags: ["Home", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Home", "Evening"], isSeparate: true },
<<media "Data/Locations/room5.jpg" "place">>
Parents room.
<<media "Data/Characters/Mom/bed1.jpg" "just">>
<<MomDialog "arrogant">>Hey, at least knock when you come into my room! What if I was naked?<</MomDialog>>
I have such a strange feeling. As if right now I need to take advantage of this situation.
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>I'm sorry, can I somehow make amends for my fault?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MomDialog "arrogant">>I wanted to relax! It usually has nothing to do with your being here<</MomDialog>>
<<if $P.Gender == "m">>\
<<button [[Offer her massage|MomRoomLvl1Time]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Back to living room|HApart]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/room5.jpg" "place">>
Parents room.
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>I know! Let me massage you! I definetely make you relax!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MomDialog "arrogant">>Okay, I don't mind. Turn around, I'll get ready.<</MomDialog>>
<<MomDialog "serious">>You can start<</MomDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Mom/bed2.jpg" "just">>
She lay on her stomach and waited for my massage. It's funny that I don't even know how to do it.
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Okay, time to relax then<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Mom/gif/mass.mp4">>
You give her a massage, it turns out pretty good and after a while she starts to moan softly.
<<UpdateMomCorruption "+4">>
<<UpdateArousal "+10">>
<<UpdateSubDom "+1">>
<<button [[Go a little deeper|MomRoomLvl1Time1]]>><<movetime>><</button>>
<<button [[Finish for today|HApart]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/room5.jpg" "place">>
Parents room.
You decided to work a little with your finger
<<media "Data/Characters/Mom/gif/mass1.mp4">>
<<MomDialog "arrogant">>Hey, what the fuck are you doing?<</MomDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>I'm sorry, I thought this would help you relax better<</PlayerDialog>>
A small moan escapes her lips, but she immediately gets a grip.
<<MomDialog "arrogant">>Let's finish for today. And for your stunt, you'll pay off part of the grocery store receipt<</MomDialog>>
<<UpdateMomCorruption "+4">>
<<UpdateArousal "+10">>
<<UpdateSubDom "+1">>
<<set $P.Spending -= 5>>\
@@color:red;Paying for part of the groceries increased today's spending by 5.@@
<<button [[Finish for today|HApart]]>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 50,
filter: `$Mom.TabletLvl === 2`,
tags: ["Home", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Home", "Evening"], isSeparate: true },
<<media "Data/Locations/room5.jpg" "place">>
Parents room.
<<media "Data/Characters/Mom/bed3.jpg" "just">>
<<MomDialog "happy">>Oh, here you are! Wanna help me relax?<</MomDialog>>
Oh my God! That's my favorite word! How chic it sounds - "relax"!
<<if $P.Gender === "m">>\
<<button [[Offer her massage|MomRoomLvl2Time]]>><</button>>
@@#cor;<<button [[Offer her "something"|MomRoomLvl2TimeF]]>><</button>>@@
<<button [[Back to living room|HApart]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/room5.jpg" "place">>
Parents room.
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>I know! Let me massage you! I definetely make you relax!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MomDialog "happy">>Take care of me, honey<</MomDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Mom/bed2.jpg" "just">>
I think I'm already pretty good at massage.
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Okay, time to relax then<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Mom/gif/mass.mp4">>
You give her a massage, it turns out pretty good and after a while she starts to moan softly. Without noticing any disturbance, you gently slip your hand further and further...
<<media "Data/Characters/Mom/gif/mass1.mp4">>
<<MomDialog "horny" 1>>Mmm...@@font-size:30%; more...@@<</MomDialog>>
She needs more than that, can I go further?
<<if $P.ConvergenceON == true>>\
<<CindyDialog>>Put your dick in her! She's almost as much of a bimbo as I am! I'm sure she'll love it!<</CindyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Cindy, huge tits and ass doesn't say she's a slut like you. For now...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<button [[Go deeper|MomRoomLvl2Time1]]>><<movetime>><</button>>
<<button [[Get your dick out|MomRoomLvl2Time2]]>><<movetime>><</button>>
<<button [[Finish for today|HApart]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/room5.jpg" "place">>
Parents room.
I know what to do.
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>I've learned a new relaxation technique, if you feel uncomfortable tell me<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MomDialog "happy">>Continue, honey<</MomDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Mom/gif/mass2.mp4">>
<<MomDialog "horny" 0>>Mmmmmnnnn.....yeeeah. @@font-size:70%; I want more, put inside moroe...@@<</MomDialog>>
I think I'm already pretty good at massage. It's way to sexy! I'm already at my limit!
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>You're moaning tooooo sexy, if I keep going, I'm going to have to cum, okay?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<if $Mom.Cor < 50>>\
<<MomDialog "confused">>Keep going! But just dare to cum, and you'll pay for all the groceries, understand? Endure to the end!<</MomDialog>>
What a bitch, but she's right. I have to be patient now, can I do it? How's that?
<<media "Data/Characters/Mom/gif/mass3.mp4">>
<<MomDialog "horny" 1>>A-Are you putting 3 fingers?! Ah...yeeeeahhhh...I likeeee it<</MomDialog>>
<<if $P.Arousal > 90>>\
No, no, no! I can't help it!
<<media "Data/Characters/P/M/cum43.webp" "gif">>
<<MomDialog "horny" 1>>Haa. Perverted boy. You'll have to pay for that<</MomDialog>>
<<UpdateMomCorruption "+4">>
<<UpdateArousal "0">>
<<UpdateSubDom "-1">>
<<set $P.Spending -= 25>>\
@@color:red;Paying for the groceries increased spending by 25.@@
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Well, I think we're done for today.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MomDialog "horny" 0>>Ahaa...yeah,thank you, honey! I can get addicted to this stimulation...<</MomDialog>>
<<UpdateMomCorruption "+4">>
<<UpdateArousal "100">>
<<UpdateSubDom "+1">>
<<MomDialog "horny" 1>>Keep going! It's so goooood! Your technique is unparalleled. You can cum if you want to! You've earned it!<</MomDialog>>
...but first I'm going to finish what I started.
<<media "Data/Characters/Mom/gif/mass3.mp4">>
<<MomDialog "horny" 1>>A-Are you putting 3 fingers agaaaain?! Ah...yeeeeahhhh...I likeeee it soo much!<</MomDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>It's time to make good on our promises!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MomDialog "confused">>What?<</MomDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Mom/gif/c7.mp4">>
<<MomDialog "confused">>\
Hey, I said you could cum...but I didn't mean you can do it
....on me...
<<MomDialog "horny" 0>>There's so much...it's been so long since I've had so much cum on me....<</MomDialog>>
I think it's time to wrap up our today's "session".
<<UpdateMomCorruption "+4">>
<<UpdateArousal "0">>
<<UpdateSubDom "+1">>
<<button [[Finish for today|HApart]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/room5.jpg" "place">>
Parents room.
<<media "Data/Characters/P/M/cock1.webp" "gif">>
Noticing that I had stopped and feeling my heavy breathing, Olga turned around.
<<MomDialog "confused">>You...<</MomDialog>>
I don't know what to say. I can only hope for the best.
<<MomDialog "horny" 1>>So you want to take me for a ride on your huge cock? Mmm.. Make me drink your cum! Make me your own whore and fuck my brains out, right? <</MomDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>YES<</PlayerDialog>>
her face changed..?
<<MomDialog "arrogant">>You want too much, you're still wet behind the ears, sucker. Tomorrow you're buying groceries, now get out of here.<</MomDialog>>
Shit, I think I rushed it. I need to learn to have a better sense of the situation.
<<UpdateMomCorruption "+4">>
<<UpdateArousal "+50">>
<<UpdateSubDom "+1">>
<<set $P.Spending -= 15>>\
@@color:red;Paying for the groceries increased spending by 15.@@
<<button [[Finish for today|HApart]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/room5.jpg" "place">>
Parents room.
I think I have a certain advantage.
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Hey, I know how to make you relax<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MomDialog "happy">>Honey?<</MomDialog>>
You start to undress.
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>We both girls, I hope you don't mind<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Mom/gif/lesb2.mp4">>
<<MomDialog "horny" 1>>Oh, mmmm....I like it..<</MomDialog>>
God, I never thought I'd be able to suck her tits so easily. Being a girl wasn't so bad!
<<UpdateMomCorruption "+2">>
<<UpdateArousal "+20">>
<<UpdateSubDom "+1">>
<<if $P.Cor < 40>><<UpdateCorruption "+1">><</if>>
<<if $Mom.Cor > 60 and $P.Cor > 35>>\
@@#cor;<<button [[Relax her more|MomRoomLvl2TimeF1]]>><<movetime>><</button>>@@
<<button [[Finish for today|HApart]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/room5.jpg" "place">>
Parents room.
<<media "Data/Characters/Mom/gif/lesb1.mp4">>
<<MomDialog "horny" 1>>God, that feels so good! I have such a good daughter! Sure there's nothing wrong with that?<</MomDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>...Sppsruulp...Of course! Mom, you're so funny! It's not like they're poking you with dick<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MomDialog "horny" 0>>You're riiiight, so keep going, please keeeeep going!<</MomDialog>>
And I didn't think I would do so well. Training with avocados was not in vain!
<<UpdateMomCorruption "+2">>
<<UpdateArousal "+20">>
<<UpdateSubDom "+1">>
<<if $P.Cor > 40 and $P.Cor < 50>><<UpdateCorruption "+1">><</if>>
<<button [[Finish for today|HApart]]>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$P.Gender === "f" and $BlackArrivalTimer === 0 and $MetBlackers === false`,
tags: ["Home", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Home", "Morning"], isSeparate: true },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Home", "Noon"], isSeparate: true },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Home", "Afternoon"], isSeparate: true },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Home", "Evening"], isSeparate: true },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Home", "Daily"], isSeparate: true },
<<REDisable [[BlackersFirstMeet]]>>\
<<set $MetBlackers = true>>\
<<media "Data/Locations/ap.jpeg" "place">>
<<MomDialog "happy">>Oh, Nikita! You just in time! How do you like me?<</MomDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Mom/bo9.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>You look great, what's the occasion?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MomDialog "happy">>My friends are coming today! I met them thanks to your advice! They are famous directors, they make movies...hmmm...of all sorts. And guess what, they're interested in me!<</MomDialog>>
*Ding * Ding*
<<MomDialog "happy">>Oh, here they are!<</MomDialog>>
Good for her, she's on her way to her dream!
<<media "Data/Characters/Black/black.webp" "just">>
One of them didn't take long to start talking.
<<BlackDialog "npc" null "Black guy">>Greetings, may we come in?<</BlackDialog>>
Hey, they're pretty polite.
<<MomDialog "happy">>Sure, come on in! Where are the others?<</MomDialog>>
The others?!
<<BlackDialog "npc" null "Black guy">>No need to worry, they'll be here very soon.<</BlackDialog>>
Well, they seem like good guys.
<<MomDialog "happy">>Make yourself comfortable! I'll make you tea, Nikita, help me!<</MomDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Do you really need help with your tea?!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Mom/bo1.jpg" "just">>
<<MomDialog "confused">>No need, I just wanted to ask you...can you check on Dad and make sure he doesn't scare them off by looking drunk?<</MomDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>I don't think he cares<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MomDialog "confused">>Please...<</MomDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Fine!<</PlayerDialog>>
Just as she left for the kitchen, there was a muffled knock at the door.
<<button[[Open the door|BlackersFirstMeet1]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/ap.jpeg" "place">>
The notes of his voice lay very low, his voice was velvet and slightly muffled. And his slight smile only added to his seriousness and status.
<<BlackDialog null null "Black guy">>Greetings, I didn't know there was such sweet candy living in this house<</BlackDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Carol/gif/black4.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>I am very pleased. Come on in!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BlackDialog>>My gratitude! My name is Rico, and I'm in charge of these guys<</BlackDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Wow! I hope you take care of Olga<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BlackDialog>>Oh, don't worry. Of course we'll...take care of her<</BlackDialog>>
Did he pause at the end or was it just me? Okay, I need to go check on Dad.
<<button[[Go check Dad|BlackersFirstMeet2]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/room5.jpg" "place">>
Parents room.
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Dad? You here?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Dad/7.jfif" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>DAD!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<DadDialog>>..aH, NO, that was not the bottle I sat on!...gMmfh...PHHHRRRR...<</DadDialog>>
WHat?! Okay, anyway, our teddy bear is sound asleep.
<<button [[Back to living room|BlackersFirstMeet3]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/ap.jpeg" "place">>
<<BlackDialog "npc" null "Black guy 1">>Yo, nigga, check out that whore's tits!<</BlackDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Black/phonephoto.jfif" "just">>
<<BlackDialog "npc" null "Black guy 2">>Well, they're certainly no bigger than what's-her-name's. I forgot! Whatever!<</BlackDialog>>
<<BlackDialog "npc" null "Black guy 1">>Ha-ha-ha-ha!<</BlackDialog>>
<<BlackDialog "npc" null "Black guy 2">>HA-HA-HA!<</BlackDialog>>
Those animals...they're in our house! I don't see Olga, where is she? Probably in the kitchen.
<<button[[Go to kitchen|BlackersFirstMeet4]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/kitchen.jpg" "place">>
<<BlackDialog "npc" null "Black guy">>Yo, Olga, you got a great ass. Shake it again!<</BlackDialog>>
<<MomDialog "happy">>Oh, that tickles! You boys pay me so many compliments! I'll shake it for you as many times as you want!<</MomDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Mom/bg.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>What the fuck is going on here?!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MomDialog "confused">>Oh, Nikita! It's okay, these guys will help me become a superstar!<</MomDialog>>
Are you kidding me?!
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>What the fuck is this on the table, huh?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BlackDialog "npc" null "Black guy">>Yo, Olga, you got a great ass. Shake it again!<</BlackDialog>>
One of them didn't take long to start talking.
<<BlackDialog "npc" null "Black guy">>Yo, babe. Keep calm! These are props.<</BlackDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>PROPS?!!<</PlayerDialog>>
aHAhAHA, that's not even funny. I need to talk to Rico.
<<button[[Go find Rico|BlackersFirstMeet5]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/ap.jpeg" "place">>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>RICO!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BlackDialog>>Do you need something, my sunshine?<</BlackDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>What are your guys doing with Olga? Do you really let them do that?! <</PlayerDialog>>
<<BlackDialog>>She's acting like a whore. We're sure she deserves and enjoys being treated that way<</BlackDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>She's still my stepmother! I ask you to stop!<</PlayerDialog>>
He paused for a moment, then made a small hand gesture, and the rest of the guys in his group left the room.
<<BlackDialog>>It's business, kid. Until recently, she acted to everyone like some royal bitch to whom everyone owed everything. I don't know what happened, but now she looks and acts like a playful bitch. I don't know who made her like that, but she's got someone on the side anyway.<</BlackDialog>>
That someone is...me.
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>And?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BlackDialog>>Me and the guys are always happy to have white bitches. It's kind of an instinct already. <</BlackDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Are you really directing or something?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BlackDialog>>We are a community of people of all kinds, including filmmakers. We can really make a superstar out of her, we saw the potential in her and now we need to train and promote her persona, but we also need to determine if she is worth the effort.<</BlackDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>What are you getting at?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BlackDialog>>If she lets us do it ourselves, letting the guys take advantage of her...ahem.."benefits" will pay off the effort spent on her.<</BlackDialog>>
Simply put, they'll make her their plaything, and that doesn't even guarantee that they'll get a firm grip on her great future.
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>What other options are there to help pay off your "efforts"?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BlackDialog>>The training and assessment of Olga's potential will go on our site, but sometimes the guys will come here for additional "training. @@color:yellow;Under normal circumstances, I think we would be here every 0-4 days.@@ But, on the other hand, it's a matter of economics. I suppose some amount of money will keep them in line. I will personally see to it. By my calculations they may ask you for @@color:yellow;between $50 and $250@@, depending on the number of people on the shift. Or else...<</BlackDialog>>
He examined me carefully from head to toe.
<<BlackDialog>>There is one more option..<</BlackDialog>>
Please, not that...
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BlackDialog>>I see a lot more potential in you. You are so refined, so honest, so innocent. I like you, beautiful white girl! If you agreed to spend some time with the boys, they would definitely concentrate on teaching Olga,..ahem...not "teaching".<</BlackDialog>>
So I have two choices again. One leading to the loss of money, the other leading to the loss of myself...
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>If we manage to negotiate, how can I be sure that my "compensation" really helps Olga?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BlackDialog>>First of all, you have my honest word. Second, I can assure you that after your "compensation", we won't bother you with our silly instincts for another 3-7 days. Deal?<</BlackDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>So what do you want today?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<set $BPay = random (50, 250)>>\
<<BlackDialog>>I'm convinced that if we look at the economic side of the issue today, it's going to cost you _r$. And if we can observe such a splendid personage as you are before us, we will do with a simple dance.<</BlackDialog>>
<<if $P.Money >= $BPay>>\
<<button[[Agree to pay|BlackersFirstMeetPay]]>>
<<set $P.Money -= $BPay>>
<<button[[Agree to dance|BlackersFirstMeetDance]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Tell them to fuck off|BlackersFirstMeetFuckOff]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/ap.jpeg" "place">>
I had to put on different clothes, and in the meantime he said a few words in an incomprehensible language, and several of his company joined in watching the show.
<<BlackDialog>>Come on, girl, show some class! Do your best, we love to see your booty turn to jelly<</BlackDialog>>
Damn it, why do I always get myself into these situations?!
They shouted and applauded to me..
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Black/te52.mp4">>
<<BlackDialog>>Come on! Show us the magic! You are unbelievable! You are a godsend!<</BlackDialog>>
Damn, all these compliments... Just because I'm in Carol's body doesn't mean I can't wow them! Okay, I can't lose my head either way.
<<BlackDialog "npc" null "Black guy 1">>Wooooo, shake that!<</BlackDialog>>
<<BlackDialog "npc" null "Black guy 2">>Ur the BEST!<</BlackDialog>>
Mmmm...How about that?
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Black/te53.mp4">>
<<BlackDialog>>It's incredible, my sunshine! We won't bother you for at least 5 days! And we're all very impressed, we hope to continue our..."collaboration". Come on guys, we gotta go!<</BlackDialog>>
It looks like a couple of guys from their company stayed with Olga during my show and convinced her to ignore the yelling. Now they said goodbye to Olga and left.
It wasn't very difficult. I even enjoyed their endless compliments. In any case, I had to protect Olga, because she was mine. And I don't want her to go to a group of black guys...
<<UpdateArousal "+40">>
<<set $P.BlackAffection++>>\
<<UpdateSubDom "-1">>
<<set $BlackArrivalTimer = 5>>\
<<set $BlackCompensation = true>>\
<<button[[Back in action|HApart]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/ap.jpeg" "place">>
<<BlackDialog>>Well, I assumed you were smarter, although I have nothing against silly white bitches, either.<</BlackDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "disgust">>Get out of this house, you bastard!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BlackDialog>>And if we don't leave, what will you do? Are you going to complain to your Dad? On the other hand, if we leave, won't Olga hate YOU for ruining her only dream?<</BlackDialog>>
Fuck, my hands are tied again. I'll have to choose from what we have.
<<if $P.Money >= $BPay>>\
<<button[[Agree to pay|BlackersFirstMeetPay]]>>
<<set $P.Money -= $BPay>>
<<button[[Agree to dance|BlackersFirstMeetDance]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Just go back|HApart]]>>
<<set _rtimer = random (0,4)>>
<<set $BlackArrivalTimer = _rtimer>>
<<set $BlackCompensation = false>>
<<set $Mom.BlackAffection++>>
<</button>><<media "Data/Locations/ap.jpeg" "place">>
<<BlackDialog>>See how easy it is? Thanks to your compromise, everyone is happy now!<</BlackDialog>>
He walked over to his boys, said a few words in an incomprehensible language, and after a while they all left together.
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Until I find a way to pacify them, it's worth looking for a way to make more money, so I can send them away at any time<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MomDialog "happy">>Nikita, who are you talking to?<</MomDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Um, to myself!<</PlayerDialog>>
@@color:red; You lost $BPay $@@
<<set $BlackArrivalTimer = 5>>\
<<set $BlackCompensation = true>>\
<<button[[Back in action|HApart]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$P.Gender === "f" and $BlackArrivalTimer === 0 and $MetBlackers === true and $BlackCompensation === true`,
tags: ["Home", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Home", "Morning"], isSeparate: true },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Home", "Noon"], isSeparate: true },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Home", "Afternoon"], isSeparate: true },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Home", "Evening"], isSeparate: true },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Home", "Daily"], isSeparate: true },
<<media "Data/Locations/ap.jpeg" "place">>
<<set $BPay = random (50, 250)>>\
<<BlackDialog>>There you are, our beautiful girl!<</BlackDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Are the terms of the contract the same?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BlackDialog>>Almost...today we want @@color:red;$BPay $@@ or you can gift us with your beautiful dance again<</BlackDialog>>
I'll just do what I have to do...
<<if $P.ConvergenceON == true>>\
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Cindy, maybe you could help me.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CindyDialog>>I can! But...aren't you afraid of those bimbo blonde and black men stories? It's just like the relationship between sexy elf girls and orcs in fantasy!<</CindyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>I'm not quite sure what's similar here...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CindyDialog>>Don't bother your head! I'll take care of these guys if you want me to! <</CindyDialog>>
<<if $P.CindyPower >= 10>>\
<<button [[Let Cindy handle them|BlackersMeetCompensationCindy]]>><<UpdateCindyPower "0">><</button>>
<<CindyDialog>>But you need to build up some more energy....<</CindyDialog>>
<<if $P.Cor > 55>>\
<<BlackDialog>>By the way, I've been liking you more and more lately, sweetie, so I have a special offer for you...<</BlackDialog>>
<<button[[Special offer?|BlackersMeetCompensationOffer]]>><</button>>
<<if $P.Money >= $BPay>>\
<<button[[Agree to pay|BlackersMeetCompensationPay]]>><<set $P.Money -= $BPay>><</button>>
<<button[[Agree to dance|BlackersMeetCompensationDance]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Tell them to fuck off|BlackersMeetCompensationFuckOff]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/ap.jpeg" "place">>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>I will pay you. I'll go get the money now. I'll be right back.<</PlayerDialog>>
I went out to the backyard. And then...
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Cindy/Pic/room7.jpg" "just">>
<<CindyDialog>>Hey there! I thought I heard voices. Where is everybody?<</CindyDialog>>
<<BlackDialog "npc" null "Black guy">>When everyone heard that Nikita went after the money and there would be no show, everyone dispersed. I was the only one left.<</BlackDialog>>
<<CindyDialog>>What? Show?..<</CindyDialog>>
<<BlackDialog "npc" null "Black guy">>Doesn't matter. And you...?<</BlackDialog>>
<<CindyDialog>>I'm Cindy! I'm Nikita's cousin. I live around here!<</CindyDialog>>
<<BlackDialog "npc" null "Black guy">>Yeah, I remember something like that... We must have seen each other somewhere...<</BlackDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Lies and doesn't blush!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CindyDialog>>Ha-ha! Probably yes! So, If Nikita's gone for the money, are they in trouble?<</CindyDialog>>
<<BlackDialog "npc" null "Black guy">>That's right. We have some sort of agreement with Nikita, so sometimes we have to come in for "payment".<</BlackDialog>>
<<CindyDialog>>Oh, is there anything I can do to help?<</CindyDialog>>
He looked Cindy over from head to toe and smirked.
<<BlackDialog "npc" null "Black guy">>Heh, you can pay instead...<</BlackDialog>>
<<CindyDialog>>Really? I want to help their family so bad!<</CindyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Cindy/Pic/room10.jpg" "just">>
<<CindyDialog>>I will do literally anything for that!<</CindyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Cindy/Pic/room11.jpg" "just">>
<<BlackDialog "npc" null "Black guy">>I was lucky to stay here...<</BlackDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Cindy/btj1.mp4">>
<<CindyDialog>>How do you like those boobs, sweetie?<</CindyDialog>>
<<BlackDialog "npc" null "Black guy">>I had no idea there was such a bimbo slut living next door!<</BlackDialog>>
<<CindyDialog>>I told you I'd do anything for my family!<</CindyDialog>>
<<BlackDialog "npc" null "Black guy">>Ha-ha! Then I'm sure you won't mind that!<</BlackDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Cindy/bbj13.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>Fuck, Cindy, that dick is h-huge!...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CindyDialog>>My head is dizzy...I don't understand what's going on....<</CindyDialog>>
<<UpdateArousal "+40">>
<<set $P.CindyBlacked++>>\
<<set $BlackArrivalTimer = random (3,7)>>\
<<set $BlackCompensation = true>>\
<<BlackDialog "npc" null "Black guy">>Well, that's enough for "payment", but I can see how horny you are, you white bitch! You're all wet, right?! You want to get fucked by a big black cock, don't you? Ha-ha! If you let me do this, I promise we won't be back for at least another week!<</BlackDialog>>
<<if $P.Cor > 40>>\
It's actually her decision, since I asked her for help. Should I really forbid her to do that?
<<button[[Let her decide|BlackersMeetCompensationCindyAgree]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Forbid her!|BlackersMeetCompensationCindyForbid]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/ap.jpeg" "place">>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Cindy, do whatever you want.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CindyDialog>>Are you sure? That's what girls say when they're angry...<</CindyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>But I'm not a girl.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BlackDialog "npc" null "Black guy">>I had no doubt that someone like you would agree! Bimbos like you are made for black dicks!<</BlackDialog>>
<<CindyDialog>>I love sex, but I'm not a slave to black dicks like you think.<</CindyDialog>>
<<BlackDialog "npc" null "Black guy">>All white bitches say that at first. Until their faces get all ecstatic when we do THIS to them!<</BlackDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Cindy/bf46.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>Oh My God! Cindy! It feels so fucking....Ahhh.....!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BlackDialog "npc" null "Black guy">>And then they turn into dirty whores hungry for black cock more than anything else in life!<</BlackDialog>>
<<CindyDialog>>Noo-o, You're gonna breeeeeeak meeee!<</CindyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Cindy/bf44.mp4">>
<<CindyDialog>>..Y...Y-you stopped!..<</CindyDialog>>
<<BlackDialog "npc" null "Black guy">>Do you want to be my hole a little longer? Tell me what you want! <</BlackDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>..ah...b..bl...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CindyDialog>>...Black....cock....I want your....Please, put it back!!..<</CindyDialog>>
<<BlackDialog "npc" null "Black guy">>Soon you won't be able to live without a black cock in your stupid cunt! <</BlackDialog>>
<<CindyDialog>>Oooh, It's back inside! Yes!..Yes!..Yeeees!..YES! IT'S SO GOOD!! <</CindyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Cindy/bf2.mp4">>
<<BlackDialog "npc" null "Black guy">>Ha-ha! Soon you'll be ours, bitch! As promised, we'll be back in a week! Bye!<</BlackDialog>>
He left.
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Cindy, what was that? Did you just lose to a dick?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CindyDialog>>I...I don't know...But I've never felt so good!<</CindyDialog>>
I think we need to be careful with these guys.
<<set $P.CindyBlacked += 3>>\
<<set $P.BlackAffection++>>\
<<set $BlackArrivalTimer = random (7,7)>>\
<<set $BlackCompensation = true>>\
<<button[[Back in action|HApart]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/ap.jpeg" "place">>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Cindy, don't you dare! Listen to me this time! <</PlayerDialog>>
<<CindyDialog>>But he's looking at me like that! He wants me!<</CindyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Fuck, Cindy! I said No!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CindyDialog>>Okay, okay! You're in charge! You're more important to me than his big black cock...!<</CindyDialog>>
<<CindyDialog>>Sorry, bunny. It's all I could do for you today...<</CindyDialog>>
<<BlackDialog "npc" null "Black guy">>Really?? Did you think it through?<</BlackDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>!!!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BlackDialog "npc" null "Black guy">>Hah! And you're not as easy as you look! All the more interesting! Just know that I'll be back! Bye!<</BlackDialog>>
He left. Phew....
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Cindy, you're doing great! I'm proud of you!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CindyDialog>>Thank you, partner!<</CindyDialog>>
She seems to be cheerful again! I think I did the right thing!
<<button[[Back in action|HApart]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/ap.jpeg" "place">>
I had to put on different clothes, and in the meantime he said a few words in an incomprehensible language, and several of his company joined in watching the show.
<<BlackDialog>>Come on, girl, show some class! Do your best, we love to see your booty turn to jelly<</BlackDialog>>
They shouted and applauded to me..
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Black/te52.mp4">>
<<BlackDialog>>Come on! Show us the magic! You are unbelievable! You are a godsend!<</BlackDialog>>
Damn, all these compliments... Just because I'm in Carol's body doesn't mean I can't wow them! Okay, I can't lose my head either way.
<<BlackDialog "npc" null "Black guy 1">>Wooooo, shake that!<</BlackDialog>>
<<BlackDialog "npc" null "Black guy 2">>Ur the BEST!<</BlackDialog>>
Mmmm...How about that?
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Black/te53.mp4">>
<<if $P.Cor < 40>>\
<<BlackDialog>>It's incredible, my sunshine! We won't bother you for at least 5 days! And we're all very impressed, we hope to continue our..."collaboration". Come on guys, we gotta go!<</BlackDialog>>
It looks like a couple of guys from their company stayed with Olga during my show and convinced her to ignore the yelling. Now they said goodbye to Olga and left.
It wasn't very difficult. I even enjoyed their endless compliments. In any case, I had to protect Olga, because she was mine. And I don't want her to go to a group of black guys...
<<elseif $P.Cor >= 40 and $P.Cor < 60>>\
<<BlackDialog "npc" null "Black guy 1">>Come on, bitch! You don't need that skirt!<</BlackDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Is that what you all think?! <</PlayerDialog>>
Loud cheers and applause were heard. If it helps you get out of here faster...
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Black/te54.mp4">>
The reaction was immediate. Most could no longer simply watch without touching their dick! Thta's all because of me!
<<BlackDialog>>It's incredible, my sunshine! We won't bother you for at least 5 days! And we're all very impressed, we hope to continue our..."collaboration". Come on guys, we gotta go!<</BlackDialog>>
It looks like a couple of guys from their company stayed with Olga during my show and convinced her to ignore the yelling. Now they said goodbye to Olga and left.
They looked at me THAT way today! It gave me goosebumps!
There was a shout from the crowd.
<<BlackDialog "npc" null "Black guy 3">>Take your underpants off, whore!<</BlackDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>Hey!..so rude!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Black/te55.mp4">>
After that, I couldn't move as freely as before. I felt too...weird. Although it seemed to only turn them on more...and maybe...me, too...
<<BlackDialog>>It's incredible, my sunshine! We won't bother you for at least 5 days! And we're all very impressed, we hope to continue our..."collaboration". Come on guys, we gotta go!<</BlackDialog>>
I'm just defending Olga, right? I won't let her get hurt, so I'll have to be a toy for them instead...ehhh
<<UpdateArousal "+40">>
<<set $P.BlackAffection++>>\
<<UpdateSubDom "-1">>
<<set $BlackArrivalTimer = random (3,7)>>\
<<set $BlackCompensation = true>>\
<<button[[Back in action|HApart]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/room3.jpg" "place">>
My room.<<set $P.Loc = 1>>
I'm not used to making someone footjob, nor am I used to getting it from someone, eh. But still...
<<BlackDialog>>You're doing it delightfully, my sunshine! Please keep it up<</BlackDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Black/bfj.mp4">>
Fuck, his cock is so HUGE. I'm sure it's bigger than Stephan's!
<<UpdateArousal "0">>
I don't know how, but I was so into that cock that I cum...and yet my attempts to make him cum ended in failure! Even though he said he was satisfied and showered me with compliments again! Then he took his friends and they left.
<<set $P.BlackAffection++>>\
<<UpdateSubDom "-1">>
<<set $BlackArrivalTimer = random (3,7)>>\
<<set $BlackCompensation = true>>\
<<button[[Back in action|HApart]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/ap.jpeg" "place">>
<<BlackDialog>>Well, we don't care if it's you or Olga. You're both just first-class white bitches, nothing more. So our attitude will not change for the worse toward you.<</BlackDialog>>
I have not yet found a good solution to confront or negotiate with them, so I will have to choose from what is available now.
<<if $P.Money >= $BPay>>\
<<button[[Agree to pay|BlackersMeetCompensationPay]]>>
<<set $P.Money -= $BPay>>
<<button[[Agree to dance|BlackersMeetCompensationDance]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Just go back|HApart]]>>
<<set _rtimer = random (0,4)>>
<<set $BlackArrivalTimer = _rtimer>>
<<set $BlackCompensation = false>>
<<set $Mom.BlackAffection++>>
<</button>><<media "Data/Locations/ap.jpeg" "place">>
<<BlackDialog>>Exactly! I'd like to spend some time alone with such a beauty...<</BlackDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Alone?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BlackDialog>>Yeah, I promise I'll take care of my guys and you won't owe them anything else until next time. You in?<</BlackDialog>>
We went to my room, he hugged me and touched me, not forgetting to shower me with compliments.
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>So what do you want?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BlackDialog>>You are my sweet, so refined. I can't go against my instincts, how about a footjob? Make me feel good!<</BlackDialog>>
Footjob?! Still, I got pretty excited...
<<UpdateArousal "+15">>
<<if $P.Arousal < 80>>\
<</if>>\<<media "Data/Locations/ap.jpeg" "place">>
<<BlackDialog>>See how easy it is? Thanks to your compromise, everyone is happy now! It is possible to come to an agreement in any situation<</BlackDialog>>
He walked over to his boys, said a few words in an incomprehensible language, and after a while they all left together.
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Until I find a way to pacify them, I definetely need more money!<</PlayerDialog>>
@@color:red; You lost $BPay $@@
<<set $BlackArrivalTimer = 5>>\
<<set $BlackCompensation = true>>\
<<button[[Back in action|HApart]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$P.Gender === "f" and $BlackArrivalTimer === 0 and $MetBlackers === true and $BlackCompensation === false`,
tags: ["Home", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Home", "Morning"], isSeparate: true },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Home", "Noon"], isSeparate: true },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Home", "Afternoon"], isSeparate: true },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Home", "Evening"], isSeparate: true },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Home", "Daily"], isSeparate: true },
<<media "Data/Locations/kitchen.jpg" "place">>
Familiar voices.
<<set _rscene = random (0,2)>>\
<<switch _rscene>>\
<<case 0>>\
<<BlackDialog "npc" null "Black guy">>So you write? How about reading it out loud?<</BlackDialog>>
<<MomDialog "happy">>Oh, I'm sorry, I wish I could, but I'm not going to read it...<</MomDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Mom/gif/bte1.mp4">>
<<BlackDialog "npc" null "Black guy">>Why?<</BlackDialog>>
<<MomDialog "horny" 0>>In this book I record my sexual experiences...all the phrases and feelings...<</MomDialog>>
<<BlackDialog "npc" null "Black guy">>I can see in your eyes that you want to read it to me.<</BlackDialog>>
<<MomDialog "horny" 0>>Hehe, maybe we'll read it all together someday...@@font-size:70%;or even repeat it...@@<</MomDialog>>
<<case 1>>\
<<BlackDialog "npc" null "Black guy">>I need to make a couple of clarifications on your lines, and you need to listen to me carefully. Let's sit over here.<</BlackDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Mom/gif/bte2.mp4">>
<<MomDialog "horny" 0>>Something's resting against me from underneath...Te-he-he..<</MomDialog>>
<<BlackDialog "npc" null "Black guy">>Hey, your job is not to get distracted! So sit still and listen<</BlackDialog>>
<<MomDialog "horny" 0>>Te-he-he...<</MomDialog>>
<<case 2>>\
<<BlackDialog "npc" null "Black guy 1">>And how would that be?<</BlackDialog>>
<<BlackDialog "npc" null "Black guy 2">>Nothing complicated! It will go slowly from there to here. Just get a better angle<</BlackDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Mom/gif/bte6.mp4">>
<<BlackDialog "npc" null "Black guy 3">>Fuck, this is going to be a great scene! Look at her! I already have a lump in my pants exploding. Ha-ha-ha!<</BlackDialog>>
<<BlackDialog "npc" null "Black guy 1">>Ha-ha-ha!<</BlackDialog>>
<<set $Mom.BlackAffection++>>\
<<UpdateArousal "+15">>
Fuck, that's too much, isn't it?! Or is it?!
<<button[[Find Rico|BlackersMeetCompensation]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Just go back|HApart]]>>
<<set _rtimer = random (0,4)>>
<<set $BlackArrivalTimer = _rtimer>>
<<set $BlackCompensation = false>>
<<set $Mom.BlackAffection++>>
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 30,
tags: ["Home", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Home", "Night"], isSeparate: true },
<<media "Data/Locations/ap.jpeg" "place">>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>What's that noise? I think it was from my sister's room<</PlayerDialog>>
It's pretty late. If I don't get enough sleep, I'll have to save money for an energy drink or coffee for tomorrow. Should I check?
<<button [[Check sister room|DrunkSis1]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Nah, it's time to sleep|HProom]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/room4.jpg" "place">>
Sister's room.
<<media "Data/Characters/Sis/room1.jpg" "just">>
<<SisDialog "happy" 0>>Hi, liiitle diaper..^Ek^..hahehe...diaper... <</SisDialog>>
She is drunk as shit!
<<media "Data/Characters/Sis/bed1.jpg" "just">>
<<SisDialog "happy" 0>>Can you imaghinne?. I stood like this and he was like that once two three behind andd ^ek^ I didn’t understand, and then I felt something wet ehh ^ek<</SisDialog>>
She stood up abruptly and turned around almost falling
<<media "Data/Characters/Sis/room.jpg" "just">>
<<SisDialog "happy" 0>>Look carefully, I don't have any stain here?<</SisDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>No, you don't<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Sis/ass14.jpg" "just">>
<<SisDialog "happy" 0>>And here?<</SisDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>...no<</PlayerDialog>>
<<SisDialog "happy" 0>>Thank you! If everything is fine, then I'll go to bed. ^Ek^ Goooood night, little diaper...hehehe..diaper..^EK^!<</SisDialog>>
What a cutie! Alcohol is sometimes a really nice thing. The only question is - does he intoxicate or reveals a real personality?
<<if $Sis.Cor < 12>>\
I didn’t spend much time, I still have time to sleep!
@@color:magenta;Anya's corruption doesn't change because she will forget everything in the morning.@@
<<button [[Have some fun|DrunkSis2]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Back to My room|HProom]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/room4.jpg" "place">>
Sister's room.
<<media "Data/Characters/Sis/ass14.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Wait, I don't really see it that way. Show me more<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Sis/room3.jpg" "just">>
<<SisDialog "happy" 0>>^Ek^ Like this?<</SisDialog>>
What a view! Actually, I still did not understand what I should see here, but let's continue.
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Turn around<</PlayerDialog>>
She obediently, but swaying, turns around.
<<media "Data/Characters/Sis/room2.jpg" "just">>
<<SisDialog "happy" 0>>^Ek^ Liitle, cutie! Where are you staring at?<</SisDialog>>
Of fuck, don't tell me she was partying dressed like that! However, how cute she is now! I just have no words!
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>And how many people used you today?<</PlayerDialog>>
All that was left of her recent drunken expression was a slight mist in her eyes.
<<SisDialog "serious">>Oh, how could you think that of me?! Although on the other hand, I have such a depraved body...<</SisDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>I'm sorry, I didn't mean to offend you<</PlayerDialog>>
..when you're in this state.
<<SisDialog "serious">>But you are right... Look!...I have a great body<</SisDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Sis/room4.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Umm..<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Sis/room7.jpg" "just">>
<<SisDialog "serious">>See? I'm clean. I would never be touched by these...^Ek^...<</SisDialog>>
...insects. Someday we'll fix your haughtiness.
<<if $P.Gender == "f">>\
I can't do more in this body anyway, I'll have to go to bed.
<<UpdateArousal "+10">>
<<if $Sis.Cor < 40>>\
She passed out. I don't think I'll take advantage of the situation just yet. What if she remembers something, and what to do then?
<<UpdateArousal "+10">>
<<SisDialog "serious">>Do me something nice and relaxing... you miserable insect<</SisDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Sis/room6.jpg" "just">>
Ugh, bitch, now I can't see my way back. Get ready!
<<media "Data/Characters/Sis/gif/f44.mp4">>
<<SisDialog "horny" 1>>I wanted to not... ah... okay, go ooon..<</SisDialog>>
Damn, she really is like a piece of meat now, she can barely move.
<<UpdateArousal "0">>
@@color:magenta;Anya's corruption doesn't change because she will forget almost everything in the morning.@@
<<set $P.Money -=5>>\
@@color:red; You won't get enough sleep tonight, so you're tomorrow's expenses are increased by extra $5.@@
<<button [[Back to my room|HWakeUp]]>><<newday>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/ap.jpeg" "place">>
You spend time cleaning rooms, dusting, washing dishes.
However, you feel a constant stimulating airflow from under the skirt. And also from time to time you notice obscene looks from your father.
<<set _r = random (1,3)>>\
<<switch _r>>\
<<case 1>><<media "Data/Characters/Dad/Maid/maid.mp4">>
<<case 2>><<media "Data/Characters/Dad/Maid/maid7.mp4">>
<<case 3>><<media "Data/Characters/Dad/Maid/maid14.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>I finished cleaning!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<DadDialog>>Good job, dear<</DadDialog>>
<<set $P.Money += 35>>\
@@color:lime;For your honest work you get 40 $.@@
<<UpdateArousal "+25">>
<<button [[Finish cleaning and change|HApart]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<RE [[LeviHouseWork]]>>
<<RE [[_HouseWork]]>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
type: "goto",
<<media "Data/Locations/ap.jpeg" "place">>
You spend time cleaning rooms, dusting, washing dishes.
<<set _r = random (1,5)>>\
<<switch _r>>\
<<case 1>><<media "Data/Characters/P/Housework/1.gif" "gif">>
<<case 2>><<media "Data/Characters/P/Housework/2.gif" "gif">>
<<case 3>><<media "Data/Characters/P/Housework/3.gif" "gif">>
<<case 4>><<media "Data/Characters/P/Housework/4.gif" "gif">>
<<case 5>><<media "Data/Characters/P/Housework/5.gif" "gif">>
<<if $CurrentDayOfWeek < 5>>\
@@color:lime;For your honest work you get 25 $.@@
<<button [[Finish cleaning|HApart]]>><<set $P.Money = $P.Money + 25>><<movetime>><</button>>
@@color:lime;For your honest work you get 50 $.@@
<<button [[Finish cleaning|WeekendEvening]]>><<set $CurrentDayTime = 4>><<set $P.Money = $P.Money + 50>><</button>>
<</if>>\<<media "Data/Locations/room5.jpg" "place">>
Parents room.
<<DadDialog>>More? You know that if you want to get more, you have to give more<</DadDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>I agree<</PlayerDialog>>
<<DadDialog>>I haven't even suggested anything yet! Haha. You should be careful with agreements. Let's think. How about it?<</DadDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Dad/maidoutfit.webp" "just">>
<<DadDialog>>Do housework wearing it and you'll get 35$ instead of 25$. Maybe I'll also give stockings in addition<</DadDialog>>
Damn, that's very tempting. I just have to wear it, right? wait..
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>But I don't see underwear here!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<DadDialog>>Remember, if you want to get some, you have to give some<</DadDialog>>
Damn Dad!
What to do?
<<if $P.Arousal > 60>>\
Although, come to think of it, I've always wanted to watch the maid clean up. And what is it like to be her? Sounds hot...
<<button [[Wear it|HouseMaid]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Wear it|HouseMaid]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Refuse|HApart]]>><</button>>
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 100,
filter: `$LeviArrival === true and $LeviHere === true and $P.Gender === "f" and $P.PervertedPoints >= 20 and $Levi.Gender === "m"`,
tags: ["Home", "Levi", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Home", "Morning"], isSeparate: true },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Home", "Afternoon"], isSeparate: true },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Home", "Daily"], isSeparate: true },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Levi", "Morning"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Levi", "Afternoon"] },
<<media "Data/Locations/ap.jpeg" "place">>
Apartments.<<set $LeviHere = false>>
<<LeviDialog>>Hey, Nikita! Cleaning up?<</LeviDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Yes, on behalf of our father. I'm almost done.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<LeviDialog>>Can you help me? I think my phone fell behind the bed. Stuck there between the boards. My hand won't get through, but yours will definitely slip in! Can you get it out? I'll give you 30$ for this!<</LeviDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Wait, wait! I've seen it in the....movies!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<LeviDialog>>Hie-hie! Well, you're not stupid enough to get stuck under an ordinary bed, are you?<</LeviDialog>>
Levi will definitely take advantage of this situation...
<<if $P.PervertedPoints >= 40>>\
Although this is an ordinary bed! Hehe!
<<button [[Help him|LeviHouseWork1]]>><</button>>
<<if $CurrentDayOfWeek < 5>>\
@@color:lime;For your honest work you get 25 $.@@
<<button [[Just finish cleaning up (ignore him)|HApart]]>><<set $P.Money = $P.Money + 25>><<movetime>><</button>>
@@color:lime;For your honest work you get 50 $.@@
<<button [[Just finish cleaning up (ignore him)|WeekendEvening]]>><<set $CurrentDayTime = 4>><<set $P.Money = $P.Money + 50>><</button>>
<</if>>\<<media "Data/Locations/ap.jpeg" "place">>
<<LeviDialog>>You have such a sexy ass from this angle!<</LeviDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Shut up, it's between the bars. Just wait, I almost got it.<</PlayerDialog>>
I pushed my hand sideways, the bars bent a little and my hand began to reach the phone. But when I pulled my hand back....
These bars do not bend in the opposite direction!...
Am I really...
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>...STUCK?!?!<</PlayerDialog>>
Fuck, did I say that out loud?!
<<LeviDialog>>Hie-hie! It's not good to pretend to be stuck under an ordinary bed! This bad ass will be punished for such an obvious lie!<</LeviDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>S...St....Im..n....n-not....AAAHH!!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Levi/stuck.mp4">>
<<if $P.PervertedPoints < 200>>\
Well... in the end he at least apologized....and helped to get out....
<<LeviDialog>>Hey! Still don't want to come out? Are you really stuck in there?<</LeviDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>...<</PlayerDialog>>
In fact from all these shuddering orgasms I managed to free my stuck hand, but...then...why am I not...?
<<LeviDialog>>Hie-hie-hie...Then we'll try another way to get you out. I'll try to hook you from under there and pull you out.<</LeviDialog>>
What do you want to hook me up wiiiii--....!?
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Levi/stuck8.mp4">>
<<LeviDialog>>How's that? Does it work?<</LeviDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>Y-yyessss...but...looks like I'm stuck deeper than I thought, so do it...some more!..<</PlayerDialog>>
I tried to make a victim's face after climbing out, but judging by Levi's sly grin and laughter I...didn't have the expression I wanted on my face....
<<UpdatePervertion "+1">>
<<UpdateArousal "0">>
<<if $CurrentDayOfWeek <5>>
@@color:lime;For your honest work you get 25$ and 30$ from Levi!@@
<<button [[Finish cleaning|HApart]]>><<UpdateMoney "+55">><<movetime>><</button>>
@@color:lime;For your honest work you get 50$ and 30$ from Levi!.@@
<<button [[Finish cleaning|WeekendEvening]]>><<set $CurrentDayTime = 4>><<UpdateMoney "+80">><</button>>
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 10,
filter: `$Sis.TabletLvl > 1`,
tags: ["Home", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Home", "Evening"], isSeparate: true },
<<media "Data/Locations/ap.jpeg" "place">>
Apartments.<<set $RandomEventTime = false>>
<<DadDialog>>Hey, I was just asking how you're doing...<</DadDialog>>
<<SisDialog "angry" 1>>Fuck you, motherfucker! You old drunkard!<</SisDialog>>
It's time to restore justice!
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Excuse me, Dad, did you see that Japanese woman in the figure skating championship final? <</PlayerDialog>>
<<DadDialog>>Ugh? Of course I did! How could I have missed it, but why did you say that?<</DadDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Just remembered. I still just can't forget that magnificent @@color:magenta;"jiggles"@@<</PlayerDialog>>
<<SisDialog "angry" 1>>You....just...<</SisDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Sis/gif/te8.mp4">>
<<DadDialog>>Anya? Are you okay?<</DadDialog>>
<<SisDialog "serious">>\
Yeeah...my legs are just stiff...
(whisper) I'll kill you!
<<UpdateArousal "+10">>
<<button [[Back in action|HApart]]>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$P.Gender === "f" and $CarolInvited === false and $DayCount > 39 and $LeviArrival === false`,
tags: ["Home", "Levi", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Home", "Morning"], isSeparate: true },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Levi", "Morning"] },
<<REDisable [[LeviArrivalEvent]]>>\
<<set $LeviArrival = true>>\
<<media "Data/Locations/ap.jpeg" "place">>
When I got to the living room I saw my father smiling and waving his arms.
<<DadDialog>>Hey, family. Everybody over here. I have something to tell and show you all<</DadDialog>>
After a while, the rest of our tight-knit family gathered.
<<SisDialog "angry" 1>>Damn daddy catch a DTs again?<</SisDialog>>
<<MomDialog "arrogant">>I hope you have a good reason for calling us all that<</MomDialog>>
<<DadDialog>>Hey, I didn't let myself drink more than half a bottle of whiskey this morning. Of course I have a reason!<</DadDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Dad, don't keep us waiting. What happened?<</PlayerDialog>>
He smiled again as he looked around us.
<<DadDialog>>I have news that will make you all happy. Come in! <</DadDialog>>
<<button [[The front door has opened|LeviArrivalEvent1]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/ap.jpeg" "place">>
<<SisDialog "serious">>NO, PLEASE<</SisDialog>>
<<MomDialog "arrogant">>Oh, God!<</MomDialog>>
<<DadDialog>>Haha, I didn't believe it at first either, but he came back!<</DadDialog>>
And he entered.
<<media "Data/Characters/Levi/M/2.webp" "just">>
<<LeviDialog>>Hello there! Glad to see you all! Hie-hie!<</LeviDialog>>
I think it's worth some clarification as to what kind of person this is. A long time ago we breathed a sigh of relief because he managed to get into an elite college on the outskirts of town, and he moved in with relatives. I suppose the only reason he hasn't been back all this time is that the in-laws are hardly ever home, so they had no trouble tolerating his presence.
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Why did you come back?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<LeviDialog>>Isn't it obvious? I graduated from college, went to university. Moreover, now I'm doing an important scientific project, my friends and I, with the help of the university, managed to set up a good laboratory not far from here, so I'll often disappear there<</LeviDialog>>
Friends? Yeah...I'm sure he has a lot of friends.
<<DadDialog>>However, despite having some laboratory, my son will not live there, now he will be with us. Here. Nikita, you will help him clean up the mess in that room, until then he will stay with you<</DadDialog>>
<<LeviDialog>>Take care of me, oniichan<</LeviDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>What?! Dad!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<SisDialog "happy" 1>>Hahahahahah<</SisDialog>>
<<DadDialog>>I've said everything I've got to say! Finally the whole family is here, we should celebrate, I'm going to finish my whiskey<</DadDialog>>
<<button [[Dad left|LeviArrivalEvent2]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/room3.jpg" "place">>
My room.<<set $P.Loc = 1>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Fuck off, Levi. You're in my room, so it's going to be my way, okay?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<LeviDialog>>Or what? Will you punish me? I'm ready, I've been such a bad boy!<</LeviDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>All your muscles are gathered in your filthy tongue, you won't lay a finger on me. Not now, not later<</PlayerDialog>>
<<LeviDialog>>Would you mind if I touched you where all my muscles are? Hiehiehie. Okay, I think I figured out why I don't remember my dirty jokes eventually leading to any results. Although a lot has changed now<</LeviDialog>>
Anyway, I have to move him to another room, otherwise he will take up a lot of my time, piss me off, disturb my sleep, and a lot more.
<<LeviDialog>>Okay, I have to go, see you later<</LeviDialog>>
<<button [[He left|HApart]]>><<set $FT = 4>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/ap.jpeg" "place">>
Apartments.<<set $P.Loc = 1>>
My little brother has always been...weird. He's smart to the point where intelligence already borders on insanity. But it's not about what he looks like or what he does...
<<LeviDialog>>Wow, Mommy! Hie-hie-hie! Your boobs look like the juicy melons uncle Ahmed used to sell near the college! <</LeviDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Mom/dress.jpg" "just">>
Fuck, it was stupid to think he would change.
<<if $Mom.TabletLvl > 0>>\
Olga looks at me sideways. After all, at my command she is here playing the lecherous bitch, but now she does not understand how to react. Nodding to her would mean that she should maintain the image. Should I see his words as a claim on my territory, or as an extra opportunity to have some fun?
<<button [[Nod|LeviArrivalEvent3]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Don't nod|LeviArrivalEvent4]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Don't interfere|LeviArrivalEvent4]]>><</button>>
<</if>>\<<media "Data/Locations/ap.jpeg" "place">>
Apartments.<<set $P.Loc = 1>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Mom/dress.jpg" "just">>
After standing silent for a few more seconds, Olga finally answered.
<<MomDialog "happy">>Is that a compliment? I'm glad you like them!<</MomDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Mom/dress1.jpg" "just">>
<<LeviDialog>>God heard my prayers, you didn't even yell at me<</LeviDialog>>
<<MomDialog "happy">>What's the point of me yelling at you for thinking I'm beautiful and sexy?<</MomDialog>>
<<if $Mom.TabletLvl > 1>>\
<<LeviDialog>>Am I in heaven? Hie-hie! Mom, you're acting like a slut!<</LeviDialog>>
Oooh, he got it right on that one.
<<MomDialog "happy">>Really? I think you say that in a good way. I love compliments. You don't have to be shy about telling me what's on your mind<</MomDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Mom/dress1.jpg" "just">>
<<LeviDialog>>You know, sometimes I would buy a big, long cucumber from the shop across the street and then clamp it right in the middle of the street and move it and sometimes slap it between the melons at uncle Ahmed's shop, imagining it was your huge tits instead of melons and that it wasn't a cucumber at all!<</LeviDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Mom/dress3.jpg" "just">>
Damn. She loved it.
<<MomDialog "happy">>Children, I have to go. Nikita, take care of your brother<</MomDialog>>
It seems to have been something new...
<<button [[She left|LeviArrivalEvent5]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/ap.jpeg" "place">>
Apartments.<<set $P.Loc = 1>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Mom/dress.jpg" "just">>
<<MomDialog "arrogant">>Wouldn't you rather wash your filthy mouth with soap and water and then shove your uncle Ahmed's melons in it so it never opens again? I think that's a great idea<</MomDialog>>
But his gaze was strictly on Olga's huge tits.
<<LeviDialog>>I'd put a couple of melons in my mouth, but not from uncle Ahmed. Other melons....Hie-hie-hie!<</LeviDialog>>
<<MomDialog "arrogant">>Grrr..!I have to go.<</MomDialog>>
It seems to have always been that way...
<<button [[She left|LeviArrivalEvent5]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/ap.jpeg" "place">>
Apartments.<<set $P.Loc = 1>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Sis/strip.jpg" "just">>
<<if $Mom.TabletLvl > 0>>\
<<SisDialog "angry" 1>>Nikita, did you do something to Olga, too? She would never...<</SisDialog>>
<<SisDialog "angry" 1>>God, you're disgusting! You're worse than an insect!<</SisDialog>>
<<LeviDialog>>Hie-hie-hie! Anya, you're still as rude as ever, but I missed you. If you asked me to lick your armpits, I would definitely agree!<</LeviDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Sis/strip1.jpg" "just">>
<<SisDialog "angry" 1>>Ewww, God! Now there's two of them! <</SisDialog>>
I think it's obvious that some of the hatred from the girls is only directed at me because I am this man's sibling. We are both the sons of our father, so unfortunately he is much more related to me than my older sister, who is not my real mother's daughter.
<<if $Sis.TabletLvl > 1>>\
<<LeviDialog>>Hie-hie! It's not really a joke, but I just got here, so it's enough for me if you turn around and show me your huge nuts as they grew while I was gone<</LeviDialog>>
He's just arrived, and he's already so shabby. This guy thinks about sex 24 hours a day (if he's awake) and says straight out what he thinks. At first we thought it was a teenage thing and it would go away, but it seems to have gotten worse... However, he's right, "nuts" is her main advantage. Anya won't be thrilled, but I can help Levi a little...in honor of the arrival. If I want to, of course.
<<button [[Help Levi|LeviArrivalEvent6]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Don't help|LeviArrivalEvent7]]>><</button>>
She tried to change the location as quickly as possible, getting away from this man.
<<button [[She left|LeviArrivalEvent7]]>><</button>>
<</if>>\<<media "Data/Locations/ap.jpeg" "place">>
Apartments.<<set $P.Loc = 1>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Sis/strip1.jpg" "just">>
I looked cautiously at Anya and let her know with a silent movement of my lips that she was one step away from starting to undress right there. In response, I received a judgmental look, a few seconds of thought, and a heavy sigh.
<<media "Data/Characters/Sis/strip3.jpg" "just">>
<<LeviDialog>>Wow, I thought you were going to hit me like you did before! So many things have changed! Wait, I'll try to imagine you standing there now without your shorts.<</LeviDialog>>
<<SisDialog "serious">>This might be more comfortable for you<</SisDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Sis/strip2.jpg" "just">>
<<LeviDialog>>I think I just ejaculated a little bit. I didn't expect to look like that! I knew you were a pervert! How glad I am to be back!<</LeviDialog>>
It is worth noting that here he is right. She bent over of her own free will, though now she probably convinces herself otherwise. The truth is, she's really starting to like it.
<<SisDialog "serious">>That's enough spectacle for today, I have other things to do<</SisDialog>>
<<button [[She left|LeviArrivalEvent7]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/ap.jpeg" "place">>
Apartments.<<set $P.Loc = 1>>
I understand that it's sad, but I really haven't been able to find common ground with any of my relatives until recently. Levi was always smarter and more talented than me, always showing the real himself without hiding what was on his mind. I was even a little jealous of him. Little motherfuckin' genius. But now I have the power. Maybe I could make contact with him...
<<LeviDialog>>I haven't seen you in a while either, how are you doing? How often do you masturbate?<</LeviDialog>>
...or not.
<<PlayerDialog "disgust">>Please, shut up!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<button [[Get him in my room|LeviArrivalEvent8]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/room3.jpg" "place">>
My room.<<set $P.Loc = 1>>
<<LeviDialog>>Your quarters are fine, haha! It's a good thing you have two beds, because sometimes at night I can get confused and accidentally cum. It would be rude to splash you with cum if you don't ask for it. By the way, speaking of sperm...<</LeviDialog>>
This is bad. I see several problems in his presence, the main one being that Carol and I are fucking switching bodies and now I'm in her body!
<<LeviDialog>>You probably noticed that I don't try to control my lust for girls, it helps me think more soberly. However, you've always been a busty bitch, but I don't remember any dirty tricks on my part or me putting my dick in your hand while you were sleeping. That didn't happen. Don't you find that strange?<</LeviDialog>>
Hell, I'm sure Jimmy is just as smart as Levi, but Jimmy couldn't figure it out without a clue. I wonder if a man can figure it out on his own. If so, I'm totally screwed.
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Um, maybe you forgot, you harassed me too...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<LeviDialog>>I have an eidetic memory, I can't forget<</LeviDialog>>
He smiled.
<<LeviDialog>>Well..hie-hie...then why don't you let me remember exactly how I molested you?<</LeviDialog>>
Goddamn, that pervert!
<<button [[Let him|LeviArrivalEvent9]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Tell him to fuck off|LeviArrivalEvent10]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/room3.jpg" "place">>
My room.<<set $P.Loc = 1>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>You're a goddamn pervert! Remember? I've told you that many times. If you promise to come here less often, I'll let you touch me this time...<</PlayerDialog>>
Why am I so worried?
<<LeviDialog>>You've really said it many times, but apparently you've changed for the better during my absence...for me....hie-hie<</LeviDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Levi/tits21.webp" "gif">>
<<LeviDialog>>Fuck, they're so soft! Have I really been missing out on such a great feeling all this time?<</LeviDialog>>
Damn, it feels like it's not the first time he's done this...
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>What about your promise?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<LeviDialog>>Like I said, I have a lot of work in the lab with a project for the university, so I'll be there a lot, but after today, I just can't not come here! It's a house full of whores! It's a beautiful place! Hiehiehiehiehiehiehiehiehiehiehiehie!<</LeviDialog>>
I have to move him to another room, otherwise he will take up a lot of my time, piss me off, disturb my sleep, and a lot more.
<<LeviDialog>>Okay, I have to go, see you later<</LeviDialog>>
<<UpdateArousal "+25">>
<<UpdateCorruption "+1">>
<<UpdateSubDom "-1">>
<<UpdatePervertion "+1">>
<<button [[He left|HApart]]>><<set $FT = 4>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 25,
filter: `$Mom.TabletLvl > 0`,
tags: ["Home", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Home", "Morning"], isSeparate: true },
<<media "Data/Locations/ap.jpeg" "place">>
<<MomDialog "arrogant">>Nikita, can you help me a little bit? At an audition, I want to make an impression at first sight, so I need an independent view <</MomDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Do you want my evaluation? Hmmm<</PlayerDialog>>
I like the ideas that have started to come into her head. Should I help her?
<<switch $Mom.TabletLvl>>\
<<case 1>><<button [[Help her|MomEnterTraining1]]>><</button>>
<<case 2>><<button [[Help her|MomEnterTrainingLvl2]]>><</button>>
<<button [[I'm busy now|HApart]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/ap.jpeg" "place">>
<<MomDialog "arrogant">>So, I go in and make a stop to create an impression. What do you think?<</MomDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Mom/bo6.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>It looks pretty good. But I think you look a little stiff. Try to look more confident.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MomDialog "arrogant">>What? How?<</MomDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Relax, lean on the table. You have to show that you are completely confident in yourself and your talent.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MomDialog "arrogant">>It makes sense.<</MomDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Mom/bo7.jpg" "just">>
<<MomDialog "arrogant">>How is it now?<</MomDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Wonderful! You just need to understand your strengths and emphasize them.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MomDialog "happy">>Thank you! I'll think about it.<</MomDialog>>
I'm sure it will help her.
<<button [[Back in action|HApart]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/ap.jpeg" "place">>
<<MomDialog "serious">>I'll start with a confident pose that has already proven to be effective <</MomDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Come on<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MomDialog "arrogant">>I go in and immediately create an impression, show my confidence<</MomDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Mom/bo7.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Great! How about getting their attention...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Mom/te9.jpg" "just">>
<<MomDialog "horny" 1>>Like that?<</MomDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Um... not bad. But you have to figure out how to show your intentions right away and point out your advantages right away. That's what will create the impression.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MomDialog "arrogant">>I think I got it. I could try adding femininity. Just a minute.<</MomDialog>>
She went out and came back... in a minute.
<<MomDialog "horny" 1>>Good afternoon. I am here to audition. I have a lot of experience in the industry, so you can use my talent as you see fit.<</MomDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Mom/te10.jpg" "just">>
I'm speechless.
<<MomDialog "happy">>Judging by your spellbound look I made sure it was a great option. Thank you, sweet<</MomDialog>>
She left.
Fuck. I hope she doesn't use that "option" on the actual audition.
<<if $BlackArrival === false and $BlackArrivalTimer === 7>>\
<<set $BlackArrival = true>>\
<<UpdateMomCorruption "+4">>
<<UpdateArousal "+20">>
<<UpdateSubDom "+1">>
<<button [[Back in action|HApart]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 10,
filter: `$Mom.TabletLvl < 2`,
tags: ["Home", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Home", "Evening"], isSeparate: true },
<<media "Data/Locations/ap.jpeg" "place">>
Apartments.<<set $RandomEventTime = false>>
<<set _r = random (0,1)>>\
<<switch _r>>\
<<case 0>><<media "Data/Characters/Mom/gif/te34.mp4">>
<<case 1>><<media "Data/Characters/Mom/gif/te25.mp4">>
Damn, what a gorgeous figure she has, just look at those legs!
She came in from another audition. She wasn't very happy with the result, so it's not the best idea to bother her right now.
<<UpdateArousal "+10">>
<<button [[Back in action|HApart]]>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 20,
filter: `$Sis.TabletLvl === 2`,
tags: ["Home", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Home", "Morning"], isSeparate: true },
<<media "Data/Locations/room4.jpg" "place">>
Sister's room.
<<SisDialog "angry" 1>>Still, I don't understand how you do it, but there definitely has to be an answer! It can't just be a word!<</SisDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>I think you've already convinced yourself many times that it's not<</PlayerDialog>>
<<SisDialog "angry" 1>>So? Okay, I've been very clear today about what I eat, drink, what I look at and what concerns me. And at night I put the door in such a position that I could make sure in the morning that no one came into my room at night. Come on and say it!<</SisDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Oof... @@color:magenta;"Jiggle"@@?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<SisDialog "horny" 0>>Ah..No! My ass is like on fire! I want to take it off so much! WHYY<</SisDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Sis/gif/te19.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Convinced?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<SisDialog "horny" 1>>Shit, if I'm moving it and you're watching, I feel so much better...it feels good<</SisDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Sis/gif/te20.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Feels good?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<SisDialog "angry" 1>>NO! It doesn't! There has to be some kind of answer here anyway!<</SisDialog>>
I'm lucky, she'll look, but not in the right places. Actually, I wouldn't have believed in such a drug myself...
...if I hadn't created it and used it.
<<UpdateArousal "+10">>
<<button [[Back in action|HApart]]>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 50,
filter: `$LeviArrival === true and $LeviHere === true and $Levi.Gender === "m"`,
tags: ["Home", "Levi", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Home", "Afternoon"], isSeparate: true },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Levi", "Afternoon"] },
<<media "Data/Locations/room4.jpg" "place">>
Sister's room.<<set $LeviHere = false>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Hey, An...WHt the fuck?!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<LeviDialog>>Look, it's a favorite doll from Anya's childhood! I've rearranged her a little bit for me, but now even I have fun playing with her!<</LeviDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Levi/M/gif/cock30.webp" "gif">>
<<if $P.Gender == "m">>\
<<PlayerDialog "disgust">>You sick bastard.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<UpdateArousal "+20">>
<<UpdatePervertion "+1">>
<<button [[Go back|HApart]]>><</button>>
<<if $P.PervertedPoints < 250>>\
I really wouldn't want to be here instead of this toy...it's awful, right? Damn, why do I even think about it?
<<UpdateArousal "+20">>
<<UpdatePervertion "+1">>
<<button [[Go back|HApart]]>><</button>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Leave the poor doll alone!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<LeviDialog>>I'm not satisfied yet! But if you feel sorry for her, you can take her place! <</LeviDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>I...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<UpdateArousal "+20">>
<<UpdatePervertion "+1">>
<<if $P.Cor >= 70>>\
<<button [[Take its place|LeviCocktoySisRoom1]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Just go back|HApart]]>><</button>>
<</if>>\<<media "Data/Locations/room4.jpg" "place">>
Sister's room.<<set $LeviHere = false>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>Do we have to do this right here?!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Levi/fuck529.mp4">>
<<LeviDialog>>Doesn't it excite you to do it in our sister's room?<</LeviDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>Aaah...I...I just wanted you to leave that doll alone!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<LeviDialog>>Now I have a better sex doll! Hie-hie-hie! And sex dolls don't talk! <</LeviDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>Mmm...~giggle~<</PlayerDialog>>
<<UpdateArousal "0">>
<<UpdatePervertion "+1">>
<<button [[Go back|HApart]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 50,
filter: `$Sis.TabletLvl === 2 and $LeviArrival === true and $LeviHere === true and $P.PervertedPoints >= 10 and $Levi.Gender === "m"`,
tags: ["Home", "Levi", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Home", "Morning"], isSeparate: true },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Levi", "Morning"] },
<<media "Data/Locations/room4.jpg" "place">>
Sister's room.<<set $LeviHere = false>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Hey, An...What the fuck?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<LeviDialog>>Oh, Hi, Nikita!<</LeviDialog>>
<<SisDialog "angry" 1>>Shut up and don't ask me anything, I'm trying to sit still and not kill anyone!<</SisDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Sis/gif/te10.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Why...hem?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<LeviDialog>>Why are the two of us here, and why is she dressed like that? Hiee-hiee. It really is a strange situation!<</LeviDialog>>
<<SisDialog "angry" 1>>Your damn brother asked me to pose for him for a drawing, and I'll get 200 bucks for it, so you get the fuck out of here and you get the picture done, fucking insects!<</SisDialog>>
200?! For picture? Levi is either insane to spend that kind of money on such short-term foolishness, or he really has the money.
<<button [[Go back|HApart]]>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 30,
filter: `$Sis.TabletLvl > 0`,
tags: ["Home", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Home", "Morning"], isSeparate: true },
<<media "Data/Locations/room4.jpg" "place">>
Sister's room.<<set $RandomEventTime = false>>
<<if $Sis.TabletLvl < 2>>\
<<media "Data/Characters/Sis/mirror.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Wow<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Sis/mirror1.jpg" "just">>
<<SisDialog "angry" 1>>Hey, what are you doing here?!<</SisDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Oh, I guess I just forgot where I was going and got lost<</PlayerDialog>>
I'd forget anything for a view like that.
<<media "Data/Characters/Sis/mirror2.jpg" "just">>
<<SisDialog "angry" 1>>Are you still here? Get out already<</SisDialog>>
<<button [[Ask her to do something horny|MagicMirror1]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Back to living room|HApart]]>><</button>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Sis/mirror6.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Having fun again?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Sis/mirror1.jpg" "just">>
<<SisDialog "angry" 1>>You...!<</SisDialog>>
<<button [[Have fun with her|MagicMirror3]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Back to living room|HApart]]>><</button>>
<</if>>\<<media "Data/Locations/room4.jpg" "place">>
Sister's room.<<set $RandomEventTime = false>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Sis/mirror5.jpg" "just">>
<<SisDialog "angry" 1>>You crazy or what?!<</SisDialog>>
Is there anything I can do to convince her?
<<if $P.Money > 14>>\
<<button [[I pay you 15 $|MagicMirror2]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Back to living room|HApart]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/room4.jpg" "place">>
Sister's room.<<set $RandomEventTime = false>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Sis/mirror3.jpg" "just">>
<<SisDialog "angry" 1>>And what do you want to hear? How do I view my gorgeous juicy body in the morning? I reflect on how jealous I am of others<</SisDialog>>
That's why you have zero friends...
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>You know, they say it's so much nicer to give than to receive. And who are you going to give this body to?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Sis/mirror4.jpg" "just">>
<<SisDialog "angry" 1>>Me?! Never in my life! Give me 15 bucks and get out of here, asshole.<</SisDialog>>
<<set $Sis.Cor += 4>>\
@@color:magenta;Anya's corruption has increased by 4.@@
<<UpdateArousal "+10">>
<<UpdateSubDom "+1">>
<<button [[Back to living room|HApart]]>>
<<set $P.Money -=15>>
<</button>><<media "Data/Locations/room4.jpg" "place">>
Sister's room.<<set $RandomEventTime = false>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>It seems pretty narcissistic when you enjoy your body all by yourself like that, don't you think?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Sis/mirror4.jpg" "just">>
<<SisDialog "angry" 1>>You're not supposed to be here! And in general! I consider it absolutely normal to enjoy...<</SisDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Sis/mirror3.jpg" "just">>
<<SisDialog "angry" 1>>...THAT body.<</SisDialog>>
In that case it will be enjoyed together!
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>I would have appreciated your shapes, too. How about making some @@color:magenta;"Jiggles"@@?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<SisDialog "angry" 1>>...<</SisDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Sis/mirror7.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Sis/mirror8.jpg" "just">>
<<SisDialog "serious">>You burst into my room, and now I'm standing here in my underwear with my tits bare, like some kind of whore, and you're just devouring me with your gaze. If you've seen enough, get out of here, a-asshole..<</SisDialog>>
Her voice trembles, and her right hand cradles her leg. Knowing her, I could have sworn that even though she's ashamed, she likes it and has gathered all her will not to show it.
I study psychology for a reason!
<<set $Sis.Cor += 4>>\
@@color:magenta;Anya's corruption has increased by 4.@@
<<UpdateArousal "+30">>
<<UpdateSubDom "+1">>
<<button [[Back to living room|HApart]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 40,
filter: `$Sis.TabletLvl === 1`,
tags: ["Home", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Home", "Morning"], isSeparate: true },
<<media "Data/Locations/room4.jpg" "place">>
Sister's room.
<<media "Data/Characters/Sis/room9.jpg" "just">>
<<SisDialog "angry" 1>>You did not confuse anything? You are not supposed to be here. Get the fuck out<</SisDialog>>
<<button [[Make some fun|SisRoomLvl1Time]]>><<movetime>><</button>>
<<button [[Back to living room|HApart]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/room4.jpg" "place">>
Sister's room.
<<media "Data/Characters/Sis/room9.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Anya, Help me. I had a prophetic dream, it was said that I could see the future. But for this I need inspiration<</PlayerDialog>>
<<SisDialog "angry" 1>>And?<</SisDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Turn around<</PlayerDialog>>
<<SisDialog "angry" 1>>Are you fucking...<</SisDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Pleeease, don't make me say @@color:magenta;"JIGGLE"@@<</PlayerDialog>>
<<SisDialog "angry" 1>>Ahh..I hope you leave immediately!<</SisDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Sis/room10.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>How do you feel under those adoring gazes?<</PlayerDialog>>
She smiled slightly.
<<media "Data/Characters/Sis/room11.jpg" "just">>
<<SisDialog "serious">>My body has always attracted insects like you. You just can't look at me calmly and not imagine all sorts of vulgarities<</SisDialog>>
<<set $Sis.Cor += 4>>\
@@color:magenta;Anya's corruption has increased by 4.@@
<<UpdateArousal "+10">>
<<UpdateSubDom "+1">>
<<button [[Back to living room|HApart]]>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 35,
filter: `$Sis.TabletLvl === 2`,
tags: ["Home", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Home", "Morning"], isSeparate: true },
<<media "Data/Locations/room4.jpg" "place">>
Sister's room.
<<media "Data/Characters/Sis/room9.jpg" "just">>
<<SisDialog "angry" 1>>What are you doing here again? Get the fuck out!<</SisDialog>>
<<button [[Make some fun|SisRoomLvl2Time]]>><<movetime>><</button>>
<<button [[Back to living room|HApart]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/room4.jpg" "place">>
Sister's room.
<<media "Data/Characters/Sis/room9.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Anya, Help me. I..<</PlayerDialog>>
<<SisDialog "angry" 1>>Say no more! It's all your stupid drug! I'm paying attention this time, you can't give it to me! I can't believe you say one word and something strange starts happening to me!<</SisDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>You're not stupid, you should have figured out how it works a long time ago, right? <</PlayerDialog>>
<<SisDialog "angry" 1>>This is all happening when you say "Jiggle", but it's not true! You set it up, it just can't be! Can't be!<</SisDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>What if I say @@color:magenta;"JIGGLE"@@<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Sis/room12.jpg" "just">>
<<SisDialog "angry" 1>>No...no..It can't be! I can't...<</SisDialog>>
<<SisDialog "horny" 1>>...want to show you my breasts!<</SisDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Sis/room13.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>See?<</PlayerDialog>>
That smile! Soon you will be addicted..
<<media "Data/Characters/Sis/room14.jpg" "just">>
<<SisDialog "angry" 1>>This is some kind of mistake! I'll see what the trick is, you fucking moron, insect, imbecile!<</SisDialog>>
She tells me all this while showing me her tits...for free...
it's such a turn-on.
<<set $Sis.Cor += 4>>\
@@color:magenta;Anya's corruption has increased by 4.@@
<<UpdateArousal "+30">>
<<UpdateSubDom "+1">>
<<button [[Back to living room|HApart]]>><</button>><<RE [[LeviSisRoom]]>>
<<RE [[LeviCocktoySisRoom]]>>
<<RE [[DrugFinder]]>>
<<RE [[MagicMirror]]>>
<<RE [[SisRoomLvl1]]>>
<<RE [[SisRoomLvl2]]>>
<<RE [[_SisRoom]]>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
type: "goto",
<<media "Data/Locations/room4.jpg" "place">>
Sister's room.
<<media "Data/Locations/closed.jpg" "just">>
It's closed. Ehh, I have nothing to do here now.
<<button [[Back to living room|HApart]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Characters/npc/magicballpreview.webp" "just">>
<<switch $FT>>\
<<case 0>>\
<<MagicballDialog>>It's time to talk to Jimmy about what happened. He's your friend. He'll definitely appreciate it. You'll find him in his room in dorm in afternoon or evening.<</MagicballDialog>>
<<case 1>>\
<<MagicballDialog>>Jimmy did his research. He's taken an interest in you. Purely scientific interest. You'll find him in his room in dorm in the afternoon or evening.<</MagicballDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>There's something you're not telling me.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MagicballDialog>>If I had someone other than you, I'd rather not talk to you at all.<</MagicballDialog>>
<<case 2>>\
<<MagicballDialog>>Jimmy is making progress, although you still have a lot of work to do. I feel like it should be more than 10 days since your curse. Watch him experiment a couple times in the university lab. Find him in his room in dorm in afternoon or evening after that.<</MagicballDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>You can even count the number of days until a certain event?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MagicballDialog>>I'M A MOTHERFUCKING MAGIC WIZARD BALL. Of course I can.<</MagicballDialog>>
<<case 3>>\
<<MagicballDialog>>Get used to your new life. However, I feel that after the 39th day, your peace of mind will be over. Go home in the morning in Carol's body and you will see. You won't like it.<</MagicballDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>???<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MagicballDialog>>I love it when you agonize in anticipation and misunderstanding. Ha. Ha.<</MagicballDialog>>
<<case 4>>\
<<MagicballDialog>>You're gonna have to get used to living with Levi. I hope he doesn't cause you too much trouble. Ha. Ha. I suggest you focus on your classes at the university and try not to miss it after 43rd day.<</MagicballDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Don't tell me I'm gonna end up in the shit again.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MagicballDialog>>Sometimes getting back in the shit is important and very much needed. Especially for you.<</MagicballDialog>>
<<case 5>>\
<<MagicballDialog>>A new drug is increasingly spreading around the world. After the 65th day, things will change even more. Jimmy will find you in the dormitory in the morning to tell you the news.<</MagicballDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Things are going to get really bad?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MagicballDialog>>So bad that it's even good.<</MagicballDialog>>
<<case 6>>\
<<MagicballDialog>>Jimmy's serious. I suggest you gather the right ingredients and help him with his research at the university lab. He's got a lot to tell you.<</MagicballDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Will our experiments be successful?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MagicballDialog>>Unless you screw it up again. Like you always do.<</MagicballDialog>>
<<case 7>>\
<<MagicballDialog>>You need to finish your experiments with Jimmy. Remember, there is no progress without failure. I hope you don't accidentally turn into a brainless bimbo. Ha. Ha.<</MagicballDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Why would I turn into a brainless bimbo?!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MagicballDialog>>That's what happens. You think I'm happy to be a fucking Magic orb?<</MagicballDialog>>
<<case 8>>\
<<MagicballDialog>>This drug is not like the others. Maybe it's a clue to getting rid of your curse. Although I like you better this way. Stephan knows something, see if you can convince him to tell you where he gets it. You'll find him in his dorm room in the morning or evening.<</MagicballDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>That's right. I'm gonna get that information out of him!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MagicballDialog>>That's the spirit! The Magic orb believes in you!<</MagicballDialog>>
<<case 9>>\
<<MagicballDialog>>The guys in the gang know more than Stephan. Who would have thought, right? Ha. Ha. Convince them to provide you with this valuable information.<</MagicballDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>I'm not too keen on hanging out with them.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MagicballDialog>>It's not a big deal. Just follow my example when I talk to you.<</MagicballDialog>>
<<case 10>>\
<<MagicballDialog>>This club is definitely suspicious, I haven't been there because I'm a magic orb and I don't have legs, but I'm sure of it for some reason. Go there and find out what's going on. You can catch a car on the "Streets" or walk there.<</MagicballDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Is it just me or do your predictions resemble commands?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MagicballDialog>>I personally prefer to call it passive domination.<</MagicballDialog>>
<<case 11>>\
<<MagicballDialog>>I had a friend and he's a disco ball now. You need to be like him. Find a way to get into the STRIP area of the club. Gain 40+ club's popularity or find another way to get to a place. Maybe then you'll need a little less popularity.<</MagicballDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Are you hinting at me trying to seduce a security guard?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MagicballDialog>>If I had hands, I'd applause. But be warned, that guard doesn't like girls like Carol.<</MagicballDialog>>
<<case 12>>\
<<MagicballDialog>>It's time to beat the gamblers for information and then find that informant's secret hideout! And try not to lose ME to them, okay?!<</MagicballDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>You don't have to worry about that. You're too cheap and worthless.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<case 13>>\
<<MagicballDialog>>You're faced with a choice, human. You must choose what information to exchange for what you need. Think wisely.<</MagicballDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Since you can see the future, do you want to help me choose?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<case 14>>\
<<MagicballDialog>>It's time to find that Pharma company! It must be on the "Streets" somewhere! You've been looking for this meeting for a long time, but are you ready for it?<</MagicballDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Looks like our arrangement is really paying off.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MagicballDialog>>Of course! You should treat me with more respect, I'm not a bowling ball after all.<</MagicballDialog>>
<<case 15>>\
<<MagicballDialog>>It's time for you and Jimmy to learn a new lab! Be careful with the new pills! Even I, as an all-knowing magic ball, can't fully understand you silly humans!....A good friend of mine was turned into a fucking magic ball by stupid experiments like yours!<</MagicballDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Turned into magic ball? Wait, are you talking about yourself?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<case 16>>\
<<MagicballDialog>>Ethereal pill. It sounds beautiful and powerful! I like it. Jimmy's a genius.<</MagicballDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Um...where is my hint what to do?..<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MagicballDialog>>I've already said it! YOU THINK I'M JUST SOME KIND OF TALKING BALL? Anything I say is ALWAYS EXTREMELY important and smart!<</MagicballDialog>>
<<case 17>>\
<<MagicballDialog>>You know which research will give you the most power and authority over this world, right?<</MagicballDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>No..<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MagicballDialog>>OUGHHH, YOU STUPID LIKE A ROCK LIKE A RUSTED NAIL AND BROKEN CLOCK! Alright, I'll give you a hint! It's a @@color:red;"hard"@@ thing to research!<</MagicballDialog>>
<<case 18>>\
<<MagicballDialog>>Ha.Ha.HA! Is it really great to have research that you've spent so much time and effort on and can't use at all? Ha-ha-ha! It's like looking at a cute anime girl you can't touch. Wanna cry, HUH?..<</MagicballDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Ugh, You're so disgusting! You better tell me what to do, stupid ball!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MagicballDialog>>You insult me like a girl! Get the joke? Ha.Ha.Ha! Like a girl! Uha.ha.hah!<</MagicballDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>One last chance...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MagicballDialog>>Okay, okay! SORRY! Your key is Akira. She's the only one who can get you the last ingredient. She definitely won't agree unless you feed her at least a level 2 pill and help her with her personal problems. @@color:red;Ethereal pills@@ will be very useful to you, use them more often.<</MagicballDialog>>
<<case 19>>\
<<MagicballDialog>>You don't even have to say anything. I already know what you want to ask. Of course, I'd rather have you begging me for clues smiling and hopping like a rabbit, but let's put that off until next time. Ha.hA.Ha! (chuckles)<</MagicballDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "disgust">>????<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MagicballDialog>>You're boring! All right, listen. Talk to the Head doctor and get a part-time job at a medical center. You have two options to prove Akira wrong.
1. Either you use Carol's body... you know how..
2. Or you can try to change the evaluation of your work a little with a couple of magic pills....
3. I also personally suggest you to get closer to the Head doctor.
You decide what's more interesting to you... <</MagicballDialog>>
<<case 20>>\
<<MagicballDialog>>You're happy for her, aren't you? Say, you're happy, aren't you? Are you happy? Happy, right? You like being happy, don't you?<</MagicballDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Thank you, you are the best Magic orb in the world, what would I do without you. I really appreciate your help!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MagicballDialog>>Ugh! Shut up! You won't even let me gloat, you're ruining ALL the fun!!..Damn it! Buy Ractivity from Akira and create that desired lvl 3 pill already!<</MagicballDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Thank you so much! As always you have helped me a lot!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MagicballDialog>>Aaagh! Stop it! I mean it! It's....it's disgusting! Your words...don't make me happy....at all...<</MagicballDialog>>
<<case 21>>\
<<MagicballDialog>>As I look further into your future, all I see is impenetrable darkness!...Or maybe it's just story hasn't completed yet. We have to wait for the new game update.<</MagicballDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>What?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MagicballDialog>>Personally, I like the first version of your future better.<</MagicballDialog>>
<<button [[Back|$LastPassage]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/room1.jpg" "place">>
My room.
<<if $MedBookReadCount < 3>>\
<<media "Data/Locations/meditation.jpg" "just">>
<<switch $MedBookReadCount>>\
<<case 0>>It doesn't make any sense. Well, since I bought it, it's worth reading to the end.
<<case 1>>Watch your breath? Hm...And relax... It doesn't sound bad. I can do that!
<<case 2>>This is actually a much deeper topic than I previously thought! I think I now have all the knowledge to get started to practice.
<<set $MedBookReadCount++>>\
Keep reading the book and learning how to meditate, you will definitely master it!
<<media "Data/Locations/medit.jpg" "just">>
Well, I think I'm getting pretty good at this spiritual practice. I need to decide what to focus on.
@@#money;<<button [[Decrease corruption|MedBook1]]>><<set $MedFocus = 0>><<movetime>><</button>>@@
@@#rel;<<button [[Decrese perversion|MedBook1]]>><<set $MedFocus = 1>><<movetime>><</button>>
<<if $P.Loc == 1>>\
<<button [[Just go back|HProom]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Just go back|DRoom]]>><</button>>
<</if>>\<<media "Data/Locations/room1.jpg" "place">>
My room.
<<media "Data/Locations/medit.jpg" "just">>
Ummm, I feel in perfect harmony with my body and mind!
<<switch $MedFocus>>\
<<case 0>>\
I know my goal, I want to get rid of the curse, so I must not be distracted from my main tasks.
I feel my consciousness coming back to normal, my actions becoming more conscious.
<<UpdateCorruption "-1">>
<<case 1>>\
I know my goal, I want to get rid of the curse, so I must not be distracted from my main tasks.
These games with Levi aren't going to get me anywhere good, I need to keep my cool.
<<UpdatePervertion "-5">>
<<if $P.Loc == 1>>\
<<button [[Back in action!|HProom]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Back in action!|DRoom]]>><</button>>
<</if>>\<<media "Data/Locations/laptop.jpg" "place">>
My Laptop.
<<if $CurrentDayTime < 4>>\
@@#money;<<button [[Do some freelance|NoteBookFL]]>>
<<button [[Watch porn (Increase arousal)|NoteBookPorn]]>><<movetime>><</button>>
<<button [[Play games|NoteBookPlay]]>><<movetime>><</button>>
@@#money;<<button [[Boost accounts|NoteBookBoost]]>><<movetime>><</button>>@@
<<if $Inventory.Notebook == true>>\
<<if $Onlycups == false>>\
Hey, I did not notice, but it seems that as a gift the laptop came with a secret code to register on @@color:magenta;OnlyCups@@. What is that?
@@#money;<<button [[Check|OnlyCupsRegister]]>><</button>>@@
@@#pill;<<button [[OnlyCups|OnlyCups]]>><</button>>@@
<<if $P.Loc == 0>><<button [[Close Laptop|DRoom]]>><</button>><<else>><<button [[Close Laptop|HProom]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<if $P.Loc == 0>><<button [[Close Laptop|DRoom]]>><</button>><<else>><<button [[Close Laptop|HProom]]>><</button>><</if>>
<</if>>\<<media "Data/Locations/laptop.jpg" "place">>
My Laptop.
<<if $LeviArrival == true and $LeviHere == true and $P.Gender == "f" and $P.Loc == 1 and $StayInRoom == false and $P.PervertedPoints >= 30 and $Levi.Gender == "m">>\
<<goto "LeviLaptop">>\
<<if $CurrentDayOfWeek < 5>>\
<<set _m = Math.floor($P.GamingSkill / 1.5)>>\
<<set _m = Math.floor($P.GamingSkill / 1.5) * 2>>\
<<set $P.Money += _m>>\
You just applied what you already knew, so your game skill didn't change much, but @@color:lime;today you were able to earn _m $@@.
@@color:lime; Raise the your gaming skill and soon you will be able to earn more!@@
<<if $CurrentDayOfWeek < 5>>\
<<if $P.Loc == 0>>\
<<button [[Close Laptop|DRoom]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Close Laptop|HProom]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Close Laptop|WeekendEvening]]>><<set $CurrentDayTime = 4>><</button>>
<</if>>\<<media "Data/Locations/laptop.jpg" "place">>
My Laptop.
<<if $LeviArrival == true and $LeviHere == true and $P.Gender == "f" and $P.Loc == 1 and $StayInRoom == false and $P.PervertedPoints >= 30 and $Levi.Gender == "m">>\
<<goto "LeviLaptop">>\
<<set _until = 0>>
<<media "Data/Actions/fl.gif" "gif">>
<<if $P.FLCount < 3>>
<<set _m = 15>><<set $P.FLCount++>>
<<set _until = 3 - $P.FLCount>>
@@color:lime; Until next freelance lvl work _until more times.@@
<<elseif $P.FLCount > 2 and $P.FLCount < 6>>
<<set _m = 25>><<set $P.FLCount++>>
<<set _until = 6 - $P.FLCount>>
@@color:lime; Until next freelance lvl work _until more times.@@
<<elseif $P.FLCount > 5 and $P.FLCount < 9>>
<<set _m = 30>><<set $P.FLCount++>>
<<set _until = 9 - $P.FLCount>>
@@color:lime; Until next freelance lvl work _until more times.@@
<<elseif $P.FLCount > 8 and $P.FLCount < 12>>
<<if $Inventory.Notebook == true>>
<<set _m = 45>><<set $P.FLCount++>><<else>><<set _m = 30>><</if>>
<<elseif $P.FLCount >= 12 and $P.FLCount < 20>>
<<if $Inventory.Notebook == true>>
<<set _m = 60>><<set $P.FLCount++>><<else>><<set _m = 30>><</if>>
<<elseif $P.FLCount >= 20>>
<<if $Inventory.Notebook == true>>
<<set _m = 75>><<set $P.FLCount++>><<else>><<set _m = 30>><</if>>
<<if $P.FLCount < 20>>
Remember: more you freelance - more experience you get - more money you earn.
<<elseif $P.FLCount > 8 and $Inventory.Notebook == false>>
You old laptop is not enough for your professionality, get new one to increase your income.
<<elseif $P.FLCount > 20 and $Inventory.Notebook == true>>
You are prefessional freelancer. Unfortunately, it's limit for you.
<<if $CurrentDayOfWeek <5>>
<<set $P.Money += _m>>
@@color:lime; Congratulations!
You work hard and get _m $ !@@
<<if $P.Loc == 0>><<button [[Close Laptop|DRoom]]>><</button>><<else>><<button [[Close Laptop|HProom]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<set $P.Money += _m*2>>
@@color:lime; Congratulations!<<set _wd = _m * 2>>
You work hard and get _wd $ !@@
<<button [[Close Laptop|WeekendEvening]]>><<set $CurrentDayTime = 4>><</button>>
<</if>><<media "Data/Locations/laptop.jpg" "place">>
My Laptop.
<<if $LeviArrival == true and $LeviHere == true and $P.Loc == 1 and $StayInRoom == false and $P.PervertedPoints >= 5 and $Levi.Gender == "m">>\
<<goto "LeviLaptopPlay">>\
<<set $P.GamingSkill +=1>>
@@color:lime;The absence of a strong game mentor reduces the speed of your progress. But even in spite of this, you increase your gaming skill by 1.@@
<<if $P.Loc == 0>>\
<<button [[Close Laptop|DRoom]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Close Laptop|HProom]]>><</button>>
<</if>>\<<media "Data/Locations/laptop.jpg" "place">>
My Laptop.
<<if $LeviArrival == true and $LeviHere == true and $P.Loc == 1 and $StayInRoom == false and $P.PervertedPoints >= 20 and $Levi.Gender == "m">>\
<<goto "LeviLaptopPorn">>\
<<set _r = random (1,10)>>
<<switch _r>>
<<case 1>><<media "Data/Actions/porn/1.gif" "gif">>
<<case 2>><<media "Data/Actions/porn/2.gif" "gif">>
<<case 3>><<media "Data/Actions/porn/3.gif" "gif">>
<<case 4>><<media "Data/Actions/porn/4.gif" "gif">>
<<case 5>><<media "Data/Actions/porn/5.gif" "gif">>
<<case 6>><<media "Data/Actions/porn/6.gif" "gif">>
<<case 7>><<media "Data/Actions/porn/7.gif" "gif">>
<<case 8>><<media "Data/Actions/porn/8.gif" "gif">>
<<case 9>><<media "Data/Actions/porn/9.gif" "gif">>
<<case 10>><<media "Data/Actions/porn/10.gif" "gif">>
<<if $CurrentDayTime == 3 and $P.Loc == 1 and $CarolInvited == true>>\
Oooh, fuckin' awesome. It feels like I forgot something...
<<if $P.Gender == "m">>\
<<media "Data/Characters/Carol/gif/mouthplay.mp4">>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/M/cock14.webp" "gif">>
<<CarolDialog "horny" 2>>Pleeeease, let's watch to the end...<</CarolDialog>>
<<UpdateArousal "+35">>
<<if $P.Loc == 0>><<button [[Close Laptop|DRoom]]>><</button>><<else>><<button [[Close Laptop|HProom]]>><</button>><</if>><<media "Data/Locations/laptop.jpg" "place">>
My Laptop.
<<if $CurrentDayTime < 4>>\
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/OnlyCups/pc.jpg" "just">>
Here I am again on this site, what should I do?
<<button [[Watch stream|OnlycupsStreams]]>><</button>>
<<if $P.Gender == "f" and $Onlycups == true>>\
<<if $P.Onlycupslvl > 0>>\
<<if $OCManagerAppearing == false>>\
<<button [[Unread message|OnlycupsManagerAppearing]]>><</button>>
@@color:magenta;Your current OnlyCups popularity modifier: $P.OCPopularity@@
<<if $P.Onlycupslvl > 1>>\
<<button [[Message from manager|OnlycupsManager]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Start stream|OnlycupsStream]]>><</button>>
<<button [[My photos|OnlycupsPhoto]]>><</button>>
<<if $Onlycups == false and $P.Gender == "f">>\
<<button [[Register|OnlyCupsRegister]]>><</button>>
It's too late.
<<button [[Quit|NoteBook]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/laptop.jpg" "place">>
My Laptop.
Let's check it out.
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/OnlyCups/stream6.mp4">>
<<UpdateArousal "+35">>
I get it...it's kind of like a streaming platform with models...erotic content... It's kind of like they get paid good money for it, though.
Anyone can browse and donate, but there are restrictions on registration: to register you need a secret promo code and only a females can register, and it is written that this is strictly checked by the administration, and to do this you have to upload a photo.
They promise that after the first photo you will already see the result. What kind of result are they talking about?
I wonder if it's worth taking advantage of Carol's body a little bit to see what's out there.
<<if $P.Gender == "f">>\
<<button [[Make and upload a photo|OnlyCupsRegister1]]>><<set $Onlycups = true>>\<</button>>
<<button [[Enter without registration|OnlyCups]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Quit OnlyCups|NoteBook]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/laptop.jpg" "place">>
My Laptop.
Okay, I think what would work. Upload!
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/OnlyCups/pic.jpg" "just">>
Wow, a message from the administration. Almost instantly!
@@color:yellow; Hello, Cutie7! Thank you for completing the registration process. Your account is verified and approved. Thank you for using our service. Your fans are waiting for you!@@
Fans? I don't have any fans. Wait...
<<MNpcDialog null null "Origogo">>Just look at this shy girl. Baby girl, you're beautiful! It's very brave of you to show your face from the first photo!<</MNpcDialog>>
@@color:yellow;Origogo @@ @@color:lime;donated you 12$.@@
<<MNpcDialog null null "sugarpappy66">>Can you send me more candid photos in direct? Daddy will teach you to be more liberated '>:)'<</MNpcDialog>>
@@color:yellow;sugarpappy66 @@ @@color:lime;donated you 6$.@@
<<FNpcDialog null null "IxTranme">>What a cutie, you're even prettier than me!<</FNpcDialog>>
@@color:yellow;IxTranme @@ @@color:lime;donated you 4$.@@
<<MNpcDialog null null "pHantomem">>Wow, I hope this is not the last photo you post<</MNpcDialog>>
@@color:yellow;pHantomem@@ @@color:lime;donated you 11$.@@
What? I was only on the site for a few minutes! Oh, there's another message from the administration.
@@color:yellow; The balance of your account is above 0. So you already have your first fans, congratulations. We inform you that for your fans your profile is active only while you are on the site, this is the company policy. However, you can withdraw available funds at any time, in any quantity. @@
Fuck, it's a gold mine for all kinds of slutty girls! I could do it too!....though I don't think Carol would be happy about that.... on the other hand how would she know about it?
@@color:lime;The balance of your account is 33$.@@
<<set $P.Onlycupslvl++>>\
<<button [[Withdraw and quit|NoteBook]]>><<set $P.Money += 33>><<movetime>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/laptop.jpg" "place">>
My Laptop.
<<switch $OCManagerTasks>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<MNpcDialog null null "Daddymon">>\
Hello again. You can stay at the bottom or you can become a popular streamer. A regular stream usually doesn't bring a lot of popularity, but there is such a thing as a special streams. These are extreme streams that match the subtle tastes of the audience. They can pretty well increase your popularity and consequently your earnings from the platform. As promised, I'm going to give you some advice, but it's up to you to listen to it or not.
So, @@color:yellow;try streaming in the bathroom, wearing something sexy of your choice. Act seductive. The contrast of you and your location will evoke conflicting feelings and increase the audience's interest in you.@@
Best regards!
Special streams? Popularity does seem to be growing rather slowly...I might try something like that this weekend...but streaming in the toilet...ew..
<<case 2>>\
<<MNpcDialog null null "Daddymon">>\
Hey, that was sexy as hell! You did a great job and increased your popularity modifier pretty good! Especially that situation with your dad, personally I think you should have let him in or left the door unlocked, then you would have definitely made a huge score! @@color:yellow;The next assignment is to masturbate in class and film it on stream. Your comments are welcome, of course.@@ In general, nothing difficult! Good luck!
Best regards!
I had already masturbated in class, but...without a camera... It seems there are some free extracurriculars at uni on weekends. I could... no, I would seriously do that...?
<<case 3>>\
<<MNpcDialog null null "Daddymon">>\
Congratulations on your new special stream. You're getting more and more popular! It seems like you've been having a lot of fun yourself! I think you enjoyed catching people's eyes. In that case, how about @@color:yellow;walking down the street with, say, no underwear? Show yourself to people and I'm sure they'll appreciate it!@@
Best regards!
Walking naked in the street?...that's an extremely tough assignment! Although...I wonder how much more popular I'd be if I...actually... do... that...
<<case 4>>\
<<MNpcDialog null null "Daddymon">>\
Cutie, you are a treasure! I've never seen such a rousing walk down the street before. Although you haven't been in this industry very long, you're gaining popularity very quickly. How about going back to your roots? @@color:yellow;Next time, try doing a horny broadcast right out of the shower!@@ I'm sure people will appreciate it!
Best regards!
Hmm...it's really worth a try. But this time I want it to be without incident! I'll do it in the shower at home, but at a time when no one will be home for sure!
<<case 5>>\
<<MNpcDialog null null "Daddymon">>\
Congratulations on completing another special stream! Looks like this time you really made sure no one interrupted your stream...not even your Dad...Anyway, good for you! Thanks to the streams, you can now afford so much more! @@color:yellow;This time I recommend to show yourself from an unusual side, it would be a good idea to become a dominantrix. Pick up a costume and show how dominant you can be!@@
Best regards!
Dominantrix? Perhaps I can find something at the supermarket on this subject. But spending my own money is such a drag!
<<case 6>>\
<<MNpcDialog null null "Daddymon">>\
Cutie, you seem to be good at everything! And yet I think...I mean, the platform administration thinks that the role of dominantrix is not quite right for you. As I said before, happiness is in the contrast, so @@color:yellow;I recommend that you show your submissive side this time. The collar, piercings, and dildo will fit nicely into your little show. It'll be great if you do it all at home so no one interferes with the broadcast. @@
Best regards!
I liked being Dominantrix though, I should do it again sometime... But if Daddymon thinks otherwise, it's worth listening to him. And why does he recommend doing it at home? Because, statistically, that's where most of my problems happen...Although I think it's really safer at home.
<<case 7>>\
<<MNpcDialog null null "Daddymon">>\
You did a great job, as always. You get more confident with each stream. Way to go! People loved your last broadcast, especially the racy moment with your father. Everyone is looking forward to more interesting moments with him.
@@color:yellow;I don't have any recommendations for you at this point. You are free to do the next broadcast as you see fit. @@
Best regards!
No recommendations? Hmm...probably means I have to decide by myself what the audience might like. I could try to do something similar to the last stream, but change a couple of details. I think everyone would like it if I did it in a place that wasn't as safe as my locked room. It would be a little risky, because if Dad or Levi see me, I...it would be so...ghm...Should I really do this?
<<case 8>>\
<<MNpcDialog null null "Daddymon">>\
Let me congratulate you on another great stream. I'm proud of you as if you were my own daughter! You seem to have become even more liberated. You want something more, don't you? Viewers like your interaction with other people the most. It's a bit of a departure from what streamers like you usually do, but because of that, viewers always look forward to that kind of thing in anticipation. So... @@color:yellow;Why don't you tease your father by dressing up in that maid's uniform he likes so much? Do it right on your broadcast and I guarantee you'll not only satisfy your dark fantasies, but you'll also get tons of views!@@
Best regards!
Tease your father?! That...sounds very strange, but also very exciting...Daddymon has been helping me with special streams since the beginning of my "career". His advice and guidance always worked and brought me a lot of popularity on the platform. But teasing Dad.... I don't even know. Am I REALLY that slutty to seriously consider such a thing?...Anyway, streaming in a maid's uniform should appeal to my viewers.
<<button [[Close message|OnlyCups]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/laptop.jpg" "place">>
My Laptop.
<<MNpcDialog null null "Daddymon">>\
Good day, dear Cutie7. I am your personal Stream Manager. You can call me DaddyMon or just Daddy. From the moment you read this letter, you have the opportunity to make live broadcasts. You can check it out, but try not to do anything that goes against the rules of the platform. The standard fee for broadcasting is 10$, but there is a modifier that depends on your popularity on the platform. The ability to get money from donations is limited, but they increase your popularity modifier. You will be able to track it from the first broadcast. My task is to help you, give advice and support in any way possible to increase your popularity and therefore the profit for the platform.
Best regards!
<<set $OCManagerTasks = 1>>\
<<set $OCManagerAppearing = true>>\
They have a strange system with donations, but Hey! I guess I can stream now, huh?
<<button [[Close message|OnlyCups]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/laptop.jpg" "place">>
My Laptop.
I already have posted these photos:
<<if $P.Onlycupslvl > 0>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/OnlyCups/pic.jpg" "just">>
<<if $P.Onlycupslvl > 1>>\
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/OnlyCups/pic1.jpg" "just">>
<<if $P.Onlycupslvl > 2>>\
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/OnlyCups/pic2.jpg" "just">>
<<if $P.Onlycupslvl > 3>>\
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/OnlyCups/pic3.jpg" "just">>
<<if $P.Onlycupslvl > 4>>\
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/OnlyCups/pic4.jpg" "just">>
<<switch $P.Onlycupslvl>>\
<<case 1>>
<<if $P.Cor >= 30>>\
<<button [[Post a new photo for fans|OnlycupsPhotoPosting]]>><</button>>
<<case 2>>
<<if $P.Cor >= 50>>\
<<button [[Post a new photo for fans|OnlycupsPhotoPosting]]>><</button>>
<<case 3>>
<<if $P.Cor >= 75>>\
<<button [[Post a new photo for fans|OnlycupsPhotoPosting]]>><</button>>
<<case 4>>
<<if $P.Cor >= 100>>\
<<button [[Post a new photo for fans|OnlycupsPhotoPosting]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Go back|OnlyCups]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/laptop.jpg" "place">>
My Laptop.
<<switch $P.Onlycupslvl>>
<<case 1>>
I think it wouldn't hurt to show me from best side. Although compared to some of the other representatives of the platform, I think this photo is unlikely to receive much attention. Upload!
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/OnlyCups/pic1.jpg" "just">>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Origogo">>You need to be less embarrassed, baby. Here, buy yourself something sexy!<</MNpcDialog>>
@@color:yellow;Origogo@@ @@color:lime;donated you 18$.@@
<<FNpcDialog null null "WorldWarTank">>Nice panties!<</FNpcDialog>>
@@color:yellow;WorldWarTank @@ @@color:lime;donated you 13$.@@
<<MNpcDialog null null "fhdsfshgb">>I'll send twice as much if you take more revealing photo!<</MNpcDialog>>
@@color:yellow;fhdsfshgb @@ @@color:lime;donated you 48$.@@
<<MNpcDialog null null "sugarpappy66">>If you were my daughter, I would smack you hard on the ass for pictures like that!<</MNpcDialog>>
@@color:yellow;sugarpappy66 @@ @@color:lime;donated you 20$.@@
Okay, we've got to give them something back!
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1 "Cutie7">>Thanks for the support, guys! I'll think about actually posting something more open next time!<</PlayerDialog>>
@@color:lime;The balance of your account is 99$.@@
<<button [[Withdraw and quit|NoteBook]]>><<set $P.Money += 99>><<set $P.Onlycupslvl++>><<set $P.OCPopularity += 1.09>><<movetime>><</button>>
<<case 2>>
Okay, I promised to show them something more revealing and I finally made up my mind! I think they're going to love it! Upload!
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/OnlyCups/pic2.jpg" "just">>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Origogo">>I love that you take a photo without any filters, showing yourself as you are. You're sexy! But you shouldn't hide your pretty face!<</MNpcDialog>>
@@color:yellow;Origogo@@ @@color:lime;donated you 31$.@@
<<FNpcDialog null null "abusiveHomie">>What a nice pair of tits you've got! I definitely like it!<</FNpcDialog>>
@@color:yellow;abusiveHomie @@ @@color:lime;donated you 15$.@@
<<MNpcDialog null null "xiangtudou">>多么可爱的女孩! 你激发了我的灵感,让我有了一个新的曼哈顿!<</MNpcDialog>>
@@color:yellow;xiangtudou @@ @@color:lime;donated you 69$.@@
<<FNpcDialog null null "Milkyrabbit">>Such cute boobs! Although you're still a long way from mine! Here's a little bit for you, add a little silicone! Te-he!<</FNpcDialog>>
@@color:yellow;sugarpappy66 @@ @@color:lime;donated you 54$.@@
They like me! I've got to give them something back!
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1 "Cutie7">>Guys, thank you so much! I will definitely take your wishes into consideration!<</PlayerDialog>>
@@color:lime;The balance of your account is 169$.@@
<<button [[Withdraw and quit|NoteBook]]>><<set $P.Money += 169>><<set $P.Onlycupslvl++>><<set $P.OCPopularity += 1.17>><<movetime>><</button>>
<<case 3>>
I need to post something sexy for my dear fans, hehe! Oh, that's a good one! Upload! And this time I won't wait for their answers!
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/OnlyCups/pic4.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1 "Cutie7">>I've been doing so many naughty things lately, it's your fault I'm getting so slutty, too. But I don't mind it!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Origogo">>You really have become much more depraved! I'm really your fan!<</MNpcDialog>>
@@color:yellow;Origogo@@ @@color:lime;donated you 46$.@@
<<FNpcDialog null null "sugarpappy66">>My little girl has become a real whore! Daddy is so proud of you!<</FNpcDialog>>
@@color:yellow;sugarpappy66 @@ @@color:lime;donated you 52$.@@
<<FNpcDialog null null "orleano">>You're so slutty! Now I know why my boyfriend always keeps checking your profile. I wish we could have a threesome, but for now, here's little from me!<</FNpcDialog>>
@@color:yellow;xiangtudou @@ @@color:lime;donated you 49$.@@
<<MNpcDialog null null "darkfantaser">>You'd look great in the basement with the others...um...I shouldn't have written that.... you didn't see this message<</MNpcDialog>>
@@color:yellow;darkfantaser @@ @@color:lime;donated you 75$.@@
@@color:lime;The balance of your account is 222$.@@
<<button [[Withdraw and quit|NoteBook]]>><<set $P.Money += 222>><<set $P.OCPopularity += 1.22>><<set $P.Onlycupslvl++>><<movetime>><</button>>
<<case 4>>
We need a new picture! I'm so excited! I want to look awesome! Here we go. Hehehe. Upload!
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/OnlyCups/pic3.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1 "Cutie7">>I'm hungry for cocks! I want one of you inside me right now! Or maybe several of you at once! Heeheehee!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Origogo">>Finally, I've been waiting for you! Let me be first!<</MNpcDialog>>
@@color:yellow;Origogo@@ @@color:lime;donated you 55$.@@
<<MNpcDialog null null "WorldWarTank">>Your picture deserves a place on the wall in my garage, naughty girl<</MNpcDialog>>
@@color:yellow;WorldWarTank @@ @@color:lime;donated you 56$.@@
<<MNpcDialog null null "iiiiikay">>I couldn't get past such a lecher, you certainly deserved my attention. It's a pleasure to jerk off to such little sluts!<</MNpcDialog>>
@@color:yellow;iiiiikay @@ @@color:lime;donated you 67$.@@
<<MNpcDialog null null "xiangtudou">>由于工作不力,党组织拿走了我们的一碗饭和妻子,但我们并不气馁。你是我们的希望,一个美丽的抚摸性爱牵引者的微笑<</MNpcDialog>>
@@color:yellow;xiangtudou @@ @@color:lime;donated you 83$.@@
@@color:lime;The balance of your account is 261$.@@
<<button [[Withdraw and quit|NoteBook]]>><<set $P.Money += 261>><<set $P.OCPopularity += 1.26>><<set $P.Onlycupslvl++>><<movetime>><</button>>
<</switch>><<media "Data/Locations/laptop.jpg" "place">>
My Laptop.
<<switch $P.Onlycupslvl>>\
<<case 1>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused" null "Cutie7">>I don't really want to get naked with a lot of people looking at me. Especially since it's Carol's body...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<set _rbegin = 1>>\
<<set _rend = 5>>\
<<case 2>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1 "Cutie7">>They want me to show more....Hehehe, I guess I have no choice!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<set _rbegin = 6>>\
<<set _rend = 11>>\
<<case 3>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1 "Cutie7">>Time to pretend to be a really slutty lady!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<if $Inventory.Dildo == true>>\
<<set _rbegin = 12>>\
<<if $Inventory.Vibro == true>>\
<<set _rend = 19>>\
<<set _rend = 18>>\
<<set _rbegin = 13>>\
<<set _rend = 14>>\
I definitely need a dildo to give them a show!
<<case 4>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1 "Cutie7">>Time to pretend to be a really slutty lady!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<set _rbegin = 12>>\
<<if $Inventory.Vibro == true>>\
<<set _rend = 19>>\
<<set _rend = 18>>\
<<set _rbegin = parseInt(_rbegin)>>\
<<set _rend = parseInt(_rend)>>\
<<set _rev = random (_rbegin, _rend)>>\
<<switch _rev>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/OnlyCups/P/1.mp4">>
<<UpdateArousal "100">>
<<case 2>>\
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/OnlyCups/P/2.gif" "gif">>
<<UpdateArousal "100">>
<<case 3>>\
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/OnlyCups/P/3.mp4">>
<<UpdateArousal "100">>
<<case 4>>\
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/OnlyCups/P/4.webp" "gif">>
<<UpdateArousal "100">>
<<case 5>>\
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/OnlyCups/P/5.webp" "gif">>
<<UpdateArousal "100">>
<<case 6>>\
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/OnlyCups/P/6.webp" "gif">>
<<UpdateArousal "100">>
<<case 7>>\
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/OnlyCups/P/7.mp4">>
<<UpdateArousal "100">>
<<case 8>>\
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/OnlyCups/P/8.webp" "gif">>
<<UpdateArousal "100">>
<<case 9>>\
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/OnlyCups/P/9.mp4">>
<<UpdateArousal "100">>
<<case 10>>\
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/OnlyCups/P/10.mp4">>
<<UpdateArousal "100">>
<<case 11>>\
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/OnlyCups/P/11.mp4">>
<<UpdateArousal "100">>
<<case 12>>\
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/OnlyCups/P/12.mp4">>
<<UpdateArousal "100">>
<<case 13>>\
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/OnlyCups/P/13.mp4">>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/OnlyCups/P/14.mp4">>
<<UpdateArousal "100">>
<<case 14>>\
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/OnlyCups/P/15.mp4">>
<<UpdateArousal "0">>
<<case 15>>\
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/OnlyCups/P/16.mp4">>
<<UpdateArousal "0">>
<<case 16>>\
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/OnlyCups/P/17.mp4">>
<<UpdateArousal "0">>
<<case 17>>\
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/OnlyCups/P/18.mp4">>
<<UpdateArousal "0">>
<<case 18>>\
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/OnlyCups/P/19.mp4">>
<<UpdateArousal "0">>
<<case 19>>\
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/OnlyCups/P/20.webp" "gif">>
<<UpdateArousal "0">>
<<switch $P.Onlycupslvl>>\
<<case 1>>They seem to like it, but they want more...
<<case 2>>Carol has a really great body, I've made sure a lot of people think so.
<<case 3>>I never thought I'd get paid to masturbate before! Looking like a bitch is profitable!
<<case 4>>I never thought I'd get paid to masturbate before! Looking like a bitch is profitable!
<<set _rmod = random (1,10)>>\
<<set _rmod = parseInt(_rmod)>>\
<<set _rpop = _rev * 0.001 * _rmod>>\
<<set _rpopfinal = Number(_rpop.toFixed(2))>>
<<set $P.OCPopularity += _rpopfinal>>\
<<set $P.OCPopularity = Number($P.OCPopularity.toFixed(2))>>\
<<set _moneyST = Math.round($P.OCPopularity * 10)>>\
<<set $P.Money += _moneyST>>\
@@color:lime;Your OnlyCups earnings today are _moneyST $ .@@
@@color:magenta;Your current OnlyCups popularity modifier increased by _rpopfinal@@
@@color:yellow;Your current OnlyCups popularity modifier is $P.OCPopularity@@
<<button [[Finish streaming|OnlyCups]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/laptop.jpg" "place">>
My Laptop.
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Okay, let's take a look what we've got<</PlayerDialog>>
<<set _r = random (0,9)>>\
<<set $rgirl = random (0,3)>>\
<<set _ra = random (0,9)>>\
<<if _ra > 3>>\
<<switch _r>>\
<<case 0>>\
<<FNpcDialog null null "ShyGirl12">>I caaan't! Everybody is watching meee!<</FNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/OnlyCups/cg.mp4">>
Wow, what an orgasm!
<<case 1>>\
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/OnlyCups/cg1.mp4">>
Her micro is off, though it doesn't seem to bother the audience. Judging by her face, she really likes to look like a doll...a very sexy doll...
<<case 2>>\
<<FNpcDialog null null "MommyHatesYou">>You boys are all so naughty. Mommy's not happy with you, hehe!<</FNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/OnlyCups/cg2.mp4">>
I wish my mommy could be like that. It depends on me, though, hehe.
<<MNpcDialog null null "potatoforce">>Punish me, mommy!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "ShittybastarD">>I love yo mommy no matter what<</MNpcDialog>>
Her chat room is surprisingly lively.
<<case 3>>\
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/OnlyCups/cg3.mp4">>
What a huge ass she hAsKNKJFNS!!1
<<FNpcDialog null null "ShakaBalls">>I...promised...not to cum.... as long as you donate, but I'm getting close....<</FNpcDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "LeviBoss">>Please, Babe. Dpn't stop! You're a born pervert!<</MNpcDialog>>
@@color:yellow;LeviBoss@@ @@color:lime;donated 200$ to@@ @@color:yellow;ShakaBalls@@.
200 bucks? Who the fuck..? LeviBoss, pervert... something looks familiar...
<<FNpcDialog null null "ShakaBalls">>Wow! How could I stop after that?!<</FNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/OnlyCups/cg6.mp4">>
I have a feeling she'll be doing this for a long time...
<<case 4>>\
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/OnlyCups/cg4.mp4">>
<<FNpcDialog null null "HinarutaGirl">>Ahhhh, I'm cumming from my fingers!...But I want more...I want something bigger!<</FNpcDialog>>
This cosplay is quite enjoyable.
<<FNpcDialog null null "HinarutaGirl">>Friends, here's a riddle for you. If you guess it, I'll keep streaming for a little while longer. She's helping Tsunade and she has a cat in her arms. Write your answers in the comments, you have only 10 seconds to think about it. I'll start the countdown: 1, 2...<</FNpcDialog>>
Is that from an anime? What's the answer? I don't have time to find an it!
<<MNpcDialog null null "TheHeroJimmy">>Eazy! Answer is Shizune! A jounin-level kunoichi belonging to Konohagakure Village, a talented ninja medicine woman and Tsunade's assistant, with whom she left Leaf Village after her uncle Dana Kato died and from whom she later trained!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<FNpcDialog null null "HinarutaGirl">>What? I just started the countdown! How did you manage to write such a message! Although, a promise is a promise...<</FNpcDialog>>
God! Jimmy, you are genius! Wait,... seems like I've said something like this before.
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/OnlyCups/cg11.mp4">>
<<FNpcDialog null null "HinarutaGirl">>Oooooh...<</FNpcDialog>>
<<case 5>>\
<<FNpcDialog null null "LittleDevillittledevil">>Oh! Yes, yes, yes, yes, yeeeah!<</FNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/OnlyCups/cg5.mp4">>
I would gladly give my soul to such a devil!
<<case 6>>\
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/OnlyCups/cg8.mp4">>
She seems so engrossed that she doesn't even pay attention to the chat room!
<<case 7>>\
<<FNpcDialog null null "oild">>I like this fucking coock...Mmm!<</FNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/OnlyCups/cg9.mp4">>
Such a gorgeous angle, like I'm really fucking her!
<<case 8>>\
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/OnlyCups/cg12.mp4">>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Man">>Your contest for the most loyal viewer is just something! I didn't believe till the end that I could really fuck you!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<FNpcDialog null null "sluttysailor">>Huh...hu...uu...ah...<</FNpcDialog>>
Fucking right on the stream! This girl is relly lewd!
<<case 9>>\
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/OnlyCups/stream6.mp4">>
Hey, I saw that girl at the registration! But I'd love to see more of her!
<<switch $rgirl>>\
<<case 0>>\
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/OnlyCups/shadow.mp4">>
<<FNpcDialog null null "DeviChains">>Boys, I'm so happy to welcome everyone to my streamer! Who will be my Master today? I'm waiting for your donations!<</FNpcDialog>>
What about donations? $50? She knows her price!
<<if $P.Money >= 50>>\
<<button [[Donate 50$|OnlycupsStreamsDon]]>><<set $P.Money -= 50>><</button>>
<<case 1>>\
Ooo, I was looking for copper, but I found gold!
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/OnlyCups/red2.mp4">>
<<FNpcDialog null null "RedSignal">>This thing is pounding me!...it feels so good...<</FNpcDialog>>
@@color:yellow;OreoChokopie@@ @@color:lime;donated 100$ to@@ @@color:yellow;RedSignal@@.
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/OnlyCups/red3.mp4">>
<<FNpcDialog null null "RedSignal">>Haaaa, it goes faster! Ahaa..<</FNpcDialog>>
There's an inscription under the streamer.
@@color:yellow;Maximum acceleration can be achieved by donating 200$@@
It's too fucking much, but I really want to know what happens if I donate, say, 250$.
<<if $P.Money >= 250>>\
<<button [[Donate 250$|OnlycupsStreamsDon]]>><<set $P.Money -= 250>><</button>>
<<case 2>>\
Oh, and this girl isn't watched by many people! What a cute shy girl!
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/OnlyCups/kai.mp4">>
<<FNpcDialog null null "Kai">>Boys, I just got home from school and now I want to shove something up my ass.<</FNpcDialog>>
WOw! Forget my words about "shy girl". I hope she is just acting about school...
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/OnlyCups/kai1.mp4">>
Wow, she is really doing it!
@@color:red; Access to stream denied. Donate 40$ to continue.
Ew, nice tactic, girl!
<<if $P.Money >= 40>>\
<<button [[Donate 40$|OnlycupsStreamsDon]]>><<set $P.Money -= 40>><</button>>
<<case 3>>\
What? Black screen?
<<FNpcDialog null null "Jess">>Boys, I'm ready to put it in!<</FNpcDialog>>
WOw! Forget my words about "shy girl". I hope she is just acting about school...
@@color:yellow; To remove the black filter, please donate $160.@@
160$? That's too much! Although now I'm really interested what is going on there.
<<if $P.Money >= 160>>\
<<button [[Donate 160$|OnlycupsStreamsDon]]>><<set $P.Money -= 160>><</button>>
What a nice service! Maybe I should try something like that too? There's good money in here!
<<button [[Cum and quit|NoteBook]]>><<UpdateArousal "0">><<movetime>><</button>>
<<if $P.Arousal < 100>>\
<<button [[Hold back and quit|NoteBook]]>><<UpdateArousal "100">><<movetime>><</button>>
<</if>><<media "Data/Locations/laptop.jpg" "place">>
My Laptop.
<<switch $rgirl>>\
<<case 0>>\
<<FNpcDialog null null "DeviChains">>I hope you like my sweet moans, Master!<</FNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/OnlyCups/shadow1.mp4">>
I definetely like it! But I think I'm not the only one Master here.
<<case 1>>\
<<FNpcDialog null null "RedSignal">>What? 250$?!And what should I do now?! Hm, I think I have an idea!<</FNpcDialog>>
<<FNpcDialog null null "RedSignal">>I can do it faster with my own hand! God, what a slut I am! But I won't last that long! <</FNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/OnlyCups/red.mp4">>
This is just a legendary stream!
<<FNpcDialog null null "RedSignal">>No, no, no! I can't wait any longer! I'm squirtiiiiiiing!!!<</FNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/OnlyCups/red1.mp4">>
I...don't regret the money.
<<case 2>>\
@@color:lime; Access granted!@@
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/OnlyCups/kai2.mp4">>
She changed position!
<<FNpcDialog null null "Kai">>You know, there's a bully at my school, and she's always fucking sluts like me in the ass<</FNpcDialog>>
Oh, I'm familiar with it.
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/OnlyCups/kai3.mp4">>
<<FNpcDialog null null "Kai">>And now I'm addicted to anal sex!<</FNpcDialog>>
He did a wonderful job, I would have shaken his hand! Wait!.. Stephan's doing the same thing. Then, I hate people like that!
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/OnlyCups/kai4.mp4">>
<<FNpcDialog null null "Kai">>As much as I fuck myself, I want more and more!<</FNpcDialog>>
Apparently such perverts really do exist!
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/OnlyCups/kai5.mp4">>
<<case 3>>\
@@color:lime; Access granted!@@
<<FNpcDialog null null "Jess">>I'm all excited just to put this thing in me!<</FNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/OnlyCups/jess.mp4">>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/OnlyCups/jess3.mp4">>
<<FNpcDialog null null "Jess">>Aah...it's...big...<</FNpcDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "faper9898">>Show your tongue, slut!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<FNpcDialog null null "Jess">>..like that?<</FNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/OnlyCups/jess2.mp4">>
<<MNpcDialog null null "brokEnHeaRt">>Straighten up, I want to see you in all your glory!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<FNpcDialog null null "Jess">>..o-okay...u like it?<</FNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/OnlyCups/jess1.mp4">>
This stream is really something! She complies with the audience's instructions, but that last request was just too exciting! One guy said:
<<MNpcDialog null null "TheGentleMan">>Accelerate to the maximum, like a rabid mare. I want to hear your real moans!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<FNpcDialog null null "Jess">>I-I...understood...<</FNpcDialog>>
And it's beautiful!
<<FNpcDialog null null "Jess">>Ah..a...It hurts me, but it also feels good. I won't be able to stop now!<</FNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/OnlyCups/jess4.mp4">>
<<button [[Cum and quit|NoteBook]]>><<UpdateArousal "0">><<movetime>><</button>>
<<if $P.Arousal < 100>>\
<<button [[Hold back and quit|NoteBook]]>><<UpdateArousal "100">><<movetime>><</button>>
<</if>>\<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Well...let's try<</PlayerDialog>>
<<switch $OCManagerTasks>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<media "Data/Locations/bath.jpg" "place">>
Doing it in the dorm bathroom is too embarrassing, so I'll do it at home. Phew, here we go!
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1 "Cutie7">>Hello, guys! What do you think?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/OnlyCups/P/toilet1.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1 "Cutie7">>I wanted so much to show you my charms that I hid in the bathroom so my family wouldn't find out how promiscuous I am...<</PlayerDialog>>
Well, a little lie wouldn't hurt. It's like being an actor in a movie. There's no one home. Ha-ha!
<<MNpcDialog null null "Oregogo">>You're bad girl, huh?<</MNpcDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "titan95">>Come on, girl. Tell us how you feel, we want to see more!<</MNpcDialog>>
@@color:yellow;titan95 @@ @@color:lime;donated you 80$.@@
@@color:yellow;Oregogo @@ @@color:lime;donated you 45$.@@
@@color:yellow;kurrao @@ @@color:lime;donated you 15$.@@
@@color:yellow;fdoaj @@ @@color:lime;donated you 45$.@@
Hehe, I guess I have no choice!
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/OnlyCups/P/toilet.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1 "Cutie7">>I'm such a bad girl, I wish there was someone else here besides me...<</PlayerDialog>>
~Knock~ ~knock~
<<DadDialog>>Hello, is anyone there? Why is the door closed?<</DadDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused" null "Cutie7">>Dad?! What do you want?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<DadDialog>>Let me go, I need to take a shit!<</DadDialog>>
@@color:yellow;Yurumi @@ @@color:lime;donated you 25$.@@
@@color:yellow;AfterDark @@ @@color:lime;donated you 55$.@@
@@color:yellow;Kikpunch @@ @@color:lime;donated you 75$.@@
@@color:yellow;Oregogo @@ @@color:lime;donated you 25$.@@
<<PlayerDialog "confused" null "Cutie7">>Go to the other bathroom! And we actually have more than one in the house!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<DadDialog>>No, I want to poop here! It's coming out already! Let me in!<</DadDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused" null "Cutie7">>Dad! I'm...naked!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<DadDialog>>And? I'll take my pants off when I sit on the seat, too.<</DadDialog>>
@@color:yellow;TarakanXXX @@ @@color:lime;donated you 75$.@@
@@color:yellow;PinePinoPine @@ @@color:lime;donated you 25$.@@
@@color:yellow;PukiTuki @@ @@color:lime;donated you 35$.@@
@@color:yellow;fdoaj @@ @@color:lime;donated you 85$.@@
<<PlayerDialog "confused" null "Cutie7">>Grrr....find another place!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<DadDialog>>Ugh, how hard it is to deal you, women!<</DadDialog>>
Oh, God! He left.
<<PlayerDialog "happy" null "Cutie7">>Well, thanks for watching me!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused" null "Cutie7">>Bye, everyone!<</PlayerDialog>>
It was awful!
<<UpdateArousal "100">>
<<set $P.OCPopularity += 1.58>>\
<<set $P.OCPopularity = Number($P.OCPopularity.toFixed(2))>>\
@@color:magenta;Your current OnlyCups popularity modifier increased by 1.58@@
@@color:yellow;Your current OnlyCups popularity modifier is $P.OCPopularity@@
Wow, that's a really great progress! I didn't think they would like it that much!
<<button [[Finish special stream|WeekendEvening]]>><<set $CurrentDayTime = 4>><<set $OCManagerTasks++>><</button>>
<<case 2>>\
<<media "Data/Locations/classes.jpg" "place">>
It's a little embarrassing, but I think I can handle it.
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1 "Cutie7">>(whisper) Hello, guys! You know, I go to extracurriculars on the weekends, they are so boring, but I know what to do!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/OnlyCups/P/class.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1 "Cutie7">>Can you see everything well, my sweets?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<FNpcDialog null null "Teacher">>Miss, what are you doing there...under the desk?<</FNpcDialog>>
@@color:yellow;titan95 @@ @@color:lime;donated you 45$.@@
@@color:yellow;Leslao @@ @@color:lime;donated you 45$.@@
@@color:yellow;Yeti225 @@ @@color:lime;donated you 125$.@@
@@color:yellow;Oregogo @@ @@color:lime;donated you 45$.@@
<<PlayerDialog "confused" null "Cutie7">>Um...ahem..I'm sorry, I just had an itch in my ...leg<</PlayerDialog>>
@@color:yellow;kokoro @@ @@color:lime;donated you 65$.@@
@@color:yellow;Tank335 @@ @@color:lime;donated you 45$.@@
@@color:yellow;TarakanXXX @@ @@color:lime;donated you 50$.@@
@@color:yellow;Fearlessbruh @@ @@color:lime;donated you 15$.@@
<<FNpcDialog null null "Teacher">>Oh, okay. But be quiet.<</FNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "happy" null "Cutie7">>Of course, thank you, teacher! (whisper)just a little longer and we'll be done...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<UpdateArousal "100">>
<<set $P.OCPopularity += 1.43>>\
<<set $P.OCPopularity = Number($P.OCPopularity.toFixed(2))>>\
@@color:magenta;Your current OnlyCups popularity modifier increased by 1.43@@
@@color:yellow;Your current OnlyCups popularity modifier is $P.OCPopularity@@
It was tense, but also quite intriguing...
<<button [[Finish special stream|WeekendEvening]]>><<set $CurrentDayTime = 4>><<set $OCManagerTasks++>><</button>>
<<case 3>>\
<<media "Data/Locations/yard.jpg" "place">>
Oh, God! I'm really doing this!
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1 "Cutie7">>Hello, guys! I want to go for a walk outdoors, but it's a little hot today, so I left some of my clothes...at home...!<</PlayerDialog>>
@@color:yellow;AhegaoMan @@ @@color:lime;donated you 25$.@@
@@color:yellow;Oregogo @@ @@color:lime;donated you 45$.@@
@@color:yellow;Jack Nickels @@ @@color:lime;donated you 100$.@@
@@color:yellow;Pokepokemon @@ @@color:lime;donated you 85$.@@
Hehe, I see the guys like it!
@@color:yellow;Tank @@ @@color:lime;donated you 55$.@@
@@color:yellow;Potter @@ @@color:lime;donated you 25$.@@
@@color:yellow;Birdyko996 @@ @@color:lime;donated you 10$.@@
@@color:yellow;LuvLovinglover @@ @@color:lime;donated you 65$.@@
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2 "Cutie7">>There are no passersby in front of me right now, but at any moment someone could get out of a building or a car and see what a slut I am! Ahaa!<</PlayerDialog>>
After a while, I was so horny that I lost all shame and walked around town like that!
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/OnlyCups/P/out.mp4">>
Quite a lot of time passed, I got carried away, and I didn't notice how I went to...
<<media "Data/Characters/npc/gop.jpg" "just">>
<<GangDialog>>Yo, pimple! What are you doing h..wow...What a view!<</GangDialog>>
@@color:yellow;TarakanXXX @@ @@color:lime;donated you 25$.@@
@@color:yellow;WorldWaWa @@ @@color:lime;donated you 75$.@@
@@color:yellow;PointMan @@ @@color:lime;donated you 75$.@@
@@color:yellow;LadySTance @@ @@color:lime;donated you 35$.@@
<<PlayerDialog "confused" null "Cutie7">>Sorry, guys! I'm in a hurry!<</PlayerDialog>>
One of the thugs came closer and grabbed my ass!
<<MNpcDialog null null "Gangboy 1">>Hey, why don't that sweet ass spend some time with me? You're horny af! You want a good dick, don't you? And in return, I won't tell anyone about what you're doing here, hmm?<</MNpcDialog>>
<<UpdateArousal "100">>
<<set $P.OCPopularity += 1.6>>\
<<set $P.OCPopularity = Number($P.OCPopularity.toFixed(2))>>\
@@color:magenta;Your current OnlyCups popularity modifier increased by 1.6@@
@@color:yellow;Your current OnlyCups popularity modifier is $P.OCPopularity@@
<<if $P.Cor >= 70 or $P.SubDom <= -25>>\
@@#cor;<<button [[Agree|SStreams1]]>><</button>>@@<</if>>
<<button [[Finish stream and run away|WeekendEvening]]>><<set $CurrentDayTime = 4>><<set $OCManagerTasks++>><</button>>
<<case 4>>\
<<media "Data/Locations/bath.jpg" "place">>
This time I definitely made sure no one was home! It's time to get started!
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1 "Cutie7">>Hello, guys! Something went wrong on the last stream, but this time I'll try to entertain you properly!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/OnlyCups/P/shower.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1 "Cutie7">>You come home and you see me in your shower, what would you do to me?<</PlayerDialog>>
@@color:yellow;titan95 @@ @@color:lime;donated you 45$.@@
@@color:yellow;Lalaren @@ @@color:lime;donated you 15$.@@
@@color:yellow;fdoaj @@ @@color:lime;donated you 35$.@@
@@color:yellow;Oregogo @@ @@color:lime;donated you 10$.@@
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1 "Cutie7">>How about a back rub? I have two great sponges for that...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/OnlyCups/P/shower1.mp4">>
@@color:yellow;ManInBlack @@ @@color:lime;donated you 25$.@@
@@color:yellow;Taratatata @@ @@color:lime;donated you 85$.@@
@@color:yellow;Kikpunch @@ @@color:lime;donated you 45$.@@
@@color:yellow;Winner196 @@ @@color:lime;donated you 25$.@@
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1 "Cutie7">>All right, guys! Thanks for watching! See you on the next stream!<</PlayerDialog>>
It was...okay? Nothing wrong happened whis time.
<<UpdateArousal "100">>
<<set $P.OCPopularity += 1.28>>\
<<set $P.OCPopularity = Number($P.OCPopularity.toFixed(2))>>\
@@color:magenta;Your current OnlyCups popularity modifier increased by 1.28@@
@@color:yellow;Your current OnlyCups popularity modifier is $P.OCPopularity@@
Hmmm...not as much as last time...but is it bad when I don't have any problems?
<<button [[Finish special stream|WeekendEvening]]>><<set $CurrentDayTime = 4>><<set $OCManagerTasks++>><</button>>
<<case 5>>\
<<media "Data/Locations/ap.jpeg" "place">>
Okay, there's definitely no one at home, so we can start. Hmm... but what's it like to be a dominantrix? Okay, let's improvise something.
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1 "Cutie7">>Hello, guys! What do you think of my new suit? It's cute and sexy! Do you like it?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/OnlyCups/P/dom.mp4">>
@@color:yellow;Oregogo @@ @@color:lime;donated you 10$.@@
@@color:yellow;Conton @@ @@color:lime;donated you 15$.@@
@@color:yellow;ARabic @@ @@color:lime;donated you 20$.@@
@@color:yellow;Potter123 @@ @@color:lime;donated you 10$.@@
<<PlayerDialog "confused" null "Cutie7">>Is there something wrong? You want to see my boobs or what do you want me to do?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Oregogo">>Cutie, we like you, but you wanted to show your dominant side, right? Then you should behave accordingly.<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused" null "Cutie7">>Ugh..I'm sorry, guys...I don't really know...Shit, I'm acting all wrong again!<</PlayerDialog>>
~The sound of the door opening~
I was convinced that no one would come at this time! But Levi...damn...his "schedule" is too chaotic. I can't control it!
<<media "Data/Characters/Levi/M/2.webp" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "confused" null "Cutie7">>What...are you doing here?!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<LeviDialog>>I'm working today, but I suddenly realized I wanted to jerk off and I came back and there's such content!<</LeviDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Levi/M/gif/cock20.mp4">>
<<LeviDialog>>Can you please twist your ass a little more?<</LeviDialog>>
You've got to be kidding me! Grrrr...!
<<PlayerDialog "disgust" null "Cutie7">>You pig! How dare you jerk off to your own sister without my permission, you miserable bastard! Look how pathetic you are!!!<</PlayerDialog>>
@@color:yellow;Conton @@ @@color:lime;donated you 55$.@@
@@color:yellow;TarakanXXX @@ @@color:lime;donated you 65$.@@
@@color:yellow;Potter123 @@ @@color:lime;donated you 85$.@@
@@color:yellow;Oregogo @@ @@color:lime;donated you 50$.@@
Hey, did they just donate? That's how it works!
<<LeviDialog>>I'm going to my room so...<</LeviDialog>>
<<UpdateArousal "100">>
<<set $P.OCPopularity += 0.83>>\
<<set $P.OCPopularity = Number($P.OCPopularity.toFixed(2))>>\
@@color:magenta;Your current OnlyCups popularity modifier increased by 0.83@@
@@color:yellow;Your current OnlyCups popularity modifier is $P.OCPopularity@@
<<button [[Stop him|SStreams1]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Leave him and finish special stream|WeekendEvening]]>><<set $CurrentDayTime = 4>><<set $OCManagerTasks++>><</button>>
<<case 6>>\
<<media "Data/Locations/ap.jpeg" "place">>
No one seems to be home, but most importantly, no Levi! Come on, Nikita! Show them how submissive you could be!
<<MNpcDialog null null "Taratatata">>Wow, is it really our little dominantrix?<</MNpcDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "titan95">>Hah, bitch! Tell us how you feel!<</MNpcDialog>>
@@color:yellow;Wildernesss @@ @@color:lime;donated you 35$.@@
@@color:yellow;PontoMem @@ @@color:lime;donated you 35$.@@
@@color:yellow;titan95 @@ @@color:lime;donated you 45$.@@
@@color:yellow;DoroHiee @@ @@color:lime;donated you 20$.@@
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/OnlyCups/P/collar.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "confused" null "Cutie7">>I feel like a fallen woman...doing this.... in front of everyone...but it feels so gooood<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "TarakanXXX">>So do it harder! Don't stop!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/OnlyCups/P/collar1.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0 "Cutie7">>Yeah, I love being treated that way! .... But I want more!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/OnlyCups/P/collar2.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0 "Cutie7">>If one of you put this collar on me, I would definitely become his property!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "titan95">>That's the spirit! Show us your moans!<</MNpcDialog>>
It's exciting. It's really nice to act like that. I think I've earned that pleasure.
@@color:yellow;TarakanXXX @@ @@color:lime;donated you 55$.@@
@@color:yellow;Oregogo @@ @@color:lime;donated you 65$.@@
@@color:yellow;titan95 @@ @@color:lime;donated you 40$.@@
@@color:yellow;Coton @@ @@color:lime;donated you 30$.@@
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/OnlyCups/P/collar3.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2 "Cutie7">>My Lord...Maaaaster...ah..I'm all yours! Fuck me! Ah, AH!<</PlayerDialog>>
It's exciting. It's really nice to act like that. I think I've earned that pleasure.
<<DadDialog>>Hey, Nikita, are you there?!<</DadDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused" null "Cutie7">>DAD?!<</PlayerDialog>>
~Door handle jerking sound~
<<MNpcDialog null null "Taratatata">>Don't you dare to stop now...I forbid you!<</MNpcDialog>>
@@color:yellow;Taratatata @@ @@color:lime;donated you 85$.@@
@@color:yellow;Oregogo @@ @@color:lime;donated you 75$.@@
@@color:yellow;Laladododo @@ @@color:lime;donated you 50$.@@
@@color:yellow;fdoaj @@ @@color:lime;donated you 65$.@@
Damn it, I shouldn't stop, I can't! It's about my reputation!
<<DadDialog>>Why is your door closed? I need to ask you something<</DadDialog>>
I'm so glad I locked the door!
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/OnlyCups/P/collar3.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0 "Cutie7">>d-dad...i'm little busy now...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<DadDialog>>Okay, I know from my own experience, people sometimes need time for personal space. I was just thinking, you and I don't talk at all. How are you doing at school?<</DadDialog>>
Why now?!
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0 "Cutie7">>i'mm ... already in...university, DAD! Ahhh!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<DadDialog>>Yeas, i was just checking if you were listening to me. What was that sound?<</DadDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused" null "Cutie7">>I... I just cut myself with the tip of the paper...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<DadDialog>>Okay, you be careful out there. By the way, now that you're at uni, have you found your soul mate, who do you want to give your heart to?<</DadDialog>>
Eeeghh...what a situation!
@@color:yellow;WorldWaWa @@ @@color:lime;donated you 25$.@@
@@color:yellow;Taratatata @@ @@color:lime;donated you 75$.@@
@@color:yellow;LadySTance @@ @@color:lime;donated you 75$.@@
@@color:yellow;PointMan @@ @@color:lime;donated you 45$.@@
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/OnlyCups/P/collar5.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0 "Cutie7">>N-no, Dad, I have admirers, but I'm still single...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<DadDialog>>In any case, don't forget about your family either. Well, I think I sobered up. I should probably go.<</DadDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0 "Cutie7">>Yes, Daddy. Let's talk again sometime later...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/OnlyCups/P/collar4.mp4">>
What the fuck was that? I seem to have checked that no one is home. What did he want with me anyway? Did he know I was home? Although he probably just heard... I was talking to him through the door while I was jumping on a dildo on the stream! It was too...arousing...!
<<UpdateArousal "0">>
<<set $P.OCPopularity += 1.82>>\
<<set $P.OCPopularity = Number($P.OCPopularity.toFixed(2))>>\
@@color:magenta;Your current OnlyCups popularity modifier increased by 1.82!@@
@@color:yellow;Your current OnlyCups popularity modifier is $P.OCPopularity@@
<<button [[Finish special stream|WeekendEvening]]>><<set $CurrentDayTime = 4>><<set $OCManagerTasks++>><</button>>
<<case 7>>\
<<media "Data/Locations/kitchen.jpg" "place">>
The situation last time got me so hot that I decided to hold the streamer in the kitchen. I locked the doors just in case, but still, if anyone sees me here like this...I....
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1 "Cutie7">>Hey guys! I've been meaning to cook something, but I got so horny and now I want your attention! What do you think of me?<</PlayerDialog>>
@@color:yellow;Oregogo @@ @@color:lime;donated you 45$.@@
@@color:yellow;titan95 @@ @@color:lime;donated you 25$.@@
@@color:yellow;Daddori @@ @@color:lime;donated you 10$.@@
@@color:yellow;Rooman @@ @@color:lime;donated you 30$.@@
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1 "Cutie7">>I seem to have become addicted to it lately. I'm turning into such a dirty girl!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/OnlyCups/P/kitchen.mp4">>
I say it for the show, but it seems to be kind of true...
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0 "Cutie7">>Oh, God! I'm fucking my ass and It feels so goood! You guys made like this!!<</PlayerDialog>>
@@color:yellow;Taratatata @@ @@color:lime;donated you 45$.@@
@@color:yellow;Laladododo @@ @@color:lime;donated you 25$.@@
@@color:yellow;LadySTance @@ @@color:lime;donated you 40$.@@
@@color:yellow;Oregogo @@ @@color:lime;donated you 40$.@@
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/OnlyCups/P/kitchen1.mp4">>
Man, I'm getting more liberated with every stream. Even now. Why am I so turned on?! Okay, I think the guys have had enough for one day.
~Knocking on the door~ ~Knocking on the door~
What?! Again? If there had been a family member, they probably would have opened the door with their key. Shit, I need to check who's there. I'll look through the door peephole.
<<CustomDialog "Data/Characters/P/F/OnlyCups/P/blackguy.jpg" "Black guy">>Hey, is anybody there? Heeeey?! Fucking insane! Rico said someone had to be home!<</CustomDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused" null "Cutie7">>Sorry, I've been a little busy...D-Do you need something?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CustomDialog "Data/Characters/P/F/OnlyCups/P/blackguy.jpg" "Black guy">>A hot bitch for my dick, please. Or better yet, two! Well, actually I was just asked to bring a folder for Olga at work and give it to someone.<</CustomDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0 "Cutie7">>h-hot...b-bitch..? Ehem...<</PlayerDialog>>
Fuuuck...i can't stop my fingers!
<<UpdateArousal "100">>
@@color:yellow;WorldWarTank @@ @@color:lime;donated you 50$.@@
@@color:yellow;Oregogo @@ @@color:lime;donated you 65$.@@
@@color:yellow;TarakanXXX @@ @@color:lime;donated you 55$.@@
@@color:yellow;fdoj @@ @@color:lime;donated you 50$.@@
<<set $P.OCPopularity += 0.48>>\
<<set $P.OCPopularity = Number($P.OCPopularity.toFixed(2))>>\
@@color:magenta;Your current OnlyCups popularity modifier increased by 0.48!@@
@@color:yellow;Your current OnlyCups popularity modifier is $P.OCPopularity@@
<<CustomDialog "Data/Characters/P/F/OnlyCups/P/blackguy.jpg" "Black guy">>Hey, did you fall asleep in there or what? Open the door!<</CustomDialog>>
I'm horny to the limit! The main thing is not to succumb to this moment! But no one's home, maybe I'll open the door to tease him a little...?
<<if $P.Cor >= 70>>\
<<button [[Open the door right now|SStreams1]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Finish the stream, change, and pick up the package|WeekendEvening]]>><<set $CurrentDayTime = 4>><<set $OCManagerTasks++>><</button>>
<<case 8>>\
<<media "Data/Locations/room5.jpg" "place">>
Parents room.
There's no content here yet :P
<<button [[Back|WeekEnd]]>><</button>>
<</switch>>\<<switch $OCManagerTasks>>\
<<case 3>>\
<<media "Data/Locations/yard.jpg" "place">>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Gangboy 2">>It's not fair!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Gangboy 3">>Not brotherly, bro!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Gangboy 1">>Fuck you, guys! Today this slut is mine!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused" null "Cutie7">>...<</PlayerDialog>>
@@color:yellow;TarakanXXX @@ @@color:lime;donated you 150$.@@
@@color:yellow;Oregogo @@ @@color:lime;donated you 125$.@@
@@color:yellow;TankMan @@ @@color:lime;donated you 55$.@@
@@color:yellow;Solomon @@ @@color:lime;donated you 75$.@@
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0 "Cutie7">>Ahaa! Are you sure you won't tell anyone what I've been doing here?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Gangboy 1">>Are you stupid? You're streaming while I'm fucking you! Everyone already knows you're a fucking cunt slut!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0 "Cutie7">>No..oh..I'm...not...like that...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/OnlyCups/P/out1.mp4">>
@@color:yellow;Lororino @@ @@color:lime;donated you 90$.@@
@@color:yellow;Oregogo @@ @@color:lime;donated you 65$.@@
@@color:yellow;BigDaddyBoss @@ @@color:lime;donated you 100$.@@
@@color:yellow;PainMachine @@ @@color:lime;donated you 75$.@@
<<UpdateArousal "0">>
<<set $P.OCPopularity += 1.73>>\
<<set $P.OCPopularity = Number($P.OCPopularity.toFixed(2))>>\
@@color:magenta;Your current OnlyCups popularity modifier increased by 1.73@@
@@color:yellow;Your current OnlyCups popularity modifier is $P.OCPopularity@@
I end up being one of those thug's bitch...
<<button [[Finish special stream|WeekendEvening]]>><<set $OCManagerTasks++>><<set $CurrentDayTime = 4>><</button>>
<<case 5>>\
<<media "Data/Locations/ap.jpeg" "place">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1 "Cutie7">>Hey, stop right there. Don't you want to apologize to me first for what you did?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<LeviDialog>>But I said...<</LeviDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "disgust" null "Cutie7">>Shut up, you bastard! On your knees! And apologize properly, you slug! Call me "Mistress"!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<LeviDialog>>Y-yes...I'm sorry, my Mistress!<</LeviDialog>>
@@color:yellow;kikuro @@ @@color:lime;donated you 100$.@@
@@color:yellow;Oregogo @@ @@color:lime;donated you 65$.@@
@@color:yellow;LadySTance @@ @@color:lime;donated you 50$.@@
@@color:yellow;KillerQueen @@ @@color:lime;donated you 90$.@@
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1 "Cutie7">>You're not worthy to be called a human being! You're a pathetic slug who jerks off to his sister! You're just trash underfoot, that's the only place you'll be happy! At the feet of your mistress!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<LeviDialog>>Yes! You're right, my Mistress! I apologize for being so pathetic!<</LeviDialog>>
I didn't think it would be so much fun!
@@color:yellow;Orarota @@ @@color:lime;donated you 50$.@@
@@color:yellow;TarakanXXX @@ @@color:lime;donated you 100$.@@
@@color:yellow;Lactosa @@ @@color:lime;donated you 75$.@@
@@color:yellow;LuckyLoser @@ @@color:lime;donated you 65$.@@
God, I got so horny, but I can't lose the image!
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1 "Cutie7">>Only your Mistress can understand how disgusting you really are! Show some love, trash!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<LeviDialog>>Sorry, I'm sorry! I love you, Mistress!<</LeviDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/OnlyCups/P/dom1.mp4">>
@@color:yellow;Origogo @@ @@color:lime;donated you 45$.@@
@@color:yellow;Gentleman6 @@ @@color:lime;donated you 50$.@@
@@color:yellow;Winner123 @@ @@color:lime;donated you 75$.@@
@@color:yellow;Jojofug @@ @@color:lime;donated you 65$.@@
<<PlayerDialog "disgust" null "Cutie7">>Ew, now there's your filthy sperm all over the place, slug... Clean it up!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<LeviDialog>>As you say, Mistress!<</LeviDialog>>
Haaa! I like it!
<<UpdateArousal "150">>
<<set $P.OCPopularity += 1.83>>\
<<set $P.OCPopularity = Number($P.OCPopularity.toFixed(2))>>\
@@color:magenta;Your current OnlyCups popularity modifier increased by 1.83@@
@@color:yellow;Your current OnlyCups popularity modifier is $P.OCPopularity@@
It turned out pretty good, if it wasn't Levi, I would have definitely failed!
<<button [[Finish special stream|WeekendEvening]]>><<set $OCManagerTasks++>><<UpdateSubDom "+3">><<set $CurrentDayTime = 4>><</button>>
<<case 7>>\
<<media "Data/Locations/ap.jpeg" "place">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0 "Cutie7">>Oh, NO! Please! Your cock is too big!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/OnlyCups/P/kitchen3.mp4">>
<<CustomDialog "Data/Characters/P/F/OnlyCups/P/blackguy.jpg" "Black guy">>You didn't think I was a dumb deer who would just watch, did you? You opened the door for me in that slutty way and what did you think was going to happen, hmm?<</CustomDialog>>
He proceeded to do whatever he wanted with me.
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/OnlyCups/P/kitchen.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0 "Cutie7">>You're making it too rough!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CustomDialog "Data/Characters/P/F/OnlyCups/P/blackguy.jpg" "Black guy">>Shut up! Now I see that the daughter of slutty Olga is a slut just like herself! You're in seventh heaven coz of my cock, aren't you? Admit it already!<</CustomDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/OnlyCups/P/kitchen1.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0 "Cutie7">>I'm hurt and ashamed!...b-but being fucked like this feels so gooood!<</PlayerDialog>>
This guy threw the folder on the table, finished with me, and left.
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0 "Cutie7">>OH MY GOD! I TOTALLY FORGOT ABOUT THE STREAM! I need to check it out right away!<</PlayerDialog>>
@@color:yellow;WorldWarTank @@ @@color:lime;donated you 85$.@@
@@color:yellow;TarakanXXX @@ @@color:lime;donated you 95$.@@
@@color:yellow;Oregogo @@ @@color:lime;donated you 100$.@@
@@color:yellow;fdoj @@ @@color:lime;donated you 50$.@@
@@color:yellow;Solomon @@ @@color:lime;donated you 75$.@@
@@color:yellow;BigDaddyBoss @@ @@color:lime;donated you 100$.@@
@@color:yellow;PainMachine @@ @@color:lime;donated you 75$.@@
@@color:yellow;kikuro @@ @@color:lime;donated you 100$.@@
@@color:yellow;KillerQueen @@ @@color:lime;donated you 90$.@@
@@color:yellow;LuckyLoser @@ @@color:lime;donated you 65$.@@
<<set $P.OCPopularity += 1.89>>\
<<set $P.OCPopularity = Number($P.OCPopularity.toFixed(2))>>\
@@color:magenta;Your current OnlyCups popularity modifier increased by 1.89!@@
@@color:yellow;Your current OnlyCups popularity modifier is $P.OCPopularity@@
Geez, there's a whole bunch of positive reviews and donations here! They say the review wasn't great in places, especially towards the end, but that whole scene just played on their imagination!
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1 "Cutie7">>Emm...t-thank you for watching, g-guys...I..I'm off.<</PlayerDialog>>
Man, this is so embarrassing!...but that sex was so...unforgettable!
W-Why do I even bother?! After all, playing a sexy babe will at worst give me a lot of pleasure and also greatly increase my popularity on OnlyCups! Becoming everyone's sexual idol is so exciting!
Now I want more of this feeling...~giggles~
<<UpdateCorruption "+2">>
<<UpdateSubDom "-1">>
<<UpdateArousal "0">>
<<button [[Finish the stream|WeekendEvening]]>><<set $CurrentDayTime = 4>><<set $OCManagerTasks++>><</button>>
<</switch>>\<<media "Data/Locations/newlab.jpg" "place">>
Pharma company. Laboratory.
It's still hard to believe we can safely use this space.
@@#pill;<<button [[Crafting table|PharmaLabCraftingTable]]>>
<<set $PillNum = 0>>
<<set $PillsAdded = "">>
<<disable $CurrentDayTime === 4>>\
@@#money;<<button [[Research|PharmaLabResearch]]>><</button>>@@
@@#place;<<button [[Leave|Outside]]>><</button>>@@<<RE [[_PharmaLabCraftingTableOpen]]>>
<<RE [[_PharmaLabCraftingTable]]>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
type: "goto",
<<REDisable [[_PharmaLabCraftingTableOpen]]>>
Pharma company. Laboratory. Crafting table.
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Wow, there are so many automatic help systems out there. And the computers are very powerful! <</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Aha! I've been doing a bit of research and I've customized some systems for us. There's nothing superfluous here. Now we can focus on high-level research, and I'm not even talking about making pills. Crafting them has never been easier! I think you're gonna love it!<</JimmyDialog>>
@@color:yellow;Note: You no longer need to memorize how to make this or that pill. All available recipes will be stored in the computer. All you have to do is keep an eye on the ingredients.@@
<<button [[Let's test it out|PharmaLabCraftingTable]]>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
type: "goto",
Pharma company. Laboratory. Crafting table.
<div class = "console">\
<img src="Data/Locations/consolebg.png" alt="console" style="width:75%;">
<div class = "consoleinside">
<<switch $PillNum>>\
<<case 0>>\
<<case 1>>\
Ready-to Use Simple Pills (lvl1): @@color:yellow;$Inventory.Tablets@@
= <<if $Inventory.Milk >= 3>> @@color:lime;font-size:150%;$Inventory.Milk@@<<else>> @@color:red;font-size:150%;$Inventory.Milk@@<</if>> Milk + <<if $Inventory.Vodka >= 1>> @@color:lime;font-size:150%;$Inventory.Vodka@@<<else>> @@color:red;font-size:150%;$Inventory.Vodka@@<</if>> Vodka + <<if $Inventory.Cucumber >= 2>> @@color:lime;font-size:150%;$Inventory.Cucumber@@<<else>> @@color:red;font-size:150%;$Inventory.Cucumber@@<</if>> Cucumber
<<if $Inventory.Milk >= 3 and $Inventory.Vodka >= 1 and $Inventory.Cucumber >= 2>>\
@@color:lime; You have enough ingredients to create.@@
@@#pill;<<button [[Create pill|PharmaLabCraftingTable]]>><<set $Inventory.Milk -= 3>><<set $Inventory.Vodka -= 1>><<set $Inventory.Cucumber -= 2>><<set $Inventory.Tablets++>>
<<set $PillsAdded = "1 pill (lvl 1) added to your inventory!">><</button>>@@
@@color:red; You don't have enough ingredients to create one.@@
<<case 2>>\
Ready-to Use Simple Pills (lvl2): @@color:yellow;$Inventory.Tabletslvl2@@
= <<if $Inventory.Milk >= 1>> @@color:lime;font-size:150%;$Inventory.Milk@@<<else>> @@color:red;font-size:150%;$Inventory.Milk@@<</if>> Milk + <<if $Inventory.Vodka >= 2>> @@color:lime;font-size:150%;$Inventory.Vodka@@<<else>> @@color:red;font-size:150%;$Inventory.Vodka@@<</if>> Vodka + <<if $Inventory.Cucumber >= 4>> @@color:lime;font-size:150%;$Inventory.Cucumber@@<<else>> @@color:red;font-size:150%;$Inventory.Cucumber@@<</if>> Cucumber + <<if $Inventory.Pineapple >= 1>> @@color:lime;font-size:150%;$Inventory.Pineapple@@<<else>> @@color:red;font-size:150%;$Inventory.Pineapple@@<</if>> Pineapple
<<if $Inventory.Milk >= 1 and $Inventory.Vodka >= 2 and $Inventory.Cucumber >= 4 and $Inventory.Pineapple >= 1>>\
@@color:lime; You have enough ingredients to create.@@
@@#pill;<<button [[Create pill|PharmaLabCraftingTable]]>><<set $Inventory.Milk -= 1>><<set $Inventory.Vodka -= 2>><<set $Inventory.Cucumber -= 4>><<set $Inventory.Pineapple -= 1>><<set $Inventory.Tabletslvl2++>>
<<set $PillsAdded = "1 pill (lvl 2) added to your inventory!">><</button>>@@
@@color:red; You don't have enough ingredients to create one.@@
<<case 3>>\
Bodyswitch pills: @@color:yellow;$Inventory.TabletsBodySwitch@@
= <<if $Inventory.Milk >= 1>> @@color:lime;font-size:150%;$Inventory.Milk@@<<else>> @@color:red;font-size:150%;$Inventory.Milk@@<</if>> Milk + <<if $Inventory.Pineapple >= 4>> @@color:lime;font-size:150%;$Inventory.Pineapple@@<<else>> @@color:red;font-size:150%;$Inventory.Pineapple@@<</if>> Pineapple
<<if $Inventory.Milk >= 1 and $Inventory.Pineapple >= 4>>\
@@color:lime; You have enough ingredients to create.@@
@@#pill;<<button [[Create pill|PharmaLabCraftingTable]]>><<set $Inventory.Milk -= 1>><<set $Inventory.Pineapple -= 4>><<set $Inventory.TabletsBodySwitch += 2>>
<<set $PillsAdded = "2 BodySwitch pills added to your inventory!">><</button>>@@
@@color:red; You don't have enough ingredients to create one.@@
<<case 4>>\
Arousal Increase pills: @@color:yellow;$Inventory.TabletsArousalInc@@
= <<if $Inventory.Milk >= 1>> @@color:lime;font-size:150%;$Inventory.Milk@@<<else>> @@color:red;font-size:150%;$Inventory.Milk@@<</if>> Milk + <<if $Inventory.Pineapple >= 1>> @@color:lime;font-size:150%;$Inventory.Pineapple@@<<else>> @@color:red;font-size:150%;$Inventory.Pineapple@@<</if>> Pineapple + <<if $Inventory.Vodka >= 4>> @@color:lime;font-size:150%;$Inventory.Vodka@@<<else>> @@color:red;font-size:150%;$Inventory.Vodka@@<</if>> Vodka
<<if $Inventory.Milk >= 1 and $Inventory.Pineapple >= 1 and $Inventory.Vodka >= 4>>\
@@color:lime; You have enough ingredients to create.@@
@@#pill;<<button [[Create pill|PharmaLabCraftingTable]]>><<set $Inventory.Milk -= 1>><<set $Inventory.Pineapple -= 1>><<set $Inventory.Vodka -= 4>><<set $Inventory.TabletsArousalInc += 2>>
<<set $PillsAdded = "2 Arousal Increase pills added to your inventory!">><</button>>@@
@@color:red; You don't have enough ingredients to create one.@@
<<case 5>>\
Arousal Decrease pills: @@color:yellow;$Inventory.TabletsArousalDec@@
= <<if $Inventory.Milk >= 1>> @@color:lime;font-size:150%;$Inventory.Milk@@<<else>> @@color:red;font-size:150%;$Inventory.Milk@@<</if>> Milk + <<if $Inventory.Pineapple >= 2>> @@color:lime;font-size:150%;$Inventory.Pineapple@@<<else>> @@color:red;font-size:150%;$Inventory.Pineapple@@<</if>> Pineapple + <<if $Inventory.Cucumber >= 10>> @@color:lime;font-size:150%;$Inventory.Cucumber@@<<else>> @@color:red;font-size:150%;$Inventory.Cucumber@@<</if>> Cucumber
<<if $Inventory.Milk >= 1 and $Inventory.Pineapple >= 2 and $Inventory.Cucumber >= 10>>\
@@color:lime; You have enough ingredients to create.@@
@@#pill;<<button [[Create pill|PharmaLabCraftingTable]]>><<set $Inventory.Milk -= 1>><<set $Inventory.Pineapple -= 2>><<set $Inventory.Cucumber -= 10>><<set $Inventory.TabletsArousalDec += 2>>
<<set $PillsAdded = "2 Arousal Decrease pills added to your inventory!">><</button>>@@
@@color:red; You don't have enough ingredients to create one.@@
<<case 6>>\
Ethereal pills: @@color:yellow;$Inventory.TabletsEthereal@@
= <<if $Inventory.Milk >= 2>> @@color:lime;font-size:150%;$Inventory.Milk@@<<else>> @@color:red;font-size:150%;$Inventory.Milk@@<</if>> Milk + <<if $Inventory.Pineapple >= 1>> @@color:lime;font-size:150%;$Inventory.Pineapple@@<<else>> @@color:red;font-size:150%;$Inventory.Pineapple@@<</if>> Pineapple + <<if $Inventory.PineNuts >= 6>> @@color:lime;font-size:150%;$Inventory.PineNuts@@<<else>> @@color:red;font-size:150%;$Inventory.PineNuts@@<</if>> PineNuts
<<if $Inventory.Milk >= 2 and $Inventory.Pineapple >= 1 and $Inventory.PineNuts >= 6>>\
@@color:lime; You have enough ingredients to create.@@
@@#pill;<<button [[Create pill|PharmaLabCraftingTable]]>><<set $Inventory.Milk -= 2>><<set $Inventory.Pineapple -= 1>><<set $Inventory.PineNuts -= 6>><<set $Inventory.TabletsEthereal += 2>>
<<set $PillsAdded = "2 Ethereal pills added to your inventory!">><</button>>@@
@@color:red; You don't have enough ingredients to create one.@@
<<case 7>>\
Simple pills (lvl3): @@color:yellow;$Inventory.Tabletslvl3@@
= <<if $Inventory.Milk >= 2>> @@color:lime;font-size:150%;$Inventory.Milk@@<<else>> @@color:red;font-size:150%;$Inventory.Milk@@<</if>> Milk + <<if $Inventory.Tabletslvl2 >= 1>> @@color:lime;font-size:150%;$Inventory.Tabletslvl2@@<<else>> @@color:red;font-size:150%;$Inventory.Tabletslvl2@@<</if>> Simple pill(lvl2) + <<if $Inventory.Pineapple >= 1>> @@color:lime;font-size:150%;$Inventory.Pineapple@@<<else>> @@color:red;font-size:150%;$Inventory.Pineapple@@<</if>> Pineapple + <<if $Inventory.Whiskey >= 1>> @@color:lime;font-size:150%;$Inventory.Whiskey@@<<else>> @@color:red;font-size:150%;$Inventory.Whiskey @@<</if>>Whiskey + <<if $Inventory.Ractivity >= 1>> @@color:lime;font-size:150%;$Inventory.Ractivity@@<<else>> @@color:red;font-size:150%;$Inventory.Ractivity @@<</if>> vial of "Ractivity"
<<if $Inventory.Milk >= 2 and $Inventory.Pineapple >= 1 and $Inventory.Whiskey >= 1 and $Inventory.Tabletslvl2 >= 1 and $Inventory.Ractivity >= 1>>\
@@color:lime; You have enough ingredients to create.@@
<<if $CreatedLvl3Pill === true>>\
@@#pill;<<button [[Create pill|PharmaLabCraftingTable]]>><<set $Inventory.Milk -= 2>><<set $Inventory.Pineapple -= 1>><<set $Inventory.Whiskey -= 1>><<set $Inventory.Tabletslvl2 -= 1>><<set $Inventory.Ractivity -= 1>><<set $Inventory.Tabletslvl3 += 1>>
<<set $PillsAdded = "1 Simple pill (lvl3) added to your inventory!">><</button>>@@
@@#pill;<<button [[Create pill|Lvl3FirstCreation]]>><<set $Inventory.Milk -= 2>><<set $Inventory.Pineapple -= 1>><<set $Inventory.Whiskey -= 1>><<set $Inventory.Tabletslvl2 -= 1>><<set $Inventory.Ractivity -= 1>><<set $Inventory.Tabletslvl3 += 1>>
<<set $PillsAdded = "1 Simple pill (lvl3) added to your inventory!">><</button>>@@
@@color:red; You don't have enough ingredients to create one.@@
@@color:orange; Available recipes:@@
<<button [[Simple pills (lvl 1)|PharmaLabCraftingTable]]>><<set $PillNum = 1>><<set $PillsAdded = "">><</button>>
<<if $Tabletslvl2 == true>>\
<<button [[Simple pills (lvl 2)|PharmaLabCraftingTable]]>><<set $PillNum = 2>><<set $PillsAdded = "">><</button>>
<<if $TabletsBodySwitch == true>>\
<<button [[BodySwitch pills|PharmaLabCraftingTable]]>><<set $PillNum = 3>><<set $PillsAdded = "">><</button>>
<<if $ArousalInc.Researched == true>>\
<<button [[Arousal Increase pills|PharmaLabCraftingTable]]>><<set $PillNum = 4>><<set $PillsAdded = "">><</button>>
<<if $ArousalDec.Researched == true>>\
<<button [[Arousal Decrease pills|PharmaLabCraftingTable]]>><<set $PillNum = 5>><<set $PillsAdded = "">><</button>>
<<if $EtherealPill.Researched == true>>\
<<button [[Ethereal pills|PharmaLabCraftingTable]]>><<set $PillNum = 6>><<set $PillsAdded = "">><</button>>
<<if $Tabletslvl3 === true>>\
<<button [[Lvl 3 pills|PharmaLabCraftingTable]]>><<set $PillNum = 7>><<set $PillsAdded = "">><</button>>
@@color:yellow; Note@@: all recipes can still be found in the "Inventory" tab.
@@#place;<<button [[Exit table|PharmaLab]]>><<set $PillNum = 0>><<set $PillsAdded = "">><</button>>@@
</div><<media "Data/Locations/newlab.jpg" "place">>
Pharma company. Laboratory.
<<RE [[Lvl3PillPicked]]>>
<<if $TabletsBodySwitch === true>>
<<for $i to 0; $i lt $AllResearches.length; $i++>>
<<if $AllResearches[$i].Name == "Bodyswitch pills">>
<<set $AllResearches[$i].Available = false>>
<<set $AllResearches[$i].Researched = true>>
<<if $ResearchChosenMode === false>>\
<<set $AvailableResearches = []>>\
<<for $i to 0; $i lt $AllResearches.length; $i++>>\
<<if $AllResearches[$i].Available === true>>\
<<if $AllResearches[$i].Researched !== true>>\
<<set $AvailableResearches.push($AllResearches[$i])>>\
@@color:yellow; font-size:120%;Available researches:@@
There are @@color:#40AEEC;$AvailableResearches.length@@ researches available to you now.
<<for $i to 0; $i lt $AvailableResearches.length; $i++>>\
<<set _ResearchPillToChoose = $AvailableResearches[$i]>>\
<<capture _ResearchPillToChoose>>\
@@#rel;<<button [[_ResearchPillToChoose.Name|PharmaLabResearch]]>>
<<set $ResearchChosenMode = true>>
<<set $ResearchChosenPill = _ResearchPillToChoose>>
<<set $ResearchChosenPill.Chosen = true>>
<<set $P.EverydaySpending += $ResearchChosenPill.Price>>
<<set $P.Spending = $P.EverydaySpending * (-1)>>
<</button>>@@ - <<if _ResearchPillToChoose.Difficulty == 0>> @@color:lime;Easy@@<<elseif _ResearchPillToChoose.Difficulty == 1>> @@color:yellow;Normal@@<<elseif _ResearchPillToChoose.Difficulty == 2>> @@color:red;Hard@@<</if>> - @@font-size:80%;_ResearchPillToChoose.Description@@ - Progress @@color:lime;_ResearchPillToChoose.CurrentResearchProgress %@@
@@font-size:125%;Current Research: @@ @@color:#40AEEC;font-size:120%;$ResearchChosenPill.Name @@
<<if $ResearchChosenPill.CurrentResearchProgress < 100>>\
@@font-size:115%;Research progress: @@ @@color:yellow;font-size:115%;$ResearchChosenPill.CurrentResearchProgress %@@
Research difficulty: <<if $ResearchChosenPill.Difficulty == 0>> @@color:lime;Easy@@<<elseif $ResearchChosenPill.Difficulty == 1>> @@color:yellow;Normal@@<<elseif $ResearchChosenPill.Difficulty == 2>> @@color:red;Hard@@<</if>>
Research speed/day: @@color:lime;$ResearchChosenPill.CurrentSpeed %@@
Costs/day of research: @@color:red; $ResearchChosenPill.Price $/day@@
<<disable $CurrentDayTime === 4>>\
@@#money;<<button [[Work on research|PharmaLabResearchWork]]>><</button>>@@
<<if $MotivatedToday == false>>\
<<disable $CurrentDayTime === 4>>\
@@#cor;<<button [[Motivate Jimmy|PharmaLabResearchMotivating]]>><</button>>@@
<<if $P.Money >= 200>>\
<<disable $CurrentDayTime === 4>>\
@@#redb;<<button [[Use money to speed up (200$)|PharmaLabResearchMoney]]>><</button>>@@
<<disable $CurrentDayTime === 4>>\
<<button [[Pause current research|PharmaLabResearch]]>>
<<for $i to 0; $i lt $AllResearches.length; $i++>>
<<if $AllResearches[$i].Name == $ResearchChosenPill.Name>>
<<set $AllResearches[$i] = $ResearchChosenPill>>
<<set $AllResearches[$i].Chosen = false>>
<<set $ResearchChosenMode = false>>
<<set $P.EverydaySpending -= $ResearchChosenPill.Price>>
<<set $P.Spending = $P.EverydaySpending * (-1)>>
@@font-size:110%;Current Research progress:@@ @@font-size:110%;color:lime;Completed@@
<<button [[Explanation|$ResearchChosenPill.Explanation]]>>
<<for $i to 0; $i lt $AllResearches.length; $i++>>
<<if $AllResearches[$i].Name === $ResearchChosenPill.Name>>
<<set $AllResearches[$i] = $ResearchChosenPill>>
<<set $AllResearches[$i].Chosen = false>>
<<set $AllResearches[$i].Available = false>>
<<set $AllResearches[$i].Researched = true>>
<<set $ResearchChosenMode = false>>
<<set $P.EverydaySpending -= $ResearchChosenPill.Price>>
<<set $P.Spending = $P.EverydaySpending * (-1)>>
<<if $CurrentDayTime === 4>>\
It's too late, I need to get home or back to the dorm and get some sleep.....
<<button [[Guide on research|PharmaLabResearchGuide]]>><</button>>
@@#place;<<button [[Back|PharmaLab]]>><</button>>@@<<media "Data/Locations/newlab.jpg" "place">>
Pharma company. Laboratory.
Hi! Research will allow you to learn something new by testing and experimenting on new advanced equipment. Research allows you to learn how to create new pills.
Research requires money and time.
All researches are divided into 3 categories: @@color:lime;Easy@@, @@color:yellow;Normal@@ and @@color:red;Hard@@.
Once selected, the study will advance automatically until it ends or until you stop it.
However, you can @@color:lime;speed up@@ the process. You can @@color:lime;work on research@@, @@color:magenta;motivate Jimmy@@, or @@color:yellow;use money (200$)@@ to speed things up.
@@color:deeppink;(Motivating Jimmy can be done 1 time per day, working on research wastes your time, speeding up with money wastes no time at all.)@@
The research you choose will @@color:red;increase your daily spending@@ depending on the difficulty level, but you can pause the research at any time, the current progress of the research will be saved.
Here you can see the efficiency and improvement in research speed for every action you take:
<th>Difficulty level</th>
<th>%/working on research</th>
<th>%/motivating Jimmy</th>
<th>%/using money</th>
<td> @@color:lime;Easy@@</td>
<td>+4% to current speed</td>
<td> @@color:yellow;Normal@@</td>
<td>+2% to current speed</td>
<td> @@color:red;Hard@@</td>
<td>+1% to current speed</td>
@@#place;<<button [[Back|PharmaLabResearch]]>><</button>>@@<<media "Data/Locations/newlab.jpg" "place">>
Pharma company. Laboratory.
<<JimmyDialog>>The research is complete and we have the results!<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Yay, let's hurry up and explore what we got!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>It's actually a relatively simple pill. I decided to call it @@color:magenta;"Arousal Decrease Pill"@@. The formula is not complicated and the pill itself should be pretty safe, but we need to test it out.<</JimmyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/npc/gum.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>What? Instant test?!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Yes, we did figure out that sexual energy, vital essence, and magical flows are very strongly connected. @@color:yellow;"Arousal Decrease Pills" should only work on someone with Mana.@@<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Cool titles are not your forte!... Anyway, I trust you with every fiber of my being.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<UpdateArousal "0">>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Wow, I feel so light and my mind feels like it's been scrubbed clean of unnecessary thoughts. W-Wow...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Fine, as espected it worked on you. @@color:yellow;This pill lowers your arousal, bringing you back to sobriety.@@ It doesn't work on me, for example. <</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Okay...So, I was thinking, what happens if I use it after "Celtos"?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>I can't say for sure, I haven't tested this, but most likely you'll just go back to normal state. Anyway, you should know that @@color:yellow;this pill is reusable. Well, that is, you can eat it as many times as you want, and I haven't found any negative effects so far. @@<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>What's the recipe...?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>It's nothing complicated. You won't need any additional unique ingredients.<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>That's great!<</PlayerDialog>>
I think it would be a good idea to always have a couple of these pills with me all the time. Anything can happen...right?
<<set $Inventory.TabletsArousalDec += 1>>\
<<set $ArousalDec.Researched = true>>\
<<set $ArousalDec.Available = false>>\
@@color:lime;You received 1 Arousal Decrease pill.@@
@@color:lime;Now you can craft Arousal Decrease Pill in the lab. Check recipe in the "Inventory" tab. @@
@@color:yellow;You can use Arousal Decrease Pills from your inventory or by clicking the icon on your character's side portrait.@@
@@#place;<<button [[Back|PharmaLabResearch]]>><<movetime>><</button>>@@<<media "Data/Locations/newlab.jpg" "place">>
Pharma company. Laboratory.
<<JimmyDialog>>The research is complete and we have the results!<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Yay, let's hurry up and explore what we got!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>It's actually a relatively simple pill. I decided to call it @@color:magenta;"Arousal Increase Pill"@@. The formula is not complicated and the pill itself should be pretty safe, but we need to test it out.<</JimmyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/npc/gum.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>What? Right now?!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Yes, we did figure out that sexual energy, vital essence, and magical flows are very strongly connected. @@color:yellow;"Arousal Increase Pills" should only work on someone with Mana.@@<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>You didn't worry too much about the names... Oh, okay! I trust you with every fiber of my being.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<UpdateArousal "100">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>Oh, my whole body feels like it's on fire! I...want to do a lot of...naughty things.... Did you slip me some Viagra?!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Wow, as espected it worked on you. So, yeah, it's a magical Viagra specially for you! It doesn't work on me, for example. <</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>Apparently you got the idea from "Celtos"...Uff...Is there anything else I need to know?...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>You're right, but Celtos works a little differently. @@color:yellow;It just pushes your Arousal on maximum.@@ Anyway, you should know that @@color:yellow;this pill is reusable. Well, that is, you can eat it as many times as you want, and I haven't found any negative effects so far.@@ <</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>What's the recipe...?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Don't worry, it's simple. You won't need any additional unique ingredients.<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>That's great!<</PlayerDialog>>
Hopefully I can use it properly...hehehe.....
<<set $Inventory.TabletsArousalInc += 1>>\
<<set $ArousalInc.Researched = true>>\
<<set $ArousalInc.Available = false>>\
@@color:lime;You received 1 Arousal Increase pill.@@
@@color:lime;Now you can craft Arousal Increase Pill in the lab. Check recipe in the "Inventory" tab. @@
@@color:yellow;You can use Arousal Increase Pills from your inventory or by clicking the icon on your character's side portrait.@@
@@#place;<<button [[Back|PharmaLabResearch]]>><<movetime>><</button>>@@<<media "Data/Locations/newlab.jpg" "place">>
Pharma company. Laboratory.
<<JimmyDialog>>The research is complete and we have the results!<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Yay, let's hurry up and explore what we got!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Well, to be honest I came to this formula a long time ago and by accident, but now we can repeat it as many times as we want to create a new pill. I'm proud to call it the @@color:magenta;BodySwitch Pill@@!<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>BodySwitch?... It allows you to switch bodies, right? What does that mean?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Patience, my friend. Before I tell you what it does, I must tell you about two distinctive features of it.<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>I'm listening carefully<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>First of all, @@color:yellow;this pill is reusable. Well, that is, you can eat it as many times as you want, and I haven't found any negative effects so far.@@<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Awesome, so what is the effect?!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Secondly, @@color:yellow;it only works on you...@@<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Awes...stop. What? Only on me?!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Well, actually, it will work on Carol, too. @@color:yellow;All it takes is for one of you to eat that pill and you'll switch.@@<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Wait! I mean, I don't get it. In the middle of the day?!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Exactly! It's hard to explain, and I myself am not entirely sure how it works exactly. In general terms, when you change, events around you change as well, creating a balance and a sense that everything is as it should be. And this phenomenon affects everything around you: certain events, material objects like clothes and even people's memories!<</JimmyDialog>>
Hmm, that might be useful...
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Wait, how did you even get to that point, and I'm even more interested in how you figured out it only worked for me and Carol!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>You swapped with Carol a couple of times during my previous random lab experiments. In this lab, I researched a pill, and later, finding no side effects, interest overcame common sense and I tried it on myself...<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Hahahahahah! Were you upset that it didn't work?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>At the very least, it turned out to be safe...<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Jimmy, do you have any idea what you just did?! We're almost through with the witch spell!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Haa, yes, this is progress. But it's only a temporary solution, and you'll see why. <</JimmyDialog>>
He handed me a piece of paper with a prescription.
...just looking at this recipe was enough to make my eyes look like bowling balls.
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>4 PINEAPPLES AND 1 MILK?! ARE YOU SERIOUS?!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>..pina colada..hehe<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<set $TabletsBodySwitch = true>>\
<<set $Inventory.TabletsBodySwitch += 1>>\
<<set $BodySwitchPill.Researched = true>>\
<<set $BodySwitchPill.Available = false>>\
@@color:lime;You received 1 Bodyswitch pill.@@
@@color:lime;Now you can craft Bodyswitch pills in the lab. Check recipe in the "Inventory" tab. @@
@@color:yellow;You can use BodyChange Pills from your inventory or by clicking the icon on your character's side portrait.@@
@@#place;<<button [[Back|PharmaLabResearch]]>><<movetime>><</button>>@@<<media "Data/Locations/newlab.jpg" "place">>
Pharma company. Laboratory.
<<JimmyDialog>>The research is complete and we have the results!<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Yay, let's hurry up and explore what we got!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Well, the formula for this pill wasn't easy to come up with, the only thing that helped was that we had previously experimented with a similar effect and I had some work in progress.<</JimmyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/npc/etherealpill.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Wow! It looks so beautiful! It's like it's sparkling!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Yes, It contains the power and knowledge we have received so far. I am proud to call it @@color:magenta;the "Ethereal" pill!@@<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Okay, this time it sounds pretty cool...So what is this pill capable of?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Well, it'll literally make you a God. <</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Wo..wow...what? Like I'm gonna be omnipotent and I can do all this cool impossible stuff?!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Don't forget that I don't believe in God until it's proven. Even if there is one, all he does is @@color:yellow;observe@@. That's exactly what it'll let you do. And unfortunately, of the two of us, that's only available to you...<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>What? Observe?...now that doesn't sound so cool as it was before...Ha-ha! And why am I the only one who can use it?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Let me explain everything in order. In the process of our experiments it turned out that magical energy is literally everywhere, and there are millions of its iterations happening everywhere at the same time, created from the desires and life activities of intelligent and not so intelligent beings. Does that make sense?<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Uh...let's say... Sooo, what do we infer from that?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Knowing this information we can now look at human dreams from a different angle. In dreams we see what we have ever seen or what we want to see, and it all intersects directly with these many streams of magical energy.<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Are you saying that dreams are also a kind of magic?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Almost like that, dreams are the only magic available to us - regular humans. But you're different, you have Mana, so with some help you can force your thoughts and desires to pick up the not-so-most iterations of magical flows and look where you wouldn't be able to look. You'll be able to look into a past you're not familiar with and have never seen! And Ehereal pills will be your helpers here. <</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Wait.... so simply put, @@color:yellow;in a dream I can see what some person was doing, even I wasn't there?!@@<</PlayerDialog>>
Yes, but there are some rules. You have to know them to understand how the Ehereal pill works. So:
@@color:yellow;1. You have to be familiar with the person you want to observe!
2. The pill only works while you sleep, so only use it before you go to bed!
3. You won't be seen, and I'm not sure you'll even be able to control your movements! I still have a theory that you can be sensed by individuals open to magical flows, but I have no way to test that theory.
4. You will not be able to replay the past as you wish, you will only see a moment of increased desire and pleasure of the person you are watching.@@\
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>I memorized: @@color:yellow;use only before going to sleep, think of a familiar person, I am invisible without the ability to influence what is happening...@@That's it, I get it, but about the last point. So, roughly speaking, @@color:yellow;I will only see the moment when the person felt good?@@<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Yeah, I'm pretty sure of the formula, so that's roughly how it should work. Here's the recipe.<</JimmyDialog>>
Jimmy handed me a small piece of paper with a prescription on it.
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>What? Pine nuts? Were they even in the store?!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>They should be there like any other store...Although you're not a squirrel and apparently not a nut lover to pay attention to them. Ha-ha!<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>...eh...By the way, I've been meaning to ask! Why do we use regular grocery store products to make super-advanced magic pills?! It's weird, right?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>It's not weird in the slightest! We don't use the products themselves, but only some of their elements, and in this way they are simply the easiest to get in large quantities. For example, we need only two important components from Pine nuts: melatonin and the amino acid "tryptophan". These are the substances that directly influence our sleep. That's it! Haha!<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Jimmy, you're incredible!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Thank you, I know. @@color:yellow;And I hope you don't use that pill to spy on me.@@ You're not gonna see anything interesting anyway! Ha-ha!<</JimmyDialog>>
Looks like today I got a very powerful weapon and a very addictive toy at the same time. Ha-ha! Now a lot of interesting and useful things will not be able to hide from my eyes! I feel like I need a lot of these @@color:magenta;Ehereal pills@@...
<<set $Inventory.TabletsEthereal += 1>>\
<<set $EtherealPill.Researched = true>>\
<<set $EtherealPill.Available = false>>\
<<if $FT < 17>>\
<<set $FT = 17>>\
@@color:lime;You received 1 Ethereal pill.@@
@@color:lime;Now you can craft Ethereal Pill in the lab. Check recipe in the "Inventory" tab. @@
@@color:yellow;You can use Ethereal Pills at night before sleep in your room at home or in your dorm room.@@
@@#place;<<button [[Back|PharmaLabResearch]]>><<movetime>><</button>>@@<img class = "place" src = "Data/Locations/newlab.jpg">
Pharma company. Laboratory.
<div class = "npc"> <img class = "icon" src = "Data/Characters/npc/nerdface.png"><h4>Jimmy</h4><hr>YES! YES! YEEEESSHHH! HAHAHAHAHA! It all fits! It's gonna work! UHAHAHAHAH!</div>
<div class = "p"> <<if $P.Gender == "f">><img class = "icon" src = "Data/Characters/Carol/E/happy.png"><<else>><img class = "icon" src = "Data/Characters/P/face.png"><</if>><h4>Nikita</h4><hr>Jimmy, what happened?</div>
<div class = "npc"> <img class = "icon" src = "Data/Characters/npc/nerdface.png"><h4>Jimmy</h4><hr>~deep breath~ Level 3 Pill. Ready.</div>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>....I don't really get it, so it's ready but not quite? What do you mean by saying "not quite?"<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Yeah, see, I tested all the chemical compounds and ran the necessary computer simulations to bring out all the different effects of each compound. So we can create it even now and I'm almost 100% sure it'll work. So you want to know more?<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Jimmy, we used to think it was impossible to create, but you've proven otherwise! Of course I want to know more about it!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>So, this pill is from a series we've called @@color:magenta;"Simple pills"@@, and it works pretty much the same as the Level 1 and Level 2 pills. That is, it works directly with power of desire.<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>So the way the pill is administered is exactly the same?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Hey, you don't have to talk to me so formally! I'm already tired from work, and you're giving me a hard time! This pill is more like a lvl 2 pill than a lvl 1's. It clings to the previous effect and amplifies it many times over.<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Haha, sorry, Jimmy! What happens if you use it on someone who hasn't taken lvl 1 and lvl 2 pills before?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Yeah, hard to say... There are too many variables that make it hard to say what will happen. There are too many possibilities, and I can't tell you which one is right. So, let's just say it won't work.<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Okay. So, you said it would amplify the effect. How strong?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Strong. That's all I can say.<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>I mean, can it help me break the curse?...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Uhh...No. We need something even stronger for that....<</JimmyDialog>>
Goddamn! How much longer do I have to switch bodies with Carol like this? Caroline said in the beginning that I should pay her back the 5500$ for the broom, but now that I've gotten to know her better, I don't believe she'll lift the curse from me even if I pay her back that money...
I need to find a way on my own. And whatever Jimmy was up to, I was lucky to have him around.
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>I think I've got it mostly figured out about new pill, too bad it won't help me with the damn curse. Jimmy, do you think we can create something even more powerful than this?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Right now I'd say it's impossible. But I used to think it was impossible to create it and I was wrong. I think we'll find a way.<</JimmyDialog>>
His words cheered me up.
<<button [[Ask him to show you a pill|JimmyLvl3PillExplanation1]]>><<set $FT = 18>><</button>><img class = "place" src = "Data/Locations/newlab.jpg">
Pharma company. Laboratory.
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Well, anyway. Will you show me the pill? Where is it?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>I...don't have it, haha. I haven't been able to create even one...<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Huh? I mean...what? why? I thought you said it was ready.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>I said....I said it was "quite ready" in "almost ready" meaning...I have a recipe. Here, check it out.<</JimmyDialog>>
He handed me a piece of paper with a recipe.
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Hmm...Milk, Whiskey, Pineapple...yeah...ahmm...wha...G-GLYCEROL PHENYLBUTYRATE?!<</PlayerDialog>>
Jimmy tries to contain his laughter. But he failed.
<<JimmyDialog>>Hah-hahah! You should have seen your face...hah, sorry... In short, it's an element that must be in the recipe and you can't find it in the products from the supermarket, and it's long and expensive to synthesize it yourself. I've tried to find an alternative and create a pill without it, but all the calculations show that there are no alternatives...<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>So, where can I get this..."element"?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>It is a very rare and expensive compound of elements. I did some searching on the internet and found that a small vial of it costs about 5,000$. It's sold as a medical drug, although it is very rarely used. We don't even have a single person in our city who needs it. @@color:magenta;This medicine is called "Ractivity".@@<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>5000$?! FIVE!...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Yeah..haha, and it's also not available over-the-counter. You couldn't even buy it legally if you had the money. Maybe your Informant could help?...Although It's maybe I bad idea, I think he'd charge a very very good price for it.....<</JimmyDialog>>
Where the fuck am I supposed to get that ingredient? Oh, hold on...
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Wait, did you say it's a medical drug? Do you think I could find it in a modern medical center?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Of course, a good medical center will definitely have this medication. But it is unlikely that you can just buy it.<</JimmyDialog>>
@@color:yellow;Akira works at the medical center! Maybe she can help me get it. There's no other option. We should try talking to her!@@
@@color:magenta;I think I can talk to her in her office at the medical center afternoon.@@
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Thanks for your work, Jimmy. Now it's my turn. I'll get it.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Umm...you're welcome...<</JimmyDialog>>
<<set $Tabletslvl3 = true>>\
<<set $Lvl3Pill.Researched = true>>\
<<set $Lvl3Pill.Available = false>>\
@@color:lime;You can now create a Lvl 3 Pill. You can check recipe in the "Inventory" tab. @@
@@color:red; You are missing 1 ingredient. Find a way to obtain a medical product called "Ractivity".@@
@@#place;<<button [[Back|PharmaLabResearch]]>><<movetime>><</button>>@@<<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$ResearchChosenPill.Name === "Lvl3 Pills" and $Tabletslvl3 === false`,
tags: ["Pharma", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
<<REDisable [[Lvl3PillPicked]]>>\
<img class = "place" src = "Data/Locations/newlab.jpg">
Pharma company. Laboratory.
<<JimmyDialog>>Are you sure?...<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>I don't quite get it, but you seem to be smiling right now, aren't you?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Because I'm excited! Do you really finally want to create this?<</JimmyDialog>>
Jimmy's smile stretched even wider.
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Hmm...Why do you ask that question? Is that even possible to create a strong pill like this?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>You know, I used to be pretty sure that was impossible. But you and I have come so far. Now with this new laboratory, with all this modern equipment and with the knowledge that we have acquired, I tell you that it is possible!<</JimmyDialog>>
Are we really going to be able to create a level 3 pill?..Ahem..Wooow...
<<JimmyDialog>>But it's still going to be pretty challenging. Luckily, I love challenges. Let's do this!<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Yeah, It's time for us to reach new horizons<</PlayerDialog>>
@@color:yellow;Note@@: You have begun research on a level 3 pill. You are overwhelmed with the feeling of what you can do with it.
<<button [[Back in action|PharmaLabResearch]]>><</button>><img class = "place" src = "Data/Locations/newlab.jpg">
Pharma company. Laboratory.
<<set $CreatedLvl3Pill = true>>\
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>HA-HA-HA! YEAH! GET IT RIGHT HERE! WAHAHAHAh!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>What happened? I heard gloating laughter! Are you trying to play a Mario theme again using the beeping buttons of our high-tech machi..... Oh.. my.. God!...<</JimmyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/npc/3lvlpill.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>I did it, Jimmy. We did it.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>She's so... beautiful!<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>She?...Okay, never mind. Um...Is it normal that it's, like...glowing?...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Glowing? It's generally normal. This is a very powerful manipulator, just imagine how many magical streams of pure energy are flowing through it right now!<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Yeah, but it's glowing. Very bright. The processor in some high-powered computer doesn't glow. But it does.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Exactly! Like a red-hot dagger forged by the best blacksmiths of the universe, haha!..<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Jimmy, it's glowing...I mean...Pill is glowing...very brightly...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Aggh! You stupid head! I'm telling you about the great universal power inside a little pill, and you're worried about why it's glowing?!<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>But...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Agghggh! It needs a little time to cool down and it'll stop glowing, okay?! Happy?!<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>It will stop glowing in a while?... Then it's fine, ha-ha!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Sometimes I can't tell if you're playing dumb or if you really are.<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Ha-ha! I can't figure it out myself sometimes!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Okay, it's definitely gonna work, and it's gonna work really hard. Have you figured out how you're gonna use it yet?<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>This pill can't help me get rid of this curse, can it?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>To my great regret, it can't. But we're slowly moving towards it. I'm sure one day we'll find the answer. <</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>All right, I won't despair. I think by researching the effects and process of this pill, we can get closer to a solution.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>I was thinking the same. All right, I'm gonna go look at its creation logs. By the way, it's already stopped glowing.<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Oh, indeed.<</PlayerDialog>>
Well, since I still don't have a way to break this curse, I might as well just have fun. Who can I use this pill on? I hadn't really thought about it... Let's see...
Stephan - //I can use the power of the pill to finally make him pay for everything!//
@@color:yellow;Note@@: In this version of the game, you @@color:red;cannot use @@ the level 3 pill on unlisted characters only.
<<button [[Back in action|PharmaLabResearch]]>><<set $FT = 21>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/newlab.jpg" "place">>
Pharma company. Laboratory.
<<media "Data/Locations/moneyspeedup.gif" "gif">>
You use your monetary resources to accelerate your research. Jimmy breaks the research down into smaller routine tasks that you have the opportunity to outsource.
<<if $ResearchChosenPill.Difficulty == 0>>\
<<set _addprogress = random (15,20)>>\
<<set $ResearchChosenPill.CurrentResearchProgress += _addprogress>>\
By working together and distributing tasks, you manage to make @@color:lime;_addprogress %@@ of progress in a small amount of time.
<<elseif $ResearchChosenPill.Difficulty == 1>>\
<<set _addprogress = random (10,15)>>\
<<set $ResearchChosenPill.CurrentResearchProgress += _addprogress>>\
By allocating your resources wisely, you manage to speed up your research progress by @@color:lime;_addprogress %@@.
<<elseif $ResearchChosenPill.Difficulty == 2>>\
<<set _addprogress = random (5,10)>>\
<<set $ResearchChosenPill.CurrentResearchProgress += _addprogress>>\
A study like this might put most scientists on edge, but you've found the resources to distribute routine tasks and slightly accelerate your progress by @@color:lime;_addprogress %@@.
<<if $ResearchChosenPill.CurrentResearchProgress > 100>>\
<<set $ResearchChosenPill.CurrentResearchProgress = 100>>\
@@color:lime;font-size:120%;The research has been successfully completed!@@
@@#place;<<button [[Back|PharmaLabResearch]]>><</button>>@@<<RE [[_PharmaLabResearchMotivatingM]]>>
<<RE [[_PharmaLabResearchMotivatingF]]>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
type: "goto",
filter: `$P.Gender === "m"`,
<<media "Data/Locations/newlab.jpg" "place">>
Pharma company. Laboratory.
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>So how's work going?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>I've been feeling a little stressed lately, but work is going at its own pace. These researches are not easy, but I'm very interested in the results we can get.<</JimmyDialog>>
From what he says he can achieve greater efficiency.
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>I realize you're helping me out of self-interest, but maybe you need something? I could buy you lunch or hire a nice little masseuse to relieve unnecessary stress, what do you think?<</PlayerDialog>>
Jimmy looked at me carefully, then smiled.
<<JimmyDialog>>I guess it's the no available options right now that will make me work more efficiently, but thanks for the suggestion anyway. Of course, I like to dive into this alone, but I don't mind if you take over some of the work, I think we'll get results faster that way. It's more fun together!<</JimmyDialog>>
@@#money;<<button [[Work on research|PharmaLabResearchWork]]>><</button>>@@
@@#place;<<button [[Back|PharmaLabResearch]]>><</button>>@@<<RandomEventDefinition>>{
type: "goto",
filter: `$P.Gender === "f"`,
<<media "Data/Locations/newlab.jpg" "place">>
Pharma company. Laboratory.
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>So how's work going?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>I've been feeling a little stressed lately, but work is going at its own pace. These researches are not easy, but I'm very interested in the results we can get.<</JimmyDialog>>
<<if $JimmyRelationships > 3>>\
<<if $JimmyRelationships == 4>>\
@@#cor;<<button [[Tease him|PharmaLabResearchMotivatingFinal]]>><<set $MotivatedToday = true>><</button>>@@
@@#cor;<<button [[Tease him|PharmaLabResearchMotivatingFinal]]>><<set $MotivatedToday = true>><</button>>@@
From what he says he can achieve greater efficiency. He keeps glancing at me while I'm in Carol's body. Do I want to use this?
<<if $P.Cor > 40>>\
<<if $JimmyRelationships != 1>>\
<<if $JimmyDose > 0 and $JimmyDose < 2>>\
If I give in to his wishes, I certainly can't turn down another mug of that coffee. What's the point of giving it up when it doesn't work?
<<elseif $JimmyDose == 3>>\
I have some kind of weird feeling. I get so aroused just looking at Jimmy. I'm afraid that if I give in to that feeling, I won't be able to hold myself back at all.
@@#rel;<<button [[Tease him (Player sub path)|PharmaLabResearchMotivatingSub]]>><<set $MotivatedToday = true>><</button>>@@
I know Jimmy better than anyone, he's a pervert on the inside. He'll definitely try to take advantage of me like he did last time, but I can turn the cards the other way now...hehe
@@#red;<<button [[Tease him (Player dom path)|PharmaLabResearchMotivatingDom]]>><<set $MotivatedToday = true>><</button>>@@
No, I'm not that perverted asshole for using Carol's body for something like that...
<<if $P.ConvergenceON == true and $P.CindyPower >= 10>>\
<<CindyDialog>>I'm so glad you and Jimmy are working on the same team! I would love to work with Jimmy too... in my own way... ~giggle~ Why don't you let me? I could totally motivate him! Hehe!<</CindyDialog>>
<<button [[Let her motivate Jimmy|PharmaLabResearchMotivatingCindy]]>><<set $P.CindyPower = 0>><<set $MotivatedToday = true>><</button>>
@@#place;<<button [[Back|PharmaLabResearch]]>><</button>>@@<<media "Data/Locations/newlab.jpg" "place">>
Pharma company. Laboratory.
<<JimmyDialog>>All in all, I can say that I feel pretty good, you have nothing to worry about....ay...w-what's going on?!<</JimmyDialog>>
<<CindyDialog>>Hiya there!<</CindyDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Aw, Cindy?!<</JimmyDialog>>
<<CindyDialog>>I missed you so much...daddy! Did you miss your little girl, too?... ~giggle~<</CindyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Cindy/te44.gif" "gif">>
<<CindyDialog>>Mmm...so good, but you look pensive... I know that you can make us feel even better...<</CindyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Cindy/f39.mp4">>
<<JimmyDialog>>What do you mean?<</JimmyDialog>>
<<if $JimmyRelationships === 4>>\
<<CindyDialog>>I'm jealous that you're treating Nikita harder than you treat me....Should I take your magic hypnosis off him? That's well within my power... ~giggle~<</CindyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>Don't, Cindy! Maybe it's his hypnosis inside me talking, but I like being under his control...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CindyDialog>>You know, I'm actually a magical entity that you created, so you can't hide that feeling inside you from me... Believe me, I can feel what's inside of you... Do you want me to tell Nikita about it?.. ~giggle~<</CindyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>Inside Jimmy?... What are you talking about?.. <</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Are you trying to threaten me? Don't try, you're just a cock-hungry bitch! How about this?!<</JimmyDialog>>
Jimmy started to pound Cindy's pussy like crazy!
<<CindyDialog>>Oh, God, yes! I apologize, I'm sorry! I'm sorry! Ha-ha-ha! Forgive me for my words, Daddy! Just forget it all and fuck that cock-hungry bitch harder! Just like that! ~giggle~<</CindyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Cindy/f38.mp4">>
<<JimmyDialog>>And yet you're goddamn manipulative and you're not stupid at all...<</JimmyDialog>>
<<CindyDialog>>Oh, daddy! Your compliment to me is so nice! ~giggle~ But actually all I can think about is pleasing your magnificent cock...<</CindyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Cindy/bj32.webp" "gif">>
<<if $JimmyRelationships === 4>>\
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Cindy looks so happy when she's around you!...although she always looks happy... Anyway, did you like it?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Yeah, it's unbelievable! I'm very happy with the way things are going. I get to work on research that scientists can't even imagine exists! And on top of that, I get to do it "working" together with a beautiful girl, of which there are actually 2 girls! Ha-ha!<</JimmyDialog>>
<<CindyDialog>>Oh, my God! Jimmy's so cool! I want him to fuck me again! ~giggle~<</CindyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>I'm sure Cindy left you pretty satisfied....<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Oh, yeah! I wouldn't expect anything else from Cindy! <</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>By the way, Cindy said something about you, but I couldn't understand from your words what it was. Did she sense something?...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>I don't know what she said. She says things without thinking. You know her, it's Cindy after all!<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Yeah... You're right! Sorry.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CindyDialog>>It's so exciting! Jimmy and I are like hidden lovers bound by a mysterious secret!<</CindyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Cindy, what the hell are you talking about?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CindyDialog>>I'm sorry, he fucked me so hard, now I'm sleepy. I'll see you when I'm powerful enough again for you to let him fuck me again! ~giggle~<</CindyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Eh, you're in your repertoire...<</PlayerDialog>>
I have a lot of secrets from literally everyone too, everyone has the right to keep them, right? I shouldn't give a shit about that.
<<UpdateArousal "0">>
<<if $ResearchChosenPill.Difficulty == 0>>\
<<set _resbonus = 4>>\
<<elseif $ResearchChosenPill.Difficulty > 0 and $ResearchChosenPill.Difficulty < 2>>\
<<set _resbonus = 2>>\
<<set _resbonus = 1>>\
<<set _incresbonus = _resbonus*2>>\
<<set $ResearchChosenPill.CurrentSpeed += _incresbonus>>\
@@color:lime;Jimmy is satisfied. Jimmy is motivated to work harder on his research. Cindy is turning pro, especially when it comes to Jimmy. The speed of the current research increased by _incresbonus % instead of _resbonus%@@.
@@#place;<<button [[Back|PharmaLabResearch]]>><<movetime>><</button>>@@<<RE [[_PharmaLabResearchMotivatingDom_Stage1]]>>
<<RE [[_PharmaLabResearchMotivatingDom_Stage2]]>>
<<RE [[_PharmaLabResearchMotivatingDom_Stage3]]>>
<<RE [[_PharmaLabResearchMotivatingDom_Stage4]]>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
type: "goto",
filter: `$Jimmy.SubDom >= 0`,
<<media "Data/Locations/newlab.jpg" "place">>
Pharma company. Laboratory.
Like anyone else, Jimmy must have a global and unattainable goal to be effective. I think it's time for me to begin my exploration into the depths of Jimmy's subconscious.
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Jimmy, I've noticed you're always looking at my legs. Are they really that distracting?..<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Um...no...you imagined it.....<</JimmyDialog>>
He nerviously turned his gaze aside. Ha-ha!
<<media "Data/Characters/P/NewLab/office.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Oh, really? What's that bump in your pants? I think that says you're trying to lie to me.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>I'm just really excited about my experiments! That's it!<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Liar. You probably can't stop thinking about getting under your boss's skirt.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/NewLab/office1.jpg" "just">>
<<JimmyDialog>>You're not my boss, I'm here of my own free will and I can leave even right now!<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>And? Listen here, in case you remember, this is our shared lab, so I can do whatever I want in here. You don't have to look at me at all if you want.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/NewLab/office2.jpg" "just">>
<<JimmyDialog>>Then I'll just turn away. Do whatever you want! <</JimmyDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Umm...m-maybe you won't do it right in the lab?<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>You said you'd look away, but you've been staring at me the whole time. You're such a pathetic, obsessive pervert. I can see your cock in your pants from here, shaking, ready to cum.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/NewLab/office3.jpg" "just">>
<<JimmyDialog>>You moaned and stroked yourself, I...I couldn't resist.....<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>But you want to see me like this more often, am I wrong? I could arrange that for you, even though you're a goddamn pervert. <</PlayerDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Oh, now I realize how much you want this. I think I can make your perverted wishes come true. Well...But @@color:deeppink;you'll just have to call me your Boss.@@<</PlayerDialog>>
He looked down at the floor and his eyes raced. I could see how nervous he was.
<<JimmyDialog>>Ghr...you...um!..Fine, you won!...Boss...<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>See how easy it really is to admit you're a pervert. Well, we're gonna call it a day.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Hey, how could you?! I didn't even cum... Are we gonna stop here? Then what was it all for?!<</JimmyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/NewLab/office4.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>Wanna cum? Hmm, I guess not. You weren't very good today, especially at first. I hope you'll be more obedient next time, then I'll think about it.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<if $Jimmy.SubDom > -5>>\
He's still pretty cocky. I think I need to do this a couple more times to get to the next stage.
His feelings are mixed, but that's okay, I'll help him sort them out...hehe
<<UpdateArousal "+30">>\
<<UpdateSubDom "+2">>\
<<set $Jimmy.SubDom -= 5>>\
@@color:blue;Jimmy is becoming little more submissive.@@
@@color:orange;Jimmy can't get these conflicting thoughts out of his head, now he's working on the research 1% slower, but you may have gotten the key to something more.@@
<<set $ResearchChosenPill.CurrentSpeed -= 1>>\
@@#place;<<button [[Back|PharmaLabResearch]]>><<movetime>><</button>>@@<<RandomEventDefinition>>{
type: "goto",
filter: `$Jimmy.SubDom >= -5`,
<<media "Data/Locations/newlab.jpg" "place">>
Pharma company. Laboratory.
Like anyone else, Jimmy must have a global and unattainable goal to be effective. I think it's time for me to continue my exploration into the depths of Jimmy's subconscious...
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Jimmy, you want to spend some quality time? Mmm?<</PlayerDialog>>
My tone is confident and seductive.
<<JimmyDialog>>You....again...? You know, even if I want to, I still....ggh! Do whatever you want, but I won't call you my boss anymore!<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Hmmm...okay, you don't have to call me that, but like you said we'll do what I want....<</PlayerDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>I know you well, you like big boobs and slightly chubby legs.....<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>How...how did I even get in this position?! Oh.....<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Come on, you want to cum, don't you?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/NewLab/Dom/cum94.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>See how kind I am? I played with you for a short time, and now you're satisfied, thanks to me.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>That's not fair, you have an advantage over me with those big breasts and those curvy shapes!<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Oh, you're looking at my curse from that perspective? I suppose you'd like to have those "advantages", too.....<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/NewLab/Dom/tits39.mp4">>
Ha-ha-ha! Man, somehow he even answered a little unsure, it's even a little scary.....
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Don't worry, I'm just kidding. We've been closer than just friends for a long time, so I'll help you feel needed and loved...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<if $Jimmy.SubDom > -5>>\
He's still pretty cocky. I think I need to do this a couple more times to get to the next stage.
He's still in denial, but I can see those desires inside him. He seems to have become a little more compliant...
<<UpdateArousal "+30">>\
<<UpdateSubDom "+2">>\
<<set $Jimmy.SubDom -= 5>>\
@@color:blue;Jimmy is becoming little more submissive.@@
@@color:orange;Jimmy can't get these conflicting thoughts out of his head, the shapes of your body still fresh in his memory, he's working on the research with the same speed.@@
@@#place;<<button [[Back|PharmaLabResearch]]>><<movetime>><</button>>@@<<RandomEventDefinition>>{
type: "goto",
filter: `$Jimmy.SubDom >= -10`,
<<media "Data/Locations/newlab.jpg" "place">>
Pharma company. Laboratory.
There's a slightly different expression on Jimmy's face today. I think it's time for me to continue my exploration into the depths of Jimmy's subconscious...
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Jimmy, do you want me to make you happy again?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/NewLab/office.jpg" "just">>
<<JimmyDialog>>If so, what do you want from me?...<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Nothing, I just want you to start giving into this feeling completely....Don't hold yourself back in your desires...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/NewLab/office1.jpg" "just">>
<<JimmyDialog>>...w-what am I...supposed to do?..<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>You like it, Jimmy? Come on, tell me what you want... What do you want right now?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>I love those legs!...I want those sexy chubby legs to be mine! Oh, I'm cumming again!!<</JimmyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/NewLab/Dom/cum167.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Touching your ass, I feel it's nowhere near as soft and juicy as mine. You do realize that using me is the only way to feel that soft and firm shapes, right?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Yeah...I realize...<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Wait, or do you want to turn into a girl like me, too? Huh?..<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Don't be silly! And stop teasing me like that! Of course, I don't...want to...!<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Why are you answering so harshly? I'm just kidding! Don't worry, I will of course continue to help you with your dirty desires....<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Okay, I apologize for my tone. I sometimes kind of like it when you take control...<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Don't get any ideas! You're not my boss and you never will be! That's it, I'm going back to work!!<</JimmyDialog>>
<<set $ResearchChosenPill.CurrentSpeed += 1>>\
<<if $Jimmy.SubDom > -5>>\
He's still pretty cocky. I think I need to do this a couple more times to get to the next stage.
I now understand the phrase that girls can sometimes easily control men... He seems to have become a even more compliant...
<<UpdateArousal "+30">>\
<<UpdateSubDom "+2">>\
<<set $Jimmy.SubDom -= 5>>\
@@color:blue;Jimmy is becoming little more submissive.@@
@@color:orange;Jimmy is embarrassed, somewhere inside he is beginning to accept his desires that he has long hidden.@@ @@color:lime;He works on the current research 1% faster.@@
@@#place;<<button [[Back|PharmaLabResearch]]>><<movetime>><</button>>@@<<RandomEventDefinition>>{
type: "goto",
filter: `$Jimmy.SubDom < -10`,
<<media "Data/Locations/newlab.jpg" "place">>
Pharma company. Laboratory.
Now Jimmy can barely resist his desires. It's time to follow through...
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Jimmy, don't you think you haven't cum in a while?..<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/NewLab/office.jpg" "just">>
<<JimmyDialog>>..yes... No, wait! You're talking to me like I'm some kind of pervert!!<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>I can just see that you can hardly resist the pleasure anymore... I bet you'd cum even if I fuck you instead of you fucking me! Ha-ha!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Don't talk nonsense! It's...it's absurd!<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>You don't sound confident... I know you better than anyone!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>You're wrong...!<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>You keep denying it, but you're afraid to bet me and prove it wrong!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>You know what? Okay! Fine! You do what you want to do to me, and if I don't cum, then after that you'll always do everything I say! Is that a good enough bet for you?! Hahah...Uh, hey, wait, why are you suddenly changing your clothes?....you....<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>I'll take your bet. And in honor of that, I thought I'd add a little....black.....<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/NewLab/Dom/peg43.webp" "gif">>
<<JimmyDialog>>Stop it! I got it...I-I can't!...<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Are you cumming again? Don't hold back, Jimmy! I'm not judging you in any way, hehe! <</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/NewLab/Dom/peg6.mp4">>
<<JimmyDialog>>Okay, you win! But why does it make me cum over and over again?! How do I even do this?!<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>It doesn't matter how you do it, it matters WHY it's happening to you. I hope you got that right. ~giggle~<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Are you saying I like it?<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>That's a question you have to answer for yourself...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<set $ResearchChosenPill.CurrentSpeed -= 1>>\
<<if $Jimmy.SubDom > -5>>\
He's still pretty cocky. I think I need to do this a couple more times to get to the next stage.
I can't get into Jimmy's head, but I can tell that even during research, he doesn't have that brooding look...
<<UpdateArousal "+30">>\
<<UpdateSubDom "+2">>\
<<set $Jimmy.SubDom -= 5>>\
@@color:blue;Jimmy is becoming little more submissive.@@
<<if $ResearchChosenPill.Difficulty == 0>>\
<<set _resbonus = 4>>\
<<elseif $ResearchChosenPill.Difficulty > 0 and $ResearchChosenPill.Difficulty < 2>>\
<<set _resbonus = 2>>\
<<set _resbonus = 1>>\
<<set $ResearchChosenPill.CurrentSpeed += _resbonus>>\
@@color:orange;It was hard to tell what Jimmy was thinking about, but I think I saw a slight smile at the corners of his mouth.@@
@@color:lime;The speed of the current research increased by _resbonus %@@.
<<set $JimmyRelationships = 5>>\
@@#place;<<button [[Back|PharmaLabResearch]]>><<movetime>><</button>>@@<<media "Data/Locations/newlab.jpg" "place">>
Pharma company. Laboratory.
<<if $JimmyRelationships == 4>>\
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Why don't you put that stupid research aside for a while and take care of your horny little girl?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/NewLab/HB/te229.mp4">>
<<JimmyDialog>>Judging by that sexy uniform, you're taking it pretty seriously.<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Your lecherous girl would be embarrassed to dress differently in front of you, I want you to look at me more often. ~giggle~ Now tell me what you want...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<set _rfev = random (0,1)>>\
<<if _rfev == 0>>\
<<JimmyDialog>>Hmmm...well, now I wish you were the one talking about your desires. I want to see more of you.<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>Mmm...I'm so glad you're asking for my opinion!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/NewLab/HB/stock.jpg" "just">>
<<JimmyDialog>>Hey, when I said I wanted to see more of you it didn't mean you had to instantly strip, ha-ha!<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>But that's what I want! I can't help it because I get so turned on when you see me like this!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/NewLab/HB/stock1.jpg" "just">>
<<JimmyDialog>>You're so slutty!<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>While this body is mine, you can use this pussy or ass as you wish, my Lord!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/NewLab/HB/stock3.jpg" "just">>
<<JimmyDialog>>You've been very successful at seducing me, I can barely contain myself now.<</JimmyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/NewLab/HB/stock5.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>I can't stand it when you say that either, I'm too horny! Take advantage of me and give yourself maximum pleasure! Now that juicy ass is all yours!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/NewLab/HB/stock6.jpg" "just">>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/NewLab/HB/fuck26.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>Yes! YEEES! I want to be impaled on your cock! Pull my hair and be even more rough with meeee!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Rougher, you say? Ha-ha! What would Carol think if she saw you moaning in ecstasy in such position?<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>Carol? It doesn't matter what she thinks as long as I have the opportunity to enjoy this feeling! Ahaaa! Yeees! D-do you want me to make her a horny bitch for you? I can do that with our pills! Then you can fuck any of us anytime you want!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>You're perfect now, I don't need another. One obedient and slutty toy is enough for me.<</JimmyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/NewLab/HB/fuck29.mp4">>
Ehe...I'm the only one for him! Why does that make me feel so good? It feels so good to be his...toy!
<<media "Data/Characters/P/NewLab/HB/fuck124.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>Yeaaaah! Use all of me as your masturbator!<</PlayerDialog>>
Jimmy came at me like a wild animal! Then I'm doing the right thing! ~giggle~
<<JimmyDialog>>Phew, that's pretty great, but it's pretty hard. I should spend more time on sports...<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Oh, forgive me for those curvy shapes, they make me a little heavy. ~giggle~ Sit down, I'll do it myself. And put some clothes on so you don't get cold!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/NewLab/HB/bj115.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Do you feel good, my Lord? You even put on your lab coat, that excites me even more!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>You've become a real professional in pleasing me. I'm also very turned on by your legs in those tights.....<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Oh, really? If you want, we can use those sexy legs in tights....<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>You know me well and you know I won't be able to resist it.<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>~giggle~<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Oh, yeah. I can feel the blood pulsing throughout my body from the movements of those sexy legs! <</JimmyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/NewLab/HB/fj7.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>~giggle~<</PlayerDialog>>
I'm so glad Jimmy is enjoying everything! I get excited just thinking about what we're doing to Carol's body! ~giggle~ And I want more!...
<<UpdateArousal "0">>\
<<if $ResearchChosenPill.Difficulty == 0>>\
<<set _resbonus = 4>>\
<<elseif $ResearchChosenPill.Difficulty > 0 and $ResearchChosenPill.Difficulty < 2>>\
<<set _resbonus = 2>>\
<<set _resbonus = 1>>\
<<set $ResearchChosenPill.CurrentSpeed += _resbonus>>\
@@color:lime;Jimmy is satisfied. Jimmy is motivated to work harder on his research. The speed of the current research increased by _resbonus %@@.
@@#place;<<button [[Back|PharmaLabResearch]]>><<movetime>><</button>>@@
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Jimmy, you are so good and you work so hard in working on these research, I want to reward you for that... ~giggle~<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/NewLab/office.jpg" "just">>
<<JimmyDialog>>I don't mind relaxing a little.<</JimmyDialog>>
Jimmy looks his usual self, except for the fact that the dick in his pants is already hard... ~giggle~
Jimmy silently waits for me to follow up. Hmm, what should I do to him?..
@@#rel;<<button [[Have sex with him|PharmaLabResearchMotivatingFinalDomSex]]>><</button>>@@
@@#cor;<<button [[Peg him|PharmaLabResearchMotivatingFinalDomPeg]]>><</button>>@@
@@#place;<<button [[Back|PharmaLabResearch]]>><</button>>@@
<</if>>\<<media "Data/Locations/newlab.jpg" "place">>
Pharma company. Laboratory.
I think it's time to change into something more appropriate...
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>I hope you, Jimmy, are ready for something fun and a little rough?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/NewLab/Dom/peg43.webp" "gif">>
For some reason I want to hear his next reaction to this? Feeling myself a bit of a jerk about it...haha!
No reaction?!...I mean, at all?!
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Mmm...yeah...I think you're cumming again, horny little Jimmy...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Oh, you're right...<</JimmyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/NewLab/Dom/peg6.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Tell me what you're feeling right now...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>I can feel myself cumming again.<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>I thought you would describe it a little more emotionally... But you're just stating a fact! <</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>I'm sorry, I guess I still haven't quite figured myself out.<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Put aside unnecessary thoughts! If you are able to cum from something like this, then you should understand how you actually perverted inside and probably want more!...~giggle~<</PlayerDialog>>
<<UpdateSubDom "+1">>
<<if $ResearchChosenPill.Difficulty == 0>>\
<<set _resbonus = 4>>\
<<elseif $ResearchChosenPill.Difficulty > 0 and $ResearchChosenPill.Difficulty < 2>>\
<<set _resbonus = 2>>\
<<set _resbonus = 1>>\
<<set $ResearchChosenPill.CurrentSpeed += _resbonus>>\
@@color:lime;Jimmy is satisfied. Jimmy is motivated to work harder on his research. The speed of the current research increased by _resbonus %@@.
@@#place;<<button [[Back|PharmaLabResearch]]>><<movetime>><</button>>@@<<media "Data/Locations/newlab.jpg" "place">>
Pharma company. Laboratory.
I think it's time to change into something more appropriate...
<<media "Data/Characters/P/NewLab/Dom/fuck505.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Mmm...yeah...be my dildo for a while. I hope you like that sweater. So you can get a good look at my bouncing tits! You can even squeeze them a little if you want....<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>I don't think I'll turn down such a generous offer.<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>Yeah...oh, wait! Wow! <</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/NewLab/Dom/fuck506.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>You squeeze them not too loosely and not too hard! It's very pleasant, where did you learn it so finely?!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Geniuses don't reveal their secrets, but I actually rpacted a bit. Say, on water balloons...<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>Whoah, it doesn't matter! Just keep going and don't stop until I cum! <</PlayerDialog>>
<<UpdateArousal "0">>\
<<if $ResearchChosenPill.Difficulty == 0>>\
<<set _resbonus = 4>>\
<<elseif $ResearchChosenPill.Difficulty > 0 and $ResearchChosenPill.Difficulty < 2>>\
<<set _resbonus = 2>>\
<<set _resbonus = 1>>\
<<set $ResearchChosenPill.CurrentSpeed += _resbonus>>\
@@color:lime;Jimmy is satisfied. Jimmy is motivated to work harder on his research. The speed of the current research increased by _resbonus %@@.
@@#place;<<button [[Back|PharmaLabResearch]]>><<movetime>><</button>>@@<<media "Data/Locations/newlab.jpg" "place">>
Pharma company. Laboratory.
<<switch $JimmyDose>>\
<<case 0>>\
Jimmy works so hard for this research. Maybe Carol wouldn't mind if I reward him a little?
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Jimmy, maybe you want a little distraction so at least your eyes can get some rest?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/NewLab/office.jpg" "just">>
<<JimmyDialog>>Um...wow..yeah...I think my eyes could use a break and focus on something else...<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Oh, really? So...maybe you'd like to be distracted by something like that?..<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/NewLab/office1.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>Have your eyes gotten enough rest?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/NewLab/office3.jpg" "just">>
<<JimmyDialog>>Yeah, but I-I wish I could see you like this more often.... like this slutty bitch...!<</JimmyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/NewLab/office4.jpg" "just">>
<<UpdateArousal "+30">>\
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Oh, slutty bitch?..Don't call me that, I just wanted to help you relax.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>It helped, really. Although now I think I could have been even more effective than I am now.<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>There should be an "if" next, right?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>I want you to drink the hypnotic coffee I used to offer you. But I warn you, it's going to be five times the usual dosage. Only in this lab can I make such excellent coffee.<</JimmyDialog>>
<<if $JimmyRelationships < 1>>\
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Wait, what? That coffee had some kind of additive in it?!!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Um..yeah...it's not that important right now...<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Well, hah... why would I drink that so?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Uh, I think this way we can get closer...And also, I promise to increase the speed of work on the current research @@color:lime;by 2 times more than usual!@@<</JimmyDialog>>
Was it just me or did he have a weird smile on his face while saying that? Still, speeding up the research is not a bad thing.
<<JimmyDialog>>I promise, after drinking this coffee you won't even notice anything weird!<</JimmyDialog>>
Jimmy doesn't want to dominate the whole world, he just wants to feel loved. He also has no intention of interfering with my plans.
<<if $JimmyRelationships > 0>>\
However, I already know what this coffee of his can do. If I drink it now, it will be hard for me to stop later.
Although it's only one dose....
Only one dose...right?
<<button [[Accept his coffee|PharmaLabResearchMotivatingSub1]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Decline|PharmaLabResearchMotivatingSubDec]]>><</button>>
<<case 1>>\
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>You seem a little tense again, maybe you want to use me to relax?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/NewLab/office.jpg" "just">>
<<JimmyDialog>>Oh, yeah. You're right. But I'd like to use just a part of you.<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>I hope you're not gonna use that pussy without my permission. We've already talked about this. <</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/NewLab/office1.jpg" "just">>
<<JimmyDialog>>Um, no. I have a better idea...<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Hmm?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>~slurp~ Ghfhdlshp... ~slurppp~<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Yeah, it's the perfect hole to dump all my stress down.<</JimmyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/NewLab/bj192.mp4">>
He's pounding my throat so hard, and it's making me even hornier! He's using me as an object, but why does it feel so good?!
It's not like he's fucking my pussy without permission, that's different. There's nothing wrong with that, hehe.
<<JimmyDialog>>I think it's about time you did a little work since you suggested it.<</JimmyDialog>>
I feel so stupid and dirty, but I'm the one who suggested it, right?! Mmm...yeah..I want more! I need more!...Fill my mouth completely!...
<<media "Data/Characters/P/NewLab/bj193.mp4">>
<<JimmyDialog>>It's been wonderful, I feel full of energy!<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>Yeeeahh...full of...ahaa...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>How about another cup of that wonderful coffee? Recipe's the same!<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>But we found out that your coffee doesn't work the way you want it to.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>But the coffee is delicious, won't you have some?<</JimmyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/npc/coffee.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>All right, give me your coffee.<</PlayerDialog>>
@@color:deeppink;I think we had some other conversation after coffee, but I don't remember what about... I guess it wasn't too important! By the way, Jimmy has been so hot lately, now I feel like we spend very little time together.@@
<<UpdateArousal "100">>\
<<UpdateSubDom "-2">>\
<<set $Jimmy.SubDom += 5>>\
@@color:red;Jimmy is becoming little more dominant.@@
<<if $ResearchChosenPill.Difficulty == 0>>\
<<set _resbonus = 4>>\
<<elseif $ResearchChosenPill.Difficulty > 0 and $ResearchChosenPill.Difficulty < 2>>\
<<set _resbonus = 2>>\
<<set _resbonus = 1>>\
<<set _incresbonus = _resbonus*2>>\
<<set $ResearchChosenPill.CurrentSpeed += _incresbonus>>\
@@color:lime;Jimmy is more motivated than usual. The speed of the current research increased by _incresbonus %@@ instead of _resbonus %.
@@#place;<<button [[Back|PharmaLabResearch]]>><<set $JimmyDose++>><<if $P.JimmyPower < 10>><<set $P.JimmyPower = 10>><</if>><<movetime>><</button>>@@
<<case 2>>
Jimmy is so focused, why does that make me so horny? I can't help myself!
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Jimmy, look over here.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/NewLab/tease24.mp4">>
Damn it, I dressed like that just for him! He's watching and it makes me even more excited!
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>You like it?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>You should know that I'm afraid I won't be able to contain myself when you twirl your ass around in that outfit.<</JimmyDialog>>
Yees, I need it too! I need it so much!
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Then you don't have to hold back! <</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/NewLab/fuck96.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>Oh, yeeeees! It feels so good!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Did you want this cock that badly?<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>N-no... I just wanted to take your mind off work so you could relax!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>You moan like a bitch in heat, are you sure you're telling me the truth? Tell me.<</JimmyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/NewLab/fuck95.mp4">>
God, he's right. My mind is filled with lustful thoughts of his cock! I can't lie to him!
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>Yeah, I'm sorry, I lied! In fact, while I'm here with you in the lab, I can't stop thinking about you pounding me with that gorgeous cock!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Because that's who you're supposed to be. Tell me how do you feel right now?<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>I love the way my buns wrapped in those tights jiggle every time your cock fills my pussy!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/NewLab/fuck94.mp4">>
<<JimmyDialog>>That's right, talk about your desires with me openly. What do you want right now?<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>I...I want more!..ehehe... Put me on your cock and make my whole body bounce on it!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Heh, just like this?<</JimmyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/NewLab/fuck97.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>Yes!...Yeeeees! I can feel myself skewering at your cock all over and over again! <</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>You're so sexy tonight, I'm going to cum, be ready.<</JimmyDialog>>
Oh, my God. Did I always feel this good when he complimented me? My chest feels like it's frozen!
<<media "Data/Characters/P/NewLab/panty31.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Oh, I can feel your hot cum around my pussy and on the edges of my torn pantyhose... ~giggle~<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>I liked the way you were today, too. So, is it coffee time?<</JimmyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/npc/coffee.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Yeeah... I love your....coffee.....<</PlayerDialog>>
@@color:magenta;I think we had some other conversation after coffee, but I don't remember what about... I guess it wasn't too important! I just wish I could do something other than idle chitchat with him more often. ~giggle~@@
<<UpdateArousal "0">>\
<<UpdateSubDom "-2">>\
<<set $Jimmy.SubDom += 5>>\
@@color:red;Jimmy is becoming little more dominant.@@
<<if $ResearchChosenPill.Difficulty == 0>>\
<<set _resbonus = 4>>\
<<elseif $ResearchChosenPill.Difficulty > 0 and $ResearchChosenPill.Difficulty < 2>>\
<<set _resbonus = 2>>\
<<set _resbonus = 1>>\
<<set _incresbonus = _resbonus*2>>\
<<set $ResearchChosenPill.CurrentSpeed += _incresbonus>>\
@@color:lime;Jimmy is more motivated than usual. The speed of the current research increased by _incresbonus %@@ instead of _resbonus %.
@@#place;<<button [[Back|PharmaLabResearch]]>><<set $JimmyDose++>><<if $P.JimmyPower < 15>><<set $P.JimmyPower = 15>><</if>><<movetime>><</button>>@@
<<case 3>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Jimmy, look over here. Isn't that skirt a little long?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/NewLab/HB/te229.mp4">>
<<JimmyDialog>>W-wow...new work uniform?..<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>It's weird how I always dressed so boring when I'm around you...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>You're like my tame, constantly horny toy!<</JimmyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/NewLab/HB/stock.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Jimmy, don't be confused. Just because I want sex and I want us both to have fun doesn't mean I'm your plaything.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Yeah, I'm sorry. Maybe we could take a little coffee break. I'm sure it'll be especially good today...<</JimmyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/NewLab/HB/stock2.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>What? I'm in front of you like this and I want to have sex, and you're talking about coffee? Are you okay?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>I'm sorry, I understand. I just really want to have coffee with you while you look like this. Afterward, I'll make sure I do what you want!<</JimmyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/NewLab/HB/stock1.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Hmm...okay...You promised! Let's drink your coffee<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/NewLab/HB/crawl3.webp" "gif">>
<<JimmyDialog>>You moan like a bitch in heat, are you sure you're telling me the truth? Tell me.<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>Cock!... ~giggle~ I want that cock so badly! <</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Are you still saying you're not my toy?<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>No! Please! I'll be whatever you want me to be!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>That's much better, now you're perfect. Don't worry, I'm good with my favorite and only toy.<</JimmyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/NewLab/HB/bj226.mp4">>
He's so kind! He let me take it in my mouth without hesitation! Mmm...I've never tasted anything better than that cock in my mouth! I fell in love with it!
<<JimmyDialog>>I warned you about that coffee, you've changed quite a bit. For the better.<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>So that coffee had an effect on me after all? Did it make me feel this way?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Yeah, but now I don't want to do anything against your will, so tell me exactly what you want right now.<</JimmyDialog>>
So he hypnotized me? I suspected it, though, and I went along with it. I never thought I'd feel so wonderful. He opened my eyes...
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>I want to be your toy for real! Take me, my Lord, any way you want! ~giggle~<</PlayerDialog>>
I don't want it to stop!
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>Yeees! Fuck me! Make this slutty pussy yours completely!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/NewLab/HB/fuck26.mp4">>
<<JimmyDialog>>Well, then tell me who you are.<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>I'm your bitch! I'm the bitch you hypnotized! I'm your hypno-bitch!<</PlayerDialog>>
After that, I cum over and over again, but all I could think about was how to give him maximum pleasure...
<<media "Data/Characters/P/NewLab/HB/fuck219.mp4">>
@@color:yellow;Now you're Jimmy's hypno-bitch. He can use you whenever and wherever he wants. However, he will continue to help you with your research.@@
@@color:red;As his hypno-bitch, you can no longer raise your gaming skill with Jimmy.@@
<<set $JimmyRelationships = 4>>\
<<if $P.Cor < 70>><<set $P.Cor += 1>>\
@@color:magenta;Your corruption increased by 1.@@<</if>>
<<UpdateArousal "0">>\
<<UpdateSubDom "-3">>\
<<set $Jimmy.SubDom += 5>>\
@@color:red;Jimmy is becoming little more dominant.@@
<<if $ResearchChosenPill.Difficulty == 0>>\
<<set _resbonus = 4>>\
<<elseif $ResearchChosenPill.Difficulty > 0 and $ResearchChosenPill.Difficulty < 2>>\
<<set _resbonus = 2>>\
<<set _resbonus = 1>>\
<<set _incresbonus = _resbonus*2>>\
<<set $ResearchChosenPill.CurrentSpeed += _incresbonus>>\
@@color:lime;Jimmy is more motivated than usual. The speed of the current research increased by _incresbonus %@@ instead of _resbonus %.
@@#place;<<button [[Back|PharmaLabResearch]]>><<set $JimmyDose++>><<if $P.JimmyPower < 20>><<set $P.JimmyPower = 20>><</if>><<movetime>><</button>>@@
<</switch>>\<<media "Data/Locations/newlab.jpg" "place">>
Pharma company. Laboratory.
<<JimmyDialog>>Here's your coffee. Flavorful and wonderful.<</JimmyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/npc/coffee.jpg" "just">>
I hope I'm not making a mistake.
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>T-thank you<</PlayerDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>It's been quite some time now, but I don't feel weird at all.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Maybe that coffee doesn't work for you anymore, or maybe I messed something up in the formula.<</JimmyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/NewLab/office5.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>You're losing your grip, Jimmy!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Yeah, seems to be. By the way, could you spread your pussy wider so I can see it better?<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Um? Of course.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/NewLab/office6.jpg" "just">>
<<JimmyDialog>>I hope you'll please me some other time too.<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Mmm...I'd be happy to.<</PlayerDialog>>
I think we had some other conversation after coffee, but I don't remember what about... I guess it wasn't too important!
<<UpdateArousal "100">>\
<<UpdateSubDom "-2">>\
<<set $Jimmy.SubDom += 5>>\
@@color:red;Jimmy is becoming little more dominant.@@
<<if $ResearchChosenPill.Difficulty == 0>>\
<<set _resbonus = 4>>\
<<elseif $ResearchChosenPill.Difficulty > 0 and $ResearchChosenPill.Difficulty < 2>>\
<<set _resbonus = 2>>\
<<set _resbonus = 1>>\
<<set _incresbonus = _resbonus*2>>\
<<set $ResearchChosenPill.CurrentSpeed += _incresbonus>>\
@@color:lime;Jimmy is more motivated than usual. The speed of the current research increased by _incresbonus %@@ instead of _resbonus %.
@@#place;<<button [[Back|PharmaLabResearch]]>><<set $JimmyDose++>><<movetime>><</button>>@@<<media "Data/Locations/newlab.jpg" "place">>
Pharma company. Laboratory.
No, Jimmy.
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>I think I'll pass this time.<</PlayerDialog>>
He looked sadly at the floor, but then looked up and smiled as usual.
<<JimmyDialog>>Well...I knew that...It's okay.<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Seriously, that request sounded a little odd.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Yeah, well, actually, I enjoyed your spending time like this today.... I could feel the blood circulating faster through my body and now I had some new ideas! Do it more often, please!<</JimmyDialog>>
Now I see a regular Jimmy!
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Well, maybe I'll do it again sometime, hehe.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<if $ResearchChosenPill.Difficulty == 0>>\
<<set _resbonus = 4>>\
<<elseif $ResearchChosenPill.Difficulty > 0 and $ResearchChosenPill.Difficulty < 2>>\
<<set _resbonus = 2>>\
<<set _resbonus = 1>>\
<<set $ResearchChosenPill.CurrentSpeed += _resbonus>>\
@@color:lime;The speed of the current research increased by _resbonus %.@@
@@#place;<<button [[Back|PharmaLabResearch]]>><<movetime>><</button>>@@<<media "Data/Locations/newlab.jpg" "place">>
Pharma company. Laboratory.
<<media "Data/Locations/labwork.gif" "gif">>
You are working on your research with Jimmy and making some progress.
<<if $ResearchChosenPill.Difficulty == 0>>\
<<set _addprogress = random (3,8)>>\
<<set $ResearchChosenPill.CurrentResearchProgress += _addprogress>>\
Without much work, you manage to advance your research by @@color:lime;_addprogress %@@.
<<elseif $ResearchChosenPill.Difficulty == 1>>\
<<set _addprogress = random (2,5)>>\
<<set $ResearchChosenPill.CurrentResearchProgress += _addprogress>>\
Your research is @@color:lime;_addprogress %@@ closer to completion.
<<elseif $ResearchChosenPill.Difficulty == 2>>\
<<set _addprogress = random (1,3)>>\
<<set $ResearchChosenPill.CurrentResearchProgress += _addprogress>>\
These chemical compounds seem strange and illogical to you, but you have managed to collate some facts and slightly accelerate your progress towards completion @@color:lime;_addprogress %@@.
<<if $ResearchChosenPill.CurrentResearchProgress > 100>>\
<<set $ResearchChosenPill.CurrentResearchProgress = 100>>\
@@color:lime;font-size:120%;The research has been successfully completed!@@
@@#place;<<button [[Back|PharmaLabResearch]]>><<movetime>><</button>>@@<<if $CurrentDayTime < 3>>\
<<media "Data/Locations/yard.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Locations/yardn.jpg" "place">>
According to the informant, there is a huge source of drugs in front of me now. This building is really big.
<<media "Data/Locations/pharmabuilding.jpeg" "just">>
Am I really hoping to meet the most important person here?...
<<media "Data/Locations/pharmaentrance1.jpg" "just">>
This is the main entrance. Am I really mentally prepared to walk in here?
<<button [[Get in!|Pharma2]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Go back|Outside]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/pharmabuilding.jpeg" "place">>
Pharma company.
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Hey, didn't you say you was envious of me?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<LeviDialog>>Yes! I'd rather be cursed than you! The world is not fair!<</LeviDialog>>
Right, it's all falling into place...
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Why?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<LeviDialog>>All over the world, the female body has always been a symbol of beauty and grace! Girls moan so nicely when they are fucked! And they have tits!!<</LeviDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Oh, really? Kind of a couple of these, huh? Like them?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Levi/tits10.mp4">>
<<LeviDialog>>Oh, my God, I envy you SO MUCH! Why are you doing this?!!...hiei-hie...eh.. I like smaller ones though, they say they're more sensitive... but..my dick is already stubby....<</LeviDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Lucky me, huh? ~giggle~<</PlayerDialog>>
<<LeviDialog>>S-Stop it...hie-hiehh...Are you gonna take the pill or not?!<</LeviDialog>>
Ha-ha-ha! That's hilarious. But now I know what he's thinking and what he really wants...
<<if $Inventory.GBBetaTablets > 0>>\
Now it's my choice...
<<button [[Offer him GC Beta pill|Pharma10.2]]>><</button>>
But I don't seem to have any sex change pills! Shit! Then there's no choice left...
<<button [[Eat his pill|Pharma10]]>>\
<<set $FuckStruggleText = "No, he's not lying! I've already fallen under the effects of the pill! I need to find the strength to stop!">>\
<<set $FuckStruggle = 0>>\
@@<<media "Data/Locations/pharmabuilding.jpeg" "place">>
Pharma company.
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>What if I tell you I could help you?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<LeviDialog>>Help me with what?<</LeviDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>I can make your wish come true. You can have the body you want.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<LeviDialog>>Like you're gonna help me get strong and pumped up?<</LeviDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>I'll help you become a girl, you dumb head!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<LeviDialog>>You haven't broken your curse yet, and such strong medicines haven't been invented in the world yet, so don't make me laugh! <</LeviDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>So you didn't fully understand Jimmy's notes...<</PlayerDialog>>
That's not surprising, though. I'm not sure where Jimmy had the tapes, but he did it right before the explosion, so Levi couldn't have known about it
<<LeviDialog>>W..wait..it's impossible<</LeviDialog>>
It's like we switched sides!
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>There's no reason for me to lie to you.<</PlayerDialog>>
I carefully pulled out the one pill we needed.
<<media "Data/Characters/Levi/M/pill.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>It might help.<</PlayerDialog>>
Levi stared at it in amazement.
<<LeviDialog>>...H-How it works?<</LeviDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>It works from the power of desire and it takes two people to get a successful result. <</PlayerDialog>>
<<LeviDialog>>Jimmy's gotten further than I thought he would...Will it work? Did you run the tests?<</LeviDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Of course you have nothing to worry about!<</PlayerDialog>>
I actually know next to nothing about it myself, but I believe in Jimmy!
<<LeviDialog>>It's unlike anything I've seen before, but if Jimmy made it, then...<</LeviDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>The only rule is that our thoughts should be floating in roughly the same direction during the process. The effect will be permanent. Let me ask you again, is this what you really want?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<LeviDialog>>Hie-hie! I'm willing to take that risk!<</LeviDialog>>
@@#pill;<<button [[Levi took a pill|Pharma10.3]]>><</button>>@@<<media "Data/Locations/pharmabuilding.jpeg" "place">>
Pharma company.
That feeling...it's a little different from everything else. I'm really starting to feel Levi's desire.
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Listen to me, Levi. It's started. You will lead us, guide me to the right thoughts.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<LeviDialog>>I'm picturing a beautiful cutie my age!...<</LeviDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Go on<</PlayerDialog>>
<<LeviDialog>>She's petite, slender and very sexy!<</LeviDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>..Eh..well...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<LeviDialog>>Her whole body is so sensitive!<</LeviDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>...<</PlayerDialog>>
Damn, Levi's desire is too strong, I can't keep up!
<<LeviDialog>>Little bitch, anal slut, HIE-HIE-HIE!<</LeviDialog>>
Ugh, it's fading before my eyes!
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>I gotta hang in there...sexy little sister...sexy..sis....<</PlayerDialog>>
That pressure was building up, my ears were ringing and my head felt like it was splitting, but...
<<button [[Everything stopped abruptly|Pharma10.4]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/pharmabuilding.jpeg" "place">>
Pharma company.
<<media "Data/Characters/npc/JimmyExp/smoke.gif" "gif">>
Everything was flickering in my eyes, but I was slowly coming to my senses. I was just about to ask Levi if he was okay...
<<if $P.ConvergenceON == true>>\
<<CindyDialog>>Oh My GOD! Nikita, she's beautiful! She's so cute!<</CindyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>So it worked?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CindyDialog>>Nikita, think about it! We have a real little sister now!<</CindyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Cindy, what's with the sudden hysteria?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CindyDialog>>You'll see! Ha-ha-ha-ha!<</CindyDialog>>
<<set $Levi.Gender = "f">>\
Gradually the smoke cleared and I saw a figure. And then I heard a voice. A delicate girly voice.
<<media "Data/Characters/Levi/F/club.jpg" "just">>
<<LeviDialog "happy" 1>>Nikita, look at me! It's unbelievable!<</LeviDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Levi, is...is this you?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<LeviDialog "happy" 1>>Look at the little baby girl I've turned into!<</LeviDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Levi/F/club1.jpg" "just">>
I worry that in the process of transformation, a hole has appeared between our desires...
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Are you sure you're okay?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<LeviDialog "happy" 1>>Of course, I've never felt so good!<</LeviDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Ha-ha, even when you were openly jerking off in my room?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<LeviDialog "confused" 0>>Don't make it up, it never happened!<</LeviDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Levi/F/club2.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Never mind, I'm glad you're satisfied. I mean, really, just turning into a girl is better than fucking dough in the kitchen?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<LeviDialog "confused" 0>>Fuck the dough in the kitchen? Ha-ha! You're a pervert, bro! I'd like to try that! <</LeviDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>You...don't remember?...<</PlayerDialog>>
At that moment, I realized...the magical energy around here is still unstable...
<<button [[The transformation is not over.|Pharma10.5]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/pharmabuilding.jpeg" "place">>
Pharma company.
<<LeviDialog "confused" 0>>Wait, are you saying this sexy body is erasing my memories?<</LeviDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Levi/F/club3.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Perhaps, then think what else you might have forgotten?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<LeviDialog "confused" 0>>I remember my company, my parents, you. I seem to remember everything, I feel some gaps in only one thing.....<</LeviDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Specifically in what?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<LeviDialog "horny" 1>>I can't believe it! I'm forgetting everything about my past body and the gaps are getting bigger and bigger! Hie-hie-hie!<</LeviDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>It's not funny! Everything else okay?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<LeviDialog "confused" 0>>There's one more thing...<</LeviDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Levi/F/club4.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>???<</PlayerDialog>>
<<LeviDialog "happy" 1>>I'm not wearing any panties for some reason!<</LeviDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Levi/F/club5.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>...<</PlayerDialog>>
All because I didn't keep up with his too much desire....
<<LeviDialog "happy" 1>>Relax! Wouldn't you like to have a sexy little sister...<</LeviDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Levi/F/club8.jpg" "just">>
<<LeviDialog "happy" 1>>...who will obediently spread her legs for you at your first command?<</LeviDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Levi/F/club7.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Why doesn't it bother you? You're losing your memory!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<LeviDialog "happy" 1>>Hey, isn't this fun? Hie-hie!<</LeviDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Levi/F/club9.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>As I understand it, you're forgetting yourself when you were a guy! What's fun about it?!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<LeviDialog "happy" 1>>It's like after playing your favorite game you want to erase your memory so you can play it again! Imagine what a slut this little girl could become! <</LeviDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Levi/F/club10.jpg" "just">>
<<LeviDialog "horny" 2>>...or you can make me whatever you want me to be.....<</LeviDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Levi/F/club11.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>I'll find a way to get your memory back<</PlayerDialog>>
<<LeviDialog "horny" 2>>The question is whether you want to give it back to me...<</LeviDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Levi/F/club12.jpg" "just">>
Apparently I will once again be faced with a difficult choice...
<<LeviDialog "surprised">>Shit, time is running out, I don't remember what my dick looked like anymore! <</LeviDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Levi/F/club13.jpg" "just">>
<<LeviDialog "surprised">>I need to experience this right away! <</LeviDialog>>
<<button [[Experience what?|Pharma10.6]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/pharmabuilding.jpeg" "place">>
Pharma company.
<<LeviDialog "horny" 2>>Oh, My God! It feels sooo good!<</LeviDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Levi/F/club18.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<LeviDialog "horny" 2>>Oooh! This body is so sensitive! <</LeviDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Levi/F/club15.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Haah...I just can't...Levi, you look....amazing!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<LeviDialog "horny" 2>>Hie-hie! When you return to your body, I hope that instead of that dildo, it will one day be you!<</LeviDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Levi/F/club16.jpg" "just">>
Ugh... Is this really happening?...
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>If instead of jerking your dick off in my room you do what you're doing now, I'm willing to watch it endlessly...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<LeviDialog "happy" 0>>Hie-hie-hie! Don't worry, maybe I'll be the same one day!<</LeviDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Levi/F/club17.jpg" "just">>
<<LeviDialog "horny" 0>>Farewell, brother!<</LeviDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Levi/F/club19.jpg" "just">>
<<media "Data/Characters/npc/JimmyExp/smoke.gif" "gif">>
<<button [[Smoke again?!|Pharma10.7]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/pharmabuilding.jpeg" "place">>
Pharma company.
<<media "Data/Characters/npc/JimmyExp/smoke.gif" "gif">>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Levi?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Levi/F/office3.jpg" "just">>
<<LeviDialog "surprised">>Uh, hold on, I'll call you back.<</LeviDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Levi/F/office1.jpg" "just">>
<<LeviDialog "serious">>Brother, you're finally here! I've been waiting for you!<</LeviDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Um...yes...I'm here...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<LeviDialog "confused" 0>>Ha-ha! Wow, time flies so fast...how long have I been here?<</LeviDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Levi/F/office.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Remind me again... Why did you call me?...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<LeviDialog "confused" 0>>Uh, I don't remember why, but I was determined to get you and Jimmy a lab. It's in this building. Here are the keys and instructions on how to get there. Come with Jimmy.<</LeviDialog>>
@@color:yellow; The keys to the new lab have been received.@@
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Um...Okay, thanks...And what about the new Celtos?..<</PlayerDialog>>
<<LeviDialog "confused" 0>>Uh, so...the New Celtos...and why did I even create it? Ugh, I don't remember, definitely need more sleep...<</LeviDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Levi, just in case I ask, would I look like an idiot if I said you used to be a guy?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Levi/F/office8.jpg" "just">>
<<LeviDialog "confused" 0>>Um....yeah.... it's not news. I know I was a guy and I know I asked you to turn me. But I don't remember when I turned, and I don't remember what kind of guy I used to be....<</LeviDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>So...what are you gonna do about it?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<LeviDialog "serious">>Nothing. If I asked for it, I wanted it. <</LeviDialog>>
That sounds like him. Now I'm convinced it's still Levi in front of me. But...
<<set $Levi.Perv = 10>>\
@@color:orange; Levi's perversion has been set to 10.@@
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Eh, do you remember that before your transformation you were contemplating the distribution of this drug?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<LeviDialog "confused" 0>>Yes, I've done a lot of work on it, but I don't know why, I'm not really interested in it, and yeah...the distribution order is already on the table...<</LeviDialog>>
She smiled and looked at me.
<<LeviDialog "serious">>You know, if I've been mulling over whether or not to release it, I guess I can leave the final decision up to you!<</LeviDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Oh!..u-unexpected...<</PlayerDialog>>
Is the decision really left up to me? Levi said that this pill completely brings out the vulgar side of a person. If I release this drug, people around me will definitely change very soon.
<<media "Data/Characters/Levi/F/office7.jpg" "just">>
On the one hand, I want to see girls in miniskirts incredibly badly, but on the other hand, that girl might one day be me....
<<if $P.ConvergenceON == true>>\
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Cindy, what do you think?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CindyDialog>>I think I'd like to teach our new sis lots of interesting things, hehe...!<</CindyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Gah, I'll make sure you'll never meet. But now I was asking about the drug.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CindyDialog>>I don't care, it's up to you. Although I'm in favor of more "sex sessions"! <</CindyDialog>>
So...What to do?
<<button [[Release New Celtos|Pharma10.8]]>><<set $DrugSpreadOrder = true>><</button>>@@
<<button [[Don't release it|Pharma10.8]]>><</button>>You turned Levi into a girl. Now you have a little sister.
Levi has forgotten his life as a guy, but at heart it's still him.
@@color:yellow;Every day Levi will get perversion points. 1 per day.
Levi's current status can be viewed in the "Stats" side menu.@@
@@color:deeppink;Little by little, he'll become the Levi you know but in a girl's body.@@
@@color:magenta;But you can try to speed up the process or try to make him become different...@@
@@color:red; font-size:120%; Note: Now as Levi's relationship and perversion levels increase, you may notice some changes, but this branch isn't ready yet. To find out to what level you can corrupt Levi in THIS version of the game, check the "Patch info" tab.@@
<<button [[I got it|Outside]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/pharmabuilding.jpeg" "place">>
Pharma company.
While I was thinking Levi left me here and went about her business.
<<if $DrugSpreadOrder == true>>\
Still, I couldn't resist such a temptation. Maybe Levi was right and people really will be happier!
@@color:magenta;You've made your decision. The drug will need some time to spread. You'll see a change in a week.@@
Still, people are not yet ready for such dramatic changes. It could have been chaos.
@@color:yellow; You stopped the spread of a new drug. Now the possible chaos has been stopped, but don't relax, you have other things to do.@@
Anyway, I gotta talk to Jimmy about everything. Tell him about the lab and about Levi. I think he'll be surprised...
<<button [[Leave|Pharma10.8.8]]>>
<<set $FT = 15>>
<<set $SubDom += 10>>
<<set $PharmaOpened = true>>
<<set $JimmyTalkNewLab = false>>
<<set $Levi.Gender = "f">>
<</button>><<media "Data/Locations/pharmabuilding.jpeg" "place">>
Pharma company.
<<media "Data/Characters/Levi/M/newceltos.jfif" "just">>
All I have to do is eat it. I'll just have to be patient and not do anything unnecessary. Evrything will be okay!
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>All right, get it over here!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<LeviDialog>>Hie-hie-hie! Wait a minute, I haven't even taken off my suit!<</LeviDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Levi/bj102.mp4">>
Oh, my God, this is beyond me! This pill is turning me into a crazy bitch, but I can't...no...I don't want to stop!
<<LeviDialog>>I think every brother has ever dreamed of a sister slut like you! Hie-hie-hie!<</LeviDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>As long as I can feel that beautiful cock in my mouth, you can call me whatever you want! ~giggle~<</PlayerDialog>>
<<LeviDialog>>I want to cum on your face! <</LeviDialog>>
Ahaa...noo...it's just effect of the pill....
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>P-please, do it! <</PlayerDialog>>
<<LeviDialog>>The first volley is fired!<</LeviDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Levi/cum158.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>Fill my face! OH MY GOD! Sperm in my mouth makes me CUM!!! ...you...you're not gonna end it there, are you?..<</PlayerDialog>>
<<LeviDialog>>HIE-HIE-HIE! You want to keep going, slutty sister? Know that the games are over, if you want to continue, you'll let me fuck you. And rest assured that you will have no choice but to become a dirty and depraved pervert at the end as you moan with pleasure and cum non-stop!<</LeviDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Levi/cock36.webp" "gif">>
<<if $P.PervertedPoints < 130>>\
<<switch $FuckStruggle>>\
<<case 0>>
<<button [[Stop it|Pharma10]]>><<set $FuckStruggle++>><<set $FuckStruggleText = "I can't take my eyes off his cock!">><</button>>
<<case 1>>
<<button [[Stop it|Pharma10]]>><<set $FuckStruggle++>><<set $FuckStruggleText = "I'm all wet, I need a cock for sure!">><</button>>
<<case 2>>
<<button [[Stop it|Pharma10]]>><<set $FuckStruggle++>><<set $FuckStruggleText = "If I let him fuck me just once, nothing bad will happen!">><</button>>
<<case 3>>
<<button [[Stop it|Pharma10]]>><<set $FuckStruggle++>><<set $FuckStruggleText = "Maybe he'll put it in my ass... That would be more or less fair to Carol...">><</button>>
<<case 4>>
<<button [[Stop it|Pharma10]]>><<set $FuckStruggle++>><<set $FuckStruggleText = "But I want to moan under him like a crazy horny bitch so badly! Ughhh......!">><</button>>
<<case 5>>
<<button [[Stop it|Pharma10]]>><<set $FuckStruggle++>><<set $FuckStruggleText = "Maybe I can talk him into giving him another blow job? I really want to suck that cock again and agaaaaain!...">><</button>>
<<case 6>>
<<button [[Stop it|Pharma9.1]]>><</button>>
@@#pill;<<button [[Let him fuck you|Pharma11]]>><</button>>@@
I've been teasing him for so long, but I can't say no to him today ~giggle~
@@#pill;<<button [[Let him fuck you|Pharma11]]>><</button>>@@
<</if>>\<<media "Data/Locations/pharmabuilding.jpeg" "place">>
Pharma company.
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Let's keep it going!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<LeviDialog>>Hie-hie-hie! Is that really how your request should sound?<</LeviDialog>>
He's gonna make me crazy!
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Sorry, little brother, but your big sis is so horny! Please fuck me with your cock! <</PlayerDialog>>
AaaAa! What am I saying!
<<LeviDialog>>My sister is such a slut she begs for her own brother's cock! Look how wet you are! <</LeviDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Levi/squirt24.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>It feels so good when you touch me! Why is my body so sensitive?!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<LeviDialog>>Do you like it? Today you're my bitch.<</LeviDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>Yes, yes, today I'm your obedient bitch, you can do whatever you want to me, but please make me feel even better!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<LeviDialog>>Hie-hie-hie! No problem! <</LeviDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Levi/squirt27.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>Oh, my God, you put it in my ass!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<LeviDialog>>Of course, coz I know my sister is an anal-addicted slut! You're a pervert who squirts from anal sex!<</LeviDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Levi/squirt17.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>Ah...ah...N...No!..Squirt?..No way!..I'm not an anal-addicted slut! <</PlayerDialog>>
<<LeviDialog>>That's for now...<</LeviDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>You....you're fingering my pussy while your cock is in my aaaaaass!!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Levi/squirt20.mp4">>
<<LeviDialog>>Let's see how long you last! <</LeviDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Little brother, my pussy and ass feel so good! I've never felt so good! I can't! I just....can't!!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Levi/squirt26.mp4">>
<<LeviDialog>>Don't hold back! <</LeviDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>I can't! I...I'm cumming! I'M CUMMING SO HARD! OOOoohh!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Levi/squirt28.mp4">>
I...squirted...from anal sex....
<<LeviDialog>>Hie-hie-hie! I told you you'd love it!<</LeviDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>No.... it's all because you stimulated my pussy with your fingers!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<LeviDialog>>Oh, really? Let's find out! <</LeviDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Levi/squirt25.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>Wait...I'm still too sensitive...I mean, I just did....ooooh...okay, keep going!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Nooo....You fill my entire asshole with your huge coooock!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Levi/squirt19.mp4">>
<<LeviDialog>>Hie-hie-hie! Do you want me to stop?<</LeviDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>No, no, no! Please! Don't stop! I've been such a bad sister, my ass deserves to be punished by this delicious cock! <</PlayerDialog>>
<<LeviDialog>>Hie-hie-hie! Hey, are you cumming again?!<</LeviDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>Yes! YES! I can't help but cum when my ass feels THIS GOOOD! Waves of pleasure go through my whole body! Just like a tsunami!!! <</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Levi/squirt22.mp4">>
<<LeviDialog>>Hell, even for me it's too much! <</LeviDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>Oooh! I feeel it...so warm...and sticky....ahaa...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Levi/squirt29.mp4">>
<<LeviDialog>>Well, I think today you've worked on 150%!<</LeviDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>Then for an extra percentage I would like to buy something.....<</PlayerDialog>>
<<LeviDialog>>Buy what?<</LeviDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>A little more anal sex...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Levi/squirt21.mp4">>
<<LeviDialog>>Did you like it that much?<</LeviDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>Aaaah, yeah! This is so good! You're gonna have to take responsibility for this! For making me an anal-addicted slut! Hie-hie-hie!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<LeviDialog>>Hie-hie-hie! We're gonna have a lot of fun!<</LeviDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Levi/squirt23.mp4">>
<<button [[It's been a while|Pharma12]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/pharmabuilding.jpeg" "place">>
Pharma company.
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>Mmmfppslurp...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<LeviDialog>>Nikita, are you aware that the New Celtos has long since worn off? Hah! But you know, that's who you were supposed to be, though.<</LeviDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Levi/bj119.mp4">>
<<LeviDialog>>Uuugh! I can see you're enjoying it, but I can barely stand on my feet anymore. So...tell me one last time who you are!<</LeviDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>I'm a pervert...and I also love anal sex!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Levi/bj120.mp4">>
<<LeviDialog>>Hie-h..(Couch-couch)...Anyway, the key to the lab is on the desk, and your and Jimmy's passes are there. I'll see you at home!<</LeviDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>See ya!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<button [[Levi left|Pharma13]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/pharmabuilding.jpeg" "place">>
Pharma company.
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>What the hell was that?!<</PlayerDialog>>
I've completely lost my head...damn...I need to stop. I'm doing all this AGAINST the curse, not FOR it!
Although on the other hand...if you think about it that way...it was extremely cool! My ass is still burning and throbbing....
I had no idea that a cock right next to me was so delightful and could give a ton of pleasure! ~giggle~
I am completely satisfied...for now....~giggle~ ~giggle~ ~giggle~
@@color:yellow; The keys to the new lab have been received.@@
@@color:yellow; Nikita is now more open to pleasure in Carol's body and will be more willing to accept Levi's harassment.@@
<<UpdateCorruption "+5">>
<<UpdateArousal "0">>
<<UpdateSubDom "-5">>
<<UpdatePervertion "+200">>
Anyway, I got what I wanted. Even more...hehe
@@color:yellow;Gotta tell Jimmy about the new lab soon! @@
By the way, is Levi and I having sex considered incest or not? Coz I was in Carol's body, so...
<<button [[Leave|Outside]]>>
<<set $FT = 15>>
<<set $DrugSpreadOrder = true>>
<<set $PharmaOpened = true>>
<<set $JimmyTalkNewLab = false>>
<</button>><<media "Data/Locations/pharmabuilding.jpeg" "place">>
Pharma company.
<<FNpcDialog null null "Receptionist">>Good day. Please show your pass card.<</FNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>I'm sorry, I don't have it.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<FNpcDialog null null "Receptionist">>I got it. Then what's the purpose of your visit?<</FNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>I'd like to see...the CEO.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<FNpcDialog null null "Receptionist">>I got it, tell me your name.<</FNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>..Nikita<</PlayerDialog>>
<<FNpcDialog null null "Receptionist">>I got it! Welcome, Nikita! Mr.Leccto is already waiting for you!<</FNpcDialog>>
What?! Do they already know I'm coming? Yeah...The informant could have given them the information, but what would be the point?... On paper, I'm a very insignificant person. That means Dr. Leccto definitely knows something he couldn't possibly know! So..that's suspicious...Who the hell is he?!...
<<if $P.Gender == "m">>\
<<FNpcDialog null null "Receptionist">>Oh, I'm terribly sorry! I think there's been a little mistake. The director is expecting a girl named Nikita, but you're a guy. I'm sorry, I can't let you in....<</FNpcDialog>>
Coincidence? I don't think so... That Dr. Leccto scares me more and more...
@@color:yellow;Anyway, this is no time to be scared! If they wants a girl named Nikita, they'll get her! @@
<<FNpcDialog null null "Receptionist">>Please, come in! I'll escort you to director's office!<</FNpcDialog>>
<<button [[Follow her|Pharma3]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Go back|Outside]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/pharmabuilding.jpeg" "place">>
Pharma company.
She and I went up to the topmost floor, and next she led me to an office with large wooden doors. She opened the doors and spoke shyly.
<<FNpcDialog null null "Receptionist">>D-doctor, I brought him.<</FNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Locations/bosschair.jfif" "just">>
There is a man standing before me. He gives the impression of a very confident man whose position is well deserved here. At the top.
<<MNpcDialog null null " @@color:red;???@@">>Thank you, sweetheart. You may leave us.<</MNpcDialog>>
<<FNpcDialog null null "Receptionist">>Of course, Doctor. As you say.<</FNpcDialog>>
The girl also bowed shyly and hurriedly closed the door behind her....
<<button [[...leaving this man and me alone|Pharma4]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/pharmabuilding.jpeg" "place">>
Pharma company.
There's no doubt it's him!
<<media "Data/Locations/bosschair.jfif" "just">>
We stood in silence for a while without uttering a word.
<<MNpcDialog null null " @@color:red;Dr.Leccto@@">>Well, Nikita? How are you doing?<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Y-yeah...I'm fine...thanks...<</PlayerDialog>>
His voice sounds familiar to me...? But he's silent again.
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Doctor, I have an important conversation to have with you...you've been waiting for me, right? I think we have something to discuss...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null " @@color:red;Dr.Leccto@@">>Yeah, you're right. So...what do you think of that girl at the reception?<</MNpcDialog>>
What kind of question is that?!
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Wha...Ahem..ehm...she's...she's seems like a very responsible employee!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null " @@color:red;Dr.Leccto@@">>Oh, really? But that's not what I meant.<</MNpcDialog>>
He raised his voice and almost went to shouting!
<<MNpcDialog null null " @@color:red;Dr.Leccto@@">>You know, I think this receptionist girl is super cute!<</MNpcDialog>>
After shouting this he inhaled and exhaled deeply three times.
<<MNpcDialog null null " @@color:red;Dr.Leccto@@">>So...I just wanted know your opinion...don't you think of her the same way...?<</MNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Levi/M/6.webp" "just">>
<<MNpcDialog null null " @@color:red;Dr.Leccto@@">>...brother?<</MNpcDialog>>
<<button [[...|Pharma5]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/pharmabuilding.jpeg" "place">>
Pharma company.
<<LeviDialog>>Hie-hie! Dr. Leccto is a very important and powerful character lurking in the shadows. Few people know that it's really me.<</LeviDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>How can such a secretive personality run a big company?!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<LeviDialog>>I worked very hard to achieve exactly that result. As I said, I was very secretive. Now I am sort of the main shareholder. The company is run by a board of directors. Everything is autonomous and stable. That is the policy I have set here. I do all my work through written orders, ignoring face-to-face meetings.<</LeviDialog>>
I guess that's why that receptionist girl was nervous to escort me to a private meeting with her boss. Still, Levi seems to trust her.
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Why did you choose to call yourself "Dr. Leccto"?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<LeviDialog>>Did you forget again? In honor of a cartoon character I always watched as a kid. You tried to watch it too, but you still don't get it.<</LeviDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>So that's why you're away a lot? Because that's when you're Dr. Leccto!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<LeviDialog>>My applause, brother. Hie-hie!<</LeviDialog>>
<<button [[Ask another question|Pharma6]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/pharmabuilding.jpeg" "place">>
Pharma company.
<<LeviDialog>>Pharma company? You know, I started doing this quite a while ago. I started out by renting and then buying labs. I was gaining influence and capitalization. Now you're on the top floor of a huge pharma company. <</LeviDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>And what does this company do?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<LeviDialog>>Inside the building are state-of-the-art laboratories and factories. We are engaged in the development and production of many medicines for a wide variety of diseases. Hie-hie-hie! Well, we also produce "you-know-what else".<</LeviDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Why are you doing all this?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<LeviDialog>>I'm doing all this for my dream.<</LeviDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Eh? What's your dream?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<LeviDialog>>Hie-hie! It's personal! But I can say that with the help of "Celtoc", I'm slowly getting closer to it...<</LeviDialog>>
<<button [[Ask another question|Pharma6]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/pharmabuilding.jpeg" "place">>
Pharma company.
<<LeviDialog>>"Celtoc"? Yeah...I am very proud of my product, as I developed the formula myself!<</LeviDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>You do realize you're creating and distributing a drug, right?!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<LeviDialog>>I don't know why everyone calls it a drug! It's not a drug, it's a remedy! Through a lot of experimentation I have not found any side effects, nor addictive!..ahem...well, maybe only psychological, but no more than from coffee! Humans quickly get used to what we like! You know?<</LeviDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>If it's not a drug, what is it? What does it help with?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<LeviDialog>>I'm not sure you'll understand me, but I'll try to explain. I have a theory that most of all our illnesses are due to lack of love and affection. This lack creates unnecessary stress, depression, and negatively affects the production of various hormones. It's as if there is some invisible energy inside a person that without love empties like a can of paint!<</LeviDialog>>
Hey, he's kind of right. Akira said that all living things have some kind of energy inside them. And yet...!
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>And you really think that's going to help people?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<LeviDialog>>Hie-hie! You can see that! People are more alive now! They stop being lazy, move more and are overflowing with positive emotions!<</LeviDialog>>
<<button [[Ask another question|Pharma6]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/pharmabuilding.jpeg" "place">>
Pharma company.
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>No, no, no...it's not true. It can't be.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<LeviDialog>>Hie-hie! Will you maybe stop pacing back and forth in my office muttering to yourself? This stopped being funny 15 minutes ago.<</LeviDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Levi/M/13.webp" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Can I punch you?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>All right, then I'm ready...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<button [[Listen to him|Pharma6]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/pharmabuilding.jpeg" "place">>
Pharma company.
<<LeviDialog>>Okay, if you're ready, you can ask your questions. @@color:yellow;When you know what you need to know, we'll continue the conversation.@@<</LeviDialog>>
<<button [[Ask him about Dr. Leccto|Pharma5.1]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Ask him about Pharma company|Pharma5.2]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Ask him about "Celtoc"|Pharma5.3]]>><</button>>
<<button [[I'm ready to continue the conversation|Pharma7]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/pharmabuilding.jpeg" "place">>
Pharma company.
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>I really had no idea my brother was actually an evil genius! <</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Levi/M/13.webp" "just">>
<<LeviDialog>>Hey, you underestimated me! My iq is 159! And that's because 10 out of 30 minutes of the test I tried to prove to the examiners that what I was doing under the table was motivating me!<</LeviDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>(deep breath) Well...Anyway, here you are, creating a drug and distributing it. Are you satisfied?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<LeviDialog>>Uh, not really. Today, however, I am closer than ever. You know, it turns out you and Jimmy did a lot of work in that lab. Did you ever think that you two might not be the only ones in the whole university who have access to it?<</LeviDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>You...you were in that lab?..<</PlayerDialog>>
<<LeviDialog>>You know, Jimmy didn't hide his notes too much because there was too small a chance that anyone could find and make sense of any of his work. But I'm not "anyone". I'm sorry about your lab, but I got what I wanted.<</LeviDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>I knew Jimmy couldn't have made a mistake like that that almost caused the whole building to explode! It was you! Admit it! You caused this?!<</PlayerDialog>>
Levi raised his hands to the ceiling and laughed wickedly!
<<LeviDialog>>HIE-HIE...Ahem...Actually, no. <</LeviDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>What?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<LeviDialog>>I only studied and didn't touch anything else. But you're right, I've seen his notes. @@color:yellow;Knowing Jimmy, I don't think he'd make a mistake like that. Maybe it's someone else.@@<</LeviDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Eh, You've kept so much from me...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<LeviDialog>>HIE-HIE-HIE! You switch bodies with your roommate every day, and you're doing some kind of occult thing in the lab with Jimmy! And you're telling me I was hiding something?!<</LeviDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>...okay, we both good...So, why am I here?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<button [[He smiled|Pharma8]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/pharmabuilding.jpeg" "place">>
Pharma company.
<<LeviDialog>>You know, I'm getting tired of carrying this burden alone. I want you to see it too.<</LeviDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>To see what?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Levi/M/newceltos.jfif" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>I still don't get it. Is that Celtos?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<LeviDialog>>Yeah, but no...This is something new. It was Jimmy's ideas that pushed me to create it. And you will be by my side when the world sees it!<</LeviDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Why don't you explain it to me in more detail?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<LeviDialog>>Celtos was good, but not enough, however this pill will make people what they should be. Happy and healthy! The principle of work is about the same as Celtos, but its influence is much stronger and more effective. Let's call it "The New Celtos", hie-hie-hie!<</LeviDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>And you want me to help you?!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<LeviDialog>>I'd be very happy to. The order for you to enter this office unhindered is in the works. <</LeviDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Ah, that's how it is! But if I say no? You didn't think I might want to stop you from releasing a new drug?..<</PlayerDialog>>
<<LeviDialog>>Whether you help me or not is up to you. But before you decide to stop the spread of The New Celtos, let me tell you that I know what you came here for.<</LeviDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>And what am I here for?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<LeviDialog>>You need a new lab, don't you? I've already set one up for you and Jimmy. It's very nice and modern. Hie-hie-hie....<</LeviDialog>>
I recognize that look on his face.....
<<button [[What do you want for the lab?|Pharma9]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/pharmabuilding.jpeg" "place">>
Pharma company.
Fuck, are you a man or what? Pull yourself together!
<<PlayerDialog "disgust">>No<</PlayerDialog>>
<<LeviDialog>>Hie-hie-hie! ...w-what<</LeviDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>I said I'd had enough. Get the keys to the lab over here already.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<set $SubDom += 15>>\
It felt a lot better now. Although I'm still horny beyond belief, but it's possible to fight it!
<<LeviDialog>>Wow! I can't believe it! I guess I really was wrong about you! Um...maybe... can you at least give me another blowjob?<</LeviDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>I SAID NO<</PlayerDialog>>
And I really don't feel any side effects...
...other than anger at my 'little brother'!
<<LeviDialog>>HIE-HIE-HIE! THAT'S MY BIG BRO! Okay, we're all set!<</LeviDialog>>
@@color:yellow; The keys to the new lab have been received.@@
<<UpdateArousal "100">>
<<LeviDialog>>Anyway, my lab is yours and Jimmy's! You're welcome to use it!<</LeviDialog>>
I could try to stop him from releasing the drug, but I'm sure I can't convince him because according to him it's "his life's work"! Should I get the police on him? I think he has a backup plan for that too...Okay, I'll deal with that later.
Anyway, I got what I wanted.
@@color:yellow;Gotta tell Jimmy about the new lab soon! @@
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>See you, Levi. <</PlayerDialog>>
<<button [[Leave|Outside]]>>
<<set $FT = 15>>
<<set $DrugSpreadOrder = true>>
<<set $PharmaOpened = true>>
<<set $JimmyTalkNewLab = false>>
<</button>><<media "Data/Locations/pharmabuilding.jpeg" "place">>
Pharma company.
<<LeviDialog>>It's a piece of cake.<</LeviDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Levi/M/6.webp" "just">>
<<LeviDialog>>I just want you to try the New Celtos and the lab is yours.<</LeviDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Levi/M/newceltos.jfif" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "disgust">>WHAT<</PlayerDialog>>
<<LeviDialog>>Don't worry, I've run enough tests. There are no side effects like the previous Celtos. The effect is temporary. I have no reason to lie to you.<</LeviDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>I was beginning to think you were pretending to be a stupid pervert the whole time, but no. You really are!..<</PlayerDialog>>
<<LeviDialog>>Unlike you, at least I don't pretend I'm not. You know we're alike, so it's high time you embrace that part of yourself.<</LeviDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>An entire lab in exchange for me eating one temporary pill? Why would you do that?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<LeviDialog>>I can't watch you not dare to use that lustful body for your pleasure. But this pill will reveal your hidden slutty desires. I know you've loved what I've done to this body all this time. You're already a pervert, but you can't accept it!<</LeviDialog>>
<<if $P.PervertedPoints < 150>>\
I'm not...a pervert...
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Hey, being in this body right now is a curse and I want to get rid of it! <</PlayerDialog>>
<<LeviDialog>>Jesus, you have tits, a juicy ass, silky hair you're soft and you smell good! You can experience all kinds of pleasures and you're not satisfied? [[I envy you!|Pharma10.1]]<</LeviDialog>>
He's right about something. But I'm getting closer to breaking this curse, should I give up halfway through?!
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Maybe we can negotiate some other way?<</PlayerDialog>>
Levi stepped around me and smiled broadly again.
<<LeviDialog>>No, you can't convince me. Come on! Make up your mind, big bro. You eat it, and then you can do whatever you want. The lab will be yours!<</LeviDialog>>
I can't refuse, because I will definitely need the lab to eventually break the curse...Where else can Jimmy and I find an opportunity like this?! The price of one pill isn't that much...
@@color:yellow;But...maybe there's still a way to convince him? I gotta remember what he said...Let's check again what he just said!@@
If I don't find that way, I have no other choice, but eat the pill! Although...maybe I never wanted to find another way...?..
@@#pill;<<button [[Eat his pill|Pharma10]]>><<set $FuckStruggleText = "No, he's not lying! I've already fallen under the effects of the pill! I need to find the strength to stop!">><<set $FuckStruggle = 0>><</button>>@@
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>You know, I've been through a lot in this body...you don't know what you're talking about.....<</PlayerDialog>>
<<LeviDialog>>Hie-hie! That's not surprising! Your behavior should match that lustful body!<</LeviDialog>>
Damn, it makes me horny to talk about how sexy I am right now...
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>So, there's no way I can convince you to make a different arrangement?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Carol/face1.jpg" "just">>
<<LeviDialog>>No, although you don't seem too disappointed with the news... Come on! You eat it, and then you can do whatever you want. The lab will be yours!<</LeviDialog>>
Maybe if I hadn't become so @@color:orange;perverted@@ I could have found another way, but right now I don't see any other choice! I need that lab! ~giggle~
@@#pill;<<button [[Eat his pill|Pharma10]]>><<set $FuckStruggleText = "No, he's not lying! I've already fallen under the effects of the pill! I need to find the strength to stop!">><<set $FuckStruggle = 0>><</button>>@@
<</if>>\<<media "Data/Locations/pharmabuilding.jpeg" "place">>
Pharma company.
<<FNpcDialog null null "Receptionist">>Good to see you again, Nikita!<</FNpcDialog>>
<<if $NewLabOpened === false>>\
/** TODO I wrote text by myself, maybe need to change it? */\
<<PlayerThoughtsDialog>>We need to tell Jimmy about the new lab.<</PlayerThoughtsDialog>>
<<button [[Laboratory|PharmaLab]]>><</button>>
<<if $Levi.Gender == "f">>\
<<button [[Office|PharmaOffice]]>><</button>>
@@#place;<<button [[Go back|Outside]]>><</button>>@@<<media "Data/Locations/pharmabuilding.jpeg" "place">>
Pharma company. Head Office.
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Levi?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Levi/F/office3.jpg" "just">>
<<LeviDialog "surprised">>Uh, hold on, I'll call you back.<</LeviDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Sorry, I won't interrupt you.<</PlayerDialog>>
/* TODO: Not sure what should be here, order has already been given in :: Pharma10.7 */\
<<button [[Get back|Pharma]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/room1.jpg" "place">>
My room.
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/M/plug2.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>Ah! It's right inside my ass!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<UpdateArousal "+10">>
<<set $P.PlugInserted = true>>\
<<if $P.Loc == 0>>\
<<button [[Back in action!|DRoom]]>><<movetime>><</button>>
<<button [[Back in action!|HProom]]>><<movetime>><</button>>
<</if>>\<<media "Data/Locations/room1.jpg" "place">>
My room.
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/M/plug1.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>Ah! I've had enough of this feeling for now...I can hardly move...I need a few minutes...to retreat...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<set _r = random (0,9)>>\
<<if $P.Pos == "HProom" and $LeviArrival == true and _r > 3 and $StayInRoom == false>>
<<LeviDialog>>Hey, look at this! My horny sister is having fun with butt toys! But I'm not surprised, after all, you're such a slut!<</LeviDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>I'm not...!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<LeviDialog>>But I like pervert like you are!<</LeviDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/M/plug3.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>But I'm not...a...pervert....<</PlayerDialog>>
I said after just pulling out the anal plug and letting it cum on me....
<<UpdateArousal "-10">>
<<set $P.PlugInserted = false>>\
<<if $P.Loc == 0>>\
<<button [[Back in action!|DRoom]]>><<movetime>><</button>>
<<button [[Back in action!|HProom]]>><<movetime>><</button>>
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 100,
filter: `$P.ConvergenceON === true and $P.CindyPower > 20 and $CurrentDayTime < 4`,
tags: ["SharedEvent"],
<<CindyDialog>>I can't help it!<</CindyDialog>>
Cindy?.. Everything's getting darker...
<<UpdateCindyPower "0">>\
<<button "What's happening?">>
<<REGroup "CindyTooMuchPowerEvEpisods">>
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
tags: ["SharedEvent"],
groups: [
name: "CindyTooMuchPowerEvEpisods",
weight: 10,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 1,
<<media "Data/Locations/ap1.jpg" "place">>
Shared Apartments.<<set $P.Loc = 0>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Cindy/Pic/home10.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Is that me? Where am I?<</PlayerDialog>>
It's a dormitory apartment, but it's not mine.
<<CindyDialog>>Awake, Nikita?<</CindyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Cindy/Pic/home9.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Cindy? Where are we?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Classmate">>Where are you, my little bun?<</MNpcDialog>>
<<CindyDialog>>I'm right here, bunny!<</CindyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Cindy/Pic/home12.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>Oh, God, who is he?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Cindy/Pic/home11.jpg" "just">>
<<CindyDialog>>You don't recognize him? That's the guy sitting next to you at uni! Your classmate!<</CindyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Cindy/Pic/home14.jpg" "just">>
<<CindyDialog>>You're so indecisive! So I've decided to take his beautiful cock for myself! <</CindyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Cindy/Pic/home15.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>H-how can you take his dick if we're in the same body now, you stupid?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CindyDialog>>Oh, really?...<</CindyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Cindy/Pic/home18.jpg" "just">>
<<CindyDialog>>Isn't that even worse? He's fucking me and you're watching and feeling it! It's a new level of cuckoldry!<</CindyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Cindy/Pic/home19.jpg" "just">>
<<CindyDialog>>Ooh, that feels so good! Your cock is penetrating so deep into MY pussy!<</CindyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Cindy/class1.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>D-damn, Cindy! Can you stop it?!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Cindy/Pic/home16.jpg" "just">>
<<CindyDialog>>You're just jealous...!<</CindyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Hey! What do you think I'm jealous of?!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Cindy/Pic/home20.jpg" "just">>
<<CindyDialog>>Because that guy chose me over you out of the two of us!<</CindyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>What?! You know, If I wanted to, this guy could dream about me 24 hours a day, nonstop!! <</PlayerDialog>>
<<CindyDialog>>Oh, is that so? ~giggle~<</CindyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Cindy/Pic/home21.jpg" "just">>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Classmate">>Who are you always talking to? Crazy bitch, take that!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>Oh....My...GOD!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CindyDialog>>Ooh, I'm sorry! That bitch is distracted! Fuck meeee!<</CindyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Cindy/class.mp4">>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Cindy/Pic/home22.jpg" "just">>
<<CindyDialog>>If you're so sure of yourself, prove it.<</CindyDialog>>
Eh?.. Like I have anything to prove to a bimbo slut....
<<CindyDialog>>Ehehe...Maybe I got a little carried away. But I'm satisfied now! <</CindyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Cindy, can't you at least give me a heads up on this?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CindyDialog>>No, sorry! After we have enough energy to transform, I already have to hold it back so it doesn't happen. And at one point that energy just bursts out! Ha-ha!<</CindyDialog>>
If I don't want to give up control to her, I need to do a better job of monitoring my condition.
<<button [[Back to Dorm|DApart]]>><<movetime>><</button>>
<<button [[Back Home|HApart]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
tags: ["SharedEvent"],
groups: [
name: "CindyTooMuchPowerEvEpisods",
weight: 10,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 2,
<<media "Data/Locations/yard.jpg" "place">>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Cindy? What are you doing?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Cindy/Pic/school11.jpg" "just">>
<<CindyDialog>>What do you mean, what? Trying to catch a car!<</CindyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Dressed like a whore?!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CindyDialog>>Hey, it's not...<</CindyDialog>>
Some car pulled up.
<<MNpcDialog null null "Horny driver">>Nice "buns", whore!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>See?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Cindy/Pic/school12.jpg" "just">>
<<CindyDialog>>Man, how dare you talk to me like that! If you wanted a better look at them, you should have just asked! ~giggle~<</CindyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Cindy/Pic/school.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Cindy, how do you do that all the time?!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Cindy/Pic/school13.jpg" "just">>
<<CindyDialog>>Remember, honey. There are no closed doors for bimbos.<</CindyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Cindy/Pic/school14.jpg" "just">>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Horny driver">>I can't believe I accidentally found such a slutty girl!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Cindy/ride.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Cindy, how do you do that all the time?!<</PlayerDialog>>
Damn, that looks sexy!
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Cindy/Pic/school2.jpg" "just">>
<<CindyDialog>>Hey, did you just think I'm sexy?<</CindyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Cindy/Pic/school3.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>Don't read my mind!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Horny driver">>Girl, I can't take it anymore. I'm going in!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<CindyDialog>>These words of yours are really making me blush...!<</CindyDialog>>
Whose words?
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Cindy/Pic/school5.jpg" "just">>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Horny driver">>Oh, bitch! You are the perfect bimbo!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Cindy/Pic/school9.jpg" "just">>
<<CindyDialog>>I'm so excited! Please fuck me!<</CindyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Cindy/Pic/school8.jpg" "just">>
<<CindyDialog>>Do you really think I'm sexy? And beautiful?<</CindyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>Cindy...I....You're still a dumb bitch!..<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Cindy/Pic/school6.jpg" "just">>
<<CindyDialog>>Then look at me more! Feel it! Watch him fuck this dumb bitch!<</CindyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Cindy/Pic/school7.jpg" "just">>
Cindy is something incredible. Sometimes she seems sweet and funny. But inside, she's nothing more than a cock-hungry bimbo. This girl is...my mana....
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Cindy/Pic/school10.jpg" "just">>
<<CindyDialog>>Ehehe...Maybe I got a little carried away. But I'm satisfied now! <</CindyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Cindy, can't you at least give me a heads up on this?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CindyDialog>>No, sorry! After we have enough energy to transform, I already have to hold it back so it doesn't happen. And at one point that energy just bursts out! Ha-ha!<</CindyDialog>>
If I don't want to give up control to her, I need to do a better job of monitoring my condition.
<<button [[Back to Dorm|DApart]]>><<movetime>><</button>>
<<button [[Back Home|HApart]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
tags: ["SharedEvent"],
groups: [
name: "CindyTooMuchPowerEvEpisods",
weight: 10,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 3,
<<media "Data/Locations/yard.jpg" "place">>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Cindy? What are you up to?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CindyDialog>>I'm gonna take a little walk!<</CindyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Cindy/Pic/dress.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>What a gorgeous dress! Um, wait, you're not wearing any underwear?!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Cindy/Pic/dress1.jpg" "just">>
<<CindyDialog>>~giggle~ Yeees...<</CindyDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Some guy">>Hey, beauty!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Cindy/Pic/dress5.jpg" "just">>
<<CindyDialog>>Are you talking to me?<</CindyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Cindy/Pic/dress4.jpg" "just">>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Some guy">>Maybe such a cute girl wants to go on a date?<</MNpcDialog>>
<<CindyDialog>>Oh, really? Of course let's go!<</CindyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Cindy/Pic/dress3.jpg" "just">>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Some guy">>Ogh! You pervert!! I'm not going anywhere! I'm outta here!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>You scared him<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CindyDialog>>Ha-ha-ha! But the bump in his pants tells a different story.....<</CindyDialog>>
<<FNpcDialog null null "Some girl">>Hey, do you have the nerve to stare at that girl up front when we're walking together?!<</FNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Cindy/Pic/dress7.jpg" "just">>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Some guy">>I'm sorry, but is her dress supposed to be that high? It's like she's not wearing panties!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<FNpcDialog null null "Some girl">>That bitch is doing it on purpose! She must be some kind of pervert!<</FNpcDialog>>
<<CindyDialog>>Actually, I can hear you perfectly well<</CindyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Cindy/Pic/dress8.jpg" "just">>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Some guy">>Whoa...!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<FNpcDialog null null "Some girl">>STOP STARING!<</FNpcDialog>>
<<CindyDialog>>I think my shoelace is untied....<</CindyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Cindy/Pic/dress6.jpg" "just">>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Some guy 1">>Bro, look, her boobs fell out!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Some guy 2">>~whistle~<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Cindy, you have no shoelaces!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CindyDialog>>Ohhhh, I can't take it! It feels so gooooood to be seen! I can't believe it feels so gooooood! There's too much magical energy flowing! Nikita, do something dirty or I'm gonna pass out!!<</CindyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Cindy/Pic/dress9.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>How am I supposed to do something like that NOW?!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CindyDialog>>You'll be me!<</CindyDialog>>
<<if $P.Cor > 60>>\
<<button [[Be you?!|CindyTooMuchPowerEvEpisod3WalkControl]]>><</button>>
<<button [[FUCK NO CINDY TURN ME BACK|CindyTooMuchPowerEvEpisod3WalkBack]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/yard.jpg" "place">>
<<PlayerDialog "disgust">>Fuck, Cindy! Pull yourself together!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CindyDialog>>I...I....Wait...~deep breath~ I'll bring you back...<</CindyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Cindy, what the hell was that?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CindyDialog>>Sorry...magic flows are tricky...I almost lost control.....I need more practice...<</CindyDialog>>
I sense some confusion from her. Apparently Cindy has a lot to learn, too. Maybe if she gets better at it, we'll have new opportunities.
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Well, don't worry about it. You brought me back, so it's okay.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<UpdateArousal "100">>
<<UpdateCindyPower "10">>\
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>Hey, why am I so...horny?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CindyDialog>>It's kind of a side effect...We didn't spend all the magical energy either....<</CindyDialog>>
Well...If I want this not to happen, I need to do a better job of monitoring my condition.
<<button [[Back to Dorm|DApart]]>><<movetime>><</button>>
<<button [[Back Home|HApart]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/yard.jpg" "place">>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Cindy, are you serious?!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CindyDialog>>Sorry...I need some....oh...just go for it....do something naughty...and dirty.....<</CindyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "cindy">>Hey, Cindy! CINDY!<</PlayerDialog>>
W-what? Am I moving?!
<<PlayerDialog "cindy">>Shit! They're still looking at me! I've got to cover myself!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Cindy/Pic/dress10.jpg" "just">>
It's such a strange feeling...I'm looking at myself from here and as if from the outside at the same time....
<<PlayerDialog "cindy">>They seem even bigger from here<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Cindy/Pic/dress2.jpg" "just">>
Stop, Nikita! How long is this gonna take? Cindy said I should do something dirty. I don't know how dirty... We have to act for sure!
<<PlayerDialog "cindy">>Hey, man. What do you think of this dress?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Some guy">>You look beautiful, baby!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "cindy">>Would you like it better if I did this?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Cindy/Pic/dress11.jpg" "just">>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Some guy">>Whoo, baby, you're on fire! Want to spend some time together? I live around here.<</MNpcDialog>>
Cindy still hasn't shown up...So it's not enough.....
<<PlayerDialog "cindy">>Lead on.<</PlayerDialog>>
God, I can't believe I'm doing this myself! Am I really gonna have sex with a stranger being a bimbo blonde?
<<MNpcDialog null null "Some guy">>Whoa, baby! You have such a juicy shape! <</MNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Cindy/Pic/bed.jpg" "just">>
It's not at all like a normal sensation. Her body is so soft...and I feel so...hot!
And why can't I take my eyes off his cock?...
<<MNpcDialog null null "Some guy">>Baby, you're staring like that.... Ready or should I tease you some more?<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "cindy">>Just start already!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Cindy/Pic/bed1.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "cindy">>Ah...aahah...aahh......haaahh...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Cindy/f42.mp4">>
I'm really...really getting fucked in Cindy's body! Even without Cindy! And I went for it on my own...!
<<MNpcDialog null null "Some guy">>Babe, how is it? I don't have the biggest dick, but I've learned to make up for it with the movements of my other hand!<</MNpcDialog>>
But I....I think his dick is huge! Those huge tits are bouncing from his thrusts! I can't contain my moans!
Being a bimbo is much more pleasurable than I thought!
How long has he been fucking me? I was really starting to see myself as his bitch! I feel like I've completely surrendered to his cock!
<<MNpcDialog null null "Some guy">>You know baby, at first your way of talking seemed pretty boyish to me, but now you look like a real lady! I want to fuck you more and more!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "cindy">>I'm so happy! Just please don't stop fucking me, honey!...D-don't stop...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Cindy/f2.mp4">>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Some guy">>Please, let me cum on your beautiful face!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "cindy">>Cum for me, honey! Don't hold back!<</PlayerDialog>>
I just....sound like Cindy now?!
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Cindy/cum6.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "cindy">>Oohh! Your cum's so hot! It's all over my face! Ooh! I think I jus....came again!....<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Some guy">>Hey, you're leaving already? <</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "cindy">>Yeah! I need to go...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Some guy">>Will I see you again?..<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "cindy">>Maybe...~giggle~<</PlayerDialog>>
What? I was walking and I stopped abruptly?
<<CindyDialog>>Nikita, I'm here again! And I'm feeling just wonderful! Did you do something while I was gone?!<</CindyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>N-nothing...TURN ME BACK!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CindyDialog>>Huh?..Okay, okay!<</CindyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Cindy, what the hell was that?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CindyDialog>>Sorry...magic flows are tricky...I almost lost control.....I need more practice...<</CindyDialog>>
I sense some confusion from her. Apparently Cindy has a lot to learn, too. Maybe if she gets better at it, we'll have new opportunities...
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Well, don't worry about it. You brought me back, so it's okay.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<UpdateArousal "0">>
<<UpdateCorruption "+1">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Cindy<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CindyDialog>>What's up, sweetie?<</CindyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>...N-nothing<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CindyDialog>>??? If you wanted to tell me off for something again, I apologized! And once again, we're fine! Relax!<</CindyDialog>>
Well...Cindy's body probably affects everything so much, otherwise how could I....Ahem...If I want this not to happen, I need to do a better job of monitoring my condition.
<<button [[Back to Dorm|DApart]]>><<movetime>><</button>>
<<button [[Back Home|HApart]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
tags: ["SharedEvent"],
groups: [
name: "CindyTooMuchPowerEvEpisods",
weight: 10,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 4,
<<media "Data/Locations/room4.jpg" "place">>
Sister's room.
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Cindy, you're.... again.... Wait, is this my sister's room?!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CindyDialog>>Mmm...Am I any worse than she is?...<</CindyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Cindy/m8.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Stupid! What if she suddenly comes in here?!<</PlayerDialog>>
The door opens. Shit, she's gonna kill us....
<<LeviDialog>>Sis, I wanted to talk to.... OH, MY GOD!!!<</LeviDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Levi/M/11.webp" "just">>
<<CindyDialog>>I'm--I'm a friend of your sister's. D-don't tell her what I'm doing here!<</CindyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Levi/M/2.webp" "just">>
<<LeviDialog>>Hie-hie-hie! Then you're gonna have to convince me not to<</LeviDialog>>
<<LeviDialog>>I didn't realize my sister had such a slutty friend! I didn't even have to talk you into it!<</LeviDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>And how did it get to the point where my brother puts his dick in your mouth?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Cindy/school3.mp4">>
<<CindyDialog>>It's okay, I'll hold out. He'll be done by the time he's done and he'll let us go right away!<</CindyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>And why am I not surprised?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<LeviDialog>>You dressed up as a schoolgirl and masturbated on my sister's bed! And now you're moaning on my cock! Hie-hie-hie! You should see your face now, you pervert! <</LeviDialog>>
<<CindyDialog>>You fuck my pussy soooo gooood! Yeaaaahhh! I wanted it! I just wanted a cock!! Let me be a dirty schoolgirl for you tonight!<</CindyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Cindy/school.mp4">>
<<CindyDialog>>Tell me, do you like me more than Anya? Am I sexier than her? ~giggle~<</CindyDialog>>
<<LeviDialog>>I could lie...but her body...it's so....<</LeviDialog>>
<<CindyDialog>>Ah, that's so! Think again! Can she do THIS to your dick?<</CindyDialog>>
<<LeviDialog>>Ooh! S...s-so good! I know what you mean! Her temper!.... I want her to be a naughty bimbo bitch like you!<</LeviDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Cindy/school2.mp4">>
<<CindyDialog>>Ahaaa...Did you hear that? He said I'm better than her!! Haah!!<</CindyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Cindy/school1.mp4">>
She's just glowing with happiness!
<<LeviDialog>>Hey, you're leaving already? What's your name?!<</LeviDialog>>
<<CindyDialog>>It's a secret! ~giggle~ I'm sure we'll see each other again someday!<</CindyDialog>>
<<CindyDialog>>Ehehe...Maybe I got a little carried away. But I'm satisfied now! <</CindyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Cindy, can't you at least give me a heads up on this?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CindyDialog>>No, sorry! After we have enough energy to transform, I already have to hold it back so it doesn't happen. And at one point that energy just bursts out! Ha-ha!<</CindyDialog>>
If I don't want to give up control to her, I need to do a better job of monitoring my condition.
<<button [[My room|HProom]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<nobr>>
/*Major settings */
<<set $GameIsStarted = false>>
<<set $MyThought = "What a great day!">>
<<set $ThoughtTuner = false>>
<<set $NoContentAlert = false>>
<<set $GameVer = 2.2>>
<<set $TestVar = "TESTVAR">>
<<set $Extermination = false>>
<<set $PhotoOpened = ["false","false","false"]>>
<<set $Onlycups = false>>
<<set $OCManagerAppearing = false>>
<<set $BankCard = false>>
<<set $BankBalance = 0>>
<<set $BankGain = 0>>
/*Jimmy and lab*/
<<set $JimmyNews = false>>
<<set $TalkedToJimmy = false>>
<<set $ReadyToTalkToJimmyTablets = false>>
<<set $TalkedToJimmyTablets = false>>
<<set $JimmyTabletslvl2 = false>>
<<set $JimmyTabletslvl3 = false>>
<<set $SAndS = false>>
<<set $JimmySusp = false>>
<<set $JimmySusp1 = false>>
<<set $JimmySusp2 = false>>
<<set $JimmySusp3 = false>>
<<set $JimmyRelationships = 0>>
<<set $JimmyExpHelp = 0>>
<<set $LabAutoWin = false>>
<<set $CindyAttempts = 0>>
<<set $CindyNights = [false,false,false,false,false]>>
<<set $WasInLab = false>>
<<set $JimmyExp = 0>>
<<set $TalkedAboutAkira = false>>
/*Minor settings*/
<<set $MedBookReadCount = 0>>
<<set $OneDayFeature = false>>
<<set $MomStartCooking = false>>
<<set $SisStartCooking = false>>
<<set $MetBully = false>>
<<set $MetGopniks = false>>
<<set $MetTeacher = false>>
<<set $MetTeacherOffice = false>>
<<set $MetChef = false>>
<<set $LastPassage = "Start">>
<<set $MorningTalking = false>>
<<set $RandomEventTime = true>>
<<set $MetBlackers = false>>
<<set $BlackCompensation = false>>
<<set $BlackArrival = false>>
<<set $BlackArrivalTimer = 7>>
<<set $CarolInvited = false>>
<<set $CarolInvitedFirstTime = false>>
<<set $CarolInvitedAfterLevi = false>>
<<set $BullyRoom = false>>
<<set $BullyRoomFirstEntering = false>>
<<set $BullyTraining = 0>>
<<set $WeeklyBullyRoomVisits = 0>>
<<set $NoVisitPunishment = false>>
<<set $StephanDebt = 0>>
<<set $StephanDrugEvent = false>>
<<set $OpenVibro = false>>
<<set $DrugSpread = 0>>
<<set $BullyToldAboutDrug = false>>
<<set $GangToldAboutDrug = false>>
<<set $LabExploded = false>>
<<set $DaysToWitch = 3>>
<<set $InfoVar = 0>>
<<set $InfoAboutLab = false>>
<<set $InfoRel = 0>>
<<set $InfoSluttySide = false>>
<<set $BeenToBuilding = false>>
<<set $CindyOutOfControl = 0>>
<<set $DrugSpreadOrder = false>>
<<set $DrugSpreadOrderTimer = 7>>
<<set $Drug3Observed = false>>
<<set $PharmaOpened = false>>
<<set $NewLabOpened = false>>
<<set $AkiraAboutWork = false>>
<<set $FT = 0>>
<<set $NightCatchGuy = 0>>
<<set $CarCatchExample = false>>
<<set $BeenToClub = false>>
<<set $BeenToStrip = false>>
<<set $BeenToVip = false>>
<<set $ClubGirlPill = false>>
<<set $MetClubSecurity = false>>
<<set $ClubToday = false>>
<<set $StripZonePass = false>>
<<set $VipZonePass = false>>
<<set $ClubLoc = 0>>
<<set $InfoInformant = false>>
/*Club game*/
<<set $MoneyInGame = 20>>
<<set $RoundCount = 1>>
<<set $IntGameRound = 0>>
<<set $IntGameLoseCount = 0>>
<<set $LeviArrival = false>>
<<set $LeviRoomReady = false>>
<<set $LeviUnderstood = false>>
<<set $LeviFactor = 0>>
<<set $LeviHere = false>>
<<set $StayInRoom = false>>
<<set $Tabletslvl2 = false>>
<<set $Tabletslvl3 = false>>
<<set $TabletsBodySwitch = false>>
<<set $DayCount = 0>>
<<set $CurrentDayOfWeek = 6>>
<<set $CurrentDayTime = 0>>
<<set $DayOfWeek = ["Monday","Tuesday","Wednesday","Thursday","Friday","Saturday","Sunday"]>>
<<set $DayTime = ["Morning","Noon","Afternoon","Evening","Night"]>>
<<set $MorningDadEv = false>>
<<set $SisALotOfMoneyEv = false>>
<<set $PleasuresHouse = false>>
<<set $PHouse = {
<<set $Inventory = {
<<set $Receipt = {
<<set $P = {
<<set $Carol = {
<<set $Akira = {
<<set $Mom = {
<<set $Sis = {
<<set $GF = {
<<set $Teacher = {
<<set $Bully = {
<<set $Levi = {
<<set $Gang = {
<<set $Hiramitsu = {
<<set $IsTabletsBodySwitchDisabled = false>>
<<media "Data/Locations/GamePic.png" "bigpic">>
Welcome to Tasty curse!
Any resemblance to reality is an accident.
Model names and aliases can be found in the "Credits" tab.
@@color:red;The game is intended for people over 18 years old!@@
@@color:yellow;To fully immerse yourself in the story, I advise you to limit yourself to using the "back" button (left arrow on the sidebar).@@
Thanks to everyone who supported.
Have fun!
<<button [[Start!|Prologue]]>><<set $GameIsStarted = true>><</button>>
<<button [[Skip Prologue|DRoom]]>><<set $P.Gender = "f">><<set $CurrentDayTime = 0>><<set $CurrentDayOfWeek = 0>><<set $GameIsStarted = true>><</button>>
Enter code here to open @@color:lime;game settings tab:@@
<<textbox "$inputcheat" "" autofocus>>
<<button 'Enter code'>>
<<switch $inputcheat>>
<<case "TASTYCURSE">>
<<goto "GameSettings">>
<</button>><<media "Data/Locations/room1.jpg" "place">>
My room.
<<if $Carol.Rel < 5>>\
<<CarolDialog "confused">>What? Date with you? Is it a joke or what?<</CarolDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Y-Yeah, joke..Ha-ha! Bye!<</PlayerDialog>>
@@color:yellow;Carol doesn't seem to trust you enough yet.@@
<<button [[Back|WeekEnd]]>><</button>>
<<CarolDialog "happy">>A date? Hmm...I agree! There's not much to do now anyway, so we can take a walk somewhere!<</CarolDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Great! Then let's go!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<button [[Date with Carol!|CarolDate1]]>><</button>>
<</if>>\<<media "Data/Locations/beach.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Characters/Carol/out20.jpg" "just">>
<<CarolDialog "happy">>It's really nice to get out in nature just like that<</CarolDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>I'm totally agree<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CarolDialog "happy">>Did you learn anything new about our..um.....problem?..<</CarolDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Umm...no<</PlayerDialog>>
As we walked around we talked about a lot of things. Carol really isn't such a bitch if you get to know her. Although I suppose I've contributed to her opening up, but still!
@@color:lime;Carol trusts you more, your relationship with Carol has been increased.@@
<<set $Carol.Rel++>>
<<CarolDialog "happy">>I'm glad we're getting to know each other. It's at least useful for both of us. <</CarolDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Hey, is that the ball that's always here?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Carol/ball.jpg" "just">>
<<CarolDialog "happy">>Yeah, it is common! Do you want to play?<</CarolDialog>>
About Carol I know she's quite a gamble! Should I offer her some kind of game?
<<button [[Offer her a game|CarolDate2]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Finish date|WeekendEvening]]>><<set $CurrentDayTime = 4>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/beach.jpg" "place">>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Yeah! I wanna play! How about "edible-unedible"?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CarolDialog "happy">>What? Ha-ha-ha! It's a kids' game!<</CarolDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Umm...We'll place our bets!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CarolDialog "horny" 1>>Do you want to play a child's game of strip?<</CarolDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Carol/out18.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>You're the one who suggested it! Wait, and when there are no clothes left, what will happen?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CarolDialog "happy">>Umm..That one will grant the winner's wish! So come on! I'll leave you without underpants!<</CarolDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>We'll see about that!<</PlayerDialog>>
@@color:lime;Rules: You've decided to play one way instead of taking turns, so Carol will name an item and you choose whether or not that item is edible. Answer correctly 3 times in a row and you win the round, answer wrong 3 times in a row and you lose. @@
@@color:red;The timer will be merciless!@@
<<set $EdUnEd =["Milk","Apple","Sausage","Watermelon","Pear","Raspberry","Lasagna", "Bread","Orange","Eggs","Spoon","Wheel","Box","Car","Ladder","Table","Moon", "Laptop","Color!","Heaven"]>>\
<<set $CorrectAnswers = 0>>\
<<set $LoseCount = 0>>\
<<set $WinCount = 0>>\
@@#money;<<button [[Start the game|CarolDate3]]>><</button>>@@<<media "Data/Locations/beach.jpg" "place">>
Correct answers: $CorrectAnswers
<<set _r = random (0, 19)>>
<<CarolDialog "happy">>Be ready!<</CarolDialog>>
<<timed 1000ms>>\
<<next 800ms>>.
<<next 800ms>>.
<<next 800ms>>.
<<next 800ms>>
<<CarolDialog "happy">>It's @@color:yellow;$EdUnEd[_r]@@<</CarolDialog>>
<<next 1500ms>>\
<<if $CorrectAnswers >= 0>>
<<set $CorrectAnswers = -1>>
<<goto "CarolDate3">>
<<if $CorrectAnswers > -3>>
<<set $CorrectAnswers-->>
<<goto "CarolDate3">>
<<set $LoseCount++>>
<<goto "CarolDateLose">>
<<button 'Edible!'>>
<<if _r < 10>>
<<if $CorrectAnswers <= 0>>
<<set $CorrectAnswers = 1>>
<<goto "CarolDate3">>
<<if $CorrectAnswers < 2>>
<<set $CorrectAnswers++>>
<<goto "CarolDate3">>
<<set $WinCount++>>
<<goto "CarolDateWin">>
<<if $CorrectAnswers >= 0>>
<<set $CorrectAnswers = -1>>
<<goto "CarolDate3">>
<<if $CorrectAnswers > -2>>
<<set $CorrectAnswers-->>
<<goto "CarolDate3">>
<<set $LoseCount++>>
<<goto "CarolDateLose">>
<<button 'Inedible!'>>
<<if _r >= 10>>
<<if $CorrectAnswers < 0>>
<<set $CorrectAnswers = 1>>
<<goto "CarolDate3">>
<<if $CorrectAnswers < 2>>
<<set $CorrectAnswers++>>
<<goto "CarolDate3">>
<<set $WinCount++>>
<<goto "CarolDateWin">>
<<if $CorrectAnswers > 0>>
<<set $CorrectAnswers = -1>>
<<goto "CarolDate3">>
<<if $CorrectAnswers > -2>>
<<set $CorrectAnswers-->>
<<goto "CarolDate3">>
<<set $LoseCount++>>
<<goto "CarolDateLose">>
<</button>><<media "Data/Locations/beach.jpg" "place">>
<<switch $LoseCount>>
<<case 1>>
<<CarolDialog "happy">>Ha-ha! Take your shirt off, loser!<</CarolDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Grrr...I'll get back at you!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CarolDialog "horny" 1>>Be careful, it's your last chance!<</CarolDialog>>
@@#money;<<button [[Back to game|CarolDate3]]>><<set $CorrectAnswers = 0>><</button>>@@
<<case 2>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Okay, you win! You're a pro at kids' games!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CarolDialog "horny" 1>>What about my wish?<</CarolDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>All right, say what you want!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CarolDialog "horny" 1>>Jerk off!<</CarolDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>What?!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CarolDialog "horny" 1>>We have to switch bodies, remember? I want to watch how YOU do it!<</CarolDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>I kind of need some kind of stimulation...can you help?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CarolDialog "disgust">>Hey, you can look at me, with my clothes on! Dream no more! You lost, so do it!<</CarolDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Eh<</PlayerDialog>>
<<button [[Grant her wish|CarolDateLose1]]>><</button>>
<</switch>>\<<media "Data/Locations/beach.jpg" "place">>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Thank you for letting me go to the bushes<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CarolDialog "horny" 1>>Hurry up and finish it!<</CarolDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>I'm about to<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Carol/gif/outcock.mp4">>
<<media "Data/Characters/Carol/out19.jpg" "just">>
<<CarolDialog "horny" 1>>Wow, that's a lot! I wish I could teach you to do that on my word! You'd look so pathetic then!<</CarolDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Hey!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CarolDialog "happy">>Ha-ha-ha! Come on, I'm just kidding. I enjoyed the show.<</CarolDialog>>
<<UpdateCarolCorruption "+4">>
@@color:red;Carol trusts you less, your relationship with Carol has been decreased.@@
<<set $Carol.Rel-->>\
<<button [[Finish date|WeekendEvening]]>><<set $CurrentDayTime = 4>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/beach.jpg" "place">>
<<switch $WinCount>>
<<case 1>>
<<CarolDialog "happy">>I guess I lost!<</CarolDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Carol/out24.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Wow, I didn't think you could do it so easily!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CarolDialog "horny" 1>>A bet is a bet!<</CarolDialog>>
@@#money;<<button [[Back to game|CarolDate3]]>><<set $CorrectAnswers = 0>><</button>>@@
<<case 2>>
<<CarolDialog "horny" 1>>I guess I don't have a choice.<</CarolDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Carol/out23.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Hey, what about breasts? Why do you only take off one thing at a time?!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CarolDialog "horny" 1>>Well, why don't you give me a chance to win it back? I'm a girl after all, pleeeeeeease<</CarolDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Grr...okay! But this is your chance!<</PlayerDialog>>
@@#money;<<button [[Back to game|CarolDate3]]>><<set $CorrectAnswers = 0>><</button>>@@
<<case 3>>
<<CarolDialog "confused">>You're too good at kid's games!<</CarolDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Whoa, whoa, whoa! Somebody lost and now complains?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Carol/out25.jpg" "just">>
<<CarolDialog "horny" 1>>Okay, okay, I admit it. So what do you want to do with me?<</CarolDialog>>
@@#rel;<<button [[Be more friendly|CarolDateWin1]]>><</button>>@@
<<button [[Make me cum|CarolDateWin2]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Become my sex slave from now on!|CarolDateWin3]]>><</button>>
<</switch>>\<<media "Data/Locations/beach.jpg" "place">>
<<CarolDialog "happy">>Ha-ha-ha-ha! What? You don't even want to ask for anything lewd?<</CarolDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>I may want to...but my wish won't change.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CarolDialog "happy">>It's kind of cute! I'll try! So, shall we go home?<</CarolDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Let's go<</PlayerDialog>>
@@color:lime;Carol trusts you more, your relationship with Carol has been greaty increased.@@
<<set $Carol.Rel += 2>>
<<button [[Finish date|WeekendEvening]]>><<set $CurrentDayTime = 4>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/beach.jpg" "place">>
<<CarolDialog "horny" 1>>Well, I lost, so.... guess it's up to me to choose how to do it, right?<</CarolDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Yes, that's right.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CarolDialog "horny" 1>>How's that?<</CarolDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Oooh, at this rate, I won't last long!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Carol/gif/outtf.mp4">>
<<CarolDialog "happy">>I can't believe I made you cum in 3 minutes!<</CarolDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Well, you got naked before that, so...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CarolDialog "horny" 1>>Looks like what I did was very...effective. Hehe<</CarolDialog>>
Sex with her boobs in nature was divine! She even seemed to enjoy it.
<<UpdateCarolCorruption "+8">>
<<button [[Finish date|WeekendEvening]]>><<set $CurrentDayTime = 4>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/beach.jpg" "place">>
<<CarolDialog "disgust">>What? I knew you were capable of asking for something nasty, but not THAT nasty! You were supposed to wish for something that I should do now!<</CarolDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Then now you...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CarolDialog "disgust">>Too late, you lost your wish. I'm going home.<</CarolDialog>>
Fuck, what was I hoping for?
@@color:red;Carol trusts you less, your relationship with Carol has been greaty decreased.@@
<<set $Carol.Rel -= 2>>
<<button [[Finish date|WeekendEvening]]>><<set $CurrentDayTime = 4>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/room3.jpg" "place">>
My room
<<media "Data/Characters/P/3.jpg" "just">>
Handsome guy, ya? It's me, ha-ha.
I was at home from Friday so I spent this time with my loved relatives!
Umm ... relatively relatives...Umm, sounds strange, I know
But today is Sunday, I don't like to stay here for a long, it's time to go back to my dormitory room.
<<button [[Leave my room|Prologue1]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/ap.jpeg" "place">>
Living room.
My father is a strange man, he stupidly invested in bitcoins, but he became rich by the same stupidity.Although he is rather stingy and always treated money very reverently. So maybe he was destined to become rich. After that, he quickly found this titted bitch for himself and dumped her to America, not forgetting to take me with him.
<<media "Data/Characters/Mom/bo1.jpg" "just">>
<<MomDialog "arrogant">>What are you muttering under your breath? <</MomDialog>>
My dad certainly has taste. She looks very juicy, although she is rather irresponsible. The only thing I know about her is that she always dreamed of being a famous actress and so she used my father to move to America. She wanted build a career and start living in luxury. Well, she almost succeeded, but there is one thing - she has absolutely no talent for acting.
<<PlayerDialog>>Nothing. Did you see dad?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MomDialog "arrogant">>Haven't seen that bastard since yesterday. Oh, are you leaving already? There's noodles from the day before yesterday in the kitchen, just right for you <</MomDialog>>
<<MomDialog "serious">>Hey, I'm trying to be a good mother! Where is your gratitude? <</MomDialog>>
thank you
<<MomDialog "serious">>That's better. And take trash with you when you leave <</MomDialog>>
<<button [[Go to kitchen|Prologue2]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/room1.jpg" "place">>
My room.
<<media "Data/Characters/Carol/bed12.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>I feel like something is wrong <</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Carol/bed14.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>What the hell is this? <</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/1.jpg" "just">>
<<CarolDialog>>Why the hell am I looking at myself? Are you real? <</CarolDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Hmm, let's check <</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Carol/bed15.jpg" "just">>
<<CarolDialog>>Wait! Are you.. Ni-ki- <</CarolDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Carol/bed16.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>WOW LOOK I HAVE TITS <</PlayerDialog>>
It's like a dumb dream.
<<CarolDialog>> I..will...kill.. you..ah! What is the feeling between my legs?<</CarolDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Haa, that means my dick approves of your body <</PlayerDialog>>
All right, it's a lot of fun to tease her a little, but there are still a couple of questions. WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED and WHAT DO WE DO NOW?
My thoughts were interrupted by an unexpected knock on the door and its subsequent opening
<<button [[Cover boobs |Prologue11]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/room1.jpg" "place">>
My room.
<img class = "just" height = "500px" src = "Data/Characters/npc/nerd.webp">
The door slowly opened and my good friend entered the room. This is Jimmy. He has some problems with girls (although I'm not better than him), but he is a very smart guy, and in computer games he generally destroy everyone and everything. BUT I didn't want to see him NOW.
<<JimmyDialog>>Hi, Nikita! That book on shellfish psychology you suggested was great. But I wanted to ask you, do they still experience the phenomenon of fear or is this type of behavior based on the survival instinct? <</JimmyDialog>>
Well, of course I'm happy for him, because the book is really awesome.
<<media "Data/Characters/Carol/bed12.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>It's cool, but you see now is not a very convenient time to discuss it <</PlayerDialog>>
Wait a minute, is he looking and talking to me?
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>What the hell is this? <</PlayerDialog>>
<<CarolDialog>>(*sad sob*)<</CarolDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Yes, I'm sorry, you're still not dressed, you must be embarrassed. Oh wait, is this your new neighbor? He looks friendly! <</JimmyDialog>>
Did he said "he"?
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Do you think that everything is fine talking to me? <</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Wait, is this some kind of mystery? I had to analyze the psychology of shellfish also from the side of reflexes, hadn't I? <</JimmyDialog>>
Here I could not stand
FUCK THE SHELLFISH! You looking at me don't you see any changes?
Have I always been like this?
Maybe I was sometime looking more like the guy opposite?
Maybe I was a little bit more masculine that I even won you at arm wrestling?
Does this all remind you something?
I got carried away... I don't think I should have asked so many questions at once.
But closer to the middle of my monologue, Jimmy held his head with both hands.
Something is really wrong. Just not like that at all!
You are a guy! And always have been! Why a minute ago I was sure of the opposite? It's always been like this, but now I get it! Hmm, so here it is.
It's impissible! Can you explain what's going on?
<<CarolDialog>>(*SAD SOB*)<</CarolDialog>>
This illusion can be dispelled!
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>I would tell you if I knew. I'll come to talk to you later. Can you leave us alone now?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CarolDialog>>(*VERY SAD SOB*)<</CarolDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Understood, then let me leave you. Be sure to come to me today. Don't forget! By the way, nice boobs, dude! <</JimmyDialog>>
<<CarolDialog>>(*INCREDIBLE SAD SOB*)<</CarolDialog>>
<<button [[He left|Prologue12]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/room1.jpg" "place">>
My room.
A little time passed.
<<CarolDialog>>How could I end up in the body of a loser like you?<</CarolDialog>>
She seems to have calmed down.
We need to rethink what we have learned. Judging by Jimmy, the rest will think that we have always been like that, but if we ourselves confess, then we will dispel this illusion.
And it looks like I didn't dream of that exhibitionist-witch.
And don't think Carol needs to know it's all my fault.
<<CarolDialog>>Hey, you know something, right? What the hell is going on here? <</CarolDialog>>
Strange, being in this body, I remembered the words of the witch.
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>I have no idea what's going on, but Jimmy didn't understand that we changed, so the others won't either. We can continue live as always and for others everything will be ok<</PlayerDialog>>
She said:"You will feel the flesh under the roof of your neighbor,
and he will also feel yours,
a foggy idea will begin, the days of reincarnation will circle in an endless dance,
endless darkness will cover your whole essence
until you answer the theurgy call"
<<CarolDialog>>Are you suggesting that we leave everything as it is and move on??? <</CarolDialog>>
She talked about the circle and the dancing days of reincarnation, I can make an assumption that I WILL return to my body.
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>It is not normal. I think that we should observe the situation for a while until we understand what to do next <</PlayerDialog>>
Carol thought for a moment, then took a deep breath. She is emotional, arrogant, but still not stupid.
<<CarolDialog>>OH DAMN OKAY! Do something filthy with my body and I'll kill you, bury you underground! Now wear something unobtrusive! <</CarolDialog>>
And it looks like in order to get rid of this circus, I'm going to have to give her back the money for the fucking broom anyway.How much did she ask for? 5500? Damn, I've never held so much in my hands!
<<button [[Wear something|Prologue13]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/room1.jpg" "place">>
My room.
It's all funny, of course, but I don't want to end up being a fucking girl. I will definitely go back to my body!
<<media "Data/Characters/Carol/jacket4.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Well, how do I look? <</PlayerDialog>>
<<CarolDialog>>Eh, you can't spoil my beauty even with a shitty jacket. Okay, be like this today. Do you wash your body at all? It's is terribly gross! <</CarolDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>I give you permission to wash it for me <</PlayerDialog>>
<<button [[Start day!|Chapter 1]]>><</button>>One last thing:
Since Nikita entered the university, he has been earning a living on his own. His daily spending can be seen in the panel on the left.
<strong><span class = "light"> Make sure he has more than the amount of his spendings at the end of the day.</span></strong>
If the money <strong> @@color:red;is not enough@@</strong>, then he will be able to live <strong> @@color:green;1 more day@@ and this is only available @@color:red;once a week@@.</strong>.
If you do not find the required amount for it and you have already used "1 more day" feature, then this will lead to <strong> @@color:red;Game over!@@</strong>
<span class="blinkdeeppink">Try to earn and set aside as much as you can, because you never know what could happen, right?</span>
Have a nice game!
<<button [[I've got it all figured out and I'm ready to start the game! |Prologue15]]>><</button>>The latest of the latest thing:
In the game you will meet several types of buttons, they differ in color and from the color depends on where the button will lead you.
Here are the ones that are in the game at the moment and their description:
<<button [[I like being a button|Prologue15]]>><</button>> - This is the standard button you will encounter most often. It is usually responsible for dialogs.
@@#place;<<button [[I will lead you to your dream|Prologue15]]>><</button>> - This button is responsible for moving to different locations.@@
@@#money;<<button [[I love bucks!|Prologue15]]>><</button>> - This button shows that you can make money here.@@
@@#cor;<<button [[Oh, baby! Press me more often!|Prologue15]]>><</button>> - Leads to events that can increase your "Corruption" if it is not too high for the event.@@
@@#rel;<<button [[I trust you more than anyone in the world!|Prologue15]]>><</button>> - This button leads to events responsible for changing attitudes and trust in you. (not always for the better).@@
@@#pill;<<button [[I'm in charge here!|Prologue15]]>><</button>> - This button is responsible for major events, hotspots and magic related events..@@
@@#redb;<<button [[Yeah! I'm dangerous!|Prologue15]]>><</button>> - Responsible for violence or the loss of something.@@
<<button [[Let me play already!|DRoom]]>><<set $JimmyNews = true>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/kitchen.jpg" "place">>
Well, home relationship is strained. Although this pseudo-actress is not the most annoying.
<<media "Data/Characters/Sis/kitchen.jpg" "just">>
<<SisDialog "angry" 1>>Die, trash <</SisDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog>>...But I haven't even said anything yet <</PlayerDialog>>
This is the daughter of my father's wife. To say she's a little rude is an understatement. Her sexy body since childhood lifted her self-esteem to the skies. Therefore, she has almost no friends and still has no boyfriend. I even feel a little sorry for her.
<<media "Data/Characters/Sis/kitchen1.jpg" "just">>
Despite her personality, I have a hard time holding back my erection when I'm around her. Truly mother's daughter.
<<SisDialog "angry" 1>>Where are you staring you filthy pervert <</SisDialog>>
I feel like if I stay even for a second, I'll start jerking off right here. Perhaps it would be nice to at least comb hair before going out.
<<button [[Go to bathroom|Prologue3]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/bath.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Characters/Dad/6.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog>>What the fuck<</PlayerDialog>>
THIS is my father. He did not find happiness in family ties, but found satisfaction in alcohol. I can't say more about him.
<<PlayerDialog>>Are you fucking sleeping here again??<</PlayerDialog>>
~Hrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr ~snif~sni~
I don't know how the father moves and what he does. Actually, you can find him anywhere!.. Usually, drinking..
Looks like I won't be able to brush hair today. No problem. Everything is not so bad.
<<button [[Leave|Prologue4]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/yard.jpg" "place">>
Finally got out of this house. I wanna get back to my dormitory cozy room as soon as possible
<<CustomDialog "Data/Characters/npc/ficon.png" "???" "witch">>
<<media "Data/Characters/npc/witch1.png" "just">>
I almost had time to look in the direction of this voice, but
<<media "Data/Characters/npc/BANG.png" "just">>
Ay, it looks like there will be a bump on the head. What kind of day is this? Who is she?
<<media "Data/Characters/npc/karma.jpg" "just">>
<<CustomDialog "Data/Characters/npc/karmaface2.png" "???" "witch">>It's your fault, you'll pay for it.<</CustomDialog>>
For some reason, these words cleared my mind
<<PlayerDialog>>What? Why the hell are you falling from the sky? Who the fuck are you?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CustomDialog "Data/Characters/npc/karmaface1.png" "???" "witch">>You broke my new broom! It's new model RTX BroomForce 3090 TI !!! HOW DARE YOU !<</CustomDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/npc/broom.jfif" "just">>
What is this? Old decrepit broom? Are you taking me for a fool, bitch? I'M DONE!
After I raised her voice, her expression became softer and looked like she was giving incomparable pleasure.
<<media "Data/Characters/npc/karma7.jpg" "just">>
<<CustomDialog "Data/Characters/npc/karmaface2.png" "???" "witch">>Oh, so you like my boobs? How cute. But watch your mouth, little boy, you don't know who you're talking to<</CustomDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog>>Who am I talking to? Let me guess...to a fucking VOYEUR who needs to be punished for this behavior. That's who I'm talking to! <</PlayerDialog>>
<<CustomDialog "Data/Characters/npc/karmaface2.png" "???" "witch">>AH! So tough! I even like it! And I like you! You are so brave and persistent! I even think that you and I are quite similar. So... Do you love female body so much?<</CustomDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/npc/karma2.jpg" "just">>
Wow, she's even more of a slut than I thought.
<<PlayerDialog>> If I do so what? <</PlayerDialog>>
She smiled sweetly, but then her face became much more serious!
<<CustomDialog "Data/Characters/npc/karmaface2.png" "???" "witch">>
<span class = "light">
You will feel the flesh under the roof of your neighbor,
and he will also feel yours,
a foggy idea will begin, the days of reincarnation will circle in an endless dance,
endless darkness will cover your whole essence
until you answer the theurgy call</span>
<span class = "magic">~CARNALIS ESSENTIA BURST~</span>
What's happening? My mind is cloudy. Bitch! It feels like I'm about to lose my mind
<<PlayerDialog>> What are you? Oh, what the? ooh...I want to sleep. You said neighbor? Stupid bitch, I don't have a neighbour! AHhahahahh!<</PlayerDialog>>
Everything is getting dark.
<<media "Data/Characters/npc/karma4.jpg" "just">>
<<CustomDialog "Data/Characters/npc/karmaface2.png" "???" "witch">>Listen carefully. You will <span class = lighted>give me back 5500 $</span> for the broom. You WILL understand how to call me when you are ready.<</CustomDialog>>
<<button [[Fall asleep|Prologue5]]>><<set $CurrentDayTime = 2>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/yard.jpg" "place">>
<<PlayerDialog>> Damn. Where am I? Is this crazy woman gone? <</PlayerDialog>>
I tried to get up.
Forehead doesn't hurt. Was It just a dream?
hey, what is it?
<<media "Data/Characters/npc/pills.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog>>Did that fool drop them? Although it's like my father's antidepressants. Okay, I'll just take it with me and ask someone later <</PlayerDialog>>
<<button [[Head to the dormitory |Prologue6]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/yard.jpg" "place">>
<<PlayerDialog>> Oh no. When will this crazy day end? Just not her! <</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/GF/out.jpg" "just">>
I can see that she is angry. However, as always
<<PlayerDialog>> Hi, baby. How are you? <</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/GF/out1.jpg" "just">>
<<GirlfriendDialog "serious">>Where have you been for so long? You should have read 8 more chapters today! How can you sleep so much? And anyway, when will you finally find a job? Or will you live on a miserable stipend for the rest of your life? <</GirlfriendDialog>>
Yeah, that's my girlfriend. We used to be childhood friends. She was great in the past. But has changed. I don't know why we haven't broken up yet. Perhaps I still blindly hope to one day see her as joyful and open as before.
<<PlayerDialog>>Sorry, I almost started jerking off in front of my sister, and when I got out, some half-naked voyeur fell on me from the sky, shook her tits, and then knocked me out. <</PlayerDialog>>
<<GirlfriendDialog "serious">>I know what you're up to, but I've told you a thousand times - no sex before marriage. Instead of imagine all sorts of rubbish, you could do something really useful <</GirlfriendDialog>>
She didn't even hesitate.
<<PlayerDialog>>Even blowjob? <</PlayerDialog>>
<<GirlfriendDialog "serious">>With someone like you? Don't even kiss <</GirlfriendDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog>>Bore <</PlayerDialog>>
<<button [[Finally get to dormitory|Prologue7]]>><<set $CurrentDayTime = 3>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/room1.jpg" "place">>
My room.
This is my dorm room. Simple but cozy. They didn’t find a neighbor for me, so the whole room is entirely mine, and I LOVE the feeling when something is entirely MINE.
I think I should go to bed early, it's been a crazy day. And who is this half-naked exhibitionist? It's all kind of weird. Maybe I just overheated in the sun? This is most likely, she muttered something at the very end.
Anyway, tomorrow is a big day, I just got fired (fucking call centers treat their employees like garbage). I need to find a new job and...
Suddenly, without any knocking the door opens and she enters
<<media "Data/Characters/Carol/body1.jpg" "just">>
<<CarolDialog "confused" null "???????">>Who are you? Get the fuck out of my room<</CarolDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog>> what the fuck <</PlayerDialog>>
<<CarolDialog "confused" null "???????">>What is unclear here? What is the guy doing alone in the evening in this room? I live here now, and I have the relevant papers, so get out of here as soon as possible, I wanna sleep<</CarolDialog>>
How arrogant she is, but outwardly very attractive
<<PlayerDialog>>Have you been told anything about your neighbor?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CarolDialog "confused" null "???????">>Um, yeah, you know her? Where is she?<</CarolDialog>>
<<CarolDialog "confused" null "???????">>Here, but in the kitchen? In the toilet?<</CarolDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog>>Right here<</PlayerDialog>>
Awareness reached her in maybe 3 seconds. Her face changed indescribably at that moment!
<<CarolDialog "confused" null "???????">>NO! Impossible! Unimaginable! Outrageous! So that's why the manager smiled so nastily saying "I hope you get along".<</CarolDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog>>Come on, I'm not that bad. I'm sure we will be friends<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CarolDialog "confused" null "???????">>WHAT? Have you seen yourself? Making friends with a nasty guy like you? Never in my life!<</CarolDialog>>
Hell, she annoys me even more than everyone else. If that's the case, couldn't they put a cute streamer or a friendly artist in my room? Am I asking too much?
She continued to swear and curse at me and everything around me, while I watched with hope, when will this walking energy drink finally be empty and wants to sleep again.
<<button [[30 minutes later|Prologue8]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/room1.jpg" "place">>
My room.
She went to the restroom and after a while changed clothes and returned, probably fully aware of her helpless situation.
<<media "Data/Characters/Carol/apart.jpg" "just">>
<<CarolDialog "serious" null "???????">>You are a vile bastard<</CarolDialog>>
What a bitch. Add some manners to her and she could be a very nice girl.
<<PlayerDialog>>Is that all you thought? <</PlayerDialog>>
<<CarolDialog "serious" null "???????">>\
Okay, we need to coexist somehow, so let's set the rules. You:
1). Don't talk to me
2). Don't touch me
3). Don't touch my things
4). You try not to even go into my half of the room, and even more so into my personal space.
5). Try not to even look in my direction, ESPECIALLY when I'm changing.
I'll follow those rules too, so be fair.
<<PlayerDialog>>Hey, I don't mind if you look at me or touch <</PlayerDialog>>
<<CarolDialog "disgust" null "???????">>Filth<</CarolDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog>>Just kidding. I accept your contract if you tell me your name. I'm Nikita<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CarolDialog "serious">>I'm Carol<</CarolDialog>>
It doesn't seem to be that bad. I think our relationship will become much closer than "bastard, filth, die"
<<PlayerDialog>>I'm going to sleep. Good night, Carol! <</PlayerDialog>>
<<button [[Fall asleep|Prologue9]]>><<set $CurrentDayTime = 0>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/room1.jpg" "place">>
My room.
It seems to be morning already. Yesterday was a hard day, but I feel such lightness in my body. So the day will be productive!
<<button [[Wake up|Prologue10]]>><<set $P.Gender = "f">><</button>><<RE [[CindyTooMuchPowerEv]]>>
<<RE [[FoundByWitch]]>>
<<RE [[AkiraBack]]>>
<<RE [[BullyNoVisitPunishment]]>>
<<REGroup "RandomStreetEvents" 15>>
<<RE [[Gang]]>>
<<RE [[_Outside]]>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
type: "goto",
<<if $CurrentDayTime < 3>>\
<<media "Data/Locations/yard.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Locations/yardn.jpg" "place">>
<<set $P.Loc = 2>>\
<<set $InOutskirts = false>>\
<<if $CurrentDayTime < 3 and $BullyToldAboutDrug === true>>\
<<button [[Find gang|Gang]]>><</button>>
<<DrawPlaceMenu "Streets">><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 100,
filter: `$Akira.DaysToArrive === 0 and `,
tags: ["Street", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Street", "Morning"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Street", "Noon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Street", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Street", "Evening"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Street", "Night"] },
<<REDisable [[AkiraBack]]>>\
<<media "Data/Locations/office1.jpg" "place">>
<<timed 1000ms>>\
<<next 1000ms>>\
<<next 1000ms>>\
<<next 1000ms>>\
<<next 1000ms>>\
<<next 1000ms>>\
<<next 1000ms>>\
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/dark4.jpg" "just">>
Fuck. It was to be expected that sooner or later she would return.
<<AkiraDialog "angry">>Long time no see, cursed boy<</AkiraDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>G-good to see you, Akira! H-how are you?..<</PlayerDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "angry">>Afraid of me, boy?<</AkiraDialog>>
<<set _m = $P.Money + $BankBalance>>\
<<if _m >= 1000>>\
@@color:lime; The total amount in my accounts at the moment:@@ _m $
It's good that I took care of this in advance and collected the necessary amount.
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>W-why would I be afraid of you? I have collected the necessary amount, as agreed!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<if $P.Money >= 1000>>\
<<set $P.Money -= 1000>>\
<<set _mleft = 1000 - $P.Money>>\
<<set $P.Money = 0>>\
<<set $BankBalance - _mleft>>\
@@color:lime; Akira received 1,000$ from you.@@
<<AkiraDialog "confused" 1>>Really? I'm surprised. Now it will even be a pity to get rid of you.<</AkiraDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Wait, do you still want to kill me?!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "angry">>It doesn't matter what I want. I'll just do what needs to be done.<</AkiraDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>And who needs it at all? Who will feel happy about my death? Caroline? Will you do what Caroline needs?!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "angry">>Don't confuse it, boy. I don't serve Caroline.<</AkiraDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>And who do you serve then?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "angry">>You don't know anything at all, human. I'll tell you. Witches serve the only strongest wizard - the Dark Lord.<</AkiraDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>He is the one who told you to kill me?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "angry">>He can't...say anything right now....In the past, he was defeated, but not killed. @@color:deeppink;Witch lore says that one day the Dark Lord will be reborn and fulfill our innermost desires.@@<</AkiraDialog>>
Dark Lord? It gave me the creeps... But it's none of my business right now.
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>So then you're free to make your own decisions. If you're sorry to kill me, then what's the point of my death?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "confused" 1>>Death is simply the absence of life. So why do you cling to this life so much?<</AkiraDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>I love this life. I haven't done a lot of things yet. When you appeared in front of me for the first time, I was discouraged... I don't know if all witches are as beautiful as you, but I don't regret a single dollar spent looking at you!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/dark3.jpg" "just">>
<<AkiraDialog "confused" 2>>What nonsense...Are humans all that stupid?<</AkiraDialog>>
Was it my imagination, or did I see embarrassment on her face for a split second? Akira is like a machine without most emotions. But even she is not devoid of feminine instincts!
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>I'm willing to pay a thousand more times to see you again. I'll be useful to you and I won't run away, I promise. You can kill me anytime, but I'm asking you. @@color:orange;Akira, let me live.@@<</PlayerDialog>>
She looks at me in silence. I stare at her in silence.
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/dark4.jpg" "just">>
<<AkiraDialog "angry">>I need some time to think. I'll find you myself.<</AkiraDialog>>
<<button [[Shadows are falling|AkiraBack1]]>><<movetime>><<set $Akira.ToThink = true>><</button>>
@@color:red; The total amount in my accounts at the moment:@@ _m $
Damn! Not enough! NOT ENOUGH!
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>...I...I just...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "angry">>(breathing) Eeh, I should have guessed that trusting people is a bad idea. It will be a lesson to me.<</AkiraDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/darkwitch.jpg" "just">>
<<button [[Shadows are falling|AkiraBackDead]]>><</button>>
<</timed>>\<<if $CurrentDayTime < 3>>\
<<media "Data/Locations/yard.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Locations/yardn.jpg" "place">>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Huh?! I can't get used to these instantaneous movements!<</PlayerDialog>>
So, uh, I couldn't be lucky twice, right? Can I celebrate a victory that means my life will go on? I don't think so...
Well, there's no point in guessing what's going to happen next anyway. She said she'd find me, but she didn't say when or where. The only assumption I can make is that I'll be seeing her very soon...
<<button [[Back in action|Outside]]>><<set $Akira.DaysToArrive = -1>><</button>><<media "Data/Characters/Akira/dream156.jpg" "just">>
<<AkiraDialog "witch">>You're useless after all. I'll do it quickly.<</AkiraDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/dream147.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Wait...STOO...! <</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/slash.gif" "gif">>
Before I could speak, I felt a searing pain in my chest. I felt like I'd fallen. My eyes began to darken. I must have taken a wrong turn somewhere...
<<media "Data/Locations/gameover.jpg" "just">>
You'd like to see how the lives of the rest of the people around you turn out. Especially the ones you used the magic pills on.
But you're not meant to see that.
Your death was quick and quiet. It was as if you had vanished, and officially you would be listed as missing.
@@color:yellow; Note: @@ Your path ends here, but you can try to go through it from the "Start", or I can bring you back to your game and postpone the meeting with Akira for another week.
<<button [[Return to Start|Start]]>><</button>>
<<if $Akira.Arrived == false>>\
@@#place;<<button [[Give me 1 more week!|Outside]]>><<set $Akira.DaysToArrive = 7>><</button>>@@
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 15,
filter: `$NoVisitPunishment === true`,
tags: ["Street", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Street", "Morning"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Street", "Noon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Street", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Street", "Evening"] },
<<media "Data/Locations/yard.jpg" "place">>
<<set $NoVisitPunishment = false>>\
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/gang.webp" "just">>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Gangman 1">>Hey, you are coming with us in a good way or...<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>What did I do?!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Gangman 1">>You'll figure it out soon enough.<</MNpcDialog>>
Damn it...
<<if $P.Gender == "m">>\
<<button [[Go with them|BullyNoVisitPunishmentM]]>><</button>>
@@#cor;<<button [[Go with them|BullyNoVisitPunishmentF]]>><</button>>@@
<</if>>\<<media "Data/Locations/ganghouse.jpg" "place">>
They said it's time for me to have some fun and that...I have no choice....
<<MNpcDialog null null "Gangman 1">>I hope you're comfortable, you dirty bitch. Although who cares about you! Ha-ha-ha!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Bully/slave2.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "disgust">>Ahaa, why are you doing this?!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Gangman 2">>Because you forgot to do something this week, and we came to remind you. He said it didn't matter how we did it, so today you're our little toy.<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>Please slow down!<</PlayerDialog>>
Hell, he's fucking me so haaard! How long is this going to go on? Could it get any worse?! Oh no, no...
<<MNpcDialog null null "Gangman 2">>Hey, this bitch has completely stopped resisting.<</MNpcDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Gangman 1">>I'm sure she gets high from that! And I think she's learned her lesson.<</MNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Bully/group3.mp4">>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Gangman 1">>Bye, bitch! I hope to see you soon!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<if $P.Cor < 70>><<UpdateCorruption "+1">><</if>>
<<set $P.Money = 0>>\
<<UpdateSubDom "-2">>
<<movetime 2>>\
They took all my money and I also lost a lot of time! Also, everything hurts! Here's a surprise for Carol tomorrow when we switch, hehe...ouch...
<<button [[Go Home|HApart]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Go to Dorm|HApart]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/yard.jpg" "place">>
We went to a more deserted place, and what came next was to be expected...
<<media "Data/Characters/npc/punch.webp" "just">>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Gangman 1">>You're such a snot...you're nothing...<</MNpcDialog>>
The result might have been a little different if hadn't beaten me with a mob...although I really don't want to say it to their faces...
<<MNpcDialog null null "Gangman 2">>Looks like you forgot to do something this week, sucker<</MNpcDialog>>
<<UpdateMoney "0">>
<<movetime 2>>\
They took all my money and I also lost a lot of time! Also, everything hurts! Here's a surprise for Carol tomorrow when we switch, hehe...ouch...
<<button [[Go Home|HApart]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Go to Dorm|HApart]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/gameover.jpg" "just">>
Boobs were the last thing you saw in your life, but your death was not in vain. You have seen many good things in this life, even very good things! More than any man alive can afford!
You'd like to see how the lives of the rest of the people around you turn out. Especially the ones you used the magic pills on.
But you're not meant to see that.
Your death was quick and quiet. It was as if you had vanished, and officially you would be listed as missing.
<<if $P.Gender == "m">>\
And yet, at the end of your life's journey, you've accomplished your task - the curse is finally broken. The curse no longer has any effect on Carol. She'll probably be the only one who understands what happened to you.
And yet, at the end of your life's journey, you've accomplished your task - the curse is finally broken. The curse no longer has any effect on Carol. But you were in her body now, weren't you?
What's left of you is your body, where Carol is in now! Now Carol can no longer get her own body back, and for the rest of her life she will have to exist in yours....
<<button [[Return to Start|Start]]>><</button>>
@@#place;<<button [[Get me to talk to the witch again!|FoundByWitch4]]>><</button>>@@<<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 100,
filter: `$DaysToWitch == 0 and $Akira.FoundP == false`,
tags: ["Street", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Street", "Morning"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Street", "Noon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Street", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Street", "Evening"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Street", "Night"] },
<<REDisable [[FoundByWitch]]>>\
<<set $Akira.FoundP = true>>\
<<timed 1000ms>>\
<<next 1000ms>>\
<<next 1000ms>>\
<<next 1000ms>>\
<<next 1000ms>>\
<<next 1000ms>>\
<<next 1000ms>>\
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>What? Didn't I was on the streets? Where am I?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "angry" null "???">>You made me sweat, you cursed boy, but you won't get away from me now.<</AkiraDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/dark4.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Hold on...it's like I know your voice. I think I dreamt something like that, didn't I?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "angry" null "???">>If you had told me how to find you right away, it would have saved me a lot of time. Time is money, kid. But it doesn't matter now.<</AkiraDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>You're... you're a friend of that witch I met before?..<</PlayerDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "angry" null "???">>Ashhh, no one has ever insulted me like that before!<</AkiraDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/dark1.jpg" "just">>
She turned her back to me and continued. I looked around and realized that I was in an office of some kind. And yet, I could sense that she wasn't letting me out of her sight. There was no point in running.
<<AkiraDialog "angry" null "???">>Caroline, you stupid bitch! Not only was she insane and lost her energy boosters, but she even cursed a random human! And why should I be the one to clean up her mess?! At least I'll get a reward, but it's not worth it...<</AkiraDialog>>
Caroline? That was probably the name of the witch I met. And these energy boosters...They are probably the pills I found....
When she had finished complaining, the girl turned to me and leaned in slightly.
<<AkiraDialog "angry">>Listen up, boy. Don't you dare call me a friend of Caroline's. @@color:deeppink;I am known as The Greedy Witch. My name is Akira.@@ I thought you should know that...<</AkiraDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/office318.jpg" "just">>
<<AkiraDialog "angry">> @@color:deeppink;.....before you die@@<</AkiraDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>before...b-before w-what?! Hey! I didn't do anything wrong! ..But if I did, I can fix it! W-What did I do wrong?!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "angry">>\
Nothing personal. You were just unlucky in two ways.
1). You were born as a human being.
2). You met Caroline.
You can't escape, I'll make it quick.
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>WAI..WaI.t..WAAIT...HOLD ONN...S..S-STOP! LET'S TALK!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "angry">>Look here, poor boy. Caroline's vile magic doesn't even compare to mine!<</AkiraDialog>>
Shit, fuck! Fuck, fuck, FUCK! She's not kidding! She's dangerous! I have to do something now! But my body feels like it's petrified! JESUS!
<<AkiraDialog "witch">>\
The great green-eyed serpent that stings mercilessly.
Show the flicker of your sharp eyes!
And devour it all, without reserve!
<span class = "magic">~SERPENS VIRIDIS MORSU~</span>
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/darkwitch.jpg" "just">>
And then I felt a blow...and pain...
<<button [[Shadows are falling|FoundByWitch1]]>><</button>>
<</timed>>\<<media "Data/Locations/office1.jpg" "place">>
What's going on...
Feels like everything's floating...
<<media "Data/Locations/openeyes.jpeg" "just">>
...my eyes......
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/darkwitch1.jpg" "just">>
I tried to move and to my surprise it worked. I felt that my body was still a little cramped and my head was cracking, but gradually my consciousness returned and I began to come to my senses.
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Ughh...it hurts...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/office317.jpg" "just">>
<<AkiraDialog "confused" 0>>..H-How??..<</AkiraDialog>>
My head still hurt to think and I stared at her incomprehensibly.
<<AkiraDialog "confused" 0>>\
You are just a human! You couldn't survive that! The green-eyed serpent instantly kills any creature deprived of mana! How did you...?
Hold on...
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/dark.jpg" "just">>
<<AkiraDialog "angry">>Confess, human! How did you come to have mana?<</AkiraDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Now you want to talk?! Crazy...! Can you at least tell me what is the mana you're talking about? Maybe I'll remember something...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "angry">>Wizards call mana the essence of magical energy inside a wizard's body. This magical energy flows in every process of your body, taking its form, adopting your thoughts and feelings. Subconsciously it almost becomes your inner second self.<</AkiraDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Wait, I can't keep up...is it like in games and movies, the energy to conjure?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "angry">>It's more than that. Subconsciously it almost becomes your inner second self. Since you were close to death, now all your senses should be set to the maximum. Turn inside yourself and try to feel the flow of this energy.<</AkiraDialog>>
Sounds like some nonsense.... I certainly could have had side effects from our experiments...but still!
Well, I have nothing to lose anyway. I should at least try.
@@#pill;<<button [[Get lost in yourself|FoundByWitch2]]>><</button>>@@I closed my eyes and smoothed out my breathing.
I could feel my pulse.
I can feel my thoughts.
I need to go deeper...
<<if $P.CindyInside === false>>\
And deeper...
I'm beginning to feel a kind of lightness...
Even almost a kind of coolness...
I feel some kind of flow, it's like a mountain river...
It is very unstable and contradictory. I can almost hear that noise and feel those cold splashes...
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Hello? Is anybody here?<</PlayerDialog>>
Huh, that's a strange question to ask while immersed in thought...
...but in the distance
<div class = "npc"><h4></h4><hr>@@font-size:70%;~indecipherable noise~...y-you....m-me...w...w....W-We...@@</div>
<<button [[What?|FoundByWitch3]]>><</button>>
<<CindyDialog>>...and deeper?<</CindyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Cindy/Pic/gray1.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Cindy?!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Cindy/Pic/gray2.jpg" "just">>
<<CindyDialog>>Hiya! Missed me so much that you decided to visit?<</CindyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Why are you here?! I mean... You...! Wait.... is that what she was talking about?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CindyDialog>>I didn't really get it! ~giggles~ But I felt her evil spell as if it revived something inside of us! So to be fair, I'm willing to admit that not only were you coming to me, but I was coming to you, too!<</CindyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>What does it mean?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CindyDialog>>I don't know, heehee! But you and I are definitely getting closer, sweetie! By the way, I think it's time for you to wake up!<</CindyDialog>>
<<button [[Open your eyes|FoundByWitch3]]>><</button>>
<</if>>\<<media "Data/Locations/office1.jpg" "place">>
<<AkiraDialog "angry">>There you are awake.<</AkiraDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/office318.jpg" "just">>
<<AkiraDialog "angry">>You don't have to explain anything. You are in close contact with magical energy, but your mana is unstable and inconstant. I don't think you'll ever be able to conjure consciously. You're not human anymore, but you're the sorriest of wizards.<</AkiraDialog>>
...now I know a little better what that means.
Maybe the combination of using magic pills, my curse, and Jimmy and me experimenting really had me constantly interacting with this invisible energy and ended up with this result!
What does it get me?
Oh, never mind, I'll figure it out later!
B-But...did she call me...
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Hey, did you just call me a wizard?!<</PlayerDialog>>
I looked at her with a smile and enthusiasm.
<<AkiraDialog "angry">>Don't get me wrong. You are useless. My mission remains the same.<</AkiraDialog>>
The smile on my face instantly dissolved.
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>...b-but...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "angry">>I'll say it again. It's nothing personal.<</AkiraDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/darkwitch.jpg" "just">>
Before I even had time to think about it, I felt like I was being pulled from my body. My surroundings began to change rapidly, and a blinding light hit my eyes.
<<button [[...|FoundByWitch4]]>><</button>>.
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>It's so bright! But it doesn't hurt me at all! Is this heaven? Did that bitch kill me after all?!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "angry">>I'm here, actually.<</AkiraDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/dream145.jpg" "just">>
<<AkiraDialog "angry">>But you're right, I'll kill you here.<</AkiraDialog>>
God Damn! Why is this happening to me?!
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Shit! Where to run to? Where the hell are we?!!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "angry">>This is the magic of intangible space. Since you possess mana, this is the most effective way to get rid of you. Just accept death. There is no way out of here.<</AkiraDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/dream146.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Wait! Have mercy! can you spare me? I'll lay low, get out of this town...I...I....!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "angry">>I have no pity for you! I'm a little different from everyone else. I am incapable of experiencing most human feelings.<</AkiraDialog>>
Shit! Her face really shows almost no signs of emotionality...I need to run!
But I don't see where the boundary of it all is, I don't even know what I'm standing on! Wizards can even do that?! But she can't be all-powerful, right?
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Hey, you called that witch...Caroline...a bitch! Because you think she doesn't deserve to be better than you! At least you have a sense of justice! Since you're going to kill me anyway, I deserve at least one last wish!<</PlayerDialog>>
She paused for a few seconds, and I noticed her eyebrows move. She definitely felt something.
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/dream157.jpg" "just">>
<<AkiraDialog "angry">>It depends on what you want.<</AkiraDialog>>
If you look closely, she is very beautiful. Her top barely covers her boobs, and they're showing through! Okay, Nikita, what are you thinking?!
But those boobs....
<<button [[I want you to show me those boobs!|FoundByWitch5]]>><</button>>
<<button [[I just want to talk a little...|FoundByWitch6]]>><</button>>Her katana is gone.
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/dream159.jpg" "just">>
<<AkiraDialog "angry">>I can't understand what's going on in humans's heads...Is that exactly what you want?<</AkiraDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Y-Yes...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "angry">>Okay, that's not a problem. Then look. Is that okay?<</AkiraDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/dream163.jpg" "just">>
Whoa! She agreed so easily! There was almost no emotion on her face as usual, not even a fraction of embarrassment! But these boobs!
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>...y-you're very...beautiful....<</PlayerDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "angry">>I don't remember anyone ever saying anything like that to me. I wonder how I would feel if I were a pathetic human like you.<</AkiraDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/dream150.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>You also know curiosity! You always look unhappy and angry! Listen up, emotions are not a weakness. Let me help you!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "angry">>Do you really think I of the two of us the only who needs help?<</AkiraDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/dream148.jpg" "just">>
The smile flew back from my face again. She drew her sword.
<<AkiraDialog "angry">>I hope you were satisfied with your last wish. We have to call it a day.<</AkiraDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/dream160.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>STO....!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/slash.gif" "gif">>
Before I could speak, I felt a searing pain in my chest. I felt like I'd fallen. My eyes began to darken. I must have taken a wrong turn somewhere...
<<button [[...|AkiraFinal]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Characters/Akira/dream146.jpg" "just">>
<<AkiraDialog "angry">>You're on the verge of death, and you want to talk? Well, time is different here than in the real world. What do you want to talk about?<</AkiraDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>You said they call you the witch of greed. Why is that?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "angry">>Ghr...My big mouth...Then listen, magical energy is an unbridled flow of power, and the vital power is it's source. Magic doesn't come out of nowhere. It gives a lot, but it also takes a lot away. Compared to other witches and wizards, my magic is one of the most powerful, but in return it has taken away most of my emotions and the ability to enrich myself through magic.<</AkiraDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>If your magic is so powerful, can't you just fix your inability to earn money?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "angry">>If I try to use magic to enrich myself, either it just doesn't work or it goes wrong. The conjurer will be punished for attempting to cheat the laws of magic. I can't change it.<</AkiraDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Sounds reasonable. But money is not the most important thing in life, is it?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "angry">>I don't feel like I need anything else. Money can give comfort, power, authority, safety....<</AkiraDialog>>
Emotionless witch looking only for money....Now I understand why she is a Greedy Witch.
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>I even feel a little sorry for you. Without emotion, you're like a money-striving machine!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "angry">>Emotion is a weakness. You don't have to feel sorry for me. Do you remember? You're about to die.<</AkiraDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/dream147.jpg" "just">>
This is not the first time I've been on the brink! My brain, like a quantum computer, began to run through option after option. The only thing that separates me from death is the swing of her axes!
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>WAIT, WAIT! I'VE GOT LOTS OF MONEY, I'LL GIVE IT ALL TO YOU!<</PlayerDialog>>
She paused for a few seconds. Then she stopped and looked at me in confusion.
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/dream156.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Do you have some kind of time limit on my murder?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "confused" 0>>I have, but the time limits of this are very blurred.<</AkiraDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>You hate Caroline, DON'T YOU?! And you were sent to clean up her MESS! Don't you deserve that? NO! So why not turn the situation to your advantage? Let me live another week! And at the end of the week I'll bring you @@color:lime;1,000$!@@<</PlayerDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "angry">>Boy, did you not listen to me well? I'm threatening you now. With magic! I will not be able to accept this money.<</AkiraDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>W-What if I just gave them to you as a gift?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "angry">>We both know why you're doing this. "As if" doesn't count.<</AkiraDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>then....THEN...YOU WILL EARN THEM!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "confused" 0>>???<</AkiraDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Your body!... Unlike you, I am not deprived of my feelings! I want to see...you....<</PlayerDialog>>
She froze and wondered. I tried not to break the silence, hoping for the best. But then her blades disappeared.
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/dream157.jpg" "just">>
<<AkiraDialog "confused" 0>>Would that be considered payment enough just to look at my body?<</AkiraDialog>>
<<button [[YES!|FoundByWitch7]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Characters/Akira/dream159.jpg" "just">>
<<AkiraDialog "angry">>I agree. What do I have to do?<</AkiraDialog>>
Fuck, I wasn't ready for that!
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>B-Boobs...show me your boobs...<</PlayerDialog>>
She silently lifted her top and stared at me unhappily.
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/dream163.jpg" "just">>
Obviously, she was waiting for something else.
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Now your panties...Sit down, look at me and slowly pull them down, but not all the way...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/dream149.jpg" "just">>
<<AkiraDialog "angry">>I can just make them disappear. Are you sure that's what you want?<</AkiraDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Yes, that's the way to do it! Now put your hands together, lean on your elbows, and look at me.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "angry">>Strange rituals you people have... Do you really like it when I stand like this?<</AkiraDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/dream158.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Very much! Now lie on your back, arch your back, and grab your heels with your hands.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "angry">>Is this how I'm doing it?<</AkiraDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/blade7.jpg" "just">>
Wow, Is that really what she would do for money? No wonder, she doesn't know how she must feel right now!
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>I can't believe it! The great witch of greed, Akira, is obediently lying in front of me in this pose like some kind of whore! Ha-ha-ha!<</PlayerDialog>>
Shit, I think I said too much, she started to get up, I'm fucked!!
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/dream162.jpg" "just">>
<<AkiraDialog "angry">>What else do you want me to show you?<</AkiraDialog>>
She doesn't think it's enough yet? Apparently her curse is much worse than mine.
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Stand with your back to me and take off your top.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "angry">>Like this?<</AkiraDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/dream154.jpg" "just">>
From this angle she looks pretty cute...
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>One last request! Can you make the clothes you were wearing appear and then make them disappear again. And do that several times!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<AkiraDialog "confused" 0>>Watch me.<</AkiraDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/cloth.gif" "gif">>
Fuck, I'm going to cum! The great witch of greed and what a sexy bitch she can be! just....WOW!
What? The sword again?
<<AkiraDialog "angry">>You've been silent for a minute. Apparently that's enough for you. Now listen to me, we have an agreement, and don't you dare break it. Now I can find you wherever you are. You can't run away.<</AkiraDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>I...understood...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Akira/dream155.jpg" "just">>
I don't know how, but it seems I managed to negotiate, even more than that...
Even though she showed me some magic, that is not the point of our agreement, so she can get the money and the universe shouldn't collapse (most likely).
Eh, while that still doesn't mean she won't kill me next time, I need to try to get money for her.
And figure out how to deal with her next time...
<<AkiraDialog "confused" 0>>I'm letting you go now, but I'll be back in a week for the money.<</AkiraDialog>>
<<button [[Back in reality|FoundByWitch8]]>><<set $Akira.Negotiated = true>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/uni.jpg" "place">>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>What? I'm back at university...I still have a headache from everything that happened to me today...There's another big problem that needs to be solved somehow...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<if $P.CindyInside === false>>\
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Okay, first I need to raise the right amount of money...I have a week to figure out what to do next.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CindyDialog>>Chin up! We'll think of something!<</CindyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Cindy?! What are you doing here?!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CindyDialog>>Her death ray did something, and now I feel more alive! Anyway, you and I are one, I'm worried about you, so I'll help! You can't turn your back on me now!<</CindyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "disgust">>It seems I now have more than one big problem...<</PlayerDialog>>
It's okay! You'll have to wait a little longer for me to take control of our powers!
@@color:yellow;I think we should talk to Jimmy about all this...@@
<<button [[Back in action|Uni]]>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 15,
tags: ["Street", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Street", "Morning"], isSeparate: true },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Street", "Noon"], isSeparate: true },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Street", "Afternoon"], isSeparate: true },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Street", "Evening"], isSeparate: true },
<<media "Data/Locations/yard.jpg" "place">>
<<if $MetGopniks === false>>\
<<media "Data/Characters/npc/gop.jpg" "just">>
Oh no. These guys are also from the Russian region, only retaining the "true" Russian traditions. Simply put, these are ordinary hooligans - they attack in a crowd and always on one. They catch all sorts of passers-by like me, and they already gave me a couple of black eyes if I refused to pay them.
They usually hang out between my house and the dorm.
It is better to walk around so as not to accidentally run into them.
<<button [[Go Home|HApart]]>><<set $MetGopniks = true>><</button>>
<<button [[Go to Dorm|DApart]]>><<set $MetGopniks = true>><</button>>
<<if $Gang.TabletLvl == 0>>\
<<media "Data/Characters/npc/gop.jpg" "just">>
These guys again!
<<if $P.Gender == "m">>
<<GangDialog>>Yo, pimple. Quickly come closer. Didn't you know that pimples like you have to pay us to keep you safe passing through here? Or did you misunderstood us last time? 15 $ in hands fast!<</GangDialog>>
Fuck, what to do?
<<if $P.Money > 15>>\
<<button [[Pay them|GangPayEnough]]>><<set $P.Money -= 15>><</button>>
<<button [[Pay them|GangPayNotEnough]]>><<set $P.Money = 0>><</button>>
<<button [[Run away|GangFight]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Fight them!|GangFight]]>><</button>>
<<if $BullyToldAboutDrug == true and $GangToldAboutDrug == false>>\
<<button [[Ask them about drug|GangDrug]]>><</button>>
<<GangDialog>>Yo, bitch. Quickly come closer. You have a super nice body. Didn't you know that bitches like you have to pay us to keep you safe passing through here? Or did you misunderstood us last time? Pass costs 15$. But you can pay how fucking bitches like to pay<</GangDialog>>
<<if $P.Cor < 30>>
Even though my neighbor is an arrogant bitch, does she deserve to have her body shown to all sorts of idiots? Nope!
<<if $P.Money > 15>>\
<<button [[Pay them|GangPayEnough]]>><<set $P.Money -= 15>><</button>>
<<button [[Pay them|GangPayNotEnough]]>><<set $P.Money = 0>><</button>>
<<button [[Run away|GangFight]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Fight them!|GangFight]]>><</button>>
<<if $BullyToldAboutDrug == true and $GangToldAboutDrug == false>>\
<<button [[Ask them about drug|GangDrug]]>><</button>>
Let's play dumb.
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Oh boys, I really don't know what to do. What do you offer me?<</PlayerDialog>>
Their stupid faces lit up with smiles
<<GangDialog>>Listen bitch, we're in charge here. And now dangerous criminals walk this road and fuck bitches like you. My brother can call the right place, and they won't touch you, but not for nothing. You either pay 15$, or we'll have a beer together, talk, and then you calmly move on<</GangDialog>>
It's useless to fight them. 15$ is certainly not a lot of money. On the other hand, a little beer shouldn't hurt. What to do?
<<if $P.Money > 15>>\
<<button [[Pay them|GangPayEnough]]>><<set $P.Money -= 15>><</button>>
<<button [[Pay them|GangPayNotEnough]]>><<set $P.Money = 0>><</button>>
<<button [[Drink with them|GangDrink]]>><<movetime>><</button>>
<<if $BullyToldAboutDrug == true and $GangToldAboutDrug == false>>\
<<button [[Ask them about drug|GangDrug]]>><</button>>
<<if $P.Gender == "m">>\
<<GangDialog>>Yo, pimple. idn't you know that pimples like you have to pay us to keep you safe passing through here? Just kidding. How about a beer?<</GangDialog>>
<<button [[Drink with them|GangDrinkM]]>><<movetime>><</button>>
<<button [[Go home|HApart]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Go to Dorm|DApart]]>><</button>>
<<GangDialog>>Yo, bitch. Why don't you entertain us with your company?<</GangDialog>>
<<button [[Drink with them|GangDrink]]>><<set $P.Intoxication++>><<movetime>><</button>>
<<button [[Go home|HApart]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Go to Dorm|DApart]]>><</button>>
<</if>>\<<media "Data/Locations/yard.jpg" "place">>
<<UpdateArousal "+25">>
Damn, I forgot that this is a woman's body, and it gets drunk much faster than mine. Everything floats before my eyes, and it's so hot.
<<GangDialog>>..And what kind of sex do you like?<</GangDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>> I prefer rough, hair pulling, anal pounding and the like.. He-he<</PlayerDialog>>
<<GangDialog>>Ha-ha-ha, you are a real slut!<</GangDialog>>
Damn, they got it wrong! I like this being a guy...
<<GangDialog>>Okay, now show what's under your clothes or do something sexy, and if we like it, then consider paying the debt or we can continue drink... this time<</GangDialog>>
<<if $P.Cor < 50>>\
I am in a state where I can think now, but if I continue to drink, then I will be driven hard. So it's a bad idea.
@@#cor;<<button [[Show them something|GangShow]]>><</button>>@@
<<button [[Drink more|GangDrink1]]>><<set $P.Intoxication++>><</button>>
<</if>>\<<media "Data/Locations/yard.jpg" "place">>
<<UpdateArousal "+25">>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>I'm having so much fun for some reason, and you guys turn out to be really nice guysa ^Ek^<</PlayerDialog>>
<<GangDialog>>You seem to be holding up quite well<</GangDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>^Ek^ Yeeaahh, I'm a born alcoholic! Hahaha<</PlayerDialog>>
One of them comes out and comes close to me.
<<MNpcDialog null null "Gangboy 1">>It's time for her to go, I'll show her out<</MNpcDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Gangboy 2">>You bastard! All right, next time it's my turn<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Oh, where are we going?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Gangboy 1">>I'll show you a cool place<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Yay! I like the idea!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<if $P.Cor >= 50>>\
@@#cor;<<button [[Follow him|GangPlace]]>><</button>>@@
<</if>>\<<media "Data/Locations/yard.jpg" "place">>
<<UpdateArousal "+25">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Ha-ha! I didn't count on such hospitality!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<GangDialog>>Forget it! You're a good fella, one of us!<</GangDialog>>
I spent some more time with them. They're a bit of a bully, but they're actually a lot better than I thought they'd be before!
<<button [[Go Home|HApart]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Go to Dorm|DApart]]>><</button>>
@@\<<media "Data/Locations/yard.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Characters/npc/gop.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Hey, I just want to talk. Sorry to get right to the point. But what can you tell me about the drug "Celtoc"?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<GangDialog>>Hmm? Interested? Wanna buy some?<</GangDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>No, I don't!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<if $P.Gender == "m">>\
Their faces have changed.
<<GangDialog>>What the fuck are you doing here, then? Huh? Pimple<</GangDialog>>
How fucking disgusting they are!
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>We've known each other for a long time. Please tell me where or from whom you get it.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<GangDialog>>That's a lot to ask for, you cheeky bastard. Right, fellas? All right, well, look. This is actually very valuable information, just for our own people, you know? It's gonna cost you.<</GangDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>How much?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<GangDialog>>Ha! Persistent! Ghmm..well..500$<</GangDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>500$?! Are you serious?! You just came up with the price now, didn't you?!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<GangDialog>>Hey, pimple. You're not setting conditions here. If you don't like it, it's not our problem! Either pay up or get out!<</GangDialog>>
Pigs! $500 for what?!...damn! Maybe I can use Carol's body and get myself a discount?
<<if $P.Money >= 500>>\
<<button [[Pay|GangPay]]>><<set $P.Money -= 500>><</button>>
<<button [[Go Home|HApart]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Go to Dorm|DApart]]>><</button>>
<<GangDialog>>Don't pretend, you liked it, didn't you? We used to put a little bit in your beer.<</GangDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>You put...WHAT?!<</PlayerDialog>>
Pigs! Although...that explains a lot...
<<GangDialog>>Oops, I guess I let it slip. So? You want some?<</GangDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Hold on, I just came to ask you where you get it<</PlayerDialog>>
<<GangDialog>>That's a lot to ask for, you cheeky bastard. Right, fellas? All right, well, look. This is actually very valuable information, just for our own people, you know? It's gonna cost you.<</GangDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>How much?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<GangDialog>>Ha! Persistent! Ghmm..well..500$<</GangDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "disgust">>500$?! Are you serious?! You just came up with the price now, didn't you?!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<GangDialog>>Hey, pimple. You're not setting conditions here. If you don't like it, it's not our problem! Either pay up or get out!<</GangDialog>>
All right, Nikita, pull yourself together!
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>\
Boys, but we were having such a nice time together! Would you make an exception for me?
~clapping her eyes sweetly~
<<GangDialog>>Oh, lecherous girl! We'll tell you... If you become our shared pussy.<</GangDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>???<</PlayerDialog>>
<<GangDialog>>We almost fought a couple of times because of you. That's why you're going to be our common whore and we'll bang you hard! For today.<</GangDialog>>
They've lost their minds. It's one thing to sleep with one person, but with all of them! Grrrr...!
<<GangDialog>>It's either that or pay. We have decided that you have no other options. Or you can just have a beer with us and we'll discuss it.<</GangDialog>>
<<if $P.Cor >= 55>>\
They put a drug in the beer! But maybe I can convince them? That might not be a bad idea.
@@#pill;<<button [[Drink with them|GangDrugDrink]]>><</button>>@@
<<if $P.Money >= 500>>\
<<button [[Pay|GangPay]]>><<set $P.Money -= 500>><</button>>
<<button [[Just go Home|HApart]]>><<movetime>><</button>>
<<button [[Just go to Dorm|DApart]]>><<movetime>><</button>>
<</if>>\<<media "Data/Locations/yard.jpg" "place">>
<<UpdateArousal "+25">>
Damn, it's like everything in front of my eyes got brighter and...
<<GangDialog>>So why don't you want us to bang you?<</GangDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>This is not something you should offer a girl. She has to want it for herself.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<GangDialog>>Don't you want to? We know you, you're going to love it.<</GangDialog>>
The conversation doesn't work, I need to think of something!
Maybe I can use the pill? But the lab blew up, I won't be able to make more of them!
And I still can quit this.
But maybe if they get a little more drunk, they'll tell me everything?
<<if $Inventory.Tablets > 0>>\
@@#pill;<<button [[Try to use pill|GangPill]]>><<set $Inventory.Tablets-->><</button>>@@
@@#pill;<<button [[Drink more|GangDrugDrink1]]>><</button>>@@
<<button [[Just go Home|HApart]]>><<movetime>><</button>>
<<button [[Just go to Dorm|DApart]]>><<movetime>><</button>>
@@\<<media "Data/Locations/yard.jpg" "place">>
<<UpdateArousal "+25">>
Hehehe....Little by little, everything in front of my eyes begins to blur...
<<GangDialog>>Say yes! You'll be like a queen! <</GangDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Hehehe, I won't be able to look you in the face after that!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<GangDialog>>Come on! We look at all the girls as holes, but you will be special one!<</GangDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Really?<</PlayerDialog>>
Shit, I'm losing control! I'm already too horny...! Think of something, silly heaaaad!
@@#pill;<<button [[Drink more|GangDrugDrink2]]>><</button>>@@
<<if $P.Arousal < 100>>\
<<if $Inventory.Tablets > 0>>\
@@#pill;<<button [[Try to use pill|GangPill]]>><<set $Inventory.Tablets-->><</button>>@@
<<button [[Just go Home|HApart]]>><<movetime>><</button>>
<<button [[Just go to Dorm|DApart]]>><<movetime>><</button>>
<</if>>\<<media "Data/Locations/yard.jpg" "place">>
<<UpdateArousal "+25">>
They are so hornyyy! And it's all because of me...heheheh
<<PlayerDialog "happy">><</PlayerDialog>>
<<GangDialog>>Say yes! You'll be like a queen! <</GangDialog>>
<<GangDialog>>Come on! We look at all the girls as holes, but you will be special one!<</GangDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Really?<</PlayerDialog>>
Shit, I'm losing control! I'm already too horny...! Think of something, silly heaaaad!
@@#pill;<<button [[Drink more|GangDrugDrink3]]>><</button>>@@
<<if $P.Arousal < 100>>\
<<if $Inventory.Tablets > 0>>\
@@#pill;<<button [[Try to use pill|GangPill]]>><<set $Inventory.Tablets-->><</button>>@@
<<button [[Just go Home|HApart]]>><<movetime>><</button>>
<<button [[Just go to Dorm|DApart]]>><<movetime>><</button>>
<</if>>\<<media "Data/Locations/yard.jpg" "place">>
<<UpdateArousal "+25">>
Damn, I can't stop thinking about how it's going to be! While we were drinking beer with them, they kept touching me and saying all sorts of dirty things. But it didn't put me off, it turned me on to my limits....
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Are you really going to tell me everything after?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<GangDialog>>Of course! Be a good hole and then we won't be able to resist telling you everything!<</GangDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Ah, are you really going to fuck me all together?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<GangDialog>>Yes! We'll fuck you so hard you won't be able to stand!<</GangDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>\
Oh! ~giggle~
All righty!
They persuaded meee. I'm sorry, Carol. I just want to save a lot of moneyyyy, hehehe...
@@#pill;<<button [[Go with them|GangDrugDrink4]]>><</button>>@@<<media "Data/Locations/ganghouse.jpg" "place">>
Gang house.
<<MNpcDialog null null "Gangboy 1">>I can't believe you talked her into it<</MNpcDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Gangboy 2">>Yeah, bro! See for yourself. Hey, queen! Come on out!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Out/gb.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>How do you like me?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Gangboy 1">>Woo!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Out/gb1.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Hey, I just got out, and I already see bumps in your pants!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Gangboy 2">>Hey, guys! Over here! Don't miss the fun!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Gangboy 3">>Wow, girl! You're hot!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Gangboy 4">>What a bitch! I want to rip all her holes open!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>I guess you've only jerked off to bitches like me before<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Out/gb2.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>But today I'll make sure we feel good together<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Out/gb3.jpg" "just">>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Gangboy 1">>Hey, whore. You're not the one making the terms here. Hurry up and get the rest of your clothes off<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Okay, okay<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Out/gb4.jpg" "just">>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Gangboy 2">>I want to put you on my dick so bad!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Out/gb5.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Be gentle with me<</PlayerDialog>>
@@#pill;<<button [[Next|GangDrugDrink5]]>><</button>>@@<<media "Data/Locations/ganghouse.jpg" "place">>
Gang house.
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Out/group7.mp4">>
They jumped all over me! What did I expect, though? They fucked both my holes. I mean Carol's holes, I mean.... Hell! Maybe it's still the drugs, but I don't feel like resisting them at all...
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Out/gb10.jpg" "just">>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Gangboy 2">>Hey, I think she's got a taste for it!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Gangboy 1">>Hey, whore! You like to be used like that, don't you? <</MNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Out/group13.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>I-I....<</PlayerDialog>>
I've already cum so many times, and they keep fu..cking meeee!
They did whatever they wanted with me. I was like a toy in their hands. My whole body was burning and itching.
All their attention was on me...
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Out/gb12.jpg" "just">>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Gangboy 1">>I think you've had enough for one day. We'll continue this another time.<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>D-d..dr..in..info..r..<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Gangboy 1">>Oh, right, I almost forgot. If you can still hear me, listen, I won't repeat. @@color:yellow;The "Night Star" Club. It's on the outskirts of town, you can take a cab to get there quickly. I don't know why, but it's the easiest place to find "Celtoc".@@ We have a brother who works there, so we usually get it from him. But I won't tell you his name. If you want to, you can find everything yourself. <</MNpcDialog>>
When I came to my senses, I quickly packed up and left the place.
What was he saying? The night star? Eh, that information definitely wasn't worth the 500$.... Anyway, I should go there and check it out.
Damn, everything hurts like hell.
@@color:yellow;You have opened a new location@@ @@color:magenta;"Streets.@@ @@color:yellow;.@@
@@color:yellow;You have opened a new location@@ @@color:magenta;"Night Star" Club.@@ @@color:yellow; You won't have any trouble finding it. You can get there on foot or by car from @@ @@color:magenta;"Streets.@@
<<set $P.GangBanged = true>>\
<<set $GangToldAboutDrug = true>>\
<<set $FT = 10>>\
<<UpdateSubDom "-3">>
<<UpdateCorruption "+5">>
<<UpdateArousal "0">>
<<button [[Just go Home|HApart]]>><<movetime 2>><</button>>
<<button [[Just go to Dorm|DApart]]>><<movetime 2>><</button>>
@@\<<media "Data/Locations/yard.jpg" "place">>
<<GangDialog>>Then listen. It's @@color:yellow;The "Night Star" Club. It's on the outskirts of town, you can take a cab to get there quickly. I don't know why, but it's the easiest place to find "Celtoc".@@ We have a brother who works there, so we usually get it from him. But I won't tell you his name. If you want to, you can find everything yourself. <</GangDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Is it all?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<GangDialog>>What did you expect? Did you think we were going to give you the contacts of the people in charge or give you the chemical formula? We still have no idea why you need it...<</GangDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Well...Thank you on that, then.<</PlayerDialog>>
And they were asking 500$ for it?
<<GangDialog>>We don't know what you want to find there, but GOOD LUCK, PIMPLE!<</GangDialog>>
Okay, at least I managed to establish a good connection with them. Eh, I should have told them to stop calling me a "pimple"...
Anyway, I should check out this club.
@@color:yellow;You have opened a new location@@ @@color:magenta;"Streets.@@ @@color:yellow;.@@
@@color:yellow;You have opened a new location@@ @@color:magenta;"Night Star" Club.@@ @@color:yellow; You won't have any trouble finding it. You can get there on foot or by car from @@ @@color:magenta;"Streets.@@
<<set $GangToldAboutDrug = true>>\
<<set $FT = 10>>\
<<button [[Just go Home|HApart]]>><<movetime>><</button>>
<<button [[Just go to Dorm|DApart]]>><<movetime>><</button>>
@@\<<media "Data/Locations/yard.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Characters/npc/gop.jpg" "just">>
<<GangDialog>>Where are you going, idiot? Did you hit your head completely?<</GangDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/npc/punch.webp" "just">>
<<GangDialog>>You're already our bitch ha-ha. Try to earn enough money next time, you have no choice, loser. Anyway <</GangDialog>>
<<button [[Lose consciousness|GangPayNotEnough1]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/yard.jpg" "place">>
Shit, I don't want anything to do with those bastards. I'd rather pay now. Someday I'll take what's mine.
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>I'll pay.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<GangDialog>>Really? You didn't mix anything up? I said 500$!<</GangDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>I've heard, here you go. Now spill everything you know.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<GangDialog>>Aw, oh. Eh? Well...It's @@color:yellow;The "Night Star" Club. It's on the outskirts of town, you can take a cab to get there quickly. I don't know why, but it's the easiest place to find "Celtoc".@@ We have a brother who works there, so we usually get it from him. But I won't tell you his name. If you want to, you can find everything yourself. <</GangDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Is it all?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<GangDialog>>What did you expect, asshole? Did you think we were going to give you the contacts of the people in charge or give you the chemical formula? We still have no idea why you need it...<</GangDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Then that's it.<</PlayerDialog>>
Damn! I just gave those assholes 500$ for this?! I see their smirking faces watching me and I get disgusted. Eh, anyway, I should check out this club.
@@color:yellow;You have opened a new location@@ @@color:magenta;"Night Star" Club.@@ @@color:yellow; You won't have any trouble finding it. You can get there on foot or by car.@@
<<set $GangToldAboutDrug = true>>\
<<button [[Just go Home|HApart]]>><<movetime>><</button>>
<<button [[Just go to Dorm|DApart]]>><<movetime>><</button>>@@<<media "Data/Locations/yard.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Characters/npc/gop.jpg" "just">>
<<GangDialog>>You're doing great, this money will definitely come in handy for us. Until next time, loser!<</GangDialog>>
Fuckers! Someday we'll change places
<<button [[Go Home|HApart]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Go to Dorm|DApart]]>><</button>>@@<<media "Data/Locations/yard.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Characters/npc/gop.jpg" "just">>
<<GangDialog>>Are you fucking smart? Do you think we're that stupid?<</GangDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/npc/punch.webp" "just">>
<<GangDialog>>We'll take the money, but you try to earn enough next time, loser<</GangDialog>>
<<button [[Lose consciousness|GangPayNotEnough1]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/yard.jpg" "place">>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Damn, how long did I sleep? Looks like they're gone, it's time to get up<</PlayerDialog>>
<<button [[Go Home|HApart]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Go to Dorm|DApart]]>><</button>>
@@\<<media "Data/Locations/yard.jpg" "place">>
Okay, I need to stop thinking and start acting. Let's improvise something.
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Did you guys know that I'm a wizard?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<GangDialog>>Ha-ha, pimple! What are you fucking talking about?<</GangDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>I'll prove it. Give me your beer, I'll make it taste better. You will see for yourself<</PlayerDialog>>
I started taking bottles from them.
<<GangDialog>>Hey, if you do anything wrong with that beer, I'll strangle you right here!<</GangDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Now watch this!<</PlayerDialog>>
@@color:magenta;I began to slowly move my hand mysteriously over the placed bottles, muttering something indecipherable. @@
Actually, I just slipped some of the crumbled pill into every bottle. I think the effect would be much weaker, so I wouldn't want to put too much pressure on them. Even if it doesn't work, it's at least worth a try.
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Yes, I'm done. Give it a good try. I'll try it, too.<</PlayerDialog>>
They took their bottles and cautiously began to drink.
<<GangDialog>>And what were we supposed to feel? Beer is like beer!<</GangDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>The difference here is quite difficult to catch, it's all about the aftertaste. @@color:magenta;Try it well, it tastes so much better now,@@ right?<</PlayerDialog>>
They tasted the beer again, and this time their faces lit up with smiles.
<<GangDialog>>Pimple, that's chic! I've never had a beer this good in my life! How the hell did you do that?<</GangDialog>>
Hell, yeah! It worked!
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Hey, wizards don't reveal their secrets. That's not what's important, but that I wanted to make you happy. We've known each other a long time, haven't we? @@color:magenta;I mean, we're all friends here, so it's weird that you're still begging me for money.@@<</PlayerDialog>>
<<GangDialog>>Look, well.... forgive us for this. We thought you were just like everyone else. Until today, you didn't provide the opportunity to prove that you're that damn good. Jeez, if we'd realized sooner, we'd be drinking beer like this all the time! Along with you!<</GangDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>So @@color:magenta;you're not going to charge me anymore@@?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<GangDialog>>Of course! You're with us now!<</GangDialog>>
My intuition tells me that the effect has already weakened. I must end it.
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Look, now that I'm one of you, why don't you @@color:magenta;tell me where you get the drug from@@?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<GangDialog>>Yes, sure! I guess you're in a hurry, but maybe you want to spend some more time with us, have a beer? Celebrate that we're friends now. We will enjoy spending time with you. I promise I'll tell you everything anyway.<</GangDialog>>
<<set $Gang.TabletLvl = 1>>\
<<if $P.Gender == "f" and $P.Cor > 60>>\
I'm not really in a hurry. Can I really spend some time with them? Strengthen our friendship, so to speak. He promises he'll tell me everything anyway.
@@#pill;<<button [[Drink more|GangDrugDrink3]]>><</button>>@@
<<button [[No, sorry, I'm really in a hurry|GangDrugTell]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/yard.jpg" "place">>
<<set _r = random (1, 4)>>\
<<switch _r>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Oh, we are at the beach! Hey, what are you doing?!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Gangboy 1">>You have such a nice ass, let me squeeze it a little<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Oof, okay. But we are not doing sex! Just...squeeze it<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Out/out19.mp4">>
He really only groped me, and it was beautiful. It felt so good! It even hurt a little bit... that he only groped me...
<<MNpcDialog null null "Gangboy 1">>I want to cum, get your tits closer, baby<</MNpcDialog>>
For some reason I met all his demands without objection, and I liked it so much.
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>^Ek^ It tickles<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Out/outcum1.mp4">>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Gangboy 1">>Baby, you're wunderful. I'll make sure you get to your place safely<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Thanke!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<case 2>>\
<<MNpcDialog null null "Gangboy 1">>Come on! Work your mouth, slut!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Out/out21.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>You're so rude! ^Ek^<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Gangboy 1">>Don't pretend, you suck it so greedily! You like it!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>That's not true!<</PlayerDialog>>
Fuck, is it really that noticeable?
<<case 3>>\
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Ahahaha, you're so big! You really can't jack off?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Gangboy 1">>So?<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Hahaha, it's easy! Look!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Out/out33.webp" "gif">>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Gangboy 1">>@@font-size:50%;Stupid drunken bitch@@<</MNpcDialog>>
<<case 4>>\
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Out/out30.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>Noooooo! What are you doing? You're turning me inside out!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Gangboy 1">>You just answered your own question<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>You fuck me like some piece of meat!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Gangboy 1">>Now you are a piece of meat, that's why I'm raping you, so shut up<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>Raping? You don't even deny it! Be gentle, then! ^Ek^<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Gangboy 1">>Shut up<</MNpcDialog>>
<<UpdateArousal "+25">>
<<if $P.Cor < 60>><<UpdateCorruption "+1">><</if>>
<<UpdateSubDom "-1">>
<<button [[Go Home|HApart]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Go to Dorm|DApart]]>><</button>>
@@\<<media "Data/Locations/yard.jpg" "place">>
<<set _r = random (0, 3)>>\
<<switch _r>>\
<<case 0>>\
I'll show them deep splits. Look at what the female body is capable of!
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Out/tease1.mp4">>
<<GangDialog>>Wow, I want you to do the same on my dick, bitch!<</GangDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>> You are so rude!<</PlayerDialog>>
But I just can't stop imagining it...
<<case 1>>\
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Out/4.mp4">>
<<GangDialog>>Wow, you have such fuckable ass!<</GangDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>I don't like your words a bit, I'm not... a whore...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<case 2>>\
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Out/flash8.mp4">>
<<GangDialog>>Wow, you have such fuckable ass!<</GangDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>I don't like your words a bit, I'm not... a whore...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<case 3>>\
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Out/flash13.mp4">>
<<GangDialog>>Wow, you have such fuckable ass!<</GangDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>I don't like your words a bit, I'm not... a slut...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<UpdateArousal "+25">>
<<if $P.Cor < 40>><<UpdateCorruption "+1">><</if>>
<<UpdateSubDom "-1">>
<<GangDialog>>You unreal bitch, you can go, but visit us again sometime<</GangDialog>>
<<button [[Go Home|HApart]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Go to Dorm|DApart]]>><</button>>
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$DrugSpread === 0`,
groups: {
name: "RandomStreetEvents",
weight: 10,
tags: ["Street", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Street", "Morning"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Street", "Noon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Street", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Street", "Evening"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Street", "Night"] },
<<if $CurrentDayTime < 3>>\
<<media "Data/Locations/yard.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Locations/yardn.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Actions/RE/Out/1/out3.webp" "gif">>
Wow, the wind is on my side today..
<<UpdateArousal "+5">>
<<DrawPlaceMenu "Street">><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$DrugSpread === 0`,
groups: {
name: "RandomStreetEvents",
weight: 10,
tags: ["Street", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Street", "Morning"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Street", "Noon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Street", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Street", "Evening"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Street", "Night"] },
<<if $CurrentDayTime < 3>>\
<<media "Data/Locations/yard.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Locations/yardn.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Actions/RE/Out/1/out11.webp" "gif">>
Hmm. Maybe she's just hot? The old man over there is in shock, ha-ha.
<<UpdateArousal "+5">>
<<DrawPlaceMenu "Street">><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$DrugSpread === 0`,
groups: {
name: "RandomStreetEvents",
weight: 10,
tags: ["Street", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Street", "Morning"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Street", "Noon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Street", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Street", "Evening"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Street", "Night"] },
<<if $CurrentDayTime < 3>>\
<<media "Data/Locations/yard.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Locations/yardn.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Actions/RE/Out/1/out22.webp" "gif">>
Those balloons! Even bigger than Olga's!
<<UpdateArousal "+5">>
<<DrawPlaceMenu "Street">><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$DrugSpread === 0`,
groups: {
name: "RandomStreetEvents",
weight: 10,
tags: ["Street", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Street", "Morning"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Street", "Noon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Street", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Street", "Evening"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Street", "Night"] },
<<if $CurrentDayTime < 3>>\
<<media "Data/Locations/yard.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Locations/yardn.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Actions/RE/Out/1/out25.webp" "gif">>
I don't know what she wants. But now I know what I want..
<<UpdateArousal "+5">>
<<DrawPlaceMenu "Street">><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$DrugSpread === 0`,
groups: {
name: "RandomStreetEvents",
weight: 10,
tags: ["Street", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Street", "Morning"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Street", "Noon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Street", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Street", "Evening"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Street", "Night"] },
<<if $CurrentDayTime < 3>>\
<<media "Data/Locations/yard.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Locations/yardn.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Actions/RE/Out/1/out31.webp" "gif">>
Jump Forests, Juump!
<<UpdateArousal "+5">>
<<DrawPlaceMenu "Street">><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$DrugSpread === 1 or $DrugSpread === 2 or ($DrugSpread === 3 and $CurrentDayTime <= 2)`,
groups: {
name: "RandomStreetEvents",
weight: 20,
tags: ["Street", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Street", "Morning"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Street", "Noon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Street", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Street", "Evening"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Street", "Night"] },
<<if $CurrentDayTime < 3>>\
<<media "Data/Locations/yard.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Locations/yardn.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Actions/RE/Out/2/6.webp" "gif">>
She can't restrain herself even on the street? I wonder why?
<<UpdateArousal "+5">>
<<DrawPlaceMenu "Street">><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$DrugSpread === 1 or $DrugSpread === 2 or ($DrugSpread === 3 and $CurrentDayTime <= 2)`,
groups: {
name: "RandomStreetEvents",
weight: 20,
tags: ["Street", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Street", "Morning"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Street", "Noon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Street", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Street", "Evening"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Street", "Night"] },
<<if $CurrentDayTime < 3>>\
<<media "Data/Locations/yard.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Locations/yardn.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Actions/RE/Out/2/out26.webp" "gif">>
Is it legal to dress like that on the street? They are definitely in love with each other. And I'm definitely thrilled with them.
<<UpdateArousal "+5">>
<<DrawPlaceMenu "Street">><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$DrugSpread === 1 or $DrugSpread === 2 or ($DrugSpread === 3 and $CurrentDayTime <= 2)`,
groups: {
name: "RandomStreetEvents",
weight: 20,
tags: ["Street", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Street", "Morning"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Street", "Noon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Street", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Street", "Evening"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Street", "Night"] },
<<if $CurrentDayTime < 3>>\
<<media "Data/Locations/yard.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Locations/yardn.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Actions/RE/Out/2/out27.webp" "gif">>
The guys sometimes test each other's strength by punching each other in the abs. Why can't girls do something similar?
<<UpdateArousal "+5">>
<<DrawPlaceMenu "Street">><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$DrugSpread === 1 or $DrugSpread === 2 or ($DrugSpread === 3 and $CurrentDayTime <= 2)`,
groups: {
name: "RandomStreetEvents",
weight: 20,
tags: ["Street", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Street", "Morning"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Street", "Noon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Street", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Street", "Evening"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Street", "Night"] },
<<if $CurrentDayTime < 3>>\
<<media "Data/Locations/yard.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Locations/yardn.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Actions/RE/Out/2/out30.webp" "gif">>
Somewhere in the back of my mind would I like to feel like her. And what? Who would know about it? It's just my thoughts.
<<UpdateArousal "+5">>
<<DrawPlaceMenu "Street">><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$DrugSpread === 1 or $DrugSpread === 2 or ($DrugSpread === 3 and $CurrentDayTime <= 2)`,
groups: {
name: "RandomStreetEvents",
weight: 20,
tags: ["Street", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Street", "Morning"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Street", "Noon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Street", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Street", "Evening"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Street", "Night"] },
<<if $CurrentDayTime < 3>>\
<<media "Data/Locations/yard.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Locations/yardn.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Actions/RE/Out/2/14.mp4">>
She seems to have forgotten to wear something. Ha-ha. Or did she?
<<UpdateArousal "+5">>
<<DrawPlaceMenu "Street">><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$DrugSpread === 1 or $DrugSpread === 2 or ($DrugSpread === 3 and $CurrentDayTime <= 2)`,
groups: {
name: "RandomStreetEvents",
weight: 20,
tags: ["Street", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Street", "Morning"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Street", "Noon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Street", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Street", "Evening"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Street", "Night"] },
<<if $CurrentDayTime < 3>>\
<<media "Data/Locations/yard.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Locations/yardn.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Actions/RE/Out/2/15.mp4">>
Judging by her smile, she is quite happy with her appearance!
<<UpdateArousal "+5">>
<<DrawPlaceMenu "Street">><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$DrugSpread === 1 or $DrugSpread === 2 or ($DrugSpread === 3 and $CurrentDayTime <= 2)`,
groups: {
name: "RandomStreetEvents",
weight: 20,
tags: ["Street", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Street", "Morning"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Street", "Noon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Street", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Street", "Evening"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Street", "Night"] },
<<if $CurrentDayTime < 3>>\
<<media "Data/Locations/yard.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Locations/yardn.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Actions/RE/Out/2/out.webp" "gif">>
I was about to resent her abrupt stop, but then I realized that we should be nicer to others - she just wanted to fix her shoe!
<<UpdateArousal "+5">>
<<DrawPlaceMenu "Street">><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$DrugSpread === 1 or $DrugSpread === 2 or ($DrugSpread === 3 and $CurrentDayTime <= 2)`,
groups: {
name: "RandomStreetEvents",
weight: 20,
tags: ["Street", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Street", "Morning"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Street", "Noon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Street", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Street", "Evening"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Street", "Night"] },
<<if $CurrentDayTime < 3>>\
<<media "Data/Locations/yard.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Locations/yardn.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Actions/RE/Out/2/out2.webp" "gif">>
I love seeing skirts like that on girls. They accentuate their...natural beauty!
<<UpdateArousal "+5">>
<<DrawPlaceMenu "Street">><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$DrugSpread === 1 or $DrugSpread === 2 or ($DrugSpread === 3 and $CurrentDayTime <= 2)`,
groups: {
name: "RandomStreetEvents",
weight: 20,
tags: ["Street", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Street", "Morning"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Street", "Noon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Street", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Street", "Evening"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Street", "Night"] },
<<if $CurrentDayTime < 3>>\
<<media "Data/Locations/yard.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Locations/yardn.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Actions/RE/Out/2/out4.webp" "gif">>
Lately I often see girls dropping things. It's not that I'm against it, though.
<<UpdateArousal "+5">>
<<DrawPlaceMenu "Street">><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$DrugSpread === 1 or $DrugSpread === 2 or ($DrugSpread === 3 and $CurrentDayTime <= 2)`,
groups: {
name: "RandomStreetEvents",
weight: 20,
tags: ["Street", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Street", "Morning"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Street", "Noon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Street", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Street", "Evening"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Street", "Night"] },
<<if $CurrentDayTime < 3>>\
<<media "Data/Locations/yard.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Locations/yardn.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Actions/RE/Out/2/out5.webp" "gif">>
I don't know what they're talking about, but I saw the beginning of their meeting and realized that these 2 guys and a girl don't know each other.
<<UpdateArousal "+5">>
<<DrawPlaceMenu "Street">><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$DrugSpread === 1 or $DrugSpread === 2 or ($DrugSpread === 3 and $CurrentDayTime <= 2)`,
groups: {
name: "RandomStreetEvents",
weight: 20,
tags: ["Street", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Street", "Morning"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Street", "Noon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Street", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Street", "Evening"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Street", "Night"] },
<<if $CurrentDayTime < 3>>\
<<media "Data/Locations/yard.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Locations/yardn.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Actions/RE/Out/2/out10.webp" "gif">>
The images of girls on the streets have definitely become more provocative lately!
<<UpdateArousal "+5">>
<<DrawPlaceMenu "Street">><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$DrugSpread === 1 or $DrugSpread === 2 or ($DrugSpread === 3 and $CurrentDayTime <= 2)`,
groups: {
name: "RandomStreetEvents",
weight: 20,
tags: ["Street", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Street", "Morning"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Street", "Noon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Street", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Street", "Evening"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Street", "Night"] },
<<if $CurrentDayTime < 3>>\
<<media "Data/Locations/yard.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Locations/yardn.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Actions/RE/Out/2/out24.webp" "gif">>
Not really my type, but these two look pretty cute.
<<UpdateArousal "+5">>
<<DrawPlaceMenu "Street">><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$DrugSpread === 2 or ($DrugSpread === 3 and $CurrentDayTime <= 2)`,
groups: {
name: "RandomStreetEvents",
weight: 50,
tags: ["Street", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Street", "Morning"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Street", "Noon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Street", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Street", "Evening"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Street", "Night"] },
<<if $CurrentDayTime < 3>>\
<<media "Data/Locations/yard.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Locations/yardn.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Actions/RE/Out/2/out6.webp" "gif">>
I wouldn't be surprised if she has an OnlyCups account. But streaming like this...
<<UpdateArousal "+5">>
<<DrawPlaceMenu "Street">><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$DrugSpread === 2 or ($DrugSpread === 3 and $CurrentDayTime <= 2)`,
groups: {
name: "RandomStreetEvents",
weight: 50,
tags: ["Street", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Street", "Morning"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Street", "Noon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Street", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Street", "Evening"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Street", "Night"] },
<<if $CurrentDayTime < 3>>\
<<media "Data/Locations/yard.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Locations/yardn.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Actions/RE/Out/2/out14.webp" "gif">>
Heh, I'm standing right in front of her, but it's like she doesn't notice me - so focused on her unbridled desire.
<<UpdateArousal "+5">>
<<DrawPlaceMenu "Street">><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$DrugSpread === 2 or ($DrugSpread === 3 and $CurrentDayTime <= 2)`,
groups: {
name: "RandomStreetEvents",
weight: 50,
tags: ["Street", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Street", "Morning"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Street", "Noon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Street", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Street", "Evening"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Street", "Night"] },
<<if $CurrentDayTime < 3>>\
<<media "Data/Locations/yard.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Locations/yardn.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Actions/RE/Out/2/out17.webp" "gif">>
And this girl is not shy at all, on the contrary, she smiles at all passersby.
<<UpdateArousal "+5">>
<<DrawPlaceMenu "Street">><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$DrugSpread === 2 or ($DrugSpread === 3 and $CurrentDayTime <= 2)`,
groups: {
name: "RandomStreetEvents",
weight: 50,
tags: ["Street", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Street", "Morning"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Street", "Noon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Street", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Street", "Evening"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Street", "Night"] },
<<if $CurrentDayTime < 3>>\
<<media "Data/Locations/yard.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Locations/yardn.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Actions/RE/Out/2/out20.webp" "gif">>
Hey, she shook her boobs just for me, didn't she? That's right, we should make each other happy every chance we get!
<<UpdateArousal "+5">>
<<DrawPlaceMenu "Street">><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$DrugSpread === 2 or ($DrugSpread === 3 and $CurrentDayTime <= 2)`,
groups: {
name: "RandomStreetEvents",
weight: 50,
tags: ["Street", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Street", "Morning"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Street", "Noon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Street", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Street", "Evening"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Street", "Night"] },
<<if $CurrentDayTime < 3>>\
<<media "Data/Locations/yard.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Locations/yardn.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Actions/RE/Out/2/out32.webp" "gif">>
I approached them because I was wondering what was going on. The girl on the right asks the stranger to rate her boobs! Wow! I wasn't allowed to appreciate them, but I was allowed to look.
<<UpdateArousal "+5">>
<<DrawPlaceMenu "Street">><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$DrugSpread === 2 or ($DrugSpread === 3 and $CurrentDayTime <= 2)`,
groups: {
name: "RandomStreetEvents",
weight: 50,
tags: ["Street", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Street", "Morning"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Street", "Noon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Street", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Street", "Evening"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Street", "Night"] },
<<if $CurrentDayTime < 3>>\
<<media "Data/Locations/yard.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Locations/yardn.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Actions/RE/Out/2/out23.webp" "gif">>
What a whore! There's sure to be a decent dose of Celtoc in here!
<<UpdateArousal "+5">>
<<DrawPlaceMenu "Street">><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$DrugSpread === 2 or ($DrugSpread === 3 and $CurrentDayTime <= 2)`,
groups: {
name: "RandomStreetEvents",
weight: 50,
tags: ["Street", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Street", "Morning"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Street", "Noon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Street", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Street", "Evening"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Street", "Night"] },
<<if $CurrentDayTime < 3>>\
<<media "Data/Locations/yard.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Locations/yardn.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Actions/RE/Out/2/out28.webp" "gif">>
When she saw me looking at her, as if reading my thoughts, she silently pulled down her dress and showed me her huge tits. Just now I was a little happier, and I'm sure she was, too.
<<UpdateArousal "+5">>
<<DrawPlaceMenu "Street">><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$DrugSpread === 3 and $CurrentDayTime <= 2`,
groups: {
name: "RandomStreetEvents",
weight: 100,
tags: ["Street", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Street", "Morning"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Street", "Noon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Street", "Afternoon"] }
<<if $CurrentDayTime < 3>>\
<<media "Data/Locations/yard.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Locations/yardn.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Actions/RE/Out/3/out21.webp" "gif">>
At least they're not doing it in full view of everyone...
<<UpdateArousal "+5">>
<<DrawPlaceMenu "Street">><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$DrugSpread === 3 and $CurrentDayTime <= 2`,
groups: {
name: "RandomStreetEvents",
weight: 100,
tags: ["Street", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Street", "Morning"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Street", "Noon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Street", "Afternoon"] }
<<if $CurrentDayTime < 3>>\
<<media "Data/Locations/yard.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Locations/yardn.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Actions/RE/Out/3/streetf10.mp4">>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Man 1">>Landlady, letting them pay your rent like that...you're such a slut!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<FNpcDialog null null "Woman">>It's your fault that now I can't do without your dicks! Hurry up before my husband gets back!<</FNpcDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Man 2">>I'm next, then!<</MNpcDialog>>
Interesting idea of paying rent. I could use the New Celtos like they do for my own things, but I'm not interested in the idea of constantly updating a temporary effect. I'm looking for a permanent one.
<<UpdateArousal "+5">>
<<DrawPlaceMenu "Street">><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$DrugSpread === 3 and $CurrentDayTime <= 2`,
groups: {
name: "RandomStreetEvents",
weight: 100,
tags: ["Street", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Street", "Morning"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Street", "Noon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Street", "Afternoon"] }
<<if $CurrentDayTime < 3>>\
<<media "Data/Locations/yard.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Locations/yardn.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Actions/RE/Out/3/streette3.mp4">>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Man">>Don't make a scene, your husband won't find out! You're the one who wants it!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<FNpcDialog null null "Woman">>Ghmmmm....okaaay<</FNpcDialog>>
A wife like that needs a watchful eye!
<<UpdateArousal "+5">>
<<DrawPlaceMenu "Street">><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$DrugSpread === 3 and $CurrentDayTime <= 2`,
groups: {
name: "RandomStreetEvents",
weight: 100,
tags: ["Street", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Street", "Morning"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Street", "Noon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Street", "Afternoon"] }
<<if $CurrentDayTime < 3>>\
<<media "Data/Locations/yard.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Locations/yardn.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Actions/RE/Out/3/out18.webp" "gif">>
Isn't that the girl from the supermarket? Finally, there was someone who took advantage of the situation.
<<UpdateArousal "+5">>
<<DrawPlaceMenu "Street">><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$DrugSpread === 3 and $CurrentDayTime <= 2`,
groups: {
name: "RandomStreetEvents",
weight: 100,
tags: ["Street", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Street", "Morning"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Street", "Noon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Street", "Afternoon"] }
<<if $CurrentDayTime < 3>>\
<<media "Data/Locations/yard.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Locations/yardn.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Actions/RE/Out/3/out19.webp" "gif">>
Kids grow up so fast these days. One minute they're little and the next they're fucking someone's mother.
<<UpdateArousal "+5">>
<<DrawPlaceMenu "Street">><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$DrugSpread === 3 and $CurrentDayTime <= 2`,
groups: {
name: "RandomStreetEvents",
weight: 100,
tags: ["Street", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Street", "Morning"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Street", "Noon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Street", "Afternoon"] }
<<if $CurrentDayTime < 3>>\
<<media "Data/Locations/yard.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Locations/yardn.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Actions/RE/Out/3/street28.webp" "gif">>
That walk they took deserves an Oscar... I wonder where they're going?
<<UpdateArousal "+5">>
<<DrawPlaceMenu "Street">><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$DrugSpread === 3 and $CurrentDayTime <= 2`,
groups: {
name: "RandomStreetEvents",
weight: 100,
tags: ["Street", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Street", "Morning"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Street", "Noon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Street", "Afternoon"] }
<<if $CurrentDayTime < 3>>\
<<media "Data/Locations/yard.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Locations/yardn.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Actions/RE/Out/3/street27.webp" "gif">>
If the sirens luring sailors from legends were real, they would look something like this.
<<UpdateArousal "+5">>
<<DrawPlaceMenu "Street">><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$DrugSpread === 3 and $CurrentDayTime <= 2`,
groups: {
name: "RandomStreetEvents",
weight: 100,
tags: ["Street", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Street", "Morning"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Street", "Noon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Street", "Afternoon"] }
<<if $CurrentDayTime < 3>>\
<<media "Data/Locations/yard.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Locations/yardn.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Actions/RE/Out/3/street24.mp4">>
She said it's how she relieves stress. I think this method works pretty well!
<<UpdateArousal "+5">>
<<DrawPlaceMenu "Street">><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$DrugSpread === 3 and $CurrentDayTime <= 2`,
groups: {
name: "RandomStreetEvents",
weight: 100,
tags: ["Street", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Street", "Morning"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Street", "Noon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Street", "Afternoon"] }
<<if $CurrentDayTime < 3>>\
<<media "Data/Locations/yard.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Locations/yardn.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Actions/RE/Out/3/streetf7.mp4">>
I had a feeling I'd seen this milf somewhere before. Probably on the Internet.
<<UpdateArousal "+5">>
<<DrawPlaceMenu "Street">><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$DrugSpread === 3 and $CurrentDayTime <= 2`,
groups: {
name: "RandomStreetEvents",
weight: 100,
tags: ["Street", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Street", "Morning"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Street", "Noon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Street", "Afternoon"] }
<<if $CurrentDayTime < 3>>\
<<media "Data/Locations/yard.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Locations/yardn.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Actions/RE/Out/3/streetf17.mp4">>
Another couple having fun in public. The look on the guy's face is divine. Ha-ha. There's definitely a Celtos thing going on here.
<<UpdateArousal "+5">>
<<DrawPlaceMenu "Street">><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$DrugSpread === 3 and $CurrentDayTime <= 2`,
groups: {
name: "RandomStreetEvents",
weight: 100,
tags: ["Street", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Street", "Morning"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Street", "Noon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Street", "Afternoon"] }
<<if $CurrentDayTime < 3>>\
<<media "Data/Locations/yard.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Locations/yardn.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Actions/RE/Out/3/streetlick.mp4">>
I wonder if this girl had seduced me like seduced this guy, would I have agreed to be there instead of him?
<<UpdateArousal "+5">>
<<DrawPlaceMenu "Street">><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$DrugSpread === 3 and $CurrentDayTime <= 2 and $P.Gender === "f"`,
groups: {
name: "RandomStreetEvents",
weight: 100,
tags: ["Street", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Street", "Morning"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Street", "Noon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Street", "Afternoon"] }
<<if $CurrentDayTime < 3>>\
<<media "Data/Locations/yard.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Locations/yardn.jpg" "place">>
Suddenly some guy appeared in front of me. His eyes were shining and he had a smirk on his face.
<<MNpcDialog null null "Man">>I think you're gonna be next, hottie!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>What are you talking about?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Man">>I'll bet you 300$ that I can make you squirt with my dick!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>I know how it works! You're gonna make me eat some vitamin that turns out to be a drug.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Man">>No, I've never forced anyone to eat or drink anything, I won't make you either.<</MNpcDialog>>
<<if $P.Cor > 50>>\
Easy 300 bucks?..
<<button [[Go with him|Street_DrugSpread3_Day_f_Event1Agree]]>><</button>>
How can I let some strange guy fuck me for a chance to win 300$?
<<button [[Get away from him|Outside]]>><</button>><<if $CurrentDayTime < 3>>\
<<media "Data/Locations/yard.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Locations/yardn.jpg" "place">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>All right, get your $300 ready, boy!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Actions/RE/Out/3/out79.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>OH, MY GOD! This is unbearable! Aah!...How do you do that?!....I KEEP CUMMING OVER AND OVER AGAIN!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Man">>It's all the Celtos essence on my dick, I prepared this in advance. Celtos infiltrating you this way works a little differently, interesting effect, huh?<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>Ah, you tricked me!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Man">>Maybe partly...as an apology, you owe me nothing, so everyone keeps their money.<</MNpcDialog>>
It was...passionate....I went along with his terms after all. I hope one day I can find a way to beat him out of that 300$.
<<UpdateArousal "0">>
<<DrawPlaceMenu "Street">><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$DrugSpread === 3 and $CurrentDayTime <= 2 and $P.Gender === "f"`,
groups: {
name: "RandomStreetEvents",
weight: 100,
tags: ["Street", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Street", "Morning"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Street", "Noon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Street", "Afternoon"] }
<<if $CurrentDayTime < 3>>\
<<media "Data/Locations/yard.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Locations/yardn.jpg" "place">>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Man">>Hey, beautiful, are you here alone?<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Uh, yes.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Man">>I'm alone too. Can't we be alone together? Have a beer, if you're free right now and you don't mind.<</MNpcDialog>>
He seems pretty polite. Not smirking or rude.
<<if $P.Cor > 60>>\
<<button [[Go with him|Street_DrugSpread3_Day_f_Event2Agree]]>><</button>>
Still, I don't think we should let our guard down.
<<button [[Get away from him|Outside]]>><</button>><<if $CurrentDayTime < 3>>\
<<media "Data/Locations/yard.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Locations/yardn.jpg" "place">>
He and I had a beer each. He was polite, handsome and cheerful. But he was getting more and more attractive, and my body was getting hotter and hotter. I couldn't control myself anymore.
<<MNpcDialog null null "Man">>Baby, you look even more beautiful when you're being so pushy!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Actions/RE/Out/3/out60.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>I feel weird....admit.. Did you put something in our beer?..<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Man">>Yeah, but I just wanted us to have a little more fun together.<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>All right, the hell with you...It's too good to think about it....You know what I need right now?..<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Man">>If you need something, baby... Just take it!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>~giggle~<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Actions/RE/Out/3/out61.mp4">>
We spent a little more time with him and then parted ways. Even though he deceived me, he didn't seem like a conniving person. I even enjoyed spending time with him like that....
<<UpdateArousal "0">>
<<DrawPlaceMenu "Street">><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$DrugSpread === 3 and $CurrentDayTime <= 2 and $P.Gender === "m"`,
groups: {
name: "RandomStreetEvents",
weight: 100,
tags: ["Street", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Street", "Morning"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Street", "Noon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Street", "Afternoon"] }
<<if $CurrentDayTime < 3>>\
<<media "Data/Locations/yard.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Locations/yardn.jpg" "place">>
Suddenly some girl on a motorcycle cuts me off. She hit my jacket with the handle of the motorcycle and almost tore it. She instantly got off the bike and took off her helmet, in front of me was a beautiful girl with glasses looking at me with sad eyes.
<<FNpcDialog null null "Biker girl">>God, I'm so stupid and clumsy! Dude, I'm so sorry!<</FNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Hey, just be careful next time. It's a good thing nothing bad happened.<</PlayerDialog>>
She moved obscenely close to me, nestling her whole body to me and looking up at me piercingly from below. She was breathing hard, and her face was red.
<<FNpcDialog null null "Biker girl">>No, I can't do that! I'm so guilty! I must be punished somehow for being such a fool! You have to punish me!<</FNpcDialog>>
She pressed against me so hard that my hand was under her skirt, and that's when I realized she wasn't wearing panties. I think I was beginning to see what was going on.
<<button [[Take advantage of her|Street_DrugSpread3_Day_m_Event1Agree]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Say her apology was enough and walk away|Outside]]>><</button>><<if $CurrentDayTime < 3>>\
<<media "Data/Locations/yard.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Locations/yardn.jpg" "place">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>How could you do that, you stupid bitch? Get used to apologizing properly, pig!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Actions/RE/Out/3/streetpov4.mp4">>
<<FNpcDialog null null "Biker girl">>Yesss! Make me regret this! I deserve it! That pig can only be a nozzle for cocks!<</FNpcDialog>>
<<UpdateArousal "0">>
Pretending to be so innocent, when in fact she really is such a masochist! Of course I don't think she's a pig, it was just a little game....
or wasn't it?...
<<DrawPlaceMenu "Street">><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$DrugSpread === 3 and $CurrentDayTime <= 2 and $P.Gender === "m"`,
groups: {
name: "RandomStreetEvents",
weight: 100,
tags: ["Street", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Street", "Morning"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Street", "Noon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Street", "Afternoon"] }
<<if $CurrentDayTime < 3>>\
<<media "Data/Locations/yard.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Locations/yardn.jpg" "place">>
I saw a woman breathing heavily nearby. It would be wrong not to find out if she was all right...
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Hey, are you okay?<</PlayerDialog>>
Looking closer, I noticed that she was quite beautiful.
<<FNpcDialog null null "Heavy-breathing woman">>It's such a hot day today, isn't it?! Ha-haah! I'm so sweaty and thirsty! <</FNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Shall I get you some water?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<FNpcDialog null null "Heavy-breathing woman">>Oh, no! I mean, yes! Oh, you know I could use a whole shower right now! Um..hehe...Do you have to go far to pour something on me?..<</FNpcDialog>>
She sat down on her knees in front of me and her crazy eyes looked between my legs. Her mouth opened in a smile, and her breathing became even heavier.
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Wait....now do you really want me to.......?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<button [[Give her a golden shower|Street_DrugSpread3_Day_m_Event2Agree]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Just walk away|Outside]]>><</button>><<if $CurrentDayTime < 3>>\
<<media "Data/Locations/yard.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Locations/yardn.jpg" "place">>
Am I really going to do this? It was her request, wasn't it?
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Okay, baby. Remember, you asked me to do this... Get ready!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Actions/RE/Out/3/streetpov8.mp4">>
She opened her mouth wide right in front of the jet.
<<FNpcDialog null null "Heavy-breathing woman">>Ooooh! Taking such a lewd shower right in the park, it's so refreshing! Ah, it's so cool!<</FNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Uh, I think I'm gonna go...<</PlayerDialog>>
It's not every day you get to piss on a beautiful girl in the park....don't even know how I feel afterwards....
<<UpdateSubDom "+3">>
<<UpdateArousal "-50">>
<<DrawPlaceMenu "Street">><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$DrugSpread === 3 and $CurrentDayTime >= 3`,
groups: {
name: "RandomStreetEvents",
weight: 100,
tags: ["Street", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Street", "Evening"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Street", "Night"] },
<<if $CurrentDayTime < 3>>\
<<media "Data/Locations/yard.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Locations/yardn.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Actions/RE/Out/3/N/1.mp4">>
I realize it's already dark outside, but are they aware that the stall is transparent?
<<UpdateArousal "+5">>
<<DrawPlaceMenu "Street">><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$DrugSpread === 3 and $CurrentDayTime >= 3`,
groups: {
name: "RandomStreetEvents",
weight: 100,
tags: ["Street", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Street", "Evening"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Street", "Night"] },
<<if $CurrentDayTime < 3>>\
<<media "Data/Locations/yard.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Locations/yardn.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Actions/RE/Out/3/N/streetn8.mp4">>
Looks like the girl's excited! That looks sexy as hell. I even, somewhere deep down inside, wish I could understand how she's feeling right now.....
<<UpdateArousal "+5">>
<<DrawPlaceMenu "Street">><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$DrugSpread === 3 and $CurrentDayTime >= 3`,
groups: {
name: "RandomStreetEvents",
weight: 100,
tags: ["Street", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Street", "Evening"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Street", "Night"] },
<<if $CurrentDayTime < 3>>\
<<media "Data/Locations/yard.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Locations/yardn.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Actions/RE/Out/3/N/clubpov19.webp" "gif">>
Another hottie rejoicing for no reason. I'd like to believe that at least there was no Celtos involved.
<<UpdateArousal "+5">>
<<DrawPlaceMenu "Street">><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$DrugSpread === 3 and $CurrentDayTime >= 3`,
groups: {
name: "RandomStreetEvents",
weight: 100,
tags: ["Street", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Street", "Evening"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Street", "Night"] },
<<if $CurrentDayTime < 3>>\
<<media "Data/Locations/yard.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Locations/yardn.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Actions/RE/Out/3/N/clubte36.webp" "gif">>
I really wish Akira would have been more like the lady in front of me instead of threatening to kill me.
<<UpdateArousal "+5">>
<<DrawPlaceMenu "Street">><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$DrugSpread === 3 and $CurrentDayTime >= 3`,
groups: {
name: "RandomStreetEvents",
weight: 100,
tags: ["Street", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Street", "Evening"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Street", "Night"] },
<<if $CurrentDayTime < 3>>\
<<media "Data/Locations/yard.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Locations/yardn.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Actions/RE/Out/3/N/out29.webp" "gif">>
<<FNpcDialog null null "Woman">>My husband says I'm fat and my boobs are ugly like a milk cow! But walking down the street like this, I continue to be convinced that he's wrong! Ha-ha-ha! <</FNpcDialog>>
<<UpdateArousal "+5">>
<<DrawPlaceMenu "Street">><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$DrugSpread === 3 and $CurrentDayTime >= 3`,
groups: {
name: "RandomStreetEvents",
weight: 100,
tags: ["Street", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Street", "Evening"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Street", "Night"] },
<<if $CurrentDayTime < 3>>\
<<media "Data/Locations/yard.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Locations/yardn.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Actions/RE/Out/3/N/3.mp4">>
They didn't come here for basketball, but he still scored a couple goals for her.
<<UpdateArousal "+5">>
<<DrawPlaceMenu "Street">><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$DrugSpread === 3 and $CurrentDayTime >= 3`,
groups: {
name: "RandomStreetEvents",
weight: 100,
tags: ["Street", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Street", "Evening"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Street", "Night"] },
<<if $CurrentDayTime < 3>>\
<<media "Data/Locations/yard.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Locations/yardn.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Actions/RE/Out/3/N/17.mp4">>
Mink scarf..Wow, you can see that the lady is from high society!
<<UpdateArousal "+5">>
<<DrawPlaceMenu "Street">><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$DrugSpread === 3 and $CurrentDayTime >= 3`,
groups: {
name: "RandomStreetEvents",
weight: 100,
tags: ["Street", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Street", "Evening"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Street", "Night"] },
<<if $CurrentDayTime < 3>>\
<<media "Data/Locations/yard.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Locations/yardn.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Actions/RE/Out/3/N/streetbj.mp4">>
There are always a lot of hookers and junkies in this alley. And they're all hungry for pleasure..
<<UpdateArousal "+5">>
<<DrawPlaceMenu "Street">><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$DrugSpread === 3 and $CurrentDayTime >= 3`,
groups: {
name: "RandomStreetEvents",
weight: 100,
tags: ["Street", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Street", "Evening"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Street", "Night"] },
<<if $CurrentDayTime < 3>>\
<<media "Data/Locations/yard.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Locations/yardn.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Actions/RE/Out/3/N/streetn4.mp4">>
Another couple having fun in a "non-public" place.
<<UpdateArousal "+5">>
<<DrawPlaceMenu "Street">><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$DrugSpread === 3 and $CurrentDayTime >= 3`,
groups: {
name: "RandomStreetEvents",
weight: 100,
tags: ["Street", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Street", "Evening"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Street", "Night"] },
<<if $CurrentDayTime < 3>>\
<<media "Data/Locations/yard.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Locations/yardn.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Actions/RE/Out/3/N/streetn2.mp4">>
It's probably not a bad alternative to a kiss after a successful end to a date.
<<UpdateArousal "+5">>
<<DrawPlaceMenu "Street">><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$DrugSpread === 3 and $CurrentDayTime >= 3`,
groups: {
name: "RandomStreetEvents",
weight: 100,
tags: ["Street", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Street", "Evening"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Street", "Night"] },
<<if $CurrentDayTime < 3>>\
<<media "Data/Locations/yard.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Locations/yardn.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Actions/RE/Out/3/N/streetn5.mp4">>
Beauties better not go out alone after sunset. Especially when the town is filled with new Celtos. I need to be careful, too, so I don't end up there instead of her one day.
<<UpdateArousal "+5">>
<<DrawPlaceMenu "Street">><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$DrugSpread === 3 and $CurrentDayTime >= 3`,
groups: {
name: "RandomStreetEvents",
weight: 100,
tags: ["Street", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Street", "Evening"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Street", "Night"] },
<<if $CurrentDayTime < 3>>\
<<media "Data/Locations/yard.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Locations/yardn.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Actions/RE/Out/3/N/streetn6.mp4">>
Fur Cam Dah? I don't understand a word, is that German? Although apparently she doesn't need my understanding, she just needs my facial expression...
<<UpdateArousal "+5">>
<<DrawPlaceMenu "Street">><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$DrugSpread === 3 and $CurrentDayTime >= 3`,
groups: {
name: "RandomStreetEvents",
weight: 100,
tags: ["Street", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Street", "Evening"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Street", "Night"] },
<<if $CurrentDayTime < 3>>\
<<media "Data/Locations/yard.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Locations/yardn.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Actions/RE/Out/3/N/streetn7.mp4">>
If a beautiful girl walks down the road in front of me, I'm usually the one who slows my step to admire the view longer. But here the situation is the opposite.
<<UpdateArousal "+5">>
<<DrawPlaceMenu "Street">><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$DrugSpread === 3 and $CurrentDayTime >= 3 and $P.Gender === "f"`,
groups: {
name: "RandomStreetEvents",
weight: 100,
tags: ["Street", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Street", "Evening"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Street", "Night"] },
<<if $CurrentDayTime < 3>>\
<<media "Data/Locations/yard.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Locations/yardn.jpg" "place">>
Some guy snuck up on me and grabbed me roughly, clamping my mouth shut!
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Mmmgfhhg..shfelp!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Night guy">>Hold still, bitch! Or you'll regret it!<</MNpcDialog>>
He's holding me tight, but I can break free if I try hard enough!
<<timed 3000ms>>\
<<goto "Street_DrugSpread3_Night_f_Event1Agree">>\
<<button [[Break free and run!|Outside]]>><</button>><<if $CurrentDayTime < 3>>\
<<media "Data/Locations/yard.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Locations/yardn.jpg" "place">>
I resisted, but he still managed to grab me even tighter. He dragged me by force into some container.....
<<if $NightCatchGuy < 1>>\
<<PlayerDialog "disgust">>You tied me up? That's rape! Let me go, you bastard! <</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Actions/RE/Out/3/N/streetpov3.mp4">>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Night guy">>Don't try to run away, girl. You'll never make it.<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Why me, huh? And what the hell happened to my clothes?!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Night guy">>Oh, you look so much like my little sister, but I love her too much to do that to her. So you're taking her place! I'm not letting you go until I'm done.<</MNpcDialog>>
Holy shit, how the fuck did I end up with that fucking sister-lover?!....
<<UpdateArousal "-30">>
<<if $P.Cor > 40>>\
<<set $NightCatchGuy++>>\
<<elseif $NightCatchGuy > 0 and $NightCatchGuy < 2>>\
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>Ah, you're such a jerk....caught me again....fucking pervert...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Actions/RE/Out/3/N/streetf1.mp4">>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Night guy">>You say these things, but you don't even fight back, why?<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>Ah....your little sister wears glasses?..<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Night guy">>Yeah, she looks sexy as hell in her glasses! And so do you! So you're gonna be my little sister to fuck for a little while longer, got it?!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>Ah...f...f-fine...just get it over with...big bro....<</PlayerDialog>>
He'll let me go faster if I play along a little, right...?
<<UpdateSubDom "-1">>
<<UpdateArousal "-10">>
<<if $P.Cor > 60>>\
<<set $NightCatchGuy++>>\
<<elseif $NightCatchGuy > 1>>\
<<MNpcDialog null null "Night guy">>Was it just me, or did you barely resist this time when I caught you again? You even started moaning so sweetly...<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>Big bro, I can't fight you, you're stronger! So just be gentle with me...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Night guy">>Hey, be quiet, someone's coming! You don't want them to hear you, do you?!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>HshfjbfOgH...fucKhk....<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Actions/RE/Out/3/N/streetn3.mp4">>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Night guy">>I thought I was raping you, but it looks like you're wiggling your buttocks at me. Sis, you've become such a slut!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>Ah...I feel so weird!...Sorry...Big bro...<</PlayerDialog>>
My mind is jumbled with thoughts, and my body...it's so hot...he must really love his sister.....
<<UpdateSubDom "-1">>
<<UpdateArousal "0">>
I was unconscious, but when I woke up, no one was there.
<<DrawPlaceMenu "Street">><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$DrugSpread === 3 and $CurrentDayTime >= 3 and $P.Gender === "m"`,
groups: {
name: "RandomStreetEvents",
weight: 100,
tags: ["Street", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Street", "Evening"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Street", "Night"] },
<<if $CurrentDayTime < 3>>\
<<media "Data/Locations/yard.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Locations/yardn.jpg" "place">>
<<FNpcDialog null null "Boobed woman">>Hey, handsome. I see you here regularly, but due to some circumstances I can't hold back anymore!<</FNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>I think I know what the circumstances are.....<</PlayerDialog>>
<<FNpcDialog null null "Boobed woman">>Who cares? I just want wild and passionate sex with no commitment right now!<</FNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Actions/RE/Out/3/N/streetnpov3.mp4">>
<<button [[Have sex with her|Street_DrugSpread3_Night_m_Event1Agree]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Just walk away|Outside]]>><</button>><<if $CurrentDayTime < 3>>\
<<media "Data/Locations/yard.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Locations/yardn.jpg" "place">>
Having received my consent she even without undressing completely sucked on my cock like a vacuum cleaner!
<<FNpcDialog null null "Boobed woman">>Ghshupsh...Oh...Yes..I needed it so badly!<</FNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Actions/RE/Out/3/N/streetnpov4.mp4">>
She looks so pathetic and depraved...but she seems to genuinely enjoy it.
<<FNpcDialog null null "Boobed woman">>OH, YEAH, COCK! The cock is back in me! Finally! AH! What a thrill!<</FNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Actions/RE/Out/3/N/streetnpov1.mp4">>
<<UpdateArousal "0">>
She cummed several times before me and then staggered and smiled stupidly as she walked away. I think if you give yourself too much sex, you might end up like her one day...
<<DrawPlaceMenu "Street">><<media "Data/Locations/supermarket.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Characters/npc/magicballpreview.webp" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>It even looks kind of silly. It doesn't even have a backlight.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<FNpcDialog null null "Store consultant">>Good day! Did you like our magic orb?<</FNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>No, I'm sorry. I'm just looking.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<FNpcDialog null null "Store consultant">>Even though it doesn't have a backlight, it's still not expensive at all! You wouldn't expect to buy a real magic ball at the supermarket, would you? Ha-ha! There's no such thing as real magic!<</FNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Magic?...heh...come on! It just looks like a nice addition to the decor.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<FNpcDialog null null "Store consultant">>I got it, then call me if you need any help!<</FNpcDialog>>
The girl counselor walked away to other customers.
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Does anyone really fall for that kind of crap?<</PlayerDialog>>
Suddenly I felt some warmth in the hands holding the orb.
<<button [[Put the orb in its place and walk away|Supermarket]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Take a closer look|MagicBallPreview2]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/supermarket.jpg" "place">>
<<MagicballDialog>>Ha. Ha. I knew you'd buy me, human. I am a fortune-telling Magic orb after all!<</MagicballDialog>>
I retreated to a more private place to talk to him.
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Now spit out what you know!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MagicballDialog>>Am I under interrogation now? You sometimes look more like a slutty girl than a valiant and intimidating interrogator. Ha. Ha.<</MagicballDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "disgust">>Aren't you a little cocky for a glass ball, huh?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MagicballDialog>>I have no emotion. Just an all-consuming lust for power over the world and a little sense of humor. Maybe I'd even let you be my right hand when I get on the pedestal!<</MagicballDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Well..<</PlayerDialog>>
I took the orb in one hand and raised it high off the ground preparing to throw it with all my might against the floor.
<<MagicballDialog>>S-Stop. Stop! Okay! OKAY! I admit you're a little stronger than a glass ball. What do you want to know?<</MagicballDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>You've been picked up by other people in the store, did you talk to them too?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MagicballDialog>>No. I was in sleep mode at the time. For me to be active, I need someone open to the magical flow. It seems that even a normal human becomes one after a curse. How low I have fallen.<</MagicballDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Is that why you want me to carry you around? Tired of sleeping?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MagicballDialog>>We understand each other a little better now. Looks like you'll soon be as rounded and glowing as I am.<</MagicballDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Very funny. What can you tell me about the witch?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MagicballDialog>>My magic only works to predict your immediate future.<</MagicballDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "disgust">>But you said you knew everything!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MagicballDialog>>I said. But maybe it wasn't true. Or it was. Or maybe I'm just an insolent and evil magic ball and I don't want to tell you anything. <</MagicballDialog>>
Just when I wanted to yell at him and smash that shit, I saw the text again. And felt small vibrations.
<<MagicballDialog>>But I keep my word. If I promised to tell you your future, you'll see it the next time you take me out.<</MagicballDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Phew, fine! I did pay for you after all... <</PlayerDialog>>
<<MagicballDialog>>Don't worry. You'll be more pleased with this Magic ball than you are with your own balls. When you're in your body, of course. When you're in Carol's body, you're probably more excited about someone else's balls.<</MagicballDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>You have a sense of self-preservation, don't you?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MagicballDialog>>S.O.R.R.Y. Ha. Ha.<</MagicballDialog>>
@@color:yellow;Note@@: You have acquired a Magic orb. It is now in your inventory. Talk to it from your inventory and it will tell you where to go next. It will be very useful if you don't know what to do next.
<<button [[Put the orb in Inventory and get back in action|Supermarket]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/supermarket.jpg" "place">>
The heat continued to spread until I could see a glow inside the ball. It was faint at first, but then it grew stronger and I saw something like a ticker.
<<MagicballDialog>>Who are you calling crap, human?<</MagicballDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>What the fuck?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MagicballDialog>>You should see your face right now.<</MagicballDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>I thought these balls usually only say "yes" and "no".<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MagicballDialog>>Only your balls usually say "yes" or "no", I'm a magic orb to you, you cursed dumb boy!<</MagicballDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>What the hell? You know I'm cursed?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MagicballDialog>>I know everything about you, including your future. And you know what?! I'm impressed!<</MagicballDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Hey, is it okay that you glow right in the store? You'll attract attention!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MagicballDialog>>My star shines only for you. But everyone will think you're a sick bastard for talking to a toy. Ha. Ha.<</MagicballDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Fuck you! Then stay here alone!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MagicballDialog>>Hey, hey! Wait! Okay, sorry. Let's make a deal! You buy me and carry me around, and I'll be telling about your future in return! Always and gratuitously! Sounds good?<</MagicballDialog>>
Who's the clown? That's the last thing I need!
Although maybe he does know something. It seems like he can't do anything but talk, and he only talks in text! Then he can't hurt me.
And if I have to, I'll just throw it away!
<<if $P.Money >= 39>>\
<<button [[Buy Magic orb (39 $)|MagicBallPreview1]]>><<set $P.Money -= 39>><<set $Inventory.MagicBall = true>><</button>>
<<button [[Put the orb in its place and walk away|Supermarket]]>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 10,
filter: `$DrugSpread === 0`,
groups: {
name: "RandomSupermarketEvents",
weight: 10,
tags: ["Supermarket", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Supermarket", "Morning"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Supermarket", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Supermarket", "Evening"] }
<<media "Data/Locations/supermarket.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Actions/RE/Supermarket/1/1.webp" "gif">>
"You've been spotted". Ha-ha. I'm not very good at spying..
<<UpdateArousal "+5">>
<<button [[Back in action|Supermarket]]>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 10,
filter: `$DrugSpread === 0`,
groups: {
name: "RandomSupermarketEvents",
weight: 10,
tags: ["Supermarket", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Supermarket", "Morning"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Supermarket", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Supermarket", "Evening"] }
<<media "Data/Locations/supermarket.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Actions/RE/Supermarket/1/5.webp" "gif">>
Sometimes all we need for a good day is a tight little ass..
<<UpdateArousal "+5">>
<<button [[Back in action|Supermarket]]>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 10,
filter: `$DrugSpread === 0`,
groups: {
name: "RandomSupermarketEvents",
weight: 10,
tags: ["Supermarket", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Supermarket", "Morning"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Supermarket", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Supermarket", "Evening"] }
<<media "Data/Locations/supermarket.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Actions/RE/Supermarket/1/13.webp" "gif">>
Deez nuts! Wow!
<<UpdateArousal "+5">>
<<button [[Back in action|Supermarket]]>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 10,
filter: `$DrugSpread === 0`,
groups: {
name: "RandomSupermarketEvents",
weight: 10,
tags: ["Supermarket", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Supermarket", "Morning"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Supermarket", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Supermarket", "Evening"] }
<<media "Data/Locations/supermarket.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Actions/RE/Supermarket/1/18.webp" "gif">>
Eh, I almost looked at everything. And why do girls wear such long skirts? Heh. Just kidding.
<<UpdateArousal "+5">>
<<button [[Back in action|Supermarket]]>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 10,
filter: `$DrugSpread === 0`,
groups: {
name: "RandomSupermarketEvents",
weight: 10,
tags: ["Supermarket", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Supermarket", "Morning"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Supermarket", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Supermarket", "Evening"] }
<<media "Data/Locations/supermarket.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Actions/RE/Supermarket/1/24.webp" "gif">>
Oh my God! She is a real pervert!
<<UpdateArousal "+5">>
<<button [[Back in action|Supermarket]]>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 10,
filter: `$DrugSpread >= 1`,
groups: {
name: "RandomSupermarketEvents",
weight: 20,
tags: ["Supermarket", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Supermarket", "Morning"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Supermarket", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Supermarket", "Evening"] }
<<media "Data/Locations/supermarket.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Actions/RE/Supermarket/2/3.webp" "gif">>
I'm not the only one who's seen her, but apparently she doesn't mind.
<<UpdateArousal "+5">>
<<button [[Back in action|Supermarket]]>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 10,
filter: `$DrugSpread >= 1`,
groups: {
name: "RandomSupermarketEvents",
weight: 20,
tags: ["Supermarket", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Supermarket", "Morning"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Supermarket", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Supermarket", "Evening"] }
<<media "Data/Locations/supermarket.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Actions/RE/Supermarket/2/26.webp" "gif">>
That's how girlfriends should be!
<<UpdateArousal "+5">>
<<button [[Back in action|Supermarket]]>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 10,
filter: `$DrugSpread >= 1`,
groups: {
name: "RandomSupermarketEvents",
weight: 20,
tags: ["Supermarket", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Supermarket", "Morning"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Supermarket", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Supermarket", "Evening"] }
<<media "Data/Locations/supermarket.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Actions/RE/Supermarket/2/27.webp" "gif">>
Fuck, that's the best asshole I've ever seen in my life!
<<UpdateArousal "+5">>
<<button [[Back in action|Supermarket]]>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 10,
filter: `$DrugSpread >= 1`,
groups: {
name: "RandomSupermarketEvents",
weight: 20,
tags: ["Supermarket", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Supermarket", "Morning"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Supermarket", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Supermarket", "Evening"] }
<<media "Data/Locations/supermarket.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Actions/RE/Supermarket/2/100.webp" "gif">>
From the look in her eyes she doesn't quite know what she's doing, but she's definitely enjoying it, as if she's under something...
<<UpdateArousal "+5">>
<<button [[Back in action|Supermarket]]>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 10,
filter: `$DrugSpread >= 1`,
groups: {
name: "RandomSupermarketEvents",
weight: 20,
tags: ["Supermarket", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Supermarket", "Morning"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Supermarket", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Supermarket", "Evening"] }
<<media "Data/Locations/supermarket.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Actions/RE/Supermarket/2/101.webp" "gif">>
These two bitches, without saying a word, just jammed me in the corner...and...I would have stood here for the rest of my life...
<<UpdateArousal "+5">>
<<button [[Back in action|Supermarket]]>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 10,
filter: `$DrugSpread >= 1`,
groups: {
name: "RandomSupermarketEvents",
weight: 20,
tags: ["Supermarket", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Supermarket", "Morning"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Supermarket", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Supermarket", "Evening"] }
<<media "Data/Locations/supermarket.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Actions/RE/Supermarket/2/4.webp" "gif">>
Ha-ha, I think this guy's trip to the store went a little too well!
<<UpdateArousal "+5">>
<<button [[Back in action|Supermarket]]>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 10,
filter: `$DrugSpread >= 1`,
groups: {
name: "RandomSupermarketEvents",
weight: 20,
tags: ["Supermarket", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Supermarket", "Morning"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Supermarket", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Supermarket", "Evening"] }
<<media "Data/Locations/supermarket.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Actions/RE/Supermarket/2/6.webp" "gif">>
She'll be a good girl, leave her alone!
<<UpdateArousal "+5">>
<<button [[Back in action|Supermarket]]>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 10,
filter: `$DrugSpread >= 1`,
groups: {
name: "RandomSupermarketEvents",
weight: 20,
tags: ["Supermarket", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Supermarket", "Morning"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Supermarket", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Supermarket", "Evening"] }
<<media "Data/Locations/supermarket.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Actions/RE/Supermarket/2/10.webp" "gif">>
The bottom shelves are the most interesting books, right?
<<UpdateArousal "+5">>
<<button [[Back in action|Supermarket]]>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 10,
filter: `$DrugSpread >= 1`,
groups: {
name: "RandomSupermarketEvents",
weight: 20,
tags: ["Supermarket", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Supermarket", "Morning"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Supermarket", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Supermarket", "Evening"] }
<<media "Data/Locations/supermarket.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Actions/RE/Supermarket/2/11.webp" "gif">>
Probably someone likes those. I'm not one of them.
<<UpdateArousal "+5">>
<<button [[Back in action|Supermarket]]>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 10,
filter: `$DrugSpread >= 1`,
groups: {
name: "RandomSupermarketEvents",
weight: 20,
tags: ["Supermarket", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Supermarket", "Morning"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Supermarket", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Supermarket", "Evening"] }
<<media "Data/Locations/supermarket.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Actions/RE/Supermarket/2/13.webp" "gif">>
One good Russian book came to mind. Crime and Punishment.
<<UpdateArousal "+5">>
<<button [[Back in action|Supermarket]]>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 10,
filter: `$DrugSpread >= 1`,
groups: {
name: "RandomSupermarketEvents",
weight: 20,
tags: ["Supermarket", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Supermarket", "Morning"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Supermarket", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Supermarket", "Evening"] }
<<media "Data/Locations/supermarket.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Actions/RE/Supermarket/2/20.webp" "gif">>
EHeem. Someone! Turn off. My. Eyes!
<<UpdateArousal "+5">>
<<button [[Back in action|Supermarket]]>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 10,
filter: `$DrugSpread >= 1`,
groups: {
name: "RandomSupermarketEvents",
weight: 20,
tags: ["Supermarket", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Supermarket", "Morning"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Supermarket", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Supermarket", "Evening"] }
<<media "Data/Locations/supermarket.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Actions/RE/Supermarket/2/21.webp" "gif">>
I'm sure she'll be happy with the purchase...
<<UpdateArousal "+5">>
<<button [[Back in action|Supermarket]]>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 10,
filter: `$DrugSpread >= 1`,
groups: {
name: "RandomSupermarketEvents",
weight: 20,
tags: ["Supermarket", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Supermarket", "Morning"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Supermarket", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Supermarket", "Evening"] }
<<media "Data/Locations/supermarket.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Actions/RE/Supermarket/2/25.webp" "gif">>
<<UpdateArousal "+5">>
<<button [[Back in action|Supermarket]]>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 10,
filter: `$DrugSpread >= 2`,
groups: {
name: "RandomSupermarketEvents",
weight: 50,
tags: ["Supermarket", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Supermarket", "Morning"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Supermarket", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Supermarket", "Evening"] }
<<media "Data/Locations/supermarket.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Actions/RE/Supermarket/2/out13.webp" "gif">>
I've seen this girl here a lot, she turns out to be a pervert!
<<UpdateArousal "+5">>
<<button [[Back in action|Supermarket]]>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 10,
filter: `$DrugSpread >= 2`,
groups: {
name: "RandomSupermarketEvents",
weight: 50,
tags: ["Supermarket", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Supermarket", "Morning"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Supermarket", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Supermarket", "Evening"] }
<<media "Data/Locations/supermarket.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Actions/RE/Supermarket/2/out15.webp" "gif">>
She went to this supermarket almost every day, always seemed very thoughtful. So that's what was on her mind!
<<UpdateArousal "+5">>
<<button [[Back in action|Supermarket]]>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 10,
filter: `$DrugSpread >= 2`,
groups: {
name: "RandomSupermarketEvents",
weight: 50,
tags: ["Supermarket", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Supermarket", "Morning"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Supermarket", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Supermarket", "Evening"] }
<<media "Data/Locations/supermarket.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Actions/RE/Supermarket/2/2.webp" "gif">>
What an ass! I hope that someday I'll have a sexy bimbo like that around me too!
<<UpdateArousal "+5">>
<<button [[Back in action|Supermarket]]>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 10,
filter: `$DrugSpread >= 2`,
groups: {
name: "RandomSupermarketEvents",
weight: 50,
tags: ["Supermarket", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Supermarket", "Morning"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Supermarket", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Supermarket", "Evening"] }
<<media "Data/Locations/supermarket.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Actions/RE/Supermarket/2/14.webp" "gif">>
This girl giggled to herself as she walked in front of me, but then, as if she couldn't stand it, lifted her dress and showed me the reason.
<<UpdateArousal "+5">>
<<button [[Back in action|Supermarket]]>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 10,
filter: `$DrugSpread >= 2`,
groups: {
name: "RandomSupermarketEvents",
weight: 50,
tags: ["Supermarket", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Supermarket", "Morning"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Supermarket", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Supermarket", "Evening"] }
<<media "Data/Locations/supermarket.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Actions/RE/Supermarket/2/out16.webp" "gif">>
It seems that the store employees are also fond of some stuff. Naughty workers!
<<UpdateArousal "+5">>
<<button [[Back in action|Supermarket]]>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 10,
filter: `$DrugSpread >= 2`,
groups: {
name: "RandomSupermarketEvents",
weight: 50,
tags: ["Supermarket", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Supermarket", "Morning"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Supermarket", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Supermarket", "Evening"] }
<<media "Data/Locations/supermarket.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Actions/RE/Supermarket/2/out12.webp" "gif">>
Customers of the store were left without a consultant, because their consultant is now engaged in a more important and exciting case.
<<UpdateArousal "+5">>
<<button [[Back in action|Supermarket]]>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 10,
filter: `$DrugSpread >= 3`,
groups: {
name: "RandomSupermarketEvents",
weight: 100,
tags: ["Supermarket", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Supermarket", "Morning"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Supermarket", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Supermarket", "Evening"] }
<<media "Data/Locations/supermarket.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Actions/RE/Supermarket/3/7.webp" "gif">>
She used to come around here a lot shining her ass. I guess she finally found what she was looking for!
<<UpdateArousal "+5">>
<<button [[Back in action|Supermarket]]>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 10,
filter: `$DrugSpread >= 3`,
groups: {
name: "RandomSupermarketEvents",
weight: 100,
tags: ["Supermarket", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Supermarket", "Morning"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Supermarket", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Supermarket", "Evening"] }
<<media "Data/Locations/supermarket.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Actions/RE/Supermarket/3/8.webp" "gif">>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Customer">>You're a whore, not a counselor! Look, this isn't a shelf of history books!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<FNpcDialog null null "Consultant">>Ahaa...sorry! I'm sorry! I deserved it!<</FNpcDialog>>
I should ask her for counseling sometime too...
<<UpdateArousal "+5">>
<<button [[Back in action|Supermarket]]>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 10,
filter: `$DrugSpread >= 3`,
groups: {
name: "RandomSupermarketEvents",
weight: 100,
tags: ["Supermarket", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Supermarket", "Morning"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Supermarket", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Supermarket", "Evening"] }
<<media "Data/Locations/supermarket.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Actions/RE/Supermarket/3/9.webp" "gif">>
<<FNpcDialog null null "Woman">>Oh, yeah! Honey, fuck that dirty pussy right here! <</FNpcDialog>>
Apparently this cute couple didn't make it home.
<<UpdateArousal "+5">>
<<button [[Back in action|Supermarket]]>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 10,
filter: `$DrugSpread >= 3`,
groups: {
name: "RandomSupermarketEvents",
weight: 100,
tags: ["Supermarket", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Supermarket", "Morning"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Supermarket", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Supermarket", "Evening"] }
<<media "Data/Locations/supermarket.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Actions/RE/Supermarket/3/15.webp" "gif">>
This guy is a store employee and he was just serving her dresses in the fitting room...how did it come to this?
<<UpdateArousal "+5">>
<<button [[Back in action|Supermarket]]>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 10,
filter: `$DrugSpread >= 3`,
groups: {
name: "RandomSupermarketEvents",
weight: 100,
tags: ["Supermarket", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Supermarket", "Morning"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Supermarket", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Supermarket", "Evening"] }
<<media "Data/Locations/supermarket.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Actions/RE/Supermarket/3/16.webp" "gif">>
Well, what else is there to do in the checkout line?
<<UpdateArousal "+5">>
<<button [[Back in action|Supermarket]]>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 10,
filter: `$DrugSpread >= 3`,
groups: {
name: "RandomSupermarketEvents",
weight: 100,
tags: ["Supermarket", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Supermarket", "Morning"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Supermarket", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Supermarket", "Evening"] }
<<media "Data/Locations/supermarket.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Actions/RE/Supermarket/3/17.webp" "gif">>
<<FNpcDialog null null "Woman">>Honey, you probably want to suck on that cocklipop, too, don't you?<</FNpcDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Man">>What? No, of course not!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<FNpcDialog null null "Woman">>Then fuck me better! <</FNpcDialog>>
People have started to take this sort of thing a lot more calmly, although no one has canceled a couple of fan-watchers!
<<UpdateArousal "+5">>
<<button [[Back in action|Supermarket]]>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 10,
filter: `$DrugSpread >= 3`,
groups: {
name: "RandomSupermarketEvents",
weight: 100,
tags: ["Supermarket", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Supermarket", "Morning"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Supermarket", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Supermarket", "Evening"] }
<<media "Data/Locations/supermarket.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Actions/RE/Supermarket/3/19.webp" "gif">>
This guy helped her carry her bags to her car and more...
<<UpdateArousal "+5">>
<<button [[Back in action|Supermarket]]>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 10,
filter: `$DrugSpread >= 3`,
groups: {
name: "RandomSupermarketEvents",
weight: 100,
tags: ["Supermarket", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Supermarket", "Morning"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Supermarket", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Supermarket", "Evening"] }
<<media "Data/Locations/supermarket.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Actions/RE/Supermarket/3/23.webp" "gif">>
Just another way to wait in line at the checkout counter.
<<UpdateArousal "+5">>
<<button [[Back in action|Supermarket]]>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 10,
filter: `$DrugSpread >= 3 && $P.Gender === "f"`,
groups: {
name: "RandomSupermarketEvents",
weight: 100,
tags: ["Supermarket", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Supermarket", "Morning"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Supermarket", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Supermarket", "Evening"] }
<<media "Data/Locations/supermarket.jpg" "place">>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Rude guy">>Hey, bitch! You're an employee of this store, right? Your price tags are all bad, what kind of business is this, huh?<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Huh? I'm not...<</PlayerDialog>>
He grabbed me tightly around the waist and looked piercingly into my eyes.
<<MNpcDialog null null "Rude guy">>Stop pretending, bitch! You are quite brazen, or what? Maybe you're not getting enough vitamins? Here, take this, maybe it'll teach you to respect your customers.<</MNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Levi/M/newceltos.jfif" "just">>
Vitamins? Does he think I'm so stupid I can't tell the difference between vitamins and the new Celtos? Dumb fool...
<<if $P.Cor > 60 or $P.Arousal > 99>>\
Even though he holds me so tight, he probably thinks he's the smartest and most cunning...I don't really want to ruin his image....
<<button [[Agree to take it|Supermarket_DrugSpread3_f_Event1Agree]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Break free and get away from him|Supermarket]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/supermarket.jpg" "place">>
<<UpdateArousal "100">>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Rude guy">>Ha-ha, bitch! You're so stupid! Remember how you're supposed to treat your valued customers!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>Forgive me for being such a stupid skank! Let me take care of you a little more on behalf of the whole store!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Actions/RE/Supermarket/3/out85.mp4">>
Let the fact that I don't work here remain my little secret, but I'll get some really great sex instead!
<<UpdateArousal "0">>
<<button [[Back in action|Supermarket]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 10,
filter: `$DrugSpread >= 3 && $P.Gender === "m"`,
groups: {
name: "RandomSupermarketEvents",
weight: 100,
tags: ["Supermarket", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Supermarket", "Morning"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Supermarket", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Supermarket", "Evening"] }
<<media "Data/Locations/supermarket.jpg" "place">>
Suddenly a girl leaned against me. She leaned in very close, wrapping her arms around me. She smiled sweetly, and then seductively slipped my hand between her legs.
<<FNpcDialog null null "Woman">>Sweetie, I'm so horny, can you feel how wet I am in there? Don't you ever want to do it in a place like this? There's no one around right now.<</FNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>~gulp~<</PlayerDialog>>
Such generous offers don't come along every day.
<<button [[Fuck her|Supermarket_DrugSpread3_m_Event1Agree]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Get away from her|Supermarket]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/supermarket.jpg" "place">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>You like it when I do it this way?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<FNpcDialog null null "Woman">>Sweetie, you're so good! They may see us at any moment, but just don't stop!<</FNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Actions/RE/Supermarket/3/12.webp" "gif">>
For such a slutty girl, she looks pretty cute.
<<UpdateArousal "0">>
<<button [[Back in action|Supermarket]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 10,
filter: `$DrugSpread >= 3 && $P.Gender === "m"`,
groups: {
name: "RandomSupermarketEvents",
weight: 100,
tags: ["Supermarket", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Supermarket", "Morning"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Supermarket", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Supermarket", "Evening"] }
<<media "Data/Locations/supermarket.jpg" "place">>
My path was blocked by some lady in a skirt and tights. She grinned, and her eyes were seductively half-covered.
<<FNpcDialog null null "Dominant woman">>What a sweet boy. You look like the good toy for me. You come with me, I'll show you what I do with cute boys, hehe...<</FNpcDialog>>
Saying this, she smiled wildly with her mouth open, slipping one hand under her skirt and beckoning me with her other hand.
I can't figure out exactly what's under her skirt.....
<<button [[Obey her|Supermarket_DrugSpread3_m_Event2Agree]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Get away from her!|Supermarket]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/supermarket.jpg" "place">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>D-damn, you're insanely strong!...How could you?....Ohh!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<FNpcDialog null null "Dominant woman">>Oh, yeas! You guys are all so cool at first, but you all end up the same! Ha-ha-ha! Be a good bitch and bear with me until I'm done!<</FNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Actions/RE/Supermarket/3/22.webp" "gif">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Ghhh!<</PlayerDialog>>
I would think I've lost my male pride, but so many things have happened to me lately that now I don't know what to think.....
<<UpdateSubDom "-3">>
<<UpdateArousal "0">>
<<button [[Back in action|Supermarket]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<REGroup "RandomSupermarketEvents" 30>>
<<RE [[_Supermarket]]>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
type: "goto",
<<media "Data/Locations/supermarket.jpg" "place">>
<<set _unlockedProducts = [
{ name: "Vodka", price: 10 },
{ name: "Milk", price: 5 },
{ name: "Cucumber", price: 3 }
<<if $Tabletslvl2 == true>>
<<set _unlockedProducts.push({ name: "Pineapple", price: 15 })>>
<<if $EtherealPill.Researched == true>>\
<<set _unlockedProducts.push({ name: "PineNuts", price: 12 })>>
<<if $Akira.TabletLvl > 0>>\
<<set _unlockedProducts.push({ name: "Whiskey", price: 40 })>>
<th> Product </th>
<th> Inventory amount </th>
<th> Price </th>
<th> x1 </th>
<th> x10 </th>
<<for _unlockedProductsIndex = 0; _unlockedProductsIndex < _unlockedProducts.length; _unlockedProductsIndex++>>
<<set _unlockedProductData = _unlockedProducts[_unlockedProductsIndex]>>
<<capture _unlockedProductData>>
<td><<print $Inventory[_unlockedProductData.name]>></td>
<td>_unlockedProductData.price $</td>
<<if $P.Money >= _unlockedProductData.price>>
<<button [[Buy 1|Supermarket]]>>
<<set $Inventory[_unlockedProductData.name]++>>
<<set $P.Money -= _unlockedProductData.price>>
<<button [[Not enough money|Supermarket]]>><</button>>
<<if $P.Money >= _unlockedProductData.price * 10>>
<<button [[Buy 10|Supermarket]]>>
<<set $Inventory[_unlockedProductData.name] += 10>>
<<set $P.Money -= _unlockedProductData.price * 10>>
<<button [[Not enough money|Supermarket]]>><</button>>
<<if $Inventory.MedBook == false>>\
Meditation book - 85 $ - <<button [[Buy|Supermarket]]>><<if $P.Money >= 85>><<set $Inventory.MedBook = true>><<set $P.Money -= 85>><</if>><</button>>
@@font-size:80%;It can help me learn how to heal from the vices and corruption of personality through meditation.@@
<<if $OpenVibro == true>>\
<<if $Inventory.Vibro == false>>\
Vibrator - 65 $ - <<button [[Buy|Supermarket]]>><<if $P.Money >= 65>><<set $Inventory.Vibro = true>><<set $P.Money -= 65>><</if>><</button>>
@@font-size:80%;Stephan asked me to buy it...in theory, even if I bought it, I would still save another $35, not to mention the next appointments...@@
<<if $Inventory.Notebook == false>>\
New laptop - 1699 $ - <<button [[Buy|Supermarket]]>><<if $P.Money >= 1699>><<set $Inventory.Notebook = true>><<set $P.Money -= 1699>><</if>><</button>>
@@font-size:80%;Wow, I could use an upgrade on my equipment. At least this one has a front camera that works. It's much more powerful than my old laptop, so my work will be much more productive! But the price...@@
<<if $PHouse.Open == true>>\
<<if $Inventory.EcoBook == false>>\
Book on economics "Consumer, owner, and employee. Calculate Your Dream!" - 250 $ - <<button [[Buy|Supermarket]]>><<if $P.Money >= 120>><<set $Inventory.EcoBook = true>><<set $P.Money -= 120>><</if>><</button>>
@@font-size:80%;250 bucks for a book?! Robbery! It's a bestseller, though. They say it's one of the best books on economics in the world. Maybe it'll help me with my little business?
<<if $P.Cor > 50>>\
<<if $Inventory.Plug == false>>\
Buttplug - 75 $ - <<button [[Buy|Supermarket]]>><<if $P.Money >= 75>><<set $Inventory.Plug = true>><<set $P.Money -= 75>><</if>><</button>>
@@font-size:80%;A butt plug? No one told me to buy it...But who can forbid me to buy it?@@
<<if $Inventory.Dildo == false>>\
<<if $P.TrainingStage < 4 and $P.Onlycupslvl < 1>>\
Dildo "BigD" - 95 $ - @@color:red;Not available.@@
@@font-size:80%;From a conversation between a salesman and one of his customers, I heard that because of some fashionable drug these dildos are selling like hotcakes, so they are out of stock and God only knows when they will appear.@@
Dildo "BigD" - 95 $ - <<button [[Buy|Supermarket]]>><<if $P.Money >= 95>><<set $Inventory.Dildo = true>><<set $P.Money -= 95>><</if>><</button>>
@@font-size:80%;They brought in a big shipment of Dildos! Apparently this is due to increased sexual activity in the region, for some it's a great opportunity to make money! All of elite company BigD! They say BigD Dildos can adjust the length, thickness and even color!@@
<<if $Inventory.Dress == false>>\
<<if $P.TrainingStage > 4>>\
Beautiful sexy dress - 499 $ - <<button [[Buy|Supermarket]]>><<if $P.Money >= 499>><<set $Inventory.Dress = true>><<set $P.Money -= 499>><</if>><</button>>
@@font-size:80%;499$ for a piece of fabric?! Are girls' dresses really that expensive? Judging by the price tags, that's a normal price for a nice sexy dress...Stephan would totally love it...Considering how much I owe him, I would definitely at a loss for money!...but I will have a beautiful dress and maybe when this is all over, I can sell it@@
<<if $Inventory.DomCostume == false>>\
Dominantrix costume - 299 $ - <<button [[Buy|Supermarket]]>><<if $P.Money >= 299>><<set $Inventory.DomCostume = true>><<set $P.Money -= 299>><</if>><</button>>
@@font-size:80%;Sexy costume made of leather. I'd like to see any of the girls I know in this...hehehe...@@
<<if $Inventory.SlaveCostume !== true and $Bully.TabletLvl > 2>>\
Slave costume (for males) - 259 $ - <<button [[Buy|Supermarket]]>><<if $P.Money >= 259>><<set $Inventory.SlaveCostume = true>><<set $P.Money -= 259>><</if>><</button>>
@@font-size:80%;Includes many elements of "decorations" and restraints, as well as a gloomy dark mask...I hope I never wear something like that...@@
<<if $Inventory.SubKit == false>>\
Submissive kit - 129 $ - <<button [[Buy|Supermarket]]>><<if $P.Money >= 129>><<set $Inventory.SubKit = true>><<set $P.Money -= 129>><</if>><</button>>
@@font-size:80%;Sexy submissive kit...It includes many things: collar, piercings, ponytail, and more. A set of a real bitch, ready to serve her master. The price is reasonable.@@
<<if $Inventory.MagicBall == false>>\
Magic Sphere - 39 $ - <<button [[Buy|MagicBallPreview2]]>><<if $P.Money >= 39>><<set $Inventory.MagicBall = true>><<set $P.Money -= 39>><</if>><</button>>
@@font-size:80%;A magical orb of future tellers. Looks like an ordinary toy to impress gullible fools.@@
@@#pill;<<button [[Pick up and examine|MagicBallPreview]]>><</button>>@@
<<DrawPlaceMenu "Supermarket">>@@color:lime; font-size: 115%; Hi, catz! Try to use cheats only when necessary!@@
@@color:red; font-size: 75%; Caution: cheats can greatly affect progress and break the whole gameplay, you may miss some events that you would like to see or which could be extremely important for further progress. @@
Enter code here:
<<textbox "$inputcheat" "" autofocus>>
<<button [[Apply|Cheats]]>>
<<switch $inputcheat>>
<<case "TASTYCURSE">>
<<goto "GameSettings">>
<<case "NFKDUOFNFS">>
<<set $P.Money += 300>>
<<case "ZBVKDPFHAN">>
<<set $Inventory.Tablets += 3>>
<<set $Tabletslvl1 = true>>
<<case "QUFHKSLFNL">>
<<set $Inventory.Tabletslvl2 += 3>>
<<set $Tabletslvl2 = true>>
<<case "VZNCKSDJHS">>
<<set $P.Cor += 2>>
<<case "QUFNDLSJFJ">>
<<set $P.Cor -= 1>>
<<case "BVCJSJFSKA">>
<<set $JimmyExp += 1>>
<<case "YFNDLSJNSS">>
<<set $P.Loc = 0>><<newday>>
<<case "OSKNSHDSMD">>
<<set $P.JimmyPower +=1>>
<<case "QOOFJDNDLS">>
<<set $Tabletslvl2 = true>>
<<set $Tabletslvl1 = true>>
<<set $Carol.TabletLvl = 2>>
<<set $GF.TabletLvl = 2>>
<<set $Sis.TabletLvl = 2>>
<<set $Mom.TabletLvl = 2>>
<<set $Bully.TabletLvl = 2>>
<<case "BCKKSKDJSJ">>
<<set $P.Arousal = 100>>
<<case "ODLDNFBSUD">>
<<set $P.Arousal = 0>>
<<case "SHJSJJKSKA">>
<<set $P.TrainingStage++>>
<<case "QUIFNSJJDK">>
<<set $P.TrainingStage-->>
<<case "BKSJDJKAIS">>
<<set $TabletsBodySwitch = true>>
<<set $Inventory.TabletsBodySwitch += 3>>
<<case "QIDJFBSMDK">>
<<set $LabAutoWin = true>>
<<case "OQKDDNSJDB">>
<<set $CindyAttempts-->>
<<case "BKKDLAPSPA">>
<<set $PHouse.PIsMaid = 33>>\
<<case "QIDJBSKDJS">>
<<set $PHouse.Pop++>>\
<<case "NBKSKDLAPA">>
<<set $P.SubDom += 5>>
<<case "APAODJDHSS">>
<<set $P.SubDom -= 5>>
<<case "YRYRGDDGDS">>
<<set $DayCount += 5>>
<<case "FHDHJFHUHJ">>
<<set $CurrentDayOfWeek = 5>>
<<set $CurrentDayTime = 0>>
<<goto "WeekEnd">>
<<case "URHDBFKDSS">>
<<set $Bully.GotoGF++>>
<<case "HFJSHJSHDD">>
<<set $P.ClubPop += 5>>
<<case "VFHBSHDKJS">>
<<set $P.PervertedPoints += 3>>
<<case "VCVCVXJSOD">>
<<set $P.PervertedPoints -= 3>>
<<case "YSYDFFSJDL">>
<<set $P.CindyPower += 5>>
<<case "BVJDODJAGD">>
<<if $P.CindyInside == true>>
<<set $P.CindyInside = false>>
<<set $P.CindyInside = true>>
<<case "QYGFNDODJA">>
<<set $P.ClubPop-->>
<<case "YRGFVSKDKS">>
<<set $Akira.Rel++>>
<<case "BVHDYSODJS">>
<<set $CindyOutOfControl = 0>>
<<case "YTFSJDLSKD">>
<<set $Levi.Perv += 3>>
<<case "AGFDHDKSDH">>
<<set $Akira.Arrived = true>>
<<set $Akira.FoundP = true>>
<<set $Akira.Negotiated = true>>
<<case "JFFLDOGNFN">>
<<if $ResearchChosenMode == true>>\
<<set $ResearchChosenPill.CurrentResearchProgress = 100>>\
<<case "BFKLOFHDLV">>
<<set $Inventory.TabletsEthereal += 4>>\
<<case "PGJDNKKDLS">>
<<set $Inventory.TabletsArousalInc += 3>>\
<<case "QPDKFNVHDK">>
<<set $Inventory.TabletsArousalDec += 3>>\
<<case "OFJFBSIDHS">>
<<set $Engravement -= 50>>\
<<case "PFKDBNDIDP">>
<<set $PWill += 50>>\
<<case "UGFJDBFLDL">>
<<set $PWill -= 50>>\
<<case "VCNDLDJSHD">>
<<set $SWill += 50>>\
<<case "TEFAHSLSFG">>
<<set $SWill -= 50>>\
<<button [[Back|$LastPassage]]>><</button>>Please set the settings you want to start the game with.
(Settings that affect the progression of the main story are highlighted in @@color:orange;orange.@@)
@@color:yellow; font-size:150%; Characters: @@
@@ font-size:115%; Olga(Mom): @@
Pill level:
<<listbox "$Mom.TabletLvl">>
<<option 0>>
<<option 1>>
<<option "2" 2 selected>>
Corruption: <<textbox "_MomCor" 60>>
@@font-size:115%; Anya(Sis):@@
Pill level:
<<listbox "$Sis.TabletLvl">>
<<option 0>>
<<option 1>>
<<option "2" 2 selected>>
Corruption: <<textbox "_SisCor" 60>>
@@font-size:115%; Carol(Roommate):@@
Pill level:
<<listbox "$Carol.TabletLvl">>
<<option 0>>
<<option 1>>
<<option "2" 2 selected>>
Corruption: <<textbox "_CarolCor" 60>>
@@font-size:115%; Layla (GF):@@
Pill level:
<<listbox "$GF.TabletLvl">>
<<option 0>>
<<option 1>>
<<option "2" 2 selected>>
Corruption: <<textbox "_GFCor" 60>>
@@font-size:115%; Stephan (Bully):@@
Pill level:
<<listbox "$Bully.TabletLvl">>
<<option 0>>
<<option 1>>
<<option "2" 2 selected>>
Supercock (easier to corrupt player): <<checkbox "$Bully.SuperCock" false true checked>>
Corruption: <<textbox "_BullyCor" 60>>
@@font-size:115%; Vanessa (Teacher):@@
Pill level:
<<listbox "$Teacher.TabletLvl">>
<<option 0>>
<<option 1>>
<<option "2" 2 selected>>
Corruption: <<textbox "_VanCor" 100>>
@@font-size:115%; Jimmy (nerdy friend):@@
Hypno cofee lvl:
<<listbox "$P.JimmyPower">>
<<option "None" 0>>
<<option "Easy" 5>>
<<option "Medium" 10>>
<<option "Strong" 15>>
<<option "Fully hipnotized" 20 selected>>
@@color:orange;Participated in experiments:@@ <<textbox "_partinexp" 30>>
@@color:orange;Helped with other experiments:@@ <<textbox "_partinexphelp" 6>>
(Cindy appears on 4, MAX is 6)
@@color:yellow; font-size:150%; Player: @@
Player female corruption:
<<listbox "$P.Cor">>
<<option "None" 0>>
<<option "Easy" 20>>
<<option "Medium" 40>>
<<option "Strong" 60 selected>>
<<option "Very corrupted" 80>>
Player dominance:
<<listbox "$P.SubDom" autoselect>>
<<option "Neutral" 0>>
<<option "Submissive" -10>>
<<option "Dominant" 10>>
<<option "Very Submissive" -20>>
<<option "Very Dominant" 20>>
@@color:yellow; font-size:150%; Inventory: @@
Magic Orb: <<checkbox "$Inventory.MagicBall" false true checked>>
New laptop: <<checkbox "$Inventory.Notebook" false true checked>>
Meditation Book: <<checkbox "$Inventory.MedBook" false true checked>>
Vibrator: <<checkbox "$Inventory.Vibro" false true checked>>
Dildo: <<checkbox "$Inventory.Dildo" false true checked>>
Butt-Plug: <<checkbox "$Inventory.Plug" false true checked>>
Dress: <<checkbox "$Inventory.Dress" false true checked>>
DomCostume: <<checkbox "$Inventory.DomCostume" false true checked>>
Submissive Kit: <<checkbox "$Inventory.SubKit" false true checked>>
Pills (lvl 1): <<textbox "_tablets" 10>>
Pills (lvl 2): <<textbox "_tablets2" 10>>
Pills (lvl 3): <<textbox "_tablets3" 0>>
Pills (Ethereal): <<textbox "_tabletsEth" 10>>
Pills (BodySwitch): <<textbox "_tabletsBS" 10>>
@@color:yellow; font-size:150%; Some game settings: @@
@@color:orange;Drug spread:@@
<<listbox "$DrugSpread">>
<<option "None" 0>>
<<option "Normal" 1>>
<<option "Strong" 2 selected>>
<<option "Very strong" 3>>
@@color:orange;Days passed:@@ <<textbox "_dayspassed" 80>>
Freelanced (times): <<textbox "_freelanced" 20>>
Gaming skill: <<textbox "_skill" 50>>
@@color:orange;Levi arrival:@@ <<checkbox "$LeviArrival" false true checked>>
<<button [[To the next page|GameSettings1]]>>
<<set $Mom.Cor = _MomCor>>
<<set $Sis.Cor = _SisCor>>
<<set $Carol.Cor = _CarolCor>>
<<set $GF.Cor = _GFCor>>
<<set $Bully.Cor = _BullyCor>>
<<set $Teacher.Cor = _VanCor>>
<<set $JimmyExp = _partinexp>>
<<set $JimmyExpHelp = _partinexphelp>>
<<if $JimmyExpHelp > 0>>\
<<set $NewLabExplonation = true>>\
<<if _tablets > 0>>
<<set $ReadyToTalkToJimmyTablets = true>>
<<set $TalkedToJimmy = true>>
<<set $TalkedToJimmyTablets = true>>
<<set $Inventory.Tablets = _tablets>>
<<if _tablets2 > 0>>
<<set $ReadyToTalkToJimmyTablets = true>>
<<set $TalkedToJimmy = true>>
<<set $TalkedToJimmyTablets = true>>
<<set $Tabletslvl2 = true>>
<<set $Inventory.Tabletslvl2 = _tablets2>>
<<if _tablets3 > 0>>
<<set $ReadyToTalkToJimmyTablets = true>>
<<set $TalkedToJimmy = true>>
<<set $TalkedToJimmyTablets = true>>
<<set $Tabletslvl2 = true>>
<<set $Tabletslvl3 = true>>
<<set $Lvl3Pill.Researched = true>>\
<<set $Lvl3Pill.Available = false>>\
<<set $Inventory.Tabletslvl3 = _tablets3>>
<<if _tabletsBS > 0>>
<<set $TabletsBodySwitch = true>>\
<<set $Inventory.TabletsBodySwitch = _tabletsBS>>
<<if _tabletsEth > 0>>
<<set $Inventory.TabletsEthereal += _tabletsEth>>\
<<set $EtherealPill.Researched = true>>\
<<set $EtherealPill.Available = false>>\
<<if $Inventory.Vibro == true>>
<<set $OpenVibro = true>>
<<if $LeviArrival === true>>
<<set $LeviRoomOpened = true>>\
<<set $RoomCleaned = 0>>\
<<set $RoomCleanCost = 30>>\
<<set $P.EverydaySpending +=10>>\
<<set $DayCount = _dayspassed>>
<<set $P.GamingSkill = _skill>>
<<set $P.FLCount = _freelanced>>
<</button>>@@color:yellow; font-size:150%; Other settings: @@
<<if $Mom.TabletLvl > 1>>\
Met Black guys: <<checkbox "$MetBlackers" false true checked>>
<<if $Carol.TabletLvl > 1>>\
Relationship with Carol: <<textbox "_CarolRel" 5>>
<<if $LeviArrival == true>>\
<<set $BullyRoom = true>>\
Levi's room is fixed: <<checkbox "$LeviRoomReady" false true checked>>
Levi knows about the curse: <<checkbox "$LeviUnderstood" false true checked>>
Perversion: <<textbox "_leviperv" 50>>
Let Stephan go to Layla (how many times)<<textbox "_gotogf" 5>>
<<if $DrugSpread > 1>>\
Stephan "trainings": <<textbox "_strainings" 10>> (no more than 10 now)
<<if $Tabletslvl3 === false>>\ /*INPUT */
@@color:orange;Asked about drugs:@@ <<checkbox "$BullyToldAboutDrug" false true checked>>
<<if $P.JimmyPower >= 20>>\
Relationship with Jimmy:
<<listbox "$JimmyRelationships">>
<<option "Friends" 2>>
<<option "Sex friends" 3 selected>>
<<option "Hypno Bitch" 4>>
@@font-size:115%; Akira (Witch of Greed):@@
Arrived: <<checkbox "$Akira.Arrived" false true checked>>
Relationship with Akira: <<textbox "_AkiraRel" 15>>
Akira's Cor: <<textbox "_AkiraCor" 10>>
Pill level:
<<listbox "$Akira.TabletLvl">>
<<option 0>>
<<option "1" 1 selected>>
<<option 2>>
<<if $Tabletslvl3 === true>>\
Akira's 2 lvl pill effect:
<<listbox "$Akira.pill2effect">>
<<option "Mind" 1 selected>>
<<option "Body" 2>>
@@ font-size:115%;Gang:@@
<<if $Tabletslvl3 === false>>\ /*INPUT */
@@color:orange;Gang talked about the drug:@@ <<checkbox "$GangToldAboutDrug" false true checked>>
Pill level:
<<listbox "$Gang.TabletLvl">>
<<option "0" 0 selected>>
<<option 1>>
<<if $Teacher.TabletLvl > 0>>\
<<set $MetTeacherOffice = true>>\
Keep your promise to free Vanessa: <<checkbox "_freeVan" false true>>
Is Vanessa dominant?
<<listbox "$Teacher.Admit">>
<<option "No" 2 selected>>
<<option "Yes!" 1 >>
<<if $JimmyExpHelp >= 5>>\
@@ font-size:115%;Cindy: @@
<<listbox "$P.CindyInside">>
<<option "Erase Cindy" false>>
<<option "Spare her" true selected>>
<<if $Inventory.Notebook == true>>\
<<set $Onlycups = true>>
@@ font-size:115%;OnlyCups: @@
OnlyCups lvl (how explicit broadcasts can be made): <<textbox "_oclvl" 4>> (no more than 4)
OnlyCups special streams:
<<listbox "$OCManagerTasks">>
<<option "I've just got 1st message from manager" 1>>
<<option 2>>
<<option 3>>
<<option 4>>
<<option 5>>
<<option 6>>
<<option "7" 7 selected>>
<<if $DrugSpread > 1 and $Teacher.TabletLvl > 1>>\
@@ font-size:115%;Pleasure house:@@
(set everything to 0 if you don't want it to be open)
Authority: <<textbox "_phauth" 15>>
The player has been harassed (times, 0 to none): $PHouse.PIsMaid<<textbox "_phharassed" 33>>
Popularity: <<textbox "_phpop" 35>>
<<listbox "$PHouse.Girls">>
<<option 0>>
<<option 3>>
<<option "5" 5 selected>>
Vanessa: <<checkbox "_phvan" true false>>
@@ font-size:115%;Club:@@
(set club's popularity to 0 if you don't want it to be open)
Club's Popularity: <<textbox "_clubpop" 0>>
<<if $Tabletslvl3 === false>>\
Access to STRIP zone: <<checkbox "$StripZonePass" false true checked>>
Found an informant: <<checkbox "$InfoInformant" false true checked>>
Opened Pharma company: <<checkbox "$InfoAboutLab" false true checked>>
New Lab Opened: <<checkbox "$NewLabOpened" false true checked>>
<<button [[Start the game!|DRoom]]>>
<<set $P.Gender = "f">>
<<set $CurrentDayTime = 0>>
<<set $CurrentDayOfWeek = 0>>
<<set $GameIsStarted = true>>
<<set $MetChef = true>>
<<set $MetGopniks = true>>
<<set $MetTeacher = true>>
<<set $Carol.Rel = _CarolRel>>
<<set $Akira.Rel = _AkiraRel>>
<<set $P.PervertedPoints = _leviperv>>
<<if $Akira.Arrived === true>>
<<set $Akira.FoundP = true>>
<<set $Akira.Negotiated = true>>
<<set $Akira.DaysToArrive = -1>>
<<set $Bully.GotoGF = _gotogf>>
<<set $P.TrainingStage = _strainings>>
<<if $P.TrainingStage > 0>>
<<set $P.DrugTaken = $P.TrainingStage/2 + 1>>
<<if $BullyToldAboutDrug == true>>\
<<set $LabExploded = true>>
<<set $Inventory.GBBetaTablets = 3>>\
<<if _freeVan == true>>
<<set $Teacher.TabletLvl = 1>>
<<set $Teacher.Slut = true>>
<<set $P.Onlycupslvl = _oclvl>>
<<set $P.OCPopularity = $OCManagerTasks>>
<<if _phharassed == 0 and _phpop == 0 and $PHouse.Girls == 0 and _phauth == 0>>
<<set $PleasureHouse = false>>
<<set $PHouse.Open = false>>
<<set $PleasureHouse = true>>
<<set $PHouse.Open = true>>
<<set $PHouse.Authority = _phauth>>
<<if _phharassed > 0>>
<<set $PHouse.PIsMaid = _phharassed>>
<<set $PHouse.CorruptedByStephan = true>>\
<<set $PHouse.Pop = _phpop>>
<<switch $PHouse.Girls>>
<<case 0>>
<<case 3>>
<<set $PHouse.MUni = 2>>
<<set $PHouse.MCafe = 1>>
<<case 5>>
<<set $PHouse.MUni = 3>>
<<set $PHouse.MCafe = 1>>
<<set $PHouse.MStreet = 1>>
<<if $P.Cor >= 20>>
<<set $SAndS = true>>
<<set $P.ClubPop = _clubpop>>\
<<if $P.ClubPop > 0>>\
<<set $BeenToClub = true>>
<<if $StripZonePass == true>>\
<<set $BeenToStrip = true>>\
<<if $InfoAboutLab == true>>\
<<set $PharmaOpened = true>>\
<<set $InfoVar = 2>>\
<<set $StripZonePass = false>>\
<<set $InfoInformant = false>>\
<<set $PharmaOpened = false>>\
<<set $InfoAboutLab = false>>\
<<if $EtherealPill.Researched === true>>
<<set $GangToldAboutDrug = true>>
<<set $BullyToldAboutDrug = true>>
<<set $StripZonePass = true>>
<<set $InfoInformant = true>>
<<set $InfoAboutLab = true>>
<<set $NewLabOpened = true>>
<<if $Tabletslvl3 === true>>
<<set $Akira.pill2effect = 1>>
<<set $Akira.TabletLvl = 2>>
<<set $Akira.pill2becomingheaddoctor = true>>\
<<set $GangToldAboutDrug = true>>
<<set $BullyToldAboutDrug = true>>
<<set $StripZonePass = true>>
<<set $InfoInformant = true>>
<<set $InfoAboutLab = true>>
<<set $NewLabOpened = true>>
<<if $TalkedToJimmy == true>>\
<<set $FT = 1>>\
<<if $TalkedToJimmyTablets == true>>\
<<set $FT = 2>>\
<<if $Tabletslvl2 == true>>\
<<set $FT = 3>>\
<<if $LeviArrival == true>>\
<<set $FT = 4>>\
<<if $BullyRoom == true>>\
<<set $FT = 5>>\
<<if $DrugSpread > 0>>\
<<set $FT = 6>>\
<<if $DrugSpread > 1>>\
<<set $FT = 7>>\
<<if $JimmyExpHelp > 5>>\
<<set $FT = 8>>\
<<if $BullyToldAboutDrug == true>>\
<<set $FT = 9>>\
<<if $GangToldAboutDrug == true>>\
<<set $FT = 10>>\
<<if $BeenToClub == true>>\
<<set $FT = 11>>\
<<if $StripZonePass == true>>\
<<set $FT = 12>>\
<<if $InfoInformant == true>>\
<<set $FT = 13>>\
<<if $InfoAboutLab == true>>\
<<set $FT = 14>>\
<<if $PharmaOpened == true>>\
<<set $FT = 15>>\
<<if $NewLabOpened == true>>\
<<set $FT = 16>>\
<<if $EtherealPill.Researched == true>>\
<<set $FT = 17>>\
<<if $Lvl3Pill.Researched == true>>\
<<set $FT = 18>>\
<<if $Akira.TabletLvl == 1>>\
<<set $FT = 19>>\
<<if $Akira.pill2becomingheaddoctor == true>>\
<<set $FT = 20>>\
<<if $CreatedLvl3Pill == true>>\
<<set $FT = 21>>\
<</button>>@@color:#FEDE95; font-size:110%;Thanks to everyone who supports me. I also express my deep gratitude to any person who appeared in the pictures or video of this game.@@
If there are any problems with this, you can always contact me at: favoritecatlovesyou@gmail.com
@@color:yellow; font-size:110%;Main characters:@@
Nikita (player) - Michael Vegas
Carol (roommate) - Casey Calvert
Anya (sister) - Alexis Texas
Olga (mom) - Lisa Ann
Dad (dad!) - Jeffrey Leon Bridges
Layla (gf) - Rebel Lynn
Vanessa (teacher) - Dava Foxx
Stephan (bully) - Alex Legend/(f)Mia Malkova
Akira (greedy witch) - Akira
Caroline (witch) - Karma RX
Hiramitsu (boss's wife) - Tamara Grace
Levi (brother) - (f)Angel Smalls
@@color:lime; font-size:110%;Special thanks:@@
tyler rau
Tyler Rau
raul delgado arnedo
asdemonscanfly YouTube
Scott Scholten
akuya cool
Aaron Waters
Ryan Lines
Ben Sherman
Adam Jenson
Avs Girl
Sean Willavoys
George Thrasher4
George Thrasher4
Alex Delmon
shen qing
Aloysius Sim
some guy
Matheus Rios
Michael Donovan
Zechariah Armstrong
Bradley HICKS
Elliot Brouillard
Mario Ritter
Darius Velyvis
Jamie Hollingsworth
patrick juillerat
Brian Davis
the thing
Eric Kohler
Rodolfo Louzada
Chris Jessen
Rapid Ralph
Lucas Schmid
Siegfried Feldmann
Octavian Godding
Timothy Hess
Alexandre Parreira
John Smith
Ellie Sherlock
Emile Imbeault
Alvaro Mendiguchia Del Cura
Sir Locke
Adam I Parker
Gustav høgsted
Miguel Angel Flores Pedro
Angelos Sfyriou
Travis Busch
Richard Brookes
shen qing
King Kinky
Nucking Futz
devin moore
Zackery Shultz
robert stoner
youssef elmaadawy
Brent perez
shelby hedegaard-friend
Lukas Nidsjo
Tom Zeitlin
Jordan Fishface
hei hei
Ryan Mclennan
Ryan Weiss
Kate Miller
matthew kellett
Zachary Webb
Nota Chance
Benjamin Morritt
Richard Wills
Emily Park
잡자 모기
Matthew Thomas
Bastian Dürrer
George Thrasher4
Hagan Whitten
Kieran W Bristow
Taurek Adams
Alexander Zerbs
Josh Bechtel
김현배 김
Ret Panda
Michael Gratson
Lazy Jo
nick chisholm
Greg Bowman
友 道
James Harvey
Krzysztof Oleksy
John Hough
Lochie Ker
Flavio Vellozo
George Thrasher4
Gregory Frey
Michael Haughton
Discord: powerid#8682
Alex Muir
Robert Irwin
Jonny Ashman
Sebastian Bierbrodt
Dillon Pyles
Maitree Amornpairoj
Dank Failure
Kevin Ball
Cerbi just
Robert Elder
Christian Lachner
Bastian Dürrer
Matt Marriott
Nucking Futz
Joe Poloway
Legacy Void
Kaede Blackwood
Jacob Scott
Jane Iserane
俊杰 柴
Thousand eyes
Robert Elder
Midna Le Faye
Raymond Delgado
Fyoder Pavlovich
Simple DD
Regan de Boer
John Smith
Terri Becker
Michael Alexander Plank
peter moran
Firas Khan
chaos may
Steven Traum
Brent perez
Arthur the rogue
Gunnar Johansson
Robert Elder
Richard Hopper
Derrek Scott
Nico Vador
Stefano Clagna
Bilal Khalid
Anthony Paress
Ellie Sherlock
Janika Ketola
Chris N.
Josh Bruder
Benjamin Morritt
Simon Langlais
Joe Poloway
Rage's Raves
Andre Kornau
wyatt paden lindley
Thai Chung
Christian Potestio
charlie king
Alexandre Parreira
james molina
anth vic
Ryan Weiss
Andrew Shillito
Kristof Tobo
Jhoe doe
al capwn
Jared Gandy
john bel
Blitz Jaeger
Zoe Wells
Deane Anderson
Lochie Kerr
Mose Brown
Ho Hong Ng
James Harvey
Luca paul Radakoviv
andre schaufuss
Daniel Folkvord
John Lambert
blaine kelley
Fliffy Spirit
Sparman 117
kai bürgers
bob smith
Dante Evans
Game Zimp
Zachary Yniguez
Kyle Burgess
Zachary Yniguez
William Brown
BlondeGlint 1911
stephen moore
Reiner Naylor
Monte Nunn
Ryan Lines
정헌 김
Kyle Hancock
Zoe Wells
DW Dy601
Mark anderson
Andre Kornau
Curran Gill
Harold Langworthy
Tomas M. Pasillas
Brett Moss
Son kun
[BM] Shiro no Okami Yukihira
John Vayas
Jayson Moffett
sascha keller
Brian Keith Holbrook
shadow bacon
etinne desrochers
Elijah Yanosik
Joseph Donovan
Jenna Wolfendale
Andrew Mackrill
Alien Lover
Justin Tomczyk
Nathaniel Hyder
Ty Curry
SLO Survival
Daniel Kisak
Shane Mercer
Kory Kreamalmeyer
정헌 김
Danny Nunez
Nick Morris
Cameron D
GamerBossdom HD
Ian Cooper
derrick slayton
Umut Topaloglu
Brandon Walcker
Em Farina
Sean Adams
Daragh Tully
x asdc
Adam Smith
Frederico Bairos
Lucas Spag
MJ Young
Devin Satabe
David Pacholok
Sleepy Squad
Tom Kemmerling
Unshiny Snorlax
Robert Craig
정헌 김
Bill Gleva
Tony Macoroni
George Thrasher4
Evan Detuncq
Tyler Betcher
drageo Dragion
zack peebles
Logan Read
Joel Götzen
Miguel A Gonzalez
Jac Carlton
Jeffrey Lubbelinkhof
Ryan Callahan
Jóhann Hearn
Charles Lu
Alberto Mercado
nat joy
Cameron Parker
aless killer
Ludwig Coetzee
Bryan Pasternack
Jayson Moffett
Dr. Jay
Somewhat Devious Plotter
Muhammed Emin Civelek
Empathetic_ Chaoss
Alex Lazaro Hernandez
james norton
Nico Rehme
The RealBeastGainzz
T Stroh
Notorious N
Abel Duenas
Tim Northrup
Taylor Cobarrubia
Plant Panty
김현배 김
capital izenhower
Jessica Singh
Mark Blackledge
A nony
Jason Smittenaar
Andre Fatras
Jakub Kalouda
King Geedorah
Clayton Bacheller
justin kropf
daniel smith
Ken Little
Jack W
Bob Siebert
Scott Hardy
Alexandros Balis
Zoe Wells
what why?
sean lara
Ali Baba
stephen moore
Last Guy Forward
Chompski Haberdasher
Joshua Goodey
peter moran
Xander Critchley
Secret Dish
Tyler Ramsey
Jimmy Lee
Ryan Lines
Steffen Sandmann
john parker
Lex Risch
Mario Kaminsky
Edward J Vickers
Angel Jovel
Midna Le Faye
Christian Kohpeis
Maximus Drake
향수 임
Mikhalia Duncombe
Amaan Sharif
Данил Шилин
Riku DreamEater
Alex The Yes
Jacob Neale
Cody Watkins
Grey Arphin
Stacy Krahn
Blur 249
Suphawit Chrakankun
Gunnar Johansson
Alec Manar
Markus Dierbach
Cyrus Jordan
Gallon Low
what why?
Erick Martsipan
Jack Gilbert
Kamil Rejkiewicz
Luca Pidatella
Max van der Linden
Kamil Rejkiewicz
Sam Ellis
Taran Gleaves
Derrek Scott
Austin Williams
Luca Pidatella
Neptunes Army
Finn Schneider
Jerry Whiteside
Martin Blatt
Feras Kashari
Midna Le Faye
향수 임
Rose Winrich
Derek fritz
Lord Mistfire
Zoe Wells
James Lewis
Rami Ebrahim
Arthur the rogue
Ja Sa
Ryan Lines
Brandon Perkins
Oliver P.
tom brown
Jason Smittenaar
Brandon Perkins
Bj Shrum
tom brown
Zoe Wells
drollest foot892
Charles Spence
Jon Olofsson Nordin
Ricardo Perez
jonathan mercer
henk smith
Dillon Sutton
Alvaro Mendiguchia Del Cura
Miso Horni
Robert Troxell
Nathan Kenworthy
David Moores
Joost Kroezen
H Pargmann
Julian Loredo
梢 间月
Derek W Fritz
Nightmare Foxy
Oscar Eduardo Rosales
Bryce Warner
Hello Hello
alper tütün
Conrad Limberg
Cyrus Jordan
Petr Stibor
Alexander Guthmann
Alexander Wagner
Leo Fairmane
Ryan Martin
Austin C Rainer
Night Eagle IV
michael patrick murphy
Arctic Husk
정헌 김
Jamie Williamson
Tyler Ash
Rohit Basu
Neon Phoenix
Remi Ember
Michael Gee
Jamie Williamson
Gunnar Johansson
William Kline
John Doe
Ryan Weiss
Mr. Jingles
John B
J James S
Scott Hanwell
luke devlin
Joe Smith
some guy
Jack W
Rowena Raven
병철 김
Wyatt Burch
Joshua Goodey
Ceejay Bruns
Nick Morris
Kaede Blackwood
dylan higinbothom
Chris Goldberg
justin kropf
Bart Saitou
Bryce Warner
James Lewis
Sébastien Rouet
Kieran W Bristow
Andre Kornau
Soly kos
Wiezel G
Game Zimp
darcy howarth
y John
仕源 李
bob bob
Jason Smittenaar
Lee Rigby
Joe Poloway
成昊 田
Alexander Guthmann
John Lewis
devan lemmer
Chuck Wannall
Alvaro Mendiguchia Del Cura
Jonathan Tay
@@color:yellow;If you've ever supported me and you're not on the list, I may have accidentally missed you. Just contact me and I'll add your nickname to the others. @@
@@color:#FF82FD; font-size:150%;Very BIG thanks to everybody, catz. Love you!@@
<<button [[Back|$LastPassage]]>><</button>>@@font-size: 130%;color:#FEDE95;Inventory@@
<<if $Inventory.MagicBall == true>>\
@@#pill;<<button [[Talk to the Magic orb|MagicOrb]]>><</button>>@@
<<if $ReadyToTalkToJimmyTablets == true and $TalkedToJimmy == true and $TalkedToJimmyTablets == true>>\
@@font-size:110%;Simple pill (lvl1) receipt:@@
<strong>1 tablet = 3 milk + 1 vodka + 2 cucumber</strong>
Simple pills (lvl1): @@color:yellow;$Inventory.Tablets@@
<<if $Tabletslvl2 == true>>\
@@font-size:110%;Simple pill (lvl2) receipt:@@
<strong>1 tablet = 1 milk + 2 vodka + 4 cucumber + 1 pineapple</strong>
Simple pills (lvl2): @@color:yellow;$Inventory.Tabletslvl2@@
<<if $Tabletslvl3 == true>>\
@@font-size:110%;Simple pill (lvl3) receipt:@@
<strong>1 tablet = 1 lvl2 pill + 2 milk + 1 whiskey + 1 pineapple + 1 vial of "Ractivity"</strong>
Simple pills (lvl3): @@color:yellow;$Inventory.Tabletslvl3@@
<<if $TabletsBodySwitch == true>>\
@@font-size:110%;Bodyswitch pills receipt:@@
<strong>1 tablet = 1 milk + 4 pineapple</strong>
Bodyswitch pills: @@color:yellow;$Inventory.TabletsBodySwitch@@
<<if $Inventory.TabletsBodySwitch > 0>>\
@@color:yellow;(You can also click on the circle below the icon on the sidebar)@@
@@#pill;<<button [[Take the Bodyswitch pill|$LastPassage]]>><<set $Inventory.TabletsBodySwitch-->><<if $P.Gender == "m">>
<<set $P.Gender = "f">>
<<set $P.Gender = "m">>
<<if $ArousalInc.Researched == true>>\
@@font-size:110%;Arousal Increase pills receipt:@@
<strong>2 tablet = 1 pineapple + 4 vodka + 1 milk</strong>
Arousal Increase pills: @@color:yellow;$Inventory.TabletsArousalInc@@
<<if $Inventory.TabletsArousalInc > 0>>\
@@color:yellow;(You can also click on icon on your character's side portrait.)@@
@@#pill;<<button [[Take the Arousal Increase pill|$LastPassage]]>><<set $Inventory.TabletsArousalInc-->><<set $P.Arousal = 100>>
<<if $ArousalDec.Researched == true>>\
@@font-size:110%;Arousal Decrease pills receipt:@@
<strong>2 tablet = 2 pineapple + 10 cucumber + 1 milk</strong>
Arousal Decrease pills: @@color:yellow;$Inventory.TabletsArousalDec@@
<<if $Inventory.TabletsArousalDec > 0>>\
@@color:yellow;(You can also click on icon on your character's side portrait.)@@
@@#pill;<<button [[Take the Arousal Decrease pill|$LastPassage]]>><<set $Inventory.TabletsArousalDec-->><<set $P.Arousal = 0>>
<<if $EtherealPill.Researched == true>>\
@@font-size:110%;Ethereal pills receipt:@@
<strong>2 tablet = 6 pinenuts + 2 milk + 1 pineapple</strong>
Ethereal pills: @@color:yellow;$Inventory.TabletsEthereal@@
<<if $Inventory.GBBetaTablets > 0>>\
Beta GC pills: @@color:yellow;$Inventory.GBBetaTablets@@
In theory, you can use these pills to change the sex of a person. But according to Jimmy, it's not really a finished product. In order for them to work, it takes two people and their power of desire must come from the same vector. Simply put, the person has to want a sex change himself...
Jimmy gave me 3 of these pills and they cost us an entire lab!
I have:
<<if $Tabletslvl2 == true>>\
<<if $EtherealPill.Researched == true>>\
<<if $AkiraWorkingBet == true>>\
<<if $Inventory.Notebook == false>>\
My laptop is still old.
I don't have a webcam.
It's nice to have new equipment! Having new laptop is the best!
<<if $Inventory.MedBook == true>>\
Meditation Book!<</if>>
<<if $Inventory.Plug == true>>\
Butt plug?
<<if $P.Gender == "f">>\
<<if $P.Pos == "DRoom" or $P.Pos == "HProom">>\
<<if $P.PlugInserted == false>>\
Oh my God, if I put this in, I'm going to be horny all the time!
@@#pill;<<button [[Insert it|PlugIn]]>><</button>>@@
Oof, that stimulating feeling makes me think about naughty things all the time!
@@#pill;<<button [[Take it out|PlugOut]]>><</button>>@@
No, I'm not sticking things up my ass outside my room!
Why would I put something up my ass in my own body? No way!
<<button [[Back|$LastPassage]]>><</button>>@@font-size: 120%;color:#FEDE95;The first thing I have to think about is money. Now I can earn it doing:@@
-Housework (meet Dad at home)
<<if $MetChef == true>>-Cafe work<</if>>
-Freelance (My laptop in the room)
-Gaming Boost accounts (My laptop in the room)
-Science work (In University)
@@font-size: 120%;Some tips for me:@@
Sleeping at home costs 5$ less than sleeping in a dormitory.
I can get around the hooligans on the street by going the other way.
Jimmy can help me increase my gaming skill faster.
Jimmy can help me with investigations, I like to talk to him from time to time.
Stephan waits me after lessons everyday. There is no escape!
<<if $TalkedToJimmyTablets == false>>
I haven't collected enough data yet.
@@font-size: 120%;About people around me:@@
<<button [[Olga (Mom)|MomStats]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Anya (Sis)|SisStats]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Layla (GF)|GFStats]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Carol (Roommate)|CarolStats]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Vanessa (Teacher)|VanessaStats]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Dad (DAD!)|DadStats]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Jimmy (Friend)|JimmyStats]]>><</button>>
<<if $MetBully == true>>\
<<button [[Stephan (Bully)|StephanStats]]>><</button>>
<<if $LeviArrival == true>>\
<<button [[Levi (Brother)|LeviStats]]>><</button>>
<<if $Akira.Arrived == true>>\
<<button [[Akira (Witch)|AkiraStats]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Other characters|OthersStats]]>><</button>>
@@#place;<<button [[Back|$LastPassage]]>><</button>>@@@@color:yellow; font-size: 115%; Dev patch - $GameVer
Chapter 1 - Completed
Chapter 2 - ver.0.6
@@color:lime;Content of the current update:@@
@@#pill;<<button [[Cheats|Cheats]]>><</button>>@@
@@color:#FEDE95;You can see more information about the update in the channel on the discord server or on patreon.@@
@@color:magenta;Max pills Lvls:@@
Olga (mom) - 2
Anya (sis) - 2
Vanessa (teacher) - 2
Carol (roommate) - 2
Layla (gf) - 2
Stephan (bully) - 2
<<if $Levi.Gender == "f">>\
@@color:orange;Levi's maximum perversion in this version:@@
Max perv - 60 (1 lvl)
Player "female" most events max Corruption - @@color:magenta;75@@
@@color:red;This section was created so that you don't spend your personal time on increasing indicators for the content that isn't exist yet when you have reached the maximum value for the current update.@@
@@color:lime;A lot of great content awaits you in the future. I will personally take care of it!@@
Therefore, do not miss the upcoming updates, follow my patreon, connect to the discord server. Any criticism and suggestions are welcome!
And also I will be very grateful to you for any support!
<<button [[Back|$LastPassage]]>><</button>><div class = "charstats">
<table class = "Stats">
<tr class = "Stats">
<td class = "Stats"><<media "Data/Characters/Akira/dark4.jpg" "statsicon">></td>
<td class = "Stats">
@@color:yellow;font-size:115%;Akira (The Witch of Greed)@@
Tablet Lvl: @@color:magenta;$Akira.TabletLvl@@
Relashionship: @@color:lime;$Akira.Rel@@
Akira is a witch who appeared out of nowhere. Her mission was to find and eliminate me. She has very powerful magic, but instead she is deprived of most of her emotions and the ability to use her magic for material enrichment. She is like a murderous machine forever following the money.
Her usual day:
<<if $AkiraAboutWork == false>>
<td>Her apartments</td>
<td>Hospital's medical room</td>
<td>Hospital's office</td>
<td>Her apartments</td>
@@color:yellow;font-size:115%;My notes:@@
<<switch $Akira.TabletLvl>>
<<case 0>>\
I'm not sure my pathetic pills will work on a powerful witch. It's like going on a lion hunt with nothing but a butterfly net.
But maybe I can still have a relationship with her.
<<if $TalkedToJimmyTablets == true>>\
<<if $Akira.Rel >= 15>>\
It still doesn't make much sense though, since I won't be able to use the pill on her like I can on any other. I'll have to think of something else.
<<case 1>>\
<<if $Tabletslvl2 == true>>\
<<case 2>>\
<<button [[Back|$LastPassage]]>><</button>><div class = "charstats">
<table class = "Stats">
<tr class = "Stats">
<td class = "Stats"><<media "Data/Characters/Carol/body1.jpg" "statsicon">></td>
<td class = "Stats">
@@color:yellow;font-size:115%;Carol (Roommate)@@
Tablet Lvl: @@color:magenta;$Carol.TabletLvl@@
Corruption: @@color:deeppink;$Carol.Cor@@
Relashionship: @@color:lime;$Carol.Rel@@
Carol suddenly became my roommate. Initially she seemed very toxic to me, but she's actually very sensible and even a little nice. She's the one I found myself bonding with, I don't even know where this is going...
Her usual day:
<td>Our room</td>
<td>Shared apartments</td>
@@color:yellow;font-size:115%;My notes:@@
<<switch $Carol.TabletLvl>>
<<case 0>>\
<<if $TalkedToJimmyTablets == true>>\
Carol doesn't always wake up early. I think I can use this to give her a pill in @@color:magenta;our room in the morning@@.
<<case 1>>\
I like this roommate a lot more than the "last one". She became much more open and talkative.
<<if $Tabletslvl2 == true>>\
I think I can make her even more attractive, plus the new pill shouldn't turn the effects against me again. I guess I could give her a second pill in the @@color:magenta;shared apartments.@@
<<case 2>>\
Gorgeous! She has become very sexy and attractively playful! I like her more and more!
<<button [[Back|$LastPassage]]>><</button>><div class = "charstats">
<table class = "Stats">
<tr class = "Stats">
<td class = "Stats"><<media "Data/Characters/Dad/3.gif" "statsicon">></td>
<td class = "Stats">
@@color:yellow;font-size:115%;Dad (DAD!)@@
He's my father. Not the best, but you can't choose your father. He has amassed a good fortune, but he spends it very carefully. He's always been very careful about money, unless it's about alcohol. He drinks a lot, and when the booze runs out, he goes back to the kitchen for more. Day after day after day.
His usual day:
<td>Parent's room</td>
<td>Parent's room</td>
<td>Parent's room</td>
@@color:yellow;font-size:115%;My notes:@@
<<if $TalkedToJimmyTablets == true>>\
He's pretty harmless, sometimes stern. And very secretive. I want to help him, because he really has problems. But I can't do that as he might interfere with my plans. But I'll definitely figure out how to make his life more colorful later.
<<button [[Back|$LastPassage]]>><</button>><div class = "charstats">
<table class = "Stats">
<tr class = "Stats">
<td class = "Stats"><<media "Data/Characters/GF/out.jpg" "statsicon">></td>
<td class = "Stats">
@@color:yellow;font-size:115%;Layla (GF)@@
Tablet Lvl: @@color:magenta;$GF.TabletLvl@@
Corruption: @@color:deeppink;$GF.Cor@@
I've known Layla since I was a little. And later she became my girlfriend. She often tries to help me, even when I don't really need it! She used to smile a lot, but over time she began to look serious and even intimidating...
After classes, I can find her @@color:magenta;in the room@@. And in the evening she relaxes in our shared "living room".
Her usual day:
<td>Shared apartments</td>
<td>Her room</td>
<td>Shared apartments</td>
@@color:yellow;font-size:115%;My notes:@@
<<switch $GF.TabletLvl>>
<<case 0>>\
<<if $TalkedToJimmyTablets == true>>\
I want to see her fun and sexy again! I guess I could offer her a pill in the @@color:magenta;shared apartments in evening@@.
<<case 1>>\
Compared to before, she's much more open. At least it's a little bit like she's my girlfriend now.
<<if $Tabletslvl2 == true>>\
She's still questioning the way she's acting. We need to let her know that she can actually enjoy it. I guess I could give her a lvl 2 pill in @@color:magenta;her room@@.
<<case 2>>\
She's finally opening up to her desires! Even too much... Although I like her like this a lot more than I did before.
<<button [[Back|$LastPassage]]>><</button>><div class = "charstats">
<table class = "Stats">
<tr class = "Stats">
<td class = "Stats"><<media "Data/Characters/npc/jimmy.jpg" "statsicon">></td>
<td class = "Stats">
@@color:yellow;font-size:115%;Jimmy (Friend)@@
Jimmy is a friend of mine. I've known him for a long time, and we have common topics of conversation all the time. He's very good at science, and his skill at computer games is off the charts! And yet he's bad with other people, especially with girls.
Her usual day:
<td>His room/Lab</td>
<td>His room/Lab</td>
<td>His room/Lab</td>
@@color:yellow;font-size:115%;My notes:@@
Finding Jimmy has never been a problem, he is almost always either in his room or in the lab.
<<button [[Back|$LastPassage]]>><</button>><<if $Levi.Gender == "m">>\
<div class = "charstats">
<table class = "Stats">
<tr class = "Stats">
<td class = "Stats"><<media "Data/Characters/Levi/M/18.jpg" "statsicon">></td>
<td class = "Stats">
@@color:yellow;font-size:115%;Levi (Younger brother)@@
Levi has never been toxic or dangerous, he can't or doesn't want to hurt anyone. But he is very (very!) obnoxious. He's also always been a huge pervert! He doesn't care who he's with or how! Boy or girl, it doesn't matter to him! He's just a freak!
His usual day:
@@color:yellow;font-size:115%;My notes:@@
Levi is everywhere and nowhere at the same time. Yes, he has his own life, but there is no avoiding encounters with him. There is a room for him in the house, too.
<div class = "charstats">
<table class = "Stats">
<tr class = "Stats">
<td class = "Stats"><<media "Data/Characters/Levi/F/sport4.jpg" "statsicon">></td>
<td class = "Stats">
@@color:yellow;font-size:115%;Levi (Younger brother(?))@@
Perversion: @@color:orange;$Levi.Perv@@
Relashionship: @@color:lime;$Levi.Rel@@
After I used the GC Beta pill on Levi he lost his memory and turned into her. She looks cute, fragile, and very cheerful. She treats me well and has no memory of what a nasty pervert he used to be before. Now I have a little sister.
His usual day:
<td>Living room</td>
<td>University/Pharma company</td>
<td>Her room</td>
@@color:yellow;font-size:115%;My notes:@@
She looks sweet and innocent now, but she's slowly turning into the person he used to be. Maybe I can intervene in this process and make her into the kind of little sister I deserve!
I also don't know how my pills are working on her now that she's turned.
<<switch $Levi.TabletLvl>>
<<case 0>>\
<<if $TalkedToJimmyTablets == true>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<case 2>>\
<<button [[Back|$LastPassage]]>><</button>><div class = "charstats">
<table class = "Stats">
<tr class = "Stats">
<td class = "Stats"><<media "Data/Characters/Mom/bo1.jpg" "statsicon">></td>
<td class = "Stats">
@@color:yellow;font-size:115%;Olga (Mom)@@
Tablet Lvl: @@color:magenta;$Mom.TabletLvl@@
Corruption: @@color:deeppink;$Mom.Cor@@
Olga is my father's wife and my stepmother. She looks down on everyone. She is driven by dreams of a beautiful life, luxury and fame, so she wants to be an actress. You can't expect care and understanding from her, but she wants to be loved.
Her usual day:
<td>Parent's room</td>
<td>Living room/Parent's room</td>
@@color:yellow;font-size:115%;My notes:@@
<<switch $Mom.TabletLvl>>
<<case 0>>\
<<if $TalkedToJimmyTablets == true>>\
She's very careless. I may try to give her a pill when she's relaxing in the @@color:magenta;living room.@@
<<case 1>>\
<<if $Tabletslvl2 == true>>\
She's changed quite a bit, what will become of her when I give her the level 2 pill? I guess I could give it to her in the @@color:magenta;living room@@ like last time.
<<case 2>>\
Now she likes to show off her body and attract different looks, and her behavior has become much more lewd.
<<button [[Back|$LastPassage]]>><</button>><div class = "charstats">
<table class = "Stats">
<<if $Akira.Rel <= 20>>\
<tr class = "Stats">
<td class = "Stats"><<media "Data/Characters/npc/karmaface2.png" "icon">></td>
<td class = "Stats">@@font-weight:bold;font-size:115%;Witch(?)@@</td>
<td class = "Stats">
<td>A witch fell on me from the sky and cursed me to switch bodies with my roommate every day. She demanded a large sum of money from me for her broom, and I don't know when she'll show up in front of me next... Will she ever show up...?</td>
<tr class = "Stats">
<td class = "Stats"><<media "Data/Characters/npc/karmaface2.png" "icon">></td>
<td class = "Stats">@@font-weight:bold;font-size:115%;Caroline (Witch of Lust)@@</td>
<td class = "Stats">
<td>I learned from Akira that the one who cursed me was none other than Caroline the Witch of Lust. A frivolous, playful, but treacherous witch. I still haven't seen her since, but judging by the fact that Akira came to kill me, Caroline remembers my existence.</td>
<<if $MetChef == true>>\
<tr class = "Stats">
<td class = "Stats"><<media "Data/Characters/npc/chefface.png" "icon">></td>
<td class = "Stats">@@font-weight:bold;font-size:115%;Chef@@</td>
<td class = "Stats">
<td>The chief looks like a man completely dedicated to his favorite profession. I can always find a job at his café! </td>
<<if $MetGopniks == true>>\
<tr class = "Stats">
<td class = "Stats"><<media "Data/Characters/npc/gopface.png" "icon">></td>
<td class = "Stats">@@font-weight:bold;font-size:115%;Gang@@</td>
<td class = "Stats">
<td>Somewhere on streets</td>
<td>These guys are drinking beer, stopping passersby and rudely taking money. They're not the best representatives of society.</td>
<<if $InfoInformant == false>>\
<tr class = "Stats">
<td class = "Stats"><<media "Data/Characters/npc/securityface.png" "icon">></td>
<td class = "Stats">@@font-weight:bold;font-size:115%;Security@@</td>
<td class = "Stats">
<td>The security guard who's always harassing me at the entrance when I'm in Carol's body. I'm surprised he hasn't been fired by now.</td>
<tr class = "Stats">
<td class = "Stats"><<media "Data/Characters/npc/securityface.png" "icon">></td>
<td class = "Stats">@@font-weight:bold;font-size:115%;color:yellow;Informant@@</td>
<td class = "Stats">
<td>Bank/Informant's room in Club</td>
<td>Who'd have thought the damn security would turn out to be an informant? He knows a lot, but he's charging an equal price for his information.</td>
<<if $P.CindyInside == true>>\
<tr class = "Stats">
<td class = "Stats"><<media "Data/Characters/P/Cindy/Pic/portrait.jpg" "icon">></td>
<td class = "Stats">@@font-weight:bold;font-size:115%;color:magenta;Cindy (Bimbo)@@</td>
<td class = "Stats">
<td>Cindy is an entity created out of me as a result of my and Jimmy's experiments. She is inside my body, she has her own personality and consciousness, but our thoughts and feelings are intertwined. She's a bimbo blonde and I'm a little scared of the thought that I might give up my body to her forever...
<<if $Akira.Negotiated == true>>\
After talking to Akira, I found out that I have mana. The Essence Within....Is Cindy really my mana?!
<<if $Hiramitsu.Met == false>>\
<tr class = "Stats">
<td class = "Stats"><<media "Data/Characters/Hiramitsu/E/serious.jpg" "icon">></td>
<td class = "Stats">@@font-weight:bold;font-size:115%;Hiramitsu (Club boss's wife)@@</td>
<td class = "Stats">
<td>Night club</td>
<td>Hiramitsu is a perpetually bored and very arrogant woman. She allows herself to behave piggishly to those she deems unworthy, which is almost everyone. And yet the bartender Steve, who introduced me to this club, likes her.
@@color:yellow;font-size:115%;My notes:@@
It's worth keeping in mind that all of these guys can influence my fate to some degree, and I can influence theirs.
<<button [[Back|$LastPassage]]>><</button>><div class = "charstats">
<table class = "Stats">
<tr class = "Stats">
<td class = "Stats"><<media "Data/Characters/Sis/kitchen.jpg" "statsicon">></td>
<td class = "Stats">
@@color:yellow;font-size:115%;Anya (Sis)@@
Tablet Lvl: @@color:magenta;$Sis.TabletLvl@@
Corruption: @@color:deeppink;$Sis.Cor@@
Anya is the daughter of my stepmother. She constantly calls me names and really pisses me off. She's irascible, agressive and unsociable. However, her body is a work of art, she definitely took after her mother.
Her usual day:
<td>Her room/Bathroom</td>
<td>Kitchen/Living room</td>
@@color:yellow;font-size:115%;My notes:@@
<<switch $Sis.TabletLvl>>
<<case 0>>\
<<if $TalkedToJimmyTablets == true>>\
Apparently the only thing that could get her to talk to me right now was a meal I could make for her. Sounds like a great idea to give her a pill! I can find Anya in the @@color:magenta;kitchen@@.
<<case 1>>\
She actually stopped locking the door to her room. She also started cooking by herself again! And the best part is how she reacts when I say "Jiggle"! Ha-ha! I wish I could think of more uses for that...
<<if $Tabletslvl2 == true>>\
Since she doesn't feel so disgusted talking to me now, I think the best place to give her a lvl 2 pill is the @@color:magenta;living room.@@
<<case 2>>\
The effect is amazing. She can't resist sexual action when she hears "Jiggle". She begins to get used to the pleasure her sexy body can give her.
<<button [[Back|$LastPassage]]>><</button>><div class = "charstats">
<table class = "Stats">
<tr class = "Stats">
<td class = "Stats"><<media "Data/Characters/Bully/3.webp" "statsicon">></td>
<td class = "Stats">
@@color:yellow;font-size:115%;Stephan (Bully)@@
Tablet Lvl: @@color:magenta;$Bully.TabletLvl@@
Stephan constantly bullies others, including me. He begs me for money, as if he were borrowing it, but never gives it back. He is rude, always doing what he wants and when he wants. And after all that, girls still like him!
His usual day:
<td>His room in dorm</td>
<td>His room in dorm</td>
@@color:yellow;font-size:115%;My notes:@@
<<switch $Bully.TabletLvl>>
<<case 0>>\
He often waits for me after lessons If I don't want any trouble, I'd better do as he says.
<<if $TalkedToJimmyTablets == true>>\
I have the power in my hands that I can use against him. I could try giving him a pill @@color:magenta;lafter lessons@@.
<<case 1>>\
Now he's asking for a lot less money, plus I can give him nothing and not get punched in the face for it! Awesome!
<<if $Tabletslvl2 == true>>\
I could probably go further and give him a second pill. I'd have to be careful not to arouse suspicion and @@meet him @@color:magenta;in Carol's body after class.@@
<<case 2>>\
He's still pretty annoying, but now it's not hitting my economic condition at all! Although I still haven't figured out how to get back at him for everything!
<<button [[Back|$LastPassage]]>><</button>><div class = "charstats">
<table class = "Stats">
<tr class = "Stats">
<td class = "Stats"><<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/uni.jpg" "statsicon">></td>
<td class = "Stats">
@@color:yellow;font-size:115%;Vanessa (Teacher)@@
Current state: <<if $Teacher.Admit == 0>>Neutral<<elseif $Teacher.Admit == 1>> @@color:red;Dominant@@<<elseif $Teacher.Admit == 2>> @@color:#00BAFF;Submissive@@
Tablet Lvl: @@color:magenta;$Teacher.TabletLvl@@
Corruption: @@color:deeppink;$Teacher.Cor@@
Vanessa is our psychology teacher. At uni she is almost the most important person, and no one knows why. She is always trying to prove her point! She's also sexy as hell!
Her usual day:
<td>Morning classes</td>
<td>Her Uni's office</td>
<td>Her Uni's office</td>
@@color:yellow;font-size:115%;My notes:@@
<<switch $Teacher.TabletLvl>>
<<case 0>>\
She and I have no overlapping views on psychology. I say that the psychological state is influenced by physiology, but she disagrees with me.
<<if $TalkedToJimmyTablets == true>>\
It's time to prove her point and put the stupid teacher in her place. I could find her @@color:magenta;in her office after class@@ and introduce her to the effects of the pill.
<<case 1>>\
The effect is unbelievable. The pill is quite capable of having an effect not only on the mind, but also on the body, hormone production and so on! The pill affects different people in different ways, but for her it worked just mind-blowingly hard!
<<if $Tabletslvl2 == true and $VanessaTalk == true>>\
She will loan me most of her huge office in return for taking the effects of the pill off. Although I can tell she's irresistible with it. Do I really have to take it off?
I need to decide what to do, and when I do, I can find her @@color:magenta;in her office@@ and there I can give her a second pill.
<<case 2>>\
<<if $Teacher.Slut == true>>\
I did make her a lecherous slut and I don't regret a thing! This image suits her just as well!
I took the effects of the pill off her, but she still remembers the sensation. She won't be able to forget them and get rid of that feeling. I can help her find her new self, hehe.
<<button [[Back|$LastPassage]]>><</button>>@@color:#FEDE95;font-size: 115%;Let's see what I've got.@@
I'm <<if $P.SubDom <= -10>> @@color:#00BAFF;Submissive...@@<<elseif $P.SubDom > -10 and $P.SubDom < 10>>Neutral.<<elseif $P.SubDom >= 10>> @@color:red;Dominant!@@<</if>>\
@@color:blue;My gaming skill:@@ $P.GamingSkill
@@color:lime;Freelance count:@@ $P.FLCount
@@color:yellow;Days passed:@@ $DayCount
@@color:deeppink;Participated in Jimmy's experiments:@@ $JimmyExp
<<if $BullyRoom == true>>\
@@color:orange;Stephan's Debt:@@ $StephanDebt out of 2,000$
<<if $Akira.Arrived == true>>\
Akira shows:
<<if $Akira.Shows == 0>>\
@@color:red;$Akira.Shows@@ out of 2.
<<elseif $Akira.Shows == 1>>\
$Akira.Shows out of 2.
@@color:lime;$Akira.Shows@@ out of 2.
<<set _cdw = 7 - $CurrentDayOfWeek>>\
_cdw days left.
@@color:orange;font-size: 115%;Perversion:@@
Nikita: $P.PervertedPoints
<<if $Levi.Gender == "f">>\
@@color:magenta;font-size: 115%; Corruption: @@
<<if $LeviArrival == false>>\
<th> Character </th>
<th> Pill lvl </th>
<th> Corruption </th>
<th> Relationship </th>
<td>Carol (roommate)</td>
<td>Layla (gf)</td>
<td>Vanessa (teacher)</td>
<td>Olga (mom)</td>
<td>Anya (sis)</td>
<td>Stephan (bully)</td>
<<if $Akira.Arrived == false>>\
<th> Character </th>
<th> Pill lvl </th>
<th> Corruption </th>
<td>Carol (roommate)</td>
<td>Layla (gf)</td>
<td>Vanessa (teacher)</td>
<td>Olga (mom)</td>
<td>Anya (sis)</td>
<td>Stephan (bully)</td>
<td>Levi (brother)</td>
<th> Character </th>
<th> Pill lvl </th>
<th> Corruption </th>
<td>Carol (roommate)</td>
<td>Layla (gf)</td>
<td>Vanessa (teacher)</td>
<td>Olga (mom)</td>
<td>Anya (sis)</td>
<td>Stephan (bully)</td>
<td>Levi (brother)</td>
<td>Akira (witch)</td>
(i don't describe next valuables, it will be hidden in the future updates)
ATL: $Akira.TabletLvl
CINV: $CarolInvited
DT: $CurrentDayTime
BR: $Bully.Relationship
<<button [[Back|$LastPassage]]>><</button>><div id="scroll-page-circle" onclick="scrollPage()">
<div id="scroll-page-arrow"></div>
</div><<if $GameVer < 2.5>><<OnLoad>>/* TODO think about better solution */<</if>>\
<<if tags().includes("menu") == false>>\
<<set $LastPassage = passage()>>\
<<if $LastPassage == "DApart" or $LastPassage == "DRoom" or $LastPassage == "Uni" or $LastPassage == "Lab" or $LastPassage == "HApart" or $LastPassage == "HProom" or $LastPassage == "Cafe" or $LastPassage == "Bank" or $LastPassage == "Supermarket" or $LastPassage == "Gang" or $LastPassage == "BullyRoom" or $LastPassage == "Bully">>\
<<set $P.Pos = $LastPassage>>\
<<if $GameIsStarted == true>>\
<<if $P.Gender == "m">>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/face.png" "sideicon">>
<<if $P.Cor < 60>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Carol/E/serious.png" "sideicon">>
<<media "Data/Characters/Carol/E/horny2.png" "sideicon">>
<div class="sideicon-buttons">
<<if $NewLabOpened === true>>
<div class="sideicon-buttons-decrease">
<<disable $Inventory.TabletsArousalDec <= 0>>
@title="$Inventory.TabletsArousalDec > 0 ? 'Take the Arousal Decrease pill' : 'You don\'t have Arousal Decrease pill'"
data-setter="$P.Arousal = $Inventory.TabletsArousalDec > 0 ? 0 : $P.Arousal; $Inventory.TabletsArousalDec = $Inventory.TabletsArousalDec > 0 ? $Inventory.TabletsArousalDec - 1 : 0"
/* icons found here: https://uxwing.com/ */
<svg width="19" height="17" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" shape-rendering="geometricPrecision" text-rendering="geometricPrecision" image-rendering="optimizeQuality" fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" viewBox="0 0 512 446.04"><path d="M252.63 71.41C285.88 36.72 309.17 6.75 360.44.86c96.22-11.07 184.7 87.44 136.11 184.43-.43.85-.88 1.71-1.33 2.58-27.38-23.8-63.15-38.22-102.25-38.22-43.06 0-82.07 17.47-110.29 45.7-28.23 28.23-45.7 67.23-45.7 110.29s17.47 82.06 45.7 110.29l.15.15-30.2 29.96-59.71-57.51C121.09 319.33 3.95 232.26.09 124.36-2.62 48.79 57.02.37 125.62 1.27c61.31.8 87.08 31.31 127.01 70.14zm187.32 214.31c5.88-.05 10.08-.59 9.97 6.7l-.28 23.61c.04 7.62-2.37 9.65-9.51 9.56h-94.32c-7.14.09-9.56-1.94-9.51-9.56l-.29-23.61c-.1-7.29 4.1-6.75 9.97-6.7h93.97zm-46.98-99.11c32.87 0 62.63 13.32 84.17 34.86S512 272.77 512 305.64c0 32.88-13.33 62.64-34.86 84.17-21.54 21.54-51.31 34.86-84.17 34.86-32.88 0-62.64-13.32-84.17-34.86-21.54-21.54-34.87-51.3-34.87-84.17 0-32.88 13.33-62.63 34.86-84.17 21.54-21.54 51.31-34.86 84.18-34.86zm71.79 47.23c-18.37-18.37-43.75-29.74-71.79-29.74-28.04 0-53.43 11.37-71.81 29.74-18.37 18.37-29.73 43.76-29.73 71.8s11.36 53.43 29.74 71.8c18.37 18.37 43.75 29.74 71.8 29.74 28.03 0 53.42-11.37 71.8-29.74 18.37-18.37 29.73-43.76 29.73-71.8s-11.36-53.43-29.74-71.8z"/></svg>
<div class="sideicon-buttons-switcher">
<<set _body_switcher_class = "body-switcher">>
<<if $Inventory.TabletsBodySwitch <= 0>>
<<set _body_switcher_class = "body-switcher disabled">>
@title="$Inventory.TabletsBodySwitch > 0 ? 'Take the Bodyswitch pill' : 'You don\'t have Bodyswitch pills'"
data-setter="$P.Gender = $Inventory.TabletsBodySwitch > 0 ? $P.Gender == 'm' ? 'f' : 'm' : $P.Gender; $Inventory.TabletsBodySwitch = $Inventory.TabletsBodySwitch > 0 ? $Inventory.TabletsBodySwitch - 1 : 0"
<div @class="$P.Gender">
<div class="switchWrap">
<button class="switchBtn" >
<svg id="yinyang" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 129 129">
<path id="right-circle" class="cls-1" d="M302,240a32,32,0,0,1,0-64,64,64,0,0,1,0,128,32,32,0,0,0,0-64Z" transform="translate(-237.5 -175.5)" />
<circle id="right-dot" class="cls-2" cx="64.29" cy="31.86" r="11.5" />
<path id="left-circle" class="cls-2" d="M302,176a64,64,0,0,0,0,128,32,32,0,0,0,0-64,32,32,0,0,1,0-64Z" transform="translate(-237.5 -175.5)" />
<circle id="left-dot" class="cls-3" cx="64.29" cy="95.86" r="11.5" />
<<if $NewLabOpened === true>>
<div class="sideicon-buttons-icrerase">
<<disable $Inventory.TabletsArousalInc <= 0>>
@title="$Inventory.TabletsArousalInc > 0 ? 'Take the Arousal Increase pill' : 'You don\'t have Arousal Increase pill'"
data-setter="$P.Arousal = $Inventory.TabletsArousalInc > 0 ? 100 : $P.Arousal; $Inventory.TabletsArousalInc = $Inventory.TabletsArousalInc > 0 ? $Inventory.TabletsArousalInc - 1 : 0"
<svg width="19" height="17" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" shape-rendering="geometricPrecision" text-rendering="geometricPrecision" image-rendering="optimizeQuality" fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" viewBox="0 0 512 446.04"><path d="M252.63 71.41C285.88 36.72 309.17 6.75 360.44.86c96.22-11.07 184.7 87.44 136.11 184.43-.43.85-.88 1.71-1.33 2.58-27.38-23.8-63.15-38.22-102.25-38.22-43.06 0-82.07 17.47-110.29 45.7-28.23 28.23-45.7 67.23-45.7 110.29s17.47 82.06 45.7 110.29l.15.15-30.2 29.96-59.71-57.51C121.09 319.33 3.95 232.26.09 124.36-2.62 48.79 57.02.37 125.62 1.27c61.31.8 87.08 31.31 127.01 70.14zm120.41 187.25c-.04-5.88-.59-10.08 6.71-9.97l23.61.28c7.62-.04 9.64 2.37 9.56 9.51v27.24h27.03c5.88-.05 10.08-.59 9.97 6.7l-.28 23.61c.04 7.62-2.37 9.65-9.51 9.56h-27.21v27.21c.08 7.14-1.94 9.56-9.56 9.51l-23.61.28c-7.3.11-6.75-4.09-6.71-9.96v-27.04h-27.23c-7.14.09-9.56-1.94-9.51-9.56l-.29-23.61c-.1-7.29 4.1-6.75 9.97-6.7h27.06v-27.06zm19.93-72.05c32.87 0 62.63 13.32 84.17 34.86S512 272.77 512 305.64c0 32.88-13.33 62.64-34.86 84.17-21.54 21.54-51.31 34.86-84.17 34.86-32.88 0-62.64-13.32-84.17-34.86-21.54-21.54-34.87-51.3-34.87-84.17 0-32.88 13.33-62.63 34.86-84.17 21.54-21.54 51.31-34.86 84.18-34.86zm71.79 47.23c-18.37-18.37-43.75-29.74-71.79-29.74-28.04 0-53.43 11.37-71.81 29.74-18.37 18.37-29.73 43.76-29.73 71.8s11.36 53.43 29.74 71.8c18.37 18.37 43.75 29.74 71.8 29.74 28.03 0 53.42-11.37 71.8-29.74 18.37-18.37 29.73-43.76 29.73-71.8s-11.36-53.43-29.74-71.8z"/></svg>
/* disable BodySwitch if:
don't have pills
current passage is RE !!! here I'm not sure, need to test and maybe fix later
flag $IsTabletsBodySwitchDisabled is true
$Inventory.TabletsBodySwitch <= 0
or isPassageRE() === true
or $IsTabletsBodySwitchDisabled === true
<<script>>$("#body_switcher_block").attr("disabled", "disabled");<</script>>
<strong> @@color:lime;Money:@@ $P.Money $ </strong>
<strong> @@color:red;Arousal: @@ $P.Arousal</strong>
<strong> @@color:magenta;Corruption: @@ <<print $P.Gender === "f" ? $P.Cor : "50">></strong>
<<if $OneDayFeature == false>>
<strong>Daily money:\
<<if $P.Spending < 1>>\
<span class = "light">$P.Spending $</span>\
@@color:lime; +$P.Spending $@@\
<strong> @@color:red;Daily money:@@<span class = "light">$P.Spending $</span></strong>
<<if $P.Intoxication == 1>>\
<span class="blinkdeeppink">Intoxication</span>
<<elseif $P.Intoxication == 2>>\
<span class="blinkmagenta">Intoxication</span>
<<elseif $P.Intoxication == 3>>\
<span class="blinkred">Intoxication</span>
<<elseif $P.Intoxication > 3>>\
<<set $P.Intoxication = 3>>\
<<elseif $P.Intoxication < 0>>\
<<set $P.Intoxication = 0>>\
<<set $P.IntoxicationDecreaseMod = 0>>\
<<set $P.IntoxicationMod = 0>>\
<<if $BullyRoom == true>>\
<<if $WeeklyBullyRoomVisits < 1 and $StephanDebt < 2000>>
<span class="blinkmagenta">Visit Stephan</span>
<<if $JimmyNews == true>>\
<span class="blink">Visit Jimmy</span>
<<if $P.ConvergenceON == true>>\
<<if $P.CindyPower < 2>>\
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Cindy/Indicator/0.png" "indicator">>
<<elseif $P.CindyPower >= 2 and $P.CindyPower < 4>>\
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Cindy/Indicator/1.png" "indicator">>
<<elseif $P.CindyPower >= 4 and $P.CindyPower < 6>>\
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Cindy/Indicator/2.png" "indicator">>
<<elseif $P.CindyPower >= 6 and $P.CindyPower < 8>>\
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Cindy/Indicator/3.png" "indicator">>
<<elseif $P.CindyPower >= 8 and $P.CindyPower < 10>>\
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Cindy/Indicator/4.png" "indicator">>
<<elseif $P.CindyPower >= 10 and $P.CindyPower < 15>>\
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Cindy/Indicator/5.png" "indicator">>
<<elseif $P.CindyPower >= 15>>\
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Cindy/Indicator/6.png" "indicator">>
@@#menu;<<button [[Inventory]]>><</button>>@@
@@#menu;<<button [[Stats]]>><</button>>@@
@@#menu;<<button [[Notes]]>><</button>>@@
@@#menu;<<button [[Credits]]>><</button>>@@
@@#menu;<<button [[Patch info]]>><</button>>@@
@@color:yellow;Like the game? Check the links@@
<a href = "https://discord.gg/bmD9SFxUnt"><<media "Data/Locations/discord1.png" "sideimg">></a>
<a href = "https://www.patreon.com/FavoriteCat"><<media "Data/Locations/patreon1.png" "sideimg">></a>
@@#menu;<<button "Saves">><<script>>UI.saves()<</script>><</button>>@@
@@#menu;<<button "Restart">><<script>>UI.restart()<</script>><</button>>@@
<<set _levir = random (10,100)>>
<<if _levir < $LeviFactor>>
<<set $LeviHere = true>>
<<set $LeviFactor = 0>>
<<set $LeviFactor += 5>>
<<if $LeviFactor >= 60>>
<<set $LeviFactor = 0>>
<<set $LeviHere = false>>
<</nobr>>\<<media "Data/Locations/classes.jpg" "place">>
<<if $LeviArrival == true and $DayCount > 43 and $BullyRoom == false>><<goto "OpenBullyRoomEvent">><</if>>\
<<TeacherDialog "serious">>Time to start the lesson!<</TeacherDialog>>
<<if $MetTeacher == false>>\
This is Vanessa. She teaches us psychology. Nice woman, often smiles. However, she opposes my research on the hormonal-chemical change in the behavior of the individual. She is sure that the behavior of the individual is explained only by the state of the "soul", as well as the volume and quality of life experience.
<<TeacherDialog "serious">>And so, class! Who can give me an intelligible answer to the following question. How can we measure the magnitude of a mother's love?<</TeacherDialog>>
Silence in the classroom.
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>We can draw a rough conclusion by measuring the level of oxytocin in the blood.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<TeacherDialog "disagree">>Hey you again! Think a little, how can you measure the enormous size of the mother's soul by the amount of some hormone! We study psychology! The science of the psyche, and not about some chemical compounds!<</TeacherDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>But I've only mentioned it as one of the important factors...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<TeacherDialog "disagree">>I'm over it! You can find me in the office after class, and now I will continue the lecture!<</TeacherDialog>>
Eh, I never said that behavior depends ONLY on chemistry. I just want psychology to look at issues from this angle as well! It is very annoying when, without any arguments, she denies all my research. How can I prove it to her?
<<set $MetTeacher = true>>\
<<set _r = random (1,5)>>\
<<switch _r>>\
<<case 1>><<media "Data/Actions/lesson/1.gif" "gif">>
<<case 2>><<media "Data/Actions/lesson/2.gif" "gif">>
<<case 3>><<media "Data/Actions/lesson/3.gif" "gif">>
<<case 4>><<media "Data/Actions/lesson/4.gif" "gif">>
<<case 5>><<media "Data/Actions/lesson/5.gif" "gif">>
The lesson is running as usual.
<<if $P.Cor > 20 and $P.Gender == "f">>\
Damn, the couple is taking so long. Maybe get rid of this excitement?
<<button [[Masturbate|LessonMast]]>><</button>>
<<button [[The lessons is over for today|Uni]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/classes.jpg" "place">>
<<if $P.ConvergenceON == true>>\
<<CindyDialog>>Getting ready to meet Stephan?<</CindyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>S-shut up<</PlayerDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>Carefully. Like this. Yeees<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/M/mast9.mp4">>
<<if $P.Cor < 30>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>It turns me on when they can notice me at any moment! Aha! Cumming!..<</PlayerDialog>>
<<if $P.Cor < 35>><<UpdateCorruption "+1">><</if>>
<<UpdateArousal "-35">>
<<button [[The lessons is over for today|Uni]]>><<movetime>><</button>>
Damn, the guy sitting next to me noticed what I was doing! He pulls his hand to my hips, what is he up to?
<<if $P.Cor < 50>>\
<<button [[Let him|LessonMast1]]>><</button>>
<<elseif $P.Cor >= 50>>\
<<button [[Let him|LessonMast2]]>><</button>>
<<if $P.Arousal < 70>>\
<<button [[Turn him down|LessonMastDecline]]>><</button>>
<</if>>\<<media "Data/Locations/classes.jpg" "place">>
You don't resist and let him.
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/M/ut2.mp4">>
He starts gently stroking, then quickly fingering with his fingers, giving you incomparable pleasure!
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/M/ut.webp" "gif">>
Gradually, he brings you to orgasm, and then turns away as if nothing had happened.
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>> Aha! So good!..<</PlayerDialog>>
The lesson passed quickly and you enjoyed every moment of it.
<<if $P.Cor < 50>><<UpdateCorruption "+1">><</if>>
<<UpdateArousal "-35">>
<<UpdateSubDom "-1">>
<<button [[The lessons is over for today|Uni]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/classes.jpg" "place">>
All right, that's fair.
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>ok...okay<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/M/ut13.mp4">>
Wow, his cock is so hard! How did he manage it all this time without me?
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/M/ut14.mp4">>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Student">>Good girl! We are partners, aren't we?<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>we are<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Student">>I'm going to cum!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<if $P.ConvergenceON == true>>\
<<CindyDialog>>Just let him fuck you, slut! Or I will! <</CindyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>?????<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/M/ut15.mp4">>
It's so hot and sticky!
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>now...do me as you always do!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Student">>Sure, my Queen!<</MNpcDialog>>
Te-he! Finally!
<<if $P.Cor < 50>><<UpdateCorruption "+1">><</if>>
<<UpdateArousal "-50">>
<<UpdateSubDom "-1">>
<<button [[The lessons is over for today|Uni]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/classes.jpg" "place">>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Student">>You're such a bitch! Then you won't be getting any more of my fingers today! And don't pretend to be a good girl, everyone knows you're a stupid nympho!<</MNpcDialog>>
I don't want to jerk off the dick of a guy whose name I don't even know! But I'm so used to...this feeling.... I can't handle it myself anymore....
The lesson is finally over.
<<if $P.Cor < 50>><<UpdateCorruption "+1">><</if>>
<<UpdateArousal "100">>
<<button [[The lessons is over for today|Uni]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/classes.jpg" "place">>
I'm so used to these fingers massaging me down there...!
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/M/ut.webp" "gif">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>> Aha! So good!..<</PlayerDialog>>
Before you reach orgasm he stops and leans slightly toward you.
<<MNpcDialog null null "Student">>Don't you think it's selfish that you're the only one enjoying yourself? Come on, do it for me too!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<if $P.ConvergenceON == true>>\
<<CindyDialog>>Come on! You should thank him!<</CindyDialog>>
Ugh, what should I do?
<<button [[Jerk him off|LessonMast2.1]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Turn away|LessonMast2.2]]>><</button>>
<<if $P.Cor < 50>><<UpdateCorruption "+1">><</if>>
<<UpdateArousal "-35">>
<<UpdateSubDom "-1">>
<<button [[The lessons is over for today|Uni]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/classes.jpg" "place">>
You pull back his hand and he snorts and turns away.
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Phew..that was close<</PlayerDialog>>
But in the end, I could not cum, but only got more excited!
<<if $P.Cor < 35>><<UpdateCorruption "+1">><</if>>
<<UpdateArousal "+35">>
<<button [[The lessons is over for today|Uni]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/classes.jpg" "place">>
Little classroom.
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/class25.jpg" "just">>
<<TeacherDialog "serious">>Once again, mental and psychological are completely different concepts!<</TeacherDialog>>
<<PlayerThoughtsDialog>>At this time, Vanessa is giving extra classes to the morons. I mean, retards...I mean, true retards. Retards who didn't choose to be retard... fuck..haha. Maybe join them?<</PlayerThoughtsDialog>>
<<button [[Join|UnderLessons1]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Nah, I have things to do|Uni]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/classes.jpg" "place">>
Little classroom.
The class is almost empty, just a few people are sitting there.
<<if $Teacher.Cor < 1>>\
I cautiously entered the classroom, but my decision was initially doomed to failure.
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/class13.jpg" "just">>
<<TeacherDialog "disagree">>Nikita, you seem to be confused or something? Your class will start later. Get out.<</TeacherDialog>>
<<PlayerThoughtsDialog>>I don't have much choice.<</PlayerThoughtsDialog>>
<<button [[Get out|Uni]]>><</button>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/class13.jpg" "just">>
<<TeacherDialog "disagree">>Nikita, you seem to be confused or something? Your class will start later. Get out.<</TeacherDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>It's not fair! Why are they allowed to be here and I'm not?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<TeacherDialog "disagree">>Because they are "special". They sometimes don't know what they're doing or saying!<</TeacherDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "disgust">>I say strange things too sometimes! What do you think, you big-breasted cocksucker?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/class16.jpg" "just">>
<<TeacherDialog "disagree">>You!<</TeacherDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/class17.jpg" "just">>
<<TeacherDialog "disagree">>You can sit down.<</TeacherDialog>>
<<if $Teacher.Cor < 44>>
<<UpdateTeacherCorruption "+4">>
<<UpdateArousal "0">>
<<UpdateSubDom "+1">>
<<button [[Sit down|UnderLessons2]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/classes.jpg" "place">>
Little classroom.
<<PlayerThoughtsDialog>>Vanessa's morning classes? Is she still teaching them? Maybe join?<</PlayerThoughtsDialog>>
<<button [[Enter class|UnderLessons2.1]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Nah, I have things to do|Uni]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/classes.jpg" "place">>
Little classroom.
<<MNpcDialog null null "Andy">>b....bu...b-b.bu-b..but!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<TeacherDialog "horny" 2>>No buts, Andy! Time for your teacher's morning sex!<</TeacherDialog>>
She's exploiting them. This guy stammers so badly that he even can hardly pronounce the "but".
<<MNpcDialog null null "George">>They're going to have cuddles again!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Eric">>You're a fool, George. That's their warm-up!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/gif/f2.mp4">>
<<TeacherDialog "serious">>Eric is right! Come on, Andy! Warm your teacher!<</TeacherDialog>>
What's even more interesting is that nobody usually comes in here, and these guys can't tell you what they're doing here, and they're not likely to be believed. Right now they're just her sex toys...
<<TeacherDialog "horny" 2>>Oh, yeah! I'm such a slut!<</TeacherDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/gif/f13.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Vanessa, So you only fuck one while the others watch? That's awful, they're supposed to be healthy in...that way....!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<if $P.Gender == "f">>\
<<if $P.Cor > 50 and $P.Arousal >= 50>>\
<<TeacherDialog "horny" 2>>They like to watch me get fucked. And I'm sure you do, too...If you care so much about them, why don't you take care of them yourself?<</TeacherDialog>>
Shit, she's right... While I was watching, I didn't realize how turned on I was.
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Gaming/mast13.mp4">>
Maybe I really should have a little fun with these guys?..
<<button [[Play with this guys|UnderLessons2.1.3]]>><</button>>
<<if $P.Arousal < 99>>\
<<button [[Do nothing|UnderLessons2.1.2]]>><</button>>
<<TeacherDialog "horny" 2>>Because it excites me even more!<</TeacherDialog>>
<<button [[Their today's lessons are almost over|UnderLessons2.1.2]]>><</button>>
<<TeacherDialog "horny" 2>>Because it excites me even more!<</TeacherDialog>>
<<button [[Their today's lessons are almost over|UnderLessons2.1.2]]>><</button>>
<</if>>\<<media "Data/Locations/classes.jpg" "place">>
Little classroom.
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/gif/f13.mp4">>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Andy">>C..c...I..m...c..cu..<</MNpcDialog>>
<<TeacherDialog "horny" 2>>Come on, Andy, pump your teacher full of sperm!<</TeacherDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/gif/f18.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Oof...I think I gotta go.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<TeacherDialog "serious">>D-D..don't be late for today's classes...hehe<</TeacherDialog>>
<<UpdateTeacherCorruption "+4">>
<<UpdateArousal "100">>
<<button [[Leave|Uni]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/classes.jpg" "place">>
Little classroom.
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/gif/f13.mp4">>
<<TeacherDialog "horny" 2>>Finally you too....<</TeacherDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/gif/form1.mp4">>
<<MNpcDialog null null "George">>Look, that girl is naked down there, too!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Eric">>For some reason I really want to rub my pee-pee on something soft!<</MNpcDialog>>
I looked at the rest of the guys and...oh, shit...their dicks are standing like a rock!
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>All right, you can rub up against me<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "George">>Dibs on me first!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/gif/form2.mp4">>
<<MNpcDialog null null "George">>WOo, so pleasant!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Let's feel good, but don't you dare stick it in, okay?!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/gif/f18.mp4">>
<<TeacherDialog "horny" 2>>Oh, Andy, you're cuming already! Aaah!<</TeacherDialog>>
<<PlayerThoughtsDialog>>Ah, ah...already? Indeed, it's time to call it a day. But I feel like I really wanted something more...<</PlayerThoughtsDialog>>
<<UpdateTeacherCorruption "+4">>
<<UpdateArousal "50">>
<<button [[Leave|Uni]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/classes.jpg" "place">>
Little classroom.
When I walked in, I realized that it was like something had changed in her approach to teaching these guys.
<<if $Teacher.Slut == true>>\
<<TeacherDialog "horny" 2>>Andy, you can't disobey your teacher, so come here and fuck my pussy!<</TeacherDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/class11.jpg" "just">>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Andy">>B-b..bb...b....b....bu...<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Vanessa, it's kind of...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<TeacherDialog "horny" 2>>Wild?! I know! You're not supposed to be here, but it's so exciting! You can watch!<</TeacherDialog>>
<<button [[Watch|UnderLessons2.1.1]]>><<movetime>><</button>>
<<button [[Get out|Uni]]>><</button>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/class29.jpg" "just">>
<<TeacherDialog "serious">>Hey, Nikita! Wanna sit with us?<</TeacherDialog>>
<<button [[Sit down|UnderLessons2.2.1]]>><<movetime>><</button>>
<<button [[Get out|Uni]]>><</button>>
<</if>>\<<media "Data/Locations/classes.jpg" "place">>
Little classroom.
<<TeacherDialog "serious">>George, let's remember what the "audience effect" is<</TeacherDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "George">>This is when the audience all clap their hands together!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Eric">>Mom says she wants an audience with Brad Pitt! And Brad Pitt doesn't understand the effect she will have on him, because my mom is the best!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<TeacherDialog "horny" 1>>No, your answers are wrong. It will be easier to show you what it is. And one more thing, we're going to go over this topic until you remember it... <</TeacherDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/class.jpg" "just">>
Seems like it would be interesting.
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/class19.jpg" "just">>
<<TeacherDialog "serious">>A person does the same things differently when alone and in the presence of others. And observers can influence either positively or negatively.<</TeacherDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "George">>I don't get it.<</MNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/class23.jpg" "just">>
<<TeacherDialog "serious">>Simply put, we are now studying my reaction and yours. You are the observers, and I am the object of your observation.<</TeacherDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/class24.jpg" "just">>
Well...she's having fun.
<<TeacherDialog "serious">>Psychologist Robert Zayontz believed that observers become a cause of agitation, because their reaction to human actions is unpredictable.<</TeacherDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/class3.jpg" "just">>
<<TeacherDialog "serious">>Andy, how would you feel if I did that?<</TeacherDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/class4.jpg" "just">>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Eric">>Wohooo!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Andy">>S..ss...s...sl...s...s....ssa...t.s..<</MNpcDialog>>
This guy stutters a lot, so he's with them. I even feel a little sorry for him.
<<TeacherDialog "serious">>Well, Eric, imagine me standing like this just in front of you, would that make you feel differently than you do now?<</TeacherDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/class7.jpg" "just">>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Andy">>S..sss...l....s....<</MNpcDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Eric">>It's always more fun with friends!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>And how do you feel about being our object of observation?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<TeacherDialog "serious">>I'm horny... The quality of observers also plays an important role, for example I would never do something like that to our director, but it's because you are you that I look like this now...<</TeacherDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/class6.jpg" "just">>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Andy">>sssSsS..S...s..ahem...s..sl.....s...<</MNpcDialog>>
Even though she is no longer under the effects of the pill, I suppose that just means that she is aware of her actions. This class really is a great chance for her to have some fun.
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>I think the guys haven't fully understood the "audience effect" yet<</PlayerDialog>>
<<if $Teacher.Cor < 125>>\
<<TeacherDialog "serious">>Maybe...then we'll just repeat it in the next class<</TeacherDialog>>
Hell, I can see that she wants to go on, but she won't let herself do it. I think she isn't slutty enough yet.
<<UpdateTeacherCorruption "+4">>
<<UpdateArousal "100">>
<<button [[Leave|Uni]]>><</button>>
She smiled predatorily.
<<TeacherDialog "serious">>Then please lock the door, Nikita<</TeacherDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/class8.jpg" "just">>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Andy">>sss...ll....s....s...................<</MNpcDialog>>
This guy...
<<TeacherDialog "disagree">>Tell me how you feel! We are in class, after all!<</TeacherDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/class9.jpg" "just">>
<<MNpcDialog null null "George">>My penis is shaking in a weird way!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Eric">>You must have been drinking a lot of milk to grow breasts like that. My mom says all the milk I drink comes from there!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Andy">>...s........<</MNpcDialog>>
<<TeacherDialog "horny" 2>>Ahaa! You're insufferable, I'm shocked!<</TeacherDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/class11.jpg" "just">>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Andy">>slut... S.L.U.T. SLUT!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>AHA-HAHAHA!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/class10.jpg" "just">>
<<if $Teacher.Cor < 150>>\
<<TeacherDialog "disagree">>Wait, what?! How dare you say that to your teacher's face? That's it for today! See you next time!<</TeacherDialog>>
This guy calling her a slut could do anything he wanted to old Vanessa, but it doesn't work that way now. Or rather, it does work the other way...I think she might get so loose that she won't finish the lesson because of such nonsense.
<<UpdateTeacherCorruption "+4">>
<<UpdateArousal "100">>
<<button [[Leave|Uni]]>><</button>>
<<TeacherDialog "disagree">>Wait, what?! How dare you say that to your teacher's face? I wanted to do without the textbook, but you left me no choice. Come out to the blackboard and read the third paragraph!<</TeacherDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Andy">>Ba...ba...r...ba...r..num eff...e...ct, o...or...<</MNpcDialog>>
When Andy stepped up to the board and started reading, everyone saw a huge dick that couldn't be hidden.
<<TeacherDialog "disagree">>Oh my God!<</TeacherDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/bj6.jpg" "just">>
She's gone crazy.
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/bj7.jpg" "just">>
<<TeacherDialog "happy">>If I take care of that naughty dick while you read, would it help you stutter less?<</TeacherDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Andy">>..y...Y-yes..<</MNpcDialog>>
Well played, Andy!
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/bj8.jpg" "just">>
I wish we could go to more classes like this.
<<MNpcDialog null null "Andy">>Ge...ge..eneral cha...chara...cteristic...sss o..of our pe-persona...li...li...t-ty t-to be a..a...ccu...rate...i-if<</MNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/gif/bj9.mp4" "just">>
Is it just me, or is this guy really starting to stutter less?
<<UpdateTeacherCorruption "+4">>
<<UpdateArousal "100">>
<<button [[Leave|Uni]]>><</button>>
<</if>>\<<media "Data/Locations/classes.jpg" "place">>
Little classroom.
<<TeacherDialog "serious">>George, we're going through this for the fourth time, what is a "placebo"?<</TeacherDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "George">>Ooh, that sounds like the name of a millipede! Placeba!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<TeacherDialog "disagree">>NO, GEORGE! Think about it, I've told you about it so many times...<</TeacherDialog>>
Oh my God! I thought they were just academically retarded, but they were mentally handicapped! Then why are they even studying here instead of in a special place?
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Teacher, they don't understand normally. They need to be approached accordingly.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<TeacherDialog "disagree">>Hey, you should be more tolerant of them. They're just students!<</TeacherDialog>>
Another edict from the director to increase funding? Possibly.
Anyway, Now she's pissing me off.
<<if $Teacher.Cor > 44>>
<<button [[Challenge her|UnderLessons3]]>><</button>>\
<<button [[Just leave|Uni]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/classes.jpg" "place">>
Little classroom.
<<PlayerDialog "disgust">>Look at youself! You mug in front of them for money, like a real whore. And they still don't understand anything!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/class29.jpg" "just">>
<<TeacherDialog "serious">>How dare you? They understand everything, I can teach them like any other student!<</TeacherDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Can you prove it? I'm sure that even if you look like a whore you can't even seduce any of them!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<TeacherDialog "horny" 1>>They'll figure it out easily, look<</TeacherDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/class30.jpg" "just">>
<<TeacherDialog "horny">>George, why don't you stay in my office for a while after class? I would playfully.. and pleasantly.. explain to you what the "placebo effect" is, mmm..?<</TeacherDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "George">>Nah, the buns are getting cold in the cafeteria, I gotta hurry!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>HA-HA-HA<</PlayerDialog>>
<<TeacherDialog "horny" 1>>Grr...Eric, I'm so tired lately, I want to relax. Why don't you give me a massage after class? And then I could find a way to thank you...<</TeacherDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/class19.jpg" "just">>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Eric">>Do you exercise in the morning? Mom says that whoever doesn't exercise can't become a superhero. You should start doing it, yes-yes!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/class23.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>AHA-HA-HA! HILARIOUS!<</PlayerDialog>>
Just to be clear, I'm not laughing at the retards (maybe a little, they're answers really funny). The reason I'm laughing is because she's been doing regular lessons with them the whole time, even though they have no fucking clue what's going on.
<<TeacherDialog "horny" 2>>Fuck, they don't understand shit. I'm really making out like a whore here! Aha..!<</TeacherDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/class24.jpg" "just">>
Oh, it's time. Our lessons gotta start soon.
<<button [[Just leave|Uni]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/lab.jpg" "place">>
<<JimmyDialog>>This will be the last experiment for now. He will touch the body elements again, but in a slightly different way. The influence of this formula depends on more aspects and the influence will also be greater. But don't worry, there won't be anything wrong with it.<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Okay, then let's be clear about the direction of our thoughts beforehand. So that what happened before doesn't happen.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Right. Then think of someone with a gorgeous body, maybe a sexy one. Think of someone who has left a very strong impression on you.<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Just in case I'm asking, is it necessarily about someone who exists?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Yes, we're trying to control the direction of thoughts and the image. It's going to be difficult, but we have to try.<</JimmyDialog>>
<<if $P.Arousal <= 99>>\
<<button [[I'm ready!|ChangeBodyExpFail]]>><</button>>
<<button [[I'm ready!|ChangeBodyExpTest]]>><<set $JimmyExpHelp++>><<set $FT = 8>><</button>>
<</if>>\<<media "Data/Locations/lab.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Characters/npc/JimmyExp/smoke.gif" "gif">>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>What happened?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Nothing. The stream of thought was not strong enough, so it was interrupted and all possible effect was lost. I told you, it's a pretty finicky formula and not very stable.<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>So what to do?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>I was talking about impression and sexuality to enhance mental desire. Apparently something is missing, and we need to make the desire stronger. We'll try again later.<</JimmyDialog>>
Is he talking about @@color:deeppink;sexual desire@@? Jimmy had to be prepared. So mine wasn't strong enough. Next time I have to be prepared too.
<<button [[Leave|Lab]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/lab.jpg" "place">>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Think. Think! A profound impression. Sexy. Slutty!! Think!!!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/npc/JimmyExp/smoke.gif" "gif">>
<<CustomDialog "Data/Characters/npc/JimmyExp/icon1.jpg" "Nikita" "p">>Jimmy! It worked! Look! I'm in the body of that bitch witch who put a curse on me!<</CustomDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/npc/JimmyExp/te.mp4">>
<<CustomDialog "Data/Characters/npc/JimmyExp/icon1.jpg" "Nikita" "p">>If I had the chance, I would fuck that ass every day!<</CustomDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/npc/JimmyExp/te1.mp4">>
<<CustomDialog "Data/Characters/npc/JimmyExp/icon1.jpg" "Nikita" "p">>What do you think, Jimmy? Where are you?<</CustomDialog>>
<<CustomDialog "Data/Characters/npc/JimmyExp/bface.jpg" "Jimmy">>I'm here<</CustomDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/npc/JimmyExp/bface.jpg" "just">>
<<CustomDialog "Data/Characters/npc/JimmyExp/icon1.jpg" "Nikita" "p">>Wow, what an image! Check out those boobs! Did she spell them out or something? They're super sooooft! I'm all wet already!<</CustomDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/npc/JimmyExp/te2.mp4">>
<<CustomDialog "Data/Characters/npc/JimmyExp/icon1.jpg" "Nikita" "p">>By the way, why do you look like a huge black guy?<</CustomDialog>>
<<CustomDialog "Data/Characters/npc/JimmyExp/bface.jpg" "Jimmy">>It's a porn actor. His videos are my favorite! He always looks so serious, and he has a giant dick. I always somewhere deep down inside wanted to be like him, and now we inherit many of the character traits and habits of the originals.<</CustomDialog>>
<<CustomDialog "Data/Characters/npc/JimmyExp/icon1.jpg" "Nikita" "p">>(giggle)..G-giant dick?...how giant?<</CustomDialog>>
<<CustomDialog "Data/Characters/npc/JimmyExp/bface.jpg" "Jimmy">>Well...<</CustomDialog>>
<<CustomDialog "Data/Characters/npc/JimmyExp/icon1.jpg" "Nikita" "p">>Come on, I can't pass up an opportunity not to play with the huge black cock in this bitch's body!<</CustomDialog>>
<<CustomDialog "Data/Characters/npc/JimmyExp/bface.jpg" "Jimmy">>As you wish<</CustomDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/npc/JimmyExp/bs.mp4">>
<<CustomDialog "Data/Characters/npc/JimmyExp/bface.jpg" "Jimmy">>Do you think she's like that in real life?<</CustomDialog>>
<<CustomDialog "Data/Characters/npc/JimmyExp/icon1.jpg" "Nikita" "p">>No doubt! So hurry up shove it deeper inside!<</CustomDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/npc/JimmyExp/bf.mp4">>
<<CustomDialog "Data/Characters/npc/JimmyExp/bface.jpg" "Jimmy">>How do you feel?<</CustomDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/npc/JimmyExp/bf1.mp4">>
<<CustomDialog "Data/Characters/npc/JimmyExp/icon1.jpg" "Nikita" "p">>I don't know... I... ah..ahaa...My mind is going blank...but this cock feels goood...<</CustomDialog>>
<<button [[Everything goes blank|GreedyWitchDream]]>><<movetime 2>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/lab.jpg" "place">>
<<JimmyDialog>>Hey, you alright?<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Ehem...y-yes..I think I was dreaming about something...I...don't remember...<</PlayerDialog>>
Again, some strange effect of the pill! We probably should be more careful! But everything seems to be fine for now, though.
<<JimmyDialog>>I guess our experiment was a smashing success. By the way, your witch is a hot one.<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Um...yeah...It was that bitch who put the curse on me...And now I realize that I wish I were in your place instead of hers...But still, somehow I'm sure I'll meet her again... Sooner or later.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>All in all, from our tests I have collected the necessary data, but I need a little bit more work on this. I think you have your own affairs to do, too. Thank you for your help. We'll catch up later.<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Thank you too, Jimmy! See you!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<button [[Leave|Lab]]>><<movetime 2>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/lab.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Characters/npc/JimmyExp/smoke.gif" "gif">>
<<PlayerDialog "cindy">>Jimmy?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Cindy/Pic/slut1.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "cindy">>Hey, look how cute is this dress!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Cindy/Pic/slut44.jpg" "just">>
<<JimmyDialog>>This time the effect looks more stable, I'll have to figure out how it happens. <</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "cindy">>Look at meee, look at my pretty body! You made me that bimbo bitch again, didn't you?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Cindy/Pic/slut43.jpg" "just">>
<<JimmyDialog>>No...um...actually... <</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "cindy">>Don't you want to take advantage of the situation and see more?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Cindy/Pic/slut42.jpg" "just">>
<<JimmyDialog>>Wait, I'm trying to think...the current personality is different than it was last time...and it's not like Nikita.... are you still aware of yourself as a person?<</JimmyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Cindy/Pic/slut58.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "cindy">>Of course, because I'm me! (giggle) And I'm in a very playful mood, honey<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Cindy/Pic/slut59.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "cindy">>Tell me, what do you want me to do?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Please, I'm trying to think!<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "cindy">>Screw thinking! You want me like this, don't you? You're the reason I'm this way! Just pretend I'm not Nikita, just a bitch you want to fuck! What do you think?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Cindy/Pic/slut60.jpg" "just">>
<<JimmyDialog>>(mumbling)...personality...CuCl...bitch....can't be....blonde...(mumbling)<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "cindy">>?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Cindy! This will be the code name for this experiment. Cindy!<</JimmyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Cindy/Pic/slut61.jpg" "just">>
<<CindyDialog>>Wow! I like it! So you can call me Cindy from now on!<</CindyDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Gosh, I'll be sure to write down all the results!<</JimmyDialog>>
<<CindyDialog>>Haha! But maybe before that you want to play with Cindy's boobs? <</CindyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Cindy/Pic/slut56.jpg" "just">>
<<JimmyDialog>>Shit, I didn't even notice, but my dick is already like a rock! <</JimmyDialog>>
<<CindyDialog>>Oh, now I want that cock right here! (giggles)<</CindyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Cindy/Pic/slut47.jpg" "just">>
<<CindyDialog>>Yeah! Fuck me like that!<</CindyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Cindy/bed2.mp4">>
<<JimmyDialog>>Cindy, I love you!<</JimmyDialog>>
<<CindyDialog>>I love you too, just keep fucking me!<</CindyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Cindy/bed1.mp4">>
<<CindyDialog>>Do you think I'll let you go so easily? I think it's my turn now<</CindyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Cindy/bed3.mp4">>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Cindy/bed10.mp4">>
<<JimmyDialog>>Cindy, now I want to use you as my sex toy<</JimmyDialog>>
<<CindyDialog>>Come on, I'm happy to!<</CindyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Cindy/bed8.mp4">>
<<CindyDialog>>Oh my God! I can get addicted to this! Being bimbo is the best!<</CindyDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>I want to speed up, hang on!<</JimmyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Cindy/bed4.mp4">>
<<CindyDialog>>Aaahh! You damn so deeep! Yeeeeshh!<</CindyDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Cindy, I would fuck you whole my life<</JimmyDialog>>
<<CindyDialog>>I'm such a bad girl...I want to be fucked too...as often as possible...<</CindyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Cindy/bed9.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Wake the fuck up, samurai. You did this again?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>You turned me into that brainless slut again!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Oh, I recognize you, Nikita. Now it's definitely you.<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>What the hell? Are you kidding me?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Forget it, it was a curious experiment. Next time I'll change the formula, it won't happen again.<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>I'll take you at your word.<</PlayerDialog>>
Why do I still feel like some kind of...softness.
@@color:red;You feel something strange about your body.@@
<<button [[Leave|Lab]]>><<movetime 2>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/lab.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Characters/npc/JimmyExp/smoke.gif" "gif">>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Cindy/white1.mp4">>
<<CindyDialog>>slurp...Hi, Jimmy!..sluuurpsh<</CindyDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>But that's not supposed to be happen! I changed formula! Completely!<</JimmyDialog>>
<<CindyDialog>>Apparently Nikita's memories of me are completely ingrained, so here I am! I don't think any formuliaus mean anything, the main thing is that I want cooock so much! (giggles)<</CindyDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>I definitely couldn't be wrong, I'm sure of it!<</JimmyDialog>>
<<CindyDialog>>Either you or someone else (giggles)<</CindyDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Well..um..Looks like I have no choice..hehe<</JimmyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Cindy/white4.mp4">>
<<CindyDialog>>Mmmm...I missed that feeling so much, did you miss me, Jimmy?<</CindyDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Now I'll show you how<</JimmyDialog>>
<<CindyDialog>>Yeaaah! That's what a real man does!<</CindyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Cindy/white3.mp4">>
<<JimmyDialog>>Is this what you wanted, bitch? Tell me who you are!<</JimmyDialog>>
<<CindyDialog>>I'm Cindy! I'm a dumb bimbo and a slut!<</CindyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Cindy/white2.mp4">>
<<JimmyDialog>>Then get to work, you lazy cunt! I want to see those boobs bounce!<</JimmyDialog>>
<<CindyDialog>>Aaah! As you say, my Master! (giggles)<</CindyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Cindy/white7.mp4">>
Hey, what's going on? I feel such a rush of happiness...
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Cindy/white.mp4">>
<<CindyDialog>>Yeahaaahaha, I'm ecstatic!<</CindyDialog>>
Isn't that...me? All because of the experiment, but still...it's like I'm looking at myself from the outside...or so I think...but who cares, it feels so good
<<CindyDialog>>Do you like my pussy?<</CindyDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Yes, it's delightful!<</JimmyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Cindy/white8.mp4">>
<<JimmyDialog>>I don't understand why you showed up, but I'm glad you're here! Though your slutty face needs some embellishment to complete the image!<</JimmyDialog>>
<<CindyDialog>>Wow, I get the hint!<</CindyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Cindy/white6.mp4">>
<<CindyDialog>>The sperm is so cool! Mmm...you made me like this, didn't you? ...my daddy (giggles)<</CindyDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Oh fuck<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Damn, Jimmy, what the fuck?!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>I already told you, it was a different formula!<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>You said that to her, you asshole! Not to me!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>So you do remember what happened while you were her, right?<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Not in the smallest detail, but I remember. When I become her, I think that she is me, that is, the real me is me, and the me that I am is not really me.... What the fuck is happening to me?!!!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Okay, I have a theory that she is some unstable element in quantum theory. Have you heard of quantum entanglement? That's just a theory, too, but we're dealing with fucking magic! And it, as you have already realized, can affect everything omnipresent! And the catalyst for it is our fucking thoughts! So Cindy is a sort of chaotic mixture of all this, trying to come to a state of equilibrium! <</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>What am I supposed to do? I have a parasite<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>It is necessary to untangle this chaotic knot, then all its elements will come to rest. If she is now a person, her own desires affect the chaos of which she is composed, so the formula has changed, so I'm sure we have no choice now. I think we should stop experimenting.<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Hey, wait a minute. There's a way to get her out, isn't there?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>You could try another formula again, but I'm 99% sure it won't work. So that leaves one option - thoughts.<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Thoughts?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Exactly. Your willpower, your train of thought, must be stronger than hers. But keep in mind, the tighter the knot, the harder it is to untangle, so I think you have about 1-2 tries before it finally stabilizes.<</JimmyDialog>>
All power is in the mind, isn't it? Then I won't ask what happens if it stabilizes...
@@color:red;Cindy becomes more stable.@@
<<button [[Leave|Lab]]>><<movetime 2>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/lab.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Characters/npc/JimmyExp/smoke.gif" "gif">>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Cindy/neon6.mp4">>
<<JimmyDialog>>Nikita lost after all?<</JimmyDialog>>
<<CindyDialog>>slurp...Or I won...YAY!..sluuurpsh<</CindyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Cindy/neon5.mp4">>
<<JimmyDialog>>Fuck it! It's not my fault, he did it himself.<</JimmyDialog>>
<<CindyDialog>>Exactly! Look how deep I can go!<</CindyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Cindy/neon3.mp4">>
<<CindyDialog>>I made something special today! I'm so excited about it!<</CindyDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>That's good, of course, but where does the light come from? There's no light like that in here.<</JimmyDialog>>
<<CindyDialog>>Ummm...flashlights! (giggle) Creates an atmosphere, doesn't it?<</CindyDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>So now you can do that too...I'm not surprised. Hey, wait, what are you doing?<</JimmyDialog>>
<<CindyDialog>>(giggles) Today I'll be your personal masturbator!<</CindyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Cindy/neon.mp4">>
<<JimmyDialog>>Wooo, it's sos soft!<</JimmyDialog>>
<<CindyDialog>>Like it? There's a reason why I have such gorgeous huge boobs!<</CindyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Cindy/neon2.mp4">>
<<JimmyDialog>>Mmm...couldn't be better.<</JimmyDialog>>
<<CindyDialog>>Really? So how do you like that? (giggles)<</CindyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Cindy/neon1.mp4">>
<<JimmyDialog>>Your victory. I was wrong. Please continue!<</JimmyDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Did you really cum while I was fucking your tits? You're a real slut!<</JimmyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Cindy/neon4.mp4">>
<<CindyDialog>>Yeeeah! I know!....please, use me moore...<</CindyDialog>>
<<CindyDialog>>Come on! Give it to meeeeee...YES!...right on my boobs...<</CindyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Cindy/neon8.mp4">>
Again I see how I...I mean she feels good, even though we just did titjob, I mean she did...damn, I'm confused...
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Cindy/neon7.mp4">>
<<JimmyDialog>>It's okay, next time you'll beat her.<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Next time? Weren't you the one who suggested we stop the experiments? Did you enjoy fucking my... I mean her boobs that much?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>It would be foolish to deny it. The other formula didn't work again, and some flashlights appeared out of nowhere. Cindy's influence was growing. The knot is tightening.<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Until I went back, it was as if I began to realize myself not only as her, but as the real me, as if looking at her from the outside. Today I was definitely convinced that I was not imagining things. Is that a good sign?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>I don't think so. I guess it means that her personality is detached from yours. It's like a line starts to form between the two of you, which starts to separate her as a separate person. She continues to stabilize.<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>I see. Did you notice anything else unusual?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>There is one thing, I noticed this change after the first time I met her. In general, since you and Cindy are one and the same, her intelligence is actually equal to yours, but she doesn't realize it, since she is a dumb bimbo thinking only about sex.<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Well, that makes sense to say the least. Anyway, I'll deal with her. And please...don't call her name in front of me, she pisses me off!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>I like that name, I gave it to her myself!<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Tzc..jerk<</PlayerDialog>>
@@color:red;Cindy is getting stronger.@@
<<button [[Leave|Lab]]>><<movetime 2>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/lab.jpg" "place">>
<<JimmyDialog>>No, no! What's happening?<</JimmyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/npc/JimmyExp/smoke.gif" "gif">>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Cindy/night1.mp4">>
<<CindyDialog>>Here I am! Oh, Hi there, Jimmy! My boobs are really missing dick between them! (giggle)<</CindyDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>What became of the room? We were in the lab. Where are we now?<</JimmyDialog>>
<<CindyDialog>>We didn't move anywhere, silly. It's just that our lab looks soooo boring!<</CindyDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Do you realize how you did it?<</JimmyDialog>>
<<CindyDialog>>Good question. Hmmm.......No idea! Haha! I just wanted everything around me to be pretty!...by the way, do you like my outfit?<</CindyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Cindy/Pic/night1.jpg" "just">>
<<CindyDialog>>Haha!You don't have to answer that! I can see that he....likes it (giggle) <</CindyDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Then do what you wanted to do.<</JimmyDialog>>
<<CindyDialog>>eheheh <</CindyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Cindy/night.mp4">>
<<CindyDialog>>Mmmm...love it! Do you want to feel those juicy tits again?<</CindyDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Yes, why not?<</JimmyDialog>>
<<CindyDialog>>You're so cold today, Jimmy.... but that only makes me more excited!<</CindyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Cindy/night3.mp4">>
<<CindyDialog>>Jimmy, are you ready for the main course?<</CindyDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Well, Cindy, you're a bad experiment. I'll show you what I do with bad experiments!<</JimmyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Cindy/night4.mp4">>
<<CindyDialog>>Yeah! I'm such a bad experiment! So fuck me harder! Oh, yeees!<</CindyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Cindy/night2.mp4">>
<<CindyDialog>>Yeah! Enjoy my bimbo pussy! Sex is the best thing ever!<</CindyDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Cindy, your pussy is the best! What's the point though, you're going to disappear anyway.<</JimmyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Cindy/night6.mp4">>
<<CindyDialog>>Do you really think so? There's no chance I could dissapear after feeling such pleasure (giggles)<</CindyDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>There you go, I told you you'd disappear.<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Hey, aren't you out of your fucking mind? Like I'm gonna let that bitch do what she wants.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>I know, bro. Anything strange this time?<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Everything is the same as before. I also remember what was going on. Next time it won't happen again.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CindyDialog>>we'll see<</CindyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>What did you say?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>I'm saying that you are definitely 2 different individuals right now, so next time you need to resolve this issue for sure.<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>I know. Okay. See you next time, my love<</PlayerDialog>>
@@color:red;Cindy is completely stabilized.@@
<<button [[Leave|Lab]]>><<movetime 2>><</button>><<CindyDialog>>...<</CindyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>It's time to say goodbye to you<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CindyDialog>>Do you really want to get rid of me?! </d<</CindyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Is there any other way? Don't worry, I'll wipe you quickly.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CindyDialog>>Okay...you win! You're in charge! Now you want to erase a part of yourself! I can't beat you, you just proved it....<</CindyDialog>>
She can't do anything to me now, whatever I want, that's what will happen. Maybe she is right and just erasing her will leave me with an emptiness inside...Then I can try to take control of the situation or even return everything to the way it was before she showed up!....though maybe she is just trying to talk my ear off now and as soon as she gets a chance she will...
<<button [[Erase her|CindyTalk2]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Try to take situation under control|Cindy4Talk1]]>><</button>>..........
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Well..<</PlayerDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>I feel fine<</PlayerDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>I seem to be the rightful owner of my own body and soul now...and I don't feel like I've lost anything. I really did it! Now everything will be as it used to be, I'm glad of that!<</PlayerDialog>>
All that's left to do is wake up.
<<button [[Wake up|LabWin]]>><<set $P.CindyInside = true>><<set $LabAutoWin = true>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/lab.jpg" "place">>
<<JimmyDialog>>Shit, Nikita. You did it again? Is that what you're trying to do?!<</JimmyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/npc/JimmyExp/smoke.gif" "gif">>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Shut up! I'm already doing the best I can!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Nikita? I thought you...<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Hey, I haven't changed. And the room hasn't changed. I'm fine! I made it!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>A-Are you sure? Don't you feel anything strange?<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Nothing now. I feel like usual<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>But the formula...nothing happened?<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>We've had cases where nothing has happened<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Also true...then...Um...until next time?<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Yes!<</PlayerDialog>>
So that little problem is solved. Okay, just in case, we'll have to make sure of that the next time we experiment with Jimmy.
<<button [[Leave|Lab]]>><<movetime 2>><</button>><<PlayerDialog "serious">>So you're still here. What should we talk about this time?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CindyDialog>>Oh, I'm not going to talk this time, I'm going to do<</CindyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>What are you talking about?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CindyDialog>>I'll lend you for a while, you'll love it!!<</CindyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>It's night! Wai...what?!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>WHAT? WHAT IS HAPPENING?<</JimmyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Cindy/dark6.mp4">>
<<CindyDialog>>Shch..it's me<</CindyDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Cindy? Why are you...?<</JimmyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Cindy/dark3.mp4">>
<<CindyDialog>>I miss yours....I want a coooock<</CindyDialog>>
What the hell are you doing?!
<<JimmyDialog>>But you weren't supposed to...<</JimmyDialog>>
<<CindyDialog>>I know, but I just wanted to jerk you off with my boobs so much!!<</CindyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Cindy/dark2.mp4">>
Can you just sto...ah...It feels really good!
<<CindyDialog>>That's what I'm talking about!<</CindyDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Who are you talking to?<</JimmyDialog>>
Although it is enjoyable, you have to...
<<CindyDialog>>I know, but it's about to get even better!<</CindyDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>I don't understand what the...? Ow...ohhhh...okay, go on.<</JimmyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Cindy/dark.mp4">>
So warm...
<<CindyDialog>>Seems like you came a little bit, but you want more, right?<</CindyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Cindy/dark1.mp4">>
You're so spoiled by this cock...
<<CindyDialog>>That's what a real slut should be (giggles)<</CindyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Cindy/dark4.mp4">>
I couldn't even imagine that one could enjoy a blowjob that much...
<<CindyDialog>>So let's become one, and then we'll always be happy!<</CindyDialog>>
...maybe she's right...
@@#pill;<<button [[Become one|CindyFinal]]>><</button>>@@
<<button [[Gather all your will!|CindyTalk]]>><</button>>.
Cindy and I became one. No one but Jimmy noticed the change. The curse did break, but I wasn't interested in that anymore... not in money, not in magic pills, not in anything else... There are no other thoughts in my head besides cooocks and endless pleasure, because that's what bimbos are for!
But I fell in love with this particular cock...
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Cindy/Pic/bitch1.jpg" "just">>
<<CindyDialog>>Oh, Hi there, Jimmy! How do you like my outfit?<</CindyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Cindy/Pic/bitch.jpg" "just">>
<<JimmyDialog>>You naughty girl. Jump up on the bed.<</JimmyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Cindy/Pic/bitch2.jpg" "just">>
<<CindyDialog>>Aw, and what are you going to do with me?<</CindyDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>What would you like me to do?<</JimmyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Cindy/under3.mp4">>
<<CindyDialog>>I'm horny...<</CindyDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Come on, babe<</JimmyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Cindy/Pic/bitch4.jpg" "just">>
<<CindyDialog>>I want your cock<</CindyDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>There we go!<</JimmyDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Hey, don't be in such a hurry, I'm not going anywhere...and neither you...<</JimmyDialog>>
<<CindyDialog>>I know, but tshish cock ish sho delishioush...<</CindyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Cindy/under4.mp4">>
<<JimmyDialog>>Do I miss Nikita? Maybe. He's my best friend. But on the other hand, he didn't get sick, he didn't die, he's right in front of me, he chose this fate himself, so it's not up to me to judge his choice.<</JimmyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Cindy/under2.mp4">>
<<CindyDialog>>Aaah, I've been waiting for this for so long! You're going so deep inside me! Come on, fuck your bimbo slut! Fuck me harder! Yeeahs!<</CindyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Cindy/f70.mp4">>
I'm in heeeeeaven!
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Cindy/Pic/bitch10.jpg" "just">>
That's how my story ended. I think it's a good ending. I live in impatience and pleasure.
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Cindy/Pic/bitch11.jpg" "just">>
My name is Cindy. I like my new life and I'm happy!
@@color:yellow; font-size:150%; Thanks for playing! @@
You can load one of your saves or start over again!
<<button [[Return to Start|Start]]>><</button>>
or I can send you back to the last choice :)
<<button [[Continue?|Cindy6]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/lab.jpg" "place">>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Jimmy, did you say that? Stop kidding around!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Say what?!<</JimmyDialog>>
<<CindyDialog>>He can't hear me, silly (giggle)<</CindyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>No, no! Wait! Is this not supposed to happen? How is this possible? I got rid of you!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CindyDialog>>Well, you have proved that you are the leader of the pack. But I'm already a part of you, you can't get rid of me!<</CindyDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Don't tell me it's...<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Cindy! What am I supposed to do? Is she always going to be in my head now? Damn, daaaaamn!!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Wait, calm down. Let me think for a minute.<</JimmyDialog>>
<<CindyDialog>>He's so cute when he starts thinking...<</CindyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Shut up! Get out of my head!...Jimmy!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>It looks like we didn't make it and it finally stabilized. You're studying psychology, right? She's your alter ego. You were too close to each other. But she is you.<</JimmyDialog>>
<<CindyDialog>>I didn't understand a word of it...But I know that I and Nikita are one and the same! You and I are the same person! Yay!<</CindyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Wait, am I like kind of schizophrenic now?! I have voices in my head now, a second personality...have I gone crazy?!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Umm...It won't be boring, though...<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>BORING?! DID YOU REALLY SAY THAT?!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CindyDialog>>Hahaha! You guys are so funny! Nikita, we'll have fun together!<</CindyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Okay!!! But what if she tries to take over my body again or something?!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CindyDialog>>That's not going to happen. We are, as Jimmy said, stibilisi...stabole...ahem...in short, we have different places now, and I have no claim to your place<</CindyDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Is she saying anything else?<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>She says we have different places, and she won't take my place.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Hmm...I don't think she's fooling you. It looks like you and she have created a real ecosystem, a stable duo where everyone has their own role.<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Fabulous! <</PlayerDialog>>
<<CindyDialog>>I'm glad for this outcome too! But I spent a lot of energy...fighting with you... I need to rest and get used to my new 'role'. Good night, sweetie!<</CindyDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Is she saying anything else?<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Um...if I'm a full-blown schizo now, I just said good night to myself...<</PlayerDialog>>
@@color:deeppink;You and Cindy have found a state of harmony together. But now your body is using a lot more energy, so it has to be compensated.@@
<<set $P.EverydaySpending -=15>>\
@@color:red; Your average daily spending has increased by 15.@@
<<button [[Leave|Lab]]>><<movetime 2>><</button>><<PlayerDialog "serious">>I don't think so<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Cindy/Pic/gray6.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>I still have a lot to do, break the curse, etc. I'll erase you.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CindyDialog>>Wait, no, no, no! Think, the curse will disappear if you and I become one! We become one!<</CindyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Well, maybe I can find another way. Sorry.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CindyDialog>>Stop! I don't want to! Think again...I....I....our mo...I mean your money! Wipe me out and you'll be penniless! Jimmy said I could influence my surroundings, it's in my power! I'm not joking!<</CindyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Apparently you're still unstable.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CindyDialog>>Believe me! The constant lewd looks from strangers! Unlimited sex! Unlimited happines! Unlimited coooocks fucking us!! Are you sure you don't want it?! Come on!<</CindyDialog>>
@@#pill;<<button [[Uh, let's become one|CindyFinal]]>><</button>>@@
<<button [[Bye, Cindy|CindyTalk1]]>><</button>><<PlayerDialog "serious">>I'm sure. I'm the head of my body!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CindyDialog>>Noooo! How could it be!<</CindyDialog>>
<<button [[...|CindyTalk2]]>><<set $P.Money = 0>><<set $P.CindyInside = true>><<set $LabAutoWin = true>><</button>><<PlayerDialog "serious">>Cindy?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Can you hear me?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>I feel a little sorry for her, as if I had lost a part of myself...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<if $P.Loc == 0>>
<<button [[Wake up|DWakeUp]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Wake up|HWakeUp]]>><</button>>
<</if>><<media "Data/Locations/lab.jpg" "place">>
<<set _materials = []>>
<<set _materials.push({ code: 'Vodka', name: 'Vodka' })>>
<<set _materials.push({ code: 'Milk', name: 'Milk' })>>
<<set _materials.push({ code: 'Cucumber', name: 'Cucumber' })>>
<<if $Tabletslvl2 == true>>
<<set _materials.push({ code: 'Pineapple', name: 'Pineapple' })>>
<<widget "DrawUniLabCraftingTable">>
<td>In use</td>
<<for _material range _materials>>
<td><<print _material.name>></td>
<td><<print $Inventory[_material.code]>></td>
<td><<print $Receipt[_material.code]>></td>
<<disable $Inventory[_material.code] <= 0>>
<<capture _material>>
<<button "Put in use">>
<<if $Inventory[_material.code] > 0>>
<<set $Inventory[_material.code] -= 1>>
<<set $Receipt[_material.code] += 1>>
<<replace "#uniLabCraftingTable">><<DrawUniLabCraftingTable>><</replace>>
<<replace "#uniLabCraftingTableResult">><</replace>>
<<widget "DrawUniLabCraftingTableResult">>
<<if _uniLabCraftingResult !== null && _uniLabCraftingResultMessage !== null>>
<<if _uniLabCraftingResult === true>>
<<set _uniLabCraftingResult = null>>
<<set _uniLabCraftingResultMessage = null>>
<<widget "DrawUniLabCraftingTablePillsInventory">>
Ready-to Use Simple Pills (lvl1): @@color:yellow;$Inventory.Tablets@@<br>
<<if $Tabletslvl2 === true>>
Ready-to Use Simple Pills (lvl2): @@color:yellow;$Inventory.Tabletslvl2@@<br>
<<if $TabletsBodySwitch === true>>
Bodyswitch pills: @@color:yellow;$Inventory.TabletsBodySwitch@@<br>
<div style="width: 100%; display: inline-block;">\
<div style="float: left;" id="uniLabCraftingTable">\
<div style="float: left; margin: 30px;">\
<<button "Mix it up!">>
<<if $Receipt.Milk > 0 or $Receipt.Vodka > 0 or $Receipt.Cucumber > 0 or $Receipt.Pineapple > 0>>
<<if $Receipt.Milk == 3 and $Receipt.Vodka == 1 and $Receipt.Cucumber == 2>>
<<set $Inventory.Tablets++>>
<<set _uniLabCraftingResult = true>>
<<set _uniLabCraftingResultMessage = "1 pill (lvl 1) added to your inventory!">>
<<elseif $Receipt.Milk == 1 and $Receipt.Vodka == 2 and $Receipt.Cucumber == 4 and $Receipt.Pineapple == 1>>
<<set $Inventory.Tabletslvl2++>>
<<set _uniLabCraftingResult = true>>
<<set _uniLabCraftingResultMessage = "1 pill (lvl 2) added to your inventory!">>
<<elseif $Receipt.Milk == 2 and $Receipt.Vodka == 2 and $Receipt.Cucumber == 2 and $Receipt.Pineapple == 2>>
<<set $Inventory.Tabletslvl3++>>
<<set _uniLabCraftingResult = true>>
<<set _uniLabCraftingResultMessage = "1 pill (lvl 3) added to your inventory!">>
<<elseif $Receipt.Milk == 1 and $Receipt.Vodka == 0 and $Receipt.Cucumber == 0 and $Receipt.Pineapple == 4>>
<<set $Inventory.TabletsBodySwitch += 2>>
<<set _uniLabCraftingResult = true>>
<<set _uniLabCraftingResultMessage = "2 BodySwitch pills added to your inventory!">>
<<set _uniLabCraftingResult = false>>
<<set _uniLabCraftingResultMessage = "Something went wrong, you didn't get any pills and lost used ingredients">>
<<set _uniLabCraftingResult = true>>
<<set _uniLabCraftingResultMessage = "Nothing happened">>
<<replace "#uniLabCraftingTable">><<DrawUniLabCraftingTable>><</replace>>
<<replace "#uniLabCraftingTableResult">><<DrawUniLabCraftingTableResult>><</replace>>
<<replace "#uniLabCraftingTablePillsInventory">><<DrawUniLabCraftingTablePillsInventory>><</replace>>
<<button "Clean table">>
<<replace "#uniLabCraftingTable">><<DrawUniLabCraftingTable>><</replace>>
<<replace "#uniLabCraftingTableResult">><</replace>>
<<button [[Exit table|Lab]]>><</button>>
<div id="uniLabCraftingTableResult"></div>\
<div id="uniLabCraftingTablePillsInventory"><<DrawUniLabCraftingTablePillsInventory>></div>\
@@color:red;Remember:@@ if you'll use more or less ingredients and try to mix it, you'll get nothing, but ingredients will disappear.<<timed 2500ms>>\
<div class = "p"> <h4>Nikita</h4><hr>What? Where have I gone again? Cindy?</div>
<<next 2500ms>>\
<div class = "akira"><h4>???</h4><hr>Who is Cindy?</div>
<<next 2500ms>>\
<div class = "p"> <h4>Nikita</h4><hr>Oh, Cindy is my...wait, who am I talking to?!</div>
<<next 2500ms>>\
<div class = "akira"><h4>???</h4><hr>You stole something from us...</div>
<<next 2500ms>>\
Wait a minute! Is that the witch? But...
I have a feeling it's not her... She doesn't talk like she did back then. Why do I feel such pressure when I think about something?!..
<<next 2500ms>>\
<div class = "p"> <h4>Nikita</h4><hr>Slander! And anyway, I wouldn't want to continue this conversation, where's the way out?</div>
<<next 2500ms>>\
<div class = "akira"><h4>???</h4><hr>Where are you located?</div>
<<next 2500ms>>\
<div class = "p"> <h4>Nikita</h4><hr>I don't know, I can't even figure out where the top is and where the bottom is!</div>
<<next 2500ms>>\
<div class = "akira"><h4>???</h4><hr>Don't mess with me, you stupid cursed boy. I'm asking where you are, and you'd better answer.</div>
<<next 2500ms>>\
<div class = "p"> <h4>Nikita</h4><hr>I...ghm...wait! If you're so scary, why are you asking me this question? Can't you really find me?</div>
<<next 2500ms>>\
<div class = "akira"><h4>???</h4><hr>You're digging your own grave.</div>
<<next 2500ms>>\
<div class = "p"> <h4>Nikita</h4><hr>You can't scare me! If you're so all-powerful, you shouldn't have any trouble finding me, right?</div>
<<next 2500ms>>\
<div class = "akira"><h4>???</h4><hr>You overestimate the magic, that's not how it works. But you underestimate me.</div>
<<next 2500ms>>\
You feel the currents of your consciousness beginning to come back to normal and yield back to your control.
<<next 2500ms>>\
<div class = "p"> <h4>Nikita</h4><hr>Hey, I think I found a way out.</div>
<<next 2500ms>>\
<div class = "akira"><h4>???</h4><hr>STOP! I spent a lot of time trying to find a communication window, don't you dare leave!</div>
<<next 2500ms>>\
<div class = "p"> <h4>Nikita</h4><hr>Hahaha, ADIOS!</div>
<<next 2500ms>>\
<div class = "akira"><h4>???</h4><hr>@@font-size:50%; YOU CAN'T ESCAPE ME!@@</div>
<<next 2500ms>>\
<<button [[Wake up|ChangeBodyExpTest1]]>><<set $Akira.Met = true>><</button>>
<</timed>>\<<media "Data/Locations/ap1.jpg" "place">>
Shared Apartments.<<set $P.Loc = 0>>
<img class = "just" height = "500px" src = "Data/Characters/npc/nerd.webp">
Jimmy looks tired, but very satisfied. It's like he ran here!
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Jimmy? Is there something wrong?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>I did it! I synthesized the formula! I need to test it right away!<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Do you need help? I'd be happy to...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Sort of. The problem is that a university laboratory is hardly suitable for this level of research. I'm not sure you can help here, but I want you to believe in me and be there for me.<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>That's not a problem, Jimmy. Let's go quickly.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<button [[Lab|JimmyLabBoom1]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/lab.jpg" "place">>
We came to the lab, I'd never seen Jimmy so enthusiastic.
<<JimmyDialog>>Stand behind the door.<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>What? Why?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>It will require very subtle and complex work here. Come in if I ask you to, okay?<</JimmyDialog>>
Not everyone can see it, but I know Jimmy well enough to say that his face now expresses firm determination.
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>I got it.<</PlayerDialog>>
Experiment started.
<<media "Data/Characters/npc/JimmyExp/smoke1.gif" "gif">>
There was smoke coming out of the lab; it's not the first time I've seen it. Jimmy must be wearing a hazmat suit.
<<JimmyDialog>>Hey, are you still there?<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Of course, Jimmy!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>God! I'm shocked that I did this with the help of improvised means!<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Did what? Did you finish what you wanted?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>No, this is just the first stage...I need a little more time<</JimmyDialog>>
I hope he'll be okay...
A little more time passes, Jimmy doesn't answer. Is it worth asking him how he's doing? Or would I interrupt him?
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Jimmy, is everything okay?<</PlayerDialog>>
No answer.
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Jimmy!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Huh? Wait, wait and...okay!<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>What okay?!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Do you believe in me?<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>YES!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>I finished the second phase, but there's still some work left to do, which was harder than I thought it would be.<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>May I come in?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>But I...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>You'll only get in the way! Stay there! And don't distract me!<</JimmyDialog>>
Eh, no doubt he has a right to say so. Am I really that useless?
He's been fiddling around in there for quite a while now. Maybe something's wrong. What's supposed to happen? Maybe I should call out to him. Even though he asked me not to... Jimmy, I believe in you!
<<JimmyDialog>>Hey, it seems to be worked out!<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Really?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Yeah! All I have to do now is....<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>OOPS?!?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/npc/JimmyExp/exp.gif" "gif">>
<<button [[Everything is plunged into darkness|JimmyLabBoom2.5]]>><</button>><<timed 4000ms>>\
<<fadein 5s>>
<div class = "akira"><h4>???</h4><hr>@@font-size:135%;color:red;Found you.@@</div><</fadein>>
<<next 6000ms>>\
<<goto "Chapter 2">>
<</timed>><<media "Data/Locations/lab.jpg" "place">>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Where am I?! Oh!<</PlayerDialog>>
<span class="blink">
There was an explosion...and then another one...You not only heard that explosions, but you felt it, because you were standing right under the door of its epicenter.</span>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Jimmy! What? What happened?<</PlayerDialog>>
I tried to open the door, but it wouldn't budge!
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Jimmy! Don't tell me you locked the door! JIMMY!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/npc/JimmyExp/windows.jpg" "just">>
The explosion was really strong, even outside the lab the windows cracked.
But Jimmy was inside!
I was knocking and shouting the whole time.
I was ready to kick the damn door in, but suddenly it opened.
<<JimmyDialog>>Hey, why are you getting so loud?<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Jimmy?! Jimmy! What happened? Are you okay? What was that explosion?!<</PlayerDialog>>
I walked in the door and yes...the lab was destroyed...
<<media "Data/Characters/npc/JimmyExp/destlab.jpg" "just">>
<<JimmyDialog>>Let's talk somewhere else, we need to get out of here. And fast.<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>W-well...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<button [[Dorm apartments|JimmyLabBoom4]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/ap1.jpg" "place">>
Shared Apartments.<<set $P.Loc = 0>>
<<set $CurrentDayTime = 4>>\
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Hey, are you sure you're okay?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Yes, I took the necessary protective measures. I assumed that this could happen, and unfortunately it did.<</JimmyDialog>>
So Jimmy didn't want to let me in because of that?
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>You idiot! Why the hell did you decide to do such a dangerous experiment in the first place?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>I just wanted to know how far we could go. We're way past the limits of this little lab.<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>So we set off an explosion right in the university and destroyed the lab? And why the hell didn't you answer me when there was an explosion?!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Hey, I needed some time. I was considering the possibility of that outcome, so I had a plan for that. I made it look like the old reagents blew up and we had nothing to do with it.<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>So no consequences for us?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Yeah, well...except I blew up our lab. I don't think they'll be doing any repairs there anytime soon<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>It's okay, as long as you're all right<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Oh, I also have this<</JimmyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/npc/JimmyExp/gbpills.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>What is it?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>That's what I was able to get. These are gender change pills, but I wasn't able to stabilize them to the end, so they're a little incomplete.<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>What does it mean?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>With these pills I wanted to outdo myself, but I didn't succeed. In order to get their effect you need two people, an image and a desire. The basic element here is "desire," that is, thought. But the priority of "desire" is given to the person who took the pill<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>I....don't quite get it...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Simply put, the person must want its effect, and you will have to enhance this, and then it should work.<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>I think I get it now<</PlayerDialog>>
Although I still don't know how to use them if a person has to want to do it himself...
<<JimmyDialog>>Let's call them "Beta GC pills". I have 3 of them, they are all yours.<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Hey, are you sure?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Yeah, take it. You have other things to do, right? I think I'm going to go get some rest. I'm tired of this experiment...<</JimmyDialog>>
<<set $Inventory.GBBetaTablets = 3>>\
@@color:yellow; 3 Beta GC pills added to your inventory. @@
Jimmy looks a little depressed that the experiment didn't go all the way as he had planned, especially since he lost his only lab...Yet he seems pretty enthusiastic! He deserves a rest!
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>You're doing great, Jimmy! Thank you!<</PlayerDialog>>
He waved to me and left. Get some rest, Jimmy. Now I'll do what's up to me. I think I ought to find that gang and get on with my little investigation about the new drug.
<<button [[Continue|DApart]]>><<set $LabExploded = true>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/lab.jpg" "place">>
<<JimmyDialog>>So, are you ready?<</JimmyDialog>>
<<button [[Do the test |JimmyLabHelpTests]]>><<set $Inventory.Vodka -=3>><<set $Inventory.Milk -=3>> <<set $Inventory.Cucumber -=3>> <<set $Inventory.Pineapple -=3>><</button>>
<<button [[Not now|Lab]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/lab.jpg" "place">>
Laboratory.<<set $FT = 7>>\
<<JimmyDialog>>Let's go!<</JimmyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/npc/JimmyExp/smoke.gif" "gif">>
<<switch $JimmyExpHelp>>\
<<case 0>>
<<set $JimmyExpHelp++>>
<<FNpcDialog null null "Student 2">>Yes, yes! Put it in deeper!<</FNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/npc/JimmyExp/fuck254.mp4">>
What? Who is it?
<<BullyDialog>>Shut up, whore! You're nothing more than a fuckhole, understand?<</BullyDialog>>
<<FNpcDialog null null "Student 2">>YES! You own me! Please, Maaaaster Stephan! Fuck me harder!<</FNpcDialog>>
Is that what he's doing now? He's fucking her so hard, that bitch must be feeling so good right now....It looks like all I can do is watch...
<<BullyDialog>>...just another empty shell...<</BullyDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Nikita. Nikita! Wake up!<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Oh, it's all back.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>You temporarily blacked out, did you see something?<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Yeah, I just saw Stephan fucking some whore! It was so real!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Hmm...I don't think it's a hallucination. Okay, I wrote the result down, that's all for today.<</JimmyDialog>>
<<case 1>>
<<set $JimmyExpHelp++>>\
So...Where am I now? I can't even seem to move this time. Oh, wow!
<<media "Data/Characters/npc/JimmyExp/mast4.mp4">>
It's Layla! I wonder what she's doing? She looks very horny! Damn, I can't move. Hey, what? Is that it?!
<<JimmyDialog>>Welcome back! Are you done yet? It's faster this time. Was it anything like last time?<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Yeah, it was almost like last time, but faster and I couldn't move at all! I saw Layla!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Hmm...looks like we've made some progress in separating consciousness. I think I'm getting closer to understanding which elements are responsible for it. Well done! Next time I'll change some things in the calculations.<</JimmyDialog>>
<<case 2>>
<<if $P.Gender == "m">>\
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Umm...nothing happened. Jimmy?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Hmm...Perhaps the reason is the element on which you and Carol's bond are based. Try to come in her body next time, just in case, we'll repeat the same formula.<</JimmyDialog>>
<<set $JimmyExpHelp++>>\
I think something happened this time, I feel some changes. I also feel like I'm so damn horny! Okay, I can move. Where is Jimmy?
<div class = "npc"> <img class = "icon" src = "Data/Characters/npc/nerdface.png"><h4>Nikita</h4><hr>Jimmy? Are you here?</div>
<div class = "p"> <<if $P.Gender == "f">><img class = "icon" src = "Data/Characters/Carol/E/serious.png"><<else>><img class = "icon" src = "Data/Characters/P/face.png"><</if>><h4>Jimmy</h4><hr>Nikita, I'm here.</div>
<<media "Data/Characters/npc/JimmyExp/sit2.jpg" "just">>
<div class = "npc"> <img class = "icon" src = "Data/Characters/npc/nerdface.png"><h4>Nikita</h4><hr>..horny? That dick is going to fall out of his pants, isn't it? I feel the same way...</div>
<<media "Data/Characters/npc/JimmyExp/tits.jpg" "just">>
<<media "Data/Characters/npc/JimmyExp/fuck217.mp4">>
Hell, I really fuck Carol! Not with my dick and not in my body and it's not Carol at all, but it feels so fucking good!
<div class = "npc"> <img class = "icon" src = "Data/Characters/npc/nerdface.png"><h4>Nikita</h4><hr>Open your mouth wide, I want to end up there!</div>
<<media "Data/Characters/npc/JimmyExp/bj122.mp4">>
So this is what it's like to fuck Carol in the mouth! It's fucking awesome! Now I know why Stephan's got his hands so tight on me! I can see Jimmy's eyes rolling up in pleasure! There's a lot more power hidden in these pills than we can imagine!
Then it was as if a light came on and we both found ourselves to "our" bodies.
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Umm...what do you think?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>The formula was not very successful, but now I know exactly where the line between mind and body lies. This means that we will be able to influence the individual elements of this system. To prove my theory, next time I will try to concentrate a little on physical bodies.<</JimmyDialog>>
I'm glad we got that data, but he didn't see fit to comment on the fact that he had just been brutally fucked, hahahaha!
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Okay, see you next time!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<case 3>>
<<set $JimmyExpHelp++>>\
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>Hey, hey, I'm feeling strange...something is happening! I feel like I'm...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/npc/JimmyExp/blonde.mp4">>
<div class = "npc"> <img class = "icon" src = "Data/Characters/npc/JimmyExp/bimbface.jpg"><h4>Nikita</h4><hr>...getting dumber, heheheh! You turned me into a bimbo, you prankster! (giggle) ...but I feel so funny now! Te-he! Oh, why did you pull out your dick?</div>
<<media "Data/Characters/npc/JimmyExp/blonde1.mp4">>
<<JimmyDialog>>Oooh, those boobs are so soft! I can't believe you really let me fuck them that easily! But that's not enough for you, is it?<</JimmyDialog>>
<div class = "npc"> <img class = "icon" src = "Data/Characters/npc/JimmyExp/bimbface.jpg"><h4>Nikita</h4><hr>...hehehe</div>
<div class = "npc"> <img class = "icon" src = "Data/Characters/npc/JimmyExp/bimbface.jpg"><h4>Nikita</h4><hr>Hey, I'm nooot stuuuupid! I...just decided to take advantage of the situation while I'm in this body! (giggles)</div>
<<media "Data/Characters/npc/JimmyExp/blonde3.mp4">>
<<JimmyDialog>>Really? Then what is 13 + 26?<</JimmyDialog>>
<div class = "npc"> <img class = "icon" src = "Data/Characters/npc/JimmyExp/bimbface.jpg"><h4>Nikita</h4><hr>So...1 plus 1 more, another 1 remembered and that's....emmmm...that's a lot!...(giggles)...probably about how many thrusts you'll do in a minute while you're fucking me!</div>
<<JimmyDialog>>Maybe you're right, but what's the number?<</JimmyDialog>>
<div class = "npc"> <img class = "icon" src = "Data/Characters/npc/JimmyExp/bimbface.jpg"><h4>Nikita</h4><hr>Emm....I give up! I can't count, I'm really that stuuuupid! But I don't care! All I can think about is pleeeasure! Mmmm...being a bimbo is so nice!</div>
<<JimmyDialog>>Still not enough for you?!<</JimmyDialog>>
<div class = "npc"> <img class = "icon" src = "Data/Characters/npc/JimmyExp/bimbface.jpg"><h4>Nikita</h4><hr>Yeees! It squelches so funny while you're fucking me! And it feels so good! ...please, fuck me more often...</div>
<<media "Data/Characters/npc/JimmyExp/blonde2.mp4">>
<div class = "npc"> <img class = "icon" src = "Data/Characters/npc/JimmyExp/bimbface.jpg"><h4>Nikita</h4><hr>Master, release your sperm on me!</div>
<<JimmyDialog>>I didn't ask you to call me Master! I like it though...<</JimmyDialog>>
<div class = "npc"> <img class = "icon" src = "Data/Characters/npc/JimmyExp/bimbface.jpg"><h4>Nikita</h4><hr>Of course, master! I'll be your personal bimbo from now on! You can fuck me whenever you want! (giggles)</div>
<<media "Data/Characters/npc/JimmyExp/blonde4.mp4">>
After that, we were terribly exhausted and slept for several hours.
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>That was fucked up, and what can you say about that? Is this your way of getting back at me for last time?<</PlayerDialog>>
Normally he doesn't show it, but I've been around this man too long not to notice the slight movement of his eyebrows.
<<JimmyDialog>>Of course not. You know how these pills work. Um...Anyway, we got useful information, but the formula was not very stable. Need another test like this, sorry in advance if anything goes wrong.<</JimmyDialog>>
He got confused when he talked about how the pills work, they are directly linked to the thoughts. There is no pill here, but I believe the principle is the same. So it's some kind of mental competition. I can completely change the effect if I try!
<<set $CindyOpened = true>>\
<<set $CindyAttempts = 1>>
<<case 4>>
<<goto "MentalCompetition">>
<<case 5>>
<<goto "ChangeBodyExp">>
<<button [[End for today|Lab]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<RE [[UniTooHornyRE]]>>
<<REGroup "JimmyExperiment" 60>>
<<RE [[_Lab]]>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
type: "goto",
<<if $LabExploded === false>>\
<<media "Data/Locations/lab.jpg" "place">>
<<if $WasInLab == false>>
This is the laboratory where I was allowed to work. I want to become a psychologist, but that's not quite right. In fact, my research is at the intersection of psychology and chemistry.
Simply put, I went into science and took a very narrow niche, trying to explain the behavior of people through the chemical processes in their bodies.
Although some opposed my approach, I was still given access to the lab.
Jimmy also appears here occasionally. Seems like he always had access. ^he is just. a. genius.^
<<set $WasInLab = true>>\
<<if $CurrentDayTime != 1>>
<<if $ReadyToTalkToJimmyTablets == true and $TalkedToJimmy == true and $TalkedToJimmyTablets == true>>
@@#pill;<<button [[Crafting table|CraftingTable]]>><<set $PillsAdded = "">><</button>>@@
@@#money;<<button [[Do science work |LabWork]]>><</button>>@@
<<if $CurrentDayTime == 0 and $DrugSpread == 2 and $JimmyExpHelp < 6>>\
<<if $NewLabExplonation == false>>\
<<button [[Talk to Jimmy|NewLabExplonation]]>><<set $NewLabExplonation = true>><</button>>
Jimmy said to have @@color:yellow;three of each ingredient.@@
<<disable $Inventory.Vodka < 2 or $Inventory.Milk < 2 or $Inventory.Cucumber < 2 or $Inventory.Pineapple < 2>>\
@@#pill;<<button [[Help Jimmy|JimmyLabHelp]]>><<set $NewLabExplonation = true>><</button>>@@
/* TODO: maybe need to add a hint */\
<<if $P.Arousal > 49>>\
<<if $P.Gender == "m">>\
<<button [[Masturbate (decreases arousal)|LabMastM]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Masturbate (decreases arousal)|LabMastF]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Exit lab |Uni]]>><</button>>
<<media "Data/Characters/npc/JimmyExp/destlab.jpg" "place">>
Destroyed laboratory.
The lab blew up. We can't use it anymore. Now it's just ruins.
<<button [[Exit lab |Uni]]>><</button>>
<</if>>\<<media "Data/Locations/lab.jpg" "place">>
Laboratory.<<set $JimmyExpHelp++>>
<<if $P.Gender == "f">>\
<<set $P.Gender = "m">>\
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Jimmy! I think I'm okay! I feel like my usual self! Yay! I'm just back in my body, that's all!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Jimmy! I think I'm okay! I feel like my usual self! Yay!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/npc/JimmyExp/smoke.gif" "gif">>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Jimmy?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CustomDialog "Data/Characters/npc/JimmyExp/Jface1.jpg" "Jimmy">>ehehe...you did this again, silly<</CustomDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/npc/JimmyExp/JT10.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>What?! Why did it happen?!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CustomDialog "Data/Characters/npc/JimmyExp/Jface1.jpg" "Jimmy">>You probably wanted to get back at me so badly for turning you into a bimbo that your willpower even caught up with your surroundings! But that's okay, we already know how to deal with it (giggle)<</CustomDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Deal with it?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CustomDialog "Data/Characters/npc/JimmyExp/Jface1.jpg" "Jimmy">>I can't wait no more! Hurry up and fuck those huge tits of mine! (giggle)<</CustomDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/npc/JimmyExp/JT12.mp4">>
<<CustomDialog "Data/Characters/npc/JimmyExp/Jface1.jpg" "Jimmy">>Mmmm...now I understood how much fun you had sucking my dick...It feeels sooo goood!<</CustomDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/npc/JimmyExp/JT11.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Jimmy...maybe at one point I really wanted to do that, but now I...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CustomDialog "Data/Characters/npc/JimmyExp/Jface1.jpg" "Jimmy">>Oh, nooo! You think you're allowed to be a stupid bimbo bitch and I'm not? I'm not letting you go until you fuck me in the anus like a fucking whore I am!<</CustomDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>I think I understood you too...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/npc/JimmyExp/JT13.mp4">>
<<CustomDialog "Data/Characters/npc/JimmyExp/Jface1.jpg" "Jimmy">>Ah, yes! It's right in my ass! I'm such a dirty slut!<</CustomDialog>>
<<CustomDialog "Data/Characters/npc/JimmyExp/Jface1.jpg" "Jimmy">>Did you like my ass that much? <</CustomDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>I finally get it. Now I'm going to treat you the way you deserve to be treated<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CustomDialog "Data/Characters/npc/JimmyExp/Jface1.jpg" "Jimmy">>Yeah! I deserve to be your personal fuck hole today! Choke me! Mmm...yes!<</CustomDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/npc/JimmyExp/JT14.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Prepare yourself, slut!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/npc/JimmyExp/JT15.mp4">>
<<CustomDialog "Data/Characters/npc/JimmyExp/Jface1.jpg" "Jimmy">>AaaAah!...feels goooood!<</CustomDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Well...I think I really deserved it.<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Are you alright? Don't you anything strange?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Yes, I felt the effect and remember what was going on. Your case was a little different. I think there's nothing wrong with me now.<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Well, I'm glad it worked out. Everything's back to normal.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>We need to do at least one more test. But I have collected enough data, now surely nothing will go beyond the experiment.<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Okay, then everything's back to normal.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<if $P.CindyInside === false>>\
<<button [[Leave|Lab]]>><<movetime 2>><</button>>
<<CindyDialog>>I agree. Everything is as it should be.<</CindyDialog>>
<<button [[WHAT?|CindyInside]]>><</button>>
<</if>>\<<media "Data/Locations/lab.jpg" "place">>
Remember: when you make a science work, you can "submit the report" end it now" or "continue next time". If you choose "continue next time", so you take ZERO money today, but you will get more next time you choose "submit the report".
<<media "Data/Actions/labwork.gif" "gif">>
<<if $CurrentDayOfWeek <5>>
<<set _tip = 5*$P.ScienceWorkMod>>
<<set _todayincome = 15 + _tip>>
<<set $P.LabIncome = $P.LabIncome + _todayincome>>
@@color:lime;You worked well so you can get $P.LabIncome now@@ or <span class = "light">continue next time</span>.
Work in the laboratory is very painstaking, after it you want to relax
<<UpdateArousal "+20">>
<<button [[Get your money |Uni]]>><<set $P.ScienceWorkMod = 0>><<set $P.Money += $P.LabIncome>><<set $P.LabIncome = 0>><<movetime>><</button>>
<<if $P.LabIncome < 300>>\
<<button [[Continue next time|Uni]]>><<set $P.ScienceWorkMod++>><<movetime>><</button>>
<strong>You can't get paid more for your work, take your money.</strong>
<<set _tip = 5*$P.ScienceWorkMod>>
<<set _todayincome = 2*(15 + _tip)>>
<<set $P.LabIncome = $P.LabIncome + _todayincome>>
@@color:lime;You worked well so you can get $P.LabIncome now@@ or <span class = "light">continue next time</span>.
Work in the laboratory is very painstaking, after it you want to relax
<<UpdateArousal "+40">>
<<button [[Get your money |WeekendEvening]]>><<set $P.ScienceWorkMod = 0>><<set $P.Money += $P.LabIncome>><<set $P.LabIncome = 0>><<set $CurrentDayTime = 4>><</button>>
<<button [[Continue next time|WeekendEvening]]>><<set $P.ScienceWorkMod++>><<set $CurrentDayTime = 4>><</button>>
<</if>><<media "Data/Locations/lab.jpg" "place">>
<<set $JimmyWP = 0>>\
<<set $YourWP = 0>>\
<<set $seconds = 10>>\
<<JimmyDialog>>Get ready!<</JimmyDialog>>
<<if $LabAutoWin == false>>\
My willpower should be greater than his to win! I won't have more than 15 seconds! Since I figured out how it works, there's no way I'm going to lose!
@@color:magenta; font-size:115%;If I lose, I'll probably turn back into that bimbo!@@
<<timed 2000ms>>\
<<next 1000ms>><span id="ReadyTimer" style = "font-size:150%; color:yellow;">GET READY</span>
<<next 1000ms>><<replace "#ReadyTimer">>3<</replace>>\
<<next 1000ms>><<replace "#ReadyTimer">>2<</replace>>\
<<next 1000ms>><<replace "#ReadyTimer">>1<</replace>>\
<<next 1000ms>><<replace "#ReadyTimer">>GO<</replace>>\
<<next 1000ms>><<replace "#ReadyTimer">><</replace>>\
@@color:yellow;font-size:140%;Time left:@@ <span id="TimeLeft" style = "font-size:140%;"></span>
@@color:#FF9391; font-size:120%;Jimmy's willpower:@@ <span id="JimmyWP" style = "font-size:120%;">$JimmyWP</span>
@@color:#91D1FF;font-size:120%;Your willpower:@@ <span id="YourWP" style = "font-size:120%;">$YourWP</span>
<<repeat 500ms>>
<<set $seconds -= 0.5>>
<<if $seconds gt 0>>
<<replace "#TimeLeft">>$seconds<</replace>>\
<<if $CindyAttempts != 0>>\
<<set $JimmyWP += ($CindyAttempts*10)/100*2*1.5 + 1>>\
<<set $JimmyWP += (7*10)/100*2*1.5 + 1>>\
<<set $JimmyWP = Math.round($JimmyWP)>>
<<replace "#JimmyWP">>$JimmyWP<</replace>>\
<<replace "#TimeLeft">>0<</replace>>
<<media "Data/Characters/npc/JimmyExp/smoke.gif" "gif">>
<<if $YourWP > $JimmyWP>>
<<if $CindyAttempts != 4>>
<<replace "#Result">>
Hey, I don't feel any changes and the mental pressure went down. Did I win?
<<button [[What's next?|LabWin]]>><</button>>
<<replace "#Result">><<button [[Victory is mine?|Cindy4Talk]]>><</button>><</replace>>
<<elseif $JimmyWP > $YourWP>>
<<switch $CindyAttempts>>
<<case 1>>
<<replace "#Result">><<button [[Oh no, it's happening again!|Cindy1]]>><<set $CindyAttempts++>><</button>><</replace>>
<<case 2>>
<<replace "#Result">><<button [[Hey, that's not supposed to happen!|Cindy2]]>><<set $CindyAttempts++>><</button>><</replace>>
<<case 3>>
<<replace "#Result">><<button [[Fuck, I'm kinda lost..|Cindy3]]>><<set $CindyAttempts++>><</button>><</replace>>
<<case 4>>
<<replace "#Result">><<button [[My body becomes so soft again!|Cindy4]]>><<set $CindyAttempts++>><</button>><</replace>>
<<case 5>>
<<replace "#Result">><<button [[I can't understand what is going on this time!|Cindy5]]>><<set $CindyAttempts++>><</button>><</replace>>
<<elseif $JimmyWP == $YourWP>>
<<replace "#Result">>
Hey, I feel like I need to make just a little more effort!
<<button [[Tighten up|LabWin]]>><</button>>
<<switch $CindyAttempts>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<button [[Give up|Cindy1]]>><<set $CindyAttempts++>><</button>>
<<case 2>>
<<button [[Give up|Cindy2]]>><<set $CindyAttempts++>><</button>>
<<case 3>>
<<button [[Give up|Cindy3]]>><<set $CindyAttempts++>><</button>>
<<case 4>>
<<button [[Give up|Cindy4]]>><<set $CindyAttempts++>><</button>>
<<case 5>>
<<button [[Give up|Cindy5]]>><<set $CindyAttempts++>><</button>>
<span id="Result">\
<<button 'I will win'>><<set $YourWP++>><<replace "#YourWP">>$YourWP<</replace>>\<</button>>
<<button [[There is no chance I can lose now|LabWin]]>><<set $CindyAttempts++>><</button>>
<</if>>\<<media "Data/Locations/lab.jpg" "place">>
<<JimmyDialog>>There you are. To explain, I have made some progress in the theoretical part, but I need the results of observations from a practical point of view.<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>You mean I'll be your lab rat?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>I've considered some options, but this one is the most realistic and effective, so you can consider it if it makes you feel better. However, it's worth realizing that until I'm done, this mix is unstable, so I might be affected as well. In any case, there shouldn't be much of a negative impact, and the effect is temporary, so there's nothing to worry about.<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>You don't need to explain everything in so much detail, I understand. So what do you want me to do?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>I'll be here in the mornings, so if you're free, you can come here. And before you come, @@color:yellow;take three of each ingredient for tests.@@ I know it will cost money, but there's no deadline, so you don't have to rush too much.<</JimmyDialog>>
Three of each ingredient? That could add up to a pretty penny if there's a lot of experimentation. In any case, I'd trust Jimmy on this one. I don't agree about the deadline, though - I'd hurry up, because we don't know where the witch is now and what she's doing.
<<button [[Exit lab|Uni]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$LabExploded === false and previous() === "Uni"`, /* fire event only when come from Uni to Lab */
tags: ["Lab", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "JimmyExperiment",
weight: 10,
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Lab", "Morning"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Lab", "Afternoon"] }
<<media "Data/Locations/lab.jpg" "place">>
Laboratory.<<set $RandomEventTime = false>>
<<media "Data/Characters/npc/JimmyExp/smoke1.gif" "gif">>
<<set $JimmyExp++>>
What? Smoke is coming from the lab.
<<JimmyDialog>>No, don't come in!<</JimmyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/npc/JimmyExp/smoke.gif" "gif">>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Nothing happened<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>That's great! No progress is also progress!<</JimmyDialog>>
<<button [[What's going on?|JimmyExperimentFinish]]>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$P.Gender === "f" and $LabExploded === false and previous() === "Uni"`,
tags: ["Lab", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "JimmyExperiment",
weight: 10,
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Lab", "Morning"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Lab", "Afternoon"] }
<<media "Data/Locations/lab.jpg" "place">>
Laboratory.<<set $RandomEventTime = false>>
<<media "Data/Characters/npc/JimmyExp/smoke1.gif" "gif">>
<<set $JimmyExp++>>
What? Smoke is coming from the lab.
<<JimmyDialog>>No, don't come in!<</JimmyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/npc/JimmyExp/smoke.gif" "gif">>
For about 10 seconds, my vision went dark. And then...
<<set $P.Gender = "m">>\
<<JimmyDialog>>At first I thought nothing happened, but I was wrong. You have changed!<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Hey, I'm back!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>If you changed because of the experiment, it means that we are closer to breaking the curse!<</JimmyDialog>>
<<button [[What's going on?|JimmyExperimentFinish]]>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$P.Gender === "f" and $LabExploded === false and previous() === "Uni"`,
tags: ["Lab", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "JimmyExperiment",
weight: 10,
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Lab", "Morning"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Lab", "Afternoon"] }
<<media "Data/Locations/lab.jpg" "place">>
Laboratory.<<set $RandomEventTime = false>>
<<media "Data/Characters/npc/JimmyExp/smoke1.gif" "gif">>
<<set $JimmyExp++>>
What? Smoke is coming from the lab.
<<JimmyDialog>>No, don't come in!<</JimmyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/npc/JimmyExp/smoke.gif" "gif">>
For about 10 seconds, my vision went dark. And then...
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>AaaAaA! What the fuck, my ass pumped up! It's so hot!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/npc/JimmyExp/twerk.mp4">>
<<JimmyDialog>>Do not worry, this is the effect of the experiment, very soon everything will return to normal<</JimmyDialog>>
<<UpdateArousal "+35">>
<<button [[What's going on?|JimmyExperimentFinish]]>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$P.Gender === "f" and $LabExploded === false and previous() === "Uni"`,
tags: ["Lab", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "JimmyExperiment",
weight: 10,
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Lab", "Morning"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Lab", "Afternoon"] }
<<media "Data/Locations/lab.jpg" "place">>
Laboratory.<<set $RandomEventTime = false>>
<<media "Data/Characters/npc/JimmyExp/smoke1.gif" "gif">>
<<set $JimmyExp++>>
What? Smoke is coming from the lab.
<<JimmyDialog>>No, don't come in!<</JimmyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/npc/JimmyExp/smoke.gif" "gif">>
For about 10 seconds, my vision went dark. And then...
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>OOOOOOHH! My tits! They are milking!! Whyyyy it's sooo goood???<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/npc/JimmyExp/milk2.mp4">>
<<JimmyDialog>>Do not worry, this is the effect of the experiment, very soon everything will return to normal<</JimmyDialog>>
<<UpdateArousal "+50">>
<<button [[What's going on?|JimmyExperimentFinish]]>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$P.Gender === "f" and $LabExploded === false and previous() === "Uni"`,
tags: ["Lab", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "JimmyExperiment",
weight: 10,
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Lab", "Morning"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Lab", "Afternoon"] }
<<media "Data/Locations/lab.jpg" "place">>
Laboratory.<<set $RandomEventTime = false>>
<<media "Data/Characters/npc/JimmyExp/smoke1.gif" "gif">>
<<set $JimmyExp++>>
What? Smoke is coming from the lab.
<<JimmyDialog>>No, don't come in!<</JimmyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/npc/JimmyExp/smoke.gif" "gif">>
For about 10 seconds, my vision went dark. And then...
I felt incredible pressure and intolerable itching. I didn't even notice how I undressed...
<<media "Data/Characters/npc/JimmyExp/squirt1.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>Aaaaha! I can't stop it! It keeps coming out!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Do not worry, this is the effect of the experiment, very soon everything will return to normal<</JimmyDialog>>
<<UpdateArousal "-50">>
<<button [[What's going on?|JimmyExperimentFinish]]>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$P.Gender === "m" and $LabExploded === false and previous() === "Uni"`,
tags: ["Lab", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "JimmyExperiment",
weight: 10,
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Lab", "Morning"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Lab", "Afternoon"] }
<<media "Data/Locations/lab.jpg" "place">>
Laboratory.<<set $RandomEventTime = false>>
<<media "Data/Characters/npc/JimmyExp/smoke1.gif" "gif">>
<<set $JimmyExp++>>
What? Smoke is coming from the lab.
<<JimmyDialog>>No, don't come in!<</JimmyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/npc/JimmyExp/smoke.gif" "gif">>
For about 10 seconds, my vision went dark. And then...
<<set $P.Gender = "f">>\
<<JimmyDialog>>At first I thought nothing happened, but I was wrong. You have changed!<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Are you kidding me?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Cheer up! If you changed because of the experiment, it only means that we are closer to breaking the curse!<</JimmyDialog>>
<<button [[What's going on?|JimmyExperimentFinish]]>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$P.Gender === "m" and $LabExploded === false and previous() === "Uni"`,
tags: ["Lab", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "JimmyExperiment",
weight: 10,
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Lab", "Morning"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Lab", "Afternoon"] }
<<media "Data/Locations/lab.jpg" "place">>
Laboratory.<<set $RandomEventTime = false>>
<<media "Data/Characters/npc/JimmyExp/smoke1.gif" "gif">>
<<set $JimmyExp++>>
What? Smoke is coming from the lab.
<<JimmyDialog>>No, don't come in!<</JimmyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/npc/JimmyExp/smoke.gif" "gif">>
For about 10 seconds, my vision went dark. And then...
<<media "Data/Characters/npc/JimmyExp/bitch.mp4">>
Wow, what a bitch!
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Are you teasing me?<</PlayerDialog>>
She smiles. Hell, I don't need to be invited twice!
<<media "Data/Characters/npc/JimmyExp/bitch1.mp4">>
That's it, yes! Saddle my dick!
<<media "Data/Characters/npc/JimmyExp/bitch3.mp4">>
Pretty soon my eyes went dark again and I got the feeling that I was about to vomit.
<<JimmyDialog>>I feel like I've seen some great porn...or even participated... Damn, what's that nasty taste in my mouth?<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Whaat?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<button [[What's going on?|JimmyExperimentFinish]]>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$P.Gender === "m" and $LabExploded === false and previous() === "Uni"`,
tags: ["Lab", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "JimmyExperiment",
weight: 10,
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Lab", "Morning"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Lab", "Afternoon"] }
<<media "Data/Locations/lab.jpg" "place">>
Laboratory.<<set $RandomEventTime = false>>
<<media "Data/Characters/npc/JimmyExp/smoke1.gif" "gif">>
<<set $JimmyExp++>>
What? Smoke is coming from the lab.
<<JimmyDialog>>No, don't come in!<</JimmyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/npc/JimmyExp/smoke.gif" "gif">>
For about 10 seconds, my vision went dark. And then...
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Hey, HEY! What the fuck! Who are you?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/npc/JimmyExp/JT7.mp4">>
<<CustomDialog "Data/Characters/npc/JimmyExp/Jface2.jpg" "???">>Eeeooouuu-iii-beeboopbebbob<</CustomDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>What? Didn't understand a word!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CustomDialog "Data/Characters/npc/JimmyExp/Jface2.jpg" "???">>Boo-oboobeeb-oboooooo-ppob<</CustomDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/npc/JimmyExp/JT8.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>I think I understand you. Continue<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/npc/JimmyExp/JT9.mp4">>
Pretty soon my eyes went dark again and I got the feeling that I was about to vomit.
<<JimmyDialog>>Phew, it's getting better somehow. Bro, can you imagine? I dreamed that I was in the body of an alien!<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Whaat?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<button [[What's going on?|JimmyExperimentFinish]]>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
filter: `$P.Gender === "m" and $LabExploded === false and previous() === "Uni"`,
tags: ["Lab", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
groups: {
name: "JimmyExperiment",
weight: 10,
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Lab", "Morning"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Lab", "Afternoon"] }
<<media "Data/Locations/lab.jpg" "place">>
Laboratory.<<set $RandomEventTime = false>>
<<media "Data/Characters/npc/JimmyExp/smoke1.gif" "gif">>
<<set $JimmyExp++>>
What? Smoke is coming from the lab.
<<JimmyDialog>>No, don't come in!<</JimmyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/npc/JimmyExp/smoke.gif" "gif">>
For about 10 seconds, my vision went dark. And then...
<<media "Data/Characters/npc/JimmyExp/JT.mp4">>
<div class = "npc"> <img class = "icon" src = "Data/Characters/npc/JimmyExp/Jface1.jpg"><h4>Jimmy</h4><hr>Well, how do you feel interrupting my experiment? Now you're going to pay for it</div>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>J..J-Jimmy?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/npc/JimmyExp/JT2.mp4">>
<div class = "npc"> <img class = "icon" src = "Data/Characters/npc/JimmyExp/Jface1.jpg"><h4>Jimmy</h4><hr>You're such a pervert! How dare you make me such a depraved slut, huh?</div>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>I-I...just<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/npc/JimmyExp/JT4.mp4">>
<div class = "npc"> <img class = "icon" src = "Data/Characters/npc/JimmyExp/Jface1.jpg"><h4>Jimmy</h4><hr>This body aches without dicks. Now you have to finish the job</div>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>I understood! I will return you to your body no matter what!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/npc/JimmyExp/JT3.mp4">>
<div class = "npc"> <img class = "icon" src = "Data/Characters/npc/JimmyExp/Jface1.jpg"><h4>Jimmy</h4><hr>Play by the rules, treat me like a whore!</div>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>How do you like that?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/npc/JimmyExp/JT5.mp4">>
<div class = "npc"> <img class = "icon" src = "Data/Characters/npc/JimmyExp/Jface1.jpg"><h4>Jimmy</h4><hr>Aaahaa, it's soooo goood!</div>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Since you're a slut, get your juicy ass up and ride my dick like a real whore<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/npc/JimmyExp/JT6.mp4">>
<div class = "npc"> <img class = "icon" src = "Data/Characters/npc/JimmyExp/Jface1.jpg"><h4>Jimmy</h4><hr>Ah, fuck! This body is sooooo cooooool. I even want to stay in it longer</div>
Am I asleep again? The smoke is gone
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Jimmy, did something happen while we were sleeping?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<button [[What's going on?|JimmyExperimentFinish]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/lab.jpg" "place">>
<<JimmyDialog>>I'm sorry if I scared you. I'm testing a few of my theories about your pills. When the vapors are inhaled, the concentration of the substance drops, so the effect does not last very long. Although the effects are achieved very different!<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>So you're just experimenting?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Well, yeah. I'm leaving now, but I think if I do a @@color:lime;few of these experiments@@ and I have @@color:lime;enough time (at least a week)@@, I will discover new possibilities of magic pills! To be fair, I'll share new information with you.<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Fine! I will help you with your experiments whenever possible<</PlayerDialog>>
<<button [[Jimmy left|Lab]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/room1.jpg" "place">>
My room.
Why im I so horny?
<<set _r = random (0,99)>>\
<<if _r < 50>><<goto "LabMastFJimmy">><</if>>\
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/M/mast16.mp4">>
Just touch a little !
<<if $P.Arousal > 60>>\
<<set _r = random (1,2)>>\
<<if _r == 1>>\
Oh fuck. I begin to imagine a cock inside me. But isn't it normal to think like that in a woman's body?
<<if $P.Cor < 35>><<UpdateCorruption "+1">><</if>>
<<UpdateArousal "-50">>
<<button [[Back in action!|Lab]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/room1.jpg" "place">>
My room.
Why im I so horny?
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/M/mast16.mp4">>
Just touch a little !
<<if $P.Cor < 45>><<UpdateCorruption "+1">><</if>>
The door opens with a creak.
<<if $JimmyRelationships == 0>>\
<<if $P.JimmyPower < 6>>\
<<JimmyDialog>>...Nikita? Are you...?<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>No, you imagined it. I'm already leaving.<</PlayerDialog>>
@@color:deeppink;Your arousal hasn't changed.@@
<<button [[Back in action!|Lab]]>><<movetime>><</button>>
<<elseif $P.JimmyPower >= 6 and $P.JimmyPower < 10>>\
<<UpdateArousal "+10">>
Why am I getting so excited?
<<JimmyDialog>>...Nikita? Are you...masturbating?<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>Umm...yeah. Can you wait a little bit?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Okay, would you mind if I jerked off too?<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>No, My Lord, I don't<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/M/cock12.webp" "gif">>
<<UpdateArousal "-50">>
<<button [[Back in action!|Lab]]>><<movetime>><</button>>
<<elseif $P.JimmyPower >= 11>>\
<<UpdateArousal "+10">>
Why am I getting sooo excited?!
<<JimmyDialog>>...Nikita? Are you masturbating again?<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Yeeees<</PlayerDialog>>
Somehow, with his arrival, I started to feel so good!
<<JimmyDialog>>By the way, do you think you can make me cum during the short "gamebreak" in our sessions?<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>eheheheh....whaaaat?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/M/cock7.webp" "gif">>
<<JimmyDialog>>Let's test it<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>Of course, My Lord!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Suck it harder, slut. Don't stop masturbating!<</JimmyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/M/bj4.mp4">>
<<UpdateArousal "0">>
<<button [[Back in action!|Lab]]>><<movetime>><</button>>
<<elseif $JimmyRelationships > 0 and $JimmyRelationships < 3>>\
Shit! He's not on time again!
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Oh, I have an urgent case and how could I have forgotten about it? I'd better go!<</JimmyDialog>>
He left. It's good that he and I cleared up our relationship.
<<UpdateArousal "0">>
<<button [[Back in action!|Lab]]>><<movetime>><</button>>
<<elseif $JimmyRelationships == 3>>\
Shit! He's not on time again!
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Oh, I have an urgent case and how could I have forgotten about it? I'd better go!<</JimmyDialog>>
He left. It's good that he and I cleared up our relationship.
<<UpdateArousal "0">>
<<button [[Back in action!|Lab]]>><<movetime>><</button>>
<<elseif $JimmyRelationships == 4>>\
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>J-j...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>You jerked off right here on purpose? You wanted to fuck so bad, didn't you?<</JimmyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/M/slap7.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Yes, my Lord! I was such a bad girl!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>Then I'll punish you with my cock!<</JimmyDialog>>
<<JimmyDialog>>That's super great! I can fuck you anywhere and anytime!<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>I love it so much! Put your dick deeper inside me!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/M/panty13.mp4">>
<<UpdateArousal "0">>
<<button [[Back in action!|Lab]]>><<movetime>><</button>>
<</if>>\<<media "Data/Locations/room1.jpg" "place">>
My room.
<<set _r = random (0,99)>>\
<<if _r < 20>><<goto "LabMastMJimmy">><</if>>\
<<media "Data/Characters/P/M/1.mp4">>
Mmm, Ahkhh! Soiled the sweater :(
<<if $P.Arousal > 60>>\
<<set _r = random (1,2)>>\
<<if _r == 1>>\
Oh fuck. Now I want to stick it in someone juicy ass!
<<UpdateArousal "-50">>
<<button [[Back in action!|Lab]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/room1.jpg" "place">>
My room.
<<media "Data/Characters/P/M/1.mp4">>
Mmm, Ahkhh! Soiled the sweater :(
<<JimmyDialog>>..and then I slap her... Wow! Bro, it's not the best place to do this, you know?<</JimmyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Ah, yeah...can you leave me alone?<</PlayerDialog>>
He didn't have to be persuaded...heh
<<UpdateArousal "-25">>
<<button [[Back in action!|Lab]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 15,
filter: `$P.Arousal > 95 and $CurrentDayTime != 4`,
tags: ["Lab", "Daily"]
<<media "Data/Locations/uni.jpg" "place">>
<<if $Bully.Relationship != 3>>\
<<PlayerThoughtsDialog "horny">>Fuuuuck, I'm so horny! Right in the University! I must go to the Lab and masturbate!<</PlayerThoughtsDialog>>
<<if $P.Gender === "m">>\
<<button [[Masturbate|LabMastM]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Masturbate|LabMastF]]>><</button>>
<<if $P.Gender === "m">>\
<<timed 5s>><<set $P.Gender "f">><<goto "UniTooHornyRE">><</timed>>\
<<PlayerThoughtsDialog "horny">>Fuuuuck, I'm so horny! I must go to my room and masturbate! What's wrong with me!? I can feel magic flowing around me! @@color:magenta;If I don't take action immediately, something...might happen!@@<</PlayerThoughtsDialog>>
<<button [[Masturbate|LabMastM]]>><</button>>
<<timed 5s>><<goto "BullyRoomMast">><</timed>>\
<<PlayerThoughtsDialog "horny">>Oh, my God! Why am I so horny?! I...I...must get rid of this feeling immediately..... Why am I thinking about Stephan right now?! I want...I..Oh, no! @@color:magenta;If I don't do something about this right away, I'm gonna regret it!@@ <</PlayerThoughtsDialog>>
<<button [[Masturbate|LabMastF]]>><</button>>
<</if>>\<<media "Data/Locations/office.jpg" "place">>
Office interior.
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Let's have a look what we've got here<</PlayerDialog>>
As I looked around the room, I did a lot of thinking. I thought about it even before I gave Vanessa the second pill. The new drug was becoming more and more popular, the lust was spreading more and more. And it would be nice if there was a place where students could quench their needs. And I could make some extra money. This place would be great.
<<media "Data/Locations/multiroom.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Damn, there really is a lot of room. There are several rooms, and there's even another entrance besides that one where Vanessa usually stays. Okay, if I've made up my mind, then I can try to implement what I want. I have to check my plan and decide what to do next.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<button [[Check plan|OfficeInspection1]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Leave|Uni]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/office.jpg" "place">>
Office interior.
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>So, I want to use these rooms to make a house of pleasure. @@color:red;In order to get everything ready, I would need about 400$@@<</PlayerDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>But even after I open it, I won't be able to make money on it right away. Even on the contrary, @@color:red; most likely I will come out in a big minus!@@ So first of all I need to @@color:yellow;make sure that I have enough money if anything goes wrong.@@I will need to keep a close eye on the performance of my establishment<</PlayerDialog>>
@@color:orange; Maids@@ - I'll have to look for workers who have agreed to do some services here. I don't want to do everything myself, do I? The number of girls will determine both the income of my establishment and the variety of scenes I can see here, hehehe. @@color:red;I have to remember that lots of girls aren't always a good thing!@@
@@color:blue; Popularity@@ - The more popular my place becomes, the more I can earn. Advertising is going to be a pain in the ass. The main thing is not to overdo it, so as not to attract the attention of the police. @@color:red; Popularity should be less than 100!@@
@@color:lime; Income@@ - That's the income I'm going to get. The income depends on what the girls get. And it gets bigger the more popular the house is. It would be great if it was higher than 0.
@@color:red; Expenses@@ - The expenses consist of the wages of the maids and the maintenance of the premises. So even if no one is working, I would still be spending somewhere around 100$ a week.
@@color:yellow; Supermaids@@ - These are elite Maids, they will bring not only more profits, but also some other bonuses. Hmm, how would Vanessa react if I asked her to work here?
Uh, I think I double-checked everything. Even though I can close the pleasure house at any time, I'd like to be in the black the first time and not lose too much. If I'm ready, I can get started.
<<if $P.Money >= 400>>\
@@#pill;<<button [[Open pleasure house!|PHouseOpening]]>><<set $P.Money -= 400>><</button>>@@
<<button [[I have to be more prepared|Uni]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/office.jpg" "place">>
Vanessa's office.<<set $VanessaTalk = true>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/o8.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>I can. But I'm going to ask you for something in return.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<TeacherDialog "serious">>Ask! If it's within my power, I will! What do you want?<</TeacherDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Your office. Give me the keys and your approval for unlimited use, and cover me if there are any misunderstandings with higher authority<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/o9.jpg" "just">>
<<TeacherDialog "disagree">>My office? Why?<</TeacherDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>It's big and very comfortable, and it's right in the university. You don't live there, so it's not even quarter-used. And I also know that you're almost the most important person at this university, so there shouldn't be a problem with that, you can back me up if anything happens.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<TeacherDialog "horny" 0>>that's...possible...but what do you need it for?<</TeacherDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Have you seen any students lately? This would be a great place to satisfy their cravings.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<TeacherDialog "disagree">>You mean...Are you serious?! You...<</TeacherDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>You only have 2 options here.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<TeacherDialog "disagree">>I...<</TeacherDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>So what's your answer?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<TeacherDialog "disagree">>If you promise me that it will work, then I...I...agree.<</TeacherDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Oh, don't worry. You'll be fine with the result.<</PlayerDialog>>
@@#pill;<<button [[Feed her pill|VanessaDeal3]]>><<set $Inventory.Tabletslvl2-->><<set $Teacher.TabletLvl = 2>><</button>>@@
<<button [[Sorry, I have an urgent thing to do, so let's do it later!|Uni]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/office.jpg" "place">>
Vanessa's office.<<set $VanessaTalk = true>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/o8.jpg" "just">>
<<TeacherDialog "serious">>So what have you decided? Can you do it?<</TeacherDialog>>
<<if $Inventory.Tabletslvl2 > 0>>\
<<button [[Yes|VanessaDeal]]>><</button>>
I can, but I need a level 2 pill to do it.
<<button [[Not now|Uni]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/office.jpg" "place">>
Vanessa's office.
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>The keys first.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<TeacherDialog "happy">>..okay<</TeacherDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/keys.jfif" "just">>s
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Perfect. So now you know what to do. Put it in your mouth.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/npc/gum.jpg" "just">>
<<TeacherDialog "horny" 2>>Put it in my...eheh..ahem...okay<</TeacherDialog>>
She carefully, with trembling hands, put the gum in her mouth. I could see her shaking with anticipation.
@@#pill;<<button [[Keep your promise|VanessaDealPromise]]>><<set $Inventory.Tabletslvl2-->><</button>>@@
@@#pill;<<button [[Break your promise|VanessaDealPromiseBreak]]>><<set $Teacher.Slut = true>><<set $Inventory.Tabletslvl2-->><</button>>@@<<media "Data/Locations/office.jpg" "place">>
Vanessa's office.
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/o9.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>So, let's get started. Do you remember our argument and that...ahem...conversation?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<TeacherDialog "disagree">>Yes, I remember it perfectly.<</TeacherDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>That time the flow of your hormones like @@color:magenta;oxytocin, testosterone, dopamine and endorphins@@ was disrupted, but now @@color:magenta;you can feel their production getting back on track@@.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<TeacherDialog "disagree">>Yees...I can feel it...<</TeacherDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Their reactions to stimuli around them @@color:magenta;become normal@@, just @@color:magenta;as they were before@@ we talked.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<TeacherDialog "disagree">>Yees...But I feel like i'm losing something...<</TeacherDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Because it's an addiction, but now your consciousness is @@color:magenta;coming back to normal@@, freeing itself from this burden. Can you feel it? Physically, you're the @@color:magenta;same as you were before.@@<</PlayerDialog>>
<<TeacherDialog "disagree">>God, this body is so...mine...<</TeacherDialog>>
Well, all that's left is to wait for the pill to expire. I told Vanessa she had time to think for a while, so she went away to change.
After a few minutes she came back.
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/o9.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>So, how do you feel?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<TeacherDialog "serious">>I haven't really figured it out yet...Tell me something dirty!<</TeacherDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Well...Um...why don't you just use your big tits for their intended purpose and jerk my dick off with them, you dumb bitch?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/uni14.jpg" "just">>
<<TeacherDialog "disagree">>Oh my God!<</TeacherDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/uni12.jpg" "just">>
<<TeacherDialog "happy">>I don't want to show you my boobs! YES! I don't want to!<</TeacherDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>So you got what you wanted<</PlayerDialog>>
<<if $Teacher.Cor < 99>>\
<<TeacherDialog "happy">>Oh my Gosh! Yes! Thank you!<</TeacherDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>You're welcome<</PlayerDialog>>
@@color:yellow;The effect of the Vanessa pill is nullified.@@
@@color:yellow;You were given unfettered access to Vanessa's office@@
<<button [[Leave|Uni]]>><<movetime>><</button>>
<<TeacherDialog "disagree">>Hang on!<</TeacherDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/uni22.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>???<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/uni25.jpg" "just">>
<<TeacherDialog "horny" 2>>That's not enough to check<</TeacherDialog>>
What? I got it back to normal...right?
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>I really don't understand what you want...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/uni31.jpg" "just">>
<<TeacherDialog "horny" 2>>I haven't figured out if the effect has worn off yet. I want to understand how I really feel. So....<</TeacherDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/uni32.jpg" "just">>
<<TeacherDialog "horny" 2>>...continue<</TeacherDialog>>
Can she really...? She's lost her mind.
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Vanessa, you're free! You can just go!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/uni38.jpg" "just">>
<<TeacherDialog "serious">>No, I have to make sure that everything is okay now...that there is no more of that...annoying feeling...<</TeacherDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Um...so what are you going to do?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/uni40.jpg" "just">>
<<TeacherDialog "serious">>I'll let you look at my boobs. And I'm the one who decided that!<</TeacherDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/uni41.jpg" "just">>
<<TeacherDialog "serious">>Come on! Say something!<</TeacherDialog>>
She's starting to piss me off.
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/uni45.jpg" "just">>
<<TeacherDialog "serious">>Look at me, what do you think about that?<</TeacherDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>So this is what you wanted? Sort out your desires already! You're fucking crazy annoying bitch!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/uni50.jpg" "just">>
<<TeacherDialog "serious">>Um...I remember how I would have felt about words like that back then....<</TeacherDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/uni49.jpg" "just">>
<<TeacherDialog "serious">>...but it's different now...I am now the master of my body<</TeacherDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/uni51.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Vanessa, I always said you were a slut. Once you've been a dumb bitch, you can't stop being one. That's who you are from the beginning! Crazy nympho! <</PlayerDialog>>
<<TeacherDialog "serious">>Did I make you horny? Come on, show me how much! Now I'm going to do only what I want to do.<</TeacherDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/uni51.jpg" "just">>
<<UpdateTeacherCorruption "+10">>
<<if $P.Gender =="f">>\
Fuck, why am I in Carol's body? I'd look silly if I actually show her how wet I am right now...Better leave her...
<<if $P.CindyInside == false>>\
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>In any case, I think you will be satisfied with the result. I have to go.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<button [[Leave|Uni]]>><<movetime>><</button>>
<<CindyDialog>>I feel like you're overwhelmed with emotion right now. I can help! Forget that you're in Carol's body and just start taking your pants off like you usually do. Te-he!<</CindyDialog>>
So....this changes the situation a little bit. But is it worth trusting Cindy?
<<button [[Try to take off your pants|VanessaDealPromise1]]>><<set $P.Gender = "m">><<movetime>><</button>>
<<button [[Leave|Uni]]>><<movetime>><</button>>
I'm interested in her reaction...
<<button [[Take off your pants|VanessaDealPromise1]]>><<movetime>><</button>>
<<button [[Leave|Uni]]>><<movetime>><</button>>
<</if>>\<<media "Data/Locations/office.jpg" "place">>
Vanessa's office.
<<media "Data/Characters/P/M/cock12.webp" "gif">>
<<TeacherDialog "disagree">>Wow, it's my fault he's like that, isn't it? But I can still think straight...!<</TeacherDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Think straight?! Getting completely naked in front of your student and making his dick like that is now called thinking straight? You're a sex-crazed bitch, Vanessa!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/uni47.jpg" "just">>
<<TeacherDialog "disagree">>Hey, I'm not like that! It's because of your drug! I just asked for help to see if I'm okay now... And how dare you talk to your teacher like that!<</TeacherDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>All I see in front of me is a slut pretending to be a teacher. I'm tired of telling you, that drug doesn't work anymore!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<TeacherDialog "disagree">>Then how about this last check?<</TeacherDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/uni48.jpg" "just">>
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/gif/f25.mp4">>
<<TeacherDialog "horny" 2>>Ooh, fuck me! Yeees!<</TeacherDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>You've become addicted to this, there's no need to deny it<</PlayerDialog>>
<<TeacherDialog "disagree">>Now... I think... you're a little bit right...<</TeacherDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>This is real you!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/gif/f24.mp4">>
<<TeacherDialog "horny" 2>>You're right...I love....sex...<</TeacherDialog>>
<<UpdateTeacherCorruption "+10">>
<<UpdateArousal "0">>
<<UpdateSubDom "+3">>
<<button [[Leave|Uni]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/office.jpg" "place">>
Vanessa's office.
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/o9.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Well, Vanessa, you have to answer one question first, but @@color:magenta;you have to be honest with yourself and your desires.@@ Did you enjoy your time while you were like this?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/o10.jpg" "just">>
<<TeacherDialog "disagree">>It was very pleasant, but I constantly had a feeling of anxiety, because I have to be an example for my students.<</TeacherDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">> @@color:magenta;Deny those feelings@@ and think hard. After all, I didn't hypnotize you; these are your @@color:magenta;own feelings@@. @@color:magenta;You always liked it@@ when horny students talked about you, called you a whore, looked at your huge tits...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/o11.jpg" "just">>
<<TeacherDialog "disagree">>...am I really like this?<</TeacherDialog>>
Damn, now I won't be able to stop.
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Exactly! You're really @@color:magenta;proud of your slutty body@@! You don't really want to be an example to your students, you want to @@color:magenta;be their sex symbol@@! To have @@color:magenta;dirty rumors@@ about you, to have someone @@color:magenta;squeeze those juicy tits@@, and @@color:magenta;cum from having dick@@ stuck in you.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/o12.jpg" "just">>
<<TeacherDialog "disagree">>My juicy tits?...it's so itchy...and my pussy too...It 's not me...you tricked me! I wasn't like that before! I was normal!<</TeacherDialog>>
How stubborn she is.
<<TeacherDialog "disagree">>I...want to be a great teacher!<</TeacherDialog>>
There it is!
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Vanessa, you weren't much of a teacher to me before and you weren't much of a teacher to many others either, but now you're my sex toy. Now you're my favorite teacher! <</PlayerDialog>>
<<TeacherDialog "disagree">>F-Favorite?<</TeacherDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Yes! And if you want to be everyone's favorite teacher, @@color:magenta;to be the best teacher@@, then you need @@color:magenta;to give them what they want.@@<</PlayerDialog>>
<<TeacherDialog "disagree">>...what they want...<</TeacherDialog>>
She smiled broadly.
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/o1.jpg" "just">>
<<TeacherDialog "serious">>Do you want me to give them this?<</TeacherDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Exactly! @@color:magenta;Get rid of your prejudices!@@ For that you need to become @@color:magenta;even more depraved!@@ @@color:magenta;You're a slutty teacher who loves to twist her ass in front of her students!@@<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/o.jpg" "just">>
<<TeacherDialog "horny" 2>>Ooh, it feels so good to feel your eyes on my ass!<</TeacherDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>You @@color:magenta;feel good about all the dirty words that are said about you@@! So @@color:magenta;follow your desires@@! You @@color:magenta;should be fucked by huge dicks@@! You're a @@color:magenta;real whore-teacher@@!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/o2.jpg" "just">>
<<TeacherDialog "horny" 1>>God, I want so badly to be put on someone's cock!<</TeacherDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Yeah! This is when you became @@color:magenta;what you were supposed to be@@!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<TeacherDialog "horny" 1>>Yes! Now I get it all!<</TeacherDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/o3.jpg" "just">>
Now she'is craving for a cock! And nothing can remove her hunger!
<<if $P.Gender == "f">>\
Why the fuck am I in Carol's body right now?! Is there anything I can do about it...?
@@#pill;<<button [[Fuck that bitch|VanessaDealPromiseBreak1]]>><<movetime>><</button>>@@
<<button [[Just leave her|Uni]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/office.jpg" "place">>
Vanessa's office.
<<TeacherDialog "horny" 1>>Aaahh...just keep it..keep...f.fffslluur<</TeacherDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>You seem to understand your place now<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/gif/fuck293.mp4">>
<<TeacherDialog "horny" 2>>Keep saying nasty things about me! Fuck me! Fuck your bad teacher!<</TeacherDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>You've got your head all messed up. I didn't think you were such a sex maniac! Is that what you think a teacher should be?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<TeacherDialog "horny" 2>>God, YES! I'm a teacher who cums from a hard anal fuck!!! Ooaahh!<</TeacherDialog>>
Damn, she's gotten much, much more depraved. I'm going to cum!
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/gif/squirt8.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Oh my God, this squirt is fucking insane!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<TeacherDialog "disagree">>Aha...squirty teacher...is...a....good teacher..Tehe!<</TeacherDialog>>
She passed out. I'm sure her life will be full of fun now.
<<UpdateTeacherCorruption "+8">>
<<UpdateArousal "0">>
<<UpdateSubDom "+3">>
@@color:magenta;Vanessa will now think of nothing but sex.@@
@@color:yellow;You were given unfettered access to Vanessa's office@@
<<button [[Leave|Uni]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/office.jpg" "place">>
Vanessa's office.
<<TeacherDialog "serious">>Finally come?<</TeacherDialog>>
<<if $MetTeacherOffice == false>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/form22.jpg" "just">>
<<set $MetTeacherOffice = true>>
Damn what a great body she has. There is a rumor that her ex-boyfriend forced her to get tattoos, piercings, take care of the body, until he was completely insolent and they broke up. Although this is just a rumor, I don't know how it really happened. I can only say that her personality does not correspond at all to a bitch with such a body. Can I fix it? Ha-ha. Would like to, but no chance I can.
<<TeacherDialog "disagree">>Listen, you can't. I am glad that you are active, but your approach to this is fundamentally wrong!<</TeacherDialog>>
How can she let herself say that? I don't want to endure this humiliation
<<TeacherDialog "happy">>You went to psychology, so I suggest you leave these stupid ideas and do something really important<</TeacherDialog>>
Even if you don't say it out of malice
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>You're the only one who are wrong! You do not give any arguments why it is impossible to consider this issue from this point of view!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<TeacherDialog "happy">>Then where are your arguments why it's possible?<</TeacherDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>FINE! Next time I'll come with proof!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<TeacherDialog "happy">>All right! So until then no any mention of your innovative method!<</TeacherDialog>>
Hell, where would I find hard proofs for her now? She won't even look at pitiful pieces of paper
<<button [[Leave|Uni]]>><<movetime>><</button>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/uni10.jpg" "just">>
<<TeacherDialog "happy">>So, how are your searches?<</TeacherDialog>>
<<button [[Sorry, I got to go|Uni]]>><</button>>
@@#pill;<<if $Inventory.Tablets > 0>><<button [[Feed her a pill|VanessaOfficePill]]>><</button>><</if>><</if>>@@<<media "Data/Locations/office.jpg" "place">>
Vanessa's office.
<<set _r = random(0,9)>>\
<<switch $Teacher.Admit>>
<<case 0>><<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/uni10.jpg" "just">>
<<TeacherDialog "disagree">>This means nothing! You are a charlatan!<</TeacherDialog>>
<<button [[Wanna make sure? (spend time)|VanessaOfficeLvl1Time]]>><<movetime>><</button>>
<<case 1>><<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/uni10.jpg" "just">>
<<TeacherDialog "serious">>Can't you do without me? Do you remember what you need to say in order for me to help you?<</TeacherDialog>>
<<if $DrugSpread == 2 and $VanessaTalk == true and $Teacher.TabletLvl == 1>>\
<<button [[Talk about her request|VanessaDeal0]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Say it|VanessaOfficeLvl1Admit1]]>><<movetime>><</button>>
<<case 2>><<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/o8.jpg" "just">>
<<TeacherDialog "serious">>You need something?<</TeacherDialog>>
<<if $DrugSpread == 2 and $VanessaTalk == true and $Teacher.TabletLvl == 1>>\
<<button [[Talk about her request|VanessaDeal0]]>><</button>>
@@#cor;<<button [[Spend time with her|VanessaOfficeLvl1Admit2]]>><</button>>@@
<<button [[Sorry, I got to go|Uni]]>><</button>>
<<if $DrugSpread == 2 and _r > 4 and $VanessaTalk != true and $Teacher.Admit != 0>>\
<<goto "VanessaTalk">>\
<</if>>\<<media "Data/Locations/office.jpg" "place">>
Vanessa's office.
<<if $P.Gender == "m">>\
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Teacher, I'm a dirty pervert. Help me with a burning dick. I will do anything for you.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<TeacherDialog "serious">>Learning very fast, goood boy <</TeacherDialog>>
<<TeacherDialog "happy">>You like to jerk your teacher's feet, you are a naughty student. Do you mind if I stop it?<</TeacherDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/gif/fj.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Noooo, pleeeease, continue! I will be a good boy!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<TeacherDialog "happy">>Little selfish, you'll do anything to please yourself...<</TeacherDialog>>
I didn't expect that turns out like this, but it feels so gooood!
<<UpdateTeacherCorruption "+4">>
<<UpdateCorruption "+1">>
<<UpdateArousal "0">>
<<UpdateSubDom "-2">>
<<set $Teacher.Admit = 1>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Teacher, I'm a dirty pervert. Help me with a burning pussy. I will do anything for you!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<TeacherDialog "serious">>Learning very fast, goood girl <</TeacherDialog>>
<<TeacherDialog "happy">>You're soaking wet, do you like it when I do it? What if I stop?<</TeacherDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/gif/lesb2.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Noooo, pleeeease, continue! I will be a good girl!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<TeacherDialog "happy">>Little selfish, you'll do anything to please yourself...<</TeacherDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/gif/lesb3.mp4">>
I didn't expect that turns out like this, but it feels so gooood!
<<UpdateTeacherCorruption "+4">>
<<if $P.Cor < 30>><<UpdateCorruption "+1">><</if>>
<<UpdateArousal "0">>
<<UpdateSubDom "-2">>
<<set $Teacher.Admit = 1>>
<<if $P.ConvergenceON == true>>\
<<CindyDialog>>Do you like being dominated that much? See, we're not so different!<</CindyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<button [[Leave|Uni]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/office.jpg" "place">>
Vanessa's office.
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/o9.jpg" "just">>
<<TeacherDialog "serious">>You want to use me again? <</TeacherDialog>>
<<if $P.ConvergenceON == true>>\
<<CindyDialog>>I get horny just thinking about this lecherous teacher! <</CindyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Exactly! You must have been waiting for this all this time<</PlayerDialog>>
<<TeacherDialog "serious">>Not at all!<</TeacherDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/o10.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>I didn't even tell you to undress<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/o11.jpg" "just">>
<<TeacherDialog "serious">>D-Didn't tell? Then why did I..?<</TeacherDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Why? You already know the answer. 'Cause you've already become a cock-craving slut<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/o13.jpg" "just">>
<<TeacherDialog "serious">>Cock-craving..? I'm your teacher, but when you call me like this I...I..<</TeacherDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Come on! Tell me what you want!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<if $P.Gender == "m">>\
<<TeacherDialog "serious">>I want...your cock...<</TeacherDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/o12.jpg" "just">>
<<TeacherDialog "horny" 1>>Yeess...keep going! Squeeze my boobs! Moooore<</TeacherDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/gif/f8.mp4">>
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/gif/bj2.mp4">>
<<TeacherDialog "serious">>So delicious! I have absolutely no idea how I could live without it<</TeacherDialog>>
<<UpdateTeacherCorruption "+4">>
<<UpdateArousal "0">>
<<UpdateSubDom "+1">>
<<TeacherDialog "serious">>I want...you to....use me<</TeacherDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/o13.jpg" "just">>
Fuck, I wish I could fuck her, but unfortunately today I don't have...with me...my dick. Too late to retreat!
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Get ready, bitch!<</PlayerDialog>>
Curious process, like playing the guitar
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/gif/lesb1.mp4">>
<<TeacherDialog "disagree">>Pleeeease stooop! I have already came 10 times!<</TeacherDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Shut up, bitch. We've just begun!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<TeacherDialog "horny" 1>>Ah, so rude! I'm cuuuumming again!<</TeacherDialog>>
<<UpdateTeacherCorruption "+4">>
<<UpdateArousal "+25">>
<<UpdateSubDom "+1">>
<<button [[Leave|Uni]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/office.jpg" "place">>
Vanessa's office.
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/uni7.jpg" "just">>
She doesn't seem to have forgotten the previous "session".
<<TeacherDialog "disagree">>Your drug can't last forever. You're just a chemist, not a psychologist!<</TeacherDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>And? You are a dirty bitch<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/uni15.jpg" "just">>
<<TeacherDialog "horny" 1>>Hell! That feeling again!<</TeacherDialog>>
It seems that she has more or less adapted to the reconfiguration of the body. Even catches the buzz
<<TeacherDialog "disagree">>Am I really look that perverted?<</TeacherDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/uni13.jpg" "just">>
I have to raise her level of depravity as much as I can. Until one of us admits defeat!
<<if $Teacher.Cor > 48 and $P.Gender == "m">>
<<button [[I'll tell you who you really are if you undress a little (spend more time)|VanessaOfficeLvl1Time2]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<button [[Answer her|VanessaOfficeLvl1Time1]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/office.jpg" "place">>
Vanessa's office.
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Are you serious? Every student in this school jerks off to you! Who would have thought you were actually such a pervert?<</PlayerDialog>>
Her legs buckled and she sat on the couch.
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/uni16.jpg" "just">>
<<TeacherDialog "horny" 1>>Aha! Jerk off to me? <</TeacherDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/uni17.jpg" "just">>
<<TeacherDialog "horny" 1>>Aha-aa! I caaan't stop! <</TeacherDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>A-are you touching yourself in front of a student?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/uni19.jpg" "just">>
<<TeacherDialog "horny" 1>>UAAAM I'M SO SHAMED..I-I AM C-CUUUUMMING <</TeacherDialog>>
<<UpdateTeacherCorruption "+4">>
<<UpdateArousal "+10">>
<<UpdateSubDom "+1">>
<<set $Teacher.Obedience++>>\
"Session" ended for today.
<<button [[Leave|Uni]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/office.jpg" "place">>
Vanessa's office.
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/uni7.jpg" "just">>
<<TeacherDialog "horny" 1>>I realized that you just didn’t want to tell me anything from the very beginning, but you were mistaken! I'm not just called a psychologist! <</TeacherDialog>>
What she is talking about?
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/uni22.jpg" "just">>
<<TeacherDialog "horny" 1>>I'll know what's on your mind by myself! <</TeacherDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/uni23.jpg" "just">>
<<TeacherDialog "horny" 1>>...by your reaction <</TeacherDialog>>
She really hit me, damn. What to do? I have to make her lose and admit my superiority!
<<button [[Order her to suck cock|VanessaOfficeLvl1Time2lost]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Call her a dumb whore|VanessaOfficeLvl1Time2lost]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Ask her to put it back on|VanessaOfficeLvl1Time3]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Pull out dick|VanessaOfficeLvl1Time2lost]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/office.jpg" "place">>
Vanessa's office.
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/uni24.jpg" "just">>
<<TeacherDialog "serious">>So you underestimated me, now I know which of the two of us is a dirty animal! <</TeacherDialog>>
Did she adapt so quickly to the changes in her body? Or is she really like that? I can't understand!
<<TeacherDialog "serious">>But you opened my eyes, I really have a luxurious body<</TeacherDialog>>
Fuck, my dick is already smoking!
<<TeacherDialog "serious">>I can see exactly what's on your mind. Te-he-he... If you @@color:red;admit your defeat and obey me@@ , then I'll suck your cock<</TeacherDialog>>
What? My dick is burning so much! But if I admit it and lose now, there will be no return!
<<UpdateTeacherCorruption "+4">>
<<UpdateArousal "100">>
<<button [[Admit your defeat|VanessaOfficeLvl1Time2lostTime]]>><</button>>
<<button [[See you next time!|Uni]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/office.jpg" "place">>
Vanessa's office.
<<TeacherDialog "serious">>I don't hear you<</TeacherDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>I LOST OKAY? I'm not psychologist! <</PlayerDialog>>
<<TeacherDialog "happy">>How cute! Come here good boy!<</TeacherDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/gif/bj3.mp4">>
<<TeacherDialog "serious">>Starting from this day, treat me with respect, I'm still your teacher!<</TeacherDialog>>
For some reason, these words of her turned me on very much, considering that she is now sucking my dick.
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/gif/bj1.mp4">>
<<TeacherDialog "serious">>You can still come here from time to time. Still, because of you, I became like this, so until I get back to normal, you will be my toy.<</TeacherDialog>>
Damn, what have I gotten myself into again!
<<UpdateTeacherCorruption "+4">>
<<UpdateArousal "0">>
<<UpdateSubDom "-3">>
<<set $Teacher.Admit = 1>>\
<<button [[Leave|Uni]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/office.jpg" "place">>
Vanessa's office.
<<TeacherDialog "disagree">>Put it back?! Why? <</TeacherDialog>>
The whole point is that she is used to feeling pleasure and can no longer live without it. I have to use it!
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Because you have such a depraved body that it does not matter at all whether they are in place or not. You still look like a whore!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/uni25.jpg" "just">>
Ehehe, it seems the degree of her lust has risen!
<<TeacherDialog "horny" 1>>I'm still wearing my skirt<</TeacherDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/uni27.jpg" "just">>
I need to say something again! Let's change our strategy.
<<button [[Order her to do some break dance moves|VanessaOfficeLvl1Time2lost]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Call her a dumb whore|VanessaOfficeLvl1Time2lost]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Tell her she doesn't need it|VanessaOfficeLvl1Time4]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Pull out dick|VanessaOfficeLvl1Time2lost]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/office.jpg" "place">>
Vanessa's office.
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>I don't care whether it stay or not, but on a whore like you, it will soon turn into a wet rag<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/uni28.jpg" "just">>
<<TeacherDialog "horny" 1>>Ahhh, that's...not very convincing! Okay!... I'll take it off<</TeacherDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/uni31.jpg" "just">>
<<TeacherDialog "horny" 1>>Ahhh, that's...not very convincing! Okay!... I'll take it off<</TeacherDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/uni29.jpg" "just">>
I need to say something again! I see that she is already holding on to the last of her strength!
<<button [[Order her to get dressed|VanessaOfficeLvl1Time5]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Call her a dumb whore|VanessaOfficeLvl1Time2lost]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Say that sperm would decorate her ass perfectly|VanessaOfficeLvl1Time2lost]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Pull out dick|VanessaOfficeLvl1Time2lost]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/office.jpg" "place">>
Vanessa's office.
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/uni32.jpg" "just">>
Did she realize that I was just playing with her? Even though she seemed to accept my rules.
<<TeacherDialog "serious">>And here I am standing in front of you almost naked. Your penis has long been hard as a rock, but I can see that you are dreaming about my body. I'm in control here.<</TeacherDialog>>
In fact, my dick is actually about to explode.
<<TeacherDialog "serious">>I can see exactly what's on your mind. Te-he-he... If you @@color:red;admit your defeat and obey me@@ , then I'll suck your cock or we can just end it. What can you say about my offer?<</TeacherDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/uni36.jpg" "just">>
If I admit it and lose now, there will be no return! She's barely holding on too!
I think she mustered all her willpower for one last try, what should I do?
<<button [[Admit your defeat|VanessaOfficeLvl1Time2lostTime]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Call her a dumb whore|VanessaOfficeLvl1Time6]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Say that sperm would decorate her ass perfectly|VanessaOfficeLvl1Time2lost]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Pull out dick|VanessaOfficeLvl1Time2lost]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/office.jpg" "place">>
Vanessa's office.
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/uni35.jpg" "just">>
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/uni37.jpg" "just">>
<<TeacherDialog "horny" 2>>I cant. I JUST CAN'T! It's tooo gooood. I'm already at my limit. I'll cum now whatever you say about me!<</TeacherDialog>>
<<button [[Admit your defeat|VanessaOfficeLvl1Time7]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Call her a dumb whore|VanessaOfficeLvl1Time7]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Call her beautiful|VanessaOfficeLvl1Time7]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Pull out dick|VanessaOfficeLvl1Time8]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/office.jpg" "place">>
Vanessa's office.
You just started talking and she puts on a stupid smile, cums and passes out.
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Fuck, I was so close. Her body seemed to lack some kind of stimulus<</PlayerDialog>>
<<UpdateTeacherCorruption "+4">>
<<UpdateArousal "100">>
<<UpdateSubDom "+1">>
<<button [[Leave|Uni]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/office.jpg" "place">>
Vanessa's office.
Without saying a word, you take out your dick.
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/dick.jpg" "just">>
She can't take her eyes off him.
<<TeacherDialog "horny" 1>>I-I w..w-want it...<</TeacherDialog>>
The plan seems to have worked. She wants a cock so badly that she even forgot she wanted to cum.
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>you gotta say something<</PlayerDialog>>
<<TeacherDialog "horny" 1>>I...lost<</TeacherDialog>>
Her face changed the way I like more.
<<TeacherDialog "horny" 2>>You were right. I don't mind your research anymore. You have surpassed me. I am no longer your teacher. Let me be your whore, at least today! I'll do whatever you want!<</TeacherDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>Put on a skirt, I like it better<</PlayerDialog>>
And yet, without psychology as a science, I would not have been able to come to this point. Is this the moment when the student surpasses the teacher?
<<button [[Fuck her brains out|VanessaOfficeLvl1Time9]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/office.jpg" "place">>
Vanessa's office.
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/gif/f9.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>Come on, move your ass bitch. now you take care of my dick!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<TeacherDialog "horny" 1>>Yeeesss, please put it deeper....and....harder...so goood!<</TeacherDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/gif/f10.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>Your body is made to be fucked. Now I will fuck you whenever I want!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<TeacherDialog "horny" 2>>Ahh..yes...yes...yeeeeees...Oh my god! fuck me more!<</TeacherDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>You will become a great slut! Also you have a huge office with several rooms, how could you ever get it? I definitely need to come up with something to fuck you here more often<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/gif/bj5.mp4">>
<<UpdateTeacherCorruption "+8">>
<<UpdateArousal "0">>
<<UpdateSubDom "+3">>
<<set $Teacher.Admit = 2>>\
<<button [[Leave|Uni]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/office.jpg" "place">>
Vanessa's office.
<<if $Teacher.Cor < 120>>\
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/o8.jpg" "just">>
<<TeacherDialog "serious">>Wanna talk?<</TeacherDialog>>
<<button [[Talk|VanessaOfficeLvl2Talk]]>><</button>>
<<switch $Teacher.Admit>>
<<case 1>><<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/o8.jpg" "just">>
<<TeacherDialog "serious">>I see you're very attached to your teacher<</TeacherDialog>>
@@#cor;<<button [[Spend time with her|VanessaOfficeLvl2Admit1.1]]>><<movetime>><</button>>@@
<<case 2>><<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/o8.jpg" "just">>
<<TeacherDialog "serious">>Is there something you want from me?<</TeacherDialog>>
@@#cor;<<button [[Spend time with her|VanessaOfficeLvl2Admit2.1]]>><</button>>@@
<<if $PleasureHouse != false and $PHouse.Open != true>>\
Since I now have some rights to these premises, should I inspect them?
<<button [[Inspect her office|OfficeInspection]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Pleasure house|PHouse]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Sorry, I got to go|Uni]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/office.jpg" "place">>
Vanessa's office.
<<if $P.ConvergenceON == true>>\
<<CindyDialog>>Look at her. After she's felt that pleasure, she won't want to go back to her old self. <</CindyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Don't worry, I'm just playing with her. It's pretty pleasurable to be told off by a sexy teacher! <</PlayerDialog>>
<<CindyDialog>>Don't get too carried away! Ha-ha-ha!<</CindyDialog>>
<<if $P.Gender == "m">>\
<<TeacherDialog "serious">>If I became normal and can now think straight, you're still a pervert, aren't you?<</TeacherDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>When you put it that way...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<TeacherDialog "serious">>Your dick is already swollen, isn't it? I'm not the one who has become addicted to it, it's you! Hehe! But I'll help you with your problem... just like before...<</TeacherDialog>>
<<TeacherDialog "happy">>You can't get over your teacher's feet, can you? You are a naughty student! Ugh, that's so awful! Hehe!<</TeacherDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/gif/fj.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Forgive me for being such a bad boy! I'll be gooood!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<TeacherDialog "happy">>You are so pathetic! I feel so funny now!<</TeacherDialog>>
Damn, I really seem to be enjoying this. I should do less of this, or I'll really lose all my dignity!
<<UpdateTeacherCorruption "+4">>
<<if $P.Cor < 60>><<UpdateCorruption "+1">><</if>>
<<UpdateArousal "0">>
<<UpdateSubDom "-4">>
<<TeacherDialog "serious">>If I became normal and can now think straight and now I understand<</TeacherDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Understand what?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<TeacherDialog "serious">>What you really wanted was for everything you did to me to be projected onto you. Because you're a stupid pervert! But I'm not offended, I have something here for you...<</TeacherDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Wait, I'm not...I won't wear that!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<TeacherDialog "serious">>You have no one to be embarrassed here, so listen to me and put it on! Come on, obey me and be a dumb bitch for a while, too. <</TeacherDialog>>
No, I won't do that.
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>Aha...um...haa...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<TeacherDialog "happy">>Ha-ha-ha! Do you like being in my skin? Move faster!<</TeacherDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/M/mast51.mp4">>
I can't think straight...
<<TeacherDialog "happy">>I knew you were a pervert, but I didn't think you were that perverted! Hell, I remember the feeling. You want a real cock, don't you?<</TeacherDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>yyyess<</PlayerDialog>>
<<TeacherDialog "happy">>Haha, she admitted it! Nikita you are the best!<</TeacherDialog>>
<<UpdateTeacherCorruption "+4">>
<<if $P.Cor < 60>><<UpdateCorruption "+1">><</if>>
<<UpdateArousal "0">>
<<UpdateSubDom "-2">>
<<button [[Leave|Uni]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/office.jpg" "place">>
Vanessa's office.
<<if $P.Gender == "m">>\
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Just wanted to see how you were doing<</PlayerDialog>>
<<TeacherDialog "serious">>I'm doing fine. By the way, how busy are you right now?<</TeacherDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>I'm not busy now, is something wrong?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<TeacherDialog "happy">>No, it's okay. Come on, I want to show you something.<</TeacherDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>When you said you were going to show me something, I thought you meant something else...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/gif/bj3.mp4">>
<<TeacherDialog "happy">>I'm sorry, but I think my mouth wants to be used by your cock<</TeacherDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/gif/bj1.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>I don't mind, of course, but I made you the way you were, then why are you doing this?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<TeacherDialog "horny" 2>>We're not having sex, are we? So we're good. But your dick is so hard to resist, we're just having some fun<</TeacherDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/gif/bj16.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>I like it, will you let me use you again sometime?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/gif/bj19.mp4">>
<<TeacherDialog "horny" 2>>Mmm...Sometimes I miss that feeling, so probably yes...hehe<</TeacherDialog>>
<<UpdateTeacherCorruption "+4">>
<<if $P.Cor < 60>><<UpdateCorruption "+1">><</if>>
<<UpdateArousal "0">>
<<UpdateSubDom "+1">>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Just wanted to see how you were doing<</PlayerDialog>>
<<TeacherDialog "serious">>I'm doing fine. Really.<</TeacherDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>By the way, since I'm here, don't you want to take your clothes off?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/o9.jpg" "just">>
<<TeacherDialog "disagree">>W-Why?<</TeacherDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Hey, you have nothing to be embarrassed about, I've seen you naked many times, and besides, we're both girls!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/o10.jpg" "just">>
<<TeacherDialog "serious">>Okay, okay. But what do you want? You're not going to allow yourself anything unnecessary, are you?<</TeacherDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>I won't touch you. Come on, let's just have fun! Just imagine that you are a lecherous teacher and there is one student with whom you really want to have sex. And he's just about to walk in here, how are you going to meet him?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<TeacherDialog "happy">>Are you going to evaluate me? He-he! Sounds fun!<</TeacherDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/o13.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Here he comes into the office already!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/o1.jpg" "just">>
<<TeacherDialog "serious">>Your grades have gotten worse lately. Maybe you'd like to take a couple of extra individual lessons from me?<</TeacherDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Aha-ha-ha! Wow! Can you make it even more depraved?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<TeacherDialog "serious">>Hmm...<</TeacherDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Here he comes into the office already!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/o.jpg" "just">>
<<TeacherDialog "happy">>Oh my God, I didn't expect anyone to come into my office now! I'm such a bad teacher! What do you want to do to me for your silence?<</TeacherDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Ha-ha! Very believable! I would definitely fuck you if I were him!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<TeacherDialog "happy">>hehe<</TeacherDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Could you pretend to be modest girl?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<TeacherDialog "happy">>Who wants sex? Sounds harder...hmm...<</TeacherDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Here he comes into the office already!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/o2.jpg" "just">>
<<TeacherDialog "serious">>Gosh, I guess I'm in trouble, huh? I'm so embarrassed, but maybe...could you take responsibility for seeing me like this?<</TeacherDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>Ah shit! You are wonderful!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/M/mast38.mp4">>
<<TeacherDialog "horny" 2>>Wow, I didn't expect to like it so much! If even you couldn't help it, it would blow any man's mind for sure!<</TeacherDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/o3.jpg" "just">>
<<UpdateTeacherCorruption "+4">>
<<if $P.Cor < 60>><<UpdateCorruption "+1">><</if>>
<<UpdateArousal "0">>
<<UpdateSubDom "+2">>
<<if $P.ConvergenceON == true>>\
<<CindyDialog>>It's so much nicer when she's like this on her own accord!<</CindyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>That's right. Sincerity is a good quality.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CindyDialog>>Oh, really? Then I want to get spanked by a big black guy! Preferably somewhere outside the house!<</CindyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Cindy! Not that kind of sincerity!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<button [[Leave|Uni]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/office.jpg" "place">>
Vanessa's office.
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>No one seems to be here right now<</PlayerDialog>>
<<if $PHouse.Open != true>>\
Since I now have some rights to these premises, should I inspect them?
<<button [[Inspect her office|OfficeInspection]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Pleasure house|PHouse]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Leave|Uni]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/office.jpg" "place">>
Vanessa's office.
<<set _r = random(0,9)>>\
<<switch $Teacher.Admit>>
<<case 1>><<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/bo2.jpg" "just">>
<<TeacherDialog "serious">>I know what you are thinking about, silly<</TeacherDialog>>
@@#cor;<<button [[Spend time with her|VanessaOfficeSlutLvl2Admit1.1]]>><<movetime>><</button>>@@
<<case 2>><<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/bo1.jpg" "just">>
<<TeacherDialog "serious">>I was wondering when you'd show up<</TeacherDialog>>
@@#cor;<<button [[Spend time with her|VanessaOfficeSlutLvl2Admit2.1]]>><</button>>@@
<<if $PleasureHouse != false and $PHouse.Open != true>>\
Since I now have some rights to these premises, should I inspect them?
<<button [[Inspect her office|OfficeInspection]]>><</button>>
<<if $Teacher.IsMaid and $P.Gender == "m">>\
<<button [[Get rid of arousal|VanessaOfficeLvl2SlutFastSex]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Pleasure house|PHouse]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Sorry, I got to go|Uni]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/office.jpg" "place">>
Vanessa's office.
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Vanessa, can you help me with something?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<switch $Teacher.Admit>>\
<<case 1>>
<<TeacherDialog "serious">>You little pervert, hurry up and cum<</TeacherDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/gif/dom.mp4">>
<<case 2>>
<<TeacherDialog "horny" 2>>Oh my Gosh, You're so feisty today!<</TeacherDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/gif/f17.mp4">>
<<UpdateArousal "0">>
<<button [[Back to Uni|Uni]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/office.jpg" "place">>
Vanessa's office.
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>So how are you?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/o9.jpg" "just">>
<<TeacherDialog "serious">>I'm fine. But everyone is looking at me so strangely now, all because of the way I acted when I was on that drug!<</TeacherDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>I hope you're not mad at me for this<</PlayerDialog>>
<<TeacherDialog "serious">>No offense. But just tell me one thing<</TeacherDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/o11.jpg" "just">>
<<TeacherDialog "serious">>Am I really as lecherous a teacher as they say I am?<</TeacherDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Um...well..<</PlayerDialog>>
<<TeacherDialog "serious">>And do those boobs really drive all the men crazy?<</TeacherDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/o12.jpg" "just">>
<<if $P.ConvergenceON == true>>\
<<CindyDialog>>The reason the pills worked so well for her is because of HER. Now she's trying to figure herself out. Get her on the right path, haha!<</CindyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>I was beginning to realize it, too. She doesn't need the pills. She's actually like this....<</PlayerDialog>>
<<button [[Yes|VanessaOfficeLvl2Talk1]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Not really|VanessaOfficeLvl2Talk2]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/office.jpg" "place">>
Vanessa's office.
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/o12.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Yes! You have a very depraved body, but you shouldn't be ashamed of it. It's your advantage!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<TeacherDialog "serious">>Like I can use my body for personal gain?<</TeacherDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Exactly! Do what you want to do. And with this body, you can be a real queen!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<TeacherDialog "happy">>Hehe! Thanks!<</TeacherDialog>>
<<UpdateTeacherCorruption "+4">>
<<UpdateArousal "+30">>
<<button [[Leave|Uni]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/office.jpg" "place">>
Vanessa's office.
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/o12.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>No. Regardless of your body, you are you. No matter what anyone says.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<TeacherDialog "serious">>Really?<</TeacherDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>It is<</PlayerDialog>>
<<TeacherDialog "happy">>Thank you!<</TeacherDialog>>
<<UpdateArousal "+30">>
<<button [[Leave|Uni]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/office.jpg" "place">>
Vanessa's office.
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/uni10.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Today I have proof with me, but I have a request. We will conduct an experiment where you will see for yourself how my theory works. And you will be the main character<</PlayerDialog>>
<<TeacherDialog "happy">>W-Why should I? What do you even want to do with me?<</TeacherDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/npc/gum.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Eat this gum. Don't worry, you won't get poisoned, she'll just stimulate a couple of hormones. You want to prove me wrong, don't you?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<TeacherDialog "happy">>Of course you are wrong! And I will prove it! Get that gum over here!<</TeacherDialog>>
She quickly snatched the gum and put it in her mouth
<<button [[Begin show|VanessaOfficePill1]]>><<set $Inventory.Tablets-->><<set $Teacher.TabletLvl++>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/office.jpg" "place">>
Vanessa's office.
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/uni10.jpg" "just">>
<<TeacherDialog "disagree">>Before becoming a scientist, you should read about the differences between gum and candy<</TeacherDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Why does everyone have to point this out to me?! OK. Listen to me carefully, now @@color:magenta;EVERY VULGAR ACTION OR DIRTY WORD will now be accompanied by a rise in oxytocin and testosterone levels, as well as a release of dopamine, brightened up by the production of endorphins.@@<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/uni9.jpg" "just">>
<<TeacherDialog "serious">>What? Did you give me some kind of drug?<</TeacherDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>The reaction to vulgarity will be @@color:magenta;so strong@@ that it will be @@color:magenta;addictive@@. Do you understand me, @@color:magenta;you dirty bitch?@@<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/uni6.jpg" "just">>
<<TeacherDialog "happy">>I'm your teacher. How d-dare you?<</TeacherDialog>>
How lucky I am getting these pills!
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Would you feel what you felt if you weren't such a dirty bitch?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/uni8.jpg" "just">>
<<TeacherDialog "happy">>Please! Don't say anything else!<</TeacherDialog>>
Like I'm just going to stop
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Ha-ha! You are not a teacher, but a dirty bitch whose task is to suck a man's dick! Sticking out her huge boobs for a good fuck, right? Already oozing, cocksucker?<</PlayerDialog>>
I don't really think badly of her or something! I know it's more like some Stephan's words! It's just that in this case the reaction of the body will be stronger, and now this is what I need.
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/uni12.jpg" "just">>
<<TeacherDialog "horny" 2>>Ahh--ah, d-dirty bitch...c-cock..sucker..ahaaa...why...So pleasant!<</TeacherDialog>>
<<UpdateTeacherCorruption "+40">>
<<UpdateArousal "+10">>
<<UpdateSubDom "+2">>
I'd really like to continue, but now I have to leave. Her body must restore the balance inside. The body is not accustomed to such a drastic change. What if she goes crazy because of it? I gotta go.
<<button [[Sorry, I got to go|Uni]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/office.jpg" "place">>
Vanessa's office.
<<if $P.Gender == "m">>\
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/bo3.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Vanessa, you're looking at me strangely...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<TeacherDialog "happy">>Oh, I forgot to take something, it completely slipped my mind! Wait for me in the other room, I'll be right back!<</TeacherDialog>>
<<TeacherDialog "happy">>I hope you haven't been waiting too long<</TeacherDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>W...What<</PlayerDialog>>
<<TeacherDialog "happy">>Heehee, I just wanted to show you my toys and maybe demonstrate them in action. <</TeacherDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/strapon.webp" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Hey, it's...it's just...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<TeacherDialog "horny" 1>>Then why are you still here? I'm too horny to think. If you stay here, I'll simply have no other choice but to make you my bitch for tonight...<</TeacherDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<if $P.ConvergenceON == true>>\
<<CindyDialog>>If you want to get straponed right in a man's body, stay! It'll be hilarious! Ha-ha-ha!<</CindyDialog>>
Is she serious? Run or what?!
<<button [[Leave|Uni]]>><<movetime>><</button>>
<<timed 15000ms>>\
<<goto "VanessaOfficeSlutStrapon">>
<<TeacherDialog "serious">>Let's go into the other room and talk a little, drink something. We won't be disturbed there<</TeacherDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Ugh...okay<</PlayerDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Ha-ha! No, I think brunettes are sexier than blondes, too!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<TeacherDialog "serious">>You're one of those sexy brunettes, how do you think?<</TeacherDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Um..no<</PlayerDialog>>
<<TeacherDialog "serious">>I think you are<</TeacherDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/gif/lesb7.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>Ugh..<</PlayerDialog>>
<<TeacherDialog "serious">>Do you know what naughty sexy brunettes love the most? They love being fucked by another naughty brunette<</TeacherDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>What? Strapon? Ew, there's sperm on it! You're not putting it in my pussy!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<TeacherDialog "horny" 2>>Hmmm...then grit your teeth! Hehe!<</TeacherDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>Oooh!...My assss...... I can feel the whole thing inside!....<</PlayerDialog>>
<<TeacherDialog "serious">>You're so narrow in there, I can barely get in! But I love it!<</TeacherDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/gif/lesb6.mp4">>
<<if $P.ConvergenceON == true>>\
<<CindyDialog>>Nikita, you've created a monster! Ha-ha-ha!<</CindyDialog>>
Vanessa seemed to enjoy dominating...
<<UpdateTeacherCorruption "+4">>
<<if $P.Cor < 60>><<UpdateCorruption "+1">><</if>>
<<UpdateArousal "0">>
<<UpdateSubDom "-2">>
<<button [[Leave|Uni]]>><<movetime>><</button>>
<</if>>\<<media "Data/Locations/office.jpg" "place">>
Vanessa's office.
<<if $P.Gender == "m">>\
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>I want to spend time with you. You know what I mean.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/te.jpg" "just">>
<<TeacherDialog "serious">>Ah, yes. I know what you want...!<</TeacherDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/gif/f35.mp4">>
<<TeacherDialog "happy">>Yeeah, you're such a good student. Best student I've ever had! Your teacher is addicted to your coock!<</TeacherDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>You're mine, only mine, Vanessa. Remember it.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<TeacherDialog "horny" 1>>Yees...I..am...<</TeacherDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/gif/c7.mp4">>
<<if $P.ConvergenceON == true>>\
<<CindyDialog>>Vanessa is your best creation! Ha-ha-ha!<</CindyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Yeah! I turned the best teacher in school into a hopeless slut! <</PlayerDialog>>
If I want her all to myself, it's worth spending more time with her.
<<UpdateArousal "0">>
<<UpdateSubDom "+2">>
<<button [[Leave|Uni]]>><<movetime>><</button>>
<<TeacherDialog "serious">>Sorry, I have a man in the other room, I won't be able to spend much time with you<</TeacherDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Other man?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<TeacherDialog "serious">>It's him.<</TeacherDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/torso.jpg" "just">>
<<MNpcDialog null null "fucker26">>Wow, you brought your friend to me?<</MNpcDialog>>
<<TeacherDialog "horny" 2>>I don't remember if I told you or not, but this guy fucked me in the office when I turned my back to print out papers and I couldn't stop cumming, can you imagine? <</TeacherDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "fucker26">>She calls me "fucker26"<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>I'm not even going to ask why "26"...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<TeacherDialog "horny" 2>>You see, you're a girl, too, and I can't do without dick inside! This guy fucks like a sex machine! So...maybe you want me to share him?...or you can watch me being fucked coz I can't stand it anymore...<</TeacherDialog>>
Cum nonstop...sex machine...hell, would I let myself be fucked by someone like him?!
<<if $P.ConvergenceON == true>>\
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>...I wanted Vanessa to be all mine...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CindyDialog>>Nikita, I want to cum endlessly too! Let him fuck you!<</CindyDialog>>
<<if $P.Cor >= 60>>\
<<button [[Let him fuck you|VanessaOfficeSlutLvl2Admit2.2]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Just watch|VanessaOfficeSlutLvl2Admit2.3]]>><</button>>
No way! I don't even know him! But I'll keep an eye on Vanessa.
<<button [[Just watch|VanessaOfficeSlutLvl2Admit2.3]]>><</button>>
<</if>>\<<media "Data/Locations/office.jpg" "place">>
Vanessa's office.
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Okay, let's make an exception for today.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<TeacherDialog "horny" 2>>Yay! Just put it on, he loves it.<</TeacherDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Eh, what have I become? Okay, let's go all the way<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "fucker26">>So, how do you feel?<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>Gosh, I had no idea it was that gooood!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<TeacherDialog "horny" 2>>Haa! I told you so!<</TeacherDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/gif/fuck285.mp4">>
<<MNpcDialog null null "fucker26">>You're a great hole, take my cum!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/gif/fuck286.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>So hot! I'm still... I'm still cumming!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<if $P.ConvergenceON == true>>\
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>Oh, my God, this is amazing!...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CindyDialog>>This story is about how a teacher and her student turned into hopeless cum sluts together...!<</CindyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>Cindy, be quiet for a while please...I'm still reeling from those orgasms....<</PlayerDialog>>
<<if $P.Cor < 70>><<UpdateCorruption "+1">><</if>>
<<UpdateArousal "0">>
<<UpdateSubDom "-2">>
This guy is a...sex genius!
<<button [[Leave|Uni]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/office.jpg" "place">>
Vanessa's office.
This guy doesn't stand out with a figure like Stephan or the size of his dick, but...
<<TeacherDialog "horny" 2>>Ayeeeahh!!<</TeacherDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/gif/f12.mp4">>
Watching her get fucked is so arousing. My fingers move on their own! I'm in Carol's body now, so... so I'm not a cuckold!
Oh my God! He fucks her so hard!
<<MNpcDialog null null "fucker26">>Prepare yourself, baby!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<TeacherDialog "horny" 2>>Ngh..ahaaa...!<</TeacherDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/gif/squirt8.mp4">>
Oh, how juicy it is! I caaan't!
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/gif/squirt3.mp4">>
<<MNpcDialog null null "fucker26">>Wow, girl!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>I'm sorry, I'm here late, I have to go!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<if $P.ConvergenceON == true>>\
<<CindyDialog>>You made her real cumdump! So wonderful! It makes me horny! Ha-ha!<</CindyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>Did she really feel that good...?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<UpdateArousal "0">>
<<UpdateSubDom "-2">>
I cum so hard just looking at them, but if I...
<<button [[Leave|Uni]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/office.jpg" "place">>
Vanessa's office.
<<TeacherDialog "horny" 2>>hehehe!<</TeacherDialog>>
<<TeacherDialog "horny" 2>>Oh My God! I'm so happy you're here! Tell me what it's like!<</TeacherDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>That's not how it's supposed to be!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/gif/peg3.mp4">>
<<TeacherDialog "happy">>HAHAHA! I MIGHT BECOME ADDICTED TO IT!<</TeacherDialog>>
<<UpdateTeacherCorruption "+4">>
<<if $P.Cor < 60>><<UpdateCorruption "+1">><</if>>
<<UpdateArousal "0">>
<<UpdateSubDom "-4">>
<<button [[Leave|Uni]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/office.jpg" "place">>
Vanessa's office.<<set $VanessaTalk = true>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/o8.jpg" "just">>
<<TeacherDialog "serious">>We need to talk.<</TeacherDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>About what?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<TeacherDialog "serious">>It won't be long, please!<</TeacherDialog>>
<<button [[Okay, let's talk|VanessaTalk1]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Not now|Uni]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/office.jpg" "place">>
Vanessa's office.
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/o8.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>So, what did you want to talk about?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<TeacherDialog "serious">>I'm confused, I don't understand what's going on! I'm constantly horny, and when I see something naughty or when someone says bad things to me, I completely lose my mind! Even now it's...so hard for me to talk about it....<</TeacherDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/o10.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>All because you were a pompous whore and now you finally admit it, so what's the problem?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/o13.jpg" "just">>
<<TeacherDialog "serious">>Pompous...w...wh...Haaa...You see! That's the problem!<</TeacherDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>That image suits you, so what do you want?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/o11.jpg" "just">>
<<TeacherDialog "serious">>This is all happening for a reason! It was you who made me like this, wasn't it? Then you can take it all back! Pleeeease!<</TeacherDialog>>
Take it all back? Is it even possible? Hmm...I think it is. I can @@color:deeppink;apply a second level pill to her to erase the effect of the first.@@ It would definitely work, but what would I get in return?..
As soon as I thought about it, I remembered her "office". Shit, it's like a whole apartment, there's multiple rooms and there's even a bathroom and toilet! How the fuck did that happen?!
Anyway, since lust had spread around the university so much, I think I might be able to make a pretty good deal out of it...
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>I'll think about it, and I'll get back to you later.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<button [[Not now|Uni]]>><<set $VanessaTalk = true>><<movetime>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/uni.jpg" "place">>
I was on my way to class as usual, but someone I never expected to see showed up.
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Levi?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<LeviDialog>>H-Hi, Nikita<</LeviDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Why are you here?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<LeviDialog>>I have to meet someone. Damn, it's stuffy in here! And so many people walking around, all so unknown! Man, I feel sick! Very sick!<</LeviDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Levi/M/vomit.gif" "gif">>
<<PlayerDialog "disgust">>Hey, hey, don't you dare do that here! Let's go to the bathroom right now!<</PlayerDialog>>
I grabbed his arm, but we didn't make it to the bathroom. We couldn't even get away from the entrance...
<<media "Data/Characters/Levi/M/vomit1.gif" "gif">>
<<PlayerDialog "disgust">>You've got to be fucking kidding me!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<LeviDialog>>Booh, that's such an ugly feeling. I need to go to the bathroom urgently, I know where it is I saw a map at the entrance<</LeviDialog>>
He ran.
Fuck. Relax, we need to assess the damage so we can rub his nose in it later.
<<media "Data/Characters/Levi/M/vomit-shoes.jpg" "just">>
Shit! Those are some athlete's shoes. They often leave their shoes at the entrance to the university building to change into sneakers or other athletic shoes.
<<PlayerDialog "disgust">>Damn, he puked on somebody's shoes, even got some on my pant leg. Fucking asshole. I gotta get the fuck out of here<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "???">>...Ahem-ahem<</MNpcDialog>>
<<button [[Turn around|OpenBullyRoomEvent1]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/uni.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Characters/Levi/M/vomit-shoes.jpg" "just">>
<<BullyDialog>>You've just got yourself in a very serious mess<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Stephan? Believe me, I had nothing to do with it!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Oh, really? I can see pieces of this abomination on your clothes. And why don't I see anyone else here but you?<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Listen to me! I can explain...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>No, you listen! I'm not wearing these shoes anymore, they cost 2,000$, now I have to buy new ones. And you're going to pay me back the my 2,000$ for them<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "disgust">>Shit! Where do you think I'm gonna get 2,000$ for you?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>If you ever raise your voice to me again, I'll punch you in the face. I don't care where you get the money, but you'll pay me back every last dollar<</BullyDialog>>
What's in it for me? Just when I thought I was doing so well!
Stephan smiled.
<<BullyDialog>>You're lucky to have such a kind and understanding friend like me. You can pay back your debt in installments. You'll have to come to me @@color:red;at least once a week@@ and pay me back @@color:red;at least 100$@@ until you've paid it all back. Isn't that easy? And no hard feelings!<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "disgust">>What if I refuse?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Will you refuse? After you ruined my shoes and offered such good terms to make up for your guilt, it wouldn't be friendly. I'll still consider that we have a deal. But believe me, @@color:red;if even one week goes by and I never see you at my place, you're going to be very unhappy with what happens next@@. @@color:lime;I'll wait for you at my place in the morning and evening, I have training in the afternoon@@<</BullyDialog>>
@@color:lime;Levi sets you up and now you owe Stephan a large sum of money. Access to Stephan's room will be open from the dormitory apartments in the morning and evening.@@
<<button [[Find Levi|OpenBullyRoomEvent2]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/uni.jpg" "place">>
I don't have his number, so I had to run around. He wasn't in the bathroom or the corridors, so we must have switched, because I found him at the entrance.
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>LEVI!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<LeviDialog>>Oh, hiey, Nikita!<</LeviDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Do you even realize what you've done? I'm in big trouble now because of you!<</PlayerDialog>>
I told him what happened and what Stephan demanded.
<<media "Data/Characters/Levi/M/9.jpg" "just">>
<<LeviDialog>>Wow, that's a lot of work!<</LeviDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "disgust">>Exactly, and what are you going to do about it?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<LeviDialog>>You mean, what are YOU going to do about it<</LeviDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "disgust">>???<</PlayerDialog>>
<<LeviDialog>>Hey, listen. Vomiting won't do them much harm. Anyway, I could apologize and take them to the cleaners. However, your sTePhAn just threw them away and put all the blame on you!<</LeviDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "disgust">>Are you kidding me?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<LeviDialog>>You're being bullied. What do I have to do with this? Unfortunately, that's your problem now. Hie-hie! I have to go.<</LeviDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "disgust">>Fuck you, Levi!<</PlayerDialog>>
@@color:yellow;You can see how much you still owe Stephan in the "Stats" tab.@@
<<button [[I'll have to clean up this shit all by myself again|Uni]]>><<movetime>><<set $FT = 4>><<set $BullyRoom = true>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/phinside.jpg" "place">>
Pleasure house.
<<if $PHouse.SuperGirls < 1>>\
You don't seem to have hired any SuperMaids yet.
<<if $Teacher.IsMaid == true>>\
When Vanessa works here, the organizational issue becomes easier.
@@color:lime; Pleasure House developing cost reduced by 30;@@
<<button [[Back to stats|PHouseStats]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/phinside.jpg" "place">>
Pleasure house.
<<set _r = random (0,2)>>\
<<switch _r>>
<<case 0>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Hey, would you like to come back?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<FNpcDialog null null "Girl">>Okay!<</FNpcDialog>>
<<case 1>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Hey, would you like to come back?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<FNpcDialog null null "Girl">>How can you ask that after you suspended me?<</FNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>It is not easy to maintain such a place right at the uni. I had good reasons, and it has nothing to do with you<</PlayerDialog>>
<<FNpcDialog null null "Girl">>Okay, then<</FNpcDialog>>
<<case 2>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Hey, would you like to come back?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<FNpcDialog null null "Girl">>Are you going to pay more?<</FNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>I think no<</PlayerDialog>>
<<FNpcDialog null null "Girl">>Ugh, well...I'm in<</FNpcDialog>>
These girls like working there, I don't even count on rejection.
<<set $PHouse.Girls++>>\
<<set $PHouse.GirlsFaired-->>\
<<button [[Back in action|PHouse]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/phinside.jpg" "place">>
Pleasure house.
<<set _ctf = random (0,99)>>\
<<set _c = random (0, 20)>>\
<<set _c += $PHouse.MFindChance>>
<<if $PHouse.GirlsFaired === 0>>\
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Well, I think it's time to hire new Maids for my house! I prepared the brochures and made time for it, but where should I look for them?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<if $Inventory.EcoBook == false>>\
@@color:yellow; I should remember that each location has a limited number of girls that I can find. In addition, the chance of finding them is far from 100%! Is there anything I can do to increase the efficiency of the search?@@
@@color:yellow; I applied the advice from the economics book and definitely increased my odds. I even calculated how many Maids I could theoretically find in a certain location now!@@
Uni - $PHouse.MUni / 6
Cafe - $PHouse.MCafe / 2
Streets - $PHouse.MStreet / 1
Supermarket - $PHouse.MMarket / 1
@@color:lime;Today's finding chance - _c %@@
Try to find new Maids in:
<<if $PHouse.MUni < 6 and _ctf <= _c>>\
<<button [[University|PHMaidsFindingUni]]>><</button>>
<<button [[University|PHMaidsNothing]]>><</button>>
<<if $PHouse.MStreet < 1 and _ctf <= _c>>\
<<button [[Streets|PHMaidsFindingStreets]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Streets|PHMaidsNothing]]>><</button>>
<<if $PHouse.MCafe < 2 and _ctf <= _c>>\
<<button [[Cafe|PHMaidsFindingCafe]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Cafe|PHMaidsNothing]]>><</button>>
<<if $PHouse.MMarket < 1 and _ctf <= _c>>\
<<button [[Supermarket|PHMaidsFindingSupermarket]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Supermarket|PHMaidsNothing]]>><</button>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>I don't think there's any point in looking for girls if I can just ask the ones I suspended to come back<</PlayerDialog>>
<<button [[Look for girls|PHMaidsComeBack]]>><</button>>
<</if>>\<<media "Data/Locations/cafe.jpg" "place">>
By chance I managed to cross paths with a girl I saw at work.
<<set _rsuccess = random (0,99)>>\
<<if _rsuccess < 85>>\
<<if $MCafeFull == true>>\
<<set _r = random (0,1)>>\
<<set _r = $PHouse.MCafe>>\
<<switch _r>>\
<<case 0>>
<<media "Data/Actions/RE/Cafe/2/6.webp" "gif">>
<<FNpcDialog null null "Girl">>So what do you think of these boobs?<</FNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>I think any guy would dream of sticking his dick between them<</PlayerDialog>>
<<FNpcDialog null null "Girl">>You are so linear! But you know, I'd love to see the satisfied face of the guy who makes it<</FNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>I can make it happen for you<</PlayerDialog>>
<<FNpcDialog null null "Girl">>ehehe<</FNpcDialog>>
<<case 1>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>You asked me that yourself, and now you're not sure?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<FNpcDialog null null "Girl">>I happened to hear about it from my daughter's friend, but aren't I too old to compare to young college girls?<</FNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>On the contrary, your big juicy tits will stand out in the best light against them, everyone will be dreaming about them!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Actions/RE/Cafe/2/18.webp" "gif">>
<<FNpcDialog null null "Girl">>Mmm....my boobs are actually pretty good....Okay, I agree<</FNpcDialog>>
<<set $MCafeFull = true>>\
<<set $PHouse.MCafe++>>\
<<set $PHouse.Girls++>>\
+1 girl, yeah!
Since the girls in this cafe are doing all kinds of crazy stuff, I can't help but take advantage of it!
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>So how about working with me?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<FNpcDialog null null "Girl">>I'm sorry, but I already work in a similar structure. Can't you tell by looking at me?<</FNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Actions/RE/Cafe/2/30.webp" "gif">>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Good luck to both of us, then.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<button [[Back in action|PHouse]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/yard.jpg" "place">>
Wow, how about this one?
<<set _rsuccess = random (0,99)>>\
<<if _rsuccess < 75>>\
<<if $MStreetFull == true>>\
<<set _r = random (0)>>\
<<set _r = $PHouse.MStreet>>\
<<switch _r>>\
<<case 0>>
<<media "Data/Actions/RE/Out/2/6.webp" "gif">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Hey, are you okay?<</PlayerDialog>>
Too much Celtoc I think
<<FNpcDialog null null "Girl">>Yeah, just give me a minute<</FNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>It's not the first time I've seen you here, the street is no place for that, but I know where you can relax and not worry about anything<</PlayerDialog>>
<<FNpcDialog null null "Girl">>What? In this place I can do whatever I want? I guess I'll give it a try...<</FNpcDialog>>
<<set $MStreetFull = true>>\
<<set $PHouse.MStreet++>>\
<<set $PHouse.Girls++>>\
+1 girl, yeah!
I guess I was lucky to find such a pretty girl!
<<media "Data/Actions/RE/Out/2/out6.webp" "gif">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Hey, you're very sexy. I have a great suggestion for you, can we talk?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<FNpcDialog null null "Girl">>I'm sorry, but whatever it is, I'm not interested. I only do these things for my OnlyCups subscribers<</FNpcDialog>>
<<button [[Back in action|PHouse]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/supermarket.jpg" "place">>
Wow, how about this one?
<<set _rsuccess = random (0,99)>>\
<<if _rsuccess < 85>>\
<<if $MMarketFull == true>>\
<<set _r = random (0)>>\
<<set _r = $PHouse.MMarket>>\
<<switch _r>>\
<<case 0>>
<<media "Data/Actions/RE/Supermarket/2/21.webp" "gif">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>It's not for a salad, is it?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<FNpcDialog null null "Girl">>I don't understand you. This cucumber would be perfect to put in my....salad<</FNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Then I know a place where you can find more cucumbers, you'll even get paid<</PlayerDialog>>
<<FNpcDialog null null "Girl">>Are you suggesting that I sell my salad? heheh<</FNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Salad sauce as a gift!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<FNpcDialog null null "Girl">>Okay, hehe<</FNpcDialog>>
She was more cooperative than I thought...
<<set $MMarketFull = true>>\
<<set $PHouse.MMarket++>>\
<<set $PHouse.Girls++>>\
+1 girl, yeah!
Thanks to Celtoc, you can even find girls in the supermarket.
<<media "Data/Actions/RE/Supermarket/2/out13.webp" "gif">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>You do it here almost every day! Why don't you move to a cozier place?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<FNpcDialog null null "Girl">>Just the whole point of doing it in places like this! Otherwise, there's no point!<</FNpcDialog>>
Okay, I don't think I'm going to be able to negotiate with her.
<<button [[Back in action|PHouse]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/uni.jpg" "place">>
Wow, how about this one?
<<set _rsuccess = random (0,99)>>\
<<if _rsuccess < 90>>\
<<if $MUniFull == true>>\
<<set _r = random (0,5)>>\
<<set _r = $PHouse.MUni>>\
<<switch _r>>\
<<case 0>>
<<media "Data/Actions/RE/Uni/1/uni53.webp" "gif">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>You're a beautiful cheerleader<</PlayerDialog>>
<<FNpcDialog null null "Girl">>That's good to hear, how do you like my little "show"?<</FNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>You're bad girl, right? I've got a nice place for you. Have a look at this.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<FNpcDialog null null "Girl">>Pleasure house?! Sounds...inetersting! I'll come!<</FNpcDialog>>
<<case 1>>
<<media "Data/Actions/RE/Uni/2/uni11.webp" "gif">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>You're doing a great job with your mouth.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<FNpcDialog null null "Girl">>Mmm..thanks<</FNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>But I think you can find a better use for it. Take a look at my suggestion<</PlayerDialog>>
<<FNpcDialog null null "Girl">>Mmm...sound funny. I'm in!<</FNpcDialog>>
<<case 2>>
<<media "Data/Actions/RE/Uni/2/uni27.webp" "gif">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Getting high?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<FNpcDialog null null "Girl">>Yeaahhh...I'm superhorny!...I need to put something in my.... w-who are you?..<</FNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>> I'm the one who wants to help you. The corridor is not the best place for such scenes, it would be much better if you do it here.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<FNpcDialog null null "Girl">>Hey, but I don't want to be a whore!<</FNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>No one is forcing you to do anything. Here you can behave as sexually as YOU want!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<FNpcDialog null null "Girl">>It's right at uni, hmmm...well, I guess that's okay then. I'll give it a try!<</FNpcDialog>>
<<case 3>>
<<media "Data/Actions/RE/Uni/2/uni45.webp" "gif">>
<<FNpcDialog null null "Girl">>Hey, would you agree to be my next darling? I'm so horny!<</FNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Wow, how long has it been since you've had sex?!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<FNpcDialog null null "Girl">>It's been over two hours!<</FNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>You're such a nymphomaniac! Maybe you want to try your hand at it?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<FNpcDialog null null "Girl">>Hmm...Oh, Yeah! That's what I need!<</FNpcDialog>>
<<case 4>>
<<media "Data/Actions/RE/Uni/2/uni5.webp" "gif">>
Wow! Maybe we should talk to her. I'll wait until they're...done.
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Hey! Why'd he do that to you?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<FNpcDialog null null "Girl">>I had a humble relationship with our old professor, but this is a new one. I couldn't help myself and started masturbating in class! Now how do I take all this sex drive away?!<</FNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Hey, calm down. Bad girls like you can be helped, too. You just need to dump all the excitement somewhere else. In a place like here!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<FNpcDialog null null "Girl">>Hmm? This could work! I'll definitely be there!<</FNpcDialog>>
<<case 5>>
<<FNpcDialog null null "Girl">>Hey, I found you! Are you the one looking for girls for the pleasure house?<</FNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Whoa, your outfit! Let's say it's me.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<FNpcDialog null null "Girl">>Is there a place for me there?<</FNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Actions/RE/Uni/2/uni47.gif" "gif">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>I'm just not capable of saying no to you...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<FNpcDialog null null "Girl">>All the guys will be dreaming about me! Heeheehee<</FNpcDialog>>
<<set $MUniFull = true>>\
<<set $PHouse.MUni++>>\
<<set $PHouse.Girls++>>\
+1 girl, yeah!
The girls at uni are the easiest to persuade, because I suggest they do what they want to do and they even get paid for it!
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Hey, Girl. You look damn sexy, how about getting some extra money for you beauty?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<FNpcDialog null null "Girl">>Oh, thank you!<</FNpcDialog>>
<<FNpcDialog null null "Other Girl">>Hey! Don't you dare touch her! That ass belongs only to me...<</FNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Actions/RE/Uni/2/7.webp" "gif">>
<<button [[Back in action|PHouse]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/phinside.jpg" "place">>
Pleasure house.
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>I couldn't find anyone today, but hopefully next time I will.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<button [[Back in action|PHouse]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/phinside.jpg" "place">>
Pleasure house.
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>How can I make this place a little more popular without drawing the attention of the law? I need something simple.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<set _r = random (0,2)>>\
<<switch _r>>
<<case 0>>
Today I paid a few people to start a rumor about the existence of such a place.
<<case 1>>
Today I've been putting up brochures with a house of fun in all sorts of random places
<<case 2>>
Today I left mysterious writings on the walls pointing directly to Vanessa's office. Not vandalism, but advertising!
I think it will bring some popularity to my pleasure house.
<<set _r = random (1,5)>>\
<<set $PHouse.Pop += _r>>\
@@color:lime;Popularity has been increased by _r.@@
<<button [[Back in action|PHouse]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<RE [[LeviPHouse]]>>
<<if $Bully.Relationship < 4 and $Bully.Relationship !== 1>>\
<<RE [[PHStephanComing]]>>
<<RE [[PHStephanComingAgain]]>>
<<RE [[PHousePolice]]>>
<<RE [[PHVanessaComing]]>>
<<set _harasChance = 5>>/* default percent */
<<set _harasChance += Math.trunc(Math.max(0, 15/100*(-(Math.max($PHouse.Authority, -100)))))>>/* plus from 0 (if $PHouse.Authority >= 0) to 15 (if $PHouse.Authority <= -100) */
<<set _harasChance += + Math.trunc(Math.max(0, 15/100*(Math.min($PHouse.PIsMaid, 100))))>>/* plus from 0 (if $PHouse.PIsMaid <= 0) to 15 (if $PHouse.PIsMaid >= -100) */
<<REGroup "PHouseHarass" _harasChance>>
<<RE [[_PHouse]]>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
type: "goto",
<<media "Data/Locations/phinside.jpg" "place">>
Pleasure house.
<<if $Teacher.IsMaid == true>>\
<<set $PHouse.DevelopCost = 70>>\
<<if $CurrentDayTime != 4>>\
<<if $P.ConvergenceON == true and $P.CindyPower >= 10>>\
<<CindyDialog>>This place is gorgeous! Sometimes I'm amazed at our genius! Hey, do you want me to work here for you and raise some easy money?<</CindyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>You didn't help me create this place, and we share genius?..<</PlayerDialog>>
I think with her body and personality she could really make us some extra money.
<<button [[Let her work|PHouseCindyWork]]>><<UpdateCindyPower "0">><</button>>
<<if $PHouse.Girls > 0>>\
<<button [[Just watch|PHouseWatch]]>><</button>>
<<if $P.Cor >= 60>>\
<<if $P.Gender == "f" and $PHouse.Girls > 0>>\
<<if $PHouse.CanWork == true>>\
<<button [[Work here|PHouseWorkF]]>><</button>>
<<if $PHouse.Girls > 1>>\
<<button [[Have fun|PHouseHavingFun]]>><</button>>
<<if $P.Money >= $PHouse.DevelopCost>>\
I'm going to have to spend a little money to develop my House of Pleasure. It's going to cost me - $PHouse.DevelopCost $
<<if ($PHouse.Girls + $PHouse.SuperGirls) < $PHouse.MaidsMaxCount>>\
<<button [[Find new Maids|PHMaidsFinding]]>><<set $P.Money -= $PHouse.DevelopCost>><</button>>
<<button [[Increase popularity|PHPopularity]]>><<set $P.Money -= $PHouse.DevelopCost>><</button>>
<<button [[Check stats|PHouseStats]]>><</button>>
Everyone went home, because there's nothing to do at night at the university.
<<button [[Back to Uni|Uni]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/phinside.jpg" "place">>
Pleasure house.<<set $LeviHere = false>>
<<CindyDialog>>Yay! Hey, everybody! Who wants to fuck meee?...<</CindyDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Guy 1">>Wow, where did that blonde come from?<</MNpcDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Guy 2">>ME...ME! Pick me! <</MNpcDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Guy 1">>Hey, I saw her first! Pick me! I'll pay 100$!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Guy 2">>I'm paying 150$!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Guy 1">>Goddamn it, I don't have that much!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<CindyDialog>>Hey, don't worry, sweetheart! It's not the last time I'll be here!<</CindyDialog>>
<<CindyDialog>>Come here, handsome! I have to make sure I'm worth all this money!<</CindyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Cindy/blonde155.mp4">>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Guy 2">>Oh yeeeah! I certainly wasn't wrong about you!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<CindyDialog>>Mmm...You have such a nice cock!<</CindyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Cindy/blonde156.mp4">>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Guy 2">>Wait, what about the condom?!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<CindyDialog>>We don't need it, sweetie. Do whatever you want with me! You can even cum inside me if you want to!<</CindyDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Guy 2">>R-really? Then...!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Cindy/blonde157.mp4">>
<<CindyDialog>>Yeeeahh.....All right, now I'm warmed up! Hold on!<</CindyDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Guy 2">>What are you doing to my cock?! I-I've never felt anything like this before! <</MNpcDialog>>
<<CindyDialog>>Haaah....I'll take that one as a compliment! Thanks to that juicy ass, I can do this! ~giggle~<</CindyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Cindy/blonde164.mp4">>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Guy 2">>I...I'm going t cum!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<CindyDialog>>Don't hold it back!<</CindyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Cindy/blonde161.mp4">>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Guy 2">>You're...gorgeous!...<</MNpcDialog>>
<<CindyDialog>>Hey, look where you blew your 150 bucks. Ha-ha!<</CindyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/Cindy/blonde160.mp4">>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Guy 2">>You're the most depraved person I've ever seen! It was well worth it!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<CindyDialog>>So? Did I do all right? Do I deserve a commendation?<</CindyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>...yes....good...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<set $P.Money += 150>>\
@@color:lime; You got 150$!@@
<<set $PHouse.Pop += 1>>\
@@color:lime;Popularity has been increased by 1.@@
<<UpdateArousal "0">>
<<button [[Back in action|PHouse]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/phinside.jpg" "place">>
Pleasure house.
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Was it really a bad idea? Apparently I hadn't fully thought it through. Maybe I should come back to it later<</PlayerDialog>>
Should we really close?
<<button [[Close pleasure house!|PHouseClose1]]>>
<<set $PHouse.Open = false>>
<<set $PHouse.Girls = 0>>
<<set $PHouse.SuperGirls = 0>>
<<set $PHouse.Pop = 0>>
<<button [[Leave everything as it is|PHouse]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/phinside.jpg" "place">>
Pleasure house.
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Sometimes you have to make hard decisions for the sake of a brighter future!<</PlayerDialog>>
@@color:yellow; The House of Pleasure is closed, but you can open it again at any time. Whenever you're ready.@@
<<button [[Back to Uni|Uni]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/phinside.jpg" "place">>
Pleasure house.
<<PlayerDialog "disgust">>Girls, how about a little fun?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<if $PHouse.Authority >= 3 and $PHouse.Authority < 6>>\
<<FNpcDialog null null "Girl">>Just because you're in charge here doesn't make you special! You have to pay like the others!<</FNpcDialog>>
@@color:yellow; Note: you should earn more authority.@@
<<if $P.Money >= 60>>\
<<button [[Pay 60$|PHouseHavingFun1]]>><<set $P.Money -=60>><</button>>
<<elseif $PHouse.Authority >= 6 and $PHouse.Authority < 10>>
<<FNpcDialog null null "Girl">>First the payment, then the service. He-he!<</FNpcDialog>>
@@color:yellow; Note: you should earn more authority.@@
<<if $P.Money >= 60>>\
<<button [[Pay 60$|PHouseHavingFun1]]>><<set $P.Money -=60>><</button>>
<<elseif $PHouse.Authority >= 10 and $PHouse.Authority <= 15>>
<<FNpcDialog null null "Girl">>How can we say no to our master?<</FNpcDialog>>
<<button [[Have fun!|PHouseHavingFun1]]>><</button>>
<<elseif $PHouse.Authority > 15>>
<<FNpcDialog null null "Girl">>Master! Choose me! <</FNpcDialog>>
<<FNpcDialog null null "Girl">>No, choose me!!<</FNpcDialog>>
<<button [[Have fun!|PHouseHavingFun1]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Back in action|PHouse]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/phinside.jpg" "place">>
Pleasure house.
<<if $PHouse.Authority <= 20>>\
<<set _pic = $PHouse.Authority>>\
<<set _pic = 20>>\
<<set _r = random (1,_pic)>>\
<<switch _r>>\
<<case 1>>
<<media "Data/Actions/PH/P/M/1.gif" "gif">>
She agreed to rub my cock! And she does it very professionally!
<<case 2>>
<<media "Data/Actions/PH/P/M/2.gif" "gif">>
One of the girls agreed to play with her boobs in front of me. I was actually hoping for more, but I wasn't disappointed.
<<case 3>>
<<media "Data/Actions/PH/P/M/3.gif" "gif">>
She was shaking her ass while I jerked her off and cum on her! But I wish it had been Anya in her place.
<<case 4>>
<<media "Data/Actions/PH/P/M/4.gif" "gif">>
Her boobs are so soft! They are so much bigger than Carol's!
<<case 5>>
<<media "Data/Actions/PH/P/M/5.gif" "gif">>
I thank all the gods for the opportunity to cum on these huge tits!
<<case 6>>
<<media "Data/Actions/PH/P/M/6.gif" "gif">>
A blow job from such a beautiful woman? Oh yeah!
<<case 7>>
<<media "Data/Actions/PH/P/M/7.gif" "gif">>
I can't stop imagining Olga in her place, he-he...
<<case 8>>
<<media "Data/Actions/PH/P/M/8.gif" "gif">>
Good time for fucking someone!
<<case 9>>
<<media "Data/Actions/PH/P/M/9.gif" "gif">>
Even giving me a blowjob, she doesn't take her eyes off me! I wonder what she's thinking about?
<<case 10>>
<<media "Data/Actions/PH/P/M/10.gif" "gif">>
This cutie knows her stuff!
<<case 11>>
<<media "Data/Actions/PH/P/M/11.gif" "gif">>
I knew hot college girls could do a lot, but I wasn't ready for this!
<<case 12>>
<<media "Data/Actions/PH/P/M/12.gif" "gif">>
I'm sure we'll both be satisfied after such a pleasant meeting!
<<case 13>>
<<media "Data/Actions/PH/P/M/13.gif" "gif">>
These guys were a little busy, but they were okay with me
<<case 14>>
<<media "Data/Actions/PH/P/M/14.gif" "gif">>
I'm definitely making progress in pleasing beautiful women
<<case 15>>
<<media "Data/Actions/PH/P/M/15.gif" "gif">>
What she's doing...it's.... it's beyond praise!
<<case 16>>
<<FNpcDialog null null "Girl">>Master, come and see us more often!<</FNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Actions/PH/P/M/16.gif" "gif">>
I don't think I have the right to say no to such beauties.
<<case 17>>
<<FNpcDialog null null "Girl">>Master, how about another round?<</FNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Actions/PH/P/M/17.gif" "gif">>
No, I think I've had enough for now...
<<case 18>>
<<FNpcDialog null null "Girl">>Oh, yeah! The Master's cock is fucking me! Please, more! <</FNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Actions/PH/P/M/18.gif" "gif">>
She moves so energetically! I won't be able to keep up that pace for long!
<<case 19>>
<<FNpcDialog null null "Girl">>Master, does it please you when I lick him like this?<</FNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Actions/PH/P/M/19.gif" "gif">>
I wish this feeling could last forever.
<<case 20>>
<<FNpcDialog null null "Girl">>Yeeeah! You are so much better than my husband!<</FNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Actions/PH/P/M/20.gif" "gif">>
I'm glad to hear that...I guess....
My girls are the best!
<<set $PHouse.Authority += 2>>
@@color:#F8105A;Your authority has been increased.@@
<<UpdateSubDom "+1">>
<<UpdateArousal "0">>
<<button [[Back in action|PHouse]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/phinside.jpg" "place">>
Pleasure house.
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Phew, I'm finally done<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Locations/phinside.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>It looks nice. I had to spend a lot of money on music, lighting, carpets, sheets and a bunch of other stuff. While I was doing all that, I even had time to start a little rumor about the place!<</PlayerDialog>>
Let's check what we've got now!
<<button [[Check stats|PHouseStats]]>><<set $PHouse.Open = true>><<set $PHouse.Pop = 1>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/phinside.jpg" "place">>
Pleasure house.
@@color:#F8105A; My authority@@ - $PHouse.Authority
<<set _m = ($PHouse.Girls + $PHouse.SuperGirls)>>\
@@color:orange; Maids@@ - _m / $PHouse.MaidsMaxCount
<<button [[Fire a Maid|PHouseStats]]>><<if $PHouse.Girls > 0>><<set $PHouse.Girls-->><<set $PHouse.GirlsFaired++>><</if>><</button>>
@@color:yellow; SuperMaids@@ - $PHouse.SuperGirls
<<button [[SuperMaid's bonuses|PHBonuses]]>><</button>>
@@color:blue; Popularity@@ - $PHouse.Pop
<<if $PHouse.Girls < 1 and $PHouse.SuperGirls < 1>>\
<<set _income = -100>>\
<<set _income = ((200 - 10.71*($PHouse.Girls - 1))/100 * 0.75 * $PHouse.Girls * $PHouse.GirlsProf * $PHouse.Pop/10 + $PHouse. SuperGirlProf * $PHouse.SuperGirls * $PHouse.Pop/10 - ($PHouse.SuperGirls + $PHouse.Girls) * $PHouse.GirlExpen)/3 - 100>>
<<set _income = ((200 - 10.71*($PHouse.Girls - 1))/100 * 0.75 * $PHouse.Girls * $PHouse.GirlProf * $PHouse.Pop/10 + $PHouse. SuperGirlProf * $PHouse.SuperGirls * $PHouse.Pop/10 - ($PHouse.SuperGirls + $PHouse.Girls) * $PHouse.GirlExpen)/3 - 100>>
<<set _income to Math.trunc(_income)>>
Estimated expected weekly income:
<<if _income >= 0>>\
@@color:deeppink; Income@@: _income $
@@color:red; Income@@: _income $
<<if $PHouse.Money > 0>>\
@@color:lime;Current money@@: $PHouse.Money
@@color:red;Current money@@: $PHouse.Money
@@Font-size:80%; Note: If the current money drops to 0, with negative income, I will be losing my money!@@
<<textbox "$PHinput" "" autofocus>>
<<button [[Withdraw|PHouseStats]]>><<set $PHinput to Math.trunc($PHinput)>>
<<if not Number.isInteger($PHinput)>>
<<else>><<if $PHinput <= $PHouse.Money>><<set $P.Money += $PHinput>><<set $PHouse.Money -=$PHinput>>
If things don't go well, I might give up on the idea.
<<button [[Roll up business|PHouseClose]]>><</button>>
<<button [[To reception|PHouse]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/phinside.jpg" "place">>
Pleasure house.
<<timed 5s>><<REGroup "PHouseHarass" 100>><</timed>>\
<<if $PHouse.SuperGirls > 0>>\
<<set _rsuper = random (0,99)>>\
<<set _rsuper = 0>>\
<<if _rsuper >= 80>>\
<<goto "PHouseWatchSuperMaids">>
<<set _pic = ($PHouse.Girls + $PHouse.SuperGirls)*2>>\
<<set _r = random (1, _pic)>>\
<<switch _r>>
<<case 1>>
<<media "Data/Actions/PH/Watch/1.gif" "gif">>
Wow, this girl is sluttier than I thought before!
<<case 2>>
<<media "Data/Actions/PH/Watch/2.gif" "gif">>
His cock is huge, she can't even take half of it.
<<case 3>>
<<media "Data/Actions/PH/Watch/3.gif" "gif">>
This one with big wonderful tits! I like it!
<<case 4>>
<<media "Data/Actions/PH/Watch/4.gif" "gif">>
I don't know how she's still conscious from all this pounding!
<<case 5>>
<<media "Data/Actions/PH/Watch/5.gif" "gif">>
Dedicated to all lovers of milf! I'm glad she's with us!
<<case 6>>
<<media "Data/Actions/PH/Watch/6.gif" "gif">>
Ha-ha-ha! I still can't believe this is happening in Vanessa's office!
<<case 7>>
<<media "Data/Actions/PH/Watch/7.gif" "gif">>
Another horny student, she sure does love this place!
<<case 8>>
<<media "Data/Actions/PH/Watch/8.gif" "gif">>
The force of action is equal to the force of counteraction! I think that was Newton's third law...
<<case 9>>
<<media "Data/Actions/PH/Watch/9.gif" "gif">>
I'm glad that we are able to provide decent service.
<<case 10>>
<<media "Data/Actions/PH/Watch/10.gif" "gif">>
I would definitely like to be in this guy's position!
<<case 11>>
<<media "Data/Actions/PH/Watch/11.gif" "gif">>
This girl doesn't mind being his hole for the day.
<<case 12>>
<<media "Data/Actions/PH/Watch/12.gif" "gif">>
I think they're both happy to be here.
<<case 13>>
<<media "Data/Actions/PH/Watch/13.gif" "gif">>
It's hard to say who's having a better time now!
<<case 14>>
<<media "Data/Actions/PH/Watch/14.gif" "gif">>
One of our beauties, our girls are the best!
<<case 15>>
<<media "Data/Actions/PH/Watch/15.gif" "gif">>
Is it really that good?
<<case 16>>
<<media "Data/Actions/PH/Watch/16.gif" "gif">>
It would be rude of me to limit the girls' choice of partners.
<<case 17>>
<<media "Data/Actions/PH/Watch/17.gif" "gif">>
This girl was skeptical at first, but now she's here almost every day!
<<case 18>>
<<media "Data/Actions/PH/Watch/18.gif" "gif">>
There is no one more dangerous in the world than a horny student!
<<case 19>>
<<media "Data/Actions/PH/Watch/19.gif" "gif">>
The girls are less and less shy with each other, and the guest is twice as happy!
<<case 20>>
<<media "Data/Actions/PH/Watch/20.gif" "gif">>
I seem to be making progress in creating a place where everyone is happy.
It looks like "work" is in full swing. I think it's time for me to go.
<<UpdateArousal "+50">>
<<button [[Back in action|PHouse]]>><<movetime>><</button>>
<</if>>\<<media "Data/Locations/phinside.jpg" "place">>
Pleasure house.
<<set $SMArray = []>>\
<<if $Teacher.IsMaid == true and $CurrentDayTime > 1>>\
<<set $SMArray.push("Vanessa")>>\
<<if $Carol.IsMaid == true>>\
<<set $SMArray.push("Carol")>>\
<<if $GF.IsMaid == true>>\
<<set $SMArray.push("Layla")>>\
<<if $SMArray.length == 0>>\
I wanted to see how my SuperMaids were doing.
But none of them seem to be working at the moment.
<<set _r = random (0, $SMArray.length - 1)>>\
<<if $SMArray[_r] == "Vanessa">>\
<<set _rvan = random (0, 4)>>
<<if $Teacher.Admit == 1>>\
<<switch _rvan>>\
<<case 0>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/gif/peg1.mp4">>
<<TeacherDialog "happy">>Answer me, do you like your mistress' cock?<</TeacherDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Guy">>Yes! I like it very much!<</MNpcDialog>>
Do so many guys really want to be fucked by a hottie...?
<<case 1>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/gif/mast1.mp4">>
<<TeacherDialog "happy">>Well? Are your teacher's fingers tasty? These are the feet you've been dreaming of, huh?<</TeacherDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Guy">>I just came in for a consultation...but now...I.....ooh...<</MNpcDialog>>
Well, I guess if he didn't like something, he'd say..
<<case 2>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/gif/lesb6.webp" "gif">>
<<FNpcDialog null null "Girl">>Vanessa, you're so coool!<</FNpcDialog>>
<<TeacherDialog "happy">>You too!<</TeacherDialog>>
The girls seem to be making friends, I'm glad!
<<case 3>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/gif/hj.mp4">>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Guy">>Teacher, am I really allowed to sit here like this?<</MNpcDialog>>
<<TeacherDialog "serious">>Aren't you in a hurry?<</TeacherDialog>>
I understand this guy, I wouldn't have expected something like this from Vanessa before either...
<<case 4>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/gif/f11.mp4">>
<<TeacherDialog "horny" 2>>Stop for a second and I'll...ugh...FUCK!<</TeacherDialog>>
She is totally addicted to sex!
<<switch _rvan>>\
<<case 0>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/gif/f27.mp4">>
<<TeacherDialog "horny" 1>>You fuck me silently, as if I were just an object to you, not your teacher! But this.... is so arousing!<</TeacherDialog>>
Yeah, she likes to be treated like this!
<<case 1>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/gif/group12.mp4">>
<<FNpcDialog null null "Girl">>Teacher, you're doing so great...!<</FNpcDialog>>
A student and her teacher. Fuck, I want to be that guy!
<<case 2>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/gif/lesb6.webp" "gif">>
<<FNpcDialog null null "Girl">>Vanessa, you're so coool!<</FNpcDialog>>
<<TeacherDialog "happy">>You too!<</TeacherDialog>>
The girls seem to be making friends, I'm glad!
<<case 3>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/gif/f42.webp" "gif">>
Looks like someone is fucking Vanessa brains out again!
<<case 4>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/gif/bj18.mp4">>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Guy">>Ms. Vanessa is sucking my cock dressed like a whore! I'm in heaven!<</MNpcDialog>>
She tries to live up to his expectations!
<<elseif $SMArray[_r] == "Carol">>\
<<elseif $SMArray[_r] == "Layla">>\
<<UpdateArousal "+50">>
<<button [[Back in action|PHouse]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/phinside.jpg" "place">>
Pleasure house.
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>It's time to do a little work<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Actions/PH/P/F/work/0.gif" "gif">>
<<if $PHouse.PIsMaid <= 32>>\
<<set $harassr = $PHouse.PIsMaid>>\
<<set $harassr = random (1, 40)>>\
<<if $harassr <= 3>>\
<<set _rpicrange = 1>>\
<<elseif $harassr > 3 and $harassr <= 8>>\
<<set _rpicrange = 2>>\
<<elseif $harassr > 8 and $harassr <= 12>>\
<<set _rpicrange = 3>>\
<<elseif $harassr > 12 and $harassr <= 17>>\
<<set _rpicrange = 4>>\
<<elseif $harassr > 17 and $harassr <= 23>>\
<<set _rpicrange = 5>>\
<<elseif $harassr > 23 and $harassr <= 27>>\
<<set _rpicrange = 6>>\
<<elseif $harassr > 27 and $harassr <= 32>>\
<<set _rpicrange = 7>>\
<<elseif $harassr > 32>>\
<<set _rpicrange = 8>>\
<<set _pictoshow = random (1, _rpicrange)>>
<<switch _pictoshow>>
<<case 1>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Guy">>How good it feels to have someone else do it for you!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Actions/PH/P/F/work/7.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Ain't that the truth!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<case 2>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>There's so much sperm in here!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Actions/PH/P/F/work/1.mp4">>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Guy">>I've always dreamed of cumming in the mouth of such a beauty!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<case 3>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>Ah, I didn't expect a girl to be interested in me too!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Actions/PH/P/F/work/8.mp4">>
<<FNpcDialog null null "Girl">>I wouldn't miss a chance to taste such sweet pussy!<</FNpcDialog>>
<<case 4>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Oh, no, Captain! Your movements are so strong!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Actions/PH/P/F/work/2.mp4">>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Guy">>All hands on deck!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>ehehe<</PlayerDialog>>
<<case 5>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Do you like the way I move?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Actions/PH/P/F/work/3.gif" "gif">>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Guy">>Yeah, baby! Please, continue!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<case 6>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Guy">>Those juicy tits and slutty stockings!...Oooh, tell me you're my whore!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Actions/PH/P/F/work/4.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>I'm your...whore....!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<case 7>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Guy">>Oh, Mistress! Saddle me with your asshole!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Is that what you want, bad boy? Dirty pervert!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Actions/PH/P/F/work/5.mp4">>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Guy">>Ooh, Yeeeas!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<case 8>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Guy 2">>Dibs on me fucking her next! You've been doing it long enough already!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Take it easy, boys. I'm good enough for all of you...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Actions/PH/P/F/work/6.mp4">>
<<UpdateArousal "0">>
<<set $P.Money += 60>>\
@@color:lime; You got 60$!@@
<<button [[Back in action|PHouse]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: false,
type: "goto",
threshold: 25,
filter: `$LeviArrival === true and $LeviHere === true and $P.Gender === "f" and $LeviUnderstood === true and $Levi.Gender === "m"`,
tags: ["PHouse", "Daily", "Weekly", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["PHouse", "Morning"], isSeparate: true },
{ max: 1, tags: ["PHouse", "Noon"], isSeparate: true },
{ max: 1, tags: ["PHouse", "Afternoon"], isSeparate: true },
{ max: 1, tags: ["PHouse", "Evening"], isSeparate: true },
{ max: 1, tags: ["PHouse", "Daily"], isSeparate: true },
{ max: 3, tags: ["PHouse", "Weekly"], isSeparate: true }
<<media "Data/Locations/phinside.jpg" "place">>
Pleasure house.<<set $LeviHere = false>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Levi/M/2.webp" "just">>
<<LeviDialog>>Hi! Here I am!<</LeviDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "disgust">>Come again?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<LeviDialog>>Is this how you communicate with customers?<</LeviDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "disgust">>Grr..What kind of girl do you want? I can offer...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<LeviDialog>>I want you.<</LeviDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>You know....I run this place... I don't....<</PlayerDialog>>
<<LeviDialog>>Listen, either you do it, or as a customer I am dissatisfied with your service! Come on! I know what a pervert you are!<</LeviDialog>>
Fucking hell! What the fuck am I supposed to do in this situation?
<<if $P.PervertedPoints >= 50 and $P.Cor >= 60>>\
<<button [[Agree|LeviPHouseA]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Decline|LeviPHouseD]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/phinside.jpg" "place">>
Pleasure house.<<set $LeviHere = false>>
I've started actually a pretty dangerous business...
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Okay, but I'll do it with my mouth. Don't ask for more.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<LeviDialog>>Hie-hie-hie! Hooray! You'll like it!<</LeviDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Levi/bj190.mp4">>
<<LeviDialog>>Look, I'm fucking your girlfriend's body in my mouth!<</LeviDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Hpsluush...Carol is not...shhlluup...my girlfriend..she is...slp...my neighbor...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Levi/bj189.mp4">>
<<LeviDialog>>I'm fucking my own brother in the mouth in the body of his neighbor! Hie-hie!<</LeviDialog>>
Asshole! As soon as I wanted to answer him rudely, but he grabbed my head with both hands and shoved his dick deep down my throat!
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>Hshhmuuusphh.....!!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Levi/bj188.mp4">>
<<LeviDialog>>Hie! Your hair is completely disheveled, brother.<</LeviDialog>>
His cock is so deep, I can't breathe! It's like he's driving the shape of his penis down my throat! Tears rolled down my eyes! I have so many thoughts now! Am I really using Carol's body for my brother to do this to me? And why does all this make me so hot!?!?
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Levi/bj191.mp4">>
<<LeviDialog>>You don't look angry at all after what I just did. Did you like it? Pervert!<</LeviDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>As if anyone would.....like....that!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<LeviDialog>>Hie-hie-hie!! Well... Then we continue!<</LeviDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>Cum...faster....!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<LeviDialog>>In the end, you stopped resisting at all! Sooner or later you'll admit that you're just like me! Hie-hie-hie!<</LeviDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Levi/cum115.mp4">>
I don't care what he says right now, I just want him to finally spit out all this...cum and...leave...
<<LeviDialog>>Oh, since I'm a customer, I have to pay, right? I'll throw in a little extra for your good work. Hie-hie!<</LeviDialog>>
<<UpdateMoney "+100">>
<<set $PHouse.Pop += 1>>\
@@color:lime;Popularity has been increased by 1.@@
<<UpdatePervertion "+5">>
<<UpdateArousal "100">>
<<button [[Back in action|PHouse]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/phinside.jpg" "place">>
Pleasure house.<<set $LeviHere = false>>
<<LeviDialog>>What? Why? At least suck it off!<</LeviDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "disgust">>Do you really think I'm going to suck your dick or something?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<LeviDialog>>What's the problem? That you're actually a guy? What's the difference?<</LeviDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>What's the difference?! Are you normal at all?<</PlayerDialog>>
Although it's really strange to ask Levi this question...
<<LeviDialog>>You know, your curse or whatever it is, it's not a curse, as you think, but a blessing! You can explore all aspects of pleasure in this world, from all sides! @@color:yellow;I would give anything I have for the opportunity to be in the body of a young slut for a day! Hie-hie!@@<</LeviDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Levi, I'm not you.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<LeviDialog>>It's sad to hear that, I thought we had more in common... But I won't give up so easily! I'll prove that you're an even bigger pervert than me! Hie-hie-hie-hieeee!<</LeviDialog>>
He left...
<<set $PHouse.Pop -= 1>>\
@@color:red;Popularity has been decreased by 1.@@
<<button [[Back in action|PHouse]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 25,
filter: `$LeviArrival === true and $LeviHere === true and $P.Gender === "f" and $LeviUnderstood === true and $Levi.Gender === "m"`,
tags: ["PHouse"]
<<REDisable "LeviPHouseFirstTime">>\
<<REEnable "LeviPHouse">>\
<<media "Data/Locations/phinside.jpg" "place">>
Pleasure house.<<set $LeviHere = false>>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Someone's here! Welco.....<</PlayerDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "disgust">>Holy shit, not you!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Levi/M/2.webp" "just">>
<<LeviDialog>>Hie-hiehie! I'm glad to see you too, my dear! The rumors didn't deceive me!<</LeviDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "disgust">>Why did you come here?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<LeviDialog>>Oh, it's like you don't know me well.. I just couldn't miss a place like this! It seems that the talent for running a business is in our family!<</LeviDialog>>
Does he already know that I founded this place? I need to ask him how he found out..
<<LeviDialog>>Okay, I won't stay here for long! I'll come back here again sometime! Absolutely! Bye!<</LeviDialog>>
He left. Is there something I don't know about him?
Oh, I don't care... I hope he won't come again..
<<button [[Back in action|PHouse]]>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 15,
filter: `$PHouse.Pop >= 15 and $P.Gender === "f"`,
tags: ["PHouse", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["PHouse", "Morning"], isSeparate: true },
{ max: 1, tags: ["PHouse", "Noon"], isSeparate: true },
{ max: 1, tags: ["PHouse", "Afternoon"], isSeparate: true },
{ max: 1, tags: ["PHouse", "Evening"], isSeparate: true }
<<REDisable "PHStephanComing">>\
<<REEnable "PHStephanComingAgain">>\
<<REEnable "PHouseHarassNotCorruptedByStephan">>\
<<media "Data/Locations/phinside.jpg" "place">>
Pleasure house.
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/3.webp" "just">>
<<BullyDialog>>Ha-ha-ha! I can't believe it, it really is a fucking whorehouse!<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Stephan?!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<FNpcDialog null null "Girl">>I'm sorry, Mistress! We couldn't hold him, he just broke in here!<</FNpcDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Mistress?! Ha-ha-ha! Don't tell me you set this whole thing up!<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Really? You?! Ha-ha-ha! Since you're all whores, get your ass over here<</BullyDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Guy">>Why do you let yourself talk to her like that?! She'll tell you to go to hell, just like all the others!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Are you saying this bitch is inaccessible? Don't talk nonsense, snotty boy!<</BullyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Bully/grope.webp" "gif">>
God, not in front of everyone!
<<BullyDialog>>Come on, bitch, suck my dick like you always do<</BullyDialog>>
He's pushing me so hard, his dick is already hard...and it's...demanding my mouth...
<<if $P.Cor >= 75 or $P.SubDom <= -20 or $Bully.SuperCock == true>>\
<<button [[Suck his cock|PHStephanComingAgree]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Suck his cock|PHStephanComingAgree]]>><</button>>
<<button [[I'm sorry, you must have me confused with someone else|PHStephanComingDecline]]>><<set $Bully.GotoGF++>><</button>>
isEnabled: false, // disabled by default, will be enabled in PHStephanComing
type: "goto",
threshold: 10,
filter: `$PHouse.Pop >= 15 and $P.Gender === "f"`,
tags: ["PHouse", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["PHouse", "Morning"], isSeparate: true },
{ max: 1, tags: ["PHouse", "Noon"], isSeparate: true },
{ max: 1, tags: ["PHouse", "Afternoon"], isSeparate: true },
{ max: 1, tags: ["PHouse", "Evening"], isSeparate: true }
<<media "Data/Locations/phinside.jpg" "place">>
Pleasure house.
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/3.webp" "just">>
<<BullyDialog>>Hey, everybody!<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Stephan, what do you want again?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Can you guess from three times?<</BullyDialog>>
He pulls his dick out of his pants.
<<MNpcDialog null null "Guy">>Hey, what are you doing? No queue and no pay...!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<if $P.Cor >= 75 or $P.SubDom <= -20 or $Bully.SuperCock == true>>\
<<button [[Suck his cock|PHStephanComingAgainAgree]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Suck his cock|PHStephanComingAgainAgree]]>><</button>>
<<button [[I'm sorry, you must have me confused with someone else|PHStephanComingDecline]]>><<set $Bully.GotoGF++>><</button>>
<</if>>\<<media "Data/Locations/phinside.jpg" "place">>
Pleasure house.
<<BullyDialog>>Ha-ha-ha! Just like that, bitch<</BullyDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Guy 1">>What?<</MNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Bully/bj111.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Is that pleasant enough?<</PlayerDialog>>
I have to deal with this dick as soon as possible, then Stephan will leave right away! I have to do my best!
<<MNpcDialog null null "Guy 2">>It's okay, Mistress is just in love with this guy's dick.<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Noo, It's just the quickest way to solve the problem and continue our work<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>I don't care how you look at it. As long as you don't stop sucking, slut<</BullyDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>I liked it here, now I want to come here more often! See you around!<</BullyDialog>>
Good riddance...
<<set $PHouse.Authority -= 1>>\
@@color:#F8105A;Your authority has been decreased.@@
<<UpdateArousal "100">>
<<REDisable [[PHouseHarassNotCorruptedByStephan]]>>\
<<REEnableByTag "PHouseHarassEnableTag">>\
<<button [[Back in action|PHouse]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/phinside.jpg" "place">>
Pleasure house.
<<set $CorruptedByStephan = true>>\
<<BullyDialog>>So, what are you waiting for?<</BullyDialog>>
His cock...it's so hard to resist...when he commands me like this....I...
<<MNpcDialog null null "Guy">>She'll never...what..m-mistress..<</MNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Bully/bj111.mp4">>
<<BullyDialog>>Ha-ha-ha! Just like that, bitch<</BullyDialog>>
I can't believe I undressed in front of everyone and started sucking his cock!
<<FNpcDialog null null "Girl">>Wow!<</FNpcDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Guy">>He was telling the.....truth about you<</MNpcDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>You can do it too, just try to be a little more persistent<</BullyDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Guy">>..r-really?<</MNpcDialog>>
Don't listen to him, Stephan is such a jerk! But I'm too used to his dick, it's a problem...
<<BullyDialog>>I liked it here, now I want to come here more often! See you around!<</BullyDialog>>
Good riddance...
<<set $PHouse.Authority -= 1>>\
@@color:#F8105A;Your authority has been decreased.@@
<<UpdateArousal "100">>
<<REDisable [[PHouseHarassNotCorruptedByStephan]]>>\
<<REEnableByTag "PHouseHarassEnableTag">>\
<<button [[Back in action|PHouse]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/phinside.jpg" "place">>
Pleasure house.
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Sorry, you must have me confused with someone else<</PlayerDialog>>
God, what the hell am I talking about?! I'm digging my own grave!
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/3.webp" "just">>
<<BullyDialog>>Hmm...I must have been mistaken. That slut wouldn't have said that to me, ha-ha! Well, since I can't find her, I'll go have some fun with her girlfriend!<</BullyDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Guy">>I knew the Mistress wasn't the one you were looking for. But wait, your girlfriend has a girlfriend too, so she's a lesbian?<</MNpcDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Ha-ha-ha! She's definitely not a lesbian! So, I gotta go.<</BullyDialog>>
That creep...Let him go to her? Although knowing Layla, I think she'll just send him away. But I don't know for sure...
<<button [[Stop him|PHStephanComingAgree]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Let him go|PHouse]]>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: "100",
filter: `$CurrentDayTime != 4 and $PHouse.Pop >= 5 and $P.Gender === "m" and $Teacher.IsMaid === false`,
tags: ["PHouse", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["PHouse", "Morning"], isSeparate: true },
{ max: 1, tags: ["PHouse", "Noon"], isSeparate: true },
{ max: 1, tags: ["PHouse", "Afternoon"], isSeparate: true },
{ max: 1, tags: ["PHouse", "Evening"], isSeparate: true }
<<media "Data/Locations/phinside.jpg" "place">>
Pleasure house.
<<media "Data/Actions/PH/Watch/8.gif" "gif">>
<<media "Data/Actions/PH/Watch/2.gif" "gif">>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Hey, it's going pretty good! The girls are enjoying the process!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/room8.jpg" "just">>
<<TeacherDialog "disagree">>Nikita, I'm a little confused! What the fuck is going on here?!<</TeacherDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Well, shit...Let's back up a little bit so as not to disturb the girls and talk<</PlayerDialog>>
<<if $Teacher.Slut == true>>\
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>So what do you think of it?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/room9.jpg" "just">>
<<TeacherDialog "happy">>It's very exciting. They all look so happy!<</TeacherDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/room11.jpg" "just">>
<<TeacherDialog "disagree">>...Ahem...but you still should have warned me that this would happen!<</TeacherDialog>>
After that pill, Vanessa is driven solely by lust. Is it worth trying to ask Vanessa to join the Pleasure House? Although I don't really want her to be fucked all over the place...
@@#pill;<<button [[Maybe you want to be there instead?|PHVanessaComingSlut1]]>><</button>>@@
<<button [[I'm sorry, I should have been more frank with you|PHVanessaComingSlutDecline]]>><<movetime>><</button>>
<<TeacherDialog "disagree">>I remember, of course, that we had a deal and you have unfettered access to these rooms. But I didn't think you'd actually make a brothel here!<</TeacherDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/room9.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>It's not a brothel, I call it a Pleasure House. It's a place where sexually overexcited students (and not only students) nowadays can satisfy their needs.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<TeacherDialog "disagree">>It doesn't change anything. You realize that the university is not the place for this! What will the principal say? What if the police find out about it?!<</TeacherDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>I always thought that after the principal, you were the one in charge. When have you seen him lately, anyway? As for the police and other disgruntled faces, they're not likely to believe that something like this is going on in Vanessa's own office until the place gets too popular. But I'll try not to let that happen, and a little later I should hire a receptionist to check the IDs of people who come here. See? I've thought of everything.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<TeacherDialog "serious">>Eh, okay. I think students who are distracted from sexual pleasures will be more responsible in class, but you should have warned me about that anyway!<</TeacherDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/room11.jpg" "just">>
@@#pill;<<button [[Try to persuade her to work here|PHVanessaComing1]]>><</button>>@@
<<button [[I'm sorry, I should have been more frank with you|PHVanessaComingDecline]]>><<movetime>><</button>>
<</if>>\<<media "Data/Locations/phinside.jpg" "place">>
Pleasure house.
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>I wasn't sure it was going to work out, so I took my time talking. But now it's a wonderful place and I want you to be a part of!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/room12.jpg" "just">>
<<if $Teacher.Cor < 200>>\
<<TeacherDialog "disagree">>What? You want me to be part of such place?! I will never!<</TeacherDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>But...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<TeacherDialog "disagree">>I told you. Do what you want, but don't drag me into it!<</TeacherDialog>>
Well, that was a good attempt. I think she's not depraved enough for that yet. It can't be helped. Maybe there will be a chance to ask her about it again...later....
<<button [[Back in action|PHouse]]>><<movetime>><</button>>
<<TeacherDialog "horny" 1>>Do you think that someone like me can compare to young college girls? Umm...I wanted to say, I'm not a whore!<</TeacherDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/room10.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>You must have misunderstood the concept of this place. The girls here are not really whores, we call them Maids, because they can provide all kinds of services. It's up to them to say yes or no, maybe they don't like the partner or something, we don't force anyone.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<TeacherDialog "serious">>You mean you don't have to fuck if you don't want to?<</TeacherDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Exactly! Everyone has difficult days in life, stress and so on, and you're no exception. So why not take your mind off everything and just relax?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<TeacherDialog "happy">>So people here are just using each other to satisfy their depraved needs? So I can do that, too?<</TeacherDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/room13.jpg" "just">>
Someone opened the door and sat down on the couch in the other room.
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>I think a student who failed an exam just came in. He wanted to relax, so he was going to come to us. How about wearing something sexy in a uni style? We can surprise him nicely.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/room15.jpg" "just">>
<<TeacherDialog "happy">>And I can do whatever I want with it?!<</TeacherDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Umm...Yes, if he doesn't mind too...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<TeacherDialog "happy">>Mmm...I want to try!<</TeacherDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/room19.jpg" "just">>
<<button [[Let's watch the show|PHVanessaComing1Sex]]>><</button>>
<</if>>\<<media "Data/Locations/phinside.jpg" "place">>
Pleasure house.
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Hi! Come on in and wait here. The girl will come to you soon.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Guy">>Okay<</MNpcDialog>>
Fuck, I just have to see it!
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/gif/te2.mp4">>
<<TeacherDialog "happy">>Hi!<</TeacherDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Guy">>OH FUCK! Teacher! That's not what you're thinking! What are you doing here?!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<TeacherDialog "horny" 2>>Hey, I remember you! You failed my exam!<</TeacherDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Guy">>How could you, teacher?! I thought you were supposed to be impartial to your students! John has as many points as I do, but...ooh...what are you d...Oooh!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/gif/office4.mp4">>
NO WAY! Hahaha!
<<TeacherDialog "serious">>Nikita, could you please not look at this? Give us some privacy.<</TeacherDialog>>
Eh, well, I told her she wouldn't have to do anything she didn't want to do... But I'll still check in on them a little later and see what's going on!
They've been there a long time, I think it's worth checking them out. Let's go. Just a peek.
<<if $Teacher.Admit === 1>>\
<<TeacherDialog "serious">>You're pathetic! Look at you! You don't deserve to pass my test, all you deserve is to ride your teacher's strap-on like a little bitch!<</TeacherDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Guy">>You are right, teacher! Forgive me! It's so goooood! I'll be a good boy for you!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/gif/peg.mp4">>
Umm....I didn't expect it to be like this. So this is what Vanessa wanted? This guy doesn't seem to mind, though...
<<UpdateSubDom "-1">>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Guy">>You deserve it!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<TeacherDialog "serious">>I failed you on purpose! So go ahead, punish me! Fuck that bitch teacher harder!<</TeacherDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/gif/office.mp4">>
So this is what Vanessa wanted? It's so hot! I didn't even realize she was the one who had him down and I'm going to give him that opportunity!
<<UpdateSubDom "+1">>
Now Vanessa is with us, yay!
@@color:yellow; Note: Vanessa has joined the Pleasure House as SuperMaid, see the bonuses received in the stats!@@
<<set $PHouse.SuperGirls += 1>>\
<<set $Teacher.IsMaid = true>>\
<<set $PHouse.Authority += 1>>\
@@color:#F8105A;Your authority has been increased.@@
<<UpdateArousal "100">>
<<REDisable [[PHVanessaComing]]>>
<<button [[Leave them|PHouse]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/phinside.jpg" "place">>
Pleasure house.
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>I wasn't sure it was going to work out, so I took my time talking. People need a place that allows them to meet their needs. You know better than.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<TeacherDialog "disagree">>Stop talking nonsense. Do what you want, but don't drag me into it!<</TeacherDialog>>
We'll see about that.
<<button [[Back in action|PHouse]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/phinside.jpg" "place">>
Pleasure house.
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>I wasn't sure it was going to work out, so I took my time talking. But now it's a wonderful place that a whore like you just has to be a part of!<</PlayerDialog>>
I hope it wasn't too rude an invitation...
<<TeacherDialog "disagree">>Are you really suggesting your teacher to become an a-hole for all these overhorny students in my own office?!<</TeacherDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/room13.jpg" "just">>
<<TeacherDialog "horny" 2>>I'm already all flowing from getting impatient!<</TeacherDialog>>
Vanessa's reaction did not fail!
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Then I guess tonight will be your first time as a real whore! Show your whole self! From now on, reject all shyness and give yourself to lust. You'll have so much sex, you won't be able to stand it!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/room16.jpg" "just">>
<<TeacherDialog "horny" 2>>Oh my God! My body is already burning up!<</TeacherDialog>>
Someone opened the door and sat down on the couch in the other room.
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>I think a student who failed an exam just came in. He wanted to relax, so he was going to come to us. Wear something sexy in a uni style, we'll surprise him nicely.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<TeacherDialog "horny" 2>>Okay!<</TeacherDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/room19.jpg" "just">>
<<button [[Let's watch the show|PHVanessaComingSlut2]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/phinside.jpg" "place">>
Pleasure house.
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Hi! Come on in and wait here. The girl will come to you soon.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Guy">>Okay<</MNpcDialog>>
Fuck, I just have to see it!
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/gif/te2.mp4">>
<<TeacherDialog "happy">>Hi!<</TeacherDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Guy">>OH FUCK! Teacher! That's not what you're thinking! What are you doing here?!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<TeacherDialog "horny" 2>>Hey, I remember you! You failed my exam!<</TeacherDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Guy">>How could you, teacher?! I thought you were supposed to be impartial to your students! John has as many points as I do, but...ooh...what are you d...Oooh!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/gif/office4.mp4">>
NO WAY! Hahaha!
<<TeacherDialog "serious">>Are you really mad at me? Let me apologize to you.<</TeacherDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/gif/office7.mp4">>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Guy">>Now I'll have to sit through the whole summer in counseling to retake the exams because of you! But Miss Vanessa, I didn't think you were such a pervert!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<TeacherDialog "horny" 0>>That whore in front of you has got you down at your important exam, what are you going to do with her now?<</TeacherDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/gif/office8.mp4">>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Guy">>I'll do to her what the bitch deserves!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/gif/office6.mp4">>
Oh yeaaah!
<<TeacherDialog "horny" 2>>Oh, your dick is so big! How does it feel to make a teacher your little slut?<</TeacherDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/gif/office5.mp4">>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Guy">>...fucking you....It's awesome!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<TeacherDialog "horny" 2>>Ahaa! Fuck me more! Punish your teacher! Make me addicted to your cock!<</TeacherDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/gif/office.mp4">>
Fuck, Vanessa is just the queen of sex! It's too hot! I didn't even realize she was the one who had him down and I'm going to give him that opportunity!
Now Vanessa is with us, yay!
@@color:yellow; Note: Vanessa has joined the Pleasure House as SuperMaid, see the bonuses received in the stats!@@
<<set $PHouse.SuperGirls += 1>>\
<<set $Teacher.IsMaid = true>>\
<<set $PHouse.Authority += 1>>\
@@color:#F8105A;Your authority has been increased.@@
<<UpdateArousal "100">>
<<REDisable [[PHVanessaComing]]>>
<<button [[Leave them|PHouse]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/phinside.jpg" "place">>
Pleasure house.
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>I wasn't sure it was going to work out, so I took my time talking. People need a place that allows them to meet their needs. You know better than.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<TeacherDialog "happy">>Well, heehee, just the thought of a bunch of horny people being satisfied in my office makes me horny too! I'll let you go on, but don't forget about me!<</TeacherDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/room14.jpg" "just">>
Oof, Vanessa is wonderful! But if I change my mind and still decide to ask her to join the Girls, I can talk to her about it later.
<<button [[Back in action|PHouse]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: false,
type: "goto",
filter: `$P.Cor >= 60 and $P.Gender == "f" and $PHouse.Girls > 0`,
groups: {
name: "PHouseHarass",
weight: 10,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 0,
tags: ["PHouse", "Harass", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["PHouse", "Harass", "Morning"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["PHouse", "Harass", "Noon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["PHouse", "Harass", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["PHouse", "Harass", "Evening"] }
<<media "Data/Locations/phinside.jpg" "place">>
Pleasure house.
<<MNpcDialog null null "Guy">>Hey, you work here too, right? Would you like some privacy?<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>You must have misunderstood. I own this place. <</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Guy">>Aw! You're Mistress. Then please excuse me.<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>It's okay<</PlayerDialog>>
I wouldn't want to desecrate Carol's body any more...
<<button [[Back in action|PHouse]]>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: false,
type: "goto",
filter: `$P.Cor >= 60 and $P.Gender == "f" and $PHouse.Girls > 0 and ($PHouse.PIsMaid <= 3 or $PHouse.PIsMaid > 32)`,
tags: ["PHouse", "Harass", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]", "PHouseHarassEnableTag"],
groups: {
name: "PHouseHarass",
weight: 10,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 1,
sequentialCount: 3, /* it necessary to fire all sub-events before go to the next available event */
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["PHouse", "Harass", "Morning"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["PHouse", "Harass", "Noon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["PHouse", "Harass", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["PHouse", "Harass", "Evening"] }
<<media "Data/Locations/phinside.jpg" "place">>
Pleasure house.
<<MNpcDialog null null "Guy">>Hey, Girl! Come here!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<set $PHouse.PIsMaid++>>\
<<button "Agree">><<REGroup "PMaidLvl1Agree" 100>><</button>>
<<if $P.Arousal < 99>>\
<<button [[Back out|PHouse]]>><</button>>
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
tags: ["PHouse"],
groups: {
name: "PMaidLvl1Agree",
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 1,
<<media "Data/Locations/phinside.jpg" "place">>
Pleasure house.
<<MNpcDialog null null "Guy">>You've got a nice body!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Actions/PH/P/F/1.gif" "gif">>
He's touching my ass!
<<set $PHouse.Authority -= 1>>\
@@color:#F8105A;Your authority has been decreased.@@
<<UpdateArousal "0">>
<<UpdateMoney "+60">>
<<button [[Back in action|PHouse]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
tags: ["PHouse"],
groups: {
name: "PMaidLvl1Agree",
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 2,
<<media "Data/Locations/phinside.jpg" "place">>
Pleasure house.
<<MNpcDialog null null "Guy">>A great peach worthy of a real beauty!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Actions/PH/P/F/2.webp" "gif">>
It's a little embarrassing...
<<set $PHouse.Authority -= 1>>\
@@color:#F8105A;Your authority has been decreased.@@
<<UpdateArousal "0">>
<<UpdateMoney "+60">>
<<button [[Back in action|PHouse]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
tags: ["PHouse"],
groups: {
name: "PMaidLvl1Agree",
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 3,
<<media "Data/Locations/phinside.jpg" "place">>
Pleasure house.
<<MNpcDialog null null "Guy">>This ass is so soft and juicy!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Actions/PH/P/F/3.webp" "gif">>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Mmmm....<</PlayerDialog>>
<<set $PHouse.Authority -= 1>>\
@@color:#F8105A;Your authority has been decreased.@@
<<UpdateArousal "0">>
<<UpdateMoney "+60">>
<<button [[Back in action|PHouse]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: false,
type: "goto",
filter: `$P.Cor >= 60 and $P.Gender == "f" and $PHouse.Girls > 0 and (($PHouse.PIsMaid > 3 and $PHouse.PIsMaid <= 8) or $PHouse.PIsMaid > 32)`,
tags: ["PHouse", "Harass", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]", "PHouseHarassEnableTag"],
groups: {
name: "PHouseHarass",
weight: 10,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 2,
sequentialCount: 5, /* it necessary to fire all sub-events before go to the next available event */
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["PHouse", "Harass", "Morning"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["PHouse", "Harass", "Noon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["PHouse", "Harass", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["PHouse", "Harass", "Evening"] }
<<media "Data/Locations/phinside.jpg" "place">>
Pleasure house.
<<if $P.Cor >= 20>>\
<<set $PHouse.PIsMaid++>>\
<<MNpcDialog null null "Guy">>Are you in charge here? Why don't you do something erotic?<</MNpcDialog>>
<<button "Agree">><<REGroup "PMaidLvl2Agree" 100>><</button>>
<<if $P.Arousal < 99>>\
<<button [[Back out|PHouse]]>><</button>>
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
tags: ["PHouse"],
groups: {
name: "PMaidLvl2Agree",
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 1,
<<media "Data/Locations/phinside.jpg" "place">>
Pleasure house.
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>How do you like that?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Actions/PH/P/F/4.gif" "gif">>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Guy">>I will take advantage of you sooner or later!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<set $PHouse.Authority -= 1>>\
@@color:#F8105A;Your authority has been decreased.@@
<<UpdateArousal "0">>
<<UpdateMoney "+60">>
<<button [[Back in action|PHouse]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
tags: ["PHouse"],
groups: {
name: "PMaidLvl2Agree",
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 2,
<<media "Data/Locations/phinside.jpg" "place">>
Pleasure house.
<<MNpcDialog null null "Guy">>I could do this all day!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Actions/PH/P/F/5.webp" "gif">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Don't get too carried away, I didn't let you go any further!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<set $PHouse.Authority -= 1>>\
@@color:#F8105A;Your authority has been decreased.@@
<<UpdateArousal "0">>
<<UpdateMoney "+60">>
<<button [[Back in action|PHouse]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
tags: ["PHouse"],
groups: {
name: "PMaidLvl2Agree",
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 3,
<<media "Data/Locations/phinside.jpg" "place">>
Pleasure house.
<<MNpcDialog null null "Guy">>This lingerie highlights your shape beautifully, I'm glad you're wearing it!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Actions/PH/P/F/6.gif" "gif">>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>That's good to hear!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<set $PHouse.Authority -= 1>>\
@@color:#F8105A;Your authority has been decreased.@@
<<UpdateArousal "0">>
<<UpdateMoney "+60">>
<<button [[Back in action|PHouse]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
tags: ["PHouse"],
groups: {
name: "PMaidLvl2Agree",
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 4,
<<media "Data/Locations/phinside.jpg" "place">>
Pleasure house.
<<MNpcDialog null null "Guy">>Keep massaging them!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Actions/PH/P/F/7.webp" "gif">>
It feels better than I thought it would be!
<<set $PHouse.Authority -= 1>>\
@@color:#F8105A;Your authority has been decreased.@@
<<UpdateArousal "0">>
<<UpdateMoney "+60">>
<<button [[Back in action|PHouse]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
tags: ["PHouse"],
groups: {
name: "PMaidLvl2Agree",
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 5,
<<media "Data/Locations/phinside.jpg" "place">>
Pleasure house.
<<MNpcDialog null null "Guy">>Squeeze them harder!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Actions/PH/P/F/8.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Mmm...Like this?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<UpdateSubDom "+1">>
<<set $PHouse.Authority -= 1>>\
@@color:#F8105A;Your authority has been decreased.@@
<<UpdateArousal "0">>
<<UpdateMoney "+60">>
<<button [[Back in action|PHouse]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: false,
type: "goto",
filter: `$P.Cor >= 60 and $P.Gender == "f" and $PHouse.Girls > 0 and (($PHouse.PIsMaid > 8 and $PHouse.PIsMaid <= 12) or $PHouse.PIsMaid > 32)`,
tags: ["PHouse", "Harass", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]", "PHouseHarassEnableTag"],
groups: {
name: "PHouseHarass",
weight: 20,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 3,
sequentialCount: 4, /* it necessary to fire all sub-events before go to the next available event */
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["PHouse", "Harass", "Morning"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["PHouse", "Harass", "Noon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["PHouse", "Harass", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["PHouse", "Harass", "Evening"] }
<<media "Data/Locations/phinside.jpg" "place">>
Pleasure house.
<<if $P.Cor >= 30>>\
<<set $PHouse.PIsMaid++>>\
<<MNpcDialog null null "Guy">>Hey, I'm ready to cum, but I think all the girls are busy! Maybe you can help me with this?<</MNpcDialog>>
<<button "Agree">><<REGroup "PMaidLvl3Agree" 100>><</button>>
<<if $P.Arousal < 99>>\
<<button [[Back out|PHouse]]>><</button>>
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
tags: ["PHouse"],
groups: {
name: "PMaidLvl3Agree",
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 1,
<<media "Data/Locations/phinside.jpg" "place">>
Pleasure house.
<<MNpcDialog null null "Guy">>Spin your ass, bitch, I'm coming!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Actions/PH/P/F/9.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Don't be so rude!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<set $PHouse.Authority -= 1>>\
@@color:#F8105A;Your authority has been decreased.@@
<<UpdateArousal "0">>
<<UpdateMoney "+60">>
<<button [[Back in action|PHouse]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
tags: ["PHouse"],
groups: {
name: "PMaidLvl3Agree",
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 2,
<<media "Data/Locations/phinside.jpg" "place">>
Pleasure house.
<<MNpcDialog null null "Guy">>I'm cumming on Mistress's tits!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Actions/PH/P/F/10.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>You can cum on more than just the tits of other girls, so I hope to see you again!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<UpdateSubDom "+1">>
<<set $PHouse.Authority -= 1>>\
@@color:#F8105A;Your authority has been decreased.@@
<<UpdateArousal "0">>
<<UpdateMoney "+60">>
<<button [[Back in action|PHouse]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
tags: ["PHouse"],
groups: {
name: "PMaidLvl3Agree",
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 3,
<<media "Data/Locations/phinside.jpg" "place">>
Pleasure house.
<<MNpcDialog null null "Guy">>Your feet are all in my cum! Whoo-hoo! Jerk my dick harder!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Actions/PH/P/F/11.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "disgust">>Umm...thanks for coming...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<set $PHouse.Authority -= 1>>\
@@color:#F8105A;Your authority has been decreased.@@
<<UpdateArousal "0">>
<<UpdateMoney "+60">>
<<button [[Back in action|PHouse]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
tags: ["PHouse"],
groups: {
name: "PMaidLvl3Agree",
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 4,
<<media "Data/Locations/phinside.jpg" "place">>
Pleasure house.
<<MNpcDialog null null "Guy">>Your tits are soooo soft! You wrapped them around my dick!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Actions/PH/P/F/12.webp" "gif">>
Shit, I think I'm getting used to it....
<<set $PHouse.Authority -= 1>>\
@@color:#F8105A;Your authority has been decreased.@@
<<UpdateArousal "0">>
<<UpdateMoney "+60">>
<<button [[Back in action|PHouse]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: false,
type: "goto",
filter: `$P.Cor >= 60 and $P.Gender == "f" and $PHouse.Girls > 0 and (($PHouse.PIsMaid > 12 and $PHouse.PIsMaid <= 17) or $PHouse.PIsMaid > 32)`,
tags: ["PHouse", "Harass", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]", "PHouseHarassEnableTag"],
groups: {
name: "PHouseHarass",
weight: 20,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 4,
sequentialCount: 5, /* it necessary to fire all sub-events before go to the next available event */
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["PHouse", "Harass", "Morning"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["PHouse", "Harass", "Noon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["PHouse", "Harass", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["PHouse", "Harass", "Evening"] }
<<media "Data/Locations/phinside.jpg" "place">>
Pleasure house.
<<if $P.Cor >= 45>>\
<<set $PHouse.PIsMaid++>>\
<<MNpcDialog null null "Guy">>So you're the Mistress here? You're very sexy. Come on, I'll show you something.<</MNpcDialog>>
<<set _ra = random (0,2)>>\
<<switch _ra>>\
<<case 0>><<media "Data/Actions/PH/P/F/1.gif" "gif">>
<<case 1>><<media "Data/Actions/PH/P/F/2.webp" "gif">>
<<case 2>><<media "Data/Actions/PH/P/F/3.webp" "gif">>
<<button "Agree">><<REGroup "PMaidLvl4Agree" 100>><</button>>
<<if $P.Arousal < 99>>\
<<button [[Back out|PHouse]]>><</button>>
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
tags: ["PHouse"],
groups: {
name: "PMaidLvl4Agree",
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 1,
<<media "Data/Locations/phinside.jpg" "place">>
Pleasure house.
<<PlayerDialog "disgust">>Oh mY God! How I...?! So hard!!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Actions/PH/P/F/13.webp" "gif">>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Guy">>Now you're the main bitch of this place! Ha-ha!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<UpdateSubDom "-1">>
<<set $PHouse.Authority -= 1>>\
@@color:#F8105A;Your authority has been decreased.@@
<<UpdateArousal "0">>
<<UpdateMoney "+60">>
<<button [[Back in action|PHouse]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
tags: ["PHouse"],
groups: {
name: "PMaidLvl4Agree",
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 2,
<<media "Data/Locations/phinside.jpg" "place">>
Pleasure house.
<<MNpcDialog null null "Guy">>See? Your mouth can do a lot! @@font-size:70%; Mistress, haha@@<</MNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Actions/PH/P/F/14.mp4">>
He dressed me up in a cheerleader uniform and is fucking my mouth! It's so lewd!!
<<UpdateSubDom "-1">>
<<set $PHouse.Authority -= 1>>\
@@color:#F8105A;Your authority has been decreased.@@
<<UpdateArousal "0">>
<<UpdateMoney "+60">>
<<button [[Back in action|PHouse]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
tags: ["PHouse"],
groups: {
name: "PMaidLvl4Agree",
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 3,
<<media "Data/Locations/phinside.jpg" "place">>
Pleasure house.
<<MNpcDialog null null "Guy">>Spread your legs wider, slut!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Actions/PH/P/F/15.webp" "gif">>
Am I really one of those whores who works here now?
<<set $PHouse.Authority -= 1>>\
@@color:#F8105A;Your authority has been decreased.@@
<<UpdateArousal "0">>
<<UpdateMoney "+60">>
<<button [[Back in action|PHouse]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
tags: ["PHouse"],
groups: {
name: "PMaidLvl4Agree",
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 4,
<<media "Data/Locations/phinside.jpg" "place">>
Pleasure house.
<<MNpcDialog null null "Guy">>You really do have a great service!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Actions/PH/P/F/16.mp4">>
But I was't planning to provide it myself....
<<set $PHouse.Authority -= 1>>\
@@color:#F8105A;Your authority has been decreased.@@
<<UpdateArousal "0">>
<<UpdateMoney "+60">>
<<button [[Back in action|PHouse]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
tags: ["PHouse"],
groups: {
name: "PMaidLvl4Agree",
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 5,
<<media "Data/Locations/phinside.jpg" "place">>
Pleasure house.
<<MNpcDialog null null "Guy">>This ass is made for dicks! Ha-ha-ha!!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Actions/PH/P/F/17.mp4">>
I'm just a hole for him, he's pounding so hard! It feels goood and I'm even get paid! I'm getting hoooooked on this!
<<if $PHouse.CanWork == false>>\
<<set $PHouse.CanWork = true>>\
@@color:yellow; Note: now your heart is corrupted enough to work at place like this.@@
<<UpdateSubDom "-1">>
<<set $PHouse.Authority -= 1>>\
@@color:#F8105A;Your authority has been decreased.@@
<<UpdateArousal "0">>
<<UpdateMoney "+60">>
<<button [[Back in action|PHouse]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: false,
type: "goto",
filter: `$P.Cor >= 60 and $P.Gender == "f" and $PHouse.Girls > 0 and (($PHouse.PIsMaid > 17 and $PHouse.PIsMaid <= 23) or $PHouse.PIsMaid > 32)`,
tags: ["PHouse", "Harass", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]", "PHouseHarassEnableTag"],
groups: {
name: "PHouseHarass",
weight: 30,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 5,
sequentialCount: 6, /* it necessary to fire all sub-events before go to the next available event */
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["PHouse", "Harass", "Morning"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["PHouse", "Harass", "Noon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["PHouse", "Harass", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["PHouse", "Harass", "Evening"] }
<<media "Data/Locations/phinside.jpg" "place">>
Pleasure house.
<<if $P.Cor >= 55>>\
<<set $PHouse.PIsMaid++>>\
<<MNpcDialog null null "Guy">>Hey, bitch! Will you keep me company?<</MNpcDialog>>
<<set _ra = random (0,2)>>\
<<switch _ra>>\
<<case 0>><<media "Data/Actions/PH/P/F/1.gif" "gif">>
<<case 1>><<media "Data/Actions/PH/P/F/2.webp" "gif">>
<<case 2>><<media "Data/Actions/PH/P/F/3.webp" "gif">>
<<button "Agree">><<REGroup "PMaidLvl5Agree" 100>><</button>>
<<if $P.Arousal < 99>>\
<<button [[Back out|PHouse]]>><</button>>
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
tags: ["PHouse"],
groups: {
name: "PMaidLvl5Agree",
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 1,
<<media "Data/Locations/phinside.jpg" "place">>
Pleasure house.
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>All right, I'll serve you this time, but next time don't get your hopes up<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Actions/PH/P/F/18.mp4">>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Guy">>We'll see...<</MNpcDialog>>
<<set $PHouse.CanWork = true>>\
<<set $PHouse.Authority -= 1>>\
@@color:#F8105A;Your authority has been decreased.@@
<<UpdateArousal "0">>
<<UpdateMoney "+60">>
<<button [[Back in action|PHouse]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
tags: ["PHouse"],
groups: {
name: "PMaidLvl5Agree",
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 2,
<<media "Data/Locations/phinside.jpg" "place">>
Pleasure house.
<<MNpcDialog null null "Guy">>You're bouncing on me like a jackhammer!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Actions/PH/P/F/19.gif" "gif">>
God, I think I was more horny than usual today! I didn't even notice how I jumped on his cock!
<<UpdateSubDom "+1">>
<<set $PHouse.CanWork = true>>\
<<set $PHouse.Authority -= 1>>\
@@color:#F8105A;Your authority has been decreased.@@
<<UpdateArousal "0">>
<<UpdateMoney "+60">>
<<button [[Back in action|PHouse]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
tags: ["PHouse"],
groups: {
name: "PMaidLvl5Agree",
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 3,
<<media "Data/Locations/phinside.jpg" "place">>
Pleasure house.
<<MNpcDialog null null "Guy">>You really didn't want to fuck? How are you feeling now?<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>...c-continue...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Actions/PH/P/F/20.mp4">>
<<set $PHouse.CanWork = true>>\
<<set $PHouse.Authority -= 1>>\
@@color:#F8105A;Your authority has been decreased.@@
<<UpdateArousal "0">>
<<UpdateMoney "+60">>
<<button [[Back in action|PHouse]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
tags: ["PHouse"],
groups: {
name: "PMaidLvl5Agree",
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 4,
<<media "Data/Locations/phinside.jpg" "place">>
Pleasure house.
<<MNpcDialog null null "Guy">>So this is what the main pussy of the place is like<</MNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Actions/PH/P/F/21.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Your dick is too big...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<set $PHouse.CanWork = true>>\
<<set $PHouse.Authority -= 1>>\
@@color:#F8105A;Your authority has been decreased.@@
<<UpdateArousal "0">>
<<UpdateMoney "+60">>
<<button [[Back in action|PHouse]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
tags: ["PHouse"],
groups: {
name: "PMaidLvl5Agree",
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 5,
<<media "Data/Locations/phinside.jpg" "place">>
Pleasure house.
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>You....really made me wear it!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Guy">>That suit looks good on you, you horny sailor!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Actions/PH/P/F/22.mp4">>
<<UpdateSubDom "-1">>
<<set $PHouse.CanWork = true>>\
<<set $PHouse.Authority -= 1>>\
@@color:#F8105A;Your authority has been decreased.@@
<<UpdateArousal "0">>
<<UpdateMoney "+60">>
<<button [[Back in action|PHouse]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
tags: ["PHouse"],
groups: {
name: "PMaidLvl5Agree",
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 6,
<<media "Data/Locations/phinside.jpg" "place">>
Pleasure house.
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>Your cock is throbbing so hard!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Actions/PH/P/F/23.gif" "gif">>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Guy">>I have a feeling I'm not the first one to fuck these beautiful boobs<</MNpcDialog>>
<<set $PHouse.CanWork = true>>\
<<set $PHouse.Authority -= 1>>\
@@color:#F8105A;Your authority has been decreased.@@
<<UpdateArousal "0">>
<<UpdateMoney "+60">>
<<button [[Back in action|PHouse]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: false,
type: "goto",
filter: `$P.Cor >= 60 and $P.Gender == "f" and $PHouse.Girls > 0 and (($PHouse.PIsMaid > 23 and $PHouse.PIsMaid <= 27) or $PHouse.PIsMaid > 32)`,
tags: ["PHouse", "Harass", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]", "PHouseHarassEnableTag"],
groups: {
name: "PHouseHarass",
weight: 30,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 6,
sequentialCount: 4, /* it necessary to fire all sub-events before go to the next available event */
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["PHouse", "Harass", "Morning"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["PHouse", "Harass", "Noon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["PHouse", "Harass", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["PHouse", "Harass", "Evening"] }
<<media "Data/Locations/phinside.jpg" "place">>
Pleasure house.
<<if $P.Cor >= 65>>\
<<set $PHouse.PIsMaid++>>\
<<MNpcDialog null null "Guy">>Hey, girl, your holes seem to be empty. May I help you with that?<</MNpcDialog>>
<<set _ra = random (0,2)>>\
<<switch _ra>>\
<<case 0>><<media "Data/Actions/PH/P/F/1.gif" "gif">>
<<case 1>><<media "Data/Actions/PH/P/F/2.webp" "gif">>
<<case 2>><<media "Data/Actions/PH/P/F/3.webp" "gif">>
<<button "Agree">><<REGroup "PMaidLvl6Agree" 100>><</button>>
<<if $P.Arousal < 99>>\
<<button [[Back out|PHouse]]>><</button>>
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
tags: ["PHouse"],
groups: {
name: "PMaidLvl6Agree",
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 1,
<<media "Data/Locations/phinside.jpg" "place">>
Pleasure house.
<<FNpcDialog null null "Girl">>Hey, get away from her!<</FNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Thank you!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<FNpcDialog null null "Girl">>How dare you steal all our men? If I had known our mistress was such a whore, I would have done it much sooner!<</FNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Would do what?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>Haaa! It's so rough!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Actions/PH/P/F/24.gif" "gif">>
<<FNpcDialog null null "Girl">>You damn nympho! You can't resist dicks anymore, but can't admit it! It makes me so horny! Our Mistress is the best!<</FNpcDialog>>
<<UpdateSubDom "-1">>
<<set $PHouse.CanWork = true>>\
<<set $PHouse.Authority -= 1>>\
@@color:#F8105A;Your authority has been decreased.@@
<<UpdateArousal "0">>
<<UpdateMoney "+60">>
<<button [[Back in action|PHouse]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
tags: ["PHouse"],
groups: {
name: "PMaidLvl6Agree",
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 2,
<<media "Data/Locations/phinside.jpg" "place">>
Pleasure house.
<<MNpcDialog null null "Guy">>It's a great place to discharge my balls!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Actions/PH/P/F/25.gif" "gif">>
His cock...fills me completely!
<<set $PHouse.CanWork = true>>\
<<set $PHouse.Authority -= 1>>\
@@color:#F8105A;Your authority has been decreased.@@
<<UpdateArousal "0">>
<<UpdateMoney "+60">>
<<button [[Back in action|PHouse]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
tags: ["PHouse"],
groups: {
name: "PMaidLvl6Agree",
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 3,
<<media "Data/Locations/phinside.jpg" "place">>
Pleasure house.
<<MNpcDialog null null "Guy">>I don't mind fucking you like this all day!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Actions/PH/P/F/26.gif" "gif">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>...i don't mind...either..<</PlayerDialog>>
<<set $PHouse.CanWork = true>>\
<<set $PHouse.Authority -= 1>>\
@@color:#F8105A;Your authority has been decreased.@@
<<UpdateArousal "0">>
<<UpdateMoney "+60">>
<<button [[Back in action|PHouse]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
tags: ["PHouse"],
groups: {
name: "PMaidLvl6Agree",
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 4,
<<media "Data/Locations/phinside.jpg" "place">>
Pleasure house.
<<MNpcDialog null null "Guy">>Gosh, I didn't think you'd really go for it! I'll take a picture of it! The mistress herself sucking my cock! <</MNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Actions/PH/P/F/27.mp4">>
It's embarrassing, but I want to...go on...
<<UpdateSubDom "-1">>
<<set $PHouse.CanWork = true>>\
<<set $PHouse.Authority -= 1>>\
@@color:#F8105A;Your authority has been decreased.@@
<<UpdateArousal "0">>
<<UpdateMoney "+60">>
<<button [[Back in action|PHouse]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: false,
type: "goto",
filter: `$P.Cor >= 60 and $P.Gender == "f" and $PHouse.Girls > 0 and $PHouse.PIsMaid > 27`,
tags: ["PHouse", "Harass", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]", "PHouseHarassEnableTag"],
groups: {
name: "PHouseHarass",
weight: 80,
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 7,
sequentialCount: 5, /* it necessary to fire all sub-events before go to the next available event */
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["PHouse", "Harass", "Morning"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["PHouse", "Harass", "Noon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["PHouse", "Harass", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["PHouse", "Harass", "Evening"] }
<<media "Data/Locations/phinside.jpg" "place">>
Pleasure house.
<<if $P.Cor >= 75>>\
<<set $PHouse.PIsMaid++>>\
<<MNpcDialog null null "Guy">>Are you the whore who thinks she's the Mistress? Come on, I'll show you your place!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<set _ra = random (0,2)>>\
<<switch _ra>>\
<<case 0>><<media "Data/Actions/PH/P/F/1.gif" "gif">>
<<case 1>><<media "Data/Actions/PH/P/F/2.webp" "gif">>
<<case 2>><<media "Data/Actions/PH/P/F/3.webp" "gif">>
<<button "Agree">><<REGroup "PMaidLvl7Agree" 100>><</button>>
<<if $P.Arousal < 99>>\
<<button [[Back out|PHouse]]>><</button>>
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
tags: ["PHouse"],
groups: {
name: "PMaidLvl7Agree",
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 1,
<<media "Data/Locations/phinside.jpg" "place">>
Pleasure house.
<<MNpcDialog null null "Guy">>You're not Mistress anymore! Today you are slave for my cock!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>..s-slave...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Actions/PH/P/F/28.gif" "gif">>
<<UpdateSubDom "-1">>
<<set $PHouse.CanWork = true>>\
<<set $PHouse.Authority -= 1>>\
@@color:#F8105A;Your authority has been decreased.@@
<<UpdateArousal "0">>
<<UpdateMoney "+60">>
<<button [[Back in action|PHouse]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
tags: ["PHouse"],
groups: {
name: "PMaidLvl7Agree",
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 2,
<<media "Data/Locations/phinside.jpg" "place">>
Pleasure house.
<<media "Data/Actions/PH/P/F/29.gif" "gif">>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Guy">>Look at yourself, the great Mistress is just another whore bouncing on my cock!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 2>>...i'm cumming...again....<</PlayerDialog>>
Slutty Mistress, it's so lewd!! I'm really became slave to their dicks!
<<UpdateSubDom "-1">>
<<set $PHouse.CanWork = true>>\
<<set $PHouse.Authority -= 1>>\
@@color:#F8105A;Your authority has been decreased.@@
<<UpdateArousal "0">>
<<UpdateMoney "+60">>
<<button [[Back in action|PHouse]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
tags: ["PHouse"],
groups: {
name: "PMaidLvl7Agree",
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 3,
<<media "Data/Locations/phinside.jpg" "place">>
Pleasure house.
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>There are so many of you!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Guy">>Looks like your girls are busy right now, how are you going to solve this problem?<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>I have an idea..<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Guy">>You're just the best, we'll come to you again anyway!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Actions/PH/P/F/30.gif" "gif">>
<<UpdateSubDom "+1">>
<<set $PHouse.CanWork = true>>\
<<set $PHouse.Authority -= 1>>\
@@color:#F8105A;Your authority has been decreased.@@
<<UpdateArousal "0">>
<<UpdateMoney "+60">>
<<button [[Back in action|PHouse]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
tags: ["PHouse"],
groups: {
name: "PMaidLvl7Agree",
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 4,
<<media "Data/Locations/phinside.jpg" "place">>
Pleasure house.
<<MNpcDialog null null "Guy">>You're a Mistress to your girls, but to us you're just a bitch!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Actions/PH/P/F/31.mp4">>
They are so assertive, I hope they come again, giggles!
<<set $PHouse.CanWork = true>>\
<<set $PHouse.Authority -= 1>>\
@@color:#F8105A;Your authority has been decreased.@@
<<UpdateArousal "0">>
<<UpdateMoney "+60">>
<<button [[Back in action|PHouse]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
tags: ["PHouse"],
groups: {
name: "PMaidLvl7Agree",
type: "sequential",
sequentialIndex: 5,
<<media "Data/Locations/phinside.jpg" "place">>
Pleasure house.
<<MNpcDialog null null "Guy 1">>Hurry jump on my dick, you stupid bitch!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Guy 2">>Hey, asshole! You can't talk to a girl like that! Get the fuck out of here!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Guy 1">>Fuck you! You've ruined all the mood. I'd rather fuck one of the locals...<</MNpcDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Guy 2">>Hey, are you okay? Did he hurt you?<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>So are you going to fuck me or not? hehe...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Guy 2">>~gulp~<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Ha-haaa! Fuck my slutty pussy harder!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Actions/PH/P/F/32.mp4">>
<<UpdateSubDom "+1">>
<<set $PHouse.CanWork = true>>\
<<set $PHouse.Authority -= 1>>\
@@color:#F8105A;Your authority has been decreased.@@
<<UpdateArousal "0">>
<<UpdateMoney "+60">>
<<button [[Back in action|PHouse]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: "100",
filter: `$CurrentDayTime != 4 and $PHouse.Pop >= 100`,
tags: ["Uni", "BadEnd"]
<<media "Data/Locations/phinside.jpg" "place">>
Pleasure house.
<<media "Data/Actions/PH/police.webp" "just">>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Policeman">>Hey, buddy. How are you doing?<</MNpcDialog>>
You've been a bad boy and got caught.
<<media "Data/Actions/PH/prison.gif" "gif">>
Maybe I could have avoided it, I just should have been a little more prudent. But it's hard to change anything now.
@@color:yellow; font-size:150%; Thanks for playing! @@
You can load one of your saves or start over again!
<<button [[Return to Start|Start]]>><</button>>
or I can send you back, But I'll cut the popularity of the Pleasure House in half :)
<<button [[Continue?|PHouse]]>><<set _r = $PHouse.Pop/2>><<set $PHouse.Pop = _r>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: "previous() === 'LessonMast' ? 70 : 50",
filter: `
$CurrentDayTime === 2
and $DayCount > 10
/* check that previous passage in this list */
and previousPassageIn(['Lesson', 'LessonMast2', 'LessonMastDecline', 'LessonMast2.2', 'LessonMast', 'LessonMast1', 'LessonMast2.1'])
tags: ["Uni", "Daily", "Weekly", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Uni", "Afternoon"], isSeparate: true },
{ max: 2, tags: ["Uni", "Weekly"], isSeparate: true }
<<media "Data/Locations/uni.jpg" "place">>
<<set _r = random(1,4)>>\
<<set _pay = 0>>\
<<BullyDialog>>Wow! Who do I see? This is my dear friend!<</BullyDialog>>
<<if $P.ConvergenceON == true>>\
<<CindyDialog>>No matter what you say, Stephan is my personal favorite, after Jimmy of course. Hahaha! Your heart starts beating faster when you see him!<</CindyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "disgust">>Cause I hate him!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<if $MetBully == false>>
Yeah, oven is a place for such friends. This is Stephan. He is hated by half of the university, but the girls, on the contrary, like him. Damn moron. He does what he wants and no one can say a word to him.
...Especially people like me.
<<BullyDialog>>Guess what's with my money right now<</BullyDialog>>
Damn, he's always like this
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Are you having money problems again? What do I have to do with it?<</PlayerDialog>>
He stood right in front of me with his brow furrowed.
<<BullyDialog>>Hey, watch your words if you don't want to get punched in the face again<</BullyDialog>>
He smiled.
<<BullyDialog>>HA-HA-HA, LUCKY BITCH! Yesterday I won at the casino and I'm in a great mood. You can go today. Save your money until our next meeting <</BullyDialog>>
<<button [[You don't have to ask me twice (leave)|Uni]]>><<set $MetBully = true>><</button>>
He specially watch over me
<<switch _r>><<case 1>><<set _pay = 12>><<case 2>><<set _pay = 20>><<case 3>><<set _pay = 24>><<case 4>><<set _pay = 30>><</switch>>
<<if $Bully.TabletLvl > 0>>
<<set _pay = _pay/2>>
<<BullyDialog>>Just in time! I want to pick up a whore but missing _pay $. I'm sure you can lend them to me, right?<</BullyDialog>>
<<if $P.Gender == "m">>
<<BullyDialog>>You will help an old friend, right?<</BullyDialog>>
What to do? I can't avoid him.
<<if $P.Money >= _pay>>
<<button [[Pay him|BullyPay]]>><<set $P.Money -= _pay>><</button>><</if>>
<<button [[Decline|BullyDeclineM]]>><</button>>
<<BullyDialog>>My balls are about to explode, I desperately need a whore today<</BullyDialog>>
What to do? I can't avoid him.
<<if $Inventory.Tablets > 0 and $Bully.TabletLvl == 0 and $P.Money > _pay>>I have a pill. Should I feed it to him?
@@#pill;<<button [[Feed a pill|BullyPill]]>><<set $Inventory.Tablet-->><</button>>@@<</if>>
<<if $Inventory.Tabletslvl2 > 0 and $Bully.TabletLvl == 1 and $P.Money > _pay>>Damn. He will again use me as his sex toy. Mmm... Wait!
I have a level 2 pill, maybe use it on him now?
There may be problems with him, I need to proceed with caution.
This body is betraying me! I'm sure if I get even a little horny feeding him pill, I'll definitely do something stupid!
@@#pill;<<button [[Feed a pill|BullyPilllvl2]]>><<set $Inventory.TabletLvl2-->><<set $Bully.TabletLvl = 2>><</button>>@@<</if>><<if $P.Money >= _pay>>
<<button [[Pay him|BullyPay]]>><<set $P.Money -= _pay>><</button>>
<</if>><<if $Bully.TabletLvl == 0>><<button [[Decline|BullyDeclineF]]>><</button>><<else>><<button [[Decline|BullyDeclineFlvl1]]>><</button>><</if>><</if>><</if>><<media "Data/Locations/uni.jpg" "place">>
<<BullyDialog>>Very wrong decision, you fucking sucker. I don't care if you don't want to pay or if you don't have enough money. In this case, I just take everything. And you will be punished<</BullyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Carol/jacket2.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Screw you<</PlayerDialog>>
He grabs your hand tightly and drags you along.
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>WHAT THE HELL? WHERE ARE YOU TAKING ME?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>In the men's restroom. Because of you, I couldn't rent a whore, so you'll replace her. You will help me a little bit.<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>What? I do not agree, let me go!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<if $P.Arousal < 50>><<set _r = random (1,3)>><<if _r == 1>>
<<button [[Try to break free|Uni]]>><</button>><<else>><<button [[Try to break free|BullyDeclineM]]>><</button>><</if>><</if>>
The old body was far from being the strongest, but in a female body, I can't even stop it. Or I would even say, this body does not want to resist!
<<button [[In the restroom|BullyDeclineF1]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/uni.jpg" "place">>
<<if $P.Cor < 40 or $Bully.SuperCock == false or $Bully.Sex < 15>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>You are crazy!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>That's it baby! You look amazing!<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>No-n-no! Take this thing away!<</PlayerDialog>>
And how did I end up in this situation?
<<media "Data/Characters/Carol/gif/slave.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Mmm-mmmnnnmnm!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Oh, you want me to take it off? Well, okay. But you still have to work out your punishment like an obedient slut.<</BullyDialog>>
He removes the gag.
<<BullyDialog>>But if you try to pull anything, - there will be hell to pay<</BullyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Carol/gif/slave4.mp4">>
Hell, it's not even my body, I don't want any injuries left on it! I have to play by his rules!
<<BullyDialog>>Great sip, you exceed all my expectations! Excellent!<</BullyDialog>>
He used you for a while, satisfied and left you.
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>What an abomination!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<UpdateCorruption "+1">>
<<UpdateSubDom "-1">>
<<set $Bully.SexCount++>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Carol/gif/slave.mp4">>
Why Im I so excited?
<<BullyDialog>>You don't even resist! Admit you wanted this, bitch?<</BullyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Carol/gif/slave1.mp4">>
Damn, his punches only make me more aroused... Can't show it to him!
<<BullyDialog>>I understood.<</BullyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Carol/gif/slave7.mp4">>
<<BullyDialog>>For you, this is no longer a punishment<</BullyDialog>>
Damn, he got it! This bastard treats me like that, but for some reason I...
....don't mind.
<<BullyDialog>>So let's play differently<</BullyDialog>>
...pls no.
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>Pleeeeeease, you will turn me inside out!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Carol/gif/a1.mp4">>
Damn, he's like a wild animal!
<<BullyDialog>>I feel you squeezing me! You get your ass fucked and you still get high from it?<</BullyDialog>>
Bastard!...but this awesome cock!..I have to endure it till the end!
He used you for a while, satisfied and left.
<<if $P.ConvergenceON == true>>\
<<CindyDialog>>Somewhere deep down inside you don't mind being treated that way at all!<</CindyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "disgust">>No way!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<if $P.Cor < 50>><<UpdateCorruption "+1">><</if>>
<<UpdateSubDom "-1">>
<<set $Bully.SexCount++>>
<<button [[Dress up and get out the restroom|Uni]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/uni.jpg" "place">>
<<if $P.TrainingStage > 12>>\
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Mmm...You understand my desires so well and your cock is already hard for me....<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Bully/hj36.mp4">>
<<BullyDialog>>Come on, bitch! You know what I like<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>I won't keep you waiting long....<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Bully/bj4.mp4">>
<<BullyDialog>>What a horny slut I've made of you!<</BullyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Bully/bj3.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>Mmmnff...mmn...slurp...horny...slut...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Come on, bitch! You know what I like<</BullyDialog>>
Yeah! He likes it when I keep my hands behind my back so I can make him cum faster.
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Bully/bj4.mp4">>
Then he grabs me by the head and begins to forcefully put on his dick.
<<BullyDialog>>That's it slut. Enjoy it!<</BullyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Bully/bj2.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>Mmmnff...mmn...slurp<</PlayerDialog>>
<<if $P.Cor < 40 or $Bully.SuperCock == false>>
He used you for a while, satisfied and left you.
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>I hate him, but his dick is..amazing<</PlayerDialog>>
<<UpdateCorruption "+1">>
<<UpdateSubDom "-1">>
<<set $Bully.SexCount++>>
<<BullyDialog>>You like to jump ass on the dick after school, don't you whore?<</BullyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Bully/f12.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>ah...ah....mmn..naahh<</PlayerDialog>>
Damn, this is so good! I just can't get used to it! Let him just keep going!
<<BullyDialog>>Answer me, you like it, right?<</BullyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Bully/f16.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>Ah..ah...yes...I like to fuck after class! Just don't stop!<</PlayerDialog>>
Stephan left after he was satisfied.
<<if $P.TrainingStage < 13>>\
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>I used him again to satisfy my desires!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Being his obedient bitch is so exciting! Oh...I'm really acting like a slut....<</PlayerDialog>>
But it's all his fault I'm like this... ~giggle~
<<if $P.Cor < 50>><<UpdateCorruption "+1">><</if>>
<<UpdateSubDom "-1">>
<<set $Bully.SexCount++>>
<<UpdateArousal "0">>
<<if $P.ConvergenceON == true>>\
<<CindyDialog>>You're slowly really becoming his bitch....!<</CindyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>I just act that way with him because it's more convinient. One day, I'm going to get back at him for everything!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<button [[Dress up and get out the restroom|Uni]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/uni.jpg" "place">>
Fuuuck, why is it so delicious?!! I can't stop! I want to suck him dry!
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Bully/bj4.mp4">>
<<BullyDialog>>I see that you are finally starting to understand your place, whore<</BullyDialog>>
Shut up, you bastard. I definitely overdid it! I just need your cock, not you! You're almost came, right?
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Bully/f12.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>ah...ah.....aaahh<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>I like your moans. Show me some dirty talk and I will fuck you harder. And now you call me Master Stephan!<</BullyDialog>>
Yeah, like I'm going to behave like that!
<<BullyDialog>>Come on shake your ass, whore<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>Ah..ah...yes...fuck me harder...Master Stephan... Fuck me pleeease!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Bully/f16.mp4">>
Stephan left after he was satisfied.
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>I definitely went too far with the pill effect!<</PlayerDialog>>
Although it was really nice. I just pretended to be his whore to get more pleasure!
So everything is going according to plan!</div>
I was just pretending, right?..
<<if $P.Cor < 60>><<UpdateCorruption "+3">><</if>>
<<UpdateSubDom "-5">>
<<set $Bully.SexCount++>>
<<UpdateArousal "0">>
<<button [[Dress up and get out the restroom|Uni]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/uni.jpg" "place">>
<<if $P.TrainingStage < 13>>\
<<BullyDialog>>Very wrong decision, you fucking cocksucker. I don't care if you don't want to pay or if you don't have enough money. In this case, I just take everything.<</BullyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Carol/jacket2.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Screw you<</PlayerDialog>>
He grabs your hand tightly and drags you along.
<<BullyDialog>>Well, I remember what we talked about, so now you have a choice - you give me everything you have or we go to the restroom<</BullyDialog>>
<<if $P.Cor > 30 or $SubDom < -5 or $Bully.SexCount > 5 or $Bully.SuperCock == true>>
<<BullyDialog>>By the way, I see that you're a whore almost no longer resist. Loved sucking cock?<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>...no<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Let's do it this way, I won't gag you if you suck me off voluntarily<</BullyDialog>>
@@#cor;<<button [[Agree|BullyDeclineF2]]>><</button>>@@
@@#cor;<<button [[Follow him to the restroom|BullyDeclineF1]]>><</button>>@@
<<if $P.Arousal < 70>><<button [[Give him everything and leave|Uni]]>><<if $P.Money > 0>><<set $P.Money = 0>><</if>><</button>><</if>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Carol/bo5.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>I'm not gonna give you money.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Ha-ha-ha! Your intentions couldn't be more serious! I love this serious face game of yours. Are you gonna be my hole willingly or should I make you one?<</BullyDialog>>
@@#cor;<<button [[Go with him willingly|BullyDeclineF2]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Let him take you roughly|BullyDeclineF1]]>><</button>>@@
<</if>>\<<media "Data/Locations/uni.jpg" "place">>
<<BullyDialog>>Haha. I hoped for this more than money!<</BullyDialog>>
He grabs your hand tightly and drags you along.
<<if $P.Cor > 30 or $SubDom < -5 or $Bully.SexCount > 5>>
<<BullyDialog>>By the way, I see that you're a whore almost no longer resist. Loved sucking cock?<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>...no<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Let's do it this way, I won't gag you if you suck me off voluntarily<</BullyDialog>>
<<button [[Agree|BullyDeclineF2]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Follow him to the restroom|BullyDeclineF1]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/uni.jpg" "place">>
<<BullyDialog>>Very wrong decision, you fucking cocksucker. I don't care if you don't want to pay or if you don't have enough money. In this case, I just take everything. And you will be punished.<</BullyDialog>>
<<if $Bully.TabletLvl < 1>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>What the hell are you thinking? Oh fuck<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/npc/punch.webp" "just">>
<<button [[Everything is going blank|BullyDeclineM1]]>><<movetime>><<set $P.Money = 0>><</button>>
He stands with his hands in a fist and looks at me menacingly. I'm guessing why...
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>So what are you waiting for? Hit me and take everything!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>It would be too easy and ineffective to beat you, so give it to me nicely. Otherwise we'll do the hardway.<</BullyDialog>>
Is that a bluff?
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>If I refuse, hm?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Don't you dare underestimate me, YOU FUCKING LOSER! Don't you dare give me all your money now! I'll fuck your girl, make her a brainless slut, you know what I mean?<</BullyDialog>>
Is he talking about Layla? Will he be able to handle her, huh? He's a goddamn manipulator, he can bluff as well as speak in complete earnest. What to do?
<<button [[Give him everything|Uni]]>><<movetime>><<set $P.Money = 0>><<UpdateSubDom "-1">><</button>>
<<button [[Tell him to fuck off|BullyDeclineM2]]>><<set $Bully.GotoGF++>><<UpdateSubDom "+1">><</button>><</if>><<media "Data/Locations/uni.jpg" "place">>
Where I am? University? Uh, I remembered
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Damn it hurts!<</PlayerDialog>>
Looks like I passed out for a while
Damn, this jerk really took everything! SCAM I HATE HIM!
<<button [[Get up|Uni]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/uni.jpg" "place">>
<<BullyDialog>>DAMN IT, you're going to regret it! I'll make your whole family, all of them brainless whores, understand? Loser, I'll make you dance! <</BullyDialog>>
He left.
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Bla-bla-bla, fuck you, moron!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<button [[What a nice day|Uni]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/uni.jpg" "place">>
<<if $P.Money > 0>><<set $P.Money = 0>><</if>>
<<BullyDialog>>Very wrong decision, you fucking cocksucker. I don't care if you don't want to pay or if you don't have enough money. In this case, I just take everything. Next time you'll pay as much as I need.<</BullyDialog>>
And he took the money and left. Am I not a genius?
<<button [[What's next?|Uni]]>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: "previous() === 'LessonMast' ? 70 : 50",
filter: `
$CurrentDayTime === 2
and $DayCount > 10 and $Bully.Gender === "f"
/* check that previous passage in this list */
and previousPassageIn(['Lesson', 'LessonMast2', 'LessonMastDecline', 'LessonMast2.2', 'LessonMast', 'LessonMast1', 'LessonMast2.1'])
tags: ["Uni", "Daily", "Weekly", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Uni", "Afternoon"], isSeparate: true },
{ max: 2, tags: ["Uni", "Weekly"], isSeparate: true }
<<media "Data/Locations/uni.jpg" "place">>
<<if $P.Gender === "f">>\
<<set _r = random (10,30)>>\
<<set _r = parseFloat(_r)>>\
<<set _r = Math.floor(_r )>>\
<<BullyDialog>>Hi~~ So you're back in your roommate's body today?<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Uh, yeah, haha<</PlayerDialog>>
She still sometimes meets me after class. But now our meeting looks completely different, hehehe.
<<BullyDialog "serious" 1>>Um, you know, I got some on me. It's not too much, but I think you could use it...hehe~~<</BullyDialog>>
<<set $P.Money += _r>>\
@@color:lime; You got _r $. @@
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Oh, that's so sweet of you! Good girl, Stephy!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/f/gif/lesb31.mp4">>
<<BullyDialog "horny" 1>>Hehe~~ Thank you~~ I'm out~~<</BullyDialog>>
We'll have to be sure to reward her for such good behavior, hehehe...
<<button [[What's next on today's plan?|Uni]]>><</button>>
<<BullyDialog>>Hi~~ Will you...ahem....have fun with me?~~<</BullyDialog>>
Stephy? She still sometimes meets me after class. But now our meeting looks completely different, hehehe.
@@#money;<<button [[Make her pay (literally)|BullyFPay]]>><</button>>@@
@@#cor;<<button [[Make her pay (orally)|BullyFPayOrally]]>><</button>>@@
@@#redb;<<button [[Make her pay (sexually)|BullyFPaySexually]]>><</button>>@@
<<button [[Just leave|Uni]]>><</button>>
<</if>>\<<media "Data/Locations/uni.jpg" "place">>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Hmm...maybe you'll have some $$$ with you that you can share?..<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog "serious" 1>>Ah....ya...I get it. Is this enough?~~<</BullyDialog>>
<<set _r = random (10,30)>>\
<<set _r = parseFloat(_r)>>\
<<set _r = Math.floor(_r )>>\
<<set $P.Money += _r>>\
@@color:lime; You got _r $. @@
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Just like that? You won't even ask me why I need it?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog "horny" 1>>Um...If the Master asks, I just...can't say no! Hehe~~<</BullyDialog>>
Wow, I wonder if she'll always be this obedient. I guess I'll have to reward her later somehow, hehe!
<<button [[What's next on today's plan?|Uni]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/uni.jpg" "place">>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>How does it feel? You like being my dick receiver? I can't believe you're so excited about us switching places! <</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog "orgasm" 1>>Mmhmm~~ Mmmhmmmmh~ ~slurp~~ Mmm~~<</BullyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/f/gif/bj55.webp" "gif">>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>I can't believe that the same bully who's been bullying me all this time is now in front of me! Come on, Stephy, look at me and show me what a pretty little slut you've become!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog "horny" 1>>Aaahaa~~ Coock~~~<</BullyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/f/gif/bj56.webp" "gif">>
<<UpdateArousal "0">>
<<button [[What's next on today's plan?|Uni]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/uni.jpg" "place">>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>You were such a cruel and vile bully! But look who you are now! Asking me to fuck you in the bathroom after classes!!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/f/gif/f45.mp4">>
<<BullyDialog "orgasm" 2>>Aahh~~ Yes~~ Yeees~~ I...don't care anymore~~ I can't stop wanting cooock~~<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>I trained you well! Ha-ha! I use you like a toilet but your eyes are almost rolling with pleasure!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog "horny" 1>>Aah..Tshank yaahh~~~~<</BullyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/f/gif/c5.mp4">>
<<UpdateArousal "0">>
<<button [[What's next on today's plan?|Uni]]>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 30,
filter: `$P.Gender === "m" and $Bully.Gender === "f"`,
tags: ["Dormitory", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Dormitory", "Evening"] },
<<media "Data/Locations/ap1.jpg" "place">>
Shared Apartments.<<set $RandomEventTime = false>>
<<BullyDialog>>Hi, Master!~~ You're in your man's body today, right? And your neighbor is not here right now, is she?~~<</BullyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/f/fj.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>What? Stephy? That outfit... How did you even get in here in that?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog "horny">>You like it, right?~~~<</BullyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/f/fj1.jpg" "just">>
She comes to me like Stephan used to do. But like everything else, it looks different now, hehehe.
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>This may sound a bit silly, but what do you want?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/f/fj4.jpg" "just">>
<<BullyDialog "horny" 1>>You're so cruel! Forcing me to say it! I can't stop thinking about cooock...and was hoping you would play with your toy~~ Just choose, Master~~ You want me to take care of you like this?<</BullyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/f/fj7.jpg" "just">>
<<BullyDialog "horny" 2>>...Or do you want to punish me harshly for being so brazen and coming here in such an indecent manner?~~~<</BullyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/f/fj6.jpg" "just">>
<<UpdateArousal "+30">>
Hmmm...in neither option am I sacrificing Layla. The only thing I'm sacrificing is time. But I guess it's worth it, right? Hehe..
@@#cor;<<button[[Let her make you footjob|BullyFDApartFj]]>><</button>>@@
@@#cor;<<button[[Punish her|BullyFDApartPunish]]>><</button>>@@
<<button[[Refuse|BullyFDApartRefuse]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/ap1.jpg" "place">>
Shared Apartments.
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Hmmm...umm...No<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/f/fj8.jpg" "just">>
<<BullyDialog "serious" 1>>What? Did you just say "no"?...<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Hmmm...that's what I said. Is there a problem with that?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog "serious">>No, no problem! I should probably go~~<</BullyDialog>>
And what was that?...
<<set $Bully.Control -= 5>>\
<<if $Bully.Control < -30>>\
<<set $Bully.Control = -30>>\
@@color:red;Stephy's self-control decreased by 5.@@
<<button [[Back in action|DApart]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/ap1.jpg" "place">>
Shared Apartments.
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>...I'll lower them. I want to see your pussy<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/f/gif/fj1.mp4">>
<<BullyDialog "horny">>Of course!~~ Enjoy it as much as you want! I hope it will make your cock even harder!~~~ <</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Now it's good! I love this view and this feeling! What about you?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/f/gif/fj3.mp4">>
<<BullyDialog "horny" 2>>I want that cock in me! But right now I'm satisfying you like a toy, so it's impossible! And this feeling of helplessness....brings me pleasure!~~~<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Hmmm...hehehe...You are such a masochist! Then you have no choice but to continue! <</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/f/gif/fj5.mp4">>
<<BullyDialog "horny" 1>>Aahh~~ Coock~~ Cooock~ right in front of me! I want it so badly, but I can't! It makes me...ah...crazy! I came here as a toy for this cock, with no way to get it! And it's...so goooood~~~~<</BullyDialog>>
<<UpdateArousal "0">>
<<BullyDialog "horny">>I'm so aroused! I'm gonna die of infinite arousal! Ahh~~ I'm so helpless! Ahhh! I love this feeling!~~~<</BullyDialog>>
I thought about helping her with this feeling, but it seems she really enjoys it endlessly....
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>You're leaving already, just like that?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog "orgasm">>Yeees...Just like that~~~ Thank you, Master~~~<</BullyDialog>>
<<set $Bully.Control += 5>>\
<<if $Bully.Control > 120>>\
<<set $Bully.Control = 120>>\
@@color:lime;Stephy's self-control increased by 5.@@
<<button [[Back in action|DApart]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/ap1.jpg" "place">>
Shared Apartments.
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>...You understand everything perfectly! You have to be the one who is punishing yourself!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog "horny">>Oh, yes! Then, if you don't mind, I'll get started!~~<</BullyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/f/gif/a15.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Huh? Looks like you were ready for this from the very beginning<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog "orgasm" 2>>N-no, it's not as easy as you think!<</BullyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/f/gif/a12.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Oh, really? You were a very bad girl. If that's the case, I think I'm gonna "help" you out a little bit...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/f/gif/a3.mp4">>
<<BullyDialog "orgasm" 1>>Ooooh my God! Yeeees! I was such a bad slutty masochistic girl!~~~<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Once again, you're wrong! You were a disgusting bully and now you look like a stupid bimbo and get high on being treated like this!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/f/gif/a8.mp4">>
<<BullyDialog "horny" 2>>Aahh~~ No..I..Oohh God!..Yes~~ Who am I kidding?!...I just love it when you treat me like garbage and make me a meat hole for your dick!~~~<</BullyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/f/gif/a9.mp4">>
<<UpdateArousal "0">>
<<BullyDialog "serious">>Master, you were so ruthless.....<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>You didn't like it?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog "orgasm">>Loved it! Very much! Hehe~~ I'll come again!~~~ <</BullyDialog>>
<<set $Bully.Control += 5>>\
<<if $Bully.Control > 120>>\
<<set $Bully.Control = 120>>\
@@color:lime;Stephy's self-control increased by 5.@@
<<button [[Back in action|DApart]]>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 15,
filter: `$Bully.Gender === "f"`,
tags: ["Dormitory", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Dormitory", "Morning"], isSeparate: true },
<<media "Data/Locations/stephanroom.jpg" "place">>
Stephan's room.<<set $RandomEventTime = false>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/f/gif/te48.mp4">>
Wow...what a view! She still hasn't noticed me? I want to watch it for a couple minutes or until she notices me.
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/f/gif/te32.mp4">>
You can see how much Stephy likes her new body, hehehe.....
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/f/gif/te45.mp4">>
Oh, yes! Say taking care of your slutty girl body is so natural! Heheh...
<<BullyDialog "surprised">>Oh, man! I didn't see you come in! You saw what I was just doing...damn...I'm gonna change!<</BullyDialog>>
She is so cute!!!
<<UpdateArousal "+10">>
<<if $P.Gender === "m">>\
@@#cor;<<button[[Take her right here!|BullyFRE1.1]]>><</button>>@@
<<button[[Wait for her to change|BullyRoomHere]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Back to Apartments|DApart]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/stephanroom.jpg" "place">>
Stephan's room.
<<BullyDialog "horny">>Come on! Please...put it in~~<</BullyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/f/gif/f98.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Oh, Stephy, aren't you always ready only for me?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog "horny" 2>>Ready only for...you, you say?~~<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>What?..<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog "orgasm" 2>>Ahhh~~...Sorry!...Yes! YES! I...I said the wrong thing! I should be ready just for you and your cock! Your...Ah...your personal hole! Aah~~~ <</BullyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/f/gif/f69.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Well done, that's better! Don't forget about it...Stephy~<</PlayerDialog>>
<<UpdateArousal "0">>
<<set $Bully.Control += 10>>\
<<if $Bully.Control > 120>>\
<<set $Bully.Control = 120>>\
@@color:lime;Stephy's self-control increased by 10.@@
<<button[[Back to Apartments|DApart]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 15,
filter: `$Bully.Gender === "f"`,
tags: ["Dormitory", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Dormitory", "Afternoon"], isSeparate: true },
<<media "Data/Locations/stephanroom.jpg" "place">>
Stephan's room.<<set $RandomEventTime = false>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/f/gif/te24.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Wow, I see you're enjoying that body!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog "surprised">>Oh, hey! Of course! And it's all thanks to you~~ <</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Mmm...It looks even more attractive up close! <</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/f/gif/te20.mp4">>
<<BullyDialog "serious">>Ouch, hehe~~ Some things seem very mundane to me! I guess it's the effect of transformation!<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>You have such a juicy ass! This body is amazing!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/f/gif/te19.mp4">>
<<BullyDialog "horny">>Oh, really? I like it too! If you stick around for a while, I can show you what this body can do~~~ <</BullyDialog>>
<<UpdateArousal "+20">>
@@#cor;<<button[[Stick around|BullyFRE2.1]]>><</button>>@@
<<button[[Back to Apartments|DApart]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/stephanroom.jpg" "place">>
Stephan's room.
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/f/gif/te25.mp4">>
<<BullyDialog "horny">>Hehe...That ass is so juicy, soft and so sensitive~~~<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Oh, I want to see it from a different angle!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/f/gif/te18.mp4">>
<<BullyDialog "horny" 1>>Mmm~~ You want to fuck me while I'm in this position?...<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Huh? You think I'm that easy to manipulate?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog "horny" 1>>Then I want to show you more! <</BullyDialog>>
<<BullyDialog "horny" 2>>I imagine your dick is here and then I'm like, sit on it! Just like that~~ And then I get up! And I'm doing it all over again~~ <</BullyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/f/gif/te23.mp4">>
Shit! She's so slutty! I have to say something right away!
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Know your place, slut! I'm the one who'll put you in this position and fuck your brains out! And I'll do it only when I want to! I'm not up to it right now.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog "horny">>Oh, I'm sorry, silly Stephy! Of course! I never thought of doubting you! You're the only one who is going to put me in twine and do whatever you want to me~~~<</BullyDialog>>
Phew...Now we really need to leave....! I don't want, but...But she needs to know who's in charge here!!
<<UpdateArousal "+60">>
<<set $Bully.Control += 5>>\
<<if $Bully.Control > 120>>\
<<set $Bully.Control = 120>>\
@@color:lime;Stephy's self-control increased by 5.@@
<<button[[Back to Apartments|DApart]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 20,
filter: `$Bully.Gender === "f"`,
tags: ["Dormitory", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Dormitory", "Morning"], isSeparate: true },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Dormitory", "Afternoon"], isSeparate: true },
<<media "Data/Locations/stephanroom.jpg" "place">>
Stephan's room.<<set $RandomEventTime = false>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Stephy, I...oh, wow!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/f/gif/yoga15.mp4">>
<<BullyDialog "serious">>Oh, hi! I'm stretching now. Please, wait until I'm done.<</BullyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/f/gif/yoga13.mp4">>
<<UpdateArousal "+20">>
<<if $P.Gender === "m">>\
@@#cor;<<button[[What? Wait?! I don't think so.|BullyFRE3.1]]>><</button>>@@
@@#cor;<<button[[Wait and watch|BullyFRE3.2]]>><</button>>@@
<<button[[Back to Apartments|DApart]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/stephanroom.jpg" "place">>
Stephan's room.
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/f/gif/yoga18.mp4">>
<<BullyDialog "orgasm" 2>>Ahh~~ Fuck~~ So crazy!..Ah!..Your cock is pounding me...so hard!~~ <</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Oh, Stephy! You're so cute! Is there something you wanted to say?..<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/f/gif/yoga26.mp4">>
<<BullyDialog "horny">>Yeah~~ Yeeeees! I'm sorry!...You can fuck me anytime you want!..Just...just keep going! More~~ more~~~<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>I'm glad you're working out to keep your ass juicy and your stretch flexible. But don't forget the main thing. Tell me who you are.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/f/gif/yoga26.mp4">>
<<BullyDialog "orgasm" 1>>Aaahh~~ I'm Stephy! Stephy's your cock hole!..Ah...Please, fuck me whenever you want! Ahh~~~<</BullyDialog>>
<<UpdateArousal "0">>
<<set $Bully.Control += 10>>\
<<if $Bully.Control > 120>>\
<<set $Bully.Control = 120>>\
@@color:lime;Stephy's self-control increased by 10.@@
<<button[[Back to Apartments|DApart]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/stephanroom.jpg" "place">>
Stephan's room.
Stefi takes sports and stretching so seriously. I think I should take it more seriously too. And really wait until she's done.
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/f/gif/yoga16.mp4">>
Magic has the power to rewrite reality. And in this case, her beautiful figure and that firm juicy ass is formed due to regular exercise and stretching.
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/f/gif/yoga17.mp4">>
She was breathing a little heavier and her face was giving her away a little. She seemed to like the fact that I was watching her now.
<<UpdateArousal "+30">>
<<if $P.Gender == "f">>\
<<BullyDialog "horny">>Ah~~ I'm so tired! I've got to run!~~ There's so much to do!~ ~giggle~ <</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>What?! Wait!<</PlayerDialog>>
...She ran away...Tcz!
<<UpdateArousal "+10">>
<<set $Bully.Control -= 5>>\
<<if $Bully.Control < -30>>\
<<set $Bully.Control = -30>>\
@@color:red;Stephy's self-control decreased by 5.@@
<<button[[Back to Apartments|DApart]]>><<movetime>><</button>>
<<BullyDialog "horny">>Ah~~ I'm so tired! But I have one more important exercise left to do! Will Master help me with it?~~<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Hmm? Exercise?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/f/gif/yoga14.mp4">>
<<button[[Follow her|BullyFRE3.3]]>><</button>>
<</if>>\<<media "Data/Locations/stephanroom.jpg" "place">>
Stephan's room.
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/f/gif/yoga20.mp4">>
<<BullyDialog "horny" 2>>Yes...cock...that's what I needed so badly!~~<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Was that your last exercise? To have your juicy ass bouncing on a cock?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/f/gif/yoga27.mp4">>
<<BullyDialog "orgasm" 2>>Aaahha~~ Yeees~~ I only pump my ass, because I...I love the feeling of my ass jiggling and bouncing on a coooock... Ah~~! <</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Oh? Ha-ha! Then don't relax! It's part of your training too! <</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog "orgasm" 1>>Yeah~~ Only in this body, with this sensitive ass can I fully feel it!.... Stephy's juicy ass is made....Ah..ahh...especially for cooocks!~~~ <</BullyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/f/gif/yoga23.mp4">>
<<UpdateArousal "0">>
<<set $Bully.Control += 5>>\
<<if $Bully.Control > 120>>\
<<set $Bully.Control = 120>>\
@@color:lime;Stephy's self-control increased by 5.@@
<<button[[Back to Apartments|DApart]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 20,
filter: `$Bully.Gender === "f"`,
tags: ["Dormitory", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Dormitory", "Morning"], isSeparate: true },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Dormitory", "Afternoon"], isSeparate: true },
<<media "Data/Locations/stephanroom.jpg" "place">>
Stephan's room.<<set $RandomEventTime = false>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Stephy, I...oh, wow!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/f/gif/yoga15.mp4">>
<<BullyDialog "serious">>Oh, hi! I'm stretching now. Please, wait until I'm done.<</BullyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/f/gif/yoga13.mp4">>
<<UpdateArousal "+20">>
<<if $P.Gender === "m">>\
@@#cor;<<button[[What? Wait?! I don't think so.|BullyFREAfterClass.1]]>><</button>>@@
@@#cor;<<button[[Wait and watch|BullyFREAfterClass.2]]>><</button>>@@
<<button[[Back to Apartments|DApart]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/stephanroom.jpg" "place">>
Stephan's room.
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/f/gif/yoga18.mp4">>
<<BullyDialog "orgasm" 2>>Ahh~~ Fuck~~ So crazy!..Ah!..Your cock is pounding me...so hard!~~ <</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Oh, Stephy! You're so cute! Is there something you wanted to say?..<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/f/gif/yoga26.mp4">>
<<BullyDialog "horny">>Yeah~~ Yeeeees! I'm sorry!...You can fuck me anytime you want!..Just...just keep going! More~~ more~~~<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>I'm glad you're working out to keep your ass juicy and your stretch flexible. But don't forget the main thing. Tell me who you are.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/f/gif/yoga26.mp4">>
<<BullyDialog "orgasm" 1>>Aaahh~~ I'm Stephy! Stephy's your cock hole!..Ah...Please, fuck me whenever you want! Ahh~~~<</BullyDialog>>
<<UpdateArousal "0">>
<<set $Bully.Control += 10>>\
<<if $Bully.Control > 120>>\
<<set $Bully.Control = 120>>\
@@color:lime;Stephy's self-control increased by 10.@@
<<button[[Back to Apartments|DApart]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/stephanroom.jpg" "place">>
Stephan's room.
Stephy takes sports and stretching so seriously. I think I should take it more seriously too. And really wait until she's done.
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/f/gif/yoga16.mp4">>
Magic has the power to rewrite reality. And in this case, her beautiful figure and that firm juicy ass is formed due to regular exercise and stretching.
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/f/gif/yoga17.mp4">>
She was breathing a little heavier and her face was giving her away a little. She seemed to like the fact that I was watching her now.
<<UpdateArousal "+30">>
<<if $P.Gender == "f">>\
<<BullyDialog "horny">>Ah~~ I'm so tired! I've got to run!~~ There's so much to do!~ ~giggle~ <</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>What?! Wait!<</PlayerDialog>>
...She ran away...Tcz!
<<UpdateArousal "+10">>
<<set $Bully.Control -= 5>>\
<<if $Bully.Control < -30>>\
<<set $Bully.Control = -30>>\
@@color:red;Stephy's self-control decreased by 5.@@
<<button[[Back to Apartments|DApart]]>><<movetime>><</button>>
<<BullyDialog "horny">>Ah~~ I'm so tired! But I have one more important exercise left to do! Will Master help me with it?~~<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Hmm? Exercise?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/f/gif/yoga14.mp4">>
<<button[[Follow her|BullyFREAfterClass.3]]>><</button>>
<</if>>\<<media "Data/Locations/stephanroom.jpg" "place">>
Stephan's room.
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/f/gif/yoga20.mp4">>
<<BullyDialog "horny" 2>>Yes...cock...that's what I needed so badly!~~<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Was that your last exercise? To have your juicy ass bouncing on a cock?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/f/gif/yoga27.mp4">>
<<BullyDialog "orgasm" 2>>Aaahha~~ Yeees~~ I only pump my ass, because I...I love the feeling of my ass jiggling and bouncing on a coooock... Ah~~! <</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Oh? Ha-ha! Then don't relax! It's part of your training too! <</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog "orgasm" 1>>Yeah~~ Only in this body, with this sensitive ass can I fully feel it!.... Stephy's juicy ass is made....Ah..ahh...especially for cooocks!~~~ <</BullyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Bully/f/gif/yoga23.mp4">>
<<UpdateArousal "0">>
<<set $Bully.Control += 5>>\
<<if $Bully.Control > 120>>\
<<set $Bully.Control = 120>>\
@@color:lime;Stephy's self-control increased by 5.@@
<<button[[Back to Apartments|DApart]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/uni.jpg" "place">>
<<BullyDialog>>This is the right choice, I am glad that I have such a generous friend. Until next time, loser<</BullyDialog>>
Today he won't bother me anymore. We need to do something to get rid of this bastard.
<<button [[What's next on today's plan?|Uni]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/uni.jpg" "place">>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Wait a second. I'll find you money now. By the way, do you want some gum?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Well done. It would always be like that. Give me your gum. Since you're so rich, maybe you could lend me more next time, huh?<</BullyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/npc/gum.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Sure, I'll bring more next time<</PlayerDialog>>
Don't even dream, jerk.
<<BullyDialog>>It's nice when you know your place. I like the gum, you will also bring it next time<</BullyDialog>>
At least he's the first one who didn't say it was candy. Maybe he's too stupid to tell them apart? Stop! Why then do I tell everyone that this is chewing gum? Uh, doesn't matter.
Now I have to carefully use the effect of the pill.
@@#pill;<<button [[Slightly weaken his influence|BullyPill1]]>><</button>> @@
@@#red;<<button [[Show him who's the boss now|BullyPill2]]>><</button>> @@<<media "Data/Locations/uni.jpg" "place">>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>We've known each other for a long time, haven't we?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Yes, I don’t remember the first time I beat you half to death. I should do it again sometime<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>I obediently do what you ask me to do. But it happens that you ask me too much and I just don’t have so much and you just beat me!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>If you don't have enough, then you deserve it<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>I do not argue, but at the same time you remain in the red! I assure you, you will earn a lot more if I pay you, let's say @@color:magenta;half of what you usually ask@@, do you agree?<</PlayerDialog>>
He furrowed his brows.
Fuck fuck fuck! This is at odds with his desires, you need to come up with something urgently!
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Yes, you are smart enough to understand. Are 3 halves more than one whole?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Hey, of course I know without you that there will be more! Then now you will pay half, and I will be rich!<</BullyDialog>>
When the effect of the pill doesn't go too far with his subconscious, it's pretty easy!
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>There is one more thing. @@color:magenta;Stop hit me@@.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Why would I stop?<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Because I already know that you are stronger. While I'm unconscious, I'm wasting time that I could have spent earning money to lend it to you<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Sounds logical, but you still give all the money<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Okay, I'd rather give them myself than make you take them<</PlayerDialog>>
He probably feels like he's got a good deal now. But this is only the beginning.
And yet he took 10 $ from me today. Well. not a big loss.
<<set $P.Money -= 10>><<set $Bully.TabletLvl++>>
<<UpdateSubDom "+2">>
<<button [[What's next on today's plan?|Uni]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/uni.jpg" "place">>
Where I am? University? Uh, I remembered
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Damn it hurts!<</PlayerDialog>>
I passed out again!
Damn, this jerk really took everything and more, he said I owe him!
That's my fault. I got too carried away. The desired effect was too different from his own desires, it is necessary to act gradually, no more rush. Besides, without psychology I won’t move anywhere at all.
Now I lost, but this bastard will pay for everything!
<<button [[Get up|Uni]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/uni.jpg" "place">>
Absolutely calm and confident, Stephan looked at me.
<<BullyDialog>>You're a bit confused with who you're talking to. you'll owe me.<</BullyDialog>>
I didn't get to say anything...
<<media "Data/Characters/npc/punch.webp" "just">>
<<button [[Everything is getting dark|BullyPill2.1.1]]>><<movetime>><<if $P.Money > -20>><<set $P.Money = -20>><</if>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/uni.jpg" "place">>
Where I am? University? Uh, I remembered
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>I feel like I'm get steamrolled<</PlayerDialog>>
Damn, this jerk really took everything and more - I failed to protect Carol's body. I don’t know exactly how much time has passed, but all that time it was like I was being shocked, my body was constantly shuddering and it was... damn goood! Even though it looks like it went off without a hitch.
That's my fault. I got too carried away. The desired effect was too different from his own desires, it is necessary to act gradually, no more rush. Besides, without psychology I won’t move anywhere at all.
Now I lost, but this bastard will pay for everything!
<<if $P.Cor < 50>><<UpdateCorruption "+5">><</if>>
<<UpdateSubDom "-3">>
<<set $Bully.SexCount += 3>>
<<button [[Get up|Uni]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/uni.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Bully/fuck37.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>Ah..ah..ahhha...haah..Let me go!... It's deep, too deeeeeeep....<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>"Carry out every your wish" you said? Well, If you don't want me to tear your pussy to shreds, just order and I will continue to fuck you on the couch<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>Ah..ah.p-please...o-oh..on the couch...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>On the couch what?<</BullyDialog>>
How long will it last? I can't do it anymore...
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>..f..ah..F-Fuck me!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Since you are asking<</BullyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Bully/fuck52.mp4">>
<<BullyDialog>>I just can't understand. How long I fuck you, and your hole is still tight. Was so proud at the beginning of "you will pay and obey." Ha-ha. I will make you my personal slut, and what about you? any wishes? I won't stop until you become obedient enough<</BullyDialog>>
feels good..
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>then...fuck me....more..<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Well, the training was not in vain! I'm going to make you and your girlfriends great cock nozzles. I promise you will beg me to fuck you. Anyway, consider that you have worked out moral compensation today.<</BullyDialog>>
<<button [[Pass out|BullyPill2.2.1]]>><<movetime>><<if $P.Money > 0>><<set $P.Money = 0>><</if>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/uni.jpg" "place">>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>We've known each other for a long time, haven't we?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Yes, I don’t remember the first time I beat you half to death. I should do it again sometime<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>So. It won't happen again. Now you are the one who will @@color:magenta; give me 20 dollars. No! 30 dollars a day@@, understand?<</PlayerDialog>>
He furrowed his brows.
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Because you're a jerk, that's why! In addition, you @@color:magenta;will carry my bag to my house every day instead of me!@@<</PlayerDialog>>
He clenched his teeth, but my anger was unstoppable.
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Shut up and listen here, that's not all. From this day on, you @@color:magenta;will carry out any of my commands, whatever I wish!@@<</PlayerDialog>>
Stephan stopped baring his teeth and smiled kindly
<<if $P.Gender == "m">>
<<button [[And I smiled back|BullyPill2.1]]>><</button>>
<<button [[And I smiled back|BullyPill2.2]]>><</button>>
<</if>><<media "Data/Locations/uni.jpg" "place">>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Wait a second. I'll find you money now. By the way, do you want some gum?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>That gum? It was good. Give it to me. Since you're so rich, maybe you could lend me more next time, huh?<</BullyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/npc/gum.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Sure, I'll bring more next time<</PlayerDialog>>
Bring you much more...
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Hey, Stephan<</PlayerDialog>>
Gotta be careful...
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Do you consider me your bitch?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>You ARE my bitch<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Then you want your bitch to be the prettiest and sexiest?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>> Of course, I gotta have the best bitches!<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Then if you want me to be your best bitch, then @@color:magenta;I must have money@@ to take care of myself. Makeup, sexy dresses, nails and the like...you know <</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>And what do you want?<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>> @@color:magenta;Let me pay 5$ less than usual @@<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>5$? And then you'll be the best bitch?<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Oh yeah. Then I'll be your best hole! A whore @@color:magenta;perfect@@ for your cock! <</PlayerDialog>>
<<UpdateArousal "+35">>
Damn, even though I blatantly lie to him, it's still very exciting!
<<BullyDialog>>Perfect? Okay, it's a deal<</BullyDialog>>
Success! I must continue, this is not enough!
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>There is @@color:magenta;another problem with this@@ - when you and I see each other, then most often after that I have to reapply makeup, some clothes get dirty and torn... <</PlayerDialog>>
I hope that this is not too different from his real desires.
<<BullyDialog>>It appears to be a similar issue. Since you're a whore, I'll give you 5$ every time I use you<</BullyDialog>>
Fuck I wanted more! But then..
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>Everytime I see you, I can't control myself, I'm all becoming so wet! I need @@color:magenta;money everytime I see you@@<</PlayerDialog>>
Fuck, it feels like I'm trying to convince myself, not him.
<<UpdateArousal "+35">>
He agreed without any hesitation! The effect of the pill is now working to its fullest! Can something else be done? I have a chance to do something, but.. Damn, I'm so horny...
@@#pill;<<if $P.Arousal == 100 or $P.SubDom < -10 or $Bully.SexCount > 15>>
<<button [[Do something else|BullyPilllvl2SuperCock]]>><<set $Bully.SuperCock = true>><</button>>
<<button [[Do something else|BullyPilllvl2SuperCock]]>><<set $Bully.SuperCock = true>><</button>>@@
<<button [[Let it be as it is and stop|BullyPilllvl2stop]]>><</button>>
<</if>><<media "Data/Locations/uni.jpg" "place">>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">> @@color:magenta;Another one thing...@@<</PlayerDialog>>
I have to insure myself somehow... What if I don't have any money at all? Or will he threaten and this will be the only way out? Am I going to have to do those nasty things again?
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>pill...<</PlayerDialog>>
Hell, although each new pill is a little stronger, the effect should still not be at odds with desires.
Maybe I'm too excited right now to think. But...just in case, if this happens, then all I need to do is make this process not nasty?
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Listen to me, from this day on @@color:magenta;your cock is hard to be disgusted with, it becomes perfect for your partner, pain becomes something pleasant...@@<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>You hit your head or what?<</BullyDialog>>
This process will not give me any more problems, even if it has to.....Damn, It's Stephan! I need to add something....oh....
I...need to make it more...
<<BullyDialog>>Have you gone deaf?<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>> @@color:magenta;Now your cock is delicious! The sperm is divine! And the cock itself will deliver incredible pleasure in any case!.. @@<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Hey, I've always had the best dick ever. I can prove it by fucking you properly.<</BullyDialog>>
It seems I said rather too much. Oof, well, I think it's not too bad. This is just in case...right?
<<button [[Restroom|BullyDeclineF2SuperCock]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/uni.jpg" "place">>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>That's all I think<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Fine! So you pay or not?!<</BullyDialog>>
Of course, he didn't forget about money!
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>H-how much?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Let's see. After today's conversation. I want. You. To pay. Me<</BullyDialog>>
He took a short break
Wow, it's not that much. Should I just give it to him or..
<<button [[Pay him|Uni]]>><<set $P.Money -= 10>><</button>>
<<button [[Decline|BullyDeclineFlvl2]]>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 25,
filter: `$CurrentDayTime === 2 and $Extermination === false and $DayCount > 10`,
tags: ["Uni", "Daily", "Weekly", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Uni", "Afternoon"], isSeparate: true },
{ max: 2, tags: ["Uni", "Weekly"], isSeparate: true }
<<media "Data/Locations/uni.jpg" "place">>
<<set $Extermination = true>>
@@color:yellow;Announce:@@ Dear students, there will be a cockroach extermination in the dorm today, all students are asked to leave the dorm immediately. If the inspection reveals no obvious signs of insects, you can return tomorrow.
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Fuck, again?!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CarolDialog "confused">>Holy crap! Again?! Where am I supposed to go now?<</CarolDialog>>
She doesn't tell me about her family, but judging by her reaction, she needs help.
<<switch $Carol.TabletLvl>>
<<case 0>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Well, if you want...you could...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CarolDialog "disgust">>Absolutely no way! Anywhere is better than with you! Bye<</CarolDialog>>
I just wanted to help..(
<<case 1>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Well, if you want...you could...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CarolDialog "serious">>Thanks for the offer, but I have enough of you in my dorm. I'll manage somehow<</CarolDialog>>
Well, It's her choice, I should respect it.
<<case 2>>
I used to be stupid, but now I'll think twice before suggesting she come to me.
<<if $CarolInvitedFirstTime == false and $P.Gender == "m">>\
<<button [[Invite her|ExtAnnounce1]]>><</button>>
<<if $CarolInvitedFirstTime == true>>\
<<button [[Invite her|HApart]]>><<if $LeviArrival == true>><<set $CarolInvitedAfterLevi = true>><</if>><<set $CarolInvited = true>><</button>>
<<button [[Stay in Uni|Uni]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Go Home|HApart]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/uni.jpg" "place">>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>I've suggested it before, but still...if you want.. you can go to my place<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CarolDialog "happy">>Really? How nice that you're still offering it to me. Sure, let's go!<</CarolDialog>>
For some reason I am very happy right now.
<<set $CarolInvited = true>>
<<if $CarolInvitedFirstTime == true>>\
<<button [[Go Home|HApart]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Go Home|FirstCarolInvite]]>><<set $CarolInvitedFirstTime = true>><</button>>
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 10,
filter: `$DrugSpread === 0`,
groups: "RandomStudentsTalk",
tags: ["Uni", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Uni", "Morning"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Uni", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Uni", "Evening"] },
{ max: 2 }
<<media "Data/Locations/uni.jpg" "place">>
University.<<set $RandomEventTime = false>>
<<FNpcDialog null null "Student 1">>Listen, behind that door is the director, right? Have you ever seen him?<</FNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Locations/bigdoor.jpg" "just">>
<<FNpcDialog null null "Student 2">>Yes, he has to be there. The director is rarely seen by students<</FNpcDialog>>
<<FNpcDialog null null "Student 1">>Wow, his name is Mr. Parkinson, right? What kind of man is he?<</FNpcDialog>>
<<FNpcDialog null null "Student 2">>There are all kinds of rumors. In general, they say that the director is a very very influential businessman. He is very educated. He is also very hardworking, so he works hard in his office until the evening!<</FNpcDialog>>
<<FNpcDialog null null "Student 1">>Awesome man!<</FNpcDialog>>
<<FNpcDialog null null "Student 2">>Although I've never seen him myself<</FNpcDialog>>
Director? If we have such a delightful director, it's very strange that we know so little about him. Although maybe he really is very humble and hardworking...
<<button [[They are gone|Uni]]>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 10,
filter: `$DrugSpread === 0`,
groups: "RandomStudentsTalk",
tags: ["Uni", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Uni", "Morning"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Uni", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Uni", "Evening"] },
{ max: 2 }
<<media "Data/Locations/uni.jpg" "place">>
University.<<set $RandomEventTime = false>>
<<FNpcDialog null null "Student 1">>"Celtoc", right? Have you already taste it?<</FNpcDialog>>
<<FNpcDialog null null "Student 2">>No...what about you?<</FNpcDialog>>
<<FNpcDialog null null "Student 1">>Of course not! Drugs are bad! Although some of my friends told me that the feeling from it was delightful...<</FNpcDialog>>
Some new drug? I guess I'll hear more about it someday.
<<button [[They are gone|Uni]]>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 10,
filter: `$DrugSpread === 0`,
groups: "RandomStudentsTalk",
tags: ["Uni", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Uni", "Morning"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Uni", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Uni", "Evening"] },
{ max: 2 }
<<media "Data/Locations/uni.jpg" "place">>
University.<<set $RandomEventTime = false>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Student 2">>There's going to be a fucking awesome party at the club tonight! Are you guys going with us?<</MNpcDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Student 1">>You're crazy, I'm not going in there with my girlfriend!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Student 2">>...what? Why??Alcohol, drugs, dirty sluts! Why not?!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Student 1">>Yeah, once I get distracted for a few minutes and my girlfriend becomes one of those bitches! <</MNpcDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Student 2">>That's the point, buddy!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Student 1">>Fuck you!<</MNpcDialog>>
Alcohol, drugs, dirty sluts? Sounds fun. I'll have to find out where that club is sometime.
<<button [[They are gone|Uni]]>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 10,
filter: `$DrugSpread === 0`,
groups: "RandomStudentsTalk",
tags: ["Uni", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Uni", "Morning"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Uni", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Uni", "Evening"] },
{ max: 2 }
<<media "Data/Locations/uni.jpg" "place">>
University.<<set $RandomEventTime = false>>
<<FNpcDialog null null "Student 2">>Go to hell!<</FNpcDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Student 1">>But I didn't even start talking!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<FNpcDialog null null "Student 2">>Because I'm sick of you! Wizards, magical currents. They are hiding among us! <</FNpcDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Student 1">>But after all...<</MNpcDialog>>
<<FNpcDialog null null "Student 2">>And last week, do you remember what happened last week?! You were proving to me that there is a whole "Magical side" where wizards live and hide it from us! <</FNpcDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Student 1">>It exists and I'll find proof!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<FNpcDialog null null "Student 2">>Holy crap, you've been doing this for years and still haven't found any evidence of magic!<</FNpcDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Student 1">>Something must have happened to them... with magic... some kind of malfunction!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<FNpcDialog null null "Student 2">>Ough! I just wanted you to ask me out because you're funny, not this whole thing...<</FNpcDialog>>
I wonder if this is true. At least one witch I've already met... not very sucessful meeting, by the way
<<button [[They are gone|Uni]]>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 10,
filter: `$DrugSpread === 0`,
groups: "RandomStudentsTalk",
tags: ["Uni", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Uni", "Morning"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Uni", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Uni", "Evening"] },
{ max: 2 }
<<media "Data/Locations/uni.jpg" "place">>
University.<<set $RandomEventTime = false>>
<<FNpcDialog null null "Student 1">>Are they poisoning cockroaches again? <</FNpcDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Student 2">>I'm sick of them! We don't have cockroaches. I saw a few in the hallway. The whole time!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<FNpcDialog null null "Student 1">>Our director is a very influential person, so he has to maintain the status of the university campus for the top executives. This guarantees maximum funding.<</FNpcDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Student 2">>I'll have to look for a place to sleep again. This becomes a problem for those who have houses outside the city <</MNpcDialog>>
<<FNpcDialog null null "Student 1">>You can sleep over at my place. My parents taught me to help each other.<</FNpcDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Student 2">>Thank you so much! I can always count on you!<</MNpcDialog>>
I don't see anything wrong with that for me, I can sleep at home at any time.
<<button [[They are gone|Uni]]>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 10,
filter: `$DrugSpread === 1`,
groups: "RandomStudentsTalk",
tags: ["Uni", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Uni", "Morning"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Uni", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Uni", "Evening"] },
{ max: 2 }
<<media "Data/Locations/uni.jpg" "place">>
University.<<set $RandomEventTime = false>>
<<FNpcDialog null null "Student 1">>Hey, this is the principal's office!<</FNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Locations/bigdoor.jpg" "just">>
<<FNpcDialog null null "Student 2">>Yes! I never saw him once!<</FNpcDialog>>
<<FNpcDialog null null "Student 1">>Do you think our important director is manly and muscular or smart and sophisticated? Hehe<</FNpcDialog>>
<<FNpcDialog null null "Student 2">>Um, We need to talk to the girls who are doing...that things... to get a good grade. Maybe they know.<</FNpcDialog>>
<<FNpcDialog null null "Student 1">>And maybe we can see it ourselves then! Let's go quickly!<</FNpcDialog>>
Hell, I've never even seen it myself. As far as I'm concerned, Vanessa's the one in charge right now. And the best part is, I don't know why!
<<button [[They are gone|Uni]]>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 10,
filter: `$DrugSpread === 1`,
groups: "RandomStudentsTalk",
tags: ["Uni", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Uni", "Morning"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Uni", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Uni", "Evening"] },
{ max: 2 }
<<media "Data/Locations/uni.jpg" "place">>
University.<<set $RandomEventTime = false>>
<<FNpcDialog null null "Student 1">>So, have you already tried it?<</FNpcDialog>>
<<FNpcDialog null null "Student 2">>Yes! It's so good! Can you believe a guy slapped my ass and I almost cum right there!<</FNpcDialog>>
<<FNpcDialog null null "Student 1">>That's what I'm saying, and it doesn't even give you a headache afterwards!<</FNpcDialog>>
Celtoc is getting a spread...
<<button [[They are gone|Uni]]>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 10,
filter: `$DrugSpread === 1`,
groups: "RandomStudentsTalk",
tags: ["Uni", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Uni", "Morning"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Uni", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Uni", "Evening"] },
{ max: 2 }
<<media "Data/Locations/uni.jpg" "place">>
University.<<set $RandomEventTime = false>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Student 2">>So, did it work?<</MNpcDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Student 1">>Yes! My girlfriend is just perfect, now she's sweet, playful, caring and sexy as hell!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Student 2">>I told you so! All you had to do was put a little bit of that...what it called.... whatever, so you're going to the club?<</MNpcDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Student 1">>No problem, bro! She'll come too, we'll all have fun together!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Student 2">>Since when does she go to clubs?<</MNpcDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Student 1">>Right from that point on. Don't worry, whatever we do, my beauty won't mind, haha!<</MNpcDialog>>
Whoa, Celtoc + nightclub. Sounds like an explosive formula! I'm definitely going to end up there sooner or later!
<<button [[They are gone|Uni]]>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 10,
filter: `$DrugSpread === 1`,
groups: "RandomStudentsTalk",
tags: ["Uni", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Uni", "Morning"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Uni", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Uni", "Evening"] },
{ max: 2 }
<<media "Data/Locations/uni.jpg" "place">>
University.<<set $RandomEventTime = false>>
<<FNpcDialog null null "Student 2">>Yes, my love, go on. Just massage this one more time, please!<</FNpcDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Student 1">>Sure, where was I?<</MNpcDialog>>
<<FNpcDialog null null "Student 2">>You were talking about mana<</FNpcDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Student 1">>Exactly! Well, wizards differ from us in the presence of mana. It's kind of like an energy copy of yourself inside. And it's the same energy that you can use to influence your surroundings...<</MNpcDialog>>
<<FNpcDialog null null "Student 2">>Mmm...you're so smart...<</FNpcDialog>>
This guy seems to have solved his problem. Good for him! I think I even know how he did it, hehe
<<button [[They are gone|Uni]]>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 10,
filter: `$DrugSpread === 1`,
groups: "RandomStudentsTalk",
tags: ["Uni", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Uni", "Morning"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Uni", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Uni", "Evening"] },
{ max: 2 }
<<media "Data/Locations/uni.jpg" "place">>
University.<<set $RandomEventTime = false>>
<<FNpcDialog null null "Student 1">>They want to poison cockroaches again.<</FNpcDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Student 2">>It can't be helped, where will you sleep? Maybe....<</MNpcDialog>>
<<FNpcDialog null null "Student 1">>Oh, I've already decided. I'm going to spend the night at a friend's house!<</FNpcDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Student 2">>I just got a job so I could rent an apartment. And what are you going to do with your friend?<</MNpcDialog>>
<<FNpcDialog null null "Student 1">>Um..hehe....massage..<</FNpcDialog>>
It's a shame she traded him for her girl for the night. There's definitely more to it than just a massage.
<<button [[They are gone|Uni]]>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 10,
filter: `$DrugSpread === 2`,
groups: "RandomStudentsTalk",
tags: ["Uni", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Uni", "Morning"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Uni", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Uni", "Evening"] },
{ max: 2 }
<<media "Data/Locations/uni.jpg" "place">>
University.<<set $RandomEventTime = false>>
<<FNpcDialog null null "Student 1">>Principal's office!<</FNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Locations/bigdoor.jpg" "just">>
<<FNpcDialog null null "Student 2">>Those girls told us a lot of nice things...but they don't know about the director!<</FNpcDialog>>
<<FNpcDialog null null "Student 1">>If we keep this up, we'll see him sooner or later! Hehe!<</FNpcDialog>>
<<FNpcDialog null null "Student 2">>Do you think if his dick is as big as his doors or does it compensate the other way around?<</FNpcDialog>>
<<FNpcDialog null null "Student 1">>(giggles) I'd like a bigger one after all!<</FNpcDialog>>
Not without Celtoc' influence, but many girls have wet dreams about the principal. Now I wonder, too, what is he like?
<<button [[They are gone|Uni]]>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 10,
filter: `$DrugSpread === 2`,
groups: "RandomStudentsTalk",
tags: ["Uni", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Uni", "Morning"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Uni", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Uni", "Evening"] },
{ max: 2 }
<<media "Data/Locations/uni.jpg" "place">>
University.<<set $RandomEventTime = false>>
<<FNpcDialog null null "Student 1">>This is nonsense! I watched the soccer team and couldn't stop masturbating! Right there!<</FNpcDialog>>
<<FNpcDialog null null "Student 2">>And I was walking by Vanessa, and I couldn't resist showing her my boobs!<</FNpcDialog>>
<<FNpcDialog null null "Student 1">>WOw! And she what?<</FNpcDialog>>
<<FNpcDialog null null "Student 2">>And she just smiled wryly and moved on!<</FNpcDialog>>
<<FNpcDialog null null "Student 1">>Geez, are you saying Vanessa's a slut? Impossible!<</FNpcDialog>>
Haha, possible! These girls are definitely hooked on Celtoc. So are many others.
<<button [[They are gone|Uni]]>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 10,
filter: `$DrugSpread === 2`,
groups: "RandomStudentsTalk",
tags: ["Uni", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Uni", "Morning"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Uni", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Uni", "Evening"] },
{ max: 2 }
<<media "Data/Locations/uni.jpg" "place">>
University.<<set $RandomEventTime = false>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Student 2">>Are we going out again today?<</MNpcDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Student 1">>I don't know...<</MNpcDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Student 2">>What happened to you again? I thought you solved the problem with your girlfriend.<</MNpcDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Student 1">>The last time we went with her, she got so hot on the dance floor, some guys were groping her ass and touching her tits, and she loved it, it was like she was in ecstasy!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Student 2">>I'm so sick of you! It's like you and her have switched places. You know how to solve this problem, you already did it once.<</MNpcDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Student 1">>I...wait...you want me to...<</MNpcDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Student 2">>Exactly! Do to yourself what you did to her! And then you'll both be on the same page!<</MNpcDialog>>
Fuck, is his friend a programmer? To come up with such a stupid solution. And that would work!
<<button [[They are gone|Uni]]>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 10,
filter: `$DrugSpread === 2`,
groups: "RandomStudentsTalk",
tags: ["Uni", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Uni", "Morning"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Uni", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Uni", "Evening"] },
{ max: 2 }
<<media "Data/Locations/uni.jpg" "place">>
University.<<set $RandomEventTime = false>>
<<FNpcDialog null null "Student 2">>YEEES! What else have they got?<</FNpcDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Student 1">>Magic Train! I don't know where it leaves from, but it moves at an incredible speed! And it could easily transport you to the magic side!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<FNpcDialog null null "Student 2">>Mmmm, I'd like you to take me for a ride on your magic train!<</FNpcDialog>>
Gosh, brother. She's telling you almost no innuendo! If you don't hurry up, someone else will take her for a ride!
<<button [[They are gone|Uni]]>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 10,
filter: `$DrugSpread === 2`,
groups: "RandomStudentsTalk",
tags: ["Uni", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Uni", "Morning"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Uni", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Uni", "Evening"] },
{ max: 2 }
<<media "Data/Locations/uni.jpg" "place">>
University.<<set $RandomEventTime = false>>
<<FNpcDialog null null "Student 1">>They're poisoning them again!<</FNpcDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Student 2">>W-Wait...are you happy?<</MNpcDialog>>
<<FNpcDialog null null "Student 1">>Oh, I'm very sad. I'll have to go to my girl's house again. And it seems a few more friends will go to her! (giggle!)<</FNpcDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Student 2">>But if you ever want to or change your plans or something...you can stay overnight at my place....<</MNpcDialog>>
<<FNpcDialog null null "Student 1">>Okay, but I already promised...let's do it some other time!<</FNpcDialog>>
Man! You should have been more assertive...from the beginning.... now it might be too late
<<button [[They are gone|Uni]]>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 10,
filter: `$DrugSpread === 3`,
groups: "RandomStudentsTalk",
tags: ["Uni", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Uni", "Morning"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Uni", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Uni", "Evening"] },
{ max: 2 }
<<media "Data/Locations/uni.jpg" "place">>
University.<<set $RandomEventTime = false>>
<<FNpcDialog null null "Student 1">>Principal's office!<</FNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Locations/bigdoor.jpg" "just">>
<<FNpcDialog null null "Student 2">>I never saw any students going in there.<</FNpcDialog>>
<<FNpcDialog null null "Student 1">>Leave those wet dreams behind, you're not going to be the principal's bitch! ~giggle~<</FNpcDialog>>
<<FNpcDialog null null "Student 2">>Why?!<</FNpcDialog>>
<<FNpcDialog null null "Student 1">>Because I got in line first! ~giggle~<</FNpcDialog>>
The new Celtos further fuels their imagination, though they still don't know the identity of the man they so desire...
<<button [[They are gone|Uni]]>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 10,
filter: `$DrugSpread === 3`,
groups: "RandomStudentsTalk",
tags: ["Uni", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Uni", "Morning"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Uni", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Uni", "Evening"] },
{ max: 2 }
<<media "Data/Locations/uni.jpg" "place">>
University.<<set $RandomEventTime = false>>
<<FNpcDialog null null "Student 1">>Did you see the cheerleaders have a real orgy with the soccer team yesterday!<</FNpcDialog>>
<<FNpcDialog null null "Student 2">>Not only did I see it, but I even got to participate! ~giggle~<</FNpcDialog>>
<<FNpcDialog null null "Student 1">>Lucky slut! But I also managed to have some fun with the local bullies. ~giggle~ The new Celtos is something, but they say it's not the last version! There's more cool stuff coming out! <</FNpcDialog>>
<<FNpcDialog null null "Student 2">>Really?! But how much cooler?! God, the very thought of it makes me horny...<</FNpcDialog>>
Levi didn't tell me anything about a new version. I would definitely know about it. It's probably just stupid rumors...
<<button [[They are gone|Uni]]>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 10,
filter: `$DrugSpread === 3`,
groups: "RandomStudentsTalk",
tags: ["Uni", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Uni", "Morning"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Uni", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Uni", "Evening"] },
{ max: 2 }
<<media "Data/Locations/uni.jpg" "place">>
University.<<set $RandomEventTime = false>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Student 2">>Are we going out again today?<</MNpcDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Student 1">>Of course, brother! I'm all excited!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Student 2">>Will you let me fuck your girlfriend again?<</MNpcDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Student 1">>Do you promise she'll moan and beg you to do it harder like last time?<</MNpcDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Student 2">>Of course! She'll be on her knees happily begging for my cock, I promise! <</MNpcDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Student 1">>Oh, good! Then let's do it right after we meet those black guys!...If she's still on her feet by then....Ha-ha-ha-ha!<</MNpcDialog>>
The new Celtos, the slut and the cuckold. Sounds like another lowering of all moral standards.
<<button [[They are gone|Uni]]>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 10,
filter: `$DrugSpread === 3`,
groups: "RandomStudentsTalk",
tags: ["Uni", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Uni", "Morning"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Uni", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Uni", "Evening"] },
{ max: 2 }
<<media "Data/Locations/uni.jpg" "place">>
University.<<set $RandomEventTime = false>>
<<FNpcDialog null null "Student 2">>Your kisses have gotten a lot better. And not just kissing... Ha-ha! You're drooling! <</FNpcDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Student 1">>I can't stop, my cock is like a rock again, I want you right here!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<FNpcDialog null null "Student 2">>Oh, you've been so persistent lately. I'm so glad you now share my...feelings, but what about your...like witches and magic trains?<</FNpcDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Student 1">>To hell with all this magical nonsense! Now I look into the future, and I see your juicy ass there! <</MNpcDialog>>
I'm glad you found your way. Maybe he is right and it really is best to stay away from all that magic nonsense...
<<button [[They are gone|Uni]]>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 10,
filter: `$DrugSpread === 3`,
groups: "RandomStudentsTalk",
tags: ["Uni", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Uni", "Morning"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Uni", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Uni", "Evening"] },
{ max: 2 }
<<media "Data/Locations/uni.jpg" "place">>
University.<<set $RandomEventTime = false>>
<<FNpcDialog null null "Student 1">>They're poisoning them again!<</FNpcDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Student 2">>~deep breath~ Come to my place, please! I invite you!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<FNpcDialog null null "Student 1">>I'm sorry, but I already know where I'm going. We're having some sort of costume party there, ehehe... And role-playing night...<</FNpcDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Student 2">>Role-playing? Like warhammer?<</MNpcDialog>>
<<FNpcDialog null null "Student 1">>Mmm...almost.... but a little spicier...<</FNpcDialog>>
Man!! OUGH... I don't even know how to help you... F.
<<button [[They are gone|Uni]]>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 10,
filter: `$DrugSpread === 0`,
groups: {
name: "RandomUniEvents",
weight: 10,
tags: ["Uni", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Uni", "Morning"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Uni", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Uni", "Evening"] }
<<media "Data/Locations/uni.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Actions/RE/Uni/1/uni12.webp" "gif">>
Damn, I didn't even notice I followed her all the way down the hall! But she didn't seem to mind though, hehe..
<<UpdateArousal "+5">>
<<button [[Back in action|Uni]]>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 10,
filter: `$DrugSpread === 0`,
groups: {
name: "RandomUniEvents",
weight: 10,
tags: ["Uni", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Uni", "Morning"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Uni", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Uni", "Evening"] }
<<media "Data/Locations/uni.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Actions/RE/Uni/1/uni29.webp" "gif">>
Uwu, I wonder what she's considering there..
<<UpdateArousal "+5">>
<<button [[Back in action|Uni]]>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 10,
filter: `$DrugSpread === 0`,
groups: {
name: "RandomUniEvents",
weight: 10,
tags: ["Uni", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Uni", "Morning"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Uni", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Uni", "Evening"] }
<<media "Data/Locations/uni.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Actions/RE/Uni/1/uni52.webp" "gif">>
So slim. Cutie.
<<UpdateArousal "+5">>
<<button [[Back in action|Uni]]>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 10,
filter: `$DrugSpread === 0`,
groups: {
name: "RandomUniEvents",
weight: 10,
tags: ["Uni", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Uni", "Morning"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Uni", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Uni", "Evening"] }
<<media "Data/Locations/uni.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Actions/RE/Uni/1/uni53.webp" "gif">>
Rehearsal before rehearsal? Hehe. Shit. a stretch like that could provide her with the rest of her life...
<<UpdateArousal "+5">>
<<button [[Back in action|Uni]]>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 10,
filter: `$DrugSpread === 0`,
groups: {
name: "RandomUniEvents",
weight: 10,
tags: ["Uni", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Uni", "Morning"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Uni", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Uni", "Evening"] }
<<media "Data/Locations/uni.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Actions/RE/Uni/1/uni54.webp" "gif">>
A beauty. Where is she going in such a hurry?..
<<UpdateArousal "+5">>
<<button [[Back in action|Uni]]>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 10,
filter: `$DrugSpread >= 1`,
groups: {
name: "RandomUniEvents",
weight: 20,
tags: ["Uni", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Uni", "Morning"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Uni", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Uni", "Evening"] }
<<media "Data/Locations/uni.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Actions/RE/Uni/2/uni4.webp" "gif">>
<<UpdateArousal "+5">>
<<button [[Back in action|Uni]]>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 10,
filter: `$DrugSpread >= 1`,
groups: {
name: "RandomUniEvents",
weight: 20,
tags: ["Uni", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Uni", "Morning"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Uni", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Uni", "Evening"] }
<<media "Data/Locations/uni.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Actions/RE/Uni/2/uni46.webp" "gif">>
Most cheerleaders want to be...noticeable.
<<UpdateArousal "+5">>
<<button [[Back in action|Uni]]>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 10,
filter: `$DrugSpread >= 1`,
groups: {
name: "RandomUniEvents",
weight: 20,
tags: ["Uni", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Uni", "Morning"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Uni", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Uni", "Evening"] }
<<media "Data/Locations/uni.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Actions/RE/Uni/2/uni48.webp" "gif">>
These stockings are driving me crazy!
<<UpdateArousal "+5">>
<<button [[Back in action|Uni]]>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 10,
filter: `$DrugSpread >= 1`,
groups: {
name: "RandomUniEvents",
weight: 20,
tags: ["Uni", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Uni", "Morning"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Uni", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Uni", "Evening"] }
<<media "Data/Locations/uni.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Actions/RE/Uni/2/uni5.webp" "gif">>
What was she so guilty of?
<<UpdateArousal "+5">>
<<button [[Back in action|Uni]]>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 10,
filter: `$DrugSpread >= 1`,
groups: {
name: "RandomUniEvents",
weight: 20,
tags: ["Uni", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Uni", "Morning"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Uni", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Uni", "Evening"] }
<<media "Data/Locations/uni.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Actions/RE/Uni/2/uni11.webp" "gif">>
I don't think she's interested in books right now...
<<UpdateArousal "+5">>
<<button [[Back in action|Uni]]>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 10,
filter: `$DrugSpread >= 1`,
groups: {
name: "RandomUniEvents",
weight: 20,
tags: ["Uni", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Uni", "Morning"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Uni", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Uni", "Evening"] }
<<media "Data/Locations/uni.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Actions/RE/Uni/2/uni13.webp" "gif">>
She seems to have found what she was looking for...
<<UpdateArousal "+5">>
<<button [[Back in action|Uni]]>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 10,
filter: `$DrugSpread >= 1`,
groups: {
name: "RandomUniEvents",
weight: 20,
tags: ["Uni", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Uni", "Morning"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Uni", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Uni", "Evening"] }
<<media "Data/Locations/uni.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Actions/RE/Uni/2/uni16.webp" "gif">>
There is no one in the world right now but these two...
<<UpdateArousal "+5">>
<<button [[Back in action|Uni]]>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 10,
filter: `$DrugSpread >= 1`,
groups: {
name: "RandomUniEvents",
weight: 20,
tags: ["Uni", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Uni", "Morning"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Uni", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Uni", "Evening"] }
<<media "Data/Locations/uni.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Actions/RE/Uni/2/uni17.webp" "gif">>
Please tell me this is a concept for a new uniform for girls!
<<UpdateArousal "+5">>
<<button [[Back in action|Uni]]>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 10,
filter: `$DrugSpread >= 1`,
groups: {
name: "RandomUniEvents",
weight: 20,
tags: ["Uni", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Uni", "Morning"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Uni", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Uni", "Evening"] }
<<media "Data/Locations/uni.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Actions/RE/Uni/2/uni22.webp" "gif">>
This could be the hardest choice of my life.
<<UpdateArousal "+5">>
<<button [[Back in action|Uni]]>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 10,
filter: `$DrugSpread >= 1`,
groups: {
name: "RandomUniEvents",
weight: 20,
tags: ["Uni", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Uni", "Morning"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Uni", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Uni", "Evening"] }
<<media "Data/Locations/uni.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Actions/RE/Uni/2/uni39.webp" "gif">>
Hey, he's interfering with her reading a book! Ha-ha.
<<UpdateArousal "+5">>
<<button [[Back in action|Uni]]>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 10,
filter: `$DrugSpread >= 1`,
groups: {
name: "RandomUniEvents",
weight: 20,
tags: ["Uni", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Uni", "Morning"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Uni", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Uni", "Evening"] }
<<media "Data/Locations/uni.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Actions/RE/Uni/2/uni42.webp" "gif">>
Why is she so happy?
<<UpdateArousal "+5">>
<<button [[Back in action|Uni]]>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 10,
filter: `$DrugSpread >= 2`,
groups: {
name: "RandomUniEvents",
weight: 50,
tags: ["Uni", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Uni", "Morning"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Uni", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Uni", "Evening"] }
<<media "Data/Locations/uni.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Actions/RE/Uni/2/uni45.webp" "gif">>
Fuck, that bitch is totally fucked up! It's like she's begging to be fucked!
<<UpdateArousal "+5">>
<<button [[Back in action|Uni]]>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 10,
filter: `$DrugSpread >= 2`,
groups: {
name: "RandomUniEvents",
weight: 50,
tags: ["Uni", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Uni", "Morning"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Uni", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Uni", "Evening"] }
<<media "Data/Locations/uni.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Actions/RE/Uni/2/uni47.gif" "gif">>
This little bitch dressed as a whore dances in front of everyone and gets an unreal buzz out of it. I would have danced a more erotic dance with her.
<<UpdateArousal "+5">>
<<button [[Back in action|Uni]]>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 10,
filter: `$DrugSpread >= 2`,
groups: {
name: "RandomUniEvents",
weight: 50,
tags: ["Uni", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Uni", "Morning"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Uni", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Uni", "Evening"] }
<<media "Data/Locations/uni.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Actions/RE/Uni/2/uni49.webp" "gif">>
More and more girls have started dressing like total sluts! More and more people have already heard about or tried Celtoc.
<<UpdateArousal "+5">>
<<button [[Back in action|Uni]]>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 10,
filter: `$DrugSpread >= 2`,
groups: {
name: "RandomUniEvents",
weight: 50,
tags: ["Uni", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Uni", "Morning"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Uni", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Uni", "Evening"] }
<<media "Data/Locations/uni.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Actions/RE/Uni/2/uni27.webp" "gif">>
Celtoc has no side effects, but the dosage does exist. If you take too much, temporarily your face will automatically turn into an ahegao.
<<UpdateArousal "+5">>
<<button [[Back in action|Uni]]>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 10,
filter: `$DrugSpread >= 2`,
groups: {
name: "RandomUniEvents",
weight: 50,
tags: ["Uni", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Uni", "Morning"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Uni", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Uni", "Evening"] }
<<media "Data/Locations/uni.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Actions/RE/Uni/2/7.webp" "gif">>
This bitch teases passing students with her friend's ass. and.... I'm fucking jealous of her!
<<UpdateArousal "+5">>
<<button [[Back in action|Uni]]>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 10,
filter: `$DrugSpread >= 2`,
groups: {
name: "RandomUniEvents",
weight: 50,
tags: ["Uni", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Uni", "Morning"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Uni", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Uni", "Evening"] }
<<media "Data/Locations/uni.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Actions/RE/Uni/2/12.webp" "gif">>
It seems that exchange students from Asia are no exception. @@color:#FFD9F7;God, I hope you can hear me! If you exist, give me a sign! Give me a pretty Asian girl!@@
<<UpdateArousal "+5">>
<<button [[Back in action|Uni]]>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 10,
filter: `$DrugSpread >= 2`,
groups: {
name: "RandomUniEvents",
weight: 50,
tags: ["Uni", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Uni", "Morning"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Uni", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Uni", "Evening"] }
<<media "Data/Locations/uni.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Actions/RE/Uni/2/uni38.webp" "gif">>
Although it's obvious, Celtoc works for guys, too. This guy has been sexually harassing girls lately, but almost no one complains. Even now, apparently the girl on the left doesn't even realize that her friend is high and now gets an incredible thrill out of undressing in public.
<<UpdateArousal "+5">>
<<button [[Back in action|Uni]]>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 10,
filter: `$DrugSpread >= 3`,
groups: {
name: "RandomUniEvents",
weight: 100,
tags: ["Uni", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Uni", "Morning"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Uni", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Uni", "Evening"] }
<<media "Data/Locations/uni.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Actions/RE/Uni/3/uni51.webp" "gif">>
Everything in this world has norms. You should not overdo the dosage.
<<UpdateArousal "+5">>
<<button [[Back in action|Uni]]>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 10,
filter: `$DrugSpread >= 3`,
groups: {
name: "RandomUniEvents",
weight: 100,
tags: ["Uni", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Uni", "Morning"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Uni", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Uni", "Evening"] }
<<media "Data/Locations/uni.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Actions/RE/Uni/3/uni28.webp" "gif">>
The sluts have found a new victim for their hungry mouths. God, they're so into it that they don't notice anything around them!
<<UpdateArousal "+5">>
<<button [[Back in action|Uni]]>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 10,
filter: `$DrugSpread >= 3`,
groups: {
name: "RandomUniEvents",
weight: 100,
tags: ["Uni", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Uni", "Morning"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Uni", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Uni", "Evening"] }
<<media "Data/Locations/uni.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Actions/RE/Uni/3/uni25.webp" "gif">>
The uniforms of many female students have changed a lot with the advent of Celtos, but there's something new here.... She's a teacher.
<<UpdateArousal "+5">>
<<button [[Back in action|Uni]]>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 10,
filter: `$DrugSpread >= 3`,
groups: {
name: "RandomUniEvents",
weight: 100,
tags: ["Uni", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Uni", "Morning"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Uni", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Uni", "Evening"] }
<<media "Data/Locations/uni.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Actions/RE/Uni/3/uni24.webp" "gif">>
The cheerleaders keep up with everyone's "fun", too.
<<UpdateArousal "+5">>
<<button [[Back in action|Uni]]>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 10,
filter: `$DrugSpread >= 3`,
groups: {
name: "RandomUniEvents",
weight: 100,
tags: ["Uni", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Uni", "Morning"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Uni", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Uni", "Evening"] }
<<media "Data/Locations/uni.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Actions/RE/Uni/3/uni15.webp" "gif">>
There is less and less fabric on the uniforms of many female students. hehe...
<<UpdateArousal "+5">>
<<button [[Back in action|Uni]]>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 10,
filter: `$DrugSpread >= 3`,
groups: {
name: "RandomUniEvents",
weight: 100,
tags: ["Uni", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Uni", "Morning"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Uni", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Uni", "Evening"] }
<<media "Data/Locations/uni.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Actions/RE/Uni/3/uni9.webp" "gif">>
Some teachers decided that working on the concentration of female students was also part of their responsibilities. And the student girls don't mind it!
<<UpdateArousal "+5">>
<<button [[Back in action|Uni]]>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 10,
filter: `$DrugSpread >= 3`,
groups: {
name: "RandomUniEvents",
weight: 100,
tags: ["Uni", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Uni", "Morning"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Uni", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Uni", "Evening"] }
<<media "Data/Locations/uni.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Actions/RE/Uni/3/uni34.webp" "gif">>
This girl used to score top marks in most subjects!....and now she's greedily sucking someone's cock....
<<MNpcDialog null null "Guy">>Look at what an awesome slut you've become. Did I raise you well?<</MNpcDialog>>
<<FNpcDialog null null "Girl">>Ahhh, fuck! I love being a slut! I like getting fucked!!<</FNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Actions/RE/Uni/3/uni41.webp" "gif">>
I have to be careful not to accidentally end up in her shoes one day.
<<UpdateArousal "+5">>
<<button [[Back in action|Uni]]>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 10,
filter: `$DrugSpread >= 3`,
groups: {
name: "RandomUniEvents",
weight: 100,
tags: ["Uni", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Uni", "Morning"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Uni", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Uni", "Evening"] }
<<media "Data/Locations/uni.jpg" "place">>
It seems this young girl is the new English teacher. And the guy is her student?
<<media "Data/Actions/RE/Uni/3/uni19.webp" "gif">>
I guess that's not what she had in mind when she left him after class...
<<media "Data/Actions/RE/Uni/3/uni20.webp" "gif">>
<<UpdateArousal "+5">>
<<button [[Back in action|Uni]]>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 10,
filter: `$DrugSpread >= 3`,
groups: {
name: "RandomUniEvents",
weight: 100,
tags: ["Uni", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Uni", "Morning"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Uni", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Uni", "Evening"] }
<<media "Data/Locations/uni.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Actions/RE/Uni/3/uni50.webp" "gif">>
Honor girls in the library make great prey for hunters.
<<UpdateArousal "+5">>
<<button [[Back in action|Uni]]>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 10,
filter: `$DrugSpread >= 3`,
groups: {
name: "RandomUniEvents",
weight: 100,
tags: ["Uni", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Uni", "Morning"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Uni", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Uni", "Evening"] }
<<media "Data/Locations/uni.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Actions/RE/Uni/3/uni37.webp" "gif">>
Student girls have become much more amenable.
<<UpdateArousal "+5">>
<<button [[Back in action|Uni]]>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 10,
filter: `$DrugSpread >= 3`,
groups: {
name: "RandomUniEvents",
weight: 100,
tags: ["Uni", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Uni", "Morning"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Uni", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Uni", "Evening"] }
<<media "Data/Locations/uni.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Actions/RE/Uni/3/uni36.webp" "gif">>
A blowjob master-class at recess between classes has become commonplace.
<<UpdateArousal "+5">>
<<button [[Back in action|Uni]]>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 10,
filter: `$DrugSpread >= 3`,
groups: {
name: "RandomUniEvents",
weight: 100,
tags: ["Uni", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Uni", "Morning"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Uni", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Uni", "Evening"] }
<<media "Data/Locations/uni.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Actions/RE/Uni/3/uni35.webp" "gif">>
They used to bully this guy. Now the bullying looks a little different.
<<UpdateArousal "+5">>
<<button [[Back in action|Uni]]>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 10,
filter: `$DrugSpread >= 3`,
groups: {
name: "RandomUniEvents",
weight: 100,
tags: ["Uni", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Uni", "Morning"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Uni", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Uni", "Evening"] }
<<media "Data/Locations/uni.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Actions/RE/Uni/3/uni33.webp" "gif">>
Hot female students are increasingly succumbing to unbridled passion!
<<UpdateArousal "+5">>
<<button [[Back in action|Uni]]>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 10,
filter: `$DrugSpread >= 3`,
groups: {
name: "RandomUniEvents",
weight: 100,
tags: ["Uni", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Uni", "Morning"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Uni", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Uni", "Evening"] }
<<media "Data/Locations/uni.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Actions/RE/Uni/3/uni32.webp" "gif">>
This girl's behavior has derailed several of this teacher's classes. Looks like he found a way to bring her up a good student.
<<UpdateArousal "+5">>
<<button [[Back in action|Uni]]>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 10,
filter: `$DrugSpread >= 3`,
groups: {
name: "RandomUniEvents",
weight: 100,
tags: ["Uni", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Uni", "Morning"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Uni", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Uni", "Evening"] }
<<media "Data/Locations/uni.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Actions/RE/Uni/3/uni31.webp" "gif">>
Pre-exam counseling has become an important part of the learning process.
<<UpdateArousal "+5">>
<<button [[Back in action|Uni]]>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 10,
filter: `$DrugSpread >= 3`,
groups: {
name: "RandomUniEvents",
weight: 100,
tags: ["Uni", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Uni", "Morning"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Uni", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Uni", "Evening"] }
<<media "Data/Locations/uni.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Actions/RE/Uni/3/uni30.webp" "gif">>
Looks like another honors student girl is about to become a hopeless slut...
<<UpdateArousal "+5">>
<<button [[Back in action|Uni]]>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 10,
filter: `$DrugSpread >= 3 and $P.Gender === "f"`,
groups: {
name: "RandomUniEvents",
weight: 100,
tags: ["Uni", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Uni", "Morning"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Uni", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Uni", "Evening"] }
<<media "Data/Locations/uni.jpg" "place">>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Astronomy teacher">>Hey, you! You skipped my class! You student girls think too highly of yourselves!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Eh? Your class is an elective, and I don't need all this astrology stuff. So what do you want from me, teacher?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Astronomy teacher">>Astrology?! Grr...! Come with me and I'll show you that you shouldn't confuse the title of my subject with something unrealistic!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<if $P.Cor >= 40>>\
<<button [[Follow him|REUniCont]]>><<set $REUniCont = 0>><</button>>
<<button [[Decline|Uni]]>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 10,
filter: `$DrugSpread >= 3 and $P.Gender === "f"`,
groups: {
name: "RandomUniEvents",
weight: 100,
tags: ["Uni", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Uni", "Morning"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Uni", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Uni", "Evening"] }
<<media "Data/Locations/uni.jpg" "place">>
Some strange guy of small stature suddenly appeared in front of me. His eyes were running, and he was twitching and his hands were sliding all over his body.
<<MNpcDialog null null "Some little guy">>You...you're just beautiful! You're irresistible! You're exactly what I've been looking for! I can't control it...! This feeling.....down there.... Please, my lady, let me cum! I'll give you 40$ for it!<</MNpcDialog>>
It's not every day you get to hear so many compliments about yourself. And this image of him is a total delight. Celtos was definitely involved.
<<if $P.Cor >= 40>>\
<<button [[Go with him (+40$)|REUniCont]]>><<set $REUniCont = 1>><</button>>
<<button [[Decline|Uni]]>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 10,
filter: `$DrugSpread >= 3 and $P.Gender === "f"`,
groups: {
name: "RandomUniEvents",
weight: 100,
tags: ["Uni", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Uni", "Morning"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Uni", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Uni", "Evening"] }
<<media "Data/Locations/uni.jpg" "place">>
Some guy came up to me. He's breathing hard and looking at me piercingly.
<<MNpcDialog null null "Some strange guy">>Hit my dick.<</MNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Eh?!<</PlayerDialog>>
I looked down and saw the huge standing bump in his pants.
<<MNpcDialog null null "Some strange guy">>I can't stand it! My dick hurts! Please! I've become addicted to this feeling! I have 10$ on me! Please!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<if $P.Cor >= 40>>\
<<button [[Go with him (+10$)|REUniCont]]>><<set $REUniCont = 2>><</button>>
<<button [[Decline|Uni]]>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 10,
filter: `$DrugSpread >= 3 and $P.Gender === "m"`,
groups: {
name: "RandomUniEvents",
weight: 100,
tags: ["Uni", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Uni", "Morning"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Uni", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Uni", "Evening"] }
<<media "Data/Locations/uni.jpg" "place">>
Two lollipop-sipping female students are arguing about something outside an empty classroom, then one of them suddenly turns to me.
<<FNpcDialog null null "Lollipop-sipping student girl 1">>Hey, handsome guy. This lollipop is so small, I'm sure I could fit something bigger in my mouth. ~giggle~<</FNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Is that some kind of hint?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<FNpcDialog null null "Lollipop-sipping student girl 1">>Maybe, sweetie...<</FNpcDialog>>
<<button [[Go with them |REUniCont]]>><<set $REUniCont = 3>><</button>>
<<button [[Decline|Uni]]>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 10,
filter: `$DrugSpread >= 3 and $P.Gender === "m"`,
groups: {
name: "RandomUniEvents",
weight: 100,
tags: ["Uni", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Uni", "Morning"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Uni", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Uni", "Evening"] }
<<media "Data/Locations/uni.jpg" "place">>
My path was blocked by a teacher, she was chewing gum and smiling wildly.
<<FNpcDialog null null "Teacher">>Hey, man. You're not my student.<</FNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>That's right, you're not taking any of my classes.<</PlayerDialog>>
She smiled even wider.
<<FNpcDialog null null "Teacher">>I need help with an important issue, but my student just went out somewhere, maybe you can help me with my small problem? ~giggle~<</FNpcDialog>>
<<button [[Go with her|REUniCont]]>><<set $REUniCont = 4>><</button>>
<<button [[Decline|Uni]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/uni.jpg" "place">>
<<switch $REUniCont>>\
<<case 0>>\
<<MNpcDialog null null "Astronomy teacher">>Ha-ha-ha! All the female students at this university are easy whores! And it looks like you're no exception!<</MNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Actions/RE/Uni/3/fuck483.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>Ah...!That's because you put it in my tea! You poisoned me!<</PlayerDialog>>
Could it be Celtos again?! I have no strength to resist him!
<<MNpcDialog null null "Astronomy teacher">>I couldn't poison you if I put the same thing in my tea too too, so enjoy it while you can! Hopefully this elective will make you not confuse astronomy and astrology anymore! <</MNpcDialog>>
Celtos is a very strong thing, you can still control yourself under its effects, but it's too hard to resist harassment...
<<UpdateArousal "0">>
<<case 1>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Some little guy">>Oh, my God, my lady! You're so beautiful! The goddess herself let me cum on her breasts! I've never been so happy! I'm ready to serve you forever! <</MNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Actions/RE/Uni/3/cum144.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Don't hold back, baby<</PlayerDialog>>
He's so happy right now, even though I know that whatever he's saying right now, it's likely to be different after the Celtos effect is over.
<<set $P.Money += 40>>
@@color:lime;You got 40$.@@
<<UpdateArousal "+30">>
<<case 2>>
We went with him. We found a private corner where we undressed. He looked at me pitifully, his cock quivering in impatience.
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>I hope you're ready. Let's go on three. One, two....<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Actions/RE/Uni/3/cockhit15.mp4">>
His legs trembled and he bent over, but a terribly dazzling smile shone on his face.
<<MNpcDialog null null "Some strange guy">>Ough! Yeeesss! It hurts! Thank you! AH! THANK YOU!<</MNpcDialog>>
Yeah, he's a strange guy, isn't he? I can't imagine asking someone to do something like that... But being the one to fulfill that request....is different...it's a strange feeling..... and I can't say I didn't like it at all....
<<UpdateSubDom "+3">>
<<set $P.Money += 10>>
@@color:lime;You got 10$.@@
<<UpdateArousal "+5">>
<<case 3>>
<<FNpcDialog null null "Lollipop-sipping student girl 1">>I told you I could easily handle something bigger. It's a much better feeling in mouth. And this guy seems to like it, too.<</FNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Actions/RE/Uni/3/unigif4.mp4">>
<<FNpcDialog null null "Lollipop-sipping student girl 2">>Oh, I'm kind of jealous of you.<</FNpcDialog>>
<<FNpcDialog null null "Lollipop-sipping student girl 1">>I can share with you, we are friends after all!<</FNpcDialog>>
<<FNpcDialog null null "Lollipop-sipping student girl 2">>You are so sweet and kind, thank you so much! Boy, will you be our lollipop man for a little while longer?<</FNpcDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Hehe...no problem...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Actions/RE/Uni/3/unigif3.mp4">>
Hot college girls are something. Maybe this spread of Celtos wasn't the worst decision!
<<UpdateArousal "0">>
<<case 4>>
<<FNpcDialog null null "Teacher">>I'm so glad you agreed to help me! ~giggle~<</FNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Actions/RE/Uni/3/unigif6.mp4">>
Looks like Celtos might be a gum too. Well, I guess it could be anything you can eat or drink.
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Let me guess, that's the gum that student gives you?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<FNpcDialog null null "Teacher">>Yeees! He treats me to it every day, I'm not myself after it, but I love the feeling so much! ~giggle~ <</FNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Actions/RE/Uni/3/unigif8.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Why isn't this student here right now?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<FNpcDialog null null "Teacher">>I gave him a grade worse than he wanted, so he said as punishment he wouldn't stay with me after school as usual! <</FNpcDialog>>
Looks like someone has their own Vanessa analog, haha!
<<media "Data/Actions/RE/Uni/3/unigif7.mp4">>
<<UpdateArousal "0">>
<<button [[Back in action|Uni]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 90,
groups: "RandomUniTalk",
filter: `$P.Gender === "m" && $MorningTalking === false`,
tags: ["Uni", "Daily", "RandomUniTalk", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Uni", "RandomUniTalk", "Morning"] }
<<media "Data/Locations/uni.jpg" "place">>
<<switch $Carol.TabletLvl>>\
<<case 0>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Carol!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CarolDialog "disgust">>What do you want?<</CarolDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>I've been meaning to ask how to properly use these soft things....ooh their name<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CarolDialog "disgust">>Fucking tampons? I told you already! Are you stupid or...<</CarolDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Hey, loser. Is that your chick? Have you sucked my dick before?. Let me remember, wiggle your ass a little<</BullyDialog>>
<<CarolDialog "disgust">>...Who the hell is this clown?<</CarolDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Hey, watch your dirty mouth, bitch!<</BullyDialog>>
<<CarolDialog "disgust">>Your mother's mouth is dirty, asshole<</CarolDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Stephan, this is a bad time, Carol and I have an important conversation, right Carol?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CarolDialog "disgust">>fUCK BOTH OF YOU, STUPID IDIOTS! Get away from me quickly!<</CarolDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>..ok<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>...screw that crazy<</BullyDialog>>
<<case 1>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Hey, Carol!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CarolDialog "confused">>Oh, Nikita. Did you make sure no one was looking at us before you started talking to me?<</CarolDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>No, but it's a good idea, because we don't want anyone else to know that we're changing bodies<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CarolDialog "disgust">>No, just because you're disgusting<</CarolDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Oh, that's why..<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CarolDialog "happy">>Don't worry so much, I've already made my peace with it<</CarolDialog>>
That fact really cheered me up.
<<case 2>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Hey, Carol!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CarolDialog "happy">>Oh, Hi!<</CarolDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>How's it going?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>I'm fine, thank you!<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Stephan?!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CarolDialog "happy">>He seems to be the bully who's always fucking your brains, right?<</CarolDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Haha! Babe, I can show you that I'm fucking hard not only brains<</BullyDialog>>
<<CarolDialog "horny" 1>>Ah, boys, you are so close! Nikita, I hope you're not using my body to do anything naughty..<</CarolDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>What is she talking about?<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Ahaaa-hahh, she's just a little crazy, ha-ha. Stephan, I'll tell you something<</PlayerDialog>>
Seeing his displeased look, I just grabbed his arm and dragged him away.
<<CarolDialog "horny" 1>>See you, boys!<</CarolDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>I like crazy bitches!<</BullyDialog>>
I ended up having to buy Stephan a soda.
<<UpdateMoney "-5">>
<<button [[Leave|Uni]]>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 90,
groups: "RandomUniTalk",
filter: `$P.Gender === "m" && $MorningTalking === false`,
tags: ["Uni", "Daily", "RandomUniTalk", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Uni", "RandomUniTalk", "Morning"] }
<<media "Data/Locations/uni.jpg" "place">>
<<switch $GF.TabletLvl>>
<<case 0>>
<<GirlfriendDialog "serious">>There you are! Why can't I see you in the library?<</GirlfriendDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Is there a library here?!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<GirlfriendDialog "serious">>Grrrr, why are you always so unserious? You need to get more serious!<</GirlfriendDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Hey, then why don't I see you at the gym?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<GirlfriendDialog "arrogant">>Because you're lazy and stupid and don't go to the gym<</GirlfriendDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Heh-heh (sad sob), why are you so cruel?!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<case 1>>
<<GirlfriendDialog "serious">>Hey, you! Quickly explain why your grades aren't improving?<</GirlfriendDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>How to explain, right now my head is busy with one...khm..."project". And anyway, my grades are pretty good, definitely above average!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<GirlfriendDialog "arrogant">>Above average and better is different, in case you didn't know. What do you need for achievening that? Tits, ass, suck your dick or what?<</GirlfriendDialog>>
Whoa, girl, take it easy!
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Would you like to...smile?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<GirlfriendDialog "serious">>What?!<</GirlfriendDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>s-smile..<</PlayerDialog>>
Her cheeks curved unnaturally, and then it was as if I could hear all those muscles in her face that hadn't been strained in years!
<<GirlfriendDialog "happy">>You will sit for hours and under my supervision, line by line, hour by hour, studying the books I choose, until you've learned them all by heart<</GirlfriendDialog>>
It's better to kill me right away! When she says it with a smile, it makes it even scarier.
<<BullyDialog>>Hey, Nikita<</BullyDialog>>
<<GirlfriendDialog "happy">>Hey, motherfucker, can't you see I'm talking? You blind or what? Get out of here or wait quietly on the sidelines until I'm done, got it?!<</GirlfriendDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>..y-yes, ma'am<</BullyDialog>>
scaaaared so much.
<<case 2>>
<<GirlfriendDialog "happy">>Hey, Nikita!<</GirlfriendDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Hi, Loser!<</BullyDialog>>
Why are these both at the same time?!
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Hi, did you want something?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<GirlfriendDialog "happy">>Out of habit I wanted to ask you, how are you doing with your studies? Hmm..It doesn't matter, though. Will you come to my place tonight?<</GirlfriendDialog>>
Stephan elbowed me in the side.
<<BullyDialog>>Hey, there's something different about her, isn't there? She's a really hot bitch now<</BullyDialog>>
<<GirlfriendDialog "confused">>What did you call me?!<</GirlfriendDialog>>
Stephan and I froze for a second. Stephan, realizing that the question was for him, clenched his fists and summoned all the will and pathos he had and forced a smile out of him.
<<BullyDialog>>Yeah! Now you're just a dumb hot bitch with a great figure... So what?!<</BullyDialog>>
<<GirlfriendDialog "horny">>Thank you..<</GirlfriendDialog>>
<<button [[Leave|Uni]]>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 20,
filter: `$P.Gender == "m" and $Teacher.TabletLvl == 1 and $RandomEventTime == true`,
tags: ["Uni", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Uni", "Afternoon"], isSeparate: true }
<<media "Data/Locations/uni.jpg" "place">>
University.<<set $RandomEventTime = false>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/uni3.jpg" "just">>
<<TeacherDialog "happy">>Wow, this is our smarty chemist!<</TeacherDialog>>
<<if $Teacher.Admit == 0 or $Teacher.Admit == 2>>\
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Wow, that's our slutty teacher!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/uni1.jpg" "just">>
<<TeacherDialog "horny" 2>>Aha! H-How dare you to talk like this to your teacher? <</TeacherDialog>>
Fuck, she just glows with happiness!
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Well. I'm really sorry. I promise don't talk to you like that if you lift up your skirt a little<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/uni.jpg" "just">>
<<TeacherDialog "serious">>Really?<</TeacherDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/uni5.jpg" "just">>
<<TeacherDialog "horny" 1>>Then please watch your tongue from now on<</TeacherDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>See? You are still a whore<</PlayerDialog>>
<<TeacherDialog "horny" 2>>Ahaa-aa. I urgently need some privacy. I'll get you later!<</TeacherDialog>>
<<UpdateTeacherCorruption "+2">>
<<if $P.Gender == "m" and $Teacher.Admit == 2>>\
<<button [[Follow her|SluttyTeacher1]]>><</button>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Glad to see you, Ms.Vanessa!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/uni1.jpg" "just">>
<<TeacherDialog "serious">>Well done, child. Come to the office sometime for a "consultation".<</TeacherDialog>>
<<button [[She left|Uni]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/office.jpg" "place">>
Vanessa's office.
You enter the office one minute after her.
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/uni7.jpg" "just">>
<<TeacherDialog "disagree">>Hey, what are you doing here? Oh, well.. You... misunderstood. I'm still a teacher! I'm not...lustful enough...to...masturbate between classes.<</TeacherDialog>>
Who are you trying to fool
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Not lustful enough? You almost came right in the middle of the hallway 2 minutes ago!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/uni8.jpg" "just">>
<<TeacherDialog "disagree">>No..!I-I just..<</TeacherDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>You were ready to cum right in the hallway. If I pulled out a dick, then you would plant your juicy rolls on it instantly<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/uni12.jpg" "just">>
<<TeacherDialog "horny" 2>>Damn, that feeling again! So goood feeeeling! <</TeacherDialog>>
Looks like she warmed up pretty well
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/uni15.jpg" "just">>
<<TeacherDialog "horny" 1>>I'm so horny. I can't think of anything but cocks! Oooaahh.. Let me be your teacher-slut today, just please.........fuck me...<</TeacherDialog>>
Ha-ha-ha, awesome.
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/gif/f9.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>I bet everyone thinks the moans are coming from your office now. And if someone enters, they will see you, like a real whore, jump ass on my dick. What can you tell about that?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<TeacherDialog "horny" 1>>Oh my God! Ahh..yes...yeeeah! I don't care! Just keep fucking me!<</TeacherDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/gif/f10.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>It seems your class started 10 minutes ago. Those waiting for your arrival do not even imagine that you are late because at this time you are fucking with your student<</PlayerDialog>>
<<TeacherDialog "horny" 1>>I'll lie...or apologize...Just...Pound me harder...it's soooo goood!<</TeacherDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Such a satisfied face. You've become a great whore.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/gif/bj5.mp4">>
<<UpdateTeacherCorruption "+4">>
<<UpdateArousal "0">>
<<UpdateSubDom "+1">>
<<button [[Leave|Uni]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 20,
filter: `$P.Gender == "m" and $Teacher.TabletLvl == 2 and $RandomEventTime == true`,
tags: ["Uni", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Uni", "Afternoon"], isSeparate: true }
<<media "Data/Locations/uni.jpg" "place">>
University.<<set $RandomEventTime = false>>
<<if $Teacher.Slut == true>>\
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/uni3.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Vanessa, are you on a break?<</PlayerDialog>>
Why is she staring at me so greedily?
<<if $P.Gender == "m">>\
<<TeacherDialog "happy">>You can follow me if you want<</TeacherDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/uni4.jpg" "just">>
<<button [[Follow her|SluttyTeacherlvl2fuck]]>><</button>>
<<button [[She left|Uni]]>><</button>>
<<TeacherDialog "happy">>Hey, Nikita! Great day today, huh? I've been in a great mood more and more lately!<</TeacherDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/uni1.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>You're right!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<if $Teacher.Cor < 120>>\
<<button [[She left|Uni]]>><</button>>
<<TeacherDialog "happy">>Would you like to walk with me to my office?<</TeacherDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/uni2.jpg" "just">>
<<button [[Why not?|SluttyTeacherlvl2bj]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Sorry, I'm busy|Uni]]>><</button>>
<</if>>\<<media "Data/Locations/office.jpg" "place">>
Vanessa's office.
<<if $P.Gender == "m">>\
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>What are you doing?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<TeacherDialog "serious">>I just want to play a little...<</TeacherDialog>>
<<TeacherDialog "horny" 1>>...with your dick<</TeacherDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/gif/bj2.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>I didn't think you were going to keep doing that<</PlayerDialog>>
<<TeacherDialog "serious">>I just want to make this day even better...mmm...I'm so used to this dick...<</TeacherDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Oof, I'm gonna cum!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<TeacherDialog "serious">>Don't hold back!<</TeacherDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/gif/c.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Vanessa, you're the best!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<TeacherDialog "serious">>I know, sweetheart... But you have no idea how much it excites me to think how I look to you now...<</TeacherDialog>>
<<UpdateTeacherCorruption "+4">>
<<UpdateArousal "0">>
<<UpdateSubDom "+1">>
<<button [[Leave|Uni]]>><<movetime>><</button>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>What are you doing?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<TeacherDialog "serious">>I just want to play a little...<</TeacherDialog>>
<<TeacherDialog "horny" 1>>...let's relax...together...<</TeacherDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/gif/lesb2.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>You are very good at it<</PlayerDialog>>
<<TeacherDialog "serious">>I just want to make this day even better...are you sure it feels good?<</TeacherDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>Yes, it is!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<TeacherDialog "serious">>Then I'll make you feel even better<</TeacherDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/gif/lesb3.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 0>>Why am I so wet?..<</PlayerDialog>>
<<TeacherDialog "happy">>Because you're happy<</TeacherDialog>>
<<UpdateTeacherCorruption "+4">>
<<UpdateArousal "0">>
<<button [[Leave|Uni]]>><<movetime>><</button>>
<</if>>\<<media "Data/Locations/office.jpg" "place">>
Vanessa's office.
<<TeacherDialog "horny" 1>>The lesson goes on for so long...so long...without a dick...inside!<</TeacherDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/gif/f9.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>In case you're wondering, that's fine with me, too<</PlayerDialog>>
<<TeacherDialog "horny" 2>>My God! need...I neeed to be fucked!<</TeacherDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/gif/f10.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>I couldn't have wished for a better teacher!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>I'm sure I'll soon find a way for you to let all that lust out<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/gif/bj5.mp4">>
<<UpdateTeacherCorruption "+4">>
<<UpdateArousal "0">>
<<UpdateSubDom "+1">>
<<button [[Leave|Uni]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 30,
filter: `$P.Gender == "f" and $Teacher.TabletLvl == 1 and $Bully.SexCount > 15`,
tags: ["Uni", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Uni", "Evening"], isSeparate: true }
<<media "Data/Locations/uni.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/uni1.jpg" "just">>
<<TeacherDialog "happy">>Hey, Nikita!<</TeacherDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Glad to see you, Vanessa<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/uni.jpg" "just">>
<<TeacherDialog "serious">>Um..why are you with..?<</TeacherDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>with whom?..<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Whatsup, Nikita<</BullyDialog>>
Oh fuck, not now!
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/uni3.jpg" "just">>
<<TeacherDialog "horny" 1>>Stephan. What is your relationship with Nikita?<</TeacherDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Please!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Oh yeah! She is my bitch<</BullyDialog>>
<<TeacherDialog "horny" 1>>Really?<</TeacherDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Bully/grope8.webp" "gif">>
<<UpdateArousal "+20">>
<<BullyDialog>>Come on, say it! (^whisper^) if you say it i will fuck your brains out, i know you want my cock so much<</BullyDialog>>
<<if $P.Arousal > 60>>
Fuuuck, I'm horny as fuck, but I don't want to say it... especially in front of my teacher...
<<if $P.Cor > 40 and $P.SubDom < -10>>
@@#cor;<<button [[Say it|ThatsSlut3]]>><</button>>@@
<<if $P.Arousal < 100>>\
<<button [[Say it's not true|ThatsSlut2]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Push his hand away|ThatsSlut1]]>><</button>>
@@#cor;<<button [[Say it|ThatsSlut3]]>><</button>>@@
<</if>>\<<media "Data/Locations/uni.jpg" "place">>
Stephan now has the face of a child who has lost his favorite toy. I have to get out of here. fast.
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Sorry, I got to go<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/uni1.jpg" "just">>
<<TeacherDialog "happy">>See you, Nikita!<</TeacherDialog>>
<<button [[Leave|Uni]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/uni.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Bully/grope8.webp" "gif">>
<<UpdateArousal "+20">>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>No! He's...wrong!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/uni.jpg" "just">>
<<TeacherDialog "horny" 0>>Don't you mind to tell me exactly what you do with her?<</TeacherDialog>>
<<if $Teacher.Admit == 1>>
<<BullyDialog>>She's a real pervert! Sucking my huge dick in the restroom, you know? She's practically begging me to fuck her hard!<</BullyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/uni3.jpg" "just">>
<<TeacherDialog "serious">>That's enough! You must understand that such behavior is unforgivable, you are talking to your teacher. I'll summon you to my office for a talk later, but for now both of you are dismissed!<</TeacherDialog>>
<<button [[Leave|Uni]]>><<movetime>><</button>>
<<BullyDialog>>She's a real pervert! Sucking my huge dick in the restroom, you know? She's practically begging me to fuck her hard!<</BullyDialog>>
<<TeacherDialog "serious">>Wow, really?<</TeacherDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Yes! But you're okay, too. Turn around, let me have a look at you <</BullyDialog>>
<<TeacherDialog "serious">>You...you can't boss the teacher around!<</TeacherDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Damn, those legs and ass. I'd fuck you like a whore all day long!<</BullyDialog>>
<<TeacherDialog "horny" 1>>whore? Mm...You can't talk to a teacher like that! I'll probably have to call you into my office for an educational talk...he-he<</TeacherDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/uni4.jpg" "just">>
<<button [[Leave|Uni]]>><<movetime>><</button>>
<</if>>\<<media "Data/Locations/uni.jpg" "place">>
<<UpdateArousal "+20">>
I'm horny to the extreme, I need to do something!
..Yes! I need a cock! Ok, only this time.
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Yes, I'm... his bitch...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/uni.jpg" "just">>
<<TeacherDialog "horny" 0>>What is that supposed to mean?<</TeacherDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>That means she's my personal a-hole. I can make her blow me or fuck me hard where I want and when I want. And she'll moan and jump happily on my cock! He-he<</BullyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/uni4.jpg" "just">>
<<TeacherDialog "serious">>There have been so many whores at this uni lately...<</TeacherDialog>>
It certainly is.
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/uni2.jpg" "just">>
<<TeacherDialog "serious">>Well, I have to go to my date...Oh, by the way. I think I left my office door unlocked. And I can't come back for more than an hour! I've been so forgetful lately...<</TeacherDialog>>
The last thing I remember well was Stephan's rapid breathing and burning eyes..
<<button [[...|ThatsSlut4]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/office.jpg" "place">>
Vanessa's office.
<<BullyDialog>>Come on, whore, shake your ass harder<</BullyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Bully/fuck42.mp4">>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Ahh...you treat me like a piece of m-meat<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Look at yourself, you ARE piece of meat!<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Ahh...I'm cumming<</PlayerDialog>>
He used you for a while and left when he was satisfied.
being fucked... feels so good
<<UpdateArousal "0">>
<<if $P.Cor < 50>><<UpdateCorruption "+1">><</if>>
<<UpdateSubDom "-1">>
<<set $Bully.SexCount++>>
<<button [[Leave|Uni]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 30,
filter: `$P.Gender == "f" and $Teacher.TabletLvl == 2 and $Bully.SexCount > 15`,
tags: ["Uni", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Uni", "Evening"], isSeparate: true }
<<media "Data/Locations/uni.jpg" "place">>
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/uni1.jpg" "just">>
<<TeacherDialog "happy">>Hey, Nikita! Are you with him again?<</TeacherDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Hi! I'm not...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Bully/grope8.webp" "gif">>
<<BullyDialog>>You are, Nikita. We are.<</BullyDialog>>
<<if $Teacher.Slut == true>>\
<<TeacherDialog "horny" 0>>Oh, you're still his bitch, are you? How's that?<</TeacherDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>I'm not!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>She's lying. She adores my cock!<</BullyDialog>>
<<TeacherDialog "happy">>Mmm...ha-ha<</TeacherDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/uni4.jpg" "just">>
<<TeacherDialog "horny" 2>>If you had the chance, would you make a bitch out of, say, me?<</TeacherDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Bitch, you couldn't live without my cock after that!<</BullyDialog>>
Is she really trying to take Stephan away from me? I guess that's one way to look at it...but she's mine! I don't want to give her to Stephan!
<<button [[Let them go|Uni]]>><<set $Teacher.Universal++>><</button>>
<<if $P.Money >= 100>>\
<<button [[Bribe Stephan (100$)|ThatsSlutlvl2Bribe]]>><</button>>
@@#cor;<<button [[Take matters into my own hands|ThatsSlutlvl2Infrontof]]>><</button>>@@
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/uni3.jpg" "just">>
<<TeacherDialog "horny" 1>>Hey you. University is not a place for sexual harassment.<</TeacherDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>A whore like you can't tell me what to do!<</BullyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/uni.jpg" "just">>
<<TeacherDialog "horny" 1>>Do you really hit on all the girls like that?<</TeacherDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>What if I do? I'm surrounded by a bunch of fucking sluts, and you're no exception! Come on, show me what's under your skirt and I'll leave both of you...for now...<</BullyDialog>>
<<if $Teacher.Cor < 120>>\
<<TeacherDialog "disagree">>Don't talk to me like that, puppy. There are cameras everywhere and I have access to them. Get out of here if you don't want to get kicked out of this university.<</TeacherDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>All right, why should I waste my time with you? I have other things to do... @@font-size:50%;Bitch, that's not how she acted before.@@<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Wow<</PlayerDialog>>
<<TeacherDialog "happy">>Have a nice day!<</TeacherDialog>>
<<button [[Back in action|Uni]]>><</button>>
<<TeacherDialog "horny" 0>>Well, you made a promise, and you have to keep your promises, dear Stephan<</TeacherDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/uni5.jpg" "just">>
<<BullyDialog>>Ha-ha-ha! It's only a matter of time before the two of you are sucking my cock right in this hallway! Bye, bitches!<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "confused">>Wow<</PlayerDialog>>
<<TeacherDialog "happy">>Have a nice day!<</TeacherDialog>>
<<UpdateArousal "+20">>
<<button [[Back in action|Uni]]>><</button>>
<</if>>\<<media "Data/Locations/uni.jpg" "place">>
<<PlayerDialog "happy">>Stephan, Vanessa has a class coming up, you need sex, right? I'll lend you 100$ for the girls. Pay me back when you can.<</PlayerDialog>>
<<set P.Money -= 100>>
@@color:red; You lost 100$@@
<<BullyDialog>>Wow, that's generous! You're finally starting to do some good. Then I'm off, bye, bitches!<</BullyDialog>>
He left. Vanessa looks unhappy that everything was decided for her.
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/uni3.jpg" "just">>
<<TeacherDialog "disagree">>I think it's time for me to go, too...@@font-size:50%;..bitch...@@<</TeacherDialog>>
<<button [[Back in action|Uni]]>><</button>><<media "Data/Locations/office.jpg" "place">>
Vanessa's office.
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Vanessa, are you confused about anything? I'm his bitch, and I'm right here!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/uni3.jpg" "just">>
<<TeacherDialog "disagree">>These are empty words until I see it with my own eyes<</TeacherDialog>>
That bitch...
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<BullyDialog>>Vanessa, I always knew you were such a mess<</BullyDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/gif/m.mp4">>
<<TeacherDialog "horny" 1>>I just have to make sure that you're not using her, but I see Nikita is doing fine<</TeacherDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Mmm..mm...~slurp~...<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Bully/bj82.mp4">>
<<BullyDialog>>Wow, she was so turned on today. Probably because you're looking at her. Get ready, bitch, I'm gonna cum!<</BullyDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "horny" 1>>Yees! Give it to me! You are mine, and you are mine too! Everything is mine! Hehehe!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/P/F/Bully/cum122.mp4">>
<<TeacherDialog "happy">>Wow, you really love that dick!<</TeacherDialog>>
<<UpdateArousal "0">>
<<if $P.Cor < 60>><<UpdateCorruption "+1">><</if>>
<<set $Bully.SexCount++>>
<<button [[Leave|Uni]]>><<movetime>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 15,
filter: `$P.Gender == "m" and $RandomEventTime == true`,
tags: ["Uni", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Uni", "Afternoon"] }
<<media "Data/Locations/uni.jpg" "place">>
University.<<set $RandomEventTime = false>>
<<switch $Carol.TabletLvl>>
<<case 0>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Carol/uni.jpg" "just">>
<<CarolDialog "disgust">>Can you leave me alone at least at school? What if someone sees us and thinks we know each other?<</CarolDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>C'mon. Listen, I have some kind of serious problem. My dick gets on almost on every girl in uni, can you imagine?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CarolDialog "disgust">>Ugly creep.. I don't see this problem of you now<</CarolDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Ha-ha, I bet 10 $ that it won't get hard on you, no matter what you do!<</PlayerDialog>>
The trap didn't turn out very well. Just like a psychologist out of me.
<<CarolDialog "disgust">>Fuuuaa. What do I care about your dick? Keep your money and go away or I'll scream<</CarolDialog>>
Taste defeat. But I'll be back!
<<case 1>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Carol/uni.jpg" "just">>
<<CarolDialog "disgust">>Can you leave me alone at least at school? What if someone sees us and thinks we know each other?<</CarolDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>C'mon. Listen, I have some kind of serious problem. My dick gets on almost on every girl in uni, can you imagine?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CarolDialog "disgust">>Ugly creep...<</CarolDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Ha-ha, I bet 10 $ that it won't get hard on you, no matter what you do!<</PlayerDialog>>
She changes position, slightly stretching her skirt in her arms.
<<media "Data/Characters/Carol/uni1.jpg" "just">>
<<CarolDialog "serious">>You think I don't understand that you can barely keep up and just want to see more? Lustful bastard! Smartest or what? Disappear!<</CarolDialog>>
Taste of defeat again. Not only arrogant, but she's not stupid either! That doesn't work. We will fix it for sure!
<<case 2>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Carol/uni1.jpg" "just">>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Ha-ha, I bet 10 $ that it won't get hard on you, no matter what you do!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CarolDialog "serious">>You already asked me about it and also offered a bet. I don't remember why, but I refused. My opinion hasn't changed!<</CarolDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Oh, the problem in money, right? So there will be no bet!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Carol/uni2.jpg" "just">>
<<CarolDialog "happy">>Okay, then!<</CarolDialog>>
<<CarolDialog "serious">>Did already your dick get hard?<</CarolDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Not yet!<</PlayerDialog>>
I lied.
<<media "Data/Characters/Carol/uni3.jpg" "just">>
<<CarolDialog "confused">>Strange! Your dick gets on others, but it doesn't get on me?<</CarolDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Umm...!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<CarolDialog "confused">>So more is needed!<</CarolDialog>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Oh fuck! What if someone comes in?<</PlayerDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Carol/uni4.jpg" "just">>
<<CarolDialog "serious">>I seem to be aroused. How is your dick?<</CarolDialog>>
Hell, I have to finish it
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>Hard as a rock!<</PlayerDialog>>
<<UpdateArousal "+25">>
<<button [[Leave her|Uni]]>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 15,
groups: "UniversityVanessa",
filter: `$MetTeacher == true and $Teacher.TabletLvl === 2 and $Teacher.Slut === true`,
tags: ["Uni", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Uni", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Uni", "Evening"] }
<<media "Data/Locations/uni.jpg" "place">>
University.<<set $RandomEventTime = false>>
<<TeacherDialog "serious">>I found you! You do terrible things! You're the one who harasses girls at the university!<</TeacherDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Student">>Aw, teacher, what makes you think that?<</MNpcDialog>>
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/gif/te3.webp" "gif">>
<<TeacherDialog "horny" 2>>Uh..hehe...It's just a guess.... but maybe I was wrong....hehe<</TeacherDialog>>
Nice try, Vanessa.
<<UpdateArousal "+15">>
<<button [[Back in action|Uni]]>><</button>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
isEnabled: true,
type: "goto",
threshold: 15,
groups: "UniversityVanessa",
filter: `$MetTeacher == true and $Teacher.TabletLvl === 2 and $Teacher.Slut === true`,
tags: ["Uni", "Daily", "$DayTime[$CurrentDayTime]"],
limitationStrategy: [
{ max: 1, tags: ["Uni", "Afternoon"] },
{ max: 1, tags: ["Uni", "Evening"] }
<<media "Data/Locations/uni.jpg" "place">>
University.<<set $RandomEventTime = false>>
<<PlayerDialog "serious">>What is that moaning?<</PlayerDialog>>
It sounds like it's coming from this closet...
<<media "Data/Characters/Teacher/gif/f19.mp4">>
<<TeacherDialog "horny" 2>>Aren't you ashamed of yourself? Rape a teacher in a closet!<</TeacherDialog>>
<<MNpcDialog null null "Student 2">>You don't seem to be against it.<</MNpcDialog>>
<<TeacherDialog "horny" 2>>Then hurry up and finish it quickly! Otherwise I'll be late for class!<</TeacherDialog>>
That's how Vanessa has fun now.
<<UpdateSubDom "+1">>
<<UpdateArousal "+15">>
<<button [[Back in action|Uni]]>><</button>><<if $Bully.Relationship < 4 and $Bully.Relationship !== 1>>\
<<RE [[Bully]]>>
<<RE [[BullyF]]>>
<<RE [[ExtAnnounce]]>>
<<RE [[UniTooHornyRE]]>>
<<REGroup "RandomStudentsTalk" 10>>
<<REGroup "RandomUniEvents" 10>>
<<REGroup "RandomUniTalk" 90>>
<<RE [[SluttyTeacher]]>>
<<RE [[SluttyTeacherlvl2]]>>
<<RE [[UniversityHelp]]>>
<<if $Bully.Relationship < 4 and $Bully.Relationship !== 1>>\
<<RE [[ThatsSlut]]>>
<<RE [[ThatsSlutlvl2]]>>
<<REGroup "UniversityVanessa" 15>>
<<RE [[_Uni]]>><<RandomEventDefinition>>{
type: "goto",
<<media "Data/Locations/uni.jpg" "place">>
<<switch $CurrentDayTime>>\
<<case 0>>\
<<if $TalkedToJimmy == true>>\
<<button [[Chemical lab|Lab]]>><</button>>
<<if $Teacher.TabletLvl < 2>>\
<<button [[Opened classroom|UnderLessons]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Opened classroom|UnderLessons2.0]]>><</button>>
<<if $Teacher.TabletLvl >= 2>>\
<<button [[Vanessa's office|VanessaOfficeLvl2Empty]]>><</button>>
<<case 1>>
<<set $CarolInvited = false>>\
<<button [[Attend lesson|Lesson]]>><</button>>
<<case 2>>
<<if $TalkedToJimmy == true>>\
<<button [[Chemical lab|Lab]]>><</button>>
<<if $MetTeacher == true>>\
<<switch $Teacher.TabletLvl>>\
<<case 0>>\
<<button [[Vanessa's office|VanessaOffice]]>><</button>>
<<case 1>>\
<<button [[Vanessa's office|VanessaOfficeLvl1]]>><</button>>
<<case 2>>\
<<if $Teacher.Slut == true>>\
<<button [[Vanessa's office|VanessaOfficeLvl2Slut]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Vanessa's office|VanessaOfficeLvl2]]>><</button>>
<<case 3>>
<<if $TalkedToJimmy == true>>\
<<button [[Chemical lab|Lab]]>><</button>>
<<if $MetTeacher == true>>\
<<switch $Teacher.TabletLvl>>\
<<case 2>>\
<<if $Teacher.Slut == true>>\
<<button [[Vanessa's office|VanessaOfficeLvl2Slut]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Vanessa's office|VanessaOfficeLvl2]]>><</button>>
<<DrawPlaceMenu "University">>Shit, I haven't slept in three days! I can't take it anymore, I have to go to sleep!
<<button [[Go Home|HProom]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Go to Dorm|DRoom]]>><</button>>@@<<media "Data/Locations/weekend.webp" "place">>
Oh, yeah! My favorite days of week. I finally can spend a whole day doing..em...
...what to do?
<<if $MetChef == true>>\
<<button [[Work in cafe|CafeWork]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Do some freelance|NoteBookFL]]>><<movetime>><</button>>
<<button [[Boost accounts|NoteBookBoost]]>><<movetime>><</button>>
<<button [[Do science work |LabWork]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Do housework|HouseWork]]>><<movetime>><</button>>
<<if $OCManagerTasks > 0 and $P.Gender == "f">>\
<<if $OCManagerTasks != 5 and $OCManagerTasks != 6>>\
<<button [[Special stream|SStreams]]>><</button>>
<<if $OCManagerTasks == 5>>\
<<if $Inventory.DomCostume == true>>\
<<button [[Special stream|SStreams]]>><</button>>
I need a dominantrix costume for this stream.
<<if $OCManagerTasks == 6>>\
<<if $Inventory.SubKit == true and $Inventory.Dildo == true>>\
<<button [[Special stream|SStreams]]>><</button>>
I should show my submissive side. I need a piersing, collar and dildo.
<<if $P.Gender == "m">>\
<<button [[Ask Carol for a date|CarolDate]]>><</button>>
@@<<media "Data/Locations/weekend.webp" "place">>
Today was really nice and productive! It's time to sleep ^_^
<<button [[Sleep in Dorm|DWakeUp]]>><<set $P.Loc = 0>><<newday>><</button>>
<<button [[Sleep at Home|HWakeUp]]>><<set $P.Loc = 1>><<newday>><</button>>
<<if $EtherealPill.Researched === true and $Inventory.TabletsEthereal > 0>>\
@@#pill;<<button [[Take Ethereal pill|Ethereal]]>><<set $Inventory.TabletsEthereal-->><</button>>@@
<</if>>\<<widget "movetime">>
<<set _movetimeValue = parseInt(_args[0] === undefined ? 1 : _args[0])>>
<<if _movetimeValue !== NaN && _movetimeValue > 0>>
<<if ($CurrentDayTime + _movetimeValue) > 4>>
<<set $CurrentDayTime += _movetimeValue>>
<<error "Invalid widget params">>
<<widget "newday">>
<<if $CurrentDayOfWeek < 6>>
<<set $CurrentDayOfWeek++>>
<<set $DayCount++>>
<<set $CurrentDayTime = 0>>
<<widget "newweek">>
<<set $CurrentDayOfWeek = 0>>
<<widget "OnTimeChanged">>
<<set $RandomEventTime = true>>
<<if $P.Intoxication > 0>>
<<if $P.IntoxicationDecreaseMod == 2>>
<<set $P.IntoxicationDecreaseMod = 0>>
<<set $P.IntoxicationMod-=3>>
<<set $P.Intoxication-->>
<<set $P.IntoxicationDecreaseMod++>>
<<if $P.ConvergenceON == true>>
<<if $P.Arousal > 99>>
<<silently>><<UpdateCindyPower "+1">><</silently>>
<<if $P.PlugInserted == true>>
<<silently>><<UpdateArousal "+10">><</silently>>
<<silently>><<UpdateArousal "+5">><</silently>>
<<widget "OnDayChanged">>
<<OnTimeChanged>>/* TODO: Not sure, maybe need to call OnTimeChanged server times depends on $CurrentDayTime? */
<<set $SisALotOfMoneyEv = false>>
<<set $MorningDadEv = false>>
<<set $MorningTalking = false>>
<<set $Hiramitsu.InClub = true>>
<<set $Extermination = false>>
<<set $MotivatedToday = false>>
<<set $AkiraTookPillToday = false>>
<<set $EngravementEvPerDay = 0>>
<<if $Akira.TabletLvl === 2 and $Akira.pill2becomingheaddoctor === false>>
<<if $Akira.pill2becomingheaddoctorDAYS < 6>>
<<set $Akira.pill2becomingheaddoctorDAYS++>>
<<set $Akira.pill2becomingheaddoctor = true>>
<<if $Akira.pill2becomingheaddoctorEV >= 3>>
<<set $Akira.pill2becomingheaddoctor = true>>
<<if $GF.EvilCorPoints > 3>>
<<set $GF.Control-->>
<<if $DrugSpreadOrder == true>>
<<if $DrugSpreadOrderTimer > 0>>
<<set $DrugSpreadOrderTimer-->>
<<if $DrugSpread == 2>>
<<set $DrugSpread = 3>>
/* TODO: Maybe need to add <<if $P.ConvergenceON === true and $P.ConvergenceCounter < 7>><</if>> ? */
<<if $P.ConvergenceON === true>>
<<set $P.ConvergenceCounter++>>
<<if $LabExploded == true and $DaysToWitch > 0>>
<<set $DaysToWitch-->>
<<if $Akira.Negotiated == true and $Akira.DaysToArrive > 0>>
<<set $Akira.DaysToArrive-->>
<<if $Levi.Gender == "f">>
<<if $GF.EvilCorPoints > 3>>\
<<set $Levi.Perv += 2>>
<<set $Levi.Perv++>>
<<if $ClubToday == false>>
<<if $P.ClubPop > 0 and $P.ClubPop < 40>>
<<set $P.ClubPop -= 0.5>>
<<set $ClubToday = false>>
<<if $BlackArrivalTimer != 0 and $BlackArrival == true>>
<<set $BlackArrivalTimer-->>
<<set $P.ArousalLeft = $P.Arousal>>
<<if $P.Gender == "m">>
<<set $P.Gender = "f">>
<<set $P.Arousal = $P.Cor>>
<<set $P.Gender = "m">>
<<if $TalkedToJimmy == true>>
<<set $ReadyToTalkToJimmyTablets = true>>
<<if $P.Money >= $P.Spending*(-1)>>
<<set $P.Money = $P.Money - $P.Spending*(-1)>>
<<set $P.Spending = $P.EverydaySpending>>
<<set $P.Spending = $BankGain - $P.Spending>>
<<set $GameOver = false>>
<<if $OneDayFeature == false>>
<<set $OneDayFeature = true>>
<<set $P.Money = $P.Money - $P.Spending*(-1)>>
<<set $GameOver = false>>
<<set $GameOver = true>>
<<if $GameOver == true>>
<<goto "GameOver">>
<<if $InOutskirts !== true>>
<<if $P.Loc == 0>>
<<goto "DWakeUp">>
<<elseif $P.Loc == 1>>
<<goto "HWakeUp">>
<<switch $CindyAttempts>>
<<case 2>>
<<if $CindyNights[0] == false>>
<<set $CindyNights[0] = true>>
<<goto "CindyNightVisits">>
<<case 3>>
<<if $CindyNights[1] == false>>
<<set $CindyNights[1] = true>>
<<goto "CindyNightVisits">>
<<case 4>>
<<if $CindyNights[2] == false>>
<<set $CindyNights[2] = true>>
<<goto "CindyNightVisits">>
<<case 5>>
<<if $CindyNights[3] == false>>
<<set $CindyNights[3] = true>>
<<goto "CindyNightVisits">>
<<case 6>>
<<if $CindyNights[4] == false>>
<<set $CindyNights[4] = true>>
<<goto "CindyNightVisits">>
<<REResetByTag "Morning">>
<<REResetByTag "Noon">>
<<REResetByTag "Afternoon">>
<<REResetByTag "Evening">>
<<REResetByTag "Night">>
<<REResetByTag "Daily">>
<<set $IsTabletsBodySwitchDisabled = false>>/* this is just a safety code, in case if forgot to enable BodySwitch */
<<widget "OnWeekChanged">>
<<if $BullyRoom == true>>
<<if $WeeklyBullyRoomVisits < 1 and $StephanDebt < 2000 and $Bully.TabletLvl < 3>>
<<set $NoVisitPunishment = true>>
<<set $WeeklyBullyRoomVisits = 0>>
<<if $PHouse.Open == true>>
<<set _r = random (60, 100)>>
<<set $PHouse.Income = ((200 - 10.71*($PHouse.Girls - 1))/100 * _r/100 * $PHouse.Girls * $PHouse.GirlProf * $PHouse.Pop/10 + $PHouse. SuperGirlProf * $PHouse.SuperGirls * $PHouse.Pop/10 - ($PHouse.SuperGirls + $PHouse.Girls) * $PHouse.GirlExpen)/3 - 100>>
<<set $PHouse.Income to Math.trunc($PHouse.Income)>>
<<if $PHouse.Income >= 0>>
<<set $PHouse.Money += $PHouse.Income>>
<<set _positiveincome = (-1) * $PHouse.Income>>
<<if $PHouse.Money >= _positiveincome>>
<<set $PHouse.Money -= _positiveincome>>
<<set $PHouse.Income += $PHouse.Money>>
<<set $PHouse.Money = 0>>
<<set $P.Money += $PHouse.Income>>
<<set $OneDayFeature = false>>
<<if $Akira.TabletLvl < 2>>
<<if $Akira.WeeklyDebt == false>>
<<set $Akira.WeeklyDebt = true>>
<<if $Akira.AutoMoney == false>>
<<set $Akira.Shows = 0>>
<<set $Akira.Shows = 2>>
<<REResetByTag "Weekly">>
<</widget>><<widget "CustomDialog" container>>
<<set _picture = _args[0] ? _args[0] : setup.getDialogPictureByCharacterAndEmotion('default')>>
<<set _specificName = _args[1] ? _args[1] : "...">>
<<set _class = _args[2] ? _args[2] : "npc">>
<div @class="_class">
<img class = "icon" @src="_picture">
<<widget "PlayerDialog" container>>
<<set _emotion = _args[0] ? _args[0] : "default">>
<<set _emotionNumber = _args[1] ? _args[1] : null>>
<<set _specificName = _args[2] ? _args[2] : "Nikita">>
<<set _class = _emotion === 'cindy' ? 'cindy' : 'p'>>
<div @class="_class">
<<set _picture = setup.getDialogPictureByCharacterAndEmotion('player', _emotion, _emotionNumber)>>
<img class = "icon" @src="_picture">
<<widget "PlayerThoughtsDialog" container>>
<<set _emotion = _args[0] ? _args[0] : "default">>
<<set _emotionNumber = _args[1] ? _args[1] : null>>
<div class = "dialogPlayerThoughts">
<<set _picture = setup.getDialogPictureByCharacterAndEmotion('player', _emotion, _emotionNumber)>>
<img class = "icon" @src="_picture">
<<widget "CarolDialog" container>>
<<set _emotion = _args[0] ? _args[0] : "default">>
<<set _emotionNumber = _args[1] ? _args[1] : null>>
<<set _specificName = _args[2] ? _args[2] : "Carol">>
<div class = "carol">
<<set _picture = setup.getDialogPictureByCharacterAndEmotion('carol', _emotion, _emotionNumber)>>
<img class = "icon" @src="_picture">
<<widget "LeviDialog" container>>
<<set _emotion = _args[0] ? _args[0] : "default">>
<<set _emotionNumber = _args[1] ? _args[1] : null>>
<div class = "levi">
<<set _picture = setup.getDialogPictureByCharacterAndEmotion('levi', _emotion, _emotionNumber)>>
<img class = "icon" @src="_picture">
<<widget "BullyDialog" container>>
<<set _emotion = _args[0] ? _args[0] : "default">>
<<set _emotionNumber = _args[1] ? _args[1] : null>>
<<if $Bully.Gender === "m">>
<<set _specificName = "Stephan">>
<<set _specificName = "Stephy">>
<div class = "bully">
<<set _picture = setup.getDialogPictureByCharacterAndEmotion('bully', _emotion, _emotionNumber)>>
<img class = "icon" @src="_picture">
<<widget "BlackDialog" container>>
<<set _emotion = _args[0] ? _args[0] : "default">>
<<set _emotionNumber = _args[1] ? _args[1] : null>>
<<set _specificName = _args[2] ? _args[2] : "Rico">>
<div class = "black">
<<set _picture = setup.getDialogPictureByCharacterAndEmotion('black', _emotion, _emotionNumber)>>
<img class = "icon" @src="_picture">
<<widget "AkiraDialog" container>>
<<set _emotion = _args[0] ? _args[0] : "default">>
<<set _emotionNumber = _args[1] ? _args[1] : null>>
<<set _specificName = _args[2] ? _args[2] : "Akira">>
<div class = "akira">
<<set _picture = setup.getDialogPictureByCharacterAndEmotion('akira', _emotion, _emotionNumber)>>
<img class = "icon" @src="_picture">
<<widget "DadDialog" container>>
<<set _emotion = _args[0] ? _args[0] : "default">>
<<set _emotionNumber = _args[1] ? _args[1] : null>>
<div class = "npc">
<<set _picture = setup.getDialogPictureByCharacterAndEmotion('dad', _emotion, _emotionNumber)>>
<img class = "icon" @src="_picture">
<<widget "MomDialog" container>>
<<set _emotion = _args[0] ? _args[0] : "default">>
<<set _emotionNumber = _args[1] ? _args[1] : null>>
<div class = "mom">
<<set _picture = setup.getDialogPictureByCharacterAndEmotion('mom', _emotion, _emotionNumber)>>
<img class = "icon" @src="_picture">
<<widget "SisDialog" container>>
<<set _emotion = _args[0] ? _args[0] : "default">>
<<set _emotionNumber = _args[1] ? _args[1] : null>>
<div class = "sis">
<<set _picture = setup.getDialogPictureByCharacterAndEmotion('sis', _emotion, _emotionNumber)>>
<img class = "icon" @src="_picture">
<<widget "TeacherDialog" container>>
<<set _emotion = _args[0] ? _args[0] : "default">>
<<set _emotionNumber = _args[1] ? _args[1] : null>>
<div class = "teach">
<<set _picture = setup.getDialogPictureByCharacterAndEmotion('teacher', _emotion, _emotionNumber)>>
<img class = "icon" @src="_picture">
<<widget "JimmyDialog" container>>
<<set _emotion = _args[0] ? _args[0] : "default">>
<<set _emotionNumber = _args[1] ? _args[1] : null>>
<div class = "npc">
<<set _picture = setup.getDialogPictureByCharacterAndEmotion('jimmy', _emotion, _emotionNumber)>>
<img class = "icon" @src="_picture">
<<widget "GirlfriendDialog" container>>
<<set _emotion = _args[0] ? _args[0] : "default">>
<<set _emotionNumber = _args[1] ? _args[1] : null>>
<div class = "gf">
<<set _picture = setup.getDialogPictureByCharacterAndEmotion('gf', _emotion, _emotionNumber)>>
<img class = "icon" @src="_picture">
<<widget "CindyDialog" container>>
<<set _emotion = _args[0] ? _args[0] : "default">>
<<set _emotionNumber = _args[1] ? _args[1] : null>>
<<set _specificName = _args[2] ? _args[2] : "Cindy">>
<div class = "cindy">
<<set _picture = setup.getDialogPictureByCharacterAndEmotion('cindy', _emotion, _emotionNumber)>>
<img class = "icon" @src="_picture">
<<widget "MagicballDialog" container>>
<<set _emotion = _args[0] ? _args[0] : "default">>
<<set _emotionNumber = _args[1] ? _args[1] : null>>
<<set _specificName = _args[2] ? _args[2] : "Magic orb">>
<div class = "magicball">
<<set _picture = setup.getDialogPictureByCharacterAndEmotion('magicball', _emotion, _emotionNumber)>>
<img class = "icon" @src="_picture">
<<widget "GangDialog" container>>
<<set _emotion = _args[0] ? _args[0] : "default">>
<<set _emotionNumber = _args[1] ? _args[1] : null>>
<<set _specificName = _args[2] ? _args[2] : "Gang">>
<div class = "npc">
<<set _picture = setup.getDialogPictureByCharacterAndEmotion('gang', _emotion, _emotionNumber)>>
<img class = "icon" @src="_picture">
<<widget "SecurityDialog" container>>
<<set _emotion = _args[0] ? _args[0] : "default">>
<<set _emotionNumber = _args[1] ? _args[1] : null>>
<<set _specificName = _args[2] ? _args[2] : " @@color:yellow;Informant@@">>
<div class = "npc">
<<set _picture = setup.getDialogPictureByCharacterAndEmotion('security', _emotion, _emotionNumber)>>
<img class = "icon" @src="_picture">
<<widget "ChefDialog" container>>
<<set _emotion = _args[0] ? _args[0] : "default">>
<<set _emotionNumber = _args[1] ? _args[1] : null>>
<<set _specificName = _args[2] ? _args[2] : "Chef">>
<div class = "npc">
<<set _picture = setup.getDialogPictureByCharacterAndEmotion('chef', _emotion, _emotionNumber)>>
<img class = "icon" @src="_picture">
<<widget "HiramitsuDialog" container>>
<<set _emotion = _args[0] ? _args[0] : "default">>
<<set _emotionNumber = _args[1] ? _args[1] : null>>
<<set _specificName = _args[2] ? _args[2] : "Hiramitsu">>
<div class = "npc">
<<set _picture = setup.getDialogPictureByCharacterAndEmotion('hiramitsu', _emotion, _emotionNumber)>>
<img class = "icon" @src="_picture">
<<widget "BlacksecurityDialog" container>>
<<set _emotion = _args[0] ? _args[0] : "default">>
<<set _emotionNumber = _args[1] ? _args[1] : null>>
<<set _specificName = _args[2] ? _args[2] : "Security">>
<div class = "npc">
<<set _picture = setup.getDialogPictureByCharacterAndEmotion('blacksecurity', _emotion, _emotionNumber)>>
<img class = "icon" @src="_picture">
<<widget "MNpcDialog" container>>
<<set _emotion = _args[0] ? _args[0] : "default">>
<<set _emotionNumber = _args[1] ? _args[1] : null>>
<<set _specificName = _args[2] ? _args[2] : "...">>
<div class = "p">
<<set _picture = setup.getDialogPictureByCharacterAndEmotion('mnpc', _emotion, _emotionNumber)>>
<img class = "icon" @src="_picture">
<<widget "FNpcDialog" container>>
<<set _emotion = _args[0] ? _args[0] : "default">>
<<set _emotionNumber = _args[1] ? _args[1] : null>>
<<set _specificName = _args[2] ? _args[2] : "...">>
<div class = "p">
<<set _picture = setup.getDialogPictureByCharacterAndEmotion('fnpc', _emotion, _emotionNumber)>>
<img class = "icon" @src="_picture">
<</widget>><<widget "OnLoad">>
<<run console.log("OnLoad")>>
<<if $GameVer < 2.35>><<OnLoad_2_35>><<set $GameVer = 2.35>><</if>>
<<if $GameVer < 2.4>><<OnLoad_2_4>><<set $GameVer = 2.4>><</if>>
<<if $GameVer < 2.5>><<OnLoad_2_5>><<set $GameVer = 2.5>><</if>>
<<if $GameVer < 2.55>><<OnLoad_2_55>><<set $GameVer = 2.55>><</if>>
<<if $GameVer < 2.6>><<OnLoad_2_6>><<set $GameVer = 2.6>><</if>>
<<if $GameVer < 2.7>><<OnLoad_2_7>><<set $GameVer = 2.7>><</if>>
<<widget "OnLoad_2_35">>
<<run console.log("OnLoad_2_35")>>
<<set _InventoryTemp = $Inventory>>
<<set $Inventory = {
<<for _i, _value range $Inventory>>
<<if _InventoryTemp[_i] !== undefined>>
<<set $Inventory[_i] = _InventoryTemp[_i]>>
<<set _LeviTemp = $Levi>>
<<set $Levi = {
<<for _i, _value range $Levi>>
<<if _LeviTemp[_i] !== undefined>>
<<set $Levi[_i] = _LeviTemp[_i]>>
<<widget "OnLoad_2_4">>
<<run console.log("OnLoad_2_4")>>
<<set _InventoryTemp = $Inventory>>
<<set $Inventory = {
<<for _i, _value range $Inventory>>
<<if _InventoryTemp[_i] !== undefined>>
<<set $Inventory[_i] = _InventoryTemp[_i]>>
<<set $Research = {
<<set $AllResearches = []>>
<<set $AvailableResearches = []>>
<<set $ResearchChosenMode = false>>
<<set $ResearchChosenPill = clone($Research)>>
<<set $BodySwitchPill = clone($Research)>>
<<set $BodySwitchPill.Name = "Bodyswitch pills">>
<<set $BodySwitchPill.Explanation = "JimmyBodySwitchExplanation">>
<<set $BodySwitchPill.Description = "Allows you to switch bodies with Carol anytime.">>
<<set $AllResearches.push($BodySwitchPill)>>
<<set $EtherealPill = clone($Research)>>
<<set $EtherealPill.Name = "Ethereal pills">>
<<set $EtherealPill.Explanation = "JimmyEtherealPillExplanation">>
<<set $EtherealPill.Description = "In theory allows you to separate the mind from the body.">>
<<set $EtherealPill.Difficulty = 1>>
<<set $AllResearches.push($EtherealPill)>>
<<set $ArousalInc = clone($Research)>>
<<set $ArousalInc.Name = "Arousal Increase pills">>
<<set $ArousalInc.Explanation = "JimmyArousalIncExplanation">>
<<set $ArousalInc.Description = "Allows you to increase your arousal anytime.">>
<<set $AllResearches.push($ArousalInc)>>
<<set $ArousalDec = clone($Research)>>
<<set $ArousalDec.Name = "Arousal Decrease pills">>
<<set $ArousalDec.Explanation = "JimmyArousalDecExplanation">>
<<set $ArousalDec.Description = "Allows you to decrease your arousal anytime.">>
<<set $AllResearches.push($ArousalDec)>>
<<for _i, _value range $AllResearches>>
<<switch _value.Difficulty>>
<<case 0>>
<<set _value.CurrentSpeed = 10>>
<<set _value.Price = 10>>
<<case 1>>
<<set _value.CurrentSpeed = 5>>
<<set _value.Price = 20>>
<<case 2>>
<<set _value.CurrentSpeed = 3>>
<<set _value.Price = 30>>
<<set $Inventory.PineNuts = 0>>
<<set $Inventory.TabletsArousalInc = 0>>
<<set $Inventory.TabletsArousalDec = 0>>
<<set $Inventory.TabletsEthereal = 0>>
<<set $Jimmy = {
<<set $JimmyDose = 0>>
<<widget "OnLoad_2_5">>
<<run console.log("OnLoad_2_5")>>
<<if $PHouse.VanessaComing === true>>
<<REDisable [[PHVanessaComing]]>>
<<if $PHouse.StephanComing === true>>
<<REDisable [[PHStephanComing]]>>
<<REEnable [[PHStephanComingAgain]]>>
<<REEnable [[PHouseHarassNotCorruptedByStephan]]>>
<<if $LeviBeenToPH === true>>
<<REDisable "LeviPHouseFirstTime">>\
<<REEnable "LeviPHouse">>\
<<if $PHouse.CorruptedByStephan === true>>
<<REDisable [[PHouseHarassNotCorruptedByStephan]]>>
<<REEnableByTag "PHouseHarassEnableTag">>
<<set _GFTemp = $GF>>
<<set $GF = {
<<for _i, _value range $GF>>
<<if _GFTemp[_i] !== undefined>>
<<set $GF[_i] = _GFTemp[_i]>>
<<set $StephanGotoGFAgreement = false>>
<<set $LeviLaylaFriends = false>>
<<set $MotivatedToday = false>>
<<set $IsTabletsBodySwitchDisabled = false>>
<<widget "OnLoad_2_55">>
<<run console.log("OnLoad_2_55")>>
<<set $AkiraWorkingBet = false>> /*Bet in process */
<<set $AkiraSawWorkingTroubles = false>> /*To start the bet*/
<<set $AkiraBetWinning = false>> /* Won bet condition */
<<set $AkiraPPointsToWorkBonus = 0>>
<<set $AkiraHerPointsToWorkBonus = 22>>
<<set $MedWorkModifier = 0>>
<<set $MedCenterCor = 15>>
<<set $IncMedCorPills = 0>>
<<set $IncMedTrustPills = 0>>
<<set $FirstTimeReportWriting = false>>
<<set $HDoctorTabletLvl = 0>>
<<set $AkiraTookPillToday = false>>
<<set $AkiraWorkingTroublesTalked = false>>
<<set $Inventory.Whiskey = 0>>
<<set $Inventory.Ractivity = 0>>
<<set $Inventory.TabletsEthereal = 0>>
<<set $Lvl3Pill = clone($Research)>>
<<set $Lvl3Pill.Name = "Lvl3 Pills">>
<<set $Lvl3Pill.Explanation = "JimmyLvl3PillExplanation">>
<<set $Lvl3Pill.Description = "Variable effect, stronger than a level 2 pill.">>
<<set $Lvl3Pill.Difficulty = 2>>
<<set $AllResearches.push($Lvl3Pill)>>
<<for _i, _value range $AllResearches>>
<<switch _value.Difficulty>>
<<case 0>>
<<set _value.CurrentSpeed = 10>>
<<set _value.Price = 10>>
<<case 1>>
<<set _value.CurrentSpeed = 5>>
<<set _value.Price = 20>>
<<case 2>>
<<set _value.CurrentSpeed = 3>>
<<set _value.Price = 30>>
<<widget "OnLoad_2_6">>
<<run console.log("OnLoad_2_6")>>
/*Akira 2lvl pill*/
<<set $Akira.pill2effect = 0>>
<<set $Akira.pill2becomingheaddoctor = false>>
<<set $Akira.pill2becomingheaddoctorDAYS = 0>>
<<set $Akira.pill2becomingheaddoctorEV = 0>>
<<set $HadSexWithAkira = false>>
<<set $HadBjWithAkira = false>>
<<set $CreatedLvl3Pill = false>>
/*Stephan 3lvl pill*/
<<set $TriedToUseLvl3 = false>>
<<set $Bully.Relationship = 0>>
<<set $EngravementEvPerDay = 0>>
<<set $EngravementDomCostume = false>>
<<set $EngravementSlaveCostume = false>>
<<set $Inventory.SlaveCostume = false>>
<<widget "OnLoad_2_7">>
<<run console.log("OnLoad_2_7")>>
<<set $EngLosingStephanDebuff = false>>
<<set $Bully.Gender = "m">>
<<set $JimmySawNewStephan = false>>
<<set $UnableToTurnStephan = false>>
<<set $Bully.Control = 90>>
<<widget "EAfterEvDialogues">>
<<widget "EStephanResistanceToStephan">>
<<widget "EPointsCounter">>
<<if $PWill < 0 and $SWill < 0>>
<<set _PWillTemp = $PWill * (-1)>>
<<set _SWillTemp = $SWill * (-1)>>
<<if $PWill < $SWill>>
<<set _EPointsTemp = (_PWillTemp*500/_SWillTemp - 500) * (-1)>>
<<set _EPointsTemp = parseFloat(_EPointsTemp)>>
<<set $EPoints = Math.floor(_EPointsTemp)>>
<<set _EPointsTemp = (_SWillTemp*500/_PWillTemp - 500) * (-1)>>
<<set _EPointsTemp = parseFloat(_EPointsTemp)>>
<<set $EPoints = Math.floor(_EPointsTemp)>>
<<if $PWill < $SWill>>
<<set _EPointsTemp = ($PWill*500/$SWill) - 500>>
<<set _EPointsTemp = parseFloat(_EPointsTemp)>>
<<set $EPoints = Math.floor(_EPointsTemp)>>
<<set _EPointsTemp = ($SWill*500/$PWill - 500)*(-1)>>
<<set _EPointsTemp = parseFloat(_EPointsTemp)>>
<<set $EPoints = Math.floor(_EPointsTemp)>>
<<if $EPoints > 500>>
<<set $EPoints = 500>>
<<if $EPoints < -500>>
<<set $EPoints = -500>>
<<widget "EngravementProgress">>
@@font-size:120%;color:deeppink; font-weight: bolder;Engravement: $Engravement/1000@@
<<set _currentBarValue = $Engravement>>
<<set _barMin = 0>>
<<set _barMax = 1000>>
<<set _currentBarPercent = (_currentBarValue/(_barMax - _barMin)) * 100>>
<progress class='ENGprogress example' @value='_currentBarPercent' max='100'></progress>
<<widget "EPointsProgress">>
@@font-size:120%;color:magenta; font-weight: bolder;Willpower difference bar: ($EPoints)@@
<<set _EPointsProgressPercentage = $EPoints/10>>
<<set _EPointsProgressPercentage = parseInt(_EPointsProgressPercentage)>>
<<set _EPointsProgressPercentage = Math.round(_EPointsProgressPercentage)>>
<<if _EPointsProgressPercentage < 0>>
<<set _EPointsProgressPercentage1 = _EPointsProgressPercentage * (-1)>>
<<set _EPointsProgressPercentage2 = 0>>
<<elseif _EPointsProgressPercentage > 0>>
<<set _EPointsProgressPercentage1 = 0>>
<<set _EPointsProgressPercentage2 = _EPointsProgressPercentage>>
<<set _EPointsProgressPercentage1 = 0>>
<<set _EPointsProgressPercentage2 = 0>>
<div class="EPprogress-container">
<progress class="EPprogress-bar left" max="50" @value='_EPointsProgressPercentage1'></progress>
<progress class="EPprogress-bar right" max="50" @value='_EPointsProgressPercentage2'></progress>
<div class="dividers">
<div class="divider-group">
<div class="divider normal" style="left: 0%;"></div>
<span class="divider-text">-500</span>
<div class="divider-group">
<div class="divider normal" style="left: 10%;"></div>
<span class="divider-text">-400</span>
<div class="divider-group">
<div class="divider long" style="left: 20%;"></div>
<span class="divider-text">-300</span>
<div class="divider-group">
<div class="divider normal" style="left: 30%;"></div>
<span class="divider-text">-200</span>
<div class="divider-group">
<div class="divider normal" style="left: 40%;"></div>
<span class="divider-text">-100</span>
<div class="divider-group">
<div class="divider superlong" style="left: 50%;"></div>
<span class="divider-text"></span>
<div class="divider-group">
<div class="divider normal" style="left: 60%;"></div>
<span class="divider-text">+100</span>
<div class="divider-group">
<div class="divider normal" style="left: 70%;"></div>
<span class="divider-text">+200</span>
<div class="divider-group">
<div class="divider long" style="left: 80%;"></div>
<span class="divider-text">+300</span>
<div class="divider-group">
<div class="divider normal" style="left: 90%;"></div>
<span class="divider-text">+400</span>
<div class="divider-group">
<div class="divider normal" style="left: 100%;"></div>
<span class="divider-text">+500</span>
<div class="divider normal" style="left: 0%;"></div>
<div class="divider normal" style="left: 10%;"></div>
<div class="divider long" style="left: 20%;"></div>
<div class="divider normal" style="left: 30%;"></div>
<div class="divider normal" style="left: 40%;"></div>
<div class="divider long" style="left: 50%;"></div>
<div class="divider normal" style="left: 60%;"></div>
<div class="divider normal" style="left: 70%;"></div>
<div class="divider long" style="left: 80%;"></div>
<div class="divider normal" style="left: 90%;"></div>
<div class="divider normal" style="left: 100%;"></div>*/
<<widget "EngravementStatsCounterWin">>
<<set _updateStatsCounterValue = setup.isString(_args[0]) ? _args[0] : ''>>
<<set _updateStatsArousalOperator = _updateStatsCounterValue.length > 0 ? _updateStatsCounterValue.substr(0, 1) : ''>>
<<if _updateStatsArousalOperator === "+">>
<<if $EngravementDomCostume === false and $Bully.SuperCock === false>>\
<<UpdateArousal "+20">>
<<if $EngravementDomCostume === true and $Bully.SuperCock === false>>\
<<UpdateArousal "+25">>
<<if $EngravementDomCostume === false and $Bully.SuperCock === true>>\
<<UpdateArousal "+30">>
<<if $EngravementDomCostume === true and $Bully.SuperCock === true>>\
<<UpdateArousal "+40">>
<<UpdateArousal "0">>
<<set _updateStatsCounterValue = _updateStatsCounterValue.substr(1)>>
<<set _EngravementAdd = random (10,20)>>
<<set $Engravement += _EngravementAdd>>
<<if _updateStatsCounterValue === "w">>
@@color:lime;Stephan's willpower has been reduced a little.@@
<<if $EngravementDomCostume !== true>>
<<set _WillDmg = random (15,25)>>
<<set _WillDmg = random (20,30)>>
<<set _WillRestoring = random (1,4)>>
<<set _SOldWill = $SWill>>
<<set $SWill -= _WillDmg>>
<<set $PWill += _WillRestoring>>
<<if $PWill > 1000>>
<<set $PWill = 1000>>
<<if _SOldWill >= 875 and $SWill < 875>>
I think my words are starting to engrave themselves into Stephan's soul, I think he's ready for more!
@@color:magenta;Note@@: Stephan will start acting differently. All events have changed.
<<if _SOldWill >= 750 and $SWill < 750>>
It seems his attitude towards our little game has changed even more. His desires are starting to belong to me...
@@color:magenta;Note@@: All the events that happen on your initiative have changed.
I think he is ready...I might use a mistress dominant costume to....add some atmosphere...hehe..
@@color:deeppink;Note@@: The use of the Mistress costume is unlocked. If you don't have it, you can buy it in the store. You can decide whether to use it or not in the “Stats” tab.
<<if _SOldWill >= 500 and $SWill < 500>>
He's getting more obedient and I'm getting more and more into the flavor! I love it, hahaha!
@@color:magenta;Note@@: All the events that happen on your initiative have changed.
<<if _SOldWill >= 250 and $SWill < 250>>
He's become such a good boy, hahaha! Time to make him my bitch completely!
@@color:magenta;Note@@: All the events that happen on your initiative have changed.
The only thing I don't like is that I can still see his face that I hate so much! Hmm...
However I think we can fix that, hehehe.....
@@color:deeppink;Note@@: Slave suit unlocked. If you don't have it, you can buy it in the store. You can decide whether to use it or not in the “Stats” tab.
<<if _SOldWill >= 0 and $SWill < 0>>
He's mine! Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha! He completely reinvented himself! Stephan is literally my slutty little bitch who does whatever I want! And most importantly, he actually learned to enjoy all those pathetic things!
<<set $EngravementDomCostume = true>>
<<set $EngravementSlaveCostume = true>>
@@color:magenta;Note@@: All the events that happen on your initiative have changed.
@@color:magenta;Note@@: From now on, Stephan does whatever you want him to do. Dominant costume and slave costume are permanently enabled.
<<if $P.Cor >= 75>>
@@color:red;Note@@: You're too corrupted for this stage of the game. Be careful with some events and watch your arousal, otherwise the situation may change.
@@color:red;Your willpower has been reduced a little.@@
<<if $EngravementSlaveCostume !== true and $EngravementEffects !== 4>>
<<set _WillDmg = random (45,55)>>
<<set _WillDmg = random (50,55)>>
<<if $EngravementSlaveCostume === true and $EngravementEffects === 4>>
<<set _WillDmg = random (55,65)>>
<<set _WillRestoring = random (5,10)>>
<<set $POldWill = $PWill>>
<<set $PWill -= _WillDmg>>
<<set $SWill += _WillRestoring>>
<<if $SWill > 1000>>
<<set $SWill = 1000>>
<<if $P.Cor < 75>>
<<UpdateCorruption "+1">>
<<if $POldWill >= 750 and $PWill < 750 and $EngravementEffects === 0>>
<<set $EngravementEffects = 1>>
You're becoming more receptive to Stephan's desires.
@@color:magenta;Note@@: All the events that happen on Stephan's initiative have changed.
@@color:magenta;Note@@: You've got a new permanent passive effect. You can view all the permanent effects you've received in the “Stats” tab.
@@color:red;You now gain +70 to Arousal from the start of each new Engravement cycle.@@
<<if $POldWill >= 500 and $PWill < 500 and $EngravementEffects === 1>>
<<set $EngravementEffects = 2>>
You stopped being too persuasive.
@@color:magenta;Note@@: All the events that happen on Stephan's initiative have changed.
@@color:magenta;Note@@: You've got a new permanent passive effect. You can view all the permanent effects you've received in the “Stats” tab.
@@color:red;The chance of him resisting has increased a little.@@
<<if $POldWill >= 250 and $PWill < 250 and $EngravementEffects === 2>>
<<set $EngravementEffects = 3>>
It becomes harder for you to resist your cravings. You are losing your mind more and more in pleasure...
@@color:magenta;Note@@: All the events that happen on Stephan's initiative have changed.
@@color:magenta;Note@@: You've got a new permanent passive effect. You can view all the permanent effects you've received in the “Stats” tab.
@@color:red;Now you automatically give yourself to Stephan even when your Arousal is equal to or greater than 80, instead of 100.@@
<<if $POldWill >= 0 and $PWill < 0 and $EngravementEffects === 3>>
<<set $EngravementEffects = 4>>
You can't stop thinking about playing with your body again...Even thinking about it brings you pleasure...
@@color:magenta;Note@@: All the events that happen on Stephan's initiative have changed.
@@color:magenta;Note@@: You've got a new permanent passive effect. You can view all the permanent effects you've received in the “Stats” tab.
@@color:red;You now lose 5 more willpower per every loss.@@
@@color:red;Stephan gets +3 to move! Stephan makes his moves much more often now.@@
<<widget "ResearchProgression">>
<<if $ResearchChosenMode == true>>
<<set $ResearchChosenPill.CurrentResearchProgress += $ResearchChosenPill.CurrentSpeed>>
<<if $ResearchChosenPill.CurrentResearchProgress > 100>>
<<set $ResearchChosenPill.CurrentResearchProgress = 100>>
<<widget "cleanreceipt">>
<<set $Inventory.Vodka += $Receipt.Vodka>>
<<set $Receipt.Vodka = 0>>
<<set $Inventory.Milk += $Receipt.Milk>>
<<set $Receipt.Milk = 0>>
<<set $Inventory.Cucumber += $Receipt.Cucumber>>
<<set $Receipt.Cucumber = 0>>
<<set $Inventory.Pineapple += $Receipt.Pineapple>>
<<set $Receipt.Pineapple = 0>>
<<widget "fullcleanreceipt">>
<<set $Receipt.Vodka = 0>>
<<set $Receipt.Milk = 0>>
<<set $Receipt.Cucumber = 0>>
<<set $Receipt.Pineapple = 0>>
<<widget "magic">>
<<set _magicRandomValue = random (1,5)>>
<<switch _magicRandomValue>>
<<case 1>><<media "Data/Actions/magic/1.gif" "gif">>
<<case 2>><<media "Data/Actions/magic/2.gif" "gif">>
<<case 3>><<media "Data/Actions/magic/3.gif" "gif">>
<<case 4>><<media "Data/Actions/magic/4.gif" "gif">>
<<case 5>><<media "Data/Actions/magic/5.gif" "gif">>
<<widget "ShowGamingVideo">>
<<set _gamingVideoRandomValue = random(0,4)>>
<<switch _gamingVideoRandomValue>>
<<case 0>><<media "Data/Characters/npc/Gaming/gaming.mp4">>
<<case 1>><<media "Data/Characters/npc/Gaming/gaming1.mp4">>
<<case 2>><<media "Data/Characters/npc/Gaming/gaming2.mp4">>
<<case 3>><<media "Data/Characters/npc/Gaming/gaming3.mp4">>
<<case 4>><<media "Data/Characters/npc/Gaming/gaming4.mp4">>
<<widget "DrawPlaceMenu">>
<<set _currentPlace = _args[0] ? _args[0] : "">>
Go to:@@#place;<br>
<<if _currentPlace !== "Dormitory">>
<<disable $CurrentDayTime === 1>>
<<button [[Dormitory|DApart]]>>
<<if (passage() !== "Outside" and passage() !== "Dormitory")>>
<<RE [[BullyNoVisitPunishment]] 30>>
<<RE [[Gang]] 30>>
<<REGroup "RandomStreetEvents" 30>>
<<if _currentPlace !== "Home">>
<<disable $CurrentDayTime === 1>>
<<button [[Home|HApart]]>>
<<if (passage() !== "Outside" and passage() !== "HApart")>>
<<RE [[BullyNoVisitPunishment]] 30>>
<<RE [[Gang]] 30>>
<<REGroup "RandomStreetEvents" 30>>
<<if _currentPlace !== "University">>
<<disable $CurrentDayTime === 4>>
<<button [[University|Uni]]>><</button>>
<<if _currentPlace !== "Cafe">>
<<disable $CurrentDayTime === 1 or $CurrentDayTime === 4>>
<<button [[Cafe|Cafe]]>><</button>>
<<if _currentPlace !== "Supermarket">>
<<disable $CurrentDayTime === 1 or $CurrentDayTime === 4>>
<<button [[Supermarket|Supermarket]]>><</button>>
<<if _currentPlace !== "Bank">>
<<disable $CurrentDayTime === 1 or $CurrentDayTime === 4>>
<<button [[Bank]]>><</button>>
<<if _currentPlace !== "Streets">>
<<disable $CurrentDayTime === 1>>
<<button [[Streets|Outside]]>><</button>>
<<if _currentPlace !== "Pharma" and $InfoAboutLab === true and $BullyToldAboutDrug === true and $GangToldAboutDrug === true and $InfoAboutLab === true>>
<<if $PharmaOpened !== true>>
<<if ($CurrentDayTime === 4)>>
It's better to go to that company during the daytime.<br>
<<disable $CurrentDayTime === 1 or $CurrentDayTime === 4>>
<<button [[Pharma company|Pharma1]]>><</button>>
<<disable $CurrentDayTime === 1>>
<<button [[Pharma company|Pharma]]>><</button>>
<<if _currentPlace === "Streets" && passage() === "Outside" and $BullyToldAboutDrug === true && $GangToldAboutDrug === true>>
<<disable $CurrentDayTime === 1>>
<<button [["Night Star" club|WayToClub]]>><</button>>
<<widget "JimmyPlayButton">>
<<switch $JimmyRelationships>>
<<case 0>>
<<if $P.Gender == "m">>
<<button [[Play with him|JimmyCoffee]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Play with him|JimmyGameF]]>><</button>>
<<case 1>>
<<if $P.Gender == "m">>
<<button [[Play with him|JimmyMPlay12]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Play with him|JimmyFPlay12]]>><</button>>
<<case 2>>
<<if $P.Gender == "m">>
<<button [[Play with him|JimmyMPlay12]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Play with him|JimmyFPlay12]]>><</button>>
<<case 3>>
<<if $P.Gender == "m">>
<<button [[Play with him|JimmyMPlay3]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Play with him|JimmyFPlay3]]>><</button>>
<<case 4>>
<<if $P.Gender == "m">>
<<button [[Play with him|JimmyMPlay4]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Play with him|JimmyFPlay4]]>><</button>>
<<case 5>>
<<if $P.Gender == "m">>
<<button [[Play with him|JimmyMPlay4]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Play with him|JimmyFPlay5]]>><</button>>
<<widget "ContentAlert">>
<<if $NoContentAlert == false>>
<<if $DayCount > 100 and $P.Cor > 80 and $Mom.TabletLvl > 1 and $Sis.TabletLvl > 1 and $Carol.TabletLvl > 1 and $GF.TabletLvl > 1 and $P.JimmyPower > 25 and $Bully.TabletLvl > 1 and $Teacher.TabletLvl > 1 and $MetBlackers == true and $LeviUnderstood == true and $OCManagerTasks > 7 and $P.TrainingStage > 10 and $P.PervertedPoints >= 60 and $InfoAboutLab == true>>
Dialog.setup("And that's it?");
Dialog.wiki("I assume the content is over for today. There may be leftover events, you can continue playing and try to find them.
Thanks for playing this game. I hope you like it! Stay tuned for future updates!
In order not to get lost follow the updates on my patreon and remember you're always welcome on our discord!");
<<set $NoContentAlert = true>>
<<widget "JimmyNewsAlert">>
<<if $ReadyToTalkToJimmyTablets == false and $TalkedToJimmy == false and $TalkedToJimmyTablets == false>>
<<set $JimmyNews = true>>
<<if $Tabletslvl2 == false and $JimmyExp > 2 and $DayCount > 14>>
<<set $JimmyNews = true>>
<<if $ReadyToTalkToJimmyTablets == true and $TalkedToJimmy == true and $TalkedToJimmyTablets == false>>
<<set $JimmyNews = true>>
<</widget>><<widget "Thoughts">>
<<if $ThoughtTuner === false>>
<<switch $P.Pos>>
<<case "DApart">>
<<if $P.Cor < 30>>
<<switch $CurrentDayTime>>
<<case 0>>
<<set $MyThought = either(
"Maybe I should get to school early today.",
"I haven't showered for a long time, ew!",
"I could go home before class.",
"Maybe go shopping? Or go to a cafe?",
"I'm full of energy, I could make some extra money before class!",
"I hope those nasty guys from the street are far away now..."
<<case 1>>
<<set $MyThought = either(
"It's time for class!",
"I hope today's class goes off without incident.",
"The main thing is to behave with restraint and not to get into trouble.",
"I like studying, except that people would be friendlier..."
<<case 2>>
<<set $MyThought = either(
"I'm sure Jimmy got bored without me!",
"Maybe I should go see..Layla?...um.. no...I shouldn't...",
"Walking the straight road home, I may once again run into trouble...",
"Before we get any further on the witch mystery, I need to figure out how to make more money.",
"The bank can help me save the right amount of money."
<<case 3>>
<<set $MyThought = either(
"Jimmy might have news for me, worth a visit from time to time.",
"Layla is my girlfriend...so we must at least talk sometimes....*sob*",
"It doesn't get any safer on the street in the evening..",
"Maybe sleep at home tonight?",
"It's such a lazy evening, I'd just sit in my room..."
<<case 4>>
<<set $MyThought = either(
"Time to sleep!",
"I'm tired",
"I'm done for today",
"I need to go to my room.",
"Hopefully tomorrow I'll be a little closer to solving this curse..."
<<elseif $P.Cor < 50 and $P.Cor >= 30>>
<<switch $CurrentDayTime>>
<<case 0>>
<<set $MyThought = either(
"I could have a little fun at uni before class",
"I wonder if Carol would like to see her sweaty body from the other side?",
"I could go home before class.",
"People often do all sorts of lewd things in cafes!",
"I have time to masturbate before classes!",
"I think we can still reach an agreement with those guys on the street"
<<case 1>>
<<set $MyThought = either(
"It's time for class!",
"Sitting in class is so exciting lately!",
"Lately, I don't really remember what we're being taught.",
"I wish I could masturbate right now!"
<<case 2>>
<<set $MyThought = either(
"Does Jimmy treat me differently in Carol's body? It seems to be same as usual.",
"Layla needs to be brought up. Perhaps now is the time!",
"If I run into some thugs, I'll have to negotiate again...",
"Arousal can prevent me from making a sober decision!",
"Why is that bank guard so...weird?"
<<case 3>>
<<set $MyThought = either(
"After playing with Jimmy, I sometimes feel strange...",
"I'm curious to see what Layla might end up with...",
"It doesn't get any safer on the street in the evening..",
"If it gets a little boring here in the evening, I can always spend the evening at home.",
"I'm getting used to Carol's body more and more..."
<<case 4>>
<<set $MyThought = either(
"Time to sleep!",
"I'm tired",
"I'm done for today",
"I need to go to my room.",
"Hopefully tomorrow will be a fun day!"
<<elseif $P.Cor < 75 and $P.Cor >= 50>>
<<if $P.Gender == "f">>
<<switch $CurrentDayTime>>
<<case 0>>
<<set $MyThought = either(
"I wonder how fast Jimmy's dick will get up if he comes in and I'm in Carol's body completely naked....tehe",
"Carol is 100% suspicious of the dirty things I do in her body",
"Stephan is probably thinking of me right now....ehehe",
"The boys and girls in the cafe must have missed me completely!",
"I wouldn't mind a good fuck right now!",
"The guys on the street are probably waiting for me to bring Carol's body to them. Should I make them happy?"
<<case 1>>
<<set $MyThought = either(
"Vanessa's boobs bounce so much when she walks by the blackboard...it's arousing....",
"It's our business what we do, as long as we're not disturbing anyone, right?",
"I recently accidentally learned a new blowjob technique, I should teach it to Carol sometime...",
"I'm horny as fuck! I won't make it to the end of class!"
<<case 2>>
<<set $MyThought = either(
"Laila is so slutty, I'd like to taste her...",
"Dirty thoughts catch me off guard!",
"Me and Stephan often meet here at this time. Do I look good enough today?",
"As the saying goes, you need good sex before deciding anything!",
"This body doesn't restrict me in any way. I myself choose who I have sex with!"
<<case 3>>
<<set $MyThought = either(
"Playing with Jimmy is so exciting!...I want more of it!..",
"Stephan would probably love to fuck me right now...",
"Maybe go for a... walk? hehe",
"Sometimes I wish Levi was here in the dorm.... wonder what he would do?",
"I seem to be turning more and more into some kind of lecherous bitch!"
<<case 4>>
<<set $MyThought = either(
"Time to sleep!",
"I'm tired",
"I'm done for today",
"I need to go to my room.",
"I'd have a lot of lewd things tomorrow!"
<<switch $CurrentDayTime>>
<<case 0>>
<<set $MyThought = either(
"Sensibly, I can think sober",
"Carol is 100% suspicious of the dirty things I do in her body",
"It is necessary to solve the problem with Stephan once and for all, or then it will be too late...",
"Carol sleeps so sweetly",
"I wouldn't mind a good fuck right now!",
"I may have time to do something useful before class."
<<case 1>>
<<set $MyThought = either(
"Vanessa's boobs bounce so much when she walks by the blackboard...it's arousing....",
"I wish I could get a blowjob from some school slut in class!",
"In this body, I don't get as much attention in class as I do in Carol's body.",
"I'm horny as fuck! I won't make it to the end of class!"
<<case 2>>
<<set $MyThought = either(
"Laila is so slutty, I'd like to taste her...",
"Dirty thoughts catch me off guard!",
"Stephan sometimes comes here out of habit when I'm in my body! Haha! But the most important thing is that I don't start taking my clothes off...habitually.",
"As the saying goes, you need good sex before deciding anything!",
"Our neighborhood with Carol is getting tighter by the day!"
<<case 3>>
<<set $MyThought = either(
"Playing with Jimmy is so exciting!...I want more of it!..",
"I'm sure Layla is waiting for me right now!",
"I feel like I'm getting more and more comfortable in Carol's body every day!",
"I must not forget about that witch, because sooner or later she will come back!",
"I don't see anything wrong with this abnormal pleasure in Carol's body. The main thing is not to lose one's purpose."
<<case 4>>
<<set $MyThought = either(
"Time to sleep!",
"I'm tired",
"I'm done for today",
"I need to go to my room.",
"I'd have a lot of lewd things tomorrow!"
<<elseif $P.Cor >= 75>>
<<if $P.Gender == "f">>
<<switch $CurrentDayTime>>
<<case 0>>
<<set $MyThought = either(
"I wonder how fast Jimmy's dick will get up if he comes in and I'm in Carol's body completely naked....tehe",
"Carol is 100% suspicious of the dirty things I do in her body",
"Stephan is probably thinking of me right now....ehehe",
"The boys and girls in the cafe must have missed me completely!",
"I wouldn't mind a good fuck right now!",
"The guys on the street are probably waiting for me to bring Carol's body to them. Should I make them happy?"
<<case 1>>
<<set $MyThought = either(
"Vanessa's boobs bounce so much when she walks by the blackboard...it's arousing....",
"It's our business what we do, as long as we're not disturbing anyone, right?",
"I recently accidentally learned a new blowjob technique, I should teach it to Carol sometime...",
"I'm horny as fuck! I won't make it to the end of class!"
<<case 2>>
<<set $MyThought = either(
"Laila is so slutty, I'd like to taste her...",
"Dirty thoughts catch me off guard!",
"Me and Stephan often meet here at this time. Do I look good enough today?",
"As the saying goes, you need good sex before deciding anything!",
"This body doesn't restrict me in any way. I myself choose who I have sex with!"
<<case 3>>
<<set $MyThought = either(
"Playing with Jimmy is so exciting!...I want more of it!..",
"Stephan would probably love to fuck me right now...",
"Maybe go for a... walk? hehe",
"Sometimes I wish Levi was here in the dorm.... wonder what he would do?",
"I seem to be turning more and more into some kind of lecherous bitch!"
<<case 4>>
<<set $MyThought = either(
"Time to sleep!",
"I'm tired",
"I'm done for today",
"I need to go to my room.",
"I'd have a lot of lewd things tomorrow!"
<<switch $CurrentDayTime>>
<<case 0>>
<<set $MyThought = either(
"Sensibly, I can think sober",
"Carol is 100% suspicious of the dirty things I do in her body",
"It is necessary to solve the problem with Stephan once and for all, or then it will be too late...",
"Carol sleeps so sweetly",
"I wouldn't mind a good fuck right now!",
"I may have time to do something useful before class."
<<case 1>>
<<set $MyThought = either(
"Vanessa's boobs bounce so much when she walks by the blackboard...it's arousing....",
"I wish I could get a blowjob from some school slut in class!",
"In this body, I don't get as much attention in class as I do in Carol's body.",
"I'm horny as fuck! I won't make it to the end of class!"
<<case 2>>
<<set $MyThought = either(
"Laila is so slutty, I'd like to taste her...",
"Dirty thoughts catch me off guard!",
"Stephan sometimes comes here out of habit when I'm in my body! Haha! But the most important thing is that I don't start taking my clothes off...habitually.",
"As the saying goes, you need good sex before deciding anything!",
"Our neighborhood with Carol is getting tighter by the day!"
<<case 3>>
<<set $MyThought = either(
"Playing with Jimmy is so exciting!...I want more of it!..",
"I'm sure Layla is waiting for me right now!",
"I feel like I'm getting more and more comfortable in Carol's body every day!",
"I must not forget about that witch, because sooner or later she will come back!",
"I don't see anything wrong with this abnormal pleasure in Carol's body. The main thing is not to lose one's purpose."
<<case 4>>
<<set $MyThought = either(
"Time to sleep!",
"I'm tired",
"I'm done for today",
"I need to go to my room.",
"I'd have a lot of lewd things tomorrow!"
<<case "DRoom">>
<<if $P.Cor < 30>>
<<switch $CurrentDayTime>>
<<case 0>>
<<set $MyThought = either(
"Jimmy often comes into our room with his jokes. I'm surprised Carol doesn't freak out about it.",
"Not the best morning, as usual",
"Carol doesn't like waking up early. I have the power to wake her up! Muahahahaha!",
"I'm lucky to have a laptop. I could play games or work or do anything else...."
<<case 1>>
<<set $MyThought = either(
"It's time for class!",
"I hope today's class goes off without incident.",
"The main thing is to behave with restraint and not to get into trouble.",
"I like studying, except that people would be friendlier..."
<<case 2>>
<<set $MyThought = either(
"A little boring..",
"My room is the best!",
"Tam-pmpapam-rararm...yeah, that's a cool song!",
"I'm not very good at playing yet, but Jimmy can make good money just by playing! I want to do the same!"
<<case 3>>
<<set $MyThought = either(
"It's good in the room when I'm here alone. I finally feel like I own the place.",
"I don't want to go out! I feel so good here!",
"It's already evening",
"Who the hell is this witch and what am I supposed to do with all this?"
<<case 4>>
<<set $MyThought = either(
"Time to sleep!",
"I'm tired",
"I'm done for today",
"I need to go to my room.",
"Hopefully tomorrow I'll be a little closer to solving this curse..."
<<elseif $P.Cor < 50 and $P.Cor >= 30>>
<<set $MyThought = either(
"Why would I want to go out when I already have a great work area here?",
"The bed is so soft. I'd love to check out that softness with Carol!",
"In her body, Carol sleeps longer than I do in the morning, it's a great opportunity to have some fun",
"I think I'm getting used to sharing this room with Carol.",
"There are rarely any outsiders in this room except Jimmy, and he usually only comes in the mornings."
<<elseif $P.Cor < 75 and $P.Cor >= 50>>
<<if $P.Gender == "f">>
<<set $MyThought = either(
"I want to wear something more revealing!",
"Shit, I think I'm really turning into a bitch wanting to be fucked by my own cock!",
"Carol getting into my body becomes such a pervert...giggles",
"What would Carol do if someone fucked me in her body right in front of her?",
"This room smells more and more like cum every day!"
<<set $MyThought = either(
"Carol is becoming such an easy-going bitch!",
"Sex is good, but don't forget about making money!",
"I have to say that my life right now is very, very...fascinating!",
"This room is so peaceful",
"This room smells more and more like cum every day!"
<<elseif $P.Cor >= 75>>
<<if $P.Gender == "f">>
<<set $MyThought = either(
"I want to wear something more revealing!",
"Shit, I think I'm really turning into a bitch wanting to be fucked by my own cock!",
"Carol getting into my body becomes such a pervert...giggles",
"What would Carol do if someone fucked me in her body right in front of her?",
"This room smells more and more like cum every day!"
<<set $MyThought = either(
"Carol is becoming such an easy-going bitch!",
"Sex is good, but don't forget about making money!",
"I have to say that my life right now is very, very...fascinating!",
"This room is so peaceful",
"This room smells more and more like cum every day!"
<<case "Uni">>
<<if $P.Cor < 30>>
<<switch $CurrentDayTime>>
<<case 0>>
<<set $MyThought = either(
"The university is pretty quiet before classes start.",
"I noticed that one classroom in the morning is always open.",
"I don't know how Carol does it. Carol gets up later, but somehow she sometimes gets to the university earlier than me.",
"I have had access to the Lab since this morning.",
"Sometimes in the morning at uni I can find Layla...or rather she finds me..."
<<case 1>>
<<set $MyThought = either(
"It's time for class!",
"I hope today's class goes off without incident.",
"The main thing is to behave with restraint and not to get into trouble.",
"I like studying, except that people would be friendlier..."
<<case 2>>
<<set $MyThought = either(
"I have some work to do in the lab",
"Maybe I should pay Vanessa a visit, hmm?",
"Classes are over, it's time to go home.",
"At this time often comes a notice of cockroach extermination"
<<case 3>>
<<set $MyThought = either(
"Spend the evening alone in the lab? Why not?",
"I'm hungry. Why don't we have a cafeteria at the university?",
"It's already evening",
"The university is about to close"
<<case 4>>
<<set $MyThought = either(
"Time to sleep!",
"I'm tired",
"I'm done for today",
"I need to go to my room.",
"Hopefully tomorrow I'll be a little closer to solving this curse..."
<<elseif $P.Cor < 50 and $P.Cor >= 30>>
<<switch $CurrentDayTime>>
<<case 0>>
<<set $MyThought = either(
"The university is pretty quiet before classes start.",
"Vanessa is once again teaching a class for those...I doubt what better to call them...but We can have fun together!",
"Carol doesn't know what sometimes happens to her body at this university, and it's definitely for the best.",
"I wonder if Jimmy is doing his experiments in the Lab again?",
"Dating Layla isn't as scary as it used to be...I think that's progress"
<<case 1>>
<<if $P.Gender == "f">>
<<set $MyThought = either(
"Vanessa's boobs bounce so much when she walks by the blackboard...it's arousing....",
"It's our business what we do, as long as we're not disturbing anyone, right?",
"I recently accidentally learned a new blowjob technique, I should teach it to Carol sometime...",
"I'm horny as fuck! I won't make it to the end of class!"
<<set $MyThought = either(
"Vanessa's boobs bounce so much when she walks by the blackboard...it's arousing....",
"I wish I could get a blowjob from some school slut in class!",
"In this body, I don't get as much attention in class as I do in Carol's body.",
"I'm horny as fuck! I won't make it to the end of class!"
<<case 2>>
<<set $MyThought = either(
"There's definitely something terribly vulgar waiting for me in the lab!",
"I'm beginning to understand why Vanessa gets so high when I call her a whore!",
"Can a person become addicted to sex? I think yeeees!...",
"I'm so used to being fucked by Stephan at this time...",
"Cockroache extirmination won't ruin anything for me - I'll find a way to spend the evening... with pleasure"
<<case 3>>
<<set $MyThought = either(
"It's no fun at all to do depraved things when no one is even looking at you...",
"I'd visit Stephan now...",
"I can't stop thinking about sex!",
"The university is about to close"
<<case 4>>
<<set $MyThought = either(
"Time to sleep!",
"I'm tired",
"I'm done for today",
"I need to go to my room.",
"Hopefully tomorrow will be a fun day!"
<<elseif $P.Cor < 75 and $P.Cor >= 50>>
<<switch $CurrentDayTime>>
<<case 0>>
<<set $MyThought = either(
"It's so quiet here this morning, I'll be sure to fix that!",
"Even without my command, Vanessa is now having a lot of fun with her morning special class",
"Carol, it seems your body is now body of a university slut",
"If I go to the lab, could something depraved happen again? Tehe",
"Hell, I can get sex anytime I want now! and...even when I don't want it...hehehehe."
<<case 1>>
<<set $MyThought = either(
"It's time for class!",
"Sitting in class is so exciting lately!",
"Lately, I don't really remember what we're being taught.",
"I wish I could masturbate right now!"
<<case 2>>
<<set $MyThought = either(
"Lab is calling for meee!",
"Vanessa is so fucking hot!",
"I'm so tired after school, how can I take the pressure off?",
"I agree to do what Stephan says not willingly!",
"If the dorm closes again, maybe I can invite Carol over?"
<<case 3>>
<<set $MyThought = either(
"Even quieter than this morning. How about a little naughty?",
"Instead of a boring night at uni, I could have had fun with Layla or Jimmy in my dorm.",
"I want to go home...to my mom!",
"The university is about to close"
<<case 4>>
<<set $MyThought = either(
"Time to sleep!",
"I'm tired",
"I'm done for today",
"I need to go to my room.",
"I'd have a lot of lewd things tomorrow!"
<<elseif $P.Cor >= 75>>
<<switch $CurrentDayTime>>
<<case 0>>
<<set $MyThought = either(
"It's so quiet here this morning, I'll be sure to fix that!",
"Even without my command, Vanessa is now having a lot of fun with her morning special class",
"Carol, it seems your body is now body of a university slut",
"If I go to the lab, could something depraved happen again? Tehe",
"Hell, I can get sex anytime I want now! and...even when I don't want it...hehehehe."
<<case 1>>
<<set $MyThought = either(
"It's time for class!",
"Sitting in class is so exciting lately!",
"Lately, I don't really remember what we're being taught.",
"I wish I could masturbate right now!"
<<case 2>>
<<set $MyThought = either(
"Lab is calling for meee!",
"Vanessa is so fucking hot!",
"I'm so tired after school, how can I take the pressure off?",
"I agree to do what Stephan says not willingly!",
"If the dorm closes again, maybe I can invite Carol over?"
<<case 3>>
<<set $MyThought = either(
"Even quieter than this morning. How about a little naughty?",
"Instead of a boring night at uni, I could have had fun with Layla or Jimmy in my dorm.",
"I want to go home...to my mom!",
"The university is about to close"
<<case 4>>
<<set $MyThought = either(
"Time to sleep!",
"I'm tired",
"I'm done for today",
"I need to go to my room.",
"I'd have a lot of lewd things tomorrow!"
<<case "Lab">>
<<if $P.Cor < 30>>
<<set $MyThought = either(
"As long as the university is open, Jimmy and I have full access to this lab.",
"It's pretty cozy, but it doesn't compare to the big labs. That's why nobody uses it but us...",
"This is the second place Jimmy can be besides his room.",
"In any synthesis it is necessary to correctly measure all the proportions.",
"It is a quiet place suitable for scientific work. I could make good money!"
<<elseif $P.Cor < 50 and $P.Cor >= 30>>
<<set $MyThought = either(
"Jimmy's experiments are so...intriguing...",
"Hey, there's even a sofa bed!..where was I going with this...",
"No one comes here, so no one will notice if I masturbate!",
"I wonder if Jimmy masturbates here?",
"Hell, after those science papers, I get tired and horny. What am I supposed to do?"
<<elseif $P.Cor < 75 and $P.Cor >= 50>>
<<set $MyThought = either(
"The effects of experimentation are unpredictable! What if I do accidentally turn into an always horny bimbo doll...hehehe..",
"I feel like Jimmy and I have fucked in this lab before, but I don't remember how it was...",
"I want someone to watch me while I masturbate right here!",
"I wonder if Jimmy masturbates here?",
"What a fun world it would be if everyone suddenly became mindless sluts, hahahaha!"
<<elseif $P.Cor >= 75>>
<<set $MyThought = either(
"The effects of experimentation are unpredictable! What if I do accidentally turn into an always horny bimbo doll...hehehe..",
"I feel like Jimmy and I have fucked in this lab before, but I don't remember how it was...",
"I want someone to watch me while I masturbate right here!",
"I wonder if Jimmy masturbates here?",
"What a fun world it would be if everyone suddenly became mindless sluts, hahahaha!"
<<case "HApart">>
<<if $P.Cor < 30>>
<<switch $CurrentDayTime>>
<<case 0>>
<<set $MyThought = either(
"My sister usually locks her room, it's hard for me to get to her.",
"Dad probably hangs out in parent's room",
"Can't get to the bathroom in the morning. It's the first one to be occupied.",
"I could go into the kitchen to cook something.",
"When the bathroom is busy, Anya often likes to be in the kitchen. She especially likes what I cook."
<<case 1>>
<<set $MyThought = either(
"It's time for class!",
"I hope today's class goes off without incident.",
"The main thing is to behave with restraint and not to get into trouble.",
"I like studying, except that people would be friendlier..."
<<case 2>>
<<set $MyThought = either(
"At this time the bathroom is usually free, although sometimes Olga occupies it.",
"Anya relaxes in the living room. I love this sight!",
"Sometimes Anya's afternoon hungry beast wakes up, so she can be super easily found at the right place",
"I could borrow money from my dad in exchange for some work"
<<case 3>>
<<set $MyThought = either(
"The bathroom is almost always free at this time.",
"Olga is 100% relaxing in the living room right now! ..... and if not, then she's in her room...",
"About now my father is running out of booze and is going to get more. Where can I find him? In the kitchen!",
"It's fantastic, even if Carol and I switch, no one notices!"
<<case 4>>
<<set $MyThought = either(
"Time to sleep!",
"I'm tired",
"I'm done for today",
"I need to go to my room.",
"Hopefully tomorrow I'll be a little closer to solving this curse..."
<<elseif $P.Cor < 50 and $P.Cor >= 30>>
<<switch $CurrentDayTime>>
<<case 0>>
<<set $MyThought = either(
"Anya looks at her body every morning! I thought she didn't care too much about her body, which is more of a natural. Seems like I was wrong.",
"Maybe I could scam my dad for a few extra bucks...?",
"In the morning, our bathroom becomes a place of paradise. I would live there.",
"Anya is probably waiting for me to make her something delicious!",
"Will I see Olga making breakfast today? Haha"
<<case 1>>
<<set $MyThought = either(
"It's time for class!",
"Sitting in class is so exciting lately!",
"Lately, I don't really remember what we're being taught.",
"I wish I could masturbate right now!"
<<case 2>>
<<set $MyThought = either(
"I got a chance to see what could be called art in the bathroom!",
"Anya is in the living room now. She is almost not ashamed of her body. I wonder how soon she'll be masturbating openly in the house?",
"Anya and I could help each other if she's in the kitchen. She's hungry for food, and I'm hungry for spicy events.",
"Will Dad give me money if I go up to him and say: Daddy, give me some money, pleeeease! Haha, No way!"
<<case 3>>
<<set $MyThought = either(
"Dad often makes up silly excuses to bathe with me when I'm in Carol's body.",
"Olga has learned quite well...to relax",
"Anya is rarely home at this time, where does she go?",
"I wonder, if I brought Carol here, what would be the reaction of the relatives? It's even a little exciting, because you never know who's going to be in whose body at that point."
<<case 4>>
<<set $MyThought = either(
"Time to sleep!",
"I'm tired",
"I'm done for today",
"I need to go to my room.",
"Hopefully tomorrow I'll have a lot of fun!"
<<elseif $P.Cor < 75 and $P.Cor >= 50>>
<<if $P.Gender == "f">>
<<switch $CurrentDayTime>>
<<case 0>>
<<set $MyThought = either(
"Why isn't Carol's figure the same as Anya's? If so I'd get those lustful eyes all over...",
"Maybe Daddy wants me to be his little maid again?..",
"I'm sure girls don't have to go to the shower to self-satisfy",
"Ah, for Anya's juicy ass, I wouldn't even mind making something delicious!",
"Mommy can brighten up my morning.... she can be in the kitchen..."
<<case 1>>
<<set $MyThought = either(
"It's time for class!",
"I can't wait for the classes!",
"I hope I'm dressed slutty enough...",
"The boys will be upset if they have class without me..."
<<case 2>>
<<set $MyThought = either(
"God, Olga, I'm really proud of you!",
"Geez, I want someone would make me do Jiggle too!",
"Those black guys from my mom's job are so rough...and manly...",
"Daddy is so persistent sometimes..."
<<case 3>>
<<set $MyThought = either(
"Daddy sure wants to take a bath with me!",
"I want to become one with Olga...giggles",
"Levi is such a naughty boy sometimes! Tehe!",
"If Carol fucks me in her body in my house I'm going fucking crazy with excitement!"
<<case 4>>
<<set $MyThought = either(
"Time to sleep!",
"I'm tired",
"I'm done for today",
"I need to go to my room.",
"Tomorrow I'll have a lot of lewd things!"
<<switch $CurrentDayTime>>
<<case 0>>
<<set $MyThought = either(
"Olga wants to make a good impression on her colleagues",
"Levi always feels so free",
"I'm sure girls don't have to go to the shower to self-satisfy",
"Ah, for Anya's juicy ass, I wouldn't even mind making something delicious!",
"Mommy can brighten up my morning.... she can be in the kitchen..."
<<case 1>>
<<set $MyThought = either(
"It's time for class!",
"I can't wait for the classes!",
"I want to see Vanessa in all her glory",
"Is it just me or have the girls gotten sexier?"
<<case 2>>
<<set $MyThought = either(
"God, Olga, I'm really proud of you!",
"I wouldn't mind getting some Jiggle in the kitchen",
"Those black guys from my mom's job are so rough...But Olga is mine!",
"Daddy is so persistent sometimes...What did I..."
<<case 3>>
<<set $MyThought = either(
"Shit, I'm really acting like a slut in Carol's body!",
"Is it time for Olga to get my special massage?",
"At this time, Olga and Dad sometimes make love...maybe a peek?",
"I want Carol to get on my cock and never get off it again! Hahaha!"
<<case 4>>
<<set $MyThought = either(
"Time to sleep!",
"I'm tired",
"I'm done for today",
"I need to go to my room.",
"Tomorrow I'll have a lot of lewd things!"
<<elseif $P.Cor >= 75>>
<<if $P.Gender == "f">>
<<switch $CurrentDayTime>>
<<case 0>>
<<set $MyThought = either(
"Why isn't Carol's figure the same as Anya's? If so I'd get those lustful eyes all over...",
"Maybe Daddy wants me to be his little maid again?..",
"I'm sure girls don't have to go to the shower to self-satisfy",
"Ah, for Anya's juicy ass, I wouldn't even mind making something delicious!",
"Mommy can brighten up my morning.... she can be in the kitchen..."
<<case 1>>
<<set $MyThought = either(
"It's time for class!",
"I can't wait for the classes!",
"I hope I'm dressed slutty enough...",
"The boys will be upset if they have class without me..."
<<case 2>>
<<set $MyThought = either(
"God, Olga, I'm really proud of you!",
"Geez, I want someone would make me do Jiggle too!",
"Those black guys from my mom's job are so rough...and manly...",
"Daddy is so persistent sometimes..."
<<case 3>>
<<set $MyThought = either(
"Daddy sure wants to take a bath with me!",
"I want to become one with Olga...giggles",
"Levi is such a naughty boy sometimes! Tehe!",
"If Carol fucks me in her body in my house I'm going fucking crazy with excitement!"
<<case 4>>
<<set $MyThought = either(
"Time to sleep!",
"I'm tired",
"I'm done for today",
"I need to go to my room.",
"Tomorrow I'll have a lot of lewd things!"
<<switch $CurrentDayTime>>
<<case 0>>
<<set $MyThought = either(
"Olga wants to make a good impression on her colleagues",
"Levi always feels so free",
"I'm sure girls don't have to go to the shower to self-satisfy",
"Ah, for Anya's juicy ass, I wouldn't even mind making something delicious!",
"Mommy can brighten up my morning.... she can be in the kitchen..."
<<case 1>>
<<set $MyThought = either(
"It's time for class!",
"I can't wait for the classes!",
"I want to see Vanessa in all her glory",
"Is it just me or have the girls gotten sexier?"
<<case 2>>
<<set $MyThought = either(
"God, Olga, I'm really proud of you!",
"I wouldn't mind getting some Jiggle in the kitchen",
"Those black guys from my mom's job are so rough...But Olga is mine!",
"Daddy is so persistent sometimes...What did I..."
<<case 3>>
<<set $MyThought = either(
"Shit, I'm really acting like a slut in Carol's body!",
"Is it time for Olga to get my special massage?",
"At this time, Olga and Dad sometimes make love...maybe a peek?",
"I want Carol to get on my cock and never get off it again! Hahaha!"
<<case 4>>
<<set $MyThought = either(
"Time to sleep!",
"I'm tired",
"I'm done for today",
"I need to go to my room.",
"Tomorrow I'll have a lot of lewd things!"
<<case "HProom">>
<<if $P.Cor < 30>>
<<set $MyThought = either(
"It's much calmer at home in the morning than at the dormitory.",
"As long as I have my laptop, there's not much difference between rooms at home and in a dorm.",
"I wouldn't mind playing something right now.",
"Anya is so sexy...I wish she wasn't such a bitch"
<<elseif $P.Cor < 50 and $P.Cor >= 30>>
<<set $MyThought = either(
"For some reason Anya takes offense when I go into her room, but when she bursts into mine, she doesn't even bat an eye!",
"Anya often asks me to help her in some way. I want these requests to become more....extreme!",
"I wouldn't mind watching some gorgeous porn!",
"Now I even like that Anya is such a bitch. It's so much more fun!"
<<elseif $P.Cor < 75 and $P.Cor >= 50>>
<<if $P.Gender == "f">>
<<set $MyThought = either(
"I can't imagine what Levi can do to me...while I'm in this body....",
"I'm bored alone in my room...now I don't have enough of just myself...",
"Would Carol be really offended if I did porn in her body?",
"I feeeel so empty inside..."
<<set $MyThought = either(
"Now I don't mind Anya coming to see me more often!",
"I can't stop imagining Anya moaning as she bounces on my cock",
"No one wants to jerk me off?",
"Levi is a real sex maniac! And he doesn't care if he's with a woman or a man!"
<<elseif $P.Cor >= 75>>
<<set $MyThought = either(
"Now I don't mind Anya coming to see me more often!",
"I can't stop imagining Anya moaning as she bounces on my cock",
"No one wants to jerk me off?",
"Levi is a real sex maniac! And he doesn't care if he's with a woman or a man!"
<<case "CafeWork">>
<<if $P.Gender == "m">>
<<set $MyThought = either(
"It's time to do some good work!",
"The guests are already waiting for me!",
"There are so many beautiful ladies here!"
<<if $P.Cor < 30>>
<<set $MyThought = either(
"Time to do some good work?",
"I feel like as long as I'm in this body, I get more tips!",
"Some men don't take their eyes off me! Ha, I understand the reason for that interest!",
"Some men are too brazen!"
<<elseif $P.Cor < 50 and $P.Cor >= 30>>
<<set $MyThought = either(
"Time to do some productive work?",
"All for their big fat....tips!",
"I'm beginning to like their lewd looks!",
"I wonder what attracts more stares - my ass or my boobs?",
"These guys are so horny..."
<<elseif $P.Cor < 75 and $P.Cor >= 50>>
<<set $MyThought = either(
"Hell, if someone doesn't get a hard on for someone like me, I'll consider it disrespectful!",
"There are so many dicks around me...who should I choose....",
"If you don't jerk off on me, I'll do it myself!",
"We all come to this cafe not to eat, did we?",
"I can't stop touching myself...!"
<<elseif $P.Cor >= 75>>
<<set $MyThought = either(
"Hell, if someone doesn't get a hard on for someone like me, I'll consider it disrespectful!",
"There are so many dicks around me...who should I choose....",
"If you don't jerk off on me, I'll do it myself!",
"We all come to this cafe not to eat, did we?",
"I can't stop touching myself...!"
<<case "Bank">>
<<if $P.Gender == "m">>
<<set $MyThought = either(
"This is a reliable bank, my money will be safe here.",
"If I put enough money in here, I could get a good percentage!"
<<if $P.Cor < 30>>
<<set $MyThought = either(
"All the employees here are so polite.",
"That creepy security guard is always staring at me!"
<<elseif $P.Cor < 50 and $P.Cor >= 30>>
<<set $MyThought = either(
"The bank will help me save up enough money and finally live to my own satisfaction!",
"I think this guard isn't doing his job right..."
<<elseif $P.Cor < 75 and $P.Cor >= 50>>
<<set $MyThought = either(
"I can still feel his touch there...",
"What if I smuggled something forbidden? I need to be checked!"
<<elseif $P.Cor >= 75>>
<<set $MyThought = either(
"I can still feel his touch there...",
"What if I smuggled something forbidden? I need to be checked!"
<<case "Supermarket">>
<<if $P.Gender == "m">>
<<set $MyThought = either(
"Hey, they sell everything from fruits and vegetables to laptops and clothes!",
"Who would have thought that ordinary products, when used properly, could be used in experiments!",
"Someday I'll save up for a new laptop!"
<<if $P.Cor < 30>>
<<set $MyThought = either(
"Hey, they sell everything from fruits and vegetables to laptops and clothes!",
"Hmm, I've been told that they even sell erotic clothing and toys here...though why would I want that?",
"Sometimes there are all kinds of freaks here... it's better to stay away from them."
<<elseif $P.Cor < 50 and $P.Cor >= 30>>
<<set $MyThought = either(
"Who would have thought that I could synthesize those pills from ordinary ingredients?",
"This store has everything I need!"
<<elseif $P.Cor < 75 and $P.Cor >= 50>>
<<set $MyThought = either(
"I want to flash my boobs in front of everyone..",
"People do talk about the drug regularly...that's th reason why they are so lustful..."
<<elseif $P.Cor >= 75>>
<<set $MyThought = either(
"Who would have thought that I could synthesize those pills from ordinary ingredients?",
"This store has everything I need!"
<<case "Gang">>
<<if $P.Gender == "m">>
<<set $MyThought = either(
"Shit, those guys again, I fucking hate them!",
"Think, think, think!",
"I'm pretty sure they'll let me go if I pay, because it's not the first time...",
"I don't think I can get away from them or fight, there are more of them! .... and I shouldn't have skipped gym class..."
<<if $P.Cor < 30>>
<<set $MyThought = either(
"There's no way I can win or escape in Carol's body!",
"Damn you all to hell!",
"These bastards wouldn't even be ashamed of hitting a girl!"
<<elseif $P.Cor < 50 and $P.Cor >= 30>>
<<set $MyThought = either(
"They are always so rude...",
"They're actually not bad guys, I can have a free beer with them!",
"Their words of protection are a lie, but I'm ready to play along with them..."
<<elseif $P.Cor < 75 and $P.Cor >= 50>>
<<set $MyThought = either(
"They are always so sexy...",
"While I'm drinking with them, I don't notice how I turn into a stupid happy cunt...",
"They just want to play with Carol's body...why should I mind?",
"They will make me feel good again...giggles..."
<<elseif $P.Cor >= 75>>
<<set $MyThought = either(
"They are always so sexy...",
"While I'm drinking with them, I don't notice how I turn into a stupid happy cunt...",
"They just want to play with Carol's body...why should I mind?",
"They will make me feel good again...giggles..."
<<case "BulyRoom">>
<<if $P.Gender == "m">>
<<set $MyThought = either(
"How could Levi set me up like that?!",
"I need to get rid of this debt as soon as possible.",
"He looks so smug right now."
<<if $P.Cor < 30>>
<<set $MyThought = either(
"How could Levi set me up like that?!",
"I need to get rid of this debt as soon as possible.",
"He looks so smug right now."
<<elseif $P.Cor < 50 and $P.Cor >= 30>>
<<set $MyThought = either(
"In order to get rid of this burden faster, I have to do what he says.",
"He's always so cocky...",
"He doesn't care about debt, he just wants to fuck me, right?"
<<elseif $P.Cor < 75 and $P.Cor >= 50>>
<<set $MyThought = either(
"How much is left to return? Ah, never mind, now I'll do what he says and the debt will definitely go down!",
"His room smells so sweaty.... it turns me on...",
"I don't mind pretending to be his toy from time to time...",
"I think I can let myself enjoy it for a bit..."
<<elseif $P.Cor >= 75>>
<<set $MyThought = either(
"How much is left to return? Ah, never mind, now I'll do what he says and the debt will definitely go down!",
"His room smells so sweaty.... it turns me on...",
"I don't mind pretending to be his toy from time to time...",
"I think I can let myself enjoy it for a bit..."
<<case "Bully">>
<<if $P.Gender == "m">>
<<set $MyThought = either(
"Damn, it's like this jerk is chasing me, is he in love? Brrrr....!",
"Stephan! Anyone but not you!",
"He's always asking to borrow money from me! And he doesn't pay me back!",
"I want to punch him in the face, but we all know how that ends..."
<<if $P.Cor < 30>>
<<set $MyThought = either(
"I hadn't thought of that even while I was in Carol's body, the bastard wouldn't leave me alone!",
"I need to figure out how to protect Carol's body from that gorilla!",
"I won't give up without a fight",
"In Carol's body he seems so big that my legs even shake..."
<<elseif $P.Cor < 50 and $P.Cor >= 30>>
<<set $MyThought = either(
"Actually, I might not have given him any money, just put up with him for a little while...",
"His body is so muscular...I can't beat it...",
"He's giving me a choice, so it's up to me!",
"Will I experience that....sensation again..?",
"I hate him with all my soul, but my body..."
<<elseif $P.Cor < 75 and $P.Cor >= 50>>
<<set $MyThought = either(
"Stephan says I suck the best... Of course I do!",
"I really loved getting fucked after school!",
"What is the point of paying him at all? He'd better fuck me good!",
"It feels good even when he treats me like this..!",
"Shit...I want his dick more and more..."
<<elseif $P.Cor >= 75>>
<<set $MyThought = either(
"Stephan says I suck the best... Of course I do!",
"I really loved getting fucked after school!",
"What is the point of paying him at all? He'd better fuck me good!",
"It feels good even when he treats me like this..!",
"Shit...I want his dick more and more..."
<<if $P.Cor < 30>>
<div class="CapThoughts">$MyThought</div>
<<elseif $P.Cor < 50 and $P.Cor >= 30>>
<div class="CapThoughts1">$MyThought</div>
<<elseif $P.Cor < 75 and $P.Cor >= 50>>
<div class="CapThoughts2">$MyThought</div>
<<elseif $P.Cor < 100 and $P.Cor >= 50>>
<div class="CapThoughts3">$MyThought</div>
<<elseif $P.Cor >= 100>>
<div class="CapThoughts4">$MyThought</div>
<<set $ThoughtTuner = false>>
<</widget>><<widget "media">>
<<set _mediaUrl = _args[0] ? _args[0] : null>>
<<set _mediaHtmlClass = _args[1] ? _args[1] : null>>
/* here you can enable/disable all images/videos */
<<set $isMediaEnabled = true>>
<<if $isMediaEnabled === true>>
<<set _mediaFileExtension = (/[.]/.exec(_mediaUrl)) ? /[^.]+$/.exec(_mediaUrl) : null >>
/* here you can modify url for load from CDN or specific folder */
<<if _mediaFileExtension === null>>
!!! Wrong media url: _mediaUrl !!!
<<set _mediaFileExtension = _mediaFileExtension[0].toLowerCase()>>
<<if ['jpg', 'jpeg', 'png', 'gif', 'webp', 'jfif'].includes(_mediaFileExtension)>>
/* here you can add logic for all image files, for example add blur if MC is drunc */
/* or add some class if game started on mobile device */
/* or add some class only if it's .gif image */
<img @class="_mediaHtmlClass" @src="_mediaUrl">
<<elseif ['mp4', 'webm'].includes(_mediaFileExtension)>>
/* here you can add logic for enable/disable autoplay, or something like this */
<video @class="_mediaHtmlClass" @src="_mediaUrl" autoplay loop muted></video>
!!! Wrong media extension: _mediaUrl !!!
<</widget>>/* Update stat widgets */
<<widget "UpdateSubDom">>
<<set _updateSubDomValue = setup.isString(_args[0]) ? _args[0] : ''>>
<<set _updateSubDomOperator = _updateSubDomValue.length > 0 ? _updateSubDomValue.substr(0, 1) : ''>>
<<if _updateSubDomOperator === "+" || _updateSubDomOperator === "-">>
<<set _updateSubDomValue = parseInt(_updateSubDomValue.substr(1))>>
<<set _updateSubDomOperator = '='>>
<<set _updateSubDomValue = parseInt(_updateSubDomValue)>>
<<if _updateSubDomValue !== NaN && _updateSubDomValue > 0 && (_updateSubDomOperator === '+' || _updateSubDomOperator === '-')>>
<<if _updateSubDomOperator == '+'>>
<<set $P.SubDom += _updateSubDomValue>>
<<if _updateSubDomValue < 3>>
@@color:red; You've become little more dominant. @@
<<elseif _updateSubDomValue >= 3 and _updateSubDomValue < 5>>
@@color:red; You've become more dominant. @@
@@color:red; You've become much more dominant. @@
<<set $P.SubDom -= _updateSubDomValue>>
<<if _updateSubDomValue < 3>>
@@color:blue; You've become little more submissive. @@
<<elseif _updateSubDomValue >= 3 and _updateSubDomValue < 5>>
@@color:blue; You've become more submissive. @@
@@color:blue; You've become much more submissive! @@
<<error "Invalid widget params">>
<<widget "UpdateArousal">>
<<set _updateArousalValue = setup.isString(_args[0]) ? _args[0] : ''>>
<<set _updateArousalOperator = _updateArousalValue.length > 0 ? _updateArousalValue.substr(0, 1) : ''>>
<<if _updateArousalOperator === "+" || _updateArousalOperator === "-">>
<<set _updateArousalValue = parseInt(_updateArousalValue.substr(1))>>
<<set _updateArousalOperator = '='>>
<<set _updateArousalValue = parseInt(_updateArousalValue)>>
<<if _updateArousalValue !== NaN && _updateArousalValue >= 0>>
<<if _updateArousalOperator == '+'>>
<<set $P.Arousal += _updateArousalValue>>
@@color:red; Your arousal has increased by _updateArousalValue. @@
<<elseif _updateArousalOperator == '-'>>
<<set $P.Arousal -= _updateArousalValue>>
@@color:deeppink; Your arousal has decreased by _updateArousalValue. @@
<<set $P.Arousal = _updateArousalValue>>
<<if _updateArousalValue > 50>>
@@color:red; Your arousal has been set to _updateArousalValue. @@
@@color:deeppink; Your arousal has been set to _updateArousalValue. @@
<<error "Invalid widget params">>
<<if $P.Arousal > 100>><<set $P.Arousal = 100>><</if>>
<<if $P.Arousal < 0>><<set $P.Arousal = 0>><</if>>
<<widget "UpdateMoney">>
<<set _updateMoneyValue = setup.isString(_args[0]) ? _args[0] : ''>>
<<set _updateMoneyOperator = _updateMoneyValue.length > 0 ? _updateMoneyValue.substr(0, 1) : ''>>
<<if _updateMoneyOperator === "+" || _updateMoneyOperator === "-">>
<<set _updateMoneyValue = parseInt(_updateMoneyValue.substr(1))>>
<<set _updateMoneyOperator = '='>>
<<set _updateMoneyValue = parseInt(_updateMoneyValue)>>
/* Maybe add logic to get money from bank */
/* Maybe add silent mode for custom messages, not sure... */
<<if _updateMoneyValue !== NaN && _updateMoneyValue >= 0>>
<<if _updateMoneyOperator == '+'>>
<<set $P.Money += _updateMoneyValue>>
@@color:lime; You get _updateMoneyValue $. @@
<<elseif _updateMoneyOperator == '-'>>
<<set $P.Money -= _updateMoneyValue>>
@@color:red; You lost _updateMoneyValue $. @@
<<set $P.Money = _updateMoneyValue>>
<<if $P.Money === 0>>
@@color:red; You lost all money. @@
<<error "Invalid widget params">>
<<widget "UpdateCorruption">>
<<set _updateCorruptionValue = setup.isString(_args[0]) ? _args[0] : ''>>
<<set _updateCorruptionOperator = _updateCorruptionValue.length > 0 ? _updateCorruptionValue.substr(0, 1) : ''>>
<<if _updateCorruptionOperator === "+" || _updateCorruptionOperator === "-">>
<<set _updateCorruptionValue = parseInt(_updateCorruptionValue.substr(1))>>
<<set _updateCorruptionOperator = '='>>
<<set _updateCorruptionValue = parseInt(_updateCorruptionValue)>>
<<if _updateCorruptionValue !== NaN && _updateCorruptionValue > 0 && (_updateCorruptionOperator === '+' || _updateCorruptionOperator === '-')>>
<<if _updateCorruptionOperator == '+'>>
<<set $P.Cor += _updateCorruptionValue>>
@@color:magenta; Corruption increased by _updateCorruptionValue. @@
<<set $P.Cor -= _updateCorruptionValue>>
@@color:lime; Corruption decreased by _updateCorruptionValue. @@
<<error "Invalid widget params">>
<<if $P.Cor < 0>>
<<set $P.Cor = 0>>
<<widget "UpdatePervertion">>
<<set _updatePervertionValue = setup.isString(_args[0]) ? _args[0] : ''>>
<<set _updatePervertionOperator = _updatePervertionValue.length > 0 ? _updatePervertionValue.substr(0, 1) : ''>>
<<if _updatePervertionOperator === "+" || _updatePervertionOperator === "-">>
<<set _updatePervertionValue = parseInt(_updatePervertionValue.substr(1))>>
<<set _updatePervertionOperator = '='>>
<<set _updatePervertionValue = parseInt(_updatePervertionValue)>>
<<if _updatePervertionValue !== NaN && _updatePervertionValue > 0 && (_updatePervertionOperator === '+' || _updatePervertionOperator === '-')>>
<<if _updatePervertionOperator == '+'>>
<<set $P.PervertedPoints += _updatePervertionValue>>
@@color:orange; Your perversion increased by _updatePervertionValue. @@
<<set $P.PervertedPoints -= _updatePervertionValue>>
@@color:#40AEEC; Your perversion has decreased by _updatePervertionValue. @@
<<error "Invalid widget params">>
<<if $P.PervertedPoints < 0>>
<<set $P.PervertedPoints = 0>>
<<widget "UpdateCindyPower">>
<<if $P.ConvergenceON == true>>
<<set _updateCindyPowerValue = setup.isString(_args[0]) ? _args[0] : ''>>
<<set _updateCindyPowerOperator = _updateCindyPowerValue.length > 0 ? _updateCindyPowerValue.substr(0, 1) : ''>>
<<if _updateCindyPowerOperator === "+" || _updateCindyPowerOperator === "-">>
<<set _updateCindyPowerValue = parseInt(_updateCindyPowerValue.substr(1))>>
<<set _updateCindyPowerOperator = '='>>
<<set _updateCindyPowerValue = parseInt(_updateCindyPowerValue)>>
<<if _updateCindyPowerValue !== NaN && _updateCindyPowerValue >= 0>>
<<if _updateCindyPowerOperator == '+'>>
<<set $P.CindyPower += _updateCindyPowerValue>>
<<elseif _updateCindyPowerOperator == '-'>>
<<set $P.CindyPower -= _updateCindyPowerValue>>
<<set $P.CindyPower = _updateCindyPowerValue>>
<<error "Invalid widget params">>
/* not sure what is CindyPower maximum, so limit as 100 */
<<if $P.CindyPower > 100>><<set $P.CindyPower = 100>><</if>>
<<if $P.CindyPower < 0>><<set $P.CindyPower = 0>><</if>>
<<widget "UpdateMomCorruption">>
<<set _updateMomCorruptionValue = setup.isString(_args[0]) ? _args[0] : ''>>
<<set _updateMomCorruptionOperator = _updateMomCorruptionValue.length > 0 ? _updateMomCorruptionValue.substr(0, 1) : ''>>
<<if _updateMomCorruptionOperator === "+" || _updateMomCorruptionOperator === "-">>
<<set _updateMomCorruptionValue = parseInt(_updateMomCorruptionValue.substr(1))>>
<<set _updateMomCorruptionOperator = '='>>
<<set _updateMomCorruptionValue = parseInt(_updateMomCorruptionValue)>>
<<if _updateMomCorruptionValue !== NaN && _updateMomCorruptionValue > 0 && (_updateMomCorruptionOperator === '+' || _updateMomCorruptionOperator === '-')>>
<<if _updateMomCorruptionOperator == '+'>>
<<set $Mom.Cor += _updateMomCorruptionValue>>
@@color:magenta; Olga's corruption has increased by _updateMomCorruptionValue. @@
<<set $Mom.Cor -= _updateMomCorruptionValue>>
@@color:magenta; Olga's corruption has decreased by _updateMomCorruptionValue. @@
<<error "Invalid widget params">>
<<widget "UpdateTeacherCorruption">>
<<set _updateTeacherCorruptionValue = setup.isString(_args[0]) ? _args[0] : ''>>
<<set _updateTeacherCorruptionOperator = _updateTeacherCorruptionValue.length > 0 ? _updateTeacherCorruptionValue.substr(0, 1) : ''>>
<<if _updateTeacherCorruptionOperator === "+" || _updateTeacherCorruptionOperator === "-">>
<<set _updateTeacherCorruptionValue = parseInt(_updateTeacherCorruptionValue.substr(1))>>
<<set _updateTeacherCorruptionOperator = '='>>
<<set _updateTeacherCorruptionValue = parseInt(_updateTeacherCorruptionValue)>>
<<if _updateTeacherCorruptionValue !== NaN && _updateTeacherCorruptionValue > 0 && (_updateTeacherCorruptionOperator === '+' || _updateTeacherCorruptionOperator === '-')>>
<<if _updateTeacherCorruptionOperator == '+'>>
<<set $Teacher.Cor += _updateTeacherCorruptionValue>>
@@color:magenta; Vanessa's corruption has increased by _updateTeacherCorruptionValue. @@
<<set $Teacher.Cor -= _updateTeacherCorruptionValue>>
@@color:magenta; Vanessa's corruption has decreased by _updateTeacherCorruptionValue. @@
<<error "Invalid widget params">>
<<widget "UpdateCarolCorruption">>
<<set _updateCarolCorruptionValue = setup.isString(_args[0]) ? _args[0] : ''>>
<<set _updateCarolCorruptionOperator = _updateCarolCorruptionValue.length > 0 ? _updateCarolCorruptionValue.substr(0, 1) : ''>>
<<if _updateCarolCorruptionOperator === "+" || _updateCarolCorruptionOperator === "-">>
<<set _updateCarolCorruptionValue = parseInt(_updateCarolCorruptionValue.substr(1))>>
<<set _updateCarolCorruptionOperator = '='>>
<<set _updateCarolCorruptionValue = parseInt(_updateCarolCorruptionValue)>>
<<if _updateCarolCorruptionValue !== NaN && _updateCarolCorruptionValue > 0 && (_updateCarolCorruptionOperator === '+' || _updateCarolCorruptionOperator === '-')>>
<<if _updateCarolCorruptionOperator == '+'>>
<<set $Carol.Cor += _updateCarolCorruptionValue>>
@@color:magenta;Carol's corruption has increased by _updateCarolCorruptionValue. @@
<<set $Carol.Cor -= _updateCarolCorruptionValue>>
@@color:magenta;Carol's corruption has decreased by _updateCarolCorruptionValue. @@
<<error "Invalid widget params">>
/* Events */
<<widget "OnArousalUpdated">>
<<if $P.Arousal >= 100>>
/* not sure here, should I increase CindyPower every time when Arousal>=100 ?
<<UpdateCindyPower "+1">>*/
<<widget "OnMoneyUpdated">>
/* todo */
<<widget "OnCindyPowerUpdated">>
/* it's just for the future, maybe you'll do something like this
<<if $P.CindyPower >= 10>>
@@color:red;OMG Cindy become so powerfull.@@<br>
<<widget "OnMomCorruptionUpdated">>
/* todo */
<<widget "OnTeacherCorruptionUpdated">>
/* todo */
<<widget "OnSubDomUpdated">>
/* todo */
<<widget "OnCorruptionUpdated">>
/* todo */
<<widget "OnPervertionUpdated">>
/* todo */
<<widget "OnCarolCorruptionUpdated">>
/* todo */