<<include "StatInit">>
// global variables
<<set $gamever = "0.13.4">>
<<set $stage = 0>>
<<set $incest = false>>
<<set $displayimage = true>>
<<set $watersport = false>>
<<set $hourdisplaymode = true>>
<<set $hour = 8>>
<<set $minute = 0>>
<<set $day = 2>>
<<set $dayCount = 1>>
<<set $donetutorial = false>>
<<set $washdishes = false>>
<<set $laundry = true>>
<<set $watchrocket = false>>
<<set $daywd = 2>>
<<set $dayld = 1>>
<<set $uwc = 4>>
<<set $wdc = 0>>
<<set $cheatnofatigue = false>>
<<set $cheatnohorny = false>>
<<set setup.cheatcode = recall('cheatcode', { })>>
<<set $cheatcode = setup.cheatcode>>
<<set $ccanswer = 103334646>>
<<set $ingallery = false>>
<<set $gameends = false>>
<<set $scenepicked = true>>
<<set setup.newload = false>>
<<set setup.ws to recall('ws', { })>>
<<galleryupdate>>The blaring of the phone wakes you up from the deep slumber. You groggily slam search for your phone to turn off the piercing noise. The clock alarm says $hour:00 AM with a note <em>First day of college</em>.
You have no choice but to get up and change. Inside the mirror, looking back is a young, healthy and albeit sleepy man staring back at you.
<<di you "Not too shabby yourself. But still a virgin...">>
Your name is <<textbox "$you.Namedis" "James">>
<div class="temp">
<<link "You heard a knock on the door.">>
<<replace ".temp">>
Opening the door you find yourself looking at $w.ydad - <<textbox "$dad.Namedis" "Dennis">>
<<image "dad/dad1.jpg">>
<<di dad "Breakfast is ready. I have an emergency at work, so please clean up after you leave.">>
<<di you "I got it!">>
Before you can even finish the sentence, $w.ydad already disappeared from sight. For a middle-aged and hulking man with 200 lbs of pure muscle, he is quite quick on his feet especially when it comes to anything work-related.
He is a great guy but suffered from an ugly divorce with your mother. In your mother's filings, it said that he was a total workaholics, only wanted to be intimate with her sexually (& excessively) and neglected her emotional needs.
You personally didn't blame her one bit since it was the truth. The man throws all of his life into his career and you can recall at least a dozen times hearing the moanings of them having sex - not counting the constant bed squeakings on the other side of your bedroom's wall every night.
Towards the end of their marriage, things were messy with the constant arguments so much so your insatiable $w.dad swore off dating altogether and got fully committed to his work. Your mom is now on a journey of "self-discovery" with her lover and you have college here so the choice to stay with $w.ydad is obvious.
Stopping the thoughts, you decide to
[[Grab the breakfast in the kitchen and go to school on time|Kitchenintro]]
[[Jerk off since he is not the only one with high sex drive|Introjerk]]
</div><<set $you ={
Name: "You",
Namedis: "James",
Age: 18,
money: 100,
sleep: 0,
sleepmax: 48,
hunger: 0,
hungermax: 24,
horniness: 0,
clean: 0,
location: "Living room",
rocket: 0,
beer: 0,
weed: 0,
sleepingpowder: 0,
gpa: 2,
ruse: 0,
rlevel: 1,
rsexcount: 0,
talkto: 0, /* 1=dad, 2=bro */
cc: 0,
<<set $bro ={
Name: "Step-brother",
Namedis: "Mark",
age: 24,
lust: 0,
lustmax: 50,
aff: 25,
affmax: 45,
jea: 0,
jeamax: 50,
sus: 0,
susmax: 100,
schedule: 1,
shift: 9,
location: "Living room",
giftstate: 0,
gropecd: 0,
pisscd: 2,
pissmaxcd: 8,
rocketpill: 6,
rockettime: 0,
prerocketlust: 0,
respromise: 0,
resfuckcd: 0,
drunk: 12,
caught: false,
asleep: false,
havesex: false,
lda: false,
gps: false,
roomlock: false,
<<set $dad ={
Name: "Step-dad",
Namedis: "Dennis",
age: 40,
lust: 0,
lustmax: 50,
aff: 25,
affmax: 45,
sus: 0,
susmax: 100,
jea: 0,
jeamax: 50,
schedule: 1,
location: "Living room",
giftstate: 0,
caught: false,
asleep: false,
havesex: false,
wda: false,
drunk: 8,
gropecd: 0,
pisscd: 3,
pissmaxcd: 8,
officefuckcd: 0,
rocketpill: 6,
rockettime: 0,
prerocketlust: 0,
gps: false,
roomlock: false,
<<set $dnb ={
start: false,
acc: 0,
accmax: 25,
charchoice: 0,
dadar: 0,
broar: 0,
scenestage: 0,
cumscene: false,
dadkissed: false,
dadcaressed: false,
dadrimmed: false,
brokissed: false,
brocaressed: false,
brorimmed: false,
dped: false,
<<set $gp ={
Name: "Step-grandpa",
<<set $unc ={
Name: "Step-uncle",
<<set $resman ={
Name: "Restaurant Manager",
Namedis: "Rob",
start: false,
lust: 0,
lustmax: 25,
manner: 11,
mannermax: 20,
bjtime: 0,
bjcd: 1,
giftstate: 0,
<<set $bully ={
Name: "Chris",
state: 0,
requeststate: 0,
tvstate: 0,
fcaught: 0,
request: 0,
requestcd: 10,
lust: 0,
lustmax: 20,
sus: 0,
susmax: 5,
rc: false,
requesttaken: true,
crashcd: 0,
giftstate: 0,
<<set $prof ={
Name: "Frank",
state: 0,
lust: 0,
lustmax: 30,
pat: 3,
patmax: 3,
sus: 0,
susmax: 10,
request: 0,
requeststate: 0,
stc: false,
syc: false,
giftstate: 0,
<<set $police ={
Name: "Police Officer",
state: 0,
res: 6,
resmax: 10,
bprog: 0,
hprog: 0,
sprog: 0,
giftstate: 0,
<<set $cw ={
Name: "The man",
state: 0,
scenestage: 0,
ar: 0,
kiss: 0,
pec: 0,
pit: 0,
bj: 0,
fuck: 0,
sfail: 0,
lust: 0,
lustmax: 15,
sus: 0,
susmax: 1,
aff: 1,
eaff: 0,
rmoney: 25,
uws: 0,
uwjc: 0,
timer: -9999,
<<set $mec ={
Name: "Man",
lust: 0,
lustmax: 20,
timer: 10,
chattimer: 10,
catchtimer: 10,
aff: 0,
forgetpotion: 0,
stage: 0,
<<set $dealer ={
Name: "Dealer",
firsttalk: false,
buytime: 0,
firstbjcd: 4,
bjcd: 4,
<<set $go ={
Name: "Brock",
lockerjerkcount: 0,
lockerjerkcd: 1,
<<set $fair ={
Name: "Cuub Sin",
dur: 10,
cw: 0,
advstage: 0,
abostage: 0,
assstage: 0,
advcd: 8,
abocd: 8,
asscd: 8,
<<set $cm ={
Name: "Cellmate",
protection: 0,
aff: 0,
affmax: 50,
trust: 10,
trustmax: 10,
<<set $pr ={
totalday: 0,
gtrust: 0,
gtrustmax: 50,
gprotection: 0,
pinfamy: 0,
pinfamymax: 50,
cig: 0,
psex: 0,
choc: 0,
shiv: 0,
martinunlock: false,
endcd: 100,
<<set $owork ={
stage: 0,
totalhour: 0,
hourpw: 0,
daycd: 100,
strike: 3,
penalty: 0,
janlust: 0,
janlustmax: 10,
sprog: 0,
sprogmax: 16,
<<set $sd ={
Name: "Boss",
stage: 0,
lust: -2,
lustmax: 25,
stress: 3,
stressmax: 11,
groc: 0,
vstage: 0,
<<set $sus1 ={
Name: "Sam",
<<set $sus2 ={
Name: "Clint",
<<set $sus3 ={
Name: "Quinn",
<<set $sus4 ={
Name: "Andy",
<<set $str1 ={
Name: "Stranger 1",
<<set $str2 ={
Name: "Stranger 2",
<<set $oni ={
Name: "Nga",
<<set $witch ={
Name: "Thuy",
dadhelpstate: 0,
dadhelptimer: 0,
brohelpstate: 0,
<<set $w to {
son: "kid",
Son: "Kid",
dad: "step-dad",
Dad: "Step-dad",
ydad: "your step-dad",
Ydad: "Your step-dad",
father: "step-father",
Father: "Step-Father",
yfather: "your step-father",
Yfather: "Your step-father",
bro: "step-bro",
Bro: "Step-bro",
ybro: "your step-bro",
Ybro: "Your step-bro",
brother: "step-brother",
Brother: "Step-Brother",
ybrother: "your step-brother",
Ybrother: "Your step-brother",
uncle: "step-uncle",
Uncle: "Step-uncle",
nephew: "step-nephew",
Nephew: "Step-nephew",
grandpa: "step-grandpa",
Grandpa: "Step-grandpa",
granddad: "step-granddad",
Granddad: "Step-granddad",
grandson: "step-grandson",
Grandson: "Step-grandson",
<<set $ws to {
Dadteaselivingroom: false,
Dadteasebedroom2: false,
Dadteasebedroom3: false,
Dadteasekitchen: false,
Dadteasebathroom: false,
Dadcrotchlivingroom1: false,
Dadcrotchlivingroom2: false,
Dadcrotchlivingroom3: false,
Dadcrotchlivingroom4: false,
Dadcrotchbedroom1: false,
Dadcrotchbedroom2: false,
Dadcrotchbedroom3: false,
Dadcrotchbedroom4: false,
Dadcrotchkitchen2: false,
Dadcrotchkitchen3: false,
Dadcrotchgym1: false,
Dadcrotchgym2: false,
Dadcrotchgym3: false,
Dadcrotchgym4: false,
Dadhjintro25: false,
Dadhjintro24: false,
Dadhjintro22: false,
Dadhjintro21: false,
Dadhj14: false,
Dadhj13: false,
Dadhj12: false,
Dadhj11: false,
Dadbjintro14: false,
Dadbjintro13: false,
Dadbjintro12: false,
Dadbjintro11: false,
Dadbj15: false,
Dadbj14: false,
Dadbj13: false,
Dadbj12: false,
Dadbj11: false,
Dadfondle: false,
Dadbathroombj11: false,
Dadbathroombj12: false,
Dadbathroombj13: false,
Dadbathroombj14: false,
Dadgymbj11: false,
Dadgymbj12: false,
Dadgymbj13: false,
Dadgymbj14: false,
Dadofficebj111: false,
Dadofficebj112: false,
Dadofficebj113: false,
Dadofficebj114: false,
Dadfuckintro11: false,
Dadfuckintro12: false,
Dadfuckintro13: false,
Dadfuckintro14: false,
Dadfuckintro21: false,
Dadfuckintro22: false,
Dadfuckintro23: false,
Dadfuckintro24: false,
Dadfuck11: false,
Dadfuck12: false,
Dadfuck13: false,
Dadfuck14: false,
Dadfuck15: false,
Dadofficefuck1: false,
Dadofficefuck2: false,
Dadofficefuck3: false,
Dadofficefuck4: false,
Dnbdadjealousbj: false,
Dnbdadjealousfuck: false,
Dadsleepfuck: false,
Dadgoodend1: false,
Dadgoodend2: false,
Dadjeabadends2: false,
Dadjeabadends3: false,
Dadbadends1: false,
Dadbadends2: false,
Dadbadends3: false,
Dadbadends4: false,
Dadbadends5: false,
Dadbadends6: false,
Broteaselivingroom1: false,
Broteaselivingroom2: false,
Broteaselivingroom3: false,
Broteaselivingroom4: false,
Broteasebedroom1: false,
Broteasebedroom2: false,
Broteasebedroom3: false,
Broteasebedroom4: false,
Broteasekitchen1: false,
Broteasekitchen2: false,
Broteasekitchen3: false,
Broteasekitchen4: false,
Broteasebathroom1: false,
Broteasebathroom2: false,
Broteasebathroom3: false,
Broteasebathroom4: false,
Brocrotchlivingroom1: false,
Brocrotchlivingroom2: false,
Brocrotchlivingroom3: false,
Brocrotchlivingroom4: false,
Brocrotchbedroom1: false,
Brocrotchbedroom2: false,
Brocrotchbedroom3: false,
Brocrotchbedroom4: false,
Brocrotchkitchen1: false,
Brocrotchkitchen2: false,
Brocrotchkitchen3: false,
Brocrotchkitchen4: false,
Brocrotchgym1: false,
Brocrotchgym2: false,
Brocrotchgym3: false,
Brocrotchgym4: false,
Brofondle2: false,
Brofondle4: false,
Brobathroombj1: false,
Brobathroombj2: false,
Brobathroombj3: false,
Brobathroombj4: false,
Brobj11: false,
Brobj12: false,
Brobj13: false,
Brobj14: false,
Brobj15: false,
Brogymbj11: false,
Brogymbj12: false,
Brogymbj13: false,
Brogymbj14: false,
Brofuck11: false,
Brofuck12: false,
Brofuck13: false,
Brofuck14: false,
Brofuck15: false,
Brosleepfuck: false,
Brobjffr1: false,
Brobjffr2: false,
Brobjffr3: false,
Brobjffr4: false,
Brofuckffr1: false,
Brofuckffr2: false,
Brofuckffr3: false,
Brofuckffr4: false,
Brogymfuck1: false,
Brogymfuck2: false,
Brogymfuck3: false,
Brogymfuck4: false,
Dnbbrojealousbj: false,
Dnbbrojealousfuck: false,
dnbscene: false,
Brogoodend1: false,
Brogoodend2: false,
Brojeabadends2: false,
Brojeabadends3: false,
Brobadends1: false,
Brobadends2: false,
Brobadends3: false,
Brobadends4: false,
Brobadends5: false,
Brobadends6: false,
Dealerbj1: false,
Dealerbj2: false,
Resmanbj2: false,
Resmanbj31: false,
Resmanbj32: false,
Resmanworkouttowel: false,
Resmanworkoutadmire: false,
Resmanworkout2: false,
Resmanshower1: false,
Resmanshower2: false,
Resmanwash2: false,
Resmanunderwearbj: false,
Resmanhome6: false,
Resmanhome8: false,
Resmanhome9: false,
Resmanhomebj1: false,
Resmanhomebj2: false,
Resmanhomefuck1: false,
Resmanhomefuck2: false,
Resmanparkfuck1: false,
Resmanparkfuck2: false,
Resmanend1: false,
Resmanend2: false,
Bullystreak: false,
Bullyrequest1: false,
Bullyrequest2: false,
Bullyrequest3: false,
Bullyrequest4: false,
Bullyhjintro: false,
Bullyhj1: false,
Bullyhj2: false,
Bullybjintro: false,
Bullybj1: false,
Bullybj2: false,
Bullyfuckintro: false,
Bullyfuck1: false,
Bullyfuck2: false,
Bullylibraryfuck1: false,
Bullylibraryfuck2: false,
Bullybadend1: false,
Bullyend1: false,
Bullyend2: false,
Bullyend3: false,
Bullyend4: false,
Profvisit11: false,
Profvisit12: false,
Profvisit21: false,
Profvisit22: false,
Profvisit31: false,
Profvisit32: false,
Profvisit33: false,
Profvisit34: false,
Profvisit35: false,
Profvisit36: false,
Profspankingintro: false,
Profhjintro: false,
Profhj1: false,
Profhj3: false,
Profhj4: false,
Profhj5: false,
Profhj6: false,
Profbjintro: false,
Profbj1: false,
Profbj3: false,
Profbj4: false,
Profbj5: false,
Profbj6: false,
Proffuck11: false,
Proffuck13: false,
Proffuck14: false,
Proffuck15: false,
Proffuck16: false,
Profgympiss1: false,
Profgymbj1: false,
Profgymfuck1: false,
Profend1: false,
Profend2: false,
Profend3: false,
Mcctalk1: false,
Mcctalk2: false,
Mcbhj: false,
Mcbbj: false,
Mcbfuck: false,
Mchhj: false,
Mchbj: false,
Mchfuck: false,
Mcshj: false,
Mcsbj: false,
Mcsfuck: false,
Mcrhj: false,
Mcrbj: false,
Mcrfuck: false,
Mcconvention1strip: false,
Mcconvention2massage: false,
Mcconvention2hj: false,
Mcconvention3hj1: false,
Mcconvention3hj2: false,
Mcconvention4bj1: false,
Mcconvention4bj2: false,
Mcconvention4hj: false,
Mcconvention5fuck1: false,
Mcconvention5fuck2: false,
Mcconvention5bj: false,
Mcconvention6orgy1: false,
Mcconvention6orgy2: false,
Mcconventionfuck: false,
Mcendfuck: false,
Mcend1: false,
Mcend2: false,
Policegiftbj1: false,
Policegymbj2: false,
CWhj1: false,
CWhj2: false,
CWhj3: false,
CWhj4: false,
CWhj5: false,
CWhj6: false,
CWbjintro: false,
CWbj1: false,
CWbj2: false,
CWbj3: false,
CWbj4: false,
CWbj5: false,
CWbj6: false,
CWfuckintro: false,
CWfuckintro2: false,
CWfuck1: false,
CWfuck2: false,
CWfuck3: false,
CWfuck5: false,
CWfuck6: false,
CWorgy: false,
CWpec1: false,
CWpec2: false,
CWpit1: false,
CWpit2: false,
CWkiss1: false,
CWkiss2: false,
CWjerkinbed: false,
CWunderwearsteal: false,
CWfucktalk2: false,
CWbadend: false,
CWend1: false,
CWend2: false,
CWend3: false,
CWend4: false,
Parkrhj: false,
Parkrbj: false,
Parkrfuck: false,
Mechjintro: false,
Mechj1: false,
Mechomehj1: false,
Mechomehj2: false,
Mecnehj: false,
Mecbjintro: false,
Mecbj1: false,
Mechomebj1: false,
Mechomebj2: false,
Mechomefuck1: false,
Mechomefuck2: false,
Mecendfuck1: false,
Mecend1: false,
Mecend2: false,
Mecend3: false,
Gymrhj: false,
Gymrbj: false,
Gymrfuck: false,
Gymlockerjerk: false,
GObj1: false,
GOfuck1: false,
Fairadv12: false,
Fairadv13: false,
Fairadv22: false,
Fairadv23: false,
Fairadv32: false,
Fairadv33: false,
Fairadv42: false,
Fairadv43: false,
Fairadv44: false,
Fairabo12: false,
Fairabo22: false,
Fairabo32: false,
Fairabo42: false,
Fairass12: false,
Fairass22: false,
Fairass32: false,
Fairass42: false,
Fairpw4: false,
Fairpw5: false,
Fairpw6: false,
Fairpw7: false,
Fairpw8: false,
Fairend1: false,
Fairend2: false,
Prisonintrofreetimebj: false,
Prisonintroshowerbj: false,
Prisonintronightbj: false,
Prisonfreetimebj11: false,
Prisonshowerbj11: false,
Prisonnightbj11: false,
Prisonmealbj11: false,
Guardworkbj11: false,
Guardworkfuck31: false,
Guardclassbj11: false,
Guardclassfuck21: false,
Guardmealbj11: false,
Prisonfreetimefuck21: false,
Prisonfreetimefbj11: false,
Prisonfreetimeffuck31: false,
Prisonshowerfuck21: false,
Prisonshowerfbj11: false,
Prisonshowerffuck31: false,
Prisonmorningcmbj12: false,
Prisonmorningcmbj13: false,
Prisonshowercmbj12: false,
Prisonshowercmfuck12: false,
Prisonnightcmfuck12: false,
Prending24: false,
Prending33: false,
Worksalesintrobj11: false,
Worksalesbj11: false,
Workjanintrohj11: false,
Workjanhj11: false,
Worksalesintrobj21: false,
Worksalesbj21: false,
Worksalesintrofuck11: false,
Worksalesfuck11: false,
Worksalesintrofuck21: false,
Workjanintrobj11: false,
Workjanbj11: false,
Workvbj11: false,
Workvbj21: false,
SDmassage11: false,
SDmassage31: false,
SDmassage41: false,
SDmassage51: false,
SDhj11: false,
SDhj21: false,
SDbj11: false,
SDbj21: false,
SDbj31: false,
SDbj41: false,
SDend11: false,
<<set $q ={
daddysboydisplay: false,
brosforeverdisplay: false,
familyuniondisplay: false,
shiftyhookerdisplay: false,
resmandisplay: false,
bullydisplay: false,
grandmasshopdisplay: false,
theremedydisplay: false,
profdisplay: false,
mcdisplay: false,
cwdisplay: false,
mecdisplay: false,
pcdisplay: false,
prdisplay: false,
fairdisplay: false,
oworkdisplay: false,
tfairdisplay: false,
tbullydisplay: false,
tcwdisplay: false,
tsddisplay: false,
sddisplay: false,
oworkvdisplay: false,
}>><<nobr>><<widget "lust">>
<<if _args[0] === "dad" and not $gameends and not $dnb.start>>
<<if _args[1] === "minus">>
<<if previous() !== "Character stats" and previous() !== "Settingsmenu" and previous() !== "Oktab" and previous() !== "Cheat">>
<<set $dad.lust = Math.clamp($dad.lust - _args[2], 0, $dad.lustmax)>>
<<print "@@.minus;-"+_args[2]+" "+$w.dad+"'s lust@@">><br/><br/>
<<if previous() !== "Character stats" and previous() !== "Settingsmenu" and previous() !== "Oktab" and previous() !== "Cheat" and previous() !== "Cheat">>
<<set $dad.lust = Math.clamp($dad.lust + _args[2], 0, $dad.lustmax)>>
<<print "@@.add;+"+_args[2]+" "+$w.dad+"'s lust@@">><br/><br/>
<<elseif _args[0] === "bro" and not $gameends and not $dnb.start>>
<<if _args[1] === "minus">>
<<if previous() !== "Character stats" and previous() !== "Settingsmenu" and previous() !== "Oktab" and previous() !== "Cheat" and previous() !== "Cheat">>
<<set $bro.lust = Math.clamp($bro.lust - _args[2], 0, $bro.lustmax)>>
<<print "@@.minus;-"+_args[2]+" "+$w.brother+"'s lust@@">><br/><br/>
<<if previous() !== "Character stats" and previous() !== "Settingsmenu" and previous() !== "Oktab" and previous() !== "Cheat">>
<<set $bro.lust = Math.clamp($bro.lust + _args[2], 0, $bro.lustmax)>>
<<print "@@.add;+"+_args[2]+" "+$w.brother+"'s lust@@">><br/><br/>
<<elseif _args[0] === "resman" and not $gameends>>
<<if _args[1] === "minus">>
<<if previous() !== "Character stats" and previous() !== "Settingsmenu" and previous() !== "Oktab" and previous() !== "Cheat">>
<<set $resman.lust = Math.clamp($resman.lust - _args[2], 0, $resman.lustmax)>>
<<print "@@.minus;-"+_args[2]+" "+$resman.Namedis+"'s lust@@">><br/><br/>
<<if previous() !== "Character stats" and previous() !== "Settingsmenu" and previous() !== "Oktab" and previous() !== "Cheat">>
<<set $resman.lust = Math.clamp($resman.lust + _args[2], 0, $resman.lustmax)>>
<<print "@@.add;+"+_args[2]+" "+$resman.Namedis+"'s lust@@">><br/><br/>
<<elseif _args[0] === "bully" and not $gameends>>
<<if _args[1] === "minus">>
<<if previous() !== "Character stats" and previous() !== "Settingsmenu" and previous() !== "Oktab" and previous() !== "Cheat">>
<<set $bully.lust = Math.clamp($bully.lust - _args[2], 0, $bully.lustmax)>>
<<print "@@.minus;-"+_args[2]+" "+$bully.Name+"'s lust@@">><br/><br/>
<<if previous() !== "Character stats" and previous() !== "Settingsmenu" and previous() !== "Oktab" and previous() !== "Cheat">>
<<set $bully.lust = Math.clamp($bully.lust + _args[2], 0, $bully.lustmax)>>
<<print "@@.add;+"+_args[2]+" "+$bully.Name+"'s lust@@">><br/><br/>
<<elseif _args[0] === "prof" and not $gameends>>
<<if previous() !== "Character stats" and previous() !== "Settingsmenu" and previous() !== "Oktab" and previous() !== "Cheat">>
<<set $prof.lust = Math.clamp($prof.lust + _args[1], 0, $prof.lustmax)>>
<<print "@@.add;+"+_args[1]+" "+$prof.Name+"'s lust.@@">><br/><br/>
<<elseif _args[0] === "cw" and not $gameends and ($cw.lust < _args[2] or _args[2] == undefined)>>
<<if previous() !== "Character stats" and previous() !== "Settingsmenu" and previous() !== "Oktab" and previous() !== "Cheat">>
<<set $cw.lust = Math.clamp($cw.lust + _args[1], 0, $cw.lustmax)>>
<<if _args[1] > 0>>
<<print "@@.add;+"+_args[1]+" "+$cw.Name+"'s lust@@">><br/><br/>
<<print "@@.minus;"+_args[1]+" "+$cw.Name+"'s lust@@">><br/><br/>
<<elseif _args[0] === "mec" and not $gameends and ($mec.lust < _args[2] or _args[2] == undefined)>>
<<if previous() !== "Character stats" and previous() !== "Settingsmenu" and previous() !== "Oktab" and previous() !== "Cheat">>
<<set $mec.lust = Math.clamp($mec.lust + _args[1], 0, $mec.lustmax)>>
<<if _args[1] > 0>>
<<print "@@.add;+"+_args[1]+" "+$mec.Name+"'s lust@@">><br/><br/>
<<print "@@.minus;"+_args[1]+" "+$mec.Name+"'s lust@@">><br/><br/>
<<elseif _args[0] === "pr" and not $gameends and ($pr.pinfamy < _args[2] or _args[2] == undefined)>>
<<if previous() !== "Character stats" and previous() !== "Settingsmenu" and previous() !== "Oktab" and previous() !== "Cheat">>
<<set $pr.pinfamy = Math.clamp($pr.pinfamy + _args[1], 0, $pr.pinfamymax)>>
<<if _args[1] > 0>>
<<print "@@.add;+"+_args[1]+" prison infamy@@">><br/><br/>
<<print "@@.minus;"+_args[1]+" prison infamy@@">><br/><br/>
<<elseif _args[0] === "prg" and not $gameends and ($pr.gtrust < _args[2] or _args[2] == undefined)>>
<<if previous() !== "Character stats" and previous() !== "Settingsmenu" and previous() !== "Oktab" and previous() !== "Cheat">>
<<set $pr.gtrust = Math.clamp($pr.gtrust + _args[1], 0, $pr.gtrustmax)>>
<<if _args[1] > 0>>
<<print "@@.add;+"+_args[1]+" guards' trust@@">><br/><br/>
<<print "@@.minus;"+_args[1]+" guards' trust@@">><br/><br/>
<<elseif _args[0] === "sales" and not $gameends and ($owork.sprog < _args[2] or _args[2] == undefined)>>
<<if previous() !== "Character stats" and previous() !== "Settingsmenu" and previous() !== "Oktab" and previous() !== "Cheat">>
<<set $owork.sprog = Math.clamp($owork.sprog + _args[1], 0, $owork.sprogmax)>>
<<if _args[1] > 0>>
<<print "@@.add;+"+_args[1]+" sales' progress@@">><br/><br/>
<<print "@@.minus;"+_args[1]+" sales' progress@@">><br/><br/>
<<elseif _args[0] === "jan" and not $gameends and ($owork.janlust < _args[2] or _args[2] == undefined)>>
<<if previous() !== "Character stats" and previous() !== "Settingsmenu" and previous() !== "Oktab" and previous() !== "Cheat">>
<<set $owork.janlust = Math.clamp($owork.janlust + _args[1], 0, $owork.janlustmax)>>
<<if _args[1] > 0>>
<<print "@@.add;+"+_args[1]+" janitor's lust@@">><br/><br/>
<<print "@@.minus;"+_args[1]+" janitor's lust@@">><br/><br/>
<<elseif _args[0] === "sd" and not $gameends and ($sd.lust < _args[2] or _args[2] == undefined)>>
<<if previous() !== "Character stats" and previous() !== "Settingsmenu" and previous() !== "Oktab" and previous() !== "Cheat">>
<<set $sd.lust = Math.clamp($sd.lust + _args[1], -2, $sd.lustmax)>>
<<if _args[1] > 0>>
<<print "@@.add;+"+_args[1]+" "+$sd.Name+"'s lust@@">><br/><br/>
<<print "@@.minus;"+_args[1]+" "+$sd.Name+"'s lust@@">><br/><br/>
<<nobr>><<widget "aff">>
<<if _args[0] === "dad" and not $gameends and not $dnb.start>>
<<if _args[1] === "minus">>
<<if previous() !== "Character stats" and previous() !== "Settingsmenu" and previous() !== "Oktab" and previous() !== "Cheat">>
<<set $dad.aff = Math.clamp($dad.aff - _args[2], 1, $dad.affmax)>>
<<print "@@.minus;-"+_args[2]+" "+$w.dad+"'s affection@@">><br/><br/>
<<if previous() !== "Character stats" and previous() !== "Settingsmenu" and previous() !== "Oktab" and previous() !== "Cheat">>
<<set $dad.aff = Math.clamp($dad.aff + _args[2], 1, $dad.affmax)>>
<<print "@@.add;+"+_args[2]+" "+$w.dad+"'s affection@@">><br/><br/>
<<elseif _args[0] === "bro" and not $gameends and not $dnb.start>>
<<if _args[1] === "minus">>
<<if previous() !== "Character stats" and previous() !== "Settingsmenu" and previous() !== "Oktab" and previous() !== "Cheat">>
<<set $bro.aff = Math.clamp($bro.aff - _args[2], 1, $bro.affmax)>>
<<print "@@.minus;-"+_args[2]+" "+$w.brother+"'s affection@@">><br/><br/>
<<if previous() !== "Character stats" and previous() !== "Settingsmenu" and previous() !== "Oktab" and previous() !== "Cheat">>
<<set $bro.aff = Math.clamp($bro.aff + _args[2], 1, $bro.affmax)>>
<<print "@@.add;+"+_args[2]+" "+$w.brother+"'s affection@@">><br/><br/>
<<elseif _args[0] === "resman" and not $gameends>>
<<if _args[1] === "minus">>
<<if previous() !== "Character stats" and previous() !== "Settingsmenu" and previous() !== "Oktab" and previous() !== "Cheat">>
<<set $resman.manner = Math.clamp($resman.manner - _args[2], 1, $resman.mannermax)>>
<<print "@@.minus;-"+_args[2]+" "+$resman.Namedis+"'s manner@@">><br/><br/>
<<if previous() !== "Character stats" and previous() !== "Settingsmenu" and previous() !== "Oktab" and previous() !== "Cheat">>
<<set $resman.manner = Math.clamp($resman.manner + _args[2], 1, $resman.mannermax)>>
<<print "@@.add;+"+_args[2]+" "+$resman.Namedis+"'s manner@@">><br/><br/>
<<elseif _args[0] === "pol" and not $gameends>>
<<if _args[1] === "minus">>
<<if previous() !== "Character stats" and previous() !== "Settingsmenu" and previous() !== "Oktab" and previous() !== "Cheat">>
<<set $police.res = Math.clamp($police.res - _args[2], 1, $police.resmax)>>
<<print "@@.minus;-"+_args[2]+" "+$police.Name+"'s respect@@">><br/><br/>
<<if previous() !== "Character stats" and previous() !== "Settingsmenu" and previous() !== "Oktab" and previous() !== "Cheat">>
<<set $police.res = Math.clamp($police.res + _args[2], 1, $police.resmax)>>
<<print "@@.add;+"+_args[2]+" "+$police.Name+"'s respect@@">><br/><br/>
<<elseif _args[0] === "mec" and not $gameends and previous() !== "Character stats" and previous() !== "Settingsmenu" and previous() !== "Oktab" and previous() !== "Cheat">>
<<set $mec.aff += _args[1]>>
<<if _args[1] < 0>>
<<print "@@.minus;"+_args[1]+" "+$mec.Name+"'s affection@@">><br/><br/>
<<print "@@.add;+"+_args[1]+" "+$mec.Name+"'s affection@@">><br/><br/>
<<elseif _args[0] === "cm" and not $gameends and ($cm.aff < _args[2] or _args[2] == undefined)>>
<<if previous() !== "Character stats" and previous() !== "Settingsmenu" and previous() !== "Oktab" and previous() !== "Cheat">>
<<set $cm.aff = Math.clamp($cm.aff + _args[1], 0, $cm.affmax)>>
<<if _args[1] < 0>>
<<print "@@.minus;"+_args[1]+" "+$cm.Name+"'s affinity@@">><br/><br/>
<<print "@@.add;+"+_args[1]+" "+$cm.Name+"'s affinity@@">><br/><br/>
<<nobr>><<widget "sus">>
<<if _args[0] === "dad" and not $gameends and not $dnb.start>>
<<if _args[1] === "minus">>
<<print "@@.add;-"+_args[2]+" "+$w.dad+"'s suspicion@@">><br/><br/>
<<if previous() !== "Character stats" and previous() !== "Settingsmenu" and previous() !== "Oktab" and previous() !== "Cheat">>
<<set $dad.sus = Math.clamp($dad.sus - _args[2], 0, $dad.susmax)>>
<<elseif _args[1] === "addflat">>
<<print "@@.minus;+"+_args[2]+" "+$w.dad+"'s suspicion@@">><br/><br/>
<<if previous() !== "Character stats" and previous() !== "Settingsmenu" and previous() !== "Oktab" and previous() !== "Cheat">>
<<set $dad.sus = Math.clamp($dad.sus + _args[2], 0, $dad.susmax)>>
<<elseif _args[1] === "add">>
<<set _sus = (45 - $dad.aff) * 0.02 * _args[2]>>
<<set _sus = Math.round(_sus)>>
<<if _sus > 0>>
<<print "@@.minus;+"+_sus+" "+$w.dad+"'s suspicion@@">><br/><br/>
<<if previous() !== "Character stats" and previous() !== "Settingsmenu" and previous() !== "Oktab" and previous() !== "Cheat">>
<<set $dad.sus = Math.clamp($dad.sus + _sus, 0, $dad.susmax)>>
<<elseif _args[0] === "bro" and not $gameends and not $dnb.start>>
<<if _args[1] === "minus">>
<<print "@@.add;-"+_args[2]+" "+$w.brother+"'s suspicion@@">><br/><br/>
<<if previous() !== "Character stats" and previous() !== "Settingsmenu" and previous() !== "Oktab" and previous() !== "Cheat">>
<<set $bro.sus = Math.clamp($bro.sus - _args[2], 0, $bro.susmax)>>
<<elseif _args[1] === "addflat">>
<<print "@@.minus;+"+_args[2]+" "+$w.brother+"'s suspicion@@">><br/><br/>
<<if previous() !== "Character stats" and previous() !== "Settingsmenu" and previous() !== "Oktab" and previous() !== "Cheat">>
<<set $bro.sus = Math.clamp($bro.sus + _args[2], 0, $bro.susmax)>>
<<elseif _args[1] === "add">>
<<set _sus = (45 - $bro.aff) * 0.02 * _args[2]>>
<<set _sus = Math.round(_sus)>>
<<if _sus > 0>>
<<print "@@.minus;+"+_sus+" "+$w.brother+"'s suspicion@@">><br/><br/>
<<if previous() !== "Character stats" and previous() !== "Settingsmenu" and previous() !== "Oktab" and previous() !== "Cheat">>
<<set $bro.sus = Math.clamp($bro.sus + _sus, 0, $bro.susmax)>>
<<elseif _args[0] === "bully" and not $gameends>>
<<if _args[1] === "minus">>
<<print "@@.add;-"+_args[2]+" "+$bully.Name+"'s strike@@">><br/><br/>
<<if previous() !== "Character stats" and previous() !== "Settingsmenu" and previous() !== "Oktab" and previous() !== "Cheat">>
<<set $bully.sus = Math.clamp($bully.sus - _args[2], 0, $bully.susmax)>>
<<elseif _args[1] === "addflat">>
<<print "@@.minus;+"+_args[2]+" "+$bully.Name+"'s strike@@">><br/><br/>
<<if previous() !== "Character stats" and previous() !== "Settingsmenu" and previous() !== "Oktab" and previous() !== "Cheat">>
<<set $bully.sus = Math.clamp($bully.sus + _args[2], 0, $bully.susmax)>>
<<elseif _args[0] === "prof" and not $gameends>>
<<print "@@.minus;+"+_args[1]+" "+$prof.Name+"'s strike@@">><br/><br/>
<<if previous() !== "Character stats" and previous() !== "Settingsmenu" and previous() !== "Oktab" and previous() !== "Cheat">>
<<set $prof.sus = Math.clamp($prof.sus + _args[1], 0, $prof.susmax)>>
<<elseif _args[0] === "cw" and not $gameends>>
<<print "@@.minus;+"+_args[1]+" "+$cw.Name+"'s strike@@">><br/><br/>
<<if previous() !== "Character stats" and previous() !== "Settingsmenu" and previous() !== "Oktab" and previous() !== "Cheat">>
<<set $cw.sus = Math.clamp($cw.sus + _args[1], 0, $cw.susmax)>>
<<elseif _args[0] === "cm" and not $gameends and ($cm.trust < _args[2] or _args[2] == undefined)>>
<<if previous() !== "Character stats" and previous() !== "Settingsmenu" and previous() !== "Oktab" and previous() !== "Cheat">>
<<set $cm.trust = Math.clamp($cm.trust + _args[1], -1, $cm.trustmax)>>
<<if _args[1] < 0>>
<<print "@@.minus;"+_args[1]+" "+$cm.Name+"'s trust@@">><br/><br/>
<<print "@@.add;+"+_args[1]+" "+$cm.Name+"'s trust@@">><br/><br/>
<<elseif _args[0] === "sd" and not $gameends and ($sd.stress < _args[2] or _args[2] == undefined)>>
<<if previous() !== "Character stats" and previous() !== "Settingsmenu" and previous() !== "Oktab" and previous() !== "Cheat">>
<<set $sd.stress = Math.clamp($sd.stress + _args[1], 0, $cm.trustmax)>>
<<if _args[1] < 0>>
<<print "@@.add;"+_args[1]+" "+$sd.Name+"'s stress@@">><br/><br/>
<<print "@@.minus;+"+_args[1]+" "+$sd.Name+"'s stress@@">><br/><br/>
<<nobr>><<widget "jea">>
<<if _args[0] === "dad" and not $gameends and $dnb.start>>
<<if _args[1] === "minus">>
<<print "@@.add;-"+_args[2]+" "+$w.dad+"'s jealousy@@">><br/><br/>
<<if previous() !== "Character stats" and previous() !== "Settingsmenu" and previous() !== "Oktab" and previous() !== "Cheat" and _args[3] !== 2>>
<<set $dad.jea = Math.clamp($dad.jea - _args[2], 0, $dad.jeamax)>>
<<elseif _args[1] === "add">>
<<print "@@.minus;+"+_args[2]+" "+$w.dad+"'s jealousy@@">><br/><br/>
<<if previous() !== "Character stats" and previous() !== "Settingsmenu" and previous() !== "Oktab" and previous() !== "Cheat" and _args[3] !== 2>>
<<set $dad.jea = Math.clamp($dad.jea + _args[2], 0, $dad.jeamax)>>
<<elseif _args[0] === "bro" and not $gameends and $dnb.start>>
<<if _args[1] === "minus">>
<<print "@@.add;-"+_args[2]+" "+$w.brother+"'s jealousy@@">><br/><br/>
<<if previous() !== "Character stats" and previous() !== "Settingsmenu" and previous() !== "Oktab" and previous() !== "Cheat" and _args[3] !== 2>>
<<set $bro.jea = Math.clamp($bro.jea - _args[2], 0, $bro.jeamax)>>
<<elseif _args[1] === "add">>
<<print "@@.minus;+"+_args[2]+" "+$w.bro+"'s jealousy@@">><br/><br/>
<<if previous() !== "Character stats" and previous() !== "Settingsmenu" and previous() !== "Oktab" and previous() !== "Cheat" and _args[3] !== 2>>
<<set $bro.jea = Math.clamp($bro.jea + _args[2], 0, $bro.jeamax)>>
<<elseif _args[0] === "prof" and not $gameends>>
<<if _args[1] < 0>>
<<print "@@.minus;"+_args[1]+" "+$prof.Name+"'s patience@@">><br/><br/>
<<print "@@.add;+"+_args[1]+" "+$prof.Name+"'s patience@@">><br/><br/>
<<if previous() !== "Character stats" and previous() !== "Settingsmenu" and previous() !== "Oktab" and previous() !== "Cheat" and _args[3] !== 2>>
<<set $prof.pat = Math.clamp($prof.pat + _args[1], 0, $prof.patmax)>>
<<nobr>><<widget "dnbacc">>
<<if not $gameends and $dnb.start>>
<<if _args[0] === "minus">>
<<if previous() !== "Character stats" and previous() !== "Settingsmenu" and previous() !== "Oktab" and previous() !== "Cheat">>
<<set $dnb.acc = Math.clamp($dnb.acc - _args[1], 0, $dnb.accmax)>>
<<print "@@.minus;-"+_args[1]+" "+$w.dad+"'s & "+$w.brother+"'s throuple acceptance@@">><br/><br/>
<<if previous() !== "Character stats" and previous() !== "Settingsmenu" and previous() !== "Oktab" and previous() !== "Cheat">>
<<set $dnb.acc = Math.clamp($dnb.acc + _args[1], 0, $dnb.accmax)>>
<<print "@@.add;+"+_args[1]+" "+$w.dad+"'s & "+$w.brother+"'s throuple acceptance@@">><br/><br/>
<<widget "money">><<silently>>
<<set $you.money = Math.clamp($you.money + _args[0], 0, 999999999999999999999999999)>>
<<replace "#story-caption">><<include "StoryCaption">><</replace>>
<<nobr>><<widget "cig">>
<<if not $gameends>>
<<if previous() !== "Character stats" and previous() !== "Settingsmenu" and previous() !== "Oktab" and previous() !== "Cheat">>
<<set $pr.cig = Math.clamp($pr.cig + _args[0], 0, 99)>>
<<replace "#story-caption">><<include "StoryCaption">><</replace>>
<<if _args[0] < 0>>
<<print "@@.minus;"+_args[0]+" cig@@">><br/><br/>
<<print "@@.add;+"+_args[0]+" cig@@">><br/><br/>
<</widget>><</nobr>><<if not hasVisited("Introjerk")>>
<<minute add 5>>\
As you enter the kitchen, $w.ybrother - <<textbox "$bro.Namedis" "Mark">> - is eating a sandwich tiredly.
<<image bro/bro1.jpg>>
Who could have thought this 180lb hunk who benches press his own weight for fun can appear so small and worn out. He must have just finished his late night shift at the fast food joint and just arrived back home as you can smell the greased mixed with heady sweat from here.
It takes a few seconds before he notices you.
<<di bro "Oh hey, bro. I got you some foods, are you late?">>
<<di you "Nah, the orientation starts at 9:00, still plenty of time left. How are you, my dude?">>
<<di bro "As well as working graveyard shift in a dead-end job can get. Go get your college degree, dude. Don't wind up dumb, broke and single like me.">>
Despite being a total catch, $w.ybrother is full of insecurities because he was poked fun at during high school for his weight and slow learning. He has been working his ass off for the smoking-hot body but it cannot fix the complete cluelessness when it comes to women. He's now 24 and yet to have a girlfriend.
You decide to:
[[Comfort him|KitchenintroCom]]
[[Gloat at him|KitchenintroGlo]]
<<di you "Fuck fuck fuck, the orientation starts at 9:00. I won’t make it in time. Gotta get a ride from $bro.Namedis.">>
You quickly run to $w.ybrother's room, knocking on his door incessantly.
<<di bro "What?">>
<<aff bro minus 2>>\
$w.Ybrother - <<textbox "$bro.Namedis" "Mark">> - grunts tiredly, clearly displeased that you interrupted his sleep.
<<image bro/bro1.jpg>>
<<di you "Can you take me to school? I have the orientation at 9:00 today and if I take the bus, it will be too late.">>
He grumbles but still puts on his cap and gets the key, accepting your request. As you both settle in the running car, he says to you.
<<di bro "I just got back from a night shift, man. If I crash, it's on your ass.">>
It’s funny to see $w.ybrother who is a 180 lbs hunk who bench presses his own weight for fun squeeze into this old tiny car. The man is a total catch with bulging muscles and a kind smile. However, he was bullied during highschool for his weight and slow learning and he’s been insecure ever since. The man has been working his ass off for that smoking-hot body but it doesn’t help with his complete cluelessness when it comes to women. He’s now 24 years old and yet to have a girlfriend.
<<di you "Thanks, bro. I owe you this one.">>
As you smile at him sweetly, the waft of grease and heady sweat emanating from him confirms that he indeed just got off from his fast food restaurant job.
You spend the rest of the ride taking in the smell and sit in a comfortable silence.
<<link "You arrive at the college" "Collegeintro">>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<if $day == 2>>
<<set $dayOfWeek = "Monday">>
<<elseif $day == 3>>
<<set $dayOfWeek = "Tuesday">>
<<elseif $day == 4>>
<<set $dayOfWeek = "Wednesday">>
<<elseif $day == 5>>
<<set $dayOfWeek = "Thursday">>
<<elseif $day == 6>>
<<set $dayOfWeek = "Friday">>
<<elseif $day == 7>>
<<set $dayOfWeek = "Saturday">>
<<elseif $day == 1>>
<<set $dayOfWeek = "Sunday">>
<div align="center">
<table border="white">
<td class="timer">
<p style="color:#F5F4F4; font-size: 5px"></p>
$showHour:$showMinute<<if $hourdisplaymode == false and $hour < 12>> AM<<elseif $hourdisplaymode == false and $hour >= 12>> PM<</if>>
<<if $you.money < 0>>
<<set $you.money = 0>>
<<if $stage == 2>>
<p style="color: gold; font-size: 20px"><b>$pr.cig cig</b></p>
<p style="color: gold; font-size: 20px"><b>$$$you.money</b></p>
<<set _horniness = Math.round(12 - $you.horniness)>>
<<if $you.horniness <= 6>>
<<set _tcolor = "green">>
<<elseif $you.horniness <= 12>>
<<set _tcolor = "yellow">>
<<set _tcolor = "red">>
<<if $stage == 0 or $stage == 2>><<if _horniness > 0>><<print "<p style=\"color: "+ _tcolor+"; font-size: 17px\">Horniness: _horniness hr<<if _horniness >= 2>>s<</if>> left</p>">><<else>><p style="color: red; font-size: 17px">Lecherous</p><</if>><</if>>
<<if not $cheatnofatigue and $stage == 0>>
<<set _hungerdead = Math.round($you.hungermax - $you.hunger)>>
<<if $you.hunger <= $you.hungermax - 3>>
<<set _tcolor = "green">>
<<set _tcolor = "red">>
<<print "<p style=\"color: "+ _tcolor+"; font-size: 17px\">Hunger: _hungerdead hr<<if _hungerdead >= 2>>s<</if>> left</p>">>
<<set _sleepdead = Math.round($you.sleepmax - $you.sleep)>>
<<if $you.sleep <= $you.sleepmax - 3>>
<<set _tcolor = "green">>
<<set _tcolor = "red">>
<<print "<p style=\"color: "+ _tcolor+"; font-size: 17px\">Sleep: _sleepdead hr<<if _sleepdead >= 2>>s<</if>> left</p>">>
<<if $prof.state >= 5>>
<<set _clean = Math.round(24 - $you.clean)>>
<<if _clean > 0>><p style="color: green; font-size: 17px">Cleanliness: _clean hr<<if _clean > 1>>s<</if>> left</p><<else>><p style="color: red; font-size: 17px">Dirty & Smelly</p><</if>>
<<silently>><<if $bro.pisscd == 0>>
<<set $bro.location = "Bathroom">>
<<elseif $bro.schedule == 9>>
<<set $bro.location = "Brother's bedroom">>
<<elseif $bro.schedule == 5>>
<<elseif $bro.schedule == 4>>
<<elseif $bro.schedule == 3>>
<<elseif $bro.schedule == 2>>
<<if $dad.pisscd == 0>>
<<set $dad.location = "Bathroom">>
<<elseif $dad.schedule == 9>>
<<set $dad.location = "Dad's bedroom">>
<<elseif $dad.schedule == 2>>
if (Save.ok() && Save.slots.ok() && turns() % 11 == 0) {
console.log("Available slots: " + Save.slots.length);
console.log("Filled slots: " + Save.slots.count());
console.log("Get the first slot: " + Save.slots.get(0));
console.log("If the first log filled? " + Save.slots.has(0));
console.log("Do we have any filled slots? " + Save.slots.isEmpty());
Save.slots.save(0, "AUTOSAVE", {"ki": "velu"});
console.log("Available slots: " + Save.slots.length);
console.log("Filled slots: " + Save.slots.count());
console.log("Get the first slot: " + Save.slots.get(0));
console.log("If the first log filled? " + Save.slots.has(0));
console.log("Do we have any filled slots? " + Save.slots.isEmpty());
<</script>><<if $wasMenuItemEntered>>
<<link "BACK" $pastPassage>>
<<set $wasMenuItemEntered = false>>
<<if $ingallery>>
<<set $ingallery to false>>
<<set $gameends to false>>
<<if $stage == 0>>\
<<set _charstat = "Characters">>
<<elseif $stage == 2>>\
<<set _charstat = "Stats & Objectives">>
<<link _charstat "Character stats">>
<<set $wasMenuItemEntered = true>>
<<set $pastPassage to passage()>>
<<if $donetutorial and not $gameends and $stage == 0>><<link "Objectives" "Oktab">>
<<set $wasMenuItemEntered = true>>
<<set $pastPassage to passage()>>
<<link "Preferences" "Settingsmenu">>
<<set $wasMenuItemEntered = true>>
<<set $pastPassage to passage()>>
<<link "Cheats" "Cheat">>
<<set $wasMenuItemEntered = true>>
<<set $pastPassage to passage()>>
<</if>>Your name: @@.you;<b>$you.Namedis</b>@@
<<if $stage == 0>>\
Credit card: <<if $you.cc == 1>>@@.add;Yes@@<<else>>@@.minus;No@@<</if>>
Pack of beer: $you.beer<<if $watchrocket>>
Rocket pill: $you.rocket<</if>><<if hasVisited("Resmantalk1")>>\
Weed: $you.weed<</if>>\
<<if hasVisited("Mecfem")>>\
<span style="color:#11FF00"><b>Ring of Compulsion</b></span> - <i>Level $you.rlevel / EXP: $you.rsexcount/5</i>
Uses left: $you.ruse
<<if $donetutorial or hasVisited("Kitchenintro")>>\
<<include "Dadstats">>
<<include "Brostats">>
<<if $dnb.start>>\
<span style="color:red"><b>Throuple Acceptance:</b> $dnb.acc/$dnb.accmax</span><br/><</if>>\
<<if hasVisited("CWtalk1") and $cw.sus < $cw.susmax>>\
<<include "CWstats">>
<<if $prof.state >= 1>>\
<<include "Profstats">>\
<<if $bully.state >= 1>>\
<<include "Bullystats">>\
<<if $resman.start>>\
<<include "Resmanstats">>\
<<if hasVisited("Mectalk1") and not hasVisited("Mecend1")>>\
Mechanic: @@.mec;<b>$mec.Name</b>@@
<span style="color:red">Lust: $mec.lust/$mec.lustmax</span>
<span style="color:pink">Affection: <<if $mec.aff <= -4>>Hate<<else>>Normal<</if>></span>
<<if hasVisited("Fairtalk2")>><b>VOUCHERS:</b><</if>><<if not hasVisited("Fairapex1")>> <<if $fair.advstage >= 1>>"Adventuresomeness - 1" <</if>><<if $fair.advstage >= 2>>"Adventuresomeness - 2" <</if>><<if $fair.advstage >= 3>>"Adventuresomeness - 3" <</if>><<if $fair.advstage >= 4>>"Adventuresomeness - 4" <</if>><<if $fair.abostage >= 1>>"Abomination - 1" <</if>><<if $fair.abostage >= 2>>"Abomination - 2" <</if>><<if $fair.abostage >= 3>>"Abomination - 3" <</if>><<if $fair.abostage >= 4>>"Abomination - 4" <</if>><<if $fair.assstage >= 1>>"Assemblage - 1" <</if>><<if $fair.assstage >= 2>>"Assemblage - 2" <</if>><<if $fair.assstage >= 3>>"Assemblage - 3" <</if>><<if $fair.assstage >= 4>>"Assemblage - 4" <</if>><</if>>
<<if $owork.stage >= 101>>\
Your CEO: @@.sd;<b>$sd.Name</b>@@
<<if $sd.stage >= 101>>\
<span style="color:red">Lust: $sd.lust/$sd.lustmax</span>
<span style="color:green">Stress: $sd.stress/$sd.stressmax</span> - <i>Bad ending upon reaching 10 - Gains 2 per day</i>
<span style="color:red">Sales progress: $owork.sprog/$owork.sprogmax</span>
<span style="color:orange">Janitor's lust: $owork.janlust/$owork.janlustmax</span>
<<elseif $stage == 1>>\
<<include "Policemcstats">>\
<<elseif $stage == 2>>\
<b>Days in prison: $pr.totalday</b>
<<if $pr.martinunlock>>\
<b>Chocolate bar: $pr.choc</b>
<b>Shiv:</b> <<if $pr.shiv == 1>>@@.add;Yes@@<<else>>@@.minus;No@@<</if>>
<<button "@@.q1;YOUR CELLMATE@@">> -
<<set $q.prcm to not $q.prcm>>\
<<replace "#qprcm">>\
<<if $q.prcm>>\
<<include "Qprcm">>
<</button>><span id="qprcm"><<if $q.prcm>><<include "Qprcm">><</if>></span>\
<<button "@@.q2;THE GUARDS@@">> -
<<set $q.prg to not $q.prg>>\
<<replace "#qprg">>\
<<if $q.prg>>\
<<include "Qprg">>
<</button>><span id="qprg"><<if $q.prg>><<include "Qprg">><</if>></span>\
<<button "@@.q2;THE PRISON@@">> -
<<set $q.prp to not $q.prp>>\
<<replace "#qprp">>\
<<if $q.prp>>\
<<include "Qprp">>
<</button>><span id="qprp"><<if $q.prp>><<include "Qprp">><</if>></span>\
@@.minus;OPEN DURING SCENES WITH CAUTION@@<center>@@.titlegame;The Family's Curse@@</center>
Getting to college while still being a virgin is not the plan for most people, especially for a young gay man like you. As a new school resolution, you promise to stop being so boring and get your cherry popped. However, living in a middle of a conservative town and in the same house with your workaholics $w.father and demure older $w.brother, this goal isn't easy to achieve. Or is it?
First of all, this game is mainly being built with <strong>submissive cis-gay male protagonist</strong> in mind and with a slower and more "logical" approach. All the characters in the game are all over 18 years old. The game features taboo subjects such as non-consensual sex, <<if $incest>>incest <</if>>and other adult themes like slurs, substance usage, pornography and gay sex...
This is a work of fiction any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. The author doesn't in any way, shape, or form, condone any actions depicted in this game.
<b>Special thanks to: <span style="color:red">PrimordialMyth, Timothy S., Rory, Little_Mischief, Scotty, Daniel K. B., David G., Kane, StockyJock, Brandon L., Jesse, Brandon L., Tobias K., Vinmie007, Adam S. Momo-blank, Stevie H., Juan M., Theo, Wrayth, Amani R., JayGames, 打开柜子看彩虹, Neliel, Fernando B., Raven B., Cody P., Niklas, Rebecca F., Jeremy F., Watsoga, Markus M., Andrew, Rayden R., Johnny, Dus, JeffFromTheIRS, Mirak S., notgeorgebush, Darius E. W., Ethan M., Tseve, Arkazo, James M., KarthusGmG, Andyvimto, Andy, Matthew S., Johnny P., Buck, Eric L., Michael E., Aj S., TAIGA, Ceecee, Freexever, OA, CynderTemple, Sai-Magnus, Conicalcoffee, Kendall F., Gryphone P., Jens H., Robert L., Jorge G., Phaggaude, VladV, Nerdywolf695, bubble panda, Mark J. L., Okami, Eoghan, Kaiser K., cole, Dave R., Rage God, Fahrah, Landon M., Devin, ꧁liαм ทigнτмαrє꧂, Blabbers, John R., Gerardo R.,</span></b> <<linkappend "and many more:">> Darkthunder, aimmm1314, landon, Devin P., fruitytooty, Sobelement, wesley e., Orannis, Facundo C., Phoenix S., Protofighter, Chance, LoadedHoneybee53, Ryan S., Tyler L. W., Egg, Micheal, Melba R., David C., dan r., Kevin J., Robert F., timmy, Darren, Maik H., Yannik B., firedragon, james m., Demonia e, 8BitHomo, ohyouknow, Jamie, Daniel M., Jocelyn M., Callum M., Rick A., Cody , Paul R., Alex B.,jcw128 , Norman A., Sehan L., Emme L., Anime Dwee, Alex, kotori the birb, Kai, RJ A., 墨里鷹, Anthony R., KingReptar , Andrew T., Tamir L., Zeadric, Exclusionary , AnonymousWolf19, Halley L., Conor O., Samriel V., Finn, John R., aeipathy, Deathwork23, ThribbyRibby, Connor, Nick H., BryanL2002, Perry M., Fire EmblemLover098, TomTheCub, Azure , Alex R., Nicholas S., Alvaro, Tim B., Darius L., Richard P., Benjamin C., Matthew H., AngeVert, Adam J., Palor, Tarottarot, Darkpower08, Collussus96, Autobot BladeWing, Zac C., Sho , Spiritpaw , Fred R J., Chinedu T., Hankou, Fates_Herald , moonxbb2, gabrielle , EtherealHex , Bobbadoodlicious , DoucheF4g, xavior, จิณณวัตร 323, Jeremey B., G.C, ThetaBorn , Sameer , LoganBig1, abubu1991, Tycho S., dwink , Undeadstone , Aero M, Menomea, Julian, Sundermount, Hiigara129, Big_Toxic, Steven K., Kaiden, Rakshasa, Eliaw, th05eo90, Abe L., Alex M., JL16, Onw fcked up gay., Jacob G., Evelynn, AF Costa, bite-sized unicorn, Carbon204, Casius Aurora, ZombieHK, terry, Marcus G., Alexis T., Mitchell V. Z., Alex, John S., Gabriel Z., Grant A., Justin H., Steven, J House, Adan P., Boyan G., Luke, auwua, Grant P., Maverick, Nel, Connor S., Daniel O., Brett W., Yaoi_enjoyer, marsalute, ninjafalcon5013, Raphael A., John Doe, jake m., Remy Ma's Jailcell, Casey J., Adam S., JS031986, Mark b., Magnifike, John W., Daniel, Alex D., Amancun, Greenie, Jeremiah T., BD, bussygay, Bov, Ashley E., Marshall A., Kelvin H., ranseyrock, Ron, Nathan C., jon a., Kenneth D., HalfLighter, Chase D., Emily E., Tobias W., Lee D., tallullah, Kerrek, Larry M., Kalahan K., JFromTheIRS, Rebecca, Milo W., Dave B., salomon g., studdly, 어 가링, Tarik H., Jose S. E., Amani R., 琮 高, Charlie H., Christian C., 诺 维, Gary L., bloop, Mohammed G., SmileSofy, Hippolytus, Joey P., Ian D., Lewis S., Alexis R., Danny, Kaepora, Wolfen Alexius, eversleep, M P, _ -, Raven8I, idkreally, Yi W., fckthemedia_, Caleb, cookie, z17588868, sansuri123, 莉陇 周, Jose, Ronni, drake, Mark. W, Ralph L., Henry W., 1hundredknight, Jada, ember, melon care, Elle, SparklezPride, MoonCake, Justin, Illustrious Dude, Em To, Xavier, Gary T., Martijn S., Ang3l An0ther, Cody C., Mark J., Michael L., dante s., Sam E., Liithium, Andreig, Terje Sassypants, DXDW, The Traveller, Normammu, Zane S., Jim B., raccoon, Alex C., Deathcon 66, gud, 이코 리, hainotsuki, Dandylion72, IKON STAR, Nathan C., Jixvera, Bax H., Curtis R., justin, Malcom C., 르 마, Franck, Trishy, wyyh2383, aron, Vice B., Kevin M, Patricko1999, marco, Bezioo, Zack R., Mica434, DeanFlux, 재혁 이, /\[)/\/\I/\/, Seth H., Gene K., Clayton H., Jarvis M., HawkwardEgal, Traditionald, Tyler, Ksigri, Luke D., Chrille86, awful_gamer64, Tom, Tristen S., Bryce T., Batildis, Nathan M., Soni F., Jack R., Canal Mini, DoveLick, Jimi777, Jacob F., Sami F., Corin, Jacob W., GrimmxLaw22, Phelipe P. O., Cid, Wingxzero, Poopy Ploop, Apichart K., David W., Medigenos, Alien Lover, Kelsiv L., Kenneth D., Finn F., Jeff L., woodsylog, Yayo S., Ztrzrhgtt, MilitaryWolfy, Dus, shiny, Brandon M., Jake, Shylo G., David V., Biggo Smiggo, Randy M., Akuji, gyuwan, Vax W., Sean, Tanner J., 20SPY02, Kevin M., 田中 太郎, Jordan I., Eschar C., jsn, David S., Tyler, Edward G., Allen L., kokoling, 邵镔 方, Rick, NatebyPLAYS, Gabor C., Lucas, seximalism, jordain s., David N., Jayce, Ivo1965, HC123, Revilo, Link K., Protusfight, Johnny, FiraragFury, mitch, 環 沢, Codylycan, Clifford D., Monte N., Kitty G., Tommy G., Akiro T., tim tan, Mateusz, Conor B., 國峻 邱, seaurchins, Furman, Sumith J., Izale G., Owen Wu, Vincent Z., Tayten S., sonny shadow, ธนโชติ วัฒนชูสกุล, Daywalker1700, Jody, M,ewhenthemmmmm, Dark Bonkers, Anthony B., Alfred B., いとう ゆうと,Ed H., Demond b., Nicolas L.
My work wouldn't have been possible without your contribution. <3<</linkappend>>
<center>[[I am at least 18 years old. I have read and understand the warnings above.|Beginning]]
<<link "Accept the above and <b>SKIP THE INTRO</b>" "Skipintro">><</link>></center>You make it just in time before the orientation and meet <b>$oni.Name</b> - your friend and beard all throughout highschool. She is the person you trust the most and <b>give the best advice</b>, never leading you astray.
<<if not hasVisited("Introjerk")>>
<<di oni "Heyyoo, look at Mr. Punctual right here - arriving unfashionably on time. How ungay of you.">>
<<di you "Oh quit it. I would have been here earlier if I didn’t have a chat with my $w.brother.">>
<<di oni "Your hunky dory $w.brother? Sheesh, I wouldn’t mind “chatting” with him all day. Anyway, you are a college boy now, <strong>time management and planning ahead are key</strong>. Believe me, mistakenly getting double booked with 2 hot dates and then one of them caught you in the act is a disaster. I've been there.">>
<<di you "Gotcha, mom.">>
<<di oni "Was that your hunky dory $w.brother? Why did you make the poor guy your chauffeur?">>
<<di you "Well, I overslept so I had to ask him for a ride. He wasn't happy getting woken up.">>
<<di oni "Tsk tsk, poor guy. You're in college now - a grown up. <b>Time management and planning ahead are key</b>. Believe me, mistakenly getting double booked with two hot dates and then one of them caught you in the act is a disaster. I've been there.">>
<</if>>You both join in the orientation which begins with an opening ceremony and followed by a surprisingly good talent show.
<<di oni "You got any hot date lined up yet?">>
<<di you "No and I don’t want to talk about how I am still a virgin right now.">>
<<di oni "I understand your struggle as a Gay™, but you have got to be bolder, <b>make daring choices</b> and ditch that V-card. You are a college student now, practically a new person, be wild, be outrageous.">>
Like you said, she is a fountain of wisdom and actually making a great point here. Therefore, you answer her determinedly:
<<di you "Thank you, I need to hear that. From now on, boring $you.Namedis is dead. Hello new, improved and sluttier $you.Namedis.">>
With those sentences uttered, you high five each other, but how far and how deviant will you go?
[[Later that evening at home|Livingroomintro1]]<<set $you.horniness = 0>>\
<<if $you.jo == 1>>\
<<set _image to either(1,2,3,4)>>\
You make a quick work of beating yourself off.
<<if _image == 1>>\
<<image you/masturbate1.webp>>
<<elseif _image == 2>><<image you/masturbate2.webp>>\
<<elseif _image == 3>><<image you/masturbate3.webp>>
<<elseif _image == 4>><<image you/masturbate4.webp>><</if>>\
Soon the cum flows out and coats your dick.
<<image you/masturbatecum1.webp>>
<<link "You clean up the mess leisurely" $you.location>><</link>><<image yourbedroom1.jpeg>>
<span id="locdesc">You are in your bedroom</span>
<<if $you.location !== passage()>>\
<<minute add 5>>\
<<set $you.location = passage()>>\
<<timed 1ms>> <<if $dad.location === passage()>>\
<<if $bro.location === passage()>>\
<</if>> <</timed>>\
<<if hasVisited("Gymlocker1") and not hasVisited("Lockpicking1")>>\
<<link "Research on how to lockpick" "Lockpicking1">>
<<presshour add 1>>
<<link "Jerk off" "JerkinBed">><<presshour add 1>><</link>> <<if $cw.uws >= 1>><<link "Jerk off using $cw.Name's underwear" "CWjerkinbed">><<presshour add 1>><</link>><</if>>
Nap for <<link "15" `passage()`>><<set $you.sleep -= 0.50>><<pressminute add 15>><</link>>, <<link "20" `passage()`>><<set $you.sleep -= 0.66>><<pressminute add 20>><</link>>, <<link "60" `passage()`>><<set $you.sleep -= 2>><<presshour add 1>><</link>> minutes.
[[Living room]]\
[[Dad's bedroom]]\
[[Brother's bedroom]]<<minute add 10>>
<<di you "No, bro. You still got it everyone has to start somewhere and there are tons of jobless college gruaduates anyway. Don't sweat too much.">>
<<image bro/brosmile.jpg>>
$bro.Namedis beams at you.
<<aff bro add 2>>\
<<di bro "Thanks man.">>
$w.Ybrother throws the dishes into the sink.
<<di bro "Before you leave, can you clean the dishes for me? I’m beat.">>
<<di you "Sure, rest up. I’ll handle it.">>
He then pats your shoulder, face sincere.
<<di bro "Appreciate it, bro.">>
After polishing off the delicious egg sandwich, you look at the sink filled with dirty dishes and ponder: Should you do the dishes?
<div class="temp">
<<link "Of course.">>
<<pressminute add 10>>\
<<replace ".temp">>\
There aren't many so you make a quick work of cleaning the dishes. <<set $washdishes = true>>
<<link "Let's catch the bus now" "Collegeintro">>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<</link>><<di you "Well, at least $w.dad doesn’t expect much from you.">>
<<aff bro minus 5>>\
<<di bro "Hey, don’t be a dick.">>
There is an awkward pause since you know you hurt his feeling. Done with breakfast, he says to you.
<<di bro "I’m beat, help me with the dishes, will ya?">>
After that, he leaves the kitchen promptly and does not wait for your answer.
After polishing off the delicious egg sandwich, you look at the sink filled with dirty dishes and ponder: Should you do the dishes?
<div class="temp">
<<link "Of course.">>
<<pressminute add 10>>\
<<replace ".temp">>\
There aren't many so you make a quick work of cleaning the dishes. <<set $washdishes = true>>
<<link "Let's catch the bus now" "Collegeintro">>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<</link>><<nobr>><<if $hour >= 13 and $daywd == 2>>
<<set $washdishes = false>>
<<set $daywd = 1>>
<<elseif $hour >= 21 and $daywd >=1 >>
<<set $washdishes = false>>
<<set $daywd = 0>>
<<if $dayld == 1 and $hour >= 9>>
<<set $laundry = false>>
<<set $dayld = 0>>
<<if $you.location !== passage()>><<minute add 5>><</if>>
<<set $you.location = passage()>>
<<image livingroom1.jpg>>
<span id="locdesc">You are in the living room.</span>
<<timed 40ms>> <<if $dad.location === passage()>>\
<<if $bro.location === passage()>>\
<</if>> <</timed>>\
[[Watch TV|TV]]
Nap for <<link "15" `passage()`>><<set $you.sleep -= 0.50>><<pressminute add 15>><</link>>, <<link "20" `passage()`>><<set $you.sleep -= 0.66>><<pressminute add 20>><</link>>, <<link "60" `passage()`>><<set $you.sleep -= 2>><<presshour add 1>><</link>> minutes.
[[Your bedroom]]\
[[Dad's bedroom]]\
[[Brother's bedroom]]
<<if $you.weed >= 5 and not hasVisited("Prending12")>>\
<<link "Someone is ringing on your doorbell" "Prisonintro1">><</link>>
<<if $donetutorial>><<link "Go outside" "Go outside">><<pressminute add 5>><</link>><</if>><<hour add 8>><<minute add 50>>\
As the eventful day passes, you return home late in the afternoon excited for a new beginning.
As you watch through the door, you are surprised to see your $w.dad already already settling on the couch watching TV.
<<di dad "Hey boyo, how was the first day?">>
<<di you "It was great. The college ground is huge and lots of welcoming activities. Overall, good vibes. How come you are home this early?">>
<<di dad "Hm, our firm just closed a huge deal, so after the lunch celebration we had the afternoon off, they shoo’d me home, touted, and I quote, “work-life balance”... So you aren’t happy to see this old man home?">>
<<di you "Nah, it’s cool. I’m just surprised that’s all.">>
<<if not $washdishes>> <<di dad "By the way, I had told ya to clean up but when I arrived at home I saw a bunch of unwashed dishes.">>
<<aff dad minus 2>>\
<<di you "Oops, sorry. I had to catch the bus and plan to do it when I get home.">>
<<di dad "It's alright, but you know I hate messes.">>
<<di you "Gotcha, won’t happen again.">>
<</if>>You watch as $w.ydad leisurely slouches on the couch and is nursing a beer. His large fingers scratch the belly - causing the shirt to ride up, showing the thick treasure trail leading down to the forbidden land. The visible outline of his dick under the gray sweats has caught your eyes numerous times. Damn, the man ages like fine wine. Your wandering eyes and thoughts then get cut short.
<<di bro "You guys having fun without me?">>
$w.Ybrother walks in smiling and damn, like father like son. The tank top really highlights the swell of his muscles and you want to trace the veins of his forearms with your tongue. Finally, the obscene bulge, you silently thank the guy who first created the glorious invention that is sweatpants.
Then it hits you square in the face - you are living under the same roof with the two of the hottest people in the world. However, there is this one tiny problem: <<if $incest>>they are related to you by blood<<else>>they are technically your family<</if>>.
$w.Ybrother sits next to you and says.
<<di bro "Saw any hot chick at school?">>
He only got this bravado when talking with family. Facing a woman, he becomes a total nervous wreck so much so you can't look away from.
<<di dad "Hold your horses and be careful, young man. You have to get just the right woman or else...">>
All the rest is left unsaid but the bitterness radiated from him is so thick you can cut through it.<<if not $incest>> You feel a bit dignified for your mom but remain silent still it's still a touchy subject to $w.ydad.<</if>>
<<di bro "Still, it must be nice to be surrounded by friends of your age and socialize.">>
Now, there is an added note of envy in the air. You want to grab $w.ybrother and shake him and let him know he has nothing to be insecure about, but that’s a mental wall that he has to break down on his own.
[[A breaking local news interrupts your conversation|Livingroomintro2]]<<minute add 10>><<di bro "... He kept her as a sex slave for a whole year? What the hell?">>
<<di you "Yea.. that’s quite messed up. It must have been hell for that poor woman.">>
The report of a 40 years old man keeping a young woman in her 20s against her will for his own perverted pleasure just got broadcasted and most likely has shaken the nation. $w.Ydad, deep in thoughts, look you both in the eyes and says grimly.
<<if $incest>><<di dad "Boys, we need to talk.">><<else>><<di dad "Boys, we need to talk, especially you $bro.Namedis.">><</if>>
<<di bro "Um... you’re scaring me a bit, dad.">>
You chuckle nervously along with $bro.Namedis and are not sure what to expect from $w.yfather.
<<if $incest>><<di dad "It’s about our family. A curse to be specific.">><<else>><<di dad "It’s particularly about our side of family, $bro.Namedis. A curse to be specific.">><</if>>
The two opposing pairs of eyes bug out, breaths abated, anticipating the elaboration.
<<di dad "If you pay close attention, our bloodline can only produce men. All of the children have never been female and it can be traced back hundreds of years ago.">>
<<if $incest == true>><<di you "Now that I think about it, it’s true. All of the immediate relatives from dad’s side are males except for their spouses.">><<else>><<di you "Wait really?">><</if>>
<<di dad "Yes, another curse, well depends on how you look at it, is our insatiable sex drive.">>
<<di you "What?">>
You exclaim, surprisedly. Glancing over, you can see $w.ybrother is blushing a bit.
<<if $incest>><<di dad "Yes, we never ever run out of fuels, and I don’t know about you boys, but if I don’t rub one out at least twice a day, Imma go insane. The worst thing is that it never goes away with age.">><<else>><<di dad "Yes, we never ever run out of fuels, and I don’t know about you $bro.Namedis, but if I don’t rub one out at least twice a day, Imma go insane. The worst thing is that it never goes away with age.">><</if>>
<<di bro "So grandpa...">>
<<di dad "...Yes. He’s still beating his meat daily, I’m afraid...">>
Despite how eventful this day has been, learning about your <<if $incest == false>>step-<</if>>family's sexual duress is definitely not on your bingo sheet considering how conservative $w.ydad usually is and especially not with your prudish $w.brother.
<<di bro "... Why are we talking about this again?">>
<<di dad "I’m tellin’ ya, be a strong man and resist the temptation. Just beat off to release the tension and don’t go kidnapping random girls, ya hear me?">>
$w.Ybrother groans exasperatedly.
<<if $incest>><<di bro "Dad, we obviously aren’t gonna be a criminal, what are you even on about?">><<else>><<di bro "Dad, I am obviously not gonna be a criminal, what are you even on about?">><</if>>
<<di dad "All I’m just saying is that... you know it yourself how strong our stamina is. I don’t care how you go about getting rid of all that pent up energy, but make sure to do it legally.">>
After the conversation, it sheds some light into <<if $incest>>your libido and the reason you’re horny all the time hasn’t been just puberty<<else>>$w.ydad's libido<</if>>. However, the biggest takeaway is: your voluntarily single dad and involuntarily single brother are <<if $incest>>most likely in the same boat<<else>>all horned up<</if>> and probably incredibly frustrated with not having a partner to have sex with. This can be very interesting.
Afterwards, they turn to a sport channel, the news easily forgotten and you quickly lose interest.
[[You then get up.|Living room]]<<silently>>
<<set $you.talkto = 1>>
<<if $hour < 8 or $dad.drunk < 8>>
<<set $dad.asleep = true>>
<<set $dad.asleep = false>>
<<image dad/dad2.jpg>>
<<if $owork.stage == -100>>\
<<include "Dadworkfailtalk11">>\
<<elseif not $washdishes and not $dad.wda and not $dnb.start and $hour >= 8 and not $dad.asleep and $you.location !== "Gym">>\
<<set $dad.wda = true>>\
<<include "Dadchore1">>\
<<elseif $you.horniness > 12 and $dad.gropecd >= 1 and not $cheatnohorny>>\
<<set $dad.gropecd = 0>>\
<<include "Dadperverted">>\
<<if $dad.rocketpill <= 5>>\
<<include "Dadrocketmenu">>
<<elseif $you.location === "Gym">>
<<include "Dadgymmenu">>
<<elseif $dad.asleep and $you.location !== "Bathroom">>\
<<include "Dadsleepmenu">>
<<elseif $owork.stage == -100>>\
<<set $owork.stage = -101>>\
<<include "Dadnormalmenu">>
<<if $dad.lust == $dad.lustmax and $dad.aff == $dad.affmax and $bro.lust == $bro.lustmax and $bro.aff == $bro.affmax and not hasVisited("Dnbtalk1")>>\
<<link "<b>He has some serious things to talk to you</b>" "Dnbtalk1">><</link>>
<<elseif hasVisited("Dnbtalk3") and not $dad.asleep and ($you.location === "Living room" or $you.location === "Kitchen" or $you.location === "Bathroom" or $you.location === "Brother's bedroom") and ($bro.location === "Living room" or $bro.location === "Kitchen" or $bro.location === "Bathroom" or $bro.location === "Brother's bedroom")>>\
[[Suggest a threesome|Dnbthreesome]]
<<if $dnb.acc == $dnb.accmax>>\
<<link "<b>Be theirs forever</b>" "Dnbgoodend">><</link>>
<<if $dad.lust == $dad.lustmax>>\
<<if $dad.aff == $dad.affmax>>\
[[Be his forever|Dadgoodend1]]
<<elseif $dad.aff <= 1>>\
[[Be his bitch forever|Dadgoodend2]]
<<link "Back" $you.location>><</link>><<image bro/bro1.jpg>>
<<silently>><<set $you.talkto = 2>>\
<<if $hour >= 9 and $hour <= 11 and $bro.schedule <= 2>>\
<<set $bro.asleep = true>>
<<elseif $hour >= 14 and $hour <= 16 and $bro.schedule == 1>>\
<<set $bro.asleep = true>>
<<elseif $hour >= 22 and $bro.schedule == 2>>\
<<set $bro.asleep = true>>
<<elseif $hour <= 5 and $bro.schedule == 3>>\
<<set $bro.asleep = true>>
<<elseif $hour <= 5 and ($bro.schedule == 4 or $bro.schedule == 5)>>
<<set $bro.asleep = true>>
<<elseif $hour >= 23 and ($bro.schedule == 4 or $bro.schedule == 5)>>
<<set $bro.asleep = true>>
<<set $bro.asleep = false>>
<<if not $laundry and not $bro.lda and not $dnb.start and $uwc <= 2 and not $bro.asleep and $you.location !== "Gym">><<set $bro.lda = true>><<include "Brochore1">><</if>>\
<<if ($bro.respromise > 0 and not $dnb.start and $hour > 2 and $hour < 23 and ($bro.shift > 7 or $bro.shift == 0)) or (not $dnb.start and $bro.respromise > 0 and $hour >= 17 and $bro.shift > 0 and $bro.shift <= 7)>><<include "Broffrmad">><</if>>\
<<if $you.horniness > 12 and $bro.gropecd >= 1 and not $cheatnohorny>><<set $bro.gropecd = 0>><<include "Broperverted">><</if>>\
<<if $bro.rocketpill <= 5>>\
<<include "Brorocketmenu">>
<<elseif $you.location === "Gym">>\
<<include "Brogymmenu">>
<<elseif $bro.asleep == true and $you.location !== "Bathroom">>\
<<include "Brosleepmenu">>
<<include "Bronormalmenu">>
<<if $dnb.acc >= 5 and not hasVisited("Dnbtalk3") and ($you.location === "Living room" or $you.location === "Kitchen" or $you.location === "Bathroom" or $you.location === "Brother's bedroom") and ($dad.location === "Living room" or $dad.location === "Kitchen" or $dad.location === "Bathroom" or $dad.location === "Dad's bedroom")>>\
<<link "<b>You begin the first setup for threesome</b>" "Dnbtalk3">><</link>>
<<elseif hasVisited("Dnbtalk3") and not $bro.asleep and ($you.location === "Living room" or $you.location === "Kitchen" or $you.location === "Bathroom" or $you.location === "Brother's bedroom") and ($dad.location === "Living room" or $dad.location === "Kitchen" or $dad.location === "Bathroom" or $dad.location === "Dad's bedroom")>>\
[[Suggest a threesome|Dnbthreesome]]
<<if $dnb.acc == $dnb.accmax>>\
<<link "<b>Be theirs forever</b>" "Dnbgoodend">><</link>>
<<if $bro.lust == $bro.lustmax>>\
<<if $bro.aff == $bro.affmax>>\
[[Be his forever|Brogoodend1]]
<<elseif $bro.aff <= 1>>\
[[Be his bitch forever|Brogoodend2]]
<<link "Back" $you.location>><</link>><<image dadbedroom1.jpg>>
<span id="locdesc">You are in your dad's bedroom</span>
<<if $you.location !== passage()>>\
<<minute add 5>>\
<<set $you.location = passage()>>\
<<timed 1ms>> <<if $dad.location === passage()>>\
<<if $bro.location === passage()>>\
<<if $dad.location !== passage()>><br/><</if>>\
<</if>> <</timed>>\
[[Living room]]\
[[Your bedroom]]\
[[Brother's bedroom]]<<image brobedroom1.jpg>>
<span id="locdesc">You are in your brother's bedroom</span>
<<if $you.location !== passage()>>\
<<minute add 5>>\
<<set $you.location = passage()>>\
<<timed 1ms>> <<if $dad.location === passage()>>\
<<if $bro.location === passage()>>\
<<if $dad.location !== passage()>><br/><</if>>\
<</if>> <</timed>>\
[[Living room]]\
[[Your bedroom]]\
[[Dad's bedroom]]<<silently>><<if $hour >= 13 and $daywd == 2>>
<<set $washdishes = false>>
<<set $daywd = 1>>
<<elseif $hour >= 21 and $daywd >=1 >>
<<set $washdishes = false>>
<<set $daywd = 0>>
<<if $you.location !== passage()>>
<<minute add 5>>
<<set $you.location = passage()>><</silently>>
<<image kitchen1.jpg>>
<span id="locdesc">You are in the kitchen</span>
<<timed 1ms>> <<if $dad.location === passage()>>\
<<if $bro.location === passage()>>\
<<if $hour == 7 or $hour == 8 or $hour == 12 or $hour == 13 or $hour == 19 or $hour == 20>>\
<<link "Have a meal" `passage()`>>
<<hour add 1>>\
<<set $you.hunger = 0>>
<<timed 1ms>><<if $dad.location === passage() and $you.rocket > 0>>\
<<link "Put a rocket pill in $w.ydad's drink" `passage()`>>
<<set $dad.rocketpill = 0>>\
<<set $you.rocket -->>\
<<if $dad.lust >= 31 and $dad.lust <= 39>>\
<<set $dad.prerocketlust = $dad.lust>>\
<<set $dad.lust = 40>>\
<<elseif $dad.lust <= 10>>\
<<set $dad.prerocketlust = $dad.lust>>\
<<set $dad.lust = 20>>\
<<elseif $dad.lust <= 30>>\
<<set $dad.prerocketlust = $dad.lust>>\
<<set $dad.lust += 10>>\
<<elseif $dad.rocketpill <= 5>>\
<b>$w.Ydad excuses himself from his meal to retreat to his bedroom. It must be because of the pill. You should seize this chance.</b>
<<if $bro.location === passage() and $you.rocket > 0>>\
<<link "Put a rocket pill in $w.ybrother's drink" `passage()`>>\
<<set $bro.rocketpill = 0>>\
<<set $you.rocket -= 1>>\
<<if $bro.lust >= 31 and $bro.lust <= 39>>\
<<set $bro.prerocketlust = $bro.lust>>\
<<set $bro.lust = 40>>\
<<elseif $bro.lust <= 10>>\
<<set $bro.prerocketlust = $bro.lust>>\
<<set $bro.lust = 20>>\
<<elseif $bro.lust <= 30>>\
<<set $bro.prerocketlust = $bro.lust>>\
<<set $bro.lust += 10>>\
<<elseif $bro.rocketpill <= 5>>\
<b>$w.Ybrother excuses himself from his meal to retreat to his bedroom. It must be because of the pill. You should seize this chance.</b>
<<if not $washdishes>>\
<<link "Dirty dishes" `passage()`>>
<<pressminute add 30>>
<<set $washdishes = true>>
[[Living room]]\
[[Your bedroom]]\
[[Dad's bedroom]]\
[[Brother's bedroom]]<<minute add 30>>\
<<if not $watchrocket>>\
As you watch the TV and an ads show up. <<set $watchrocket = true>>
<<image rocketad.jpg>>
<i>With just this one pill, your man can last whole night long. Reignite the sheet and soar to the moon with - <strong>Rocket</strong> - BUY NOW at your local pharma.</i>
<<if $dad.location === "Living room">>\
<<di dad "Well, we don't need those, that's for sure.">>
<<elseif $bro.location === "Living room">>\
<<di bro "Hm, after that talk with dad, I don't think I will ever need that type of product.">>
Hmm, those pills could be interesting.
<<elseif not $watchexclusivefans>>
<<set $watchexclusivefans = true>> <i>Do you want to build a following? Do you want to be a minor celebrity, build and sell your own brand? Then go ahead and become one of our creators on <strong>ExclusiveFans</strong></i>.
<<if $dad.location === "Living room">>\
<<di dad "What was that ad? I don't understand">>
<<elseif $bro.location === "Living room">>\
<<di bro "How do they even allow ExclusiveFans to be broadcasted on national television?">>
Yea, ExclusiveFans is an subscription-based platform for people to distribute porn. You are also quite surprised to see but on your TV screen. It is quite lucrative but requires <strong>dedication and takes a long time to get it going </strong>. Should you?
<<elseif $bully.state >= 8 and $bully.tvstate === 0>>
<<set $bully.tvstate = 1>>\
As you sit down for some show, the news catches your attention.
<<dio "Reporter" "... police reported that the man suffered head trauma, most likely because of the impact to the steering wheel. They also found there was alcohol in his bloodstream and his last contacts also confirmed that he was out drinking on that night. The case is now concluded as an accident.">>
<<di you "'Head trauma' from the impact with the steering huh? I didn't know something like that could happen.">>
For some reason that detail sticks out to you.
You watch TV to pass the time.
Suddenly your tv goes glitchy and a voice called out creepily.<<if $dad.location === "Living room" or $bro.location === "Living room">> However, no one is talking about it.<</if>>
<span id="gallery">\
<<if hashStr($cheatcode) == $ccanswer>>\
<<dio "Eerie voice" "Wanna look back at what you have done?">>
<<dio "Eerie voice" "What is the magic word?">>
<<if hashStr($cheatcode) == $ccanswer>>\
<<link "Gallery" "Memoriesmenu">>
<<set $ingallery = true>>
<<set $gameends = true>>
<<textbox '$cheatcode' '' autofocus>>\
<<link "Enter the password">>
<<set $cheatcode to $cheatcode.trim().toLowerCase()>>\
<<if hashStr($cheatcode) == $ccanswer>>\
<<set setup.cheatcode to $cheatcode>>
<<run memorize('cheatcode', setup.cheatcode)>>
<<replace "#gallery">>\
<<dio "Eerie voice" "Wanna look back at what you have done?">>
<<link "Gallery" "Memoriesmenu">>
<<set $ingallery = true>>
<<set $gameends = true>>
<<replace "#gallerywrong">><</replace>>\
<<replace "#gallerywrong">>\
<<dio "Eerie voice" "Wrong answer, heh heh heh. Become sweet or red onion on patreon to know the password.">>
<span id="gallerywrong"></span>\
<<link "Back" $you.location>><</link>><<if not $donetutorial>><<hour add 2>><<else>><<set $you.sleep -= 16>><<hour add 8>><</if>>\
You have a restful sleep
<<link "Wake up" $you.location>><</link>><<image outside1.jpg>>
<span id="locdesc">You are outside.</span>
<<if $bully.state >= 4>>\
<<include "Bullymenu">>
<<if $prof.state >= 8 and $hour >= 18 and $hour < 21>>\
<<link "$prof.Name's house">>
<<set $you.location = "Go outside">>
<<if $prof.state == 8>>
<<set _thour = 20 - $hour>>
<<set _tmin = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _thour>>
<<pressminute add _tmin>>
<<goto "Proftalk7">>
<<elseif $prof.state >= 9>>
<<set _thour = 20 - $hour>>
<<set _tmin = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _thour>>
<<pressminute add _tmin>>
<<goto "Profvisit3">>
<<include "Mecoutsidemenu">>\
<<link "Department store" "Department store">>
<<if $you.location !== "Department store">>
<<pressminute add 10>>
<<pressminute add 5>>
<</link>> \
<<link "Fast food restaurant" "Fast food restaurant">>
<<if $you.location !== "Fast food restaurant">>
<<pressminute add 30>>
<<pressminute add 5>>
<</link>> \
<<if not hasVisited("Witchtalk2") and hasVisited("Witchtalk1")>>\
<<link "Shop of $oni.Name's Grandma">>
<<if $hour >= 12 and $hour < 22>>
<<pressminute add 10>>
<<set $witch.state = 2>>
<<goto "Witchtalk2">>
<<pressminute add 10>>
<<goto "Witch">>
<<elseif hasVisited("Witchtalk2")>>\
<<link "Eastern Medicine shop" "Witch">>
<<if $you.location !== "Witch">>
<<pressminute add 5>>
<<pressminute add 10>>
<<link "Kingston College" "College">>
<<if $you.location !== "College">>
<<pressminute add 40>>
<<pressminute add 5>>
<</link>> \
<<if $cw.lust >= 7 and $cw.sus < $cw.susmax and $cw.timer >= 3>>\
<<if $hour >= 18 and $hour < 20 and $cw.lust == 11 and not hasVisited("CWfucktalk2")>>\
<<link "Visit $cw.Name's home to check on him" "CWfucktalk2">>
<<pressminute add 15>>
<</link>> \
<<elseif $day == 7 and $hour >= 8 and $hour <= 11 and hasVisited("CWfucktalk3") and not hasVisited("CWdate1")>>\
<<link "Give $cw.Name a tour of the town" "CWdate1">>
<<set _temph = 19 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<set $you.hunger -= (_temph + _tempm/60)>>
<<set $you.horniness -= (_temph + _tempm/60)>>
<<set $you.sleep -= (_temph + _tempm/60)>>
<</link>> \
<<elseif $hour >= 9 and $hour < 17 and $cw.uwjc == 0>>\
<<link "Go snooping around $cw.Name's apartment" "CWunderwearsteal">>
<<presshour add 1>>
<</link>> \
<<elseif ($hour == 18 or $hour == 19) and $you.money < $cw.rmoney>>\
<<link "==Have another shot with $cw.Name - $$$cw.rmoney==">><</link>> \
<<elseif ($hour == 18 or $hour == 19) and $you.money >= $cw.rmoney>>\
<<link "Have another shot with $cw.Name - $$$cw.rmoney" "CWapartment">>
<<if $you.location !== "CWapartment">>
<<pressminute add 10>>
<<pressminute add 5>>
<<money $cw.rmoney*-1>>
<</link>> \
<<link "$cw.Name's apartment" "CWapartment">>
<<if $you.location !== "CWapartment">>
<<pressminute add 10>>
<<pressminute add 5>>
<</link>> \
<<if $cw.lust == 15 and $cw.aff == 1 and $hour >= 8 and $hour <= 17 and hasVisited("CWdate2")>>\
<<link "<b>You suddenly get a call - ENDING</b>" "CWdate3">>
<<set _temph = 19 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<set $you.hunger -= (_temph + _tempm/60)>>
<<set $you.horniness -= (_temph + _tempm/60)>>
<<set $you.sleep -= (_temph + _tempm/60)>>
<</link>> \
<<elseif $cw.lust == 15 and $cw.aff == 2 and $hour >= 17 and $hour < 24>>\
<<link "<b>You have a feeling something big will happen tonight - ENDING</b>" "CWorgytalk">>
<<set _temph = 31 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<set $you.hunger -= (_temph + _tempm/60)>>
<<set $you.horniness -= (_temph + _tempm/60)>>
<<set $you.sleep -= (_temph + _tempm/60)>>
<</link>> \
<<link "Gym" "Gym">>
<<if $you.location !== "Gym">>
<<pressminute add 15>>
<<pressminute add 5>>
<</link>> \
<<if $owork.stage == 100 and $owork.daycd >= 0 and $day == 2 and $hour >= 8 and $hour <= 9>>\
<<link "Dad's Office" "Workintrotalk11">>
<<set _temph = 9 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<</link>> \
<<elseif $owork.penalty >= 1 and $day >= 2 and $day <= 6 and $hour >= 8 and $hour <= 9>>\
<<link "Office" "Workwarntalk">>
<</link>> \
<<elseif $owork.stage == 103 and $owork.daycd >= 0 and $day == 2 and $hour >= 8 and $hour <= 9>>\
<<link "Office" "Worksalestalk31">>
<<set _temph = 9 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<</link>> \
<<elseif $owork.stage == 107 and $owork.daycd >= 0 and $day == 2 and $hour >= 8 and $hour <= 9>>\
<<link "Office" "Worksalestalk71">>
<<set _temph = 9 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<</link>> \
<<elseif $owork.stage >= 101 and $day >= 2 and $day <= 6 and $hour >= 8 and $hour <= 9>>\
<<link "Office" "Office">>
<<set _temph = 12 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<</link>> \
<<elseif $dad.giftstate >= 4>>\
<<link "Dad's office" "Dad's office">>
<<if $you.location !== "Dad's office">>
<<pressminute add 30>>
<<pressminute add 5>>
<</link>> \
<<if $sd.stage >= 102 and $hour >= 18 and $hour <= 20>>\
<<link "$sd.Name's penthouse">>
<<if $sd.stage == 102>>
<<if $hour < 20>>
<<set _m = 60 - $minute>>
<<set _h = 19 - $hour >>
<<pressminute add _m>>
<<presshour add _h>>
<<goto "SDdinner11">>
<<elseif $sd.stress == 10>>\
<<if $hour < 20>>
<<set _m = 60 - $minute>>
<<set _h = 19 - $hour >>
<<pressminute add _m>>
<<presshour add _h>>
<<goto "SDend11">>
<<elseif $sd.stage >= 103 and $sd.groc == 0>>\
<<pressminute add 5>>
<<goto "SDnogroc">>
<<if $hour < 20>>
<<set _m = 60 - $minute>>
<<set _h = 19 - $hour >>
<<pressminute add _m>>
<<presshour add _h>>
<<goto "SDdinner21">>
<</link>> \
<<if $resman.giftstate >= 4 or hasVisited("Mectalk2") or (hasVisited("Fairintro1") and $fair.dur <= 8)>>\
<<link "Park" "Park">>
<<if $you.location !== "Park">>
<<pressminute add 10>>
<<pressminute add 5>>
<</link>> \
<<if $resman.giftstate == 1>>\
<<link "Townhall" "Townhall">>
<<if $you.location !== "Townhall">>
<<pressminute add 15>>
<<pressminute add 5>>
<</link>> \
<<if $bully.state == 13 or $police.giftstate == 2>>\
<<link "Police station" "Police station">>
<<if $you.location !== "Police station">>
<<pressminute add 10>>
<<pressminute add 5>>
<</link>> \
<<link "Go home" "Living room">>
<<if $you.location === "Department store">>
<<pressminute add 10>>
<<elseif $you.location === "Gym">>
<<pressminute add 15>>
<<elseif $you.location === "College">>
<<pressminute add 45>>
<<elseif $you.location === "Bully">>
<<pressminute add 15>>
<<elseif $you.location === "Witch">>
<<pressminute add 10>>
<<elseif $you.location === "Police station">>
<<pressminute add 10>>
<</link>><<set $donetutorial = true>> <<set $hour = 20>> <<set $minute = 0>> <<set $wasMenuItemEntered to false>>\
<<if previous() is "JerkinBed">>\
Suddenly the door opens
<<di bro "Hey bro, it’s…">>
$w.Ybrother freezes and his face begins to go beet red.
<<di bro "Sorry. Dinner’s ready.">>
<<lust bro add 2>>\
Well that happens and you can’t help but feel a little bit turned on by $w.ybrother’s walking in on you - dick flopping, cum drying and hole exposed.
<<elseif previous() is "Kitchen">>\
You help $w.yfather plating the dishes and cutlery.
<<aff dad add 2>>\
You hear $w.ybrother’s voice.
<<di bro "Hey bro, dinner’s ready">>
You walk to the kitchen where $w.yfather is just about to finish all the plating.
You and $w.ybrother settle in the dinning table and begin to dive into $w.ydad's signature spaghetti dish. After a few quiet minutes, he breaks the silence.
<<di dad "You’re still having to work the midnight shift, $bro.Namedis?">>
<<di bro "Yea, from <b>23:00 to 6:00</b> and even during weekends but I have <b>Tuesday and Thursday off</b> though. Since the place is really the highway, it is the best time to make some tips.">>
<<di dad "Son, I don’t like to tell you what to do but you gotta find something more stable like my accounting job - <strong>9:00 to 17:00 and weekends off</strong>.">>
<<di bro "Um, this job is just something to get me on my feet, the pay is extremely well especially for someone with no expertise like me.">>
Well, $w.ybrother has been saying that for almost 6 months now. He seems uncertain and a bit afraid that if he loses this job, he will not be able to find another with his supposedly limited experience.
You listen to them talking about their work and make a mental note about their schedules. <b>The knowledge may come in handy.</b>
Finishing the meal, $w.yfather grumbles.
<<di dad "Okay, you do you, young man. I’m just frustrated for you and of other things, that’s all.">>
It’s been a month since the divorce and $w.ydad’s mood is getting worse day by day. Must be because of all that bottled-up aggression that has no place to release, particularly coming from a man who has sex daily.
Seeing that $w.ybrother needs his dick sucked figuratively and literally, $w.yfather needs a hole to fill and you have a v-card to lose. You finally steel your determination and commence your ultimate seduction plan.
<<link "Finishing the meal">><<hour add 1>><<set $you.hunger = 0>><<set $you.sleep = 0>><<set $you.horniness = 0>><<goto "Kitchen">><</link>><<silently>><<if $dayld == 1 and $hour >= 9>>
<<set $laundry = false>>
<<set $dayld = 0>>
<<if $you.location !== passage()>>
<<minute add 5>>
<<set $you.location = passage()>><</silently>>
<<image bathroom1.jpg>>
<<set _dadpisschance = ($dad.pisscd * 12.5)>>\
<<set _bropisschance = ($bro.pisscd * 12.5)>>\
<<set _percent to random(25,100)>>\
<<if (_dadpisschance >= _percent or $dad.pisscd == 0) and $dad.rocketpill > 5 and $bro.location !== "Bathroom" and ($dad.location === "Living room" or $dad.location === "Kitchen" or $dad.location === "Dad's bedroom" or $dad.location === "Bathroom")>>\
<<set $dad.pisscd = 0>>\
<<elseif (_bropisschance >= _percent or $bro.pisscd == 0) and $bro.rocketpill > 5 and $dad.location !== "Bathroom" and ($bro.location === "Living room" or $bro.location === "Kitchen" or $bro.location === "Brother's bedroom" or $bro.location === "Bathroom")>>\
<<set $bro.pisscd = 0>>\
<<timed 1ms>><<if $dad.location === passage()>>\
When you enter the bathroom, you already see $w.ydad using the room.
<<di dad "Hey, I'm still using the bathroom. What are you doing, $w.son?">>
<<elseif $bro.location === passage()>>\
When you enter the bathroom, you already see $w.ybro using the room.
<<di bro "Man, hang on. I'm still here.">>
<<link "Take a shower" "Homeshower">>
<<pressminute add 30>>
<<if not $laundry>>\
<<link "Do the laundry" `passage()`>>
<<pressminute add 30>>
<<set $laundry = true>>
<<set $uwc = 4>>
[[Living room]]\
[[Your bedroom]]\
[[Dad's bedroom]]\
[[Brother's bedroom]]<<image dadsoffice.jpg>>
<<set $you.location = passage()>>\
<<if $hour >= 9 and $hour <= 16 and $day >= 2 and $day <= 6 and $dad.giftstate >= 4>>\
<<if $dad.officefuckcd == 1>>\
You already got what you came here for and you should let $w.ydad work a little bit.
<<link "Visit $w.ydad at work" "Dadofficefuck">>
<<presshour add 2>>
<<set $dad.officefuckcd = 1>>
The office is closed at this time of the day. You should come back <b>from Monday to Friday and from 9 AM to 4 PM</b>.
<<link "Go outside" "Go outside">>
<<pressminute add 5>>
<</link>><<set $you.location = passage()>>\
<<image fastfood.jpg>>
You are at the fast food restaurant. They are looking for someone to work a 6-hour shift during the day. <b>(you can take the job from 08:00 to 12:00)</b>
<<timed 1ms>>\
<<if $bro.location === passage()>>\
<<if $hour >= 8 and $hour <= 17>>\
[[Restaurant Manager|Resman]]
<<if hasVisited("Mectalk2") and not hasVisited("Mecfff")>>\
<<link "Look for a way to put up some flyers" "Mecfff">>
<<pressminute add 15>>
<<timed 1ms>><<if $hour >= 8 and $hour <= 12>>\
<<link "Work a shift">>
<<if $resman.bjtime >= 4 and not $resman.start>>
<<presshour add 6>>
<<set $resman.start = true>>
<<set $resman.Name = $resman.Namedis>>
<<money 50>>
<<goto "Resmanstart1">>
<<goto "Workatfastfood">>
<span id="temp"></span>\
<<if not hasVisited("CWtalk1") and $you.money >= 10 and $hour == 17>>\
<<link "You notice a hulking man standing in line to order - $10" "CWtalk1">>
<<money -10>>
<<presshour add 1>>
<<elseif not hasVisited("CWtalk1") and $you.money < 10 and $hour == 17>>\
<<link "==You notice a hulking man standing in line to order - $10==">><</link>>
<<elseif hasVisited("CWtalk1") and not hasVisited("CWtalk2") and $you.money >= 35 and $hour == 17>>\
<<link "You bump into the consutruction worker - $35" "CWtalk2">>
<<money -35>>
<<presshour add 1>>
<<elseif hasVisited("CWtalk1") and not hasVisited("CWtalk2") and $you.money < 35 and $hour == 17>>\
<<link "==You bump into the consutruction worker - $35==">><</link>>
<<elseif $cw.lust == 1 and $hour == 17 and $you.money >= $cw.rmoney and $cw.sus < $cw.susmax>>\
<<link "You run into the consutruction worker again - $$$cw.rmoney" "CWhjtalk3">>
<<money $cw.rmoney*-1>>
<<presshour add 1>>
<<set $you.location = "CWapartment">>
<<elseif $cw.lust == 1 and $hour == 17 and $you.money < $cw.rmoney and $cw.sus < $cw.susmax>>\
<<link "==You run into the consutruction worker again - $$$cw.rmoney==">><</link>>
<<elseif $cw.lust < 7 and hasVisited("CWtalk2") and $hour == 17 and $you.money >= $cw.rmoney and $cw.sus < $cw.susmax>>\
<<link "You see $cw.Name and propose to do another video with him at his apartment - $$$cw.rmoney" "CWsex">>
<<money $cw.rmoney*-1>>
<<set $you.location = "CWapartment">>
<<set _temphour = 19 - $hour>>
<<set _tempmin = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temphour>>
<<pressminute add _tempmin>>
<<elseif $cw.lust < 7 and hasVisited("CWtalk2") and $hour == 17 and $you.money < $cw.rmoney and $cw.sus < $cw.susmax>>\
<<link "==You see $cw.Name and propose to do another video with him at his apartment - $$$cw.rmoney==">><</link>>
<<if $you.money >= 10 or $you.cc == 1>>\
<<link "Grab a burger for yourself - $10" `passage()`>>
<<if $you.cc == 0>>
<<money -10>>
<<pressminute add 15>>
<<set $you.hunger = 0>>
<</link>> \
<<if not $bully.rc and $bully.request == 1 and $bully.requeststate == 1>>\
<<link "Buy some food for $bully.Name - $10" `passage()`>>\
<<if $you.cc == 0>>
<<money -10>>
<<set $bully.rc to true>>
<<pressminute add 5>>
<<elseif $bully.rc and $bully.request == 1 and $bully.requeststate == 1>>\
- <i>You already have the food for $bully.Name</i>
<<if $bully.request != 1 or $bully.requeststate == 2 or $bully.requeststate == 3>><br/><</if>>
<<link "==Grab a burger for yourself - $10==">><</link>> \
<<if not $bully.rc and $bully.request == 1 and $bully.requeststate == 1>>\
<<link "==Buy some food for $bully.Name - $10==">><</link>>
<<elseif $bully.rc and $bully.request == 1 and $bully.requeststate == 1>>\
- <i>You already have the food for $bully.Name</i>
<<if $bully.request != 1 or $bully.requeststate == 2 or $bully.requeststate == 3>><br/><</if>>
<<link "Go outside" "Go outside">>
<<pressminute add 5>>\
<</link>><<scenechoices bro 7 3>>\
<<if $scenepicked>>\
<<if not $gameends>>\
@@.title;BAD ENDING@@
<<if _saff == 4 and not _snosex>>\
$w.Ybrother suddenly wants to have a talk with you.
<<di bro "I'm sorry $you.Namedis, but I can't do this anymore. I've been spending a lot of time thinking about it and despite how incredible it feels to be with you, I can't deny that the things that we are doing is wrong and it's entirely my fault. I should have been bigger man and ended it way before it got way too out of line.">>
As he looks at you with those gliterring eyes full of sorrows, your feel your heart cracks seeing how broken down $w.ybrother appears.
<<di bro "Just know that I still love you very much, my lil bro.">>
He gives you a hugs and a pat on the back - a supposedly affectionate gesture but it feel like a farewell.
A blurry, folorn, slight smile on his face is the last image on your mind as he releases you from the embrace.
<<elseif _saff == 4 and _snosex>>\
$w.Ybrother suddenly wants to have a talk with you.
<<di bro "Hey $you.Namedis, my best bro. I've noticed that recently you have been acting very strange and it's hard for me to say this but... I need you to stop doing that. I know you are still going through a very confusing time with only being 18 and all but the things you are thinking of doing is not right.">>
You blush profusedly and transparently enough that if he hadn't know before, he sure damn well knows now.
<<di bro "Just know that I love you very much, my lil bro. And all I want is the best for you.">>
He gives you a hugs and a pat on the back - a supposedly affectionate gesture but it feel like a huge wall is erected after that touch.
With $w.ybrother's warning, you soon stop the shenanigans, but the damage has already been already done.
<<elseif _saff == 3 and not _snosex>>\
$w.Ybrother suddenly wants to have a talk with you.
<<di bro "Hey man, I've been thinking a lot about, um, the things that we do. While it's been a great experiment, we can't continue because I'm straight and you are my bro, ya know?">>
His glances bounce all over the places and not at you.
<<di bro "I guess that's it.">>
<<di you "Right.">>
You can't really say anything but to honor his wish and feel nervous about your plan of seducing your own $w.brother and $w.dad. What would happen if $w.ybrother had told everyone about what you did?
After this wake-up call, you stop trying to do that altogether.
<<elseif _saff == 3 and _snosex>>\
$w.Ybrother suddenly wants to have a talk with you.
<<di bro "Umm, I don't know how to say it but you've been acting really weird and personally, it's not wise to keep doing it.">>
You croak, throat dry.
<<di you "What?">>
<<di bro "If you know, you know. I don't really appreciate all the tricks of yours and it's best that you put a stop to it. I don't want to make a whole thing out of it, you got me?">>
You can't really say anything but nod and feel nervous about your plan of seducing your own $w.brother and $w.dad. What would happen if $w.ybrother had told everyone about what you did?
After this wake-up call, you stop trying to do that altogether.
<<elseif _saff == 2>>\
$w.Ybrother suddenly wants to have a talk with you.
<<di bro "Man, it feels weird that you keep on doing these types of weird stuffs around me. What's wrong with you? I don't appreciate it so better cut that shit out, it's not cool.">>
You can't really say anything but nod and feel nervous about your plan of seducing your own $w.brother and $w.dad. What would happen if $w.ybrother had told everyone about what you did?
After this wake-up call, you stop trying to do that altogether.
$w.Ybrother suddenly wants to have a talk with you.
<<di bro "You are a damn fag, aren't you?">>
Your eyes widen and heart drops to the bottom of your stomach.
<<di you "What?!">>
<<di bro "Don't lie to me, fucking fairy. I've noticed the way you are looking at me and dad. Of all the people to ogle, you chose me and your own goddamn father? You are one sick motherfucker.">>
<<di you "I don't know what the fuck you are talking about.">>
<<di bro "Shut your mouth. You can't deny all the stunts you pulled and your ass wiggling around baiting us, fucking freak slut. But I'm tired of it, cut that shit out.">>
Your poker face cracks, you can't really deny it when your face is ashen with fear. You beg.
<<di you "Please don't tell anyone about it, I'm begging you.">>
$w.Ybrother smirks.
<<di bro "Okay, if you can get me some money, I will keep this info to myself.">>
You nod accepting his offer as you spend the days working and giving him money to fend off the blackmail.
$w.Ybrother grows even more distanced and soon after, he moves out of the house.
<<if _saff >= 3>>\
He still sends you a postcard every holiday but no further contacts nor reunion. You guys drift apart.
<<elseif _saff == 2>>\
He then completely ghosts you. All of your attempts to reconnect are met with silence. As if you never ever had a $w.brother.
He then outs you as gay to the whole family and says that you're a deviant one who is up to no good which then lead to you being completely cut off.
Years later, recalling back, you still aren't sure if the fleeting pleasures that you had was worth it...
<<if not $gameends or $scenepicked>>You reflect on the <<link "memories.">><<if $gameends>><<goto "Broscenemenu">><<else>><<set $gameends to true>><<goto "Memoriesmenu">><</if>><</link>><<else>><<link "Back" "Broscenemenu">><</link>><</if>><<scenechoices dad 7 3>>\
<<if $scenepicked>>\
<<if not $gameends>>\
@@.title;BAD ENDING@@
<<if _saff == 4 and _snosex>>\
$w.Ydad suddenly wants to have a talk with you.
<<di dad "Hey $you.Namedis, my boy. I've noticed that recently you have been acting very strange and it's hard for me to say this but... I need you to stop doing that. I know you are still going through a very confusing time with only being 18 and all but the things you are thinking of doing is not right.">>
You blush profusedly as if aren't transparent enough that $w.ydad can look through your thinly veiled perverted acts.
<<di dad "Just know that I love you very much, young man. And all I want is the best for you.">>
He gives you a hugs and a pat on the back - a supposedly affectionate gesture but it feel like a huge wall is erected after that touch.
With $w.ydad's warning, you soon stop the shenanigans, but the damage has already been done.
<<elseif _saff == 4 and not _snosex>>\
$w.Ydad suddenly wants to have a talk with you.
<<di dad "$w.Son, we need to talk.">>
Seeing his serious expression, a ball of nerves starts to form in the pit of your stomach. As you sit down facing him, he starts slowly.
<<di dad "I've been thinking a lot about us and it is best that we stop this.">>
<<di you "Why, $w.dad?">>
<<di dad "We have crossed a line that we shouldn't have in the first place. I should have been the responsible one and stopped it long before. However, because of my weakness, I couldn't resist it. Couldn't resist you...">>
He looks at his hand solemnly, shoulders slumping a clear sense of defeat radiates from him.
<<di you "It's not all your fault, $w.dad. I was also will...">>
<<di dad "No, it's entirely mine. I'm $w.yfather I should have damn known better.">>
Unable to bear the misery that $w.yfather is going through, you carefully wrap both hands around and console him. He gratefully accepts it, squeezing you. Your resolve breaks when you feel a wetness on your neck.
Afterwards, you both look at each other through your blurry eyes.
<<di dad "No matter what just know that I love you so much, my sweet boy.">>
With those parting words, he gets up and retreats back to his room.
True to his words, all of the fun comes to an end and he even actually distances himself from you and leaves you cold.
<<elseif _saff == 3 and not _snosex>>\
$w.Ydad suddenly wants to have a talk with you.
<<di dad "Hey $w.son, I've been thinking a lot about, um, the things that we do. While it's been a great experiment, we can't continue because I'm straight and you are my $w.son, ya know?">>
His glances bounce all over the places and not looking at you.
<<di dad "I guess that's it.">>
<<di you "Right.">>
You can't really say anything but to honor his wish and feel nervous about your plan of seducing him and $w.ybrother. What would happen if $w.yfather had told everyone about what you did?
After this wake-up call, you stop trying to do that altogether.
<<elseif _saff == 3 and _snosex>>\
$w.Ydad suddenly wants to have a talk with you.
<<di dad "Umm, I don't know how to say it but you've been acting really weird and personally, it's not wise to keep doing it.">>
You croak, throat dry.
<<di you "What?">>
<<di dad "If you know, you know. I don't really appreciate all the tricks of yours and it's best that you put a stop to it. I don't want to make a whole thing out of it. You got me, $w.son?">>
You can't really say anything but nod and feel nervous about your plan of seducing him an $w.ybrother. What would happen if $w.yfather had told everyone about what you did?
After this wake-up call, you stop trying to do that altogether.
<<elseif _saff == 2>>\
$w.Ydad suddenly wants to have a talk with you.
<<di dad "$w.Son, it feels weird that you keep on doing these types of stuffs around me. What's wrong with you? I don't appreciate it so better cut that shit out, it's not cool.">>
You can't really say anything but nod and feel nervous about your plan of seducing him and $w.ybrother. What would happen if $w.yfather had told everyone about what you did?
After this wake-up call, you stop trying to do that altogether.
$w.Ydad suddenly wants to have a talk with you.
<<di dad "You are a damn fag, aren't you?">>
Your eyes widen and heart drops to the bottom of your stomach.
<<di you "What?!">>
<<di dad "Don't lie to me, fucking fairy. I've noticed the way you've been giving us looks. Of all the people to ogle, you chose me and your own goddamn $w.brother? You are one sick motherfucker.">>
<<di you "I don't know what the fuck you are talking about.">>
<<di dad "Shut your mouth. You can't deny all the stunts you pulled and your ass wiggling around baiting us, fucking freak slut. But I'm tired of it, cut that shit out.">>
Your poker face cracks, you can't really deny it when your face is ashen with fear. You beg.
<<di you "Please don't tell anyone about it, I'm begging you.">>
$w.Ydad smirks.
<<di dad "Okay, because of my name is also on the line, I will keep this info to myself.">>
You meekly accept it and put a stop to all the deviant plans.
Despite all that, you still have to live with him for awhile. You, though, grow more and more unrest to the point that you have no choice but to move out.
<<if _saff >= 3>>\
After moving out, you sometimes call him and he grudgingly accepts it. The conversations are always stilted and strained. Then the calls soon become scarce and you guys eventually lose touch.
<<elseif _saff == 2>>\
After you move out, he more or less unofficially disown you. You put in the effort to reconnect with him but it is always met with cold shoulders. Eventually, your name got erased in the family tree.
After ridding of the burden that is you, he publicly announces that you are no $w.son of his and out you as being gay and perverted to the whole town. The rumor mill is small but it manages to drill deep inside you as you have no choice but to leave the place. You dare not reconnect with $w.yfather anymore.
Years later, recalling back, you still aren't sure if the fleeting pleasures that you had was worth it...
<<if not $gameends or $scenepicked>>You reflect on the <<link "memories.">><<if $gameends>><<goto "Dadscenemenu">><<else>><<set $gameends to true>><<goto "Memoriesmenu">><</if>><</link>><<else>><<link "Back" "Dadscenemenu">><</link>><</if>><<image gym.jpg>>
<<set $you.location = passage()>>\
<<if $hour < 5>>\
The entrance to the gym is shut tight. Maybe try some other time.
<<link "Rummage through the reception counter" "Gymschedule">>
<<pressminute add 5>>
<<if $resman.start and ($hour == 17 or $hour == 18)>>\
<<if not hasVisited("Resmanstart2")>>\
<<link "Approach $resman.Name" "Resmanstart2">>
<<set _temphour = (18 - $hour)>>
<<set _tempmin = (60 - $minute)>>
<<presshour add _temphour>>
<<pressminute add _tempmin>>
<<link "Work out with $resman.Name" "Resmanworkout1">>
<<set _temphour = (18 - $hour)>>
<<set _tempmin = (60 - $minute)>>
<<presshour add _temphour>>
<<pressminute add _tempmin>>
<<timed 1ms>> <<if $dad.location === passage()>>\
<<if $bro.location === passage()>>\
<<if ($day == 2 or $day == 4 or $day == 6) and $hour == 7>>\
<<link "Workout with $prof.Name" "Profgym1">>
<<if $police.state >= 16 and $day == 7 and $hour == 18>>\
<<link "Workout with $police.Name and perhaps fun activity later?" "Policegymbj1">>
<<presshour add 1>>
<<if not hasVisited("Gymlocker1")>>\
<<link "Go to the locker room" "Gymlocker1">>
<<pressminute add 5>>
<<elseif hasVisited("Lockpicking3")>>\
<<link "Lockpick the lockers">>
<<if $go.lockerjerkcd == 0>>
<<pressminute add 5>>
<<goto "Gymlockerpick4">>
<<off '.macro-event'>>
<<goto "Gymlockerpick1">>
<<if hasVisited("Mecfem") and not hasVisited("Parkrhj") and not hasVisited("Gymrhj")>>\
<<if $you.ruse >= 1>>\
<<link "You test the power of the ring" "Gymrtalk1">>
<<pressminute add 15>>
<<link "==You test the power of the ring==">><</link>>
<<elseif hasVisited("Parkrhj") or hasVisited("Gymrhj")>>\
<<if $you.ruse >= 1>>\
<<link "Use the ring to give someone a handjob in exchange of $20" "Parkrhjtalk1">>
<<pressminute add 15>>
<<link "==Use the ring to give someone a handjob in exchange of $20==">><</link>>
<<if (hasVisited("Parkrhj") or hasVisited("Gymrhj")) and $you.rlevel >= 2 and not hasVisited("Parkrbj") and not hasVisited("Gymrbj")>>\
<<if $you.ruse >= 1>>\
<<link "You push the power of the ring even further" "Gymrtalk3">>
<<pressminute add 15>>
<<link "==You push the power of the ring even further==">><</link>>
<<elseif (hasVisited("Parkrbj") or hasVisited("Gymrbj")) and $you.rlevel >= 2>>\
<<if $you.ruse >= 1>>\
<<link "Use the ring to give someone a blowjob in exchange of $50" "Parkrbjtalk1">>
<<pressminute add 15>>
<<link "==Use the ring to give someone a blowjob in exchange of $50==">><</link>>
<<if (hasVisited("Parkrbj") or hasVisited("Gymrbj")) and $you.rlevel >= 3 and not hasVisited("Parkrfuck") and not hasVisited("Gymrfuck")>>\
<<if $you.ruse >= 1>>\
<<link "You push the power of the ring further" "Gymrtalk5">>
<<pressminute add 15>>
<<link "==You push the power of the ring further==">><</link>>
<<elseif (hasVisited("Parkrfuck") or hasVisited("Gymrfuck")) and $you.rlevel >= 3>>\
<<if $you.ruse >= 1>>\
<<link "Use the ring to let someone fuck you in exchange of $100" "Parkrfucktalk1">>
<<pressminute add 15>>
<<link "==Use the ring to let someone fuck you in exchange of $100==">><</link>>
<<link "Go outside" "Go outside">>
<<pressminute add 5>>
<</link>><<image departmentstore1.jpg>>
<<set $you.location = passage()>>\
<<if $bro.giftstate == 1>>\
<<set $bro.giftstate = 2>>\
<<di you "Hello, is there anybody?">>
You shout into the empty counter as there is nobody there at the moment.
<<dio "Store Owner" "Just a min.">>
The usual store owner, who seems to be the only employee of the establishment, appears all sweaty - must be from doing inventory.
<<dio "Store Owner" "How can I help?">>
He says with a tired and friendly smile.
<<di you "I'm here for a delivery.">>
He looks at you confusedly for a moment before you hand over the brown bag. Opening it, his eye widens like saucers before clearing his throat a bit stiffly:
<<dio "Store Owner" "Do you work at the Eastern Medicine shop?">>
Not wanting to drag this out and make the situation even more awkward. You lie:
<<di you "Nah, I'm just a delivery guy that's all.">>
He looks visibly relieved at your admission and then again gives you another now even cheerier smile:
<<dio "Store Owner" "Thank you. Do you want to buy anything? If no, then excuse me, I still have a lot to go through in the inventory.">>
You shake your head no and then wave goodbye to him.
You are in the department store.
<<if not hasVisited("Mecfds") and hasVisited("Mectalk2")>>\
<<link "Ask the owner to put up some flyers" "Mecfds">>
<<pressminute add 5>>
<<if not hasVisited("Fairintro1")>>\
<<link "You see a colorful flyer" "Fairintro1">>
<<pressminute add 5>>
<<if $sd.stage >= 101 and $sd.groc == 0>>\
<<link "Groceries for home cooked meal" `passage()`>>
<<if $sd.stage == 101>>
<<set $sd.stage = 102>>
<<set $sd.groc = 1>>
<<if $sd.stage == 104>>\
<<link "Buy supplies for massages" "SDmassagesupplies">>
<<if $you.money >= 50 or $you.cc == 1>>\
<<link "A 6 pack of beer - $50 per" `passage()`>>
<<if $you.cc == 0>>\
<<money -50>>
<<set $you.beer ++>>
<<link "==A 6 pack of beer - $50 per==">><</link>>\
<<if $you.beer >= 1>><i> - You have $you.beer 6 pack<<if $you.beer > 1>>s<</if>> of beer.</i><</if>>
<<if $watchrocket>>\
<<if $you.money >= 100 or $you.cc == 1>>\
<<link "Buy rocket pill - $100 per" `passage()`>>\
<<if $you.cc == 0>>\
<<money -100>>
<<set $you.rocket ++>>
<<if $you.rocket >= 1>><i> - You have $you.rocket rocket pill<<if $you.rocket > 1>>s<</if>>.</i><</if>>
<<link "==Buy rocket pill - $100 per==">>\
<<if $you.rocket >= 1>><i> - You have $you.rocket rocket pill<<if $you.rocket > 1>>s<</if>>.</i><</if>>
<<link "Go outside" "Go outside">>
<<pressminute add 5>>
<</link>>\<<hour add 1>>\
You have a chat with him about his work.
<<aff dad add 2>>\
<<link "Back">>
<<if $dad.location === $you.location>>\
<<goto "Dad">>\
<<goto $you.location>>\
<</link>>\<<hour add 1>>\
You share some stories about your friends with your brother.
<<aff bro add 2>>\
<<link "Back">>
<<if $bro.location === $you.location>>\
<<goto "Brother">>\
<<goto $you.location>>\
<</link>>\<<minute add 30>>\
<<if $dad.lust < 10>><<lust dad add 1>><</if>>\
<<scenechoices dad 2 1>>\
<<if $scenepicked>>\
You walk into his room, a pained look on your face.
<<di you "Hey dad, can I ask you something?">>
<<if _saff >= 3>>\
<<di dad "Hm, what do you need, $w.son?">>
<<di dad "What’s the matter now?">>
<<di you "I have this painful ache on my lower back. Do you mind giving me a hand and a massage?">>
Showing the bottle of massage oil to him, you smile sheepishly waiting for his confirmation.
<<if _saff >= 3>>\
<<di dad "Okay, come on lay on the front on my bed and tell me where it hurts.">>
He seems a little irritated that you are interrupting his work, despite that:
<<di dad "Not the best time, but alright get on the bed.">>
You quickly remove the shirt and flop on the bed before he can change his mind. Your voice muffles out:
<<di you "I got this ache in my lower back for awhile now, must be from studying now recently it has gotten worse. It is especially bad on my hips.">>
You can hear the click of the cap open and the sound of hands squelching in oil.
<<di dad "Okay, just tell me if I got it right.">>
He begins modestly from the middle of your hips with slow and deliberate movement.
<<di you "Hm, a bit lower.">>
He tentatively shifts his hand lower to the top of your ass, palms facing down and spreading out, calloused and oh so expansive like the whole of you can be contained within his grasps. He continues kneading, now more confidently. Still you want more.
<<di you "Uh, it’s still not quite there yet. Can you please move lower?">>
You can feel he’s taking a brief pause weighting his next decision, but then your pants get pulled down. Goosebumps appear on your skin from both the cool air hitting your most intimate place and the thrill coursing through your body. He carefully cups and kneads your bottoms like they are the most delicious dough that will go into his hot, scorching oven later.
<<video dad/dadbedroomtease1.mp4>>
Unable to hold it in, you let out a breathy moan - low and subtle - from the pleasure of being the sole focus of his masterful technique. This however breaks him out of the trance as he says:
<<di dad "It looks like you are fine now, I have some work to finish so close the door after you leave.">>
With a quick maneuver, he returns to his seat in the office corner of the room. You can only see his back toiling away, engulfed in his endless spreadsheets.
After redressing, you leave the room without further comment.
<<link "Back">>\
<<if $gameends>>
<<goto "Dadscenemenu">>
<<elseif $dad.location === $you.location>>\
<<goto "Dad">>\
<<goto $you.location>>\
<</link>>\<<if not $gameends>><<set $dad.rocketpill -= 1>><</if>><<hour add 1>><<set $you.horniness = 0>>\
<<if $dad.rocketpill <= 5>><<set $dad.rockettime ++>>\
@@.add;The rocket pill's effect expires, but the bonus lust will persist.@@
<<sus dad addflat 30>>\
<<di you "Hey $w.dad, can I ask you something?">>
Torn between answering your question and slamming the door on your face to deal with his "problem", he reluctantly asks.
<<di dad "Sure, what’s the matter?">>
<<di you "You're hard right now because of the curse right? How do you deal with being horny all the time? I jerked off every day but it always seems never enough.">>
He seems flustered but now resigned because there is no way in hell he can hide such a monster under that thin cotton wall.
<<di dad "Well, yes but also no. I don't know why but this is much worse than the usual...">>
<<if $dad.lust < 30>><<lust dad add 1>><</if>>\
<<di you "Hey $w.dad, can I ask you something?">>
Stopping what he is doing, $w.ydad asks.
<<di dad "Sure, what’s the matter?">>
<<di you "How do you deal with being horny all the time? I jerked off every day but it always seems never enough.">>
$w.Ydad seems rather calm, as if knowing that this question will come.
<<di dad "I wish I could tell you that there was a trick but in fact we all have to endure it. That’s why men in our family are so strong both physically and mentally.">>
He then flexes at you just to make a point.
<<di dad "So no, $w.son. We have to fight the temptation and of course jack it frequently does help.">>
You give him a questioning look and decide to test the water.
<<di you "Does it gets less frustrating when I came from someone jacking me off?">>
This question actually makes him pause for a brief second before asking me.
<<di dad "You’re still a virgin?">>
Although you're playing the blushing maiden character up, a shock of heat still rushes into your cheeks from the real embarrassment.
<<di you "Yea...">>
Somehow, that bloom on your cheeks is contagious as $w.ydad’s also redden after hearing your answer. He clears his throat.
<<di dad "Well, yes. It actually does get better when someone does it to you.">>
<<di you "Since you aren’t in the dating pool and I am perpetually horny, I assume you are too... So why don’t we help each other out?">>
The expression on his face let you know that the clock is ticking very, very loudly in his brain. In order to push him over the edge, you add.
<<di you "Pretty please?">>
He looks at your face for a few more seconds before closing his eyes and signaling you to follow him.
[[Follow him to his bedroom|Dadhjintro2]]<<scenechoices dad 3 2>>\
<<if $scenepicked>>\
As you enter the room, you can see that he’s already settled on the bed and already scrolling through the porn selection.
<<di dad "What do you want to watch?">>
You climb on the bed, leaning on the headboard next to him.
<<di you "Up to you, $w.dad. I’m not picky.">>
Well, all the porns you are looking at are straight anyway so it doesn’t matter.
He nods his affirmation and chooses a simple no nonsense one: The female performer gets right down to business, on her knees and immediately unzipping her partner revealing a respectable dick.
You both sit unmoving except for the rise and fall of your chests. In your peripheral vision, <<if _srp>>there's no mistaking the burgeoning rod<<else>>you can see a bugle growing<</if>> in his pants which makes your blood all rushes South, engorging your young member.
Impatiently, you pull down your pants and begin idly playing with your raging hard cock. Still fixated on the screen, $w.ydad follows suit and releases his veiny shaft that is even bigger than the dick in your distant memory of him. It also puts the actor on the screen to shame.
Stimulated by the sight of his glorious erection, you start pumping more insistently with quick breaths. $w.Ydad, under your lead, begins to work his dick vigorously as well.
Fueled with a burst of recklessness, you place your hand on the hand that is covering his length.
<<di you "May I?">>
He croaks, removing his hand.
<<di dad "Okay...">>
You bounce your hands shakily from the sheer thrill spreading through your body. His cock feels like a scorching brand that leaves a phantom mark forever on your hand.
<<video dad/dadhj1.mp4>>
His unstable exhale and still steely member give you a confidence boost as you get more and more comfortable with the pace of the handjob.
<<if _saff == 4>>\
<<di dad "Fuck... Your hands are like magic.">>
<<elseif _saff >= 2>>\
<<di dad "I’m close, boy.">>
<<di dad "Be a fucking man for once... and keep your hand tight.">>
Not long after he starts grunting, his pelvis moves but its own volition fucking your palm like it’s the tightest ass. His thrusting becomes erratic as he growls.
<<di dad "ARGHHHHHHH!!">>
<<video dad/dadhjcum1.mp4>>
Hot spurts of cum shots out coating your hand. The sensation of $w.ydad’s breeding tube contracting is so hot that it triggers your own orgasm without even touching your dick.
<<image you/handfree1.webp>>
Through his climax, his half closed eyes burn a hole through you as you're riding through the best damn high of your life.
Gasping through the pleasure, you open your eyes to see $w.ydad is still intensely staring at you with the biggest flush on his face. After a while, he diverts and throws you some wet wipes.
<<if _saff == 4>>\
<<di dad "Shit... That is the best damn handjob I've ever had and that's saying a lot for a handjob. Nice job!">>
He grins at you merrily and with a hint of fondness and affection. Of course, you give him an identical giddy smile as you have finally achieved something you've been longing for.
<<elseif _saff >= 2>>\
<<di dad "This is just us men helping each other out, you got it?">>
<<di dad "Shut your fucking trap, no one needs to know about this, hear me?">>
<<di you "Cross my heart, I won’t tell anyone.">>
<<di dad "Alright, clean up. I need to rest.">>
Following his dismissal, you clean up, make yourself decent and leave the room.
<<link "Back">>
<<set $dad.rocketpill = 10>>\
<<if $gameends>>\
<<goto "Dadscenemenu">>\
<<elseif $bully.state == 1>>
<<goto "Bullycaught">>
<<elseif $dad.location === "Dad's bedroom">>\
<<set $you.location = "Dad's bedroom">>\
<<goto "Dad">>\
<<goto "Dad's bedroom">>\
<</link>><<if not $gameends>><<set $dad.rocketpill -= 1>><</if>><<hour add 1>><<set $you.horniness = 0>>\
<<if $dad.lust < 30>><<lust dad add 1>><</if>>\
<<if $dad.rocketpill <= 5>><<set $dad.rockettime ++>>\
@@.add;The rocket pill's effect expires.@@
<<sus dad addflat 30>>\
<<sus dad add 1>>\
<<scenechoices dad 4 1>>\
<<if $scenepicked>>\
<<di you "Do you want to...?">>
You approach him, giving an open invitation that both of you know damn well what it is.
<<di dad "Okay, let’s make it quick">>
He doesn’t need to say anything else and quickly browse the porn selections on the TV. You eagerly sit next to him in the usual position. The couple get right down to business as well as your dad whose cock is on display, larger than life and enveloped by his equally big and meaty hands.
After 5 minutes, you extend your hand again wrapping around your dad’s cock and begin to jerk him.
<<video dad/dadhj3.mp4>>
<<di dad "Fuck, squeeze it harder.">>
Your dad’s verbal order gives you a spike of blood pressure especially inside your abandoned but still throbbing dick. Complying to his order, you tighten your grip, but your fingers still can’t touch each other around his rod. You are also chasing the climax by pumping your penis swiftly - keeping up with his mounting pleasure.
<<if not hasVisited("Dadbjintro1") and $dad.lust >= 30 and not $gameends>>\
You take the chance and ask if you can <<link "suck his dick." "Dadbjintro1">><<set $dad.rocketpill -= 1>><<presshour add 1>><</link>>
<<di dad "Shit, I’m close.">>
Your pistoning appears to not be enough for your dad as he moves his hips to thrust into your palm, heavy inhale and exhale reverberate through the room. With less than ten strokes, your dad growls and his seed spurts out, spraying on your hand and his chest.
<<video dad/dadhjcum1.mp4>>
You aren’t that far behind, with just some quick swipes, your young, hot load erupts and some mingle with your dad’s covering your hand.
<<image you/handfree1.webp>>
<<if _saff == 4>>\
<<di dad "Thanks, $w.son. You got some good load on yourself. We should do this more often... you know, just to release the stress.">>
<<elseif _saff == 3>>\
<<di dad "Thanks, $w.son. I appreciate it.">>
<<elseif _saff == 2>>\
<<di dad "Let's clean this mess up quick.">>
He glances at you a bit of a sneer on his face.
<<di dad "Well, at least your hands finally have some good use.">>
You nod sheepishly and both quickly clean up the crime scene.
<<link "Back">>
<<if $dad.rocketpill <= 5 and not hasVisited("Dadfuckintro1")>>\
<<set $dad.lust = $dad.prerocketlust>>\
<<set $dad.rocketpill = 10>>\
<<set _percent to random(1,10)>>\
<<if $gameends>>\
<<goto "Dadscenemenu">>
<<elseif $bully.state == 1>>
<<goto "Bullycaught">>
<<elseif $dnb.start and ($you.location === "Living room" or $you.location === "Kitchen" or $you.location === "Bathroom" or $you.location === "Dad's bedroom") and ($bro.location === "Living room" or $bro.location === "Kitchen" or $bro.location === "Bathroom" or $bro.location === "Brother's bedroom")>>\
<<goto "Dnbbrojealous">>
<<elseif ($you.location === "Living room" or $you.location === "Kitchen") and ($bro.location === "Living room" or $bro.location === "Kitchen" or $bro.location === "Brother's bedroom") and _percent <= 5>>\
<<goto "Brocaught">>\
<<elseif $dad.location === $you.location>>\
<<goto "Dad">>\
<<goto $you.location>>\
<</link>>\<<minute add 30>>\
<<if $dad.lust < 10>><<lust dad add 1>><</if>>\
<<scenechoices dad 1 1>>\
You barge into the room acting frantic.
<<di you "I'm sorry but I really need to take a piss.">>
Instead of only fishing your dick out, you pull your pants all the way down which conveniently also moons $w.ydad on the opposite side of the room inside the transparent shower enclosure.
The sound of your piss hitting the water can't even mask the lack of scrubbing sound from the other side of the room. The pitter-patters of water splashing on his body seems way to uniformed which indicates that he has stopped his cleaning and instead been transfixed on something else.
As the pressure in your bladder is fully released, a little shiver runs through you, no doubt also jiggling your butt. You leisurely shake your dick giving him some more time to admire your delectable mounds of flesh.
Afterwards, you bend down to expose your tiny hole, winking, and then slowly shimmy the pants up like the highest-paid stripper.
Flushing the toilet, you turn around to see that he is now looking the wall like it is the most fascinating thing on Earth.
As the door is closed, you inwardly smile at the influence you have on the horny old man.
<<link "Back">>\
<<if $gameends>>
<<goto "Dadscenemenu">>
<<elseif $dad.location === $you.location>>\
<<goto "Dad">>\
<<goto $you.location>>\
<</link>>\<<scenechoices dad 4 1>>\
<<if $scenepicked>>\
<<if $dad.rocketpill <= 5>>\
@@.add;Successfully suggesting a new activity, the bonus lust will persist.@@
With his half-lidded eyes, labored breathing and involuntary jerks of his hips, you can sense he is chasing the climax. You then stop the pistoning of your hand which causes him to let out what can only be considered as a pained whine.
<<di you "Can I suck it, $w.dad?">>
You then give his dick a few firm squeeze without moving it as both a threat and a promise.
<<if _saff == 4>>\
He looks at you pleadingly, his gaze hot.
<<di dad "Please $w.son, help daddy out.">>
<<elseif _saff == 3>>\
<<di dad "Okay... if you want to.">>
<<elseif _saff == 2>>\
He looks at you impatiently as if just wanting to get it over with.
<<di dad "Alright, but you’d better do it well.">>
He suddenly grabs your head and pull it down his cock and smacking my face with his hot tool.
<<di dad "If you are gagging for it that much then fucking suck it, bitch.">>
You open your mouth to engulf the imposing anaconda. From this perspective, the vein running on the side of his cock emphasizes its sheer maleness and virility.
<<video dad/dadbj1.mp4>>
You bob your heads up and down, tongue working overtime slithering around his sensitive point and prying into his piss slit.
<<if _saff >= 2>>\
$w.Ydad hisses, almost like from pain, but the line between pleasure and pain is usually very thin.
<<video dad/dadbj2.mp4>>
$w.Ydad hisses, grabbing your head and forcing his cock down your throat and leaving you no choice but to get a lungful in his musky pubes. The heady scent must have an effect on you as you feel drowsy and your throat relaxes.
<<video dad/dadbj3.mp4>>
Gasping your air, you continue pulling all the skills in the book that you learned on the internet and they work. He is grunting with each descend of your mouth until it is too much for him.
<<di dad "Shit... fuck... cumming!">>
<<if _saff >= 2>>\
You manage to pull it off just into the first wave erupt all over your chin and mouth. Despite the persistent pleasurable jerks going through his body, you continue to suckle on the tip like your life depends on it.
<<image dad/dadbjcum1.webp>>
Grabbing a handful of your hair, he pushes your head down until you swallow his mammoth cock to the hilt. The cum flowing down your throat without resistance.
<<image dad/dadbjcum2.gif>>
Your throat is sore and your lung is not getting enough air. On the verge of passing out, he pulls your head up and a much needed big inhalation brings you back to the land of the living.
The man is panting heavily like he's just finished the most physical taxing task of his life. With the taste of him still lingers in the back of your mouth, within a few strokes, you grunt and a foutain of young seed churns out splattering all over the place.
After a few minutes, $w.ydad pull your fucked mind out from the bliss.
<<if _saff == 4>>\
<<di dad "You're such a good daddy's boy. Your mouth is incredible.">>
<<elseif _saff == 3>>\
<<di dad "Thanks so much, champ. After such a dry spell, I really need that.">>
<<elseif _saff == 2>>\
<<di dad "Phew, that was good.">>
<<di dad "Always knew you are such a good cocksucker, sucking on your own old man's dick like a bitch in heat.">>
<<di you "Anything for you, $w.dad.">>
With that being said, you look forward to another repeat.
<<link "Back">>
<<set $dad.rocketpill = 10>>\
<<set _percent to random(1,10)>>\
<<if $gameends>>\
<<goto "Dadscenemenu">>
<<elseif $bully.state == 1>>
<<goto "Bullycaught">>
<<elseif ($you.location === "Living room" or $you.location === "Kitchen") and ($bro.location === "Living room" or $bro.location === "Kitchen" or $bro.location === "Brother's bedroom") and _percent <= 5>>\
<<goto "Brocaught">>\
<<elseif $dad.location === $you.location>>\
<<goto "Dad">>\
<<goto $you.location>>\
<</link>>\<<minute add 30>>\
<<if $dad.lust < 20>><<lust dad add 1>><</if>>\
<<scenechoices dad 2 1>>\
<<if $scenepicked>>\
As $w.ydad’s making dinner in the tight space between the stoves and kitchen island, you walk up to him and say.
<<di you "Hey $w.dad, I need to grab something.">>
Positioning yourself directly in front of him on your tiptoe to reach the cabinet on top of the sizzling pots and pans, your ass nestles firmly on $w.ydad’s crotch. You move it around a few times and can feel something hard forming between your cracks.
<<if _saff >= 3>>\
<<di dad "What are you looking for, $w.son? Careful or you might burn yourself.">>
<<di dad "What the hell are you doing?! Trying to burn yourself??">>
He grabs your hips dangerously low to stop you from wiggling around and at the same time unconsciously pulls you back and presses his semi-hard dick even more into your bubble butts which turns you on ridiculously.
Seeing that you have had enough of toying, you grab a lone spoon and then quickly run away before $w.ydad can say anything.
<<link "Back">>
<<if $gameends>>
<<goto "Dadscenemenu">>
<<elseif $dad.location === $you.location>>\
<<goto "Dad">>\
<<goto $you.location>>\
<</link>>\<<widget "timeWidget">><<silently>>
<<if $minute >= 60>>
<<set $hour ++>>
<<set $minute = ($minute - 60)>>
<<if $minute < 10>>
<<set $showMinute = '0' + $minute>>
<<set $showMinute = $minute>>
<<if $hour >= 24>>
<<set $daywd = 2>>
<<set $dayld = 1>>
<<set $dad.wda = false>>
<<set $bro.lda = false>>
<<set $dad.officefuckcd = 0>>
<<set $bro.shift ++>>
<<set $dealer.firstbjcd ++>>
<<set $dealer.bjcd ++>>
<<set $resman.bjcd ++>>
<<set $cw.uwjc = 0>>
<<set $cw.timer ++>>
<<set $mec.timer ++>>
<<set $mec.chattimer ++>>
<<set $you.ruse = 1>>
<<set $go.lockerjerkcd ++>>
<<set $fair.dur ++>>
<<set $owork.daycd ++>>
<<if $sd.stage >= 101>>
<<set $sd.stress = Math.clamp($sd.stress + 2, 0, $sd.stressmax)>>
<<if $stage == 2>>\
<<set $pr.totalday ++>>
<<set $pr.psex = 0>>
<<if hasVisited("Prending11")>>
<<set $pr.endcd -->>
<<if $bully.state >= 3>>
<<set $bully.requeststate to 0>>
<<if $prof.requeststate == 1 and $prof.state == 1 and $day >= 2 and $day <= 6>>
<<set $prof.requeststate = 2>>
<<set $prof.stc = false>>
<<if $bully.state == 8>>
<<set $bully.crashcd ++>>
<<if hasVisited("Dadhelpwitch") and $witch.dadhelpstate == 1>>
<<set $witch.dadhelptimer ++>>
<<if not $laundry>>
<<set $uwc -->>
<<if hasVisited("Dadfuckintro1") and not $dnb.start and $stage == 0>>
<<silently>><<sus dad addflat 5>><</silently>>
<<elseif hasVisited("Dadbjintro1") and not $dnb.start and $stage == 0>>
<<silently>><<sus dad addflat 3>><</silently>>
<<elseif hasVisited("Dadhjintro2") and not $dnb.start and $stage == 0>>
<<silently>><<sus dad addflat 2>><</silently>>
<<if hasVisited("Brofuckintro1") and not $dnb.start and $stage == 0>>
<<silently>><<sus bro addflat 5>><</silently>>
<<elseif hasVisited("Brobjintro1") and not $dnb.start and $stage == 0>>
<<silently>><<sus bro addflat 3>><</silently>>
<<elseif hasVisited("Brohjintro2") and not $dnb.start and $stage == 0>>
<<silently>><<sus bro addflat 2>><</silently>>
<<set $hour = ($hour - 24)>><<set $dayCount ++>>
<<if $day < 7>>
<<set $day ++>>
<<set $day = 1>>
<<if $day == 1>>
<<if $owork.stage >= 101 and $owork.hourpw < 24>>
<<set $owork.penalty ++>>\
<<set $owork.hourpw = 0>>
<<set $sd.groc = 0>>
<<if $day == 2>>
<<set $dad.schedule = 1>>
<<if $bro.shift <= 7 and $bro.shift > 0>>
<<set $bro.schedule = 4>>
<<set $bro.schedule = 1>>
<<elseif $day == 3>>
<<set $dad.schedule = 1>>
<<if $bro.shift <= 7 and $bro.shift > 0>>
<<set $bro.schedule = 5>>
<<set $bro.schedule = 2>>
<<elseif $day == 4>>
<<set $dad.schedule = 1>>
<<if $bro.shift <= 7 and $bro.shift > 0>>
<<set $bro.schedule = 4>>
<<set $bro.schedule = 3>>
<<elseif $day == 5>>
<<set $dad.schedule = 1>>
<<if $bro.shift <= 7 and $bro.shift > 0>>
<<set $bro.schedule = 5>>
<<set $bro.schedule = 2>>
<<elseif $day == 6>>
<<set $dad.schedule = 1>>
<<if $bro.shift <= 7 and $bro.shift > 0>>
<<set $bro.schedule = 4>>
<<set $bro.schedule = 3>>
<<set $dad.schedule = 2>>
<<if $bro.shift <= 7 and $bro.shift > 0>>
<<set $bro.schedule = 4>>
<<set $bro.schedule = 1>>
<<if $bro.rocketpill <= 5>>
<<set $bro.schedule = 9>>
<<if $dad.rocketpill <= 5>>
<<set $dad.schedule = 9>>
<<if $hour > 12 and not $hourdisplaymode>>
<<set $showHour = $hour - 12>>
<<elseif $hour < 10>>
<<set $showHour = '0' + $hour>>
<<elseif $hour >= 10>>
<<set $showHour = $hour>>
<<widget "scheduleupdate">><<silently>>
<<if $day == 2>>
<<set $dad.schedule = 1>>
<<if $bro.shift <= 7 and $bro.shift > 0>>
<<set $bro.schedule = 4>>
<<set $bro.schedule = 1>>
<<elseif $day == 3>>
<<set $dad.schedule = 1>>
<<if $bro.shift <= 7 and $bro.shift > 0>>
<<set $bro.schedule = 5>>
<<set $bro.schedule = 2>>
<<elseif $day == 4>>
<<set $dad.schedule = 1>>
<<if $bro.shift <= 7 and $bro.shift > 0>>
<<set $bro.schedule = 4>>
<<set $bro.schedule = 3>>
<<elseif $day == 5>>
<<set $dad.schedule = 1>>
<<if $bro.shift <= 7 and $bro.shift > 0>>
<<set $bro.schedule = 5>>
<<set $bro.schedule = 2>>
<<elseif $day == 6>>
<<set $dad.schedule = 1>>
<<if $bro.shift <= 7 and $bro.shift > 0>>
<<set $bro.schedule = 4>>
<<set $bro.schedule = 3>>
<<set $dad.schedule = 2>>
<<if $bro.shift <= 7 and $bro.shift > 0>>
<<set $bro.schedule = 4>>
<<set $bro.schedule = 1>>
<<if $bro.rocketpill <= 5>>
<<set $bro.schedule = 9>>
<<if $dad.rocketpill <= 5>>
<<set $dad.schedule = 9>>
<<widget "day">><<silently>>
<<if previous() !== "Character stats" and previous() !== "Settingsmenu" and previous() !== "Oktab" and previous() !== "Cheat" and not $gameends>>
<<if _args[0] === "add">>
<<set $day += _args[1]>>
<<set $dayCount += _args[1]>>
<<if $stage == 0>>
<<if not $cheatnofatigue>>
<<set $you.sleep += _args[1] * 24>>
<<set $you.hunger += _args[1] * 24>>
<<if $you.sleep < 0>><<set $you.sleep = 0>><</if>>
<<if $you.hunger < 0>><<set $you.hunger = 0>><</if>>
<<set $you.clean += _args[1] * 24>>
<<set $you.horniness += _args[1] * 24>>
<<if $you.horniness < 0>><<set $you.horniness = 0>><</if>>
<<set $bro.gropecd += _args[1] * 24>>
<<set $dad.gropecd += _args[1] * 24>>
<<set $bro.pisscd += _args[1] * 24>>
<<set $dad.pisscd += _args[1] * 24>>
<<set $dad.drunk += _args[1] * 24>>
<<set $bro.drunk += _args[1] * 24>>
<<set $mec.catchtimer += _args[1] * 24>>
<<set $fair.advcd += _args[1] * 24>>
<<set $fair.abocd += _args[1] * 24>>
<<set $fair.asscd += _args[1] * 24>>
<<if not $washdishes>>
<<set $wdc += _args[1] * 24>>
<<set _rockettemp = $bro.rocketpill + _args[1] * 24>>
<<if $bro.rocketpill <= 5 and _rockettemp > 5 and not hasVisited("Brofuckintro1")>>
<<set $bro.lust = $bro.prerocketlust>>
<<set $bro.rocketpill = _rockettemp>>
<<set _rockettemp = $dad.rocketpill + _args[1] * 24>>
<<if $dad.rocketpill <= 5 and _rockettemp > 5 and not hasVisited("Dadfuckintro1")>>
<<set $dad.lust = $dad.prerocketlust>>
<<set $dad.rocketpill = _rockettemp>>
<<elseif $stage == 2>>
<<set $you.horniness += _args[1] * 24>>
<<elseif _args[0] === "minus" and not $gameends>>
<<set $day -= _args[1]>>
<<set $dayCount -= _args[1]>>
<<widget "hour">><<silently>>
<<if previous() !== "Character stats" and previous() !== "Settingsmenu" and previous() !== "Oktab" and previous() !== "Cheat" and not $gameends>>
<<if _args[0] === "add">>
<<set $hour += _args[1]>>
<<if $stage == 0>>
<<if not $cheatnofatigue>>
<<set $you.sleep += _args[1]>>
<<set $you.hunger += _args[1]>>
<<if $you.sleep < 0>><<set $you.sleep = 0>><</if>>
<<if $you.hunger < 0>><<set $you.hunger = 0>><</if>>
<<set $you.clean += _args[1]>>
<<set $you.horniness += _args[1]>>
<<if $you.horniness < 0>><<set $you.horniness = 0>><</if>>
<<set $bro.gropecd += _args[1]>>
<<set $dad.gropecd += _args[1]>>
<<set $bro.pisscd += _args[1]>>
<<set $dad.pisscd += _args[1]>>
<<set $dad.drunk += _args[1]>>
<<set $bro.drunk += _args[1]>>
<<set $bro.resfuckcd += _args[1]>>
<<set $mec.catchtimer += _args[1]>>
<<set $fair.advcd += _args[1]>>
<<set $fair.abocd += _args[1]>>
<<set $fair.asscd += _args[1]>>
<<if $bully.state >= 3 and $bully.requeststate == 1>>
<<set $bully.requestcd += _args[1]>>
<<if not $washdishes>>
<<set $wdc += _args[1]>>
<<set _rockettemp = $bro.rocketpill + _args[1]>>
<<if not hasVisited("Brofuckintro1") and $bro.rocketpill <= 5 and _rockettemp > 5>>
<<set $bro.lust = $bro.prerocketlust>>
<<set $bro.rocketpill = _rockettemp>>
<<set _rockettemp = $dad.rocketpill + _args[1]>>
<<if not hasVisited("Dadfuckintro1") and $dad.rocketpill <= 5 and _rockettemp > 5>>
<<set $dad.lust = $dad.prerocketlust>>
<<set $dad.rocketpill = _rockettemp>>
<<elseif $stage == 2>>
<<set $you.horniness += _args[1]>>
<<elseif _args[0] === "minus" and not $gameends>>
<<set $hour -= _args[1]>>
<<widget "presshour">><<silently>>
<<if _args[0] === "add" and not $gameends>>
<<set $hour += _args[1]>>
<<if $stage == 0>>
<<if not $cheatnofatigue>>
<<set $you.sleep += _args[1]>>
<<set $you.hunger += _args[1]>>
<<if $you.sleep < 0>><<set $you.sleep = 0>><</if>>
<<if $you.hunger < 0>><<set $you.hunger = 0>><</if>>
<<set $you.clean += _args[1]>>
<<set $you.horniness += _args[1]>>
<<if $you.horniness < 0>><<set $you.horniness = 0>><</if>>
<<set $bro.gropecd += _args[1]>>
<<set $dad.gropecd += _args[1]>>
<<set $bro.pisscd += _args[1]>>
<<set $dad.pisscd += _args[1]>>
<<set $dad.drunk += _args[1]>>
<<set $bro.drunk += _args[1]>>
<<set $bro.resfuckcd += _args[1]>>
<<set $mec.catchtimer += _args[1]>>
<<set $fair.advcd += _args[1]>>
<<set $fair.abocd += _args[1]>>
<<set $fair.asscd += _args[1]>>
<<if $bully.state >= 3 and $bully.requeststate == 1>>
<<set $bully.requestcd += _args[1]>>
<<if not $washdishes>>
<<set $wdc += _args[1]>>
<<set _rockettemp = $bro.rocketpill + _args[1]>>
<<if not hasVisited("Brofuckintro1") and $bro.rocketpill <= 5 and _rockettemp > 5>>
<<set $bro.lust = $bro.prerocketlust>>
<<set $bro.rocketpill = _rockettemp>>
<<set _rockettemp = $dad.rocketpill + _args[1]>>
<<if not hasVisited("Dadfuckintro1") and $dad.rocketpill <= 5 and _rockettemp > 5 >>
<<set $dad.lust = $dad.prerocketlust>>
<<set $dad.rocketpill = _rockettemp>>
<<elseif $stage == 2>>
<<set $you.horniness += _args[1]>>
<<elseif _args[0] === "minus" and not $gameends>>
<<set $hour -= _args[1]>>
<<widget "minute">><<silently>>
<<if previous() !== "Character stats" and previous() !== "Settingsmenu" and previous() !== "Oktab" and previous() !== "Cheat" and not $gameends>>
<<if _args[0] === "add">>
<<set $minute += _args[1]>>
<<if $stage == 0>>
<<if not $cheatnofatigue>>
<<set $you.sleep += _args[1] / 60>>
<<set $you.hunger += _args[1] / 60>>
<<if $you.sleep < 0>><<set $you.sleep = 0>><</if>>
<<if $you.hunger < 0>><<set $you.hunger = 0>><</if>>
<<set $you.clean += _args[1] / 60>>
<<set $you.horniness += _args[1] / 60>>
<<if $you.horniness < 0>><<set $you.horniness = 0>><</if>>
<<set $bro.gropecd += _args[1] / 60>>
<<set $dad.gropecd += _args[1] / 60>>
<<set $dad.pisscd += _args[1] / 60>>
<<set $bro.pisscd += _args[1] / 60>>
<<set $bro.resfuckcd += _args[1] / 60>>
<<set $mec.catchtimer += _args[1] / 60>>
<<set $fair.advcd += _args[1] / 60>>
<<set $fair.abocd += _args[1] / 60>>
<<set $fair.asscd += _args[1] / 60>>
<<if $bully.state >= 3 and $bully.requeststate == 1>>
<<set $bully.requestcd += _args[1] / 60>>
<<if not $washdishes>>
<<set $wdc += _args[1] / 60>>
<<set $dad.drunk += _args[1] / 60>>
<<set $bro.drunk += _args[1] / 60>>
<<set _rockettemp = $bro.rocketpill + _args[1] / 60>>
<<if $bro.rocketpill <= 5 and _rockettemp > 5 and not hasVisited("Brofuckintro1")>>
<<set $bro.lust = $bro.prerocketlust>>
<<set $bro.rocketpill = _rockettemp>>
<<set _rockettemp = $dad.rocketpill + _args[1] / 60>>
<<if $dad.rocketpill <= 5 and _rockettemp > 5 and not hasVisited("Dadfuckintro1")>>
<<set $dad.lust = $dad.prerocketlust>>
<<set $dad.rocketpill = _rockettemp>>
<<elseif $stage == 2>>
<<set $you.horniness += _args[1] / 60>>
<<elseif _args[0] === "minus" and not $gameends>>
<<set $minute -= _args[1]>>
<<widget "pressminute">><<silently>>
<<if _args[0] === "add" and not $gameends>>
<<set $minute += _args[1]>>
<<if $stage == 0>>
<<if not $cheatnofatigue>>
<<set $you.sleep += _args[1] / 60>>
<<set $you.hunger += _args[1] / 60>>
<<if $you.sleep < 0>><<set $you.sleep = 0>><</if>>
<<if $you.hunger < 0>><<set $you.hunger = 0>><</if>>
<<set $you.clean += _args[1] / 60>>
<<set $you.horniness += _args[1] / 60>>
<<set $bro.gropecd += _args[1] / 60>>
<<set $dad.gropecd += _args[1] / 60>>
<<set $dad.pisscd += _args[1] / 60>>
<<set $bro.pisscd += _args[1] / 60>>
<<set $bro.resfuckcd += _args[1] / 60>>
<<set $mec.catchtimer += _args[1] / 60>>
<<set $fair.advcd += _args[1] / 60>>
<<set $fair.abocd += _args[1] / 60>>
<<set $fair.asscd += _args[1] / 60>>
<<if $bully.state >= 3 and $bully.requeststate == 1>>
<<set $bully.requestcd += _args[1] / 60>>
<<if not $washdishes>>
<<set $wdc += _args[1] / 60>>
<<set $dad.drunk += _args[1] / 60>>
<<set $bro.drunk += _args[1] / 60>>
<<set _rockettemp = $bro.rocketpill + _args[1] / 60>>
<<if $bro.rocketpill <= 5 and _rockettemp > 5 and not hasVisited("Brofuckintro1")>>
<<set $bro.lust = $bro.prerocketlust>>
<<set $bro.rocketpill = _rockettemp>>
<<set _rockettemp = $dad.rocketpill + _args[1] / 60>>
<<if $dad.rocketpill <= 5 and _rockettemp > 5 and not hasVisited("Dadfuckintro1")>>
<<set $dad.lust = $dad.prerocketlust>>
<<set $dad.rocketpill = _rockettemp>>
<<elseif $stage == 2>>
<<set $you.horniness += _args[1] / 60>>
<<elseif _args[0] === "minus" and not $gameends>>
<<set $minute -= _args[1]>>
<</silently>><</widget>>Your dad is sleeping.
<<if $dad.gps == false>>\
<div class="temp"><<link "Track his phone">><<set $dad.gps = true>><<minute add 15>><<updatecaption>><<replace ".temp">>You hacked his phone and are now able to track him.<</replace>><</link>></div>
<<link "Fondle his dick">>
<<if $dad.drunk <= 5>>\
<<goto "Dadfondle">>
<<elseif $dad.drunk <= 8>>\
<<pressminute add 5>><<updatecaption>>\
<<replace ".passage">>\
You're tempted to squeeze out another load from your dad but it's been quite a few hours, he can wake up at any moment now.
<<link "Back">>
<<if $dad.location === $you.location>>\
<<goto "Dad">>\
<<goto $you.location>>\
<<pressminute add 15>><<updatecaption>>\
<<replace ".passage">>
<<di dad "What the hell are you doing? I'm trying to sleep here.">>
<<aff dad minus 2>>\
<<sus dad add 10>>\
Yea, right... If he was blackout, then you may have a chance.
<<link "Back">>
<<if $dad.location === $you.location>>\
<<goto "Dad">>\
<<goto $you.location>>\
<<link "Sleep with him">>
<<if $dad.drunk < 8>>\
<<set $you.sleep -= 16>><<presshour add 8>><<updatecaption>>\
<<replace ".passage">>
He is super drunk that he isn't even aware that you slip right next to him in the bed.
In your hazy dream, you can feel something hot and rock hard sliding in the valley of your bottoms.
<<lust dad add 1>>\
<<link "Back" $you.location>><</link>>
<<elseif $dad.lust >= 40 and hasVisited("Dadfuckintro1")>>\
<<goto "Dadsleepfuck">>
<<elseif $dad.lust >= 30>>
<<set $you.sleep -= 16>><<presshour add 8>><<updatecaption>>\
<<replace ".passage">>\
You enter the room and slip inside the the bed.
After a while you feel a warm embrace circling you as the sleep takes over.
<<aff dad add 1>>\
<<link "Back" $you.location>><</link>>
<<pressminute add 15>><<updatecaption>>\
<<replace ".passage">>\
<<di dad "What the hell are you doing here? Go back to your room.">>
<<aff dad minus 2>>\
<<sus dad add 10>>\
<<link "Back">>
<<if $dad.location === $you.location>>\
<<goto "Dad">>\
<<goto $you.location>>\
<</link>><<minute add 30>>\
<<if $dad.lust < 10>><<lust dad add 1>><</if>>\
<<scenechoices dad 1 1>>\
Seeing $w.ydad bustling around the kitchen, you make your way into the fridge to grab a banana in the fridge and then settle on the kitchen isle and begin peeling away.
He glances up to look at you from whatever he was doing.
<<di dad "Why are you having a snack at this time of the day?">>
<<di you "I'm still a growing boy.">>
<<di dad "Okay, suit yourself.">>
Instead of eating like normal, you let out your tongue to tentatively lick the phallic fruit, seductive or not it is up to the spectator who is $w.ydad right now.
<<di you "Hey $w.dad, watch this!">>
Demanding his full attention, you proceed to deep throat the banana and hold it in for a solid 10 seconds while maintaining eye contact with him.
Pulling off the banana with some saliva strings still connected to your lips. You explain to your awed and blushing $w.dad jovially.
<<di you "I found out that I have no gag reflex. Didn't know how rare it is until my friend told me. Impressive, eh?">>
$w.Ydad coughs to his fist, throat rough.
<<di dad "Umm... Yes, indeed.">>
Despite the cover of the kitchen counter, you can see $w.ydad's hand rummaging down there, maybe to adjust something that is getting harder and heavier.
Considering it a success, you finish the banana off quickly with a smile.
<<link "Back">>\
<<if $gameends>>
<<goto "Dadscenemenu">>
<<elseif $dad.location === $you.location>>\
<<goto "Dad">>\
<<goto $you.location>>\
<</link>>\<<if not $gameends>><<set $dad.rocketpill -= 2>><</if>><<hour add 2>><<set $you.horniness = 0>>\
<<if $dad.lust < 40>><<lust dad add 1>><</if>>\
<<scenechoices dad 4 2>>\
<<if $scenepicked>>\
<<if $dad.rocketpill <= 5>><<set $dad.rockettime ++>>\
@@.add;The rocket pill's effect expires.@@
<<sus dad addflat 30>>\
<<sus dad add 1>>\
<<if _srp>>\
Understanding his condition right now, you feel confident that your offer to help him find some relief is irresistable to $w.ydad:
As $w.ydad's gotten used to the $w.father and son "bonding" session, you don't feel nervous this time around when suggesting it.
During the heat of action of the porn and brazen by the last time, you ask him:
<<di you "Can I suck it, $w.dad?">>
<<if _saff == 4>>\
He stares at you lustfully, <<if _srp>>a glint shines in his eyes as he<<else>>porn forgotten long ago and<</if>> asks huskily:
<<di dad "You don't have to ask, my boy. You can suckle on it whenever you want.">>
<<elseif _saff == 3>>\
<<di dad "Sure $w.son, go ahead if that's what you want to do.">>
<<elseif _saff == 2>>\
<<di dad "Fine, that way I will finish quicker anyway.">>
<<di dad "Finally, open your slutty mouth, bitch and take my dick to where it belongs.">>
As usual, his fingers carding through your hair to your scalp to create the perfect grasp and subjecting my head to his own will.
Like a seasoned diver, you brace yourself with a big gulp of air to demonstrate the deepthroating skill on the frankly challenging obstacle in front of your face.
<<video dad/dadbj4.mp4>>
Already turned on from the <<if _srp>>pill<<else>>porn<</if>>, $w.ydad takes no time to starts bucking his hip, sledgehammering his monstrous rod down your throat like some how it can hit gold. Despite struggling for breath, the current throat abuse doesn't deter you but instead directs all your blood to south. Your dick has never been more swollen and sensitive. Your fuse are a few strokes away from explosion in any second.
<<image dad/dadbj1.webp>>
The noises coming out from $w.ydad are getting more animalistic and wild as well as the speed of his penetrating shaft. Sensing his impending climax, you increase the suction of your mouth.
<<if $dad.lust >= 40 and not hasVisited("Dadfuckintro1") and not $gameends>>\
You can't hold it back anymore but to ask him to <<link "fuck you." "Dadfuckintro1">><<set $dad.rocketpill -= 1>><<hour add 1>><</link>>
<<if _saff == 4>>\
<<di dad "Fuck, shit, $w.son. Your mouth is the best goddamn thing in this world. Almost coming.">>
He gently carass your head and cheeks a stark contrast to his insistent prick.
<<elseif _saff == 3>>\
<<di dad "Damn, keep going, $w.son. I'm really close.">>
<<elseif _saff == 2>>\
<<di dad "God, fuck. I'm coming.">>
<<di dad "Open wide, whore. I'm gonna cum down your throat and don't you fucking dare let a drop spill out of your mouth.">>
He pistons his penis in and out of your mouth mercilessly almost to the point of dislocating your jaw with both the force and mass.
As his pleasure mounting, so does yours. You beat your dick off to the rhythm of the slithering beast attacking your oral cavity. $w.ydad's labored breaths suddenly stop, followed by a roar as he empties his full sack down your gut.
<<image dad/dadbjcum1.gif>>
The smell, the feeling of hot liquid rushing down, the viseral reactions of $w.ydad are so overwhelming that they push you over the edge.
<<if _saff == 4>>\
<<di dad "Such a good boy, you've done a great job. Do you like your daddy's juice?">>
<<elseif _saff == 3>>\
<<di dad "Holy, gotta say you got some great skill, $w.son. One of the best I've had.">>
<<elseif _saff == 2>>\
<<di dad "Sigh, finally some other good use for your mouth aside from yapping all day.">>
<<di dad "Fuck yea, you are lucky that I was feeling generous enough to put my cock in your filthy throat. Now open your mouth, slut.">>
He slaps your cheek roughly and you follow the order obidiently. With incredible precision, he spits a glob of saliva on your waiting mouth.
<<di dad "That's the reward, something to wash my cum down your throat.">>
You nod pleasedly, butterflies flutter in your stomach, not sure from the thrill or just the cum.
<<link "Back">>
<<if $dad.rocketpill <= 5 and not hasVisited("Dadfuckintro1")>>\
<<set $dad.lust = $dad.prerocketlust>>\
<<set $dad.rocketpill = 10>>\
<<set _percent to random(1,10)>>\
<<if $gameends>>\
<<goto "Dadscenemenu">>\
<<elseif $bully.state == 1>>
<<goto "Bullycaught">>
<<elseif $dnb.start and ($you.location === "Living room" or $you.location === "Kitchen" or $you.location === "Bathroom" or $you.location === "Dad's bedroom") and ($bro.location === "Living room" or $bro.location === "Kitchen" or $bro.location === "Bathroom" or $bro.location === "Brother's bedroom")>>\
<<goto "Dnbbrojealous">>
<<elseif ($you.location === "Living room" or $you.location === "Kitchen") and ($bro.location === "Living room" or $bro.location === "Kitchen" or $bro.location === "Brother's bedroom") and _percent <= 5>>\
<<goto "Brocaught">>\
<<elseif $dad.location === $you.location>>\
<<goto "Dad">>\
<<goto $you.location>>\
<</link>>\<<minute add 30>>\
<<if $dad.lust < 20>><<lust dad add 1>><</if>>\
<<scenechoices dad 4 1>>\
<<if $scenepicked>>\
Your dad is now entranced in the latest market news on the TV. You plop down next to him on the couch, arm brushing his.
<<if _saff == 4>>\
Knowing that the news doesn't interest you, he changes to a movie channel silently.
After 15 minutes of watching, you then change your position and lay your head down onto his lap. You close your eyes as a pretense of dozing off and slowly roll your back into his crotch.
A slight shocked intake of breath can be heard from above, still he doesn't protest and asks you to get up. You can even feel the warmth in your nape firming and growing.
Getting naughty, your head wiggles under the guise of getting comfortabe. However, it is in fact to create more friction to stoke the fire under the thin layer of his pants.
As the laying beast behind your head is fully awakened, you feel a touch from $w.ydad.
<<if _saff == 4>>\
With his impressive strength, he gently lift you up like effortlessly like a baby and place you to the other side of the couch. Afterwards, you can feel his calloused hand smoothing your hair and carassing your cheeks momentarily.
<<elseif _saff == 3>>\
<<di dad "Hey $w.son, I don't want to wake you but you are cutting off all the blood circulation from my thigh.">>
<<elseif _saff == 2>>\
<<di dad "Hey, wake up. You are killing my thighs right now.">>
<<di dad "Get the hell up, boy. If you want to nap, go to your room.">>
You fake-stir, rub your eyes, yawn and get up. Finally, give yourself a pat in the back mentally for such a phenomenal theatrical display.
<<link "Back">>
<<if $gameends>>
<<goto "Dadscenemenu">>
<<elseif $dad.location === $you.location>>\
<<goto "Dad">>\
<<goto $you.location>>\
<</link>>\<<minute add 30>>\
<<if $dad.lust < 20>><<lust dad add 1>><</if>>\
<<scenechoices dad 4 1>>\
<<if $scenepicked>>\
Hearing the knock on his door, your dad swivels the chair around to look at you questioningly.
<<if _saff >= 3>>\
<<di dad "What do you need, $w.son?">>
<<di dad "What do you need now?">>
He asks impatiently.
<<di you "I have some excel assignments from class but I'm so lost with all the syntaxes, graphs and formatting. I've heard somewhere through the vines that you are an Excel Wizard so help me please!">>
<<if _saff == 4>>\
$w.Yfather seemingly puffs his chest out and preens at your compliment.
<<di dad "The rumor isn't false. Come here my boy and I will handle it all for you.">>
<<elseif _saff == 3>>\
<<di dad "I suppose that it is true, I'm pretty well-versed in the spreadsheet. Come on, I will take a look at it.">>
<<elseif _saff == 2>>\
<<di dad "Alright, let's go over it quick so I can get back to work.">>
<<di dad "More thing I need to handle in this household. Fine, come here and be quick about it.">>
You give him a excited grin and, instead of just standing next to him, make yourself comfortable on his lap. He huffs for a bit but doesn't protest and you studiously going through your cloud storage to find the assignments.
<<di you "Here.">>
As he's scrolling through the texts detailing the tasks, you gradually jut your ass out to approach his crotch. Deep in thought, the man doesn't notice it until your ass settles firmly against a very noticeable bulge.
There is a skip in his breathing, otherwise he doesn't call any attention to the position of your behind. He casually explains the solutions to you with complicated jargons and technical words that honestly are just gibberish.
You don't care much anyway as the sole focus of your mind is the chubbing meat under your ass and the raspy, sandpaper-y voice whispering softly and blowing hot air to your ear...
<<di dad "You got it?">>
The questioning rumble shakes you out of the lustful trance as you answer dazedly.
<<di you "Ah... yes.">>
<<if _saff == 4>>\
<<di dad "Great, if you have any excel problem, just let me know. Daddy will handle it all for his boy.">>
He pats your thigh gently.
<<elseif _saff == 3>>\
<<di dad "Glad I could be of help to you, $w.son.">>
<<elseif _saff == 2>>\
<<di dad "Remember what I told you because I won't explain it again.">>
<<di dad "I swear to god if you waste more of my time with such easy and dumb questions again.">>
<<di dad "Now, if you'll excuse me I need to finish this report before midnight.">>
He pushes you up and returns back to his soulless corporate spreadsheets.
<<link "Back">>
<<if $gameends>>
<<goto "Dadscenemenu">>
<<elseif $dad.location === $you.location>>\
<<goto "Dad">>\
<<goto $you.location>>\
<</link>>\<<scenechoices dad 4 1>>\
<<if $scenepicked>>\
<<if $dad.rocketpill <= 5>>\
@@.add;Successfully suggesting a new activity, the bonus lust will persist.@@
You pull your stretching mouth off his dick and say:
<<di you "$w.Dad, I know now it is not the best time but I’ve heard that prostate stimulation feels amazing so I want to try it.">>
<<di dad "What are you trying to say here?">>
<<di you "I want you to fuck my ass.">>
His nose flares, gaze intense directly at your face.
<<if _saff == 4>>\
<<di dad "Are you sure, $w.son? I’m pretty big and I don’t want to hurt you.">>
<<di you "Don’t worry, daddy. I’ve dreamed of your cock inside me for awhile now.">>
His breathing is shorter, eyes soft and intense at the same time. You can feel the affection that goes beyond parental one radiating from his basking you in glorious warmth.
<<di dad "Of course, anything for my boy and I will never ever hurt what’s mine.">>
<<elseif _saff == 3>>\
<<di dad "What?">>
He hesitates for a moment but finally the lust dominates all the rational thoughts in his mind.
<<di dad "... but are you sure? I will do it only if you want to.">>
<<di you "I am 100% sure. Please go ahead, $w.dad. I’m curious to know what it feels like.">>
<<di dad "Okay, if that’s what you want.">>
<<elseif _saff == 2>>\
He looks at you incredulously.
<<di dad "Huh? Did I just hear it correctly that you wanted your ass fucked?">>
Even though being a bit nervous about how he will react next, you still bite the bullet.
<<di you "Yes...">>
<<di dad "Hm...">>
He looks pensive for a few seconds before agreeing to your request.
<<di dad "You’re already sucking my dick and a hole is a hole, fine by me.">>
You release a sigh of relief and proceed to the position.
He grabs your jaws tightly, his face is a clear display of predatory malice.
<<di dad "Finally, your true face finally shows, fag. I knew that your mouth is not the only greedy hole on you, that right whore?">>
Despite your hefty weight, he effortlessly flips you around, ass facing him. His batter maker feels giant resting between your asscheeks. His insults are supposed to turn you off but actually have an opposite effect as your body melts, going all pliant and primed for his man-handling.
<<di you "Yes, please. Fill my hole with your cock.">>
<<di dad "You don’t deserve my dick bitch, but I’m feeling generous today since you beg so nicely.">>
<<link "Proceed" "Dadfuckintro2">><<if $gameends>><<set $scenepicked to false>><</if>><</link>>\<<if $bro.location === "Fast food restaurant">>\
<<minute add 5>>\
<<if $bro.aff >= 20>>\
<<di bro "I'm a bit busy at work, maybe some other time?">>
<<elseif $bro.aff >= 10>>\
<<di bro "As you can see, I'm a little busy at the moment.">>
He says impatiently.
<<di bro "Are you dumb? I'm at work right now.">>
He pushes you away and resumes his work.
<<set $you.beer -->>\
<<hour add 1>>\
<<di you "Hey $bro.Name, wanna get some beer?">>
<<di bro "Sure, I could use a cold one.">>
You both share the 6-pack of beer as he laments about life and future plans. After finishing off the beer, he says:
<<di bro "Thanks dude, that really help chills me out but I’m done for now. Need to be sober for work.">>
<<sus bro minus 20>>\
<<if $you.beer >= 1>>\
<div id="temp">\
<<link "Offer him some more beer">>\
<<hour add 1>>\
<<set $bro.drunk = 0>>\
<<set $you.beer -->>\
<<set _cyb -->>\
<<replace "#temp">>\
<<di bro "Alright, if you insist...">>
He continues to inhale the rest of the beers that you graciously offered. It is quite surprising to see that he doesn’t seem affected by the large consumption of alcohol aside from the slight blush on his cheeks and neck.
<<di you "Damn, you for sure can handle your alcohol...">>
<<if $bro.aff >= 20>>\
He laughs goofily, now you finally see an indicator that he may not be as sober as he appears.
<<di bro "Probably because I'm a big oaf. I soak alcohol much better.">>
<<elseif $bro.aff >= 10>>\
<<di bro "I don’t go out much, doesn’t mean I can’t handle some beers.">>
He scowls annoyedly, clearly reading way too much into your clear teasing. A slight slur in his word betrays his supposedly sobriety.
<<di bro "Pfft, of course. A real man knows how to handle his beers.">>
He then swigs the beer down his throat, a considerable amount spills over his mouth - an indication that he is not as unaffected as he appears.
Afterwards, he proceeds to continue his activity as per usual despite his drunken state.
<<link "Back">>
<<if $bro.location === $you.location>>\
<<goto "Brother">>\
<<goto $you.location>>\
<</link>>\<<if $hour >= 21>>\
<<set $you.beer -->>\
<<hour add 1>>\
<<di you "Hey $w.dad, wanna get some beer?">>
<<di dad "Of course! Someone is ballin’. Is that what the kids are saying these days?">>
You groan as he lets out a bark of laughter at his own choice of words. As lame as it is, you can’t help but also smile.
You both pop the cans as you chat about work and life. Throughout the talk, you only nurse one beer while $w.ydad is chugging like a frat bro. Soon, he polishes 5 off with a burp and appears to be less tense than usual.
<<sus dad minus 20>>\
<<di dad "Oops, sorry.">>
<<if $you.beer >= 1>>\
<div id="temp">\
<<link "Offer him some more beer">>\
<<hour add 1>>\
<<set $dad.drunk = 0>>\
<<set $you.beer -->>\
<<set _cyb -->>\
<<replace "#temp">>\
<<di dad "Wow, you still got more? Don’t mind if I do.">>
You watch as he inhales another 6-pack of beer in a matter of another hour like a lost man in a desert.
<<di dad "Ugh, uh oh. L-looks… lik-like I overdid m-myself… a tiny bit.">>
$w.Ydad wobbles, but still manages to stay on his feet.
<<di dad "I’m… gonna… lay down.">>
He then jumps on the bed fully clothed to pass out and starts snoring loudly.
<<minute add 5>>\
<<di dad "I appreciate it, $you.Name, but it's way too early for a beer.">>
<<link "Back">>
<<if $dad.location === $you.location>>\
<<goto "Dad">>\
<<goto $you.location>>\
<</link>>\<<set $bro.caught = true>>\
<<minute add 30>>\
<<sus bro add 40>>\
<<if _sus >= 30>>\
<<di bro "What in the actual fuck are you two doing?!">>
<<elseif _sus >= 20>>\
<<di bro "I don't know what you two are up to but it is weirding me out.">>
<<elseif _sus >= 10>>\
<<di bro "Wh-what? I didn't see anything.">>
Your brother exits the room and pretends he didn't see anything.
<<link "Back">><<goto $you.location>><</link>>\Hour: <<textbox "_hour" $hour>><<link "Change">><<set $hour = parseInt(_hour)>><<updatecaption>><<set _cth = $hour>><<set _ctd = $day>><</link>>
<<link "-5">><<lust dad minus 5>><<replace "#dlust">>$dad.lust<</replace>><</link>> <span id="dlust">$dad.lust</span> $w.Dad's lust <<link "+5">><<lust dad add 5>><<replace "#dlust">>$dad.lust<</replace>><</link>>
<<link "-5">><<aff dad minus 5>><<replace "#daff">>$dad.aff<</replace>><</link>> <span id="daff">$dad.aff</span> $w.Dad's affection <<link "+5">><<aff dad add 5>><<replace "#daff">>$dad.aff<</replace>><</link>>
<<link "-10">><<sus dad minus 10>><<replace "#dsus">>$dad.sus<</replace>><</link>> <span id="dsus">$dad.sus</span> $w.Dad's suspicion <<link "+10">><<sus dad addflat 10>><<replace "#dsus">>$dad.sus<</replace>><</link>>
<<link "-5">><<lust bro minus 5>><<replace "#blust">>$bro.lust<</replace>><</link>> <span id="blust">$bro.lust</span> $w.Brother's lust <<link "+5">><<lust bro add 5>><<replace "#blust">>$bro.lust<</replace>><</link>>
<<link "-5">><<aff bro minus 5>><<replace "#baff">>$bro.aff<</replace>><</link>> <span id="baff">$bro.aff</span> $w.Brother's affection <<link "+5">><<aff bro add 5>><<replace "#baff">>$bro.aff<</replace>><</link>>
<<link "-10">><<sus bro minus 10>><<replace "#bsus">>$bro.sus<</replace>><</link>> <span id="bsus">$bro.sus</span> $w.Brother's suspicion <<link "+10">><<sus bro addflat 10>><<replace "#bsus">>$bro.sus<</replace>><</link>>
<<link "-1">><<dnbacc minus 1>><<replace "#dnblust">>$dnb.acc<</replace>><</link>> <span id="dnblust">$dnb.acc</span> Acceptance <<link "+1">><<dnbacc add 1>><<replace "#dnblust">>$dnb.acc<</replace>><</link>>
<<link "-5">><<jea dad minus 5>><<replace "#djea">>$dad.jea<</replace>><</link>> <span id="djea">$dad.jea</span> $w.Dad's jealousy <<link "+5">><<jea dad add 5>><<replace "#djea">>$dad.jea<</replace>><</link>>
<<link "-5">><<jea bro minus 5>><<replace "#bjea">>$bro.jea<</replace>><</link>> <span id="bjea">$bro.jea</span> $w.Brother's jealousy <<link "+5">><<jea bro add 5>><<replace "#bjea">>$bro.jea<</replace>><</link>>
<<link "-5">><<lust resman minus 5>><<replace "#rlust">>$resman.lust<</replace>><</link>> <span id="rlust">$resman.lust</span> $resman.Name's lust <<link "+5">><<lust resman add 5>><<replace "#rlust">>$resman.lust<</replace>><</link>>
<<link "-5">><<aff resman minus 5>><<replace "#raff">>$resman.manner<</replace>><</link>> <span id="raff">$resman.manner</span> $resman.Name's manner <<link "+5">><<aff resman add 5>><<replace "#raff">>$resman.manner<</replace>><</link>>
<<link "-1">><<lust bully minus 1>><<replace "#bulust">>$bully.lust<</replace>><</link>> <span id="bulust">$bully.lust</span> $bully.Name's lust <<link "+1">><<lust bully add 1>><<replace "#bulust">>$bully.lust<</replace>><</link>>
<<link "-1">><<lust prof -1>><<replace "#prlust">>$prof.lust<</replace>><</link>> <span id="prlust">$prof.lust</span> $prof.Name's lust <<link "+1">><<lust prof 1>><<replace "#prlust">>$prof.lust<</replace>><</link>>
<<link "-1">><<jea prof -1>><<replace "#prpat">>$prof.pat<</replace>><</link>> <span id="prpat">$prof.pat</span> $prof.Name's Patience <<link "+1">><<jea prof 1>><<replace "#prpat">>$prof.pat<</replace>><</link>>
<<link "-1">><<sus prof -1>><<replace "#prstrike">>$prof.sus<</replace>><</link>> <span id="prstrike">$prof.sus</span> $prof.Name's Strike <<link "+1">><<sus prof 1>><<replace "#prstrike">>$prof.sus<</replace>><</link>>
<<link "-1">><<lust cw -1 99>><<replace "#cwlust">>$cw.lust<</replace>><</link>> <span id="cwlust">$cw.lust</span> $cw.Name's lust <<link "+1">><<lust cw 1>><<replace "#cwlust">>$cw.lust<</replace>><</link>>
<<link "-1">><<sus cw -1>><<replace "#cwstrike">>$cw.sus<</replace>><</link>> <span id="cwstrike">$cw.sus</span> $cw.Name's Strike <<link "+1">><<sus cw 1>><<replace "#cwstrike">>$cw.sus<</replace>><</link>>
<<link "-1">><<lust pr -1>><<replace "#pinfamy">>$pr.pinfamy<</replace>><</link>> <span id="pinfamy">$pr.pinfamy</span> prison infamy <<link "+1">><<lust pr 1>><<replace "#pinfamy">>$pr.pinfamy<</replace>><</link>>
<<link "-1">><<lust prg -1>><<replace "#gtrust">>$pr.gtrust<</replace>><</link>> <span id="gtrust">$pr.gtrust</span> guards' trust <<link "+1">><<lust prg 1>><<replace "#gtrust">>$pr.gtrust<</replace>><</link>>
<<if $pr.gprotection == 0>>\
<<link "No" `passage()`>>
<<set $pr.gprotection = 1>>
<<link "Yes" `passage()`>>
<<set $pr.gprotection = 0>>
@@.str;NO FATIGUE (no sleep or hunger):@@ <<checkbox "$cheatnofatigue" false true autocheck>>
@@.str;NO HORNY:@@ <<checkbox "$cheatnohorny" false true autocheck>>
@@.str;MONEY:@@ <<link "+100">><<money 100>><</link>> <<link "+200">><<money 200>><</link>> <<link "+500">><<money 500>><</link>>
@@.str;WEED:@@ \
<<link "-1">>\
<<if $you.weed > 0>>\
<<set $you.weed -->>\
<<replace "#weed">>\
<i> - You have $you.weed bag<<if $you.weed > 1>>s<</if>> of weed.</i>\
<</link>> \
<<link "+1">>\
<<set $you.weed ++>>\
<<replace "#weed">>\
<i> - You have $you.weed bag<<if $you.weed > 1>>s<</if>> of weed.</i>\
<span id="weed"><i> - You have $you.weed bag<<if $you.weed > 1>>s<</if>> of weed.</i></span>
@@.str;DNB:@@ <<checkbox "$dnb.start" false true autocheck>>
@@.str;GAME ENDS:@@ <<checkbox "$gameends" false true autocheck>>
<<link "Resbjtime">><<set $resman.bjtime = 4>><</link>>
<<link "police done">><<set $police.state = 16>><</link>>
<<link "Gallery" "Memoriesmenu">>
<<set $ingallery to true>>
<<set $gameends to true>>
<</link>><<if not $gameends>><<set $dad.rocketpill -= 3>><</if>><<hour add 3>><<set $you.horniness = 0>>\
<<lust dad add 1>>\
<<scenechoices dad 4 2>>\
<<if $scenepicked>>\
<<if $dad.rocketpill <= 5>><<set $dad.rockettime ++>>\
@@.add;The rocket pill's effect expires.@@
<<sus dad addflat 30>>\
<<sus dad add 2>>\
<<if _srp>>Having done all the “fun” activities with him and understanding that the man is still very much frustrated due to the rocket pill<<else>>Emboldened by all the “fun” activities you have done with $w.ydad<</if>>, you approach him for some good time.
<<di you "Are you horny $w.dad?">>
<<if _saff == 4>>\
<<di dad "Just for you, my boy.">>
<<elseif _saff == 3>>\
<<di dad "What do you have in mind, champ?">>
<<elseif _saff == 2>>\
<<di dad "What a dumb question, I always am.">>
<<di dad "Cut the bullshit and strip, bitch.">>
You quickly undress and get into all four and $w.ydad follows suit.
<<if _saff == 4>>\
However, your dad flip you over and coos affectionately.
<<di dad "Daddy wants to see your face while we make love, boy.">>
His hand finds your cheek in a soft caress like you are the most precious thing that he owns in this bleak world.
<<di dad "Let me prepare you.">>
<<video dad/dadfuck7.mp4>>
His probing and lubing is very methodical and careful to not hurt you, which makes you equally appreciative and frustrated of the slow torture that you have to beg him to hit it home.
<<di you "Please, daddy.">>
<<elseif _saff == 3>>\
<<di dad "Alright, but you need prep.">>
He makes a quick work of prep you with his deft fingers and soon you become a whinning mess.
<<di dad "Okay, should be good now.">>
<<elseif _saff == 2>>\
He strips slowly and jerks himself while telling you:
<<di dad "Prep yourself if you don't want to hurt yourself.">>
Eagerly, you makes a quick work of self-prep messily.
<<di dad "Time's up.">>
His powerful arms grabs your hips and arrange it where he wants you to be like a ragdoll made purely for sex. You hear him spitting on your entrance and his cock before the abrupt pain overtakes your body.
<<video dad/dadfuck9.mp4>>
<<di dad "Your whore hole is so loose that I can slide my big cock in dry that goddamn easily.">>
With that being said, he slams into your ass relentlessly as your limbs become mush from the pleasure and the only functional part of your body is the vocal cords from all the mindless moans.
You gasp from relief when his snake finds its nest in your anus and wish it never leaves. You're unsure about $w.ydad but the taboo aspect of it makes your senses during the fucking extremely heightened, almost too scary how quick you are approaching orgasm. From the feeling of his increasing pace, it looks like $w.ydad is too.
<<if _saff == 4>>\
<<di dad "Baby... are you close?">>
<<di you "Yes, daddy.">>
<<di dad "Me too, you just feel... so damn good... and tight squeezing daddy's cock.">>
<<video dad/dadfuck10.mp4>>
He wraps his hands around you and mouthes all over your neck, cheeks and ears. His incredibly solid abs and soft hair create the perfect friction with each thrust.
<<di dad "Shit... baby. I'm gonna come.">>
<<di you "Please... please..., breed me, daddy.">>
<<elseif _saff == 3>>\
<<di dad "Hah... fuck... if you keep squeezing your ass... I'm gonna bust in any moment.">>
<<video dad/dadfuck10.mp4>>
Since you're close yourself and hearing that, you put more effort in contracting your rim.
<<di dad "Damn... shit...">>
<<elseif _saff == 2>>\
<<di dad "If you aren't gonna come soon... you're gonna have to... handle it on your own.">>
<<video dad/dadfuck10.mp4>>
Well, thank the lord that you're on the verge of cumming for awhile now.
<<di dad "Keep tightening your damn slack ass, bitch. Else, it's better to use my damn hands than fucking your used hole.">>
You hear his growling threat and put more effort in closing up your channel which is already hugging his enormous tool to it fullest. You are now more concious of the contraction than your own breathing.
<<video dad/dadfuck11.mp4>>
The pulsing of your ass seems to have an effect on him as his breath is getting shorter and his pistoning quicker.
Not only can you hear but also feel the vibration of $w.ydad's groan as he plants the seed deep inside you. It's almost like you can taste it in the back of your throat in all of its creaminess, copiousness and deliciousness.
<<video dad/dadfuckcum1.mp4>>
With just a few more pumps, you shoot all over and bask in the afterglow.
<<if _saff == 4>>\
He then kiss you lightly on the lips and whisper sentimentally.
<<di dad "Your face, it's beautiful. I want to capture it in my mind forever.">>
<<elseif _saff == 3>>\
<<di dad "I know I've said it before, but still thank you, $w.son. This has helped me with my mood a lot lately.">>
<<elseif _saff == 2>>\
<<di dad "You better keep your mouth shut about this.">>
<<di dad "Keep your fucking whoring to a minimal, fag. Otherwise, your slut hole will bore me.">>
He then slaps you as a warning before leaving you there boneless, his semen spilling from your arched ass - the perfect picture of a used whore.
<<link "Back">>
<<set $dad.rocketpill = 10>>\
<<set _percent to random(1,10)>>\
<<if $gameends>>\
<<goto "Dadscenemenu">>\
<<elseif $bully.state == 1>>
<<goto "Bullycaught">>
<<elseif $dnb.start and ($you.location === "Living room" or $you.location === "Kitchen" or $you.location === "Bathroom" or $you.location === "Dad's bedroom") and ($bro.location === "Living room" or $bro.location === "Kitchen" or $bro.location === "Bathroom" or $bro.location === "Brother's bedroom")>>\
<<goto "Dnbbrojealous">>
<<elseif ($you.location === "Living room" or $you.location === "Kitchen") and ($bro.location === "Living room" or $bro.location === "Kitchen" or $bro.location === "Brother's bedroom") and _percent <= 5>>\
<<goto "Brocaught">>\
<<elseif $dad.location === $you.location>>\
<<goto "Dad">>\
<<goto $you.location>>\
<</link>>\<<scenechoices dad 4 1>>\
<<if $scenepicked>>\
Lining up the enormous member, he enters your ass.
<<video dad/dadfuck1.mp4>>
You groan from both the initial pain of intrusion and the pleasure of achieving the ultimate connection with $w.ydad.
<<if _saff == 4>>\
<<video dad/dadfuck2.mp4>>
As his dick is fully sheathed within your channel, he remains there patiently but the short breaths tell you that it takes all of his willpower to not move his hips. You feel his hairy chest glued to your back from the sweat and his lips dotted along your nape, neck and ears.
<<di dad "You’re doing beautifully for daddy, sweet boy. So damn tight.">>
His kisses are like the miracle balm that soothes the aches within you by washing it with a wave of emotional ecstasy. He then begins his love-making ever so slightly to help you adjust to his significant mass. It is both euphoric and torturous that you can’t help but let out a moan and beg him to give you more.
<<elseif _saff == 3>>\
His hiss answers your wanton noises as he bottoms out in your ass.
<<video dad/dadfuck2.mp4>>
<<di dad "Oh fuck, you’re tight, $w.son.">>
<<di you "Or it’s because you’re too big.">>
You complain halfheartedly since your back is arched to the limit and your ass is one misstep away from swallowing his balls. He chuckles.
<<di dad "I got that a lot back in the day, but they always came back.">>
<<elseif _saff == 2>>\
<<di dad "My dick is pretty big, so bite on something if you need to.">>
<<video dad/dadfuck2.mp4>>
Moment after saying that he grabs hold of your hips and you mentally brace yourself for the upcoming whirlwind of sex.
When it's halfway in, he suddenly pounds all the way in, breaching your spit-lubed ass abruptly. Of course, you yelp from the sharp pain and the attack of his cock into your most intimate place.
<<video dad/dadfuck3.mp4>>
<<di dad "Fucking take it, bitch.">>
He then follows up with some more brutal plowings, which in theory hurts but it seem like you’re blessed either with incredibly stretchy ass or excellently high pain tolerance. Therefore, this just further helps you to prepare for the upcoming downright ruthless dicking.
His monster cock bounces inside your accommodating ass, in and out like a jackhammer completely wrecks your intestine. Apart from the relentless bliss, you can still feel the brushing of $w.ydad’s wild and natural bush, the slapping of his fertile orbs on your smooth taint and the protruding veins running through his prized jewel, making it even larger.
The electricity runs through your body as your prostate is getting the massage of its life, forcing the mindless and almost crazed moan out of your throat. Unable to bear it, your hand starts to reach for your dick to beat off.
<<if _saff == 4>>\
<<di dad "Here, lemme.">>
$w.Ydad then proprietarily grabs your buttcheeks and his palms feel so large and warm. The calluses of his hand on your tender cheek feel divine as he guide your hole lovingly up and down his shaft. The rising tide of your sexual nirvana is threatening to flood your consciousness.
<<video dad/dadfuck4.mp4>>
<<di dad "Fuck... I’m almost there, boy... Will you come for daddy?">>
<<di you "Yes, daddy. Please... fill me... up..., breed me... and... make me... yours.">>
Upon finishing your begging cry, you hear his groan as he grinds his groin against your hole jerkily like wanting to fuse two bodies as one with nothing between. Then, the swift pulses of his dick follows and the warm creamy juice paints your inside, floods your guts and no doubt impregnates you if you had the proper equipment.
<<video dad/dadfuckcum1.mp4>>
Like his cum, the internal pleasure spilling out as your balls start to contract and squeeze out what you imagine is all of the semen left in your body.
After such an intense experience you both collapse, limbs boneless and the only bodily functions you can manage right now are your labored breaths, your overworked sweat glands and the sensitive twitches of your penis. When you both come down from the high, your dad smiles, gives you a peck on your forehead and put his fingers on his lips to suck your cum webbing on his hand.
<<di dad "Yum, you taste incredible. Cannot let my boy’s juice go to waste.">>
He winks at your blushing and proceeds to give you a mean cuddle.
<<elseif _saff == 3>>\
You pump your cock quickly, trying to match with the pace of his manhood repeatedly stabbing your ass. However, you are kind of failing due to the fact that your insides are being rearranged by your dear $w.father. When his breath gets shorter and the movements sharper, you know he’s close and thank god for that since you can’t hold off much longer.
<<video dad/dadfuck5.mp4>>
<<di you "Please cum... inside me... $w.dad.">>
That gives him a brief pause before continuing pounding away into your hole. His motions quicken even more so than before.
<<di dad "If that’s what... you want... $w.son.">>
With your permission and after just a few thrusts, he explodes inside you with a groan, you can feel the hot liquid flooding your canal. He collapses on your back, breathing hard but still mindful of his weight.
<<video dad/dadfuckcum1.mp4>>
With your $w.dad’s batter leaking out from your anus and his huge weapon lodged firmly and hot within you, it only takes three more strokes for you to shout and shoot your load. The spasm of your rim also create a shockwave of pleasure all through $w.ydad’s body.
<<di dad "Thank you, champ.">>
He says to you before throwing you some napkins and cleaning his own crotch.
<<elseif _saff == 2>>\
Seeing that you begin to touch yourself, $w.ydad exclaims through his labored breath.
<<di dad "You’re... really... getting off... on this...?">>
You really want to answer but instead can do nothing but instead let out choked moans from your prostate being obliterated.
<<video dad/dadfuck5.mp4>>
<<di dad "Shit... I’m coming...">>
Without further word, he begins to grip your ass and smack his pelvis into your anus, slapping sound rings through the whole room. Soon enough, you can feel a hot wetness explodes inside as he continues grinding and spasming. Not long after, you join in his climax as your hand works your cock vigorously, spraying your load all over.
<<video dad/dadfuckcum1.mp4>>
He then gets up and leaves your ass hanging.
<<di dad "Who the fuck allows you to touch your dick, fag?!">>
With a swift motion, he grabs both of your wrists and locks them behind your back with his large paw.
<<video dad/dadfuck6.mp4>>
<<di dad "With a bitch boy like you... that thing is... fucking useless anyway.">>
The position that you are in - back arched, ass perked up to the maximum - putting his obscenely large cock in a perfect position to punch your prostate. It’s like you are his horse and your arms are his rein, body completely his to command.
Despite going for quite a while now, his strength seems to not dissipate but rather empowered the longer the fuck is. Amid the euphoria, you can sense an ache forming in your battered channel, making you delirious and moan wantonly.
<<di dad "Shut your... fucking mouth... whore.">>
His ginormous palm slams down on your asscheek painfully, forcing out a yelp from you. However, he doesn't stop there but use his other hand to push your face down to the couch to muffle your noise.
His wild breathing and violent lunges are the clear indication that he’s very close to pass the point of no return.
<<di dad "You want... my load... cumrag?">>
Heeding his previous advice, you can only nod wildly to indicate your eagerness.
<<di dad "Thought so... fucking pig... ">>
He then roars busting all of his breeding batter inside you while simultaneously pummeling your prostate to pulp. The force of his final assault on your cumbutton is so staggering it triggers your orgasm without touching your member, basically milking you from the inside.
<<video dad/dadfuckcum1.mp4>>
He then abruptly withdraws his dick and gives your ass a loud smack.
<<di dad "What do you say, bitch?">>
<<di you "Thank you...">>
He then spits at your face, the drool hit your forehead and trickle down to your lips, the urge to lick it almost too overwhelming.
<<di dad "That’s right and clean all this mess up, fag.">>
Your belly flutters after the fuck and from the cum sloshing in your guts and running down your legs.
<<link "Back">>
<<set $dad.rocketpill = 10>>\
<<set _percent to random(1,10)>>\
<<if $gameends>>\
<<goto "Dadscenemenu">>\
<<elseif $bully.state == 1>>
<<goto "Bullycaught">>
<<elseif ($you.location === "Living room" or $you.location === "Kitchen") and ($bro.location === "Living room" or $bro.location === "Kitchen" or $bro.location === "Brother's bedroom") and _percent <= 5>>\
<<goto "Brocaught">>\
<<elseif $dad.location === $you.location>>\
<<goto "Dad">>\
<<goto $you.location>>\
<</link>>\<<scenechoices dad 1 0>>\
<<if not $gameends or previous() === "Brojeabadends">>\
@@.title;HAPPY ENDING@@
<<di dad "Hey, son. I've been thinking a lot about what we've been doing and I want to to tell you something.">>
Your heart drops - afraid that this is the end but still you hold on to the sliver of hope.
<<di you "Yes?">>
<<di dad "It sounds crazy and fucked up since you are my $w.son and we share a familial bond, but... I want you to be my life partner, my boy.">>
That actually shocks you since you never expected a happy ending at the end of the tunnel and hearing him saying these words seems unreal.
<<di dad "I hate that every day I have to see you but unable to hold your hand in public, take you out to a nice dinner and kiss you. I've looked deep inside and made peace that the thing I am proposing is wrong, but the world only feels right when I am with you.">>
Hearing his earnest confession, you are still having hard time believing your ears. Due to your lack of response, $w.ydad probably takes it the wrong way.
<<di dad "Shit, I got it wrong, didn't I? Forget what I said and I don't blame yo-...">>
<<di you "I love you, daddy">>
<<di dad "Huh?">>
He does a double take and you assure him.
<<di you "I love you and am yours, daddy. Always.">>
<<di dad "Really?">>
He then pull you into a leviating embrace, his mouth finds its way to yours and you welcome him eagerly. As his tongue touches yours, a sense of euphoria and rightness washes over, this is what you always wanted but never dared to do - a true lover's kiss with $w.ydad.
After a while, we still keep a facade of being just a close $w.father and son to the outsiders and $w.ybrother until he moves out of the house. You then change your name and move across the country with $w.ydad for a new beginning.
<<image dad\dadend1.jpg>>
Years later, as you grow old with your daddy, you look back at the <<link "memories">><<if $gameends>><<goto "Dadscenemenu">><<else>><<set $gameends = true>><<goto "Memoriesmenu">><</if>><</link>> with great fondness.<<scenechoices dad 1 0>>\
<<if not $gameends>>\
<<di dad "Pack your shit up. We need to go somewhere.">>
<<di you "But-...">>
He smacks you.
<<di dad "You dare to question me? PACK... YOUR... FUCKING... SHIT!">>
He then goes into his room supposedly to do the same. Despite the sting on your cheek, you indeed doesn't dare to upset him.
As you bring your haphazardly packed suitcase to the front door, $w.ydad's car is already running.
<<di dad "Get in!">>
You quickly put the luggage away and reach for the passenger side.
The ride seems rather calm unlike the energy $w.ydad was showing you before. As the car slows, in your vision is a quaint, little cabin and honestly, despite the creepy woods surrounding, it's cute and fit the scenery. With a rare moment of generosity, he brings your suitcase along with his to the cabin and calls back.
<<di dad "Follow me.">>
Nothing else to do, you meekly follow him. The interior is rather basic but it is sufficient for a simple life.
<<di dad "Welcome to your new home.">>
<<di you "What?">>
You ask perplexedly.
<<di dad "From now on, I will live here and so will you but you have to be my sex slave 24/7.">>
<<di you "But, what about-...">>
<<di dad "No goddamn buts, my sayings are absolute, hear me?">>
He grabs your jaw with a pain-inducing force.
<<di dad "I've decided to retire and finally got what I deserve - a good bitch to serve my cock daily - since that's what you are always begging to do everyday. Now give me your phone.">>
He turns it off - a sign of completely cut you off from the world - but you still submit to him like you did so many times before - loving the way he completely possesses and dominates all parts of your life.
He lights a cigar and grab his crotch.
<<di dad "Now come here and do your job, whore.">>
You nod and go willingly as part of your old self slowly disintegrated and replacing it is no other a sex-craved cockslut.
<<image dad\dadend2.jpg>>
As you spread your thighs to welcome him, you reminisce about the past <<link "memories">><<if $gameends>><<goto "Dadscenemenu">><<else>><<set $gameends = true>><<goto "Memoriesmenu">><</if>><</link>> and completely disregard about the future ahead except for being a bitch and a convenient hole for $w.ydad.<<silently>>\
<<set $scenepicked = false>>
<b>Memories with $w.ydad.</b>
<<if setup.ws.Dadteaselivingroom>>[[Living room tease|Dadteaselivingroom]]<<else>><<link "==Living room tease==">><</link>><</if>> <<if setup.ws.Dadteasekitchen>>[[Kitchen tease|Dadteasekitchen]]<<else>><<link "==Kitchen tease==">><</link>><</if>> <<if setup.ws.Dadteasebathroom>>[[Bathroom tease|Dadteasebathroom]]<<else>><<link "==Bathroom tease==">><</link>><</if>> <<if setup.ws.Dadteasebedroom3 or setup.ws.Dadteasebedroom2>>[[Bedroom tease|Dadteasebedroom]]<<else>><<link "==Bedroom tease==">><</link>><</if>>
<<if setup.ws.Dadcrotchlivingroom1 or setup.ws.Dadcrotchlivingroom2 or setup.ws.Dadcrotchlivingroom3 or setup.ws.Dadcrotchlivingroom4>>[[Living room crotch touch|Dadcrotchlivingroom]]<<else>><<link "==Living room crotch touch==">><</link>><</if>> <<if setup.ws.Dadcrotchkitchen2 or setup.ws.Dadcrotchkitchen3>>[[Kitchen crotch touch|Dadcrotchkitchen]]<<else>><<link "==Kitchen crotch touch==">><</link>><</if>> <<if setup.ws.Dadcrotchbedroom1 or setup.ws.Dadcrotchbedroom2 or setup.ws.Dadcrotchbedroom3 or setup.ws.Dadcrotchbedroom4>>[[Bedroom crotch touch|Dadcrotchbedroom]]<<else>><<link "==Bedroom crotch touch==">><</link>><</if>>
<<if setup.ws.Dadhjintro21 or setup.ws.Dadhjintro22 or setup.ws.Dadhjintro24>>[[First handjob|Dadhjintro1]]<<else>><<link "==First handjob==">><</link>><</if>> <<if setup.ws.Dadhj11 or setup.ws.Dadhj12 or setup.ws.Dadhj13 or setup.ws.Dadhj14>>[[Regular handjob|Dadhj1]]<<else>><<link "==Regular handjob==">><</link>><</if>>
<<if setup.ws.Dadbjintro11 or setup.ws.Dadbjintro12 or setup.ws.Dadbjintro13 or setup.ws.Dadbjintro14>>[[First blowjob|Dadbjintro1]]<<else>><<link "==First blowjob==">><</link>><</if>> <<if setup.ws.Dadbj11 or setup.ws.Dadbj12 or setup.ws.Dadbj13 or setup.ws.Dadbj14>>[[Regular blowjob|Dadbj1]]<<else>><<link "==Regular blowjob==">><</link>><</if>> <<if setup.ws.Dadfondle>>[[Fondling during sleeping|Dadfondle]]<<else>><<link "==Fondling during sleeping==">><</link>><</if>> <<if setup.ws.Dadbathroombj11 or setup.ws.Dadbathroombj12 or setup.ws.Dadbathroombj13 or setup.ws.Dadbathroombj14>>[[Bathroom blowjob|Dadbathroombj1]]<<else>><<link "==Bathroom blowjob==">><</link>><</if>> <<if setup.ws.Dadgymbj11 or setup.ws.Dadgymbj12 or setup.ws.Dadgymbj13 or setup.ws.Dadgymbj14>>[[Gym blowjob|Dadgymbj1]]<<else>><<link "==Gym blowjob==">><</link>><</if>> <<if setup.ws.Dnbdadjealousbj>>[[Make up blowjob|Dnbdadjealousbj]]<<else>><<link "==Make up blowjob==">><</link>><</if>> <<if setup.ws.Dadofficebj111 or setup.ws.Dadofficebj112 or setup.ws.Dadofficebj113 or setup.ws.Dadofficebj114>>[[Office blowjob|Dadofficebj11]]<<else>><<link "==Office blowjob==">><</link>><</if>>
<<if setup.ws.Dadfuckintro21 or setup.ws.Dadfuckintro22 or setup.ws.Dadfuckintro23 or setup.ws.Dadfuckintro24>>[[First fuck|Dadfuckintro1]]<<else>><<link "==First fuck==">><</link>><</if>> <<if setup.ws.Dadfuck11 or setup.ws.Dadfuck12 or setup.ws.Dadfuck13 or setup.ws.Dadfuck14>>[[Regular fuck|Dadfuck1]]<<else>><<link "==First fuck==">><</link>><</if>> <<if setup.ws.Dadsleepfuck>>[[Sleeping fuck|Dadsleepfuck]]<<else>><<link "==Sleeping fuck==">><</link>><</if>> <<if setup.ws.Dnbdadjealousfuck>>[[Make up fuck|Dnbdadjealousfuck]]<<else>><<link "==Make up fuck==">><</link>><</if>> <<if setup.ws.Dadofficefuck1 or setup.ws.Dadofficefuck2 or setup.ws.Dadofficefuck3 or setup.ws.Dadofficefuck4>>[[Office fuck|Dadofficefuck]]<<else>><<link "==Office fuck==">><</link>><</if>>
<<if setup.ws.Dadbadends1 or setup.ws.Dadbadends2 or setup.ws.Dadbadends3 or setup.ws.Dadbadends4>><<link "<b>Bad ending</b>" "Dadbadends">><</link>><<else>><<link "==<b>Bad ending</b>==">><</link>><</if>> <<if setup.ws.Dadjeabadends2 or setup.ws.Dadjeabadends3>><<link "<b>Jealous ending</b>" "Dadjeabadends">><</link>><<else>><<link "==<b>Jealous ending</b>==">><</link>><</if>> <<if setup.ws.Dadgoodend2>><<link "<b>'Unhappy' ending</b>" "Dadgoodend2">><</link>><<else>><<link "==<b>'Unhappy' ending</b>==">><</link>><</if>> <<if setup.ws.Dadgoodend1>><<link "<b>Happy ending</b>" "Dadgoodend1">><</link>><<else>><<link "==<b>Happy ending</b>==">><</link>><</if>>
[[Back|Memoriesmenu]]<<minute add 30>>\
<<if $dad.lust < 10>><<lust dad add 1>><</if>>\
<<scenechoices dad 1 1>>\
Wearing your strategically tight pants, you pretend to drop your phone. On your knees with your round butts perks up high, you spend a few minutes crawling around looking for the "lost" device.
<<di you "Now, where could it be?">>
You say the question out loud, obviously rhetoric since it is right in front of your face. Still, you give him the best show, throwing your back to the heaven and ass up high like a bitch in heat. After a few seconds, the sound of throat clearing and a dry, husky voice of $w.ydad can be heard.
<<di dad "You need any help $w.son?">>
Not wanting to test your luck just yet, you quickly grab the phone and fake-celebrate.
<<di you "Aha! Found it. Thanks anyway, $w.dad.">>
Then you swiftly give him a hug which must fluster him since he doesn’t know where to put his hands. After breaking off the hug, you run off fast before he can react further and grin to yourself as the warmth of his larger-than-usual bulge lingers on your hip.
<<link "Back">>\
<<if $gameends>>
<<goto "Dadscenemenu">>
<<elseif $dad.location === $you.location>>\
<<goto "Dad">>\
<<goto $you.location>>\
<</link>>\<<if not $gameends>><<set $bro.rocketpill -=1>><</if>><<hour add 1>><<set $you.horniness = 0>>\
<<scenechoices bro 1 2>>\
<<if $bro.rocketpill <= 5>><<set $bro.rockettime ++>>\
@@.add;The rocket pill's effect expires, but the bonus lust will persist.@@
<<sus bro addflat 30>>\
<<if $bro.lust < 30>><<lust bro add 1>><</if>>\
<<if _srp>>\
His bugle is as subtle as a neon sign.
<<di you "Something quite big, huh?">>
He huffs for a bit, but doesn't argue, a clear frustation in his voice.
<<di bro "I don't know what the hell happened but I popped wood out of nowhere and it's much worse than the usual.">>
Knowing the man is dying to get a release, you take advantage of this opportunity.
<<di you "Hey bro, can I ask you something?">>
He answers nonchalantly.
<<di bro "Sure, ask away.">>
<<di you "About the curse that $w.dad told us, I assume that you are also always as sexually frustrated as I am.">>
His blush appears since we rarely ever talk about sex with each other but still he’s honest with you.
<<di bro "Yea, it kind of sucks, I ain’t gonna lie, but like dad said what else to do than tough it out?">>
You hesitate for a moment, but looking at his resigned expression. Going in for the kill is your next decision.
<<di you "Maybe... we help... each other out?">>
Now he’s truly shocked and a bit more red on the cheeks.
<<di bro "What do you mean by “help each other out”?">>
<<di you "You totally know what I mean.">>
After several minutes of pensive silence, you start to get nervous at the thought of him calling you out on your bullshit but his answer comes:
<<di bro "Will it feel better when someone else does it to you?">>
<<di you "Of course, trust me, bro.">>
He then nods quickly and signals you to follow him to his room. When he’s seated on his bed as well as you are, he asks.
<<di bro "So, how are we gonna do this?">>
<<di you "Perhaps, some porns to get going?">>
You don't really want to, but seeing his tense set of shoulder, watching some straight porn to help him chill out doesn't hurt.
<<di bro "Oh yea...">>
He clumsily turns on the TV and from his porn’s collection, you don’t know why you expect anything else, and it is full of straight vanilla scenes.
He then leans back to the headboard and watches the couple on the screen with a suspiciously intense concentration. After a few stiff minutes, you break out of this strange limbo and
<<link "pull your pants off" "Brohjintro2">><<if $gameends>><<set $scenepicked to false>><</if>><</link>><<scenechoices bro 4 1>>\
<<if $scenepicked>>\
You then tug your still semi dick to full firmness and encouraged by your action, $w.ybrother eventually follows your lead and starts beating his meat.
As the air settles and the atmosphere reaches a comfortably heated point, you turn on your offensive.
<<di you "Can I?">>
He looks at your outreached hand for just a few seconds before gulping and gives a brisk nod.
With his blessing, your hand finds its way to enclose around $w.ybrother’s thicker and bigger hard-on than yours.
<<video bro/brohj1.mp4>>
It’s hot to the touch and twitching like a sentient being which is dying to get released. You can hear a choked sigh to your right conveying the apparent pleasure he’s experiencing, so you begin to work his cock from the root to his tip expertly.
<<video bro/brohj2.mp4>>
You also come to realize that $w.ybrother is extra sweaty during masturbation (and maybe during sex too). A slight sheen of satly liquid is now rapidly forming all over his defined body that you wish to worship with your tongue.
It also intensify his natural odor which is now mixing with the musky aroma emitting from his crotch area and the copious precum everflowing from his cockhead - creating an intoxicating concoction of scent that drive you wild with lust.
As a matter of a few minutes of jacking, you can already feel his readiness to cum at any moment. His incredible shaft turns granite and piping hot like a piece of minerals from the Earth's core, vibrating and begging for bliss. He suddenly calls out loudly:
<<di bro "Shit... I can’t... hold off any longer...">>
Within two strokes, his breeding tube begins to pulsate, erupting the creamy, thick semen, passing through his bulbous tip and flying in far distance. It is almost inhuman how powerful that cumshot is - a clear indication of strength of his orgasm.
<<video bro/brohjcum1.mp4>>
<<if _saff == 4>>\
<<di bro "Holy... fuck... it's like you squeezed out a part of my soul. I've never felt that good before. Thank you.">>
He beams at you sweetly and the sheen of sweat mixed in with euphoria makes him glow and even more handsome in this intimate setting.
<<elseif _saff == 3>>\
<<di bro "Shit... fuck... hah... Having someone jacking you off really does feel better. Thanks so much... bro.">>
With his baritone compliment still reverberating through the air, you put the focus on your own neglected dick...
<<elseif _saff == 2>>\
<<di bro "Damn... god... fuck...">>
After his release, he completely pays you no mind. You then return your attention back to your own neglected dick.
After he comes down from cumming his brain out and releasing some guttural groans. His half-lidded eyes gaze at you with an evil glint.
<<di bro "Hmm... do you really go around and offer people handjobs? That’s fucking weird and gay.">>
<<di you "Not really...">>
Hearing your unsure answer, he suddenly gains a bout of uncharacteristic bravado.
<<di bro "Whatever, fag. Clean my shit up.">>
He then walks languidly toward the bathroom, leaving you beating off like a madman. Well the man now sure has soon more confidence and honestly, you find his insulting a bit hot.
Soon within a few strokes, you spill all over your stomach, bliss takes over your mind but there is still a sliver of consciousness mindful enough not to dirty up his sheet.
<<video bro/cum1.mp4>>
<<link "Back">>
<<set $bro.rocketpill = 10>>
<<if $gameends>>\
<<goto "Broscenemenu">>\
<<elseif $bully.state == 1>>
<<goto "Bullycaught">>
<<elseif ($you.location === "Living room" or $you.location === "Kitchen") and ($dad.location === "Living room" or $dad.location === "Kitchen" or $dad.location === "Dad's bedroom") and _percent <= 5>>\
<<goto "Dadcaught">>\
<<elseif $bro.location === "Brother's bedroom">>\
<<set $you.location = "Brother's bedroom">>\
<<goto "Brother">>\
<<goto "Brother's bedroom">>\
<</link>>\<<hour add 2>><<set $you.horniness = 0>>\
<<if $dad.lust < 40>><<lust dad add 1>><</if>>\
<<scenechoices dad 4 1>>\
<<if $scenepicked>>\
<<if $watersport and ($dad.aff >= 41 or $dad.aff <= 10)>><<sus dad add 2>><<else>><<sus dad add 1>><</if>>\
<<if $watersport and (_saff == 4 or _saff == 1)>>\
Suddenly a crazy idea comes into your mind.
<<di you "Do you want to try something new?">>
Hearing your seductive tone, he appears to be equal parts wary and intrigued.
<<di dad "What thing?... And right now?">>
Weighing the clear interest in his tone, you decide to take a courageous dive into the deep end.
<<di you "How about you... pee in my mouth?">>
His bushy brows climb up to his hairline displaying his utter surprise. After a brief stunned pause, something like lust glazes over his eyes as he replies:
<<if _saff == 4>>\
<<di dad "Ahh... Are you comfortable with that? I mean, you really want that?">>
<<elseif _saff == 1>>\
<<di dad "Hmm... Are you begging me to piss in your mouth, pathetic pig?">>
Asking for such a thing as a golden shower, you really don't have any other way around admitting it.
<<di you "Yes... I want it.">>
With your confirmation, the sound of his zipper opening signifies his intention and a husky voice orders you:
<<if _saff == 4>>\
<<di dad "If that's what you want. Brace yourself, I've been holding this one for a while.">>
<<elseif _saff == 1>>\
<<di dad "Heh, typical... Then open your mouth, urinal.">>
Obidently, your knees find themselves on the surface of the bathroom tiles. Right when the mouth-watering member reveals itself, the spicy, enticing aroma hits you head-on due to how close your face is to his crotch. His slightly chubbed dick commands you to roll your tongue out eagerly like a man stranded in the Sahara desert.
The moment the first drop of gold liquid touches your tastebuds, your mouth widens even further in order to become a better target for the unruly stream. The true taste is tangy, but with the knowledge of it being from $w.ydad, it suddenly transforms to sweetness like honey.
He still continues after a solid 10 minute of undiminished relief. His bladder is gigantic because you are choked up from the sheer volume flowing down your windpipe. The heated gaze and the hand pulling on your hair making the fluid spray on your lips and chin - and a low groan echoes through the bathroom.
<<video dad/dadbathroompiss1.mp4>>
Right when you thought you'd die here and there from drowning from his juice, the strength of the torrent finally dies down giving you a momentary break to savor and gulp down the strong drink. As a thank-you to him, you kiss on his now drained cockhead and tongue prying the slit and chasing all leftover droplets still linger there.
<<if _saff == 4>>\
<<di dad "Jesus Christ! Fuckkk...">>
<<elseif _saff == 1>>\
<<di dad "Fucking look at you... with that much piss, you aren't still satisfied?">>
Finishing that sentence, his rod is now fully hard. A wild animalistic hum flows through the room as he makes a plunge into your still gaping mouth.
<<if _saff == 4>>\
<<di dad "Did you like it?">>
<<elseif _saff == 1>>\
<<di dad "If so, take my cum as well, disgusting bitch.">>
As your mouth is stretched tight, you have no choice but to bob your head as an affirmation. His thrusts seem less controlled and refined than usual with short fast bursts, attacking your throat viciously. The overwhelming feelings of the slightly tangy and salty flesh, warm liquid sitting on your belly completely force you to open wide for his taking and jack your own member to his own rhythm.
<<video dad/dadbathroombj1.mp4>>
Soon enough, with a guttural moan, he lodges his cock deep down and erupts inside your windpipe.
<<video dad/dadbathroombjcum1.mp4>>
His musky bush smothers you as the spasmings continue - pumping the male essence to your full gut. That also pushes you over the edge as your erection spray its milk all over the white tiles.
<<image you\handfree1.webp>>
<<if _saff == 4>>\
<<di dad "Holy shit! That was unreal...">>
He blushes a bit but chooses to confess to you anyway:
<<di dad "If you want another repeat, I don't mind it.">>
<<elseif _saff == 1>>\
<<di dad "Fucking A, with a toilet bowl like you, I can save some with the water bill and toilet paper.">>
He laughs at you with a clearly condescending tone. But does that offend you? Apparently not, as you are still aroused by the activity.
<<di you "I'm in the middle of something here, you can come in and do your business if you want.">>
You pretend to wash your hands as the air moves and quickly $w.ydad undoes his pants to relieve himself. Seeing a man in such an uninhibited state, legs spread, head tilted up and a shiver running through him turns you on to no end.
After doing the deed and flushing, he still remains there, unmoving. His cock suddenly hardens as if sensing your hungry gaze. When he's fully erected, you can't keep up with the pretense no more and kneel beside him.
<<di you "May I?">>
A wild animalistic current flows through the room as he makes a plunge into your still gaping mouth.
As your mouth is stretched tight, you have no choice but to bob your head to amp up the effort. His thrusts seem less controlled and refined than usual with short fast bursts, attacking your throat viciously. The overwhelming feelings of the slightly tangy and salty flesh, warm liquid sitting on your belly completely force you to open wide for his taking and jack your own member to his own rhythm.
<<video dad/dadbathroombj1.mp4>>
Soon enough, with a guttural moan, he lodges his cock deep down and erupts inside your windpipe.His musky bush smothers you as the spasmings continue - pumping the male essence to your full gut.
<<video dad/dadbathroombjcum1.mp4>>
That also pushes you over the edge as your erection spray its milk all over the white tiles.
<<image you/handfree1.webp>>
<<if _saff == 4>>\
<<di dad "Holy shit!... Sorry, I can't control myself.">>
He blushes a bit probably because of how fast he came. To make him at ease, you wink good-naturedly.
<<di you "Hey, I think it's hot, daddy.">>
He grins back at you wickedly and zips up his pants like nothing has ever happened.
<<elseif _saff == 3>>\
<<di dad "Sshhit! Sorry, don't know what came over me.">>
He pushes you up to your feet and something like guilt paints over his expression.
<<di you "Don't worry, I don't mind it at all. It does wonders to help you relieve some stress, right?">>
<<di dad "Yea, it does.">>
He grins back at you and zips up his pants like nothing has ever happened.
<<elseif _saff == 2>>\
<<di dad "Next time, don't interfere my alone time in the bathroom">>
He zips up his pants and disappears on you like it was a fever dream.
<<di dad "Heh, willing to suck my dick when my dick hasn't dried off piss yet? What a proper pig you are.">>
He pats your cheek carelessly and laughs with a clearly condescending tone. But does that offend you? Apparently not, as you are highly still aroused.
<<link "Back">>
<<if $gameends>>\
<<goto "Dadscenemenu">>\
<<elseif $bully.state == 1>>
<<goto "Bullycaught">>
<<elseif $dnb.start and ($you.location === "Living room" or $you.location === "Kitchen" or $you.location === "Bathroom" or $you.location === "Dad's bedroom") and ($bro.location === "Living room" or $bro.location === "Kitchen" or $bro.location === "Bathroom" or $bro.location === "Brother's bedroom")>>\
<<goto "Dnbbrojealous">>
<<goto "Living room">>\
<</link>>\<<set $you.sleep -= 16>><<hour add 8>><<set $you.horniness = 0>>\
<<lust dad add 1>>\
<<scenechoices dad 1 0>>\
Cocooned in the warm embrace of sleep, suddenly you were jolted awake by a hot pipe seesawing between your crack. Low rumble can be heard behind your back as you feel the motion quickens like they are trying to make a fire on your ass.
<<video dad/dadsleepfuck1.mp4>>
You try to keep still and level your breath to act like you are still asleep. After a few minutes of heavy rubbing, $w.ydad finally can't hold back and press his whole to your welcoming entrance. It takes a bit of getting used to but you manage to not wince to startle him.
<<video dad/dadsleepfuck2.mp4>>
Sensing that you appear to be unbothered by the rutting, he's getting bolder and getting a good rhythm of slow grinding. His cock suggests wanting to take it to another level but in order to not disturb your supposed slumber, it remains in an agonizingly teasing pace.
Can't take it any more, you finally drop a bit of your pretense and spread your thighs and cheeks for him to have a better access and a come hither for a more brutal plowing. $w.ydad, of course understanding the signs or at least knowing your primal slut instinct, begins to give you a true ride of your life.
His unrelentless in-and-out hits your prostate in sweet repetition and punches out all the soft, breathy moans that you make an effort to stifle with the purpose of not disrupting this highly lewd and erotic atmosphere.
<<video dad/dadsleepfuck3.mp4>>
The hot air blowing on your neck is now getting shorter and the soft bush is hitting on your crack at an impressive speed. It looks like he will unload in you at any moment now. Therefore you discreetly move your hand to your erection to match his thrusts to reach the pleasure summit at the same time as him.
With a final and squelching smack, he buries his member to the deepest part of you that almost no one has reached before. His urethra spasms to unload his thick, potent seeds to your guts and the feeling of having his babies inside of you and this unmitigated connection with him warms you up from the inside.
<<video dad/dadsleepfuckcum1.mp4>>
To a point that it only takes two more strokes for you to spill all over the bedding and reach the peak of pleasure moments after $w.ydad.
<<video you/youfuckcum3.mp4>>
Apparently drained from the day as well as the vigorous activity, he subconsciously hugs and continues to press you down the mattress while his breaths even. Slumber has taken him and soon you too. The comforting weight behind your back and soft snores lulls you to bliss.
<<link "Back">>
<<if $gameends>>\
<<goto "Dadscenemenu">>\
<<goto "Living room">>\
<</link>><<set $dad.caught = true>>\
<<minute add 30>>\
<<sus dad add 40>>\
<<if _sus >= 30>>\
<<di dad "What in the god's name are you two doing?!">>
<<elseif _sus >= 20>>\
<<di dad "I know boys sometimes are up to no good, but please don't ever let me see that again.">>
<<elseif _sus >= 10>>\
<<di dad "Ah ha ha... Boy will be boys... Imma leave.">>
Your dad exits the room and pretends he didn't see anything.
<<link "Back">><<goto $you.location>><</link>>\<<if not $gameends>><<set $bro.rocketpill -= 1>><</if>><<hour add 1>><<set $you.horniness = 0>>\
<<if $bro.lust < 30>><<lust bro add 1>><</if>>\
<<scenechoices bro 4 2>>\
<<if $scenepicked>>\
<<if $bro.rocketpill <= 5>><<set $bro.rockettime ++>>\
@@.add;The rocket pill's effect expires.@@
<<sus bro addflat 30>>\
<<sus bro add 1>>\
<<if _saff == 4>>\
<<di bro "Really? I was hoping you would say that. I’ve been wanting to do it again.">>
<<di you "Haha, honestly your dick is a sight to behold. I’m sure many want to have the privilege to feel it with their hands.">>
He then blushes cutely, his chest puffing out, preening from your compliment.
<<di bro "I suppose my cock is pretty big, at least compared to some pornstars.">>
<<di you "Oh, trust me, yours is top tier. Now, let’s get the show on the road.">>
With him being chuffed from your words and a compelling rush of courage, you step into his space and trace your palm on the already <<if _srp>>already hardened<<else>>hardening<</if>> outlines under his shorts.
<<di you "Shall we?">>
<<elseif _saff == 3>>\
<<di bro "Ha, you’re really as frustrated as I am. Sure, let’s go.">>
He pats your back goodnaturedly and <<if _srp>>not so innocently (because of his raging hardon),<<else>>innocently<</if>> pulls you along. When you both get comfortable, he turns on the TV to show his porn collection and asks:
<<di bro "What do you want to see?">>
You answer absentmindedly as none of the selections on the screen suits your taste anyway.
<<elseif _saff == 2>>\
<<di bro "Ehh fine... at least it beats having to do it myself.">>
He answers nonchalantly, still he signals you to follow his lead and you both settle on your own seat and in a relatively comfortable silence. $w.Ybrother chooses the porn without asking you to get the show going.
Seemingly knowing your willingness to service him with your hands, he grins devilishly.
<<di bro "My cock is that good eh so much so that you come begging to get your hands like some hookers to their favorite client, eh?">>
His demeanor is way cockier as you actively encourage it with your come-hither looks and blatant provocations. Your bratty attitude toward him doesn’t help much either. You have nothing else to add aside from a timid affirming nod giving him the free rein.
You both give it a few minutes of leisure masturbation. Probably because of the friction as well as the gathering sweat from $w.ybrother, the musky aroma emitted from him find its way into your nostrils, momentarily distracting you from the act of masturbation.
Like a cartoon character, the heat, the emotion and the waft of smell levitate your hand toward its ultimate goal - $w.ybrother’s manhood.
Upon the contact of your hand on his shaft, he releases his own immediately as if he has been expecting this moment the whole time. You surely have been as you put your everything on the line and give this the most unforgettable handjob ever.
Try as you might, your hand positively cannot wrap around the full girth. Attempting that, your grasp tightens creating an exquisite squeeze that accelerates $w.ybrother’s breathing, blood circulation and pulsing as evident by the twitching of his steel beast.
<<video bro/brohj3.mp4>>
He seems rather reserved with his movement at first but after a few minutes of being the center of your attention, his pelvis starts bucking on its own accord, fucking into your palm like it’s the sweetest hole he have ever had.
<<if $bro.lust >= 30 and not hasVisited("Brobjintro1") and not $gameends>>\
Seizing this moment, you go ahead and ask to <<link "suck him." "Brobjintro1">><<set $bro.rocketpill -= 1>><<hour add 1>><</link>>
<<if _saff == 4>>\
<<di bro "Shit... It feels even better than I remember...">>
Upon hearing his approval and appreciation, you take the initiative and run your hand through his upper body.
<<video bro/brohj5.mp4>>
<<di bro "Ahh... W-what are you doing?">>
Feeling the groves where his muscle, you are feeling like a god who is admiring the glorious and flourishing mountains of the world he creates. His uniformed abs sit neatly like the most erotic loaves of bread, his mouth-watering, ginormous pecs which leave both men and women green with envy due to its size and masculinity. Being able to be in contact with such magnificent physique, the fire inside you gets even more ferocious and your fist around your cock needs to work extra hard to keep up with the rage within.
<<di you "You know... it feel way better if someone caress you during these kinds of activities.">>
From the shivers that run through his body and the speed his erection enters and exits your palm, he cannot deny that it has an effect on him.
<<video bro/brohj4.mp4>>
<<di bro "Yea... it does feel good... shit...">>
When he starts to get into a comfortable rhythm, you begin to speak what’s on your mind.
<<di you "Fuck yea... Anyone would be jealous of me, not being able to get their hand on such an unbelievable body... They’d kill to be able to worship you...">>
Suddenly, he lets out a weak scream as...
<<elseif _saff == 3>>\
<<di bro "Shit... fuck... thanks for this, bro.">>
You smile at his appreciation while hands still pumping automatically like it’s just a part of his sex bot.
<<di you "Anything for you man... you’re all stressed out... and deserve to be able to chill.">>
His body really does come alive during these moments as it moves mesmerizingly with each thrust, exhalation. The veins running through his body popping and pulsating furthermore emphasize on his virility and strength. Including the various blood vessels running through his manhood creating the delicious heat and textures, his jewel is truly a sight to behold. With that knowledge, you put in extra effort to help him achieve bliss and afterward, relaxation.
His unbidden cock plunges into the enclosure of your palm with an impressive speed.
<<video bro/brohj4.mp4>>
<<di bro "Damn... I’m close...">>
Without his words, you can feel the incessant length assaulting your palm with abandon, clearly ready to burst at any moment. Just like you imagine, within a few strokes, he begins shouting.
<<elseif _saff == 2>>\
<<di bro "Damn... if only a girl would do this to me.">>
Your feelings kind of hurt from his words so you interject.
<<di you "Not sure a girl knows how to handle our tools better than us dude...">>
Combined with that you put more strength in your grasp like a payback. However, from the gasp and his erratic movements, the action only eggs him on even more and potentially pushes him to the edge of bliss.
<<video bro/brohj4.mp4>>
He begins thrusting in the enclosure of your palm in jerky motions, like he can’t fully control his own pelvis, helpless in his own desire to chase the ultimate pleasure. Knowing he’s close to orgasm, you pay some more attention to your neglected dick and match your pace with his.
Soon enough, when you think that you cannot hold it back any longer, his low grunt can be heard next to you.
<<di bro "All that sitting around,... doing nothing... really make your hand softer... huh?">>
While saying that, he give you an intense look and simultaneously fuck your palm like it’s just a convenient hole to help him dump a load. With his look of superiority and your hand working on his member, it feels like he’s a king in his throne, untouchable while you are just a peasant having a turn to service him.
<<video bro/brohj4.mp4>>
In fact, his body can be considered blessed by the god. Gone was the chubby man and now all remains is a hunky, muscular man worthy of having his own Greek statue.
<<di bro "Why are you... looking at my chest? Focus... on your work.">>
You flush from being caught ogling his physique.
<<di you "Sorry... It’s just your body... it fascinates me.">>
<<di bro "Hah... like I said before... bitches love my muscles.">>
He then moves up both of his arm exposing the sweaty and hairy pits, bringing waves of heady aroma to your nostrils. Combined with his now flexing biceps, his bucking pelvis and engorged shaft, it is a full sensory overload to your poor, mushed-up brain.
Thankfully, his composure is getting to an unstable point signaling his impending orgasm. Within seconds, he begins to growl throatily and wildly.
The cum erupts from his very core. The sheer strength of the cumshot is so overwhelming, you can get an UV light to find traces of his semen all over the room from just this one orgasm.
<<video bro/brohjcum2.mp4>>
Along with the ejaculation comes the erotic smell, so overpowering. It lights your whole body on fire and within a few strokes, you finish with a cry, cum blasting, adding even more potency to the testosterone-filled room.
<<video bro/cum1.mp4>>
<<if _saff >= 3>>\
<<di bro "Thanks again. Your technique is great, beats my own jacking for sure.">>
<<di you "Hey, bros gotta help each other out, ya know?">>
Coming down from the pleasure takes a few more minutes before you both get up for cleanup.
He then hops off the bed and pats toward the bathroom without a care for you.
<<link "Back">>
<<if $bro.rocketpill <= 5 and not hasVisited("Brofuckintro1")>>\
<<set $bro.lust = $bro.prerocketlust>>\
<<set $bro.rocketpill = 10>>\
<<set _percent to random(1,10)>>\
<<if $gameends>>
<<goto "Broscenemenu">>
<<elseif $bully.state == 1>>
<<goto "Bullycaught">>
<<elseif $dnb.start and ($you.location === "Living room" or $you.location === "Kitchen" or $you.location === "Bathroom" or $you.location === "Brother's bedroom") and ($dad.location === "Living room" or $dad.location === "Kitchen" or $dad.location === "Bathroom" or $dad.location === "Dad's bedroom")>>\
<<goto "Dnbdadjealous">>
<<elseif ($you.location === "Living room" or $you.location === "Kitchen") and ($dad.location === "Living room" or $dad.location === "Kitchen" or $dad.location === "Dad's bedroom") and _percent <= 5>>\
<<goto "Dadcaught">>\
<<elseif $bro.location === $you.location>>\
<<goto "Brother">>\
<<goto $you.location>>\
<</link>>\<<hour add 2>><<set $you.horniness = 0>>\
<<if $bro.lust < 40>><<lust bro add 1>><</if>>\
<<scenechoices bro 4 1>>\
<<if $scenepicked>>\
<<if $watersport and ($bro.aff >= 41 or $bro.aff <= 10)>><<sus bro add 2>><<else>><<sus bro add 1>><</if>>\
<<if $watersport and (_saff == 4 or _saff == 1)>>Suddenly an unimaginable idea pops into your mind.
<<di you "Okay, I need to you to hear... something out.">>
You touch his chest seductively, he seems puzzled but still curious.
<<di bro "Right here? Right now?">>
Catching his attention, you decide to take a courageous dive into the deep end.
<<di you "How about you... pee in my mouth?">>
His eyes bug out cartoonishly but the reddening of his ears clearly showcasing his interest.
<<if _saff == 4>>\
<<di bro "Erm... umm... wh-what? You want me to pee on you?">>
<<elseif _saff == 1>>\
<<di bro "Say that again? Are you really that desperate that you want me to drink my fucking piss?">>
Asking for such a thing as a golden shower, you really don't have any other way around admitting it.
<<di you "Yes... badly.">>
Hearing your confirmation, he sheepishly pulls down his sweatpants to reveal his rapidly hardened dick. His neck is now in the shade of tomatoes showing how into the idea he is.
<<if _saff == 4>>\
<<di bro "As you can see, it is impossible to do that right now. Help me out, will ya?">>
<<elseif _saff == 1>>\
<<di bro "All right, if you want my fucking piss then prove your worth, pig.">>
Nodding briskly, you kneel on the bathroom floor and waste no time to hold his hardness to my oral cavity. Just like the rest of his body, his erection is firm and strong. However, unlike his outward attitude, the movement of his lower body is now aggressive and predatory. His giant beast is invading you fully and marking its territory all over your soft mouth. And what a beast it is, the fur on its base is wild but soft, its natural aroma is intense and untamed.
<<video bro/brobathroombj1.mp4>>
Trying your best to not be overtaken, you work extra hard with your mouth putting him in a tight suction. Your tongue is taking its liberty to trace the protruding veins, the spongy head and lap at the copious precum from the slit.
<<if _saff == 4>>\
<<di bro "Ssshit... I'M COMING!!!">>
<<elseif _saff == 1>>\
A savage growl suddenly breaks through the heavy breathings as his staff hits it home at the back of your throat.
Ropes and ropes of cum spurts swiftly down your esophagus, cutting off any sort of airflow to your lungs. Right when you think you are about to pass out, he withdraws but you still have some slivers of consciousness left to let your mouth suckle the sensitive and slowly softening head.
<<video bro/brobathroombjcum1.mp4>>
Euphoria passes through his face like waves and the afterglow being heightened by the relentless grip of your tongue. His jaw is slack, eyes down casted drilling a hole on your face or rather your lips in a state of almost hypnotization.
Soon enough the hot fluid begins to appear. It starts off weak but soon gains momentum and quickly fills up. The taste of his piss mingling with a remaining bit of cum creates a virile concoction - so delicious that you savor in your oral cavity.
Once again to avoid being suffocated, you have to reattach yourself from the still spraying cock to take a huge swallow. That leads to the golden stream to splash all over your lips, chin, neck and down your chest and a sharp hiss from $w.ybro towering you.
<<video bro/brobathroompiss1.mp4>>
With the powerful figure standing over you and giving you bathing you in his essence, you make a quick work of masturbating when the last drop of piss trickle down from his slit, you reattach yourself to him to suck it out and then an overpowering urge takes over as torrents of semen get shot out from your pent up dick.
<<image you/handfree1.webp>>
<<if _saff == 4>>\
This seems to put $w.ybro out of his trance as he face turns beet red and ask tentatively:
<<di bro "Holy... Did you... erm enjoy that?">>
<<di you "If by 'that' you mean your delicious cum and piss? Absolutely, I love it like everything else about you, man.">>
He ducks his head slightly - now completely embarrassed - as he whispers in a mosquito-like volume:
<<di bro "I like having you drinking it too...">>
You smile brightly at him, feeling hopeful about the future with him.
<<elseif _saff == 1>>\
A loud smack echoes through the room as $w.ybro appears to be more comfortable displaying his domination around you.
<<di bro "Did I allow you to drink my fucking piss, scum?">>
Still stunned from both the climax and the sting on your cheeks, you can't form a word but shake your head "no".
<<di bro "Do that next time and I will smack the shit out of you again.">>
Well at least there is a next time and to be honest, you can't wait for that.
Ignoring your answer, he enters the room and pulls down his sweatpants to reveal his rapidly hardened dick. His ears are reddened.
<<if _saff >= 3>>\
<<di bro "As you can see, it is impossible to do that right now. Help me out, will ya?">>
He asks a bit sheepishly, hoping he could get away with it. Well, it absolutely won't work with anyone else, well maybe except you.
<<di bro "Damn curse, I can't piss like this so go ahead and help me go soft.">>
He commands you freely like his orders are absolute and you're the subject to follow his every whim.
Nodding briskly, you kneel on the bathroom floor and waste no time to hold his hardness to my oral cavity. Just like the rest of his body, his erection is firm and strong. However, unlike his outward attitude, the movement of his lower body is now aggressive and predatory. His giant beast is invading you fully and marking its territory all over your soft mouth. And what a beast it is, the fur on its base is wild but soft, its natural aroma is intense and untamed.
<<video bro/brobathroombj1.mp4>>
Trying your best to not be overtaken, you work extra hard with your mouth putting him in a tight suction. Your tongue is taking its liberty to trace the protruding veins, the spongy head and lap at the copious precum from the slit.
<<if _saff >= 3>>\
<<di bro "Ssshit... I'M COMING!!!">>
A savage growl suddenly breaks through the heavy breathings as his staff hits it home at the back of your throat.
Ropes and ropes of cum spurts swiftly down your esophagus, cutting off any sort of airflow to your lungs. Right when you think you are about to pass out, he withdraws but you still have some slivers of consciousness left to let your mouth suckle the sensitive and slowly softening head.
<<video bro/brobathroombjcum1.mp4>>
Euphoria passes through his face like waves and the afterglow being heightened by the relentless grip of your tongue. His jaw is slack, eyes down casted drilling a hole on your face or rather your lips in a state of almost hypnotization.
You also soon take the freefall with him, spreading the young seed all over the white tiles without even touching yourself.
<<image you/handfree1.webp>>
<<link "Back">>
<<set _percent to random(1,10)>>\
<<if $gameends>>\
<<goto "Broscenemenu">>\
<<elseif $bully.state == 1>>
<<goto "Bullycaught">>
<<elseif $dnb.start and ($you.location === "Living room" or $you.location === "Kitchen" or $you.location === "Bathroom" or $you.location === "Brother's bedroom") and ($dad.location === "Living room" or $dad.location === "Kitchen" or $dad.location === "Bathroom" or $dad.location === "Dad's bedroom")>>\
<<goto "Dnbdadjealous">>
<<goto "Living room">>\
<</link>>\<<scenechoices bro 4 1>>\
<<if $scenepicked>>\
<<if $bro.rocketpill <= 5>>\
@@.add;Successfully suggesting a new activity, the bonus lust will persist.@@
<<di bro "Huh? C-come again...?">>
<<di you "Do you want me to suck your cock?... I just want to help my bro out. No big deal.">>
He doesn’t answer you for a while and seems internally conflicted. To persuade him to plunge into the void, you squeeze the fiery steel rod and add.
<<di you "You don’t have to do anything else. I just want you to relax for once.">>
That finally puts him at ease or lights a fire over his cock since he replies:
<<if _saff == 4>>\
<<di bro "Please... That’s all I want right now.">>
The look he gives you can only be described as scorching hot like every answer to the universe lays within your face and particularly your mouth.
<<elseif _saff == 3>>\
<<di bro "Umm... if you don’t mind then go ahead.">>
He gives a slight shrug to show his nonchalance but you can still feel the undercurrent of want through the slight tremors of his voice.
<<elseif _saff == 2>>\
<<di bro "If so, I ain’t give a shit then... As long as I get to get off.">>
He tries to act like what you offer is not significant at all. However, his body now is brimming with energy to get release and to fuck. Therefore, he obviously wants it and you will give it to him.
<<di bro "Shit... can’t resist my thick cock anymore now, can ya? Took you long enough now fucking suck it.">>
He grabs the club and slaps it into his palm. The sound is so mesmerizing and you become a helpless snake being charmed by the red oversized flute.
Grabbing his hard-on, your head begins to descend and first off gives him a small, kittenish lick to the pink tip. He hisses, his groin bucks upward trying to get more but you have other things in mind.
Going further down his length you lap at the soft and salty skin, the protruding veins and then finally the two hanging symbols of fertility. Here the smell is so concentrated you can taste the muskiness and the testosterone in the air. The pheromone factory inside him must be working overtime to emanate such an addictive scent that takes hold of your mind and controls you to lick his orbs - like you could consume his pure maleness and have him inside you.
<<video bro/brobj1.mp4>>
After a few minutes of lathering his scrotum full of your saliva you can hear him say from above.
<<if _saff == 4>>\
<<di bro "Ohhh... shit... C-can you suck me? I-I don’t think I can hold off any longer.">>
<<di you "Sorry, I got too carried away because your cock and everything is just too damn lickable.">>
He squirms a bit, clearly unsure how to take your praises during sex or just sex in general.
<<di bro "Really...? I think I don’t think much of it...">>
<<di you "Yea it is absolutely beautiful... for a lack of a better word... and damn, your body... Can I please touch it too?">>
He is now glowing with something like pride, believing in your high description about him.
<<di bro "Yea, you can.">>
<<elseif _saff == 3>>\
<<di bro "Ssshit... this is embarrassing... but I can’t hold off much longer...">>
While his tip hasn’t even been inside your oral cavity yet, you can understand his struggle due to his complete inexperience. You squeeze his cock and give it a short tug.
<<di you "You want me to put it in my mouth?">>
He nods rapidly and pleadingly like his life depends on it.
<<di you "I will do it... if I can touch your body.">>
<<di bro "Yes... yes... please do it.">>
<<elseif _saff == 2>>\
<<di bro "If you want to suck... it... do it now...">>
He definitely wants to appear collected but his stuttered words and short breath completely betray any notion of that.
<<di you "Well, I will do it if... I can touch your body...">>
He glares at you unfriendly but with a quick squeeze of your hand, he can only agree whimperishly.
<<di bro "Alright, alright, do it.">>
<<di bro "Ssshit... why are you drooling all over my dick... bitch... Put your mouth on my cock already...">>
<<di you "Sorry... can’t help it... I just want to have a full taste of you.">>
He gives you a smirk, clearly knowing he has an upper hand in this situation.
<<di bro "You really are hungry for my cock huh? Tell me, are you?">>
Any doubt in your mind about his awareness of your intention flies out of the window when you hear those words.
<<di you "I... am... and also for your body too.">>
He gets bolder and grabs his cock and slap it on your cheek.
<<di bro "Hungry for what? Say it clearer.">>
<<di you "I’m hungry for your gorgeous cock and your ripped body.">>
<<di bro "Good fucking job, slut. I’ll allow you to service me.">>
With his approval, your mission to give him the blowjob of his life begins. Starting with the tip, your lips close around them and give it a good suckle like it’s your favorite piece of candy. He seems to really like it because when your tongue makes its way into his piss slit and finds a lot of precum oozing out.
Deciding to not tease him any more, you relax your throat and use your god-gifted deep throat skill to slide his impressive length down almost to your windpipe. Ironically, $w.ybrother is the one who gets the wind knocked out of him from the sheer euphoria he’s experiencing. With this technique, an excessive amount of breathing is needed. Therefore, you get not only lungful of oxygen but also testosterone-laced aroma from his untamed bush.
<<video bro/brobj2.mp4>>
After that first welcoming demonstration, your head starts its rhythm bobbing down on his thick, twitching shaft. With him arching and moving, your hands snake from his hips towards his rising and falling chest. Each part that your palms pass through, you can feel each strain of muscle ripples displaying his core strength and incredible physique.
<<if _saff == 4>>\
<<di bro "Ffffuck... please... keep your hands on me... it feels amazing...">>
Your fingers brush over his nipple as a shuddering runs through his body.
<<di you "As if I could take my hands off your chiseled body... Your body and your dick... They are made to be worshiped... You have no idea how hot you are...">>
<<elseif _saff == 3>>\
<<di bro "Damn... Your hands feel ticklish... but strangely good at the same time...">>
<<di you "Someone likes to have their body played with.">>
He then huffs but doesn’t seem to protest much.
<<di bro "Or maybe... I just like the attention...">>
<<di you "Oh yeaaa... You want someone to worship your body, huh?... Someone to appreciate your hard work and your hot body?">>
<<elseif _saff == 2>>\
<<di bro "Ssshit... Why do your hands feel... good?">>
He seems to be conflicted as to why he’s enjoying this so much and you give him an easy way out.
<<di you "It always feels good to have somebody to touch you... Especially when someone worships your body like this...">>
<<di bro "Ffffuck yea... Can’t keep your hands off this rock hard body?">>
He then flexes and turns his whole body from just firmness to total granite like a hand-crafted marble statue of Greek gods.
<<di bro "You’re enjoying this too much... Maybe... I shouldn’t let your hand roam free.">>
His grasps close threateningly around your wrists, chaining them from making any action and you whine.
<<di you "Please... please... please... let me worship your body.">>
<<di bro "Look at you... fucking begging like a whore... you going around doing that to everyone?">>
While saying that he releases your hands and you are able to marvel at the majestic manscape once more.
<<di you "No one... Only you can have my devotion...">>
Then you proceed to give his hard-on a lick from the base to the tip and without any warning he suddenly shouts and ropes of hot cum splash on your mug. The amount is so immense, it coats all over the surface of your face and yours isn’t even a particularly petite one.
<<video bro/brobjcum1.mp4>>
After his gasps and moans die down, he becomes a real red sun in your living room supposedly because of mortification from the premature ejaculation.
<<if _saff == 4>>\
<<di bro "Sorry... It felt so good... I couldn’t warn you beforehand...">>
<<di you "Don’t worry... You deserve to feel good, man and... I really like it.">>
You grin at him and say huskily as you wipe the copious white liquid and put it in your mouth and continue beating yourself off like there’s no tomorrow. All throughout, $w.ybrother gives you a half-lidded look so intense like he can go again in just a moment.
<<elseif _saff == 3>>\
<<di bro "Ahhh fuck... This is so damn embarrassing...">>
You pat his belly reassuringly.
<<di you "Don’t worry bro, as long as you feel good... It doesn’t matter.">>
With that being said and the cum still running down your face, you continue beating yourself off like there’s no tomorrow while $w.ybrother has to lay down to recover from probably the best orgasm of his life.
<<elseif _saff == 2>>\
<<di bro "Holy fffuck... I don’t usually come this quick... Not that it matters... to you or anything.">>
You smile at him good-naturedly.
<<di you "Sure man. It’s nothing.">>
<<di bro "Whatever, dude... I’m outta here.">>
He then leaves to clean up and you to your own devices. With the cum still running down your face, you continue beating yourself off like there’s no tomorrow.
<<di bro "Holy... fuck...">>
After the last burst of cum has landed, you let your tongue out and lick at the corner of your mouth where a thick and creamy droplet is dripping down. He takes note of this action and gives you a sneer.
<<di bro "You like to have your face painted... by my cum, yea?... You little whore?">>
That last part he adds after a brief consideration as if to check if it is the right thing to say. The insult doesn’t offend you at all but of course turns you on to no end as you answer.
<<di you "Yes... I love to have your delicious cum on my face.">>
<<di bro "Then leave it on your face and don’t let my precious seed go to waste...">>
You nod eagerly, obliging to his order as his jizz runs down to your chin, neck and seeps into your skin as he walks off to the bathroom. You continue beating yourself off like there’s no tomorrow.
In just a few strokes, the load blasts off from your shaft and you groan throatily from the climax.
<<image you/handfree1.webp>>
You lick your lips contently as the taste of him still lingers there and your mind is fogged up from the all-consuming stench of semen floating in the atmosphere.
<<link "Back">>
<<set $bro.rocketpill = 10>>
<<set _percent to random(1,10)>>\
<<if $gameends>>
<<goto "Broscenemenu">>
<<elseif $bully.state == 1>>
<<goto "Bullycaught">>
<<elseif ($you.location === "Living room" or $you.location === "Kitchen") and ($dad.location === "Living room" or $dad.location === "Kitchen" or $dad.location === "Dad's bedroom") and _percent <= 5>>\
<<goto "Dadcaught">>\
<<elseif $bro.location === $you.location>>\
<<goto "Brother">>\
<<goto $you.location>>\
<</link>>\<<hour add 13>>\
<<set $donetutorial = true>><<set $you.hunger = 0>><<set $you.sleep = 0>><<set $you.horniness = 0>>\
This is a quick intro set-up for anyone who want to get back to the game quicker at the cost of some affection modifications happening in the intro. If this is your first time playing, I (the author) highly recommend you do the intro for the story and some hints before diving into the game.
Your name: <<textbox "$you.Namedis" "James">>
$w.Yfather: <<textbox "$dad.Namedis" "Dennis">>
$w.Ybrother: <<textbox "$bro.Namedis" "Mark">>
[[Your quests begins!|Living room]]<<scenechoices bro 4 1>>\
<<if $scenepicked>>\
<<if $bro.rocketpill <= 5>>\
@@.add;Successfully suggesting a new activity, the bonus lust will persist.@@
<<if _saff == 4>>\
Despite feeling on cloud nine, your words still break through the euphoric haze and wake his blissed out mind up.
<<di bro "You want me to fuck you?">>
<<di you "Yea... yea, I do...">>
Your voice is scratchy from the recent exertion.
<<di bro "How is it even possible? I don’t think it can fit...">>
He looks at you, a battle between lust and care rages within him. You squeeze his dick as it jerks angrily from the lack of stimulus.
<<di you "True, you’re so damn hung but no worries, I got some practice using my hand.">>
<<di bro "It’s just I don’t want to... hurt you.">>
He blushes profusely and isn’t able to maintain eye contact with you.
<<di you "Like I said, I want it... Also prostate massage feels really good, especially with your big and beautiful cock.">>
He gulps as you stroke his member enticingly.
<<di bro "Let me know what to do then.">>
<<elseif _saff == 3>>\
<<di bro "What?! Say again?">>
His eyes, once half-lidded, now bugged out like a cartoon character as if what you suggested was just hallucination.
<<di you "Your cock... inside me... Now!">>
<<di bro "But why?... It can’t possibly feel good...">>
<<di you "Nah, prostate stimulation feels incredible, especially with a thick cock like yours.">>
He then spends a few seconds to weigh the options but you can see the horniness winning since his erection has yet to go down.
<<di bro "Alright, let’s see it then.">>
<<elseif _saff == 2>>\
<<di bro "The fuck... did you just say?">>
<<di you "Err... I want you to fuck me?">>
You say a bit hesitant with how he reacts and then add another excuse so he doesn’t get too suspicious.
<<di you "It’s supposed to feel really good when your prostate - which is inside my ass - get massaged so I want to try it.">>
A long beat passes before his horniness wins over as he agrees.
<<di bro "Whatever... like a hole is a hole anyway...">>
<<di bro "Haha... finally, I’ve waited long enough. That’s what you are always after this whole time, isn’t it, cunt?">>
Your words break him out of the bliss as he sneers at you unkindly and at this point, you can’t even object.
<<di you "... Yes... I want your huge cock badly...">>
<<di bro "Next time just fucking ask instead of going around and annoying the shit outta me like a damn bitch.">>
You nod willingly head down because he’s truly the top dog of this relationship.
<<di bro "Come on then, don’t waste my time.">>
Having anticipated this moment for a long time and to avoid him having second thoughts, you already prepared beforehand. You straddle the two tree trunks of his thighs, your back to him, line up the rigid rod to your entrance and sink down as the enormousness breaches your lubed up tight hole.
<<video bro/brofuck1.mp4>>
<<if _saff >= 2>>\
You take it slowly, one millimeter at a time because your fingers, compared to his hardon, are dainty little things. His hiss, edging between pain and pleasure, reverberates from your canal wrapping around him so tightly.
You want to take it slow, however it seems he has another idea as he insistently thrusts up to chase his own pleasure. This forces out shorts gasps from you as the feeling like being split in two by his ginormous tool intensifies.
<<di bro "Stop whining like a kicked dog... Do you want cock or not?">>
Withdrawing his cock, he only swipe the bulbous tip on your wrinkled opening back and forth to drive you crazy from lust.
<<di you "Please... I’ll stop whining...">>
<<di bro "Good job and keep at it, bitch and remember you’re just toy for me to get off.">>
His cock abruptly pierces your asshole and hits home and you almost shout from the shooting pain that shockwaves through your body.
<<if _saff == 4>>\
<<di bro "Holy... fuck... how does it feel even better than your mouth?... Does it feel good to you?">>
You can’t do anything else other than nodding deliriously since most of your brain is now occupied with the overwhelming pleasure.
<<di bro "Damn... you’re so tight...">>
You both now have a good rhythm going as he pistons in and out of your body at an impressive speed. His prowess and athleticism are now in full display as his arms manipulate your body to his own preference. This creates a better leverage for his member to slide in and out more rapidly and the perfect position for his cockhead to aim precisely for your g-spot.
<<video bro/brofuck2.mp4>>
The chest and abs behind you moves and ripples with every thrust - powerful and mighty. As natural with any vigorous activity, you both break out in sweat gluing each other even closer and making the glide more delicious. The smell of sweat, pheromone, precum and the movement behind your back are so consuming that you want to stay here and bounce on his hardon forever.
With the short breaths and the quick, sharp attacks of his dick on your core, you can feel he’s getting close to bust his nut.
<<if _saff == 4>>\
Suddenly, he pauses to rearrange you to face him.
<<di bro "I want to see your face...">>
He says - face getting hotter. Still impaled on him, you take this moment to use your hands to worship his sculpted physique.
<<di you "I want to see your handsome face too and smoking hot body.">>
His hips lunge up instinctively and he seems equal parts shocked and pleased.
<<di you "Someone like to have their horn tooted. Show me your strength then, big guy.">>
You whisper affectionately to his ears and promptly after, his pelvis proceeds to relentlessly slap your thighs and fuck your brain out. Your head lolls helplessly on the slab of his shoulder, your fingers grip into his rippling back, holding on for your dear life and basking in one of your top three favorite scents in the world - his man musk.
<<di bro "I can’t... hold back much longer...">>
<<di you "Breed me... Make me yours...">>
<<elseif _saff == 3>>\
<<di bro "Don’t think... I can last much longer...">>
He grits out, his thrusts are wild and a bit uncontrollable like he got swept away from the tide of pleasure rising between you two.
<<di you "Same man... Shit... your cock will be the death of me.">>
You moan out weakly, head lolls back on the slab of his shoulder as you wrap a tight grip around your overstimulated shaft.
<<di bro "Am I... that good?">>
He asks you with a touch of hesitance and knowing he trusts you, comes your reply.
<<di you "Fuck yea... you’re the fucking best... and your cock... damn amazing...">>
With each of your complimentary words uttered, the movements of his pelvis become more and more wild and erratic.
<<di bro "Shit... shit... I’m coming">>
<<elseif _saff == 2>>\
<<di bro "Can’t believe... I’m almost coming from fucking your ass...">>
He announces with a note of incredulity like he wants to hate it but unable to. To keep his thought narrow and “straight”, you begin contracting your rim and banish all of the remaining reservation of him enjoying your hole.
<<di bro "You’re doing it… ssshhit... on purpose...">>
You let out a mangled chuckle since you’re still moaning deliriously on his pillar.
<<di bro "If so... then I will give you... what you... fucking want...">>
<<di bro "How does it feel... to be dominated by a real man...?">>
Though your brain is mushed from his mercilessly pistoning prick that you can almost taste it at the back of your throat. Still, you manage to croak out breathlessly.
<<di you "Good... ssshit... so good... nothing better than... your huge cock... completely owning my hole.">>
With that being said, you can feel the dizzying pace of his shaft quickens to an even more insane degree and pounding on your prostate probably with the intention of grinding it to fine euphoric dust.
<<di bro "Fffuck... and you are what...? My cockslut...? My beta bitch...?">>
<<di you "I’m whatever you want me too... your bitch... slut... whore... ‘long as I get to worship... your incredible body and manhood.">>
Abruptly, he screams and delivers a final push to your canal.
Heated liquid bastes your inner and paints your intestines. The hose that delivers the baby batter inside you pulsates rapidly as its owner jerks and gasps wildly, in an almost seizure-like way. His face is distorted from the climax, looking halfway between pained and blissed out.
<<video bro/brofuckcum1.mp4>>
Seeing that handsome face, that buff, defined body coming alive and feeling the potent seed of $w.ybrother simmering in your ass are more than enough to trigger your own orgasm. Thick and creamy white semen erupts out from the slit of your angry red hardon signaling your free fall to the land of bliss. Your hole spasms around the still hard and ever ginormous piece of flesh lodged inside, milking every last drop of its juice until it’s dry.
After a 5 solid minutes of resting and coming down, his cock finally softens enough to unplug from your anus and bubbly cum begins to spill languidly down your soft balls and drips to his crotch.
<<if _saff == 4>>\
<<di bro "Shhhitt... Umm... This is embarrassing but that was... my-first-time.">>
The last three words were said in quick succession that you can only barely recognize the words before he covers his face from shame.
<<di you "Well, then you did amazing for the first timer. Completely screwed my brain out.">>
You pat on his heaving chest like a drum in an assuring rhythm and your compliment is definitely as unfounded as evident with your cum matting your pube.
<<di bro "Truly?">>
His face shows, lines mar his forehead full of vulnerabilities. With him showing you his weak side, he deserves much more of your appreciation and showers of praises.
<<di you "I would never lie to you... Anyone who has even has a single eye knows how lucky they must be to have sex with you... Having your handsome face... smoking hot body... gorgeous dick... and incredible display of strength.">>
Your hands and words emphasize on each of his remarkable features like they are liquid gold, so that you can forever gild into his mind and form a glowing statue of self-esteem. He grins at you sunnily, a glimmer of pride shining through.
<<di bro "Thanks, I’m glad I got to have my first time with you...">>
Your heart skips a beat from hearing his sincere confession.
<<di you "Me too...">>
You leave it at that since you don’t to test your luck just yet and bask in the afterglow of the love-making session.
<<elseif _saff == 3>>\
<<di bro "Ahh... shit... I don’t know how to say it but that was... my first time.">>
He covers his face from pure embarrassment as if he just admits he still pees his pants when he was in highschool.
<<di you "Really? I wouldn’t have known since my prostate got a perfectly wonderful massage.">>
<<di bro "Huh...? Right... I just want to be honest with you, man. No secrets between us bros, you got me?">>
Must be because of the mortification that he didn’t realize that you got your release. Regardless, you still appreciate his candidness.
<<di you "Of course, man. of course.">>
<<di bro "Okay, gotta go clean up now. I reek of sweat and sex.">>
He quickly jumps up and dash for the bedroom and leaves you there sticky with both of his jizz and yours.
<<elseif _saff == 2>>\
<<di bro "Was it... good?">>
He asks you reluctantly, wanting to know what you think of his skills while not giving away that this is his first time.
<<di you "I came my brain out, didn’t it?">>
Misinterpreting your statement as snark, he huff irritatedly.
<<di bro "That doesn’t mean jackshit. We both got the curse and horny all the time.">>
<<di you "You were incredible. Fucked me so good... especially with your big dick, there’s nothing to worry about.">>
You enunciate slowly to truly show the appreciation of giving you one of the most mind-blowing orgasms of your life. With that compliment, he appears quite chuffed and then throws the order before going to the bathroom.
<<di bro "Alright, clean this mess up, I’m taking a shower.">>
You spend the next few minutes laying there,dwelling into the afterglow before removing any evidence of a rough fucking just happened in the room.
His next course of actions actually manage to surprise you as he brings his seed on his fingers to your face.
<<di bro "Open up, bitch.">>
Following to request, your mouth opens wide as you slather all over his cum coated fingers like it's your favorite treat.
<<di bro "Can’t let some good alpha semen go to waste like this. What do you say, now slut?">>
After you have licked his finger clean, you reply knowing exactly what he wants to hear.
<<di you "Thank you for filling me with your potent alpha seed and giving me a taste of what a true manpower is like.">>
He appears to be both surprised and pleased by your admission, it seems to exceed his expectation.
<<di bro "Fuck yea, keeping being a good beta bitch and I may give you a chance to taste it again. First, clean all this mess up.">>
He gestures all over the room before leaving for the bathroom. You immediately obey his command and get to work on cleaning.
<<link "Back">>
<<set $bro.rocketpill = 10>>
<<set _percent to random(1,10)>>\
<<if $gameends>>
<<goto "Broscenemenu">>
<<elseif $bully.state == 1>>
<<goto "Bullycaught">>
<<elseif ($you.location === "Living room" or $you.location === "Kitchen") and ($dad.location === "Living room" or $dad.location === "Kitchen" or $dad.location === "Dad's bedroom") and _percent <= 5>>\
<<goto "Dadcaught">>\
<<elseif $bro.location === $you.location>>\
<<goto "Brother">>\
<<goto $you.location>>\
<</link>>\<<minute add 30>>\
<<if $bro.lust < 10>><<lust bro add 1>><</if>>\
<<scenechoices bro 4 1>>\
<<if $scenepicked>>\
You give the door a few knocks before it reveals $w.ybrother in his casual tank top and basketball shorts. He says:
<<if _saff >= 3>>\
<<di bro "Oh, $you.Namedis? Come in.">>
<<di bro "What do you want?">>
<<di you "Just want to have a talk.">>
He gives you an unfathomable look before retreating back inside.
<<di bro "Fine, get in.">>
He jumps on the bed, from the sound of it, to look at another one of those workout videos on his phone.
<<if _saff >= 3>>\
<<di bro "What’s up, dude?">>
<<di bro "Now, spill it out.">>
<<di you "Well, I’ve been working out for some gainz but still very much a beginner. So I’m thinking who else is better to get some training tips aside from you - our residential bodybuilder?">>
<<if _saff == 4>>\
His cheeks redden from your compliment, hand moving to scratch his nape sheepishly.
<<di bro "Nah, I’m just an enthusiast, not really a bodybuilder.">>
You step forward to touch his bicep, the muscle underneath his skin ripples upon the contact.
<<di you "You’re kidding, right? Look at those muscles, every man would kill for these guns.">>
He grins at you, happy to find someone who is appreciative of the physique he has worked hard for, and flexes making the pair of boulders even more ginormous.
<<di bro "Thank you. At least, there is someone who appreciates it... Now, enough talking and let’s get to work.">>
<<elseif _saff == 3>>\
He then laughs delightedly:
<<di bro "I know you, dude. You’re just giving me sweet nothing just so I can help you.">>
You huff indignantly.
<<di you "It’s true, I’m not bullshitting you.">>
<<di bro "Alright, alright. No need for that, let’s start working out.">>
<<elseif _saff >= 2>>\
He squints at you disgruntledly:
<<di bro "“Residential bodybuilder”? Are you yanking my chains?">>
You then try to diffuse his defensiveness.
<<di you "Swear I’m 100% honest.">>
Seemingly annoyed at you, he is hesitant to help but the need to share the fitness knowledge wins over.
<<di bro "Yea whatever. What are you working on?">>
<<di bro "Why the sudden interest in working out? I’ve never pegged you as <i>the type</i>.">>
From the way he spits the word out, you pretty sure know the type he’s talking about. Facing with this confrontation, you don’t really have good rebuttal:
<<di you "Umm... errr... because I like a muscly body like yours.">>
He hmphs calmly, but not quite gets the collected part down just yet.
<<di bro "I also read in some forums that... bitches love my type of body... is that right?">>
This particularly vulgar side of him makes you take a pause, unsure where this particular part of him comes from you can only supply a shaky reply:
<<di you "Y-yes...?">>
He smirks at you a bit unkindly and drops his phone.
<<di bro "Okay, let’s get into positions.">>
Despite your first intention is to tease him, you still put in real effort to focus on the exercises. $w.ybrother is truly a bit of a fitness freak since he also joins in with you lifting weights while he absolutely has no need to.
Within a few minutes, your shirt is soaked all over from the physical exertion, but still not enough to mask the wild and animalistic scent released from $w.ybrother. The pleasure from post workout also heightens your senses, therefore the aroma is almost like a shot of heroin - dizzyingly intoxicating.
Can’t help yourself, you stand up and begin to run your hands through his body.
<<if _saff == 4>>\
He remains still, but his muscles have a mind of their own and moves at the lightest of your touch. A slight tremor can be felt all underneath like he’s trying his best to hold something back.
<<di you "Goddamn, your body is amazing and you have this glow to you after a workout?">>
He then steps back shyly, facing somewhere else and concealing his front to you.
<<di bro "Really? No one has told me that before. Anyway, Imma need to clean up, I stink.">>
<<di you "No need, bro. I think you smell incredible right now.">>
Now he is completely beet red that you are afraid that he might get a nosebleed. He tries to cover his fluster with a laugh.
<<di bro "No way, man. Even I can smell my own stench.">>
<<di you "And? ... I like your stench.">>
Finally seeing your earnestness, he accepts your verbal adoration with a now more confident smile. His throat rough.
<<di bro "... Thanks... my dude.">>
Finishing off the workout, you conclude that your plan of building up his self-esteem is a success!
<<elseif _saff == 3>>\
He remains still and probably is thinking that you’re just simply inspecting his muscles.
<<di bro "If you continue your training diligently, you will reach my level soon.">>
His muscles flex on their own volition at your touch like they are independent living beings who are reaching out for you.
<<di you "Thanks for your confidence in me but your body is… simply put… insane - in the best possible way.">>
He flushes from your compliments.
<<di bro "I told ya, I’m just average.">>
<<di you "Trust me you’re definitely not average.">>
You direct a pointed look to his clothed crotch which shows a tiny bit of movement. He then retreats quickly from your wandering hands and laughs it off.
<<di bro "Okay we’re done for today.">>
You see him going to the bathroom and his hands look suspiciously like they are adjusting his package.
The man really did get turned on just from some harmless groping.
<<elseif _saff == 2>>\
He smacks your hands away, looking a bit annoyed.
<<di bro "What are you doing?">>
<<di you "Hey, I’m just mirin’ your body because honestly, I gotta say you are one fine specimen.">>
<<di bro "Fine, but don’t be weird about it.">>
He likes the ego boost but doesn’t look particularly happy coming from you. Still he resigns and allows your hands to roam free again.
And damn, what a nice, firm cushion to rest your hands on. With such definition, you expect to find nothing but hardness but it is actually weirdly soft with a healthy bounce.
<<di bro "Alright, that’s enough. I will go clean up.">>
He announces and leaves abruptly like escaping an embarrassing situation leaving you in his room, hands still hovering as if they could still feel the phantom warmth of the virile strength underneath.
There is no comment coming from him except for a pair of stormy eyes peering at you with undetermined emotion.
You grapple on his defined chest which raises and falls methodically like a well oiled machine. Next, you move on to the even now bigger biceps, marveling at its sheer size and the serpentine veins twitching underneath.
His arms suddenly rise and in turn release the trapped odor from his pits filling the room with even more potent testosterone. His voice is gravelly:
<<di bro "So... do you think bitches will like how I smell?">>
<<di you "Umm... I... absolutely...">>
You say weakly, completely under the spell of his funk. He then continues his low rumble.
<<di bro "Good to know... now piss off I need to clean up.">>
His order probably needs some more practice to truly exude the big dick energy but at least there is a note of steel present in his tone. Nevertheless, you nod willingly and follow his order like a good puppy. Through his awkward gait, it is apparent that he is quite stiff down there. A beginning of a smile appears on your lips, as you wipe down the bench.
<<link "Back">>
<<if $gameends>>
<<goto "Broscenemenu">>
<<elseif $bro.location === $you.location>>\
<<goto "Brother">>\
<<goto $you.location>>\
<</link>>\Unexpectedly, you feel lightheaded and collapse. The rest is a blur, a shitty blur to be exact since within the void of your mind you still feel waves of nausea attacking.
After awhile you wake up to a blinding and sterile white, you realize where you are - a hospital. Sitting next to you on a uncomfortable-looking chair is $w.yfather who looks bone-tired, while $w.ybrother is standing by the window staring out the horizon.
You then croak out weakly.
<<di you "Wa-water...">>
$w.Ydad perks up at your words and says.
<<di dad "Here, drink slowly.">>
With just some small sip of water, you feel lots better already and so appears $w.ydad and $w.ybrother. You can only stay up for a few minutes before tiredness takes over and begin dozing off again.
<<if $you.hunger > 24>>\
<<di dad "I don't know why but he's acting so weird these days and starving himself to death? I thought his puberty was over already.">>
<<di dad "I don't know why but he's acting so weird these days and exhausting himself to death by not sleeping? I thought his puberty was over already.">>
$w.Yfather's voice pierce through the fog of sleepiness and after a brief pause, $w.ybrother answer with a note of apprehensiveness.
<<di bro "He seems really weird, dad. Maybe... we should keep an eyes on him.">>
You continue to pretend to sleep through their conversation regarding you and you can feel the doubt starting to bleed from their minds.
<<sus dad add 5>>\
<<sus bro add 5>>\
<<link "Go home" "Living room">><<set $you.sleep = 0>><<set $you.hunger = 0>><<set $you.horniness = 0>><</link>><<widget "broschedule1">><<silently>>
<<if $hour >= 23>>
<<set $bro.location = "Fast food restaurant">>
<<elseif $hour >= 21>>
<<set $bro.location = "Brother's bedroom">>
<<elseif $hour >= 19>>
<<set $bro.location = "Kitchen">>
<<elseif $hour == 18 and $minute < 30>>
<<set $bro.location = "Bathroom">>
<<elseif $hour >= 18>>
<<set $bro.location = "Living room">>
<<elseif $hour == 17>>
<<set $bro.location = "Gym">>
<<elseif $hour >= 14>>
<<set $bro.location = "Brother's bedroom">>
<<elseif $hour >= 12>>
<<set $bro.location = "Kitchen">>
<<elseif $hour >= 8>>
<<set $bro.location = "Brother's bedroom">>
<<elseif $hour == 7>>
<<set $bro.location = "Kitchen">>
<<set $bro.location = "Fast food restaurant">>
<<widget "broschedule2">><<silently>>
<<if $hour >= 21>>
<<set $bro.location = "Brother's bedroom">>
<<elseif $hour >= 19>>
<<set $bro.location = "Kitchen">>
<<elseif $hour == 18 and $minute < 30>>
<<set $bro.location = "Bathroom">>
<<elseif $hour >= 18>>
<<set $bro.location = "Living room">>
<<elseif $hour == 17>>
<<set $bro.location = "Gym">>
<<elseif $hour >= 14>>
<<set $bro.location = "Brother's bedroom">>
<<elseif $hour >= 12>>
<<set $bro.location = "Kitchen">>
<<elseif $hour >= 8>>
<<set $bro.location = "Brother's bedroom">>
<<elseif $hour == 7>>
<<set $bro.location = "Kitchen">>
<<set $bro.location = "Fast food restaurant">>
<<widget "broschedule3">><<silently>>
<<if $hour >= 23>>
<<set $bro.location = "Fast food restaurant">>
<<elseif $hour >= 21>>
<<set $bro.location = "Brother's bedroom">>
<<elseif $hour >= 19>>
<<set $bro.location = "Kitchen">>
<<elseif $hour == 17 and $minute < 30>>
<<set $bro.location = "Bathroom">>
<<elseif $hour >= 17>>
<<set $bro.location = "Living room">>
<<elseif $hour >= 15>>
<<set $bro.location = "Gym">>
<<elseif $hour >= 14>>
<<set $bro.location = "Brother's bedroom">>
<<elseif $hour >= 12>>
<<set $bro.location = "Kitchen">>
<<elseif $hour >= 8>>
<<set $bro.location = "Brother's bedroom">>
<<elseif $hour == 7>>
<<set $bro.location = "Kitchen">>
<<elseif $hour == 6>>
<<set $bro.location = "Outside">>
<<set $bro.location = "Brother's bedroom">>
<<widget "broschedule4">><<silently>>
<<if $hour >= 21>>
<<set $bro.location = "Brother's bedroom">>
<<elseif $hour >= 19>>
<<set $bro.location = "Kitchen">>
<<elseif $hour == 17 and $minute >= 30>>
<<set $bro.location = "Bathroom">>
<<elseif $hour >= 17>>
<<set $bro.location = "Living room">>
<<elseif $hour >= 8>>
<<set $bro.location = "Fast food restaurant">>
<<elseif $hour >= 7 and $minute >= 30>>
<<set $bro.location = "Kitchen">>
<<elseif $hour >= 7>>
<<set $bro.location = "Bathroom">>
<<elseif $hour == 6>>
<<set $bro.location = "Gym">>
<<set $bro.location = "Brother's bedroom">>
<<widget "broschedule5">><<silently>>
<<if $hour >= 21>>
<<set $bro.location = "Brother's bedroom">>
<<elseif $hour >= 19>>
<<set $bro.location = "Kitchen">>
<<elseif $hour == 17 and $minute >= 30>>
<<set $bro.location = "Bathroom">>
<<elseif $hour >= 17>>
<<set $bro.location = "Living room">>
<<elseif $hour == 16>>
<<set $bro.location = "Gym">>
<<elseif $hour >= 14>>
<<set $bro.location = "Brother's bedroom">>
<<elseif $hour >= 12>>
<<set $bro.location = "Kitchen">>
<<elseif $hour >= 8>>
<<set $bro.location = "Living room">>
<<elseif $hour >= 7 and $minute >= 30>>
<<set $bro.location = "Kitchen">>
<<elseif $hour >= 7>>
<<set $bro.location = "Bathroom">>
<<elseif $hour == 6>>
<<set $bro.location = "Gym">>
<<set $bro.location = "Brother's bedroom">>
<<widget "broschedule9">><<silently>>
<<set $bro.location = "Brother's bedroom">><</silently>>
<<widget "dadschedule1">><<silently>>
<<if $hour >= 21>>
<<set $dad.location = "Dad's bedroom">>
<<elseif $hour >= 19>>
<<set $dad.location = "Kitchen">>
<<elseif $hour >= 17>>
<<set $dad.location = "Living room">>
<<elseif $hour >= 9>>
<<set $dad.location = "Dad's office">>
<<elseif $hour == 8 and $minute >= 30>>
<<set $dad.location = "Kitchen">>
<<elseif $hour == 8>>
<<set $dad.location = "Bathroom">>
<<set $dad.location = "Dad's bedroom">>
<<widget "dadschedule2">><<silently>>
<<if $hour >= 21>>
<<set $dad.location = "Dad's bedroom">>
<<elseif $hour >= 19>>
<<set $dad.location = "Kitchen">>
<<elseif $hour >= 17>>
<<set $dad.location = "Living room">>
<<elseif $hour >= 15>>
<<set $dad.location = "Gym">>
<<elseif $hour >= 13>>
<<set $dad.location = "Dad's bedroom">>
<<elseif $hour == 12>>
<<set $dad.location = "Kitchen">>
<<elseif $hour >= 9>>
<<set $dad.location = "Living room">>
<<elseif $hour == 8 and $minute >= 30>>
<<set $dad.location = "Kitchen">>
<<elseif $hour == 8>>
<<set $dad.location = "Bathroom">>
<<set $dad.location = "Dad's bedroom">>
<</widget>><<if not $gameends>><<set $bro.rocketpill -= 2>><</if>><<hour add 2>><<set $you.horniness = 0>>\
<<if $bro.lust < 40>><<lust bro add 1>><</if>>\
<<scenechoices bro 4 2>>\
<<if $scenepicked>>\
<<if $bro.rocketpill <= 5>><<set $bro.rockettime ++>>\
@@.add;The rocket pill's effect expires.@@
<<sus bro addflat 30>>\
<<sus bro add 1>>\
<<di you "Hey man, you feeling horny? Want me to blow you?">>
<<if _saff == 4>>\
<<di bro "You don’t mind doing it?">>
He asks abashedly, but you can already see his anaconda <<if _srp>>,from the effect of the pill, is already erected <<else>>begins to grow<</if>> in his pants.
<<elseif _saff == 3>>\
<<di bro "For sure I am, you’re cool with it?">>
<<elseif _saff == 2>>\
<<di bro "What kind of question is that? Of course I am. You really going around asking people stuff like that?">>
<<di bro "Obviously, dumbfuck. If you are willing to whore your mouth out like that, I’m game.">>
<<if _saff >= 3>>\
<<di you "I love it. Anyone would feel the same to be able to suck your dick, man.">>
<<di you "I promise you’re the only one.">>
Your constant ego boosts to him have taken effect since he’s now way less reserved in accepting your compliments and instead puffs his chest out proudly. He then proceeds to grab his <<if _srp>>rock hard dick<<else>>bulge<</if>> through the shorts.
<<if _saff == 4>>\
<<di bro "If you love it so much then I’ll gladly allow you to service it.">>
He says huskily, voice rumbly but sure.
<<elseif _saff == 3>>\
<<di bro "If you love it so much then go on and suck it then.">>
<<elseif _saff == 2>>\
<<di bro "Yea? Then you’d better make it worth my while.">>
<<di bro "That so, slut? Then you’d better treat my cock like it’s the only fucking this in this world...">>
The insult now flows out of his mouth more naturally and his smile is now all cocky because he knows your desire for him.
Unable to resist it, you begin by mouthing his <<if $bro.rocketpill <= 5>>stiff and proud<<else>>growing<</if>> member through his shorts. The soft cotton couldn’t mask the burgeoning hardness that threatens to burst through the thin layer at any moment. The front of his shorts is now soaked through and from the shifting of his hands, your tongue bath expectedly comes to an end.
<<video bro/brobj3.mp4>>
<<if _saff == 4>>\
<<di bro "Can’t take it... anymore... I want your mouth...">>
His hand finds its way to your cheek caressing slowly and you’re the most precious thing he knows and before you pull his pants down and swallow his cock whole you say.
<<di you "Want your cock... so bad...">>
<<elseif _saff == 3>>\
<<di bro "Holy... shit... Please suck it, man.">>
His left hand moves on your head to signal his impatience. The other pulls down his pants and reveals one of the most incredible looking objects you’ve seen - dripping with precum and pulsing with passions. Not wanting to delay it any further, your head descends to swallow his tool.
<<elseif _saff == 2>>\
<<di bro "Ssssh... quit playing around and suck it already.">>
His left hand pats your scalp to signal his impatience. You pull his pants down to reveal one of the most incredible looking objects you’ve seen - dripping with precum and pulsing with passions. Not wanting to delay it any further, your head descends to swallow his tool.
His fingers card your hair and drag your drugged out face away from his crotch.
<<di bro "Fuck... you’re really crazy for my dick, huh?">>
Of course, it’s the only thing on your mind right now so you can’t do anything but nod helplessly.
He pulls his pants down to reveal one of the most incredible looking objects you’ve seen - dripping with precum and pulsing with passions and purrs darkly.
<<di bro "Then I’ll graciously allow you to service my cock.">>
Then he plunges his erection into your welcoming mouth roughly.
Immediately, you can hear his low grunts with every beat of your blowjob. With more experience with him, you come to realize that he’s very vocal and loud in bed. His girth stretches your lip tight and is not an easy “pill” to swallow. Luckily, your lack of gag reflex comes to save the day as his shaft can easily dig into your mouth without causing it more discomfort.
<<video bro/brobj4.mp4>>
Despite knowing for sure he already took a bath, his scent is still highly potent and tangible, emitted from deep in the crevices of his groin. The aroma brings you to a tropical forest full of mysteries and wild dangers. Your right hand traverses from his tower, through the treasure trail, to the valley of his remarkable abdomen, to the high mountain of his pectorals and arrives to nurture the peaks of his nipples.
Your head bobs up and down, tongue slathering all over his shafts, tracing the single prominent vein and lapping all of his everflowing precum. $w.Ybrother thoroughly enjoys it as his pelvis automatically and rhythmically bucks into your throats and his heavy balls smack your chin. The sound is wet as your saliva splashes out from the corner of your mouth during the relentless slobbering.
As your mouth is getting attacked faster and quicker by his beast, <<if $bro.lust >= 40 and not hasVisited("Brofuckintro1") and not $gameends>>you ask him to <<link "fuck you." "Brofuckintro1">><<set $bro.rocketpill -= 1>><<hour add 1>><</link>><<else>>your other hand speeds up its efforts on your own rock hard dick.<</if>>
You can feel he’s getting close as tremors begin to run through the lands underneath your right palm.
<<if _saff == 4>>\
<<di bro "Holy... ssshit... Your mouth is sweetest... fucking thing... Don’t think I can’t last longer...">>
Despite his half-lidded eyes, his intense stare bores a hole into your face, smothering you with attention and something hot like lust or maybe affection. Both of his palms cupping your face tenderly in contrast with the pistoning cock in your mouth.
<<elseif _saff == 3>>\
<<di bro "Fuckkk... bro... Why are you so good at this...?! Bout to bust, man...">>
<<elseif _saff == 2>>\
<<di bro "God... fucking... damnit... Your mouth aren’t supposed to be... this fucking good...">>
Nearing his climax, the speed of his thrusts appears to increase tenfold as he drills down your throat like a jackhammer.
<<di bro "You want... my fucking... cum, whore?">>
He growls through gritted teeth, fighting the impending orgasm that will soon overtake his body and you, with your vocal cords being abused by his erection, you can’t do anything else aside from nodding slightly and putting more effort into swallowing to milk him.
<<di bro "Here it... fucking comes...">>
<<di bro "ARGHHHHH!!!">>
His volcano erupts and shoots down what can only be a river worth of cum down your windpipe. Your head is being held down by his powerful arms so you can only lay there helplessly taking it and trying to inhale enough oxygen to get your brain function through the cloud of sweat, musk, hormone and cum.
<<video bro/brobjcum2.mp4>>
When you think you are about to drown, his grasp relents and you are finally able to come up for air with a sharp gasp.
<<if _saff == 4>>\
Coming down from his high and with his fingers still caressing your cheeks gently, he apologizes to you sheepishly.
<<di bro "Haaa... Sorry, I got too carried away...">>
To accept the apology, you give his now shrinking hard-on a kiss and get a full body jerk out of him.
<<di you "Nah, I love having this big guy here in my mouth.">>
<<di bro "He will surely eager for another repeat.">>
All of the focus of his half-lidded eyes now resumes on your face and it adds fuel to the still raging fire in your crotch.
<<di you "Can I touch you?">>
<<di bro "Of course... you can anytime...">>
You then sit next to his sweaty body and resume jacking off while your left hand begins its exploration. Despite being sufficiently familiar with his body parts, you still marvel at their masculinity. Your breaths get shorter - nearing the end of the pleasure trip - once your palm reaches his biceps. He then puts his arms sideways, flexes them and burgeons the two giant boulders as your fingers trace every fiber of his muscles and veins. The trapped odor from his armpits explodes to the air and makes you drunk.
<<di bro "You want this body, yea? If so... cum for me.">>
Like a horndog following order, your member spasms and pulsates to deliver ropes and ropes of cum coating your hand and abs.
<<image you/handfree1.webp>>
<<elseif _saff == 3>>\
Coming down from his high, he laughs sheepishly and apologizes to you.
<<di bro "Sorry, man... Instinct took over I guess.">>
You clear your throat roughly.
<<di you "It’s fine. I don’t mind it... At all.">>
He looks at your still hard dick and says a bit awkwardly.
<<di bro "You’re cool taking care of yourself?">>
<<di you "Don’t sweat man.">>
<<di bro "Cool, then I’m gonna bail and clean up.">>
He gets up and leaves you there masturbating to his lingering scent and taste of his semen on your tongue. Soon enough, your member spasms and pulsates to deliver ropes and ropes of cum coating your hand and abs.
<<image you/handfree1.webp>>
<<elseif _saff == 2>>\
Coming down from his high, he asks you a bit incredulously .
<<di bro "Shit... You’re still fine after I choke you out like that?">>
You clear your throat roughly and wink at him.
<<di you "It’s a rare skill.">>
He gives you an unamused look and then gets up.
<<di bro "Alright, Imma bail and clean up. Finish it quick.">>
With him gone, you sit there masturbating to his lingering scent and taste of his semen on your tongue. Soon enough, your member spasms and pulsates to deliver ropes and ropes of cum coating your hand and abs.
<<image you/handfree1.webp>>
He slaps his drenched and still chubbed dick to your face.
<<di bro "So what do you say after I give you the chance to worship my dick, bitch?">>
<<di you "Thank you so much for allowing me to worship your cock.">>
He smirks at you contemplatively before saying.
<<di bro "Since you made me all sweaty and gross, now your duty is to clean my body with your tongue, scum.">>
That’s not exactly a punishment in your book so you nod quickly to his request and start from the closest place your mouth can reach right now - the crevices between his crotch and groin. Then continue upwards passing his treasure trail, belly button, abs, pecs and collarbones while your hand is pumping your still hard cock to oblivion.
<<video bro/brobj5.mp4>>
To finish with a bang, the final place you grab his arms and position them over his head to expose the hairy pits which are matted with sweat. The smell is slightly pungent due to how strong it is but still mostly erotic to you. You dig in and lick through every strand of hair to absorb all of his salty liquid and replace it with your saliva. Suddenly he closes arm to trap your head under the giant boulder of his bicep, but it can’t prevent you from giving him a tongue bath.
The sensory overload from the taste, the smell, the pressure and the friction on your cock is too much and finally you jump off over to the edge as your member spasms and pulsates to deliver ropes and ropes of cum coating your hand and abs.
<<image you/handfree1.webp>>
<<di bro "Tsk, tsk, tsk... You’re not doing such a good job of being a cumrag.">>
He then lightly slaps your face and leaves you there breathless to clean up for real this time.
Finally back to Earth, you manage to do a shoddy job of cleaning up before leaving.
<<link "Back">>
<<if $bro.rocketpill <= 5 and not hasVisited("Brofuckintro1")>>\
<<set $bro.lust = $bro.prerocketlust>>\
<<set $bro.rocketpill = 10>>\
<<set _percent to random(1,10)>>\
<<if $gameends>>
<<goto "Broscenemenu">>
<<elseif $bully.state == 1>>
<<goto "Bullycaught">>
<<elseif $dnb.start and ($you.location === "Living room" or $you.location === "Kitchen" or $you.location === "Bathroom" or $you.location === "Brother's bedroom") and ($dad.location === "Living room" or $dad.location === "Kitchen" or $dad.location === "Bathroom" or $dad.location === "Dad's bedroom")>>\
<<goto "Dnbdadjealous">>
<<elseif ($you.location === "Living room" or $you.location === "Kitchen") and ($you.location === "Living room" or $dad.location === "Kitchen" or $dad.location === "Dad's bedroom") and _percent <= 5>>\
<<goto "Dadcaught">>\
<<elseif $bro.location === $you.location>>\
<<goto "Brother">>\
<<goto $you.location>>\
<</link>>\<<minute add 30>>\
<<if $bro.lust < 10>><<lust bro add 1>><</if>>\
<<scenechoices bro 4 1>>\
<<if $scenepicked>>\
As you walk into the living room, $w.ybrother is watching a silly dating show, as mentioned repeatedly by him - “one of my guilty pleasures”. You plop down next to him to catch up with him.
<<di you "How’s the show going?">>
<<if _saff >= 3>>\
Despite his admission, he is still very much embarrassed about enjoying this particular show. Therefore, he answers abashedly.
<<di bro "Well the girl, Mary, really wants to be with this guy, Michael, who is honestly handsome, I gotta say. However, she’s like super into him despite his seemingly indifferent feeling toward her.">>
Not liking the way you interrupt his focus on the show, he answers curtly.
<<di bro "Well, this chick - Mary - is super into the guy - Michael - for no good reason. She’s being pathetic, for real.">>
<<di you "Well, to be fair, I don’t see it either. He’s not as handsome as you are, dude.">>
<<if _saff == 4>>\
He blushes, frankly a bit adorably - well as adorable as a 180lbs hunk can be.
<<di bro "Thanks... if so I would have someone to worship me like Mary here.">>
He sighs deeply, clearly dejected.
<<di you "Shit... I don’t want to be sentimental but you absolutely do deserve someone who worships you, man.">>
<<di bro "Huh? Wh-what?">>
<<di you "You’re hard-working, determined and never complains about how hard your situation is and not even mention your smoking-hot body.">>
He is now a full-on red light beacon and you can feel him squirming a bit from embarrassment or he’s trying to adjust something.
<<di bro "Thanks... If only I knew how to talk to girls though.">>
<<di you "Hmm... how about we practice?... I’ll be the girl and you can try flirting with me.">>
<<di bro "Um... how does that even help?">>
<<di you "Um, hello. I had some girlfriends, remember? At least that counts for something.">>
<<di bro "Okay...">>
He says tinily that you almost cannot hear it.
<<di you "What?">>
<<di bro "I said “okay”.">>
<<di you "Great... let’s begin, shall we?">>
<<elseif _saff == 3>>\
His first reaction is to laugh your compliment away.
<<di bro "Haha. You’re blowing smoke up my ass again.">>
Despite those words, there are still more colors starting to cover his cheeks.
<<di you "Straight up, no jokes. You’re one of the most attractive men I’ve known. Honestly more than me and I’m a borderline narcissist.">>
He scratches his neck sheepishly and is still very much unable to take a compliment gracefully.
<<di bro "Cool, thanks man. If what you say is true then I’m still very much hopeless in the pick-up line department. I swear my brain completely shuts down whenever a girl is in the proximity. They must all think I’m a fucking weirdo.">>
He jokes self-deprecatingly and honestly you’re inclined to agree. The man really needs some seriously dating coaching which gives you an idea.
<<di you "How about a roleplay? I’ll be a girl and you can flirt with me.">>
<<di bro "How does that even work?">>
<<di you "Well, you are more comfortable with me and you can display your flirting skill and I can give you some tips. I had girlfriends, ya know?">>
He pauses for a few seconds before nodding and agreeing to your suggestion.
<<elseif _saff == 2>>\
<<di bro "You can quit fucking around with me.">>
He glances away and appears to ignore further words from you.
<<di you "Hey! I’m nothing but being truthful. You’re a total catch, dude and anyone who got you will be the happiest person in the world.">>
Not looking at you but from what you can see, his neck and ear are heated up - an evidence that your words truly have an influence on him.
<<di bro "Fine, but no girls deign to give a chance anyway. Dating is so fucking hard for no reason and why you got some girls but I don’t.">>
Now he truly say with some heat and real envy which honestly saddens you a bit because with just some help, he can score anyone he wants. That gives you an idea.
<<di you "Oh! How about we practice? I’ll be the girl and you can flirt with me.">>
He grumbles for a bit but weighting that it is in his dating life’s best interest, he grudgingly accepts.
<<di bro "Fine. Let’s do it then.">>
<<di bro "If you aren’t a lying fuck, then I’m both better looking than both you AND him, but still no bitches.">>
He says with his newfound cruelty, but you take no offense since his ego needs a lot of time for healing.
<<di you "Yea well, it’s true. You are one of the hottest guys I’ve seen and not anyone is worthy enough to be able to worship you.">>
You say - almost preachy-like, but instead of some unknown god from above, you are talking about the Adonis who is sitting on the couch in your living room. His face reddens, probably from the pleasurable rush of your compliment electrifying his self-esteem.
<<di bro "Alright, then why did you have girlfriends but I don’t? It doesn’t make any fucking sense for someone like you to have actions while I don’t.">>
He spits the word <i>“like you”</i> out like he thinks you truly don’t deserve it, full of bitter jealousy. You don’t really have any “action” anyway, that he doesn’t need to know.
<<di you "How about I teach you how to flirt? I’ll roleplay as a girl and I’ll give you some tips for your dating game.">>
He grumbles for a bit but weighting that it is in his dating life’s best interest, he grudgingly accepts.
<<di bro "Okay. I’ve no other choices, anyway.">>
<<di you "How it’s going, big guy?">>
You then close the gap and touch his firm pecs and under your palm, you can feel the acceleration of his heart.
<<if _saff == 4>>\
<<di bro "Ah... umm... w-would you lik-ke... a-a drink?">>
In spite of his stammer, you still find it quite endearing but not sure how the girls in the bar who prowl for confident men feel about it, that is if he ever went to a bar in the first place. You let out a small laugh. Well at least this shows that he’s fully immersed in the fantasy. You break character but hand still in the same position patting him.
<<di you "Chill out, bro. Don’t let it get to your head too much... how about you picture them, in this case - me, as your customers? Also some girls like guys who know what’s up, try to be more assertive and confident this time.">>
Hearing your advice, he nods determinedly and your clap signaling the scene is resumed.
<<di you "Hey th-...!">>
He circles his arm around your hips and starts pulling you to his rock hard body and whispers intimately.
<<di bro "Would you like a drink, babe?">>
His raspy voice sends tendrils of hotness to your ears. Combined with his virile aroma, his grips and the closeness, all of your senses are overwhelmed by this burst of his self-assurance.
<<di you "Just a tall glass of you... hunk.">>
You say sultrily, eyes fluttering, palm roaming and completely not in a character whatsoever. It takes a few seconds of smoldering look before something ticks in his brain and he drops you off like a hot potato.
<<di bro "Ah... shit! I forgot to do something... Sorry...">>
<<elseif _saff == 3>>\
He laughs amiably but still follows your lead.
<<di bro "So ridiculous... but okay... Ah... Are you interested in a drink?">>
You giggle softly, completely immersed yourself in the character.
<<di you "“Are you interested?” Are you trying to do a sales pitch on me? Well personally, I’m more interested in pitching something else.">>
You trail your hand down below before $w.ybrother stops its advance. He gulps and coughs roughly before telling you:
<<di bro "Damn... I forgot to do something... Sorry.">>
<<elseif _saff == 2>>\
<<di bro "Not sure about this dude...">>
You pat him indignantly.
<<di you "Do you want to get with some girls or not?">>
He sighs deeply before giving you what you consider as verbal constipation.
<<di bro "Um... ah... You want... a drink...?">>
You giggle flirtily, totally in character.
<<di you "Hm, sure. But I’m also thirsty for something else.">>
You trail your hand down below before $w.ybrother stops its advance. He gulps roughly before telling you:
<<di bro "Shit... I forgot to do something...">>
He puts your hand around your waist and pull you close to him before trying his best doing a growl.
<<di bro "Come on, girl... I-I can give you a night to forge-... um... remember.">>
You can positively say that his approach is a total disaster though this clumsy attempt actually turns you on like a bad porno.
<<di you "I don’t know... I’m not super experienced. Would you be gentle with me?">>
<<di bro "Can’t promise that, I like a good... rough... f-fuck.">>
Seeing you play into his card, he is getting more adventurous with his words. You can feel yourself getting chuffed. You close the gap between the two, inhale his spicy scent and whisper to his ears sultrily.
<<di you "Then break me down... with your thick... hard dick.">>
Something like a rumble escapes from his chest and he drops you before clearing his throat.
<<di bro "I think that’s enough. I’m pretty good, huh?">>
You don’t think his technique will go over well with a girl at all but it sure does have an effect on you.
<<di you "Yea... totally.">>
He then gets up and crabs away from you. Try as he might, the noticeable tent is very hard to conceal.
<<link "Back">>
<<if $gameends>>
<<goto "Broscenemenu">>
<<elseif $bro.location === $you.location>>\
<<goto "Brother">>\
<<goto $you.location>>\
<</link>>\<<minute add 30>>\
<<if $bro.lust < 10>><<lust bro add 1>><</if>>\
<<scenechoices bro 4 1>>\
<<if $scenepicked>>\
<<di you "Hey, something’s smelling good.">>
<<if _saff >= 3>>\
<<di bro "Hey, I’m just cooking up some sausages.">>
<<di bro "Sausages, your favorites.">>
He snickers not entirely kindly.
<<di you "Really? Can I have one?">>
<<if _saff == 4>>\
<<di bro "Sure, go ahead.">>
He is about to take a fork from the overhead cabin before you ask.
<<di you "Can you feed me one?">>
<<di bro "Huh? Say again?">>
<<di you "Can you feed me? Cuz I don’t know... I’m just feeling lazy... Please?">>
It takes him at least 10 seconds and probably at least 10 more if not for my warning:
<<di you "Erm... I can see some smoke.">>
<<di bro "Oh shit!">>
He quickly turns back to save the almost burnt sausages and without any further convincing, he stabs a perfectly fried one and bring them in front of you.
<<elseif _saff == 3>>\
<<di bro "Of course, here.">>
Before you can say anything, he already gives you the plate with several deliciously glistening ones. Damn, working in the fast food joint really helps him in the culinary department.
<<elseif _saff == 2>>\
<<di bro "Huh? It’s not even meal time yet.">>
He says impatiently, clearly does not appreciate you interrupting his cooking.
<<di you "Bro, I’m still young and need to have all the food I can get.">>
<<di bro "Fine, here.">>
He throws the plate with some deliciously glistening sausage on the kitchen counter in front of you before going back to manning the pan.
<<di bro "Nah, fuck off.">>
<<di you "Please I’m really hungry for one...">>
He peers at you inquisitively and answers impatiently.
<<di bro "Fine, if you want to salivate over some sausages like some dumb sluts then here.">>
He throws the plated sausages in front of you carelessly in an act of newfound bravado.
Getting what you want, you start putting your acting and other skills to the test. Instead of eating normally, you let the piece of wrapped meat deep in your oral cavity until it touches your uvula. You let it sit for a second before biting down and moaning intentionally.
<<di you "Mhmm... amazing.">>
<<if _saff == 4>>\
His hand shakes and drops the fork along with the remaining of the sausage to the ground.
<<di bro "Ah... umm... sorry...">>
He says flusteredly, obviously heavily affected by your action just now. For no apparent reason, he remains under the counter for a suspiciously long time.
<<di you "Hey... they are burning again.">>
<<di bro "Shit!">>
$w.Ybrother stands up quickly to move the whole pan out of the stove, trying to save the contents inside. While doing that, he accidentally gets his fingers slightly burned. Seeing that you move in to help him by moving the finger in front of your lips blowing on it. $w.ybrother is holding his breath but doesn’t make any move to stop you. Therefore you decide to go in for the kill.
You put the reddened part of his fingers directly into your mouth and suckle on it. Firstly, to help him to ease the pain but mainly for your seduction plan. His mouth is agape like a fish on the dry lands, seemingly unable to take in any breath. From his complexion, his head is one poke away from blowing off with all the filled blood vessels in his cheeks.
<<di you "Damn, how come you’re so clumsy all of the sudden?">>
You ask innocently, knowing damn well why since the heat from his crotch is enough for warmth in a nuclear winter. This close, the oil from his body cannot be masked by the acrid smell from the lightly toasted pan.
<<di bro "It’s... it’s nothing...">>
He stammers shakily before going back to finish the batch of sausage for the meal.
<<elseif _saff == 3>>\
He coughs like he’s the one who’s choking on something and not you.
<<di bro "Dude, I know it’s good... but not that good.">>
<<di you "Don’t know, bro. It’s like you put cracks in it. Tastes so good.">>
You take another bite and moan again because it is indeed really tasty. Looking at your beet red $w.brother from the other side of the counter, you speak your mind.
<<di you "Really. It is really good, even if it’s just some sausages. I’ll let you in on a secret: I like your cooking better than dad’s.">>
<<di bro "Thank you...!">>
He says sheepishly, not used to being complimented.
You take this moment to grab another one and again demonstrate your not-having-gag-reflex skill. Outwardly, you pay no mind but in the peripheral vision, you can see him adjusting his package as discreetly as he possibly can.
<<elseif _saff == 2>>\
<<di bro "You’re still an noisy eater as ever.">>
He wants to appear annoyed but the red hue casting over his cheeks is proof that he’s not so unaffected. To annoy and arouse him furthermore, you take another one, shoving it deeper this time to show him what you’re capable of.
Now it’s clear as day that he’s hard down there because upon seeing your action, he suddenly turns back to the stove as if it is the most fascinating thing on Earth. One hand handling the pan the other doing god knows what in his groin area.
<<di bro "You like sausages that much, huh?">>
He looks at you intensely, a flush over his cheeks - clearly what you are doing is effective.
<<di you "Who doesn’t love some good, juicy, thick sausage?">>
You give him a wink which can be interpreted both as a joking or flirting gesture.
<<di bro "Hmm, sluts do love sausages a lot. Especially a thick one like mine.">>
He grabs his crotch and shows his member to you brazenly. From the bulge, it looks indeed large.
<<di you "I’ll take your words for that, big guy.">>
After finishing that sentence you snap into the remainder of the sausage and let all the meat juice run down from the corner of your mouth. Your pink tongue snakes out from its dwelling to lick away all the flowing liquid and move seductively, drawing all the attention to the pliable flesh.
$w.Ybrother suddenly walks dangerously close to you that his spicy scent floods your nostrils and completely overtakes the smell of food in the air, swallowing you whole with his aura.
<<di bro "You’re still a sloppy eater as ever. Training your mouth better next time or you won’t deserve my cooking.">>
With his growling warning, he takes away the plate as an act of banning you from having his sausages. Additionally, his emphasis on the word <i>cooking</i> makes you feel like he will have you as a 5-course meal to sate his ravenous hunger.
Then he returns back to the stove, despite the inherent warmness of the kitchen, you can still feel the lingering heat where $w.ybrother has been, especially down near your hips.
After having a taste of his incredible sausages, you leave him to his own devices and are now eagerly waiting for more to come in the future.
<<link "Back">>
<<if $gameends>>
<<goto "Broscenemenu">>
<<elseif $bro.location === $you.location>>\
<<goto "Brother">>\
<<goto $you.location>>\
<</link>>\<<minute add 30>>\
<<if $bro.lust < 10>><<lust bro add 1>><</if>>\
<<scenechoices bro 4 1>>\
<<if $scenepicked>>\
You pull off your shirt and throw it out before barging into the bathroom where $w.ybrother is showering.
<<if _saff >= 3>>\
<<di bro "Ermm... dude. I’m using the bathroom right now.">>
<<di bro "Wha-? Are you deaf and blind? I’m USING the bathroom!">>
<<di you "Sorry, but I’m out of nice pants to go out so I need to look through the laundry to salvage one.">>
You then rummage through the filled basket and find a pair that definitely belongs to $w.ybrother. Having found what you are looking for, you scrunch them up and smush to your face, inhaling like they are the only source of oxygen while you’re drifting in outer space.
They must have been well-worn because the smell is strong and spicy, almost to the point of burning off your nose hair. Breathing in, your dick can’t help but swell under the tight confinement of your favorite shorts you’re wearing which compliment your bubble butts.
<<if _saff == 4>>\
<<di bro "Umm... they’re mine and don’t smell. I wore those for a few days and they rank. If you can’t find yours, after this I can lend you my old pair after I’ve done with the shower.">>
He called out tentatively through the beat of the shower on his back. The fog inside creates the camouflage to hide his glistening body.
<<di you "Oh, they’re yours? Sorry, I didn’t realize... it doesn’t smell bad, I actually quite like it.">>
<<di bro "Wh-wha?">>
You can hear his voice stammer to the same beat with the droplet splashing on the floor.
<<elseif _saff == 3>>\
<<di bro "Hey... those are mine. Why are you sniffing it? It’s not clean">>
<<di you "Thought those were mine so decide to take a whiff to see if it’s clean or not.">>
Your bro laughs.
<<di bro "Haha, yea. The good ol’ 'nose and enrobe', my go-to too. Sorry, but those have been worn for a few days and don’t smell so pleasant.">>
You reply to him loudly and act as if you are looking for your pants:
<<di you "Smell great to me. You always smell amazing to me.">>
<<di bro "Haha, nice joke, dude.">>
<<elseif _saff == 2>>\
<<di bro "Hey... what are you doing? Those are my jeans.">>
He says from the closed shower, sounding a bit annoyed.
<<di you "Oh? Thought those were mine. Sorry!">>
<<di bro "You didn’t know it from the smell? Those reek since I worn them at least 5 days in a row.">>
He questions incredulously.
<<di you "Well, it still smells amazing to me.">>
Hearing your confession, he lets out a choked cough, voice scratchy.
<<di bro "Whatever, weirdo.">>
<<di bro "Enjoying yourself?">>
<<di you "Hmm... what?">>
Hearing $w.ybrother’s gravelly tone. You pull yourself off from the daze.
<<di bro "Those jeans are mine. They are full of sweat, piss and god knows what and you’re still sniffing it like a dog?">>
<<di you "Um... I thought those were mine...">>
You protest weakly, a rush of heat invades your cheeks.
<<di bro "Well drop it since I’d rather have some bitches smelling it, not you...">>
<<di you "Nevermind, found one.">>
You say out loud to distract him and grab a nice pair of jeans you planted in the basket beforehands. To double down on your effort, you start shimmy your short down revealing two soft, quarter-bouncing globes. A gasp can be heard from the shower as you think to yourself “Bingo!”.
Pulling them up, you start to jump up and down as an act of squeezing yourself into the skinny ‘prison’, which, of course, creates a jiggly movement to your delectable ass.
<<if _saff == 4>>\
<<di bro "Uhm... why are you going commando?">>
He asks softly in a distracted voice.
<<di you "Why not? You probably saw me go commando a thousand times before. Also, I like it.">>
As if it hadn’t occurred to him until now, he lets out a surprised intake of breath.
<<di bro "Right...">>
<<elseif _saff == 3>>\
To lighten the mood, his in particular, he releases a bark of laughter.
<<di bro "You’re really going out commando?">>
<<di you "Well, duh. I don’t even have a nice pair of jeans left. Also, I don’t mind it.">>
He then laughs dismissively.
<<di bro "Kids these days...">>
<<elseif _saff == 2>>\
<<di bro "Why are you going out without underwear? You got a hot date or something?">>
There is a clear note of jealousy amid the pointed tone he directs towards you.
<<di you "Nah, how can I even get one if my hot bro is still single?">>
<<di bro "Yea... yea... whatever.">>
He wants to be annoyed at you but your words undoubtedly soothe the scars of his self-esteem.
<<di bro "Have you been doing squats lately?">>
Though reverberated from the shower, you can still manage to hear it clearly.
<<di you "Eh... no. Why?">>
<<di bro "You’re even thicker than some of the girls at the gym... Speaking of them... I just want to pound some of the hot asses there. Damn curse, right?">>
A shiver runs through out at his suggestion, you try to answer nonchalantly.
<<di you "Haha... yea...">>
When the pants are zipped up and buttoned, you can’t stay in the room any longer without risking blowing your cover.
<<di you "Alright, gotta go.">>
You throw this back to $w.ybrother before leaving the room.
<<link "Back">>
<<if $gameends>>
<<goto "Broscenemenu">>
<<elseif $bro.location === $you.location>>\
<<goto "Brother">>\
<<goto $you.location>>\
<</link>>\<<minute add 30>>\
<<if $bro.lust < 20>><<lust bro add 1>><</if>>\
<<scenechoices bro 4 1>>\
<<if $scenepicked>>\
As you walk in $w.ybrother, as usual, is watching his favorite dating show. You announce your presence:
<<di you "Hey, can you help me with something?">>
<<if _saff >= 3>>\
<<di bro "Sure, whatchu need?">>
<<di bro "What now?">>
<<di you "You know I’ve just started working out, right? So I want to incorporate some yoga in my regime too and wonder if you can help stretch me out?">>
<<di bro "Huh? Like what?">>
<<di you "Here let me show you... It’s called forward fold.">>
He takes a look at the pictures and afterwards answers.
<<if _saff >= 3>>\
<<di bro "Hm, looks easy enough. Okay let’s go.">>
<<di bro "This doesn’t look that bad to do on your own.">>
<<di you "My flexibility is fucked dude so I need your help badly.">>
He then agrees grumpily.
<<di bro "Fine... but don’t interrupt me watching the show afterwards.">>
You grin at him and materialize a yoga mat out of thin air and roll it on the floor of the living room.
<<di you "Okay, now sit in front of me.">>
Entering the position, you put your legs straight in front of you as $w.ybrother sits cross legged on the opposite side.
<<di you "Spread our legs, please. It’s easier to reach my hands that way.">>
<<if _saff >= 3>>\
He complies without questioning your intentions.
He looks doubtful for a bit but still follows your instructions.
Attempting to fold yourself in half, you weren’t kidding when you said that you couldn’t do it. Aligning your arms parallel to your legs, you call out to $w.ybrother.
<<di you "Now, pull my hands towards you.">>
After a short while of both of you maneuvering around, you pretend to squirm and tell him.
<<di you "Hang on, let me adjust my position.">>
You scoot closer to him which makes your soles in full contact with his crotch. You can hear a abrupt intake of breath from him, but before he can protest, you order again.
<<di you "Now do it.">>
You can feel a bit of tremor from his grasps, there are ever so slight movements in his shorts that you rest your feet on. He whispers throatily:
<<if _saff >= 3>>\
<<di bro "Okay...">>
<<di bro "I’m not gonna be gentle.">>
Despite you first coming in asking for his help just as a disguise, he is now stretching you out, like, for real. His corded forearms trying to fold your body in half makes a groan escape out from your mouth. In order to not get your spine snapped, your toes start to wiggle around on his half hard member to distract him from his gracious “help”.
He grunts sharply, his beast is twitching and waking up from its slumber. Now that you’re at your limit, you stay in the same position for at least 10 seconds, trying to calm your wayward breaths. On the contrary, your feet continue their ploy, moving around and molding the hot, thick tool so it reaches the ultimate form like you're a seasoned artisan.
You want this moment of purgatory between calmness and fiery passion to never end, but alas it cannot last unless you want to raise serious suspicion from $w.ybrother. You regretfully remove your clutch on his now hard cock and resumes to a normal sitting position. Then, he says roughly.
<<di bro "I know it is popular right now but still... why yoga?">>
You smile at him innocently and wink.
<<di you "I want to be extra flexible, if you want what I mean.">>
<<if _saff == 4>>\
He stammers a bit.
<<di bro "Umm... c-can’t wait to see it in practice... I-I mean...">>
His voice dies down and face scarlet and probably wishes for the ground to swallow him up from embarrassment. You grin at him reassuringly.
<<di you "I’m happy to show my skill to you anytime... Once I get it down pat of course.">>
He nods slowly and gulps.
<<elseif _saff == 3>>\
He laughs a bit incredulously.
<<di bro "Bro, I don’t need to hear that... but still good for you.">>
Though the sentence sounds simple enough, you can still feel a note of heat in the last part. Something must be working.
<<elseif _saff == 2>>\
<<di bro "Bleh... Whatever. Girls prefer pure strength anyway.">>
<<di you "Don’t knock it until you try it, man.">>
You wink at him again like a promise.
<<di bro "Pfft... only the ones who get fucked need to flexible.">>
<<di you "Really? You want to to fuck someone that flexible, big guy?">>
He growls dangerously, his eyes darken.
<<di bro "You know what they say: Careful what you wish for.">>
<<di you "Haha. Just kidding.">>
You laugh nonchalantly just to let him know it’s all jokes.
<<di you "Now off you go, I’m gonna finish this in a few minutes.">>
You really don’t want to show him that you’re hard anyway and from his gait, it seems he still has a stiff problem down there to take care of.
<<link "Back">>
<<if $gameends>>
<<goto "Broscenemenu">>
<<elseif $bro.location === $you.location>>\
<<goto "Brother">>\
<<goto $you.location>>\
<</link>>\<<minute add 30>>\
<<if $bro.lust < 20>><<lust bro add 1>><</if>>\
<<scenechoices bro 4 1>>\
<<if $scenepicked>>\
<<di you "Hey bro, what are you doing?">>
<<if _saff >= 3>>\
<<di bro "Nothing much, you need something?">>
<<di bro "None of your business.">>
<<di you "If you’re free, can you please teach me how to bake? I want to learn to bake some basic stuffs like breads, donuts,...">>
You saw him $w.ybrother it before, so the most feasible way to get in close quarter with him in this particular setting is none other than a hands-on demonstration.
<<if _saff >= 3>>\
<<di bro "Alright, it’s not hard to do.">>
He doesn’t seem to like it but still grudgingly accepts.
<<di bro "But you owe me this one.">>
<<di you "Thanks!">>
You smile at him sweetly and you bring the ingredients from the pantry out to the counter. He then methodically instructs you through the step of mixing and getting the right ratio. After you’ve got it down, he begins teaching you how to knead with the already risen dough you bring out.
Now it’s time for the first step of your plan - you pretend to act clumsily with the dough sticking to your hands and that seems to irk $w.ybrother.
<<di bro "Keep a sure grip on them... ignore the sticking in the base of your palms... don’t spread them too thin...">>
<<di you "I’m trying...">>
You say weakly - a note of defeat in your voice.
<<di bro "Alright, let me help.">>
With those short tempered words, he crowds into you and put his own arms above yours, rough palms covering yours and his chin above your shoulder.
<<di bro "Here’s how you do it.">>
He starts to guide your hands to handle the dough masterfully. The action though at the first glance appears innocent but upon a closer look feels like he’s teaching you to squeeze some kind of pliable jiggly body parts. This close to him, you can also sense his enticing and virile smell splashing into the flour and vanilla in the air.
The only missing stimulation is a full body contact, therefore you take this chance and let your body relax back to his front, the valley of your buttocks trapping the bugle of his still sleeping member. Craning your head up, you ask lowly and innocently:
<<di you "How do I get the dough out if my hands are all... sticky?">>
With the emphasis on the word <i>sticky</i>, you see his Adam's apple travel up and down rapidly and feel the ever so slightly pressure between your buttcheeks.
<<if _saff == 4>>\
<<di bro "Ahh... ummm... Just add some more flour to your palms.">>
He groans shakily before stopping himself. His breaths short and his hands on you become still and they both squeeze mine and the fluffy dough. From here, you can see that the signature blush of his has overtaken his whole neck and head.
<<elseif _saff >= 2>>\
<<di bro "Shhh... Just put some more flour... on your palms...">>
He hisses quietly, a shiver can be felt from the length of his arms, clearly from the pleasure he’s experiencing. Despite that, his chest on your back is still firm and unmoving like the most perfect and erotic cushion.
You hear him grunts behind and then answer irritatedly.
<<di bro "Didn’t I tell you before to make the dough drier, you need to add more flour? So just add more flour to you hands.">>
He proceeds to press further on you and flip your palm over so he can smear the flour all over them.
The bugle has grown significantly now and there’s no mistaking that he's hard as you can feel an insistent hot piece of flesh pressing near your entrance. With his rough mitts still enveloping yours, controlling your motions and making you knead the bouncy dough you can’t help but imagine the same thing to be done with your ass - spreaded out for his pleasure.
The thought makes you involuntarily perk your ass up and if you aren’t clothed right now his cock could absolutely slip inside. Now his moan is clear as day and, before you know it, his muscular body is no longer glued to your back as he clears his throat.
<<di bro "Keep doing that for 3 more minutes and it should be good... Excuse me, I forgot to do something...">>
He then leaves you there in the kitchen, while you remain still trying to calm your erratic heart and your raging hardon.
<<link "Back">>
<<if $gameends>>
<<goto "Broscenemenu">>
<<elseif $bro.location === $you.location>>\
<<goto "Brother">>\
<<goto $you.location>>\
<</link>>\<<minute add 30>>\
<<if $bro.lust < 20>><<lust bro add 1>><</if>>\
<<scenechoices bro 4 1>>\
<<if $scenepicked>>\
<<di you "Wanna work out?">>
<<if _saff >= 3>>\
He smiles at you - clearly excited to have a chance to do his favorite activities with you.
<<di bro "Of course!">>
<<di bro "Fine, there is nothing better to do anyway.">>
He drops his phone and then leisurely begins pulling out the training equipment.
He doesn’t even bother to change since he’s permanently in tanktop and athletic shorts at home.
You both proceed in some warm-ups and soon enough you both work up quite a sweat. You then approach him and ask.
<<di you "Hey bro, you enjoy WWE a lot and I heard wrestling is a fun workout. How about we try it?">>
<<if _saff >= 3>>\
<<di bro "Woo? Really? I really want to see how it feels to be in the squared circle, so I’m on!">>
<<di bro "Hmm, really? Careful what you wish for since I can snap your in half like a fucking twig.">>
<<di you "Look can be deceiving, I’m tougher than I look.">>
<<di bro "Okay then.">>
You both clear everything on the floor, creating a pseudo wrestling ring in the middle of the room, and take into the position of facing each other bracing for the upcoming match. He begins the countdown.
<<di bro "3... 2... 1... Go!">>
For the first 10 seconds, you two circle each other, waiting for an opening and after some thinking, you decide to be the offensive in order to get the position that you want.
You throw yourself at him, body low, arms moving with the intention of enclosing around his waist. Since your wrestling is pitiful at best and horrible at worst, $w.ybrother is able to read you like an open book. He angles his body a little bit sideways, uses his hand to grab your shoulder and throw you down like a child’s doll.
You try all your might to wiggle under him and it feels like he’s actually taking it easy on you since you manage to shift enough to place your face into $w.ybrother's crotch. At first, he doesn’t notice it until you start to wiggle your nose against it.
That brings you both to a pregnant pause as he seems to loosen his grasp and keep breathing deeply while you are swamped with the soft but large squishy orb on your nose and its addicting and animalistic musk from the concentration from sweat, grime and testosterone. You can feel his member firming up on your chin.
<<di bro "Ahh... do you... um... say uncle?">>
Without answering him, you continue your effort straining your neck’s muscles and moving your nose around - trying to rouse him, since you don’t know when you can have the chance next.
<<if _saff == 4>>\
His hands which have been on your thighs now move into your ass and squeeze each cheek as a supposed warning to you. He then says softly, seemingly mesmerized by something.
<<elseif _saff == 3>>\
While being distracted by your naughty nose, he is still able to tap your thighs as a reminder that you’re in a defeated position. He says, throat scratchy.
<<elseif _saff == 2>>\
While being distracted by your naughty nose, he is still able to pinch your thighs a shot of pain mixed in with the pleasure of being so close to his junk further fog your mind. You can only hear a hazy voice:
His strong and capable hands which are now manhandling how completely suddenly disappear from your thighs and then two loud clappings and a yelp burst out from your mouth. He uses his palms to smack your ass so hard, it for sure will leave some handprints there for you to look at in the mirror. He growls dangerously.
<<di bro "Do you give?">>
The excitement of being powerless and his enveloping presence are turning you on embarrassingly fast to the point of almost cumming. Not daring to chance it just now, you finally announce.
<<di you "I give!">>
He then releases from his hold and gets up while you still lay there, breathing hard and trying to calm yourself down since your cock is one wrong blow of wind away from ejaculating. Meanwhile, $w.ybrother is standing up tall and strong, breathing hard like you are, the tent in his shorts absolutely obscene.
<<if _saff >= 3>>\
He scratches his head shyly, not daring to maintain eye contact with you.
<<di bro "Eh... umm... it’s because of the physical contacts and you know “The Curse”.">>
He looks like he wants to cover himself up but decides against it.
<<di bro "It’s not weird to have a boner during a wrestling match though and not even mentioning the fucking curse.">>
You nod sagely and then get up to reveal your hardon too.
<<di you "Me too so don’t sweat it, bro.">>
<<if _saff == 4>>\
He glances at your crotch shyly and scratches his napes - his go-to when he doesn’t know what to do with himself.
<<di bro "Oh cool, if so you won’t mind if... we have another repeat some other time?">>
It seems impossible but he’s even redder than before.
<<di bro "I really enjoy wrestling and would love practice some skills that I learned on the internet.">>
You nod knowingly and enthusiastically.
<<di you "Of course, I enjoy it too so it’s no problem to me.">>
His radiant smile directed toward you makes you feel ten feet tall.
<<di bro "Thanks!">>
<<elseif _saff == 3>>\
He chuckles and a slight blush still veils his cheeks since he probably never saw another man’s erection before.
<<di bro "You’re not so bad yourself then. Looks like the dominant big dick genes run in the family.">>
Well, the genes are not the only thing you want to be dominant in the family but that is in the future.
<<di you "Well, it was fun anyway. I won’t mind another repeat if you’re down for it.">>
<<di bro "Cool, cool.">>
<<elseif _saff == 2>>\
<<di bro "Of course, even I, who is more strong-will than you, get hard.">>
He says with a note of superiority and condescending. You don’t mind it and follow along and boost his pride high up to the sky.
<<di you "Haha, yea. Not only just will and body too. Ya know.">>
He can’t help it but smirk at you, clearly pleased with the comment.
<<di bro "The fucking curse. I’m so damn pent up and don’t have some bitch to help relieve it. So what about you? You got a chick to help, right?">>
He grumbles annoyedly and enviously, transparently unhappy that you have someone to help relieve the horniness.
<<di you "Well, not really right now. But when I do, I’m usually a very giving person.">>
<<di bro "“Giving”?">>
<<di you "You know, going down on someone, I don’t mind it.">>
Not sure if he notices it or not but you try to keep things gender neutral to plan a seed of suggestion in his thoughts. From his smothering gaze, you suppose he does.
<<di bro "Hm... interesting to know.">>
With the workout done, you leave the room still brimmed with excitement.
<<link "Back">>
<<if $gameends>>
<<goto "Broscenemenu">>
<<elseif $bro.location === $you.location>>\
<<goto "Brother">>\
<<goto $you.location>>\
<</link>>\As your frustation built up from the jack of release. You find yourself unable to control your own action and your hands reach for $w.ydad's bulge.
<<if $dad.asleep>>\
As he's in deep sleep, he stirs a little but doesn't seem to notice anything. That sates your lust, but only for a bit.
<<elseif $you.location === "Gym">>\
<<elseif not hasVisited("Dadhjintro2")>>\
<<di dad "Huh, what in the world are you doing?!">>
He slaps your hand away and breaks you out of the lustful trance. He seems neither amused or happy with your groping.
<<aff dad minus 4>>\
<<sus dad add 10>>\
<<di dad "You're acting so weird...">>
<<elseif hasVisited("Dadhjintro2")>>\
<<di dad "Hey!? Stop it.">>
He slaps your hand away and breaks you out of the lustful trance. Despite you have already helped him out, he really doesn't appreciate your unprovoked lewd behavior like this.
<<aff dad minus 3>>\
<<sus dad add 8>>\
<<elseif hasVisited("Dadbjintro1")>>/
<<di dad "Shoot! What are you doing?">>
He pries your hand away and breaks you out of the lustful trance. Despite you have already sucked him, he still feels a bit uneasy about the whole situation, better not to poke the sleeping bear.
<<aff dad minus 2>>\
<<sus dad add 6>>\
<<elseif hasVisited("Dadfuckintro1")>>/
<<di dad "Fuck. I'm so fucking horny.">>
He lets you grope a little bit before pries your hands out regretfully.
<<di dad "But not here, not now.">>
With him already having fucked you, he still stubbornly wants to keep thing lowkey. Your action is absolutely not unwelcome but definitely not appreciated right now.
<<aff dad minus 1>>\
<<sus dad add 4>>\
<</if>>\<<if $wdc >= 36>>\
<<di dad "How many times do I have to tell you? Wash the damn dishes!!">>
<<aff dad minus 3>>\
<<elseif $wdc >= 24>>\
<<set $dad.wda = true>>\
<<di dad "Really $w.son? You are just gonna leave the dishes there unwashed for a whole day?">>
<<aff dad minus 2>>\
<<set $dad.wda = true>>\
<<di dad "Hey, $w.son. I would appreciate it if you can clear the dishes.">>
<<aff dad minus 1>>\
<</if>>\<<if $uwc == 2>>\
<<di bro "Hey, dude. Can you please do the laundry?">>
<<aff bro minus 2>>\
<<elseif $uwc == 1>>\
<<di bro "Yo, man. Do the laundry, I’m not joking.">>
<<aff bro minus 3>>\
<<di bro "What the fuck, bro? You really want me to go outside commando?">>
<<aff bro minus 4>>\
<</if>>\As your frustation built up from the jack of release. You find yourself unable to control your own action and your hands reach for $w.ybrother's bulge.
<<if $bro.asleep == true>>\
<<di bro "Ummm..">>
He murmur in his sleep and that startles you out of the lustful craze.
<<elseif $you.location === "Gym">>\
<<elseif not hasVisited("Brohjintro2")>>\
<<di bro "Bro what the hell? What's wrong with you?">>
He slaps your hand away and breaks you out of the lustful trance. He seems neither amused or happy with your groping.
<<aff bro minus 4>>\
<<sus bro add 10>>\
<<di bro "Stop being such a weirdo...">>
<<elseif hasVisited("Brohjintro2")>>\
<<di bro "Fuck! What are you doing, man?">>
He slaps your hand away and breaks you out of the lustful trance. Despite you have already helped him out, he really doesn't appreciate your unprovoked lewd behavior like this.
<<aff bro minus 3>>\
<<sus bro add 8>>\
<<elseif hasVisited("Brobjintro1")>>\
<<di bro "Hey, bro. That's not cool.">>
He pries your hand away and breaks you out of the lustful trance. Despite you have already sucked him, he still feels a bit uneasy about the whole situation, better not to poke the sleeping bear.
<<aff bro minus 2>>\
<<sus bro add 6>>\
<<elseif hasVisited("Brofuckintro1")>>\
<<di bro "Shit! Are you trying to give me an hardon?">>
He lets you grope a little bit before pries your hands out regretfully.
<<di bro "Appreciate it but not here nor now.">>
With him already having fucked you, he still stubbornly wants to keep thing lowkey. Your action is absolutely not unwelcome but definitely not appreciated right now.
<<aff bro minus 1>>\
<<sus bro add 4>>\
<</if>>\<<set $you.sleep -= 16>><<hour add 8>><<set $you.horniness = 0>>\
<<lust bro add 1>>\
<<scenechoices bro 1 0>>\
Floating through the planes of consciousness, you feel some light ticklings on your hips. At first, you thought it was just an erotic dream but then the touches move down to your ass along with a incessant pressure of a hot blunt object between your covered crack. Those heated points are too vivid to be just a figment of your imagination, so you wake up and discover that it is indeed $w.ybrother who is pawing you hungrily.
<<video bro/brosleepfuck1.mp4>>
But really, who can you blame since you're the one who sneaked in his bed? You absolutely know and even anticipated this would happen. Thus, you stay unresponsive to give the illusion of being blissfully asleep and encourage him to be more bold with his actions. And bold does he get.
Suddenly, all of the caress disappears as you feel the rise and fall of the bedsprings. A swoosh of air cascades through your face as a musky scent floods your nostrils and a blunt, fleshy pressure falls onto your lips. He probably thought by his sheer will, big cock and the slutty tendencies of your monkey brain, you would open wide. Well, he's partly right because you expand your mouth ever so slightly, just enough room for him to pry through your lips.
<<video bro/brosleepfuck2.mp4>>
Using your mouth as his personal fleshlight, he dives in and out slowly as if having a rock hard cock brushing your teeth is not enough to wake you up. Despite all the difficulty particularly of you having to keep composure in such a sticky situation, he appears to find it incredibly pleasurable from the way his breathing and soft groans accelerate.
Apparently, his patience finally runs out as you feel his prick begins carefully making its way to the entrance of your backside. The stretch is so full and delicious, you can't deny it any longer but prop yourself up and spread your cheeks for him to have a better possession of your hole.
<<video bro/brosleepfuck3.mp4>>
A sharp intake of breath pierce through the calm night conveying his surprise of your wakefulness. Your sweet $w.brother, he really did expect you to be completely out of it while his gargantuan dick impaled you like a bbq skewer. Despite all of this, you both remain silent as his still rock hard member continues its invasion of your most intimate space and nothing can stand in the way of his orgasm and yours too.
Since knowing you're fully awake too, he takes on a more aggressive pace and gives you a proper pounding after all that beating around the bush. You don't mind his old chubby self, but the fitness journey is truly a gift because each one of his thrust is enough to shake you to the core. Combined with the precision of his curved sword stroking your love button at a brutalizing speed, all of the neurons in your brain are now in overdrive and your tunnel vision is solely the hardness between your legs fulfilling your basest need.
<<video bro/brosleepfuck4.mp4>>
As always, his in and exhalation quicken along with low rumbles down his throat, they are the clear signs of his impending climax. You jack your cock, tighten your channel and he seems appreciative of your contraction from his deep groans. You're sure if his rod is a living being, it would be suffocated to death from your sweet grip.
<<di bro "FFUCKKKKK...">>
With a loud roar, he pulls out of you and starts to spray all over the lower of your back. Thick, white seed paints over the velvet of your globes, perfumes your body with the scent of his cum and announces to the world whom your ass belongs to.
<<video bro/brosleepfuckcum1.mp4>>
The moment the hot load lands on your back, you also are pushed over the edge of no return, cumming and spasming in the beat of your pulse until you're weak in the knees.
<<video bro/brosleepfuckcum2.mp4>>
With a satisfied sigh, he flips over back on his side and presumably to go back to sleep to recharge from the wild fucking or maybe he's embarassed. At this point, you do not care since your brain is now mush and sated and soon overtaken by the sweet slumber.
<<link "Back">>
<<if $gameends>>
<<goto "Broscenemenu">>
<<elseif $bro.location === $you.location>>\
<<goto "Brother">>\
<<goto $you.location>>\
<<set $scenepicked = false>>
<<set $bro.promise = 3>>
<b>Memories with $w.ybrother.</b>
<<if setup.ws.Broteaselivingroom1 or setup.ws.Broteaselivingroom2 or setup.ws.Broteaselivingroom3 or setup.ws.Broteaselivingroom4>>[[Living room tease|Broteaselivingroom]]<<else>><<link "==Living room tease==">><</link>><</if>> <<if setup.ws.Broteasekitchen1 or setup.ws.Broteasekitchen2 or setup.ws.Broteasekitchen3 or setup.ws.Broteasekitchen4>>[[Kitchen tease|Broteasekitchen]]<<else>><<link "==Kitchen tease==">><</link>><</if>> <<if setup.ws.Broteasebathroom1 or setup.ws.Broteasebathroom2 or setup.ws.Broteasebathroom3 or setup.ws.Broteasebathroom4>>[[Bathroom tease|Broteasebathroom]]<<else>><<link "==Bathroom tease==">><</link>><</if>> <<if setup.ws.Broteasebedroom1 or setup.ws.Broteasebedroom2 or setup.ws.Broteasebedroom3 or setup.ws.Broteasebedroom4>>[[Bedroom tease|Broteasebedroom]]<<else>><<link "==Bedroom tease==">><</link>><</if>>
<<if setup.ws.Brocrotchlivingroom1 or setup.ws.Brocrotchlivingroom2 or setup.ws.Brocrotchlivingroom3 or setup.ws.Brocrotchlivingroom4>>[[Living room crotch touch|Brocrotchlivingroom]]<<else>><<link "==Living room crotch touch==">><</link>><</if>> <<if setup.ws.Brocrotchkitchen1 or setup.ws.Brocrotchkitchen2 or setup.ws.Brocrotchkitchen3 or setup.ws.Brocrotchkitchen4>>[[Kitchen crotch touch|Brocrotchkitchen]]<<else>><<link "==Kitchen crotch touch==">><</link>><</if>> <<if setup.ws.Brocrotchbedroom1 or setup.ws.Brocrotchbedroom2 or setup.ws.Brocrotchbedroom3 or setup.ws.Brocrotchbedroom4>>[[Bedroom crotch touch|Brocrotchbedroom]]<<else>><<link "==Bedroom crotch touch==">><</link>><</if>>
<<if setup.ws.Brohjintro21 or setup.ws.Brohjintro22 or setup.ws.Brohjintro23 or setup.ws.Brohjintro24>>[[First handjob|Brohjintro1]]<<else>><<link "==First handjob==">><</link>><</if>> <<if setup.ws.Brohj11 or setup.ws.Brohj12 or setup.ws.Brohj13 or setup.ws.Brohj14>>[[Regular handjob|Brohj1]]<<else>><<link "==Regular handjob==">><</link>><</if>>
<<if setup.ws.Brobjintro11 or setup.ws.Brobjintro12 or setup.ws.Brobjintro13 or setup.ws.Brobjintro14>>[[First blowjob|Brobjintro1]]<<else>><<link "==First blowjob==">><</link>><</if>> <<if setup.ws.Brobj11 or setup.ws.Brobj12 or setup.ws.Brobj13 or setup.ws.Brobj14>>[[Regular blowjob|Brobj1]]<<else>><<link "==Regular blowjob==">><</link>><</if>> <<if setup.ws.Brobathroombj11 or setup.ws.Brobathroombj12 or setup.ws.Brobathroombj13 or setup.ws.Brobathroombj14>>[[Bathroom blowjob|Brobathroombj1]]<<else>><<link "==Bathroom blowjob==">><</link>><</if>> <<if setup.ws.Brofondle2 or setup.ws.Brofondle4>>[[Fondling during sleeping|Brofondle]]<<else>><<link "==Fondling during sleeping==">><</link>><</if>> <<if setup.ws.Brobjffr1 or setup.ws.Brobjffr2 or setup.ws.Brobjffr3 or setup.ws.Brobjffr4>>[[Fast food restaurant quickie|Brobjffr]]<<else>><<link "==Fast food restaurant quickie==">><</link>><</if>> <<if setup.ws.Brogymbj11 or setup.ws.Brogymbj12 or setup.ws.Brogymbj13 or setup.ws.Brogymbj14>>[[Gym blowjob|Brogymbj1]]<<else>><<link "==Gym blowjob==">><</link>><</if>> <<if setup.ws.Dnbbrojealousbj>>[[Make up blowjob|Dnbbrojealousbj]]<<else>><<link "==Make up blowjob==">><</link>><</if>>
<<if setup.ws.Brofuckintro11 or setup.ws.Brofuckintro12 or setup.ws.Brofuckintro13 or setup.ws.Brofuckintro14>>[[First fuck|Brofuckintro1]]<<else>><<link "==First fuck==">><</link>><</if>> <<if setup.ws.Brofuck11 or setup.ws.Brofuck12 or setup.ws.Brofuck13 or setup.ws.Brofuck14>>[[Regular fuck|Brofuck1]]<<else>><<link "==Regular fuck==">><</link>><</if>> <<if setup.ws.Brosleepfuck>>[[Sleeping fuck|Brosleepfuck]]<<else>><<link "==Sleeping fuck==">><</link>><</if>> <<if setup.ws.Brofuckffr1 or setup.ws.Brofuckffr2 or setup.ws.Brofuckffr3 or setup.ws.Brofuckffr4>>[[Drunk fuck at fast food restaurant|Brofuckffr]]<<else>><<link "==Drunk fuck at fast food restaurant==">><</link>><</if>> <<if setup.ws.Dnbbrojealousfuck>>[[Make up fuck|Dnbbrojealousfuck]]<<else>><<link "==Make up fuck==">><</link>><</if>> <<if setup.ws.Brogymfuck1 or setup.ws.Brogymfuck2 or setup.ws.Brogymfuck3 or setup.ws.Brogymfuck4>>[[Gym fuck|Brogymfuck]]<<else>><<link "==Gym fuck==">><</link>><</if>>
<<if setup.ws.Brobadends1 or setup.ws.Brobadends2 or setup.ws.Brobadends3 or setup.ws.Brobadends4>><<link "<b>Bad ending</b>" "Brobadends">><</link>><<else>><<link "==<b>Bad ending</b>==">><</link>><</if>> <<if setup.ws.Brojeabadends2 or setup.ws.Brojeabadends3>><<link "<b>Jealous ending</b>" "Brojeabadends">><</link>><<else>><<link "==<b>Jealous ending</b>==">><</link>><</if>> <<if setup.ws.Brogoodend2>><<link "<b>'Unhappy' ending</b>" "Brogoodend2">><</link>><<else>><<link "==<b>'Unhappy' ending</b>==">><</link>><</if>> <<if setup.ws.Brogoodend1>><<link "<b>Happy ending</b>" "Brogoodend1">><</link>><<else>><<link "==<b>Happy ending</b>==">><</link>><</if>>
[[Back|Memoriesmenu]]<<if not $gameends>><<set $bro.rocketpill -= 3>><</if>><<hour add 3>><<set $you.horniness = 0>>\
<<lust bro add 1>>\
<<scenechoices bro 4 2>>\
<<if $scenepicked>>\
<<if $bro.rocketpill <= 5>><<set $bro.rockettime ++>>\
@@.add;The rocket pill's effect expires.@@
<<sus bro addflat 30>>\
<<sus bro add 2>>\
<<if _saff == 4>>\
<<di bro "Of course, absolutely.">>
Then he looks around to see if there is anyone around.
<<di bro "I’ve been thinking about your ass a lot.">>
Considering the ass in question is quite delectable and bubbly, it is not that unbelievable.
<<di you "And my ass misses your this big boy.">>
You close the distance to him and grab the noticeable bulge under his pants. His breaths are short as he announces.
<<di bro "Come on, let’s get comfortable.">>
<<elseif _saff == 3>>\
<<di bro "Yeah, ever since the last fuck, I swore the curse got stronger since I’m always horny now.">>
<<di you "Same man, so let’s help each other out to release the stress?">>
<<di bro "Cool, let’s go">>
<<elseif _saff == 2>>\
<<di bro "Jesus, why can’t a girl say that to me?">>
He groans a bit dramatically.
<<di you "So you’re not down for it?">>
You raise your brow questioningly.
<<di bro "Of course. I’m alway down to get off.">>
<<di bro "So eager for a real man cock again, slut?">>
He grabs his bulge which looks like it’s already <<if _srp>>hard as steel<<else>>half chubbed<</if>>.
<<di you "Yes, so hungry for your man meat.">>
You lick your lips seductively as a menacing glint appears in his eye.
<<di bro "Then get down on your knees and beg for it.">>
Immediately, you drop down on your knees and kiss the sensual jewel under his pants adoringly.
<<di you "Please, let me serve you.">>
Abruptly, he pulls you up by the pit and drags you along effortlessly, making your heart beat wildly from anticipation for what is to come.
Then, you both undress efficiently - a clear sign of excitement, especially when the pair of rock hard cocks gets revealed. As you have already prepped, you waste no time for foreplay and get in the position to line his cock directly to your entrance.
<<video bro/brofuck3.mp4>>
<<if _saff == 4>>\
His tip presses in slowly but you are still very much impatient.
<<di you "Don’t worry, bring it home. I can take it.">>
<<di bro "Don’t want to hurt you.">>
He says softly and spreads your cheeks with careful caress, his movement is still agonizingly slow to your taste.
<<di you "You can never hurt me.">>
Finishing that sentence, you take the matter to your own hole and push back to him to fully impale yourself on his large pillar.
<<di bro "Holy fuckkkk...">>
You hiss in both pain and pleasure from finally getting his shaft home where it is supposed to be.
<<elseif _saff == 3>>\
As the tip breaches through the entrance, $w.ybrother breathes out deeply.
<<di bro "Shit, your ass is even tighter than I remember.">>
Feeling his throbbing shaft entering your hole, you can’t help but push back on it, devouring it ravenously.
<<di you "And your cock is feel as good and big as ever, man.">>
Soon, his member bottoms out and nudges your love button as he groans in ecstasy.
<<elseif _saff == 2>>\
He gradually eases his way in parting your lubed channel, lighting up the nerve endings.
<<di bro "You’re already lubed up without knowing I would agree to your proposition or not?">>
<<di you "Well, with the curse, we all knew what the answer would be.">>
You squeeze your hole just to make a point as $w.ybrother shudders from the contracting enclosure.
<<di bro "Yea... damn curse... I wouldn’t have agreed to this if it hadn’t been for it.">>
Contrary to his words, his hip is already moving on its own volition.
With the lube coating your inner wall, his gargantuan shaft slides in effortlessly and brings you some delicious ache.
<<di bro "Look at this hole... Already wet like a cunt even before I even fuck you. Are you that desperate for my alpha cock, whore?">>
He grabs your hair and growls deeply into your ears.
<<di you "Yes-yes... I’m a slut for your alpha cock, please just take me.">>
<<di bro "Good job, now brace yourself for a ride, bitch.">>
Soon, both of you get into a good rhythm. Despite having him for a minute, his girth still stretches you to the fullest as it ravages your ass like a predator to a fat and helpless prey. Your low moans seem to egg him on even further as his bulbous tip pummels your g-spot to pulp.
<<video bro/brofuck4.mp4>>
The sounds of his groin smacking on your round mounds and his fertile orbs knocking on your taint get progressively wetter and wetter as the sweat starts to mix. The concoction of bodily fluid also brings out the wild aroma from the deepest, most intimate parts further adding the fuel to both of your burning bodies.
Closing to climax, he picks up his pace and now borderline brutally abuses your poor prostate. You can’t help but moan mindlessly as your hardness stays ramrod straight and spasms incessantly from the relentless stimulation. Overwhelmed with the emotions, your asshole clenches tightly around his dick, mouth releases a loud moan and shaft shoots ropes of white cum within a few strokes.
<<video bro/brofuckcum2.mp4>>
<<if _saff == 4>>\
<<di bro "Shit... did you just... Does it feel that good, babe?">>
<<di you "Mmm... so good...">>
That’s all you can manage as his cock remains unrest inside your bottoms, drawing out your full body shudders from the overstimulation.
<<di bro "Shit... your ass... is so tight. Can I cum inside?">>
<<di you "Yes... breed me... fill me up with your powerful genes.">>
With your permission, he lunges into you with abandon, the friction on your tender walls is so delicious and enough to spark the impending earth-shattering explosion.
<<elseif _saff == 3>>\
<<di bro "Shit... bro. You really just came like that...">>
<<di you "Fuck yea... Your cock... so good...">>
Hearing your praise for him, his look can only be considered as smoldering as his rhythm quickens.
<<di bro "If so... can I cum inside?">>
<<di you "Give it to me... big guy.">>
<<elseif _saff == 2>>\
<<di you "Ahh... shit…">>
<<di bro "Fuck... your ass is squeezing too hard... I’m about to...">>
<<di bro "Haaa... so pathetic... that you cum just from me... fucking you?">>
<<di you "Mhmm...">>
You groan weakly since your hole is still being wrecked by his pleasure baton.
<<di bro "Hmm... your semen... so diluted and weak... Do you want a real man cum??">>
<<di you "Yes... please give me your alpha juice...">>
Through the haze of ecstacy, you still manage to croak out from the sheer want. His erection is now moving at a violent rate.
<<di bro "Then fucking... TAKE IT!">>
<<di bro "ARGHHHH!!!">>
His scream is so loud that it almost pierces through your eardrums. However, that pain is easily forgotten as you feel a flow of hot lava beginning to invade your inside quickly. His spasming member is doing its best to pump you full of his semen and if you would have been pregnant right now if you had an ovary.
<<video bro/brofuckcum3.mp4>>
<<if _saff == 4>>\
He then goes and kisses your shoulders affectionately. Your body tingles all over from the emotion of having him inside you and the soft lips gliding over your skin.
<<di bro "That was fucking amazing. I can stay here inside you forever.">>
<<di you "And I want you to stay beside me forever, my Adonis.">>
His shrinking rod gives another twitch inside you but with all the vigorous exertion, you both lay down in each other arm and simply be and enjoy this intimacy.
Within this vulnerable moment, your hand finds its way to his compelling manscape. Breathe in the sweet musk of pure maleness, you explore the steaming muscle misted by the sweat and marvel at what can only be considered as god’s greatest creation.
<<elseif _saff == 1>>\
<<di bro "Shit... yea... you fucking cumrag. Clean my dick!">>
He shoves you roughly to his still hard and hot rod as you give him a tongue bath, gather and swallow all the remaining semen hungrily. With the hard fucking, his scent is now spicier than even and borderline pungent, but your brain seems to be rewired to love the odor as your lung take in the pheromone like a drowning survivor.
Suddenly he grabs your hair and pulls you back and slap you hard enough to leave a red meaty handprint on your cheek.
<<di bro "Enough! You greedy fucking pig.">>
Knowing him by now, you appease his fantasy.
<<di you "Thank you for letting this slut clean you!">>
He smirks at you, face full of glee most likely from the rush of power he feels.
<<di bro "Hmmm... I forgive you, but don’t test your luck.">>
The cum trickles freely down your crack and you lick your lips speculatively and are looking forward to another one of his good dicking.
<<link "Back">>
<<set $bro.rocketpill = 10>>\
<<set _percent to random(1,10)>>\
<<if $gameends>>
<<goto "Broscenemenu">>
<<elseif $bully.state == 1>>
<<goto "Bullycaught">>
<<elseif $dnb.start and ($you.location === "Living room" or $you.location === "Kitchen" or $you.location === "Bathroom" or $you.location === "Brother's bedroom") and ($dad.location === "Living room" or $dad.location === "Kitchen" or $dad.location === "Bathroom" or $dad.location === "Dad's bedroom")>>\
<<goto "Dnbdadjealous">>
<<elseif ($you.location === "Living room" or $you.location === "Kitchen") and ($dad.location === "Living room" or $dad.location === "Kitchen" or $dad.location === "Dad's bedroom") and _percent <= 5>>\
<<goto "Dadcaught">>\
<<elseif $bro.location === $you.location>>\
<<goto "Brother">>\
<<goto $you.location>>\
<</link>>\<<scenechoices bro 1 0>>\
<<if not $gameends>>\
<<di bro "Come here... Got something to talk to you...">>
Your heart drops as you look at his grim face, but still you follow his words obediently like a good boy. When you are both in the clear, you ask, trying for a nonchalant tone.
<<di you "What’s up?">>
When the ‘p’ is just about to escape your mouth he’s on to you, squeezing your neck dangerously.
<<di bro "I got fired because of your fucking fault... I was so distracted at work that my shitty manager give me a dress down in the middle of the damn restaurant.">>
<<di you "Ah... I’m sorry.">>
He’s that distracted at work? A surge of pleasurable thrill runs through your body as the feeling of power you have over him materializes.
<<di bro "Yes... It’s your fucking slutty tendency that lead to this... Now my plan to move is now on fucking hold...">>
His look of contempt for you grows even hotter as he seethes out furiously.
<<di bro "I should tell the whole world... what a fucking twisted and fucked up psycho you truly are...">>
Panicking, you definitely do not want him to expose your affairs publicly. With the urgency of the situation, you decide to aim for his weakness.
<<di you "How about I give you money to help you move out?... Here’s $500 if you want.">>
He squints his eyes but doesn’t seem opposed to your offer.
<<di bro "That’s good first step, but $500 ain’t worth shit...">>
<<di you "I can drop out to find a job and give you more...">>
A satisfied smirk appears on his face, it looks like he now gets what he wants in the first place. His words are full of sinisterness.
<<di bro "Okay, then you better put your work in if I don’t see another grand in 2 weeks, you’ll be dead.">>
That is how the rest of your life begins, when you tell $w.ydad about the decision to drop out, he doesn’t take kindly to it and says you are making a mistake. However, your hands are tied and soon he becomes disappointed and distanced to you.
As time goes, you find a decent job to keep $w.ybrother happy and mouth closed and even manage to find an apartment to move out according to his request.
He never finds another job again or tries to keep up his appearance, instead choosing to stay at home and having you at his beck and call.
His physique is no longer a Greek god since:
<<di bro "Why would I need to keep working out when I have this convenient pig here who will worship me regardless?">>
And he’s not wrong. You serve him mindlessly despite his unkempt look, his messiness and overall filthiness because you really become a pig for him.
<<image bro/broend2.jpg>>
As you’re spreading your legs serving him once more in the musty apartment, you look back at the <<link "memories">><<if $gameends>><<goto "Broscenemenu">><<else>><<set $gameends = true>><<goto "Memoriesmenu">><</if>><</link>> and wonder if your choices were right.$w.Ybrother is sleeping.
<<if $bro.gps == false>>\
<div class="temp"><<link "Track his phone">><<minute add 15>><<updatecaption>><<set $bro.gps = true>><<replace ".temp">>You hacked his phone and are now able to track him. While you were looking through his phone, you found out he was browsing <i>SigmaMaleGrindset.com</i> - a famous incel forum. Well, that explains some of his actions lately.<</replace>><</link>></div>
<<link "Fondle his dick">>
<<if $bro.lust >= 30 and hasVisited("Brobjintro1")>>\
<<goto "Brofondle">>
<<pressminute add 15>><<updatecaption>>\
<<replace ".passage">>\
<<di bro "What's your problem? I'm trying to sleep here.">>
<<aff bro minus 2>>\
<<sus bro add 10>>\
<<link "Back">>
<<if $bro.location === $you.location>>\
<<goto "Brother">>
<<goto $you.location>>
<<link "Sleep with him">>
<<if $bro.lust >= 40 and hasVisited("Brofuckintro1")>>\
<<goto "Brosleepfuck">>
<<elseif $bro.drunk <= 12>>\
<<set $you.sleep -= 16>><<presshour add 8>><<updatecaption>>\
<<replace ".passage">>\
He is super drunk that he isn't even aware that you slip right next to him in the bed.
In your hazy dream, you can feel something hot and rock hard sliding in the valley of your bottoms.
<<lust bro add 1>>\
<<link "Back" $you.location>><</link>>
<<elseif $bro.lust >= 30>>\
<<set $you.sleep -= 16>><<presshour add 8>><<updatecaption>>\
<<replace ".passage">>\
You enter the room and slip inside the the bed.
After a while you feel a warm embrace circling you as the sleep takes over.
<<aff bro add 1>>\
<<link "Back" $you.location>><</link>>
<<pressminute add 15>><<updatecaption>>\
<<replace ".passage">>\
<<di bro "Bro, this bed is too tiny for both of us. Get back to your room.">>
<<aff bro minus 2>>\
<<sus bro add 10>>\
<<link "Back">>
<<if $bro.location === $you.location>>\
<<goto "Brother">>\
<<goto $you.location>>\
<</link>><<if $bro.drunk <= 12 and $bro.resfuckcd >= 3 and hasVisited("Brofuckintro1")>>\
<<goto "Brofuckffr">>
<<elseif $bro.drunk <= 12 and $bro.resfuckcd < 3 and hasVisited("Brofuckintro1")>>\
<<set _cd = Math.round(3 - $bro.resfuckcd)>>\
<<pressminute add 15>><<updatecaption>>\
<<replace ".passage">>\
<<if $bro.aff >= 21>>\
<<di bro "Damn, I really want to do it again more than anything, however. I can't really sneak out the whole shift... Maybe a bit later.">>
<<di bro "Anything else is better than doing this dumb job right now, but the manager will be pissed if I sneak out of my shift again. Come back later and we'll see. Now go away. I've got job to do.">>
The alcohol really clouds his judgment since he wouldn't ever risk his livelihood by skipping work and he doesn't even try to refuse your proposition.
Maybe you should check back with him in _cd hour<<if _cd >1>>s<</if>>. He might accept it then.
<<link "Back">>
<<if $bro.location === $you.location>>\
<<goto "Brother">>\
<<goto $you.location>>\
<<elseif $hour < 2 or $hour >= 23 or ($bro.shift <= 7 and $bro.shift > 0 and $hour < 12)>>\
<<if $bro.respromise == 1>>\
<<pressminute add 5>><<updatecaption>>\
<<replace ".passage">>\
<<di bro "Remember, meet me back here at <<if $bro.shift <= 7 and $bro.shift > 0>>12 PM<<else>>2 AM<</if>>.">>
<<link "Back">>
<<if $bro.location === $you.location>>\
<<goto "Brother">>\
<<goto $you.location>>\
<<set $bro.respromise ++>>\
<<pressminute add 15>><<updatecaption>>\
<<replace ".passage">>\
<<di bro "Hey, why are you here at this time?">>
<<if $bro.aff >= 21>>\
<<di you "I want to visit my favorite bro, can you blame me?">>
<<di you "I want to visit my bro, is it hard to understand?">>
<<if $bro.aff >=41>>\
He grins at you pleasedly and says merrily.
<<di bro "You’re definitely a good sight for sore eyes but sorry I’m still at work.">>
<<elseif $bro.aff >= 21>>\
<<di bro "Sheesh... You’re making me blush. Sorry, but can’t hang much since I’m still working.">>
He tries to play it off as a joke but there is still some color to his cheeks.
<<elseif $bro.aff >= 11>>\
<<di bro "Piss off... I’m trying to work here.">>
He says disgruntledly, clearly not in the mood for your shenanigans but you know just the remedy.
<<di bro "If you’re here trying to be an annoying customer, I’m gonna beat the shit outta you.">>
He says menacingly, well as menacingly as he can in the goofy uniform.
<<di you "Don’t worry, I have something else in mind.">>
Walking along with him until you reach a dark corner of the restaurant, you stop him, let your palm rest on his wide chest and whisper softly to his ear.
<<di you "You’re so hard working so how about a quickie to make it less... hard?">>
<<if $bro.aff >= 11>>\
He gulps and looks back and forth to see if anyone can overhear the conversation before answering.
<<di bro "I have a break at around <<if $bro.shift <= 7 and $bro.shift > 0>>12 PM<<else>>2 AM<</if>>. Meet me here.">>
He smirks at your offering, a note of arrogance dripped from his tone.
<<di bro "You’re that desperate to proposition me here at work in the dead of the night? Alright, meet me back here at <<if $bro.shift <= 7 and $bro.shift > 0>>12 PM<<else>>2 AM<</if>>.">>
You take note of his word and eagerly wait for <<if $bro.shift <= 7 and $bro.shift > 0>>12 PM<<else>>2 AM<</if>> to come around.
<<link "Back">>
<<if $bro.location === $you.location>>\
<<goto "Brother">>\
<<goto $you.location>>\
<<elseif ($hour > 2 and $hour < 23 and $bro.respromise == 0) or ( $bro.shift <= 7 and $bro.shift > 0 and $hour > 12 and $bro.respromise == 0)>>
<<pressminute add 5>><<updatecaption>>\
<<replace ".passage">>\
<<di bro "This is the last of my shift. Can't do it, but I don't mind doing it back home though.">>
If only there is <b>something that can help him lose his inhibition.</b>
<<link "Back">>
<<if $bro.location === $you.location>>\
<<goto "Brother">>\
<<goto $you.location>>\
<<elseif $hour == 2 or $hour == 12>>\
<<goto "Brobjffr">>
<<pressminute add 5>><<updatecaption>>\
<<replace ".passage">>\
<<di bro "I'm always in the mood but not now.">>
<<link "Back">>
<<if $bro.location === $you.location>>\
<<goto "Brother">>\
<<goto $you.location>>\
<</if>>\<<hour add 2>>\
<<scenechoices dad 1 0>>\
<<if $dad.drunk <= 5 or $gameends>>\
Sneaking inside, you find him fast asleep in his bed, drunk out of his mind and completely oblivious to the world. Still, you take caution by calling out:
<<di you "Hey $w.dad, you awake?">>
No reply. You then shake him just to be double safe and still there is no stirring. Taking a deep inhale, you pull the blank over to expose a completely naked $w.dad, body relaxed but still radiating strength and power.
His cock, though soft, looks as mighty as ever and touch-inviting and touch you do. You trace the veins running like rivers on a fertile land, take in the natural muskiness emanating from the neat jungle.
With some small touches, it comes to life and twitches like a beast ready to pounce on its prey. You give some experimental tugs and soon enough he becomes fully erected while still fully in his slumber.
<<video dad/dadfondle1.mp4>>
Brazened by his inaction, you open your mouth to direct his rock hard prick into it. Aside from the firmness, the first thing that comes into your mind is the salt from his skin attacking your tastebuds. The act of serving $w.ydad while he’s unaware make you feel even headier.
<<video dad/dadfondle2.mp4>>
After a while you can feel he’s getting close from the vibration of his thigh and body. You’re unsure but can feel the ever so slight movements from his part like he’s sleep fucking your mouth. Soon, a not quite whining sound escapes from his chest signaling his near climax within your bouncing grasp.
Soon his member starts churning out hot creamy milk running down the underside of his member. You watch in amazement as he is able to maintain his sleep through an orgasm.
<<video dad/dadfondle3.mp4>>
You clean him up nicely like nothing has ever happened.
<<elseif $hour >= 6 and $hour < 10>>\
<<minute add 5>>\
It's almost morning, it is too risky if you do anything to him now.
<<link "Back">>
<<if $gameends>>\
<<goto "Dadscenemenu">>
<<elseif $dad.location === $you.location>>\
<<goto "Dad">>\
<<goto $you.location>>\
<</link>><<hour add 2>><<set $bro.respromise = 0>>\
<<scenechoices bro 4 1>>\
<<if $scenepicked>>\
<<if $bro.lust < 40>><<lust bro add 1>><</if>>\
<<sus bro add 1>>\
<<if $bro.shift <= 7 and $bro.shift > 0>>12 PM<<else>>2 AM<</if>> comes around and when $w.ybrother sees you, he signals for you to the back alley.
As he checks that the coast is clear, he motions for you to go to a dark corner to further shield you both away from any stray eyes.
<<if _saff == 4>>\
<<di bro "Shit, I’ve been thinking about it the whole shift... Can’t focus on work at all.">>
He smiles at you shyly. The glow on your cheeks answers his as you reply sheepishly.
<<di you "Me too... I’ve been counting every second for this moment.">>
<<elseif _saff == 3>>\
<<di bro "I need a “real” break man... You’re the savior.">>
<<di you "No problem... That’s what bros are for.">>
<<elseif _saff == 2>>\
<<di bro "Psst... be quiet and do this quick, got it?">>
<<di you "Will try my best.">>
You wink at his unamused and tired face.
<<di bro "Ok, let’s cut the bullshit. Get down on your knees.">>
He pulls you down to the position and proceeds to the intended activity.
As you both are in semi public space, he quickly frees his half hard member and you nurse it immediately with your mouth to fullness and it takes a matter of 10 seconds. Even during the dead tire of the night, the feeling of his hardness stretching your mouth is so energizing that your head is now bobbing enthusiastically.
<<video bro/brores1.mp4>>
The man is really just done with his shift, amid the grease, oil that lingers on his skin, his sweat scent - musky, pheromonic and captivating, still catches your nose. It remains there as a reminder that you’re serving a real hard working man who ain’t afraid of getting it down and dirty.
As his ecstasy heightens, so does the movement of his hips and your willing mouth. He truly means it when he said to make it quick, and now is trying to chase that sweet release and that boost of euphoria.
<<video bro/brores2.mp4>>
<<if _saff == 4>>\
<<di bro "Fuck... I can’t get enough of your mouth...">>
<<elseif _saff >= 2>>\
<<di bro "Shit... I’m coming!">>
He grunts lowly and continues fuck your throat with bruising speed, clearly on the verge of cumming.
Suddenly he dislodges his cock and gives it a stroke before blasting on your tongue his delicious man milk. His taste is thick, salty and potent as you hold it in your tongue as if the liquid can imprint itself to your taste buds and you can have this reminder of him forever.
<<video bro/brorescum1.mp4>>
Alas, your desire to have a piece of him inside you wins over and you swallow greedily under his watchful gaze.
<<if _saff == 4>>\
<<di bro "Holy... if this is what I get everytime, I don’t mind you come visit me more.">>
You grin at him and answer.
<<di you "Of course, anything for you.">>
<<elseif _saff == 3>>\
<<di bro "Hell yeah! Thanks, man. That hits the spot.">>
<<elseif _saff == 2>>\
<<di bro "Good job, but don’t make a habit of distracting me at work.">>
He throws that back and leaves you there cock still raging.
<<di bro "Good fucking job, pig. Now piss off, I’ve got work to do!">>
He throws that back and leaves you there, cock still raging.
<<link "Back">>
<<if $gameends>>
<<goto "Broscenemenu">>
<<elseif $bro.location === $you.location>>\
<<goto "Brother">>\
<<goto $you.location>>\
<</link>>\<<set $bro.respromise = 0>>\
<<aff bro minus 5>>\
<<di bro "What the hell, man? You came to my workplace to lead me on and left me blueball? Not fucking cool.">>
@@.str;SHOW MEDIA:@@ <<checkbox "$displayimage" false true autocheck>>
@@.str;INCEST:@@ <<checkbox "$incest" false true autocheck>>
@@.str;WATERSPORT:@@ <<checkbox "$watersport" false true autocheck>>
@@.str;24 HOUR DISPLAY:@@ <<checkbox "$hourdisplaymode" false true autocheck>>
@@.str;NAME LIST:@@
<b>You:</b> <<textbox "$you.Namedis" $you.Namedis>>
<b>$w.Ydad:</b> <<textbox "$dad.Namedis" $dad.Namedis>>
<b>$w.Ybrother:</b> <<textbox "$bro.Namedis" $bro.Namedis>>
<<if $resman.start>>\
<b>Restaurant manager:</b> <<textbox "$resman.Name" $resman.Name>>
<<if $bully.state >= 1>>\
<b>Bully: </b> <<textbox "$bully.Name" $bully.Name>>
<<if $prof.state >= 1>>\
<b>Professor:</b> <<textbox "$prof.Name" $prof.Name>>
<<link "Fix scenes not appearing bug" "Settingsmenu">>
<<set $scenepicked = true>>
<<link "Debug old saves" "Settingsmenu">><<saveupdate>><</link>>
<<link "Debug gallery" "Settingsmenu">><<galleryupdate>><</link>><b> - Please use with the save with the most progression</b><<widget "di">>\
<<set _active to "<strong>$"+_args[0]+".Name: </strong>">>\
<<print "@@."+_args[0]+".di;"+_active+_args[1]+"@@">>\
<<widget "dio">>\
<<print "@@.str1.di;<strong>"+_args[0]+":</strong> "+_args[1]+"@@">>\
<<widget "updatecaption">><<silently>>
<<replace "#story-caption">><<include "StoryCaption">><</replace>>
<<widget "updatepassage">><<silently>>
<<replace ".passage">><<include `passage()`>><</replace>>
<<widget "image">>\
<<set _tempimg = "media/"+_args[0]>>\
<<if $displayimage>><center>[img[_tempimg]]</center><</if>><</widget>>\
<<widget "video">>\
<<set _tempvid ="media/"+_args[0]>>\
<<if $displayimage>><center><video @src=_tempvid width="640" height="480" autoplay muted loop></video></center><</if>><</widget>>\
<<widget "incestswitch">><<silently>>
<<if $incest>>
<<set $dad.Name = "Dad">>
<<set $bro.Name = "Brother">>
<<set $gp.Name = "Grandpa">>
<<set $unc.Name = "Uncle">>
<<set $w to {
son: "son",
Son: "Son",
dad: "dad",
Dad: "Dad",
ydad: "your dad",
Ydad: "Your dad",
father: "father",
Father: "Father",
yfather: "your father",
Yfather: "Your father",
bro: "bro",
Bro: "Bro",
ybro: "your bro",
Ybro: "Your bro",
brother: "brother",
Brother: "Brother",
ybrother: "your brother",
Ybrother: "Your brother",
uncle: "uncle",
Uncle: "Uncle",
nephew: "nephew",
Nephew: "Nephew",
grandpa: "grandpa",
Grandpa: "Grandpa",
granddad: "granddad",
Granddad: "Granddad",
grandson: "grandson",
Grandson: "Grandson",
<<set $dad.Name = "Step-dad">>
<<set $bro.Name = "Step-brother">>
<<set $gp.Name = "Step-grandpa">>
<<set $unc.Name = "Step-uncle">>
<<set $w to {
son: "kid",
Son: "Kid",
dad: "step-dad",
Dad: "Step-dad",
ydad: "your step-dad",
Ydad: "Your step-dad",
father: "step-father",
Father: "Step-Father",
yfather: "your step-father",
Yfather: "Your step-father",
bro: "step-bro",
Bro: "Step-bro",
ybro: "your step-bro",
Ybro: "Your step-bro",
brother: "step-brother",
Brother: "Step-Brother",
ybrother: "your step-brother",
Ybrother: "Your step-brother",
uncle: "step-uncle",
Uncle: "Step-uncle",
nephew: "step-nephew",
Nephew: "Step-nephew",
grandpa: "step-grandpa",
Grandpa: "Step-grandpa",
granddad: "step-granddad",
Granddad: "Step-granddad",
grandson: "step-grandson",
Grandson: "Step-grandson",
<<widget "pwverify">><<silently>>\
<<set _chrcode = 1>>
<<for _i to 0; _i lt _args[0].length; _i++>>
<<if _i == 2>>
<<set _chrcode *= _args[0].charCodeAt(_i)>>
<<set _chrcode += _args[0].charCodeAt(_i)>>
<<if _chrcode == _args[1]>>
<<set _pwcorrect = true>>
<<if _chrcode == 23962>>
<<set _pwdev = true>>
<<widget "pwverify2">><<silently>>\
<<set _chrcode = 1>>
<<for _i to 0; _i lt _args[0].length; _i++>>
<<if _i == 2>>
<<set _chrcode *= _args[0].charCodeAt(_i)>>
<<set _chrcode += _args[0].charCodeAt(_i)>>
<<if _chrcode == _args[1]>>
<<set _pwcorrect2 = true>>
<<widget "pwprint">>
<<set _chrcode = 1>>
<<for _i to 0; _i lt _args[0].length; _i++>>
<<if _i == 2>>
<<set _chrcode *= _args[0].charCodeAt(_i)>>
<<set _chrcode += _args[0].charCodeAt(_i)>>
<<print _chrcode>>
<</widget>><<scenechoices bro 1 0>>\
<<if not $gameends or previous() === "Dadjeabadends">>\
@@.title;HAPPY ENDING@@
<<di bro "Can I talk to you for a sec?">>
<<di you "Of course, any time.">>
Following $w.ybrother, your heart beats erratically, stray thoughts running wild in your mind. Is this the talk where he will end things with you?
As you both arrive in a quiet corner, he seems hesitant and nervous to begin. The moment seems to drag on and you cannot handle this torture any longer.
<<di you "What... do you want to talk about?">>
<<di bro "Um... well... Here’s the thing... I will move out of the house soon.">>
You let out a sigh of relief internally and smile.
<<di you "That’s amazing... Congratulations!">>
<<di bro "Yep, with all your encouragement and praises, I got enough confidence to apply for a job as PT in a famous fitness center downtown and they were really impressed during my tryout. Now I have a job in the city, good pay and a human working hours finally.">>
Now that he explains it, it then hits you but still you can only reply melancholy.
<<di you "So you will live in the city then... I’m happy for you.">>
<<di bro "Well... umm... another thing... I want you to move in with me.">>
He stutters quite a bit as the light at the end of the tunnel clears away all the brief gloom that you feel just now: he wants to live with you.
<<di you "Really? Of course, I will do that.">>
<<di bro "That’s not all...">>
He now appears to struggle for words, but then his features steel with determination and the confident man that I want and love seems to take over.
<<di bro "I want us to live as... boyfriends or... lovers.">>
You are stunned. The word “lover” echoes through your brain as you never expect those words to come out of his mouth. Taking your silence the wrong way, he hastily adds with a touch of nerves.
<<di bro "Please... I get it is wrong for us to have a relationship like that but... I can’t help it. I’ve never felt so good being with someone, you make me feel like I’m the best of the best, powerful and... loved.">>
Your poor brain is still processing the onslaught of confessions very slowly, he looks pale and desperate for a moment.
<<di bro "Please... I love you so damn much I can’t live without you!">>
The upset lines on his forehead and the glistening pupils finally pulls you out of the daze as you quickly answer.
<<di you "Yes! I want all of that.">>
Now, it’s his turn to look stunned.
<<di bro "Really?">>
<<di you "Of course, you dork. I didn’t do all of the fun stuffs with you for nothing. Truth is I’ve loved you for a long time.">>
You don’t even get a chance to act shy before he pulls you in his vice-like embrace and kiss the shit out of you. His tongue, just like him, is now confident, strong, but oh so tender that leaves you breathless.
<<di bro "I love you, too. Fuck what everyone thinks. I want to spend my life with you.">>
True to his words, you both move out of the house for a cute little apartment downtown. It’s a little bittersweet saying goodbye to $w.ydad but you think the future with $w.ybrother is worth it.
With your constant support and praises, $w.ybrother really flourish as he becomes highly successful with helping various people in their fitness journey. When introducing you as his partner to his friends, they don’t really bat an eye considering our likeness as your eavedrop them saying: “Some gay people like to date their indentical twin”.
<<image bro/broend1.jpg>>
You’ve never been happier and looking back at the <<link "memories">><<if $gameends>><<goto "Broscenemenu">><<else>><<set $gameends = true>><<goto "Memoriesmenu">><</if>><</link>>, you still can’t believe how lucky you are.<<galleryupdate>>\
<<if $cw.Name === "The man">>
<<set _title1 = "With the construction worker">>
<<set _title1 = "With $cw.Name - the construction worker">>
<<if $mec.Name === "Man">>
<<set _title2 = "With the mechanic">>
<<set _title2 = "With $mec.Name - the mechanic">>
<<if $sd.Name === "Boss">>
<<set _title3 = "With the sugar-daddy">>
<<set _title3 = "With $sd.Name - the sugar-daddy">>
<<if not $gameends>><<set $gameends to true>><</if>>
<<link "With $w.father" "Dadscenemenu">><</link>> <<link "With $w.brother" "Broscenemenu">><</link>>
<<if setup.ws.dnbscene>><<link "The hazy memory of the threesomes with $w.yfather and $w.brother" "Dnbthreesome">><</link>><<else>><<link "==The hazy memory of the threesomes with $w.yfather and $w.brother==">><</link>><</if>> <<if setup.ws.dnbscene>><<link "<b>Happy throuple ending </b>" "Dnbgoodend">><</link>><<else>><<link "==<b>Happy throuple ending </b>==">><</link>><</if>>
<<link "With $resman.Namedis - the restaurant manager" "Resmanscenemenu">><</link>> <<link "With $bully.Name - the bully" "Bullyscenemenu">><</link>> <<link "With $prof.Name - the professor" "Profscenemenu">><</link>> <<link _title1 "CWscenemenu">><</link>> <<link _title2 "Mecscenemenu">><</link>> <<link _title3 "SDscenemenu">><</link>>
<<link "Of Sexvacation Expedition" "Mcscenemenu">><</link>> <<link "Of the Ardor Fair" "Fairscenemenu">><</link>> <<link "Of the prison" "Prisonscenemenu">><</link>> <<link "Of the office" "Oworkscenemenu">><</link>>
<<link "With other characters" "Otherscenemenu">><</link>>
<<if $ingallery>><<link "Back" "Living room">><<set $scenepicked = true>><<set $gameends = false>><<set $ingallery = false>><</link>><</if>>
@@.minus;DO NOT OPEN FUTURE SCENES DURING A REPLAY SESSION. IT MAY BREAK THE GAME.@@<<minute add 45>><<set $you.horniness = 0>>\
You make a quick work of beating yourself off.
<<set _image to either(1,2,3,4)>>
<<if _image == 1>><<image you/masturbate1.webp>>
<<elseif _image == 2>><<image you/masturbate2.webp>>
<<elseif _image == 3>><<image you/masturbate3.webp>>
<<elseif _image == 4>><<image you/masturbate4.webp>><</if>>\
Soon the cum flows out and coats your dick.
[[You got carried away and are almost late for school|Kitchenintro]]<<hour add 3>><<set $bro.resfuckcd = 0>><<set $you.horniness = 0>>\
<<lust bro add 1>>\
<<sus bro add 2>>\
<<scenechoices bro 4 1>>\
<<if $scenepicked>>\
<<di bro "You know what? I do need a break, a real break.">>
After saying that, he waves you to follow into a storage room in the restaurant. Despite his slight tipsy state, he still remembers to stay cautious and lock the door.
<<if _saff == 4>>\
<<di bro "You have no idea how much I look forward to this. Especially doing this at work, it's a bit thrilling, isn't it?">>
He says a bit abashedly but you can see the apparent bugle in his pants.
<<di you "Me too, man. I've been ravenous for your cock, I'm going a little bit crazy. I don't think I even care if we did it in the middle of the restaurant.">>
The only word that can describe the look he gives you is heated.
<<elseif _saff == 3>>\
<<di bro "Man, we gotta be real quick. I cannot ditch the shift for too long.">>
<<di you "From the tent on your pants, I suppose it wouldn't be a problem?">>
He blushes cutely but doesn't take offense to your words.
<<di bro "Yea... The idea of doing this in my workplace is kind of a turn-on too.">>
<<elseif _saff == 2>>\
<<di bro "Let's get down to it quick or my manager will be on my ass for ditching the shift.">>
He says impatiently to you like you are just a hole for him to stick it in. To be honest, you don't particularly mind that either.
<<di you "Of course.">>
<<di bro "Don't waste my time. If I get busted doing this shit, it won't be pretty for you.">>
Knowing your willingness to do as he pleases, his order bodes no argument. You don't have any need for pretense either.
<<di you "Yes.">>
He then proceeds to take off his work pants and reveal the raging beasts that you lovingly long for. Along with it, the trapped odor surrounding his maleness also gets released into the air. The hint of sweat, oil and musk radiates through the confined space you are in and suffocates any cautious thoughts that you may have before. All you want to do is to inhale and have a taste of that man popsicle.
<<video bro/brodrunkfuck1.mp4>>
Alas, $w.ybrother has another idea.
<<if _saff >= 3>>\
<<di bro "Since we don't have much time, can I fuck you?">>
<<di bro "Turn around, ass up so we can make this quick.">>
That's exactly what you want to hear so with a nod you quickly pull off your own pants aching for him to enter your already lubed hole.
<<if _saff == 4>>\
<<di bro "Shit, you're all wet. Just for me?">>
With his throaty whisper, you moan back lustfully.
<<di you "Yea… I'm under the spell of your marvelous dick, I'm going crazy.">>
<<elseif _saff == 3>>\
<<di bro "Damn, you're already lubed up?">>
You chuckle to him smartly.
<<di you "Yea, I always come prepared, especially for you, bro.">>
<<elseif _saff == 2>>\
<<di bro "There is lube on your ass... Assuming much? Who told you that I would stick my dick in you?">>
You chuckle to him smartly.
<<di you "Well, I'm an optimistic guy.">>
<<di bro "Really? Your hole is already lubed up. Always knew that you were a thot but being this desperate whore is just low.">>
The alcohol really loosens his tongue as the barrage of insults comes your way. Which aren't exactly unwelcome considering the reactions that you are experiencing - a cast of turnt on blush on your cheeks and a shy murmur:
<<di you "Anything for you...">>
You jut your bottom out just to further emphasize your hunger and feel his roughened palms running over your smoothness. Like he said, he really doesn't want to waste any time as your entrance comes into contact with the blunt head of his hardness.
<<if _saff == 4>>\
<<di bro "Hell yea, you're driving me insane too... Your sweet ass is making me reckless... Having sex during work?...">>
Despite his words, his movement is steady and mindful. You can feel his care and devotion as you both join in the most sacred union in the middle of a frankly dingy room in a fast food chain of all places.
<<elseif _saff == 3>>\
His answering chortle is both full of mirth and incredulity.
<<di bro "If that's the case, I guess I'll have to make it worth all the hassles.">>
He enters you with an incessant force. Even though you have prepped thoroughly, his member is regardless a hard pill to swallow. Still, the discomfort is not enough to completely overtake the joy as your inside is being stretched to the fullest in the most delicious way.
<<video bro/brodrunkfuck2.mp4>>
<<elseif _saff == 2>>\
<<di bro "Alright, enough chitchat.">>
He enters you with an incessant force. Even though you have prepped thoroughly, his member is regardless a hard pill to swallow. Still, the discomfort is not enough to completely overtake the joy as your inside is being stretched to the fullest in the most delicious way.
With you even realizing it, he rams his member roughly into you and forces out a surprised yelp as the pain pierces through your body.
<<di bro "Shut the hell up, bitch.">>
He growls dangerously and deeply as his hand smothers your gaping and drooling mouth. Obviously, you accept his ravaging without protest since this is what you came here for.
After just a minute, your orifice is now acquainted with the gigantic intrusion and pleasure begins to bloom in your brain. His length is seemingly extra large and long as every thrust takes almost forever. However, at the same time the quick friction and pistoning is an undeniable proof that he is using all his might to chase the climax as fast as possible.
<<video bro/brodrunkfuck3.mp4>>
Suddenly footsteps can be heard on the other side of the door, you try to muffle the moans begging to be released out of your mouth. However, it looks like either he doesn't notice it or he does and gets turned on by the knowledge that someone could barge in and see you ass up, dick hard for $w.ybro's taking.
<<dio "Stranger 1" "Did you hear that?">>
<<dio "Stranger 2" "It's nothing, probably the fridge again, it has been groaning and creaking for days now.">>
He plunges his pole inside you silently but no less deadly as your prostate feels like a high striker at a state fair getting beaten to sweet little deaths by a bunch of strongmen. This also makes it extremely difficult to stay quiet and it takes your entire brain power to not let out euphoric squeaks. Thankfully, the footsteps begin to fade away and the brutal mating nearly reaches its explosive end.
<<if _saff == 4>>\
<<di bro "Holy... Your ass... I can't hold off... any longer...">>
<<elseif _saff >= 2>>\
<<di bro "Fuckkkk... I'm too close...">>
<<di bro "Here it fucking comes...">>
With the final slam, he paints your globes with hot bursts of purely male essences and stakes a claim of your ass.
<<video bro/brodrunkfuckcum1.mp4>>
The smell of the sweat from working beforehand, now even more intensified by the vigorous fucking, combines with the heady scent of cum floating to your nostrils. Taking that all in, you bundle the euphoria of being the object of his desire, the smell, the tenderness of your backside and the quick strokes of your hand. It is finally enough for your fucked-out brain to escape the haze of derilium for it to order your still rock hard dick to begin shooting out the dozen spurts of white cream.
<<video bro/brodrunkfuckcum2.mp4>>
<<if _saff == 4>>\
<<di bro "Fuck... That was so risky... but so hot... Maybe we can do it again?">>
He says hesitantly with a blush on his cheeks. Clearly, this semi-public fuck was exciting not only for you but for him too so you reply back a bit too loudly.
<<di you "Hell yea!">>
He covers your mouth where you can still smell his semen lingering. His breath is heated close to your face.
<<di bro "Shhh! Don't be too loud.">>
Your tongue has a mind of its own and licks his sandpapery hand tasting the tasty concoction of sweat and cum. His hand jerks back swiftly as you answer whisperly and wickedly.
<<di you "Sorry... and yum.">>
His face is getting hotter by the minutes, but it seems like our time is running out. He coughs into his fist and tells you:
<<di bro "Okay, we need to clean this up thoroughly and leave no trace behind.">>
You nods at him like a puppy and you both proceed to do a meticulous inspection and sanitization of the room before exit it sneakily.
<<elseif _saff == 3>>\
<<di bro "Holy... man, That was exactly what I needed. Thanks bro!">>
You smile at him and answer.
<<di you "Way better than flipping a burger, am I right?">>
<<di bro "Tell me about it.">>
After he finishes zipping up like nothing has happened he says to you a bit guiltily.
<<di bro "Sorry but please help me clean up thoroughly, we cannot leave any trace and my manager is probably looking for me now.">>
Considering what a good fuck that was, you gladly follow his request and soon leave the storage room feeling sated.
<<elseif _saff == 2>>\
<<di bro "Shit... Gotta bounce or my manager will have my balls. Clean the room up, will ya?">>
He throws those words back without even acknowledging your answer as if he expected nothing less but yes from you.
Well of course, you do as he said and soon leave the storage room.
<<di bro "Feel good, huh?">>
You nod agreeably as your brain is still blissed out from the climax.
<<di bro "If so, clean this mess up bitch since you waste so much of my time.">>
He then spits to the ground before leaving like something nasty is stuck in his throat and of course to make your clean up even harder.
Nothing that you can't do anyway and being able to be raw dogged by him like that, totally worth it!
<<link "Back">>
<<if $gameends>>
<<goto "Broscenemenu">>
<<elseif $bro.location === $you.location>>
<<goto "Brother">>
<<goto $you.location>>
<</link>><<hour add 2>><<if $bro.lust < 40>><<lust bro add 1>><</if>>\
<<sus bro add 1>>\
<<if not $gameends and $bro.aff <= 40 and (not setup.ws.Brofondle2 or not $ws.Brofondle2)>>\
<<set setup.ws.Brofondle2 to true>>\
<<set $ws.Brofondle2 to true>>\
<<run memorize('ws', setup.ws)>>\
<<scenechoices bro 5 1>>\
<<if $scenepicked>>\
You stealthily sneak inside his room, but considering how dead tired $w.ybrother looks, it seems like you could make a ruckus and he wouldn’t budge.
<<di you "Hey, are you awake?">>
The only thing answering your question is the rise and fall of his expansive chest, so you begin to make your moves. Approaching his bed, you lift the blanket to reveal your completely nude $w.brother who is still quietly snoring away. Him being on his bed - relaxing - really softens the hard ridges of his peak physique and even makes him look a bit adorable.
Despite that, you are a man on a mission, so you stop being distracted and focus on your main goal - his dick. It is now sleeping like its owner but still no less intimidating. You give it a few experimental tugs and naturally with his youthful energy and “the curse”, it soon becomes fully erected in a matter of a minute.
<<video bro/brofondle1.mp4>>
You can see that he's undisturbed in spite of your touch probably because of being exhausted. To help wash away his tiredness and not getting caught in the act, you proceed to open your mouth.
As usual, his cock stretches your lips to the fullest but with his hip staying still, you now have much better time and control on how you would like to maneuver this huge tool. Slobbering all over this cock, you try to keep your suction frictional and, at the same time, soft to avoid the risk of him waking up from the blowjob.
Due to the very same reason, your tongue now has been putting in work licking all over the hard shaft and prying into his piss slit which he obviously likes because his breath is getting shorter and shorter as time goes on.
<<video bro/brofondle2.mp4>>
His smell is still as enticing as ever - musk, pheromone, some primitive molecules from his sweat<<if $watersport>> combined with a slight tang from urine<</if>> - and the fuel to add to the fire of your own desire.
Despite him not moving at all, you can feel his closeness to the point of no return from the way his chest rises and falls rapidly, his cock twitches incessantly and the low instinctive and incoherent growl deep in his throat. You decide to abandon all the reservation pumping your mouth full of his cock.
When he’s about to cum, you pull off and jack him tightly. Your hard work finally pays off as the thick white liquid spills from his urethra running down his ginormous member and coats your wrapping hand. Despite the lack of movement, this particular load is no less impressive than the one where he’s the active participant.
<<video bro/brofondlecum1.mp4>>
<<if _saff == 4>>\
<<di bro "Sh... Thanks...">>
You can hear his soft and scratchy words like he was just woken up. However, it seems he soon returns back to his slumber right after the climax.
Strangely enough, even through the climax, except for a short pause in his breath, it seems his sleep is completely undisturbed. Truly? How can a man experience ecstasy in his sleep and not be awoken.
Nonetheless, he appears much more relaxed, even more so than before. You knew that this was the right medicine for him since nothing beats a good orgasm. You lick all his semen on his cock and your hand clean before throwing the blanket back on and leave the room quietly.
<<link "Back">>
<<if $gameends>>
<<goto "Broscenemenu">>
<<elseif $bro.location === $you.location>>\
<<goto "Brother">>\
<<goto $you.location>>\
<</link>>\<<if $bro.rockettime == 0>>\
$w.Ybrother looks flustered and tries to cover his crotch.
<<if $bro.aff >= 20>>\
<<di bro "Hey... Umm... I'm in the middle of something. What's up?">>
<<di bro "What?!?">>
His voice is shaky and breathy and it looks like he's not completely in control at the moment. Now is the perfect chance for you to be extra courageous since he will be less resistant to your advance considering his current state.
<<elseif $bro.rockettime == 1>>\
$w.Ybrother looks flustered and tries to cover his crotch. However, now he has a wary look on his face.
<<di bro "Need anything?">>
His voice is shaky and breathy and it looks like he's not completely in control at the moment. Now is the perfect chance for you to be extra courageous since he will be less resistant to your advance considering his current state.
$w.Ybrother looks flustered and tries to cover his crotch. Despite all that, he now has a suspicious expression.
<<di bro "The timing is impeccable... Again what?">>
His voice is shaky and breathy and it looks like he's not completely in control at the moment. Now is the perfect chance for you to be extra courageous since he will be less resistant to your advance considering his current state.
However, you should consider not drugging him, since he is close to figuring out your scheme.
<<link "Offer him a handjob">>
<<if $bro.lust >= 20 and $dad.location === $bro.location and not $dnb.start>>\
<<goto "Dadcaught">>
<<elseif not hasVisited("Brohjintro2") and $bro.lust >= 20 and $you.location !== "Fast food restaurant">>\
<<goto "Brohjintro1">>
<<elseif hasVisited("Brobjintro1") and $you.location === "Bathroom">>
<<goto "Brobathroombj1">>
<<elseif $bro.lust >= 20 and hasVisited("Brohjintro2") and $you.location !== "Fast food restaurant">>\
<<goto "Brohj1">>
<<pressminute add 15>><<updatecaption>>\
<<replace ".passage">>\
<<di bro "Wha... what the hell are you doing?">>
<<sus bro add 6>>\
<<aff bro minus 3>>\
<<link "Back">>
<<if $bro.location === $you.location>>\
<<goto "Brother">>\
<<goto $you.location>>\
<<link "Offer to blow him">>
<<if $bro.lust >= 30 and $dad.location === $bro.location and hasVisited("Brobjintro1") and not $dnb.start>>
<<include "Dadcaught">>
<<elseif hasVisited("Brobjintro1") and $you.location === "Bathroom">>
<<goto "Brobathroombj1">>
<<elseif $bro.lust >= 30 and hasVisited("Brobjintro1")>>
<<goto "Brobj1">>
<<pressminute add 15>><<updatecaption>>\
<<replace ".passage">>\
<<di bro "Wha... what the hell are you doing?">>
<<sus bro add 8>>\
<<aff bro minus 4>>\
<<link "Back">>
<<if $bro.location === $you.location>>\
<<goto "Brother">>\
<<goto $you.location>>\
<<link "Offer him your ass">>
<<if $bro.lust >= 40 and $dad.location === $bro.location and hasVisited("Brofuckintro1") and not $dnb.start>>
<<goto "Dadcaught">>
<<elseif $bro.lust >= 40 and hasVisited("Brofuckintro1") and $bro.location !== "Fast food restaurant">>
<<goto "Brofuck1">>
<<pressminute add 15>><<updatecaption>>\
<<replace ".passage">>\
<<di bro "Wha... what the hell are you doing?">>
<<sus bro add 10>>\
<<aff bro minus 5>>\
<<link "Back">>
<<if $bro.location === $you.location>>\
<<goto "Brother">>\
<<goto $you.location>>\
<</link>><<if $dad.rockettime == 0>>\
$w.Ydad looks obviously heated and tries to cover his crotch.
<<if $dad.aff >= 21>>\
<<di dad "Umm... Now it is not a great time... What do you need?">>
<<di dad "What do you want??... And make it quick.">>
His voice is shaky and breathy and it seems like he's not completely in control at the moment. Now is the perfect chance for you to be extra courageous since he will be less resistant to your advance considering his current state.
<<elseif $dad.rockettime == 1>>\
$w.Ydad looks obviously heated and tries to cover his crotch. However, he now has a wary look on his face.
<<di dad "What do you need this time?">>
His voice is shaky and breathy and it seems like he's not completely in control at the moment. Now is the perfect chance for you to be extra courageous since he will be less resistant to your advance considering his current state.
<<elseif $dad.rockettime >= 2>>\
$w.Ydad looks obviously heated and tries to cover his crotch. Despite all that, he now has a suspicious expression.
<<di dad "It seems awfully convenient... Do you have anything to say to me?">>
His voice is shaky and breathy and it seems like he's not completely in control at the moment. Now is the perfect chance for you to be extra courageous since he will be less resistant to your advance considering his current state.
However, you should consider not drugging him, since he is close to figuring out your scheme.
<<link "Offer him a handjob">>
<<if $dad.lust >= 20 and $dad.location === $bro.location and not $dnb.start>>\
<<goto "Brocaught">>
<<elseif not hasVisited("Dadhjintro2") and $dad.lust >= 20>>\
<<goto "Dadhjintro1">>
<<elseif $dad.lust >= 30 and $you.location === "Bathroom" and hasVisited("Dadbjintro1")>>\
<<goto "Dadbathroombj1">>
<<elseif hasVisited("Dadhjintro2") and $dad.lust >= 20>>\
<<goto "Dadhj1">>
<<elseif $you.location === "Bathroom">>\
<<pressminute add 15>><<updatecaption>>\
<<replace ".passage">>\
<<di dad "What the hell are you doing here? Get out!">>
<<sus dad add 6>>\
<<aff dad minus 3>>\
<<link "Back">>
<<if $dad.location === $you.location>>\
<<goto "Dad">>\
<<goto $you.location>>\
<<pressminute add 15>><<updatecaption>>\
<<replace ".passage">>\
<<di dad "You are not being very funny.">>
<<sus dad add 6>>\
<<aff dad minus 3>>\
<<link "Back">>
<<if $dad.location === $you.location>>\
<<goto "Dad">>\
<<goto $you.location>>\
<<link "Offer to blow him">>
<<if $dad.lust >= 30 and $dad.location === $bro.location and hasVisited("Dadbjintro1") and not $dnb.start>>\
<<goto "Brocaught">>
<<elseif $dad.lust >= 30 and hasVisited("Dadbjintro1") and $you.location === "Bathroom">>\
<<goto "Dadbathroombj1">>
<<elseif $dad.lust >= 30 and hasVisited("Dadbjintro1")>>\
<<goto "Dadbj1">>
<<pressminute add 15>><<updatecaption>>\
<<replace ".passage">>\
<<di dad "You are not being very funny.">>
<<sus dad add 8>>\
<<aff dad minus 4>>\
<<link "Back">>
<<if $dad.location === $you.location>>\
<<goto "Dad">>\
<<goto $you.location>>\
<<link "Offer him your ass">>
<<if $dad.lust >= 40 and $dad.location === $bro.location and hasVisited("Dadfuckintro1") and not $dnb.start>>
<<goto "Brocaught">>
<<elseif $dad.lust >= 40 and hasVisited("Dadfuckintro1")>>
<<goto "Dadfuck1">>
<<pressminute add 15>><<updatecaption>>\
<<replace ".passage">>\
<<di dad "You are not being very funny.">>
<<sus dad add 10>>\
<<aff dad minus 5>>\
<<link "Back">>
<<if $dad.location === $you.location>>\
<<goto "Dad">>\
<<goto $you.location>>\
<<if setup.newload>>
<<set setup.newload to false>>
<<if hashStr($cheatcode) !== $ccanswer>>
<<if hashStr($cheatcode) !== 358726648>>
<<if $cheatnofatigue>>
<<set $you.sleep = 0>>
<<set $you.hunger = 0>>
<<set $cheatnofatigue = false>>
<<if $cheatnohorny>>
<<set $you.horniness = 0>>
<<set $cheatnohorny = false>>
<<if $you.horniness < 0>><<set $you.horniness = 0>><</if>>
<<if $you.sleep < 0>><<set $you.sleep = 0>><</if>>
<<if $you.hunger < 0>><<set $you.hunger = 0>><</if>><<galleryupdate>>
<<set $backButton = passage()>>
<<if not $gameends and $bully.state !== 8 and $bully.state < 12 and $stage == 0>>
<<if $bully.state >= 3 and $hour >= 9 and $bully.requeststate == 0>>\
<<popover>><<include "Bullyrequest">><</popover>>
<<elseif $bully.state >= 3 and $bully.requestcd >= 3 and $bully.requeststate == 1 and $stage == 0>>
<<popover>><<include "Bullystrike">><</popover>>
<<if $hour >= 14 and $prof.request == 0 and $prof.state == 1 and $day >= 2 and $day <= 6 and $stage == 0>>
<<if $prof.requeststate == 2>>
<<set $prof.requeststate = 3>>
<<elseif $prof.requeststate == 3>>
<<set $prof.syc = true>>
<<set $prof.stc = true>>
<<set $prof.requeststate = 1>>
<<jea prof -1>>
<<sus prof 1>>
<<elseif $prof.request == 1 and $prof.requeststate == 1 and $stage == 0>>
<<set $prof.requeststate = 2>>
<<elseif $prof.request == 1 and $prof.requeststate == 2 and $you.horniness === 0 and $stage == 0>>
<<set $prof.requeststate = 3>>
<<elseif $prof.request == 3 and $prof.requeststate == 1 and tags().includes('anal') and not tags().includes('prof') and $stage == 0>>
<<set $prof.requeststate = 3>>
<<popover>><<include "Profplugremove">><</popover>>
<</if>> - <i>Your journey of seducing $w.ydad.</i>
<<if $dad.lust == 50 and ($dad.aff == 1 or $dad.aff == $dad.affmax)>>\
• He wants to talk to you - <b>GOOD ENDING</b>
<<elseif $dad.lust == 50>>\
• Make him love or hate you to the maximum
<<elseif $dad.lust >= 40 and hasVisited("Dadfuckintro1")>>\
• Corrupt him by letting him fuck you
• Getting a happy ending by making him love or hate you to the maximum
<<elseif $dad.lust == 40>>\
• Ask him to fuck you during a regular blowjobs
<<elseif $dad.lust >= 30 and hasVisited("Dadbjintro1")>>\
• Increase his lust by blowing him
<<elseif $dad.lust == 30>>\
• Ask to suck him during a regular handjob
<<elseif $dad.lust >= 20 and hasVisited ("Dadhjintro2")>>\
• Increase his lust by giving him handjobs
<<elseif $dad.lust == 20>>\
• Ask him if he wants a handjob
<<elseif $dad.lust >= 10>>\
• Increase his lust by accidentally touching his crotch
• Increase his lust by teasing him
<</if>>\<<button "@@.q1;DADDY'S BOY@@">> -
<<set $q.daddysboydisplay to not $q.daddysboydisplay>>\
<<replace "#qdaddysboy">>\
<<if $q.daddysboydisplay>>\
<<include "Qdaddysboy">>\
<</button>><span id="qdaddysboy"><<if $q.daddysboydisplay>><<include "Qdaddysboy">><</if>></span>\
<<button "@@.q1;BROS FOREVER@@">> -
<<set $q.brosforeverdisplay to not $q.brosforeverdisplay>>\
<<replace "#qbrosforever">>\
<<if $q.brosforeverdisplay>>\
<<include "Qbrosforever">>\
<</button>><span id="qbrosforever"><<if $q.brosforeverdisplay>><<include "Qbrosforever">><</if>></span>\
<<button "@@.q1;FAMILY UNION@@">> -
<<set $q.familyuniondisplay to not $q.familyuniondisplay>>\
<<replace "#qfamilyunion">>\
<<if $q.familyuniondisplay>>\
<<include "Qfamilyunion">>\
<</button>><span id="qfamilyunion"><<if $q.familyuniondisplay>><<include "Qfamilyunion">><</if>></span>\
<<if $bully.state < 14>>\
<<button "@@.q1;UNDER A BULLY'S CONTROL@@">> -
<<set $q.bullydisplay to not $q.bullydisplay>>\
<<replace "#qbully">>\
<<if $q.bullydisplay>>\
<<include "Qbully">>\
<</button>><span id="qbully"><<if $q.bullydisplay>><<include "Qbully">><</if>></span>\
<<button "@@.q1;TEACHER'S PET@@">> -
<<set $q.profdisplay to not $q.profdisplay>>\
<<replace "#qprof">>\
<<if $q.profdisplay>>\
<<include "Qprof">>\
<</button>><span id="qprof"><<if $q.profdisplay>><<include "Qprof">><</if>></span>\
<<if $cw.sus < $cw.susmax>>\
<<button "@@.q1;WORK HARD PAY HARD@@">> -
<<set $q.cwdisplay to not $q.cwdisplay>>\
<<replace "#qcw">>\
<<if $q.cwdisplay>>\
<<include "Qcw">>\
<</button>><span id="qcw"><<if $q.cwdisplay>><<include "Qcw">><</if>></span>\
<<if not hasVisited("Mecend1")>>\
<<button "@@.q1;HOMEWRECKER@@">> -
<<set $q.mecdisplay to not $q.mecdisplay>>\
<<replace "#qmec">>\
<<if $q.mecdisplay>>\
<<include "Qmec">>\
<</button>><span id="qmec"><<if $q.mecdisplay>><<include "Qmec">><</if>></span>\
<<if not $resman.start>>\
<<button "@@.q2;SHIFTY HOOKER@@">> -
<<set $q.shiftyhookerdisplay to not $q.shiftyhookerdisplay>>\
<<replace "#qshiftyhooker">>\
<<if $q.shiftyhookerdisplay>>\
<<include "Qshiftyhooker">>\
<</button>><span id="qshiftyhooker"><<if $q.shiftyhookerdisplay>><<include "Qshiftyhooker">><</if>></span>\
<<button "@@.q1;THE 'MAN' IN MANAGER@@">> -
<<set $q.resmandisplay to not $q.resmandisplay>>\
<<replace "#qresman">>\
<<if $q.resmandisplay>>\
<<include "Qresman">>\
<</button>><span id="qresman"><<if $q.resmandisplay>><<include "Qresman">><</if>></span>\
<<if hasVisited("Resmantalk1") or hasVisited("Witchdadgift1")>>\
<<button "@@.q2;HOEING SOME WEEDS@@">> -
<<set $q.hswdisplay to not $q.hswdisplay>>\
<<replace "#qhsw">>\
<<if $q.hswdisplay>>\
<<include "Qhsw">>\
<</button>><span id="qhsw"><<if $q.hswdisplay>><<include "Qhsw">><</if>></span><</if>>\
<<if not hasVisited("Witchtalk2")>>\
<<button "@@.q2;GRANDMA'S SHOP@@">> -
<<set $q.grandmasshopdisplay to not $q.grandmasshopdisplay>>\
<<replace "#qgrandmasshop">>\
<<if $q.grandmasshopdisplay>>\
<<include "Qgrandmasshop">>\
<</button>><span id="qgrandmasshop"><<if $q.grandmasshopdisplay>><<include "Qgrandmasshop">><</if>></span>\
<<elseif $police.state < 16>>\
<<button "@@.q1;SEXCAVATION EXPEDITION@@">> -
<<set $q.mcdisplay to not $q.mcdisplay>>\
<<replace "#mcdisplay">>\
<<if $q.mcdisplay>>\
<<include "Qmcdisplay">>\
<</button>><span id="mcdisplay"><<if $q.mcdisplay>><<include "Qmcdisplay">><</if>></span>\
<<if $fair.advstage == -1 and $fair.abostage == -1 and $fair.assstage == -1>>\
<<elseif hasVisited("Fairapex1")>>\
<<button "@@.q1;THE FAIR@@">> -
<<set $q.fairdisplay to not $q.fairdisplay>>\
<<replace "#qfair">>\
<<if $q.fairdisplay>>\
<<include "Qfair">>\
<</button>><span id="qfair"><<if $q.fairdisplay>><<include "Qfair">><</if>></span>\
<<if not hasVisited("Prending12")>>\
<<button "@@.q1;A DIFFERENT PARADISE@@">> -
<<set $q.prdisplay to not $q.prdisplay>>\
<<replace "#qpr">>\
<<if $q.prdisplay>>\
<<include "Qpr">>\
<</button>><span id="qpr"><<if $q.prdisplay>><<include "Qpr">><</if>></span>\
<<button "@@.q1;SALACIOUS GO-GETTER@@">> -
<<set $q.oworkdisplay to not $q.oworkdisplay>>\
<<replace "#qowork">>\
<<if $q.oworkdisplay>>\
<<include "Qowork">>\
<</button>><span id="qowork"><<if $q.oworkdisplay>><<include "Qowork">><</if>></span>\
<<if $sd.stage >= 101>>\
<<button "@@.q1;A TASTE OF SUGAR@@">> -
<<set $q.sddisplay to not $q.sddisplay>>\
<<replace "#qsd">>\
<<if $q.sddisplay>>\
<<include "Qsd">>\
<</button>><span id="qsd"><<if $q.sddisplay>><<include "Qsd">><</if>></span>\
<<if $sd.vstage >= 101>>\
<<button "@@.q2;MYSTERY AT WORK@@">> -
<<set $q.oworkvdisplay to not $q.oworkvdisplay>>\
<<replace "#oworkvdisplay">>\
<<if $q.oworkvdisplay>>\
<<include "Qoworkv">>\
<</button>><span id="oworkvdisplay"><<if $q.oworkvdisplay>><<include "Qoworkv">><</if>></span>\
<<if hasVisited("Fatiguequestbegin") and not hasVisited("Fatiguequestfinish")>>\
<<button "@@.q2;THE REMEDY@@">> -
<<set $q.theremedydisplay to not $q.theremedydisplay>>\
<<replace "#qtheremedy">>\
<<if $q.theremedydisplay>>\
<<include "Qtheremedy">>\
<</button>><span id="qtheremedy"><<if $q.theremedydisplay>><<include "Qtheremedy">><</if>></span>\
<<if hasVisited("Mecfem")>>\
<<button "@@.q2;CRUISER@@">> -
<<set $q.pcdisplay to not $q.pcdisplay>>\
<<replace "#qpc">>\
<<if $q.pcdisplay>>\
<<include "Qpc">>\
<</button>><span id="qpc"><<if $q.pcdisplay>><<include "Qpc">><</if>></span>\
<<button "@@.q2;LOCKER BREAKER@@">> -
<<set $q.lbdisplay to not $q.lbdisplay>>\
<<replace "#qlb">>\
<<if $q.lbdisplay>>\
<<include "Qlb">>\
<</button>><span id="qlb"><<if $q.lbdisplay>><<include "Qlb">><</if>></span>\
<<button "@@.k1;KNOWLEDGE@@">> -
<<set $q.knowledgedisplay to not $q.knowledgedisplay>>\
<<replace "#qknowledge">>\
<<if $q.knowledgedisplay>>\
<<include "Knowledge1">>\
<</button>><span id="qknowledge"><<if $q.knowledgedisplay>><<include "Knowledge1">><</if>></span>\ - <i>Your journey of seducing $w.ybrother.</i>
<<if $bro.lust == 50 and ($bro.aff == 1 or $bro.aff == $bro.affmax)>>\
• He wants to talk to you - <b>GOOD ENDING</b>
<<elseif $bro.lust == 50>>\
• Make him love or hate you to the maximum
<<elseif $bro.lust >= 40 and hasVisited("Brofuckintro1")>>\
• Corrupt him by letting him fuck you
• Getting a happy ending by making him love or hate you to the maximum
<<elseif $bro.lust == 40>>\
• Ask him to fuck you during a regular blowjobs
<<elseif $bro.lust >= 30 and hasVisited("Brobjintro1")>>\
• Increase his lust by blowing him
<<elseif $bro.lust == 30>>\
• Ask to suck him during a regular handjob
<<elseif $bro.lust >= 20 and hasVisited ("Brohjintro2")>>\
• Increase his lust by giving him handjobs
<<elseif $bro.lust == 20>>\
• Ask him if he wants a handjob
<<elseif $bro.lust >= 10>>\
• Increase his lust by accidentally touching his crotch
• Increase his lust by teasing him
<</if>>\ - <i>Your journey to reach the ultimate corruption.</i>
<<if $dnb.acc == $dnb.accmax>>\
• Both of them have something to tell you - <b>GOOD ENDING</b>
<<elseif hasVisited("Dnbtalk3")>>\
• Increase their acceptances by doing more threesomes
• Every 5 acceptance rate, you will have more options to engage with them during threesomes.
<<elseif $dnb.acc >= 5 and not hasVisited("Dnbtalk3")>>
• You can setup a threesome by talking first with $w.ybrother while both him and $w.ydad are at home.
<<elseif hasVisited("Dnbtalk2")>>\
• Have sex with either while the other is at home and not sleeping; let them catch you to make them jealous, want to compete with each other & more accepting to the idea of threesome.
<<elseif $dad.lust == 50 and $bro.lust == 50 and $dad.aff == 45 and $bro.aff == 45>>\
• $w.Ydad has important things to talk to you
• <b>CHOOSE THE "He has some serious things to talk to you" OPTION</b>
• Getting both $w.yfather & $w.ybrother to love you to the maximum
• Getting both $w.yfather's & $w.ybrother's lust to maximum
<</if>>\ - <i>How do you change $w.ybrother's shifts to the morning?</i>
<<if hasVisited("Resmanbj3") and $resman.bjtime >= 4>>\
• You can now suck him off to give $w.ybrother morning shift without having to give him weed
• You're now the manager's favorite
• <b>You should take a shift at the fast food restaurant, something interesting may happen</b>
<<elseif $resman.bjtime < 4 and hasVisited("Resmanbj1")>>\
• Keep giving him weeds and blowjobs to build a rapport with him
• Blowing him <<print 4 - $resman.bjtime>> more time to get to a new storyline
• Blowing him <<print 4 - $resman.bjtime>> more time to become his favorite at work and earns extra during the work minigame
<<elseif hasVisited("Resmantalk1")>>\
• Find some weeds to bribe the manager, but is that enough?
• Talk to the manager in the morning (from 8:00 to 17:00) and maybe convince him?
<</if>>\<<image resman/resman.jpg>>
<<if $resman.giftstate == 3>>\
<<link "Give him the socks" "Resmangift1">>\
<<pressminute add 10>>
<<if hasVisited("Resmantalk1") and not hasVisited("Resmanbj1") and $you.weed >= 1>>\
<<link "Talk to him about $w.ybrother's shift" "Resmanbj1">>
<<presshour add 1>>
<<set $resman.bjtime ++>>
<<set $resman.bjcd = 0>>
<<set $bro.shift = 0>>
<<set $you.weed -= 1>>
<<elseif hasVisited("Resmanbj2") and $resman.bjcd == 0>>\
<<link "Offer to suck him again" "Resmantalk1">>
<<pressminute add 15>>
<<elseif hasVisited("Resmanbj3") and $resman.bjtime >= 4>>\
<<link "Suck him off" "Resmanbj3">>
<<presshour add 1>>
<<set $resman.bjtime ++>>
<<set $resman.bjcd = 0>>
<<if $bro.shift <= 7>>
<<set $bro.shift = 1>>
<<set $bro.shift = 0>>
<<elseif hasVisited("Resmanbj2") and $you.weed >= 1>>\
<<link "Give him weed and suck him off" "Resmanbj3">>
<<presshour add 1>>
<<set $resman.bjtime ++>>
<<set $resman.bjcd = 0>>
<<if $bro.shift <= 7>>
<<set $bro.shift = 1>>
<<set $bro.shift = 0>>
<<set $you.weed -->>
<<elseif hasVisited("Resmanbj2") and $you.weed < 1>>\
<<link "Convince him with blowjob only" "Resmantalk1">>
<<pressminute add 15>>
<<link "Talk to him about $w.ybrother's shift" "Resmantalk1">>
<<pressminute add 15>>
<<link "Back" $you.location>><</link>><<if visited() == 1>>\
In order to make your grand plan of threesome with your family a reality, you gotta sweet talk with the manager, <<textbox "$resman.Namedis" "Rob">>, who is now in front of you - a scowl on his face. The man is not too tall around 5'10", got a bit of a permanent frown and maybe with a smile - he can totally be a catch.
<<di resman "Hmm?... Aren't you the part timer guy in the morning?">>
His frown deepens, most likely not in the mood for socialization, and is slightly intimidating but you gotta push through.
<<di you "Umm, yes... I want to talk about $bro.Namedis...">>
He interrupts you rudely.
<<di resman "What? He owes you money or some shit? I ain't have nothing to do with him! He just works here.">>
<<di you "Erm... I'm his $w.brother actually and I want to talk about his work shift… Can you give him some more day shift? His sleeping schedule has not been well and it affects his health quite a bit... I can help fill in his schedule if you need.">>
Before your question, he looks not as unfriendly but after straight up annoyed.
<<di resman "And who are you again? Ordering me around? Fuck off, ain't none want to do night or do it better than $bro.Namedis.">>
With that dismissal, he pushes you away somewhat roughly. Shit, what are you gonna do now? As you are deep in thought, an employee approaches you a bit secretly:
<<di str1 "Psst, hey! The guy is a total ass, but he can be persuaded with some weed. You can try convince him with that.">>
Despite being appreciative of the advice, you can still not help but look skeptical which the guy then explains:
<<di str1 "As much as I want to say I'm touched by your care to $w.ybrother, I just want that man to stop 'borrowing' my joints. Also, yea $bro.Namedis needs some breaks, the man is too kind and hard-working for his own good.">>
<<di you "Thank you, he really does... I don't want to sound like a goody-two-shoes, do you know where to buy it and how much?">>
<<di str1 "I have a source but if you start snitching on him?...">>
He squints at you dangerously which you answer by crossing your heart.
<<di str1 "... Alright, there is this guy in the Kingston college dorm at room 402. He is usually in his room <b>from 13:00 to midnight.</b> Tell him Jakes sends you and he will give you a good price, it's <b>$50 for a bag</b> - around a quarter of an ounce.">>
<<di you "Appreciate it so much, man. Just to have some backup, you know what else can help me convince him?">>
<<di str1 "A million dollar or <b>a blowjob</b> because he's a guy after all, but who the hell wants to blow that asshole?">>
He says and bursts out laughing before giving you a goodbye wave to continue his work.
Well, with all that information out of the way, you got a lot of work to do.
<<elseif hasVisited("Resmanbj2") and $resman.bjcd == 0>>\
<<di resman "I'm cool for today. If you really want it... you can always come back tomorrow.">>
He smirks wickedly at you. Apparently he doesn't mind your company anymore.
<<elseif $you.weed < 1 and hasVisited("Resmanbj2")>>
<<di resman "Do you have weed?">>
<<di you "No...">>
<<di resman "Then pass.">>
Good try...
<<di resman "I don't have any business to talk with you.">>
Damn, you'd better get that weed.
<<link "Back" $you.location>><</link>><<widget "saveupdate">><<silently>>\
<<if $gamever === "0.2.1">>
<<set $you.weed = 0>>
<<set $dad.jea = 0>>
<<set $dad.jeamax = 50>>
<<set $bro.shift = 9>>
<<set $bro.jea = 0>>
<<set $bro.jeamax = 50>>
<<set $dnb ={
start: false,
acc: 0,
accmax: 25,
charchoice: 0,
dadar: 0,
broar: 0,
scenestage: 0,
dadkissed: false,
dadcaressed: false,
brokissed: false,
brocaressed: false,
dped: false,
<<set $q ={
daddysboydisplay: false,
brosforeverdisplay: false,
familyuniondisplay: false,
shiftyhookerdisplay: false,
hswdisplay: false,
<<set $resman ={
Name: "Restaurant Manager",
bjtime: 0,
bjcd: 1,
<<set $dealer ={
Name: "Dealer",
firsttalk: false,
buytime: 0,
firstbjcd: 4,
bjcd: 4,
<<set $gamever = "0.3">>
<<if $gamever === "0.3">>
<<set $dnb.dadrimmed = false>>
<<set $dnb.brorimmed = false>>
<<set $gamever = "0.3a">>
<<if $gamever === "0.3a" or $gamever === "0.3b">>
<<set $resman.Namedis = "Rob">>
<<set $resman.start = false>>
<<set $resman.lust = 0>>
<<set $resman.lustmax = 25>>
<<set $resman.manner = 11>>
<<set $resman.mannermax = 20>>
<<set $q.resmandisplay = false>>
<<set $gamever = "0.4">>
<<if $gamever === "0.4">>
<<set $bully ={
Name: "Chris",
state: 0,
fcaught: 0,
request: 0,
requeststate: 0,
requestcd: 10,
lust: 0,
lustmax: 11,
sus: 0,
susmax: 5,
rc: false,
<<set $cheatnofatigue to false>>
<<set $cheatnohorny to false>>
<<set $scenepicked = true>>
<<set $gamever = "0.5">>
<<if $gamever === "0.5">>
<<set $witch ={
Name: "Thuy",
state: 0,
brohelpstate: 0,
dadhelpstate: 0,
dadhelptimer: 0,
<<set $police ={
Name: "Cade",
state: 0,
<<set $bully.tvstate = 0>>
<<set $bully.crashcd = 0>>
<<set $you.sleepingpowder = 0>>
<<set $you.sleepmax = 48>>
<<set $you.hungermax = 24>>
<<set $ws.Bullyrequest4 = false>>
<<set $ws.Bullybj1 = false>>
<<set $ws.Bullybj2 = false>>
<<set $ws.Bullyfuckintro = false>>
<<set $ws.Bullyfuck1 = false>>
<<set $ws.Bullyfuck2 = false>>
<<set $ws.Bullyend1 = false>>
<<set $ws.Bullyend2 = false>>
<<set $ws.Bullyend3 = false>>
<<set $ws.Bullyend4 = false>>
<<set $q.grandmasshopdisplay = false>>
<<set $q.theremedydisplay = false>>
<<set $gamever = "0.5.1">>
<<if $gamever === "0.5.1">>
<<set $bully.lustmax = 20>>
<<set $gamever = "0.5.1a">>
<<if $gamever === "0.5.1a">>
<<set $dad.giftstate = 0>>
<<set $dad.officefuckcd = 0>>
<<set $bro.giftstate = 0>>
<<set $resman.giftstate = 0>>
<<set $bully.giftstate = 0>>
<<set $ws.Dadofficefuck1 = false>>
<<set $ws.Dadofficefuck2 = false>>
<<set $ws.Dadofficefuck3 = false>>
<<set $ws.Dadofficefuck4 = false>>
<<set $ws.Brogymfuck1 = false>>
<<set $ws.Brogymfuck2 = false>>
<<set $ws.Brogymfuck3 = false>>
<<set $ws.Brogymfuck4 = false>>
<<set $ws.Resmanparkfuck1 = false>>
<<set $ws.Resmanparkfuck2 = false>>
<<set $ws.Bullylibraryfuck1 = false>>
<<set $ws.Bullylibraryfuck2 = false>>
<<set $gamever = "0.5.2">>
<<if $gamever === "0.5.2">>
<<set $prof ={
Name: "Frank",
state: 0,
lust: 0,
lustmax: 20,
pat: 3,
patmax: 3,
sus: 0,
susmax: 10,
request: 0,
requeststate: 0,
syc: false,
stc: false,
<<set $you.clean = 0>>
<<set $q.profdisplay = false>>
<<set $ws.Profvisit11 = false>>
<<set $ws.Profvisit12 = false>>
<<set $ws.Profvisit21 = false>>
<<set $ws.Profvisit22 = false>>
<<set $ws.Profvisit31 = false>>
<<set $ws.Profvisit32 = false>>
<<set $ws.Profvisit33 = false>>
<<set $ws.Profvisit34 = false>>
<<set $ws.Profspankingintro = false>>
<<set $ws.Profhjintro = false>>
<<set $ws.Profhj1 = false>>
<<set $ws.Profhj3 = false>>
<<set $ws.Profhj4 = false>>
<<set $ws.Profbjintro = false>>
<<set $ws.Profbj1 = false>>
<<set $ws.Profbj3 = false>>
<<set $ws.Profbj4 = false>>
<<set $ws.Profend1 = false>>
<<set $gamever = "0.6">>
<<if $gamever === "0.6">>
<<set $prof.lustmax = 30>>
<<set $ws.Profvisit35 = false>>
<<set $ws.Profvisit36 = false>>
<<set $ws.Profhj5 = false>>
<<set $ws.Profhj6 = false>>
<<set $ws.Profbj5 = false>>
<<set $ws.Proffuck11 = false>>
<<set $ws.Proffuck13 = false>>
<<set $ws.Proffuck14 = false>>
<<set $ws.Proffuck15 = false>>
<<set $ws.Proffuck16 = false>>
<<set $ws.Proffuck21 = false>>
<<set $ws.Proffuck22 = false>>
<<set $ws.Proffuck31 = false>>
<<set $ws.Proffuck32 = false>>
<<set $ws.Profend2 = false>>
<<set $ws.Profend3 = false>>
<<set $gamever = "0.6.1">>
<<if $gamever === "0.6.1">>
<<set $stage = 0>>\
<<set $sus1 ={
Name: "Sam",
<<set $sus2 ={
Name: "Clint",
<<set $sus3 ={
Name: "Quinn",
<<set $sus4 ={
Name: "Andy",
<<set $police.res = 6>>
<<set $police.resmax = 10>>
<<set $police.bprog = 0>>
<<set $police.hprog = 0>>
<<set $police.sprog = 0>>
<<set $q.mcdisplay = false>>
<<set $ws.Mcctalk1 = false>>
<<set $ws.Mcctalk2 = false>>
<<set $ws.Mcbhj = false>>
<<set $ws.Mchhj = false>>
<<set $ws.Mcshj = false>>
<<set $ws.Mcrhj = false>>
<<set $ws.Mcconvention1strip = false>>
<<set $ws.Mcconvention2massage = false>>
<<set $ws.Mcconvention2hj = false>>
<<set $ws.Mcconvention3hj1 = false>>
<<set $ws.Mcconvention3hj2 = false>>
<<set $gamever = "0.7.1">>
<<if $gamever === "0.7.1">>
<<set $ws.Mcbbj = false>>
<<set $ws.Mcbfuck = false>>
<<set $ws.Mchbj = false>>
<<set $ws.Mchfuck = false>>
<<set $ws.Mcsbj = false>>
<<set $ws.Mcsfuck = false>>
<<set $ws.Mcrbj = false>>
<<set $ws.Mcrfuck = false>>
<<set $ws.Mcconvention4bj1 = false>>
<<set $ws.Mcconvention4bj2 = false>>
<<set $ws.Mcconvention4hj = false>>
<<set $ws.Mcconvention5fuck1 = false>>
<<set $ws.Mcconvention5fuck2 = false>>
<<set $ws.Mcconvention5bj = false>>
<<set $ws.Mcconvention6orgy1 = false>>
<<set $ws.Mcconvention6orgy2 = false>>
<<set $ws.Mcconvention6fuck = false>>
<<set $ws.Mcendfuck = false>>
<<set $ws.Mcend1 = false>>
<<set $ws.Mcend2 = false>>
<<set $gamever = "0.7.2">>
<<if $gamever === "0.7.2">>
<<set $police.giftstate = 0>>
<<set $prof.giftstate = 0>>
<<set $ws.Profgiftbj2 = false>>
<<set $ws.Policegiftbj1 = false>>
<<set $ws.Bullyfuck3 = false>>
<<set $ws.Bullyfuck4 = false>>
<<set $ws.Bullyend7 = false>>
<<if $ws.Bullyend4 or setup.ws.Bullyend4>>
<<set setup.ws.Bullyend5 to true>>
<<set $ws.Bullyend5 to true>>
<<set $gamever = "0.7.3">>
<<if $gamever === "0.7.3">>
<<set $cw ={
Name: "The man",
state: 0,
scenestage: 0,
ar: 0,
kiss: 0,
pec: 0,
pit: 0,
bj: 0,
fuck: 0,
sfail: 0,
lust: 0,
lustmax: 11,
sus: 0,
susmax: 3,
rmoney: 25,
uws: 0,
uwjc: 0,
timer: -9999,
<<set $ws.CWhj1 = false>>
<<set $ws.CWhj2 = false>>
<<set $ws.CWhj3 = false>>
<<set $ws.CWbjintro = false>>
<<set $ws.CWbj1 = false>>
<<set $ws.CWbj2 = false>>
<<set $ws.CWbj3 = false>>
<<set $ws.CWpec1 = false>>
<<set $ws.CWpec2 = false>>
<<set $ws.CWpec3 = false>>
<<set $ws.CWfuckintro = false>>
<<set $ws.CWunderwearsteal = false>>
<<set $ws.CWjerkinbed = false>>
<<set $ws.CWbadend = false>>
<<set $q.cwdisplay = false>>
<<set $gamever = "0.8.1">>
<<if $gamever === "0.8.1">>
<<set $cw.aff = 1>>
<<set $cw.eaff = 0>>
<<set $cw.lustmax = 15>>
<<set $ws.CWhj4 = false>>
<<set $ws.CWhj5 = false>>
<<set $ws.CWhj6 = false>>
<<set $ws.CWbj4 = false>>
<<set $ws.CWbj5 = false>>
<<set $ws.CWbj6 = false>>
<<set $ws.CWfuckintro2 = false>>
<<set $ws.CWfuck1 = false>>
<<set $ws.CWfuck2 = false>>
<<set $ws.CWfuck3 = false>>
<<set $ws.CWfuck5 = false>>
<<set $ws.CWfuck6 = false>>
<<set $ws.CWorgy = false>>
<<set $ws.CWpec1 = false>>
<<set $ws.CWpec2 = false>>
<<set $ws.CWpit1 = false>>
<<set $ws.CWpit2 = false>>
<<set $ws.CWkiss1 = false>>
<<set $ws.CWkiss2 = false>>
<<set $ws.CWfucktalk2 = false>>
<<set $ws.CWend1 = false>>
<<set $ws.CWend2 = false>>
<<set $ws.CWend3 = false>>
<<set $ws.CWend4 = false>>
<<set $gamever = "0.8.2">>
<<if $gamever === "0.8.2">>
<<set $mec ={
Name: "Man",
lust: 0,
lustmax: 10,
timer: 10,
aff: 0,
<<set $you.ruse = 0>>
<<set $you.rlevel = 1>>
<<set $you.rsexcount = 0>>
<<set $q.mecdisplay = false>>
<<set $q.pcdisplay = false>>
<<set $ws.Parkrhj = false>>
<<set $ws.Parkrbj = false>>
<<set $ws.Parkrfuck = false>>
<<set $ws.Mechjintro = false>>
<<set $ws.Mechj1 = false>>
<<set $ws.Mecbjintro = false>>
<<set $ws.Mecbj1 = false>>
<<set $gamever = "0.9.1">>
<<if $gamever == "0.9.1">>
<<set $mec.chattimer = 10>>
<<set $mec.catchtimer = 10>>
<<set $mec.lustmax = 20>>
<<set $mec.forgetpotion = 0>>
<<set $mec.stage = 0>>
<<set $ws.Mechomehj1 = false>>
<<set $ws.Mechomehj2 = false>>
<<set $ws.Mecnehj = false>>
<<set $ws.Mechomebj1 = false>>
<<set $ws.Mechomebj2 = false>>
<<set $ws.Mechomefuck1 = false>>
<<set $ws.Mechomefuck2 = false>>
<<set $ws.Mecendfuck1 = false>>
<<set $ws.Mecend1 = false>>
<<set $ws.Mecend2 = false>>
<<set $ws.Mecend3 = false>>
<<set $gamever = "0.9.2">>
<<if $gamever == "0.9.2">>
<<set $ws.Dadcrotchgym1 = false>>
<<set $ws.Dadcrotchgym2 = false>>
<<set $ws.Dadcrotchgym3 = false>>
<<set $ws.Dadcrotchgym4 = false>>
<<set $ws.Dadgymbj11 = false>>
<<set $ws.Dadgymbj12 = false>>
<<set $ws.Dadgymbj13 = false>>
<<set $ws.Dadgymbj14 = false>>
<<set $ws.Brocrotchgym1 = false>>
<<set $ws.Brocrotchgym2 = false>>
<<set $ws.Brocrotchgym3 = false>>
<<set $ws.Brocrotchgym4 = false>>
<<set $ws.Brogymbj11 = false>>
<<set $ws.Brogymbj12 = false>>
<<set $ws.Brogymbj13 = false>>
<<set $ws.Brogymbj14 = false>>
<<set $ws.Profgympiss1 = false>>
<<set $ws.Profgymbj1 = false>>
<<set $ws.Profgymfuck1 = false>>
<<set $ws.Policegymbj2 = false>>
<<set $gamever = "0.10.1">>
<<if $gamever == "0.10.1">>
<<set $go ={
Name: "Brock",
lockerjerkcount: 0,
lockerjerkcd: 1,
<<set $ws.Gymrhj = false>>
<<set $ws.Gymrbj = false>>
<<set $ws.Gymrfuck = false>>
<<set $ws.Gymlockerjerk = false>>
<<set $ws.GObj1 = false>>
<<set $ws.GOfuck1 = false>>
<<set $gamever = "0.10.2">>
<<if $gamever == "0.10.2">>
<<set $fair ={
Name: "Cuub Sin",
cw: 0,
advstage: 0,
abostage: 0,
assstage: 0,
advcd: 8,
abocd: 8,
asscd: 8,
<<set $ws.Fairadv12 = false>>
<<set $ws.Fairadv13 = false>>
<<set $ws.Fairadv22 = false>>
<<set $ws.Fairadv23 = false>>
<<set $ws.Fairabo12 = false>>
<<set $ws.Fairabo22 = false>>
<<set $ws.Fairass12 = false>>
<<set $ws.Fairass22 = false>>
<<set $q.fairdisplay = false>>
<<set $gamever = "0.11.1">>
<<if $gamever == "0.11.1">>
<<set $gp ={
Name: "Step-grandpa",
<<set $unc ={
Name: "Step-uncle",
<<set $ws.Fairadv32 = false>>
<<set $ws.Fairadv33 = false>>
<<set $ws.Fairadv42 = false>>
<<set $ws.Fairadv43 = false>>
<<set $ws.Fairadv44 = false>>
<<set $ws.Fairabo32 = false>>
<<set $ws.Fairabo42 = false>>
<<set $ws.Fairass32 = false>>
<<set $ws.Fairass42 = false>>
<<set $ws.Fairpw4 = false>>
<<set $ws.Fairpw5 = false>>
<<set $ws.Fairpw6 = false>>
<<set $ws.Fairpw7 = false>>
<<set $ws.Fairpw8 = false>>
<<set $ws.Fairend1 = false>>
<<set $ws.Fairend2 = false>>
<<set $q.fairdisplay = false>>
<<set $gamever = "0.11.2">>
<<if $gamever == "0.11.2">>
<<set $cm ={
Name: "Cellmate",
protection: 0,
aff: 0,
affmax: 1,
trust: 10,
trustmax: 10,
<<set $pr ={
totalday: 0,
gtrust: 0,
gtrustmax: 1,
gprotection: 0,
pinfamy: 0,
pinfamymax: 1,
cig: 0,
<<set $ws.Prisonintrofreetimebj = false>>
<<set $ws.Prisonintroshowerbj = false>>
<<set $ws.Prisonintronightbj = false>>
<<set $ws.Prisonfreetimebj11 = false>>
<<set $ws.Prisonshowerbj11 = false>>
<<set $ws.Prisonnightbj11 = false>>
<<set $gamever = "0.12.1">>
<<if $gamever == "0.12.1">>
<<set $ws.Guardworkbj11 = false>>
<<set $ws.Guardworkfuck31 = false>>
<<set $ws.Guardclassbj11 = false>>
<<set $ws.Guardclassfuck21 = false>>
<<set $ws.Prisonfreetimefuck21 = false>>
<<set $ws.Prisonfreetimefbj11 = false>>
<<set $ws.Prisonfreetimeffuck31 = false>>
<<set $ws.Prisonshowerfuck21 = false>>
<<set $ws.Prisonshowerfbj11 = false>>
<<set $ws.Prisonshowerffuck31 = false>>
<<set $q.prg = false>>
<<set $q.prp = false>>
<<set $pr.pinfamymax = 50>>
<<set $pr.gtrustmax = 50>>
<<set $gamever = "0.12.2">>
<<if $gamever == "0.12.2">>
<<set $ws.Prisonmorningcmbj12 = false>>
<<set $ws.Prisonmorningcmbj13 = false>>
<<set $ws.Prisonshowercmbj12 = false>>
<<set $ws.Prisonshowercmfuck12 = false>>
<<set $ws.Prisonnightcmfuck12 = false>>
<<set $pr.psex = 0>>
<<set $cm.affmax = 50>>
<<set $q.prcm = false>>
<<set $gamever = "0.12.3">>
<<if $gamever == "0.12.3">>
<<set $pr.martinunlock = false>>
<<set $pr.choc = 0>>
<<set $pr.shiv = 0>>
<<set $pr.endcd = 100>>
<<set $ws.Guardmealbj11 = false>>
<<set $ws.Prisonmealbj11 = false>>
<<set $ws.Prending24 = false>>
<<set $ws.Prending33 = false>>
<<set $gamever = "0.12.4">>
<<if $gamever == "0.12.4">>
<<set $owork ={
stage: 0,
totalhour: 0,
hourpw: 0,
daycd: 100,
strike: 3,
penalty: 0,
<<set $sd ={
Name: "Boss",
<<set $ws.Dadofficebj111 = false>>
<<set $ws.Dadofficebj112 = false>>
<<set $ws.Dadofficebj113 = false>>
<<set $ws.Dadofficebj114 = false>>
<<set $ws.Worksalesintrobj11 = false>>
<<set $ws.Worksalesbj11 = false>>
<<set $ws.Workjanintrohj11 = false>>
<<set $ws.Workjanhj11 = false>>
<<set $gamever = "0.13.1">>
<<if $gamever == "0.13.1">>
<<set $sd.lust = -2>>
<<set $sd.lustmax = 20>>
<<set $owork.janlust = 0>>
<<set $owork.janlustmax = 10>>
<<set $owork.sprog = 0>>
<<set $owork.sprogmax = 16>>
<<set $ws.Worksalesintrobj21 = false>>
<<set $ws.Worksalesbj21 = false>>
<<set $ws.Worksalesintrofuck11 = false>>
<<set $ws.Worksalesfuck11 = false>>
<<set $ws.Worksalesintrofuck21 = false>>
<<set $ws.Workjanintrobj11 = false>>
<<set $ws.Workjanbj11 = false>>
<<set $gamever = "0.13.2">>
<<if $gamever == "0.13.2">>
<<set $sd.stage = 0>>
<<set $sd.lust = -1>>
<<set $sd.stress = 3>>
<<set $sd.stressmax = 10>>
<<set $sd.groc = 0>>
<<set $you.cc = 0>>
<<set $ws.SDmassage11 = false>>
<<set $ws.SDmassage31 = false>>
<<set $ws.SDmassage41 = false>>
<<set $ws.SDmassage51 = false>>
<<set $ws.SDhj11 = false>>
<<set $ws.SDhj21 = false>>
<<set $ws.SDbj11 = false>>
<<set $ws.SDbj21 = false>>
<<set $ws.SDend11 = false>>
<<set $q.sddisplay = false>>
<<set $gamever = "0.13.3">>
<<if $gamever == "0.13.3">>
<<set $sd.vstage = 0>>
<<set $sd.stressmax = 11>>
<<set $sd.lustmax = 25>>
<<set $ws.Workvbj11 = false>>
<<set $ws.Workvbj21 = false>>
<<set $ws.SDbj31 = false>>
<<set $ws.SDbj41 = false>>
<<set $q.oworkvdisplay = false>>
<<set $gamever = "0.13.4">>
<<set $ccanswer = 103334646>>
<</silently>><</widget>>\ - <i>Buying weeds in a conservative town is not an easy task</i>
<<if $dealer.buytime >= 3 and hasVisited("Dealerbj2")>>\
• You can now ask to blow him in exchange for a bag of weed.
<<elseif $dealer.buytime >= 3 and hasVisited("Dealertalk1") and $dealer.firstbjcd >= 2>>\
• You can now ask to blow him in exchange for discount.
<<elseif ($dealer.buytime < 3 or $dealer.firstbjcd < 2) and hasVisited("Dealertalk1")>>\
<<if $dealer.buytime < 3>>\
• Make <<print (3-$dealer.buytime)>> more purchase to familiarize yourself with him so you can blow him for discount.
<<if $dealer.firstbjcd < 2>>\
• You can only blow him <<if $dealer.firstbjcd == 0>>in the next 2 days<<else>>tomorrow<</if>>.
• Find the dealer at the college dorm to buy some weeds
<</if>>\<<if $hour < 13>>\
<<image college2.jpg>>
You knock on the door but no one answers. Oh right, he's only in the room <b>from 13:00 to midnight.</b>
<<elseif not $dealer.firsttalk>>\
<<set $dealer.firsttalk = true>>\
When you knock on the door, a well-kept and neatly looking dude greets you which takes you aback. The guy certainly does not look the part and you wonder if you are somehow a bit of a bigot for being surprised.
<<image otherchar/dealer.jpg>>
<<di you "Hey, Jake sent me here. Do you have 'the good'?">>
He assesses you up and down before giving a curt turn to his head signaling you to enter the room. Upon closing the door, he goes straight to the business.
<<di dealer "Yea, I got you. How much you need?">>
<<elseif $dad.giftstate == 1>>\
<<set $dad.giftstate = 2>>\
Opening his door, he gives you a nonchalant look and says:
<<di dealer "The usual?">>
<<di you "Nah, I'm here for a delivery.">>
You then throw the package to him as he glances back and forth between you and the bag in his hand in puzzlement. Once he sees what's inside, his face gone beet red as he trips over his own words:
<<di dealer "That-that's for my girlfriend's massage... Don't get any wrong idea.">>
<<di you "Oh, okay. None of my business. I'm just here to deliver it.">>
Yea right, girlfriend's massage my ass, literally. The guy has the worst poker face and you wonder how still he hasn't got busted selling weed.
<<di dealer "Whatever, dude. So what? You still want the goods?">>
<<elseif hasVisited("Dealerbj1")>>\
<<di dealer "$50 for a bag or free if you blow me.">>
<<image otherchar/dealer.jpg>>
<<di dealer "So... what do you want?">>
<<if $hour >= 13>><<if $you.money >= 50>>\
<span id="buyweed"><<link "A baggy of weed - $50 per">>
<<money -50>>\
<<set $dealer.buytime ++>>\
<<set $you.weed ++>>\
<<replace "#weedamount">>\
<<if $you.weed >= 1>><i> - You have $you.weed bag<<if $you.weed > 1>>s<</if>> of weed.</i><</if>>\
<<if $you.money < 50>>\
<<replace "#buyweed">>\
<<link "==A baggy of weed - $50 per==">><</link>>\
<</link>></span><span id="weedamount"><<if $you.weed >= 1>><i> - You have $you.weed bag<<if $you.weed > 1>>s<</if>> of weed.</i><</if>></span>
<<link "==A baggy of weed - $50 per==">><</link>><<if $you.weed >= 1>><i> - You have $you.weed bag<<if $you.weed > 1>>s<</if>> of weed.</i><</if>>
<<link "Offer to suck him">>
<<if not hasVisited("Dealertalk1")>>
<<pressminute add 5>>
<<goto "Dealertalk1">>
<<elseif $dealer.buytime >= 3 and $dealer.firstbjcd >= 2 and not hasVisited("Dealerbj1")>>
<<presshour add 1>>
<<set $you.weed ++>>
<<set $dealer.bjcd = 0>>
<<goto "Dealerbj1">>
<<elseif hasVisited("Dealerbj1") and $dealer.bjcd > 0>>
<<presshour add 1>>
<<set $you.weed ++>>
<<set $dealer.bjcd = 0>>
<<goto "Dealerbj2">>
<<pressminute add 5>>
<<goto "Dealertalk1">>
<<link "Leave the room" "College">>
<<pressminute add 15>>
<</link>>\<<if visited() == 1>>\
<<set $dealer.firstbjcd = 0>>\
<<di you "I don't have cash right now, how about a blowjob in exchange for a discount?">>
He looks at you unbelievingly and replies loudly.
<<di dealer "If you don't want to do business then piss off. I don't have time for bullshit.">>
Hmm, you really think that a drug dealer - who is a total stranger to you - would accept your sexual advance like that? Maybe try again <b>after 3 purchases and wait for 3 days</b> when he knows you better.
<<elseif hasVisited("Dealerbj1") and $dealer.bjcd == 0>>
<<di dealer "Hahaha, so eagear. However, I'm good for today. Can't give you all of my stocks.">>
Maybe try tomorrow?
<<di dealer "Stubborn, aren't you? Like I said, NO.">>
It seems like he doesn't want to miss a sale, so he's still not kicking you out yet.
<<if $you.money >= 50>>\
<span id="buyweed"><<link "A baggy of weed - $50 per">>
<<money -50>>\
<<set $dealer.buytime ++>>\
<<set $you.weed ++>>\
<<set _cyw = $you.weed>>\
<<replace "#weedamount">>\
<<if $you.weed >= 1>><i> - You have $you.weed bag<<if $you.weed > 1>>s<</if>> of weed.</i><</if>>\
<<if $you.money < 50>>\
<<replace "#buyweed">>\
<<link "==A baggy of weed - $50 per==">><</link>>\
<</link>></span><span id="weedamount"><<if $you.weed >= 1>><i> - You have $you.weed bag<<if $you.weed > 1>>s<</if>> of weed.</i><</if>></span>
<<link "==A baggy of weed - $50 per==">><</link>><<if $you.weed >= 1>><i> - You have $you.weed bag<<if $you.weed > 1>>s<</if>> of weed.</i><</if>>
<<link "Leave the room" "College">>
<<pressminute add 15>>
<</link>>\<<di you "Hey, can I talk to you for a second?">>
<<di resman "If that's about $w.ybrother's shift then no.">>
He dismisses you curtly but with a quick flash of a rolled joint, you are able to catch his attention.
<<di you "How about now?">>
<<di resman "Okay, you got my interest, let's go.">>
Following him, you both enter a small storage room with some interesting odors. He looks at you expectantly and despite not being a user yourself, you hand over with a bit of a grudge because of how expensive it is. He expertly lights it and takes a hit like it's second nature. After three hits, the manager visibly mellows out, his permanent frown gone and like you envision the man is handsome in his own way when he chills out.
<<di you "Is it possible to change my $w.brother's shift?">>
You take the chance again and unlike his mellow tone, his answer is not really ideal:
<<di resman "Listen here... buddy, I know you are lying. There is no way a man, who's built like a brick shithouse and has the strength of ten racehorses like $bro.Namedis, has any health issues. And before you bullshit me more, I did text and ask him.">>
Welp, cannot lie your way through this now, can't ya?
<<di you "Yea, okay I lied but still I'm truly worried about his health and it won't be good for him long term.">>
Now the guy is fully ignoring you, so your hand is forced. A ziplock bag full of weed materializes in your palm stealing his concentration from the high he's experiencing.
<<di you "I can give you all of this if you agree to change his shift.">>
<<di resman "Tempting... but I ain't that cheap.">>
In the true fashion of cool and collected, he inhales and releases a puff of silver air like a protagonist from an old Hollywood movie. Under other circumstances, that would have certainly impressed you. Frustrated, you rummage your brain to see if there is something that can change his mind. Of course, there is, how could you miss it?
<<di you "You got a girlfriend or someone?">>
You try to be vague about it since you never know how people will react in a hick town like this. He glares at you sternly, pretty sure this is a touchy subject to him.
<<di resman "That's none of your fucking business too.">>
<<di you "Really? What if my business is me... sucking you off?">>
That finally makes him choke on the smoke. After some profuse coughs, he asks for your clarification:
<<di resman "Excuse me, what?">>
<<di you "A bag full of weed and a blowjob, getting lit and off at the same time. All of that good stuffs just for a shift change of an employee, sounds like a good deal, huh?">>
The disbelief is still on his face but after a while, he understands that you're being serious from your expression of steel determination. The cogs are spinning in his brain overtime as he's weighing your very attractive offer.
<<di resman "Shit, man you really love your brother, huh? Hmm... tell you what, I can change the shift for him ONLY IF you can supply me weed and a blowjob every week.">>
Fuck this greedy asshole, goddamn weed is not cheap in this economy and he wants you to break your back to give him week after week?
<<di you "Okay deal. Do you want to get down to it right now?">>
Through his blown out iris from the high, you can still detect a note of lust and horniness. He finishes off the joint and says to you with a gravelly voice:
<<di resman "Sure, let's go. I'm the boss so I can do this whenever.">>
[[Here goes nothing|Resmanbj2]]$w.Ydad calls out to you. Something serious crosses his expression.
<<di dad "Hey $w.son, I have something important to talk about with both you and $bro.Namedis. Can you meet us <<if $hour < 17>>at 5 pm today<<elseif $hour == 17>> now<<else>>at 5 pm tomorrow<</if>>?">>
<<di you "Got it, $w.dad. Is it something important?">>
<<di dad "I'll tell you then.">>
Apart from that, he doesn't reveal anything else, quite mysterious and you don't like mysteries.
<<link "You wait until the time comes." "Dnbtalk2">>
<<set $dnb.start = true>>
<<if $hour < 17>>
<<set _temphour = (16 - $hour)>>
<<set _tempminute = (60 - $minute)>>
<<presshour add _temphour>>
<<pressminute add _tempminute>>
<<set $you.sleep = 0>>
<<set $you.horniness = 0>>
<<set $you.hunger = 0>>
<<elseif $hour > 17>>
<<set _temphour = (40 - $hour)>>
<<set _tempminute = (60 - $minute)>>
<<presshour add _temphour>>
<<pressminute add _tempminute>>
<<set $you.sleep = 0>>
<<set $you.horniness = 0>>
<<set $you.hunger = 0>>
<<set $dnb.dadar += 1>>\
Sensing his impending climax, your arm is now bouncing on his cock with impressive speed to ensure the most perfect release for the usually stressed-out man. Your effort pays off because with a close-mouthed growl, he shoots his thick and creamy seed, splashing all over his toned stomach.
<<video dnb/dnbdadhjcum.mp4>>
<<if $dnb.dadar >= 6>>His body convulses slightly because of the aftershock of the orgasm and the amount of cum coating your hand is a clear indication of what an explosive experience that was.
<<di dad "... That was amazing, boy... Damn, a handjob never feels so good.">>
You soak up all the compliments that you can get from the used-to-be very distanced man. Him showering you with affection like this is a huge step.
@@.add;+ 1 $w.Dad's Arousal@@\
<<if $dnb.scenestage == 5 or ($dnb.dadar >= 5 and $dnb.broar >= 5)>>\
[[You start cumming|Dnbyoucum]]<</if>>\Can't wait for any longer, your kisser fastens itself onto the delicious piece of meat dangling in front of you. Upon contact, $w.ydad hisses quietly from the way your tongue latches on his tip, drawing over the length of the veins the mixture of your saliva and his precum.
Satisfied with having tasted the delicious lollipop, you're now actually showcasing your deepthroating skill. Hollowing your cheeks, teeth covered, tongue tucked away waiting for moments to "strike", you are the textbook example of a seasoned cocksucker. All that isn't just for show either because you are now straining your neck to bob your head up and down on his erection like your life depends on it.
<<video dnb/dnbdadbj.mp4>>
<<di dad "Haaa... fuck... yea... suck on it boy... I'm so... fff... close...">>
Your full attention is now all on being stretched by his giant pole, therefore nothing you can't do but give a brisk nod showing your affirmation.
<<set $dnb.dadar += 2>>\
@@.add;+ 2 $w.Dad's Arousal@@
<<nobr>><span id="dadcum"><<link "Finish him with your hands">>
<<if $dnb.scenestage !== 5>><<set $dnb.cumscene = false>><</if>>
<<pressminute add 5>>
<<replace "#dadcum">>
<<include "Dnbdadhjcum">>
<<replace "#bromenu">><<include "Dnbthreesomebromenu">><</replace>>
<<replace "#dads">>
$dnb.dadar - <<if $dnb.dadar < 2>>Normal<<elseif $dnb.dadar < 4>>Erected<<elseif $dnb.dadar < 6>>Cumming<<else>>In Bliss<</if>>
<</link>><<if $dnb.acc >= 10>> <<link "Finish him in your mouth">>
<<set $dnb.cumscene = false>>
<<pressminute add 5>>
<<replace "#dadcum">>
<<include "Dnbdadbjcum">>
<<replace "#bromenu">><<include "Dnbthreesomebromenu">><</replace>>
<<replace "#dads">>
$dnb.dadar - <<if $dnb.dadar < 2>>Normal<<elseif $dnb.dadar < 4>>Erected<<elseif $dnb.dadar < 6>>Cumming<<else>>In Bliss<</if>>
Nearing the end, the short bursts of his onslaught are getting more and more intense. You're helpless to do anything but being swept away along this riding tide of carnality. Then he shouts:
<<di dad "FFFFFUCK!!">>
What feels like loads and loads of spunk flood your back tunnel through the relentless spasming of his breeding hose. You have never ever felt so full and so completed before this moment. As much as you want to savor it, the sheer amount of come he deposits inside of you is too much and it starts to leak slowly from your entrance.
<<video dnb/dnbdadfuckcum.mp4>>
<<di dad "You look so fucking beautiful all filled up like this. Do you live being bred by daddy?">>
<<di you "Like? I love it, feeling you inside of me right now. I feel like I'm yours.">>
The look he gives you is both smoldering with pure blazing lust and total devotion.
<<set $dnb.dadar += 1>>\
@@.add;+ 1 $w.Dad's Arousal@@\
<<if $dnb.scenestage == 5 or ($dnb.dadar >= 5 and $dnb.broar >= 5)>>[[You start cumming|Dnbyoucum]]<</if>>\
<b>• Giving someone gifts from Eastern Medicine shop is a good way to get into their pants ($w.yfather, $w.ybrother, the restaurant manager, the bully, the professor, the police)</b>
<b>• Sometime working out in the gym can lead to some spicy times ($w.yfather, $w.ybrother, the professor, the police)</b>
<<if $watchrocket == false>>• People watch TV for commercials, so you should too.<<else>>• Rocket pills are the perfect tool to drive a man's lust up for 5 hours<</if>><<if $dad.gps == false or $bro.gps == false>>
• You know an app that can keep track of people, if you can sneak into their phones that is<</if>>
• Drinking beer with $w.yfather & $w.ybrother can reduce their suspicions
• Overdrinking can get to situations where you can have fun with $w.yfather & $w.ybrother in the next 8 hours
• At the end of their lives, people usually say if given the chance to redo, they could achieve everything that they ever wanted. However, you can't... right?<<set $you.location = passage()>>\
<<image college1.jpg>>
<<if $bully.state == 0 and $hour >= 8 and $hour <= 10>>\
<<include "Bullytalk1">>\
<<elseif $bully.state == 2 and $hour >= 8 and $hour <= 10>>\
<<include "Bullytalk2">>\
<<if $bully.state == -1 and $hour >= 8 and $hour <= 10>>\
<<link "Bump into your bully" "Bullyaccept">><</link>>
<<elseif $bully.state >= 5 and $bully.rc == false and $bully.request == 3 and $bully.requeststate == 1>>\
<<link "Go to the library to do his assignment" "Bullyassignment">><</link>>
<<if $day >= 2 and $day <= 6 and $dayCount >= 4>>\
<<if $prof.state == 0 and $hour >= 12 and $hour < 14>>\
<<link "Go to your English Lit class" "Proftalk1">>
<<set $hour = 14>>
<<set $minute = 0>>
<<elseif $prof.state == 11 and $hour >= 12 and $hour < 16>>\
<<link "<b>Go to your English Lit class - ENDING</b>">>
<<set $hour = 14>>
<<set $minute = 0>>
<<set $prof.state = 12>>
<<if $prof.sus >= 20>>
<<goto "Profend2">>
<<goto "Profend3">>
<<elseif ($prof.pat == 0 or $prof.sus == $prof.susmax) and $hour >= 12 and $hour < 14>>\
<<link "Go to your English Lit class" "Profend1">>
<<set $hour = 14>>
<<set $minute = 0>>
<<elseif $prof.state == 10 and $hour >= 12 and $hour < 16>>\
<<link "Go visit $prof.Name in his office" "Proftalk9">>
<<set _thour = 15 - $hour>>
<<set _tmin = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _thour>>
<<pressminute add _tmin>>
<<elseif $prof.state == 6 and $prof.requeststate == 3 and $hour >= 12 and $hour < 16>>\
<<link "Go visit $prof.Name in his office" "Proftalk5">>
<<set _thour = 15 - $hour>>
<<set _tmin = 65 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _thour>>
<<pressminute add _tmin>>
<<elseif $prof.state == 6 and $prof.requeststate == 1 and $hour >= 12 and $hour < 16>>\
<<link "Go visit $prof.Name in his office" "Proffuckintro">>
<<set _thour = 16 - $hour>>
<<set _tmin = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _thour>>
<<pressminute add _tmin>>
<<elseif $prof.state >= 5 and $prof.giftstate == 2 and $hour >= 12 and $hour < 16>>\
<<link "Go visit $prof.Name in his office to give him the gift" "Profgiftbj1">>
<<set _thour = 15 - $hour>>
<<set _tmin = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _thour>>
<<pressminute add _tmin>>
<<set $prof.requeststate = 2>>
<<set $prof.giftstate = 3>>
<<elseif $prof.state >= 4 and $prof.state < 8 and $hour >= 12 and $hour < 16>>\
<<link "Go visit $prof.Name in his office" "Profvisit3">>
<<set _thour = 15 - $hour>>
<<set _tmin = 75 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _thour>>
<<pressminute add _tmin>>
<<elseif $prof.state == 3 and $hour >= 12 and $hour < 16>>\
<<link "Go visit $prof.Name in his office" "Profvisit2">>
<<set _thour = 15 - $hour>>
<<set _tmin = 75 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _thour>>
<<pressminute add _tmin>>
<<elseif $prof.state == 1 and $prof.lust == 5 and $prof.syc and $hour >= 12 and $hour < 14>>\
<<link "Go to your English Lit class" "Proftalk3">>
<<set $hour = 14>>
<<set $minute = 0>>
<<elseif $prof.state == 1 and $hour >= 12 and $hour < 14>>\
<<link "Go to your English Lit class" "Profvisit1">>
<<set _thour = 14 - $hour>>
<<set _tmin = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _thour>>
<<pressminute add _tmin>>
<<if hasVisited("Mectalk2") and not hasVisited("Mecfcol")>>\
<<link "Distribute the flyers in the college campus" "Mecfcol">>
<<pressminute add 10>>
<<if $bully.giftstate >= 4 and ($day == 3 or $day == 5) and ($hour == 14 or $hour == 15) and $bully.state !== 8>>\
<<if $bully.state == 14>>\
<<link "You reminisce about your times with $bully.Name in the library" "Bullylibraryfuck">>
<<presshour add 2>>
<<link "Attend the book club with $bully.Name" "Bullylibraryfuck">>
<<presshour add 2>>
<<if not hasVisited("Witchtalk1") and $hour >= 8 and $hour <= 17>>\
<<link "Talk to $oni.Name" "Witchtalk1">>
<<pressminute add 15>>
<<if hasVisited("Resmantalk1") or hasVisited("Witchdadgift1")>><<link "Room 402" "Dealer">>
<<pressminute add 15>>
<<link "Go outside" "Go outside">>
<<pressminute add 5>>
<</if>>\<<scenechoices dealer 1 0>>\
He still stares at you unbelievingly, but now there is a note of intrigue and pensiveness on his expression.
<<di dealer "You're like a dog with a bone, my bone in particular... huh? Tell you what, since you insist so much, I will allow to suck my dick but there is only a discount if it's a bang-up job. Deal?">>
You love a challenge and this is nothing compared to all the stuffs you are doing so you answer him confidently.
<<di you "Deal!">>
Nodding his head, he quickly takes off his slacks to reveal an average softie with a neatly trimmed bush just like the rest of him. Sensing his no-nonsense attitude, you swiftly get down on your knees to prove your oral ability.
Holding the soft spongy head in your mouth, you start suckingly on it like it's your favorite lollipop. Your tongue snakes through to polish the fleshy knob and dabs in between the slit which forces out a quiet hiss from him.
<<video otherchar/dealerbj1.mp4>>
It appears that either he hasn't had it for a while or your skill, despite him having just a small taste, is undoubtedly incredible (you're more partial to the latter), the man has gone granite hard in a total of 10 seconds. Contrary to his flaccid state, his manhood has grown in a thick, proud and slightly angry looking at you piece of meat. Shit, you really need to work on not judging a book by its cover. The guy is probably the textbox definition of a grower.
Further motivated by his excitement, you turn yourself into a literal motored suction machine 5000 and the sole use is to drain the soul out of the man in front of you. His erection now has a lot more room for you to work with as your lips pulled tight against the shaft. Head bobbing up and down rhythmically to bring his tool swiftly to its hot, wet and sweet home. Occasionally, you roll his smooth and hefty balls around since he probably likes to have them cleaned.
<<video otherchar/dealerbj2.mp4>>
You really gun for that discount. On the other hand, it sounds like the guy is not giving any discount on his pleasurable verbal exclamations with the constant sharp groans and hisses.
<<di dealer "Ahhhh... ssssshhhhhitt. Hang on, I can't... fffuuuuccckkkk...">>
<<video otherchar/dealerbjcum1.mp4>>
Concentrated on making him feel good, you are only able to pull off right at the very last second. Rewarding your hard work is jets of pearly cum blasted off on your lips meanwhile the dealer is hyperventilating with pained groans like he's having a stroke. With the potent smell of sex in the air and him having his own moment, you decide to collect your "hard" earned fruit of labor. Aside from the usual enticing taste of semen, there is a note of sweetness to it too which makes you wonder: Did he eat pineapple in anticipation of getting head from you?
<<di dealer "Damn... shit... That's the best head I've ever had. Goddamn... I'm out of breath... sheesh...">>
<<di you "So... can I get that discount?">>
<<di dealer "Hell yea… hmm, I'll give you a bag for free, why not?...">>
That shocks you because you didn't anticipate him being so generous.
<<di you "Wow, thanks a lot!">>
He throws a bag your way and gives you a wicked grin full of mischief.
<<di dealer "Long as you need weed, just come my way, yea? I'll give you some special treatments.">>
You're more than happy with his offer, sucking a nice cock in exchange for weed? That's not a hardship whatsoever.
<<link "Back">>
<<if $gameends>>
<<goto "Otherscenemenu">>
<<goto "Dealer">>
<</link>><<scenechoices dealer 1 0>>\
With the approving nod of your head, he quickly takes off his slacks to reveal an average softie with a neatly trimmed bush just like the rest of him. Sensing his no-nonsense attitude, you swiftly get down on your knees to prove your oral ability.
Holding the soft spongy head in your mouth, you start suckingly on it like it's your favorite lollipop. Your tongue snakes through to polish the fleshy knob and dabs in between the slit which forces out a quiet hiss from him.
It appears that either he hasn't had it for a while or your skill, despite him having just a small taste, is undoubtedly incredible (you're more partial to the latter), the man has gone granite hard in a total of 10 seconds. Contrary to his flaccid state, his manhood has grown in a thick, proud and slightly angry looking at you piece of meat. Shit, you really need to work on not judging a book by its cover. The guy is probably the textbox definition of a grower.
Further motivated by his excitement, you turn yourself into a literal motored suction machine 5000 and the sole use is to drain the soul out of the man in front of you. His erection now has a lot more room for you to work with as your lips pulled tight against the shaft. Head bobbing up and down rhythmically to bring his tool swiftly to its hot, wet and sweet home. Occasionally, you roll his smooth and hefty balls around since he probably likes to have them cleaned.
<<video otherchar/dealerbj2.mp4>>
You really gun for that free weed. On the other hand, the guy is giving away freely his pleasurable verbal exclamations with the constant sharp groans and hisses.
<<di dealer "Ahhhh... ssssshhhhhitt. Hang on, I can't... fffuuuuccckkkk...">>
<<video otherchar/dealerbjcum1.mp4>>
Concentrated on making him feel good, you are only able to pull off right at the very last second. Rewarding your hard work is jets of pearly cum blasted off on your lips meanwhile the dealer is hyperventilating with pained groans like he's having a stroke. With the potent smell of sex in the air and him having his own moment, you decide to collect your "hard" earned fruit of labor. Aside from the usual enticing taste of semen, there is a note of sweetness to it too which makes you wonder: Did he eat pineapple in anticipation of getting head from you?
<<di dealer "Holy... man you're so good at this... Here's the weed, all rolled up nicely, only for you.">>
<<link "Back">>
<<if $gameends>>
<<goto "Otherscenemenu">>
<<goto "Dealer">>
<<set $scenepicked = false>>
<<if setup.ws.Policegiftbj1>>[[Donut blowjob with the police|Policegiftbj1]]<<else>><<link "==Donut blowjob with the police==">><</link>><</if>> <<if setup.ws.Policegymbj2>>[[Gym blowjob with the police|Policegymbj2]]<<else>><<link "==Gym blowjob==">><</link>><</if>>
<<if setup.ws.Dealerbj1>>[[First blowjob with the drug dealer|Dealerbj1]]<<else>><<link "==First blowjob with the drug dealer==">><</link>><</if>> <<if setup.ws.Dealerbj2>>[[Regular blowjob with the drug dealer|Dealerbj2]]<<else>><<link "==Regular blowjob with the drug dealer==">><</link>><</if>>
<<if setup.ws.Parkrhj>>[[Ring handjob at the park|Parkrhj]]<<else>><<link "==Ring handjob at the park==">><</link>><</if>> <<if setup.ws.Parkrbj>>[[Ring blowjob at the park|Parkrbj]]<<else>><<link "==Ring blowjob at the park==">><</link>><</if>> <<if setup.ws.Parkrfuck>>[[Ring fuck at the park|Parkrfuck]]<<else>><<link "==Ring fuck at the park==">><</link>><</if>>
<<if setup.ws.Gymrhj>>[[Ring handjob at the gym|Gymrhj]]<<else>><<link "==Ring handjob at the gym==">><</link>><</if>> <<if setup.ws.Gymrbj>>[[Ring blowjob at the gym|Gymrbj]]<<else>><<link "==Ring blowjob at the gym==">><</link>><</if>> <<if setup.ws.Gymrfuck>>[[Ring fuck at the gym|Gymrfuck]]<<else>><<link "==Ring fuck at the gym==">><</link>><</if>>
<<if setup.ws.Gymlockerjerk>>[[Gym locker jerkoff|Gymlockerjerk]]<<else>><<link "==Gym locker jerkoff==">><</link>><</if>> <<if setup.ws.GObj1>>[[Gym owner blowjob|GObj1]]<<else>><<link "==Gym owner blowjob==">><</link>><</if>> <<if setup.ws.GOfuck1>>[[Gym owner fuck|GOfuck1]]<<else>><<link "==Gym owner fuck==">><</link>><</if>>
<<if setup.ws.Mecnehj>>[[Handjob to the new guy in car shop|Mecnehj]]<<else>><<link "==Handjob to the new guy in car shop==">><</link>><</if>>
[[Back|Memoriesmenu]]<<scenechoices resman 1 0>>\
Kneeling down on the grimy and slightly sticky floor, it's too late to have any regrets about your decision now. $resman.Namedis is undressing right in front of you and while clothed, you can still sense a passing smell of sweat emitted from him. Once uncovered, his aroma hits you like a truck, it is strong, potent. Your nose being on the same level as his pheromone factory really doesn't help lessen the punch.
Supposedly it is different to other people, but to you the scent is tittering dangerously on the cliff of sexy spiciness. If it is just a touch stronger then it may fall into a deadly canyon. Shit, he is really a working man, as you can feel the radiating heat and moisture from over here.
Surprisingly, there is evidence of manscaping but it's negligible. His bush is matted and slightly wet from wearing the stuffy uniform. His cock looks blessedly clean and actually quite mouth-watering even in its flaccid form.
You really don't want to spend much time sweeping the nasty floor with your kneecaps so you dive right into it and begin the soft suckle on his sleeping member. The taste on it is extra salty combined with the oh-so-familiar tanginess of man meat. It takes a few minutes of your nuzzling and licking in order for him to get fully hard, most likely because the nerves on his brain are still slightly toasted from the weed.
<<video resman/resmanbj1.mp4>>
You're making the best work swapping your own saliva with his bodily fluid, using your expert tongue to find "the spot" where the man is most sensitive. Once you reach the root approaching his balls, a full body shiver runs through him. Bingo!
He has been quiet this whole time, however when you start slathering on his sack, the soft gasps begin to make its appearance. While your hand is pumping on his steel rod, your mouth is tugging, bathing his too hefty orbs and polishing them until they truly live up to the name - the family jewels.
<<video resman/resmanbj2.mp4>>
<<di resman "Ffffuck yea... Suck on those nuts, bitch... Do you like them huge balls?">>
As a pleaser, you nod eagerly after a long sensual flick of tongue through his testicles.
<<di resman "Then give them some more lickin' if you want to get drenched in my hot load, slut.">>
His sandpapery voice and sure grips on your head leave you no choice but to squish your face on his thoroughly drenched, dank manhood and put extra effort between stroking his tool and tonguing his globes. Your attention to details finally pays off, when his breath is getting shorter, gasps louder and his hands literally vibrate.
<<di resman "Here it comes... here it fffucking...">>
Your hand is moving at the speed of light and finally with a strangled growl, his shaft spasms rapidly and blows ropes of semen covering your mug. All you can say is that the amount is proportional with his ball size.
<<video resman/resmanbjcum1.mp4>>
<<di resman "Sssshit... man... I gotta be honest, that was good.">>
He's short on breath, his hairline is soaked in sweat, cheeks burned and a rare smile bloom all over the grumpiness.
<<di resman "Phew... damn. You convinced me, his shift will change to morning starting from tomorrow and throughout the week too... As long as you keep your end of the deal every week, got it?">>
He's still sharp even after an explosive orgasm, which must be the reason why he's the boss of this place.
<<di you "You got it.">>
Upon hearing your affirmation, he slaps your hand in a handshake and pulls you up from the ground. He smiles devilishly at you and throws you some wet wipes.
<<di resman "Clean your face before you leave and it doesn't need to be said that this stays between us?">>
<<di you "Roger, boss.">>
He throws you a friendly grin before exiting the room.
You finally managed to change your brother's shift, yay? It feels a little bit less jovial thinking about the prospect of having to get weed and suck him off every week, almost like a reverse blackmail... At least now you have <b>1 week of your brother having day shifts<<if $bro.shift == 0>> starting from tomorrow<</if>>.</b>
<<link "Back">>
<<if $gameends>>
<<goto "Resmanscenemenu">>
<<goto "Resman">>
<</link>><<scenechoices resman 2 1>>\
<<if $scenepicked>>\
You thought you were used to the scent but it still is noticeable even now, captivating the attention of your nostrils. The familiar sight of the impressive flaccid cock nestled between the matted pube from the clean sweat of a working man greets you. His cock looks blessedly clean and absolutely mouth-watering even in its flaccid form.
You really don't want to spend much time sweeping the nasty floor with your kneecaps so you dive right into it and begin the soft suckle on his sleeping member. The taste on it is extra salty combined with the oh-so-familiar tanginess of man meat. It takes a few minutes of your nuzzling and licking in order for him to get fully hard, most likely because the nerves on his brain are still slightly toasted from the weed.
<<video resman/resmanbj1.mp4>>
Knowing his g-spot, you still keep on teasing the cockhead shaping it with your tongue like a master potter. When he makes a few grunts of protest, you ultimately choose mercy and slithering down toward the base of his cock.
He has been quiet this whole time, however when you start slathering on his sack, the soft gasps begin to make its appearance. While your hand is pumping on his steel rod, your mouth is tugging, bathing his too hefty orbs and polishing them until they truly live up to the name - the family jewels.
<<video resman/resmanbj2.mp4>>
<<di resman "Ffffuck yea... Suck on those nuts, bitch... Do you like them huge balls?">>
As a pleaser, you nod eagerly after a long sensual flick of tongue through his testicles.
<<di resman "Then give them some more lickin' if you want to get drenched in my hot load, slut.">>
His sandpapery voice and sure grips on your head leave you no choice but to squish your face on his thoroughly drenched, dank manhood and put extra effort between stroking his tool and tonguing his globes. Your attention to details finally pays off, when his breath is getting shorter, gasps louder and his hands literally vibrate.
<<di resman "Here it comes... here it fffucking...">>
Your hand is moving at the speed of light and finally with a strangled growl, his shaft spasms rapidly and blows ropes of semen covering your mug. All you can say is that the amount is proportional with his ball size.
<<video resman/resmanbjcum1.mp4>>
<<di resman "Goddamn... so good...">>
You then clean up a few splash of jizz with your tongue and damn you never get bored of the taste of some man juice regardless of whose. The man is automatically in a good mood after climaxing and seeing you tasting his seed puts him in an even better state of mind.
<<if _saff == 1>>\
<<di resman "So you got the weed?">>
<<di you "Of course, can't forget it.">>
As you hand over the ziplock bag, he's now fully beaming at you with glee before leaving a room to resume his work.
<<di resman "Thanks, man. Appreciate it!">>
Men... always chasing pleasure. So simple. At least now you have <b>1 more week of your brother having day shifts starting from tomorrow.</b>
<<elseif hasVisited("Resmanhomebj")>>\
<<di resman "At home and now work, are you planning to drain this well dry?">>
He then smack his tummy jokingly.
<<di you "A well? More like a hose with how much you've been filling me lately. Don't act like you don't like it.">>
You wink back to let him know you're in on the joke too.
<<di resman "Haha, touché.">>
However, he still got a point, you're completely addicted to his juice. Now you have <b>1 week of your brother having day shifts<<if $bro.shift == 0>> starting from tomorrow<</if>>.</b>
<<di resman "If only we could do this more often...">>
He says it casually but you can take a hint. So, you take this chance to throw it back.
<<di you "I ain't that cheap.">>
<<di resman "Haha, touché.">>
He still got his weekly suck-off, sometimes more anyway. At least now you have <b>1 week of your brother having day shifts<<if $bro.shift == 0>> starting from tomorrow<</if>>.</b>
<<if $resman.bjtime == 4>>[[Suddenly...|Resmantalk2]]<<else>><<link "Back">>
<<if $gameends>>
<<goto "Resmanscenemenu">>
<<goto "Resman">>
<</link>><</if>>\Suddenly, $w.ydad calls you and your brother to the room for "some talks". At first, the atmosphere in the room appears still and a bit awkward. He opens and closes his mouth several time before $w.ybrother loses the remaining of his patience.
<<di bro "Dad, can we make this qui-?">>
<<di dad "I know you and $you.Namedis have been fucking around.">>
His quick words sweep through the room like a tornado, stunning everyone including you since you didn't expect him to blurt out such scandalous tidbit, especially when you are also having sex with $w.ydad too.
$w.Ybrother, a great actor he is, starts stammering and spluttering:
<<di bro "Huh? Wha-what? What do you mean we're fucking around? Hah hah, like we fight and mess around... like horse around like bros... right, dude?">>
Being forcibly casted as his co-star, you muster the best of your poker face and try to use your innate telepathy ability that has yet to be awoken to signal to $w.ydad and ask him: "WTF R U DOING???"
<<di you "Umm, yea...">>
After that declaration, $w.ydad looks eerily calm and then finally breaks the news:
<<di dad "Well, settle down, boys. 'Specially you, $bro.Namedis. I've been fucking with $you.Namedis too.">>
<<di bro "WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK??">>
A thunderous cry can be heard blowing from your brother's throat as he stares at you wide-eyed with a touch of non-belief. Well, now that has blown over, you must put out your ultimate strategic word:
<<di you "Um... surprise?">>
You say as sheepishly and innocently as you can, hoping to get away from discussing this mess.
After a lengthy talk between the three of you and about your relationships with both of them, it feels like the initial shock has finally died down and behind its wake is a pensive thoughtfulness.
<<di dad "So... now that we know. Here's my thought: It's not a big deal. We still continue as per usual because it is a win-win-win situation and now even better without having to tiptoe around each other.">>
Goddamn, you thought he would end the whole thing but the old man is hornier and more corrupted than you expected.
$w.Ybrother looks at you intensely for a moment and considers for a brief moment.
<<di bro "Yea, I think so too.">>
And your shy brother is in on this too? This is quite outrageous... and actually incredible. You try to look not too giddy with this notion.
<<di dad "Okay, now that we've got an understanding, absolutely don't tell anybody else and shake on it?">>
<<di bro "Deal.">>
<<di you "Deal!">>
With their openness to this whole shenanigan, you wonder if it can be taken to another level a.k.a both of them fucking you. Well, let's just see...
<<link "Back" $you.location>><</link>> $w.Ydad: @@.dad;<strong>$dad.Namedis</strong>@@
<b>Location:</b> <<if $dad.gps == true>>$dad.location<<else>>N/A<</if>>
<<if $dnb.start == false>><span style="color:red">Lust: $dad.lust/$dad.lustmax</span> - <<if $dad.lust >= 40>><b>Corrupted</b><<elseif $dad.lust >= 30>><b>Perverted</b><<elseif $dad.lust >= 20>><b>Deviant</b><<elseif $dad.lust >= 10>><b>Bold</b><<else>><b>Neutral</b><</if>>
<span style="color:pink">Affection: $dad.aff/$dad.affmax</span> - <<if $dad.aff >= 41>><b>Love</b><<elseif $dad.aff >= 21>><b>Fatherly</b><<elseif $dad.aff >= 11>><b>Dislike</b><<else>><b>Hate</b><</if>>
<span style="color:green">Suspicion: $dad.sus/$dad.susmax</span> - <i>Bad ending upon reaching $dad.susmax</i><<if hasVisited("Dadfuckintro1")>> - <i>Gains 5 per day</i><<elseif hasVisited("Dadbjintro1")>> - <i>Gains 3 per day</i><<elseif hasVisited("Dadhjintro2")>> - <i>Gains 2 per day</i><</if>><<else>><span style="color:green">Jealousy: $dad.jea/$dad.jeamax</span><</if>> $w.Ybro: @@.bro;<strong>$bro.Namedis</strong>@@
<b>Location:</b> <<if $bro.gps == true>>$bro.location<<else>>N/A<</if>>
<<if $dnb.start == false>><span style="color:red">Lust: $bro.lust/$bro.lustmax</span> - <<if $bro.lust >= 40>><b>Corrupted</b><<elseif $bro.lust >= 30>><b>Perverted</b><<elseif $bro.lust >= 20>><b>Deviant</b><<elseif $bro.lust >= 10>><b>Bold</b><<else>><b>Neutral</b><</if>>
<span style="color:pink">Affection: $bro.aff/$bro.affmax</span> - <<if $bro.aff >= 40>><b>Love</b><<elseif $bro.aff >= 20>><b>Brotherly</b><<elseif $bro.aff >= 10>><b>Dislike</b><<else>><b>Hate</b><</if>>
<span style="color:green">Suspicion: $bro.sus/$bro.susmax</span> - <i>Bad ending upon reaching $bro.susmax</i><<if hasVisited("Brofuckintro1")>> - <i>Gains 5 per day</i><<elseif hasVisited("Brobjintro1")>> - <i>Gains 3 per day</i><<elseif hasVisited("Brohjintro2")>> - <i>Gains 2 per day</i><</if>><<else>><span style="color:green">Jealousy: $bro.jea/$bro.jeamax</span><</if>><<di resman "Tell you what, I'm happy with the blowjob. You can keep the weed, in fact from now on I only need you to suck me and that's enough.">>
That kind of stuns you because from your observation, he is a very calculating man and never takes a loss. So that means your skill is just that incredible. Your face glows up with excitement:
<<di you "Really? Thanks so much, man.">>
<<di resman "Haha, no problem. My favorite part-timer!">>
He winks at you flirtily and quite handsomely too. If you hadn't some other goals maybe there could be something. Oh well, maybe in another life.
<<link "Back" $you.location>><</link>>\<<jea dad add 3 2>>\
The stony and expressionless face of $w.yfather welcomes you as you are about to leave the room.
<<di dad "Well, you boys having a good time?">>
Even thought, he doesn't show much, you still understand the thought of you having sex with $w.ybrother is making him jealous. However, he is the silent, stoic type and pointing out so may not sit well with him.
<<di you "I have to find my own fun without you, daddy. Helping out with $bro.Namedis is two bird with one stone.">>
The muscles on his face relax with your sweet talk and endearment. Supposedly, your reasoning also makes sense. Still, he doesn't look exactly elated with the thought of you sneaking around with your brother. You decide to console him by:
<<link "Giving him a blow job" "Dnbdadjealousbj">>
<<presshour add 2>>
<<link "Asking him to fuck your ass" "Dnbdadjealousfuck">>
<<presshour add 3>>
<<link "You don't have to entertain him" $you.location>><<set $dad.jea += 3>><</link>>\<<silently>><<jea dad add 2>><</silently>>\
<<jea dad minus 1 2>>\
<<if $dnb.acc <= 5>><<dnbacc add 1>><</if>>\
<<scenechoices dad 1 1>>\
<<di you "I'm not lying, though. I really want to do it with you.">>
You give him the best puppy face, silently tempting him into a wicked act.
<<di dad "Like right now?">>
<<di you "I'm never tired if I have chance to get off with you, daddy.">>
Just to reiterate your point, you grab your burgeoning erection to express how much desire you have for him. That seems to do the trick as a small pleased smile formed on his face, bringing in an air of mischief and sensuality.
<<di dad "Yea? You're so hard for daddy?">>
<<di you "Yesss! Can I please have a taste of your meat?">>
<<di dad "Of course, anything for my sweet boy.">>
Obliging to your requests, he drops his pants and grace your eyes with one of the most incredibly looking and mouth watering body parts that is growing rapidly. Not wanting to waste time, your mouth has a mind of its own and attaches itself to the target. Satisfied with having a few first tastes of his popsicle, you rub your cheeks against it like a cat on catnip. A throaty growl is the only warning as he gently pulls you off before resting his tips on your plump lips.
<<di dad "Be a good boy now and don't play with your food.">>
Obediently, you open yourself up and roll pink carpet to welcome your rock hard guest of honor into your cavern of bliss. Giving him the rockstar service, your tongue swirls around his tips and rapidly tickles the underside of where he's most sensitive.
<<video dad/dadjeabj1.mp4>>
Appreciative of your technique, he rewards some of his powerful yet gentle thrusts of his hips, grunting his way through the expedition through every familiar inch of your oral cavity. Thoroughly overwhelmed by his gifts, you are helpless to do anything else but take it. Surprisingly, you're still able to produce a few syllables of euphoria despite being crammed full of his shaft.
<<di dad "Fuck, you look so damn good with my cock in your mouth... SSSSHIT, can daddy come on your face?">>
Straining your neck muscle, you bounce your face on his manhood as an affirmation to his request of marking your visage with his essence. The short burst of his hips tells you that he's moments away from climaxing. Sure enough, with a gasp, he removes his dick from your tight suction with a pop. After two strokes, his cannon blasts its thick, pearly ammunition seemingly with the intent of sinking and drowning you with his juice.
<<image dad/dadbjcum1.webp>>
<<di dad "Haaaahhh... FFFUCK!... If only you could see yourself right now.">>
His eyes on you are intensely affectionate and mesmerized as he uses his cock as a club to smear semen all over your face, fill your every pore with his nectar and make you his. You lick your lips and taste the trace of his juice - salty and full of maleness - before answering:
<<di you "I wish I could have your seed every day, daddy.">>
<<di dad "Don't worry, boy. Daddy won't let you go hungry.">>
With his assurance, you celebrate internally as you feel his care for you flourishes.
<<link "Back">>
<<if $gameends>>
<<goto "Dadscenemenu">>
<<elseif $bully.state == 1>>
<<goto "Bullycaught">>
<<goto $you.location>>
<</link>><<silently>><<jea dad add 1>><</silently>>\
<<jea dad minus 2 2>>\
<<if $dnb.acc <= 5>><<dnbacc add 1>><</if>>\
<<scenechoices bro 1 1>>\
<<di you "I'm not lying, though. I really want to do it with you.">>
You give him the best puppy face, silently tempting him into a wicked act.
<<di dad "Like right now?">>
<<di you "I'm never tired if I have chance to get off with you, daddy.">>
Just to reiterate your point, you grab your burgeoning erection to express how much desire you have for him. That seems to do the trick as a small pleased smile formed on his face, bringing in an air of mischief and sensuality.
<<di dad "Yea? You're so hard for daddy?">>
<<di you "My hole is really craving for your meat. Can it have a taste of your meat?">>
With that being said, he enters your personal space and uses his large palm to paw up and down your still clothed crack.
<<di dad "That so?... Is this your starving hole?">>
<<di you "Yesss! Please feed it, daddy.">>
<<di dad "Then prepare it, boy.">>
He drops his pants and grace your eyes with one of the most incredibly looking and mouth watering body parts that is growing rapidly. Not wanting to waste time, your mouth has a mind of its own and attaches itself to the target. Satisfied with having a few first tastes of his popsicle, you rub your cheeks against it like a cat on catnip. A throaty growl is the only warning as he gently pulls you off.
<<di dad "Be good and turn around or else your hole won't have its shot of protein.">>
Obediently, you undress completely in a blink of an eye and turn around to expose your waiting hole. Meanwhile, $w.ydad quickly gets lube and coats his sausage-like fingers generously before prepping your hole with expertise.
<<video dad/dadjeafuck1.mp4>>
He knows you so well inside and out as you feel yourself being unraveled by his touches. Unable to endure more of his teasing, you beg him pitifully.
<<di you "Please, I want your cock inside me.">>
<<di dad "Very well, my boy.">>
After hearing his pleased purr, a blunt object starts breaching your well-loosen entrance. Upon resting fully inside you, he spends a bit of time for you to get more comfortable with labored breathing like he's using all of his willpower to not wreck your hole right away.
Being a young horny guy, you don't have enough patience or self-control. Therefore, your ass starts moving on x-axis, spitting and swallowing his dick with fierce determination. To regain his authority, he grabs your hips, begins pistoning and smashing your prostate to a tiny, moaning squirming mess.
<<video dad/dadjeafuck2.mp4>>
<<di dad "SSSHHIT... Are you close? 'Cause I'm gonna fill you up with a big, hot load?">>
<<di you "Y-Yess... daddy. Shoot it deep inside me... fill my gut with your seed...">>
<<di dad "GARHHHGGGH...!">>
With an animalistic scream, he unloads what feels like a bowl full of semen into the most intimate part of you. Drugged by his breeding juice, you furiously masturbate, and within a few pathetic strokes, reach orgasm. The spasms of your ass on his still hard rod lodged inside you makes up convulse wildly with bliss.
<<video dad/dadfuckcum1.mp4>>
<<di dad "Fuck... you will be the death of me.">>
<<di you "No chance, I'd like to see us both at old age. Promise?">>
He looks at your serious expression fondly and gives you a loving smile.
<<di dad "I promise.">>
Happily, you hug him to hide your giddy grin as you feel his devotion to you grows.
<<link "Back">>
<<if $gameends>>
<<goto "Dadscenemenu">>
<<elseif $bully.state == 1>>
<<goto "Bullycaught">>
<<goto $you.location>>
<</link>><<silently>><<jea bro add 2>><</silently>>\
<<jea bro minus 1 2>>\
<<if $dnb.acc <= 5>><<dnbacc add 1>><</if>>\
<<scenechoices bro 1 1>>\
You approach him and let a hand trace the giant boulder that is his chest.
<<di you "Well, if so. How about you remind me of your prowess... right now?">>
<<di bro "Now? But you've just finished with dad?">>
<<di you "You know I would never say no to you.">>
Your other hand snakes its way to the front of his crotch and finds $w.ybrother's monster swiftly waking. It will be the perfect push in order for you to "soothe" his easily bruised ego.
<<di you "What about a blowjob? I'm a bit tired still I'd love to see you cum on my face.">>
Your hand is still moving up and down, basically a masturbation session is already happening. He breathes out with a shaky voice:
<<di bro "Please...">>
Since he pleads so nicely, you oblige and pull down his shorts to uncover one of your most favorite pieces of meat in the world. No matter how many times you have seen it, it never fails to impress you with its size and demands the service of your mouth. And that's what you do, attacking it with the wet, enveloping heat of your oral cavity.
<<video bro/brojeabj1.mp4>>
He groans throatily, his jaw slacked, unable to contain all the inner pleasure bursting out. You lovingly trail your tongue from his pre-cum soaked tip to the bulging veins that further emphasizes the muscularity of his manhood. Bobbing your head up and down, you squeeze your lips and cheeks to create the perfect suction to vacuum all the sweet, sweet nectars fountaining from $w.ybrother.
<<di bro "Damn,... I'm- I'MMM... CCC–...">>
Too familiar with his body, you even know the exact moment that he will come. So much so, that right when you pull off from his shaft, it erupts and jizz flies, painting your mouth and cheeks with its thick creaminess.
<<video bro/brobjcum1.mp4>>
<<di bro "Gooossssh... I will never get tired of your mouth.">>
He compliments you huskily, voice is still dripped in lust and the afterglow of orgasm. You throw back playfully:
<<di you "You'd better not.">>
With his half-lidded eyes, he stares back at you adoringly. The pure, unfiltered affection from that gaze startles you.
<<di bro "Swear never ever in my life.">>
Not being easily flustered, still your cheeks reddens and you feel a warm embrace of happiness as his love for you grows.
<<link "Back">>
<<if $gameends>>
<<goto "Broscenemenu">>
<<elseif $bully.state == 1>>
<<goto "Bullycaught">>
<<goto $you.location>>
<</link>><<silently>><<jea bro add 1>><</silently>>\
<<jea bro minus 2 2>>\
<<if $dnb.acc <= 5>><<dnbacc add 1>><</if>>\
<<scenechoices bro 1 1>>\
You approach him and let a hand trace the giant boulder that is his chest.
<<di you "Well, if so. How about you remind me of your prowess... right now?">>
<<di bro "Now? But you've just finished with dad?">>
<<di you "You know I would never say no to you.">>
Your other hand snakes its way to the front of his crotch and finds $w.ybrother's monster swiftly waking. It will be the perfect push to "soothe" his easily bruised ego.
<<di you "What if you show my ass how incredible your dick is?">>
You squeeze his member hard and it doesn't even budge since it also has firmed up like diamond. He chokes up a little but still replies with a shaky, with a touch of pleased confidence, voice:
<<di bro "I- anything you want...">>
He now truly aims to please pulling down his shorts to uncover one of your most favorite pieces of meat in the world. No matter how many times you have seen it, it never fails to impress you with its size and your sphincter winks in anticipation of feasting on it. You also make quick work of undressing.
Within a few seconds of engrossing in undoing your buttons, you turn back to find lube is already within his palm. With his hand hovering, he looks unsure:
<<di bro "Here's the lube. I- err...">>
<<di you "Lemme handle it, you just stay there and be handsome, 'kay?">>
You wink at him cheekily, it seems like he has half a thought of helping you prepare but is intimidated. Feeling too excited, you do a lightning round of prep since you know you can handle it before dropping down and swallowing his cock whole.
He groans throatily, his jaw slacked, unable to contain all the inner pleasure bursting out. You lovingly trail your tongue from his pre-cum soaked tip to the bulging veins that further emphasizes the muscularity of his manhood. Satisfied that you have drenched his rod, you slap a copious amount of lube on that beast before lining it up to your welcoming hole.
In spite of your experience, it still takes around a minute before you're able to completely relax under him. You pat $w.ybrother signaling him to move.
<<di bro "Fuck, how is your hole is still so damn tight...">>
He mumbles dirtily. You can't help but preen keenly because before this, he would never ever be such a naughty talker. Rewarding his compliment, your channel contracts even snugger around the invading spear. That triggers his defense with even stronger thrusts like he wants to break down all the walls and seize control of your body.
<<video bro/brojeafuck1.mp4>>
<<di bro "I... SSSSHITTT... CAN'T">>
Even without his warning, you can sense impending orgasm from the insane speed of his pistoning, his short gasps and the way his hands leaving imprints on your hips. With a thunderous moan, he empties inside and floods you with his potent seed.
He is absolutely out of breath, clearly winded from the amazing climax he just experienced and your poor raging cock is trapped in the delicious heat, begging to be released. After a full minute, he unplugs himself from you and the cum spilling out of you like the dam breaks.
<<video bro/brojeafuckcum.mp4>>
Finally, it only takes a few strokes before you finally reach the peak of pleasure and join $w.ybrother in paradise.
<<di bro "Gooossssh... I will never get tired of your ass.">>
He compliments you huskily, voice is still dripped in lust and the afterglow of orgasm. You throw back playfully:
<<di you "You'd better not.">>
With his half-lidded eyes, he stares back at you adoringly. The pure, unfiltered affection from that gaze startles you.
<<di bro "Swear never ever in my life.">>
Not being easily flustered, still your cheeks reddens and you feel a warm embrace of happiness as his love for you grows.
<<link "Back">>
<<if $gameends>>
<<goto "Broscenemenu">>
<<elseif $bully.state == 1>>
<<goto "Bullycaught">>
<<goto $you.location>>
<</link>><<jea bro add 3 2>>\
When you exit the room, a frowny face of $w.ybrother suddenly appears.
<<di bro "Hmm, you had a lot of fun with dad, yea?">>
<<di you "Hey now. Don't be jealous. I am always up for a good time and he's good but you and your sculptured body is not so shabby yourself.">>
His face goes beet red, totally embarrassed by being busted for acting like a jealous boyfriend. He stammers and denies:
<<di bro "No, it's not like that. I'm NOT jealous of ... dad. Just checking out the competition. That's all.">>
His flustered reaction makes you grin at him sweetly. How can a hulking man like him be so cute? Look like to sate his jealousy, you will need to make it up to him.
<<link "Give him a blow job" "Dnbbrojealousbj">>
<<presshour add 2>>
<<link "Ask him to fuck your ass" "Dnbbrojealousfuck">>
<<presshour add 3>>
<<link "You don't have to entertain him" $you.location>><<set $bro.jea += 3>><</link>>\$w.Yfather and $w.brother are pretty much in love with you from the way they act when they catch you with the other. They are hesitant to confess to you most likely because you're still having sex with both of them because they never thought of the idea of a polyamorous relationship before.
Having a taste of both of their masculine perfection, you're now not satisfied until you have them both under your spell. To do that, you first have to influence their macho primate tendencies to fight for their mate and when they are used to the presence of each other, it will be a grand time for you. Hell, for all.
To put the plan in motion, you whisper to $w.ybrother who is in a middle of something:
<<di you "Hey, I really want to service your cock. Come into my room?">>
Hearing your sultry voice saying the sweetest thing a man can hope for, his Adam's apple bobs and he nods eagerly.
<<di bro "Of course, let's go.">>
<<di you "Go on, I need to do something else first.">>
You wink at him, full of promises. He's gonna be in for a surprise.
It takes you a little bit of time to find $w.ydad, he's engulfed in his phone - probably reading business and politic news again.
You pat his shoulder and well you're right the man does love you more than his news since he immediately drops his phone to turn to you with an indulging smile.
<<di dad "What's up?">>
<<di you "I'm horny, daddy. Let's go to my room.">>
Not waiting for his answer, you grab his wrist and pull him up to your room. He allows it of course, as there's no way you can pull a man like him screaming and against his will.
As you turn the corner to stand before the room, the nerves start to bubble up. What if they react badly? However, you recall all the sinful things you've accomplished thus far and they give you the courage to make the final push to open the door.
The first thing you notice is $w.ybrother's startled and slightly resigned face.
<<di bro "Why are you bringing him here?">>
<<di you "You guys know that I want you both desperately, right?">>
<<di dad "What are you trying to say?">>
$w.Ydad says, his tone even that you can't even detect any emotion in it. Regardless, there is no turning back now.
<<di you "So, it will make me that happiest guy in the world if I can have you both at the same time.">>
You look deep in both of their eyes with utmost sincerity that you're able to convey. A pregnant pause pass where gazes are met, silent communications are transferred. Finally, a appeasing sigh escapes from $y.dad's beard-covered lips:
<<di dad "Alright, alright. I will do it. Are you up to it, $bro.Namedis?">>
$w.Ybrother looks at you intensely with determination as he answers:
<<di bro "Okay, I am.">>
You hug and beam at both of them pleasedly and give them the most loaded but innocently phrased:
<<di you "I love you guys!">>
Now the real fun begins.
[[Start the threesome|Dnbthreesome]]<<silently>>\
<<set $dnb.dadar = 0>>
<<set $dnb.broar = 0>>
<<set $dnb.scenestage = 0>>
<<set $dnb.dadkissed = false>>
<<set $dnb.dadcaressed = false>>
<<set $dnb.dadrimmed = false>>
<<set $dnb.brokissed = false>>
<<set $dnb.brocaressed = false>>
<<set $dnb.dadrimmed = false>>
<<set $dnb.cumscene = false>>
<<set $you.talkto = 3>>
After calling them into your bedroom, you're standing between the two of the hottest men on Earth, all having the intention of getting off. You decide to:
<span id="s1"></span>\
<span id="s2"></span>\
<span id="s3"></span>\
<span id="s4"></span>\
<span id="s5"></span>\
@@.dad;<b>$w.Ydad's Arousal: </b>@@<span id="dads">$dnb.dadar - Normal</span>
<span id="dadmenu"><<include "Dnbthreesomedadmenu">></span>
@@.bro;<b>$w.Ybrother's Arousal: </b>@@<span id="bros">$dnb.broar - Normal</span>
<span id="bromenu"><<include "Dnbthreesomebromenu">></span>Entering $w.yfather's personal space, your hands on his shoulders as your head quickly moves in for the "kill", well, kiss. His lips, even though slightly chapped, still feel soft unlike his slightly cold demeanor. Without waiting for your mouth to be open, his tongue slithers between your supple cushions and teeth to inspect your oral cavity.
<<video dnb/dnbdadkiss.mp4>>
Thought you had the upper hand, but now your hips are being hugged tightly by him, mouth devoured and marked possessively that you almost forget who you are. After what feels like an eternity, he gives you a final peck before rumbles raspily:
<<di dad "Hmm, taste so good, boy.">>
All thanks to him with his constant lectures about dental hygiene, or maybe he means it metaphorically.
<<jea dad minus 1>>Though not as ripped as $w.ybrother, his body undeniably still possesses a raw power and hardenedness that comes with the years. Your hand creeps its way from his firm neck down toward his formidable pecs - slightly softened by the office life. Down and down, you find his burly belly and marvel at the definitions there. When does he train with all that time spent working?
<<video dnb/dnbdadcaress.mp4>>
He's channeling the perfect energy of a grumpy bear as he still remains emotionless. If it wasn't for his quickened breathing, you wouldn't know that he is loving your attention.
<<set $dnb.dadar ++>>\
@@.add;+ 1 $w.Dad's Arousal@@
Getting near $w.ydad, his half hard cock from afar is already impressive. This up close and personal, it is downright intimidating, but you love a thrill. To wake the terrifying sleeping beast, your palm circles around and pulls back its armor as the head rises up like it wants more of your touch.
Pleasure begins to cloud his judgment as he urges you to double up your efforts:
<<di dad "Come on, make me hard.">>\
<<video dnb/dnbdaderect.mp4>>
How do you even defy such a delightful order? Your motion quickens, stokes up the lustful ember inside of him and soon the fire is raging, standing tall - proud.
<<set $dnb.dadar += 2>>\
@@.add;+ 2 $w.Dad's Arousal@@
You put your handjob ability to the test and work $w.ydad's cock. Your grip is apparently as alluring as other sexy parts of your body because even with your pumping, his hips still move in their volition chasing the sexual high hidden within your palms.
<<video dnb/dnbdadhj.mp4>>
<<di dad "Ssshit... yea...! Love that tight grip...">>
Your fingers sometimes caress the tip, balls to tease them and to draw out his man fluid. As a result, his pre-cum is leaking out profusely, moistening your grasp, creating the seductive squelching sound and the unmistakable scent of sex.
<<di dad "Fuck…! I'm close to cumming... ">>
With such display, you feel like a pornstar especially in front of $w.ybrother who is ... observing. That's the word.
<<set $dnb.dadar += 2>>\
@@.add;+ 2 $w.Dad's Arousal@@
<<nobr>><span id="dadcum"><<link "Finish him with your hands">>
<<if $dnb.scenestage !== 5>><<set $dnb.cumscene = false>><</if>>
<<pressminute add 5>>
<<replace "#dadcum">>
<<include "Dnbdadhjcum">>
<<replace "#bromenu">><<include "Dnbthreesomebromenu">><</replace>>
<<replace "#dads">>
$dnb.dadar - <<if $dnb.dadar < 2>>Normal<<elseif $dnb.dadar < 4>>Erected<<elseif $dnb.dadar < 6>>Cumming<<else>>In Bliss<</if>>
<</link>><<if $dnb.acc >= 10>> <<link "Finish him in your mouth">>
<<set $dnb.cumscene = false>>
<<pressminute add 5>>
<<replace "#dadcum">>
<<include "Dnbdadbjcum">>
<<replace "#bromenu">><<include "Dnbthreesomebromenu">><</replace>>
<<replace "#dads">>
$dnb.dadar - <<if $dnb.dadar < 2>>Normal<<elseif $dnb.dadar < 4>>Erected<<elseif $dnb.dadar < 6>>Cumming<<else>>In Bliss<</if>>
<<nobr>><<if not $dnb.dadkissed and $dnb.dadar < 4 and not $dnb.cumscene>><<link "Kiss him">>
<<set $dnb.scenestage ++>>
<<set $dnb.dadkissed = true>>
<<pressminute add 15>>
<<if $dnb.scenestage == 1>>
<<replace "#s1">>
<<include "Dnbdadkiss">>
<<elseif $dnb.scenestage == 2>>
<<replace "#s2">>
<<include "Dnbdadkiss">>
<<elseif $dnb.scenestage == 3>>
<<replace "#s3">>
<<include "Dnbdadkiss">>
<<elseif $dnb.scenestage == 4>>
<<replace "#s4">>
<<include "Dnbdadkiss">>
<<elseif $dnb.scenestage == 5>>
<<replace "#s5">>
<<include "Dnbdadkiss">>
<<set $dnb.cumscene = true>>
[[You start cumming|Dnbyoucum]]<br/><br/>
<<replace "#dads">>
$dnb.dadar - <<if $dnb.dadar < 2>>Normal<<elseif $dnb.dadar < 4>>Erected<<elseif $dnb.dadar < 6>>Cumming<<else>>In Bliss<</if>>
<<replace "#dadmenu">><<include "Dnbthreesomedadmenu">><</replace>>
<<replace "#bros">>
$dnb.broar - <<if $dnb.broar < 2>>Normal<<elseif $dnb.broar < 4>>Erected<<elseif $dnb.broar < 6>>Cumming<<else>>In Bliss<</if>>
<<replace "#bromenu">><<include "Dnbthreesomebromenu">><</replace>>
<<if not $dnb.dadcaressed and $dnb.dadar < 4 and not $dnb.cumscene>><<link "Caress him">>
<<set $dnb.scenestage ++>>
<<set $dnb.dadcaressed = true>>
<<pressminute add 15>>
<<if $dnb.scenestage == 1>>
<<replace "#s1">>
<<include "Dnbdadcaress">>
<<elseif $dnb.scenestage == 2>>
<<replace "#s2">>
<<include "Dnbdadcaress">>
<<elseif $dnb.scenestage == 3>>
<<replace "#s3">>
<<include "Dnbdadcaress">>
<<elseif $dnb.scenestage == 4>>
<<replace "#s4">>
<<include "Dnbdadcaress">>
<<elseif $dnb.scenestage == 5>>
<<replace "#s5">>
<<include "Dnbdadcaress">>
<<set $dnb.cumscene = true>>
[[You start cumming|Dnbyoucum]]<br/><br/>
<<replace "#dads">>
$dnb.dadar - <<if $dnb.dadar < 2>>Normal<<elseif $dnb.dadar < 4>>Erected<<elseif $dnb.dadar < 6>>Cumming<<else>>In Bliss<</if>>
<<replace "#dadmenu">><<include "Dnbthreesomedadmenu">><</replace>>
<<replace "#bros">>
$dnb.broar - <<if $dnb.broar < 2>>Normal<<elseif $dnb.broar < 4>>Erected<<elseif $dnb.broar < 6>>Cumming<<else>>In Bliss<</if>>
<<replace "#bromenu">><<include "Dnbthreesomebromenu">><</replace>>
<<if not $dnb.dadrimmed and $dnb.dadar < 4 and ($dnb.acc >= 15 or $gameends) and not $dnb.cumscene>><<link "Ask him to rim you">>
<<set $dnb.scenestage ++>>
<<set $dnb.dadrimmed = true>>
<<pressminute add 15>>
<<if $dnb.scenestage == 1>>
<<replace "#s1">>
<<include "Dnbdadrim">>
<<elseif $dnb.scenestage == 2>>
<<replace "#s2">>
<<include "Dnbdadrim">>
<<elseif $dnb.scenestage == 3>>
<<replace "#s3">>
<<include "Dnbdadrim">>
<<elseif $dnb.scenestage == 4>>
<<replace "#s4">>
<<include "Dnbdadrim">>
<<elseif $dnb.scenestage == 5>>
<<replace "#s5">>
<<include "Dnbdadrim">>
<<set $dnb.cumscene = true>>
[[You start cumming|Dnbyoucum]]<br/><br/>
<<replace "#dads">>
$dnb.dadar - <<if $dnb.dadar < 2>>Normal<<elseif $dnb.dadar < 4>>Erected<<elseif $dnb.dadar < 6>>Cumming<<else>>In Bliss<</if>>
<<replace "#dadmenu">><<include "Dnbthreesomedadmenu">><</replace>>
<<replace "#bros">>
$dnb.broar - <<if $dnb.broar < 2>>Normal<<elseif $dnb.broar < 4>>Erected<<elseif $dnb.broar < 6>>Cumming<<else>>In Bliss<</if>>
<<replace "#bromenu">><<include "Dnbthreesomebromenu">><</replace>>
<<if (not $dnb.dadkissed or not $dnb.dadcaressed or not $dnb.dadrimmed) and $dnb.dadar < 5>><br/><br/><</if>>
<<if $dnb.dadar < 2 and not $dnb.cumscene>><<link "Stroke him to hardness">>
<<set $dnb.scenestage ++>>
<<pressminute add 30>>
<<if $dnb.scenestage == 1>>
<<replace "#s1">>
<<include "Dnbdaderect">>
<<elseif $dnb.scenestage == 2>>
<<replace "#s2">>
<<include "Dnbdaderect">>
<<elseif $dnb.scenestage == 3>>
<<replace "#s3">>
<<include "Dnbdaderect">>
<<elseif $dnb.scenestage == 4>>
<<replace "#s4">>
<<include "Dnbdaderect">>
<<elseif $dnb.scenestage == 5>>
<<replace "#s5">>
<<include "Dnbdaderect">>
<<set $dnb.cumscene = true>>
[[You start cumming|Dnbyoucum]]<br/><br/>
<<replace "#dads">>
$dnb.dadar - <<if $dnb.dadar < 2>>Normal<<elseif $dnb.dadar < 4>>Erected<<elseif $dnb.dadar < 6>>Cumming<<else>>In Bliss<</if>>
<<replace "#dadmenu">><<include "Dnbthreesomedadmenu">><</replace>>
<<replace "#bros">>
$dnb.broar - <<if $dnb.broar < 2>>Normal<<elseif $dnb.broar < 4>>Erected<<elseif $dnb.broar < 6>>Cumming<<else>>In Bliss<</if>>
<<replace "#bromenu">><<include "Dnbthreesomebromenu">><</replace>>
<<if $dnb.dadar < 4 and $dnb.dadar >= 2 and not $dnb.cumscene>><<link "Give him a handjob">>
<<set $dnb.scenestage ++>>
<<set $dnb.cumscene = true>>
<<pressminute add 30>>
<<if $dnb.scenestage == 1>>
<<replace "#s1">>
<<include "Dnbdadhj">>
<<elseif $dnb.scenestage == 2>>
<<replace "#s2">>
<<include "Dnbdadhj">>
<<elseif $dnb.scenestage == 3>>
<<replace "#s3">>
<<include "Dnbdadhj">>
<<elseif $dnb.scenestage == 4>>
<<replace "#s4">>
<<include "Dnbdadhj">>
<<elseif $dnb.scenestage == 5>>
<<replace "#s5">>
<<include "Dnbdadhj">>
<<replace "#dads">>
$dnb.dadar - <<if $dnb.dadar < 2>>Normal<<elseif $dnb.dadar < 4>>Erected<<elseif $dnb.dadar < 6>>Cumming<<else>>In Bliss<</if>>
<<replace "#dadmenu">><<include "Dnbthreesomedadmenu">><</replace>>
<<replace "#bros">>
$dnb.broar - <<if $dnb.broar < 2>>Normal<<elseif $dnb.broar < 4>>Erected<<elseif $dnb.broar < 6>>Cumming<<else>>In Bliss<</if>>
<<replace "#bromenu">><<include "Dnbthreesomebromenu">><</replace>>
<<if $dnb.dadar < 4 and $dnb.dadar >= 2 and $dnb.broar < 4 and $dnb.broar >= 2 and ($dnb.acc >= 10 or $gameends) and not $dnb.cumscene>><<link "Give them both a handjob">>
<<set $dnb.scenestage ++>>
<<set $dnb.cumscene = true>>
<<presshour add 1>>
<<if $dnb.scenestage == 1>>
<<replace "#s1">>
<<include "Dnbbothhj">>
<<elseif $dnb.scenestage == 2>>
<<replace "#s2">>
<<include "Dnbbothhj">>
<<elseif $dnb.scenestage == 3>>
<<replace "#s3">>
<<include "Dnbbothhj">>
<<elseif $dnb.scenestage == 4>>
<<replace "#s4">>
<<include "Dnbbothhj">>
<<elseif $dnb.scenestage == 5>>
<<replace "#s5">>
<<include "Dnbbothhj">>
<<replace "#dads">>
$dnb.dadar - <<if $dnb.dadar < 2>>Normal<<elseif $dnb.dadar < 4>>Erected<<elseif $dnb.dadar < 6>>Cumming<<else>>In Bliss<</if>>
<<replace "#dadmenu">><<include "Dnbthreesomedadmenu">><</replace>>
<<replace "#bros">>
$dnb.broar - <<if $dnb.broar < 2>>Normal<<elseif $dnb.broar < 4>>Erected<<elseif $dnb.broar < 6>>Cumming<<else>>In Bliss<</if>>
<<replace "#bromenu">><<include "Dnbthreesomebromenu">><</replace>>
<<if $dnb.dadar < 4 and $dnb.dadar >= 2 and ($dnb.acc >= 10 or $gameends) and not $dnb.cumscene>><<link "Give him a blowjob">>
<<set $dnb.scenestage ++>>
<<set $dnb.cumscene = true>>
<<pressminute add 30>>
<<if $dnb.scenestage == 1>>
<<replace "#s1">>
<<include "Dnbdadbj">>
<<elseif $dnb.scenestage == 2>>
<<replace "#s2">>
<<include "Dnbdadbj">>
<<elseif $dnb.scenestage == 3>>
<<replace "#s3">>
<<include "Dnbdadbj">>
<<elseif $dnb.scenestage == 4>>
<<replace "#s4">>
<<include "Dnbdadbj">>
<<elseif $dnb.scenestage == 5>>
<<replace "#s5">>
<<include "Dnbdadbj">>
<<replace "#dads">>
$dnb.dadar - <<if $dnb.dadar < 2>>Normal<<elseif $dnb.dadar < 4>>Erected<<elseif $dnb.dadar < 6>>Cumming<<else>>In Bliss<</if>>
<<replace "#dadmenu">><<include "Dnbthreesomedadmenu">><</replace>>
<<replace "#bros">>
$dnb.broar - <<if $dnb.broar < 2>>Normal<<elseif $dnb.broar < 4>>Erected<<elseif $dnb.broar < 6>>Cumming<<else>>In Bliss<</if>>
<<replace "#bromenu">><<include "Dnbthreesomebromenu">><</replace>>
<<if $dnb.dadar < 4 and $dnb.dadar >= 2 and $dnb.broar < 4 and $dnb.broar >= 2 and ($dnb.acc >= 15 or $gameends) and not $dnb.cumscene>><<link "Give them both a blowjob">>
<<set $dnb.scenestage ++>>
<<set $dnb.cumscene = true>>
<<presshour add 1>>
<<if $dnb.scenestage == 1>>
<<replace "#s1">>
<<include "Dnbbothbj">>
<<elseif $dnb.scenestage == 2>>
<<replace "#s2">>
<<include "Dnbbothbj">>
<<elseif $dnb.scenestage == 3>>
<<replace "#s3">>
<<include "Dnbbothbj">>
<<elseif $dnb.scenestage == 4>>
<<replace "#s4">>
<<include "Dnbbothbj">>
<<elseif $dnb.scenestage == 5>>
<<replace "#s5">>
<<include "Dnbbothbj">>
<<replace "#dads">>
$dnb.dadar - <<if $dnb.dadar < 2>>Normal<<elseif $dnb.dadar < 4>>Erected<<elseif $dnb.dadar < 6>>Cumming<<else>>In Bliss<</if>>
<<replace "#dadmenu">><<include "Dnbthreesomedadmenu">><</replace>>
<<replace "#bros">>
$dnb.broar - <<if $dnb.broar < 2>>Normal<<elseif $dnb.broar < 4>>Erected<<elseif $dnb.broar < 6>>Cumming<<else>>In Bliss<</if>>
<<replace "#bromenu">><<include "Dnbthreesomebromenu">><</replace>>
<<if $dnb.dadar < 4 and $dnb.dadar >= 2 and ($dnb.acc >= 15 or $gameends) and not $dnb.cumscene>><<link "Let him fuck your ass">>
<<set $dnb.scenestage ++>>
<<set $dnb.cumscene = true>>
<<pressminute add 30>>
<<if $dnb.scenestage == 1>>
<<replace "#s1">>
<<include "Dnbdadfuck">>
<<elseif $dnb.scenestage == 2>>
<<replace "#s2">>
<<include "Dnbdadfuck">>
<<elseif $dnb.scenestage == 3>>
<<replace "#s3">>
<<include "Dnbdadfuck">>
<<elseif $dnb.scenestage == 4>>
<<replace "#s4">>
<<include "Dnbdadfuck">>
<<elseif $dnb.scenestage == 5>>
<<replace "#s5">>
<<include "Dnbdadfuck">>
<<replace "#dads">>
$dnb.dadar - <<if $dnb.dadar < 2>>Normal<<elseif $dnb.dadar < 4>>Erected<<elseif $dnb.dadar < 6>>Cumming<<else>>In Bliss<</if>>
<<replace "#dadmenu">><<include "Dnbthreesomedadmenu">><</replace>>
<<replace "#bros">>
$dnb.broar - <<if $dnb.broar < 2>>Normal<<elseif $dnb.broar < 4>>Erected<<elseif $dnb.broar < 6>>Cumming<<else>>In Bliss<</if>>
<<replace "#bromenu">><<include "Dnbthreesomebromenu">><</replace>>
<<if $dnb.dadar < 4 and $dnb.dadar >= 2 and $dnb.broar < 4 and $dnb.broar >= 2 and ($dnb.acc >= 20 or $gameends) and not $dnb.cumscene>><<link "Let them spitroast you">>
<<set $dnb.scenestage ++>>
<<set $dnb.cumscene = true>>
<<presshour add 1>>
<<if $dnb.scenestage == 1>>
<<replace "#s1">>
<<include "Dnbbothspitroast">>
<<elseif $dnb.scenestage == 2>>
<<replace "#s2">>
<<include "Dnbbothspitroast">>
<<elseif $dnb.scenestage == 3>>
<<replace "#s3">>
<<include "Dnbbothspitroast">>
<<elseif $dnb.scenestage == 4>>
<<replace "#s4">>
<<include "Dnbbothspitroast">>
<<elseif $dnb.scenestage == 5>>
<<replace "#s5">>
<<include "Dnbbothspitroast">>
<<replace "#dads">>
$dnb.dadar - <<if $dnb.dadar < 2>>Normal<<elseif $dnb.dadar < 4>>Erected<<elseif $dnb.dadar < 6>>Cumming<<else>>In Bliss<</if>>
<<replace "#dadmenu">><<include "Dnbthreesomedadmenu">><</replace>>
<<replace "#bros">>
$dnb.broar - <<if $dnb.broar < 2>>Normal<<elseif $dnb.broar < 4>>Erected<<elseif $dnb.broar < 6>>Cumming<<else>>In Bliss<</if>>
<<replace "#bromenu">><<include "Dnbthreesomebromenu">><</replace>>
<<if $dnb.dadar < 4 and $dnb.dadar >= 2 and $dnb.broar < 4 and $dnb.broar >= 2 and ($dnb.acc >= 20 or $gameends) and not $dnb.cumscene>><<link "Let them dp you">>
<<set $dnb.scenestage ++>>
<<set $dnb.cumscene = true>>
<<presshour add 1>>
<<if $dnb.scenestage == 1>>
<<replace "#s1">>
<<include "Dnbbothdp">>
<<elseif $dnb.scenestage == 2>>
<<replace "#s2">>
<<include "Dnbbothdp">>
<<elseif $dnb.scenestage == 3>>
<<replace "#s3">>
<<include "Dnbbothdp">>
<<elseif $dnb.scenestage == 4>>
<<replace "#s4">>
<<include "Dnbbothdp">>
<<elseif $dnb.scenestage == 5>>
<<replace "#s5">>
<<include "Dnbbothdp">>
<<replace "#dads">>
$dnb.dadar - <<if $dnb.dadar < 2>>Normal<<elseif $dnb.dadar < 4>>Erected<<elseif $dnb.dadar < 6>>Cumming<<else>>In Bliss<</if>>
<<replace "#dadmenu">><<include "Dnbthreesomedadmenu">><</replace>>
<<replace "#bros">>
$dnb.broar - <<if $dnb.broar < 2>>Normal<<elseif $dnb.broar < 4>>Erected<<elseif $dnb.broar < 6>>Cumming<<else>>In Bliss<</if>>
<<replace "#bromenu">><<include "Dnbthreesomebromenu">><</replace>>
<</link>><</if>><</nobr>><<nobr>><<if not $dnb.brokissed and $dnb.broar < 4 and not $dnb.cumscene>><<link "Kiss him">>
<<set $dnb.scenestage ++>>
<<set $dnb.brokissed = true>>
<<pressminute add 15>>
<<if $dnb.scenestage == 1>>
<<replace "#s1">>
<<include "Dnbbrokiss">>
<<elseif $dnb.scenestage == 2>>
<<replace "#s2">>
<<include "Dnbbrokiss">>
<<elseif $dnb.scenestage == 3>>
<<replace "#s3">>
<<include "Dnbbrokiss">>
<<elseif $dnb.scenestage == 4>>
<<replace "#s4">>
<<include "Dnbbrokiss">>
<<elseif $dnb.scenestage == 5>>
<<replace "#s5">>
<<include "Dnbbrokiss">>
<<set $dnb.cumscene = true>>
[[You start cumming|Dnbyoucum]]<br/><br/>
<<replace "#dads">>
$dnb.dadar - <<if $dnb.dadar < 2>>Normal<<elseif $dnb.dadar < 4>>Erected<<elseif $dnb.dadar < 6>>Cumming<<else>>In Bliss<</if>>
<<replace "#dadmenu">><<include "Dnbthreesomedadmenu">><</replace>>
<<replace "#bros">>
$dnb.broar - <<if $dnb.broar < 2>>Normal<<elseif $dnb.broar < 4>>Erected<<elseif $dnb.broar < 6>>Cumming<<else>>In Bliss<</if>>
<<replace "#bromenu">><<include "Dnbthreesomebromenu">><</replace>>
<<if not $dnb.brocaressed and $dnb.broar < 4 and not $dnb.cumscene>><<link "Caress him">>
<<set $dnb.scenestage ++>>
<<set $dnb.brocaressed = true>>
<<pressminute add 15>>
<<if $dnb.scenestage == 1>>
<<replace "#s1">>
<<include "Dnbbrocaress">>
<<elseif $dnb.scenestage == 2>>
<<replace "#s2">>
<<include "Dnbbrocaress">>
<<elseif $dnb.scenestage == 3>>
<<replace "#s3">>
<<include "Dnbbrocaress">>
<<elseif $dnb.scenestage == 4>>
<<replace "#s4">>
<<include "Dnbbrocaress">>
<<elseif $dnb.scenestage == 5>>
<<replace "#s5">>
<<include "Dnbbrocaress">>
<<set $dnb.cumscene = true>>
[[You start cumming|Dnbyoucum]]<br/><br/>
<<replace "#dads">>
$dnb.dadar - <<if $dnb.dadar < 2>>Normal<<elseif $dnb.dadar < 4>>Erected<<elseif $dnb.dadar < 6>>Cumming<<else>>In Bliss<</if>>
<<replace "#dads">>
$dnb.dadar - <<if $dnb.dadar < 2>>Normal<<elseif $dnb.dadar < 4>>Erected<<elseif $dnb.dadar < 6>>Cumming<<else>>In Bliss<</if>>
<<replace "#dadmenu">><<include "Dnbthreesomedadmenu">><</replace>> <<replace "#bros">>
$dnb.broar - <<if $dnb.broar < 2>>Normal<<elseif $dnb.broar < 4>>Erected<<elseif $dnb.broar < 6>>Cumming<<else>>In Bliss<</if>>
<<replace "#bromenu">><<include "Dnbthreesomebromenu">><</replace>>
<<if not $dnb.brorimmed and $dnb.broar < 4 and ($dnb.acc >= 15 or $gameends) and not $dnb.cumscene>><<link "Ask him to rim you">>
<<set $dnb.scenestage ++>>
<<set $dnb.brorimmed = true>>
<<pressminute add 15>>
<<if $dnb.scenestage == 1>>
<<replace "#s1">>
<<include "Dnbbrorim">>
<<elseif $dnb.scenestage == 2>>
<<replace "#s2">>
<<include "Dnbbrorim">>
<<elseif $dnb.scenestage == 3>>
<<replace "#s3">>
<<include "Dnbbrorim">>
<<elseif $dnb.scenestage == 4>>
<<replace "#s4">>
<<include "Dnbbrorim">>
<<elseif $dnb.scenestage == 5>>
<<replace "#s5">>
<<include "Dnbbrorim">>
<<set $dnb.cumscene = true>>
[[You start cumming|Dnbyoucum]]<br/><br/>
<<replace "#dads">>
$dnb.dadar - <<if $dnb.dadar < 2>>Normal<<elseif $dnb.dadar < 4>>Erected<<elseif $dnb.dadar < 6>>Cumming<<else>>In Bliss<</if>>
<<replace "#dads">>
$dnb.dadar - <<if $dnb.dadar < 2>>Normal<<elseif $dnb.dadar < 4>>Erected<<elseif $dnb.dadar < 6>>Cumming<<else>>In Bliss<</if>>
<<replace "#dadmenu">><<include "Dnbthreesomedadmenu">><</replace>> <<replace "#bros">>
$dnb.broar - <<if $dnb.broar < 2>>Normal<<elseif $dnb.broar < 4>>Erected<<elseif $dnb.broar < 6>>Cumming<<else>>In Bliss<</if>>
<<replace "#bromenu">><<include "Dnbthreesomebromenu">><</replace>>
<<if (not $dnb.brokissed or not $dnb.brocaressed or not $dnb.brorimmed) and $dnb.broar < 5>><br/><br/><</if>>
<<if $dnb.broar < 2 and not $dnb.cumscene>><<link "Stroke him to hardness">>
<<set $dnb.scenestage ++>>
<<pressminute add 30>>
<<if $dnb.scenestage == 1>>
<<replace "#s1">>
<<include "Dnbbroerect">>
<<elseif $dnb.scenestage == 2>>
<<replace "#s2">>
<<include "Dnbbroerect">>
<<elseif $dnb.scenestage == 3>>
<<replace "#s3">>
<<include "Dnbbroerect">>
<<elseif $dnb.scenestage == 4>>
<<replace "#s4">>
<<include "Dnbbroerect">>
<<elseif $dnb.scenestage == 5>>
<<replace "#s5">>
<<include "Dnbbroerect">>
<<set $dnb.cumscene = true>>
[[You start cumming|Dnbyoucum]]<br/><br/>
<<replace "#dads">>
$dnb.dadar - <<if $dnb.dadar < 2>>Normal<<elseif $dnb.dadar < 4>>Erected<<elseif $dnb.dadar < 6>>Cumming<<else>>In Bliss<</if>>
<<replace "#dadmenu">><<include "Dnbthreesomedadmenu">><</replace>>
<<replace "#bros">>
$dnb.broar - <<if $dnb.broar < 2>>Normal<<elseif $dnb.broar < 4>>Erected<<elseif $dnb.broar < 6>>Cumming<<else>>In Bliss<</if>>
<<replace "#bromenu">><<include "Dnbthreesomebromenu">><</replace>>
<<if $dnb.broar < 4 and $dnb.broar >= 2 and not $dnb.cumscene>><<link "Give him a handjob">>
<<set $dnb.scenestage ++>>
<<set $dnb.cumscene = true>>
<<pressminute add 30>>
<<if $dnb.scenestage == 1>>
<<replace "#s1">>
<<include "Dnbbrohj">>
<<elseif $dnb.scenestage == 2>>
<<replace "#s2">>
<<include "Dnbbrohj">>
<<elseif $dnb.scenestage == 3>>
<<replace "#s3">>
<<include "Dnbbrohj">>
<<elseif $dnb.scenestage == 4>>
<<replace "#s4">>
<<include "Dnbbrohj">>
<<elseif $dnb.scenestage == 5>>
<<replace "#s5">>
<<include "Dnbbrohj">>
<<replace "#dads">>
$dnb.dadar - <<if $dnb.dadar < 2>>Normal<<elseif $dnb.dadar < 4>>Erected<<elseif $dnb.dadar < 6>>Cumming<<else>>In Bliss<</if>>
<<replace "#dadmenu">><<include "Dnbthreesomedadmenu">><</replace>>
<<replace "#bros">>
$dnb.broar - <<if $dnb.broar < 2>>Normal<<elseif $dnb.broar < 4>>Erected<<elseif $dnb.broar < 6>>Cumming<<else>>In Bliss<</if>>
<<replace "#bromenu">><<include "Dnbthreesomebromenu">><</replace>>
<<if $dnb.dadar < 4 and $dnb.dadar >= 2 and $dnb.broar < 4 and $dnb.broar >= 2 and ($dnb.acc >= 10 or $gameends) and not $dnb.cumscene>><<link "Give them both a handjob">>
<<set $dnb.scenestage ++>>
<<set $dnb.cumscene = true>>
<<presshour add 1>>
<<if $dnb.scenestage == 1>>
<<replace "#s1">>
<<include "Dnbbothhj">>
<<elseif $dnb.scenestage == 2>>
<<replace "#s2">>
<<include "Dnbbothhj">>
<<elseif $dnb.scenestage == 3>>
<<replace "#s3">>
<<include "Dnbbothhj">>
<<elseif $dnb.scenestage == 4>>
<<replace "#s4">>
<<include "Dnbbothhj">>
<<elseif $dnb.scenestage == 5>>
<<replace "#s5">>
<<include "Dnbbothhj">>
<<replace "#dads">>
$dnb.dadar - <<if $dnb.dadar < 2>>Normal<<elseif $dnb.dadar < 4>>Erected<<elseif $dnb.dadar < 6>>Cumming<<else>>In Bliss<</if>>
<<replace "#dadmenu">><<include "Dnbthreesomedadmenu">><</replace>>
<<replace "#bros">>
$dnb.broar - <<if $dnb.broar < 2>>Normal<<elseif $dnb.broar < 4>>Erected<<elseif $dnb.broar < 6>>Cumming<<else>>In Bliss<</if>>
<<replace "#bromenu">><<include "Dnbthreesomebromenu">><</replace>>
<<if $dnb.broar < 4 and $dnb.broar >= 2 and ($dnb.acc >= 10 or $gameends) and not $dnb.cumscene>><<link "Give him a blowjob">>
<<set $dnb.scenestage ++>>
<<set $dnb.cumscene = true>>
<<pressminute add 30>>
<<if $dnb.scenestage == 1>>
<<replace "#s1">>
<<include "Dnbbrobj">>
<<elseif $dnb.scenestage == 2>>
<<replace "#s2">>
<<include "Dnbbrobj">>
<<elseif $dnb.scenestage == 3>>
<<replace "#s3">>
<<include "Dnbbrobj">>
<<elseif $dnb.scenestage == 4>>
<<replace "#s4">>
<<include "Dnbbrobj">>
<<elseif $dnb.scenestage == 5>>
<<replace "#s5">>
<<include "Dnbbrobj">>
<<replace "#dads">>
$dnb.dadar - <<if $dnb.dadar < 2>>Normal<<elseif $dnb.dadar < 4>>Erected<<elseif $dnb.dadar < 6>>Cumming<<else>>In Bliss<</if>>
<<replace "#dadmenu">><<include "Dnbthreesomedadmenu">><</replace>>
<<replace "#bros">>
$dnb.broar - <<if $dnb.broar < 2>>Normal<<elseif $dnb.broar < 4>>Erected<<elseif $dnb.broar < 6>>Cumming<<else>>In Bliss<</if>>
<<replace "#bromenu">><<include "Dnbthreesomebromenu">><</replace>>
<<if $dnb.broar < 4 and $dnb.broar >= 2 and $dnb.dadar < 4 and $dnb.dadar >= 2 and ($dnb.acc >= 15 or $gameends) and not $dnb.cumscene>><<link "Give them both a blowjob">>
<<set $dnb.scenestage ++>>
<<set $dnb.cumscene = true>>
<<presshour add 1>>
<<if $dnb.scenestage == 1>>
<<replace "#s1">>
<<include "Dnbbothbj">>
<<elseif $dnb.scenestage == 2>>
<<replace "#s2">>
<<include "Dnbbothbj">>
<<elseif $dnb.scenestage == 3>>
<<replace "#s3">>
<<include "Dnbbothbj">>
<<elseif $dnb.scenestage == 4>>
<<replace "#s4">>
<<include "Dnbbothbj">>
<<elseif $dnb.scenestage == 5>>
<<replace "#s5">>
<<include "Dnbbothbj">>
<<replace "#dads">>
$dnb.dadar - <<if $dnb.dadar < 2>>Normal<<elseif $dnb.dadar < 4>>Erected<<elseif $dnb.dadar < 6>>Cumming<<else>>In Bliss<</if>>
<<replace "#dadmenu">><<include "Dnbthreesomedadmenu">><</replace>>
<<replace "#bros">>
$dnb.broar - <<if $dnb.broar < 2>>Normal<<elseif $dnb.broar < 4>>Erected<<elseif $dnb.broar < 6>>Cumming<<else>>In Bliss<</if>>
<<replace "#bromenu">><<include "Dnbthreesomebromenu">><</replace>>
<<if $dnb.broar < 4 and $dnb.broar >= 2 and ($dnb.acc >= 15 or $gameends) and not $dnb.cumscene>><<link "Let him fuck your ass">>
<<set $dnb.scenestage ++>>
<<set $dnb.cumscene = true>>
<<pressminute add 30>>
<<if $dnb.scenestage == 1>>
<<replace "#s1">>
<<include "Dnbbrofuck">>
<<elseif $dnb.scenestage == 2>>
<<replace "#s2">>
<<include "Dnbbrofuck">>
<<elseif $dnb.scenestage == 3>>
<<replace "#s3">>
<<include "Dnbbrofuck">>
<<elseif $dnb.scenestage == 4>>
<<replace "#s4">>
<<include "Dnbbrofuck">>
<<elseif $dnb.scenestage == 5>>
<<replace "#s5">>
<<include "Dnbbrofuck">>
<<replace "#dads">>
$dnb.dadar - <<if $dnb.dadar < 2>>Normal<<elseif $dnb.dadar < 4>>Erected<<elseif $dnb.dadar < 6>>Cumming<<else>>In Bliss<</if>>
<<replace "#dadmenu">><<include "Dnbthreesomedadmenu">><</replace>>
<<replace "#bros">>
$dnb.broar - <<if $dnb.broar < 2>>Normal<<elseif $dnb.broar < 4>>Erected<<elseif $dnb.broar < 6>>Cumming<<else>>In Bliss<</if>>
<<replace "#bromenu">><<include "Dnbthreesomebromenu">><</replace>>
<<if $dnb.dadar < 4 and $dnb.dadar >= 2 and $dnb.broar < 4 and $dnb.broar >= 2 and ($dnb.acc >= 20 or $gameends) and not $dnb.cumscene>><<link "Let them spitroast you">>
<<set $dnb.scenestage ++>>
<<set $dnb.cumscene = true>>
<<presshour add 1>>
<<if $dnb.scenestage == 1>>
<<replace "#s1">>
<<include "Dnbbothspitroast">>
<<elseif $dnb.scenestage == 2>>
<<replace "#s2">>
<<include "Dnbbothspitroast">>
<<elseif $dnb.scenestage == 3>>
<<replace "#s3">>
<<include "Dnbbothspitroast">>
<<elseif $dnb.scenestage == 4>>
<<replace "#s4">>
<<include "Dnbbothspitroast">>
<<elseif $dnb.scenestage == 5>>
<<replace "#s5">>
<<include "Dnbbothspitroast">>
<<replace "#dads">>
$dnb.dadar - <<if $dnb.dadar < 2>>Normal<<elseif $dnb.dadar < 4>>Erected<<elseif $dnb.dadar < 6>>Cumming<<else>>In Bliss<</if>>
<<replace "#dadmenu">><<include "Dnbthreesomedadmenu">><</replace>>
<<replace "#bros">>
$dnb.broar - <<if $dnb.broar < 2>>Normal<<elseif $dnb.broar < 4>>Erected<<elseif $dnb.broar < 6>>Cumming<<else>>In Bliss<</if>>
<<replace "#bromenu">><<include "Dnbthreesomebromenu">><</replace>>
<<if $dnb.broar < 4 and $dnb.broar >= 2 and $dnb.dadar < 4 and $dnb.dadar >= 2 and ($dnb.acc >= 20 or $gameends) and not $dnb.cumscene>><<link "Let them dp you">>
<<set $dnb.scenestage ++>>
<<set $dnb.cumscene = true>>
<<presshour add 1>>
<<if $dnb.scenestage == 1>>
<<replace "#s1">>
<<include "Dnbbothdp">>
<<elseif $dnb.scenestage == 2>>
<<replace "#s2">>
<<include "Dnbbothdp">>
<<elseif $dnb.scenestage == 3>>
<<replace "#s3">>
<<include "Dnbbothdp">>
<<elseif $dnb.scenestage == 4>>
<<replace "#s4">>
<<include "Dnbbothdp">>
<<elseif $dnb.scenestage == 5>>
<<replace "#s5">>
<<include "Dnbbothdp">>
<<replace "#dads">>
$dnb.dadar - <<if $dnb.dadar < 2>>Normal<<elseif $dnb.dadar < 4>>Erected<<elseif $dnb.dadar < 6>>Cumming<<else>>In Bliss<</if>>
<<replace "#dadmenu">><<include "Dnbthreesomedadmenu">><</replace>>
<<replace "#bros">>
$dnb.broar - <<if $dnb.broar < 2>>Normal<<elseif $dnb.broar < 4>>Erected<<elseif $dnb.broar < 6>>Cumming<<else>>In Bliss<</if>>
<<replace "#bromenu">><<include "Dnbthreesomebromenu">><</replace>>
<</link>><</if>><</nobr>>You can't deny your desire to have his cock buried deep inside your channel any longer. In a lightning fast motion, you grab the lube, slather them all over his tool and beg him pleadingly:
<<di you "Please fill this hungry hole, daddy.">>
<<di dad "With pleasure.">>
He growls huskily, as he starts to dive his engorged meat to the bullseye of your anal ring. As he's breaching you, the soft gasps are now unable to be contained from your vocal chord. The feeling of him filling you up is just too divine for words.
After getting used to his substantial intrusion, you begin to move slowly to get that luscious friction as well as compel him to fully give it to you. $w.Ydad is an intelligent man so, he catches on to the subtle suggestion and proceeds to jackhammer your channel with abandon.
Your poor prostate is getting the pounding of its life. He doesn't move rapidly but each hit of his blunt head on your button send both your body forward and your mind to a sexually crazed state. The sound of flesh colliding against each other crashes out like thunder and with each strike your balls are also met with the slam of his own pair.
<<video dnb/dnbdadfuck.mp4>>
<<di dad "So fucking tight... shit... if your ass keeps spasming like this... I can't... hold back.">>
Despite that he continues fucking you just like how your ass is still contracting along with each shockwave created by his thrust. You're both subjected to the unstoppable sexual energy that is even more enthralling than the hardest drugs.
<<set $dnb.dadar += 2>>\
@@.add;+ 2 $w.Dad's Arousal@@
<<nobr>><span id="dadcum"><<link "Finish him with your hands">>
<<if $dnb.scenestage !== 5>><<set $dnb.cumscene = false>><</if>>
<<pressminute add 5>>
<<replace "#dadcum">>
<<include "Dnbdadhjcum">>
<<replace "#bromenu">><<include "Dnbthreesomebromenu">><</replace>>
<<replace "#dads">>
$dnb.dadar - <<if $dnb.dadar < 2>>Normal<<elseif $dnb.dadar < 4>>Erected<<elseif $dnb.dadar < 6>>Cumming<<else>>In Bliss<</if>>
<</link>><<if $dnb.acc >= 10>> <<link "Finish him in your mouth">>
<<if $dnb.scenestage !== 5>><<set $dnb.cumscene = false>><</if>>
<<pressminute add 5>>
<<replace "#dadcum">>
<<include "Dnbdadbjcum">>
<<replace "#bromenu">><<include "Dnbthreesomebromenu">><</replace>>
<<replace "#dads">>
$dnb.dadar - <<if $dnb.dadar < 2>>Normal<<elseif $dnb.dadar < 4>>Erected<<elseif $dnb.dadar < 6>>Cumming<<else>>In Bliss<</if>>
<</link>><</if>> <<if $dnb.acc >= 15>> <<link "Have him finished in your ass">>
<<if $dnb.scenestage !== 5>><<set $dnb.cumscene = false>><</if>>
<<pressminute add 5>>
<<replace "#dadcum">>
<<include "Dnbdadfuckcum">>
<<replace "#bromenu">><<include "Dnbthreesomebromenu">><</replace>>
<<replace "#dads">>
$dnb.dadar - <<if $dnb.dadar < 2>>Normal<<elseif $dnb.dadar < 4>>Erected<<elseif $dnb.dadar < 6>>Cumming<<else>>In Bliss<</if>>
<<set $dnb.dadar += 1>>\
His body language is the clear indication that he's reaching the point of no return. As the vibration radiating from his chest, you know he is seconds away from spewing his cum. Thus, you give him a few strokes before a roar rings out:
<<di dad "ARGHHHH!!!">>
<<video dnb/dnbdadbjcum.mp4>>
Dollops of pearly thick breeding sauce coat your lips right below your nose, flooding your nostrils with the wild and musky scent of sex and virility.
<<if $dnb.dadar >= 6>>\
The amount of fluid on your upper lip is almost enough to block your two main entryways for oxygen. If the amount of semen is relative to one's enjoyment, then $w.ydad clearly has one hell of a time being blown by you.
@@.add;+ 1 $w.Dad's Arousal@@\
<<if $dnb.scenestage == 5 or ($dnb.dadar >= 5 and $dnb.broar >= 5)>>[[You start cumming|Dnbyoucum]]<</if>>\Grabbing his face, you can feel his surprise and anticipation of what to come. Your lips collide with his - soft and, honestly, juicy - because the man understands the importance of hydration to his fitness. Your mouth opens to explore his oral cave. At first, he seems to be shy but after battling it out for quite a while, he gains more confidence and starts to overpower you with the strong strokes of his tongue that leave you breathless. Right when you're about to pass out, you manage to pull off with a bit of a struggle because $w.ybrother's grip on you is quite strong.
<<video dnb/dnbbrokiss.mp4>>
<<di bro "Ahh...! Sorry, I got a little bit too carried away.">>
Despite the still dazed look on his face, he still manages to look sheepish and guilty at his action.
<<jea bro minus 1>>You're thankful for his determination to get ripped back then. Because now as your hands crawl their way from the washboard abs assembled neatly like rows of delicious meatloaves. Going up you find a shapely, fitness-textbook chest - bulky and large that maybe even women are envious of.
<<video dnb/dnbbrocaress.mp4>>
Your unrest fingers are unable to resist and brush against his prominent nipples, drawing sharp breath intake from him. Tempted by his reaction you take it up a notch and now a full gasp can be heard clearly as redness clouds his expression from embarrassment.
<<set $dnb.broar ++>>\
@@.add;+ 1 $w.Brother's Arousal@@
Theoretically, the bulging muscles should dwarf his manhood. However in reality, his giant cock, despite just being half-hard, is even more beautiful being at the forefront of the anatomical perfection. Nearing him, you grasp the growing erection and stroke it, eliciting the soft pants from your eager $w.brother who gives you a slightly confident purr:
<<di bro "The things I would do... to you...">>
You smirk at him naughtily as your palm moves up and down even quicker now to help him accomplish that promise.
<<video dnb/dnbbroerect.mp4>>
<<set $dnb.broar += 2>>\
@@.add;+ 2 $w.Brother's Arousal@@
Wanting to keep it simple this time, your hands circle around $w.ybrother's huge tool. Since it is a handful, the firmness and velvetiness of it inside your fist is highly satisfying. With the friction of your wrist moving, his shaft heats up both physically and metaphorically as the clear and condensed liquid begins to flood his tip.
<<video dnb/dnbbrohj.mp4>>
<<di bro "Holy...! Keep jerking it... Please...">>
His boldness during sex never fails to excite since you are the one who ups his bravado. Still there is still a trace of the polite guy there through the pleasure-stricken "Please" of his. Heeding his plea, you utilize every single fiber of your biceps to pump him to oblivion.
<<di bro "W-wait... I can't...">>
Seeing his slack-jaw euphoric expression, it feels incredible to unravel such a powerful man like this with just your hands.
<<set $dnb.broar += 2>>\
@@.add;+ 2 $w.Brother's Arousal@@
<<nobr>><span id="brocum"><<link "Finish him with your hands">>
<<if $dnb.scenestage !== 5>><<set $dnb.cumscene = false>><</if>>
<<pressminute add 5>>
<<replace "#brocum">>
<<include "Dnbbrohjcum">>
<<replace "#dadmenu">><<include "Dnbthreesomedadmenu">><</replace>>
<<replace "#bros">>
$dnb.broar - <<if $dnb.broar < 2>>Normal<<elseif $dnb.broar < 4>>Erected<<elseif $dnb.broar < 6>>Cumming<<else>>In Bliss<</if>>
<</link>><<if $dnb.acc >= 10>> <<link "Finish him in your mouth">>
<<set $dnb.cumscene = false>>
<<pressminute add 5>>
<<replace "#brocum">>
<<include "Dnbbrobjcum">>
<<replace "#dadmenu">><<include "Dnbthreesomedadmenu">><</replace>>
<<replace "#bros">>
$dnb.broar - <<if $dnb.broar < 2>>Normal<<elseif $dnb.broar < 4>>Erected<<elseif $dnb.broar < 6>>Cumming<<else>>In Bliss<</if>>
<<set $dnb.broar ++>>\
All of the signs are there, $w.ybrother is about to bust and you never leave a man go without an ecstatic ending. Showing him he is not the only one who has some impressive biceps, you transform your hand into a literal motored sexbot arm and its only purpose is to get a man to achieve his orgasm in record speed. His pants are getting louder and louder as time goes and suddenly he roars and spurts of potent man juice come flying draping his belly like the first winter snow covering the grass.
<<video dnb/dnbbrohjcum.mp4>>
<<if $dnb.broar >= 6>>He hisses loudly as your hand touches the sensitive head almost like in pain. The climax must have been so incredible that it took the wind out of him for a full solid minute.<br\><</if>>\
<<di bro "Fuck...! Haaaa... Shit, man. Even just a handjob from you feels amazing...">>
Of course, it has helped you seduce $w.ybrother and $w.ydad after all. No way it is not out of this world.
@@.add;+ 1 $w.Brother's Arousal@@
<<if $dnb.scenestage == 5 or ($dnb.dadar >= 5 and $dnb.broar >= 5)>>[[You start cumming|Dnbyoucum]]<</if>>\How can a starved man be indifferent when a nice, juicy, thick sausage is hanging within his reach? Adopting that spirit, your mouth devours on that hard stick of protein. Your tongue pry on his slit to lap on all of that man broth that is flowing abundantly with the stimulation from your wet heat.
<<video dnb/dnbbrobj.mp4>>
<<di bro "Shit...! Gosh... easy, you're sucking... the life out of me...">>
He says with difficulty as waves of euphoria are crashing on his willpower, making him surrender to the most primalistic pleasure. Despite his suggestion, you amplify your energy as the hunger for his cock is taking over your consciousness too.
Still, you are not being completely overtaken as you still have two mind to hear his shout:
<<di bro "H-hang on... fffuckkk!!! I-I'm abou...">>\
<<set $dnb.broar +=2>>\
@@.add;+ 2 $w.Brother's Arousal@@
<<nobr>><span id="brocum"><<link "Finish him with your hands">>
<<if $dnb.scenestage !== 5>><<set $dnb.cumscene = false>><</if>>
<<pressminute add 5>>
<<replace "#brocum">>
<<include "Dnbbrohjcum">>
<<replace "#dadmenu">><<include "Dnbthreesomedadmenu">><</replace>>
<<replace "#bros">>
$dnb.broar - <<if $dnb.broar < 2>>Normal<<elseif $dnb.broar < 4>>Erected<<elseif $dnb.broar < 6>>Cumming<<else>>In Bliss<</if>>
<</link>><<if $dnb.acc >= 10>> <<link "Finish him in your mouth">>
<<if $dnb.scenestage !== 5>><<set $dnb.cumscene = false>><</if>>
<<pressminute add 5>>
<<replace "#brocum">>
<<include "Dnbbrobjcum">>
<<replace "#dadmenu">><<include "Dnbthreesomedadmenu">><</replace>>
<<replace "#bros">>
$dnb.broar - <<if $dnb.broar < 2>>Normal<<elseif $dnb.broar < 4>>Erected<<elseif $dnb.broar < 6>>Cumming<<else>>In Bliss<</if>>
<<set $dnb.broar ++>>\
His face and neck is getting scarily red and you can imagine the steam blowing off from his ears from being overheated. Don't really want to miss his fuse being blasted off, you quickly change the position to catch the rain of his ejaculate. Understanding your cue, he begins to beat off like a madman and comes the final hiss.
<<di bro "SSSSSSHH-! FFFFFUCKKK!!!">>
His body shakes with bliss as his hand directs his cock wildly, spilling his cum all over your cheeks, eyes, forehead and lips.
<<video dnb/dnbbrobjcum.mp4>>
<<if $dnb.broar >= 6>>\
The aftershocks are still running through him as his muscular frame convulse in tenderness. If you tease his tip right now, you are scared that he might get a seizure.
Your eyes glaze over from being bathed in his essence and scent and being marked by him in the most carnal form. From the look of his intense expression, it seems he enjoys doing it to you too.
<<di bro "You look so damn handsome like this... All covered by me.">>
You give him a satisfied grin and say back to him jokingly which draws a chuckle out of him:
<<di you "Yes, of course, white is my color.">>
@@.add;+ 1 $w.Brother's Arousal@@
<<if $dnb.scenestage == 5 or ($dnb.dadar >= 5 and $dnb.broar >= 5)>>[[You start cumming|Dnbyoucum]]<</if>>\Looking at the glazed over look in his eyes, you can feel the presence of the lust he has for you materialize in a physical form. Witnessing his adoration like this makes you want to fully connect with him as a whole - man to man. So that's what you are doing by grabbing a bottle of lube for an unquestionably wild dicking that he will deliver.
<<di bro "Can... can I?">>
<<di you "Yes, you can have my ass. I want you fuck my hole… so hard… I can feel it in the back of my throat.">>
You give his shoulder a teasing squeeze or maybe demanding one, but before you can even react. His veiny arms circle around your hips to flip you over with confidence. Now that's what you're talking about. There is no doubt that you love your shy $w.brother, however this assertive side of him also excites you to no end.
<<di bro "Your wish is my command.">>
His rumble resonates through you as you feel the touch of his blunt head on your rim. His battering ram is surely breaching you, stretching your inner walls so tightly like you were molded after his manhood.
When his speartip nudges your prostate, a violent shiver runs through you. As your regular "sparring" partner, he knows your inside out, your critical weak point and how to make you completely submit under his strength. He positions himself to the perfect angle that every plunge of his shaft, it swipes through your love buttons and makes you moan wantonly like a bitch in heat.
<<video dnb/dnbbrofuck.mp4>>
<<di bro "How's that, huh...? Hahh... can you... hahhh... taste my cock?">>
Incapable of doing anything else, you nod and groan wildly as the affirmation while trying desperately to hug his rod with your channel and never let it leave your ass again.
<<di bro "Arrgggghhh... SSSHI-!">>
He's burning, so hot and bright, for you and his flame is about to reach its inevitable explosive end.
<<set $dnb.broar += 2>>\
@@.add;+ 2 $w.Brother's Arousal@@
<<nobr>><span id="brocum"><<link "Finish him with your hands">>
<<if $dnb.scenestage !== 5>><<set $dnb.cumscene = false>><</if>>
<<pressminute add 5>>
<<replace "#brocum">>
<<include "Dnbbrohjcum">>
<<replace "#dadmenu">><<include "Dnbthreesomedadmenu">><</replace>>
<<replace "#bros">>
$dnb.broar - <<if $dnb.broar < 2>>Normal<<elseif $dnb.broar < 4>>Erected<<elseif $dnb.broar < 6>>Cumming<<else>>In Bliss<</if>>
<</link>><<if $dnb.acc >= 10>> <<link "Finish him in your mouth">>
<<if $dnb.scenestage !== 5>><<set $dnb.cumscene = false>><</if>>
<<pressminute add 5>>
<<replace "#brocum">>
<<include "Dnbbrobjcum">>
<<replace "#dadmenu">><<include "Dnbthreesomedadmenu">><</replace>>
<<replace "#bros">>
$dnb.broar - <<if $dnb.broar < 2>>Normal<<elseif $dnb.broar < 4>>Erected<<elseif $dnb.broar < 6>>Cumming<<else>>In Bliss<</if>>
<</link>><</if>> <<if $dnb.acc >= 15>> <<link "Have him finished in your ass">>
<<if $dnb.scenestage !== 5>><<set $dnb.cumscene = false>><</if>>
<<pressminute add 5>>
<<replace "#brocum">>
<<include "Dnbbrofuckcum">>
<<replace "#dadmenu">><<include "Dnbthreesomedadmenu">><</replace>>
<<replace "#bros">>
$dnb.broar - <<if $dnb.broar < 2>>Normal<<elseif $dnb.broar < 4>>Erected<<elseif $dnb.broar < 6>>Cumming<<else>>In Bliss<</if>>
With fervor, $w.ybrother is chasing his pleasure through the means of ravaging your back tunnel. His thrusts are getting almost inhumanly swift and it feels like he wants to make a fire in your ass. Under his rapid pummeling, you use all of your remaining strength to tighten your channel and help him achieve the sexual high.
Then that moment comes, with a staggering smack of his crotch, he plugs himself deep. His tip reaches into corners that almost no one has ever been before and its sole goal is to pump you full and bloated with his seed. Due to the fact that this gorgeous man is the concentration of testosterone, his river of jizz feels thick, creamy and potent.
<<video dnb/dnbbrofuckcum.mp4>>
Coming down from his high, he finally withdraws from you and without the large obstruction, his essence streams out of your wrecked hole - dripping down on his shrinking cock.
<<di bro "You always know how to make a man lose his control.">>
He says that with a fulfilled sigh and wonder as his stares zones in on your swollen entrance with a bit of guilt.
<<di you "Not just any man... I truly understand and get you, man.">>
That sentence was said very casually, but still he catches on the hidden sentiment behind your seemingly insignificant words.
<<di bro "I get you too, man.">>\
<<set $dnb.broar ++>>\
@@.add;+ 1 $w.Brother's Arousal@@
<<if $dnb.scenestage == 5 or ($dnb.dadar >= 5 and $dnb.broar >= 5)>>[[You start cumming|Dnbyoucum]]<</if>>\Knowing they are getting more comfortable with each other in such a lewd setting, you go ahead and grab both of their tall and proud erections. The two shafts within your fists pulsing almost in the same beat connecting the three of you in a strange way.
<<di dad "C'mon, jerk us off, boy.">>
After a few seconds of fondling their stiff manhoods, you start beating them both off with fervor. The fact that these two powerful men are surrendering themselves to you and letting you service both of their dicks at the same time is enough to put a fire under your ass. Pumping those guns, your hands are acting as moving tunnels that create exquisite frictions that keep them panting and wanting more considering how restless their hips are.
<<image dnb/dnbbothhj.gif>>
<<di bro "FFFUCK!!! How does your hand still feel incredible after everything we've done??">>
<<di dad "SSHHI- Son, I thought you'd know by now... everything our boy here does... is amazing.">>
<<di you "It's because I know and understand you guys best.">>
You smirk at them cheekily, squeezing their family jewels as well as harmonized gasps out of them. To not appear undeserved with such high praises. You continue to throw all the tricks in the book to your jerking session - head teasing, ball kneading, grip maintaining - to ensure that you carry them by the rod to the peak of orgasm.
<<set $dnb.dadar += 2>>\
@@.add;+ 2 $w.Dad's Arousal@@
<<set $dnb.broar += 2>>\
@@.add;+ 2 $w.Brother's Arousal@@
<span id="bothcum"><<link "Finish them both">>
<<pressminute add 10>>
<<replace "#bothcum">>
<<include "Dnbbothhjcum">>
<<replace "#dads">>
$dnb.dadar - <<if $dnb.dadar < 2>>Normal<<elseif $dnb.dadar < 4>>Erected<<elseif $dnb.dadar < 6>>Cumming<<else>>In Bliss<</if>>
<<replace "#dadmenu">><<include "Dnbthreesomedadmenu">><</replace>>
<<replace "#bros">>
$dnb.broar - <<if $dnb.broar < 2>>Normal<<elseif $dnb.broar < 4>>Erected<<elseif $dnb.broar < 6>>Cumming<<else>>In Bliss<</if>>
<<replace "#bromenu">><<include "Dnbthreesomebromenu">><</replace>>
<</link>></span><br/><br/>As much as you want to, it is humanly impossible to cram both of their enormous poles into your muzzle. At this point, you do not fear things might get too awkward between the three of you so you suggest:
<<di you "How about I service you guys with my mouth?">>
Both of their erections jump at the same time at your words and that is enough for you to know their enthusiasm.
<<di bro "Hell yea, I'm game with anything involves your sweet mouth over my cock.">>
<<di dad "$w.Ybrother really has a way with words, doesn't he? Though I share the same sentiment as him.">>
To keep things light and easy, you give them both a good natured grin before assuming the position. Your knees have probably been fossilized from kneeling so much. It is also a miracle that your mouth or ass do not have calluses.
Respecting the hierarchy, you first begin with $w.ydad whose member curves slightly upward compared to $w.ybrother. Your tongue hone into the target and teases the underside of his cock - where he's most sensitive.
After collecting some of his pre, you want to mix up the palate by swallowing the younger staff on the other side. As you take it home, you get a whiff of his stronger and more animalistic musk that is not masked by any kind of cologne unlike $w.ydad.
Then you begin alternating between the two of them, throwing your head back and forth, saliva flowing. All that hard work just to accommodate the two oversized guests to the back of your throat.
<<video dnb/dnbbothbj.mp4>>
<<di dad "FFF-! Your mouth. Damn… the only thing can rival it is your sweet ass.">>
<<di bro "Hell, I bet no one can even compare to him, dad.">>
You can tell they are being genuine with their praises so as a reward, you take deep breaths to give them the pulsing human fleshlight special. They both take turns so deep down your throat that you are forced to choke despite your no gag reflex.
<<di bro "HHHHGH-, I can't… much longer.">>
<<di dad "I'm not that much far behind… SHIT!!">>
<<set $dnb.dadar += 2>>\
@@.add;+ 2 $w.Dad's Arousal@@
<<set $dnb.broar += 2>>\
@@.add;+ 2 $w.Brother's Arousal@@
<span id="bothcum"><<link "Finish them in your mouth">>
<<pressminute add 10>>
<<replace "#bothcum">>
<<include "Dnbbothbjcum">>
<<replace "#dads">>
$dnb.dadar - <<if $dnb.dadar < 2>>Normal<<elseif $dnb.dadar < 4>>Erected<<elseif $dnb.dadar < 6>>Cumming<<else>>In Bliss<</if>>
<<replace "#dadmenu">><<include "Dnbthreesomedadmenu">><</replace>>
<<replace "#bros">>
$dnb.broar - <<if $dnb.broar < 2>>Normal<<elseif $dnb.broar < 4>>Erected<<elseif $dnb.broar < 6>>Cumming<<else>>In Bliss<</if>>
<<replace "#bromenu">><<include "Dnbthreesomebromenu">><</replace>>
<</link>></span><br/><br/>Your equal attention to them at the end synchronizes their orgasm perfectly. Knowing that they are seconds away from ejaculation one after another, you stop to jerk both of their spasming dicks in rhythm to not miss a drop of cum on your face.
$w.Ybrother is the first one to pass the point of no return. He growls and spills his potent seed on your mug.
<<video dnb/dnbbothbjcum1.mp4>>
Seeing your face painted white by his son seems to trigger something in $w.ydad because he immediately discharges and drench your already semen stricken face.
<<video dnb/dnbbothbjcum2.mp4>>
<<di dad "Look at your masterpiece, son. Isn't he beautiful?">>
<<di bro "Fuck yea, he looks fucking amazing marked by our seeds.">>
<<di dad "Take it in, boy.">>
With that said, both of them go ahead to smear the creamy substance, which seeps into your skin, down your hungry mouth as you lick their coarse fingers. Anyone that can see you right now will know that you're a complete and total cumslut, especially for the two gorgeous men towering in front of you.
<<set $dnb.dadar ++>>\
@@.add;+ 1 $w.Dad's Arousal@@
<<set $dnb.broar ++>>\
@@.add;+ 1 $w.Brother's Arousal@@
[[You start cumming|Dnbyoucum]]\You cannot hold your desire for them back any longer and beg:
<<di you "Please... I want both of you to have me at the same time.">>
After so many times, ways and situations they have ended up with each other inside of you, only a glance between them is exchanged before both agree in unison:
<<di dad "You want both of us at the same time... yea?">>
Being sexually charged, you have no patience for ambuiguty. Therefore, you give it directly.
<<di you "Yesss...! Want you two to fill both of my ends so full of your cocks so bad...">>
<<di bro "Hell yea... it'd be fucking awesome.">>
$w.Ybrother says roughly with real interest in his voice before $w.ydad clears his throat:
<<di dad "Indeed, it would be.">>
With both of their confirmation, you waste no time to assume the position, flat down on your back, legs up and cheeks parted with your mouth panting desperately - hungry for their man meat.
Appears in your vision is $w.Ydad hairy thighs and mouth watering erection. He first caresses your cheeks so delicately like you're the whole set of fine china and then nudges your lips with his mushroom tip asking for entry. You graciously accept it and instantly slurp and slobber all over the lengthy pole with your spit.
Meanwhile, you can feel cold fingers probing your anus with yearning haste. When he deems it is enough, his bulbous cock head starts to makes itself known, breaching your anal ring and finally giving you that familiar stretch that never fails to drive you crazy with lust. After some experimental thrusts along with your satisfied muffled groans around $w.ydad pumping cock, $w.ybrother proceeds to plunge into you at an insane pace and show you his athleticism.
They somehow communicate with each other silently because both of them withdraw and you whine unhappily from the emptiness. Before you even know it, they have switch the position with each other and now you are looking $w.ybrother's dick while his dad's is resting on your crack.
Why say many words when actions do the trick? You immediately swallow $w.ybrother's lube and precum laden rod and adding your saliva into the layer. Your whole is relaxed fully to greet the intrusion of $w.ydad's cock. From his gritted hiss, you know he appreciates your pulsing and squeezing welcome.
<<video dnb/dnbbothspitroast.mp4>>
Once again, you found yourself being spit roasted like a pig in a family cookout. You all got a good rhythm going as every time $w.ydad's cock slams to the hilt, you're pushed forward and forced to deepthroat $w.ybrother.
<<di bro "Damn... ssssshhh... this is too much... I'm gonna...">>
<<di dad "C'mon son... haaa... Let's give our boy his milk...">>
Muted by $w.ybrother's club, you can only nod wildly at their talk.
<<set $dnb.dadar += 2>>\
@@.add;+ 2 $w.Dad's Arousal@@
<<set $dnb.broar += 2>>\
@@.add;+ 2 $w.Brother's Arousal@@
<span id="bothcum"><<link "Finish them in your mouth">>
<<pressminute add 10>>
<<replace "#bothcum">>
<<include "Dnbbothbjcum">>
<<replace "#dads">>
$dnb.dadar - <<if $dnb.dadar < 2>>Normal<<elseif $dnb.dadar < 4>>Erected<<elseif $dnb.dadar < 6>>Cumming<<else>>In Bliss<</if>>
<<replace "#dadmenu">><<include "Dnbthreesomedadmenu">><</replace>>
<<replace "#bros">>
$dnb.broar - <<if $dnb.broar < 2>>Normal<<elseif $dnb.broar < 4>>Erected<<elseif $dnb.broar < 6>>Cumming<<else>>In Bliss<</if>>
<<replace "#bromenu">><<include "Dnbthreesomebromenu">><</replace>>
<</link>> <<link "Finish them while being spitroasted">>
<<pressminute add 10>>
<<replace "#bothcum">>
<<include "Dnbbothspitroastcum">>
<<replace "#dads">>
$dnb.dadar - <<if $dnb.dadar < 2>>Normal<<elseif $dnb.dadar < 4>>Erected<<elseif $dnb.dadar < 6>>Cumming<<else>>In Bliss<</if>>
<<replace "#dadmenu">><<include "Dnbthreesomedadmenu">><</replace>>
<<replace "#bros">>
$dnb.broar - <<if $dnb.broar < 2>>Normal<<elseif $dnb.broar < 4>>Erected<<elseif $dnb.broar < 6>>Cumming<<else>>In Bliss<</if>>
<<replace "#bromenu">><<include "Dnbthreesomebromenu">><</replace>>
<</link>></span><br/><br/>Seeing you being pounded senseless by his dad must have triggered something inside of him because $w.ybrother is the first person to finish. He strokes himself swiftly and sprays a jet of thick, pearly cum on your chest with elated groan:
<<di bro "HGHHHHH... Shit...! Ffffuck...!">>
<<video dnb/dnbbothspitroastcum1.mp4>>
<<di dad "That's right... son... Make him covered in all of our seed... Are you ready, boy...? Because I'm about to breed you real good.">>
He growls huskily and quickens the pace of his hip to a brutalizing speed - chasing the eventual release. As you scoop the creamy liquid on your chest to your mouth, you answer him eagerly:
<<di you "Please, daddy... I want to be pumped full of your semen...">>
<<di dad "HERE IT FUCKIN-...!!!">>
He doesn't even have the chance to finish the sentence before wet heat starts to flood your channel as his shaft jerks violently against your inner walls. His gasps are loud like a lion's roar as it warns others to stray away from its territory.
<<video dnb/dnbbothspitroastcum2.mp4>>
<<di you "Gosh... oh fuck! I can feel you breed me so deep...">>
$w.Ydad is so winded that there is nothing else he can do aside from hug you so tightly like he wants to fuse your whole to his body. Meanwhile, your brother is now looking at both of you, especially you, with nothing but adoration and desires, it seems he has accepted the idea of a relationship with you all. That makes you feel warm and giddy with excitement.
<<set $dnb.dadar ++>>\
@@.add;+ 1 $w.Dad's Arousal@@
<<set $dnb.broar ++>>\
@@.add;+ 1 $w.Brother's Arousal@@
[[You start cumming|Dnbyoucum]]\With how much your trio has been through, this time around when you suggest threeway fuck. They don't even bother to keep an act but all willingly follow you with excitement. With how the curse affected their libido, they don't waste any time and are now entering you from both ends.
On all four, your mouth is gagged by $w.Ybrother seesawing rod, meanwhile in the backside is being pumped so full by $w.Ydad.
<<di dad "Shit... there ain't no feeling in the world better than this...">>
<<di bro "Damn... right...">>
Well as much as it strokes your very humble ego, you beg to differ:
<<if not $dnb.dped>>\
<<di you "Mhmmm... ahhh... there is actually one thing...">>
They both pause and look at your questioningly, always attentive listeners to your creative mind.
<<di you "You guys, can both fuck me at the same time...">>
<<di bro "What?! That's... I mean that's hot... fucking you with dad but it's not possible right?">>
<<di dad "He got a point... we also do not want to hurt our dear boy.">>
<<di you "Don't worry... actually, I did put my whole fist under there and got off... I can do it... please...!">>
They look wide-eyed at your confession and deep in their irises you can see the embers of lust is blazing.
<<di you "Mhmmm... ahhh... don't you guys forget something...?">>
You pull off from $w.ybrother's dick and grin at them wickedly. They don't think that double penetration will be a regular occurrence but they definitely do not object to it.
<<di dad "Okay, let's do it then...">>
<<di bro "Let's get you more comfortable.">>
You are sandwiched between $w.ydad who is your cushion while your brother drapes over you like a blanket. With that much chit chat, you all start to get into the main course with $w.ydad slipping into you first easily. Then inserts your brother, it is a bit tough with him also cramming inside your hole but after a full minute and some deep breaths later. You motion for them to move.
<<video dnb/dnbbothdp.mp4>>
All the times that you thought you had been stretched full before were all bogus as now your rectum is being invaded by two way-above-average dicks mercilessly.
<<di bro "HOLY FUCKING SHIT!!! It's too tight and the feel of your cock rubbing against me... FUCK...">>
He groans weakly as his motions falter from the overwhelming pleasure clouding his motor function. $w.Ydad has a bit more will power as he continues to plough your wrecked hole like a crazed man.
<<di dad "FFFUCK, it shouldn't be but having you... my son fuck my boy... feel so goddamn hot...">>
And you? The only thing that is running through my mind right now is "dicks and dicks" since your brain is fucked to mushed. Everything that comes out of you are just incomprehensible syllables.
<<set $dnb.dped = true>>
<<set $dnb.dadar += 2>>\
@@.add;+ 2 $w.Dad's Arousal@@
<<set $dnb.broar += 2>>\
@@.add;+ 2 $w.Brother's Arousal@@
<span id="bothcum"><<link "Finish them in your mouth">>
<<pressminute add 10>>
<<replace "#bothcum">>
<<include "Dnbbothbjcum">>
<<replace "#dads">>
$dnb.dadar - <<if $dnb.dadar < 2>>Normal<<elseif $dnb.dadar < 4>>Erected<<elseif $dnb.dadar < 6>>Cumming<<else>>In Bliss<</if>>
<<replace "#dadmenu">><<include "Dnbthreesomedadmenu">><</replace>>
<<replace "#bros">>
$dnb.broar - <<if $dnb.broar < 2>>Normal<<elseif $dnb.broar < 4>>Erected<<elseif $dnb.broar < 6>>Cumming<<else>>In Bliss<</if>>
<<replace "#bromenu">><<include "Dnbthreesomebromenu">><</replace>>
<</link>> <<link "Finish them while being dp'ed">>
<<pressminute add 10>>
<<replace "#bothcum">>
<<include "Dnbbothdpcum">>
<<replace "#dads">>
$dnb.dadar - <<if $dnb.dadar < 2>>Normal<<elseif $dnb.dadar < 4>>Erected<<elseif $dnb.dadar < 6>>Cumming<<else>>In Bliss<</if>>
<<replace "#dadmenu">><<include "Dnbthreesomedadmenu">><</replace>>
<<replace "#bros">>
$dnb.broar - <<if $dnb.broar < 2>>Normal<<elseif $dnb.broar < 4>>Erected<<elseif $dnb.broar < 6>>Cumming<<else>>In Bliss<</if>>
<<replace "#bromenu">><<include "Dnbthreesomebromenu">><</replace>>
<</link>></span><br/><br/>The double penetration appears to be too much for both of them and almost too much for your abused back tunnel because with a startle hiss, $w.Ydad rest his cock deep inside you and unloads his gallons of potent, cum.
<<di bro "OH SSSHIT!! I can feel your seed, dad.">>
<<di dad "Haaa... fffuck... C'mon son... breed him with me... and make our boy happy...">>
<<di bro "ARGHHHHHH!!">>
$w.Ybrother, just moments after, joins his dad to enter the paradise and spill all over $w.ydad's cock and your entrance. He spends a few seconds admiring his masterpiece before being unable to resist and plug his still rock hard pole back into the snug space.
<<video dnb/dnbbothdpcum.mp4>>
Cocooned by the two hot (literally) men and warmed by their jizz shot deep inside you. You never ever thought that something like that would happen. As their embraces around you tightens, lips moving to caress your face. You can almost weep with happiness.
<<set $dnb.dadar ++>>\
@@.add;+ 1 $w.Dad's Arousal@@
<<set $dnb.broar ++>>\
@@.add;+ 1 $w.Brother's Arousal@@
[[You start cumming|Dnbyoucum]]\You've reached your boiling point. With only a touch of your hand, your cock spills all over your stomach.
<<image you/masturbatecum1.webp>>
<<if $dnb.dadar >= 5 and $dnb.broar >= 5>>
They have both reached orgasm and are satisfied.
<<dnbacc add 1>>\
<<elseif $dnb.dadar <= 3>>
As you've finished cumming, you see the unpleasent face of $w.ydad. Oh right, you didn't manage to make him cum. Before you can even say anything, he interrupts:
<<di dad "It's okay... I'm a grown-ass man and I can handle it myself.">>
With that throw behind, he exits the room and slam the door with a bit of force.
<<set _tempjea = (6 - $dnb.dadar)>>
<<jea dad add _tempjea>>\
<<elseif $dnb.broar <= 3>>
As you've finished cumming, you see the unhappy face of $w.ybrother. Oh right, you didn't manage to make him cum. Before you can even say anything, he interrupts:
<<di bro "It's alright, guys... I'm fine and no big deal.">>
He swiftly exits the room and the way his face fell remind you of the time he got sent home for being bullied...
<<set _tempjea = (6 - $dnb.broar)>>
<<jea bro add _tempjea>>\
<</if>><<if $dnb.dadar == 6 or $dnb.broar == 6>>@@.add;Bonus for reaching In Bliss arousal:@@<br/><br/><</if>>\
<<if $dnb.dadar == 6>><<jea dad minus 1>><</if>>\
<<if $dnb.broar == 6>><<jea bro minus 1>><</if>>\
<<link "Back">>
<<set $you.horniness = 0>>
<<set $dnb.dadar = 0>>
<<set $dnb.broar = 0>>
<<set $dnb.scenestage = 0>>
<<set $dnb.dadkissed = false>>
<<set $dnb.dadcaressed = false>>
<<set $dnb.dadrimmed = false>>
<<set $dnb.brokissed = false>>
<<set $dnb.brocaressed = false>>
<<set $dnb.brorimmed = false>>
<<set $dnb.cumscene = false>>
<<if $gameends>>
<<goto "Memoriesmenu">>
<<elseif $bully.state == 1>>
<<goto "Bullycaught">>
<<goto "Your bedroom">>\
<</link>>\<<scenechoices bro 0 1>>\
<<if $scenepicked>>\
Later, when you're about on your day, $w.Ybrother catches your arms and says with a serious tone:
<<di bro "Can I speak to you privately?">>
Nodding, you follow him to his bedroom. It takes him a few minutes to think things through.
<<if _saff == 3>>\
First, he smiles at you sadly but then continues on to speak his mind:
<<di bro "I don't think this is working out.">>
<<di you "What is not working out?">>
You ask - a bit confused but still there is an inkling in the back of your mind.
<<di bro "The three of us, you, me and dad. Especially me, because sometimes, I don't feel like I'm appreciated enough.">>
Your instinct was right and you try to grapple on any sliver of hesitation that $w.ybrother still has.
<<di you "I don't understand, all are going well and everyone is getting off happily. Why?">>
He looks at you with a bit of hurt in his face.
<<di bro "You know full well this isn't just about getting off to me for awhile now.">>
It's true and you definitely is not ignorant of his feelings but every explanation you want to elaborate gets swallowed back when you see the look of fierce determination on him.
<<di bro "It's okay and I will be alright. You don't have to worry about anything. I will take this secret with me to the grave.">>
With that parting word, he walks away and never looks back.
<<di bro "I know that you only have him in your eyes.">>
<<di you "What are you talking about?">>
He looks defeated but still tries to push through his sorrow to tell you his thought:
<<di bro "I felt really left out when I see you and dad together. It feels like I'm just after thought. So... what I'm telling you is that we should stop messing around with each other.">>
That makes your heart drop because true, you have been neglecting him rececently but you didn't expect this outcome.
<<di you "Hey... it's not like that. I-">>
<<di bro "Please... no more... If you are worried about me not keeping this secret, don't worry. I will take it to the grave with me.">>
With that ultimatum, he walks away and never looks back.
<<if $gameends>><<link "Back" "Broscenemenu">><</link>><<else>><<link "Some times later things start to look up with $w.ydad" "Dadgoodend1">><<set $gameends = true>><</link>><</if>><<scenechoices dad 0 1>>\
<<if $scenepicked>>\
<<if not $gameends>>\
@@.title;BAD ENDING@@
Stopping what you're about to do, $w.Ydad gestures you to have a private conversation with him.
<<if _saff == 3>>\
A look of fondness on his face but tinged with something like sadness.
<<di dad "I'm not sure if I fit in the picture of the three of us.">>
Of all the things he can say, you didn't expect him to be bluntly discussing this, especially like as if it is a break-up?
<<di you "What?! Why?">>
You ask - a bit confused but still there is an inkling in the back of your mind.
<<di dad "I just think you both fit each other from the way you guys act around each other. Sadly, I do not see myself in that dynamic.">>
Your instinct was right and you try to grapple on any sliver of hesitation that $w.ydad still has.
<<di you "Of course, you fit well. We are all great why the sudden change of heart?">>
He looks at you sorrowfully.
<<di dad "I've made up my mind and you two will make a great team, but sadly not with me. Truthfully, I'm feeling like a third wheel and I bet you can't deny it...">>
His look bodes no argument from you and he has always been a very decisive man. So the sweet nothing on the tip of your tongue is swallowed back.
<<di dad "It's okay and I'm happy for you two. You don't have to worry about anything. I will take this secret with me to the grave.">>
With that parting word, he walks away and never looks back.
<<di dad "I think I'm done.">>
<<di you "What do you mean?">>
A cold look appears on his face as he confronts you:
<<di dad "You know what I mean, every time the three of us have sex I'm always the one being left out. I get the hint. I'm old not stupid.">>
Your heart drops, it's true that you got carried away and with your brother and neglect $w.ydad's want a bit.
<<di you "Wait, no. I'm not-we aren't-">>
<<di dad "Sorry, but you can keep it. It's been an experience and of course no one will know about it.">>
With that ultimatum, he walks away and never looks back.
<<if $gameends>><<link "Back" "Dadscenemenu">><</link>><<else>><<link "Some times later things start to look up with $w.ybrother" "Brogoodend1">><<set $gameends = true>><</link>><</if>><<silently>>\
<<if not $gameends>>
<<set $ws.dnbscene to true>>
<<set setup.ws.dnbscene to true>>
<<run memorize('ws', setup.ws)>>
<<if not $gameends>>\
@@.title;HAPPY ENDING@@
When you enter the room, both of them are already there and seemingly waiting for you.
<<di dad "Hey $w.son, let's talk a little, shall we?">>
The last time you had a sitdown like this with both of them, it lead to a lot of great things. You can't really be sure what to expect out of this.
<<di bro "I'll start: Dad and I, well we have had a lot of talk about us, all of us. Over the last few days, we have gone over it and thought this through and come to the decision that: We both want to spend the rest of our lives with you.">>
That stuns you, first because of how confident $w.ybrother is when speaking about such a sentimental subject and second of all, HOLY FUCKING SHIT:
<<di you "Wha-what?">>
<<di dad "Well, I would like to clarify we both want to be with you forever not as family but as lovers.">>
You are still unable to function and both of their excitedly expectant faces slowly morph into worried.
<<di bro "Well, of course if you'll allow us that is... won't you?">>
The last part he says with a bit of hesitation and a note of fear. Finally being able to process such a huge news, you tackle both of them with as much force as you muster and hug them tightly.
<<di you "Yes! Yes! Yes! No way I won't accept it.">>
Your reaction makes them burst out laughing in unison in happiness. To seal the deal, you give them both a hot wet kiss passionately. As the sun dims the horizon, they make love to you with fierce devotion that make you feel like a god.
As years went by, the three of you were able to live fully to yourselves not without several costs. Basically adopting a new identity, your trio had to abandon almost everything to your name to reach what everyone want - the open life with the ones you love the most.
Your relationship also developed beyond imagination as $w.ydad and $w.brother now are also more open to new position and hell acting affectionate with each other. All the signs of the old family are wiped clean except for the good ol' curse.
<<image dnb/dnbgoodend.jpg>>
You’ve never been happier and looking back at the <<link "memories" "Memoriesmenu">><<if not $gameends>><<set $gameends to true>><</if>><</link>>, you still can’t believe how lucky you are.To the top you go, as you endure one of the most vigorous arm workouts ever in your life sliding up and down both of their engorging, pulsating cocks. The two pieces of meat are like hot steel and the map of their veins completely branded in your palms.
<<di bro "Shit, goddamn. I-I'm almost... there...">>
<<di dad "Right there with you, son. Damn, looks like I can't last long.">>
Their gravelly voices filled with lust tickle something inside your monkey brain, or maybe just the feeling of having their own manhoods in your hands, that makes you blurt out the request:
<<di you "I want you both to cum on my face">>
<<di dad "Then you'd better stop... or else...">>
$w.Ybrother doesn't say anything but from the uncontrollable movements of his hips and his warning before, you know he's just a few strokes away from busting his nut. Therefore, to not miss your chance, you assume the position - being down on your knees and face up - waiting for the time of "raining men".
Like you suspect, within a few smacking of their fists on their dicks, blasts of hot load start flying and landing on your mug. Their guttural groans mingle with each other just like their seeds on your face forever leaving their imprints on you.
<<video dnb/dnbbothhjcum.mp4>>
<<di dad "Holy hell...! Look at you, marked by your own $w.father and $w.brother. You like that?">>
Busy with wiping their potent juice deeper under your skin and toward your mouth to get a taste, you can't do anything else but nod enthusiastically.
<<di bro "Then, we'll have to try harder to please him and cover every inch of him with our cum. Let everyone know who he belongs to, right?">>
<<di dad "Right on, son. Right on.">>
A thrill runs through you at the idea of belonging completely to them and the possessive looks they are giving you, furthermore intensifies your arousal.
<<set $dnb.dadar ++>>\
@@.add;+ 1 $w.Dad's Arousal@@
<<set $dnb.broar ++>>\
@@.add;+ 1 $w.Brother's Arousal@@
[[You start cumming|Dnbyoucum]]\Your hole is pulsating from the prospect of all the actions that you might get. As they are pretty comfortable with all the lewd stuffs, you do not hesitate to suggest to $w.ydad:
<<di you "My ass is so hungry for you... it hurts.">>
<<di dad "Yea...? Now now, where does it hurt?">>
<<di you "It hurts and feels empty everywhere... Please kiss it better, daddy...">>
You whine with all your heart since all that talk really amps up the itchy feeling in your channel. Immediately after your confirmation, your hips are grabbed by his meaty paws to position himself directly below him. Puffs of hot air breezes lightly on your sensitive hole, every shift of the air makes it wink like a non-verbal cry to ask to be filled up.
Soon enough, a moist and elastic object touches your rim and elicits a content groan from your vocal chord. His tongue is quite masterful from his years of experience that you feel yourself fully relaxed in a span of a minute.
It seems that your hunger is shared because he dives into the entree as soon as he manages to break through your tight entrance. It shouldn't be possible, but his tongue feels so large as it wiggles around your channel. Its explorative wetness coats all the nerve endings and further electrifies the mind-numbing pleasure you're experiencing down there.
<<video dnb/dnbdadrim.mp4>>
After eating you out for 5 minutes, he finally comes back up for air and, with a gruff voice dripped with lust, asks:
<<di dad "Has your hole felt better, boy?">>
<<di you "Never felt better, daddy.">>
<<set $dnb.dadar ++>>\
@@.add;+ 1 $w.Dad's Arousal@@
Your hole is pulsating from the prospect of all the actions that you might get. As they are pretty comfortable with all the lewd stuffs, you do not hesitate to confess to $w.ybro:
<<di you "Fuck, my ass is itching for you.">>
He chuckles at your slightly outrageous confession.
<<di bro "Good itch or bad itch?">>
<<di you "Do I even need to say? Goooood. Imma need you to scratch it... with your tongue.">>
You love despite after all this time, $w.ybrother is still acting like a blushing virgin at any of your suggestive words.
<<di bro "S-shit yea...! Let's get on the bed so I can examine that hole.">>
He needn't say more as you jump on the bed so fast it bounces, giving yourself a bit of a dizzy spell. All well and good when you can feel his rushed breath against your aching hole. When the first contact is made, in spite of all the efforts, you still are unable to contain a throaty moan from the pleasure blooming at your entrance.
Although, he didn't do this much (at all) before, his deft tongue slithering in and prying your tight entrance like a seasoned explorer. Your two asscheeks are being squeezed incessantly to match the pace of his spearing tongue. It drives you mindless with lust.
<<video dnb/dnbbrorim.mp4>>
After 5 minutes of bliss, knowing that he has done a great job of keeping you hard and horny, he leans down and whisper to your ear:
<<di bro "Did that... satisfy... your itch?">>
<<di you "Hell yea, but now I have an itch even deeper.">>
You're not gonna let him off the hook that easily.
<<set $dnb.broar ++>>\
@@.add;+ 1 $w.Brother's Arousal@@
As you are manning the register, the co-worker who gives you the hint of buying weed to get chummy with the manager approaches you.
<<dio "Co-worker" "What's up? Our manager's favorite employee?">>
<<di you "As excited as I can be working the register, what's up with you?">>
You try to deflect and act nonchalantly to swerve him away from this topic. As much as a slut you are, airing your dirty laundry everywhere is still not ideal.
<<dio "Co-worker" "Ha, not much. Actually, I've been really fucking happy lately since $resman.Namedis hasn't come for my weed and been less of an grumpy ass than usual... All thanks to you...">>
He can mean anything by that and you pretend to focus on counting the cash to ignore him. However, he whispers:
<<dio "Co-worker" "Please, I know you've been blowing him.">>
You look at him wide-eyed and unsure if this is one of those blackmail situations.
<<dio "Co-worker" "You two aren't as discreet as you think, but don't worry. Pretty sure no one knows except me. Him being a happy camper is great for the work environment... Ya know what? I like him this way and you want to get closer to him right?">>
At first, it was just a way to help $w.ybrother to get a morning shift but now… unable to deny your intrigue of the man, so you nod.
<<dio "Co-worker" "He has been really determined to get fit and working out a lot at the Fit Forever Gym. Almost too much because he's there daily afterwork from 17:00 to 19:00. And you? Do the rest... Now I'm not gonna bother you with your important work any more. Good luck~">>
Fit Forever Gym? That's the one that $w.ydad and $w.brother are using too, it seems quite popular with the locals. With a parting and knowing smirk, he waves at you and goes back to the kitchen. Sometimes, help truly does come from the most unexpected places.
<<link "Back" "Fast food restaurant">><<set $resman.Name == $resman.Namedids>><</link>>\Walking into the gym, you spot him on a bench lifting and breathing heavily like a bull that there is a layer of fog surrounding. From this far away, his grimace can still be seen. It seems that the guy either dislikes fitness or it's just his resting expression (which is more likely from your observation).
<<video resman/resmanworkout1.mp4>>
Already having changed into an appropriate outfit, you trod casually toward him and exclaim:
<<di you "Oh, is that you, $resman.Namedis?">>
Hearing your voice startles him out of the trance, his face is slightly less frowny from seeing a familiar face.
<<di resman "Oh, you're also a member of this gym?">>
<<di you "Yep, do I look like someone who doesn't work out?">>
You tease him good-naturedly which earns you a gritted half-smile from him.
<<di resman "Nah, just surprised, that's all. Just a bit new here.">>
To keep the conversation going, you ask:
<<di you "To fitness in general? Do you have a PT?">>
<<di resman "Hell no, I ain't gonna pay someone just parrot a list on the internet. No way.">>
... From such a silly comment, it looks like he's very much a newbie when it comes to fitness and really highlights his cheapskate personality. However, you're a nice guy after all:
<<di you "Well, if you want, I can be your workout buddy and we can help each other?">>
You leave the question hanging anticipating his answer. He tries to play it cool but you can feel he's not entirely unhappy about your offer
<<di resman "Yea... sure, whatever. It's better than doing this alone anyway. What is your schedule?">>
<<di you "I'm quite spontaneous about going to the gym since I sometimes do it at home. So what about yours?">>
<<di resman "I'm here most days right when I get off work from 17:00 and I always go home at 19:00.">>
That you already know about, but you still act shocked.
<<di you "Wow, you are really aiming to get fit, huh? Don't overwork yourself.">>
<<di resman "Meh, it takes a lot of burn off all of this stupid fucking fat.">>
He smacks his honestly slightly chubby but still defined abs.
<<di you "Makes sense. Okay, shall we start with our training right now?">>
He nods neutrally and you use all of your knowledge from working out with $w.ybrother to give him some pointers every now and then and maybe win him over. Because this is still the first time, you really don't want to pull any shenanigan just yet. Soon enough, you both finish the session and as you part ways, despite his exhausted scowl, he appears to be quite grateful for your encouraging presence. Little did he know, there are a lot you have in your perverted store for him in the future.
<<link "Back" "Gym">><</link>>\After working up a copious amount of sweat, you both take a break to catch your breath. $resman.Namedis uses his towel to wipe away all the sparkling droplets from streaking down from his hair.
<<di resman "Man I fucking rank.">>
No joke, he's like a furnace and you can smell the radiating clean sweat from 2 feet away. You decided to:
<span id="w1"><<if not $gameend or ($gameends and setup.ws.Resmanworkouttowel)>>\
<<link "Ask to borrow his towel">>
<<if not $gameends and (not setup.ws.Resmanworkouttowel or not $ws.Resmanworkouttowel)>>\
<<set setup.ws.Resmanworkouttowel to true>>
<<set $ws.Resmanworkouttowel to true>>
<<run memorize('ws', setup.ws)>>
<<replace "#w1">>\
<<include "Resmanworkouttowel">>
<<link "==Ask to borrow his towel==">><</link>>
<<if not $gameends or ($gameends and setup.ws.Resmanworkoutadmire)>>\ <<link "Admire his body">>
<<if not $gameends and (not setup.ws.Resmanworkoutadmire or not $ws.Resmanworkoutadmire)>>\
<<set setup.ws.Resmanworkoutadmire to true>>
<<set $ws.Resmanworkoutadmire to true>>
<<run memorize('ws', setup.ws)>>
<<replace "#w1">>\
<<include "Resmanworkoutadmire">>\
<<link "==Admire his body==">><</link>>
<<if hasVisited("Resmanhome1") or setup.ws.Resmanhome6>>\
<<link "Focus on training only so you can go to his house" "Resmanhome6">><</link>>
<<elseif $gameends and not setup.ws.Resmanhome6>>
<<link "==Focus on training only so you can go to his house==">><</link>>
<<link "Put your all in training so you can leave immediately">>
<<if $gameends>>\
<<goto "Resmanscenemenu">>
<<goto "Go outside">>
<</link>></span>\<<scenechoices resman 1 0>>\
<<if not $gameends>>\
@@.title;“FILTHY” ENDING@@
<<di resman "Okay get up. Let's now drop all the pretense and make this clear: you love being my bitch and a nasty one at that.">>
Pretense? You haven't kidded yourself for a while. There is no way you're not addicted to this raw and wild man, every part of him elicits an animalistic lust inside you.
<<di you "Yea... and...?">>
<<di resman "So from now on, I don't care whatever you do but show up here every night unless I tell you otherwise to service me, got it?">>
His intention is clear, you will only be there to be used by him to sate his libido and nothing else. The idea turns you on like no end so you nod eagerly as an affirmation.
<<di resman "You're rather smart for such a dirty pig. Okay, now piss off. I need to sleep.">>
Shortly after accepting his deal, he stops working out altogether from his lack of motivation since you're always there to please him, so there is no need for him to impress any girl for sex. Every time you come over his house, it's always in a state of disarray. He returns back to his old unkempt, chubby, sweaty self that always possesses a particular odor with him. Despite all that, you are even more obsessed with him and can't get enough of his filthy, authentic maleness.
Some time later, he has a date with another woman and you are honestly afraid that you may lose him. However, after the third date, when you're waiting in his messy living room, a loud crash reverberates and the door is slammed open.
<<di resman "Damn women, I've been dining and wining her for ages and she still refused to put out. And calling me a RUDE PRICK? Fuck off.">>
He breathes heavily and clearly pissed off. On the other hand, this news is music to your ears - knowing that he's yet to be swept away by another person. He settles down on the couch before staring at you with a scary intensity.
<<di resman "Sometimes, I wonder why I keep trying when I have a perfectly good bitch here at home.">>
You grin at him pleasedly and convey your devotion to him through your gaze. Since then, he never goes out on a date any longer.
Your arrangement with him remains consistent all throughout the years. Always by his side to pleasure him and give him what he wants, but you are never his lover, partner or husband. You're just a bitch under his ownership forever.
<<image resman\resmanend1.jpg>>
As you welcome his cock to breed you, amid drifting in the trance of euphoria, the past <<link "memories" "Memoriesmenu">><<if not $gameends>><<set $gameends to true>><</if>><</link>> rush back to you.<<scenechoices resman 1 0>>\
<<if not $gameends>>\
<<di resman "I have something that I need to tell you.">>
Still basking in the afterglow, you smile dopedly at him.
<<di you "Yea?">>
<<di resman "Will you be my boyfriend?">>
That jolts you out of the haze with an exclamation:
<<di you "WHAT??!?">>
<<di resman "Um... Nevermind, just forget-">>
<<di you "No, I'm just surprised. Yes, yes! I want to be your boyfriend.">>
His slightly subdued expression now glows up. Because he changes his way around to become more gentlemanly - he tentatively assures you.
<<di resman "Oh, I should realize that after an orgasm your emotions are more heightened, you can tell me again tomorrow don't worry.">>
<<di you "Oh so was your question also just a peak-of-the-emotion one?">>
<<di resman "Nonono, you know how much you mean to me.">>
<<di you "Then you should know that from now on, I am your boyfriend, got it?">>
His grin can outshine even the sun right now. Your first impression of him was absolutely right, with just the right expression, he is absolutely gorgeous. Nevertheless, none of that is important to you now because you're head over heels for him no matter of his appearance.
At the first stretch of your relationship, you both lay low in public since you're still living in a conservative town. Despite all that, not one day passes by, you never feel unloved or neglected by him. In fact, it's so overwhelming to soak in his love that you almost feel guilty.
Even when you two settle down and get used to each other, he never stops bettering himself. His business is booming, more branches are open and you're even more spoiled by him. However, none of the materialistic gifts can be compared to the gift that is his love for you.
<<image resman\resmanend2.jpg>>
As you two walk down the aisle and proposing total devotion with each other, all the good <<link "memories" "Memoriesmenu">><<if not $gameends>><<set $gameends to true>><</if>><</link>> rush back to your mind.<<if $resman.lust <= 5>><<lust resman add 1>><</if>>\
<<aff resman minus 1>>\
<<di you "Mind if I borrow your towel?">>
<<di resman "Huh? It stinks of my sweat.">>
<<di you "Who told you that I disliked the stink?">>
You give him a sincere expression because no shit, you revel in the funk. That actually flusters him a bit as he grumbles with a low, scratchy tone and hands the towel over.
<<di resman "Suit yourself.">>
You smile and soak your neck, sideburns and when the towel reaches your face, you give it an audible whiff. Your own mind automatically blocks your own scent and the rest - fresh odor of body moisture mixed in with pure pheromone from physical activities - floods your airway.
<<image resman/resmanworkout2.jpg>>
The aroma is so enticing that you can't help but get a few more sniffs and damn does the man reek incredibly. A cough penetrate through the fog of your mind as $resman.Namedis's gruff voice rings out:
<<di resman "Are you done sniffing my fucking pit sweat...? Or do you want to get back to training?">>
Though you're past the blushing virgin phase now, you still feel your cheeks heat a bit. His gaze on you blazing as you hand back the towel. Electricity courses through both of you via the touch of fingers.
<<di you "Alright.">>
You glance around but thankfully no one gives you weird looks or if they do, they are being very discreet.
<span id="w2"><<link "Finish your training">>
<<replace "#w2">>\
<<include "Resmanworkout2">>
<</link>></span>\<<if $resman.lust <= 5>><<lust resman add 1>><</if>>\
<<aff resman add 1>>\
<<di you "Damn, your strength never fails to surprise me.">>
<<di resman "Heh, diamond in the rough, man. With just some polishing and these guns will start blasting in no time.">>
He starts to flex his biceps which inflates his already ginormous upper arm to an unbelievable level of masculinity.
<<video resman/resmanworkout3.mp4>>
<<di you "I don't know, those guns look cocked and ready to unload to me. Mind if I handle them?">>
The adrenaline from working out must have relaxed him because he affirms gleefully:
<<di resman "Sure.">>
Making sure he doesn't regret his decision, your hands immediately gravitate toward his bulging biceps. Outwardly, they already look big but you never expect them to be so well-defined and full of power. Like they can break open a hazelnut with just a light flex. Greedy for more, you continue toward his shoulder blades and then arrive at his absolute units of man milkers. They are substantial but still quite soft and fluffy from the hair you sense under his tank tops. His voice is a light whispers coming out huskily:
<<di resman "So... impressive, huh?">>
<<di you "Yes... very very impressive... You can sweep up anyone off their feet easily with those guns.">>
You didn't realize when you moved so close to him but from such intimate distance, his smothering gaze decorated by his slightly disheveled look seems extra alluring.
<<di resman "That so...? I hope that person is prepared for my <i>tackle</i>.">>
<<di you "Haha, you probably can do that very soon.">>
<<di resman "Well, I'd better work harder on myself then.">>
His unwavering stare on you keeps getting more intense and heated. Suddenly a loud crash from someone dropping their weight in the background rings out and interrupts the indescribable current between you two. He coughs lightly:
<<di resman "Anyway, we should get back to our training.">>
You nod agreeably. Also, you didn't lie: you are on your way being hopelessly "tackled" by him.
<span id="w2"><<link "Finish your training">>
<<replace "#w2">>\
<<include "Resmanworkout2">>
<<if not $gameends and $resman.lust > 5 and (not setup.ws.resmanworkout2 or not $ws.resmanworkout2)>>
<<set setup.ws.resmanworkout2 to true>>
<<set $ws.resmanworkout2 to true>>
<<if setup.ws.resmanworkout2>>
<<set _saff = 2>>
As much as you want to mess around with him more, you still are a man of your words and accompany him through the workout.<<if _saff == 2 or $gameends>> After putting the weights back to the racks and cleaning up after yourselves, you both proceed to the showering area while having a pleasant conversation.
Entering the locker room, your glance scans around the rather deserted space and then gets stopped dead in its track when it reaches the sight of a husky man undressing unabashedly in front of you. He carelessly drops his drenched outfit and underwear on the bench in front of his lockers.
<<di resman "You don't shower?">>
Pondering the options, you decide to:
<<if not $gameends or ($gameends and setup.ws.Resmanshower1)>>\
<<link "Nah I'm good, I will do it later." "Resmanshower1">>
<<if not $gameends and (not setup.ws.Resmanshower1 or not $ws.Resmanshower1)>>\
<<set setup.ws.Resmanshower1 to true>>
<<set $ws.Resmanshower1 to true>>
<<run memorize('ws', setup.ws)>>
<<link "==Nah I'm good, I will do it later.==">><</link>>
<<if not $gameends or ($gameends and setup.ws.Resmanshower2)>>\
<<link "Imma go in just a sec." "Resmanshower2">>
<<if not $gameends and (not setup.ws.Resmanshower2 or not $ws.Resmanshower2)>>\
<<set setup.ws.Resmanshower2 to true>>
<<set $ws.Resmanshower2 to true>>
<<run memorize('ws', setup.ws)>>
<<link "==Imma go in just a sec.==">><</link>>
<<link "Tell him that you want to go home now and shower there.">>
<<if $gameends>>\
<<goto "Resmanscenemenu">>
<<goto "Go outside">>
<<link "Afterward, you leave the gym feeling renewed and refreshed.">>
<<if $gameends>>\
<<goto "Resmanscenemenu">>
<<goto "Go outside">>
<</link>><</if>>\<<aff resman minus 1>>\
He looks at you, an unreadable look on his face.
<<di resman "Okay, Imma head in.">>
After hearing the sound of shower being turned on, you can't resist it no longer and snatch the discarded workout gears and underwear and move to a secluded corner of the room.
The residual heat from his body still linger in the clothes in your hand and the heat helps scatter the spicy scent. First you bring his shirt to your face and put your nose right up to the pit areas and take in the still dampening heavy sweat. Every follicle inside your nostrils is trying to draw in as much of the moisture, formed by a man in his prime, like it's cocaine.
Then you move on to touch his shorts especially the crotch area and find a phantom warmth there from his manhood. With the remnant heat from him still burning in your palm, you start stroking your rock hard cock furiously.
As your arousal mounting, you finally proceed to the main attraction - his dirty underwear. He must have worn them throughout the day, because the fragance swamps you as soon as the fabric drapes over your schnozzle.
<<video resman/resmanunderwear.mp4>>
All of your senses are shut down except for smell as it got assault by a concentration of male aroma, musk,<<if $watersport>> piss,<</if>> and testosterone. The pure pheromone radiating from his undergarment is like a hypnotizing spell - compelling your brain to keep filling your lungs and your insides with all of his essences.
<span id="w1"><<link "Focus on jerking your cock">>
<<replace "#w1">>\
<<include "Resmanunderwearjerk">>\
<<if (not $gameends and $resman.lust > 10 and $resman.manner < 11) or ($gameends and setup.ws.Resmanunderwearbj)>>\
<<link "You hear a noise behind you">>
<<if not $gameends and (not setup.ws.Resmanunderwearbj or not $ws.Resmanunderwearbj)>>\
<<set setup.ws.Resmanunderwearbj to true>>
<<set $ws.Resmanunderwearbj to true>>
<<run memorize('ws', setup.ws)>>
<<replace "#w1">>\
<<include "Resmanunderwearbj">>\
<<elseif $gameends and not setup.ws.Resmanunderwearbj>>\
<<link "==You hear a noise behind you==">><</link>>
<</if>></span>\<<aff resman add 1>>\
After removing your clothes, you follow the sound of the shower to find him. Standing under the spray, he is shampooing his unkempt hair quite thoroughly from the look of it. His back is slightly soft but there are noticeable definitions of a powerful man. Toward south are the two of the roundest and most massive globes you have ever seen.
<<di you "Mind if I join in with you?">>
<<di resman "Sure, whatever.">>
He says that and continues to put his back to you while rinsing his hair. You feel like he's hiding his body from you like maybe he's insecure about his look?
<<video resman/resmanshower1.mp4>>
<<di you "Hey, I can wash your back if you want.">>
<<di resman "Alright, do mine and I'll do yours.">>
More than happy with his word, you grab the soap and begin to lather all over his back. Unlike your initial impression, it is rock solid, strong and an absolutely perfect piggyback-worthy - erm... - back.
<<di you "Turn around, might as well do your front.">>
You can't stop yourself from wanting to ogle more of the man, hence the order. He hesitates just for a moment but finally follows your command because you already blow him quite regularly anyway. As he turns around, your eyes automatically get drawn to his cock which is now standing ramrod straight.
<<di you "Well well, someone is a bit excited.">>
Surprisingly, his face reddens as he answers grumbly.
<<di resman "Fuck off, anyone getting essentially a massage will react the same way.">>
<span id="w1"><<link "Keep your hand to yourself">>
<<replace "#w1">>\
<<include "Resmanwash1">>
<<if (not $gameends and $resman.lust > 10 and $resman.manner > 10) or ($gameends and setup.ws.Resmanwash2)>>\
<<link "Suggest to help him out">>
<<if not $gameends and (not setup.ws.Resmanwash2 or not $ws.Resmanwash2)>>\
<<set setup.ws.Resmanwash2 to true>>
<<set $ws.Resmanwash2 to true>>
<<run memorize('ws', setup.ws)>>
<<replace "#w1">>\
<<include "Resmanwash2">>\
<<elseif $gameends and not setup.ws.Resmanwash2>>\
<<link "==Suggest to help him out==">><</link>>
<</if>></span>\<<set $you.horniness = 0>>\
<<set _cyho = $you.horniness>>\
<<if $resman.lust <= 10>><<lust resman add 1>><</if>>\
<<video resman/resmanunderwearjerk.mp4>>
Your arms are on autopilot and beating yourself off at an almost pain-inducing speed. Just a minute later, you can't hold off any longer and embarrassingly start blasting your milk all over the floor. It takes all of your willpower to not scream out loud from the unadulterated euphoria.
<<video you/youcum1.mp4>>
Coming down off the climax, your mind is still clouded by the fog - the strong odor condensed in his underwear - that you don't really want to ever escape. However, your sensibilities still win over as you quickly clean up and arrange the rumpled articles of clothing back to its original place.
Looking up at the clock, you realize that only 5 minute have passed and take a few deep breaths to calm yourself. In a coincidental and lucky fashion, he appears from the shower area with a towel wrapped around him just a moment after. Throwing his grubby outfit into his duffle and rummaging in his locker, he suddenly looks back and raises an eyebrow at you.
<<di resman "You still look quite red.">>
<<di you "Haha, you know, still a bit winded from the workout.">>
He continues to maintain his stare at you for a beat before dropping the subject.
<<di resman "Alright, if that's what you say.">>
Huh? What exactly does he mean by that?
<<if (not $gameends and $resman.lust >= 16) or ($gameends and setup.ws.Resmanhome6)>>\
<<if (not $gameends and $resman.lust >= 16) or ($gameends and setup.ws.Resmanhome6)>>\
<<link "After all that is done">>
<<if not hasVisited("Resmanhome1") and not $gameends>>
<<set _temphour = (22 - $hour)>>
<<set _tempmin = (60 - $minute)>>
<<hour add _temphour>>
<<minute add _tempmin>>
<<goto "Resmanhome1">>
<<set _temphour = (22 - $hour)>>
<<set _tempmin = (60 - $minute)>>
<<hour add _temphour>>
<<minute add _tempmin>>
<<goto "Resmanhome6">>
<<elseif $gameends and not setup.ws.Resmanhome6>>\
<<link "==After all that is done==">><</link>>
<<link "You excuse yourself to go back home early">>
<<if $gameends>>\
<<goto "Resmanscenemenu">>
<<goto "Go outside">>
<<link "You finish cleaning yourself up">>
<<if $gameends>>\
<<goto "Resmanscenemenu">>
<<goto "Gym">>
<</if>>\<<if $resman.lust <= 15>><<lust resman add 1>><</if>>\
<<di resman "Ahem...">>
You jumped from the familiar coughing sound behind you.
<<di resman "What the hell... are you doing with my underwear?">>
<<di you "Ummm... blowing my nose?">>
Knowing you are caught redhanded, you want to alleviate the situation a bit. However, a dangerous glint passes across his eyes.
<<di resman "You were being a fucking pathetic pervert, weren't you? Sniffing my disgusting, dirty boxer?">>
He's saying that while being naked and his cock is growing quite rapidly.
<<di resman "Why don't you smell the real fucking thing then?">>
He pushes your head roughly against his crotch. You thought that the lingering scent that you recently took in was strong, but it was nothing compared to the real deal that you are now directly facing. The only words to describe the fragrance are potent, wild and animalistic. It shouldn't have turned you on that much but you are swept along the tide of his sharp odor.
<<di resman "Like that, you fucking dog?">>
Nodding breathlessly, "like"? You love it and revel in it.
<<di resman "Then take my cock deep, shameless slut.">>
Grabbing your head callously, he guides his steaming pole right down to the back of your throat without mercy. The feeling of such blunt and large tip boxing the uvula should send most people gagging, but it is simply incredible to you. Your throat being used and fucked like a fleshlight is one of the your top kinks.
<<video resman/resmanunderwearbj.mp4>>
$resman.Namedis sweats very easily as evident from the way he is already dripping in fluid after abusing your mouth for a minute. The moisture from his body running down his nether region. You take the chance to open wide and use your tongue to gather as much of them as you can to mix the salt with the virile tang of his pre-cum. Not knowing when, but your hands, of their own volition, are already pumping your erection.
<<di resman "Fffffuck yeaaaa... are you fucking ready for your protein shake, pig?">>
<<di you "Mhmmm... hmmm...">>
Gagged by his huge rod, you can only muffle out that unintelligible sound but hopefully from the way you increase the speed of your bobbing head, he gets your point.
<<di resman "Ohhhhh hellll yeaahhhhh... I'm ffff– CUMMING">>
Right at the last minute, he pulls out of you and begins jacking frantically. Jets of pearly seed splatter all over your mug and infuse his sexual energy under your skin.
<<video resman/resmanunderwearbjcum.mp4>>
<<di you "Sssshit! You're gonna drown me... with your cum.">>
Letting out a winded gasp, he purrs commandingly:
<<di resman "Haaa... and you will thank me for it... Now, use your tongue to lap it up, filthy whore.">>
And what do you do? Obediently swirling your tongue around his fingers which contains his semen that he gathers from your cheeks, loving every moment of it. Meanwhile, with your hand still moving, the texture of his callous and the delicious taste of his cum, you achieve orgasm with a muted groan.
<<di resman "Hell yea, that's right. Good boy.">>
Panting in delirium, at this moment you feel complete bliss and don't even have a tiny bit of care if anyone catches you in this public act.
<<if (not $gameends and $resman.lust >= 16) or $gameends>>\
<<if (not $gameends and $resman.lust >= 16) or ($gameends and setup.ws.Resmanhome6)>>\
<<link "After all that is done">>
<<if not hasVisited("Resmanhome1") and not $gameends>>
<<set _temphour = (22 - $hour)>>
<<set _tempmin = (60 - $minute)>>
<<hour add _temphour>>
<<minute add _tempmin>>
<<goto "Resmanhome1">>
<<set _temphour = (22 - $hour)>>
<<set _tempmin = (60 - $minute)>>
<<hour add _temphour>>
<<minute add _tempmin>>
<<goto "Resmanhome6">>
<<elseif $gameends>>\
<<link "==After all that is done==">><</link>>
<<link "You excuse yourself to go back home early">>
<<if $gameends>>\
<<goto "Resmanscenemenu">>
<<goto "Go outside">>
<<link "You finish cleaning yourself up">>
<<if $gameends>>\
<<goto "Resmanscenemenu">>
<<goto "Gym">>
<</if>>\After the satisfying exertion, you both leave the gym. However, when you are about to give him a goodbye wave, he blurts out:
<<di resman "Do you want to hang out at my place? I'm making dinner and don't want to eat alone.">>
You perk up at his invitation. Finally, this is the sign you are looking for.
<<di you "As long as it's not fast food, I'm game.">>
<<di resman "Never get high on your own supply.">>
You let out a genuine laugh at his joke and keep the conversation running smoothly as you two make the way into his place... which is... the Fast Food Restaurant??!?
<<di you "Didn't you say we'll go back to your place? Why are we here?">>
<<di resman "Because... this is my place.">>
<<image resmanhome.jpg>>
As you walk around the backside of the restaurant, he opens the lock of a very lowkey door which reveals into what you consider a bachelor's pad.
<<di resman "Welcome to $resman.Namedis's humble residence.">>
The size is not particularly humble but the organization... The shoes sprawl haphazardly right next to the entrance; coats, shirts thrown carelessly on the leather couch and from here, you can even see the small pile of unwashed dishes. There is a mustiness in the air you imagine is signature to a fratboy's room.
It also appears that he wasn't fully aware of the neatness of his living space because only now he's scurrying around trying to gather up all of the clutters around the living room.
<<di resman "Ha... ha... Sorry about the mess...">>
You ponder for a moment before saying:
<span id="h1"><<link "You know I love the filth">>
<<replace "#h1">>\
<<include "Resmanhome2">>
<<link "It's alright, like you - diamond in the rough, just need some polishing">>
<<replace "#h1">>\
<<include "Resmanhome3">>
<</link>></span>\<<if $resman.lust <= 10>><<lust resman add 1>><</if>>\
<<di resman "Now, let's focus.">>
After hearing his dismissal, you feel like it is not a wise idea to grope him now so you continue your duty as the professional bather and clean him thoroughly and when you begin to work on his calves, his dick pulses rapidly. Heh, if the man is playing hard to get then you ain't gonna put out that easily.
<<di you "Okay, done. Now you do me.">>
Feeling his calloused hand, softened by the bubbles, on your body is just divine. Despite his gruff demeanor, the glides of his palms on you are rather gentle that leave you shuddering, weak and erected just from the mere platonic touches. As you turn around to show him your own burgeoning manhood, you banter cheekily:
<<di you "Yea... you're absolutely right about that.">>
That earns you a playful smack on your ass which furthermore pumps even more of your blood down south. However, he's really keeping his stance and completely ignoring your erection. With impressive efficiency, he cleans you up with utter professionalism. The scene is frankly quite comical with two dudes completely bricked up while doing nothing about it.
<<video resman/resmanshower2.mp4>>
<<di resman "Alrite, you're good. I will rinse and get out of the shower.">>
Seriously? You didn't really expect him to go down on you or anything but the guy is really leaving you hanging like this? Talking about being cruel. Rinsing yourself, it takes all of your power to huff, puff and pout because you know things will for sure get interesting with him.
<<if (not $gameends and $resman.lust >= 16) or ($gameends and setup.ws.Resmanhome6)>>\
<<if (not $gameends and $resman.lust >= 16) or ($gameends and setup.ws.Resmanhome6)>>\
<<link "After all that is done">>
<<if not hasVisited("Resmanhome1") and not $gameends>>
<<set _temphour = (22 - $hour)>>
<<set _tempmin = (60 - $minute)>>
<<hour add _temphour>>
<<minute add _tempmin>>
<<goto "Resmanhome1">>
<<set _temphour = (22 - $hour)>>
<<set _tempmin = (60 - $minute)>>
<<hour add _temphour>>
<<minute add _tempmin>>
<<goto "Resmanhome6">>
<<elseif $gameends and not setup.ws.Resmanhome6>>\
<<link "==After all that is done==">><</link>>
<<link "You excuse yourself to go back home early">>
<<if $gameends>>\
<<goto "Resmanscenemenu">>
<<goto "Go outside">>
<<link "You finish cleaning yourself up">>
<<if $gameends>>\
<<goto "Resmanscenemenu">>
<<goto "Gym">>
<</if>>\<<if $resman.lust <= 15>><<lust resman add 1>><</if>>\
<<di you "Well, it looks like it won't go down any time soon and you definitely can't walk out with such a big thing between your legs, soooo...">>
<<di resman "So...?">>
<<di you "You can use my mouth to relieve this problem.">>
You close the distance and whisper to his ear sultrily. After just a second of feeling torn due to the semi public environment you both are in, his arousal still wins over as he nods his affirmation. With his blessing, you go down on your knees to have a staring contest with the one-eyed beast.
You tentatively kiss his tip and use your tongue to lick the drops of pre-cum leaking out from his cockhead. The taste of salt from the liquid blended in with the still lingering salt of his sweat creates a heavenly concoction in your mouth - leaving you thirsty for more. Turned on by the feeling of him, you of course cannot neglect your own need and begin to jerk yourself off.
<<di resman "Ssshit, right... Suck on that cock...">>
Sucking on that delicious popsicle? You absolutely don't mind it at all and in fact you swallow his whole piece of meat down to the back of your throat and surprise a choked moan out of him. Afterward, you both find a good rhythm as he pistons in and out of your hot cavern. The cavern in question is putting all of its might into perfecting the immaculate suction to stimulate all the sensitive nerves on his hardened rod.
<<video resman/resmanshowerbj.mp4>>
<<di resman "Goddamn... SSSHIT! Your fucking mouth... take it deeper.. gonna make me blow soon...">>
His delirious praises carry on to your ears like a prayer. No longer a stoic and hard-assed manager, the man fully surrenders and unravels inside you and you never ever feel more powerful. Hence, your bobbing is picking up its pace and impale your windpipe mindlessly down his shaft.
<<di resman "FFFFUCK... Yesss... Do you... want it?">>
<<di you "Mhmmm...">>
You moan your confirmation and with that, your vocal chord vibrates through his close-to-explode cock. With a shocked groan, he abruptly deposits his load violently to your gut and all over your tongue as his body convulses from the intense orgasm. Such a pleaser you are, his climax also pushes you over to the point of no return as you spill on the tiled floor.
<<video resman/resmanshowerbjcum.mp4>>
<<di resman "Haaahhhh... shit... I should have been bored of your head... but still I'm not...">>
<<di you "Tell me about it... I still cum too quickly like a horny teenager just from sucking your cock...">>
His flushes deepen a bit even and you know he's unsure how to react to your honest confession. His stoic awkwardness is somehow quite cute in your eyes. Without saying anything back, he carefully pulls you up to a standing position and his palms linger on your shoulders featherly for a brief and tender moment.
<<di resman "Thanks...">>
That's all you need to hear from him. His sincerity rings true through that one word, no matter how small it is.
<<if (not $gameends and $resman.lust >= 16) or ($gameends and setup.ws.Resmanhome6)>>\
<<if (not $gameends and $resman.lust >= 16) or ($gameends and setup.ws.Resmanhome6)>>\
<<link "After all that is done">>
<<if not hasVisited("Resmanhome1") and not $gameends>>
<<set _temphour = (22 - $hour)>>
<<set _tempmin = (60 - $minute)>>
<<hour add _temphour>>
<<minute add _tempmin>>
<<goto "Resmanhome1">>
<<set _temphour = (22 - $hour)>>
<<set _tempmin = (60 - $minute)>>
<<hour add _temphour>>
<<minute add _tempmin>>
<<goto "Resmanhome6">>
<<elseif $gameends and not setup.ws.Resmanhome6>>\
<<link "==After all that is done==">><</link>>
<<link "You excuse yourself to go back home early">>
<<if $gameends>>\
<<goto "Resmanscenemenu">>
<<goto "Go outside">>
<<link "You finish cleaning yourself up">>
<<if $gameends>>\
<<goto "Resmanscenemenu">>
<<goto "Gym">>
<</if>>\<<aff resman minus 2>>\
<<di resman "Oh yea, you are gonna fit right in!">>
He winks at you playfully and with a second thought, sloppily hurls all the stuff in his arms to a lone chair at the corner of the room.
<<di resman "Make yourself at home, dinner will be ready in 30 minutes.">>
You both have dinner while sharing stories about each other. Sorry to $w.ydad and $w.brother, but we have a new iron chef here. You also are shocked to learn that the fast food place is actually owned by him.
<<di resman "Shhh... don't tell anyone about it, I'm still a manager to everyone else, got it?">>
Turns out, he's a very private person and has struggled with finances his entire life. The restaurant was passed down to him from his distant uncle. Not many people know, except for his suppliers and his close friends / family. So that means now you're in his close circle?
<<di you "My lips are sealed, Mr. Totally Not A Fast Food Joint Owner.">>
That draws a hearty laugh out of him and you feel his fondness for you grows.
After a few beers and some more thoughtful conversation about life and his business, you decide to not intrude him anymore. As he walks you to the door, he offers:
<<di resman "I can give you a ride if you want.">>
You tell him:
<span id="h2"><<link "What kind of ride are we talking about here?">>
<<replace "#h2">>\
<<include "Resmanhome4">>
<<link "Such a gentleman, how is anyone able to resist you like that?">>
<<replace "#h2">>\
<<include "Resmanhome5">>
<</link>></span>\<<set $you.hunger = 0>>\
<<aff resman add 2>>\
He actually blushes a bit and scratches his head.
<<di resman "I'll need to try hard to shine bright then.">>
After he cleans the room thoroughly, he then makes his way to the kitchen.
<<di resman "Make yourself at home, dinner will be ready in 30 minutes.">>
Planning to make a good impression, you decide to take on your favorite activity - washing dishes.
<<di you "Nah, I'll help you clear these and you - show off that culinary skill.">>
He smiles gratefully.
<<di resman "Thanks.">>
You both have dinner while sharing stories about each other. Sorry to $w.ydad and $w.brother, but we have a new iron chef here. You also are shocked to learn that the fast food place is actually owned by him.
<<di resman "Shhh... don't tell anyone about it, I'm still a manager to everyone else, got it?">>
Turns out, he's a very private person and has struggled with finances his entire life. The restaurant is passed down to him from his distant uncle. Not many people know, except for his suppliers and his close friends / family. So that means now you're inside his circle.
<<di you "My lips are sealed, Mr. Totally Not A Fast Food Joint Owner.">>
That draws a hearty laugh out of him and you feel his fondness for you grows.
After a few beers and some more thoughtful conversation about life and his business, you decide to not intrude him anymore. As he walks you to the door, he offers:
<<di resman "I can give you a ride if you want.">>
You tell him:
<span id="h2"><<link "What kind of ride are we talking about here?">>
<<replace "#h2">>\
<<include "Resmanhome4">>
<<link "Such a gentleman, how is anyone able to resist you like that?">>
<<replace "#h2">>\
<<include "Resmanhome5">>
<</link>></span>\<<aff resman minus 1>>\
<<di resman "You quite love ridin' dirty, huh?">>
He gets closer to you menacingly and pulls all the air out of the surrounding, making you hot and bothered. But then he smirks at you deviantly.
<<di resman "If you have enough energy for that, that means you can manage to go home on your own right? Cuz I'm beat.">>
He yawns and well does look tired but not to the point of exhaustion. However, you don't want to ruin the good thing that is going on right now.
<<di you "Alrite, I can do it. You take a rest.">>
<<di resman "'Kay, night. Don't dream too much about me.">>
He laughs rambunctiously and retreats back inside, while you spend 30 minutes getting a taxi this late in the evening. Well, at least the relationship between you and him is getting tighter. That's what you came there for.
<<link "Back" "Go outside">><<set $you.location = "Fast food restaurant">><</link>>\<<aff resman add 1>>\
<<di resman "If they are lucky to get such special treatment from me, that is. Okay, hang on. Let me get my shoes and key.">>
As you both get in the car, it feels amazing to escape the evening chill but you can't help but shiver. Seeing your reaction, he doesn't hesitate to take off his jacket and throw it over you. Making you feel warm not only physically but also inwardly. It takes all of your willpower to not tuck yourself deeply in the garment and bask in the distinct manly scent.
<<di you "Thank you...">>
The rest of the ride is spent in a companionable quiet, however thoughts are running through your mind and up until you're tossing in bed. At first, he appears to be so unfriendly but now as you peel back all the layers, your feeling for him has flourished to a new height.
<<link "Back" "Living room">><</link>>\<<silently>>\
<<if not $gameends and (not setup.ws.Resmanhome6 or not $ws.resmanhome6)>>
<<set $ws.Resmanhome6 to true>>
<<set setup.ws.Resmanhome6 to true>>
<<run memorize('ws', setup.ws)>>
<<di resman "Wanna hang out at my house?">>
You answer him:
<span id="h1"><<link "Of course, thought you wouldn't ask">>
<<replace "#h1">>\
<<include "Resmanhome7">>
<<link "I have some business tonight, maybe some other time?">>
<<replace "#h1">>\
You then say your goodbye to him before walking outside.
<<link "Back">>
<<if $gameends>>\
<<goto "Resmanscenemenu">>
<<set $you.location = "Fast food restaurant">>
<<goto "Go outside">>
<</link>></span>\When you arrive at his home, it appears <<if $resman.manner <= 5>>incredibly messy<<elseif $resman.manner <= 10>>cluttered<<elseif $resman.manner <= 15>>clean<<else>>squeaky and sparkling<</if>>.
You decide to:
<span id="h2"><<if not $gameends or ($gameends and setup.ws.Resmanhome8)>>\
<<link "Tell that you don't mind his messiness">>
<<if not $gameends and (not setup.ws.Resmanhome8 or not $ws.Resmanhome8)>>\
<<set setup.ws.Resmanhome8 to true>>
<<set $ws.Resmanhome8 to true>>
<<run memorize('ws', setup.ws)>>
<<replace "#h2">>\
<<include "Resmanhome8">>
<<link "==Tell that you don't mind his messiness==">><</link>>
<<if not $gameends or ($gameends and setup.ws.Resmanhome9)>>\
<<link "Commend him on his cleanliness">>
<<if not $gameends and (not setup.ws.Resmanhome9 or not $ws.Resmanhome9)>>\
<<set setup.ws.Resmanhome9 to true>>
<<set $ws.Resmanhome9 to true>>
<<run memorize('ws', setup.ws)>>
<<replace "#h2">>\
<<include "Resmanhome9">>
<<link "==Commend him on his cleanliness==">><</link>>
<</if>></span>\<<set $you.hunger = 0>>\
<<aff resman minus 1>>\
<<di resman "So that you can be a filthy boy and on the prowl for my underwear?">>
<<di you "Yep! so you need to be on it ASAP.">>
He laughs boisterously, gives you a smothering look and grabs his balls through his shorts.
<<di resman "With this full sack of cum, you have nothing to be worried about.">>
After another successful dinner and as you both settle down to watch a late night show.
<<if not $gameends>>\
<<link "You anticipate a blowjob is coming" "Resmanhomebj">>
<<presshour add 1>>
<<set $you.horniness = 0>>
<<elseif $gameends and not setup.ws.Resmanhomebj1 and not setup.ws.Resmanhomebj2>>\
<<link "==You anticipate a blowjob is coming==">><</link>>
<<link "You anticipate a blowjob is coming" "Resmanhomebj">>
<<set $scenepicked = false>>
<<if not $gameends and $resman.lust >= 21>>\
<<link "You anticipate a good fucking is coming" "Resmanhomefuck">>
<<presshour add 1>>
<<set $you.horniness = 0>>
<<elseif $gameends and not setup.ws.Resmanhomefuck1 and not setup.ws.Resmanhomefuck2>>\
<<link "==You anticipate a good fucking is coming==">><</link>>
<<elseif $gameends and (setup.ws.Resmanhomefuck1 or setup.ws.Resmanhomefuck2)>>\
<<link "You anticipate a good fucking is coming" "Resmanhomefuck">>
<<set $scenepicked = false>>
<<link "You excuse yourself to go back home early">>
<<if $gameends>>\
<<goto "Resmanscenemenu">>
<<set $you.location = "Fast food restaurant">>
<<goto "Go outside">>
<</link>>\<<set $you.hunger = 0>>\
<<aff resman add 1>>\
<<di resman "Haha, there is someone who motivates me to clean after myself.">>
He grins at you good naturedly and cryptically or at least he tries to.
<<di you "Well, well who might this person be? Someone special?">>
<<di resman "You tell me.">>
You push his burgeoning chest playfully.
After another successful dinner and as you both settle down to watch a late night show. Suddenly, he reaches out to you.
<<if not $gameends>>\
<<link "You anticipate a blowjob is coming" "Resmanhomebj">>
<<presshour add 1>>
<<set $you.horniness = 0>>
<<elseif $gameends and not setup.ws.Resmanhomebj1 and not setup.ws.Resmanhomebj2>>\
<<link "==You anticipate a blowjob is coming==">><</link>>
<<link "You anticipate a blowjob is coming" "Resmanhomebj">>
<<set $scenepicked = false>>
<<if not $gameends and $resman.lust >= 21>>\
<<link "You anticipate a good fucking is coming" "Resmanhomefuck">>
<<presshour add 1>>
<<set $you.horniness = 0>>
<<elseif $gameends and not setup.ws.Resmanhomefuck1 and not setup.ws.Resmanhomefuck2>>\
<<link "==You anticipate a good fucking is coming==">><</link>>
<<elseif $gameends and (setup.ws.Resmanhomefuck1 or setup.ws.Resmanhomefuck2)>>\
<<link "You anticipate a good fucking is coming" "Resmanhomefuck">>
<<set $scenepicked = false>>
<<link "You excuse yourself to go back home early">>
<<if $gameends>>\
<<goto "Resmanscenemenu">>
<<set $you.location = "Fast food restaurant">>
<<goto "Go outside">>
<</link>>\<<scenechoices resman 2 2>>\
<<if $scenepicked>>\
<<if $resman.lust <= 20>><<lust resman add 1>><</if>>\
<<if _saff == 1>>\
<<di resman "Okay, now that you're well fed. Let's cut to the chase, shall we?">>
After cooking and clearing the dishes, there is still a trace of dried moisture all over his body. His sweat glands really do work a little bit too well. Already understanding his meaning, you still try to play coy.
<<di you "Huh? What?">>
He growls ominously and it seems his mask finally comes down as his meaty paw closes around the back of your head.
<<di resman "You came to my home, ate my food, drank my beer and expected to pay nothing in return?">>
Well, that's the never-take-a-loss restaurant manager that you know.
<<di you "Make me then.">>
The dangerous gleam of his smirk is the last thing you see before being smothered in his armpit.
<<di resman "Enjoy the dessert, damn hog.">>
The first thing that you are aware of is his rich body odor. Didn't he just shower at the gym a few hours ago? How on earth can the scent be still so strong and entracing even now. However, you really don't want to spend any more time dwelling on that and instead let your tongue out and lick kittenishly.
<<video resman/resmanarmpit.mp4>>
The hair there feels exceptionally soft and glides smoothly over your taste buds as you card through each strand to taste the virile salt. Hungry for more, like you hadn't had a full meal just now, you volunteer to continue to his other side which doesn't disappoint you at all as you dig for the precious minerals there under his muscular arm.
Your eagerness seems to turn him on greatly since he's now beating off his engorging cock roughly and breathing quickly. Of course, seeing that, you cannot disregard your own little buddy and join him in the action by matching the rhythm of his strokes.
After a few minutes of lapping and masturbating, your own hunger is reaching a boiling point as you scoot down on your knees to smush your face between the creases of his crotch. Inhaling in the now familiar but still heady aroma, your tongue glues itself between the male canyon to imprint all of its musk pheromone on it. If humans can scent mark each other, there is no doubt to everyone else that you belong to him. He hisses sharply.
<<di resman "Ssshit... you're one bitch in heat, huh? Go head, suck it.">>
He waves his erection in front of you like a dangling carrot. Obviously needing no more invitation, you swallow his meat greedily. Fueled by the essence of him that you just gathered from his body, your mouth begins to ascend and descend on his rod with remarkable gusto.
<<di resman "FFFFUCK YEAAAH! Take it deeper... squeeze your throat...">>
<<video resman/resmanbjhome1.mp4>>
His deep rumble puts you deeper under hypnosis. Saliva drips down his shaft and splashes around each time your lips slam into his pube. The more bodily fluid gets smeared on your face, the faster his pace of fucking your throat gets. There's no doubt that looking at you being a fucked-out mess pushing all of his right buttons.
<<di resman "SSSSHIT!! Get ready... FUCKKK... ARGHHHH!!">>
Cum spurts out from his piss slit, soils your already slobbered lips even more and paints an highly erotic picture of a well-used slut.
<<video resman/resmanbjhomecum1.mp4>>
Riding the high from the sexy fume of his potent load, you continue to pump your cock mercilessly hoping to reach climax soon. Seeing your still gaping mouth, he sits up and a blob of thick and hot liquid hits your face. As soon as you learn that it's his spit, your orgasm is ripped out of you with your throbbing dick blasting all over like fireworks on the 4th of July.
<<video you/youcum2.mp4>>
<<di resman "Love being spat on, aren't cha?">>
Without even waiting for your answer, another chunk of warm saliva lands on your cheek. Basking in the afterglow of orgasm and feeling boneless, you are helpless against it but honestly you really don't want to do anything about it either.
After your soul finally returns back to your body, you find yourself looking at $resman.Namedis yawning and lazily lounging on the couch.
<<di resman "Close the door on your way out, will you? I'm tired.">>
Welp, that's textbook sweet talk right there. However, are you really in any position to oppose your dischargement considering you're covered in his... discharge? You say bye to him and gingerly get up to leave the house at his request and don't even bother to clean yourself because... you love the feeling of being tainted.
At first, he appears to not know where to put his hand before settling on your shoulder. In an uncharacteristically quiet voice, he blurts out quickly.
<<di resman "W-will-you-suck-me-off?">>
<<di you "Huh? What did you say?">>
Seemingly being pissed off by his own strange shyness, he repeats this time more loudly and with his signature grumpiness.
<<di resman "I said can you suck me off?">>
<<di you "Aren't you a charmer? What is in it for me then?">>
That silences him for a bit since he isn't really sure how to pay you back. How painfully straight of him.
<<di you "How about you let me admire that body of yours while I go down on you?">>
<<di resman "Huh? That's it? Cool okay.">>
He sounds surprised and slightly pleased as he's taking his clothes off because probably not many have shown him true desire before. As pieces of clothes begin to drop off of his body, it reveals a toned body that still has some bounces from the protective layer of fat.
<<di resman "Hmm... where do you want to have me then?">>
<<di you "Just stay there, stud.">>
Your wolfish praise actually brings some color to his cheeks. To ease him into it, you begin by massaging his neck which draws out a low pleased hum. With each squeeze, you can feel his trap loosened and muscles going lax. Sensing his calmness your hands continue to traverse to reach his pecs.
<<video resman/resmanpec.mp4>>
No, not his pecs, his MAN TITS. Damn, they are voluptuous and massive inside your palms like the two softest, but most compacted pair of buns. And what do we do with the buns? We knead them. Using the base of your palms you start a circular motion to, without mincing any word, grope his shapely chest.
<<di you "Fuck... has anyone ever told you that you're so fucking hot?">>
He tries his best to come off as nonchalant, he really does. However, the rapid intakes of breath and the unmistakable erection really betray his words:
<<di resman "Absolutely... of course... plenty... Why?">>
<<di you "Because I'm about to make you feel like the most special guy on Earth.">>
Abruptly, you fall down on your knees and swallow his big cock whole. His hip plunges uncontrollably forward on instinct with a shocked yelp.
<<di resman "Ssshit... fuck! Sorry, you caught me off guard.">>
<<di you "'Sokay, I'm used to this big boy, c'mon give it to me.">>
Nodding at your request, his rough paws caress the sides of your head with unexpected tenderness. Meanwhile, his crotch begins to thrust inside your hungry orifice with growing speed. Used to being used, you settle just right in where you belong, mouth accommodatingly open, tongue nimbly gliding around and cheek hollow to hug that piece of velvet steel.
<<video resman/resmanbjhome2.mp4>>
<<di resman "W-WAIT! SSSHHITT!!... Can I come in your mouth?">>
To be fair, he doesn't even need to ask. Despite that, you still appreciate the courteous question and pull off from his dick just for the quickest sec to assure him:
<<di you "Yea, you can, give it to me, big guy.">>
You are now utilizing the skills of both of your masterful hands and mouth to make his climb to the peak of ecstasy as spectacular as possible.
<<di resman "I-I'M CUMMIINGGG-!!!">>
<<video resman/resmanbjhomecum2.mp4>>
You welcome the hot jets of milky seed flowing out from his tip, roll it around your tongue just for the briefest moment before hunger forces your throat to contract and swallow his load. Despite being drained dry, the piece of meat lodged in your oral cavity still spasms along with his towering frame over you.
Seeing the effect you have over the man is the sweetest aphrodisiac. With a belly full of his cum and a few tugs, the orgasm is easily ripped out of you with a helpless moan and your jizz spills everywhere.
<<video you/youcum2.mp4>>
Through the haze of the climax, you can still hear the lust-dripped, sandpapery voice of him:
<<di resman "We should definitely do this more often.">>
<<di you "I don't put out that easily, sir... Treat me a dinner at the very least.">>
That makes him laugh and something like fondness is within his gaze on you.
<<di resman "It's a deal!">>
After you both clean up, you decide to return back home since it's quite late.
<<di resman "Hang on, I'll take you home.">>
He goes to grab his key before the words even comes out of your mouth:
<<di you "It's okay, no need. I can take a taxi.">>
<<di resman "No, I insist. I want to see you back home safe and sound.">>
He is being completely sincere which you're very much touched by. Seeing no real point of rejecting his offer, you gratefully accept this proposal. You can't help but feel warm and fuzzy from his care on the ride back home.
<<link "Back">>
<<if $gameends>>\
<<goto "Resmanscenemenu">>
<<elseif _saff == 1>>\
<<set $you.location = "Fast food restaurant">>
<<goto "Go outside">>
<<goto "Living room">>
<</link>>\<<scenechoices resman 2 2>>\
<<if $scenepicked>>\
<<lust resman add 1>>\
<<if _saff == 1>>\
<<di resman "Make yourself useful and give my feet a rubdown.">>
He then perches his sock-covered feet up like a silent command for you. What? You're not his slave?
<<di you "Alright.">>
Your hands compliantly reach the subjects of demand and slowly take off the white socks that are brown at the sole. As you get closer to him, you can detect a distinct smell of sweaty feet. No wonder why his showers have always been so short, the man clearly didn't wash himself thoroughly. With that being said, like many times before, that is supposed to gross you out, but you can feel your own cock getting hardened just by inhaling his aroma alone like a Pavlov's dog.
Snapping yourself out of the daze, you commence from the calloused heels and work slowly up the arches and to his toes. The hair dusted lightly on the bridges puts even more emphasis on the masculinity of his strong-looking feet. After a few minutes of massage, curiosity is clawing within you so much that shock zings through your body when you realize that your face is now plastered against his sole.
<<di resman "Pfft, you don't even have a tiny bit of dignity to not perving on my stinky feet?">>
That is not a question but rather a condemnation. His justice is swift when he presses his feet forcibly on your face and block your nostrils. The only way for you to get oxygen right now is by gasping in his funk. Still, it isn't enough so you have to open your mouth to breathe in and your own willpower is shot to hell because your naughty tongue lunges on its own to lick his feet.
<<video resman/resmanfeet.mp4>>
<<di resman "You nasty fuck...">>
That appears to be your escape because he loosens his hold on you. From down there, you can see how turned on he is as he openly jacks off, so it's not only you that is getting off on this act. Encouraged by the sight, you resume the tongue bath and give each individual toes some good ol suck and polish them clean. Right after you finish with the last digit, he growls at you:
<<di resman "Bedroom and strip now!">>
He doesn't need to say twice as you scramble up with astonishing speed to rush through the door of his bedroom and discard all the restricting clothes on you along the way. When you assume the all four position and glance back you can see a unit of a man on the doorway sauntering in both lazily and imposingly at the same time. The guys is obviously for one purpose only - to fuck the shit out of you.
<<if visited() == 1>>\
<<di you "You want to fuck me right? Can you give me lube so I can pr-?">>
<<di resman "Shut the fuck up, bitch. I know what I'm doing.">>
Can't hardly upset the host now, can ya? So you seal your mouth and anticipate his next move.
Abruptly, hot slimy liquid hits the bullseye on your hole with scary accuracy. From the sound, it's obviously his spit and you brace yourself mentally for the rough ride ahead. Without easing them in, his two fingers stab your hole carelessly and almost rip a yelp out of you. You're truly a glutton for punishment because the pain mixed in with pleasure from the invasion of your prostate heightens your arousal like no others and brings you to rock hard in a matter of seconds.
<<di resman "Okay, I'm bored of this shit, get your ass up.">>
He forcefully grabs your hips to align it perfectly to his cock. Your hole is still tender and raw but honestly, you share his sentiment and cannot wait to have him deep inside you.
The blunt tip surprisingly breaches your entrance quite easily. He is impatient but still forced to move slowly as your channel is taut from the insufficient prep. Despite all that, he still pushes on and part your stubborn flesh without withdrawing until you feel the tickling pubes. You're now burning both from the infiltration and horniness.
Not even giving you room to breathe, he proceeds to retreat and punch his hip back in and a mindless moan out of you. His thrust quickens to seek pleasure without a care for you. The endless friction is the perfect and delicious ointment to numb all the pain you experience just moments before and replace it with pure bliss.
<<video resman/resmanfuck3.mp4>>
<<di resman "For such a dirty slut... you have a tight fucking hole...">>
He breathes out heavily and you can feel his sweat drops down your body like he's a stud breeding his mare. Being his bitch, you know your own duty and keep a steady rhythm of anal muscle contraction to enhance the fucking.
<<video resman/resmanfuck1.mp4>>
<<di resman "SSSHHIITTT!! FFF--!!">>
Breaking through his heavy breathing, that is the sign to let you know that he's about to bust in any second now. You begin to furiously masturbate in hope to achieve orgasm at the same time as he does. Then his roar comes.
Blasting your jizz all over his sheet, you his manhood plugged deep inside you - spasming to deposit his potent seed and baste your intestine with his nectar. The throbs of his cock seem to never end like it aims to make sure to deliver all of its semen and fill its partner full of baby-making juice.
<<video resman/resmanfuckcum1.mp4>>
Feeling his sweaty and hairy body plastered on you and inhale in the smell of sex, maleness and virility, you feel strangely warm inside despite the feeling of pain now rushing back. You can see yourself in a position like this happily forever. However, your daydreaming gets a rude awakening as he pulls out of you rashly and makes you wince from the sudden emptiness with an announcement:
<<if not $gameends and $resman.lust == $resman.lustmax and $resman.manner <= 1>>\
<<link "<b>Listen to what he has to say</b>" "Resmanend1">><</link>>
<<di resman "Your job is done, now piss off. I got work tomorrow.">>
Well, so much for cuddles and kisses, the guy couldn't care less about you. Once you're off the bed, he doesn't even bother to strip the sheet but instead sprawl out and snores loudly... As you leave his house, you can't help but think - Is this the man you're gonna end up with???
<<di resman "Ahem... Are you interested in some fun?">>
<<di you "What kind of fun?">>
You can't help but tease his proper and prim question and how he is still a bit unfamiliar with asking sexual favor from you. He frowns at your ribbing:
<<di resman "You know exactly what I want.">>
<<di you "Haha, okay okay big guy. I'm down.">>
You pat his cheek affectionately and that wipes away his scowl immediately.
<<di resman "Okay then-">>
<<di you "Ah ah ah, hold your horses, young man. How about you follow my lead this time? Don't worry I won't do anything that makes you uncomfortable.">>
He seems a bit torn at first however after your assurance, his hesitation disappears.
<<di resman "Alright, I trust you to make me feel good.">>
That... makes you feel all mushy inside. However, you have to get the ball rolling so you instruct him to remove his clothes. As he peels away all the articles of clothing on him, once again you are impressed by the quick transformation of his body - toned and now has quite a bit of definition.
<<di you "Go ahead and jack off.">>
Without any protest, he proceeds to stroke his half-hard cock and brings it to full erection. You, on the other hand, begin to strip slowly - first your shirt to display your also very fit body. It appears he appreciates the sight very much from the hitch of his huffing. Then you turn around, back arching, and pull down your pants slowly to reveal your two soft and supple globes. Seeing your butt and realizing that you have been going commando the entire time excites him greatly as the speed of his hand quickens.
<<di you "Like what you see? If so, let me see you play with your nipples.">>
He nods and follows your order with pure enthusiasm. His thick fingers glance over his nipples and then start pinching. His gasp reverberates through the room as a new wave of pleasure washes over.
<<video resman/resmanjerknip.mp4>>
The sight of him enjoying himself turns you on greatly as you slather your own digits with your spit and proceed to finger yourself unabashedly in front of him.
<<di resman "Shit... your hole... it's so hot...">>
<<di you "You want to fuck it?">>
His lustful look alone is enough to show his eagerness.
<<di you "Then prepare me big guy.">>
You grab the bottle of lube and throw it over to him as you take to the all-four position. Sensing his body heat, you know he's near as you continue to jerk your own cock in anticipation. When wet heat touches your rim, it's impossible for you to hold back a delirious moan. He's eating you out with so much gusto and fervor, his tongue wiggling trying to worm in your channel to loosen it up. With such special treatment, you are in complete bliss and relaxation and can tackle any obstacle ahead, especially the big one that is now pressing on your entrance.
<<video resman/resmanrim.mp4>>
The sound of the plastic cap opening tells you that he's now coating his rod with the slimy liquid for your own comfort. However, frankly, you do not care, he could go in raw right now and you wouldn't budge.
He is entering you ever so slowly with utmost care that is borderline torture for your ravenous hole. When he's root deep inside you and stretching your inner wall to its fullest, a sigh of contentment leaves your lips.
<<di resman "Holy fuck...! Your inside is so... fucking hot and tight.">>
With those words, his hips, being tempted by your velvet tunnel, is now moving steadily. His mushroom head grazes your prostate incessantly sending electricity all over your body. As you both are diving in the ocean of delight, he flips out over on your back without warning.
<<video resman/resmanfuck2.mp4>>
<<di resman "I want to see your face when I fill you full of my cum.">>
Fuck yea, say no more. You are more than pleased with the direction where this fuck is going. Continuing pistoning in and out of you, his arm envelope around your torso, his face tucked neatly on your collarbones and his mouth brands on your neck - hot and possessive. You aren't sure if this is just a simple fuck anymore, but something more - something like lovemaking.
<<di resman "Ahhh... SSSHIT!! I can't hold off much longer... Will you cum for me?">>
The last words are uttered in such a soft tone like a plea. Do you even have the cruelty to deny such sweet demand? Absolutely not. You aren't really capable of doing so anyway since your dick, sandwiched between two hot, wet slabs of flesh, is literally one touch away from blowing off.
With a roar, he smashes his rod deep down your canal. It seems to expand even bigger than before and pulses rapidly to unload all of his thick, creamy semen in your gut. The feeling is too overwhelming that your manhood coats your stomach with the pearly juice without the help of your hand.
<<video dad/dadfuckcum1.mp4>>
All through the orgasms, he still keeps on mouthing your neck crazedly almost like a prayer. Combined with his hug, is it a crazy idea to interpret his actions as coming from a place of... love? That thought gets cut short as he perches up on his arm besides your head and stares down at you with a passionate intensity.
<<if not $gameends and $resman.lust == $resman.lustmax and $resman.manner == $resman.mannermax>>\
<<link "<b>He has some important things to tell you</b>" "Resmanend2">><</link>>
<<di resman "Was that good?">>
<<di you "Good? It was amazing. Look what you did to me? Cumming without even touching myself.">>
You point at your sticky abs as he chuckles with fondness.
<<di resman "I'll wash you to make up for giving you a mind-blowing orgasm, okay?">>
After the shower, he insists on taking you back home, once again, citing that it is not safe for me to go home on my own this late at night. Are you mad about it? No. No one can be pissed at being pampered and if he keeps this up, you're not sure if you can resist his charm much longer.
<<link "Back">>
<<if $gameends>>\
<<goto "Resmanscenemenu">>
<<elseif _saff == 1>>\
<<set $you.location = "Fast food restaurant">>
<<goto "Go outside">>
<<goto "Living room">>
<</link>>\Restaurant Manager: @@.resman;<strong>$resman.Namedis</strong>@@
<span style="color:red">Lust: $resman.lust/$resman.lustmax</span>
<span style="color:pink">Manner: $resman.manner/$resman.mannermax</span> - <i>Have a gentleman of your own or someone more debaucherous?</i>
<<if $resman.lust == $resman.lustmax and ($resman.manner == 1 or $resman.manner == $resman.mannermax)>>\
• <b>Let him fuck you at his home and then talk to him for a conclusion</b>
<<elseif $resman.lust == $resman.lustmax>>\
• Get his manner to either maximum (20) or minimum (1)
• <i>$resman.Namedis is always at the gym at 17 & 18</i>
<<elseif $resman.lust >= 21>>\
• You can now let him fuck you at his home after work out
• Get his lust to maximum
• <i>$resman.Namedis is always at the gym at 17 & 18</i>
<<elseif $resman.lust >= 16>>\
• You can now give him blowjobs at his home after work out
• Get his lust to maximum
• <i>$resman.Namedis is always at the gym at 17 & 18</i>
<<elseif $resman.lust >= 11>>\
• You can now give him blowjobs post work out
• Get his lust to maximum
• <i>$resman.Namedis is always at the gym at 17 & 18</i>
<<elseif $resman.lust >= 6>>\
• You can now mess around post work out
• Get his lust to maximum
• <i>$resman.Namedis is always at the gym at 17 & 18</i>
• You can now tease him during work out
• Get his lust to maximum
• <i>$resman.Namedis is always at the gym at 17 & 18</i>
<<set $scenepicked = false>>
<<if setup.ws.Resmanbj2>>[[First blowjob with the restaurant manager|Resmanbj1]]<<else>><<link "==First blowjob with the restaurant manager==">><</link>><</if>> <<if setup.ws.Resmanbj31 or setup.ws.Resmanbj32>>[[Regular blowjob with the restaurant manager|Resmanbj3]]<<else>><<link "==Regular blowjob with the restaurant manager==">><</link>><</if>>
<<if setup.ws.Resmanworkouttowel or setup.ws.Resmanworkoutadmire>><<link "Your times with $resman.Namedis" "Resmanworkout1">><</link>><<else>><<link "==Your times with $resman.Namedis==">><</link>><</if>>
<<if setup.ws.Resmanparkfuck1 or setup.ws.Resmanparkfuck2>>[[Park fuck|Resmanparkfuck]]<<else>><<link "==Park fuck==">><</link>><</if>>
<<if setup.ws.Resmanend1>><<link "<b>“Filthy” ending</b>" "Resmanend1">><</link>><<else>><<link "==<b>“Filthy” ending</b>==">><</link>><</if>> <<if setup.ws.Resmanend2>><<link "<b>“Gentleman” ending</b>" "Resmanend2">><</link>><<else>><<link "==<b>“Gentleman” ending</b>==">><</link>><</if>>
[[Back|Memoriesmenu]]<<widget "scenechoices">>\
<<if _args[1] == 1>>\
<<print "<<if not $gameends and (not setup.ws." + passage() + " or not $ws." + passage() + ")>><<set setup.ws." + passage() + " to true>><<set $ws." + passage() + " to true>><<run memorize('ws', setup.ws)>><</if>>">>\
<<if _args[2] == 2>>\
<<print "<<if not $gameends and $" + _args[0] + ".rocketpill <= 5>><<set _srp to true>><<if not setup.ws." + passage() + "5 or not $ws." + passage() + "5>><<set setup.ws." + passage() + "5 to true>><<set $ws." + passage() + "5 to true>><<run memorize('ws', setup.ws)>><</if>><</if>>">>\
<<if $gameends>>\
<<print "<<set _rp to setup.ws." + passage() + "5>>">>\
<<if _rp and _srp>>\
<<set _rocketpill = "<b>Rocket pill</b>">>\
<<elseif _rp and not _srp>>\
<<set _rocketpill = "Rocket pill">>\
<<elseif not _rp>>\
<<set _rocketpill = "==Rocket pill==">>\
<b>Scene choices:</b> \
<<link _rocketpill>>
<<if _rp>>\
<<set _srp to not _srp>>\
<<replace ".passage">>\
<<include `passage()`>>\
<<elseif _args[0] === "dad" or _args[0] === "bro">>\
<<print "<<if not $gameends and _args[1] >= 3 and $" + _args[0] + ".aff >= 41>><<set _saff = 4>><<if not setup.ws." + passage() + "4 or not $ws." + passage() + "4>><<set setup.ws." + passage() + "4 to true>><<set $ws." + passage() + "4 to true>><<run memorize('ws', setup.ws)>><</if>><<elseif (not $gameends and not $dnb.start and $" + _args[0] + ".aff >= 21) or (not $gameends and $dnb.start and $dnb.acc > 10)>><<set _saff = 3>><<if not setup.ws." + passage() + "3 or not $ws." + passage() + "3>><<set setup.ws." + passage() + "3 to true>><<set $ws." + passage() + "3 to true>><<run memorize('ws', setup.ws)>><</if>><<elseif (not $gameends and not $dnb.start and $" + _args[0] + ".aff >= 11) or (not $gameends and $dnb.start and $dnb.acc < 11)>><<set _saff = 2>><<if not setup.ws." + passage() + "2 or not $ws." + passage() + "2>><<set setup.ws." + passage() + "2 to true>><<set $ws." + passage() + "2 to true>><<run memorize('ws', setup.ws)>><</if>><<elseif not $gameends and _args[1] >= 3>><<set _saff = 1>><<if not setup.ws." + passage() + "1 or not $ws." + passage() + "1>><<set setup.ws." + passage() + "1 to true>><<set $ws." + passage() + "1 to true>><<run memorize('ws', setup.ws)>><</if>><</if>><<if not $gameends and _args[2] >= 2 and $" + _args[0] + ".rocketpill <= 5>><<set _srp to true>><<if not setup.ws." + passage() + "5 or not $ws." + passage() + "5>><<set setup.ws." + passage() + "5 to true>><<set $ws." + passage() + "5 to true>><<run memorize('ws', setup.ws)>><</if>><</if>><<if not $gameends and $" + _args[0] + ".lust <= 20 and _args[2] >= 3>><<set _snosex to true>><<if not setup.ws." + passage() + "6 or not $ws." + passage() + "6>><<set setup.ws." + passage() + "6 to true>><<set $ws." + passage() + "6 to true>><<run memorize('ws', setup.ws)>><</if>><</if>>">>\
<<if $gameends>>\
<<if _args[1] >= 3>>
<<print "<<set _hateunlock to setup.ws." + passage() + "1>>">>
<<if _args[1] !== 1>>
<<print "<<set _dislikeunlock to setup.ws." + passage() + "2>>">>
<<print "<<set _likeunlock to setup.ws." + passage() + "3>>">>
<<if _args[1] >= 3>>
<<print "<<set _loveunlock to setup.ws." + passage() + "4>>">>
<<if _args[2] >= 2>>
<<print "<<set _rp to setup.ws." + passage() + "5>>">>
<<if _args[2] == 3>>
<<print "<<set _nosex to setup.ws." + passage() + "6>>">>
<<if _saff == 1 and _hateunlock>>
<<set _hate = "<b>Hate</b>">>
<<elseif _hateunlock>>
<<set _hate = "Hate">>
<<elseif not _hateunlock>>
<<set _hate = "==Hate==">>
<<if _saff == 4 and _loveunlock>>
<<set _love = "<b>Love</b>">>
<<elseif _loveunlock>>
<<set _love = "Love">>
<<elseif not _loveunlock>>
<<set _love = "==Love==">>
<<if _args[1] == 2 or _args[1] == 4 or _args[1] == 7>>
<<if _saff == 2 and _dislikeunlock>>
<<set _dislike = "<b>Dislike</b>">>
<<elseif _dislikeunlock>>
<<set _dislike = "Dislike">>
<<elseif not _dislikeunlock>>
<<set _dislike = "==Dislike==">>
<<if _saff == 3 and _likeunlock>>
<<set _like = "<b>Like</b>">>
<<elseif _likeunlock>>
<<set _like = "Like">>
<<elseif not _likeunlock>>
<<set _like = "==Like==">>
<<elseif _args[1] == 3>>
<<if _saff == 2 and _dislikeunlock>>
<<set _dislike = "<b>Like or dislike</b>">>
<<elseif _dislikeunlock>>
<<set _dislike = "Like or dislike">>
<<elseif not _dislikeunlock>>
<<set _dislike = "==Like or dislike==">>
<<elseif _args[1] == 5>>
<<if _saff == 1 and _dislikeunlock>>
<<set _dislike = "<b>Else</b>">>
<<elseif _dislikeunlock>>
<<set _dislike = "Else">>
<<elseif not _dislikeunlock>>
<<set _dislike = "==Else==">>
<<elseif _args[1] == 0>>
<<if _saff == 2 and _dislikeunlock>>
<<set _dislike = "<b>Low acceptance</b>">>
<<elseif _dislikeunlock>>
<<set _dislike = "Low acceptance">>
<<elseif not _dislikeunlock>>
<<set _dislike = "==Low acceptance==">>
<<if _saff == 3 and _likeunlock>>
<<set _like = "<b>High acceptance</b>">>
<<elseif _likeunlock>>
<<set _like = "High acceptance">>
<<elseif not _likeunlock>>
<<set _like = "==High acceptance==">>
<<if _args[2] == 2>>
<<if _rp and _srp>>
<<set _rocketpill = "<b>Rocket pill</b>">>
<<elseif _rp and not _srp>>
<<set _rocketpill = "Rocket pill">>
<<elseif not _rp>>
<<set _rocketpill = "==Rocket pill==">>
<<elseif _args[2] == 3>>
<<if _rp and _srp>>
<<set _rocketpill = "<b>Being caught</b>">>
<<elseif _rp and not _srp>>
<<set _rocketpill = "Being caught">>
<<elseif not _rp>>
<<set _rocketpill = "==Being caught==">>
<<if _nosex and _snosex>>
<<set _nstext = "<b>No sex</b>">>
<<elseif _nosex and not _snosex>>
<<set _nstext = "No sex">>
<<elseif not _nosex>>
<<set _nstext = "==No sex==">>
<<if _args[1] != 1 or _rp>><b>Scene choices:</b> <</if>>\
<<if _args[1] >= 3 and _args[1] != 5>>\
<<link _hate>>\
<<if _hateunlock>>\
<<set _saff = 1>>\
<<set $scenepicked = true>>\
<<replace ".passage">>\
<<include `passage()`>>\
<</link>> \
<<if _args[1] == 4 or _args[1] == 2 or _args[1] == 3 or _args[1] == 5 or _args[1] == 0 or _args[1] == 7>>\
<<link _dislike>>\
<<if _dislikeunlock>>\
<<set _saff = 2>>\
<<set $scenepicked = true>>\
<<replace ".passage">>\
<<include `passage()`>>\
<</link>> \
<<if _args[1] == 4 or _args[1] == 2 or _args[1] == 0 or _args[1] == 7>>\
<<link _like>>\
<<if _likeunlock>>\
<<set _saff = 3>>\
<<set $scenepicked = true>>\
<<replace ".passage">>\
<<include `passage()`>>\
<</link>> \
<<if _args[1] >= 3>>\
<<link _love>>\
<<if _loveunlock>>\
<<set _saff = 4>>\
<<set $scenepicked = true>>\
<<replace ".passage">>\
<<include `passage()`>>\
<</link>> \
<<if _args[2] == 2>>\
<<link _rocketpill>>\
<<if _rp and $scenepicked>>\
<<set _srp to not _srp>>\
<<replace ".passage">>\
<<include `passage()`>>\
<</link>> \
<<if _args[2] == 3>>\
<<link _nstext>>\
<<if _nosex and $scenepicked>>\
<<set _snosex to not _snosex>>\
<<replace ".passage">>\
<<include `passage()`>>\
<<if _args[1] != 1 or _rp>>\
<<elseif _args[0] == "resman">>\
<<if not $gameends and _args[2] == 1>>
<<print "<<if $resman.bjtime < 4>><<set _saff = 1>><<if not setup.ws." + passage() + "1 or not $ws." + passage() + "1>><<set setup.ws." + passage() + "1 to true>><<set $ws." + passage() + "1 to true>><<run memorize('ws', setup.ws)>><</if>><<else>><<set _saff = 2>><<if not setup.ws." + passage() + "2 or not $ws." + passage() + "2>><<set setup.ws." + passage() + "2 to true>><<set $ws." + passage() + "2 to true>><<run memorize('ws', setup.ws)>><</if>><</if>>">>\
<<elseif not $gameends and _args[2] == 2>>\
<<print "<<if $resman.manner < 11>><<set _saff = 1>><<if not setup.ws." + passage() + "1 or not $ws." + passage() + "1>><<set setup.ws." + passage() + "1 to true>><<set $ws." + passage() + "1 to true>><<run memorize('ws', setup.ws)>><</if>><<else>><<set _saff = 2>><<if not setup.ws." + passage() + "2 or not $ws." + passage() + "2>><<set setup.ws." + passage() + "2 to true>><<set $ws." + passage() + "2 to true>><<run memorize('ws', setup.ws)>><</if>><</if>>">>\
<<print "<<set _hateunlock to setup.ws." + passage() + "1>>">>\
<<print "<<set _loveunlock to setup.ws." + passage() + "2>>">>\
<<if _args[2] == 1>>\
<<if _saff == 1 and _hateunlock>>
<<set _hate = "<b>Unfamiliar</b>">>
<<elseif _hateunlock>>
<<set _hate = "Unfamiliar">>
<<set _hate = "==Unfamiliar==">>
<<if _saff == 2 and _loveunlock>>
<<set _love = "<b>Familiar</b>">>
<<elseif _loveunlock>>
<<set _love = "Familiar">>
<<set _love = "==Familiar==">>
<<elseif _args[2] == 2>>\
<<if _saff == 1 and _hateunlock>>
<<set _hate = "<b>Filthy</b>">>
<<elseif _hateunlock>>
<<set _hate = "Filthy">>
<<set _hate = "==Filthy==">>
<<if _saff == 2 and _loveunlock>>
<<set _love = "<b>Gentlemanly</b>">>
<<elseif _loveunlock>>
<<set _love = "Gentlemanly">>
<<set _love = "==Gentlemanly==">>
<<if $gameends>>\
<<if _args[1] != 1 or _rp>><b>Scene choices:</b> <</if>>\
<<link _hate>>\
<<if _hateunlock>>\
<<set _saff = 1>>\
<<set $scenepicked = true>>\
<<replace ".passage">>\
<<include `passage()`>>\
<</link>> \
<<link _love>>\
<<if _loveunlock>>\
<<set _saff = 2>>\
<<set $scenepicked = true>>\
<<replace ".passage">>\
<<include `passage()`>>\
<<if _args[1] != 1 or _rp>>\
<<elseif _args[0] == "prof">>\
<<if not $gameends and _args[1] == 2>>\
<<print "<<if $prof.request == 3 and $prof.requeststate == 3>><<set _saff = 6>><<if not setup.ws." + passage() + "6 or not $ws." + passage() + "6>><<set setup.ws." + passage() + "6 to true>><<set $ws." + passage() + "6 to true>><<run memorize('ws', setup.ws)>><</if>><<elseif $prof.request == 3 and $prof.requeststate == 1>><<set _saff = 5>><<if not setup.ws." + passage() + "5 or not $ws." + passage() + "5>><<set setup.ws." + passage() + "5 to true>><<set $ws." + passage() + "5 to true>><<run memorize('ws', setup.ws)>><</if>><<elseif $prof.request == 2 and $you.clean >= 24>><<set _saff = 4>><<set $prof.requeststate = 3>><<if not setup.ws." + passage() + "4 or not $ws." + passage() + "4>><<set setup.ws." + passage() + "4 to true>><<set $ws." + passage() + "4 to true>><<run memorize('ws', setup.ws)>><</if>><<elseif $prof.request == 1 and $prof.requeststate == 3>><<set _saff = 3>><<if not setup.ws." + passage() + "3 or not $ws." + passage() + "3>><<set setup.ws." + passage() + "3 to true>><<set $ws." + passage() + "3 to true>><<run memorize('ws', setup.ws)>><</if>><<elseif $prof.request == 2 and $you.clean < 24>><<set _saff = 2>><<if not setup.ws." + passage() + "2 or not $ws." + passage() + "2>><<set setup.ws." + passage() + "2 to true>><<set $ws." + passage() + "2 to true>><<run memorize('ws', setup.ws)>><</if>><<else>><<set _saff = 1>><<if not setup.ws." + passage() + "1 or not $ws." + passage() + "1>><<set setup.ws." + passage() + "1 to true>><<set $ws." + passage() + "1 to true>><<run memorize('ws', setup.ws)>><</if>><</if>>">>\
<<elseif not $gameends and _args[1] == 3>>\
<<print "<<if $prof.request == 3 and $prof.requeststate == 3>><<set _saff = 6>><<if not setup.ws." + passage() + "6 or not $ws." + passage() + "6>><<set setup.ws." + passage() + "6 to true>><<set $ws." + passage() + "6 to true>><<run memorize('ws', setup.ws)>><</if>><<elseif $prof.request == 3 and $prof.requeststate == 1>><<set _saff = 5>><<if not setup.ws." + passage() + "5 or not $ws." + passage() + "5>><<set setup.ws." + passage() + "5 to true>><<set $ws." + passage() + "5 to true>><<run memorize('ws', setup.ws)>><</if>><<elseif $prof.request == 2 and $you.clean >= 24>><<set _saff = 4>><<if not setup.ws." + passage() + "4 or not $ws." + passage() + "4>><<set setup.ws." + passage() + "4 to true>><<set $ws." + passage() + "4 to true>><<run memorize('ws', setup.ws)>><</if>><<elseif $prof.request == 1 and $prof.requeststate == 3>><<set _saff = 3>><<if not setup.ws." + passage() + "3 or not $ws." + passage() + "3>><<set setup.ws." + passage() + "3 to true>><<set $ws." + passage() + "3 to true>><<run memorize('ws', setup.ws)>><</if>><<else>><<set _saff = 1>><<if not setup.ws." + passage() + "1 or not $ws." + passage() + "1>><<set setup.ws." + passage() + "1 to true>><<set $ws." + passage() + "1 to true>><<run memorize('ws', setup.ws)>><</if>><</if>>">>\
<<elseif not $gameends and _args[1] == 4>>\
<<print "<<if _saff == 1 and not setup.ws." + passage() + "1 or not $ws." + passage() + "1>><<set setup.ws." + passage() + "1 = true>><<set $ws." + passage() + "1 = true>><<run memorize('ws', setup.ws)>><<elseif not setup.ws." + passage() + "2 or not $ws." + passage() + "2>><<set setup.ws." + passage() + "2 = true>><<set $ws." + passage() + "2 = true>><<run memorize('ws', setup.ws)>><</if>>">>\
<<print "<<set _obeyunlock1 to setup.ws." + passage() + "1>>">>\
<<print "<<set _obeyunlock3 to setup.ws." + passage() + "5>>">>\
<<print "<<set _disobeyunlock1 to setup.ws." + passage() + "3>>">>\
<<print "<<set _disobeyunlock2 to setup.ws." + passage() + "4>>">>\
<<print "<<set _disobeyunlock3 to setup.ws." + passage() + "6>>">>\
<<if _args[1] == 2 or _args[1] == 4>>\
<<print "<<set _obeyunlock2 to setup.ws." + passage() + "2>>">>\
<<if _args[1] == 4>>
<<if _saff == 1 and _obeyunlock1>>
<<set _obey1 = "<b>Type 1</b>">>
<<elseif _obeyunlock1>>
<<set _obey1 = "Type 1">>
<<set _obey1 = "==Type 1==">>
<<if _saff == 2 and _obeyunlock2>>
<<set _obey2 = "<b>Type 2</b>">>
<<elseif _obeyunlock2>>
<<set _obey2 = "Type 2">>
<<set _obey2 = "==Type 2==">>
<<elseif _args[1] == 2>>
<<if _saff == 1 and _obeyunlock1>>
<<set _obey1 = "<b>Obey cum witholding</b>">>
<<elseif _obeyunlock1>>
<<set _obey1 = "Obey cum witholding">>
<<set _obey1 = "==Obey cum witholding==">>
<<if _saff == 2 and _obeyunlock2>>
<<set _obey2 = "<b>Obey showering</b>">>
<<elseif _obeyunlock2>>
<<set _obey2 = "Obey showering">>
<<set _obey2 = "==Obey showering==">>
<<if _saff == 5 and _obeyunlock3>>
<<set _obey3 = "<b>Obey buttplug</b>">>
<<elseif _obeyunlock3>>
<<set _obey3 = "Obey buttplug">>
<<set _obey3 = "==Obey buttplug==">>
<<if _saff == 1 and _obeyunlock1>>
<<set _obey1 = "<b>Obey</b>">>
<<elseif _obeyunlock1>>
<<set _obey1 = "Obey">>
<<set _obey1 = "==Obey==">>
<<if _saff == 3 and _disobeyunlock1>>
<<set _disobey1 = "<b>Disobey cum witholding</b>">>
<<elseif _disobeyunlock1>>
<<set _disobey1 = "Disobey cum witholding">>
<<set _disobey1 = "==Disobey cum witholding==">>
<<if _saff == 4 and _disobeyunlock2>>
<<set _disobey2 = "<b>Disobey showering</b>">>
<<elseif _disobeyunlock2>>
<<set _disobey2 = "Disobey showering">>
<<set _disobey2 = "==Disobey showering==">>
<<if _saff == 6 and _disobeyunlock3>>
<<set _disobey3 = "<b>Disobey buttplug</b>">>
<<elseif _disobeyunlock3>>
<<set _disobey3 = "Disobey buttplug">>
<<set _disobey3 = "==Disobey buttplug==">>
<<if $gameends>>\
<<if _args[1] != 1>><b>Scene choices:</b> <</if>>\
<<link _obey1>>\
<<if _obeyunlock1>>\
<<set _saff = 1>>\
<<set $scenepicked = true>>\
<<replace ".passage">>\
<<include `passage()`>>\
<</link>> \
<<if _args[1] == 2 or _args[1] == 4>>\
<<link _obey2>>\
<<if _obeyunlock2>>\
<<set _saff = 2>>\
<<set $scenepicked = true>>\
<<replace ".passage">>\
<<include `passage()`>>\
<</link>> \
<<if _args[1] == 2>>\
<<link _obey3>>\
<<if _obeyunlock3>>\
<<set _saff = 5>>\
<<set $scenepicked = true>>\
<<replace ".passage">>\
<<include `passage()`>>\
<</link>> \
<<if _args[1] == 2 or _args[1] == 3>>\
<<link _disobey1>>\
<<if _disobeyunlock1>>\
<<set _saff = 3>>\
<<set $scenepicked = true>>\
<<replace ".passage">>\
<<include `passage()`>>\
<<link _disobey2>>\
<<if _disobeyunlock2>>\
<<set _saff = 4>>\
<<set $scenepicked = true>>\
<<replace ".passage">>\
<<include `passage()`>>\
<</link>> \
<<link _disobey3>>\
<<if _disobeyunlock3>>\
<<set _saff = 6>>\
<<set $scenepicked = true>>\
<<replace ".passage">>\
<<include `passage()`>>\
<<elseif _args[0] == "mec">>\
<<if _args[1] == 2>>\
<<print "<<if not $gameends and $" + _args[0] + ".aff <= -4>><<set _saff = 1>><<if not setup.ws." + passage() + "1 or not $ws." + passage() + "1>><<set setup.ws." + passage() + "1 = true>><<set $ws." + passage() + "1 = true>><<run memorize('ws', setup.ws)>><</if>><<elseif not $gameends>><<set _saff = 2>><<if not setup.ws." + passage() + "2 or not $ws." + passage() + "2>><<set setup.ws." + passage() + "2 = true>><<set $ws." + passage() + "2 = true>><<run memorize('ws', setup.ws)>><</if>><</if>>">>\
<<print "<<set _hateunlock to setup.ws." + passage() + "1>>">>\
<<print "<<set _loveunlock to setup.ws." + passage() + "2>>">>\
<<if _saff == 1 and _hateunlock>>
<<set _hate = "<b>Hatefuck</b>">>
<<elseif _hateunlock>>
<<set _hate = "Hatefuck">>
<<set _hate = "==Hatefuck==">>
<<if _saff == 2 and _loveunlock>>
<<set _love = "<b>Normal</b>">>
<<elseif _loveunlock>>
<<set _love = "Normal">>
<<set _love = "==Normal==">>
<<if $gameends>>\
<<if _args[1] != 1>><b>Scene choices:</b> <</if>>\
<<link _hate>>\
<<if _hateunlock>>\
<<set _saff = 1>>\
<<set $scenepicked = true>>\
<<replace ".passage">>\
<<include `passage()`>>\
<</link>> \
<<link _love>>\
<<if _loveunlock>>\
<<set _saff = 2>>\
<<set $scenepicked = true>>\
<<replace ".passage">>\
<<include `passage()`>>\
<<if _args[1] != 1>>\
<<widget "galleryupdate">><<silently>>
<<if $ws.Dadteasebedroom3 or setup.ws.Dadteasebedroom3>>
<<set setup.ws.Dadteasebedroom3 to true>>
<<set $ws.Dadteasebedroom3 to true>>
<<if $ws.Dadteasebedroom2 or setup.ws.Dadteasebedroom2>>
<<set setup.ws.Dadteasebedroom2 to true>>
<<set $ws.Dadteasebedroom3 to true>>
<<if $ws.Dadteaselivingroom or setup.ws.Dadteaselivingroom>>
<<set setup.ws.Dadteaselivingroom to true>>
<<set $ws.Dadteaselivingroom to true>>
<<if $ws.Dadteasekitchen or setup.ws.Dadteasekitchen>>
<<set setup.ws.Dadteasekitchen to true>>
<<set $ws.Dadteasekitchen to true>>
<<if $ws.Dadteasebathroom or setup.ws.Dadteasebathroom>>
<<set setup.ws.Dadteasebathroom to true>>
<<set $ws.Dadteasebathroom to true>>
<<if $ws.Dadcrotchlivingroom1 or setup.ws.Dadcrotchlivingroom1>>
<<set setup.ws.Dadcrotchlivingroom1 to true>>
<<set $ws.Dadcrotchlivingroom1 to true>>
<<if $ws.Dadcrotchlivingroom2 or setup.ws.Dadcrotchlivingroom2>>
<<set setup.ws.Dadcrotchlivingroom2 to true>>
<<set $ws.Dadcrotchlivingroom2 to true>>
<<if $ws.Dadcrotchlivingroom3 or setup.ws.Dadcrotchlivingroom3>>
<<set setup.ws.Dadcrotchlivingroom3 to true>>
<<set $ws.Dadcrotchlivingroom3 to true>>
<<if $ws.Dadcrotchlivingroom4 or setup.ws.Dadcrotchlivingroom4>>
<<set setup.ws.Dadcrotchlivingroom4 to true>>
<<set $ws.Dadcrotchlivingroom4 to true>>
<<if $ws.Dadcrotchbedroom4 or setup.ws.Dadcrotchbedroom4>>
<<set setup.ws.Dadcrotchbedroom4 to true>>
<<set $ws.Dadcrotchbedroom4 to true>>
<<if $ws.Dadcrotchbedroom3 or setup.ws.Dadcrotchbedroom3>>
<<set setup.ws.Dadcrotchbedroom3 to true>>
<<set $ws.Dadcrotchbedroom3 to true>>
<<if $ws.Dadcrotchbedroom2 or setup.ws.Dadcrotchbedroom2>>
<<set setup.ws.Dadcrotchbedroom2 to true>>
<<set $ws.Dadcrotchbedroom2 to true>>
<<if $ws.Dadcrotchbedroom1 or setup.ws.Dadcrotchbedroom1>>
<<set setup.ws.Dadcrotchbedroom1 to true>>
<<set $ws.Dadcrotchbedroom1 to true>>
<<if $ws.Dadcrotchkitchen3 or setup.ws.Dadcrotchkitchen3>>
<<set setup.ws.Dadcrotchkitchen3 to true>>
<<set $ws.Dadcrotchkitchen3 to true>>
<<if $ws.Dadcrotchkitchen2 or setup.ws.Dadcrotchkitchen2>>
<<set setup.ws.Dadcrotchkitchen2 to true>>
<<set $ws.Dadcrotchkitchen2 to true>>
<<if $ws.Dadhjintro25 or setup.ws.Dadhjintro25>>
<<set setup.ws.Dadhjintro25 to true>>
<<set $ws.Dadhjintro25 to true>>
<<if $ws.Dadhjintro24 or setup.ws.Dadhjintro24>>
<<set setup.ws.Dadhjintro24 to true>>
<<set $ws.Dadhjintro24 to true>>
<<if $ws.Dadhjintro22 or setup.ws.Dadhjintro22>>
<<set setup.ws.Dadhjintro22 to true>>
<<set $ws.Dadhjintro22 to true>>
<<if $ws.Dadhjintro21 or setup.ws.Dadhjintro21>>
<<set setup.ws.Dadhjintro21 to true>>
<<set $ws.Dadhjintro21 to true>>
<<if $ws.Dadhj14 or setup.ws.Dadhj14>>
<<set setup.ws.Dadhj14 to true>>
<<set $ws.Dadhj14 to true>>
<<if $ws.Dadhj13 or setup.ws.Dadhj13>>
<<set setup.ws.Dadhj13 to true>>
<<set $ws.Dadhj13 to true>>
<<if $ws.Dadhj12 or setup.ws.Dadhj12>>
<<set setup.ws.Dadhj12 to true>>
<<set $ws.Dadhj12 to true>>
<<if $ws.Dadhj11 or setup.ws.Dadhj11>>
<<set setup.ws.Dadhj11 to true>>
<<set $ws.Dadhj11 to true>>
<<if $ws.Dadbjintro14 or setup.ws.Dadbjintro14>>
<<set setup.ws.Dadbjintro14 to true>>
<<set $ws.Dadbjintro14 to true>>
<<if $ws.Dadbjintro13 or setup.ws.Dadbjintro13>>
<<set setup.ws.Dadbjintro13 to true>>
<<set $ws.Dadbjintro13 to true>>
<<if $ws.Dadbjintro12 or setup.ws.Dadbjintro12>>
<<set setup.ws.Dadbjintro12 to true>>
<<set $ws.Dadbjintro12 to true>>
<<if $ws.Dadbjintro11 or setup.ws.Dadbjintro11>>
<<set setup.ws.Dadbjintro11 to true>>
<<set $ws.Dadbjintro11 to true>>
<<if $ws.Dadbj15 or setup.ws.Dadbj15>>
<<set setup.ws.Dadbj15 to true>>
<<set $ws.Dadbj15 to true>>
<<if $ws.Dadbj14 or setup.ws.Dadbj14>>
<<set setup.ws.Dadbj14 to true>>
<<set $ws.Dadbj14 to true>>
<<if $ws.Dadbj13 or setup.ws.Dadbj13>>
<<set setup.ws.Dadbj13 to true>>
<<set $ws.Dadbj13 to true>>
<<if $ws.Dadbj12 or setup.ws.Dadbj12>>
<<set setup.ws.Dadbj12 to true>>
<<set $ws.Dadbj12 to true>>
<<if $ws.Dadbj11 or setup.ws.Dadbj11>>
<<set setup.ws.Dadbj11 to true>>
<<set $ws.Dadbj11 to true>>
<<if $ws.Dadbathroombj14 or setup.ws.Dadbathroombj14>>
<<set setup.ws.Dadbathroombj14 to true>>
<<set $ws.Dadbathroombj14 to true>>
<<if $ws.Dadbathroombj13 or setup.ws.Dadbathroombj13>>
<<set setup.ws.Dadbathroombj13 to true>>
<<set $ws.Dadbathroombj13 to true>>
<<if $ws.Dadbathroombj12 or setup.ws.Dadbathroombj12>>
<<set setup.ws.Dadbathroombj12 to true>>
<<set $ws.Dadbathroombj12 to true>>
<<if $ws.Dadbathroombj11 or setup.ws.Dadbathroombj11>>
<<set setup.ws.Dadbathroombj11 to true>>
<<set $ws.Dadbathroombj11 to true>>
<<if $ws.Dadfondle or setup.ws.Dadfondle>>
<<set setup.ws.Dadfondle to true>>
<<set $ws.Dadfondle to true>>
<<if $ws.Dadfuckintro14 or setup.ws.Dadfuckintro14>>
<<set setup.ws.Dadfuckintro14 to true>>
<<set $ws.Dadfuckintro14 to true>>
<<if $ws.Dadfuckintro13 or setup.ws.Dadfuckintro13>>
<<set setup.ws.Dadfuckintro13 to true>>
<<set $ws.Dadfuckintro13 to true>>
<<if $ws.Dadfuckintro12 or setup.ws.Dadfuckintro12>>
<<set setup.ws.Dadfuckintro12 to true>>
<<set $ws.Dadfuckintro12 to true>>
<<if $ws.Dadfuckintro11 or setup.ws.Dadfuckintro11>>
<<set setup.ws.Dadfuckintro11 to true>>
<<set $ws.Dadfuckintro11 to true>>
<<if $ws.Dadfuckintro24 or setup.ws.Dadfuckintro24>>
<<set setup.ws.Dadfuckintro24 to true>>
<<set $ws.Dadfuckintro24 to true>>
<<if $ws.Dadfuckintro23 or setup.ws.Dadfuckintro23>>
<<set setup.ws.Dadfuckintro23 to true>>
<<set $ws.Dadfuckintro23 to true>>
<<if $ws.Dadfuckintro22 or setup.ws.Dadfuckintro22>>
<<set setup.ws.Dadfuckintro22 to true>>
<<set $ws.Dadfuckintro22 to true>>
<<if $ws.Dadfuckintro21 or setup.ws.Dadfuckintro21>>
<<set setup.ws.Dadfuckintro21 to true>>
<<set $ws.Dadfuckintro21 to true>>
<<if $ws.Dadfuck15 or setup.ws.Dadfuck15>>
<<set setup.ws.Dadfuck15 to true>>
<<set $ws.Dadfuck15 to true>>
<<if $ws.Dadfuck14 or setup.ws.Dadfuck14>>
<<set setup.ws.Dadfuck14 to true>>
<<set $ws.Dadfuck14 to true>>
<<if $ws.Dadfuck13 or setup.ws.Dadfuck13>>
<<set setup.ws.Dadfuck13 to true>>
<<set $ws.Dadfuck13 to true>>
<<if $ws.Dadfuck12 or setup.ws.Dadfuck12>>
<<set setup.ws.Dadfuck12 to true>>
<<set $ws.Dadfuck12 to true>>
<<if $ws.Dadfuck11 or setup.ws.Dadfuck11>>
<<set setup.ws.Dadfuck11 to true>>
<<set $ws.Dadfuck11 to true>>
<<if $ws.Dadofficefuck1 or setup.ws.Dadofficefuck1>>
<<set setup.ws.Dadofficefuck1 to true>>
<<set $ws.Dadofficefuck1 to true>>
<<if $ws.Dadofficefuck2 or setup.ws.Dadofficefuck2>>
<<set setup.ws.Dadofficefuck2 to true>>
<<set $ws.Dadofficefuck2 to true>>
<<if $ws.Dadofficefuck3 or setup.ws.Dadofficefuck3>>
<<set setup.ws.Dadofficefuck3 to true>>
<<set $ws.Dadofficefuck3 to true>>
<<if $ws.Dadofficefuck4 or setup.ws.Dadofficefuck4>>
<<set setup.ws.Dadofficefuck4 to true>>
<<set $ws.Dadofficefuck4 to true>>
<<if $ws.Dadsleepfuck or setup.ws.Dadsleepfuck>>
<<set setup.ws.Dadsleepfuck to true>>
<<set $ws.Dadsleepfuck to true>>
<<if $ws.Dadcrotchgym1 or setup.ws.Dadcrotchgym1>>
<<set setup.ws.Dadcrotchgym1 to true>>
<<set $ws.Dadcrotchgym1 to true>>
<<if $ws.Dadcrotchgym2 or setup.ws.Dadcrotchgym2>>
<<set setup.ws.Dadcrotchgym2 to true>>
<<set $ws.Dadcrotchgym2 to true>>
<<if $ws.Dadcrotchgym3 or setup.ws.Dadcrotchgym3>>
<<set setup.ws.Dadcrotchgym3 to true>>
<<set $ws.Dadcrotchgym3 to true>>
<<if $ws.Dadcrotchgym4 or setup.ws.Dadcrotchgym4>>
<<set setup.ws.Dadcrotchgym4 to true>>
<<set $ws.Dadcrotchgym4 to true>>
<<if $ws.Dadgymbj11 or setup.ws.Dadgymbj11>>
<<set setup.ws.Dadgymbj11 to true>>
<<set $ws.Dadgymbj11 to true>>
<<if $ws.Dadgymbj12 or setup.ws.Dadgymbj12>>
<<set setup.ws.Dadgymbj12 to true>>
<<set $ws.Dadgymbj12 to true>>
<<if $ws.Dadgymbj13 or setup.ws.Dadgymbj13>>
<<set setup.ws.Dadgymbj13 to true>>
<<set $ws.Dadgymbj13 to true>>
<<if $ws.Dadgymbj14 or setup.ws.Dadgymbj14>>
<<set setup.ws.Dadgymbj14 to true>>
<<set $ws.Dadgymbj14 to true>>
<<if $ws.Dadofficebj111 or setup.ws.Dadofficebj111>>
<<set setup.ws.Dadofficebj111 to true>>
<<set $ws.Dadofficebj111 to true>>
<<if $ws.Dadofficebj112 or setup.ws.Dadofficebj112>>
<<set setup.ws.Dadofficebj112 to true>>
<<set $ws.Dadofficebj112 to true>>
<<if $ws.Dadofficebj113 or setup.ws.Dadofficebj113>>
<<set setup.ws.Dadofficebj113 to true>>
<<set $ws.Dadofficebj113 to true>>
<<if $ws.Dadofficebj114 or setup.ws.Dadofficebj114>>
<<set setup.ws.Dadofficebj114 to true>>
<<set $ws.Dadofficebj114 to true>>
<<if $ws.Dadgoodend1 or setup.ws.Dadgoodend1>>
<<set setup.ws.Dadgoodend1 to true>>
<<set $ws.Dadgoodend1 to true>>
<<if $ws.Dadgoodend2 or setup.ws.Dadgoodend2>>
<<set setup.ws.Dadgoodend2 to true>>
<<set $ws.Dadgoodend2 to true>>
<<if $ws.Dadjeabadends2 or setup.ws.Dadjeabadends2>>
<<set setup.ws.Dadjeabadends2 to true>>
<<set $ws.Dadjeabadends2 to true>>
<<if $ws.Dadjeabadends3 or setup.ws.Dadjeabadends3>>
<<set setup.ws.Dadjeabadends3 to true>>
<<set $ws.Dadjeabadends3 to true>>
<<if $ws.Dadbadends1 or setup.ws.Dadbadends1>>
<<set setup.ws.Dadbadends1 to true>>
<<set $ws.Dadbadends1 to true>>
<<if $ws.Dadbadends2 or setup.ws.Dadbadends2>>
<<set setup.ws.Dadbadends2 to true>>
<<set $ws.Dadbadends2 to true>>
<<if $ws.Dadbadends3 or setup.ws.Dadbadends3>>
<<set setup.ws.Dadbadends3 to true>>
<<set $ws.Dadbadends3 to true>>
<<if $ws.Dadbadends4 or setup.ws.Dadbadends4>>
<<set setup.ws.Dadbadends4 to true>>
<<set $ws.Dadbadends4 to true>>
<<if $ws.Dadbadends5 or setup.ws.Dadbadends5>>
<<set setup.ws.Dadbadends5 to true>>
<<set $ws.Dadbadends5 to true>>
<<if $ws.Dadbadends6 or setup.ws.Dadbadends6>>
<<set setup.ws.Dadbadends6 to true>>
<<set $ws.Dadbadends6 to true>>
<<if $ws.Broteasebedroom1 or setup.ws.Broteasebedroom1>>
<<set setup.ws.Broteasebedroom1 to true>>
<<set $ws.Broteasebedroom1 to true>>
<<if $ws.Broteasebedroom2 or setup.ws.Broteasebedroom2>>
<<set setup.ws.Broteasebedroom2 to true>>
<<set $ws.Broteasebedroom2 to true>>
<<if $ws.Broteasebedroom3 or setup.ws.Broteasebedroom3>>
<<set setup.ws.Broteasebedroom3 to true>>
<<set $ws.Broteasebedroom3 to true>>
<<if $ws.Broteasebedroom4 or setup.ws.Broteasebedroom4>>
<<set setup.ws.Broteasebedroom4 to true>>
<<set $ws.Broteasebedroom4 to true>>
<<if $ws.Broteasebathroom1 or setup.ws.Broteasebathroom1>>
<<set setup.ws.Broteasebathroom1 to true>>
<<set $ws.Broteasebathroom1 to true>>
<<if $ws.Broteasebathroom2 or setup.ws.Broteasebathroom2>>
<<set setup.ws.Broteasebathroom2 to true>>
<<set $ws.Broteasebathroom2 to true>>
<<if $ws.Broteasebathroom3 or setup.ws.Broteasebathroom3>>
<<set setup.ws.Broteasebathroom3 to true>>
<<set $ws.Broteasebathroom3 to true>>
<<if $ws.Broteasebathroom4 or setup.ws.Broteasebathroom4>>
<<set setup.ws.Broteasebathroom4 to true>>
<<set $ws.Broteasebathroom4 to true>>
<<if $ws.Broteasekitchen1 or setup.ws.Broteasekitchen1>>
<<set setup.ws.Broteasekitchen1 to true>>
<<set $ws.Broteasekitchen1 to true>>
<<if $ws.Broteasekitchen2 or setup.ws.Broteasekitchen2>>
<<set setup.ws.Broteasekitchen2 to true>>
<<set $ws.Broteasekitchen2 to true>>
<<if $ws.Broteasekitchen3 or setup.ws.Broteasekitchen3>>
<<set setup.ws.Broteasekitchen3 to true>>
<<set $ws.Broteasekitchen3 to true>>
<<if $ws.Broteasekitchen4 or setup.ws.Broteasekitchen4>>
<<set setup.ws.Broteasekitchen4 to true>>
<<set $ws.Broteasekitchen4 to true>>
<<if $ws.Broteaselivingroom1 or setup.ws.Broteaselivingroom1>>
<<set setup.ws.Broteaselivingroom1 to true>>
<<set $ws.Broteaselivingroom1 to true>>
<<if $ws.Broteaselivingroom2 or setup.ws.Broteaselivingroom2>>
<<set setup.ws.Broteaselivingroom2 to true>>
<<set $ws.Broteaselivingroom2 to true>>
<<if $ws.Broteaselivingroom3 or setup.ws.Broteaselivingroom3>>
<<set setup.ws.Broteaselivingroom3 to true>>
<<set $ws.Broteaselivingroom3 to true>>
<<if $ws.Broteaselivingroom4 or setup.ws.Broteaselivingroom4>>
<<set setup.ws.Broteaselivingroom4 to true>>
<<set $ws.Broteaselivingroom4 to true>>
<<if $ws.Brocrotchlivingroom1 or setup.ws.Brocrotchlivingroom1>>
<<set setup.ws.Brocrotchlivingroom1 to true>>
<<set $ws.Brocrotchlivingroom1 to true>>
<<if $ws.Brocrotchlivingroom2 or setup.ws.Brocrotchlivingroom2>>
<<set setup.ws.Brocrotchlivingroom2 to true>>
<<set $ws.Brocrotchlivingroom2 to true>>
<<if $ws.Brocrotchlivingroom3 or setup.ws.Brocrotchlivingroom3>>
<<set setup.ws.Brocrotchlivingroom3 to true>>
<<set $ws.Brocrotchlivingroom3 to true>>
<<if $ws.Brocrotchlivingroom4 or setup.ws.Brocrotchlivingroom4>>
<<set setup.ws.Brocrotchlivingroom4 to true>>
<<set $ws.Brocrotchlivingroom4 to true>>
<<if $ws.Brocrotchbedroom1 or setup.ws.Brocrotchbedroom1>>
<<set setup.ws.Brocrotchbedroom1 to true>>
<<set $ws.Brocrotchbedroom1 to true>>
<<if $ws.Brocrotchbedroom2 or setup.ws.Brocrotchbedroom2>>
<<set setup.ws.Brocrotchbedroom2 to true>>
<<set $ws.Brocrotchbedroom2 to true>>
<<if $ws.Brocrotchbedroom3 or setup.ws.Brocrotchbedroom3>>
<<set setup.ws.Brocrotchbedroom3 to true>>
<<set $ws.Brocrotchbedroom3 to true>>
<<if $ws.Brocrotchbedroom4 or setup.ws.Brocrotchbedroom4>>
<<set setup.ws.Brocrotchbedroom4 to true>>
<<set $ws.Brocrotchbedroom4 to true>>
<<if $ws.Brocrotchkitchen1 or setup.ws.Brocrotchkitchen1>>
<<set setup.ws.Brocrotchkitchen1 to true>>
<<set $ws.Brocrotchkitchen1 to true>>
<<if $ws.Brocrotchkitchen2 or setup.ws.Brocrotchkitchen2>>
<<set setup.ws.Brocrotchkitchen2 to true>>
<<set $ws.Brocrotchkitchen2 to true>>
<<if $ws.Brocrotchkitchen3 or setup.ws.Brocrotchkitchen3>>
<<set setup.ws.Brocrotchkitchen3 to true>>
<<set $ws.Brocrotchkitchen3 to true>>
<<if $ws.Brocrotchkitchen4 or setup.ws.Brocrotchkitchen4>>
<<set setup.ws.Brocrotchkitchen4 to true>>
<<set $ws.Brocrotchkitchen4 to true>>
<<if $ws.Brohjintro15 or setup.ws.Brohjintro5>>
<<set setup.ws.Brohjintro15 to true>>
<<set $ws.Brohjintro15 to true>>
<<if $ws.Brohjintro21 or setup.ws.Brohjintro21>>
<<set setup.ws.Brohjintro21 to true>>
<<set $ws.Brohjintro21 to true>>
<<if $ws.Brohjintro22 or setup.ws.Brohjintro22>>
<<set setup.ws.Brohjintro22 to true>>
<<set $ws.Brohjintro22 to true>>
<<if $ws.Brohjintro23 or setup.ws.Brohjintro23>>
<<set setup.ws.Brohjintro23 to true>>
<<set $ws.Brohjintro23 to true>>
<<if $ws.Brohjintro24 or setup.ws.Brohjintro24>>
<<set setup.ws.Brohjintro24 to true>>
<<set $ws.Brohjintro24 to true>>
<<if $ws.Brohj11 or setup.ws.Brohj11>>
<<set setup.ws.Brohj11 to true>>
<<set $ws.Brohj11 to true>>
<<if $ws.Brohj12 or setup.ws.Brohj12>>
<<set setup.ws.Brohj12 to true>>
<<set $ws.Brohj12 to true>>
<<if $ws.Brohj13 or setup.ws.Brohj13>>
<<set setup.ws.Brohj13 to true>>
<<set $ws.Brohj13 to true>>
<<if $ws.Brohj14 or setup.ws.Brohj14>>
<<set setup.ws.Brohj14 to true>>
<<set $ws.Brohj14 to true>>
<<if $ws.Brohj15 or setup.ws.Brohj15>>
<<set setup.ws.Brohj15 to true>>
<<set $ws.Brohj15 to true>>
<<if $ws.Brobjintro11 or setup.ws.Brobjintro11>>
<<set setup.ws.Brobjintro11 to true>>
<<set $ws.Brobjintro11 to true>>
<<if $ws.Brobjintro12 or setup.ws.Brobjintro12>>
<<set setup.ws.Brobjintro12 to true>>
<<set $ws.Brobjintro12 to true>>
<<if $ws.Brobjintro13 or setup.ws.Brobjintro13>>
<<set setup.ws.Brobjintro13 to true>>
<<set $ws.Brobjintro13 to true>>
<<if $ws.Brobjintro14 or setup.ws.Brobjintro14>>
<<set setup.ws.Brobjintro14 to true>>
<<set $ws.Brobjintro14 to true>>
<<if $ws.Brobj11 or setup.ws.Brobj11>>
<<set setup.ws.Brobj11 to true>>
<<set $ws.Brobj11 to true>>
<<if $ws.Brobj12 or setup.ws.Brobj12>>
<<set setup.ws.Brobj12 to true>>
<<set $ws.Brobj12 to true>>
<<if $ws.Brobj13 or setup.ws.Brobj13>>
<<set setup.ws.Brobj13 to true>>
<<set $ws.Brobj13 to true>>
<<if $ws.Brobj14 or setup.ws.Brobj14>>
<<set setup.ws.Brobj14 to true>>
<<set $ws.Brobj14 to true>>
<<if $ws.Brobj15 or setup.ws.Brobj15>>
<<set setup.ws.Brobj15 to true>>
<<set $ws.Brobj15 to true>>
<<if $ws.Brobathroombj11 or setup.ws.Brobathroombj11>>
<<set setup.ws.Brobathroombj11 to true>>
<<set $ws.Brobathroombj11 to true>>
<<if $ws.Brobathroombj12 or setup.ws.Brobathroombj12>>
<<set setup.ws.Brobathroombj12 to true>>
<<set $ws.Brobathroombj12 to true>>
<<if $ws.Brobathroombj13 or setup.ws.Brobathroombj13>>
<<set setup.ws.Brobathroombj13 to true>>
<<set $ws.Brobathroombj13 to true>>
<<if $ws.Brobathroombj14 or setup.ws.Brobathroombj14>>
<<set setup.ws.Brobathroombj14 to true>>
<<set $ws.Brobathroombj14 to true>>
<<if $ws.Brofondle4 or setup.ws.Brofondle4>>
<<set setup.ws.Brofondle4 to true>>
<<set $ws.Brofondle4 to true>>
<<if $ws.Brofondle2 or setup.ws.Brofondle2>>
<<set setup.ws.Brofondle2 to true>>
<<set $ws.Brofondle2 to true>>
<<if $ws.Brobjffr1 or setup.ws.Brobjffr1>>
<<set setup.ws.Brobjffr1 to true>>
<<set $ws.Brobjffr1 to true>>
<<if $ws.Brobjffr2 or setup.ws.Brobjffr2>>
<<set setup.ws.Brobjffr2 to true>>
<<set $ws.Brobjffr2 to true>>
<<if $ws.Brobjffr3 or setup.ws.Brobjffr3>>
<<set setup.ws.Brobjffr3 to true>>
<<set $ws.Brobjffr3 to true>>
<<if $ws.Brobjffr4 or setup.ws.Brobjffr4>>
<<set setup.ws.Brobjffr4 to true>>
<<set $ws.Brobjffr4 to true>>
<<if $ws.Brofuckffr1 or setup.ws.Brofuckffr1>>
<<set setup.ws.Brofuckffr1 to true>>
<<set $ws.Brofuckffr1 to true>>
<<if $ws.Brofuckffr2 or setup.ws.Brofuckffr2>>
<<set setup.ws.Brofuckffr2 to true>>
<<set $ws.Brofuckffr2 to true>>
<<if $ws.Brofuckffr3 or setup.ws.Brofuckffr3>>
<<set setup.ws.Brofuckffr3 to true>>
<<set $ws.Brofuckffr3 to true>>
<<if $ws.Brofuckffr4 or setup.ws.Brofuckffr4>>
<<set setup.ws.Brofuckffr4 to true>>
<<set $ws.Brofuckffr4 to true>>
<<if $ws.Brogymfuck1 or setup.ws.Brogymfuck1>>
<<set setup.ws.Brogymfuck1 to true>>
<<set $ws.Brogymfuck1 to true>>
<<if $ws.Brogymfuck2 or setup.ws.Brogymfuck2>>
<<set setup.ws.Brogymfuck2 to true>>
<<set $ws.Brogymfuck2 to true>>
<<if $ws.Brogymfuck3 or setup.ws.Brogymfuck3>>
<<set setup.ws.Brogymfuck3 to true>>
<<set $ws.Brogymfuck3 to true>>
<<if $ws.Brogymfuck4 or setup.ws.Brogymfuck4>>
<<set setup.ws.Brogymfuck4 to true>>
<<set $ws.Brogymfuck4 to true>>
<<if $ws.Brofuckintro11 or setup.ws.Brofuckintro11>>
<<set setup.ws.Brofuckintro11 to true>>
<<set $ws.Brofuckintro11 to true>>
<<if $ws.Brofuckintro12 or setup.ws.Brofuckintro12>>
<<set setup.ws.Brofuckintro12 to true>>
<<set $ws.Brofuckintro12 to true>>
<<if $ws.Brofuckintro13 or setup.ws.Brofuckintro13>>
<<set setup.ws.Brofuckintro13 to true>>
<<set $ws.Brofuckintro13 to true>>
<<if $ws.Brofuckintro14 or setup.ws.Brofuckintro14>>
<<set setup.ws.Brofuckintro14 to true>>
<<set $ws.Brofuckintro14 to true>>
<<if $ws.Brofuck11 or setup.ws.Brofuck11>>
<<set setup.ws.Brofuck11 to true>>
<<set $ws.Brofuck11 to true>>
<<if $ws.Brofuck12 or setup.ws.Brofuck12>>
<<set setup.ws.Brofuck12 to true>>
<<set $ws.Brofuck12 to true>>
<<if $ws.Brofuck13 or setup.ws.Brofuck13>>
<<set setup.ws.Brofuck13 to true>>
<<set $ws.Brofuck13 to true>>
<<if $ws.Brofuck14 or setup.ws.Brofuck14>>
<<set setup.ws.Brofuck14 to true>>
<<set $ws.Brofuck14 to true>>
<<if $ws.Brofuck15 or setup.ws.Brofuck15>>
<<set setup.ws.Brofuck15 to true>>
<<set $ws.Brofuck15 to true>>
<<if $ws.Brosleepfuck or setup.ws.Brosleepfuck>>
<<set setup.ws.Brosleepfuck to true>>
<<set $ws.Brosleepfuck to true>>
<<if $ws.Brocrotchgym1 or setup.ws.Brocrotchgym1>>
<<set setup.ws.Brocrotchgym1 to true>>
<<set $ws.Brocrotchgym1 to true>>
<<if $ws.Brocrotchgym2 or setup.ws.Brocrotchgym2>>
<<set setup.ws.Brocrotchgym2 to true>>
<<set $ws.Brocrotchgym2 to true>>
<<if $ws.Brocrotchgym3 or setup.ws.Brocrotchgym3>>
<<set setup.ws.Brocrotchgym3 to true>>
<<set $ws.Brocrotchgym3 to true>>
<<if $ws.Brocrotchgym4 or setup.ws.Brocrotchgym4>>
<<set setup.ws.Brocrotchgym4 to true>>
<<set $ws.Brocrotchgym4 to true>>
<<if $ws.Brogymbj11 or setup.ws.Brogymbj11>>
<<set setup.ws.Brogymbj11 to true>>
<<set $ws.Brogymbj11 to true>>
<<if $ws.Brogymbj12 or setup.ws.Brogymbj12>>
<<set setup.ws.Brogymbj12 to true>>
<<set $ws.Brogymbj12 to true>>
<<if $ws.Brogymbj13 or setup.ws.Brogymbj13>>
<<set setup.ws.Brogymbj13 to true>>
<<set $ws.Brogymbj13 to true>>
<<if $ws.Brogymbj14 or setup.ws.Brogymbj14>>
<<set setup.ws.Brogymbj14 to true>>
<<set $ws.Brogymbj14 to true>>
<<if $ws.Brogoodend1 or setup.ws.Brogoodend1>>
<<set setup.ws.Brogoodend1 to true>>
<<set $ws.Brogoodend1 to true>>
<<if $ws.Brogoodend2 or setup.ws.Brogoodend2>>
<<set setup.ws.Brogoodend2 to true>>
<<set $ws.Brogoodend2 to true>>
<<if $ws.Brojeabadends1 or setup.ws.Brojeabadends1>>
<<set setup.ws.Brojeabadends1 to true>>
<<set $ws.Brojeabadends1 to true>>
<<if $ws.Brojeabadends2 or setup.ws.Brojeabadends2>>
<<set setup.ws.Brojeabadends2 to true>>
<<set $ws.Brojeabadends2 to true>>
<<if $ws.Brobadends1 or setup.ws.Brobadends1>>
<<set setup.ws.Brobadends1 to true>>
<<set $ws.Brobadends1 to true>>
<<if $ws.Brobadends2 or setup.ws.Brobadends2>>
<<set setup.ws.Brobadends2 to true>>
<<set $ws.Brobadends2 to true>>
<<if $ws.Brobadends3 or setup.ws.Brobadends3>>
<<set setup.ws.Brobadends3 to true>>
<<set $ws.Brobadends3 to true>>
<<if $ws.Brobadends4 or setup.ws.Brobadends4>>
<<set setup.ws.Brobadends4 to true>>
<<set $ws.Brobadends4 to true>>
<<if $ws.Brobadends5 or setup.ws.Brobadends5>>
<<set setup.ws.Brobadends5 to true>>
<<set $ws.Brobadends5 to true>>
<<if $ws.Brobadends6 or setup.ws.Brobadends6>>
<<set setup.ws.Brobadends6 to true>>
<<set $ws.Brobadends6 to true>>
<<if $ws.Dnbdadjealousbj or setup.ws.Dnbdadjealousbj>>
<<set setup.ws.Dnbdadjealousbj to true>>
<<set $ws.Dnbdadjealousbj to true>>
<<if $ws.Dnbbrojealousbj or setup.ws.Dnbbrojealousbj>>
<<set setup.ws.Dnbbrojealousbj to true>>
<<set $ws.Dnbbrojealousbj to true>>
<<if $ws.Dnbdadjealousfuck or setup.ws.Dnbdadjealousfuck>>
<<set setup.ws.Dnbdadjealousfuck to true>>
<<set $ws.Dnbdadjealousfuck to true>>
<<if $ws.Dnbbrojealousfuck or setup.ws.Dnbbrojealousfuck>>
<<set setup.ws.Dnbbrojealousfuck to true>>
<<set $ws.Dnbbrojealousfuck to true>>
<<if $ws.dnbscene or setup.ws.dnbscene>>
<<set setup.ws.dnbscene to true>>
<<set $ws.dnbscene to true>>
<<if $ws.Dealerbj1 or setup.ws.Dealerbj1>>
<<set setup.ws.Dealerbj1 to true>>
<<set $ws.Dealerbj1 to true>>
<<if $ws.Dealerbj2 or setup.ws.Dealerbj2>>
<<set setup.ws.Dealerbj2 to true>>
<<set $ws.Dealerbj2 to true>>
<<if $ws.Resmanbj2 or setup.ws.Resmanbj2>>
<<set setup.ws.Resmanbj2 to true>>
<<set $ws.Resmanbj2 to true>>
<<if $ws.Resmanbj31 or setup.ws.Resmanbj31>>
<<set setup.ws.Resmanbj31 to true>>
<<set $ws.Resmanbj31 to true>>
<<if $ws.Resmanbj32 or setup.ws.Resmanbj32>>
<<set setup.ws.Resmanbj32 to true>>
<<set $ws.Resmanbj32 to true>>
<<if $ws.Resmanworkouttowel or setup.ws.Resmanworkouttowel>>
<<set setup.ws.Resmanworkouttowel to true>>
<<set $ws.Resmanworkouttowel to true>>
<<if $ws.Resmanworkoutadmire or setup.ws.Resmanworkoutadmire>>
<<set setup.ws.Resmanworkoutadmire to true>>
<<set $ws.Resmanworkoutadmire to true>>
<<if $ws.Resmanworkout2 or setup.ws.Resmanworkout2>>
<<set setup.ws.Resmanworkout2 to true>>
<<set $ws.Resmanworkout2 to true>>
<<if $ws.Resmanshower1 or setup.ws.Resmanshower1>>
<<set setup.ws.Resmanshower1 to true>>
<<set $ws.Resmanshower1 to true>>
<<if $ws.Resmanshower2 or setup.ws.Resmanshower2>>
<<set setup.ws.Resmanshower2 to true>>
<<set $ws.Resmanshower2 to true>>
<<if $ws.Resmanunderwearbj or setup.ws.Resmanunderwearbj>>
<<set setup.ws.Resmanunderwearbj to true>>
<<set $ws.Resmanunderwearbj to true>>
<<if $ws.Resmanwash2 or setup.ws.Resmanwash2>>
<<set setup.ws.Resmanwash2 to true>>
<<set $ws.Resmanwash2 to true>>
<<if $ws.Resmanhome6 or setup.ws.Resmanhome6>>
<<set setup.ws.Resmanhome6 to true>>
<<set $ws.Resmanhome6 to true>>
<<if $ws.Resmanhome8 or setup.ws.Resmanhome8>>
<<set setup.ws.Resmanhome8 to true>>
<<set $ws.Resmanhome8 to true>>
<<if $ws.Resmanhome9 or setup.ws.Resmanhome9>>
<<set setup.ws.Resmanhome9 to true>>
<<set $ws.Resmanhome9 to true>>
<<if $ws.Resmanhomebj1 or setup.ws.Resmanhomebj1>>
<<set setup.ws.Resmanhomebj1 to true>>
<<set $ws.Resmanhomebj1 to true>>
<<if $ws.Resmanhomebj2 or setup.ws.Resmanhomebj2>>
<<set setup.ws.Resmanhomebj2 to true>>
<<set $ws.Resmanhomebj2 to true>>
<<if $ws.Resmanhomefuck1 or setup.ws.Resmanhomefuck1>>
<<set setup.ws.Resmanhomefuck1 to true>>
<<set $ws.Resmanhomefuck1 to true>>
<<if $ws.Resmanhomefuck2 or setup.ws.Resmanhomefuck2>>
<<set setup.ws.Resmanhomefuck2 to true>>
<<set $ws.Resmanhomefuck2 to true>>
<<if $ws.Resmanparkfuck1 or setup.ws.Resmanparkfuck1>>
<<set setup.ws.Resmanparkfuck1 to true>>
<<set $ws.Resmanparkfuck1 to true>>
<<if $ws.Resmanparkfuck2 or setup.ws.Resmanparkfuck2>>
<<set setup.ws.Resmanparkfuck2 to true>>
<<set $ws.Resmanparkfuck2 to true>>
<<if $ws.Resmanend1 or setup.ws.Resmanend1>>
<<set setup.ws.Resmanend1 to true>>
<<set $ws.Resmanend1 to true>>
<<if $ws.Resmanend2 or setup.ws.Resmanend2>>
<<set setup.ws.Resmanend2 to true>>
<<set $ws.Resmanend2 to true>>
<<if $ws.Bullystreak or setup.ws.Bullystreak>>
<<set setup.ws.Bullystreak to true>>
<<set $ws.Bullystreak to true>>
<<if $ws.Bullyrequest1 or setup.ws.Bullyrequest1>>
<<set setup.ws.Bullyrequest1 to true>>
<<set $ws.Bullyrequest1 to true>>
<<if $ws.Bullyrequest2 or setup.ws.Bullyrequest2>>
<<set setup.ws.Bullyrequest2 to true>>
<<set $ws.Bullyrequest2 to true>>
<<if $ws.Bullyrequest3 or setup.ws.Bullyrequest3>>
<<set setup.ws.Bullyrequest3 to true>>
<<set $ws.Bullyrequest3 to true>>
<<if $ws.Bullyrequest4 or setup.ws.Bullyrequest4>>
<<set setup.ws.Bullyrequest4 to true>>
<<set $ws.Bullyrequest4 to true>>
<<if $ws.Bullyhjintro or setup.ws.Bullyhjintro>>
<<set setup.ws.Bullyhjintro to true>>
<<set $ws.Bullyhjintro to true>>
<<if $ws.Bullyhj1 or setup.ws.Bullyhj1>>
<<set setup.ws.Bullyhj1 to true>>
<<set $ws.Bullyhj1 to true>>
<<if $ws.Bullyhj2 or setup.ws.Bullyhj2>>
<<set setup.ws.Bullyhj2 to true>>
<<set $ws.Bullyhj2 to true>>
<<if $ws.Bullybjintro or setup.ws.Bullybjintro>>
<<set setup.ws.Bullybjintro to true>>
<<set $ws.Bullybjintro to true>>
<<if $ws.Bullybj1 or setup.ws.Bullybj1>>
<<set setup.ws.Bullybj1 to true>>
<<set $ws.Bullybj1 to true>>
<<if $ws.Bullybj2 or setup.ws.Bullybj2>>
<<set setup.ws.Bullybj2 to true>>
<<set $ws.Bullybj2 to true>>
<<if $ws.Bullyfuckintro or setup.ws.Bullyfuckintro>>
<<set setup.ws.Bullyfuckintro to true>>
<<set $ws.Bullyfuckintro to true>>
<<if $ws.Bullyfuck1 or setup.ws.Bullyfuck1>>
<<set setup.ws.Bullyfuck1 to true>>
<<set $ws.Bullyfuck1 to true>>
<<if $ws.Bullyfuck2 or setup.ws.Bullyfuck2>>
<<set setup.ws.Bullyfuck2 to true>>
<<set $ws.Bullyfuck2 to true>>
<<if $ws.Bullyfuck3 or setup.ws.Bullyfuck3>>
<<set setup.ws.Bullyfuck3 to true>>
<<set $ws.Bullyfuck3 to true>>
<<if $ws.Bullyfuck4 or setup.ws.Bullyfuck4>>
<<set setup.ws.Bullyfuck4 to true>>
<<set $ws.Bullyfuck4 to true>>
<<if $ws.Bullylibraryfuck1 or setup.ws.Bullylibraryfuck1>>
<<set setup.ws.Bullylibraryfuck1 to true>>
<<set $ws.Bullylibraryfuck1 to true>>
<<if $ws.Bullylibraryfuck2 or setup.ws.Bullylibraryfuck2>>
<<set setup.ws.Bullylibraryfuck2 to true>>
<<set $ws.Bullylibraryfuck2 to true>>
<<if $ws.Bullybadend1 or setup.ws.Bullybadend1>>
<<set setup.ws.Bullybadend1 to true>>
<<set $ws.Bullybadend1 to true>>
<<if $ws.Bullyend1 or setup.ws.Bullyend1>>
<<set setup.ws.Bullyend1 to true>>
<<set $ws.Bullyend1 to true>>
<<if $ws.Bullyend2 or setup.ws.Bullyend2>>
<<set setup.ws.Bullyend2 to true>>
<<set $ws.Bullyend2 to true>>
<<if $ws.Bullyend3 or setup.ws.Bullyend3>>
<<set setup.ws.Bullyend3 to true>>
<<set $ws.Bullyend3 to true>>
<<if $ws.Bullyend5 or setup.ws.Bullyend5>>
<<set setup.ws.Bullyend5 to true>>
<<set $ws.Bullyend5 to true>>
<<if $ws.Bullyend7 or setup.ws.Bullyend7>>
<<set setup.ws.Bullyend7 to true>>
<<set $ws.Bullyend7 to true>>
<<if $ws.Profvisit11 or setup.ws.Profvisit11>>
<<set setup.ws.Profvisit11 to true>>
<<set $ws.Profvisit11 to true>>
<<if $ws.Profvisit12 or setup.ws.Profvisit12>>
<<set setup.ws.Profvisit12 to true>>
<<set $ws.Profvisit12 to true>>
<<if $ws.Profvisit21 or setup.ws.Profvisit21>>
<<set setup.ws.Profvisit21 to true>>
<<set $ws.Profvisit21 to true>>
<<if $ws.Profvisit22 or setup.ws.Profvisit22>>
<<set setup.ws.Profvisit22 to true>>
<<set $ws.Profvisit22 to true>>
<<if $ws.Profvisit31 or setup.ws.Profvisit31>>
<<set setup.ws.Profvisit31 to true>>
<<set $ws.Profvisit31 to true>>
<<if $ws.Profvisit32 or setup.ws.Profvisit32>>
<<set setup.ws.Profvisit32 to true>>
<<set $ws.Profvisit32 to true>>
<<if $ws.Profvisit33 or setup.ws.Profvisit33>>
<<set setup.ws.Profvisit33 to true>>
<<set $ws.Profvisit33 to true>>
<<if $ws.Profvisit34 or setup.ws.Profvisit34>>
<<set setup.ws.Profvisit34 to true>>
<<set $ws.Profvisit34 to true>>
<<if $ws.Profspankingintro or setup.ws.Profspankingintro>>
<<set setup.ws.Profspankingintro to true>>
<<set $ws.Profspankingintro to true>>
<<if $ws.Profhjintro or setup.ws.Profhjintro>>
<<set setup.ws.Profhjintro to true>>
<<set $ws.Profhjintro to true>>
<<if $ws.Profhj1 or setup.ws.Profhj1>>
<<set setup.ws.Profhj1 to true>>
<<set $ws.Profhj1 to true>>
<<if $ws.Profhj3 or setup.ws.Profhj3>>
<<set setup.ws.Profhj3 to true>>
<<set $ws.Profhj3 to true>>
<<if $ws.Profhj4 or setup.ws.Profhj4>>
<<set setup.ws.Profhj4 to true>>
<<set $ws.Profhj4 to true>>
<<if $ws.Profhj5 or setup.ws.Profhj5>>
<<set setup.ws.Profhj5 to true>>
<<set $ws.Profhj5 to true>>
<<if $ws.Profhj6 or setup.ws.Profhj6>>
<<set setup.ws.Profhj6 to true>>
<<set $ws.Profhj6 to true>>
<<if $ws.Profbjintro or setup.ws.Profbjintro>>
<<set setup.ws.Profbjintro to true>>
<<set $ws.Profbjintro to true>>
<<if $ws.Profbj1 or setup.ws.Profbj1>>
<<set setup.ws.Profbj1 to true>>
<<set $ws.Profbj1 to true>>
<<if $ws.Profbj3 or setup.ws.Profbj3>>
<<set setup.ws.Profbj3 to true>>
<<set $ws.Profbj3 to true>>
<<if $ws.Profbj4 or setup.ws.Profbj4>>
<<set setup.ws.Profbj4 to true>>
<<set $ws.Profbj4 to true>>
<<if $ws.Profbj5 or setup.ws.Profbj5>>
<<set setup.ws.Profbj5 to true>>
<<set $ws.Profbj5 to true>>
<<if $ws.Profbj6 or setup.ws.Profbj6>>
<<set setup.ws.Profbj6 to true>>
<<set $ws.Profbj6 to true>>
<<if $ws.Profgiftbj2 or setup.ws.Profgiftbj2>>
<<set setup.ws.Profgiftbj2 to true>>
<<set $ws.Profgiftbj2 to true>>
<<if $ws.Proffuckintro or setup.ws.Proffuckintro>>
<<set setup.ws.Proffuckintro to true>>
<<set $ws.Proffuckintro to true>>
<<if $ws.Proffuck11 or setup.ws.Proffuck11>>
<<set setup.ws.Proffuck11 to true>>
<<set $ws.Proffuck11 to true>>
<<if $ws.Proffuck13 or setup.ws.Proffuck13>>
<<set setup.ws.Proffuck13 to true>>
<<set $ws.Proffuck13 to true>>
<<if $ws.Proffuck14 or setup.ws.Proffuck14>>
<<set setup.ws.Proffuck14 to true>>
<<set $ws.Proffuck14 to true>>
<<if $ws.Proffuck15 or setup.ws.Proffuck15>>
<<set setup.ws.Proffuck15 to true>>
<<set $ws.Proffuck15 to true>>
<<if $ws.Proffuck16 or setup.ws.Proffuck16>>
<<set setup.ws.Proffuck16 to true>>
<<set $ws.Proffuck16 to true>>
<<if $ws.Proffuck21 or setup.ws.Proffuck21>>
<<set setup.ws.Proffuck21 to true>>
<<set $ws.Proffuck21 to true>>
<<if $ws.Proffuck22 or setup.ws.Proffuck22>>
<<set setup.ws.Proffuck22 to true>>
<<set $ws.Proffuck22 to true>>
<<if $ws.Proffuck31 or setup.ws.Proffuck31>>
<<set setup.ws.Proffuck31 to true>>
<<set $ws.Proffuck31 to true>>
<<if $ws.Proffuck32 or setup.ws.Proffuck32>>
<<set setup.ws.Proffuck32 to true>>
<<set $ws.Proffuck32 to true>>
<<if $ws.Profgympiss1 or setup.ws.Profgympiss1>>
<<set setup.ws.Profgympiss1 to true>>
<<set $ws.Profgympiss1 to true>>
<<if $ws.Profgymbj1 or setup.ws.Profgymbj1>>
<<set setup.ws.Profgymbj1 to true>>
<<set $ws.Profgymbj1 to true>>
<<if $ws.Profgymfuck1 or setup.ws.Profgymfuck1>>
<<set setup.ws.Profgymfuck1 to true>>
<<set $ws.Profgymfuck1 to true>>
<<if $ws.Profend1 or setup.ws.Profend1>>
<<set setup.ws.Profend1 to true>>
<<set $ws.Profend1 to true>>
<<if $ws.Profend2 or setup.ws.Profend2>>
<<set setup.ws.Profend2 to true>>
<<set $ws.Profend2 to true>>
<<if $ws.Profend3 or setup.ws.Profend3>>
<<set setup.ws.Profend3 to true>>
<<set $ws.Profend3 to true>>
<<if $ws.Policegiftbj1 or setup.ws.Policegiftbj1>>
<<set setup.ws.Policegiftbj1 to true>>
<<set $ws.Policegiftbj1 to true>>
<<if $ws.Policegymbj2 or setup.ws.Policegymbj2>>
<<set setup.ws.Policegymbj2 to true>>
<<set $ws.Policegymbj2 to true>>
<<if $ws.Mcctalk1 or setup.ws.Mcctalk1>>
<<set setup.ws.Mcctalk1 to true>>
<<set $ws.Mcctalk1 to true>>
<<if $ws.Mcctalk2 or setup.ws.Mcctalk2>>
<<set setup.ws.Mcctalk2 to true>>
<<set $ws.Mcctalk2 to true>>
<<if $ws.Mcbhj or setup.ws.Mcbhj>>
<<set setup.ws.Mcbhj to true>>
<<set $ws.Mcbhj to true>>
<<if $ws.Mcbbj or setup.ws.Mcbbj>>
<<set setup.ws.Mcbbj to true>>
<<set $ws.Mcbbj to true>>
<<if $ws.Mcbfuck or setup.ws.Mcbfuck>>
<<set setup.ws.Mcbfuck to true>>
<<set $ws.Mcbfuck to true>>
<<if $ws.Mchhj or setup.ws.Mchhj>>
<<set setup.ws.Mchhj to true>>
<<set $ws.Mchhj to true>>
<<if $ws.Mchbj or setup.ws.Mchbj>>
<<set setup.ws.Mchbj to true>>
<<set $ws.Mchbj to true>>
<<if $ws.Mchfuck or setup.ws.Mchfuck>>
<<set setup.ws.Mchfuck to true>>
<<set $ws.Mchfuck to true>>
<<if $ws.Mcshj or setup.ws.Mcshj>>
<<set setup.ws.Mcshj to true>>
<<set $ws.Mcshj to true>>
<<if $ws.Mcsbj or setup.ws.Mcsbj>>
<<set setup.ws.Mcsbj to true>>
<<set $ws.Mcsbj to true>>
<<if $ws.Mcsfuck or setup.ws.Mcsfuck>>
<<set setup.ws.Mcsfuck to true>>
<<set $ws.Mcsfuck to true>>
<<if $ws.Mcrhj or setup.ws.Mcrhj>>
<<set setup.ws.Mcrhj to true>>
<<set $ws.Mcrhj to true>>
<<if $ws.Mcrbj or setup.ws.Mcrbj>>
<<set setup.ws.Mcrbj to true>>
<<set $ws.Mcrbj to true>>
<<if $ws.Mcrfuck or setup.ws.Mcrfuck>>
<<set setup.ws.Mcrfuck to true>>
<<set $ws.Mcrfuck to true>>
<<if $ws.Mcconvention1strip or setup.ws.Mcconvention1strip>>
<<set setup.ws.Mcconvention1strip to true>>
<<set $ws.Mcconvention1strip to true>>
<<if $ws.Mcconvention2massage or setup.ws.Mcconvention2massage>>
<<set setup.ws.Mcconvention2massage to true>>
<<set $ws.Mcconvention2massage to true>>
<<if $ws.Mcconvention2hj or setup.ws.Mcconvention2hj>>
<<set setup.ws.Mcconvention2hj to true>>
<<set $ws.Mcconvention2hj to true>>
<<if $ws.Mcconvention3hj1 or setup.ws.Mcconvention3hj1>>
<<set setup.ws.Mcconvention3hj1 to true>>
<<set $ws.Mcconvention3hj1 to true>>
<<if $ws.Mcconvention3hj2 or setup.ws.Mcconvention3hj2>>
<<set setup.ws.Mcconvention3hj2 to true>>
<<set $ws.Mcconvention3hj2 to true>>
<<if $ws.Mcconvention4bj1 or setup.ws.Mcconvention4bj1>>
<<set setup.ws.Mcconvention4bj1 to true>>
<<set $ws.Mcconvention4bj1 to true>>
<<if $ws.Mcconvention4bj2 or setup.ws.Mcconvention4bj2>>
<<set setup.ws.Mcconvention4bj2 to true>>
<<set $ws.Mcconvention4bj2 to true>>
<<if $ws.Mcconvention4hj or setup.ws.Mcconvention4hj>>
<<set setup.ws.Mcconvention4hj to true>>
<<set $ws.Mcconvention4hj to true>>
<<if $ws.Mcconvention5fuck1 or setup.ws.Mcconvention5fuck1>>
<<set setup.ws.Mcconvention5fuck1 to true>>
<<set $ws.Mcconvention5fuck1 to true>>
<<if $ws.Mcconvention5fuck2 or setup.ws.Mcconvention5fuck2>>
<<set setup.ws.Mcconvention5fuck2 to true>>
<<set $ws.Mcconvention5fuck2 to true>>
<<if $ws.Mcconvention5bj or setup.ws.Mcconvention5bj>>
<<set setup.ws.Mcconvention5bj to true>>
<<set $ws.Mcconvention5bj to true>>
<<if $ws.Mcconvention6orgy1 or setup.ws.Mcconvention6orgy1>>
<<set setup.ws.Mcconvention6orgy1 to true>>
<<set $ws.Mcconvention6orgy1 to true>>
<<if $ws.Mcconvention6orgy2 or setup.ws.Mcconvention6orgy2>>
<<set setup.ws.Mcconvention6orgy2 to true>>
<<set $ws.Mcconvention6orgy2 to true>>
<<if $ws.Mcconvention6fuck or setup.ws.Mcconvention6fuck>>
<<set setup.ws.Mcconvention6fuck to true>>
<<set $ws.Mcconvention6fuck to true>>
<<if $ws.Mcendfuck or setup.ws.Mcendfuck>>
<<set setup.ws.Mcendfuck to true>>
<<set $ws.Mcendfuck to true>>
<<if $ws.Mcend1 or setup.ws.Mcend1>>
<<set setup.ws.Mcend1 to true>>
<<set $ws.Mcend1 to true>>
<<if $ws.Mcend2 or setup.ws.Mcend2>>
<<set setup.ws.Mcend2 to true>>
<<set $ws.Mcend2 to true>>
<<if $ws.CWhj1 or setup.ws.CWhj1>>
<<set setup.ws.CWhj1 = true>>
<<set $ws.CWhj1 = true>>
<<if $ws.CWhj2 or setup.ws.CWhj2>>
<<set setup.ws.CWhj2 = true>>
<<set $ws.CWhj2 = true>>
<<if $ws.CWhj3 or setup.ws.CWhj3>>
<<set setup.ws.CWhj3 = true>>
<<set $ws.CWhj3 = true>>
<<if $ws.CWbjintro or setup.ws.CWbjintro>>
<<set setup.ws.CWbjintro = true>>
<<set $ws.CWbjintro = true>>
<<if $ws.CWbj1 or setup.ws.CWbj1>>
<<set setup.ws.CWbj1 = true>>
<<set $ws.CWbj1 = true>>
<<if $ws.CWbj2 or setup.ws.CWbj2>>
<<set setup.ws.CWbj2 = true>>
<<set $ws.CWbj2 = true>>
<<if $ws.CWbj3 or setup.ws.CWbj3>>
<<set setup.ws.CWbj3 = true>>
<<set $ws.CWbj3 = true>>
<<if $ws.CWbj4 or setup.ws.CWbj4>>
<<set setup.ws.CWbj4 = true>>
<<set $ws.CWbj4 = true>>
<<if $ws.CWbj5 or setup.ws.CWbj5>>
<<set setup.ws.CWbj5 = true>>
<<set $ws.CWbj5 = true>>
<<if $ws.CWbj6 or setup.ws.CWbj6>>
<<set setup.ws.CWbj6 = true>>
<<set $ws.CWbj6 = true>>
<<if $ws.CWfuckintro or setup.ws.CWfuckintro>>
<<set setup.ws.CWfuckintro = true>>
<<set $ws.CWfuckintro = true>>
<<if $ws.CWfuckintro2 or setup.ws.CWfuckintro2>>
<<set setup.ws.CWfuckintro2 = true>>
<<set $ws.CWfuckintro2 = true>>
<<if $ws.CWfuck1 or setup.ws.CWfuck1>>
<<set setup.ws.CWfuck1 = true>>
<<set $ws.CWfuck1 = true>>
<<if $ws.CWfuck2 or setup.ws.CWfuck2>>
<<set setup.ws.CWfuck2 = true>>
<<set $ws.CWfuck2 = true>>
<<if $ws.CWfuck3 or setup.ws.CWfuck3>>
<<set setup.ws.CWfuck3 = true>>
<<set $ws.CWfuck3 = true>>
<<if $ws.CWfuck5 or setup.ws.CWfuck5>>
<<set setup.ws.CWfuck5 = true>>
<<set $ws.CWfuck5 = true>>
<<if $ws.CWfuck6 or setup.ws.CWfuck6>>
<<set setup.ws.CWfuck6 = true>>
<<set $ws.CWfuck6 = true>>
<<if $ws.CWorgy or setup.ws.CWorgy>>
<<set setup.ws.CWorgy = true>>
<<set $ws.CWorgy = true>>
<<if $ws.CWpec1 or setup.ws.CWpec1>>
<<set setup.ws.CWpec1 = true>>
<<set $ws.CWpec1 = true>>
<<if $ws.CWpec2 or setup.ws.CWpec2>>
<<set setup.ws.CWpec2 = true>>
<<set $ws.CWpec2 = true>>
<<if $ws.CWpit1 or setup.ws.CWpit1>>
<<set setup.ws.CWpit1 = true>>
<<set $ws.CWpit1 = true>>
<<if $ws.CWpit2 or setup.ws.CWpit2>>
<<set setup.ws.CWpit2 = true>>
<<set $ws.CWpit2 = true>>
<<if $ws.CWkiss1 or setup.ws.CWkiss1>>
<<set setup.ws.CWkiss1 = true>>
<<set $ws.CWkiss1 = true>>
<<if $ws.CWkiss2 or setup.ws.CWkiss2>>
<<set setup.ws.CWkiss2 = true>>
<<set $ws.CWkiss2 = true>>
<<if $ws.CWunderwearsteal or setup.ws.CWunderwearsteal>>
<<set setup.ws.CWunderwearsteal = true>>
<<set $ws.CWunderwearsteal = true>>
<<if $ws.CWjerkinbed or setup.ws.CWjerkinbed>>
<<set setup.ws.CWjerkinbed = true>>
<<set $ws.CWjerkinbed = true>>
<<if $ws.CWfucktalk2 or setup.ws.CWfucktalk2>>
<<set setup.ws.CWfucktalk2 = true>>
<<set $ws.CWfucktalk2 = true>>
<<if $ws.CWbadend or setup.ws.CWbadend>>
<<set setup.ws.CWbadend = true>>
<<set $ws.CWbadend = true>>
<<if $ws.CWend1 or setup.ws.CWend1>>
<<set setup.ws.CWend1 = true>>
<<set $ws.CWend1 = true>>
<<if $ws.CWend2 or setup.ws.CWend2>>
<<set setup.ws.CWend2 = true>>
<<set $ws.CWend2 = true>>
<<if $ws.CWend3 or setup.ws.CWend3>>
<<set setup.ws.CWend3 = true>>
<<set $ws.CWend3 = true>>
<<if $ws.CWend4 or setup.ws.CWend4>>
<<set setup.ws.CWend4 = true>>
<<set $ws.CWend4 = true>>
<<if $ws.Parkrhj or setup.ws.Parkrhj>>
<<set setup.ws.Parkrhj = true>>
<<set $ws.Parkrhj = true>>
<<if $ws.Parkrbj or setup.ws.Parkrbj>>
<<set setup.ws.Parkrbj = true>>
<<set $ws.Parkrbj = true>>
<<if $ws.Parkrfuck or setup.ws.Parkrfuck>>
<<set setup.ws.Parkrfuck = true>>
<<set $ws.Parkrfuck = true>>
<<if $ws.Mechjintro or setup.ws.Mechjintro>>
<<set setup.ws.Mechjintro = true>>
<<set $ws.Mechjintro = true>>
<<if $ws.Mechj1 or setup.ws.Mechj1>>
<<set setup.ws.Mechj1 = true>>
<<set $ws.Mechj1 = true>>
<<if $ws.Mecnehj or setup.ws.Mecnehj>>
<<set setup.ws.Mecnehj = true>>
<<set $ws.Mecnehj = true>>
<<if $ws.Mechomehj1 or setup.ws.Mechomehj1>>
<<set setup.ws.Mechomehj1 = true>>
<<set $ws.Mechomehj1 = true>>
<<if $ws.Mechomehj2 or setup.ws.Mechomehj2>>
<<set setup.ws.Mechomehj2 = true>>
<<set $ws.Mechomehj2 = true>>
<<if $ws.Mecbjintro or setup.ws.Mecbjintro>>
<<set setup.ws.Mecbjintro = true>>
<<set $ws.Mecbjintro = true>>
<<if $ws.Mecbj1 or setup.ws.Mecbj1>>
<<set setup.ws.Mecbj1 = true>>
<<set $ws.Mecbj1 = true>>
<<if $ws.Mechomebj1 or setup.ws.Mechomebj1>>
<<set setup.ws.Mechomebj1 = true>>
<<set $ws.Mechomebj1 = true>>
<<if $ws.Mechomebj2 or setup.ws.Mechomebj2>>
<<set setup.ws.Mechomebj2 = true>>
<<set $ws.Mechomebj2 = true>>
<<if $ws.Mechomefuck1 or setup.ws.Mechomefuck1>>
<<set setup.ws.Mechomefuck1 = true>>
<<set $ws.Mechomefuck1 = true>>
<<if $ws.Mechomefuck2 or setup.ws.Mechomefuck2>>
<<set setup.ws.Mechomefuck2 = true>>
<<set $ws.Mechomefuck2 = true>>
<<if $ws.Mecendfuck1 or setup.ws.Mecendfuck1>>
<<set setup.ws.Mecendfuck1 = true>>
<<set $ws.Mecendfuck1 = true>>
<<if $ws.Mecend1 or setup.ws.Mecend1>>
<<set setup.ws.Mecend1 = true>>
<<set $ws.Mecend1 = true>>
<<if $ws.Mecend2 or setup.ws.Mecend2>>
<<set setup.ws.Mecend2 = true>>
<<set $ws.Mecend2 = true>>
<<if $ws.Mecend3 or setup.ws.Mecend3>>
<<set setup.ws.Mecend3 = true>>
<<set $ws.Mecend3 = true>>
<<if $ws.Gymrhj or setup.ws.Gymrhj>>
<<set setup.ws.Gymrhj = true>>
<<set $ws.Gymrhj = true>>
<<if $ws.Gymrbj or setup.ws.Gymrbj>>
<<set setup.ws.Gymrbj = true>>
<<set $ws.Gymrbj = true>>
<<if $ws.Gymrfuck or setup.ws.Gymrfuck>>
<<set setup.ws.Gymrfuck = true>>
<<set $ws.Gymrfuck = true>>
<<if $ws.Gymlockerjerk or setup.ws.Gymlockerjerk>>
<<set setup.ws.Gymlockerjerk = true>>
<<set $ws.Gymlockerjerk = true>>
<<if $ws.GObj1 or setup.ws.GObj1>>
<<set setup.ws.GObj1 = true>>
<<set $ws.GObj1 = true>>
<<if $ws.GOfuck1 or setup.ws.GOfuck1>>
<<set setup.ws.GOfuck1 = true>>
<<set $ws.GOfuck1 = true>>
<<if $ws.Fairadv12 or setup.ws.Fairadv12>>
<<set setup.ws.Fairadv12 = true>>
<<set $ws.Fairadv12 = true>>
<<if $ws.Fairadv13 or setup.ws.Fairadv13>>
<<set setup.ws.Fairadv13 = true>>
<<set $ws.Fairadv13 = true>>
<<if $ws.Fairadv22 or setup.ws.Fairadv22>>
<<set setup.ws.Fairadv22 = true>>
<<set $ws.Fairadv22 = true>>
<<if $ws.Fairadv23 or setup.ws.Fairadv23>>
<<set setup.ws.Fairadv23 = true>>
<<set $ws.Fairadv23 = true>>
<<if $ws.Fairadv32 or setup.ws.Fairadv32>>
<<set setup.ws.Fairadv32 = true>>
<<set $ws.Fairadv32 = true>>
<<if $ws.Fairadv33 or setup.ws.Fairadv33>>
<<set setup.ws.Fairadv33 = true>>
<<set $ws.Fairadv33 = true>>
<<if $ws.Fairadv42 or setup.ws.Fairadv42>>
<<set setup.ws.Fairadv42 = true>>
<<set $ws.Fairadv42 = true>>
<<if $ws.Fairadv43 or setup.ws.Fairadv43>>
<<set setup.ws.Fairadv43 = true>>
<<set $ws.Fairadv43 = true>>
<<if $ws.Fairadv44 or setup.ws.Fairadv44>>
<<set setup.ws.Fairadv44 = true>>
<<set $ws.Fairadv44 = true>>
<<if $ws.Fairabo12 or setup.ws.Fairabo12>>
<<set setup.ws.Fairabo12 = true>>
<<set $ws.Fairabo12 = true>>
<<if $ws.Fairabo22 or setup.ws.Fairabo22>>
<<set setup.ws.Fairabo22 = true>>
<<set $ws.Fairabo22 = true>>
<<if $ws.Fairabo32 or setup.ws.Fairabo32>>
<<set setup.ws.Fairabo32 = true>>
<<set $ws.Fairabo32 = true>>
<<if $ws.Fairabo42 or setup.ws.Fairabo42>>
<<set setup.ws.Fairabo42 = true>>
<<set $ws.Fairabo42 = true>>
<<if $ws.Fairass12 or setup.ws.Fairass12>>
<<set setup.ws.Fairass12 = true>>
<<set $ws.Fairass12 = true>>
<<if $ws.Fairass22 or setup.ws.Fairass22>>
<<set setup.ws.Fairass22 = true>>
<<set $ws.Fairass22 = true>>
<<if $ws.Fairass32 or setup.ws.Fairass32>>
<<set setup.ws.Fairass32 = true>>
<<set $ws.Fairass32 = true>>
<<if $ws.Fairass42 or setup.ws.Fairass42>>
<<set setup.ws.Fairass42 = true>>
<<set $ws.Fairass42 = true>>
<<if $ws.Fairpw4 or setup.ws.Fairpw4>>
<<set setup.ws.Fairpw4 = true>>
<<set $ws.Fairpw4 = true>>
<<if $ws.Fairpw5 or setup.ws.Fairpw5>>
<<set setup.ws.Fairpw5 = true>>
<<set $ws.Fairpw5 = true>>
<<if $ws.Fairpw6 or setup.ws.Fairpw6>>
<<set setup.ws.Fairpw6 = true>>
<<set $ws.Fairpw6 = true>>
<<if $ws.Fairpw7 or setup.ws.Fairpw7>>
<<set setup.ws.Fairpw7 = true>>
<<set $ws.Fairpw7 = true>>
<<if $ws.Fairpw8 or setup.ws.Fairpw8>>
<<set setup.ws.Fairpw8 = true>>
<<set $ws.Fairpw8 = true>>
<<if $ws.Fairend1 or setup.ws.Fairend1>>
<<set setup.ws.Fairend1 = true>>
<<set $ws.Fairend1 = true>>
<<if $ws.Fairend2 or setup.ws.Fairend2>>
<<set setup.ws.Fairend2 = true>>
<<set $ws.Fairend2 = true>>
<<if $ws.Prisonintrofreetimebj or setup.ws.Prisonintrofreetimebj>>
<<set setup.ws.Prisonintrofreetimebj = true>>
<<set $ws.Prisonintrofreetimebj = true>>
<<if $ws.Prisonintroshowerbj or setup.ws.Prisonintroshowerbj>>
<<set setup.ws.Prisonintroshowerbj = true>>
<<set $ws.Prisonintroshowerbj = true>>
<<if $ws.Prisonintronightbj or setup.ws.Prisonintronightbj>>
<<set setup.ws.Prisonintronightbj = true>>
<<set $ws.Prisonintronightbj = true>>
<<if $ws.Prisonfreetimebj11 or setup.ws.Prisonfreetimebj11>>
<<set setup.ws.Prisonfreetimebj11 = true>>
<<set $ws.Prisonfreetimebj11 = true>>
<<if $ws.Prisonshowerbj11 or setup.ws.Prisonshowerbj11>>
<<set setup.ws.Prisonshowerbj11 = true>>
<<set $ws.Prisonshowerbj11 = true>>
<<if $ws.Prisonnightbj11 or setup.ws.Prisonnightbj11>>
<<set setup.ws.Prisonnightbj11 = true>>
<<set $ws.Prisonnightbj11 = true>>
<<if $ws.Guardworkbj11 or setup.ws.Guardworkbj11>>
<<set setup.ws.Guardworkbj11 = true>>
<<set $ws.Guardworkbj11 = true>>
<<if $ws.Guardworkfuck31 or setup.ws.Guardworkfuck31>>
<<set setup.ws.Guardworkfuck31 = true>>
<<set $ws.Guardworkfuck31 = true>>
<<if $ws.Guardclassbj11 or setup.ws.Guardclassbj11>>
<<set setup.ws.Guardclassbj11 = true>>
<<set $ws.Guardclassbj11 = true>>
<<if $ws.Guardclassfuck21 or setup.ws.Guardclassfuck21>>
<<set setup.ws.Guardclassfuck21 = true>>
<<set $ws.Guardclassfuck21 = true>>
<<if $ws.Prisonfreetimefuck21 or setup.ws.Prisonfreetimefuck21>>
<<set setup.ws.Prisonfreetimefuck21 = true>>
<<set $ws.Prisonfreetimefuck21 = true>>
<<if $ws.Prisonfreetimefbj11 or setup.ws.Prisonfreetimefbj11>>
<<set setup.ws.Prisonfreetimefbj11 = true>>
<<set $ws.Prisonfreetimefbj11 = true>>
<<if $ws.Prisonfreetimeffuck31 or setup.ws.Prisonfreetimeffuck31>>
<<set setup.ws.Prisonfreetimeffuck31 = true>>
<<set $ws.Prisonfreetimeffuck31 = true>>
<<if $ws.Prisonshowerfuck21 or setup.ws.Prisonshowerfuck21>>
<<set setup.ws.Prisonshowerfuck21 = true>>
<<set $ws.Prisonshowerfuck21 = true>>
<<if $ws.Prisonshowerfbj11 or setup.ws.Prisonshowerfbj11>>
<<set setup.ws.Prisonshowerfbj11 = true>>
<<set $ws.Prisonshowerfbj11 = true>>
<<if $ws.Prisonshowerffuck31 or setup.ws.Prisonshowerffuck31>>
<<set setup.ws.Prisonshowerffuck31 = true>>
<<set $ws.Prisonshowerffuck31 = true>>
<<if $ws.Prisonmorningcmbj12 or setup.ws.Prisonmorningcmbj12>>
<<set setup.ws.Prisonmorningcmbj12 = true>>
<<set $ws.Prisonmorningcmbj12 = true>>
<<if $ws.Prisonmorningcmbj13 or setup.ws.Prisonmorningcmbj13>>
<<set setup.ws.Prisonmorningcmbj13 = true>>
<<set $ws.Prisonmorningcmbj13 = true>>
<<if $ws.Prisonshowercmbj12 or setup.ws.Prisonshowercmbj12>>
<<set setup.ws.Prisonshowercmbj12 = true>>
<<set $ws.Prisonshowercmbj12 = true>>
<<if $ws.Prisonshowercmfuck12 or setup.ws.Prisonshowercmfuck12>>
<<set setup.ws.Prisonshowercmfuck12 = true>>
<<set $ws.Prisonshowercmfuck12 = true>>
<<if $ws.Prisonnightcmfuck12 or setup.ws.Prisonnightcmfuck12>>
<<set setup.ws.Prisonnightcmfuck12 = true>>
<<set $ws.Prisonnightcmfuck12 = true>>
<<if $ws.Guardmealbj11 or setup.ws.Guardmealbj11>>
<<set setup.ws.Guardmealbj11 = true>>
<<set $ws.Guardmealbj11 = true>>
<<if $ws.Prisonmealbj11 or setup.ws.Prisonmealbj11>>
<<set setup.ws.Prisonmealbj11 = true>>
<<set $ws.Prisonmealbj11 = true>>
<<if $ws.Prending24 or setup.ws.Prending24>>
<<set setup.ws.Prending24 = true>>
<<set $ws.Prending24 = true>>
<<if $ws.Prending33 or setup.ws.Prending33>>
<<set setup.ws.Prending33 = true>>
<<set $ws.Prending33 = true>>
<<if $ws.Worksalesintrobj11 or setup.ws.Worksalesintrobj11>>
<<set setup.ws.Worksalesintrobj11 = true>>
<<set $ws.Worksalesintrobj11 = true>>
<<if $ws.Worksalesbj11 or setup.ws.Worksalesbj11>>
<<set setup.ws.Worksalesbj11 = true>>
<<set $ws.Worksalesbj11 = true>>
<<if $ws.Workjanintrohj11 or setup.ws.Workjanintrohj11>>
<<set setup.ws.Workjanintrohj11 = true>>
<<set $ws.Workjanintrohj11 = true>>
<<if $ws.Workjanhj11 or setup.ws.Workjanhj11>>
<<set setup.ws.Workjanhj11 = true>>
<<set $ws.Workjanhj11 = true>>
<<if $ws.Worksalesintrobj21 or setup.ws.Worksalesintrobj21>>
<<set setup.ws.Worksalesintrobj21 = true>>
<<set $ws.Worksalesintrobj21 = true>>
<<if $ws.Worksalesbj21 or setup.ws.Worksalesbj21>>
<<set setup.ws.Worksalesbj21 = true>>
<<set $ws.Worksalesbj21 = true>>
<<if $ws.Worksalesintrofuck11 or setup.ws.Worksalesintrofuck11>>
<<set setup.ws.Worksalesintrofuck11 = true>>
<<set $ws.Worksalesintrofuck11 = true>>
<<if $ws.Worksalesfuck11 or setup.ws.Worksalesfuck11>>
<<set setup.ws.Worksalesfuck11 = true>>
<<set $ws.Worksalesfuck11 = true>>
<<if $ws.Worksalesintrofuck21 or setup.ws.Worksalesintrofuck21>>
<<set setup.ws.Worksalesintrofuck21 = true>>
<<set $ws.Worksalesintrofuck21 = true>>
<<if $ws.Workjanintrobj11 or setup.ws.Workjanintrobj11>>
<<set setup.ws.Workjanintrobj11 = true>>
<<set $ws.Workjanintrobj11 = true>>
<<if $ws.Workjanbj11 or setup.ws.Workjanbj11>>
<<set setup.ws.Workjanbj11 = true>>
<<set $ws.Workjanbj11 = true>>
<<if $ws.SDmassage11 or setup.ws.SDmassage11>>
<<set setup.ws.SDmassage11 = true>>
<<set $ws.SDmassage11 = true>>
<<if $ws.SDmassage31 or setup.ws.SDmassage31>>
<<set setup.ws.SDmassage31 = true>>
<<set $ws.SDmassage31 = true>>
<<if $ws.SDmassage41 or setup.ws.SDmassage41>>
<<set setup.ws.SDmassage41 = true>>
<<set $ws.SDmassage41 = true>>
<<if $ws.SDmassage51 or setup.ws.SDmassage51>>
<<set setup.ws.SDmassage51 = true>>
<<set $ws.SDmassage51 = true>>
<<if $ws.SDhj11 or setup.ws.SDhj11>>
<<set setup.ws.SDhj11 = true>>
<<set $ws.SDhj11 = true>>
<<if $ws.SDhj21 or setup.ws.SDhj21>>
<<set setup.ws.SDhj21 = true>>
<<set $ws.SDhj21 = true>>
<<if $ws.SDbj11 or setup.ws.SDbj11>>
<<set setup.ws.SDbj11 = true>>
<<set $ws.SDbj11 = true>>
<<if $ws.SDbj21 or setup.ws.SDbj21>>
<<set setup.ws.SDbj21 = true>>
<<set $ws.SDbj21 = true>>
<<if $ws.SDbj31 or setup.ws.SDbj31>>
<<set setup.ws.SDbj31 = true>>
<<set $ws.SDbj31 = true>>
<<if $ws.SDbj41 or setup.ws.SDbj41>>
<<set setup.ws.SDbj41 = true>>
<<set $ws.SDbj41 = true>>
<<if $ws.Workvbj11 or setup.ws.Workvbj11>>
<<set setup.ws.Workvbj11 = true>>
<<set $ws.Workvbj11 = true>>
<<if $ws.Workvbj21 or setup.ws.Workvbj21>>
<<set setup.ws.Workvbj21 = true>>
<<set $ws.Workvbj21 = true>>
<<if $ws.SDend11 or setup.ws.SDend11>>
<<set setup.ws.SDend11 = true>>
<<set $ws.SDend11 = true>>
<<run memorize('ws', setup.ws)>>
<</silently>><</widget>><<if $dad.giftstate == 3>>\
<<link "Give him the tie" "Dadgift1">>
<<pressminute add 10>>
[[Chat with him|Dadchat]]<<if $you.beer >= 1 and $you.location !== "Bathroom">> [[Offer him some beer|Dadbeer]]<</if>>
<<if hasVisited("Mectalk1") and not hasVisited("Mecdadtalk")>>\
<<link "<b>Ask him about the new neighbor</b>" "Mecdadtalk">>\
<<pressminute add 5>>
<<if hasVisited("Fatiguequestaccept") and not hasVisited("Fatiguequestfinish") and $witch.dadhelpstate <= 1>>\
<<link "Ask him to help $witch.Name with her taxes" "Dadhelpwitch">><</link>>
<<if $owork.stage == 0>>\
<<link "He mentions something about work" "Dadworktalk1">>
<<link "Tease him">>
<<if $you.location === "Bathroom">>\
<<goto "Dadteasebathroom">>
<<elseif $you.location === "Dad's bedroom">>\
<<goto "Dadteasebedroom">>\
<<elseif $you.location === "Kitchen">>\
<<goto "Dadteasekitchen">>
<<elseif $you.location === "Living room">>\
<<goto "Dadteaselivingroom">>
<<pressminute add 15>><<updatecaption>>\
<<replace ".passage">>
<<di dad "Not right now, I'm busy.">>
<<link "Back">>
<<if $dad.location === $you.location>>\
<<goto "Dad">>\
<<goto $you.location>>\
<<link "“Accidentally” touch his crotch">>
<<if $dad.lust >= 10 and $you.location === "Kitchen">>\
<<goto "Dadcrotchkitchen">>
<<elseif $dad.lust >= 10 and $you.location === "Living room">>\
<<goto "Dadcrotchlivingroom">>
<<elseif $dad.lust >= 10 and $you.location === "Dad's bedroom">>\
<<goto "Dadcrotchbedroom">>
<<elseif $you.location === "Bathroom">>
<<pressminute add 15>><<updatecaption>>\
<<replace ".passage">>\
<<di dad "What are you doing here? Get out!">>
You really think you can somehow accidentally touch his dick blatantly like that in the bathroom??
<<sus dad add 10>>\
<<aff dad minus 2>>\
<<link "Back">>
<<if $dad.location === $you.location>>\
<<goto "Dad">>\
<<goto $you.location>>\
<<pressminute add 15>><<updatecaption>>\
<<replace ".passage">>\
<<di dad "You are in the way.">>
<<sus dad add 4>>\
<<aff dad minus 2>>\
<<link "Back">>
<<if $dad.location === $you.location>>\
<<goto "Dad">>\
<<goto $you.location>>\
<<link "Offer him a handjob">>
<<if $dad.lust >= 20 and $dad.location === $bro.location and not $dnb.start>>\
<<goto "Brocaught">>
<<elseif not hasVisited("Dadhjintro2") and $dad.lust >= 20>>\
<<goto "Dadhjintro1">>
<<elseif $dad.lust >= 30 and $you.location === "Bathroom" and hasVisited("Dadbjintro1")>>\
<<goto "Dadbathroombj1">>
<<elseif hasVisited("Dadhjintro2") and $dad.lust >= 20>>\
<<goto "Dadhj1">>
<<elseif $you.location === "Bathroom">>\
<<pressminute add 15>><<updatecaption>>\
<<replace ".passage">>\
<<di dad "What the hell are you doing here? Get out!">>
<<sus dad add 6>>\
<<aff dad minus 3>>\
<<link "Back">>
<<if $dad.location === $you.location>>\
<<goto "Dad">>\
<<goto $you.location>>\
<<pressminute add 15>><<updatecaption>>\
<<replace ".passage">>\
<<di dad "You are not being very funny.">>
<<sus dad add 6>>\
<<aff dad minus 3>>\
<<link "Back">>
<<if $dad.location === $you.location>>\
<<goto "Dad">>\
<<goto $you.location>>\
<<link "Offer to blow him">>
<<if $dad.lust >= 30 and $dad.location === $bro.location and hasVisited("Dadbjintro1") and not $dnb.start>>\
<<goto "Brocaught">>
<<elseif $dad.lust >= 30 and hasVisited("Dadbjintro1") and $you.location === "Bathroom">>\
<<goto "Dadbathroombj1">>
<<elseif $dad.lust >= 30 and hasVisited("Dadbjintro1")>>\
<<goto "Dadbj1">>
<<pressminute add 15>><<updatecaption>>\
<<replace ".passage">>\
<<di dad "You are not being very funny.">>
<<sus dad add 8>>\
<<aff dad minus 4>>\
<<link "Back">>
<<if $dad.location === $you.location>>\
<<goto "Dad">>\
<<goto $you.location>>\
<<link "Offer him your ass">>
<<if $dad.lust >= 40 and $dad.location === $bro.location and hasVisited("Dadfuckintro1") and not $dnb.start>>
<<goto "Brocaught">>
<<elseif $dad.lust >= 40 and hasVisited("Dadfuckintro1")>>
<<goto "Dadfuck1">>
<<pressminute add 15>><<updatecaption>>\
<<replace ".passage">>\
<<di dad "You are not being very funny.">>
<<sus dad add 10>>\
<<aff dad minus 5>>\
<<link "Back">>
<<if $dad.location === $you.location>>\
<<goto "Dad">>\
<<goto $you.location>>\
<</link>><<if $bro.giftstate == 3>>\
<<link "Give him the jockstrap" "Brogift1">>
<<pressminute add 10>>
[[Chat with him|Brochat]]<<if $you.beer >= 1 and $you.location !== "Bathroom">> [[Offer him some beer|Brobeer]]<</if>>
<<if hasVisited("Fatiguequestaccept") and not hasVisited("Fatiguequestfinish")>>\
<<link "Ask him to help $witch.Name arrange her storage" "Brohelpwitch">><</link>>
<<link "Tease him">>
<<if $you.location === "Bathroom">>\
<<goto "Broteasebathroom">>
<<elseif $you.location === "Brother's bedroom">>\
<<goto "Broteasebedroom">>
<<elseif $you.location === "Kitchen">>\
<<goto "Broteasekitchen">>
<<elseif $you.location === "Living room">>\
<<goto "Broteaselivingroom">>
<<elseif $you.location === "Fast food restaurant">>
<<pressminute add 5>><<updatecaption>>\
<<replace ".passage">>\
<<di bro "Hey man, I'm busy at work right now and can't really hang, but grab a seat.">>
On a second thought, you are in the middle of a crowded restaurant. Acting slutty in such setting is not a wise idea.
<<link "Back">>
<<if $bro.location === $you.location>>\
<<goto "Brother">>\
<<goto $you.location>>\
<<pressminute add 5>><<updatecaption>>\
<<replace ".passage">>\
<<di bro "I don't have time right now.">>
<<link "Back">>
<<if $bro.location === $you.location>>\
<<goto "Brother">>\
<<goto $you.location>>\
<<link "“Accidentally” touch his crotch">>
<<if $bro.lust >= 10 and $you.location === "Kitchen">>\
<<goto "Brocrotchkitchen">>
<<elseif $bro.lust >= 10 and $you.location === "Living room">>\
<<goto "Brocrotchlivingroom">>
<<elseif $bro.lust >= 10 and $you.location === "Brother's bedroom">>\
<<goto "Brocrotchbedroom">>
<<elseif $you.location === "Bathroom">>
<<pressminute add 15>><<updatecaption>>\
<<replace ".passage">>\
<<di bro "Dude, what the hell? Get out!">>
You really think you can somehow accidentally touch his dick while he's doing his business in the bathroom??
<<sus bro add 10>>\
<<aff bro minus 2>>\
<<link "Back">>
<<if $bro.location === $you.location>>\
<<goto "Brother">>\
<<goto $you.location>>\
<<pressminute add 15>><<updatecaption>>\
<<replace ".passage">>\
<<di bro "Dude, you're blocking my way.">>
<<sus bro add 4>>\
<<aff bro minus 2>>\
<<link "Back">>
<<if $bro.location === $you.location>>\
<<goto "Brother">>\
<<goto $you.location>>\
<<link "Offer him a handjob">>
<<if $bro.lust >= 20 and $dad.location === $bro.location and not $dnb.start>>\
<<goto "Dadcaught">>
<<elseif not hasVisited("Brohjintro2") and $bro.lust >= 20 and $you.location !== "Fast food restaurant">>\
<<goto "Brohjintro1">>
<<elseif hasVisited("Brobjintro1") and $you.location === "Bathroom">>
<<goto "Brobathroombj1">>
<<elseif hasVisited ("Brobjintro1") and $bro.lust >= 30 and $you.location === "Fast food restaurant">>\
<<include "Broffr">>
<<elseif $bro.lust >= 20 and hasVisited("Brohjintro2") and $you.location !== "Fast food restaurant">>\
<<goto "Brohj1">>
<<pressminute add 15>><<updatecaption>>\
<<replace ".passage">>\
<<di bro "Wha... what the hell are you doing?">>
<<sus bro add 6>>\
<<aff bro minus 3>>\
<<link "Back">>
<<if $bro.location === $you.location>>\
<<goto "Brother">>\
<<goto $you.location>>\
<<link "Offer to blow him">>
<<if $bro.lust >= 30 and $dad.location === $bro.location and hasVisited("Brobjintro1") and not $dnb.start>>\
<<include "Dadcaught">>
<<elseif hasVisited("Brobjintro1") and $you.location === "Fast food restaurant">>
<<include "Broffr">>
<<elseif hasVisited("Brobjintro1") and $you.location === "Bathroom">>
<<goto "Brobathroombj1">>
<<elseif $bro.lust >= 30 and hasVisited("Brobjintro1")>>
<<goto "Brobj1">>
<<pressminute add 15>><<updatecaption>>\
<<replace ".passage">>\
<<di bro "Wha... what the hell are you doing?">>
<<sus bro add 8>>\
<<aff bro minus 4>>\
<<link "Back">>
<<if $bro.location === $you.location>>\
<<goto "Brother">>\
<<goto $you.location>>\
<<link "Offer him your ass">>
<<if $bro.lust >= 40 and $dad.location === $bro.location and hasVisited("Brofuckintro1") and not $dnb.start>>\
<<goto "Dadcaught">>
<<elseif $bro.lust >= 40 and hasVisited("Brofuckintro1") and $bro.location === "Fast food restaurant">>\
<<if $bro.drunk <= 12>>\
<<include "Broffr">>
<<pressminute add 5>><<updatecaption>>\
<<replace ".passage">>\
<<di bro "I want to, but it's too risky here.">>
<<link "Back">>
<<if $bro.location === $you.location>>\
<<goto "Brother">>\
<<goto $you.location>>\
<<elseif $bro.lust >= 40 and hasVisited("Brofuckintro1") and $bro.location !== "Fast food restaurant">>
<<goto "Brofuck1">>
<<pressminute add 15>><<updatecaption>>\
<<replace ".passage">>\
<<di bro "Wha... what the hell are you doing?">>
<<sus bro add 10>>\
<<aff bro minus 5>>\
<<link "Back">>
<<if $bro.location === $you.location>>\
<<goto "Brother">>\
<<goto $you.location>>\
<</link>>There is a reason why you try to make yourself invisible to him during your senior year, you grab $oni.Name and skitter away to not attract his attention.
<<di oni "What? He's in this college? You know about this?">>
<<di you "Hell nah, of course, I didn't know and let's keep it that way.">>
You all but skedaddle like a ghost is hot on your heels.
<<link "Back" "College">><<set $bully.state to -1>><</link>><<if $bully.state == 0>>You remember the resolution: "New year, new me." So put on your big boy pants and face him head on:<<elseif $bully.state == -1>> <</if>>
<<di you "Umm, oh hey $bully.Name. I didn't know you also went to this college.">>
His impassive expression breaks and a smirk grows, his focus is fully on you:
<<di bully "Yea... what? Didn't think I was good enough for college?">>
Actually no, he is exceptionally smart and always performed well during highschool. He was a total role model student who always keeps his head down, that is also one of the reasons why it was baffling he gave you such a hard time back then.
<<di you "Ha ha... No. I expected you to attend a more prestigious school in a big city, not staying local.">>
It seems from the moment he got his eyes on you, he hasn't blinked once and his gaze can absolutely burn a hole through you. Unexpectedly, he reaches out and his rough, calloused palm glides over your soft cheeks tenderly. However, the tenderness is broken by the mocking and almost patronizing pats of his hand.
<<di bully "Nah, I really like it here. I'll see you around, my little guy.">>
Though the tone is soft, you can't help but feel the edges submerged under the words. You retreat from his contact and pretend to chuckle:
<<di you "Sure, see ya.">>
You <<if $bully.state == 0>>grab $oni.Name and <</if>>skedaddle quickly to get out of sight from him.
<<if $bully.state == 0>>\
<<di oni "What the hell is wrong with that creep?">>
His behavior is not exactly super strange, but yea, you still feel unease.
<<di you "Yea... I was trying to be tough, you know, but I feel like it backfired on me somehow.">>
<<di oni "Jeez, it is great that you want to face your fear and all that but that guy gives me the heebies jeebies. I'd steer clear from him too. What a shame, all of that hotness wasted on a weirdo.">>
Her head shakes regretfully and that you also agree with. If he had been relatively more normal, then he'd catch your interest for sure. $oni.Name then tries to change the topic to lighten your mood for the rest of the walk but still, you cannot wipe his intense gaze from the back of your mind.
<<link "Back" "College">><<set $bully.state to 1>><</link>><<silently>>\
<<set $bully.state to 2>>
<<if $you.talkto == 1>>
<<set $bully.fcaught to 1>>
<<elseif $you.talkto == 2>>
<<set $bully.fcaught to 2>>
<<elseif $you.talkto == 3>>
<<set $bully.fcaught to 3>>
Finishing up making yourself decent, you suddenly hear rustling outside the window. Considering the act that you've just done, your heart jumped and feet move quickly to look outside. However, nothing out there, but still there is an underlying disquiet as you calm yourself:
<<di you "Okay, relax. Probably just a squirrel or something.">>
With that, you close the window and try to look at the bright side - the amazing sex you just had with <<if $you.talkto == 1>>$w.ydad<<elseif $you.talkto == 2>>$w.ybrother<<else>>them<</if>>.
<<link "Back" $you.location>><</link>>As you round the corner of the hall, suddenly the devil appears.
<<image bully/bully.jpg>>
<<di bully "Going somewhere?">>
Not really wanting to entertain him, you try to throw out an excuse.
<<di you "Yes, sorry but I'm late for my lecture.">>
You try to go around him but his large hand pushing back on your chest halts you on your steps.
<<di bully "Now, now. Hold your horses. I got something to show you.">>
<<di you "Can we do this another time? I'm really late.">>
You say with a note of annoyance however the picture on his phone's screen stops you dead on your track.
<<di you "Wha-what?!? What the hell is that?">>
In the picture, it shows you doing an unspeakable act to <<if $bully.fcaught == 1>>$w.ydad<<elseif $bully.fcaught == 2>>$w.ybrother<<else>>$w.ydad and $w.ybrother<</if>>. However, you still have some scraps of mindfulness in your mind to deny deny deny:
<<di you "What a sick fucking joke? Who the hell fabricated this disgusting picture.">>
He smirks at you and continues to swipe left which reveals more and more pictures of you in various positions like he's debunking your excuse.
<<di bully "Nice try, but I saw with my own eyes what you did.">>
Never ever have you felt such helplessness and anger toward anyone that you hiss quietly:
<<di you "You stalked me? What the fuck?">>
<<di bully "So? Let's ask the audience which one is worse: stalking or having sex with your family?">>
Fear chills your whole body upon hearing his threat, no one can know about this. You beg desperately:
<<di you "P-please, don't do it! What do you want? I can give you anything.">>
He then yawns as if there is nothing valuable about you to him.
<<di bully "What can you even give me? Huh? I'm bored and a bit of juicy drama in the neighborhood can be exciting, don't you think?">>
Shit, he really is gonna do it? Your heart drops to your stomach and floats the bile and regret up. Your eyes start to water from panic as you continue to beg him like a dying worshiper praying for salvation:
<<di you "Please, I will do anything... please.">>
Staring at your wrecked expression, something hot, harsh and hungry passes through his expression. He then uses his hand to once again caress your cheek as he coos almost affectionately if the circumstance were any different.
<<di bully "Awww, you're shaking like a poor little lamb. Alright, I won't say anything... for now. Meet me in the school park at 4 PM and I may have something for you to do, got it?">>
The "for now" is still a clear guillotine over your neck but you won't refuse any chance to save the situation, so you nod quickly like a woodpecker.
<<di you "Yes, I understand. I will be there at 4 PM stat.">>
<<di bully "That's a good boy. See you then.">>
He smiles at your obedience cheerily and waves goodbye like your best bud. Shit, fuck, shit, what the hell did you get yourself into???
<<link "Then 4PM comes" "Bullystreak">>
<<set _temphour = (15 - $hour)>>
<<set _tempminute = (60 - $minute)>>
<<presshour add _temphour>>
<<pressminute add _tempminute>>
<<set $you.hunger -= _temphour>>
<<set $you.sleep -= _temphour>>
<</link>><<minute add 15>>\
As you make your way to the school, a voice suddenly calls out to you.
<<image schoolhallway.jpg>>
<<di oni "Hello, stranger. It has been a minute since I last saw you. Where have you been?">>
<<di you "Haha, you know just been around. Also, I've been feeling a bit tired and sleepy more frequently than you usual.">>
Of course, you do not want to share your conquests, despite how trustworthy she is. Some secrets are just meant to not be told. Though, hearing your words, genuine concern is clear on her face.
<<di oni "Hmm? Really? Are you feeling alright? I know that you're wary of alternative healing but my grandma has some <b>special techniques</b> that can help you with that.">>
That's one of the things that you both don't see eye to eye. She's very spiritual and "alternative" while you are a man of science, but like many times before, you don't want to hurt her feelings.
<<di you "Thanks, I appreciate it but it's not so bad now.">>
<<di oni "Alright, if in the future, you want my help, let me know. I'm telling you my grandma is incredibly sharp in spite of her constant fasting and lack of sleep.">>
Since you haven't met her for quite a while you both jog toward your lectures while being engrossed in the conversation. Maybe a bit too engrossed as you slam face first into what feels like a solid brick wall. You realize that the blockade is another student.
<<di you "Sor-...">>
Your apology is cut short when you glance up to see a striking face. It's <<textbox "$bully.Name" "Chris">> - standing tall at 6'3" dressing in a worn out outfit. Thank the lord for that because if the guy dresses any nicer, then there's no resisting him. Square-jawed with a light stubble, thick brows, a pair of piercing eyes with an air of coldness, casting an aura of mystique around him. Along with the impressive physique under the plain clothes, this classically handsome dude belongs on the magazine's cover.
<<image bully/bully.jpg>>
However, unlike others during highschool, you don't harbor a crush on him because he was sort of a bully to you. Back then he sometimes slammed you against your lockers, called you names, wrote threatening notes and pranked you in very calculative ways that left him unsusceptible. Thankfully, for whatever reason, during the last 6 months of highschool, he stopped bothering you.
One thing that you don't understand is that there were many easier targets than you because you're not a wimpy kid by any means or a pushover, but he specifically went after you and you only. To be fair, the guy unnerves you because everytime you look at him, your primitive brain screams DANGER!!! because obviously he outstrengths you but there is something in his eyes while looking at you that resembles like a ravenous wolf prowling to savagely tear a bunny to pieces and swallow it whole. You decide to:
<<link "Talk to him" "Bullyaccept">><</link>>
<<link "Ignore him and go on your way" "Bullyignore">><</link>><<scenechoices bully 1 0>>\
<<image park1.jpg>>
It feels like ages waiting until 4 PM to come, you arrive at the entrance and look around anxiously. It doesn't take you long to find him leaning under a secluded shade, smoking a cigarette because he's not one to be faded in the background. Your feet reluctantly carry you to his position as he takes the last hit and stomps slowly but with a strangely unmitigated force on the already burned out bud.
<<di bully "Do you feel a rush when you smoke?">>
That question throws you off because it sounds almost philosophical and the serious expression on his face also makes you feel off-kilter because you're more used to the cruel and mocking sides of him. You reply hesitantly:
<<di you "Um... theoretically yes? But I don't know for sure since I haven't tried it yet.">>
<<di bully "Hmm... then why I feel nothing?... Except for...">>
He then gives you the signature focused stare that reaches to the deepest part of your soul before abruptly chuckling:
<<di bully "Haha... anyway, great job. You're punctual, I like it.">>
He slaps your shoulder good-naturedly but the strength behind it makes you wince internally. His sudden mood change is quite eerie. Nevertheless, you put that aside since there is a reason for you to be here.
<<di you "So what do you want me to do?">>
<<di bully "How about a small test first? Hmmmm... Let's see. Strip!">>
<<di you "Wha-?!?">>
You stutter at that request, despite the fact that there isn't anyone around in the area this time around, it is still a public space. That is definitely a wrong thing to say because his scowl appears swiftly.
<<di bully "Did I fucking stutter? I said STRIP!">>
Startled by his outburst of anger, you timidly follow his order and make a quick work of removing your clothes. After you are fully naked, you try to cover your crotch and squirm under his scrutiny. Apparently enjoying your discomfort greatly, he spends a few minutes watching your shivering which is totally because of the breeze and not the sinister feeling radiated from him.
<<di bully "Hmm, you know what to do next - streak and do not cover yourself.">>
Streaking? Around the park? You're pretty liberal about that kind of stuff, but still that is definitely not something in your comfort zone. However, it is quite clear that you have to follow his order or else...
<<di you "Okay, you got it.">>
Then off you go. A small part of you tells you that you only need to do it for a few seconds because that's technically according to his order. However, a bigger, rational and... scared part of you understands that if you do that, there will be hell to pay. So at least 5 minute streaking, it is.
<<video bully/bullystreak.mp4>>
Making the way through the park, it is mostly deserted. There are one or two people hanging around but you try your best to evade them. Everytime you are nearly caught, a strange thrill runs through you and zaps down south. You feel yourself getting hard and flushed. Well well, it appears you got a bit of an exhibitionist inside.
After a lap around the park, you stand before him, dripping in sweat - panting but still conscious of his order to not cover yourself so he has the full view of your half-erected cock.
<<di bully "Tsk tsk tsk... You're really one freaky fuck. I'm feeling charitable so to reward you, you can jerk off now.">>
Huh? Now? Standing in front of him? In the public? Who is the freaky fuck again? Still your traitorous dick jerks at the notion of being relieved. Your answer is a bit breathy and uncertain:
<<di you "Th-thanks, but I can do it back home.">>
<<di bully "Are you that goddamn dense? I SAID I REWARD YOU TO MASTURBATE HERE!">>
<<di you "Okay, okay. I will do it! Please be calm.">>
You appease him to not make a scene and attract any attention. Even through his temper, your dick doesn't even shrivel up at all. Maybe he got a point calling you a freaky fuck because no normal person should be this turned on in your situation.
<<link "Here goes nothing" "Bullystreakjerk">><<presshour add 1>><<set $you.horniness to 0>><</link>><<lust bully add 1>>\
Under his attention, it doesn't take much for you to get rock hard. Every time you make eye contact, your member spasms and sends euphoric waves through your body. So in order to not embarrass yourself by premature ejaculation, you close your eyes, squeeze your shaft tightly and begin stroking.
As your hand moves up and down, you try to conjure some erotic images in your mind but the rustlings of the trees and the brush of the winds never stop reminding that you're being watched jacking off in a middle of a park. Does that thought stifle your horniness? No. Your balls draw up and you let out a quiet moan from pleasure.
<<video bully/bullystreakjerk.mp4>>
Aside from the wind, there is also a hot and heavy tingle that skirts from your cock, passing through your navel, chest, neck, lips - like a caress. Is it the manifestation of his traveling leer on your body?
When you are almost reaching the climax, you can't hold back the small sounds fleeting out from your throat. Suddenly a rough, barely audible whisper of his deep voice reaches your ears:
<<di bully "Interesting...">>
Curious, you open your eyes to see him currently adjusting something that looks obscenely big under his slacks. That's enough to push you over the edge and wrench the orgasm out of you as you spray the ground with ropes and ropes of cum. That's the last image you see because the orgasmic bliss blurs your vision.
<<video bully/bullystreakcum.mp4>>
When you come down from the peak of ecstasy, he's back to leaning on the tree nonchalantly, his shirt strategically covers his crotch. The only change is the raspiness in his vocal:
<<di bully "Not bad, not bad. You passed the test, but just barely.">>
<<di you "Can I wear my clothes now?">>
A shit-eating grin breaks out on his face as he looks at you pleasantly:
<<di bully "That's a good boy, asking for my permission now? You may do it.">>
That makes you blush because what the fuck? Why did you ask for his permission anyways? You console yourself that your dirt is still in his possession so you have to be obedient to him but it's not that convincing. Not wanting to dwell on that much longer you ask:
<<di you "So that's the test? You won't leak the photos, right?">>
Closing the distance, he reaches out to touch your neck. His thumb swipe over your vulnerable pulse.
<<di bully "Long as you follow my every order, your secret is safe with me, little lamb.">>
You gulp with difficulty and nod docilely.
<<di bully "Good, you can go now.">>
As you depart from the park, still dazed from your interaction with $bully.Name. Is this going to be your fate from now: Following his every whim? There must be a way to get out of this.
<<link "Back">>
<<if not $gameends>>
<<set $bully.state to 3>>
<<set $bully.requeststate to 2>>
<<goto "College">>
<<goto "Bullyscenemenu">>
<<set $bully.requestcd to 0>>
<<set $bully.requeststate to 1>>
<<set _request to random (1,10)>>
<<if $bully.state == 3 or $bully.state == 4>>\
<<set $bully.state to 4>>\
<<set $bully.request to 1>>\
<<set $bully.rc to false>>\
A sudden ring notifies you of a new message on your phone. It reads:
<<di bully "Go get me a burger.">>
<<di you "Now?">>
<<di bully "Yea and bring it to my place. You have 3 hours.">>
He then texts you his address. What other choice do you have? Or do you want to rebel against him?
<<elseif $bully.state == 5 and ($bully.lust == 5 or $bully.lust == 6)>>\
<<set $bully.request to 1>>\
<<set $bully.rc to false>>\
A new message:
<<di bully "Go get me something from the fast food restaurant.">>
Well you know what to do.
<<elseif $bully.state == 6 and $bully.lust == 11>>\
<<set $bully.request to 3>>\
<<set $bully.rc to false>>\
A new message:
<<di bully "Do this assignment.">>
Under the message is a pdf file.
You should <b>go to the college's library</b> to have the material to do the assignment.
<<elseif $bully.state == 7>>\
<<set $bully.state to 8>>\
A new message:
<<di bully "No need to go over today. My dad got into an accident.">>
Huh? His dad? You wonder what happened.
Then another notification about the local news comes in:
<i>Police found a car in Brighton Lake, one casualty - a 45 years old man named...</i>
Wait, does that mean??
<<elseif $bully.state == 9>>\
<<set $bully.rc to false>>\
<<set $bully.request to 3>>\
<<di bully "Do this assignment.">>
Under the message is a pdf file.
You should <b>go to the college's library</b> to have the material to do the assignment.
<<elseif $bully.state == 10 and $bully.lust >= 16>>\
<<set $bully.request to 4>>\
<<di bully "I need a sparring partner, come over now.">>
You mentally prepare yourself for the upcoming beating.
<<elseif $bully.state >= 10>>\
A new message:
<<if _request <= 3>>\
<<set $bully.request to 1>>\
<<set $bully.rc to false>>\
<<di bully "Go get me something from the fast food restaurant.">>
Well you know what to do.
<<elseif _request >= 4 and _request <= 6>>\
<<set $bully.request to 2>>\
<<di bully "Come over here and clean my house.">>
You're his maid now? Goddamn!
<<elseif _request >= 7 and _request <= 8>>\
<<set $bully.rc to false>>\
<<set $bully.request to 3>>\
<<di bully "Do this assignment.">>
Under the message is a pdf file.
You should <b>go to the college's library</b> to have the material to do the assignment.
<<set $bully.request to 4>>\
<<di bully "I need a sparring partner, come over now.">>
You mentally prepare yourself for the upcoming beating.
<<elseif $bully.state >= 5>>\
A new message:
<<if _request <= 4>>\
<<set $bully.request to 1>>\
<<set $bully.rc to false>>\
<<di bully "Go get me something from the fast food restaurant.">>
Well you know what to do.
<<elseif _request >= 5 and _request <= 8>>\
<<set $bully.request to 2>>\
<<di bully "Come over here and clean my house.">>
You're his maid now? Goddamn!
<<elseif _request >= 9>>\
<<set $bully.rc to false>>\
<<set $bully.request to 3>>\
<<di bully "Do this assignment.">>
Under the message is a pdf file.
You should <b>go to the college's library</b> to have the material to do the assignment.
<</if>>\<<link "$bully.Name's home">>
<<set $you.location = "Bully">>
<<pressminute add 20>>
<<if $bully.state == 15 and $bully.requeststate == 0 and $hour >=9 and $hour < 12>>
<<presshour add 2>>
<<set $bully.requeststate = 1>>
<<goto "Bullyfuck4">>
<<elseif $bully.state == 13 or $bully.state == 12>>
<<goto "Bullymenumisc">>
<<elseif not $bully.rc and $bully.requestcd < 3 and ($bully.request == 1 or $bully.request == 3)>>
<<goto "Bullymenumisc">>
<<elseif $bully.requeststate == 2>>
<<goto "Bullymenumisc">>
<<elseif $bully.state == 4>>
<<goto "Bullyrequestintro1">>
<<elseif $bully.state == 5 and $bully.lust == 5>>
<<goto "Bullytalk3">>
<<elseif $bully.state == 8>>
<<goto "Bullymenumisc">>
<<elseif $bully.state >= 5 and $bully.requestcd < 3 and $bully.requeststate == 1>>
<<if $bully.request == 1>>
<<goto "Bullyrequest1">>
<<elseif $bully.request == 2>>
<<goto "Bullyrequest2">>
<<elseif $bully.request == 3>>
<<goto "Bullyrequest3">>
<<elseif $bully.request == 4>>
<<goto "Bullyrequest4">>
<<goto "Bullymenumisc">>
<</link>><span style="color:red"><b>+ 1 $bully.Name's strike.</b></span>
<<set $bully.sus += 1>><<set $bully.requeststate to 3>>\
<<if $bully.sus <= 3>>\
A text comes in:
<<di bully "So that's how it is then? You're making me quite displeased.">>
You panic and text back:
<<di you "Sorry, really really sorry, but I was in the middle of something so I couldn't do it.">>
<<di bully "Alright, I'll give you another chance but remember, you won't like me when I'm angry. ;)">>
The wink emoji never looks so frightening. Well, you got off easy for now but you have to be more careful about his requests in the future.
<<elseif $bully.sus == 4>>\
A text comes in:
<<di bully "It looks like you don't even care anymore? I hope you're ready for the shitstorm that will come.">>
You frantically text back to him and make an excuse:
<<di you "I had a family emergency, so I couldn't text you back to let you know. I'M SORRY.">>
<<di bully "Lucky for you I'm extreme bored but the next time is your last fucking chance, got it?">>
<<di you "THANK YOU!!!">>
You let out a sigh of relief. You live to see another day.
<<elseif $bully.sus == 5>>\
A lone text comes in:
<<di bully "You're fucking dead.">>
Your heart jumps. Shit! You forgot to do the task he gives you. Trying calling him, but he doesn't pick up.
You have a doomed sinking feeling in your stomach.
<</if>>\<<scenechoices bully 1 0>>\
<<if not $gameends>>\
@@.title;BAD ENDING@@
You're in the middle of something when suddenly a text message comes through.
<<di bully "I've posted your picture in our neighborhood social media's group.">>
<<di you "WHAT??!?">>
Oh shit, you forgot to get around to his demand. Oh fuck fuck fuck.
<<di bully "I've been nothing but benevolent but your ungrateful ass keeps disobeying me. It's pay back time, bitch.">>
You try calling him in hysteria but he doesn't pick up. Checking the group, you see that your post is now getting more than a thousand comments in just 15 minutes. You're crestfallen, it's over. Your life is ruined.
The next following days were excruciating for you both mentally and physically for you and your family. The comments, the whispers, the looks that people give you are full of disdain and revulsion.
$w.yfather and $w.brother grow distant and silence always fills the room. You regret all of your decisions that not only destroy your own reputation but also two of your loved ones. You can't bear to look at their faces any longer.
There's no other choice, this is all just too much, so you separate from your family members and move town.
The old $you.Namedis is dead and gone as far as people know. Still sometimes, you look back at the <<link "memories">><<if $gameends>><<goto "Bullyscenemenu">><<else>><<set $gameends to true>><<goto "Memoriesmenu">><</if>><</link>> and wish you could have a chance to restart from the beginning.<<silently>>\
<<hour add 1>>
<<set $bully.state to 5>>
<<set $bully.requeststate to 2>>
A bit out of town, his home looks small and a bit run-down. You walk on the porch, put on a brave face before knocking.
<<image bullyhouse.jpg>>
<<di bully "$you.Namedis? Get in. The door is unlocked.">>
His muffled voice bleeds out from the flimsy door and as you open it, a modest but clean living space is revealed. $bully.Name is sitting on the couch, staring at the TV boredly and dresses very casually with a tanktop and basketball shorts. Your eyes can't help but roam around his body and the noticeable lump under the gray pants. Damn it! Why do assholes also have to be hot?
<<di you "I got your burger here.">>
On the table, you drop the plastic bag which contains the cheeseburger, some fries and sauces that you put extra to appease him. Scanning the content of the bag, one of his eyebrow rises up and he commends:
<<di bully "Mhmm, nice. Good job you can now live to enjoy another day.">>
He digs into the meal ravenously like a hungry wolf. You take this moment to examine his home. It looks like this is his parents' because the decor is rather old school and there is a family picture: His dad is a stocky guy with a bushy mustache, his mother tall, skinny with piercing eyes and the mini $bully.Name next to them standing rigidly - face impassive. In fact, none of them smiled for the picture and it is hardly a good representation of a happy family.
<<di bully "Are you seriously ogling my dad?">>
<<di you "No, not at all... I'm just looking around.">>
He looks at you angrily, burger half-eaten. His volatile temper is really tricky for you to navigate around. His warning is grim and serious:
<<di bully "You'd better stay the fuck away from him. If I'm an asshole then he's the devil incarnate, you got me?">>
<<di you "Got it...">>
What you really want to do right now is grab his phone which lays carelessly on the couch and delete all the pictures but it's definitely not easy.
<<dio "Female voice" "Shit, fuck! $bully.Name! Did your dad take the goddamned car?">>
A tired but powerful voice booms out from the front door. As she walks in, you realize it's his mother but now with more wrinkles on her mouth and an exhausted but outraged air around her.
<<dio "$bully.Name's Mother" "I fucking told him that I need the car for the doctor appointment this afternoon.">>
He still sits there, chewing as if she is talking about the weather not blowing her lungs out cursing her spouse. After swallowing, he just shrugs at her and says:
<<di bully "Yea, he got a phone call from his buddy, probably went to the bar.">>
<<dio "$bully.Name's Mother" "HOLY FUCK!! I'm gonna kill that asshole.">>
She screams so loud that you fear your eardrums may get punctured and she storms up the room without acknowledging you here - standing awkwardly. After that scene, it's really high time that you make your retreat.
<<di you "So I'm gonna go?">>
<<di bully "Close the door on your way out.">>
He says - cool as a cucumber - the guy perhaps has some weird mental issues because there is no way you can maintain such calmness after witnessing your own mother losing it like that. What do you do to get out of this situation now? Your mind stops short at the image of him adjusting himself while you jerked off at the park? Maybe he's interested in something you have to offer. You can get close to him and then delete the picture when his guard is down.
You make up your mind about the plan because it's apparently your life motto now: When in doubt, seduce!
<<link "Back" "Go outside">><</link>><<silently>>\
<<hour add 1>>
<<set $bully.requeststate to 2>>
<<scenechoices bully 1 0>>\
<<if $bully.lust < 6>><<lust bully add 1>><</if>>\
<<sus bully minus 1>>\
When you drop the burger off at his place, it looks like he's just off doing some physical activities as the sweat drips down on his face.
<<image bully/bully.jpg>>
<<di you "Here you go.">>
He grabs the plastic bag and starts to stuff his face. The guy must be extremely hungry from the look of it and probably tired. As you have concluded before, you need to get his guard down so you place yourself behind the couch and your hands grasp his shoulders - asking to massage him:
<<di you "May I?">>
He glances back at you questionably before nodding.
<<di bully "Suit yourself.">>
With his blessing, you begin to put all of your skill to the test to try winning him over. At the very first touch, you can feel the acute tension coiled tight within his muscles. Your deft fingers knead and untangle all the knots and stress as his posture relaxes. Every time you dig in a particular rigid part of his shoulder, he lets out a deep exhalation. Your method is definitely working.
<<video bully/bullymassage.mp4>>
<<di you "You know... I'm very good with my hands.">>
Since then, his eyes are closed to enjoy your massage and with your words, he raises a brow at you curiously.
<<di bully "Really?">>
His rough and lazy voice trickles hotly to your ears as you reply - your hands worming toward his strong neck.
<<di you "Yea, in my hands you'll be totally... satisfied.">>
Without warning, his large and rough palms capture your wrists. You wince from the discomfort from his vice-like grips. He rumbles dangerously:
<<di bully "Do you really say that kind of shit to anyone you massage?">>
Now the pain on your wrist is getting to an alarming level, so you have to wane his aggression.
<<di you "No. Just you.">>
He removes his hold on you abruptly, sparing you from further agony, and psst humorlessly:
<<if $bully.lust < 6>>\
<<di bully "Hmm, then we'll see about that... next time.">>
After around 5 minutes, he seems finally has had enough:
<<di bully "You can piss off now, I got some stuff to do.">>
With a parting peek, you see that the bulge under his pants seemingly grows significantly compared to the first look. Your plan is working!
<<elseif $bully.lust == 6>>\
<<di bully "From those pictures of you, I highly doubt that. However, I'm bored so... let's see what you can do with your hands then.">>
<<di bully "From those pictures of you, I highly doubt that. However, I'm bored so... let's see what you can do then.">>
<<if not $gameends>>\
<<if $bully.lust < 6>>\
<<link "Back" "Go outside">><</link>>
<<elseif $bully.lust >= 6>>\
<<link "Jerk him off">>
<<presshour add 1>>
<<if $bully.state == 5>>
<<set $bully.state to 6>>
<<goto "Bullyhjintro">>
<<goto "Bullyhj">>
<<if $bully.lust >= 11>>\
<<link "Blow him" "Bullybj">>
<<presshour add 1>>
<<if $bully.lust >= 16>>\
<<link "Let him fuck you" "Bullyfuck">>
<<presshour add 2>>
<<if setup.ws.Bullyhjintro>>\
<<link "First handjob" "Bullyhjintro">><</link>>
<<link "==First handjob==">><</link>>
<<if setup.ws.Bullyhj1 or setup.ws.Bullyhj2>>\
<<link "Regular handjob" "Bullyhj">><</link>>
<<link "==Regular handjob==">><</link>>
<<if setup.ws.Bullybj1 or setup.ws.Bullybj2>>\
<<link "Regular blowjob" "Bullybj">><</link>>
<<link "==Regular blowjob==">><</link>>
<<if setup.ws.Bullyfuck1 or setup.ws.Bullyfuck2>>\
<<link "Regular fuck" "Bullyfuck">><</link>>
<<link "==Regular fuck==">><</link>>
<<link "Back" "Bullyscenemenu">><</link>>
<</if>>\<<lust bully add 1>>\
<<scenechoices bully 1 0>>\
He pulls down his pants to reveal a literal snake. His erection rests effortlessly large on his toned stomach. The shaft is large, smooth and throbbing like an impatient beast. His balls are large and seem to be able to breath as they move up and down to the beat of his throbbing dick. The head is bulbous, but also well-proportioned to its supporting staff, and its shade is angry red approaching purple - a powerful indication of his arousal. It's so unfair that every inch of this douche is perfect, still that doesn't hold you back from complimenting:
<<di you "Damn, your dick is so fucking hot.">>
Seeing you being completely mesmerized by his manhood, his sandpapery voice commands you:
<<di bully "Then why the fuck are you sitting there and babbling like a dumbass? Jerk my fucking dick, bitch.">>
Not wanting to upset him and miss your chance on touching that gorgeous piece of meat, your hands reach out and grip his waiting dick. You first start slowly to let your mind record the feeling of silky fervor and the demanding spasms of his tool just like its master.
<<video bully/bullyhj1.mp4>>
<<di bully "Shit...! Are you really a limp-wristed fag? Get it going already.">>
With those words, you proceed to ramp up the pace of your stroke and soon your hand glides over his cock at impressive speed. A few beats later, your other hand finds its way to his remarkable orbs and juggle them lightly to circulate his inner flow in hope of an explosive cumshot.
<<di bully "Fuck...! Why does this... feels so good...">>
His eyes are closed and face distorted - lost in the pleasure. You aren't even sure if he realizes what he just says.
<<video bully/bullyhj2.mp4>>
<<di bully "Get fucking ready... and don't let a drop... spill over the couch... sssssshitt FFUCCKKK...!!!">>
His cock expands even more from its impressive size to fire up white jets of semen, coating your palm. Your strategy of drawing his cum may work a bit too well since the amount is so immense. You are unable to be contain and let it spill down to the couch.
<<video bully/bullyhjcum1.mp4>>
<<di you "Sssshit!">>
You groan both from the intense arousal you feel at looking such an erotic picture as well as the anticipation of his rage upon knowing about the mess. Apparently, the guy is extra sensitive too as his whole body shakes from the aftershock of the orgasm.
<<di bully "Holy... fuck... shit... fuck... damn...">>
Slowly, he finally comes down from the climax and when his thigh touches the wet spot of his spill. He opens his eye and growls at you:
<<di bully "You useless fucking bitch... I told you to not let my come get everywhere.">>
<<sus bully add 1>>\
Before you know it, his large palm envelopes your neck and cuts your airway. His sweat-glistening body and the short flares of his breathing shows what a dangerous predator he is. It feels like at any moment he can easily snap your neck in half. As your vision dissolves from the lack of oxygen, he finally releases his grip.
<<di bully "But you've done a decent job so at least still have some a little bit of use. Don't let that happens again.">>
You hate the fact that when your brain reboots - the first thought you have is: "Does that mean there will be a second time?" You're starting to feel unsure whether your goal is to get out of this blackmail or get more of his equally ruthless and arousing treatment.
<<link "Back">>
<<if not $gameends>>
<<goto "Go outside">>
<<goto "Bullyscenemenu">>
<<hour add 1>>
<<set $bully.requeststate to 2>>
<<scenechoices bully 1 0>>\
<<if $bully.lust < 6>><<lust bully add 1>><</if>>\
<<sus bully minus 1>>\
You arrive at his home to deliver the assignment that he asked. Knowing him now, you announce and let yourself in his home:
<<di you "It's me, $you.Namedis. I'm here to give your the college work.">>
<<di bully "Leave it on the table.">>
His voice echoes from the bathroom, you hesitate a moment because you want to look for his phone right now. However, before you can even make a move, a click of the bathroom alerts him leaving the bathroom. And what a sight that is.
<<if $bully.state == 9>>\
<<set $bully.state = 10>>\
He still looks amazing cladded only in the bath towel. However, there is <b>an ugly bruise</b> marred on his otherwise perfectly sculpted body.
<<image bully/bullybruise.jpg>>
<<di you "What happened to you?">>
At first he scrubs his hair confusedly at your word before realizing you're talking about the bruise on this stomach. After a moment of hesitation, he answers back.
<<di bully "First of all, none of your fucking business. Secondly... that's just a sparring partner being a dumb bitch.">>
<<di you "Sparring...?">>
<<di bully "Yea, I train and do boxing regularly and this asshole took a dirty shot at me. As a matter of fact, you're gonna be my sparring partner soon enough.">>
<<di you "What?? Me?? I don't know anything about boxing!">>
<<di bully "Better reading up and learning then or you'll in a world of hurt.">>
He's still drying his hair, you can't still help but ogle at him. His strong pecs, his symmetrical abs and the protruding bulge under the white towel. The saliva starts pooling in your mouth at such a delicious sight.
Suddenly, the two pieces of cloth drop on the floor - one from his hand and one wrapping around his hips.
<<di bully "If you're gagging for it that much then fucking come here bitch.">>
Cladded only in a thin towel riding low on his hips, he looks like the ideal muscle stud that every art class wants as their anatomy model. You can see the clear definition on his body - his chest is large and smooth, his abs - literally washboard and a pair of powerfully veiny arms.
<<image bully/bullytowel.jpg>>
Holy! He can definitely go toe to toe with $w.ybrother. A mocking laugh then can be heard from him:
<<di bully "My eyes are up here.">>
You blush profusely at this, you're supposed to be the one who seduces, not him. Also NO! You refuse to be seduced by him.
<<if $bully.lust <= 5>>\
<<di bully "But it's understandable considering you'll pretty much service anyone who has a cock between their legs, let alone me, right slut?">>
Unable to rebel against him for now, also you really can't debunk his observation because that is not false:
<<di you "Yea, that's right. So would you give this slut a chance?">>
Him being a blackmailing asshole is still not enough to deter your whorish tendency since this offer is completely sincere.
<<di bully "Nice try, but your job is done here, get out.">>
He then dismisses you to go up to his bedroom to change.
<<di bully "But it's understandable considering you'll pretty much service. Tell you what? I'll let you do it right here and now.">>
Your heart skips, now it is your chance to seduce him even further.
<<if not $gameends>>\
<<if $bully.lust < 6>>\
<<link "Back" "Go outside">><</link>>
<<elseif $bully.lust >= 6>>\
<<link "Jerk him off" "Bullyhj">>
<<presshour add 1>>
<<if $bully.lust >= 11>>\
<<link "Blow him">>
<<if $bully.state == 6>>
<<presshour add 1>>
<<set $bully.state to 7>>
<<goto "Bullybjintro">>
<<presshour add 1>>
<<goto "Bullybj">>
<<if $bully.lust >= 16>>\
<<link "Let him fuck you" "Bullyfuck">>
<<presshour add 2>>
<<if setup.ws.Bullyhj1 or setup.ws.Bullyhj2>>\
<<link "Regular handjob" "Bullyhj">><</link>>
<<link "==Regular handjob==">><</link>>
<<if setup.ws.Bullybjintro>>\
<<link "First blowjob" "Bullybjintro">><</link>>
<<link "==First blowjob==">><</link>>
<<if setup.ws.Bullybj1 or setup.ws.Bullybj2>>\
<<link "Regular blowjob" "Bullybj">><</link>>
<<link "==Regular blowjob==">><</link>>
<<if setup.ws.Bullyfuck1 or setup.ws.Bullyfuck2>>\
<<link "Regular fuck" "Bullyfuck">><</link>>
<<link "==Regular fuck==">><</link>>
<<link "Back" "Bullyscenemenu">><</link>>
<</if>>\<<if $bully.lust <= 10>><<lust bully add 1>><</if>>\
The welcoming sight of his erection gets uncovered as you pull down his shorts. It is still as big and incredible looking as you remember. Your hands eagerly wrap around the hot branding tool and pump his cock exactly the way he wants it.
<<video bully/bullyhj1.mp4>>
<<di bully "Fuck yea, squeeze that cock harder, fag.">>
Complying to his order, you put more pressure into your grasp and form a tighter hold of your palm. Despite just being a handjob, the way his hips bucks into your grip is like him fucking into your hole as you feel yourself getting more and more aroused by his powerful movements.
<<video bully/bullyhj2.mp4>>
<<di bully "Hmmpfh... sssshit... goddamn... I'm close... Remember what I told you before...">>
Yep, "don't let a drop spill anywhere in the room" or you will get punished. However, is his punishment even a bad thing? - your rock-hard dick wonders that out loud.
<span id="choices">\
<<if not $gameends or setup.ws.Bullyhj1>>\
<<link "You want his punishment">>
<<if not $gameends and not setup.ws.Bullyhj1>>\
<<set setup.ws.Bullyhj1 to true>>
<<set $ws.Bullyhj1 to true>>
<<run memorize('ws', setup.ws)>>
<<replace "#choices">>\
<<include "Bullyhj1">>
<<link "==You want his punishment==">><</link>>
<<if not $gameends or setup.ws.Bullyhj2>>\
<<link "You follow his order">>
<<if not $gameends and not setup.ws.Bullyhj2>>\
<<set setup.ws.Bullyhj2 to true>>
<<set $ws.Bullyhj2 to true>>
<<run memorize('ws', setup.ws)>>
<<replace "#choices">>\
<<include "Bullyhj2">>
<<link "==You follow his order==">><</link>>
</span>\<<sus bully addflat 2>>\
You come to realize that you are a real masochist because you desire his punishment. The rhythm of his pistoning is getting erratic and soon you will be rewarded with the erotic sight and smell of his ejaculation.
<<di bully "Ffffuck... brace yourself, bitch... ARRRRRRRGGHHH!!!">>
Ropes and ropes of cum fly from his slits and you let them fly free to the table, floor, couch, his thighs and cover almost all of your hand from the sheer volume. He then continues to quiver from the echoes of his climax.
<<video bully/bullyhjcum1.mp4>>
<<di bully "Shit... argh... fuck...">>
Damn the sight of him being this vulnerable never fails to turn you on even beyond. You capture this image and save it to your spank bank for the next jerk off session. However as soon as he arrives back to the land of living, his blissed out expression quickly turns sour and he gets up and choke you abruptly. You gasp:
<<di you "pfffphhh… p-p-please... arghhh...">>
<<di bully "What the fuck did I told? WHAT THE FUCK DID I TOLD YOU??!?">>
<<di you "pleasss-...">>
As you feel yourself getting faint, his hold on you finally release and you take in a few lungful gulps of air and cough.
<<di bully "Clean this fucking mess up and get the fuck out of my sight.">>
Despite still feeling lightheaded, your dick is still filled with blood and it probably just takes one touch for you to shoot right here and there. Mindlessly, you stand up and get the tissues and do as he says. It feels like your first priority in life right now is following his order and satisfying him. You're getting lost in the maze of pleasure and agony.
<<link "Back">>
<<if not $gameends>>
<<goto "Go outside">>
<<goto "Bullyscenemenu">>
<</link>>Your rationality wins over, he's still capable of ruining your life so no need to risk it. The rhythm of his pistoning is getting erratic and soon you will be rewarded with the erotic sight and smell of his ejaculation.
<<di bully "Ffffuck... brace yourself, bitch... ARRRRRRRGGHHH!!!">>
Ropes and ropes of cum fly from his slits and almost startle you from gathering it on your palm. The pearly streams hitting your palm with both volume and substantial force lets you know the immense strength of his orgasm. He then continues to quiver from the echoes of his climax.
<<video bully/bullyhjcum1.mp4>>
<<di bully "Shit... argh... fuck...">>
Damn the sight of him being this vulnerable never fails to turn you on even beyond. You capture this image and save it to your spank bank for the next jerk off session.
<<di bully "Phew... good job... bitch. Your job here is done.">>
Well, if you can keep servicing him like this, hopefully you'll never get fired from this job.
<<link "Back">>
<<if not $gameends>>
<<goto "Go outside">>
<<goto "Bullyscenemenu">>
<<hour add 1>>
<<set $bully.requeststate to 2>>
<<scenechoices bully 1 0>>\
<<if $bully.lust < 6>><<lust bully add 1>><</if>>\
<<sus bully minus 1>>\
Knocking on his door, you expect the now familiar voice of him calling out:
<<di bully "$you.Namedis? Get in.">>
<<image bully/bully.jpg>>
When you are within his vision, he gives the order to you casually like his second nature:
<<di bully "You know what to do.">>
The house is not particularly messy or anything but there is definitely something that needs to be done about those dishes leaving around the dining table. <<if $bully.state < 9>>As you assessing the space, you wonder: Do his parents help with the housework?<</if>>
<<di bully "Do not miss a single corner of the house.">>
Well you hear the boss and roll up the sleeves to take on the tasks of cleaning.
Finished with the dishes, you begin to put your seduction technique into action.
Cleaning the bathroom in the direct from the living room with the door open, you crouch down on your knees and perk your ass out - to wipe undersink, of course. Your loose jeans gradually slide down and reveal the top part of your ass crack.
<<image bully/bullyclean.jpg>>
When it's about to pass your hole, you let it hangs for a few seconds before exclaim sheepishly:
<<di you "Opps, sorry! The pants are a bit too comfortable.">>
His eyes squint at you with interest and something like malice. He gets on his feet quickly and before you know it, grab your hair to tilt your head back savagely. His attention makes you burn with lust but his words leave you frozen with fear:
<<di bully "Getting too comfortable, aren't you?">>
You're really screwed in the head because his actions don't even extinguish your arousal but rather amplify it to a scary level.
<<di you "No, please... I'm sorry.">>
<<if $bully.lust <= 5>>\
You can feel the note of mirth in his voice at your own pliancy as he releases your hair and lightly presses his lips to the shell of your ear:
<<di bully "Don't play with me, I can wreck your shit up so easily.">>
You feel something huge and heated push down on your hips. That makes your hard dick throb incessantly in your pants. Then, he removes himself so that you can get back to cleaning.
It takes you a couple of minutes for your breath to even and your rock-hard dick to shrink just a tiny bit before you can face him again and continue the housework. Fuck! You're really attracted to this unpredictable asshole?
Then you feel something huge and heated push down on your hips. That makes your hard dick throb incessantly in your pants.
<<di bully "If that's what you aim to achieve, you better take care of it, fag.">>
<<if not $gameends>>\
<<if $bully.lust < 6>>\
<<link "Back" "Go outside">><</link>>
<<elseif $bully.lust >= 6>>\
<<link "Jerk him off" "Bullyhj">>
<<presshour add 1>>
<<if $bully.lust >= 11>>\
<<link "Blow him" "Bullybj">>
<<presshour add 1>>
<<if $bully.lust >= 16>>\
<<link "Let him fuck you" "Bullyfuck">>
<<presshour add 2>>
<<if setup.ws.Bullyhj1 or setup.ws.Bullyhj2>>\
<<link "Regular handjob" "Bullyhj">><</link>>
<<link "==Regular handjob==">><</link>>
<<if setup.ws.Bullybj1 or setup.ws.Bullybj2>>\
<<link "Regular blowjob" "Bullybj">><</link>>
<<link "==Regular blowjob==">><</link>>
<<if setup.ws.Bullyfuck1 or setup.ws.Bullyfuck2>>\
<<link "Regular fuck" "Bullyfuck">><</link>>
<<link "==Regular fuck==">><</link>>
<<link "Back" "Bullyscenemenu">><</link>>
<</if>>\<<scenechoices bully 1 0>>\
<<set $you.horniness to 0>>\
<<lust bully add 1>>\
He unwraps the low hanging towel and uncover the delicious slab of beef that you have come to love. It is now half hard and getting chubbier by the seconds from your attention.
<<video bully/bullybj1.mp4>>
<<di bully "You know what sluts also do? Sucking dick. So go ahead, I'll allow you to be a proper slut this time instead of the stupid useless bitch like usual.">>
Hearing his permission for you to suck his cock, it gives you a huge rush. Finally, you have a chance to taste him and nothing can stand between you getting his cock in your mouth now. You scramble quickly towards him, get on your knees in record time and begin to nuzzle where his thigh meets his balls. He smells clean from the recent shower but you can still detect the manly musk from an ideal hunk in his prime.
Before you can take in a few more sniff, your hair gets harshly tugged back and a slap rings loudly through the room. Your cheek burns from the impact of his palm as you sit there dazed.
<<di bully "I told you to suck my cock and suck my fucking cock only. No other funny businesses. You're still a dumb fucking bitch after all.">>
With all that being said, he squeezes your cheeks painfully to force your mouth open and enters you with a brutal thrust. You choke, gurgle and your eyes water from the sudden intrusion but your mouth still remember to suckle on the hard shaft like your life depends on it.
What happens next is just you being mouthfucked ruthlessly - that pure and simple. His hips ramming in and out of your oral cavity with abandon and carelessly as if you're just one of the fleshlight that he's willing to wreck and discard soon after. You love it, love the rough slide of his manmeat, the jaw-dislocating fullness and the way you're helpless against his might and control.
<<video bully/bullybj2.mp4>>
<<di bully "Sssshit... yea fucking take it bitch... this is where you belong...">>
Your mind screams: "Yes! Yes! Yes! Give it to me." with fervor, your cock is now rock hard and with just a wrong blow of the wind can make you detonate at any moment. It seems the euphoria is also affecting him due to the incoherent stream of words:
<<di bully "Fffffuck yea... so fucking tight... never felt this good before... ssssshitt... take it... fucking take it...">>
Your throat is now being violated cruelly and you'll definitely have a sore throat after this blowjob. However, it is all worth it. Suddenly a roar rumbled as he dislodge his whole shaft to the deepest part of your throat.
You can feel his member pulse quickly in your throat as it deposits its breeding juice directly down to your belly. That is enough for you to unleash your cum directly down the floor even without touching yourself. When you think you will die from both asphyxiation and the climax, he finally unplug his softening jack and drops down the floor shaking from the reverberations of the orgasm.
<<image dad/dadbjcum2.gif>>
<<di bully "Damn... holy... fuck...!!">>
You're both breathless from the intense blowjob and when he finally comes down from the high. He chuckles at you with something almost like fondness:
<<di bully "Damn... you're truly a shameless whore after all, willing to suck your blackmailer's dick, but... I don't mind it.">>
His strange companionable mood eggs you on to share even more:
<<di you "It is freeing in a way, I just do what I want, no one can stop me from doing it, society can't have a say in what I did and... I'm under no one control.">>
Something ticks inside his brain as he stares at you thoughtfully like he's mulling your words over.
<<di bully "For a dumbass... you're somehow making sense...">>
But then he leans over and grabs your neck. The smile's long gone.
<<di bully "But whatever you think, never forget that your ass is under my control, got it?">>
His thumb seemingly blocks your airway as you gulp with difficulty.
<<di you "Yes, loud and clear.">>
<<di bully "Good job. Now fucking clean this mess.">>
He gives you a dismissal wave before going back to the bathroom again.
<<link "Back">>
<<if not $gameends>>
<<goto "Go outside">>
<<goto "Bullyscenemenu">>
<<hour add 1>>
<<set $bully.requeststate to 2>>
<<if $bully.lust < 6>><<lust bully add 1>><</if>>\
As you walk up to his house, delivering his food as per usual. You see that $bully.Name is helping his mother move stuff into a truck. His face looks emotionless but as his "friend" for a while now you can sense an undercurrent inside him. So you hide yourself and eavesdrop:
<<dio "$bully.Name's Mother" "That fucking piece of shit doesn't even the decency to help me move. Thank fucking god, I won't have to see that disgusting manchild any longer.">>
She shouts loudly, not caring if any neighbor can hear her.
After a few minutes, it seems the last box has been deposited to the truck. She turns her direction toward $bully.Name:
<<dio "$bully.Name's Mother" "What about you? Gonna grow a pair and leave this shit hole?">>
Seeing someone speak to him in such a condescending tone should have been filled with glee but instead sympathy washes over you. He answers in a unheard meek tone:
<<di bully "It's nothing I can't handle.">>
Her face inches close to him. Her hiss is puref bitter venom:
<<dio "$bully.Name's Mother" "That so? Or you are gonna just roll over and let him smack you around like a damn dog??">>
They stare at each other for a beat, before she finally huffs in exasperation:
<<dio "$bully.Name's Mother" "Just as I thought. Tuck your tail, go back to your little kennel and one day you'll grow and become the same shit douchebag. I'm out.">>
With that parting word, she climbs on the passenger side and leaves without even a hug. Meanwhile, he's standing there - motionless as if he was turned into the stone by Medusa. Seeing him standing there and not being able to expose any part of his turmoil make you want to just run out and give him a consoling hug.
When you are about to get worried, he snaps out of it to return back home with quick strides. You then enter the house 10 minutes later to not cause any suspicion from him.
<<di you "Hey, can I come in?">>
<<di bully "Hmm, $you.Namedis. Forgot about you...">>
<<di you "Okay, here's the-.">>
<<dio "Male voice" "Is the bitch gone?!">>
A harsh and sandpapery voice booms out from upstairs. A man in his 40's wearing a dirty shirt covering his beer belly appears. Despite his sour expression, you can still recognize that it's $bully.Name's dad.
<<dio "$bully.Name's Dad" "Who the fuck is this kid?">>
<<di you "Umm... hi.">>
<<dio "$bully.Name's Dad" "The bitch is gone, isn't she? Good riddance. What a cunt, she'll regret ever divorcing me!">>
So much for staying low-key, now he knows that you know that his parents just got a divorce.
<<dio "$bully.Name's Dad" "Go and cook something, boy. I'm also fucking starving.">>
He directs against $bully.Name as the guy stares at you soullessly and whispers:
<<di bully "Get out.">>
<<dio "$bully.Name's Dad" "Don't get smart with me, boy.">>
His tone is threatening as $bully.Name walks past and shoulder checks you - a clear sign for you to get the fuck out of here. So you heed his warning and say a quick goodbye to both of them before throwing your legs up to your shoulders to get out of that awkward situation.
After observing his dad, you understand $bully.Name's behavior more and feel even more conflicted about this revelation. However, one thing for sure, talking heart-to-heart with him is probably very unwise, better keep your mouth shut about it in the future.
<<link "Back" "Go outside">><</link>><<silently>>\
<<set $scenepicked = false>>
<<if setup.ws.Bullystreak>>[[You streaking and masturbating in public|Bullystreak]]<<else>><<link "==You streaking and masturbating in public==">><</link>><</if>>
<<if setup.ws.Bullyrequest1>>[[Delivering food to him|Bullyrequest1]]<<else>><<link "==Delivering food to him==">><</link>><</if>> <<if setup.ws.Bullyrequest2>>[[Clean his home|Bullyrequest2]]<<else>><<link "==Clean his home==">><</link>><</if>> <<if setup.ws.Bullyrequest3>>[[Giving him the assignment|Bullyrequest3]]<<else>><<link "==Giving him the assignment==">><</link>><</if>> <<if setup.ws.Bullyrequest4>>[[Sparring with him|Bullyrequest4]]<<else>><<link "==Sparring with him==">><</link>><</if>>
<<if setup.ws.Bullyhjintro>>[[First handjob (Delivering food to him)|Bullyrequest1]]<<else>><<link "==First handjob (Delivering food to him)==">><</link>><</if>> <<if setup.ws.Bullyhj1 or setup.ws.Bullyhj2>>[[Regular handjob|Bullyhj]]<<else>><<link "==Regular handjob==">><</link>><</if>>
<<if setup.ws.Bullybjintro>>[[First blowjob (Giving him the assignment)|Bullyrequest3]]<<else>><<link "==First blowjob (Giving him the assignment)==">><</link>><</if>> <<if setup.ws.Bullybj1 or setup.ws.Bullybj2>>[[Regular blowjob|Bullybj]]<<else>><<link "==Regular blowjob==">><</link>><</if>>
<<if setup.ws.Bullyfuckintro>>[[First fuck (Sparring with him)|Bullyrequest4]]<<else>><<link "==First fuck (Sparring with him)==">><</link>><</if>> <<if setup.ws.Bullyfuck1 or setup.ws.Bullyfuck2>>[[Regular fuck|Bullyfuck]]<<else>><<link "==Regular fuck==">><</link>><</if>> <<if setup.ws.Bullylibraryfuck1 or setup.ws.Bullylibraryfuck2 or setup.ws.Bullylibraryfuck3 or setup.ws.Bullylibraryfuck4>>[[Library fuck|Bullylibraryfuck]]<<else>><<link "==Library fuck==">><</link>><</if>> <<if setup.ws.Bullyfuck3>>[[First fuck after returning his journal|Bullyfuck3]]<<else>><<link "==?????????????????????==">><</link>><</if>> <<if setup.ws.Bullyfuck4>>[[Regular fuck after returning his journal|Bullyfuck4]]<<else>><<link "==?????????????????????==">><</link>><</if>>
<<if setup.ws.Bullybadend1>><<link "<b>Bad ending</b>" "Bullybadend1">><</link>><<else>><<link "==<b>Bad ending</b>==">><</link>><</if>>
<<if setup.ws.Bullyend1>><<link "<b>“Cut tie” ending</b>" "Bullyend1">><</link>><<else>><<link "==<b>“Cut tie” ending</b>==">><</link>><</if>> <<if setup.ws.Bullyend2>><<link "<b>Happy ending</b>" "Bullyend2">><</link>><<else>><<link "==<b>Happy ending</b>==">><</link>><</if>> <<if setup.ws.Bullyend3>><<link "<b>“Imprisonment” ending</b>" "Bullyend3">><</link>><<else>><<link "==<b>???????????????????</b>==">><</link>><</if>> <<if setup.ws.Bullyend5>><<link "<b>“Dead” ending</b>" "Bullyend5">><</link>><<else>><<link "==<b>???????????</b>==">><</link>><</if>> <<if setup.ws.Bullyend7>><<link "<b>“Forever” ending</b>" "Bullyend7">><</link>><<else>><<link "==<b>???????????</b>==">><</link>><</if>>
[[Back|Memoriesmenu]] - <i>Ready for your torment?</i>
<<if $bully.state == 15>>\
• You can go to his house and fuck from 9 AM to 12 PM once per day.
<<elseif $bully.state == 13>>\
• You can hand over the evidence of his father's murder to the police <b>- SECRET ENDING</b>
• You can hand the journal back to him to mend the relationship <b>- BAD SECRET ENDING</b>
<<elseif $bully.state == 12>>\
• You can pay him a visit at his home <b>- ENDINGS</b>
<<elseif $bully.state == 11 and $you.sleepingpowder == 1>>\
• Fulfil his daily orders (new message from 9 AM onward)
• You can put the powder in the water to put him to sleep <b>- End of daily orders & reach the end of storyline</b>
<<elseif $bully.state == 11 and $bully.lust >= $bully.lustmax>>\
• Fulfil his daily orders (new message from 9 AM onward)
• You need to find a way to make him unaware and get to his phone and computer<<if not hasVisited("Sleepingpowder")>><b> - you need to find $oni.Name's grandma & $oni.Name's your best friend in college</b><</if>>
<<elseif $bully.state == 11>>\
• Fulfil his daily orders (new message from 9 AM onward)
• Let him fuck you to raise his lust
<<elseif $bully.state == 10 and $bully.lust == 16>>\
• Fulfil his daily orders (new message from 9 AM onward)
• You can now let him fuck you
<<elseif $bully.state == 9 or $bully.state == 10>>\
• Fulfil his daily orders (new message from 9 AM onward)
• Give him blowjob to raise his lust
<<elseif $bully.state == 8>>\
• Wait for <b><<print (3 - $bully.crashcd)>> day(s)</b> or go to his house and wait manually there.
<<elseif $bully.state == 7>>\
• Wait for his message from 9 AM onward
<<elseif $bully.state == 6 and $bully.lust == 11>>\
• Fulfil his daily orders (new message from 9 AM onward)
• You can now give him blowjob
<<elseif $bully.state == 6>>\
• Fulfil his daily orders (new message from 9 AM onward)
• Give him handjob to raise his lust
<<elseif $bully.state == 5 and $bully.lust == 6>>\
• Fulfil his daily orders (new message from 9 AM onward)
• You can now give him handjob
<<elseif $bully.state == 5>>\
• Fulfil his daily orders (new message from 9 AM onward)
<<elseif $bully.state == 4>>\
• Fulfil his the commands and find your way to his home
<<elseif $bully.state == 3>>\
• Wait until 9 AM next day for his message.
<<elseif $bully.state == 2>>\
• Go to the college from 8 to 10 AM again, someone will want to talk to you there
<<elseif $bully.state == 1>>\
• Have sex with either $w.ydad or $w.ybrother
<<elseif $bully.state == 0>>\
• Go to the college from 8 to 10 AM
<<if $bully.state >= 4 and not hasVisited("Bullyfucksleepingpowder2")>>\
• <i>His order: <<if $bully.requeststate == 0>>Yet to arrive<<elseif $bully.requeststate == 2 or $bully.state == 8>>Finished<<elseif $bully.requeststate == 3>>Failed<<elseif $bully.request == 1>>Buy food from the fast food restaurant and bring to his house.<<elseif $bully.request == 2>>Clean his house<<elseif $bully.request == 3>>Do the assignment at the college libraby and bring it to him<<else>>Spar with him at his house<</if>></i>
<</if>>\<<image bullyhouse.jpg>>
<<if $bully.state == 15 and $bully.requeststate == 1>>\
You already go to house once today. More, he may go psycho on you.
<<elseif $bully.state == 14>>\
There is a big "FOR SALE" on the front yard. You can still see his smirk through the door despite the fact that he's gone.
<<elseif $bully.state == 13>>\
<<link "<b>Hand him the back the journal - BAD ENDING <i>(TW: Suicide & Death)</i></b>" "Bullyend4">>
<<pressminute add 15>>
<<elseif $bully.state == 12>>\
<<link "<b>Pay him a visit - ENDING</b>" "Bullyendchoice1">>
<<pressminute add 15>>
<<elseif $bully.state == 8 and $bully.crashcd < 3>>\
It seems he's still busy with the funeral and doesn't look like a good time to visit.
<<link "Wait for two days so that you can meet him" "Bullytalk4">>
<<set $you.hunger = 0>>
<<set $you.horniness = 0>>
<<set $you.sleep = 0>>
<<set $day += 2>>
<<if $day == 9>>
<<set $day = 2>>
<<elseif $day == 8>>
<<set $day = 1>>
<<set $hour = 10>>
<<set $minute = 0>>
<<elseif $bully.state == 8 and $bully.crashcd >= 3>>\
Enough time have passed, you arrive at his home to check how he's doing.
<<link "Give him a visit" "Bullytalk4">>
<<pressminute add 15>>
<<elseif $bully.requeststate == 2>>\
You've already finished with his request. Being around and annoying to his face is not really a good idea.
<<elseif not $bully.rc and $bully.requestcd < 3 and ($bully.request == 1 or $bully.request == 3)>>\
You really want to go in there without the things he wants? Not a good idea.
<<elseif $bully.requeststate == 3>>\
He's probably still pissed at you for not fulfilling his request. Better not showing your face there right now.
<<if $bully.giftstate == 3 and $bully.state == 14>>\
<<link "You reminisce about that time you give him the pen" "Bullygift1">>
<<pressminute add 10>>
<<elseif $bully.giftstate == 3 and $bully.state !== 8 and $bully.state !== 12>>\
<<link "Give him the pen" "Bullygift1">>
<<pressminute add 10>>
<<link "Back" "Go outside">><</link>><<hour add 1>>\
<<set $bully.rc to true>>\
<<image library.jpg>>
You spend an hour researching and working on the assignment.
<<link "Back" "College">><</link>>Your bully: @@.bully;<b>$bully.Name</b>@@
<span style="color:red">Lust: $bully.lust/$bully.lustmax</span>
<span style="color:green">Strike: $bully.sus/$bully.susmax</span> - <i>Bad ending upon reaching $bully.susmax</i><<if hashStr($cheatcode) == $ccanswer>>\
<<include "Cheatmenu">>
<<elseif hashStr($cheatcode) == 358726648>>\
<<include "Devcheat">>
In order to access to the code, you have to be a <b>Sweet Onion ($5) or Red Onion ($10) patron</b>. Help support my development and get access to the cheat code:
<<textbox '$cheatcode' '' autofocus>>\
<<link "Enter the password">>
<<set $cheatcode = $cheatcode.trim().toLowerCase()>>\
<<if hashStr($cheatcode) == $ccanswer>>
<<set setup.cheatcode = $cheatcode>>
<<run memorize('cheatcode', setup.cheatcode)>>
<<replace "#wrong">><</replace>>\
<<replace ".passage">>\
<<include "Cheatmenu">>
<<elseif hashStr($cheatcode) == 358726648>>\
<<replace "#wrong">><</replace>>\
<<replace ".passage">>\
<<include "Devcheat">>
<<replace "#wrong">>\
<span style="color:red"><b>INCORRECT!</b></span>
<span id="wrong"></span>\@@.str;NO FATIGUE (no sleep or hunger):@@ <<checkbox "$cheatnofatigue" false true autocheck>>
@@.str;NO HORNY:@@ <<checkbox "$cheatnohorny" false true autocheck>>
@@.str;MONEY:@@ <<link "+100">><<money 100>><</link>> <<link "+200">><<money 200>><</link>> <<link "+500">><<money 500>><</link>>
@@.str;WEED:@@ \
<<link "-1">>\
<<if $you.weed > 0>>\
<<set $you.weed -->>\
<<replace "#weed">>\
<i> - You have $you.weed bag<<if $you.weed > 1>>s<</if>> of weed.</i>\
<</link>> \
<<link "+1">>\
<<set $you.weed ++>>\
<<replace "#weed">>\
<i> - You have $you.weed bag<<if $you.weed > 1>>s<</if>> of weed.</i>\
<span id="weed"><i> - You have $you.weed bag<<if $you.weed > 1>>s<</if>> of weed.</i></span>
<<if $stage == 2 and hasVisited("Guardwork11")>>@@.str;GUARD PROTECTION:@@ \
<<if $pr.gprotection == 0>>\
<<link "No" `passage()`>>
<<set $pr.gprotection = 1>>
<<link "Yes" `passage()`>>
<<set $pr.gprotection = 0>>
<<button "@@.q1;THE BULLY@@">> -
<<set $q.tbullydisplay to not $q.tbullydisplay>>\
<<replace "#tbully">>\
<<if $q.tbullydisplay>>\
<<include "Tbully">>\
<</button>><span id="tbully"><<if $q.tbullydisplay>><<include "Tbully">><</if>></span>\
<<button "@@.q1;THE CONSTRUCTION WORKER@@">> -
<<set $q.tcwdisplay to not $q.tcwdisplay>>\
<<replace "#tcw">>\
<<if $q.tcwdisplay>>\
<<include "Tcw">>\
<</button>><span id="tcw"><<if $q.tcwdisplay>><<include "Tcw">><</if>></span>\
<<button "@@.q1;THE FAIR@@">> -
<<set $q.tfairdisplay to not $q.tfairdisplay>>\
<<replace "#tfair">>\
<<if $q.tfairdisplay>>\
<<include "Tfair">>\
<</button>><span id="tfair"><<if $q.tfairdisplay>><<include "Tfair">><</if>></span>\
<<button "@@.q1;THE BOSS (SUGAR DADDY)@@">> -
<<set $q.tsddisplay to not $q.tsddisplay>>\
<<replace "#tsd">>\
<<if $q.tsddisplay>>\
<<include "Tsd">>\
<</button>><span id="tsd"><<if $q.tsddisplay>><<include "Tsd">><</if>></span>\<<if $witch.dadhelpstate === 0>>\
<<minute add 15>>\
<<di you "Hey, can I ask you something?">>
<<if $dad.aff > 20>>\
<<set $witch.dadhelpstate = 1>>\
<<di dad "Sure, champ. What is it?">>
<<di dad "What's the matter now?">>
<<di you "My friend's grandma owns a shop and she's old and really bad with taxes and in desperate need of someone to help her sort it out. So...">>
<<if $dad.aff > 20>>\
<<di dad "Alright, I'll do it. Work are slow these days, so I have some spare time.">>
<<di you "Great! Here.">>
You give him the flash drive which contains all the data of her finance over the last year to him.
<<di dad "I'm not sure how messy it will be but I suppose she just has a small business? If so, I should have it done by tomorrow.">>
<<di you "That'd be amazing, thank you!">>
You glee at him with mirth. Well, that was easy.
<<di dad "What? You want me to do it for her...? Free...?">>
<<di you "...Yes?">>
<<di dad "I hope you haven't made any promise because I don't have time for that. No way.">>
His serious scowl kills any kind of protest in the back of your throat.
<<di you "Okay, I see.">>
Well, you need to get more chummy with him then. When your relationship with him reaches <b>fatherly</b> or <b>love</b>, he will change his mind.
<<elseif $witch.dadhelptimer == 0 and $witch.dadhelpstate === 1>>\
<<di dad "I'm still working on it and will give you tomorrow.">>
<<elseif $witch.dadhelptimer >= 1 and $witch.dadhelpstate === 1>>\
<<set $witch.dadhelpstate = 2>>\
<<di dad "Here is the flash drive... That wasn't easy to sort it out, but I finally got it done last minute.">>
You reply to him guiltily
<<di you "Thanks so much, $w.dad. I owe you big time.">>
<<di dad "No problem.">>
<<link "Back" $you.location>><</link>><<set $you.sleepmax = 56>>\
<<set $you.hungermax = 32>>\
<<di witch "Hang on let me find it.">>
She then goes to a chest in the back of a store and rummage through the knick knack inside before exclaiming:
<<di witch "Aha! Here it is.">>
What she brings to you is not a bottle of pills but instead a bracelet with a green gem on it.
<<di you "Umm... I'm confused. It looks nice but how can that bracelet help with my fatigue?">>
<<di witch "Well it has a magical healing property and makes the wearer more resilient and healthy. Here try it on.">>
Before you can even dispute, she already put it on and suddenly you feel a warm torrent trickling under your veins. You swear to god that you actually feel the most refreshed and clear-headed ever in your life.
<<di you "Wait... It works...">>
<<di witch "Of course, it does. Do I look like some sort of snake-oil saleswoman?">>
Ehh, you'd prefer to not speak your mind right now, but still the effect shocks you.
<<di you "No, but I didn't know how effective it was.">>
<<di witch "Well, now you know.">>
Now you feel curious about what else she has in store.
<<link "Back" "Witch">><</link>><<di oni "Wow, babe. You look like shit. What happened?">>
<<di you "Oh it's nothing. Just a lot on my plate and I can't sleep well.">>
You can't hardly tell her all the activities that you're up to these days.
<<di oni "Oh honey, I know. You're worried about being single? I was just kidding, you know. You're still young no need to beat yourself over not having a hunky guy to rail- pfph...">>
You covers her mouth because A: She's dead wrong and B: You still want to stay lowkey, especially in this conservative town.
<<di you "Jeez, why don't you just shout it from the rooftop of the main building?">>
<<di oni "Opps, sorry. Anyways, I'm just worried about you, boo. Here, take this.">>
She gives you a business card which reads: <b>Thuy Nguyen - Eastern Medicine</b>
<<di oni "Trust me, my grandma is really good, I don't know how but she can cure many kind of illness with her voodoo shit.">>
Ehhh... Does that sound like a credible recommendation to you? Still she goes on:
<<di oni "Fatigue, back pain, migraine, she can treat them all. Hell, she even has some special herb powder mix that can put you to sleep in a snap of a finger.">>
<<if $bully.state >= 9>>\
Putting people to sleep in a snap of a finger? Wait a minute, that's it, you can use it to put him to sleep with it and delete the evidence.
<<di you "Okay, thanks. I'll drop by when I'm free.">>
You put the card back to your pocket for later. Despite all the remaining skepticism, you still need to swing by and see if her grandma has any remedy for your issues.
<<link "Back" $you.location>><</link>><<image easternmedicine.jpg>>
You find your way to the shop, it's deep in a small and on the side of a large with a simple sign "Eastern Medicine" <b>OPEN FROM 12:00 to 22:00</b>. As you step inside the first thing you can't help but frown from all the smoke inside which you realize is incense. Behind the counter, you can see a middle-aged looking lady, who is playing a puzzle game on her phone, behind the counter in her pink tracksuit and surrounded by an aesthetic arrangement of bonsai.
<<di you "Um... Excuse me? Is Mrs. Thuy Nguyen here?">>
<<di witch "You're looking at her right now.">>
What? No offense but this is not how you imagined her to look like. She seems a bit irritated by your interruption.
<<di you "Oh I'm sorry if I interrupted your game. I'm $you.Namedis - friend of $oni.Name.">>
At your answer, her expression brightens and she swiftly pounces on you to give you a scarily tight hug.
<<di witch "Oh my god, oh my gosh!! I've heard so much about you. Look at this precious face, what a cutie. Now now c'mon sit down.">>
She releases you and points you to the seat next to her behind the counter. A cup of warm tea materializes on her hand out of nowhere as she coos at you affectionately:
<<di witch "Here, drink this. Lemon mint tea, will wake you right up. Now tell me what brings you here? Boy problem?">>
Now you know where $oni.Name gets her cheeky attitude from... You plan to ask her about:
<<link "How to go longer without eating or sleeping" "Fatiguequestbegin">><<pressminute add 5>><</link>>
<<link "Ask her how to win a guy over" "Witchtalk3">>
<<pressminute add 10>>
<<if $bully.state >= 9 and $you.sleepingpowder == 0>>
<<link "How to sleep super quickly (or how to put someone to sleep)" "Sleepingpowder">><<pressminute add 5>><</link>>
<<link "Nevermind, leave for now." "Go outside">><</link>><<set $you.location = passage()>>\
<<image easternmedicine.jpg>>
<<if $hour < 12 or $hour >= 22>>\
There is a sign outside that says <b>CLOSED & OPEN FROM 12:00 TO 22:00</b>. Oh well, you can return back later.
<<di witch "What do you need?">>
<<if $police.state == 0>>\
<<if hasVisited("Mctalk1")>>\
<<set _title = "Talk to her about the investigation">>\
<<set _title = "She wants to talk to you about some sort of investigation">>\
<<link _title "Mctalk1">>
<<pressminute add 10>>
<<if hasVisited("Fairintro1") and not hasVisited("Witchfairtalk1")>>\
<<link "She has something to tell you about the Ardor Fair" "Witchfairtalk1">>
<<pressminute add 5>>
<<if $mec.lust == 20 and not hasVisited("Forgetpotion")>>\
<<link "Ask her for a potion to forget someone" "Forgetpotion">>
<<pressminute add 5>>
<<elseif hasVisited("Mectalk2") and not hasVisited("Mecfem")>>\
<<link "Ask her put up some flyers" "Mecfem">>
<<pressminute add 25>>
<<if hasVisited("Lockpicking1") and not hasVisited("Lockpicking2")>>\
<<link "Ask her about lock-picking tools" "Lockpicking2">>
<<pressminute add 5>>
<<elseif hasVisited("Lockpicking2") and not hasVisited("Lockpicking3")>>\
<<if $you.money >= 5 or $you.cc == 1>>\
<<link "Buy the lock-picking tools - $5" "Lockpicking3">>
<<if $you.cc == 0>>\
<<money -5>>
<<pressminute add 5>>
<<link "==Buy the lock-picking tools - $5==">><</link>>
<<if not hasVisited("Fatiguequestfinish")>>\
<<if $witch.dadhelpstate == 2 and $witch.brohelpstate == 1>>\
<<link "Finish helping her with the tasks" "Fatiguequestfinish">><<pressminute add 5>><</link>>
<<elseif not hasVisited("Fatiguequestbegin")>>\
<<link "How to go longer without eating or sleeping" "Fatiguequestbegin">><<pressminute add 5>><</link>>
<<elseif hasVisited("Fatiguequestaccept")>>\
<<link "How to go longer without eating or sleeping" "Fatiguequesttalk">><<pressminute add 5>><</link>>
<<if not hasVisited("Witchtalk3")>>\
<<link "Ask her how to win a guy over" "Witchtalk3">>
<<pressminute add 10>>
<<elseif hasVisited("Witchtalk3") and $dad.giftstate < 3>>\
<<if $dad.giftstate <= 1>>\
<<set _title = "What do you think will make a good gift for my "+$w.dad+"?">>\
<<elseif $dad.giftstate == 2>>\
<<set _title = "Tell her that you finished the college delivery">>\
<<link _title "Witchdadgift1">><</link>>
<<if hasVisited("Witchtalk3") and $bro.giftstate < 3>>\
<<if $bro.giftstate <= 1>>\
<<set _title = "What do you think will make a good gift for my "+$w.brother+"?">>\
<<elseif $bro.giftstate == 2>>\
<<set _title = "Tell her that you finished the department store delivery">>\
<<link _title "Witchbrogift1">><</link>>
<<if hasVisited("Witchtalk3") and $resman.giftstate < 3 and $resman.start>>\
<<if $resman.giftstate <= 1>>\
<<set _title = "What gift will help me cozy up with my boss at the fast food restaurant?">>\
<<elseif $resman.giftstate == 2>>\
<<set _title = "Tell her that you finished the townhall delivery">>\
<<link _title "Witchresmangift1">><</link>>
<<if hasVisited("Witchtalk3") and $bully.giftstate < 3 and $bully.state >= 3>>\
<<link "Theoretically, what is something good to give to your “bully”?" "Witchbullygift1">><</link>>
<<if hasVisited("Witchtalk3") and $prof.giftstate < 2 and $prof.state >= 5>>\
<<link "Do you have any gift suggestions for my professor?" "Witchprofgift1">><</link>>
<<if hasVisited("Witchtalk3") and $police.giftstate == 0 and $police.state >= 16>>\
<<link "Do you have anything that $police.Name likes?" "Witchpolicegift1">><</link>>
<<elseif hasVisited("Witchtalk3") and $police.giftstate == 1 and $police.state >= 16>>\
<<if $you.money >= 5 or $you.cc == 1>>\
<<link "Buy donut for $police.Name - $5" `passage()`>>
<<if $you.cc == 0>>
<<money -5>>
<<set $police.giftstate = 2>>
<<link "==Buy donut for $police.Name - $5==">><</link>>
<<elseif hasVisited("Witchtalk3") and $police.giftstate == 2 and $police.state >= 16>>\
<<link "<b>Donut bought - Meet $police.Name from 12:00 to 14:00</b>">><</link>>
<<if $bully.state >= 9 and $you.sleepingpowder == 0 and not hasVisited("Bullyfucksleepingpowder")>>\
<<link "How to sleep super quickly (or how to put someone to sleep)" "Sleepingpowder">><<pressminute add 5>><</link>>
<<link "Back" "Go outside">><<pressminute add 5>><</link>><<di witch "Oh, you're having problems with fatigue?">>
<<di you "Yea... Not particularly but I just want to sleep and eat less while still staying relatively healthy. I suppose that is a bit of a lost cause.">>
<<di witch "Easy peasy lemon squeezy, I can help you with that but I need you to do something for me.">>
Her face changes to serious and business-like. You wonder what kind of stuff you have to do? This feels a bit like a quest in a RPG-game, do you have to find rare herbs, deliver her medicines to another eccentric character or.. Slay a beast? The suspense is killing you until:
<<di witch "Give me $300.">>
<<di you "What? That's it?">>
<<di witch "Yea, that's it. You're precious, boy. However, I am not going to give away my $300 product to you and that's already discounted.">>
<<di you "Ehhh...">>
<<di witch "Or $w.ydad can help me doing my taxes while your hunky $w.brother helps me move these heavy ass boxes to my storage.">>
<<di you "How do you know about my $w.dad and $w.brother?">>
Right... How does she know that maybe she has some kind of special power to read minds?
<<di witch "$oni.Name told me, silly. Now what is it gonna be?">>
Oh right, you'll go with:
<<if $you.money >= 300 or $you.cc == 1>><<link "Pay her $300" "Fatiguequestfinish">><<if $you.cc == 0>><<money -300>><</if>><<pressminute add 5>><</link>><<else>><<link "==Give her $300==">><</link>><</if>>
<<link "Ask $w.ydad and $w.ybrother for helps" "Fatiguequestaccept">><<pressminute add 5>><</link>><<di you "Okay, $300 is a lot. I'll go ask them for you.">>
<<di witch "Excellent. I'll give you the remedy after all is done.">>
<<link "Back" "Witch">><</link>><<di witch "Nuh uh, you still haven't fulfilled all my tasks yet or you want to pay $300 instead?">>
<<if $you.money >= 300 or $you.cc == 1>><<link "Pay her $300" "Fatiguequestfinish">><<if $you.cc == 0>><<money -300>><</if>><<pressminute add 5>><</link>><<else>><<link "==Give her $300==">><</link>><</if>>
<<link "Back" "Witch">><</link>><<minute add 15>>\
<<di you "Hey man, can you do something for me?">>
<<if $bro.aff > 20>>\
<<set $witch.brohelpstate = 1>>\
<<hour add 3>>\
<<di bro "What's up?">>
<<di bro "What?">>
<<di you "My friend's grandma asked me to rearrange her storage. There is quite a lot of stuff to move around so I want to ask for your help?">>
You then proceed to give him puppy eyes hoping to persuade him.
<<if $bro.aff > 20>>\
<<di bro "Of course, I can even do it right now.">>
He smiles at you indulgently and appears willing to follow through with your request. He's such an earnest guy.
<<di you "Alright let's go then.">>
— 3 hours later —
<<di bro "...That was... huff... like 4 hours of... huff... crossfit...">>
<<di you "...Shit... huff... yea…">>
<<di witch "Oh my oh my, two young hot sweaty men handling packages.">>
She then gives you two tall cups of cold lemonade which you appreciate.
<<di witch "Thanks so much, boys. I don't know what I would do without your help. This frail old woman.">>
The middle-aged-looking woman in her signature tracksuit with a bounce on her feet tells you. Yea, she is not frail at all.
<<di you "It's our pleasure.">>
You reply on both of your behalf since $w.ybrother is a bit tongue-tied around stranger, especially women.
Afterwards, the three of you have a pleasant conversation and she is able to coerce $w.ybrother out of his shell to chime in here and there.
<<di bro "Yea, right. Fuck off.">>
Well, you need to get more chummy with him then. When your relationship with him reaches <b>brotherly</b> or <b>love</b>, he will change his mind.
<<link "Back" "Witch">><<if $bro.aff > 20>><<goto "Witch">><<else>><<goto "Brother">><</if>><</link>><<di witch "You have trouble sleeping? Oh I have just a thing.">>
She then opens a small drawer right in the counter to take out a small ziplock bag full of white powder that you hope as hell is not cocaine.
<<di witch "Here it is, whenever you can't sleep just put a dot of them to water and you'll be sound asleep in 15 minute.">>
<<di you "Huh, what happens if I take a pea-sized amount?">>
<<di witch "You'd be out cold in seconds of course but no more than that, it'll be dangerous.">>
<<di you "Gotcha!">>
Learning that, your heart races with excitement and nerves. Finally, you have a way to get to $bully.Name's phone and computer.
<<link "Back" "Witch">><<set $you.sleepingpowder = 1>><</link>>\Before this, you already learned from the news that the man who drove into the lake was $bully.Name's father. As huge as a douchebag he is, you're still too kind hearted and do not wish any ill will towards him, especially something horrible like losing one of your parents.
Because of that, you're now knocking his door after a few days despite there's no text from him demanding you to come over. After a minute, the door is opened and $bully.Name appears. At first he looks surprised and from your observation, he doesn't seem that particularly distraught or upset considering the event he had to endure. However, you can't really judge a book by its cover.
<<di you "Hey...">>
You say awkwardly as he smirks at you devilishly:
<<di bully "What? You came here on your own, already miss my cock that much, huh?">>
That's not what you come here for, but truth be told, you kind of miss it but that's too inappropriate to mention. So you huff indignantly instead:
<<di you "No... I'm just worried about how you're doing... considering what happened to your dad.">>
<<di bully "You're worried... about... me?">>
He remarks incredulously and that makes you flustered because Stockholm syndrome is apparently true and real.
<<di you "Yes..., It's not easy dealing with losing your father and I'm here... to talk if you need me...">>
Sensing that you're not bullshitting him, his hand extends over to rest on your cheeks, an unusual softness draped over his deep voice:
<<di bully "You're really something else... so naive... fascinating......... However, if you think your sweet talks can get you out of your arrangement with me, you're dead wrong!">>
One moment, you are mesmerized by the almost affectionate expression on his handsome features. The next one, you get a rude awakening as his grasp on you hardens along with reminder that you're practically still his slave no matter what.
<<di you "Yes... I understand...">>
<<di bully "Now that's a good boy. Things will resume like usual from tomorrow, you got me?">>
You nod sadly before he dismisses you to go back to his businesses. Fuck! You only had a few day of quiet and bliss and from tomorrow you have to follow his orders again. As you're power-walking back home, you ponder if being a nice person is worth it in the end.
<<link "Back" "Go outside">><<set $bully.state = 9>><<set $bully.requeststate = 2>><</link>><<silently>>\
<<hour add 1>>
<<set $bully.requeststate to 2>>
<<scenechoices bully 1 0>>\
<<sus bully minus 1>>\
Walking to the familiar house by this point, you hesitate for a moment considering his recent loss. Will he be able to control his emotions and not beat you senseless? With that being said, there is too much at stake for you to not follow through with his order so you knock on the door.
The door opens rather quickly with him already in his tank, shorts and boxing gloves. His face is impassive and shows no signs of distraught.
<<di bully "Go to the garage.">>
<<if visited() == 1>>You know vaguely the layout of the house but have never stepped foot to the garage before. <</if>>Despite the size of the house, the garage seems weirdly spacious - enough for a car and a few workout equipment. A pair of boxing mitts fly on your chest as you clumsily try to not drop them.
<<di bully "Put them on and let's get to work.">>
His tone is serious and no-nonsense. You put them as quickly as you can but it is still a struggle. Once gloved, he gives you just a slight warning by getting to the stance before the punches come.
Your reflex actually surprises you because you're able to catch most of the hits thrown on your way. However, you're still an amateur so he's able to get a jab to your stomach.
<<image bully/bullypunch.jpg>>
Pain shockwaves through your body and combined with the adrenaline rush it creates a strange chemical reaction in your brains that makes you moan. Whether the moan in question is from agony or pleasure is debatable.
Hearing that sound, he sneers at you, doubles the efforts and you realize that he's been holding back the whole time. More and more blows make impacts to your body along with the acceleration of your weak grunts from the hits. He is like a cat smacking around its prey mouse for kicks. The speed of his pummeling quickens as he advances more and more towards you until your chests collide.
Not only can you feel the rise and fall of his lungs, down under you can feel his hardness pressing angrily against yours - which is already half hard. Wait a minute, is he getting turned on from pounding you with his fists? And honestly, while taking the beating from him, tendrils of electricity also course through your nether region. You can't even deny that there is some serious masochistic tendency within you.
<<video bully/bullyfrot.mp4>>
His arms are now hanging parallelly over your shoulder blades as he whispers darkly to your ears:
<<di bully "I like it when you moan in pain. Music to my ears...">>
Try as you might, you cannot even detect a hint of a joke from the rasp of his voice. His light thrusts onto you erases any doubt whether he draws pleasure from inflicting pain on you.
<<di bully "Look what you fucking did to me... better take care of it...">>
<<if not $gameends>>\
<<if $bully.lust >= 6>>\
<<link "Jerk him off" "Bullyhj">>
<<presshour add 1>>
<<if $bully.lust >= 11>>\
<<link "Blow him" "Bullybj">>
<<presshour add 1>>
<<if $bully.lust >= 16>>\
<<link "Let him fuck you">>
<<if $bully.state == 10>>
<<presshour add 2>>
<<goto "Bullyfuckintro">>
<<presshour add 2>>
<<goto "Bullyfuck">>
<<if setup.ws.Bullyhj1 or setup.ws.Bullyhj2>>\
<<link "Regular handjob" "Bullyhj">><</link>>
<<link "==Regular handjob==">><</link>>
<<if setup.ws.Bullybj1 or setup.ws.Bullybj2>>\
<<link "Regular blowjob" "Bullybj">><</link>>
<<link "==Regular blowjob==">><</link>>
<<if setup.ws.Bullyfuckintro or setup.ws.Bullyfuckintro>>\
<<link "First fuck" "Bullyfuckintro">><</link>>
<<link "==First fuck==">><</link>>
<<if setup.ws.Bullyfuck1 or setup.ws.Bullyfuck2>>\
<<link "Regular fuck" "Bullyfuck">><</link>>
<<link "==Regular fuck==">><</link>>
<<link "Back" "Bullyscenemenu">><</link>>
<</if>>\<<set $you.horniness = 0>>\
<<if $bully.lust <= 15>><<lust bully add 1>><</if>>\
Unwrapping the pants, you are graced with the now familiar sight and scent of his impeccable staff. It is ramrod straight and pulses slightly at your attention. Unable to hold back, your hand wraps around the base to direct the tasty cock to your mouth.
He lets out a deep exhalation at the first contact of your tongue, it swirls around the burgeoning tip and laps the pre-cum which is now profusely leaking. Taking your time, you let your mouth cocoon his manhood - flesh to flesh - to memorize the smallest groves and curves of the mouth-watering dick.
<<video bully/bullybj3.mp4>>
He, on the other hand, is impatient and roughly grips your hair to pull you away. You don't even have the time to get a word of protest in as his spear lunges determinedly to your gaping mouth.
<<di bully "What the fuck do you think you're doing, huh? Do you think my cock is your personal lollipop, dumb slut...? Your only job here is to FUCKING... CHOKE... ON... IT...">>
He emphasizes each word with a savage thrust of his hips. His formidable length is taking, taking, taking and chasing the high without a thought to its partner whose saliva is dripping messily in an attempt to accommodate. You cannot do anything else but completely forfeit your control to his storm of force and masculinity.
<<video bully/bullybj4.mp4>>
You lose track of time and reality, being mind controlled by his steady and sharp breath with each plunge down your throat. However, his command still manages to captivate your clouded mind:
<<di bully "Fffffuck... swallow every drop... got it?">>
His pace is now reaching to an erratic degree which means he's so close to the point of no return. With that knowledge, you decide to:
<span id="choices">\
<<if not $gameends or setup.ws.Bullybj1>>\
<<link "Disobey his order and make him cum on your face">>
<<if not $gameends and not setup.ws.Bullybj1>>\
<<set setup.ws.Bullybj1 to true>>
<<set $ws.Bullybj1 to true>>
<<run memorize('ws', setup.ws)>>
<<replace "#choices">>\
<<include "Bullybj1">>
<<link "==Disobey his order and make him cum on your face==">><</link>>
<<if not $gameends or setup.ws.Bullybj2>>\
<<link "Obey his order and swallow every drop">>
<<if not $gameends and not setup.ws.Bullybj2>>\
<<set setup.ws.Bullybj2 to true>>
<<set $ws.Bullybj2 to true>>
<<run memorize('ws', setup.ws)>>
<<replace "#choices">>\
<<include "Bullybj2">>
<<link "==Obey his order and swallow every drop==">><</link>>
</span>\<<sus bully addflat 2>>\
Despite his words, the thought of being marked completely by the potent white ink and the potential punishment that follow after drives you crazed with lust. His pistoning is now at the brutalizing level and your throat will not leave this unscathed.
<<di bully "SSSHHHIITTT... Drink up, BITCHHHHH!!!!...">>
Knowing his signs so well by now, you time the exact moment his balls unload to remove yourself as the jerking shaft pops out of your mouth. The movement sends his torrents of man juice flying and a significant amount lands on the floor. However, it is so copious even with that spillover, there is still enough to drench your face and water you with the goopy substance and the strong scent of male virility.
<<video bully/bullybjcum1.mp4>>
This complete assault of the senses also sends your hand into a frenzy as it is working overtime and soon you also join him in the land of bliss.
<<video you/youcum3.mp4>>
You pass out on the floor for just a brief and overwhelming moment before white hot pain from your abdomen radiates through your body. You yelp in pain and your member which you thought was spent spasms and a little bit more cum shot out from your slit.
<<di bully "Are you deaf or your brain is already mush from being fucked senseless? I told you to fucking swallow.">>
Another stomp to your body as you recoil from the pain and despite the agony your cock is still hard and pulsing.
<<di bully "Once I'm done washing up, if there is still cum on the floor, you're dead. Also get the fuck out of my sight, scum.">>
In spite of being just freshed out of a mind-blowing climax, the lingering arousal and overall soreness, you still get up and obey him like a good little puppy following its owner despite being kicked. And yes, you also listen to him and quietly exit the room, you're for sure whipped.
<<link "Back">>
<<if not $gameends>>
<<goto "Go outside">>
<<goto "Bullyscenemenu">>
<</link>>The idea of having a taste from this perfect specimen drives you crazed with lust. His pistoning is now at the brutalizing level and your throat will not leave this unscathed.
<<di bully "SSSHHHIITTT... Drink up, BITCHHHHH!!!!...">>
How can you even resist such sweet sentiment? You squish your face into his pubes and make small gags repeatedly. The movements create a pulsing and sweet suction on his dick which pushes him over the edge. Even when he's already ball deep inside you, his ejaculating hose still keeps ramming against your mouth violently like he can't get enough.
<<video bully/bullybjcum2.mp4>>
You can't taste the liquid since most of it is already deposited directly way down your esophagus. However, you do feel it - the immense hotness streaking slowly to your stomach. The feeling of having a part of him inside your own body turns you on to no end. With just a few slides of your hand and the taste of the remaining semen on the head of his withdrawing and spent cock, you also explode with a muffled moan. Though, your mind is clouded by the climax, you still remember cum on your own body to not spill anything on the floor like your own instinct now revolves around obeying him.
<<image you/masturbatecum1.webp>>
<<di bully "Look at you... drunk on my fucking cum... so pathetic...">>
Maybe because it's the mix of the serotonin and adrenaline ping ponging inside your brain, maybe he finally rubs off on you because you snap back:
<<di you "If understanding what I want and going after it is pathetic, then I don't ever want to be honorable.">>
<<di bully "...And what is it that you want?">>
A blush worms its way to your cheeks, not because you lie or anything, as you stammer:
<<di you "You...">>
He stares at you unfathomably for a second before concluding with a slight smile:
<<di bully "You're a ... strange one, aren't ya?">>
Of all the people, this sadistic asshole is calling you strange? Well, he's a gorgeous asshole but still... Principles.
<<di bully "Okay, you've done your job. Get the hell out of here.">>
He points his thumb toward the door before padding his way nakedly to the bathroom. Gotta love his no nonsense attitude...
<<link "Back">>
<<if not $gameends>>
<<goto "Go outside">>
<<goto "Bullyscenemenu">>
<</link>><<lust bully add 1>>\
<<set $you.horniness to 0>>\
<<scenechoices bully 1 0>>\
<<di bully "Hmm, you know what? Maybe, I should make your throat hoarse for real.">>
<<di you "What do you mean?">>
<<di bully "I already had you suck my dick, fucking your ass ain't gonna be that much different, huh?">>
To say that you don't anticipate this moment is a bold-faced lie. The idea of having actual sex with him always burns in the back of your mind. Before you can even mutter a reply, he roughly grabs your hair and sneers:
<<di bully "Why am I telling you that anyway? As if you'd not drop everything just to get me to fuck your slut hole.">>
Pulling you carelessly by your hair, you endure the pain without any protest as both of you move to a space you've never been in before - his bedroom. Opening the door, a small and neatly organized room greets you and in a glance, it seems nondescript and void of any personal touch. Of course, he doesn't drag you here for a tour so a yelp escapes as you fall gracelessly from his push.
<<di bully "Get naked.">>
You strip at a record time and while he does slowly. Once fully naked, he pounces on you and flips you to your stomach. There is a nudge between your crack as you panic a little bit since you haven't loosened yourself enough for such a huge dick to vacate.
<<di you "Hang on, can you get lube?">>
He then leans over the nightstand to grab the bottle and dangles it in front of you.
<<di bully "You mean this?">>
You nod with relief. However, he then throws it out of the window at your shock.
<<di bully "You're not gonna need it. I did say you're gonna scream, right?">>
Wait... There is no way he is going in dry, right? You gulp in dread, but already accept your fate because if you can take some hits from his boxing, you can grind your teeth through this. Sensing your defeat through your bowed head, he takes the position behind you as the blunt tip rests threateningly on your rim. Then you hear a splat and feel the hot and slimy saliva on your entrance.
<<video bully/bullyfuck1.mp4>>
<<di bully "That's all your loose hole deserves. I'm going in bitch.">>
Once before, you appreciated his thick tool but now your regret is showing. That little bit of spit is not enough and now you are biting your lips for real as the girthy monster is breaching your canal unrelentingly. Is it painful? Yes. Does that prevent your dick from getting hard? No. When he's fully sheathed, a hiss flies out along with his comment:
<<di bully "Ssshit... For such a huge slag, your hole is surprisingly tight.">>
The comment is nice if it isn't for a fact that you're grimacing through the throbs of your pulverized orifice. A sharp gasp gets knocked out of you as his member smacks dab into your hole after a brief withdrawal. For the next few minutes, your mind goes completely black from the continuous pummeling of his hips.
<<video bully/bullyfuck2.mp4>>
The ache is definitely way more severe than his beating, although you're still very much erected. By this point, I've come to accept that you're also a huge painslut and this delicious mix of hurt and pleasure is electrocuting all the sensitive nerves in your brain. When your mind finally restarts, you realize that you've been mewling and moaning unconsciously and now try to stifle it.
Then, a rough pull on your hair forces out another sharp whimper from you.
<<di bully "What...? You've been screaming like a cheap whore the entire time... and now you're shy?">>
His strength scares you because now the thrusts are even more brutal. His whisper to your ear is low, breathy:
<<di bully "Scream... for... me...">>
That is enough to let out the floodgate as the tides of incoherent noise churn out from your vocal chord.
<<di you "Please... ahhhh... wreck my hole... sssssh...">>
<<di bully "Ffff... yeah...? You want my big cock to... shhhit... to destroy your hole?">>
<<di you "Yessss...! You can do anything... My ass is yours...">>
<<di bully "SSHHIITTT... FUCKKKKK!!!">>
<<video bully/bullyfuckcum1.mp4>>
The two loud smacks of your cheek ring out as he grips them tightly against his crotch and you can feel the flow of hot cum splattered on your almost cracked inner wall, further intensifying the stinging pain. That also triggers your own orgasm as your body convulses with the maelstrom of emotion.
<<video you/youfuckcum3.mp4>>
Your brain is completely jello now as you float above to some incomprehensible plane of consciousness. You feel light touches and caresses from your ass, to your back and a vice-like grip enveloping your body. A nose touching your earlobe anchors you back to the land of the living.
<<di bully "Damn... fuck...">>
He purrs and you realize that he's now hugging you while his half hard dick is still lodged deeply inside. This unexpected gesture throws you off a little bit but with the current state of mind you don't really give a damn anymore.
<<di you "You fuck me up... so good">>
You confess weakly - your voice is indeed hoarse and throaty from the excessive uses. You can feel a grin from behind.
<<di bully "No shit... Also remember: your ass is mine.">>
Afterwards, everything goes rather amicably but you don't really know as your mind is still in a daze from the echoes of the climax.
<<link "Back">>
<<if not $gameends>>
<<set $bully.state = 11>>
<<goto "Go outside">>
<<goto "Bullyscenemenu">>
<</link>><<lust bully add 1>>\
<<set $you.horniness = 0>>\
You'll never get tired of seeing his magnificent body getting unveiled. The corded arms, the firm, solid pecs and the knowing smirk that he throws your way never fails to stoke the passion flame in you.
<<di bully "What are you waiting for? Me ripping your clothes off?">>
As tempting and hot it may sound, you don't want to have a walk of shame, so off the clothes. Already learned your lesson, you prepped before since he likes to play it rough. Though it was definitely not thorough because you've learned to love the burn.
It always stings when he starts breaching you. The feeling of his giant meat stretching your hole to its limit is the perfect agony. Impatiently he starts smashing his groin and gives you almost no time to adjust, but still you love it.
<<video bully/bullyfuck3.mp4>>
<<di bully "Moan for me.">>
<span id="choices">\
<<if not $gameends or setup.ws.Bullyfuck1>>\
<<link "Be defiant and keep your mouth shut">>
<<if not $gameends and not setup.ws.Bullyfuck1>>\
<<set setup.ws.Bullyfuck1 to true>>
<<set $ws.Bullyfuck1 to true>>
<<run memorize('ws', setup.ws)>>
<<replace "#choices">>\
<<include "Bullyfuck1">>
<<link "==Be defiant and keep your mouth shut==">><</link>>
<<if not $gameends or setup.ws.Bullyfuck2>>\
<<link "Listen to him and start moaning">>
<<if not $gameends and not setup.ws.Bullyfuck2>>\
<<set setup.ws.Bullyfuck2 to true>>
<<set $ws.Bullyfuck2 to true>>
<<run memorize('ws', setup.ws)>>
<<replace "#choices">>\
<<include "Bullyfuck2">>
<<link "==Listen to him and start moaning==">><</link>>
</span>\<<sus bully addflat 2>>\
Defiance surges within you, he won't get the pleasure of hearing your voice that easily. You don't even have ten seconds of biting your lips before he smashes his foot on your face forcing a whimper out of you.
<<video bully/bullyfuck4.mp4>>
<<di bully "Open your fucking mouth, fag.">>
Then a whirlwind of wild thrusts, that seemingly pushes his cock to your lungs and punches the air out of you. To get enough oxygen, your mouth opens and closes like a stranded fish, creating pathetic noises that border between anguish and euphoria.
<<di bully "Fffuckk yea... scream harder bitch... Remember that you're mine... your ass... your body... and your own fucking will...">>
<<di you "Mhmmmm... y-yessss... I'm yours... completely... pleass...">>
You're unsure if you're pleading for him to slow down or speed up his relentless fucking because your balls tightens - a sign that you're about to shoot.
<<di you "Fffffuckkk... yesssss... pleassssse... I-I'M COMIN-...">>
<<video you/youfuckcum2.mp4>>
Too delirious to do anything else but spraying endless strings of pearly cum down the sheet. His race to nirvana also reaches its finale with a forceful and explosive ending as he breeds you deep and mercilessly.
<<video bully/bullyfuckcum2.mp4>>
<<di bully "Don't test my patience anymore, bitch. You won't like it.">>
He then drops you carelessly into the bed before padding to the bathroom.
<<if visited() == 1>>\
As you come down from the high, you take another look through the room since the first time you were blacked out.
On a small desk there is a computer, which you definitely need to get access to because he most likely saved your sinful videos there too. You need to find some way to get to his phone too without his knowledge, but how?
Another thing catches your eyes, next to the desk is a baseball bat with a strange brown spot on it before you can dwell on it further his voice calls out:
You take a few moments to catch your breath, calm your galloping heart and almost doze off before his growly voice wakes you:
<<if not $gameends and $you.sleepingpowder >= 1 and $bully.lust >= $bully.lustmax>>\
<<di bully "Get your lazy ass up and get me a glass of water.">>
This is the perfect opportunity for you to get your escape plan going.
<<di bully "Why the hell are you still here? Get the fuck out of my house.">>
Despite your jelly legs, you still follow his order and leave.
<<if not $gameends and $you.sleepingpowder >= 1 and $bully.lust >= $bully.lustmax>>\
<<link "Go down the stairs to fetch him water" "Bullyfucksleepingpowder">>
<<pressminute add 5>>
<<link "Back">>
<<if not $gameends>>
<<goto "Go outside">>
<<goto "Bullyscenemenu">>
<</if>>\Since he asks that nicely and you won't be able to contain it anyway with each of his uncompromising slam on your prostate. Unintentionally or maybe intentionally, his tool hits the precise position of your love button like he wants to ground it to a writhing, lust-filled dust.
His fucking now has taken into another level. He enters and withdraws from you with such impressive speed like a well oiled engine whose purpose is to explode and combust. And you? Ass arching, mouth gaping to let out obscene, filthy noise that you know he likes.
<<video bully/bullyfuck5.mp4>>
<<di bully "Hell yea... you like my big cock, fag?...">>
He slaps your butt loudly, his two palms encompassing your globes in a proprietary way. You're sure as hell there will be two red marking brands in the shape of his hand on your cheeks.
Your hand is stroking your member at a medium pace but that is apparently still too much as your ass squelches around his erection with the impending orgasm.
<<di you "Sssshit... ahhh... I can't... FFUCKKKK">>
You spray your load with a shout and your whole body spasms.
<<video you/youfuckcum4.mp4>>
<<di bully "Ssshit... Here it co-... HERE IT FUCKING COMESSSSS......">>
The final punch of his shaft is like a blast of shotgun - violent and explosive. His ammunition, deposited directly to your orifice, breeds you full of his potent cum.
<<video bully/bullyfuckcum3.mp4>>
<<di you "You'd fuck me crazy if we keep up like this.">>
<<di bully "Better get some meds then because your ass ain't going nowhere.">>
Did you hear that right? Is that... a joke from him? Seeing his smirk, you confirm that it indeed is. Your heart skips at the prospect of finally winning him over.
<<if visited() == 1>>\
As you come down from the high, you take another look through the room since the first time you were blacked out.
On a small desk there is a computer, which you definitely need to get access to because he most likely saved your sinful videos there too. You need to find some way to get to his phone too without his knowledge, but how?
Another thing catches your eyes, next to the desk is a baseball bat with a strange brown spot on it before you can dwell on it further his voice calls out:
<<if not $gameends and $you.sleepingpowder >= 1 and $bully.lust >= $bully.lustmax>>\
<<di bully "Come and get me a glass of water.">>
This is the perfect opportunity for you to get your escape plan going.
<<di bully "Alright, you can piss off now. I have some stuff to do.">>
Despite your jelly legs, you still follow his order and get out.
<<if not $gameends and $you.sleepingpowder >= 1 and $bully.lust >= $bully.lustmax>>\
<<link "Go down the stairs to fetch him water" "Bullyfucksleepingpowder">>
<<pressminute add 5>>
<<link "Back">>
<<if not $gameends>>
<<goto "Go outside">>
<<goto "Bullyscenemenu">>
<</if>>\You walk down the stairs to the kitchen. With the home only to himself, the interior seems solemn and understandably lonely. As you look around, a small dent on the wall catches your attention. Is that new?
Snapping yourself out of the melancholy, you grab a mug from the cupboard and run it under the tap.
There is a moment of hesitation when you decide to:
<span id="choices">\
<<link "Add the sleeping powder <b>(Will conclude the storyline and all of his daily orders)</b>">>
<<set $you.sleepingpowder = 0>>
<<replace "#choices">>\
As much as some parts of you have enjoyed the experience, you cannot accept being at his beck and call any longer. You put in a pea-sized amount to the drink and it dissolves immediately.
You try to calm your racing heart before carrying it back to the room. He lays there leisurely scrolls on his phone.
<<di you "Here.">>
He takes the mug from outstretched hand without a word and drains all of it in one go.
<<di bully "Clean it and then get o...out-. Why am I so... tired...?">>
His eyelids shutter despite all of his effort to keep them open and soon he succumbs to sleep.
Now it's time for you to get into work.
<<link "Get into his phone" "Bullyfucksleepingpowder1">><<pressminute add 15>><</link>>
<<link "Don't add the sleeping powdet yet">>
<<replace "#choices">>\
Despite all that, your masochistic self still hasn't got enough and wants more and more from him. So you decide to put the powder away for now and then bring the cup of water to him.
Afterwards, he dismisses you once again but you never utter a word of complaint.
<<link "Back" "Go outside">><</link>>
</span>\Grabbing his phone quickly and going through the gallery, you don't know how to react with the contents inside. All of them are pictures of you taken when you weren't aware...
<<di you "Why...?">>
The man seems cold towards you most of the time but this feels like the action of an obsessive stalker. The realization makes you pause for a minute to ponder: Is he actually obsessed with you?
However, your goal now is to delete all the traces of your sinful acts so you comb through every folder to delete any evidence as well as photos of yourself too.
<<link "Move on to his computer" "Bullyfucksleepingpowder2">><</link>>You get to his desk and turn on the computer. Luckily, it is not locked behind any password so you access and scour through the database to make sure that there is nothing damning about you in his storage.
Once you feel like you have done a thorough search, you can finally release a huge breath of relief. Since there is still much time, you take a look around. Hmm... the baseball bat that you saw before disappears. Otherwise, like before there isn't much inside the room. <<button "<b><u>There are a few drawers in the desk though.</u></b>" "Bullyfucksleepingpowder3">><</button>>
Afterwards, there isn't much else to do you decide to escape in case he wakes up and wreak havoc upon you.
<<link "Back" "Go outside">><<set $bully.state = 12>><<pressminute add 15>><</link>>Opening the top drawer, you find an old thick notebook with 'Journal' scrawled on the cover by most likely a kid. Intrigued, you open it up and see the contents inside:
<i>...<b>2nd grade:</b>
...Mrs. Ward told me to write down what I do throughout the week, reflect on my actions and control my emotions...
...Was I wrong to punch Henry? He was calling me an asshat who lived in a dump. Why was I being punished but not him? I don't understand...
...Dad was fighting with mum again, I can't sleep. I'm scared...
...<b>7th grade:</b>
...He hit me in the face just because I forgot to get him a pack of beers. Mom? She doesn't care. It hurt but then I just feel numb inside. Will this ever end?...
...<b>10th grade:</b>
...I thought life was so boring but then something strange happened today. A kid named $you.Namedis showed up in class, for some reasons, he felt so fascinating that I couldn't take my eyes off him. I don't know if I like this feeling or not...
...<b>12th grade:</b>
...Anger. That's what I'm feeling right now. Why can't I control myself around $you.Namedis? Why does he always avoid me? Am I being too mean to him? How do I get his attention? Maybe I should give up, this isn't me...</i>
Now you know it's $bully.Name's journal, you take a minute to digest all the things you just read:
1. He has an abusive childhood.
2. He seems depressed.
3. He is actually obsessed with you but doesn't how know to treat you?
A seedling of sympathy sprouts swiftly inside you despite all the fucked up things he's done. You then continue to the the most recent notes:
<i>...I killed him, I killed the fucking bastard. Did I regret it? No. He fucking deserved it. Should I feel remorse? I don't know but when he was bleeding out, all I felt was a rush of endorphin. Overpowering him, taking my control back from that pitiful excuse of a father. $you.Namedis was right. It felt good to just do whatever I want. Finally, I'm free...</i>
Your heart plummets to your stomach. What the fuck? He killed his own father??? Holy shit, <b><<if $bully.tvstate === 1>>the head trauma, <</if>>the bruises on $bully.Name's body, the baseball bat with a brown smudge</b>. Now they all connect.
He killed his father and made it look like an accident.
This journal will be a important evidence to convict him. Before leaving the home in haste, you decide to:
<<link "Take the journal with you <b>(Will alter endings to secret ones)</b>" "Go outside">><<set $bully.state = 13>><</link>>
<<link "Leave it and forget it <b>(Will not alter endings)</b>" "Go outside">><<set $bully.state = 12>><</link>><<if not $gameends>>\
@@.title;“CUT TIE” ENDING@@
<<scenechoices bully 1 0>>\
Before making the decision you want to hear the reasoning behind why he took those sneak shots of you.
<<di you "Why were there so many pictures of me on your phone?">>
A grimace appears on his rugged handsome face, before he lets out a frustrated noise:
<<di bully "Why? It's because of your fault. You fucking haunt me and every moment I'm awake, all I can think of is YOU.">>
He then advances and pulls your neckline.
<<di bully "What the fuck did you do to me? Why did you show your face? I knew this was a fucking bad idea from the beginning. I thought I could just play and then discard you like an dumb toy. But no, you had to enjoy my rage, my violence, my insanity and entice me with your fucking look and voice. Do you know why, after every single fuck, I just wanted to chain you up here forever, but instead told you to go away? Because I fucking care for you.">>
His revelation shocks you. You didn't truly understand how deep his obsession was. However, it still cannot justify all the abuse you had to endure just because of his own selfish fixation.
<<di bully "I care for you... but you still pushed me away, drugging me. Am I really that repulsive? I thought we had something...">>
<<di you "STOP!! You think confessing would somehow make things okay? None of your explanations can excuse the turmoil and hurt you inflict on me. I know my action was morally wrong but yours are beyond fucked up and you're fucked up too.">>
You aren't sure where that anger comes from, however it takes a huge weight off your shoulders being able to say it to his face.
<<di you "Please seek help... and keep me out of it.">>
With that finality, you pull away from him and leave. Once you're at the door, you turn back to give him a parting look and see a dejected figure. The softie in you feels a twinge of sadness but your rational mind tells it to steel itself and walk out and never look back.
<<image bully/bullycuttieend.jpg>>
— 3 days later —
As you walk down the hall of the college, $oni.Name catches up to you:
<<di oni "Hey, hey, $you.Namedis. Did you hear the news?">>
There has been a lot on your mind in the last few days, so you have been cocooning in your own world at home and unaware of the everyday gossip for a while.
<<di you "What news?">>
<<di oni "$bully.Name... He's dead...">>
<<di you "What?!">>
A chill runs through you.
<<di oni "Yes... He hanged himself 2 days ago. It was suicide.">>
A barrage of mixed emotions blows through you. Why? Why did he do that? Sensing your discomfort, she consoles:
<<di oni "I know he was such an asshole to you but a man taking his own life, most likely due to mental health, is never okay... I know you're always a happy-go-lucky type of guy but whenever you're down, just talk to me, okay?">>
<<di you "O-okay...">>
You just feel numb. Did he do that because of... you?
<<if not $gameends>>\
<<link "<b>Continue to the game</b>" "College">><<set $bully.state = 14>><</link>>
<<link "Finish the game and go to gallery" "Memoriesmenu">><<set $gameends = true>><</link>>
<<link "Back" "Bullyscenemenu">><</link>>
<</if>>\<<if not $gameends>>\
@@.title;HAPPY ENDING@@
<<scenechoices bully 1 0>>\
Before making the decision you want to hear the reasoning behind why he took those sneak shots of you.
<<di you "Why were there so many pictures of me on your phone?">>
A grimace appears on his rugged handsome face, before he lets out a frustrated noise:
<<di bully "Why? It's because of your fault. You fucking haunt me and every moment I'm awake, all I can think of is YOU.">>
He then advances and pulls your neckline.
<<di bully "What the fuck did you do to me? Why did you show your face? I knew this was a fucking bad idea from the beginning. I thought I could just play and then discard you like an dumb toy. But no, you had to enjoy my rage, my violence, my insanity and entice me with your fucking look and voice. Do you know why, after every single fuck, I just wanted to chain you up here forever, but instead told you to go away? Because I come to fucking care for you.">>
His revelation shocks you. You didn't truly comprehend how deep his obsession was. Of all the people, he - a gorgeous man who can have a pick of anyone - chose you.
<<di bully "I care for you... but you still pushed me away, drugging me. Am I really that repulsive? I thought we had something...">>
<<di you "I was scared, you know. I was scared of you having control over me, scared of the pains... and sacred of how I love every single part of it. I was afraid I was losing myself to you and to the delicious torments that turned me into a needy mess. It was too good that it frightened me...">>
He glances back at you with shock and for the first time, you see him at loss for words:
<<di bully "You mean...">>
<<di you "Any sane person would have put you behind bars for your actions but me? I want you to chain me up to your bed and make me your bitch forever.">>
He growls and holds you up for a bruising kiss.
<<di bully "As you wish... my fucking slut.">>
With your feeling reciprocated, the sex with him takes on another level. You two burn the sheets up literally from the endless friction of the young and wild love.
<<image bully/bullyhappyend.jpg>>
After making things official, he has mellowed out significantly due to you showering him with love - something that he admits that he never experienced before in his life.
Sometimes, you still receive his text with his order to reminisce the old time and of course lead to mind-blowing fucks.
Despite all his flaws, quirks and even insanity, he's still yours and you're his forever.
<<if not $gameends>>\
Occasionally, you take a look back to all the good <<link "memories" "Memoriesmenu">><<set $gameends = true>><</link>> that lead to the moment you got him.
<<link "Back" "Bullyscenemenu">><</link>>
<</if>>\<<scenechoices bully 1 0>>\
<<if not $gameends>>\
<<di you "Actually, I would like to report a case?">>
He perks up at your word and something glints in his eyes.
<<di police "Really? Alright, I have some time, let's see it.">>
After giving him solid proof and $police.Name shares with you that investigator also had some doubts about the car accident, especially the wound on his forehead. He thanks you and after the excruciating elaboration (with some omission of course), you finally feel the guilty weight being lifted off as well as the thought of putting your bully away to prison. Hopefully, you won't have to see him ever again.
Next morning you receive a phone call from him. You have a thought of just hanging up right there but your finger instinctively presses the accept button. First, all you can hear is the siren before a weak, barely audible voice rasps:
<<di bully "Hey...">>
<<di you "Um... why are you calling me now?">>
A pregnant pause passes where only the piercing noise over the speakers fill the silence.
<<di bully "... Do you know that... I actually care for you?">>
<<di you "...what?">>
You can hear a self-deprecating laugh over the phone.
<<di bully "Nevermind... What the hell am I talking about? Just go celebrate, you got your revenge. The imprisonment doesn't mean anything to me... It's your actions that hurt most...">>
He says in a tired voice. You anticipated rage, anger and vileness from him not this dejection and defeat and it throws you for a loop.
<<di bully "Live a free life for me, $you.Namedis. Goodbye.">>
<<image bully/bullyimprisonmentend.jpg>>
The line goes dead and you sit there in bed silently for a beat. Why does it feel like you're at fault for bringing justice to him? What you did was right, right?
<<if not $gameends>>\
<<link "<b>Continue to the game</b>" "Your bedroom">><<set $bully.state = 14>><</link>>
<<link "<b>Finish the game and go to gallery</b>" "Memoriesmenu">><<set $gameends = true>><</link>>
<<link "Back" "Bullyscenemenu">><</link>>
<</if>>\<<scenechoices bully 1 0>>\
Standing on his porch, you are thinking to yourself - what the fuck are you doing? Going through all that pain and planning just to give back the only evidence that can land $bully.Name in prison? However, before you can change your mind, the door is opened and standing in front of you is none other.
<<di bully "You're gonna come in?">>
He doesn't appear to be angry, actually he looks like shit. You walk silently behind him and then sit on the couch facing each other. He just stares at you unblinkingly and makes you squirm before you can't take it any longer, pull out the journal and slide it over.
<<di you "Here, your journal.">>
He takes and swipes the notebook gently like something precious.
<<di bully "I take it that you already read it.">>
<<di you "Yea...">>
<<di bully "Then what do you think of me?">>
That question makes you pause. Since when does he want to know about your opinions?
<span id="choices">\
<<link "You oppose his action - <b>BULLY'S ENDING</b>">>
<<replace "#choices">>\
<<di you "I can't say what you did was right but I cannot judge...">>
<<di bully "Do you think I'm an unsalvageable monster?">>
He interrupts, something urgent laced in his tone.
<<di you "...Yes, but maybe not. I don't know. An outsider will have the right answer, but me - someone who endure your tortures - I cannot say definitely.">>
<<di bully "...Hahahahahahahaha, I see.">>
He laughs self-deprecatingly and in a blink of an eye, he's on you - gagged with a cloth. Your screams are muffled as you struggle against him fruitlessly. The man is too damn strong so soon enough your hands are tied behind your back with a zip-tie and your legs bound by his strong thighs.
<<video bully/bullyfuck6.mp4>>
<<di bully "Keep screaming, no one can hear you and it only makes me harder.">>
The unmistakable heat from his molten pole makes itself known in the cleft of your ass as he grinds slowly on you. Being restrained and under him involuntarily first and foremost is not ideal whatsoever but undeniably the slutty part of you loves this. Well, maybe you need to be pliant and submissive to let his guard down, it worked before.
A loud rip travels to your ears and the cool air drapes over your naked body as he shreds your clothes into pieces. This shouldn't have been such a turn on but it is and you feel yourself getting hard. Seeing you being unresistant to his violent tendency, he leers with contempt:
<<di bully "Heh, look at that you are hard from being tied up and violated. If I'm a monster then you're the biggest pathetic whores.">>
The humiliation doesn't kill your erection but actually makes your erection bounce with excitement.
<<link "He begins fucking you" "Bullyend5">><</link>>
<<link "Side with him">>
<<replace "#choices">>\
<<di you "I think you did... nothing wrong...">>
That silences him, obviously not anticipating this answer from you.
<<di you "...and what he did to you was unforgivable.">>
Finishing that sentence, your mind is also made up that his killing was totally justified and the man is not guilty for getting his revenge.
<<di bully "Huh? You are shitting me, right?">>
<<di you "Of course not. I can have you jailed and convicted in a heartbeat with your journal but I'm still here, aren't I?">>
His shoulders relax as a faint smile appears:
<<di bully "What is the reason exactly?">>
With his confidence back, you suddenly feel shy.
<<di you "Um... because... I'm obsessed with you too...">>
... Who on Earth would admit that they practically have a crush on their torturer? No one mentally stable, that's for sure. It's not even Stockholm's syndrome anymore, it's Stockholm's phenomenon.
<<di bully "Hahaha... you're getting more and more interesting every day... So, now that's out of the way...">>
He grabs your jaws roughly making you wince.
<<di you "I don't appreciate the trick that you pulled... Maybe I was being too soft on you.">>
Before you can plead your case, he pulls you roughly to his room.
<<link "Here comes your punishment" "Bullyfuck3">>
<<presshour add 2>>
</span>\$bully.Name actually doesn't text you once since then. You feel mostly liberated but not a small part of you actually misses him. Maybe you're really fucked crazy because now standing in his porch, nerves filled your gut as you wonder why the fuck you're here. When you decide to knock, the door flies open with a disheveled-looking $bully.Name gazing back at you. He takes a few moments to drink you in before shouting scaldingly:
<<di bully "Why the fuck are you here?">>
<<di you "Um... just see how you're doing.">>
<<di bully "Not drugged to death if that's what you're asking.">>
Despite his angry words, he still hasn't told you to get out of his face so you get the courage to say:
<<di you "Can I come in?">>
He doesn't answer but walks back into the house without closing the door, so you go in with him.
He's now sprawling on the couch with a few cans of empty beers thrown all over the table. Sitting opposite of him, you think of how you would like to take your relationship with him:
<span id="choices">\
<<if not $gameends or setup.ws.Bullyend1>>\
<<link "Cut tie with him <b>(TW: Suicide)</b>" "Bullyend1">>
<<set $day += 3>>
<<if $day === 9>>
<<set $day = 2>>
<<elseif $day === 10>>
<<set $day = 3>>
<<set _ctd = $day>>
<<set $hour = 8>>
<<set _cth = $hour>>
<<link "==Cut tie with him==">><</link>>
<<if not $gameends or setup.ws.Bullyend2>>\
<<link "Propose a new direction for your relationship" "Bullyend2">>
<<link "==Propose a new direction for your relationship==">><</link>>
</span>\ - <i>Get access to the shop of $oni.Name's grandma</i>
<<if hasVisited("Witchtalk1")>>\
• You now can access her shop from outside
• <b>The shop opens from 12:00 to 22:00</b>
• You can talk to $oni.Name to know where the shop is
• <b>You can find her in college from 8:00 to 18:00</b>
<</if>>\<<set $you.location = passage()>>\
<<if visited() == 1 and not hasVisited("Mctalk2")>>\
<<image policestation.jpg>>
Stepping into the station, you must look a little bit lost because immediately there is a total beefcafe of a police officer approaches you:
<<image police/police1.jpg>>
<<di police "Hey kid, how can I help you?">>
You can see his name tag which says <<textbox "$police.Name" "Cade">>
<span id="choices">\
<<link "Just say you're waiting for someone first">>
<<replace "#choices">>\
<<di you "Ahh, I'm just waiting for someone here.">>
He squints at you suspiciously but still gives you an easy-going smile.
<<di police "Alright, if you need any help, just tell me.">>
<<link "Back" "Police station">><</link>>
<<elseif $bully.state == 13>>\
<<image police/police1.jpg>>
<<di police "So, what do you need?">>
<<link "<b>I would like to report a murder case - BULLY'S ENDING</b>" "Bullyend3">><</link>>
<<link "Back" "Go outside">><</link>>
<<elseif not hasVisited("Policegiftbj1") and $police.giftstate == 2 and $hour >= 12 and $hour < 14>>\
<<image policestation.jpg>>
Despite not committing any crime before, stepping foot inside the police station still gives you the nerves, especially all the eyes on you just standing around and acting suspicious. Thankfully, $police.Name appears around the corner and saves you from being questioned. Seeing you the lines on his forehead disappear and his face brightens.
<<di police "Oh hey, $you.Namedis. What are you doing here?">>
Pulling up the packet of donut, you smile sweetly at him:
<<di you "Have some time for dessert?">>
<<di police "Ahhh... Just what I need right now. Come on.">>
You are stupefied by the amount of walking to get to his office.
<<di police "Ha, it's quite a walk, isn't it? My department is quite secretive so they don't want just anyone to randomly stumble upon my office.">>
Opening the door, you can see the room is littered with papers and manila folders. He's clearly a hard working guy who is diligent about his responsibilities.
<<di police "Please excuse the mess, didn't know you were coming.">>
<<di you "I forgive you. Also, you'd need a professional cleaner to organize all this stuff.">>
<<di police "Haha, you're right. Now where is that donut?">>
You throw the treat to him and he catches and tears the package open easily. He lets out a content groan immediately with the first bite.
<<di police "Holy hell, this is sooooo goooood...">>
He then dives back into it with a ravenous fervor.
<<di you "Well, I'll leave you two some privacy then.">>
You fake-huff with indignation and he slaps a hand on your shoulder.
<<di police "Hey now, I'm happy to see you here. How have you been?">>
<<di you "Hmm, I'm still in college so how hard can it be? I'm good. The real question is how have YOU been?">>
After inhaling the donut and hearing your question, he lets out a sigh:
<<di police "Look at my office. I'm not gonna lie to you, the stress is getting to me a little bit. The donut definitely helps though.">>
He laughs teasingly to not let his own baggage burden you. However, you have the perfect solution.
<<di you "If so, how about I help you relieve some of that stress a bit further.">>
That stops him in his tracks. You really don't want to hear any more of his 'being professional' talk so you continue the offensive:
<<di you "I'll blow you right here and there.">>
He gulps with difficulty and his voice is sandpapery:
<<di police "Okay... I need that.">>
<<link "You get down on your knees" "Policegiftbj1">>
<<presshour add 1>>
<<elseif $police.giftstate == 2 and $hour >= 12 and $hour < 14>>\
<<image police/police1.jpg>>
<<di police "So, what do you need?">>
<<link "Donuts?" "Policegiftbj1">>
<<presshour add 1>>
<<link "Back" "Go outside">><</link>>
<<image policestation.jpg>>
The station is deserted and no one seems to pay you any mind.
<<link "Back" "Go outside">><</link>>
<<scenechoices bully 1 0>>\
<<if not $gameends>>\
@@.title;“DEAD” ENDING@@
<<di bully "...and I'm gonna give you what you deserve.">>
With you completely at his mercy, he spreads your legs and with just the most miniscule amount of spit, his rock hard cock enters viciously. His breaching fills you with pain and objectively it's even worse that the first time he fucked you. However, you've learned to deprive pleasure from the agony and the way he pushes in and out of you with immense strength and speed - it just burns so good.
<<di bully "Hahaha, you're moaning from me raping your ass? Such a shameless bitch...">>
The lust-filled sound just falls out of your mouth without you knowing, like your second nature by this point, whenever his dick makes contact with your hole. You then feel his large hands close around your neck when the emotion is climbing near to the top.
<<video bully/bullyfuck7.mp4>>
His grip is tightened to a extreme degree and you gasp in discomfort to take in as much oxygen as you can. The combination of your floaty state of mind with the pistoning hardness that grazes all the right spots inside you pushes you over to the depth of euphoria. Your member erupts without needing a single touch from you and that nearly makes you pass out of all of the intensity.
<<video you/youfuckcum5.mp4>>
<<di bully "SSHHIITTTT!!! ARGHHHH!!!">>
His staff spasms wildly inside you as it fills you with hot seed and continue fuck it in to the depth almost no one has reach before. You sigh in bliss and warmth and your body tender from the vigorous endeavor you've gone through. However, his choke on you suddenly comes back in full force.
<<video bully/bullyfuckcum4.mp4>>
<<di bully "You know something? I cared for you once... thought I could trust you... but you then had to drug, steal from me and betrayed me... I thought I had something... someone... But that's how life is, huh?">>
It's reaching to the point of real suffocation now, if your hands were free, they would claw at his grip to find an escape but alas, you're bound and helpless. Your brain is now fuzzy from the lack of oxygen but you can still hear his cold and emotionless words.
<<di bully "I'm sick and tired of it... You're just like them... and you fucking deserve this...">>
<<image bully/bullystrangle.jpg>>
Using all of his might, he strangles you and now it suddenly dawns on you that <b>he will kill you</b>. You gasp in desperation and beg him with your weak, incoherent noise and your pleading gaze, but it's no help. Just before you succumb to the void, you hear a soft whisper:
<<di bully "Don't worry... Soon, I will join you...">>
<<if not $gameends>>\
In the back of your mind, you knew this was coming. Surrounding in darkness, you look back at all the <<link "memories" "Memoriesmenu">><<set $gameends = true>><</link>> leading to that point and wonder if there was anything that could have been done differently.
<<link "Back" "Bullyscenemenu">><</link>>
<</if>>\ - <i>How to last longer?... Health-wise not sexual-wise... 8 hours more to be precise</i>
<<if $witch.dadhelpstate == 2 and $witch.dadhelptimer >= 1>>\
• Bring it to Mrs. $witch.Name <b>- only after your brother has helped her</b>
<<elseif $witch.dadhelpstate == 1 and $witch.dadhelptimer >= 1>>\
• Ask for the flash drive from $w.ydad
<<elseif $witch.dadhelpstate == 1 and $witch.dadhelptimer == 0>>\
• Wait until tomorrow to ask him for the flash drive
<<elseif $witch.dadhelpstate == 0>>\
• Talk to $w.ydad and ask for his help <b>(req: 21+ affection)</b>
<<if $witch.brohelpstate == 0>>\
• Talk to $w.ybrother and ask for his help <b>(req: 21+ affection)</b>
<</if>>\<<set _countdown = 3>>\
<<set _timeleft = 60>>\
<<set _totalpoint = 0>>\
<<set _enablekey = false>>\
<<set _appearcounter = _appearcountermax - _appeardelay - 10>>\
<<set _keypress = 0>>\
<<repeat 1s>>\
<<if _countdown == -1>>\
<<replace "#timeleft">>Time left: _timeleft<</replace>>\
<<if _timeleft === 0>>\
<<set _timeleft -->>\
<<set _timeleft -->>\
<<elseif _countdown == 0>>\
<<replace "#timeleft">>GO!<</replace>>\
<<replace "#keydisplay">>_countdown<</replace>>\
<<set _countdown -->>\
<<replace "#timeleft">>Ready?<</replace>>\
<<replace "#keydisplay">>_countdown<</replace>>\
<<set _countdown -->>\
<<repeat 0.1s>>\
<<if _countdown == -1>>\
<<if _timeleft === -1>>\
<<set _keypress = 0>>\
<<set _enablekey = false>>\
<<if _difficulty === 1 and _totalpoint >= 20>>\
<<set _extramoney = _totalpoint - 20>>\
<<money 40>>\
<<money _extramoney>>\
<<elseif _difficulty === 2 and _totalpoint >= 30>>\
<<set _extramoney = _totalpoint - 30>>\
<<money 50>>\
<<money _extramoney>>\
<<elseif _difficulty === 3 and _totalpoint >= 60>>\
<<set _extramoney = _totalpoint - 60>>\
<<money 80>>\
<<money _extramoney>>\
<<set _extramoney = 0>>
<<money _totalpoint>>\
<<if $resman.bjtime >= 4>>\
<<money 20>>\
<<replace "#keydisplay">>Finished!<</replace>>\
<<replace "#totalpoint">>@@.add;TOTAL EARNING: <<if _difficulty === 1 and _totalpoint >= 20>>$$40<<elseif _difficulty === 2 and _totalpoint >= 30>>$$50<<elseif _difficulty === 3 and _totalpoint >= 60>>$$80<<else>>$$<<print _totalpoint>><</if>><<if _extramoney > 0>> + $$<<print _extramoney>> (TIPS)<</if>><<if $resman.bjtime >= 4>> + $$20 (MANAGER'S FAVORITE)<</if>>@@<</replace>>\
<<replace "#back">><<link "Back" $you.location>><</link>><</replace>>\
<<set _appearcounter ++>>\
<<if _appearcounter == _appearcountermax - _appeardelay>>\
<<set _randomkey = random(1,4)>>\
<<set _enablekey = true>>\
<<if _randomkey == 1>>\
<<replace "#keydisplay">>W<</replace>>\
<<elseif _randomkey == 2>>\
<<replace "#keydisplay">>S<</replace>>\
<<elseif _randomkey == 3>>\
<<replace "#keydisplay">>A<</replace>>\
<<replace "#keydisplay">>D<</replace>>\
<<silently>><<on 'keydown'>>
<<which 87>> /% the w key %/
<<set _keypress = 1>>
<<which 83>> /% the s key %/
<<set _keypress = 2>>
<<which 65>> /% the a key %/
<<set _keypress = 3>>
<<which 68>> /% the d key %/
<<set _keypress = 4>>
<<if _appearcounter == _appearcountermax and _keypress == 0>>\
<<replace "#keydisplay">>@@.minus;-1@@<</replace>>\
<<set _totalpoint = Math.clamp(_totalpoint - 1, 0, 100)>>\
<<replace "#totalpoint">>Total point: _totalpoint<</replace>>\
<<set _enablekey = false>>\
<<set _appearcounter = 0>>\
<<off '.macro-event'>>\
<<elseif _appearcounter >= _appearcountermax - _appeardelay and _keypress != 0>>\
<<if _randomkey == _keypress>>\
<<replace "#keydisplay">>@@.add;+1@@<</replace>>\
<<set _totalpoint = Math.clamp(_totalpoint + 1, 0, 100)>>\
<<replace "#totalpoint">>Total point: _totalpoint<</replace>>\
<<set _enablekey = false>>\
<<set _appearcounter = 0>>\
<<set _keypress = 0>>\
<<off '.macro-event'>>\
<<replace "#keydisplay">>@@.minus;-1@@<</replace>>\
<<set _totalpoint = Math.clamp(_totalpoint - 1, 0, 100)>>\
<<replace "#totalpoint">>Total point: _totalpoint<</replace>>\
<<set _enablekey = false>>\
<<set _appearcounter = 0>>\
<<set _keypress = 0>>\
<<off '.macro-event'>>\
<div id="timeleft" style="text-align: center; font-size: 40px; font-weight: bold">Ready?</div>
<div id="keydisplay" style="text-align: center; font-size: 40px; font-weight: bold">_countdown</div>
<center><<link "<b>⠀⠀⠀W⠀⠀⠀</b>">><<if _enablekey>><<set _keypress = 1>><</if>><</link>>
<<link "<b>⠀⠀⠀A⠀⠀⠀</b>">><<if _enablekey>><<set _keypress = 3>><</if>><</link>>⠀⠀⠀<<link "<b>⠀⠀⠀S⠀⠀⠀</b>">><<if _enablekey>><<set _keypress = 2>><</if>><</link>>⠀⠀⠀<<link "<b>⠀⠀⠀D⠀⠀⠀</b>">><<if _enablekey>><<set _keypress = 4>><</if>><</link>></center>
<span id="totalpoint" style="font-size: 20px; font-weight: bold">Total point: _totalpoint</span>
<span id="back"><<link "Give up" $you.location>><</link>></span>\<<link "Mindlessly work through 6 hour shift - No minigame">>
<<presshour add 6>>
<<if $resman.bjtime >= 4>>
<<money 50>>\
<<replace ".passage">>\
<<di resman "Here is an extra $20 for ya.">>
He winks at you flirtily.
Your 'hard' work pays off and you earn @@.add;$50@@.
<<link "Back" $you.location>><</link>>
<<money 30>>\
<<replace ".passage">>\
You work hard and earn @@.add;$30@@.
<<link "Back" $you.location>><</link>>
Each W, A, S, D letter will appear randomly on the screen, your job is to press on your keyboard or click/tap the button on the screen accordingly and quickly to get a point. If you miss, you will get -1 point. Each point will give you $1. Reaching a certain threshold to get extra earning. You will get another extra $20 when you become the manager's favorite.
Easy - 20 point: You will get $40 instead of $20
Medium - 30 point: You will get $50 instead of $30
Hard - 60 point: You will get $80 instead of $60
Duration: 60 seconds (6 hours in-game)
<<link "Easy">>
<<presshour add 6>>\
<<set _appearcountermax = 30>>\
<<set _appeardelay = 15>>\
<<set _difficulty = 1>>\
<<replace ".passage">>\
<<include "Workatfastfoodminigame">>
<</link>> \
<<link "Medium">>
<<presshour add 6>>\
<<set _appearcountermax = 20>>\
<<set _appeardelay = 10>>\
<<set _difficulty = 2>>\
<<replace ".passage">>\
<<include "Workatfastfoodminigame">>
<</link>> \
<<link "Hard">>
<<presshour add 6>>\
<<set _appearcountermax = 10>>\
<<set _appeardelay = 8>>\
<<set _difficulty = 3>>\
<<replace ".passage">>\
<<include "Workatfastfoodminigame">>
<<link "Back" $you.location>><</link>>You have a strange feeling that the woman is capable of helping you tackle the most difficult tasks. Therefore, you approach her with a question:
<<di you "Do you know any way to win a guy over?">>
<<di witch "Huh? You're still having a hard time with that cute mug of yours and your aura?">>
<<di you "Aura? What do you mean?">>
Her face turns serious for a moment and you can feel a shot of strange energy, from her eyes, swirling through the air around you.
<<di witch "Hmm, you don't know? Interesting... Let's just say that you have a very captivating vibez, that's what the kids are saying these days, right?">>
At first, she gazes at you deep in thought but then starts laughing at her choices of words.
<<di witch "Well anyway, that's easy. Guys, girls, no matter the gender, gift-giving definitely is to get on their good sides...">>
Duh, of course. A good personal gift can definitely help strengthen your bonds with the recipient. When you're about to thank her, she continues:
<<di witch "...which by the way, my shop also has an extensive selection to choose from. I don't just sell medicines.">>
Of course..., it was a PR move to promote her own business... What else did you expect? Still, it doesn't hurt to ask around:
<<link "What do you think will make a good gift for my $w.dad?" "Witchdadgift1">><</link>>
<<link "What do you think will make a good gift for my $w.brother?" "Witchbrogift1">><</link>>
<<if $resman.start>>\
<<link "What gift will help me cozy up with my boss at the fast food restaurant?" "Witchresmangift1">><</link>>
<<if $bully.state >= 3>>\
<<link "Theoretically, what is something good to give to your “bully”?" "Witchbullygift1">><</link>>
<</if>>\<<if $dad.giftstate == 0>>\
<<di witch "Aww, being a good little $w.son, aren't ya? Let me think... he's an accountant, right?">>
Her lids close as her eyes move around the socket like she's actually looking at something in her own mind. After just two blinks, she exclaims excitedly:
<<di witch "Aha, I know just the thing.">>
She then goes to the backroom with her extraordinarily nimble legs and comes back with... a gray tie...? He does wear suits to work but you've never seen a tie around his neck before so you explain to her:
<<di you "Umm, I'm not sure about this. He never wear one before...">>
<<di witch "Oh relax young man. He's an accountant so a simple guy that enjoy the simple things... and sometimes we overlook how meaningful the simplest thing can be.">>
That's actually wise and she must have a "trustworthy aura" or something because you totally believe her 100% now.
<<di witch "And you can get it with just $50 or you can do this task and I'll give it to you for free.">>
Here we go again, she really wants you to get your ass up and work, so you choose to:
<span id="choices">\
<<if $you.money >= 50 or $you.cc == 1>>\
<<link "Pay $50">>
<<set $dad.giftstate = 3>>\
<<if $you.cc == 0>>\
<<money -50>>\
<<replace "#choices">>\
<<di you "Here you go">>
<<di witch "Excellent!">>
You receive the tie from here, let's pray that it will be worth it.
<<link "Back" "Witch">><</link>>
<<link "==Pay $50==">><</link>>
<<link "Ask her what the task entails.">>
<<replace "#choices">>\
<<include "Witchdadgift2">>
<<elseif $dad.giftstate == 1>>\
<<di witch "What? You wanna change your mind?">>
<span id="choices">\
<<if $you.money >= 50 or $you.cc == 1>>\
<<link "Pay $50">>
<<set $dad.giftstate = 3>>\
<<if $you.cc == 0>>\
<<money -50>>\
<<replace "#choices">>\
<<di you "Here you go">>
<<di witch "Excellent!">>
You receive the tie from here, let's pray that it will be worth it.
<<link "Back" "Witch">><</link>>
<<link "==Pay $50.==">><</link>>
<<link "Nevermind" "Witch">><</link>>
<<set $dad.giftstate = 3>>\
<<di you "Here you go">>
<<di witch "Excellent!">>
You receive the tie from her, let's pray that it will be worth it.
<<link "Back" "Witch">><</link>>
<</if>>\<<set $dad.giftstate = 1>>\
<<di witch "Excellent, I got a delivery to a customer who ordered online from my shop 3 days ago. However, you know I'm a little bit caught up right now so I haven't gotten around doing it. Your offer to help is perfectly timely.">>
First of all, her shop has a website?! Second of all, she's seriously postponing doing the delivery because she's busy playing puzzle games on her phone all day? Your eyes twitch wildly but still you manage a smile:
<<di you "Well, let's see where it is and I don't think it is possible for me to do if they're from across the country.">>
<<di witch "Don't worry hun. I only sell locally and cancel all the online orders not from this town. In fact, the address is your college.">>
She gives you a printout with the information and it catches your eyes. Room 402, Kingston College dorm - that's the dealer's room. You glance into the bag and learn that the content inside is a jar with the label "Tranquility Lotion - helps you relax all the muscles in the right places - Coconut scent". Interesting, you're intrigued so you gladly accept the request:
<<di you "Alright, this is easy so I'll do it.">>
<<link "Back" "Witch">><</link>><<if $bro.giftstate == 0>>\
<<di witch "Wow, you guys are really close, huh? I'm gonna see what I can find.">>
Her lids close as her eyes move around the socket like she's actually looking at something in her own mind. After just two blinks, she exclaims excitedly:
<<di witch "Aha, found it.">>
She then goes to the backroom with her extraordinarily nimble legs and comes back with a few pairs of... JOCKSTRAPS?!? You gasp sharply and clutch any type of imaginary pearl like a church lady because: Why would she have jockstraps on her gift section???
<<di you "Ghn... ahh... Is that what I think it is that you're holding...?">>
<<di witch "Yep, jockstraps. Your brother likes to work out, right? These are very comfy and in amazing quality. Many of my clients can testify to that.">>
<<di you "But... it's...">>
<<di witch "What's wrong? They come in many colors here. I can sell you 5 pairs for $50, $10 each. Or your helping me with some stuffs in exchange for them.">>
You really don't want to dwell on the appropriateness of this gift with her so you settle on:
<span id="choices">\
<<if $you.money >= 50 or $you.cc == 1>>\
<<link "Pay $50.">>
<<replace "#choices">>\
<<if $you.cc == 0>>\
<<money -50>>\
<<set $bro.giftstate = 3>>\
<<di you "Here you go">>
<<di witch "Excellent!">>
You receive the box of jockstraps from her, let's pray that these things will be worth it.
<<link "Back" "Witch">><</link>>
<<link "==Pay $50.==">><</link>>
<<link "Ask her what she needs help with.">>
<<replace "#choices">>\
<<include "Witchbrogift2">>
<<elseif $bro.giftstate == 1>>\
<<di witch "What? You wanna change your mind?">>
<span id="choices">\
<<if $you.money >= 50 or $you.cc == 1>>\
<<link "Pay $50.">>
<<set $bro.giftstate = 3>>\
<<if $you.cc == 0>>\
<<money -50>>\
<<replace "#choices">>\
<<di you "Here you go">>
<<di witch "Excellent!">>
You receive the box of jockstraps from her, let's pray that these things will be worth it.
<<link "Back" "Witch">><</link>>
<<link "==Pay $50.==">><</link>>
<<link "Nevermind" "Witch">><</link>>
<<set $bro.giftstate = 3>>\
<<di you "Here you go">>
<<di witch "Excellent!">>
You receive the box of jockstraps from her, let's pray that these things will be worth it.
<<link "Back" "Witch">><</link>>
<</if>>\<<set $bro.giftstate = 1>>\
<<di witch "Well you know, same old small business stuff - delivery! This time I'll need you to deliver this to the Davis department store.">>
Hmm, that's the one near your home that you usually get beers there. You have never bothered to try and chat up with the store owner before but maybe the recipient is him?
<<di witch "Here is the contact information. Once it's done you can come back to get the gift.">>
You're one nosy mofo, so you glance inside the bag - "Aphrodite - Restore your manhood". It looks like a typical jar of pills and feels like some kind of aphrodisiac. Wait a minute, the regular rocket pills that you have heard around don't work on this guy so he had to resort to this? You shake your head in comradery and pray that the guy will be able to get it up with the help of this pill.
<<link "Back" "Witch">><</link>><<if $resman.giftstate == 0>>\
<<di witch "Aiming for that promotion, huh? I'll see what I can find in the store.">>
Her lids close as her eyes move around the socket like she's actually looking at something in her own mind. After just two blinks, she exclaims excitedly:
<<di witch "Aha, found it.">>
She then goes to the backroom with her extraordinarily nimble legs and comes back with a few pairs of… socks. Really? Gifting socks are like the cliche-est of all the cliches, so you give her a doubtful look.
<<di witch "Hey! Don't give them that dirty look. They are made from the finest cottons and are extremely comfortable and for someone who is on their feet the whole day? It is a godsend.">>
Well, she does have a point in that because he truly walks around a lot during your shift.
<<di you "Okay so how much is it?">>
<<di witch "Cheap, just $50 for this whole pack of 5 pairs or your labor in exchange to them.">>
Labor? Man, you feel like getting the stuff from her shop is like a second job to you at this point. Still, you really want to have them as a gift so:
<span id="choices">\
<<if $you.money >= 50 or $you.cc == 1>>\
<<link "Pay $50.">>
<<if $you.cc == 0>>\
<<money -50>>\
<<set $resman.giftstate = 3>>
<<replace "#choices">>\
<<di you "Here you go">>
<<di witch "Excellent!">>
You receive the box of socks from her, let's pray that these things will be worth it.
<<link "Back" "Witch">><</link>>
<<link "==Pay $50.==">><</link>>
<<link "Ask her what she needs help with.">>
<<replace "#choices">>\
<<include "Witchresmangift2">>
<<elseif $resman.giftstate == 1>>\
<<di witch "What? You wanna change your mind?">>
<span id="choices">\
<<if $you.money >= 50 or $you.cc == 1>>\
<<link "Pay $50.">>
<<set $resman.giftstate = 3>>\
<<if $you.cc == 0>>\
<<money -50>>\
<<replace "#choices">>\
<<di you "Here you go">>
<<di witch "Excellent!">>
You receive the box of socks from her, let's pray that these things will be worth it.
<<link "Back" "Witch">><</link>>
<<link "==Pay $50.==">><</link>>
<<link "Nevermind" "Witch">><</link>>
<<set $resman.giftstate = 3>>
<<di you "Here you go">>
<<di witch "Excellent!">>
You receive the box of socks from her, let's pray that these things will be worth it.
<<link "Back" "Witch">><</link>>
<</if>>\<<set $resman.giftstate = 1>>\
<<di witch "I may not look like one but I'm a total hermit so I'm really late on the delivery. Can you help me bring this package to my customer?">>
<<di you "Alright, if it's not far I'll volunteer.">>
<<di witch "Amazing, here's the stuff.">>
In the package you find a tiny glass bottle that says "Slumber Powder" along with a piece of folded paper which must be the instruction. You'll need to deliver it to... The Townhall? Hmm, you wonder who could it be for? Someone important?
<<link "Back" "Witch">><</link>><<di witch "Why would you want to do that? Screw him, you're too much of a sweetheart.">>
<<di you "Hah hah... It's a long story.">>
<<di witch "Alright, alright... I'll see what $bully.Name likes.">>
Huh? You must have given her his name before...? Before you can even question it any further she already goes to the back room and comes back with a pen? So you can only utter a single word:
<<di you "Why?">>
<<di witch "Why not? Trust me on this one, it will work like a charm.">>
Considering that he doesn't even do his own assignment, you have some reasonable doubts. However, she also never has led you astray, so you choose to believe her.
<<di you "Alright, hope he doesn't beat the shit outta me when I gift him this.">>
<<di witch "This one is cheap only $10 or you can help me sweep the shop a little bit and I will give it to you for free.">>
This woman is seriously pushing propaganda to make young people like you to do more manual labors. Cleaning this shop will cost you at least 2 hours. You decide to:
<span id="choices">\
<<if $you.money >= 10 or $you.cc == 1>>\
<<link "Pay $10.">>
<<if $you.cc == 0>>\
<<money -10>>\
<<set $bully.giftstate = 3>>\
<<replace "#choices">>\
<<di you "Here you go">>
<<di witch "Excellent!">>
You receive the pen from her, let's pray that it will be worth it.
<<link "Back" "Witch">><</link>>
<<link "==Pay $10.==">><</link>>
<<link "Spend 2 hours cleaning up for her.">>
<<presshour add 2>>\
<<set $bully.giftstate = 3>>\
<<replace "#choices">>\
You end up breaking your back for 2 hours just to get a meager pen. Not sure if it will be worth it in the end...
<<link "Back" "Witch">><</link>>
</span>\<<image townhall.jpg>>
<<set $you.location = passage()>>\
<<if $resman.giftstate == 1>>\
<<set $resman.giftstate = 2>>\
Walking into the expansive hall, you can't help but feel out of place in such a formal setting where the people are all in pristine suits and look like they got places to be. You trot to the reception counter and ask the lady who is typing away on her keyboard:
<<di you "Excuse me, I'm here for a delivery from Eastern Medicine shop.">>
At your words, she snaps out of the trance and his intense focus is now on you:
<<dio "Receptionist" "Is it the delivery for the slumber powder? What took you guys so long?? You guys know the mayor cannot live without it, right???">>
First of all, rude. Second of all, why didn't she go to the shop herself and buy it there? Still, you bite your tongue because you do not want to bring such negative energy to your frantic life right now and lie:
<<di you "Ma'am, I'm just a delivery guy. I don't work there.">>
She squints at your barely restrained snark with suspicion before snatching the bag from your hand.
<<dio "Receptionist" "Okay. You are dismissed. I've got stuff to do especially during this election season.">>
You give her a salute on the outside but internally give her a middle finger and go on your way. You bet her boss is a huge asshole also.
<<link "Go outside" "Go outside">><</link>><<set $dad.giftstate = 4>>\
<<di you "Hey, I have a gift for you.">>
He looks at your surprisedly at your out of the left field comment and replies:
<<di dad "Really? What's the occasion?">>
Looking at your neatly hand-wrapped present, he gives you some of his rare and radiant smile.
<<di you "Well, it's just something I saw and thought of you so...">>
You duck your head abashedly and see that he already makes quick work of tearing through the wrapper with efficiency and when he sees the tie, you're quick to explain:
<<di you "You know I've never seen you wear one to work and it's nice to change it up once in a while. Plus I think the color really compliments your eyes.">>
<<if $dad.aff >= 21>>\
<<aff dad add 5>>\
He gives you a pleased and touching grin and mentions:
<<di dad "Thank you... it's been too long since I've received a gift… even from your mom.">>
He then touches the garment gently like it's something precious and not just a $50 tie that you got from a weird old woman's shop.
<<di dad "I'll definitely try it out. Hey, maybe you can visit my office some time and see the tie in action?">>
He gives you a questioning look and mentions:
<<di dad "Ooookay...? I'll take it since it's been too long since I've received a gift... your mom never tried to make the effort once.">>
He then throws them over his shoulder carelessly.
<<di dad "I'll try to wear it to work but don't hold your breath. Also, you should come to my workplace some time.">>
<<di you "Won't that be a problem to your co-workers?">>
<<if $dad.aff >= 21>>\
<<di dad "Nah, my workplace is very lax and they don't have the guts to fire me regardless.">>
<<di dad "Hah, like they have the guts to fire my ass.">>
<<di you "That sounds good. I'll go and visit when I can.">>
<<if $dad.aff >= 21>>\
<<di dad "Haha, that's my boy. Maybe, you'll be inspired to be an accountant like me in the future.">>
<<di dad "Regularly. Go to my office regularly so I can show you the ropes of how to be a good accountant. I don't expect you to be a failure in the future.">>
Somehow you doubt that you'll take after his job, but it'll be fun to visit his office during mornings and afternoons weekdays.
<<link "Back">>
<<if $dad.location === $you.location>>\
<<goto "Dad">>\
<<goto $you.location>>\
<</link>>\<<set $bro.giftstate = 4>>\
<<di bro "What's this?">>
He asks with surprise when being thrown a present by yours truly.
<<di you "Just open it and you'll see.">>
Eagerly discarding the wrappings, he opens the box to see the contents inside. It takes him a full minute to figure out at first but then the blush takes over his face upon realizing what they are.
<<if $bro.aff >= 21>>\
<<di bro "These are jockstraps?">>
<<di bro "Why the fuck are you giving me jockstraps?">>
<<di you "Ahem, yea. I know you work out a lot and since you have got a lot of athletic clothes. I figured why not give you something extra to boost your performance even more. These are well recommended by many trainers by the way.">>
<<if $bro.aff >= 21>>\
You have to explain a lot since they are kind of a weird gift. Despite your worry, when he finally overcomes his embarrassment, he says with a genuine smile:
<<di bro "Thanks, I've never thought about it but this will surely help for sure. It's nice to receive gifts like this once in awhile.">>
<<aff bro add 5>>\
You have to explain a lot since they are kind of a weird gift. Hearing your long winded explanation, he squints at you suspiciously:
<<di bro "Hmm... fine. It's free shit so I'll take it. Next time get me something more expensive.">>
<<di you "Anything for you, my best bro!">>
<<if $bro.aff >= 21>>\
<<di bro "As a matter of fact, you can hang out or train with me at the gym. Whenever, you're welcome to join me.">>
<<di bro "Also you look like a wimp. Get over to the gym and train with me. I can't have a younger $w.brother looking like this.">>
Yay! The gift works and seeing him at the gym sweating it out, all ripped and handsome, is the perfect time killer.
<<link "Back">>
<<if $bro.location === $you.location>>\
<<goto "Brother">>\
<<goto $you.location>>\
<</link>>\<<set $resman.giftstate = 4>>\
Dropping by, you wave to him from afar as he finishes talking to the employees about the shift.
<<di resman "Hey? You're here for work or... something else?">>
You can see the naughty glint in his eyes but sadly you have something else in mind:
<<di you "I've got you a gift.">>
<<di resman "What?!? Really?">>
He exclaims delightfully as a wide grin breaks out when he sees the present in your hands.
<<di you "Yep, it's just a small thing.">>
Receiving the gift, he then takes it carefully from you and say with a touch of emotion:
<<di resman "Thanks, no matter how small it is, I'm sure I'll like it. I'm gonna save and open it back home. Oh by the way, do you like running?">>
<<di you "Huh? Why do you ask?">>
<<di resman "Well, every other day I do early morning runs and it's getting a little bit boring alone. Care to join me sometime?">>
<<di you "You're kidding? I'd love to just let me know the time and day and I'll be there.">>
<<di resman "Great, I usually do them <b>at around 5 AM on Monday, Wednesday and Friday at the park.</b>">>
Ehh, that is quite too early for your taste but that's a sacrifice you're willing to make.
<<di you "No problem, I'll be there whenever I can.">>
<<di resman "Okay, got to go back to work now, see you then!">>
Saying your good bye, you memorize the schedule to catch him there. Getting to be his running partner is definitely a plus to your relationship with him.
<<link "Back" "Resman">><</link>><<set $bully.giftstate = 4>>\
Returning to his house to give the present, you can't help but feel awkward and nervous because you and him aren't exactly on friendly terms. Still, this may be an important part to your plan of winning him over so you suck it up and knock on the door.
<<di bully "What?">>
A scowl shows on his face when he realizes it's you.
<<di you "Umm... ahhh... I got you something.">>
You shove the small wrapped present quickly to him in case he rejects it. You have never seen that him being that shocked before as he says slowly:
<<di bully "For... me?">>
<<di you "Yes...">>
Opening the gift, he picks up the pen which looks actually rather fancy for its price with the ornate details. He inspects the object for a moment with noticeable care before telling you:
<<di bully "You do realize I'm blackmailing you, right? And you go ahead and send me a gift?">>
The way he puts that into words along with the look he gives you makes you feel like a dum dum. However, you have to stand your ground on this.
<<di you "I know and I still want to gift you something, is that a problem?">>
He stares at you flatly for a fat minute before breaking out one of the most radiant and handsome smiles that you've ever seen from a man. You don't think you've seen this side of him before.
<<di bully "You're a fucking weirdo... but I'll take it. Rest assured that I will not be bribed that easily.">>
That is the whole point of this gift. Oh well, maybe getting to see his smile like this is worth it.
<<di bully "Also, I have this book club from 2 PM to 4 PM at the college on Tuesday and Thursday and you need to sign up and go every once in a while. That's an order, you got me?">>
Book club? He reads? You really want to refuse because there are a lot on your plate right now but the looks on his face and him in general won't take no for an answer so you can only nod obediently.
Well, guess it's time for you to read books now.
<<link "Back" "Go outside">><</link>><<image park1.jpg>>
<<set $you.location = passage()>>\
<<if ($hour >= 20 or $hour < 4) and hasVisited("Fairintro1") and $fair.dur <= 8>>\
<<link "Ardor Fair">>
<<if not hasVisited("Fairtalk1")>>
<<pressminute add 30>>
<<goto "Fairtalk1">>
<<elseif not hasVisited("Fairtalk3") and $fair.cw >= 6>>
<<pressminute add 10>>
<<goto "Fairtalk3">>
<<elseif not hasVisited("Fairtalk4") and $fair.cw >= 9>>
<<pressminute add 10>>
<<goto "Fairtalk4">>
<<elseif not hasVisited("Fairtalk5") and $fair.cw == 12>>
<<pressminute add 10>>
<<goto "Fairtalk5">>
<<pressminute add 5>>
<<goto "Ardor Fair">>
<<elseif $fair.dur >= 8 and not hasVisited("Fairclose2")>>\
<<link "Ardor Fair" "Fairclose2">>
<<pressminute add 5>>
<<if $hour == 5 and ($day == 2 or $day == 4 or $day == 6) and $resman.giftstate >= 4>>\
<<link "Run with $resman.Name" "Resmanparkfuck">>
<<presshour add 1>>
<<if hasVisited("Mectalk2") and not hasVisited("Mecfpark")>>\
<<link "Distribute the flyers at the park" "Mecfpark">>
<<pressminute add 30>>
<<elseif hasVisited("Mecfem") and not hasVisited("Parkrhj") and not hasVisited("Gymrhj")>>
<<if $you.ruse >= 1>>\
<<link "You test the power of the ring" "Parkrtalk1">>
<<pressminute add 15>>
<<link "==You test the power of the ring==">><</link>>
<<elseif hasVisited("Parkrhj") or hasVisited("Gymrhj")>>\
<<if $you.ruse >= 1>>\
<<link "Use the ring to give someone a handjob in exchange of $20" "Parkrhjtalk1">>
<<pressminute add 15>>
<<link "==Use the ring to give someone a handjob in exchange of $20==">><</link>>
<<if (hasVisited("Parkrhj") or hasVisited("Gymrhj")) and $you.rlevel >= 2 and not hasVisited("Parkrbj") and not hasVisited("Gymrbj")>>\
<<if $you.ruse >= 1>>\
<<link "You push the power of the ring even further" "Parkrtalk3">>
<<pressminute add 15>>
<<link "==You push the power of the ring even further==">><</link>>
<<elseif (hasVisited("Parkrbj") or hasVisited("Gymrbj")) and $you.rlevel >= 2>>\
<<if $you.ruse >= 1>>\
<<link "Use the ring to give someone a blowjob in exchange of $50" "Parkrbjtalk1">>
<<pressminute add 15>>
<<link "==Use the ring to give someone a blowjob in exchange of $50==">><</link>>
<<if (hasVisited("Parkrbj") or hasVisited("Gymrbj")) and $you.rlevel >= 3 and not hasVisited("Parkrfuck") and not hasVisited("Gymrfuck")>>\
<<if $you.ruse >= 1>>\
<<link "You push the power of the ring further" "Parkrtalk5">>
<<pressminute add 15>>
<<link "==You push the power of the ring further==">><</link>>
<<elseif (hasVisited("Parkrfuck") or hasVisited("Gymrfuck")) and $you.rlevel >= 3>>\
<<if $you.ruse >= 1>>\
<<link "Use the ring to let someone fuck you in exchange of $100" "Parkrfucktalk1">>
<<pressminute add 15>>
<<link "==Use the ring to let someone fuck you in exchange of $100==">><</link>>
<<link "Go outside" "Go outside">>
<<pressminute add 5>>
<</link>><<scenechoices dad 4 1>>\
<<if $dad.lust < 40 and not hasVisited("Dadfuckintro1") and not $gameends>>\
You spend the two hours visiting him and learning the ropes of the world of accounting like he said... It is rather boring but he seems really happy to have your company.
<<aff dad add 5>>\
<<elseif $scenepicked>>\
<<set $you.horniness = 0>>\
<<lust dad add 1>>\
<<sus dad add 2>>\
After 15 minutes of grueling pretense that you know what the hell you're doing with accouting, you drop the mask and ask him right out:
<<di you "$w.Dad, do you want to fuck me?">>
<<if _saff >= 3>>\
<<di dad "You want to do it here and now?">>
He says a bit alarming but still there is a noticeable tinge of lust present in his eyes.
<<di dad "This is a bad idea but I'm not surprised that you're full of them.">>
You don't even deign to be offended because this is a bottom of the barrel type of idea.
<<di you "Can't you blame me? Seeing you right now in your suit makes me all hot and bothered.">>
<<if _saff == 4>>\
<<di dad "Fuck, boy. The things you say to me.">>
He then goes to lock the door quietly before going back and putting a finger on his lips.
<<di dad "But you gotta be quiet, right?">>
<<di you "I understand, daddy.">>
<<elseif _saff == 3>>\
He clears his throat and gives you a withering look
<<di dad "Still, it's too risky to do it...">>
You can see him being torn about the prospect so you help try to seal the deal.
<<di you "Don't worry, I'll be quiet.">>
With your assurance, he walks to the door to lock it. Score!
<<elseif _saff == 2>>\
He looks slightly annoyed at your confession:
<<di dad "It doesn't mean that I'll just drop my job just to fuck you.">>
To change his mind, you walk up to him and cup the obviously growing bulge under his slacks.
<<di you "Why not? Getting off is still way better than crunching numbers.">>
He sighs but doesn't contradict your comment and then walks to the door to lock it.
<<di dad "Alright, let's do it then and keep quiet.">>
<<di dad "Hmm, so you'll give your hole up to Steve from HR too, slut? He always wears a suit to work too.">>
Honestly, you haven't paid any attention to anyone except for him so you have no idea who the hell Steve is.
<<di you "Of course not. Yes, I'm a slut but... just for you.">>
<<di dad "Pfft... right, somehow I doubt that but whatever you can live your slutty secretary fantasy right now because I'm bored. Go and lock the door.">>
He sits still on the chair, well, like a boss and you comply.
First, you begin by pulling down the zipper of the trousers that are failing to conceal the raging weapon that is now throbbing in front of you. Missing its taste, your tongue flicks out and sweeps from the root to the tip to take in the salt, skin and testosterone concentrated on his manhood. From then on you begin fucking your mouth on his disco stick like your life depends on it.
<<video dad\dadofficefuck1.mp4>>
<<if _saff == 4>>\
<<di dad "Jesus... fffuck! Your sweet fucking mouth... loves daddy's dick, yeah?">>
Your mouth is a bit occupied at the moment so you pray he understands your affirmation from the way your head bobs up and down on his cock.
<<di dad "Damn... I don't think I can last much longer, turn around boy.">>
He doesn't need to say it twice. You rotate around and reveal your scout honor hole - which is already lubed and ready to go.
<<di you "Yesss... Give it to me, daddy...">>
<<elseif _saff == 3>>\
<<di dad "Fffuck... I've never thought doing this at work would be this hot.">>
Your mouth is a bit occupied at the moment so you pray he understands your affirmation from the way your head bobs up and down on his cock.
<<di dad "Ssshhh... I'm quite close... Let's get down to it.">>
He doesn't need to say it twice. You rotate around and reveal your scout honor hole - which is already lubed and ready to go.
<<elseif _saff == 2>>\
<<di dad "Are you really gonna be here all day just licking my dick? I've got work to do.">>
Though his tone sounds disgruntled, the shortness of his breath betrays his excitement over your stellar blowjob skill, if you say so yourself. Removing your mouth from his rock hard cock with a pop, you grin at him naughtily.
<<di you "Feel free to use my hole then.">>
You rotate around and reveal your scout honor hole - which is already lubed and ready to go.
However, knowing him by know you don't need to do that because you feel yourself getting face-fucked ruthlessly with slow and strong plunge of his hips. His large sack slapping on your chin as your saliva flows out and splatters all over his balls. After a few minutes of your lung being abused, he announces:
<<di dad "This hole already bores me. Let's see your other one, whore.">>
You couldn't react any faster and rotate around and reveal your scout honor hole - which is already lubed and ready to go.
Every time you feel his blunt tip touch your entrance, you are always electrocuted by the sheer excitement of what is about to come and he delivers it every time. His deep insertion burns up your inside, warms you up and he wastes almost no time getting into a comfortable pace.
The tempo of his thrust is not high but you can feel it all over your body each time he slams his dick home like he wants to savor this moment. You instinctively reach to your own member and match the rhythm of his fucking which is grazing your prostate so deliciously.
<<video dad\dadofficefuck2.mp4>>
<<if _saff == 4>>\
<<di dad "Sssshit... boy. Your hole is so perfect around daddy's dick.">>
Not a truer statement has been uttered before. It takes a lot of concentration for you to restrain from letting out filthy noises amid such pleasurable acts with him.
<<di you "Ffff... yyyeah... Daddy's dick is the best... and your cum too.">>
He grunts weakly at your obscene confession and whispers to your bassily:
<<di dad "Hmm... yeah...? You want Daddy's cum...? You want daddy to breed you...?">>
At those wicked words, you have to bite your tongue to stop yourself from moaning and reply breathily:
<<di you "Yesss... right here in your office... pump me full of your seed... Let's everyone know I'm yours...">>
<<elseif _saff == 3>>\
<<di dad "Damn... doing this in my office shouldn't have been this arousing...">>
The thought also arouses you too as your hand picks up the speed.
<<di you "Yea... the idea that any moment someone can catch us... fffffuck... I'm so turnt on...">>
It seems to stir something in him too as he let out the loudest contained grunt.
<<elseif _saff == 2>>\
<<di dad "Ssssshitt... Why is your hole is still this fucking tight after all this time?">>
Try as he might to sound irritated, pleasure still leaks through the timbre of his question as his hips never stop for a second to have mercy on your channel.
<<di you "Must be because... fffuck... your big cock is stretching me to its limit.">>
His exasperated huff shows that, despite all of his attitude, your comment still hits the right spot. His pole is now picking up speed to reach the ending.
<<di dad "Tell me, you love being defiled in my office, yeah fag?">>
He grunts at you maliciously and clearly is not done degrading you.
<<di dad "I bet if someone barged in right now... seeing you bouncing on $w.ydad's cock... you still wouldn't stop fucking yourself on me... right scum?">>
As a matter of fact, the throbs of your own erections conveys how much the idea turns you on. You halt the motion of your hands because it's getting dangerously close. Hearing your soft gasps, he chuckles humorlessly at you:
<<di dad "Just as I thought... you twisted bitch... fffffffuckkkkk... Get ready to get my load… ARGHHHHH!!!!">>
He explodes deep within you. His prick pulsates to send millions of his soldiers protected by the warm fluid to invade the most sacred ground in your body.
<<video dad\dadofficefuckcum1.mp4>>
With your belly warm and full of his seed, it takes almost no effort for you to reach climax and whine silently from the dizzying euphoria.
<<video dad\dadofficefuckcum2.mp4>>
Afterwards, you both clean up and he's already suited up like nothing nefarious has happened and you? You feel giddy and thrilled walking out of the building full of strangers who don't know that you're keeping $w.ydad's load inside your body.
<<if $gameends>>\
<<link "Back">>
<<goto "Dadscenemenu">>
<<elseif $owork.stage < 100>>\
<<link "Back" "Go outside">>
<<link "You finish the rest of the work day" "Go outside">>
<<set _temph = 16 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<set $you.sleep -= 4>>
<<set $you.hunger = 0>>
<<set $owork.totalhour += 8>>
<<set $owork.hourpw += 8>>
<</if>>\<<scenechoices bro 4 1>>\
<<if not hasVisited("Brofuckintro1") and not $gameends>>\
You spend the hour training like he said... Except for the eye candies, it is rather boring but he seems really happy to have your company.
<<aff bro add 5>>\
<<elseif $scenepicked>>\
<<set $you.horniness = 0>>\
<<lust bro add 1>>\
<<sus bro add 2>>\
Working out with $w.ybro has always been an exhausting but very rewarding experience. Improving your strength while feasting your eyes on one of the best man candies out there is always a big plus. Ask you both walk into the locker room, he grins at you - still full of energy like a golden retriever:
<<if _saff >= 3>>\
<<di bro "Nice work today, bro. Keep this up and you'll be as swole as me soon enough.">>
<<di bro "You did rather well for having such a frail little body.">>
You shrug sheepishing and wince from the aches.
<<di you "Don't know, man. I feel like I'm being runned over by a pick-up truck.">>
The room is now empty except for the two of you and $w.ybrother proceeds to strip down to his... jockstraps. My oh my, this is what you've been looking forward to the whole time and you can't help but point it out:
<<di you "Oh, you're wearing the jockstraps that I gave you.">>
<<if _saff >= 3>>\
Only now remembering wearing them, he suddenly blushes and nods at you:
<<di bro "Yea, I've been wearing them to the gym. You're right they are extremely comfy and unrestricting.">>
He looks slightly irked by you pointing that out.
<<di bro "Yea, I only wear them because they are comfortable.">>
<<di you "Hahaha... not only do you look comfortable but also very hot...">>
The particles of his perspiration fly through the air and reach your nostrils. The scent is so intoxicating that you are unable to hold back:
<<di you "...Can I smell it?">>
<<if _saff >= 3>>\
<<di bro "Huh? But I'm all sweaty...">>
He says exasperatedly, the red hue has taken over one third top of his body.
He looks at you with pure disgust and grunts lowly:
<<di bro "You're fucking nasty, you know that right?">>
<<di you "Yeah, the dirtier you're the more I like it... so please?">>
<<if _saff == 4>>\
<<di bro "You understand that I'm incapable of saying no to you, right? So, go ahead.">>
Knowing you want to get down and dirty, he doesn't remove the jockstraps but instead opens his legs for you to dive in.
<<elseif _saff == 3>>\
<<di bro "If that's what you want...">>
Knowing you want to get down and dirty, he doesn't remove the jockstraps but instead opens his legs for you to dive in.
<<elseif _saff == 2>>\
<<di bro "There must be something wrong with your brain... but whatever, go ahead do it I don't care.">>
Knowing you want to get down and dirty, he doesn't remove the jockstraps but instead opens his legs for you to dive in.
<<di bro "Then fucking go ahead and sniff my soiled undie, you fucking pig.">>
He grabs your head gruffly and smush your nose against his crotch.
<<di you "Hmmm... mhmm... so goood!">>
All of his testosterone floods your lungs and fills you with new strength and fervor. The musk is so strong it drives you crazy that you can't help but mouth his growing cock through the fabric.
<<video bro/brogymfuck1.mp4>>
Naturally, you pull the jockstraps down and swallow the delicious popsicle to the root. The taste is so familiar and like soul foods it never fails to sate your hunger and make you double your effort to slobber all over it.
<<video bro/brogymfuck2.mp4>>
Suddenly you hear the sounds of footsteps approaching and you get pulled by him into a secluded corner. The gym is quite large but usually it is very empty due to the lack of members so you are very emboldened to get frisky here. Let's also face it, you love the idea of being caught in public.
The puffs of hot breaths fanning on your neck don't help lessen your erection, not even mention the hot rod resting on the back of your hips. Therefore, you take the matter into your own hand, pull down your own shorts and push back on his hardon.
<<if _saff >= 3>>\
<<di bro "Holy f-!">>
<<elseif _saff == 2>>\
<<di bro "You lil-!">>
<<di bro "Fucking slut...">>
His cock is still larger than life and there is nothing you want to do more than moan from pleasure but you have to bite your tongue to not alert anyone. Once his cock is fully sheathed, he takes back the initiative and begins sawing away in your hole. His athleticism is remarkable because the speed of his fucking is high but the slams of his cock makes literally no sound except for the slightest swoosh of air.
<<video bro/brogymfuck3.mp4>>
<<if _saff == 4>>\
<<di bro "You feel so hot wrapping around me... Do you like the feeling of my cock stretching you?">>
<<elseif _saff == 3>>\
<<di bro "Fffuck... This is so risky but so hot... You feel the same way?">>
<<elseif _saff == 2>>\
<<di bro "If we get busted... ssshit... I'll blame it on you since you're the one who is pushing me to do this frisky shit.">>
<<di bro "Damn whore... this even can't stop you from fucking yourself on me... I bet you're willing to let yourself getting fucked in a middle of a townsquare, huh?">>
You can only nod incessantly because you don't think you can contain the noises once the floodgate is opened. Your hand is pumping on your raging erection to reach that high. He's also close from the way the pace is getting picked up and your prostate is getting grazed relentlessly.
<<video bro/brogymfuckcum1.mp4>>
So much so you exploded carelessly with a muffle and your channel must be milking his pole tightly because soon after his growl is muffled by your shoulder.
<<video bro/brogymfuckcum2.mp4>>
<<if _saff == 4>>\
<<di bro "What a way to end a workout session. You're the best gym partner ever.">>
<<elseif _saff == 3>>\
<<di bro "Phew, this burns more calories than a workout, I'll tell you that.">>
<<elseif _saff == 2>>\
<<di bro "Okay get the fuck outta here. I don't wanna get caught.">>
Still, he give you a fuck more brutal thrust to push the seed deeper into you as he sneers unkindly:
<<di bro "Happy now, bitch? If I hadn't been here, I'm sure you would have given it up to another gym rat just to satisfy your streaker fantasy, huh?">>
You have no rebuttal so you remain silent.
<<di bro "Typical... get out of my face...">>
As much as the idea thrills you in theory, you do not want to get thrown into prison due to public indecency and other crime. Therefore, both of you sneak into the shower quickly to avoid any further suspicion.
<<link "Back">>
<<if $gameends>>
<<goto "Broscenemenu">>
<<elseif $bro.location === $you.location>>
<<goto "Brother">>
<<goto $you.location>>
<</link>><<scenechoices resman 2 2>>\
<<if $resman.lust < 21 and not $gameends>>\
You two have a good and productive run and furthermore strengthen your relationship.
<<lust resman add 1>>\
<<elseif $scenepicked>>\
<<lust resman add 1>>\
“I'm dying” that's the thought you're having right now after merely a 30 minutes run with him through the deserted park. Maybe Mrs. $witch.Name had a point in saying that he was on his feet a lot because apart from some sweat, he still appears to be unbothered by what you consider an agonizing bout of cardio. He laughs at you folding over and breathing hard before handing over his bottle of water.
<<if _saff == 1>>\
<<di resman "Haha, you're so pathetic. That was like 5 miles.">>
You can only glare at him as you take a swig of water and try to catch your breath. A gust of wind passes through and brings his manly perspiration to your nose and the tiredness gets swiftly replaced by horniness. Damn, the funk shouldn't have smelled this good but somehow his body chemicals make the scent so addicting to take in.
<<di resman "By the way, I'm wearing the socks that you gave me. They are surprisingly comfortable, thought you gave me cheap ones.">>
Damn, he's wearing them right now? With the aroma still invading your brain, you convey your only thought right now to him:
<<di you "Can I see it?">>
<<if visited() == 1>>\
<<di resman "Huh? Is that one of those weird freaky requests of yours?">>
You can't even deny it because yes, you want to see his feet all sweaty and veiny after a strenuous run. He sees right through you and answers with a mocking smirk.
<<di resman "Right, I'll humor you this time because at least you give me something.">>
Right when he takes off his shoes, a fresh and even more intense odor starts filling up the surrounding. That makes your dick go from half-hard to standing at full attention. He then lifts his feet up slightly above the ground and says gravelly:
<<di resman "What the fuck are you waiting for?">>
<<di resman "Stop the bullshit and just get down to it, will we?">>
Right when he takes off his shoes, a fresh and even more intense odor starts filling up the surrounding. That makes your dick go from half-hard to standing at full attention. He then lifts his feet up slightly above the ground and says gravelly:
<<di resman "Lick away, pig.">>
No further invite needed, as you drop down on the ground like a sack and start smashing your face into his feet and take the deepest inhale like those are the last source of oxygen. Your tongue joins in next and licks clean the misted salty liquid like one of those filthy herbivore animals with a salt stone.
<<video resman/resmanparkfuck1.mp4>>
<<di resman "You should be grateful that I didn't wash my feet once in the last few days.">>
With that statement, you feel that you're grateful for that fact as well as the current picture of him jacking off while you're on your knees servicing him.
<<di resman "Okay, that's enough your job here now is to clean this and it ain't that clean either.">>
He grips his burgeoning cock, waves it around like a bait, spraying the rich musk around and adding another component to the addictive fragrance that is killing all the nerves in your frontal lobe. Therefore, you scramble up to capture that rod of masculinity like a moth to a fire.
In between all of your bobbing and gagging on his cock, you also spend some time licking those hairy orbs and adding further more to the explosive palates of flavors on your tongue. He seems appreciated of your relentless work because his breathing is getting more and more uneven as the erraticity of his fucking amplifies.
<<video resman/resmanparkfuck2.mp4>>
<<di resman "Ssshit... yyyeah... choke on that fucking beef... ffffuck... you ready for it, cumwhore?">>
You can only nod wildly as words now fail you and he removes his throbbing pole from your mouth. It only takes two strokes from him to drench your face full of his juice and smear it down to your pores like he wants everyone to smell his cum off of you.
<<video resman/resmanparkfuckcum1.mp4>>
<<di resman "That's the protein shot for you, bitch. Hopefully, you won't be such a big wuss in the next run, but I won't hold my breath.">>
He laughs at you patronizingly and tuck in his softening cock even without wiping them away. You can only look at them longingly and still hard as fuck as he begins walking away from you even without a care.
Great, now you have to jog with a boner...
<<set $you.horniness = 0>>\
<<di resman "Drink up, feels good to stretch your legs a little bit, huh?">>
Stretch? That is a gross understatement but you do not have the strength right now aside from giving him a gritted grin.
<<di resman "Let's rest for a bit over there.">>
The weather this morning is still cool so it helps with the sweat dripping on your body. A gust of wind passes through and brings his manly perspiration to your nose and the tiredness gets swiftly replaced by horniness. Damn, the funk shouldn't have smelled this good but somehow his body chemicals make the scent so addicting to take in.
<<di resman "Thanks by the way, I'm wearing the socks that you gave me. I swear I've never worn anything this comfortable in my entire life.">>
<<di you "Haha, it's nothing. It's just a small gift.">>
<<di resman "Still I want to make it up to you somehow.">>
A thought pop up to your head and it's not a proper one but still you say:
<<di you "How about you you fuck me right now?">>
He looks positively befuddled at your suggestion.
<<di resman "What?!? But we're in the middle of the park, there may be people around.">>
<<di you "Relax, we've been running for half an hour and I haven't seen a single ghost in this unholy hour and it'll be fun.">>
<<di resman "Aren't you tired? I don't want you to overexert yourself.">>
<<di you "I'm never tired of getting fucked by your sweet, big cock, stud, so please?">>
He seems hesitant for the shortest minute before being defeated by your lustful attention on his visibly growing erection under the thin short.
<<di resman "Okay, but we'll have to be careful.">>
Your pants are already dropped before even the last word has been spelt out as you urge him into a secluded spot covered by the many bushes. As per usual, your hole is already prepped and lubed which you feel like is a daily thing for you to do now just like eating.
<<di you "Alright, let's fuck the shit outta me, hunk.">>
<<video resman/resmanparkfuck3.mp4>>
Feeling his tip pressing into you lightly, you breathe out a sigh of relief of finally sating your hunger. You also sense the unevenness of his breathing when he fully sheathes inside you and mutters gravelly:
<<di resman "This is such a bad idea...">>
<<di you "Fffuck... Having such a handsome man inside me is never a bad idea.">>
Encouraged by your compliment, you can feel his smile plastered between your shoulder blades as he proceeds to drill into you. With each plunge, you can feel his sweat, yours running down both of your bodies and glue the already unified subjects into an even more connected and euphoric entity.
<<video resman/resmanparkfuck4.mp4>>
You're completely wrapped by the smell of sex, his mesmerizing hums of pleasure and the tight envelope of his arms. Whereas your orifice is hugging around the engorged pole pushing in and out for its dear life. The sensation is getting to the point of being overwhelming that you find your hand fisting your throbbing member. Soon enough, you find your release and shoot down to the grass and fertilize the land with a quiet groan.
<<video resman/resmanparkfuckcum2.mp4>>
On the other hand, your man is now fertilizing your channel as it is spasming and milking his pulsating cock and draining all of the life-creating essence inside his balls dry.
Coming down from the orgasm, he huffs and puffs with an equal note of satisfaction and giddiness.
<<if visited() == 1>>\
<<di resman "I've never done this before but goddamn... isn't it hot?">>
<<di you "Does that mean there will be a next time?">>
You wink back at him naughtily as his still half hard cock withdraws from you and brings a slight string of semen along with it down your thigh.
<<di resman "Long as you're game, I'm in">>
You grin widely at him. He surely does know how to make a guy happy.
<<di resman "Ffffuck... This is still hot like the first time...">>
<<di you "Told ya.">>
You wink back at him naughtily as his still half hard cock withdraws from you and brings a slight string of semen along with it down your thigh.
<<di resman "Well, it's always a fun time with your company.">>
You grin widely at him. Damn that sweet tongue on him, surely does know how to make you feel happy and appreciated.
<<link "Back">>
<<if $gameends>>\
<<goto "Resmanscenemenu">>
<<goto "Go outside">>
<</link>>\<<sus bully minus 1>>\
<<if visited() == 1>>\
Once you sign up for the club and ask around about $bully.Name. It looks like he has been a dedicated member for a while and every single girl in that club has heart eyes for him and gushes about how mysterious he is...
When you see him in the club talking about his analysis for the book of the week, he is so focused and intense that it is hard to look away and you see their point now. At first, you thought he had an ulterior motive or something, but after today, you've known that he simply just wants more people to know about the club.
Finishing with the club meeting, he motions you to follow him to the library to... point you to the right direction to borrow the next book. Man, he's really serious about this book club stuff. However, seeing him in his element and now browsing through the bookshelves with his strong, corded arms, the cool and intent expression on his face is doing numbers on your dick. You never thought you had a thing for nerdy tendencies.
<<di bully "...Are you even listening to me?">>
<<di you "Um... what?">>
Gulping down the saliva pooling in your mouth, you snap out of it to find him smirking at you with mocking amusement.
<<di bully "Even here in the public library, you're still ogling me?">>
<<di you "Well, there's nothing else to look at right now.">>
Except even if there is, you don't think you'll be able to tear your eyes away from him either.
<<if $bully.lust <= 15>>\
<<di bully "Then look at the fucking book and listen to what I say.">>
He then grabs your jaws to further drill in the point, apparently books are a big deal to him so you concede with a nod.
<<di you "Understood.">>
<<di bully "Good, now where was I?">>
Afterwards, you hang onto every single word he has to say to not displease him before being dismissed after fulfilling your duty as the extra #38 for the book club.
<<link "Back" $you.location>><</link>>
<<di bully "Don't just fucking look then.">>
With that said, he unzips his pants in record speed to reveal his humongous erection. You're now salivating for real at the sight of such a gorgeous creation and the thought of having him here in the college's library. Glancing around, you find no sign of anyone and at this time of the day, there is literally no one mingling around the building. Because of that, you get down on your knees and begin sucking away.
<<video bully/bullylibraryfuck1.mp4>>
Per usual with him, you only get to control the situation for a few sweet minutes - licking his spongy tip, tracing the veins with your tongue and suckle on the tangy taste of his pre-cum - before he takes over and starts to face-fuck you with abandon. Snot, saliva and tears trickle wildly all over your mug from the way his man-meat gags and reduces you to a gaping mess.
<<di bully "Yeahhhh... take it bitch... use your fucking tongue...">>
He grunts menacingly while accelerating the pumping of his cock to your mouth, clearly approaching the height of passion.
<span id="choices">\
<<if not $gameends or setup.ws.Bullylibraryfuck1>>\
<<link "Keep on sucking him">>
<<if not $gameends and not setup.ws.Bullylibraryfuck1>>\
<<set setup.ws.Bullylibraryfuck1 to true>>
<<set $ws.Bullylibraryfuck1 to true>>
<<run memorize('ws', setup.ws)>>
<<replace "#choices">>\
<<include "Bullylibraryfuck1">>
<<link "==Keep on sucking him==">><</link>>
<<if not $gameends or setup.ws.Bullylibraryfuck2>>\
<<link "Be courageous and beg him to fuck you">>
<<if not $gameends and not setup.ws.Bullylibraryfuck2>>\
<<set setup.ws.Bullylibraryfuck2 to true>>
<<set $ws.Bullylibraryfuck2 to true>>
<<run memorize('ws', setup.ws)>>
<<replace "#choices">>\
<<include "Bullylibraryfuck2">>
<<link "==Be courageous and beg him to fuck you==">><</link>>
<</if>>\<<if $bully.lust <= 15>><<lust bully add 1>><</if>>\
Listening to his command, you stimulate his rod by pressing your tongue into his slit and lapping on the copious liquid that seems to flow endlessly from his balls. His breathing is getting deeper and more erratic as well as the thrusts like he's racing towards the utopia.
<<video bully/bullylibraryfuck2.mp4>>
<<di bully "Fffuck... ssssshhittt... AHHHH!!">>
Without even a warning, his dick punches your uvula so hard, it's probably bruised. Your choking intensifies as what feels like a gallon of man juice being deposited down your throat from his pulsing gun.
<<video bully/bullylibraryfuckcum1.mp4>>
Throughout the spasming of his body from the aftershock of the orgasm, you nurse the slowly shrinking piece of meat in your mouth like it's the best piece of candy you've ever tasted. Your cock is still hard and raging but you don't even care. Your current object of obsession is his cock and only it.
<<di bully "What a damn fag you're... still desperate even for my flaccid cock?">>
He laughs at you hoarsely, voice marred by the pleasure he just experienced.
<<di bully "Tough luck... cut that shit out because I don't wanna get caught and blackmailed like someone here.">>
He pulls you away forcibly so you can't do anything else but to oblige to his order like a docile pet. Even after you have walked out of the library to say goodbye to him, your cock is still raging with pent up release.
<<link "Back">>
<<if not $gameends>>
<<goto "College">>
<<goto "Bullyscenemenu">>
<</link>><<set $you.horniness = 0>>\
<<lust bully add 1>>\
<<sus bully addflat 2>>\
Driven mad with lust, you find the strength to pull off of him and beg:
<<di you "Please fuck me!">>
<<di bully "Huh? I want to get off quickly and get out of here... Not to get fucking caught!">>
He growls at you with anger, clearly frustrated you have the audacity to blue ball him right now. However, your hole is itching to be ravaged, so you press on:
<<di you "You can just put it in and fuck me hard... and no need to hold back.">>
You already drop your pants and present him with your hole as the persuasion and he finally lets out a irate grumble.
<<di bully "You damn whore... fine I'll do it... but you know you'll pay for this one...">>
Oh, you know the price so well because right after finishing that sentence, he immediately begins fucking you senselessly. No preparation, no foreplay, no nothing. Your ass is getting breached, pummeled and assaulted without mercy; and misery has been a lovely and euphoric company when it comes to him.
<<video bully/bullylibraryfuck3.mp4>>
<<di you "It hurts... ahhhh... so good...">>
<<di bully "You're such a pathetic, desperate slut... begging a man to fuck you in a public space like this...? Shameless bitch like you deserved to be punished...">>
The slam of his dick is getting increasingly brutal. The sound of thighs slapping in the space feels like thunderclaps in the middle of a bright sunny day. Do you care if anyone looks? Honestly no, if there were a team reporting live your actions to the local cable, you still spread your cheeks and let him abuse you like a cheap sextoy.
<<video bully/bullylibraryfuck4.mp4>>
That thought blazes the flame inside you as you are unable to control your floodgate and start shooting all over your stomach.
<<video bully/bullylibraryfuckcum2.mp4>>
The spasms of your ass is also the last catalyst that triggers his orgasm as he lets out a whisper-roar of pleasure and pumps you full of his seeds.
<<video bully/bullylibraryfuckcum3.mp4>>
You both gasp from the exertion and start coming down from the climax. After a minute of catching your own breath, you suddenly get turnt around and feel your airway getting blocked by the way his fist wraps around your neck.
<<di bully "I don't like to be manipulated... You understand me?">>
<<di you "Understood.">>
No further explanation needed, your taking advantage of his horniness definitely strikes a nerve within him. You should cool it for now or else things might get ugly. Still, do you regret what you did? No, it was some of the best sex you've ever had.
<<link "Back">>
<<if not $gameends>>
<<goto "College">>
<<goto "Bullyscenemenu">>
<</link>>[[Living room]] <<set $prof.state = 1>>\
<<image classroom.jpg>>
Making your way into the classroom and feeling nervous, it's been a minute since the last time you stepped foot into a class and this one, you have missed since the beginning of the semester. Scurrying quickly into the class, a familiar and cheery trill flies to your ears:
<<di oni "Oh my god, look what the cat dragged in. I finally live to the see you here in this class.">>
Pouting with fake outrage, she's clearly none too pleased that you have abandoned her alone in this.
<<di you "Haha, you know, I'm keeping myself busy so I couldn't have time to attend the class.">>
She squints at you suspiciously:
<<di oni "Is it about getting a boyfriend? If so, then you need to stop for real, brah. Not at the cost of dropping out because I'm not gonna ride out this whole college experience without my best friend.">>
Huffing at your vague excuse, she adds a tidbit:
<<di oni "Also, the professor of this class is scary as fuck. I don't think I've seen him smile once and he's super anal...">>
The rant is cut short by the abrupt hush of the room - the only sound is the crips beat of a pair of dress shoes hitting on the ground. That's the guy, the "scary" professor that $oni.Name is talking about. His name is: <<textbox "$prof.Name" "Frank">>.
<<image prof/prof.jpg>>
You've also heard of him because he's got the reputation of being one of the most difficult professors in this college. Dressing in a no-nonsense combo of dress shirt and slacks, the man still stands out with his cold and tough features and a pair of all-consuming dark eyes... which are now staring at you with an intensity:
<<di prof "Is this who I'm thinking it is? $you.Namedis? You finally grace us with your presence?">>
His voice is a deep timbre that shakes you to the core and makes it difficult to maintain eye contact, so you bow your head embarrassedly and mumbles like a mosquito:
<<di you "Sorry...y-yes...">>
<<di prof "I don't want to waste your classmates' time anymore so meet me at my office at 4 PM, understood?">>
This is more like an order rather than a question so your only choice is to nod meekly.
<<di prof "I said “understood?”">>
<<di you "Y-yes, sir!">>
There is a slight up curve to his lips, it looks like the man loves to terrorize his students. As he walks away, $oni.Name whispers to you:
<<di oni "Oh my god, you're so fucked because he looks slightly more pissed off than he usually is... I'm gonna pray for you.">>
You're also sending a silent prayer to the high heaven that you can escape this one unscathed.
<<link "4 PM comes." "Proftalk2">>
<<set $hour = 16>>
<<set $minute = 0>>
<</link>><<set $prof.state = 1>>\
<<set $prof.requeststate = 1>>\
Butterflies are banging around inside your stomach as you give some unsure knock to the door to $prof.Name's office, his calm and deep voice can be heard easily through the thick barrier:
<<di prof "Come in.">>
Stepping inside the threshold to what seems like your doom, you can see he's still looking at the paper on his desk and, in spite of hours of work, not one strand of his hair is out of place and he still looks well-kept and unbothered.
<<di prof "Are you gonna just stand there and keep gawking? Sit down.">>
He points at the chair on the other side and you dutifully scramble to follow his order. After rearranging the paper, he folds his hands under his chin and says matter-of-factly:
<<di prof "You know why you're here, right?">>
You answer him:
<span id="choices">\
<<link "Is it because of my attendance?">>
<<replace "#choices">>\
<<jea prof 1>>\
<<di prof "Correct. The syllabus I sent you via email clearly stated that attendance is highly crucial to the grading.">>
Opps, did he send you an email? Well, you haven't checked it in a while.
<<di prof "Therefore, with such a high absence, I'm here to inform that you've failed my class and can retake it next year.">>
His statement shocks you because you honest-to-god expect to get a very stern warning not a flat out F from him. Since you're on a scholarship, any failed class without legitimate reasons will automatically kick you out of the program and can lead to a huge student debt. Due to that reason, you beg him urgently:
<<di you "I'm sorry, professor. I was caught up with something that I couldn't attend your class. Please, please, give me a chance.">>
<<di prof "Some of your classmates are working a full-time job and they still manage one hour a day for my class. My decision is final, you're dismissed.">>
At this point, the desperation is mounting so you discard all dignity, go around to stand next to him, drop your knees and really beg this time:
<<di you "Please... I'd do anything... anything at all that you want...">>
Your action actually catches him off guard. There is a subtle shift in his expression as he peers down at you kneeling - slight hitches in his breathing, the flare of his nostrils and the dark, boding look in his eyes. To test your theory, you add in a defeated tone:
<<di you "Sir?">>
The movement on his crotch is ever so slightly that if you didn't pay close attention, it would go unnoticed. However, your theory is correct: the man is turned on by your submission to him.
After a minute of calming his breath and probably willing his erection to subdue, there is a hoarseness, that you detect from lust, in his intonation:
<<di prof "That's a first... Alright, since getting back to my class is enough to move you to your knees, I will give you a second chance with the condition...">>
Anticipation fills you. What is he going to suggest? A handjob? A blowjob? Or get right down to it and fuck you?
<<di prof "...from now on, you have to maintain a good attendance. Now stand up.">>
......... That's it? You're unsure whether you should cheer or sulk in disappointment, but one thing you're sure to do is follow his command.
<<di you "Thank you, sir. I won't let you down.">>
It's not exactly a smile but his face visibly relaxes at the word "sir" like it signifies something in him, you're definitely not imagining his reactions. As you're walking out of the room, you're determined to figure out this concealed side of him to both get on his good grace and have a little bit of fun along the way.
You note down the schedule for his class - <b>Monday to Friday from 2 to 3 PM. However, it can be a good idea to arrive early and you can wait for his class at 12 PM.</b>
<<link "Back" $you.location>><</link>>
<<link "I don't know, you tell me, teach.">>
<<replace "#choices">>\
<<jea prof -1>>\
<<sus prof 1>>\
<<di prof "I see... since you don't care that much. I'm here to tell you that you've failed my class. You can go now.">>
His statement breaks your attitude because you honest-to-god expect to get a very stern warning not a flat out F from him. Since you're on a scholarship, any failed class without legitimate reasons will automatically kick you out of the program and can lead to a huge student debt. Due to that reason, you beg him urgently:
<<di you "I'm sorry, professor. I was caught up with something that I couldn't attend your class. Please, please, give me a chance.">>
<<di prof "Some of your classmates are working a full-time job and they still manage one hour a day for my class. My decision is final, you're dismissed.">>
At this point, the desperation is mounting so you discard all dignity, go around next to him, drop your knees and really beg this time:
<<di you "Please... I'd do anything... anything at all that you want...">>
Your action actually catches him off guard. There is a subtle shift in his expression as he peers down at you kneeling - slight hitches in his breathing, the flare of his nostrils and the dark, boding look in his eyes. To test your theory, you add in a defeated tone:
<<di you "Sir?">>
The movement on his crotch is ever so slightly that if you didn't pay close attention, it would go unnoticed. However, your theory is correct: the man is turned on by your submission to him.
After a minute of calming his breath and probably willing his erection to subdue, there is a hoarseness, that you detect from lust, in his intonation:
<<di prof "That's a first... Alright, since getting back to my class is enough to move you to your knees, I will give you a second chance with the condition...">>
Anticipation fills you. What is he going to suggest? A handjob? A blowjob? Or get right down to it and fuck you?
<<di prof "...from now on, you have to maintain a good attendance. Now stand up.">>
......... That's it? You're unsure whether you should cheer or sulk in disappointment, but one thing you're sure to do is follow his command.
<<di you "Thank you, sir. I won't let you down.">>
It's not exactly a smile but his face visibly relaxes at the word "sir" like it signifies something in him, you're definitely not imagining his reactions. Exiting the room, the curiosity takes roots in you to figure out this concealed side of him to both get on his good grace and have a little bit of fun along the way.
You note down the schedule for his class - <b>Monday to Friday from 2 to 3 PM. However, it can be a good idea to arrive early and you can wait for his class at 12 PM.</b>
<<link "Back" $you.location>><</link>>
</span>\<<if $prof.syc>>\
<<set $prof.syc = false>>\
At the beginning, you get a dirty look when $prof.Name first walks in the room, obviously from skipping his class. All of you can do is duck your neck sheepishly and make yourself as invisible as possible, but you can feel irritation radiated from him all through the period.
<<jea prof 1>>\
Since you've been keeping a good attendance, he doesn't appear annoyed at you and even cracks a few deadpan jokes through the peroid. Let's hope he stays that way.
After sitting through the period, you learned a little bit more about English literature<<if visited() == 1>> and how passionate $prof.Namedis is about the topic<</if>>. Regardless, your seduction plan is still ongoing, so you stay behind and walk up to ask:
<<di you "Hi, I'm still a bit confused about some parts of the material, can you help me?">>
Even though his face remains cold, his tone doesn't sound too irritated at your request:
<<di prof "Of course, which part...?">>
As his elaboration goes on, you can't help but be mesmerized by the raspy drone of his voice. Despite its low volume, you can feel each vibration compelling your body like he's a general and you're his loyal pawn. Your eyes are pulled toward his side profile, the stubble on his jawline is immaculately trimmed. Damn, he's one handsome guy - you muse internally. But then, his dark orbs abruptly connects to your line of sight as he chides with something almost like mirth:
<<di prof "... Are you even listening?">>
You answer back quickly:
<span id="choices">\
<<if not $gameends or setup.ws.Profvisit11>>\
<<link "Umm, yes. Of course. Absolutely.">>
<<if not $gameends and not setup.ws.Profvisit11>>\
<<set setup.ws.Profvisit11 to true>>
<<set $ws.Profvisit11 to true>>
<<run memorize('ws', setup.ws)>>
<<replace "#choices">>\
<<include "Profvisit11">>
<<link "==Umm, yes. Of course. Absolutely.==">><</link>>
<<if not $gameends or setup.ws.Profvisit12>>\
<<link "Not really, can't you see my eyes are glazing over?">>
<<if not $gameends and not setup.ws.Profvisit12>>\
<<set setup.ws.Profvisit12 to true>>
<<set $ws.Profvisit12 to true>>
<<run memorize('ws', setup.ws)>>
<<replace "#choices">>\
<<include "Profvisit12">>
<<link "==Not really, can't you see my eyes are glazing over?==">><</link>>
</span>\<<scenechoices prof 1 0>>\
<<set $prof.state = -1>>\
<<if not $gameends>>\
@@.title;BAD ENDING@@
Sitting inside the classroom, you're extra anxious due to the fact that you have chosen to disobey $prof.Namedis and not listen to his order. Inside you're still holding on to the sliver of hope that there is some mercy within him.
As usual the hush drapes over the space with his appearance and then you hear him approaching you, there is a never-before-seen tightness on his face.
<<di prof "What the hell are you doing here?">>
He scowls with clear dismay like seeing your face here right now ruins his day.
<<di you "... To... study?">>
A humorless chuckle escapes from his lips as he openly sneers:
<<di prof "Stop with the nonsense. I already gave you a chance and you don't even deign to follow the simple instruction or even give me respect.">>
Him openly scolding you in front of an audience makes your cheeks from embarrassment. However, the man has every right to do so and you have no option that to mumbles quietly:
<<di you "Sorry...">>
<<di prof "Save it and get out of here. I don't want to see your face in my classroom.">>
He then decisively trods towards his desk without giving you a chance for objection. $oni.Namedis looks at you witheringly. Well, that's probably it. You know you've failed his class and him and it is now truly final this time. So you grab your bag, retreat from the class with your head hanging low in defeat.
<<if not $gameends>>\
<<link "<b>Continue to the game</b>" $you.location>><</link>>
<<link "<b>Finish the game and go to gallery</b>" "Memoriesmenu">><<set $gameends = true>><</link>>
<<link "Back" "Profscenemenu">><</link>>
<<set $scenepicked = false>>
<<if setup.ws.Profvisit11 or setup.ws.Profvisit12>>[[Teasing at the class|Profvisit1]]<<else>><<link "==Teasing at the class==">><</link>><</if>> <<if setup.ws.Profvisit21 or setup.ws.Profvisit22>>[[Teasing at the office (before first handjob)|Profvisit2]]<<else>><<link "==Teasing at the office (before first handjob)==">><</link>><</if>> <<if setup.ws.Profvisit31 or setup.ws.Profvisit32 or setup.ws.Profvisit33 or setup.ws.Profvisit34>>[[Meeting with him|Profvisit3]]<<else>><<link "==Meeting with him==">><</link>><</if>>
<<if setup.ws.Profspankingintro>>[[First spanking|Profspankingintro]]<<else>><<link "==First spanking==">><</link>><</if>> <<if setup.ws.Profhjintro>>[[First handjob|Profhjintro]]<<else>><<link "==First handjob==">><</link>><</if>> <<if setup.ws.Profhj1 or setup.ws.Profhj2>>[[Regular handjob|Profhj]]<<else>><<link "==Regular handjob==">><</link>><</if>> <<if setup.ws.Profgympiss1>>[[Gym watersport|Profgympiss1]]<<else>><<link "==Gym watersport==">><</link>><</if>>
<<if setup.ws.Profbjintro>>[[First blowjob|Profbjintro]]<<else>><<link "==First blowjob==">><</link>><</if>> <<if setup.ws.Profbj1 or setup.ws.Profbj5 or setup.ws.Profbj3 or setup.ws.Profbj4>>[[Regular blowjob|Profbj]]<<else>><<link "==Regular blowjob==">><</link>><</if>> <<if setup.ws.Profgiftbj2>>[[Gift blowjob|Profgiftbj2]]<<else>><<link "==Gift blowjob==">><</link>><</if>> <<if setup.ws.Profgymbj1>>[[Gym blowjob|Profgymbj1]]<<else>><<link "==Gym blowjob==">><</link>><</if>>
<<if setup.ws.Proffuckintro>>[[First fuck|Proffuckintro]]<<else>><<link "==First fuck==">><</link>><</if>> <<if setup.ws.Proffuck11 or setup.ws.Proffuck13 or setup.ws.Proffuck14 or setup.ws.Proffuck15 or setup.ws.Proffuck16>>[[Regular fuck|Proffuck1]]<<else>><<link "==Regular fuck==">><</link>><</if>> <<if setup.ws.Profgymfuck1>>[[Gym fuck|Profgymfuck1]]<<else>><<link "==Gym fuck==">><</link>><</if>>
<<if setup.ws.Proffuck21 or setup.ws.Proffuck22>>[[Domination session (obey)|Proffuck2]]<<else>><<link "==Domination session (obey)==">><</link>><</if>> <<if setup.ws.Proffuck31 or setup.ws.Proffuck32>>[[Domination session (disobey)|Proffuck3]]<<else>><<link "==Domination session (disobey)==">><</link>><</if>>
<<if setup.ws.Profend1>><<link "<b>Bad ending</b>" "Profend1">><</link>><<else>><<link "==<b>Bad ending</b>==">><</link>><</if>> <<if setup.ws.Profend3>><<link "<b>Sub ending</b>" "Profend3">><</link>><<else>><<link "==<b>Sub ending</b>==">><</link>><</if>> <<if setup.ws.Profend2>><<link "<b>Brat ending</b>" "Profend2">><</link>><<else>><<link "==<b>Brat ending</b>==">><</link>><</if>>
[[Back|Memoriesmenu]]<<di prof "Come in.">>
Opening the door, you once again find him hard at work with papers sprawling all over the desk. Upon learning it's you, he raises one of his immaculate eyebrows.
<<image prof/prof.jpg>>
<<di prof "I didn't tell you to come in here.">>
Your answer to him is:
<span id="choices">\
<<if not $gameends or setup.ws.Profvisit21>>\
<<link "Sorry, I just want to see your face, that's all.">>
<<if not $gameends and not setup.ws.Profvisit21>>\
<<set setup.ws.Profvisit21 to true>>
<<set $ws.Profvisit21 to true>>
<<run memorize('ws', setup.ws)>>
<<replace "#choices">>\
<<include "Profvisit21">>
<<link "==Sorry, I just want to see your face, that's all.==">><</link>>
<<if not $gameends or setup.ws.Profvisit22>>\
<<link "So what? I couldn't be here?">>
<<if not $gameends and not setup.ws.Profvisit22>>\
<<set setup.ws.Profvisit22 to true>>
<<set $ws.Profvisit22 to true>>
<<run memorize('ws', setup.ws)>>
<<replace "#choices">>\
<<include "Profvisit22">>
<<link "==So what? I couldn't be here?==">><</link>>
</span>\<<scenechoices prof 1 0>>\
<<if $ingallery>>\
<<elseif not $gameends>>\
<<set $prof.patmax = 10>>
<<set $prof.susmax = 30>>
<<jea prof 5>>
@@.add;$prof.Name's max patience increases to 10.@@
@@.add;$prof.Name's max strike increases to 30.@@
<<lust prof 1>>\
Peeling back the layers, finally you have the chance to see his jewel and it's everything you expected it to be. Long, thick slab of velvet flesh, the base of his hardness is covered by a neatly trimmed bush - proper like a professor he is.
<<di you "Fuck... it's so big...">>
A small grin appears on his lips because of course any sane man would take pride in such a magnificent endowment.
<<di prof "You have 10 minutes to get me off. I've still got papers to grade.">>
His tone bodes no objection and you always love a challenge. When your fist barely wraps around the width, you feel even more confident from the way it throbs under your touch and the low sigh squeezing out from his closed lips.
<<video prof/profhj1.mp4>>
You give it some experimental tugs, loving the way the hardened smoothness glides on your palms. Your hand never felt this sensitive before like his length is a piece of molten steel singes all your nerves' endings.
<<di prof "Fuck... that's right boy... Work that cock.">>
Even though you have heard him curse before, hearing this dirty talk in this setting sends a tingling current all through your body. You are the one who manages to get this man to drop his professional facade and reveal this sexual and domineering side that not many have seen before. Ironically, you feel a sense of power despite the fact you're the one who is serving him.
<<video prof/profhj2.mp4>>
<<di prof "Keep your fist tighter... Sshit... I'm so fucking close...">>
The smell of his precum, the spicy musk peaking through the cologne and his heated puffs of breath swirl together creating an intoxicating haze which forces you to have no other choices than to obey. Even with your compliance, the man can't deny his nature and take control by moving his hips to fuck your fists with a surprising athleticism.
<<di prof "Fffuck... Brace yourself boy... I'm going to... CCCCUM...">>
With a loud growl, he makes the final push into your fist and holds it there. His hardness pulsates to deliver thick streams of semen like your hand is a piece of meant-to-be-bred ass.
<<video prof/profhjcum1.mp4>>
The sight, the feeling and the animalistic smell produces such a perfect and erotic picture that you utter:
<<di you "Thank you so much, sir.">>
Your words must have ticked the right boxes because his face visibly mellows out even more than the high of his orgasm. After completing your duty, your devoted brain finally catches up to the painful and neglected hardness between your legs, so you proceed to take care of yourself. However, not even one stroke in, his stern voice marches to your ears:
<<di prof "Did I allow you to touch yourself?">>
That is enough to stop all of your self-pleasure because unconsciously your first and foremost instinct now is to concede to his command. However, the frustration makes you whine:
<<di you "Please... It's too much... I really want to come so bad, sir...">>
You pray the honorific is enough to sweeten the deal. Still you are afraid of what might come next.
<<di prof "The answer is no. Because of your misbehavior, you're not allowed to come until the next time we meet again, understood?">>
The excitement of having a repeat with him almost eclipsed the disappointment, almost. So you continue:
<<di you "But, it's so painful...">>
<<di prof "No buts... Actions have consequences.">>
In your imagination, your pout probably looks very manly as you accept the cockblock.
<<di you "Yes sir.">>
<<di prof "That's a good boy. Now, let's clean up.">>
As you pull up your pants and the tight underwear smother your raging erection, you let out a hiss. You're so fucking doomed. Having to obey him and not get off until you see him again? <b>That includes other activities like masturbation or casual sex with other people.</b> Lord, have mercy on your soul.
<<if $gameends>>\
<<link "Back" "Profscenemenu">><</link>>\
<<link "After cleaning up" "Profhjintrotalk">><</link>>\
<</if>>\<<scenechoices prof 2 1>>\
<<if _saff == 3 or _saff == 4 or _saff == 6>>\
<<jea prof -1>>\
<<sus prof 1>>\
<<jea prof 1>>\
<<if $scenepicked>>\
Once again like a moth flying into the flame, you end up in <<if $you.location == "College">>his office<<else>>his home<</if>> because you can't just help it. $prof.Name looking at his computer but with a more relaxed pose than your first impression of him.
<<image prof/prof.jpg>>
<<if $prof.lust == 11 and not $gameends>>\
<<di prof "Pull your pants down and show it to me.">>
<<if _saff == 3>>\
The calm statement makes you feel like a stud horse being presented for his inspection and what else can you even do except remove the button on your pants to drop it down? You do it with hesitancy because of the guilt that you did in fact get off and now your cock is only halfway there from a full erection. He tsk-tsked at your current state:
<<di prof "So you didn't in fact listen to me. I'm disappointed.">>
His tone is even but you can feel the underlying steel.
<<di you "B-but, I got major blue balls...">>
<<di prof "You know what to do.">>
He taps at his desk with a finality and you can only sulkily drag your feet there to accept your punishment.
<<di prof "It's gonna be a tener. Count it.">>
His punishment still feels fresh to you even now. At least now you are a little bit more used to the sting that you can form choked syllables to count each strike on your ass.
<<video prof/profspank4.mp4>>
<<di you "... nine... ten!">>
Huffing breathlessly you are now at full mast and mush-brained - ready to take on any of his request and it happens to be one of your favorite one:
His calm statement makes you feel like a stud horse being presented for his inspection and what else can you even do except remove the button on your pants to drop it down? It is a struggle because you pretty much have a permanent boner by this point. Your voice sounds crazed even to your own ears:
<<di you "Please... it hurts so bad.">>
<<di prof "You've done so well, good boy. You'll get it soon enough.">>
Cooing with pleasure, as he approaches you to get what he wants:
<<if _saff == 6>>\
At first glance, he appears to be calm but from your observation, his poker face is way scarier than actual emotions. Knowing your place and as an admission of your disobedience, you kneel next to him and wait until he wraps up the work on his computer. When it looks like his job is done for the day, his voice chills your spine:
<<di prof "Take off your pants and lean over the table.">>
Despite the coldness in his voice, everything he does is like a Pavlovian to your arousal because your cock is fully erected just at the thought of the upcoming punishment. The sight of the huge black dildo that he produces from one of the drawers makes your eyes widen and your cock twitch as your chest is fully on the table.
<<di prof "Since you don't want an easy way. I'll show you a hard one.">>
Without any warning he proceeds to remove the buttplug and replaces it with the almost ten inch dildo. You take pride in your pain tolerance and the stretchiness of your orifice but still the sudden force of it still makes you wince.
<<video prof/profdildo1.mp4>>
<<di you "Ahhh... fffffuck...">>
In spite of your groaning, his pace actually picks up and the dildo violates your prostate so good and your dick jerks incessantly. Right when you think you're about to blow your load right here and there, he pulls the torture device off.
<<di prof "Do not touch yourself. Now, it's time to serve your master.">>
<<elseif _saff == 5>>\
Noticing but paying you no mind, he continues typing away on his computer like you're just a puppy looking at its master for a treat. And you're absolutely ravenous from the clear as day erection between your thighs.
<<di you "Please sir, I'm so hungry for your cock.">>
Only when you begin to beg, he then give you a measuring look at your state and says:
<<di prof "I need to finish this so be patient and do not touch yourself.">>
You almost whine from the frustration but remain still according to his command. Your hole is gasping around the flare base of the plug. You should never doubt his words because after 15 minutes he proceeds to stop working and then tell you:
<<di prof "Okay, I'm done. Come here and turn around.">>
You scramble as fast as possible to him and follow his instruction as he pushes the toy in and out to tease and force a pleasurable groan out of you.
<<video prof/profplug3.mp4>>
Once the object is completely remove, he rumbles deeply:
<<di prof "Let's give you what you want, shall we?">>
<<elseif _saff == 4>>\
He motions his hand for you to come over. Even though you are one stinky mofo, your gait is still unafraid as you approach his desk. His nose scrunches up right away when you near his personal space and he gives you an unimpressive look:
<<di prof "So I know how it is, GET DOWN ON YOUR KNEES, PIG!!">>
His loud snarl catches you off guard so much so you automatically do as told.
<<di prof "Remove my shoes.">>
You take off each one of them with care and obviously to reveal a pair of black-sock covered feet. Despite his commitment to cleanliness, you can still detect a noticeable odor - flying off from the creases between his toes - that were carefully contained inside his dress shoes. You really can't blame him since he must have been at work for a long while now.
<<di prof "Suck on them.">>
It's apparent that bodily scents do not bother you but an obvious turn on, so you waste no time slobbering all over his clothed toes. Of course, his socks are maintained at an immaculate condition so your tongue slides easily over the planes of his feet and slithering around each hot digit. You're completely drunk on the taste, the bodily scents and the lingering leather smell of his shoes.
<<video prof/proffeet1.mp4>>
<<di prof "That's enough. Let's move on something else.">>
You look up dazedly at him leisurely masturbating through his slack and await his next command:
<<elseif _saff == 2>>\
He motions his hand for you to come over. Confident in your own hygiene, you trod toward him and like a puppy. Leaning his face to you, he uses one of his surprisingly calloused palm to card over your head.
<<di prof "You smell nice. That's what my boy is supposed to do. Now, I'll give you something for a job well done.">>
<<elseif _saff == 3>>\
<<di prof "So you didn't in fact listen to me. I'm disappointed.">>
His tone is even but you can feel the underlying steel. Your orgasm is being tracked by him so there is no other way to deny it.
<<di you "B-but, I got major blue balls...">>
<<di prof "You know what to do.">>
He taps at his desk with a finality and you can only sulkily drag your feet there to accept your punishment.
<<di prof "It's gonna be a tener. Count it.">>
His spanking still feels fresh to you even now. At least now you are a little bit more used to the sting that you can form choked syllables to count each strike on your ass.
<<video prof/profspank4.mp4>>
<<di you "... nine... ten!">>
Huffing breathlessly, you are now at full mast and mush-brained - ready to take on any of his request and it happens to be one of your favorite one:
You don't even have a sliver of pride anymore as you drop your pants down in the middle of the room. Your voice sounds crazed even to your own ears:
<<di you "Please... it hurts so bad.">>
<<di prof "You've done so well, good boy. You'll get it soon enough.">>
Cooing with pleasure, he approaches you to get what he wants:
<<if not $gameends>>\
<<link "He commands you to jerk him" "Profhj">>
<<presshour add 1>>
<<if $prof.lust >= 15>>\
<<link "He commands you to blow him">>
<<presshour add 1>>
<<if $prof.lust == 15>>
<<goto "Profbjintro">>
<<goto "Profbj">>
<<if $prof.lust >= 20>>\
<<link "He fucks your ass" "Proffuck1">>
<<presshour add 1>>
<<if $prof.lust >= 25>>\
<<link "He wants you to be in a domination session">>
<<presshour add 1>>
<<if _saff == 1 or _saff == 2 or _saff == 5>>
<<goto "Proffuck2">>
<<goto "Proffuck3">>
<<if $scenepicked>>\
<<if setup.ws.Profhj1 or setup.ws.Profhj2>>\
<<link "Regular handjob" "Profhj">>
<<set $scenepicked = false>>
<<link "==Regular handjob==">><</link>>
<<if setup.ws.Profbjintro>>\
<<link "First blowjob" "Profbjintro">><</link>>
<<link "==First blowjob==">><</link>>
<<if setup.ws.Profbj1 or setup.ws.Profbj2 or setup.ws.Profbj3 or setup.ws.Profbj4>>\
<<link "Regular blowjob" "Profbj">>
<<set $scenepicked = false>>
<<link "==Regular blowjob==">><</link>>
<<if setup.ws.Proffuck11 or setup.ws.Proffuck13 or setup.ws.Proffuck14 or setup.ws.Proffuck15 or setup.ws.Proffuck16>>\
<<link "Regular fuck" "Proffuck1">>
<<set $scenepicked = false>>
<<link "==Regular fuck==">><</link>>
<<if setup.ws.Proffuck21 or setup.ws.Proffuck22>>\
<<link "Domination session (obey)" "Proffuck2">>
<<set $scenepicked = false>>
<<link "==Domination session (obey)==">><</link>>
<<if setup.ws.Proffuck31 or setup.ws.Proffuck32>>\
<<link "Domination session (disobey)" "Proffuck3">>
<<set $scenepicked = false>>
<<link "==Domination session (disobey)==">><</link>>
<<link "Back" "Profscenemenu">><</link>>
<</if>>\<<if $prof.lust < 5>><<lust prof 1>><</if>>\
<<jea prof 1>>\
<<di you "Umm, yes. Of course. Absolutely.">>
A slight quirk - which according to $oni.Name is really rare - on his lips shows that he has his doubts:
<<di prof "Good boy. Just follow my words and you can be a happy camper.">>
There has to be some hidden meaning behind that question not even mention the sudden low-pitchness, so you press on:
<<di you "If that's what it takes to pass your “test” with flying color and for you to be happy, I'll be your teacher's pet at any time of the day.">>
Finishing that sentence with your touch on his strong bicep, you can sense a strong current of restrained energy passing both of you. His pupils are blown, his breathing is getting a bit labored. Unable to resist it anymore, you look down on his slacks to see a bulge is growing slowly under the fabric.
<<image prof/profbulge1.jpg>>
The sight of it turns you on to no end and makes you pop your own boner in the middle of the deserted classroom. Suddenly, he frowns and gives you a dismissal:
<<di prof "Okay, I've got another class to teach. Now, go on.">>
<<if $prof.lust == 5>>\
It feels like your pursuit has finally met a brick-wall. His willpower is way too strong and he doesn't seem to budge. Maybe, you need to do something drastic to uproot this balance. <b>Maybe skip a class and see how he will react?</b>
The signs are definitely there, but there is still some resistance. However, you are confident you'll get him to show his true colors with persistence and your good charm.
<<link "Back">>
<<if $gameends>>
<<goto "Profscenemenu">>
<<set $prof.requeststate = 1>>
<<goto $you.location>>
<</link>><<if $prof.lust < 5>><<lust prof 1>><</if>>\
<<jea prof -1>>\
<<sus prof 1>>\
<<di you "Not really, can't you see my eyes are glazing over?">>
Despite already being on his shit list at the time being, your thirst for some spices in life is insatiable. Therefore, you deflect back his question with a note of defiance. Obviously, he doesn't look one bit amused:
<<di prof "Do you think this subject is some kind of a joke?">>
Well, you just want to test the water and definitely not piss him off, so you make amend with an excuse:
<<di you "Haha, I'm kidding, teach. Of course, I was listening.">>
His fist wraps around our wrist like a vice as his growl booms threateningly:
<<di prof "I don't appreciate the attitude because it needs serious fixing.">>
<<di you "Will you?">>
You leave the rest unsaid but the intention is clear. He can do whatever he wants with you and from the way his pupils are blown, the hitch of his breathing he understands full well the meaning behind your words. Unable to resist it anymore, you look down on his slacks and find the slight movement under the fabric.
<<video prof/profbulge2.mp4>>
The sight of it turns you on to no end and makes you pop your own boner in the middle of the deserted classroom. Suddenly, he snaps out of the electrifying gaze to your eyes and gives a dismissal:
<<di prof "Okay, you can prove whether you listened or not by the next class. Now, I've got another one to teach.">>
<<if $prof.lust == 5>>\
It feels like your pursuit has finally met a brick-wall. His willpower is way too strong and he doesn't seem to budge. Maybe, you need to do something drastic to uproot this balance. <b>Maybe skip a class and see how he will react?</b>
The signs are definitely there, but there is still some resistance. However, you are confident you'll get him to show his true colors with persistence and your good charm.
<<link "Back">>
<<if $gameends>>
<<goto "Profscenemenu">>
<<set $prof.requeststate = 1>>
<<goto $you.location>>
<</link>><<if $prof.lust < 10>><<lust prof 1>><</if>>\
<<jea prof 1>>\
<<di you "Sorry, I just want to see your face, that's all.">>
His brow climbs up even higher at your admission:
<<di prof "Alright, just sit there and be quiet. I have stuffs to look through.">>
He then goes back to the papers and you have no idea how his intense concentration makes the most mundane things like grading look so attractive. That can only be done by one of the finest specimens in the planet and you can't help but blurt out your admiration:
<<di you "Do you know how hot you look right now?">>
That breaks him out of the work and gives you an inquisitive look:
<<di prof "Why?">>
<<di you "Oh, you know you're already a handsome man and combined with the look you're doing - like a president looking through the country's policy, so authoritative. It make you ten time hotter.">>
A low chuckle escapes his throat and something like fondness softens his face.
<<if $prof.lust <= 10>>\
<<di prof "Can't say I expect to hear that sentiment from my student, especially a male student at that, but thank you, I'm flattered.">>
<<di prof "You and your silver tongue. Don't think I'll give you a special treatment in class.">>
Your words or maybe your presence and the possibility of him expressing his domination on you must have an effect on him. You can see him shift in his seat a few times and subtly adjusting his package.
<<video prof/profbulge3.mp4>>
<<if $prof.lust == 10>>\
The knowledge make you burn with lust and uncertain of how long you can endure not having a chance to see his manhood. Maybe you should try something dramatic again and <b>be a brat to push him over the edge.</b>
The knowledge fills you with giddiness but you tell yourself to be patient and don't push it too far. Both of you sit in a companionable silence for a while as you feel your relationship strengthens.
<<link "Back">>
<<if $gameends>>
<<goto "Profscenemenu">>
<<goto $you.location>>
<</link>><<if $prof.lust < 10>><<lust prof 1>><</if>>\
<<jea prof -1>>\
<<sus prof 1>>\
<<di you "So what? I couldn't be here?">>
Your defiant tone definitely doesn't help lighten his mood as the creases on his foreheads appear:
<<di prof "Because I'm working and don't need attention of a brat disrupting it.">>
<<di you "Bingo. You're correct. I'm just here to annoy you and a brat. So what are you going to do about it?">>
The invitation is clear. From the way his breathing shifts and his intense expression, you know he's itching to have his hands on your.
<<di prof "Alright, fucking come here.">>
Despite you partly asking for this, his booming command still shakes you to the core. It hypnotizes you to walk up to him as his large paw pushes your body forward to the desk - making your ass perk up and the other swoop your pants and underwear down in one swift motion.
<<di prof "Tell me how many strikes you deserve.">>
<<di you "I don't deserve jack shi...!!?!">>
Before your protest can even be formed, a cracking smack reverberates through the room and forces out an almost howl from you.
<<di prof "10 is the answer and an extra 5 for that attitude.">>
15 strikes doesn't sound like much but with the pain inflicted upon you, it stretches time to eternity. The sting from your buttcheeks seeps through your body and gets to your cock as it is fully erected. It is a wonder how there is still enough blood to pump your erection when your globes are now glowing bright red.
<<video prof/profspank3.mp4>>
Finally, his final slap lands between the crack of your ass and jolts your body forward, dick jerking. It's too close but you manage to not embarrass yourself by cumming without touching your dick again. His gravelly voice rumbles behind you:
<<di prof "Now that's a good look on a brat like you... Learned your lesson yet?">>
<<di you "Mmmmhm... ah... yessir...">>
You aren't sure if you can even string together a sentence through this haze. Witnessing your current state, he mutters out a quiet word:
<<if $prof.lust == 10 and not $gameends>>\
<<di prof "Ffuck... Alright, I'll allow you to jerk me off.">>
That is the perfect antidote for your delirium because your mind perks up at his agreement. Your hard work finally pays off and you are now able to reach the goal which is his cock.
<<link "He removes his slacks to for you to start the handjob" "Profhjintro">><</link>>
<<di prof "Fffuck...">>
However, he doesn't seem to want to proceed with anything else and you can feel his body vibrate with lust. The man has some serious restraint. Honestly, you can't really do anything else either because you feel yourself slowly becoming his subject, waiting for his words and orders instead of being in control of your own will.
<<link "Back">>
<<if $gameends>>
<<goto "Profscenemenu">>
<<goto $you.location>>
<</if>>\<<scenechoices prof 3 1>>\
<<if $scenepicked>>\
<<set $you.horniness = 0.1>>\
<<if $prof.state >= 6>>\
<<set _rpick = random(1,3)>>\
<<set _rpick = random(1,2)>>\
<<if $prof.lust < 15>><<lust prof 1>><</if>>\
All of the sudden, you partially lose your motor function like the button on his pants is the hardest puzzle. He then takes over and unveils one of the the straightest and substantial pieces of man meat known to mankind. He then raises an eyebrow at your clumsiness:
<<di prof "Put your hands to real work, then.">>
You may have lost your ability to unfasten buttons but handjob is your second nature now. Your palm glides over his raging length with ease. Understanding that he likes to fuck a tight hole, your grasp tightens around him and in turn repeatedly milks the precum out of his slit.
<<video prof/profhj3.mp4>>
<<di prof "Fuck... that's right... squeeze it harder...">>
Despite his hips now pumping, you don't stay idle but meet him at an equal pace with each stroke. Your deft hand is now a circular staircase that helps him reach the top of heaven.
<<di prof "Sssshitttt... so close... get ready...!!">>
Then with a roar he blasts off with a handful ropes of creamy seed all over your hand. The scent of sex instantly takes it up to another notch as perspiration and musk emit from him and your own body.
<<video prof/profhjcum2.mp4>>
<<if _saff == 4 and $watersport>>\
<<di prof "Since you want to be such a filthy fucking bitch. Open your mouth.">>
Since you have a one track mind and all roads lead to him, you do accordingly and a tangy taste explodes on your tongue. He is pissing on your mouth and uses you like a foul public urinal in the middle of his office and he's right.
<<video prof/profpiss1.mp4>>
You love it. Love being a smelly pig stinks of sweat, cum and piss. So much so, you crash into an orgasm as a pool of his golden nectar sits warmly in your stomach.
<<video you/youcum5.mp4>>
<<di you "Thank you, sir.">>
<<elseif _saff == 3 or _saff == 4 or _saff == 6>>\
<<di prof "Bad boy don't get to have my touch. Handle it yourself.">>
Your hand couldn't fly to your own dick fast enough. As swift as your action is, your release also comes head to head in terms of quickness. Jet of milky fluid flies out from your cockhead almost like a gunshot from the strength of your orgasm.
<<video you/youcum2.mp4>>
<<di prof "Since you've done a good job. Here is your reward.">>
Coming down from the climax, he announces with the hoarseness still fresh in his voice and grabs your pent up erection. It isn't technically a handjob because with just a downstroke from him, you already let out a moan as your dick pulsates inside his heated palm and shoots the boiling loads all over the place.
<<video prof/profhjcum3.mp4>>
<<di you "Ahhhh... ssshit... thank you, sir.">>
<<if _rpick == 3 and not $gameends and hasVisited("Proffuckintro")>>\
<<set $prof.request = 3>>\
<<set $prof.requeststate = 1>>\
<<set $prof.plugstate = 1>>\
Despite both of your effort in cleaning, you can probably find traces of your DNA all over the room. When you're both decent, he gives you the instruction:
<<di prof "Remember to keep your hole ready for me until the next time we meet.">>
<<elseif _rpick == 2 and not $gameends and hasVisited("Profbjintro")>>\
<<set $prof.request = 2>>\
<<set $prof.requeststate = 1>>\
Despite both of your effort in cleaning, you can probably find traces of your DNA all over the room. When you're both decent, he gives you the instruction:
<<di prof "Remember to shower before you meet me next time.">>
<<di you "Yes, sir!">>
<<set $prof.request = 1>>\
<<set $prof.requeststate = 1>>\
Despite both of your effort in cleaning, you can probably find traces of your DNA all over the room. When you're both decent, he gives you the instruction:
<<di prof "Remember no cumming until I say so.">>
<<di you "Yes, sir!">>
<<if $prof.lust == 12 and not $gameends>>\
<<di prof "Before you leave, take this.">>
You catch a box thrown in your way and open it. It is a smartwatch?
<<di prof "It can be used to track your orgasm, so wear it.">>
Fuck, so now there is no way you can bullshit your way out of a punishment. It kind of frustrates you, but at the same time you feel your inside burn at the thought of giving up the control of the most base and primal bodily function to him. Therefore, you wear it and feel strangely proud like it is a mark of ownership of him over you.
You are visibly more relaxed from getting rid of the built up lust and wonder if you can keep up your end of the deal.
<<link "Back">>
<<if $gameends>>
<<goto "Profscenemenu">>
<<goto $you.location>>
<</link>><<di prof "I gotta say getting a handjob from a guy wasn't as weird as I thought it was going to be.">>
You peer at his honesty and query back:
<<di you "Of course, my handjob skill is awesome.">>
It seems he appreciates your brand of humor or maybe it's the afterglow because he lets out a hearty chuckle.
<<di prof "That and the fact you're quite pliant and malleable that I could shape however I want.">>
His gaze to you can be considered as smothering as it travels from your face down to your crotch.
<<di prof "Never thought about it too but it's nice to have an apparent indication of arousal. Remember, no cumming until the next time. I want your balls to burst at the seams, got it?">>
It is bursting right now alright. However, you still nod because of course you live for these kinds of things. You love being told what to do and following a set of instructions. It is undeniable that you're a submissive at the core. On the other hand, thinking of getting another one of his punishments also sends thrilling chills through you. Should you be naughty or nice?
<<link "Back" $you.location>>
<<set $prof.state = 4>>
<<set $prof.request = 1>>
<<set $prof.requeststate = 1>>
<</link>><<scenechoices prof 1 0>>\
<<if $ingallery>>\
<<elseif not $gameends>>\
<<set $you.horniness = 0.1>>\
<<set $prof.patmax = 15>>
<<set $prof.susmax = 40>>
<<jea prof 5>>
@@.add;$prof.Name's max patience increases to 15.@@
@@.add;$prof.Name's max strike increases to 40.@@
<<lust prof 1>>\
<<di prof "So far you've been on relatively good behavior. As a prize, from now on you're allowed to... Suck. My. Dick.">>
He puts a slow emphasis on the three last words as his pants are undone to uncover the burgeoning erection. Finally! You've been dying with thirst to swallow that imposing weapon for ages.
<<di you "Yes, sir! I won't let you down.">>
Tugging on it, you ready yourself mentally to give him the most mind blowing head he ever has. Relaxing your throat, your head makes a swoop downward, your nose makes contact with his short pubes and your esophagus squeezes his log whole. That seems to shock him, as he lets out a hiss.
<<video prof/profbj1.mp4>>
<<di prof "Ffffuck...!! Yeah... deepthroat my cock...">>
His encouragement eggs you on as you bounce up and down on his length. Your tongue swirls from the underside to the veins and towards his slit to taste the tangy liquid there. It is getting harder to do so because he begins to take the initiatives and fucks your mouth with long strokes.
<<video prof/profbj2.mp4>>
<<di prof "Ghhh... ssssshit... so close... you want my load, boy?">>
You can only nod lightly to not scrape your teeth on his cock which is now pummeling in and out between your lips with abandon. The rhythm of his breathing is getting choppy until he lets out a wild growl:
<<di prof "Here it COMES!!!">>
His cock pops out and starts spraying. The amount of pearly seeds are plentiful enough to coat your whole face as you mouth it greedily to stimulate and squeeze out more of that man juice.
<<video prof/profbjcum1.mp4>>
The feeling of being marked by him, scented by his pheromone, makes your balls tighten and within just a few strokes, you spill and join him in the land of bliss.
<<video you/youcum3.mp4>>
<<di prof "Fuck... look at you, covered in my cum... Who owns your mouth?">>
<<di you "You, sir.">>
<<di prof "Damn right.">>
His haughty look screams possessiveness. Now if he says “Jump”, you'll definitely say “How high, sir?” as your self preservation gets swept under the current of his authority.
<<if $gameends>>\
<<link "Back" "Profscenemenu">><</link>>
<<link "Coming down from the high" "Profbjintrotalk">><</link>>
<</if>>\As both of you come down from the climax, $prof.Name appears to be in a chatty mood:
<<di prof "You know I tried to find some women who share the same interest but this town is indeed a backwater. My luck has been pretty quite bad.">>
You really want to attest to that because the town is indeed not large and has the reputation of a conservative town. On the other hand, your luck with men who share the same depravity has been stellar so you can only feel for the man.
<<di you "Hmm, probably better to do that in the city. But why don't you move there? With your skills and reputation, you can score a job there easily.">>
That's true, in an effort to learn more about him. You've found multiple articles with his name on the internet. Apparently, he's a semi popular publisher in the academic world.
<<di prof "I have, well, had an obligation...">>
His gaze suddenly hardens and peers into somewhere faraway before changing the subject.
<<di prof "Anyway, may I talk to you about hygiene?">>
What? Why? You don't smell, do you?
<<di prof "You have a distinct smell to you though it's not super distracting but I still prefer my boy to clean and healthy.">>
So, you do in fact stink. Despite his nonchalant comment, heat still fills your cheeks.
<<di you "Thank you for your input, sir. I'll do as you say.">>
Well, now that you have to <b>add showering into your list of things, you need to do it for him</b>. Having someone to tell you to accomplish the most basic and mundane aspects of your life both frightens and excites you. You wonder if you don't shower, what will be his punishment?
<<link "Back" $you.location>>
<<set $prof.state = 5>>
<<set $prof.request = 2>>
<<set $prof.requeststate = 1>>
<<set $you.clean = 0>>
<</link>><<scenechoices prof 3 1>>\
<<if $scenepicked>>\
<<set $you.horniness = 0.1>>\
<<if $prof.state >= 6>>\
<<set _rpick = random(1,3)>>\
<<set _rpick = random(1,2)>>\
<<if $prof.lust < 20>><<lust prof 1>><</if>>\
Scrambling to get his tight off of his tree trunks takes you a minute and once that's done, you can't resist but nuzzle against it like a kitten on a pile of catnip.
<<video prof/profbj3.mp4>>
He holds your head back and rumbles huskily:
<<di prof "Tell me what is the purpose of your mouth?">>
<<di you "It's only there to warm your cock and not even for talking. Sir, please shut me up with your huge cock.">>
Your answer pleases him because with a growl he shoves inside your oral cavity in one deep thrust. If you didn't mentally and physically prepare for it, bile would be thrown up all over, but the picture right now is not that pretty either. Saliva, tears and snots streaming down as his monster of a penis ravages your mouth pushing your respiratory system to its limit. Then, with one brutal slam of his hip, he lodges his tool deep inside your throat as your nose gets buried under the musk of his trimmed pubes.
<<di prof "Hold it, boy. Ten... nine...">>
Focusing on his voice, you hold your breath and relax your throats. As much as you try, some pathetic gurgling sound still reverberates from your chest.
<<di prof "...one! Good fucking job.">>
<<video prof/profbj4.mp4>>
He pats your cheeks commendably as you waste no time again to devour his member again as your hunger for him grows. Knowing your need, he begins pistoning against your eagerly open mouth and increasingly accelerates his pace towards the end.
<<di prof "Ffffuck... I'm gonna give it to you… boy... ARGHHH!!">>
He pulls off of your mouth and begins spewing all over your mug once again marking his territory and letting everyone know that you're his property. You definitely sign your own ownership away as you use his "pen" to smear his "signature" all your pores and make every layer of your body contain a trace of him.
<<video prof/profbjcum2.mp4>>
<<if _saff == 4 and $watersport>>\
<<di prof "Since you want to be such a filthy fucking bitch. Open your mouth.">>
Since you have a one track mind and all roads lead to him, you do accordingly and a tangy taste explodes on your tongue. He is pissing on your mouth and uses you like a foul public urinal in the middle of his office and he's right.
<<video prof/profpiss1.mp4>>
You love it. Love being a smelly pig stinks of sweat, cum and piss. So much so, you crash into an orgasm as a pool of his golden nectar sits warmly in your stomach.
<<video you/youcum5.mp4>>
<<di you "Thank you, sir.">>
<<elseif _saff == 3 or _saff == 4 or _saff == 6>>\
<<di prof "Bad boy don't get to have my touch. Handle it yourself.">>
Your hand couldn't fly to your own dick fast enough. As swift as your action is, your release also comes head to head in terms of quickness. Jet of milky fluid flies out from your cockhead almost like a gunshot from the strength of your orgasm.
<<video you/youcum2.mp4>>
Coming down from the orgasm, he seems positively satisfied and rasps:
<<di prof "Here is a prize for your good behavior.">>
He grabs your buttocks and proceeds to swallow your raging member. His grips are firm, not allowing you to move freely, as he takes a few slow bobs on your crotch. You can feel a bit of teeth grazing against your sensitive length - must be from his unfamiliarity of giving heads - like a warning to not overstep.
<<video prof/profbj5.mp4>>
That sends you to an overload and with just a tug you finish with a moan.
<<video you/youcum5.mp4>>
<<di you "Goddd... fffffuckkk... thank you, sir.">>
<<if $prof.lust == 20>>\
<<elseif _rpick == 3 and not $gameends and hasVisited("Proffuckintro")>>\
<<set $prof.request = 3>>\
<<set $prof.requeststate = 1>>\
<<set $prof.plugstate = 1>>\
Despite both of your effort in cleaning, you can probably find traces of your DNA all over the room. When you're both decent, he gives you the instruction:
<<di prof "Remember to keep your hole ready for me until the next time we meet.">>
<<elseif _rpick == 2 and not $gameends>>\
<<set $prof.request = 2>>\
<<set $prof.requeststate = 1>>\
Despite both of your effort in cleaning, you can probably find traces of your DNA all over the room. When you're both decent, he gives you the instruction:
<<di prof "Remember to shower before you meet me next time.">>
<<di you "Yes, sir!">>
<<set $prof.request = 1>>\
<<set $prof.requeststate = 1>>\
Despite both of your effort in cleaning, you can probably find traces of your DNA all over the room. When you're both decent, he gives you the instruction:
<<di prof "Remember no cumming until I say so.">>
<<di you "Yes, sir!">>
<<if not $gameends and $prof.lust == 20>>\
<<set _backtitle = "Then...">>\
<<set _backtitle = "Back">>\
<<link _backtitle>>
<<if $gameends>>
<<goto "Profscenemenu">>
<<elseif $prof.lust == 20>>
<<goto "Proftalk4">>
<<goto $you.location>>
<</link>> - <i>Will you learn your lesson?</i>
<<if $prof.state == 11>>\
• Attend his class for the final time before reaching the finale
• <b>Less than 20 strikes for a sub ending</b>
• <b>More and equal to 20 strikes for a brat ending</b>
• You can still have sex with him at his house from 6 PM until before 9 PM
<<elseif $prof.state == 10>>\
• Visit his office from 12 PM until before 4 PM to access his email
• You can still have sex with him at his house from 6 PM until before 9 PM
<<elseif $prof.state == 9>>\
• Visit his house from 6 PM until before 9 PM
• Participate in domination sessions with him
<<elseif $prof.state == 8>>\
• Visit his house
<<elseif $prof.state == 7>>\
• Meet him in his office after class for some more private time
• Let him fuck you
• You can meet him from Monday to Friday from 12 PM until before 4 PM
<<elseif $prof.state == 6>>\
• Meet him in his office after class while not failing the task he gave you.
• You can meet him from Monday to Friday from 12 PM until before 4 PM
<<elseif $prof.state == 5 and $prof.lust == 20>>\
• Meet him in his office after class for some more private time
• Give him blowjob
• You can meet him from Monday to Friday from 12 PM until before 4 PM
<<elseif $prof.state == 5>>\
• Meet him in his office after class for some more private time
• Give him blowjob to raise his lust
• You can meet him from Monday to Friday from 12 PM until before 4 PM
<<elseif $prof.state == 4>>\
• Meet him in his office after class for some more private time
• Give him handjob to raise his lust
• You can meet him from Monday to Friday from 12 PM until before 4 PM
<<elseif $prof.lust == 10>>\
• Meet him in his office after class for some more private time
• Act like a brat to get a reaction from him
• You can meet him from Monday to Friday from 12 PM until before 4 PM
<<elseif $prof.state == 3>>\
• Meet him in his office after class for some more private time
• You can meet him from Monday to Friday from 12 PM until before 4 PM
<<elseif $prof.state == 1 and $prof.lust == 5 and $prof.requeststate == 3>>\
• Go to the class today to see his reaction to your insolence
• You can go to the class Monday to Friday from 12 PM until before 2 PM
<<elseif $prof.state == 1 and $prof.lust == 5>>\
• Miss the next class to see his reaction in the class after
<<elseif $prof.state == 1>>\
• Maintain your good class attendance every day
• Missing a class will result a penalty to patience and strike each day
• You can go to the class Monday to Friday from 12 PM until before 2 PM
<<elseif $prof.state == -1>>\
• <b>FAILED</b>
<<elseif $prof.state == 0 and $dayCount >= 4>>\
• Go to the college and join the English Lit class
• You can go to the class Monday to Friday from 12 PM until before 2 PM
<<elseif $dayCount < 4>>\
<<set _tday = 4 - $dayCount>>\
• Wait for _tday more day<<if _tday > 1>>s<</if>>
<<if $prof.state >= 1 and $prof.state < 12>>\
• <i>His order: <<if $prof.state <= 2 and $day >= 2 and $day <= 6>>Go to his class today <<if $prof.stc>> - <b>FAILED</b><<elseif $hour >= 14 and not $prof.stc>> - <b>DONE</b><</if>><<elseif $prof.request == 2 and $prof.state >= 4>>You need to be in clean state during your meeting with him<<elseif $prof.request == 1>>You cannot cum<<if $prof.requeststate == 3>> - <b>FAILED</b><</if>><<elseif $prof.request == 3>>Do not remove your buttplug<<if $prof.requeststate == 3>> - <b>FAILED</b><</if>><<else>>None<</if>></i>
<</if>>\Already seated at the class, $oni.Name is talking your ears off but the trepidation inside you blocks her gossip out. How will he react with your skipping class? Will he ignore you again? Or will he be pissed off? Hopefully, he won't just fail you but it's too late for regret now.
As usual, everyone in the room can feel his overwhelming presence immediately when he steps inside and goes quiet. As the footsteps near and then stop, you hear an emotionless voice on top of you.
<<di prof "$you.Namedis, meet me at 4 PM after class.">>
Alone time with him in his own private office, it's then or never, so you nod and say politely.
<<di you "Yes.">>
The pace of his own walk to your own eye is quite even and calm. However, $oni.Name has another idea:
<<di oni "Uh oh, he looks positively angery. Is he gonna fail you this time? Why did you skip his class despite his warning again?">>
You can't hardly tell her the reason but hope that all of those risks that you took will pay off at 4 PM today.
<<link "4 PM comes." "Profspankingintro">>
<<set $hour = 16>>
<<set $minute = 0>>
<</link>><<scenechoices prof 1 0>>\
<<if $ingallery>>\
<<elseif not $gameends>>\
<<set $prof.patmax = 5>>
<<set $prof.susmax = 20>>
<<jea prof 3>>
@@.add;$prof.Name's max patience increases to 5.@@
@@.add;$prof.Name's max strike increases to 20.@@
<<lust prof 1>>\
Entering the room, he's once again looking at the paper on his desk. However, right now there are visible lines marring his forehead - a clear sign that he's not in a good mood.
<<di prof "Sit.">>
Might as well get yourself comfortable. Dropping onto the cushion, your back subconsciously straightens like a rookie staying attention at the bootcamp. After a minute of dead silence, he finally pivots his eyes to you with displeasure:
<<di prof "You don't have trouble listening to my order just now so tell me why is it so hard to keep a decent attendance? I'll let you know that I don't freely give out second chances.">>
This is headng toward to the direction of a disaster, so you have to act quickly:
<<di you "I'm really really sorry again. I know it's no excuse but I'm scattered brain and was caught up in a emergency so I couldn't tell you beforehand.">>
<<di prof "So you do know that's no excuse, then I'll...">>
<<di you "Please! If anyone can fix my behavior, I would let them disciple me into shape.">>
Something ticks in his expression at the magic word "disciple", bingo! You proceed to strike while it's hot.
<<di you "I know I've been very bad. If I can remain in the class, you can punish me however you want.">>
His nose flares like the wolf taking in the blood scent of a prey.
<<di prof "Anything. I. Want?... Hmmmmm... Come here.">>
He says huskily and motions you to approach him. After probably the longest second of consideration of his life, he finally says:
<<di prof "Bend over.">>
Yesss, it has finally come to this and you couldn't take into the position fast enough. Matching your speed, he then pulls your pants down roughly and exposes your behind.
<<di prof "You know what happens to bad boys like you...? They get SPANKED.">>
Without warning, his large palm begins to rain down on your buttcheeks. It isn't for show either because each slap stings and knocks weak whimpers out of you. Despite all that, does the pain deter you from getting turned on? No, your boner is now full flag and dripping. Each hit of him on your ass is like a long sensual stroke on your cock. You are getting delirious between pain and pleasure - dangerously close to cumming.
<<video prof/profspank1.mp4>>
<<di prof "Do you understand your lesson, now boy?">>
Finally, you can detect a little bit of tremor from lust in his voice.
<<di you "Y-y... ahhh... yess.">>
<<di prof "Yes what?">>
A loud smack that seems to expand all over your buttock and push the precum and the right answer out of you.
<<video prof/profspank2.mp4>>
<<di you "Yes, sir!">>
<<di prof "That's right... good boy...">>
Upon hearing that endearment, something snaps inside you and makes you start spewing cum. The stimulation both from the orgasm and the throbbing of your ass shuts your brain down completely and leaves you a writhing, moaning mess.
<<video you/youcum4.mp4>>
<<di you "Ahh... shit... mmhmm...">>
You hear his voice with both notes of wonder and astonishment:
<<di prof "You cum from my spanking?... Ffffuck...">>
He then proceeds to grab the impressive tent under his pants and hiss. There is a clean conflict in his tone:
<<di prof "Never thought that I would have to spank someone... and a guy of all the people...?">>
It sounds like this is the first spanking he's done - well, the first sexual one. That makes you feel a bit giddy, so you give him a worn out but satisfied smile:
<<di you "Mhmm... you really did give a thorough lesson because... ahhhh... I think I'll feel your hands on my ass for the whole week. Anyway... if you want a repeat, I'm always a willing participant.">>
The cogs are turning inside his brain but the lust is a huge wrench in his logical function because he nods at your suggestion. Seeing the painful erection in his pants, you are tired but dying to unwrap it.
<<di you "I can help you get off, you know.">>
It looks like there is still some hesitation plaguing his mind because he refuses:
<<di prof "It's alright, I don't think I'll cross that line.">>
Your mind helpfully adds "yet", but of course you don't want to push him too much because it may backfire. After cleaning up, an idea comes up to your mind:
<<di you "So now that is done. Can I please not have to keep a perfect attendance?">>
He squints at you with displeasure but still understands the implication: he did cross a line by spanking you. If you reported to the school board, he would be in a lot of trouble.
<<di prof "You really have the gall to blackmail me now, huh? Alright, I'll allow it but I'll send you all the study material for you to learn AT HOME. I expect excellent score by the end of the semester, got it?">>
You nod eagerly, that's absolutely fine because now <b>you don't have to waste the hour of the day there</b> and instead focus on your goal to get your hands on his cock and maybe get some good spanking along the way.
<<link "Back">>
<<if $gameends>>
<<goto "Profscenemenu">>
<<set $prof.state = 3>>
<<goto $you.location>>
<</link>>Your professor: @@.prof;<b>$prof.Name</b>@@
<span style="color:red">Lust: $prof.lust/$prof.lustmax</span>
<span style="color:pink">Patience: $prof.pat/$prof.patmax</span> - <i>Bad ending upon reaching 0</i>
<span style="color:green">Strike: $prof.sus/$prof.susmax</span> - <i>Bad ending upon reaching $prof.susmax</i>You take a much-need shower and scrubbing yourself clean.
<<image you/shower.jpg>>
You feel a little bit refresh and awake.
<<link "Exit the shower" $you.location>>
<<set $you.clean = 0>>
<<set $you.sleep -= 2>>
<</link>>Coming down from the climax, $prof.Name has already been buttoned up and pristine like nothing has ever happened and he's holding a box.
<<di prof "I got something for you. Open it.">>
Still fuzzy and warm post-orgasm, your stomach flutters at the thought of him giving you a gift and excitedly takes it from him. It is wrapped in a plain white wrap and it takes you no time to tear it open and your eyes bug out at the content inside. It is a buttplug. He explains:
<<di prof "Because of your good demeanor, I've decided to take it another step and give you this buttplug in preparation of what is to come.">>
You have a crystal clear idea of what he means and nod eagerly. However, it doesn't seem that easy as you think because he continues:
<<di prof "This is a very special plug that can detect whether it is taken off or not for an extended period of time and the signal will be sent directly to my phone. What you need to do now is plug that hole up until the next time we meet because you understand that your ass is mine now, right boy?">>
Holy fuck! So it means except for shitting you cannot remove it which also means no fucking around??!? FUCKKKK! Despite all that, you're so whipped that your spent cock hardens and twitches at the mere thought of him dictating even the deepest and vulnerable part of your body. Therefore you can only do one thing but answer breathlessly and meekly:
<<di you "Yes, sir. I understand.">>
He gives you one of his slight and rare smile as the command comes almost conversationally:
<<di prof "Okay, then go ahead and turn around for me.">>
Realizing that he will be the one to insert the toy, in a blink of an eye, you already bend over with your hands spreading your cheeks wantonly. With sure and constant pressure, he slowly shoves the foreign object inside you. You feel yourself getting even more turned on that a small moan flitting through your teeth at your imagination of his thick cock is the one entering your body instead of the plug.
<<video prof/profplug1.mp4>>
<<di prof "Alright, it's done. Remember my words: no taking it out for a long period of time.">>
Due to the lack of blood in your brain you can only nod obediently:
<<di you "Yes, I understand, sir.">>
His hands stay firmly on your cheeks as his voice rings out with a note of being entranced mixed in the timbre:
<<di prof "Hmm... It still amazes me that I don't feel put off by touching you there... You're weirdly fascinating...">>
Being able to crack through the harsh facade and catch glimpses of his deep thoughts, you feel triumphant that your plan has been working wonderfully so far. Still, you let out a light-hearted joke so that he doesn't dwell on it too much and overthink:
<<di you "I'm just that irresistible.">>
You wink at him playfully and dress up with some difficulty because of your erection and the toy lodged firmly in your ass. The last word you hear from him before exiting the room fills you with mirth:
<<di prof "That you are.">>
<<link "Back" $you.location>>
<<set $prof.state = 6>>
<<set $prof.request = 3>>
<<set $prof.requeststate = 1>>
<</link>><<scenechoices prof 1 0>>\
<<if $ingallery>>\
<<elseif not $gameends>>\
<<set $you.horniness = 0.1>>\
<<set $prof.patmax = 20>>
<<set $prof.susmax = 50>>
<<jea prof 5>>
@@.add;$prof.Name's max patience increases to 20.@@
@@.add;$prof.Name's max strike increases to 50.@@
<<lust prof 1>>\
Nerves swell inside as you step foot inside the now familiar office. Initially, he looks focused and mildly annoyed while working as usual. However, once noticing your presence, the muscles on his face relax significantly.
<<di prof "You've come in just the perfect time. I'm about to finish with my work.">>
<<di you "It's okay. I can wait.">>
Well, it's actually not okay how painfully your erection is tenting against the zipper of your pants, but you're determined to be the perfect sub to him and ride his thick cock today. Reading you like an open book, he replies:
<<di prof "No, I've waited long enough and it's time to get what is mine. Strip, boy.">>
Knowing that he's as impatient as you are stokes the sizzling ember inside you into a full fledged flame. Following his command to undress, you turn around and present your filled hole which is pulsing hungrily against the thick toy. You can feel his heat behind you as his large and rough palms squeeze your globes possessively. Slowly and steadily, he begins to remove the plug and when the thickest part breaches through your rim, it forces a moan out of you.
<<video prof/profplug2.mp4>>
<<di prof "Shit... looking at your hole... pulsating like it can't wait to be filled up again.">>
<<di you "Yessir, please put your thick cock inside me and make me your complete bitch.">>
<<di prof "Gladly.">>
He purrs huskily and what follows is the sound of rustling of cloth before finally you feel the hot blunt tip pressing in. In one fell swoop, he is fully sheathed inside you as your channel hugs his thick shaft for its dear life.
<<video prof/proffuck1.mp4>>
<<di prof "Ffffuck... How come you're still that fucking tight... Jesus...">>
You really shouldn't ever judge a book by its cover again because even though having a sedentary job, the fucking he's giving you right now is out of this world. The man's pure raw strength and stamina is in clear display as your ass is getting ruthlessly penetrated by his giant manhood. He's holding on the promise of making you his bitch, for real.
<<di you "Ahhh... nghnnn... yess... your dick... ummm... sssso good... sir...">>
Egged by your exclamations, his thrusts are getting even more intense but you can still detect a methodological beat of his movement. Not even mention the fact that each push of his spear precisely massages your prostate with a scary accuracy.
<<video prof/proffuck2.mp4>>
<<di prof "Hghhh... yea... you love my cock... don't you...?">>
<<di you "Yess... I'm a slave... ahhh... for your cock... sir...">>
<<di prof "ARGHHH... SSSSHIT!!!">>
With a shout, he shoves deep inside you and unloads inside and sets fire to your innard like a stream of molten lava.
<<video dad/dadfuckcum1.mp4>>
That is enough to trigger your own orgasm as you shoot with abandon.
<<video you/youcum4.mp4>>
<<di prof "Fuck...! That was amazing...">>
<<di you "Myea... My body is all jelly...">>
He then looks at you indulgently like you're the last person on Earth before asking you:
<<di prof "About what you said... That you'd be a slave for my cock... Must be because of the heightened emotion, huh?">>
<<di you "No, I mean what I said. I'd be one as long as I get you to have you.">>
He pauses for a moment to give you a pensive and smothering look before answering:
<<di prof "Okay, I'll keep that in mind.">>
Having you on his mind is always a big plus and you have the confidence in your depravity - becoming his sex slave is no big deal, at all.
<<link "Back">>
<<if $gameends>>
<<goto "Profscenemenu">>
<<set $prof.state = 7>>
<<goto $you.location>>
<</link>><<jea prof -1>>\
<<sus prof 1>>\
Despite the fact that you didn't exactly follow through with his demand - keeping the buttplug inside your ass - you still have the gall to face him right now because he can't dictate your sex life too damnit! That courage last for a total of 5 seconds when you see his stormy expression.
<<di prof "You... Really... Have... The... Nerve... Boy.">>
Each word is enunciated clearly and measuredly like he demands you to remember each word he says.
<<di prof "So you really aren't serious about this then you won't get anything from me.">>
<<di you "I'm sorry but I'm still not used to having something big like that inside me for the whole day so I had to remove it briefly...">>
<<di prof "That means you don't want this enough then...?">>
<<di you "Please, I do want it, desperately. Give me another chance.">>
You used the ultimate trick - dropping to your knees and head bowed. It's a clear display of submission and the kryptonite to his domineering side. Like you expect, a sigh escapes from his throat as his voice softens:
<<di prof "Okay. I'll give you another chance. Do like I said, keep it plugged until we meet again and no messing around. My patience is running thin.">>
Though he indulges you this time around, it is probably not a wise idea to keep opposing to his command.
<<link "Back" $you.location>>
<<set $prof.request = 3>>
<<set $prof.requeststate = 1>>
<</link>><<scenechoices prof 3 1>>\
<<if $scenepicked>>\
<<set $you.horniness = 0.1>>\
<<if $prof.state >= 6>>\
<<set _rpick = random(1,3)>>\
<<set _rpick = random(1,2)>>\
<<if $prof.lust < 25>><<lust prof 1>><</if>>\
The welcoming sight of his mouth watering manhood appears in your line of sight. It drives you insane so you can't help but begs him like a shameless slut:
<<di you "Please sir, put it in. I want your cock so bad.">>
<<if _saff == 1 or _saff == 2 or _saff == 5>>\
<<di prof "Have you forgotten that I told you to be patient? We'll do it my way.">>
Then a slimy alien object starts worming in your hole. He's tonguing your opening vigorously like it's his favorite dessert. The feeling of being eaten out doesn't help with your state of near orgasm either and your poor staff is now purple on the verge of vessel eruption.
<<video prof/proffuck3.mp4>>
<<di you "Oh Jesus... Ahhhh... I can't hold off much longer... Please fuck me...">>
<<di prof "It's not your place to demand anything, insolent bitch.">>
He then proceeds to dish out a few brutal smacks on your cheeks and still your member is still completely hard as rock and purple - on the verge of blood vessel eruption.
<<video prof/profspank3.mp4>>
Finally taking pity in your feral state, his mouth departs from your body and replacing it is his spongy tip resting on your entrance.
<<di prof "Hold your cum.">>
Then with a hard shove, his cock is fully hilted in your orifice. Your hole with his preparation is fully accommodating even with the most monstrous dicks and his is quite substantial. The feeling of the girthy tool stretching your inner walls is incredibly magical especially when his aim for your prostate is impeccable as usual.
<<video prof/proffuck4.mp4>>
<<di you "Ughmmhmm... ahhh... sssshit... I don't think I can...">>
<<di prof "You can... hhaaaaa... be a good boy... and fence off your orgasm until I say so.">>
If there was a Kegel championship, the cup would belong to you right now. Your impending orgasm is like the train carriage on the edge of the destroyed rail track and being secured by the spiderman in that one movie. The pace of his thrusts is now getting to a higher level as your mind is entering an almost broken state from denying your own release.
<<di prof "Ssssshitt... Here it goes... FUCKKKKK...">>
Heat flooded your channel as gallons of semen spilled from his slit - breeding you full of his baby-making batter.
<<video resman/resmanfuckcum1.mp4>>
<<if _saff == 4 and $watersport>>\
<<di prof "Since you want to be such a filthy fucking bitch. Open your mouth.">>
Since you have a one track mind and all roads lead to him, you do accordingly and a tangy taste explodes on your tongue. He is pissing on your mouth and uses you like a foul public urinal in the middle of his office and he's right.
<<video prof/profpiss1.mp4>>
You love it. Love being a smelly pig stinks of sweat, cum and piss. So much so, you crash into an orgasm as a pool of his golden nectar sits warmly in your stomach.
<<video you/youcum5.mp4>>
<<di you "Thank you, sir.">>
<<elseif _saff == 3 or _saff == 4>>\
<<di prof "Bad boy don't get to have my touch. Handle it yourself.">>
Your hand couldn't fly to your own dick fast enough. As swift as your action is, your release also comes head to head in terms of quickness. Jet of milky fluid flies out from your cockhead almost like a gunshot from the strength of your orgasm.
<<video you/youcum2.mp4>>
Still, without his permission, you cannot achieve climax and when you think you're going insane the command finally comes:
<<di prof "Go ahead... Cum for me...">>
<<video you/youfuckcum5.mp4>>
Those words might as well be "Open sesame" because they open the entrance of your floodgate. Your swollen length finally unleashes an immense amount of juice that once the last drop trickles out, your strength is fully drained along with any mental capacity. Your brain is completely mush from that explosive orgasm. It takes you a long while before arriving back to the land of the living.
<<if _rpick == 3 and not $gameends and hasVisited("Proffuckintro")>>\
<<set $prof.request = 3>>\
<<set $prof.requeststate = 1>>\
Despite both of your effort in cleaning, you can probably find traces of your DNA all over the room. When you're both decent, he gives you the instruction:
<<di prof "Remember to keep your hole ready for me until the next time we meet.">>
<<elseif _rpick == 2 and not $gameends>>\
<<set $prof.request = 2>>\
<<set $prof.requeststate = 1>>\
Despite both of your effort in cleaning, you can probably find traces of your DNA all over the room. When you're both decent, he gives you the instruction:
<<di prof "Remember to shower before you meet me next time.">>
<<di you "Yes, sir!">>
<<set $prof.request = 1>>\
<<set $prof.requeststate = 1>>\
Despite both of your effort in cleaning, you can probably find traces of your DNA all over the room. When you're both decent, he gives you the instruction:
<<di prof "Remember no cumming until I say so.">>
<<di you "Yes, sir!">>
<<if not $gameends and $prof.lust >= 23 and $prof.lust <= 25>>\
<<set _backtitle = "Then...">>\
<<set _backtitle = "Back">>\
<<link _backtitle>>
<<if $gameends>>
<<goto "Profscenemenu">>
<<elseif $prof.lust >= 23 and $prof.lust <= 25>>
<<goto "Proftalk6">>
<<goto $you.location>>
<</link>><<if $prof.lust == 23>>\
Once the deed is done, he already turned back to his work and it kind of bothers you. Because throughout all the time you've been here, you never once saw him doing something remotely recreational. Maybe it's an early-onset delusion, but you think you're pretty fun to look at. Therefore, you change your mind at the last minute and return back to sit next to him by the desk. At this, he raises one of his dignified brows:
<<di prof "Need anything else?">>
<<di you "Nothing, just want to see you work. Hope that's okay?">>
<<di prof "Alright, but be quiet.">>
He doesn't show any sign of irritation so that is a win. You remain still and watch him writing an email with many big words that befuddle your tiny brain. Thus, you kind of tune it out and instead shift the focus onto your current object of fascination. Damn, the man is good looking especially since he has the mellow post-sex glow that softens the hard edges. You can sit here and watch him all day but something in the monitor catches your eyes:
<i>Work with us - University of Callahan</i>
That's the dream college in the big city that you planned before realizing that moving out and getting a loan is not financially feasible. It seems the email is marked as read and has a star on it, so you can't contain your curiosity:
<<di you "Is that a recruitment email from UoC?">>
<<di prof "Snooping on other people's mails is illegal, you know that right?">>
Despite his deadpanned response, you know he doesn't actually care because if he did, your ass would be fried - almost literally - immediately.
<<di prof "If you would like to know, I did some consulting for their research, the probably think of me a valuable assets that is worth poaching.">>
As mentioned before, you did some googling and $prof.Name is well known in the field so it is not a wild assumption that this is not the first time he gets a sweet offer of a cushy job in a bustling city.
<<di you "Can you tell me why you are still here? Don't get me wrong, this college is nice and cozy but: Is that because of that “obligation”?">>
At the mention of “obligation”, he looks mildly surprised that you still remember that small detail.
<<di prof "Yes, at first... I had to take care of my ill mother... but she passed away last year.">>
<<di you "Oh, I'm so sorry... If you don't mind me asking, you still have family here, right?">>
You can't imagine it but it is definitely not easy to take on the responsibilities of caring and then grief alone. That's the reason for your question - hoping he had someone to lean on - because let's face it: You also have come to have feelings for him.
<<di prof "No... well there is a sister...">>
Finishing the sentence, his expression harden before ending the topic:
<<di prof "Point is none of that matters anyway. <i>People think research papers are just a bunch of bullshit written for a bunch of nerds to read about.</i>">>
The last part is spitted out almost like a venom that silences you. How can he say that when he's the one dedicating the time and effort working on these researches? Before you know it, the seed of intrigue has taken roots inside you.
<<elseif $prof.lust == 24>>\
Once gotten into this stretch of your relationship with him, you feel comfortable staying with him and just watch him work. It is relaxing and dare you say it - he kind of likes having you around. So comfortable that you even blurt out:
<<di you "Now that we've been fucking regularly, can I come to your house?">>
You're given one of his famous eyebrow rise.
<<di prof "Shall we just skip the dinner and get to the part where you get the key to my house?">>
The sarcastic, dry tone chokes a laugh out of you because him, cracking a joke? Unheard of.
<<di you "Hahaha. So you're saying there will a feast when I get to your house?">>
Your response puts an actual wide grin on his face:
<<di prof "You cheeky brat... Well, we will see.">>
That's not a no so you mentally throw your fists up in the air in celebration. Finally the walls are cracking and you can't wait to find out more about what lies behind.
<<elseif $prof.lust == 25>>\
<<set $prof.state = 8>>\
<<di prof "I've been thinking, as exciting as it is, having sex in my office is just not ideal. How about we move it to my house from now on?">>
Your ears perk up at the mention of going to his house. You didn't expect him to indulge you so quickly and this feels like a big step in the relationship between the two of you.
<<di you "Great! That's a good idea, what time can I come over?">>
<<di prof "Hmmm... 6 PM is good enough. Also, be prepared, I've got a few surprises for you.">>
There is a devious twinkle in his eyes that sends a thrill along your spine. Therefore, you nod eagerly and can't wait until the next time comes.
<<link "Back" $you.location>><</link>><<scenechoices prof 1 0>>\
<<if not $gameends>>\
@@.title;BRAT ENDING@@
<<di prof "Meet me at my office after class?">>
Déjà vu, it's like the first time you meet him. Is it about the email? Let's see and find out.
<<di prof "Tell me why I got an email from University of Callahan saying that they are happy to arrange a meeting call that I specifically requested?">>
Soooo, it is definitely about the email. You shrug nonchalantly:
<<di you "Undiagnosed mental problem?">>
<<di prof "You little shit. You thought you were so slick? I don't know what you're trying to do here but...">>
<<di you "Why are you afraid of finally achieving happiness? Of getting what you want? Just why?">>
<<di prof "I'm not afraid of jack shit... and-...">>
<<di you "Then why aren't you after your own goals I know there is an ambition and passio-...">>
<<di prof "Because NONE OF THAT SHIT FUCKING MATTERS...">>
He shouts angrily before heaving deeply to compose himself:
<<di prof "All these years I've worked days and nights to get where I am but... Never once did she say she was proud of me... She never outright controlled my life but her every look of disappointment when she looked at her nerdy son was so stifling... I could never live up to her expectation, no matter how hard I tried...">>
The woman in question is definitely his mother. Additionally, that may be the root of his interest in domination - to take back the reins of all the years he's lost. The man has a troubled history and you feel for him.
<<di prof "She did her best, I didn't blame her... But now that she is gone... What does it matter anyway?">>
His face breaks and finally you see his vulnerability - his grief. Despite his words, he still loves and mourns her. You let the dust settle for a brief moment before calmly saying:
<<di you "I have a question for you: Do I matter to you at all?">>
He looks back at you with something like surprise.
<<di you "Does my submission mean jack shit to you? Because I know for a fact I do not bow down to just about any man. Just a real one.">>
Having his full focus, you continue:
<<di you "To me, you're not a nerd, but my master who controls my body and soul. And, I take pride in knowing that I'm in your possession. I'm proud of having you as my guidance.">>
His stare on you is so intense that it feels almost like looking back at the sun but you push through before a steel determination falls over his expression.
<<di prof "I should have your ass beaten black and blue for what your trick on me.">>
You smile at him deviously before whispering to his ear:
<<di you "Well then... punish me.">>
<<link "Then..." "Profend22">><</link>>\After the brutal spanking on that day, something shifts inside $prof.Name because he follows through with the call to the position. In fact, he also completely cuts off his communication with his sister and arranges to leave town to move to the big city. It makes you bittersweet until he announces:
<<di prof "You're coming with me.">>
<<di you "W-wait, what?">>
<<di prof "If I'm not the one to keep your insolent ass in check, no one can. Therefore, you'll have to come with me to the city, brat.">>
Upon hearing that, warmth fills you at the thought of being his companion - his partner - in this new exciting journey.
<<di you "Make me then, master.">>
That is how you end up being his sugar baby because he sponsors the whole ride and accommodation for you to study in the University of Callahan. No class with him though because by that time, you're both officially boyfriends and it's not considered ethical - which is LAME!
Still, your life since then has never been more perfect - having him as your master and being his wild and untamable slave.
<<image prof/profend2.jpg>>
You’ve never been happier and looking back at the <<link "memories">><<if $gameends>><<goto "Profscenemenu">><<else>><<set $gameends = true>><<goto "Memoriesmenu">><</if>><</link>>, you still can’t believe how lucky you are.<<scenechoices prof 1 0>>\
<<if not $gameends>>\
@@.title;SUB ENDING@@
<<di prof "Tell me why I got an email from University of Callahan saying that they are happy to arrange a meeting call that I specifically requested?">>
Soooo, it is definitely about the email. You plead guilty:
<<di you "I'm sorry, but I know that you want this job.">>
<<di prof "So what? You're allowed to play tricks behind my back?">>
The conversation is stressing you out because it has never felt this serious before. You reply meekly:
<<di you "Can you at least let me know why you're so against taking such an ideal position?">>
<<di prof "Because at the end of the day: IT DOESN'T MATTER...">>
He shouts angrily and slams the desk before heaving deeply to compose himself:
<<di prof "All these years I've worked days and nights to get where I am but... Never once did she say she was proud of me... She never outright controlled my life but her every look of disappointment when she looked at her nerdy son was so stifling... I could never live up to her expectation, no matter how hard I tried...">>
The woman in question is definitely his mother. Additionally, that may be the root of his interest in domination - to take back the reins of all the years he's lost. The man has a troubled history and you feel for him.
<<di prof "She did her best, I didn't blame her... But now that she is gone... What does it matter anyway?">>
Your heart breaks with him when you see the grief-stricken expression. Not wanting to see him appearing so defeated, you take the courage and say:
<<di you "So can you do it... for me?">>
He looks back at you with something like surprise as you continue:
<<di you "When I'm under your control, I've never felt so free. You make me realize what my body is capable of and I'm proud of having you as my protector, my guide. My Master.">>
His stare on you is so intense that it feels almost like looking back at the sun but you push through:
<<di you "I hope you take the job, sir. Regardless, you'll always have my support and my submission. Hopefully that means something to you.">>
His face softens as he approaches and caress your cheeks:
<<di prof "Of course, I won't disappoint you, boy.">>
<<link "Then..." "Profend32">><</link>>\After the conversation on that day, something shifts inside $prof.Name because he follows through with the call to the position. In fact, he also completely cuts off his communication with his sister and arranges to leave town to move to the big city. It makes you bittersweet until he announces:
<<di prof "I want you to come with me to the city.">>
<<di you "Huh, what?">>
<<di prof "I will take care of your every need and provide for you. All you need is to be my good little sub. Do we have a deal?">>
Asking you is just a formality because look at the dead set expression, he won't take no as an answer and also knows that you wouldn't refuse him. Because you're head over heels for him and definitely want to spend the rest of your life loving and servicing him like a devoted slave. Therefore, you fall into his embrace and whisper to his ears:
<<di you "Yes, sir!">>
That is how you end up being his sugar baby because he sponsors the whole ride and accommodation for you to study in the University of Callahan. No class with him though because by that time, you're both officially boyfriends and it's not considered ethical - which is LAME!
Still, your life since then has never been more perfect - having him as your master - your partner. There is no other place that you'd rather be other than on your knees and by his side.
<<image prof/profend3.jpg>>
You’ve never been happier and looking back at the <<link "memories">><<if $gameends>><<goto "Profscenemenu">><<else>><<set $gameends = true>><<goto "Memoriesmenu">><</if>><</link>>, you still can’t believe how lucky you are.<<silently>>\
<<set $you.horniness = 0.1>>
<<if random(1,2) == 1 and not $gameends>>
<<set _saff = 1>>
<<elseif not $gameends>>
<<set _saff = 2>>
<<if $prof.state >= 6>>
<<set _rpick = random(1,3)>>
<<set _rpick = random(1,2)>>
<<scenechoices prof 4 1>>\
<<if $scenepicked>>\
<<if $prof.lust < 30>><<lust prof 1>><</if>>\
Following his command, you put on the mask and welcome the darkness. A thrill runs through you at the thought of what he's about to do to you.
<<if _saff == 1>>\
His heat splatters on your back as his hands cover your mouth and the other one grabs your dick. He gives you some incredibly slow and agonizing pump and with each upstroke, large droplets of pre-cum leaks from your slit.
<<video prof/proffuck5.mp4>>
<<di prof "Look at you, boy - So hungry for my cock. You want your master to fuck you?">>
Your mouth is sealed so you can't do anything else but nod like a madman. However, not until he finishes teasing your sensitive head thoroughly does he agrees:
<<di prof "That I'll do as a reward for your good behavior.">>
Pushed down to your knee, your mouth is nudged open by his flared gland.
<<di prof "Here is your reward. Open up, boy.">>
Of course, you cannot unhinge your jaws fast enough and let out a groan when the stiff rod fully rests over your tongue. He proceeds to use your oral cavity as a fleshlight and begins sawing away with increasing pace.
<<video prof/proffuck6.mp4>>
<<di prof "Breath in...">>
That's the only before he shoves his spear past your uvula and completely blocks your windpipe. When your mind starts to feel floaty from the lack of oxygen, he finally releases and your instinct kicks in as you gasp a lungful of fresh air.
<<di prof "Now let's move on to your final prize.">>
Totally in the dark, you are completely unaware of your surroundings until you feel a rough texture snakes around your body. Of course, he's typing you up to be at his absolute mercy and your flesh is more than willing.
<<di prof "Ssshit... Look at you... All tied up... Fuck...">>
You can feel the caress of his vision as the hairs on your body rises up. He takes his time admiring his own handiwork while you're rendered immobile except for your heavy breathing and the non-stop spasms of your erection.
<<video prof/proffuck9.mp4>>
<<di you "Please sir... Use my hole...!">>
Your own arousal is taking over because of the frustration of being tiptoeing the orgasm while being restrained. Additionally, you're simply just a slut and his cock in your ass is the perfect idea right about now.
<<di prof "Since you beg so nicely...">>
His husky answer almost makes you whoop from the excitement, just barely as he rearranges the rope so that you're in the best position. Your ass now perches up and is ready for his taking. His thick cock eases in and breaches your opening - almost too slowly.
<<di prof "Sssshit... boy. That toy doesn't seem to work at all... because you're so damn tight...">>
<<di you "Ahhh... Your big cock, sir... feels amazing...">>
With synchronization, both of your bodies move to the beat of passion - well as much as the rope allows you to. Your prostate is getting milked relentlessly by his veiny club and it is now just a blob of euphoria.
<<video prof/proffuck10.mp4>>
<<di you "Umm... ahhh... I'm sorry but... can't hold off much longer, sir...">>
<<di prof "Hghnnn... it's okay... cum for me.">>
Along with those words, he begins jerking you off and living up to the two pump chump name, you blast off all over your chest and stomach with just a mere touch.
<<video prof/proffuckcum1.mp4>>
<<di prof "Sssshit... I'M COMING...!!!">>
Then he hugs you tightly before breeding you to the rim. Your stomach is filled with the warmth of his hot load.
<<video prof/proffuckcum2.mp4>>
<<if _rpick == 3 and not $gameends and hasVisited("Proffuckintro")>>\
<<set $prof.request = 3>>\
<<set $prof.requeststate = 1>>\
<<set $prof.plugstate = 1>>\
Despite both of your effort in cleaning, you can probably find traces of your DNA all over the room. When you're both decent, he gives you the instruction:
<<di prof "Remember to keep your hole ready for me until the next time we meet.">>
<<elseif _rpick == 2 and not $gameends>>\
<<set $prof.request = 2>>\
<<set $prof.requeststate = 1>>\
Despite both of your effort in cleaning, you can probably find traces of your DNA all over the room. When you're both decent, he gives you the instruction:
<<di prof "Remember to shower before you meet me next time.">>
<<di you "Yes, sir!">>
<<set $prof.request = 1>>\
<<set $prof.requeststate = 1>>\
Despite both of your effort in cleaning, you can probably find traces of your DNA all over the room. When you're both decent, he gives you the instruction:
<<di prof "Remember no cumming until I say so.">>
<<di you "Yes, sir!">>
<<if not $gameends and ($prof.lust == 27 or $prof.lust == 30) and $prof.state < 10>>\
<<set _backtitle = "Then...">>\
<<set _backtitle = "Back">>\
<<link _backtitle>>
<<if $gameends>>
<<goto "Profscenemenu">>
<<elseif ($prof.lust == 27 or $prof.lust == 30) and $prof.state < 10>>
<<goto "Proftalk8">>
<<goto "Go outside">>
<<set $you.horniness = 0.1>>
<<if random(1,2) == 1 and not $gameends>>
<<set _saff = 1>>
<<elseif not $gameends>>
<<set _saff = 2>>
<<if $prof.state >= 6>>
<<set _rpick = random(1,3)>>
<<set _rpick = random(1,2)>>
<<scenechoices prof 4 1>>\
<<if $scenepicked>>\
<<if $prof.lust < 30>><<lust prof 1>><</if>>\
Following his command, you put on the mask and welcome the darkness. A thrill runs through you at the thought of what he's about to do to you.
<<if _saff == 1>>\
His heat radiates from behind as you feel the sharp abrupt pain from his palm squeezing tight on your balls.
<<di prof "Count to 20.">>
Delirious with pain, you still manage to count every second and stay erect through the whole ordeal. The two orbs are being stretched and squashed together to their limit as you grit out:
<<di you "... Nineteen... Twenty... Ahhh...!!!">>
<<video prof/proffuck7.mp4>>
The relief you feel when his vice-like grip releases and the sudden rush of blood down your sack make you even more aroused.
<<di prof "I'd say good job but you've displeased me greatly, brat.">>
His voice is harsh and obviously you deserve and crave his punishment because his requests aren't that hard at all. You are just a glutton for punishment.
His heat radiates from behind as you feel the sharp abrupt pain from on your ass. He must have used a flogger from the feeling of dozens of tendrils raining down on your cheeks. It also creates a more distant feeling compared to his palm like he's watching over and witnessing your punishment like an overlord.
<<video prof/proffuck8.mp4>>
The pain numbs your mind that you lose track of the time and doesn't realize that it already ends until you hear his voice:
<<di prof "Now, let's move on to the real punishment.">>
Totally in the dark, you are completely unaware of your surroundings until you feel a rough texture snakes around your body. Of course, he's typing you up to be at his absolute mercy and your flesh is more than willing.
<<di prof "Ssshit... Look at you... All tied up... Fuck...">>
You can feel the caress of his vision as the hairs on your body rises up. He takes his time admiring his own handiwork while you're rendered immobile except for your heavy breathing and the non-stop spasms of your erection.
<<video prof/proffuck9.mp4>>
<<di you "Please sir... Use my hole...!">>
Your own arousal is taking over because of the frustration of being tiptoeing the orgasm while being restrained. Additionally, you're simply just a slut and his cock in your ass is the perfect idea right about now.
<<di prof "Since you beg so nicely...">>
His husky answer almost makes you whoop from the excitement, just barely as he rearranges the rope so that you're in the best position. Your ass now perches up and is ready for his taking. Despite your own enthusiasm, his unexpected entry still makes you yelp.
<<di prof "Shut it, you should have thought about it a lot before disobeying me instead of whining like a little bitch.">>
With that being said, his thrusts slam into you ruthlessly and if you weren't secured by a sturdy length of rope, you would fly off the bed by now. With each shove, your own neglected cock is also getting the smallest stimulation from slapping on your abdomen but that is enough to push you on the edge of cumming.
<<di you "Please sir... touch my dick... I'm so close... ahhhh...">>
However, he completely ignores your request and instead takes his own pleasure by increasing the speed of his pistoning. The only thing you can do is writhing in frustration and squeezing your channel around his shaft to finally push over to the point of no return. However, before you can reach it, his fucking is getting more erratic.
<<video prof/proffuck10.mp4>>
<<di prof "Ssshit... yeah... I'm gonna come... Here it is...">>
He pulls off of you just seconds before blasting off his pearly essence all over your face.
<<video prof/proffuckcum3.mp4>>
You're almost feral from the smell of his seed while unable to achieve your orgasm. Finally, once coming down from nivarna, his paw makes its way to your length. You almost weep at the contact and with just two strokes, your back arches and jets of cum splatters all over your chest and stomach. However, now you want to weep for real because he doesn't stop but continues grazing your oversensitive head making you bounce off the bed like being electrocuted.
<<video prof/proffuckcum4.mp4>>
<<di you "Arghhhhh... p-please... ssssshhiit... STOP!">>
<<di prof "Stop what?">>
<<di you "Ahhhh... please stop sir...">>
Finally, you're released from the sweet torture and your ears buzz like your brain is a TV broadcasting a dead channel and the rest was a fuzzy blur.
<<if _rpick == 3 and not $gameends and hasVisited("Proffuckintro")>>\
<<set $prof.request = 3>>\
<<set $prof.requeststate = 1>>\
<<set $prof.plugstate = 1>>\
Despite both of your effort in cleaning, you can probably find traces of your DNA all over the room. When you're both decent, he gives you the instruction:
<<di prof "Remember to keep your hole ready for me until the next time we meet.">>
<<elseif _rpick == 2 and not $gameends>>\
<<set $prof.request = 2>>\
<<set $prof.requeststate = 1>>\
Despite both of your effort in cleaning, you can probably find traces of your DNA all over the room. When you're both decent, he gives you the instruction:
<<di prof "Remember to shower before you meet me next time.">>
<<di you "Yes, sir!">>
<<set $prof.request = 1>>\
<<set $prof.requeststate = 1>>\
Despite both of your effort in cleaning, you can probably find traces of your DNA all over the room. When you're both decent, he gives you the instruction:
<<di prof "Remember no cumming until I say so.">>
<<di you "Yes, sir!">>
<<if not $gameends and ($prof.lust == 27 or $prof.lust == 30) and $prof.state < 10>>\
<<set _backtitle = "Then...">>\
<<set _backtitle = "Back">>\
<<link _backtitle>>
<<if $gameends>>
<<goto "Profscenemenu">>
<<elseif ($prof.lust == 27 or $prof.lust == 30) and $prof.state < 10>>
<<goto "Proftalk8">>
<<goto "Go outside">>
<</link>>Your horniness takes the victory as you slowly and discreetly remove the huge anal plug embedded inside like a part of your body.
<<video you/youplug1.mp4>><<image profhouse.jpg>>
Following the direction $prof.Name gave, you find yourself in a nice neighborhood within the walking distance of the college. Knocking on the white door, you hear hurried footsteps on the other side before the barrier opens. Standing in front of you is a woman that look to be about his age and the first thought you have is: "Is that his significant other?? Did I just get pranked this whole time?"
<<dio "Woman" "Who are you? What are you here for?">>
She doesn't go for pleasantries at all and instead impolitely asks for your identity. Despite ugly jealousy is swelling inside, you remain calm and tells her the truth:
<<di you "I'm $prof.Name's student and I'm here for extra tutoring.">>
You're indeed his student and what kind of lesson being taught here is definitely not the academic ones. She still squints at you suspiciously and doesn't move:
<<dio "Woman" "Is that so? Well...,">>
<<di prof "I have your cash here, Susan.">>
Abruptly, $prof.Name's interruption appears and from the way he is trying to budge in, he doesn't want her to talk to you.
<<dio "Susan" "Don't “Susan” me, I'm your older sister and really? This is how you are making money? Tutoring some random kid and doing that lame teaching job? Maybe if you take on a real man job in the steel factory, you'd be an actual provider and catch a tail of a chick for once.">>
Her voice is full of disdain, despite the fact that she just took the hefty wad of cash from him. He also doesn't appreciate the tone from the vein that is popping out from his neck and forehead.
<<dio "Susan" "I'm out of here. See you next month, lil' bro.">>
She waves dismissively at him and doesn't deign to acknowledge you. Stepping inside the house, you can both feel and hear the slam on the door behind.
<<di prof "Make yourself at home.">>
He then walks briskly towards the kitchen and leaves you in the living room. The place is rather cozy and lived in. Well, you didn't envision a prison cell but definitely not something that feels homey like this. He brings out two steamy cups and falls into the couch next to you.
<<di prof "Have some tea.">>
A sigh is blown out from his mouth as his two fingers squeezing the top of his eyebrows. You've never seen him being this exhausted before.
<<di you "Soooo... that's your sister?">>
<<di prof "Yes, unfortunately.">>
Seeing his frown, you can't help but offer some release for him:
<<di you "Wanna talk about it?">>
That's how you know he was born and raised by a single mother along with his older sister. They were poor growing up but his mother tried her best to provide for them. $prof.Name did well academically and had a full-ride scholarship to a prestigious university whereas Susan never got anywhere with her life.
In spite of his achievement in academia, his mother didn't fully support his pursuit especially during the time when he worked on his master's degree. The main reason was because she had some very traditional values - a man should be the breadwinner and do manual labor - and the fact that he hadn't had much of an income during the years of study didn't help either. Still, his mother never forced him to give up.
His sister, on the other hand, highly disapproves of his career. From the look of it and your own interpretation, she's jealous of him since she's stuck here in this town working a dead end job. Despite all that, he still supplies her with "allowance" each month because of the promise he made on his mother's deathbed to help her...
<<di prof "...That's why I'm still here.">>
At the last word, he just seems vulnerable and bone tired, so you go ahead and offer him a hug. It feels awkward at first because he doesn't know where to put his hand. However, once you're both settled, you can feel the tightness seep through his shell as his embrace to you gets stronger. In spite of your initial intention to console him, you have never felt this safe before like he can shield you from any harm in this world.
<<image prof\profhug.jpg>>
His voice is low and raspy as he says:
<<di prof "...Thank you.">>
Once the moment is over, he holds you back for a homemade dinner and you both have a pleasant talk. On the way walking home, you can't help but feel warm and fuzzy at the feeling of being coddled by him. After this visit, your hope for a deeper relationship with him grows.
<<link "Back" "Go outside">>
<<set $prof.state = 9>>
<</link>><<if $prof.lust == 27>>\
Basking in the afterglow, your wayward mind never learns how to rest:
<<di you "So about your sister... How long have you been helping her out financially?">>
<<di prof "A bit of a mood killer talking about my sister, don't you think?">>
He says dryly because apparent curiosity is not only capable of killing the cat but also the mood as well.
<<di prof "If you have to know, 13 months now.">>
That earns him your revenge eyebrow rise and now you aren't afraid to speak your mind:
<<di you "She's a full adult who has a job... right? You can't just keep doing this forever... You've done more than enough to fulfil your mother's last wish.">>
<<di prof "Of course... let's just enjoy this moment for now.">>
He is really determined to avoid this topic. Do you need to do something drastic to make him change his mind?
<<set $prof.state = 10>>\
<<di you "So about the University of Callahan, I suppose that the offer interests you since it is in your inbox.">>
He takes a few deep breath before answering:
<<di prof "I'd like to have options and they have some interesting projects going on that I want to keep up with... but I'm okay where I am right now.">>
The change is subtle, you can feel his tone picks up a little at the mentions of interesting projects but then it falls flat again. The man is definitely interested in the position but this town is dragging him back. You're both deep in thought and a question pops into your mind: “Am I one of the things that are holding him back?”
As much as you pride yourself on adding some spice to his life, you truly want him to be fully happy. You gotta do something about it - <b>you need to email the university as $prof.Name to accept the job.</b> Like before, once you mind has set on doing something, there is no changing it.
<<link "Back" "Go outside">><</link>><<di prof "$you.Namedis? What do you need?">>
<<di you "Well, I've got a few questions about the lecture...">>
The man appears to be mildly happy that you at least try to pass his class at the moment. Little does he know, it is just an excuse for you to stay here in the office and take the chance to access his work PC.
After finishing with the questions, you still sit around in the room but he doesn't shoo you away either. It's funny not long ago, he was just a stoic and cold asshole of a professor but now he's like a jaded teddy bear to you. An eyebrow is raised:
<<di prof "What are you chuckling about?">>
<<di you "Nothing... get back to work, professor.">>
After 30 minutes, finally your time has come when he goes to the restroom. Bingo! He doesn't lock the computer so you scramble through the inbox and find the <i>Work with us - University of Callahan</i> email quite easily.
You give them a brief and concise email that he would love to talk more about this opportunity next week and hope to hear back from them soon. Afterwards, you delete the sent email to cover your track. He comes back to see you sprawling boredly on the chair and is none the wiser.
<<link "Back" "College">>
<<set $prof.state = 11>>
<</link>><<if visited() == 1>>\
<<di witch "Ahh, just the man I need.">>
Behind the counter $witch.Name gives you a mischievous smile like a cheshire cat. Uh oh, something is up.
<<di witch "Are you interested in a job? A grand for only a week of your time.">>
Your interest is definitely piqued:
<<di you "What kind of work actually?">>
<<di witch "Well, it's a simple, open-and-shut job. The police department is working on a special case that needs specialized assistance and I think a dashing young man like you is the perfect help.">>
Helping with an investigation? That doesn't sound as easy as she makes it seem, still a thousand dollars is a lot.
<<di you "Can I get more info about it?">>
From her description, the case is not simple at all. Recently, there has been a spree of mysteriously missing people in the city center. The police found a lead that points towards an upcoming convention that requires undercover work.
<<di witch "That's where you come in, you'll be $police.Name's partner to help him solve this case.">>
She says it rather nonchalantly but still this is a big deal and the thought of failing sits uneasily on your stomach.
<<di you "Umm... It sounds like a lot and I'm not sure if I'm really suitable for it. Hell, I'm still just a student.">>
Something shifts in her expression as you make the eye contact with her:
<<di witch "You must know that I don't just pick random people off the street for this kind of responsibility. I know what you're capable of and believe that you can bring justice to this case. You can do it, believe me. So what do you say?">>
Almost no one has ever put such faith in you before and inspiration fills you. Before you can even form a coherent thought about it, you answer:
<span id="choices">\
<<link "Yes, I'll do everything to help finding those poor people.">>
<<replace "#choices">>\
<<di you "Yes, I'll do everything to help finding those poor people.">>
<<di witch "Excellent, be back here at 6 AM tomorrow. Too da loo.">>
Walking outside, you suddenly snap out of the daze before questioning: How does she know about the police investigation? How can she recruit for them? What the hell did you just get yourself into, being a spy???!? Thoughts run through your mind relentlessly but there's no point crying over spilled milk now.
<<link "Tomorrow morning comes..." "Mctalk2">>
<<set $police.state = 10>>
<<set $stage = 1>>
<<set _temphour = 29 - $hour>>
<<set _tempmin = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temphour>>
<<pressminute add _tempmin>>
<<link "No. I'm sorry but that's such a big and daunting task. I appreciate your trust in me but I'm just a regular dude.">>
<<replace "#choices">>\
<<di you "No. I'm sorry but that's such a big and daunting task. I appreciate your trust in me but I'm just a regular dude.">>
Hearing you say that, she doesn't look particularly disappointed but actually shrugs indifferently:
<<di witch "Oh well, your loss. It should be so much fun and easy money too. Now shoo, I've work to do.">>
Now, wait a minute. Isn't she just a shop owner? How the hell does she know about police investigations and undercover work? The more you learn about her, the more mystified she gets.
<<link "Back" "Witch">><</link>>
<<di witch "Hmm? Has a change of heart?">>
You reply:
<span id="choices">\
<<link "Yes, I need to help finding those poor people.">>
<<replace "#choices">>\
<<di you "Yes, I need to help finding those poor people">>
<<di witch "Excellent, be back here at 6 AM tomorrow. Too da loo.">>
Walking outside, you suddenly snap out of the daze before questioning: How does she know about the police investigation? How can she recruit for them? What the hell did you just get yourself into, being a spy???!? Thoughts run through your mind relentlessly but there's no point crying over spilled milk now.
<<link "Time goes by..." "Mctalk2">>
<<set $police.state = 10>>
<<set $stage = 1>>
<<set _temphour = 29 - $hour>>
<<set _tempmin = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temphour>>
<<pressminute add _tempmin>>
<<link "Nah, sorry" "Witch">><</link>>
<</if>>\Butterflies invade your guts as you step into the shop hesitantly. Is it too late to turn back now? But what about those poor missing people? Before you can dwell even further the sight of a fine gentleman catches your attention.
<<image police/police2.jpg>>
<<if hasVisited("Police station")>>\
Oh that's the hot officer who talked to you when at the station. Damn, is he gonna be your partner? Noticing you, he shoots an apprehensive and friendly smile which was interrupted:
<<di witch "Okay chop chop, no time to waste. Atta boy.">>
The man look at you with an apprehensive and friendly smile before introducing his name as: <<textbox "$police.Name" "Cade">>. However, the pleasantries are short-lived:
<<di witch "Okay chop chop, no time to waste. Atta boy.">>
Before you know it, you're being strong-armed and ushered into a car with the handsome cop to take on the journey. The ride is actually comfortable as the man is quite charismatic and keeps the conversation going. Fully aware that you're new to all of this, he's slowly debriefing you about what to expect in this sting. You will be entering into the Sexcavation Convention as the seductor which is a prized prostitute - according to your understanding - to display your various skills in your field...
<<di you "...WAIT WHAT THE FUCK??!? I'm gonna be a prostitute???">>
You must scream his ears off because the man almost crashes into the curb. After regaining back composure, he glances back at you questioningly:
<<di police "Uh... yes? Technically, we shouldn't need to do anything too outrageous, just snooping around and not participating.">>
Still, you feel a bit betrayed by $witch.Name:
<<di you "Ugh... Do I look like that much of a hooker?">>
You can feel the up and down of his assessing eyes before a jovial laugh breaks out from him:
<<di police "You are more than capable of doing this job...">>
You then fume for the whole way to the glamorous hotel but still gotta see yourself through it for the good of the people. Let the investigation begin!
<<link "It takes a few hours before you arrive at the hotel" "Mctalk3">>
<<set _temphour = 10 - $hour>>
<<set _tempmin = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temphour>>
<<pressminute add _tempmin>>
<</link>><<image mclobby.jpg>>
Knowing about it is one thing but seeing the giant <b>SEXCAVATION CONVENTION</b> poster in the middle of the lobby while people mingling around and minding their own business feels extremely peculiar.
<<di you "Um... How is this convention legal again?">>
<<di police "Technically, to the official authority, it's not but let's just say the organizers can pull some strings in the background.">>
That sounds ominous and the fact people around act like it's just a normal thing kind of puzzles you. Are people outside of the town really that liberal and you're just simply sheltered? Your thought is disrupted by a squeal:
<<di sus1 "OMG, look at you, little incubus. Just so damn cute.">>
A guy that you can only consider as pretty pinches your cheeks and continue yapping:
<<di sus1 "You must be here for the Sexcavation, huh? Fuck, the competition is gonna be tough this year. Can't wait to see you on that stage, honey. Name is $sus1.Name. Pleasure to meet you!">>
<<di you "Ehh, yeah... My name is $you.Namedis, nice to meet you.">>
You're questioning whether you really look that much of a hooker because why doesn't he assume $police.Name as one since he's way hotter?
<<di police "Excuse me, he's still new to this and a little shy.">>
$police.Name moves a bit forward like a barrier between you and this new guy - full of protectiveness - which makes you feel warm and fuzzy inside. That doesn't intimidate $sus1.Name though because his fingers now trail slowly on $police.Name's bouldering pecs.
<<di sus1 "Easy, big boy. I know he's yours but if you want someone who is a bit more seasoned then you know where to see me.">>
He licks his lips hungrily, intention clear. The sound of a throat clearing interjects into the conversation:
<<di sus2 "Terrorizing the new meat again, $sus1.Name?">>
This total hunk of a man with his hand around his pecs says with an unimpressed expression.
<<di sus1 "Oh it's you, $sus2.Name. No wonder I can sense the stale smell of potato salad. It's a miracle how you are a handler of such a large harem.">>
He says with a yawn implying that this man's personality as boring and harem? Does this guy have an army of prostitutes? He helpfully answers that question:
<<di sus2 "It's because I'm fair and gracious to my boys. Maybe you'll not get bounced around by the handlers if you show a little bit of stability.">>
That touches a sore spot as the smaller guy begins throwing insults at the handler that supposedly manage a bunch of men who do this kind of sex work? It feels more and more bizarre by the minute because you've never heard of such a thing before.
$police.Name pulls you away from the arguing duo and settles into the check-in queue. He then whispers to you discreetly that the two that you've just encountered are the two prime suspects - since both of them are active in the Deviant Den - the club that many of the missing people frequented.
Appearance-wise, $sus1.Name doesn't look like someone who can wrangle and restrain a grown adult with ease with his slight frame. In contrast, $sus2.Name with his towering figure can easily snap someone in half.
<<di police "... Look can be deceiving... I don't know $sus1.Name too well but he's a master seductor, so...">>
<<di sus3 "... GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY WAY!!...">>
Jostled out of the queue, you stumble into the solid arms of $police.Name which feel absolutely divine. The offender is an unfortunately good looking jock that cuts the line which causes a bunch of "Watch it, asshole" to be thrown in his way. Before a ruckus can happen, a manager appears and then escorts the douche into a private reception area with an ass-kissing smile.
<<di police "That's our third suspect, $sus3.Name. He is a well-known handler who is also very active in the Deviant Den. He's got a reputation of being a rich asshole.">>
<<di you "You don't say? Let's put him into the top position.">>
He chuckles at you mirthfully before you two finally finish with the check-in process.
<<link "Arriving at your room" "Mctalk4">>
<<pressminute add 30>>
<</link>>Along the way you marvel at the spacious and grand interior since this is your first stay at a hotel. Just before entering your room, a handsome man exits the room next to you and greets with the brightest smile you've seen:
<<di sus4 "Let me guess, you guys are here for Sexcavation? I'm $sus4.Name - your neighbor.">>
His easy-going attitude is really disarming so you answer easily:
<<di you "Nice to meet you, I'm $you.Namedis and still new to this whole thing.">>
$police.Name introduces himself curtly before standing behind you like a bodyguard. $sus4.Name eyes light up with surprise:
<<di sus4 "A new seductor? Well, you don't look like a newbie at all. My mediocre ass won't take any award back home this time then.">>
His laugh is contagious and humble and honestly you kind of like the sound of "seductor". Seems appropriate and classy.
<<di sus4 "Alright, I'll let you guys in and if you guys want to chat and have a drink, I'll be at the bar.">>
He waves earnestly before disappearing down the hallway.
<<di you "He seems nice.">>
<<di police "That's the last prime suspect, by the way.">>
<<di you "What? No way if he's a criminal, then you are the biggest asshole on the planet.">>
<<di police "Who tells you I'm not capable of being one?">>
His smile remains intact but you can sense an intimidating undercurrent. Unable to look at his smothering eyes any longer, you notice something while walking inside.
<<di you "Wait, we'll share a bed?">>
<<di police "Yes, have to for our cover. You don't have to be worry about me.">>
On the contrary, you'd be worried if he didn't do anything. That'll be a big blow to your "seductor's" ego. Well, this job turns out to be more fun than you imagined.
<<link "Time to tour the hotel" "Mclobby">>
<<pressminute add 30>>
<<set $police.state = 11>>
<</link>><<image mclobby.jpg>>
<<set $you.location = passage()>>\
<<if $police.state == 14>>\
<<if $hour < 13>>\
<<link "$sus3.Name is talking with someone in the lobby" "Mcsus3talk1">>
<<pressminute add 30>>
<<link "You catch sight of $police.Name" "Mcctalk3">>
<<pressminute add 30>>
<<elseif $police.state == 11 and not hasVisited("Mcbtalk1")>>\
<<link "A group of men in businesssuits" "Mcbtalk1">>
<<presshour add 1>>
<<if $police.state >= 15>>\
<<if hasVisited("Mcsbj") and not hasVisited("Mcsfucktalk")>>\
<<link "The seminarian walking through the lobby" "Mcsfucktalk">>
<<pressminute add 30>>
<<if $police.state >= 14>>\
<<if hasVisited("Mchhj") and not hasVisited("Mchbjtalk")>>\
<<link "The husband is sitting on a chair" "Mchbjtalk">>
<<pressminute add 30>>
<<if $police.state >= 12>>\
<<if not hasVisited("Mcbhjtalk")>>\
<<link "The businessman pacing around" "Mcbhjtalk">>
<<pressminute add 30>>
<<link "A random man beckon you over">>
<<presshour add 3>>
<<pressminute add 30>>
<<if $police.state >= 15>>\
<<goto "Mcrfuck">>
<<elseif $police.state >= 14>>\
<<goto "Mcrbj">>
<<goto "Mcrhj">>
<<link "Your room" "Mcroom">><</link>> <<link "Bar & Restaurant" "Mcbar">><</link>> <<link "Fitness center" "Mcgym">><</link>><<set $you.location = passage()>>\
<<image mcroom.jpg>>
<<if $police.state == 11>>\
You really should go and explore the hotel.
<<link "Lobby" "Mclobby">><</link>> <<link "Bar & Restaurant" "Mcbar">><</link>> <<link "Fitness center" "Mcgym">><</link>>
<<if $police.state == 15 and $hour >= 13>>\
<<link "$police.Name inside the room" "Mcctalk4">>
<<pressminute add 30>>
<<link "Wait inside the room to pass the day">>
<<if $hour < 13>>
<<set _temphour = 12 - $hour>>
<<set _tempmin = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temphour>>
<<pressminute add _tempmin>>
<<goto `passage()`>>
<<set _temphour = 19 - $hour>>
<<set _tempmin = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temphour>>
<<pressminute add _tempmin>>
<<if $police.state == 16>>
<<goto "Mcconvention6talk1">>
<<elseif $police.state == 15>>
<<goto "Mcconvention5talk1">>
<<elseif $police.state == 14>>
<<goto "Mcconvention4talk1">>
<<elseif $police.state == 13>>
<<goto "Mcconvention3hj1">>
<<goto "Mcconvention2talk1">>
<<link "Watch TV" "TV">><</link>>
<<link "Lobby" "Mclobby">><</link>> <<link "Bar & Restaurant" "Mcbar">><</link>> <<link "Fitness center" "Mcgym">><</link>>
<</if>>\<<set $you.location = passage()>>\
<<image mcbar.jpg>>
<<if $police.state == 16>>\
<<if $hour < 13>>\
<<link "$sus4.Name drinking alone" "Mcsus4talk2">>
<<pressminute add 30>>
<<link "Join $police.Name for lunch" "Mcctalk5">>
<<pressminute add 30>>
<<elseif $police.state == 12>>\
<<if $hour < 13>>\
<<link "$police.Name eating breakfast" "Mcctalk1">>
<<pressminute add 30>>
<<link "$sus1.Name at the bar" "Mcsus1talk1">>
<<pressminute add 30>>
<<elseif $police.state == 11 and not hasVisited("Mchtalk1")>>\
<<link "A couple having a drink at the bar" "Mchtalk1">>
<<presshour add 1>>
<<if $police.state >= 15>>\
<<if hasVisited("Mchbj") and not hasVisited("Mchfucktalk")>>\
<<link "The honeymooners having a meal" "Mchfucktalk">>
<<pressminute add 30>>
<<if $police.state >= 14>>\
<<if hasVisited("Mcbhj") and not hasVisited("Mcbbjtalk")>>\
<<link "The businessmen having a meal" "Mcbbjtalk">>
<<pressminute add 30>>
<<if $police.state >= 12>>\
<<if not hasVisited("Mcshjtalk")>>\
<<link "The seminarian having a meal" "Mcshjtalk">>
<<pressminute add 30>>
<<link "A random man beckon you over">>
<<presshour add 3>>
<<pressminute add 30>>
<<if $police.state >= 15>>\
<<goto "Mcrfuck">>
<<elseif $police.state >= 14>>\
<<goto "Mcrbj">>
<<goto "Mcrhj">>
<<link "Your room" "Mcroom">><</link>> <<link "Lobby" "Mclobby">><</link>> <<link "Fitness center" "Mcgym">><</link>><<set $you.location = passage()>>\
<<image mcgym.jpg>>
<<if $police.state == 15>>\
<<if $hour < 13>>\
<<link "$sus4.Name running on the treadmill" "Mcsus4talk1">>
<<pressminute add 30>>
<<elseif $police.state == 13>>\
<<if $hour < 13>>\
<<link "$sus2.Name at the weight rack" "Mcsus2talk1">>
<<pressminute add 30>>
<<link "$police.Name running on the treadmill" "Mcctalk2">>
<<pressminute add 30>>
<<elseif $police.state == 11 and not hasVisited("Mcstalk1")>>\
<<link "A man lifting weight alone" "Mcstalk1">>
<<presshour add 1>>
<<if $police.state >= 15>>\
<<if hasVisited("Mcbbj") and not hasVisited("Mcbfucktalk")>>\
<<link "The businessmen comes in with an offer" "Mcbfucktalk">>
<<pressminute add 30>>
<<if $police.state >= 14>>\
<<if hasVisited("Mcshj") and not hasVisited("Mcsbjtalk")>>\
<<link "The seminarian is swimming in the pool" "Mcsbjtalk">>
<<pressminute add 30>>
<<if $police.state >= 12>>\
<<if not hasVisited("Mchhjtalk")>>\
<<link "The husband hitting the gym" "Mchhjtalk">>
<<pressminute add 30>>
<<link "A random man beckon you over">>
<<presshour add 3>>
<<pressminute add 30>>
<<if $police.state >= 15>>\
<<goto "Mcrfuck">>
<<elseif $police.state >= 14>>\
<<goto "Mcrbj">>
<<goto "Mcrhj">>
<<link "Your room" "Mcroom">><</link>> <<link "Lobby" "Mclobby">><</link>> <<link "Bar & Restaurant" "Mcbar">><</link>>Observing the hotel lobby, it's still busy with lines of guests coming in and with a good mix between leisure and business travelers. A group of primly dressed gentlemen caught your attention.
<<image police/mcbusinessmen.jpg>>
<<dio "Businessman 1" "We should have done unpacking by now. Why is the hotel so crowded this time of the year? It wasn't like this last year.">>
<<dio "Businessman 2" "Just wait a little bit. It must because of the convention.">>
As soon as the word "convention" is uttered, a sudden lull drapes over all of them and their faces uniformly go blank. Then, they are animated again:
<<dio "Businessman 1" "My seat in the plane sucks, man. I have a valid reason to be cranky.">>
Always curious, you approach them and go right to the business:
<<di you "What do you think of the Sexcavation Convention?">>
Again, they go blank and answer monotonously:
<<dio "Businessman 1" "It's alright.">>
Right when he finishes the sentence, his expression takes a sharp turn to wariness:
<<dio "Businessman 1" "Who the hell are you, kid?">>
<<di you "Just a guest here.">>
<<dio "Businessman 1" "I'm not in the mood for talk, go annoy someone else.">>
Rude but understandable knowing his bad luck with the plane seating. You move on to some place else with even more confusion on your mind.
<<if $hour == 15>>\
Now that it's afternoon, the tiredness from the early morning and long drive finally catches up to you. You really should go back to your room to rest.
<<link "Return to your room" "Mctalk5">>
<<pressminute add 30>>
<<link "Back" $you.location>><</link>>
<</if>>\Walking into the fitness center, it seems rather deserted but there are a few people straggling. You really don't know what to expect other than people minding their business and punching in their cardio quotas. One particular guy captivates you not only because of his sweaty, glistening and delicious physique, but also the cross he's wearing on his neck.
<<image police/mcseminarian.jpg>>
<<di you "A bit early for some workout, isn't it?">>
Wiping his soaked forehead, he gives you a friendly nod. This close, you notice that he's at a similar age to you.
<<dio "Young man" "Yea, got nothing else to do.">>
<<di you "I'm sorry, but you look really familiar. Do you happen to be a student at Kingston College?">>
<<dio "Young man" "Nah, I'm a seminarian.">>
So definitely religious. Which brings you to the question:
<<di you "So you have some thoughts about the Sexcavation Convention here?">>
<<dio "Seminarian" "It's alright.">>
He says blankly like there is no thought behind those words. You scrunch your eyebrows puzzledly:
<<di you "Really? I thought you guys would at least denounce such an act a little bit.">>
<<dio "Seminarian" "It's alright.">>
Now, it's getting eerie. Abruptly, his face shifts back to a friendly expression:
<<dio "Seminarian" "I need to finish this set if you don't mind.">>
You really don't have any more reason to keep talking with him so you wave goodbye to him.
<<if $hour == 15>>\
Now that it's afternoon, the tiredness from the early morning and long drive finally catches up to you. You really should go back to your room to rest.
<<link "Return to your room" "Mctalk5">>
<<pressminute add 30>>
<<link "Back" $you.location>><</link>>
<</if>>\Wandering into the hotel bar and turning on your detective mode, you observe the patrons and... they just look like regular folk. You'd think that more people would dress provocatively and for the occasion.
A couple stand out to you with their matching rings, touristy outfits and clinking champagnes. Your mind cannot rest at this weird juxtaposition of normalcy and scandalous event happening at the same time at the establishment so you approach them.
<<if hasVisited("Mectalk1")>>\
<<image police/mchusband2.jpg>>
<<image police/mchusband.jpg>>
<<di you "You guys look lovely together.">>
They look a bit surprised at your comment but still are full of smiles before the wife shows you her hand:
<<dio "Wife" "Thank you! We just got married and here is the love of my life. We are on our honeymoon and this place is gorgeous, isn't it?">>
Oh the joy of being newlyweds. She couldn't look any happier and the husband, who is absolutely handsome by the way, is also staring at her lovingly and smiling.
<<di you "Oh my god. Congratulations! Hope you enjoy your time here. By the way, if you don't mind me asking: What do you think of the Sexcavation Convention happening in the hotel?">>
<<dio "Husband" "We think it's alright.">>
His face suddenly drops without emotion like there is something being casted over his expression.
<<di you "Hmm? Really? Any thought about it?">>
<<dio "Husband" "Nothing.">>
Again, the same blank expression and it feels not awkward per se but a little bit weird.
<<di you "Oooh... kay... Thank you for the answers and again congratulation.">>
His face morphs into the blinding smile in a blink of an eyes again as he offers back.
<<dio "Husband" "Thanks! Couldn't be a happier man.">>
You walk away with even more questions.
<<if $hour == 15>>\
Now that it's afternoon, the tiredness from the early morning and long drive finally catches up to you. You really should go back to your room to rest.
<<link "Return to your room" "Mctalk5">>
<<pressminute add 30>>
<<link "Back" $you.location>><</link>>
<</if>>\After the walk around the hotel, you arrive back at the room to find $police.Name looking at his laptop.
<<di police "Found anything useful yet?">>
<<di you "Just getting used to the hotel layout and I'm a bit spent actually.">>
He turns back to put his full focus on you. His voice is dripped with concern:
<<di police "You alright?">>
<<di you "I'm okay. It's just been a long day. A good nap should fix it.">>
<<di police "'Kay, go ahead and I'll wake you up when it's time for the convention tonight.">>
Giving him a weak, grateful smile, you plant face down on the bed and sleep takes over immediately.
<<link "Then the time at the convention comes" "Mcconvention1talk1">> <<set _temphour = 19 - $hour>>
<<set _tempmin = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temphour>>
<<pressminute add _tempmin>>
<</link>><<image mccon.jpg>>
Walking into the conference room, it's not what you expected. First of all, it's not too crowded, the space is rather modest and feels almost like a private event in a club. Secondly, everyone is male, that you do not oppose but you thought it was open for everyone.
<<di sus4 "Hey you guys made it.">>
The laid back voice notifies you of the presence of $sus4.Name. For some reasons, under the slightly low light of the convention, he seems five times more attractive.
<<di police "It seems less crowded than I'd thought.">>
$sus4.Name appears to be a bit down while clarifying:
<<di sus4 "Yea with the recent disappearance of some seductors, some feel unsafe especially in the convention like this.">>
Oh so the missing cases are all seductors. That is an interesting tidbit.
<<di police "Oh yeah, we heard about that. Do you know anything about it?">>
<<di sus4 "I'm not entirely in the know but over the last month there have been 4 or 5 cases of renowned seductors in the area missing. The handlers are looking to find them but no clue so far.">>
He sighs deeply with empathy.
<<di you "Aren't you scared?">>
He smiles at your comment and answers a bit self-deprecatingly:
<<di sus4 "Not really, all the missing seductors are powerful while I'm just average. Perhaps, you're the one who should be sacred.">>
Powerful? What is he talking about? And you? Is he talking about attractiveness? Despite his average look, you can feel a magnetic field around him that draws your eyes. The conversation is interrupted by the booming sound of microphone:
<<dio "Announcer" "Hello gentlemen, welcome to the annual Sexcavation Convention where the talented seductors showcase their abilities. The convention will span over 6 days and each night, we will hold a competition to...">>
His voice drifts as you take in the information. Each night the competition is as following:
<i>• Non contact seduction
• Contact seduction
• Handjob
• Blowjob
• Sex
• Orgy</i>
As he goes down the lines, your eyes can't help but bug out like two saucers and you think to yourself: "Damn, they are very liberal."
<<dio "Announcer" "... Also, the hotel is “enchanted”. If you want to have some fun with the guests, be my guest, pun intended. However, remember to keep it lowkey. You know we hate to do cleanup around these parts.">>
The announcer winks with a cheery but also intimidating grin.
<<dio "Announcer" "The non contact competition will start in 30 minutes, go enjoy the drinks and socialize!">>
He then walks off the stage and the music returns. Then you feel the hot breath blowing into your ears.
<<di police "We are here for the investigation so you don't need to participate in that competition.">>
His voice is calming and laced with care. You feel protected and smile at him:
<<di you "Thank you, now shall we do some digging?">>
<<link "You then walk around to find someone to talk" "Mcconvention1talk2">><</link>><<if hasVisited("Mcconvention1sus1talk") and hasVisited("Mcconvention1sus2talk") and hasVisited("Mcconvention1sus3talk")>>
<<dio "Announcer" "Okay, the fun time begins. The competition is as usual open registration. You have 5 minutes.">>
<<di police "We can just stay here and observe.">>
However, the competition is really intriguing and you did make a promise to yourself to be bolder and wilder. There isn't a better opportunity than this. Before you can even make a case for joining in, you get swooped away by a whirlwind of limbs.
<<di sus1 "Leggo, you have to do this with me.">>
With that, your fate is sealed and within seconds, you're on stage. Blinding lights splashing all over your face. Then in front of you a trap door opens and rising up is a large pole.
<<dio "Announcer" "Let the non contact competition begin!">>
Then one by one, people from your left step up, undress into their skimpy underwear and gyrate on the metal pole with feline grace. Getting the hang of the absurd situation, so you try to enjoy the performance in front of you and dance along with the other contestants to fit in.
Never once have you visited a strip club nor have you the desire to go to one. However, the scene before you absolutely changes your mind because the way the muscles on each performer ripple as the droplets of sweat dripping down their bodies are captivating. There is also some sort of force field that makes your eyes glue to their physique and send your libido into overdrive.
<<di sus1 "It's gonna be your turn next.">>
$sus1.Name alerts you before discarding his outfit to reveal a thong that barely covers his groin. That's honestly so him. Then, it hits you that:
<<di you "Fuckkkkk... what the hell am I gonna do...?">>
The idea that you may potentially embarrass yourself by fumbling on stage frightens you. before you can debate whether to stealthily escape, $sus1.Name already finishes, skips back to his position next to you and winks:
<<di sus1 "Go!">>
<<link "You proceed to the front stage." "Mcconvention1strip">>
<<pressminute add 30>>
<<image mccon.jpg>>
<<if not hasVisited("Mcconvention1sus1talk")>>\
<<link "Talk to $sus1.Name" "Mcconvention1sus1talk">>
<<pressminute add 10>>
<<if not hasVisited("Mcconvention1sus2talk")>>\
<<link "Talk to $sus2.Name" "Mcconvention1sus2talk">>
<<pressminute add 10>>
<<if not hasVisited("Mcconvention1sus3talk")>>\
<<link "Talk to $sus3.Name" "Mcconvention1sus3talk">>
<<pressminute add 10>>
<</if>>\Before you can even say a single word, you can hear his squeal:
<<di sus1 "Oh Em Gee, you look amazing, boo. You have to get up there on the stage with me.">>
Pretty sure you are just dressed as plainly as possible tonight but still the compliment is appreciated.
<<di you "Thanks, I thought the convention would have way more people. Is it because of the recent missing cases?">>
Even though the smile is still on his face, you can sense it stiffen.
<<di sus1 "Yea maybe. I don't know. It seems a bit weird but it's not unheard of that a seductors go missing for a month or two. We travel a lot.">>
Is he downplaying it? Interesting.
<<di you "But I heard all of them are active in Devious Den, that is just a coincidence, huh?">>
He shrugs, nonchalant.
<<di sus1 "Like I said, I have no clue, but I do know $sus3.Name has been trying to recruit most of them for awhile but to no avail. That spoiled asshole doesn't take no for an answer kindly.">>
Hm, that sounds like a lead. You then make some small chat with him before leaving an excuse.
<<link "Back" "Mcconvention1talk2">><</link>><<scenechoices pol 1 0>>\
Despite your effort in memorizing, doing a pole number right now in front of this large audience while having virtually no experience is gonna end up really bad. Thus, you get back to basics and proceed with a strip tease.
Grabbing the hem, initially you just want to pull it up slowly but then an idea pops into your head. Instead of just a simple unrobe, you spin around and throw your shirt over your head while exposing the lines of tight muscles on your body. It works because there are cheers and whistles in the crowd.
<<video police/mcconstrip1.mp4>>
Basking in the applause, you face the audience and unbutton your pants, reveal your v-line, pube and just a suggestion of your member.
<<video police/mcconstrip2.mp4>>
Not wanting to lay it all out just yet, you repeat the flourish move at first and finish off by mooning everyone with your delectable cheeks.
<<video police/mcconstrip3.mp4>>
With your hole almost on full display you glance back, shoot a wink to the cheering spectators as the last leg of your performance before returning back to the line up.
<<di sus1 "Damn, honey. Are you sure you're new because I'm getting worked up over here?">>
His thong really leaves nothing to the imagination. Your cheeks red from the dancing swells up from your smile:
<<di you "Thanks! I love it.">>
<<di sus1 "I'd love it too if I'm as powerful as you're. You're one of the strongest seductor I've seen and I know a lot.">>
You need to get to the bottom of this whole seductor thing as soon as possible. The rest of the competition goes by quickly and throughout, you feel heated gazes on your body.
<<dio "Announcer" "A round of applause to our seductor for giving us such an amazing show. After reviewing the seductors' performances, the Seductor of the Year award will be given by the judges...">>
<<if $gameends>>\
<<link "Back" "Mcscenemenu">><</link>>
<<link "Returning to $police.Name" "Mcconvention1talk3">>
<<presshour add 3>>
<</if>>\After the speech, you trot back to $police.Name.
<<di police "Didn't I tell you that there is no need to participate in the competition.">>
He scolds you immediately at your return. Sheepishly, you bargain:
<<di you "I mean, if I'm more popular, then it should be easier to fit in and for them to open up, right?">>
His face remains stern for a whole ten seconds before it relaxes and a smirk appears.
<<di police "Okay, but I trust you know when to back up if things get hairy, got it?">>
You salute at him cheekily and answer:
<<di you "Sir, yes sir!">>
The rest of the night passes in a blur. People are getting touchier as time goes on but you haven't seen full on public sex yet by the time you get back to your hotel room.
Back in the hotel room, finishing freshening up for the night, you can't hold it back any longer.
<<di you "Tell me, what are handlers and seductors?">>
He slowly turns his head to you and with raised brows:
<<di police "You... don't know? So you weren't joking with me back in the car?">>
You nod silently and he lets out a groan.
<<di police "Goddamn it, $witch.Name...">>
Finally letting his frustration out, he explains carefully:
<<di police "Well in this world there are some people who are gifted the ability to entice others... sexually.">>
<<di you "Wha, what?? Like a succubus??">>
Your eyes widen at this knowledge.
<<di police "Kind of, yeah. Except for the fact you do not have horns.">>
You chuckle at that joke and are still in disbelief.
<<di you "So what about handlers?">>
<<di police "Oh the profession nowadays mostly serves as a pimp. They have a much more resilient mind to resist the pull of the seductors. Back in the old days, they were the only ones who rein back the seductors who cause havoc to the society. However, nowadays, they don't really need to work as hard because people are much nicer.">>
<<di you "Oh, so why does it feel like there are still quite a lot of them when they're useless nowadays?">>
<<di police "Because there are still some bad seductors out there also... if you pay attention, most seductors are usually the 'catchers' and the majority of them actually like to be under the care of a handler.">>
Hmm, that makes sense in a way and that brings you to the question:
<<di you "You're one, aren't you?">>
He shoots an unfathomable look that makes you burn up.
<<di police "Yea... I am because it's a requirement in my line of work but no I do not have any seductors.">>
The question: "Do you have any plans to change that soon?" is on the tip of your tongue and gets cut off.
<<di police "All the driving today drains me. So excuse me, I need to sleep.">>
He then proceeds to show you his sculpted body but still keeps the pants on and get under the cover. You sigh both dreamily and disappointedly. Cocooned under the soft blanket, you are still processing the idea that you aren't as ordinary as one may think.
<<link "The next morning comes" "Mcconvention1talk4">>
<<presshour add 9>>
<</link>>Now this man looks like a real pimp in a full business suit and surrounding him are a dozen gorgeous looking men.
<<di sus2 "Hey there. Your name is?">>
<<di you "$you.Namedis. This is my first convention and I thought there would be more people than this. I heard it's because of the recent disappearance of some seductors?">>
He frowns but still gives you an answer.
<<di sus2 "Yea, they are all acquaintances and I'm quite concerned for them. Something like this hasn't happened before.">>
<<di you "I heard that they are all frequent patrons at Devious Den?">>
<<di sus2 "Yeah, me too. Some of us here are also a supporter of the club like $sus1.Name, $sus3.Name and especially $sus4.Name - he went there almost every night.">>
Every night, that seems rather excessive? Maybe he has more information about the crime scene than you thought?
Waving him a goodbye, you mull the details over on your mind.
<<link "Back" "Mcconvention1talk2">><</link>>Walking over to his booth you can hear the glass slamming and and booming voice of $sus3.Name:
<<di sus3 "Go get me another glass of beer.">>
He commands what looks like his seductor, who is pouting, to get his drink. You take this opportunity to catch his attention:
<<di you "Hey, my name is $you.Namedis.">>
He looks at you assessingly before saying brashly and throwing you his card:
<<di sus3 "Hmm, you're not bad. I know you want to be on my crew, here's my contact.">>
Assumption much? Still, you give him a stiff smile in return.
<<di you "You're gonna protect me from the seductor kidnapper, right?">>
<<di sus3 "Pfft, that's a given as long as you stay away from $sus2.Name.">>
<<di you "Why? He seems like such a nice guy.">>
<<di sus3 "Don't let them suits fool you. All of the missing seductors used to be under his handling and all had sour breakups with him... You fill in the rest.">>
That is a noticeable clue, you keep that detail on your mind for the investigation.
<<link "Back" "Mcconvention1talk2">><</link>><<aff pol minus 1>>\
Entering the busy lobby, the sight of a man in a suit with an expensive watch stands out in the sea of people. It's the same disgruntled businessman that you first saw in the hotel. He fidgets and looks restless.
<<dio "Businessman" "... meeting's in 20 minutes... fuck... How the hell can I pay attention when I'm so damn horny... What the fuck is wrong with me?">>
You hear him muttering to himself. You have an idea that this is probably due to the "enchantment" that the announcer told everyone about on the first day.
<<di you "Ahem... hello. I can help you with that problem if you want.">>
He jumps and appears annoyed about your eavesdropping but you can sense the interest deep within his eyes.
<<dio "Businessman" "I'm not into dudes and go find someone else if you want to make a quick buck.">>
<<di you "Hm... I'm not a hooker, just want to help a bro out that's all... Even if I were one, it'd be free of charge for a handsome man like you.">>
You say flirtily and his ears pink at your compliments. Men are so deprived of praise it's kind of sad. After a brief consideration, frustration wins over as he looks around before telling you:
<<dio "Businessman" "Fine and it's only because it's easier to get off this way.">>
He then signals you to follow him to some secluded spot.
<<link "You follow him" "Mcbhj">>
<<if $hour < 13>>
<<set _temphour = 12 - $hour>>
<<set _tempmin = 60 - $minute>>
<<set _temphour = 17 - $hour>>
<<set _tempmin = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temphour>>
<<pressminute add _tempmin>>
<</link>><<scenechoices pol 1 0>>\
When you two find yourself in a private room, you waste no time for chit chat lest he changes his mind. However, he halts you:
<<dio "Businessman" "I just need a hand and no more, got it?">>
You want to at least taste him but beggars can't be choosers, so you nod in agreement. Your hand trace around the hardness under the soft and fine fabric of his trousers.
<<video police/mcbhj1.mp4>>
<<di you "Someone is really eager, huh?">>
<<dio "Businessman" "You heard what I said, somehow I got horny for no apparent reason like I ate something wrong.">>
You give him a knowing smile, unzip and then pull down both of his pants and underwear in a swoop. Damn, the finance bro got quite an asset. His dick is huge, pointing directly to your face demanding your attention. Therefore, you get right to work and wrap your palm around the hot rod.
<<video police/mcbhj2.mp4>>
With the first downstroke, he hisses quietly from the pleasure. The effect of the enchantment is quite impressive because with just a simple touch could cause such a reaction. Getting into the rhythm, his breathing is getting more and more ragged as time goes on.
<<video police/mcbhj3.mp4>>
<<dio "Businessman" "Ffffffuck... That's it... Gonna come soon...">>
Then, his hip starts moving up and down on its own volition before painting your hand full of his white seed with a muffled groan. He buckles and relreases a deep exhale as the climax takes over.
<<video police/mcbhj4.mp4>>
<<dio "Businessman" "Holy... fuck... ssssshit...">>
It takes a moment for him to compose himself and redress. He seems to be in a better mood than before.
<<dio "Businessman" "As strange as this was... Thanks for the help...">>
You smile at him in return. Being friendly and polite has always taken you in good places.
<<di you "No problem, man. Glad I could be of help, you can hit me up anytime.">>
He gives you a unsure smile back.
<<dio "Businessman" "I highly doubt it... Now I got a meeting to attend to.">>
With that he swiftly exits the room, but you are sure this is not gonna be the last time you see him again.
<<if $gameends>>\
<<link "Back" "Mcscenemenu">><</link>>
<<if $hour <= 13>>\
<<link "You continue the investigation" $you.location>>
<<set $police.bprog ++>>
<<link "The night comes and it's time for the convention">>
<<set _temphour = 19 - $hour>>
<<set _tempmin = 60 - $minute>>
<<set $police.bprog ++>>
<<presshour add _temphour>>
<<pressminute add _tempmin>>
<<if $police.state == 16>>
<<goto "Mcconvention6talk1">>
<<elseif $police.state == 15>>
<<goto "Mcconvention5talk1">>
<<elseif $police.state == 14>>
<<goto "Mcconvention4talk1">>
<<elseif $police.state == 13>>
<<goto "Mcconvention3hj1">>
<<goto "Mcconvention2talk1">>
<</if>>\<<if not $gameends>><<image mccon.jpg>><</if>>\
This time around, you know what the taste of being a celebrity is like. After your first performance, a lot of the convention goers recognize you and say hi.
<<di police "Hmm, someone is famous.">>
You scratch your hair sheepishly and reply:
<<di you "That'll help with our investigation, right? Since they'll be more open to me.">>
<<di police "I suppose you have a point and you can of course participate in the competition, but remember: our first and ultimate goal is solving this case.">>
There is a sternness in his statement so you nod but still... what is the harm in enjoying a little bit of fun?
<<dio "Announcer" "Hello, gentlemen. Welcome back to tonight's show. As many of you know tonight is the contact seduction competition. Open registration again and remember, you need to score enough points in order to participate in the later competition. We keep a close track of everyone.">>
He winks salaciously and gives a disarming grin to the audience, the guy is no stranger to entertaining the crowd. Of course, you can't miss the chance. Before you can leave, $police.Name's hand is around your wrist.
<<di police "I'm not gonna forbid you but don't go too far... okay?">>
The warm and protective feeling of his grip leaves you no other choice but answer:
<<di you "I promise.">>
He nods and lets you go to the stage where there are less contestants than last one. When the host announces the start of the competition. The trap door opens again and what rises up is a massaging table. Oh so that's what contact seduction means - massage. Each contestant takes turns with the guy on the table using all sorts of erotic techniques that you have never seen before.
<<link "Then it's your turn" "Mcconvention2massage">>
<<presshour add 1>>
<</link>><<aff pol minus 1>>\
Nothing seems out of ordinary at first but now you can feel the heat from a lot of gazes pointing your way. Brushing off the feeling, you trod inside the fitness center.
You can spot the handsome husband from miles away but now he's in shorts and tank top? Hot damn, you can't take your eyes off him sweating on the treadmill, so you join in.
<<di you "Oh hi, such a nice coincidence to see you here.">>
Turning his head back at you, his eyes widen like he's stunned before tripping over his words:
<<dio "Husband" "O-oh, hi. Just here to burn off some excess energy.">>
<<di you "Really? I thought you were on a honeymoon here? You should spare some for your wife too.">>
He smiles at your comment and give a puzzled and slightly frustrated answer:
<<dio "Husband" "Yea, I don't know. It must be the effect of the honeymoon phase but I'm quite pent up. My wife sleeps extra well last night.">>
You can read between the lines and look down at the significant bulge that is swinging under the shorts.
<<di you "Hmm... from what I can see, she must be absolutely satisfied with your package, huh?">>
His cheeks, already pink from the exertion, now flames up to a new level as he avoids your eyes and adjusts his junk discreetly. You spend a few minutes of jogging, blowing hot air and making mildly suggestive noise before throwing the final blow:
<<di you "I can help you release that pent up energy if you want.">>
That stops him in his tracks and makes him pause for ten seconds. The squirming beast inside his pants finally urges him to give you a silent nod. Afterwards, you two find a secluded spot for some fun.
<<link "It's time" "Mchhj">>
<<if $hour < 13>>
<<set _temphour = 12 - $hour>>
<<set _tempmin = 60 - $minute>>
<<set _temphour = 17 - $hour>>
<<set _tempmin = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temphour>>
<<pressminute add _tempmin>>
<</link>><<scenechoices pol 1 0>>\
As soon as you two enter the room, the husband suddenly panics:
<<dio "Husband" "What the hell am I doing? This isn't...">>
Putting a calming hand on his chest, you can feel the erratic heartbeats underneath.
<<di you "It's okay, relax. It's gonna be just a handie from me to take the edge off. She must be tired already and you don't want to exhaust her further, don't you?">>
Staring at your eyes, his breath gradually evens and finally he answers:
<<dio "Husband" "Yeah... you're right. I don't want to ruin her mood in this special vacation...">>
You smile reassuringly at him:
<<di you "So do I, just sit back and I will handle the rest, okay?">>
His nod is the only confirmation you need before pulling down the mesh shorts doing a very poor job of concealing the huge erection underneath wet with precum. It's a shame that you can't have a taste of it now but the heat of it branding your palm kind of makes it up.
<<video police/mchhj1.mp4>>
His cock pulsates incessantly in your grip like urging you to get a move on, so you give in and proceed to stroke. He remains silent all throughout but his breathing pattern is in sync with the bounce of your wrists.
<<video police/mchhj2.mp4>>
Magically, it feels like his tool is getting even harder and bigger as time goes on before he gives a curt warning:
<<dio "Husband" "Ssshit, I'M COMING!!!">>
The whole of his manhood contracts and sends jets of potent semen flying. You give it a few tug to milk out the rest of his cum as his orgasm subsides.
<<video police/mchhj3.mp4>>
After a minute of silence, it looks like the regret is kicking in as he begs:
<<dio "Husband" "Please don't tell my wife or anyone about this, okay?">>
<<di you "Don't worry. My lips are sealed.">>
Your lips are definitely not gonna be sealed if his dick is prying them open but that is for another occasion. Your promise calms him enough to not drive him to a full breakdown and he tries to escape the crime scene as discreetly as possible.
<<if $gameends>>\
<<link "Back" "Mcscenemenu">><</link>>
<<if $hour <= 13>>\
<<link "You continue the investigation" $you.location>>
<<set $police.hprog ++>>
<<link "The night comes and it's time for the convention">>
<<set _temphour = 19 - $hour>>
<<set _tempmin = 60 - $minute>>
<<set $police.hprog ++>>
<<presshour add _temphour>>
<<pressminute add _tempmin>>
<<if $police.state == 16>>
<<goto "Mcconvention6talk1">>
<<elseif $police.state == 15>>
<<goto "Mcconvention5talk1">>
<<elseif $police.state == 14>>
<<goto "Mcconvention4talk1">>
<<elseif $police.state == 13>>
<<goto "Mcconvention3hj1">>
<<goto "Mcconvention2talk1">>
<</if>>\<<aff pol minus 1>>\
The sight of a man dressed in neat polo and trousers - the seminarian - seizes your attention. So you grab a few items on the tray and then jog toward his table.
<<di you "Excuse me, can I sit here?">>
You must startle him because he stares at you dazedly before snapping out of it with a slight suggestion of a blush. He coughs:
<<dio "Seminarian" "Well, of course. Feel free to.">>
Grinning at his hospitality, you proceed to sit down and then spend a few minutes in comfortable silence and get something in your stomach.
<<di you "I'm sorry to spring this question on you, but do you find sometimes it's hard to resist life's temptations?">>
Emphasis on "hard", your voice drops down an octave to, what you hope, channel its seductor's allure. He clears his throat again.
<<dio "Seminarian" " It's good that you can identify the worldly sins and stay away from them. However, if you cave in to them, remember that God is always loving and he shall grant you salvation if you repent. After all, we are all just human and part of being one is making mistakes.">>
His voice quivers a bit at the mention of god as he watches you deepthroat a piece of sausage. The man's flush is full blown now and you know your seductor's power is affecting him. Thus, you make the next bold move.
<<di you "That's so...? So how about we make a mistake and I shall confess to you later?">>
Your bare foot is pressing on his crotch which is hard as rock by the way. He gasps sharply and the clank of the utensils sounds loud even in the busy restaurant. There is a clear conflict in his expression so to drive it home, your leg moves up and down to stroke his clothed member.
<<dio "Seminarian" "Shit... Okay, let's go somewhere else...">>
You helpfully assists his erection into the most concealable position before you both make way to the nearest restroom.
<<link "Inside the empty restroom" "Mcshj">>
<<if $hour < 13>>
<<set _temphour = 12 - $hour>>
<<set _tempmin = 60 - $minute>>
<<set _temphour = 17 - $hour>>
<<set _tempmin = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temphour>>
<<pressminute add _tempmin>>
<</link>><<scenechoices pol 1 0>>\
Before you can get down to it, you can sense him going blank like he's recounting some in his mind. However, being an impatient ass, you disrupt his internal monologue:
<<di you "May I?">>
His eyes finally refocus back to you and he gives you the go-ahead with a nod. Strip away his clothing, his devoted body is revealed as you wonder if anyone has ever touched him like this. His dick is impressive and perfectly ramrod straight - a mouth-watering sight that forces you to your knees to worship it.
<<video police/mcshj1.mp4>>
<<dio "Seminarian" "What on earth are you doing?!? Just use your filthy hands.">>
He pulls you up roughly and scowls. That's probably a step too far for him so you give him an disappointed affirmation:
<<di you "Alright.">>
It's not ideal that you can't have him in your mouth but the feeling of his hardness in your hand is still exquisite. Your stroke is slow at first to not spook him any further. However, he has other idea:
<<dio "Seminarian" "Squeeze harder and faster.">>
Hearing his command loud and clear, you pick up the pace to a rapid speed. Despite that, it appears he isn't completely satisfied due to the added momentum of his groin thrusting in your grip.
<<video police/mcshj2.mp4>>
Before you know it, he growls loudly:
<<dio "Seminarian" "ARGHHHH!!!">>
Pure white fluid shoots forward and splatters all over the floor. The feeling of unraveling a man of god inside your hand thrills you to no end as your dick throbs.
<<video police/mcshj3.mp4>>
Not even spending a minute to calm down, he already buttons up and shoves you roughly to escape the space like a ghost is hot on his heels.Rude, you didn't even have the chance to confess your sin yet. Maybe next time.
<<if $gameends>>\
<<link "Back" "Mcscenemenu">><</link>>
<<if $hour <= 13>>\
<<link "You continue the investigation" $you.location>>
<<set $police.sprog ++>>
<<link "The night comes and it's time for the convention">>
<<set _temphour = 19 - $hour>>
<<set _tempmin = 60 - $minute>>
<<set $police.sprog ++>>
<<presshour add _temphour>>
<<pressminute add _tempmin>>
<<if $police.state == 16>>
<<goto "Mcconvention6talk1">>
<<elseif $police.state == 15>>
<<goto "Mcconvention5talk1">>
<<elseif $police.state == 14>>
<<goto "Mcconvention4talk1">>
<<elseif $police.state == 13>>
<<goto "Mcconvention3hj1">>
<<goto "Mcconvention2talk1">>
<<set _temprd = random(1,2)>>
<<if _temprd == 1>>
<<set _tempdi = "Hotel guest">>
<<set _tempdi = "Hotel staff">>
<<set _temprds = random(1,3)>>
<<aff pol minus 1>>\
If you didn't pay attention, you wouldn't notice the many flittering gazes that follow your footsteps.
<<scenechoices pol 1 0>>\
Abruptly, a <<if _temprd == 1>>man who looks like a guest<<else>>a male staff<</if>> stands in front of you with a heated look in his eyes.
<<dio _tempdi "Excuse me, can you go over there with me quickly?">>
From the way he walks weirdly to his sandpapery voice, you already understand what he comes to you for. Therefore, when you both are in a secured and secluded area, you waste no time to give him a handjob.
<<if _temprds == 1>>\
<<video bro/brohj4.mp4>>
<<elseif _temprds == 2>>\
<<video dnb/dnbdadhj.mp4>>
<<video dad/dadhj2.mp4>>
<<dio _tempdi "Sssshitttt... ARGHHHH!!!">>
<<if _temprds == 1>>\
<<video bro/brohjcum2.mp4>>
<<elseif _temprds == 2>>\
<<video dnb/dnbdadhjcum.mp4>>
<<video dad/dadhjcum1.mp4>>
He also has the same idea and finishes within just a few minutes. Immediately after climaxing, a strange look clouds over his face like he cannot believe what just transpired between you two.
<<if $gameends>>\
<<link "Back" "Mcscenemenu">><</link>>
<<if $hour <= 13>>\
<<link "You continue the investigation" $you.location>>
<<link "The night comes and it's time for the convention">>
<<set _temphour = 19 - $hour>>
<<set _tempmin = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temphour>>
<<pressminute add _tempmin>>
<<if $police.state == 16>>
<<goto "Mcconvention6talk1">>
<<elseif $police.state == 15>>
<<goto "Mcconvention5talk1">>
<<elseif $police.state == 14>>
<<goto "Mcconvention4talk1">>
<<elseif $police.state == 13>>
<<goto "Mcconvention3hj1">>
<<goto "Mcconvention2talk1">>
<</if>>\<<scenechoices pol 1 0>>\
Soon enough, you're up on the chopping block. Taking in a deep breath and the recent arousing lessons, you warm up your hand and begin to work. First, your palms make a slide from his shoulder blades down to his hips. Gradually you proceed to knead the solid muscle on his back and make your way to his bouncy cheeks.
<<video police/mcconmassage1.mp4>>
Afterwards, you motion the man to flip over to start on his front. Looking at those huge pecs, you are unable to resist the urge to flick those protruding nubs and elicit a moan from the man.
<<video police/mcconmassage2.mp4>>
Through your stimulation, the man is completely erected. His dick jerks like gasping for your touch.
<<dio "Announcer" "Time's up.">>
That call stops you on your track of finishing him off right here and there. You regretfully leave the delicious standing pole there and retreat to the backstage.
The rest of the competition is a bit uneventful but still scorching hot. You never thought that you'd do a massage session on stage for dozens of people to see in your lifetime but here we are.
<<if $gameends>>\
<<link "Back" "Mcscenemenu">><</link>>
<<link "You return to $police.Name" "Mcconvention2talk2">>
<<pressminute add 30>>
<</if>>\<<di police "Hmm... You did well up there.">>
<<di you "Thanks! If you really meant that because I honestly had no idea what I was doing.">>
<<di police "In that case, your techniques were poor and clumsy.">>
He says - completely deadpan making you doubt your abilities. However, just a few seconds later, a laugh breaks out:
<<di police "Hahaha, just kidding.">>
<<di you "Hfft, maybe I do need to practice more and you'll be my partner.">>
After a brief pause of appraising inspection, you are rewarded with a teasing smile:
<<di police "Maybe, we'll see.">>
Before you can do some more digging with $police.Name, you feel a tap on your shoulder.
<<dio "Subject of Seduction" "Hey, want to finish where we left off?">>
That's the guy who you just massaged on stage before. Of course, you want to, but glancing back at $police.Name, he has a serious look on his face that says: "Don't do it".
<span id="choices">\
<<link "Accept his offer">>
<<replace "#choices">>\
<<aff pol minus 1>>\
What is the harm in indulging a little bit of fun? Ignoring $police.Name, you give the guy a nod and follow him into the deeper part of the conference room. You can feel a hole being burned deep on your back from the laser of $police.Name's look. Inside you find the almost same setup as the stage:
<<di you "They really like to keep it on theme, huh?">>
The guy behind me chuckles and elaborates:
<<dio "Subject of Seduction" "Haha, first time? Sex is easy in the scene and the convention is like a retreat for people to spark that flame back to life. Keeping it slow is key here.">>
In a way that makes sense, still you're apprehensive. How can anyone get tired of fucking? Not you that for sure.
<<link "Then you two get right down into it." "Mcconvention2hj">>
<<presshour add 1>>
<<link "Refuse his offer">>
<<replace "#choices">>\
<<aff pol add 1>>\
Following $police.Name's lead, you give the guy a shake of your head.
<<di you "Thanks, I'm flattered but I gotta go with my boss here.">>
You point at $police.Name as he acts menacingly. The guy takes one look and then slump his shoulders in defeat.
<<dio "Subject of Seduction" "Alright... maybe next time.">>
Afterwards, you two split up to do some more investigating; however, nothing useful comes up.
<<link "Back in the room" "Mcconvention2talk3">>
<<set _temphour = 23 - $hour>>
<<set _tempmin = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temphour>>
<<pressminute add _tempmin>>
</span>\<<scenechoices pol 1 0>>\
<<dio "Subject of Seduction" "Anyway, let's pick up where we left off. I love the feeling of your hands on my body. Get me off that way, will ya?">>
His wish is your command. You repeat the massage ritual and from his labored breathing and the huge erection, he thoroughly enjoy your skill.
<<video police/mcconmassage3.mp4>>
<<dio "Subject of Seduction" "Please... Ahhh... Touch me...">>
He needs to say no more as your hand wraps tightly around his burning rod - drawing a sharp groan out of him. Your bicep is working over time as your arm jerks up and down while your fingers teasing his sensitive tip in between.
<<video police/mcconmassagehj.mp4>>
<<dio "Subject of Seduction" "Ahhhhh... fffuckkkk... I'm COMI–...!!!">>
Before he can finish the sentence, the ejaculation steals his breath away as his whole body jerks and thrusts to propel the milky liquid as far as the eyes can see.
<<video police/mcconmassagehjcum.mp4>>
Achieving his orgasm, he sends you a weak smile while trying to regain his breath:
<<dio "Subject of Seduction" "Haaa... ummm... thanks...">>
Before you can ask for reciprocation, he already makes an excuse and skitters away without a glance back at you. Do you regret your decision? No, but damn doesn't it suck to be blue balled like this.
<<if $gameends>>\
<<link "Back" "Mcscenemenu">><</link>>
<<link "Back in the room" "Mcconvention2talk3">>
<<set _temphour = 23 - $hour>>
<<set _tempmin = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temphour>>
<<pressminute add _tempmin>>
<</if>>\Breathing in, a manly scent fills your nostrils, you never want to leave this place.
<<di police "Stop hogging my pillow, please.">>
His voice sounds rougher in the morning, probably from the sleep. Still, you'd love to hear it every morning like this one day. Blearly, you get up and see that he's already all buttoned up and ready to go.
<<di police "I'm gonna go and get breakfast. Feel free to join me, but afterward, we should split up. That way we can cover more ground.">>
Seeing you are still groggy, he doesn't wait for your answer but gives a goodbye wave before exiting the room. The warm embrace of the bed is very alluring but still you're here for a job. Thus, you put on the functioning adult mode and proceed to brush your teeth and shower.
<<link "After finishing your morning routine" "Mcroom">>
<<set $police.state = 12>>
<<pressminute add 30>>
<</link>><<scenechoices pol 1 0>>\
<<aff pol add 1>>\
Seeing the trays in front of you, an idea pops into your head. Knowing that you have the seductor's ability is one thing but using it is another. You walk briskly into the table where $police.Name is seated.
<<di police "Took you long enough.">>
He is halfway through his meal from the look of it.
<<di you "Yea, I was tired too. You totally wore me out.">>
You say sultrily to which he chuckles:
<<di police "Yeah, I'll try to not snore so much tonight so you can get some beauty rest.">>
The man is not gonna bite your bait that easily. Therefore you have strategically brought some of the most suggestive foods on your plate.
First off, the sausage, is there even a need to describe what you are about to do with that piece of minced meat inside a casing? You deepthroat it shamelessly in the middle of the restaurant. $police.Name definitely takes notice of your action when he looks up. He gives you a brief look but otherwise appears unaffected.
Not giving up, you move on to the next weapon - a cupcake topped with a healthy dollop of cream. Your pink tongue emerges and savors the white, thick substance like it's the most delicious treat. He definitely connects the dots on what you're doing because his gaze is now heated and his drawl is low:
<<di police "You don't want to do this to me at all.">>
There is an edge compared to the usual easy-going attitude and that thrills you.
<<di you "You don't know what what I want.">>
His hands grip tight around the utensils like he's holding back from doing something. The intense electricity lasts for almost a minute before he releases a huge breath and announces:
<<di police "I'm done with the meal, enjoy yours. We've got a long day ahead.">>
He then stands up and brings your attention to a noticeable bulge in his crotch. Looks like his defense against your seductor's charm is not so solid after all.
<<if $gameends>>\
<<link "Back" "Mcscenemenu">><</link>>
<<link "The rest of the morning passes by as you continue with the investigation" $you.location>>
<<set _temphour = 12 - $hour>>
<<set _tempmin = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temphour>>
<<pressminute add _tempmin>>
<</if>>\<<if not hasVisited("Mcconvention2hj")>>\
Back in the hotel room where you're both already settled down on the bed. Suddenly, he touches your shoulder.
<<di police "I appreciate your following my advice back there in the competition.">>
You can sense the sincereness of his words
<<di you "Of course.">>
By the time you're back in the hotel room, he's already on his bed reading something on his phone. Frozen by his harsh gaze, you eye him guiltily like a deer in a headlight.
<<di police "Had enough of fun, yet?">>
<<di you "Yes...?">>
You can only croak weakly, because what else is there to say? The deed is already done and you did have fun. His deep command comes next:
<<di police "Get over here.">>
Obediently, you walk over to the side of the bed.
<<if $police.res >= 6>>\
He then sighs deeply and continues:
<<di police "I trust you know what to do and help me solve this case.">>
His hand moves to the top of your head and messes your hair up. A fond grin is present on his face.
Sometimes later, under the cover, you can feel a pair of solid arms sliding around you as a hard plane of muscle and a noticeable bump pressing on your back. That night is the best sleep you've ever had.
<<image police/mchugbed.jpg>>
<<di police "Let me remind you: I'm still a detective and heard some whispers about your off-the-case activities.">>
His expression hardens and it's quite intimidating to see his side of him. His hand moves to your neck threateningly.
<<di police "We are here for a job. Don't forget it.">>
With that said, he turns back and doesn't speak another word and leaves you cold despite being under the warm envelope of the blanket.
<<link "Next morning comes" "Mcconvention2talk4">><<presshour add 9>><</link>><<aff pol add 1>>\
Seeing $sus1.Name sitting on the chair with a shade on and nursing a cup of coffee, you almost don't recognize him without his yapping. Remember your job, you take the seat opposite to him:
<<di you "You look tired.">>
He immediately perks up at your entrance and smiles at you brightly.
<<di sus1 "I'm tired. It was a long night last night, all thanks to you.">>
<<di you "Who? Me?">>
<<di sus1 "Yeah, your performance made me all horned up, sweet cheeks. I had to find my releases multiple times last night.">>
He winks playfully. You didn't realize the scope of your charm until now.
<<di you "Really? I couldn't say the same, my handler is quite protective especially when local seductors are disappearing.">>
<<di sus1 "If I were a handler, I would do the same since you are such a gem.">>
<<di you "But I want to have some fun too.">>
You put on a show and pout petulantly.
<<di sus1 "His action is understandable because all of the missing seductors are all quite powerful.">>
Hmmm, that is one detail that you don't know. Maybe, the kidnappers can be like a handler who can resist them? Though, you cannot eliminate the possibility of seductors like him.
<<di sus1 "But fuck him, you're a man of your own destiny. Ya know?">>
<<di you "Yea... that should be the case but I don't mind him dotting over me though.">>
That is not a lie and he laughs:
<<di sus1 "Okay, you do you, honey. Personally, no man can hold me back no matter how attractive they are.">>
He says with a note of steel in his voice. Maybe there is some history behind that attitude? The conversation with him - an extrovert - flows so smoothly that you don't realize how much time has passed until much later.
<<link "The night comes and it's time for the convention" "Mcconvention2talk1">>
<<set _temphour = 19 - $hour>>
<<set _tempmin = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temphour>>
<<pressminute add _tempmin>>
<</link>><<aff pol add 1>>\
Walking into the fitness center, you see $sus2.Name pumping his iron. This is the perfect occasion to be a good detective for once.
<<di you "Hey, how it's going?">>
<<di sus2 "Hmm...? Oh, hi. A bit sweaty but alright.">>
Goddamn, even being soaked with perspiration, he still belongs on a cover of the magazine.
<<di sus2 "Also, now is a good time as ever. I'd love to have a powerful seductor like you on the team.">>
Wanting a powerful seductor under his control? It feels a little bit suspicious. You still give him a teasing smile:
<<di you "Depending on the pay and whether or not you can guarantee my safety or not.">>
<<di sus2 "Well, all of the seductors on my team all work for my company, which specialize in consulting, and so it's not just safe but also very cushy. If you're talking about the missing cases, I have the money as well as manpower to protect my employees.">>
You never thought of this angle before, of course the seductors can be a great asset in business negotiations as well as sales with their persuasive nature. From what you can see, $sus2.Name is an upstanding guy. However, maybe he is a really good actor and his monetary foundation could be a great assistance for his criminal activities.
<<di you "You're saying that of all the good-looking hunks you have on your team, you haven't touched one of them?">>
<<di sus2 "No, I haven't... Sadly, the one I want is quite stubborn... but that's a story for another day.">>
That sounds ominous. Still to keep up the charade, you engage into the conversation with him throughout the gym session and learn a lot about the corporate world.
<<link "You continue the investigation" $you.location>>
<<set _temphour = 12 - $hour>>
<<set _tempmin = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temphour>>
<<pressminute add _tempmin>>
<</link>><<aff pol add 1>>\
The lobby is crowded as per usual and you can feel many stare at you like they're mesmerized. One gaze stands out since it belongs to $sus3.Name who, despite being objectively good-looking, still manages to appear slimy.
<<di sus3 "Oh, we've met again. Did you lose your phone or something? I still haven't heard your call to be on my team.">>
His arm worms around your hips which most of the time you do not oppose but you'll make an exception for this guy as you push his torso away and laugh lamely.
<<di you "Can't a seductor enjoy his time on a vacation before talking business?">>
Thirst fills his eyes as he drinks you in. He doesn't need to, but you can imagine him rubbing his hands and licking his lips, salivating over you.
<<di sus3 "Hmm, you're even more delicious up close. No wonder all these normies can't keep their eyes off you.">>
He waves over at the crowd who is rightly distracted. So you ask him:
<<di you "I never saw an enchantment like this before. Is it always this powerful?">>
<<di sus3 "Pfft... This is as easy as pie. I know a witch who can perform a much stronger influence spell that can almost control the toughest handler or seductor's minds.">>
Well, if that doesn't sound suspicious.
<<di you "Wow, really? I'm really intrigued about it, can you tell me more?">>
Turning up your charm, you beam at him sweetly expecting an explanation. However, he answers by winking:
<<di sus3 "Once you're mine, you'll know everything. Now excuse me, I've got some matter to attend to. Shoot me a message and I'll arrange a place for you after this convention.">>
The guy really needs some training with his negotiation skill. He doesn't even bother to give you a goodbye before disappearing from the hotel.
<<link "You continue the investigation" $you.location>>
<<set _temphour = 12 - $hour>>
<<set _tempmin = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temphour>>
<<pressminute add _tempmin>>
<</link>><<aff pol add 1>>\
A raised arm waves at you to get your attention.
<<di sus4 "Hey, $you.Namedis.">>
He smiles brightly at you with a clear invitation for you to come and sit with him at the bar.
<<di you "Umm, hey, $sus4.Name. A bit early for a drink, isn't it?">>
<<di sus4 "Haha, you'd have a heart attack if I told you that I just smoked some weed, huh? Anyway, get him a beer please.">>
He signals to the bartender for your drink which you don't protest despite the fact that alcohol is not really your thing anyway.
<<di sus4 "So... Excited for our last performance tonight?">>
<<di you "Sure, never did anything like this before.">>
You're indeed excited but the convention is drawing to a close and you still haven't found the culprit yet.
<<di sus4 "You don't sound that enthusiastic, but I understand. It's hard to be excited when you know the title will belong to someone else.">>
His laugh sounds obnoxious to your ears, so you just nods appeasingly. He glances back at forth like scanning the area carefully before saying:
<<di sus4 "You should be careful around $sus3.Name. I heard some rumors from fellow seductors that before all the missing seductors disappeared they all did a under the table job for him.">>
That is a very crucial clue, he further clarifies:
<<di sus4 "He also has a lot of connections and money so that's why things have been hush hush. I'm not saying he's the one behind all of this but just be careful, okay?">>
<<di you "Thank you for the tip. I'll keep it in mind.">>
Wait, he's also trying to recuit you, right? You try to remember every detail and it all seems to points towards $sus3.Name. You're so deep in thought by the time you exit the bar, you already forget to have that beer... Damn, what a waste.
<<link "You continue the investigation" $you.location>>
<<set _temphour = 12 - $hour>>
<<set _tempmin = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temphour>>
<<pressminute add _tempmin>>
<</link>><<scenechoices pol 1 0>>\
<<image mccon.jpg>>
Milling around the conference room like before, you two hope to catch a sight of something or someone that you missed until the time of the main event.
Of course you'll partake in the competition and the rule is rather simple by this time around:
<<dio "Announcer" "... Get the seducee off with your hands as soon as possible...">>
Waiting your turn like before and observing the performance, you can't help but notice that all the seducee's have a blank expression on their faces apart from when they climax. All of them look quite familiar too, maybe they are the regular guests from the hotels?
Before you can't dwell on that however, you get summoned to the stage. In front of you is a gorgeous looking man on a stool. Again, his face is blank and he doesn't even acknowledge your obvious presence. Seeing the start signal from the announcer, you don't want to waste any precious minute and grab his flaccid member.
<<video police/mcconhj11.mp4>>
Slowly and surely, you begin to transform his floppy dick to a semi but it takes a lot longer than you thought. Instinctively, you try looking at his eyes and maybe channel that seductor's charm into him through that connection. Miraculously, it works since there is a bit of awareness back in his gaze and it focuses you hotly. His breath is also getting shorter as his dick is in its full prime and ready for your milking.
<<video police/mcconhj12.mp4>>
Continue your effort, you split your attention between giving the best goddamn handjob of your life and maintaining your hypnotizing gaze on him. That connection is only interrupted by the loud grunt that bellows from his chest:
<<dio "Seducee" "ARGHHHHHHH!!!">>
Ropes of thick, creamy seed are ejected all over the stage and you're sure at least a drop or two splatter some of the captivated audience.
<<video police/mcconhj13.mp4>>
<<dio "Announcer" "And that's time. We got a new record from our rising star, everybody.">>
The seducee slumps just for a blink of an eye before he returns back to his robotic state. He gets escorted off by the staff as you trod to the backstage, wondering: Is that the effect of the enchantment?
<<if $gameends>>\
<<link "Back" "Mcscenemenu">><</link>>
<<link "After the performance is done" "Mcconvention3talk1">>
<<presshour add 1>>
<</if>>\Waking up, you don't see him anywhere but his distinct, masculine scent still lingers on the bed. Scrubbing the grogginess away from your eyes, you see a note on the nightstand:
<i>I need to do some more digging early. Go ahead have breakfast and do some investigation on your own. - $police.Name</i>
It's obviously crucial that you fulfil your responsibility and shed some lights into the crime. However..., the whole hotel is under some sort of sex enchantment, do you really want to miss one of a lifetime chance to have fun like this?
<<link "You continue with your day" "Mcroom">>
<<pressminute add 30>>
<<set $police.state = 13>>
<</link>>After the competition is done you once again find yourself facing $police.Name.
<<di you "Can I get a compliment?">>
<<di police "Isn't your head big enough already?">>
He replies back without heat as you make an exasperated gesture at him. Before you two can discuss more on how to proceed with the night, the announcer makes his appearance, his full attention on you.
<<dio "Announcer" "Finally, I have a chance to get away. Don't think we've talked one-on-one yet. My name is Randal, pleasure to meet you.">>
<<di you "Name's $you.Namedis. Here is my handler, $police.Name.">>
<<di police "Nice to meet you.">>
<<dio "Announcer" "I don't think that you two are around here because otherwise you'd make a name for yourself with such impressive power.">>
<<di police "You're right, we're not from around here. Also, he's also very new to all this so this convention is like a debut to him. Talking about the convention, I must admit the enchantment of the organization this year is quite remarkable.">>
Hmm, so the unresponsiveness of the seducees were due to the enchantment after all.
<<dio "Announcer" "Thanks to the help of $sus3.Name, his connection really helps us bring a professional competition.">>
All the signs that you know point towards $sus3.Name, you're 90% sure that he has something to do with the missing cases.
<<dio "Announcer" "Speaking of which, the special enchantment we used on all the seducees lasts the whole night and all of them will be at the backroom. Feel free to explore if you're so inclined. That's it for now, it's been nice talking to you, $you.Namedis.">>
He shakes your hand firmly with a wink before making his exit. You definitely leave an impression on him.
<<di police "I suggest that you don't do go to the backroom.">>
His face is serious, more serious than you've ever seen him before.
<<di police "Even if they will not remember anything under the effect of the enchantment, it's still not something that I highly approve of. Furthermore, I'd really need your help to get more info here from the people while I do some scoutings.">>
How can you forget about the case? But..., since their memories will be wiped, is it such a big deal to mess around with them?
<span id="choices">\
<<link "You choose to have fun and go to that backroom">>
<<replace "#choices">>\
<<aff pol minus 1>>\
<<di you "Welllllll... it's just gonna take a full 30 minutes, at most.">>
He scowls, obviously none too happy about your insolence.
<<di police "You're really that desperate? Fine, be my guest.">>
Throwing his hands up annoyedly, he exits the conference room without a glance back to you. You wince a bit from guilt but then the thought of getting some action soon overshadows the momentary shame.
<<link "You find your way to the room" "Mcconvention3hj2">>
<<presshour add 2>>
<<pressminute add 30>>
<<link "Follow $police.Name's lead">>
<<replace "#choices">>\
<<aff pol add 1>>\
<<di you "Got it, boss. We got a job to do. Go do your snooping and I'll take it from here.">>
His smile is definitely worth it.
<<di police "That's the spirit, partner. I'll meet you back at the hotel room later, okay?">>
Your gaze lingers on his back when it disappears by the meeting room entrance. You push through the night full of socializing - fueled solely by $police.Name's approval.
<<link "Back in the room" "Mcconvention3talk2">>
<<set _temphour = 23 - $hour>>
<<set _tempmin = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temphour>>
<<pressminute add _tempmin>>
</span>\<<scenechoices pol 1 0>>\
Before getting into the room, you bump into Randal again as you make some more small talk. Through the conversation, you learn that there is a special rule in the backroom: You still can only use your hands. If being stimulated by any other body parts, they will immediately go flaccid. What kind of voodoo technology are they using and why the hell do they like to keep it on theme so much???
Once inside, the sight kind of takes you aback: A bunch of holes on the wall and erections sticking out of it. It makes the room extra seedy and smell full of man musk.
<<video police/mcconhj21.mp4>>
You really gotta give it to them for setting the mood just right. Rolling up the sleeves, you get to work. It is not easy to pick the ones to get your hands on first since they all look huge and magnificent in their own ways. Because you're a master at handjobs by this point, you alter between each one of them and edge them just enough to the brink of orgasm.
<<video police/mcconhj22.mp4>>
By the time you almost finish with the last one, all the hard lengths look red and literally angry at you for not giving them the sweet release. Then one by one, you cock your "guns" to dish out the fastest strokings known to mankind. Each one of them shoots their load and with some you even manage to catch it in your mouth.
<<video police/mcconhj23.mp4>>
When the last dick finally goes limp from the climax, the room positively stinks of sex and cum while you can still taste the tangy viscosity on your tongue. Despite your arms almost going numb from the exertion, you can't hold back any longer and bring yourself into the nirvana with just a few pumps.
<<video you/youcum2.mp4>>
You honestly want to stay here and give handjobs forever until a knock on the door signals the end of your time in the room. Wistfully leaving the room, you realize that almost four hours have passed. Damn, $police.Name is gonna be pissed.
<<if $gameends>>\
<<link "Back" "Mcscenemenu">><</link>>
<<link "Back in the room" "Mcconvention3talk2">>
<<pressminute add 30>>
<</if>>\<<if not hasVisited("Mcconvention3hj2")>>\
Finishing your nightly routine in the room with $police.Name, you feel almost like an old couple. You absolutely won't complain if your husband turns out to be a gorgeous hunk like him though.
<<di police "Did you find anything else useful?">>
<<di you "Not really, they all seem to have nothing bad to say about our suspects except for $sus3.Name. However, all the complaints were mostly about his personality and nothing damning. How about you?">>
<<di police "I sneaked in their rooms tonight and I saw a bottle of sleeping pills on $sus3.Name's room.">>
Your perk up at that detail and conclude:
<<di you "So we can lock him up, right?">>
He laughs at your naivety:
<<di police "It's not that easy, he can deny and say that it's his prescription. We really don't have a solid case against him.">>
Frustrated, you thump your head against the headboard and groan:
<<di you "Arghhh, I thought this would be much easier.">>
Entering the room, you find him just finishing his shower and drying his hair. Through the towel, he gives you an unimpressed look across the room.
<<di police "Did you find anything useful?">>
<<di you "Umm... yeah... actually... no...">>
Tripping over your words, the buried shame now rears its ugly head in the pit of your stomach. You can't even look him directly in the eyes. He throws the towel unnecessarily forcefully to the corner and questions:
<<di police "Did you even do anything remotely beneficial to the case tonight or did you give your hands to someone else?">>
<<di you "I promise I'll do my best to solve this...">>
<<if $police.res >= 6>>\
Sensing your distress, he finally sighs and reaches out, touches your faces tenderly like you're the most precious thing that requires his care and protection.
<<di police "This is never easy, even to a veteran like me. Don't stress out too much you're doing amazing.When it gets too hard, just know that I'll be here by your side and always got your back.">>
Your inside turns into mush from his affection. Is this having a partner like? Him- your handler & you - his seductor doesn't sound that bad in your mind.
Late at night in your dream, you can sense the urgent and masculine breath and the sharp groan of a man achieving his orgasm.
<<image police/mcjobed.gif>>
<<di police "Do you think this is child's play? People's lives are at stake and you waste your time giving out handjobs like a cheap whore. Snap the fuck out of it.">>
His words stun and infuriate you because on one hand, he's right: you have the responsibility to assist him to get to the end of this. On the other hand, you're literally his partner and almost equal in this sting, you can do what the hell you want. Who knows? Maybe, you can get actually valuable intel during the heat of the moment.
His pissed off expression is not really an inviting sign for more conversation so the rest of the night is spent in stiff and awkward silence.
<<link "Next morning comes" "Mcconvention3talk3">>
<<presshour add 9>>
<</link>>As you're both readying for a new day of investigation, there is a knock on the door of your room. On the other side is $sus2.Name who has a worried look on his face.
<<di sus2 "Hey, can I ask you guys something?">>
<<di police "Sure, ask away.">>
<<di sus2 "Have you seen $sus1.Name anywhere? I haven't heard from him for the whole day.">>
That puts you two in an alerted mode. $police.Name gives you an inquiring look.
<<di you "No, I haven't seen him in a while.">>
<<di police "Me neither. Are you really sure that he's gone missing?">>
$sus2.Name sighs concernedly and gives a short and vague explanation:
<<di sus2 "I don't know. Let's just say we have a complicated relationship and text every night. I haven't received a message from him for the last two nights. With his charm, he really can't go anywhere unnoticed and he never missed a night of convention before.">>
A complicated relationship? Didn't $sus1.Name call $sus2.Name a bore and want nothing to do with him? Why do they text each other every night? $police.Name goes into his detective mode and asks all the relevant questions about $sus1.Name and promises to keep an eye out.
<<di sus2 "Thank you...">>
He says weakly with a little touch of sorrow in his words. If the man is acting then he deserves an Oscar for that. Closing the door, $police.Name leans back and consults with you:
<<di police "What do you think?">>
<<di you "There is definitely something fishy going on. I've gotta admit $sus1.Name is a bit infatuated with me and it's been really quiet lately. If that's the case, do we eliminate $sus2.Name from the suspect list?">>
<<di police "No..., there can still be a chance that he's self reporting to diminish the people's suspicion on him.">>
That puts you deep in thought wracking your brain to find any plausible clue on who might be the one to do all of this. However, for now you both agree that there's nothing but to keep watch of the area and trace for any potential lead.
<<link "You continue with your day" "Mcroom">>
<<pressminute add 30>>
<<set $police.state = 14>>
<</link>><<scenechoices pol 1 0>>\
<<aff pol add 1>>\
Seeing him in the police uniform is definitely a feast but him shirtless and wearing only a "short" shorts, it is the epitome of eye candy. He seems to be deep in thought but the sharp spatial awareness brings his attention to you.
<<di police "Oh hey, $you.Namedis. Did you have lunch yet?">>
<<di you "I had a bite and want to work out a bit. Is this your mandatory duty to be in the force?">>
He throws his head back laughing like you just tell the most hilarious joke.
<<di police "You don't know that many officers, do you? We have an appetite for donuts, beers. Believe me, it's a miracle combined with a lot of blood and sweat to keep this physique.">>
He flexes one of his biceps just to drive it home. Damn the sight is too hot for you to hold yourself back from asking:
<<di you "Can I feel it?">>
<<di police "What? My muscles?">>
<<di you "Yeah... pretty please?">>
He looks pensive for a moment before conceding:
<<di police "Either my mental barrier is getting rusty or I have a soft spot for you... Argh... okay, go ahead.">>
Of course, never look a gift horse in the mouth. Your hands swiftly trace the bulging veins on his guns. Instinctively or not, you can feel the tendrils of flesh underneath moving and hardening like they are posing for you. Unable to help yourself, you continue upward to his bouldering shoulders and then his pecs. They are like two solid slabs of marble and worthy of display in the best museum.
<<video police/mcpolcaress.mp4>>
The thumping of his heartbeat underneath accelerates until:
<<di police "Ahem... I think that's enough. I need to finish this round of cardio. You go ahead and do your own stuff, okay?">>
The deep sandpapery timbre coming out from his throat sends chills down your spine and makes you incredibly horny. Still, you're not one to disobey an order and before leaving, you can see him trying to subtly adjust his crotch. You're unsure if this is due to the effect of your seductor's charm or he's really into you. Either way, his reaction and the possibility of getting down with him thrills you.
<<if $gameends>>\
<<link "Back" "Mcscenemenu">><</link>>
<<link "The night comes and it's time for the convention" "Mcconvention3hj1">>
<<set _temphour = 19 - $hour>>
<<set _tempmin = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temphour>>
<<pressminute add _tempmin>>
<</if>>\<<aff pol add 1>>\
Trodding through the lobby, you notice $police.Name is looking at his phone and waves at him. Then you two share your findings which isn't a lot but a slow progress is better than none.
<<di you "Hmm, what led you to this career path anyway?">>
<<di police "Why do you ask?">>
<<di you "Just curious, that's all.">>
<<di police "Hmm, I guess I've always wanted to be a police, I guess. When they found out about my strong mind, then I got assigned into being a detective working on all the supernatural cases.">>
Supernatural cases? Is that what they call the world of seductors, handlers and witches? More importantly:
<<di you "So you either get off on power trips or, even as a child, like to protect your classmates from bullies. Knowing you, I doubt the former is the case.">>
Suddenly his ears heat up as he confesses:
<<di police "Uhh... well... I couldn't just stand there and do nothing you know. I like helping the defenseless people.">>
<<di you "No way, so you did indeed protect your classmates from bullies. Oh, my knight in shining armor.">>
You fake-faint and instinctively his arms already have you in their safeguard.
<<di you "Shit, you're making it harder and harder to resist.">>
He only laughs before releasing you. The man is getting more attractive day by day.
<<link "The night comes and it's time for the convention" "Mcconvention4talk1">>
<<set _temphour = 19 - $hour>>
<<set _tempmin = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temphour>>
<<pressminute add _tempmin>>
<</link>>The police: @@.police;<b>$police.Name</b>@@
<span style="color:red">Respect: $police.res/$police.resmax</span> - <<if $police.res >= 6>><b>Respectful</b><<else>><b>Disrespectful</b><</if>>
<<if $police.state == 16>>\
<<if $hour >= 20>>\
• Attend the sixth night of convention
• Do your investigation by talking to the suspects & $police.Name to gain respect
• Or not to lose respect
<<elseif $police.state == 15>>\
<<if $hour >= 20>>\
• Attend the fifth night of convention
• Do your investigation by talking to the suspects & $police.Name to gain respect
• Or not to lose respect
<<elseif $police.state == 14>>\
<<if $hour >= 20>>\
• Attend the fourth night of convention
• Do your investigation by talking to the suspects & $police.Name to gain respect
• Or not to lose respect
<<elseif $police.state == 13>>\
<<if $hour >= 20>>\
• Attend the third night of convention
• Do your investigation by talking to the suspects & $police.Name to gain respect
• Or not to lose respect
<<elseif $police.state == 12>>\
<<if $hour >= 20>>\
• Attend the second night of convention
• Do your investigation by talking to the suspects & $police.Name to gain respect
• Or not to lose respect
<<elseif $police.state == 11>>\
<<if hasVisited("Mcconvention1talk1") and not hasVisited("Mcconvention1strip")>>\
• Go around and talk with the suspects
<<elseif hasVisited("Mctalk4")>>\
• Attend the first night of convention
• Explore the hotel and look for interesting people
• Travel to the hotel with $police.Name
<<if hasVisited("Mcstalk1") or hasVisited("Mchtalk1") or hasVisited("Mcbtalk1")>>\
<<if hasVisited("Mcbtalk1")>>\
<i>The businessmen: $police.bprog/3</i>
<<if hasVisited("Mchtalk1")>>\
<i>The husband: $police.hprog/3</i>
<<if hasVisited("Mcstalk1")>>\
<i>The seminarian: $police.sprog/3</i>
<b>Notable clues:</b>
<<if hasVisited("Mctalk3")>>\
• $sus1.Name seems to dislike $sus2.Name
• $sus3.Name has a reputation of an rich asshole
<<if hasVisited("Mcconvention1talk1")>>\
• All the missing people are powerful seductors
<<if hasVisited("Mcconvention1sus1talk")>>\
• The missing people refused to join in the team of $sus3.Name
<<if hasVisited("Mcconvention1sus2talk")>>\
• $sus4.Name appears to visit the Deviant Den every night during the disappearances
<<if hasVisited("Mcconvention1sus3talk")>>\
• All missing people used to work for $sus2.Name, but left his team unamicably
<<if hasVisited("Mcsus3talk1")>>\
• $sus3.Name knows a witch who can cast a spell to control seductors' minds
<</if>>\ - <i>Help needed from the strangest place</i>
<<if hasVisited("Mctalk1") and $police.state == 0>>\
• If you want to take this job, talk to her again
• $witch.Name is looking for someone to help to help her with an "investigation"
<<set $scenepicked = false>>
<b>The police</b>
<<if setup.ws.Mcctalk1>>[[Having breakfast and teasing the police|Mcctalk1]]<<else>><<link "==Having breakfast and teasing the police==">><</link>><</if>> <<if setup.ws.Mcctalk2>>[[Teasing the police at the gym|Mcctalk2]]<<else>><<link "==Teasing the police at the gym==">><</link>><</if>> <<if setup.ws.Mcconvention4hj>>[[Handjob on night 4|Mcconvention4hj]]<<else>><<link "==Handjob on night 4==">><</link>><</if>> <<if setup.ws.Mcconvention5bj>>[[Blowjob on night 5|Mcconvention5bj]]<<else>><<link "==Blowjob on night 5==">><</link>><</if>> <<if setup.ws.Mcconvention6fuck>>[[Degrading fuck on night 6|Mcconvention6fuck]]<<else>><<link "==Degrading fuck on night 6==">><</link>><</if>> <<if setup.ws.Mcendfuck>>[[Loving fuck|Mcendfuck]]<<else>><<link "==Loving fuck==">><</link>><</if>>
<b>The businessmen</b>
<<if setup.ws.Mcbhj>>[[Handjob|Mcbhj]]<<else>><<link "==Handjob==">><</link>><</if>> <<if setup.ws.Mcbbj>>[[Blowjob|Mcbbj]]<<else>><<link "==Blowjob==">><</link>><</if>> <<if setup.ws.Mcbfuck>>[[Threesome|Mcbfuck]]<<else>><<link "==Threesome==">><</link>><</if>>
<b>The husband</b>
<<if setup.ws.Mchhj>>[[Handjob|Mchhj]]<<else>><<link "==Handjob==">><</link>><</if>> <<if setup.ws.Mchbj>>[[Blowjob|Mchbj]]<<else>><<link "==Blowjob==">><</link>><</if>> <<if setup.ws.Mchfuck>>[[Fuck|Mchfuck]]<<else>><<link "==Fuck==">><</link>><</if>>
<b>The seminarian</b>
<<if setup.ws.Mcshj>>[[Handjob|Mcshj]]<<else>><<link "==Handjob==">><</link>><</if>> <<if setup.ws.Mcsbj>>[[Blowjob|Mcsbj]]<<else>><<link "==Blowjob==">><</link>><</if>> <<if setup.ws.Mcsfuck>>[[Fuck|Mcsfuck]]<<else>><<link "==Fuck==">><</link>><</if>>
<b>The convention</b>
<<if setup.ws.Mcconvention1strip>>[[Night 1 stripping|Mcconvention1strip]]<<else>><<link "==Night 1 stripping==">><</link>><</if>> <<if setup.ws.Mcconvention2massage>>[[Night 2 massage|Mcconvention2massage]]<<else>><<link "==Night 2 massage==">><</link>><</if>> <<if setup.ws.Mcconvention2hj>>[[Night 2 handjob|Mcconvention2hj]]<<else>><<link "==Night 2 handjob==">><</link>><</if>> <<if setup.ws.Mcconvention3hj1>>[[Night 3 stage handjob|Mcconvention3hj1]]<<else>><<link "==Night 3 stage handjob==">><</link>><</if>> <<if setup.ws.Mcconvention3hj2>>[[Night 3 backroom handjob|Mcconvention3hj2]]<<else>><<link "==Night 3 backroom handjob==">><</link>><</if>> <<if setup.ws.Mcconvention4bj1>>[[Night 4 stage blowjob|Mcconvention4bj1]]<<else>><<link "==Night 4 stage blowjob==">><</link>><</if>> <<if setup.ws.Mcconvention4bj2>>[[Night 4 backroom blowjob|Mcconvention4bj2]]<<else>><<link "==Night 4 backroom blowjob==">><</link>><</if>> <<if setup.ws.Mcconvention5fuck1>>[[Night 5 stage fuck|Mcconvention5fuck1]]<<else>><<link "==Night 5 stage fuck==">><</link>><</if>> <<if setup.ws.Mcconvention5fuck2>>[[Night 5 backroom fuck|Mcconvention5fuck2]]<<else>><<link "==Night 5 backroom fuck==">><</link>><</if>> <<if setup.ws.Mcconvention6orgy1>>[[Night 6 stage orgy|Mcconvention6orgy1]]<<else>><<link "==Night 6 stage orgy==">><</link>><</if>> <<if setup.ws.Mcconvention6orgy2>>[[Night 6 backroom orgy|Mcconvention6orgy2]]<<else>><<link "==Night 6 backroom orgy==">><</link>><</if>>
<<if setup.ws.Mcend1>><<link "<b>Bad ending</b>" "Mcend1">><</link>><<else>><<link "==<b>Bad ending</b>==">><</link>><</if>> <<if setup.ws.Mcend2>><<link "<b>Good ending</b>" "Mcend2">><</link>><<else>><<link "==<b>Good ending</b>==">><</link>><</if>>
<<if setup.ws.Mcrhj>>[[Random hotel handjob|Mcrhj]]<<else>><<link "==Random hotel handjob==">><</link>><</if>> <<if setup.ws.Mcrbj>>[[Random hotel blowjob|Mcrbj]]<<else>><<link "==Random hotel blowjob==">><</link>><</if>> <<if setup.ws.Mcrfuck>>[[Random hotel fuck|Mcrfuck]]<<else>><<link "==Random hotel fuck==">><</link>><</if>>
[[Back|Memoriesmenu]]<<image mccon.jpg>>
Before you both enter the convention, $sus2.Name is standing outside the entrance and looking a bit frazzled unlike his usual proper self.
<<di sus2 "Have you two heard anything about $sus1.Name yet?">>
<<di police "Sadly no, we will let you know if anything comes up.">>
<<di sus2 "Shit... where the hell are you, $sus1.Name?">>
He mutters to himself shakily and full of worry. If the worst case scenario happened and $sus1.Name indeed got kidnapped by the same guy who is targeting all the powerful seductors, you can't imagine $sus2.Name being the perpetrator. Entering inside the hall, you consult quietly to $police.Name:
<<di you "Do you think $sus2.Name is innocent?">>
<<di police "My intuition says yes. However, we can't definitively eliminate him from being a suspect.">>
Having no place to question his authority, you nod solemnly and wait for the next event to come by mingling in the crowd.
<<dio "Announcer" "... without further ado, the blowjob competition begins.">>
After a long winded introduction, he finally signals the pull down of the curtain and like before in the middle of the stage is a man who has a blank expression on his face who, you now know, is under the control of a witch's enchantment. You should be used to it by now but looking at the contestants taking turns demonstrating their fellatio skill on a big stage still feels surreal.
Shortly, you are called up for the performance. Nerves still buzzing through your body as you take in a calming breath.
<<link "Showtime!" "Mcconvention4bj1">>
<<presshour add 1>>
<</link>><<scenechoices pol 1 0>>\
As usual, the organizers always pick the cream of the crop. The guy standing motionless in front of you has a stunning physique and a well endowed member which is flagging shamelessly. Dropping down to your knees, you get a whiff of sweat and musk from the close proximity to his crotch. Those signs indicate he probably wasn't a guest, perhaps a hotel staff who hasn't had a chance to take a shower before being dropped here.
Regardless, that has never been a deterrent to you so your tongue slithers out to sample the concentrated salt and testosterones sprinkled on his foreskin. It tastes divine and from the precum leaking out from the slit, you can tell his body enjoys getting a tongue bath from you.
<<video police/mcconbj11.mp4>>
Still, the ultimate goal of the competition is to get the man off as soon as possible, so you take a deep breath and relax your throat to give him the best goddamn blowjob of his life. Due to the enchantment, the man never once moves a muscle so you have to transform yourself into a literal woodpecker bobbing your head up and down in supernatural speed on his... pecker.
<<video police/mcconbj12.mp4>>
Obviously, you also get no warning either when the thick fluid soon begins to fill your mouth and choke you a little from the sheer volume. After the last pulse, you smush your face against his pube, breathing in the masculine fragrance, and in turn savoring the feeling of his large tool stretching your esophagus like a one-size-too-small condom.
<<video police/mcconbj13.mp4>>
Pulling off from him, you present to the judges the spent cock and the announcement comes up:
<<dio "Announcer" "Another spectacular performance from this fresh face, gentleman...">>
He then signals you to return to your position and:
<<if $gameends>>\
<<link "Back" "Mcscenemenu">><</link>>
<<link "Wait for them to annouce the winner" "Mcconvention4talk2">>
<<pressminute add 15>>
<</if>>\In the end, you're still the one with the fastest time but the number 1 was $sus4.Name. You gotta admit it surprises you since his performance before this has been just okay. Maybe blowjob is one of the skills that he takes pride in? Curiosity urges you to learn more about the guy:
<<di you "Hey, $sus4.Name, congrats! Amazing work up there and I knew you were holding back.">>
<<di sus4 "Haha, you're not so bad yourself. I almost lost to you.">>
There is a never-seen-before glow around him like an invisible halo that makes your eyes glued to him. It's taken you ten seconds to snap out of it. This guy is not your regular seductor, but he said that he was only average? Is that to make you underestimate him in the competitions?
<<di you "Have you heard anything about $sus1.Name?">>
<<di sus4 "Sadly no, he's gone missing, right?">>
You nod as an answer and inspect him. He seems genuinely worried.
<<di sus4 "I'm not sure if I'd be much of a help since I'm not exactly in $sus1.Name's social circle.">>
<<di you "It's just that all the stories about missing seductors kind of spooked me. Hopefully, he will show up soon.">>
You then have some brief easy small talks with him before finding your way back to $police.Name.
<<di police "Hmm, at first I thought you only relied on your seductor's charm but now that I've seen you in action, I suppose there are some skills to back you up.">>
His sandpapery timbre greets you along with his steel gaze which makes your skin heated.
<<di you "Well, $witch.Name didn't lie when she told you I was the candidate for this sting. Also, I'm very giving so if you have the incline, you can get it.">>
<<di police "Very tempting offer...">>
His open-ended answer sends a shiver down your spine in anticipation. However, the man is still too straight and narrow:
<<di police "But first, let's talk work.">>
You two share the info you have gathered throughout the day and both agree that the prime suspect to look out for is $sus3.Name which is not present tonight. As you're all deep in thought, a man interrupts the session with a tap on your shoulder.
<<dio "Stranger" "Hey, I work for Randall - the announcer. He's currently busy with some behind the scene stuff but told me to direct you to a backroom tonight if you're up for some fun after that spectacular performance.">>
You can sense the disapproving looks behind you. So you choose to:
<span id="choices">\
<<link "Follow him">>
<<replace "#choices">>\
<<aff pol minus 1>>\
<<di you "You don't have to tell me twice, lead the way.">>
Your back burns from the laser glare $police.Name is directing on you. Screw him though, you deserve the break after all the work.
Entering the backroom, you see a bunch of holes in the walls with erections of various shapes for your pickings like a grocery store.
<<dio "Stranger" "Enjoy yourself!">>
He smiles at you and then closes the door on the way out. Oh yeah, you're gonna have a blast.
<<link "Then you get right down into it." "Mcconvention4bj2">>
<<presshour add 1>>
<<link "Stay with $police.Name">>
<<replace "#choices">>\
<<aff pol add 1>>\
<<di you "Sorry, but I'll pass this time. My big boss here is a possessive type. It's hard enough on him that I take part in the competition.">>
You let out an oomph when your body gets plastered on what feels like a tall slab of concrete. His whispers turns your ears scarlet:
<<di police "I really am, aren't I?">>
The worker smiles at the affectionate display and pursues no further:
<<dio "Stranger" "If that's the case, I won't bother you two. Enjoy the rest of the night!">>
That you do because socializing with like-minded people like you is surprisingly fun even with the work of having to pry for information from them. It feels like you have finally found your kind and another place where you belong.
<<link "Back in the room" "Mcconvention4talk3">>
<<set _temphour = 23 - $hour>>
<<set _tempmin = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temphour>>
<<pressminute add _tempmin>>
</span>\<<scenechoices pol 1 0>>\
Impatiently, you dive down to the nearest dick and the feeling of the hard flesh spasm in your mouth is so satisfying.
<<video police/Mcconbj21.mp4>>
Of course, your hands don't stay idle as they grab the two nearby rods and jerk in the same motion as your head. As the passion rises, the room stinks of sex, musk and maleness from the copious amount of sweat and precum being milked out of these men.
<<video police/mcconbj22.mp4>>
Your almost win wasn't a fluke at all because just after a few minutes of sucking, the first guy already shows the sign of climax. Not wanting to miss the chance, you let it fly and the pheromonal juice defiles your face.
<<video police/mcconbj23.mp4>>
Hungry for more, you move on to the next writhing beast which is aching to be drained. You fulfill its wish and once again shower in the impure essence.
<<video police/mcconbj24.mp4>>
The process is repeated all over and over again until you realize all the cocks inside the room have withdrawn. Your mug now reeks of cum like a cheap whore but you'd pay to have this experience everyday.
<<if $gameends>>\
<<link "Back" "Mcscenemenu">><</link>>
<<link "Back in the room" "Mcconvention4talk3">>
<<set _temphour = 23 - $hour>>
<<set _tempmin = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temphour>>
<<pressminute add _tempmin>>
<</if>>\<<if not hasVisited("Mcconvention4bj2")>>\
Retreating to your room, you can't help but complain to him:
<<di you "I thought undercover work would be way more interesting and it feels like we're going nowhere.">>
<<di police "Yeah, movies really glamorizes being a spy. Once you're in a shootout, you'd wish for stale moments like these. Also, we did make some progress but nothing conclusive yet.">>
He is deep in thought for a brief second before saying:
<<di police "I must say $sus4.Name surprised me in the competition today. I thought he was just an average seductor, turns out he's quite good.">>
<<di you "So why did he hide his power from us?">>
<<di police "An element of surprise, maybe? It is always good to be underestimated in a competition. Also, maybe he was born with that humble personality.">>
<<di you "Speaking of which, do you think his performance was better than mine?">>
For obvious reasons, his approval is really important to you.
<<di police "I wasn't really paying attention.">>
<<di you "That's not an answer.">>
He sighs dramatically to mask the husky tone underneath:
<<di police "Alright, all I gotta to say is I wouldn't mind being the receiver of your work.">>
<<di you "I'll hold that thought against you later.">>
You smile at him as the rest of the night passes by in a blur until you pass out on your bed.
<<link "In the middle of the night" "Mcconvention4talk4">>
<<presshour add 2>>
Entering the room, he is already looking at something on his laptop and actively not paying you attention. You are unsure which one is worse: an explosive confrontation or this stifling silent treatment.
<<di you "Um... Got any new leads yet?">>
<<di police "Wouldn't you like to know? Maybe had you been more active in the case, we would have solved it by now.">>
That touches a nerve so you fire back:
<<di you "I'm trying okay? I do my best but it just seems to go nowhere and can you blame me?">>
<<if $police.res >= 6>>\
He lets out a frustrated breath:
<<di police "I know, I know. But it's frustrating as hell when you go running around like a headless chicken while the kidnapper is still out there. Now we might have another missing person on our hand. You get me, kid?">>
That is the epitome of "I'm not mad, just disappointed" which forces the shame inside you to rear its ugly head.
<<di police "I really want to focus on connecting the dots, go get some sleep and clear your head.">>
Of course, you're taking this way out he's graciously giving. Still, laying in your bed, the question that keeps running through your restless mind is: Are you doing the right things?
<<di police "Trying what? To suck all the dicks in this hotel? I had my reservation about your part in this operation but never thought it was gonna be this bad. Now if you excuse me, I'll need some peace and quiet to be the only responsible one on the team.">>
With that, he turns away and buries himself in the laptop again. You're fuming from being ridiculed but still your ears burn from the embarrassment. No, you shouldn't have to be ashamed of anything, you deserve the fun as part of acting as his seductor and not this belittlement.
<<link "Then morning comes" "Mcconvention4talk5">>
<<presshour add 9>>
<</if>>\<<if $police.res >= 6>>\
Waking up slowly, you never felt this well rested before. No doubt the bed is very nice but the more important factor is the soothingness of $police.Name's presence.
<<di police "Hey, you awake?">>
He emerges from the bathroom with hair already combed and body dressed - ready to tackle the day.
<<di police "Since you sleep so soundly, I didn't want to wake you up. A new lead surfaced and I gotta dash right away for the interview. Go and enjoy your breakfast without me, okay?">>
You can feel the waves of fondness emitting from him. It's clear as day you have made a good impression on him.
<<di you "Gotcha and take care!">>
He gives you a goodbye wave and exits the room. Well, you shall have a long day ahead.
The blaring of your phone smacks you out of the sleep, it takes you a full five minutes to turn off the alarm. Once again, you find a note on the side cabinet:
<i>"I got an interview to do, go do your job."</i>
Well, you officially got the cold shoulder from him. And wait a damn minute, you didn't even set up the alarm. Did he break into your phone and set it up himself? Goddamn it, you shouldn't have used the face recognition feature as a way to unlock the phone.
You grumble the whole way through washing up and teeth brushing for the new day.
<<link "You continue with your day" "Mcroom">>
<<pressminute add 30>>
<<set $police.state = 15>>
<</link>><<scenechoices pol 1 0>>\
Wrapping your palm around his tool, it definitely doesn't disappoint you. His member is proportionate with him - large, solid - and oh-so-wet from the precum leaking freely from his slit.
<<video police/mcchj1.mp4>>
<<di police "Ffffuck...">>
That passionate cadence is like music to your ears so of course your hands deftly play with his instruments to draw out more of that rumble.
<<video police/mcchj2.mp4>>
He didn't lie to you because after just a minute of stroking, his cock is thrashing wildly like a caged beast as he whisper-shouts:
<<di police "Sssshitt… I can't hold ba-... ARGHHHHH!!!">>
The breeding tube pulsates incessantly to deliver the army of semen to invades and marks your hands as its territory.
<<video police/mcchj3.mp4>>
The spiciness of his fluid fills the air and make you horny as fuck so using his cum you quickly brings yourself to orgasm.
<<video you/youcum1.mp4>>
Riding out the high, you can see him staring at you with fascination and maybe adoration. Once seeing you have finally arrived back at the land of the living, he gives you a soft grin:
<<di police "Thanks, I really needed that.">>
<<di you "You're welcome, we are partner in crim-, well, justice after all.">>
His booming laugh is infectious. As you two succumb to sleep once more, you can feel the warmth from his bicep touching yours. That tiny contact feels like a promise of paradise.
<<if $gameends>>\
<<link "Back" "Mcscenemenu">><</link>>
<<link "Then morning comes" "Mcconvention4talk5">>
<<presshour add 6>>
<<pressminute add 30>>
<</if>>\A vibration jolts you out of sleep. You can hear low and short gasps next to you. Combined with the rhythmic shake of the bed, it hits you that $police.Name is jacking off.
<<di you "Are you seriously jacking off without telling me?">>
A weird yelp escapes from him. This is the first time you see him getting nervous.
<<di police "Hey, I'm still a man and all the things I've witnessed recently. A relief is long overdue.">>
Supposedly, it's right. However, there is one detail: Why is he doing this on the bed next to you and not in the bathroom? There must be a reason and you know it:
<<di you "I can help you out if you want.">>
His gulp is audible in the middle of silent night and he lets out a dry croak:
<<di police "Okay... just give me your hand. I'm almost finished anyway.">>
You hop off from the laying position like a martial artist and approach him.
<<di you "I'll make you feel so good.">>
<<link "You put your hands on him" "Mcconvention4hj">>
<<pressminute add 30>>
<</link>><<image mccon.jpg>>
This is not your first rodeo but this time around you're thoroughly excited because finally the main course is here. The anticipation of getting your ass ravaged is bubbling uncontrollably inside you.
Once you see the stage, it kind of caught you off guard. No more open space, it is now divided into a dozen sections by some sort of curtains. In each one of them, there is a hunk standing motionless. Now that you think of it, it makes total sense since fucking is a much lengthier endevors and taking turns to see each competitors will take ages.
<<dio "Announcer" "Now that we have arrived at the last stretch of the competition, only the few selected ones are chosen to perform today on the stage. When I call out your name, please move up to the stage or not if you do not wish to continue. First off,...">>
Anxiously, you count each name until the tenth participant comes up to the stage. Just as you thought you were eliminated:
<<dio "Announcer" "..., $you.Namedis.">>
Your feet flies up to your head like a cartoon character in order to reach the main stage.
<<dio "Announcer" "alright, next is... $sus4.Name.">>
Huh? So he did downplay his ability a lot because if he was just average then there is no way he can make it to this round.
<<dio "Announcer" "So that's our lineup for tonight. Rule is simple just like two nights before. Make your subject come as soon as possible. So without further ado, let the fucking begin!">>
That cut off your chain of thought as you proceed to clumsily strip your clothes.
<<link "To take your position" "Mcconvention5fuck1">>
<<presshour add 1>>
<</link>><<scenechoices pol 1 0>>\
Getting out of your clothes is a struggle since it is a race against time but you make it and you realize the guy in your "booth" has already laid down and got his dick up - waiting for your ass to engulf it. Already aware of what to expect, your hole is properly lubed and you don't even give it a second thought before impaling your ass down on his tower.
The process isn't as smooth sailing since the man has some serious length on him. The organizers really know which bone to pick for you. Once your stretched tunnel is used to his shape, you begin bouncing on his cock and take control of the angle so it hits all the right places.
<<video police/mcconfuck11.mp4>>
However, your control doesn't last long because the man under you seems to regain consciousness, grabs your cheeks tightly and starts thrusting up into your hole on his own volition. The sudden switch in dynamic surprises a gasp out of you which mingles with all the moans echoing through the hall and drives your lust up to eleven.
<<video police/mcconfuck12.mp4>>
<<dio "Scene partner" "SSSSHHIIITTTT...!!">>
That's the last word he mutters out before his emotions get shut off again. He methodically flips you over, strokes his cock and shoots his seed all over the top of your butts. Afterward, he stands up and becomes rigid again like a statue.
<<video police/mcconfuck13.mp4>>
The staff signals you to stop and show your defiled back to the judges. While on the other side, you're aching with arousal and dying to blow. Still you're unable to and remain in a thrumming state of arousal throughout the appraisal process.
<<if $gameends>>\
<<link "Back" "Mcscenemenu">><</link>>
<<link "They announce this round's winner" "Mcconvention5talk2">>
<<pressminute add 15>>
<</if>>\Once you're clothed and still very much frustrated, the announcement comes and you are placed second. A familiar voice calls out to you:
<<di sus4 "Hey, nice try, but I still got a whole minute over you.">>
A smug smile appears on his lips. You're not a sore loser but at that moment your face is definitely rigidly unwelcoming from the rigidity under your pants.
<<di you "Thanks, I need to take care of this problem.">>
You point at your tented crotch shamelessly and that earns you a pout from him. It appears he still has a lot on his mind to elaborate to you.
<<di sus4 "Alright, see your next round then and we'll see who comes out on top.">>
You don't even want to let him finish the sentence before deciding to:
<<link "Go to the backroom to get rid of this erection" "Mcconvention5fuck2">>
<<presshour add 1>>
<<link "Find $police.Name" "Mcconvention5talk3">>
<<pressminute add 15>>
<</link>>Apparently, your body in its horniest only wants $police.Name, so you search for him and it doesn't take that long. He is leaning in a dark corner, a cigarette perched on his lips - something you've never seen him doing before. Upon seeing you, he says with his deep and magnetic cadence:
<<if $police.res >= 6>>\
<<di you "Didn't you see my performance?">>
Your horny ass has no time for coyness anymore and it wants to rub all over the magnificent creation of a man in front of you. He clears his throat:
<<di police "Ahem... I-I did...">>
Throwing and stomping the cigarette butt on the ground, it feels like he's avoiding your eye contact. Your unrelenting erection tells you to have him now.
<<di you "Then you must know I'm still not yet satisfied... still so damn hard...">>
He then looks at you, nose flared and pupil dilated. That is a mistake because you're pretty sure your seductor's power is now in full effect against him.
<<di you "Please... help me...">>
You mewl and your hand touches his bulging chest. His affirmation never sounds sweeter.
<<di police "Okay... let go back to our room.">>
Hell yeah!
<<link "Back in the room" "Mcconvention5bj">>
<<set _temphour = 23 - $hour>>
<<set _tempmin = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temphour>>
<<pressminute add _tempmin>>
<<di police "I see that one dick is not enough to satisfy you, huh?">>
He glances at your still hard A F dick with a sneer.
<<di police "I doubt a dozen more are still not enough for your loose ass. Go away and find someone to fuck and don't bother me while I'm still on the clock.">>
That stings... Do you really want to prove to him that you're not just one desperate whore but still have some dignity in you?
<span id="choices">\
<<link "Go to the backroom, no need to prove anything">>
<<replace "#choices">>\
<<aff pol minus 2>>\
<<di you "Oh yeah? I'll do just that since your limp dick probably won't satisfy me anyway.">>
<<di police "What the hell did you just say?">>
<<di you "Am I wrong? I know the way you look at me... you do want me, but never made a move. So it's either your dick doesn't work or you're just a pathetic coward.">>
<<di police "You litt-...">>
<<di you "Whatever, loser.">>
You peace the hell out of there and go to the backroom where you can find a real man to satisfy you.
<<link "Go to the backroom to get rid of this erection" "Mcconvention5fuck2">>
<<presshour add 1>>
<<link "Join him in the investigation">>
<<replace "#choices">>\
<<aff pol add 2>>\
<<di you "I'll join you.">>
<<di police "Huh? Really?">>
Your answer surprises him.
<<di you "Yeah, I'm sorry that I have not put my one hundred percent on the case because you know: All these things are still very new and exciting to me. However, I do understand that many people's fates are in our hands and I do want to help. I really do.">>
His eyes lose their sharp edges listening to your ramble.
<<di police "... Alright, I'll give you another chance... Let's get to work, shall we? The night is not exactly young.">>
Nodding happily, you follow his lead and look for more clues among the guests. Despite your still raging hardon, an exciting hopefulness fills you at the thought of winning him back.
<<link "Back in the room" "Mcconvention5bj">>
<<set _temphour = 23 - $hour>>
<<set _tempmin = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temphour>>
<<pressminute add _tempmin>>
<</if>>\<<scenechoices pol 1 0>>\
It takes you almost no time to find the backroom tonight and upon entering the room, there is a man already erected on the bed waiting for you.
<<di you "Damn... I'm gonna have so much fun with you, big guy.">>
The lack of reaction tells you that this guy is being controlled by the enchantment. To be honest, even if the man in front of you is an under-the-influence hobo, you would still present your ass just to get rid of the restless horniness you're experiencing.
As soon as your back arches to his front and your hole in the vicinity of the hardon, he automatically points the rod to the centerpoint of your opening and slowly guides it inside. The intrusion exquisitely sates the wicked inferno raging in your body.
<<video police/mcconfuck21.mp4>>
Then he works out a rhythm pounding your ass. Each slap of his pelvis loudly echoes through the room and your prostate is getting squeezed brutally. Still, the force of his thrust is there but the speed is not enough to satisfy, so you take the matter into your own hips and proceed to bounce on his disco stick like a shameless slut just to chase that impending orgasm.
<<video police/mcconfuck22.mp4>>
With a final slam, his member hits the deepest part of your gut as you settle in and begin spewing fresh and hot load uncontrollably. It doesn't take that much considering how turnt on you were even before entering this room.
<<video you/youfuckcum5.mp4>>
<<dio "The Man" "Sssshhiittt...">>
Bathing in the afterglow, you don't realize that your partner has splattered hot streaks of creamy seed all over lower back.
<<video you/youbred12.mp4>>
For a brief moment, his cries are laced with pleasure and emotions, so the control of the enchantment must waver during his orgasm. Afterwards, the room is silent once more and you feel strangely empty despite getting what you came here for.
<<if $gameends>>\
<<link "Back" "Mcscenemenu">><</link>>
<<link "Back in the room" "Mcconvention5bj">>
<<set _temphour = 23 - $hour>>
<<set _tempmin = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temphour>>
<<pressminute add _tempmin>>
<</if>>\<<if not $gameends and hasVisited("Mcconvention5fuck2")>>\
Entering the room, you find him already in deep sleep. After finishing the nightly routine, you steathily sneak under the cover. Immediately, he turns his back to you and scoot away from your heat like there is an invisible between the two of you.
<<elseif not $gameends and $police.res <= 5>>\
Once the door is closed and driven with lust, you really waste no time to tear into his clothes. However, your hand is promptly seize by his strong grip with a sneer:
<<di police "What the hell do you think you're doing?">>
<<di you "I helped you out with the investigation. Can you extend the same courtesy and help me out? Just letting me suck your dick is enough.">>
From the look on his face, you feel even worse than the lowest of the low. It feels like you're just a worth speck of dust in his eye.
<<di police "People are dying, $you.Name. And all you can think about is sucking dicks? And I thought you still had something noble left in you, turns out you're even just another pathetic and slutty whore. Get out of my sight and don't come in here.">>
With that tirade of insult, he slams the bathroom door on your face. You take in every single word that he utters. Are you really that pathetic? Have you become such a shameless whore that disgusts him? Those existential thoughts plague your mind all through the night. Is it too late to change your way or do you even want to at this point?
<<scenechoices pol 1 0>>\
Once the door is closed and driven with lust, you really waste no time to tear into his clothes. Impatiently, you feel the growing erection under his slack and whine:
<<di you "Please... I want you so bad.">>
<<di police "Shit... We shouldn't... I'm supposed to be professional...">>
<<di you "Don't I get something by helping you out with the investigation? You are not doing anything to me, just sit back and let me suck your dick, that's all... It hurts... please...">>
You drive the point home by rubbing your own raging hardon on his upper thighs. Releasing the held breath, he finally concedes and removes all of his clothes.
<<di police "Alright, just this time.">>
His hard cock is on full display and damn if it isn't mouthwatering. Need no further invitation, your mouth descends on the piece of meat. His body shakes and head thrown back, a deep gasp escapes from his throat from the feel of your velvety cavity.
<<video police/mccbj1.mp4>>
<<di police "Ahhh... fuck!">>
His low timbre is like music to your ears and eggs you on further. Your tongue flicks on his slit repeatedly to lap on the salty precum. Your head has become an engine using all of its energy to execute only one motion of up and down to reach the finish point of achieving his orgasm.
<<video police/mccbj2.mp4>>
Your hand is matching the pace as well with the hope that you will tie with him in this race. What an engine you are because only after a few minutes, he starts shouting.
<<di police "Wait... I'M COMING!!!">>
<<video police/mccbj3.mp4>>
The gelatinous seed travels directly to your gut and fill your lung full of his potent scent. The fragrance drives you over the edge and the cum flies out from your sack like it's being forced out by telekinesis.
<<video you/youcum5.mp4>>
Basking in the afterglow, the warm fuzziness increases tenfold when you feel the rough texture of his palm on your cheeks.
<<di police "You okay?">>
<<di you "I-I'm amazing... You're amazing.">>
Through the haze, you can see him blush a little bit at your compliment before commanding you:
<<di police "Let's scoot up and rest for the night, okay?">>
<<di you "Mhmm...">>
If he told you to jump off the balcony right now, you'd do it. With his solid arms over your abdomen, his breath heating your nape, you have never felt this safe and treasured before.
<<if $gameends>>\
<<link "Back" "Mcscenemenu">><</link>>
<<link "Then morning comes" "Mcconvention5talk4">>
<<presshour add 6>>
<</if>>\<<if $police.res >= 6>>\
Opening your eyes, staring back at you were a set of steely gray eyes.
<<di police "Good morning...">>
<<di you "Mmm... g'morning... How long have you been staring at me?">>
As if until your question, he has no idea that's what he is doing. The blush starts showing and it is a new and welcoming sight to his usual calm and cool as cucumber attitude.
<<di police "Ahem... I wasn't doing that. I'm gonna go take a shower now. I stink.">>
You grin at him endearingly and set the record straight:
<<di you "I like your staring... and your stink too.">>
That trips him on his way to the bathroom and you let out a real laugh this time.
Once again, you find the space next to your bed empty. He doesn't even bother to leave a note to you either. You can physically feel the distance between you and $police.Name grows exponentially by the day.
<<link "You continue with your day" "Mcroom">>
<<pressminute add 30>>
<<set $police.state = 16>>
<</link>><<image mccon.jpg>>
All of your decisions you made have led you to this moment - where you will attend a semi-public orgy. However, are you surprised? Not really, you'd say it's par for the course given the amount of actions you've been getting lately.
<<dio "Announcer" "Gentlemen, the time has come. After a few highs and lows but mostly highs, we have our final picks for the finale and what exciting top three we have.">>
You don't miss the way he waggles his eyebrows at the word "tops". Haha, very funny...
<<dio "Announcer" "When I call out your name, please join us on the stage. First, $sus4.Name.">>
$sus4.Name acts surprised when he knows damn well that he placed first in the last round. When he walks past you, he gives you a smile and a nod:
<<di sus4 "Good luck.">>
It's probably just friendly banter but for some reason, your ass can't help but get annoyed at this. Must be because of your competitiveness. Jeez, you probably need to let loose a lil bit, being tense in an orgy sounds like a bad idea.
<<dio "Announcer" "$you.Namedis.">>
Well, here goes nothing.
<<link "The final test commence" "Mcconvention6orgy1">>
<<presshour add 1>>
<</link>><<scenechoices pol 1 0>>\
You already know what to do by this point - get them all off as soon as possible. Looking at the three handsome hunks waiting for your service, you're more than glad to fulfill that duty. Since this is gonna be a long ride, you commence by getting down on your knees to prepare them sticks.
<<video police/mcconorgy11.mp4>>
Your tongue gives equal attention to all of them. When their members are not covered by your mouth, you make sure to use your hand to squeeze out all of the precum that you can get. However, your scene partners surprise you this time around by taking the initiative unlike the ones on previous nights. They pull you up by your legs to expose your hole and then the biggest guy of the bunch begins breaching you.
As a seasoned bottom, it takes you no time to adjust to his largeness and you soon slap your own pelvis down on to his crotch to urge him. He appears to understand your actions and proceed to pound mercilessly. The pleasure of being perched up by two muscle bound studs who are radiating heat and manly musk from their sweat while your channel is being filled to its fullest is unbelievable.
<<video police/mcconorgy12.mp4>>
As much as you can stay in this same position forever, the other guys also need to cum too. Therefore, you tap their shoulders to stop them and then take the doggy position. Despite their blank expressions, they clearly understand your plan and the two of them take turns with your ass and your mouth.
<<video police/mcconorgy13.mp4>>
You are thoroughly spitroasted on the mainstage where it looks like almost a hundred people can witness. However, you don't pay them no mind since the accelerating frictions in your back tunnel and the salty and viscous taste on your tongue completely renders your brain empty of any thought.
<<dio "Scene partner 1" "Ffffuck...">>
<<dio "Scene partner 2" "So close...">>
Those words are briefly filled with emotions due to the fact that what they are feeling right now is so intense that it leaks through the powerful enchantment. You're also in the same boat and just mere seconds away from ejaculation. However, right when you think they are about to unload inside you, all of them withdraw and start jerking their cocks with vacant faces. Your chest is bathed in their thick spunk as they all take turns emptying their balls.
<<video police/mcconorgy14.mp4>>
The smells of semen, the heat of their fluid dripping down your abdomen are the last components to spark your explosive orgasm.
<<video police/mcconorgy15.mp4>>
As your cock shrinks, your legs are spread, your reddened hole is pulsing, your body is covered with fluid and surrounded by three stoic, indifferent men. The feeling of almost a hundred pairs of eyes on you makes you shiver and your member jerks out a few stray droplets of semen.
<<if $gameends>>\
<<link "Back" "Mcscenemenu">><</link>>
<<link "They announce this round's winner" "Mcconvention6talk2">>
<<pressminute add 15>>
<</if>>\<<dio "Announcer" "... and the winner of this year is... $you.Namedis">>
Surprise fills you at the declaration and the crowd erupts in applause. You must have acted like a dork on the stage, mouth wide open and face shocked. A sash is thrown over your shoulder and a nice bouquet on your hand.
<<dio "Announcer" "So what do you want to say to your adoring fans here tonight?">>
Your brain goes blank, what are you supposed to do? You haven't done anything like this before? Were you supposed to prepare a speech?
<<di you "Ahhh... umm... thanks?">>
The audience laughs thankfully with you and not at you.
<<dio "Announcer" "Why waste time say lot word when few word do trick? Everyone once again please give our champion a round of applause.">>
A cheer breaks out again as you retreat back down to the crowd. A lot of familiar as well as new faces greet you along the way offering recruitment and a lot of opportunities. It takes you quite a while to break out from the crowd to find $police.Name.
<<if $police.res >= 6>>\
It's hard to miss him because despite being in the crowd full of gorgeous people, he still stands out like a diamond in the mud.
<<di you "I won!!!">>
You show him the sash and the proof of your triumph. What you expected first was happiness but what greets you is a gritted smile.
<<di police "Well, what I should say is “congratulations”, but when I saw you on the stage doing these stuffs with them, all I thought was... FUCK! I need to get away.">>
His fists tighten in rage and he rushes away without looking back.
<<di you "Wai-">>
Before you can even tail after him a large figure blocks your path.
<<di sus3 "Hey, hot stuff. Didn't know you had it in ya.">>
Being a good country boy and a gracious winner, you reply to him.
<<di you "Thank you, but now is not the time.">>
His sweaty hand lays on your chest holding you back.
<<di sus3 "Hold on now. I'm here for an excellent business opportunity that requires the best seductor. Now that $sus1.Name is playing coy with me, you'd be the perfect replacement.">>
That triggers your spider senses and what a smooth talker this guy is.
<<di you "What do you mean that $sus1.Name is playing coy with you?">>
<<di sus3 "Not returning my call and avoiding me for the last few days, of course. What else?">>
It appears that he doesn't even know $sus1.Name is missing. Your instinct tells you that he's not acting whatsoever. Then who is the culprit?
<<di sus3 "Also, you'll join the champion feast?">>
Champion feast?
<<di you "What is that?">>
<<di sus3 "It's the special orgy full of men carefully selected to fuck the shit out of you all night, dummy.">>
So, just like the usual after competition bonus that the organizer offers in previous nights but now you have a small squad full of studs in their prime to rail your ass? That sounds super tempting.
<span id="choices">\
<<link "Go and enjoy the champion feast">>
<<replace "#choices">>\
<<di you "Tell you what? I'll check out that champion feast. We'll talk later about the business opportunity, yeah? I already have your contact.">>
He huffs clearly not happy with your answer.
<<di sus3 "Fine, you have 12 hours to get back to me. Else, the deal is off the table.">>
You give him a salute and then quickly make your eager self to the backroom thankfully without being stopped by other people with their compliments. $police.Name is completely forgotten.
<<link "You make your way to the backroom" "Mcconvention6orgy2">>
<<pressminute add 15>>
<<link "Keep looking for $police.Name">>
<<replace "#choices">>\
You need to put that aside because the main focus you have right now is $police.Name and find out what's wrong with him.
<<di you "That's nice and maybe we can talk about your business opportunity later? I still need some times to celebrate and have your contact.">>
<<di sus3 "You have 12 hours to call or the deal is off. Got it?">>
You nod dismissively and then sprint out of the room in a flash to avoid other people slowing you down with their mindless compliments.
<<link "You wander to the bar" "Mcconvention6talk6">>
<<pressminute add 15>>
Though your effort is futile when your search comes up as a failure. It looks like he doesn't want to share this celebratory moment with you at all.
<<dio "Staff" "Oh, here you are. We've been looking for you. As tradition, we've selected the best of the best studs for your champion feast.">>
That description kind of perplexes you.
<<di you "Umm... they are gonna feed me... like a king?">>
The staff laughs at your question:
<<dio "Staff" "Hahaha, no. Excuse my crudeness: they will fuck the hell out of you in this feast. So yeah... they are gonna feed you... their cocks.">>
Ooohhh, that makes sense. Your choice is:
<<link "Follow him to the backroom" "Mcconvention6orgy2">>
<<pressminute add 15>>
<<link "Look for $police.Name at your room" "Mcconvention6talk7">>
<<pressminute add 15>>
<</if>>\<<scenechoices pol 1 0>>\
The whole competition has been quite eventful and finishing with a bang is a fitting end. The kind of bang you are talking about is gangbang with these well-hung studs who are standing in front of you and waiting for your arrival.
As soon as you're noticed, they roughly pull you down and strip you clean of your clothes with utmost efficiency and proceed to smash your head against their crotch as quickly as possible. From their expressions, you believe they are still under the effect of the enchantment but their behaviors have more on edge than usual. Is this a special treat that they add in for you? However, before you can even form another thought, a huge erection already makes its swift way to your throat.
<<video police/mcconorgy21.mp4>>
You feel more like a whore rather than a champion with the way each individual facefuck you ruthlessly. One by one, they make sure you have the full buffet experience and after just a few minutes your oral cavity is coated by the mixed concoction of their precum.
Then playtime is over as you are pushed to all four and quickly filled on both ends by their manhood. While your behind is getting pounded unceasingly, saliva spills freely out of your mouth with each plunge of the veiny tools.
<<video police/mcconorgy22.mp4>>
It appears that not every single one of them are happy with just jerking on the sideline. Thus, once again you are being manhandled and flipped over so your ass can make room for another needlessly large rod. The ache, still fresh from the recent pounding you just had, is intensified tenfold, but the pain doesn't deter you at all but make your hardon turn purple iwth need.
<<video police/mcconorgy23.mp4>>
You're being knocked around for like hours until you are unable to contain it anymore. The cum is literally fucked out of your as your whole body writhe from the pleasure overload.
<<video you/youfuckcum5.mp4>>
The crew soon follows your lead and covers your mug with their thick, creamy seed.
<<video police/mcconorgy24.mp4>>
Meanwhile on the other side you're being filled over the capacity that the cum automatically flows out of your opening as soon as you are unplugged.
<<video you/youbred2.mp4>>
You smile dopely like on psychedelics with the only thought running on repeat on your mind: "I belong in here forever."
<<if $gameends>>\
<<link "Back" "Mcscenemenu">><</link>>
<<link "Leaving the room" "Mcconvention6talk3">>
<<presshour add 2>>
<</if>>\Turning the knobs of your room, a harsh but familiar voice pauses your advance.
<<di police "...I understand, but... Got it, sir... We'll wrap it up...">>
Then, the distinct sound of a cell phone being thrown on the table portrays his obvious frustration. Regardless of his mood, you still enter the room because that's what you were set out to do.
<<di police "Huh? What the hell are you doing here? Why aren't you pawning your ass out?">>
Yeah, he's definitely in a mood.
<<di you "Well, I want to see you and maybe... celebrate?">>
<<di police "Celebrate what? The fact that people are still missing? Or the fact that you're being the biggest whore of the night?">>
His tone is down right cruel and bodes no room for argument. That pisses you off.
<<di you "And that's my fault? How? If I were partnered with someone capable, this case would have been solved long ago. Hell, at least I'd have a fuck if you weren't such a limp-dicked a-hole.">>
He is in your face as soon as the last word flies out of your mouth. His roughened palms seize your throat tight and menacingly like they can snap your neck with just a simple motion.
<<di police "So that's it to you, huh? All about sucking, fucking and dick, you sex-addicted vermin? Fine, then I'll give you what you crave so much.">>
Your clothes get torn off savagely like you are being mauled by a bear. You are thrown carelessly to the bed, your head smacks against the headboard.
<<di police "Don't fucking cry when I'm done with you, bitchboy.">>
<<link "He's then on you in a blink of an eye" "Mcconvention6fuck">>
<<pressminute add 15>>
<</link>><<scenechoices pol 1 0>>\
Before you can even deflect back his name-calling, your entrance is being thoughtlessly broken in by his hard cock. That jolts a pained groan and gets you a violent smack on your buttcheek.
<<di police "I said no crying, bitch.">>
What a liar. He calls you names and insults your sex drive while his dick is rock hard the whole time?? The man clearly and carnally wants you - the whore. Long gone was the upstanding and calm officer that you first knew. He doesn't even spare you a second of respite and proceeds to fuck the shit out of you.
<<video police/mccfuck11.mp4>>
<<di police "Pff... This is what you want...? Fucking take it whore...">>
The most accurate word to describe the current state of $police.Name is frenzy. His breath is labored, his eye is full of disdain and his pelvis lets you know his contempt really well with the way it pummels your prostate like a punching bag.
<<video police/mccfuck12.mp4>>
You love it - love the feeling of being debased and the smell of his hateful pheromone. So much so, you blow your load with a barely restrained moan.
<<video you/youfuckcum2.mp4>>
<<di police "Disgusting swine... you came despite being violated... I'm honestly not surprised...">>
He continues his onslaughts of insult until he retreats from your channel:
<<di police "You don't deserve to have... my FUCKING CUM...">>
Then he sows his seed on your face denying you of the intimate notion of having his semen inside your belly.
<<video police/mccfuck13.mp4>>
<<di police "Yeah... That's the right look for you, filthy cumdumpster... Now that you got what you want... Don't bother me again and get the hell out of here.">>
He uncaringly pushes you off the bed while your whole body is still tender like you're just breadcrumbs on his sheet. You only manage to throw in a t-shirt and a short before his baleful stare repels you from the room.
<<if $gameends>>\
<<link "Back" "Mcscenemenu">><</link>>
<<link "You have no where to go but the bar" "Mcconvention6talk8">>
<<presshour add 1>>
<</if>>\Still lightheaded from the barrage of pleasure, you've just experienced so when $sus4.Name calls your name, you jump.
<<di sus4 "Woo, easy tiger. Did I scare ya?">>
He smiles at you reassuringly and continues:
<<di sus4 "Just want to drop by to say congratulations! From the look of your face, you must have one hell of a time in the champion feast, huh? Here, have some water.">>
A bottle of water is materialized in his hand. You are indeed parched so you graciously accept it and chug half a bottle in a swig. The liquid is the perfect remedy right now to revitalize your body.
<<di you "Thanks. Just what I need.">>
<<di sus4 "No problem. That's the least I can do... to pay back the fact that you took my glory... Tonight's winner was supposed to be ME!!">>
Despite his calm tone, you can detect something ugly underneath.
<<di you "Uhhh... sorry but it is what it is. I... um... played fair and uhh… s-ssquare...">>
Your speech slurs, a fuzziness is overtaking your mind.
<<di sus4 "You have no idea how much blood, tear and sweat I've spilled to prepare for this and now you RUINED ALL OF IT!!">>
<<di you "Yy-you... are...">>
Unable to form a coherent sentence, your muscles give out and you stumble into him.
<<di sus4 "You're gonna pay for it...">>
Those were the last words before darkness fills your vision.
<<link "You wake up...">>
<<set _temphour = 35 - $hour>>
<<set _tempmin = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temphour>>
<<pressminute add _tempmin>>
<<if $police.res <= 5>>
<<goto "Mcend1">>
<<goto "Mcconvention6talk4">>
<</link>><<scenechoices pol 1 0>>\
<<if not $gameends>>\
@@.title;BAD ENDING@@
Feeling like shit because your brain feels like it is stuffed full of cottons, you open your eyes you still see nothing but blackness. The next two things you're aware of is a sting on your arm and a wet hand wrapping around your hard cock. Wading through the thick swamp of pleasure and confusion, it finally hits you that your mouth is gagged and your hands are restrained. You writhe and try to shout uncontrollably.
<<di sus4 "Shhh... come on now.">>
He squeezes your balls tightly and you can't help but let out a moan. Still, your erection still hasn't died down yet.
<<di sus4 "Be still and you'll feel so good.">>
What other choice do you have? So you endure the handjob and finally achieve climax.
<<video you/youcumres1.mp4>>
<<di sus4 "Good job. Now, remember be very still.">>
Something sharp penetrates through the skin of your arm, the unpleasant and daunting sensation makes you buck again. Your bad behavior earns you a forearm on the throat - cutting off your oxygen intake.
<<di sus4 "Settle the fuck down, bitch. I just want to draw a little bit of blood.">>
You finally concede and let him violate your body.
<<di sus4 "That's better. So now that you're awake. I want to make something clear: you are now no longer a man, got it? Just a cattle for me to harvest your cum and blood. There is no escaping so at least make it comfortable, shall we?">>
Your weak muffled noise sounds even pathetic to your ears and draws a chuckle out of him.
<<di sus4 "Funny, I thought your handler would be a nuisance, but he didn't even bother to find you at all. It's like you're nothing but a random whore to him.">>
Shit... now that you reflect on all the slutty actions you've done through the sting - getting under men every chance you get. Your depravity hardly inspires any respect or care from $police.Name. Thus, even when you went missing he must have thought you were just out being a slag. Your stomach drops... is this gonna be your fate from now on?
Days pass by, you are never fed, washed so your body odor is pungent. The fluid solidifies on your body and becomes crusty but still there is no rest for you. Your blood is drawn and your wrung out member is still getting milked daily just like - as he said - a cattle.
<<video you/youcumres2.mp4>>
Your frail body struggles to take in a breath while your hard and inflamed cock is being jerked mercilessly. You're too tired of it all and just want to let go. When you finally cum, it's like a barrage of fireworks burning off all the nerves in your brain.
<<video you/youcumres3.mp4>>
<<if not $gameends>>\
<<link "Memories" "Memoriesmenu">><<set $gameends = true>><<set $stage = 0>><</link>> flash behind your eyelids. Then, the abyss comes, finally, you're free.
Then, the abyss comes, finally, you're free.
<<link "Back" "Mcscenemenu">><</link>>
<</if>>\<<if hasVisited("Mcconvention6talk3")>>\
You wake up with a ringing headache, blinding whiteness assaults your bleary eyes.
<<di police "Oh, you're finally awake!">>
His voice is full of relief as you take in the surroundings, you're in a hospital bed.
<<di police "You scared the shit out of me...">>
Then he begins recounting. After leaving you at the main stage for a few hours, seeing you still haven't returned to the room, he became worried. Turned out $police.Name broke in the rooms of the suspects and planted GPS devices on all of their luggages. Therefore, when $sus4.Name suddenly left the hotel in the middle of the night while there was another day for the closing ceremony, he grew suspicious. Thus, he tailed $sus4.Name, then finally found and rescued you. $sus4.Name is now in custody.
After a whirlwind of events, you and $police.Name finally were able to catch <<if not hasVisited("Mcconvention6talk3")>>$sus4.Name after his escape from the hotel. He is indeed behind all the kidnapping.<<else>> the culprit.<</if>> All the seductors he kidnapped were drained of their semen and blood for an ancient witch's concoction that was lost long ago. You don't know the process to make the mixture since $sus4.Name burned the recipe as well as refused to disclose it. Drinking it boosts your seductor's power significantly temporarily, that's why he needs a constant supply of seductors' blood and semen.
The reasoning behind his actions is truthfully quite sad. He's been ridiculed by many all his life for being a mediocre seductor. During the first time he joined the Sexcavation Convention's competition, some people made fun of him as being pathetic and "he should've known better to compete". Since, he grew more and more resentful under the cheery facade and swore that one day he would get the champion title. Then he found the forbidden recipe and the rest was history
Getting this year's title is pretty much a kamikaze mission to him. In his mind, it's worth getting imprisoned to finally step on all the smug seductors and laugh at their faces but then you came in and ruined his plan.
$sus1.Name was found and barely alive, the others not so lucky - already perished from blood loss. When $sus2.Name held him in his arms, you could see tears pooling in his eyes.
<<di sus2 "Fuck... I thought I lost you...">>
<<di sus1 "Don't be sappy... dickhead... I still won't be your seductor...">>
He said breathlessly as $sus2.Name laughs in relief. You understand more of their dynamic now.
<<link "Returning back to your hometown" "Mcconvention6talk5">>
<<set _temphour = 31 - $hour>>
<<set _tempmin = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temphour>>
<<pressminute add _tempmin>>
<</link>>When you see the welcoming sign of your town, it finally occurs to you that you will be back to your old boring life. The last week has felt almost like a dream and with knowledge you've never imagined is possible. $police.Name suddenly stops in front of an ordinary house.
<<di police "I've never told you this, but good job. If it weren't for you, we wouldn't have busted his ass.">>
The sentiment is nice, but you're pretty sure you did jackshit except for being a powerful seductors and a slut.
<<di you "Thanks! I learned from the best.">>
You wink at him playfully and he gives you an indulging grin.
<<di police "Umm... so... do you want to come inside for a drink?">>
The choice is up to you:
<span id="choices">\
<<link "Refuse his invite">>
<<replace "#choices">>\
<<di you "Thanks, but it's been a really long journey. I should get back home.">>
He looks devastated for a brief second before showing you an easy smile.
<<di police "Alright.">>
<<link "That concludes your first sting" "Go outside">>
<<presshour add 1>>
<<money 1000>>
<<set $stage = 0>>
<<link "Accept his invite - <b>Ending</b>" "Mcendfuck">>
</span>\<<scenechoices pol 1 0>>\
As soon as the door is closed, you push him against the door and give him a kiss. Soon enough, the roll is reversed as his tongue plies your lips open and scours your oral cavity with ferocity. After what feels like forever, he finally breaks the kiss.
<<di police "What's that for?">>
<<di you "Do I even need to tell you, dummy? I want you and if you don't fuck me right now and right here, I'll bust your balls. Don't give me the “professional” BS, our job is done.">>
He growls playfully and grabs your legs so they wrap around his hip.
<<di police "As you wish.">>
He effortlessly carries you up the stairs to his bed and sensually strips for you. Eagerly you follow his lead but at a more impatient pace. You two once again join in another long passionate kiss until you're aching with need.
<<di you "Fuck foreplay. I want you inside me now!">>
<<di police "Shit... yeah... I don't think I'll last long either.">>
Still, when he inserts his erection against your entrance, it is torturously slow. He must be scared of hurting you.
<<video police/mccfuck21.mp4>>
<<di police "Ffffuck... you feel so good...">>
Blessedly, he accelerates his movement gradually and reaches the point of pistoning in and out of your hole like a well-oiled machine. The hearsay of policemen being out of shape is officially debunked right here in his bed as you moan and groan from the incredible way your prostate is being played with.
<<video police/mccfuck22.mp4>>
<<di police "Sssshit... babe... I'M COMING!!">>
His rod plunges into you and pulsates rapidly to deliver his seed into the deepest part of your body. His explosive orgasm sets off your own.
<<video you/youbred3.mp4>>
Throughout the afterglow, you can feel his kisses peppered around your neck. You've never been any place safer than his warm embrace.
<<link "Then..." "Mcend2">><</link>><<scenechoices pol 1 0>>\
<<if not $gameends>>\
@@.title;GOOD ENDING@@
Years pass by as your relationship grows until one day he asks you to marry him. Of course you say yes, he was the one who played hard to get not you.
He still continues his work as the detective for seductor-related case and that worries you due to the dangerous nature of going undercover. However, when you ask to join him in some cases, he refuses:
<<di police "I don't want you to get in harm's way... Also, I'll be distracted all the time.">>
You grin at him flirtily:
<<di you "Distracted? How?">>
He grabs your ass to grind his hard member against yours.
<<di police "You know how.">>
Then, you start another round of "distracting" with him.
<<image police/polend.jpg>>
<<if not $gameends>>\
Looking back at the <<link "memories" "Memoriesmenu">><<set $gameends = true>><<set $stage = 0>><</link>>, you appreciate them more since they led you to the life with the most wonderful person in the world, $police.Name.
Looking back at the memories, you appreciate them more since they led you to the life with the most wonderful person in the world, $police.Name.
<<link "Back" "Mcscenemenu">><</link>>
<</if>>\After scanning through your room, the lobby, you finally reach the bar to continue the pursuit of $police.Name. Before you can even take a careful look, the sounds of $sus4.Name calls out to you:
<<di sus4 "Heyyy! Here is our champion. Come on, sit down.">>
He strong arms you to the seat with a surprising force.
<<di you "Thanks, but I really gotta go.">>
<<di sus4 "Are you refusing the olive branch of your runner up? That's rude, man.">>
<<di you "Again, thank you but I've got stuff to attend to.">>
<<di sus4 "Are you serious? Don't you have any respect for me at all?">>
He frowns at you - really insisting on you having the drink. Though it rubs you the wrong way, you're a polite boy at heart and in fact quite thirsty from running around. Maybe a sip won't hurt. However, the drink is suddenly snatched from your hand from a drunk looking $police.Name.
<<di police "Y-you're already flirting with another guy? Do you even think of me, at all?">>
His speech is slurred - an indication that he's drunk and not in his right mind.
<<di you "What are you talking about? I'm just-...">>
<<di police "Do you know how it pains me to see you up there on stage - performing such as with them... every night! Smiling through it and wishing that was me... in their places??">>
That means he has a crush on you???
<<di police "Shit...!">>
He then takes a swig of the drink on his hand to calm his nerves.
<<di sus4 "Wa-,... umm sorry, but I gotta go.">>
A strange expression passes through his face as he makes an extremely hasty retreat. Really? Is your soap opera really that awkward? Ignoring that interruption, you turn back to what matters right now:
<<di you "I'm not flirting with anyone. If that's what you want then why were you pushing me away when I made advances to you?">>
He mumbles unclearly.
<<di police "S'posed to be professional...">>
<<di you "Fuck being professional... I want you and you want me, let's just fuck. It's that simple.">>
<<di police "I-I don't... feel... so good...">>
You grimace and are completely exasperated by this stubborn man.
<<di you "What? Why?">>
He suddenly collapses his full weight on your body and whispers to your ear with difficulty:
<<di police "Drug...">>
Then he passes out cold. Wait, does he mean there is a drug in the drink? The drink which $sus4.Name gave you. You are in fact a very strong seductor. Therefore, $sus4.Name is the kidnapper!!?!
<<link "You wait for $police.Name to recover and get $sus4.Name to custody" "Mcconvention6talk4">>
<<set _temphour = 35 - $hour>>
<<set _tempmin = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temphour>>
<<pressminute add _tempmin>>
<</link>>Not really sure where to go, you wander off to the bar to get a drink and maybe get a hook-up. Upon entering the space, a voice calls out to you:
<<di sus4 "Hey, $you.Namedis. Over here! I got a drink for you.">>
Well, a familiar face to start off the night is more than welcomed and you're not one to refuse free alcohol. So you sit by him and graciously accept his gift.
<<di you "Thanks man. I really need that.">>
Taking a sip, you hear his overly cheery voice:
<<di sus4 "Didn't have the chance to congratulate you. I was going to right after the competition but you immediately disappeared.">>
<<di you "Well, now it's your chance.">>
<<di sus4 "Hahaha... To be honest, I'm really jealous of you. Becoming the Sexcavation Convention's champion has been a goal of mine for a long time...">>
<<di you "Uhh... umm... really?">>
Suddenly, your brain feels foggy. Damn that drink must be really strong.
<<di sus4 "Yep... I've done everything, shed so much tears, sweat and blood hoping to finally become one this year... but then you took it.">>
His words grow colder and colder by the seconds. You on the other hand feel so tired and sleepy.
<<di sus4 "...So you're gonna have to pay for it...">>
Those are the last words before your vision goes completely black.
<<link "You wake up..." "Mcend1">>
<<set _temphour = 35 - $hour>>
<<set _tempmin = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temphour>>
<<pressminute add _tempmin>>
<</link>><<aff pol minus 1>>\
Taking a walk through the fitness center, you swear you're here to investigate and not ogle half-naked sweaty men. Stopping by the swimming pool, a figure is cutting through the pool with decisive strokes like a man on a mission. When he pulls himself out of the water, you realize that it's the seminarian and damn! He really has a smoking hot body under all of those stuffy clothes that you saw him in. Of course, you have to go and get chummy with him:
<<di you "Hey, what a coincidence seeing you here again.">>
Turning his head slowly, he squints at you, not entirely friendly.
<<dio "Seminarian" "Is it really a coincidence?">>
<<di you "Haha, of course. Otherwise, you must go to the gym a lot, huh?">>
It seems his resolve is no match for your seductor's charm as he gives you the answer willingly:
<<dio "Seminarian" "Yeah, this is where I go to clear my head, especially now.">>
<<di you "Oh yeah, what is the occasion? I suppose you stay at this hotel for a reason.">>
<<dio "Seminarian" "I'm here for the final evaluation to enter priesthood at the nearby seminary. However, lately it's getting harder... Wh-why am I telling you this? Especially..., your kind.">>
The sharpness under the word "your kind" is not appreciated. However, your motto is make love not war, so your next words are:
<<di you "Hey, it's okay. When you become a priest, you will have to shoulder a lot of responsibilities from others. It's not wrong to want to alleviate the weights in your mind by sharing your story with me...">>
You touch his granite shoulder tenderly as his heated stare glued on your hand.
<<di you "... I can also help you get a load off and clear your mind even further.">>
He looks up sharply. Your gazes clash fiercely until he finally admits defeat to the pleasure:
<<dio "Seminarian" "Right...">>
He then walks to the locker room without seeing if you follow or not. Obviously, you do, corrupting self-righteous men like him is getting up there on the list of your favorite pastimes.
<<link "Follow him to the locker" "Mcsbj">>
<<if $hour < 13>>
<<set _temphour = 12 - $hour>>
<<set _tempmin = 60 - $minute>>
<<set _temphour = 17 - $hour>>
<<set _tempmin = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temphour>>
<<pressminute add _tempmin>>
<</link>><<scenechoices pol 1 0>>\
<<di you "How do you like to...">>
<<dio "Seminarian" "Just shut up and get on with it.">>
He retorts crassly, cutting off your sentence before dropping his pants down which hides a now proudly jutting erection.
<<di you "Okay, if that's what you want.">>
You want to purposefully be chatty to get on his nerves, but the sight of the mouth-watering cock puts a hold on that plan. First, your tongue traces the underside of the length to the mushroom tip. The saliva drawn out by his salt is the perfect catalyst for his dick to glide into your mouth smoothly.
<<video police/mcsbj1.mp4>>
You can't help but moan obscenely and apparently he doesn't like that.
<<dio "Seminarian" "Shut your disgusting mouth.">>
With that said, he slams his pelvis forward with immense strength and lodges the girthy rod to the back of your throat. That's one effective way to silence you because now you're gasping like a fish on land and unable to control your own spit and snot from flowing freely. He doesn't just stop there but continue to fuck into your mouth with abandon.
<<video police/mcsbj2.mp4>>
<<dio "Seminarian" "Yeahhhh... choke on it, you fucking scum.">>
Perhaps, it is because of his lack of experience combined with his distaste for you. His movement completely disregards any illusion of care for you like you're one of the numerous sex toys that he plans to discard immediately right after.
As the intensity of his thrust mounts to the point of no return, he abruptly removes his manhood to give it a stroke before erupting into your tongue.
<<video police/mcsbj3.mp4>>
As he is recovering from the orgasm, his breathing even and something like regret begins to kick in:
<<dio "Seminarian" "Wh-what am I doing?">>
He hastily tucks himself in a state of frazzle before giving you a loathing look as he exits.
<<dio "Seminarian" "Stay away from me!">>
The taste of his cum on your tongue makes it quite hard to stay away though. You'd love to bump into him again one way or another.
<<if $gameends>>\
<<link "Back" "Mcscenemenu">><</link>>
<<if $hour <= 13>>\
<<link "You continue the investigation" $you.location>>
<<set $police.sprog = 2>>
<<link "The night comes and it's time for the convention">>
<<set _temphour = 19 - $hour>>
<<set _tempmin = 60 - $minute>>
<<set $police.sprog ++>>
<<presshour add _temphour>>
<<pressminute add _tempmin>>
<<if $police.state == 16>>
<<goto "Mcconvention6talk1">>
<<elseif $police.state == 15>>
<<goto "Mcconvention5talk1">>
<<elseif $police.state == 14>>
<<goto "Mcconvention4talk1">>
<<elseif $police.state == 13>>
<<goto "Mcconvention3hj1">>
<<goto "Mcconvention2talk1">>
<</if>>\<<aff pol minus 1>>\
Moments after you exit the elevator, a hand grabs your shoulder roughly with a low grunt:
<<dio "Seminarian" "Hey, you!">>
<<di you "Heyyyy, how was the test?">>
The distorted emotion on his face tells that it didn't go well. Still you feign innocence just to rub salt into his wound.
<<dio "Seminarian" "I fucking failed because of you!">>
<<di you "Wait... this is not the place to get an outburst...">>
You signal the surroundings and the crowd has caught wind of the potential drama between you two. That quiets him, but you aren't really that scared of this confrontation and would like to see where this will go.
<<di you "How about we come back to my room and we'll talk there?">>
He nods rigidly before following you back to your hotel which is blessedly not on the higher floors. Upon entering the room, his tirade continues:
<<dio "Seminarian" "It's because of you that I need to spend another year repenting for my sin and for what you did to me.">>
<<di you "Wait... Don't tell me that you actually confessed to them about what we did?">>
Him not having a rebuttal to that is enough proof that he did indeed admit to his sins. Do you feel a slight bit of empathy for the guy? No, he doesn't see you in a great light and absolutely deserves retribution for such hatred. Your collar gets pulled roughly as he breaths hot fire to your face:
<<dio "Seminarian" "You're a corruptive snake and a force of evil.">>
That does it, you meet him head on and both of your lips are merely an inch apart.
<<di you "Yeah? So what are you gonna do about it? Punish me?">>
Immediately after your taunt, you're being flipped over and thrown on the couch.
<<link "The punishment begins" "Mcsfuck">>
<<if $hour < 13>>
<<set _temphour = 12 - $hour>>
<<set _tempmin = 60 - $minute>>
<<set _temphour = 17 - $hour>>
<<set _tempmin = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temphour>>
<<pressminute add _tempmin>>
<</link>><<scenechoices pol 1 0>>\
He unrobes himself quickly and doesn't even bother to undress you. Knowing you have pushed him to this savage edge ignite a flame inside you.
Without much warning, he enters you raw and dry which makes you wince from the sting. However with much of your experience, you're able to weather storms and find pleasure amid the pain.
<<video police/mcsfuck1.mp4>>
<<dio "Seminarian" "Fuck... what a rotted slut. You're moaning just from me abusing your hole.">>
Your reaction must egg him on because he doubles the effort and accelerates the pace of pummeling your channel. Suddenly, he then flips you over again which helps you to see the lust-ridden expression on his face. He stares at you with a scary intensity as his hand snakes around your throat. Naturally, his grip on your neck tightens as his emotion climbs and borders between want and anger.
<<video police/mcsfuck2.mp4>>
<<dio "Seminarian" "Take it, bitch... Here it FUCKING COMES!!!">>
With the final slams, his manhood begins to desecrate your tunnel and breed you full of his seed.
<<video you/youbred6.mp4>>
His grip now completely cuts off your windpipe and that sends you over the edges too - cumming helplessly under the tight hold he has on you.
<<video you/youfuckcum4.mp4>>
Blessedly, he still is a man of god and murder is one of the biggest sins, so the chokehold on you is released. While still being delirious from the climax and lack of oxygen, you feel a wet splat on your cheeks accompanied with a voice filled with disdain.
<<dio "Seminarian" "Don't ever let me see your face again.">>
After being degraded and used like that? You sure as hell will pray to the high heaven to have a chance to see him again.
<<if $gameends>>\
<<link "Back" "Mcscenemenu">><</link>>
<<if $hour <= 13>>\
<<link "You continue the investigation" $you.location>>
<<set $police.sprog ++>>
<<link "The night comes and it's time for the convention">>
<<set _temphour = 19 - $hour>>
<<set _tempmin = 60 - $minute>>
<<set $police.sprog ++>>
<<presshour add _temphour>>
<<pressminute add _tempmin>>
<<if $police.state == 16>>
<<goto "Mcconvention6talk1">>
<<elseif $police.state == 15>>
<<goto "Mcconvention5talk1">>
<<elseif $police.state == 14>>
<<goto "Mcconvention4talk1">>
<<elseif $police.state == 13>>
<<goto "Mcconvention3hj1">>
<<goto "Mcconvention2talk1">>
<</if>>\<<aff pol minus 1>>\
Walking in the spacious restaurant and seeing the businessman having a drink with one of his colleagues, you can't help but approach.
<<dio "Businessman 1" "... Those fuckers undercutting us. We've been working with them for ages too. just because of a small monetary difference, they are willing to abandon us.">>
There is a clear frustration in his voice and it sounds like his business deal is not going so well. The older man sitting in front of your acquainted businessman sighs and barely holds back his irritation as well.
<<dio "Businessman 2" "That's just how things go. It's all about gains and profits, so we need to adjust and adapt to compete with them. Let's just go back to the drawing board and restrategize.">>
Looking up from his drink, he finally notices your presence.
<<dio "Businessman 1" "Oh, it's you.">>
His colleague turns towards you and asks:
<<dio "Businessman 2" "Who is he?">>
<<dio "Businessman 1" "Um... uh... the one I told you about...">>
The older man's brows rise up.
<<dio "Businessman 2" "That one?">>
He nods at the question before telling you:
<<dio "Businessman 1" "Now is not the tim-...">>
<<dio "Businessman 2" "Wait, hang on now. We're here for business but a bit of pleasure also doesn't hurt.">>
Your acquainted businessman looks surprised at that comment. The older guy faces you and, despite its outward calmness, his expression feels calculating.
<<dio "Businessman 2" "We need relief after some stressful businesses. Surely, you're up to help us out?">>
Of course, that's a given because you love servicing men and the more the merrier. Before you know it, you already follow back into their suite.
<<link "Entering the suite" "Mcbbj">>
<<if $hour < 13>>
<<set _temphour = 12 - $hour>>
<<set _tempmin = 60 - $minute>>
<<set _temphour = 17 - $hour>>
<<set _tempmin = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temphour>>
<<pressminute add _tempmin>>
<</link>><<scenechoices pol 1 0>>\
Right after you enter the room, the older businessman tells you as he fishes his member out:
<<dio "Businessman 2" "Kneel.">>
<<dio "Businessman 1" "Wait, you want him to blow you?">>
<<dio "Businessman 2" "Of fucking course, I don't want to waste that much of my time just to get a handjob.">>
Before they can even finish the argument, you already engulf the hardening length and the older man hisses delightedly at the contact. It seems awkward to not follow suit, so the other businessman also unzips with his hand to expose his member.
<<video police/mcbbj1.mp4>>
Immediately after making sure the second businessman's cock is drenched, you move on to the other aching rod and devour it in one go. However, only after a minute of sucking, the older man gets impatient and pulls your head back and slams his dick into your orifice greedily.
<<video police/mcbbj2.mp4>>
This battle for your mouth persists all through until the younger businessman shouts:
<<dio "Businessman 1" "Get fucking ready!!">>
You tip your head up eagerly and within just seconds, hot liquid splatters on your cheek and lips as the guy groans roughly through the climax.
<<video police/mcbbj3.mp4>>
Witnessing the scene also triggers the older man's orgasm too as he grunts deeply. Long strings of semen almost miss your open tongue and lips if you didn't turn your head as quickly as possible.
<<video police/mcbbj4.mp4>>
<<dio "Businessman 2" "Shitttt... this is the best fucking whore I've had.">>
The degrading word doesn't wane your arousal but instead pushes you over the edge as you spill messily over the hardwood floor.
<<dio "Businessman 1" "Goddamn... gotta admit, he got some skills.">>
<<dio "Businessman 2" "And you planned to just let him give us handjobs? Pfft... learn to utilize every resource... That's business 101...">>
Their chatter indicates that they have really no care for you. You're just merely a tool at their disposal. Of course, you get booted out soon enough when their needs are sated. Having heard of it, now you have a firsthand understanding of the typical finance bros' mentality.
<<if $gameends>>\
<<link "Back" "Mcscenemenu">><</link>>
<<if $hour <= 13>>\
<<link "You continue the investigation" $you.location>>
<<set $police.bprog ++>>
<<link "The night comes and it's time for the convention">>
<<set _temphour = 19 - $hour>>
<<set _tempmin = 60 - $minute>>
<<set $police.bprog ++>>
<<presshour add _temphour>>
<<pressminute add _tempmin>>
<<if $police.state == 16>>
<<goto "Mcconvention6talk1">>
<<elseif $police.state == 15>>
<<goto "Mcconvention5talk1">>
<<elseif $police.state == 14>>
<<goto "Mcconvention4talk1">>
<<elseif $police.state == 13>>
<<goto "Mcconvention3hj1">>
<<goto "Mcconvention2talk1">>
<</if>>\<<aff pol minus 1>>\
Right when you walk away from the gym, you are stopped by the two businessmen that you had a little bit of fun with.
<<dio "Businessmen 1" "Hey, do you want to make some cash?">>
Well, they sure do know how to capture your attention.
<<di you "Hello to you too. It depends, what do you want?">>
And that's how you end up in a 2-piece suit sitting in a small room. Your task is to "convince" their business partner to sign the contract with your "expertise". When the two guys walk into the room - the younger one who looks like an assistant to the older gentleman exclaims loudly:
<<dio "Assistant" "What is the meaning of this? Why is there a guy here? Where is our girl?">>
<<dio "Boss" "Calm down, Roy. He'll be the one to service us today.">>
The boss appears nonchalant and in fact a bit pleased inspecting you from head to toe.
<<dio "Assistant" "What, sir? That means you...">>
<<dio "Boss" "I don't know about you but the moment I step foot inside this hotel, my balls suddenly ache so bad. Breeding a bitch boy like him sound like a great idea to me.">>
<<dio "Assistant" "But, sir...">>
<<dio "Boss" "I'd be offended if you don't join me.">>
The steel in his voice is accompanied by a displeased grimace on his face that leaves the poor assistant no option but to comply:
<<dio "Assistant" "Okay, sir.">>
With that resolved, you now focus on making their pay for your special service worthwhile.
<<link "Start your dayjob" "Mcbfuck">>
<<if $hour < 13>>
<<set _temphour = 12 - $hour>>
<<set _tempmin = 60 - $minute>>
<<set _temphour = 17 - $hour>>
<<set _tempmin = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temphour>>
<<pressminute add _tempmin>>
<</link>><<scenechoices pol 1 0>>\
Knowing the assistant is still a little bit spooked by your presence, you start off slowly by getting their members out and proceed with a little bit of tongue action. Using every trick in the books, you devour their members and elicit appreciative noises out of them.
<<video police/mcbfuck1.mp4>>
Unable to help yourself, you direct the two hard lengths close and swivel their bulbous heads against each other. That maneuver evokes a surprised jolt out of the assistant. It must be the first time the guy has ever touched another cock in his life.
<<video police/mcbfuck2.mp4>>
<<dio "Assistant" "Holy shit...">>
<<dio "Boss" "Ffffuck, boy... bring your ass over here.">>
The old boss orders you and from the ravenous look on his face, he wants a piece of your ass. So you follow suit, drop your trousers to expose your pink hole. He wastes no time lining up his girthy rod against your entrance and plunging in with no resistance. The delicious feeling of hot intrusion drives you both crazy with lust.
<<dio "Boss" "Damn... you are one tight bitch... Roy, you gotta try him...">>
The assistant's eyes are half-lidded, his expression is dripped with arousal. Therefore, he doesn't even hesitate to dive deep into the first gay experience of his life. The assistant is a slight bit smaller than his boss but it never fails to smash right into your love button and draw moans and precum out of you.
<<video police/mcbfuck3.mp4>>
<<dio "Boss" "Ssssshit... Spread your legs wider, Roy.">>
He instinctively follows the boss' command and his shock gasp fills the room as he realizes his boss is now entering him from behind. Despite the sudden invasion, he doesn't protest instead takes a few breathers to adjust. He then proceeds to gyrate on the older man's cock and in turns fucking you with a renewed ferocity.
<<video police/mcbfuck4.mp4>>
<<dio "Assistant" "Sssshit, sir... I'm so close...">>
<<dio "Boss" "Stop! I'm not finished yet... You can watch that whore bounce on my dick...">>
So you do and sit on him as his large club stretches you fully. In this angle, his hips are able to pummel your prostate relentlessly while the assistant is stroking his cock on the sideline, watching.
<<video police/mcbfuck5.mp4>>
<<dio "Boss" "Fffffuck...... you can cum now, Roy... cuz I'm about to bust!">>
The guy must be on his beck and call everyday because upon receiving that order, he proceeds to paint your face and mouth with pearly juice.
<<video police/Mcbfuck6.mp4>>
Meanwhile, his boss slams into your tunnel with a surprising force for an old guy and fills it up with his impregnating essence.
<<video police/mcbfuck7.mp4>>
Naturally, it only takes a few strokes for you to join in with them as your cum stain the boss' silk tie.
<<video police/mcbfuck8.mp4>>
After coming down from the orgasms, the boss has a pleased smile on his face and gives you his business card - clearly satisfied with your service. It also looks like your work is a success because the two businessmen give you the pay gladly along with a "good job". Hmm, if this is what business negotiations entail, you are inclined to learn more about the career after all.
<<if $gameends>>\
<<link "Back" "Mcscenemenu">><</link>>
<<if $hour <= 13>>\
<<link "You continue the investigation" $you.location>>
<<set $police.bprog ++>>
<<money 200>>
<<link "The night comes and it's time for the convention">>
<<set _temphour = 19 - $hour>>
<<set _tempmin = 60 - $minute>>
<<set $police.bprog ++>>
<<money 200>>
<<presshour add _temphour>>
<<pressminute add _tempmin>>
<<if $police.state == 16>>
<<goto "Mcconvention6talk1">>
<<elseif $police.state == 15>>
<<goto "Mcconvention5talk1">>
<<elseif $police.state == 14>>
<<goto "Mcconvention4talk1">>
<<elseif $police.state == 13>>
<<goto "Mcconvention3hj1">>
<<goto "Mcconvention2talk1">>
<</if>>\<<aff pol minus 1>>\
Trodding on the marble floor, you catch sight of the husband who sits stiffly on a chair and mumbles to himself.
<<dio "Husband" "... went shopping? I thought honeymoons were for lounging and sex. Why would you do shopping now??">>
<<di you "Hey, nice day, isn't it?">>
Hearing your voice his spine stiffens and awkwardly answers you.
<<dio "Husband" "Yeah... uhh… it is...">>
That is enough of an invitation for you to sit across from him. Even then, he doesn't even have the gall to look at you.
<<di you "Hmm... where is the other lovebird?">>
<<dio "Husband" "Eh... she's shopping.">>
<<di you "And you're not with her?">>
Now he looks annoyed at your dig.
<<dio "Husband" "No, her idea of fun differs from mine. I don't enjoy tagging along in her long winded shopping trip like a lost puppy.">>
Pausing to give him a little room to breath, you decide to strike while the iron is still hot:
<<di you "Okay, so why don't we go and do something that is fun-ner in your books then?">>
Even a blind man, who is unable to see the way you're licking your lips, can detect the clear innuendo and seduction you're putting out there. The husband looks positively torn at your appeal. However, his current situation of sitting around in the hotel lobby waiting for his wife to return like a loser is absolutely miserable, so he give you a curt nod:
<<dio "Husband" "Okay...">>
<<link "You two find a discreet spot" "Mchbj">>
<<if $hour < 13>>
<<set _temphour = 12 - $hour>>
<<set _tempmin = 60 - $minute>>
<<set _temphour = 17 - $hour>>
<<set _tempmin = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temphour>>
<<pressminute add _tempmin>>
<</link>><<scenechoices pol 1 0>>\
Shortly after reaching a discreet area, you decide to take the rein by kneeling down to point him in the right direction.
<<di you "Let's get more comfortable, shall we?">>
That's a rhetorical question since you immediately pull his pants down and his large erection springs and slaps on his abdomen. You lick your lips hungrily:
<<di you "Well, look at that beautiful piece of meat. Has anyone told you that?">>
<<dio "Husband" "Not really, I know I'm above average and that can be an issue sometimes.">>
Poor guy, he desperately needs loving and you're ready to show him some. Gulping down his hard member, you feel its pulse inside the confinement and a satisfied hiss travels to your ears. The taste of a man in his prime is delicious and potent, his precum is so thick on your tongue like honey.
<<video police/mchbj1.mp4>>
<<dio "Husband" "Ffffuck... your mouth... it's fucking amazing...">>
He appears to be lost in the pleasure as his hips move on their own volition and his hand grasping your hair to push his length even further down your throat. His girth stretches your lips to its limit and with the speed he's thrusting into you, your lips are gonna burn from the incredible friction.
<<video police/mchbj2.mp4>>
<<dio "Husband" "Ssssshit... I'M COMING!!!">>
He pulls out, gives the cock a few strokes and spray his testosterone filled semen. It feels like there is still some fidelity inside him that prevents him from busting it so deep down your throat. You don't mind it though because this way you can savor the gelatinous and tangy substance seeping slowly into your taste receptors.
<<video police/mchbj3.mp4>>
<<dio "Husband" "Fffuck... I needed that...">>
He sighs blissfully, this time around he doesn't appear so shaken like the first time.
<<dio "Husband" "Gotta give it to you. This is the best head I've ever received.">>
You don't really need him saying that to confirm your ability but still it is much appreciated.
<<di you "Thanks, I'm always doing my best to keep everyone happy.">>
Which is probably not the wisest thing to say in this circumstance because the wife is definitely not happy if she learned about this. Afterwards, there is nothing else to do or say besides leaving in awkwardness.
<<if $gameends>>\
<<link "Back" "Mcscenemenu">><</link>>
<<if $hour <= 13>>\
<<link "You continue the investigation" $you.location>>
<<set $police.hprog ++>>
<<link "The night comes and it's time for the convention">>
<<set _temphour = 19 - $hour>>
<<set _tempmin = 60 - $minute>>
<<set $police.hprog ++>>
<<presshour add _temphour>>
<<pressminute add _tempmin>>
<<if $police.state == 16>>
<<goto "Mcconvention6talk1">>
<<elseif $police.state == 15>>
<<goto "Mcconvention5talk1">>
<<elseif $police.state == 14>>
<<goto "Mcconvention4talk1">>
<<elseif $police.state == 13>>
<<goto "Mcconvention3hj1">>
<<goto "Mcconvention2talk1">>
<</if>>\<<aff pol minus 1>>\
A commotion breaks out in the normally quiet dining space.
<<dio "Wife" "... my special vacation, why are you acting like such a dick? Can't I do something I enjoy?">>
You didn't recognize the voice at first but her standing up and throwing the napkin let you know that it was the honeymoon couple. The husband darts his eyes around awkwardly before pleading:
<<dio "Husband" "Please, calm down. I'm sorry, okay?">>
<<dio "Wife" "Oh yes, I'm gonna take a calming walk and need some alone time. I suggest you do the same to think about what you said too.">>
Her heels clack angrily on the marble floor as she exits the area leaving her husband slumping over the half-eaten dish of pasta. Not wanting to see him in such a mood, you take the chance to sit opposite of him and ask:
<<di you "Wanna talk about it?">>
Stopping pushing his food around, he looks up at you. His expression is not particularly welcoming.
<<dio "Husband" "Oh, it's you...">>
Resuming toying with the meatballs as he mulls things over in his mind and finally release a sigh:
<<dio "Husband" "I don't know why but I'm extra horny these days so I suggest staying inside for some fun instead of doing the activities she planned... As you can see, it didn't go over well.">>
The clank of the silverware against the dish conveys his frustration. Understanding your own capability, you don't even hesitate to give him the suggestion:
<<di you "I can help make your frustration go away... and no one will know about it.">>
You can feel the intense heat from his gaze, it borders between guilt and lust. After an eternity of war inside his head, he finally concedes:
<<dio "Husband" "I really shouldn't do this...">>
Regardless of his words, he stands up and walks away from the restaurants with you hot on his trail without meeting any objection.
<<link "Arrive at your room" "Mchfuck">>
<<if $hour < 13>>
<<set _temphour = 12 - $hour>>
<<set _tempmin = 60 - $minute>>
<<set _temphour = 17 - $hour>>
<<set _tempmin = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temphour>>
<<pressminute add _tempmin>>
<</link>><<scenechoices pol 1 0>>\
Inside your room, you continue the same strategy and take the initiative by undressing him:
<<di you "Let me take your mind of things just for awhile, okay?">>
He doesn't reply, but from his shallow breathing, you can tell he is appreciative of your caressing and worshiping of his body. It'd be a dream to have him all over you and dominate fully so you ask:
<<di you "How about you use my ass, big guy?">>
That put him into a pause, he doesn't look shocked but still there is a big bout of hesitation in the back of his mind but then fortunately get overridden by lust:
<<dio "Husband" "Then get on all four. I'm gonna breed you.">>
He need not say more and you strip in record time to present your hole to him like a wanton slut. You aren't really sure what to expect but him gently easing his huge cock through your tight entrance is totally not high on the list.
<<video police/mchfuck1.mp4>>
<<dio "Husband" "Sssshit... Your hole, it's so hot and tight...">>
His gentleness soon comes to pass and his pistoning intensifies once the forbidden fruit is consumed. He easily man-handles your own body like it's nothing as the fervor mounting.
<<video police/mchfuck2.mp4>>
<<dio "Husband" "Fffff... your inside is perfect to bear my children... do you want it?">>
Even with asking, his pace never halts once like he wants to drill it down the idea of breeding you.
<<di you "Yes, please. Impregnate me and fill me up with your potent semen so that I have no choice but to have your child.">>
<<dio "Husband" "ARGHHHHH!!">>
His roar is thundering as he delivers exactly on your wish. You can feel at least a dozen thick cumshots coating our inner walls. His pulsating dick also refuses to shrink and leaves your body like he wants to ensure the success of the insemination.
<<video you/youbred5.mp4>>
<<dio "Husband" "Ssshit... ahhh... damn... If only that could happen for real...">>
Breaking out from the haze, he only manages to utter out a string of incoherent sentences with a touch of wistfulness. It's almost like he wants to have kids but unable to do so and even with his wife?
Still, you really don't have the opportunity to wonder further since this is just a temporary fling. After leaving this room, who knows when you two will see each other again?
<<if $gameends>>\
<<link "Back" "Mcscenemenu">><</link>>
<<if $hour <= 13>>\
<<link "You continue the investigation" $you.location>>
<<set $police.hprog ++>>
<<link "The night comes and it's time for the convention">>
<<set _temphour = 19 - $hour>>
<<set _tempmin = 60 - $minute>>
<<set $police.hprog ++>>
<<presshour add _temphour>>
<<pressminute add _tempmin>>
<<if $police.state == 16>>
<<goto "Mcconvention6talk1">>
<<elseif $police.state == 15>>
<<goto "Mcconvention5talk1">>
<<elseif $police.state == 14>>
<<goto "Mcconvention4talk1">>
<<elseif $police.state == 13>>
<<goto "Mcconvention3hj1">>
<<goto "Mcconvention2talk1">>
<<set _temprd = random(1,2)>>
<<if _temprd == 1>>
<<set _tempdi = "Hotel guest">>
<<set _tempdi = "Hotel staff">>
<<set _temprds = random(1,3)>>
<<aff pol minus 1>>\
If you didn't pay attention, you wouldn't notice the many flittering gazes that follow your footsteps.
<<scenechoices pol 1 0>>\
Abruptly, a <<if _temprd == 1>>man who looks like a guest<<else>>a male staff<</if>> stands in front of you with a heated look in his eyes.
<<dio _tempdi "Excuse me, can you go over there with me quickly?">>
From the way he walks weirdly to his sandpapery voice, you already understand what he comes to you for. Therefore, when you both are in a secured and secluded area, you waste no time to give him a blowjob.
<<if _temprds == 1>>\
<<video resman/resmanbj2.mp4>>
<<elseif _temprds == 2>>\
<<video otherchar/dealerbj2.mp4>>
<<video bro/brobathroombj1.mp4>>
<<dio _tempdi "Sssshitttt... ARGHHHH!!!">>
<<if _temprds == 1>>\
<<video resman/resmanbjcum1.mp4>>
<<elseif _temprds == 2>>\
<<video otherchar/dealerbjcum1.mp4>>
<<video bro/brobathroombjcum1.mp4>>
He also has the same idea and finishes within just a few minutes. Immediately after climaxing, a strange look clouds over his face like he cannot believe what just transpired between you two.
<<if $gameends>>\
<<link "Back" "Mcscenemenu">><</link>>
<<if $hour <= 13>>\
<<link "You continue the investigation" $you.location>>
<<link "The night comes and it's time for the convention">>
<<set _temphour = 19 - $hour>>
<<set _tempmin = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temphour>>
<<pressminute add _tempmin>>
<<if $police.state == 16>>
<<goto "Mcconvention6talk1">>
<<elseif $police.state == 15>>
<<goto "Mcconvention5talk1">>
<<elseif $police.state == 14>>
<<goto "Mcconvention4talk1">>
<<elseif $police.state == 13>>
<<goto "Mcconvention3hj1">>
<<goto "Mcconvention2talk1">>
<<set _temprd = random(1,2)>>
<<if _temprd == 1>>
<<set _tempdi = "Hotel guest">>
<<set _tempdi = "Hotel staff">>
<<set _temprds = random(1,3)>>
<<aff pol minus 1>>\
If you didn't pay attention, you wouldn't notice the many flittering gazes that follow your footsteps.
<<scenechoices pol 1 0>>\
Abruptly, a <<if _temprd == 1>>man who looks like a guest<<else>>a male staff<</if>> stands in front of you with a heated look in his eyes.
<<dio _tempdi "Excuse me, can you go over there with me quickly?">>
From the way he walks weirdly to his sandpapery voice, you already understand what he comes to you for. Therefore, when you both are in a secured and secluded area, you waste no time to give him a ride.
<<if _temprds == 1>>\
<<video bro/brojeafuck1.mp4>>
<<elseif _temprds == 2>>\
<<video resman/resmanfuck1.mp4>>
<<video dad/dadfuck5.mp4>>
<<dio _tempdi "Sssshitttt... ARGHHHH!!!">>
<<if _temprds == 1>>\
<<video bro/brojeafuckcum.mp4>>
<<elseif _temprds == 2>>\
<<video resman/resmanfuckcum1.mp4>>
<<video dad/dadfuckcum1.mp4>>
He also has the same idea and finishes within just a few minutes and breed your hole. Immediately after climaxing, a strange look clouds over his face like he cannot believe what just transpired between you two.
<<if $gameends>>\
<<link "Back" "Mcscenemenu">><</link>>
<<if $hour <= 13>>\
<<link "You continue the investigation" $you.location>>
<<link "The night comes and it's time for the convention">>
<<set _temphour = 19 - $hour>>
<<set _tempmin = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temphour>>
<<pressminute add _tempmin>>
<<if $police.state == 16>>
<<goto "Mcconvention6talk1">>
<<elseif $police.state == 15>>
<<goto "Mcconvention5talk1">>
<<elseif $police.state == 14>>
<<goto "Mcconvention4talk1">>
<<elseif $police.state == 13>>
<<goto "Mcconvention3hj1">>
<<goto "Mcconvention2talk1">>
<</if>>\<<aff pol add 1>>\
He's on his computer again and explains that he's looking at another pending case. If you didn't say it before, you'll say it again: detective work is surprisingly boring. So you break the monotone:
<<di you "So what's your type?">>
<<di police "Excuse me?">>
<<di you "What's your type? Are you looking for a guy or a girl? Someone regular or a seductor?">>
He leans back on his chair and ponders for a moment.
<<di police "Hmmm... I really don't discriminate, either girl and guy are fine. Ideally, I'd want to have a seductor as my lover due to the nature of my work. Other than that, I just want someone to come back home to and take care of.">>
You really haven't though about domesticity yet, but building a family with him sounds like the perfect scenario.
<<di you "What a coincidence, I know just the guy.">>
You say cheekily and of course nothing can go past his analytical perception.
<<di police "Really? I heard this guy is quite a handful.">>
<<di you "Oh please, you love him.">>
<<di police "Haha. Let's just say that.">>
The indulging fondness is apparent on his face. It feels like you succeed breaking through the tough outer bark and now slowly worming into his heart.
<<link "The night comes and it's time for the convention" "Mcconvention5talk1">>
<<set _temphour = 19 - $hour>>
<<set _tempmin = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temphour>>
<<pressminute add _tempmin>>
<</link>><<aff pol add 2>>\
You are stopped by the wave of $police.Name hands to beckon you on his table.
<<di police "Join in with me, will ya?">>
You're not one to turn away a free meal and with a gorgeous man as your dining companion? Yes please. Midway through the meal, you contemplate:
<<di you "This is nice, but still it's hard to fully enjoy it with the knowledge that the kidnapper is still out there.">>
He sighs before giving you an advice:
<<di police "Hey, this type of work is never easy. Your worry is understandable but we need to keep a clear head. Letting doubt cloud your judgment is never good. So relax and I'll help you figure things out.">>
His large hand reaches out and squeezes your own reassuringly. His words really help you to chill out and the heat of his palm is incredibly comforting. At that you grin at him:
<<di you "Look at us, just like a couple on a date.">>
<<di police "Yeah, we are. It's great to enjoy these quiet moments with you.">>
That catches you by surprise.
<<di you "Wait really? Can I get a kiss then?">>
<<di police "I forgot to add “a couple of colleagues” on “a work date”.">>
Your pout draws a hearty laugh out of him. <<if $police.res >= 6>>However, under the mirth you can sense traces of adoration in his unwavering gaze to you. Maybe, you'll have a chance with him after all?<</if>>
<<link "The night comes and it's time for the convention" "Mcconvention6talk1">>
<<set _temphour = 19 - $hour>>
<<set _tempmin = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temphour>>
<<pressminute add _tempmin>>
<</link>><<aff pol add 1>>\
Walking through the fitness center, you notice $sus4.Name is jogging steadily on the treadmill. Sweat drips down his body creating a glow that draws your eyes like a moth to the flame.
<<di sus4 "Oh, hey $you.Namedis. Here for some exercises?">>
Duh, what else are you gonna do? Cruising? Well, maybe.
<<di you "Yep, gotta reach my calories burn quota or Imma be out of shape with how much I eat soon.">>
<<di sus4 "Haha. You shouldn't worry too much - still young - also your seducing skill is only second to me.">>
There is a note of arrogance in his statement. You really should stop judging a book by its cover. He doesn't look like the easy-going friendly guy like your first impression.
<<di you "Well, with beginner's luck. You never know.">>
<<di sus4 "I highly doubt that. Haha.">>
Despite him filling the air with laughter, it still feels weird and awkward so you only act cordial with him for the rest of the time you spend there in the center.
<<link "You continue the investigation" $you.location>>
<<set _temphour = 12 - $hour>>
<<set _tempmin = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temphour>>
<<pressminute add _tempmin>>
<</link>><<if $prof.giftstate == 0>>\
<<di witch "A gift for your professor? Are you planning to bribe him to get a good grade or something?">>
She eyes you suspiciously. Oh, if only she knew you did way more than just bribing.
<<di you "Nah, just a goodbye gift since I'm almost done with his class. Nothing fancy.">>
<<di witch "Hmmm... Wait here.">>
She then goes to the storage and you through a hurricane happens with all the crashing and loud noises banging through the door. She reemerges with an object that you do not expect.
<<di you "A ruler???!?">>
<<di witch "Yes, but not just a regular ruler, look at this thing.">>
You then pay real attention to it and she maybe has a point. It is made out of some sort of wood that feels fancy and glossy. However, he teaches English lit for god's sake, will it be a great help?
<<di you "I don't know...">>
<<di witch "Trust... he'll have some fun with it.">>
The way she says it - sounds like a promise - and you do trust her so you ask:
<<di you "How much then?">>
<<di witch "$50.">>
A ruler for $50???? It's a nice one but still even accounting for inflation, the price is outrageous.
<span id="choices">\
<<if $you.money >= 50 or $you.cc == 1>>\
<<link "Pay $50">>
<<if $you.cc == 0>>\
<<money -50>>\
<<replace "#choices">>\
<<set $prof.giftstate = 2>>\
<<di you "Fine, here you go.">>
<<di witch "Amazing. Here let me wrap it up for you.">>
Her face lights up and her smile suddenly takes on a more cheshire quality. It's almost like she's giddy that she just scams a sucker for money...
Regardless, you should bring the gift to him in his office <b>in the afternoon before he leaves work at 4 PM.</b>
<<link "Back" "Witch">><</link>>
<<link "==Pay $50==">><</link>>
<<link "Refuse">>
<<set $prof.giftstate = 1>>\
<<replace "#choices">>\
<<di you "There is no way I'll pay $50 for a ruler.">>
<<di witch "Way. You'll come back to me soon.">>
<<link "Back" "Witch">><</link>>
<<di witch "What? Changed your mind?">>
<span id="choices">\
<<if $you.money >= 50 or $you.cc == 1>>\
<<link "Pay $50">>
<<set $prof.giftstate = 2>>\
<<if $you.cc == 0>>\
<<money -50>>\
<<di you "Fine, here you go.">>
<<di witch "Amazing. Here let me wrap it up for you.">>
Her face lights up and her smile suddenly takes on a more cheshire quality. It's almost like she's giddy that she just scams a sucker for money...
Regardless, you should bring the gift to him in his office <b>in the afternoon before he leaves work at 4 PM.</b>
<<link "Back" "Witch">><</link>>
<<link "==Pay $50==">><</link>>
<<link "Nevermind" "Witch">><</link>>
<</if>>\<<di witch "Uh huh, you already got the hot for him? I don't blame ya, he's one handsome fella.">>
She's fanning herself comically and proceed to console you:
<<di witch "Don't worry, I'm very giving so I won't snatch him from your claws. Lemme see.">>
Your mouth twitches. She really has the confidence, you'll give her that.
<<di witch "Ah ha. Here it is.">>
She pulls out a bunch of plastic wrapped donuts and you can see a light layer of dust over them.
<<di you "... Are you sure they are safe to eat?">>
Your question gets a scolding from her:
<<di witch "Of course, I'm a trusted pharmacist. No one has gotten ill, that badly, from my stuffs.">>
Why on earth does a pharmacist have or make donuts in the first place.
<<di witch "Trust me. He got a sweet tooth, that's probably why he's so fond of you.">>
Well, she really has never led you astray before so you take the chance.
<<di witch "That'll be $5 for one donut.">>
What the hell? That's highway robbery.
<span id="choices">\
<<if $you.money >= 5 or $you.cc == 1>>\
<<link "Accept the price">>
<<if $you.cc == 0>>\
<<money -5>>\
<<set $police.giftstate = 2>>\
<<replace "#choices">>\
<<di you "Alright, I'll take it.">>
<<di witch "Wise choice! Also, as a extra small gift, $police.Name takes work break from 12 PM until 2 PM.">>
<<link "Back" "Witch">><</link>>
<<link "==Accept the price==">><</link>>
<<link "Refuse">>
<<set $police.giftstate = 1>>\
<<replace "#choices">>\
<<di you "That's way too much. I'll pass.">>
<<di witch "Your loss then, you'll regret it.">>
<<link "Back " "Witch">><</link>>
</span>\Putting your ears on the door, you detect no sound of talking other than the drone of the keyboard being pressed. So, you barge in but his face doesn't even move up from his screen.
<<di prof "Now is not the time. I have a small meeting soon.">>
<<di you "What if I have a gift?">>
You put forward the wrapped box of present behind your back which gets you a raised brow:
<<di prof "Is it a long dildo that I can fuck you with?">>
<<di you "No, it's really for you. Just open it.">>
Slowly, he finally indulges your request and unwrapped the gift. Upon seeing what's inside, his first reaction is confusion but then it morphs into salacious mirth.
<<di prof "I see... You're that addicted to my punishment, huh?">>
Now that you think of it, the ruler can serve as a paddle for him to hit you even harder. Your flush comes quick and makes you stammer:
<<di you "Ahh... umm... Well, it was just a gift. Nothing behind it that's all.">>
He smirks at you, something like genuine pleasure shining through his usual stoic demeanor.
<<di prof "All right, I have 30 minutes to kill. You'd better make me come in that time or you'll get a whopping, got it?">>
He pushes his chair back and reclines like a king in his throne waiting for his servants to fulfill his every whim. Of course, how can you resist such a charming order?
<<link "You crawl under him" "Profgiftbj2">><</link>><<scenechoices prof 1 0>>\
<<if $prof.lust < 20>><<lust prof 1>><</if>>\
You scurry as swiftly under his desk between his legs and begin unwrapping his tasty candy bar.
From this up close, you can note his distinct masculine fragrance and the musky scent from his crotch. It creates a heady aroma that propels your nose to glue to his pubes and nuzzle his growing member. Suddenly, he forcefully grabs your hair back.
<<video prof/profgiftbj1.mp4>>
<<di prof "What did I tell you? Do a good job and do it QUICK. My time is precious and not for you to mess around.">>
<<di you "Yes, sir. It's just so hard to hold back because you smell so good.">>
His eyes show a mix of amusement and harshness.
<<di prof "Your resolve is disappointing as per usual. Once again, I have to shoulder your incompetence. Open up, pet.">>
You comply readily, as much as you want to bath your taste buds with the salt of his velvet steel. It is always easy for you to sit back, spread out and just be a hole for his pleasure. And it's true, he uses your throat just like a sex toy with the sure, measured and brutal stabs of his cock. Your anatomy is tested to its maximum capacity as his girth stretches your windpipe to its fullest.
<<video prof/profgiftbj2.mp4>>
A knock on the door disrupt the momentum of his thrust:
<<dio "Stranger" "Hello, $prof.Name. May I come in?">>
He hisses softly just enough for you to hear his whisper:
<<di prof "Shit... fucking asshole... why is he here this early?... Stay here and don't do anything stupid.">>
Then he pats some rumpled part of his shirt down while his wet cock remains exposed and vibrates slightly from the lingering pleasure.
<<di prof "Rich, I thought we were supposed to meet 10 minutes later?">>
His voice is calm and full of annoyance, you wouldn't know if he just got his dick sucked just a moment ago.
<<dio "Rich" "My apology, but I got an urgent matter...">>
His erection pulses lightly and captivates you fully. So your next choice is:
<span id="choices">\
<<link "Stay still and obedient">>
<<replace "#choices">>\
It's not wise to oppose his command so you kneel and bite your lips to not let out any noise. However, his length is still hard and throbbing despite the lack of stimulation and it kills you to be unable to engulf that gorgeous looking piece of meat.
<<video prof/profgiftbj3.mp4>>
Your own member is leaking pre-cum like a faucet. You are unsure if your willpower is strong enough to not make a rash decision until his guest leaves the room.
<<di prof "... Alright, we'll talk about this another day. I still have a mountain of tasks on my agenda to get back to.">>
<<dio "Rich" "No this cannot be delayed any long...">>
<<di prof "I said we'll talk tomorrow. It's not my fault that you barge in here early without notice.">>
His voice is full of steel and bodes no argument. Finally, the Rich guy concedes must be because of the sharp look from $prof.Name:
<<dio "Rich" "Fine, tomorrow morning then.">>
He then briskly walks out with a noticeable slam of the door. $prof.Name squeezes the top parts of his eyebrows in frustration and instructs:
<<di prof "You may resume.">>
Your mouth is on him in a flash of an eye, the rod loses some of its hardness for a moment but it is now fully back to its prime. He only gives you a brief period of control and now his thrust is taking on a more cruel nature than before. It must have something to do with the conversation he just had.
<<video prof/profgiftbj4.mp4>>
<<di prof "Yyyyeah... take it you filthy whore... You'll have my cum soon.">>
His hip jerks in quick strokes and removes any control you have of your own saliva glands. Your lips wet with spit, precum and wrapping tightly around his shaft. Then, he stops face fucking you and spills his seed all over your mug.
<<video prof/profgiftbj5.mp4>>
It takes almost no time for him to recover and his sandpapery voice purrs:
<<di prof "Mhmmm... 20 minutes. Not bad, but that's hardly a compliment since I did most of the work.">>
<<di you "I'm sorry, sir. Maybe I'll need to have more practice to improve it?">>
He smirks in a rare display of satisfaction:
<<di prof "Sure, I like it when my pets know its place.">>
<<di you "Thank you, sir.">>
The delight of having his approval momentarily shadows the frustration of your own not achieving orgasm.
<<link "Back">>
<<if $gameends>>
<<goto "Profscenemenu">>
<<goto "College">>
<<link "Rebel against his command and continue sucking him">>
<<replace "#choices">>\
<<jea prof -3>>\
<<sus prof 1>>\
It's not wise to oppose his command but you never claim to be smart. So, you lick his length from the base to the tip as the conversation between them is still in session.
<<video prof/profgiftbj6.mp4>>
<<di prof "Ssssss... stop!">>
He hiss loudly while not looking at you. Because of that, his colleague replies confusedly:
<<dio "Rich" "Did you just tell me to stop? What's wrong, $prof.Name?">>
<<di prof "Nothing... ff... just a headache.">>
His voice is outwardly calm but if you pay close attention you can hear some wavering. That said, the only thing that you pay attention to right now is the friction of his hardness against your lips and the taste of his precum leaking profusely from his slit.
<<video prof/profgiftbj7.mp4>>
<<di prof "Sss... say Rich. Can we do this tomorrow? I'm having some serious migraine.">>
You gotta applaud his resolve because the man sounds cool as a cucumber while having his cucumber see-sawing in and out of the wet, hot suction of your oral cavity.
<<dio "Rich" "Umm... okay... First thing in the morning, okay? We need to get this done asap.">>
<<di prof "Good, please close the door on your way out.">>
The dismissal is clear as day and the second you hear the click of the door lock, he violently grabs your hair and impales himself so far back down on your throat and if you can unhinge your jaws, his balls will rest snugly inside your mouth too.
<<video prof/profgiftbj8.mp4>>
<<di prof "You insolent bitch. What the fuck did I tell you?">>
If you thought the previous face fucking was rough, now each one of his jabs is straight up ferocious and borderline abusive. Saliva splatters wildly all over the floor and under the desk from his vicious force.
<<di prof "If that's what you want then you'll get it, rotten whore.">>
Right when you're about to pass out from assaults, his cock shows mercy and instead defiles your visage of his creamy and musky juice.
<<video prof/profgiftbj9.mp4>>
It is all way too overwhelming that your member erupts by itself without even a touch.
Still groggy from that mind-blowing climax, you are being tugged up like a rag doll on the chair.
<<di prof "Brace yourself on it and COUNT!">>
On his hand is the ruler that you gifted, you gulp, halfway afraid and thrilled, and nod because you know you fuck up. The first hit on your cheeks is like a clap of thunder, you cry out:
<<di you "One...">>
Then it hits you (literally) that he uses the thin and shaft side of the ruler and not the flat side so the sting is intensified to an elevated level. With each strike, your body shakes and ugly noises burst out from your lungs.
<<video prof/profspank5.mp4>>
<<di you "...Ten.">>
Then, it stops. Your breath is ragged, your mouth gasping like somehow the oxygen intake can sooth the inferno wrecking on your buttcheeks. A stray drop of tear rolls down from the corner of your eyes.
<<di prof "I'll give you 5 minutes to take your breath. Afterwards, I want the desk spotless.">>
The tone of his voice is still hard like he's truly pissed by your actions. Therefore, 5 minutes after, you're already on your knees with a wet cloth wiping his desk from top to bottom just so you can be rewarded his forgiveness.
<<link "Back">>
<<if $gameends>>
<<goto "Profscenemenu">>
<<set $you.horniness = 0.1>>
<<goto "College">>
</span>\<<scenechoices pol 1 0>>\
<<if visited() > 1>>You quickly follow him to his office to do the unspeakable. <</if>>There is something special about unclasping the belt of the police uniform that turns you like hell. The gnawing hunger turns you into a desperate slut and you have never pulled down a man's pants as carelessly and as quickly like this:
<<di police "Easy there, we have lots of ti- Ahhh!!">>
He hisses appreciatively when your mouth engulfs his growing semi, your tongue traces the burgeoning veins running along his urethra. Every leaked drop of his precum gets lapped up immediately and what a sweet taste it is.
<<video police/policegiftbj1.mp4>>
From here, you can detect the hint of musk and sweat that must have been built up from his morning shift. Those are the welcome changes from his proper and pristine image.
<<di you "Damn... You taste and smell so good.">>
He huffs with mirth.
<<di police "Don't lie to me, I must stank.">>
<<di you "Just a right amount of funk and I don't mind you take the lead and filth me up either.">>
You are a sucker for his savior complex and protective nature. However, you also crave his handler side who isn't afraid to take charge.
<<di police "If you wish to, brace yourself.">>
Then he begins fucking your mouth at first very slowly but soon enough increase to a pace that make you choke. The man is unraveled by his lust and it feels almost like he is losing control of his own actions as each thrust widens your esophagus to the fullest.
<<video police/policegiftbj2.mp4>>
<<di police "Ahhhh... Ffffffuckk... I'm so close...">>
His breath is getting ragged as you feel the monster inside of your throat inflate even further beyond belief like a balloon. And POP! With the insistent suction of your mouth his shaft finally spasms, erupts and fills your oral cavity with his thick creamy baby batter. Aside from the musky taste, you swear you can find notes of sweetness almost like donuts.
<<video police/policegiftbj3.mp4>>
<<di police "Ffffuck... damn... that was too good...">>
Gulping down and swiping your saliva slicked mouth to make yourself decent, you stand up and give him a flirty smile.
<<di you "I'll serve you so you can serve our community better.">>
His slow and pleased laugh vibrates through the room and he gives you an appreciative salute. The linger taste of his cum is still coated on your tongue and makes you want to do this again. <<if visited() == 1>>Oh well, you've got to do budgeting to fit donuts into your monthly spending then.<</if>>
<<link "Back">>
<<if $gameends>>
<<goto "Otherscenemenu">>
<<set $police.giftstate = 1>>
<<goto "Police station">>
<</link>><<scenechoices bully 1 0>>\
Realizing he's in an episode, you remain silent as he tears your outfit into tatters. Afterwards, he push you harshly into the wall with a thud and a menacingly gleeful warning:
<<di bully "Let's see how gutsy you are.">>
Then thwack, you feel all the oxygen getting pushed out of your system with a brutal gut punch. Despite the lack of air, your throat is able to release a loud groan of agony. Not even giving you a second of respite, another punch lands on your abdomen... and then one more... and another one...
<<video bully/bullygutpuch.mp4>>
His shout pierce through the daze of pain and you croak out weakly:
<<di you "I'm sorry...">>
Through the cold sweat on your forehead, you suddenly feel a smack of his hot saliva trickling down. Beaten and spat on, you should feel like the lowest of the low. However, your brain now feels stuffed with cotton and you feel floaty. Your cock is not exactly erected, but it has been leaking like crazy and there is a huge wet spot on your underwear.
<<di bully "Go ahead, do your job and I'll see if you are worth my mercy.">>
Through your blurry vision, you can see that he's already stripped off his clothes and is now lounging leisurely on his bed. Each step forward sends a shockwave to your brutalized stomach and makes you moan with difficulty. Still, that doesn't stop you from reaching him like a lost wanderer in a desert crawling into an oasis.
Finally, you arrive where you belong - between his legs. Your hand wraps his standing pole and the emanating heat is like a healing balm. The pain actually multiplies your hunger to him tenfold so your mouth descends on him in a swift motion and devours his erection. Your enthusiasm surprises a gasp out of him and soon he begins taking over by fucking upwards to your mouth.
<<video bully/bullyfuck8.mp4>>
<<di bully "Sssshhhit... I must say you're one resilient bitch... Didn't expect you to slopping my dick this good...">>
Hearing his first compliment for your bedroom skill sets a fire under your uvula making you double your effort even more.
<<di bully "... Maybe I wasn't giving you enough.">>
He pulls your head up roughly and then his calloused palms seize your hips and turn your ass facing him. Despite wanting this to happen, you still gasp sharply from the sudden intrusion in your back opening.
<<di bully "Scream for me... pig...">>
<<video bully/bullyfuck9.mp4>>
As if you're even capable of swallowing your noises now. Each of his thrust is as strong as his punch on your abs which is now spasming from his brutal force. The ache and pleasure is a scary combination which creates a mind-numbing high and almost renders you unconscious.
<<video you/youfuckcum3.mp4>>
However, before that can happen, you ejaculate and shoot and this time you pass out for real. During the daze, you can still feel a wet splash of heat on your cheeks signaling his release.
<<video bully/bullyfuckcum5.mp4>>
When you finally resurface from the abyss, what greets you is a never-seen-before satisfied smile from him.
<<di bully "Passable... You live to see another day...">>
He laughs and winks at you like it's a joke. You feel part scared and honestly, part thrilled at this. After this whole ordeal, you can't even imagine having an idea of putting him behind bars because you are addicted to him, to his abuse and the feeling of being powerless under him. Before you can fully recover you get kicked off from his bed with a lazy snort:
<<di bully "I'm wiped. Get the fuck out of here...">>
Then he settles back into the bed and gives you no mind, like you're literally no threat to him. So what do you do? You quietly find a gym shorts from his wardrobe just to cover yourself, exit the house and lock the door behind you. Gosh... you're so whipped.
<<link "Back">>
<<if not $gameends>>
<<set $bully.state = 15>>
<<goto "Go outside">>
<<goto "Bullyscenemenu">>
<</link>><<scenechoices bully 1 0>>\
<<if visited() == 1>>Once you have made up your mind that he has total domination, it actually excites you to walk down his street to see him.<</if>>Rapping at the door, you can't hardly stand still from the buzz of seeing him again. Finally it opens and he greets you with a genuine smile. The fact if it is genuinely pleased or genuinely predatory is up to debate.
<<di bully "I see you still can't stay away from me, huh? You little whore.">>
He doesn't even bother to message and call you to his house any longer because he knows you are a moth and he is the irresistible flame. Obediently following him into his bedroom, you already discard all your articles of clothing along the way and now are kneeling anticipating what to come next.
<<if $watersport>>\
<<if visited() == 1>>\
<<di bully "Now that you're my thing, I'll need to mark my territory so that everyone knows who you belong to. Open your mouth.">>
<<di bully "You know what to do. Open up.">>
Of course you understand what he means. At this point, when he says "jump", you will say "how high?". Your jaws are compliantly unlocked and waiting. The first splash of the golden liquid <<if visited() == 1>>surprises you<<else>>never fails to surprise you<</if>> by its sheer force. Like him, the river of his piss is powerful in both of its flow, taste, smell and completely displaces you of your agency. Your erection tells you that it's not so bad being his toilet after all.
<<video bully/bullypiss.mp4>>
Though, he purposefully wiggle his hips around and let the fluid hit your lips, cheek and chest. Literally drench you in his odor until the very last drop.
<<di bully "Good job. Now clean it, bitch.">>
<<di bully "Come here and do what you were born to.">>
Your hand reaches over and squeezes the soft piece of meat in front of you until the vein pops and it's vertical. It should feel boring by now but you're still thrilled every time you get a chance to hold his life force inside your palm.
<<di bully "Quit pussyfooting around and do your job.">>
He grabs your hair and you, understanding this motion, open your mouth widely as his thick dick slams into the back of your throat mercilessly. If someone were in the next room, they'd thought you were experiencing a choking hazard from the gargling noises.
<<video bully/bullyfuck10.mp4>>
When you think you're about to pass out, he thankfully pulls out and commands:
<<di bully "Now that my cock is properly lubed, turn around.">>
He doesn't need to say it twice. Despite being out of breath, you still scramble to point your butt toward him at an impressive speed. In his good old fashion way of fucking, he enters you until pelvis glues to your cheeks in the first fell swoop. What comes next isn't easy either because it feels like your prostate is the target and his tool is the barrage of homing missiles blasting everything in their way into explosive dust.
<<video bully/bullyfuck11.mp4>>
<<di you "Ahhh... ssshit... Hurts so gooood...">>
<<di bully "Fuckkk yeahhhh... Scream more and I'll fuck you up even more...">>
Obviously, you dial your volume to eleven and put those porn actors to shame. Pleased with your vocal performance, his pelvis' movement reaches an unimaginable speed and creates the flaming friction on your inner walls. Once again, helpless against the pleasure, your release is ripped out of you without a single touch.
<<di bully "ARGHHHH!!!">>
He growls gutturally and unleashes all of his swimmers deep in your guts. The heat blossoms inside you is rather soothing especially after all the hard "labor" you've just been through.
<<video bully/bullyfuckcum6.mp4>>
Still, that doesn't stop him to order you around immediately afterwards:
<<di bully "Clean all of this mess, I want everything squeaky clean and your ass gone after this nap.">>
Then he leans back on the bed, eyes closed like a noble while you're just a simple chambermaid. Of course, you don't complain and get to work diligently to avoid his fury.
<<if not $gameends>>\
<<link "<b>There is a noise as you're cleaning - BULLY'S ENDING</b>" "Bullyend6">><</link>>
<<link "Back">>
<<if not $gameends>>
<<goto "Go outside">>
<<goto "Bullyscenemenu">>
<</link>>While scrubbing the floor, you suddenly hear the sound of the door opening.
<<dio "$bully.Name's Mother" "WHAT THE FUCK?">>
Seeing you buck ass naked with dried cum is still on your crack and her son also in his birthday suit clearly triggers something out of her.
<<dio "$bully.Name's Mother" "What is the meaning of this, $bully.Name? You're a goddamn faggot now?">>
Clearly displeased with her reactions, he counters back with heat.
<<di bully "Shut the hell up, mom. It's no big deal.">>
<<dio "$bully.Name's Mom" "What the hell did you just say, little prick? But you dated girls before.">>
Then she switches her attention back to you - sitting uncomfortably and trying to cover yourself as much as possible.
<<dio "$bully.Name's Mother" "It's because of you, isn't it? I've seen you before, you corrupted my son with your twisted sin, fucking fag.">>
<<di bully "Hey hey, back off. He ain't for you to talk shit to.">>
He pushes himself between you two almost like he's shielding you.
<<dio "$bully.Name's Mother" "Huh? You take this bitch's side over your mother, you ungrateful swine? You're just like your father, misogynistic pigs. Maybe he was a fag, too...">>
You can clearly feel the boiling rage inside of him so to cool thing down you try to offer an olive branch:
<<di you "Ma'am, it's just a misunderstanding. I wa... - Ow!">>
<<dio "$bully.Name's Mother" "Shut the fuck up, bitch. I ain't talking to you.">>
She back-hands so hard, you collapse on the floor. Damn, she is strong for an older woman.
<<di bully "Don't you fucking dare touching what's mine.">>
<<dio "$bully.Name's Mother" "Ahhhh...!!!">>
What happens next is indescribable. You're unsure where he got the knife from but now it's lodged inside her chest where her heart is located... Blood seeping through her blouse as she blurts out weakly:
<<dio "$bully.Name's Mother" "Yo-you...">>
<<di bully "And I'm nothing like that asshole because I KILLED! THAT! FUCKER!!... you got me? Huh? You got me? Huh? HUH?!? I'M NOT SCARED OF NO SHIT!!!!!.">>
Despite being on her dying breath, he still shakes her up by her collar and screams those words into her face. You thought you were scared before, but now you're truly scared. He doesn't appear remorseful at all, pure hatred marred his striking features. You have an idea about his mental instability, however it is clear as day at this very moment.
She releases her last breath and finally closes her eyes in a strange and peaceful way. He drops her lifeless body on the floor, turns to you arms wide open with fresh blood smeared on his chest. His hands motion for you to approach him. You tentatively stand up and walk with a special care to not spook a snarling beast. Once close, you are pulled harshly against him and in a breath-restricting embrace.
<<di bully "You belong to me... and no one is allowed to hurt what's mine.">>
You must have gone insane too because that makes you feel warm and fuzzy in a way.
<<di bully "If you try to escape...">>
His palm in the back of your head points your face toward his mother and a cold whisper chills your spine:
<<di bully "... you know what will happen.">>
By this point, you already accept your fate and give him a submissive nod. You feel his smirk on your cheeks and you two stay there in each other's arms just for a moment in spite of all the mess you're about to face.
<<link "Then..." "Bullyend7">><</link>><<scenechoices bully 1 0>>\
<<if not $gameends>>\
@@.title;“FOREVER” ENDING@@
With such a deep stab wound on his mother's chest, it is impossible to stage a scene and dispose of the body easily, which is something you don't have to do thankfully. Combined with the fact that her ex-husband just died not long ago and her missing while driving to her son's house, it is hopeless for him to stay under the radar at this point. Therefore, he commands you to pack up and skips town in the middle of the night.
From then, you two live the outlaw life, always on the move and staying off the grid as much as possible. To say that it isn't hard is a lie, but having him on you and completely overtaking your own existence is all worth it.
Now, the idea of escaping is fully out of your mind as well as his threat of killing you because you can't imagine living in any other way or any other place rather than by his side.
<<video bully/bullyforeverend.mp4>>
<<di bully "You belong to me.">>
You're being fucked and bred relentless in a dingy motel in the middle of nowhere. You still smile in content despite being unsure what will come tomorrow. Another escape? Another trip through the states? You two getting caught and arrested? Or died in a shootout? You don't care. As long as you are where meant to be - with him - that's enough for the rest of your lifetime.
<<if $gameends>>\
<<link "Back" "Bullyscenemenu">><</link>>
Looking back at the <<link "memories" "Memoriesmenu">><<set $gameends = true>><</link>>, you can't help but recall in fondness because they all lead you to him.
<</if>>\Peering through the place, you see a lot of familiar faces but a man in particular stands out to you.
<<image cw/cw.jpg>>
Despite looking unkempt like he just got off a shift from hard labor, it is undeniable that he is a good-looking guy. Apart from tiredness, there is some sort of hesitation in his expression as he examines the menu.
<<di cw "I'll have... a medium fry please.">>
<<dio "Receptionist" "Is that all?">>
<<di cw "... correct.">>
<<dio "Receptionist" "That'll be $2.">>
From your observation, it feels like he wants to get more but is unable to because let's be real, a man of such high stature can't survive off with some pieces of starchy carbs. He then retreats to the corner of the restaurant and slump back on the cushion bone-tiredly. You make sure to get enough to feed 3 men with your order and proceed to slide into his booth.
<<di you "Mind if I join you?">>
That startles him out of the monetary shut-eye and he gives you a slightly annoyed look before yielding like he can't even muster a sliver of energy to shoo you away.
<<di cw "Sure.">>
Waiting for the food to arrive, you take this moment to drink in the tall glass of hunk in front of you. He looks haggard for sure but underneath the ungroomed hair are features of a classically handsome guy. His massive chest expands to an unbelievable proportion along with his breath and covering it is a pair of corded arms that most likely have been developed from good and honest labor.
<<dio "Waiter" "Here you go.">>
The foods get dropped off and snap you both out of your respective trances. While you're taking small bites of your burger, he demolishes the bag of fries in a matter of seconds. Seeing this, you offer:
<<di you "Hey, suddenly I don't feel so well, you can have these if you want. I haven't touched any of them.">>
You slide the large burger along with some pieces of fried chicken over to him. He looks apprehensive for a moment but undoubtedly tempted.
<<di cw "Really? Are you sure?">>
<<di you "Sure, go ahead. Otherwise, I'll just throw them away.">>
That's all he needs to hear before diving in with the same impressive gusto and finishing the whole tray in minutes.
<<di cw "Thanks, man. I appreciate it.">>
There is genuine gratefulness in his voice as he leans back on the couch contentedly.
<<di you "May I ask you're new in town, right?">>
<<di cw "Is it really that obvious?">>
<<di you "Not really, this is a small town in the middle of nowhere, everyone knows everyone. Also, lots of people skip town and hardly anyone moves here, so a fresh face is definitely noticeable.">>
It seems your buttering him up loosen his guard quite a bit because he opens up:
<<di cw "That's fair. Yeah, I'm new in town and work on the construction site of the new car assembly plant.">>
<<set $cw.Name = "Construction worker">>\
So you were right, he indeed works with his hands and the masculine scent of his sweat breaking through the greasy air to enter your nostrils also confirms your theory.
<<di you "Damn, then you must be quite busy then. Regardless, if you find yourself having some free time, I'm happy to show you around.">>
You give him your prize-winning smile expecting him to agree easily, instead he questions suspiciously:
<<di cw "Why though? You don't know me and I don't know you either.">>
<<di you "Well, it's just country hospitality. I want you to feel welcomed here.">>
You maintain your grin as a sign of "no harm, no foul". Still, his defense is up and damn, this is going to be a hard egg to crack.
<<di cw "Well, I'm wiped and need to head home. Thanks for the meal.">>
<<di you "Anytime.">>
He doesn't pretend to stay to hear your reply before disappearing swiftly through the door like he's afraid you'd change your mind and charge him the meal.
<<link "Back" $you.location>><</link>>You purposefully pick this time mingling in hope of catching the hot construction worker again and bingo. The door slides open to reveal him looking exhausted and slowly dragging his feet into the restaurant again. This time, he doesn't even look at the menu and gives his order of a medium fry before retreating to an empty booth in the corner and keeping to himself.
Knowing the way to man's heart is through his stomach, your order is extra full once more. The same scene from the first time you two met plays out again today: you greeting him and proceeding to get ignored, you staying in silence not wanting to disrupt his rest and then you giving him a large portion of your order which he accepts shamelessly. After inhaling the food, he sighs in satisfaction and you know it is time to put your plan into action:
<<di you "Hey, I still don't know your name.">>
<span id="t">\
<<di cw "You can call me ...">>
<<textbox "$cw.Name" "Mike">>
<<link "You memorize his name">>
<<replace "#t">>\
<<di cw "You can call me <b>$cw.Name</b>.">>
<<di you "Alright, $cw.Name. I'm gonna be straightforward with you. You're in a financial struggle, aren't you?">>
With his stomach stuffed full of the fries and burgers you bought twice now. He really can't deny it:
<<di cw "Kind of, I'm still getting back on my feet. How's that your problem?">>
<<di you "Well, there is an easy way to get some extra cash if you're interested.">>
<<di cw "Which is?">>
You look around to make sure no one can eavesdrop and tell him in low voice:
<<di you "Do porn.">>
<<di cw "Wh-what? What are you talking about?">>
<<di you "Calm down, you won't have to like actually perform. You can sit back and I will give you a handjob along with some easy cash. I won't capture your face if you're worried about that.">>
<<di cw "Hell no, I ain't into that faggy shit.">>
He hisses quietly like he doesn't anyone to be aware of this conversation either. Your patience is plenty but still you're no saint so you riposte with cold hard truth:
<<di you "So you're gonna just survive doing construction with just a medium fry everyday? Tell me: Did you eat lunch today?">>
His silence tells everything you need to know, so you maintain the cool as cucumber charade:
<<di you "All you need to let me give you a handjob and you'll get $25. It's just business and financially beneficial to us both. Something to keep you afloat until payday. What do you say?">>
You take quite a risk with this indifferent approach but you can sense his resolution is crumbling.
<<di cw "That's all there is to it, correct? No funny business?">>
<<di you "Yep, just my hand on your dick. You can even check the footage afterwards if you want.">>
<b>You should definitely stick to the script the first time anyway. Spooking him too early may end up really bad</b>. That gives him the assurance to finally accept your offer:
<<di cw "So how are we gonna do this?">>
<<link "You arrive at his home" "CWhjtalk1">><</link>>
</span>\Convincing him to get you to his house really put all your social skills to the test. However, you finally arrive in a dingy apartment building and as expected, his place is a the bottom-of-the-barrel matchbox.
<<image cwapt.jpg>>
There is barely room for a grown man. Where there should be empty spaces are covered with clothes, most likely unwashed, and sad-looking cardboard boxes. There is an interesting smell in the air thrown into the mix too to create this pure, unadulterated bachelor pad. His ears pinks a little as he announces:
<<di cw "So... this is where the magic happens.">>
<<di you "Okay, I got all the stuffs here, let's get to it.">>
<<di cw "Oh... that hasty? You want a water or something?">>
<<di you "I'm good and time is money to me. So chop chop.">>
Maintaining the efficient professional illusion is key to this operation and to keep his guard down with no time for regret. So you bring out a mini tripod and perch it on the bedside table and arrange your phone to get a good angle and lighting.
<<di cw "Just a phone? No camera or anything?">>
<<di you "Nah, no need to. Us professionals nowadays only use phones. Come on, sit here.">>
<<di cw "Alright, let's get this over with.">>
He strips his top to reveal a sculpted physique - toned and honed from the physical labor. Off the garment and on the spicy scent of not so fresh sweat but still intoxicating...
<<di cw "Are we gonna do this or not?">>
He looks positively annoyed at your ogling so you give him a disarming smile.
<<di you "Alright, let's get to it.">>
<<link "Time for action" "CWsex">><</link>><<silently>>\
<<set $cw.ar = 0>>
<<set $cw.scenestage = 0>>
<<set $cw.sfail = 0>>
<<set $cw.kiss = 0>>
<<set $cw.pec = 0>>
<<set $cw.pit = 0>>
<<set $cw.bj = 0>>
<<set $cw.fuck = 0>>
<<if not $gameends>>
<<set _saff = $cw.aff>>
<<if $gameends>>\
<<if _saff == 1>>
<<set _love = "<b>Normal</b>">>
<<set _love = "Normal">>
<<if not setup.ws.CWfucktalk2>>
<<set _hate = "==Hatefuck==">>
<<elseif _saff == 2>>
<<set _hate = "<b>Hatefuck</b>">>
<<set _hate = "Hatefuck">>
<b>Scene choices:</b> \
<<link _love>>\
<<set _saff = 1>>\
<<replace ".passage">>\
<<include `passage()`>>\
<</link>> \
<<link _hate>>\
<<if setup.ws.CWfucktalk2>>\
<<set _saff = 2>>\
<<replace ".passage">>\
<<include `passage()`>>\
Now that you're here, your first move is:
<span id="s1"></span>\
<span id="s2"></span>\
<span id="s3"></span>\
<span id="s4"></span>\
<span id="s5"></span>\
<span id="s6"></span>\
<span id="s7"></span>\
<span id="s8"></span>\
<span id="s9"></span>\
<span id="s10"></span>\
@@.cw;<b>His arousal: </b>@@<span id="ar">$cw.ar - Normal</span>
@@.minus;<b>His irrirtation: </b>@@<span id="sfail">$cw.sfail/3</span>
<span id="cwmenu"><<include "CWsexmenu">></span><<di cw "Okay, that's enough.">>
His grip on your wrist is forceful as he removes your hand from his spent cock. Afterward, he pulls his pants up hastily and does not even clean the still wet cum smeared on his pubes. The action should gross you out but his dirtiness is somehow making your cock twitch.
<<di cw "Now where's the money?">>
From his cold tone, you're definitely not welcome to stay and have a post-orgasm coffee. With your everlasting patience, you give him a friendly smile and pull out a $25 bill for him. Your voice is supposedly professional but there is a tinge of huskiness to it:
<<di you "Thanks, that was an amazing load and the people will love it.">>
At that mention, he frowns and spits venomously:
<<di cw "Yeah, them perverted men probably do...">>
<<di you "Hey now, I've let you know that women also enjoy this kind of stuff too.">>
He glances at you questioningly:
<<di cw "Really?">>
<<di you "Truly, some women love seeing men-on-men actions.">>
That seems to be the correct thing to say because you can feel his shoulders relax.
<<di cw "Well, good... I guess... Now, I need you to leave so I can rest.">>
You can hear the finality of his dismissal so you budge despite the unhappy and burgeoning erection inside your pants.
<<if not $gameends>>\
<<set $cw.susmax = 3>>\
@@.add;+2 $cw.Name's max strike.@@
<<link "Leaving his apartment" "Go outside">><</link>>You've been making rounds here in the restaurant for a while hoping to bump into him again. Despite having his address to approach him any time you want, you decide the best course of action is acting coy because he most likely does not appreciate desperation especially from a guy. Then to your delight, you see him eating alone in the booth again. No time is better than now, you stealthily trot and slide opposite to him.
<<di you "Heyyyy, work is still going well?">>
Once more, he appears stone cold to you despite the wet hair glued into his forehead by his sweat.
<<di cw "I haul and bang shit around. What do you expect? You want something?">>
<<di you "Well, like I said before, I really mean it if you want to take a tour around town.">>
Your answer kind of surprises him.
<<di cw "That's it...? You're not here to ask me to film more with you?">>
You widen your eyes innocently - acting positively shocked.
<<di you "Oh no. I was being sincere and really want you to get to know the town...">>
<<di cw "Did they not like it?">>
Despite his measured tone, you can still feel the sense of pride being hurt underneath.
<<di you "No no... they love it. It's been one of the most popular videos I've made.">>
That was a lie, you don't even share that video to anyone else.
<<di cw "Okay then why don't you make more? I wouldn't mind making some quick buck right now.">>
Hearing him offer himself willingly like this makes you so gleeful that you can only barely suppress your evil laughter.
<<di you "I didn't really have plan to do one so soon but if you're ready then I'm game.">>
That's how you find yourself in the middle of his messy bachelor's pad again. The condition of the room is no better than the previous time but it adds to his filthy charm.
<<link "Let's not waste time" "CWsex">><</link>><<if $cw.ar < 2 and _saff == 1>>\
<<if not $gameends and not $ws.CWhj1>>\
<<set setup.ws.CWhj1 = true>>\
<<set $ws.CWhj1 = true>>\
His cock looks so inviting that your hand can't resist gravitating towards and wrapping itself around the soft flesh. Despite being in its resting state, you can feel the thrumming power underneath from the pulses swelling his veins. You begin with some slow strokes to ease the beast from its sleep and it looks glorious standing up basking in the warmth of your palm. His matted but surprisingly soft pubes is the perfect trampoline for your grasps to bounce on his stick. Your enthusiasm brings him to erect momentarily.
<<video cw/cwhj11.mp4>>
<<set $cw.ar += 2>>\
@@.add;+2 $cw.Name's arousal@@
<<elseif $cw.ar < 2 and _saff == 2>>\
<<if not $gameends and not $ws.CWhj4>>\
<<set setup.ws.CWhj4 = true>>\
<<set $ws.CWhj4 = true>>\
His cock looks so inviting that your hand can't resist gravitating towards and wrapping itself around the soft flesh. Despite being in its resting state, you can feel the thrumming power underneath from the pulses swelling his veins. You begin with some slow strokes to ease the beast from its sleep and it looks glorious standing up basking in the warmth of your palm. Your enthusiasm brings him to erection momentarily.
<<video cw/cwhj21.mp4>>
Then comes his "encouragement":
<<di cw "That's the only thing your hands are good at: Handling cocks. That's right, whore?">>
<<di you "Y-yes...">>
You answer timidly and... truthfully.
<<set $cw.ar += 2>>\
@@.add;+2 $cw.Name's arousal@@
<<elseif $cw.ar < 4 and _saff == 1>>\
<<if not $gameends and not $ws.CWhj2>>\
<<set setup.ws.CWhj2 = true>>\
<<set $ws.CWhj2 = true>>\
His jutting cock curves up and fits deliciously inside your grip. Using your knowledge, your fingers shift and touch all the right places. From enveloping his length with the whole of your palms to teasing the sensitive glans and juggling his full sack. Your effort doesn't go unnoticed. You can feel the hot, shaky air being released from his deep exhalation, bringing his body scent and sweet smell of his pre-cum to your nostrils. The aroma's effect is heady and if it weren't for his throbbing piece of meat grounding you, your mind would be gone.
<<video cw/cwhj12.mp4>>
Now your full attention is moving your hand to the beat that you imagine he fucks in. And fuck he does, like his hips are unable to control themselves from taking what his body needs.
<<set $cw.ar += 2>>\
@@.add;+2 $cw.Name's arousal@@
<<elseif $cw.ar < 4 and _saff == 2>>\
<<if not $gameends and not $ws.CWhj5>>\
<<set setup.ws.CWhj5 = true>>\
<<set $ws.CWhj5 = true>>\
His jutting cock curves up and fits deliciously inside your grip.
<<di cw "Fffuckk yeahhh... tighter... turn your hand into a fucking fleshlight.">>
Following his command, you wind your grip taut and continue jerking him off. To be honest, from the way his hips break the sound barrier, you're not sure if your effort is needed. Of course with that much energy spent, his body exudes heat and his distinct aroma that gets released along with his sweat. Combined with the scent of precum squelching in your palm, the space is filled with all of his presence.
<<video cw/cwhj22.mp4>>
<<set $cw.ar += 2>>\
@@.add;+2 $cw.Name's arousal@@
<<elseif _saff == 1>>\
<<if not $gameends and not $ws.CWhj3>>\
<<set setup.ws.CWhj3 = true>>\
<<set $ws.CWhj3 = true>>\
Sensing he's tiptoeing to the verge of climax, you apply the pressure to smother his dick just right and begin the toughest arm workout of your life. His breath is getting shorter and shorter by the seconds until his guttural shout:
<<di cw "GODDAMNNNN... FUCCKKKK!!!">>
<<video cw/cwhj1cum.mp4>>
White lava erupted from his tips and sprays all over. Embodying him, his thick essence fills the rooms with a strong and wild fragrance. Some animal part of your brain can detect the immense potency of that load and the intense pheromones exuding from his sated body in waves.
<<set $cw.ar += 2>>\
@@.add;+2 $cw.Name's arousal@@
<<lust cw 1 5>>\
<<if not $gameends and not $ws.CWhj6>>\
<<set setup.ws.CWhj6 = true>>\
<<set $ws.CWhj6 = true>>\
<<di cw "Let see if you limp-wrist fag deserve my load...">>
He then let his cock rest on your hand expectantly.
<<di cw "Use your worthless hand to make me cum.">>
This is a test that cannot be failed so you put your whole into his - creating the fittingly tight cocksleeves for his raging staff. It looks like your technique pays off because after just a dozen strokes, he lets out a guttural groan and his member pulses - shooting jets of thick cream far and wide.
<<video cw/cwhj2cum.mp4>>
When he's finally recovered, he compliments backhandedly:
<<di cw "At least you're good for something...">>
<<set $cw.ar += 2>>\
@@.add;+2 $cw.Name's arousal@@
<<lust cw 1 5>>\
<</if>>\<<nobr>><<if $cw.ar <6 and $cw.sfail < 3 and _saff > 0>>\
<<if ($cw.ar >= 2 and _saff == 2 and $gameends) or ($cw.ar >= 2 and $cw.lust >= 11 and not $gameends)>>
<<set $cw.fuck = 0>>
<<if $cw.ar >= 4>>
<<set $cw.kiss = 1>>
<<set $cw.pit = 1>>
<<set $cw.pec = 1>>
<<if not $gameends or ($gameends and ($ws.CWhj1 or $ws.CWhj2 or $ws.CWhj3))>>
<<link "Jerk him">>
<<set $cw.scenestage ++>>
<<print "<<replace \"#s"+ $cw.scenestage +"\">> <<include \"CWhj\">><</replace>>">>
<<replace "#ar">>
$cw.ar - <<if $cw.ar < 2>>Normal<<elseif $cw.ar < 4>>Erected<<else>>Cumming<</if>>
<<replace "#sfail">>
<<replace "#cwmenu">><<include "CWsexmenu">><</replace>>
<<elseif $gameends and not $ws.CWhj1 and not $ws.CWhj2 and not $ws.CWhj3>>
<<link "==Jerk him==">><</link>>
<<if not $gameends and $cw.lust == 5 and $cw.ar >= 2 and $cw.ar < 4>>
<<if $you.money >= 20>>
<<link "Take this chance to suggest blowing him - $20" "CWbjintro">>
<<money -20>>
<<link "==Take this chance to suggest blowing him - $20==">><</link>>
<<elseif (not $gameends and $cw.bj == 0) or ($gameends and $cw.bj == 0 and ($ws.CWbj1 or $ws.CWbj2 or $ws.CWbj3))>>
<<link "Blow him">>
<<set $cw.scenestage ++>>
<<print "<<replace \"#s"+ $cw.scenestage +"\">> <<include \"CWbj\">><</replace>>">>
<<replace "#ar">>
$cw.ar - <<if $cw.ar < 2>>Normal<<elseif $cw.ar < 4>>Erected<<else>>Cumming<</if>>
<<replace "#sfail">>
<<replace "#cwmenu">><<include "CWsexmenu">><</replace>>
<<elseif $cw.bj == 2 or ($gameends and not $ws.CWbj1 and not $ws.CWbj2 and not $ws.CWbj3)>>
<<link "==Blow him==">><</link>>
<<if not $gameends and $cw.lust == 10 and _saff == 1 and $cw.ar >= 2 and $cw.ar < 4>>
<<if $you.money >= 25>>
<<link "Take this chance to suggest doing anal with him - $25" "CWfuckintro">>
<<money -25>>
<<link "==Take this chance to suggest doing anal with him - $25==">><</link>>
<<elseif not $gameends and $cw.lust == 10 and _saff == 2 and $cw.ar >= 2 and $cw.ar < 4>>
<<link "<b>Suddenly he takes over</b>" "CWfuckintro2">><</link>>
<<elseif (not $gameends and $cw.fuck == 0) or ($gameends and $cw.fuck == 0 and ($ws.CWfuck1 or $ws.CWfuck2 or $ws.CWfuck3 or $ws.CWfuck5 or $ws.CWfuck6))>>
<<link "Let him fuck you">>
<<set $cw.scenestage ++>>
<<print "<<replace \"#s"+ $cw.scenestage +"\">> <<include \"CWfuck\">><</replace>>">>
<<replace "#ar">>
$cw.ar - <<if $cw.ar < 2>>Normal<<elseif $cw.ar < 4>>Erected<<else>>Cumming<</if>>
<<replace "#sfail">>
<<replace "#cwmenu">><<include "CWsexmenu">><</replace>>
<<elseif $cw.fuck == 2 or ($gameends and not $ws.CWfuck1 and not $ws.CWfuck2 and not $ws.CWfuck3 and not $ws.CWfuck5 and not $ws.CWfuck6)>>
<<link "==Let him fuck you==">><</link>>
<<if (not $gameends and $cw.kiss == 0) or ($gameends and $cw.kiss == 0 and ($ws.CWkiss1 or $ws.CWkiss2))>>
<<link "Kiss him">>
<<set $cw.scenestage ++>>
<<print "<<replace \"#s"+ $cw.scenestage +"\">> <<include \"CWkiss\">><</replace>>">>
<<replace "#ar">>
$cw.ar - <<if $cw.ar < 2>>Normal<<elseif $cw.ar < 4>>Erected<<else>>Cumming<</if>>
<<replace "#sfail">>
<<replace "#cwmenu">><<include "CWsexmenu">><</replace>>
<<elseif $cw.kiss == 2 or ($gameends and not $ws.CWkiss1 and not $ws.CWkiss2)>>
<<link "==Kiss him==">><</link>>
<<if (not $gameends and $cw.pec == 0) or ($gameends and $cw.pec == 0 and ($ws.CWpec1 or $ws.CWpec2))>>
<<link "Touch his pecs">>
<<set $cw.scenestage ++>>
<<print "<<replace \"#s"+ $cw.scenestage +"\">> <<include \"CWpec\">><</replace>>">>
<<replace "#ar">>
$cw.ar - <<if $cw.ar < 2>>Normal<<elseif $cw.ar < 4>>Erected<<else>>Cumming<</if>>
<<replace "#sfail">>
<<replace "#cwmenu">><<include "CWsexmenu">><</replace>>
<<elseif $cw.pec == 2 or ($gameends and not $ws.CWpec1 and not $ws.CWpec2)>>
<<link "==Touch his pecs==">><</link>>
<<if (not $gameends and $cw.pit == 0) or ($gameends and $cw.pit == 0 and ($ws.CWpit1 or $ws.CWpit2))>>
<<link "Touch his armpits">>
<<set $cw.scenestage ++>>
<<print "<<replace \"#s"+ $cw.scenestage +"\">> <<include \"CWpit\">><</replace>>">>
<<replace "#ar">>
$cw.ar - <<if $cw.ar < 2>>Normal<<elseif $cw.ar < 4>>Erected<<else>>Cumming<</if>>
<<replace "#sfail">>
<<replace "#cwmenu">><<include "CWsexmenu">><</replace>>
<<elseif $cw.pit == 2 or ($gameends and _saff > 0 and not $ws.CWpit1 and not $ws.CWpit2)>>
<<link "==Touch his armpits==">><</link>>
<<elseif $cw.sfail >= 3>>
<<sus cw 1>>
<<link "He then get up and away from your touch">>
<<if $cw.sus == $cw.susmax>>
<<goto "CWbadend">>
<<goto "CWsexfail">>
<<elseif $cw.ar >= 6 and not $gameends>>
<<if $cw.lust == 1 or $cw.lust == 3>>
<<link "After it is done...">>
<<if $cw.lust == 1>>
<<goto "CWhjtalk2">>
<<elseif $cw.lust == 3>>
<<goto "CWhjtalk4">>
<<elseif $cw.lust == 5 and not hasVisited("CWhjtalk5")>>
<<link "After it is done..." "CWhjtalk5">><</link>>
<<elseif $cw.lust == 7 and not hasVisited("CWbjtalk2") and $cw.aff == 1>>
<<link "After it is done..." "CWbjtalk2">><</link>>
<<elseif $cw.lust == 8 and not hasVisited("CWbjtalk4") and $cw.aff == 2>>
<<link "After it is done..." "CWbjtalk4">><</link>>
<<elseif $cw.lust == 9 and not hasVisited("CWbjtalk3") and $cw.aff == 1>>
<<link "After it is done..." "CWbjtalk3">><</link>>
<<elseif $cw.lust == 13 and not hasVisited("CWfucktalk4") and $cw.aff == 1>>
<<link "After it is done..." "CWfucktalk4">><</link>>
<<elseif $cw.lust == 7 and not hasVisited("CWbjtalk4") and $cw.aff == 2>>
<<link "After it is done..." "CWbjtalk4">><</link>>
<<elseif $cw.lust == 14 and not hasVisited("CWfucktalk5") and $cw.aff == 2>>
<<link "After it is done..." "CWfucktalk5">><</link>>
<<elseif $cw.lust >= 12 and $cw.aff == 1 and not hasVisited("CWfucktalk3")>>
<<link "After it is done..." "CWfucktalk3">><</link>>
<<elseif $cw.lust >= 13 and $cw.aff == 1 and hasVisited("CWdate1") and not hasVisited("CWdate2")>>
<<link "After it is done..." "CWdate2">><</link>>
<<link "You leave him to rest" "Go outside">>
<<if $cw.lust == 15 and $cw.aff == 2>>
<<set $cw.timer = 2>>
<<elseif $gameends>>
<<link "Back" "CWscenemenu">><</link>>
<</if>><</nobr>>\<<if $cw.lust < 11 and not $gameends>>\
<<set $cw.kiss = 2>>\
<<set $cw.sfail ++>>\
When your face inches closer to him, he scowls at you and say deadpanly:
<<di cw "Get your ugly mug outta my face.">>
At the very least, worth a try.
@@.minus;+ 1 $cw.Name's irritation@@
<<elseif $cw.lust >= 11 and _saff == 1>>\
<<if not $gameends and not $ws.CWkiss1>>\
<<set setup.ws.CWkiss1 = true>>\
<<set $ws.CWkiss1 = true>>\
<<set $cw.kiss = 1>>\
When you go in for a kiss, it also takes him by surprise like it's not natural for him to do so. Still once your tongue touches his, all bets are off. You're not sure who is kissing whom from the way his lips are devouring you whole. After a few breathless minutes, you finally have a chance to gasp in some fresh air.
<<video cw/cwkiss1.mp4>>
Looking at your kissed-out face with full blush and pleasure, he mutters out a low:
<<di cw "fuck-">>
<<set $cw.ar ++>>\
@@.add;+ 1 $cw.Name's Arousal@@
<<elseif _saff == 2>>\
<<if not $gameends and not $ws.CWkiss2>>\
<<set setup.ws.CWkiss2 = true>>\
<<set $ws.CWkiss2 = true>>\
<<set $cw.kiss = 1>>\
<<di you "May I kiss yo-?">>
<<di cw "Yes, you may kiss my feet. I must warn you that I never wash them. Hahahahahaha.">>
He says that with a mocking laughter like that's the most hilarious joke. Then, he pushes your nape down to near his feet where you can clearly sense that he isn't lying. The scent is so powerful, it makes your eyes water.
<<di cw "C'mon wash my feet.">>
Obviously, you submit to him and start tonguing his feet. The texture is grimy so that you pray it is not dirt. However when the initial disgust passes, your enthusiasm goes up to an eleven because every part of his body is like a drug that you'd go homeless and broke for. After having both of his feet an equal tongue bathed and actually cleaned, he inspects them.
<<video cw/cwkiss2.mp4>>
<<di cw "Having a bitch sucking on your toes is not such a bad feeling. Hahahaha.">>
Then his mocking laugh returns again and you can't do anything but blush in humiliation.
<<set $cw.ar ++>>\
@@.add;+ 1 $cw.Name's Arousal@@
<</if>>\<<if $cw.lust < 6 and $cw.ar < 2 and not $gameends>>\
<<set $cw.pec = 2>>\
<<set $cw.sfail ++>>\
When your hand moves toward his upper body. He halts it before you can even reach his pecs.
<<di cw "What the hell do you think you're doing?">>
<<di you "Haha, just messing around.">>
He gives you an unimpressed look, well let's not try that again.
@@.minus;+ 1 $cw.Name's irritation@@
<<elseif $cw.lust < 6 and $cw.ar >= 2 and not $gameends>>\
<<set $cw.pec = 2>>\
<<set $cw.sfail ++>>\
Your hands move upward and he doesn't like that.
<<di cw "What the hell? I'm not here for none of that.">>
His displeased expression is a strong contrast to his still throbbing dick, so you know it's not beyond saving yet.
<<di you "Haha, sorry.">>
@@.minus;+ 1 $cw.Name's irritation@@
<<elseif $cw.ar < 2>>\
<<if not $gameends and not $ws.CWpec1>>\
<<set setup.ws.CWpec1 = true>>\
<<set $ws.CWpec1 = true>>\
<<set $cw.pec = 1>>\
Your hand slithering through his pecs, the muscles unconsciously (or consciously) pulse against the contact and boast their strength. Your fingers "accidentally" skirt through his nipple and a heated air flies out from his nostrils. No man is really immune to a loving caress after all.
<<video cw/cwpec1.mp4>>
<<set $cw.ar ++>>\
@@.add;+ 1 $cw.Name's Arousal@@
<<if not $gameends and not $ws.CWpec2>>\
<<set setup.ws.CWpec2 = true>>\
<<set $ws.CWpec2 = true>>\
<<set $cw.pec = 1>>\
Below, his dick jerks a little at your caress. His body loves the attention you're giving. His chest feels even harder than his dick but at the same time soft as a cloud from the way it bounces slightly in your palm.
<<video cw/cwpec1.mp4>>
<<set $cw.ar ++>>\
@@.add;+ 1 $cw.Name's Arousal@@
<</if>>\<<if not $gameends and $cw.lust < 11 and $cw.aff == 1>>\
<<set $cw.pit = 2>>\
<<set $cw.sfail ++>>\
Your fingers trace slowly upward his biceps, he swats it away:
<<di cw "Stop this touchy feely bullshit.">>
Easy there, tiger.
@@.minus;+ 1 $cw.Name's irritation@@
<<elseif _saff == 1>>\
<<if not $gameends and not $ws.CWpit1>>\
<<set setup.ws.CWpit1 = true>>\
<<set $ws.CWpit1 = true>>\
<<set $cw.pit = 1>>\
Throwing all the caution to the wind, you glue your nose into his armpit. Days of your mind being invaded by his scent, now you've finally got the chance to sample his strongest smell directly from the source.
<<video cw/cwpit1.mp4>>
<<di cw "Wh-what are you doing? I'm still rank from work.">>
<<di you "Don't care... you smell too good...">>
<<di cw "You are such a... weirdo.">>
Despite his chidding, he makes no attempt to deny you breathing in his pheromones. You, of course, never look at the gift horse in the mouth and dazedly manage to bottle his fragrance in your memory.
<<set $cw.ar ++>>\
@@.add;+ 1 $cw.Name's Arousal@@
<<if not $gameends and not $ws.CWpit2>>\
<<set setup.ws.CWpit2 = true>>\
<<set $ws.CWpit2 = true>>\
<<set $cw.pit = 1>>\
Throwing all the caution to the wind, you glue your nose into his armpit. Days of your mind being invaded by his scent, now you've finally got the chance to sample his strongest smell directly from the source.
<<di cw "Lap on my dirty pits, hog.">>
He then smash your face even deeper into his crevice and completely blocks your nostrils. You are drowning in masculine and spicy odor. Still, your tongue has a mind of its own and takes a thorough sweep through the hairy strip. The saltiness you feel on each round is enough for daily intake.
<<video cw/cwpit2.mp4>>
<<di cw "... That's FUCKING ENOUGH, YOU DUMB BITCH!">>
It looks like he's been telling you to stop but you were too far gone until his shout. Your half-lid eyes full of pleasure shows how little control your brain now has over your body.
<<set $cw.ar ++>>\
@@.add;+ 1 $cw.Name's Arousal@@
<</if>>\<<if $cw.lust < 6 and not $gameends>>\
<<set $cw.bj = 2>>\
<<set $cw.sfail ++>>\
You get on your knees but then he growls angrily:
<<di cw "The fuck are you doing?">>
Not a smart move...
@@.minus;+ 1 $cw.Name's irritation@@
<<elseif $cw.ar < 2 and _saff == 1>>\
<<if not $gameends and not $ws.CWbj1>>\
<<set setup.ws.CWbj1 = true>>\
<<set $ws.CWbj1 = true>>\
Your mouth hovers over his still sleeping member. One half of you want to stay here and admire his ornament for a while. This up close his scent is ten times more concentrated. The heady mix of sweat, pheromone<<if $watersport>>, lingering urine<</if>> and musk is a surefire way to captivate your senses.
<<video cw/cwbj21.mp4>>
The other half of you finally takes over and propels you forward to envelope his cock. The magical feeling of the soft fleshing hardening under the glide of your tongue is always a treat to experience. Your mind hums with anticipation of what to come next.
<<set $cw.ar += 2>>\
@@.add;+ 2 $cw.Name's arousal@@
<<elseif $cw.ar < 2 and _saff == 2>>\
<<if not $gameends and not $ws.CWbj4>>\
<<set setup.ws.CWbj4 = true>>\
<<set $ws.CWbj4 = true>>\
<<di cw "Come clean my cock.">>
You oblige like a well trained pup and crawl between his legs. His command was not figurative because as your nose reaches near his nether region, the scent of a full day's work is so strong, it almost cinches the hairs in your nostrils. It should disgust you, instead you pant in lust and your tongue touches the piece of meat.
<<video cw/cwbj31.mp4>>
Unsure if it is because of your thirst for him or the salt on his cock that dries out your mouth and puts your saliva glands in overdrive. You give him a thorough wash even in the crevices which he appreciates very much by the look of his erection.
<<set $cw.ar += 2>>\
@@.add;+ 2 $cw.Name's arousal@@
<<elseif $cw.ar < 4 and _saff == 1>>\
<<if not $gameends and not $ws.CWbj2>>\
<<set setup.ws.CWbj2 = true>>\
<<set $ws.CWbj2 = true>>\
Did you ever think of his cock as "mouth-watering"? Because right now, it absolutely is - inviting you to wrap it in your warm, wet orifice. Ever so generous, you comply and as soon as the taste of his velvet steel touches your tongue, it lights up all your nerves. The natural salt from the sweat, perhaps dripping down from his abdomen and pubes, activates your salivary glands even further to create the ideally soaked hole for him to fuck into.
<<video cw/cwbj22.mp4>>
<<di cw "Fffucckkk...">>
He grunts quietly like the word is being forced out from him. It is the right encouragement for you to go complete slob town on him. Your head bobs up and down - letting his cockhead hit the back of your throat. Your spit messily leaks from your fully stretched out lips dialing the filthiness of the situation up to an eleven.
<<set $cw.ar += 2>>\
@@.add;+ 2 $cw.Name's arousal@@
<<elseif $cw.ar < 4 and _saff == 2>>\
<<if not $gameends and not $ws.CWbj5>>\
<<set setup.ws.CWbj5 = true>>\
<<set $ws.CWbj5 = true>>\
<<di cw "This is what you are here for, no need to play coy and suck on it bitch.">>
He pulls your head forcefully against his crotch and choke you with his thick dick. Luckily, your gag reflex is non-existent so you manage to not pass out from the exertion and manage to give a few licks of the slab of velvet steel.
<<di cw "Such a damn whore, let see if you can take this. ">>
Then his hips start moving with abrupt movements. Every time his tool withdraws from your orifice, it slams back again with a violent force in an erratic pace like he wants to catch you off guard and test your limit. Against all odds, you persevere and grow hornier from his borderline abusive behavior due to the fact: yes, you're a goddamn slut for him.
<<video cw/cwbj32.mp4>>
<<set $cw.ar += 2>>\
@@.add;+ 2 $cw.Name's arousal@@
<<elseif _saff == 1>>\
<<if not $gameends and not $ws.CWbj3>>\
<<set setup.ws.CWbj3 = true>>\
<<set $ws.CWbj3 = true>>\
Feeling the telltale signs, you position yourself so that his hefty length rests on your face. With just a few strokes and a groan, he unleashes a copious amount of seed on your face. Your hand moves his still pulsing dick to around to infuse his juice to your skin and make you reek of his cum, and of him.
<<video cw/cwbj2cum.mp4>>
<<set $cw.ar += 2>>\
@@.add;+ 2 $cw.Name's arousal@@
<<lust cw 1 10>>\
<<if not $gameends and not $ws.CWbj6>>\
<<set setup.ws.CWbj6 = true>>\
<<set $ws.CWbj6 = true>>\
<<di cw "Time for your treat, pig...">>
He then pulls off of you and begins stroking. The powerful image of him towering over you, veins running all over his powerful forearms as he's bringing himself to completion will be forever branded in your brain.
<<di cw "Here it comes... here it FUCKING COME!!!">>
Ropes of pearly manjuice cover your already saliva-stricken mug. Your visage is completely soiled by his essence.
<<video bro/brobjcum1.mp4>>
<<di cw "Fuckkkk yeahhh... C'mon, rub it in.">>
You follow his command easily and use your finger to push the goopey liquid around and deeper into your skin like a lotion. It takes awhile due to the volume and viscosity, your skin finally absorbs most of his cum.
<<di you "Thank you.">>
He doesn't need to say anything but just smirk at you with something almost like disgust.
<<set $cw.ar += 2>>\
@@.add;+ 2 $cw.Name's arousal@@
<<lust cw 1 10>>\
<</if>>\<<scenechoices cw 1 0>>\
This is not the first time you've jacked him off, plus your horniness is getting the better of you, so comes the question:
<<di you "Can you let me suck your dick? The fans have been dying to see it. I'll add an extra $20.">>
<<di cw "Huh?">>
Your hand is still holding his raging member and jerks it leisurely - the pace is not quite enough to bring someone to completion. He lets out a frustrated noise and grumbles:
<<di cw "Arghhh, alright. Just get me off.">>
<<video cw/cwbj11.mp4>>
You lick your lips naughtily and dive immediately into the mouth watering cock you've been dying to taste. The sudden suction of your mouth shocks a hiss out of him as your tongue darts expertly to all the sensitive points of his manhood. His popsicle tastes divinely salty and exceeds your every expectation. You bob your head up and down like a seasoned whore and soon he shouts:
<<di cw "SSSSSHITTTT!!! I'M COMING!!!">>
<<video cw/cwbj1cum.mp4>>
Fighting the urge to consume his seed, you let his cock out just the right moment for the spurts of scorching jizz drapes over your face. Damn, the smell of his cum is absolutely filthy and virile. You aren't even sure if a round of face wash can completely erase his stench on you.
<<di cw "Aughhh... fffffuck...">>
He still groans and shakes slightly from the aftershock of the orgasm. You regretfully detach yourself from his softening cock to admire his soaked form sprawling on the bed. The heat and musky scent radiating from his body is calling you to get on round two. In the end, your rationality still wins and you tell him conversationally:
<<di you "Here is the extra $20. Appreciate it much dude. People are gonna love this clip.">>
His eyes are closed as he nods his affirmation and says nothing. Right now, the worst thing to do is getting clingy to him so you say your goodbye and leave the apartment. It is a test for sure but you aren't one to back down on a long, hard road.
<<lust cw 1 10>>\
<<if not $gameends>>\
<<set $cw.rmoney = 45>>\
<<if $gameends>>\
<<link "Back" "CWscenemenu">><</link>>
<<link "Leaving his room" "Go outside">><</link>>
<</if>>\<<scenechoices cw 1 0>>\
Being so intimate with him for a while now, your hunger is reaching a boiling point as your hole itches to be filled. So you take the chance:
<<di you "Can we do anal?">>
<<di cw "Whh-what? The fuck?">>
<<di you "My fans sent in a lot of requests to see more action from us. I'm willing to throw in another $25.">>
His frown is definitely not pleasant. Still his meat hasn't wilted yet so you give it two squeezes and that does the trick since he throws his head back and sighs resignedly:
<<di cw "Fine whatever. Just get it over with.">>
Those words are even more exciting than reading your college admission letter. Therefore, you strip swiftly, tear into the packet of lubes on your pocket and smear the liquid carelessly on your hole. It's a quick 10 second endeavor because you are aching to have him inside.
<<video cw/cwfuck11.mp4>>
When you sit on him and slowly sink into his dick, you can see that he's using his arm to cover his eyes. Regardless, a small growl can be heard as he's fully sheathed in your orifice:
<<di cw "ffffffuckkk...">>
You begin bouncing on his cock which is still very much interested and appears to grow larger. His gigantic tool has the perfect girth to stretch your hole to its limit while possessing the right length to smash your love button at the perfect angle.
<<video cw/cwfuck12.mp4>>
The squelching sound of fluid and flesh colliding is so filthy and primal, it makes your own member burn with lust. The air is now filled with particles of maleness and pure sex. You can do this until the end of time but his shout pierces the room:
<<di cw "I'M... SSSSHHIITTT">>
<<video cw/cwfuck1cum.mp4>>
It's almost like he wants to pull you off but unable too. Spurts of man juice spills out from his slit, fill your channel and run down the shaft and water the thick jungle below. The mixture of musk, sweat and cum on his pube makes you want to use your tongue to comb over each strand to drain the potent concoction dry and savor the virile taste. However, that's too risky so you can only imagine for now.
<<lust cw 1 15>>\
<<set $cw.rmoney = 70>>\
<<if $gameends>>\
<<link "Back" "CWscenemenu">><</link>>
<<link "After it is done..." "CWfucktalk1">><</link>>
<</if>>\<<if $cw.lust < 11 and not $gameends>>\
<<set $cw.fuck = 2>>\
<<set $cw.sfail ++>>\
Pausing whatever you're doing, you ask:
<<di you "When was the last time you fuck someone else?">>
You're fishing and he can read right through it.
<<di cw "Shut the fuck up and focus on what you're doing.">>
@@.minus;+ 1 $cw.Name's irritation@@
<<elseif $cw.ar < 2 and _saff == 2>>\
<<set $cw.fuck = 2>>\
<<set $cw.sfail ++>>\
Your ass is so hungry that your want to grind on his still soft cock. Your moment of hesitation irks him though:
<<di cw "The fuck with all the pussyfooting? Snap the hell out of it, bitch.">>
Better get him hard then.
@@.minus;+ 1 $cw.Name's irritation@@
<<elseif $cw.ar < 2 and _saff == 1>>\
<<if not $gameends and not $ws.CWfuck1>>\
<<set setup.ws.CWfuck1 = true>>\
<<set $ws.CWfuck1 = true>>\
Knowing your allure to him, you begin grinding yourself onto his still clothed cock. Feeling the sprout of lust become a hot hard log never gets old to you. Behind, there are audible puffs of breath heating up your nape and telling you he's enjoying the action. Enjoying is one thing but it looks like he's loving it because soon he starts humping you on his own volition. You're afraid the sheet might catch fire due to the incredible friction brewing between your cheeks.
<<video cw/cwfuck21.mp4>>
<<set $cw.ar += 2>>\
@@.add;+ 2 $cw.Name's arousal@@
<<elseif $cw.ar < 4 and _saff == 1>>\
<<if not $gameends and not $ws.CWfuck2>>\
<<set setup.ws.CWfuck2 = true>>\
<<set $ws.CWfuck2 = true>>\
Finally having enough of just messing around, he flips you over and immediately pushes his girthy tool inside. Once fully sheathed, he doesn't give you time for a breather either and begins pounding your ass like no tomorrow. Aside from your low groan, you can barely hear the low grunts of ecstasy coming from deep inside him like he's trying to suppress them but failing to.
<<video cw/cwfuck22.mp4>>
Here, you've come to a realization that he produces a lot of bodily fluid. In the current position, you can feel droplets of sweat drizzle on your back and your hole, despite the lack of preparation, is now well-lubricated from his pre-cum alone. The room positively stinks of wildness and sex.
<<set $cw.ar += 2>>\
@@.add;+ 2 $cw.Name's arousal@@
<<elseif $cw.ar < 4 and _saff == 2>>\
<<if not $gameends and not $ws.CWfuck5>>\
<<set setup.ws.CWfuck5 = true>>\
<<set $ws.CWfuck5 = true>>\
Immediately when fully hard, he gives you no time to prepare before pressing his slightly wet tip to your entrance.
<<di cw "Show time, bitch!">>
His dick slams home and punches a surprised yelp out of you before retreating and resuming its flurry of assault.
<<di cw "Shut your ass up fucking whore. I don't want to hear your damn whining.">>
<<video cw/cwfuck42.mp4>>
He demands gruffly. However, his groin is still in motion and relentless in abusing your wrecked hole. Thus, it takes everything in you to not groan out in both pain and pleasure. Unlike you, his breathing is getting louder and more rapid like a rampaging bull. His scent, which still has traces of the day's work in the construction zone, is exacerbated from this bout of cardio and the apparent smell of sex.
<<set $cw.ar += 2>>\
@@.add;+ 2 $cw.Name's arousal@@
<<elseif _saff == 1>>\
<<set $you.horniness = 0>>\
<<if not $gameends and not $ws.CWfuck3>>\
<<set setup.ws.CWfuck3 = true>>\
<<set $ws.CWfuck3 = true>>\
In spite of you wanting this to last forever, it looks like he's heading full speed to the edge of glory. He finally lets out a roaring shout before plugging his tool deep inside and raining his seedlings over your valley.
<<video you/youbred7.mp4>>
Your love language is another man's cum therefore you soon after join in the land of the bliss and unload all over his sheet.
<<video you/youfuckcum1.mp4>>
The room has already been filthy before now it has taken a turn for the worse with the scent of sweat and cum lingering hours from now.
<<set $cw.ar += 2>>\
@@.add;+ 2 $cw.Name's arousal@@
<<lust cw 1 15>>\
<<if not $gameends and not $ws.CWfuck6>>\
<<set setup.ws.CWfuck6 = true>>\
<<set $ws.CWfuck6 = true>>\
Despite all the degrading things done to you, you've come to enjoy and want the moment to last forever. However, it looks like you're just a hole for him to get off as quick as possible because soon he withdraws, pushes you down and begins jacking off his angry dick.
<<di cw "FUCKING TAKE ITTTTT...">>
His gland erupts and gushes of cum fly high and land on your ass crack. It takes a while for the thick goo to slide down and pool on your entrance. You then relax and contract your opening to let his essence in. A savage smack on your ass slap a hiss out of you.
<<video cw/cwfuck4cum.mp4>>
<<di cw "You greedy slut. You really want my cum that bad??!?">>
He then with great accuracy spits on your asshole. With the saliva mixed in, somehow you're ten times hungrier to drink in all of his bodily fluids. However, you're unable to because he then shoves you roughly off the bed.
<<di cw "Damn pig. Get the fuck outta my sight.">>
He suddenly turns angry in a blink of an eye, almost like with himself. Of course, you're not gonna wait here to endure more of his wrath.
<<set $cw.ar += 2>>\
@@.add;+ 2 $cw.Name's arousal@@
<<lust cw 1 15>>\
<</if>>\This time around, he appears to be not quick to shoo you away, so you take this chance to get to know him better:
<<di you "So how come you moved all the way to the crack of the universe? Here? I mean the town is nice but it's hardly filled with opportunities.">>
The release has a mellowing effect on him because his defense is down:
<<di cw "This town is the closest to... Well, I needed a fresh start and this place has work under the table so it is as good as any.">>
That detail of him working under the table is intriguing and you would like to dig more into this but he already stops himself from confessing further.
<<di you "Well, I mean it. If you need a friend in town, I'm here. Okay?">>
That's probably the best offer you can make next to your $25 because you can see the upward quirks on his lips.
<<di cw "Aight.">>
<<link "You leave him to rest" "Go outside">><</link>>Five minutes after you've wistfully cleaned off his cum. You hear a ring and see $cw.Name catches his old and -gasp- non-smart phone from his discarded pants. He quickly goes into the bathroom to take it. Despite closing the door, the soundproof in this building is obviously less than stellar because you can hear his voice clearly:
<<di cw "Sup, boss?">>
He pauses for a few seconds before exclaiming with slightly louder voice:
<<di cw "What do you mean you can't pay me this weekend?">>
You can feel the tenseness in his silence before his next answer:
<<di cw "Alright, I see... Okay, thanks.">>
Then you hear a frustrated grunt before he reappears from the bathroom again.
<<di you "Trouble at work?">>
<<di cw "Shit, yeah. My boss refuses to pay me this weekend with some lame excuse, fucking asshole.">>
<<di you "Well, you can count on me then.">>
You then hand the $25 bill again to him. When he reaches out, your finger touches and you can feel a current of electricity running through. There is a note of soft appreciation in his tone:
<<di cw "Thanks, man.">>
You smile and wave dismissively like it's nothing. It's good to do some good deeds like this and see his walls begin to crack. You wonder how long you can remain this supply of income to him and what happens if you're unable to do so?
<<link "You leave him to rest" "Go outside">><</link>>His arm still covers his face despite the orgasm having been over for five minutes. The air tenses as time goes which you hope is just your paranoia.
<<di you "Hey, you good?">>
<<di cw "Get out.">>
He growls - voice like sandpaper and face still hidden.
<<di you "Hey, what's wrong?">>
<<di cw "Nothing's wrong. You got what you want so now get THE FUCK out.">>
This is harsh, even harsher than your first less than pleasant meeting so you just give him a quiet:
<<di you "Okay.">>
Then you slowly dress and reach for the door handle. Looking back, his expression is still obscured by his arm so you don't even leave a goodbye before exiting. It looks like the man finally has some regrets about his act with you. The question is: Do you have any regret of having him fucking you? Perhaps, it depends whether this is the last time you'll see him or not.
<<link "Back" "Go outside">><<set $cw.timer = 0>><</link>>When he finally comes down from the high, you ask tentatively:
<<di you "So was it good?">>
He perches up - body glistens like he just ran a marathon - the smell of fresh sweat, jizz and musk emanated in the air.
<<di cw "Mmmyeah... not bad.">>
His still shallow breath and red cheeks tell you it's a gross understatement but you really don't need to call him out. So you continue:
<<di you "Great, so we can do some more later then?">>
He gives you an act of considering your proposal before answering:
<<di cw "Right... In fact, here is the key. Give me a shout and see me here when you got work for me. I'm usually home by 6:00 PM.">>
That's a win you didn't expect from him. So you smile at him jokingly:
<<di you "Aren't you afraid that I'm gonna break in and steal your stuffs.">>
He gives you an unimpressed look and waves around the space:
<<di cw "Be my guest.">>
Your laugh reverberates through the room and you see his genuine smile - a far cry from a look of coldness and mild repulse from him during the first few meetings. It's safe to say you two are friends now and it feels good to you not just sexually but also emotionally to get to know someone like him.
<<link "You leave him to rest" "Go outside">><<set $cw.timer = 4>><</link>><<scenechoices cw 1 0>>\
<<set $you.horniness = 0>>\
<<set $cw.uwjc = 1>>\
Entering his home, you feel positively like a creep. He gave you the key but didn't exactly want you to show up uninvited, especially when the host isn't present either. Still, the pervert in you has a goal to accomplish today.
<<image cwapt.jpg>>
The room is still a mess as usual. A pair of shoes carelessly sprawled near the front door, a work shirt with brown stains thrown over a chair, some shorts strewn over on the floor... There, amid the chaos, you see his boxer brief. Like a lost wanderer in the middle of the desert, you find the oasis - your hand greedily scoop up the content that will quench your thirst and drink it in.
<<video cw/cwuws11.mp4>>
The scent hits you head-on like a freight train. Despite laying there on the floor for however long, it still retains the unadulterated essence of $cw.Name - the sweat, musk<<if $watersport>>, piss,<</if>> and pre-cum - from the little white streak directly on the crotch area. Your cock perks up immediately and begs to be touched from the sensory overload.
<<video cw/cwuws12.mp4>>
You drape the soiled garment over your face and bathe in it while your other hand strokes your member at an impressive pace. Still, with such high-octane jerking actions there is still something missing and you clearly know what: His huge cock filling you to the brim. So your mind runs wild with images of him skewering you in the most depraved and dirty ways while you're being smothered by his filth.
<<video you/youcum6.mp4>>
Then it finally happens, your cock spurts and jets of pearly jizz blast out from your painfully purple tip. Your muffled groan can be heard from the room next door as your tongue darts out to scour for any trace of him on the fabric.
<<if $gameends>>\
<<link "Back" "CWscenemenu">><</link>>
When you re-emerge from the ecstatic coma. You're faced with the two choices: Whether to steal his underwear or not?
<span id="choices">\
<<link "Yes, steal it">>
<<replace "#choices">>\
<<if $cw.uws == 0>>\
<<set $cw.uws ++>>\
How can you say no to such temptation? It is just underwear, he won't notice one missing. So you ball it up and put it in your pocket so you can store it in your keepsake of your bedroom.
<<elseif $cw.uws == 1>>\
<<set $cw.uws ++>>\
If he notices anything, he would have told you about it already, right? Another one to your collection won't hurt.
<<elseif $cw.uws == 2>>\
<<set $cw.uws ++>>\
Every good collection needs to be a trio. So you help yourself to another one.
<<set $cw.uws ++>>\
At this point, might as well.
<<link "Leaving his room" "Go outside">><</link>>
<<link "No, don't do it">>
<<replace "#choices">>\
<<if $cw.uws == 0>>\
You already feel content getting off using his underwear. No point in risking it just to steal one while you can do it here.
<<elseif $cw.uws == 1>>\
A missing pair is fine but two will ring some bells. Better to play it safe.
<<elseif $cw.uws == 2>>\
You've done wayyy too much snatching two pairs. Don't want to spook the bear.
Strangely, your conscience wins over after already establishing yourself as a dirty underwear thief.
<<link "Leaving his room" "Go outside">><</link>>
<</if>>\<<set $you.location = passage()>>\
<<if $hour == 18 or $hour == 19>>\
<<image cwaptdoor.jpg>>
<<if $cw.aff == 1>>\
You knock on the door of his room in the sketchy apartment building. Like expecting you, he lets you in without a thought and presume his position on the bed. You don't want to waste any more time either.
<<link "You go ahead" "CWsex">>
<<set _temphour = 19 - $hour>>
<<set _tempmin = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temphour>>
<<pressminute add _tempmin>>
<<di cw "You got the money?">>
You hand over the amount which you hope to be just enough for a chance to service him. He doesn't look completely satisfied with the amount but still allows:
<<di cw "Passable. Let's get the show on the road, hmm?">>
<<link "You go ahead" "CWsex">>
<<set _temphour = 19 - $hour>>
<<set _tempmin = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temphour>>
<<pressminute add _tempmin>>
<<elseif $hour >= 9 and $hour < 18 and $cw.uwjc == 1>>\
<<image cwaptdoor.jpg>>
You had your fun, no point in returning so soon.
<<link "Back" "Go outside">><<pressminute add 5>><</link>>
<<image cwaptdoor.jpg>>
He's probably sleeping or resting, it is unwise to disturb him right now.
<<link "Back" "Go outside">><<pressminute add 5>><</link>>
<</if>>\<<di cw "Stop messing around, you dumbass. It's not funny.">>
You kind of crossed the line with all those daring actions so you try to appeal to him:
<<di you "Hey, it was just an act. The people want more actions so you can't really blame me that I tried.">>
It seems to convince him somewhat because he doesn't blow his fuse off at you.
<<di cw "Regardless, I don't fucking like it and I'm not in the mood anymore. You can go.">>
He then walks to his bathroom and completely ignore you. Damnit, you need to be more careful next time. Regardless, you still leave the payment behind to soothe his anger towards you.
<<link "You leave to not irritate him further" "Go outside">><</link>><<if setup.ws.CWhj1>><<link "Sex with him" "CWsex">><</link>><<else>><<link "==Sex with him==">><</link>><</if>>
<<if setup.ws.CWbjintro>><<link "First blowjob" "CWbjintro">><</link>><<else>><<link "==First blowjob==">><</link>><</if>> <<if setup.ws.CWfuckintro>><<link "First fuck" "CWfuckintro">><</link>><<else>><<link "==First fuck==">><</link>><</if>> <<if setup.ws.CWfuckintro2>><<link "First hate-fuck" "CWfuckintro2">><</link>><<else>><<link "==First hate-fuck==">><</link>><</if>> <<if setup.ws.CWorgy>><<link "Orgy with 3 men" "CWorgy">><</link>><<else>><<link "==Orgy with 3 men==">><</link>><</if>>
<<if setup.ws.CWunderwearsteal>><<link "You jerking while smelling his underwear in his apartment" "CWunderwearsteal">><</link>><<else>><<link "==You jerking while smelling his underwear in his apartment==">><</link>><</if>> <<if setup.ws.CWjerkinbed>><<link "You jerking while smelling his underwear in your bedroom" "CWjerkinbed">><</link>><<else>><<link "==You jerking while smelling his underwear in your bedroom==">><</link>><</if>>
<<if setup.ws.CWbadend>><<link "<b>Bad ending</b>" "CWbadend">><</link>><<else>><<link "==<b>Bad ending</b>==">><</link>><</if>> <<if setup.ws.CWend4>><<link "<b>Whore ending</b>" "CWend4">><</link>><<else>><<link "==<b>Whore ending</b>==">><</link>><</if>> <<if setup.ws.CWend1>><<link "<b>Stranger ending</b>" "CWend1">><</link>><<else>><<link "==<b>Stranger ending</b>==">><</link>><</if>> <<if setup.ws.CWend2>><<link "<b>Friend ending</b>" "CWend2">><</link>><<else>><<link "==<b>Friend ending</b>==">><</link>><</if>> <<if setup.ws.CWend3>><<link "<b>Lover ending</b>" "CWend3">><</link>><<else>><<link "==<b>Lover ending</b>==">><</link>><</if>>
[[Back|Memoriesmenu]]<<scenechoices cw 1 0>>\
<<if not $gameends>>\
@@.title;BAD ENDING@@
<<di cw "Okay that's enough. Get the fuck outta here!">>
<<di you "Wait, you know it's all for the camera, right?">>
<<di cw "I don't care, all I know right now is that you're a bitch ass pervert.">>
<<di you "Hold on, I can give you more money...">>
You desperately try to mitigate the situation by attacking his weak point - his finance. However, it doesn't seem to work:
<<di cw "I'd rather be broke than being used by you fag scum. GET OUT!">>
He says with a finality. He seems completely pissed off and the clenched fists are the clear warning siren. You're one wrong move away from being punch into a bloody pulp.
<<di you "Alright. I'll go.">>
Defeat is always bitter to swallow and it looks like you don't have any more chance with him.
<<if $gameends>>\
<<link "Back" "CWscenemenu">><</link>>
<<link "You leave his apartment and never look back" "Go outside">><</link>>
<</if>>\ - <i>Will your lend your helping hand?</i>
<<if $cw.aff == 2>>
<<if $cw.lust >= 12>>\
• Go to his apartment at <b>18:00 & 19:00</b>
• You can now get him to fuck you
• You can snoop in his apartment when he's at work
<<elseif $cw.lust == 10>>\
• Go to his apartment at <b>18:00 & 19:00</b>
• He will takes over and fuck you <b>when he's erect</b>
• You can now give him blowjob
• You can snoop in his apartment when he's at work
<<elseif $cw.lust >= 6>>\
• Go to his apartment at <b>18:00 & 19:00</b>
• You can now give him blowjob
• You can snoop in his apartment when he's at work
<<elseif $cw.aff == 1>>\
<<if $cw.lust >= 12>>\
• Go to his apartment at <b>18:00 & 19:00</b>
• You can now get him to fuck you
• You can snoop in his apartment when he's at work
<<elseif $cw.lust == 11 and $cw.timer >= 3>>\
• Go to his apartment at <b>18:00 & 19:00</b>
<<elseif $cw.lust == 11 and $cw.timer < 3>>\
• Wait for for him to cool down
• <<print (3-$cw.timer)>> day(s) left
<<elseif $cw.lust == 10>>\
• Go to his apartment at <b>18:00 & 19:00</b>
• You can suggest him fucking you <b>when he's erect</b>
• You can now give him blowjob for the video
• You can snoop in his apartment when he's at work
<<elseif $cw.lust >= 7>>\
• Go to his apartment at <b>18:00 & 19:00</b>
• You can now give him blowjob for the video
• You can snoop in his apartment when he's at work
<<elseif $cw.lust == 6>>\
• Visit the fast food restaurant <b>at 17:00</b>
• You can now give him blowjob for the video
<<elseif $cw.lust == 5>>\
• Visit the fast food restaurant <b>at 17:00</b>
• You can suggest giving him a blowjob <b>when he's erect</b>
• You can now give him handjob for the video
<<elseif $cw.lust < 5 and hasVisited("CWtalk2")>>\
• Visit the fast food restaurant <b>at 17:00</b>
• You can now give him handjob for the video
<<elseif $cw.lust == 0 and hasVisited("CWtalk1")>>\
• Go to the fast food restaurant <b>at 17:00</b>, you may catch the construction worker again
<<elseif $cw.lust == 0 and not hasVisited("CWtalk1")>>\
• Visit the fast food restaurant <b>at 17:00</b>, there might be something interesting there
<<if hasVisited("CWfucktalk3") and not hasVisited("CWdate1") and $cw.aff == 1>>\
• Go to his apartment <b>from 8 AM to 11 AM on a Saturday</b> to give him a tour of the town
<<elseif hasVisited("CWdate2") and $cw.lust == 15 and $cw.aff == 1>>\
• <b>Go to his apartment during the day to get a call - ENDING</b>
<<elseif $cw.lust == 15 and $cw.aff == 2>>\
• <b>Something happen during the night at his apartment - ENDING</b>
<</if>>\Construction worker: @@.cw;<b>$cw.Name</b>@@
<span style="color:red">Lust: $cw.lust/$cw.lustmax</span>
<span style="color:green">Strike: $cw.sus/$cw.susmax</span> - <i>Bad ending upon reaching $cw.susmax</i>
<span style="color:yellow">Underwear stolen: $cw.uws/3</span> - <i>Don't steal too many, he won't like it</i><<scenechoices cw 1 0>>\
<<set $you.horniness = 0>>\
Opening the secret drawer, you pull out a treasured pair of boxer-brief that you stole from $cw.Name. Somehow, the garment still retains the strong scents from him and dizzies you with lust.
<<video you/youuwj11.mp4>>
Unable to hold back anymore, your nose buries into the crotch area and takes a greedy inhale like it's the last breath of fresh air on Earth. Meanwhile, your hand is moving up and down your long erect shaft at an almost painful pace.
<<video you/youuwj12.mp4>>
You want to taste it so bad but are scared the scent will be swept away. Therefore, lungfuls of his potent fragrant would be sufficient for now. Turns out, it is enough because shortly your load is ripped out of you in a blissful orgasm.
<<video you/youcum7.mp4>>
<<if $gameends>>\
<<link "Back" "CWscenemenu">><</link>>
<<link "You clean up the mess leisurely" $you.location>><</link>>
<</if>>\After all that is done, he actually offers you a beer (a warm one due to the lack of fridge) as you two make small talk like a couple of friends.
<<di you "... If you don't mind me asking, where did you live before?">>
That seems to bring his mood down as his head drops. He pauses for a minute before saying:
<<di cw "Prison... I'm an ex-convict.">>
Everything clicks, that's why he wanted to "start fresh" and accepted an under the table job. You have your suspicions so the confession doesn't shock you. For some reasons, he tells you gruffly:
<<di cw "...What?">>
<<di you "What what??">>
<<di cw "Just speak your mind.">>
Can he be more vague? However, thank god for giving him a good head on your shoulders so you quickly figure he wants to gauge your opinion about him being an ex-con.
<<di you "Umm... That doesn't change anything. I've seen a lot of you and what I found is that you are a great guy regardless of your history.">>
Hearing your words, his eyes dart away from yours as he clears his throat roughly:
<<di cw "Ahem... thanks. I appreciate it.">>
Now knowing his past in the prison, your curiosity cannot be held back.
<<di you "Did you..., you know, do any stuff with other men in there? Because I heard a lot happens in prison.">>
<<di cw "FUCK NO!! I didn't do any of the fag shit.">>
He spits out with contempt like he just didn't soak his dick in your mouth. You thought you expanded his horizon a little but turns out there is still quite a bit of work.
<<di cw "They really tried but I wasn't gonna fall into that sinful lifestyle for nothing.">>
Except for money, you guess. However, you decide to keep quiet and let him delude himself. As you feel the air thickens up with irritation radiating from him, you decide to call it a day and give him a goodbye.
<<link "You leave him to rest" "Go outside">><</link>>Unable to wait any longer, you knock on the raggedy door of $cw.Name's home while praying that all your hard work hasn't gone to waste. He appears, looking tired as ever, and the first word that comes out of his mouth is:
<<di cw "Why are you here?">>
<<di you "Can't a guy visit his friend?">>
You try to keep things cheery with a joke.
<<if $cw.uws < 3>>\
<<di cw "Friends? That's what we are now.">>
<<di you "Of course, how many times do I have to tell you that. Anyway, I'm here to talk... about our last shoot.">>
At that, he tenses and you can feel the invisible barrier rise up around him.
<<di you "I'm sorry. It was shitty of me to coerce you into doing anal. My only thought during that was getting more money and business to support you, so I might have overstepped and made you uncomfortable.">>
That takes him aback as he replies unsurely:
<<di cw "So you're not here for more videos?">>
<<di you "No, I'm here to salvage our friendship and for your forgiveness.">>
You can tell from the way he scratch his nape that he doesn't know how to react to the situation.
<<di cw "Well, I'm sorry for my reaction. I understand all we did were just business but I was raised religiously so...">>
That explains a lot of his attitude. His cheeks burn as he continues:
<<di cw "Actually... I wouldn't mind doing more since I'm still in a pickle with money.">>
Your smile cannot be any wider:
<<di you "Really? Thank god, I thought I'd lost my friend and business partner. Glad to hear you're still on board.">>
<<di cw "Ahh... umm... Can we do it... like now? I uhhh... need some cash... urgently.">>
<<di you "Cool cool, anytime.">>
You enter the messy apartment with newfound excitement.
<span id="t">\
<<if $you.money >= $cw.rmoney>>\
<<link "Fun time! - $$$cw.rmoney" "CWsex">>
<<money $cw.rmoney*-1>>
<<set _temphour = 19 - $hour>>
<<set _tempmin = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temphour>>
<<pressminute add _tempmin>>
<<link "==Fun time! - $$$cw.rmoney==">><</link>>
<<link "You don't have cash on yourself">>
<<replace "#t">>\
<<di you "Wait, I didn't bring any cash.">>
<<di cw "Oh...? Well... then I guess... we'll do it another time... then.">>
He sounds stuck, hesitant to stop almost. Goddamn, you hate being poor.
<<link "Back" "Go outside">><</link>>
<<set $cw.aff = 2>>\
<<scenechoices cw 1 0>>\
<<di cw "Friends? So you have the habit of stealing your mates' underwear?">>
That silences you outright and he smirks unkindly:
<<di cw "Like I thought, you're just a goddamn perverted homo who's after my dick. Piss off.">>
<<set _templ = (7 - $cw.lust)>>\
<<lust cw _templ>>\
Before he can slam the door in your face, you make the last attempt to persuade him:
<<di you "I can give you more money if you want.">>
You rummage your bag to find some cash as he looks expectantly.
<span id="t">\
<<if $you.money >= $cw.rmoney>>\
<<link "Here's $$$cw.rmoney.">>
<<replace "#t">>\
<<di you "Here's $$$cw.rmoney.">>
He snatches the wad of money from you quickly before eyeing you:
<<di cw "Hmm... fortunate for you I still need cash so this'll do. I'll allow you to service me this time only.">>
<<link "Proceed" "CWsex">>
<<set _temph = 19 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<link "==Here's $$$cw.rmoney.==">><</link>>
<<link "You don't have a significant amount to give him">>
<<replace "#t">>\
<<di cw "More patting won't make the money materialize in your pocket. Stop wasting my time and get lost.">>
He slams the door to your face as you slump down dejectedly. You should have the money ready when you come back next time to convince him.
<<link "Back" "Go outside">><</link>>
<</if>>\<<di cw "How about that tour of the town?">>
When you thought he was already dozing off, his question suddenly comes and perks you up:
<<di you "Oh? I can do whenever you want.">>
<<di cw "Alright, I take saturdays off. Meet me here from 8 to 11 AM, that's okay?">>
<<di you "Roger that.">>
You roger diligently which elicits a laugh out of him. Making your way down the street, genuine giddiness fills your stomach at the prospect of having a day out with him.
<<link "You leave him to rest" "Go outside">><</link>>Knocking on his rickety door, butterflies fill your stomach. You almost don't recognize the man who stands at the entrance. His outfit is not exactly formal wear but it's new and he definitely did some cleaning up for his look today.
<<image cw/cw2.jpg>>
<<di cw "What??">>
He says irksomely. You finally collect your jaw and drool off the floor:
<<di you "Umm... nothing... Well, actually you look good.">>
<<di cw "Pfft... I always look amazing.">>
Despite his effort to act nonchalant, you can still see his ear pinks from having his ego boosted.
<<di you "Let's get going, shall we?">>
In spite of the size of the town, the public transit is rather decent so you two manage to navigate through the highlights without a car. Having the chance to talk to him outside of the familiar setting of sex, you find yourself enjoying his company more than you ever imagined. He's super curious, full of questions and intelligent but also possesses the confidence of a self-assured man.
As the sun is making its way to the horizon, you two make it to the Kingston College.
<<image college1.jpg>>
<<di you "This is where I study.">>
<<di cw "Wow, the town is full of surprises, huh? This school is quite big.">>
His tone is full of wonder but then swiftly changes to something like sad wistfulness.
<<di cw "You know in another life, I would have my college degree by now.">>
<span id="t">\
<<link "“Why? You can still get it now.”">>
<<set $cw.eaff -->>\
<<replace "#t">>\
<<di you "Why? You can still get it now.">>
<<di cw "How? So I'll starve to death just to get to sit in boring lectures? Not everyone has the privilege and support to pursue what and whoever they want just like you.">>
He spits out bitterly. No wonder, the prison took most of his youth and oppoturnities away from him. You aren't sure if you would react any better if you were in his shoes either.
<<di cw "Forget it. I'm good for today, let's just head back.">>
The rest of the way is spent in awkward silence and it feels like all your efforts are ruined just because of one wrong answer.
<<link "The tour ends" "Go outside">><</link>>
<<link "“Hey, it's never too late. You can figure something out.”">>
<<set $cw.eaff += 2>>\
<<replace "#t">>\
<<di you "Hey, it's never too late. You can figure something out.">>
<<di cw "You think so? An old man like me attending college - I'll the the laughing stock of you youngsters.">>
<<di you "Don't worry. I'll beat the shit out of anyone who makes fun of you.">>
<<di cw "Hahahaha. You kicking someone's ass? I'd pay to see that. Hahahaha.">>
You've never seen him laughing that hard before. You huff indignantly and punches his bicep playfully:
<<di you "Seriously though, if you want to apply to college later down the line. I'll be here to support you.">>
Realizing the weight of your words, his expression soften to a appreciative smile:
<<di cw "Thanks...">>
The day ends on a good note as you feel your relationship with him reaches to a new level.
<<link "The tour ends" "Go outside">><</link>>
<<link "“Hah, you having a degree? Good joke.”">>
<<set $cw.eaff ++>>\
<<replace "#t">>\
<<di you "Hah, you having a degree? Good joke. Hahahaha.">>
The glare he gives you is not impressed.
<<di cw "What's so funny about it?">>
<<di you "No offense, but unless they have a degree for being a himbo. You'd definitely get it.">>
He looks even more confused.
<<di cw "What's a himbo?">>
<<di you "Exactly, my point.">>
He fake growls and begins to chase you around the campus. You laugh and mock him until he quickly catches up, hold your head until you yell uncle.
The day ends amicably and your friendship with him grows stronger.
<<link "The tour ends" "Go outside">><</link>>
</span>\When he busts out of the bathroom - cleaned and fresh. He immediately tells you:
<<di cw "Wanna have dinner? My treat, don't worry I just got paid.">>
<<di you "Of course. How can I say no to a free meal?">>
However in your delusional head you're jumping with joy because this sounds like a dinner date.
After a brief walk, you realize the destination is one of the more upscale restaurants in town. Your delusion is thriving and growing to a dangerous level when you're seated inside the cozy space.
<<image cw/cwdinner.jpg>>
<<di you "Are you sure about this? The foods here are great but they are a bit pricier than our regular joint.">>
You try really hard to convey that you mean no offense and have nothing but concern for him.
<<di cw "Chill out man. I'm not only here to treat you, but also myself. My ass needs a nice meals for all the back-breaking works I've done.">>
That puts you to rest. Still, as a thoughtful friend, you only pick a regular dish of spaghetti bolognese with a glass of water. As you two make small talks throughout the meal, the topic of his hometown comes up:
<<di you "Was your hometown bigger than this?">>
<<di cw "Gosh no. This town is like a liberal city compared to that shithole.">>
<<di you "That so? I find it hard to find any worse backwater than our town.">>
<<di cw "Believe me, it was worse. Everyone was religious there and it felt like the it only existed for the church.">>
That really explains his initial disdain to your sexuality and you're glad to see the evolution of him now having an intimate dinner with his guy friend. Suddenly a young waitress approaches with a bottle of wine:
<<dio "Waitress" "Sirs, we have a complimentary glass of wine for our couples tonight, would you like to?">>
Scandalous!! When did this town have the attitude to assume two guys having a candle-lit dinner as a couple?!?? $cw.Name's eyes are like two giant saucers staring back into your identical ones as you blurt out:
<span id="t">\
<<link "“Ah hah... No thank you... we're not eligible anyway... because we're just two heterosexual males... enjoying... ummm...spaghetti... you know... spaghetti is very straight?”">>
<<set $cw.eaff ++>>\
<<replace "#t">>\
<<di you "Ah hah... No thank you... we're not eligible anyway... because we're just two heterosexual males... enjoying... ummm... spaghetti... you know... spaghetti is very straight?">>
Now the waitress has a weird look on her face:
<<dio "Waitress" "Um okay... then.">>
As she walks away, you hear the snickering growing from the opposite:
<<di cw "Hahaha, you should have seen your face.“Two heterosexual males”?? What, hahaha.">>
You kick his shin lightly under the table and your smile is present.
<<di you "Next time you do the talking.">>
The night ends on an amicable note with good food and good company.
<<link "Finishing with the dinner" "Go outside">><</link>>
<<link "“Thank you, but we're not a couple. Just two very good friends.”">>
<<set $cw.eaff += 2>>\
<<replace "#t">>\
<<di you "Thank you, but we're not a couple. Just two very good friends.">>
She looks a bit surprised but remain professional:
<<dio "Waitress" "That's okay. It'll still be on the house.">>
<<di you "If so, then pour away.">>
As the waitress finishes with the offer, you glance back at his smiling face.
<<di cw "“Just two very good friends”, huh? I'm sure with what we've done people wouldn't describe us as just friends.">>
This is the first time you've heard him addressing the gravity of all the lewd stuff. Does that mean he's progressing to accept the idea of homosexuality more?
<<di you "Haha, I don't mind having a man like you by my side... but seriously, I consider you one of my close friends now so don't forget that if you need anything from me, yeah?">>
His smile grows even brighter:
<<di cw "Alright, appreciate it much, man.">>
The night ends on a great note as you feel your relationship with him reaches a higher level.
<<link "Finishing with the dinner" "Go outside">><</link>>
<<link "“Why of course? My babe and I will accept your gracious offer.”">>
<<set $cw.eaff -->>\
<<replace "#t">>\
<<di you "Why of course? My babe and I will accept your gracious offer.">>
Your hand reaches over to his like you two are lovebirds. He looks unamused by your antics. The waitress, however, is oblivious to all of the daggers he's throwing to you with his glare:
<<dio "Waitress" "Great, enjoy your lovely evening, guys. Let me know if you need my help.">>
She then retreats with a giggle like she just discovered the biggest secret of the town.
<<di cw "The hell was that?">>
He grits out with almost rage which irritates you:
<<di you "We've done worse things. What's the harm?">>
<<di cw "Because we're not a FUCKING couple.">>
It appears that your conversation is not quiet enough because there are some wandering eyes from other patrons latches on your table. He glances around before wiping his mouth and throwing the napkin down on the table.
<<di cw "Nevermind. I'm done for tonight.">>
He doesn't need your approval to get up and leave. The night suddenly turns sour but at least the meal is paid for by him.
<<link "Finishing with the dinner" "Go outside">><</link>>
</span>\When you are about to enter his house, a call reaches you - it is the number of $cw.Name's. You pick it up.
<<di you "Hey wassup!">>
<<di cw "Hey can you pick me up at the construction site? Shhhhhit...">>
<<di you "What's wrong?">>
<<di cw "Ffff... just a small accident. I just need a ride. That's all.">>
<<di you "Hang in there. I'll be there ASAP.">>
You pray that $w.yfather and $w.brother didn't use the car.
<<image cw/cwsite.jpg>>
They didn't and you arrive at the construction site 40 minutes after the phone call. He was sitting down near the gate, head upward and eyes squinted in pain. Surrounding him are a bunch of rough-looking guys in similar construction uniforms.
<<di you "Hey, you alright man?">>
His eyes open full of relief when he sees your face:
<<di cw "I'm alright now that you're here. Let's go. Ssshit.">>
As he standing up, you can see he is limping a bit. Let's hope it's just a sprained ankle. Though, things don't actually go as smooth sailing as you expect.
<<dio "Construction worker" "Oh look, his lover comes and rescues out poor distressed damsel.">>
The tone is clearly derisive.
<span id="t">\
<<link "“Oh honey, yes I'm here for my boo. You jealous much?”">>
<<set $cw.eaff -->>\
<<replace "#t">>\
<<di you "Oh honey, yes I'm here for my boo. You jealous much?">>
<<di cw "Pfft... as if. You poofs have your fun.">>
You approach the stocky guy and finger the buttons on his chest.
<<di you "Well, we don't mind sharing a bit of our fun if you're looking.">>
Your eyelashes flutter like you want to seduce him for real which you get rewarded by a pair of red cheeks and a shove. He attempts to sound disgusted, instead his tone is just unsure:
<<dio "Construction worker" "Umm... nah... I-I'll pass.">>
Then he scatters away quickly like a ghost is on his heels.
$cw.Name is already on the passenger seats when you enter the car. His scowl, from your observation, is not only from pain but also annoyance:
<<di cw "Why would you make a scene like that?">>
You shrug nonchalantly:
<<di you "What scene? That's just who I am.">>
<<di cw "It was humiliating.">>
<<di you "What's so humiliating about me being myself? You have a problem with that?">>
That wasn't actually true. You aren't that in-your-face but the fact that he was that bothered irritates you to no end. He may never come around accepting your sexuality. The rest of the ride is spent in dead silence.
<<link "Afterwards...">>
<<if $cw.eaff <= -1>>
<<goto "CWend1">>
<<elseif $cw.eaff < 6>>
<<goto "CWend2">>
<<goto "CWend3">>
<<link "“And this knight in shining armor is not gonna hesitate to kick some ogre's ass.”">>
<<set $cw.eaff ++>>\
<<replace "#t">>\
<<di you "And this knight in shining armor is not gonna hesitate to kick some orge's ass.">>
You roll up your sleeve - wanting to brawl for real but $cw.Name halt you:
<<di cw "Don't. Let's take care of my injury first, okay?">>
He pulls you back to the car. Once you're on the road, you're still fuming a little bit since you can do a bit of a fighting. That tickles $cw.Name for some reasons:
<<di cw "Haha, seeing you acting all tough is always so funny.">>
<<di you "I'm mad, you should have let me get a swing at him. Are they always such a dick to you?">>
<<di cw "Nah, it's just that one guy, most of them are cool.">>
After a pregnant pause, he continues:
<<di cw "Still, I really appreciate you standing up for me... no one has ever done that before.">>
<<di you "That's what best mates do.">>
<<di cw "“Best mates”? Really?">>
<<di you "Yeah BFF 4eva.">>
<<di cw "Hahaha, stop. OW!">>
He yelps from the pain but it doesn't diminish the jovial atmosphere in the car.
<<link "Afterwards...">>
<<if $cw.eaff <= -1>>
<<goto "CWend1">>
<<elseif $cw.eaff < 6>>
<<goto "CWend2">>
<<goto "CWend3">>
<<link "Let $cw.Name handle the situation">>
<<set $cw.eaff += 2>>\
<<replace "#t">>\
<<di cw "Yeah? At least, I have a lover who takes care of me unlike some unloveable dickhead that no one wants.">>
<<dio "Construction worker" "The fuck you just say, you queer fuck?">>
<<di cw "You heard me, ugly ass.">>
You almost brace for a fight to happen until the other workers hold the offended guy back and deescalate the situation.
As you two are on the way back to $cw.Name's home, his words now just sink in: He isn't afraid to be mistaken as gay like before.
<<di you "Thanks for back then. You really shouldn't have to.">>
<<di cw "No need, he was an ass and I don't need you to take any shit from him... besides...">>
A pregnant pause passes.
<<di cw "... it's not exactly a lie either...">>
His voice is low and a bit hesitant before his stammer continues:
<<di cw "...I mean like what we do... are like lover-like... it's not lik-...">>
Before he can make a further fool out of himself you give him a peck on the cheek.
<<di you "I know.">>
Your ecstatic smile is radiant as he blushes profusely. This is the big stepping stone and maybe the start of a new path in you two's relationship.
<<link "Afterwards...">>
<<if $cw.eaff <= -1>>
<<goto "CWend1">>
<<elseif $cw.eaff < 6>>
<<goto "CWend2">>
<<goto "CWend3">>
</span>\<<scenechoices cw 1 0>>\
<<if not $gameends>>\
Arriving in his room, you try to help him but he insists on hobbling his way inside.
<<di cw "You can go now.">>
<<di you "Really? You're barely mobile. I can help you out.">>
<<di cw "No you've done enough. I need some quiet time">>
He yells rudely. What an ungrateful prick, so you don't even bother wasting any more second being there. So much for getting your own car to pick him up.
A few days later when you show up on his doorstep - hoping for a chance of those lewd sessions - what greets you is an exhausted and annoyed looking face of $cw.Name.
<<image cw/cwend1.jpg>>
<<di cw "What are you here for? Nevermind. I don't want you here.">>
<<di you "Really you're still fuming after all this time?">>
<<di cw "I'm not fuming. I just don't want to see your face ever again.">>
<<di you "Why? Don't you want more money?">>
He chuckles unkindly.
<<di cw "You don't get it, do ya? You always try to push it to test my boundaries but you don't respect it.">>
His condemnation is not false. You did push him quite a bit all through your relationship.
<<di cw "Worst of all, you don't respect me and I don't want to see you ever again. Goodbye.">>
He then slams the door leaving you no more time to present your case. You stare blankly to the closed door: That's it? That's the end?
<<if not $gameends>>\
<<link "Continue with your journey" "Go outside">><</link>>
<<link "End your journey and look back at what you have done" "Memoriesmenu">><<set $gameends = true>><</link>>
<<link "Back" "CWscenemenu">><</link>>
<</if>>\<<scenechoices cw 1 0>>\
<<if not $gameends>>\
@@.title;FRIEND ENDING@@
It takes him a few days to recover with your help. Throughout the whole process, you two are even closer and he appears to be grateful for your friendship.
<<di cw "Fuck, man. I don't know how I would recover without your help.">>
<<di you "Hey, that's what friends do. I'd hope you'd do the same for me when I'm in the same circumstance, huh?">>
<<di cw "You bet.">>
He answers with confidence like saying no to you is impossible.
You two keep on the lewd activity because it's fun and he doesn't mind and in fact enjoy getting off by you. After some thinking, you actually set up an ExclusiveFans account to upload old videos and surprisingly they were huge hits in the community. With the large amount of money made, you give $cw.Name a huge chunk so he can quit his job to pursue a nursing degree.
Some time passes, you manage to make a name for yourself in the gay adult film industry and turn it into a full time job. With that, your naughty time with $cw.Name dwindles until it stops completely when he gets a girlfriend - a nurse he meets during his internship. You have no jealousy because by that point $cw.Name has become a good friend that gave you the support to make the jump into your current career.
<<image cw/cwend2.jpg>>
Sure at first, you had some romantic intention but now you can't imagine $cw.Name being anything else than your best friend. You wouldn't have it any other way.
<<if not $gameends>>\
<<link "Look back at what you have done" "Memoriesmenu">><<set $gameends = true>><</link>>
<<link "Back" "CWscenemenu">><</link>>
<</if>>\<<scenechoices cw 1 0>>\
<<if not $gameends>>\
@@.title;LOVER ENDING@@
Throughout the few days of resting, you dote on him and help him with every meal. You practically become his live-in maid.
Seeing you walking in with a bag full of his freshly washed and dried laundry, his eyes soften:
<<di cw "Please, you don't have to do my laundry. I can do it later.">>
<<di you "It's fine. I actually don't mind your funk - in fact - I love it. However, I know you wouldn't want to smell bad when you're around your co-workers so...">>
His ears pink at your confession.
<<di cw "You're playing. No way you love my stank.">>
<<di you "Oh? Then I'll show you.">>
You glomp at him and bury your nose in his armpit which tickles him:
<<di cw "Hahahaha. S-stop... hahaha... I get it now... hahaha...">>
You finally give him mercy and through his watered eyes you can find genuine contentment and happiness there.
<<di you "See... I love it... well... I love you...">>
You suddenly feel embarrassed and can't look at him. Before you can run away in shame, his pair of thick arms envelope you in a tight, almost bruising embrace. His nose breathes in the molecules in your hair deeply. Those are his words to tell you how he truly feels about you.
After a while, your relationship flourish to another level - maybe lovers? - you're not sure because he is still skittish about lovey feely stuff. However, he's getting there - being more comfortable giving you warm hugs and kisses.
You then find a job to help him to get out of poverty as soon as possible. The idea of putting your videos online for some easy money disappears from your mind quickly, because these intimate moments aren't meant to be shared to the world. They're sacred.
In the end you two's hard work pays off. Because now you are sitting at the college hall - proud and happy - to see your partner getting his nursing degree with flying colors. After the glossy piece of paper is handed to him, he approaches the podium to say his thank you's:
<<di cw "...a thank you to Dr. Frank and finally. I wouldn't have made it here or maybe I would wind up back in prison without him... my special guy... my partner... $you.Namedis. I love you!">>
A round of applause rings out with the end of speech. You shed a tear to see him proclaim you as his partner in front of everyone.
<<di cw "Hey, $you.Namedis!">>
No more words needed, you run up and pull him into a passionate kiss. The world fades away, there is nothing more important in the moment than loving him - your special guy, your partner.
<<image cw/cwend3.jpg>>
<<if not $gameends>>\
<<link "Look back at what you have done" "Memoriesmenu">><<set $gameends = true>><</link>>
<<link "Back" "CWscenemenu">><</link>>
<</if>>\Ever since knowing that he was an ex-con, your mind has been plagued with the topic. Until today, it finally boils over:
<<di you "If you don't mind me asking... how did you get through the life in prison? I'd go crazy if I were you.">>
After a long pause, you almost expect no answer to come out of him before he finally answers:
<<di cw "It was a very lonely experience no doubt...">>
He then sighs:
<<di cw "... but throughout the sentence I turn to god to ground myself... It was a great escape from the prison life then but now... I'm not sure.">>
Despite some religious principles describing people like you as sinful, you don't blame him for resorting to it during the tumultuous time in imprisonment, at least now that he can see some flaws in that religion.
<<di you "Hey, I understand. I would probably do the same thing too in your shoes.">>
He raises an eyebrow at you:
<<di cw "Somehow, I find it hard to imagine you having the patience to read the bible and pray every day.">>
<<di you "Well, you got a point. I'd probably take up something similar like knitting or crochet.">>
That makes him guffaw into laughter. The heavy atmosphere before is alleviated and you feel him getting more and more vulnerable around you.
<<link "You leave him to rest" "Go outside">><</link>>After winding down from his orgasm, he gives you an offer that you can't refuse:
<<di cw "Hmfph... Tell you what? After this, I'll still allow you to come here to service me. I get paid and off, it is a no brainer?">>
You were afraid that he would drive you away forever but this is a better outcome:
<<di you "Of course, thank you!">>
<<di cw "Well, it'd be much more smooth sailing if you were a chick but whatever. A hole is a hole but grubby junior here only needs some place warm and moist to stick into. Hahaha.">>
He grabs his resting cock to emphasize his word. He can tell himself that but you're not just any hole. You're quite confident in your skill of pleasuring men so soon enough he'll be hooked.
<<link "You leave him to rest" "Go outside">><</link>><<scenechoices cw 1 0>>\
<<set $you.horniness = 0>>\
<<di cw "Goddamn, I'm getting bored...">>
He then effortlessly manhandles you so that your asshole lines up directly to his cock.
<<di cw "Let's use your other loose hole, shall we?">>
He then slams his cock home and knocks a hiss out of you. Contrary to his words, your hole is in fact not slack and his giant battering ram breaching your tight wall almost makes you pass out from agony.
<<video cw/cwfuck31.mp4>>
Despite your discomfort, he continues selfishly sawing his member in and out of you with frightening speed, completely disregards your feelings to chase his climax. Thankfully, towards the end, you are able to find some pleasure between all the pain.
<<video cw/cwfuck32.mp4>>
Abruptly, you don't even realize it until too late, your orgasm is literally being fucked out of you shortly after.
<<video you/youfuckcum5.mp4>>
<<di cw "Fuck... you're such a depraved slut... cumming from me abusing your hole, huh?">>
He never skips a beat and continues slamming into you without a care. Your hole is almost numb by now from the sharp friction sparking on your entrance. Finally he grunts and spills his seed on top of your crack and denies you of having his load deep inside you.
<<video cw/cwfuck3cum.mp4>>
As you lay there recouping any sliver of strength you can get from the intense exertion, you can't help but feel rejoiced from the prospect of having him fucking you again.
<<lust cw 1 15>>\
<<if $gameends>>\
<<link "Back" "CWscenemenu">><</link>>
<<link "You leave him to rest" "Go outside">><</link>>
<</if>>\Greeting you by the door, he gives you an uncharacteristic smile:
<<di cw "Just in time. Come in, come in.">>
<<di you "Oookay...">>
His mood seems more jovial than usual as you step inside. What you didn't expect to see are three rough-looking men who are loitering around the house.
<<di you "Umm... what is this?">>
<<di cw "These are your customers... get to work...">>
He whispers to your ears.
<<di you "I didn't exactly agree to this...">>
<<di cw "Please... you PAID to get fucked by me... as if you wouldn't spread your legs for these men here the moment you see them.">>
His hot breath somehow sends a chill down your spine:
<<di cw "Either you agree or... the whole town knows about a fag underwear thief who pays people to fuck his dirty asshole... What is it gonna be?">>
<span id="t">\
<<link "Refuse him - <b>Continue with the game</b>">>
<<replace "#t">>\
<<di you "Fuck you... I am not your prostitute...">>
You give him a shove and make a quick getaway from here. He's probably pissed so you push your cardio skill to its limit to escape.
On your way running back to your home, you swore to yourself to keep a low profile and never return to $cw.Name's place again. Even if you try to see him, you're unsure if you are safe considering his history as an ex-con.
<<sus cw 3>>\
<<link "Back at home" "Living room">><</link>>
<<link "Agree to do it - <b>Ending</b>">>
<<replace "#t">>\
<<di you "Alright, alright. I'll do it.">>
<<di cw "Hahaha. That's my slut.">>
He then faces the impatient men standing up with predatory looks on their faces.
<<di cw "Alright fellas, time to pay up. The good is here.">>
$cw.Name then makes a round collecting money. The last you can see of him is him counting the wad of bills as the three men begin crowding on you.
<<link "The orgy starts" "CWorgy">><</link>>
</span>\<<scenechoices cw 1 0>>\
The first guy who is the oldest and seems to be their leader begins commanding:
<<dio "Man 1" "Strip NOW, slut. You don't want us to get rough.">>
You follow obediently as they also discard all of their clothing to reveal some surprisingly muscular and attractive forms underneath. They are now jerking their cock idly:
<<dio "Man 1" "C'mon, suck.">>
<<video cw/cworgy1.mp4>>
His meaty paws drag your shoulder down and put your face in the same level as their crotch. They clearly haven't taken a shower because you can smell the whole day's worth of grimes and musk from there. Still that doesn't stop you from being a completely degenerate and swallowing their cocks with enthusiasm.
<<video cw/cworgy2.mp4>>
You try to give equal attention to each of them but you only have one mouth. The youngest one is full of spunk and impatient though:
<<dio "Man 2" "Perk your ass up. I'm done with your mouth.">>
His order makes you arch your back wantonly as his member surely breaches your entrance. As your hole is now being used, there is no more holding back. All of them takes turn in using both of your openings, you've never felt more filled before.
<<video cw/cworgy3.mp4>>
<<dio "Man 3" "Fffffuck... this boy whore is good... ssshit... even better than some sluttiest women I've been with...">>
<<dio "Man 2" "Fuck yeah, brother...">>
From their huffs and puffs, you can tell all of them are almost getting to the point of no return. So you put in extra effort in tightening your inner walls and slobbering on their cocks with the goal of giving them the best goddamn orgasm of their lives.
<<dio "Man 1" "Here it comes, BITCHHH!!!">>
He plunges his cock deep into your hole like he wants to impregnate you with his seeds. Once unsheathed, you can feel the copious load overflowing and running down your taint.
<<video cw/cworgycum1.mp4>>
Soon after, the other guy also reaches their finale and shoots their jizz all over your face.
<<video cw/cworgycum2.mp4>>
That is enough to push you over the edge as you give your member a few pumps before shooting your load on the sheet.
<<video you/youfuckcum3.mp4>>
The climax is so intense that you pass out immediately from the ecstasy.
<<if not $gameends>>\
<<link "Then..." "CWend4">><</link>>
<<link "Back" "CWscenemenu">><</link>>
<</if>>\<<scenechoices cw 1 0>>\
<<if not $gameends>>\
@@.title;WHORE ENDING@@
A nudge on your shoulder wakes you.
<<di cw "Hey... Here's your cut - $30 'cuz I'm a fair guy.">>
He looks at your exhausted face before laughing:
<<di cw "Hahaha, this is just a taste of what to come... You'll be way busier soon enough.">>
You aren't exactly sure how that's possible, so you take a rest and put his word in the back of your mind.
He makes it possible. For some reason, he is able to find various groups of men paying for you every other day. Must be because of his connection back in prison because soon the drugs start flowing in too.
<<video cw/cwend41.mp4>>
However, are you an active participant? Absolutely. You take the debauchery heads on, experiencing men in all shapes, forms and states; taking all kinds of drugs to make your nerves feel something and to escape this numbness from the abuse of your flesh.
Despite having taken over hundreds of men, you still have some special treatment for $cw.Name, because he is the one who brings you to this paradise and deserves the best of the best actions.
<<video cw/cwend42.mp4>>
During one of those work nights, after doing a line, your nerves are fired up and fireworks dance behind your eyes. You feel your body going warm, pliant as the world around blurs into swirls of iridescence and it's... it's beautiful. Your mind lights up blindingly and...
Everything fades to black. <<if not $gameends>>Your final thoughts are the <<link "memories" "Memoriesmenu">><<set $gameends = true>><</link>> flashes before you before darkness finally takes over.
<<link "Back" "CWscenemenu">><</link>>
<</if>>\<<di cw "Hmm... I gotta admit you're one talented whore...">>
He currently comes down from the climax and as everyone knows post-orgasm is always the best time for some introspective.
<<di cw "If only you were a woman... you'd be a much better sell...">>
His head perks up from the bed to give you a scrutinizing look:
<<di cw "Perhaps... something could be worked out...">>
There is something sinister behind those words that leaves you in a chill. Still, you leave him in his thoughts since the foundation of your relationship is on shaky ground. One wrong word and everything will crumple down.
<<link "You leave him to rest" "Go outside">><</link>>Walking down the neighborhood, it would be like any other day not for a scene that catches your eyes. A group of men is hauling furniture down a large truck towards the house that you remember having stayed vacant for a long while. It looks like you got a new neighbor. For some reason, you feel compelled to be friendly and check on them.
Apart from the obviously uniformed workers, you can see a gorgeous looking woman who has a scowl on her face. Standing next to her is who you assume is her husband, who stands tall over 6 feet with impressive build under his plain straight bro clothes.
<<image police/mchusband.jpg>>
<<if hasVisited("Mchhj") and $police.state >= 16>>\
Only then you realize that this is the same honeymoon couple who you met during the Sexcavation Expedition. What are the odds?
<<dio "Wife" "... the couch is all messed up. I told you this is not a good idea.">>
<<di mec "Honey, it's alright. It's good here. I promise.">>
He gives her a consoling hug and she concedes with an exasperated sigh.
<<dio "Wife" "Fine... I'll check if there is any damage on the coffee table.">>
She then goes inside and leaves her husband scratching his nape.
<<if hasVisited("Mchhj") and $police.state >= 16>>\
<<di you "Well well well, look who we have here.">>
At your words, he jumps and when he finally sees you, all colors are drained from his face. He then looks around before pulling you in a deserted area in his backyard.
<<di mec "You... what are you doing here? Are you stalking me?">>
<<di you "Eh don't flatter yourself too much. I live right around the block.">>
Your thumb points in the direction to your home not far away and at that he visibly bristles:
<<di mec "What? How is that possible?">>
His face reddens, his palms squeezes and opens like he doesn't know how to react or what to do with himself.
<<di you "Relax dude, I'm not gonna rat you out. You are just simply another notch on the bedpost. It's just a funny coincidence that of all the places, you decided to move here.">>
<<di mec "It's not funny. I love my wife and it was... it was just a lapse of judgment.">>
<<di you "Ooookay... Well, if you need me with any neighborly tasks, just give me a holler, will ya?">>
<<di mec "The only thing I need you to do is leave... and never show your face ever again...">>
He appears to come down from the panic and now fall back into the comfort of anger.
<<di you "Hmm, I can't promise that. Maybe, you'll need my assistance later down the line.">>
<<di mec "Trust me, I won't.">>
Seeing a man unraveling in your palm like this is needlessly fun. He was a hot distraction during the sting you had with $police.Name, but now you want to see how far you can push his envelope.
<<di you "So trust me, your secret is safe with me. Bye!">>
You wave cheerily and walk away from him. You can pinpoint the exact spot his eyes drills a hole on your neck as you walk briskly away from the idyllic house. Looks like you have another fun thing to look forward to: a new target to seduce.
<<link "Back" "Go outside">><</link>>
<<di you "Trouble in paradise?">>
He glances back at you with a guarded smile.
<<di mec "Kind of, moving takes a toll on even the toughest people... and you are?">>
Extending your hand, you make the introduction:
<<di you "$you.Namedis, pleased to meet you. I'm your neighbor.">>
Your thumb points in the direction to your home not far away and at that he relaxes a notch.
<span id="t">\
<<di mec "I see, my name is...">>
<<textbox "$mec.Name" "Simon">>
<<link "You memorize his name">>
<<replace "#t">>\
<<di mec "I see, my name is $mec.Name. We just arrived here this morning and already love the town so far.">>
<<di you "At the risk of selling it short, I think our town is a bit boring to be honest. Your moving here is the most exciting thing that happens in the last few months.">>
You give him a disarming grin.
<<di mec "That's perfect then. I'm all about that settled and peaceful lifestyle. My wife is gonna miss her sprawling shopping mall in the city though.">>
Though it seems rather mundane, this loving husband act of his is strangely attractive. Now upclose, you can notice a layer of softness draping over his bulging muscle which somehow multiplies his hotness a thousand times.
<<di you "Hmm..., hopefully our humble market can quench such an immense thirst for domesticity. ">>
<<di mec "Hahaha, like I said. I love it here.">>
<<di you "Alright... if you need my help with anything just let me know...">>
Seeing that there isn't anything else to drag the interaction out you hit him with the usual neighborly offer.
<<di mec "Got them all under control. Appreciate it!">>
He waves over to the moving team to further emphasize that your help isn't needed and you regretfully retreat from the conversation. However, in your mind, you're already plotting for more interactions and perhaps more naughty opportunities with him. Wife or not.
<<link "Back" "Go outside">><</link>>
<</if>>\<<di you "Did you know that we have a new neighbor?">>
You wonder out loud to $w.ydad and he replies quickly:
<<di dad "Oh yeah, the mechanic guy? I've met him. He seems like an alright dude.">>
<<di you "Who? Mechanic?">>
<<if hasVisited("Mchhj") and $police.state >= 16>>\
<span id="t">\
<<di dad "The married guy his name is...">>
<<textbox "$mec.Name" "Simon">>
<<link "You memorize his name">>
<<replace "#t">>\
<<di dad "The married guy his name is $mec.Name... I think. He just opened a new car shop in the town center.">>
<<di you "Really? That's news to me.">>
<<di dad "Yep, I'm glad we have a new one. Finally some competition to the ol' Billy, his monopoly and cutthroat price on auto repair in this town has finally come to a close.">>
Hmm, interesting. You need to make a trip to that shop soon. Maybe, you can get closer to $mec.Name by helping around his shop.
<<link "Back">>
<<if $dad.location === $you.location>>\
<<goto "Dad">>\
<<goto $you.location>>\
<<di dad "The married guy his name is $mec.Name... I think. He just opened a new car shop in the town center.">>
<<di you "Really? That's news to me.">>
<<di dad "Yep, I'm glad we have a new one. Finally some competition to the ol' Billy, his monopoly and cutthroat price on auto repair in this town has finally come to a close.">>
Hmm, interesting. You need to make a trip to that shop soon. Maybe, you can get closer to $mec.Name by helping around his shop.
<<link "Back">>
<<if $dad.location === $you.location>>\
<<goto "Dad">>\
<<goto $you.location>>\
<</if>>\ - <i>How low will you stoop?</i>
<<if $mec.lust == 20>>\
<<if $mec.stage < 20>>\
• You can now do lewd stuffs with $mec.Name without using the ring.
• Car shop: 8:00 - 17:59 / Home: 18:00 to 22:59
<<if $mec.forgetpotion == 0 and $mec.stage < 20>>\
<i>• Doing the right thing: Ask $witch.Name in the Eastern Medicine shop for a special potion</i>
<<elseif $mec.forgetpotion == 1 and $mec.stage < 20>>\
<i>• Doing the right thing: Have him drink the potion with you</i>
<<if $mec.stage < 20 and $mec.catchtimer > 1.2>>\
<i><<if $mec.aff > -4>>• Love?: <<else>>• Sidepiece: <</if>>Have $mec.Name's wife interrupt your sex with him</i>
<<elseif $mec.stage < 20 and $mec.catchtimer <= 1.2>>\
<i><<if $mec.aff > -4>>• Love?: <<else>>• Sidepiece: <</if>>Have sex with $mec.Name now</i>
<<elseif $mec.stage == 20 and $mec.timer < 1>>\
<i><<if $mec.aff > -4>>• Love?: <<else>>• Sidepiece: <</if>>Wait until tomorrow evening to see him.</i>
<<elseif $mec.stage == 20 and $mec.timer >= 1>>\
<i><<if $mec.aff > -4>>• Love?: <<else>>• Sidepiece: <</if>>See him at his home from 18:00 - 23:00.</i>
<<elseif $mec.lust >= 15>>\
• Get him to fuck you in his home using the ring to raise the lust
• You can visit his home from 18:00 to 22:59
• <i>Are you doing the right thing???</i>
<<elseif $mec.lust >= 12>>\
• Give him a blowjob in his home using the ring to raise the lust
• You can visit his home from 18:00 to 22:59
• <i>Are you doing the right thing???</i>
<<elseif $mec.lust == 11 and hasVisited("Mechometalk2")>>\
• Give him a handjob in his home using the ring to raise the lust
• You can visit his home from 18:00 to 22:59
• <i>Are you doing the right thing???</i>
<<elseif $mec.lust == 10 and hasVisited("Mechometalk2")>>\
• Propose a handjob in his home using the ring
• You can visit his home from 18:00 to 22:59
• <i>Are you doing the right thing???</i>
<<elseif $mec.lust == 10 and not hasVisited("Mechometalk1")>>\
• Propose a visit to his home
• <i>Are you doing the right thing???</i>
<<elseif $mec.lust >= 6>>\
• You can now give $mec.Name blowjobs by using the ring to raise his lust
• <i>The shop opens from 8:00 to 17:59</i>
<<elseif $mec.lust == 5 and not hasVisited("Mecbjintro")>>\
• Try giving $mec.Name blowjobs by using the ring to raise his lust
• <i>The shop opens from 8:00 to 17:59</i>
<<elseif $mec.lust >= 1 and not hasVisited("Mecbjintro")>>\
• You can now give $mec.Name handjobs by using the ring to raise his lust
• <i>The shop opens from 8:00 to 17:59</i>
<<elseif hasVisited("Mecfds") and hasVisited("Mecfff") and hasVisited("Mecfcol") and hasVisited("Mecfpark") and hasVisited("Mecfem") and not hasVisited("Mechjintro")>>\
• Visit the car shop and report back about the flyer distribution
• <i>The shop opens from 8:00 to 17:59</i>
<<elseif hasVisited("Mectalk2") and not hasVisited("Mechjintro")>>\
<<if not hasVisited("Mecfds")>>\
• Distribute the flyers at the department store
<<if not hasVisited("Mecfff")>>\
• Distribute the flyers at the fast food restaurant
<<if not hasVisited("Mecfcol")>>\
• Distribute the flyers at your school
<<if not hasVisited("Mecfpark")>>\
• Distribute the flyers at the park
<<if not hasVisited("Mecfem")>>\
• Distribute the flyers at the Eastern Medicine shop
<<elseif hasVisited("Mecdadtalk") and not hasVisited("Mectalk2")>>\
• Visit the new car shop.
• <i>The shop opens from 8:00 to 17:59</i>
<<elseif hasVisited("Mectalk1") and not hasVisited("Mecdadtalk")>>\
• You can ask $w.ydad more information about your new neighbor.
<<elseif not hasVisited("Mectalk1")>>\
• Take a walk through your neighborhood, there might be something interesting.
• <i>From 8 AM to 10 PM</i>
<</if>>\Finding the car shop is relatively easy due to the central location. Next to the entrance of the garage-like space you can see a notice: <b>"HELP NEEDED, FLEXIBLE PAY, APPRENTICESHIP AVAILABLE"</b>. Looks like someone is in dire need of employees. Entering the shop, you can only find a single person - $mec.Name - leaning on the side of a car talking to his phone:
<<di mec "Babe, it's fine. I'll handle it with the moving company... Yes... just relax and meditate like you usually do, okay?... Alright... love you... bye.">>
Ending the call, his shoulder slumps as a large sigh escapes from him.
<<if hasVisited("Mchhj") and $police.state >= 16>>\
<<di you "Trouble in paradise?">>
You catches him off guard again as he jumps:
<<di mec "The hell? You're like a goddamn ghost. I said stop showing your face.">>
<<di you "Really? Is this how you treat your customers?">>
<<di mec "I'm not accepting you as my customer, now GET OUT.">>
<<di you "Between your wife complaining and handling the business by yourself, I thought you'd need a hand?">>
For some reasons or maybe he's desperate, he listens to what you have to say:
<<di mec "How?">>
<<di you "Well, I don't have any knowledge of pleasing your wife, but I can get the words of your hiring out. I know places that can help you reach a lot of potential employees.">>
He should have dismissed you immediately, he should have cussed you out much more if he is in his right mind. However, none of that happens.
<<di mec "Really? There is no ulterior motive?">>
<<di you "Swear, there is absolutely no foul play. I want to help ya because I hate our town's other mechanic - Billy - he overcharges way too much.">>
<<di mec "If you're being truthful. Here, take these flyers.">>
He pushes the papers to your chest roughly, however you don't take offense but instead pleasure in this display of machoism.
<<di you "Cool, just what I need. I'll spread them around.">>
After realizing you aren't blackmailing him nor actively after his bone, instead wanting to help, he doesn't seem to know how to act towards you.
<<di mec "So... I'll get back to work.">>
You smile and nod as he tries his best to ignore you. You let him off for now and leave the establishment. Maybe after this help you've done to him, it'll be a leverage for you to get him to cheat again. However, you can sense his guard is up way higher now. Maybe, you'll need some help.
<<di you "Hey, what's up?">>
Snapping out from whatever mood he was in, he replies:
<<di mec "Oh hey, $you.Namedis... right? You gotta stop sneaking up on me like that.">>
<<di you "Hahaha... sorry. Can't help that I walk very lightly. And sorry again for snooping but you had some problem with the moving?">>
Here comes another sigh from him:
<<di mec "You can say that... Mandy, my wife, isn't particularly pleased with some minor damage the moving company did to our furniture. She is not a happy camper especially with adjusting to the small town life.">>
An uncontented wife on top of having to one-man army the whole business, the handsome man deserves a break from all that grief.
<<di you "So how about I help you out?">>
He raises an eyebrow questioningly like you're joking:
<<di mec "You want to be a mechanic?">>
Trying hard to not take offense to his incredulity, you continue:
<<di you "No of course, I still have school. I'll help spread your words around to find more workers.">>
He brightens at your offer:
<<di mec "Really? I actually have some flyers here. If you could spread it around the town, I'd owe you one.">>
<<di you "Cool, easy enough.">>
Afterwards, you stay behind and make idle chat with him for an hour. You've come to find out that the man is quite faithful since every other sentence, he mentions his wife in a positive light. Making him forget about his boo and participating in lewd activities with you appears to be a no easy task.
<<link "You should go help him distributing the flyers" "Go outside">><</link>>You ask the owner to put up some hiring flyers of $mec.Name. As you're a frequet in his shop, he doesn't seem to mind it.
<<dio "Store Owner" "A new car shop? About damn time, I don't need to bring my car to that Billy fucker any longer.">>
He also seems to very dislike the old mechanic in town like $w.ydad.
<<link "Back" $you.location>><</link>><<if $bro.location === $you.location and $bro.aff >= 20>>\
You ask $w.ybrother who is on the shift to help you put up the flyers. Despite being quite busy, he gladly accept your request. Your job here is done!
<<elseif $hour >= 8 and $hour <= 17 and $resman.lust >= 1 and $resman.manner >= 11>>\
You ask $resman.Name to help you put up the flyers in a visible spot in the restaurant. Despite being quite busy, he gladly accept your request. Your job here is done!
As there is no one to help you. You sneakily glue the flyer next to the door of the place so all the patrons can see them. Your job here is done!
<<link "Back" $you.location>><</link>><<di you "Hey can I put this flyer up in your shop for a buddy?">>
You're unsure if putting it up in this shop is effective or not. Because of all the time you've visited, you haven't once seen another customer.
<<di witch "Sure sure, glue them up on the door. You've been keeping yourself busy, haven't ya?">>
That you make you blench a little because what does she mean?
<<di you "You know, same old same old.">>
<<di witch "I know you boys are always up to no good. Wanna see something fun?">>
You see her putting on a ring with a small red gemstone and that's the last thing you know before a dizzy feeling invades your mind. Once coming back, you realize you miraculously switch your position with hers and she's smiling back at you like a Cheshire cat.
<<di witch "Was it fun?">>
<<di you "What just happened?">>
She then throws the stack of flyers to your chest which you're pretty sure you were still holding just a moment ago.
<<di witch "Just one of my tricks, if you wear this ring, you can compel another person to do one thing as you say.">>
<<di you "What? That's... not possible..., right?">>
She then laughs at your bafflement:
<<di witch "Hahaha, then explain everything that happened just now. Can you?">>
There is a pause for you to scramble your brain for an answer and you can't really come up with one. She then tosses the ring forward as you almost drop it to the ground.
<<di witch "Remember, you can only use it once everyday. Wear the ring, look into the eyes of the person you want to compel and snap your finger. Afterward, you can make a request to them within reasons.">>
<<di you "To what ends?">>
Suddenly the air become thick and for the first time ever, you feel small and scared under the scrutiny of $witch.Name's eyes:
<<di witch "The stronger their resistance to that action the harder it is to compel them. However, IF you managed to make them do something particularly harmful... There would be consequences, got it?">>
You gulp with difficulty:
<<di you "Yes.">>
She then switches back to all sunshine and rainbow and the restriction you feel on your lung get released again:
<<di witch "Great, one more thing snap your finger again after the request is done to make them forget about it or you can choose not to... Up to you. Now go out there and have fun.">>
Oh only if she knows. Your goal to get close and personal to that one specific married guy is now closer than you think.
<<link "Back" $you.location>><<set $you.ruse = 1>><</link>>You staple the flyers up to the notice board of the campus easily enough. Job's done!
<<link "Back" $you.location>><</link>>You staple the flyers on the trees scattering around the park ground. Job's done!
<<link "Back" $you.location>><</link>>Finally done with the flyers, you report back to his shop. At first, you didn't see anyone at all so you try the door to what you assume is his office and once opened, a scene that you thought only happened in porn plays out: You catch him jacking off.
<<di mec "Wha- Get out!!">>
Honestly, you're quite shocked yourself so you follow his request and slam the door.
<<if hasVisited("Mchhj") and $police.state >= 16>>\
Even though it was momentary, the sight of his cock is still fresh on your mind. It was still as impressive as you remembered it. After a minute or two, he emerges from the room, cheeks pinks from embarrassment:
<<di you "Damn... and I thought you were dead worried about the employment issue? Turns out not so much, heh.">>
<<di mec "Shut up... My wife is still not in her mood because 'she's adjusting' and I didn't expect anyone to come least you of all the people...">>
Has she ever been in the mood? With his confession, you decide to seize this chance:
<<di you "So how about...">>
Even though it was momentary, the sight of his cock is still fresh on your mind. It was as impressive as you imagined. After a minute or two, he emerges from the room, cheeks pinks from embarrassment:
<<di mec "Ahem... what can I do for you?">>
<<di you "And here I thought you were worried sick about the employment situation... Apparently not.">>
His blush increases along with your teasing.
<<di mec "I-I was really frustrated okay...? My wife is still adjusting so sex is out of the question and I'm a man in his prime.">>
Based on the proud member he has, you don't doubt his prowess either. With his confession, you decide to seize this chance:
<<di you "So what do you say? I'll help you out by...">>
<<link "You snap your fingers" "Mechjtalk2">>
<<set $you.ruse -->>
<</link>><<magiccheck 25 5>>\
<div id="text">\
<<if ndef _passed>>\
<<elseif _passed>>\
<<link "Success">>
<<replace '#tt'>><</replace>>\
<<replace '#point'>><</replace>>\
<<replace '#round'>><</replace>>\
<<replace '#action'>><</replace>>\
<<replace '#text'>>\
<<if hasVisited("Mchhj") and $police.state >= 16>>\
You snap your fingers, the air grows stifle with magic.
<<di you "So how about we jog the memory lane by me giving you a handjob like the good old day?">>
<<di mec "Wh-what?">>
<<di you "We already did it before anyway and I'm a guy helping a bro out so it technically doesn't count.">>
You can see the conflict in his eyes are slowly being eaten away by the magic of the ring until he concedes:
<<di mec "Alright... come in.">>
You internally let out an evil laugh. Finally, the fun has come.
<<link "Your handiwork begins" "Mechjintro">><</link>>
You snap your fingers, the air grows stifling with magic.
<<di you "So what do you say? I'll help you out by... giving you a handjob.">>
His face scrunches a bit at the suggestion but then gradually relaxes the longer he thinks about it. Or maybe the magic is making him accept your offer because he says:
<<di mec "It's just bros helping each other out, it doesn't count, right?">>
He mutters like he's trying to convince himself so you gives him another nudge:
<<di you "That's right, just to take the edge off.">>
With that, he opens the door to the room again and motions for you to follow him.
<<link "Your handiwork begins" "Mechjintro">><</link>>
</div>\<<widget "magiccheck">>\
<<set _point = 0>>\
<div id="tt" style="text-align: center; font-size: 40px; font-weight: bold">MAGIC CHECK</div>\
<div id="point" style="text-align: center; font-size: 40px; font-weight: bold">_point/_args[0]</div>\
<div id="round"><i>Round left: _args[1]</i></div>\
<div id="action">\
<<link "Persuade">>
<<if _meditate>>
<<set _meditate = false>>
<<set _point += 15>>
<<set _point += 5>>
<<set _args[1] -->>
<<replace '#point'>>_point/_args[0]<</replace>>\
<<replace '#round'>><i>Round left: _args[1]</i><</replace>>\
<<if _point >= _args[0]>>\
<<set _passed = true>>\
<<replace ".passage">><<include `passage()`>><</replace>>
<<replace '#point'>>@@.add;PASSED!@@<</replace>>\
<<replace '#round'>><</replace>>\
<<replace '#action'>><</replace>>\
<<elseif _args[1] == 0 and _point < _args[0]>>\
<<set _passed = false>>\
<<replace ".passage">><<include `passage()`>><</replace>>
<<replace '#point'>>@@.minus;FAILED!@@<</replace>>\
<<replace '#round'>><</replace>>\
<<replace '#action'>><</replace>>\
Cost: 1 round / Add 5 points to the check
<<if $you.rlevel >= 2>>\
<<link "Meditate">>
<<set _meditate = true>>
<<set _args[1] -->>
<<replace '#round'>><i>Round left: _args[1]</i><</replace>>\
<<if _args[1] == 0 and _point < _args[0]>>\
<<set _passed = false>>\
<<replace ".passage">><<include `passage()`>><</replace>>
<<replace '#point'>>@@.minus;FAILED!@@<</replace>>\
<<replace '#round'>><</replace>>\
<<replace '#action'>><</replace>>\
<<elseif _args[1] == 0 and _point >= _args[0]>>\
<<set _passed = true>>\
<<replace ".passage">><<include `passage()`>><</replace>>
<<replace '#point'>>@@.add;PASSED!@@<</replace>>\
<<replace '#round'>><</replace>>\
<<replace '#action'>><</replace>>\
Cost: 1 round / Triple the point gain next round
<<if $you.rlevel >= 3>>\
<<link "Convince">>
<<if _args[1] >= 2>>
<<if _meditate>>
<<set _meditate = false>>
<<set _point += 30>>
<<set _point += 10>>
<<set _args[1] -= 2>>
<<replace '#point'>>_point/_args[0]<</replace>>\
<<replace '#round'>><i>Round left: _args[1]</i><</replace>>\
<<if _point >= _args[0]>>\
<<set _passed = true>>\
<<replace ".passage">><<include `passage()`>><</replace>>
<<replace '#point'>>@@.add;PASSED!@@<</replace>>\
<<replace '#round'>><</replace>>\
<<replace '#action'>><</replace>>\
<<elseif _args[1] == 0 and _point < _args[0]>>\
<<set _passed = false>>\
<<replace ".passage">><<include `passage()`>><</replace>>
<<replace '#point'>>@@.minus;FAILED!@@<</replace>>\
<<replace '#round'>><</replace>>\
<<replace '#action'>><</replace>>\
Cost: 2 rounds / Add 10 points to the check
<</widget>>\<<scenechoices mec 1 0>>\
<<lust mec 1>>\
Seated at the table, his pants are already below his knees when you lock the door.
<<if hasVisited("Mchhj") and $police.state >= 16>>\
You whistle:
<<di you "Still as impressive as I remember.">>
<<di mec "Really?">>
<<di you "Of course, I've seen many and yours definitely leaves quite an impression.">>
<<di you "That's a damn nice cock, man. It's very impressive.">>
You try to say as broly as possible.
<<di mec "Yeah? I've got no complaints so far.">>
You whistle:
<<di you "With that beast? I'm sure there aren't.">>
Your compliment has an effect on him because his redness intensifies and erection pulsates lightly against his thigh. Unable to restrain yourself, your hand wraps around the girthy member and you hear his breath hitches from the contact.
<<video mec/mechj11.mp4>>
That's enough affirmation for the commence of the handjob. Your arms actually get a good workout because in order to stroke his largeness from root to top, it takes extra energy. In return, you are so turnt on by the feeling of holding such an immense breeding tool in your hand.
<<video mec/mechj12.mp4>>
<<di mec "Shit... I'm close...">>
Your hands listen and quicken its pace to match with the urgency of the man who is on the edge of glory. Your biceps begin to ache so you brazenly urge him:
<<di you "C'mon, give me your breeding juice...">>
That does him in as he hiss-shouts and shoots ropes of musky, creamy jizz on your hand and all over. Just from the thickness alone, you can feel the potency of his nectar and burn with the desire to taste it. Still, you manage to fend it off for now.
<<video mec/mechj1cum.mp4>>
<<di you "That hits the spot, huh?">>
He murmurs:
<<di mec "Mmmh-yeah...">>
Then the post-nut clarity kicks in and he lurches upright:
<<if hasVisited("Mchhj") and $police.state >= 16>>\
<<di mec "You keep your mouth shut about this, got it?">>
<<di you "Trust me, I'm not gonna ruins things for you.">>
Realizing you actually have that power over him but chose not to wreck everything he built, he starts to calm down and perhaps trust you a little. Will that trust be beneficial or detrimental to him? Only time will tell.
<<di mec "This stay between us, got it?">>
<<di you "Roger that, your secret is safe with me.">>
Having the upperhand in a relationship is always a fun time. However, for now you're sincere, his secret will not be revealed as long as you can still get your hand on his thick dick.
<<if $gameends>>\
<<link "Back" "Mecscenemenu">><</link>>
<<link "You clean up and leave the shop after he dismisses you" "Go outside">>
<<if $you.rlevel == 1>>
<<set $you.rsexcount ++>>
<<if $you.rsexcount == 5>>
<<set $you.rlevel = 2>>
<<set $you.rsexcount = 0>>
<</if>>\Feeling of the coldness wrapped around your finger, you wonder about the extent of the power the ring has: Can you just straight up compel someone to give you money? Seeing a guy walking down the street, you decide to:
<div id="choice">\
<<link "Snap your fingers" "Parkrtalk2">>
<<set $you.ruse -->>
<<pressminute add 5>>
<<link "Not do it">>
<<replace '#choice'>>\
Not do it, maybe you'll do an experiment later down the line but not now.
<<link "Back" "Park">>
<<pressminute add 5>>
</div>\Feeling of the coldness wrapped around your finger, you wonder about the extent of the power the ring has: Can you just straight up compel someone to give you money? Seeing a guy walking down the street, you decide to:
<<magiccheck 25 5>>\
<div id="text">\
<<if ndef _passed>>\
<<link "Give up">>
<<replace '#tt'>><</replace>>\
<<replace '#point'>><</replace>>\
<<replace '#round'>><</replace>>\
<<replace '#action'>><</replace>>\
<<replace '#text'>>\
Snap your fingers, but somehow your nose grows stuffy and:
<<di you "Give me... ACHOO!!!">>
He jumps back to avoid your sneezing and ask confusedly:
<<dio "Man" "You alright, man?">>
That's when you realize that you can't feel the magic in the air. Did you fail somehow? So you stammer and find a retreat.
<<di you "Uhhh... nothing... Thanks and goodbye.">>
Damn, you wasted the ring's one use of the day and for nothing.
<<link "Back" "Park">>
<<pressminute add 5>>
<<elseif _passed>>\
<<link "Success">>
<<replace '#tt'>><</replace>>\
<<replace '#point'>><</replace>>\
<<replace '#round'>><</replace>>\
<<replace '#action'>><</replace>>\
<<replace '#text'>>\
<<di you "Hey man, can I have a second?">>
The guy looks pensive for a moment but still chooses to reply to you:
<<dio "Man" "Sure, what's up?">>
You then snap your fingers and the air thickens with magic. You start with something small:
<<di you "Give me $20.">>
His brows furrow as he replies:
<<dio "Man" "Why would I?">>
Damn, maybe the hesitancy of giving a stranger money is still strong enough that the ring cannot compel him. You wrack your brain looking for a way for it to work. A thought pops into your mind, you then look the guy up and down... Hmm, not too shabby. Let's see if this works:
<<di you "How about you give me $20 in exchange for a handjob?">>
Hopefully with the added plus of service, it is enough to sway him. His eyes widen as he considers your offer and with a hard gulp, he tentatively answers:
<<dio "Man" "Sure...">>
<<di you "Cool, let's find a spot.">>
In this gargantuan park which is usually deserted for most of the day, you two easily find a secluded location that no one can disturb.
<<link "Gotta get that money" "Parkrhj">>
<<money 20>>
<<pressminute add 30>>
<<elseif _passed == false>>\
<<link "Failure">>
<<replace '#tt'>><</replace>>\
<<replace '#point'>><</replace>>\
<<replace '#round'>><</replace>>\
<<replace '#action'>><</replace>>\
<<replace '#text'>>\
Snap your fingers, but somehow your nose grows stuffy and:
<<di you "Give me... ACHOO!!!">>
He jumps back to avoid your sneezing and ask confusedly:
<<dio "Man" "You alright, man?">>
That's when you realize that you can't feel the magic in the air. Did you fail somehow? So you stammer and find a retreat.
<<di you "Uhhh... nothing... Thanks and goodbye.">>
Damn, you wasted the ring's one use of the day and for nothing.
<<link "Back" "Park">>
<<pressminute add 5>>
</div>\<<image carshop.jpg>>
<<if $hour >= 8 and $hour < 18 and $mec.timer == 0>>
It is not a good time to return to the shop.
The shop is closed. Maybe take a look back during the working hours.
<<link "Back" "Go outside">>
<</link>><<scenechoices mec 1 0>>\
Once you two are sure there aren't anyone around, he loses his pants in record second and reveals a respectable dick. The welcoming sight also comes with a musky scent too as the guy can use a rinse in the bathroom but that has never stopped you before.
In fact, your eager hands take no time to caress the heavy tool as it slowly rises from slumber.
<<video otherchar/parkrhj11.mp4>>
Soon, he becomes fully erected which creates the perfect leverage for your hand to slide effortlessly up and down on his shaft. His gasps are getting deeper and a bit wet as your pace climbs.
<<video otherchar/parkrhj12.mp4>>
The guy is no match to your expertise and soon he rasps:
<<dio "Man" "Ssssshit... I'M COMMMMINGGGG-!!!">>
Jets of jizz spray from his slit and add to the sweaty air with a new twinge of maleness and sex.
<<video otherchar/parkrhj1cum.mp4>>
When he finally recovers for the climax, he gives you $20 easily and without even a question.
<<link "Back">>
<<if $gameends>>
<<goto "Otherscenemenu">>
<<if $you.rlevel == 1>>
<<set $you.rsexcount ++>>
<<if $you.rsexcount == 5>>
<<set $you.rlevel = 2>>
<<set $you.rsexcount = 0>>
<<goto "Park">>
<</link>>Now that you're more used to using the ring, you wonder if you can up the stake. Again, seeing another bystander, you call to him:
<<di you "Can you come here for a second?">>
<div id="choice">\
Once he is near, you decide to:
<<link "Snap your fingers" "Parkrtalk4">>
<<set $you.ruse -->>
<<pressminute add 5>>
<<link "Not do it">>
<<replace '#choice'>>\
Once he is near, you decide not to do it. Perhaps later, there is still time.
<<link "Back" "Park">>
<<pressminute add 5>>
</div>\Now that you're more used to using the ring, you wonder if you can up the stake. Again, seeing another bystander, you call to him:
<<di you "Can you come here for a second?">>
<<magiccheck 35 5>>\
<div id="text">\
<<if ndef _passed>>\
<<link "Give up">>
<<replace '#tt'>><</replace>>\
<<replace '#point'>><</replace>>\
<<replace '#round'>><</replace>>\
<<replace '#action'>><</replace>>\
<<replace '#text'>>\
Once he is near, you decide to snap your fingers but the air fizzles out and tickles your nose.
<<di you "Achoo!! Umm... uhhh... I can give you a blowjob for $50.">>
He looks at you with something like disgust.
<<dio "Man" "What the hell man, go prank someone else.">>
He then quickly trods away leaving your ass flabbergasted. Did you just fail to compel him? Apparently so...
<<link "Back" "Park">>
<<pressminute add 5>>
<<elseif _passed>>\
<<link "Success">>
<<replace '#tt'>><</replace>>\
<<replace '#point'>><</replace>>\
<<replace '#round'>><</replace>>\
<<replace '#action'>><</replace>>\
<<replace '#text'>>\
Once he is near, you decide to snap your fingers and the air thickens with magic.
<<di you "I can give you a blowjob for $50.">>
After a minute of processing what was just uttered out of your mouth, he nods in agreement.
<<link "Got work to do" "Parkrbj">>
<<money 50>>
<<presshour add 1>>
<<elseif _passed == false>>\
<<link "Failure">>
<<replace '#tt'>><</replace>>\
<<replace '#point'>><</replace>>\
<<replace '#round'>><</replace>>\
<<replace '#action'>><</replace>>\
<<replace '#text'>>\
Once he is near, you decide to snap your fingers but the air fizzles out and tickles your nose.
<<di you "Achoo!! Umm... uhhh... I can give you a blowjob for $50.">>
He looks at you with something like disgust.
<<dio "Man" "What the hell man, go prank someone else.">>
He then quickly trods away leaving your ass flabbergasted. Did you just fail to compel him? Apparently so...
<<link "Back" "Park">>
<<pressminute add 5>>
</div>\Now that you've got the hang of the ring, you want to push it even further. Wandering in your usual prowling ground - the park - you find another unsuspectable man. You walk up to him and decide to:
<div id="choice">\
<<link "Snap your fingers" "Parkrtalk6">>
<<set $you.ruse -->>
<<pressminute add 5>>
<<link "Not do it">>
<<replace '#choice'>>\
Not do it. Perhaps later, there is still time.
<<link "Back" "Park">>
<<pressminute add 5>>
</div>\Now that you've got the hang of the ring, you want to push it even further. Wandering in your usual prowling ground - the park - you find another unsuspectable man. You walk up to him and decide to:
<<magiccheck 40 5>>\
<div id="text">\
<<if ndef _passed>>\
<<link "Give up">>
<<replace '#tt'>><</replace>>\
<<replace '#point'>><</replace>>\
<<replace '#round'>><</replace>>\
<<replace '#action'>><</replace>>\
<<replace '#text'>>\
Snap your fingers. The air is supposedly filled with magic but instead gets powdery.
<<di you "ACHOOO!!! Arghhh... give me $100 and I'll... give you a piece of my ass.">>
He just looks flat out confused.
<<dio "Man" "Hey man... are you sick? Do I need to call someone?">>
Shit, it doesn't work. You try to laugh it off as a joke:
<<di you "Hahaha... just kidding.">>
You then run as far away from him as you humanly can lest he calls the cops on you.
<<link "Back" "Park">>
<<pressminute add 5>>
<<elseif _passed>>\
<<link "Success">>
<<replace '#tt'>><</replace>>\
<<replace '#point'>><</replace>>\
<<replace '#round'>><</replace>>\
<<replace '#action'>><</replace>>\
<<replace '#text'>>\
Snap your fingers. The air grows stifling with magic.
<<di you "Give me $100 and I'll give you a piece of my ass.">>
His initial confusion at your sentence is quickly replaced by lust due to the influence of magic.
<<dio "Man" "Deal.">>
<<di you "Great. Let's find somewhere comfortable, shall we?">>
You aren't sure if you even want the $100 or this is all just an excuse for a quick hook-up.
<<link "Gotta get that bag one way or another" "Parkrfuck">>
<<money 100>>
<<presshour add 1>>
<<pressminute add 30>>
<<elseif _passed == false>>\
<<link "Failure">>
<<replace '#tt'>><</replace>>\
<<replace '#point'>><</replace>>\
<<replace '#round'>><</replace>>\
<<replace '#action'>><</replace>>\
<<replace '#text'>>\
Snap your fingers. The air is supposedly filled with magic but instead gets powdery.
<<di you "ACHOOO!!! Arghhh... give me $100 and I'll... give you a piece of my ass.">>
He just looks flat out confused.
<<dio "Man" "Hey man... are you sick? Do I need to call someone?">>
Shit, it doesn't work. You try to laugh it off as a joke:
<<di you "Hahaha... just kidding.">>
You then run as far away from him as you humanly can lest he calls the cops on you.
<<link "Back" "Park">>
<<pressminute add 5>>
</div>\<<scenechoices mec 1 0>>\
Found a hidden spot, you unwrap the man present in front of you with great enthusiasm. You really do have an eye for men because the erected cock in front of you is damn mouthwatering. Therefore, you dive in tongue first to taste the salt on the head and pry between his slit lapping on his pre-cum.
<<video otherchar/parkrbj11.mp4>>
<<dio "Man" "Fffffuckkkk...">>
He hisses appreciatively and you reward him by bouncing on him and taking his cock so deep into your throat that your nose is pressed into the damp, spicy pubes.
<<video otherchar/parkrbj12.mp4>>
Then again and again, his giant shaft enters your windpipe more easily with each thrust like your throat is now mold to the shape of manhood. When you thought you were about to pass out from the lack of oxygen, he grunts:
<<dio "Man" "God... sssssshittt!!!!">>
His cock erupts and paints your face white with his vital essence. There is no better feeling than letting hot semen slowly flows against your skin.
<<video otherchar/parkrbj1cum.mp4>>
Well, except for maybe getting paid doing blowjobs which the man gladly gives you $50 for your hard work. Can't wait for a repeat!
<<link "Back">>
<<if $gameends>>
<<goto "Otherscenemenu">>
<<if $you.rlevel == 2>>
<<set $you.rsexcount ++>>
<<if $you.rsexcount == 5>>
<<set $you.rlevel = 3>>
<<set $you.rsexcount = 0>>
<<goto "Park">>
<</link>><<scenechoices mec 1 0>>\
Primed and prepped, you waste no time to ditch the pants and expose your hole to the chilly air. Your cool hole is soon warmed by a presence behind - a large one - who is fully erect and pressing incessantly to your opening. You take a deep breath and relax and the hard length slides to the hilt rather quickly and without a hitch.
<<video otherchar/parkrfuck11.mp4>>
The man is not a caring type either because immediately his hips start pounding your ass with impressive speed and brutal force - not giving you a breather. Apart from the puffs of his breath, he remains silent. Whereas, you have to bite your lower lip to not contain the moans to not attract people. However, the squelching from where his cock repeatedly rams into your ass is so obscene and loud, you wonder if your effort to stay quiet matters at all.
<<video otherchar/parkrfuck12.mp4>>
<<dio "Man" "Fuck... Here it comes, bitch... FFFFFUCKKKK!!!!">>
<<video you/youbred8.mp4>>
He lets out an ecstatic groan and then his seed spills across your crack, marking you and making you remember this moment where you trade your ass for a random man in the middle of a public park like a cheap whore. But hey, at least you're now $100 richer.
<<link "Back">>
<<if $gameends>>
<<goto "Otherscenemenu">>
<<goto "Park">>
<</link>>Found a man, you begin the process of compelling him to give you $20 in exchange of a handjob.
<div id="choice">\
<<link "Snap your fingers" "Parkrhjtalk2">>
<<set $you.ruse -->>
<<pressminute add 5>>
<<link "Change your mind">>
<<replace '#choice'>>\
At last minute, you decide to change your mind and save the use of the ring for the day.
<<link "Back" $you.location>>
<<pressminute add 5>>
</div>\Found a man, you begin the process of compelling him to give you $20 in exchange for a handjob.
<<magiccheck 25 5>>\
<div id="text">\
<<if ndef _passed>>\
<<link "Give up">>
<<replace '#tt'>><</replace>>\
<<replace '#point'>><</replace>>\
<<replace '#round'>><</replace>>\
<<replace '#action'>><</replace>>\
<<replace '#text'>>\
You snap your fingers, but the magic fails and you sneeze instead.
<<link "Back" $you.location>>
<<pressminute add 5>>
<<elseif _passed>>\
<<link "Success">>
<<replace '#tt'>><</replace>>\
<<replace '#point'>><</replace>>\
<<replace '#round'>><</replace>>\
<<replace '#action'>><</replace>>\
<<replace '#text'>>\
Snapping your fingers, you proposition the stranger a handjob which he agrees to quickly while under the effect of the magic.
<<link "Begin working">>
<<money 20>>
<<pressminute add 30>>
<<if $you.location === "Park">>
<<goto "Parkrhj">>
<<elseif $you.location === "Gym">>
<<goto "Gymrhj">>
<<elseif _passed == false>>\
<<link "Failure">>
<<replace '#tt'>><</replace>>\
<<replace '#point'>><</replace>>\
<<replace '#round'>><</replace>>\
<<replace '#action'>><</replace>>\
<<replace '#text'>>\
You snap your fingers, but the magic fails and you sneeze instead.
<<link "Back" $you.location>>
<<pressminute add 5>>
</div>\Found a man, you begin the process of compelling him to give you $50 in exchange for a blowjob.
<div id="choice">\
<<link "Snap your fingers" "Parkrbjtalk2">>
<<set $you.ruse -->>
<<pressminute add 5>>
<<link "Change your mind">>
<<replace '#choice'>>\
At last minute, you decide to change your mind and save the use of the ring for the day.
<<link "Back" $you.location>>
<<pressminute add 5>>
</div>\Found a man, you begin the process of compelling him to give you $50 in exchange for a blowjob.
<<magiccheck 35 5>>\
<div id="text">\
<<if ndef _passed>>\
<<link "Give up">>
<<replace '#tt'>><</replace>>\
<<replace '#point'>><</replace>>\
<<replace '#round'>><</replace>>\
<<replace '#action'>><</replace>>\
<<replace '#text'>>\
You snap your fingers, but the magic fails and you sneeze instead.
<<link "Back" $you.location>>
<<pressminute add 5>>
<<elseif _passed>>\
<<link "Success">>
<<replace '#tt'>><</replace>>\
<<replace '#point'>><</replace>>\
<<replace '#round'>><</replace>>\
<<replace '#action'>><</replace>>\
<<replace '#text'>>\
Snapping your fingers, you proposition the stranger a blowjob which he agrees to quickly while under the effect of the magic.
<<link "Begin working">>
<<money 50>>
<<presshour add 1>>
<<if $you.location === "Park">>
<<goto "Parkrbj">>
<<elseif $you.location === "Gym">>
<<goto "Gymrbj">>
<<elseif _passed == false>>\
<<link "Failure">>
<<replace '#tt'>><</replace>>\
<<replace '#point'>><</replace>>\
<<replace '#round'>><</replace>>\
<<replace '#action'>><</replace>>\
<<replace '#text'>>\
You snap your fingers, but the magic fails and you sneeze instead.
<<link "Back" $you.location>>
<<pressminute add 5>>
</div>\Found a man, you begin the process of compelling him to give you $100 in exchange for fucking your ass.
<div id="choice">\
<<link "Snap your fingers" "Parkrfucktalk2">>
<<set $you.ruse -->>
<<pressminute add 5>>
<<link "Change your mind">>
<<replace '#choice'>>\
At last minute, you decide to change your mind and save the use of the ring for the day.
<<link "Back" $you.location>>
<<pressminute add 5>>
</div>\Found a man, you begin the process of compelling him to give you $100 in exchange for fucking your ass.
<<magiccheck 40 5>>\
<div id="text">\
<<if ndef _passed>>\
<<link "Give up">>
<<replace '#tt'>><</replace>>\
<<replace '#point'>><</replace>>\
<<replace '#round'>><</replace>>\
<<replace '#action'>><</replace>>\
<<replace '#text'>>\
You snap your fingers, but the magic fails and you let out a big sneeze instead.
<<link "Back" $you.location>>
<<pressminute add 5>>
<<elseif _passed>>\
<<link "Success">>
<<replace '#tt'>><</replace>>\
<<replace '#point'>><</replace>>\
<<replace '#round'>><</replace>>\
<<replace '#action'>><</replace>>\
<<replace '#text'>>\
Snapping your fingers, you proposition the stranger a blowjob which he agrees to quickly while under the effect of the magic.
<<link "Begin working">>
<<money 100>>
<<presshour add 1>>
<<pressminute add 30>>
<<if $you.location === "Park">>
<<goto "Parkrfuck">>
<<elseif $you.location === "Gym">>
<<goto "Gymrfuck">>
<<elseif _passed == false>>\
<<link "Failure">>
<<replace '#tt'>><</replace>>\
<<replace '#point'>><</replace>>\
<<replace '#round'>><</replace>>\
<<replace '#action'>><</replace>>\
<<replace '#text'>>\
You snap your fingers, but the magic fails and you sneeze instead.
<<link "Back" $you.location>>
<<pressminute add 5>>
</div>\<<set $you.location = passage()>>\
<<image carshop.jpg>>
<<if $mec.lust == 20 and $mec.timer >= 1 and $mec.stage < 20>>\
<<link "Give $mec.Name a handjob" "Mechjtalk5">>
<<set $mec.timer = 0>>
<<pressminute add 5>>
<<elseif $you.ruse >= 1 and $mec.lust < 20>>\
<<link "Use the ring power to give $mec.Name a handjob">>
<<if $mec.lust == 3 and not hasVisited("Mechjtalk4")>>
<<goto "Mechjtalk4">>
<<goto "Mechjtalk3">>
<<elseif $mec.lust < 20>>\
<<link "==Use the ring power to give $mec.Name a handjob==">><</link>>
<<if $mec.lust == 5>>\
<<if $you.ruse >= 1>>\
<<link "Try to use the ring power to give $mec.Name a blowjob">>
<<pressminute add 5>>
<<if not hasVisited("Mecbjtalk1")>>
<<goto "Mecbjtalk1">>
<<goto "Mecbjtalk3">>
<<link "==Try to use the ring power to give $mec.Name a blowjob==">><</link>>
<<elseif $mec.lust == 20 and $mec.timer >= 1 and $mec.stage < 20>>\
<<link "Give $mec.Name a blowjob" "Mecbjtalk7">>
<<set $mec.timer = 0>>
<<pressminute add 5>>
<<elseif $mec.lust >= 6 and $mec.lust < 20>>\
<<if $you.ruse >= 1>>\
<<link "Use the ring power to give $mec.Name a blowjob" "Mecbjtalk5">>
<<pressminute add 5>>
<<link "==Use the ring power to give $mec.Name a blowjob==">><</link>>
<<if $you.ruse >= 1 and $mec.lust == 10 and hasVisited("Mecnetalk1") and not hasVisited("Mechometalk1")>>\
<<link "Use the ring power to infiltrate $mec.Name's home" "Mechometalk1">>
<<pressminute add 5>>
<<if $you.ruse >= 1 and hasVisited("Mecnetalk1") and not hasVisited("Mecnehj")>>\
<<link "Use the ring to give the new guy a handjob" "Mecnehjtalk1">>
<<pressminute add 30>>
<<elseif $you.ruse < 1 and hasVisited("Mecnetalk1") and not hasVisited("Mecnehj")>>\
<<link "==Use the ring to give the new guy a handjob==">><</link>>
<<link "Go outside" "Go outside">>
<<pressminute add 5>>
<</link>>Every time you make a stop here, you always see him working tirelessly. The poor guy needs a break, so you:
<div id="choice">\
<<link "Approach him and snap your fingers">>
<<set $you.ruse -->>
<<replace '#choice'>>\
Approach him, get his attention and snap your fingers, the air thickens with magic as you suggest:
<<di you "You can definitely use a break... and a handjob from me too for that matter.">>
Despite being affected by the magic, you can still see his conscience fighting against the temptation. However, it is still no match for a man's horniness.
<<di mec "Fuck!... okay...">>
He glances around before leading the way to the office.
<<link "Let the fun begin" "Mechj1">>
<<pressminute add 30>>
<<link "Change your mind">>
<<replace '#choice'>>\
At last minute, you decide to change your mind and save the use of the ring for the day.
<<link "Back" "Go outside">>
<<pressminute add 5>>
</div>\<<scenechoices mec 1 0>>\
<<lust mec 1 5>>\
There is less inhibition this time around since he's spreading his legs showing off the good proudly.
<<if $mec.lust == 3>>\
<<di mec "C'mon, let's get this started.">>
Someone is impatient today.
<<elseif $mec.lust == 4 or $gameends>>\
<<di mec "You want to get this load?">>
He cups his balls obscenely. Unlike the first few times, his gestures and stance are now full of confidence and damn doesn't that turn you on.
You also make yourself comfortable and find just the right position to have his warm meat in your hand. The thrumming pulses are inviting your hand to squeeze his flesh and create a tight hold on his meat. You can remain motionless like this and just feel his vitality in your palm forever but the slut in you doesn't allow it.
<<video mec/mechj21.mp4>>
You begin jerking him with a quick and sure stride. Occasionally, you tease his glans with your finger and draw out copious precum from his slit and his body shakes a little from the hypersensitivity. Still, he doesn't protest and seems to revel in ecstasy.
<<video mec/mechj22.mp4>>
<<di mec "Here it comes...">>
He gives you a warning as if his breathing is not shaky, his rod is not hard as steel and on the verge of blowing off. Your motion on his dick quickens as he begins fucking into your fist with abandon then he shouts.
Gushes of cum splatters on your hand, the floor and even the wall due to its impressive strength. The room already stinks of sex when he leaks precum like crazy. However, now with his semen, it somehow makes the room smell even spicier like the molecules in the liquid are so strong that it demands you to take notice.
<<video mec/mechj2cum.mp4>>
<<if $mec.lust == 5 or $gameends>>\
You continue to stare at the strands of his jizz on your finger. A hunger gnaws at you and begs you to taste that sweet sweet nectar.
<<di mec "Whatchu starin'...?">>
His question snaps you out of the daze as you mumble back:
<<di you "Nothing.">>
He then gives you an intense look.
<<di mec "C'mon, lick it. That's what you want, right?">>
That's all the order you need as you lap at the syrupy substance. The taste is divine - slightly salty, tangy - and gives your tongue a boost of energy to swirl around your digit like it's his cock that you're sucking. Once you can no longer trace any part of his essence on your finger, you heave a satisfied sigh. Then come his raspy voice:
<<di mec "Good boy.">>
Your inside warms at his praise. This gives you hope and maybe things will take to another level in the future?
As the magic dissipates, you two make a quick work of cleaning up without further exchange.
<<if $gameends>>\
<<link "Back" "Mecscenemenu">><</link>>
<<link "You leave the shop" "Go outside">>
<<if $you.rlevel == 1>>
<<set $you.rsexcount ++>>
<<if $you.rsexcount == 5>>
<<set $you.rlevel = 2>>
<<set $you.rsexcount = 0>>
<</if>>\$mec.Name's car shop has become a frequent stop of your day because look at him: All sweaty, grease on his shirt and you never give it a thought but the sight of a man fixing a car is now turning you on greatly.
<<di you "Hey, got any call from potential employees yet?">>
<<if hasVisited("Mchhj") and $police.state >= 16>>\
The look he gives you isn't exactly welcoming but you ignore it like water off a duck's back.
There is something awkward from the way he looks at you. Still, he gives an answer:
<<di mec "I got one actually. He will come for tryout next week, so... thanks.">>
You smile broadly at him and whenever you do, there is always a nefarious intent behind it. To make sure it is 100% safe and he won't flip out over it because you're still dealing with a straight and married man after all:
<div id="choice">\
<<link "You snap your fingers">>
<<set $you.ruse -->>
<<replace '#choice'>>\
You snap your finger and the air thickens with magic.
<<di you "How about a break, big guy? I can help you blow off some steam.">>
Then, your hands do an air masturbation gesture to ensure that he doesn't misunderstand your suggestion. Even under the effect of the magic, the man looks really torn, right when you think it fails, he finally gets up and walks into an office.
<<di mec "Inside.">>
Well that's the best you can expect from him so you follow him like a puppy.
<<link "Let the fun begin" "Mechj1">>
<<pressminute add 30>>
<<link "Change your mind">>
<<replace '#choice'>>\
At last minute, you decide to change your mind and save the use of the ring for the day.
<<di you "Alright, I just want to check up on that keep up the good work.">>
He looks almost dissappointed.
<<di mec "That's it?">>
<<di you "Yup, that's it. Bye!">>
You don't forget to add some more sway to your hips when walking away. Perhaps, he is quite conditioned to getting pleasure from you now.
<<link "Back" "Go outside">>
<<pressminute add 5>>
</div>\After using the ring a few times, you've come to realize that it is like a bike and with practice you have gotten a better grasp at it. So today, you decide it's time to take it to the next level with $mec.Name.
Cornering him alone in the store again, you call out to him:
<<di you "Hey, $mec.Name.">>
That surprises him and he bumps his head against the undercarriage which makes you chuckle. He answers:
<<di mec "What?">>
<<di mec "How's your head?">>
He rubs the bruising spot and replies:
<<di mec "It's... fine. Anything else?">>
<<link "You snap your fingers" "Mecbjtalk2">>
<<set $you.ruse -->>
<<if $you.rlevel < 2>>
<<set $you.rlevel = 2>>
<</link>><<magiccheck 35 5>>\
<div id="text">\
<<if ndef _passed>>\
<<link "Give up">>
<<replace '#tt'>><</replace>>\
<<replace '#point'>><</replace>>\
<<replace '#round'>><</replace>>\
<<replace '#action'>><</replace>>\
<<replace '#text'>>\
You snap your fingers, however there is just a fizzle in the air that somehow make your nose itch.
<<di you "How about I head ... ACHOOO!!">>
You sneeze loudly.
<<di mec "Huh? What did you say?">>
You want to continue ahead but unable to feel the magic in the air any longer you hesitate.
<<di you "I forgot what I was about to tell you...">>
He looks at you strangely but still chooses to entertain you.
<<di mec "If there is nothing else, I'll get back to work.">>
Shit shit shit... you didn't think that you could fail the magic. Well, lesson learned then, next time you'll try harder.
<<link "Back" "Go outside">>
<<pressminute add 5>>
<<elseif _passed>>\
<<link "Success">>
<<replace '#tt'>><</replace>>\
<<replace '#point'>><</replace>>\
<<replace '#round'>><</replace>>\
<<replace '#action'>><</replace>>\
<<replace '#text'>>\
You snap your fingers and the air fills with magic.
<<di you "So how about ease the pain by giving you head?">>
<<di mec "Huh?!?">>
<<di you "I said I want to blow you. How about that?">>
His cheeks redden, it seems like forever until his answer:
<<di mec "I should tell you no but...">>
He leaves the rest unsaid as he walks briskly to the office in the back - a sign for you to follow.
<<link "You follow him inside" "Mecbjintro">>
<<presshour add 1>>
<<elseif _passed == false>>\
<<link "Failure">>
<<replace '#tt'>><</replace>>\
<<replace '#point'>><</replace>>\
<<replace '#round'>><</replace>>\
<<replace '#action'>><</replace>>\
<<replace '#text'>>\
You snap your fingers, however there is just a fizzle in the air that somehow make your nose itch.
<<di you "How about I head ... ACHOOO!!">>
You sneeze loudly.
<<di mec "Huh? What did you say?">>
You want to continue ahead but unable to feel the magic in the air any longer you hesitate.
<<di you "I forgot what I was about to tell you...">>
He looks at you strangely but still chooses to entertain you.
<<di mec "If there is nothing else, I'll get back to work.">>
Shit shit shit... you didn't think that you could fail the magic. Well, lesson learned then, next time you'll try harder.
<<link "Back" "Go outside">>
<<pressminute add 5>>
</div>\<<scenechoices mec 1 0>>\
<<lust mec 1>>\
To say you were dying to get your tongue on him was an understatement. Now that you finally got the chance, your body vibrates with excitement as you enter the office where $mec.Name sits silently.
<<di mec "This is a bad idea but...">>
He mumbles to himself confusedly so you gotta put his worrywart head to rest:
<<di you "Shhh... just unwind and don't think about it too much... You do nothing and I'll handle the rest.">>
Your choice of words carefully manipulates him into detaching himself from the situation. So, he relaxes and accepts your touch, carefully stripping his pants to unveil his rising member.
Your mouth waters at the sight of the magnificent python perching its head. You give it a kiss which you are rewarded with a gasp from $mec.Name and the salty taste of his pre-cum. Your tongue then takes over to lubricate his shaft in your saliva in preparation of the impending deepthroat.
<<video mec/mecbj11.mp4>>
<<di you "Fuck... you don't know how much I've wanted to do this.">>
Your musing doesn't appear to be unwelcome by him as he confesses:
<<di mec "Mandy... she never ever wants to do this...">>
Then he put his hand to your nape urging you to proceed. You oblige delightedly and let his spongy tip hit the back of your throat in one fell swoop. With each plunge to the sweet suction of your mouth, his grunts grow louder.
<<video mec/mecbj12.mp4>>
<<di mec "Ffuck... you wanna be filled with my cum?">>
With your windpipe being stuffed full you can only nod eagerly as his cock keeps on ramming deeper and deeper.
<<di mec "Ssshit... I'll fill you up to the brim... fffffucking take IT!!!">>
His ball smacks dab on your chin as his full length stays lodged inside your oral cavity. You can feel his dick enlarge with each twitch to deliver his breeding juice and make you full of his cum. After around two dozen pulsates, he finally releases you from his completely sucked dry cock.
<<image dad/dadbjcum1.gif>>
<<di you "Your cum taste so good.">>
Feeling high, you courageously compliment him. In return, he smiles satisfiedly:
<<di mec "There is much more in these sacks.">>
He then confidently nudges his heavy balls. Now that you have a taste - you lick your lips contemplatively - you don't think you can quit having him any longer.
<<if $gameends>>\
<<link "Back" "Mecscenemenu">><</link>>
<<link "You clean up and leave the shop after the deed is done" "Go outside">>
<<if $you.rlevel == 2>>
<<set $you.rsexcount ++>>
<<if $you.rsexcount == 5>>
<<set $you.rlevel = 3>>
<<set $you.rsexcount = 0>>
<<set $scenepicked = false>>
<<if setup.ws.Mechjintro>>[[First handjob|Mechjintro]]<<else>><<link "==First handjob==">><</link>><</if>> <<if setup.ws.Mechj1>>[[Regular handjob at the shop|Mechj1]]<<else>><<link "==Regular handjob at the shop==">><</link>><</if>> <<if setup.ws.Mechomehj1 or setup.ws.Mechomehj2>>[[Regular handjob at home|Mechomehj]]<<else>><<link "==Regular handjob at home==">><</link>><</if>>
<<if setup.ws.Mecbjintro>>[[First blowjob|Mecbjintro]]<<else>><<link "==First blowjob==">><</link>><</if>> <<if setup.ws.Mecbj1>>[[Regular blowjob at the shop|Mecbj1]]<<else>><<link "==Regular blowjob==">><</link>><</if>> <<if setup.ws.Mechomebj1 or setup.ws.Mechomebj2>>[[Regular blowjob at home|Mechomebj]]<<else>><<link "==Regular blowjob at home==">><</link>><</if>>
<<if setup.ws.Mechomefuck1 or setup.ws.Mechomefuck2>>[[Regular fuck at home|Mechomefuck]]<<else>><<link "==Regular fuck at home==">><</link>><</if>> <<if setup.ws.Mecendfuck1>>[[Final hate fuck|Mecendfuck1]]<<else>><<link "==Final hate fuck==">><</link>><</if>>
<<if setup.ws.Mecend1>><<link "<b>“Doing the right thing” ending</b>" "Mecend1">><</link>><<else>><<link "==<b>“Doing the right thing” ending</b>==">><</link>><</if>> <<if setup.ws.Mecend2>><<link "<b>“Sidepiece” ending</b>" "Mecend2">><</link>><<else>><<link "==<b>“Sidepiece” ending</b>==">><</link>><</if>> <<if setup.ws.Mecend3>><<link "<b>“Love?” ending</b>" "Mecend3">><</link>><<else>><<link "==<b>“Love?” ending</b>==">><</link>><</if>>
[[Back|Memoriesmenu]]<<scenechoices mec 1 0>>\
<<lust mec 1 10>>\
Entering the office room again. You're supposedly familiar with the room layout but if anyone asks you can't even describe how it looks because you're utterly distracted by the gorgeous man opposite of you. Legs spread, thighs dusted with hair and between them is the most impressive piece of man meat that you're dying to taste once more.
So you kneel like a peasant to a king and begin kissing lightly from his inner thigh to his balls. As your tongue licks at his two hefty sacks your nose picks up on the scent of his sweat, musk mixing with the smells of metal and grease.
<<video mec/mecbj21.mp4>>
Moving on your skillful tongue traces the veins running up his shaft and then lap at the droplet of precum on top of his tip. His hip impatiently thrusts into your mouth so you admit defeat and let the beast breach your oral barrier effortlessly. With him fucking your mouth, you aren't a passive participant either as your head bobs up and down taking his cock even further. At one point you think he hits your lung because each push steals your breath away making your head fuzzy from both lack of oxygen as well as pleasure.
<<video mec/mecbj22.mp4>>
<<if $mec.lust == 10 or $gameends>>\
<<di mec "Sssshit... I'll pump your stomach full... fffuck... of my seed... ARGHHHH!!!">>
<<di mec "Ssshit... Imma get you filled up... Fffffuckkkk!!!">>
His cock seemingly grows even larger as it shoots a river of hot jizz down your throat. You almost get drowned by his seed but luckily he finally lets off once all of his ammunition is dumped inside your body. As you dazedly recover from the near asphyxiation, he looks at you hotly, especially at the stray thread of cum leaking out from your mouth.
<<video mec/mecbj2cum.mp4>>
<<if $gameends>>\
<<link "Back" "Mecscenemenu">><</link>>
<<link "Done with the blowjob, you leave the shop" "Go outside">>
<<if $you.rlevel == 2>>
<<set $you.rsexcount ++>>
<<if $you.rsexcount == 5>>
<<set $you.rlevel = 3>>
<<set $you.rsexcount = 0>>
<</if>>\Alright, you take another shot this time and find $mec.Name again in the corner, so you decide to:
<div id="choice">\
<<link "Snap your fingers" "Mecbjtalk4">>
<<set $you.ruse -->>
<<pressminute add 5>>
<<link "Change your mind">>
<<replace '#choice'>>\
At last minute, you decide to change your mind and save the use of the ring for the day.
<<link "Back" "Go outside">>
<<pressminute add 5>>
</div>\Alright, you take another shot this time and find $mec.Name again in the corner, so you decide to:
<<magiccheck 35 5>>\
<div id="text">\
<<if ndef _passed>>\
<<link "Give up">>
<<replace '#tt'>><</replace>>\
<<replace '#point'>><</replace>>\
<<replace '#round'>><</replace>>\
<<replace '#action'>><</replace>>\
<<replace '#text'>>\
Snap your fingers, however there is just a fizzle in the air that somehow makes your nose itch.
<<di you "ACHOO!!! Aww damn not again.">>
Knowing the magic fails, you don't want to stay here and embarrass yourself.
<<link "Back" "Go outside">>
<<pressminute add 5>>
<<elseif _passed>>\
<<link "Success">>
<<replace '#tt'>><</replace>>\
<<replace '#point'>><</replace>>\
<<replace '#round'>><</replace>>\
<<replace '#action'>><</replace>>\
<<replace '#text'>>\
Snap your fingers and the air thickens with magic.
<<di you "Hey big guy, I think we should move on to me blowing you.">>
<<di mec "Huh?!?">>
<<di you "I said I want to blow you. How about that?">>
His cheeks redden, it seems like forever until his answer:
<<di mec "I should tell you no but...">>
He leaves the rest unsaid as he walks briskly to the office in the back - a sign for you to follow.
<<link "You follow him inside" "Mecbjintro">>
<<presshour add 1>>
<<elseif _passed == false>>\
<<link "Failure">>
<<replace '#tt'>><</replace>>\
<<replace '#point'>><</replace>>\
<<replace '#round'>><</replace>>\
<<replace '#action'>><</replace>>\
<<replace '#text'>>\
Snap your fingers, however there is just a fizzle in the air that somehow makes your nose itch.
<<di you "ACHOO!!! Aww damn not again.">>
Knowing the magic fails, you don't want to stay here and embarrass yourself.
<<link "Back" "Go outside">>
<<pressminute add 5>>
</div>\Taking a pit stop here, you have one and only goal in mind - sucking $mec.Name's dick. So you:
<div id="choice">\
<<link "Approach him and snap your fingers">>
<<set $you.ruse -->>
<<replace '#choice'>>\
Approach him, get his attention and snap your fingers, the air thickens with magic as your words worm inside his brain:
<<di you "Wanna blow off some steam? I can blow you, big guy.">>
His resistance to your advance apears to get weaker as the more time he's under the magic's influence. Now he only lets out a defeated sigh and answers:
<<di mec "Alright, let's move to the office.">>
He doesn't need to tell you twice.
<<link "Once inside the office" "Mecbj1">>
<<pressminute add 30>>
<<link "Change your mind">>
<<replace '#choice'>>\
At last minute, you decide to change your mind and save the use of the ring for the day.
<<link "Back" "Go outside">>
<<pressminute add 5>>
</div>\Making a detour at $mec.Name's shop again, this time you don't find him completely alone.
<<dio "$mec.Name's wife" "...so boring here. I don't get why you can't open a garage in downtown.">>
$mec.Name's voice is exasperated but indulging.
<<di mec "Sweetheart, you need to socialize a bit more instead of being a homebody. The people here are very kind and lovely.">>
<<dio "$mec.Name's wife" "But...">>
<<di mec "Hey, hey... everything's going to be okay.">>
He pulls her closer to an embrace and then gives her a deep kiss that you don't want to witness. Something ugly grows inside you at the side of the two lovebirds, so you interfere.
<<di you "Umm... hello?">>
They depart slowly from each other. His wife still has a dreamy smile on her face.
<<dio "$mec.Name's wife" "A customer? I won't interrupt your work then.">>
He still gives her a peck on the forehead before explaining:
<<di mec "Don't worry, it's just a guy who been helping me out at work.">>
Then he gives at you a glowering look like threatening you to not say anything stupid in front of her:
<<di mec "What's up?">>
You grit your teeth but decide it's not worth it:
<<di you "Nothing, just checking to see how the hiring goes.">>
<<di mec "It's going well. You don't need to be concerned.">>
He says stiffly, the air becomes awkward until a piercing voice cuts through it.
<<dio "$mec.Name's wife" "Anyway, now that I feel less lonely, I won't bother you anymore. Have a good day at work, honey.">>
She gives him another peck on his cheek before disappearing to her car and drives away. Now that there are only two of you here, the atmosphere grows stifled again.
<div id="choice">\
<<link "Be sympathetic">>
<<replace '#choice'>>\
<<aff mec 1>>\
<<di you "I didn't catch you at a bad time, did I?">>
That seems to defuse the situation somewhat as he deflates.
<<di mec "Not really... kind of...">>
He sighs then continues:
<<di mec "My wife is struggling with life here for some reason while I think living here is ideal for our future. I don't know what to think.">>
He slumps a bit at that admission and you tentatively put a hand on his shoulder.
<<di you "Hey... it's gonna take her some time to adjust but you know that you always have support here especially from me, okay?">>
He smiles at your olive branch and you internally let out a sigh of relief. Maybe, the thing between the two of you is now growing. You make a good use of your offer and stay back and help him clean up the workspace, meanwhile you wonder if the relationship between you and $mec.Name can still flourish while his wife is still in the picture.
<<link "After a small chat you decide to leave" "Go outside">>
<<pressminute add 5>>
<<link "Be nasty">>
<<replace '#choice'>>\
<<aff mec -1>>\
<<di you "I wonder if you can still be lovey-dovey if she knows what happens when she's not there.">>
Knowing this may put your relationship with him on shaky ground, you still can't hold back your jealousy with those words. He squints at you threateningly:
<<di mec "What the fuck are you trying to say?">>
<<di you "I'm just wondering if a true loving husband would do some of the things that you do that's all.">>
He give it a pause before glowering with his fists tight:
<<di mec "You'd better piss off before I do something that I'd regret later.">>
You walk away not because you're scared but because you would also regret your words if he allows you to spew further. You aren't worried if he would deny your advance next time because with the power of the ring, you smile devilishly - he can never say no.
<<link "Back" "Go outside">>
<<pressminute add 5>>
</div>\ - <i>Funner with a ring!</i>
<<if $you.rlevel == 3 and (hasVisited("Parkrfuck") or hasVisited("Gymrfuck"))>>\
• Using the ring, you can proposition yourself in exchange for a big amount of cash to strangers at the park or the gym
<<elseif $you.rlevel == 3 and not hasVisited("Parkrfuck") and not hasVisited("Gymrfuck")>>\
• Push the power of the ring by propositioning your ass to strangers at the park or the gym
<<elseif $you.rlevel == 2 and (hasVisited("Parkrbj") or hasVisited("Gymrbj"))>>\
• Using the ring, you can proposition blowjobs in exchange for a medium amount of cash to strangers at the park or the gym
<<elseif $you.rlevel == 2 and not hasVisited("Parkrbj") and not hasVisited("Gymrbj")>>\
• Push the power of the ring by propositioning blowjobs to strangers at the park or the gym
<<elseif hasVisited("Parkrhj") or hasVisited("Gymrhj")>>\
• Using the ring, you can proposition handjobs in exchange for a small amount of cash to strangers at the park or the gym
• Test the power of your newly acquired ring on bystanders at the park or the gym
<</if>>\Making a round to the car shop today, you're surprised to see that $mec.Name is not alone. A guy is hovering next to him and must be the new hire $mec.Name talked about.
<<di you "Hey guys, how is it going?">>
$mec.Name only gives you a glance before turning back to the guy to explain:
<<di mec "That's $you.Namedis, he helps a bit around the shop but not a mechanic.">>
<<di you "Nice to meet you.">>
You extend your hand to the stranger who you only now have a better look at. He's not bad looking at all.
<<dio "Jim" "I'm Jim. Today is my first day on the job of what hopefully many more to come.">>
<<di you "And I'm looking forward to seeing you here.">>
You smile widely, indecent thoughts running through your mind of what you can do to this new hunk of man meat. $mec.Name brows furrow, something unclear crosses his face as he interrupts the pleasantry:
<<di mec "Alright, enough chit chat. Jim and I need to get back to work.">>
Obviously, you cannot hold Jim back to get to know what makes him tick. You won't say no to a chance to get your hand on the guy's cock if the opportunity presents itself. However, <b>you're not sure if $mec.Name will like that if he finds out.</b>
<<link "Back" "Car shop">>
<</link>>Wandering through the shop, you find Jim concentrating on some work and $mec.Name is not nearby. Therefore you take this chance to chat up with him.
<<di you "Hey, how's work treating ya?">>
<<dio "Jim" "It's good. I've got some experience with cars already and $mec.Name is an amazing dude.">>
<<di you "Cool, another thing I want to ask.">>
Do you really want to do this with him? If yes, <b>$mec.Name might not be pleased with your choice to mess around with the new hire.</b> You decide to:
<<link "You snap your fingers" "Mecnehjtalk2">>
<<set $you.ruse -->>
<</link>>Wandering through the shop, you find Jim concentrating on some work and $mec.Name is not nearby. Therefore you take this chance to chat up with him.
<<di you "Hey, how's work treating ya?">>
<<dio "Jim" "It's good. I've got some experience with cars already and $mec.Name is an amazing dude.">>
<<di you "Cool, another thing I want to ask.">>
Do you really want to do this with him? If yes, <b>$mec.Name might not be pleased with your choice to mess around with the new hire.</b> You decide to:
<<magiccheck 25 5>>\
<div id="text">\
<<if ndef _passed>>\
<<link "Give up">>
<<replace '#tt'>><</replace>>\
<<replace '#point'>><</replace>>\
<<replace '#round'>><</replace>>\
<<replace '#action'>><</replace>>\
<<replace '#text'>>\
Snap your finger, the air sizzles but the magic gives out.
<<di you "You need ACHOO!... a hand?">>
He jumps back a little from your sneeze and replies:
<<dio "Jim" "I'm okay... and bless you.">>
Understanding that your magic has failed you don't really have anything else to proceed with your plan to lewd him up so you make a swift retreat.
<<link "Back" "Go outside">>
<<pressminute add 5>>
<<elseif _passed>>\
<<link "Success">>
<<replace '#tt'>><</replace>>\
<<replace '#point'>><</replace>>\
<<replace '#round'>><</replace>>\
<<replace '#action'>><</replace>>\
<<replace '#text'>>\
Snap your fingers and the air becomes thicker with magic.
<<di you "Do you fancy a handjob?">>
<<dio "Jim" "Huh??">>
He says confusedly like he just doesn't believe his ears.
<<di you "I said I want to give you a handjob.">>
He looks alarmed for just a second but then the magic makes a quick work of changing his mind as he continues:
<<dio "Jim" "Like for free?">>
<<di you "Yep, c'mon follow me. I know a spot.">>
You then walk confidently to the office in the back and unsurprisingly he follows.
<<link "Giving a hand" "Mecnehj">>
<<pressminute add 30>>
<<elseif _passed == false>>\
<<link "Failure">>
<<replace '#tt'>><</replace>>\
<<replace '#point'>><</replace>>\
<<replace '#round'>><</replace>>\
<<replace '#action'>><</replace>>\
<<replace '#text'>>\
Snap your finger, the air sizzles but the magic gives out.
<<di you "You need ACHOO!... a hand?">>
He jumps back a little from your sneeze and replies:
<<dio "Jim" "I'm okay... and bless you.">>
Understanding that your magic has failed you don't really have anything else to proceed with your plan to lewd him up so you make a swift retreat.
<<link "Back" "Go outside">>
<<pressminute add 5>>
</div>\<<scenechoices mec 1 0>>\
The back office has inadvertently become a debauchery spot of choice. As you lock the door, Jim still looks nervous but there is a pink cast over expression conveying his excitement.
<<dio "Jim" "This is a little crazy, don't you think?">>
<<di you "Calm down, I'm just helping you clear your head to get your work done more efficiently like a bro helping each other out.">>
Again, you regurgitate the same old "bro helping out" lecture to make them lower their guard. And so far, it has been extraordinarily effective since his set of stiff shoulders relaxes down a notch.
<<di you "Sit here and let me handle the rest.">>
The guy is extremely happy to turn his brain off and follow your command like a sheeple. Once he's comfortable, you motion to pull off his pants along with his underwear. <<if $hour >= 12>>You can easily tell the hours of work on his as his scent of sweat and musk wafts up to your nostril from deep in the crevices of his crotch.<</if>> When his bottom half is fully naked, you can see the man is quite well hung.
<<video mec/mecnehj11.mp4>>
You reach over to lightly caress his tool as it gradually grows inside your palm to a respectable length and girth. It pulses angrily in your hand and urges you to bring it pleasure so you do. The jacking motion is now your second nature as your wrist expertly moves to create a pleasure tunnel for his cock to fuck into.
<<video mec/mecnehj12.mp4>>
<<dio "Jim" "Gosssshh... I'm so close...">>
That has never scared you, instead it has an exciting effect as your hand quickens its movement - going full jackhammer on his dick. Soon, he groans, the sound is halfway between anguish and ecstacy.
<<dio "Jim" "AARRRGHHH!!!">>
His cumshot blasts explosively and drapes over your hand and all over the floor. As he catches his breath and recovers from the orgasm, you're still rock hard and honestly a bit frustrated. However, you are very giving in nature and the joy of delivering a man to completion through a handjob erases all the annoyance of being blue-balled.
<<video mec/mecnehj1cum.mp4>>
You two clean up the place and leave the room.
<<link "Back">>
<<if $gameends>>
<<goto "Otherscenemenu">>
<<goto "Mecnehjtalk3">>
<<pressminute add 5>>
<</link>><<aff mec -5>>\
Leaving the room, your partner in crime suddenly jumps and scurries off like a spooked animal. Unless you're blind, you can clearly see the laser beam from $mec.Name's eye shining on your face.
<<di you "Seeing anything you like?">>
He doesn't entertain you but instead deadpans:
<<di mec "Just as I thought, you're just a fucking whore who will put out to anyone.">>
That's almost your perfect description but that doesn't stop you from getting dignified.
<<di you "So what? You've got a problem with that?">>
You expected jealousy but the emotionless expression he has on says something way crueller and more sinister.
<<di mec "So I should treat you like one - a goddamn slut, a fucking sidepiece that I to dump my cum into when I get bored.">>
You've never seen this filthy side of him before and it doesn't scare you, but in fact has an opposite effect and makes you hot and bothered.
<<di you "Well, then I'd like to see you try.">>
You says challengingly before leaving him there staring. Oh ho, it is getting fun.
<<link "Back" "Go outside">>
<</link>>In your mind, getting a man to succumb into enjoying your bee jay skill is not difficult. Now, you want to get to the next phase of your married-man conquering plan: infiltrate his home - his sanctuary of domesticity.
Again, you find him toiling away at one of the cars, it is kind of endearing with how passionate he is about cars.
<<di you "Hey man, can I talk with you for a sec?">>
<<if $mec.aff <= -4>>\
He smirks at you unkindly before answering:
<<di mec "Always can spare a minute for my bitch. Talk.">>
His deep command makes you shivery and forget to perform your magic. The magic you are about to ask is almost impossible to get a yes from him so you decide to:
With how many times you've gotten close and personal with his dick, he's become accustomed to your presence in the shop. So he answers without a pause:
<<di mec "Sure what's up?">>
The request you are about to ask is almost impossible to get a yes from him so you decide to:
<span id="t">\
<<link "Snap your fingers">>
<<set $you.ruse -->>\
<<replace "#t">>\
Snap your fingers and the air is condensed by something mysterious.
<<di you "Can I come over to your house?">>
His forehead wrinkles at first but then it gets smoothened out by the magic from the ring.
<<if $mec.aff <= -4>>\
<<di mec "What else? You want me to feed you too?">>
He says unkindly and you almost think that your magic somehow fails, but he continues:
<<di mec "I'll humor you just because I don't want to hear your whining. Let's go.">>
Hmm, the magic does have a funny way to make him jump to that conclusion. He then goes over to the new guy and tells him to take care of the shop for a while. You hop on to his ride for a quick trip to his home.
<<di mec "Alright, if that's what you want.">>
He then goes over to the new guy and tells him to take care of the shop for a while. You then hop on to his ride for a quick trip to his home.
<<link "Arrive at his home" "Mechometalk2">>
<<pressminute add 45>>
</span>\<<image mechome.jpg>>
Opening the door to his home, he announces:
<<di mec "Honey I'm home.">>
The sound of footsteps is getting closer and closer as she appears in a bundle of hair and elegance. She then jump onto him for an embrace.
<<dio "$mec.Name's wife" "You're home early.">>
She then gives him a deep kiss. As much as it pains you to admit, they make the perfect green picket fence and 2.5 kids picture. You then cough roughly not wanting to see them smooching in front of you anymore.
<<di you "Ahem, I'm $you.Namedis. Nice to meet you.">>
<<dio "Mandy" "Oh hey, I'm Mandy and you're my husband's...?">>
The way she says "my husband" and casually taking ownership of him irks you.
<<di you "Oh I'm $mec.Name's new best bud in town. A pleasure meet you.">>
He raises one of his brows at your blatant unfounded claim of being his best mate but remains silent.
<<dio "Mandy" "Oh that's wonderful. C'mon sit, I'll get you something to drink.">>
As much as you want to hate her, her radiant smile is making it really hard to do so. As she's busying herself in the kitchen, he breaks his silence:
<<if $mec.aff <= -4>>\
<<di mec "'Best buds'? You're really one unbenign lying fuck, aren't cha?">>
With all that insults he throws at you, you are supposed to feel offended, instead heat fills you just from the venom of his tone.
<<di you "I have to keep a good impression to your wife, don't I?">>
He then give you fake friendly grin and grits his teeth:
<<di mec "Then keep up the pretense, bitch.">>
<<di mec "'Best bud', really? Since when?">>
<<di you "Oh so you prefer me having the title like the one who blows him?">>
That makes him choke on his spit. He glances around and his cheeks hot.
<<di mec "Of course not. Let's keep it down will ya?">>
<<di you "I am...">>
<<dio "Mandy" "Here you go boys.">>
You then get into a conversation with both of them. You also learn that Mandy is a city girl through and through and she has a tough time adjusting to the life here. Furthermore, you now understand why he's fallen for her, she's extremely charming and funny on top of her conventionally good look. You honestly cannot hold a dislike for her as much as you want to.
<<dio "Mandy" "Hahaha... Now I see why he likes you $you.Namedis. You're such a charmer. Anyway, I'm afraid I have to retreat to my batcave for now. Work's calling.">>
<<di you "Still, work from home that's the dream right there.">>
<<dio "Mandy" "You bet your ass it is. Oh! I almost forgot to say this but feel free to come hang out here any time you want. $mec.Name could use a good friend. Hell me too.">>
That touches you, so you give her a genuine smile.
<<di you "Well noted. You'll be sick of me soon.">>
She shooks her head at you like saying "Never!" and retreat back to her office. As you two are alone, you resume the conversation with him:
<<if $mec.aff <= -4>>\
<<di you "She seems lovely.">>
<<di mec "And the completely opposite of you.">>
Hey, you're sure your head game is way better than hers. Before you can defend your case, he resumes:
<<di mec "Also, don't delude yourself. She's nice and it's in her nature but you are not allowed to be chummy or get close to her. She's the love of my life and you're nothing but just a sidepiece, got it?">>
You've seen him being serious before but this is whole another level. There is steel and the cold threatening edge underneath those words. Therefore, you can only swallow your words and nod obediently.
<<link "Now that is done, you leave his home" "Go outside">><</link>>
<<di you "You've got a good one.">>
He grins at you sheepishly.
<<di mec "I am lucky, aren't I?">>
<<di you "Totally. If I were her, I'm not sure if I'd have the strength to move into a strange remote town. Still, through all of that she still chose to do so just to be with you.">>
<<di mec "Like I said, I'm one fortunate motherfucker.">>
Then you two make some more small talk before you leave his house. As you stroll through the familiar neighborhood, you wonder to yourself: Are you doing the right things with?
<<link "Outside" "Go outside">><</link>>
<</if>>\<<if hasVisited("Mechometalk2") and not hasVisited("Mecend1")>>\
<<link "$mec.Name's home" "Mechome">>
<<if $you.location === "Mechome">>
<<pressminute add 5>>
<<pressminute add 15>>
<<if $hour >= 8 and $hour < 18 and $mec.lust >= 10 and not hasVisited("Mecnetalk1")>>\
<<link "Car shop" "Mecnetalk1">>
<<pressminute add 15>>
<</link>> \
<<elseif $hour >= 8 and $hour < 18 and $mec.lust == 9 and $mec.timer == 0>>\
<<link "Car shop" "Carshoplate">>
<<pressminute add 15>>
<</link>> \
<<elseif $hour >= 8 and $hour < 18 and $mec.lust == 9 and not hasVisited("Mecbjtalk6")>>\
<<link "Car shop" "Mecbjtalk6">>
<<pressminute add 25>>
<<set $mec.timer = 0>>
<</link>> \
<<elseif $hour >= 8 and $hour < 18 and $mec.lust >= 1 and not hasVisited("Mecend1")>>\
<<link "Car shop" "Car shop">>
<<pressminute add 15>>
<</link>> \
<<elseif hasVisited("Mecfds") and hasVisited("Mecfff") and hasVisited("Mecfcol") and hasVisited("Mecfpark") and hasVisited("Mecfem") and not hasVisited("Mechjintro") and $hour >= 8 and $hour < 18>>
<<link "Car shop" "Mechjtalk1">>
<<presshour add 1>>
<</link>> \
<<elseif $hour >= 8 and $hour < 18 and not hasVisited("Mectalk2") and hasVisited("Mecdadtalk")>>\
<<link "Car shop" "Mectalk2">>
<<pressminute add 30>>
<</link>> \
<<elseif $hour >= 8 and $hour <= 22 and not hasVisited("Mectalk1")>>\
<<link "You notice a large moving truck in front of a home" "Mectalk1">>
<<pressminute add 30>>
<</link>> \
<<elseif hasVisited("Mecdadtalk") and ($hour < 8 or $hour >= 18) and not hasVisited("Mecend1")>>\
<<link "Car shop" "Carshoplate">>
<<pressminute add 15>>
<</link>> \
<</if>>\<<image mechome.jpg>>
<<if $hour > 17 and $hour < 23 and $mec.stage == 20 and $mec.timer >= 1>>\
<<set $you.location = "Mechome">>\
You're on the front step of $mec.Name's house.
<<if not hasVisited("Mecaftercatchtalk1") and $mec.timer >= 1>>\
<<link "Check-up on $mec.Name" "Mecaftercatchtalk1">><</link>>
<<elseif not hasVisited("Mecaftercatchtalk2") and $mec.timer >= 1>>\
<<link "Check-up on $mec.Name" "Mecaftercatchtalk2">><</link>>
<<elseif not hasVisited("Mecaftercatchtalk3") and $mec.timer >= 1>>\
<<link "<b>Check-up on $mec.Name - Endings</b>" "Mecaftercatchtalk3">><</link>>
<<elseif $hour > 17 and $hour < 23 and $mec.stage < 20>>\
<<if $you.location === "Mechome">>\
You're inside $mec.Name's and his wife's cozy home.
<<set $you.location = "Mechome">>\
<<dio "Mandy" "Hi $you.Namedis! $mec.Name is at home right now. Come on in." >>
With her invitation you walk into their home.
<<if $mec.lust == 20 and $you.ruse >= 1>>\
<<link "Have $mec.Name's wife catch you two in the act using the ring - <b>Endings</b>" "Mecwifecatchtalk1">>
<<pressminute add 5>>
<<elseif $you.ruse < 1 and $mec.lust == 20>>\
<<link "==Have $mec.Name's wife catch you two in the act using the ring==">><</link>>
<<if $mec.lust == 20 and $mec.forgetpotion == 1>>\
<<link "<b>Have $mec.Name drink the forget potion with you - Ending</b>" "Mecend1">>
<<pressminute add 15>>
<<if $mec.chattimer >= 1 and $mec.aff > -4 and not hasVisited("Mechomechat2")>>\
<<link "Have a chat with $mec.Name" "Mechomechat2">>
<<set $mec.chattimer = 0>>
<<pressminute 15>>
<<elseif $mec.chattimer >= 1 and $mec.aff > -4 and not hasVisited("Mechomechat3")>>\
<<link "Have a chat with $mec.Name" "Mechomechat3">>
<<set $mec.chattimer = 0>>
<<pressminute 15>>
<<elseif $mec.chattimer >= 1 and $mec.aff > -4 and not hasVisited("Mechomechat4")>>\
<<link "Have a chat with $mec.Name" "Mechomechat4">>
<<set $mec.chattimer = 0>>
<<pressminute 15>>
<<elseif $mec.chattimer >= 1 and $mec.aff > -4 and not hasVisited("Mechomechat5") and hasVisited("Mechomefuck")>>\
<<link "Have a chat with $mec.Name" "Mechomechat5">>
<<set $mec.chattimer = 0>>
<<pressminute 15>>
<<elseif $mec.chattimer >= 1 and $mec.aff <= -4 and not hasVisited("Mechomechat1")>>\
<<link "Have a chat with $mec.Name" "Mechomechat1">>
<<set $mec.chattimer = 0>>
<<pressminute 15>>
<<if $mec.lust == 20 and $mec.timer >= 1>>\
<<link "Give him a handjob" "Mechomehjtalk3">>
<<set $mec.timer = 0>>
<<pressminute add 5>>
<<elseif $you.ruse >= 1 and $mec.lust < 20>>\
<<link "Use the ring to give him a handjob">>
<<pressminute add 5>>
<<if not hasVisited("Mechomehjtalk1")>>
<<goto "Mechomehjtalk1">>
<<goto "Mechomehjtalk2">>
<<elseif $you.ruse < 1 and $mec.lust < 20>>\
<<link "==Use the ring to give him a handjob==">><</link>>
<<if $mec.lust == 20 and $mec.timer >= 1>>\
<<link "Give him a blowjob" "Mechomebjtalk2">>
<<set $mec.timer = 0>>
<<pressminute add 5>>
<<elseif $you.ruse >= 1 and $mec.lust >= 12 and $mec.lust < 20>>\
<<link "Use the ring to give him a blowjob" "Mechomebjtalk1">>
<<pressminute add 5>>
<<elseif $mec.lust >= 12 and $mec.lust < 20>>\
<<link "==Use the ring to give him a blowjob==">><</link>>
<<if $mec.lust == 20 and $mec.timer >= 1>>\
<<link "Have him fuck your ass" "Mechomefucktalk4">>
<<set $mec.timer = 0>>
<<pressminute add 5>>
<<elseif $you.ruse >= 1 and $mec.lust >= 15 and $mec.lust < 20>>\
<<link "Use the ring to make him fuck your ass">>
<<pressminute add 5>>
<<if $mec.lust == 15>>
<<goto "Mechomefucktalk1">>
<<goto "Mechomefucktalk3">>
<<elseif $mec.lust >= 15 and $mec.lust < 20>>\
<<link "==Use the ring to make him fuck your ass==">><</link>>
<<elseif $hour >= 8 and $hour <= 17 and $mec.stage < 20>>\
<<dio "Mandy" "Oh hey $you.Namedis. $mec.Name is not at home and I'm still working so this is not the perfect time. Maybe you should come back later?">>
If she says that you don't really have an excuse to stay either.
Now, it is not a great time to make a visit.
<<link "Go outside" "Go outside">><</link>>Despite you and $mec.Name have known each other for awhile, you still really haven't got deeply personal with him yet so you ask:
<<if not hasVisited("Mechomechat2")>>\
<<di you "Where are you from exactly?">>
<<di you "Which high school did you go to?">>
He glances at you unamusedly:
<<di mec "How does that have anything to do with you?">>
<<di you "Umm... well... I just want to get you know better.">>
His face then inches closer to your before saying lowly and dangerously:
<<di mec "There is no need for you to get to know me better. Your job is to keep your mouth shut, understand your place. Else, we won't be 'best buds', you feel me?">>
You can only gulp and nod which you get rewarded with a few light taps on your cheek.
<<di mec "Good boy.">>
<<link "Back" "Mechome">><</link>>Despite you and $mec.Name have known each other for awhile, you still really haven't got deeply personal with him yet so you ask:
<<di you "Where are you from exactly?">>
<<di mec "Born and raised in downtown area actually.">>
<<di you "Oh really? Then why do you want to live here? You must have known that there isn't much here in this town.">>
He then looks offended like a local.
<<di mec "Excuse you, this town has amazing hill and lake and everything one can ask for.">>
Well, when he puts it that way you can see that your town is indeed quaint and picturesque.
<<di mec "And to answer your question: My friend's parents owns a cabin near the lake here and I've fallen in love with the place ever since the first trip.">>
<<di you "Even if there is nothing to do here?">>
<<di mec "Especially that. I love the lack of traffic, the peacefulness, the tightly knitted community here.">>
All those seem to be a con in your book he considers it a pro. So you admit defeat.
<<di you "Alright, I'm convinced. This town is indeed worth living.">>
He then grins at you good-naturedly.
<<di mec "Of course anywhere near me is worth living.">>
You laugh back at his obvious joke but honestly he's not that wrong.
<<link "Back" "Mechome">><</link>>Walking in him once again toying with his car in his garage, you can't help but blurt out loud:
<<di you "Why did you choose to become a car mechanic?">>
<<di mec "Hmm? Well, funny that you ask, it is because of my best friend - Rock - the guy who owns a the cabin here. He introduce me to the world of cars and ever since it's been my passion.">>
<<di you "And to open up your own shop, that must have taken a lot of hard work.">>
<<di mec "Yes 15 years of working and saving to be precise.">>
That surprises you because he doesn't look a day over 30. Your thought is probably too apparent, because he continues:
<<di mec "Been working with cars ever since I left high school.">>
<<di you "You never thought of colleges?">>
<<di mec "Nope, has never been in the cards. I'm dumb as a doorknob.">>
You laugh at his admission of unitelligence.
<<di you "Hahaha, don't sell yourself too short. You have many great qualities.">>
And we all know what "great qualities" you are talking about as you grin knowingly at him with his cheeks slightly pink.
<<link "Back" "Mechome">><</link>>With $mec.Name being married and all, one topic comes to your mind:
<<di you "You ever want kids?">>
<<di mec "You're kidding, I love kids.">>
That begs the question why you don't see any in the picture right now.
<<di you "Really? Are you guys still trying?">>
<<di mec "Hmm... I love kids, but my wife? Not so much... Well she doesn't like intimate stuffs either.">>
That explains why the guy is sexually frustrated most of the times. You're on nosy mofo so you egg him on:
<<di you "Why? It's cool to see a mini you running around and taking care of them.">>
<<di mec "I know right, the feeling of seeing someone bearing a child that you give them is unlike other...">>
He says raspily and wistfully.
<<di mec "But she has some family trauma so she is absolutely against the idea of having children...">>
Damn, so she got a good reason to deny him then.
<<di mec "And I love her so... I'm fine with that.">>
He tries to say brightly, but you can still detect a note of melancholy in his voice.
This conversation again reminds you of the perfect nuclear family picture. The fact that he still says he loves her so easily make your stomach churn. What are you doing? Or a better question: Are you ruining his family?
<<link "Back" "Mechome">><</link>>After all the thing you've done and heard, you really can't stop yourself from asking him:
<<di you "Do you have a thing for pregnancy?">>
<<di mec "Wh-what...? No...!">>
He tries to deny it but you can see his cheeks burns.
<<di you "You're getting embarrassed? It's okay that you do though, just saying.">>
You wait patiently because honestly getting a regular dude to admit his kink is no easy task. After a pregnant pause, he finally relents:
<<di mec "Alright... I like it... okay?">>
Sensing there is still something more that he leaves out you press on:
<<di you "And?">>
He looks completely mortified but with your encouragement he continues:
<<di mec "... I like seeing my partner... get inseminated... by myself.">>
Knowing that it takes a lot of him to admit such thing, you tap reassuringly on his shoulder.
<<di you "Now, now. That isn't so hard to admit now, isn't it? And for the record...">>
Your mouth moves closer to his ear and whispers:
<<di you "... I love getting bred full of your cum.">>
That leaves him speechless and you walk away with a shit-eating grin on your face.
<<link "Back" "Mechome">><</link>>Considering his wife is still at home, your current plan seems crazy and blasphemous even. Still that doesn't stop you from approaching him:
<<di you "Hey, can you come with me for a second?">>
<<if $mec.aff <= -4>>\
He stares at you coldly before telling his wife:
<<di mec "I'll be right back.">>
<span id="t">\
Once you two are alone in a different room, you:
<<link "Snap your fingers">>
<<set $you.ruse -->>\
<<replace "#t">>\
Once you two are alone in a different room, you snap your fingers and the air grows thick with magic.
<<di you "Can I give you a handjob here?">>
His shoulders relax, it's like he expect as such from you:
<<di mec "Really, bitch? Even with my wife next door?">>
His tone is baneful, you can only nod in response.
<<di mec "Very well, you'd better make it quick then.">>
<<link "You put your hands to work" "Mechomehj">>
<<pressminute add 30>>
He then stands up and leaves his wife behind. It's like he unknowingly listens to everything that you have to say. You wonder if it is a side-effect of the ring's magic that makes him do so.
<span id="t">\
Once you two are alone, you:
<<link "Snap your fingers">>
<<set $you.ruse -->>\
<<replace "#t">>\
Once you two are alone, you snap your fingers and the air grows thick with magic.
<<di you "I want to give you a handjob.">>
At first, he looks alarmed but then:
<<di mec "But my wife... I shouldn't accept... I really shouldn't...">>
His brows scrunch up with his willpower fighting the urging of the magic.
<<di you "But you'll say yes to me, right?">>
He stares at you hotly and then finally squeeze his eye shut in defeat:
<<di mec "Fuck... alright, let's do it.">>
Fuck yeah, getting him to do lewd stuffs when his significant other on the other room is not an easy task. You want to squeeze your hand together and laugh like a villain but you got a better stuff to do right now.
<<link "You put your hands to work" "Mechomehj">>
<<pressminute add 30>>
<</if>>\<<scenechoices mec 2 1>>\
<<if $scenepicked>>\
<<lust mec 1 12>>\
With his consent, you remove his pants quickly and see that his member has grown significantly. Then with the furtherance of your touch, he becomes fully erect in a matter of seconds.
<<video mec/mechj31.mp4>>
<<if _saff == 2>>\
<<di mec "Ffuck... c'mon make it quick...">>
<<di mec "Stop fucking around and start jacking my cock, bitch.">>
<<if _saff == 2>>His coaxing is part nervous and part excited.<<else>>His coaxing is demanding and impatient.<</if>> You think the idea of sneakily getting off when your wife is in the next room does something to him. When he asks that nicely, you don't waste any time with foreplay and go ahead pump his cock with all your might. <<if _saff == 2>>Your motion combines with his to create the sweet friction that makes holding back his gasps a difficulty.<<else>>However, it almost feels like you don't need to put any effort into moving your wrist because of the savage way he fucks into your fist.<</if>>
<<video mec/mechj32.mp4>>
<<if $mec.catchtimer <= 1.7 and not $gameends>>\
Just as things are getting heated up suddenly the door to the room busts wide open.
<<dio "Mandy" "... Wh-what?">>
She then covers her mouth before running away. $mec.Name scrambling with his clothes before shouting after her:
<<di mec "HONEY! WAIT...">>
You got what you wanted but now that it is done are you sure you're on the right path?
<<link "Back" "Mechome">>
<<set $mec.timer = 0>>
<<set $mec.stage = 20>>
<<if _saff == 2>>\
<<di mec "Damn... I'm almost there...">>
<<di mec "Get ready, bitch...">>
Moments after that warning, he shouts and shoots the white lava on your hand and floor. The sight of a man experiencing la petite mort never gets boring to you especially when he's in your palm spasming incessantly and full of life.
<<video mec/mechj3cum.mp4>>
<<if $you.location === "Mechome">>\
After he finally recovers, it's only been half an hour since he's gone missing on his wife. So you two clean up and he returns to his wife - probably snuggling to her like he hasn't just exploded in another man's hands.
<<link "Back">>
<<if $gameends>>
<<goto "Mecscenemenu">>
<<elseif $you.location === "Mechome">>
<<goto "Mechome">>
<<goto "Car shop">>
<</if>>\Once more, you motion for $mec.Name to follow you to the usual room where you two did the deed a number of times before.
<span id="t">\
<<link "You snap your fingers">>
<<set $you.ruse -->>\
<<replace "#t">>\
<<if $mec.aff <= -4>>\
You snap your fingers and the air turns dense with magic.
<<di you "Can I blow you here?">>
His face stiffens at first but then comes a devilish grin:
<<di mec "You really have the gall, huh? Fine.">>
You snap your fingers and the air turns dense with magic.
<<di you "I want to blow you.">>
His face stiffens for a bit before being completely overturned by the magic.
<<di mec "This is so risky... but okay...">>
<<link "You put your mouth to work" "Mechomebj">>
<<pressminute add 30>>
</span>\<<di you "Come here for a sec.">>
You motion to him and he gives his wife a peck on her forehead before leaving with you.
<span id="t">\
Once you two are alone in another room, you:
<<link "Snap your fingers">>
<<set $you.ruse -->>\
<<replace "#t">>\
<<if $mec.aff <= -4>>\
Once you two are alone in another room you snap your fingers. The air becomes suffocating with magic.
<<di you "Can I give you another handjob?">>
He gives you a smirk:
<<di mec "You really can't keep your hands off my dick, huh? Fine, make it quick, slut.">>
Once you two are alone in the other room, you snap your fingers. The air becomes suffocating with magic.
<<di you "I want to give you a handjob.">>
Through his expression, you can see the magic gnawing away his resolution.
<<di mec "Alright...">>
<<link "You put your hands to work" "Mechomehj">>
<<pressminute add 30>>
</span>\<<scenechoices mec 2 1>>\
<<if $scenepicked>>\
<<lust mec 1 15>>\
With no time to waste, he strips off his bottom half to reveal the already hard member jutting up proudly. You lick your lips hungrily, the sight of the scrumptious piece of meat in front of you is hard to resist. So you go ahead and get a sample with your tongue - tracing the underside of his spear before savoring the salty bead of precum condensed on his tip.
<<video mec/mecbj31.mp4>>
<<if _saff == 2>>\
<<di mec "Come on... We don't have much time.">>
<<di mec "My cock is not a fucking lollipop... Get to sucking...">>
His wish is your command. So you take a large breath before going deep dive mode on his dick. <<if _saff == 2>>You let his cock plunge into your throat with ease surrounding him with wet velvet heat. Of course, he also can't help but plunges into you with abandon. If someone had their ear on the walls next to this room, they'd thought there was a choking victim from the obscene noises.<<else>>As soon as your throat relaxes, he rams into you and catches you by surprise - almost make you gag. You barely hold it back and focus on loosening your throat muscles to create a better access for him to take you. If someone had their ear on the walls next to this room, they'd thought there was a choking victim from the obscene noises.<</if>>
<<if $mec.aff > -4>>\
<<video mec/mecbj32.mp4>>
<<video mec/mecbj33.mp4>>
<<if $mec.catchtimer <= 1.7 and not $gameends>>\
Just as things are getting heated up suddenly the door to the room busts wide open.
<<dio "Mandy" "... Wh-what?">>
She then covers her mouth before running away. $mec.Name scrambling with his clothes before shouting after her:
<<di mec "HONEY! WAIT...">>
You got what you wanted but now that it is done are you sure you're on the right path?
<<link "Back" "Mechome">>.
<<set $mec.timer = 0>>
<<set $mec.stage = 20>>
<<if _saff == 2>>\
<<di mec "Holy... I want to fill you up... Can I?">>
<<di mec "Get ready to swallow my load... Don't you dare spill a drop.">>
Mouth stuffed, you can't utter a single word except for humming your throat and bobbing on his shaft more enthusiastically. Then come his final slams before he spills his baby-making juice inside your gut. After a whole minute, his orgasm finally subsides and he finally releases you from the death lock of his still hard member.
<<video bro/brobjcum2.mp4>>
<<di you "Fffuck... My stomach is full of your semen.">>
You groan contently and lightly touch your belly like you can still feel his seed brewing inside your stomach. He gazes at you heatedly with his half-lid eyes:
<<if _saff == 2>>\
<<di mec "Fuck... Don't say stuff like that.">>
He tries looking away but from the way his cock jerks and leaks a little bit of clear jizz you know what you say pushes all the right buttons. Afterwards, you two swiftly clean up the scene to make sure there is no evidence left behind.
<<di mec "Like it's supposed to be... Your stomach should only be a storage for my cum.">>
He then smirks at you not with kindness. His degradation should anger you, instead it only turns you on further and makes you wish if you have even more of his jizz inside you. Afterwards, you two swiftly clean up the scene to make sure there is no evidence left behind.
<<link "Back">>
<<if $gameends>>
<<goto "Mecscenemenu">>
<<elseif $mec.lust == 15>>
<<goto "Mecwifebjtalk1">>
<<elseif $you.location === "Mechome">>
<<goto "Mechome">>
<<goto "Car shop">>
<</if>>\<<if $mec.aff <= -4>>\
Maybe it's because of the conditioning of the ring's magic, despite his general distaste for you, he still listens to your suggestion of just you two hanging out. You wonder if his wife sees it as just two best buds having their own boring bro talk. Now that you two are on your own, it's time to push the envelope toward the ultimate test.
He follows your lead like he always does whenever you make a suggestion of just you two hanging out. You wonder if his wife sees it as just two best buds having their own boring bro talk. Now that you two are on your own, it's time to push the envelope toward the ultimate test.
<<link "You snap your fingers" "Mechomefucktalk2">>
<<set $you.ruse -->>
<</link>><<if $mec.aff <= -4>>\
Maybe it's because of the conditioning of the ring's magic, despite his general distaste for you, he still listens to your suggestion of just you two hanging out. You wonder if his wife sees it as just two best buds having their own boring bro talk. Now that you two are on your own, it's time to push the envelope toward the ultimate test.
He follows your lead like he always does whenever you make a suggestion of just you two hanging out. You wonder if his wife sees it as just two best buds having their own boring bro talk. Now that you two are on your own, it's time to push the envelope toward the ultimate test.
<<magiccheck 45 5>>\
<div id="text">\
<<if ndef _passed>>\
<<link "Give up">>
<<replace '#tt'>><</replace>>\
<<replace '#point'>><</replace>>\
<<replace '#round'>><</replace>>\
<<replace '#action'>><</replace>>\
<<replace '#text'>>\
<<if $mec.aff <= -4>>\
You snap your fingers and there is a strange fizz in the air before you let out a thundering sneeze:
<<di you "ACHOOO!!!">>
You have a feeling that the magic somehow fails. Therefore, you have no choice but to say:
<<di you "Erm... Sorry for wasting your time, but...">>
<<di mec "So you brought me here for naught? Or did you just chicken out?">>
He gives you an measuring stare. Before you can even form an answer, he interrupts:
<<di mec "Just as I thought, a coward on top of being a whore.">>
He then leaves you without a second glance back.
You snap your fingers and there is a strange fizz in the air before you let out a thundering sneeze:
<<di you "ACHOOO!!!">>
You have a feeling that the magic somehow fails. Therefore, you have no choice but to say:
<<di you "It's nothing... Sorry to bother you.">>
He still remains there for around ten seconds like he's expecting you to continue to say something else. Only when he's sure you have nothing else then he returns back to his wife.
<<link "Back" "Mechome">>
<<pressminute add 5>>
<<elseif _passed>>\
<<link "Success">>
<<replace '#tt'>><</replace>>\
<<replace '#point'>><</replace>>\
<<replace '#round'>><</replace>>\
<<replace '#action'>><</replace>>\
<<replace '#text'>>\
<<if $mec.aff <= -4>>\
You snap your fingers and there is a strong presence of magic in the air.
<<di you "Can you please fuck me here?">>
<<di mec "Hmm...?">>
<<di you "Please fuck my ass right now. I'm already lubed and ready for you to take me right here.">>
His gaze is scorching and making you burn up all over.
<<di mec "This is your ultimate goal, isn't it?">>
He then grabs your ass almost too confidently and growls:
<<di mec "Then I will make your dream come true and breed your hole.">>
He appears to accept your proposal almost too easily even with the influence of the magic. Perhaps, he's not so against the idea after all?
You snap your fingers and there is a strong presence of magic in the air.
<<di you "I need you to fuck me.">>
<<di mec "What??!">>
He exclaims almost too loudly before catching himself.
<<di mec "What did you just say?">>
<<di you "Think about it... it's just another hole and feels way better than my mouth so you can finish way quicker...">>
<<di mec "But...">>
You can see there is a war inside him - his reluctance to accept such indecent proposition from you and his loyalty to his wife. There is a charged pause in the air. His face contorts to a dangerous degree - a sign that his own reservation is using all its strength to fight against the influence of the magic. Just as you think you have fail, he finally gives out:
<<di mec "Fuck... yes... okay, yes!">>
You almost jump for joy. It finally happens, you're about to have him in the deepest and most intimate part of your body.
<<link "You put your ass to work" "Mechomefuck">>
<<pressminute add 40>>
<<elseif _passed == false>>\
<<link "Failure">>
<<replace '#tt'>><</replace>>\
<<replace '#point'>><</replace>>\
<<replace '#round'>><</replace>>\
<<replace '#action'>><</replace>>\
<<replace '#text'>>\
<<if $mec.aff <= -4>>\
You snap your fingers and there is a strange fizz in the air before you let out a thundering sneeze:
<<di you "ACHOOO!!!">>
You have a feeling that the magic somehow fails. Therefore, you have no choice but to say:
<<di you "Erm... Sorry for wasting your time, but...">>
<<di mec "So you brought me here for naught? Or did you just chicken out?">>
He gives you an measuring stare. Before you can even form an answer, he interrupts:
<<di mec "Just as I thought, a coward on top of being a whore.">>
He then leaves you without a second glance back.
You snap your fingers and there is a strange fizz in the air before you let out a thundering sneeze:
<<di you "ACHOOO!!!">>
You have a feeling that the magic somehow fails. Therefore, you have no choice but to say:
<<di you "It's nothing... Sorry to bother you.">>
He still remains there for around ten seconds like he's expecting you to continue to say something else. Only when he's sure you have nothing else then he returns back to his wife.
<<link "Back" "Mechome">>
<<pressminute add 5>>
</div>\<<scenechoices mec 2 1>>\
<<set $you.horniness = 0>>\
<<if $scenepicked>>\
<<lust mec 1 20>>\
You undress at a record time to prepare to receive him in the rawest and most intimate way. His cockhead now rests on your entrance as he rasps:
<<if _saff == 2>>\
<<di mec "Are you ready?">>
<<di mec "Ready to take my cock, slut.">>
You nod wildly, eager for him to enter you. Seeing your enthusiasm, his cock finally makes a push and breaches your opening. At first you feel some discomfort due to the sheer size of his member, but soon pleasure takes over as his girth stretches you to the fullest.
<<video mec/mecfuck11.mp4>>
<<if _saff == 2>>\
<<di mec "Sssshit... it's so tight.">>
<<di mec "Your whore hole accepts my cock so easily.">>
<<if _saff ==2>>\
You're aching for more friction so your hips move on their own and begin bouncing on his cock. he hisses almost painfully from the pleasure before finally taking over the control and ramming his shaft at an increasing pace.
Not waiting for you to acclimate, he begins pounding away your barely stretched hole. It takes a monumental amount of effort for you to not cry out in pain from the way he savagely ravages your ass.
<<video mec/mecfuck12.mp4>>
<<if $mec.catchtimer <= 1.7 and not $gameends>>\
Just as things are getting heated up suddenly the door to the room busts wide open.
<<dio "Mandy" "... Wh-what?">>
She then covers her mouth before running away. $mec.Name scrambling with his clothes before shouting after her:
<<di mec "HONEY! WAIT...">>
You got what you wanted but now that it is done are you sure you're on the right path?
<<link "Back" "Mechome">>
<<set $mec.timer = 0>>
<<set $mec.stage = 20>>
<<if _saff == 2>>\
<<di mec "Fffuck... Can I come... inside?">>
<<di mec "You want my fucking cum, bitch?">>
His fucking already renders your brain into goo so you can't do anything else but nod. Then he slams his cock a few times into you before going rigid. Heat fills your channel as you feel his tool pulsating quickly pumping his semen deeper and deeper into your intestines and breeding you.
<<video you/youbred9.mp4>>
Finally having enough and making sure all of his load is fully inside you, he finally withdraws. He then takes a moment to admire his masterpiece and says:
<<if _saff == 2>>\
<<di mec "Ssshit... Look at you... If you were a woman... you'd be bearing my children.">>
<<di mec "Damn... Look at your fucking cunt... so full of my cum. Lucky you aren't able to get pregnant or else. You'd popping out my kids left and right.">>
Holy shit,<<if $mec.lust == 16>> you never thought about it before, but<</if>> the way he wants to impregnate you turns you on so bad that you start coming without even touching your dick.
<<video you/youcum5.mp4>>
<<link "Back">>
<<if $gameends>>
<<goto "Mecscenemenu">>
<<elseif $mec.lust == 19>>
<<goto "Mecwifefucktalk1">>
<<elseif $mec.lust == 20>>
<<set $mec.timer = 0>>
<<goto "Mechome">>
<<goto "Mechome">>
<</if>>\By now, he already knows what is in store when you beckon him to move to 'the room'.
<span id="t">\
<<link "You snap your fingers">>
<<set $you.ruse -->>\
<<replace "#t">>\
<<if $mec.aff <= -4>>\
You snap your fingers and the air is magically condensed.
<<di you "Please fuck me.">>
<<di mec "You're one shameless whore, you know that?">>
That's not a no, so you begin to undress along with him.
You snap your fingers and the air is magically condensed.
<<di you "Care to fuck my ass?">>
You say so casually unlike the man opposite of you who is having an internal fight agaisnt the temptation. Still, he's no match to the power of your ring.
<<di mec "Shit... okay, let's do it.">>
<<link "You put your ass to work" "Mechomefuck">>
<<pressminute add 40>>
</span>\Once again you two are alone in the room and before you can even make any move, he already jumps the gun:
<<if $mec.aff > -4>>\
<<di mec "So you're gonna give me a handjob again?">>
<<di mec "Let me guess: You want to jack me off?">>
<<if visited() == 1 and not hasVisited("Mechomebjtalk2") and not hasVisited("Mechomefucktalk4") and not hasVisited("Mechjtalk5") and not hasVisited("Mecbjtalk7")>>\
He then starts removing his clothes without you even snapping your fingers. You thought it'd take much longer for him to reach this stage where you don't need to use the ring's power. Of course you don't look a gift horse in the mouth and go along with him to proceed with the handjob.
He doesn't need the ring's magic to get persuaded into doing lewd stuff with you any longer. You, of course, follow along to proceed with the handjob.
<<link "You put your hands to work" "Mechomehj">>
<<pressminute add 30>>
<</link>>Once again you two are alone in the room and before you can even make any move, he already jumps the gun:
<<if $mec.aff > -4>>\
<<di mec "So you're gonna blow me again?">>
<<di mec "Let me guess: Your mouth needs some good fucking?">>
<<if visited() == 1 and not hasVisited("Mechomehjtalk3") and not hasVisited("Mechomefucktalk4") and not hasVisited("Mechjtalk5") and not hasVisited("Mecbjtalk7")>>\
He then starts removing his clothes without you even snapping your fingers. You thought it'd take much longer for him to reach this stage where you don't need to use the ring's power. Of course you don't look a gift horse in the mouth and go along with him to proceed with the blowjob.
He doesn't need the ring's magic to get persuaded into fucking you any longer. You, of course, follow along to proceed with the blowjob.
<<link "You put your mouth to work" "Mechomebj">>
<<pressminute add 30>>
<</link>>Once again you two are alone in the room and before you can even make any move, he already jumps the gun:
<<if $mec.aff > -4>>\
<<di mec "So we are gonna fuck again?">>
<<di mec "Let me guess: Your ass needs some pounding?">>
<<if visited() == 1 and not hasVisited("Mechomehjtalk3") and not hasVisited("Mechomebjtalk2") and not hasVisited("Mechjtalk5") and not hasVisited("Mecbjtalk7")>>\
He then starts removing his clothes without you even snapping your fingers. You thought it'd take much longer for him to reach this stage where you don't need to use the ring's power. Of course you don't look a gift horse in the mouth and go along with him to proceed with the fucking.
He doesn't need the ring's magic to be persuaded into fucking you any longer. You, of course, follow along to proceed with the ass pouding.
<<link "You put your ass to work" "Mechomefuck">>
<<pressminute add 40>>
<</link>>After knowing Mandy and understanding what a lovely woman she is, you feel really shitty robbing her off her husband. On the other hand, now that you know what it feels like to have $mec.Name, you aren't sure how to quit him either. So you walk into the Eastern Medicine shop with a heavy heart.
<<di you "Hi $witch.Name. Can I ask you something?">>
<<di witch "Of course, honey. I can see some matter is weighing on you. What is it?">>
Now, you know she's not just a regular shopkeeper so you ask:
<<di you "Do you have anything that can make two persons completely forget each other?">>
She gives you a measured stare before letting out a sigh:
<<di witch "I see... As a matter of fact, I do.">>
She then walks to the storage rooms. Cling clang sounds fills the shop as she rummages what you suppose is a mountain of stuff inside that room. After 5 minutes, she emerges with a blue flask.
<<di witch "Here is the thing you ask for. Each person drink half of the content and they will not only forget each other, but also, in the future, they will be completely invisible to each other.">>
So that means if you drink half and let $mec.Name drink the other, you will completely cut tie with him.
<<di witch "Use it wisely, child.">>
Now that begs the question, will you go through with this potion or will you be selfish and destroy a perfect family?
<<link "Back" "Witch">><<set $mec.forgetpotion = 1>><</link>>\<<scenechoices mec 1 0>>\
<<if not $gameends>>\
As much as it pains you to do so, you decide that this thing you have with $mec.Name cannot go on. It will only cause heartaches to everyone in the long run. You call him to talk in the room that you two have fucked for so many times.
<<di mec "You want a repeat?">>
<<di you "No, I want you to drink half of this.">>
You hand over the blue flask you received from $witch.Name with difficulty. Also, in these last moments, you want both of you to be clear headed and free from any magic's influence. He only looks doubtful for a sec before accepting the drink like he now fully trusts you.
<<di mec "Mmm... sweet and tasty. What soft drink is this?">>
Damn him, why didn't he act suspicious of you? Why does he follow every word you say?
<<di you "I-I gotta to tell you something...">>
You get a deep breath bracing yourself to say:
<<di you "For awhile, I've come to care for you, to... love you very much.">>
He only looks slightly surprised, but it seems your confession is not out of his anticipation.
<<di you "However, I also know you truly love your wife and every time we had sex, you must feel guilty and it is slowly eating away at you… Tell me if I'm wrong.">>
With you pouring your heart out, he scratches his nape awkwardly.
<<di mec "You're not wrong...">>
Shit... So you were right that what you are doing with him is actively hurting everyone involved.
<<di you "So I'll just say my piece to tell you my feelings just for closure because after today... We will be strangers.">>
You say shakily, your emotion is running high.
<<di mec "...What are you trying to say?">>
<<di you "I guess this is goodbye. Thanks for all the great times.">>
You then lean up and give him a deep kiss like a seal to close off this chapter of your life.
<<image mec/meckiss1.jpg>>
A lone tear runs down your cheek as you mutter:
<<di you "Farewell...">>
You then run away and quickly chug the remaining of the flask.
<<dio "Man" "Wait-...">>
You hear the voice of a man behind you but looking back you don't see anyone. Hmm, that's weird, hallucination maybe? Also why are your cheeks wet? The hell?
<<if $gameends>>\
<<link "Back" "Mecscenemenu">><</link>>
<<link "Back to your regular life" "Go outside">><</link>>
<<link "End your journey here" "Memoriesmenu">>
<<set $gameends = true>>
<</if>>\You beckon him into the office. Once inside, he already gets ahead of you though:
<<if $mec.aff > -4>>\
<<di mec "So you're gonna blow me again?">>
<<di mec "Let me guess: Your mouth needs some good fucking?">>
<<if visited() == 1 and not hasVisited("Mechomehjtalk3") and not hasVisited("Mechomebjtalk2") and not hasVisited("Mechomefucktalk4") and not hasVisited("Mechjtalk5")>>\
He then starts removing his clothes without you even snapping your fingers. You thought it'd take much longer for him to reach this stage where you don't need to use the ring's power. Of course you don't look a gift horse in the mouth and go along with him to proceed with the blowjob.
He doesn't need the ring's magic to get persuaded into fucking you any longer. You, of course, follow along to proceed with the blowjob.
<<link "You put your mouth to work" "Mechomebj">>
<<pressminute add 30>>
<</link>>You beckon him into the office. Once inside, he already gets ahead of you though:
<<if $mec.aff > -4>>\
<<di mec "So you're gonna give me a handjob again?">>
<<di mec "Let me guess: You want to jack me off?">>
<<if visited() == 1 and not hasVisited("Mechomehjtalk3") and not hasVisited("Mechomebjtalk2") and not hasVisited("Mechomefucktalk4") and not hasVisited("Mecbjtalk7")>>\
He then starts removing his clothes without you even snapping your fingers. You thought it'd take much longer for him to reach this stage where you don't need to use the ring's power. Of course you don't look a gift horse in the mouth and go along with him to proceed with the handjob.
He doesn't need the ring's magic to get persuaded into doing lewd stuff with you any longer. You, of course, follow along to proceed with the handjob.
<<link "You put your hands to work" "Mechomehj">>
<<pressminute add 30>>
<</link>>Finally having enough, you can't bear seeing $mec.Name being a devoted husband any longer. So you put your plan in motion by speaking to her:
<<di you "Hey, Mandy.">>
<<dio "Mandy" "Hey, you. Need something?">>
<span id="t">\
Now that you got her attention, you:
<<link "Snap your fingers">>
<<set $you.ruse -->>\
<<replace "#t">>\
Now that you got her attention, you snap your fingers and the air tenses with magic.
<<di you "After 30 minutes, go to the room that me and $mec.Name usually hang out. Use a key if the door is locked.">>
She only looks mildly confused for a second before the magic clears up her apprehension.
<<dio "Mandy" "Alright. I'll do as you say.">>
With that out of the way, your next step is to immediately get $mec.Name to fuck you so you two will be caught.
<<link "Back" "Mechome">>
<<set $mec.catchtimer = 0>>
</span>\<<if $mec.aff > -4>>\
Rapping on $mec.Name's door, you almost thought the house was deserted from the lack of illumination until the door opens to reveal a frazzled looking $mec.Name.
At first, he looks disappointed and his face quickly morphs into anger.
<<di mec "What the fuck are you doing here?">>
<<di you "Just wanna check-in with you.">>
<<di mec "No need, get the fuck out.">>
<span id="t">\
He leaves you no choice but to:
<<link "Snap your fingers">>
<<set $you.ruse -->>\
<<replace "#t">>\
He leaves you no choice but to snap your fingers and the air is filled with magic.
<<di you "Please let me in and we will have a talk.">>
His face scrunches at your insistence before his resolve finally crumbles under your magic.
<<di mec "Fuck! Why can't I say no to you? Alright come on in.">>
Walking inside, the house is still the same but somehow without $mec.Name's wife here, it feels lifeless. He plops down the couch tiredly so you ask:
<<di you "How are you holding up?">>
<<di mec "My wife just left me and returned back to her parent's house. How well do you think?">>
So his wife did leave him on his own here. So you console him:
<<di you "If you want my support, just know that I'm always here for you.">>
His expression twists.
<<di mec "'Your support'? It is because of your help that my wife left me. I don't fucking want it.">>
<<di you "Hey, I don't want it to happen to you either. Trust me, I have only ever wanted to help you out.">>
That is a bold-faced lie but still you hold your eye contact with conviction and to show your sincerity. It appears that he takes your words for it because he sighs:
<<di mec "It's moot to talk about it anyway... She's gone...">>
You don't think words are enough in this case, so you squeeze his shoulder companionably. It hurts you to see him this anguish over his wife because you admittedly have feelings for him. Afterwards, you stay behind to have some more consoling chat with him and he seems to appreciate it despite his initial hostility.
<<link "Back" "Mechome">>
<<set $mec.timer = 0>>
Rapping on $mec.Name's door, you almost thought the house was deserted from the lack of illumination until the door opens to reveal a frazzled looking $mec.Name.
Noticing you, his face quickly morphs into anger.
<<di mec "Are you that desperate to be killed? Get the fuck out of my face.">>
<<di you "Just wanna check-in with you.">>
<<di mec "Fuck off.">>
<span id="t">\
He leaves you no choice but to:
<<link "Snap your fingers">>
<<set $you.ruse -->>\
<<replace "#t">>\
He leaves you no choice but to snap your fingers and the air fills with magic.
<<di you "Please let me in and have a talk.">>
His face twists as emotions inside him are fighting with the magic but of course you still win in the end.
<<di mec "Fine, better make it quick then.">>
You follow him inside, the house is still the same but somehow without $mec.Name's wife here, it feels lifeless. He plops down the couch before commanding:
<<di mec "Talk.">>
<<di you "How are you holding up?">>
<<di mec "My wife just left me for her parents' home. How fucking well do you think?">>
So she did leave him. You cannot lie that's the outcome that you want but still, you try to console him:
<<di you "I'm sorry that happened. If you need to vent or anything, I'm here.">>
It's true, you want him to depend on you. The thought of not having him in your life seems impossible. He gives you a measuring look before saying:
<<di mec "You are here for another fuck, aren't you bitch?">>
That makes you flush because you kind of do to make him forget about the current situation. You give it another thought before answering:
<<di you "If that's what you need right now then... yes.">>
At that he chuckles before standing and pulling you up by your collar.
<<di mec "I don't fucking need it. It's all your fucking fault in the first place. If you hadn't entice me with your slut way, all of this mess wouldn't have happened.">>
He then pushes you back roughly, his nostrils flaring, his fists squeezed tight like it's aching to hit something.
<<di mec "Now leave before I do something reckless.">>
With him saying that, it won't be wise to stay behind so you make a beeline for the exit.
<<link "Back" "Mechome">>
<<set $mec.timer = 0>>
<</if>>\<<minute add 5>>\
As you two return to the living room, $mec.Name's wife appears and asks:
<<dio "Mandy" "What are you guys up to?">>
<<if $cw.aff > -4>>\
<<di mec "Eh... umm... Nothing. Just boring guy talk.">>
<<di you "Well, it's nothing. Just boring guy talk.">>
She then pouts and puts a fist to her hip.
<<dio "Mandy" "Then why all the secrecy. You can talk when I am in the room, you know... Men, I just don't get you guys.">>
She says exasperatedly before giving up. It's like the thought of her husband and a guy doing lewd stuff never crosses her mind once.
<<link "Back" "Mechome">><</link>><<minute add 5>>\
Returning to the living room. $mec.Name's wife appears with a worried expression.
<<dio "Mandy" "Are you guys alright? I just heard a moan from the other room.">>
<<di mec "Ahhh... um...">>
You then come to the rescue:
<<di you "We were just horsing around...">>
$mec.Name looks slightly alarmed at this.
<<di you "...I accidentally punched him too hard so he let out a groan that's all.">>
This part puts him at ease and clears the confusion on $mec.Name's wife's face.
<<dio "Mandy" "I see... Don't be so hard on my husband, will ya? He's my delicate little buttercup.">>
She throws a kiss to her husband who is a towering and brawny mechanic. Additionally, you feel a bit guilty lying to a woman who clearly loves her husband that much.
<<link "Back" "Mechome">><</link>><<if $mec.aff > -4>>\
One more time, you knock on the door of $mec.Name's house and again he opens the door. However, this time he leaves the door open before trodding back inside. You of course follow him slowly to not spook him. He is in his usual spot on the couch and in front of him are a bunch of paperworks. In a glance, three words stand out to you: "Dissolution of Marriage".
<<di mec "She wants a divorce.">>
He says without an emotion in his voice. Damn, that woman works quickly. He looks considerably more haggard than the last time you saw him. It is a hard pill to swallow to see how her leaving affects him. That makes you even more determined to get her out of his life forever.
<<di you "So what do you think?">>
<<di mec "What do I think? I can't lose her like this, I can still fix it...">>
He says breathily, clearly desperate. Not wanting to see him like this over her, you carefully drop:
<<di you "It appears that she doesn't take this relationship as seriously as you do. That's why she's so quick to end it, don't you think?">>
<<di mec "What? That isn't it...">>
<span id="t">\
<<di you "That's exactly what it is, I think you should...">>
You then...
<<link "Snap your fingers">>
<<set $you.ruse -->>\
<<replace "#t">>\
You then snap your fingers and the air in the room is quickly replaced with magic.
<<di you "That's exactly what it is, I think you should just sign your name to get it over it. She obviously doesn't appreciate you as a husband. That's why she's so swift in discarding you like an old toy.">>
He looks pained, there is a war inside him to push back against your enchanted words but in the end his face goes slack and he says lifelessly:
<<di mec "That's true. How could she abandon me that easily? She doesn't love me...">>
His tone is dejected at first before becoming angry. He furiously signs his name on the piece of paper.
<<di mec "Thank you for opening my eyes. I'll go give this back to her.">>
He then quickly moves to his car leaving you alone back at his home. You lock the place up, leave his home and pray the divorce goes as smoothly as possible.
<<link "Back" "Go outside">>
<<set $mec.timer = 0>>
One more time, you knock on the door of $mec.Name's house and again he opens the door.
<<di mec "Why are you here again? Do you have a deathwish?">>
He growls at you dangerously and you put your hands up in a gesture of peace:
<<di you "I just want to check on with how things are with you.">>
<<di mec "My wife just sent me divorce papers, is that what you want to hear?">>
He shouts heatedly. Damn, that woman works quickly. He looks considerably more haggard than the last time you saw him. It is a hard pill to swallow to see how her leaving affects him. That makes you even more determined to get her out of his life forever.
<<di you "Not exactly what I wanted to hear, but kind of what I expected.">>
His brow quirks up at that and you continue:
<<di you "I had a hunch that she didn't take the relationship as seriously as you do. That's why she's so quick to end it, right?">>
<<di mec "Shut up, bitch... You're bullshitting...">>
He doesn't sound so sure.
<span id="t">\
<<di you "That's exactly what it is, I think you should...">>
You then...
<<link "Snap your fingers">>
<<set $you.ruse -->>\
<<replace "#t">>\
You then snap your fingers and the air in the room is quickly replaced with magic.
<<di you "That's exactly what it is, I think you should just sign your name to get it over with. She obviously doesn't appreciate you as a husband. That's why she's so swift in discarding you like an old toy.">>
He looks pained, there is a war inside him to push back against your enchanted words but in the end, his face becomes enraged:
<<di mec "Fuck... All those years I've spent loving her and she doesn't love me back...?">>
His tone is full of anger. He furiously signs his name on the piece of paper.
<<di mec "Fuck her and fuck this marriage and I'm the one who is divorcing her.">>
He then quickly moves to his car leaving you alone back at his home. You lock the place up, leave his home and pray the divorce goes as smoothly as possible.
<<link "Back" "Go outside">>
<<set $mec.timer = 0>>
<</if>>\<<if $mec.aff > -4>>\
Today, you walk to his home, your heart pounding anxious about the outcome of his divorce. Tap tap tap and the door opens once more. He looks way better than the last time you saw him - like there is a weight off his shoulders.
<<di you "How is the divorce going?">>
<<di mec "It is done.">>
You internally let out a sigh of relief. Outwardly though, you attentively ask him:
<<di you "How are you feeling?">>
<<di mec "I don't know, forlorn maybe? I've never expected one of my most important relationships will just go poof overnight like that, it seems surreal.">>
Despite their marriage being over, your jealousy still rears its ugly head at the idea of him being affected that much by his ex-wife. The ring calls to you, tempts you to use it.
<span id="t">\
So you...
<<link "Snap your fingers">>
<<set $you.ruse -->>\
<<replace "#t">>\
So you snap your fingers and the air is filled with magic.
<<di you "Don't be. She hates it here and loves the city. She never ever truly likes what you do and her value doesn't line up with yours. You may not know it but a divorce is bound to happen one way or another. It's good that it happens this way, it's quicker and less painful, right?">>
His unhappy expression is quickly replaced by a smile that feels almost too plastic.
<<di mec "You're right, she hated that I like cars and always wanted me to get an office job in the city... Maybe, things are meant to happen this way.">>
He trails off repeating your sentiment mesmerizingly as you forcefully replace his sadness with relief and manipulate his emotions.
<<link "Time passes by..." "Mecend3">>
Today, you walk to his home, your heart pounding anxious about the outcome of his divorce. Tap tap tap and the door opens once more. He looks way better than the last time you saw him - like there is a weight off his shoulders.
<<di mec "The fuck are you here again?">>
<<di you "I just want to check on you cuz you know... this is precarious time.">>
<<di mec "I'm fine and now single as fuck. Finally escaped from this hell of a marriage.">>
He says with bravado to show that he's unaffected by the fallout of the marriage. You internally let you a sigh of relief: Finally his marriage is over..
With that finally out of the way, your mind now returns to naughty stuffs, it's been ages since you've had a chance with him.
<span id="t">\
You decide to:
<<link "Snap your fingers">>
<<set $you.ruse -->>\
<<replace "#t">>\
You decide to snap your fingers and the air is filled with magic.
<<di you "So that means you have time to fuck me?">>
He then smirks at you with contempt.
<<di mec "That's all you can fucking think about - my cock, huh?">>
You can tell that it is a rhetorical question because he continues:
<<di mec "Very well, I'll fuck your whore cunt in celebration of my single life. You should be grateful.">>
You purr pleasedly:
<<di you "Thank you for letting me have your huge cock.">>
<<link "You two proceed with the fucking" "Mecendfuck1">>
<</if>>\<<scenechoices mec 1 0>>\
<<if not $gameends>>\
@@.title;“LOVE?” ENDING@@
As times goes, your relationship with $mec.Name also grows. Soon, you two become a couple which seems impossible at first because $mec.Name was completely straight before you. However, with the ring, it has been easy to get him to be completely head over heel for you. Any argument, with just a snap of your fingers, he accepts defeat. Any conflict you guys have, with magic he has to follow your every beck and call. He even decides to leave your hometown - the place he loves dearly - for your dream to live in the downtown area.
At some point, it feels like you're in a relationship with a puppet who can never say no to you. Despite that, you've never felt happier - to be showered in love by a gorgeous man who worships the ground you walk.
Were all the choices you made along the way morally correct? Absolutely not, however they got you here by $mec.Name's side - kissing you deeply.
<<video mec/meckiss2.mp4>>
You would do it again and again no matter how selfish and wrong it is just to be with him one way or another.
<<if $gameends>>\
<<link "Back" "Mecscenemenu">>
As you are on your bed and in the arms of your lover, you look back at all the <<link "memories" "Memoriesmenu">><<set $gameends = true>><</link>> you have made along the way.
<</if>>\<<scenechoices mec 1 0>>\
<<set $you.horniness = 0>>\
He pulls you inside and orders:
<<di mec "Strip. I'll fuck you right here in the living room.">>
Obviously, you follow his word and catch up with his undressing. He continues:
<<di mec "You know why? Because you're just a fucking hole for me to dump my cum into while I make love to actual people in bed, got it?">>
His belittlement in fact doesn't actually deter you, instead it just serves to turn you on. Finally you're in your birthday suit like him. Then, he pushes your torso forward and his tip already lines up to your entrance.
<<di mec "Keep your mouth shut.">>
With that, he pushes on and unceremoniously breaches your opening. You have to grit your teeth to reel back the pain of the sudden intrusion. Oblivious to your reaction, he continues chugging on and soon your cheeks make contact with his pube signaling your complete engulfment of his cock.
<<video mec/mecfuck21.mp4>>
<<di mec "Get ready for the fuck of your life.">>
He withdraws quickly and re-enter with the same gutso. You are breathless from his assault but soon your seasoned ass begins to love the abuse and you gasp softly from pleasure. His pace never falters and in fact picks up more and more speed as your channel slowly forms a mold of his cock and yearns for it to fill you.
<<video mec/mecfuck22.mp4>>
<<di mec "Ssshit... I'm gonna breed your cunt, bitchhh... AURGHHHHH!!!!">>
His shout pierces through the whole room, you're sure even the neighbor can hear it as his cock begins pumping his hot seed inside your hole. He stays fully inserted like you're his woman who he wants to impregnate.
<<video you/youbred2.mp4>>
With that thought in your mind, you give your cock a couple of pumps before releasing your own load to the ground.
<<video you/youfuckcum1.mp4>>
<<if $gameends>>\
<<link "Back" "Mecscenemenu">><</link>>
<<link "Time passes by..." "Mecend2">><</link>>
<</if>>\<<scenechoices mec 1 0>>\
<<if not $gameends>>\
As time goes on, your relationship with him is not what one might expect.
After he's divorced, he still continues dating women but his relationships rarely ever last. He jumps from one to another quickly and never stays loyal to one.
To say that you don't have a hand in it is a lie. Throughout, despite his belittling and degradation, he never stops fucking you. Whenever he shows an inkling of wanting to discard you, you use the ring to reel him back in and the sex after is always incredible.
<<di mec "Fuck I hate you but..., why can't I stop...?">>
He wonders to himself out loud and breathily as he continues ramming his cock inside you. The stretch he has on you is incredible so you egg him on.
<<video mec/mecend2.mp4>>
<<di you "You don't need to stop... just keep using me... I'll be your sidepiece forever...">>
You mutter incoherently in between the ecstatic moans as he once more satisfies your need to be filled by his essence.
He can hate you all he wants but he will never ever be able to get rid of you for the rest of his life.
<<if $gameends>>\
<<link "Back" "Mecscenemenu">>
You look back at all the <<link "memories" "Memoriesmenu">><<set $gameends = true>><</link>> you have made along the way.
<</if>>\<<if $dad.lust < 20>><<lust dad add 1>><</if>>\
<<scenechoices dad 4 1>>\
<<if $scenepicked>>\
Seeing your dad in his work out clothes, you cannot help but be nosy and ask to follow his regime.
<<if _saff == 4>>\
<<di dad "Haha, of course. Just follow my lead and you'll have a great bod like this in no time.">>
He then flexes his two very impressive guns for good measure.
<<elseif _saff == 3>>\
<<di dad "Good good, it's great that you care about your body.">>
<<elseif _saff == 2>>\
He looks slightly annoyed but still accepts:
<<di dad "Fine, but you gotta stay focus and don't daydream like you always do, got it?">>
He scowls:
<<di dad "Since when you're interested in fitness? Alright, I don't want no $w.son of mine to be a wuss.">>
Afterward, you follow him around and try to keep up with his clearly superior stamina and strength with difficulty until bench press. With him spotting you, you know your time has come, you push the weight up easily enough but when it comes down you pretend to give out. Your hands position in a way that in order for $w.ydad to catch the bar, he has to lean forward. Which also means his bulge is pressing wonderfully against your mouth. Unable to restrain yourself, you open your mouth to lick the fabric that wraps tightly around his soft shaft.
<<video dad/dadgymtease1.mp4>>
When he manages to get the weight back on the rack, he turns away quickly from you.
<<if _saff == 2>>\
<<di dad "You could have injured yourself, you fool.">>
<<elseif _saff == 1>>\
<<di dad "Really? Your pathetic noodle arms couldn't handle those small weight? When will you stop disappointing me?">>
<<di dad "Umm... you gotta be more careful next time.">>
He throws that back and then walks briskly toward a different machine like he's running away from you. You think you are gonna take it easy for now.
<<link "Back">>
<<if $gameends>>
<<goto "Dadscenemenu">>
<<elseif $dad.location === $you.location>>\
<<goto "Dad">>\
<<goto $you.location>>\
<</link>>\<<scenechoices dad 4 1>>\
<<if $dad.lust < 40>><<lust dad add 1>><</if>>\
<<sus dad add 1>>\
<<if $scenepicked>>\
<<di you "I want to suck your cock, $w.dad.">>
<<if _saff == 4>>\
His gaze on you is scorching.
<<di dad "Let's see how hungry you are for daddy's cock, boy.">>
<<elseif _saff == 3>>\
He looks slightly alarmed at your confession.
<<di dad "Fuck, don't say it so loudly like that.">>
Then he looks around to see if anyone pays attention before telling you:
<<di dad "Let's go.">>
<<elseif _saff == 2>>\
At first, he scowls.
<<di dad "Really? In the middle of a gym?">>
But then he lets out an exasperated sigh before signaling you to follow him.
He lets out an unkind chuckle:
<<di dad "Is there any moment that you do not think of a cock?">>
He then gets up and walks away
<<di dad "If you're that desperate, let's go.">>
You follow him like a good disciple to the locker room, where he strips down to the nude before waving you to enter a private corner with him. Once inside, you immediately get on your knees to service him. He isn't erect right off the bat but with your enthusiasm, it takes almost no time for his member to harden to its prime state.
<<video dad/dadgymbj1.mp4>>
<<if _saff == 1>>\
Seemingly done with your slobbering, he then takes hold of your head and then pushes your face against his groin in a forceful manner. You sputter from the sudden loss of control but that's not the end. He continues fucking into your throat without a care and making you deepthroat his gigantic cock.
<<video dad/dadgymbj3.mp4>>
Far from being sated, you proceed to advance your slobbering on his dick by taking it so far down your throat that it hurts. Still, that is not enough to stop you from repeatedly deepthroat his cock without a care for your own wellbeing.
<<video dad/dadgymbj2.mp4>>
<<if _saff == 4>>\
<<di dad "Ssshit...! Daddy's close...">>
<<elseif _saff == 1>>\
<<di dad "Ready for my load, cockwhore?">>
<<di dad "Ffffuck...! I'm so close.">>
That's the only warning you have before he begins to blast his thick seed on your face while groaning. The sight of your own $w.dad coming undone under your touch and covering you with his scent is highly addicting.
<<video you/youfacial02.mp4>>
As you sit there, letting him bask in the glow of the orgasm, you wonder how much longer can this forbidden fruit stay unrotten?
<<link "Back">>
<<if $gameends>>\
<<goto "Dadscenemenu">>
<<elseif $dad.location === $you.location>>\
<<goto "Dad">>\
<<goto $you.location>>\
<</link>>\<<if $bro.lust < 20>><<lust bro add 1>><</if>>\
<<scenechoices bro 4 1>>\
<<if $scenepicked>>\
You see $w.ybro and of course you ask to join in his session.
<<if _saff == 4>>\
<<di bro "Absolutely bro, I was afraid that you wouldn't ask.">>
<<elseif _saff == 3>>\
<<di bro "Cool. Let's sweat it out.">>
<<elseif _saff == 2>>\
He lets out an exasperated noise:
<<di bro "I couldn't even work out in peace... Fine">>
<<di bro "What do you lazy ass know anything about working out? Just don't fumbling around too much like you always do and watch.">>
So you follow him around like a puppy and mirror all of his sets but obviously with much lower intensity.
Until you reach the press machine, you know your chance has come. With as much clumsiness as possible, you handle the machine like a klutz to infuriate $w.ybro.
<<if _saff == 4>>\
He touches your shoulder gently and says:
<<di bro "Hey hey, let me help you.">>
<<elseif _saff == 3>>\
<<di bro "Okay, stop. I'll show you how it works.">>
<<elseif _saff == 2>>\
<<di bro "What are you doing??!?">>
<<di bro "The fuck? Stop embarrassing yourself">>
And you feel his solid front glues to your back, his hands on your wrist as he uses your body like a puppeteer to correct your form. You use this moment to perk your ass up until it touches the hefty lump on his crotch. Of course your unruly body cannot stay still and with each pull, your ass grinds against him wantonly.
<<video bro/brogymtease1.mp4>>
You can feel his breath blowing hotter and hotter on your nape until he abruptly detaches from you.
<<if _saff == 1>>\
<<di bro "Hope that my instruction gets through that thick skull of yours.">>
<<di bro "Just repeat after me like that and you'll be fine.">>
He throws that almost breathlessly and turns away, so you cannot see clearly which state he is in. He then walks to another machine and begins pumping away without a glance back at you. You decide to give it a break for now.
<<link "Back">>
<<if $gameends>>
<<goto "Broscenemenu">>
<<elseif $bro.location === $you.location>>\
<<goto "Brother">>\
<<goto $you.location>>\
<</link>>\<<if $bro.lust < 40>><<lust bro add 1>><</if>>\
<<sus bro add 1>>\
<<scenechoices bro 4 1>>\
<<if $scenepicked>>\
<<di you "I need to suck your cock right now.">>
<<if _saff == 4>>\
He blushes profusely at your own daring confession.
<<di bro "Shit... Just hearing you say that makes me hard. Alright, follow me.">>
<<elseif _saff == 3>>\
Your confession makes him choke, he splutters:
<<di bro "What-? Am I hearing it right?">>
When he sees your nod, he gulps before conceding to your request:
<<di bro "Fuck this is not a good idea... but c'mon.">>
<<elseif _saff == 2>>\
His cheeks redden at your confession but he tries to play it off as annoyed.
<<di bro "Really? Time and place.">>
Right when you thought he was about to deny you, he concede:
<<di bro "... Alright... let's go.">>
<<di bro "My cock in particular or any cock will do, slut?">>
He says gung-ho-ly, trying to play it off as being the superior in this relationship.
<<di bro "Who am I kidding? Only my giant cock can fill your big fucking mouth. Am I right?">>
You then follow him to the locker room where he discards his workout clothes carelessly. He moves quickly but from the glimpses you catch of him, you can see that he is half hard and once inside the private quarter, his cock is now fully erect and pulsates lightly in front of your face.
<<video bro/brogymbj1.mp4>>
<<if _saff == 1>>\
Impatient, he grabs a handful of your hair before smashing your face against his crotch. It takes a couple of tries before his shaft hits the bullseye and enters your mouth. However, it doesn't stop just there but continues to slide further deeper into the wet heat of your throat. Once, twice, thrice,... and then you lose count of how many times he withdraws and savagely slams back inside like you're his well-used pocket pussy.
<<video bro/brogymbj3.mp4>>
Despite being impatient yourself, you still want to spend some time licking the hot and hard-as-steel shaft. The pulsing of the veins and the smell of his musk put your brain into overdrive and leave you no choice but to start deepthroating his cock like your life depends on it. The way his girth stretches your lips so tightly makes you lose count of how many times your mouth has slammed into his crotch.
<<video bro/brogymbj2.mp4>>
<<if _saff == 4>>\
<<di bro "Sssshit... baby... you're gonna make me-... ARGHHHHH!!!">>
<<elseif _saff == 1>>\
<<di bro "Here it comes... Here it fucking comes... BITCHHHH!!!">>
<<di bro "Ffffuck... $w.bro... I can't hold back-... ARGHHH!!!">>
With a shout, his rod spurts its scorching jizz on your face, painting your mug an off-white color like the interior of a contemporary house.
<<video you/youfacial03.mp4>>
You moan deeply, sharing the ecstacy in spirit with him, since your cock is still hard and yet to shoot its load. As you leave him there breathing in recovery, you wonder what the future holds for this unorthodox relationship with $w.ybro?
<<link "Back">>
<<if $gameends>>\
<<goto "Broscenemenu">>\
<<goto $you.location>>\
<</link>>\<<link "“Accidentally” touch his crotch during workout">>
<<if $dad.lust >= 10>>\
<<presshour add 2>>
<<goto "Dadcrotchgym">>
<<pressminute add 15>><<updatecaption>>\
<<replace ".passage">>\
<<di dad "You are in the way.">>
<<sus dad add 4>>\
<<aff dad minus 2>>\
<<link "Back">>
<<if $dad.location === $you.location>>\
<<goto "Dad">>\
<<goto $you.location>>\
<<link "Offer to blow him">>
<<if $dad.lust >= 30 and hasVisited("Dadbjintro1")>>\
<<presshour add 2>>
<<goto "Dadgymbj1">>
<<pressminute add 15>><<updatecaption>>\
<<replace ".passage">>\
<<di dad "You are not being very funny.">>
<<sus dad add 8>>\
<<aff dad minus 4>>\
<<link "Back">>
<<if $dad.location === $you.location>>\
<<goto "Dad">>\
<<goto $you.location>>\
<</link>><<if $bro.giftstate >= 4 and not hasVisited("Brofuckintro1") and $bro.lust < 40>>\
<<link "Workout with him" "Brogymfuck">>
<<presshour add 2>>
<<link "“Accidentally” touch his crotch during workout">>
<<if $bro.lust >= 10>>
<<presshour add 2>>
<<goto "Brocrotchgym">>
<<pressminute add 15>><<updatecaption>>\
<<replace ".passage">>\
<<di bro "Dude, you're blocking my way.">>
<<sus bro add 4>>\
<<aff bro minus 2>>\
<<link "Back">>
<<if $bro.location === $you.location>>
<<goto "Brother">>
<<goto $you.location>>
<<link "Offer to blow him">>
<<if $bro.lust >= 30 and hasVisited("Brobjintro1")>>
<<presshour add 2>>
<<goto "Brogymbj1">>
<<pressminute add 15>><<updatecaption>>
<<replace ".passage">>\
<<di bro "Wha... what the hell are you doing?">>
<<sus bro add 8>>\
<<aff bro minus 4>>\
<<link "Back">>
<<if $bro.location === $you.location>>\
<<goto "Brother">>\
<<goto $you.location>>\
<<if $bro.giftstate >= 4 and hasVisited("Brofuckintro1") and $bro.lust >= 40>>\
<<link "Workout with him and let him fuck you" "Brogymfuck">>
<<presshour add 2>>
<</if>>\<<if visited() == 1>>Somehow, you're surprised to see $prof.Name here. Now that you think back of it, with his impressive build, it makes sense that he goes to the gym regularly. <</if>>You approach him.
<<di you "Can I join in with you?">>
He gives you a look and chooses to humor you:
<<if hasVisited("Profbjintro") and $prof.lust >= 15>>\
<<di prof "You may. But there is no funny business as long as we are working out, got it? If you focus and do well I may even reward you.">>
A reward? Hearing that is energizing but also the idea of a punishment thrills you. Regardless, you begin the workout.
<<di prof "You may. But there is no funny business as long as we are working out, got it?">>
Do you want to commit being a good boy or do you want to be bad? Regardless, you begin the workout.
<div class="mg">\
Each W, A, S, D letter will appear randomly on the screen, your job is to press on your keyboard or click/tap the button on the screen accordingly and quickly to get a point. If you miss, you will get -1 point.
0-8 point: You will get a punishment
8-11 point: You will get a nice reward
12+ point: You will get a great reward
Duration: 30 seconds (1 hour in-game)
<<link "Start">>
<<presshour add 1>>\
<<set _appearcountermax = 30>>\
<<set _appeardelay = 15>>\
<<set _difficulty = 1>>\
<<replace ".mg">>\
<<include "Profgymminigame">>
<<link "Give up" "Profgym2">>
<<presshour add 1>>
</div>\<<if visited() == 1>>\
<<di you "Hey, I didn't know go to this gym.">>
<<di police "Oh hi $you.Namedis. I only do every once in a while to unwind.">>
Seeing him in the gym, you immediately wave in greeting. This earns you a friendly smile from him.
You then ask him to help with your work out and he gladly accepts.
As you two wind down from the intense session, you ask conversationally:
<<di you "Do you remember the Sexpedition Excavation at all?">>
<<di police "The one that I went with you...? It's hard to even... forget it.">>
He says breathlessly that you're unsure from the memories of the debauchery or just from the workout.
<<di you "Yes, it's unforgettable to me too. Sometimes, I even want to relive those exciting memories...">>
You say testing the water and he stares at you hotly.
<<di you "Do you want to remember what it feels like... right now?">>
You two both know damn well what you're suggesting.
<<di police "Well, if you insist... Follow me.">>
You internally jump for joy at his words. Finally! The chance to get with him is so few and far between.
<<link "You proceed with the fun" "Policegymbj2">>
<</link>><<set $you.horniness = 0>>\
<<scenechoices pol 1 0>>\
As you two strip down to your birthday suits, you breathe in wafts of his spicy scents especially when he removes the last item - his socks which gives you an idea.
<<di you "Can you sit there?... Perfect and extend your legs please.">>
He follows what seems like a harmless request but he doesn't know what truly is in store for him. You take that moment to grab his feet and use your nose to drink in the pungent smell between his toes. At first, he lets out an equally surprised and flustered noise but otherwise doesn't withdraw his legs.
<<video police/policefeet1.mp4>>
You then continue taking in the odor with fervor. At one point, you almost think you'll pass out from the strength of his scent. After what feels like eternity (which probably only a few minutes), he pulls his legs back and despite his erection, says sheepishly:
<<di police "Alright, that's enough. It cannot be that pleasant to smell.">>
You of course don't push for more time with his feet but defend their honor.
<<di you "Matter of fact, it smells incredible. Turns me on so bad that I need to suck your dick now.">>
He shucks his heads, cheeks aflame and mutters:
<<di police "Really...? If so, here you go...">>
He then spreads his legs proudly and you scramble between them. The musk from his crotch is no less concentrated than from his feet either so you revel in it and begin lapping on his member enthusiastically. After collecting all the remaining sweat salt from his cock, you proceed to envelop the full length with your mouth, at first with some difficulty. After a few slides, you manage to engulf his shaft completely and the stretch on your lips is absolutely divine.
<<video police/policegymbj1.mp4>>
<<di police "Sssshit... I'm about to blow...">>
A little time after that hasty warning, he shouts and blasts his seed all over your face and lips.
<<video you/youfacial04.mp4>>
You moan deeply and jerk yourself into completion along with him.
<<video you/youcum2.mp4>>
As you two recover from the orgasms, he gives you a satisfied and easy going smile before inviting you to have a wash with him. Feeling clammy yourself, you accept and you two have a playful shower.
<<link "Back">>
<<if $gameends>>\
<<goto "Otherscenemenu">>
<<goto $you.location>>\
<</link>>\<<set _countdown = 3>>\
<<set _timeleft = 30>>\
<<set _totalpoint = 0>>\
<<set _enablekey = false>>\
<<set _appearcounter = _appearcountermax - _appeardelay - 10>>\
<<set _keypress = 0>>\
<<repeat 1s>>\
<<if _countdown == -1>>\
<<replace "#timeleft">>Time left: _timeleft<</replace>>\
<<if _timeleft === 0>>\
<<set _timeleft -->>\
<<set _timeleft -->>\
<<elseif _countdown == 0>>\
<<replace "#timeleft">>GO!<</replace>>\
<<replace "#keydisplay">>_countdown<</replace>>\
<<set _countdown -->>\
<<replace "#timeleft">>Ready?<</replace>>\
<<replace "#keydisplay">>_countdown<</replace>>\
<<set _countdown -->>\
<<repeat 0.1s>>\
<<if _countdown == -1>>\
<<if _timeleft === -1>>\
<<set _keypress = 0>>\
<<set _enablekey = false>>\
<<replace "#keydisplay">>Finished!<</replace>>\
<<replace "#totalpoint">>@@.add;TOTAL POINT: _totalpoint@@<</replace>>\
<<replace "#back">>\
<<link "Then...">>
<<if _totalpoint < 8>>
<<goto "Profgym2">>
<<elseif _totalpoint < 12 or (_totalpoint >= 12 and not hasVisited("Proffuckintro") and $prof.lust < 20)>>
<<goto "Profgym3">>
<<goto "Profgym4">>
<<set _appearcounter ++>>\
<<if _appearcounter == _appearcountermax - _appeardelay>>\
<<set _randomkey = random(1,4)>>\
<<set _enablekey = true>>\
<<if _randomkey == 1>>\
<<replace "#keydisplay">>W<</replace>>\
<<elseif _randomkey == 2>>\
<<replace "#keydisplay">>S<</replace>>\
<<elseif _randomkey == 3>>\
<<replace "#keydisplay">>A<</replace>>\
<<replace "#keydisplay">>D<</replace>>\
<<silently>><<on 'keydown'>>
<<which 87>> /% the w key %/
<<set _keypress = 1>>
<<which 83>> /% the s key %/
<<set _keypress = 2>>
<<which 65>> /% the a key %/
<<set _keypress = 3>>
<<which 68>> /% the d key %/
<<set _keypress = 4>>
<<if _appearcounter == _appearcountermax and _keypress == 0>>\
<<replace "#keydisplay">>@@.minus;-1@@<</replace>>\
<<set _totalpoint = Math.clamp(_totalpoint - 1, 0, 100)>>\
<<replace "#totalpoint">>Total point: _totalpoint<</replace>>\
<<set _enablekey = false>>\
<<set _appearcounter = 0>>\
<<off '.macro-event'>>\
<<elseif _appearcounter >= _appearcountermax - _appeardelay and _keypress != 0>>\
<<if _randomkey == _keypress>>\
<<replace "#keydisplay">>@@.add;+1@@<</replace>>\
<<set _totalpoint = Math.clamp(_totalpoint + 1, 0, 100)>>\
<<replace "#totalpoint">>Total point: _totalpoint<</replace>>\
<<set _enablekey = false>>\
<<set _appearcounter = 0>>\
<<set _keypress = 0>>\
<<off '.macro-event'>>\
<<replace "#keydisplay">>@@.minus;-1@@<</replace>>\
<<set _totalpoint = Math.clamp(_totalpoint - 1, 0, 100)>>\
<<replace "#totalpoint">>Total point: _totalpoint<</replace>>\
<<set _enablekey = false>>\
<<set _appearcounter = 0>>\
<<set _keypress = 0>>\
<<off '.macro-event'>>\
<div id="timeleft" style="text-align: center; font-size: 40px; font-weight: bold">Ready?</div>
<div id="keydisplay" style="text-align: center; font-size: 40px; font-weight: bold">_countdown</div>
<center><<link "<b>⠀⠀⠀W⠀⠀⠀</b>">><<if _enablekey>><<set _keypress = 1>><</if>><</link>>
<<link "<b>⠀⠀⠀A⠀⠀⠀</b>">><<if _enablekey>><<set _keypress = 3>><</if>><</link>>⠀⠀⠀<<link "<b>⠀⠀⠀S⠀⠀⠀</b>">><<if _enablekey>><<set _keypress = 2>><</if>><</link>>⠀⠀⠀<<link "<b>⠀⠀⠀D⠀⠀⠀</b>">><<if _enablekey>><<set _keypress = 4>><</if>><</link>></center>
<span id="totalpoint" style="font-size: 20px; font-weight: bold">Total point: _totalpoint</span>
<span id="back"><<link "Give up" $you.location>><</link>></span><<jea prof -1>>\
<<if (not hasVisited("Profbjintro") and $prof.lust < 15) or not $watersport>>\
Intentionally or not, your performance during this fitness session has been lackluster.
<<di prof "All of the sets were clearly not hard but you still somehow failed. Therefore, no reward for unfit brat like you.">>
He comments disappointingly and walks briskly into the locker room, leaving you behind with your cheeks burning from shame.
<<link "Back" $you.location>>
Intentionally or not, your performance during this fitness session has been lackluster.
<<di prof "All of the sets were clearly not hard but you still somehow failed. Therefore, no reward for unfit brat like you.">>
He comments disappointingly, making your cheeks burn from shame. He then squints continue:
<<di prof "In fact, a punishment is due to show that you don't test with my patience.">>
With that, he walks briskly into the locker area. You naturally follow his footstep, half dreading half anticipating what he has in store for you.
<<link "Inside the private shower" "Profgympiss1">>
<</if>>\<<scenechoices prof 1 0>>\
As soon as you two are naked and inside the private shower room, his words are full of steel:
<<di prof "Kneel and open your mouth.">>
You comply obediently, mouth gaping. Abruptly, a stream spurts out from his tip and hits your chin then it volleys directly into your tongue. It kind of surprises you but you dare not waver and upset his command. Therefore, you sit there, tongue out tasting the tangy, salty piss from your sweat-soaked, muscle bulging professor - a far cry from his buttoned up and proper image he so carefully curates.
<<video prof/profgympiss1.mp4>>
The thought of being the only one seeing this feral side of him makes your cock chub up with blood. An ecstatic and gurgling groan escapes your mouth as the golden nectar splatters and travels to your bowel. After almost two minutes, his bladder finally empties all of its content.
<<di prof "That should teach you a lesson: always listen to what I say.">>
You can only nod wildly at this. Since your cock is still rock hard, one may question if this is really a punishment or you are just really that far gone?
<<link "Back">>
<<if $gameends>>
<<goto "Profscenemenu">>
<<goto $you.location>>
<</link>><<jea prof 1>>\
Your performance during the workout has been great as you receive a rare smile from him:
<<di prof "Good job. Now for your reward..., Follow me.">>
You two walk into the locker room which somehow always appears deserted. $prof.Name then discard his sweaty clothes unabashedly before ordering you:
<<di prof "Strip.">>
You of course follow his every beck and call and remove all articles of clothing before once more follow him inside a private corner in the locker room.
<<link "Things get heated" "Profgymfuck1">>
<</link>><<jea prof 1>>\
<<if hasVisited("Profbjintro") and $prof.lust >= 15>>\
Your performance during the workout has been good as you receive a rare smile from him:
<<di prof "Good job. Now for your reward..., Follow me.">>
You two walk into the locker room which somehow always appears deserted. $prof.Name then discard his sweaty clothes unabashedly before ordering you to follow.
<<link "Things get heated" "Profgymbj1">>
Your performance during the workout has been good as you receive a rare smile from him:
<<di prof "Good job. You're not such a bad gym partner after all.">>
He compliments you which makes you all warm inside since his praises are not easy to come by.
<<link "You're done with the workout" $you.location>>
<</if>>\<<scenechoices prof 1 0>>\
<<if $prof.lust < 20>><<lust prof 1>><</if>>\
<<di prof "Since your training was adequate. I'll allow you to suck my cock today.">>
He grabs his crotch. With him usually being an esteemed professor in your college, the sight seems extra obscene. You gladly drop down to your knees and begin servicing him. You give his growing member a few kittenish licks, but the taste and the concentrated scent from the workout really drives you wild with lust. Therefore, you take him deep inside your oral canal.
<<video prof/profgymbj1.mp4>>
<<di prof "Fuck... Your oral skill is definitely better than your fitness.">>
Aside from the initial surprised noise, his comment appears nonchalant like he's commenting about the weather. Unlike his verbal indifference, his groin is moving of its own volition and fucking you with brutal force. Seeing your normally kempt teacher being sweaty and pounding on your - his student's - mouth is an incredible turn-on that you've learned to love.
<<video prof/profgymbj2.mp4>>
<<di prof "Be ready for my gift...">>
He says deeply indicating his near-orgasm state. His thrusts become more ragged and powerful until a low grunt. Aside from a change in his breathing pattern, a slight shake to his body, you wouldn't know he's now pumping his jism on your face and coating your satisfied expression with his come.
<<video you/youfacial05.mp4>>
As soon as he recovers from the climax, he orders you to join him in the shower and take turns to wash each other.
<<link "Back">>
<<if $gameends>>
<<goto "Profscenemenu">>
<<goto $you.location>>
<</link>><<scenechoices prof 1 0>>\
<<if $prof.lust < 25>><<lust prof 1>><</if>>\
<<di prof "Since you did a great job today. I'll give you a chance to service me with your ass. Turn around.">>
You comply with his order like you always do and perk your ass up for his viewing. Then you hear him spitting until you feel a pair of wet, girthy fingers breaching your hole. You gasp as his fingers blast wide opening your entrance by scissoring and ultimately nudge against your prostate incessantly. You moan:
<<di you "Mmmmhmm... please, sir. I-I, ahh... want...">>
<<di prof "Shut up boy. You're ready when I think you're ready.">>
So you continue bearing through the slow but pleasurable torture. Just when you're about to beg again, his digits withdraw and in their places is his thick spongy tip.
<<video prof/profgymfuck1.mp4>>
<<di prof "Now you're ready for my cock.">>
He presses in until his pubes touch your lower hips rather easily from the thorough prep. You let out an almost pathetic noise from the sweet intrusion. Knowing you can take it, he wastes no time and begins pummeling your hole with abandon. His thrust to the naked eyes appears normal but to you as the recipient, you can feel his methodology since each jab grazes your prostate so precisely and wrings the helpless moan out of you.
<<video prof/profgymfuck2.mp4>>
<<di prof "Be prepared to take my load, boy.">>
Moments after his warning you feel him withdrawing and soon after hot, creamy seed drapes over your gaping hole.
<<video you/youbred10.mp4>>
You groan wantonly from the feeling, your cock hard and just a touch away from blowing. However, you dare not, not without his permission. As he recovers from the orgasm, he orders you to wash with him... while your cock is still fully hard. As for the next 30 minutes, you scrub yourself and him with a raging hardon with no release in sight.
<<link "Back">>
<<if $gameends>>
<<goto "Profscenemenu">>
<<goto $you.location>>
<</link>>You see that the reception counter is vacant and can't help but be nosy. As confidently as possible, you walk to the counter and after a few minutes of looking through, nothing stands out to you except for a table:
<b>$dad.Namedis - 15:00 to 16:59 - Saturday & Sunday</b>
<b>$bro.Namedis - 06:00, 15:00, 16:00, 17:00 - Unpredictable</b>
<<if hasVisited("Resmanstart1")>>\
<b>$resman.Name - 17:00 to 19:00 - Daily</b>
<<if hasVisited("Proftalk1")>>\
<b>$prof.Name - 7:00 to 7:59 - Monday, Wednesday & Friday</b>
<<if $police.state >= 16>>\
<b>$police.Name - 18:00 to 18:59 - Saturday</b>
Are those the schedule of the gymgoers? Well that should come in handy.
<<link "Back" $you.location>>
<</link>><<set _countdown = 3>>\
<<set _timeleft = 15>>\
<<set _totalpoint = 0>>\
<<set _enablekey = false>>\
<<set _appearcountermax = 10>>\
<<set _appeardelay = 15>>\
<<set _appearcounter = 0>>\
<<set _keypress = 0>>\
<<set _position = 3>>\
<<on 'keydown'>>\
<<which 65>> /% the a key %/
<<set _position = Math.clamp(_position - 1, 1, 5)>>\
<<replace "#position">>\
<<if _position == 1>>\
<<elseif _position == 2>>\
<<elseif _position == 3>>\
<<elseif _position == 4>>\
<<which 68>> /% the d key %/
<<set _position = Math.clamp(_position + 1, 1, 5)>>\
<<replace "#position">>\
<<if _position == 1>>\
<<elseif _position == 2>>\
<<elseif _position == 3>>\
<<elseif _position == 4>>\
<<repeat 1s>>\
<<if _countdown == -1>>\
<<replace "#timeleft">>Time left: _timeleft<</replace>>\
<<if _timeleft === 0 or _totalpoint >= 100>>\
<<set _timeleft -->>\
<<off '.macro-event'>>\
<<set _timeleft -->>\
<<elseif _countdown == 0>>\
<<replace "#timeleft">>GO!<</replace>>\
<<replace "#keydisplay">>_countdown<</replace>>\
<<set _countdown -->>\
<<replace "#timeleft">>Ready?<</replace>>\
<<replace "#keydisplay">>_countdown<</replace>>\
<<set _countdown -->>\
<<repeat 0.1s>>\
<<if _countdown == -1>>\
<<if _timeleft === -1 and _totalpoint < 100>>\
<<replace "#keydisplay">>Failed!<</replace>>\
<<replace "#totalpoint">><</replace>>\
<<replace "#back">><<link "Back" "Gymlockerpick3">><<off '.macro-event'>><</link>><</replace>>\
<<elseif _totalpoint >= 100>>\
<<replace "#keydisplay">>@@.add;Unlocked!@@<</replace>>\
<<replace "#totalpoint">><</replace>>\
<<replace "#back">>\
<<link "Proceed" "Gymlockerjerk">>
<<pressminute add 20>>
<<off '.macro-event'>>
<<set _appearcounter ++>>\
<<if _appearcounter == _appearcountermax>>\
<<set _randomkey = random(1,5)>>\
<<set _enablekey = true>>\
<<set _appearcounter = 0>>\
<<if _randomkey == 1>>\
<<replace "#keydisplay">>@@.minus;—@@————<</replace>>\
<<elseif _randomkey == 2>>\
<<replace "#keydisplay">>—@@.minus;—@@———<</replace>>\
<<elseif _randomkey == 3>>\
<<replace "#keydisplay">>——@@.minus;—@@——<</replace>>\
<<elseif _randomkey == 4>>\
<<replace "#keydisplay">>———@@.minus;—@@—<</replace>>\
<<replace "#keydisplay">>————@@.minus;—@@<</replace>>\
<<if _position == _randomkey>>\
<<set _totalpoint = Math.clamp(_totalpoint + 3, 0, 100)>>\
<<replace "#totalpoint">>Progress: _totalpoint/100<</replace>>\
<div id="timeleft" style="text-align: center; font-size: 40px; font-weight: bold">Ready?</div>
<div id="position" style="text-align: center; font-size: 40px; font-weight: bold">——V——</div>\
<div id="keydisplay" style="text-align: center; font-size: 40px; font-weight: bold">_countdown</div>
<center><<link "<b>⠀⠀⠀←⠀⠀⠀</b>">>\
<<if _totalpoint < 100 and _timeleft > 0>>\
<<set _position = Math.clamp(_position - 1, 1, 5)>>\
<<replace "#position">>\
<<if _position == 1>>\
<<elseif _position == 2>>\
<<elseif _position == 3>>\
<<elseif _position == 4>>\
<<link "<b>⠀⠀⠀→⠀⠀⠀</b>">>\
<<if _totalpoint < 100 and _timeleft > 0>>\
<<set _position = Math.clamp(_position + 1, 1, 5)>>\
<<replace "#position">>\
<<if _position == 1>>\
<<elseif _position == 2>>\
<<elseif _position == 3>>\
<<elseif _position == 4>>\
<span id="totalpoint" style="font-size: 20px; font-weight: bold">Progress: _totalpoint/100</span>
<span id="back"><<link "Give up" $you.location>><<off '.macro-event'>><</link>></span>\Feeling of the coldness wrapped around your finger, you wonder about the extent of the power the ring has: Can you just straight up compel someone to give you money? Seeing a guy working out with his earbuds in, you decide to:
<div id="choice">\
<<link "Snap your fingers" "Gymrtalk2">>
<<set $you.ruse -->>
<<pressminute add 5>>
<<link "Not do it">>
<<replace '#choice'>>\
Not do it, maybe you'll do an experiment later down the line but not now.
<<link "Back" "Gym">>
<<pressminute add 5>>
</div>\Feeling of the coldness wrapped around your finger, you wonder about the extent of the power the ring has: Can you just straight up compel someone to give you money? Seeing a guy working out with his earbuds in, you decide to:
<<magiccheck 25 5>>\
<div id="text">\
<<if ndef _passed>>\
<<link "Give up">>
<<replace '#tt'>><</replace>>\
<<replace '#point'>><</replace>>\
<<replace '#round'>><</replace>>\
<<replace '#action'>><</replace>>\
<<replace '#text'>>\
Snap your fingers, but somehow your nose grows stuffy and:
<<di you "Give me... ACHOO!!!">>
He jumps back to avoid your sneezing and ask confusedly:
<<dio "Man" "You alright, man?">>
That's when you realize that you can't feel the magic in the air. Did you fail somehow? So you stammer and find a retreat.
<<di you "Uhhh... nothing... Thanks and goodbye.">>
Damn, you wasted the ring's one use of the day and for nothing.
<<link "Back" "Gym">>
<<pressminute add 5>>
<<elseif _passed>>\
<<link "Success">>
<<replace '#tt'>><</replace>>\
<<replace '#point'>><</replace>>\
<<replace '#round'>><</replace>>\
<<replace '#action'>><</replace>>\
<<replace '#text'>>\
<<di you "Hey man, can I have a second?">>
The guy looks pensive for a moment but still chooses to remove his earbuds and reply to you:
<<dio "Man" "Sure, what's up?">>
You then snap your finger and the air thickens with magic. You start with something small:
<<di you "Give me $20.">>
His brows furrow as he replies:
<<dio "Man" "Why would I?">>
Damn, maybe the hesitancy of giving a stranger money is still strong enough that the ring cannot compel him. You wrack your brain looking for a way for it to work. A thought pops into your mind, you then look the guy up and down... Hmm, not too shabby. Let's see if this works:
<<di you "How about you give me $20 in exchange for a handjob?">>
Hopefully with the added plus of service, it is enough to sway him. His eyes widen as he considers your offer and with a hard gulp, he tentatively answers:
<<dio "Man" "Sure...">>
<<di you "Cool, let's head to the showers.">>
You two easily find a secluded corner that no one can disturb in the shower area.
<<link "Gotta get that money" "Gymrhj">>
<<money 20>>
<<pressminute add 30>>
<<elseif _passed == false>>\
<<link "Failure">>
<<replace '#tt'>><</replace>>\
<<replace '#point'>><</replace>>\
<<replace '#round'>><</replace>>\
<<replace '#action'>><</replace>>\
<<replace '#text'>>\
Snap your fingers, but somehow your nose grows stuffy and:
<<di you "Give me... ACHOO!!!">>
He jumps back to avoid your sneezing and ask confusedly:
<<dio "Man" "You alright, man?">>
That's when you realize that you can't feel the magic in the air. Did you fail somehow? So you stammer and find a retreat.
<<di you "Uhhh... nothing... Thanks and goodbye.">>
Damn, you wasted the ring's one use of the day and for nothing.
<<link "Back" "Gym">>
<<pressminute add 5>>
</div>\Now that you're more used to using the ring, you wonder if you can up the stake. Again, seeing another bystander, you call to him:
<<di you "Can you come here for a second?">>
<div id="choice">\
Once he is near, you decide to:
<<link "Snap your fingers" "Gymrtalk4">>
<<set $you.ruse -->>
<<pressminute add 5>>
<<link "Not do it">>
<<replace '#choice'>>\
Once he is near, you decide not to do it. Perhaps later, there is still time.
<<link "Back" "Gym">>
<<pressminute add 5>>
</div>\Now that you're more used to using the ring, you wonder if you can up the stake. Again, seeing another bystander, you call to him:
<<di you "Can you come here for a second?">>
<<magiccheck 35 5>>\
<div id="text">\
<<if ndef _passed>>\
<<link "Give up">>
<<replace '#tt'>><</replace>>\
<<replace '#point'>><</replace>>\
<<replace '#round'>><</replace>>\
<<replace '#action'>><</replace>>\
<<replace '#text'>>\
Once he is near, you decide to snap your fingers but the air fizzles out and tickles your nose.
<<di you "Achoo!! Umm... uhhh... I can give you a blowjob for $50.">>
He looks at you with something like disgust.
<<dio "Man" "The hell? Go prank someone else. I'm busy">>
He then promptly resumes his workout leaving your ass flabbergasted. Did you just fail to compel him? Apparently so...
<<link "Back" "Gym">>
<<pressminute add 5>>
<<elseif _passed>>\
<<link "Success">>
<<replace '#tt'>><</replace>>\
<<replace '#point'>><</replace>>\
<<replace '#round'>><</replace>>\
<<replace '#action'>><</replace>>\
<<replace '#text'>>\
Once he is near, you decide to snap your fingers and the air thickens with magic.
<<di you "I can give you a blowjob for $50.">>
After a minute of processing what was just uttered out of your mouth, he nods in agreement.
<<link "Got work to do" "Gymrbj">>
<<money 50>>
<<presshour add 1>>
<<elseif _passed == false>>\
<<link "Failure">>
<<replace '#tt'>><</replace>>\
<<replace '#point'>><</replace>>\
<<replace '#round'>><</replace>>\
<<replace '#action'>><</replace>>\
<<replace '#text'>>\
Once he is near, you decide to snap your fingers but the air fizzles out and tickles your nose.
<<di you "Achoo!! Umm... uhhh... I can give you a blowjob for $50.">>
He looks at you with something like disgust.
<<dio "Man" "The hell? Go prank someone else. I'm busy">>
He then promptly resumes his workout leaving your ass flabbergasted. Did you just fail to compel him? Apparently so...
<<link "Back" "Gym">>
<<pressminute add 5>>
</div>\Now that you've got the hang of the ring, you want to push it even further. Wandering in your usual prowling ground - the gym - you find another unsuspectable man. You walk up to him and decide to:
<div id="choice">\
<<link "Snap your fingers" "Gymrtalk6">>
<<set $you.ruse -->>
<<pressminute add 5>>
<<link "Not do it">>
<<replace '#choice'>>\
Not do it. Perhaps later, there is still time.
<<link "Back" "Gym">>
<<pressminute add 5>>
</div>\Now that you've got the hang of the ring, you want to push it even further. Wandering in your usual prowling ground - the gym - you find another unsuspectable man. You walk up to him and decide to:
<<magiccheck 40 5>>\
<div id="text">\
<<if ndef _passed>>\
<<link "Give up">>
<<replace '#tt'>><</replace>>\
<<replace '#point'>><</replace>>\
<<replace '#round'>><</replace>>\
<<replace '#action'>><</replace>>\
<<replace '#text'>>\
Snap your finger. The air is supposedly filled with magic but instead gets powdery.
<<di you "ACHOOO!!! Arghhh... give me $100 and I'll... give you a piece of my ass.">>
He just looks flat out confused.
<<dio "Man" "The fuck?!?">>
Shit, it doesn't work. You try to laugh it off as a joke:
<<di you "Hahaha... just kidding.">>
You then run as far away from him as you humanly can lest he calls the cops on you.
<<link "Back" "Gym">>
<<pressminute add 5>>
<<elseif _passed>>\
<<link "Success">>
<<replace '#tt'>><</replace>>\
<<replace '#point'>><</replace>>\
<<replace '#round'>><</replace>>\
<<replace '#action'>><</replace>>\
<<replace '#text'>>\
Snap your fingers. The air grows stifling with magic.
<<di you "Give me $100 and I'll give you a piece of my ass.">>
His initial confusion at your sentence is quickly replaced by lust due to the influence of magic.
<<dio "Man" "Deal.">>
<<di you "Great. Let's find somewhere comfortable, shall we?">>
You aren't sure if you even want the $100 or this is all just an excuse for a quick hook-up.
<<link "Gotta get that bag one way or another" "Gymrfuck">>
<<money 100>>
<<presshour add 1>>
<<pressminute add 30>>
<<elseif _passed == false>>\
<<link "Failure">>
<<replace '#tt'>><</replace>>\
<<replace '#point'>><</replace>>\
<<replace '#round'>><</replace>>\
<<replace '#action'>><</replace>>\
<<replace '#text'>>\
Snap your finger. The air is supposedly filled with magic but instead gets powdery.
<<di you "ACHOOO!!! Arghhh... give me $100 and I'll... give you a piece of my ass.">>
He just looks flat out confused.
<<dio "Man" "The fuck?!?">>
Shit, it doesn't work. You try to laugh it off as a joke:
<<di you "Hahaha... just kidding.">>
You then run as far away from him as you humanly can lest he calls the cops on you.
<<link "Back" "Gym">>
<<pressminute add 5>>
</div>\<<scenechoices go 1 0>>\
Once inside, he wastes no time fooling around and gets right down to business by losing his clothes. As he just got off from an intense workout session, naturally his musk is quite heady and drives you insane with lust. Therefore, you immediately grab his shaft which is rapidly getting up and primed.
<<video otherchar/gymrhj11.mp4>>
In no time at all, his cock is standing tall and proud. The length is firm in your hand as your fist strokes him with quickening speed.
<<video otherchar/gymrhj12.mp4>>
From the way he fucks into your grasp and the labored breathing, you can tell that he will soon combust.
<<dio "Man" "Gossssshhh... I’m so close... SSHHHITTTT!!!">>
Then he bust his nuts and spills the creamy jizz on your hand. His body convulses with each aftershock of the orgasm.
<<video otherchar/gymrhj1cum.mp4>>
When he finally recovers for the climax, he gives you $20 easily and without even a question. Then you snap your fingers again, his face goes blank and his memory of the encounter is wiped from his mind.
<<link "Back">>
<<if $gameends>>
<<goto "Otherscenemenu">>
<<if $you.rlevel == 1>>
<<set $you.rsexcount ++>>
<<if $you.rsexcount == 5>>
<<set $you.rlevel = 2>>
<<set $you.rsexcount = 0>>
<<goto "Gym">>
<</link>><<scenechoices go 1 0>>\
Already had this in mind, your hole is already prepped and ready to go at any moment. So you don’t hesitate to show the guy your hole in hope that he knows what he’s doing. Of course, every man obviously knows how to fuck so you gasp lightly from the press of his blunt tip on your opening. Still, he’s not gentle as he takes one single plunge to make your channel fully wrap him to the hilt.
<<video otherchar/gymrfuck11.mp4>>
Continuing his momentum, he withdraws his cock almost fully and then slams right back to you with the strength of a man who frequents the gym, then rinse & repeat. It’s hard to keep quiet by the way he completely annihilates your prostate with each incredible thrust, but you gotta unless you want the whole gym to know.
<<video otherchar/gymrfuck12.mp4>>
<<dio "Man" "Fucking hellllll... I’m-... I’M COMING!!!">>
Then he groans and shoots his thick seed on your ass.
<<video you/youbred12.mp4>>
Meanwhile you’re still hard and aching but when he gives you the $100 bill, it soothes your blue ball somewhat. To keep your reputation, you snap your fingers again and the man’s memory of the fuck is gone from his mind.
<<link "Back">>
<<if $gameends>>
<<goto "Otherscenemenu">>
<<goto "Gym">>
<</link>><<scenechoices go 1 0>>\
In a secluded spot, you have to praise your own eyes for choosing the right guys because under the mesh shorts is among the most delicious pieces of man meat you’ve seen. So with vigor, your tongue coils around his shaft tasting the salt from the post-workout sweat and your nose takes in the concentrated musk from a man in his ideal state.
<<video otherchar/gymrbj11.mp4>>
He grunts and starts to gyrate his hips and plunges his cock deeper in your oral cavity. You hold your breath and welcome him thrusting further and further to your throat until...
<<video otherchar/gymrbj12.mp4>>
<<dio "Man" "Ohhhh... I can’t hold back much... FFFFUUU-!!!">>
With a shout, his cock blasts its pearly strings of life over your face. You moan ecstatically, feeling the viscous liquid travel through your pore like snails.
<<video you/youfacial07.mp4>>
You finally snap out of it when he gives you the $50. Afterwards, you snap your fingers one more time to wipe this encounter out of his memory.
<<link "Back">>
<<if $gameends>>
<<goto "Otherscenemenu">>
<<if $you.rlevel == 2>>
<<set $you.rsexcount ++>>
<<if $you.rsexcount == 5>>
<<set $you.rlevel = 3>>
<<set $you.rsexcount = 0>>
<<goto "Gym">>
<</link>><<image locker1.jpg>>
As you enter the locker room, a thought pops into your mind: You can probably pick these lockers if you want.
Perhaps, you can make a trip <b>back to your bedroom and spend some time on the internet to research on how to.</b>
<<link "Back" "Gym">>
<</link>>Entering the internet, the information on how to lockpick is rather easy to access. After only an hour, you pretty much understand how many lock mechanisms work and how to break into them.
One problem, you don't have the right tools. Where to find knick-knacks, trinkets and miscellany?
<<if hasVisited("Witch")>>\
<b>Let's go to Nga's grandma shop.</b>
<b>You heard your best friend's - Nga - grandma has a shop. Maybe start from there.</b>
<<link "Back" $you.location>>
<</link>><<di you "Do you happen to have a set of lockpicking tool?">>
She doesn't even bat her eye.
<<di witch "Look at the counter display case.">>
To your surprise, the item you request sits in front and center of the display case... where everyone can see…
<<di you "Err... okay. How much is it?">>
<<di witch "It has been sitting there for awhile so I'll give you a discount - $5.">>
<<if $you.money >= 5>>\
<<link "Buy the lock-picking tools - $5" "Lockpicking3">>
<<pressminute add 5>>
<<money -5>>
<<link "==Buy the lock-picking tools - $5==">><</link>>
<<link "Back" "Witch">>
<</link>><<di you "Okay, I'll take the lockpicking set.">>
You hand her $5 and she carelessly throws the tools to you.
<<di witch "A pleasure doing business with ya.">>
<<link "Back" "Witch">>
<</link>><<image locker1.jpg>>
The goal of the game is aligning the arrow to the red highlighted space under. To move the the arrow to the left, press A on your keyboard or tap the ← button. To move the arrow to the right, press D on your keyboard or tap the → button.
<<link "Begin">>
<<pressminute add 10>>\
<<replace ".passage">>\
<<include "Gymlockerpick2">>
<<link "Back" $you.location>><</link>><<image locker1.jpg>>
As you fumbling around with the lock, you hear footsteps closing in so you have to abort the heist. Goddamnit!
<<link "Back" $you.location>>
<</link>><<scenechoices go 1 0>>\
<<set $go.lockerjerkcount ++>>\
<<set $go.lockerjerkcd = 0>>\
<<set $you.horniness = 0>>\
Breaking open the locker without anyone noticing, you rummage around and find what you're looking for - a pair of underwear.
Then you sneak off to a dark corner and immediately bring the garment under your nose. Your nose smushes against the crotch area as you sniff in the smell of musk, sweat <<if $watersport>>and piss<</if>> lingering there.
<<video you/youlockerjerk11.mp4>>
You hand move to your cock and begin jacking away as your nostrils are filled with particles of bodily odor. Your mind is now one-track and the road smells of an anonymous man's body and it leads to blissful orgasm.
<<video you/youlockerjerk12.mp4>>
In a rather premature manner, you begin shooting the load quickly and explosively. The undergarment muffles your noises.
<<video you/youcum6.mp4>>
Finally recovered from the climax, you take one final sniff of the underwear before putting it back to the lockers like nothing ever happens.
<<link "Back">>
<<if $gameends>>
<<goto "Otherscenemenu">>
<<elseif $go.lockerjerkcount == 3>>
<<pressminute add 5>>
<<goto "GOtalk1">>
<<elseif $go.lockerjerkcount == 4>>
<<pressminute add 5>>
<<goto "GOtalk3">>
<<elseif $go.lockerjerkcount == 5>>
<<pressminute add 5>>
<<goto "GOtalk6">>
<<elseif $go.lockerjerkcount == 6>>
<<pressminute add 5>>
<<goto "GOtalk7">>
<<goto $you.location>>
<</link>><<image locker1.jpg>>
You already did it today. It's not wise to do it again so soon.
<<link "Back" $you.location>>
<</link>><<image gym.jpg>>
As you escape from the locker room, a mountain of a man stands in front of you.
<<image go/go1.jpg>>
You keep your head down and swerve to evade him but he sidestep to block your path again. Finally looking up at his handsome face, he says with a note of annoyance:
<span id="t">\
<<dio "Man" "A word.">>
You then glance toward his bouldering chest to see a name card: <<textbox "$go.Name" "Brock">>
<<link "You memorize his name">>
<<replace "#t">>\
<<di go "A word.">>
You then glance toward his bouldering chest to see a name card: <b>Brock</b>
<<di you "Yeah? Any problem?">>
He glances at the gymgoers before deadpan to you again:
<<di go "The topic I want to talk to you should not be spoken in such a public space, for your own sake.">>
He then gives you a knowing look like he is aware of what dirty deed you're up to. Your heart jumps a bit, however the crazy stupid and fearless part of you wants to see what this fine specimen of a man has to say.
<<di you "Alright, lead the way.">>
<<link "You two move to the empty office room" "GOtalk2">>
<<pressminute add 15>>
</span>\After entering the room, you two spend an pregnant pause to stare at each other before him finally break the ice:
<<di go "First of all, I'm $go.Name, the owner of this gym...">>
The information doesn't surprise you because his gigantic form fits the bill perfectly.
<<di go "...that's all the pleasantry you deserve. I suggest you stop whatever you're doing in the locker room.">>
Finally let his annoyance show clearly, his scowl leaves you no room for argument.
<<di you "What? I don't know what you're talking about.">>
His scowl deepens and he grits his teeth.
<<di go "You know damn well what you did. Snooping around my customers' underwears. That is fucking horrible for my business.">>
How does he know? You were sure there were no one around when you committed the perverted crime. Unless...
<<di you "That's insane, how would you know that was what I did? You got cameras set up inside that room...? That's way worse for business if that can of worms gets opened.">>
He gives you a condescending smirk
<<di go "Trust me, there is no camera in the room. You can check every nook and corner if you want. I have my ways to know just like how I interfered so you wouldn't get caught doing that perverted bullshit.">>
Then he pulls up a hand to silence what you're about to say.
<<di go "Cut the crap. This is your final warning. There would be dire consequence if you attempt that shit again.">>
He glowers dangerously before leaving you alone inside the room.
So you're busted... Shall you do it again and risk the wrath of $go.Name - the gym owner?
<<link "Back" $you.location>>
<</link>><<image go/go1.jpg>>
Your heart speeds up at the sight of the gym owner outside waiting for you. His expression is unamused as he blurts out the command:
<<di go "Follow me.">>
That is exactly what you want right? His attention. That's why you broke into the lockers again. You're like a moth - helplessly following the scorching beacon named $go.Name.
<<link "Inside the room" "GOtalk4">>
<<pressminute add 5>>
<</link>><<di go "What did I tell you?">>
That comes out of him immediately after the click of the door and gives you no time to breathe.
<<di you "Something something consequence?">>
His large palm with surprising speed wraps lightly around your neck, his thumb over your pulse. You gulp with difficulty.
<<di go "How about I snap you in half and no one will know? Would that be funny to you?">>
His breath, unlike his cold words, seethes from his gritted teeth and fans sensually over your face with a hint of mint.
<<di go "Before yesterday, I wouldn't hesitate but knowing what I know now...">>
Cryptic much? You can feel the barely restrained anger radiated in waves around him. Then he puts his other palms on your other shoulder and pushes you down.
<<di go "Suck.">>
You glance up surprised - this is not a punishment in your book.
<<di you "What?">>
<<di go "You heard me. Pervert fuck like you deserve to have their throats fucked.">>
Loud and clear, this is definitely not what you had in mind when you stepped foot inside the room, but still. You'll show him that you're no ordinary pervert.
<<link "Showtime" "GObj1">>
<<pressminute add 30>>
<</link>><<scenechoices go 1 0>>\
Deja vu, you're once more on your knees and your target of satisfaction is the formidable gym owner. You pull down his athletic pants and discover an anaconda slowly waking up from its slumber. With your hand, you finally bring him to erection and if you thought he was big before, you are sure as hell that the man is gigantic now and proportionate to his frame.
<<video go/gobj11.mp4>>
<<di go "What? Bitching out already? Isn't this what you want?">>
In your book, there is no mountain too high to climb and no cock too big to suck. So you first use your tongue to get a taste of him - sweatsalt and skin. His scent from this up close is also enticing so you decide to take as much of his cock as possible. That earns you a surprised gasp from him like he hasn't anticipated you to swallow him that deep. Pumped, you continue the endeavor, but soon are overtaken by his hips swaying on their own and fucking your mouth with great fervor.
<<video go/gobj12.mp4>>
<<di go "Yyyyeah... Take it you fucking degenerate...">>
With that, he continues pounding into you without even a care about you silently choking and slowly losing fresh air under him. You feel yourself passing out a little until:
<<di go "Arrrrghhhhhh... FUCKKKK!!!">>
He withdraws just in time for you to regain consciousness and feel his hot load make a splash on your face.
<<video you/youfacial06.mp4>>
Your brain can't barely register anything except for the instinctive euphoria of having the seed of another man on your body.
<<if $gameends>>\
<<link "Back" "Otherscenemenu">>
<<link "Afterwards..." "GOtalk5">>
<<pressminute add 5>>
<</if>>\Coming back from the orgasm, $go.Name nonchalantly pull up his shorts and asks:
<<di go "Have you learned your lesson yet?">>
Still dazed, you can only let out a vaguely affirmative noise:
<<di you "Mmmmyeah.">>
<<di go "I mean it, no more fucking around with the lockers, you got me?">>
You nod along with him and he finally relents and stops hounding you about it. Nodding yes aside, will you stop breaking into the lockers especially when the punishment is this intoxicating? That's a dilemma for your future self to decide.
<<link "Back" $you.location>>
<</link>><<image gym.jpg>>
Oops, you did it again. Are you just asking for it at this point? Honestly, yes. When you exit the locker room you don't see the sight of $go.Name anywhere. You sigh almost in disappointment but then a voice from behind makes you jump.
<<di go "You really do have the fucking nerve.">>
His face is full of fury and then he squints at you threateningly:
<<di go "Or you do it just to get a rise out of me?">>
<<di you "What do you think?">>
You reply coyly and he stares at you measuring for a full minute before finally putting his hands on your shoulders to push you on.
<<di go "If that's what you want...">>
<<link "Inside his office" "GOfuck1">>
<<presshour add 1>>
<</link>><<scenechoices go 1 0>>\
<<set $you.horniness = 0>>\
Once inside the empty room, he wastes no time to command you:
<<di go "Strip and I'll give what your depraved ass wants.">>
A hot, pissed off man telling you to strip? He doesn't need to say twice. You undress quickly and efficiently. Once fully naked, you have to fight the urge to cover yourself up under his intense scrutiny.
<<di go "Bend over, bitch.">>
He then slaps your asscheek harshly, drawing a hiss out of you. His rough handling doesn't diminish your horniness but instead makes you even more eager, so you assume the position. Feeling the cool breeze skirts over your hole - it has its own mind and contracts hungrily, wanting to be filled. Then finally a hot bluntness rests on your opening.
<<di go "Better be ready cuz I'm not going easy on you.">>
That's the only warning before you feel the foreign intrusion entering your body. You let out a pained groan since he is not exactly small. Still you power through as he not-entirely-slowly breach you open.
<<video go/gofuck11.mp4>>
<<di go "What's the matter? Enjoying the ride?">>
He gloats with barely even a hitch in his breath while his hardon brutalizes your ass at an increasing pace. Your hole must be beet red from the incredible stretch as well as the unrelenting friction. The initial discomfort is no longer, now you can only feel the pleasure of him turning you out completely. Still, his force with each slam into you is like a punch beating your prostate into a pulp.
<<video go/gofuck12.mp4>>
<<di go "Damnit..! Ssshit..!!!">>
He curses as his speed reaches olympic athlete level. With a final groan, he spills his seed over your lower back.
<<video you/youbred11.mp4>>
The feeling of viscous heat on your body is enough to trigger your own orgasm and your load flies.
<<video you/youfuckcum1.mp4>>
Groaning weakly from the climax, you hear his sneer:
<<di go "Just as I suspect, your ass is getting off on being abused. Fucking pathetic weasel.">>
His spit lands on your back and your cheek heats up from both ecstasy and shame. Then you hear a click of the door - he leaves you there ass up, covered in cum and completely alone in the room.
<<link "Back">>
<<if $gameends>>
<<goto "Otherscenemenu">>
<<goto $you.location>>
<</link>>Walking out of the locker room after breaking into them once more despite numerous warnings from $go.Name - the gym owner, of course you expect to see him there with a glower on his face. However, this time he doesn't show. You try walking around the gym for 15 minutes but still no trace of him. What happened?
<<link "Back" $you.location>>
<</link>> - <i>also known as a pervert</i>
<<if $go.lockerjerkcount >= 6>>\
• You can now lock-pick the lockers in the gym
• The gym owner doesn't stop you from breaking into the lockers any longer, what happened? - <i>TO BE CONTINUED</i>
<<elseif $go.lockerjerkcount == 5>>\
• You can now lock-pick the lockers in the gym
• You get a punishment by being fucked by the gym owner, should you continue?
<<elseif $go.lockerjerkcount == 4>>\
• You can now lock-pick the lockers in the gym
• You get a punishment by sucking the gym owner, should you continue?
<<elseif $go.lockerjerkcount == 3>>\
• You can now lock-pick the lockers in the gym
• You get a warning to not lock-pick the lockers from the gym owner, will you continue?
<<elseif hasVisited("Lockpicking3")>>\
• You can now lock-pick the lockers in the gym
• Try doing it again and see if anything interesting happens
<<elseif hasVisited("Lockpicking2")>>\
• Buy the lock-picking tools from Eastern Medicine shop
<<elseif hasVisited("Lockpicking1")>>\
<<if hasVisited("Witch")>>\
• Visit Eastern Medicine shop, you and inquire abot lock-picking tools
• Talk to Nga about her grandma's shop in town
<<elseif hasVisited("Gymlocker1")>>\
• Go back to your bedroom and learn how to lockpick
• Check out the gym's locker room
<</if>>\<<set $fair.dur = 0>>\
Entering the department store, you normally don't pay attention to the board near the entrance but today a colorful flier catches your eyes. Upon closer look, it reads:
<i>...join us for treats and the night of your life opens <b>at the park from 20:00 to 04:00</b> from...</i>
You find out the first night of the fair is tonight and lasts for a week from now. Curious you ask the shopkeeper:
<<di you "Ardor Fair? Why haven't I heard about it before? And what's with the opening time?">>
He shrugs:
<<dio "Store Owner" "No idea, probably some out of town folks setting it up. First time they've been here.">>
For some strange reasons, this fair is very intriguing to you. Perhaps, you can take a tour and see for yourself.
<i><b>This storyline is time-sensetive. SAVE NOW!</b></i>
<<link "Back" $you.location>><</link>>Abruptly, she approaches you with a question:
<<di witch "So you've heard of the Ardor Fair?">>
Seeing your nod, she then sighs:
<<di witch "You can of course join as you please, just remember: Expect the unexpected. Maybe through the fair, you can find out more about yourself.">>
You quirk an eyebrow at her:
<<di you "What do you mean?">>
Her mood changes suddenly as she smile brightly:
<<di witch "Nothing, just... have fun!">>
Hmm, there is still something she's hiding. You wonder what that is.
<<link "Back" $you.location>><</link>>The fair is located in a clearing by the forest. From outside looking in, it doesn't look particularly large but there is something irresistibly inviting about it. As soon as you take the step through the entrance, you can feel an inexplicable energy shift. Before you can dwell on it however.
<<dio "Man" "Hello, brother. What are you doing here?">>
The voice startles you. Turning around, you see a tall man smiling at you. The weird thing is that his features are strikingly similar to yours. Standing side by side, you two can probably mistaken as brothers.
<<di you "Oh nothing just looking around the fair. Do I know you?">>
That earns you a once over from him and... a sniff? Then the smile returns:
<<di fair "I must have mistaken you for someone. Regardless, pleased to welcome you here, brother. I'm Cuub Sin, C-U-U-B S-I-N. Just call me Cuub.">>
<<di you "Thanks, I'm $you.Namedis. You work for the fair or something?">>
<<di fair "You can say that. Now come.">>
He signals you to the ice cream booth and proceeds to get a vanilla cone for you.
<<di fair "Here, it's my treat.">>
You take it with a bit of hesitation.
<<di you "Why though? You and I have just met.">>
His smile brightens some more as he answers:
<<di fair "I don't know. I just like you, I guess. Anyway, I have to go back to work now. Enjoy your time here and remember to return. You're welcomed here.">>
He waves and walks into the crowd, disappearing like a mirage.
<div id="choice">\
<<link "Eat the ice cream">>
<<replace '#choice'>>\
You then choose the lick the ice cream cone in your hand and it tastes wonderful. Actually, this is the best fucking ice cream that you've ever taste in your life. After throwing the last piece of the crunchy cone into your mouth, you suddenly feel a burst of hotness concentrated in your lower abdomen - horniness.
<<di you "Umm... that's weird.">>
It takes everything you have to not pop a boner right here and there.
<<link "Wander around the fair" "Ardor Fair">><</link>>
<<link "Throw the ice cream away and wander around the fair" "Ardor Fair">><</link>>
</div>\<<set $you.location = passage()>>\
<<image ardorfair.jpg>>
<<if not hasVisited("Fairtalk2")>>\
<<link "You notice large booths in the center" "Fairtalk2">>
<<pressminute add 15>>
<<link "People-watching" "Fairpw1">>
<<pressminute add 5>>
<<elseif $fair.cw == 12>>\
<<link "Apex tent">>
<<if hasVisited("Fairapex1")>>
<<pressminute add 5>>
<<goto "Fairapexf">>
<<pressminute add 30>>
<<goto "Fairapex1">>
<<link "People-watching">>
<<set _pwrd = random(1,10)>>
<<if not hasVisited("Fairpw6")>>
<<pressminute add 30>>
<<goto "Fairpw6">>
<<elseif _pwrd <= 1>>
<<pressminute add 30>>
<<goto "Fairpw8">>
<<pressminute add 30>>
<<goto "Fairpw7">>
<<link "Adventuresomeness booth">>
<<if $fair.advstage == -1>>
<<pressminute add 5>>
<<goto "Fairchafail1">>
<<elseif $fair.advcd < 8>>
<<pressminute add 5>>
<<goto "Fairchadone1">>
<<elseif $fair.advstage == 0>>
<<set $fair.advcd = 0>>
<<goto "Fairadv11">>
<<elseif $fair.advstage == 1>>
<<set $fair.advcd = 0>>
<<goto "Fairadv21">>
<<elseif $fair.advstage == 2>>
<<set $fair.advcd = 0>>
<<goto "Fairadv31">>
<<elseif $fair.advstage == 3>>
<<set $fair.advcd = 0>>
<<goto "Fairadv41">>
<<elseif $fair.advstage == 4>>
<<goto "Fairchadone2">>
<<link "Abomination booth">>
<<if $fair.abostage == -1>>
<<pressminute add 5>>
<<goto "Fairchafail1">>
<<elseif $fair.abocd < 8>>
<<pressminute add 5>>
<<goto "Fairchadone1">>
<<elseif $fair.abostage == 0>>
<<set $fair.abocd = 0>>
<<goto "Fairabo11">>
<<elseif $fair.abostage == 1>>
<<set $fair.abocd = 0>>
<<goto "Fairabo21">>
<<elseif $fair.abostage == 2>>
<<set $fair.abocd = 0>>
<<goto "Fairabo31">>
<<elseif $fair.abostage == 3>>
<<set $fair.abocd = 0>>
<<goto "Fairabo41">>
<<elseif $fair.abostage == 4>>
<<goto "Fairchadone2">>
<<link "Assemblage booth">>
<<if $fair.assstage == -1>>
<<pressminute add 5>>
<<goto "Fairchafail1">>
<<elseif $fair.asscd < 8>>
<<pressminute add 5>>
<<goto "Fairchadone1">>
<<elseif $fair.assstage == 0>>
<<set $fair.asscd = 0>>
<<goto "Fairass11">>
<<elseif $fair.assstage == 1>>
<<set $fair.asscd = 0>>
<<goto "Fairass21">>
<<elseif $fair.assstage == 2>>
<<set $fair.asscd = 0>>
<<goto "Fairass31">>
<<elseif $fair.assstage == 3>>
<<set $fair.asscd = 0>>
<<goto "Fairass41">>
<<elseif $fair.assstage == 4>>
<<goto "Fairchadone2">>
<<link "People-watching">>
<<set _pwrd = random(1,10)>>
<<if $fair.cw < 1>>
<<pressminute add 5>>
<<goto "Fairpw1">>
<<elseif $fair.cw < 2>>
<<pressminute add 5>>
<<goto "Fairpw2">>
<<elseif $fair.cw < 4>>
<<pressminute add 5>>
<<goto "Fairpw3">>
<<elseif $fair.cw < 8 and not hasVisited("Fairpw4")>>
<<pressminute add 30>>
<<goto "Fairpw4">>
<<elseif $fair.cw < 8 and hasVisited("Fairpw4")>>
<<pressminute add 30>>
<<goto "Fairpw5">>
<<elseif not hasVisited("Fairpw6")>>
<<pressminute add 30>>
<<goto "Fairpw6">>
<<elseif _pwrd <= 1>>
<<pressminute add 30>>
<<goto "Fairpw8">>
<<pressminute add 30>>
<<goto "Fairpw7">>
<<link "Go back to the park" "Park">>
<<pressminute add 5>>
<</link>>Wandering around, you can see the typical sights: food vendors, game booths. There are three extra large booths in the center of the fair that catches your attention. Curious, you trod over and before you can reach one, someone in the fair uniform stops you.
<<dio "Worker" "Hold on, do you know what this place is?">>
Your brows furrows:
<<di you "Do I have to?">>
The worker lets out an exasperated sigh like he has to deal with unaware tourists for way too long:
<<dio "Worker" "Look up, this booth is Adventuresomeness...">>
Indeed there is a wooden board up on the entrance that says Adventuresomeness.
<<dio "Worker" "This is the booth that tests the courage of those who takes part in, putting them in new uncharted water.">>
Tests? They look like regular ass game booths to you.
<<di you "I assume the other two are the same?">>
He nods sagely and elaborates:
<<dio "Worker" "You're half right. The Abomination tent over there tests its challengers by putting them in situations that supposedly disgust the regular people but ultimately fulfills your deepest desires. The Assemblage tent is rather straightforward, it tests the endurance of the challengers against the crowd. Each victory earns you a voucher. Gathering all 12 vouchers will get you a special price.">>
<<di you "Which is?">>
<<dio "Worker" "The entrance to the Apex tent, please note that our fair closes in a week's time. Entering that tent, you'll be rewarded with the ultimate gift - the opportunity of the lifetime.">>
He seems almost proud while talking about that particular tent and its gift. Somehow, his explanations both make sense and are vague as hell to you. Regardless, you're intrigued.
<<dio "Worker" "Now that you understand the rules, you can face the challenges of each booth to reach the Apex or not. Your choice.">>
Have you ever backed down from a challenge before? Hardly ever.
<<link "Back" $you.location>>
<</link>><<image ardorfair.jpg>>
Looking around, you see people having fun with lots of laughters and cheer. Nothing seems out of ordinary to you.
<<link "Back" $you.location>>
<</link>><<if visited() == 1>>\
<<dio "Fair worker" "What are you here for? You've already won the challenge tonight.">>
<<di you "Why can't I do it again tonight?">>
He then just shakes his head and waves you away.
<<dio "Fair worker" "You just can't. That's the rule.">>
Bummer, what a dumb rule. You can't do anything else other than huff and puff out of the booth.
<<dio "Fair worker" "Not again tonight, tiger.">>
His expression bodes no argument from you so you regretfully have to exit the booth despite wanting to take on the challenge again.
<<link "Back" $you.location>>
<</link>><<if visited() == 1>>\
<<dio "Fair worker" "Stop. I remember you. You failed the challenge.">>
<<di you "Hey chill, I know I lost the challenge but there's always a second chance, huh?">>
The fair worker just laughs at your face.
<<dio "Fair worker" "Not here. It is written in the rules. You cannot retake the challenge you failed. Now go away, I've got a job to do.">>
What a rude fuck. With such clear dimissal, you're not willing to stand around here like a sore loser.
<<dio "Fair worker" "You're already disqualified. Please exit the booth.">>
The tone is clear, you're not welcome to try your hand one more time at the challenges.
<<link "Back" $you.location>>
<</link>><<if hasVisited("Fairabo11") or hasVisited("Fairass11")>>\
Stepping forward, you see that this is just a dunk tank. How is this supposed to test your courage?
Stepping forward, what appears in front of you looks just like a regular dunk tank game.
<<dio "Fair worker" "Howdy, wanna try your chance at the Adventuresomeness booth?">>
<<if hasVisited("Fairabo11") or hasVisited("Fairass11")>>\
Sensing the game will probably not be what it appears, you still nod to the worker.
Getting a man wet and bothered always sounds fun so you nod at the worker.
He gives you a weird smile before extending his hand - a motion for you to take the ball inside his palm.
<<dio "Fair worker" "Have fun">>
<<if hasVisited("Fairabo11") or hasVisited("Fairass11")>>\
As soon as you touch the ball, white light floods your vision.
<<image whiteglow.png>>
Seeing yourself in the similar endlessly white setting, you wait patiently for the voice.
As soon as you touch the ball, white light floods your vision. You find yourself in the space of endless whiteness.
<<image whiteglow.png>>
<<dio "Sensual voice" "Announce your choice: Use your tongue to lick a man's feet or armpits.">>
<<if hasVisited("Fairabo11") or hasVisited("Fairass11")>>\
Still a bit disoriented, you however anticipate this so you waste no time to announce:
Already feeling disoriented, hearing this bodiless voice leaving you even more confused and you say out loud to no one in particular:
<<di you "What?">>
<<dio "Sensual voice" "Make your choice. Quickly.">>
Did the voice say "Use your tongue to lick a man's feet or armpits"? So your choice is:
<div id="choice">\
<<link "Feet">>
<<replace '#choice'>>\
<<di you "I choose licking a man's feet.">>
Of course the answer has to be feet, knowing you. As soon as, you finish uttering the last syllable, something strange happens:
<<link "Proceed" "Fairadv12">><</link>>
<<link "Armpits">>
<<replace '#choice'>>\
<<di you "I choose licking a man's armpits.">>
Of course, knowing you, the answer has to be armpits. As soon as, you finish uttering the last syllable, something strange happens:
<<link "Proceed" "Fairadv13">><</link>>
</div>\<<scenechoices fair 1 0>>\
One of the most attractive men you've seen materializes out of thin air and he is now sitting in front of you expectantly.
As you reach his proximity, his scent hits you smack in the face like a brick wall. Once he raises his arms, the undeniable stench is dialed up to the eleven. Is it the worst fragrant that you've ever known? No, but it's up there. Regardless, you're determined to not leave that hot man's armpits unlicked tonight.
The first taste you have of his hairy pits is the extreme saltiness from his sweat. The idea of cleaning a filthy man's sweat-soaked armpits would disgust a regular person but not you. The body odor and the spice of him drive you wild with lust.
<<video fair/fairarmpit1.mp4>>
So you double up your effort with the knowledge that you're just a pig lapping up the potent essence oozing out from a man in his prime. You couldn't care less about the challenge instead just wanting to spend eternity here drowning in this man's pheromone.
<<video fair/fairarmpit2.mp4>>
You don't know how many minute or hour has passed until the voice rings through your brain again:
<<dio "Sensual voice" "Stop. You've passed.">>
Just a moment after you withdraw your tongue, blackness fills your eyes and makes you blind momentarily.
<<image whiteglow.png>>
<<if $gameends>>\
<<link "Back" "Fairscenemenu">><</link>>
<<link "Then..." "Fairadv14">><</link>>
<</if>>\<<scenechoices fair 1 0>>\
One of the most attractive men you've seen materializes out of thin air and he is now sitting in front of you expectantly.
The challenge is to lick his feet right? So it should be easy enough. However, once you're on your knees a scent kicks your brain right in through your nostrils. His odor is so potent and must be the accumulation of weeks of no washing. Still, you're determined to get through this so you grab his feet and commence your work.
First lick emphasizes your assessment about his feet's uncleanness, you can feel maybe a bit of dirt sliding on your tongue. That doesn't stop you though because now that you have your tongue on his feet that's all your mind can focus on and do. Your sole purpose now is to worship this man's stinky, grimy feet.
<<video fair/fairfeet1.mp4>>
You continue on with more and more enthusiasm. The idea of being a pathetic slut lapping on a man's feet like a dog is burning you even hotter with desire. His stank is now no longer a hindrance but a turn-on - fueling your tongue's movements.
<<video fair/fairfeet2.mp4>>
You don't know how many minute or hour has passed until the sensual voice rings through your brain again:
<<dio "Sensual voice" "Stop. You've passed.">>
Just a moment after you withdraw your tongue, blackness fills your eyes and makes you blind momentarily.
<<image whiteglow.png>>
<<if $gameends>>\
<<link "Back" "Fairscenemenu">><</link>>
<<link "Then..." "Fairadv14">><</link>>
<</if>>\When your sight returns, the man is now submerged in the water and you look at your hand and you see that the ball has been thrown without your knowledge.
<<dio "Fair worker" "Wow, nice shot. Congratulation, here is your voucher for passing the first Adventuresomeness challenge">>
He hands you a small voucher - that looks like paper but feels leathery - that says "Adventuresomeness - 1".
<<dio "Fair worker" "Come back tomorrow for your chance at getting the second voucher.">>
He says jovially like he's totally unaware of the totally realistic vision of you pleasuring a man with your tongue. As you walk away from the booth the scent is still damp in your nostrils and the tanginess still lingers on your tongue.
<<link "Back">>
<<set $fair.cw ++>>
<<set $fair.advstage ++>>
<<if $hour >= 20>>
<<set _temph = 23 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<goto "Ardor Fair">>
<<set _temph = 3 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<goto "Fairclose1">>
<</link>>Entering the adventuresomeness booth, there isn't any change to the place - just a man sitting on top of a plank over a large tank of water. You aren't even sure why you think there should be any changes. It appears to be just a regular dunk tank, but you know it's not that simple.
<<dio "Fair worker" "Why hello, come again for round two?">>
In your mind, you wonder what could possibly be the challenges to test your courage this time around? Still, you don't hesitate to nod.
<<dio "Fair worker" "Alright, good luck.">>
He hands you the ball and as soon as your finger touches it you're once more transported to a different dimension.
<<image whiteglow.png>>
<<dio "Sensual voice" "Announce your choice: Getting spanked or streaking.">>
Not even letting you have time to adjust to the new setting, the voice booms in your head urging you to make the choice.
<div id="choice">\
<<link "Streaking">>
<<replace '#choice'>>\
<<di you "I choose streaking.">>
As soon as you finish the sentence, the whiteness yields to a new scene - a central street in your town and it looks like there's a parade on it with a huge crowd. Looking down at yourself, you are completely naked and stand in a shadowed alley.
<<dio "Sensual voice" "Walk to the end of the T-junction.">>
Mentally, you think this isn't real, however physically you can hear the chatter and see the people mingling around, so it is as realistic as it can get. Butterflies invade your stomach and nerves make you shake. Do you want to do this or not?
<div id="choice2">\
<<link "Proceed with the streaking" "Fairadv22">><</link>>
<<link "Give up">>
<<replace '#choice2'>>\
It's too much for you to handle so you decide to quit:
<<di you "I can't do it.">>
You whisper, unsure if the voice would hear your words.
<<dio "Sensual voice" "You've failed.">>
Then the void swallows your vision.
<<image whiteglow.png>>
<<link "Afterwards..." "Fairadv25">><</link>>
<<link "Being spanked">>
<<replace '#choice'>>\
<<di you "I choose being spanked.">>
As soon as you finish the sentence, the whiteness yields to a new scene: A powerful looking man is sitting on an ornate chair like a throne. He initially looks bored but soon interest appears in his expression.
<<dio "Man" "Lookie who we have here. You're here for a spanking, I assume?">>
He gives you a slight smirk which doesn't necessarily assure you. Still, you nod.
<<dio "Man" "C'mon then get on my lap.">>
He pats his tree trunk thighs urging you to hurry up. You let out a breath to shake out all the nerves before closing the distance to him. As soon as you're within arm's reach, he pulls you in and cooes a bit creepily:
<<dio "Man" "Aren't you such a precious little thing? Though, I won't hold back, so you want to change your mind?">>
That sounds scary and ominous. So you decide to:
<div id="choice2">\
<<link "Proceed with the spanking" "Fairadv23">><</link>>
<<link "Give up">>
<<replace '#choice2'>>\
<<di you "I'm sorry, I've changed my mind.">>
His frown is clear but he respects your choice and releases you.
<<dio "Man" "Then I can't force you. Though, we could have it so good, little bird.">>
He seems genuinely disappointed not getting to spank you. However, before you can have the chance to explain yourself:
<<dio "Sensual voice" "You've failed.">>
Then the void swallows your vision.
<<image whiteglow.png>>
<<link "Afterwards..." "Fairadv25">><</link>>
</div>\<<scenechoices fair 1 0>>\
It's now or never. Getting a deep breath in, you leave the safe darkness of the alley to the street. The warmth of the sun on your exposed skin feels way too real. A gasp can be heard:
<<dio "Random passerby" "Oh my god!">>
Then you feel the gaze of dozens of people on your body igniting on your already heated skin. You now try to quicken your pace.
<<video fair/fairstreak1.mp4>>
<<dio "Random passerby" "Jesus, what in the world?">>
<<dio "Random passerby" "Is he naked? What the hell?">>
You're not a prude by any means but somehow this feels a hundred times more mortifying than any lewd stuff you've experienced. You do not allow your step to falter.
<<dio "Random passerby" "Does he have no shame?">>
<<dio "Random passerby" "What a freak!">>
The voices despite seems far but it travels to your ears with scary clarity and they are all disapproving and full of disgust.
<<video fair/fairstreak2.mp4>>
<<dio "Random passerby" "Jesus is he fucking hard?">>
<<dio "Random passerby" "Someone stop that sick fuck, he gets off on this!!">>
You can see the frowns and looks of horrors in your periphery. Regardless, your cheeks are still hot and your body is wired, not because of the running. In fact, they are right, you do get off on exposing yourself to the public and being shamed for it.
It is a bittersweet moment when you take the final steps to reach the finish line since you genuinely do not want these moments of letting it all hang out to end, but damnit you got a prize to take. As you take the final step, everything and everyone around you vanishes like puffs of smoke.
<<dio "Sensual voice" "You've passed.">>
That's the last thing you hear before the void swallows your vision.
<<image whiteglow.png>>
<<if $gameends>>\
<<link "Back" "Fairscenemenu">><</link>>
<<link "Then..." "Fairadv24">><</link>>
<</if>>\<<scenechoices fair 1 0>>\
<<set $you.horniness = 0>>\
The final choice is be brave and endure this spanking. You fall over, your torso on his lap.
<<di you "Then give me your all, sir.">>
<<dio "Man" "My my, I'll make you feel so good.">>
His large fingers taking off your pants in a swift motion. You already mentally prepare yourself but the first slap still shocks a yelp out of you. The sensation is unlike anything you've experienced before - searingly painful and at the same time like a direct nudge to your prostate making your dick go from your zero to thousand real quick.
<<video fair/fairspank1.mp4>>
The subsequent smacks of course adds more and more to the already unreal sensation and turns you into a writhing, moaning mess. His hand must be laced with some sort of drug because, again, the sensation of being turnt on to the point of agony is unreal.
<<video fair/fairspank2.mp4>>
<<dio "Man" "Just a few more, you're doing so well.">>
Just as you think you can't handle it any longer you hear his rasping. You're literally one gust of wind away from blowing your load.
<<dio "Man" "Last one.">>
Unable to hold it any longer, as soon as his palm makes contact with your cheek. You start spasming your load out with abandon. Your groan is equal part pain and pleasure. The man then lifts you up like you weigh nothing and keeps you in his embrace.
<<video you/youcum5.mp4>>
<<dio "Man" "Good job, my little sparrow. You've done so well.">>
The comfort, contrasting with the heated sting on your ass, make your eye suddenly well up. You really want to stay from this spot forever.
<<dio "Sensual voice" "You've passed">>
Then the void swallows your vision.
<<image whiteglow.png>>
<<if $gameends>>\
<<link "Back" "Fairscenemenu">><</link>>
<<link "Then..." "Fairadv24">><</link>>
<</if>>Splash, the sound hits you first before the sight of a man being dunk into the tank materializes in your sight - you're back at the fair again.
<<dio "Fair worker" "Ohhh! Amazing aim. We've got ourselves a winner right here, everyone.">>
You hear some clapping from people watching nearby. The fair worker approaches you to give the voucher.
<<dio "Fair worker" "Here's your prize.">>
The voucher feels the same as the first one and instead of the number 1 it now says "Adventuresomeness 2". You walk away from the booth as if you hadn't just gone through one of the most erotic experiences of your life.
<<link "Back">>
<<set $fair.cw ++>>
<<set $fair.advstage ++>>
<<if $hour >= 20>>
<<set _temph = 23 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<goto "Ardor Fair">>
<<set _temph = 3 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<goto "Fairclose1">>
<</link>><<dio "Fair worker" "Aww, you miss.">>
Hearing those words, you realize that you're back in the fair and the man is still on the plank looking bored since your throw apparently missed.
<<dio "Fair worker" "Good try, good try. Though, you're now disqualified from advancing further to the Adventuresomeness challenge. Perhaps, try again another lifetime.">>
He smiles at you regretfully like he had hope for your success. Regardless, you made your bed now you have to lay on it, so you walk away pondering if you made the right decision.
<<link "Back">>
<<set $fair.advstage = -1>>
<<if $hour >= 20>>
<<set _temph = 23 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<goto "Ardor Fair">>
<<set _temph = 3 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<goto "Fairclose1">>
<</link>>In front of you is what looks like a normal game of whack-a-mole. Is this supposed to convey disgust so much you have to whack it like the first worker told you?
<<dio "Fair worker" "Hey there, you are interested in taking on the Abomination challenge?">>
<<di you "What am I supposed to do?">>
<<dio "Fair worker" "What do you mean you're supposed to do? Just whack 'em.">>
Hmm, fair enough, the worker gives you the handle of the hammer and as soon as you touch it, pale light fills your eyes.
<<image whiteglow.png>>
Once the light diminishes, the sight shocks you. It is the scene of your home's kitchen. How the hell did you manage to teleport here? A voice suddenly echoes on your mind:
<<dio "Sensual voice" "Seduce your $w.brother.">>
Before you can even question it further, a turn of the door's handle catches your attention.
<<di bro "Fuck, I almost had it. Oh hey, $you.Namedis.">>
It is indeed your $w.brother in the flesh no doubt about it and the voice tells you to seduce him?
<<if hasVisited("Brohjintro1")>> Since you have already done it before it doesn't seem to faze you much but still you play along:<<else>>That is an outrageous idea but you're unsure what would happen if you disobey that voice so you follow along:<</if>>
<<di you "Hey, what's the matter?">>
His face scowls.
<<di bro "I went out with this girl and the date was fine and when I thought I was about to get some... the bitch sent me away and called me a classless jerk. Fucking women.">>
He throws his hands up in frustration. You have an idea how he can be a dick to a girl so you tell him:
<div id="choice">\
<<link "Sweet talk him">>
<<replace '#choice'>>\
<<di you "Fuck them. They miss out on a huge catch anyway.">>
You wink at him knowingly and he flushes deep red.
<<if $incest>>\
<<di bro "How would you know that I have a big cock?">>
<<di you "Of course I know. We're brothers after all?">>
<<di bro "Fffffuckkk... I am still hard as fuck though.">>
He hisses almost like in pain while his hand grabs the sizable outline in his crotch. The time is now or never:
<div id="choice2">\
<<link "Tell him you can help him out">>
<<replace '#choice2'>>\
<<di you "Y'know since you're that frustrated I'll give you an offer.">>
<<di bro "Hmm...?">>
<<di you "I'll give you a handjob to make it up to you on behalf of her.">>
<<di bro "WH-WHAT?">>
He exclaims loudly.
<<if hasVisited("Brohjintro1")>>With his reaction, you conclude that in this particular vision, he hasn't engaged sexually with you yet.<</if>>You try to keep it cool and not make a big deal out of it:
<<di you "Meh, I'm doing you a favor and it's just a handjob. Trust me, getting jacked off by someone else feels way better than doing it yourself.">>
$w.Ybrother is biting his lips and looking torn. It takes forever for him to then decide:
<<di bro "Alright, let's... let's do it then.">>
<<link "Afterwards..." "Fairabo12">><</link>>
<<link "Tell him to go jack off">>
<<replace '#choice2'>>\
<<di you "Bro, just go jerk off. I'm sure it'll be fine.">>
He looks up to the sky and lets out a defeated sigh.
<<di bro "I guess, cool talking to you. And don't bother me for 20 minutes.">>
He runs to his room and slams the door of the kitchen on you. Immediately after, the mysterious voice reverberates in your brain once more:
<<dio "Sensual voice" "You've failed.">>
Then blackness fills your eyes.
<<image whiteglow.png>>
<<link "Afterwards..." "Fairabo14">><</link>>
<<link "Call him out on his bullshit">>
<<replace '#choice'>>\
<<di you "Yeah right, as if any woman would put up with you.">>
<<di bro "The fuck? Are you my $w.brother or not?">>
He looks royally pissed.
<<di bro "And I'm not taking it from you of all the people. Bitchless mofo.">>
He then stomps out of the room leaving you alone in the room. Immediately when the door clicks, the mysterious voice reverberates in your brain once more:
<<dio "Sensual voice" "You've failed the challenge.">>
Then blackness fills your eyes.
<<image whiteglow.png>>
<<link "Afterwards..." "Fairabo14">><</link>>
</div>\<<scenechoices fair 1 0>>\
Approaching him, you feel his body getting tenser and tenser. Putting your hand on his shoulder you say soothingly:
<<di you "Relax.">>
His coil visibly loosens and your hands slowly lower to remove his pants, his cock hasn't wilted one bit. <<if hasVisited("Brohjintro1")>>His cock is identical to your memory.<</if>>As soon as the member is freed, his musk and sweat wafts directly to your nostrils and it feels almost way too real.
Your first touch on his dick earns you a low huff from him. It sounds agreeable to your ears so you begin stroking at first slowly to ease him into the current of pleasure. When you can hear his breathing getting shallower, you proceed to speed up the movement of your hand to match with <<if hasVisited("Brohjintro1")>>what you know, <<else>>what you assume, <</if>>is his fucking speed.
<<video fair/fairbro11.mp4>>
<<di bro "Sssshit... man... I'm about to bust.">>
Hearing that, you double up your momentum and turn your hand into an engine piston for maximum friction on his cock.
<<video fair/fairbro12.mp4>>
<<di bro "FFFFFUCKK!!!">>
He blows his load with a strong thrust into your palms which are milking his pearly nectar.
<<video fair/fairbro1cum.mp4>>
He is gasping from the aftershock of the orgasm and when his mind finally return to its sound state:
<<di bro " Fuck... why the fuck did I let you do that to me?">>
Is he having a second thought now
<<di bro "I always had a suspicion but now I know: you want me, you sick motherfucker?">>
The voice and tone of him sounds so real so you can't help but feel flustered at his sneer.
<<di you "I...">>
<<di bro "No need to explain yourself! Shit... Don't fucking tell another soul abut this and don't even try that shit with me again.">>
He then walks out of the room and slams the door on you. Immediately after that, a mysterious voice echoes through your brain:
<<dio "Sensual voice" "You've passed.">>
Then blackness fills your eyes.
<<image whiteglow.png>>
<<if $gameends>>\
<<link "Back" "Fairscenemenu">><</link>>
<<link "Afterwards..." "Fairabo13">><</link>>
<</if>>\When your vision recovers, the first sight that greets you is the red blinking neon sign saying "YOU WON".
<<dio "Fair worker" "Yay! Great job, you've passed the first Abomination challenge. Here accept our voucher.">>
He gives you a leathery voucher that says "Abomination - 1". You walk away from the booth dazedly and wonder to yourself. Was that scene between you and $w.ybrother even real?
<<link "Back">>
<<set $fair.cw ++>>
<<set $fair.abostage ++>>
<<if $hour >= 20>>
<<set _temph = 23 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<goto "Ardor Fair">>
<<set _temph = 3 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<goto "Fairclose1">>
<</link>>Through your blurry eyes, you see that you're back at the fair, your hand grasping the plastic hammer, and the red LED light saying "YOU LOSE" on the whack-a-mole machine.
<<dio "Fair worker" "Aww, that's too bad. You missed your chance with the Abomination challenge.">>
Then he gently pries the hammer out of your hand since you're frankly a little bit discombobulated.
<<dio "Fair worker" "Maybe try again in another lifetime. Hahaha.">>
He then laughs a bit manically while turning you away. Was that encounter with your $w.brother even real?
<<link "Back">>
<<set $fair.abostage = -1>>
<<if $hour >= 20>>
<<set _temph = 23 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<goto "Ardor Fair">>
<<set _temph = 3 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<goto "Fairclose1">>
<</link>>You enter the whack-a-mole station and ponder what the second abomination challenge can take you to?
<<dio "Fair worker" "Oh, it's you again. Here for another round of abomination challenge.">>
<<di you "Yes, I am.">>
Hearing your affirmation, he still looks bored out of his mind while handing you the hammer.
<<dio "Fair worker" "You know the drill.">>
Here goes nothing, you take the handle and immediately your vision is painted white.
<<image whiteglow.png>>
Once the whiteness fades, you realize you're now in your living room and the TV is showing a movie. There is a figure sitting on the couch.
<<dio "Sensual voice" "Seduce your $w.father.">>
<<if hasVisited("Dadhjintro1")>>Huh, so now your target is now your $w.father? Well, it's not like something you haven't done before.<<else>>What??? That's blasphemous. You understand that you did go through with seducing your $w.brother (and frankly it's quite hot), but this is another level. Can you even do it?<</if>>
<<di dad "Oh hey, you're back already. Your $w.brother is still at work.">>
You walk over to him and the sight of him takes you aback.
<<di you "What happened to you?">>
His two arms are fully casted in plaster. He looks confused:
<<di dad "What do you mean? My arms have been broken for like a week now. You took me to the doctor remember?">>
Understanding this is the scenario that challenge is putting you through, you quickly change your expression to a joking one:
<<di you "Of course, I know. I'm just messing with ya, $w.dad.">>
You flop down next to him on the couch, watch the movie - a typical action one - and calculate your next move. As your brain is coming up with ideas, the movie switch to a shot of a smoking hot woman in tight bikinis emerging out of a pool, dripping wet and looking sexy. It doesn't affect you at all but your $w.dad is whole another story. In your peripheral vision, you can see his bulge growing obscenely. However, it makes sense since he has "the curse" and it's probably a week since the last time he jerked off. The man is frustrated.
<div id="choice">\
<<link "Talk about his current state">>
<<replace '#choice'>>\
<<di you "Erm... Are you hard right now?">>
He jumps a bit at your frankness and replies with an embarrassed chuckle:
<<di dad "Gosh damnit, I was hoping you wouldn't notice but yeah...">>
His confession doesn't make things awkward but instead it leads to a strange sort of camaraderie.
<<di you "I get it. You've got the curse and unable to masturbate for what? A week now? It totally sucks balls.">>
<<di dad "Hahaha, yep. It's true.">>
<div id="choice2">\
<<link "Convince him to have you get him off">>
<<replace '#choice2'>>\
<<di you "You know I can give you a handjob if you want.">>
<<di dad "What?">>
He exclaims loudly which shocks you a little bit. You then calm him down:
<<di you "Just consider it like physical therapy. I know the curse is making your pent up energy an agony. I just don't want you to suffer, that's all.">>
His brows furrows and relaxes - a sign that he's thinking extensively about the offer you make. Finally, he concede to the carnal desire:
<<di dad "Fuck... it's just physical therapy, right...? If you're willing to do it, then...">>
Bingo, it's easier than you anticipated but people won't hear you complain about that.
<<link "Afterwards..." "Fairabo22">><</link>>
<<link "Chicken out">>
<<replace '#choice2'>>\
<<di you "Well, I guess you have to just endure it for a little while.">>
He lets out a frustrated noise:
<<di dad "You're right but I would kill just to blow off some steam.">>
<<if hasVisited("Dadhjintro1")>>You've already done things to him before in real life but in this particular situation for some reasons, it doesn't feel right to take advantage of him.<<else>>You can't do it. It's just morally wrong on so many level, so you just give him a sympathetic smile.<</if>>
<<di you "Just hang on, the worst will be over soon enough.">>
He then lets out a defeated sigh.
<<di dad "Alright, I'll have to take a soak to cool things off, you finish the movie.">>
Then you let him walk to the bathroom. As soon as his presence is gone from the room, the voice announces in your brain:
<<dio "Sensual voice" "You've failed.">>
You accept that outcome and darkness seizes your vision.
<<link "Afterwards..." "Fairabo24">><</link>>
<<link "Talk about the weather">>
<<replace '#choice'>>\
<<di you "The weather has been nice lately, don't you think?">>
He jumps a little at your words and clears his throat:
<<di dad "Hmfmm? Oh yeah, yeah the sky is clear and umm... Lots of sun.">>
<<di you "Well, I think you should go take a walk during the day to get some sunlight - vitamin D. It'll speed up your healing process.">>
<<di dad "Thanks, kid. I'll keep that in mind.">>
He says a bit distractedly and then the room falls into awkward silence. After around 5 minutes, you can't bear it anymore and almost says something before he interrupts:
<<di dad "Umm... I'm a bit tired. I think I'll retreat back to my bedroom.">>
You can tell that he fake-yawn to convey his supposed tireness. You think your chance is slipping away so you plead:
<<di you "Wait, the movie is not finished yet. Stay and watch with me.">>
<<di dad "I really am beat. You go ahead.">>
He then stands up with some difficulty due to having no leverage with his arms. Still, he has always been quick on his feet so he leaves the living room in literally ten seconds, giving you no time to persuade him.
<<dio "Sensual voice" "You've failed.">>
<<di you "What? I still have some time, do I?">>
You try to reason with the voice but the darkness seizing your vision tells you that it doesn't work that way.
<<link "Afterwards..." "Fairabo24">><</link>>
</div>\<<scenechoices fair 1 0>>\
You help him lose his pants in quick succession and his erection hasn't wilted one bit. In fact, the outline in his boxer looks swollen and angry from the lack of attention lately. Therefore, you give the caress that it deserves. You heard a hiss from your $w.dad signaling he appreciates the touch of another human being on his family jewel.
Your wrist then makes the oh-so-familiar motion of up and down - jerking his cock real good. It appears that he also couldn't take a proper wash of his member too since with each slide of your hand, the musk grow stronger and stronger - completely fills your nostrils.
<<video fair/fairdad11.mp4>>
<<di dad "I'm gonna be quick... Shit...">>
<<di you "You know what will make it quicker?">>
You question rhetorically and make the executive decision to put your mouth on his hardon and blow him.
<<di dad "Ffffuck... Wh-what are you doing?">>
You give his cock a feel of your coiling throat which pulls a groan out of him before asking again:
<<di you "I'm speeding up your release. Do you want me to stop?">>
He looks absolutely pained and through the scowl, you can sense a hint of infernal lust.
<<di dad "Damnit...! Don't stop, I'm so close.">>
He doesn't need to tell you twice. You resume sucking the soul out of him.
<<video fair/fairdad12.mp4>>
<<di dad "FFFFUCKKKKK!!!">>
He shouts loudly and begins to fire his copious and week-long load. His body tremors from the intensity of the climax.
<<video fair/fairdad1cum.mp4>>
When he recovers though, it's like there is a fire under his ass.
<<di dad "Shit... I-I need to leave.">>
With surprising agility for a man who is temporarily disable, he manage to pull his pants up swiftly and make the exit to his room in record speed.
<<dio "Sensual voice" "You've passed.">>
Then darkness seizes your vision.
<<image whiteglow.png>>
<<if $gameends>>\
<<link "Back" "Fairscenemenu">><</link>>
<<link "Afterwards..." "Fairabo23">><</link>>
<</if>>\The red neon "YOU WON" appears in the center of your sight.
<<dio "Fair worker" "Hmm, impressive. I knew you'd ace this second round of abomination challenge. Here's the prize.">>
He produces a voucher with "Abomination - 2" on it. Again, it feels the same like all the previous ones you get rewarded. With the voucher, in hand, you think back and memorize the taste of your $w.dad's cock in your mouth.
<<link "Back">>
<<set $fair.cw ++>>
<<set $fair.abostage ++>>
<<if $hour >= 20>>
<<set _temph = 23 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<goto "Ardor Fair">>
<<set _temph = 3 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<goto "Fairclose1">>
<</link>>Through your blurry eyes, you see that you're back at the fair, your hand grasping the plastic hammer, and the red LED light saying "YOU LOSE" on the whack-a-mole machine.
<<dio "Fair worker" "Aww, that's too bad. You missed your chance with the Abomination challenge.">>
Then he gently pries the hammer out of your hand since you're frankly a little bit discombobulated.
<<dio "Fair worker" "Maybe try again in another lifetime. Hahaha.">>
He then laughs a bit manically while turning you away. Was that encounter with your $w.dad even real?
<<link "Back">>
<<set $fair.abostage = -1>>
<<if $hour >= 20>>
<<set _temph = 23 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<goto "Ardor Fair">>
<<set _temph = 3 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<goto "Fairclose1">>
<</link>><<image ardorfair.jpg>>
<<dio "Fair worker" "I'm sorry but it's closing time. You'll have to leave.">>
It is dawn and they choose this time to close? That is perplexing but you have no choice but to leave the fair ground.
<<link "Return to the park" "Park">>
<</link>>Walking over, you see that this booth contains a regular high striker machine but the sign says "Assemblage".
<<dio "Fair worker" "Hello there, wanna test your strength with the Assemblage challenge?">>
<<if hasVisited("Fairabo11") or hasVisited("Fairadv11")>>\
Knowing there is something up with these challenges, you tentatively nod.
You're at this fair after all, might as well give it a shot, right? So you give him a nod.
<<dio "Fair worker" "Here take this.">>
His hand reaches over to give you the hammer. As soon as your hand touches the handle, a blinding light robs your sight.
<<image whiteglow.png>>
The scene in front of you takes a dramatic change: Two handsome naked men standing proud in an endless white space.
<<dio "Sensual voice" "Jerk them off.">>
That voice doesn't belong to either of the men and it has a compelling effect. However, with these two gorgeous men in front of you, it takes very little to convince you to do naughty things to them. Still...
<<di you "What?">>
You question out loud, hoping for an answer but it is met with silence. After a full awkward minute of standing around, you bite the bullet and bravely approach them.
<<link "Proceed" "Fairass12">><</link>><<scenechoices fair 1 0>>\
<<di you "May I?">>
You ask for their permission and both of them give you a smoldering look before nodding yes. Don't mind if you do, you reach over and give each one of them a thorough feel and before you know it, both of them are hard and ready.
Wanting to savor this moment, you focus fully on working one of them first, the feeling of hard flesh sliding inside your hand is positively divine.
<<video fair/fairghj11.mp4>>
<<dio "Man 1" "Fuckkk... yeahh...">>
Then you move on to the other guy and while pumping his cock, you notice his sack contracting. Therefore, you knead his balls with some force and that earns you a pleasure hiss from him.
<<video fair/fairghj12.mp4>>
<<dio "Man 2" "This mor... man knows to work a fucking cock.">>
He then gives a devilish smile to the other man. The compliment compels you to accelerate the movement of your hands. Your biceps are mere moments away from giving out when both of them shout:
<<dio "Man 1" "SSSSHITT!!!">>
<<video fair/fairghj1cum1.mp4>>
<<dio "Man 2" "ARGHHH!!!">>
<<video fair/fairghj1cum2.mp4>>
Each one of them shoots one after another, both of their jizz is thick and creamy. With their loads, there is something extra spicy that fills the air, almost like the smell of smoke and fire - cinching your nose hairs. You are about to share pleasantries with the duo when blackness takes over.
<<image whiteglow.png>>
<<if $gameends>>\
<<link "Back" "Fairscenemenu">><</link>>
<<link "Afterwards..." "Fairass13">><</link>>
When you regain your vision again, it's the ringing sounds that hit you first. You realize you're hunching over hands on the hammer handle.
<<dio "Fair worker" "Whew, impressive work right there. You won the Assemblage challenge tonight. Here's your voucher.">>
The part paper and leathery paper says "Assemblage - 1". He then pats your back as you feel a sudden chill run through your body. Walking away, you wonder if you really jacked off two men or it was all just imagination.
<<link "Back">>
<<set $fair.cw ++>>
<<set $fair.assstage ++>>
<<if $hour >= 20>>
<<set _temph = 23 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<goto "Ardor Fair">>
<<set _temph = 3 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<goto "Fairclose1">>
<</link>>Stepping inside the booth with the high striker machine like yesterday. For no apparent reason, nerves fill your stomach at what is about to come.
<<dio "Fair worker" "Hello, hello, hello. You come here again today to take on the second assemblage challenge?">>
That's what you're here for, right? So you nod signaling your readiness.
<<dio "Fair worker" "Alright, just like before.">>
He then hands over the hammer and you take a deep breath before grasping the handle. As soon as your hand touches it, you're blinded by white light.
<<image whiteglow.png>>
Similar to the first time, the setting is again a white space, however now instead of two gorgeous men like before, there are now three.
<<dio "Sensual voice" "Suck them off.">>
Here you go: Simon said suck them off, so you suck them off.
<<link "Proceed" "Fairass22">><</link>>You don't even loiter, instead walk up confidently to the first guy and kneel in front of him.
Even though you're aware this is like an imaginary world, the texture of a man cock on your tongue right now feels so real and raw that it is turning you on greatly. Forgetting about if this is real or not, you exuberantly nurse the man half hard cock to a full erection then start fucking your mouth on his cock.
<<video fair/fairgbj11.mp4>>
<<dio "Man 1" "Ffffuck yeah... take it...">>
The sound of the slobbering can put any porn actors to shame as you let your saliva flow free and go completely slack jaw on that huge rod. Noticing other men who are now also fully hard, you are about to pull off to switch over but then:
<<dio "Man 1" "Not yet, fiend. Let me finish first so you can continue with them.">>
The man pushes your head against his crotch roughly which you don't mind but actually love. Oh well, it looks like you need to get him off quickly then. Therefore, you relax your muscle and deepthroat him deeply which earns you a pleased hum from him.
<<video fair/fairgbj12.mp4>>
<<dio "Man 1" "Good bitch... Let me reward you...">>
As soon as he finishes that sentence, he let s out a roar and begin spewing his extra hot semen on your face. The smell of it is so intense like fire, ash that chokes you.
<<video you/youfacial08.mp4>>
<div id="choice">\
<<link "Catching your breath">>
<<if $gameends>>\
<<replace '#choice'>>\
Getting a lungful of air, you narrowly escape a faint as you feel your face painted with jizz. The next man gives you no rest and begins nudging his member to your mouth. Of course, you open up and suck and within a few minute of guzzling and deepthroating, he groans:
<<video fair/fairgbj13.mp4>>
<<dio "Man 2" "Ssshit... Taste my cum, whore...">>
His release is all the same as the first guy - copious, hot and it emits the same fiery smell that suffocates you.
<<video you/youfacial09.mp4>>
<div id="choice2">\
<<link "Catching your breath again">>
<<replace '#choice2'>>\
Finally getting enough air, you brace yourself for the final guy, who would have thought that sucking a lot of dick could be this tiring?
You repeat the same process with the last guy as he finish off with a cry:
<<dio "Man 3" "ARGHHHH!!!">>
<<video you/youfacial10.mp4>>
You can no longer hold off the fire essence entering your body along with his release. As you lose consciousness you wonder if you...
<<dio "Sensual voice" "You've passed.">>
<<image whiteglow.png>>
<<link "Back" "Fairscenemenu">><</link>>
<<goto "Fairass23">>
Aligning the arrow to the red highlighted space under. To move the the arrow to the left, press A on your keyboard or tap the ← button. To move the arrow to the right, press D on your keyboard or tap the → button.
<<link "Begin">>
<<replace ".passage">>\
<<set _countdown = 3>>\
<<set _timeleft = 15>>\
<<set _totalpoint = 0>>\
<<set _enablekey = false>>\
<<set _appearcountermax = 30>>\
<<set _appeardelay = 15>>\
<<set _appearcounter = 29>>\
<<set _keypress = 0>>\
<<set _position = 3>>\
<<on 'keydown'>>\
<<which 65>> /% the a key %/
<<set _position = Math.clamp(_position - 1, 1, 5)>>\
<<replace "#position">>\
<<if _position == 1>>\
<<elseif _position == 2>>\
<<elseif _position == 3>>\
<<elseif _position == 4>>\
<<which 68>> /% the d key %/
<<set _position = Math.clamp(_position + 1, 1, 5)>>\
<<replace "#position">>\
<<if _position == 1>>\
<<elseif _position == 2>>\
<<elseif _position == 3>>\
<<elseif _position == 4>>\
<<repeat 1s>>\
<<if _countdown == -1>>\
<<replace "#timeleft">>Time left: _timeleft<</replace>>\
<<if _timeleft === 0 or _totalpoint >= 100>>\
<<set _timeleft -->>\
<<off '.macro-event'>>\
<<set _timeleft -->>\
<<elseif _countdown == 0>>\
<<replace "#timeleft">>GO!<</replace>>\
<<replace "#keydisplay">>_countdown<</replace>>\
<<set _countdown -->>\
<<replace "#timeleft">>Ready?<</replace>>\
<<replace "#keydisplay">>_countdown<</replace>>\
<<set _countdown -->>\
<<repeat 0.1s>>\
<<if _countdown == -1>>\
<<if _timeleft === -1 and _totalpoint < 100>>\
<<replace "#keydisplay">>Failed!<</replace>>\
<<replace "#totalpoint">><</replace>>\
<<replace "#back">><<link "Fail" "Fairass26">><<off '.macro-event'>><</link>><</replace>>\
<<elseif _totalpoint >= 100>>\
<<replace "#keydisplay">>@@.add;Success!@@<</replace>>\
<<replace "#totalpoint">><</replace>>\
<<replace "#back">>\
<<link "Success">>
<<off '.macro-event'>>
<<replace ".passage">>\
Getting a lungful of air, you narrowly escape a faint as you feel your face painted with jizz. The next man gives you no rest and begins nudging his member to your mouth. Of course, you open up and suck and within a few minute of guzzling and deepthroating, he groans:
<<video fair/fairgbj13.mp4>>
<<dio "Man 2" "Ssshit... Taste my cum, whore...">>
His release is all the same as the first guy - copious, hot and it emits the same fiery smell that suffocates you.
<<video you/youfacial09.mp4>>
<<link "Catching your breath again" "Fairass24">>
<<set _appearcounter ++>>\
<<if _appearcounter == _appearcountermax>>\
<<set _randomkey = random(1,5)>>\
<<set _enablekey = true>>\
<<set _appearcounter = 0>>\
<<if _randomkey == 1>>\
<<replace "#keydisplay">>@@.minus;—@@————<</replace>>\
<<elseif _randomkey == 2>>\
<<replace "#keydisplay">>—@@.minus;—@@———<</replace>>\
<<elseif _randomkey == 3>>\
<<replace "#keydisplay">>——@@.minus;—@@——<</replace>>\
<<elseif _randomkey == 4>>\
<<replace "#keydisplay">>———@@.minus;—@@—<</replace>>\
<<replace "#keydisplay">>————@@.minus;—@@<</replace>>\
<<if _position == _randomkey>>\
<<set _totalpoint = Math.clamp(_totalpoint + 3, 0, 100)>>\
<<replace "#totalpoint">>Progress: _totalpoint/100<</replace>>\
<div id="timeleft" style="text-align: center; font-size: 40px; font-weight: bold">Ready?</div>
<div id="position" style="text-align: center; font-size: 40px; font-weight: bold">——V——</div>\
<div id="keydisplay" style="text-align: center; font-size: 40px; font-weight: bold">_countdown</div>
<center><<link "<b>⠀⠀⠀←⠀⠀⠀</b>">>\
<<if _totalpoint < 100 and _timeleft > 0>>\
<<set _position = Math.clamp(_position - 1, 1, 5)>>\
<<replace "#position">>\
<<if _position == 1>>\
<<elseif _position == 2>>\
<<elseif _position == 3>>\
<<elseif _position == 4>>\
<<link "<b>⠀⠀⠀→⠀⠀⠀</b>">>\
<<if _totalpoint < 100 and _timeleft > 0>>\
<<set _position = Math.clamp(_position + 1, 1, 5)>>\
<<replace "#position">>\
<<if _position == 1>>\
<<elseif _position == 2>>\
<<elseif _position == 3>>\
<<elseif _position == 4>>\
<span id="totalpoint" style="font-size: 20px; font-weight: bold">Progress: _totalpoint/100</span>
<span id="back"><<link "Give up" "Fairass26">><<off '.macro-event'>><</link>></span>\
<</link>><<set _countdown = 3>>\
<<set _timeleft = 15>>\
<<set _totalpoint = 0>>\
<<set _enablekey = false>>\
<<set _appearcountermax = 25>>\
<<set _appeardelay = 15>>\
<<set _appearcounter = 24>>\
<<set _keypress = 0>>\
<<set _position = 3>>\
<<on 'keydown'>>\
<<which 65>> /% the a key %/
<<set _position = Math.clamp(_position - 1, 1, 5)>>\
<<replace "#position">>\
<<if _position == 1>>\
<<elseif _position == 2>>\
<<elseif _position == 3>>\
<<elseif _position == 4>>\
<<which 68>> /% the d key %/
<<set _position = Math.clamp(_position + 1, 1, 5)>>\
<<replace "#position">>\
<<if _position == 1>>\
<<elseif _position == 2>>\
<<elseif _position == 3>>\
<<elseif _position == 4>>\
<<repeat 1s>>\
<<if _countdown == -1>>\
<<replace "#timeleft">>Time left: _timeleft<</replace>>\
<<if _timeleft === 0 or _totalpoint >= 100>>\
<<set _timeleft -->>\
<<off '.macro-event'>>\
<<set _timeleft -->>\
<<elseif _countdown == 0>>\
<<replace "#timeleft">>GO!<</replace>>\
<<replace "#keydisplay">>_countdown<</replace>>\
<<set _countdown -->>\
<<replace "#timeleft">>Ready?<</replace>>\
<<replace "#keydisplay">>_countdown<</replace>>\
<<set _countdown -->>\
<<repeat 0.1s>>\
<<if _countdown == -1>>\
<<if _timeleft === -1 and _totalpoint < 100>>\
<<replace "#keydisplay">>Failed!<</replace>>\
<<replace "#totalpoint">><</replace>>\
<<replace "#back">><<link "Fail" "Fairass26">><<off '.macro-event'>><</link>><</replace>>\
<<elseif _totalpoint >= 100>>\
<<replace "#keydisplay">>@@.add;Success!@@<</replace>>\
<<replace "#totalpoint">><</replace>>\
<<replace "#back">>\
<<link "Success">>
<<off '.macro-event'>>
<<replace ".passage">>\
Finally getting enough air, you brace yourself for the final guy, who would have thought that sucking a lot of dick could be this tiring?
You repeat the same process with the last guy as he finish off with a cry:
<<dio "Man 3" "ARGHHHH!!!">>
<<video you/youfacial10.mp4>>
You can no longer hold off the fire essence entering your body along with his release. As you lose consciousness you wonder if you...
<<dio "Sensual voice" "You've passed.">>
<<image whiteglow.png>>
<<link "Then..." "Fairass25">>
<<set _appearcounter ++>>\
<<if _appearcounter == _appearcountermax>>\
<<set _randomkey = random(1,5)>>\
<<set _enablekey = true>>\
<<set _appearcounter = 0>>\
<<if _randomkey == 1>>\
<<replace "#keydisplay">>@@.minus;—@@————<</replace>>\
<<elseif _randomkey == 2>>\
<<replace "#keydisplay">>—@@.minus;—@@———<</replace>>\
<<elseif _randomkey == 3>>\
<<replace "#keydisplay">>——@@.minus;—@@——<</replace>>\
<<elseif _randomkey == 4>>\
<<replace "#keydisplay">>———@@.minus;—@@—<</replace>>\
<<replace "#keydisplay">>————@@.minus;—@@<</replace>>\
<<if _position == _randomkey>>\
<<set _totalpoint = Math.clamp(_totalpoint + 3, 0, 100)>>\
<<replace "#totalpoint">>Progress: _totalpoint/100<</replace>>\
<div id="timeleft" style="text-align: center; font-size: 40px; font-weight: bold">Ready?</div>
<div id="position" style="text-align: center; font-size: 40px; font-weight: bold">——V——</div>\
<div id="keydisplay" style="text-align: center; font-size: 40px; font-weight: bold">_countdown</div>
<center><<link "<b>⠀⠀⠀←⠀⠀⠀</b>">>\
<<if _totalpoint < 100 and _timeleft > 0>>\
<<set _position = Math.clamp(_position - 1, 1, 5)>>\
<<replace "#position">>\
<<if _position == 1>>\
<<elseif _position == 2>>\
<<elseif _position == 3>>\
<<elseif _position == 4>>\
<<link "<b>⠀⠀⠀→⠀⠀⠀</b>">>\
<<if _totalpoint < 100 and _timeleft > 0>>\
<<set _position = Math.clamp(_position + 1, 1, 5)>>\
<<replace "#position">>\
<<if _position == 1>>\
<<elseif _position == 2>>\
<<elseif _position == 3>>\
<<elseif _position == 4>>\
<span id="totalpoint" style="font-size: 20px; font-weight: bold">Progress: _totalpoint/100</span>
<span id="back"><<link "Give up" "Fairass26">><<off '.macro-event'>><</link>></span>\<<if not $gameends and (not setup.ws.Fairass22 or not $ws.Fairass22)>>\
<<set setup.ws.Fairass22 = true>>\
<<set $ws.Fairass22 = true>>\
<<run memorize('ws', setup.ws)>>\
Opening your eye with a gasp, you feel the sweat dripping from your head to your toe. A ringing noise dashes through your brain.
<<dio "Fair worker" "Woohoo, congratulation you've won the second Assemblage challenge.">>
You realize that you somehow hit the plate with the hammer inside your hands and win? You feel exhausted.
<<dio "Fair worker" "Here, please take the voucher.">>
He hands you the leathery voucher similar to the first one but this says "Assemblage 2". With a shaky hand, you take it. It feels like all the stamina got drained out of you. That makes you wonder what will happen to you if you take on the third assemblage challenge?
<<link "Back">>
<<set $fair.cw ++>>
<<set $fair.assstage ++>>
<<if $hour >= 20>>
<<set _temph = 23 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<goto "Ardor Fair">>
<<set _temph = 3 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<goto "Fairclose1">>
<</link>>Unable to get some oxygen, you feel your body going limp and then collapse.
<<image whiteglow.png>>
Opening your eyes again, you gasp in a lungful of air. Sweat running on your forehead and your back. In front of you is the hammer that you're grasping tightly with your sweaty palms.
<<dio "Fair worker" "Hahahaha, nice try, buddy but it appears your strength is not enough for the second round of Assemblage.">>
Only then, you realize you're back at the bustling fair instead of that white space.
<<dio "Fair worker" "Don't worry, you had a good showing. Perhaps, try again in another... lifetime. Hahaha.">>
He laughs and then dismisses you from the booth. Still, you sneeze but the burn smell is still present in your nose.
<<link "Back">>
<<set $fair.assstage = -1>>
<<if $hour >= 20>>
<<set _temph = 23 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<goto "Ardor Fair">>
<<set _temph = 3 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<goto "Fairclose1">>
<</link>>After a few minutes of watching, something suddenly occurs to you: All of the fair-goers are males.
<<image fair/fairpw1.jpg>>
Try as you might but you cannot find a single woman or girl in the crowds. Has it always been like this or is it just you?
<<link "Back" $you.location>>
<</link>>It's always nice to spend some times watching the people. Though, is it just you or most of the fair go-ers decide to go bare their chest?
<<image fair/fairpw2.jpg>>
Not that you're complaining but that's not a sight you see everyday.
<<link "Back" $you.location>>
<<set $scenepicked = false>>
<<if setup.ws.Fairpw4>><<link "First time watching two dude masturbating" "Fairpw4">><</link>><<else>><<link "==First time watching two dude masturbating==">><</link>><</if>> <<if setup.ws.Fairpw5>><<link "Watching two dude masturbating" "Fairpw5">><</link>><<else>><<link "==Watching two dude masturbating==">><</link>><</if>> <<if setup.ws.Fairpw6>><<link "First time watching two strangers' blowjob" "Fairpw6">><</link>><<else>><<link "==First time watching two strangers' blowjob==">><</link>><</if>> <<if setup.ws.Fairpw7>><<link "Watching two strangers' blowjob" "Fairpw7">><</link>><<else>><<link "==Watching two strangers' blowjob==">><</link>><</if>> <<if setup.ws.Fairpw8>><<link "Giving a stranger a blowjob" "Fairpw8">><</link>><<else>><<link "==Giving a stranger a blowjob==">><</link>><</if>>
<<if setup.ws.Fairadv12>><<link "1st Adventuresomeness - Feet" "Fairadv12">><</link>><<else>><<link "==1st Adventuresomeness - Feet==">><</link>><</if>> <<if setup.ws.Fairadv13>><<link "1st Adventuresomeness - Armpits" "Fairadv13">><</link>><<else>><<link "==1st Adventuresomeness - Armpits==">><</link>><</if>>
<<if setup.ws.Fairadv22>><<link "2nd Adventuresomeness - Streaking" "Fairadv22">><</link>><<else>><<link "==2nd Adventuresomeness - Streaking==">><</link>><</if>> <<if setup.ws.Fairadv23>><<link "2nd Adventuresomeness - Being spanked" "Fairadv23">><</link>><<else>><<link "==2nd Adventuresomeness - Being spanked==">><</link>><</if>>
<<if setup.ws.Fairadv32>><<link "3rd Adventuresomeness - Milking" "Fairadv32">><</link>><<else>><<link "==3rd Adventuresomeness - Milking==">><</link>><</if>> <<if setup.ws.Fairadv33>><<link "3rd Adventuresomeness - Ball torture" "Fairadv33">><</link>><<else>><<link "==3rd Adventuresomeness - Ball torture==">><</link>><</if>>
<<if setup.ws.Fairadv42>><<link "4th Adventuresomeness - Golden shower" "Fairadv42">><</link>><<else>><<link "==4th Adventuresomeness - Golden shower==">><</link>><</if>> <<if setup.ws.Fairadv43>><<link "4th Adventuresomeness - Fisting" "Fairadv43">><</link>><<else>><<link "==4th Adventuresomeness - Fisting==">><</link>><</if>> <<if setup.ws.Fairadv44>><<link "4th Adventuresomeness - Sounding" "Fairadv44">><</link>><<else>><<link "==4th Adventuresomeness - Sounding==">><</link>><</if>>
<<if setup.ws.Fairabo12>><<link "1st Abomination - $w.Brother" "Fairabo12">><</link>><<else>><<link "==1st Abomination - $w.Brother==">><</link>><</if>> <<if setup.ws.Fairabo22>><<link "2nd Abomination - $w.Father" "Fairabo22">><</link>><<else>><<link "==2nd Abomination - $w.Father==">><</link>><</if>> <<if setup.ws.Fairabo32>><<link "3rd Abomination - $w.Granddad" "Fairabo32">><</link>><<else>><<link "==3rd Abomination - $w.Granddad==">><</link>><</if>> <<if setup.ws.Fairabo42>><<link "4th Abomination - $w.Uncle" "Fairabo42">><</link>><<else>><<link "==4th Abomination - $w.Uncle==">><</link>><</if>>
<<if setup.ws.Fairass12>><<link "1st Assemblage - Handjob" "Fairass12">><</link>><<else>><<link "==1st Assemblage - Handjob==">><</link>><</if>> <<if setup.ws.Fairass22>><<link "2nd Assemblage - Blowjob" "Fairass22">><</link>><<else>><<link "==2nd Assemblage - Blowjob==">><</link>><</if>> <<if setup.ws.Fairass32>><<link "3rd Assemblage - Anal" "Fairass32">><</link>><<else>><<link "==3rd Assemblage - Anal==">><</link>><</if>> <<if setup.ws.Fairass42>><<link "4th Assemblage - Orgy" "Fairass42">><</link>><<else>><<link "==4th Assemblage - Orgy==">><</link>><</if>>
<<if setup.ws.Fairend1>><<link "<b>Bad Ending</b>" "Fairend1">><</link>><<else>><<link "==<b>Bad Ending</b>==">><</link>><</if>> <<if setup.ws.Fairend2>><<link "<b>Good Ending</b>" "Fairend2">><</link>><<else>><<link "==<b>Good Ending</b>==">><</link>><</if>>
<<link "Back" "Memoriesmenu">>
<</link>><<set _tempdur = 8 - $fair.dur>>\
- <i>want to find out who's the fairest of them all?</i>
<<if not hasVisited("Fairintro1")>>\
• Check out the colorful flyer at Department Store
<<elseif not hasVisited("Fairtalk2")>>\
• Check out the Ardor Fair at the park
• Day(s) left: _tempdur
<<elseif $fair.cw < 12>>\
• Take on the challenges at the fair
• Get 12 vouchers to reach Apex tent (4 each booth)
• Day(s) left: _tempdur
<<elseif $fair.cw == 12 and not hasVisited("Fairapex1")>>\
• Visit the Apex tent
• Day(s) left: _tempdur
<</if>>\As you wander through the fair, a tap on your shoulder makes you jump.
<<di fair "Ciao, fancy seeing you again, brother.">>
<<di you "You scared me a little.">>
Calming down, you look at his smile. There is some sort of disarming energy radiated from him so you ask:
<<di you "You work at the fair, right? Have you noticed anything strange?">>
He looks mystified for a second.
<<di fair "Strange? I've worked here all my life and there is nothing strange about it.">>
You're not sure what answer you expect out of him.
<<di you "But the Adventuresomeness, Abomination and Assemblage booths... they are not typical fair games.">>
<<di fair "Oh those? They are just fancy marketing words to attract more people. There is nothing deep about them.">>
Hearing that someone in the fair doesn't even know about all the strange challenges you've been through makes you feel a little bit crazy. Is it all in your head? Are you really that fucked up?
<<di fair "Talking about strangeness, the more I talk to you the more I like you for no apparent reason at all.">>
You chuckle:
<<di you "Is this another of the marketing ploys that the boss make you say to the attenders?">>
He lightly punches your bicep indignantly.
<<di fair "No boss is forcing me to say that. I truly do like you. Brother.">>
The contact of his fist to your bicep is like a feather but for some reason, there is hotness there and it quickly spreads to your whole body making you flush.
<<di fair "Anyway, toodle-oo. Gotta get back to work now.">>
As quickly as he approaches you, he dissolves to the crowd of people like a puff of smoke.
<<link "Back at the fair" "Ardor Fair">><</link>><<if $incest>><<set _grandma = "grandma">><<else>><<set _grandma = "step-grandma">><</if>>
Dejavu, you're here once more and in front of you is the whack-a-mole station.
<<dio "Fair worker" "Oh, you can't help yourself but being here again for the challenge, huh?">>
He smirks.
<<dio "Fair worker" "Alas, I can't blame you. Abomination is a very tempting challenge despite its name. Here.">>
He hands you the hammer and again when your hand touches it, your vision is brimmed with whiteness.
<<image whiteglow.png>>
Once everything is cleared, the scene greets you is one of a bedroom. There is something familiar about the room that you can't quite tell until the voice says:
<<dio "Sensual voice" "Seduce your $w.grandpa.">>
Before you can exclaim anything. The door handle turns.
<<di gp "Oh, hey buddy. You still haven't found my pills yet.">>
That's none other than your $w.granddad. No wonder the room looks familiar, it's his bedroom and you have to do what? Seduce him?
<<di you "Oh, yeah. I couldn't find them.">>
<<di gp "Here, it's in this drawer.">>
He rummages through the storage giving you time to fully see him. In an objective perspective, the man looks damn well for his age with a decently built body. The only thing that betrays his age is the gray hair and wrinkles. That along with the knowledge of him possessing a curse of insatiable sex drive does something funny to your stomach.
<div id="choice">\
<<link "This is where you want to be">>
<<replace '#choice'>>\
You see him knocking back the pills with a cup of water in his hand. You recall a memory about him:
<<di you "Are those for your hypotension?">>
<<di gp "That's right. You know I hate taking pills and now I've had them for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Oh the irony of old age.">>
Yeah, you remember he is not fond of hospitals, taking pills and all that jazz. Still, the man is impressively fit for his age despite his complaint. Your mind wanders to the dangerous territory - the image of him fully naked.
<div id="choice2">\
<<link "Talk about physical activities">>
<<replace '#choice2'>>\
<<di you "You should try to get some exercise in. It'll help a lot.">>
From your memory, your $w.grandpa is not big on fitness. It's just that the gene is so strong, he still able to maintain a great body even at his age.
<<di gp "I do buddy but you know how boring working out is to me.">>
<<di you "Still it's for your own sake and health...">>
He also has the curse too without doing physical activities to relieve the stress, how the hell does he stay sane? By jacking off a lot since your _grandma has passed long ago.
<<di you "...also I know about the curse that you have $w.grandpa. That's gotta affect your health somehow.">>
His brows rises.
<<di gp "Oh, so your $w.dad told you about it…? I guess I'll tell you then: I get my exercise quota from jacking off.">>
If you were drinking anything, you would spray it all over now. However, it tracks with his personality since the man never shies away from lewd jokes and double entendre. He appears almost unfazed like he's talking about the weather.
<<di gp "It's your $w.dad's curse, but to me it's a blessing. I think the fact that I haven't keeled over is partly because of the blessing. I just know it keeps me young and healthy.">>
He appears almost proud. That puts you in a different perspective, is it really a curse like $w.ydad said?
<<di you "Still, it must be super frustrating when you don't have a way to release it.">>
He shrugs.
<<di gp "That's why I said jacking off is my favorite pastime. It helps to soothe the pent up energy not quite fully but just enough. Though I haven't truly satisfied for a long while now.">>
<<di you "You mean, you haven't had sex with anyone for a while?">>
Your eyes widens. How hadn't he gone mad is a magnificent feat to you.
<<di gp "Two decades, but who's keeping count anyway. That's how long this old man hasn't felt the warmth of another body.">>
<<di you "But why? You look great for your age. There must be someone.">>
He lets out a guffaw.
<<di gp "Hahaha. Don't flatter me. It's simple: most women my age don't want sex and younger ones just give me a disgusted look. Trust me, buddy. It wasn't because of the lack of trying.">>
You realize this is the perfect window for an opening. Your mind conjures an image of you being under your sweaty and huffing $w.granddad.
<div id="choice3">\
<<link "Say you can give him some relief">>
<<replace '#choice3'>>\
<<di you "I know that isn't easy for you, $w.grandpa, so...">>
You pause and send a silent prayer to any wicked god that decide to bless you.
<<di you "... How about I help you relief by using my mouth?">>
He doesn't appear to completely shocked like you expect instead he just calmly inquire.
<<di gp "You mean...?">>
<<di you "I can suck you off, $w.grandpa... if you want.">>
His answer comes rather quickly.
<<di gp "Oh you will? That'd be a huge help to me.">>
That's it? You expect some more back and forth but this is... easier than you thought. He then sits on the bed, waiting. You do have some more convincing words but that's for later. Now let's get the show on the road.
<<link "Proceed" "Fairabo32">><</link>>
<<link "Give up">>
<<replace '#choice3'>>\
Being under your $w.grandpa? What the hell are you thinking about? That's wrong on so many levels. All of this is wrong.
<<di you "I can't do it. This is way too much.">>
Your outburst surprises him.
<<di gp "Huh, what are you talking about?">>
Ignoring him, you continue:
<<di you "I give up. Get me out.">>
<<di gp "Calm down. What's the matter with you...? I'll leave you alone then.">>
He hastily goes for the door like you spook him, but you couldn't care anymore since this is all not real. Once he's out, you can hear the voice clearly and without emotion:
<<dio "Sensual voice" "You've failed.">>
Then your eyes are veiled in blackness.
<<image whiteglow.png>>
<<link "Afterwards..." "Fairabo34">><</link>>
<<link "Give up">>
<<replace '#choice2'>>\
What the hell are you thinking about? Imagining your $w.grandpa being naked? That's wrong on so many levels. All of this is wrong.
<<di you "I can't do it. This is way too much.">>
Your outburst surprises him.
<<di gp "Huh, what are you talking about?">>
Ignoring him, you continue:
<<di you "I give up. Get me out.">>
<<di gp "Calm down. What's the matter with you...? I'll leave you alone then.">>
He hastily goes for the door like you spook him, but you couldn't care anymore since this is all not real. Once he's out, you can hear the voice clearly and without emotion:
<<dio "Sensual voice" "You've failed.">>
Then your eyes are veiled in blackness.
<<image whiteglow.png>>
<<link "Afterwards..." "Fairabo34">><</link>>
<<link "This isn't right">>
<<replace '#choice'>>\
<<di you "I can't do it. This is way too much.">>
Your outburst surprises him.
<<di gp "Huh, what do you mean? I'm just getting my pills.">>
Ignoring him, you continue:
<<di you "I give up. Get me out.">>
<<di gp "Calm down. What's the matter with you...? I'll leave you alone then.">>
He hastily goes for the door like you spook him, but you couldn't care anymore since this is all not real. Once he's out, you can hear the voice clearly and without emotion:
<<dio "Sensual voice" "You've failed.">>
Then your eyes are veiled in blackness.
<<image whiteglow.png>>
<<link "Afterwards..." "Fairabo34">><</link>>
</div>\<<scenechoices fair 1 0>>\
Watching the crowd, there's almost nothing out of the ordinary until you spot two young dodgy looking guys. They are hushing to each other before going to a secluded spot behind the tent. For some weird reason, you don't want to miss what they are up to, so you sneak after them. Of course, intuition is never wrong because:
<<dio "Man 1" "Fuck, I don't know why but I’m so damn horny.">>
<<dio "Man 2" "You tell me. What the fuck do they put in the water here? Viagra.">>
Their pants are nowhere to be found as they jacking off in the relative open. To be honest, if you make your presence known, they most definitely will continue as usual from the way they are furiously pumping their cocks. They are both quite well-endowed and you won't mind having a sample of either of them.
<<video fair/fairpw41.mp4>>
<<dio "Man 1" "Shit man… I'm gonna bust soon...">>
<<dio "Man 2" "FFFUCKK!!">>
The second guy wastes no time to blow his load immediately with a shout which has a domino effect on the other as he spills his cum as well not long after.
<<video fair/fairpw42.mp4>>
<<dio "Man 1" "Fuck, bro...">>
<<dio "Man 2" "No lie... That's weirdly one of the best orgasms I’ve had.">>
They are cleaning up buttoning up so you have to skedaddle or else risk being busted as a creep.
<<link "Back">>
<<if $gameends>>
<<goto "Fairscenemenu">>
<<goto "Ardor Fair">>
<</link>><<scenechoices fair 1 0>>\
You make a turn into a hidden nook from the fair and have to duck quickly because of the scene in front of you. There are two men who are frantically beating their meat.
<<video fair/fairpw51.mp4>>
You aren't sure how long they have been going at it but their climax comes rather quickly - just moments after.
<<video fair/fairpw52.mp4>>
You feel a bit turned on watching men being freaky in public like that but don't overstay your welcome. You have a reputation to upkeep.
<<link "Back">>
<<if $gameends>>
<<goto "Fairscenemenu">>
<<goto "Ardor Fair">>
<</link>><<scenechoices fair 1 0>>\
Now that you've seen it, you pay more attention to the pair who act strangely in the crowds and naturally, you find a couple with one pulling the other to a deserted corner of the fair. You stealthily tail after them to see what’s up.
<<dio "Man 1" "...a bad idea.">>
<<dio "Man 2" "You're really horny, right? I can help you out, dude. It’s no big deal.">>
They are in the middle of a hushed conversation. The first guy looks torn on something, before he finally gives in.
<<dio "Man 1" "Alright, man... just this time, okay?">>
That is just the thing the second dude needs to hear because he swiftly takes down the pants of the other and gives the half mast shaft a lick. You’re sure he’s hooked after the first taste since he starts sucking on the dick like it’s the most delicious lollipop.
<<video fair/fairpw61.mp4>>
<<dio "Man 1" "Fuck... I can’t believe I let my best friend do this to me.">>
Despite saying that, you can see his hips are moving on their own volition - his body clearly wants this. Hearing that egg the second man on because he takes it to the next level and deepthroat the impressive length.
<<dio "Man 1" "HOLY...! Where did you... learn that...?">>
He exclaims astoundedly while his friend is on their knees slobbering all over his knob like a crazed whore. It looks like the first guy is about to cum from the shortness of his breath as well as the erratic movement. Then, you hear his grunt.
Splatter of pearly fluid drapes over the friend’s face. After about a dozen spasms of his cock, the friends give a final suckle to the best to make sure that’s the last of his load.
<<video you/youfacial13.mp4>>
<<dio "Man 2" "Damn... I’ve always wanted to do this...">>
Huffing and shaking, the first guy replies a bit goodnaturedly.
<<dio "Man 1" "Why didn’t you tell me then? I could have had amazing blowjobs all this time?">>
<<dio "Man 2" "Um... I was afraid...">>
The friend suddenly turns timid and nervous like the gravity of the situation just occurs to him.
<<dio "Man 1" "What are you afraid of? You’re my best mate. You ain’t need to be worried about any shit around me, got it?">>
<<dio "Man 2" "Really...? Thanks, bro.">>
He smiles with immense relief and that seems to be the end of the conversation as they hurry to leave the scene. You on the other hand are delighted to see a happy ending (both kind) and scurry away without anyone’s notice.
<<link "Back">>
<<if $gameends>>
<<goto "Fairscenemenu">>
<<goto "Ardor Fair">>
<</link>><<scenechoices fair 1 0>>\
The crowd seems to be much wilder in the fair for some reasons. You just take a turn to an isolated spot and find a dude sucking another one off in a dark corner.
<<video fair/fairpw71.mp4>>
<<dio "Man 1" "I'm coming...">>
He hiss-shouts to warn the other guy and he pulls off just in time for the shaft to spew its creamy jizz all over his lips and cheeks.
<<video you/youfacial09.mp4>>
Damn, that makes you want to suck a dick so bad.
<<link "Back">>
<<if $gameends>>
<<goto "Fairscenemenu">>
<<goto "Ardor Fair">>
<</link>><<scenechoices fair 1 0>>\
The crowd seems to be much wilder in the fair for some reasons. You just take a turn to an isolated spot and find a dude sucking another one off in a dark corner.
<<video fair/fairpw71.mp4>>
<<dio "Man 1" "I'm coming...">>
He hiss-shouts to warn the other guy and he pulls off just in time for the shaft to spew its creamy jizz all over his lips and cheeks.
<<video you/youfacial09.mp4>>
Damn, that makes you want to suck a dick so bad. A tap on your shoulder makes you jump.
<<dio "Stranger" "It’s hot, isn’t it...? Let’s cut to the chase... Suck me off?">>
Your wish is magically fulfilled and the stranger proposing to you doesn’t look half bad so you nod yes. Seeing your affirmation, he hastily removes his slacks to reveal a respectable dick. That’s all the invitation you need to drop to your knees and begin nuzzling on his cockhead. The taste of him is salty mostly from the sweat and from down here you can smell the natural musk of man who needs a rinse.
<<dio "Stranger" "So convenient. Just when I’m the horniest... there is a slut nearby.">>
The guy is not gentle as he grabs your head and proceeds to fuck your skull mercilessly. Obviously, you revel in his rough handling, open your throat willingly so his dick slides effortlessly in and out of your orifice.
<<video fair/fairpw81.mp4>>
Shortly after, his breath is getting shaky until a groan escapes his mouth. He begins shooting his thick seed on your face.
<<video you/youfacial14.mp4>>
<<dio "Stranger" "Damn...! thanks.">>
He says while dressing up quickly like this is not his first rodeo. Only after cleaning up your face, you realize, he’s already gone and escapes.
<<link "Back">>
<<if $gameends>>
<<goto "Fairscenemenu">>
<<goto "Ardor Fair">>
<</link>><<scenechoices fair 1 0>>\
<<set $you.horniness = 0>>\
Your $w.grandpa undresses and your impression was right, he is still very toned and defined. How is your life real? One moment you're just a virgin and now you're ogling your own $w.granddad. The man is already hard even without any prior touch - showing his still strong virility.
<<di gp "C'mon buddy, let's help $w.grandpa out.">>
How can you resist his raspy pleading like that, so you drop down and welcome him into your mouth. For such a seasoned man, the taste of his cock is rather unseasoned and clean. The man is obviously meticulous about his hygiene. Your tongue is not satisfied and begins to dig for salt inside his slit.That earns you pleased hum from him:
<<di gp "Keep doing that... good boy.">>
<<video fair/fairgp11.mp4>>
He grabs your head lightly and slowly fucks into your oral orifice. Your nose gets rhythmically mushed against his pubes and aside from the soap scent you can detect the unmistakable man musk that drives you wild. After a few minutes of deepthroating, he then gives you a surprising proposal:
<<di gp "Would you mind if I use your ass?">>
Your eyes widen, you of course wouldn't but his boldness catches you off guard. He then gives more reasons.
<<di gp "You'll feel much better and it'll be a much better exercise which I desperately need.">>
Need him to say more?
<<di you "Of course, $w.grandpa. Anything you want.">>
With your blessing, the man, with surprising athleticism, manhandles you so that your ass is facing him. Then you feel wet heat on your hole - you realize that it's his spit.
<<di gp "Alright, relax for $w.grandpa.">>
He cooes soothingly and gradually shoves his erection in. Your ass is too impatient for his speed so you push back until your opening hits the base of his dick.
<<video fair/fairgp12.mp4>>
<<di gp "Goddamn, your hole feels so good.">>
He then picks up the pace and starts thrusting according to your wish. With age, comes wisdom and the man clearly has some about pleasure because the way he knows which spot to drill his hard length into is exquisite.
<<video fair/fairgp13.mp4>>
<<di gp "Look at you boy... fuck... I knew that you'd like this...">>
Between his huffing, he still manages to tell you his observation.
<<di you "What do you... ahhh... mean you knew?">>
Your answer is interrupted with each slam of his hips.
<<di gp "I can tell... from the way you act... the way you look at me... You've been wanting this...">>
Really? You have unconsciously gawked at your $w.grandpa for that long?
<<di gp "... You're one filthy boy... but $w.grandpa likes that...">>
You can hear the mirth in his voice as his fucking quickens towards the cresendo.
<<di gp "Are you ready...? Ready to be filled by your $w.granddad?">>
<<di you "Yes please... give it to me...">>
<<di gp "FFFFUCKKKKKK!!">>
He shouts and jerks unsteadily behind you, you can feel the heat blooming inside your channel and warming you to the core.
<<video dad/dadsleepfuckcum1.mp4>>
Then with just a slight touch on your cock, you begin shooting and arrive at your own nirvana.
<<video you/youfuckcum1.mp4>>
<<di gp "Ssshit... You really get my heart racing... Let's hope I don't have a heart attack and keel over... Hahaha...">>
He rambles between the winded panting and his tone is full of familiar easygoingness. You smile at his jokes while closing your eyes to catch your breath.
<<dio "Sensual voice" "You've passed.">>
The voice suddenly echoes in your head. You try to open your eyes to look at your $w.granddad and savor this moment, but it's too late. Darkness already covers your eyes.
<<image whiteglow.png>>
<<if $gameends>>\
<<link "Back" "Fairscenemenu">><</link>>
<<link "Afterwards..." "Fairabo33">><</link>>
<</if>>\Back at the fair, your hand grasping the plastic hammer, and the red LED light saying "YOU LOSE" on the whack-a-mole machine.
<<di "Fair worker" "Aww, that's too bad. You missed your chance with the Abomination challenge.">>
Then he gently pries the hammer out of your hand since you're frankly a little bit discombobulated.
<<di "Fair worker" "Maybe try again in another lifetime. Hahaha.">>
He then laughs a bit manically while turning you away. It's one thing to do those things to $w.ydad and $w.ybrother, but your $w.grandpa? You let out a sigh of relief. You probably did the right thing.
<<link "Back">>
<<set $fair.abostage = -1>>
<<if $hour >= 20>>
<<set _temph = 23 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<goto "Ardor Fair">>
<<set _temph = 3 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<goto "Fairclose1">>
<</link>>Back at the booth, through the slightly obscure vision, you can still make out the red neon "YOU WON".
<<dio "Fair worker" "Good work there. You've conquered the third abomination challenge - a great achievement. Please take this.">>
Of course what else does he give you other than the voucher with "Abomination - 3" on it? Then he dismisses you to give others a turn at the challenge. Meanwhile, your ass throbs like it's trying to memorize the way your $w.granddad stretches it to the limit just now. It feels way too entirely real.
<<link "Back">>
<<set $fair.cw ++>>
<<set $fair.abostage ++>>
<<if $hour >= 20>>
<<set _temph = 23 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<goto "Ardor Fair">>
<<set _temph = 3 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<goto "Fairclose1">>
<</link>>If your count is right, this is gonna be the last time you step foot in this booth.
<<dio "Fair worker" "Excited for the final round?">>
Your nod earns you a friendly smile.
<<dio "Fair worker" "Gotta say I'll miss your face. Perhaps, we can see more of each other later. Here.">>
He gives you the hammer and you blow out a steadying breath before gripping it. Splotches of white invade your vision.
<<image whiteglow.png>>
Once your vision returns, in front of you is a room which has a small shrine. You know this place, it's...
<<di unc "Oh little dude, you're here.">>
...Your $w.uncle's living room.
<<dio "Sensual voice" "Seduce your $w.uncle.">>
The faint smell of incense is unmistakable, it is indeed your $w.uncle's place. A few years ago, he became this new age kind of guy who believes in alternative healing and all the spiritual mumbo jumbo. You two are not exactly close, not that you haven't tried to be. He has always been this cold guy even to his own brother and prefers to keep to himself. Case in point, he's still single despite being in his late 30s.
<<di unc "I'm gonna do my daily meditation soon, so there will be a silent period in preparation and during my session. Anything you want to say, tell me now.">>
What? How can a conversation happen organically if he says stuff like that? You wonder if going through with this seducing plan is a good idea.
<div id="choice">\
<<link "It is a good idea">>
<<replace '#choice'>>\
You give him a once-over. He got the broad genes like his brother and maybe there is something to all this new agey stuff because the man looks absolutely fine and prime, albeit there is a bit of rigidness in his frame. You say the first topic that came to your mind:
<<if $incest>>\
<<di you "I know about our family's curse.">>
<<di you "I know about your family's curse.">>
He only appears mildly surprised at this before a spiteful look takes over his face.
<<di unc "So you've known. Good. You must also know what a damned fucking curse that is.">>
He spits with heat. Wow, you're aware that it is a nuisance but his reaction shocks you.
<<di you "I guess it is bad but my $w.dad is still fine and dandy.">>
<<di unc "I tried to convince your $w.dad to follow my practice to resist that curse and maybe finally break it, but he didn't listen. We're men and shouldn't be controlled by such vulgar condition.">>
Somehow, you have your doubt about him having complete control over his libido. You know a way to test that but do you want to get there?
<div id="choice2">\
<<link "You do">>
<<replace '#choice2'>>\
<<di you "Really? You finally have full control over it? I don't believe you.">>
<<di unc "It's hard but after years of mindful practice and meditation, I've conquered the foul curse. Trust or not, it's up to you.">>
<<di you "Well, unless I see it. I don't think I'll trust you.">>
He's still your $w.dad's brother after all and the man has a competitive streak in him.
<<di unc "So how'd you like me to prove it.">>
You know just the thing.
<<di you "Watch some porn and let me see your reaction.">>
He looks torn and you can feel his will wavering before he nods:
<<di unc "Alright, if it's that what it takes.">>
Damn, life is good when you have a silver tongue.
<<link "Proceed" "Fairabo42">><</link>>
<<link "You don't">>
<<replace '#choice2'>>\
Probably not, he's still your $w.uncle who is distant and cold to you. You can't even mutter a sliver of heated emotion toward him so you announce:
<<di you "Okay, I give up. I can't do this to him.">>
<<di unc "What? I don't understand.">>
You reaffirm your decision to quit:
<<di you "I don't want to do this no more.">>
<<di unc "Alright, if you don't want to talk anymore then great.">>
He then walks away from your vision. Then finally the voice tells you:
<<dio "Sensual voice" "You've failed.">>
Speck of black appears and soon smears all your vision.
<<image whiteglow.png>>
<<link "Afterwards..." "Fairabo44">><</link>>
<<link "Not a good idea">>
<<replace '#choice'>>\
It's not. The idea of being intimate with your emotionally distant uncle gives you the heebie jeebies.
<<di you "Okay, I give up. I can't do this to him.">>
You announce loudly to the sensual voice.
<<di unc "What? I don't understand.">>
You reaffirm your decision to quit:
<<di you "I don't want to do this no more.">>
<<di unc "Alright, if you don't want to talk then great.">>
He then walks away from your vision. Then finally the voice tells you:
<<dio "Sensual voice" "You've failed.">>
Specks of black appear and soon smears all your vision.
<<image whiteglow.png>>
<<link "Afterwards..." "Fairabo44">><</link>>
</div>\<<scenechoices fair 1 0>>\
<<set $you.horniness = 0>>\
You two settle in on the couch as you turn on the TV and get a random porn video playing. The obscene sound of the actors blasts through the room, but you don't pay attention to it though. Your sole focus is now on your $w.uncle who is now sitting rigidly and immobile next to you, but his lower body indeed doesn't seem to react to the stimulation. You still give it another minute or two looking for any change but no luck.
<<di unc "Is this enough proof to you that I've mastered my desire? These things don't have any effect on me.">>
You throw an unimpressed look at him:
<<di you "This is just the first test, it also doesn't have an effect on me too...">>
You reveal your very much untented crotch. Straight porns usually don't do it for you so it makes sense.
<<di you "I can only believe it if you remain flaccid under stronger stimulation.">>
<<di unc "You mean I have to use my hand? That won't change anything.">>
He sounds confident in his words, but that's not what you have in mind.
<<di you "No, you have to stay soft while being blown.">>
<<di unc "How?">>
<<di you "I can do that.">>
His eyes widen looking a bit stunned, you don't stop the mocking tone in your voice though.
<<if $incest>>\
<<di you "If you don't accept it, I understand. It's obviously not easy to control your libido, especially for men of our descent.">>
<<di you "If you don't accept it, I understand. It's obviously not easy to control your libido, especially for men of your descent.">>
Men are so simple, he falls right into your trap.
<<di unc "Who says I couldn't do it? You can do it but it wouldn't make a difference.">>
He then undresses to reveal his still sleeping member just to make a point. With his blessing, your face inches closer and closer to his crotch and it hits you. The smell. Not sure if it's because he's been neglecting his cock for so long, you can detect the overpowering musk even from far away. Of course, that doesn't stop you from swallowing his member in one gulp.
You can hear the sharp intake of breath from above you and the sound of teeth gritting? You gotta admit the man has an impressive willpower to resist you for a dozen of seconds but within a minute of nursing, his cock finally reaches full mast. You continue the effort of giving him the best head by teasing his touch-deprived glans. His moan is choked by his will to stifle his base instinct.
<<video fair/fairunc11.mp4>>
<<di unc "Ffff... getting hard is one thing but I can assure you... ssshit... that I can still resist the curse and won't fucking... cum">>
Really? He really has to go there. You come up for air and a counter:
<<di you "That so? Then let's up the ante, shall we?">>
You get up and face your ass toward your $w.uncle.
<<di you "You must use my ass for five minutes without cumming.">>
That makes him pause, he now looks flushed and sweaty from the pleasure but you can still detect the fierce stubbornness coming off from him.
<<di unc "Alright, if that's what it takes.">>
His cockhead rests on your opening before pressing slowly inside. Damn the men of <<if $incest>>your<<else>>his<</if>> family are always well-endowned and the burn from his dick stretching your hole is divine. Once your hole swallows him to the hilt, he suddenly turns to stone.
<<di you "C'mon. Move and prove to me you're above that damn curse.">>
That flips a switch inside him and make him start fucking you in a way that can only be described as savage.
<<video fair/fairunc12.mp4>>
The way he pummels your hole is like a man having his last ever fuck - selfish. Only after a full minute, he abruptly stop again deep inside and heat spreads in your inner walls - he already cums.
<<video you/youbred9.mp4>>
Only after ten seconds though, his still hard shaft continues drilling your hole as if it didn't just shoot a load just now.
<<di you "Fffuck...!">>
<<video fair/fairunc13.mp4>>
You realize you're dealing with a man who is starved of sex that he now goes a little bit crazy when he has the chance. His goal is chasing his own orgasm while you're just a vessel for him to use to get some relief. And fuck, doesn't that (combined with the fact he's your $w.uncle) turn you on?
<<di unc "FFFFUCKKK!!!">>
He curses loudly before slamming into your channel one last time and unloading his seed on your hole.
<<video you/youbred14.mp4>>
That does you in and you synchronize your own climax with him.
<<video you/youfuckcum1.mp4>>
The room is filled with heavy breathing and it seems almost blissfully quiet until he suddenly get off from you.
<<di unc "FFFFUCKKK!!... All the work I've done... now it's all for nothing... all because of YOU!">>
He says venomously and appears to be more bothered by the fact he doesn't have the control over the curse than fucking his $w.nephew.
<<di unc "I... I need to get out of here.">>
He only manages to put on his shorts before flying out of the room at an impressive speed.
<<dio "Sensual voice" "You've passed.">>
Then as swiftly it takes you to your $w.uncle's bedroom, you're swept away in darkness.
<<image whiteglow.png>>
<<if $gameends>>\
<<link "Back" "Fairscenemenu">><</link>>
<<link "Afterwards..." "Fairabo43">><</link>>
<</if>>\The red neon sign "YOU WON" is the first welcome that you receive back in the real world.
<<dio "Fair worker" "Marvelous, you had a great showing with the final challenge just now. Really impressive. I'd say you're worthy of the fourth voucher of Abomination.">>
With this being the last, you'd expect the prize to be much grander but it turns out to be still the anticlimactic papery voucher. Still you take it and as you walk away from the booth, you can't help but feel forlorn about your $w.uncle's reaction during the challenge. Would your $w.uncle in real life react the same way when you trick him into fucking you? That, you may never find an answer.
<<link "Back">>
<<set $fair.cw ++>>
<<set $fair.abostage ++>>
<<if $hour >= 20>>
<<set _temph = 23 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<goto "Ardor Fair">>
<<set _temph = 3 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<goto "Fairclose1">>
<</link>>Back at the fair, your hand grasping the plastic hammer, and the red LED light saying "YOU LOSE" on the whack-a-mole machine.
<<dio "Fair worker" "Aww, that's too bad. You are this close to finish the final Abomination challenge.">>
Then he gently pries the hammer out of your hand since you're frankly a little bit discombobulated.
<<dio "Fair worker" "Maybe try again in another lifetime. Hahaha.">>
He then laughs a bit manically while turning you away. Despite having gone through with your $w.dad, $w.brother and $w.grandpa in previous challenges, you don't feel like all your effort has gone to waste. You let out a sigh of relief, you probably did the right thing.
<<link "Back">>
<<set $fair.abostage = -1>>
<<if $hour >= 20>>
<<set _temph = 23 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<goto "Ardor Fair">>
<<set _temph = 3 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<goto "Fairclose1">>
<</link>><<dio "Fair worker" "Hey there, I know you're eager but you already finish the last challenge.">>
<<di you "I can't continue to play even after winning the final challenge?">>
<<dio "Fair worker" "No, you can't.">>
He just stands in front of you, blocking you from entering the booth. Oh well.
<<link "Back" "Ardor Fair">>
<</link>>Once inside the tent, the fair worker skips all the formalities and hands you the hammer.
<<dio "Fair worker" "Back again? Let's hope your streak doesn't end today.">>
You squeeze your palms in anticipation before finally grasping the handle. Your eyes go sightless with white.
<<image whiteglow.png>>
Gaining back your vision, you see four men and the pattern with these challenges.
<<dio "Sensual voice" "Get them off individually with your ass.">>
The voice tells you emotionlessly and the guys start approaching you.
<<dio "Man 1" "So you're our today entertainment?">>
He then looks up and down at you - assessing.
<<dio "Man 2" "Nice, making the years of labor worth it.">>
In fact, they all look at you like the most delicious strip of beefsteak. Still you brush it off, because you're giving them the once over yourself and they all look hunky and exactly your type.
<<di you "Yeah? So what are you waiting for come and get it.">>
You give the come hither and are about to strip before you realize you have no clothes on.
<<dio "Man 1" "As you wish.">>
<<link "Proceed" "Fairass32">><</link>>He grabs your hips and sways until your ass is facing him. Ah... getting manhandled like this is always such a turn on. Well, feeling the blunt tip of a man cock on your hole is not so bad either. Then he presses in and the rough initial intrusion where there is just a slight bit of pain combined with the anticipation of getting pounded is always such a delight.
<<dio "Man 1" "Ssshit... you're one tight motherfucker.">>
Saying that, he doesn't go gentle on you though and proceeds to repeatedly slam his substantial length and force you to accept him. Obviously, you graciously do, well as graciously as one with their ass up being penetrated can. The speed of him rocking in and out of you is getting to a dangerous point.
<<video fair/assemblage31.mp4>>
<<dio "Man" "FFFFFUCK!!! I'M COMING...">>
Then he withdraws and begin spraying his load inside you.
<<video you/youbred6.mp4>>
Like the previous challenge, the scent of ash and fire along with the man's orgasm begin filling up your lungs and choking you.
<div id="choice">\
<<link "Catching your breath">>
<<if $gameends>>\
<<replace '#choice'>>\
Gasping, you narrowly escape fainting. Not waiting until the load on your ass dries, the next guy already lines up his member and proceeds to fuck you. It's fine, it's not like you need some time to recoup your strength or anything.
<<video fair/assemblage32.mp4>>
<<dio "Man 2" "Damn... fuck... I'm close...">>
With a grunt he follows the lead of the first guy and paints your hole even whiter with his seed.
<<video you/youbred3.mp4>>
Then it happens again, the smell of cinders smother you.
<div id="choice2">\
<<link "Catching your breath again">>
<<replace '#choice2'>>\
Breaking through the smoke, you hold on to your consciousness. The men obviously don't mind being the sloppy second or third because the next guy is already pushing into you. Slowly losing your own control, you moan wantonly in synchronization with each slam of his cock.
<<video fair/assemblage33.mp4>>
<<dio "Man 3" "Here it comes...!">>
That's the only warning before another load is spreaded all over your entrance.
<<video you/youbred7.mp4>>
Once more, the smoky scent invades your trachea.
<div id="choice3">\
<<link "Catching your breath again">>
<<replace '#choice3'>>\
<<dio "Man 4" "Good job... now be ready.">>
You don't even have time to center yourself before him already pushing in your loosened hole. Still it feels like this guy is the biggest of them all because your tender walls are stretched tight against his shaft.
<<video fair/assemblage34.mp4>>
You hear his huffing getting louder and louder with each thrust until a roar that signals his release.
<<video you/youbred12.mp4>>
Like clockwork, the smell of what you can describe as hell starts suffocating you. This time though, you don't even have any remaining strength left to stay conscious. As you succumb to the darkness, you hear a voice:
<<dio "Sensual voice" "You've passed.">>
<<image whiteglow.png>>
<<link "Back" "Fairscenemenu">><</link>>
<<goto "Fairass33">>
Aligning the arrow to the red highlighted space under. To move the the arrow to the left, press A on your keyboard or tap the ← button. To move the arrow to the right, press D on your keyboard or tap the → button.
<<link "Begin">>
<<replace ".passage">>\
<<set _countdown = 3>>\
<<set _timeleft = 15>>\
<<set _totalpoint = 0>>\
<<set _enablekey = false>>\
<<set _appearcountermax = 25>>\
<<set _appeardelay = 15>>\
<<set _appearcounter = 24>>\
<<set _keypress = 0>>\
<<set _position = 3>>\
<<on 'keydown'>>\
<<which 65>> /% the a key %/
<<set _position = Math.clamp(_position - 1, 1, 5)>>\
<<replace "#position">>\
<<if _position == 1>>\
<<elseif _position == 2>>\
<<elseif _position == 3>>\
<<elseif _position == 4>>\
<<which 68>> /% the d key %/
<<set _position = Math.clamp(_position + 1, 1, 5)>>\
<<replace "#position">>\
<<if _position == 1>>\
<<elseif _position == 2>>\
<<elseif _position == 3>>\
<<elseif _position == 4>>\
<<repeat 1s>>\
<<if _countdown == -1>>\
<<replace "#timeleft">>Time left: _timeleft<</replace>>\
<<if _timeleft === 0 or _totalpoint >= 100>>\
<<set _timeleft -->>\
<<off '.macro-event'>>\
<<set _timeleft -->>\
<<elseif _countdown == 0>>\
<<replace "#timeleft">>GO!<</replace>>\
<<replace "#keydisplay">>_countdown<</replace>>\
<<set _countdown -->>\
<<replace "#timeleft">>Ready?<</replace>>\
<<replace "#keydisplay">>_countdown<</replace>>\
<<set _countdown -->>\
<<repeat 0.1s>>\
<<if _countdown == -1>>\
<<if _timeleft === -1 and _totalpoint < 100>>\
<<replace "#keydisplay">>Failed!<</replace>>\
<<replace "#totalpoint">><</replace>>\
<<replace "#back">><<link "Fail" "Fairass37">><<off '.macro-event'>><</link>><</replace>>\
<<elseif _totalpoint >= 100>>\
<<replace "#keydisplay">>@@.add;Success!@@<</replace>>\
<<replace "#totalpoint">><</replace>>\
<<replace "#back">>\
<<link "Success">>
<<off '.macro-event'>>
<<replace ".passage">>\
Gasping, you narrowly escape fainting. Not waiting until the load on your ass dries, the next guy already lines up his member and proceeds to fuck you. It's fine, it's not like you need some time to recoup your strength or anything.
<<video fair/assemblage32.mp4>>
<<dio "Man 2" "Damn... fuck... I'm close...">>
With a grunt he follows the lead of the first guy and paints your hole even whiter with his seed.
<<video you/youbred3.mp4>>
Then it happens again, the smell of cinders smother you.
<<link "Catching your breath again" "Fairass34">>
<<set _appearcounter ++>>\
<<if _appearcounter == _appearcountermax>>\
<<set _randomkey = random(1,5)>>\
<<set _enablekey = true>>\
<<set _appearcounter = 0>>\
<<if _randomkey == 1>>\
<<replace "#keydisplay">>@@.minus;—@@————<</replace>>\
<<elseif _randomkey == 2>>\
<<replace "#keydisplay">>—@@.minus;—@@———<</replace>>\
<<elseif _randomkey == 3>>\
<<replace "#keydisplay">>——@@.minus;—@@——<</replace>>\
<<elseif _randomkey == 4>>\
<<replace "#keydisplay">>———@@.minus;—@@—<</replace>>\
<<replace "#keydisplay">>————@@.minus;—@@<</replace>>\
<<if _position == _randomkey>>\
<<set _totalpoint = Math.clamp(_totalpoint + 3, 0, 100)>>\
<<replace "#totalpoint">>Progress: _totalpoint/100<</replace>>\
<div id="timeleft" style="text-align: center; font-size: 40px; font-weight: bold">Ready?</div>
<div id="position" style="text-align: center; font-size: 40px; font-weight: bold">——V——</div>\
<div id="keydisplay" style="text-align: center; font-size: 40px; font-weight: bold">_countdown</div>
<center><<link "<b>⠀⠀⠀←⠀⠀⠀</b>">>\
<<if _totalpoint < 100 and _timeleft > 0>>\
<<set _position = Math.clamp(_position - 1, 1, 5)>>\
<<replace "#position">>\
<<if _position == 1>>\
<<elseif _position == 2>>\
<<elseif _position == 3>>\
<<elseif _position == 4>>\
<<link "<b>⠀⠀⠀→⠀⠀⠀</b>">>\
<<if _totalpoint < 100 and _timeleft > 0>>\
<<set _position = Math.clamp(_position + 1, 1, 5)>>\
<<replace "#position">>\
<<if _position == 1>>\
<<elseif _position == 2>>\
<<elseif _position == 3>>\
<<elseif _position == 4>>\
<span id="totalpoint" style="font-size: 20px; font-weight: bold">Progress: _totalpoint/100</span>
<span id="back"><<link "Give up" "Fairass37">><<off '.macro-event'>><</link>></span>\
<</link>><<set _countdown = 3>>\
<<set _timeleft = 15>>\
<<set _totalpoint = 0>>\
<<set _enablekey = false>>\
<<set _appearcountermax = 20>>\
<<set _appeardelay = 15>>\
<<set _appearcounter = 19>>\
<<set _keypress = 0>>\
<<set _position = 3>>\
<<on 'keydown'>>\
<<which 65>> /% the a key %/
<<set _position = Math.clamp(_position - 1, 1, 5)>>\
<<replace "#position">>\
<<if _position == 1>>\
<<elseif _position == 2>>\
<<elseif _position == 3>>\
<<elseif _position == 4>>\
<<which 68>> /% the d key %/
<<set _position = Math.clamp(_position + 1, 1, 5)>>\
<<replace "#position">>\
<<if _position == 1>>\
<<elseif _position == 2>>\
<<elseif _position == 3>>\
<<elseif _position == 4>>\
<<repeat 1s>>\
<<if _countdown == -1>>\
<<replace "#timeleft">>Time left: _timeleft<</replace>>\
<<if _timeleft === 0 or _totalpoint >= 100>>\
<<set _timeleft -->>\
<<off '.macro-event'>>\
<<set _timeleft -->>\
<<elseif _countdown == 0>>\
<<replace "#timeleft">>GO!<</replace>>\
<<replace "#keydisplay">>_countdown<</replace>>\
<<set _countdown -->>\
<<replace "#timeleft">>Ready?<</replace>>\
<<replace "#keydisplay">>_countdown<</replace>>\
<<set _countdown -->>\
<<repeat 0.1s>>\
<<if _countdown == -1>>\
<<if _timeleft === -1 and _totalpoint < 100>>\
<<replace "#keydisplay">>Failed!<</replace>>\
<<replace "#totalpoint">><</replace>>\
<<replace "#back">><<link "Fail" "Fairass37">><<off '.macro-event'>><</link>><</replace>>\
<<elseif _totalpoint >= 100>>\
<<replace "#keydisplay">>@@.add;Success!@@<</replace>>\
<<replace "#totalpoint">><</replace>>\
<<replace "#back">>\
<<link "Success">>
<<off '.macro-event'>>
<<replace ".passage">>\
Breaking through the smoke, you hold on to your consciousness. The men obviously don't mind being the sloppy second or third because the next guy is already pushing into you. Slowly losing your own control, you moan wantonly in synchronization with each slam of his cock.
<<video fair/assemblage33.mp4>>
<<dio "Man 3" "Here it comes...!">>
That's the only warning before another load is spreaded all over your entrance.
<<video you/youbred7.mp4>>
Once more, the smoky scent invades your trachea.
<<link "One more time" "Fairass35">>
<<set _appearcounter ++>>\
<<if _appearcounter == _appearcountermax>>\
<<set _randomkey = random(1,5)>>\
<<set _enablekey = true>>\
<<set _appearcounter = 0>>\
<<if _randomkey == 1>>\
<<replace "#keydisplay">>@@.minus;—@@————<</replace>>\
<<elseif _randomkey == 2>>\
<<replace "#keydisplay">>—@@.minus;—@@———<</replace>>\
<<elseif _randomkey == 3>>\
<<replace "#keydisplay">>——@@.minus;—@@——<</replace>>\
<<elseif _randomkey == 4>>\
<<replace "#keydisplay">>———@@.minus;—@@—<</replace>>\
<<replace "#keydisplay">>————@@.minus;—@@<</replace>>\
<<if _position == _randomkey>>\
<<set _totalpoint = Math.clamp(_totalpoint + 3, 0, 100)>>\
<<replace "#totalpoint">>Progress: _totalpoint/100<</replace>>\
<div id="timeleft" style="text-align: center; font-size: 40px; font-weight: bold">Ready?</div>
<div id="position" style="text-align: center; font-size: 40px; font-weight: bold">——V——</div>\
<div id="keydisplay" style="text-align: center; font-size: 40px; font-weight: bold">_countdown</div>
<center><<link "<b>⠀⠀⠀←⠀⠀⠀</b>">>\
<<if _totalpoint < 100 and _timeleft > 0>>\
<<set _position = Math.clamp(_position - 1, 1, 5)>>\
<<replace "#position">>\
<<if _position == 1>>\
<<elseif _position == 2>>\
<<elseif _position == 3>>\
<<elseif _position == 4>>\
<<link "<b>⠀⠀⠀→⠀⠀⠀</b>">>\
<<if _totalpoint < 100 and _timeleft > 0>>\
<<set _position = Math.clamp(_position + 1, 1, 5)>>\
<<replace "#position">>\
<<if _position == 1>>\
<<elseif _position == 2>>\
<<elseif _position == 3>>\
<<elseif _position == 4>>\
<span id="totalpoint" style="font-size: 20px; font-weight: bold">Progress: _totalpoint/100</span>
<span id="back"><<link "Give up" "Fairass37">><<off '.macro-event'>><</link>></span>\<<set _countdown = 3>>\
<<set _timeleft = 15>>\
<<set _totalpoint = 0>>\
<<set _enablekey = false>>\
<<set _appearcountermax = 15>>\
<<set _appeardelay = 15>>\
<<set _appearcounter = 14>>\
<<set _keypress = 0>>\
<<set _position = 3>>\
<<on 'keydown'>>\
<<which 65>> /% the a key %/
<<set _position = Math.clamp(_position - 1, 1, 5)>>\
<<replace "#position">>\
<<if _position == 1>>\
<<elseif _position == 2>>\
<<elseif _position == 3>>\
<<elseif _position == 4>>\
<<which 68>> /% the d key %/
<<set _position = Math.clamp(_position + 1, 1, 5)>>\
<<replace "#position">>\
<<if _position == 1>>\
<<elseif _position == 2>>\
<<elseif _position == 3>>\
<<elseif _position == 4>>\
<<repeat 1s>>\
<<if _countdown == -1>>\
<<replace "#timeleft">>Time left: _timeleft<</replace>>\
<<if _timeleft === 0 or _totalpoint >= 100>>\
<<set _timeleft -->>\
<<off '.macro-event'>>\
<<set _timeleft -->>\
<<elseif _countdown == 0>>\
<<replace "#timeleft">>GO!<</replace>>\
<<replace "#keydisplay">>_countdown<</replace>>\
<<set _countdown -->>\
<<replace "#timeleft">>Ready?<</replace>>\
<<replace "#keydisplay">>_countdown<</replace>>\
<<set _countdown -->>\
<<repeat 0.1s>>\
<<if _countdown == -1>>\
<<if _timeleft === -1 and _totalpoint < 100>>\
<<replace "#keydisplay">>Failed!<</replace>>\
<<replace "#totalpoint">><</replace>>\
<<replace "#back">><<link "Fail" "Fairass37">><<off '.macro-event'>><</link>><</replace>>\
<<elseif _totalpoint >= 100>>\
<<replace "#keydisplay">>@@.add;Success!@@<</replace>>\
<<replace "#totalpoint">><</replace>>\
<<replace "#back">>\
<<link "Success">>
<<off '.macro-event'>>
<<replace ".passage">>\
<<dio "Man 4" "Good job... now be ready.">>
You don't even have time to center yourself before him already pushing in your loosened hole. Still it feels like this guy is the biggest of them all because your tender walls are stretched tight against his shaft.
<<video fair/assemblage34.mp4>>
You hear his huffing getting louder and louder with each thrust until a roar that signals his release.
<<video you/youbred12.mp4>>
Like clockwork, the smell of what you can describe as hell starts suffocating you. This time though, you don't even have any remaining strength left to stay conscious. As you succumb to the darkness, you hear a voice:
<<dio "Sensual voice" "You've passed.">>
<<image whiteglow.png>>
<<link "Afterwards..." "Fairass36">>
<<set _appearcounter ++>>\
<<if _appearcounter == _appearcountermax>>\
<<set _randomkey = random(1,5)>>\
<<set _enablekey = true>>\
<<set _appearcounter = 0>>\
<<if _randomkey == 1>>\
<<replace "#keydisplay">>@@.minus;—@@————<</replace>>\
<<elseif _randomkey == 2>>\
<<replace "#keydisplay">>—@@.minus;—@@———<</replace>>\
<<elseif _randomkey == 3>>\
<<replace "#keydisplay">>——@@.minus;—@@——<</replace>>\
<<elseif _randomkey == 4>>\
<<replace "#keydisplay">>———@@.minus;—@@—<</replace>>\
<<replace "#keydisplay">>————@@.minus;—@@<</replace>>\
<<if _position == _randomkey>>\
<<set _totalpoint = Math.clamp(_totalpoint + 3, 0, 100)>>\
<<replace "#totalpoint">>Progress: _totalpoint/100<</replace>>\
<div id="timeleft" style="text-align: center; font-size: 40px; font-weight: bold">Ready?</div>
<div id="position" style="text-align: center; font-size: 40px; font-weight: bold">——V——</div>\
<div id="keydisplay" style="text-align: center; font-size: 40px; font-weight: bold">_countdown</div>
<center><<link "<b>⠀⠀⠀←⠀⠀⠀</b>">>\
<<if _totalpoint < 100 and _timeleft > 0>>\
<<set _position = Math.clamp(_position - 1, 1, 5)>>\
<<replace "#position">>\
<<if _position == 1>>\
<<elseif _position == 2>>\
<<elseif _position == 3>>\
<<elseif _position == 4>>\
<<link "<b>⠀⠀⠀→⠀⠀⠀</b>">>\
<<if _totalpoint < 100 and _timeleft > 0>>\
<<set _position = Math.clamp(_position + 1, 1, 5)>>\
<<replace "#position">>\
<<if _position == 1>>\
<<elseif _position == 2>>\
<<elseif _position == 3>>\
<<elseif _position == 4>>\
<span id="totalpoint" style="font-size: 20px; font-weight: bold">Progress: _totalpoint/100</span>
<span id="back"><<link "Give up" "Fairass37">><<off '.macro-event'>><</link>></span>\<<if not $gameends and (not setup.ws.Fairass32 or not $ws.Fairass32)>>\
<<set setup.ws.Fairass32 = true>>\
<<set $ws.Fairass32 = true>>\
<<run memorize('ws', setup.ws)>>\
Damp - that's the first feeling you feel after waking up from the challenge. You thought someone threw a bucket of water on you but turns out you're just soaking with sweat. You hear an impressed whistle.
<<dio "Fair worker" "Goddamn, you've passed the challenge. For just a second there I thought you couldn't make it.">>
He cheerily gives you the voucher "Assemblage - 3" and pats you on the back as the congratulation:
<<dio "Fair worker" "You've earned it.">>
Walking away from the booth and under the sun, you can't help but feel a bit dizzy. Shit, will this challenge ever get less exhausting?
<<link "Back">>
<<set $fair.cw ++>>
<<set $fair.assstage ++>>
<<if $hour >= 20>>
<<set _temph = 23 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<goto "Ardor Fair">>
<<set _temph = 3 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<goto "Fairclose1">>
<</link>>Unable to get some oxygen, you feel your body going limp and then collapse.
Opening your eyes again, you gasp in a lungful of air. Sweat running on your forehead and your back. In front of you is the hammer that you're grasping tightly with your sweaty palms.
<<dio "Fair worker" "Hahahaha, nice try, buddy but it appears your strength is not enough for this round of Assemblage.">>
Only then, you realize you're back at the bustling fair instead of that white space.
<<dio "Fair worker" "Don't worry, you had a good showing. Perhaps, try again in another... lifetime. Hahaha.">>
He laughs and then dismisses you from the booth. Still, you sneeze the fiery smell is still present in your nose
<<link "Back">>
<<set $fair.assstage = -1>>
<<if $hour >= 20>>
<<set _temph = 23 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<goto "Ardor Fair">>
<<set _temph = 3 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<goto "Fairclose1">>
<</link>>This is probably the last time you will step foot inside this booth. The last two times, you've barely made it out alive. You feel apprehensive if your stamina can withstand the definitely much tougher trial of the fourth challenge.
<<dio "Fair worker" "Isn't this our regular? Will you be able to best the fourth challenge of Assemblage today? We'll see.">>
He hands you the hammer. You inhale deeply to calm your nerves before taking the handle. White light blinds you completely.
<<image whiteglow.png>>
Regaining your vision, you expect five, hell even, six guys. What you don't expect is a crowd full of gorgeous men standing in front of you.
<<dio "Sensual voice" "Get them all off by all means necessary.">>
In normal circumstances, it doesn't scare you to do group sex with a bunch of studs however you know for a fact there is something strange about their semen. If they collectively jizz, you aren't sure if there is a chance you can survive that. However, there is no other choice if you want to get the final voucher. Thus, you walk up to them with gutso.
<<link "Proceed" "Fairass42">><</link>><<di you "Ready, boys?">>
<<dio "Man 1" "We got a fiesty one, huh?">>
<<dio "Man 2" "Alright.">>
<<dio "Man 3" "Let's go.">>
The men surround quickly and waste almost no time getting their cocks inside your body. That means their members sliding in and out of your open mouth and your tight asshole. All the apprehension you feel before is now gone since you're in your idea of paradise - being thoroughly fucked by a group handsome men.
<<video fair/assemblage41.mp4>>
<<dio "Man 1" "Shit...! I'm about to...">>
<<dio "Man 2" "Me too...">>
<<video you/youfacial11.mp4>>
With those warnings, they both open fire at you and of course, the fiery smell begins to emerge.
<div id="choice">\
<<link "Catching your breath">>
<<if $gameends>>\
<<replace '#choice'>>\
Gulping a lungful of air, you barely make it without passing out. Before you're even mindfully sound, there is already a hardon prying your lips open and another squirming into your ass.
<<dio "Man 3" "Damn! This slut is still so tight...">>
<<dio "Man 4" "Yeah? I'll have to try that hole...">>
They switch sides and start drilling both of your ends roughly like they want to meet in the middle.
<<video fair/assemblage42.mp4>>
<<dio "Man 4" "You're right... fuck... his ass is gonna make me cum soon.">>
<<dio "Man 3" "Yeah... I'm about to bust too...">>
Soon after the announcements, the guy fucking your ass is blowing first smearing him cum over your hole.
<<video you/youbred13.mp4>>
It doesn't take long for the guy getting sucked to follow suit and spray his seed all over your mug.
The smell of fire now morphs into almost sulfur once again chokes the living out of you.
<div id="choice2">\
<<link "Catching your breath again">>
<<replace '#choice2'>>\
Gasping and shaking, those are not voluntary action but your base instinct kicking in. You could use a breather but there is indeed no rest for the wicked as there is another pair now replacing the last two.
<<dio "Man 5" "I'm sure his ass can accommodate two at the same time.">>
He says that before nudging inside your already pounded hole. At this point, you're a bit numb and getting dp'd is the perfect method to rev your engine back up and find some pleasure.
<<video fair/assemblage43.mp4>>
You're getting absolutely knackered for god knows how long until their gradual grunts.
The two men dping you, each takes turns flooding your crack while the guy you blow rehydrates your now slightly crusty face.
<<video you/youfacial15.mp4>>
Three loads at the same time, you can only imagine what the smell is like, it reaches to the point of poisonous fumes.
<div id="choice3">\
<<link "Catching your breath again">>
<<replace '#choice3'>>\
Breathing in, you don't even have a sliver of mind power to figure what's happening anymore.
<div id="choice3">\
<<link "You failed to catch your breath">>
<<replace '#choice3'>>\
You black out and think: "Did I lose?"
<<dio "Sensual voice" "You've...">>
<<image whiteglow.png>>
<<link "Back" "Fairscenemenu">><</link>>
<<goto "Fairass43">>
Aligning the arrow to the red highlighted space under. To move the the arrow to the left, press A on your keyboard or tap the ← button. To move the arrow to the right, press D on your keyboard or tap the → button.
<<link "Begin">>
<<replace ".passage">>\
<<set _countdown = 3>>\
<<set _timeleft = 15>>\
<<set _totalpoint = 0>>\
<<set _enablekey = false>>\
<<set _appearcountermax = 20>>\
<<set _appeardelay = 15>>\
<<set _appearcounter = 19>>\
<<set _keypress = 0>>\
<<set _position = 3>>\
<<on 'keydown'>>\
<<which 65>> /% the a key %/
<<set _position = Math.clamp(_position - 1, 1, 5)>>\
<<replace "#position">>\
<<if _position == 1>>\
<<elseif _position == 2>>\
<<elseif _position == 3>>\
<<elseif _position == 4>>\
<<which 68>> /% the d key %/
<<set _position = Math.clamp(_position + 1, 1, 5)>>\
<<replace "#position">>\
<<if _position == 1>>\
<<elseif _position == 2>>\
<<elseif _position == 3>>\
<<elseif _position == 4>>\
<<repeat 1s>>\
<<if _countdown == -1>>\
<<replace "#timeleft">>Time left: _timeleft<</replace>>\
<<if _timeleft === 0 or _totalpoint >= 100>>\
<<set _timeleft -->>\
<<off '.macro-event'>>\
<<set _timeleft -->>\
<<elseif _countdown == 0>>\
<<replace "#timeleft">>GO!<</replace>>\
<<replace "#keydisplay">>_countdown<</replace>>\
<<set _countdown -->>\
<<replace "#timeleft">>Ready?<</replace>>\
<<replace "#keydisplay">>_countdown<</replace>>\
<<set _countdown -->>\
<<repeat 0.1s>>\
<<if _countdown == -1>>\
<<if _timeleft === -1 and _totalpoint < 100>>\
<<replace "#keydisplay">>Failed!<</replace>>\
<<replace "#totalpoint">><</replace>>\
<<replace "#back">><<link "Fail" "Fairass4f">><<off '.macro-event'>><</link>><</replace>>\
<<elseif _totalpoint >= 100>>\
<<replace "#keydisplay">>@@.add;Success!@@<</replace>>\
<<replace "#totalpoint">><</replace>>\
<<replace "#back">>\
<<link "Success">>
<<off '.macro-event'>>
<<replace ".passage">>\
Gulping a lungful of air, you barely make it without passing out. Before you're even mindfully sound, there is already a hardon prying your lips open and another squirming into your ass.
<<dio "Man 3" "Damn! This slut is still so tight...">>
<<dio "Man 4" "Yeah? I'll have to try that hole...">>
They switch sides and start drilling both of your ends roughly like they want to meet in the middle. <<video fair/assemblage42.mp4>>
<<dio "Man 4" "You're right... fuck... his ass is gonna make me cum soon.">>
<<dio "Man 3" "Yeah... I'm about to bust too...">>
Soon after the announcements, the guy fucking your ass is blowing first smearing him cum over your hole.
<<video you/youbred13.mp4>>
It doesn't take long for the guy getting sucked to follow suit and spray his seed all over your mug.
The smell of fire now morphs into almost sulfur and once again chokes the living out of you.
<<link "Catching your breath again" "Fairass44">>
<<set _appearcounter ++>>\
<<if _appearcounter == _appearcountermax>>\
<<set _randomkey = random(1,5)>>\
<<set _enablekey = true>>\
<<set _appearcounter = 0>>\
<<if _randomkey == 1>>\
<<replace "#keydisplay">>@@.minus;—@@————<</replace>>\
<<elseif _randomkey == 2>>\
<<replace "#keydisplay">>—@@.minus;—@@———<</replace>>\
<<elseif _randomkey == 3>>\
<<replace "#keydisplay">>——@@.minus;—@@——<</replace>>\
<<elseif _randomkey == 4>>\
<<replace "#keydisplay">>———@@.minus;—@@—<</replace>>\
<<replace "#keydisplay">>————@@.minus;—@@<</replace>>\
<<if _position == _randomkey>>\
<<set _totalpoint = Math.clamp(_totalpoint + 3, 0, 100)>>\
<<replace "#totalpoint">>Progress: _totalpoint/100<</replace>>\
<div id="timeleft" style="text-align: center; font-size: 40px; font-weight: bold">Ready?</div>
<div id="position" style="text-align: center; font-size: 40px; font-weight: bold">——V——</div>\
<div id="keydisplay" style="text-align: center; font-size: 40px; font-weight: bold">_countdown</div>
<center><<link "<b>⠀⠀⠀←⠀⠀⠀</b>">>\
<<if _totalpoint < 100 and _timeleft > 0>>\
<<set _position = Math.clamp(_position - 1, 1, 5)>>\
<<replace "#position">>\
<<if _position == 1>>\
<<elseif _position == 2>>\
<<elseif _position == 3>>\
<<elseif _position == 4>>\
<<link "<b>⠀⠀⠀→⠀⠀⠀</b>">>\
<<if _totalpoint < 100 and _timeleft > 0>>\
<<set _position = Math.clamp(_position + 1, 1, 5)>>\
<<replace "#position">>\
<<if _position == 1>>\
<<elseif _position == 2>>\
<<elseif _position == 3>>\
<<elseif _position == 4>>\
<span id="totalpoint" style="font-size: 20px; font-weight: bold">Progress: _totalpoint/100</span>
<span id="back"><<link "Give up" "Fairass4f">><<off '.macro-event'>><</link>></span>\
<</link>><<set _countdown = 3>>\
<<set _timeleft = 15>>\
<<set _totalpoint = 0>>\
<<set _enablekey = false>>\
<<set _appearcountermax = 15>>\
<<set _appeardelay = 15>>\
<<set _appearcounter = 14>>\
<<set _keypress = 0>>\
<<set _position = 3>>\
<<on 'keydown'>>\
<<which 65>> /% the a key %/
<<set _position = Math.clamp(_position - 1, 1, 5)>>\
<<replace "#position">>\
<<if _position == 1>>\
<<elseif _position == 2>>\
<<elseif _position == 3>>\
<<elseif _position == 4>>\
<<which 68>> /% the d key %/
<<set _position = Math.clamp(_position + 1, 1, 5)>>\
<<replace "#position">>\
<<if _position == 1>>\
<<elseif _position == 2>>\
<<elseif _position == 3>>\
<<elseif _position == 4>>\
<<repeat 1s>>\
<<if _countdown == -1>>\
<<replace "#timeleft">>Time left: _timeleft<</replace>>\
<<if _timeleft === 0 or _totalpoint >= 100>>\
<<set _timeleft -->>\
<<off '.macro-event'>>\
<<set _timeleft -->>\
<<elseif _countdown == 0>>\
<<replace "#timeleft">>GO!<</replace>>\
<<replace "#keydisplay">>_countdown<</replace>>\
<<set _countdown -->>\
<<replace "#timeleft">>Ready?<</replace>>\
<<replace "#keydisplay">>_countdown<</replace>>\
<<set _countdown -->>\
<<repeat 0.1s>>\
<<if _countdown == -1>>\
<<if _timeleft === -1 and _totalpoint < 100>>\
<<replace "#keydisplay">>Failed!<</replace>>\
<<replace "#totalpoint">><</replace>>\
<<replace "#back">><<link "Fail" "Fairass4f">><<off '.macro-event'>><</link>><</replace>>\
<<elseif _totalpoint >= 100>>\
<<replace "#keydisplay">>@@.add;Success!@@<</replace>>\
<<replace "#totalpoint">><</replace>>\
<<replace "#back">>\
<<link "Success">>
<<off '.macro-event'>>
<<replace ".passage">>\
Gasping and shaking, those are not voluntary action but your base instinct kicking in. You could use a breather but there is indeed no rest for the wicked as there is another pair now replacing the last two.
<<dio "Man 5" "I'm sure his ass can accommodate two at the same time.">>
He says that before nudging inside your already pounded hole. At this point, you're a bit numb and getting dp'd is the perfect method to rev your engine back up and find some pleasure.
<<video fair/assemblage43.mp4>>
You're getting absolutely knackered for god knows how long until their gradual grunts.
The two men dping you, each takes turns flooding your crack while the guy you blow re-wet your now slightly crusty face.
<<video you/youfacial15.mp4>>
Three loads at the same time, you can only imagine what the smell is like, it reaches to the point of poisonous fumes.
<<link "One more time" "Fairass45">>
<<set _appearcounter ++>>\
<<if _appearcounter == _appearcountermax>>\
<<set _randomkey = random(1,5)>>\
<<set _enablekey = true>>\
<<set _appearcounter = 0>>\
<<if _randomkey == 1>>\
<<replace "#keydisplay">>@@.minus;—@@————<</replace>>\
<<elseif _randomkey == 2>>\
<<replace "#keydisplay">>—@@.minus;—@@———<</replace>>\
<<elseif _randomkey == 3>>\
<<replace "#keydisplay">>——@@.minus;—@@——<</replace>>\
<<elseif _randomkey == 4>>\
<<replace "#keydisplay">>———@@.minus;—@@—<</replace>>\
<<replace "#keydisplay">>————@@.minus;—@@<</replace>>\
<<if _position == _randomkey>>\
<<set _totalpoint = Math.clamp(_totalpoint + 3, 0, 100)>>\
<<replace "#totalpoint">>Progress: _totalpoint/100<</replace>>\
<div id="timeleft" style="text-align: center; font-size: 40px; font-weight: bold">Ready?</div>
<div id="position" style="text-align: center; font-size: 40px; font-weight: bold">——V——</div>\
<div id="keydisplay" style="text-align: center; font-size: 40px; font-weight: bold">_countdown</div>
<center><<link "<b>⠀⠀⠀←⠀⠀⠀</b>">>\
<<if _totalpoint < 100 and _timeleft > 0>>\
<<set _position = Math.clamp(_position - 1, 1, 5)>>\
<<replace "#position">>\
<<if _position == 1>>\
<<elseif _position == 2>>\
<<elseif _position == 3>>\
<<elseif _position == 4>>\
<<link "<b>⠀⠀⠀→⠀⠀⠀</b>">>\
<<if _totalpoint < 100 and _timeleft > 0>>\
<<set _position = Math.clamp(_position + 1, 1, 5)>>\
<<replace "#position">>\
<<if _position == 1>>\
<<elseif _position == 2>>\
<<elseif _position == 3>>\
<<elseif _position == 4>>\
<span id="totalpoint" style="font-size: 20px; font-weight: bold">Progress: _totalpoint/100</span>
<span id="back"><<link "Give up" "Fairass4f">><<off '.macro-event'>><</link>></span>\<<set _countdown = 3>>\
<<set _timeleft = 15>>\
<<set _totalpoint = 0>>\
<<set _enablekey = false>>\
<<set _appearcountermax = 10>>\
<<set _appeardelay = 15>>\
<<set _appearcounter = 9>>\
<<set _keypress = 0>>\
<<set _position = 3>>\
<<on 'keydown'>>\
<<which 65>> /% the a key %/
<<set _position = Math.clamp(_position - 1, 1, 5)>>\
<<replace "#position">>\
<<if _position == 1>>\
<<elseif _position == 2>>\
<<elseif _position == 3>>\
<<elseif _position == 4>>\
<<which 68>> /% the d key %/
<<set _position = Math.clamp(_position + 1, 1, 5)>>\
<<replace "#position">>\
<<if _position == 1>>\
<<elseif _position == 2>>\
<<elseif _position == 3>>\
<<elseif _position == 4>>\
<<repeat 1s>>\
<<if _countdown == -1>>\
<<replace "#timeleft">>Time left: _timeleft<</replace>>\
<<if _timeleft === 0 or _totalpoint >= 100>>\
<<set _timeleft -->>\
<<off '.macro-event'>>\
<<set _timeleft -->>\
<<elseif _countdown == 0>>\
<<replace "#timeleft">>GO!<</replace>>\
<<replace "#keydisplay">>_countdown<</replace>>\
<<set _countdown -->>\
<<replace "#timeleft">>Ready?<</replace>>\
<<replace "#keydisplay">>_countdown<</replace>>\
<<set _countdown -->>\
<<repeat 0.1s>>\
<<if _countdown == -1>>\
<<if _timeleft === -1 and _totalpoint < 100>>\
<<replace "#keydisplay">>Failed!<</replace>>\
<<replace "#totalpoint">><</replace>>\
<<replace "#back">><<link "Fail" "Fairass49">><<off '.macro-event'>><</link>><</replace>>\
<<elseif _totalpoint >= 100>>\
<<replace "#keydisplay">>@@.add;Success!@@<</replace>>\
<<replace "#totalpoint">><</replace>>\
<<replace "#back">>\
<<link "Success">>
<<off '.macro-event'>>
<<replace ".passage">>\
Breathing in, you don't even have a sliver of mind power to figure what's happening anymore.
<<video fair/assemblage44.mp4>>
<<link "One more..." "Fairass46">>
<<set _appearcounter ++>>\
<<if _appearcounter == _appearcountermax>>\
<<set _randomkey = random(1,5)>>\
<<set _enablekey = true>>\
<<set _appearcounter = 0>>\
<<if _randomkey == 1>>\
<<replace "#keydisplay">>@@.minus;—@@————<</replace>>\
<<elseif _randomkey == 2>>\
<<replace "#keydisplay">>—@@.minus;—@@———<</replace>>\
<<elseif _randomkey == 3>>\
<<replace "#keydisplay">>——@@.minus;—@@——<</replace>>\
<<elseif _randomkey == 4>>\
<<replace "#keydisplay">>———@@.minus;—@@—<</replace>>\
<<replace "#keydisplay">>————@@.minus;—@@<</replace>>\
<<if _position == _randomkey>>\
<<set _totalpoint = Math.clamp(_totalpoint + 3, 0, 100)>>\
<<replace "#totalpoint">>Progress: _totalpoint/100<</replace>>\
<div id="timeleft" style="text-align: center; font-size: 40px; font-weight: bold">Ready?</div>
<div id="position" style="text-align: center; font-size: 40px; font-weight: bold">——V——</div>\
<div id="keydisplay" style="text-align: center; font-size: 40px; font-weight: bold">_countdown</div>
<center><<link "<b>⠀⠀⠀←⠀⠀⠀</b>">>\
<<if _totalpoint < 100 and _timeleft > 0>>\
<<set _position = Math.clamp(_position - 1, 1, 5)>>\
<<replace "#position">>\
<<if _position == 1>>\
<<elseif _position == 2>>\
<<elseif _position == 3>>\
<<elseif _position == 4>>\
<<link "<b>⠀⠀⠀→⠀⠀⠀</b>">>\
<<if _totalpoint < 100 and _timeleft > 0>>\
<<set _position = Math.clamp(_position + 1, 1, 5)>>\
<<replace "#position">>\
<<if _position == 1>>\
<<elseif _position == 2>>\
<<elseif _position == 3>>\
<<elseif _position == 4>>\
<span id="totalpoint" style="font-size: 20px; font-weight: bold">Progress: _totalpoint/100</span>
<span id="back"><<link "Give up" "Fairass49">><<off '.macro-event'>><</link>></span>\<<set _countdown = 3>>\
<<set _timeleft = 15>>\
<<set _totalpoint = 0>>\
<<set _enablekey = false>>\
<<set _appearcountermax = 5>>\
<<set _appeardelay = 15>>\
<<set _appearcounter = 4>>\
<<set _keypress = 0>>\
<<set _position = 3>>\
<<on 'keydown'>>\
<<which 65>> /% the a key %/
<<set _position = Math.clamp(_position - 1, 1, 5)>>\
<<replace "#position">>\
<<if _position == 1>>\
<<elseif _position == 2>>\
<<elseif _position == 3>>\
<<elseif _position == 4>>\
<<which 68>> /% the d key %/
<<set _position = Math.clamp(_position + 1, 1, 5)>>\
<<replace "#position">>\
<<if _position == 1>>\
<<elseif _position == 2>>\
<<elseif _position == 3>>\
<<elseif _position == 4>>\
<<repeat 1s>>\
<<if _countdown == -1>>\
<<replace "#timeleft">>Time left: _timeleft<</replace>>\
<<if _timeleft === 0 or _totalpoint >= 100>>\
<<set _timeleft -->>\
<<off '.macro-event'>>\
<<set _timeleft -->>\
<<elseif _countdown == 0>>\
<<replace "#timeleft">>GO!<</replace>>\
<<replace "#keydisplay">>_countdown<</replace>>\
<<set _countdown -->>\
<<replace "#timeleft">>Ready?<</replace>>\
<<replace "#keydisplay">>_countdown<</replace>>\
<<set _countdown -->>\
<<repeat 0.1s>>\
<<if _countdown == -1>>\
<<if _timeleft === -1 and _totalpoint < 100>>\
<<replace "#keydisplay">>Failed!<</replace>>\
<<replace "#totalpoint">><</replace>>\
<<replace "#back">><<link "Fail" "Fairass49">><<off '.macro-event'>><</link>><</replace>>\
<<elseif _totalpoint >= 100>>\
<<replace "#keydisplay">>@@.add;Success!@@<</replace>>\
<<replace "#totalpoint">><</replace>>\
<<replace "#back">>\
<<link "Success">>
<<off '.macro-event'>>
<<replace ".passage">>\
Has this ended yet? How long will this continue?
<<video fair/assemblage45.mp4>>
<<link "More!" "Fairass47">>
<<set _appearcounter ++>>\
<<if _appearcounter == _appearcountermax>>\
<<set _randomkey = random(1,5)>>\
<<set _enablekey = true>>\
<<set _appearcounter = 0>>\
<<if _randomkey == 1>>\
<<replace "#keydisplay">>@@.minus;—@@————<</replace>>\
<<elseif _randomkey == 2>>\
<<replace "#keydisplay">>—@@.minus;—@@———<</replace>>\
<<elseif _randomkey == 3>>\
<<replace "#keydisplay">>——@@.minus;—@@——<</replace>>\
<<elseif _randomkey == 4>>\
<<replace "#keydisplay">>———@@.minus;—@@—<</replace>>\
<<replace "#keydisplay">>————@@.minus;—@@<</replace>>\
<<if _position == _randomkey>>\
<<set _totalpoint = Math.clamp(_totalpoint + 3, 0, 100)>>\
<<replace "#totalpoint">>Progress: _totalpoint/100<</replace>>\
<div id="timeleft" style="text-align: center; font-size: 40px; font-weight: bold">Ready?</div>
<div id="position" style="text-align: center; font-size: 40px; font-weight: bold">——V——</div>\
<div id="keydisplay" style="text-align: center; font-size: 40px; font-weight: bold">_countdown</div>
<center><<link "<b>⠀⠀⠀←⠀⠀⠀</b>">>\
<<if _totalpoint < 100 and _timeleft > 0>>\
<<set _position = Math.clamp(_position - 1, 1, 5)>>\
<<replace "#position">>\
<<if _position == 1>>\
<<elseif _position == 2>>\
<<elseif _position == 3>>\
<<elseif _position == 4>>\
<<link "<b>⠀⠀⠀→⠀⠀⠀</b>">>\
<<if _totalpoint < 100 and _timeleft > 0>>\
<<set _position = Math.clamp(_position + 1, 1, 5)>>\
<<replace "#position">>\
<<if _position == 1>>\
<<elseif _position == 2>>\
<<elseif _position == 3>>\
<<elseif _position == 4>>\
<span id="totalpoint" style="font-size: 20px; font-weight: bold">Progress: _totalpoint/100</span>
<span id="back"><<link "Give up" "Fairass49">><<off '.macro-event'>><</link>></span>\<<set _countdown = 3>>\
<<set _timeleft = 15>>\
<<set _totalpoint = 0>>\
<<set _enablekey = false>>\
<<set _appearcountermax = 3>>\
<<set _appeardelay = 15>>\
<<set _appearcounter = 2>>\
<<set _keypress = 0>>\
<<set _position = 3>>\
<<on 'keydown'>>\
<<which 65>> /% the a key %/
<<set _position = Math.clamp(_position - 1, 1, 5)>>\
<<replace "#position">>\
<<if _position == 1>>\
<<elseif _position == 2>>\
<<elseif _position == 3>>\
<<elseif _position == 4>>\
<<which 68>> /% the d key %/
<<set _position = Math.clamp(_position + 1, 1, 5)>>\
<<replace "#position">>\
<<if _position == 1>>\
<<elseif _position == 2>>\
<<elseif _position == 3>>\
<<elseif _position == 4>>\
<<repeat 1s>>\
<<if _countdown == -1>>\
<<replace "#timeleft">>Time left: _timeleft<</replace>>\
<<if _timeleft === 0 or _totalpoint >= 100>>\
<<set _timeleft -->>\
<<off '.macro-event'>>\
<<set _timeleft -->>\
<<elseif _countdown == 0>>\
<<replace "#timeleft">>GO!<</replace>>\
<<replace "#keydisplay">>_countdown<</replace>>\
<<set _countdown -->>\
<<replace "#timeleft">>Ready?<</replace>>\
<<replace "#keydisplay">>_countdown<</replace>>\
<<set _countdown -->>\
<<repeat 0.1s>>\
<<if _countdown == -1>>\
<<if _timeleft === -1 and _totalpoint < 100>>\
<<replace "#keydisplay">>Failed!<</replace>>\
<<replace "#totalpoint">><</replace>>\
<<replace "#back">><<link "Fail" "Fairass49">><<off '.macro-event'>><</link>><</replace>>\
<<elseif _totalpoint >= 100>>\
<<replace "#keydisplay">>@@.add;Success!@@<</replace>>\
<<replace "#totalpoint">><</replace>>\
<<replace "#back">>\
<<link "Success">>
<<off '.macro-event'>>
<<replace ".passage">>\
Is this hell or heaven? You don't even know.
<<video fair/assemblage46.mp4>>
<<link "More..." "Fairass48">>
<<set _appearcounter ++>>\
<<if _appearcounter == _appearcountermax>>\
<<set _randomkey = random(1,5)>>\
<<set _enablekey = true>>\
<<set _appearcounter = 0>>\
<<if _randomkey == 1>>\
<<replace "#keydisplay">>@@.minus;—@@————<</replace>>\
<<elseif _randomkey == 2>>\
<<replace "#keydisplay">>—@@.minus;—@@———<</replace>>\
<<elseif _randomkey == 3>>\
<<replace "#keydisplay">>——@@.minus;—@@——<</replace>>\
<<elseif _randomkey == 4>>\
<<replace "#keydisplay">>———@@.minus;—@@—<</replace>>\
<<replace "#keydisplay">>————@@.minus;—@@<</replace>>\
<<if _position == _randomkey>>\
<<set _totalpoint = Math.clamp(_totalpoint + 3, 0, 100)>>\
<<replace "#totalpoint">>Progress: _totalpoint/100<</replace>>\
<div id="timeleft" style="text-align: center; font-size: 40px; font-weight: bold">Ready?</div>
<div id="position" style="text-align: center; font-size: 40px; font-weight: bold">——V——</div>\
<div id="keydisplay" style="text-align: center; font-size: 40px; font-weight: bold">_countdown</div>
<center><<link "<b>⠀⠀⠀←⠀⠀⠀</b>">>\
<<if _totalpoint < 100 and _timeleft > 0>>\
<<set _position = Math.clamp(_position - 1, 1, 5)>>\
<<replace "#position">>\
<<if _position == 1>>\
<<elseif _position == 2>>\
<<elseif _position == 3>>\
<<elseif _position == 4>>\
<<link "<b>⠀⠀⠀→⠀⠀⠀</b>">>\
<<if _totalpoint < 100 and _timeleft > 0>>\
<<set _position = Math.clamp(_position + 1, 1, 5)>>\
<<replace "#position">>\
<<if _position == 1>>\
<<elseif _position == 2>>\
<<elseif _position == 3>>\
<<elseif _position == 4>>\
<span id="totalpoint" style="font-size: 20px; font-weight: bold">Progress: _totalpoint/100</span>
<span id="back"><<link "Give up" "Fairass49">><<off '.macro-event'>><</link>></span>\<<set _countdown = 3>>\
<<set _timeleft = 15>>\
<<set _totalpoint = 0>>\
<<set _enablekey = false>>\
<<set _appearcountermax = 1>>\
<<set _appeardelay = 15>>\
<<set _appearcounter = 0>>\
<<set _keypress = 0>>\
<<set _position = 3>>\
<<on 'keydown'>>\
<<which 65>> /% the a key %/
<<set _position = Math.clamp(_position - 1, 1, 5)>>\
<<replace "#position">>\
<<if _position == 1>>\
<<elseif _position == 2>>\
<<elseif _position == 3>>\
<<elseif _position == 4>>\
<<which 68>> /% the d key %/
<<set _position = Math.clamp(_position + 1, 1, 5)>>\
<<replace "#position">>\
<<if _position == 1>>\
<<elseif _position == 2>>\
<<elseif _position == 3>>\
<<elseif _position == 4>>\
<<repeat 1s>>\
<<if _countdown == -1>>\
<<replace "#timeleft">>Time left: _timeleft<</replace>>\
<<if _timeleft === 0 or _totalpoint >= 100>>\
<<set _timeleft -->>\
<<off '.macro-event'>>\
<<set _timeleft -->>\
<<elseif _countdown == 0>>\
<<replace "#timeleft">>GO!<</replace>>\
<<replace "#keydisplay">>_countdown<</replace>>\
<<set _countdown -->>\
<<replace "#timeleft">>Ready?<</replace>>\
<<replace "#keydisplay">>_countdown<</replace>>\
<<set _countdown -->>\
<<repeat 0.1s>>\
<<if _countdown == -1>>\
<<if _timeleft === -1 and _totalpoint < 100>>\
<<replace "#keydisplay">>Failed!<</replace>>\
<<replace "#totalpoint">><</replace>>\
<<replace "#back">><<link "Fail" "Fairass49">><<off '.macro-event'>><</link>><</replace>>\
<<elseif _totalpoint >= 100>>\
<<replace "#keydisplay">>@@.add;Success!@@<</replace>>\
<<replace "#totalpoint">><</replace>>\
<<replace "#back">>\
<<link "Success">>
<<off '.macro-event'>>
<<replace ".passage">>\
You are hanging on a sliver of sanity. What? How? Why?
<<video fair/assemblage47.mp4>>
<<link "Finally" "Fairass49">>
<<set _appearcounter ++>>\
<<if _appearcounter == _appearcountermax>>\
<<set _randomkey = random(1,5)>>\
<<set _enablekey = true>>\
<<set _appearcounter = 0>>\
<<if _randomkey == 1>>\
<<replace "#keydisplay">>@@.minus;—@@————<</replace>>\
<<elseif _randomkey == 2>>\
<<replace "#keydisplay">>—@@.minus;—@@———<</replace>>\
<<elseif _randomkey == 3>>\
<<replace "#keydisplay">>——@@.minus;—@@——<</replace>>\
<<elseif _randomkey == 4>>\
<<replace "#keydisplay">>———@@.minus;—@@—<</replace>>\
<<replace "#keydisplay">>————@@.minus;—@@<</replace>>\
<<if _position == _randomkey>>\
<<set _totalpoint = Math.clamp(_totalpoint + 3, 0, 100)>>\
<<replace "#totalpoint">>Progress: _totalpoint/100<</replace>>\
<div id="timeleft" style="text-align: center; font-size: 40px; font-weight: bold">Ready?</div>
<div id="position" style="text-align: center; font-size: 40px; font-weight: bold">——V——</div>\
<div id="keydisplay" style="text-align: center; font-size: 40px; font-weight: bold">_countdown</div>
<center><<link "<b>⠀⠀⠀←⠀⠀⠀</b>">>\
<<if _totalpoint < 100 and _timeleft > 0>>\
<<set _position = Math.clamp(_position - 1, 1, 5)>>\
<<replace "#position">>\
<<if _position == 1>>\
<<elseif _position == 2>>\
<<elseif _position == 3>>\
<<elseif _position == 4>>\
<<link "<b>⠀⠀⠀→⠀⠀⠀</b>">>\
<<if _totalpoint < 100 and _timeleft > 0>>\
<<set _position = Math.clamp(_position + 1, 1, 5)>>\
<<replace "#position">>\
<<if _position == 1>>\
<<elseif _position == 2>>\
<<elseif _position == 3>>\
<<elseif _position == 4>>\
<span id="totalpoint" style="font-size: 20px; font-weight: bold">Progress: _totalpoint/100</span>
<span id="back"><<link "Give up" "Fairass49">><<off '.macro-event'>><</link>></span>\<<if not $gameends and (not setup.ws.Fairass42 or not $ws.Fairass42)>>\
<<set setup.ws.Fairass42 = true>>\
<<set $ws.Fairass42 = true>>\
<<run memorize('ws', setup.ws)>>\
You black out and think: "Did I lose?"
<<dio "Sensual voice" "You've...">>
<<image whiteglow.png>>
Waking up, you see yourself slump over almost collapsing completely and your breathing is erratic from the lack of oxygen. Did you fail the challenge?
<<dio "Fair worker" "Oh my days, you've done it. You absolutely mad lad. You've passed the final challenge.">>
He then prop you up and gives you the final voucher "Assemblage - 4". You expect it looks a bit different, frankly a little better quality, but it is still a leathery piece of paper.
<<dio "Fair worker" "Splendid work. Hopefully, we will see each other more regularly soon.">>
<<di you "Huh?">>
Frankly, you're too damn tired to make sense of what he just said. Before you know it, you're out of the booth sitting on the ground trying to regain your strength.
<<link "Back">>
<<set $fair.cw ++>>
<<set $fair.assstage ++>>
<<if $hour >= 20>>
<<set _temph = 23 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<goto "Ardor Fair">>
<<set _temph = 3 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<goto "Fairclose1">>
<</link>>Unable to get some oxygen, you feel your body going limp and then collapse.
Opening your eyes again, you gasp in a lungful of air. Sweat running on your forehead and your back. In front of you is the hammer that you're grasping tightly with your sweaty palms.
<<dio "Fair worker" "Hahahaha, nice try, buddy but it appears your strength is not enough for this round of Assemblage.">>
Only then, you realize you're back at the bustling fair instead of that white space.
<<dio "Fair worker" "Don't worry, you had a good showing. Perhaps, try again in another... lifetime. Hahaha.">>
He laughs and then dismisses you from the booth. Still, you sneeze the smells of fire and ash are still present in your nose.
<<link "Back">>
<<set $fair.assstage = -1>>
<<if $hour >= 20>>
<<set _temph = 23 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<goto "Ardor Fair">>
<<set _temph = 3 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<goto "Fairclose1">>
<</link>>Entering the fair, you walk quickly to the main booths because obviously. However, a hand on your shoulder stops you on your track.
<<di fair "What is the rush?">>
It's the elusive guy who works at the fair.
<<di you "Nothing, just have places to be.">>
Looking at him right with the striking resemblance to your own face. You question:
<<di you "Say... are you my long lost brother or something? We look so much alike.">>
He only laughs at you.
<<di fair "Hahaha, everyone tells that to me all the time. I guess that's the perk of having a cute face. I got a lot of long lost “relatives”...">>
You're absolutely not being narcissistic here. He does look like you.
<<di fair "I highly doubt my parent has any other kids, having me really took a toll on their health. So I'm their only child.">>
<<di you "Sorry... I just thought there is some similarity between us. Must be some cosmic consequence.">>
<<di fair "Hey, things in this world always happen for a reason. I don't know about you but I don't mind having someone like you as a brother.">>
He winks at you a bit flirtatiously? You brush it off.
<<di you "Of course, of course.">>
<<di fair "Anyway, back to work now. Nice meeting you again, bro.">>
He says while walking back to the crowd, not breaking eye contact with you until you blink. And he's gone.
<<link "Back at the fair" "Ardor Fair">><</link>><<di fair "Wow, you've done did the damn thing. All 12 challenges.">>
The sound of his voice makes you jump a little. You scratch your head sheepishly.
<<di you "Oh yeah, I'm probably not the only one who's managed to finish all twelve of them.">>
<<di fair "No, no don't discount yourself like that. I rarely ever see anyone with twelve wins under their belt.">>
Your attempt at humility aside, you're not surprised at his comment because frankly some of them challenges really are not an easy pill to swallow.
<<di fair "Anyway, you must be excited for the final gift in the Apex tent?">>
Now that he says it, that reminds you because you'd been doing the challenges just for the hell of it.
<<di you "Oh yeah, you know what's inside that tent? And the final gift?">>
<<di fair "Now it wouldn't be exciting if I reveal all the surprises, would it? You just have to walk in and find out. But trust me, it would be the opportunity of a lifetime. Swear you have to take it.">>
You have gone so far of course you'd take it. Or else, all will for naught. You smile and nod at him.
<<di fair "Alright, remember to keep your word. See ya, brother.">>
This time, you see him walking towards the central area until... he enters the Apex tent.
<<link "Back at the fair" "Ardor Fair">><</link>>Coming into the Adventuresomeness booth, you are pumped with renewed vigor. Unlike you, the fair worker yawns:
<<dio "Fair worker" "Back again, huh? Ready for the third Adventuresomeness please.">>
He says to the guy who is sitting on the plank and boredly hands you the ball. Bracing yourself, you touch the ball and are once more transported into the white space.
<<image whiteglow.png>>
<<dio "Sensual voice" "Announce your choice: milking or ball torture">>
So, it indeed gets crazier. You make the choice:
<div id="choice">\
<<link "Milking">>
<<replace '#choice'>>\
<<di you "I choose milking.">>
That sounds like the lesser evil of the two, so the choice is clear. Right after that a man materializes in front of you.
<<dio "Man" "Look what the cat drags in... You're here to get milked, boy?">>
You hear his booming voice which fits his intimidating stature. You swallow:
<<di you "Umm, yeah. I guess.">>
<<dio "Man" "The fuck is “I guess”? Do you want to do this or not?">>
His tone is not necessarily hostile but the volume and roughness of his timbre unnerves you.
<div id="choice2">\
<<link "Proceed with the milking">>
<<replace '#choice2'>>\
<<di you "Of course, I want to be... milked by you.">>
You feel skittish around this guy, probably from all the nerves wrecking your inside.
<<dio "Man" "Alright, hop on the chair.">>
He steps aside to reveal a chair which has been sitting there for how long. You take a deep breath before plopping down on the seat.
<<link "Proceed" "Fairadv32">><</link>>
<<link "Give up">>
<<replace '#choice2'>>\
<<di you "No, I guess... I mean the answer is no.">>
<<dio "Man" "Then don't waste my time any longer. Send him away.">>
His head tilts up while saying that like he's not talking to you.
<<dio "Sensual voice" "You've failed.">>
Did the man talk to the sensual voice inside your head? Not allowing you to question things further, darkness swallows your vision.
<<image whiteglow.png>>
<<link "Afterwards..." "Fairadv36">><</link>>
<<link "Ball torture">>
<<replace '#choice'>>\
<<di you "I choose ball torture.">>
Edging sounds good but that's not enough for you. Your degeneracy requires some agony along with the side of pleasure. Immediately after announcing your decision, a man materializes opposite of you and gives you a smoldering look.
<<dio "Man" "Just when I was about to have a drink... Get ready, little one, we'll get right to it.">>
He doesn't even know your name yet... The no-nonsense and his overall demeanor makes you feel nervous. Are you sure you want to go through with it?
<div id="choice2">\
<<link "Proceed with the ball torture">>
<<replace '#choice2'>>\
You're about to undress, but then you realize you're already fully naked without your knowledge. You don't dwell on that, instead get your big boy pants on and face the upcoming pain fearlessly.
<<dio "Man" "You don't mind if I bring in an assistant?">>
He says casually as he puts your balls under his scrutiny. You realize there is another man appearing out of thin air behind him.
<<dio "Man" "So we can give each of your ball our loving attention.">>
Loving? At this point you can only nod since if this is what the challenge requires of you, you'll do it.
<<link "Proceed" "Fairadv33">><</link>>
<<link "Give up">>
<<replace '#choice2'>>\
<<di you "Is it too late to change my mind?">>
He glances back at you with a questioning look.
<<dio "Man" "What? You're not ready for one hell of a hurt session?">>
<<di you "Turn out not. I think I'll give up.">>
<<dio "Man" "Hmm... Such a shame, we could have so much fun. It gets pretty boring after an eternity down here.">>
He gives you a shrug.
<<dio "Sensual voice" "You've failed.">>
Then as swiftly as you're teleported here, the shadow veil takes over your sight.
<<image whiteglow.png>>
<<link "Afterwards..." "Fairadv36">><</link>>
</div>\<<scenechoices fair 1 0>>\
<<set $you.horniness = 0>>\
Your clothes magically fade away and the guy stoically walks up to you and in a no-nonsense manner wraps his hand around your sleeping member. His touch is almost overbearingly warm and has the magnetic effect of directing most of your blood flow to fill up your erection.
<<dio "Man" "Hmm, quite impressive for your kind.">>
He then continues his attention on your shaft from teasing your glans to lightly squeezing your balls with his large mitts which must be some sort of magic because it makes your cock lurch up like it's shooting an empty shot. You groan from the immense euphoria. You swear your stamina is higher than this, it doesn't just take a few tugs and a little bit of fondling to get you moaning like that.
<<video fair/fairmilk11.mp4>>
<<dio "Man" "Well well well, I like the sound of that.">>
He then squeezes your length fully with his palm. You gasp in disbelief, it simply doesn't feel like a hand but instead wet velvet heat envelopes your erection. The way his fist moves up and down is like a mouth giving your cock some sweet loving - slow, meticulous and mindblowing.
<<di you "Fuck... I... I can't...">>
<<dio "Man" "Let it go.">>
<<di you "ARGHHH!!!">>
Your dick blasts with impressive force. If your load is a gunshot then it probably can be heard from miles away.
<<video fair/fairmilk12.mp4>>
However, no respite can be found as the man keeps on his pace on your overly sensitive dick.
<<di you "Argh...! Shit... please...">>
He ignores your begging and keeping on the steady momentum, your traitorous meat stick is still hard and vibrating with... incoming orgasm? Your eyes widen as you feel the heat gather in your balls.
<<di you "No... fffffuck... I'M COMIN-">>
Another cumshot get released from your slit, it doesn't even feel that much weaker compared to the last one.
<<video fair/fairmilk13.mp4>>
<<di you "I-...S-st...">>
Not letting you finish the sentence, the guy shushes
<<dio "Man" "Shhh... just let go... you're doing so beautifully.">>
His hand still hasn't let up and it looks like the friction is getting more intense along with his speed. Your cock is still hard and it feels like there are thousands of little ant bites on your member. It is electrifying both in good and bad ways. You listen to him and let your body take its own course. Soon enough, you sense the build up of your semen in your lower belly.
<<di you "Ummahhh... I-... sssh... I-...">>
You slur, completely out of control. Your body now operates on its own volition and proceeds to shake and jerk wildly. The third climax is wrung out of your as your body arches, veins popping, cock spewing the last of its essence to the world.
<<video fair/fairmilk14.mp4>>
<<di you "Uhhh... ffffu-... ah…">>
You mumble unintelligibly. Mind mostly gone from the barrage of pleasure.
<<dio "Sensual voice" "You've passed.">>
Even in delirium, the voice is still clear in your head as you feel darkness overwhelms your consciousness.
<<image whiteglow.png>>
<<if $gameends>>\
<<link "Back" "Fairscenemenu">><</link>>
<<link "Then..." "Fairadv34">><</link>>
<</if>>\<<scenechoices fair 1 0>>\
<<dio "Man" "Alright here we go.">>
They each nudge your balls with their hands. When you're about to say: That's it? The force of their palms on you increases.
<<di you "Arghhh... ffffuckkk!!!">>
They are pinching the living out of you and you can only squirm and groan. Normal penises in this circumstance would shrivel up immediately but not yours. It remains erect and swollen all throughout this first abuse.
<<video fair/fairbt11.mp4>>
After a few minutes of squeezing, they finally relent and instead pull your balls taut. Then a punch knocks the wind out of you. Then they go ham on your balls like it's a pair of boxing speed balls.
<<video fair/fairbt12.mp4>>
<<di you "Ahhh... sshit...! FUCK!!">>
You can only moan the pain away until what feels like forever before they stop.
<<dio "Man" "Great job. Now, before I kick you out, you deserves some kicks.">>
You really don't have half a mind to decipher what the hell he's talking about on this day. Then a kick on your nuts pushes a shout out of you. One more and one more, you try to keep track of the kick to take your mind off the pain but it's useless.
<<video fair/fairbt13.mp4>>
Right when you think you're about to pass out.
<<dio "Man" "...and we're done.">>
The pain finally stops but now you're left with the throbbing sting. If you could look at your balls now, you'd see they are puffy and purple. You gasp in the cool air like it somehow can sooth the blistering agony that you're feeling.
<<dio "Sensual voice" "You've passed.">>
Then darkness overwhelms your consciousness.
<<image whiteglow.png>>
<<if $gameends>>\
<<link "Back" "Fairscenemenu">><</link>>
<<link "Then..." "Fairadv35">><</link>>
<</if>>\Back at the fair, you can still feel the flush on your cheeks and the shakiness in your legs.
<<dio "Fair worker" "By the devil, you've done it. For a moment, I thought you'd miss right there. Catch.">>
He throws the small voucher. Despite looking like paper, it falls in a hefty manner in your palm and of course says "Adventuresomeness - 3".
<<dio "Fair worker" "Don't forget to come back tomorrow, you don't want to miss the final Adventuresome challenge.">>
As if you would miss it when you have made it this far. Stepping away from the booth, you can still feel the aftershocks of the orgasm you've experienced in the challenge.
<<link "Back">>
<<set $fair.cw ++>>
<<set $fair.advstage ++>>
<<if $hour >= 20>>
<<set _temph = 23 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<goto "Ardor Fair">>
<<set _temph = 3 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<goto "Fairclose1">>
<</link>>Back at the fair, you touch your balls and see that they're in fact okay and the pain is now absent.
<<dio "Fair worker" "By the devil, you've done it. For a moment, I thought you'd miss right there. Catch.">>
He throws the small voucher. Despite looking like paper, it falls in a hefty manner in your palm and of course says "Adventuresomeness - 3".
<<dio "Fair worker" "Don't forget to come back tomorrow, you don't want to miss the final Adventuresome challenge.">>
As if you would miss it when you have made it this far. Stepping away from the booth, you can vividly recall the torment that your balls went under during the challenge.
<<link "Back">>
<<set $fair.cw ++>>
<<set $fair.advstage ++>>
<<if $hour >= 20>>
<<set _temph = 23 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<goto "Ardor Fair">>
<<set _temph = 3 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<goto "Fairclose1">>
<</link>>Bonk. The ball bounces off the wall and completely misses the mark.
<<dio "Fair worker" "You missed. Darn, it looks like your streak of luck finally runs out.">>
<<di you "Luck? It's all skills.">>
You answer indignantly.
<<dio "Fair worker" "Still, it's impressive how far you've come. Such a shame. Oh well, try again another lifetime.">>
You walk away, feeling not sad per se because you don't regret your decision. Still, you wonder what the final challenge would be? Something even more outrageous?
<<link "Back">>
<<set $fair.advstage = -1>>
<<if $hour >= 20>>
<<set _temph = 23 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<goto "Ardor Fair">>
<<set _temph = 3 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<goto "Fairclose1">>
<</link>><<dio "Fair worker" "Mind mind, it's not an everyday occurrence that we see someone who can tackle the final Adventuresomeness challenge.">>
The usually indifferent worker now appears to be interested in your presence unlike all the times before.
<<dio "Fair worker" "Come on, let's see if you have what it takes.">>
He gives you the ball with a slight smile on his face. Here we go, you grab your ball and your consciousness gets pulled into a different dimension.
<<image whiteglow.png>>
<<if $watersport>>\
<<dio "Sensual Voice" "Announce your choice: golden shower, fisting or sounding">>
<<dio "Sensual Voice" "Announce your choice: fisting or sounding">>
You hear the voice loud and clear and your mind is already made up:
<div id="choice">\
<<if $watersport>>\
<<link "Golden shower">>
<<replace '#choice'>>\
<<di you "I choose golden shower.">>
If by golden shower they mean getting absolutely pissed on then you're definitely game. Afterwards, the fog in front of you is cleared to reveal four absolute units of men and all naked.
<<dio "Man 1" "Aren't you such a pretty little thing. Finally some good break for us, right fellas?">>
You hear a murmur of affirmations and excitement through the group. Their eyes look at you like predators gazing at a helpless, delicious rabbit. That makes you nervous, should you go through with this?
<div id="choice2">\
<<link "Proceed with the golden shower">>
<<replace '#choice2'>>\
<<di you "Hold your horses, guys. You all can have a turn with me.">>
You wink at them naughtily. They all give a hoot of enthusiasm before surrounding you. Here we go.
<<link "Proceed" "Fairadv42">><</link>>
<<link "Give up">>
<<replace '#choice2'>>\
<<di you "Actually, nevermind. I don't want to do this anymore.">>
<<dio "Man 2" "What? Don't be such a buzzkill.">>
One man outrages, clearly displeased with your choice.
<<dio "Man 3" "You fucker, teasing us your flesh and now you want to bail. No chance.">>
As they approach you, a voice rings in your head.
<<dio "Sensual voice" "You've failed.">>
Before a hand can grab you, shadows veil over your vision.
<<image whiteglow.png>>
<<link "Afterwards..." "Fairadv48">><</link>>
<<link "Fisting">>
<<replace '#choice'>>\
<<di you "I choose fisting.">>
Your ass craves more abuse so the choice is clear. After confirming the choice, a man materializes in front of you.
<<dio "Man" "Hmm... You want to be fisted? You don't look like the usual sort that comes here.">>
Is there a large billboard that says VIRGIN on your forehead or something? Which part of you screams "no fisting"? And "usual sort that comes here"? The hell? Is this an office or something?
<<di you "Yep, I'm here for the final adventuresomeness challenge which apparently mean fisting.">>
<<dio "Man" "I see. Well, go ahead, get your ass up.">>
He says almost casually like he's talking about the weather. That reminds you: you're about to get your ass pried open by his rough-looking and gigantic paws. Are you sure you can do this?
<div id="choice2">\
<<link "Proceed with the fisting" "Fairadv43">>
<<replace '#choice2'>>\
Who the hell are you kidding? Your depraved self wants this badly, so you assume the position and perk your ass up real cute for him. Like the previous times, your clothes melts away from your body as you take in the position.
<<link "Proceed" "Fairadv43">><</link>>
<<link "Give up">>
<<replace '#choice2'>>\
<<di you "On a second thought, maybe I shouldn't do this considering the unpetitness of your hand.">>
He looks down at his fists and gives you a chuckle.
<<dio "Hand - singular? I was about to put both of them to use.">>
Oh hell no, there ain't no way you can take that much.
<<di you "Alright, I changed my mind then. I don't want to do it.">>
<<dio "Sensual voice" "You've failed.">>
<<dio "Man" "You've heard them. Goodbye then.">>
Before you can ask him who is the person behind the sensual voice, darkness swallows your vision.
<<image whiteglow.png>>
<<link "Afterwards..." "Fairadv48">><</link>>
<<link "Sounding">>
<<replace '#choice'>>\
<<di you "I choose sounding.">>
Why not? That's what these challenges are here for, right? You need to do something challenging. After confirming the choice, a man materializes in front of you. He has to do a double take at first when he registers your presence.
<<dio "Man" "Ohhh, we have a guest... Hmm, you are here for...">>
He then squints his eyes and gets a concentrated look on his face.
<<dio "Man" "...Aha, sounding? A rod goes inside your peehole, right?">>
Then he produces a hefty rod in his hand. Now that you see the size of it, you suddenly feel nervous. Can your urethra handle it?
<div id="choice2">\
<<link "Proceed with the sounding" "Fairadv44">>
<<link "Give up">>
<<replace '#choice2'>>\
<<di you "Uhhh... on second thought. Maybe not.">>
<<dio "Man" "Aww shucks, why not? It'd be fun.">>
Sure, but it doesn't sound as appealing to you as you initially think.
<<di you "I'll pass.">>
He looks defeated when you give him the no.
<<dio "Man" "Damn... It's not an everyday thing I get to see your kind. Such a shame for it to be cut short like this.">>
<<dio "Sensual voice" "You've failed.">>
Before you can have further conversation with the man, the voice echoes in your brain and along with it the shadow that veils your vision.
<<image whiteglow.png>>
<<link "Afterwards..." "Fairadv48">><</link>>
</div>\<<scenechoices fair 1 0>>\
Head tilts and jaw relax, you take the toilet stance ready to take as many bouts of piss as you can. The first dick hover over you and soon the first taste also comes, and strangely it is absolutely amazing. It's not like you're a urine connoisseur, but there is a strange sort of sweetness to this man's fluid that you cannot get enough of.
<<video fair/fairpiss11.mp4>>
It's like he has to hold it in for so long because it literally takes five minutes for him to fully finish. Immediately he gets replaced, another guy already jumps in and begins hosing away. This one runs hot and the taste of him is much saltier and a bit bitter, almost like a broth which you gladly gurgle on.
<<video fair/fairpiss12.mp4>>
Minutes after, he is done and the last two come forward. They both start in synchronization and drench you with their liquid. The area is now filled with the stench of fresh piss and it makes you dizzy, not only just the smell but also because of the degradation - being reduced to just a waste bucket for them to excrete to.
<<video fair/fairpiss13.mp4>>
Then the streams dwindle and you disappointedly realize that it will soon be over.
<<dio "Man 1" "Hmm... look at you, all drenched and yellow from our piss. Hahaha, it's a fitting look for a pig like you.">>
<<dio "Man 2" "I bet he wants more, but that's all you get today, scum. Our piss is worth its weight in gold.">>
You have half of a mind to beg them to try and get some more but the voice stops you:
<<dio "Sensual voice" "You've passed.">>
Noooooo!! You need more, but the darkness already removes your ability to see.
<<image whiteglow.png>>
<<if $gameends>>\
<<link "Back" "Fairscenemenu">><</link>>
<<link "Then..." "Fairadv45">><</link>>
<</if>>\<<scenechoices fair 1 0>>\
<<set $you.horniness = 0>>\
Without any warning, the man pushes in digits of his three sausage-like fingers to your opening. You hiss from the sudden intrusion but don't protest since this is still a cakewalk.
<<video fair/fairfist11.mp4>>
<<dio "Man" "I see, I still go a bit easy on ya.">>
Then he proceeds to squeeze in the last two fingers in your taut hole. You try regulating your breathing for the upcoming assault. Thankfully, the guy is quite experienced as he moves slowly in and out of your orifice, each time getting slightly deeper.
<<video fair/fairfist12.mp4>>
<<dio "Man" "Brace yourself, I'm going in.">>
With that he gives the shove, getting your ring to swallow each knuckles until finally the largest part of his fist pops through. You let out a groan of relief because the hardest part is over...? Well, not quite because he then proceeds to remove his hand momentarily before roughly inserting it again to your body. Essentially, he's fucking you with his fist.
<<video fair/fairfist13.mp4>>
And the thing he's making you feel right now is unreal. While yes, there is pain but there is also a sort of rush where your body is pushed to the limit, making you high and delirious. Then the unexpected happens: ropes of cum soar from your urethra and turn your body and mind into mush.
<<video you/youcum4.mp4>>
<<dio "Man" "Hmm... well done.">>
Then with one last push where it feels he's almost reaching your stomach then he finally withdraws and lets you gasp from the emptiness of your hole.
<<dio "Sensual voice" "You've passed.">>
Through the fog of your brain, you can still hear the voice before complete darkness overrun your vision.
<<image whiteglow.png>>
<<if $gameends>>\
<<link "Back" "Fairscenemenu">><</link>>
<<link "Then..." "Fairadv46">><</link>>
<</if>>\<<scenechoices fair 1 0>>\
<<set $you.horniness = 0>>\
First, he produces a steel rod, the length and girth make you gulp nervously. However, your cock is getting harder and soon is fully erected despite your apprehension.
<<dio "Man" "Someone is excited.">>\
<<video fair/fairsound11.mp4>>
He whistles casually like he is not aligning a stick to your urethra right now. When it begins to breathe your piss-slit and slowly worms its way down your urinary orifice, you hiss in both pain and pleasure. You groan deeply as the last inches disappear inside you.
<<video fair/fairsound12.mp4>>
<<dio "Man" "Good boy.">>
He gives you a word of praise before pulling the length out completely from your canal before stabbing it back again. Now, he is essentially fucking your piss tube with the rod. You, on the other hand, instinctively do kegel spasms making your chute hugging the foreign object that invades its inside even tighter.
<<video fair/fairsound13.mp4>>
You can feel your arousal build and build until.
<<di you "Fuck, I'm...!!!">>
With your warning, he mercifully withdraw the rod and let your cum fly high - splattering the pearly juice all over the place.
<<video you/youcum5.mp4>>
<<di you "Ahhh... ssshit...!">>
<<dio "Man" "You've done well.">>
You can hear his gentle voice and his caress on your back. Damn this man is nice. You really want to have a chat with him after recovering but the voice comes:
<<dio "Sensual voice" "You've passed.">>
Then shadow veils your vision.
<<image whiteglow.png>>
<<if $gameends>>\
<<link "Back" "Fairscenemenu">><</link>>
<<link "Then..." "Fairadv47">><</link>>
<</if>>\<<dio "Fair worker" "Aww, you miss.">>
Hearing those words, you realize that you're back in the fair and the man is still on the plank looking bored since your throw apparently missed.
<<dio "Fair worker" "Good try, good try. Though, you're now disqualified from advancing further to the Adventuresomeness challenge. Perhaps, try again another lifetime.">>
He smiles at you regretfully like he had hope for your success. Regardless, you made your bed now you have to lay on it, so you walk away pondering if you made the right decision.
<<link "Back">>
<<set $fair.advstage = -1>>
<<if $hour >= 20>>
<<set _temph = 23 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<goto "Ardor Fair">>
<<set _temph = 3 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<goto "Fairclose1">>
<</link>>When you come back to, the man on the plank is now trying to get out of the water tank which means you've won.
<<dio "Fair worker" "Woohoo! Finally, we got someone who beat the final challenge of Adventuresomeness. Please come take your price.">>
Beating the final challenge, there must be some extra special prize, right? Nope. The guy just gives you another papery voucher that says "Adventuresomeness - 4". Hopefully the ultimate gift in the Apex tent is worth the pain that makes your ass throb even now.
<<link "Back">>
<<set $fair.cw ++>>
<<set $fair.advstage ++>>
<<if $hour >= 20>>
<<set _temph = 23 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<goto "Ardor Fair">>
<<set _temph = 3 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<goto "Fairclose1">>
<</link>>When you come back to, the man on the plank is now trying to get out of the water tank which means you've won.
<<dio "Fair worker" "Woohoo! Finally, we got someone who beat the final challenge of Adventuresomeness. Please come take your price.">>
Beating the final challenge, there must be some extra special prize, right? Nope. The guy just gives you another papery voucher that says "Adventuresomeness - 4". Walking away, you recall the bliss you feel when you're drench in the golden nectar.
<<link "Back">>
<<set $fair.cw ++>>
<<set $fair.advstage ++>>
<<if $hour >= 20>>
<<set _temph = 23 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<goto "Ardor Fair">>
<<set _temph = 3 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<goto "Fairclose1">>
<</link>>When you come back to, the man on the plank is now trying to get out of the water tank which means you've won.
<<dio "Fair worker" "Woohoo! Finally, we got someone who beat the final challenge of Adventuresomeness. Please come take your price.">>
Beating the final challenge, there must be some extra special prize, right? Nope. The guy just gives you another papery voucher that says "Adventuresomeness - 4". Walking away, you feel a sense of emptiness inside your dickhole.
<<link "Back">>
<<set $fair.cw ++>>
<<set $fair.advstage ++>>
<<if $hour >= 20>>
<<set _temph = 23 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<goto "Ardor Fair">>
<<set _temph = 3 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<goto "Fairclose1">>
<</link>><<image park1.jpg>>
Walking to where the fair is supposed to be, you only find an empty lot. There is no trace of the Ardor Fair left, not even a torn piece of paper on the ground. It's like it was never there.
<<link "Back" "Park">>
<</link>><<image apextent.jpeg>>
Walking toward the Apex tent, you're halted by the guard standing directly at the entrance.
<<dio "Guard" "Vouchers?">>
You hand him a bunch of them and he takes out a lighter and burns them right in front of your face. Seeing the hard-earned vouchers being disintegrated like this makes you feel some type of way.
<<dio "Guard" "You can pass.">>
He then steps aside leaving a room for you to enter. Taking in the deep breath, you cross the threshold and everything inside is pitch black. Suddenly a spotlight materializes in front of you and standing in the middle of it is... none other than $fair.Name?
<<di fair "Hello hello hello, welcome the Apex tent, brother.">>
<<di you "Why are you here?">>
<<di fair "Why? This is my office. I run this whole fair.">>
So the guy who've been chatting the whole time with you is the owner of this whole operation? You wonder what else he's been hiding from you.
<<di fair "Anyway, I won't take much of your time, the final gift which I don't give out nilly willy is:...">>
You can hear the drum rolls from the sides as he takes his pause for what? Dramatic effect?
<<di fair "Joining the Ardor Fair!">>
That's... it?
<<di you "That's... it???">>
He looks positively offended.
<<di fair "What do you mean “That's it?” It's an opportunity of a lifetime. If you bother to look and think, this is no ordinary fair. We only allow men to enter the fair and once they are inside you can see the effect it has on them. They get lewd and dirty. Additionally, you'll be able to witness them taking on all the challenges that you've been through. Your life will be filled with endless excitement and pleasure from men all over the world. Don't cha want it, brother?">>
His smile is enthusiastic as he hands you a piece of paper that feels leathery like the voucher.
<<di fair "Here's the contract of labor, just sign it and you'll be a part of us.">>
All you have to do now is write your name on that blank space.
<<link "<b>Sign your name - ENDING</b>" "Fairapex2">><</link>>
<<link "Don't sign" "Fairapex3">><</link>>Of course, you want this. You sign your name quickly and when the ink shines scarlet almost too brightly.
<<di fair "Oh let me see... Oh hooo. How splendid. You don't realize how happy I am to have you on our team.">>
His grin is stretched impossibly wider upon inspecting your signature.
<<di fair "Now let's get you in the uniform, shall we?">>
A touch of his finger and all of your clothes vanish from existence. Then he produces... a chastity cage on his hand. Your body, which you now have no control over, floats up and the cage flies into your crotch and snaps into place.
<<image fair/cc.jpg>>
<<di you "Wha-what the hell are you doing? Get me down.">>
<<di fair "Oh ho, sweet sweet brother. You should have looked at the fine print. Here let me point it out to you:">>
He points into the miniscule lines of text and in gray font which you completely miss because of the rush you just had.
<<di fair "... your body and will will be under complete control of your employer, which is me, for eternity.">>
<<di you "THE FUCK?? You tricked me and this has no basis nor is it legal. Get this shit the off me.">>
He begins tooting.
<<di fair "Too bad, you already sign with your blood, your existence now belongs to me...">>
Now that he says it you realize that the top of your fingers are wet... with blood? What? The pen drew blood from you. He then sniffs the air and licks his lips sensually.
<<dio "Sensual voice" "...and what a magnificent find that you're. Your sexual prowess is indeed impressive but your blood,...">>
He's in fact the voice that gives you the direction in the challenge.
<<di fair "...it's one of a kind and when it thrums with lust, it tastes and smells divine.">>
<<di you "What the hell are you tal-?">>
He makes a zip motion and your mouth closes shut.
<<di fair "Ah ah, I'm your employer now and you have to listen to me, got it?">>
<<di you "Yes, sir.">>
You see your mouth move on its own accord, your eyes widens and terror fills you.
<<di fair "C'mon, let's don your uniform. We gotta go soon, so a lot of packing to do. Chop chop.">>
Then your body, without your direction, puts on the uniform given by him. With great horror, you find out that your own mind is now just a passenger in your body, someone or something sinister is sitting on the driver seat.
You have a mouth but you cannot scream.
<<link "Years went by..." "Fairend1">>
<</link>><<scenechoices fair 1 0>>\
<<if not $gameends>>\
@@.title;BAD ENDING@@
Years went by and He didn't lie. You got to witness men in all states of depravity and lewdity. However it is now torture instead of pleasure, because there is no release to be found. Your cock is completely imprisoned by the cage and you're almost always aroused from watching men getting what you crave daily - achieving climaxes in all manner of fashion.
You come to learn that He is a special being that feasts on sexual energy from people and one thing that He particularly likes is frustration. That's why He lures people with impressive prowess into the Ardor Fair, makes them His employees and keeps them caged so waves of unadulterated frustration ooze off them and become a delicacy to Him. You are one of His favorite to taste because of... your blood? That He never ever tells you exactly why, but you don't particularly care either because your mind is numb.
Losing control of your own body while retaining all of its feelings is... interesting. You aren't entirely sure that you're even a being at this point. Or... maybe, it's really you that tell your body to not take off the cock cage. Maybe, it's really you that tell yourself to put on that ugly fair worker uniform every day. Maybe, it's really you that welcome more people to take the challenges so they can become a part of the fair.
You smile brightly at the next person that enters the booth:
<<dio "Fair worker" "Howdy, wanna try your chance at the Adventuresomeness booth?">>
To pass the time you can only think back of all the special <<link "memories" "Memoriesmenu">><<set $gameends = true>><</link>> you've made.You don't sign your name to the contract, not yet anyway. You have questions:
<<di you "What is my responsibility as your employee though?">>
He still maintain his smile while answering:
<<di fair "Nothing much, just some work here and there but most importantly getting to see men in action, isn't that exciting?">>
That sounds too good, way too good to be true. Despite your lack of work history, one thing you're fully aware of is employers always find ways to exploit the employees in this day and age. You try looking through the contract again.
<<di fair "What are you waiting for? Just put your signature down.">>
His tone is borderline impatient now. You continue reading and you notice there is a faint, barely intelligible line down at the bottom that says: "... your body and will will be under complete control of your employer for eternity." Huh?
<<di you "What is this line? Is this a trick? I don't want to sell my body to you.">>
You knew there must be a catch and are glad you just didn't just sign your life away. You are about to walk away from this whole thing when he appears opposite of you blocking you from the entrance.
<<di fair "Hey, now now brother. Let's renegotiate, okay? My assistant must have mixed something up with the contract. That wasn't for you. I'll write up a new contract for you.">>
Do you want to trust him? <<button "<b><u>Why the hell does he keep calling you brother?</u></b>" "Fairapex4">><</button>>
With all the supernatural things you've experienced in this fair, you think there would be dire consequences if your signature is on that contract. He must have laid a trap there for you.
<<di you "No thanks, but I think I'll pass.">>
<<di fair "BUT YOU GAVE YOUR WORD.">>
His outburst unnerves you. Then, he takes a second to recompose himself.
<<di fair "I'm sorry but not everyone is given an opportunity like this in their lifetime. This is a one-time deal, if you decline there will be no next chance, ever.">>
He really wants to sell this to you but the trust is already broken.
<<di you "You had your chance too, man. But, you blew it. So this is goodbye... Still thank you, I've had a lot of fun with the fair.">>
You then walk around him to exit the tent and as you take in the bustling atmosphere outside, somehow it now feels tainted. There is a nauseatingly cheeriness from fair-goers and workers alike that makes you slightly sick just by witnessing it.
<<link "Back" "Ardor Fair">>
<</link>>Returning the Apex tent, the guard stops you from going in.
<<dio "Guard" "Where's the vouchers">>
<<di you "You burned them all, remember?">>
<<dio "Guard" "Then no entry.">>
He stay immobile like a big boulder between you and the tent.
<<link "Back" "Ardor Fair">>
<</link>><<di you "Why are you calling me brother?">>
It's not an isolated case but he consistently refers to you as brother.
<<di fair "Nothing, just my way of speaking.">>
He then whistles nonchalantly, you really cannot just believe every single word he says.
<<di you "If you're not telling, I'm leaving.">>
You walk around him but then once more being blocked from exit by him.
<<di fair "Alright alright, if you insist...">>
He sighs exasperatedly.
<<di fair "I can smell your blood and it is distinctively similar to my kind... That is not the only kind of blood in your body, I detect another one that is much fouler and disgusting...">>
Once again, he pauses to build anticipation.
<<di fair "...Though combined together, it creates an absolutely divine scent that allures even the harshest critic like me.">>
<<di you "Your kind? What are you?">>
<<di fair "How crass! A gentleman won't simply just ask another what kind they are.">>
<<di you "Okay, so can you be a gentleman and tell me what am I?">>
<<di fair "Well, well. It doesn't work that way and besides, I don't know. You just gotta find it out by yourself.">>
<<di you "How?">>
<<di fair "By joining the fair, you'll find out about all about your lineage. Here, this is a redrafted contract. Take a look.">>
He produces another paper out of the thin air. In spite of his attempt at scamming you before, you still take a look through it because the idea of joining this fair is still tempting to you.
After looking through it, you don't see anything wrong nor any hidden clause inside it. Regardless, you interject:
<<di you "I want to do less labor and a new clause here that allows quit at any time.">>
<<di fair "What? You're asking too much.">>
He grovels at your request that you won't budge on:
<<di you "Add that or we won't have a deal.">>
You fake-walk away and he halts you again.
<<di fair "Alright, alright fine. I'll add it.">>
He snaps his fingers and suddenly a new line appears in the contract that is exactly as you describe. Damn, he really wants your ass in his team. Now all terms are perfect and it's a compelling labor contract. Still do you want to sign your name in it?
<div id="choice">\
<<link "<b>Sign your name - ENDING</b>">>
<<replace '#choice'>>\
A life traveling around the world and seeing men in various states of debauchery is quite compelling so you sign your name away. Now that he had your signature on the contract, he looks happy to have you on board:
<<di fair "Alright, I knew you'd make the right choice. We would make a great partnership, you and I, brother.">>
<<di you "You betcha!">>
<<link "Years went by..." "Fairend2">><</link>>
<<link "Don't sign">>
<<replace '#choice'>>\
Nah, it's still a liability to work alongside a cunning guy like him.
<<di you "On a second thought, we don't have a deal.">>
<<di fair "WHAT? ARE YOU KIDDING ME?">>
He explodes, now completely fed up with you.
<<di fair "I've given you perks that one can only dream of and you still decline?">>
<<di you "I'm just yanking your chains, hahaha. Later, loser.">>
Then you decisively walk out of the tent without a glance back. As you take in the bustling atmosphere outside, somehow it now feels tainted. There is a nauseatingly cheeriness from fair-goers and workers alike that makes you slightly sick just by witnessing it.
<<link "Back" "Ardor Fair">><</link>>
</div>\<<scenechoices fair 1 0>>\
<<if not $gameends>>\
@@.title;GOOD ENDING@@
Years went by and he didn't lie. You got to witness men in all states of depravity and lewdity. The fair has a strange aura that makes men act recklessly and you take advantage of that to result in numerous hot encounters with all kinds of dudes in all shapes and sizes.
<<video you/youfacial12.mp4>>
Though, you've come to learn the art of just watching men in action since it is quite fun. Another reason is $fair.Name begs you to not cum sometimes since he's a sexual demon who feasts on sexual energy and he has a liking to sexual frustration. Because this is a partnership, you don't mind edging yourself so the guy can have a good meal once in a while.
So you also learn you're a kind of sexual demon as well but the other half of your bloodline is still a giant question mark. Do you particularly care about your lineage at this point? No. Getting freaky with hot men takes up most of your days and it doesn't look like you'll be bored of this job any time soon.
Sometimes, you still look back at the special <<link "memories" "Memoriesmenu">><<set $gameends = true>><</link>> you've made along the way.You're chilling in the living room when the doorbell rings. Because you don't get up to answer the door immediately, there are more loud bangs on the door. You annoyedly open the door.
<<dio "Officer" "This is the police department and we have a search warrant on your residence. Please step aside.">>
<<di you "Wha-? What the hell?">>
Before you can even do anything, they already roughly shoulder-check you and barge through. They start scouring through the living room without any care or respect.
<<di you "The hell, guys? We don't have anything for you to search.">>
<<dio "Officer" "This is just our standard protocol. Do not interfere.">>
He stands in front of you to block you from acting recklessly. After around fifteen infuriating minutes, they all come back from doing a thorough search on your house. From their headshakes, you assume they found nothing suspicious. However, the guy blocking you then says:
<<dio "Officer" "Arms up. I need to search you.">>
<<di you "What? You have no rights.">>
That's all you can say and do before another police restrains your arms up in the air and the officer begin searching you. You try thrashing wildly but it's futile. When his hand reaches your pocket, you suddenly realize.
<<dio "Officer" "Here it is. Marijuana.">>
Then he begins cuffing you as your ears buzz from the terror. Possession of weed is a federal crime that can land someone in prison in your state and... you have a substantial amount on you right now. You can barely make out the pre-arrest warning the officer is spelling out as your body feels numb from the shock you're experiencing.
<<link "Weeks go by" "Prisonintro2">>
<<set $day = 2>>
<<set $hour = 17>>
<<set $minute = 0>>
<</link>>The past few weeks have been a whirlwind which swept you away violently. At first, despite staying in jail and panicking, you try to stay positive due to your $w.dad's assurance to get you out. However, things don't really go smoothly as the date of trial comes. In spite of your attorney being one of the best in the area and building a great defense, the judge and juries aren't convinced at all. In the end, the final verdict you receive is two years in prison. Upon hearing that sentence, you feel faint. You're too damn young to waste your life in prison like this.
<<image pr/prcourt.jpg>>
<<dio "Lawyer" "...Please don't let this information leave this room but a source told me this was a setup...">>
You snap out of the daze from the shock that is still wrecking through your body.
<<di dad "What do you mean?">>
<<dio "Lawyer" "Allegedly, your $w.son is the fall guy for another kid from a much more powerful family.">>
A powerful family? The only person you can think of that is related to your case is the dealer at the college campus. Is it him?
<<dio "Lawyer" "Allegedly. But that's what I heard.">>
<<if $dad.aff >= 40>>\
<<di dad "Fuck... stay strong, $you.Namedis. I'll do everything in my ability to get you out of there soon.">>
<<elseif $dad.aff >= 20>>\
<<di dad "Damnit... stay strong, $w.son. I'll get you out of there.">>
<<elseif $dad.aff >= 10>>\
<<di dad "Shit... who the hell did you involve in now? This will not be easy to get you out of there.">>
<<di dad "You dumbass, what did you get involved with this time? God fucking damnit, how the hell am I supposed to get you out of this sentence?">>
You don't blurt a single word. Outside, you've gone vegetable but on the inside you're shaking in fear of what terror might welcome you in your new temporary home - prison.
<<link "A whirlwind of time passes" "Prisonintro3">>
<<set $stage = 2>>
<<set $day = 7>>
<<set $hour = 20>>
<<set $minute = 0>>
<</link>><<image pr/prcell.jpg>>
Again, time passes by in blur and now you're officially a prisoner. It still doesn't feel real but now that you're here facing the bunk beds where you'll spend most of your time, there is a strange sort of courage that empowers you.
<<di cm "What's your name, kid?">>
A voice from the top bed spurs you out of the moment. A rough looking but striking guy, which you assume is your cellmate, is staring at you intensely.
<<image pr/prcm.jpg>>
You gulp before answering:
<<di you "$you.Namedis and I'm not a child. You?">>
<span id="t">\
He tells you to call him <<textbox "$cm.Name" "Damon">>
<<link "You memorize his name">>
<<replace "#t">>\
<<di cm "Call me $cm.Name. So if you're not a kid, this is not your first time?">>
Who are you kidding? With your naive feature there is no way to bluff your way out of it.
<<di you "Yeah... no. This is my first time in prison.">>
He stays silent and scan you from head to toe.
<<di cm "You'll be eaten up alive out there. However, it's a god's blessing that you're assigned to be my cellmate. I can give you protection from the savages.">>
<<di you "At what cost?">>
<<di cm "Heh, you're not stupid. Your duty is getting me off when my mood strikes.">>
His voice is sure and calm like you've already accepted his offer. So the choice is either being his bitch or being gangraped?
<span id="choice1">\
<<link "Agree to his proposal">>
<<set $cm.protection = 1>>\
<<replace "#choice1">>\
@@.add;$cm.Name's protection acquired@@
You can only nod meekly, accepting your place as his plaything in this boring cage. Honestly, he's hot enough and you don't mind being on the receiving end of such a hunk.
Now that the introduction is done you try to remember the daily schedule the guard tells you during admission.
<i>6:00 Wake up
7:00 Breakfast
8:00 Go to work
12:00 Lunch
13:00 Class
15:00 Free time
18:00 Shower
19:00 Dinner
20:00 Back to cell & Rest</i>
So this is the daily grind of a prisoner? Sounds boring. Will you make the most out of this new life?
<<link "Next morning" "Prisonintromorning">>
<<set _temph = 29 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<link "Refuse his proposal">>
<<replace "#choice1">>\
<<di you "Who says I need your protection? I can manage on my own just fine.">>
He lets out a guffaw like he's witnessing a little bunny throwing a temper tantrum.
<<di cm "I'll let that one slide and this is a done deal since no cellmate of mine will be a prison hole. Now, I'll go back to reading.">>
<span id="choice2">\
<<link "Agree to his proposal after all">>
<<set $cm.protection = 1>>\
<<replace "#choice2">>\
@@.add;$cm.Name's protection acquired@@
You can only nod meekly, accepting your place as his plaything in this boring cage. Honestly, he's hot enough and you don't mind being on the receiving end of such a hunk.
Now that the introduction is done you try to remember the daily schedule the guard tells you during admission.
<i>6:00 Wake up
7:00 Breakfast
8:00 Go to work
12:00 Lunch
13:00 Class
15:00 Free time
18:00 Shower
19:00 Dinner
20:00 Back to cell & Rest</i>
So this is the daily grind of a prisoner? Sounds boring. Will you make the most out of this new life?
<<link "Next morning" "Prisonintromorning">>
<<set _temph = 29 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<link "You don't need his help">>
<<replace "#choice2">>\
<<di you "I said I don't need your help, asshole.">>
This time his stare is even more intense, it's like a thousand blades pushing into your neck and makes all your hair follicles stand up. His answer is calm:
<<di cm "Fine, I don't like forcing. Remember: don't crawl back and cry for my salvation after they fuck the shit out of you. Good luck, kiddo.">>
With that, he goes back to reading and ignores you completely. You've made your decision and without his protection things won't be easy for sure.
Now that the introduction is done you try to remember the daily schedule the guard tells you during admission.
<i>6:00 Wake up
7:00 Breakfast
8:00 Go to work
12:00 Lunch
13:00 Class
15:00 Free time
18:00 Shower
19:00 Dinner
20:00 Back to cell & Rest</i>
So this is the daily grind of a prisoner? Sounds boring. Will you make the most out of this new life?
<<link "Next morning" "Prisonintromorning">>
<<set _temph = 29 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
</span>\<<image pr/prcell.jpg>>
Bells blearing - this is not your usual alarm and you open your eyes and realize that:
<<di you "Right, I’m in prison.">>
You assume that this is the morning alarm signaling the wake up time, you decide to:
<span id="choice1">\
<<link "Chat with your cellmate">>
<<replace "#choice1">>\
<<di you "Do I have to wake up in the ass crack of the dawn like this everyday?">>
<<di cm "Yes, if you’re not itching for a beating from the prison guards.">>
<<if $cm.protection == 1>>\
You smile at him despite knowing for a fact that he isn’t joking.
<<di you "Have you overslept before?">>
<<di cm "I did and it wasn’t pretty.">>
From his grim tone, you conclude that you absolutely should never oversleep in prison.
Already deciding that you don’t need his help, you don’t offer much more pleasantry.
<<link "Breakfast time" "Prisonintrobreakfast">>
<<set _temph = 6 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<link "Pass the time idly">>
<<replace "#choice1">>\
The first morning of the prison... You're not really in the mood to do anything except sulking.
<<link "Breakfast time" "Prisonintrobreakfast">>
<<set _temph = 6 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
</span>\After the roll call, it’s time for breakfast. You make your way to the dining room and it was surprisingly spacious and clean.
<<image pr/prdininghall.jpg>>
As you queue for the food, you wonder where you will sit during the meal?
<<if $cm.protection == 1>>\
Better the devil you know, maybe you should stick by your cellmate.
Do you want to sit with your cellmate after all that you said to him? You can try.
On the other hand, the guards are standing around and looking bored. Maybe you should just eat along to finish the meal quickly and instead get chummy with the authority? It sounds like a good idea.
Or you can try rolling with the punches and mingle with the rest of the prisoners. What is the worst thing that can happen? You can even make a name for yourself among them.
<<if not hasVisited("Prisonintrocmmealchat")>>\
<<link "Sit and chat with your cellmate" "Prisonintrocmmealchat">>
<<set _temph = 7 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<if not hasVisited("Prisonintrogmealchat")>>\
<<link "Finish your meal quickly to chat up the guards" "Prisonintrogmealchat">>
<<set _temph = 7 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<if not hasVisited("Prisonintropmealchat")>>\
<<link "Sit and mingle among the prisoners" "Prisonintropmealchat">>
<<set _temph = 7 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<</if>>\<<if $cm.protection == 1>>\
<<aff cm 1>>\
As you are seated across from $cm.Name, he deadpans:
<<di cm "You just can’t get enough of me can’t ya?">>
With that, you flush, you indeed stick very close to him but that’s hardly your fault.
<<di you "You can’t blame me for that. It’s either you or I get thrown to the wolves.">>
<<di cm "Just what I want to hear. So you are ready to suck my dick, huh?">>
You take this moment to give him a once over again. Honestly, he’s the perfect prison hunk that you envision - rough around the edges but very capable looking. You can’t help but lick your lips and he gives you a hot stare.
<<di cm "Looks more than ready to me.">>
He rasps deeply and instead of doing anything about it, he resumes eating and the rest of the meal is spent in silence.
As you are seated across from $cm.Name, it isn't welcomed.
<<di cm "Why the fuck are you sitting here?">>
He growls threateningly. You feign ignorance.
<<di you "What? This is a public dining hall. I can sit wherever I want.">>
He appears unimpressed with your answer.
<<di cm "What happened to “I don't need your help”? Having second thoughts?">>
<<di you "Nah... I just want to mess with ya.">>
That is obviously a wrong thing to say because he smashes your half-eaten tray of food to the wall behind with a loud clang. Despite your coyness, his action makes your heart racing.
<<dio "Guard" "What's wrong, $cm.Name?">>
The guard calmly inquires about the commotion. $cm.Name smiles good-naturedly at the guard.
<<di cm "Just an accident, sir.">>
<<dio "Guard" "Alright, just clean that up.">>
Other than that order, the officer doesn't dish out any punishment for causing a ruckus in the hall. It seems $cm.Name is seen more favorably among the guards. When he turns back around at you, all signs of politeness are gone. In its place is a smoldering look.
<<di cm "That would be your fucking face if you try to disturb me during my meal again. This is your final warning.">>
He points to the now bent tray on the ground. You gulp nervously but heed his threat. It's not a wise idea to bug him anymore.
<<if $hour < 12>>\
<<link "Work time" "Prisonintrowork">>
<<set _temph = 11 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<elseif $hour < 14>>\
<<link "Class time" "Prisonintroclass">>
<<set _temph = 14 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<link "Back to cell" "Prisonintronight">>
<<set _temph = 19 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<</if>>\<<lust prg 1>>\
Finishing your meal while attracting no one’s attention, you approach the guard who is standing in a corner.
<<di you "Hey, boss. How you doing?">>
He glances at you unamusedly at first but then recognition hits him.
<<dio "Guard" "Oh, it’s you. What do you want?">>
You are pretty sure you haven't met him before but still.
<<di you "Nothing, just want to have a chat. Are your work always this boring?">>
He gives a humourless chuckle.
<<dio "Guard" "Boring is good, you don't want to be in the middle of an exciting incident in this place.">>
You of course understand his warning - keep your head down. However, there is always an ulterior motives in your every interaction:
<<di you "How about an alone and exciting incident? I may be able to help you out.">>
There it is, your slut self shows. He raises an eyebrow at you.
<<dio "Guard" "You do have the nerve... but I'll keep that in mind.">>
After some mindless chat, you make a strategic retreat since you don’t want to test his patience, much...
<<if $hour < 12>>\
<<link "Work time" "Prisonintrowork">>
<<set _temph = 11 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<elseif $hour < 14>>\
<<link "Class time" "Prisonintroclass">>
<<set _temph = 14 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<link "Back to cell" "Prisonintronight">>
<<set _temph = 19 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<</if>>\<<lust pr 1>>\
Choosing the most crowded table, you sit down. All the eyes shift to you.
<<dio "Prisoner 1" "What do we have here?">>
<<di you "Just want to get acquaintanced with everyone. Can I sit here?">>
A whistle rings out:
<<dio "Prisoner 2" "You are quite brave, fresh meat. You know what happens with the helpless ones like you?">>
<span id="choice1">\
<<if $cm.protection == 1>>\
<<link "Say you have the protection of $cm.Name">>
<<replace "#choice1">>\
<<di you "If you touch me, you may have a taste of $cm.Name’s wrath.">>
The air suddenly stands still.
<<dio "Prisoner 2" "You’re $cm.Name’s plaything?">>
<<di you "I suppose you can say that.">>
Upon hearing that, the rest of them doesn’t give you a leering look any more and this whole interaction gives you a surprising boost of courage. You know $cm.Name is a big deal in this space but didn’t realize how big until now.
<<if $hour < 12>>\
<<link "Work time" "Prisonintrowork">>
<<set _temph = 11 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<elseif $hour < 14>>\
<<link "Class time" "Prisonintroclass">>
<<set _temph = 14 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<link "Back to cell" "Prisonintronight">>
<<set _temph = 19 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<link "Say that you understand">>
<<replace "#choice1">>\
<<di you "Of course and you all should know that this meat is delicious.">>
You wink at them suggestively. Having that many hot stares from a large group of rough looking men and thugs gives your slut self a huge thrill. Afterwards, you listen to their mindless chat while finishing your meal.
<<if $hour < 12>>\
<<link "Work time" "Prisonintrowork">>
<<set _temph = 11 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<elseif $hour < 14>>\
<<link "Class time" "Prisonintroclass">>
<<set _temph = 14 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<link "Back to cell" "Prisonintronight">>
<<set _temph = 19 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
</span>\<<image pr/prwork.jpg>>
<<lust prg 1>>\
After the meal, you get summoned to begin your first labor shift in prison. You got assigned prison maintenance work which consists of cleaning the premises, washing trucks, etc. A bit boring but you still feel blessed since you don’t have to do grueling stuff like brick-making. Everyone, under the guard’s surveillance, focuses on their tasks and there is little chit chat to be had. Aside from getting even lower than minimum wage, <b>the only good thing about being diligent with your work is building your trust with the authority - the guard.</b> The rest of the shift flies by.
<<link "Lunch time" "Prisonintrolunch">>
<</link>><<image pr/prdininghall.jpg>>
Work ends then comes another meal. As you queue for the frankly unappetizing-looking food, you ponder where to sit.
<<if not hasVisited("Prisonintrocmmealchat")>>\
<<link "Sit and chat with your cellmate" "Prisonintrocmmealchat">>
<<set _temph = 12 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<if not hasVisited("Prisonintrogmealchat")>>\
<<link "Finish your meal quickly to chat up the guards" "Prisonintrogmealchat">>
<<set _temph = 12 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<if not hasVisited("Prisonintropmealchat")>>\
<<link "Sit and mingle among the prisoners" "Prisonintropmealchat">>
<<set _temph = 12 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<</if>>\<<image pr/prclass.jpg>>
<<lust prg 1>>\
Then before you know it, it's afternoon and time for the mandatory class. The choices are rather lacking so you pick a random one. It looks like aside from the new knowledge, <b>doing these classes and following the schedule is good for the guard to be less wary of you.</b>
<<link "Free time in recreational area" "Prisonintrofreetime">>
<<set _temph = 15 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<</link>><<image pr/prra.jpg>>
The class finishes and now you have free time to roam and do activities in the recreational area. Not long after, you're cornered by a group of men.
<<dio "Prisoner 1" "You look rather lost, you need a tour of the place, fresh meat?">>
Despite the friendliness of his words, you can detect the predatory undertones. The guy talking seems to be the leader of this clique.
<<di you "Um... no thanks.">>
Before you can escape however, he already has his arm over your shoulders.
<<dio "Prisoner 1" "The answer is yes. You don't have a choice in this matter.">>
He whispers dangerously to your ears. He forces you to go along with him, at this moment you feel helpless.
<<if $cm.protection == 1>>\
<<di cm "Get your filthy hands off my thing, Bryce.">>
You have never felt more relief from hearing a man's voice ever in your life.
<<dio "Bryce" "He's yours? Really?">>
<<di cm "Yes and I said get your hands off him.">>
Bryce actually listens to him and remove you from his grip.
<<dio "Bryce" "That's new. You've changed, $cm.Name.">>
<<di cm "None of your business and better tell your goons to stay off him too.">>
<<dio "Bryce" "Hey c'mon now, we're friends, aren't we? It doesn't hurt to share our toys, I lend you mine, you lend me yours, huh?">>
<<di cm "I don't share, got it?">>
His word is like an ultimatum weighing down the surrounding air.
<<dio "Bryce" "Fine... but if you have a change of heart...">>
He gives you a lingering, slimy look.
<<dio "Bryce" "...let me know.">>
Thankfully, he and the rest of the gang finally disperse. From the bottom of your heart, you say:
<<di you "Thank you, $cm.Name. For saving my ass just now.">>
<<di cm "No need, I just don't want my thing to get tainted by them thugs.">>
...You feel like an object, a toy that he just doesn't want to share with anyone. Still, your father raises you well.
<<di you "Still, you have my thank. I'm sure not everyone is willing to stick their necks out for a stranger they just met yesterday.">>
He looks at you with a slight smirk on his face.
<<di cm "You're a little weirdo, huh? Alright, now get lost. I want to work out.">>
<<link "Shower time" "Prisonintroshower">>
<<set _temph = 17 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour _temph>>
<<pressminute _tempm>>
Since you're determined to navigate this prison setting on your own, you really can't yell out for help, that's just pathetic. No matter what happens, you will face this with dignity and strength.
You're dragged to the part of the ground where there are no guards looking out. The leader of the group then opens his arms and takes a large breath.
<<dio "Prisoner 1" "Ahhh, what beautiful scenery... You know what I call this place?">>
The aforementioned place consists of concrete ground and walls. Not even caring if you acknowledge him or not, he continues:
<<dio "Prisoner 1" "It's called “fun spot”, a place where I have some fun times. Oh by the way, my name is Bryce. In case you want to moan out my name.">>
He then pulls down his pants to reveal a respectable dick even in its flaccid form.
<<dio "Bryce" "For the first of many, I'll go easy on ya. Use your mouth. Remember no teeth or we'll remove them all for you.">>
Then you got pushed down on your knees by the huge goons behind you. At this point, you really can't fight your way out of this since A: they outnumber you B: you don't know how to. So you accept your fate and honestly the idea of being forced to service an inmate sends a fucked up thrill throughout your body.
<<link "Blowjob time" "Prisonintrofreetimebj">>
<<set _temph = 16 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<</if>>\<<scenechoices pr 1 0>>\
<<lust pr 1>>\
Bryce with his cock out walks up to you. As he closes the distance, his scent is also more present. A combination of sweat, musk<<if $watersport>>, something rank<</if>> and it is amplified by the heat of the sun. Still that has never repulsed you but instead makes your mouth water in anticipation of what to come.
He then grabs your nape to push your lips toward his member. That catches you by surprise so you get a lungful of his concentrated pheromone deep in his pube. Only then, you open your mouth and begin nursing his prick to hardness. You learn that the guy is quite verbal, he grunts and groan in satisfaction as your tongue trace the growing veins on his shaft and pry between his piss slit.
<<video pr/prpbj11.mp4>>
<<dio "Bryce" "From the moment I saw you, I knew you'd be a good fucking slut.">>
He is rather pleased not with you but himself for finding out that you're a willing whore. Wow, what a discovery. He then discards any remaining inhibition and proceed to fuck your mouth relentlessly.
<<dio "Bryce" "You like that big cock, whore?">>
Not only is he a mouthful but also mouthy, you really can't sound out a word right now since you're gagged by his frankly large knob. Instead, you can only get him even deeper down your throat as an affirmation that convey the message: Indeed, his manhood is quite impressive.
<<video pr/prpbj12.mp4>>
<<dio "Bryce" "Fuck... I'm gonna bust soon...">>
What follows that warning is a series of increasingly louder noises from pleasure, euphoria until they reach a peak with a shout:
<<dio "Bryce" "SSSHITTTT!!!">>
He then unloads his seed all over your face marking your first ever prison load.
<<video you/youfacial16.mp4>>
<<if $gameends>>\
<<link "Back" "Prisonscenemenu">>
<<link "When it's done" "Prisonintrofreetimebjtalk">>
<</if>>\<<dio "Prisoner 2" "Pig incoming.">>
One of the goons informs Bryce. By pig, you assume it is a guard.
<<dio "Bryce" "Tsk tsk, such a shame that our time has to be cut short like this.">>
He then prop you up by your armpits and pat the non-existent dust off your shoulders.
<<dio "Bryce" "But don't you worry your pretty little head off. There are plenty more opportunities to come. Hahaha.">>
With his laugh, he waves to his group of underlings to retreat. As the guard nears, he asks you:
<<dio "Guard" "Anything wrong, inmate?">>
Despite your age, you know for a fact a snitch won't have a happy ending here so you bite your lips and shake your head.
<<dio "Guard" "Alright, don't just stand around, get some exercise in.">>
He says that before making the round around the recreational area. You, on the other hand, wonder about the consequence of the blowjob you just gave. Will words get out about your willingness? Will it become something horrible or a blessing in the end?
<<link "Shower time" "Prisonintroshower">>
<<set _temph = 17 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<</link>><<image pr/prshower.jpg>>
Then you're ushered by the guard for shower time. The room is literally an open tiled floor with a couple of dozens of shower heads sticking out from the wall.
<<dio "Guard" "Your turn, be quick.">>
One of the guards pushes you from the queue inside the room. From here, you can also see naked men everywhere. The sight, even in the context of your imprisonment, is so damn hot. It's a blessing that you possess enough willpower to not pop a boner right there. You undress, leave both your dirty and new uniforms on one of the empty shelves near the entrance and find a shower spot.
Before you can even lather yourself with shampoo, your neighbor catches your attention.
<<dio "Prisoner" "Psst, you're new, right?">>
<<di you "Um... yeah. What's the matter?">>
<<dio "Prisoner" "I got a business proposal for you: A blowjob in exchange for a cig.">>
“A cig” which you assume is cigarettes. Now that you think of it, there is no money in this shit hole so they have to substitute it with something else like cigarettes. Even without the added bonus, you're never opposed to giving a complete stranger a blowjob. Still, should you do it?
<span id="choice1">\
<<link "Yes">>
<<replace "#choice1">>\
<<di you "Deal. But you gotta be quick.">>
<<dio "Prisoner" "Oh trust me, buddy. I will.">>
You forgot the fact that you're surrounded by like 20+ men who can easily see what you're about to do, but fuck it. You're a criminal now so giving some men a show seems like the least of your problems.
<<link "Blowjob time" "Prisonintroshowerbj">>
<<set _temph = 18 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 30 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<link "No">>
<<replace "#choice1">>\
You recall that your cellmate - your guardian - did mention that he doesn't share. If he finds out that you're whoring yourself out to some rando, he'll most likely be pissed.
<<di you "Very tempting, but I'll have to pass.">>
<<dio "Prisoner" "Are you sure? Good cig is hard to come by.">>
<<di you "Thanks, but no thanks.">>
You then continue lathering yourself in suds to quickly get out of this place as soon as possible.
<<link "Dinner time" "Prisonintrodinner">>
<<set _temph = 18 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
</span>\<<scenechoices pr 1 0>>\
<<lust pr 1>>\
You carefully get down on your knees to not slip and immediately go for the mark and swallow his rising member in one gulp. Soon enough, it goes fully erected inside your mouth and you can only taste the skin and the slight bitterness from the soap. Your tongue at first coils around his shaft to increase the suction and then tickle his glan to heighten the pleasure.
<<video pr/prpshowerbj11.mp4>>
<<dio "Prisoner" "Fuck... I'm dangerously close.">>
<<di you "Uhghmm...">>
You can only hum around his cock and deepthroat him shamelessly so he can know what a pro you're.
<<video pr/prpshowerbj12.mp4>>
Then you hear his muffled groan and he begins spewing his thick and probably days old load on your face.
<<video you/youfacial17.mp4>>
<<dio "Prisoner" "Damn! You're actually good at this.">>
You smile at him almost proudly and in your peripheral vision, you got quite an audience.
<<di you "I always aim to please, especially to my business partners.">>
He laughs not particularly of your joke but probably because he have just found a new outlet for his pent up lust in prison. You two clean up swiftly and as you leave the shower area, he keeps his end of the deal and gives you a cig stashed away inside his uniform. Hmm, maybe it will come handy in the future.
<<cig 1>>\
<<if $gameends>>\
<<link "Back" "Prisonscenemenu">>
<<link "Dinner time" "Prisonintrodinner">>
<<set _temph = 18 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<image pr/prdininghall.jpg>>
Afterward, it is time for dinner. As you queue for the frankly unappetizing-looking food, you ponder where to sit.
<<if not hasVisited("Prisonintrocmmealchat")>>\
<<link "Sit and chat with your cellmate" "Prisonintrocmmealchat">>
<<set _temph = 19 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<if not hasVisited("Prisonintrogmealchat")>>\
<<link "Finish your meal quickly to chat up the guards" "Prisonintrogmealchat">>
<<set _temph = 19 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<if not hasVisited("Prisonintropmealchat")>>\
<<link "Sit and mingle among the prisoners" "Prisonintropmealchat">>
<<set _temph = 19 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<</if>>\<<image pr/prcell.jpg>>
Dinner is done, it's the roll call and you're summoned back to your cell for the night.
<<if $cm.protection == 1>>\
<<if hasVisited("Prisonintroshowerbj")>>\
<<sus cm -2>>\
<<di cm "Tell me why someone told me that you whored yourself in the shower?">>
Your heart lurches a little at his accusing tone. A lot of people witness your shower blowjob so there is really no denying.
<<di you "Yeah... Am I not allowed to do that?">>
<<di cm "What part of “you're my thing” that you do not understand? All your holes belong to me. No one else can use it, understand?">>
His tone is authoritative and bodes no argument. So you can only nod meekly with your cheeks burning from getting caught.
<<di cm "I'll forgive you for this one. Now, you've got a job to do.">>
<<di cm "So, how's the first day treating you?">>
In a surprisingly companionable manner, he asks you.
<<di you "Well, rather boring, I must admit.">>
<<di cm "That's what drives people mad and makes them do reckless stuff just to change up the monotonous life here.">>
He gives a sagely insight, you wonder how many shenanigans, fights or... murder he has witnessed during his time here.
<<di cm "So I've got an exciting job for you.">>
He says matter of factly and begins upzipping to display his very proportionate member to his large frame.
<<di cm "Suck it.">>
He orders and with a commanding tone like that how can you even resist?
<<link "Blowjob time" "Prisonintronightbj">>
<<presshour add 1>>
As you two settle on your bed, the awkward silence is kind of killing you.
<<di you "Do you know Bryce?">>
<<di cm "Oh... so you've met him. I assume it wasn't exactly a pleasant meeting, was it?">>
<<di you "You could say that.">>
<<di cm "He's a nasty piece of work and loves to terrorize newcomers like you, but he ain't dare to touch any stuff that's mine. No one in this establishment does actually.">>
Hmm, confident much? But, from the way he carries himself, you really do not have any room to doubt his words.
<<di you "You're saying that he will leave me alone had I been under your protection?">>
<<di cm "Correct. Such a shame that you aren't, huh? Well, I don't give out second chances, so have fun dealing with that asshole.">>
He's clearly mocking you for what? For making a wrong choice? Cuz you don't think you made the wrong decision. You can handle any asshole on your own, one way or another.
<<link "Morning comes" "Prisonmorning11">>
<<set _temph = 29 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<</if>>\<<scenechoices pr 1 0>>\
<<aff cm 1>>\
Kneeling down on the hard floor, you try to get used to this since this is probably the first of many blowjobs to come. He looks like a lord waiting for the service from his servant.
He's really striking even in his relaxed state, you really want to spend a few more minutes just admiring his form but the half hard monster on his thigh looks way too inviting for you to resist. Thus, you commence by licking his tip kittenishly which evokes a jerk of his length. Energized by the reaction, you envelope him with the wet heat of your mouth.
<<video pr/prcmnightbj11.mp4>>
Then you got a good rhythm going and adjust to him in his full glory which is quite a mouthful. He grunts a little when you open up enough to let his glans hit the back of your mouth.
<<di cm "Alright, I'll take it from here.">>
He says gruffly before grabbing your head and proceed to plunge his cock deep down your throat. You gag a little for the immense girth stretching your mouth but for the most part is still fine because a little but of mouth fucking never fazes you. His assault continues as your try to breath through your nose as much as you can since your airway is getting repeatedly restricted.
<<video pr/prcmnightbj12.mp4>>
<<di cm "Goddamn...! I'm about to...">>
Here it comes, the moment you've been waiting for. Despite your anticipation his outburst still surprises you. He starts with a guttural shout and then a constant stream of pearly juices begins flowing from his urethra. The amount is so tremendous as his cock paints your face, you think you almost drown from his scent, musk and essence.
<<video you/youfacial18.mp4>>
<<di you "Shit... That's a huge fucking load.">>
A rare smile bloom on his face must be from the afterglow.
<<di cm "Staying in prison for years with little to no outlet will do that to you.">>
Damn the guy must be really pent up. If you were in his shoes, you would makes someone blow you to... Well, now that you think of it, you probably can't muster a sliver of authority or domination to do so.
<<di cm "Alright, I'll go back to my reading. Don't bother me, got it?">>
His wish is your command, you're still hard from servicing him but that can wait. As you settle down, on your bed, you can't help but smile. The prison life turns out to be not so bad after all.
<<if $gameends>>\
<<link "Back" "Prisonscenemenu">>
<<link "Morning comes" "Prisonmorning11">>
<<set _temph = 29 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<</if>>\<<image pr/prcell.jpg>>
<<if $pr.endcd == 0>>\
Bell ringings and a new day comes. However, today feels different.
<span id="choice1">\
<<if $cm.protection == 1>>\
<<link "Chat with your cellmate">>
<<replace "#choice1">>\
<<aff cm 1>>\
<<di you "Hey... $cm.Name.">>
He then glances at you questioningly:
<<di cm "What?">>
There is much running through your head but all that comes out of your mouth is:
<<di you "I'll see you later, okay?">>
He quirks his eyebrow at you but decide to go along with your weird antic.
<<di cm "Okay.">>
That's the last thing you hear from him.
<<link "Breakfast time">>
<<set _temph = 6 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<if $cm.protection == 1 and $cm.aff == $cm.affmax and $pr.shiv == 1>>
<<goto "Prending31">>
<<elseif $pr.shiv == 1>>
<<goto "Prending21">>
<<goto "Prending12">>
<<link "Pass the time idly">>
<<replace "#choice1">>\
Still there is no need to do anything else except waiting for the correctional officer to keep count until breakfast.
<<link "Breakfast time">>
<<set _temph = 6 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<if $cm.protection == 1 and $cm.aff == $cm.affmax and $pr.shiv == 1>>
<<goto "Prending31">>
<<elseif $pr.shiv == 1>>
<<goto "Prending21">>
<<goto "Prending12">>
Bell ringings and you're getting used to being woken up in this early hour.
<span id="choice1">\
<<if $cm.protection == 1>>\
<<if $cm.aff >= 15 and not hasVisited("Prisonmorningcmbj11")>>\
<<link "You can't help yourself anymore" "Prisonmorningcmbj11">>
<<pressminute add 15>>
<<elseif $cm.aff >= 15>>\
<<link "Give him a morning blowjob">>
<<replace "#choice1">>\
<<pressminute add 5>>\
<<include "Prisonmorningcmbj11">>
<<link "Chat with your cellmate">>
<<replace "#choice1">>\
<<if $cm.aff >= 5 and not hasVisited("CMchat1")>>\
<<pressminute add 15>>
<<goto "CMchat1">>
<<elseif $cm.aff >= 10 and not hasVisited("CMchat2")>>\
<<pressminute add 15>>
<<goto "CMchat2">>
<<elseif $cm.aff >= 15 and not hasVisited("CMchat3")>>\
<<pressminute add 15>>
<<goto "CMchat3">>
<<elseif $cm.aff >= 20 and not hasVisited("CMchat4")>>\
<<pressminute add 15>>
<<goto "CMchat4">>
<<elseif $cm.aff >= 25 and not hasVisited("CMchat5")>>\
<<pressminute add 15>>
<<goto "CMchat5">>
<<elseif $cm.aff >= 30 and not hasVisited("CMchat6")>>\
<<pressminute add 15>>
<<goto "CMchat6">>
<<elseif $cm.aff >= 35 and not hasVisited("CMchat7")>>\
<<pressminute add 15>>
<<goto "CMchat7">>
<<elseif $cm.aff >= 40 and not hasVisited("CMchat7")>>\
<<pressminute add 15>>
<<goto "CMchat7">>
<<elseif $cm.aff >= 45 and not hasVisited("CMchat8")>>\
<<pressminute add 15>>
<<goto "CMchat8">>
<<aff cm 1>>\
You make a short and amicable chat with him.
<<link "Breakfast time" "Prisonmeal11">>
<<set _temph = 6 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<link "Pass the time idly">>
<<replace "#choice1">>\
There is not really anything you want to do except waiting for the correctional officer to keep count until breakfast.
<<link "Breakfast time" "Prisonmeal11">>
<<set _temph = 6 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<</if>>\<<image pr/prdininghall.jpg>>
<<set $you.hunger = 0>>
<<if $hour <= 9>>\
Entering the dining hall, you wonder where to sit?
<<elseif $hour <= 13>>\
Lunch time at the dining, now where to sit?
Final meal of the day, now where to sit?
<span id="choice1">\
<<if $cm.protection == 1>>\
<<link "Sit and chat with your cellmate">>
<<if $hour <= 8>>
<<set _temph = 7 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<elseif $hour <= 13>>
<<set _temph = 12 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<set _temph = 19 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<if hasVisited("Prending11") and not hasVisited("CMchat9")>>\
<<goto "CMchat9">>
<<elseif $cm.aff >= 5 and not hasVisited("CMchat1")>>\
<<goto "CMchat1">>
<<elseif $cm.aff >= 10 and not hasVisited("CMchat2")>>\
<<goto "CMchat2">>
<<elseif $cm.aff >= 15 and not hasVisited("CMchat3")>>\
<<goto "CMchat3">>
<<elseif $cm.aff >= 20 and not hasVisited("CMchat4")>>\
<<goto "CMchat4">>
<<elseif $cm.aff >= 25 and not hasVisited("CMchat5")>>\
<<goto "CMchat5">>
<<elseif $cm.aff >= 30 and not hasVisited("CMchat6")>>\
<<goto "CMchat6">>
<<elseif $cm.aff >= 35 and not hasVisited("CMchat7")>>\
<<goto "CMchat7">>
<<elseif $cm.aff >= 40 and not hasVisited("CMchat7")>>\
<<goto "CMchat7">>
<<elseif $cm.aff >= 45 and not hasVisited("CMchat8")>>\
<<goto "CMchat8">>
<<replace "#choice1">>\
<<aff cm 1>>\
You sit across $cm.Name and it isn't unwelcomed. You spend the meal with infrequent companionable chatters.
<<if $hour <= 8>>\
<<link "Work time">>
<<set _temph = 11 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<if not hasVisited("Guardwork31") and $pr.gtrust >= 50>>
<<goto "Guardwork31">>
<<elseif not hasVisited("Guardwork11") and $pr.gtrust >= 20>>
<<goto "Guardwork11">>
<<elseif hasVisited("Guardwork11")>>
<<goto "Guardwork21">>
<<goto "Prisonwork11">>
<<elseif $hour <= 13>>\
<<link "Class time">>
<<set _temph = 14 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<if not hasVisited("Guardclass11") and hasVisited("Guardwork11")>>
<<goto "Guardclass11">>
<<elseif hasVisited("Guardclass11")>>
<<goto "Guardclass21">>
<<goto "Prisonclass11">>
<<link "Rest time">>
<<if $cm.protection == 1 and $pr.psex == 1 and not hasVisited("CMwarn11")>>
<<set _temph = 19 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<goto "CMwarn11">>
<<elseif $cm.protection == 1 and $pr.psex == 1 and hasVisited("CMwarn11")>>
<<set _temph = 19 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<goto "CMwarn21">>
<<set _temph = 19 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<goto "Prisonnight11">>
<<link "Finish your meal quickly to chat up the guards">>
<<if $hour <= 8>>
<<set _temph = 7 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<elseif $hour <= 13>>
<<set _temph = 12 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<set _temph = 19 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<replace "#choice1">>\
<<lust prg 1>>\
Chowing down the food in a matter of minutes, you then make your way to cozy up the guards. You don't forget to slide in some double entendre in the conversation to pitch yourself to them.
<<link "You push further" "Guardmealchat11">>
<<if $hour <= 8>>\
<<link "Work time">>
<<set _temph = 11 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<if not hasVisited("Guardwork31") and $pr.gtrust >= 50>>
<<goto "Guardwork31">>
<<elseif not hasVisited("Guardwork11") and $pr.gtrust >= 20>>
<<goto "Guardwork11">>
<<elseif hasVisited("Guardwork11")>>
<<goto "Guardwork21">>
<<goto "Prisonwork11">>
<<elseif $hour <= 13>>\
<<link "Class time">>
<<set _temph = 14 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<if not hasVisited("Guardclass11") and hasVisited("Guardwork11")>>
<<goto "Guardclass11">>
<<elseif hasVisited("Guardclass11")>>
<<goto "Guardclass21">>
<<goto "Prisonclass11">>
<<link "Rest time" "Prisonnight11">>
<<if $cm.protection == 1 and $pr.psex == 1 and not hasVisited("CMwarn11")>>
<<set _temph = 19 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<goto "CMwarn11">>
<<elseif $cm.protection == 1 and $pr.psex == 1 and hasVisited("CMwarn11")>>
<<set _temph = 19 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<goto "CMwarn21">>
<<set _temph = 19 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<goto "Prisonnight11">>
<<link "Sit and mingle among the prisoners">>
<<if $hour <= 8>>
<<set _temph = 7 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<elseif $hour <= 13>>
<<set _temph = 12 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<set _temph = 19 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<replace "#choice1">>\
<<lust pr 1>>\
<<if not $pr.martinunlock and $pr.totalday >= 5>>\
<<set $pr.martinunlock = true>>\
After one of your chats with the prisoners, you come to know about Martin. Apparently, he has means to acquire all sorts of precious stuff that you cannot come by in prison in exchange for cigarettes. Perhaps you can pay him a visit during meal time and see if he has anything of value.
It is a daring thing to mingle along with the wolves. Still, you're getting used to their attention on you. You act coy and even play along with their suggestive remarks.
<<if $pr.pinfamy >= 30 and random(1,3) > 1>>\
<<link "One of the prisoner suddenly asks you something" "Prisonmealbj11">>
<<if $hour <= 8>>\
<<link "Work time">>
<<set _temph = 11 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<if not hasVisited("Guardwork31") and $pr.gtrust >= 50>>
<<goto "Guardwork31">>
<<elseif not hasVisited("Guardwork11") and $pr.gtrust >= 20>>
<<goto "Guardwork11">>
<<elseif hasVisited("Guardwork11")>>
<<goto "Guardwork21">>
<<goto "Prisonwork11">>
<<elseif $hour <= 13>>\
<<link "Class time">>
<<set _temph = 14 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<if not hasVisited("Guardclass11") and hasVisited("Guardwork11")>>
<<goto "Guardclass11">>
<<elseif hasVisited("Guardclass11")>>
<<goto "Guardclass21">>
<<goto "Prisonclass11">>
<<link "Rest time" "Prisonnight11">>
<<if $cm.protection == 1 and $pr.psex == 1 and not hasVisited("CMwarn11")>>
<<set _temph = 19 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<goto "CMwarn11">>
<<elseif $cm.protection == 1 and $pr.psex == 1 and hasVisited("CMwarn11")>>
<<set _temph = 19 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<goto "CMwarn21">>
<<set _temph = 19 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<goto "Prisonnight11">>
<<if $pr.martinunlock>>\
<<link "Have a look at what Martin has to offer" "Prmartin11">>
<<if $hour <= 8 and not hasVisited("Prending11") and ($pr.pinfamy == $pr.pinfamymax or $cm.aff == $cm.affmax)>>\
<<link "<i>You have a visitor - Pre-ending</i>" "Prending11">>
<<set $pr.endcd = 7>>
<<set _temph = 7 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
</span>\<<image pr/prwork.jpg>>
<<lust prg 1>>\
Doing menial tasks is hardly inspiring. At least, you're becoming a role model inmate in the correctional officers' eyes.
<<link "Lunch time" "Prisonmeal11">>
<</link>><<image pr/prclass.jpg>>
<<lust prg 1>>\
It's probably helpful in the future for you to join in classes in prison. Still, you can't help but be bored by it. Well, at least following the strict schedule like this will make the guards trust you more.
<<link "Free time at the recreational area">>
<<set _temph = 15 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<set _chance = 60 - $pr.pinfamy>>
<<set _percent = random(1,_chance)>>
<<if $pr.gprotection == 0 and $cm.protection == 0 and not hasVisited("Prisonfreetimef11") and $pr.pinfamy >= 30 and _percent <= 10>>
<<goto "Prisonfreetimef11">>
<<elseif $pr.gprotection == 0 and $cm.protection == 0 and not hasVisited("Prisonfreetimef31") and $pr.pinfamy >= 40 and _percent <= 10>>
<<goto "Prisonfreetimef31">>
<<elseif $pr.gprotection == 0 and $cm.protection == 0 and $pr.pinfamy >= 30 and _percent <= 10>>
<<goto "Prisonfreetimef21">>
<<elseif not hasVisited("Prisonfreetime21") and not hasVisited("Prisonshower21") and $pr.pinfamy >= 20>>
<<goto "Prisonfreetime21">>
<<elseif hasVisited("Prisonfreetime21") or hasVisited("Prisonshower21")>>
<<goto "Prisonfreetime31">>
<<goto "Prisonfreetime11">>
<</link>><<image pr/prra.jpg>>
As you wander around the recreational area, you aren't really sure what to do except like running since you have no interest in participating in the basketball match and the weights are fully occupied by the crowd. As you break a little sweat from the jog, another inmate joins you.
<<dio "Prisoner" "Hey, can you give me a blowjob? I can give you a cig in exchange.">>
<<if visited() >= 2 or hasVisited("Prisonerintroshowerbj")>>It looks like words have gotten out that you are not opposed to giving heads in the prison. <</if>><<if $cm.protection == 1>>Cigarettes might come in handy later but accepting will surely enrage your cellmate as well as make yourself more of a target for unwanted advances in the future. <<else>>Cigarettes might come in handy later but accepting will surely make yourself more of a target for unwanted advances in the future. <</if>>What should you do?
<span id="choice1">\
<<link "Accept">>
<<replace "#choice1">>\
<<di you "You got a deal.">>
He looks a bit surprised that you accept it but doesn't skip a beat to say:
<<dio "Prisoner" "I know a spot, follow me.">>
<<link "Blowjob time" "Prisonfreetimebj11">>
<<set _temph = 16 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<link "Refuse">>
<<replace "#choice1">>\
<<di you "Nah, not interested.">>
His look also doesn't elicit any kind of thirst from you. So you pass on the offer.
<<link "Shower time">>
<<set _temph = 17 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<set _chance = 60 - $pr.pinfamy>>
<<set _percent = random(1,_chance)>>
<<if $pr.gprotection == 0 and $cm.protection == 0 and not hasVisited("Prisonshowerf11") and $pr.pinfamy >= 30 and _percent <= 10>>
<<goto "Prisonshowerf11">>
<<elseif $pr.gprotection == 0 and $cm.protection == 0 and not hasVisited("Prisonshowerf31") and $pr.pinfamy >= 40 and _percent <= 10>>
<<goto "Prisonshowerf31">>
<<elseif $pr.gprotection == 0 and $cm.protection == 0 and $pr.pinfamy >= 30 and _percent <= 10>>
<<goto "Prisonshowerf21">>
<<elseif not hasVisited("Prisonfreetime21") and not hasVisited("Prisonshower21") and $pr.pinfamy >= 20>>
<<goto "Prisonshower21">>
<<elseif hasVisited("Prisonfreetime21") or hasVisited("Prisonshower21")>>
<<goto "Prisonshower31">>
<<goto "Prisonshower11">>
</span>\<<image pr/prshower.jpg>>
<span id="t1">\
<<link "An inmate inquires about a blowjob">>
<<replace "#t1">>\
Lathering your hair, suddenly you feel a tap on your shoulder.
<<dio "Prisoner" "Give me a blowjob for a cigarette?">>
It looks like indecent advances keep coming your way, must be because of your look? <<if $cm.protection == 1>>Cigarettes might come in handy later but accepting will surely enrage your cellmate as well as make yourself more of a target for unwanted advances in the future. <<else>>Cigarettes might come in handy later but accepting will surely make yourself more of a target for unwanted advances in the future. <</if>> So should you?
<span id="t2">\
<<link "Accept">>
<<replace "#t2">>\
<<di you "Of course.">>
<<dio "Prisoner" "Oh...? Great!">>
He beams at you and since you two are already naked, might as well:
<<link "Blowjob time" "Prisonshowerbj11">>
<<set _temph = 18 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 30 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<link "Refuse">>
<<replace "#t2">>\
Eh, you want to spend your sweet time under this hot stream of water, so you shake your head no. The guy seems torn a little but decides to not press on further and leave you be.
<<link "Dinner time" "Prisonmeal11">>
<<set _temph = 18 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<if $cm.protection == 1 and $cm.aff >= 30>>\
<<link "You notice $cm.Name">>
<<if not hasVisited("Prisonshowercmbj11")>>\
<<goto "Prisonshowercmbj11">>
<<elseif not hasVisited("Prisonshowercmfuck11") and $cm.aff >= 50>>\
<<goto "Prisonshowercmfuck11">>
<<elseif $cm.aff >= 50>>
<<goto "Prisonshowercmfuck12">>
<<replace "#t1">>\
<<include "Prisonshowercmbj11">>
</span>\<<image pr/prcell.jpg>>
<<if $cm.protection == 1>>\
Minutes after the roll call and the night lockdown, you know you'll soon have to fulfill your duty to your cellmate.
<span id="t">\
<<link "Blowjob time" "Prisonnightcmbj11">>
<<presshour add 1>>
<<if $cm.aff >= 45 and not hasVisited("Prisonnightcmfuck11")>>\
<<link "$cm.Name has a change of heart" "Prisonnightcmfuck11">>
<<pressminute add 5>>
<<elseif $cm.aff >= 45 and hasVisited("Prisonnightcmfuck11")>>\
<<link "Bottom time">>
<<replace "#t">>\
<<pressminute add 5>>\
<<include "Prisonnightcmfuck11">>
Since your cellmate is fully ignoring you now. There isn't anything else to do beside laying down on your bed and try to get some rest.
<<link "Morning comes" "Prisonmorning11">>
<<if $pr.pinfamymax == 1>>
<<set $pr.pinfamymax = 50>>
<<set $pr.gtrustmax = 50>>
<<set $you.sleep = 0>>
<<set _temph = 29 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<</if>>\<<scenechoices pr 1 0>>\
<<aff cm 1>>\
The man is already sitting pretty on the bed with his pants down and full of expectation. You're never one to disappoint so his cock is soon surrounded by your mouth and grows larger and larger by the seconds.
The same song and dance then commence. First, you have to focus on servicing him, putting all your mouth, tongue and throat to work. In spite of having taken a shower not long ago, you can still detect his virile musk which is tough to wash off just like the hunk he is.
<<video pr/prcmnightbj21.mp4>>
Then, he gets impatient and starts fucking your mouth. This, you're welcoming with open arms and mouth. The more time you spent sucking on his cock, the easier his shaft slides in and out of your tight windpipe.
<<video pr/prcmnightbj22.mp4>>
<<di cm "...I'm gonna shoot...">>
Then the shout comes first and the blast comes second. You also learn that his load stays thick, creamy and plenty despite getting releases daily.
<<video you/youfacial21.mp4>>
Once he's spent, he doesn't waste more time and goes back to his reading. Of course, you don't budge. This routine kind of soothes you in a strange way - gives you a purpose in these sad gray concrete walls.
<<if $gameends>>\
<<link "Back" "Prisonscenemenu">>
<<link "Morning comes" "Prisonmorning11">>
<<set _temph = 29 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<</if>>\<<scenechoices pr 1 0>>\
<<lust pr 2>>\
<<if not $gameends>>\
<<set $pr.psex = 1>>\
Unabashedly, you kneel down on the slippery tile and get him to full mast using your hand in seconds. Once you have an erection, you let it rest inside your oral cavity and hollow to cheek to create sweek suction on his cock. From the way he hums and grunts, you know that your blowjob skill remains undefeated.
<<video pr/prpshowerbj21.mp4>>
<<dio "Prisoner" "Hell yes...! Your mouth is so tight...">>
He rambles a bit mindlessly since you're deepthroating and gargling on his shaft with the sole purpose of sucking the soul out of him.
<<video pr/prpshowerbj22.mp4>>
Your technique works a little bit too well because soon you hear his moan and his load spills from his cock head and drench your lips and cheek in creamy color.
<<video you/youfacial20.mp4>>
<<dio "Prisoner" "Holy fuck...! That was good!">>
You lick the load and savor the taste. Of course, you're good. You are insecure in many thing but giving head is not one of them.
<<if $gameends>>\
<<link "Back" "Prisonscenemenu">>
<<set _chance = 70 - $pr.pinfamy>>\
<<set _percent = random(1,_chance)>>\
<<if $cm.protection == 0 and $pr.gprotection == 0 and _percent < 11>>\
<<link "Then..." "Aftercigsex1">>
<<cig 1>>\
<<link "Dinner time" "Prisonmeal11">>
<<set _temph = 18 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<</if>>\<<scenechoices pr 1 0>>\
<<lust pr 2>>\
<<if not $gameends>>\
<<set $pr.psex = 1>>\
You two reach a spot that is relatively private (of course any prisoner can still see what happens if they do a double take easily). It's even less of a discreet fiasco once the inmate drops his pants, there's no mistaking some naughty activity is occuring now.
You only acknowledge his sizable cock briefly before jumping the gun and take his erection in your mouth. You are met with the distinct fragrance of sweat and musk from a man who is just done with some demanding work. His member feels good and hard on your tongue as it laps on his piss slit leaking precum endlessly.
<<video pr/prpbj21.mp4>>
<<dio "Prisoner" "Ffffuck...">>
He exclaims and you love to see men going undone inside your mouth. So you tap on his hips to encourage him to move and proceed to fuck your throat. He thankfully gets it and enearstly uses your mouth like an onahole.
<<video pr/prpbj22.mp4>>
<<dio "Prisoner" "Arghhhhh... SHITTTT!!!">>
His curse signals his climax and the eruption of his juicy seeds on your face. You moan deeply and at this point it's a safe thing to say that you attract a few pairs of eyes but you don't mind and in fact revel in it.
<<video you/youfacial19.mp4>>
<<if $gameends>>\
<<link "Back" "Prisonscenemenu">>
<<set _chance = 70 - $pr.pinfamy>>\
<<set _percent = random(1,_chance)>>\
<<if $cm.protection == 0 and $pr.gprotection == 0 and _percent < 11>>\
<<link "Then..." "Aftercigsex1">>
<<cig 1>>\
<<link "Shower time">>
<<set _temph = 17 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<set _chance = 60 - $pr.pinfamy>>
<<set _percent = random(1,_chance)>>
<<if $pr.gprotection == 0 and $cm.protection == 0 and not hasVisited("Prisonshowerf11") and $pr.pinfamy >= 30 and _percent <= 10>>
<<goto "Prisonshowerf11">>
<<elseif $pr.gprotection == 0 and $cm.protection == 0 and not hasVisited("Prisonshowerf31") and $pr.pinfamy >= 40 and _percent <= 10>>
<<goto "Prisonshowerf31">>
<<elseif $pr.gprotection == 0 and $cm.protection == 0 and $pr.pinfamy >= 30 and _percent <= 10>>
<<goto "Prisonshowerf21">>
<<elseif not hasVisited("Prisonfreetime21") and not hasVisited("Prisonshower21") and $pr.pinfamy >= 20>>
<<goto "Prisonshower21">>
<<elseif hasVisited("Prisonfreetime21") or hasVisited("Prisonshower21")>>
<<goto "Prisonshower31">>
<<goto "Prisonshower11">>
<</if>>\- Under their protection: <<if $pr.gprotection == 1>>@@.add;Yes@@<<else>>@@.minus;No@@<</if>> - <span style="color:red">Trust: $pr.gtrust/$pr.gtrustmax</span>
<<if $pr.gtrust >= 50 and not hasVisited("Guardwork31")>>\
• Go to work in the morning
<<elseif $pr.gtrust >= 50>>
• You can now have sex during work or class hours with the guard
<<elseif $pr.gtrust >= 20 and not hasVisited("Guardwork11")>>\
• Go to work in the morning
<<elseif $pr.gtrust >= 20>>\
• Chat and give them blowjob during class or work hour to raise their trust
• Follow the prisoner's schedule and chat with them until you reach 20 trust.
<<set $scenepicked = false>>
<<if setup.ws.Prisonintronightbj>><<link "Intro blowjob" "Prisonintronightbj">><</link>><<else>><<link "==Intro blowjob==">><</link>><</if>> <<if setup.ws.Prisonnightcmbj11>><<link "Nightly blowjob" "Prisonnightcmbj11">><</link>><<else>><<link "==Nightly blowjob==">><</link>><</if>> <<if setup.ws.Prisonmorningcmbj12>><<link "Morning blowjob" "Prisonmorningcmbj12">><</link>><<else>><<link "==Morning blowjob==">><</link>><</if>> <<if setup.ws.Prisonmorningcmbj13>><<link "Watersport after morning blowjob" "Prisonmorningcmbj13">><</link>><<else>><<link "==Watersport after morning blowjob==">><</link>><</if>> <<if setup.ws.Prisonshowercmbj12>><<link "Shower blowjob" "Prisonshowercmbj12">><</link>><<else>><<link "==Shower blowjob==">><</link>><</if>>
<<if setup.ws.Prisonnightcmfuck12>><<link "Nightly fuck" "Prisonnightcmfuck12">><</link>><<else>><<link "==Nightly fuck==">><</link>><</if>> <<if setup.ws.Prisonshowercmfuck12>><<link "Shower fuck" "Prisonshowercmfuck12">><</link>><<else>><<link "==Shower fuck==">><</link>><</if>>
<<if setup.ws.Prisonintrofreetimebj>><<link "Intro forced blowjob in the recreational area" "Prisonintrofreetimebj">><</link>><<else>><<link "==Intro forced blowjob in the recreational area==">><</link>><</if>> <<if setup.ws.Prisonintroshowerbj>><<link "Intro shower blowjob" "Prisonintroshowerbj">><</link>><<else>><<link "==Intro shower blowjob==">><</link>><</if>> <<if setup.ws.Prisonfreetimebj11>><<link "Blowjob in the recreational area" "Prisonfreetimebj11">><</link>><<else>><<link "==Blowjob in the recreational area==">><</link>><</if>> <<if setup.ws.Prisonfreetimefbj11>><<link "Forced blowjob in the recreational area" "Prisonfreetimefbj11">><</link>><<else>><<link "==Forced blowjob in the recreational area==">><</link>><</if>> <<if setup.ws.Prisonshowerbj11>><<link "Shower blowjob" "Prisonshowerbj11">><</link>><<else>><<link "==Shower blowjob==">><</link>><</if>> <<if setup.ws.Prisonshowerfbj11>><<link "Forced shower blowjob" "Prisonshowerfbj11">><</link>><<else>><<link "==Forced shower blowjob==">><</link>><</if>> <<if setup.ws.Prisonmealbj11>><<link "Blowjob during meal time" "Prisonmealbj11">><</link>><<else>><<link "==Blowjob during meal time==">><</link>><</if>>
<<if setup.ws.Prisonfreetimefuck21>><<link "Fuck in the recreational area" "Prisonfreetimefuck21">><</link>><<else>><<link "==Fuck in the recreational area==">><</link>><</if>> <<if setup.ws.Prisonfreetimeffuck31>><<link "Forced fuck in the recreational area" "Prisonfreetimeffuck31">><</link>><<else>><<link "==Forced fuck in the recreational area==">><</link>><</if>> <<if setup.ws.Prisonshowerfuck21>><<link "Fuck in the shower" "Prisonshowerfuck21">><</link>><<else>><<link "==Fuck in the shower==">><</link>><</if>> <<if setup.ws.Prisonshowerffuck31>><<link "Forced fuck in the shower" "Prisonshowerffuck31">><</link>><<else>><<link "==Forced fuck in the shower==">><</link>><</if>>
<<if setup.ws.Guardworkbj11>><<link "Blowjob during work hours" "Guardworkbj11">><</link>><<else>><<link "==Blowjob during work hours==">><</link>><</if>> <<if setup.ws.Guardclassbj11>><<link "Blowjob during class time" "Guardclassbj11">><</link>><<else>><<link "==Blowjob during class time==">><</link>><</if>> <<if setup.ws.Guardmealbj11>><<link "Blowjob during meal time" "Guardmealbj11">><</link>><<else>><<link "==Blowjob during meal time==">><</link>><</if>>
<<if setup.ws.Guardworkfuck31>><<link "Fuck during work hours" "Guardworkfuck31">><</link>><<else>><<link "==Fuck during work hours==">><</link>><</if>> <<if setup.ws.Guardclassfuck21>><<link "Fuck during class time" "Guardclassfuck21">><</link>><<else>><<link "==Fuck during class time==">><</link>><</if>>
<<if setup.ws.Prending2fuck>><<link "Bryce fuck" "Prending2fuck">><</link>><<else>><<link "==Bryce fuck==">><</link>><</if>> <<if setup.ws.Prending3fuck>><<link "Cellmate pre-ending fuck" "Prending3fuck">><</link>><<else>><<link "==Cellmate pre-ending fuck==">><</link>><</if>>
<<if setup.ws.Prending24>><<link "Bad Ending" "Prending24">><</link>><<else>><<link "==Bad Ending==">><</link>><</if>> <<if setup.ws.Prending33>><<link "Happy Ending" "Prending33">><</link>><<else>><<link "==Happy Ending==">><</link>><</if>>
<<link "Back" "Memoriesmenu">><</link>>- <i>unlikely place where you're meant to be</i>
<<if not hasVisited("Prisonintro1")>>\
• Have at least 5 bags of weeds
• Check the ringing doorbell while you're in your living room
<</if>>\<<if random(0,1) == 0>>\
When he's done though, he immediately walks away and doesn't give you your fair share.
<<di you "Hey, what about my cig?">>
You stop him in his track.
<<dio "Prisoner" "Get lost.">>
<<di you "I won't let you go until I got the cigarette.">>
<<dio "Prisoner" "Fuck off, I ain't got no more to share with you.">>
He pushes your chest roughly away. You can't do anything but see him walk off. Fuck, did you just get scammed?
After busting his nuts, he brushes you off.
<<di you "Stop, my cig.">>
You stand in front of him.
<<dio "Prisoner" "What?">>
<<di you "You need to keep your end of the deal.">>
He smirks unkindly.
<<dio "Prisoner" "My end of the deal is my giant cock. I should get a thank from you. Now, I've got places to be.">>
He dismisses you and really... there isn't anything else you can do.
<<if $hour < 18>>\
<<link "Shower time">>
<<set _temph = 17 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<set _chance = 60 - $pr.pinfamy>>
<<set _percent = random(1,_chance)>>
<<if $pr.gprotection == 0 and $cm.protection == 0 and not hasVisited("Prisonshowerf11") and $pr.pinfamy >= 30 and _percent <= 10>>
<<goto "Prisonshowerf11">>
<<elseif $pr.gprotection == 0 and $cm.protection == 0 and not hasVisited("Prisonshowerf31") and $pr.pinfamy >= 40 and _percent <= 10>>
<<goto "Prisonshowerf31">>
<<elseif $pr.gprotection == 0 and $cm.protection == 0 and $pr.pinfamy >= 30 and _percent <= 10>>
<<goto "Prisonshowerf21">>
<<elseif not hasVisited("Prisonfreetime21") and not hasVisited("Prisonshower21") and $pr.pinfamy >= 20>>
<<goto "Prisonshower21">>
<<elseif hasVisited("Prisonfreetime21") or hasVisited("Prisonshower21")>>
<<goto "Prisonshower31">>
<<goto "Prisonshower11">>
<<link "Dinner time" "Prisonmeal11">>
<<set _temph = 18 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<</if>>\<<image pr/prshower.jpg>>
You're now used to being approached in the shower and are prepared for anything but his offer surprises you.
<<dio "Prisoner" "Finally I found you. Say, can I fuck your ass?">>
Even though you're not opposed to the idea of bottoming, doing it in prison will compromise your position in the hierarchy.
<<dio "Prisoner" "I can give you two cigs in exchange? How about that?">>
On the other hand, two cigarettes??? It's quite compelling.
<span id="t">\
<<link "Accept">>
<<replace "#t">>\
<<di you "Alright, for 2 cigs I'll do it.">>
You try to stifle your voice so that you sound a bit reluctant.
<<link "Bottom time" "Prisonshowerfuck21">>
<<set _temph = 18 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 30 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<link "Refuse">>
<<replace "#t">>\
<<di you "No, I don't do that.">>
<<dio "Prisoner" "Really, dude? I thought...?">>
He appears shocked at your refusal.
<<dio "Prisoner" "Right, never mind.">>
Thankfully, he doesn't make a fuss and leaves you in peace.
<<link "Dinner time" "Prisonmeal11">>
<<set _temph = 18 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
</span>\<<scenechoices pr 1 0>>\
<<lust pr 2>>\
<<if not $gameends>>\
<<set $pr.psex = 1>>\
What else to do rather than arching your back and spreading your cheeks? The guy accepts the invitation because you can feel his blunt tip on your entrance. You haven't taken a long look at him but from the way his member stretches your channel, the man is clearly well endowed.
<<video pr/prpshowerfuck11.mp4>>
<<if visited() == 1 and not $gameends>>\
<<dio "Prisoner" "Shit! It's been way too long.">>
<<dio "Prisoner" "Ffffuck...">>
He exclaims and commences his excavation on your holy site. Despite the <<if visited() == 1>>probable <</if>>lack of action, his hips still remembers how to fuck as you're pounded within an inch of your life.
<<video pr/prpshowerfuck12.mp4>>
<<dio "Prisoner" "Ffffft... your ass is fucking tight.">>
He huffs along with the beat of his fucking. The sentiment is nice - almost as nice as the impending orgasm you're about to get from your prostate being milked. Then you feel his movement stutter and realize that he is in fact shooting from the shake of his body.
<<video you/youbred16.mp4>>
<<if $gameends or $you.horniness >= 12>>\
<<set $you.horniness = 0>>\
With a few swipe of your palm, you also achieve climax not long after spilling your load down the white tiles.
<<video you/youfuckcum5.mp4>>
<<if $gameends>>\
<<link "Back" "Prisonscenemenu">>
<<set _chance = 70 - $pr.pinfamy>>\
<<set _percent = random(1,_chance)>>\
<<if $cm.protection == 0 and $pr.gprotection == 0 and _percent < 11>>\
<<link "Then..." "Aftercigsex1">>
<<cig 2>>\
<<link "Dinner time" "Prisonmeal11">>
<<set _temph = 18 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<</if>>\<<image pr/prra.jpg>>
You're getting your exercises when suddenly an unknown inmate comes into your view.
<<dio "Prisoner" "You're $you.Namedis, right? I've heard about you.">>
<<di you "I hope that's a good thing.">>
He smirks.
<<dio "Prisoner" "It depends. Can you bottom in exchange for 2 cigs?">>
What? So the rumor mill about you in this prison has been doing its wicked job then. You weigh the offer, 2 cigs don't seem that many but in prison, they can be a lot.
<span id="t">\
<<link "Accept">>
<<replace "#t">>\
<<di you "Alright, for 2 cigs I'll do it.">>
You try to stifle your voice so that you sound a bit reluctant.
<<link "Bottom time" "Prisonfreetimefuck21">>
<<set _temph = 16 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<link "Refuse">>
<<replace "#t">>\
<<di you "No, I don't do that.">>
<<dio "Prisoner" "Really, dude? I thought...?">>
He appears shocked at your refusal.
<<dio "Prisoner" "Right, never mind.">>
Thankfully, he doesn't make a fuss and leaves you in peace.
<<link "Shower time">>
<<set _temph = 17 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<set _chance = 60 - $pr.pinfamy>>
<<set _percent = random(1,_chance)>>
<<if $pr.gprotection == 0 and $cm.protection == 0 and not hasVisited("Prisonshowerf11") and $pr.pinfamy >= 30 and _percent <= 10>>
<<goto "Prisonshowerf11">>
<<elseif $pr.gprotection == 0 and $cm.protection == 0 and not hasVisited("Prisonshowerf31") and $pr.pinfamy >= 40 and _percent <= 10>>
<<goto "Prisonshowerf31">>
<<elseif $pr.gprotection == 0 and $cm.protection == 0 and $pr.pinfamy >= 30 and _percent <= 10>>
<<goto "Prisonshowerf21">>
<<elseif not hasVisited("Prisonfreetime21") and not hasVisited("Prisonshower21") and $pr.pinfamy >= 20>>
<<goto "Prisonshower21">>
<<elseif hasVisited("Prisonfreetime21") or hasVisited("Prisonshower21")>>
<<goto "Prisonshower31">>
<<goto "Prisonshower11">>
</span>\<<scenechoices pr 1 0>>\
<<lust pr 2>>\
<<if not $gameends>>\
<<set $pr.psex = 1>>\
You two move to a discreet spot. Well as discreet as it can be within a large open space occupied by thousands of prisoners. Then you ditch your clothing as quickly as he does and you two get down to business. The first contact is always a bittersweet experience with the discomfort and rush of endorphins especially since the guy is quite hefty himself.
<<video pr/prpfuck11.mp4>>
<<dio "Prisoner" "Fuck, man... Your ass is so tight.">>
No shit, Sherlock. Still you reward his honesty by contracting your rectal muscles and he groans a little. Then he proceeds to withdraw and slams back into you in long strokes. You try to stifle your moans at the delicious pounding of his cock against your prostate. Then he picks up the speed quite quickly signaling the intense pleasure he's now experiencing.
<<video pr/prpfuck12.mp4>>
<<dio "Prisoner" "Fffuck...! I'm close...">>
Upon hearing that, you up the ante and push back against him since you really want that load. Then with the final thrust, he freezes and begins spewing his hot potent load over your hole.
<<video you/youbred6.mp4>>
<<if $gameends or $you.horniness >= 12>>\
<<set $you.horniness = 0>>\
Pumped by his climax, you arrive at your own in a matter of seconds and shoot your jizz down to the ground.
<<video you/youcum5.mp4>>
<<if $gameends>>\
<<link "Back" "Prisonscenemenu">>
<<set _chance = 70 - $pr.pinfamy>>\
<<set _percent = random(1,_chance)>>\
<<if $cm.protection == 0 and $pr.gprotection == 0 and _percent < 11>>\
<<link "Then..." "Aftercigsex1">>
<<cig 2>>\
<<link "Shower time">>
<<set _temph = 17 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<set _chance = 60 - $pr.pinfamy>>
<<set _percent = random(1,_chance)>>
<<if $pr.gprotection == 0 and $cm.protection == 0 and not hasVisited("Prisonshowerf11") and $pr.pinfamy >= 30 and _percent <= 10>>
<<goto "Prisonshowerf11">>
<<elseif $pr.gprotection == 0 and $cm.protection == 0 and not hasVisited("Prisonshowerf31") and $pr.pinfamy >= 40 and _percent <= 10>>
<<goto "Prisonshowerf31">>
<<elseif $pr.gprotection == 0 and $cm.protection == 0 and $pr.pinfamy >= 30 and _percent <= 10>>
<<goto "Prisonshowerf21">>
<<elseif not hasVisited("Prisonfreetime21") and not hasVisited("Prisonshower21") and $pr.pinfamy >= 20>>
<<goto "Prisonshower21">>
<<elseif hasVisited("Prisonfreetime21") or hasVisited("Prisonshower21")>>
<<goto "Prisonshower31">>
<<goto "Prisonshower11">>
<</if>>\<<image pr/prra.jpg>>
While stretching to prepare for some workout, you get approach by an inmate.
<span id="t1">\
<<link "He inquires about a blowjob">>
<<replace "#t1">>\
<<dio "Prisoner" "Hey, can you give me a blowjob? I can give you a cig in exchange.">>
<span id="t2">\
<<link "Accept">>
<<replace "#t2">>\
<<di you "We got a deal.">>
You deadpan, trying to let out any emotion that tells you're kind of excited about all this.
<<link "Blowjob time" "Prisonfreetimebj11">>
<<set _temph = 16 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<link "Refuse">>
<<replace "#t2">>\
<<di you "Go away.">>
You shoo him away, sounding annoyed. It works and the guy doesn't bother you any longer.
<<link "Shower time">>
<<set _temph = 17 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<set _chance = 60 - $pr.pinfamy>>
<<set _percent = random(1,_chance)>>
<<if $pr.gprotection == 0 and $cm.protection == 0 and not hasVisited("Prisonshowerf11") and $pr.pinfamy >= 30 and _percent <= 10>>
<<goto "Prisonshowerf11">>
<<elseif $pr.gprotection == 0 and $cm.protection == 0 and not hasVisited("Prisonshowerf31") and $pr.pinfamy >= 40 and _percent <= 10>>
<<goto "Prisonshowerf31">>
<<elseif $pr.gprotection == 0 and $cm.protection == 0 and $pr.pinfamy >= 30 and _percent <= 10>>
<<goto "Prisonshowerf21">>
<<elseif not hasVisited("Prisonfreetime21") and not hasVisited("Prisonshower21") and $pr.pinfamy >= 20>>
<<goto "Prisonshower21">>
<<elseif hasVisited("Prisonfreetime21") or hasVisited("Prisonshower21")>>
<<goto "Prisonshower31">>
<<goto "Prisonshower11">>
<<link "He inquires about a fuck">>
<<replace "#t1">>\
<<dio "Prisoner" "Ugh... can I use your ass in exchange of two cigs?">>
He says, tripping over his words. Almost like he doesn't do these types of propositions regularly.
<span id="t2">\
<<link "Accept">>
<<replace "#t2">>\
<<di you "We got a deal.">>
You deadpan, trying to let out any emotion that tells you're kind of excited about all this.
<<link "Bottom time" "Prisonfreetimefuck21">>
<<set _temph = 16 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<link "Refuse">>
<<replace "#t2">>\
<<di you "Go away.">>
You shoo him away, sounding annoyed. It works and the guy doesn't bother you any longer.
<<link "Shower time">>
<<set _temph = 17 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<set _chance = 60 - $pr.pinfamy>>
<<set _percent = random(1,_chance)>>
<<if $pr.gprotection == 0 and $cm.protection == 0 and not hasVisited("Prisonshowerf11") and $pr.pinfamy >= 30 and _percent <= 10>>
<<goto "Prisonshowerf11">>
<<elseif $pr.gprotection == 0 and $cm.protection == 0 and not hasVisited("Prisonshowerf31") and $pr.pinfamy >= 40 and _percent <= 10>>
<<goto "Prisonshowerf31">>
<<elseif $pr.gprotection == 0 and $cm.protection == 0 and $pr.pinfamy >= 30 and _percent <= 10>>
<<goto "Prisonshowerf21">>
<<elseif not hasVisited("Prisonfreetime21") and not hasVisited("Prisonshower21") and $pr.pinfamy >= 20>>
<<goto "Prisonshower21">>
<<elseif hasVisited("Prisonfreetime21") or hasVisited("Prisonshower21")>>
<<goto "Prisonshower31">>
<<goto "Prisonshower11">>
</span>\<<image pr/prshower.jpg>>
<span id="t1">\
<<link "An inmate inquires about a blowjob">>
<<replace "#t1">>\
Lathering your hair, suddenly you feel a tap on your shoulder.
<<dio "Prisoner" "Hey, can you give me a blowjob? I can give you a cig in exchange.">>
<span id="t2">\
<<link "Accept">>
<<replace "#t2">>\
<<di you "Alright.">>
You try sounding annoyed to let him know you're not that easy of a whore.
<<link "Blowjob time" "Prisonshowerbj11">>
<<set _temph = 18 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 30 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<link "Refuse">>
<<replace "#t2">>\
<<di you "Piss off.">>
You reply with the same level of politeness and the guy gets the idea and skedaddles.
<<link "Dinner time" "Prisonmeal11">>
<<set _temph = 18 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<link "An inmate inquires about a fuck">>
<<replace "#t1">>\
Lathering your hair, suddenly you feel a tap on your shoulder.
<<dio "Prisoner" "Two cigs and I can use your ass?">>
How about "Hello?" "How are you?" first. Men are such crude creatures sometimes. Still, you want that two cigs or not?
<span id="t2">\
<<link "Accept">>
<<replace "#t2">>\
<<di you "Alright.">>
You try sounding annoyed to let him know you're not that easy of a whore.
<<link "Bottom time" "Prisonshowerfuck21">>
<<set _temph = 18 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 30 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<link "Refuse">>
<<replace "#t2">>\
<<di you "Piss off.">>
You reply with the same level of politeness and the guy gets the idea and skedaddles.
<<link "Dinner time" "Prisonmeal11">>
<<set _temph = 18 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<if $cm.protection == 1 and $cm.aff >= 30>>\
<<link "You notice $cm.Name">>
<<if not hasVisited("Prisonshowercmbj11")>>\
<<goto "Prisonshowercmbj11">>
<<elseif not hasVisited("Prisonshowercmfuck11") and $cm.aff >= 50>>\
<<goto "Prisonshowercmfuck11">>
<<elseif $cm.aff >= 50>>
<<goto "Prisonshowercmfuck12">>
<<replace "#t1">>\
<<include "Prisonshowercmbj11">>
</span>\<<image pr/prclass.jpg>>
As you are sitting in class, someone suddenly opens the door.
<<dio "Guard" "Can I have inmate $you.Namedis outside for a bit?">>
The teacher raises an eyebrow at him then tells you.
<<dio "Teacher" "You heard him, go.">>
You're a bit surprised and frankly a bit anxious too. What's the matter? Did you get into any kind of trouble without knowing?
Your mind sprints around in a circle with millions of thoughts of what went wrong while you follow him into a small empty room.
<<dio "Guard" "Alright, I need you to...">>
He pauses like something is holding him back but then he concludes:
<<dio "Guard" "...give me a blowjob.">>
Oh? Ohhh! So you're not in trouble then. You internally breathe out a sigh of relief and outwardly give him a smile.
<<di you "Of course.">>
Anything to make the authority happy wth you.
<<link "Blowjob time" "Guardclassbj11">>
<</link>><<scenechoices pr 1 0>>\
<<lust prg 2>>\
Since you don't have much time, you get right down to business and consume his member in a gulp. It grows rapidly under the suckling of your mouth and soon doesn't fit neatly inside your oral chamber any longer. Damn, the men here don't disappoint.
Continue your handiwork, you first give him just an appetizer of what you're capable of by licking his cock from root to tip and sucking on the precum that drips from his gland. Once you're sated with his taste, you give him the gluck gluck 5000 and deepthroat him.
<<video pr/prgcbj11.mp4>>
<<dio "Guard" "Oh shit!">>
That seems to surprise him and his hips uncontrollably jerks and fuck into your mouth which makes you gag a little. Still, you press on and make your throat his dick's second home aside from his underwear.
<<video pr/prgcbj12.mp4>>
<<dio "Guard" "Damn... I'm close...">>
It doesn't take long, especially under your skill, for him to announce his near climax. Hearing that, you don't stop, instead taking him even deeper and wanting his cum with a fierce intensity. Before you know it, he groan and erupts, sending his cum flying over your face.
<<video you/youfacial05.mp4>>
<<if $gameends or $you.horniness >= 12>>\
<<set $you.horniness = 0>>\
The scent and warmth of his load is the final catalyst to your own explosion.
<<video you/youcum1.mp4>>
<<dio "Guard" "Phew... great job. Now let's get you back to class.">>
You don't really want to go back to the class but you'll do anything he says.
<<if $gameends>>\
<<link "Back" "Prisonscenemenu">>
<<link "Free time at the recreational area">>
<<set _temph = 15 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<set _chance = 60 - $pr.pinfamy>>
<<set _percent = random(1,_chance)>>
<<if $pr.gprotection == 0 and $cm.protection == 0 and not hasVisited("Prisonfreetimef11") and $pr.pinfamy >= 30 and _percent <= 10>>
<<goto "Prisonfreetimef11">>
<<elseif $pr.gprotection == 0 and $cm.protection == 0 and not hasVisited("Prisonfreetimef31") and $pr.pinfamy >= 40 and _percent <= 10>>
<<goto "Prisonfreetimef31">>
<<elseif $pr.gprotection == 0 and $cm.protection == 0 and $pr.pinfamy >= 30 and _percent <= 10>>
<<goto "Prisonfreetimef21">>
<<elseif not hasVisited("Prisonfreetime21") and not hasVisited("Prisonshower21") and $pr.pinfamy >= 20>>
<<goto "Prisonfreetime21">>
<<elseif hasVisited("Prisonfreetime21") or hasVisited("Prisonshower21")>>
<<goto "Prisonfreetime31">>
<<goto "Prisonfreetime11">>
<</if>>\<<image pr/prwork.jpg>>
Your effort of chatting up with the guards finally pays off because as you are wiping down one of the trucks during the work hours, an officer approaches you.
<<dio "Guard" "You're $you.Namedis, right?">>
<<di you "Yessir.">>
Even though you've had interactions with a handful of them, this one you don't recognize.
<<dio "Guard" "I've heard whispers about you. You are not a shy one, aren't cha?">>
Does he mean all the lewd offers you've made towards his men?
<<di you "YOLO as they say.">>
He then checks the surrounding before the cat is out of the bag:
<<dio "Guard" "How about I take you up on one of those offers?">>
<<di you "Oh? If you mean if I can blow you, the answer is yes, officer.">>
He only nods and that's all the affirmation you need. You quickly get on your knees.
<<link "Blowjob time" "Guardworkbj11">>
<</link>><<scenechoices pr 1 0>>\
<<lust prg 2>>\
<<if visited() == 1 or $gameends>>He then make himself comfortable by sitting on the car seat and probably to get out of sight. <</if>>You know the drill by this point and start off with a taste of his meat and it is hmm salty. The stuffy uniform really intensifies his body scent and it drives your mind wild with lust. So, you swallow his cock whole as it grows to substantial size. He groans deeply from just being inside your wet heat.
<<video pr/prgwbj11.mp4>>
Your tongue first pries on his slit and stimulate his glan then it moves on to coil around his girth like a python. Simultaneously, your mouth never stop bouncing on his cock like its life depends on it.
<<video pr/prgwbj12.mp4>>
<<dio "Guard" "Fffffff–, I'm... ARGHHHH!!!">>
He growls and spills his load all over your lips while his body shake from the orgasm's aftershock.
<<video you/youfacial22.mp4>>
<<if $gameends and $you.horniness >= 12>>\
<<set $you.horniness = 0>>\
No things can compare to witnessing a man becoming undone under your touch so it takes just a few strokes for you to join him in the land of bliss too.
<<video you/youcum5.mp4>>
<<if $gameends>>\
<<link "Back" "Prisonscenemenu">>
<<elseif not hasVisited("Guardwork12")>>
<<link "Then..." "Guardwork12">>
<<link "Lunch time" "Prisonmeal11">>
<</if>>\<<dio "Guard" "Phew, that was good.">>
He zips up and returns back to the role of the upstanding guard in a blink of an eye.
<<dio "Guard" "Anyway, if you need constant eyes to look out for you, just let me know.">>
Oh? With the guard's eyes on you, you definitely can get a solid protection among the wolves here. Should you accept it?
<span id="t">\
<<link "Yes">>
<<set $pr.gprotection = 1>>\
<<replace "#t">>\
<<di you "Of course! You'll be paid quite graciously and regularly.">>
You wink at him.
<<dio "Guard" "Hahahaha, I'll take your words for it.">>
Damn, it's good being a slut.
<<link "Lunch time" "Prisonmeal11">>
<<link "No">>
<<replace "#t">>\
<<di you "No thanks. I can handle it on my own.">>
If the guards back you up, it will deter a lot of attention on you. You don't really want that no matter if the attention is good-natured or wicked-natured. He gives you a look.
<<dio "Guard" "Really?">>
Only when he see your nod with a finality then he concedes.
<<dio "Guard" "Suit you, then.">>
<<link "Lunch time" "Prisonmeal11">>
</span>\As you two enter the usual secluded spot, the guard then interjects:
<<dio "Guard" "Ummm... say... How about we switch things up?">>
<<di you "How?">>
Surely, he doesn't want to have a go at sucking your dick?
<<dio "Guard" "Uhhh... I want to use your... umm... ass.">>
He says a bit awkwardly like this is the first time he asks for such a thing from a man. Most probably is.
<<di you "Okay!">>
What else can you say at this point? You love to be fucked in the mouth but in the butt? Even better.
<<link "Bottom time" "Guardworkfuck31">>
<</link>><<image pr/prwork.jpg>>
Since your first blowjob with the guard, words have spreaded among them because another guard approach you again today with an offer you can't refuse:
<<link "A chance to blow him" "Guardworkbj11">>
<<if hasVisited("Guardworkbj31")>>\
<<link "Let him use your ass" "Guardworkfuck31">>
<</if>>\<<scenechoices pr 1 0>>\
<<lust prg 2>>\
You two strip down to the basics and waste no time to get right into it. He lines his erection (somehow lubed) directly to your hole and slowly pushes it in. <<if $gameends or visited() == 1>>Once he's fully in, you hear his comment:
<<dio "Guard" "It feels different to a vagina but still good.">>
Duh, men can be so dumb sometimes.
<<video pr/prgwfuck11.mp4>>
Then you urge him on by pushing forward a little. Thankfully, he gets your sign and begin earnestly fucking you. His cock is somehow the perfect girth and length as it pummels your prostate and makes your own cock bounce and drip precum at the same time.
<<video pr/prgwfuck12.mp4>>
<<if $gameends or $you.horniness >= 12>>\
<<set $you.horniness = 0>>\
You jerk your own cock with fervor and soon enough, you arrives at the final destination with a loud moan.
<<video you/youfuckcum4.mp4>>
The way his grunts get louder as well as the speed of his insistent thrusts, you know the man is so damn close. Then with the final guttural groan, he spills and his cum trickles down your crack.
<<video you/youbred15.mp4>>
<<if $gameends>>\
<<link "Back" "Prisonscenemenu">>
<<link "Lunch time" "Prisonmeal11">>
<</if>>\<<image pr/prclass.jpg>>
Reeling from boredom of the class, another guard comes into the class and summons you. The teacher looks annoyed at the constant requests of your presence but never refuses them.
Of course, you know what's in store so you follow the officer to an empty room.
<<link "He orders you to suck him" "Guardclassbj11">>
<<if hasVisited("Guardwork31")>>\
<<link "He wants to fuck you" "Guardclassfuck21">>
<</if>>\<<scenechoices pr 1 0>>\
<<lust prg 2>>\
Since you still have a class to attend, you strip in a record time and your partner is impatient too since immediately when you feel the breezy air on your ass, his cock head is already pressing in. The burn of the initial penetration always feels so damn good and you can't help but groan a little.
<<video pr/prgcfuck11.mp4>>
Once he's fully inside, he announces:
<<dio "Guard" "You ready for the fuck of your life?">>
He says cockily and thankfully, his actions don't betray his words as he doesn't go slow even during the start of the fucking. Your prostate is getting pounded in a consistent and quick manner, it makes your dick rock hard. This may make up for all the boredom of the rest of the prison life.
<<video pr/prgcfuck12.mp4>>
<<dio "Guard" "Want me to breed you?">>
You nod wildly:
<<di you "Yes please, breed me so good.">>
His huffs become louder until it becomes a loud grunt and he unloads his seed and sets fire to your inside.
<<video you/youbred3.mp4>>
<<if $gameends or $you.horniness >= 12>>\
<<set $you.horniness = 0>>\
The feeling of being filled is unreal, so much so you explode along with him.
<<video you/youfuckcum6.mp4>>
<<if $gameends>>\
<<link "Back" "Prisonscenemenu">>
<<link "Free time at the recreational area">>
<<set _temph = 15 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<set _chance = 60 - $pr.pinfamy>>
<<set _percent = random(1,_chance)>>
<<if $pr.gprotection == 0 and $cm.protection == 0 and not hasVisited("Prisonfreetimef11") and $pr.pinfamy >= 30 and _percent <= 10>>
<<goto "Prisonfreetimef11">>
<<elseif $pr.gprotection == 0 and $cm.protection == 0 and not hasVisited("Prisonfreetimef31") and $pr.pinfamy >= 40 and _percent <= 10>>
<<goto "Prisonfreetimef31">>
<<elseif $pr.gprotection == 0 and $cm.protection == 0 and $pr.pinfamy >= 30 and _percent <= 10>>
<<goto "Prisonfreetimef21">>
<<elseif not hasVisited("Prisonfreetime21") and not hasVisited("Prisonshower21") and $pr.pinfamy >= 20>>
<<goto "Prisonfreetime21">>
<<elseif hasVisited("Prisonfreetime21") or hasVisited("Prisonshower21")>>
<<goto "Prisonfreetime31">>
<<goto "Prisonfreetime11">>
<</if>>\<<image pr/prra.jpg>>
As you are exercising, you suddenly get dragged off by your uniform.
<<di you "Hey! What the hell?">>
You try to grapple for some leverage but their rough treatment leaves you unbalanced and your ass scraping on the ground. Only when you find yourself in a non crowded spot with no guard watching, you get pulled up by your collar face to face with an inmate you don't know.
<<dio "Prisoner" "You're the prison whore, huh? You want to do this the easy or hard way?">>
"Prison whore"? Have all the things you've done painted yourself as an easy target?
<<dio "Prisoner" "Suck me off now.">>
He then drops you like a sack of potatoes and you're on your knees looking up at him - frankly a bit shaken by his strength and threatening energy.
<<dio "Prisoner" "Remember. No teeth. Else, I'll pull each one of them off your molar... by my hands.">>
He then removes his slacks to reveal his slumbering member. You really don't have a choice in this matter, now do you?
<<link "Blowjob time" "Prisonfreetimefbj11">>
<<set _temph = 16 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<</link>><<scenechoices pr 1 0>>\
<<lust pr 3>>\
Before you can do anything, his scent hits you. You know the prisoners get a shower everyday but somehow he still manages to smell so strong and spicy. Regardless, you still steady on and give him a tongue bath to wake him up. It doesn't take long for him to get fully ready, thankfully.
Before you can even admire his form, he grabs tufts of your hair, points his cock directly toward your mouth and gives it a hard thrust. His scratchy pube is in your nose, his balls rest nicely against your chins and you're gagged beyond words.
<<video pr/prpbj31.mp4>>
Finally, he withdraws leaving you about half a second of air before fucking his rock hard dick back. You can only gurgle on his cock, your saliva dripping and is out of your control.
<<video pr/prpbj32.mp4>>
This goes on for a few more minutes of him just abusing your mouth almost violently until he grunts:
<<dio "Prisoner" "Shit...! Fuckk...! I'm cummin'!!!!">>
Then he starts blasting his concentrated juice on your face, you can only gasp both from his outburst and the general lack of oxygen in your brain.
<<video you/youfacial23.mp4>>
<<if $gameends or $you.horniness >= 12>>\
<<set $you.horniness = 0>>\
That also sadly does you in and you spill all over the concrete ground.
<<video you/youcum3.mp4>>
<<dio "Prisoner" "You're a goddamn good cocksucker. I'll give you that. Hahaha.">>
After getting his rock off, he leaves quickly without a care for you who is now on your ass - exhausted from being forced to fellate.
<<if $gameends>>\
<<link "Back" "Prisonscenemenu">>
<<link "Shower time">>
<<set _temph = 17 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<set _chance = 60 - $pr.pinfamy>>
<<set _percent = random(1,_chance)>>
<<if $pr.gprotection == 0 and $cm.protection == 0 and not hasVisited("Prisonshowerf11") and $pr.pinfamy >= 30 and _percent <= 10>>
<<goto "Prisonshowerf11">>
<<elseif $pr.gprotection == 0 and $cm.protection == 0 and not hasVisited("Prisonshowerf31") and $pr.pinfamy >= 40 and _percent <= 10>>
<<goto "Prisonshowerf31">>
<<elseif $pr.gprotection == 0 and $cm.protection == 0 and $pr.pinfamy >= 30 and _percent <= 10>>
<<goto "Prisonshowerf21">>
<<elseif not hasVisited("Prisonfreetime21") and not hasVisited("Prisonshower21") and $pr.pinfamy >= 20>>
<<goto "Prisonshower21">>
<<elseif hasVisited("Prisonfreetime21") or hasVisited("Prisonshower21")>>
<<goto "Prisonshower31">>
<<goto "Prisonshower11">>
<</if>>\<<image pr/prra.jpg>>
You're working out when suddenly a man stands in front of you. You see him grinning with something like malice.
<<dio "Prisoner" "Finally, I got a chance with you prisoner whore.">>
He then roughly grabs your jaw with his large paw and continues:
<<dio "Prisoner" "I've got something big for you, I bet you'll like it.">>
<span id="t">\
<<link "He forces you to suck him">>
<<replace "#t">>\
He pushes you down until your face is on the same level as his crotch.
<<dio "Prisoner" "Suck!">>
He then discards his clothing quickly expecting you to just open your mouth and choke on him like a slut. Honestly, some fucked up part in you wants to do just that and is kind of turned on by the rough handling.
<<link "Blowjob time" "Prisonfreetimefbj11">>
<<set _temph = 16 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<if hasVisited("Prisonfreetimef31")>>\
<<link "He forces you to bottom">>
<<replace "#t">>\
He swiftly discards your clothes and takes hold of your hips with his domineering paws. You can clearly see his intent.
<<dio "Prisoner" "Let's have some fun, huh?">>
<<link "Bottom time" "Prisonfreetimeffuck31">>
<<set _temph = 16 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
</span>\<<scenechoices pr 1 0>>\
<<lust pr 3>>\
Since there is no lube, you actually sag from relief when you feel his hot spit on your hole. Still when you feel his tip breaching your opening, you have to bite your lips to refrain from groaning in discomfort and he isn't exactly slow and gentle either. You haven't taken a look at him but he feels gigantic inside you.
<<video pr/prpfuck21.mp4>>
<<dio "Prisoner" "Damn and I thought your slut ass would be looser. It's so fucking tight.">>
Thanks for the compliment, you guess. His hands grab your hips for better control and maybe so he can slam his dick into your even harder. He does exactly just that. Your discomfort doesn't pass just yet and his thrusts turn it into borderline pain. Still, what are you feeling right now? Fucking rock hard from being violated by a complete stranger and being a prison whore.
<<video pr/prpfuck22.mp4>>
<<dio "Prisoner" "Fuckkk yeah... You must like that big cock, huh bitch? Of course you do.">>
At this point, size really doesn't matter to you. This hunger for being conquered and being made a hole trumps everything else. His grasp on you is bruising as he jackhammers his shaft into your at an impossible pace. Then you hear his low roar. You sense hot liquid on your hole and dripping down your crotch and thighs.
<<video you/youbred9.mp4>>
<<if $gameends or $you.horninesss >= 12>>\
<<set $you.horniness = 0>>\
Feeling his load is enough to do you in and you join him in nirvana.
<<video you/youfuckcum7.mp4>>
You hear a phfft and another blob of saliva land on you mixing with the semen.
<<dio "Prisoner" "That's what you deserve, fucking cunt.">>
He then zips up and walks away like he hadn't done a crime to you. You, on the other hand, feel... shame? Who in their right mind gets off on being defiled like that?
<<if $gameends>>\
<<link "Back" "Prisonscenemenu">>
<<link "Shower time">>
<<set _temph = 17 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<set _chance = 60 - $pr.pinfamy>>
<<set _percent = random(1,_chance)>>
<<if $pr.gprotection == 0 and $cm.protection == 0 and not hasVisited("Prisonshowerf11") and $pr.pinfamy >= 30 and _percent <= 10>>
<<goto "Prisonshowerf11">>
<<elseif $pr.gprotection == 0 and $cm.protection == 0 and not hasVisited("Prisonshowerf31") and $pr.pinfamy >= 40 and _percent <= 10>>
<<goto "Prisonshowerf31">>
<<elseif $pr.gprotection == 0 and $cm.protection == 0 and $pr.pinfamy >= 30 and _percent <= 10>>
<<goto "Prisonshowerf21">>
<<elseif not hasVisited("Prisonfreetime21") and not hasVisited("Prisonshower21") and $pr.pinfamy >= 20>>
<<goto "Prisonshower21">>
<<elseif hasVisited("Prisonfreetime21") or hasVisited("Prisonshower21")>>
<<goto "Prisonshower31">>
<<goto "Prisonshower11">>
<</if>>\<<image pr/prra.jpg>>
Doing what you usually do in the rec area, all of the sudden a hand reaches around and smothers your mouth. You feel yourself getting picked up. Your scream is muffled by the large palm.
<<dio "Prisoner" "Shut the fuck up or you'll be in a world of pain.">>
You're trying to wiggle your body but it feels literally powerless under his restraint. So there is a real threat underneath those words, so you make the safe decision of being cooperative to your captor.
As expected, the guy drags you to a secluded spot away from the gazes of the guards. You expect to give him a blowjob but what's next is not in your guess: He undresses your pants.
<<di you "Wh-what are you trying to do?">>
<<dio "Prisoner" "Not trying. It's what I'm going to do to you. Your ass in particular.">>
What you fear (or anticipate) finally happens. It's bound to and considering that you have no way to overpower him, you accept your fate.
<<link "Bottom time" "Prisonfreetimeffuck31">>
<<set _temph = 16 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<</link>><<image pr/prshower.jpg>>
Scrubbing your hair, you feel a hand grasping your shoulder roughly.
<<dio "Prisoner" "I've heard about you, ready to do your job now bitch?">>
"Heard about you"? Looking back at all the stuff you've done so far in this shithole, the things that he heard about you are probably not nice.
<<di you "Do what??">>
He smacks your face not too harsh but it still shocks you.
<<dio "Prisoner" "Stop fucking playing, bitch. Know your place and suck my cock.">>
That and with the hitting should have enraged you, instead you're half turned on from the degradation and following his order like an obedient pet.
<<link "Blowjob time" "Prisonshowerfbj11">>
<<set _temph = 18 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 30 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<</link>><<scenechoices pr 1 0>>\
<<lust pr 3>>\
Scrambling on the slippery floor, your whole focus is now on the dick in front of you. You give it a taste and surprise, it tastes like skin and clean considering you're in a shower right now. Continuing your discovery, your tongue traces the spongy head, the dips and grooves of his shaft.
<<video pr/prpshowerbj31.mp4>>
<<dio "Prisoner" "The fuck is this Mother Mary virgin bullshit? Drop the act get to real sucking.">>
He grabs your head and plunges his cock really deep this time giving you no time to even adjust to his gigantic size. You breathe through your nose to get the air or else you'd pass out. He then repeat the motion a few more times and each time, his member get impossibly deeper inside your throat.
<<video pr/prpshowerbj32.mp4>>
<<dio "Prisoner" "Fuck yeah...! You're much better as a hole, bitch.">>
His hips again and again thrusts in your mouth like you're just a sex toy that can endure all type of abuse. It's not wrong though and you're wide open and rock hard. Your only purpose right now is being his gateway to pleasure.
<<dio "Prisoner" "Ssshit...! Take my fucking load!!!">>
He announces and proceeds to discharge his load on your face.
<<video you/youfacial24.mp4>>
His semen's scent is so potent and wild it drives you crazy.
<<if $gameends>>So much so that your finish soonly after.
<<video you/youcum9.mp4>>
<<dio "Prisoner" "That hits the spot... Hahaha.">>
With his laugh, he leaves you there winded from the forced blowjob. Only then, you notice the eyes on you. Other inmates saw what he did to you and chose to do nothing. Only then, it hits you that you're truly alone in this hellscape.
<<if $gameends>>\
<<link "Back" "Prisonscenemenu">>
<<link "Dinner time" "Prisonmeal11">>
<<set _temph = 18 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<</if>>\<<image pr/prshower.jpg>>
Your shower session is once more rudely interrupted by another stranger.
<span id="t">\
<<link "He forces you to suck him">>
<<replace "#t">>\
<<dio "Prisoner" "Suck my fucing cock, bitch.">>
He demands like it's your duty while forcing you down to your knees with ease. You really have no choice in this matter.
<<link "Blowjob time" "Prisonshowerfbj11">>
<<set _temph = 18 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 30 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<if hasVisited("Prisonshowerf31")>>\
<<link "He forces you to bottom">>
<<replace "#t">>\
<<dio "Prisoner" "Hey fag, get ready for some fucking.">>
He effortlessly manhandles you until your back is parallel to the ground and your butt perks up. You guess it's time for another bout of bottoming then.
<<link "Bottom time" "Prisonshowerffuck31">>
<<set _temph = 18 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 30 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
</span>\<<scenechoices pr 1 0>>\
<<lust pr 3>>\
The first contact always feels rough. You're not sure why but these convicts really don't know how to be gentle. However, considering the situation you're in right now, why would he have the need to be gentle? You grit your teeth to endure it and goddamn, his well endowment definitely doesn't help either.
<<video pr/prpshowerfuck21.mp4>>
Once he's fully sheathed inside, he doesn't give you much time for respite and immediately withdraw just to slam back into you with a loud smack. Ffffuck! It was rough but weirdly (or not) the burn actually stokes a fire inside you and your dick wakes up from slumber.
The subsequent thrusts are just as loud and he ravages your ass without any care like a starved man in the middle of a large feast. The fact that there are onlookers in the room who can see you're being used like a whore doesn't deter and in fact make your cock even more rock hard.
<<video pr/prpshowerfuck22.mp4>>
<<dio "Prisoner" "I'm about to fffffffucking bussttttt...!">>
He drawls seemingly lost in the pleasure - chasing his climax. Then with a final plunge, he plugs his cock deep inside you and deposits his load with each pulsation of his shaft.
<<video you/youbred17.mp4>>
<<if $gameends and $you.horniness >= 12>>\
<<set $you.horniness = 0>>\
That's what also pushes you over the edge as you shoot your own load down the drain.
<<video you/youfuckcum5.mp4>>
<<dio "Prisoner" "The fuck?? You cum just from getting your ass screwed? Depraved fucking fag.">>
His words are full of venom and disgust. You know you shouldn't pay any attention to it but his insult still makes your cheek burn. You're now more than aware of the dozens of pairs of eyes on you, jugding.
<<dio "Prisoner" "Your ass is adequate enough. It's not as loose as I imagine. Hahaha.">>
His backhand compliment burns your cheeks. You really shouldn't pay much mind to his insult but somehow his degradation makes your still hard cock jerks. Now with dozens of eyes on you - judging - your erection still hasn't waned a but. You're questioning if you're kind of a freak.
<<if $gameends>>\
<<link "Back" "Prisonscenemenu">>
<<link "Dinner time" "Prisonmeal11">>
<<set _temph = 18 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<</if>>\<<image pr/prshower.jpg>>
As you think this is just another bout of normal showering, you sense a presence approaching.
<<dio "Prisoner" "Hmmph, at least the whore is not a disgusting fuck.">>
He walks up to you so those words must be about you, right?
<<di you "What are you talking about?">>
<<dio "Prisoner" "I'm here to give you what you so crave.">>
He moves behind you and then one of his hands grabs your neck and pushes your head down. It's not like you don't try but it seems like every man in this place has incredible strength that can outpower you easily.
<<dio "Prisoner" "Be quiet and else you'll regret it.">>
Considering he can easily manhandle you to be on your knees like this, you don't think that is an empty threat. So...
<<link "Bottom time" "Prisonshowerffuck31">>
<<set _temph = 18 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 30 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<</link>>- <span style="color:red">Your infamy: $pr.pinfamy/$pr.pinfamymax</span>
<<if $pr.pinfamy == $pr.pinfamymax and $cm.protection == 0 and not hasVisited("Prending11")>>\
• Check to see if you have a visitor during breakfast <i>- Ending</i>
<<elseif ($pr.pinfamy == $pr.pinfamymax or $cm.protection == 0) and hasVisited("Prending11") and $pr.shiv == 0>>\
• You have $pr.endcd day(s) left
• You can purchase a shiv from Martin during meal time and do something reckless to extend your sentence
• Or not and escape this hellhole
<<elseif ($pr.pinfamy == $pr.pinfamymax or $cm.protection == 0) and hasVisited("Prending11") and $pr.shiv == 1>>\
• You have $pr.endcd day(s) left
• Use your shiv and do something reckless to extend your sentence
• Or not and escape this hellhole
<<if $pr.pinfamy >= 20>>\
• Chat and have sex with inmates to raise your infamy
• Chat with and give inmates blowjobs until you reach 20 infamy
<<if $cm.protection == 0 and $pr.gprotection == 0>>\
• Without a protection, you risk getting scammed out of cigs and being forced into doing stuffs
• The higher your infamy, the more likely unwanted stuff will happen
<</if>><<aff cm 1>>\
Across from him, a question has been in the back of your mind for a long time:
<<di you "What are you in here for?">>
<<di cm "It's no doubt this is your first time here. You know what the first etiquette of prison is? Do not ask what others are in here for.">>
<<di you "Oh...! Thanks for the advice.">>
<<di cm "Since I've got nothing to hide and am feeling gracious. I'll tell you. I killed 10 mofos from the opposing gang and then unfortunately got busted.">>
10 people??? Your eyes widen. You know he's indomitable but not to that extent.
<<di cm "So how about you?">>
<<di you "Uhh... ummm... weed.">>
You stammer since your crime compared to him seems so small and pathetic. He chuckles.
<<di cm "Figured, I can tell you wouldn't hurt a fly.">>
Hey! You're ferocious in the make love not war kind of way. But still, ferocious! You huff:
<<di you "Not everyone has to be a big bad wolf.">>
<<di cm "Don't go crying when your straw house gets blown into pieces. Hahaha.">>
He laughs heartily at his own joke and kudos to him, that's a good joke and it gets a smile out of you.
<<if $hour <= 6>>\
<<link "Breakfast time" "Prisonmeal11">>
<<set _temph = 6 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<elseif $hour <= 8>>\
<<link "Work time">>
<<set _temph = 11 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<if not hasVisited("Guardwork31") and $pr.gtrust >= 50>>
<<goto "Guardwork31">>
<<elseif not hasVisited("Guardwork11") and $pr.gtrust >= 20>>
<<goto "Guardwork11">>
<<elseif hasVisited("Guardwork11")>>
<<goto "Guardwork21">>
<<goto "Prisonwork11">>
<<elseif $hour <= 13>>\
<<link "Class time">>
<<set _temph = 14 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<if not hasVisited("Guardclass11") and hasVisited("Guardwork11")>>
<<goto "Guardclass11">>
<<elseif hasVisited("Guardclass11")>>
<<goto "Guardclass21">>
<<goto "Prisonclass11">>
<<link "Rest time" "Prisonnight11">>
<<if $cm.protection == 1 and $pr.psex == 1 and not hasVisited("CMwarn11")>>
<<set _temph = 19 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<goto "CMwarn11">>
<<elseif $cm.protection == 1 and $pr.psex == 1 and hasVisited("CMwarn11")>>
<<set _temph = 19 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<goto "CMwarn21">>
<<set _temph = 19 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<goto "Prisonnight11">>
<</if>>\<<aff cm 1>>\
You never really paid close attention before but today the cover of one of $cm.Name's books surprises you? "Becoming a Captain's Booty" in cursive with the pictures of a man in pirate costume and a woman in his arms.
<<di you "A-are you reading that?">>
You stammer for a bit, honestly taken aback by how a macho man like him can enjoy such a type of book.
<<di cm "Hmm...? This?">>
<<di you "Do you even like these kinds of book or just you read it just for shit and giggles?">>
He answers dead serious.
<<di cm "Of course, I do. Why would I spend time reading something I don't enjoy? You have a problem with that?">>
<<di you "Oh, no no. I'm just surprised that's all. You don't look exactly like the target demographic of romance novel.">>
He chuckles.
<<di cm "You think I'm one of those murder mystery type, huh? Yawn! I've heard and had enough of those from the losers in here.">>
He answers loudly, not caring that anyone can hear his insult.
<<di cm "Anyway, romance is nowhere to be found here so I'll have to make do with these books.">>
That sounds logical, actually. Still, you feel like you're peeling back layers from him and what's inside is not so bad and scary after all.
<<if $hour <= 6>>\
<<link "Breakfast time" "Prisonmeal11">>
<<set _temph = 6 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<elseif $hour <= 8>>\
<<link "Work time">>
<<set _temph = 11 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<if not hasVisited("Guardwork31") and $pr.gtrust >= 50>>
<<goto "Guardwork31">>
<<elseif not hasVisited("Guardwork11") and $pr.gtrust >= 20>>
<<goto "Guardwork11">>
<<elseif hasVisited("Guardwork11")>>
<<goto "Guardwork21">>
<<goto "Prisonwork11">>
<<elseif $hour <= 13>>\
<<link "Class time">>
<<set _temph = 14 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<if not hasVisited("Guardclass11") and hasVisited("Guardwork11")>>
<<goto "Guardclass11">>
<<elseif hasVisited("Guardclass11")>>
<<goto "Guardclass21">>
<<goto "Prisonclass11">>
<<link "Rest time" "Prisonnight11">>
<<if $cm.protection == 1 and $pr.psex == 1 and not hasVisited("CMwarn11")>>
<<set _temph = 19 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<goto "CMwarn11">>
<<elseif $cm.protection == 1 and $pr.psex == 1 and hasVisited("CMwarn11")>>
<<set _temph = 19 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<goto "CMwarn21">>
<<set _temph = 19 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<goto "Prisonnight11">>
<</if>>\<<aff cm 1>>\
Bored out of your mind and $cm.Name has a weird complex with romance because he's reading another again. So you decide to get nosey:
<<di you "What's your former cellmate like?">>
Stopping his leg shaking, $cm.Name scrunches his nose up in disgust.
<<di cm "Just an old fuck. We kept to our own.">>
<<di you "Ahh umm... There has to be someone like... me before right?">>
He looks at you for a while, staying silent.
<<di cm "No...">>
His word seems awkward in a way and it makes you feel some type of way. Something like joy?
<<di you "Then I'm the lucky one, huh?">>
You say without heat and he scoffs but still maintain that piercing gaze on you.
<<di cm "It's just the right time and place. I'm just so done with jacking off alone and you just fell into the puzzle. That's all.">>
He explains, a bit long winded for no reason. That makes you giddy. Is this the effect of Stockholm's Syndrome or you are so in over your head?
<<if $hour <= 6>>\
<<link "Breakfast time" "Prisonmeal11">>
<<set _temph = 6 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<elseif $hour <= 8>>\
<<link "Work time">>
<<set _temph = 11 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<if not hasVisited("Guardwork31") and $pr.gtrust >= 50>>
<<goto "Guardwork31">>
<<elseif not hasVisited("Guardwork11") and $pr.gtrust >= 20>>
<<goto "Guardwork11">>
<<elseif hasVisited("Guardwork11")>>
<<goto "Guardwork21">>
<<goto "Prisonwork11">>
<<elseif $hour <= 13>>\
<<link "Class time">>
<<set _temph = 14 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<if not hasVisited("Guardclass11") and hasVisited("Guardwork11")>>
<<goto "Guardclass11">>
<<elseif hasVisited("Guardclass11")>>
<<goto "Guardclass21">>
<<goto "Prisonclass11">>
<<link "Rest time" "Prisonnight11">>
<<if $cm.protection == 1 and $pr.psex == 1 and not hasVisited("CMwarn11")>>
<<set _temph = 19 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<goto "CMwarn11">>
<<elseif $cm.protection == 1 and $pr.psex == 1 and hasVisited("CMwarn11")>>
<<set _temph = 19 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<goto "CMwarn21">>
<<set _temph = 19 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<goto "Prisonnight11">>
<</if>>\<<aff cm 1>>\
As you get to know more about $cm.Name, you wonder more about what his life before prison is like.
<<di you "What was your job before prison?">>
He looks at you for a beat before saying:
<<di cm "Gang shit.">>
<<di you "Really?">>
You half expected this answer, but still you perk up because a criminal life sounds exciting.
<<di cm "Fuck no! I work construction.">>
That deflates you so quickly. Still, you're a competent conversationalist so you continue:
<<di you "Did you like your job?">>
<<di cm "It was alright. I actually prefer life in prison. I like the routine and structure. Beside,...">>
It finally happens, he moves his eyes away from the romance book to give you a smirk.
<<di cm "...things aren't as boring as before.">>
You blush a little at his attention. Well, you also think life in prison is not half bad as you thought it'd be.
<<if $hour <= 6>>\
<<link "Breakfast time" "Prisonmeal11">>
<<set _temph = 6 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<elseif $hour <= 8>>\
<<link "Work time">>
<<set _temph = 11 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<if not hasVisited("Guardwork31") and $pr.gtrust >= 50>>
<<goto "Guardwork31">>
<<elseif not hasVisited("Guardwork11") and $pr.gtrust >= 20>>
<<goto "Guardwork11">>
<<elseif hasVisited("Guardwork11")>>
<<goto "Guardwork21">>
<<goto "Prisonwork11">>
<<elseif $hour <= 13>>\
<<link "Class time">>
<<set _temph = 14 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<if not hasVisited("Guardclass11") and hasVisited("Guardwork11")>>
<<goto "Guardclass11">>
<<elseif hasVisited("Guardclass11")>>
<<goto "Guardclass21">>
<<goto "Prisonclass11">>
<<link "Rest time" "Prisonnight11">>
<<if $cm.protection == 1 and $pr.psex == 1 and not hasVisited("CMwarn11")>>
<<set _temph = 19 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<goto "CMwarn11">>
<<elseif $cm.protection == 1 and $pr.psex == 1 and hasVisited("CMwarn11")>>
<<set _temph = 19 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<goto "CMwarn21">>
<<set _temph = 19 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<goto "Prisonnight11">>
<</if>>\<<aff cm 1>>\
Glancing at $cm.Name, aside from shaking his leg - something you've noticed he's been doing a lot - he's now looking at something that looks like a photograph. Feeling nosy, you try to take a glance and it's a picture of... a cat?
<<di you "For a second, I thought I'd see a picture of your kids or something, not a cat.">>
<<di cm "What do you mean? She's my baby.">>
You can detect a bit of baby talk which is weird and unfitting to this rough looking prisoner like him.
<<di cm "Well, I suppose she's not a baby anymore. She's what now? 12 years old, I think. Damn, I miss my cuddly bug.">>
More cutesy words fly out of his mouth and it is still jarring but there is a note of endearingness.
<<di you "Yeah, I can see it, she totally has your face, all serious and stoic.">>
Realizing that he's been acting all non-toughy for a while he starts clearing his throat:
<<di cm "Ahem... She is in the care of my sister now and getting way too fat these days.">>
<<di you "Hey, she earns getting pigged out after being your pet for a while, don't you think?">>
<<di cm "You're right. Still, I miss her.">>
He touches the photo tenderly and this action warms you up to him greatly. You knew that there's a softie underneath all those hard edges.
<<if $hour <= 6>>\
<<link "Breakfast time" "Prisonmeal11">>
<<set _temph = 6 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<elseif $hour <= 8>>\
<<link "Work time">>
<<set _temph = 11 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<if not hasVisited("Guardwork31") and $pr.gtrust >= 50>>
<<goto "Guardwork31">>
<<elseif not hasVisited("Guardwork11") and $pr.gtrust >= 20>>
<<goto "Guardwork11">>
<<elseif hasVisited("Guardwork11")>>
<<goto "Guardwork21">>
<<goto "Prisonwork11">>
<<elseif $hour <= 13>>\
<<link "Class time">>
<<set _temph = 14 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<if not hasVisited("Guardclass11") and hasVisited("Guardwork11")>>
<<goto "Guardclass11">>
<<elseif hasVisited("Guardclass11")>>
<<goto "Guardclass21">>
<<goto "Prisonclass11">>
<<link "Rest time" "Prisonnight11">>
<<if $cm.protection == 1 and $pr.psex == 1 and not hasVisited("CMwarn11")>>
<<set _temph = 19 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<goto "CMwarn11">>
<<elseif $cm.protection == 1 and $pr.psex == 1 and hasVisited("CMwarn11")>>
<<set _temph = 19 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<goto "CMwarn21">>
<<set _temph = 19 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<goto "Prisonnight11">>
<</if>>\<<aff cm 1>>\
You suddenly feel hot on your nape and when turning back, you see that he is now giving you a laser stare. You can't help but flush because after your detection, his gaze on you still hasn't wavered.
<<di you "Ummm... do you need something?">>
<<di cm "Nothing...">>
He replies but still gives you that intense look.
<<di you "Then why are you looking at me like that?">>
<<di cm "Because you're... ahem...">>
It's like he just catches himself staring at you midway through that sentence and now he's looking away.
<<di cm "... well... interesting.">>
The air is filled with something like awkwardness.
<<di you "Oh... thanks?">>
You say tentatively and he resumes burying his face in the romance novel. The whole ordeal is perplexing.
<<if $hour <= 6>>\
<<link "Breakfast time" "Prisonmeal11">>
<<set _temph = 6 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<elseif $hour <= 8>>\
<<link "Work time">>
<<set _temph = 11 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<if not hasVisited("Guardwork31") and $pr.gtrust >= 50>>
<<goto "Guardwork31">>
<<elseif not hasVisited("Guardwork11") and $pr.gtrust >= 20>>
<<goto "Guardwork11">>
<<elseif hasVisited("Guardwork11")>>
<<goto "Guardwork21">>
<<goto "Prisonwork11">>
<<elseif $hour <= 13>>\
<<link "Class time">>
<<set _temph = 14 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<if not hasVisited("Guardclass11") and hasVisited("Guardwork11")>>
<<goto "Guardclass11">>
<<elseif hasVisited("Guardclass11")>>
<<goto "Guardclass21">>
<<goto "Prisonclass11">>
<<link "Rest time" "Prisonnight11">>
<<if $cm.protection == 1 and $pr.psex == 1 and not hasVisited("CMwarn11")>>
<<set _temph = 19 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<goto "CMwarn11">>
<<elseif $cm.protection == 1 and $pr.psex == 1 and hasVisited("CMwarn11")>>
<<set _temph = 19 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<goto "CMwarn21">>
<<set _temph = 19 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<goto "Prisonnight11">>
<</if>>\<<aff cm 1>>\
<<di cm "So what do you do outside?">>
That catches you off guard a little because he has never initiated a conversation before.
<<di you "Ugh... college.">>
Such a lame answer, you already feel uncool as is.
<<di cm "That makes sense.">>
<<di you "Is that an insult?">>
You protest half-heartedly anyone with a pair of eyes, hell even one, can tell that you're just a fresh faced college kid.
<<di cm "Nah, it's a compliment. You're... youthful..., lively.">>
Those last two words are uttered between pauses like he's unsure which descriptors to use. Honestly, you've never been described as such and it makes your stomach flutter.
<<di you "Thanks...! You're alright too...">>
You smile at him and his gaze remains fixed on you like you're a hard mathematical equation that he can't solve.
<<if $hour <= 6>>\
<<link "Breakfast time" "Prisonmeal11">>
<<set _temph = 6 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<elseif $hour <= 8>>\
<<link "Work time">>
<<set _temph = 11 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<if not hasVisited("Guardwork31") and $pr.gtrust >= 50>>
<<goto "Guardwork31">>
<<elseif not hasVisited("Guardwork11") and $pr.gtrust >= 20>>
<<goto "Guardwork11">>
<<elseif hasVisited("Guardwork11")>>
<<goto "Guardwork21">>
<<goto "Prisonwork11">>
<<elseif $hour <= 13>>\
<<link "Class time">>
<<set _temph = 14 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<if not hasVisited("Guardclass11") and hasVisited("Guardwork11")>>
<<goto "Guardclass11">>
<<elseif hasVisited("Guardclass11")>>
<<goto "Guardclass21">>
<<goto "Prisonclass11">>
<<link "Rest time" "Prisonnight11">>
<<if $cm.protection == 1 and $pr.psex == 1 and not hasVisited("CMwarn11")>>
<<set _temph = 19 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<goto "CMwarn11">>
<<elseif $cm.protection == 1 and $pr.psex == 1 and hasVisited("CMwarn11")>>
<<set _temph = 19 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<goto "CMwarn21">>
<<set _temph = 19 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<goto "Prisonnight11">>
<</if>>\<<aff cm 1>>\
The silence in the room is interrupted by a question:
<<di cm "So what do you think of me?">>
<<di you "Think of... you? Like my feelings?">>
<<di cm "Yeah.">>
He keeps on surprising you with these questions. Frankly, you haven't fully compartmentalized your feelings toward him.
<<di you "You fucking suck...">>
Something in his expression drops down a note upon hearing that.
<<di you "... that should be all I can say about you, but you have that je ne se quois that somehow charms me.">>
Then his eyes light up at your confession.
<<di cm "Charms you? That mean you like me?">>
<<di you "I'm not saying that... all I'm saying is that I find you fascinating. That's all.">>
You say that but the traitors that are your heated cheeks clearly says otherwise. He smirks at you with something like smug satisfaction.
<<di cm "Don't worry, I find you fascinating too.">>
That's the end of the conversation, you really don't want to untangle the mess that is your feelings for him right now.
<<if $hour <= 6>>\
<<link "Breakfast time" "Prisonmeal11">>
<<set _temph = 6 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<elseif $hour <= 8>>\
<<link "Work time">>
<<set _temph = 11 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<if not hasVisited("Guardwork31") and $pr.gtrust >= 50>>
<<goto "Guardwork31">>
<<elseif not hasVisited("Guardwork11") and $pr.gtrust >= 20>>
<<goto "Guardwork11">>
<<elseif hasVisited("Guardwork11")>>
<<goto "Guardwork21">>
<<goto "Prisonwork11">>
<<elseif $hour <= 13>>\
<<link "Class time">>
<<set _temph = 14 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<if not hasVisited("Guardclass11") and hasVisited("Guardwork11")>>
<<goto "Guardclass11">>
<<elseif hasVisited("Guardclass11")>>
<<goto "Guardclass21">>
<<goto "Prisonclass11">>
<<link "Rest time" "Prisonnight11">>
<<if $cm.protection == 1 and $pr.psex == 1 and not hasVisited("CMwarn11")>>
<<set _temph = 19 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<goto "CMwarn11">>
<<elseif $cm.protection == 1 and $pr.psex == 1 and hasVisited("CMwarn11")>>
<<set _temph = 19 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<goto "CMwarn21">>
<<set _temph = 19 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<goto "Prisonnight11">>
<</if>>\<<if passage() == "Prisonnightcmfuck11">>\
When you anticipate your time of blowjob for the night, $cm.Name suddenly breaks up the monotones of that routine with a sentence:
<<di cm "I'm kind of bored with your mouth. Tonight, I'll use your ass.">>
Your knee jerk reaction is:
<<di you "What? That's not part of the deal.">>
You protest but not with much heat since the idea of bottoming for him is not repulsive. He chuckles:
<<di cm "The way you gag on my cock every time tells me enough how eager you're for this shit. Stop pretending and get your ass over here.">>
He hit bulleyes with that accusation, your hole is indeed hungry to wrap up around his manhood for quite a while now.
<<di cm "It seems I've been too soft on you. That's A FUCKING ORDER, NOT A REQUEST.">>
He growls dangerously. Since you know what he's capable of, you quickly drop your clothes and do his bidding.
<<di cm "You know what is going to happen. Get that ass over here.">>
He says conversationally while removing his uniform slack.
<<link "It's time" "Prisonnightcmfuck12">>\
<<presshour add 1>>
<</link>>\<<scenechoices pr 1 0>>\
Free from the shackles that are your prison uniform, you brace for what is about to come - his cock entering your hole. And what a huge cock that is because even you can feel the discomfort when he's breaching your entrance. Since he's not being exactly gentle, he's fully inside you in a matter of seconds.
<<video pr/prcmnightfuck11.mp4>>
<<if visited() == 1>>\
<<di cm "Shit... So this is what a man's ass feels like... Not bad.">>
<<di cm "Damn... why are your ass always so fucking tight?">>
With that being said, he doesn't slow a smidge instead plunges into you at full speed. The burn feels evenly unpleasant and pleasant at the same time. So much so, you can't help but moan a little.
<<di cm "Louder! So this whole prison can know who you belong to.">>
He says in between his grunts and you - a pleaser - of course follow his command and turn up the dial to eleven. The whole block can hear you clearly being dicked down by your cellmate. Honestly, do you care? Absolutely not and the idea of him taking ownership of you makes you so damn hard and precum leaks out of you like water out of a faucet.
<<video pr/prcmnightfuck12.mp4>>
<<if $you.horniness >= 12>>\
<<set $you.horniness = 0>>\
In fact, with your prostate being punched repeatedly, you have now reached a point of no return and begin blasting your load uncontrollably.
<<video you/youfuckcum3.mp4>>
<<di cm "Ffffffuckkkk!!!">>
He groans deeply and begins breeding your hole so good and sloppy like it deserves to be. The feeling of being filled and branded by his hot seeds makes vocalization gets even crazier.
<<video you/youbred18.mp4>>
As your noises die down to huffs, his orgasm also subsize. It is subtle, but you can see traces of pure satisfaction on his sweaty face.
<<if $gameends>>\
<<link "Back" "Prisonscenemenu">>
<<link "Morning comes" "Prisonmorning11">>
<<set _temph = 29 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<</if>>\<<if passage() == "Prisonmorningcmbj11">>\
As he's finishing his washing up, you admire him in his all morning glory, it does something strange to your stomach. So you mouth automatically blurts out:
<<di you "Can I suck your dick?">>
He doesn't acknowledge you for a moment and continues drying his face. Only when it's done, he then answer:
<<di cm "Are you supposed to not enjoy this? But, why the hell not? Better than sitting around and doing nothing for half an hour.">>
His comment makes your cheeks burn, indeed you're supposed to act reluctant and shit. Why are you serving yourself to him on a silver platter? In the end, you still can't help it.
Finishing his morning wash up, you can't stop yourself from hitting him up again.
<<di you "How about a blowjob to start off the day?">>
He looks at you for a brief moment before shrugging as if saying "Suits you."
<<link "It's time" "Prisonmorningcmbj12">>\
<<set _temph = 6 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<</link>>\<<scenechoices pr 1 0>>\
<<aff cm 2>>\
You kneel down on the concrete floor which you have come to find comfort in after awhile. You then unzip his pants in an efficient manner since there isn't much time to spare. As his dick appears in your vision, the scent of his dried sweat and musk also hit you with a vengeance. You really can't blame the guy because this cell is literally a hot, stuffy box. In such a circumstance, one shower a day just doesn't seem to cut it.
You don't hesitate though and start to nuzzle on his crotch chasing the scent lovingly with your nose and your tongue. Under your stimulation, his member comes to life and when it reaches full mast, you then swoop in and wrap it in wet heat.
<<video pr/prcmmorningbj11.mp4>>
He hisses softly at the sudden envelopment and strangely you feel like there is a bit of restraint from him - letting you savor his cock fully without interference. And you do, tracing the bulging veins running from the root to the tip, the grooves and swells of his shaft like you're scanning his shapes to imprint in your memory.
The moment of tenderness is over when he grabs the back of your head and begins smashing his crotch on your mouth. As much as you enjoy the gentle moment, you flourish even more in these bursts of brute force and passions. There is no better joy than being just a hole for a man to pound.
<<video pr/prcmmorningbj12.mp4>>
<<di cm "Fffffuckkkk...!!!">>
He groans softly and then finishes off with a blast right across your face. You have half a mind to just let his cum become your morning face wash right here and there.
<<video you/youfacial1.mp4>>
<<if $gameends>>\
<<link "Back" "Prisonscenemenu">>
<<if $cm.aff >= 30 and random(1,3) == 1 and $watersport>>\
<<link "Then..." "Prisonmorningcmbj13">>
<<link "Breakfast time" "Prisonmeal11">>
<<set _temph = 6 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<</if>>\Despite the condensation in the room, your eyes still are able to track $cm.Name's form among a dozen of inmates. You can't deny it any longer your body craves his and it is making its way on its own volition toward him.
<<if passage() == "Prisonshowercmbj11">>\
You can tell he's quite a seasoned prisoner because as soon as you're within his vicinity, he is immediately alerted.
<<di cm "It's you... what do you want?">>
Only then you realize that he forces himself onto you, why would you want him? Maybe you're going crazy. The dilemma is rendering you mute so you can only look at him pleadingly. Apparently, he's also quite perceptive because he gives you a playful smirk.
<<di cm "Hm... I see. You want this cock, huh?">>
He grabs his bulge and nudges it up and down.
<<di cm "C'mon, then...">>
That simple word is enough to break down all reservations you have about serving your prison terrorizer and you kneel down on the wet floor.
It's like he has eyes on his back because he immediately turns toward you. He only gives you a knowing smug look before you're on your knees in front of him.
<<link "It's time" "Prisonshowercmbj12">>\
<<set _temph = 18 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 30 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<</link>>\<<scenechoices pr 1 0>>\
<<aff cm 2>>\
With many pairs of eyes obviously looking at the scene, you don't feel embarrassed but instead thrill shoots through your body. You let out your tongue like a red carpet to welcome the esteemed guest that is $cm.Name's cock inside your damp residence. He becomes fully erect in your mouth quickly and soon you can feel light thrusts and his blunt tip hitting your uvula softly.
<<video pr/prcmshowerbj11.mp4>>
<<di cm "Who that mouth belongs to, bitch?">>
His question can be heard all throughout the room and of course you have no other answer than:
<<di you "You.">>
<<di cm "That's damn right!">>
With that declaration of possession, he grabs your hair and begin mercilessly face fuck you. Aside from gargling, you are unable to stop the wanton noises from leaving your body in waves of pleasure.
<<video pr/prcmshowerbj12.mp4>>
Then you hear his grunt as he plunges his dick so far down your throat and begin unloading his seed inside your windpipe.
<<image dad/dadbjcum2.gif>>
<<if $you.horniness >= 12>>\
<<set $you.horniness = 0>>\
The lack of oxygen in your brain and the abuse of your throat make you spiral uncontrollably and orgasms along with him.
<<video you/youcum2.mp4>>
<<if $gameends>>\
<<link "Back" "Prisonscenemenu">>
<<link "Dinner time" "Prisonmeal11">>
<<set _temph = 18 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<</if>>\You two wind down and begin settling for the night.
<<di cm "You let someone use you today.">>
His tone chills you.
<<sus cm -2>>\
<<di you "Wh-what? No. That's not true.">>
<<di cm "Shut the fuck up, you lying bitch. Nothing goes unreported here in this small ass prison. YOU WHORED YOURSELF OUT TODAY.">>
Fuck... You thought you'd get away with it somehow or at least have a few more days but words travel so damn fast in this hellhole.
<<di you "Okay. I did but I wasn't willing.">>
You try to weasel your way out of this. However, hearing that he walks up and looms over you. Your jaw gets squeezed roughly by his calloused palm.
<<di cm "No one in this place dares touching my shit. So listen here carefully: I'm not goddamn pleased and this is your first fucking warning.">>
He then lets off and finally removes his oppressive presence from your vicinity. It seems you live to see another day. You remember the cigs in your back pocket, perhaps a little gift may soothe the beast?
<span id="choice1">\
<<if $pr.choc >= 1>>\
<<link "Give him a chocolate bar">>
<<replace "#choice1">>\
<<set $pr.choc -->>\
You take out the chocolate and put it between you and him. That surprises him.
<<di cm "What? How do you know that I like chocolate?">>
He likes chocolate???
<<di you "I worked hard for this, hope you accept it.">>
His gaze on you softens dramatically.
<<di cm "I told you, you don't need to do all that... but alright. I'll take it.">>
As he takes an inelegant bite out of the block of the cacao goodness, he gives you a genuine smile and his initial anger towards you evaporates. You take a sneaky breath of relief.
<<sus cm 10>>\
<<di cm "Alright. Thanks but you still have a job to do.">>
Of course, you're more than happy to fulfil your duty.
<span id="t">\
<<link "Blowjob time" "Prisonnightcmbj11">>
<<presshour add 1>>
<<if $cm.aff >= 45 and not hasVisited("Prisonnightcmfuck11")>>\
<<link "$cm.Name has a change of heart" "Prisonnightcmfuck11">>
<<pressminute add 5>>
<<elseif $cm.aff >= 46 and hasVisited("Prisonnightcmfuck11")>>\
<<link "Bottom time">>
<<replace "#t">>\
<<pressminute add 5>>
<<include "Prisonnightcmfuck11">>
<<link "Give him one cig">>
<<replace "#choice1">>\
<<cig -1>>\
You tentatively approach him with the offering.
<<di cm "What?">>
<<di you "I found this. Hope you might like it.">>
You hand over the cig and he raises one eyebrow at you before snatching the stick of death.
<<sus cm 1>>\
<<di cm "Alright. I'll take it and you still have a job to do.">>
His tone seems less hostile than before and he takes your gift so it must count for something. Of course, you're more than happy to fulfil your duty.
<span id="t">\
<<link "Blowjob time" "Prisonnightcmbj11">>
<<presshour add 1>>
<<if $cm.aff >= 45 and not hasVisited("Prisonnightcmfuck11")>>\
<<link "$cm.Name has a change of heart" "Prisonnightcmfuck11">>
<<pressminute add 5>>
<<elseif $cm.aff >= 46 and hasVisited("Prisonnightcmfuck11")>>\
<<link "Bottom time">>
<<replace "#t">>\
<<pressminute add 5>>
<<include "Prisonnightcmfuck11">>
<<link "Don't give him">>
<<replace "#choice1">>\
Screw him and his bossiness. He doesn't deserve your hard-earned cigs.
<<di cm "Still, you have a fucking job to do.">>
Him removing his slacks paints a clear picture of what your "job" is. This, you don't oppose too much.
<span id="t">\
<<link "Blowjob time" "Prisonnightcmbj11">>
<<presshour add 1>>
<<if $cm.aff >= 45 and not hasVisited("Prisonnightcmfuck11")>>\
<<link "$cm.Name has a change of heart" "Prisonnightcmfuck11">>
<<pressminute add 5>>
<<elseif $cm.aff >= 46 and hasVisited("Prisonnightcmfuck11")>>\
<<link "Bottom time">>
<<replace "#t">>\
<<pressminute add 5>>
<<include "Prisonnightcmfuck11">>
</span>\Obviously, your hand is in the cookie jar, so you dread being in your cell after the shenanigans you pull today.
<<sus cm -2>>\
<<if $cm.trust == -1 and $pr.choc >= 1>>\
When you see his cold expression. You decide to:
<span id="choice1">\
<<link "Give him a chocolate bar">>
<<replace "#choice1">>\
<<set $pr.choc -->>\
You take out the chocolate and put it between you and him. That surprises him.
<<di cm "What? How do you know that I like chocolate?">>
He likes chocolate???
<<di you "I worked hard for this, hope you accept it.">>
His gaze on you softens dramatically.
<<di cm "I told you, you don't need to do all that... but alright. I'll take it.">>
As he takes an inelegant bite out of the block of the cacao goodness, he gives you a genuine smile and his initial anger towards you evaporates. You take a sneaky breath of relief.
<<sus cm 10>>\
<<di cm "Alright. Thanks but you still have a job to do.">>
Of course, you're more than happy to fulfil your duty.
<span id="t">\
<<link "Blowjob time" "Prisonnightcmbj11">>
<<presshour add 1>>
<<if $cm.aff >= 45 and not hasVisited("Prisonnightcmfuck11")>>\
<<link "$cm.Name has a change of heart" "Prisonnightcmfuck11">>
<<pressminute add 5>>
<<elseif $cm.aff >= 46 and hasVisited("Prisonnightcmfuck11")>>\
<<link "Bottom time">>
<<replace "#t">>\
<<pressminute add 5>>\
<<include "Prisonnightcmfuck11">>
<<link "Don't give him">>
<<replace "#choice1">>\
Not give him the cig and it is the straw that broke the camel's back.
<<set $cm.protection = 0>>\
<<di cm "So... it has finally come to this...">>
He say ominously and you have an idea of what is about to come.
<<di cm "...I've been too fucking lenient and gave you plenty of warnings but still you choose to not listen to them. So...">>
He then sits up and gives you an emotionless face.
<<di cm "...from now on, you can be a prison play thing all you want. You won't no longer have my protection and I won't touch a defile good like you anymore. Also, make sure to make yourself scarce around me since you don't want to piss me off. Understand?">>
He says matter of factly. You expect a more explosive outburst and this calm condemnation turns your blood cold.
<<di you "But-">>
<<di cm "I SAID: UNDERSTAND?">>
He yells - finally being fed up and done with you. There is really no good outcome if you try to press him any further so you resort to just nod. He then breathes out before giving you the silent treatment and returning to his book.
@@.minus;$cm.Name's protection lost@@
<<link "Morning comes" "Prisonmorning11">>
<<set _temph = 29 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<elseif $cm.trust == -1>>\
<<set $cm.protection = 0>>\
<<di cm "So... it has finally come to this...">>
He say ominously and you have an idea of what is about to come.
<<di cm "...I've been too fucking lenient and gave you plenty of warnings but still you choose to not listen to them. So...">>
He then sits up and gives you an emotionless face.
<<di cm "...from now on, you can be a prison play thing all you want. You won't no longer have my protection and I won't touch a defile good like you anymore. Also, make sure to make yourself scarce around me since you don't want to piss me off. Understand?">>
He says matter of factly. You expect a more explosive outburst and this calm condemnation turns your blood cold.
<<di you "But-">>
<<di cm "I SAID: UNDERSTAND?">>
He yells - finally being fed up and done with you. There is really no good outcome if you try to press him any further so you resort to just nod. He then breathes out before giving you the silent treatment and returning to his book.
@@.minus;$cm.Name's protection lost@@
<<link "Morning comes" "Prisonmorning11">>
<<set _temph = 29 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
When you see his cold expression. You decide to:
<span id="choice1">\
<<if $pr.choc >= 1>>\
<<link "Give him a chocolate bar">>
<<replace "#choice1">>\
<<set $pr.choc -->>\
You take out the chocolate and put it between you and him. That surprises him.
<<di cm "What? How do you know that I like chocolate?">>
He likes chocolate???
<<di you "I worked hard for this, hope you accept it.">>
His gaze on you softens dramatically.
<<di cm "I told you, you don't need to do all that... but alright. I'll take it.">>
As he takes an inelegant bite out of the block of the cacao goodness, he gives you a genuine smile and his initial anger towards you evaporates. You take a sneaky breath of relief.
<<sus cm 10>>\
<<di cm "Alright. Thanks but you still have a job to do.">>
Of course, you're more than happy to fulfil your duty.
<span id="t">\
<<link "Blowjob time" "Prisonnightcmbj11">>
<<presshour add 1>>
<<if $cm.aff >= 45 and not hasVisited("Prisonnightcmfuck11")>>\
<<link "$cm.Name has a change of heart" "Prisonnightcmfuck11">>
<<pressminute add 5>>
<<elseif $cm.aff >= 46 and hasVisited("Prisonnightcmfuck11")>>\
<<link "Bottom time">>
<<replace "#t">>\
<<pressminute add 5>>\
<<include "Prisonnightcmfuck11">>
<<link "Give him one cig">>
<<replace "#choice1">>\
<<cig -1>>\
You decide to retroactively give him the cig.
<<di you "I just want to get more of this for you.">>
You say while trying to give him the puppy eyes. It works somewhat since he takes the cig.
<<sus cm 1>>\
<<di cm "I don't need you to do shit for me. Just listen to my words. You got it?">>
Despite that he still gives you a lecture with a threatening edge underneath. What else to do other than nod? You survive another day.
<<di cm "Now, where was I?">>
<span id="t">\
<<link "Blowjob time" "Prisonnightcmbj11">>
<<presshour add 1>>
<<if $cm.aff >= 45 and not hasVisited("Prisonnightcmfuck11")>>\
<<link "$cm.Name has a change of heart" "Prisonnightcmfuck11">>
<<pressminute add 5>>
<<elseif $cm.aff >= 46 and hasVisited("Prisonnightcmfuck11")>>\
<<link "Bottom time">>
<<replace "#t">>\
<<pressminute add 5>>
<<include "Prisonnightcmfuck11">>
<<link "Don't give him">>
<<replace "#choice1">>\
<<if $cm.trust == 0>>\
Not give him the cig and it is the straw that broke the camel's back.
<<set $cm.protection = 0>>\
<<di cm "So... it has finally come to this...">>
He say ominously and you have an idea of what is about to come.
<<di cm "...I've been too fucking lenient and gave you plenty of warnings but still you choose to not listen to them. So...">>
He then sits up and gives you an emotionless face.
<<di cm "...from now on, you can be a prison play thing all you want. You won't no longer have my protection and I won't touch a defile good like you anymore. Also, make sure to make yourself scarce around me since you don't want to piss me off. Understand?">>
He says matter of factly. You expect a more explosive outburst and this calm condemnation turns your blood cold.
<<di you "But-">>
<<di cm "I SAID: UNDERSTAND?">>
He yells - finally being fed up and done with you. There is really no good outcome if you try to press him any further so you resort to just nod. He then breathes out before giving you the silent treatment and returning to his book.
@@.minus;$cm.Name's protection lost@@
<<link "Morning comes" "Prisonmorning11">>
<<set _temph = 29 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<di cm "You really have the fucking nerve, bitch. What did I tell you?">>
You can only remain silent.
<<di cm "Remember: I know your every goddamn step here in this place and you're on thin ice.">>
He is a man of few words but those are enough for you to understand his point.
<<di cm "Now, where was I?">>
<span id="t">\
<<link "Blowjob time" "Prisonnightcmbj11">>
<<presshour add 1>>
<<if $cm.aff >= 45 and not hasVisited("Prisonnightcmfuck11")>>\
<<link "$cm.Name has a change of heart" "Prisonnightcmfuck11">>
<<pressminute add 5>>
<<elseif $cm.aff >= 46 and hasVisited("Prisonnightcmfuck11")>>\
<<link "Bottom time">>
<<replace "#t">>\
<<pressminute add 5>>\
<<include "Prisonnightcmfuck11">>
<</if>>\<<scenechoices pr 1 0>>\
<<aff cm 1>>\
While you're still suckling on his softening dick, $cm.Name grows impatient.
<<di cm "Get off. I need to piss.">>
For some demonic reasons, you disobey him and instead push your face against his pube harder.
<<di cm "The hell? If that is what you want, bitch.">>
You feel his cock hardens a bit and warmth begins filling your mouth. He is now pissing down your throat in full force. His overnight bladder is no joke as it fills up your oral capacity to maximum as you gurgle on his urine. The golden nectar tastes bitter but somehow it's so addicting that your mouth, with a mind of its own, greedily swallows.
<<video pr/prcmmorningpiss11.mp4>>
After a long while when you fully drain his piss sac, he sneers at you:
<<di cm "If you want to be a dirty toilet that fucking bad just let me know. No need for coyness or pretense.">>
He finally withdraws from you and you still sit there dazed and fully stink both from cum and piss.
<<if $gameends>>\
<<link "Back" "Prisonscenemenu">>
<<link "Breakfast time" "Prisonmeal11">>
<<set _temph = 6 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<</if>>\<<if passage() == "Prisonshowercmfuck11">>\
You're getting too predictable because $cm.Name is already looking at you expectantly under the showerhead. Once you're in his personal space, he grabs your hips roughly.
<<di cm "I'm thinking today we're gonna give them a show. What do you think?">>
<<di you "What do you mean?">>
<<di cm "I'll fuck you here to let the whole prison know who your hole belongs to.">>
He says it loudly and despite the pitter patter of the water, you can tell everyone can hear his announcement clearly. You are supposed to say no, instead you can only blush.
<<di cm "Why am I wasting time telling you? Of course, your slut ass will say yes.">>
He then manhandles you until your back is facing him. Well, here goes nothing.
<<link "It's time" "Prisonshowercmfuck12">>\
<<set _temph = 18 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 30 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
Despite the condensation in the room, your eyes still are able to track $cm.Name's form among a dozen of inmates. You can't deny it any longer your body craves his and it is making its way on its own volition toward him.
It's like he has eyes on his back because he immediately turns toward you. He only gives you a knowing smug look before you're:
<<link "On your knees in front of him" "Prisonshowercmbj12">>\
<<set _temph = 18 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 30 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<link "Spreading your cheeks open" "Prisonshowercmfuck12">>\
<<set _temph = 18 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 30 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<</if>><<scenechoices pr 1 0>>\
<<aff cm 2>>\
Wet and slippery like your surroundings, your body has never been more primed to take another man's dick. His cockhead worms inside impatiently and stretches you out wide until his length is fully sheathed inside.
<<video pr/prcmshowerfuck11.mp4>>
<<di cm "Feel that?">>
The only way you know to show him your affirmation right now is through nodding since the burn from his girth makes you moan weakly. Your noises grow louder though because he proceeds to piston in and out of you with agility.
<<di cm "Anyone else can fuck you this good?">>
<<di you "Ahh... n-no... ahh...">>
You say heatedly as he pounds your prostate to a mash, hitting the deepest spots that you never realized were there before.
<<video pr/prcmshowerfuck12.mp4>>
<<di cm "Ffff... Good... Because no one else can FUCK YOUR HOLE...!!!">>
With that sure and loud statement he also drives his point home by spilling his seed deep inside you and forever marking your inner walls with a part of his body.
<<video you/youbred4.mp4>>
<<if $you.horniness >= 12>>\
<<set $you.horniness = 0>>\
The rush of his orgasm is contagious and you follow suit and climax.
<<video you/youfuckcum1.mp4>>
As you come down from the high, except for $cm.Name's presence you can feel heated looks coming from others who are in the shower room. You can imagine how they wish they can have a chance fucking you.
<<if $gameends>>\
<<link "Back" "Prisonscenemenu">>
<<link "Dinner time" "Prisonmeal11">>
<<set _temph = 18 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<</if>>\- @@.cm;<b>$cm.Name</b>@@ - Under his protection: <<if $cm.protection == 1>>@@.add;Yes@@<<else>>@@.minus;No@@<</if>> - <span style="color:red">Affinity: $cm.aff/$cm.affmax</span> - <span style="color:green">Trust: $cm.trust/$cm.trustmax</span>
<<if $cm.aff == $cm.affmax and $cm.protection == 1 and not hasVisited("Prending11")>>\
• Check to see if you have a visitor during breakfast <i>- Ending</i>
<<elseif $cm.aff == $cm.affmax and $cm.protection == 1 and hasVisited("Prending11") and $pr.shiv == 0>>\
• You have $pr.endcd day(s) left
• You can purchase a shiv from Martin during meal time and do something reckless to extend your sentence
• Or not and escape this hellhole
<<elseif $cm.aff == $cm.affmax and $cm.protection == 1 and hasVisited("Prending11") and $pr.shiv == 1>>\
• You have $pr.endcd day(s) left
• Use your shiv and do something reckless to extend your sentence
• Or not and escape this hellhole
<<if $cm.protection == 1 and $cm.aff >= 30 and hasVisited("Prisonmorningcmbj11") and not hasVisited("Prisonmorningcmbj13") and $watersport>>\
• You may get a surprise during the morning blowjob (1/3 chance)
<<if $cm.protection == 1 and $cm.aff >= 15 and not hasVisited("Prisonmorningcmbj11")>>\
• You can now give him blowjob when you wake up
<<elseif $cm.protection == 1 and $cm.aff >= 30 and not hasVisited("Prisonshowercmbj11")>>\
• You can now give him blowjob during shower time
<<elseif $cm.protection == 1 and $cm.aff >= 45 and not hasVisited("Prisonnightcmfuck11")>>\
• You can now bottom for him during rest time in the evening
<<elseif $cm.protection == 1 and $cm.aff >= 50 and not hasVisited("Prisonshowercmfuck11")>>\
• You can now bottom for him during shower time
<<if $cm.protection == 1 and hasVisited("Prisonmorningcmbj11")>>\
• Give him blowjob when you wake up in the morning
<<if $cm.protection == 1 and hasVisited("Prisonshowercmfuck11") and hasVisited("Prisonshowercmbj11")>>\
• Give him blowjob or bottom for him during shower time
<<elseif $cm.protection == 1 and hasVisited("Prisonshowercmbj11")>>\
• Give him blowjob during shower time
<<if $cm.protection == 1 and hasVisited("Prisonnightcmfuck11")>>\
• Give him blowjob or bottom for him during rest time in the evening
<<elseif $cm.protection == 1>>\
• Give him blowjob during rest time in the evening
<<if $cm.protection == 1>>\
• Chat with him
• Your cellmate don't want to have anything to do with you.
<</if>>\It doesn't take long for you to find Martin since the guy only has one eye and uses a patch. You walk up as he comments:
<<if $cm.protection == 1>>\
<<dio "Martin" "Aren't you $cm.Name's plaything? What do you need?">>
<<dio "Martin" "Isn't this the talk of the town? What do you need?">>
<<if $pr.cig >= 5>>\
<<link "A chocolate bar - 5 cig">>
<<cig -5>>
<<set $pr.choc ++>>
<<goto "Prmartinchoc1">>
<<link "==A chocolate bar - 5 cig==">><</link>>
<<if $pr.cig >= 10 and $pr.shiv < 1>>\
<<link "A shiv - 10 cig">>
<<cig -10>>
<<set $pr.shiv = 1>>
<<goto "Prmartinshiv1">>
<<elseif $pr.shiv < 1>>\
<<link "==A shiv - 10 cig==">><</link>>
<<link "Back" "Prisonmeal11">>
<</link>>He exclaims before giving you the wrapped bar of chocolate.
<<dio "Martin" "Someone has a sweet tooth.">>
Not you particularly. But perhaps, it may become handy in the future.
@@.add;+1 chocolate bar@@
<<link "Back" "Prmartin11">>
<</link>>A weapon, this is truly the hardest thing to come by here.
<<dio "Martin" "So you want it bad, huh? Alright, but make sure to use it smartly and discreetly. You don't want to announce to the guard that you have a shiv, do ya? Else, your vacation here might become much longer than expected.">>
He gives you some warnings before handing over the sharp object. He's right, you should only use this shiv when it gets truly dire... or you can make a ruckus with it and make your sentence worse? That's the thought that's gnawing on the rational part of your brain.
<<link "Back" "Prmartin11">>
<</link>><<dio "Guard" "Hey, $you.Namedis. You've got a visitor.">>
It must be your family. You quickly follow the guard to the visiting room which is notably nicer than the rest of the prison. Through the partition glass, you can see your $w.father.<<if $dad.aff >= 21>>It's like he ages a few more years from the worried lines on his face.<<else>>His scowl is apparent on his face, like there are places he'd rather be than here.<</if>>
You sit down opposite of him. <<if $dad.aff >= 21>>Seeing you whole, he visibly relaxes and asks you numerous questions about your life without freedom.<<else>>Seeing you, his scowl deepens like you're a stain to his name. Still, he remains cordial enough to ask you questions about your wellbeing in this cage.<</if>> You of course omit many details and give the pageant answer and tell that you're fine here. Then, he gives a wary look around at the surrounding guards before whisper lowly to you:
<<if $dad.aff >= 21>>\
<<di dad "Just hang on. I'm working with the lawyer to get you out of here. Trust me, you'll soon be released in about a week, $w.son.">>
<<di dad "You must be very lucky. Your type usually doesn't last long and end well in prison. So, I'll find a way to get you out of here in a bout a week.">>
He might as well call you a pathetic fuck.
Hearing that, you should feel ecstatic, right? However, you feel torn. You have acclimated somewhat and find solace in the simplicity of life here.
<<if $dad.aff >= 21>>\
He gives you more worried looks before giving you as many fatherly assurances as he can before the visit time runs out.
With that said, he doesn't really have much to tell you further and end the visit early. A little more soothing words would be nice, but you really can't complain.
<<link "Work time">>
<<set _temph = 11 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<if not hasVisited("Guardwork31") and $pr.gtrust >= 50>>
<<goto "Guardwork31">>
<<elseif not hasVisited("Guardwork11") and $pr.gtrust >= 20>>
<<goto "Guardwork11">>
<<elseif hasVisited("Guardwork11")>>
<<goto "Guardwork21">>
<<goto "Prisonwork11">>
<</link>><<image pr/prdininghall.jpg>>
<<dio "Officer" "$you.Namedis!">>
<<if previous() == "Prending21" or previous() == "Prending31">>\
The tension is interrupted by an officer calling out your name. Bryce also backs up.
Shortly after you just enter the dining hall, one of the guards shouts out your name.
<<di you "Here.">>
He tips his head toward the entrance and orders:
<<dio "Officer" "Follow me.">>
Of course, you do as you're told and walk with him toward one of the offices. As you sit down the chair across from the guard who appears like the chief, you have an inkling of what might come later.
<<dio "Chief" "Now, let's cut to the case. There is a new development to your case and you've been exonerated. Congratulations, you're now a free man.">>
You have an inkling of this happening but to hear that your sentence is fully cleared still shocks you.
<<di you "Ah... what? Really???">>
You ask a bit incredulously. One part of you feel relief to be able to return to your normal life outside, the other feels... conflicted because you've come to actually enjoy the dynamic here. He gives you a flat, unamused look:
<<di you "Really. Look at these paperworks and sign your name. Afterward, follow the guard and he'll lead you through the process of release...">>
Doing as you are told, you go through the motions of getting the paperworks done, get rid of the inmate clothes and getting all your old belongings back. While doing all that, you think to yourself, should you have done anything different? Do you want to stay here? In this strange paradise?
As you look at the faces of your $w.dad and $w.brother who are outside of the prison picking you up, all of that wondering seems pointless since now you're a free man. Your life in prison is now just a distant memory.
<<link "Back at home" "Living room">>
<<set _temph = 10 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<set $stage = 0>>
<</link>><<scenechoices pr 1 0>>\
<<lust prg 2>>\
Once inside the small office, the stuffy air inside makes you aware of the body scent of the guard who accompanies you. It is strong but doesn't throw you off, instead it makes you so damn horny.
<<di you "Let's get you comfortable.">>
You push him down on a chair and before he can do anything, you prop his leg on your thigh.
<<dio "Guard" "Wait... my feet probably don't smell so good.">>
Indeed, his scent is no match for the waft of odor from his shoes when you remove them from his feet. But does it repulse you? On the contrary, your mouth waters.
<<video pr/prgmealfeet11.mp4>>
<<di you "Fuck...! It smells good to me.">>
You look at his foot hungrily and the guard catches on:
<<dio "Guard" "Hmph? That so? How about you show me how much you like it.">>
You already move the slightly damp sock away from his foot and once he gives that permission, you don't hesitate. Your tongue darts foward to lick each digit of his foot enthusiastically. The salty taste combined with the overpowering smell creates the perfect heaven for your depravity.
<<video pr/prgmealfeet12.mp4>>
<<dio "Guard" "Alright, that's enough. I'm so damn hard already.">>
You can probably spend hours on end servicing working men's feet like his. But his wish is your command, you regretfully move away from his toes towards his impressive member. Since he's been sweating all over, the aroma radiating from his cock is also intoxicating. You waste no time to swallow him whole as you're unbelievably turned on from all the stimulants in the air.
<<video pr/prgmealbj11.mp4>>
<<dio "Guard" "Fuck yeah... Suck that cock, inmate.">>
Him calling you an inmate as a clear display of power makes your inside tingling. Knowing, you're beneath him - just a prisoner - turns you into a crazed slut whose only purpose is servicing men.
<<video pr/prgmealbj12.mp4>>
<<dio "Guard" "Ssssshit...! I'm so close...">>
You double your effort to ensure he has the most mind-blowing orgasm ever and indeed he does with a shout and blast his seed all over your face.
<<video you/youfacial07.mp4>>
<<di you "Fuck! That's a big load, sir.">>
<<dio "Guard" "Damn right. Later, if you want to have this kind of intimate chat, just tell me, okay?">>
He grins deviously and obviously appreciates your skill. You give him a salute. You just don't say no to offers like that.
<<if $gameends>>\
<<link "Back" "Prisonscenemenu">>
<<if $hour <= 8>>\
<<link "Work time">>
<<set _temph = 11 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<if not hasVisited("Guardwork31") and $pr.gtrust >= 50>>
<<goto "Guardwork31">>
<<elseif not hasVisited("Guardwork11") and $pr.gtrust >= 20>>
<<goto "Guardwork11">>
<<elseif hasVisited("Guardwork11")>>
<<goto "Guardwork21">>
<<goto "Prisonwork11">>
<<elseif $hour <= 13>>\
<<link "Class time">>
<<set _temph = 14 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<if not hasVisited("Guardclass11") and hasVisited("Guardwork11")>>
<<goto "Guardclass11">>
<<elseif hasVisited("Guardclass11")>>
<<goto "Guardclass21">>
<<goto "Prisonclass11">>
<<link "Rest time" "Prisonnight11">>
<<if $cm.protection == 1 and $pr.psex == 1 and not hasVisited("CMwarn11")>>
<<set _temph = 19 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<goto "CMwarn11">>
<<elseif $cm.protection == 1 and $pr.psex == 1 and hasVisited("CMwarn11")>>
<<set _temph = 19 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<goto "CMwarn21">>
<<set _temph = 19 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<goto "Prisonnight11">>
<</if>>\<<set _random = random(1,5)>>\
<<if $pr.gprotection == 1 or ($pr.gprotection == 0 and _random > 1)>>\
<<scenechoices pr 1 0>>\
<<lust pr 2>>\
<<if not $gameends>>\
<<set $pr.psex = 1>>\
<<dio "Prisoner 1" "Why don't you put your money where your mouth is right now?">>
You have been alluding to your blowjob skill recently so:
<<di you "Like right here, right now?">>
<<dio "Prisoner 1" "Fuck yeah! Why the fuck not?">>
Since you're in the middle of a crowded dining hall, ordinary people would have some reservation of giving blowjobs in the middle of it. On the other hand, you're not some ordinary folk and now crawling under the table, pull down on his pants and begin nuzzling his cock into hardness.
<<video pr/prpmealbj11.mp4>>
<<if $pr.gprotection == 0 and _random == 1>>\
<<dio "Guard" "Hey, what the hell are you doing?">>
One of the guards notices the mischief happening and comes over.
<<dio "Guard" "What the fuck are you doing, inmate? Get up.">>
There goes your chance at a public blowjob. Aside from breaking up the indecent act, the guard unexpectedly doesn't dish out any punishment. Strange...
<<elseif $pr.gprotection == 1 or $gameends>>\
You know the guards have eyes on you to keep you safe but in this circumstance, they don't intervene as long as you keep it low key.
<<if $pr.gprotection == 1 or ($pr.gprotection == 0 and _random > 1) or $gameends>>\
You can feel his leg shaking from the pleasure. Since he has the courage to ask you to do something as bold as this, the man is clearly already fired up. Too soon he shoots over your mouth and finishes with a barely restrained groan.
<<dio "Prisoner 2" "Another round?">>
His friend on the other side of the table is also eager for a chance to get off too. In fact, you can see he's already stripped off and hard waiting for your service. You have a motto which is leave no stone unturned and no erection unsucked.
<<dio "Prisoner 2" "Sh-shhit... Feels good!">>
He catches himself in time before making too much of a loud noise. Honestly if the whole hall sees you on your knees, under the table, giving a gluck gluck 3000, you wouldn't mind either.
<<video pr/prpmealbj12.mp4>>
<<dio "Prisoner 2" "coming!!">>
He announces softly and begins firing off his pearly load on your face with a sigh.
<<video you/youfacial04.mp4>>
When he's done, you wipe your face and stand up from under the table. It appears no one got a clue what has just transpired.
<<if $gameends>>\
<<link "Back" "Prisonscenemenu">>
<<if $hour <= 8>>\
<<link "Work time">>
<<set _temph = 11 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<if not hasVisited("Guardwork31") and $pr.gtrust >= 50>>
<<goto "Guardwork31">>
<<elseif not hasVisited("Guardwork11") and $pr.gtrust >= 20>>
<<goto "Guardwork11">>
<<elseif hasVisited("Guardwork11")>>
<<goto "Guardwork21">>
<<goto "Prisonwork11">>
<<elseif $hour <= 13>>\
<<link "Class time">>
<<set _temph = 14 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<if not hasVisited("Guardclass11") and hasVisited("Guardwork11")>>
<<goto "Guardclass11">>
<<elseif hasVisited("Guardclass11")>>
<<goto "Guardclass21">>
<<goto "Prisonclass11">>
<<link "Rest time" "Prisonnight11">>
<<if $cm.protection == 1 and $pr.psex == 1 and not hasVisited("CMwarn11")>>
<<set _temph = 19 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<goto "CMwarn11">>
<<elseif $cm.protection == 1 and $pr.psex == 1 and hasVisited("CMwarn11")>>
<<set _temph = 19 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<goto "CMwarn21">>
<<set _temph = 19 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<goto "Prisonnight11">>
<</if>>\<<aff cm 1>>\
<<di you "How much time you still have left here?">>
He of course understands what you mean is his sentence. He answer openly:
<<di cm "About 5 years, 7 months and 19 days left, but who's keeping count?">>
Shit... that's a lot of time. 5 years of not seeing him, that thought makes your inside twinge for some reason.
<<di you "What will you do when I get out?">>
<<di cm "Well... uhmmm... I probably am gonna find a new toy then.">>
He says with pauses, almost awkwardly. The idea of him potentially fucking someone else doesn't sit right with you, but what can you do when you're not here with him? There is a way for you stay here longer but the question is: Should you do it?
<<if $hour <= 6>>\
<<link "Breakfast time" "Prisonmeal11">>
<<set _temph = 6 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<elseif $hour <= 8>>\
<<link "Work time">>
<<set _temph = 11 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<if not hasVisited("Guardwork31") and $pr.gtrust >= 50>>
<<goto "Guardwork31">>
<<elseif not hasVisited("Guardwork11") and $pr.gtrust >= 20>>
<<goto "Guardwork11">>
<<elseif hasVisited("Guardwork11")>>
<<goto "Guardwork21">>
<<goto "Prisonwork11">>
<<elseif $hour <= 13>>\
<<link "Class time">>
<<set _temph = 14 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<if not hasVisited("Guardclass11") and hasVisited("Guardwork11")>>
<<goto "Guardclass11">>
<<elseif hasVisited("Guardclass11")>>
<<goto "Guardclass21">>
<<goto "Prisonclass11">>
<<link "Rest time" "Prisonnight11">>
<<if $cm.protection == 1 and $pr.psex == 1 and not hasVisited("CMwarn11")>>
<<set _temph = 19 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<goto "CMwarn11">>
<<elseif $cm.protection == 1 and $pr.psex == 1 and hasVisited("CMwarn11")>>
<<set _temph = 19 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<goto "CMwarn21">>
<<set _temph = 19 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<goto "Prisonnight11">>
<</if>>\<<image pr/prdininghall.jpg>>
Finding a seat to have breakfast, you suddenly hear a voice behind you:
<<dio "Bryce" "Enjoying being $cm.Name's bitch?">>
You remember him, he was the guy who antagonized you on your first day in prison. No one has really given you a hard time until now so you kind of stutter a bit:
<<di you "I-I'm not being anyone's bitch.">>
Your hand reaches inside your pocket, the feel of the shiv's handle is cold in your palm. Is this your chance?
<<dio "Bryce" "Hah, your pathetic loud ass moan say otherwise. $cm.Name! Oh! $cm.Name!">>
His high pitched tone is clearly mocking. Still, being personally degraded is hardly insulting to you.
<<dio "Bryce" "But I do wonder, how that limped dick fag can make you squeal like a fucking pig?">>
<span id="choice1">\
<<link "<b>Pull the shiv on him - Ending</b>">>
<<replace "#choice1">>\
Insulting $cm.Name? However, that pisses you off and it fuels your fire to finally pull out the shiv.
<<di you "I'll make you squeal.">>
Despite your lack of experience, your first jab sinks quite deep into his stomach. Running on pure adrenaline, you quickly withdraw and give him another stab.
<<dio "Bryce" "FFFFUCK!! You bitch.">>
He only reacts after your second thrust connects and punches you on your cheek. You're immediately stunned and the rest is a blur until you feel a strong pair of arm props you up from where you lay flat on the ground.
<<di cm "Shit! $you.Namedis, can you... listen to me?">>
Fffuckkkk! It hurts everywhere on your body. You can open your eyes barely enough to see the distraught in $cm.Name's expression.
<<di you "I... did it...">>
That's all you manage to mutter before blackness takes over.
<<link "Then" "Prending32">>
<<set _temph = 5 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<day add 7>>
<<link "Don't pull the shiv on him" "Prending12">>
<<set _temph = 7 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
</span>\The recovery period is quite painful since you got a few fractured ribs but it's still a miracle that you weren't beaten to death. To your $w.dad's dismay though, his method to get you out of prison is now fruitless since now you have two whole new sentences - possession of arms and prison disruption. Your prison time now goes up to 7 years... while you were aiming for just 5 years from that.
As you are fully healed and return to your cell, you don't expect a warm welcome but $cm.Name's pissed expression still throws you off. After stewing for a whole minute, he finally asks:
<<di cm "Why did you stab him? Because that fucker insult me?">>
Well, you don't really want to admit to him just yet that you want to have more time with him so:
<<di you "Yes-">>
<<di cm "You fucking dumbass. I don't need you to protect my virtue. I NEED YOU TO BE FUCKING SAFE!!">>
He grabs your biceps and shakes you roughly like that somehow can put some senses into you. Afterwards, he sighs and looks down to your eyes, says softly:
<<di cm "I just need you to be safe and... with me, got it?">>
The sincerity of his tone and the way his gaze full of pleading and something like affection melts you.
<<di you "Actually, I did that to... have more time with you.">>
<<di cm "...What?">>
He says surprisedly.
<<di you "I was supposed to be released soon and there was no other way except stabbing someone so I get a heavier sentence so I can stay here... with you.">>
You go on and on and suddenly feel nervous. What if you got everything wrong? What if he doesn't want to have anything to do with you?
<<di cm "You- you...">>
That's the first time you've seen him at loss for words and you grow more anxious. What if...? Your eyes widen as you feel yourself being engulfed inside the vice-like grip of his arm around you. The scent of laundry detergent along with something spicy like his musk makes you heady. You feel his lips on your forehead.
<<di cm "...you dumbass.">>
He says without heat, the word dumbass feels more like a pet name rather than an insult. Your insides are warmed as you feel his display of fondness. You can only smile into his firm chest.
<<di cm "You deserves a good pounding.">>
He grins at you mischievously and in spite of your still sore body, you strip in a record time.
<<link "Time to fuck" "Prending3fuck">>
<<set _temph = 6 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<</link>><<scenechoices pr 1 0>>\
His hands return to your biceps as he slowly pushes you back. You only bounce once on the thin mattress before your ass moves on its own volition and faces toward him, pulsating softly - hungry for his manhood.
<<di cm "Easy, you'll get it soon enough.">>
You can feel the hot outlines of his length over your crack. However, instead of inserting it, he keeps on teasing your gasping hole with his velvet steel.
<<di you "Fuck! Please fuck me!">>
You beg and dignity be damned. You're too horny that you feel half insane.
<<di cm "Heh, since you beg that nicely.">>
Finally his erection worms its way inside your channel. Damn! It's been a long fucking while and you've missed the burn of your rim stretching to accommodate his large member.
<<video pr/prendfuck21.mp4>>
<<di cm "Damn...! I miss this, your tight fucking hole.">>
He muses softly and proceeds to pound town on your ass. Getting fucked within a inch of your life like this makes the pain of having to spend a few more years in prison all worth it. You know he loves it when you moan, so you let out as much promiscuous noises as possible. The whole prison block can hear it and you don't care as long as your man is happy.
<<video pr/prendfuck22.mp4>>
<<di cm "Who that ass belongs to?">>
He grabs your neck possessively while his hips never cease their motions of pummeling you.
<<di you "Yours... ffffuck... only yours.">>
<<di cm "ARGHHH!!!">>
He grunts like a beast as his load gets shot out of him and fills your inner walls with heat, forever branding your most intimate part as his.
<<video you/youbred20.mp4>>
<<di cm "Damn right...">>
He huffs, out of breath from the orgasm.
<<di cm "You're fucking mine forever.">>
His declaration is enough for you to enter your own nirvana.
As you're breathing, recovering from the mind blowing climax and feeling his light kisses on your shoulders, you can only think: This is not a prison, this is a paradise.
<<if $gameends>>\
<<link "Back" "Prisonscenemenu">>
<<link "Years pass..." "Prending33">>
<</if>>\<<scenechoices pr 1 0>>\
<<if not $gameends>>\
@@.title;HAPPY ENDING@@
Looking back at things, you still can't believe how insane you were in prison. Committing a crime by stabbing someone just to have a chance at a guy who essentially forced you to be his bitch.
After that whole shenanigan though, things took a turn for the better and you two were practically two love birds in a cage. He grew more and more affectionate towards you and never shy away from showing it. The man evidently has balls of steel for not being scared of acting gay inside such a toxic environment and in fact no one dares to do anything to him. That made you even crazier about him - a man who is both devoted and competent.
Afterwards, $cm.Name got released from prison and you still needed to do more than a year. It was probably the longest period of time you'd had to endure. Thankfully to his friends, your remaining sentence went blissfully quiet. The day you got out of prison and finally reunited with the love of your life, tears were shed and they weren't just from you.
Your musing is interrupted by a featherly kiss on your neck.
<<di cm "Hey babe, what are you thinking?">>
<<di you "Of all your previous cellmates, why did you choose me?">>
There must be an acceptable candidate before you since he served more than a decade of time there.
<<di cm "I don't... well... didn't know. I really haven't thought of getting sex from other people inside until... you.">>
You glance back to see his cheeks turning rosy.
<<di cm "You just had that je ne sais quoi and I guess I was fixated on you.">>
Getting to know him, you know he has several weird fixations like one with romance novels. So, you were one of them?
<<di you "Will this fixation come away soon?">>
You say worriedly since you haven't seen him picking up a new romance novel in a while.
He turns you around and states seriously.
<<di cm "Never.">>
Then he steals your breath by smothering you with his tongue and lips. Oh yeah, you'd go to the prison a thousand more times just to be with him.
<<image pr/prend3.jpg>>
<<if $gameends>>\
<<link "Back" "Prisonscenemenu">>
As you bask in the blissful domesticity with your ex-cellmate, you recall all the past <<link "memories" "Memoriesmenu">><<set $gameends = true>><</link>> that led up to this moment.
<</if>>\<<image pr/prdininghall.jpg>>
Finding a seat to have breakfast, you suddenly hear a voice behind you:
<<dio "Bryce" "How's life being a prison bitch?">>
You remember him, he was the guy who antagonized you on your first day in prison. Your mind is still weighing on the decision of maybe extending your sentence by doing something reckless.
<<di you "I don't want no trouble.">>
Your hand reaches inside your pocket, the feel of the shiv's handle is cold in your palm. Is this your chance?
<<dio "Bryce" "Too bad. Your reputation spread far and got me intrigued...">>
Your palm squeeze, indecision fills you.
<<dio "Bryce" "...so I'll try the good myself.">>
His hand grasp tightly on your shoulder. It is now or never.
<span id="choice1">\
<<link "<b>Pull the shiv on him - Ending</b>">>
<<replace "#choice1">>\
<<di you "I said get off me.">>
You pull out and drive the shiv into him. Despite your lack of experience, your first jab sinks quite deep into his stomach. Running on pure adrenaline, you quickly withdraw and give him another stab.
<<dio "Bryce" "FFFFUCK!! You bitch.">>
He only reacts after your second thrust connects and punches you on your cheek. You're immediately stunned and fall flat to the ground. The next eternity is full of hurt, you feel kicks repeatedly on your torso until you can't take it any more and pass out.
<<link "Then" "Prending22">>
<<set _temph = 5 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<day add 7>>
<<link "Don't pull the shiv on him" "Prending12">>
<<set _temph = 7 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
</span>\The recovery period is quite painful since you got a few fractured ribs but it's still a miracle that you weren't beaten to death. To your $w.dad's dismay though, his method to get you out of prison is now fruitless since now you have two whole new sentences - possession of arms and prison disruption. Your prison time now goes up to 7 years... just like what you planned.
<<image pr/prcell.jpg>>
As you recovered and return to your cell, you don't exactly expect a warm welcome but your cellmate's chuckle is indeed cruel:
<<di cm "You are either stupid or brave or both. Of all the people to pull a knife you chose Bryce? Hah, you do have a dead wish.">>
Do you have a dead wish? Maybe, you aren't sure. All you could think was how to spend more time here. From his words, it seems you have chosen the wrong mofo to stab then. Still, no use crying over spilled milk.
<<link "Back to the prison life" "Prending23">>
<<set _temph = 6 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<</link>><<image pr/prdininghall.jpg>>
As you line up for the meal, there is no choice for you but to be alerted. Still, when his voice booms behind you, you still jump.
<<dio "Bryce" "Looky what we have here.">>
You glance back and he looks fine for the most part, not like someone who just got stabbed twice.
<<dio "Bryce" "Aren't you a sight for sore eyes?">>
He then plop his hands down your shoulders as he continues:
<<dio "Bryce" "Why don't we have a private talk?">>
You try to dodge out of his hand and reply:
<<di you "Sorry, but I'm busy.">>
His grip on you turns vice-like and he whisper-shouts:
His action and tone clearly have a threatening edge and things will get ugly if you say no. So you choose the wise decision and let him steer you to wherever.
<<link "In a private corner" "Prending2fuck">>
<<set _temph = 7 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<</link>><<scenechoices pr 1 0>>\
When you two are in a secluded spot, he doesn't even bother to say a word before giving you a punch on the stomach. Despite the agony, you know that he hasn't put his full strength behind that punch. He either wants to drag things out or doesn't want the guards to know the extent of his torment. He whoops like he just scores a goal.
<<dio "Bryce" "Whoo! THAT!... Is only the taste of things to come.">>
He gleefully circles around you like a wolf preying on a helpless fawn.
<<dio "Bryce" "Now, let's continue where we left off: STRIP!">>
It is really no use to fight against this, so you abide by his order. Once you're naked, he's also stripped down to his birthday suit. You can put two and two together to know where this goes.
<<dio "Bryce" "If $cm.Name couldn't do it then I'll make you my bitch.">>
His cock is somehow fully erect. It is not exactly small and is breaching your channel in a swift manner and carelessly. You have to grit your teeth to not moan out from pain since your hole hasn't been used for quite a while now. Whether he feels your body tenses up or not, he continues to repeatedly ram his meat in a ruthless way.
<<video pr/prendfuck11.mp4>>
<<dio "Bryce" "How you like that, fag bitch?">>
He asks and drives his point home with each powerful thrust of his tool.
<<dio "Bryce" "You fucking love it!">>
And... he's right. The pain has now turned into a pleasure and you're hard and dripping from the abuse you just endure. You love being reduced to just a lowly bitch, to just a hole for men to dump their load into.
<<video pr/prendfuck12.mp4>>
He then wraps his palms around your throat and queezes. As his grip tightens, so does the pace his fucking. The combination of the lack of oxygen with the feeling of being railed so relentlessly makes you all heady and spacy. Thus, you lose control of your body and make a mess on the ground with your jizz.
<<video you/youfuckcum5.mp4>>
<<dio "Bryce" "Ffffuckkkkkk!!">>
Shortly after, he groans and explodes. His load feels plenty and hot, almost searing on your back.
<<video you/youbred19.mp4>>
Thankfully, when you think you're about to pass out, he releases his clamp and you gasp in greedily. Not even letting you have room to breathe, he kicks your thigh forcefully so you fall flat down on the ground. As you glance back, with great precision he spit out a glob of slimy saliva on your cheek.
<<dio "Bryce" "If it weren't for your hole, you'd be already fucking dead by now, dirty fucking scum. I'm done with you today.">>
He says while leaving you huffing harshly on the floor. So there is more in the future? Part of you dread it but a much larger part of you is somehow eager at the prospect of being tortured and fucked so good. In in a fucked up way, this is where you belong. This is your paradise.
<<if $gameends>>\
<<link "Back" "Prisonscenemenu">>
<<link "Years pass..." "Prending24">>
<</if>>\<<scenechoices pr 1 0>>\
<<if not $gameends>>\
@@.title;BAD ENDING@@
Indeed, there were more to come. Over the years, you were used not by just Bryce, but passed around among the prisoners like a cheap blunt. So notorious that new inmates know of your presence - the prison bitch - immediately when they first enter.
<<video pr/prendorgy11.mp4>>
As time goes by, you not only grew more tolerant of the abuse but became addicted to it. You're unable to get off without pain inflicted to you or being treated like dogshit under shoes' soles. Because of that, you also disobey the guard and become a general nuisance to them so that your sentence get extended over and over again until a decade has passed.
<<video pr/prendorgy12.mp4>>
Right now, you're now being bound completely immobile. A prisoner is using a makeshift tattoo gun to pierce your skin and put a permanent mark on your body. As he finishes, you can make out the words "prison bitch" as your tramp stamp. A sane person would recoil at the thought of getting something like that on their body, but you? You're proud of it and love that now there is no denying your whorish tendency inside this maddening cage.
<<di you "Fuck... Now, guys. Let me live up to my tattoo.">>
The prisoners surrounding you grins deviously as you once more spend hours servicing these convicted men - who most are considered as the bad seeds of the society and generally cums. So what even are you? You don't really care as long as men are fucking your mouth and stretch your ass so full of their cock until the eternity of time.
<<video pr/prendorgy13.mp4>>
<<if $gameends>>\
<<link "Back" "Prisonscenemenu">>
As you take a rare lonely rest in the prison during the night, you recall all the <<link "memories" "Memoriesmenu">><<set $gameends = true>><</link>>that have lead you to this very moment.
<</if>>\Of course, you've come here not just to chat:
<<di you "Mind if we move to some place more private so we can have a more intimate chat?">>
You waggle your eyebrows to let him know that it's not just a chat that's happening. He seems to catch your signal and answers:
<<if random(1,3) > 1>>\
<<dio "Guard" "Oh yeah. I know just the place.">>
You giddily follow him. A successful seduction never fails to make you happy.
<<link "Inside an empty office" "Guardmealbj11">>
<<dio "Guard" "Piss off, inmate.">>
You pout a little but get his point and leave him be.
<<if $hour <= 8>>\
<<link "Work time">>
<<set _temph = 11 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<if not hasVisited("Guardwork31") and $pr.gtrust >= 50>>
<<goto "Guardwork31">>
<<elseif not hasVisited("Guardwork11") and $pr.gtrust >= 20>>
<<goto "Guardwork11">>
<<elseif hasVisited("Guardwork11")>>
<<goto "Guardwork21">>
<<goto "Prisonwork11">>
<<elseif $hour <= 13>>\
<<link "Class time">>
<<set _temph = 14 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<if not hasVisited("Guardclass11") and hasVisited("Guardwork11")>>
<<goto "Guardclass11">>
<<elseif hasVisited("Guardclass11")>>
<<goto "Guardclass21">>
<<goto "Prisonclass11">>
<<link "Rest time" "Prisonnight11">>
<<if $cm.protection == 1 and $pr.psex == 1 and not hasVisited("CMwarn11")>>
<<set _temph = 19 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<goto "CMwarn11">>
<<elseif $cm.protection == 1 and $pr.psex == 1 and hasVisited("CMwarn11")>>
<<set _temph = 19 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<goto "CMwarn21">>
<<set _temph = 19 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<goto "Prisonnight11">>
<</if>>\<<di dad "Can I talk to you for a sec?">>
Your $w.dad asks casually, of course if that question comes up your answer has to automatically be:
<<di you "Of course.">>
As you two get comfortable, he opens with:
<<di dad "My workplace currently has a slot for internship and I was thinking, maybe you should apply? Sadly, it's unpaid and part time but our company is quite prestigious. It'd be a huge stepping stone for your future career.">>
Having to work doesn't sound appetizing, let alone having to work for free. However, there is something niggling you towards accepting it. Your instinct so far has never failed you. So...
<span id="choice1">\
<<link "Accept his offer">>
<<set $owork.stage = 100>>\
<<if $day == 1>>\
<<set $owork.daycd = -1>>\
<<set $owork.daycd = $day - 9>>\
<<replace "#choice1">>\
<<di you "Yes. I'm very interested.">>
<<if $dad.aff >= 21>>\
His eyes light up and he beams at you:
<<di dad "Great, that's my boy. I'll tell the HR and if nothing changes, you can start on next Monday.">>
He looks surprised at your affirmation.
<<di dad "Really? That's a good change from your usual behavior. Alright, if nothing changes, you can start on next Monday. Remember to be there at 8:00 or latest 9:00">>
After accepting, a foreign but not unwelcoming warm giddiness fills your inside. For some strange reason, you have never felt more sure of a decision like this one before. It's like everything you've been through has led you to this very moment.
<<link "Back">>
<<if $dad.location === $you.location>>
<<goto "Dad">>
<<goto $you.location>>
<<link "Deny his offer">>
<<replace "#choice1">>\
<<di you "I'm afraid I'm swamped with college.">>
Working? No thank you. You don't work.
<<if $dad.aff >= 21>>\
<<di dad "I understand, your study is the top priority. Oh well, maybe in the future then.">>
He gives you a squint.
<<di dad "Are you really? Or are you just lazy?">>
Of course, you couldn't care less about college right now.
<<di you "I really am.">>
<<di dad "Alright, that sucks for you then because this is huge opportunity. If you had been wiser, you would have taken it.">>
There are too many fun things on your plate right now to care about working. Alas, you aren't meant for boring corporate jobs.
<<link "Back">>
<<if $dad.location === $you.location>>
<<goto "Dad">>
<<goto $you.location>>
</span>\<<image dadsoffice.jpg>>
You follow the details that your dad sent to your email and arrive at the office. You don't expect a colorful environment but the grey interior under the white fluorescent light appears depressing. Seeing you, a lady walks over and smiles at you:
<<dio "Office lady" "You must be $you.Namedis? $dad.Namedis's $w.son? Follow me.">>
You of course do as she says and make casual conversation.
<<di you "How do you know I'm $you.Namedis?">>
<<dio "Office lady" "Oh, I've seen picture of you on your $w.father's desk.">>
Right, that makes sense. When you two arrive in front of a door to what looks like a large private office.
<<dio "Office lady" "Our CEO wants to meet you. He's a pretty chill guy, so don't worry.">>
She knocks on the door three times before a muffled "Come in" reverberates from the other side. She opens the door for you to enter and then closes it right behind. As he looks up from the paper on his desk you get the first impression of your boss: He's an older gentleman and super well kept with what looks like a killer body under that suit. His smile is quite disarming too.
<<image owork/boss.jpg>>
<<di sd "$you.Namedis, isn't it? Great to have you here.">>
Can't resist his magnetism, you smile back at him.
<span id="t">\
<<di you "Yes, thanks for having me Mr. ...">>
You look at his name plate on the desk. His name is:
<<textbox "$sd.Name" "Derek">>
<<link "You memorize his name">>
<<replace "#t">>\
<<di you "Yes, thanks for having me Mr. $sd.Name">>
<<di sd "Look at that cheeky smile, you are quite a charmer, aren't cha?">>
He lets out a low chuckles and all your prenotion of a boss as a stuffy, grumbly, condescending asshole evaporates.
<<di sd "Let me take a thorough look at you.">>
Suddenly, the hair on your body rises up. As his gaze moves from your face to the tip of your toes, you swear you can feel feathery touches where his gaze meets your body. You forget about that strange feeling though with another warm smile of his.
<<di sd "I've made some assessment and found the perfect position. You'll be in... sales!">>
Sales? That sounds good, you guess. Though, you haven't had any sales experience either.
<<di sd "You'd be the perfect fit, since sales is incredibly dynamic and exciting. Your $w.dad is a terrific accountant but trust me, you don't want to be stuck inside a cubicle and thumbing numbers like him.">>
<<di you "It's a bit out of my comfort zone, but I guess I can do it.">>
<<di sd "That's the spirit! I have a hunch that you'd be a part of something great for this company. I just know it.">>
There is suddenly a chill running down your body and when his eyes flash that feeling is gone. You brush it off as nerves.
<<di you "I'll do my best!">>
The rest of the meeting was spent going through small details about your employment. You learn that you need to <b>clock in at least 24 hours which is around 3 days per week. Work starts at 9:00 and ends at 17:00. You can work on any day from Monday to Friday.</b>
Then you're dismissed to your own cubicle to read up more about your tasks here.
<<link "Proceed" "Workintro11">>
<<image dad/dad2.jpg>>
You take a detour to visit your $w.dad in the office.
<<di you "I met our boss and got assigned to the sales position.">>
He looks shocked.
<<di dad "Sales? That's arguably the hardest job in the whole building and he wants you to do it?">>
<<di you "Yeah. Is it a bad thing?">>
He then composes himself but still appears confused.
<<di dad "No, that's a good thing actually. It'd be a great opportunity for you to develop. To be honest, I'm a bit mystified about the sales team, they're pulling great numbers but I never have a clue how they do it. The sales team is also under direct control from our boss too.">>
That makes your job sound weirdly mysterious.
<<di you "Well, that's my job now I guess.">>
<<if $dad.aff >= 21>>\
<<di dad "Good good, just do your best, won't you? Now I have work to get back to.">>
<<di dad "Shoo, go away. I've got mountains of work to do.">>
<<link "Resume working" "Workintro11">>
<</link>>An introduction to the sales team is due, you take a brisk jog to a particular cubicle and announce:
<<di you "Hi, my name is $you.Namedis. I'm the new sales.">>
The man who greets back at you possess a striking beauty that make you blush a little:
<<dio "Finn" "Oh, $you.Namedis, the bossman told me about you. Welcome to the club. My name is Finn, by the way.">>
His smile somehow has an alluring quality that makes your cheek even hotter.
<<dio "Finn" "Let me introduce you to the whole team.">>
He stands up and put his hand on your lower back. The contact inexplicably makes your blood boil from something like arousal, it takes all of your willpower to keep those dirty feelings at bay.
<<dio "Finn" "Can I have your attention please?">>
His tenor demands to be heard and as your eyes move through each member of the team, it takes all of your power to not gape your mouth in astonishment. These men are all drop dead gorgeous and belong in fashion covers not in a sales team of a boring corporation. Not that you don't need beauty to sell stuff, it's just that... this is outrageous. As you make an attempt to introduce yourself, you feel woefully inadequate.
<<dio "Finn" "...alright, just one more round of hazing and you'll be a part of our team.">>
<<di you "What kind of hazing?">>
Your heart jumps a bit.
<<dio "Finn" "Pahahaha, just kidding...">>
You don't even have time to let out a breath of relief before he turns serious.
<<dio "Finn" "...but not really. You'll have to prove to us your skill to... close a deal.">>
The last three words are uttered in such a sensual way that it's almost a double entendre. Almost.
<<dio "Finn" "Anyway, we'll see to it later. Now go back to your station and read up on the training documents, will you?">>
That appears to be the end of the team introduction. All things considered, it has gone over quite well.
<<link "Resume working" "Workintro11">>
<</link>>Walking through the hall, you accidentally slam into someone.
<<di you "Sorry.">>
<<dio "Janitor" "Issokay, dude.">>
First thing you notice is the drawl that suggests intoxication. Second thing is the musty smell and a slice of BO. Looking at the man, you understand why: He looks unkempt with greasy slightly long hair, patchy beard and that half open eyes of a pothead.
<<dio "Janitor" "Ya new?">>
<<di you "Yes, nice to meet you.">>
He takes your offered hand and shakes, his palm is sweaty.
<<dio "Janitor" "You musfrom the sales-team? Look like we'd be best buds soon.">>
He gives you an easy going smile and thankfully his teeth are straight and decently white.
<<di you "Guess so.">>
Strangely enough, you're not entirely repulsed by him.
<<link "You finish the rest of the work day" "Go outside">>
<<set _temph = 16 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<set $you.sleep -= 4>>
<<set $you.hunger = 0>>
<<set $owork.totalhour += 8>>
<</link>>Wandering into the bathroom, you see the janitor again and this time he's smoking a blunt for real.
<<dio "Janitor" "Heeeeyyy, dude. How's it hanging?">>
<<di you "Well, you must be quite stoked yourself.">>
He chuckles.
<<dio "Janitor" "Hah! Nice pun. I'm on an official break right now so don't you go snitching.">>
He takes another drag of the blunt and gaze at you with his squinty eyes.
<<dio "Janitor" "Tell you what? I'm in the mood for us to get to know each other better.">>
You quirk an eyebrow at him.
<<di you "What do you mean?">>
<<dio "Janitor" "I mean you giving me a handjob.">>
What??? He's one bold motherfucker and is this not workplace harassment? Your choice of course is:
<<di you "Yes, if that's what you want.">>
<<dio "Janitor" "Perfect.">>
He then walks lazily toward the door to lock it.
<<link "Proceed" "Workjanintrohj11">>
<</link>><<scenechoices owork 1 0>>\
<<lust jan 1>>\
Once the room is locked, he drops his trousers to reveal a half hard cock with impressive girth and length.
<<video owork/janhj11.mp4>>
<<dio "Janitor" "C'mon, we gotta be quick.">>
Right, you grasp his member in your hand, the piece of meat sears into your hand as it pulses slightly. As you're now within his personal space, you can detect not only the smell of pot but also something musty and the lingering of his dried sweat.
As you move your wrist back and forth against him, you can feel something grimy being scrubbed off him and transferred to your palm. Now there's no denying that this man desperately needs a thorough shower. However, does that fact disgust you? No, it instead turns you on to no ends.
<<video owork/janhj12.mp4>>
<<dio "Janitor" "Fuck yeah! Jerk that big cock.">>
Beneath the laid back drawl, you can detect the naked confidence. The man knows he's packed and isn't shy about it. Your hand picks up speed to make sure he reach climax as quickly as possible.
<<dio "Janitor" "Hell yeah..., you want my jizz...? Fucking... TAKE IT!!!">>
He shouts and explodes, sending his seed flying on the white floor.
<<video bro/brohjcum2.mp4>>
Only after a few minutes of slumping, he's already recovered and instead of cleaning up he just tuck himself back with pearly strings still hanging from his slit.
<<dio "Kurt" "Don't worry, I'll handle that mess. Thanks a lot buddy. I know I can always trust you sales guys. Name is Kurt, BTW.">>
Kurt? Right, you remember that name as you finish your business in the bathroom. You suspect this is not the last of your encounter with Kurt in a while.
<<if $gameends>>\
<<link "Back" "Oworkscenemenu">>
<<link "You finish the rest of the work day" "Go outside">>
<<set _temph = 16 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<set $you.sleep -= 4>>
<<set $you.hunger = 0>>
<<set $owork.totalhour += 8>>
<<set $owork.hourpw += 8>>
<</if>>\You bump into Kurt once more in the bathroom. He just gives you a look and a smirk:
<<if hasVisited("Workjantalk41")>>\
<span id="choice1">\
<<link "He asks for a handjob">>
<<replace "#choice1">>\
<<dio "Kurt" "Handjob?">>
<span id="choice2">\
<<link "Accept">>
<<replace "#choice2">>\
It takes very little persuasion for you to fold.
<<di you "Okay.">>
Before you can even finish the word, he already swaggers to the door to lock it like it's expected of you to agree to his demand.
<<link "Let's get down to it" "Workjanhj11">>
<<link "Refuse">>
<<replace "#choice2">>\
<<di you "Nah, I've got work.">>
<<dio "Kurt" "Hmmph? Okay.">>
He leaves you to finish your business in the bathroom.
<<link "You finish the rest of the work day" "Go outside">>
<<set _temph = 16 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<set $you.sleep -= 4>>
<<set $you.hunger = 0>>
<<set $owork.totalhour += 8>>
<<set $owork.hourpw += 8>>
<<link "He asks for a blowjob">>
<<replace "#choice1">>\
<<dio "Kurt" "Blowjob?">>
<span id="choice2">\
<<link "Accept">>
<<replace "#choice2">>\
It takes very little persuasion for you to fold.
<<di you "Okay.">>
Before you can even finish the word, he already swaggers to the door to lock it like it's expected of you to agree to his demand.
<<link "Let's get down to it" "Workjanbj11">>
<<link "Refuse">>
<<replace "#choice2">>\
<<di you "Nah, I've got work.">>
<<dio "Kurt" "Hmmph? Okay.">>
He leaves you to finish your business in the bathroom.
<<link "You finish the rest of the work day" "Go outside">>
<<set _temph = 16 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<set $you.sleep -= 4>>
<<set $you.hunger = 0>>
<<set $owork.totalhour += 8>>
<<set $owork.hourpw += 8>>
<<dio "Kurt" "Handjob?">>
<span id="choice1">\
<<link "Accept">>
<<replace "#choice1">>\
It takes very little persuasion for you to fold.
<<di you "Okay.">>
Before you can even finish the word, he already swaggers to the door to lock it like it's expected of you to agree to his demand.
<<link "Let's get down to it" "Workjanhj11">>
<<link "Refuse">>
<<replace "#choice1">>\
<<di you "Nah, I've got work.">>
<<dio "Kurt" "Hmmph? Okay.">>
He leaves you to finish your business in the bathroom.
<<link "You finish the rest of the work day" "Go outside">>
<<set _temph = 16 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<set $you.sleep -= 4>>
<<set $you.hunger = 0>>
<<set $owork.totalhour += 8>>
<<set $owork.hourpw += 8>>
<</if>>\<<scenechoices owork 1 0>>\
<<lust jan 1 5>>\
When he's undressed, he's already fully primed and ready.
<<video owork/janhj21.mp4>>
<<dio "Kurt" "Let's get this done quick.">>
Once you're near, you are hit with his body odor. Someone should say something about it, you should say something about it! Instead:
<<di you "Fuck, your cock is so big.">>
He smirks and answers matter of factly:
<<dio "Kurt" "I know.">>
Your hand slides against his member in a hasty fashion. Once more, you can feel a layer of dead skin being accumulated between your palm and his steel. The idea of serving a filthy mofo makes your inside burns with wicked lust.
<<video owork/janhj22.mp4>>
<<dio "Kurt" "Close...">>
He mutters between soft moans of pleasure. It only takes a dozen more strokes before he moans and spill his man juice over the floor.
<<video owork/janhj23.mp4>>
<<dio "Kurt" "Thanks!">>
He dresses while a droplet of cum is still dripping from his cockhead and his body sweaty from the release. He's so nasty..., but so fucking hot at the same time.
<<if $gameends>>\
<<link "Back" "Oworkscenemenu">>
<<link "You finish the rest of the work day" "Go outside">>
<<set _temph = 16 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<set $you.sleep -= 4>>
<<set $you.hunger = 0>>
<<set $owork.totalhour += 8>>
<<set $owork.hourpw += 8>>
<</if>>\This is the first meeting you have with the team. Aside from feeling nervous, you're honestly a bit excited. You, having a meeting? It sounds so grown up.
<<dio "Finn" "Alright now. Everyone, let's settle down.">>
The team leader says and the chatter immediately dies down.
<<dio "Finn" "As you all know, we have a fresh new face to our team and as per usual, he has to go through a round of persuasion assessment from our team... Come on in.">>
You can hear the emphasis on the word persuasion. Then a guy who looks like a typical geek, he must be from the IT department, enters the room.
<<dio "Finn" "Alright, begin.">>
He then claps twice and the geeky guy drops his trousers. Your eyes widen in shock at that scene. Looking around, you see most of them are unfazed and frankly bored.
<<dio "Finn" "Well, what are you waiting for? Convince him to close that deal.">>
He then makes a blowjob motion with his hands. So..., they want to assess... your blowjob skill?
<<dio "Finn" "This meeting is only 30 minutes. Tick tock.">>
This is all so surreal so what are you going to do? Dropping down to your knees, this is a part of your job, of course.
<<link "Proceed" "Worksalesintrobj11">>
<</link>><<scenechoices owork 1 0>>\
<<lust sales 1>>\
It seems you're always caught up in bizarre situations and having to give a blowjob with the audience of your sales team is one of the more normal ones. It only takes a little jerking for the cock in front of you to become totally erect.
<<video owork/salesbj11.mp4>>
<<dio "Sales member" "Finally, things are getting good.">>
It's about to get better as you take a gulp of the surprisingly large member. He throws his head back and groans from the engulfment of your wet mouth. While his cock is fully contained, your tongue traces the veins running from the base base to the tip, then gives his glans a good sponge bath which elicits a few more moans out of him.
<<video owork/salesbj12.mp4>>
<<dio "IT Guy" "Ugh... Ahhhh... so good...">>
You reward his compliment by putting your whole chest into sucking the life out of him. You discard the finer stimulation with your tongue and replace it with the sheer enthusiasm of moving up and down on his dick. You can faintly hear the murmur from behind and the awareness of your audience makes you double your effort until...
<<dio "IT Guy" "I'M COMING...!!!">>
He erupts all over your and for such a frail looking guy, his life force is plenty as he coats your face with pearly liquid.
<<video you/youfacial05.mp4>>
<<if $gameends>>\
<<link "Back" "Oworkscenemenu">>
<<link "Then..." "Worksalestalk12">>
<<set $owork.stage = 102>>
<</if>>\After finishing with the blowjobs, you are given a wet wipe to clean your face.
<<dio "Finn" "Not bad. I could see why you were chosen.">>
You can see some nods of approval from the other members.
<<dio "Finn" "Okay, fun time's over. Now let's get to the nitty gritty, shall we?">>
The rest of the meeting is what you actually expect from a sales department with talk of strategy, clients and the market. Overall, what the hell have you got yourself into?
<<link "You finish the rest of the work day" "Go outside">>
<<set _temph = 16 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<set $you.sleep -= 4>>
<<set $you.hunger = 0>>
<<set $owork.totalhour += 8>>
<<set $owork.hourpw += 8>>
<</link>>Another meeting with the sales team and before you can even wonder about it, your sales leader already cuts to the chase:
<<dio "Finn" "We still need more assessment on your skill, rookie... C'mon in.">>
The same guy from the IT department comes inside. Well, you guess it's time to show them what you got then.
<<link "Proceed" "Worksalesbj11">>
<</link>><<scenechoices owork 1 0>>\
<<lust sales 1 5>>\
You've accepted that giving blowjobs is the norm here in the sales department. Your mouth obediently opens to welcome the still soft cock inside and gradually nurses it to fullness. You can hear the whispers of discussion from the table but decide to ignore it and prove to everyone that you're a good goddamn blower.
<<video owork/salesbj21.mp4>>
Your tongue laps up the spongy head and digs in his slit which makes him shiver and moan in pleasure. You hollow your cheeks and turn your oral orifice into the perfect mold of his large dick.
<<video owork/salesbj22.mp4>>
You know you're doing something well since this timid IT guy instinctively fucks into your mouth and surrenders to tirade of ecstasy.
<<dio "IT Guy" "I'm- I'M COMING...!!!!!!">>
Then he blasts off and covers his white shirt with his essence. You can hear the sound of pens scribbling against the papers from table.
<<video you/youfacial25.mp4>>
<<if $gameends>>\
<<link "Back" "Oworkscenemenu">>
<<link "Then...">>
<<if $owork.sprog == 5 and not hasVisited("Worksalestalk23")>>
<<goto "Worksalestalk23">>
<<goto "Worksalestalk22">>
<</if>>\<<dio "Finn" "Thank you, that was good. Alright, folks. Entertainment time's over. Let's get our heads in the game.">>
Afterwards, nothing really happens except boring business talks.
<<link "You finish the rest of the work day" "Go outside">>
<<set _temph = 16 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<set $you.sleep -= 4>>
<<set $you.hunger = 0>>
<<set $owork.totalhour += 8>>
<<set $owork.hourpw += 8>>
<</link>><<if $owork.penalty == 3 or ($owork.penalty == 1 and $owork.strike == 1) or ($owork.penalty == 2 and $owork.strike == 2)>>\
<<set $owork.strike = 0>>\
<<dio "HR worker" "You've been seriously neglecting your work and after some consideration. We decide to terminate your employment.">>
<<di you "But...">>
<<dio "HR worker" "No but's... The decision is final, sign here.">>
You really have no basis to counter her firing you since you did indeed skip a lot of work. You sigh as you sign away the termination contract. Your $w.dad is probably gonna be pissed about this.
<<link "You leave the place" "Go outside">>
<<set $owork.stage = -100>>
<<set $owork.penalty = 0>>
<<elseif ($owork.strike == 2 and $owork.penalty == 1) or ($owork.penalty == 2 and $owork.strike == 3)>>\
<<set $owork.strike = 1>>\
<<if hasVisited("Workwarntalk")>>\
<<dio "HR worker" "This is the second week you've skipped work and let me remind you. This is a professional establishment not some playground that you can come and go freely. Got it?">>
<<dio "HR worker" "You've skipped two weeks of work in a row and let me remind you. This is a professional establishment not some playground that you can come and go freely. Got it?">>
Her tone is serious and suggests that you need to follow her order. You fear if you slip just once more and you'll just lose this job.
<<link "Proceed" "Office">>
<<set _temph = 12 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<set $owork.penalty = 0>>
<<set $owork.strike = 2>>\
<<dio "HR worker" "Hey, just so you know. Last week you didn't meet your work hour quota.">>
She entirely skips all the pleasantries and gets right down to the nitty gritty.
<<dio "HR worker" "Don't let that happen again.">>
You obviously nod like you listen to her warning. Can you follow the rigid schedule of an office worker?
<<link "Proceed" "Office">>
<<set _temph = 12 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<set $owork.penalty = 0>>
<</if>>\<<scenechoices dad 4 1>>\
<<if $dad.lust < 30 and not hasVisited("Dadbjintro1") and not $gameends>>\
You take a detour while being at work to have a chat with your $w.dad. A $w.father-and-son bonding moment is always a good time.
<<aff dad add 5>>\
<<elseif $scenepicked>>\
<<lust dad add 1>>\
<<sus dad add 1>>\
You take a detour while being at work to have a chat with your $w.dad. However, another idea takes roots:
<<di you "$w.Dad, can I suck your coc-?">>
Before the last word is even uttered, your mouth is already covered by his hand.
<<if _saff >= 3>>\
<<di dad "Please don't say it aloud in public like this.">>
He glances worriedly around to see if anyone overhears it.
<<di dad "Are you out of your mind? Saying stuff like that aloud?">>
He whispers from his gritted teeth.
<<di you "Please! I want your cock so bad.">>
<<if _saff >= 3>>\
<<di dad "Fuck...! Don't say stuff like that.">>
He looks torn before signaling you to come over.
<<di dad "Alright, be quiet and quick.">>
You give him a scout salute and a smile.
<<di you "You got it!">>
<<di dad "You're such a damn slut, begging for cocks even during work hours? I expect more dignity from you.">>
His tone is condescending, making you feel like a pathetic cumrag.
<<di dad "However, I'm bored of work so... come here.">>
Once you kneel down under the desk, you grab the huge bulge under his slacks and feel the heat radiating from it. Then you quickly unzip to reveal his hard secret and immediately devour it.
<<video dad/dadofficebj1.mp4>>
<<if _saff == 4>>\
<<di dad "Holy...! Your mouth will be the death of me, boy.">>
<<elseif _saff == 3>>\
<<di dad "Shit...! I'm letting my $w.son sucking my cock at work and I can't stop.">>
<<elseif _saff == 2>>\
<<di dad "It takes more than a little bit of licking to get me off. Be fucking quick about it.">>
<<di dad "Yeah... take that fucking cock, you filthy whore.">>
Your mouth is now just his sex toy for him to use freely. Suddenly, someone barges inside the room.
<<if random(1,2) == 1>>\
<<dio "Officer worker" "Hey, $dad.Namedis. Have you finished with the payroll?">>
That's none of your business and since that person cannot see you, you continue sucking his pulsating cock.
<<di dad "Ssshhi...-seconds.">>
<<dio "Office worker" "Hmm? What's the matter? You look flushed.">>
You take that moment to pry between his slit.
<<video dad/dadofficebj2.mp4>>
<<di dad "Ffff-... fine! I'm fine!">>
<<dio "Office worker" "Oookay? Give me the payroll ASAP, will you?">>
<<dio "Officer worker" "Hey, $dad.Namedis. Have you finished with the document that I asked?">>
That's none of your business and since that person cannot see you, you continue sucking his pulsating cock.
<<di dad "Ssshhi...-seconds.">>
<<dio "Office worker" "Hmm? What's the matter? You look flushed.">>
You take that moment to pry between his slit.
<<video dad/dadofficebj2.mp4>>
<<di dad "Ffff-... fine! I'm fine!">>
<<dio "Office worker" "Alright then, give it to me soon. You know I can always count on you.">>
You can hear the door clicks shut.
<<if _saff == 4>>\
<<di dad "Fuck, that was fucking hot. You're one daring individual and I love that about you.">>
His fingers trace tenderly against your full of dick cheek.
<<elseif _saff == 3>>\
<<di dad "Holy, that was so close. You were about to give me a heart attack just then.">>
He taps lightly against your full of dick cheek.
<<elseif _saff == 2>>\
<<di dad "You dumbass. If they saw you, I would have lost my job.">>
He grumbles but still makes no move to remove his cock from you.
<<di dad "You got real nerve, fag. Toying with me?">>
<<if _saff >= 2>>\
That's all the encouragement you need and you put your whole chest into blowing his mind and dick at the same time.
<<video dad/dadofficebj3.mp4>>
Soon enough, he groans and unleashes his load onto your mug. There's no better feeling than having cum seeped into your skin. Scratch that, there's no better feeling than having your $w.dad's cum seeped into your skin.
He grabs your head and begins fucking away with abandon. Your only function is gaping your mouth for him to take take take.
<<video dad/dadofficebj4.mp4>>
<<di dad "Get ready, bitch.">>
After that brief warning, he unloads his jism onto your face. The scent of his cum is so intoxicating that you can only moan lowly. Fuck..., you don't want to endorse domestic violence, but it's good being abused by your $w.dad.
<<video you/youfacial19.mp4>>
<<if $gameends>>\
<<link "Back">>
<<goto "Dadscenemenu">>
<<link "You finish the rest of the work day" "Go outside">>
<<set _temph = 16 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<set $you.sleep -= 4>>
<<set $you.hunger = 0>>
<<set $owork.totalhour += 8>>
<<set $owork.hourpw += 8>>
<</if>>\You know this is gonna happen.
<<di dad "I can't believe this.">>
His tone is furious, something you rarely see from him.
<<di dad "You know how many favors I had to ask in order to secure a spot for you in my company?">>
He seethes, the veins on his temple are now visible.
<<di dad "Lots... and you just throw it away and humiliate me.">>
There is really no way out of this:
<<di you "I'm sorry.">>
<<di dad "Save it. If you were truly sorry, you wouldn't have lost your job in the first place, ungrateful child.">>
With that, he walks away from you. Like he can't bear to behold the sight of you.
<<aff dad minus 20>>\<<image dadsoffice.jpg>>
After getting some reading done you decide to:
<<if not hasVisited("Workdadintrotalk11")>>\
<<link "Go see your $w.dad" "Workdadintrotalk11">>
<<presshour add 2>>\
<<if not hasVisited("Worksalesintrotalk11")>>\
<<link "Introduce yourself to the sales team" "Worksalesintrotalk11">>
<<presshour add 2>>\
<<if hasVisited("Workdadintrotalk11") and hasVisited("Worksalesintrotalk11")>>\
<<link "Finish off your work day" "Go outside">>
<<set _temph = 16 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<set $owork.stage = 101>>
<<set $you.sleep -= 4>>
<<set $you.hunger = 0>>
<<set $owork.hourpw += 8>>
<<set $owork.totalhour += 8>>\
<</if>>\<<image dadsoffice.jpg>>
<<if $owork.stage >= 101>>\
<<if $sd.stage >= 101>>\
Your work in the company also help relieving some of the stress on the CEO.
<<sus sd -1>>\
<<if $sd.vstage == 101>>\
Today you make sure to input the right numbers into the excel file, going as far as triple-checking it. Everything seems to be in order.
In the middle of your work, you receive a ping from the $sd.Name:
"Your report is wrong again, I suggest you take some serious time to look through it."
You can sense a lot of restraint from his sentences. By the way, what the hell? I swore you got everything right before sending him the report. You check the file again and it looks fine on your end.
You attached the file again to send him via chat and respond:
"I don't know what happened, I swear I sent you this file."
"Well, I don't know either but the fact is that you sent the wrong file. Make sure it won't happen again."
He responds back and it seems he wants no more argument from you. You deflate internally, in the grand scheme of things, this work doesn't really matter that much but it still sucks to be invalidated like that. You wonder what went wrong with your file.
<<sus sd 2>>\
<<set $sd.vstage = 102>>\
<<elseif $sd.vstage >= 102 and $sd.vstage < 200>>\
<<set _random = random(1,2)>>\
Once more, you receive another message from $sd.Name.
<<if _random == 1>>\
"You sent me the wrong file."
"The numbers are incorrect again."
<<sus sd 2>>\
No way!!! You sent the right file. What the hell? Should you get to the bottom of this?
Between the working hours, you:
<<if hasVisited("Worksalestalk74") and not hasVisited("Workbosstalk21")>>\
<<link "<b>Get called to meet the CEO</b>" "Workbosstalk21">>
<<set $owork.stage = 109>>
<<elseif $sd.lust == 20 and $sd.stage == 122 and $sd.vstage == 0>>\
<<link "You're summoned for a meeting with the CEO again" "Workbosstalk31">>
<<elseif $sd.stage >= 131>>\
<<link "Relieve $sd.Name's stress by blowing him" "SDbj41">>
<<if $sd.vstage >= 101 and not hasVisited("Workinv11")>>\
<<link "Do some investigation about the incorrect files" "Workinv11">>
<<elseif $sd.vstage == 103>>\
<<link "Do some investigation about the incorrect files" "Workinv21">>
<<elseif $sd.vstage == 104>>\
<<link "Do some investigation about the incorrect files" "Workinv31">>
<<elseif $sd.vstage == 201>>\
<<link "Pay a visit to Vance - IT guy" "Workvtalk11">>
<<elseif $sd.vstage == 202>>\
<<link "Pay a visit to Vance - IT guy - again" "Workvtalk21">>
<<link "See your dad" "Dadofficebj11">>
<</link>> \
<<if $dad.lust >= 40 and hasVisited("Dadfuckintro1")>>\
<<link "See your dad for some “advice”" "Dadofficefuck">>
<</link>> \
<<if $owork.totalhour >= 24 and $owork.stage == 101>>\
<<link "Take the first sales meeting" "Worksalestalk11">>
<<elseif $owork.stage >= 106>>\
<<link "Demonstrate your blowjob skill during the sales meeting" "Worksalestalk21">>
<<link "Demonstrate your anal skill during the sales meeting" "Worksalestalk61">>
<<elseif $owork.stage == 105>>\
<<link "Join the sales meeting and something new happens..." "Worksalestalk51">>
<<elseif $owork.stage >= 102>>\
<<link "Join the sales meeting" "Worksalestalk21">>
<<if $owork.stage >= 104>>\
<<link "Go on a client's bonding trip" "Worksalestalk41">>
<<link "Go to to the bathroom">>
<<if not hasVisited("Workjantalk11")>>
<<goto "Workjantalk11">>
<<elseif not hasVisited("Workjantalk21")>>
<<goto "Workjantalk21">>
<<elseif not hasVisited("Workjantalk41") and $owork.janlust == 5>>
<<goto "Workjantalk41">>
<<goto "Workjantalk31">>
<<set $scenepicked = false>>
<<if setup.ws.Worksalesintrobj11>><<link "First assessment blowjob" "Worksalesintrobj11">><</link>><<else>><<link "==First assessment blowjob==">><</link>><</if>> <<if setup.ws.Worksalesbj11>><<link "Regular assessment blowjob" "Worksalesbj11">><</link>><<else>><<link "==Regular assessment blowjob==">><</link>><</if>> <<if setup.ws.Worksalesintrobj21>><<link "First client-bonding blowjob" "Worksalesintrobj21">><</link>><<else>><<link "==First client-bonding blowjob==">><</link>><</if>> <<if setup.ws.Worksalesbj21>><<link "Regular client-bonding blowjob" "Worksalesbj21">><</link>><<else>><<link "==Regular client-bonding blowjob==">><</link>><</if>>
<<if setup.ws.Worksalesintrofuck11>><<link "First assessment fuck" "Worksalesintrofuck11">><</link>><<else>><<link "==First assessment fuck==">><</link>><</if>> <<if setup.ws.Worksalesfuck11>><<link "Regular assessment fuck" "Worksalesfuck11">><</link>><<else>><<link "==Regular assessment fuck==">><</link>><</if>> <<if setup.ws.Worksalesintrofuck21>><<link "First deal-making fuck" "Worksalesintrofuck21">><</link>><<else>><<link "==First deal-making fuck==">><</link>><</if>>
<<if setup.ws.Workjanintrohj11>><<link "First handjob" "Workjanintrohj11">><</link>><<else>><<link "==First handjob==">><</link>><</if>> <<if setup.ws.Workjanhj11>><<link "Regular handjob" "Workjanhj11">><</link>><<else>><<link "==Regular handjob==">><</link>><</if>>
<<if setup.ws.Workjanintrobj11>><<link "First blowjob" "Workjanintrobj11">><</link>><<else>><<link "==First blowjob==">><</link>><</if>> <<if setup.ws.Workjanbj11>><<link "Regular blowjob" "Workjanbj11">><</link>><<else>><<link "==Regular blowjob==">><</link>><</if>>
<<if setup.ws.Workvbj11>><<link "First blowjob" "Workvbj11">><</link>><<else>><<link "==First blowjob==">><</link>><</if>> <<if setup.ws.Workvbj21>><<link "Regular blowjob" "Workvbj21">><</link>><<else>><<link "==Regular blowjob==">><</link>><</if>>
<<link "Back" "Memoriesmenu">><</link>>- <i>claw your way to the... bottom?</i>
<<if $owork.stage == 0>>\
• Check with your dad when he's at home, he has something to say about work
<<elseif $owork.stage == 100>>\
• Go to your $w.dad's office on Monday either at 8:00 or 9:00 to take your new job
<<elseif $owork.stage == 101 and $owork.totalhour >= 24>>\
• Take the first meeting with your sales team
<<elseif $owork.stage == 101>>\
• Go to work (8:00 - 9:59, Mon to Fri)
• $owork.totalhour/24 hours clocked in
<<elseif $owork.stage == 102>>\
• Go to work (8:00 - 9:59, Mon to Fri)
• Demonstrate your blowjob skill during team meeting
<<elseif $owork.stage == 103>>\
• Go to work 8:00 - 9:59 on Monday to take on the first clients' bonding trip
<<elseif $owork.stage == 104>>\
• Go to work (8:00 - 9:59, Mon to Fri)
• Go on client bonding trips to progress your sales
<<elseif $owork.stage == 105>>\
• Go to work (8:00 - 9:59, Mon to Fri)
• Take the first fuck demonstration during team meeting
<<elseif $owork.stage == 106>>\
• Go to work (8:00 - 9:59, Mon to Fri)
• Demonstrate your anal skill during team meeting
<<elseif $owork.stage == 107>>\
• Go to work 8:00 - 9:59 on Monday to take on the first clients' sales trip
<<elseif $owork.stage == 108>>\
• Go to work (8:00 - 9:59, Mon to Fri)
• Take the meeting with the CEO
<<elseif $owork.stage == 109>>\
• Go to work (8:00 - 9:59, Mon to Fri)
• <b>TBC</b>
<<if $owork.stage >= 101>>\
• Clocked in hour this week: $owork.hourpw/24
• Strike: $owork.strike/3
<</if>>\You seem to know the schedule of the janitor and enter the bathroom during one of his break.
<<dio "Kurt" "Sssup, homie?">>
<<di you "Oh, so I'm one of your homies now?">>
You reply without heat and he lazily grins:
<<dio "Kurt" "All your sales guys are my homies, if you catch my drift.">>
So, there is no denying that he has a history with your team.
<<dio "Kurt" "Since you're now my homies. How about we take it to the next stage?">>
<<di you "You mean...?">>
He then gives a crude demonstration of sucking an air dick. It's clear as day to you that he wants you to give him a blowjob.
<<di you "Of course...">>
You never turn down a request of giving head, ever.
<<link "Proceed" "Workjanintrobj11">>
<</link>><<scenechoices owork 1 0>>\
<<lust jan 1>>\
Kneeling down on the relatively clean bathroom floor, you are once more servicing a man in an extraordinary circumstance. The janitor is already hard as the zipper splits away from his crotch. Now that you're up close and personal with his meat stick, it's getting really hard to ignore the... scent wafting in front of your nose. The man needs someone to give him a stern talk about personal hygiene. Still, would you stop? No, your slut ass has stooped so low, a little bit of stench is just a walk in the park.
<<video owork/janbj11.mp4>>
You swallow his glans and laps on his slit. The taste is extra salty and tangy like the substance coating his cock is super concentrated. You are now doing janitor duty on your company's janitor cleaning his cock from the root to the tip.
<<dio "Kurt" "Hell yeah. Nuzzle on my giant meat, slut.">>
His words are full of conviction like it's a fact. The man is well-endowed, alright. Your enthusiasm strangely doesn't die down after you've scrubbed his cock squeaky clean instead the chemicals that you taste feels like an aphrodisiac thats fan your inner fire into inferno.
<<video owork/janbj12.mp4>>
<<dio "Kurt" "You love the taste of my cock, baby?">>
Your neck craning up and down at an impressive pace like you're wildly nodding.
<<dio "Kurt" "Then you'll love the taste of my jizz... Here it FFFFUCKING GO!!!">>
As the last syllable is ejected loudly from him, so is his load as it spray ropes of white fluid on your face.
<<video you/youfacial30.mp4>>
<<if $gameends>>\
<<link "Back" "Oworkscenemenu">>
<<link "Then..." "Workjantalk42">>
<</if>>\<<dio "Kurt" "Phew, that was amazing even for a sales guy.">>
<<di you "Always the best for my homie.">>
He laughs in the more laid back bro as possible.
<<dio "Kurt" "Forrealtho, you're becoming my fav from your team. You got a wicked mouth which is perfect for my huge tool, hah.">>
You only smile at that. To know that you'd form a camaraderie with not your colleagues from your team but with a janitor, life is indeed very strange.
<<link "You finish the rest of the work day" "Go outside">>
<<set _temph = 16 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<set $you.sleep -= 4>>
<<set $you.hunger = 0>>
<<set $owork.totalhour += 8>>
<<set $owork.hourpw += 8>>
<</link>><<dio "Finn" "After that performance, I think you're ready for the real deal.">>
Your ears perk up at that.
<<di you "Finally, I get to close some deals with our clients?">>
<<dio "Finn" "Now now, hold your horses. You'll have a meeting with our old clients. They're well acquaintanced with us. Your duty is to further strengthen our relationship with them, got it?">>
You're a bit stumped but still, you finally have the chance to suck more dicks!!
<<di you "Crystal clear.">>
<<dio "Finn" "Good, I'll send a memo with all the details. Now get back to the meeting.">>
Wrapping up the meeting, you go back to your desk and see an email from Finn with all the details about your first client meeting - it's gonna happen on <b>Monday</b>.
<<link "You finish the rest of the work day" "Go outside">>
<<set $owork.stage = 103>>
<<if $day == 1>>
<<set $owork.daycd = -1>>
<<set $owork.daycd = $day - 9>>
<<set _temph = 16 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<set $you.sleep -= 4>>
<<set $you.hunger = 0>>
<<set $owork.totalhour += 8>>
<<set $owork.hourpw += 8>>
<</link>><<scenechoices owork 1 0>>\
<<lust jan 1 10>>\
The man seems always primed to fuck as you rip his pants away and see his full erection.
<<dio "Kurt" "Never bored of seeing my big meat, huh?">>
<<di you "Of course not.">>
<<dio "Kurt" "C'mon then...">>
He grabs hold of the base to nudge his tool between your lips and your mouth naturally opens wide to welcome it inside. His length hasn't assaulted you yet but his musk is, the strength of his pheromone can probably drive a regular person a little crazy. Lucky you are no ordinary dude.
<<video owork/janbj21.mp4>>
<<dio "Kurt" "Ffffuck... yeah...!">>
With each of his words, he slams his cock deeper into your cavity and since you're stretched to the limit, it takes your every nerve to not physically gag on him. Little by little, his thrust reach deeper into your throat until your nose is buried into his unkempt pubes. Then, both your mouth and sense of smell are now being assaulted relentlessly by him.
<<video owork/janbj22.mp4>>
<<dio "Kurt" "Ssshit..., you're too good at this...">>
The speed which he fucks your mouth reaches a new height until you hear a choked noise from him. You can sense he's been push over the edge as his cock pumps its seed directly to your gut.
<<image dad/dadbjcum2.gif>>
<<dio "Kurt" "Holy... that was... epic...">>
He huffs, catching his breath. Once he recovers, he once more doesn't even pretend to clean himself up and instead tuck his bodily-fluid-covered meat back to his pants.
<<dio "Kurt" "Aight, c u later, dude.">>
Does his absence of hygiene's awareness repulse you? Sad news: No. You wonder if he even washed his cock since the last time you serviced it.
<<if $gameends>>\
<<link "Back" "Oworkscenemenu">>
<<link "You finish the rest of the work day" "Go outside">>
<<set _temph = 16 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<set $you.sleep -= 4>>
<<set $you.hunger = 0>>
<<set $owork.totalhour += 8>>
<<set $owork.hourpw += 8>>
<</if>>\As you're on the car ride to your client's company. Your legs shake from the nerves and jitters. You feel a hand over your knees - calming you.
<<dio "Finn" "Relax, we've all been there - I've been there myself. Just focus on the fun aspect of it - getting to know new people - and you'll feel more at ease.">>
Strangely enough, thinking of the prospect of getting to blow more men makes you relaxed. Of course, you're meant to do this, there is nothing to be worried about.
Soon enough, you arrive at the destination and are quickly escorted to a meeting room. The clients are quite courteous since they don't keep you waiting long.
<<dio "Client 1" "Hello hello, it's good to see you again, Finn. And who is this young thing?">>
If look can kill, you'd be devoured whole by the way this man - the older one of the two clients - gaze up and down at you.
<<dio "Finn" "Thank you, Mick. This here is our fresh meat accompany me to learn the hang of things.">>
<<dio "Mick" "What a coincidence, this here is my son, Kirk, also learning the ropes. I hope you guys will show him one of your mind-blowing sales techniques.">>
<<dio "Finn" "Gladly, Mick. First, here is our gift.">>
<<dio "Mick" "Oh, you shouldn't have...">>
They then drone on more about corporate talk. Meanwhile, you're taking a closer look at your two clients. The man speaking - the dad - isn't exactly unattractive, you can tell he had a glorious youth but the age finally caught up to him. The son, on the other hand, you can see the similarities between them but instead of the easy confidence you sense some sort of discomfort like the suit is way too tight on his frankly very fit body.
<<dio "Mick" "...right right. Let's cut to the chase since I only have 15 more minutes. Shall we start?">>
There is a shift in the air and then Finn gives a clap.
<<dio "Finn" "It's your turn, $you.Namedis.">>
That's your cue to steel your nerves and make a good impression - by giving him head.
<<link "Proceed" "Worksalesintrobj21">>
<<presshour add 1>>
<</link>><<scenechoices owork 1 0>>\
<<lust sales 1>>\
As you approach to unzip the father's trousers, the son sounds alarmed.
<<dio "Kirk" "What the fuck...? The fuck are you doing to my dad.">>
<<dio "Mick" "Settle down, son. We're just doing business.">>
<<dio "Kirk" "B-but, he is...">>
He stammers while you're now looking directly at a fat piece of meat and it is rock hard.
<<dio "Mick" "Like I said, just business. You'll get used to it.">>
You give it a kittenish lick and the man sinks further down his chair, enjoying the moment. There is something miraculous about the salt on a man's cock that turns you into an addict who can't stop sucking.
<<dio "Mick" "Damn..., this new guy is good.">>\
<<video owork/salesbj31.mp4>>
You don't grow complacent with compliments, you are a goddamn go-getter who excels along with praises. Your tongue goes overdrive, swiping across his length and coiling around it like a python. Your saliva flows freely to create the best environment to nestle his manhood. Finally, no teeth, of course.
Without a warning, he grabs your head, stroke his cock roughly and shoots his load across your forehead and hair.
<<video you/youfacial26.mp4>>
From his actions, you can tell he's a typical entrepreneur - selfish, greedy - and not exactly not your type either.
<<dio "Mick" "Phew, now that's done. It's your turn son.">>
He doesn't even sound fazed by the fact he just had an orgasm in front of his offspring. The son though has some reservations:
<<dio "Kirk" "I don't know. This... this is weird.">>
<<dio "Mick" "WHAT THE FUCK DID I TELL YOU?">>
He flips to an explosive state, chiding his child in front of you.
<<dio "Mick" "I told you to grow the fuck up, be a man and this is a part of it.">>
Kirk seemingly sits up even more straight like it's a defensive reaction from his dad's teaching. Still, he gulps and nod despite his overall stiffness. That's a good enough sign for you to crawl over and repeat it over again.
He's unsurprisingly flaccid, but with your great "customer service", it soon grows to full mast and quite impressive too. Like father, like son. You give it a lick from the base to the top and he hisses from the pleasure.
<<video owork/salesbj32.mp4>>
Smiling, you know that he's been hooked and continue your expertise. You pump your head up and down on his tool like a piledriver. Your tongue traces all of his bulging veins and memorizes his slightly curved shape.
<<dio "Kirk" "Ssssshit... I'm almost...">>
He's more of a gentleman than his dad with this announcement. You put your all into the last few seconds and as he lets out a guttural groan, you jerk his cock as it fires baby making shots on your face and suit.
<<video you/youfacial27.mp4>>
<<dio "Mick" "That's my boy.">>
<<if $gameends>>\
<<link "Back" "Oworkscenemenu">>
<<link "Then..." "Worksalestalk32">>
<</if>>\As your clients clean up, your leader says:
<<dio "Finn" "I'm sorry but we'll have to follow the protocol with your son, Mick.">>
<<dio "Mick" "Aw, can't he retain this? It'll help grow his guts some more.">>
Finn replies almost regretfully:
<<dio "Finn" "I have to, rarely we have seen any client whose mind aligns so much with our value like you. Perhaps, as he grows more confident, he'll be able to achieve your level as well.">>
Hearing that, Mick puffs his chest out like he's just being called having a giant cock.
<<dio "Mick" "Alright.">>
Finn walks to Kirk and the guy, who has a bewildered expression on his face, now looks slightly scared. Then Finn touches his temple, all of the apprehensions are washed away and what remains is a smile of contentment.
<<dio "Mick" "I don't know why but you guys definitely got a deal from us.">>
<<dio "Kirk" "They always have been getting deals from us, son. Hahaha.">>
Then you and Finn exchange a few more pleasantries before leaving.
<<link "On the way back to your company" "Worksalestalk33">>
<<presshour add 1>>
<</link>>As you two are in the car, your curiosity grows too large to be contained:
<<di you "What did you do to the son?">>
He quirks his eyebrow at you.
<<dio "Finn" "I'm following the protocol. What do you mean?">>
<<di you "What's the protocol???">>
He looks confused for a moment before saying:
<<dio "Finn" "You don't know?">>
You shake your head as he appears even more mystified.
<<dio "Finn" "The protocol is getting your client to release their seed and we mask it as persuasion. It's much more effective tool than just pure words and numbers... How did you get this job again?">>
That explains it somewhat.
<<di you "I don't know. The boss man just gave me a look and bam... I'm a sales. Well, I'm not complaining or anything. I have grown fond of this line of work.">>
<<dio "Finn" "Right... Just do your job. Don't question it too much, especially our CEO.">>
You now have a clearer picture of your job in a way. However, it also creates more questions.
<<link "You finish the rest of the work day" "Go outside">>
<<set $owork.stage = 104>>
<<set _temph = 16 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<set $you.sleep -= 4>>
<<set $you.hunger = 0>>
<<set $owork.totalhour += 8>>
<<set $owork.hourpw += 8>>
<</link>>You're called for one of those clients' bonding trips. Normally, you don't pass up a chance to blow someone, let alone it being your job now.
Arrive at the company, you're swiftly escorted to a private meeting room. After Finn exchanges some pleasantries with the client, he touches his temple and you can see his body going limped a little bit. You know that's your cue to show your skill.
<<link "Proceed" "Worksalesbj21">>
<</link>><<scenechoices owork 1 0>>\
<<set _r = random(1,3)>>\
<<lust sales 1 10>>\
You remove the client's slacks and what greets you is a respectable penis even in its flaccid form. You will never be tired of seeing the blood filling up and engorging manhoods under your hands. The first taste is always so exciting, as you explore their body chemistry. You'd think salt tastes the same but with each new man, you find a differing component that alters the taste. This man has <<if _r == 1>>a creamy<<elseif _r == 2>>an earthy<<else>>a tangy<</if>> tang to him.
<<video owork/salesbj41.mp4>>
<<dio "Client" "Ugh... ahh...">>
He lets out those weak sounds of pleasure like he wants to utter something, but is unable to. Your tongue swirls through the head gathering his pre like precious drops of water in the middle of a desert. Your head, obviously, doesn't stay still, instead it bobs up and down like a metalhead in the middle of a raging concert.
<<video owork/salesbj42.mp4>>
<<dio "Client" "...ffff... ARGHHHHH!!">>
After a string of intelligible noises, he starts shouting and that's the universal sign of release. You let that man send ropes of cum directly to your open mouth with a blissed out expression.
<<video you/youfacial28.mp4>>
<<if $gameends>>\
<<link "Back" "Oworkscenemenu">>
<<link "Then..." >>
<<if $owork.sprog == 10 and not hasVisited("Workbosstalk11")>>
<<goto "Workbosstalk11">>
<<goto "Worksalestalk42">>
<</if>>\As you button him up and clean after yourself, Finn goes and touches the client's temple once more.
<<dio "Client" "...Phew, it's always a pleasure talking to you guys. Say, I'm quite parched, do you want something to drink?">>
<<dio "Finn" "Thank you, but we have other businesses to attend to. It's always a pleasure.">>
<<dio "Client" "Oh, alright. Let me see you out.">>
As you two say goodbye to him, he acts as if you didn't just suck a load out of him. But that's part of the job and you do not want to question it now.
<<link "You finish the rest of the work day" "Go outside">>
<<set _temph = 16 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<set $you.sleep -= 4>>
<<set $you.hunger = 0>>
<<set $owork.totalhour += 8>>
<<set $owork.hourpw += 8>>
<</link>>Right when you think this is just another one of the typical meetings, until Finn announces:
<<dio "Finn" "As the leader, I can speak for our team that your oral skill needs no further proving...">>
As he nudges his head toward the table, you can see that many of your teammates nod in agreement.
<<dio "Finn" "...Still, oral skill isn't enough for to close out a sale, that you should know...">>
You have some idea where this is going, especially when your usual suspect the geek from IT enters the room again.
<<dio "Finn" "...Your clients must need to be in the utmost high in order for a deal to go through smoothly. Now, it's your time to put your whole into work.">>
You aren't sure if he says hole or whole but from the way he talks you know what to do. Licking your lips, you look at your subject, who is scratching his nape abashedly, with hunger. Let the show begin!
<<link "Proceed" "Worksalesintrofuck11">>
<<presshour add 1>>
<</link>><<scenechoices owork 1 0>>\
<<lust sales 1>>\
Despite being in this situation many times, the poor guy still looks petrified half of the times. Thus, you have to roll up your sleeves and unzip him. He's nearly there and with just a few strokes, you get him to a full mast.You give his member a few licks with a whole lot of saliva to grease him up.
<<video owork/salesfuck11.mp4>>
Once finding it sufficient, you stand up and exposing your hole to him.
<<di you "C'mon, put it in.">>
You really have to spell it out for him lest he continues to flounder. Thankfully, he's a man after all and his male instinct kicks in as he slowly breaches your hole with way too much patience.
<<video owork/salesfuck12.mp4>>
After you bottom out, you can only sense low gasps and no further actions from him. Subsequently, you have to move your own hips and bounce on his cock. With each slam of your ass, his moans get louder and louder.
<<dio "IT Guy" "Ffffff... sssshitt...">>
He mutters and curses uncontrollably like sexual intercourse is not something he gets on a daily basis. Fortunately, he also loses his inhibition as he finally knows how to thrust deep into you with his spear. When things are getting good and you're squeezing so damn tight around him, you hear his shout.
<<video owork/salesfuck13.mp4>>
<<dio "IT Guy" "COME-COMING!!!!">>
You feel the warm length inside gets even hotter as he fills your channel with his seed.
<<video you/youbred2.mp4>>
A bit too soon you may add.
<<if $gameends>>\
<<link "Back" "Oworkscenemenu">>
<<link "Then..." "Worksalestalk52">>
<<presshour add 1>>
<</if>>\Seeing the IT Guy gets absolutely knackered and still catching his breath, Finn smirks at you:
<<dio "Finn" "A phenomenal display, your potential is bright...">>
He walks around you a little and looks you up and down.
<<dio "Finn" "...Still, to make sure it is not an one-time thing, we will need to see a few more of your performance before we can finally put you into practice.">>
<<di you "Just say you want to see me being ploughed.">>
You smile to let them know you're joking and most of them laugh.
<<dio "Finn" "Hahaha, you're funny. Alright, fun's over. Let's get back to the numbers, shall we?">>
You then realize the IT geek already disappears. Of course, you clean up to resume the meeting and try to not doze off during.
<<link "You finish the rest of the work day" "Go outside">>
<<set $owork.stage = 106>>
<<set _temph = 16 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<set $you.sleep -= 4>>
<<set $you.hunger = 0>>
<<set $owork.totalhour += 8>>
<<set $owork.hourpw += 8>>
<</link>>Another meeting with the sales team and before you can even wonder about it, your sales leader already cuts to the chase:
<<dio "Finn" "We still need more assessment on your skill, rookie... C'mon in.">>
The same guy from the IT department comes inside. Well, you guess it's time to show them what you got then.
<<link "Proceed" "Worksalesfuck11">>
<</link>><<scenechoices owork 1 0>>\
<<lust sales 1 15>>\
Thankfully, the IT guy gets the memo now and he's undressed and erected. The meeting is not long so you waste no time and expose your ass to him. The initial burn is quite uncomfortable, why the hell do all frail looking guys always have the biggest dicks?
<<video owork/salesfuck21.mp4>>
<<di you "Shit, fuck me harder, big guy.">>
Your encouragement must hit right because he sheds his nervousness and put his hips into fucking your ass ferverently. You groan a bit crazedly because the way he assaults your prostate is so mind-blowing.
<<video owork/salesfuck22.mp4>>
<<dio "IT Guy" "Mhhmm... I can't hold back...">>
He moans a bit weakly before his hips jerkily slam deep into you. Then you feel it, the scorching liquid filling you up as he breeds your hole full of his baby-making batter.
<<video you/youbred9.mp4>>
You can use a few more minute of fucking but this is adequate for now.
<<if $gameends>>\
<<link "Back" "Oworkscenemenu">>
<<link "Then..." "Worksalestalk62">>
<<if $owork.sprog == 15 and not hasVisited("Worksalestalk63")>>
<<goto "Worksalestalk63">>
<<goto "Worksalestalk62">>
<</if>>\<<dio "Finn" "Thank you, that was good. Alright, folks. Entertainment time's over. Let's get our heads in the game.">>
Afterwards, nothing really happens except boring business talks.
<<link "You finish the rest of the work day" "Go outside">>
<<set _temph = 16 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<set $you.sleep -= 4>>
<<set $you.hunger = 0>>
<<set $owork.totalhour += 8>>
<<set $owork.hourpw += 8>>
<</link>><<dio "Finn" "Well, I can say you're ready.">>
That piques your interests.
<<dio "Finn" "You'll be sent to close out a deal - a small one but still very important. Therefore, I need all hands on deck for this, you got me?">>
You give him a salute and say excitedly.
<<di you "Sir, yes sir.">>
<<dio "Finn" "Haha, alright. Meeting time.">>
Finally, you have the chance to make something out of this job.
After the meeting is finished, you receive an email from Finn with all the details about your next client negotiation talk which happens on <b>Monday</b>.
<<link "You finish the rest of the work day" "Go outside">>
<<set _temph = 16 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<set $you.sleep -= 4>>
<<set $you.hunger = 0>>
<<set $owork.totalhour += 8>>
<<set $owork.hourpw += 8>>
<<set $owork.stage = 107>>
<<if $day == 1>>
<<set $owork.daycd = -1>>
<<set $owork.daycd = $day - 9>>
<</link>>Riding the car again with Finn, you feel excited at the prospect of making your first ever sale in the company.
<<dio "Finn" "This client is small sized company and I don't think we have one hundred percent chance to succeed.">>
<<di you "Really? I thought our process is foolproof.">>
You are confused at this. Your team indeed has an unorthodox way to convince a client and you never thought that it could somehow fail.
<<dio "Finn" "Heh, what we're doing is definitely special but we're still not miracle workers. No matter how high a client gets, he cannot defy all logic and rationale and make an impossible deal, understand?">>
That makes sense.
<<dio "Finn" "This client is also a tough nut to crack so don't be too disappointed if everything fell through.">>
Damn, you really have to get your A game in order then.
<<link "In the meeting room" "Worksalestalk72">>
<<presshour add 1>>
<</link>>Arriving back at the company, your team leader inform you:
<<dio "Finn" "I just got the message that the bossman wants to meet you.">>
Your heart races at that. Did you do something wrong? Apparently, the worry must be written on your face because Finn helpfully interject:
<<dio "Finn" "Don't worry your little head off, you are doing well. He probably only wants a chat.">>
That settles your nerves a little. Still it's okay to feel nervous to be face to face with the man you work for, an extremely handsome man you work for to be exact.
<<dio "Finn" "One last tip: <b>He hates eager little things, so be coy.</b>">>
<<link "Enter the CEO's office" "Workbosstalk12">>
<</link>>As soon as the door is closed, you hear a cheery voice:
<<di sd "Hello, $you.Namedis. Come on take a seat.">>
His smile is very charming. Overall, you can feel a compelling aura emanating from him like his presence demands to be listened to.
<<di sd "I've been receiving calls from our old partners...">>
His tone turns serious for a sec and your breath is bated.
<<di sd "...and they love you!! They're super pleased with your performance.">>
You let out a sigh of relief and a smile. It's not an everyday occurrence that you get a compliment on your... blowjob skill.
<span id="choice1">\
<<link "You're more than eager to prove it further to him">>
<<replace "#choice1">>\
<<di you "How about you have a taste to see how well they were treated, bossman?">>
You purr playfully but instead of reciprocation, you are met with... sternness?
<<di sd "Cocky, aren't cha? If I give you an inch, don't go and take a mile. So the answer is no.">>
Did you read that wrong? Or are you way deep into your sultry-secretary-who-is-having-affair-with-her-boss fantasy?
<<di sd "Alright, I've seen enough. Get back to work.">>
His voice is cold as he dismisses you. Fuck..., you really did make a wrong choice.
<<link "You finish the rest of the work day" "Go outside">>
<<set _temph = 16 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<set $you.sleep -= 4>>
<<set $you.hunger = 0>>
<<set $owork.totalhour += 8>>
<<set $owork.hourpw += 8>>
<<set $owork.stage = 105>>
<<link "Be humble about it">>
<<lust sd 1>>\
<<replace "#choice1">>\
<<di you "Shuck, thank you boss. Glad to hear I contribute something for our team. Though, it's not much...">>
<<di sd "Don't sell yourself short, buddy. From the moment I set my eyes on you, I knew I found a diamond in the rough.">>
His empowering words have a little bit of steel behind it daring anyone to defy his statement. You can only scratch your nape and mutter:
<<di you "Thank you, boss.">>
<<di sd "No thank you. Your work is appreciated here. I especially appreciate it very much, got it?">>
He gives you a wink which can mean anything at this point. Still, you blush.
<<di you "Got it!">>
<<di sd "Now get your ass back to work. I've phonecalls lining up.">>
Even though you can feel the distance between you and your boss only shortens a little, but it feels good to know that what you're doing is worth something. Personally, you can't wait to have more quality time with him again.
<<link "You finish the rest of the work day" "Go outside">>
<<set _temph = 16 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<set $you.sleep -= 4>>
<<set $you.hunger = 0>>
<<set $owork.totalhour += 8>>
<<set $owork.hourpw += 8>>
<<set $owork.stage = 105>>
</span>\Sitting inside the meeting room, you can still hear the muffled noise outside:
<<dio "Client 1" "...couldn't this be an email?">>
As the door opens, it's apparent that your request for a meeting is not appreciated as one of your clients has a scowl on his face. When you and Finn stand up to greet them, their expressions soften but they are still barely neutral.
<<dio "Client 2" "I admire your resilience but I said before we already have a partner in your sector.">>
Uh oh, this doesn't sound promising. Are you doomed to fail?
<<dio "Finn" "We're here to just have a more in-depth talk about our services. It doesn't hurt to have some more options open, does it?">>
<<dio "Client 1" "Listen, let's not waste...">>
Before he can even finish his sentence, Finn gets up and touches both of their temples. They immediately stop in their tracks and their body sags a little, though they still looks unhappy like their consciousnesses are fighting for control.
<<dio "Finn" "It's now all up to you, rookie.">>
<<link "Proceed" "Worksalesintrofuck21">>
<</link>><<scenechoices owork 1 0>>\
<<lust sales 1>>\
Since your team is not met with complete hospitality, you think you'll have to bring your 110% into this fuck in order for them to change their minds. So after unwrapping one of the clients, you use your tongue to charge up his soft cock until it's rock hard.
Regretfully detaching your mouth from that delicious piece of meat, you wantonly straddle him and then line his cock to your hole. Since you're fully prepped for today's meating, his large member slides effortlessly into you. Your client, despite being sedated, instinctively moves his hips as soon as his cock finds warmth.
<<video owork/salesfuck31.mp4>>
Now that he's taken care of, you proceed to guzzle the other client's dick too. With each jolt of your body from being fucked, you take his manhood deeper and deeper into your oral cavity.
<<video owork/salesfuck32.mp4>>
<<dio "Client 1" "Phh... ahhh...">>
Intelligible noises fly out of his mouth as he keeps on digging in your ass. Your job right now is turning your channel into your third lung, pulsing around him with each breath to ensure the maximum pleasure to be achieved. It takes most of your mental capacity to do that but you still refuse to forsake the other guy with the enthusiasm of your tongue.
<<video owork/salesfuck33.mp4>>
<<dio "Client 2" "MRGHHAHHHH!!">>
Animalistic sound rings out from him as he splayed his load over your cheeks and lips.
<<video you/youfacial29.mp4>>
You're overwhelmed and pushed over the edge with just a few strokes.
<<video you/youfuckcum8.mp4>>
<<dio "Client 1" "AARRRGGHHH!!!">>
Not long after, the other clients also roars and his cock spring out of your ass as it sprays hot lava of procreation.
<<video you/youbred21.mp4>>
<<if $gameends>>\
<<link "Back" "Oworkscenemenu">>
<<link "Then..." "Worksalestalk73">>
<</if>>\As you clean and button them up like nothing nefarious has just happened, Finn walks over to touch their temples. Now that you pay attention, you see the gem on Finn's ring glints and your clients appear to return to themselves but with cheeriness on their faces.
<<dio "Client 1" "Tell you what. I'd like to hear that proposal of yours.">>
Even Finn looks surprised at this change of heart.
<<dio "Finn" "Thank you for the opportunity, we'll begin shortly.">>
He then gives you a look of being impressed? You aren't sure.
<<link "On the way back" "Worksalestalk74">>
<</link>>As you two are on the car back, Finn breaks the silence:
<<dio "Finn" "I gotta say you exceeded my expectations back there. I anticipated them grudgingly agree to listen to our proposal, not with enthusiasm.">>
You've done quite a bit of fucking but getting praised for it like this is a rare occasion.
<<di you "Thanks, I guess? Just doing my part.">>
<<dio "Finn" "Careful, you are on your way to get noticed by our boss man if you keep this up.">>
<<di you "Is it a good or bad thing?">>
<<dio "Finn" "He's my boss so I'm obliged to say good.">>
<<di you "You're afraid that I'll take your job?">>
He looks at you and laughs.
<<dio "Finn" "You do have the nerves, but I'm not worried one bit.">>
Bah, you don't want the leader position anyway.
<<link "You finish the rest of the work day" "Go outside">>
<<set _temph = 16 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<set $you.sleep -= 4>>
<<set $you.hunger = 0>>
<<set $owork.totalhour += 8>>
<<set $owork.hourpw += 8>>
<<set $owork.stage = 108>>
• Prerequisite for secret endings: While he's drugged and you search his computer clicking on the sentence <b><u>There are a few drawers in the desk though.</u></b> to retrieve his journal
• Third ending: Hand the journal over to the police
• Fourth ending: Hand the journal back to the bully and choose to oppose his actions
• Final ending:
- Hand the journal back to the bully and choose to side with him
- Choose the option <b>There is a noise as you're cleaning</b> after a fuck in his house
• To make him hate you: Steal 3+ pairs of underwear before the first fuck
• Stranger ending:
- First date: Choose the option “Why? You can still get it now.”
- Second date: Choose the option “Why of course? My babe and I will accept your gracious offer.”
- Third date: Choose the option “Oh honey, yes I'm here for my boo. You jealous much?”
• Lover ending:
- First date: Choose the option “Hey, it's never too late. You can figure something out.”
- Second date: Choose the option “Thank you, but we're not a couple. Just two very good friends.”
- Third date: Choose the option "Let $cw.Name handle the situation"
• Towards the end, you'll get an offer to join the fair, don't sign your name immediately. After, there will be a extended conversation and you need to click on the sentence: <b><u>Why the hell does he keep calling you brother?</u></b>. Only then you can renegotiate your contract and you can sign your name to reach the good ending.
• The second meeting with the CEO (after you've done a few of clients' bonding trips), choose the option <b>Be humble about it</b>
• The third meeting with the CEO (after you've done the first sales trip), first choose the option <b>Act hesitant about it</b>, then next choose to <b>Accept</b> his offer
• The groceries run out every Sunday, so take a trip to the department store accordinglyYour work is interrupted with a message from the CEO's assistant.
<<dio "CEO's Assistant" "Hello, $you.Namedis. Mr. $sd.Name wants to meet you.">>
You probably look like a deer in front of a headlight because she presses on:
<<dio "CEO's Assistant" "Urgently. Like right now.">>
<<di you "Oh yes. I'll go immediately.">>
You stand up and walk briskly to his office with apprehension in your mind.
<<link "Enter the CEO's office" "Workbosstalk22">>
<</link>><<di sd "Hey $you.Namedis. Come on, settle down.">>
He points at the chair opposite to signal you to sit down which you do accordingly.
<<di sd "First, I would like to congratulate you on your first ever sale...">>
You perk up at that. You thought the first sale trip was going well but not that well.
<<di sd "...I mean it when I say I'm very impressed with your skill. We've been trying to persuade them for awhile and none succeeded until you…">>
It still feels a bit strange to be praised for your skill, especially your sex skill in the context like this, so you can only blush.
<<if $sd.lust == -2>>\
<<di sd "...Anyway, great works. This is just the first of many deals you'll close with our company. You don't plan to quit anytime soon, do you?">>
<<di you "...No?">>
<<di sd "Hahaha, good good. Alright, you can go back to your desk now.">>
Retreating from his office, you still ride on the high of the praise. You got your first deal!!!
<<link "You finish the rest of the work day" "Go outside">>
<<set _temph = 16 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<set $you.sleep -= 4>>
<<set $you.hunger = 0>>
<<set $owork.totalhour += 8>>
<<set $owork.hourpw += 8>>
<<di sd "...but, I called you here not only to congratulate you but I also have an offer. Are you interested?">>
As you are about to answer that question, you remember your sales leader's advice: Be coy.
<span id="choice1">\
<<link "Accept immediately">>
<<replace "#choice1">>\
<<di you "Of course.">>
You are internally jumping for joy since more chances to be near the smoking hot CEO is always a plus. His eyes squint and he gives you a measuring gaze.
<<di sd "That so?">>
<<di you "Anything for you, bossman.">>
He sighs.
<<di sd "Nevermind, maybe you aren't ready yet. Still, good job.">>
What? What went wrong?
<<di you "B-but...">>
<<di sd "Alright, you can go now. I've got mountains of work to finish.">>
He then busies himself with the paperwork. So you can't really just loiter around awkwardly like this. You leave his office, feeling like you've missed your chance at something great.
<<link "You finish the rest of the work day" "Go outside">>
<<set _temph = 16 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<set $you.sleep -= 4>>
<<set $you.hunger = 0>>
<<set $owork.totalhour += 8>>
<<set $owork.hourpw += 8>>
<<link "Act hesitant about it">>
<<replace "#choice1">>\
<<di you "I don't know. I've got a lot on my plate.">>
He gives you a grin like you are an interesting artifact in an exhibition.
<<di sd "Trust me. You will like this offer very much.">>
He then clears his throat and starts to look serious.
<<di sd "It may not look like it but my life is full of stress and lately it's been pretty bad...">>
Now that he says it, through the high maintained look he possesses you can see the vein in his temples popping, the shadow under his eyes. He really conceals his stress really well since you only ever saw him as a powerful and easy going being.
<<di sd "So I need someone to help relief all that stress, if you know what I mean.">>
<<di you "I see.">>
Thoughts are running wild through your mind. Does this mean you'll get close and personal with him?
<<di sd "Don't refuse just yet. Here take this, look through it and let me know your decision later. Okay, you can return to your desk.">>
You take the stack of papers and say goodbye to him.
As you're on your desk, you scan through the paper.
It doesn't say it but it looks like a contract for being a sugar baby to you. Your job will extends even over the office hours, you'll do tasks that helps the CEO relief stress (including but not limit to cooking meals, household chores, massages, etc.). In exchange, you'll be compensated fairly.
That doesn't seem that hard, you can think of some other activities that helps him release but none is appropriate. So your choice is:
<span id="choice2">\
<<link "Accept">>
<<lust sd 1>>\
<<replace "#choice2">>\
You can't imagine bearing the pressure of the whole company's livelihood. Thus, you mostly feel for him and truly want to take some weight off his shoulders. Though the bonus that comes with it doesn't hurt either.
You give him a ping over on the company chat software and say yes to the offer. He then gives you a "Great!!!" and a grin emoji back that makes you smile. You guess your work life has taken a turn for the better? Let's hope so.
<i><b>THINGS TO NOTE:</b>
Your boss passively gain 2 stress per day
You can reduce it by going to work, doing interactions related to him
If his stress reaches 10, you'll reach the bad ending with him
<<link "You finish the rest of the work day" "Workbosstalk23">>
<<set _temph = 16 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<set $you.sleep -= 4>>
<<set $you.hunger = 0>>
<<set $owork.totalhour += 8>>
<<set $owork.hourpw += 8>>
<<link "Refuse">>
<<replace "#choice2">>\
Nah, it's best that you keep your relationship with him strictly professional. You send him a message via company chat software and he seems unfazed by your refusal. That reaction is definitely better than the fury of rejection.
Oh well, you still got your current job to do now.
<<link "You finish the rest of the work day" "Go outside">>
<<set _temph = 16 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<set $you.sleep -= 4>>
<<set $you.hunger = 0>>
<<set $owork.totalhour += 8>>
<<set $owork.hourpw += 8>>
<</if>>\<<set $you.cc = 1>>\
As people streams out of workplace at dusk, you see $sd.Name walking over to your desk
<<di sd "Hey, thanks again for taking up the offer. Here.">>
He then gives you a black titanium card.
<<di sd "You can have my credit card to buy anything you need. I will stay at work for a few more hours and hope to receive a home cooked meal when I get home. That's good to you?">>
@@.add;Black credit card acquired <i>(ability to buy most of the products without spending your own money)</i>@@
Damn, your new job has already started?
<<di you "Sure, but I don't know where you live.">>
You hear a ping from your phone.
<<di sd "I sent you the address and when you get there just tell the doorman my name and he'll send you up.">>
<<di you "Alright, but I have to warn you: I'm not a good cook.">>
For real though, you can't even recall the last time you ever cooked. He only chuckles:
<<di sd "Don't worry, I'm not picky. See you at home.">>
He really should worry about it. Let's pray that you don't burn down his kitchen.
First thing first, you should take a trip to the department store to get some groceries.
<<link "Leave work" "Go outside">>
<<set $sd.stage = 101>>\
<</link>><<image sdhome.jpg>>
Looking at the address, you know he lives in one the most luxury high rise apartment blocks in downtown. However, knowing him owning the only penthouse of the whole building is another matter. After gawking at the size of his home, you finally collect yourself enough to begin cooking in his pristine and giant kitchen.
<<link "An hour passes" "SDdinner12">>
<<set _m = 60 - $minute>>
<<set _h = 20 - $hour >>
<<pressminute add _m>>
<<presshour add _h>>
<</link>>You didn't burn down his apartment, thank god. You taste test the mac and cheese that you sweated almost an hour over. It tastes... funny, but not bad per se. Well, it's too late now because you hear the sound of footsteps at the door.
<<di sd "I'm home.">>
Hearing a man saying that to you after you just finished making a meal makes you feel like a real housewife and when you see him smiling at you through his tired face, your inside gets extra mushy.
<<di you "Hope you're hungry because I'm making mac and cheese.">>
<<di sd "Yum. My favorite.">>
<<di you "Go on, change. I'll prepare the table.">>
<<di sd "Ohhh, bossy.">>
He follows your direction though and goes inside his master bedroom to change. When you're done plating, you also notice him in his casual clothes which you have never seen this side before - relaxed, non threatening and un-boss-like.
<<di sd "Okay, I'm starving, Let's dive right in, shall we?">>
He sits and grabs his bowl. You watch in anticipation as he takes the first bite. He freezes mid chew, then takes a brief pause like he's trying to process something then continues chewing once he notices your hawk-like attention. He swallows loudly.
<<di sd "Ummm... It's… ahhh good...">>
You have never seen this businessman this hesitant before. Goddamn it, your food is horrid.
<<di you "Damn, my food tastes bad, huh?">>
<<di sd "No no no... It's good… See.">>
He then proceeds to shovel the mac into his mouth like a savage. With a mouthful of food, he tells you:
<<di sd "Yummy...">>
<<di you "Hahahahahaha...">>
You can't help it but burst out laughing. Him trying to reassure you is both ridiculous and cute. He's a man of his words though since he finishes the whole bowl.
<<di you "You want some more? There is still some left.">>
You grin mischievously at him.
<<di sd "Oh, no no. I'm full. Thank you.">>
He replies wide-eyedly. The man clearly wants no more of your horrible meal.
<<di sd "Seriously, thank you though. I love having a home cooked meal, it reminds me of my mom.">>
He mumbles and the steely business edge of him softens along with it.
<<di you "Where is she now if you don't mind me asking?">>
<<di sd "Oh no worry. She's cruising all over the world, must be somewhere on the Mediterranean sea right now.">>
<<di you "Oh that's nice, maybe you should follow her steps sometimes. You know, to unwind.">>
<<di sd "Maybe, someday.">>
He looks at you wistfully and that makes you hot all over.
<<di you "Though I may not be there to complete your relaxing time.">>
You remember the advice from Finn: be coy.
<<di sd "That so? Cuz I've been described as irresistible.">>
<<di you "Well look like the irresistible finally meets its match.">>
He smirks at you like it's a challenge.
<<di sd "Looks like it.">>
The rest of the evening, you can say, is spent in good company. You can get used to this kind of life.
<<lust sd 1>>\
<<sus sd -1>>\
<<link "Leave his home" "Go outside">>
<<set $sd.stage = 103>>
<<set $you.hunger = 0>>
<</link>><<image sdhome.jpg>>
You enter his home and proceed to cook up a storm. You're smarter and this time around and follow an online recipe.
$sd.Name praises your food and it seems sincere, so you guess your stay-at-home husband skills have improved.
<<lust sd 1 5>>\
<<sus sd -1>>\
<<if $sd.stage >= 104>>\
<<if $sd.lust == 5>>\
<<set _title = "Then...">>\
<<set _title = "Proceed to the massage">>\
<<link _title>>
<<set _m = 60 - $minute>>
<<set _h = 20 - $hour >>
<<pressminute add _m>>
<<presshour add _h>>
<<if $sd.lust == 5>>
<<goto "SDmassage11">>
<<elseif $sd.lust == 6>>
<<goto "SDmassage21">>
<<elseif $sd.lust == 7>>
<<goto "SDmassage31">>
<<elseif $sd.lust == 8>>
<<goto "SDmassage41">>
<<elseif $sd.lust == 9>>
<<goto "SDmassage51">>
<<goto "SDmassage61">>
You have a chat with him all through the evening and he appears quite unstressed. That's a win!
<<if $sd.lust < 5>>\
<<link "Leave his home" "Go outside">>
<<presshour add 1>>
<<set $you.hunger = 0>>
<<link "Then..." "SDdinner31">>
<<presshour add 1>>
<<set $you.hunger = 0>>
<</if>>\As you look at him, despite being in a resting mode, you can still detect the hint of stiffness in his posture.
<<di you "Say, I think you can use a massage.">>
He glances at you curiously:
<<di sd "You know how to give a proper massage?">>
<<di you "Maybe, I don't know.">>
<<di sd "You don't seem that enthused at the prospect of touching my body?">>
He waggles his eyebrows at that.
<<di you "Alright, massage is off the table.">>
<<di sd "Okay, okay,... pretty please?">>
He sighs exasperatedly.
<<di you "...Fine, but not tonight. I need to get some supply.">>
Be coy, you gotta be coy. He grins like he just wins something.
<<di sd "Looking forward to it.">>
Looks like you have to buy some <b>massage oil from the department store</b> then.
<<link "Leave his home" "Go outside">>
<<set $sd.stage = 104>>
<</link>><<scenechoices owork 1 0>>\
As you finish loading up the dishwasher. You see $sd.Name lounging on his couch.
<<di you "How about that massage?">>
<<di sd "Oh? Great! Just so you know, I've never gotten a massage before.">>
You're about to pop his massage cherry, it seems. Well, at least he doesn't know better to be disappointed by your skill.
In order for the massage to happen, you two move to his bedroom. He proceeds to undress and you avert your eyes, despite your curiosity gnawing at your brain, it still feels a bit inappropriate to perv on your boss for now.
When your gaze returns to him, he's already laying face down with a towel over his bum. You spend a minute or two admiring the definitions on his back and the impressive glutes of this fine man before warming the massage oil with your hand.
As your hands touch his shoulders, you can feel his body letting go and surrendering to your caress. You knead and squeeze according to the video guide you found online. It seems to work because you can hear soft groans of pleasure coming from him.
<<video owork/sdmassage11.mp4>>
After 30 minutes, your hands feel a bit sore from all the massaging and you're a little erected from feeling up all the hard muscles in his body. Thus, you decide to be coy and conclude the session.
<<di you "Alright. I'm done.">>
<<di sd "Uh..., oh? Thanks, that was really good.">>
It sounds like he is startled awake by your words. Damn, you're really that good?
<<di you "No problem. Happy boss, happy life.">>
His smile answers yours.
<<lust sd 1>>\
<<sus sd -1>>\
<<if $gameends>>\
<<link "Back" "SDscenemenu">>
<<link "Leave his home" "Go outside">>
<<set $you.hunger = 0>>
<<set $sd.stage = 106>>
<</if>>\<<image departmentstore1.jpg>>
Browsing the store, you stumble upon the sex toy section (which is conveniently next to where the massage oil is). As you look through all the pleasure contraptions known to man, you honestly want to clear the whole aisle but in the end, you chicken out and only get the pocket pussy.
<<link "Back" "Department store">>
<<set $sd.stage = 105>>
<</link>>As you put your your hand in labor, he starts the conversation:
<<di sd "I'm not sure you're properly trained. Regardless, you really have the knack for this.">>
<<di you "Hmmph, really?">>
<<di sd "Truly, this is the most relaxed I've ever felt.">>
<<di you "You're for real or just saying this only because you're in a compromised position and I can kill you with my bare hand right now?">>
Laughter rumbles through his body.
<<di sd "Hahahaha, I'd like to see that you try.">>
He says that with utmost confidence and you're just a little kitten hissing non-threateningly. You pout and instead of cutting off his oxygen intake, you put some extra force into your massaging to punish him.
<<lust sd 1>>\
<<sus sd -1>>\
<<link "Leave his home" "Go outside">>
<<set $you.hunger = 0>>
<</link>><<scenechoices owork 1 0>>\
Another night, another massage session. You grow more comfortable and instead of doing only his upper body, you now move to his lower body too. His thighs under your hands feel like solid beams of steel. You can't help but conjure up the image of being smothered between his two tree trunks in your mind. Your skull undoubtedly would be easily crushed but it'd be the perfect death.
<<video owork/sdmassage21.mp4>>
You discreetly adjust your hard cock while muttering internally to yourself repeatedly: "Don't perv on your boss, don't perv on your boss..."
Thankfully, the rest of the session is done without you going completely berserk from pent up lust.
<<lust sd 1>>\
<<sus sd -1>>\
<<if $gameends>>\
<<link "Back" "SDscenemenu">>
<<link "Leave his home" "Go outside">>
<<set $you.hunger = 0>>
<</if>>\<<scenechoices owork 1 0>>\
It looks like massage is part of your job now since he requests another session. As you do the whole of his backside, you're holding to a thread of sanity since feeling up the body of a hunk of a man is making you horny as fuck. Especially now that the towel is riding up, you can see a hint of his cock and it's proportional to his huge body.
<<video owork/sdmassage31.mp4>>
When you're counting to a thousand to distract yourself, he suddenly flips his body around and is now laying face up. Since you're not a dumbass, you proceed to knead his upper front per his request.
<<video owork/sdmassage32.mp4>>
It's hard to concentrate too since his bulge is taunting you but Finn's words echo in your head: Be coy. Thus, you gotta stay strong and finish another session with aching blue balls.
<<lust sd 1>>\
<<sus sd -1>>\
<<if $gameends>>\
<<link "Back" "SDscenemenu">>
<<link "Leave his home" "Go outside">>
<<set $sd.stage = 107>>
<<set $you.hunger = 0>>
<</if>>\<<scenechoices owork 1 0>>\
<<lust sd 1>>\
<<sus sd -1>>\
You're now used to the feeling of being hard while massaging him. You work on his large pecs and his muscles ripple against your touch.
You then move toward his thigh messaging them with utmost care and professionalism as you can muster up.
<<video owork/sdmassage41.mp4>>
It also appears that apart from the relaxation, your massaging also does something to his libido since his erection is tenting the towel on his groin.
<<video owork/sdmassage42.mp4>>
At this point, you're not that stupid to pass up such a big chance:
<<di you "May I?">>
You ask lowly, his eyes open and you can feel the surge of heat from his gaze. He gives you a nod and that's all you need before removing the final barrier - the towel - to what you have been anticipating for a while: A close and personal session with his dick.
<<if $gameends>>\
<<link "Back" "SDscenemenu">>
<<link "Proceed" "SDhj11">>
<<presshour add 1>>
<</if>>\<<scenechoices owork 1 0>>\
You once overheard your colleagues describing $sd.Name as having big dick energy. Damn right they were as you admire the thick throbbing tool in front of you. You grasp tentatively and his rod feels like the soft burning iron that is ready to be molded into a sharp sword.
<<video owork/sdhj11.mp4>>
<<di sd "Come on, I want more.">>
He urges, you can detect the slight note of impatience from his voice. Luckily, you have an appetite for bossiness, so you heed his order and proceed to pump his cock. Like your massage, you start off leisurely at first focusing on mapping out the shape of his manhood and discovering what makes him tick.
<<video owork/sdhj12.mp4>>
<<di sd "Shhhit... yyyeah!">>
He doesn't know that you still have a secret weapon - the pocket pussy you purchased along with the massage oil. You bring it out and then put it to work immediately on his already lubed up shaft.
<<video owork/sdhj13.mp4>>
<<di sd "Gahh... what?">>
Once he realizes that it's just a pocket pussy, he lays back again and lets himself go. The squelching sounds get louder and faster the more you work on his length until you hear his warning.
<<di sd "I'm... fffffuckkkk...">>
Then his cock blasts off sending jets of cum flying and splattering all over his body.
<<video owork/sdhj1cum.mp4>>
<<di you "Are you feeling relaxed, boss?">>
He huffs and puffs for a bit before answering:
<<di sd "Very. Thanks...">>
Now that you've seen him cumming, you'd obviously like to see more. However, Finn's words echo in your mind: Be coy. So you make no further advancement afterward.
<<if $gameends>>\
<<link "Back" "SDscenemenu">>
<<link "Leave his home" "Go outside">>
<<set $you.hunger = 0>>
<<set $sd.stage = 111>>
<</if>>\<<set _random = random(1,6)>>\
<<if _random == 1>>\
<<video owork/sdmassage11.mp4>>
<<elseif _random == 2>>\
<<video owork/sdmassage21.mp4>>
<<elseif _random == 3>>\
<<video owork/sdmassage31.mp4>>
<<elseif _random == 4>>\
<<video owork/sdmassage32.mp4>>
<<elseif _random == 5>>\
<<video owork/sdmassage41.mp4>>
<<video owork/sdmassage42.mp4>>
<<sus sd -1>>\
You've just finished another successful massage session. What deems it "successful"? His flagging erection.
<<link "Give him a handjob" "SDhj21">>
<<presshour add 1>>
<<if $sd.stage >= 121>>\
<<link "Give him a blowjob" "SDbj21">>
<<presshour add 1>>
<</if>>\<<scenechoices owork 1 0>>\
<<lust sd 1 15>>\
<<sus sd -1>>\
After his nod of affirmation, you get right down to the nitty gritty and use your oiled up hand to grab his manhood. He moans a little from pleasure as you deliberately jerk him off.
<<video owork/sdhj21.mp4>>
<<if $sd.lust >= 15 and not hasVisited("SDbj11") and not $gameends>>\
As you're getting more comfortable with him, your greed for him grows.
<<link "He then gives you an order" "SDbj11">>
From the first time, you know he enjoys the pocket pussy. Thus, after a few minutes of jacking, you bring it out and start enveloping his dick with the toy. Now, he truly groans and starts taking a more active stance and fucking the silicone vessel. The feeling of it shrinking and inflating with each of his thrust is so erotic that your cock and ass throb at the thought of being fucked by it.
<<video owork/sdhj22.mp4>>
<<di sd "Sssshit... I'm COMING!!!!">>
He growls and erupts ropes of viscous jizz like a volcano. The sight of a gorgeous man reaching orgasm is such a huge turn-on that it pains your blue balls even more. Still, you gotta be coy about it.
<<video owork/sdhj2cum.mp4>>
<<if $gameends>>\
<<link "Back" "SDscenemenu">>
<<link "Leave his home" "Go outside">>
<<set $you.hunger = 0>>
<<if $sd.lust == 14>>
<<set $sd.stage = 112>>
<</if>>\<<scenechoices owork 1 0>>\
<<di sd "You can use your mouth if you want.">>
Your hand freezes. Finally, you've waited too long for this.
<<di you "Anything for my boss.">>
Immediately after answering him, your mouth proceeds to engulf his length as much as it can since he's quite hefty.
<<video owork/sdbj11.mp4>>
Feeling the warmth of your mouth, he hisses pleasurably:
<<di sd "Fffuck yeah... Suck on that dick...">>
Even without his encouragement, you'd gladly do it since you're meant to be servicing men one way or another. Your tongue laps at the precum oozing out from his slit and tastes its tanginess. Your neck strains from going up and down and still you're unable to take his length fully.
<<video owork/sdbj12.mp4>>
As you are exercising your mouth, you can see that his thigh muscles are taut while he's completely still. It's like he's holding back from completely demolishing your kisser with his thrusts. Appreciating his restraint, you amp up the effort as well as the speed of which you're blowing him until his scream:
<<di sd "ARGGHHHHH!!!">>
His shaft pulsates like a living, breathing thing and sends pearly strings of male essence soaring. His body also shakes as he delivers the last of his load onto his abdomen.
<<video you/youfacial31.mp4>>
<<if $gameends>>\
<<link "Back" "SDscenemenu">>
<<link "Then..." "SDbj12">>
<</if>>\<<di sd "That was fucking amazing. Thank you.">>
He sounds genuine and you love being appreciated.
<<di you "Hope that helps alleviate some of your stress.">>
<<di sd "Oh absolutely. I rarely get to release sexually like this.">>
That puzzles you, a rich bachelor like him usually has throngs of both men and women tripping over themselves just to have a shot with him.
<<di you "Really? No one has tried before?">>
<<di sd "Many have, but I guess I wasn't interested. Frankly my life revolves around my work and I rarely ever thought about sex, if ever at all...">>
He admits and you can see a glimpse of vulnerability.
<<di sd "However, you seem to unlock that carnal part of me that I thought had been dead for a while. So..., thanks.">>
He gives you a grin and you almost melt at his radiant handsomeness. However, you persevere and remain coy:
<<di you "That will cost ya, boss.">>
<<di sd "Hahahaha, by all means, use my card to spend on anything you want. I don't mind.">>
He seems amused and indulgent rather than annoyed. You smile internally, it feels like you have become a great friend to him instead of just an employee.
<<link "Leave his home" "Go outside">>
<<set $you.hunger = 0>>
<<set $sd.stage = 121>>
<</link>><<scenechoices owork 1 0>>\
<<lust sd 1 20>>\
<<sus sd -1>>\
Now that you've done it, you don't hesitate to swallow his manhood. The first taste is always explosive with the salt from the skin combined with the tanginess from his pre. You will never be bored of it and thus, you suck and hollow your cheeks to draw out all of his essence.
<<video owork/sdbj21.mp4>>
Continuing blowing him, you feel the nudge of his cock against the back of your throat. Unlike the first time, he doesn't hold back anymore and fucks your mouth, albeit not too savagely. With his help, you've taken more of his length into your mouth.
<<video owork/sdbj22.mp4>>
His moans grow louder and bigger until he shouts:
<<di sd "FFFFFFUCKKK...!!">>
He shoots deep down your your throat with his syrupy cum and some of it lands on your tongue. The taste of it is not sweet per se but still absolutely divine. Your dick aches as you bask in the flavor of his jizz.
<<video you/youswallow01.mp4>>
<<if $gameends>>\
<<link "Back" "SDscenemenu">>
<<link "Leave his home" "Go outside">>
<<set $you.hunger = 0>>
<<if $sd.lust == 20>>
<<set $sd.stage = 122>>
<<set $scenepicked = false>>
<<if setup.ws.SDmassage11>><<link "First massage session" "SDmassage11">><</link>><<else>><<link "==First massage session==">><</link>><</if>> <<if setup.ws.SDmassage31>><<link "Third massage session" "SDmassage31">><</link>><<else>><<link "==Third massage session==">><</link>><</if>> <<if setup.ws.SDmassage41>><<link "Fourth massage session" "SDmassage41">><</link>><<else>><<link "==Fourth massage session==">><</link>><</if>> <<if setup.ws.SDmassage51>><<link "Fifth massage session" "SDmassage51">><</link>><<else>><<link "==Fifth massage session==">><</link>><</if>>
<<if setup.ws.SDhj11>><<link "First handjob" "SDhj11">><</link>><<else>><<link "==First handjob==">><</link>><</if>> <<if setup.ws.SDhj21>><<link "Regular handjob" "SDhj21">><</link>><<else>><<link "==Regular handjob==">><</link>><</if>>
<<if setup.ws.SDbj11>><<link "First blowjob at home" "SDbj11">><</link>><<else>><<link "==First blowjob at home==">><</link>><</if>> <<if setup.ws.SDbj21>><<link "Regular blowjob at home" "SDbj21">><</link>><<else>><<link "==Regular blowjob at home==">><</link>><</if>> <<if setup.ws.SDbj31>><<link "First blowjob at the office" "SDbj31">><</link>><<else>><<link "==First blowjob at the office==">><</link>><</if>> <<if setup.ws.SDbj41>><<link "Regular blowjob at the office" "SDbj41">><</link>><<else>><<link "==Regular blowjob at the office==">><</link>><</if>>
<<if setup.ws.SDend11>><<link "<b>Bad ending</b>" "SDend11">><</link>><<else>><<link "==<b>Bad ending</b>==">><</link>><</if>>
<<link "Back" "Memoriesmenu">><</link>>- <i>sugar and spice and everything nice</i>
<<if $sd.stage == 101>>\
• Go get the groceries from the department store
<<elseif $sd.stage == 102>>\
• Visit $sd.Name's home and make him a home-made meal (18:00-20:59)
<<elseif $sd.stage == 103>>\
• Visit $sd.Name's home and make him a home-made meal (18:00-20:59)
<<elseif $sd.stage == 104>>\
• Acquire massage oil from the department store
<<elseif $sd.stage == 105>>\
• Offer him the first massage after dinner (18:00-20:59)
<<elseif $sd.stage == 106>>\
• Offer him a massage after dinner (18:00-20:59)
<<elseif $sd.stage == 107>>\
• Offer him a massage after dinner (18:00-20:59)
• During the massage, something exciting may happen
<<elseif $sd.stage == 111>>\
• Give him handjob after the massage (18:00-20:59)
<<elseif $sd.stage == 112>>\
• Give him handjob after the massage (18:00-20:59)
• Something more exciting happens during the handjob
<<elseif $sd.stage == 121>>\
• Give him blowjob after the massage (18:00-20:59)
<<elseif $sd.stage == 122>>\
• Take a meeting with him during working hour (8:00 - 9:59, Mon to Fri)
<<elseif $sd.stage == 131>>\
• Give him a blowjob during working hour (8:00 - 9:59, Mon to Fri)
• <b>TBC</b>
<<elseif $sd.stage == 132>>\
• Give him a blowjob during working hour (8:00 - 9:59, Mon to Fri)
• <b>TBC</b>
<<if $sd.stage >= 102 and $sd.groc == 0>>\
• Go replenish the groceries at the department store
<</if>>\<<scenechoices owork 1 0>>\
<<if not $gameends>>\
<<set $you.cc = 0>>\
@@.title;BAD ENDING@@
<<image sdhome.jpg>>
Turning on the lights, you get scared shitless by the presence of $sd.Name who is sitting on the couch gloomingly.
<<di sd "Sit, we need to talk.">>
He says with weariness in his voice. You take a good look him and see that the bags under his eyes seems to be darker. His hand squeezing his temple possibly emphasizes on the stress he's been having.
<<di sd "You've been neglecting your work and I'm not just talking about work in office.">>
You duck your neck a little, it is true that you've been quite preoccupied with other stuffs in your life.
<<di you "Sorry, like I said. I got a lot on my plate right now.">>
He doesn't strike you as the one who indulge in vague excuses.
<<di sd "You understand how many people will jump through fire just to have the opportunity like you had? A lot, both men and women. However, you don't seem appreciative just one bit.">>
You start to panic a little, this feels too final for your liking.
<<di you "I'm sorry, okay? I was distracted and...">>
He shakes his head.
<<di sd "Stop. I don't give out second chances. You can still keep the job at the office but the offer that I gave you is now off the table. Please hand over my credit card.">>
Now you're panicking for real.
<<di you "But, I want this. I want you.">>
It seems a little pathetic to say it and he probably thinks so from the look of annoyed disdain on his face.
<<di sd "My card. Now. Afterwards, you can leave.">>
The longer you stand there the more you feel something like anger builds inside him. So, you hand over his back credit card over with difficulty.
<<if not $gameends>>\
@@.minus;Black credit card lost@@
<<di you "I'm sorry.">>
His face is stone cold as he gives you nothing more. You guess this is it then.
<<if $gameends>>\
<<link "Back" "SDscenemenu">>
<<link "<b>Continue to the game</b>" "Go outside">><<set $sd.stage = -1>><</link>>
<<link "<b>Finish the game and go to gallery</b>" "Memoriesmenu">><<set $gameends = true>><</link>>
<</if>>\<<image sdhome.jpg>>
Scanning through his fridge you realize that there's nothing good left inside. Time to make a grocery trip to the department store.
<<link "Leave his home" "Go outside">>
<</link>>You got summoned to the CEO's office once more. As you enter, you see him talking with another man.
<<dio "Man" "...anything you say, boss. I'll sort it out.">>
The man smiles and you can admit he's quite attractive. Though, when he senses your presence in the room, his radiance dims.
<<di sd "Oh, $you.Namedis? Alright thank you, Vance. You can go now.">>
<<dio "Vance" "Okay, let me know if you need my further help.">>
He resumes smiling towards his boss and appears eager.
<<di sd "Of course, thanks.">>
As Vance turns to the door to exit, you can feel a cold, unfriendly look from him. That puzzles you since this is one of the rare occasions where someone appears unkind towards you. Regardless, you don't give it much thought since $sd.Name is sitting there like a king in his throne - looking absolutely regal and delicious.
<<di sd "You know why I called you here?">>
You duck your neck a little, that sounds serious.
<<di you "I'm not sure. No.">>
He throws a stack of papers on the table towards you.
<<di sd "All these numbers in your reports are all wrong.">>
He scowls, the vein on his temple throbbing. You check the numbers on the report and you don't remember them either. The file has been altered somehow.
<<di you "Are you sure this is the file I submitted? I swear I made sure all the numbers were correct.">>
<<di sd "This is the final file that you sent to me. You know I need our team to be a well-oiled machine. Your mistake is like a huge wrench in our engine because it is basic work and a completely unnecessary error.">>
<<di you "I can assure you that this wasn't the file I submitted.">>
His scowl deepens.
<<di sd "Regardless, I still received this completely wrong file. You also know that I don't need the stress of having to worry about everyone's work, don't you?">>
<<sus sd 2>>\
It sucks being criticized and it sucks even more being criticized for something you didn't do. Still, you don't think your excuse will fly with him so you keep your mouth shut. He then lets out a sigh:
<<di sd "Since I had to fix your mistakes, would you do something to make up for me?">>
His voice takes on a more heated tone.
<<di you "What exactly do you have in mind?">>
<<di sd "Help me relieve some stress with your mouth, will you?">>
You smirk at him.
<<di you "Gladly.">>
<<link "Getting down on your knees" "SDbj31">>
<<set $sd.vstage = 101>>
<</link>><<scenechoices owork 1 0>>\
<<lust sd 1>>\
<<sus sd -1>>\
On the other side of the desk, you crouch down to unzip his bulging slacks. He's already excited from the way his erection tenting his underwear. From this position, you can smell his cologne mixed in with the musk from his now exposed member. You give his hard dick a lick and the salty taste explodes in your mouth, so much so you begin feasting on his cock like a starved man.
<<video owork/sdbj31.mp4>>
Your blowjob is interrupted by a ringtone.
<<di sd "$sd.Name speaking,...">>
He then gives you the signal with his finger to continue while listening to the phone call. Of course, you can play that game. Despite your effort, he still is quite composed and there is no hitch in his voice when you have his cock in your mouth. It is quite admirable really but this is a slight insult to your skill. Thus, you take this moment to deepthroat him fully.
<<di sd "...it's SSSSSSSsss… spectacular.">>
He hisses most likely from pleasure and glares at you without heat. You smile at him naughtily before resuming your deep throating.
<<video owork/sdbj32.mp4>>
<<di sd "...right, thanks for letting me know.">>
He hangs up and then tells you.
<<di sd "Now...">>
He starts using his hips to fuck your mouth like it's a punishment for that little stunt you pulled on him. After a few minutes of you just taking it, he's finally reaching his boiling point and shouts:
<<di sd "Ffffffuckkkk...!!!">>
He groans and unloads his load all over your face as you gasp in the scent of his cum seeping deep into your skin.
<<video you/youfacial07.mp4>>
<<if $gameends>>\
<<link "Back" "SDscenemenu">>
<<link "You finish the rest of the work day" "Go outside">>
<<set $sd.stage = 131>>
<<set _temph = 16 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<set $you.sleep -= 4>>
<<set $you.hunger = 0>>
<<set $owork.totalhour += 8>>
<<set $owork.hourpw += 8>>
<</if>>\<<scenechoices owork 1 0>>\
<<lust sd 1 25>>\
<<sus sd -1>>\
It looks like you're permitted to disturb the company's CEO at any time you want now. Since you knock on the door and poke your head in, He doesn't scowl at you but signals for you to come in. There is only one thing on your mind when you step foot inside the office. Passing through his desk, you proceed on your knees in front of him. No words were exchanged but you can feel a thousand words from his heated gaze so you proceed to undo his trouser's button.
<<video owork/sdbj41.mp4>>
<<if random(1,2) == 1>>\
He resumes the business phone call while you do unspeakable things to him.\
He returns his focus back to his computer while you do unspeakable things to him.\
His member, unlike its owner, pops up enthusiastically against your touch. A large drop of pre pooling over his slit gets swiped up quickly by your tongue. Did he eat pineapple because it tastes amazing or maybe you're just that crazy about him? Regardless, you never leave an erection unsucked, thus you slobber all over him like a wild beast.
<<video owork/sdbj42.mp4>>
In spite of your enthusiasm, he remains stoic and business as usual. Therefore, you proceed to deepthroat him. This time though, he seems prepared and there is barely a reaction from him - a slight hitch in his breathing. With his lack of reaction, the blowjob seems much longer than usual until you feel his grip on your shoulder signaling his pending release.
He grunts lowly and unleashes his seed all over your lips and cheeks. It takes him almost no time to recover and zip up his pants like nothing ever happens. Meanwhile, you're out of breath, disheveled and there are streaks of cum drying on your face.
<<video you/youfacial32.mp4>>
<<if $gameends>>\
<<link "Back" "SDscenemenu">>
<<link "You finish the rest of the work day" "Go outside">>
<<if $sd.lust == 25>>
<<set $sd.stage = 132>>
<<set _temph = 16 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<set $you.sleep -= 4>>
<<set $you.hunger = 0>>
<<set $owork.totalhour += 8>>
<<set $owork.hourpw += 8>>
<</if>>\Double-click this passage to edit it.You check the file over and over again. It is definitely correct this time and there's no mistaking it. You press the send email button. There's absolutely no way you can get scolded again.
When you're about to leave work, you receive a message from $sd.Name:
"Wrong file, again. What did I tell you?"
No fucking way. Something fishy is definitely going on. Still, work time's over but you'll need to do some more sleuthing on this matter for sure.
<<link "You finish the rest of the work day" "Go outside">>
<<set $sd.vstage = 103>>
<<set _temph = 16 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<set $you.sleep -= 4>>
<<set $you.hunger = 0>>
<<set $owork.totalhour += 8>>
<<set $owork.hourpw += 8>>
<</link>>This time around, you make sure once more that the file is one hundred percent correct and press send. You immediately message $sd.Name:
"Have you received my file yet?"
"? I don't see any file"
Weird, in this day and age emails usually take seconds to arrive. You wait for 5 more minutes and receive another text:
"I got it and it's wrong again."
Something is definitely up. Now you send the file via your work chat room.
"Okay I got the file and it appears correct this time."
"I think something is wrong with my email. I sent you the right file, but somehow it was altered to a different one."
"Huh? Really? I suppose you're not purposefully trying to piss me off with all these wrong files then."
"Of course not."
"Anyway, try to figure it out yourself, maybe ask IT about it."
Okay, it's strange that you had no problem sending files before. The issues seem to only happen very recently and only when sent to the CEO. That's definitely pelicular.
<<link "You finish the rest of the work day" "Go outside">>
<<set $sd.vstage = 104>>
<<set _temph = 16 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<set $you.sleep -= 4>>
<<set $you.hunger = 0>>
<<set $owork.totalhour += 8>>
<<set $owork.hourpw += 8>>
<</link>>You sent a request to the IT department to check your computer and surprise surprise the support guy is the same one you met before the first blowjob you gave $sd.Name. He left quite a lasting impression since you still remember him, though his name escapes you. Even now, he doesn't appear particularly thrilled at your presence:
<<dio "IT Guy" "What's wrong?">>
Still you smile sweetly at him:
<<di you "I'm not sure. Somehow the files from my emails get altered somehow.">>
His eyes widen at that but he quickly hides it. The reaction is subtle but doesn't escape your sharp eyes.
<<dio "IT Guy" "Let me see.">>
He then goes through your PC and then sends a test email to his own address. Still you can feel some sort of weird jittery energy from him.
<<dio "IT Guy" "Things look fine to me. There's nothing wrong with your computer.">>
<<di you "Really? Let me send another email to the CEO.">>
You then attach a file to the email to your boss and click on send. At the same time, you shot him a notification on work chat.
"Have you received my email yet?"
His response is brisk but you can't fault a busy man
<<di you "See that's another problem. Somehow, the emails to him don't arrive immediately. I don't know what's wrong.">>
Though, it's subtle but you notice a nervous gulp from him.
<<dio "IT Guy" "I don't know either. Let me check the system.">>
He then run back to his station like there's a ghost hot on his heels. You squint your eyes, something about this guy is nudging your bullshit alarm. Not a minute after, you get another message from your boss:
"Got it."
Huh? How convenient, when the IT guy disappears, the email somehow arrives. Then, the IT guy returns to you with an apologetic look on his face.
<<dio "IT Guy" "Sorry, but the system is overloaded, things like this happen sometimes.">>
<<di you "So that means the IT team can control what goes in and out of our email inbox?">>
His eyes pop at this question.
<<dio "IT Guy" "NO...! No of course... Def not. Everything is automatic these days. Tech is a fickle mistress, sometimes weird things happen with no logical reasoning whatsoever.">>
Your bullshit alarm has gone fully off now. Still, you act sweet, close your distance to him and touch his chest.
<<di you "Well thank you,...?">>
There is no denying he is affected by you through his blush and the no eye contact.
<<dio "Vance" "Vance, my name is Vance.">>
<<di you "Thank you, Vance. I don't know how I can manage without your help.">>
He gulps with difficulty, his finger pries at his collar like he's nervous about something.
<<dio "Vance" "No problem… ummm... That's my job.">>
<<di you "Right, if I can 'help' you in anyway...">>
You make sure to purr the word 'help' and you put your lips close to his ear and whisper:
<<di you "... just let me know.">>
He jumps away from you like your touches and words burn him especially from how beet red he looks right now.
<<dio "Vance" "T-thanks..., I'll get back to work now.">>
He then makes a dash back to his own cubicle. As you sit down and ponder, something in your consciousness tells you you need to do some spying after work. There is definitely something nefarious happening and you need to make sense of it.
<<link "Your investigation continues" "Workinv32">>
<<set _temph = 16 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<set $you.sleep -= 4>>
<<set $you.hunger = 0>>
<<set $owork.totalhour += 8>>
<<set $owork.hourpw += 8>>
<</link>>You'd never thought you'd have to do investigation work when you first took this job but here we are. After some sweet talkings, you're able to access the camera room from the security. Your office is not one of those that forces people into doing overtime so it looks deserted now after working hours.
A few minutes of waiting passes until you notice something, or rather someone enters your cubicle. That someone looks suspiciously like Vance from IT. You knew it, something was definitely up with that guy. You don't want to waste this moment and sprint out of the room to confront him.
Near your cubicle, you creep in slowly to not make any noise and see him still typing away on your work computer.
<<di you "Ahem, what are you doing?">>
To say he jumps is an understatement, he almost flips over the chair from the shock. The first emotion you detect on his face is fear which he tries to conceal very quickly.
<<dio "Vance" "N-nothing. I'm just fixing your PC like you ask.">>
<<di you "Really? Why didn't you do it back then?">>
<<dio "Vance" "Well, I couldn't do it while you were still working.">>
You don't buy it just one bit.
<<di you "Didn't you say there's nothing wrong with my computer? You're the one who is messing with my files.">>
<<dio "Vance" "No, I did no-">>
<<di you "Wait until $sd.Name hears about this.">>
Then something changes in his face, something like bitterness.
<<dio "Vance" "C'mon and go cry to your sugar daddy about it.">>
Oh? You smile sweetly mocking him.
<<di you "You jealous?">>
He stutters a little at your accusation.
<<dio "Vance" "Fuck y-no, but you'll soon be discarded like others. The man is too dedicated to his work.">>
<<di you "Oh, you want what I have, don't you? You want to be in my position - to be with him?">>
You take a calculated guess and from the way he grits his teeth and the red on his cheek, you can tell it hits right on target.
<<dio "Vance" "Fuck it, I don't care whatever you do, just stay the fuck away from him.">>
Bingo. He doesn't know it but you are reveling in his rage. In case anyone forgets, you also love men when they are hateful. You close the distance, your hands on his shoulder and your lips feathering his ear:
<<di you "I'll stay away from him and then what...? Get close to you?">>
You whisper seductively. He jumps once more from your contact and blubbering:
<<dio "Vance" "Wh-what the hell are you talking about?">>
He grows even redder, a clear sign that your action affects him.
<<di you "I like to be occupied... so if you want to me to be off of $sd.Name then someone has to fill his place.">>
<<dio "Vance" "You-you damned slut. I don't care about you that... way. Just get out of $sd.Name's face and mine.">>
He throws that behind and flees with impressive speed like one more word with you and he'd explode. Heheheh, this is gonna be so much fun.
<<link "Your work is done" "Go outside">>
<<set $sd.vstage = 201>>
<<presshour add 1>>
<</link>>After asking around, you realize that Vance is the head of the IT department. So you decide to pay him a visit. Knocking on the door, you don't wait for a response and instead enter the room without permission.
<<dio "Vance" "Hello-what the hell are you doing here?">>
He has a scowl - a clear sign that you're not welcomed. Though you are determined to change his mind by walking up to him and say sultrily.
<<di you "Just want to visit my favorite colleague. Is that not allowed?">>
<<dio "Vance" "“Favorite”? You're not even funny. Get out.">>
<<di you "Hey now, it's not fair that you don't give me a chance. With all the things I can do to you, I will soon... be... your... favorite.">>
You drive your point with each step of your fingers on his pecs which are tastily firm in your opinion. Predictably, he grows red and stammers at your advance:
<<dio "Vance" "I said I wanted nothing to do with you. Get out.">>
<<di you "What if I don't? What are you gonna do? Punish me?">>
Your hand slither slowly southward skipping through his abdomen and is about to pass his belt.
<<dio "Vance" "That's what you want then, you fucking degenerate?">>
Finally, your hand grasps his bulge which is already hard. You then whisper to his ear:
<<di you "Yes please.">>
<<link "Getting down on your knees" "Workvbj11">>
<</link>><<scenechoices owork 1 0>>\
You kneel down on the floor with the intention of sucking the dick of your saboteur. After unbuckling his belt and undoing his buttons, the clean musk smell of a man fills your senses and overtakes you, making you nuzzle against and suck on his member like a cat to catnips.
<<video owork/workvbj11.mp4>>
There is a reason he's your saboteur though because he grabs a fistful of your hair and pry you away from his erection.
<<dio "Vance" "You want this fucking cock bad, huh? You depraved slut?">>
<<di you "Yes, this depraved slut wants your dick so bad. Please!">>
<<dio "Vance" "Then I'll give it to you hard and rough like you fucking deserve.">>
He then jam his manhood (which is impressive in length) down your windpipe and until your nose is buried in his pubes. The momentary loss of oxygen makes your head buzz with a rush and your cock perks up at the idea of being abused. He doesn't stop after one hit though and repeatedly stuff his length over and over again against your mouth.
<<video owork/workvbj12.mp4>>
<<dio "Vance" "Take it... fucking scum... you wanton man-stealing whore...">>
Along with his careless fucking, his rambles appear to be from deep inside his psyche - spewing hateful remarks toward your now helpless self.
<<dio "Vance" "Your dirty... filthy mouth doesn't deserve to service him... you lowly bitch...">>
The pace of his hip buckling is getting more and more erratic signaling the impending release.
<<dio "Vance" "Fuck you... you FUCKKKKK!!!!">>
He groans and spills his jizz over your tongue and mouth like he aims to debase you even more.
<<video you/youfacial33.mp4>>
<<if $gameends>>\
<<link "Back" "Oworkscenemenu">>
<<link "Then..." "Workvtalk12">>
<</if>>\<<set _random = random (1,2)>>\
Not that you didn't know the power you had over Vance before but now there is a swagger in your step as you enter his office. Of course, he doesn't roll out the red carpet for you:
<<if _random == 1>>\
<<dio "Vance" "Why the fuck are you here again?">>
<<dio "Vance" "Not fucking you again.">>
<<di you "Nice to see you too, Vance.">>
<<dio "Vance" "What the hell are you here for?">>
<<di you "You know what I'm here for.">>
You lick your lips sensually. He gives you a mocking chuckle:
<<dio "Vance" "You're one goddamned shameless slut.">>
You walk up to him and then shimmy down to your knees.
<<di you "I know.">>
<<link "Getting down on your knees" "Workvbj21">>
<</link>>Not even after a full minute, he groans again not from pleasure this time:
<<dio "Vance" "What the fuck? What the fuck am I doing?">>
Like there is regret laced in his intonation. You are usually not one to roister in someone's misery but there is definitely a note of pompous satisfaction in your voice:
<<di you "We had fun, didn't we?">>
His glare at you is full of heat and not the passionate kind.
<<dio "Vance" "You seduced me, you masochistic wench.">>
<<di you "Hey now. I was just sitting there, you were the one who were actively fucking my mouth.">>
<<dio "Vance" "Y-you... Get the fuck out!">>
<<di you "Alright, roger that, big guy.">>
You blow a kiss to his flustered self and give a mocking smile before retreating from his office. Men, they're so typical. Still, you're not done toying with him just yet.
<<link "You finish the rest of the work day" "Go outside">>
<<set $sd.vstage = 202>>
<<set _temph = 16 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<set $you.sleep -= 4>>
<<set $you.hunger = 0>>
<<set $owork.totalhour += 8>>
<<set $owork.hourpw += 8>>
<</link>><<scenechoices owork 1 0>>\
<<set _random = random(1,3)>>\
Blowing someone who hates your guts seems to be a recurring theme in your book of life. You love it though, the juxtaposition of being both despised and wanted turns your insides into a furnace.
<<dio "Vance" "Do your fucking job.">>
He strips down his slacks to reveal a juicy looking erection with a droplet of pre-cum on top. How can you say no to that? Thus, you give his glans a lick tasting the tangy and surprisingly sweet nectar there. He doesn't allow you much time to explore with your tongue though and begins to grab your hair forcefully.
<<video owork/workvbj21.mp4>>
<<dio "Vance" "Enough! Time to give what you deserve.">>
Then bam! That's the sound of the slap of his groin against your mouth as he lodges his member deep down your esophagus. He appears to show you some mercy by not keeping his large tool there and blocking your air supply until you pass out. Still, you get only a small window to gasp as much oxygen as you can before he plunges his cock savagely and makes you gag uncontrollably.
<<video owork/workvbj22.mp4>>
<<if _random == 1>>\
<<dio "Vance" "Take it you damned indecent thot.">>
<<elseif _random == 2>>\
<<dio "Vance" "Choke on my fucking cock... That's the only purpose of your filthy mouth...">>
<<dio "Vance" "Fffuck...! You love being screwed by my cock, right bitch?">>
What else can you say since you're drooling freely? Also, due to the high of the fucking, you pretty much lose all your motor function from the neck up - leaving you completely vulnerable to his ravaging. Despite all that, you love it and what you love even more is hearing his guttural groan as he unloads his semen on you, putting you in your place - a submissive, depraved harlot who only thirsts for cum.
<<video you/youfacial34.mp4>>
<<if $gameends>>\
<<link "Back" "Oworkscenemenu">>
<<link "Then..." "Workvtalk22">>
<</if>>\<<set _random = random(1,2)>>\
<<if _random == 1>>\
<<dio "Vance" "Fffuck! Fuck, fuck!!! I can't believe I did it again.">>
He says furiously not necessarily towards you but himself.
<<dio "Vance" "You get what you came here for.">>
He says with a like a note of defeat in his voice like he can't believe he conceded to your advances again.
<<di you "That was fun and won't be our last.">>
You say cheekily and clean up after yourself. Of course, he give you a withering look but says nothing else.
Well, you're done messing around with the guy for the day. Let's bounce.
<<link "You finish the rest of the work day" "Go outside">>
<<set _temph = 16 - $hour>>
<<set _tempm = 60 - $minute>>
<<pressminute add _tempm>>
<<presshour add _temph>>
<<set $you.sleep -= 4>>
<<set $you.hunger = 0>>
<<set $owork.totalhour += 8>>
<<set $owork.hourpw += 8>>
<</link>>- <i>you aren't paid enough for this</i>
<<if $sd.vstage >= 101 and $sd.vstage <= 104>>\
• Do some investigating during your working hours (8:00 - 9:59, Mon to Fri)
<<elseif $sd.vstage == 201>>\
• Pay a visit to Vance - IT guy during your working hours (8:00 - 9:59, Mon to Fri)
<<elseif $sd.vstage == 202>>\
• You can blow Vance - IT guy during your working hours (8:00 - 9:59, Mon to Fri)
• <b>TBC</b>